每日可以收藏 20 个,还算合理吧?
点爱心和收藏的数量限制 属实很有韧性的管控了我的水论坛时间,令人感叹
我再写个脚本在我没看论坛的那天结束的时候 把分账号的收藏同步回主账号是吧,笑死了
。。。我就是吐槽一下我水论坛太多了,你说 chrome 插件我也和你一起乐一下
怎么就变成我 request 你解决我的什么问题,然后需要我 sharing beneficial info 了
I should admit that my reply is somewhat ‘fight back’ pattern
But I’m confused about why you think I’m asking personal needs without sharing beneficial info
cuz I don’t think so. You may explain about it or not.
And I think you should admit that using ‘asking personal’ and ‘no beneficial’ together is a kind of critique, not the constructive for topic or friendly
To be claim, I recognize you a friendly guy during our talk for what you comment below
I give two reason for acting rude or ‘not serious’ on the first reply:
- I intend to talk easily on this thread like other my posts above.
- I don’t think make multi account would work since:
2.1 It will spread the bookmark everywhere, introducing management cost
2.2 Switching account is not that hard that I will make Chrome Addon for it
2.3 So I extend your suggestion to where I consider as paint point (bookmark management)
Anyway, I’m sorry if anyone feels attacked by my words. I’m not willing to do that.
So take it easy. There is a forum with little bad wolves.