明鏡国語辞典 第三版

The original data (and kezi’s converted data) from the 物書堂 app was generously provided to me by kezi.
I have done my best to convert it to mdx, hopefully there wasn’t any conversion mistake.
I have also included the original data in case anyone wants to compile an improved version, may the need be.

2022/10/12 - Version 1.1

  • fixed colors in css
  • fixed empty jump links
  • fixed jump links that link to another part of the definition
  • fixed jump links not working in mdict (thank you “notwind” for pointing this out!)
    修正了跳转链接在mdict中不工作的问题(感谢 "notwind "指出了这一点!)
  • improved the display order of definitions
  • created around 50 missing “gaiji svg” that were missing in the source and displayed as “?” (see the definition for “取る” for an example)
    创建了大约50个缺失的 “gaiji svg”,它们在源文件中缺失,并显示为"?"(见 "取る "定义的例子)
  • added the appendix

small css fix for fix overlapping of “zoomkanji-container” in some circumstances.
小小的css修复,在某些情况下修复了 "zoomkanji-container "的重叠。

small css fix for the issue pointed out here.

38 个赞


1 个赞

Thanks for sharing.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

3 个赞

If 血[ち] / 血[けつ] are separate entries & you use mdict-utils to pack mdx files, just switch the order of 血[ち] before 血[けつ] in the pre-pack text file.

If 血[ち] / 血[けつ] are in the same entry, you need to edit the content of that entry and switch the order.

If you use other tools to pack mdx files, maybe there is not much you can do about it.

1 个赞

They are separate entries but mdict-utils re-orders the entries.

1 个赞

You may check the jump link to these two entries.


Try this?


Ooooooh I see now, it works!!! Thank you so much! I will re-arrange the data.

Another excellent work, thanks! More than glad to see more Japanese dictionaries coming out.
Seemingly it recreates the original dictionary layout in an accurate way, except hiragana rubies for common kanji. The mdx version display rubies for highlighted kanjis only compared to official monokakido app.

1 个赞

All the ruby is still present, you just need to delete this line in the css:

ruby.full rt {
	display: none;
5 个赞

Thanks. Works for me

Looks like you also need to add this to the body section to avoid overlapping issues:

line-height: 2em;

Not sure if there is a better way to do this…

3 个赞

That’s nice. Now the 使い方 part doesn’t overlap with rubies

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Unfortunately, it increases the space between all line by a lot. I find it less easy to read.

Alternatively you could display it like this instead but it won’t look good if there’s furigana for every word like you want to do.


Replace the current, already present “rt” entry with this:

rt {
	font-size: 0.7em;
	font-weight: normal;
	display: inline;
	vertical-align: top;
2 个赞

I’m not so particular about the slight layout of a dictionary as long as I can read its content, so so far I’m good with current version. Thanks to your patience

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  • 修复了MDict上的跳转(MDict无法正确处理 <a href="abc">,需写作<a href="entry://abc">
  • 还原了数字链接(<a href="00002"><a href="entry://あ【亜】">
  • 处理了附录里(appendix文件夹)的内容

11 个赞

I was also in the process of correcting those issues (among others), although I didn’t notice the “href” issue in mdict. Thank you very much for pointing this out! “Version 1.1” has been uploaded in the original post.
Concerning this issue " (<a href="00002"><a href="entry://あ【亜】"> )", this is actually on purpose. Around 100 words have the exact same header, and it creates an issue when those headers are referenced to in a jump link. (it jumps to multiple definitions at the same time even though it should reference only a specific one)

我也在纠正这些问题(包括其他问题),尽管我没有注意到mdict中的 "href "问题。非常感谢你指出这一点 "1.1版 “已在原帖中上传。
关于这个是问题 " (<a href="00002"><a href="entry://あ【亜】"> )”,这其实是故意的。大约有100个词有完全相同的标题,当这些标题在跳转链接中被引用时,会产生一个问题。(它同时跳转到多个定义,尽管它应该只引用一个特定的定义)

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Maybe we can add a button to switch ruby on/off (and the line-height)?

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I have honestly no idea how this would work. I don’t know much html/css.

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ruby.full:hover rt {	/* 鼠标停留时,显示汉字假名 */
	display: inline;
2 个赞

Could you please provide V1.1 that included fix this issue " (<a href="00002"><a href="entry://あ【亜】"> )"(it jumps to multiple definitions at the same time is ok)?thanks!!