OCC (Oxford Concise Companion to Classical Literature)
Converted from .mobi version (download)
OCC (Oxford Concise Companion to Classical Literature)
Converted from .mobi version (download)
Thank you Dolan ! Great job !
Sir… thanks for greatness…
Kindly do convert in .bgl if possible…
Sir… Such empty results for authors… I searched Ovid, Aristotle, Homer etc. the results are empty.
Plz… look into this matter …
Nice piece of work! Thank you for converting it into mdx. Great job!!
Kindly create these dictionaries for mdx
Grammar Girl’s 101 troublesome words youll master in no time.epub (1.2 MB)
Grammar Girl’s 101 words every high school graduate needs to know.epub (1.4 MB)
Grammar Girl’s 101 Words to Sound Smart.epub (928.1 KB)
thank you,amazing work