The Oxford Thesaurus: An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms The Oxford Thesaurus: An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms abandon abandonv. 1 give up or over, yield, surrender, leave, cede, let go, deliver (up), turn over, relinquish: I can see no reason why we should abandon the house to thieves and vandals. 2 depart from, leave, desert, quit, go away from: The order was given to abandon ship. 3 desert, forsake, jilt, walk out on: He even abandoned his fiance. 4 give up, renounce; discontinue, forgo, drop, desist, abstain from: She abandoned cigarettes and whisky after the doctor's warning. n. 5 recklessness, intemperance, wantonness, lack of restraint, unrestraint: He behaved with wild abandon after he received the inheritance. abandoned abandonedadj. 1 left alone, forlorn, forsaken, deserted, neglected; rejected, shunned, cast off or aside, jilted, dropped, outcast: An abandoned infant was found on the church steps. Totally alone, she felt abandoned by her friends. 2 bad, immoral, amoral, wicked, sinful, evil, corrupt, unprincipled, unrestrained, uninhibited, reprobate; loose, wanton, debauched, wild, dissolute, dissipated, profligate; depraved, lewd, lascivious, flagitious: His abandoned behaviour soon landed him in jail. abbreviate abbreviatev. 1 shorten, compress, contract, truncate, trim, reduce, curtail: We abbreviated some of the longer words to save space. 2 shorten, cut, condense, abridge, abstract, digest, epitomize, summarize, US synopsize: The school presented an abbreviated version of A Midsummer Night's Dream. abbreviated abbreviatedadj. skimpy, brief, revealing: The dancers' abbreviated costumes shocked some members of the audience. abbreviation abbreviationn. initialism; acronym; shortening, contraction: UK is one kind of abbreviation, or initialism; NATO, which is pronounced as a word, is another, usually called an acronym. abdicate abdicatev. give up, renounce, disclaim, waive, disown, surrender, yield, relinquish, abandon, resign, quit: He abdicated all responsibility for care of the children. She abdicated the throne to marry a commoner. abduct abductv. kidnap, carry off, make away or off with, seize, Slang US snatch, grab: The child that was abducted is safe. abet abetv. 1 encourage, urge, instigate, incite, provoke, egg on, prod, goad; aid, help, assist: The jury found that his wife had abetted him in the murder. 2 countenance, approve (of), support, endorse, second, sanction, condone; further, advance, promote, uphold: By failing to inform on the terrorists, the neighbours abetted the bombing. abeyance abeyancen. in abeyance. pending, abeyant, reserved, in reserve, shelved, pushed or shoved or shunted aside, postponed, put off, suspended, US tabled; temporarily inactive, dormant; latent; Colloq in a holding pattern, on the back burner; Slang on hold, in the deep-freeze, on the shelf, on ice, hanging fire: Legal proceedings were held in abeyance so that talks could take place to reach an out-of-court settlement. abhor abhorv. hate, loathe, detest, abominate, execrate; regard or view with horror or dread or fright or repugnance or loathing or disgust, shudder at, recoil or shrink from; be or stand aghast at: He said that he abhorred any violation of human rights. abhorrent abhorrentadj. hateful, detestable, abhorred, abominable, contemptible, odious, loathsome, horrid, heinous, execrable, repugnant; repulsive, repellent, revolting, offensive, disgusting, horrifying, obnoxious: The idea of war was totally abhorrent to her. abide abidev. 1 stand, endure, suffer, submit to, bear, put up with, accept, tolerate, brook: How can you abide the company of such a fool? 2 live, stay, reside, dwell, sojourn: Local people believe that the rain god abides in these mountains. 3 remain, stay, continue, tarry; linger, rest: He'll abide in my care till he can walk again. 4 abide by. consent to, agree to, comply with, observe, acknowledge, obey, follow, submit to, conform to, keep to, remain true to, stand firm by, adhere to, hold to: You must abide by the rules of the club if you become a member. abiding abidingadj. lasting, permanent, constant, steadfast, everlasting, unending, eternal, enduring, indestructible; unchanging, fast, hard and fast, fixed, firm, immutable, changeless: Her abiding love is a solace to him. ability abilityn. 1 adeptness, aptitude, facility, faculty, capacity, power, knack, proficiency, Colloq know-how: I have perceived your ability to manipulate situations to your own advantage. 2 talent, skill, cleverness, capacity, wit, gift, genius, capability: He has such extraordinary ability it is difficult to see why he doesn't accomplish more. 3 abilities. faculty, faculties, talent(s), gift(s), skill(s): Her abilities have made her one of the finest cellists of our time. ablaze ablazeadj. 1 aflame, afire, burning, on fire, alight, blazing: By the time the firemen arrived, the roof was ablaze. 2 lit up, alight, brilliantly or brightly-lit, sparkling, gleaming, aglow, bright, brilliant, luminous, illuminated, radiant: The ballroom was ablaze with the light from thousands of candles. able ableadj. 1 capable, qualified, competent, proficient: I feel quite able to take care of myself, thank you. He is an able tennis player. 2 talented, clever, skilled, masterful, masterly; adept, skilful, gifted, superior, expert, accomplished: There is no doubt that Wellington was a very able general. abnormal abnormaladj. 1 deviant, deviating, irregular, unusual, unconventional, aberrant, Psych jargon exceptional: The wing of a bat is an abnormal structure. 2 peculiar, unusual, odd, strange, queer, freakish, unnatural, extraordinary, weird, eccentric, bizarre, anomalous, aberrant, perverse, deviant, irregular, Colloq offbeat, Slang oddball, kinky, weirdo: They certainly make the contestants on that TV show do some very abnormal things. abnormality abnormalityn. 1 irregularity, unconformity, unusualness, singularity, eccentricity, unconventionality, uncommonness, deviation, aberration, idiosyncrasy: The desire in a man to wear women's clothing is viewed as an abnormality. 2 distortion, anomaly, malformation, deformity: The child was born with an abnormality of the right foot. abode aboden. residence, dwelling, dwelling-place, house, home, domicile, habitation, quarters, lodging, accommodation Military billet; Colloq Brit digs, diggings: He was described as being of no fixed abode. abolish abolishv. eliminate, end, put an end to, terminate, destroy, annihilate, annul, void, make void, demolish, do away with, nullify, repeal, cancel, obliterate, liquidate, destroy, stamp out, quash, extinguish, erase, delete, expunge; eradicate, extirpate, deracinate, uproot: The best way to abolish folly is to spread wisdom. Prohibition in the US was abolished in 1933. abolition abolitionn. elimination, end, termination, annulment, nullification, repudiation, cancellation; destruction, annihilation: 1837 marks the abolition of the slave trade in the British Empire. abominable abominableadj. 1 offensive, repugnant, repulsive, vile, monstrous, loathsome, odious, execrable, detestable, despicable, base, disgusting, nauseous, nauseating, foul, abhorrent, horrid, deplorable: He was accused of crimes too abominable to detail in open court. 2 terrible, unpleasant, disagreeable; awful, distasteful, in bad taste, horrible, frightful , Colloq Brit beastly: No one wants to go out in this abominable weather. The d‚cor in this hotel is simply abominable. aboriginal aboriginaln. native, indigene, autochthon; Colloq Australian Abo, Offensive Australian aborigine , Slang Australian contemptuous boong: Many aboriginals are not assimilated to modern life. abound aboundv. 1 prevail, thrive, flourish: Disease abounds among the undernourished peoples of Africa. 2 abound in. be crowded or packed or jammed with, be abundant or rich in, proliferate (in or with): The ship abounds in conveniences. 3 abound with. teem or swarm or throng with, be filled or infested with, overflow with: The ship abounds with rats. about aboutadv. 1 round, around, close by, nearby, on every side: Gather about, for I have something to tell you. 2 approximately, around, nearly, roughly, more or less, almost, close to or upon; give or take: In 1685 London had been, for about half a century, the most populous capital in Europe. Light travels at about 186,000 miles a second. 3 to and fro, up and down, back and forth, here and there, hither and yon, far and wide, hither and thither: He wandered about aimlessly for several days. 4 here and there, far and wide, hither and yon, hither and thither, helter-skelter: My papers were scattered about as if a tornado had struck. 5 around, prevalent, in the air: There is a lot of flu about this year. 6 approximately, nearly, close to, not far from, almost, just about, around: It is about time you telephoned your mother. prep. 7 around, surrounding, encircling: There is a railing about the monument. 8 round, around, all round, everywhere, in all directions, all over: Please look about the room for my hat. 9 near, nearby, adjacent to, beside, alongside, close by, nigh: There were a lot of trees about the garden. 10 with, at hand, Colloq on: I am sorry, but I haven't my cheque-book about me. 11 touching, concerning, connected with, involving, in or with reference to, in or with regard to, regarding, in the matter of, with respect to, respecting, relative to, relating to, apropos, Formal anent: He wrote a book about the Spanish Armada. about-turn about-turnn. reversal, reverse, turn-about, turn-round, U-turn, volte-face, US about-face: There has been a complete about-turn in the policy concerning immigration. above aboveadv. 1 overhead, on high, aloft, in the sky or heavens: Far above, the clouds scudded swiftly by. 2 upstairs: They lived on the ground floor and the landlady lived above. prep. 3 on, on (the) top of, upon, over, atop: The plume of smoke remained fixed above the volcano. He hasn't got a roof above his head for the night. 4 over, more than, exceeding, in excess of, beyond, greater than, surpassing: The operations are controlled by gears, of which there are above fifty in number. 5 insusceptible to, unaffected by, out of reach of, not susceptible or vulnerable or exposed to, superior to: The judge is above bribery or other influence. 6 above all. before or beyond everything, first of all, chiefly, primarily, in the first place, mainly, essentially, at bottom: Above all, serve God and country before you serve yourself. above-board above-boardadv. 1 openly, candidly, freely, publicly, frankly, straightforwardly, plainly, for all to see, out in the open, in the open: Donald has always dealt completely above-board with everyone. adj. 2 open, candid, frank, straight, direct, honourable, straightforward, forthright, guileless, undeceiving, artless, ingenuous, undeceptive, undeceitful, straight from the shoulder; honest, genuine: The company's dealings have always been above-board. abridge abridgev. shorten, reduce, condense, cut, abbreviate, cut back, trim, curtail, pare down, contract, compress, digest, summarize, epitomize, abstract, US synopsize: We abridged the original edition of 1000 pages to 480 pages. abridgement abridgementn. 1 shortening, reduction, abbreviation, condensation, contraction, truncation, trimming: The abridgement took ten years. 2 curtailment: We protested against the abridgement of our right to picket. 3 digest, condensation, epitome, compendium, concise edition or version, cut edition or version; synopsis, abstract, summary, pr‚cis, outline, r‚sum‚: The one-volume abridgement of the dictionary is easier to use. abroad abroadadv. 1 overseas, in foreign lands or parts: We were abroad on assignment for a few years. 2 broadly, widely, at large, near and far, far and wide, everywhere, extensively, publicly: Don't spread rumours abroad. 3 outside, out of doors, away, out and about: There are few people abroad this early in the morning. abrupt abruptadj. 1 sudden, hasty, quick, precipitate, snappy; unexpected, unannounced, unplanned, unforeseen, unanticipated: The general's abrupt departure has been linked with the disappearance of a great deal of money. 2 precipitous, steep, sheer, sudden: From the ridge there is an abrupt drop of 1000 metres into the valley. 3 curt, short, brusque, blunt, bluff, gruff, uncivil, rude, discourteous, impolite, unceremonious, snappish: My bank manager gave me an abrupt reply when I asked for an increased overdraft. absence absencen. 1 non-attendance, non-presence, non-appearance, truancy: This is Jason's third absence from class in a week. She runs the place in my absence. 2 lack, want, deficiency, non-existence; insufficiency, scantiness, paucity, scarcity, dearth: In the absence of new evidence, the matter must remain undecided. absent absentadj. 1 away, out, off, elsewhere, not present, missing, gone: Twenty people attended, but Harold was conspicuously absent. 2 missing, lacking, wanting, deficient: All warmth is absent from her singing. v. 3 absent (oneself) from. keep or stay away from; withdraw or retire from: He absented himself from the court during his father's trial for murder. Absent thee from felicity awhile. absent-minded absent-mindedadj. preoccupied, inattentive, unattentive, absorbed, unmindful, absent, off, withdrawn, unheeding, heedless, unheedful, inadvertent; distracted, abstracted, day-dreaming, in a brown study, in the clouds, unaware, oblivious, in a trance, distrait(e), mooning, (far) away (somewhere), star-gazing, wool-gathering: The absent-minded professor delivered his lecture to an empty lecture hall. absolute absoluteadj. 1 perfect, complete, total, finished, thorough, through-and-through, consummate, flawless, faultless, unadulterated, pure, unmixed, unalloyed, undiluted; rank: Alan behaved like an absolute gentleman. 2 complete, outright, downright, genuine, real, pure, out-and-out, transparent, unmitigated, categorical, unqualified, unconditional, utter, veritable, unconditioned: Peace is an absolute requirement for prosperity. 3 unrestricted, unrestrained, unconstrained, unlimited, unmitigated, arbitrary, despotic, dictatorial, totalitarian, supreme, almighty, arbitrary, autocratic, tyrannical: The days of absolute monarchy are numbered. 4 positive, certain, sure, unambiguous, unquestionable, authoritative, verifiable, uncompromised: Few intelligent people would claim absolute knowledge of anything. absolutely absolutelyadv. 1 unqualifiedly, unconditionally, unreservedly, unexceptionally, unequivocally, unquestionably, positively, definitely, really, genuinely, decidedly, surely, truly, certainly, categorically: She is absolutely the best dancer I have ever seen. I absolutely refuse to go. 2 totally, utterly, completely, entirely, fully, quite, altogether, wholly: It is absolutely necessary that you undergo surgery. interj. 3 certainly, assuredly, positively, definitely, of course, naturally, indubitably, yes, to be sure: 'Are you sure you want to go?' 'Absolutely!' absorbed absorbedadj. engrossed, lost, wrapped up, occupied, engaged, immersed, buried, preoccupied, concentrating, rapt: He was absorbed in his reading. absorbing absorbingadj. engrossing, engaging, riveting, captivating, fascinating, spellbinding, gripping: Maria was watching an absorbing thriller on television. abstract abstractadj. 1 theoretical, unapplied, notional, ideational, conceptual, metaphysical, unpractical, intellectual: It is difficult to capture abstract ideas on paper. 2 non-representational, symbolic, non-realistic: Museums began buying abstract art in the 1930s. n. 3 summary, epitome, synopsis, essence, digest, condensation, survey, conspectus, extract; outline, pr‚cis, r‚sum‚: By reading the abstracts, you can determine which articles merit reading in full. v. 4 epitomize, abbreviate, digest, summarize, condense, shorten, abridge, cut, cut down, US synopsize: The service abstracts articles that appear in scientific journals. absurd absurdadj. 1 ridiculous, silly, nonsensical, senseless, outlandish, preposterous, farcical, mad, stupid, foolish, idiotic, imbecilic or imbecile, moronic, childish; laughable, ludicrous, risible, inane, Colloq crazy, nutty, nuts , Chiefly Brit daft: The notion that the moon is made of green cheese is absurd. 2 asinine, senseless, illogical, irrational, unreasoned, unreasonable, incongruous, paradoxical, unsound, meaningless: Today, most people view it absurd to believe that the earth is flat. absurdity absurdityn. 1 folly, silliness, ridiculousness, foolishness, ludicrousness, nonsense, senselessness, meaninglessness, illogicality, irrationality, unreasonableness, incongruity, stupidity, Colloq craziness, nuttiness , Chiefly Brit daftness: Many comics rely on absurdity rather than cleverness for humour. 2 paradox, self-contradiction, error, fallacy: No one can abide the man's pretentiousness and other absurdities. abundance abundancen. overflow, superfluity, over-abundance, superabundance, excess, surplus, oversupply, glut, satiety, over-sufficiency; plenty, plenteousness, plentifulness, plenitude, copiousness, profusion, Formal nimiety: The days when there was an abundance of fresh drinking-water have come to an end. abundant abundantadj. 1 plentiful, overflowing, ample, copious, over-sufficient, superabundant, plenteous, profuse, inexhaustible, replete, bountiful, bounteous: The abundant rainfall fills the reservoirs every day. 2 abounding (in), full (of), rich (in), luxuriant, lavish: We know a stream that is abundant in trout. The abundant vegetation of the rain forest is an ecological wonder. abuse abusev. 1 misuse, misemploy, pervert, misapply, exploit: The officer abused his authority in ordering the forced march at midnight. 2 maltreat, ill-use, injure, wrong, hurt, mistreat, manhandle, ill-treat; damage: I cannot stand by and watch that drunk abuse his wife and family. 3 malign, revile, censure, upbraid, assail, objurgate, lambaste, berate, rebuke, scold, reproach, disparage, traduce, defame, insult, swear at, curse (at), calumniate, slander, libel, decry, deprecate, vilify, rail against: In the report the director was abused in the most virulent terms. n. 4 misuse, misusage, misemployment, perversion, misapplication, misappropriation, Rhetoric catachresis: Beware of imitating his abuse of the language. 5 addiction, dependence: They are being treated for drug abuse at the local clinic. 6 maltreatment, ill-treatment, ill use, fault: It seemed perfectly natural that he should defend abuses by which he profited. 7 self-abuse, self-pollution, masturbation, violation, defilement; corruption: The schoolmasters consistently lectured the boys against any abuse of themselves. 8 revilement, reviling, execration, vituperation, malediction, imprecation, tongue-lashing, calumny, calumniation, vilification, obloquy, scurrility, invective, maligning, upbraiding, berating, objurgation, scolding; billingsgate: The two parties, after exchanging a good deal of abuse, came to blows. abused abusedadj. 1 misused: Permission to use the office copying machine has become an abused privilege. 2 maltreated, ill-treated, mistreated, hurt: It was explained that he had been an abused child. abusive abusiveadj. 1 insulting, scurrilous, vituperative, calumnious, offensive, slanderous, libellous, defamatory, censorious, opprobrious, disparaging, deprecatory, depreciatory, derogatory, derisory, derisive, reviling, vilifying, vituperative, reproachful; profane; rude, filthy, dirty, foul, vulgar, obscene, smutty, vile, thersitical: The Crown refuses to tolerate abusive satire directed at the king. If I hear another word of abusive language out of you, I'll wash out your mouth with soap! 2 perverted, misapplied, improper, wrong, incorrect; exploitive, exploitative, exploitatory; brutal, cruel, injurious, hurtful, harmful, destructive: Despite the abusive treatment of wives, married women commanded much respect. 3 corrupt, venal, dishonest, crooked: The politicians exercised abusive power over the townspeople. abysmal abysmaladj. 1 awful, appalling, dreadful, terrible, profound: The government of Nero presented a spectacle of abysmal degradation. 2 abyssal, bottomless, profound, unfathomable, unfathomed: The abysmal depths have been plumbed in the diving bell. abyss abyssn. deep, abysm, bottomless gulf, yawning chasm, gaping void, unfathomable cavity, impenetrable depth(s): The path led straight down into the abyss. In the scandal the MP was plunged into the abyss of disgrace. 1.3 academic... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= academic academicadj. 1 scholastic, collegiate; scholarly, learned, lettered, erudite: Green's academic background qualifies him for the professorship. The university began publishing academic journals in the 19th century. 2 theoretical, hypothetical, conjectural, speculative, abstract; ivory-tower, visionary, idealistic; impractical, unrealistic, unpractical: The car doesn't run, so the question of miles per gallon is purely academic. accent accentn. 1 emphasis, stress, force, prominence, accentuation; intensity, inflection; cadence, beat: The accent is on the second syllable in 'reward'. 2 diacritic, diacritical mark, mark, accent mark: There is an acute accent on the 'e' in 'clich‚'. 3 pronunciation, articulation, intonation, speech pattern, inflection: Even after forty years in the country, he still speaks English with an Italian accent. v. 4 accentuate, emphasize, stress, give prominence to, mark, underline, underscore, distinguish, highlight, set off or apart: In her speech, the psychologist accented the 'id' in 'idiot'. Why must he always accent the negative aspect of everything? accept acceptv. 1 receive, take, allow, permit: Sorry, but we cannot accept any more applications. 2 accede (to), agree (to), assent (to), consent (to), acknowledge, admit, allow, recognize: We accept your request for a hearing. 3 assume, undertake, take on or up, agree to bear: I'll accept the responsibility for replying. 4 reconcile oneself to, suffer, undergo, experience, stand, withstand, stomach, endure, bear, resign oneself to, brook, allow, tolerate, take: I think I have accepted enough criticism for one day. acceptable acceptableadj. 1 satisfactory, adequate, tolerable, all right, sufficient, admissible, passable, Colloq OK, okay: The bread and meat were acceptable, but the beer was awful. 2 agreeable, pleasing, welcome, satisfying, delightful, pleasant, pleasing: Most people find her compliments quite acceptable. accessible accessibleadj. approachable, open, available, attainable, obtainable, reachable, ready, at hand, Colloq get-at-able: The president is always accessible to those seeking help. The mechanism is accessible if the cover is removed. accessory accessoryn. 1 extra, addition, adjunct, attachment, component, frill, Slang bells and whistles, doodah, US and Canadian doodad: My food processor has more accessories than I could ever need. 2 accessary, accomplice, helper, assistant, confederate, colleague, abettor, aide, collaborator, co-conspirator, conspirator, fellow-criminal, associate or partner in crime: Although he did not rob the bank, he drove the getaway car, which legally makes him an accessory before the fact. A seller of stolen goods is an accessory after the fact. adj. 3 extra, subordinate, auxiliary, additional, ancillary, supplemental, supplementary, secondary, adventitious, Formal adscititious: For no apparent reason, the salamander grew an accessory limb near its hind leg. accident accidentn. 1 mishap, misfortune, mischance, misadventure, blunder, mistake; casualty, disaster, catastrophe, calamity: A high percentage of the road accidents were caused by drunken drivers. 2 chance, fortune, luck, fortuity, fluke; serendipity: I came across the gold ring by accident, when cleaning out a disused cupboard. 3 non-essential, accessory or accessary, extra, addition: Melancholy is an almost inseparable accident of old age. accidental accidentaladj. chance, fortuitous, lucky, unlucky, serendipitous; undesigned, unpremeditated, uncalculated, unintended, unintentional, unwitting, inadvertent; unexpected, unplanned, unforeseen, unanticipated, adventitious; casual, random: Our meeting was entirely accidental. accommodate accommodatev. 1 fit, suit, adapt, adjust, modify; customize: I shall do my best to accommodate the equipment to your needs. 2 harmonize, make consistent, reconcile, adapt: It is uncertain whether his version of the incident can be accommodated to ours. 3 equip, supply, provide, furnish: Can you accommodate me with five pounds till tomorrow? 4 put up, house, lodge, shelter, quarter, Military billet: The innkeeper is unable to accommodate us tonight. 5 suit, oblige, convenience, serve: I was willing to accommodate you by selling your old car. accommodating accommodatingadj. 1 obliging, cooperative, helpful, hospitable; considerate, conciliatory, easy to deal with, pliant, yielding, compliant, polite, friendly, complaisant, kind, kindly: The lady at the complaints desk in the store was most accommodating. 2 pliable, accessible, corruptible, subornable, get-at-able; bribable: If you want to get off scot-free, we'll have to find an accommodating judge. accommodation accommodationn. 1 adaptation, adjustment, modification, change, alteration, conformation, conformity: Her skilful accommodation to her boss's demands kept the peace in the office. 2 settlement, treaty, compromise: Negotiations were now opened for an accommodation between the belligerents. 3 convenience, favour: Would you take the mail to the post office as an accommodation to me? 4 lodging(s), room(s), quarters, shelter, housing; facility, premises, Brit digs, US accommodations: We were able to arrange for accommodation at the hotel. Have you seen our new office accommodation? 5 loan, (financial) assistance or aid; grant, grant-in-aid: The man was able to obtain an accommodation from his brother-in-law. accompany accompanyv. 1 convoy, escort, chaperon or chaperone, go along with; attend; usher, squire: Allow me to accompany you to your taxi. 2 go (along) with, come with, be associated with, belong with, go together with, be linked with: The roast was accompanied by a bottle of claret. accomplice accomplicen. accessory or accessary, partner in crime, confederate, ally, associate, colleague, fellow, henchman, collaborator, conspirator, co-conspirator, abettor, assistant, fellow-criminal, Colloq US cohort: The police arrested the safe-cracker and three accomplices within hours of the robbery. accomplish accomplishv. fulfil, perform, achieve, carry out, execute, carry off, do, complete, carry through, finish, effect, bring to an end, conclude, wind up, end; attain, reach, gain; Colloq bring off, knock off, polish off, Slang pull off, US swing, hack, cut: I don't know how she accomplished it, but she sailed around the world single-handed. Has he accomplished his goal yet? accomplished accomplishedadj. consummate, perfect, expert, adept, skilful, proficient, practised, gifted, talented, skilled, professional: Did you know that she is also an accomplished flautist? accomplishment accomplishmentn. 1 fulfilment, consummation, completion, realization, attainment, achievement, conclusion, culmination, realization: After the accomplishment of the task they were all taken out to celebrate. 2 coup, feat, exploit, triumph, tour de force: Among her many accomplishments was climbing Mount Everest. 3 skill, skilfulness, talent, gift, ability: Playing the violin is another of his accomplishments. accord accordv. 1 agree, harmonize, concur, be at one, correspond, agree, be in harmony, be consistent, go (together), coincide, conform: His principles and practices do not accord with one another. n. 2 agreement, unanimity, concord, reconciliation, harmony, mutual understanding, conformity, accordance, rapport, concert: The countries are in accord on a beneficial trade balance. 3 agreement, treaty, pact, contract: The accords will be signed at the summit meeting in May. 4 agreement, harmony, congruence; correspondence: The colours of the curtains are in perfect accord with those of the carpet. accordingly accordinglyadv. 1 hence, therefore, consequently, thus, in consequence (where)of, (and) so: Smoking was forbidden; accordingly, we put out our cigars. 2 suitably, in conformity, in compliance; conformably, appropriately, compliantly: Dinner-jackets were required, and the men dressed accordingly. according to according toadv.phr. 1 on the authority of, consistent with, in conformity or agreement with, as said or believed or maintained etc. by: We are going to play this game according to Hoyle. According to his lawyer, he should never have been acquitted. 2 conformable to, consistent with, in conformity with, commensurate with: The queen greeted them in order, according to rank. account accountv. 1 account for. explain, give a reason for, give or render a reckoning for, answer for, justify, reckon for: The treasurer has been able to account for every penny of expense. His desire to conceal his background accounts for his secrecy. n. 2 calculation, accounting, reckoning, computation, (financial) statement; enumeration: The accounts show that the company has ample funds in reserve. Williams hasn't submitted his expense account for the trip. 3 interest, profit, advantage, benefit, favour; sake: Nigel turned his convalescence to good account by writing a best seller. Don't read the book on my account. 4 explanation, statement, description, report, recital, narrative, history, chronicle: The defendant gave a credible account of his whereabouts at the time of the crime. 5 consideration, use, worth, importance, consequence, note, value, merit; standing, significance, estimation, esteem: The committee decided that length of service is of some account in determining retirement pensions. 6 story, narration, narrative, report, tale, relation, description: Alice's account of the rabbit wearing a waistcoat is unbelievable. 7 take into account or take account of. notice, take note of, consider, take into consideration, allow for: In passing sentence, the judge took into account the child's poverty and the fact that it was Christmas time. accountability accountabilityn. answerability, responsibility, liability, culpability, accountableness: In a democracy, there can be no reducing the accountability of the government to the citizens. accountable accountableadj. answerable, responsible, liable, obliged, obligated: I am accountable to no man, but the greatest man in England is accountable to me. accumulate accumulatev. collect, gather, amass, mass, pile or heap up, aggregate, cumulate; assemble, store, stock, hoard, stockpile, put or lay away: Overnight, the snow accumulated in six-foot drifts about the house. Ill fares the land, to hast'ning ills a prey,/Where wealth accumulates, and men decay. accumulation accumulationn. 1 collecting, amassing, gathering, piling or aggregation, heaping up: One effect of the strike was the accumulation of rubbish in the streets. 2 growth, increase, build-up: The accumulation of wealth has never proved a valid purpose in life. 3 heap, pile, mass, collection, hoard, store, stockpile, stock, aggregation; assemblage: Our gardener made sure that there was an ample accumulation of compost. accuracy accuracyn. exactness, correctness, Loosely precision, preciseness: The translation from the Greek has been accomplished with great accuracy. Rifling the inside of the barrel of a firearm increases its accuracy. accurate accurateadj. 1 exact, correct, error-free, precise: She gave an accurate description of the events. There is a nice distinction between 'accurate' and 'precise'. 2 careful, meticulous, nice, with an eye to or for detail, scrupulous, conscientious: Marvin is a very accurate typist. 3 unerring, on target, Colloq on the mark, spot on (target): This rifle is accurate if you allow for the wind. accusation accusationn. charge, allegation, indictment, charge, citation, arraignment, complaint; imputation, incrimination, denunciation, impeachment: The politician denied the accusation of having accepted a bribe. accuse accusev. 1 accuse (of or with). blame, censure, hold responsible (for), charge (with), denounce (for), point the finger (at), cite, call to account: She accused the Knave of Hearts of lying. 2 accuse (of or with). charge, indict, impeach, arraign, incriminate; attribute, impute: The prisoner is accused of assault, criminal damage, and disorderly conduct. accustom accustomv. familiarize, acquaint, habituate, train, season; acclimatize or acclimate: Start off by wearing your contact lenses for an hour at a time in order to accustom your eyes to them. She soon accustomed herself to the new surroundings. accustomed accustomedadj. 1 customary, habitual, usual, traditional, normal, regular, set, routine, ordinary, familiar, wonted, common, habituated: The old man took his accustomed place near the fire. 2 used: I've grown accustomed to her face. ache achev. 1 pain, hurt, smart, throb, pound; sting: My jaw has been aching since that tooth was extracted. 2 yearn, long, hunger, hanker, pine; crave: A hostage for a year, he was aching to see his wife and children. n. 3 pain, pang, throbbing, pounding, smarting, soreness: I have had this ache in my back, Doctor, and I can't stand up straight. 4 pang, pain; distress; longing: There's been an ache in my heart, my darling, ever since you went away. achieve achievev. 1 accomplish, carry out, execute, succeed in, complete, fulfil, bring off or about; realize, effect: When the fund reaches its goal, we shall have achieved our purpose. 2 accomplish, attain, reach, gain, get, acquire, win, obtain: She achieved her ends by cheating and conniving. achievement achievementn. 1 attainment, accomplishment, acquisition, acquirement: As he was still in his thirties, the achievement of great fame still lay ahead for him. 2 accomplishment, attainment, feat, deed, exploit, victory: The winning of the Nobel prize was her greatest achievement. 3 fulfilment, realization, accomplishment, attainment, completion: What virtue lies more in achievement than in the desire for it? acknowledge acknowledgev. 1 admit, confess, allow, concede, own, recognize, accept, accede, acquiesce; own up to: We acknowledge that we might have been mistaken. She finally acknowledged my presence by looking up. 2 answer, reply to, respond to, react to: She couldn't possibly acknowledge personally every letter she receives. acknowledgement acknowledgementn. 1 acknowledging, confessing, admitting, owning, admission, confession, avowal, affirmation: His acknowledgement of his involvement in the crime saved the police a great deal of time. 2 approval, acceptance, recognition, allowance: By acknowledgement of the parliament, the king was the commander of the army and navy. 3 reply, response, answer, recognition: Our acknowledgement will be in tomorrow's post. acme acmen. peak, apex, top, summit, pinnacle, zenith; climax, culmination: Roger has reached the acme of perfection as a diamond-cutter. acquaint acquaintn. acquaint with. familiarize with, inform of or about, make aware of, apprise of, advise of: The management requires employees to acquaint themselves with the safety rules. acquaintance acquaintancen. 1 familiarity, knowledge, acquaintanceship, understanding, awareness; experience: His acquaintance with the works of Coleridge is sparse at best. 2 associate, fellow, colleague: She's not a friend of mine, only an acquaintance. acquainted acquaintedadj. 1 known to each other or one another, familiar with each other or one another, on speaking terms: I have known Rory for years, but his wife and I are not acquainted. 2 acquainted with. familiar with, known to, aware of, informed of, knowledgeable of, conversant with: I have studied trigonometry, but I am not acquainted with calculus. acquire acquirev. get, obtain, gain, win, earn, procure, secure, come by or into; receive, come into possession of; buy, purchase: He acquired great wealth by marrying rich old dying widows. acquisition acquisitionn. 1 obtaining, getting, acquiring, acquirement, gain, procurement: The acquisition of property entails many obligations. 2 possession(s), property, purchase; object: This first edition is a recent acquisition. act actn. 1 deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move; feat, exploit; accomplishment, achievement: The first act of the new commission was to ban smoking in public places. 2 performance, show, bit, skit, stand, routine, turn, sketch, Colloq thing, Slang US shtick: Stand-up comedians do their acts in nightclubs. 3 performance, pretence, posture, stance, feigning, front, fake, dissimulation, show, deception, hoax, affectation: She didn't mean what she said - it was just an act. 4 bill, law, decree, edict, statute, order, ordinance, command, mandate, resolution, measure, enactment: Are the opening hours of public houses in England regulated by act of Parliament? v. 5 behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself: I don't know how she'll act when we're in public. 6 perform, play, do: She is acting in the West End. 7 portray, represent, impersonate, act out, personify, take or play the part or role of, personate: Reginald acts the fool whenever he has had too much to drink. 8 feign, pretend, counterfeit, fake, dissemble, make believe, sham, simulate, dissimulate, posture: You may think him sincere, but I know he is just acting. 9 take effect, work, operate, function, perform: This drug will act only if taken with meals. action actionn. 1 activity, performance, movement, motion, energy, liveliness, vim, vigour, spirit, vitality; enterprise, initiative: Being a man of action, he hates just sitting and reading. 2 influence, effect, power, force, strength: The action of the moon's gravitational pull causes tides on earth. 3 deed, act, undertaking, exertion, exercise: The very action of breathing caused me pain. 4 remedy, proceeding, process: If they don't stop beating their dog we shall take action against them. 5 fighting, combat: We saw action in the Far East. 6 fight, battle, engagement, encounter, clash, fray, sortie, skirmish, affray: How many men were lost in last night's action? 7 effect, effectiveness, activity, function, performance, functioning, reaction: What is the action of steroids on the lymph system? 8 actions. behaviour, conduct, deportment, demeanour, ways, manner, manners: She must be held responsible for her actions. activate activatev. move, actuate, set in motion, get started, energize, get or set going, start, initiate, switch or turn on, trigger; motivate, rouse, arouse, prompt, stimulate, stir, mobilize, animate, impel, galvanize, Colloq US light a fire under: The sensor in the pavement activates the traffic signal. Her enthusiasm activated him to go into business for himself. active activeadj. 1 strenuous, vigorous, full, dynamic, physical; energetic, lively, busy, brisk, bustling, occupied, on the move, Colloq on the go, running: She is healthier for having led a very active life. He always seems to be active. 2 acting, effective, efficacious, effectual, working, functioning, operative, potent, influential; powerful: The active ingredient in her medicine is an antihistamine. 3 energetic, lively, hyperactive, animated, spry, nimble, quick, agile, sprightly: There is no keeping up with an active child. activity activityn. 1 action, movement, motion, vigour, vim, energy, liveliness, bustle: Last week there wasn't much activity in the stock market. 2 pursuit, occupation, vocation, work, function, operation, job, labour, endeavour, enterprise, project, undertaking, venture, interest: What sort of business activity are you engaged in? actual actualadj. 1 existing, existent, real, genuine, factual, true, authentic, verified, verifiable, true to life, manifest, realized, realistic, Colloq solid: The actual cost of the project turned out to be double the estimate. 2 present, current, existent, real, genuine, physical, tangible: No telescope has detected any actual volcanic eruption on the moon. actually actuallyadv. really, in reality, in fact, in actuality, in point of fact, in truth, absolutely, as a matter of fact, indeed, truly, literally: The interest rates actually charged by banks may vary from those quoted publicly. acute acuteadj. 1 sharp, pointed, narrow: The two roads meet at an acute angle. 2 severe, intense, critical, crucial, dangerous, grave, serious, severe: This is the ward for patients with acute illnesses. 3 sharp, cutting, intense, severe, violent, penetrating, exquisite, excruciating, fierce, shooting, stabbing, piercing, sudden: The onset of the disease is marked by acute pains in the abdomen. 4 keen, sharp, sensitive: The bloodhound is known for its acute sense of smell. 5 keen, sharp-witted, shrewd, clever, ingenious, astute, sharp, canny, incisive, discerning, perceptive, perspicacious, intelligent, penetrating, insightful, percipient, wise, sensitive, discriminating; alert, aware, on the qui vive: Such a circumstance could not be lost upon so acute an observer. 1.4 adapt... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= adapt adaptv. 1 suit, fit, make suitable, qualify: The structure of the outer ear is adapted to collect and concentrate the vibrations. 2 alter, modify, change, remodel, tailor, reshape, shape, fashion; adjust, accommodate, accustom, acclimatize or acclimate, habituate: He adapted the play from an old French comedy. The whale adapts itself to great changes in pressure when it dives thousands of feet. adaptable adaptableadj. flexible, pliable, pliant, compliant, accommodative, tractable, malleable, ductile, versatile; alterable, changeable: Men, in general, are not as adaptable as women. adaptation adaptationn. 1 fitting, suiting, modifying, adjusting, conversion: In 1831 electricity was ripe for adaptation to practical purposes. 2 modification, change, adjustment, accommodation, reworking, customization, alteration: She was responsible for the adaptation of her short story to a television play. add addv. 1 join, unite, combine, annex: 5 + 3 denotes that 3 is to be added to 5. 2 total, sum, sum up, combine, count up, reckon, Brit tot (up), US tote (up): The computer can add all those figures in a few seconds. 3 continue, go on: 'And I won't take no for an answer', she added. 4 add to. increase, enlarge, amplify, augment, supplement: His articles have added greatly to his reputation as a financial analyst. addict addictn. 1 (habitual) user, Slang junkie, dope-fiend, doper, head, pot-head, acid-head, pill popper, tripper, Chiefly US hophead: His contributions helped set up the halfway houses for addicts. 2 devotee, aficionado, fan, admirer, follower, adherent, supporter, enthusiast, Colloq buff, hound, fiend, groupie, Slang freak, bug, nut, teeny-bopper: She became a rock 'n' roll addict in the '60s. addition additionn. 1 adding, joining, putting together, uniting, combining: The addition of this paragraph is uncalled for. 2 totalling, adding up, summing-up, summation, counting up, reckoning, totting up: You have made an error in addition. 3 addendum, appendix, appendage, supplement, increment, augmentation, extension: This addition contributes nothing to the manuscript. 4 extension, ell, Brit annexe, US annex, wing: We used our lottery winnings to pay for an addition to the house. prep. 5 in addition to. as well as, besides, beyond, over and above: In addition to books, the shop sold greetings cards. adv.phr. 6 in addition. moreover, furthermore, additionally, besides, withal, to boot, in or into the bargain, too, also, as well: We were compelled to exercise every morning and in addition we went for a ten-mile run each Saturday. address addressn. 1 speech, talk, discourse, oration, lecture; sermon: The Prime Minister's address to the nation was broadcast last night. 2 location, whereabouts: She couldn't write to me because she didn't have my address. v. 3 speak or talk to; deliver or give a speech to; lecture: After the coup, the general addressed the crowd in the square. 4 greet, hail, accost, approach: She was addressing strangers in the street to ask their views on women's rights. 5 address oneself to. devote or direct or apply oneself to: After the holidays, I again addressed myself to studying for examinations. adept adeptadj. 1 versed, proficient, skilled, well-skilled, expert, accomplished, skilful or US skillful, adroit, dexterous or dextrous, able, masterful, masterly, polished: She is an adept pianist, and her husband is adept at carpentry. n. 2 expert, master, specialist, authority , Colloq dab hand, old hand: He is an adept at anything that one does with one's hands. adequate adequateadj. 1 sufficient, enough, ample; satisfactory, fitting, equal, suitable: Is there language adequate to describe my feelings? 2 passable, fair, fair to middling, middling, average, tolerable, (barely) acceptable, (barely) satisfactory, all right, competent, not (at all) bad, so so , Colloq OK or okay, up to snuff, not that or too bad, no great shakes: The music was good, the band only adequate. 3 equal, suitable, suited, fitted, up, proper, qualified, competent, good enough: Johnson was unsure that he was adequate to the task at hand. adjoining adjoiningadj. neighbouring, contiguous (to), adjacent (to), abutting, bordering, next (to): We have bought the adjoining house. The land adjoining the supermarket is for sale. adjust adjustv. 1 set right, arrange, settle, harmonize, reconcile, resolve, set or put to rights; arbitrate, mediate; redress, rectify, correct, patch up: Four were named on each side to adjust their differences. 2 change, alter, modify, regulate, set: After he adjusted the pendulum, the clock kept good time. 3 adapt (to), accommodate (oneself) (to), accustom (oneself) (to); get used (to), acclimatize or acclimate (to), reconcile (oneself) (to): If she travels a distance east or west, it takes her a few days to adjust to the local time. Army life was very different, but I was able to adjust quickly. 4 put in order, arrange, rearrange, close or fasten or zip or button (up): She adjusted the children's coats and did up their shoes. adjustment adjustmentn. 1 adjusting, altering, alteration, setting, regulating, regulation, setting or putting right or aright or to rights, correcting, correction, calibrating, calibration; tuning: The adjustment of the clocks is my responsibility. 2 arrangement, balance, coordination, order, alignment, harmony, harmonization: The inspector requires everything to be in perfect adjustment. administer administerv. 1 administrate, manage, control, run, direct, conduct, superintend, supervise, oversee: The president said that she had administered the department well during her year as its head. 2 execute, carry on, carry out; apply, implement, prosecute: It is the responsibility of the police to administer the law, not to make it. 3 dispense, supply, furnish, give (out), provide (with), mete out, distribute, deliver, deal, hand out: Doctors sometimes administer drugs that have side effects. administration administrationn. 1 management, direction, conduct, supervision, oversight, superintendence, regulation, charge: Lord Hampden was given administration of her affairs till she came of age. 2 authority, management, US government: The current administration is in favour of a better health programme. 3 dispensation, administering, supplying, furnishing, provision, delivery, distribution, application: The judge is charged with the administration of justice. admirable admirableadj. wonderful, awe-inspiring, excellent, estimable, splendid, marvellous, superior, first-rate, first-class, of the first water, great, fine, Colloq top-drawer, ripsnorting, A-1, Brit smashing, magic: His performance in Harper's new play is admirable. admiration admirationn. wonder, awe; delight, pleasure; esteem, regard, appreciation, respect: She is lost in admiration of her mother's latest painting. Randolph was presented with a gold medal as a token of his colleagues' admiration. admire admirev. 1 wonder or marvel (at), delight in: Typically, he most admires people who are wealthy. 2 esteem, regard or respect highly, look up to, revere, idolize, venerate, worship: The queen is one of the most admired people in the country. admirer admirern. 1 devotee, aficionado, fan, supporter, enthusiast, adherent, follower Slang groupie: Rock stars always seem to be accompanied by a retinue of admirers. 2 beau, suitor; lover, sweetheart, darling: Scarlett was always surrounded by many admirers. admission admissionn. 1 access, admittance, entr‚e, entry: The special card gives me admission to the rare book room of the library. 2 reception, acceptance, appointment, institution, induction, installation, investiture: The committee has at last approved the admission of women into the society. 3 acknowledging, acknowledgement or acknowledgment, allowing, allowance, admitting, admittance, conceding, concession: The court refuses to consider the admission of testimony taken under duress. 4 acknowledgement, confession, concession, profession, declaration, disclosure, affirmation, concession, divulgence or divulgement, revelation: The police were able to extract an admission of guilt from the suspect. 5 ticket, (entry or entrance) fee, tariff: Admission is free for senior citizens. admit admitv. 1 let in, allow to enter, take or allow in; accept, receive: I opened the window to admit some air. The harbour is too small to admit even one more ship. 2 allow, permit, grant, brook, tolerate: The governor will admit no delay in the execution of the sentence, and the prisoner will be hanged at dawn. 3 accept, concede, acquiesce, allow, grant, accept, recognize, take cognizance of: Descartes' principle admitted nothing but what his own consciousness obliged him to admit. 4 confess, own, concede, divulge, reveal, acknowledge, declare: She readily admitted to having incited the riot. admittance admittancen. leave or permission to enter, entry, entering, entrance, access, entr‚e: Admittance to the club is restricted to members. adolescent adolescentn. 1 teenager, youth, juvenile, minor, stripling, youngster, US teen, Colloq kid; Slang teeny-bopper: A group of adolescents volunteered to work at the home for the elderly. adj. 2 teenaged, young, youthful, maturing, pubescent; immature, puerile, juvenile: Adolescent growth is often dramatic, a gain of two inches in height being not unusual. adopt adoptv. 1 take (in), accept, take or accept as one's own: Carol and her husband have adopted two children. 2 take, take up or on or over, embrace, espouse; arrogate, appropriate: All Hugh's ideas are adopted from others - he's never had one of his own. adorable adorableadj. lovable, beloved, loved, darling, sweet, dear; delightful, appealing, attractive, charming, captivating, fetching: To look at him now, it is hard to imagine what an adorable child he once was. adore adorev. 1 esteem, honour, respect, admire; idolize, dote on: An entire generation adored the Beatles. 2 worship, venerate, reverence, revere, exalt; hallow: O! Come let us adore him Christ, the Lord! 3 love, be in love with, cherish, fancy, revere, adulate, Colloq have a crush on, carry the or a torch for: Katie just adores the captain of the football team at school. adult adultadj. 1 mature, grown (up), full-grown, matured, of age: Now that you are adult, you come into a large inheritance. n. 2 grown-up: Tiger cubs are cute, but the adults are very dangerous. adulterate adulteratev. falsify, corrupt, alloy, debase, water (down), weaken, dilute, bastardize, contaminate, pollute, taint, Colloq doctor; Slang US cut: Adulterated rape seed oil was found to have caused the deaths of more than 600 people. advance advancev. 1 move or put or push or go forward; approach: Man has advanced the frontier of physical science. The battalion advanced towards the fort with guns blazing. 2 further, promote, forward, help, aid, abet, assist, benefit, improve; contribute to: The terrorists' dynamiting of the school has done nothing to advance their cause. 3 go or move forward, move (onward), go on, proceed, get ahead: As people advance in life, they acquire what is better than admiration - judgement. 4 hasten, accelerate, speed: We have advanced the date of our departure from December to October. 5 move up, promote: In less than a year, Mrs Leland has been advanced from supervisor to manager of the production department. 6 prepay, lend: Could you advance me some money till pay-day? n. 7 progress, development, progress, forward movement; improvement, betterment; headway: Who has done more for the advance of knowledge? 8 rise, increase, appreciation: Any advance in prices at this time would reduce our sales. 9 prepayment, deposit; loan: I cannot understand why George is always asking for an advance on his allowance. 10 in advance. a beforehand, ahead (of time), before: You will have to make reservations well in advance. b before, in front (of), ahead (of), beyond: The colonel rode in advance of the cavalry. advantage advantagen. 1 superiority, upper hand, dominance, edge, head start; sway; Colloq US and New Zealand drop: After a year, the advantage was with the Royalists. His height gives him an advantage at basketball. 2 gain, profit, benefit, interest; asset, betterment, improvement, advancement; use, usefulness, utility, help, service: I have information that will be of advantage to her. 3 to advantage. better, (more) favourably, advantageously: The dress sets off her figure to advantage. advantageous advantageousadj. profitable, worthwhile, gainful, opportune, beneficial, favourable, useful, valuable: The minister signed an advantageous treaty of commerce with Russia. adventure adventuren. 1 exploit, escapade, danger, peril; affair, undertaking, feat, deed; experience, incident, event, occurrence, happening, episode: We shared many wartime adventures. 2 speculation, hazard, chance, risk, venture, enterprise: I lost a fortune in some of his financial adventures. v. 3 venture, hazard, risk, imperil, endanger, jeopardize, threaten: Would you adventure your pension money in such a scheme? 4 dare, wager, bet, gamble, stake, try one's luck, Brit punt: She adventured a whole week's salary on the pools. adventurer adventurern. 1 adventuress, soldier of fortune, swashbuckler, hero, heroine, daredevil; mercenary: Errol Flynn often played the role of the adventurer. 2 adventuress, cheat, swindler, charlatan, trickster, rogue, scoundrel, knave; cad, bounder, philanderer, fortune-hunter, opportunist: That adventuress is just after Nelson's money. adventurous adventurousadj. daring, rash, brash, reckless, devil-may-care, bold, foolhardy, hazardous, risky, daredevil, venturesome, adventuresome, temerarious, audacious, bold, intrepid, brave, courageous: She was adventurous enough to sail round the world single-handed. adversary adversaryn. 1 foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, competitor, rival: Before beginning to fight, each adversary sized up the other. adj. 2 opposed, hostile, antagonistic, competitive: Why does she always take the adversary position in every argument? advertisement advertisementn. 1 notice, handbill, blurb, broadside, bill, circular, brochure, poster, placard, classified, commercial, spot (announcement), US car-card, Colloq ad, plug, Brit advert: The company has placed advertisements in all major media. 2 advertising, promotion; publicity; propaganda, ballyhoo, hoop-la, Colloq hype, beating the drum, US puffery: Advertisement on TV may be very effective, but it is very expensive. advice advicen. 1 counsel, guidance, recommendation, suggestion, opinion, view; warning, admonition, Technical par‘nesis: His solicitor's advice is to say nothing. 2 information, news, intelligence, notice, notification; communication: Advice has reached the police that a shipment of arms will leave Dover tonight. advisable advisableadj. recommendable, expedient, prudent, practical, sensible, sound, seemly, judicious, wise, intelligent, smart, proper, politic: It would be advisable for you to keep out of sight for a few days. advise advisev. 1 counsel, guide, recommend, suggest, commend; caution, admonish, warn; urge, encourage: I advised him to be careful driving at night in that area. 2 tell, announce (to), inform, apprise, register, make known (to), intimate (to), notify: We advised her of our disapproval. The police have advised the defendants of their rights. adviser advisern. counsellor, mentor, guide, cicerone, counsel, consultant, confidant(e): The chairman always consults his advisers before making a decision. advisory advisoryadj. 1 consultive, consultative, counselling, hortatory, monitory, admonitory, Technical par‘netic(al): Our firm has been engaged in an advisory capacity on the privatization of the utility companies. n. 2 bulletin, notice, warning, admonition, prediction: The Weather Office has issued a storm advisory for the weekend. advocate advocatev. 1 support, champion, back, endorse, uphold, recommend, stand behind, second, favour, speak or plead or argue for or in favour of: Don't you advocate the policies of the Party? n. 2 supporter, champion, backer, upholder, second, exponent, proponent, patron, defender, apologist: She is an enthusiastic advocate of free speech. 3 lawyer, counsel; intercessor; Brit barrister, solicitor, US attorney, counselor-at-law: The advocate for the opposition is not in court. 1.5 aesthete... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= aesthete aestheten. connoisseur, art-lover, lover of beauty, aesthetician or esthetician, US tastemaker: It was the aesthetes who set the standard for the art purchased by the museum. aesthetic aestheticadj. 1 artistic, tasteful, beautiful; in good, excellent, etc. taste: Daphne always does such aesthetic flower arrangements. 2 sensitive, artistic, refined, discriminating, cultivated: These paintings might be realistic, but they are an aesthetic disaster. 1.6 affair... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= affair affairn. 1 matter, topic, issue; business, concern, interest, undertaking, activity: These are affairs of state and require the approval of a minister. 2 concern, business, Slang US beeswax: Who wiped the fingerprints off the weapon is none of your affair. 3 event, business, occurrence, happening, proceeding, incident, operation: Last night's farewell party was truly a dull affair. 4 Also, affaire. love affair, amour, romance, intrigue, fling, liaison, relationship, affaire d'amour, affaire de coeur: Lady Constance is having an affair with the gamekeeper. affect affect¹v. 1 attack, act upon, lay hold of, strike: Arthritis has affected his hands and he can no longer play the piano. 2 move, stir, impress, touch, strike; perturb, upset, trouble, agitate: The sportsman was not affected by all the taunts and jeers. 3 influence, sway, change, transform, modify, alter: Her sudden fame has affected her view of herself. affect affect²v. 1 assume, adopt, put on, pretend (to), feign, sham, fake, counterfeit: Charles affects a knowledge of high finance. 2 choose, select; use, wear, adopt: He affected a striped blazer and a boater which he wore at a jaunty angle. affectation affectationn. 1 affectedness, pretentiousness, artificiality, insincerity, posturing: She behaves with so much affectation that I never can be sure of her real feelings. 2 pretence, simulation, false display, show, front, pose, pretension, fa‡ade; act, airs: Some people's charitable concern for others is mere affectation. Using a long cigarette-holder is one of her many affectations. affected affectedadj. 1 unnatural, artificial, specious, stilted, stiff, studied, awkward, non-natural, contrived, mannered: Dryden found Shakespeare's style stiff and affected. 2 pretended, simulated, hollow, assumed, feigned, fake, faked, false, counterfeit, insincere, spurious, sham, bogus, Colloq phoney or US also phony: The heir's affected grief concealed his secret exultation. 3 pretentious, pompous, high-sounding, mincing, niminy-piminy, Colloq la-di-da orlah-di-dah or la-de-da: Oliver's affected airs were enough to make his classmates detest him. 4 attacked, seized, afflicted, stricken, gripped, touched; diseased, laid hold of: Her affected lungs never quite recovered. 5 afflicted, moved, touched, stirred, distressed, troubled, upset, hurt; influenced, swayed, impressed, struck, played or worked or acted upon: Many affected theatre-goers enjoyed her performances. affection affectionn. goodwill, (high) regard, liking, fondness, attachment, loving attachment, tenderness, warmth, love: The affection she felt towards her stepchildren was returned many times over. affectionate affectionateadj. fond, loving, tender, caring, devoted, doting, warm: She gave her mother an affectionate embrace and boarded the train. affiliated affiliatedadj. associated; attached, connected, combined, united, joined: For our members' convenience, the club is now affiliated with one that serves meals. affinity affinityn. 1 relationship, kinship, closeness, alliance, connection or Brit connexion; sympathy, rapport: He felt an affinity with other redheaded people. 2 friendliness, fondness, liking, leaning, bent, inclination, taste, partiality, attractiveness, attraction: I have an affinity for the sea. afflict afflictv. affect, bother, distress, oppress, trouble, torment: Last winter's intense cold afflicted everyone, but those in the north especially. affliction afflictionn. 1 hardship, misery, misfortune, distress, ordeal, trial, tribulation, adversity, suffering, woe, pain, grief, distress, torment, wretchedness: Moses saw the affliction of his people in Egypt. 2 curse, disease, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, plague, scourge, tribulation, trouble: He often observed that greed was the affliction of the middle class. afford affordv. 1 have the means, be able or rich enough, manage, bear the expense, pay, provide: We cannot afford to send the children to better schools. 2 give, spare, give up, contribute, donate; sacrifice: The loss of a single day's work was more than I could afford. 3 yield, give, supply, produce, provide, furnish, grant, offer; give forth: May kind heaven afford him everlasting rest. The poems afford no explanation. afoul afouladv. afoul of. entangled with, in trouble with, in conflict with, at odds with: Barbara fell afoul of the new tax regulations. afraid afraidadj. 1 fearful, frightened, scared, intimidated, apprehensive, lily-livered, white-livered, terrified, panic-stricken, faint-hearted, weak-kneed, timid, timorous, nervous, anxious, jittery, on edge, edgy, jumpy; cowardly, pusillanimous, craven, Colloq yellow: Don't be afraid, the dog won't bite you. 2 sorry, unhappy, regretful, apologetic, rueful: I'm afraid I cannot help you find a cheap flat in London. 1.7 age... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= age agen. 1 lifetime, duration, length of existence; life-span: The age of a stag is judged chiefly by its antlers. She was sixteen years of age. 2 maturity, discretion; majority, adulthood, seniority: When he comes of age he will inherit millions. 3 period, stage, time: Among these people, both boys and girls undergo rites of passage at the age of puberty. He is a man of middle age. 4 long time, aeon or esp. US eon; years: I haven't seen you for an age! The noise went on for ages. 5 era, epoch, period, time: The 18th century was known as the Augustan Age in England. v. 6 grow old(er), mature, ripen: O, Matilda, I age too fast for my years! You must first age the whisky in the barrel, then bottle it. aged agedadj. old, elderly, superannuated, ancient, age-old, grey, venerable: The three aged women crouched in their chairs, each with her own memories. agency agencyn. means, medium, instrumentality; intervention, intercession, action, intermediation; operation, mechanism, force, power, activity, working(s), energy: Pollen is carried from flower to flower by the agency of certain insects. agent agentn. 1 representative, intermediary, go-between, proxy, emissary, delegate, spokesman, spokeswoman, spokesperson, deputy, substitute, surrogate, advocate, emissary, legate, envoy, factor: Our agent in Tokyo will look after the matter for you. 2 factor, agency, cause, means, force, instrument, power, vehicle, ingredient: The active agent in this cleaner is ammonia. aggravate aggravatev. 1 worsen, intensify, exacerbate, heighten, magnify, increase; inflame: They introduce new problems and aggravate the old ones. 2 exasperate, frustrate; anger, incense, infuriate; provoke, irritate, nettle, rile, vex, annoy, harass, hector, bother; embitter, rankle, Colloq peeve, needle, get on one's nerves; Slang Brit give (someone) aggro: Threats only serve to aggravate people. aggression aggressionn. 1 aggressiveness, hostility, belligerence, combativeness, Slang Brit aggro: The mere crossing of the river is an act of aggression. 2 attack, assault, onslaught, invasion, encroachment: The conflict had become a war of aggression. aggressive aggressiveadj. 1 combative, warlike, martial, belligerent, bellicose, pugnacious, quarrelsome, disputatious, litigious; hostile, unfriendly: The Germanic tribes were known to the Romans as aggressive and hardened warriors. 2 forward, assertive, forceful, bold, Colloq pushy: Dennis's aggressive nature may yet make him a good salesman. aggressor aggressorn. assailant, attacker, instigator, initiator, provoker; belligerent: You will find that the Nazis were the aggressors in Poland in 1939. agile agileadj. 1 nimble, quick, brisk, swift, active, lively, lithe, limber, spry, sprightly: Sofia is an agile dancer. 2 keen, sharp, alert, dexterous or dextrous, resourceful, acute: With his agile mind Richard was able to solve the problems in no time at all. agitate agitatev. 1 excite, arouse, rouse, move, perturb, stir up, disquiet, fluster, ruffle, rattle, disconcert, discomfit, unsettle, upset, rock, unnerve, shake (up), Colloq discombobulate: Rachel was agitated to learn of the bank's threat to foreclose on the mortgage. 2 push, press, campaign; promote: The miners have been agitating for better safety measures. 3 stir (up), churn, disturb, shake, roil: The calm lake was agitated by the motor boats. agitated agitatedadj. moved, stirred (up), shaken (up), rattled, disturbed, upset, nervous, perturbed, jittery, jumpy, uneasy, ill at ease, fidgety, disquieted, discomfited, ruffled, flustered, unsettled, unnerved, wrought up, discomposed, disconcerted, aroused, roused, excited, Colloq discombobulated: The sheriff was in a very agitated state about the mob forming outside the jail. agitation agitationn. 1 shaking, disturbance, churning, stirring, turbulence: The agitation made the solution become cloudy. 2 excitement, arousal, rabble-rousing, provocation, stirring up, incitement, ferment, stimulation, over-stimulation, commotion: The organized agitation of the crowds continued for weeks after the coup. agitator agitatorn. activist, rabble-rouser, incendiary, agent provocateur, insurrectionist, troublemaker, demagogue, firebrand: The opposition party hires professional agitators to incite the people to riot. agog agogadj. eager, avid, keen, enthusiastic, expectant, impatient, breathless: The children were all agog waiting for Santa Claus to come. agonizing agonizingadj. painful, distressful, distressing, harrowing, torturous, racking, excruciating, tortured, tormented: We went through an agonizing reappraisal of our policy on immigration. agony agonyn. anguish, trouble, distress, suffering, misery, wretchedness, pain, pangs, woe, torment, throes, torture, affliction: For two days his parents experienced the agony of not knowing whether he was dead or alive. agree agreev. 1 concur, conform, come or go together, coincide, correspond, harmonize, reconcile; accord, tally, Colloq jibe: At last my cheque-book agrees with my bank statement! 2 Often, agree to. consent to, favour, acquiesce in or to, approve of, accede to, assent to: They finally agreed to our offer. We agreed terms with respect to the contract. 3 concede, grant, consent, admit, approve, allow, accept, concur; accede (to), acquiesce (in or to), assent (to), see eye to eye: The committee agreed that she should be given time to comply with the request. I objected and they agreed with me. 4 agree with. suit: The climate in England agrees with me, strange to say. agreeable agreeableadj. 1 pleasing, pleasant, enjoyable, pleasurable, favourable, delightful, satisfying, satisfactory, good, nice, acceptable; to one's liking or taste: He found the Caribbean an agreeable place for a holiday. 2 in favour, approving, willing, consenting, acquiescent, complying, compliant, in agreement or accord, concurring, amenable, sympathetic, well-disposed; accommodating, accommodative: If Anne's agreeable, we can leave tomorrow. agreement agreementn. 1 understanding, covenant, treaty, pact, accord, compact, settlement, concordat; contract, bargain, Colloq deal: They drew up a ten-year agreement to be signed at the summit in Geneva. 2 concord, harmony, compatibility, unity, concurrence, unanimity: Agreement in error is far worse than division for the sake of truth. 1.8 ahead =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ahead aheadadv. 1 at the or in front, in advance, in the lead or vanguard, up ahead, before, to the fore: The general rode ahead. 2 winning: At half time, our team was ahead by two points. 3 onward(s), forward(s), on: Please move ahead if you can. 1.9 aid... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= aid aidv. 1 help, support, assist, facilitate, back, abet, uphold, promote; succour, relieve, subsidize: The invasion was aided by Richard's subjects. He salved his conscience by aiding a local charity. n. 2 help, support, assistance, backing, relief, benefit, service, succour, comfort: He was convicted of giving aid to the enemy in time of war. 3 funding, subsidy, subvention; grant-money, grant, grant-in-aid, scholarship: He could never have gone to university without aid from the endowment. aide aiden. aide-de-camp, assistant, helper, coadjutor; good or strong right arm, right hand, right-hand man; colleague, partner, ally, comrade, comrade-in-arms, US cohort , Colloq man Friday, girl Friday, US gal Friday: The general's aides are always at his side. ail ailv. 1 trouble, afflict, affect, bother, distress, upset, worry, make ill or sick, pain, hurt: I cannot imagine what ails him, and the doctor can find nothing wrong. 