広辞苑 第七版

Data from the logovista application.


Correct around 40 images that were incorrectly saved as .jpg instead of .png in the .mdd file.
Made a custom svg to replace the missing file talked in post number #10.

MDX conversion/MDX转换:



  • I have reconverted the whole dictionary from source because I have found small errors that needed a recompilation
  • fixed some small css errors
  • slight improvement to the ordering of entries
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I have added a text version in the above link.

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Thank you very much for sharing!!! Is this the expected output? The images are also available in a database at /LogoVista/LVEDBRSR/DIC/KOJIEN7/vlpljblM
非常感谢您的分享!!!这是预期的输出吗?这些图像也可以在数据库中找到,网址为 /LogoVista/LVEDBRSR/DIC/KOJIEN7/vlpljblM

If someone could pull the pictures out of db files and merge into the mdd file, that would be great. Unfortunately I’m not familiar with db.

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I have uploaded them in mdd format in the link in the original post.

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unfortunately the mdd i saw in the link is only 397kb and the pictures do not show up in dic…

The full mdd is in the first post.

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Some of picture resources in mdd are in svg formats and don’t display properly on my DictTango Android app, so I have transfered them into png.
MDD中部分图像文件是SVG格式,在DictTango app上无法正常显示,所以我转成了png格式

However, it turned out displaying the picture twice,

and I managed to figured out it was caused by the object claim in mdx text, say:

<object class="icon" data="yajirusi2.svg"></object>
<img src="yajirusi2.svg" class="obj"></img>

So I simply deleted all similar object blocks, and pictures display (seemingly) in a proper way


<img src="yajirusi2.svg" class="obj"></img>

This is quite a makeshift trial as it may damage overall format. So take it if you run into a svg display problem and ignore it if not:

P.S.: many entries refer to a “ALPH.svg” icon, which I don’t recognise in mdd file, so obviously it can’t be displayed. Hope someone can excavate it from original LogoVista resources.
P.S: 许多条目引用了一个“ALPH.svg”文件,但是我在mdd里并没有发现,所以当然显示不出来。或许有谁可以从LogoVista源文件里面找出来。

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I don’t want to sound rude, but, what’s the difference between this new version and the past releases? I’ve installed some different editions of the 広辞苑 dict and there isn’t so many variations, tbh.
Some versions include audio files, others resize the photo/illustration dimensions but nothing “relevant”.

I’m curious if there’s something I’m missing, so please let me know if this new version improves anything or if it’s just another copy of the same dictionary.

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10,000 additional words among others.

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Thanks for the link, I can see what’s new now. I think it would be great if one of the new words appeared in the post. I do a quick search of the word and then compare the results.

My 広辞苑 collection:

Some examples:

Only this new version of the 広辞苑 has all these new words.New words are not included in the rest of versions. Also, definitions are shorter than other dictionaries. Nothing wrong with that, tbh. 広辞苑 is a general dict, and with every new edition it has to deal with new pages and the allowed width restriction.

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I can’t find the ALPH.svg file anywhere, here how it looks in the logovista software.
I am not exactly sure what its purpose is. It seems that it is to notate an entry that is an abbreviation.

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用Mdx Export解压mdd和mdx文件,把mdx文本里所有的svg字段替换为png,把mdd文件夹里的所有svg图像转换为png(为了适应词典文本格式,png大小应设置为14×14左右)。完成后用和Mdx Builder重新打包mdx和mdd文件。


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Just tried on the dictango Android app myself to see the SVG issue. It seems to display fine for me. What is the issue you are having?

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This is weird. My dictango with original mdd doesn’t display SVG icons properly, and that’s why I have to convert them. I’m using dictango the author published on this forum.

Can you tell me what version of dictango you’re using? Or rather, the one from Google Play store or third-party apks?

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