Mdict.exe BAT not working on new machine

自從我換成新電腦,我之前用的mdict.exe BATCH 文件都無效。

A:\mdict-utils-master\mdict --title “字源 (2012).mdx.title.html” --description “字源 (2012).mdx.description.html” -a “字源 (2012).mdx.txt” -a “字源 (2012) @link - Copy.txt” “字源 (2012).mdx”

若把中文文件名改成ASCII就行,但之前舊電腦,.bat 文件帶中文沒問題。這些.bat內容也沒變。現在出現:
FileNotFoundError: [WinError3] The system cannot find the path specified (中文名文件.txt)


煩惱了一天,終於解決了問題。Windows 10 要勾選:
Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support

Also, don’t let mdict.exe run with administrator privileges. for some reason the batch file will behave differently.

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