2 suffer, be or feel ill or poorly or unwell or indisposed, US be sick: Granny has been ailing lately. ailment ailmentn. illness, sickness, affliction, disease, disorder, indisposition, malady; disability, infirmity; malaise, queasiness: Granny's ailment has been diagnosed as influenza. aim aimv. 1 direct, point, focus, train, level: The guns of the fort are aimed at the narrow pass. 2 aim at. focus on, have designs on, aspire to, plan for or on, set one's sights on, seek, strive for, try for, wish, want: Edward aimed at absolute dominion over that kingdom. 3 seek, intend, plan: I aim to retire at fifty, if not before. n. 4 direction, pointing, focus, focusing or focussing, sighting: His aim is so bad that he can't hit the side of a barn with a shotgun. 5 purpose, goal, ambition, desire, aspiration, object, end, objective, target, intent, intention, plan: It was never her aim in life to be rich. The aim of the book is set forth in the Foreword. aimless aimlessadj. 1 purposeless, pointless, frivolous: After receiving the inheritance she led an aimless life of ease and luxury. 2 undirected, erratic, chance, haphazard, random, vagrant, wayward; wanton: We were annoyed by the tourists' aimless meandering round the village. air airn. 1 atmosphere, ambience, aura, climate, feeling, sense, mood, quality: This restaurant has a delightful air about it. 2 breeze, zephyr, current, draught; breath, puff, wind: Light airs sprang up from the south. 3 manner, style, appearance, aura, feeling, bearing, quality, flavour: Louis has a lugubrious air about him. 4 melody, tune, song, music: She was humming airs from some Italian opera. 5 airs. pretension, pretence, show, affectedness; haughtiness, hauteur, arrogance, superiority, superciliousness: He puts on such airs since he got his knighthood. v. 6 ventilate, freshen, refresh, aerate: The chambermaid is airing the room, so you can't go in now. 7 show off, parade, display, exhibit; publish, broadcast, circulate, publicize, make public or known, reveal, expose, disclose, divulge, tell, express, declare: Once again Andrew is airing his views on modern art. 1.10 akin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= akin akinadj. Usually, akin to. related (to), allied or connected or affiliated (to or with), associated (with), germane (to), like, alike, similar (to): Desultoriness is akin to indolence. Their decision not to show the film smacks of something akin to censorship. 1.11 alarm... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= alarm alarmn. 1 warning, alert, danger- or distress-signal; tocsin, bell, gong, siren, whistle, horn: At the approach of the storm, the lookouts gave the alarm. The alarm is set to wake me at four o'clock. 2 fear, fright, apprehension, dismay, trepidation, terror, dread, anxiety, excitement, panic, consternation, distress, nervousness, uneasiness, discomfort: He viewed with alarm the arrest of his next-door neighbours. v. 3 frighten, scare, daunt, startle, terrify, panic; unnerve, dismay, disturb, upset: She was alarmed at the news of the car crash. Don't be alarmed - such delays are quite normal. alcohol alcoholn. spirits, liquor, the bottle, the cup that cheers, demon rum, John Barleycorn, Colloq booze, hard stuff, juice, moonshine, fire-water, Slang rot-gut, US and Canadian hooch: Alcohol and driving do not mix. alcoholic alcoholicadj. 1 intoxicating, inebriating: His doctor has forbidden him any alcoholic beverage. n. 2 drunkard, drunk, dipsomaniac, sot, toper, drinker, winebibber, serious or problem drinker, tippler, Colloq barfly, soak, Slang boozer, alchy or alkie or alky, dipso, stew, rummy, US and Canadian lush, booze-hound, wino: The community runs a centre for rehabilitating alcoholics. alert alertadj. 1 awake, wide awake, watchful, vigilant, attentive, heedful, wary, cautious, on the qui vive, aware, on guard, on the lookout, observant, Colloq on the ball, on one's toes: The sentinels must remain alert throughout the night. Kenneth is alert to the perils of smoking cigarettes. 2 active, nimble, lively, agile, active, quick, spry, sprightly, vivacious: He is an alert and joyous old soul. n. 3 lookout: She is always on the alert for new ways of saving money. 4 alarm, warning, signal, siren: Sound the air-raid alert! v. 5 warn, caution, advise, alarm, forewarn, signal, notify: We must alert him to the fact that the man is a vicious killer. alibi alibin. 1 excuse, explanation: Your alibi places you very close to the scene of the crime. v. 2 excuse, explain: Caught red-handed, she couldn't alibi her way out of it. alien alienadj. 1 foreign, strange, exotic, outlandish, unfamiliar: The customs of the country were alien to me. n. 2 foreigner, stranger, outlander, outsider, non-native, immigrant, newcomer: Aliens are required to register during January. alienate alienatev. Usually, alienate from. disabuse (of or from), wean away (from), detach (from), distance (from): Gradually the villagers were alienated from their old animistic beliefs. alike alikeadj. 1 similar, akin, resembling or like one another, akin to or similar to one another, showing or exhibiting a resemblance: They began to think all religions were alike. adv. 2 in like manner, in the same manner or way, similarly, equally, uniformly, identically: She believes that all people should be treated alike. alive aliveadj. 1 living, live, breathing, among the living, in the land of the living: My great-grandfather is still alive, in spite of years of defying medical advice. 2 alive to. sensitive or alert to, aware or conscious of, aware or cognizant of: She is alive to every slight nuance in the poem. 3 alert, active, lively, vivacious, quick, spirited, animated, brisk, spry, sprightly, vigorous, energetic: Look alive, my lads, and hoist away! 4 astir, teeming, swarming, thronging, crowded, packed, buzzing, crawling, jumping, bustling, humming, Colloq lousy: In a few minutes the water around the corpse was alive with deadly piranha. allegation allegationn. charge, accusation, complaint; assertion, avowal, asseveration, claim, declaration, statement, deposition: I resent the allegation that I don't bath often enough. allege allegev. declare, aver, state, assert, charge, affirm, avow, asseverate, depose, say: The guard alleged that he had caught the boy climbing in a basement window. alleged allegedadj. described, designated; claimed, avowed, stated; purported, so-called, suspected, supposed, assumed, presumed; hypothetical, conjectural: The press reported that the alleged assailant had confessed. He is awaiting trial for his alleged involvement in the bombing. alliance alliancen. 1 union, confederation, combination, federation, pact, league, association, coalition, affiliation, connection, bond; unity, affinity: The alliance between the two empires has been faithfully maintained. 2 marriage, affinity: The alliance between the two families was welded by the children born of it. allot allotv. distribute, apportion, allocate, earmark, assign, parcel or dole out, deal (out), divide, share (out), dispense: The millionaire allotted an equal share of his fortune to each of his children. allotment allotmentn. 1 share, apportionment, ration, portion, quota, allowance, measure: Each prisoner was given a daily allotment of four ounces of black bread and a cup of water. 2 garden plot, kitchen garden, patch, tract, plot, Brit market garden, US truck garden: If I don't answer the phone, it's because I am digging my allotment. allow allowv. 1 acknowledge, admit, grant, concede, own: He allowed that he had not been completely truthful about his movements that night. 2 agree to, concede, cede to, admit, permit, authorize, entertain, consent to: The judge said that he would allow a plea of 'guilty with an explanation'. 3 permit, let, suffer: Please allow the children to select their own friends. 4 tolerate, stand (for), brook, sanction, countenance, permit, consider, put up with: The headmaster refuses to allow such goings-on at his school. 5 give, let (someone) have, appropriate, grant, budget, earmark, assign, allocate, assign, approve: The company allowed him œ100 a day for expenses. 6 make allowance or concession for, set apart or aside, put aside, take into account or consideration; add; deduct: You must allow at least an extra hour for the traffic during rush hour. The shipper allows ten kilos for the weight of the container. allowance allowancen. 1 permission, toleration, tolerance, sufferance, admission, concession, sanction; allowing, permitting, tolerating, suffering, sanctioning, brooking, countenancing: There were many causes of difference between them, the chief being the allowance of slavery in the south. 2 payment, recompense, remuneration, reimbursement, remittance: Allowance will be made for all reasonable expenses. 3 stipend, dole, pin or pocket money, quota, ration; pension, annuity, allocation: Bill gets a liberal weekly allowance for expenses. 4 deduction, discount, reduction, rebate; credit; tret; tare: You must make allowance for the weight of the crate. 5 excuse(s), concession, consideration: Allowance must be made for his poor eyesight. alloy alloyn. 1 mixture, mix, combination, compound, composite, blend, amalgam, admixture; aggregate: Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. v. 2 contaminate, pollute, adulterate, debase, diminish, impair, vitiate: Their external prosperity was not alloyed by troubles from within. 3 change, modify, temper, alter, moderate, allay: Gentle persons might by their true patience alloy the hardness of the common crowd. ally allyn. 1 comrade, confederate, collaborator, coadjutor; accessory, accomplice; associate, partner, friend: I had hoped to have you as an ally in my proposal for reorganization. The Allies finally defeated the Nazi war machine in 1945. v. 2 league, combine, unite, join (up), team (up), side, band together, associate, affiliate, collaborate, confederate: In their attempt at a take-over of our company, the raiders have allied themselves with two banks. We shall ally the Romans to us and conquer the territory. almost almostadv. nearly, about, approximately, practically, virtually, wellnigh, bordering on, on the brink of, verging on, on the verge of, little short of; not quite, all but; barely, scarcely, hardly; Colloq damn near: We are almost ready to go. You almost broke the window! aloft aloftadv. above, overhead, (up) in the air, in flight, up (above); on high; heavenwards, skyward: The plane was overloaded, but we finally made it aloft. Five women held the banner aloft. alone aloneadj. 1 unaccompanied, unescorted, solitary, by oneself, tout(e) seule, solo, unattended, unassisted; abandoned, desolate, deserted: I am alone in the world. Leave me alone. 2 unequalled, unparalleled, unique, singular, unexcelled, unsurpassed, without equal, peerless, matchless: As a poet, Don stands alone. adv. 3 solitarily, by oneself, solo: I'll walk alone. 4 only, solely, exclusively, simply, just, merely: You alone can help me. aloof aloofadv. 1 apart, away, at a distance, separate; at arm's length: We invited Martha to join us but she preferred to remain aloof. adj. 2 private, reticent, reserved, withdrawn, haughty, supercilious, standoffish, formal, unsociable, unsocial; distant, remote: Deirdre is quite an aloof sort of person - not what you would call a 'mixer'. 3 standoffish, distant, remote, cool, chilly, unresponsive, unfriendly, antisocial, unapproachable; unsympathetic, apathetic, indifferent, undemonstrative: Roger keeps himself aloof from the needs of those less fortunate than he is. alter alterv. change, revise, modify, vary, transform; adjust, adapt, convert, remodel: After the attack, we altered our opinion of the rebels. The dress fits better since being altered. alteration alterationn. change, modification, revision, transformation; adjustment, adaptation, conversion, remodelling: We found places where alterations had been made in the original document. My new suit needs alteration to fit properly. alternate alternatev. 1 rotate, exchange, change, interchange, take turns, go or take, etc. in turn, US change off, interexchange: To help out, we could alternate our days off. 2 succeed, be in succession or rotation: The wallpaper had alternating stripes of pink, grey, and maroon. adj. 3 in rotation, successive; every other, every second: The embankment revealed alternate layers of clay and gravel. The nurse visited our district on alternate days. 4 alternative, second, other: The alternate selection contains only milk chocolate. n. 5 variant, alternative, (second) choice, US and Canadian substitute, deputy, stand-in, backup, understudy; pinch-hitter, Baseball designated hitter: I prefer the alternate to the featured model. My alternate takes over if I am ill. alternation alternationn. rotation, succession; exchange, interchange: In a temperate climate there is the advantage of the alternation of the seasons. alternative alternativeadj. 1 alternate, variant, (an)other, different, additional; substitute, surrogate: Alternative models are available. n. 2 alternate, variant, choice, option, selection; possibility; substitute, surrogate: The alternative was to remain at home and do nothing. You leave me no alternative. 'Esthetic' is an American spelling alternative. altogether altogetheradv. entirely, utterly, completely, wholly, totally, fully, in all respects, absolutely, perfectly, quite; all in all, in all: I don't altogether agree with you. Altogether, you may be right. altruism altruismn. selflessness, self-sacrifice, unselfishness, philanthropy, generosity, charity, charitableness, humanitarianism, humaneness, benevolence, humanity, public-spiritedness: Nick does things for others out of altruism, expecting nothing in return. always alwaysadv. 1 at all times, again and again, on all occasions, every or each time, each and every time, without exception, unexceptionally; often, many times, usually: He that indulges hope will always be disappointed. I have always made coffee this way and see no reason for changing. 2 forever, continually, ever, perpetually; unceasingly, unendingly, eternally, evermore, ever after, everlastingly, till the end of time, in perpetuity: You are a fool, Mike, and you will always be a fool. 3 in any case, as a last resort: You could always refuse to pay. 1.12 amalgam... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= amalgam amalgamn. mixture, blend, combination, alloy, mix, composite, admixture, amalgamation; compound: The population was an amalgam of original settlers and new immigrants. amalgamate amalgamatev. blend, combine, unite, mix, join, consolidate, compound, integrate, merge: The four sentences of the original are amalgamated into two. amalgamation amalgamationn. blend, fusion, combination, mixture, mingling, admixture, composite, compound, blending, joining, consolidating, consolidation, compounding, commingling, fusing, coalescing, coalescence, union, uniting, unification, integration, merger, association, composition: The directors voted for an amalgamation of the two companies that would benefit both. amass amassv. accumulate, mass, pile or heap or rack up, collect, gather (together), assemble, aggregate, cumulate, stock or store up, hoard, set aside: How many points have you amassed? Owing to the bountiful harvest, the farmers amassed huge amounts of grain. amateur amateurn. 1 layman, non-professional, tiro or tyro; dabbler, dilettante, bungler; Colloq US bush-leaguer: When it comes to repairing cars, I'm a mere amateur. adj. 2 lay, non-professional, untrained; unpaid; dilettante, amateurish, unprofessional, unskilled, inexpert, unskilful, clumsy, mediocre, inferior, crude, bungling, second-rate; Colloq US bush-league: The amateur theatre group's performance received excellent reviews. These paintings are strictly amateur and totally without merit. amaze amazev. astound, astonish, surprise, awe, stun, stagger, take aback, floor, dumbfound or dumfound, confound, nonplus, stupefy, Colloq flabbergast, dazzle: Annie Oakley amazed audiences with her fancy shooting. I was amazed that she still cared for me. amazement amazementn. astonishment, surprise, awe, wonder, stupefaction: He stared at her in amazement, sure that he had misunderstood what she was saying. amazing amazingadj. astonishing, astounding, surprising, wonderful, remarkable, extraordinary, marvellous, fabulous, stunning, dazzling, staggering, awesome: The Cossacks put on an amazing display of horsemanship. ambassador ambassadorn. envoy, delegate, legate, emissary, minister, plenipotentiary, diplomat; agent, deputy, representative, (papal) nuncio, messenger: The ambassador must present his credentials to the queen. ambiguity ambiguityn. 1 equivocalness, equivocacy, amphibology or amphiboly; vagueness, indistinctness, uncertainty, indefiniteness, imprecision, inconclusiveness: Ambiguity of language must be avoided in legal documents. 2 equivocation, double-talk, double-speak, equivoque; pun, double entendre, amphibologism: The minister's speech was full of ambiguities. ambiguous ambiguousadj. 1 equivocal, amphibological, amphibolic or amphibolous; misleading: If one says 'Taylor saw Tyler drunk', which one was drunk is ambiguous. 2 doubtful, dubious, questionable, obscure, indistinct, unclear, indefinite, indeterminate, uncertain, undefined, inconclusive, uncertain, vague, misty, foggy, unclear; cryptic, Delphic, enigmatic(al), oracular, mysterious, puzzling; confusable: The soothsayer's prophecies were sufficiently ambiguous to allow for several conflicting interpretations. 3 unreliable, undependable: How can the doctor decide on a correct diagnosis when the symptoms are ambiguous? ambition ambitionn. 1 hunger, thirst, craving, appetite, arrivisme: John's relentless ambition may yet be his undoing. 2 drive, enterprise, energy, initiative, vigour, enthusiasm, zeal, avidity, Colloq get-up-and-go: The company is seeking young men of ambition. You'll never get anywhere, Stewart, since you are totally lacking in ambition. 3 goal, object, aim, aspiration, hope, desire, dream, objective, wish, purpose: It is Olivia's ambition to marry someone with a title. ambitious ambitiousadj. 1 aspiring, hopeful; enthusiastic: My son, I am just as ambitious for you as you are for yourself. 2 energetic, enterprising, vigorous, zealous, enthusiastic, eager: We prefer ambitious young people to those who are seeking a sinecure. 3 greedy, avaricious, overzealous, overambitious, Colloq pushy, yuppy: Howard is a trifle too ambitious, expecting to be department head after only one year. ambush ambushn. 1 trap, ambuscade or Archaic ambuscado: The company set up an ambush near the crossroads. v. 2 lie in wait, trap, waylay, ensnare, entrap, lurk, ambuscade, intercept, Colloq lay in wait, US bushwhack: The guerrillas were ready to ambush the soldiers. amend amendv. 1 reform, change for the better, improve, better, ameliorate: The prisoner believes he could amend his ways if given the chance. 2 correct, emend, emendate, rectify, set to rights, repair, fix, revise: Take whatever time you need to amend the text. amendment amendmentn. 1 correction, emendation, reformation, change, alteration, rectification, repair, reform, improvement, amelioration, betterment, enhancement: The committee approved the amendment of the constitution by the addition of the suggested paragraphs. 2 attachment, addition, addendum; clause, paragraph; alteration: A two-thirds majority in the Congress is needed to pass the amendment. amends amendsn. make amends. compensate, pay, repay, make reparation or restitution, recompense, redress, remedy, requite: How can the bus-driver ever make amends for the loss of a beloved kitten? amiable amiableadj. friendly, well-disposed, kindly, kind, amicable, agreeable, congenial, genial, warm, winsome, winning, affable, agreeable, pleasant, obliging, tractable, approachable, benign, good-natured, good-hearted, kind-hearted; affectionate: Melissa is well named for her sweet and amiable disposition. amicable amicableadj. friendly, amiable, congenial, harmonious, brotherly, kind-hearted; warm, courteous, cordial, polite, civil, pleasant; peaceful, peaceable: Our countries have always enjoyed the most amicable relations. amid amidprep. mid, in or into the middle or midst or centre of, amongst, among, surrounded by, in the thick of, Literary amidst: She is sitting in her cottage, Amid the flowers of May. Without further ado, she plunged amid the waves. amiss amissadj. 1 wrong, at fault, awry, out of order, faulty, defective, improper, untoward; astray, erroneous, fallacious, confused, incorrect, off: Something is amiss with the ignition. If I am amiss in my thinking, let me know. adv. 2 wrong, awry, badly, poorly, imperfectly; inopportunely, unfavourably, unpropitiously: Everything possible has already gone amiss with the rocket launch. 3 wrongly, improperly, badly; incorrectly, inappropriately: A word of advice might not come amiss here. 4 take or think (it) amiss. mistake, misinterpret, misunderstand, take offence (at): I trust that you will not take amiss what I intended as constructive criticism. among amongprep. 1 amongst, amid, amidst, mid, in the midst or middle or centre of, surrounded by: Please take a seat among the people over there. We lay down among the flowers. 2 among, to each or all (of): The examination booklets were passed out among the students. amount amountv. 1 amount to. a add up to, total, aggregate, come (up) to: Waiter, what does my bill amount to, please? b become, develop into: That son of his will never amount to much. n. 2 quantity, volume, mass, expanse, bulk, supply, lot; number; magnitude: What amount of water is needed to fill the container? She eats a huge amount of chocolates every day. 3 (sum) total, aggregate, extent, entirety: What is the amount of the invoice without the tax? ample ampleadj. 1 broad, wide, spacious, extensive, expansive, great: Her ample bosom heaved with sobs. 2 wide-ranging, extensive, broad: In one ample swoop they snatched up all the land. 3 abundant, extensive, fruitful: The event proved a very ample subject for history. 4 abundant, full, complete, plentiful, copious, generous, substantial; sufficient, adequate, enough: He had stored ample provision of food for the winter. 5 liberal, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting, generous, substantial, large, lavish: Steve's contributions have always been ample, especially at Christmas time. 6 copious, full, broad, detailed, extensive, extended, thorough: The subject deserves more ample treatment. amplify amplifyv. 1 broaden, widen, extend, increase, expand (on), enlarge (on), expatiate on, detail; add to, augment, supplement: Let no man comfort him But amplify his grief with bitter words. 2 exaggerate, overstate, magnify, stretch: The reports have amplified the number of horsemen slain in the encounter. 3 enlarge (on), elaborate (on), stretch, lengthen, detail, embellish, embroider: He amplifies every point in microscopic detail. amply amplyadv. 1 widely, broadly, extensively, greatly, expansively: This fabric stretches amply enough to fit over the couch. 2 to a great extent, largely, fully, abundantly: My confidence in her was amply recompensed by her success. 3 abundantly, fully, copiously: The prophecy was amply fulfilled. 4 fully, well, liberally, unstintingly, generously, richly, substantially, lavishly; sufficiently: He has been amply paid for his work. amulet amuletn. charm, talisman, good-luck piece; fetish: Whenever the man rubbed the silver amulet, his number would win. amuse amusev. 1 divert, entertain, please, beguile, interest, occupy: Perhaps the crossword puzzle will amuse her while she is waiting. 2 make laugh, delight, cheer, Colloq tickle: That form of rowdy slapstick doesn't amuse me. amusement amusementn. 1 entertainment, diversion, recreation, pleasure, relaxation, distraction, enjoyment, fun, sport, joke, lark, beguilement: The boys in my class used to pull the wings off flies for amusement. They spent their afternoons in the amusement arcade. 2 entertainment, diversion, divertissement, recreation, distraction, pastime; game, sport: During the festival there are concerts, plays, and other amusements. 1.13 anachronism... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= anachronism anachronismn. misdate, misdating, misapplication; antedate, antedating, prochronism; postdate, postdating, parachronism: The poster showing Cleopatra smoking a cigarette is an anachronism - a prochronism, to be specific. analyse analysev. 1 take apart or to pieces, separate, dissect, break down, anatomize: If we analyse these statistics for England and Wales, we find no pattern. The scientists are analysing the internal constitution of a glacier. 2 examine, investigate, study, scrutinize, interpret; assess, evaluate, critique, criticize, review; estimate, assay, test: We must first explicitly define and analyse the nature of the sample we found. analysis analysisn. 1 examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, enquiry or inquiry, dissection, assay, breakdown, division: The analysis has shown the presence of arsenic in her soup. 2 interpretation, opinion, judgement, criticism, critique; review: She disagrees with our analysis of the poem. ancestor ancestorn. forebear, forefather; forerunner, precursor, antecedent, Formal progenitor, primogenitor: His ancestors were transported to Australia in a prison ship, and he's proud of it. The eohippus, only a foot high, was the ancestor of the horse. anchor anchorn. 1 mooring: The ship rode at anchor in the harbour. 2 stability, security, mainstay, support, stabilizer, holdfast, sheet anchor: Marie is an anchor to windward for George, who tends to be a bit irresponsible. v. 3 attach, affix, secure, moor, fix, fasten; pin, rivet, glue: You must anchor the foundation before adding the walls. She remained anchored to the spot, refusing to move. ancient ancientadj. 1 old, bygone, past, former, earlier, Literary olden: In ancient times there were very few books. 2 old, antique, antediluvian, primitive, prehistoric, primeval, primordial, Noachian, Literary Ogygian: In those ancient days man had only just come down from the trees. 3 old, old-fashioned, archaic, time-worn, aged, ageing, obsolescent, antiquated, elderly, venerable, grey, hoary, superannuated, obsolete, fossil, fossilized: We were accosted by an ancient crone at the mouth of the cave. anger angern. 1 rage, wrath, ire, fury, pique, spleen, choler; antagonism, irritation, vexation, indignation, displeasure, annoyance, irritability, resentment, outrage: Her anger got the better of her, so she simply punched him. v. 2 enrage, infuriate, madden, pique, incense, raise one's hackles, make one's blood boil, rile, gall; annoy, irritate, vex, nettle, displease, exasperate, provoke: Father was so angered by the insult that he refused to pay. angle angle¹n. 1 slant, oblique, corner, edge, intersection; bend, cusp, point, apex, projection: The two walls meet at an angle. 2 slant, point of view, aspect, viewpoint, standpoint, approach, position, side, perspective: The managing editor told me he's looking for a new angle on the kidnapping story. angle angle²v. angle for. fish for; look for, seek, be after, try for, hunt for: On holiday we went angling for perch. Fran is angling for compliments on her new dress. angry angryadj. 1 enraged, furious, irate, resentful, ireful, wrathful, piqued, incensed, infuriated, fuming; irritated, irritable, annoyed, vexed, irascible, provoked, indignant, exasperated, splenetic, Literary wroth, Colloq livid, hot under the collar, on the warpath, (all) steamed up, up in arms, mad, Slang browned off, Brit cheesed off: Father was angry with me for letting the cat out. 2 inflamed, irritated, sore, smarting: He has an angry lesion where the fetters rubbed against his ankles. anguish anguishn. 1 suffering, pain, agony, torment, torture, misery: She endured the anguish of toothache rather than go to the dentist. 2 suffering, grief, distress, woe, anxiety: He underwent terrible anguish in the waiting-room till the surgeon arrived. v. 3 disturb, upset, distress, afflict, trouble; torment, torture: The anguished cries of prisoners could be heard. animal animaln. 1 creature, being, mammal, organism: Scientists are unlikely to employ the popular division of all things into animal, vegetable, or mineral. 2 beast, brute, savage, monster: Think of the poor girl married to that animal! adj. 3 zoological, zooid, animalistic: The sponge is a member of the animal kingdom. 4 physical, fleshly, sensual, gross, coarse, unrefined, uncultured, uncultivated, rude, carnal, crude, bestial, beastlike, subhuman: His animal appetites occasionally got the better of him. animate animatev. 1 activate, enliven, invigorate, stimulate, inspirit, excite, stir, vitalize, spark, vivify, revitalize, breathe life into, innervate: A little enthusiasm would have animated their dull relationship. 2 inspire, inspirit, stimulate, actuate, move, motivate, incite, rouse, arouse, excite, fire (up), encourage, energize, vitalize, spur (on or onwards): He spent the few minutes before the battle in animating his soldiers. adj. 3 lively, spirited, vivacious, animated, quick: A courser more animate of eye, Of form more faultless never had been seen. 4 alive, moving, breathing, Archaic quick: Although they move, plants are not considered to be animate. animated animatedadj. 1 lively, quick, spirited, active, vivacious, energetic, vigorous, excited, ebullient, enthusiastic, dynamic, vibrant, ardent, enlivened, passionate, impassioned, fervent: In the corner, Terence was engaged in an animated conversation with Mary. 2 mechanical, automated, lifelike, moving: Each Christmas, the shop has an animated window display. animation animationn. 1 spirit, spiritedness, vitality, dash, élan, zest, fervour, verve, liveliness, fire, ardour, ardency, exhilaration, intensity, energy, pep, dynamism, enthusiasm, excitement, vigour, vivacity: Johnson was in high spirits, talking with great animation. 2 enlivenment, liveliness, energizing, invigoration, enlivening, innervation: The scout leader was credited with the animation of the youths in his care. animosity animosityn. hostility, antagonism, antipathy, ill will, malevolence, enmity, hatred, animus, loathing, detestation, contempt; bad blood, malice, bitterness, acrimony, resentment, rancour: The animosity he felt for his brother soon disappeared. announce announcev. 1 proclaim, make public, make known, set or put forth, put out, publish, advertise, publicize, promulgate, broadcast, herald; circulate; tell, reveal, disclose, divulge, declare, propound: The appointment of a new prime minister has been announced. 2 intimate, suggest, hint at, signal: The sight of a top hat announced Gordon's presence in the club. 3 declare, tell, state, aver, assert, asseverate; notify; confirm: The president announced that he was resigning because of the scandal. 4 foretell, betoken, augur, portend, presage, harbinger, herald, signal; precede: The sighting of the first crocus announces spring. announcement announcementn. 1 declaration, pronouncement, proclamation, statement: Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to make an announcement. 2 notification, notice, word: We received an announcement of the wedding but no invitation. 3 commercial, advertisement, advert, ad, spot: The window was filled with announcements of houses for sale. 4 report, bulletin, communiqu‚, disclosure: An announcement has just been received from the fire-fighters at the scene. announcer announcern. presenter, master of ceremonies, master of the revels, MC, emcee, reporter, anchorman, anchorwoman, anchor; newsreader, newscaster, sportscaster, weatherman, weathergirl: The announcer didn't get my name right. annoy annoyv. 1 irritate, bother, irk, vex, nettle, get on (someone's) nerves, exasperate, provoke, incense, rile, madden, Colloq get at: The anonymous telephone calls were beginning to annoy us. 2 pester, harass, harry, badger, nag, plague, molest, bedevil, Colloq bug, needle, hassle, Slang get up someone's nose: Stop annoying me with your persistent requests for money. annoyance annoyancen. 1 irritation, bother, vexation, exasperation, pique, aggravation, Colloq botheration: Must I put up with the annoyance of that constant bickering? 2 nuisance, pest, irritant, bore, Colloq pain, pain in the neck or arse or US ass: He's such an annoyance, I wish he'd leave. answer answern. 1 reply, response; rejoinder, retort, riposte, Colloq comeback: The boy's answer is unprintable. 2 Law defence, counter-statement, plea, explanation; Technical declaration, plea, replication, rejoinder, surrejoinder, rebutter or rebuttal, surrebutter or surrebuttal: Her answer to the charge was 'Not Guilty'. 3 solution, explanation: Ten points were taken off because I had the wrong answer to question three. v. 4 reply, respond; retort, rejoin, riposte: When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer. 5 satisfy, fulfil, suffice for, meet, suit, serve, fit, fill, conform to, correlate with: The bequest answered my needs for the moment. 6 answer back. talk back (to): How dare you answer your father back! 7 answer for. a be accountable or responsible or answerable for, be to blame for; take or undertake responsibility for; sponsor, support, guarantee: I answer alone to Allah for my motives. So shall my righteousness answer for me. b make amends for, atone for, suffer the consequences of: Caesar was ambitious and he answered for it with his life. c take or accept the blame for: Andy shouldn't have to answer for his brother's shortcomings. antagonism antagonismn. 1 opposition, animosity, enmity, rancour, hostility, antipathy: It is difficult to understand your antagonism towards classical music. 2 conflict, rivalry, discord, dissension, friction, strife; contention: Giving jobs only to personal friends has engendered antagonism. antagonist antagonistn. adversary, opponent, enemy, foe; contender, competitor, competition, opposition: The antagonists prepared to fight. anticipate anticipatev. 1 forestall, intercept, preclude, obviate, prevent; nullify: She anticipated her opponent's manoeuvre by moving the queen's bishop one square. 2 foretell, forecast, predict, prophesy, foretaste, foresee: He anticipated that flying would be a future mode of locomotion. 3 expect, look forward to, prepare for; count or reckon on: We eagerly anticipated the arrival of Uncle Robert. anticipation anticipationn. 1 expectation, expectancy; hope: In anticipation of the arrival of Father Christmas, we hung up our stockings. 