(学研)全訳古語辞典 同义词增加版

I have added all missing synonyms to the previous dictionary made by hua.
Previously the dictionary did not support search by reading and you could only search for a single writing. This has now been fixed!

For instance:
“たたか-・ふ 【戦ふ・闘ふ】”
can now be search as “戦ふ”, “闘ふ” or “たたかふ” where previoulsy you could only search for “戦ふ”.

I have also written a cleaner css file if you are interested (the original css is included as well).

Machine translation:

“たたか-・ふ 【戦ふ・闘ふ】”
现在可以搜索为 ”戦ふ" , "闘ふ“”たたかふ“ 以前只能搜索 ”戦ふ" .


18 个赞

Thanks for you effort!

1 个赞



BTW I also made a cleaner css previously, which is only 110 lines. The original css copied from website takes too much time to load in GoldenDict!
guyu.css (1.8 KB)

3 个赞

Omg, I have been looking for this! Did you also work on the 類語 dictionary also from weblio? It has the same issue.

Oh I only made a simple style for myself:
thesaurus.css (727 位元組)

1 个赞