怎样把dsl文件转换为mdx文件How to convert DSL files to MDX files

一、下载并安装python 3.7.5,选自定义安装,下边的选项全选,以便程序自动设置python环境,最好安装到d或e盘,路径尽可能要短;把pyglossary-3.3.0复制到d或e盘。
cd D:\Python\Python375→Enter
/4.装这个:python3 -m pip install prompt_toolkit /好像不安装也无妨
python.exe D:\pyglossary\pyglossary.pyw --ui=tk→Enter
(1).点击“Input File”输入框后面的【Browse】按钮,在弹出的窗口中选择要转换的字典文件(软件会自动检测文件格式,如检测有误,可通过“Input Format”后面的【[Select Format]】手动选择)。
(2).点击“Output Format”后的【[Select Format]】,在弹出框中双击选定“你要转换的文件类型”,例如你要转换成Mdict就选择“Octopus Mdict Source”。
或点击软件界面上的“Output File”输入框后面的【Browse】按钮,在弹出的窗口的“文件名”处输入转换后的源代码将要存放的文件夹名称(注意,为避免混淆,名称最好不要与当前路径中已存在的文件夹同名),如欲转换为Mdx,则文件名为
六、据传自pyglossary-3.3.0后就不再支持mdx,但本坛网友Shuibogo提供了Pyglossary 4.6.1支持Mdx,网址如下:Forvo .DSL to Forvo .MDX (Conversion instructions)

1、 Download and install Python 3.7.5, select ‘custom installation’, choose all options below so as to automatically configure the Python environment, preferably installed on drive D or E, with the path as short as possible; Copy pyglossary-3.3.0 to drive d or e.

2、 Launch PyGlossary



  1. d: → Enter (go to D: drive)

cd D:\Python\Python375→Enter

/*4. Install this: python3-m pip install prompt_toolkit */It seems like it’s okay not to install it

5.python.exe D:\pyglossary\pyglossary.pyw --ui=tk→Enter

3、 Convert dictionary source code

(1). Click the ‘Browse’ button behind the ‘Input File’ input box, and select the dictionary file to be converted in the pop-up window (the software will automatically detect the file format, and if it is detected incorrectly, you can manually select it through the ‘Select Format’ button after the ‘Input Format’).

(2). Click on [Select Format] after clicking on “Output Format”, double-click in the pop-up box to select “The file type you want to convert”, for example, if you want to convert to Mdict, select “Octopus Mdict Source”.

(3)The generated file name and storage path can be set according to the system default. If you do this ,you must Remove the’m 'extension from the generated file and convert it into a. txt file. for example, a.mtxt→a.txt.

Or Click the “Browse” button behind the “Output File” input box on the software interface, and enter the name of the folder where the converted source code will be stored in the “File Name” section of the pop-up window (note that to avoid confusion, it is best not to have the same name as an existing folder in the current path).If you do this for example, if you want to convert to Mdict, write file name ****.txt.

(4). Finally, click the big button ‘Convert’ on the interface to start the conversion until it is complete.

4、 Use EmEditor for typesetting.

5、 Generate mdx files using MdxBuilder.

6、It is rumored that after PyGlossary 3.3.0, mdx is no longer supported, but our netizen Shuibogo has provided PyGlossary 4.6.1 with Mdx support at the following website:Forvo .DSL to Forvo .MDX (Conversion instructions)

python-3.7.5.part1.rar (10 MB)
python-3.7.5.part2.rar (10 MB)
python-3.7.5.part3.rar (5.3 MB)

Pyglossary 4.6.1 (with MDX support).zip (896.1 KB)
pyglossary-3.2.1(Require Python 3.6 or higher (mainly becuase of f-strings)).zip (276.8 KB)
pyglossary-3.3.0(Require Python 3.6 or higher (mainly becuase of f-strings)).zip (323.9 KB)

2 个赞

对 Pyglossary 4.6.1 (with MDX support)用类似这样的命令格式
python.exe D:\App\pyglossary\pyglossary.pyw --tk,“D:\App\pyglossary\pyglossary.pyw”是路径。
墙裂推荐用python 3.12.1-amd64与Pyglossary 4.6.1组合形式

1 个赞