2 foreknowledge, precognition; intuition, presentiment, feeling; foreboding, apprehension: His anticipation of the solar eclipse by a week established him as the foremost scientist of his day. antidote antidoten. antitoxin, antiserum, antivenin; counteractant, counterirritant; cure, remedy, specific; medication, medicine, drug, medicament, Technical alexipharmic: The old prospector says that the best antidote against snakebite is whisky. antiquated antiquatedadj. old, old-fashioned, outmoded, pass‚, out of date, dated, archaic, obsolescent, antique, obsolete, quaint, ancient, antediluvian, medieval or mediaeval, primitive; extinct; Colloq old hat: Antiquated laws list penalties for practising witchcraft. antique antiqueadj. 1 old, old-fashioned; antiquated, outmoded, pass‚, out of date, obsolete: She wore the antique clothing she had found in the trunk. n. 2 collectable or collectible, collector's item, bibelot, objet d'art, objet de vertu, object or article of virtu, heirloom, curio, rarity: His hobby is collecting antiques. anxiety anxietyn. 1 solicitude, concern, uneasiness, disquiet, nervousness, worry, dread, angst, apprehension, foreboding: Philip began to feel genuine anxiety over Tanya's safety. 2 appetite, hunger, thirst, desire, eagerness, longing, ache, concern: It is every person's anxiety to obtain for himself the inestimable pearl of genuine knowledge. anxious anxiousadj. 1 troubled, uneasy, disquieted, uncertain, apprehensive; solicitous, concerned, worried, distressed, disturbed, nervous, tense, fretful, on edge, restless, edgy, perturbed, upset; wary, cautious, careful, watchful: She has been terribly anxious about the diagnosis. We were anxious for her safety. 2 desirous, eager, keen, enthusiastic, ardent, agog, avid, yearning, longing, aching, impatient: I was anxious to visit the Pitti Palace once again. 1.14 apart... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= apart apartadv. 1 aside, to one side, by oneself, at a distance, separate, separately: He stood apart when the awards were given out. 2 separately, distinctly, individually, singly, alone, independently: The provisions of the bill should be seen together as a whole, not viewed apart. 3 to or into pieces, asunder: At the touch of the button, the building blew apart. 4 apart from. except for, excepting, separately from, aside from, besides, but for, not including, excluding, not counting: Apart from the immediate family, no one knows of your indiscretions. aperture aperturen. opening, space, gap, cleft, chink, crevice, crack, fissure, hole, chasm: As much water ran through as the aperture could accommodate. apologetic apologeticadj. regretful, sorry, contrite, remorseful, penitent, rueful, repentant, conscience-stricken: The lad was most apologetic for having broken the window. apologize apologizev. 1 beg or ask pardon, express regret(s), feel sorry or regretful or remorse(ful): You needn't apologize for sneezing. 2 make or give excuses or explanation(s), defend, justify, vindicate, espouse: You don't have to apologize for her. appal appalv. dismay, shock, discomfit, unnerve, intimidate, terrify, frighten, scare, horrify, alarm, startle, daunt: The council were appalled to discover that the police superintendent was accepting bribes. apparatus apparatusn. equipment, requisites, tool, instrument, utensil, device, implement, machine, machinery, gear, paraphernalia, tackle, outfit; appliance, Colloq contraption, gadgetry, gadget: The apparatus needed for the experiment is here. apparel appareln. clothing, attire, clothes, dress, raiment, garments, Colloq gear, rags, glad rags, duds, Slang US threads: The police found various items of apparel strewn about the flat. apparent apparentadj. 1 evident, plain, clear, obvious, patent, unmistakable; conspicuous, marked, manifest, visible, discernible: It was apparent to all of us that she would become a successful opera singer. 2 appearing, seeming, illusory, ostensible, superficial, outward: In an apparent show of strength, he ordered his forces to attack the capital. apparently apparentlyadv. 1 evidently, plainly, clearly, obviously, patently, manifestly: There is apparently no cure in sight for the disease. 2 seemingly, ostensibly, superficially, outwardly: In stop-action photography, the bullet apparently hangs in mid-air. appeal appealv. 1 entreat, supplicate, solicit, plead, petition, apply, sue; beseech, beg, implore, pray: She appealed to the king to release her son from the dungeon. 2 attract, be attractive to, allure, please; invite, tempt, beguile, fascinate, interest: He seems to appeal to older women. n. 3 application, suit; entreaty, call, request, supplication, solicitation, petition, plea; prayer: Her appeal to the court has been dismissed. I don't know if God heard our appeal. 4 attraction, lure, allurement, charm, fascination: It is not hard to see why his type would have some appeal. appear appearv. 1 come forth, become visible or manifest, put in an appearance, materialize, surface, emerge, rise, arise, come up, enter (into) the picture, show oneself, turn up, arrive, come, Colloq crop or show up; Slang show: Suddenly, a vision appeared before me. His wife appeared after an absence of ten years. 2 perform, act, play, take the role or part of: She has appeared as Roxanne in dozens of productions of Cyrano de Bergerac . 3 occur, happen, come up, be included, figure, arrive: That four-letter word does not appear in written form till the 20th century. 4 seem, be clear or evident or plain or manifest; look: It appears that the money was taken while the manager was at lunch. 5 be published, come out, become available: The next issue will appear in March. appearance appearancen. 1 arrival, advent; presence; publication: I was awaiting the appearance of the book in the shops. 2 aspect, look(s), form; mien, air, demeanour; bearing, manner: The doorman would not let him in because of his shabby appearance. 3 display, show: Their fine horses with their rich trappings made a splendid appearance. 4 semblance, show, hint, suggestion; illusion: She gave no appearance of wanting to go. appetite appetiten. 1 desire, inclination, proclivity, tendency, disposition, bent, preference, liking, predilection, zest, fondness, love, zeal; enthusiasm; taste, relish; Formal appetency, appetence: I have never lost my appetite for chocolate. They tried to suppress their bodily appetites, such as hunger and lust. 2 craving, hunger, thirst, desire, keenness, hankering, yearning, longing, passion, demand, Formal edacity: She developed an insatiable appetite for reading. applaud applaudv. 1 approve, express approval, clap, cheer, give (someone) a hand, Colloq root (for): The audience applauded when the villain was caught. 2 express approval of, praise, laud, hail, commend: Susan's parents applauded her decision to apply for university. applause applausen. clapping, acclamation, acclaim, ‚clat; cheering, cheers; approval, commendation, approbation, praise, kudos, plaudit(s): At the curtain there was applause from the audience. applicable applicableadj. fit, suitable, suited, appropriate, proper, apropos, fitting, befitting, pertinent, apt, germane, right, seemly, relevant, apposite: Are the laws of the mainland applicable to the islands? application applicationn. 1 use, employment, utilization, practice, operation: The committee wants to see a sterner application of the law with respect to mail-order offers. 2 relevancy, relevance, reference, pertinence, germaneness, appositeness; bearing: The application of the regulation to present circumstances is somewhat vague. 3 attention; diligence, industriousness, effort, perseverance, persistence, assiduity, devotion, dedication, commitment, attentiveness Colloq stick-to-it-iveness; industry: Her application to her studies leaves little time for recreation. Without application, you will never develop much skill at the piano. 4 request, solicitation; appeal, petition, claim: Gavin made six job applications. The board will consider your application. apply applyv. 1 fasten, fix, affix, stick, cement, glue: The signs were applied to the window with a special substance. 2 administer, rub in or on, embrocate: The doctor said to apply this ointment before retiring. 3 appropriate, assign, allot, credit; use, utilize, employ, put to use: He had many skills, but failed to apply them in his daily work. The money raised for food was illegally applied to paying the administrators. 4 bear, have bearing; be relevant, refer, pertain, appertain, relate, suit: I am not sure that the law applies to this situation. 5 devote, dedicate, commit, focus, concentrate, pay attention, address; do, attend, tend, Colloq buckle down (to): He stubbornly applies himself to the task at hand. 6 seek, go after; register, bid, try out, put in; audition, interview, make application: Are you qualified to apply for a job as a nanny? 7 petition, solicit; appeal, request: Geraldine applied to the court for compensation. appoint appointv. 1 fix, set, settle, determine, ordain, authorize, establish, destine, arrange, assign, allot, prescribe, decree: The time appointed for the execution has been delayed. 2 name, designate, nominate, elect; assign, delegate, commission, deputize; select, choose: I was delighted to have been appointed as chairman. 3 equip, fit out, furnish, decorate: They live comfortably in a well-appointed home in the suburbs. appointment appointmentn. 1 meeting, date, rendezvous, engagement; assignation, tryst: You are again late for your appointment. 2 nomination, election; assignment, designation; selection, choice: We fully approve of his appointment as chairman. 3 job, position, post, situation, office, place, assignment, Colloq berth, slot: He got the appointment as manager. appreciate appreciatev. 1 value, find worthwhile or valuable; esteem, cherish, enjoy, admire, rate or regard highly, prize, treasure, respect: I appreciate all you have done for me. Delia's contribution is not really appreciated. 2 increase or rise or gain in value or worth: The property in this area has been appreciating at a rate of about ten per cent a year. 3 understand, comprehend, recognize, perceive, know, be aware or cognizant or conscious of: Do you appreciate the implications of the new tax law? appreciation appreciationn. 1 gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, thanks; acknowledgement; obligation: She is trying to think of an appropriate way to express her appreciation for all he has done. 2 increase, rise, advance, growth, enhancement, gain; aggrandizement: The appreciation in the value of the shares made me very wealthy on paper - till the stock-market crash. 3 understanding, comprehension, perception, recognition, knowledge, awareness; realization, enjoyment; admiration: It's fortunate that Richard's appreciation of the finer things in life is supported by his income. apprentice apprenticen. 1 novice, tiro or tyro, learner, starter, beginner, greenhorn, Colloq US rookie: Lever served as an apprentice in the soap factory. v. 2 indenture, contract, bind: Cartwright was apprenticed to a carpenter before becoming a journeyman cabinet-maker. approach approachv. 1 near, advance, draw or come near or nearer or close or closer, Formal come nigh: Claude approached the table. As night approached, the sky darkened. With approaching manhood, you must take on more responsibilities. 2 approximate, nearly equal, come close to, compare with: The total is beginning to approach your estimate. 3 make advances or overtures to, proposition, propose to, sound out, make (a) proposal to, solicit, Colloq chat up: Theo makes mincemeat of any man who tries to approach his daughter. n. 4 approaches. advances, overtures, proposals, propositions: Michelle had no intention of discouraging Pierre's approaches. 5 access, passage, way, path, course; entry: The approach to the house was overgrown with brambles. 6 advance, movement: Our approach to the gates was being watched very carefully. 7 method, procedure, modus operandi, way, technique, style, manner, attitude, Slang US MO (= 'modus operandi'): Our approach in dealing with the problem is different. appropriate appropriateadj. 1 suitable, apt, fitting, fit, proper, right, meet, becoming, befitting, seemly, suited, apropos, correct, germane, pertinent, happy, felicitous: Will a dinner-jacket be appropriate attire? She has written a poem appropriate to the occasion. v. 2 take, take over, seize, expropriate, arrogate, annex, impound; commandeer; steal, pilfer, filch, usurp, make away or off with, Colloq pinch, lift, Brit nick, US boost: The police appropriated the paintings. Somebody has appropriated my chair. 3 set aside or apart, devote, assign, earmark, allot, apportion: Most of the money has been appropriated for back taxes. appropriately appropriatelyadv. fittingly, suitably, properly, correctly, aptly, rightly, becomingly, meetly: She came down appropriately dressed for dinner. approval approvaln. sanction, approbation, blessing, consent, agreement, concurrence; endorsement, acceptance, imprimatur, affirmation, ‚clat, confirmation, mandate, authorization; licence, leave, permission, rubber stamp, Colloq OK, okay, go-ahead, green light: I don't think that the plan will meet with the committee's approval. We gave our approval to proceed. approve approvev. 1 Often, approve of. allow, countenance, condone, permit, sanction, authorize, endorse, put one's imprimatur on, agree (to), accept, assent (to), go along with, Colloq OK or okay, give the green light or go-ahead or one's blessing (to), rubber-stamp: The headmistress would never approve your leaving the building during classes. 2 confirm, affirm, support, ratify, uphold, subscribe to, second, give the stamp of approval to; favour, commend, recommend: Sheila Jones's appointment to the commission has been approved unanimously. 3 approve of. sanction, consider fair or good or right, accept, favour, respect, be partial to, like, have regard for, have a preference for, tolerate, reconcile oneself to: I always had the feeling that her father didn't quite approve of me. approximate approximateadj. 1 rough, inexact, loose, imprecise, estimated, Colloq guestimated, ballpark: The figures are only approximate, not exact. v. 2 near, approach, come close to, verge on: Your estimates approximate those of the budget committee. 3 resemble, approach, look or seem like; simulate: The laboratory tests on rats approximate the way the virus behaves in humans. approximately approximatelyadv. approaching; nearly, almost, close to, about, around, give or take, roughly, generally: I haven't seen Sally for approximately three weeks. There are approximately fifty people in the audience. aptitude aptituden. 1 fitness, suitability, appropriateness, relevance, applicability, suitableness, aptness: One need only look at an albatross in the air to appreciate its aptitude for flight. 2 tendency, propensity, disposition, predilection, bent, proclivity; talent, gift, ability, capability, facility, faculty, flair: Helen displays a natural aptitude for the violin. 3 intelligence, quick-wittedness, intellect; capacity, aptness: The aptitude of that new student sets her apart from the others in the class. 1.15 arbitrary... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= arbitrary arbitraryadj. 1 capricious, varying, erratic, uncertain, inconsistent, doubtful, unpredictable, whimsical, irrational, chance, random, inconsistent, subjective, unreasoned, irrational, Colloq chancy, iffy: The choices are entirely arbitrary, totally at the whim of the council and not based on research or knowledge. 2 absolute, tyrannical, despotic, authoritarian, magisterial, summary, peremptory, autocratic, dogmatic, imperious, uncompromising, inconsiderate, high-handed, dictatorial, Rare thetic(al): The conduct of the archbishop appears to have been arbitrary and harsh. arch archadj. 1 chief, principal, prime, primary, pre-eminent, foremost, first, greatest, consummate, major: Moriarty was Holmes's arch-enemy. 2 clever, cunning, crafty, roguish, tricky, shrewd, artful, sly, designing: Brendan loves to play his arch pranks on unsuspecting friends. 3 waggish, saucy, mischievous, prankish: I could tell from the lad's arch expression that he had thrown the snowball. ardent ardentadj. eager, intense, zealous, keen, fervent, fervid, passionate, avid, fierce, impassioned, hot, warm; enthusiastic: Diane was carrying on ardent love affairs with at least three men. ardour ardourn. eagerness, desire, zeal, fervency, burning desire, keenness, fervour, passion, heat, warmth; enthusiasm: Bernadette has supported the cause with great ardour. arduous arduousadj. 1 laborious, difficult, hard, tough, strenuous, onerous, burdensome, back-breaking, painful, Formal operose; tiring, exhausting, wearisome, fatiguing, taxing, gruelling, trying, formidable: The Sherpas were well equipped for the arduous climb. What an arduous task it is to read the proofs of a dictionary! 2 energetic, strenuous, vigorous: Montrose made arduous efforts to reconstruct his army. area arean. 1 space, room: Is there enough floor area here for the carpet? 2 extent, limit, compass, size, square footage, acreage: The area of my greenhouse is thirty by fifteen feet. 3 space, field, region, tract, territory, district, zone, stretch; section, quarter, precinct, arrondissement, neighbourhood, locality, bailiwick, US block: An area was set aside for a garden. There has been a lot of crime in that area lately. 4 scope, range, extent, breadth, compass, section: His studies cover only one area of Scottish history. 5 court, courtyard, enclosure, close, yard; square, ground, arena, field, parade-ground, parade: The soldiers drill in the area behind the barracks. argue arguev. 1 dispute, debate, disagree, bicker, wrangle, quarrel, squabble, spar, fight, remonstrate, altercate, Colloq chiefly Brit row, scrap: The couple next door are continually arguing with each other at the tops of their voices. 2 discuss, reason, debate, wrangle: He would argue by the hour, but never for arguing's sake. 3 make a case, talk, plead, debate, contend: I cannot tell whether she's arguing for or against the proposition. 4 prove, evince, indicate, denote, demonstrate, show, establish, suggest, signify, betoken: The increase in street crime argues that the police are not visible enough. 5 say, assert, hold, maintain, reason, claim, contend: The defendant argued that he had never met the witness. 6 argue into or out of. persuade or dissuade, talk out of or into, prevail upon; convince: I argued him out of sailing to Bermuda alone. She succeeded in arguing me into going to the tea dance. argument argumentn. 1 debate, dispute, disagreement, quarrel, controversy, polemic, wrangle, squabble, tiff, spat, altercation; conflict, fight, fracas, affray, fray, Donnybrook, feud, Colloq row, falling-out, scrap, barney: The argument was about who had invented the wheel. The argument spilt out into the street. 2 point, position, (line of) reasoning, logic, plea, claim, pleading, assertion, contention, case; defence: His argument has merit. Arthur's argument falls apart when he brings in the phlogiston theory. argumentative argumentativeadj. quarrelsome, disputatious, belligerent, combative, contentious, litigious, disagreeable, testy: Evelyn is irritable and argumentative. arise arisev. 1 rise, get up, stand up, get to one's feet; wake up, get out of bed, awake: We arose when Lady Spencer entered the room. I have arisen before dawn all my life. 2 rise, go up, come up, ascend, climb; mount: The full moon arose in the eastern sky. 3 come up, be brought up, be mentioned, Colloq crop up: The subject never would have arisen if the waiter hadn't spilt the wine on me. 4 spring up, begin, start (up), originate, come up, Colloq crop up: A very unpleasant situation has arisen regarding the missing funds. aroma aroman. 1 smell, odour, fragrance, scent, perfume, savour, bouquet; redolence: Don't you just love to be awakened by the aroma of fresh coffee? 2 smell, odour, character, aura, atmosphere, flavour, hint, suggestion: There is an aroma of dishonesty about them that I can't quite identify. aromatic aromaticadj. fragrant, spicy, perfumed, savoury, pungent: A most agreeable scent came from a bowl of aromatic herbs. around aroundadv. 1 about, approximately, nearly, almost, roughly; circa: There were around a dozen of us in the place. 2 about, everywhere, in every direction, on all sides, all over, throughout: By this time the savages were all around and we couldn't move. 3 round, about, for everyone or all, US also 'round: I don't think we have enough food to go around. 4 round, about, all about, everywhere, here and there, hither and thither, hither and yon, far and wide: The tinker travelled around selling his wares and repairing pots. prep. 5 round, about, surrounding, encompassing, enveloping, encircling, on all sides of, in all directions from, enclosing: The fields around the castle were cultivated by tenant farmers. 6 about, approximately, roughly; circa: He was born around the turn of the century. arouse arousev. 1 awaken, raise (up), wake up, waken, rouse, revive, stir (up): I was aroused by the noise and reached for my pistol. 2 excite, stir up, stimulate, awaken, summon up, spark, Colloq turn on: My suspicions were aroused because she was carrying my umbrella. 3 provoke, encourage, quicken, foster, call forth, stir up, kindle, foment: The song aroused feelings of patriotism among the recruits. arrange arrangev. 1 order, dispose, array, organize, sort (out), systematize, group, set up, rank, line up, align, form, position: The teachers arranged the children according to height. The flowers were arranged in a vase so as to conceal the listening device. 2 settle, plan, set (up), organize, orchestrate, manipulate, choreograph; predetermine, decide, prepare, determine, prearrange, devise, bring about, contrive; fix it: Everything has been arranged - you won't have to lift a finger. For a small fee I can arrange for you to win the first prize. 3 orchestrate, score, adapt: Flemburgh has arranged music for some of the best-known modern composers. arrangement arrangementn. 1 order, disposition, grouping, organization, array, display, structure, structuring, ordering, alignment, line-up, Colloq set-up: Don't you care for the arrangement of the furniture, Milady? 2 structure, combination, construction, contrivance, affair, set-up: An arrangement of bricks served as a hearth. 3 settlement, agreement, terms, plan, contract, covenant, compact: The arrangement called for Bosworth to get ten per cent of the gross profits. 4 orchestration, score, instrumentation, adaptation, interpretation, version: I prefer Fats Waller's arrangement of 'Sugar Blues'. 5 arrangements. preparations, plans; groundwork, planning: Arrangements have been made for the limousine to pick you up at five. arrest arrestv. 1 stop, halt, check, stall, forestall, detain, delay, hinder, restrain, obstruct, prevent, block, interrupt: The progress of the train has been arrested. 2 catch, capture, seize, apprehend, take, take in, take into custody, detain, Colloq nab, pinch, collar, bust, run in, Brit nick: Foxworthy was arrested crossing the border. 3 slow, retard, stop: I'm afraid that we have here a case of arrested mental development. n. 4 seizure, capture, apprehension, detention; restraint, Colloq bust, US collar: The police have made six arrests. 5 stop, stoppage, check, cessation: The doctor said it was a case of cardiac arrest. 6 under arrest. in custody, under legal restraint, in the hands of the law, imprisoned, arrested: You are under arrest for the murder of one Hugh Brown, and anything you say may be used in evidence against you. arresting arrestingadj. striking, shocking, remarkable, impressive, electrifying, stunning, extraordinary, surprising, dazzling: It is indeed an experience to be in the presence of such an arresting beauty. arrival arrivaln. 1 coming, advent, appearance: We have been awaiting your arrival for weeks. 2 newcomer; immigrant; traveller, passenger; tourist; Australian migrant, new chum: The arrivals on flight 422 were questioned about a bearded passenger on the plane. arrive arrivev. 1 come, make one's appearance, appear, turn up, Colloq show up; Slang hit (town), blow in: She arrived only two minutes before the plane was to take off. 2 succeed, prosper, get ahead (in the world), reach the top, Colloq make it, make the grade, get somewhere, get there: Yuppies believe that once they own a fur coat and a Mercedes, they've arrived. 3 arrive at. come or get to, reach; attain: I think that Crumley has arrived at the stage in his career where he merits a promotion. arrogance arrogancen. self-assertion, impertinence, insolence, presumption, nerve, effrontery, gall, presumptuousness, self-importance, conceit, egotism, hauteur, haughtiness, loftiness, pride, hubris, pompousness, pomposity, pretension, pretentiousness, bluster, snobbery, snobbishness, Colloq snottiness, Slang Brit side: He has the arrogance to assume that I wish to see him again. arrogant arrogantadj. 1 presumptuous, assuming, self-assertive, conceited, egotistical, pompous, superior, brazen, bumptious, cavalier: It would be most arrogant of me to take for myself the glory that rightfully belongs to the whole team. 2 haughty, overbearing, imperious, high-handed, overweening, disdainful, contemptuous, scornful, snobbish, supercilious, lofty, swaggering , Brit toffee-nosed; Colloq uppity, on one's high horse, high and mighty, snotty: Since her husband was made a company director, she's become unbearably arrogant. art artn. 1 skill, skilfulness, ingenuity, aptitude, talent, artistry, craftsmanship; knowledge, expertise; craft, technique, adroitness, dexterity, Colloq know-how: Little art is required to plant turnips. 2 artistry, artisticness; taste, tastefulness: High art differs from low art in possessing an excess of beauty in addition to its truth. 3 craft, technique, business, profession, skill: The fishermen can't employ their art with much success in so troubled a sea. 4 knack, aptitude, faculty, technique, mastery; dexterity, adroitness: Conversation may be esteemed a gift, not an art. You have acquired the art of insulting people without their realizing it. 5 trickery, craftiness, cunning, wiliness, slyness, guile, deceit, duplicity, artfulness, cleverness, astuteness: You have to admire the art with which she wraps him round her little finger. 6 arts. wiles, schemes, stratagems, artifices, subterfuges, tricks; manoeuvres,: She was expert in the arts which ladies sometimes condescend to employ for captivation. artful artfuladj. 1 scheming, wily, sly, cunning, foxy, tricky, crafty, deceitful, underhand or underhanded, double-dealing, guileful, disingenuous: That artful fellow managed to sell me a completely useless gadget. 2 ingenious, clever, astute, shrewd, dexterous: She has practised her artful deceptions so long that nobody believes anything she says. artifice artificen. 1 skill, cunning, trickery, craft, craftiness, artfulness, guile, duplicity, deception, chicanery, underhandedness, shrewdness, slyness, wiliness, trickiness: He used artifice to get control of the firm. 2 stratagem, device, manoeuvre, trick, contrivance, wile, ruse, subterfuge, expedient, contrivance, Colloq dodge: They were deluded by artifices to cheat them out of their money. artificial artificialadj. 1 unnatural, synthetic, man-made, manufactured, simulated, imitation, plastic: The museum has a strange collection of artificial teeth on display. 2 made-up, concocted, bogus, fake, sham, false, counterfeit, Colloq phoney or US also phony: The figures used in the sample survey are entirely artificial. 3 affected, unnatural, forced, pretended, high-sounding, feigned, assumed, contrived, factitious; meretricious, insincere, sham, faked, Colloq phoney or US also phony: I tell you that Alan's concern for you is entirely artificial. artless artlessadj. 1 innocent, sincere, guileless, ingenuous, true, natural, open, unartificial, genuine, simple, direct, candid, frank, honest, straightforward, above-board, uncomplicated, undevious, undeceptive , Colloq upfront, on the level, on the up and up: Imitation is a kind of artless flattery. 2 unpretentious, unassuming, unaffected, natural, simple, na‹ve, unsophisticated, plain, ordinary, humble: The remarks were those of an artless young man who meant nothing sinister. 3 unskilled, untalented, unskilful, unpractised, inexperienced, inexpert, primitive, unproficient, incompetent, inept, clumsy, crude, awkward, bungling: Clogs must be the most artless footwear ever made. 1.16 ashamed... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ashamed ashamedadj. embarrassed, abashed, humiliated, chagrined, mortified, blushing, shamefaced, sheepish, red-faced: I was ashamed to have to admit that it was I who had written the nasty letter. ask askv. 1 question, interrogate, query, quiz; inquire or enquire (of): Let's ask the policeman for information. Just ask directions of any passer-by. I merely asked if you were going my way. 2 demand, require, expect, request: Doing his laundry is a lot to ask. 3 beg, apply (to), appeal (to), seek (from), solicit (from), petition, plead (to), beg, beseech, pray, entreat, implore: In the streets, thousands of beggars ask passers-by for alms. 4 invite, bid, summon: Nellie asked me to dinner. 5 ask after or about. inquire or enquire after or about: My sister asked after you - wanted to know how you were getting along. 6 ask for. a invite, attract, encourage, provoke: You're asking for trouble if you walk alone through that neighbourhood after dark. b request, seek: We asked for more time to finish the project. aspect aspectn. 1 viewpoint, point of view, position, standpoint, side: Looked at from a different aspect, the problem did not seem insurmountable after all. 2 complexion, light, angle, interpretation, mien, face: His conviction for robbery put a different aspect on hiring him as a security guard. 3 exposure, prospect, outlook, orientation: The western aspect of the room made it sunny in the afternoons. 4 side, feature, attribute, characteristic, quality, detail, angle, facet, manifestation, element, circumstance: There are many aspects of Buddhism that you do not understand. aspersion aspersionn. slander, libel, false insinuation, calumny, imputation, allegation, detraction, slur, obloquy, defamation, disparagement: He resented my casting aspersions on the legitimacy of his birth. aspiration aspirationn. desire, longing, yearning, craving, hankering, wish, dream, hope; ambition, aim, goal, objective, purpose, intention, plan, scheme, plot: It was his lifelong aspiration to marry someone with money. aspire aspirev. aspire to. desire, hope, long, wish, aim, yearn; dream of: I'd never aspire to anything higher. He still aspired to being a full professor. assailant assailantn. attacker, assaulter, mugger: My assailant threatened me with a knife. assault assaultn. 1 attack, onslaught, onset, charge, offensive, blitzkrieg, blitz, strike, raid, incursion, sortie; aggression, invasion: At dawn we launched the assault on the fort. 2 beating, battering, hold-up, mugging; rape, violation, molestation; Law battery: The defendant is accused of assault. v. 3 attack, assail, set or fall upon, pounce upon, storm, beset, charge, rush, lay into: The elderly couple were assaulted near their home. 4 rape, violate, molest: Three women were assaulted in that neighbourhood last night. 5 beat (up), batter, bruise, harm, hit, strike, punch, smite: She complained that her husband continually assaulted the children. assemble assemblev. 1 convene, gather, call or bring or get together, convoke, summon, muster, marshal, rally, levy, round up, collect, congregate, forgather or foregather; meet: The forces were assembled along the waterfront. A small crowd assembled at the airport. 2 accumulate, gather, amass, collect, bring or group or lump together, compile, unite, join or draw together: The paintings were assembled from many sources. 3 construct, put together, erect, set up, fit or join or piece together, connect, fabricate, manufacture, make: The sculpture was assembled from so-called objets trouv‚s , or 'found' objects. assembly assemblyn. 1 gathering, group, meeting, assemblage, body, circle, company, congregation, flock, crowd, throng, multitude, host; horde: A huge assembly of well-wishers greeted the candidate. 2 convocation, council, convention, congress, association, conclave; diet, synod: The assembly voted to re-elect the incumbent officers. 3 construction, putting together, erection, connection, setting up, set-up, fitting or joining or piecing together, fabrication; manufacture, making: Assembly of the bicycle can be completed in an hour. assertion assertionn. 1 statement, declaration, affirmation, contention, asseveration, averment, avowal, pronouncement; Law affidavit, deposition: He made the assertion that he had never seen the defendant before. 2 insistence, proclamation, representation, affirmation, confirmation: The kings exercised their jurisdiction in the assertion of their regal power. assertive assertiveadj. declaratory, affirmative, asseverative; definite, certain, sure, positive, firm, emphatic, bold, aggressive, confident, insistent; dogmatic, doctrinaire, domineering, opinionated, peremptory, Colloq bossy, pushy: Harold won't obey unless his mother adopts an assertive tone with him. asset assetn. 1 Also, assets. property, resources, possessions, holdings, effects, capital, means, valuables, money, wealth: We have to pay a tax on the company's assets. Her only liquid asset was some shares in the Suez Canal Company. 2 talent, strength, advantage, resource, benefit: His main asset is that he speaks fluent Japanese. assign assignv. 1 allot, allocate, apportion, consign, appropriate, distribute, give (out), grant: A water ration was assigned to each person. 2 fix, set (apart or aside), settle (on), determine, appoint, authorize, designate, ordain, prescribe, specify: Have they really assigned Thursday as the day of worship? Please sit in the seats assigned to you. 3 appoint, designate, order; name, delegate, nominate, attach; choose, select; Brit second: The men have been assigned to their posts. I assigned David to look after the champagne. 4 attribute, ascribe, accredit, put down; refer: To which century did the curator assign this vase? assignment assignmentn. 1 allotment, allocation, apportionment, giving (out), distribution: Assignment of posts in the Cabinet is the responsibility of the Prime Minister. 2 task, obligation, responsibility, chore, duty, position, post, charge, job, mission, commission; lesson, homework: Every agent is expected to carry out his assignment. The school assignment for tomorrow is an essay on Alexander Pope. 3 appointment, designation, naming, nomination: The assignment of Neil Mackay to the post was a stroke of genius. 4 designation, specification, ascription: In ancient medicine, the assignment of the functions of the organs was often wrong. assist assistv. 1 aid, help, second, support: He could walk only if assisted by the nurse. 