Oxford Collocations Dictionary online


1 个赞

yeah, no collocation in lexico, but example sentence basically contain collocation,

and judging the print version, if the online version refers to the printed one, no entries are entirely new and updated except for the oxford living or lexico. The latest printed one is OALD10 (2020) needing subscription to access

We are not sure that the Online version is not updated,only its subscribers know that.As far as I know oxford online dictionaries are regularly updated just like Lexico.And it is likely that new words have been added to it and other words may have been revised.If it is not updated,then there is no reason for not being free.

1 个赞

couldn’t agree more, but assuming from the description below, hopefully I am wrong, the contents are seemingly the same, and I understand why the oxford still need a subscription for something supposedly (could be) free
