

Word family
take1 /teɪk/ ●●● verb (past tensepst took /tʊk/, past participlepp taken /ˈteɪkən/) S1 W1  
1 move 移动 [transitiveT]TAKE/BRING to move or go with someone or something from one place to another 带(走);拿(走);取(走);搬(走) OPP bring
take somebody/something to/into etc something
 Barney took us to the airport.
 Would you mind taking Susie home?
 When he refused to give his name, he was taken into custody.
 My job has taken me all over the world.
take somebody/something with you
 His wife went to Australia, taking the children with her.
take somebody something
 I have to take Steve the money tonight.
take somebody to do something
 He took me to meet his parents.
see thesaurus at bring, lead
2 action 行动 [transitiveT]XX used with a noun instead of using a verb to describe an action. For example, if you take a walk, you walk somewhere 做〔某个动作;和名词连用代替某个动词〕
 Would you like to take a look?
 Mike’s just taking a shower.
 Sara took a deep breath.
 I waved, but he didn’t take any notice (=pretended not to notice). British EnglishBrE
 Please take a seat (=sit down).
take a picture/photograph/photo
 Would you mind taking a photo of us together?
3 remove 拿开 [transitiveT] to remove something from a place 拿开,把移开
take something off/from etc something
 Take your feet off the seats.
 Someone’s taken a pen from my desk.
 Police say money and jewellery were taken in the raid.
take see thesaurus at steal
4 time/money/effort etc 时间//努力等 [transitiveT] if something takes a particular amount of time, money, effort etc, that amount of time etc is needed for it to happen or succeed 花费〔时间、金钱或努力等〕
 How long is this going to take?
 Organizing a successful street party takes a lot of energy.
take (somebody) something (to do something)
 Repairs take time to carry out.
 It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dark.
take (somebody) ages/forever informal
 It took me ages to find a present for Dad.
take some doing British EnglishBrE informal (=need a lot of time or effort) 需要花费大量时间[努力]
 Catching up four goals will take some doing.
take courage/guts
 It takes courage to admit you are wrong.
have what it takes informal (=to have the qualities that are needed for success) 有所需的素质[天赋]
 Neil’s got what it takes to be a great footballer.
5 accept 接受 [transitiveT] to accept or choose something that is offered, suggested, or given to you 接受〔某人给的东西、提议等〕
6 hold STH 拿着某物 [transitiveT]HOLD to get hold of something in your hands 拿着
7 travel 旅行 [transitiveT]GO to use a particular form of transport or a particular road in order to go somewhere 乘坐〔某种交通工具〕,走〔某条道路〕
8 study 学习 [transitiveT] to study a particular subject in school or college for an examination 攻读,研修〔某一课程〕
9 test 测试 [transitiveT] to do an examination or test 参加〔考试或测验〕 SYN British English sit
10 suitable 合适的 [transitiveT]USE something to be the correct or suitable size, type etc for a particular person or thing 接纳,容纳;使用,穿用
11 collect 收集 [transitiveT] to collect or gather something for a particular purpose 收集
12 consider 考虑 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to react to someone or something or consider them in a particular way 〔以某种方式〕处理,理解,考虑
13 feelings 感觉 [transitiveT usually + adverbadv]FEEL HAPPY/FRIGHTENED/BORED ETC to have or experience a particular feeling 产生,感受到〔某种情感〕
14 control 控制 [transitiveT]CONTROL to get possession or control of something 拥有〔某物〕;控制〔某物〕
15 medicine/drugs 药品/毒品 [transitiveT]MDMDD to swallow, breathe in, inject etc a drug or medicine 服〔药〕;吸食〔毒品〕;注射〔药物〕
16. do you take sugar/milk? British EnglishBrE spokenEAT used to ask someone whether they like to have sugar or milk in a drink such as tea or coffee 你要加糖/牛奶吗?
