
‘Sanseido Kokugo Jiten’ has been a long-selling compact Japanese language dictionary since its first edition in 1960, affectionately known as ‘Sankoku.’

From its initial publication, we have consistently strived to objectively capture the real language life and actively included new words and meanings. We have continued to vividly depict the Japanese language with easy-to-understand explanations of what things are in essence. Over the course of more than 60 years, ‘Sankoku’ has established itself as a stable and reliable brand, serving as a user-friendly national language dictionary for general readers.

Now, in its first full revision in 8 years, the ‘Sanseido Kokugo Jiten 8th Edition,’ released on December 17, 2021 (Friday), has added approximately 3,500 new items, including new words that have become part of our daily lives, bringing the total number of entries to about 84,000.


  • 時代を映し出す3,500語を増補し、収録項目数約84,000。新語義も徹底捕捉
  • アクセント・音調を明示
  • 基本語2,000、社会常識語3,100
  • 【!】(豆知識)/【区別】/【由来】
  • 複合助詞・複合助動詞/マス活用、ズヌ活用/動詞の自他
  • 年代注の拡充
  • 第七版から削除した項目例400

This is all thanks to the combined effort of:

Both of these projects are in need of developers!
If you found this dictionary interesting and have the programming knowledge and time, please give back to the community and help us convert more Mkd dictionaries!

40 个赞


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1 个赞

Thank you very much for pointing this out.

Both 新明国 and 三国 are based on the beloved 明国. Both authors of 新明解(山田忠雄) and 三国(見坊豪紀) actually worked on 明解 but here is the issue: When working on 明国, 見坊豪紀 actually did all the definitions whereas 山田忠雄 just proofread. What happened next is that when working on the next edition of 明国, 見坊豪紀 was being very busy with the next generation of 明国, 三国. He became so busy with 三国 that he didn’t dedicate as much time to the next edition of 明国. 三省堂 then decided to forcefully remove him from the 明国 project. 山田忠雄 thus became the leader of 明国 and decided that the current revision wouldn’t be just a revision but rather a new dictionary and named it 新明国. By naming it this way, he greatly used the fame of the 明国 by making everyone think that the real successor of 明国 is 新明国 instead of 三国. To completely overshadow 三国 a lot of effort was then put into marketing with a multitude of apparitions on tv, radio,…

見坊豪紀 was so mad at 山田忠雄 for stealing his life’s work that he even removed him from the list of contributors to 三国 starting on the second edition. (三国 is based on 明国, that is why 山田忠雄 was listed as a contributor)

In my opinion, 三国 reflects the original intent and soul of 明国 by having definitions much easier to understand than 新明国, which relies more on marketing, stealing the name of 明国 and “funny” definitions (which really isn’t something I want to see in a dictionary).

4 个赞

For thoes who like "funny”definitions in 新明国,
they should look for 3rd or 4th version instead of the latest version.


google 翻译


1 个赞







Thanks to all you guys, very much appreciated.

And, as a response to “in need of developers”, I’m something of a developer myself, what kind of help do you need? I looked a bit into the two projects, the 1st is rust, the 2nd is python, I’m pretty good at both of them, so I guess I might be able to help, I’m also particularly interested in getting NHKACCENT2 to work, which was in golddranks/monokakido’s to-do list.

A little off-topic, I’m a little torn, on one hand, despite the developer’s condemnation of piracy, this will inevitably help spread it, which I kinda don’t want to see, as Monokakido is nice and probably the last decent dictionary app publisher, I’d happily pay them, on the other hand, Monokakido doesn’t support Windows and/or Android.

Off-off-topic, the name is actually 三省堂国語辞典 not 国語辞典, as evidence:
【特設サイト】三省堂国語辞典 第八版|三省堂 (sanseido-publ.co.jp)
【特設サイト】新明解国語辞典 第八版|日本で一番売れている国語辞典の決定版!9年ぶりの全面改訂|辞書は三省堂 (sanseido-publ.co.jp)

4 个赞


And, as a response to “in need of developers”, I’m something of a developer myself, what kind of help do you need? I looked a bit into the two projects, the 1st is rust, the 2nd is python, I’m pretty good at both of them, so I guess I might be able to help, I’m also particularly interested in getting NHKACCENT2 to work, which was in golddranks/monokakido’s to-do list.

Firstly, thank you immensely for taking interest in the project! I am not a programmer myself, so I am not able to give you precise guidance. golddranks’s mkd repo is currently not seeing activity as the developer is busy IRL. I would advise to take a look at stephenmk’s fork as it contains a few fixes and fork that repo. stephenmk is not very proficient with rust but hopefully he can guide you in the right direction. Open up an issue on his jitenbot repo for more information as to the coding side of operations!

A little off-topic, I’m a little torn, on one hand, despite the developer’s condemnation of piracy, this will inevitably help spread it, which I kinda don’t want to see, as Mkd is nice and probably the last decent dictionary app publisher, I’d happily pay them, on the other hand, Mkd doesn’t support Windows and/or Android.

I totally agree that the work Mkd is putting out is simply beautiful and much ahead of competitors like logovista but they’re losing customers by selling a product that a lot of users cannot buy. Concerning the warning on the github page, it’s just a failsafe to deny any responsibility to not have the repo taken down.The page itself is not infringing on any copyright, in the same way that a nintendo ds emulator is not infringing on copyright.

Off-off-topic, the name is actually 三省堂国語辞典 not 国語辞典

You’re right.

3 个赞

update 4: 删除配置文件夹中的index后解决。
update 3: 原因不明。
update 2: 参见下面回复,似乎是(特定版本的)GoldenDict的bug。
update: 感觉辞头问题似乎很严重

比如查 雷,会查到

  • いかずち
  • かみなり
  • らい

这三个词条,后二者用假名也能查到,但是第一个 いかずち 则不能。
全文检索可见此条目为 @sankoku8-002185-0000

另外查 いかずち 的时候,GoldenDict-ng 会有这样的提示:

No translation for いかずち was found in group All.
Close words: いかずち, いかずち【雷】, いかす, いかすい, いかすみ, いかす【∅】, いかす【活かす】, いかす【生かす】, いかす【行かす】, いかすい【胃下垂】, いかすみ【烏賊墨】




Goldendict-ng,在三省堂国語辞典 第八版和新明解国語辞典 第八版都没有复现你说的情况。



sankoku8.mdx — dd0508064bc0d4285df598150ea17435
smk8.mdx — 0bab63b4a4915b4ebeebf896fbff566b



dd0508064bc0d4285df598150ea17435 *sankoku8.mdx
0bab63b4a4915b4ebeebf896fbff566b *smk8.mdx


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