"Common Voice" German Pronunciation Dictionary

“Common Voice” German Pronunciation Dictionary
Source: https://commonvoice.mozilla.org/
Headwords: ~430.000 sentences
Format: .opus 32 bit (Sound Directory for GoldenDict)
Size: 9.8 GiB

Description: German phrases pronounced mostly by native speakers from the Common Voice Project as of April 2022.

Example of Usage: Word “Zivilbevölkerung” Without the “Common Voice” Dictionary:

With the “Common Voice” German Pronunciation Dictionary:



  1. Decompress the .7zip file in one folder and load them as “Sound Directory” on GoldenDict (GD).
  2. Open GD Menu > Edit > Dictionaries > Sources > Sound Directories > Press the button ADD
  3. Choose the folder where the decompressed audios are located Click “Recursive” option. Press Apply. READY !
  4. The collection of audios should appear as a Dictionary available on GoldenDict ! Enjoy :smiley:

PS. File names were produced on Linux. There might be compatibility issues with Windows and Mac. A method to solve the issue is to compile .dsl or .mdx files from the audios. Please write in the forum if there is any problem.


Thanks for your sharing! I often see you in this forum, are you American or German?

I am from Spain :smiley: