FORVO Pronunciations in All Languages (>6.7 million)

You are using the Forvo audios as a Sound Collection.

If you want a more beautiful layout just use the audios as a .dsl dictionary:

  1. download the .zip file from here: FreeMdict Cloud

  2. Decompress the .zip file and choose the language of your interest (.eg. English).

  3. Paste the .dsl file besides the .zip file containing all the audios

  4. rename the .zip file from the audios as described in the instructions above.

For example:

ForvoEnglish.dsl (all forvo audios zipped)

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其实这么显示也没关系,我只是想点击直接在 GD 里播放,而不是新打开一个播放器播放

我改用 mp3 版的,能完美工作了!能点击直接在 GoldenDict 里播放
可能我的 GD 版本不支持 opus 格式


Indeed, there is nothing more that should have been said but, “Thank you so much!!!”

This will truly help language-learners a lot. Kudos FreeMdict and all the people that make this haven of knowledge a possibility. Blessed be. :pray:

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I try to load the persian audios with dsl (dsl+zip) but the app gives me an error when I try to load one audio “WARNING: the referenced ressources failed to download”.

Try from here - there is (I think) a temporary problem with Free Mdict Cloud - it just took one hour to upload ~10 MB…:

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thanks a lot!

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the METADATA’S LINK doesn’t work, can you share again,

All FORVO audios can be downloaded from here - full folder:

There are monolingual folders that also have pronunciation dictionaries, for example: French → Fra-Fra → 0 Pronunciation Dictionaries.

The full directory: FreeMdict Cloud

The metadata is apparently missing on FreeMDict Cloud. I do not know what happened but I guess that it was deleted to save space.

You could ask to the author of this post about the metadata: 用Python下载Forvo读音

He might have it…

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Maybe a month ago I found that there was a problem by the sync - several files were different in size than they should have been (450 megabytes instead of 700 megabytes); I downloaded torrent files from RuTracker and replaced them. Nothing was deleted from this folder, I don’t upload anything and I don’t work in it. It is possible that it was also due to a problem with the synchronization from the Russian mirror on the server, and then it affected FreeMdict as well, I don’t know.

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hi, i downloaded the english forvo audios but both American and British audios are mixed together, is there a way to separate them? i’m learning American english and wanted only the american audios if possible.

Without the metadata, it is impossible to know the country of the speakers. Unfortunately, the data is lost forever.

Metadata restored from RuTracker, but I can’t upload the files - there is a problem with the server - it’s extremely slow now, a bit of enabled space (~2,1 GB) disappeared; now it’s only on our mirror. I will continue try to upload files.

Question: Is this what we’re talking about, or is there more?

oh ok that’s a shame, tysm for the audios anyway!

That is the metadata ! Thank you very much dear Friend!

The .json file contains all the details from every audio: country of origin, number of votes, and sex of the speaker.

Of course, only people with programming skills can benefit from that metadata to create .mdx files or to use them in any other form.

The German Forvo in .mdx format was done by @dedict using the metadata. That .mdx is a masterpiece but it took a huge amount of work.

It is certainly possible to make a .mdx file only with american audios (or any other country).


It is pitty that FreeMdict Cloud now has only a few files. Only about 3 Gib…

Pronunciations for the respective languages ​​can be found in the respective language folder. For example, for English, search in a folder \ENGLISH\Eng-Eng\0 Pronunciation Dictionaries\Forvo English. The main folder contains only those that do not come with the corresponding .dsl file.

You can download all pronunciations at any time using the torrent file that is also in the folder.