一位小哥,大概是德意志那旮旯的,对mdx那是个爱死了,追着要完整的剑桥欧罗巴大陆三兄弟/三姐妹系列,可能是要安排个桃园三结义或者义结金兰的意思。俺不好拒绝,那会难为情的,毕竟咱这几千年了一直是个礼仪大国啥的。顺水推舟,勉为其难,出一个英德德英吧。说不定有朝一日有机会学几句德语,读读歌德啥的。这个目标定得可能有点大(当下要完成一个小目标都太难了,999成人终其一生都实现不了)。前面 @hua 做过这个词典,这次当作更新吧。
英语词条:25172条,德语词条:36797条,加上替换简化词条,共收录词条 68723 条。
德语字符的替换:Ä Ö Ü ß à ä è é ö ü 替换为 A O U ss a a e e o u。不知道是否正确。如果有误,请告知。
百度网盘 请输入提取码 提取码: camd
对德国,真没什么了解,只知道他们凡事较真,会造汽车,会酿啤酒,会踢足球,不喜犹太人。前些年有个网友嫁过去了,那啥是做外贸的,常来天朝。曾接到他电话,说的是英语,说了一堆blah blah的话。我也吧唧吧唧回了过去。时过境迁,都还好吧。千里共婵娟,前提是但愿人长久,都要健康平安,活到百岁,这是最重要的。
Mega thanks. I really like this series of dictionaries because there are semi-bilingual as first explained in my topic at Cambridge French-English English-French Dictionary mdx .
The semi-bilingual data gives great potential to take further use. One example of extended use is the so-called “reverse search” as shown by many other topics in this forum for Chinese dictionary data. Such dictionaries are rather scarce for other languages. Cambridge dictionaries fill the gap. I use Cambridge English-German and German-English a lot and can be certain that Cambridge produced well structured data for such extended uses.
To your edit:
Replacement of German characters: Ä Ö Ü ß à ä è é ö ü replaced with AOU ss aaeeou. I don’t know if it is correct. If there is any mistake, please let me know.
Unfortunately, the replacement is problematic. The official replacement when there is only English letters available is as the following:
de | en |
ä | ae |
ö | oe |
ü | ue |
Ä | Ae |
Ö | Oe |
Ü | Ue |
ß | ss |
The è and é are not native German but plausibly borrowed from French. As Germany and France are neighbouring countries, there are also a few common French words in German, such as café.
For the replacement, you may have known that only the headwords are copied and replaced, the originals are kept. The words in the content are not changed.
For anything we always intend to do it in a simplest and quickest way. That was the reason for the replacement of some headwords in this dic.
Please tell me: without a German keyboard and with an English keyboard, how would you type those words like Äußerung? You would type Ausserung or Aeusserung? I understand German-speaking people may not understand the former but yes for the latter. I am curious about your habit.
And for the replacement of the headwords, do you like to add a new replacement (ä → ae, etc.) (and to keep the simple replacement as well)?
On the Cambridge web pages, they use “ausserung” but not “aeusserung” to index the item “Äußerung”:
That’s really 英雄所见略同 or Great minds think alike (well, for here it’s just an ordinary mind).
Let me know more your opinions.
normalize.py (708 字节)
上面 haoshu 也提到这点。也许是有道理的。多加一些词条无妨。
When we talk about making it correct, it is “Aenderung”; when we talk about making it convenient, it could be “Anderung” (which is not a correct word). In Germany, umlaut letters are generally available on the keyboard, so words are written as they are. Such conversation is only for rare cases where umlauts are not possible, e.g., in URLs. There are word pairs which only differ in umlauts: sagen, sägen; Kuchen, Küchen; lösen, losen &c.
Got it. Thank you. Will update it soon.
正确的写法为:äÄ öÖ üÜ