2 further, promote, abet, support, benefit, facilitate: The rumours will not assist his election. 3 help, succour, serve, work for or with; relieve: She has always assisted the poor. assistance assistancen. help, aid, support, succour, backing, reinforcement, relief, benefit: Can you get up without my assistance? The scholarship fund offered financial assistance. assistant assistantn. 1 helper, helpmate or helpmeet, aid, aide; aide-de-camp, second: These systems make use of rhymes as assistants to the memory. 2 deputy, subordinate, subsidiary, auxiliary; underling: He is now the assistant to the sales manager. associate associatev. 1 associate (with). a ally with, link, join or unite (with), combine or confederate (with), connect (with), conjoin (with): In the 1930s Abe was associated with Dutch and Louis in Murder, Incorporated. I always associate him with fast cars and hard drinking. b see, be seen with, socialize or fraternize (with), mix or mingle (with), go (out) with, consort with, have to do with, Colloq hang out with, Brit pal with or about, pal up (with), US pal around (with): Mother told me not to associate with boys who use that kind of language. n. 2 colleague, partner; fellow, fellow-worker: I'd like you to meet my associate, Ian Lindsay. 3 confederate, ally, collaborator; accomplice, accessory: He and his associates have been sent to prison for conspiracy. 4 comrade, companion, friend, mate, buddy; confidant(e): We have been close associates for many years. adj. 5 subsidiary, secondary: She is an associate professor at an American university. 6 allied, affiliate, affiliated, associated; accessory: Publication is under the direction of an associate company. association associationn. 1 society, organization, confederation, confederacy, federation, league, union, alliance, guild, coalition, group; syndicate, combine, consortium, cooperative: The society later became known as the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 2 connection, link, affiliation, relationship, bond, tie, linkage, linking, pairing, joining, conjunction, bonding: The association between princes and frogs is probably lost on anyone so literal-minded. 3 fellowship, intimacy, friendship, camaraderie, comradeship, relationship: There has been a long-standing association between Peter and Wendy. assortment assortmentn. 1 group, class, category, batch, set, lot, classification, grouping: Which assortment contains only plain chocolates? 2 collection, pot-pourri, mixture, m‚lange, array, agglomeration, conglomeration, medley, farrago, variety, miscellany, jumble, salmagundi, gallimaufry, mishmash, Colloq mixed bag: That hat looks like something from the assortment at a jumble sale. A bizarre assortment of people attended the meeting. assume assumev. 1 accept, adopt, take, use, employ; arrogate, appropriate, take over or up, undertake: Who will assume the leadership of the party? 2 take on (oneself), take upon (oneself), put or try on, don, adopt; acquire: Whenever she delivered the information, she assumed the disguise of an old man. That trivial dispute has assumed gargantuan proportions. 3 presume, suppose, believe, fancy, expect, think, presuppose, take, take for granted, surmise, Chiefly US guess: When I saw the knife in his hand, I assumed the chef was going to slice a lemon. The king assumed he had the cooperation of Parliament. 4 pretend to, feign, sham, counterfeit, simulate, sham, affect, fake: Though she cared deeply, she assumed a devil-may-care attitude. assumed assumedadj. 1 appropriated, taken, usurped, expropriated, pre-empted, usurped, seized: He functions in his assumed capacity as a judge. 2 pretended, put on, sham, false, feigned, affected, counterfeit, simulated, spurious, bogus, fake; pseudonymous, made-up, Colloq phoney or US also phony: She morosely stared at the floor in assumed contrition. He wrote poetry under an assumed name. 3 taken, taken for granted, presumed, supposed, accepted, expected, presupposed; hypothetical, theoretical, suppositional: The payment depends materially on the assumed rate of interest. assurance assurancen. 1 promise, pledge, guarantee or guaranty, warranty, commitment, bond, surety; word, word of honour, oath, vow: You have the bank's assurance that the money will be on deposit. 2 insurance, indemnity: His life assurance is barely enough to cover the costs of his funeral. 3 certainty, confidence, trust, faith, reassurance, surety, assuredness, certitude; security: There is no assurance that Herr Kleister will get the job done. 4 audacity, impudence, presumption, boldness, brazenness, nerve, effrontery, insolence , Colloq brass, gall, cheek, chutzpah: With an air of assurance they quote authors they have never read. 5 self-confidence, self-reliance, confidence, steadiness, intrepidity, self-possession, poise, aplomb, coolness, control, self-control, resolve, Colloq gumption, guts, gutsiness: He has the assurance of one born to command. assure assurev. 1 secure, stabilize, settle, establish, confirm, certify, warrant, guarantee, ensure, be confident of, make or be sure or certain: Force, fear, and the multitude of his guard do less to assure the estate of a prince than the good will of his subjects. 2 encourage, inspirit, reassure, hearten: Your humanity assures us and gives us strength. 3 convince, persuade, reassure, make (someone) certain; ensure: What can I do to assure you of my love? 4 assert, state, asseverate, promise: I assure you that we shall do everything possible to find your dog. astonish astonishv. amaze, surprise, shock, astound, stun, stagger, dumbfound or dumfound, bowl over, floor, stupefy, daze, Colloq flabbergast: She astonished the audience with her gymnastic skill. I was astonished when told my wife had given birth to quintuplets. astonishment astonishmentn. amazement, surprise, shock, stupefaction, wonder, wonderment: I'll never forget that look of astonishment on his face when he learned he had won. astound astoundv. surprise, shock, astonish, stun, stagger, dumbfound or dumfound, bowl over, floor, stupefy, bewilder, overwhelm, Colloq flabbergast: We were astounded to learn that he had survived all those years on a desert island. The Great MacTavish performs astounding feats of magic and levitation! astute astuteadj. 1 shrewd, subtle, clever, ingenious, adroit, wily, cunning, calculating, canny, crafty, artful, arch, sly, foxy, guileful, underhand, underhanded; Rare astucious: He had the reputation of being an astute businessman. 2 sharp, keen, perceptive, observant, alert, quick, quick-witted, sage, sagacious, wise, intelligent, insightful, perspicacious, discerning, knowledgeable: That was a very astute comment, Smedley. 1.17 atmosphere... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= atmosphere atmospheren. 1 air, heaven(s), sky, aerosphere: It is gravity that prevents the earth's atmosphere from drifting off into outer space. 2 air, ambience or ambiance, environment, climate, mood, feeling, feel, spirit, tone: There's such a friendly atmosphere in the bar of the Golden Cockerel. The atmosphere became very chilly when she told him she was marrying someone else. atone atonev. expiate, make amends, pay, repay, answer, compensate; redress, remedy, propitiate, redeem: Nothing can atone for her betrayal of him to the enemy. He has atoned for his sins many times over. atonement atonementn. amends, propitiation, reparation, repayment, compensation, payment, restitution, recompense, expiation, penance, satisfaction: He sent her flowers in atonement, together with a note apologizing profusely for his actions. atrocious atrociousadj. 1 cruel, wicked, iniquitous, villainous, fiendish, execrable, appalling, abominable, monstrous, inhuman, savage, barbaric, brutal, barbarous, heinous, dreadful, flagrant, flagitious, gruesome, grisly, ruthless, ghastly, unspeakable, horrifying, horrible, awful, infamous, infernal, satanic, hellish: They will never forget the atrocious crimes that took place during the war. 2 awful, terrible, bad, rotten, horrid, appalling, frightful, horrendous, Colloq lousy: That's the most atrocious book it has ever been my misfortune to review. Priscilla has atrocious taste. atrocity atrocityn. 1 enormity, wickedness, flagitiousness, iniquity, infamy, cruelty, heinousness, horror, evil, inhumanity, barbarity, savagery: The atrocity of the 'Final Solution' was a well-kept secret during the war. 2 evil, outrage, crime, villainy, offence: She could not listen when the prosecutor read a list of the atrocities perpetrated at the camp. attach attachv. 1 fasten, join, connect, secure, fix, affix; tack or hook or tie or stick on, pin, rivet, cement, glue, bond, solder, weld, braze; unite; Nautical bend: The tag is still attached to your dress. Attach this to the wall. How do I attach the sail to the spar? 2 connect, associate, assign, affiliate, enlist, join, add, subjoin, Brit second: Her brother-in-law has been attached to my regiment. 3 endear, attract: I won't say that we were in love, but I was very closely attached to her. 4 fix, affix, pin, apply, ascribe, assign, attribute, put, place: Why do you attach so much importance to what Dora says? 5 adhere, cleave, stick: Many legends have attached themselves to Charlemagne. 6 seize, lay hold of, confiscate, appropriate: If he cannot meet the mortgage payments the bank will attach his house. attached attachedadj. 1 connected, joined, Brit seconded: She has been attached to the Foreign Office for many years. 2 united, fastened, fixed: The knob attached to the outside of the door might come off. 3 Often, attached to. devoted (to), partial (to), fond (of), devoted (to): I feel closely attached to her. I became attached to the painting and did not wish to sell it. 4 spoken for, married, unavailable, engaged, betrothed: I would have asked Suzanne out, but I gather she's attached. attachment attachmentn. 1 fastening; connection, tie, link, bond: The attachment of this fitting is too flimsy. William cannot understand how an attachment could have been formed between his wife and his brother. 2 attaching, fastening, linking, joining, affixing, fixing, connection: The mode of attachment to the wall is not immediately apparent. 3 affection, regard, fidelity, faithfulness, devotion, regard, liking, fondness, affinity, friendliness, loyalty, admiration, tenderness, partiality, friendship, love: We still feel a deep attachment, despite the divorce. 4 adjunct, addition, accessory, device, appliance, extra, accoutrement or US also accouterment, appendage, part; ornament, decoration; Colloq gadget: With this attachment, the film is advanced automatically. Attachments are available at extra cost. attack attackv. 1 assail, assault, fall or set or pounce upon; charge, rush, raid, strike (at), storm; engage (in battle), fight; Colloq mug, jump: They were attacked on their way home by a gang of boys. Helicopter gunships were sent out to attack the bunker. 2 criticize, censure, berate; abuse, revile, inveigh against, denounce, condemn, malign, denigrate, decry, disparage, deprecate, vilify: His article attacked the minister for his views on housing. 3 begin, start; approach, undertake: We attacked the meal with gusto. 4 affect, seize; infect: Rheumatism attacks young and old alike. 5 waste, devour, destroy, eat; erode, corrode, decompose, dissolve: Termites have attacked the beams of the house. Watch how the acid attacks the areas on the plate that have not been protected. n. 6 assault, onset, offensive, onslaught, incursion, raid, strike, inroad, invasion: The enemy responded to our attack with a smokescreen. After capturing the pawn, Karpov launched an attack on the queen. 7 criticism, censure; abuse, denunciation, revilement, denigration, decrial, disparagement, deprecation, vilification: The quarterly's attack is totally uncalled for. 8 seizure, spell, spasm, paroxysm; fit, bout: Preston has had another attack of gout. How do you stop an attack of hiccups? 9 destruction, wasting; erosion, corrosion: Noting the attack on the planks by shipworm, the surveyor declared the vessel unseaworthy. Aluminium will not withstand the attack of the salt air in this area. attempt attemptv. 1 try, essay, undertake, take on, venture; endeavour, strive, Colloq have or take a crack at, try on, have a go or shot at: It is too stormy to attempt the crossing tonight. Is she going to attempt to dive off the cliff tomorrow? n. 2 endeavour, try, essay; effort, undertaking, bid, Colloq crack, go, shot: The weather cleared sufficiently for another attempt at the summit. He made a feeble attempt to wave. 3 attack, assault: An abortive attempt was made on the life of the vice-president tonight. attend attendv. 1 be present (at), go to, be at, appear (at), put in an appearance (at), turn up (at), haunt, frequent; sit in (on), US and Canadian audit: Are you attending the concert? She attends Miss Fiennes's elocution class. 2 turn to, pay attention to, serve, tend to, take care of, deal with, handle, heed, fulfil: I shall attend to your request as soon as possible, Madam. 3 Also, attend to. watch over, wait on or upon, care for, take care of, minister to, occupy oneself with, look after, look out for, devote oneself to: Mrs Atterbury attends the patients in the cancer ward on weekdays. The clergyman has his own flock to attend to. 4 escort, accompany, conduct, convoy, squire, usher, wait upon, follow; chaperon or chaperone: The actress arrived, attended by her entourage of toadies. 5 be associated with, accompany, result in or from, give rise to: A departure in the midst of the battle would be attended by great peril, Milord. attendance attendancen. 1 presence, appearance, being: Your attendance at chapel is required. 2 audience, crowd, assembly, assemblage, gathering, turnout, gate, house: The attendance at the fˆte was greater than we expected. 3 in attendance. waiting upon, attending, serving: The king always has at least four people in attendance. attendant attendantadj. 1 waiting upon, accompanying, following; resultant, resulting, related, consequent, concomitant, depending, accessory: The circumstances attendant on your acceptance of the post are immaterial. n. 2 escort, servant, menial, helper, usher or usherette, chaperon or chaperone; aide, subordinate, underling, assistant; follower, Derogatory lackey, flunkey, slave; Colloq US cohort: He dismissed his attendants and entered the church alone. attention attentionn. 1 heed, regard, notice; concentration: Please give your attention to the teacher. Pay attention! Don't let your attention wander. 2 publicity, notice, distinction, acclaim, prominence, r‚clame, notoriety; limelight: She seems to have been getting a lot of attention lately. attentive attentiveadj. 1 heedful, observant, awake, alert, intent, watchful, concentrating, assiduous; mindful, considerate: James is very attentive in class. You really must be more attentive to the needs of others. 2 polite, courteous, courtly, gallant, gracious, accommodating, considerate, thoughtful, solicitous, civil, respectful, deferential: He is always very attentive to the ladies. attest attestv. bear witness (to), bear out, swear (to), vow, testify, certify, vouchsafe, declare, assert, asseverate, aver, affirm, confirm, verify, substantiate, vouch for, Law depose, depose and say, depone: I attest to the fact that they left the restaurant together. The merits of chƒteau-bottled Bordeaux are attested by most epicures. attitude attituden. 1 posture, position, disposition, stance, bearing, carriage, aspect, demeanour: The attitude of the figures in the sculpture was one of supplication. 2 posture, position, disposition, opinion, feeling, view, point of view, viewpoint, approach, leaning, thought, inclination, bent, tendency, orientation: What is your attitude towards the situation in South Africa? attract attractv. draw, invite; entice, lure, allure, appeal to, charm, captivate, fascinate, Colloq pull: Our attention was attracted by a slight noise in the cupboard. Melissa attracts men the way flowers attract bees. attraction attractionn. 1 draw, appeal; magnetism; gravitation, Colloq pull: David confided to Joan that he felt a strong attraction to her. There is an attraction between the north and south poles of these magnets. 2 draw, lure, enticement, attractant, inducement; show, entertainment, presentation, performance , Colloq come-on, crowd-puller, crowd-pleaser: The presence of the movie stars has been a powerful attraction. The producer has planned to repeat the attraction every evening. attractive attractiveadj. attracting, drawing, pulling, captivating, taking, fetching, appealing, luring, inviting, enticing, seductive, inviting, engaging, charming, interesting, pleasing, winning, alluring, good-looking, pretty, handsome: The person I'd like to meet needn't be beautiful or stunning - attractive will do nicely. attribute attributen. 1 quality, character, characteristic, property, feature, trait, virtue: It is surprising how soon historical personages become invested with romantic attributes. v. 2 ascribe, impute, assign, put down to, trace to, charge, credit: The shrivelled arm of Richard the Third was attributed to witchcraft. To what do you attribute your interest in birds? attribution attributionn. assignment, ascription, credit: The curator disagreed with the expert's attribution of the painting to Canaletto. 1.18 audacious... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= audacious audaciousadj. 1 daring, bold, confident, intrepid, brave, courageous, adventurous, venturesome, reckless, rash, foolhardy, daredevil, devil-may-care, fearless, doughty, mettlesome: The troop launched an audacious daylight attack. Cranshaw made an audacious bid for the chairmanship. 2 presumptuous, shameless, bold, impudent, pert, saucy, defiant, impertinent, insolent, brazen, unabashed, rude, disrespectful, cheeky, forward: Charlotte was so audacious as to assume that she could win. aura auran. air, atmosphere, feeling, ambience or ambiance, spirit, character, quality, odour, aroma, emanation: There is an aura of elegance about the woman that impresses everyone she meets. auspices auspicesn. aegis, sponsorship, authority, protection, support, backing, supervision, guidance, patronage, sanction, approval, control, influence: The competition is under the auspices of the astronomical society. authentic authenticadj. genuine, real, actual, bona fide, factual, accurate, true, legitimate, authoritative, reliable, veritable, trustworthy, faithful, undisputed: This is an authentic Chippendale chair. authenticate authenticatev. verify, validate, certify, substantiate, endorse, vouch for, confirm, corroborate: You will have to go to the consul to have your passport authenticated. author authorn. creator, originator, inventor, father, founder, framer, initiator, maker, prime mover, architect, designer; writer, novelist, litt‚rateur: Adolfo was the author of the plot to kill the governor. authoritarian authoritarianadj. dictatorial, imperious, totalitarian, autocratic, arbitrary, absolute, dogmatic, domineering, strict, severe, unyielding, tyrannical, despotic, Colloq bossy: Why do people ever elect an authoritarian government? authoritative authoritativeadj. 1 official, valid, authentic, documented, certified, validated, legitimate, sanctioned; conclusive: The second edition is usually considered the authoritative one. 2 scholarly, learned, authentic, valid, sound, veritable, verifiable, accurate, factual, faithful, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, true, truthful: There is no more authoritative source than Professor Fitzhugh on early Egyptian history. authority authorityn. 1 power, jurisdiction, dominion, right, control, prerogative, authorization; hegemony: Who gave you the authority to tell me what to do? By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. 2 word, testimony, evidence, Colloq say-so: Do not accept anything solely on the authority of the Herald . 3 expert, specialist, scholar, sage, judge, arbiter: Gardner is an authority on Scottish history. 4 authorities. government, establishment, officials, officialdom, powers that be, police: The authorities lowered the speed limit. authorize authorizev. empower, commission; sanction, approve, countenance, permit, give leave, allow, license, entitle, consent or subscribe to, endorse, Colloq OK or okay, give the green light or go-ahead to: Who authorized you to speak for all of us? automatic automaticadj. 1 self-acting, self-governing, self-regulating, mechanical, robot, automated: Many modern cars are equipped with an automatic choke. 2 mechanical, involuntary, unconscious, instinctive or instinctual, natural, spontaneous, impulsive, conditioned, reflex, robot-like, Slang knee-jerk: Flinching is an automatic reaction to a threatening gesture. 3 unavoidable, inevitable, inescapable, ineluctable: It is automatic for the tax inspector to suspect people of hiding something. auxiliary auxiliaryadj. 1 helping, assisting, supportive, aiding, abetting; helpful, accessory, supplementary: In a well-balanced mind, imagination and understanding are auxiliary to each other. 2 subordinate, additional, subsidiary, secondary, ancillary, extra, reserve; accessory: Larger sailing vessels have an auxiliary motor in case the wind fails. n. 3 help, assistance, aid, support, accessory: Knowing another language is a useful auxiliary in the study of your own. 4 helper, assistant, aide, alter ego, supporter, Colloq man Friday, girl Friday: Let me introduce Pat, my auxiliary, who will help you if I am not available. 1.19 available... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= available availableadj. at or to hand, at one's disposal, accessible, handy, present, ready, (readily) obtainable, convenient, nearby, close by, within reach, on tap, at one's fingertips or elbow: Running water is available. If you need me for anything, I am available. avant-garde avant-gardeadj. innovative, advanced, progressive, experimental, original, new, ground-breaking, pioneering, precedent-setting; revolutionary, extreme, extremist, Colloq far-out, way-out: We disapprove of your avant-garde notions of teaching. Some modern art, avant-garde not very long ago, seems quite conventional today. avarice avaricen. greed, acquisitiveness, cupidity, craving, covetousness, desire, greediness, rapacity, selfishness; stinginess, meanness, miserliness, parsimony, tight-fistedness, close-fistedness, niggardliness, penuriousness: The classic tale of avarice is that of King Midas, whose touch turned everything to gold. avaricious avariciousadj. greedy, acquisitive, grasping, covetous, mercenary, selfish; penny-pinching, stingy, miserly, mean, parsimonious, tight-fisted, close-fisted, niggardly, penurious, tight: She fell into the clutches of an avaricious lawyer. average averagen. 1 mean, norm, usual, standard: The Bell Inn is certainly far above average in accommodation, food quality, and service. 2 on average. in the main, generally, normally, usually, ordinarily, typically, customarily, as a rule, for the most part: On average, I go abroad twice a year on business. adj. 3 normal, common, usual, customary, general, typical, ordinary, regular: On an average day, the museum has about 2,000 visitors. 4 mediocre, middling, run-of-the-mill, commonplace, common, ordinary, undistinguished, unexceptional, Colloq so so: Boris is only an average violinist, but he's a virtuoso on the harmonica. averse averseadj. disinclined, unwilling, reluctant, resistant, loath, opposed, anti, antipathetic, ill-disposed, indisposed: He does not appear to be averse to your suggestion: in fact, he seems quite keen on it. aversion aversionn. 1 dislike, abhorrence, repugnance, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, hostility, loathing, hatred, odium, horror; disinclination, unwillingness, reluctance, dislike, distaste: Does Anne have an aversion to people who smoke? Your aversion to the theatre might be explained as agoraphobia. 2 dislike, hatred, hate, loathing: Turnips are a particular aversion of mine. avoid avoidv. shun, keep (away) from, keep off, leave alone, keep or steer clear of, refrain from, dodge, circumvent, sidestep, elude, escape, evade: The doctor suggested that I avoid chocolate. Why does Bennie avoid looking me straight in the eye? 1.20 awake... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= awake awakev. 1 wake (up), awaken, get up, rouse or bestir oneself: When I awoke, she was standing over me with a pistol. 2 awaken, animate, arouse, rouse, stimulate, revive, incite, excite, activate, alert, stir up, fan, kindle, ignite, fire: Marches awaken my sense of patriotism. 3 awake to. awaken to, wake up to, realize, understand, become aware or conscious of: I finally awoke to the fact that my tax return was overdue. adj. 4 up, aroused, roused, wide awake, up and about, alert, on the alert, on the qui vive, watchful, on guard, attentive, conscious; heedful, alive: I'm always awake a few minutes before the alarm goes off. awaken awakenv. See awake, 1, 2, above. award awardv. 1 grant, give, confer, bestow, present, accord, furnish, endow with; assign, apportion: Her dog was awarded the blue ribbon in the club show. n. 2 prize, trophy, reward: The award for the tidiest boats has been won by the Bristol Yacht Club. 3 grant, bestowal, presentation, endowment, awarding: Before the award of the prizes, we listened to speeches. Profits were up last year despite a large pay award. aware awareadj. 1 informed, apprised, knowledgeable, knowing, posted, in the know, enlightened, au fait, au courant, cognizant, Slang hip, hep, wise: She is well aware of the consequences. 2 sensitive, sensible, conscious: I became aware that someone was watching us. awesome awesomeadj. awe-inspiring, awful, imposing, amazing, wonderful, breathtaking, marvellous, wondrous, moving, stirring, affecting, overwhelming, formidable, daunting, dreadful, fearsome, fearful, frightening, horrifying, terrifying, terrible; unbelievable, incredible; alarming, shocking, stunning, stupefying, astounding, astonishing,: The eruption of Vesuvius in AD 67 must have been a truly awesome spectacle. awful awfuladj. 1 bad, terrible, inferior, base, abominable, rotten, horrible, horrid; tasteless, unsightly, ugly, hideous, grotesque, Slang lousy, Brit naff, Chiefly US hellacious: That is an awful piece of sculpture. I feel awful this morning. 2 frightful, shocking, execrable, unpleasant, grotesque, nasty, ghastly, gruesome, horrendous, horrifying, horrific, horrible, unspeakable: That was an awful thing to do. awfully awfullyadv. very (much), badly, terribly, extremely, greatly, remarkably, in the worst way, dreadfully, extraordinarily, exceedingly, excessively, really, fearfully, inordinately; incomparably: I get awfully tired running in the marathon. I'm awfully sorry I'm late. Doreen is an awfully good horsewoman. awkward awkwardadj. 1 clumsy, ungainly, left-handed, ham-handed, ham-fisted, blundering, bungling, maladroit, uncoordinated, undexterous, inexpert, gauche, unhandy, inept, oafish, unskilled, unskilful, Colloq all thumbs, butter-fingered, Brit cack-handed: In his awkward attempt at putting the watch back together, Sam left out a few parts. 2 ungraceful, ungainly, inelegant, wooden, gawky: The ballerina made an awkward, flat-footed pirouette and stumbled off stage. 3 embarrassed, shamefaced, uncomfortable, ill at ease, uneasy, out of place, discomfited, confused: He felt awkward being the only boy in the class. Terry made an awkward excuse and left the room. 4 dangerous, hazardous, risky, precarious, perilous: Be careful, there's an awkward step here. 5 difficult, touchy, sensitive, embarrassing, delicate, unpleasant, uncomfortable, ticklish, tricky, trying, troublesome, Colloq sticky: He's got himself into a very awkward situation indeed. 2.1 B =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.2 babble... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= babble babblev. 1 prattle, twaddle, jabber, gibber, chatter, blab, blabber, gurgle, burble, gabble, Colloq blab, blabber, gab, yack, natter, witter, Brit rabbit: The silly fellow kept babbling away, but no one was listening. Madelaine is still too young to talk and just babbles to herself. 2 divulge, tell, disclose, repeat, reveal, tattle, gossip, blurt (out), Colloq blab: Don't tell Nigel about the affair - he'll babble it all over town. n. 3 gibberish, nonsense, twaddle, prattle, chatter(ing), gibber, jabber, jibber-jabber, drivel, rubbish, bavardage; murmur, hubbub: Ella's conversation about the financial market is just so much babble. baby babyn. 1 infant, neonate, newborn, babe, babe in arms, child, toddler, tot: The baby is just beginning to teethe. v. 2 cosset, coddle, pamper, mollycoddle, indulge, spoil, pet: He turned out that way because he was babied till he was ten. I know you like to be babied when you're ill. back backv. 1 invest in, wager or bet on: She backed a 35-to-2 long shot in the Derby, and she won. 2 Also, back up. a support, uphold, stand behind, promote, encourage, help, uphold, second, side with, endorse, aid, abet, assist; sponsor, subsidize, underwrite, subvene, finance, Slang US and Canadian bankroll: Your mother and I will back you if you want to start a business. b reverse, go or move in reverse, go or move backwards: He backed into the driveway. 3 back down (from) or off (from) or away (from) or out (of) or up. withdraw (from), retreat (from), abandon, retire (from), backtrack (from), shy away (from), recoil (from), turn tail (from): When Percy stood up to him, the bully backed down. The investment sounded risky, so I backed off. Philippa backed out of singing the leading role. Back up and give me room! n. 4 backside, rear, Technical dorsum: She stood with her back towards me. 5 at the back of or at someone's back. behind, following, pursuing, chasing, US in back of: Here come the hounds at the back of the fox. You were at my back in the queue a minute ago. 6 behind the back of or behind someone's back. surreptitiously, secretly, clandestinely, privately, furtively, sneakily, slyly; treacherously, traitorously, perfidiously, deceitfully, insidiously: Graham is always telling tales about you behind your back. 7 break the back of. a overcome, master: Now that he's broken the back of that problem he can get on with his work. b US crush, ruin, bankrupt, destroy, defeat, vanquish, Colloq break: The government has tried on many occasions to break the back of the Mafia operation. 8 on (someone's) back. US weighing (down) on or upon (someone), burdening (someone), lodged with (someone), resting with (someone): The responsibility for the decision is on your back. 9 turn one's back on or upon. abandon, forsake, ignore, disregard, repudiate, reject, cast off, disown, deny: He turned his back on her when she needed him most. 10 with one's back to or against the wall. hard pressed, struggling (against odds), without hope, with little or no hope, helpless, in dire straits, in (serious) trouble: After the stock-market crash, some brokers found themselves with their backs to the wall. adj. 11 rear; service, servants': Both back tyres are flat. Please use the back staircase from now on. 12 US and Australian and New Zealand outlying, remote, isolated, distant; undeveloped, primitive, raw, rough, uncivilized: They raised three boys in the back country, and all of them became doctors. 13 in arrears, overdue, past due, late; behindhand: The tax inspector has advised me that I owe thousands in back taxes. adv. 14 to or toward(s) the rear, rearward(s), backward(s); away: We beat back the enemy in severe hand-to-hand fighting. I accepted his offer at once, lest he should draw back. Get back from the edge! 15 in return or repayment or requital or retaliation; again: I'll pay you back when I have the money. She gave him back as good as he had given. 16 ago, in time(s) past: Two generations back, his was the finest house in the town. 17 behind, behindhand, in arrears, overdue: We are a week back in the rent. 18 go back on. renege, fail; deny, disavow, break, repudiate: He has gone back on his promise to send the payment on the first of every month. backbone backbonen. 1 spine, spinal column: He's much better since the surgery on his backbone. 2 mainstay, chief or main support, buttress, pillar: Sheila has been the backbone of the society, but she has now moved away. 3 resoluteness, sturdiness, firmness, determination, strength (of character), mettle, purposefulness, resolution, courage, fortitude, resolve, will, will-power, strength, stability, stamina, staying power, grit: Has she the backbone to run the company alone? backer backern. 1 supporter, advocate, promoter, sponsor, patron: She has always been an enthusiastic backer of adult education. 2 investor, benefactor or benefactress, supporter, underwriter, Colloq angel: The play's backers have made huge profits. 3 bettor, Brit punter: His backers are offering odds of 10 to 1. background backgroundn. 1 history, experience, qualifications, credentials, grounding, training; breeding, upbringing, family; curriculum vitae, Colloq CV: His background suits him admirably for the post of ambassador. 2 distance, offing, horizon, obscurity: I like the way the coastline disappears into the background towards the edge of the painting. 3 in the background. inconspicuous, unnoticed, unobtrusive, behind the scenes, out of the limelight or spotlight, unseen, out of the public eye, backstage: Edward prefers to remain in the background, letting his dealer bid at the auctions. backing backingn. 1 support, help, aid, assistance, succour; approval, endorsement, patronage, approval, sponsorship: He knows that he can rely on the backing of his local party. 2 investment, money, funds, funding, subsidy, grant; sponsorship: How can you launch the company without backing? backlash backlashn. reaction, repercussion, recoil, counteraction, rebound, kickback, backfire; boomerang: There was a strong backlash in the USA against giving minorities preferred instead of equal job opportunities. backward backwardadj. 1 bashful, shy, reticent, diffident, retiring, coy, timid, unwilling, loath, chary, reluctant, averse: She took him to be a bit backward when he didn't respond to her smile. 2 slow, dim-witted, dull, stupid, slow-witted, dumb, feeble-minded, Colloq Brit gormless, dim: Some of the more backward students will need extra help. 3 slow, late, behindhand, retarded: Millie seemed a bit backward in learning to walk. 4 rearward; to the rear, behind; to the past: She gave him a backward glance. He went on through life with never a backward look. 5 retrograde, retrogressive, reverse, regressive: The ancients were unable to account for the apparently backward motion of the planets. adv. 6 backwards: Walk backward to the door with your hands up. backwards backwardsadv. 1 rearwards or rearward, in reverse, regressively, retrogressively, backward; withershins or widdershins, Brit anticlockwise, US counter-clockwise: The general, who refused to acknowledge defeat, explained that his troops were 'advancing backwards'. Do the clocks run backwards in Australia, Daddy? 