24/7/365 3D printing 4-D 7/7 9/11 abibliophobia A decade of BuzzWords afterparty agflation alcolock al desko amazeballs ambient literature ambush marketing anecdata app aptronym Asbo attachment parenting attrit augmented reality Automavision awareness band baby hunger babylag babymoon backronym bacn bae bagel barista bigorexia biomimicry bioneer bird flu birther bissextile Bitcoin bit rot BlackBerry thumb black swan blended learning bloatware blook bluejacking body lift BOGOF BOGOL bogotify bouncebackability breadcrumbing Brexit brick Bright brinner Britalian Britcom bronze ceiling bustitution BYOD cage diving cakeism CamelCase capitonym carbon neutral carrotmob caxirola chad chainwatch chap hop charticle Chelsea tractor chick noir chillax chocotherapy Christmas creep chronotherapy chugger citizen journalism click farm click fraud clickjacking clickprint clicktivism climate canary cloud computing cloud egg coatigan comedy gold Common Era Comstockery confidence and supply conlang conscious uncoupling content farm cookprint copyleft cosmeceutical cot potato couch surfing coulrophobia creep crowdbirthing crowdfunding crowdsourcing crunch creep culturomics curate cyber Cyrano cyberloafing Cyber Monday cyberslacking dark pool daycation debaptism decision engine deep learning defriend demi-decade dench Denglish dental spa denture venturer deshopper devo max diabolica digital native digital wildfire dipping dirty bomb disemvowelling Dogbo dog-whistle politics dooced drive-by download drug driving drunkorexia duffin earworm eco-bling ecocide ecosexual egosurfing electoral cleansing embed emoji empty chair enigmatologist equilux e-read e-waste exercise widow exergaming exoplanet extended financial family extreme ironing facebook Facebook fatigue Facebook narcissism facekini facepalm faceplant family balancing fanfic fast fashion fat finger syndrome fat tax femivore finlit fiscal cliff fixie flash fiction flash mob flatforms flexitarian flog flunami flyboarding fly grazing folksonomy FOMO food mile foodoir food rave fracking framily Frankenstorm frape freebirth free-from freegan freemium fridge Googling frostjack frost quake funemployment funt gamification gammon garbage patch garbology gaslight gas-sipper gastrosexual gay bomb gazanging generation rent Generation Y geo- geolocation ghost bike gig economy glamping glitter-bomb Goldilocks google googleable googlegänger Googlewhacking googolplex grab-and-goer grafedia green greentailing greenwash grey vote grief tourist gripesite hacktivist half-birthday Hamdog hand-me-up hate-watching hat tip Hawk-Eye health halo healthspan hearable hedonic treadmill Heely Henmania Higgs boson HIP hipster homeshoring hopemonger hostile architecture hotfix houseblinging humblebrag hurt locker hygge hyperlocal hypermiling hypnobirthing hypnosurgery ice baby iceberg home ICE number infobesity infomania iPad irisin Jade effect jailbreak jeggings JOMO jorts juicing jump the couch kabaddi kangatarian kimchi kinetic typography KPI lappy latte art lavender language legacy legsie lifelogging Li-Fi lights-out likebait lipstick on a pig liquid biopsy living bandage locationship locavore lomography Makaton man flu manny man up Marleying marmalade dropper marmite marriage lite matutolypea maven McLibel medal media meshing meh meme mengagement ring meshing me time metrosexual mic drop microblogging middle youth migrate milkshake duck MINT miswanting m-learning mob-handed mobisode mom jeans mononymous MOOC moonbow Mosquito motherism moto-doping mouthbreather movieoke mummy porn Murraymania Murray Mound Mx mystery worshipper nanobreak nanodegree nanopublishing nature-deficit disorder NEET nevertiree New words in 2011 – a year in words nighthawking nomophobia nonliner normcore nosocomephrenia notspot noughties nouse nowcast Obamamania obesogenic occupy off-grid OH omega male OMG omnishambles onesie open skies optics orthorexia overclock overparenting oversharing overvote paleo diet paliday Paralympian paraskevidekatriaphobia password fatigue pay-as-you-throw phantonym phat pheromone party phishing phonathon photobombing photorealism phubbing Physical Cookie pineberry plagiarhythm planking playbourer plothole pluot pluto podcasting pod slurping polyamorous polypill pop-up potscaping pre-cation precycling pre-heritance pre-roll property porn protire protologism pseudocide push poll putpocket pwned QR code quantitative easing quintastic QWERTY phenomenon qwerty tummy rabbit hopping radiophobia rainbow raingarden range anxiety rate tart rat tail read dating recency illusion recessionista redact regift remanufacture rendition retrosexual reverse graffiti rewilding ringxiety RINO robocall round pound ruburb rumint sandscape sandwich generation SARS saviour sibling scale-up scrum master seachanger sea lion security mom see what I did there? self-build selfie semordnilap senior moment SEO sesquipedalian set-jetter sex up shapewear sharent sharewashing sharing economy sheddie sheeple She-pee shill bidding shopgrifting showmance showrooming shrinkflation sick simples singlism sinkhole Sip and See (party) skeuomorphic skinvertising sky marshal slacklining slow slow city slow food slow travel slumdog small-plate smart dust SmartStamp smirting smishing smushi social jet lag sofalizing SOLE solopreneur solutionism sonic branding spear phishing speedcubing speed-dating speed networking spendy spim spiralizer spoiler sport utility bicycle spot fixing stacking stage-phoning starchitect staycation stealth tax Stepford street dance stress puppy structured reality studentification stuffocation subprime subtweet Sudoku supercell superinjunction supersize swine flu swipe swishing SWMBO tab napping take a knee tanorexic taper tech-life balance technology butler terabyte text neck textonym textual harassment text-walking the Anthropocene the deep web the precariat the squeezed middle The twelve words of Christmas theyby third gender threequel thumbo tiger mother Timbledon Titanorak tmesis tole-rant tombstoning toxic transliterate trifecta Tripping the lexical fantastic – new words in 2014 troll trolleyology truthiness tweetheart tweetup twintern twitchfork twoc ubersexual umami unfollow unicorn upcycle vanillacide vape vapourware vertical tutoring virtual Friday vlog vocal fry voice lift VoIP voluntourism vook vuvuzela WAG Wagabee walking bus warchalking wardrobe malfunction wave and pay weaponsofmassdestruction Web 3.0 Webby web rage webrooming Whovian WiFi wiki wikiality wilfing wing walking Winterval wordle wordmark worried well WOW xenotransplantation yarn bombing YIMBY youthquake yummy zenware zero hours contract zombie zonkey zorbing Zumba