英语里“arrest you”和“have you arrested”有什么区别

刚刚看美剧《国土安全》,中情局探员说“ I will have you arrested”,为什么不直接说“ I will arrest you”?

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I will have you arrested.

这里的 arrested 是 -ed 分词作形容词性的宾语补语,强调的是 you 的性质;

I will arrest you.

这里就单纯是情态助动词 will 表示 说话人 的意愿、意图、决心。


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谢谢,是不是 have you arrested 类似于 “我让你坐牢”

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I will arrest you. 我要逮捕你 - 我是逮捕你的人
I will have you arrested. 强调你被逮捕的状态,逮捕你的不一定是我

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“I’ll arrest you” implies that the speaker will be doing the arrest him/herself. “I’ll have you arrested” implies that the speaker needs someone else to to perform the arrest.

Usually a police officer would probably say “I’ll arrest you” because a police officer has the authority/ability to arrest you him/herself. A civilian who can cause you to be arrested (e.g. by calling the police) would say “I’ll have you arrested”.

So, for example, if you are trespassing on someone’s property, the owner might ask you to leave and threaten to “have you arrested”. The police officer who shows up would ask you to leave and threaten “to arrest you”.

Refer to:

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首先来看一看arrest这个及物动词合乎这两个结构(“arrest you"和"have you arrested”)的义项是,to seize (a person) by legal authority or warrant; take into custody逮捕,拘捕。
楼主beidoujinghua引用的这两个英文结构"arrest you"和"have you arrested"各不相同,前者是主动语态(S + V + O — 主 + 谓 + 宾 — 英文中五种基本句型之一),意思是“警察/我(有执法身份)逮捕你”;后者结构(S + V + DO + OC — 主 + 谓 + 直宾 + 宾补 — 英文中五种基本句型之一)中的动词 have 被称为使役动词,结构是 have + 名词/代词 + 过去分词,意思是“叫警察逮捕你”。
在使用这种结构时,我们可能不知道或认为不必指明谁为我们服务,但是,值得注意的是,这种结构比被动语态be + arrested (by sb/sth) 更强调“使”别人为我们服务这一事实。

make, let, have 这三个动词统称“使役动词”,后面的动词不定式前不加“不定式标记”to(infinitive marker;注意:这里的"to"不是介词),make/have/let sb do sth,它们的用法如下:
make/have/let + 宾语 + 动词原型
make/have + 宾语 + 过去分词
let + 宾语 + be + 去分词
注意:make 用被动时 (be made) 时,其后用 to(不定式标记 — infinitive marker)+ 动词原形
e. g. I was made to wait four hours before I was examined by a doctor.

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讓我想起 they killed him 和 they suicided him 的區別,後者等同中文 被自殺。英文這類用法大概十年以來常見,尤其是he was disappeared.

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@Mastameta 大师厉害!

大师的指导,让我血脉偾张(There’s nothing like Mastameta’s analysis to get the adrenalin going)。为了助一助兴,本人也来接龙:
分词作表语时,现在分词往往表示主语所具有的特征,过去分词往往表示主语的状态或状况(这里只涉及过去分词)。除连系动词 be 外, appear, become, get, grow, seem, feel, become, remain 等后也可跟分词作表语。
另外, arrive, go, come, fade 等的过去分词可作表语,表示动作的完成、完成后的状态。
She is just arrived. 她刚到。(=here)
He is come. 他来了。(=here)
He is returned. 他回来了。(=back)
She is gone there two weeks. 她在那里两周了。(=She is there two weeks.)
The sun is risen. 太阳升起了。(=up)
The leaves are fallen. 树叶落了。
He is got into bed. 他上床睡了。
They are prepared to fight against the flood. 他们已准备好同洪水战斗。

he is come (as opposed to ‘he has come’) 帶個古老 archaic, classical 味道,算是書面語。in English, I would say it belongs to a different ‘register’ (可以翻譯成“語域"吧).




In everyday English, people usually say come back (=return to the place where the speaker is) or go back (=return to a different place from where the speaker is), rather than return:

It was forty five minutes before she came back.


Are you planning to go back to Spain?




In written English, people often prefer to use allow somebody to do something rather than let somebody do something, as it is slightly more formal:

We must allow young people to develop independence.
