Lingvo Universal German-English Dictionary (.dsl)

Universal German-English Dictionary
Format: .dsl (for GoldenDict)
Entries: 43.217 / 31.097
Source: /

Description: The third edition of the Universal German Dictionary is a recognised leader for bilingual dictionaries. Updated to include the very latest vocabulary, it contains hundreds of new words in each language. Authoritative coverage is given for over 150,000 words and phrases, and over 250,000 translations. It also provides information on life and culture in the German-speaking world and notes on language usage and construction.

UniversalDeEn.7z (3.6 MB)

Also check the German MASTER Collection

Thanks for sharing! I think this dictionary is from Lingo, a Russian publisher for dictionaries, so it would better you add it to the title, as “Lingo Universal Dictionary”

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erledigt! Danke :smiley:

so it would be better if

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Haha thanks