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With over five million citizens of Shanghai being cooped up indefinitely either in homes or in quarantine facilities, the world is wondering: is it that China’s iconic zero-covid strategy has misfired or there are extenuating circumstances? Are the Chinese learning the hard way that zero-covid is a public health dud in the long run although a blessing in the short term? Is this an inflection point for the one and only country that won’t budge an inch on its covid policy?

Western coverage of the humiliation in Shanghai shows that the democratic camp is still entertaining hopes of leveling the covid playing field with China by talking it into opening up anyway regardless of a mere dozen cases being on the loose. It is exactly the pandering to this Western style that caused China’s largest outbreak since the original one in Wuhan. If China Dragon is to exorcise the recurring viral demon from his territory, he must exorcise first that latent and tantalizing idea of allowing the virus to just sweep, rip, and tear through.

For Europeans, the collective sense of security and satisfaction is attainable by way of continuing division, or “calculus”. That’s why the vicissitudes of European history have rendered the continent comprised of larger “economies” but smaller “polities”. The Chinese people, however, favors centralization and unity, which leads to the ebb and flow of successive dynasties, each seeming to have consulted an invariable screenplay: starting as a regional power then annexing its neighbors to become a superpower. Covid brings about dissidence as well as distance, thereby threatening integrity and unity. Whereas Europeans can thrive on disengagement and independence, Chinese people won’t even survive. The fate of Shanghai would surely befall other cities if the Chinese authorities were to flip-flop on this very pivotal issue that will largely determine its post-pandemic strength and status. (In an attempt to prevent the latest Omicron outbreak from developing into a painful ordeal experienced by Shanghaiers, the Beijing municipal government has prevailed on all the citizens to take PCR tests on a daily basis for an indefinite period of time.)

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这篇看的我直尴尬,你要说模仿经济学人那种风格吧,还夹杂着诸如 “exorcise the viral demon,” “pander,” “sweep, rip, and tear,” and “thrive on disengagement.” “entertaining hopes” 这类话,你要说个人总结吧,通篇又充斥着费劲巴拉模仿新闻那种腔调,搞得不三不四。
还有一些语法错误,比如:“Is this an inflection point for the one and only country that won’t budge an inch on its covid policy?” “Whereas Europeans can thrive on disengagement and independence, Chinese people won’t even survive.”
“The Chinese Dragon is to exorcise the recurring viral demon from his territory”

还有一些措辞尴尬,比如"the collective sense of security and satisfaction is attainable by way of continuing division, or ‘calculus.’",这种行文措辞很明显是中式的。
还有一个句子“Western coverage of the humiliation in Shanghai shows that the democratic camp is still entertaining hopes of leveling the covid playing field with China by talking it into opening up anyway regardless of a mere dozen cases being on the loose.”是最尴尬的,你要把这个句子交给任何一个母语人士不亚于成年人看中学生满分作文的那种既视感。很明显老王是要显示他的长句子驾驭能力的,但很明显没有hold 主


Is this an inflection point for the one and only country that won’t budge an inch on its covid policy?可否赐教这个句子的语法错误在哪里? inflection point转折点;one and only唯一的;won’t budge an inch on丝毫不肯让步。这些都是字典能查到的用法。还有entertaining hopes也是牛津搭配词典列出的搭配。楼主这篇文章,地道性我也无从判断。从读的角度,或许能找到少许瑕疵,从写的角度看,已经是相当厉害了。

我呆在大英7年了,平时看的也比较多,所以浏览一下发现写的确实别扭,哪个报道中会发现有covid 这种写法?当然对于刚毕业的人会觉得有些词用的跟厉害,但在外面浸染久了,确实发现这篇文章矫揉造作,很像那种学生的应试作文,一眼就看出是二语学习者写的水平, 至于跟经济学人比,那就更扯了,单单从用词角度来看经济学人那就是猪八戒吃人参果

厉害!还真是找不到covid,只有COVID-19 policy

还有,在正式书写中,policy和 budge an inch 挂在一起很奇怪,我反正没见过,虽然拆开看都对,但就像羊头狗尾巴一样,凑在一起就不对, 这可能受了中文
毫不让步的政策 这一表达方式,他直接给套进去了, 这就是典型的中式英语, 可以用remains rigid或 inflexible

Are you blind as a bat or just playing dumb? Can’t you tell the difference between ‘covid’, ‘Covid’, and ‘COVID’? Stop making a fool of yourself with your ignorance. Language is conventional, not because it fits some abstract notion. Judging by your questioning, you’re not even up to Wang’s level. Maybe crack open a book sometime—you might learn something.

Ha, You’ve run out of arguments and started nitpicking someone else’s native language mistakes? Mr. Internet slang expert thinks he can nitpick my native language? Oh wow, as a Chinese person, your Chinese is amazing. Kudos to you! That’s rich. Keep trying, pal, maybe you’ll get there someday.

Chill out, dude. I’m not mad; you’re the one imagining things. Seems like you’re the one really getting riled up. u rr projecting yrself’s attributes to others according to some psychologist’s theory.

yeah, projection, get it?

Hahaha, copperchopper, be cool

Looks like I really got under your skin, literally, mimic

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