OED now


目前的OED Thesaurus中只有释义,没有对应例句,有点可惜。

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其实只需把此oed的mdx unpack,里面的ht和词条义项都是一一对应的,稍加抽取和集成,便可达成你所说的效果。


当然,如果@karx 大神可以提供一下抓取的原始数据的话,抽取制作独立的OED-HT就容易得多了。

或者,直接把例句Quotation集成到这版OED的Thesaurus里?这可能导致OED体积变得更大:joy:。这个比较类似Macmillan Thesaurus+ (整合版)

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Hurray!!! 期待!

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原来是这样 谢谢 解决了我长期的困惑 :joy:


英语词汇学 码洋49元,上海外语教育出版社

如果不要语音,是不是就无需 o2022k.1.mdd?

I don’t see ON-OFF button in the new version
and I prefer the a1325-1991 button right here instead of a simple Π


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I see. As for the Π symbol, I think it should be a period of years, providing users an overview of what’re inside the block

online版, bank n.1的发音有问题。

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karx 牛!!

Updating the OED: Progress to Date

OED100: The OED in 2022
The core objective of OED100, of course, is comprehensively updating the OED’s previous editions with 21st-century scholarship, adding new words and senses, and filling historical gaps. Here’s a high-level summary of how things stand right now.

With the release of our March 2022 update, just over half (54%) of the entries are new or fully revised. If you count in terms of senses (as dictionary editors tend to), 55% of senses currently in OED are either new or updated. I emphasize currently because as well as updating OED’s existing content, we continually add new words and senses as English usage evolves and expands globally. Language is a moving target.

For everyone, the past two years have presented numerous unexpected challenges. For OED, some of these were logistical, particularly around lack of access to libraries and to our own in-house research materials. Nonetheless we set ourselves challenging, rising progress targets for this and coming years.

The OED team has worked diligently and often ingeniously throughout the pandemic, and this has been a productive year. With our March update the project will hit and slightly exceed that ambitious annual target of 14,000 senses (35% more than in 2020/21). We have also been recruiting prolifically; two researchers, a science editor, and four new general/new words editors. There will be a lot of new talent coming onstream over the next year, and this represents a major investment in training the next generation of historical lexicographers.


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Historical Thesaurus to the OED

This ongoing project is to link newly added OED content to Historical Thesaurus categories. As a semantic network of English past and present, the Thesaurus has the potential to support a wide range of linguistic and historical research, both as a tool in OED Online and as data underpinning other research tools.

The usefulness of the HTOED content was inhibited by its incompleteness: we had not integrated into the Thesaurus many of the entries and senses newly added since the Second Edition, with the result that lists of synonyms ordered chronologically sometimes end in the first half of the 20th century. To date, we have linked more than 55,000 further OED senses to Thesaurus categories, and where necessary added new categories for things that hadn’t been conceived of when the Thesaurus project began in the 1960s – like extreme sports or the internet. We’ve also been working to improve OED-to-HTOED linking for senses dating from Early Modern English, and for the highest frequency compounds.


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