2 in reverse; back to front: She can even ride sitting backwards on a galloping horse. I think you're wearing your pullover backwards. bad badadj. 1 poor, wretched, inferior, defective, awful, worthless, miserable, egregious, execrable, substandard, unsatisfactory, disappointing, inadequate, non-standard, Colloq lousy, rotten, crummy, Slang Brit grotty, naff: Sometimes they would send him a letter, but he was a bad correspondent. We went to see a rather bad play the other night. 2 corrupt, polluted, vitiated, debased, base, vile, foul, rotten, miasmic, noxious, mephitic, unhealthy, poisonous, injurious, dangerous, harmful, hurtful, pernicious, deleterious, ruinous: It wasn't healthy to be so near the bad air of the sewer. 3 evil, ill, immoral, wicked, vicious, vile, sinful, depraved, awful, villainous, corrupt, amoral, criminal, wrong, unspeakable: The man was thoroughly bad and deserved everything he got. 4 unpleasant, offensive, disagreeable, inclement, severe, awful, unfavourable, adverse, inclement, unpleasant, Colloq lousy, rotten: Surely you're not going sailing in this bad weather! 5 unfavourable, unlucky, unpropitious, unfortunate, inauspicious, troubled, grim, distressing, discouraging, unpleasant: Agreeing to do that job might yet turn out to have been a bad decision. 6 off, tainted, spoilt or spoiled, mouldy, stale, rotten, decayed, putrefied, putrid, contaminated: The fridge isn't working and all the food has gone bad. She ate a bad egg and felt ill the next day. 7 irascible, ill-tempered, grouchy, irritable, nasty, peevish, cross, crotchety, crabby, cranky, curmudgeonly: Don't go near the boss - he's been in a bad mood all day. 8 sorry, regretful, apologetic, contrite, rueful, sad, conscience-stricken, remorseful, upset: She felt bad about having invited me. 9 sad, depressed, unhappy, dejected, downhearted, disconsolate, melancholy; inconsolable: I feel bad about you losing your purse. 10 naughty, ill-behaved, misbehaving, disobedient, unruly, wild; mischievous: Ronnie isn't a bad boy, he's just bored. 11 distressing, severe, grave, serious, terrible, awful, painful: He was laid up with a bad case of the mumps. badly badlyadv. 1 poorly, defectively, insufficiently, inadequately, unsatisfactorily, carelessly, ineptly, shoddily, inadequately, deficiently: We lived in a badly furnished flat in the East End. 2 unfortunately, unluckily, unsuccessfully, unfavourably, poorly: These are an improvement on the former rules, which worked badly. 3 incorrectly, faultily, defectively, poorly, improperly, inaccurately, erroneously, unacceptably; ineptly, inartistically, amateurishly, awfully: He speaks English badly. He sings badly. 4 immorally, wickedly, viciously, mischievously, naughtily, shamefully, improperly, villainously: The school has had its share of badly behaved pupils. 5 dangerously, severely, gravely, critically, grievously, seriously: Her father was badly wounded in the war. 6 unkindly, cruelly, harshly, severely, wretchedly, dreadfully, improperly, atrociously, horribly, unspeakably: The prisoners were treated so badly that few survived. 7 unfavourably, damagingly, critically: Even her friends spoke badly of her. 8 very much, greatly, seriously: Peter is badly in need of extra money. 9 distressfully, emotionally, hard: He took the news badly. bag bagn. 1 sack, shopping bag, reticule, string bag, Chiefly Brit carrier bag, Scots or dialect poke, pocket: They have helpers at the supermarket who will carry your bags to your car for you. 2 baggage, luggage, valise, satchel, grip, suitcase, overnight bag, carry-on luggage or bag, Gladstone bag, carpet-bag, portmanteau, toilet kit or case, sponge bag; briefcase, attach‚ case, dispatch- or despatch-case: Boarding in London I flew to Buenos Aires while my bag went to Seoul. 3 purse, handbag, evening bag, wallet, Highland dress sporran: She reached into her bag and felt the gun that the Commander had given her. 4 crone, hag, beast, ogress, gorgon, nightmare, witch, harridan, Archaic beldam, Slang old bat, dog, monster, US two-bagger: Derek has been romancing some old bag for her money. 5 occupation, hobby, avocation, business, vocation, department, concern, affair, Colloq lookout, worry, Slang thing: Peter's bag at the moment is learning to play the violin. v. 6 catch, trap, ensnare, snare, entrap, capture, land; kill, shoot: We bagged six pheasants and two partridges this morning. balance balancev. 1 weigh, estimate, ponder, consider, deliberate, assess, compare, evaluate: We need to balance the advantages and the disadvantages. 2 steady, poise; equalize, stabilize, level, match, even out or up: The see-saw will balance better if both of you get on the other end. 3 compensate (for), make up for, counterbalance, offset, match, equal; counterpoise: The column of mercury in the barometer balances the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the bowl. The total of expenses seems to balance the total of income. n. 4 scale(s), steelyard: According to the balance, the package weighs two pounds. 5 control, command, authority, weight, preponderance: Britain held the balance of power during those decades. 6 equilibrium, stability, steadiness, footing; equiponderance; equality, harmony: The acrobat almost lost his balance on the high wire. It is important to maintain a balance between presentation and content. 7 remainder, residue, rest; excess, surplus, difference: You take these and I'll follow with the balance. My bank balance is down to zero. ban banv. 1 prohibit, forbid, outlaw, proscribe, interdict, bar, disallow, debar: They have banned smoking in all public places. n. 2 prohibition, taboo, proscription, interdiction, interdict; embargo, boycott: They have put a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages. The ban against importing firearms is strictly enforced. banal banaladj. trite, hackneyed, stereotyped, clich‚d, stereotypical, commonplace, old hat, stock, common, everyday, ordinary, pedestrian, humdrum, tired, unoriginal, unimaginative, platitudinous; trivial, petty, jejune, Slang corny: The book was blasted as banal and boring. The plot of boy-meets-girl, though banal, still brings in the audiences. band band¹n. 1 strip, ribbon, belt, bandeau, fillet, tie; stripe, line, border: He wears a cloth band round his head to keep the sweat out of his eyes. There is a decorative band at the top of each page. v. 2 line, stripe, border: The column is banded at intervals with bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the emperor's life. 3 tie, keep, bind: Only those papers that are banded together should be sent off. band band²n. 1 company, troop, platoon, corps, group, body, gang, horde, party, pack, bunch: They were set upon by a band of robbers in the forest. 2 group, ensemble, combination, orchestra, Colloq combo: A jazz band plays at the Civic Centre every Tuesday evening. v. 3 band together. unite, confederate, gather or join or league together, team up, affiliate, merge, federate: We must band together if we expect to accomplish anything. banish banishv. 1 exile, expatriate, deport, extradite, transport, eject, oust, expel, rusticate, drive out or away, dismiss, excommunicate, outlaw, ostracize: After ten years in prison, the thief was released and banished from the kingdom. 2 drive or drive out or away, expel, cast out, dismiss, reject: He tried to banish suspicion from his mind. banner bannern. 1 standard, flag, pennant, ensign, burgee, gonfalon, pennon, streamer, banderole; symbol: The flag of the United States is called the star-spangled banner. He is seeking election under the banner of the Tories. adj. 2 leading, foremost, momentous, memorable, notable, important, noteworthy: The firm had a banner year, with profits up 25 per cent. banquet banquetn. 1 feast, sumptuous repast or meal, ceremonial dinner, lavish dinner: At the end of the banquet, the guest of honour rose to make a few remarks. v. 2 feast, indulge, wine and dine, regale, carouse: The winners of the trophy banqueted night after night on champagne and caviare. banter bantern. raillery, badinage, persiflage, pleasantry, jesting, joking, repartee; chaffing, teasing, chaff; Colloq kidding, ribbing: Despite the good-natured banter between them, Ray knew that Stephen really detested him. bar barn. 1 rod, shaft, pole, stick, stake: A heavy iron bar is used to tamp the dynamite into place in the hole. 2 strip, stripe, band, belt; streak, line: The company trade mark is a narrow red bar around the barrel of every ball-point pen. 3 barrier, obstacle, obstruction, barricade, hindrance, block, deterrent, impediment; ban, embargo: A steel bar was across the entrance. Her pride proved a bar to her success. There is a bar against importing spirits. 4 sandbar, shallow, shoal, bank, sandbank: Because the keel is too deep, the sloop will be unable to cross the bar till high tide. 5 tribunal, court, courtroom, lawcourt, bench: The former mayor was found guilty of corruption at the bar of public opinion. 6 bar-room, saloon, public house, caf‚, lounge, cocktail lounge, tavern, taproom, canteen, Brit local, wine bar; Colloq pub; Slang boozer, gin-mill: I was at the bar on my third beer when she walked in. 7 counter: We had a quick lunch at the sandwich bar. v. 8 fasten, close up, secure, shut up; lock, lock up, padlock: We tried to get in through the window, but they had barred it. 9 block, obstruct, stop, stay, hinder, keep (out), shut out, exclude, prevent, forbid, prohibit, set aside; forestall, impede, hamper, retard, balk, barricade; ban, embargo: After his behaviour, he was barred from the club for a year. A huge man in an ill-fitting dinner-jacket barred my way. The regulations bar the import of firearms. prep. 10 except (for), excepting, excluding, barring, outside (of), save for, aside from, but: It's all over now bar the shouting. barbarian barbariann. 1 savage, brute: The barbarians wore animal skins. 2 boor, lowbrow, lout, oaf, clod, churl, philistine, ignoramus, yahoo; hooligan, vandal, ruffian, tough, Slang Brit yob, yobbo, skinhead: Those barbarians ought to be denied admittance to the games. adj. 3 uncivilized, uncultivated, uncultured, philistine, savage; barbarous, barbaric, coarse, vulgar, uncouth, rude; boorish, loutish, oafish, crude, rough, insensitive, churlish, uncivil: One sees a great deal of barbarian behaviour every day. barbarity barbarityn. cruelty, inhumanity, ruthlessness, savagery, brutishness, barbarousness, heartlessness, viciousness, cold-bloodedness, bloodthirstiness: The barbarity of this mass murderer cannot be overstated. bare bareadj. 1 unclothed, naked, nude, stark naked, unclad, exposed, uncovered, hatless, unshod, undressed , Brit starkers; Colloq in the altogether, in one's birthday suit, in the buff; Slang US bare-ass: He stood completely bare in the middle of the room. 2 unconcealed, undisguised, open, revealed, literal, bald, manifest, out-and-out, overt, uncovered, straightforward, direct, unvarnished, unembellished, cold, hard, plain, unadorned, basic, simple: The bare facts point to him as the culprit. 3 unfurnished, undecorated, vacant, stripped, empty: The landlord entered and found a bare flat - the tenants had done a moonlight flit. 4 denuded, stripped, leafless, defoliated, shorn, barren; bared: After the storm the trees were entirely bare of foliage. The hurricane began blowing in earnest, and the little ketch was driving forward under bare poles. 5 plain, mere, simple, minimal, essential, absolute, basic; meagre, scant, scanty: For years we scraped by with only the bare necessities of life. v. 6 expose, lay bare, uncover, reveal, open; undress, unveil: The torrential rain had washed away the soil, baring the clay and rock beneath. He tore off his shirt, baring his hairy chest. 7 disclose, reveal, lay bare, uncover, divulge, unfold, tell, expose, unmask, bring to light: Because of the way he had treated her, she decided to bare his secrets to the police. Benson bares his soul in his book. 8 strip, divest, denude; defoliate: The autumn winds bared all the trees in the arboretum. barefaced barefacedadj. 1 unconcealed, open, undisguised, blatant, manifest, unmitigated, outright, downright, out-and-out, sheer, unalloyed, undiluted: His proposal is a barefaced attempt to gain control of the committee. 2 audacious, impudent, shameless, insolent, impertinent, immodest, bold, arrant, unabashed, forward, brazen, brassy, saucy, pert, unblushing, Colloq cheeky: She said that he was a barefaced liar and that she would have nothing more to do with him. barely barelyadv. scarcely, only, just, not quite, hardly, only just, no more than: I barely had my coat off when she said she'd forgotten to shop for dinner. bargain bargainn. 1 agreement, contract, understanding, arrangement, covenant, pact, compact, settlement, transaction, deal: We made a bargain - I would provide the materials and he would do the work. 2 good deal, Colloq give-away, US steal: If you paid only œ100 for this painting, you got a real bargain. v. 3 negotiate, trade, haggle, barter, dicker, chaffer: We bargained far into the night, and finally came to an agreement after eight hours of discussion. 4 bargain for. expect, count on, anticipate, foresee, take into account, allow for, be prepared for: Even though the storm had been predicted, it was windier than we had bargained for. barren barrenadj. 1 sterile, childless, infertile: We won't have any calf from this barren cow. 2 unproductive, sterile, bare, infertile; fruitless, dry, unfruitful, unprofitable, poor: The land was exceedingly stony and barren. The fifteenth century was the most barren period in the history of English literature. barrier barriern. 1 bar, fence, railing, wall; ditch, ha-ha: A barrier was erected at each end of the street. This barrier will keep the dingoes from killing the sheep. 2 obstacle, bar, obstruction, block, impediment, hindrance: Neither race, nor creed, nor colour shall be a barrier to success. 3 boundary, boundary-line, limit, frontier: No mountain barrier lay between France and Flanders. barring barringprep. excluding, exclusive of, bar, omitting, leaving out, excepting, except (for), save for, aside from, besides, but: Barring another stock market crash, your money is safe. Nobody else, barring the author, knew the truth of the matter. base base¹n. 1 bottom, foot, support, stand, pedestal: The base of the statue cracked and the whole thing fell down. Have you been able to find a teak base for the new lamp? 2 groundwork, background, fundamental principle, principle, foundation, underpinning; infrastructure, basis: Henry's charter was at once welcomed as a base for the needed reforms. 3 root, theme, radical, stem, core: In the word interdigitation the base is -digit- . 4 home, station, camp, starting-point, point of departure, post, centre: Using the Sherpa village as a base of operations, we set up smaller camps as we began to climb the mountain. v. 5 establish, found, secure, build, ground, anchor, fix, hinge, form; derive, draw: We are basing all our hopes on his ability to do a deal. 6 establish, headquarter, post, station, position, place: The company is based in Guernsey. base base²adj. 1 low, undignified, cowardly, selfish, mean, despicable, contemptible, filthy, evil: He must have had some base motive in revealing to her what Martha had said. 2 degraded, degrading, menial, inferior, mean, unworthy, lowly, low, grovelling, servile, slavish, subservient, downtrodden, abject, miserable, wretched, sordid, undignified, ignoble, dishonourable, disreputable, vile, scurrilous, wicked, Colloq infra dig: Foolish sinners will submit to the basest servitude, and be attendants of swine. 3 mean, cheap, sorry, common, poor, shabby, shoddy: He cast off his base attire, revealing a splendid suit of armour like burnished gold. 4 sordid, offensive, lewd, lascivious, obscene, profane, rude, ribald, unseemly, vulgar, coarse, rude, dirty, indecent, evil-minded, filthy, pornographic: The entertainment in that theatre caters to the basest appetites. 5 poor, shoddy, cheap, fake, pinchbeck, inferior, counterfeit, fraudulent, debased, forged, spurious, worthless, bad: Her jewels look valuable but are, in fact, made of base materials. 6 wicked, evil, wretched, corrupt, shameful, currish, loathsome, scurvy, insufferable, villainous: They were labelled as base infidels and treated with contempt and cruelty. bashful bashfuladj. 1 shy, retiring, embarrassed, meek, abashed, shamefaced, sheepish, timid, diffident, self-effacing, unconfident; ill at ease, uneasy, uncomfortable, nervous, self-conscious, awkward, confused, Colloq in a tizzy, US and Canadian discombobulated: Henry is so bashful in the presence of women that he blushes merely talking to them. 2 modest, coy, unassuming, unostentatious, demure, reserved, restrained, Rare verecund: When we first met, she was a bashful young girl of fifteen who had no notion of her own beauty. basic basicadj. fundamental, essential, key, elementary, underlying, prime, primary, root; principal, central, focal, vital: He enrolled for a basic course in Sanskrit. We must reconsider the basic facts. basis basisn. 1 foundation, base, bottom, heart, footing, principle, underpinning; infrastructure: The three R's form the basis of elementary education. Do you think our society still rests on the basis of the family? 2 essence, main ingredient or constituent, point of departure: The basis of the discussion is that the hospitals are understaffed. batch batchn. 1 quantity, lot; amount, volume: Mother baked a huge batch of bread. 2 set, group, number, quantity, assortment, bunch, pack, collection: Please sort this batch of cards into alphabetical order. batter batterv. 1 beat, hit, strike, clout, belabour, pound, pummel or pommel, pelt, bash, smite, thrash, Colloq wallop, clobber: He was battered till he was black and blue. 2 bombard, attack, assault: Battering by the cannons finally breached the wall of the fort. 3 maltreat, mistreat, ill-treat, abuse; maul, bruise, harm, mangle, disfigure: The police report an increase in complaints about battered wives and children. battle battlen. 1 fight, conflict, combat, action, encounter, clash, engagement, struggle, Donnybrook, fray, Law affray; brawl, fracas, mˆl‚e or melee; contest; duel, hand-to-hand encounter: You won the battle, but you lost the war. And now, the battle between the world champion and the challenger! 2 argument, dispute, altercation, quarrel, war; contest, competition; struggle, fight, crusade, campaign: The battle spilt out of the restaurant and into the street. We are not yet winning the battle against AIDS. v. 3 Usually, battle against. fight, contend or struggle or fight with or strive against, combat: We must battle against ignorance at every opportunity. bauble baublen. gewgaw, trinket, ornament, trifle, toy, bagatelle, knick-knack, plaything, kickshaw: Wear your diamonds to the ball, my dear, not those cheap baubles. bawdy bawdyadj. lewd, obscene, taboo, vulgar, dirty, smutty, filthy, coarse, earthy, gross, scatological, rude, lascivious, salacious, indelicate, indecent, indecorous, broad, crude, ribald, risqu‚, suggestive, Rabelaisian, uninhibited, unrestrained, lusty, Literary lubricious or lubricous: Afterwards, each of us had to recite a bawdy limerick. bawl bawlv. 1 shout, bellow, vociferate, roar, yell, trumpet, thunder , Colloq holler: Fishwives bawled out their wares continuously, creating a deafening din. 2 cry, wail, weep, keen, squall, blubber, whimper; yelp, Colloq yammer: Stop that bawling or I'll really give you something to cry about! 3 bawl out. scold, reprimand, upbraid: My father bawled me out because I stayed out past midnight. 2.3 beach... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= beach beachn. 1 shore, lakeshore, bank, seashore, seaside, lido, strand, coast, margin, Formal littoral: The children wanted to go to the beach and build sandcastles. v. 2 ground, run aground, strand; careen: Despite the heavy surf, we finally beached the boat safely. beacon beaconn. signal, sign, fire, light, bonfire, flare, signal fire, Very light, rocket; lighthouse, pharos: Beacons blazed at the tops of the hills to spread the news of the victory. The drunkard's nose shone like a beacon. beam beamn. 1 timber, scantling, girder, rafter; bar, brace, plank, board, stud, trestle: Are you sure that these beams will support the weight of the upper storeys? 2 ray, gleam; shaft; pencil: I could just make out his face in the beam of the electric torch. v. 3 radiate, shine; smile radiantly: The door opened and the firelight beamed forth onto the snowdrifts. 'I'm so happy to meet you at last', she beamed. beamy beamyadj. broad, wide, broad in the beam; big, heavy, chubby, chunky, fat, obese: She's quite a beamy boat, with accommodation for eight below. A beamy gentleman sat on my homburg, squashing it flat. bear bearv. 1 carry, transport, convey, move, take, Colloq tote: She was borne round the stadium on the shoulders of her team-mates. 2 carry, support, sustain, shoulder, hold up, uphold; suffer, undergo, experience, endure: Looking after her invalid mother while working is a heavy burden to bear. 3 merit, be worthy of, warrant; provoke, invite: Gordon's suggestion bears looking into. 4 stand, abide, tolerate, brook, survive, endure, stand up to; reconcile oneself to, admit of, Colloq put up with: How can you bear such boring people? His actions will not bear examination. I cannot bear to see you unhappy. 5 have, carry, show, exhibit, display, sustain: The getaway car bore German licence plates. The knight bore the scars of many battles. She bears her grandmother's name. 6 produce, yield, develop, breed, generate, engender; give birth to, spawn, bring forth: Our apple tree did not bear any fruit this year. She bore thirteen children and still had time to write books. 7 entertain, harbour, wish: He bore her no ill will, despite her accusations. 8 bear on or upon. relate or have relevance or be relevant to or pertain to, touch on or upon, affect, concern, have a bearing on or upon, influence: I don't quite see how your illness bears on which school James attends. 9 bear out. confirm, support, corroborate, substantiate, uphold, back up: The evidence bears out what I said. 10 bear up. a survive, hold out, stand up, hold up, withstand: Can Alex bear up under the strain of keeping two jobs? b support, cheer, encourage: What hope have you to bear you up? 11 bear with. put up with, be patient with, make allowance(s) for: Please bear with me, I'm sure you'll think it was worth waiting when you see the finished result. bearable bearableadj. tolerable, supportable, endurable, acceptable, manageable: The heat last summer was made bearable only by frequent dips in the swimming-pool. bearing bearingn. 1 carriage, deportment, manner, behaviour, conduct, aspect, demeanour, posture, stance, air, attitude, mien, presence: Lewis's noble bearing makes him noticeable, even in a crowd. 2 sustaining, supporting, endurance, enduring: Thomas Jefferson considered the government of England totally without morality and insolent beyond bearing. 3 aspect; relation, reference, relationship, correlation, pertinence, relevance, connection, relevancy, applicability, application, germaneness, significance: The legal bearing of the case will become obvious in court. It is unclear exactly what bearing your remarks have on the situation. 4 Often, bearings. direction, orientation, (relative) position: The bearing of the lighthouse is now 180ø. Which way is north? - I have lost my bearings entirely. beast beastn. 1 animal, creature, being: He loves all the beasts of the field, of the sea, and of the air. 2 brute, savage, animal, monster: I've seen that beast hitting his wife in public. beastly beastlyadj. 1 uncivilized, uncultivated, uncivil, rude, crude, boorish, unrefined, coarse; cruel, inhuman, savage, barbaric, barbarous, bestial, brutal: Priscilla treats Cyril in a beastly way. 2 abominable, intolerable, offensive, unpleasant, awful, terrible, ghastly, horrid, disagreeable, horrible, hateful, execrable; foul, vile, nasty, rotten, dirty, filthy: If this beastly weather keeps up, the plane may be delayed. beat beatv. 1 strike, pound, bash, smite, batter, pummel or pommel, belabour, pelt, clout, thrash, give (someone) a thrashing or beating, drub, manhandle, thump, whack, cane, scourge, whip, bludgeon, club, cudgel, fustigate; whip, flog, lash , Colloq clobber, wallop, give (someone) a once-over: At first he refused to tell them, but then they beat it out of him. 2 defeat, best, worst, win (out) over, vanquish, trounce, rout, outdo, subdue, overcome, overwhelm, pre-empt; surpass, conquer, crush, master, US beat out: Can they beat Manchester United for the cup? He first beat the Danes, then the Russians. 3 throb, pulsate, palpitate, pound, thump: I could feel my heart beating against my ribs. 4 Nautical tack: Close-hauled, the sloop was beating to windward against the howling gale. 5 hammer, forge, shape, form, fashion, make, mould: They shall beat their swords into ploughshares. 6 mix, whip, stir, blend: Beat two eggs, then add the flour and sugar. 7 tread, wear, trample: The hunters beat a path through the forest. 8 beat it. depart, leave, abscond, run off or away, Slang US take it on the lam, lam out of here, US hit the road: You'd better beat it before the cops come. 9 beat off. drive off or away, rout: We beat off our attackers, who fled into the forest. n. 10 stroke, blow: The signal was to be three beats of a tin cup on the pipes. 11 rhythm, tempo, measure; pulse, throb, stress, pulsation: In boogie-woogie the beat is eight to the bar. 12 course, round, tour, route, circuit, run, path; area, bailiwick: In the old days, it was the bobby on the beat who prevented a lot of crime. As a reporter, my beat is the financial news. adj. 13 dead beat, exhausted, spent, drained, worn out, weary, bone-tired, fatigued, fagged: I was really beat after completing the marathon. beautiful beautifuladj. 1 attractive, charming, comely, lovely, good-looking, fair, pretty, alluring, appealing, handsome, radiant, gorgeous, Formal pulchritudinous, Scots bonny; Colloq smashing: She's not only intelligent, she's beautiful. She entered on the arm of some beautiful youth. 2 excellent, first-rate, unequalled, skilful, admirable, magnificent, well done; superb, spectacular, splendid, marvellous, wonderful, incomparable, superior, elegant, exquisite, pleasant, pleasing, delightful, Colloq smashing: The garage did a beautiful job in tuning the engine. Armand's arranged a beautiful wedding reception for us. beautifully beautifullyadv. 1 attractively, chicly, fashionably, delightfully, charmingly, splendidly, magnificently, Colloq smashingly: The princess was beautifully dressed in a rose satin ball-gown. 2 admirably, superbly, excellently, wonderfully, marvellously, splendidly, spectacularly, magnificently, Colloq smashingly: Emily played her solo beautifully. beautify beautifyv. adorn, embellish, decorate, ornament, titivate, elaborate, garnish, deck (out), bedeck: The old fa‡ade was removed and the building beautified by refacing it with white marble. beauty beautyn. 1 loveliness, attractiveness, handsomeness, pulchritude: The beauty of the actress took my breath away. 2 belle, Colloq looker, knockout, dream, dreamboat, stunner: She was one of the great beauties of her day. 3 attraction, strength, advantage, asset: The beauty of the plan lies in its simplicity. beckon beckonv. signal, gesture, motion; summon, bid, call: The manager beckoned to me and I went over to see what he wanted. become becomev. 1 turn or change or transform into: The princess kissed the prince, who immediately became a frog. 2 grow or develop or evolve into; mature or ripen into: It's hard to believe that this dull caterpillar will eventually become a splendid butterfly. 3 enhance, suit, fit, befit, be proper or appropriate for, behove or US behoove: Moonlight becomes you, It goes with your hair. 4 grace, adorn: Walter was a man who became the dignity of his function as a commissionaire. 5 become of. come of, happen to: What will become of you if you don't go to school? becoming becomingadj. enhancing, beautifying, seemly; attractive, comely, fetching, chic, stylish, fashionable, tasteful; appropriate, fitting, fit, meet, befitting, proper, suitable: Your new hairdo is most becoming, Frances. bedlam bedlamn. pandemonium, uproar, hubbub, commotion, confusion, tumult, turmoil, furore or US furor, chaos; madhouse: The chancellor's announcement created instant bedlam in the Commons. bedraggled bedraggledadj. soiled, dirty, muddy, muddied, untidy, stained, dishevelled, scruffy, messy; wet, sloppy, soaking or sopping or wringing wet, soaked, drenched, Colloq gungy, US grungy: We took the two bedraggled waifs in out of the pouring rain. befitting befittingadj. fitting, becoming, due, suitable or suited (to), appropriate (to), apropos, proper (to), seemly (for): He really ought to behave in a manner befitting his position as chairman. This must be done with a befitting sense of awe. before beforeadv. 1 previously, earlier, already, beforehand; formerly, in the past; once: I have told you before, don't count your chickens. 2 ahead, in advance, in front, in the forefront, first, in the vanguard, Colloq up front: He let his wife walk before, as he knew the road was mined. 3 ahead, in the future, to come: Before lie the prospects of surrendering or dying. prep. 4 ahead of, in advance of, in front of, forward of: The king indicated that the page should go before him. 5 in front of; in the presence of: The entire valley was spread out before me. 6 preceding, previous or anterior to, prior to; on the eve of: Before my departure I have to kiss Annie goodbye. 7 in preference to, rather than, sooner than, more willingly than: They said they would die before yielding. conj. 8 previous to or preceding the time when: This was a nice place before the day-trippers arrived. beg begv. 1 entreat, beseech, plead (with), crave, implore, importune, wheedle, cajole, supplicate (with), pray; ask for, request: She begged me to stay. 2 solicit, sponge, Colloq cadge, scrounge, US panhandle: When he was an alcoholic, he used to beg drinks off everyone. beggar beggarn. 1 mendicant, supplicant, suppliant, alms-man, sponger, tramp, vagrant, pauper, Colloq cadger, scrounger, US panhandler: We were approached by beggars on every street corner. 2 fellow, man, person, Colloq chap, guy, bloke: I feel sorry for the poor beggar who lost his wallet at the station. v. 3 impoverish; want, challenge, defy, baffle: The misery of those people beggars description. begin beginv. 1 start (out or off or in or on), initiate, enter on or upon, set out or about, set out on or upon, Rather formal commence: We began the journey full of enthusiasm. 2 start (off), inaugurate, originate, open, launch, create, establish, found, set up; go into: We began the company five years ago. 3 arise, start, originate, Rather formal commence: The greatness of the Prussian monarchy begins with Frederick II. The paragraph begins in the middle of the page. beginning beginningn. 1 start, commencement, outset, onset, inception, dawn, dawning, birth, genesis, origin, creation, day one; origination, source, well-spring: There are several competing theories about the beginning of life on earth. The beginning of the idea can be traced to Galileo. 2 opening, start, inception, commencement: I have plenty of energy at the beginning of the day. The book is good at the beginning, but then it gets boring. begrudge begrudgev. 1 resent, envy, grudge: She doesn't begrudge him his success. 2 give (be)grudgingly or unwillingly or reluctantly, deny, refuse: He begrudges her the slightest consideration. beguile beguilev. 1 delude, deceive, cheat, swindle, dupe, fool, mislead, hoodwink, bamboozle, take in: She was easily beguiled by his solicitude. 2 defraud (of), deprive (of), cheat (out of or into), swindle (out of): Let no man beguile you of your reward. 3 charm, divert, amuse, distract, fascinate, engross, engage, allure: I always meet the most beguiling people at Daphne's parties. behalf behalfn. on or US in behalf of or on or US in one's behalf. for, as a representative of, in place of, instead of, in the name of, on the part of; in the interest of, for the benefit or advantage of: The lawyer is acting on behalf of the heirs. behave behavev. act, react, function, operate, perform, work, conduct or deport or comport or bear (oneself); act obediently, act properly, be good: The boy behaved with great insolence. I wish the children would behave themselves. behaviour behaviourn. conduct, demeanour, deportment, bearing, manners, comportment; action(s): His behaviour in the presence of the royal couple was abominable. behead beheadv. decapitate, guillotine, Archaic decollate: Criminals and enemies of the state were formerly beheaded. behold beholdv. see, look at, regard, set or lay eyes on, descry, notice, note, espy, perceive, discern, remark, view: As we emerged from the gorge, we beheld the mountain looming above us. beholden beholdenadj. obliged, obligated, indebted, grateful, in debt, under (an) obligation: She said that she was beholden to him for everything he had done. behove behovev. US behoove; be required of, be incumbent on, be proper of, be fitting of or for, befit; be advisable for, be worthwhile for, be expeditious for or of, be advantageous to or for, be useful to or for, be beneficial to or for: It behoves you to be respectful to the chairman of the board. belabour belabourv. thrash, beat, pummel or pommel, buffet, pelt, lambaste: We tried to stop the drover from belabouring the poor horse with a whip. belated belatedadj. late; behind time, behindhand, out of date; delayed, detained: I forgot your birthday, so here's a belated gift. belief beliefn. 1 trust, dependence, reliance, confidence, faith, security, assurance: He retains his belief in the divine right of kings. 2 acceptance, credence; assent: His statements are unworthy of belief. 3 tenet, view, idea, sentiment, conviction, doctrine, dogma, principle(s), axiom, maxim, creed, opinion, persuasion: The belief that there is no God is as definite a creed as the belief in one God or in many gods. 4 intuition, judgement: It is her belief that nuclear energy will eventually prove economical. believe believev. 1 accept, put faith or credence in or into, find credible, find creditable; allow, think, hold, maintain, feel; take it, suppose, assume: He still believes that the moon is made of green cheese. 2 believe in. trust to or in, rely upon or on, have faith or confidence in, put one's trust in, be convinced of, swear by, credit; have the courage of one's convictions: Do you believe everything you read in the papers? The chairman believes in your ability to carry out the plan. 3 make believe. pretend, suppose, imagine, fancy, conjecture, assume: I used to make believe I was a great detective. belittle belittlev. diminish, minimize, disparage, slight, decry, detract from, depreciate, trivialize, deprecate, degrade, denigrate, downgrade, de-emphasize, discredit, criticize, derogate; reduce, mitigate, lessen, undervalue, underestimate, underrate, minimize, Colloq play down, pooh-pooh: He belittles the efforts of others but accomplishes nothing himself. belligerent belligerentadj. 