NEW: French IPA Lexicon (Fra-Fra)
Size: 10 MiB
Description: French IPA Pronunciations extracted from Wiktionary. Words can be searched via Latin Alphabet and also using IPA characters (reverse search). The French Wiktionary phonetic transcriptions are very accurate.
French IPA Lexicon (Fra-Fra) (12,4 MB)
Entries: 2.868.767
Format: .dsl (GoldenDict)
THANKS to Mike from for source code and kind help !
Source code: GitHub - rhasspy/wiktionary2dict: Tool for extracting IPA pronunciations from Wiktionary XML dump
5 个赞
@Wankata Could you please try this .dsl file on your GoldenDict on Windows and let me know if it works?
It does not work on GoldenDict-ng by Xiaoyifang. Therefore, I would like to see if the Official version can read that file.
Background: I did a mistake with the encoding. I saved as UTF-16 on Linux and did not keep a .txt copy in UTF-8. That creates a problem because I cannot edit the file again.
No, not working. GoldenDict indexes the dictionary, but it’s impossible to search inside or to view the content. What I see inside the DSL
1 个赞
I fixed the issue and updated the files on the Cloud.
The problem was solved after changing from UTF-16 to UTF-8. On Linux it is quite easy via Terminal:
iconv -f UTF-16 -t UTF-8 file1.txt > file2.txt
Once the file was converted into UTF-8 it works perfectly. In conclusion, we should always encode in UTF-8 for GoldenDict!
Thanks for your help!
1 个赞
No, we must thank you!
Confirmed, now works perfect.
I don’t know exactly what the problem is, but I myself have created several and use many other dictionaries that are encoded under UTF-16, and there is no problem with recognition, indexing, or searching in them.