Duden – Das große Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache

Duden – Das große Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
Format: .mdx
Number of entries: 197.633
Source: converted from .dsl version from ru-board.com

Duden - Das grosse Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache.zip.001 (12 MB)
Duden - Das grosse Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache.zip.002 (8.7 MB)



Also check the German MASTER Collection (> 200 dictionaries):

Please join the QQ group of Xu Yinuo for a Complete collection of German Dictionaries:
武汉大学德语系 许一诺 重新排版.

QQ群号:464274022 因主群人数将满,请新群友加入【Mdict德语词典克隆群】。两个群的资料数量是一样的,将来日常更新内容也完全一致。)


I edited this .mdx file and added some words from “Duden - Deutsches Universalwörterbuch” that are not present in this .mdx file, and also improved some formats

Duden.7z.001 (10 MB)
Duden.7z.002 (10 MB)
Duden.7z.003 (1,9 MB)

try search “verschüttgehen”, “Popularklage” and “vorliegen” to see the difference

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Thank you so much again ! Great job ! You’re my hero ! :smiley:

By the way, I began a new project that you would like once finished :smiley:

To create a .dsl / .mdx version of this Dictionary:

The Synonyms and Antonyms Dictionary by Bulitta is specially useful because is the only Dictionary that offers a large list of ANTONYMS for each word.

After finishing the .dsl version, Xu Yinuo will convert it into .mdx. However, the project will be ready in ~5 months because it is a lot.of job to manually copy/paste drom the PDF version and edit the .dsl.

Xu Yinuo and me will freely share that dictionary by June :slight_smile:


I look forward to this .mdx file


in fact I have posted a .mdx file with synonyms and antonyms, with Chinese translations.

同济大学出的德语词典 - 德语 - FreeMdict Forum

you can just download this one

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Thanks ! I am still working on the Bulitta Dictionary because it is very comprehensive (almost 1000 pages)

However, the work is huge ! I have to copy/paste and proofread 950 pages and each page takes ~15 minutes (>200 hours of work)…


Tempo :+1:


I changed my plans regarding the Antonyms Dictionary by Bulitta. After proofreading about 50-60 pages, I got disappointed by how painful it is to copy/paste and proofread 950 pages of that book. I deleted the .dsl file and decided to stop such task that would have taken around 400 hours. Sorry, we would not be able to make an .mdx of Bulitta Antonyms.

Instead, I decided to improve the German Wiktionary as an editor and to add Antonyms there. In the long term, it is better to spend one’s time in the Wiktionary than on copyrighted works.

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Tut mir Leid. Vielleicht ist ein mdx/mdd genug.