1 warring; warlike, militant, warmongering, hawkish, jingoistic, bellicose, martial: The belligerent nations have agreed to discuss an accord. 2 quarrelsome, pugnacious, contentious, disputatious, truculent, aggressive, hostile, combative, antagonistic, bellicose: I cannot see why you have to take such a belligerent attitude towards the chairman. n. 3 warring party, antagonist, contestant; warmonger, hawk, jingoist, militant: Our country has refused to sell arms to the belligerents in the conflict. bellow bellowv. 1 roar; yell, shout, blare, trumpet, howl, Colloq holler: Father was bellowing that he couldn't find his pipe. The public-address system bellowed out my name. n. 2 roar; yell, shout, Colloq holler: The bull gave a bellow and charged. belong belongv. 1 be a member (of), be affiliated or associated or connected (with), be attached or bound (to), be a part (of): Does he belong to the Green party? He didn't want to belong while his wife was a member. 2 have a (proper) place (in), be proper (to): Do you ever get the feeling that you don't belong here? 3 belong to. be owned by, be the property or possession of: That coat belongs to me. belonging belongingn. association, connection, alliance, relationship, affinity, relation: She says the Church gives her a strong sense of belonging. belongings belongingsn. (personal) property, effects, possessions, goods, things, chattels: He returned home to find all his belongings in the street. beloved belovedadj. 1 loved, cherished, adored, dear, dearest, darling, precious, treasured; admired, worshipped, revered, esteemed, idolized, respected, esteemed; valued, prized: He denied nothing to his beloved children. She was their beloved queen. n. 2 sweetheart, darling, dearest, love; lover, paramour, inamorata or inamorato, Colloq flame: He wrote poems to his beloved. below belowadv. 1 lower down, further down, farther down: Please see the explanation given below. The department head could no longer resist the pressures from below. 2 beneath, underneath, under; downstairs, Nautical below-decks, Brit below-stairs: Can you hear someone walking about below? They put the captain in irons below. 3 on earth, here, in this world, under the sun: Man wants but little here below. prep. 4 under, underneath, beneath: Below the sea live creatures we have never even seen. Barely discernible below his nose was a tiny moustache. Sign your name below 'Yours truly'. 5 less or lower or cheaper than: The sale price is below cost. 6 deeper or further or farther down than: The current is strongest about six feet below the surface. 7 under, beneath, underneath: Her bright eyes peered at him from below the wide hat. 8 lower or less than, under: The temperature was 20 degrees below zero. 9 inferior or subordinate to, lower than: He gives orders to the servants below him. 10 inferior or secondary to, under, beneath, lower than: In exports, the USA and UK are below Japan. 11 beneath, unworthy of, unbefitting, not worth: Mugging old ladies is below contempt. belt beltn. 1 sash; Literary girdle, cestus, cincture, zone: At her belt she wore a dagger in a golden scabbard. 2 zone, band, strip, circuit, perimeter; area, swath, tract, region, district: The planners ensured that each city would be surrounded by a green belt. v. 3 strike, hit, punch; beat, thrash: When he insulted her, I simply belted him. 4 belt out. sing or perform stridently or loudly; put over or across: Sophie Tucker was there, belting out 'One of These Days'. bemoan bemoanv. lament, mourn or grieve or weep or moan for: She bitterly bemoaned the loss of her sole companion, her canary. bemuse bemusev. 1 confuse, muddle, mix up, addle, befuddle, perplex, bewilder, puzzle, Colloq US and Canadian discombobulate: The actors were thoroughly bemused by the sudden appearance of a horse on stage. 2 stupefy, benumb, numb, paralyse: I found him, completely bemused, with the empty bottle beside him. bend bendn. 1 curve, turn, turning, corner; bow, angle, crook, hook, curvature, flexure: Go left at the bend in the road. If you put a bend in a wire hanger, you can fish out the obstruction. v. 2 arch, bow, curve, crook: Soak the branch in water and it will bend easily. Stop bending my arm - it hurts! 3 bow; curtsy or curtsey; kowtow, salaam; kneel, genuflect: The cannibal bent down before a pile of skulls. 4 incline, channel, focus, direct, steer, set; fix: He bent his attention on more important matters. She bent her steps towards the cemetery. 5 submit, bow, yield, give way, be pliant or subservient or tractable: The cabinet bends to the will of the prime minister. 6 incline, turn, deflect: As you can see, the ray is bent by the lens. bender bender → Colloq n. drunk, spree, bout, revel, carousal, carouse, bacchanal; Slang binge, jag, US toot: He goes off on a bender whenever his wife leaves him. beneath beneathadv. 1 low or lower down, below, under, underneath: Please sign beneath if you agree the terms. 2 below, underneath, under; underground: The flowers are above the ground, the roots beneath. prep. 3 under, underneath, below: Beneath that gruff exterior of his beats a heart of gold. 4 below, unworthy of, unbefitting, undeserving of, not (even) meriting, lower than: Your behaviour is beneath criticism. benefactor benefactorn. patron, supporter, sponsor, donor, philanthropist; backer, investor, supporter, Colloq angel: Our benefactor has made a donation that will enable the mission to carry on its work. beneficial beneficialadj. 1 advantageous, serviceable, useful, profitable, helpful, supportive, favourable, constructive, good: No measures could have been more beneficial to the kingdom. 2 healthful, healthy, salutary, salubrious; efficacious, effective: A certain amount of sunshine is quite beneficial. benefit benefitn. 1 advantage, profit, good, sake, gain, aid, help, service: It would be to their benefit to call off the strike. 2 Often, benefits. perquisite(s), emolument(s), allowance(s), extra(s), fringe benefit(s), Colloq perk(s): We offer one of the best schemes in the industry for employee benefits. v. 3 improve, aid, help, better, promote, further, advance, forward: Enrolling on a management course could benefit your chances for advancement. 4 profit, gain: No one has ever personally benefited a penny from these contributions. benevolence benevolencen. 1 charity, kindness, kindliness, humanity, humanitarianism, beneficence, charitableness, goodness, altruism, good will, unselfishness, philanthropy, generosity, magnanimity: The poor people in the village used to rely on his benevolence. 2 gift, grant, contribution, donation, beneficence: The victims of the famine were recipients of the benevolence of the British people. benevolent benevolentadj. charitable, well-disposed, gracious, good, kind, kindly, humane, humanitarian, well-wishing, thoughtful, considerate, sympathetic, caring, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, compassionate, benign, benignant; liberal, generous, magnanimous, open-handed; beneficial, helpful, salutary: That hypocrite has cast himself in the role of a benevolent despot. benighted benightedadj. unenlightened, na‹ve, uninformed, ignorant: That poor, benighted fool believes that the doctors can cure him. benign benignadj. 1 kindly, gracious, good, kind, kind-hearted, benevolent, benignant, warm, warm-hearted, cordial, genial, congenial, tender, tender-hearted, compassionate, sympathetic, soft-hearted: It was Grandad's benign goodwill that kept us together in those hard times. 2 bland, gentle, mild, warm: A benign smile lit the headmaster's face as he announced the awards for scholastic achievement. 3 kind, favourable, fortunate; salutary, salubrious, mild, congenial, propitious: She recovered rapidly in that most benign climate. 4 non-fatal, non-malignant, non-virulent, curable, harmless: Fortunately, the biopsy showed that the tumour was benign. bent bentadj. 1 curved, deflected, bowed, crooked, distorted: He complained to the waiter just because the fork was bent. 2 strange, weird, peculiar, twisted, deviant, warped, wry, awry, corrupt, corrupted; perverted, perverse, abnormal: You'd be bent, too, if you'd been in prison for fifteen years. 3 dishonest, crooked, illegal: That share deal sounds a bit bent to me: I'll pass. 4 determined, intent, set, resolved, resolute, decided, set: Garvey is bent on running in the marathon, despite his sprained ankle. n. 5 turn, inclination, direction, disposition, predisposition, tendency, bias, leaning, proclivity, propensity, partiality, prejudice; ability, aptitude, talent, gift: She wished to follow the bent of her own taste. He has a natural bent for music. bequeath bequeathv. leave, make over, will, pass on, hand down or on, transmit, Law devise: Aunt Margaret has bequeathed her collection of music boxes to the museum. bequest bequestn. legacy, inheritance: A huge bequest was received by the hospital. berate beratev. scold, chide, rate, upbraid, revile, abuse, rail at, excoriate, castigate, objurgate; harangue: In the square an ancient virago was berating a butcher. bereave bereavev. deprive; strip, rob, dispossess: The accident bereaved him of his child. berserk berserkadj. amok, mad, violent, wild, crazed, frenzied, maniacal: He went berserk, destroying tables and chairs. beseech beseechv. supplicate, entreat, implore, plead (with), beg, importune, obsecrate: The prisoners beseeched the king to have mercy on them. beset besetv. encompass, surround, besiege; assail, attack, harass, harry, hector, bother, afflict, trouble: She was beset by all the problems involved in having a job and a family. beside besideprep. 1 alongside, near, next to, with, close to, hard by, nearby, by: A handsome young man walked up and sat down beside her. 2 away from, wide of, apart from, unconnected with, off: The fact that I owe you money is entirely beside the point. 3 beside oneself. out of one's mind or wits, at the end of one's tether, overwrought, agitated, upset, crazy, mad: She was beside herself with grief when she heard the news. besides besidesadv. 1 in addition, additionally, also; further, furthermore, moreover, as well, too; to boot, on top of everything else, into the bargain: Maria is our choice for the post and, besides, she's the only qualified person available. On their anniversary he gave her a diamond ring and a sapphire brooch besides. prep. 2 over and above, above and beyond, in addition to, additionally to, as well as; aside from, barring, excepting, except for, excluding, exclusive of, not counting or including, beyond, apart from, other than: St Paul became acquainted with many Christians besides his converts. besiege besiegev. 1 lay siege to, beleaguer: For ten years Troy was besieged by the Greeks. 2 blockade, block, block off or up, hem in, cut off; surround, crowd round: The strikers have besieged the factory gates, not allowing anyone in or out. 3 importune, sue, petition, assail, pressurize or US pressure, press, overwhelm, inundate: The Home Office has been besieged by requests for leniency in your case. best bestadj. 1 superlative, unexcelled, finest, pre-eminent, first, superb, unsurpassed, superior, excellent, paramount, first-rate, Colloq A-1, A-one: Henry VIII was the best rider, the best lance, and the best archer in England. 2 kindest, most beneficent, nicest: Which of your brothers is the best to you? 3 foremost, choicest, pre-eminent, most suitable, most appropriate, most qualified, most talented, most desirable, most outstanding: We want the best person to fill the job. 4 largest, most, greatest: She had travelled the best part of the way by ship. 5 richest, wealthiest; first-class, upper crust, upper-class: He associates only with those he considers to be the best people. n. 6 finest; first: The best is yet to come. 7 finery, best clothes, Colloq best bib and tucker: He was all decked out in his Sunday best. 8 greatest or maximum effort: He did his best but it wasn't enough to win. adv. 9 most excellently, to the fullest extent, in the most suitable way, most adroitly, most skilfully, most superbly, most artistically: All the children performed well, but Alice performed best. 10 with greatest satisfaction, most successfully: He who laughs last laughs best. v. 11 win (out) over, conquer, beat, surpass, overpower, get the better of, subdue, defeat, worst, vanquish, trounce, rout, crush, master, outdo, overwhelm, overcome, outwit: He was bested in three falls out of four. bestow bestowv. confer; give, award, present, donate, grant: The country has bestowed its highest honours on her. bet betn. 1 wager, stake, risk, venture, Brit punt, Colloq Brit flutter: He could not afford more than a small bet. v. 2 wager, stake, gamble, risk, hazard, play, lay, put, chance, venture, Brit punt: Every week he bet a small amount on the lottery. betray betrayv. 1 be or prove false or disloyal to, sell out, break faith with, let down, fail, inform on, Colloq sell down the river, Slang Brit shop: He betrayed her to the enemy. 2 reveal, disclose, divulge, impart, tell; expose, lay bare: She betrayed their hide-out to the police. He betrayed an unsuspected streak of cowardice. 3 lead astray, mislead, misguide, deceive, dupe, fool, hoodwink: He has been betrayed by his own arrogance. betrayal betrayaln. 1 treachery, treason, disloyalty, perfidy, traitorousness, faithlessness, bad faith, breach of faith: His delivery of the country into the hands of an invader was an outright act of betrayal. 2 revelation, divulging, disclosure, divulgence: People should not be led into betrayals of their secret opinions. better better¹adj. 1 superior: You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. Can you suggest a better investment than the Channel Tunnel? I know of no better invention than the wheel. 2 more; greater, larger, bigger: I waited for her the better part of two hours. 3 wiser, safer, well-advised, more intelligent: It would be better to wait till tomorrow to tell her. 4 healthier, haler, heartier, less ill or US sick, improved; cured, recovered: You will feel better after you have eaten something. adv. 5 preferably, best; more wisely, more advisedly, more safely: We had better go before the trouble starts. 6 better off. a improved, happier, well-advised: You'd be better off attending a technical college. b wealthier, richer: She is better off than any of us. 7 think better of. reconsider, think twice, change one's mind: He was going to fight but thought better of it. n. 8 advantage, mastery, superiority, control: Don't let the obstacle course get the better of you. 9 betters. superiors: That young imp should learn how to address his elders and betters! v. 10 improve, ameliorate, advance, raise, elevate: It was impossible in those days for labourers to better their condition. 11 surpass, excel, outdo, outstrip, beat, improve: She bettered her record in the 100-metre hurdles by two-tenths of a second. better better²n. gambler, speculator, wagerer, gamester, Brit punter, US bettor, Colloq crap-shooter, sport: The betters were gathered round the craps table. bewail bewailv. lament, mourn, bemoan, moan or mourn over, shed tears or whimper over, weep or cry or keen over, beat one's breast over: Instead of bewailing his condition, why doesn't he do something about it? beware bewarev. take heed, be careful, be wary, be cautious, be on one's guard, exercise caution, mind, watch out, look out, take care: There are shoals nearby, so beware. Beware the ides of March! bewilder bewilderv. confuse, confound, perplex, puzzle, mystify, befuddle, baffle, bemuse: I was bewildered by differential calculus. bewitch bewitchv. enchant, entrance, spellbind, charm, fascinate, beguile, cast a spell over, captivate, enrapture: She easily bewitches men with her sultry good looks and her husky, low voice. 2.4 bias... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= bias biasn. 1 prejudice, partiality; inclination, leaning, bent, disposition, propensity, tendency, predilection, predisposition, proclivity: She shows a marked bias in favour of the Irish. 2 angle, slant, diagonal: Cut the fabric on the bias. 3 influence, impulse, weight: If he is under any bias, it is on the side of fairness. v. 4 influence, affect unduly or unfairly, sway, incline, prejudice, colour, taint, predispose: Artists are seldom good critics of art because they have been biased. biased biasedadj. biased, prejudiced, partial; warped, distorted, jaundiced: I don't want to listen to your biased opinions about women's rights. bicker bickerv. dispute, quarrel, wrangle, argue, squabble, tiff, Colloq spat: The couple next door are always bickering about trifling matters. bid bidv. 1 offer, make an offer (for), tender, proffer: We bid œ500 for the painting. 2 Archaic or literary ask, pray, press, entreat, beg, request, suggest, invite: She bade me leave her to mourn alone. 3 Formal command, demand, order, tell, enjoin, dictate: Please bid him enter. Custom bade him blow his horn. bidding biddingn. 1 invitation, summons: We attended the ceremony at the bidding of the vice-chancellor. 2 command, order, dictate, direction, instruction, demand: The letter was sent to all theatre directors at the bidding of the Arts Minister. big bigadj. 1 large, great, grand; huge, enormous, immense, gigantic, giant, tremendous, colossal, Brobdingnagian, jumbo, Colloq Brit socking or whacking big or great, US humongous: We live in a big house in the country. 2 ample, hefty, huge, bulky, fat, obese; large, hulking, beefy, burly, brawny, strapping, gargantuan, elephantine, enormous, gigantic, immense, monstrous: The sumo wrestler was one of the biggest men I'd ever seen. 3 tall, grown, mature, grown-up, large: Christopher is certainly big for his age. 4 important, significant, outstanding, weighty, consequential, major, grave, momentous, notable, noteworthy, telling: Changing careers can be one of the biggest decisions of your life. 5 important, prominent, illustrious, noteworthy, notable, renowned, eminent, distinguished, esteemed: Mr Johnson is a big man in our town. 6 generous, magnanimous, charitable, unselfish, giving: It was very big of her to take on the support of the orphanage. 7 popular, famous, well-known, successful: That band is very big with the kids these days. 8 capital, large, upper case, majuscule: Always spell London with a big L. adv. 9 pompously, boastfully, conceitedly, arrogantly, pretentiously: Alfred talks big at home, but he's very modest when he's with his friends. 10 successfully, well, oustandingly,effectively: I think your speech went over big with those opposed to the new budget. bigoted bigotedadj. prejudiced, intolerant, biased, jaundiced, one-sided, partial: The judge was bigoted against Blacks, which accounts for the unfair decision. bigotry bigotryn. prejudice, intolerance, bias, partiality: No government that practises bigotry can survive long. bigwig bigwign. 1 boss, kingpin, king, queen, nabob, VIP, Colloq big-shot, big gun, big cheese, big wheel, hotshot, chief, brass hat, US (chief) honcho, Mr Big: The bigwig sits here, at the head of the table. 2 bigwigs. brass, brass hats: Don't let the bigwigs find out what we've done. bilious biliousadj. ill-tempered, bad-tempered, ill-natured, peevish, testy, cross, petulant, tetchy, choleric, dyspeptic, angry, wrathful: The director was absolutely bilious when he heard we had lost the account. bill bill¹n. 1 invoice, account; tally, reckoning, tabulation, US (restaurant) check, Colloq US tab: Have you paid the telephone bill? 2 US and Canadian note, banknote, paper money, Colloq folding money: The robbers took only small bills, which they could spend easily. v. 3 invoice, charge: I haven't got my cheque-book with me, please could you bill me. bill bill²n. beak, neb, nib, pecker; jaws: One of the birds had a fish in its bill. bind bindv. 1 tie, fasten, secure, make fast, tie up: The thieves bound him hand and foot. 2 constrain; hold, oblige, obligate: The contract we signed is equally binding on both parties. The union is bound by an agreement that expires in a month. 3 gird, encircle, wreathe, wrap, cover, swathe, bandage: They were binding his wounded head. 4 cement, stick, cause to adhere; attach, connect: Ordinary glue will bind these pieces together. n. 5 Colloq US dilemma, predicament, tight spot, (difficult) situation, Colloq pickle, fix, jam: I'm in a real bind because I've invited two girls to the party. 6 Colloq Brit annoyance, irritant, bother, bore, trial, ordeal, irritation, vexation, Colloq pain (in the neck or arse): It was a bit of a bind having to wait three hours at the airport. birth birthn. 1 childbirth, delivery, Technical parturition, Old-fashioned confinement: Nicole is expecting the birth of her first baby in early April. 2 origin, creation, emergence, beginning, start, origination: I believe we may be present at the birth of a powerful idea. 3 nativity, origin, extraction; parentage, line, lineage, ancestry, descent, family, blood: She is Scottish by birth. Hortense is of noble birth. bisexual bisexualadj. 1 hermaphrodite or hermaphroditic(al), androgynous: Many of these microscopic animals are bisexual and self-fertilizing. 2 Colloq AC/DC, swinging both ways, Facetious ambisextrous: He was known to have had bisexual relationships. n. 3 androgyne, hermaphrodite: Statistics showed that more women than previously believed were bisexual. bit bitn. 1 morsel, piece, scrap, fragment, shred, particle, grain, crumb: We didn't have a bit of food in the house. 2 jot, tittle, whit, scintilla, trace, touch, hint, suggestion, suspicion, particle, iota, speck, atom: There's not the slightest bit of evidence to link her with the crime. 3 moment, minute, second, flash, Colloq two shakes (of a lamb's tail): I'll be with you in a little bit. 4 piece, share, equity, segment, portion, part, fraction: He owns a little bit of the business. bitch bitchn. 1 shrew, nag, termagant, virago, harpy, fury, spitfire, scold: That greedy bitch has the house, and now she's suing me for half my income. 2 whore, prostitute, bawd, harlot, call-girl, trollop, strumpet, trull, drab, tart, floozie, streetwalker, Colloq bimbo, pro, US hooker, tramp, hustler,: He roamed the street every night, ending up with some bitch he found in a bar. v. 3 complain, object, protest, grumble, Colloq gripe: Oh, stop your bitching and get on with it! 4 bungle, botch, ruin, spoil: They bitched the job by using too little paint. bite bitev. 1 nip; chew, gnaw: That dog of yours bit a piece out of my ankle. 2 sting: She was bitten by a mosquito. n. 3 mouthful, morsel, scrap, bit, piece, taste; snack, Slang nosh: The survivors hadn't had a bite of food for three days. Come round for a bite on Sunday evening before the concert. 4 sting: These mosquito bites itch horribly. biting bitingadj. severe, harsh, cutting, piercing, penetrating, keen, sharp, bitter; cold, wintry, freezing: The biting wind went right through his thin coat. bitter bitteradj. 1 harsh, acerbic, acrid, sharp, caustic, mordant: I added some cream to the sauce to try and make it taste less bitter. 2 unappetizing, distasteful, unsavoury, unpleasant, hard (to swallow or take), irritating, obnoxious, disagreeable, nasty, painful, unwelcome, unpalatable: The demand for additional tax payments was a bitter pill. 3 miserable, grievous, dispiriting, distressing, cruel, distressful: Dismissal after all those years in the firm was a bitter experience. 4 resentful, embittered, rancorous; hateful: Andrew felt bitter at not being selected as chairman. 5 stinging, cutting, biting, harsh, reproachful, vicious, acrimonious, virulent; cruel, unkind, unpleasant, nasty: His bitter denunciation of other candidates lost him the campaign. 6 sharp, keen, cutting, severe, biting, cold, wintry, freezing: A bitter gale lashed at the rigging. bitterness bitternessn. 1 harshness, acerbity, acrimony, acrimoniousness, bitterness, spleen, Literary gall and wormwood: The bitterness of his opponent's attack was totally uncalled for. 2 animosity, hatred, resentment; hostility, antagonism: She felt bitterness in her heart over the way she had been treated. bizarre bizarreadj. 1 eccentric, unusual, unconventional, extravagant, whimsical, strange, odd, curious, peculiar, queer, offbeat, fantastic, weird, incongruous, deviant, erratic, Slang kinky: The police thought his behaviour somewhat bizarre and invited him down to the station for questioning. 2 grotesque, irregular, nonconformist, nonconforming, outlandish, outr‚, quaint, fantastic, unconventional: His house is a bizarre mixture of baroque and modern design. 2.5 blab... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= blab blab → Colloq v. broadcast, tattle, babble, betray, reveal, disclose, divulge, expose: Don't tell Frieda - she'll blab your secrets all over town. blabbermouth blabbermouth → Colloq n. tell-tale, babbler, chatterer, gossip, Colloq blab, tattle-tale, big-mouth: Oscar is such a blabbermouth that you can't tell him anything you don't want everyone to know. black blackadj. 1 jet, jet-black, coal-black, inky, sooty, swart, swarthy, raven, ebony, dusky, Literary ebon, hyacinthine: Her hair was as black as coal. 2 Negro, Negroid, coloured, dark-skinned: Most of the Black races live near or south of the equator. 3 dark, pitch-black, jet-black, coal-black, Stygian; starless, moonless: He bundled his coat round himself and walked into the black night. 4 dark, sombre, dusky, gloomy, menacing, glowering, louring or lowering, threatening, funereal: The sky became black with storm clouds. 5 malignant, baleful, baneful, deadly, deathly, sinister, dismal, hateful, disastrous: It was a black day when he came into my life. 6 bad, foul, iniquitous, wicked, evil, diabolical, infernal, hellish, atrocious, awful, malicious, abominable, outrageous, vicious, villainous, flagitious, vile, disgraceful, unscrupulous, unconscionable, unprincipled, blackguardly, knavish, perfidious, insidious, nefarious, dastardly, treacherous, unspeakable, disgraceful, shameful, scurvy, criminal, felonious: You have told the blackest lies about me. 7 angry, wrathful, furious, frowning, bad-tempered, sulky, resentful, clouded, threatening, glowering: She gave him a black look and he withered in abject fear. v. 8 boycott, embargo, blacklist, ban, interdict: Because of the dispute over plumbers' wages, the other building-trades unions have blacked every manufacturer in the business. blacken blackenv. 1 darken, smudge, begrime: The chimney sweep's face was blackened with soot. 2 slander, libel, asperse, cast aspersions on, traduce, smear, sully, soil, besmirch, taint, tarnish, defame, revile, malign, vilify, discredit, denigrate: His article has blackened my reputation. blackleg blacklegn. scab, strikebreaker: Despite the strike, the plant is being operated by blackleg labour. blackmail blackmailn. 1 extortion, ransom, tribute, US graft: Even if you pay the blackmail, that is no guarantee that he won't demand more later. v. 2 extort money from; force, coerce, compel, make: They had discovered his indiscretions and were blackmailing him. He blackmailed her into signing the alimony settlement. blade bladen. 1 knife, cutting edge: Don't hold the knife by the blade. 2 Literary sword, rapier, sabre, dagger, poniard, stiletto, cutlass, bayonet, knife, penknife, jackknife: She plunged the blade in up to the hilt. 3 leaf, leaflet, frond, shoot: The blades of grass were flattened where he had walked. 4 Rather old-fashioned playboy, ladies' man, man about town, fop, dandy: He was quite a gay blade in his youth. blame blamev. 1 find fault with, censure, criticize, fault; accuse, charge, indict, condemn, point to, point (the finger) at, rebuke, reprimand, recriminate, reproach, scold, reprehend, reprove: Don't blame me if you can't get to school on time. 2 hold responsible, fix (the) responsibility upon or on, put or place or lay (the) blame on, lay at someone's door, denounce, incriminate: Why blame Carol for the mess? n. 3 censure, criticism, reproof, rebuke, recrimination, disapproval, disapprobation, reproach, objurgation, condemnation, reprehension: The cyclist put the blame for the accident on me. 4 culpability, responsibility; guilt, Slang rap: Why should you take the blame for something that Donald did? blameless blamelessadj. faultless, guiltless, innocent, irreproachable, unimpeachable: Hugh has led a blameless life. bland blandadj. 1 gentle, soothing, smooth, mild, suave, urbane, cool, unruffled, calm, composed, unemotional, nonchalant, insouciant: His reaction to the news of the invasion was bland indifference. 2 insipid, boring, dull, uninteresting, ennuyant, tasteless, Colloq US plain vanilla; Slang US blah: The play is a bland mixture of clich‚s embedded in a tired plot. blank blankadj. 1 empty, plain, bare: I stared at the blank paper, unable to write even my name. 2 unornamented, unadorned, undecorated, void: Whenever Irena sees a blank wall she feels compelled to hang a painting on it. 3 vacant, empty: The actor's mind went completely blank --he had forgotten his lines. 4 passive, impassive, expressionless, emotionless, vacuous, mindless, unexpressive: He gave us a blank look when asked about the missing rare stamps. 5 disconcerted, discomfited, nonplussed, confused, helpless, resourceless, perplexed, dazed, bewildered: The two old men looked at each other with blank and horror-stricken faces. 6 unrelieved, stark, sheer, utter, pure, unmixed, absolute, unqualified: Jack faced the blank prospect of solitary confinement. n. 7 space; line, box: Please fill in the blanks on the form. 8 nothing, zero, nil; void, emptiness: I asked her when the baby was coming, but I drew a blank. blare blarev. 1 blast, bellow, trumpet, ring, boom, thunder, roar, bray; resound, echo, reverberate, resonate: Everyone in the neighbourhood can hear your hi-fi blaring. n. 2 blast, bellow, ring, roar, boom, noise, sound, clamour: The games began with a blare of trumpets. blasé blaséadj. 1 bored, jaded, weary, unimpressed, ennuy‚: Her blas attitude does little to endear her at job interviews. 2 indifferent, cool, superior, supercilious, sophisticated, unmoved, nonchalant, emotionless, phlegmatic, apathetic, pococurante, carefree, light-hearted, insouciant: His blas‚ behaviour hides his basic feelings of insecurity. blaspheme blasphemev. 1 curse, swear, imprecate, execrate, profane, damn: They were denounced for blaspheming against God. 2 abuse, malign, calumniate, defame, disparage, revile, put down, decry, deprecate, depreciate, belittle: The ungrateful wretches blaspheme the charitable soul who would help them. blasphemous blasphemousadj. profane, impious, irreverent, disrespectful, sacrilegious, irreligious, sinful, wicked, evil, iniquitous: He was excommunicated for his blasphemous writings. blast blastn. 1 blow, gust, wind, gale: The door opened and a blast of icy air made us shiver. 2 blare, sound, noise, racket, din, bellow, roar; boom: At the trumpet-blast thousands of Goths descended screaming on the camp. 3 explosion, burst, eruption, discharge; detonation: A blast of dynamite levelled all the houses in the vicinity. 4 (at or in) full blast. fully, at full tilt, at the maximum, completely, thoroughly, entirely, maximally, Slang with no holds barred, US to the max: The factory was going full blast before the strike. v. 5 blow up, explode, dynamite, demolish, destroy, ruin, waste, lay waste, shatter, devastate: The pillbox was blasted out of existence by our guns. 6 defame, discredit, denounce, criticize, attack; ruin, destroy: The candidate has been blasted by the press. 7 curse, damn: The minister continued to blast the proposal till the legislature dropped it. blatant blatantadj. 1 obvious, flagrant, palpable, obtrusive, arrant, shameless, unashamed, brazen, overt, glaring: Those hooligans have shown a blatant disregard for the law. 2 noisy, clamorous, loud, bellowing, strident, vociferous, rowdy, boisterous, obstreperous, uproarious: The blatant radical faction insists on making itself heard. blaze blazen. 1 flame, fire, holocaust, inferno, conflagration: The fuel barrels exploded, feeding the blaze. 2 outburst, eruption, flare-up: Her speech fanned the Lower House into a blaze of resentment. 3 light, brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, glow: The blaze of lamps lit up the whole square. v. 4 burn, flare up, flame: In a few minutes the logs were blazing merrily. 5 blaze away (at). fire, shoot, open fire, blast; bombard, shell: The enemy appeared, and we just blazed away at them. bleach bleachv. 1 whiten, lighten, fade, blanch, blench, Technical etiolate: My jeans are all bleached by the sun. n. 2 whitener, chlorine: Add a little bleach to the laundry. bleak bleakadj. 1 cheerless, dreary, depressing, dismal, gloomy, sombre, melancholy, sad, unhappy, mournful: 1940 was one of the bleakest periods in British history. 2 cold, chilly, raw, bitter: The days were getting shorter, and the bleak winter was setting in. 3 barren, bare, exposed, windswept, desolate: How depressing the bleak landscape of the Russian steppes can be in winter! blemish blemishv. 1 deface, mar, scar, impair, disfigure: They did nothing to blemish the beauty of the landscape. 2 tarnish, stain, sully, spoil, mar, flaw, harm, damage, scar, injure, bruise, besmirch: She has blemished my reputation by spreading those stories about me. n. 3 disfigurement, scar, mark, impairment, stain, smear, blot; defect, flaw, error, fault, imperfection, error, erratum: Her complexion was entirely without blemish. blend blendv. 1 mix, mingle, combine, meld, commingle, intermingle: The Latakia is blended with the Virginia to produce a fine smoking tobacco. 2 shade, grade, gradate, graduate, merge, coalesce, fuse, unite: Note how the pink sky and the tinted clouds blend in this Turner painting. n. 3 mixture, mix, combination, mingling, meld, commingling, intermingling: His humour is a fine blend of the sardonic with slapstick. bless blessv. 1 consecrate, hallow, sanctify; extol, glorify, praise, revere, adore: God bless this ship and all who sail in her. Bless the Lord. 2 give, make happy or fortunate, endow, favour, furnish, provide, supply, grace: She is blessed with one of the most beautiful soprano voices that I have ever heard. blessing blessingn. 1 benediction, prayer, consecration: Each spring the vicar officiated at the blessing of the fleet. 2 boon, favour, advantage, good fortune, godsend, luck, profit, gain, help, asset, gift, bounty: Hot, sunny days are a blessing for wine growers. blight blightn. 1 affliction, disease, plague, infestation, pestilence, scourge: The crops were visited with a blight that lasted seven years. 2 misfortune, curse, trouble, woe, calamity: Genius may suffer an untimely blight. v. 3 afflict, infest, plague, scourge; wither, mar, taint, blast: Central Africa has been blighted by famine after famine. blind blindadj. 