如图,in the fourth quartile of height,在第4个四分位组,是否应该解释为是在75%~100%范围,即身高最高的25%。
图2是第6条是GRE OG中关于quartile的说明。
I agree with OP.
from " Acta Oncol. 1992;31(2):195-200."
Prospective study of height, body mass index and risk of breast cancer
從你發的這段話中,哪裡能看出the fourth quartile是最高的25%,求指教
Please click into link, see yourself. (Edit the link title to make it clearer.)
我发现 “women in the fourth quartile of height (= the shortest 25% of women)” 这个例子在 牛津高阶在线词典 或者 牛10里面继续沿用,这么权威的词典照理讲不应该连四分位数的概念都弄不清楚。
1 个赞
Maybe you are right. This word can be used in different ways in different domain.