请问用eBook Workshop做出来的电子书,如何解开?

各位好,请教一下,用eBook Workshop做出来的电子书,如何解开(反编译)?谢谢!

格斗游戲出招表2004.rar (1.0 MB)

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试试 miniKillEBook ,但一次只能导出一个页面。一开始我以为能用7-zip解开。

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unEbookWorkshop offers you an .EXE e-book decompiler and extractor. unEbookWorkshop can decompile any .EXE e-books which were compiled by ebook Workshop and extract all source files from the e-book.

Limitations in the unregistered version

30 days trial
can only list all the source files in the .EXE ebook, the original contents of the source file will be replaced by the nagging word 'UNREGISTERED'.
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