17 level 水平,程度,级别 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to make someone or something go to a higher level or position 提升,提高
18 measure 计量 [transitiveT]MEASURE to measure the amount, level, rate etc of something 量取,测定
19 numbers 数字 [transitiveT]COUNT/CALCULATE to make a number smaller by a particular amount 中减去 SYN subtract
20 money [transitiveT] British EnglishBrE if a shop, business etc takes a particular amount of money, it receives that amount of money from its customers 收进〔营业收入〕 SYN American English take in
21 somebody can take it or leave it 
Examples from the Corpus
22 take somebody/something (for example) EXAMPLEused to give an example of something you have just been talking about 举例说明;以某人/某事为例
Examples from the Corpus
23 teach [transitiveT] British EnglishBrETEACH to teach a particular group of students in a school or college 〔在学校或大学〕教授〔某个班级〕
24 write [transitiveT]WRITE to write down information 写下,记下〔信息〕
25 take somebody out of themselves British EnglishBrE to make someone forget their problems and feel more confident 使某人忘记烦恼
Examples from the Corpus
26 take a lot out of you/take it out of you to make you very tired 使筋疲力尽,使心力交瘁
27 take it upon/on yourself to do something formal to decide to do something without getting someone’s permission or approval first 擅自做主做某事,自作主张做某事
Examples from the Corpus
28 take something to bits/pieces British EnglishBrE to separate something into its different parts 把某物拆开,把某物分解
Examples from the Corpus
29 be taken with/by something LIKE somebody OR somethingto be attracted by a particular idea, plan, or person 被某事物吸引住,被某事物迷住
Examples from the Corpus
30. be taken ill/sick formalILL to suddenly become ill 突然病倒
Examples from the Corpus
31. sex [transitiveT] literarySEX/HAVE SEX WITH if a man takes someone, he has sex with them 〔男性〕和发生性行为
32 take a bend/fence/corner etc DRIVEto try to get over or around something in a particular way 转过弯道/越过栅栏/拐弯等
Examples from the Corpus
33. have an effect 有效果 [intransitiveI]SUCCEED IN DOING something if a treatment, dye, drug etc takes, it begins to work successfully 〔治疗、染料、药物等〕开始起作用,开始见效
take to move or go with someone or something from one place to another 带走;拿走
Don’t forget to take your keys.
Shall I take you home?
I took Alice a cup of tea.
bring to take someone or something to the place where you are now 带来;拿来
We’ve brought someone to see you!
Will you bring your photos with you when you come?
transport to take large quantities of goods from one place to another in a plane, train, ship etc 运输
The plane is used for transporting military equipment.
The coal was transported by rail.
deliver to take goods, letters, newspapers etc to someone’s home or office 递送
Unfortunately, the package was delivered to the wrong address.
fly to take someone or something somewhere by plane 空运
The bread is specially flown in from Paris.
ship to take goods from one place to another – this can be by ship, truck, plane, or train 运输
Half the whisky is shipped to Japan and the US.
carry to take people or goods somewhere – used especially when saying how many people or things, or what kind 运送〔尤用于说明运载的人、物等的数量、类别时〕
The new plane can carry up to 600 passengers.
The ship was carrying a full cargo of oil.
lead to take someone to a place by going in front of them 带领
He led Julia through the house to his study.
Roland led the way back to the car in silence.
guide to take someone to a place and show them the way 引路
Emily guided him through a side gate into a large garden.
escort to take someone to a place and protect or guard them 护送
The prisoner was escorted into the room by two police officers.
The singer was escorted by her assistant and her bodyguard.
nusher to politely lead someone somewhere and show them where to go, especially because it is your job to do this
We were ushered into the lift by a man in uniform.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Business basics
take2 noun  
1 [countableC] an occasion when a film scene, song, action etc is recorded 〔一个电影场景、一个动作等的〕一次拍摄;〔一首歌曲的〕一次录制
2 somebody’s take (on something) OPINIONsomeone’s opinion about a situation or idea 某人(对某事)的观点[立场]
3 be on the take informalPAY FOR to be willing to do something wrong in return for money 愿意受贿,肯贪赃枉法
Examples from the Corpus
4. [usually singular] American EnglishAmE informalBB the amount of money earned by a shop or business in a particular period of time 收入额,进项
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
taketake1 /teɪk/ noun [countableC usually singular] American EnglishAmE informal
1FINANCEthe amount of money earned by a business in a particular period of time
About 80% of the band’s take is from merchandise.
tax take
2be on the take to be willing to do something wrong or illegal in return for money
I knew he was on the take, but I never had enough evidence to prove it.
taketake2 verb (past tensepst took /tʊk/, past participlepp taken /ˈteɪkən/) [transitiveT]
1 (also take away) to subtract one number from another number
take something from something
Take three from nine and what do you get?
2 (also take in American EnglishAmE)COMMERCE if a business takes or takes in a particular amount of money, it earns that money from selling its goods and services
We usually take around £2000 on a Saturday.
Origin take1
(1000-1100) Old Norse taka