

be1 /bi; strong biː/ ●●● S1 W1 auxiliary verb (past tensepst was, were, past participlepp been, present participle being, first person singular am, second person singular and plural are, third person singular3rd is)   bee
1 XXused with a present participle to form the continuous(4) tenses of verbs 〔和现在分词构成动词的进行时态〕
 Don’t disturb me while I’m working.
 Gemma was reading.
 They’ve been asking a lot of questions.
 That guy’s always causing trouble.
 We’ll be starting in about an hour.
 He isn’t leaving, is he?
2 XXused with past participles to form the passive 〔和过去分词构成被动语态〕
 Smoking is not permitted.
 I was told about it yesterday.
 The house is being painted.
 She’s been invited to a party.
 The flames could be seen several miles away.
 The police should have been informed about this.
3 be to do something formal
a) used to talk about arrangements for the future 将要做某事〔用于表示将来的安排〕
 Audrey and Jimmy are to be married in June.
 Two men are to appear in court on charges of armed robbery.
b) TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingused to give an order or to tell someone about a rule 必须做某事〔用于下命令或解释规则〕
 You are to wait here in this room until I return.
 All staff are to wear uniforms.
c) used to say or ask what someone should do or what should happen 应该做某事〔用于表示或询问某人应该做什么或应该会发生什么事〕
 What am I to tell her?
 He is not to be blamed.
d) used to ask how something can be done 应该做某事〔用于询问某事可以怎么做〕
 How are we to get out of the present mess?
4 be to be seen/found/heard etc CAN'Tused to say that something can be seen, found, or heard somewhere 能被看到/找到/听到等
 A large range of species are to be seen in the aquarium.
 We searched everywhere but the ring was nowhere to be found (=could not be found).
 The only sound to be heard was the twittering of the birds above us.
Examples from the Corpus
5 was/were to do something XXused when talking about a time in the past to say what happened later 后来发生某事〔用于谈及过去某时间之后发生的事〕
6 IF
7 old use used instead of ‘have’ to form the perfect3 tense of some verbs 〔代替have构成某些动词的完成时态〕
Examples from the Corpus
be2 ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 [linking verb]BE used to say that someone or something is the same as the subject of the sentence 是〔表示某人或某物与主语相同〕
2 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]PLACE used to say where something or someone is 〔用于表示某物或某人在哪里〕
3 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]TIME/AT A PARTICULAR TIME used to say when something happens 〔用于表示某事发生的时间〕
4 [linking verb] used to describe someone or something, or say what group or type they belong to 〔描述某人或某物的特征或所属的群体或类型〕
5 there is/are EXISTused to say that something exists or happens 有,存在〔表示某物存在或某事发生〕
Examples from the Corpus
6 [linking verb] to behave in a particular way 有某种表现
7 [linking verb] used to say how old someone is 〔用于表示某人的年龄〕
8 [linking verb] used to say who something belongs to 〔用于表示某物属于某人〕
9 [linking verb] used to talk about the price of something 〔用于表示某物的价格〕
10 [linking verb] to be equal to a particular number or amount 等于,是
11 be that as it may formalACCEPT used to say that even though you accept that something is true, it does not change a situation 即便如此,尽管如此
Examples from the Corpus
12 [intransitiveI]EXIST formal to exist 存在
13 be yourself to behave in a natural way, rather than trying to pretend to be different 行为自然,不做作
Examples from the Corpus
14 not be yourself to be behaving in a way that is unusual for you, especially because you are ill or upset 不是你正常的状况,状态不好〔尤因为生病或不高兴〕
Examples from the Corpus
15 the be-all and end-all IMPORTANTthe most important part of a situation or of someone’s life 首要的事情,最要紧的事情
Examples from the Corpus
nGRAMMAR: Linking verbs
Be is a linking verb. This type of verb links the subject of the sentence with an adjective or noun:
The water was cold.
Leeds is a city in the north of England.
Examples from the Corpus
be- // prefix  
1 BECOME[in verbs] used to mean that someone or something is treated in a particular way 视作,把当作
2 [in adjectives] literaryWEAR CLOTHES wearing or covered by a particular thing 佩戴,穿戴;覆盖
Examples from the Corpus
Origin be-
Old English bi-, be-
Old English beon