Does anyone know what these abbreviations mean?



Longman Exams Dictionary (LED)

(1)《朗文高级英语应试词典(英汉双解)》2011年6月版,小16开,开本 635 x 965
(2)《朗文多功能英汉双解大词典》2014年7月版,小16开,开本 650 x 980
经过仔细对比两本词典正文,页数都是2766页,排版,每一页每行每个字都相同,看起来它们都基于同一个版本的 Longman Exam Dictionary


Longman: farm


thanks for your reply, @shaoshi .

These text all were covered by the same CSS selector which is called “field”, so i think it has the positive meaning.


  • Longman Writing Coach 2005 (Longman Essential Activator)
  • Longman Exams Coach 2006 (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 4th
    & Longman Language Activator, 2nd)
    Longman Exams Dictionary 是对应的纸版。
  • Longman Memory Coach 2008 (Longman WordWise Dictionary, 2nd)

等到 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englis, 5th 2009年出版时随书已是DVD了,几乎一张DVD收录了朗文当时自家所有的词典资源。

FF的Longman 5++ 目前是数据最新的了。

所以没必要在Longman Exams Dictionary (LED) 上继续投入了。

至于外研社2014年换个书名又出了一版《朗文多功能英汉双解大词典》,那是因为2010年引进Longman Active Study Dictionary, 5th 出版时用了《朗文多功能英汉双解词典》,只得偷懒加了个“大”字。外研社图书命名一贯如此,见多不怪了。多说一句,朗文Activ系列中最大的是这本Active Study,比朗5里的Activator还大,倒是值得收藏。

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thanks bro

I think that these abbreviations refer to the topics.
Vocabulary in Longman Dictionary is divided into many topics, and a word may belong to more than one topic according to its meaning, so CT means that the word sweet with the first meaning belongs to the topics Cooking and Taste, CO to topics: Cooking and Odours, as for field, SE belongs to School and Education and so on, for example you will find H in all words that are related to horses, and O in occupation words. Bye the way there is a small mdx file just for topics, you can find it here: 求Longman Topic mini-Dictionary 这本词典 - #5,来自 碧落黄泉

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you’re a genius,bro.
thanks a lot for your friendly and useful reply


You’re welcome, it’s really a pleasure. I downloaded this dictionary today and I was curious about these abbreviations, too.


what is the DSC DCC means?
clothes, swimming and what

LDOCE6++里有Longman Topic,不过 Topic 的划分好像有变化,以前没关注过。

Maybe it will help to understand and memorize words in depth
maybe not, :rosedoge:

I couldn’t agree more.

It seems that DSS DCC is the total of the two separate words swim/suit
swim: 1. move through water DSS
suit: 1. clothes DCC
Let’s check something else, which may help understand the logic behind this

• Vocab: Quran / mosque / imam
topic: Islam || abbrev: rrI
• Vocab: Bible / church / priest
topic: Christianity || abbrev: rrC
• Vocab: Talmud / rabbi / synagogue
topic: Judaism || abbrev: rrJ

The last letter in the abbreviations comes from to the first letter of the topic, and RR is the abbreviation of religion topic, so the other letters here refer rather to a larger category not another topic. And why two R’s, maybe because there is an even larger category, “Religion & thought” with the abbreviation (R), to which belong Lucifer, secular and supernatural, for example.

another example:
Insects (hbI), Birds (hbB), Fish (hbF), plants (hbP), the letters HB refer to a larger topic: Life.
voting (ppV), and PP refer to a larger category: Politics.
back to DSS and DCC, the last S in the first abbreviation stands for swimming, and DS for Sport which is a larger category. as for DCC, DC refer to Clothes & fashion, and DCC for Clothes in general.