OED(《牛津英语词典》,Oxford English Dictionary),最全面、最权威的英语词典。编纂始于1857年,旨在登录英语词汇的每一个词语,每一项语义,每一种用法,貌似一项不可能完成的任务。《OED的故事》动人地讲述了这一伟业的创造过程,带领读者审视英语闪光的历史,走进那被称为“缮写室”的丑陋铁皮小屋,会见人数众多的志愿者——从专心致力于词典编写的隐士菲茨爱德华•霍尔到经历了危险的疯狂、深沉的忧伤和最终救赎的W.C.迈纳,仔细品味编纂词典的欢乐与艰辛。
Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary
A 40-year project in the making, the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary is the first historical thesaurus to include almost the entire vocabulary of English, from Old English to the present day. Conceived and compiled by the Department of English Language of the University of Glasgow, the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary is a groundbreaking analysis of the historical inventory of English, allowing users to find words connected in meaning throughout the history of the language.
The largest thesaurus resource in the world, covering more than 920,000 words and meanings, based on the Oxford English Dictionary
The very first historical thesaurus to be compiled for any of the world’s languages
Synonyms listed with dates of first recorded use in English, in chronological order, with earliest synonyms first
For obsolete words, the Thesaurus also includes last recorded use of word
Uses a specially devised thematic system of classification
Comprehensive index enables complete cross-referencing of nearly one million words and meanings
Contains a comprehensive sense inventory of Old English
Includes a free fold-out color chart which shows the top levels of the classification structure
Made up of two volumes: The main text, comprising numbers sections for semantic categories, and the index, comprising a full A-Z look up of nearly one million lexical items
The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary is a unique resource for word-lovers of all types-linguists and language specialists, historians, literary commentators, among others-as well as being a fascinating resource for everyone with an interest in the English language and its historical development. It is a perfect complement to the OED itself, allowing the words in the OED to be cross-referenced and viewed in wholly new ways.