Antidote 11/10 for Windows/MacOS

Overview of Antidote 11 Benefits

Antidote 11 - New edition. Powerful Tools. Simple to Use. All the tools you need to improve your writing. Antidote is a one-stop, multi-resource platform sure to be useful to anyone writing in English. Antidote’s corrector flags a wide variety of errors in a single operation: from capitalization and verb agreement to unwelcome commas and redundancies. After spelling and grammar, correct typography and style, including repetitions and dull verbs. Never has a piece of software offered you such power to perfect your writing.

Say goodbye to typos and missing attachments. Anti ⁠- ⁠Oops! Works with all major email applications on Windows and Mac. Acting as a safety net, it analyzes each message before sending it, allowing you to fix any oversights before it’s too late.

Integrate Connectix with a number of applications and major browsers to correct typos, lookup definition, find synonym and more.

The new edition of the complete writing assistance software comes with an impressive number of improvements that make it even easier to keep your writing healthy. Here are the main new features, followed by a detailed list.

Overview of Antidote 11 Features

  • Bold and italic type displayed in corrector’s text window
  • Correction commands available directly from tooltips
  • New Replace command (with a suggestion)
  • More precise analysis
  • Bold and italic type factored into analysis
  • Emoticons (including Unicode) factored into analysis
  • New Gender Neutrality filter
  • New Readability filter
  • Five readability indexes, including the new Antidote index
  • 117,000 new synonyms (French: 10,000 new synonyms)
  • Sort by relevance, frequency or length
  • 26,000 new combinations (French: 28,000 new combinations)
  • 8,000 new words and expressions (French: 1,000 words and expressions)
  • Notes on 5,000 new difficulties (French: 800 new difficulties)
  • Spacing settings for surnames with particles
  • Spacing settings for names with initials
  • Look up words in English and/or French and translate between the two.
  • Windows and MacOS supported

URL: Extract Files - TeraBox

Key: 939n




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Version 11 for Windows, and Version 10 for MacOS.


Database version:

thanks for your sharing Miss

i’ll give a try to use the mobile version at first.

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Thanks. But this site’ service not available to China users. Would someone upload it to, please? I would appreciate it more than tongue can tell.



Will be uploaded shortly.

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Thank you for your kindness and support.

There you go:


is it possible to extract dictionaries from the app?


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It is it own set of definition and database. Lexicon is powerful. I like it. Give it a try. I share it. So, no need to pay for it :sunny: )


It automatically installs all the components.

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Wonderful tool.Thanks.

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