Dear @hua , the Captcha in the Telegram Group makes it impossible for non-chinese speakers to solve.
I tried to join from a new Telegram Account and was banned. I would suggest to use a mathematical solution instead of this:
Thanks to the Telegram Chat, in 2021 I was able to find 2 chinese speakers and we worked together to scrape Forvo.
So, international members can also contribute in the Telegram group…
2 个赞
2022 年8 月 31 日 15:46
Will find and use another anti-spam robot.
2 个赞
A very powerfull anti-spam bot is “Rose Bot”. It is by far the most popular TG bot and can be configured in many languages. It kills 99% of Spammers. !
I could help you to configure the bot @hua
2022 年9 月 10 日 07:14
Can you try again now? I changed to another that supports English.
It works perfectly now ! Thank you very much !