1 sightless, eyeless, unsighted, purblind, stone-blind: He has been blind from birth. 2 imperceptive, slow, insensitive, thick, dense, obtuse, stupid, weak-minded, dull-witted, slow-witted, dim-witted, Colloq Brit gormless: How blind some parents are! There's another case of the blind leading the blind. 3 indiscriminate, undiscriminating, heedless, reckless, rash, impetuous, inconsiderate, unreasoning, mindless, senseless, thoughtless, unthinking, irrational, delusional: He did her bidding with the blind obedience of a dog. 4 blind to. unaware or unconscious of, impervious or insensible to, unaffected or untouched or unmoved by: The critics were blind to her merits as a novelist till many years had passed. v. 5 deceive, blindfold, blinker; bamboozle, hoodwink, fool: Wolsey could not blind himself to the true condition of the church. How jealousy blinds people! 6 conceal, hide, eclipse, overshadow; dazzle, blindfold: The bright lights of the city blinded our view of the airport runway. Her beauty blinded him to her greed. n. 7 shade, curtain, screen, cover, shutter(s), awning: The sun is too bright - please draw the blind. 8 pretence, pretext, front, cover, smokescreen, stratagem, subterfuge, ruse, trick, deception, Colloq dodge; Slang scam: The plumbing service is merely a blind for getting into houses to rob them. blindly blindlyadv. recklessly, heedlessly, deludedly, indiscriminately, rashly, impetuously, irrationally, thoughtlessly, mindlessly, senselessly, unthinkingly: Despite his parents' warnings, he went blindly on, till one day he was arrested. blink blinkv. 1 wink, flicker, Technical nictitate: She blinked in the strong light. 2 twinkle, flicker, gleam, glimmer, shimmer, flash, sparkle, scintillate, coruscate: A billion stars blinked in the wintry sky. 3 flinch, wince, shrink, quail, blench, recoil, start, move: She didn't even blink when she had the injection. 4 blink at. wink at, ignore, overlook, disregard: That inspector has been known to blink at health violations. n. 5 wink, flicker: He switched the cards in the blink of an eye. 6 on the blink. Colloq out of order, broken, in disrepair, not working or operating, not operational, Slang US out of whack, on the fritz: The fridge is on the blink again. bliss blissn. happiness, blitheness, gladness, joy, blessedness, delight, felicity, glee, enjoyment, pleasure, joyousness, cheer, exhilaration, gaiety, blissfulness, rapture, ecstasy: The bliss of our honeymoon has remained with us throughout our marriage. blithe blitheadj. 1 blissful, happy, cheerful, joyous, merry, light-hearted, well-pleased, delighted, gay, joyful, elated, jubilant: His spirit was blithe and his heart unquenchable. 2 happy-go-lucky, insouciant, heedless, carefree, unconcerned, blas‚, casual, detached, indifferent, uncaring, careless: She goes through life with a blithe disregard for the feelings of others. bloated bloatedadj. swollen, distended, fully, puffy; puffed up, overgrown, inflated, pompous: He felt bloated after the enormous banquet. That bloated, conceited, self-important petty official had the gall to refuse me a visa. blob blobn. gob, gobbet, globule, drop, droplet, bit, gout, lump, dab, Colloq glob, Chiefly US and Canadian smidgen or smidgin: There's a blob of jelly on your tie. block blockn. 1 piece, chunk, hunk, lump, slab; stump; brick, cube: The figure is carved out of a solid block of stone. 2 bar, obstacle, obstruction, hindrance, stumbling-block, deterrent, impediment, barrier: Her arrival should be no block to your leaving. v. 3 obstruct, close off, barricade; bar, shut off; hinder, hamper, balk, impede, prevent: Entry to the playing field was blocked by the police. 4 block out. a rough out, design, outline, sketch, lay out, plan: The colonel blocked out a strategy for our escape. b mask, screen, blank (out), erase, eliminate, exclude, blot out, deny: She has blocked out that part of her life from her mind. 5 block (up). stuff (up), congest, clog, Colloq Brit bung up: My nose is all blocked up because of this awful cold. bloodshed bloodshedn. slaughter, carnage, butchery, killing, murder, blood-letting; violence; genocide: Let's settle this peaceably and avoid bloodshed. bloodsucker bloodsuckern. leech, extortionist, extortioner, blackmailer; parasite, barnacle, Colloq sponge, freeloader, scrounge, scrounger; Slang US moocher: He's nothing but a bloodsucker, always demanding more and more money. bloodthirsty bloodthirstyadj. murderous, homicidal, savage, feral, cruel, ruthless, pitiless, vicious, brutal, sadistic, ferocious, fierce, Formal sanguinary, Literary fell: Bloodthirsty pirates had slaughtered the whole crew. blot blotn. 1 stain, spot, mark, smudge, blotch, blemish, disfigurement, smear, smirch, scar, Colloq splodge or US also splotch: An ink blot covered the date of the document. There are a few blots on his record from his time in the army. v. 2 stain, spot, spatter, smudge, mark, blur: You have blotted these pages where you wrote with a fountain-pen. 3 blot one's copybook. err, destroy or ruin or mar or spoil one's reputation, commit an indiscretion, transgress, sin: She's certainly blotted her copybook by having an affair with that subaltern. 4 blot out. a obscure, conceal, cover (up), hide, eclipse, dim: The clouds blotted out the sun for a few minutes. b obliterate, destroy, erase, demolish, efface, annihilate, delete, rub or wipe out: He subconsciously blotted out all memory of the accident. blow blow¹v. 1 breathe, puff, exhale; expel: If the crystals turn green when you blow into the tube, it means that you've had too much to drink. Blow some air into the balloon. 2 waft, puff, whistle, whine, blast: An icy wind blew through the cracks in the windows. 3 Colloq bungle, botch, make a mess of, muff, mismanage, Colloq screw up, mess up, fluff, bugger up, Taboo fuck up: It was my last chance to win and I blew it. 4 Colloq spend, lavish, squander, waste, throw out or away: She blew hundreds on that dress and now she won't wear it. 5 short-circuit, burn out: All the fuses blew when I turned on the electric heater. 6 blow hot and cold. vacillate, hesitate, dither, Colloq shilly-shally: The sales manager has been blowing hot and cold over my proposal for a month now. 7 blow out. a extinguish: I blew out all the candles in one breath. The match blew out in the wind. b explode, burst: One of my tyres blew out on the way over here. c short-circuit, burn out: The lights blew out during the storm. 8 blow up. a become furious or angry or enraged, flare up, lose one's temper, Slang blow one's top or US also stack, flip one's lid: She really blew up when I said I was going to the pub. b explode, burst, shatter, Colloq bust; detonate, dynamite, destroy, blast: The bridge blew up with a roar. Demolition experts will blow up the dam. c enlarge, inflate, embroider, magnify, expand, exaggerate, overstate: The tabloid press has blown up the story out of all proportion. d enlarge, magnify, amplify, expand, increase: Can you blow up just this corner of the photograph? e inflate; distend, swell: We were busy blowing up balloons for the party. n. 9 gale, storm, tempest, whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, hurricane, typhoon, north-easter, nor'easter: We can expect a big blow tonight - winds of gale force, they say. blow blow²n. 1 stroke, punch, clout, whack, hit, knock, thump, thwack, Colloq wallop: He was felled by a blow to the chin in the fourth round. 2 shock, surprise, bombshell, jolt, bolt from the blue, revelation: It came as a blow to learn that she was leaving in a month. blue blueadj. 1 depressed, low-spirited, dispirited, sad, dismal, down, down in the mouth, gloomy, unhappy, glum, downcast, crestfallen, chap-fallen, dejected, melancholy, despondent, downhearted, morose: I've been feeling blue since Kathleen left me. 2 obscene, vulgar, indecent, titillating, pornographic, dirty, filthy, lewd, smutty, risqu‚, bawdy, sexy, X, X-rated, 18, US XXX; indelicate, suggestive, off colour, erotic, coarse, offensive, improper: There's a place nearby that shows blue movies. bluff bluff¹v. 1 deceive, hoodwink, dupe, mislead, delude, trick, cozen, fool, Colloq bamboozle: I bluffed him into believing that I held four aces. 2 pretend, feign, bluster, fool, Colloq kid; Slang bullshit: She became frightened, unaware that I was only bluffing. n. 3 bombast, bravado, boasting, bragging, bluster, show, puffery; deception, blind; Literary rodomontade, gasconade; Colloq hot air: Roger's ranting is all bluff - he's really very timid. bluff bluff²adj. 1 blustering, gruff, rough, abrupt, blunt, curt, short, crude: Fred's bluff manner puts many people off. 2 frank, open, hearty, straightforward, plain, plain-spoken, outspoken, affable, approachable, good-natured, friendly: That comment is typical of his bluff honesty. n. 3 cliff, escarpment, precipice, scarp, headland, promontory, palisades: As you sail down the lower Hudson river, the tall bluffs form a natural wall along the western bank. blunder blunderv. 1 stumble, flounder: I had somehow blundered into a meeting of the local crime syndicate. She blundered upon the truth when she saw them together. n. 2 mistake, error, gaffe, faux pas, slip, slip-up, howler, Colloq boo-boo, screw-up, fluff, boner, US goof, goof-up: I made a stupid blunder in telling him about the plans. blunt bluntadj. 1 dull, worn: This knife is too blunt to cut bread. 2 abrupt, curt, rough-spoken, plain-spoken, short, direct, candid, frank, unceremonious, undiplomatic, inconsiderate, thoughtless, brusque, outspoken, bluff, brash, indelicate, rude, uncivil, ungracious, discourteous, impolite; straightforward, straight, uncomplicated, uncompromising: Ralph may be blunt, but at least you know exactly where you stand with him. v. 3 dull, take the edge off: You've blunted the scissors cutting that cardboard. 4 soften, mitigate, mollify, soothe; efface, dim, obscure, blur, weaken: Mother's love is an absorbing delight, blunting all other sensibilities. blur blurn. 1 indistinctness, dimness, haziness, cloudiness, fogginess: We were unable to pick out the star from the blur of the Galaxy. 2 fog, haze, Brit fuzz: Without my spectacles, everything is a blur. v. 3 dim, befog, obscure, bedim; efface: My vision was momentarily blurred, and I didn't see the oncoming car. 4 obscure, hide, conceal, veil, mask; weaken: The Honourable Gentleman has blurred the distinction between the unemployed and the unemployable. blurt blurtv. Usually, blurt out. burst out with, utter; reveal, disclose, give away, divulge, Colloq blab: She blurted out the name of her accomplice. blush blushv. be or act ashamed, redden, flush, colour: He blushed when asked if he still loved Belinda. bluster blusterv. 1 storm, rage, harangue: It won't do any good to bluster on about the postal service. 2 swagger, strut, talk big, boast, brag, blow one's own horn or trumpet, show off, crow: He's always blustering about his conquests. n. 3 swaggering, storming, raging, raving, haranguing, tumult; hot air, puffery, bravado, grandiloquence, Literary rodomontade: He's all bluster and will do nothing despite his threats. 2.6 board... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= board boardn. 1 plank, scantling, timber: We nailed the last board in place and the house was finished. 2 table, gaming-table, game table or surface: I have the chessmen, have you brought the board? 3 food, meals, provisions: I am moving to the country, where room and board are cheaper. 4 council, committee, directors, directorship, management, cabinet, panel, trustees, advisers: That issue will be discussed at the meeting of the board. 5 on board. aboard, on: Young children are not allowed on board the boat. v. 6 go aboard, ship aboard; enter, embark on: We all boarded the ship but it didn't leave for an hour. 7 feed; eat, take meals; accommodate, lodge, house, billet, quarter; lodge, stay, live, room; Colloq put up: Mrs O'Brien already boards three gentlemen at her house, but she has agreed to let me board there too. boast boastn. 1 brag, bragging: They did not make good their boasts of being the fastest in the competition. v. 2 brag, vaunt, crow, show off, Colloq US blow or toot one's (own) horn or trumpet; Slang lay it on thick, talk big: He boasted that he was the best poker player in the casino. boastful boastfuladj. ostentatious, show-off, bragging, vainglorious, egotistical, vain, conceited: She's boastful about her wealth, but it was all left to her by her mother. boat boatn. vessel, craft, skiff, small craft, motor boat, speedboat, knockabout, runabout, yacht, motor yacht, sailing-yacht, Brit rowing-boat, sailing-boat, US row-boat, sailboat, Colloq ship: I bought a 30-foot boat at this year's show. They went off on a slow boat to China. bode bodev. portend, promise, augur, betoken, forebode, presage; foreshadow: The weather bodes well for the picnic. body bodyn. 1 corpse, cadaver, remains, carcass, Slang stiff: A body has been dragged up from the lake. 2 trunk, torso: They found the body, but the arms, legs, and head were missing. 3 main part or portion, hull, fuselage: The body of the plane remained intact, though the wings and superstructure broke away. 4 substance, essentials, main part, essence, heart, centre, core: The body of the book is all right, but the index needs work. 5 majority, bulk, main part or portion, mass(es): Under Henry VIII the main body of the people were prosperous. 6 association, league, band, corps, confederation, fraternity, society; committee, council; group, assemblage, assembly, congress, company: It is not within the power of this body to do more than vote on the proposal. 7 richness, substance, firmness, consistency, solidity, thickness, density, fullness, viscosity, fullness: This wine has excellent body. Add a little cornflour to give the sauce more body. bog bogn. 1 swamp, fen, marsh, quagmire: The peat bogs have yielded interesting fossils. 2 bog down. impede, slow, hamper, encumber, stymie, stick, handicap, clog, check, set back, hold back: Traffic is bogged down owing to roadworks. bogus bogusadj. counterfeit, spurious, fake, false, fraudulent, sham, imitation, fictitious, Colloq phoney or US also phony: The police reported that a gang was trying to pass bogus money to unsuspecting shopkeepers in the area. Bohemian Bohemianadj. nonconformist, unconforming, unconventional, unorthodox, casual, free and easy: In the '60s she became a flower person and adopted a Bohemian way of life. boil boil¹v. 1 bubble, seethe; simmer, stew, steam: A pot of soup was boiling on the kitchen stove. 2 seethe, fume, sizzle, smoulder, chafe, fulminate, ferment, sputter, splutter, bluster: When she learned what he had been saying about her, she boiled with furious indignation. boil boil²n. abscess, carbuncle, pustule, Technical furuncle: The doctor said the boil had to be lanced at once. boisterous boisterousadj. rowdy, clamorous, rough, noisy, lively, exuberant, unruly, wild, undisciplined, tempestuous, stormy, turbulent, Colloq rambunctious: The boys were sent outside because of their boisterous behaviour. bold boldadj. 1 courageous, brave, plucky, confident, stout-hearted, lion-hearted, daring, enterprising, audacious, fearless, unafraid, intrepid, resolute, dauntless, undaunted, valiant, stout, valorous, stalwart, adventurous, venturesome; reckless, foolhardy, incautious, daredevil, rash: It would take a bold man to enter the ring with the champion. 2 audacious, presumptuous, forward, immodest, brazen, impudent, temerarious, impertinent, shameless: It was very bold of you to speak your mind to the boss. 3 pronounced, outstanding, striking, vigorous, clear, strong, vivid, distinct, conspicuous: He wrote down their demands in a good, bold hand. bolster bolsterv. support, prop (up), brace, shore up, buttress, uphold, back (up), reinforce, aid, help, assist, further, advance: The miners cited a lack of safety measures to bolster their arguments. bolt boltn. 1 arrow, dart, projectile, missile, Historical quarrel: He had only three bolts remaining for the crossbow. 2 pin, bar, rod, catch; latch: We hoped that the bolt would prevent their opening the door. 3 machine screw: Bolts can be tightened or removed, unlike rivets. 4 roll, length: We sell only full bolts of fabric. 5 lightning flash, thunderbolt, Formal fulguration: One bolt travelled down the television aerial and blew out the set. 6 bolt from or out of the blue. surprise, shock, bombshell, bomb, blow, revelation, eye-opener, Colloq shocker: The news of her resignation came like a bolt from the blue. 7 shoot one's bolt. exhaust or use up one's resources, Slang burn out, US poop out: He was fast early in the marathon, but he'd shot his bolt long before the finishing line. v. 8 spring, dart, shoot off, take flight, run (away or off), rush (off or away), break away, flee, decamp, abscond, escape, fly, dash (off or away), Colloq skedaddle, scram, Brit scarper, do a bunk, do a moonlight flit, US take a (run-out) powder,: The youths bolted as soon as they saw the police. The couple in room 315 bolted without paying their bill. 9 gulp (down), swallow whole: When the bell rang, she bolted her breakfast and ran out of the back door. 10 fasten, lock, latch, secure: Make sure you bolt your door at night and don't let anyone in. 11 fix, attach, fasten, connect, make fast to: The motor must be securely bolted to the workbench. adv. 12 bolt upright. erect, straight, rigidly, stiffly: When her name was called, Penny sat bolt upright in her chair. bomb bombn. 1 bombshell, shell, explosive: One of the bombs blew up the school. v. 2 bombard, shell, batter, blow up: Last night the railway station was bombed. bombard bombardv. 1 batter, bomb, shell: The artillery continued to bombard the enemy with everything in their arsenal. 2 assail, attack, assault, set upon; besiege: The Prime Minister was bombarded with requests to amend the law. bombast bombastn. pretentious language, flatulence, bluster, show, grandiloquence, magniloquence, hot air, bravado, boast, boasting, Literary gasconade, rodomontade; Colloq puffery: The speaker continued to bore the audience with his pompous bombast. bombastic bombastic adj. high-flown, extravagant, pompous, grandiose, grandiloquent, magniloquent, inflated, fustian, flatulent, turgid, Literary euphuistic: The Minister made a bombastic speech full of emotive appeals, but his actual arguments were unconvincing. bombshell bombshelln. surprise, shock, eye-opener, bomb, blow, revelation, bolt from or out of the blue, Colloq shocker: Then came the bombshell - she and Tony had been married the week before. bona fide bona fide adj. genuine, authentic, attested, real, veritable, legitimate, true, valid; in good faith, sincere, honest: The jeweller affirmed that it was a bona fide ruby. I don't believe her reasons are bona fide. bond bondn. 1 tie(s), shackles, chains, fetters, manacles, handcuffs, trammels, thongs, cord(s), rope(s); restraint(s), constraint(s), check(s), control(s), rein(s): The council is hampered by the bonds of the old regulations. 2 covenant, pact, contract, agreement, engagement, compact, treaty: To unite the party a bond of confederacy was formed. 3 connection, link, linkage, union, tie, relationship: The main bond between us was a shared love of the theatre. The bond between the veneer and the board should hold with a little more glue. v. 4 cement, bind, hold together, stick, cohere: They use mortar to bond the bricks together. bondage bondagen. slavery, servitude, subjection, subjugation, enslavement, serfdom, thraldom; vassalage, villeinage: The poor souls were kept in bondage for most of their lives, forced to row in the galleys till they died. bonny bonnyadj. beautiful, comely, attractive, pretty, lovely: She's grown into quite a bonny lass. bonus bonusn. reward, largesse, hand-out, perquisite, extra, honorarium, tip, gratuity, remuneration, compensation, Colloq perk: Employees often receive a Christmas bonus. book bookn. 1 volume, tome, work, publication; hard-cover, soft-cover, paperback: Our personal library contains more than 5000 books. 2 libretto, words, lyrics: Richard Rodgers wrote the music and Oscar Hammerstein the book for several hit shows. 3 rules, laws, regulations: He always insists that we go by the book. v. 4 engage, reserve; earmark, ticket; order, register, enrol, list, enlist, log, record, post: Please phone the restaurant and book a table for four for seven-thirty. bookkeeper bookkeepern. clerk; accountant, Brit chartered accountant, CA, cashier; US CPA, certified public accountant: The office was haunted by the melancholy ghosts of departed bookkeepers. bookworm bookwormn. bibliophile, book-lover, inveterate or ardent reader, Formal bibliophage: Fiona is such a bookworm, she hardly does anything but read. boom boomv. 1 sound, resound, resonate, blast, rumble, thunder, roar, bang, explode: We heard the cannons booming in the distance. 2 prosper, thrive, flourish, progress, grow, increase, burgeon or bourgeon: Business is booming in every sector. n. 3 blast, rumble, explosion: There was a resounding boom and the car went up in flames. 4 prosperity, profitability; growth, increase, burgeoning or bourgeoning: In this business it is either boom or bust. boomerang boomerangv. rebound, recoil, backfire, miscarry, redound: His plan boomeranged. boon boonn. gift, favour, award, reward, gratuity, present; blessing, benefit, advantage: The mobile library service is a great boon to the elderly in the area. boor boorn. 1 rustic, peasant, yokel, (country) bumpkin, provincial, backwoodsman, US hayseed, hill-billy, Juke, Kallikak, Slang hick: The boor is blind to the beauties of nature. 2 barbarian, yahoo, oaf, clod, clodhopper, philistine, clown, Grobian; hoyden, Colloq lummox, Slang galoot, slob, US goop, slobbovian: The guests behaved like boors, throwing their food at each other. boorish boorishadj. rustic, barbarian, rude, crude, ill-mannered, uncultured, coarse, clownish, uncouth, loutish, oafish, gawky, vulgar, ill-bred: How can you even think of inviting such a boorish fellow? boost boostn. 1 lift, shove or push up or upward(s), Colloq leg up; rise, raise: If you give me a boost up, I can reach the window ledge. 2 encouragement, help, aid, assistance, support: With a boost from your constituency, Trevor should win the vote. 3 increase, rise, US raise, hike: He was given a slight boost in salary as an incentive to stay. v. 4 lift, shove or push up or upward(s), raise: He boosted her over the fence. The second stage is intended to boost the rocket beyond the atmosphere. 5 encourage, promote, help, aid, support, assist, improve: A talk from the manager before the game helped to boost the players' morale. 6 increase, raise: Her salary was boosted twice in one year. boot bootn. 1 to boot. in addition, into the bargain, in addition, besides, moreover, as well, also, too, additionally: He's stingy and cruel - and ugly to boot. 2 shoe, riding-boot, bootee: I need a new pair of boots for my walking holiday. v. 3 eject, expel, shove, propel, push, Colloq kick: The landlord booted three rowdies out of the pub. 4 Literary profit, avail, help, be in aid of: What boots it to complain? booth boothn. 1 stall, stand: Our company has taken three booths at the book fair. 2 compartment, cubicle, box, kiosk: We walked across the road to a telephone booth and phoned a garage. bootless bootlessadj. pointless, unavailing, vain, purposeless, useless, futile, worthless, unproductive, ineffective, inefficacious, fruitless, unprofitable, profitless, unremunerative, unrewarding, wasteful, time-wasting, Sisyphean: It's a bootless task trying to persuade him of the importance of a good education. booty bootyn. plunder, gain, spoil(s), contraband, takings, loot, Slang swag, boodle, (hot) goods, take: The pirates fought over the booty seized from the Spanish galleon. booze boozen. 1 drink, (hard) liquor, spirit(s), whisk(e)y, alcohol, US demon rum, John Barleycorn, mountain dew, white lightning, white mule; Slang rot-gut, poison, fire-water, mother's ruin, US and Canadian sauce, juice, hooch, red-eye: I ordered plenty of booze for the party. v. 2 drink, tipple; Humorous bibulate; Slang hit the bottle, US hit the sauce: He has a terrible hangover after boozing all night. border bordern. 1 edge, margin, hem, binding, trimming, trim, edging, periphery, purfle, purfling: The border of the tablecloth is beautifully embroidered with flowers. 2 Usually, borders. limit(s), bound(s), confines: Sometimes Tony exceeds the borders of good taste. 3 boundary, frontier: You won't be able to cross the border without a passport. 4 frame, frieze, moulding; dado, wainscot or wainscoting or wainscotting: The border of the fresco is in Greek fretwork design. 5 borderline, edge, verge, brink: She is just on the border of becoming a born-again Christian. 6 bed, flowerbed, herbaceous border: Hollyhocks are growing in the border. v. 7 edge, trim, bind, fringe, purfle: The hem of the skirt is bordered with lace. 8 resemble (closely), approach (closely), verge upon or on: Isabel's attempts at playing the tuba border on the ludicrous. 9 lie alongside, adjoin, abut (on or upon), verge upon or on, touch, be adjacent to: The territory of the Gauls bordered the western lands of the Germans. bore bore¹n. 1 hole, drill-hole, borehole: A bore of six inches was carried to a depth of 2086 feet. v. 2 pierce, perforate, drill, penetrate, puncture, tap, punch, stab, prick; sink, tunnel, dig (out), gouge (out); hollow out: Bore a hole through this sheet metal. The oil rig is boring through solid rock. bore bore²n. 1 annoyance, nuisance: Reggie is such a bore - always talking about himself. v. 2 weary, wear out, tire, exhaust, jade: The programme so bored me that I fell asleep. boredom boredomn. dullness, dreariness, ennui, tedium, monotony: I have to look forward to the boredom of an evening of chamber music. boring boringadj. dull, monotonous, tedious, humdrum, tiresome, dreary, flat, dead, uninteresting, unexciting, ennuyant, stale, tired, dry, dry-as-dust, arid; tiring, wearying, wearisome, exhausting, soporific; repetitious, wordy, prolix, unending, long-drawn-out: Felicity's boring old stories put me to sleep. borrow borrowv. take, appropriate, draw, adopt, refer to, obtain, Colloq sponge, cadge, touch (someone) for, US bum; Slang mooch: Has Fred borrowed my lawnmower again? Borstal Borstaln. youth custody centre, approved school, Now chiefly US reform school, reformatory: He was too young to go to prison, so he was sent to a Borstal. bosom bosomn. 1 breast, chest, bust; Slang boobs, knockers, tits, titties, pair, jugs, Brit Bristols: The sex goddess's lack of talent was more than compensated for by her ample bosom. 2 midst, interior, heart, core, centre: She was welcomed into the bosom of the family as if she had been their own child. 3 soul, heart, heart of hearts, bowels, blood, Colloq gut: I know he loves me, I can feel it in my bosom. adj. 4 close, intimate, dear, beloved, cherished, boon, special, confidential: We were once bosom companions. bosomy bosomyadj. big-busted, busty, well-endowed: This tabloid always has a bosomy model on page 3. boss bossn. 1 chief, supervisor, head, administrator, manager, foreman, superintendent, overseer; employer, director, proprietor, owner, Brit managing director , US president, Dialect himself, Colloq supremo, Brit governor, gov., gaffer, US super, leader, kingpin, big cheese, the man, Slang honcho, head or chief honcho, Mr Big, prex or prexy: If you have to leave early, check with the boss. The company boss was interviewed on television last night. v. 2 supervise, head, manage, run, oversee, overlook, direct, control, superintend, command, take charge, be in charge: Clive has been here only a year and he's already bossing a department. 3 domineer, push or shove around or about, dominate, order about, lord it over: That slave-driver had better stop bossing me about or I'll quit! bossy bossyadj. overbearing, domineering, dictatorial, tyrannical, despotic, imperious, lordly: Her boyfriend is awfully bossy and they're not even married yet. botch botchv. bungle, mismanage, spoil, Colloq screw or louse up, blow, mess up, muck up, make a mess or hash or muddle of; Slang bollocks or ballocks or US bollix up: Give Gordon an assignment and he's sure to botch it. bother botherv. 1 annoy, pester, worry, irritate, trouble, hector, harass, hound, dog, nag, plague, needle, Colloq hassle; Slang US nudge: I wish they'd stop bothering me about paying the telephone bill. 2 trouble (about), fuss (at), make a fuss (about), concern oneself (with), burden: Too few people are interested in bothering about the welfare of others. 3 confuse, bewilder, perplex, perturb, upset, disconcert, discomfit: She was increasingly bothered by her inability to understand the local language. n. 4 trouble, inconvenience: Those pets must be a lot of bother. 5 worry, annoyance, vexation, nuisance, irritation, trouble, effort, disturbance, upset, Slang hassle: Painting the lattice will be more bother than it's worth. 6 dither, flutter, Colloq tizzy, pet, stew, lather, sweat: She seems to have worked herself into quite a bother about something quite insignificant. 7 pest, irritant, nag, nuisance, Colloq pain, pain in the neck or Brit taboo arse or US taboo ass; Slang US nudge: Mother is such a bother, always asking if I wear my galoshes when it rains. 8 disturbance, to-do, ado, commotion, fuss, trouble, disorder, stir, hubbub: We ran into a bit of bother at the pub last night. bottle bottlen. 1 flask, container; fiasco, decanter: The milkman left two bottles of milk. 2 courage, nerve, manliness, manfulness, grit, backbone, gumption, mettle, pluck, Dutch courage, Slang guts; Colloq spunk, starch, US moxie: He was going to tell her off but lost his bottle at the last minute. 3 the bottle. alcohol, alcoholic drink, spirit(s), liquor, booze, sauce: He's back on the bottle after only two weeks of being on the wagon. v. 4 bottle up. a contain, restrain, hold back, control, suppress, repress, hold or keep in check, stifle: All the emotions, bottled up for so long, burst upon him at once, and he wept pitiably. b trap, cut off, hem in, box in: With the help of the posse, we can bottle up the gang in the canyon. bottom bottomn. 1 seat, buttocks, rear, behind, rear end, derriŠre, rump, posterior, hindquarters, breech, fundament, gluteus maximus, Colloq backside, butt, prat, Brit bum , US can, duff, keister or keester, hinie; Taboo Brit arse, US ass; Slang US tokus or tochis or tuchis, tushie or tushy or tush: He just sits there on his bottom, never doing a bit of work. 2 base, foot, foundation, groundwork, substructure, footing, underpinning, fundament: A ditch was dug along the bottom of the wall. 3 basis, foundation, source, origin, cause, heart, nub: We have to get to the bottom of the problem. 4 depths, Davy Jones's locker; bed: The ship sank to the bottom of the sea. 5 at bottom. basically, fundamentally, in the final or last analysis, really, in reality, truly, in truth, essentially: Despite her behaviour at the party, at bottom she is very reserved. 6 Bottoms up! Prosit!, To your (very good) health!, Cheers!, Here's to -!, Skol!: Here's to the whole team - Bottoms up! bottomless bottomlessadj. unfathomed, unfathomable, abyssal, abysmal, inexhaustible, unlimited, immeasurable, unplumbable: The bottomless ignorance of the man is incredible. bounce bouncen. 1 bound, leap, hop, recoil, ricochet, rebound: The ball took a bad bounce and the infielder missed it. 2 vitality, energy, verve, zest, vivacity, liveliness, animation, dynamism, life, Colloq pep, zip, go, get-up-and-go: Betty has so much bounce, she is a bit tiring to have around. v. 3 bound, rebound, hop; recoil, ricochet: The ball bounced over the wall and into the river. bound bound¹n. 1 Usually, bounds. boundary, boundary-line, limit(s), extent, border(s), confines: Please try to keep the dogs within the bounds of the estate. Carl's plan is beyond the bounds of common sense. v. 2 limit, restrict, confine, delimit, define, circumscribe: The river bounds the property on the east. bound bound²n. 1 leap, jump, vault, spring; bounce, hop: With a great bound, the dog was upon me. 2 by leaps and bounds. See leap, 7, below. v. 3 leap, jump, hop, spring, vault, gambol, caper, romp, frolic, bounce, Colloq galumph: The wolfhound came bounding towards me across the meadow. bound bound³adj. 1 tied, fast, fixed, fastened, confined, secured: We were bound hand and foot and left in the cave. 2 obliged, obligated, required, constrained, forced, compelled: In the circumstances, Philippa was bound to do as she was told. 3 determined, resolved: Otto is bound to go to the party if Antonia is going. 4 likely, certain, sure, destined, predestined, fated, doomed: He is bound to get the sack if he goes on turning up late. 5 destined, scheduled, booked; headed, directed: We were bound for Cardiff. boundary boundaryn. border(s), limit(s), frontier(s); bound(s), confines, perimeter: If you cross that boundary, you will be safely in Switzerland. boundless boundlessadj. limitless, unbounded, unlimited; illimitable, vast, endless, unending, infinite, immense, enormous, immeasurable, incalculable, measureless, unrestricted, unchecked, inexhaustible, unstoppable, unbridled, uncontrolled, Literary vasty: How can you keep up with a teenager's boundless energy? bountiful bountifuladj. 1 generous, beneficent, munificent, liberal, unsparing, unstinting, charitable, eleemosynary, magnanimous, Literary bounteous: We are grateful to Sir Roger, our most bountiful patron, for endowing this library. 2 ample, abundant, plenteous, plentiful, copious, rich, Literary bounteous: Until the Stock Exchange d‚bƒcle, these shares paid bountiful dividends. bounty bountyn. 1 generosity, liberality, munificence, charitableness, philanthropy, charity, unselfishness, beneficence, goodness: The poor used to be dependent on the bounty of the local gentry. 2 gift, present, largesse, grant, subsidy, endowment, subvention: People should be given work and not live off the bounty of the state. 3 reward, award, premium, bonus, gratuity: In America they paid a bounty of œ50 for every dead wolf. bouquet bouquetn. 1 nosegay, posy, bunch, arrangement, spray: I sent her a bouquet of spring flowers for her birthday. 2 aroma, scent, odour, fragrance, perfume: This '83 burgundy certainly has a fine bouquet. 3 compliment(s), praise, commendation: Mrs Campbell received many bouquets for her performances. bourgeois bourgeoisadj. 1 middle-class, conventional, philistine, capitalistic, propertied; materialistic, greedy, money-grubbing, money-hungry: The yuppies constitute the modern bourgeois element in society. 2 working-class, proletarian, plebeian: In his bourgeois mind, he had only his labour to offer. bout boutn. 1 turn, round, time, occasion, spell, period, session: He's just got over a bout of pneumonia. 2 chance, spree, stint, opportunity, innings: We had long planned this bout of shopping. 3 contest, match, boxing-match, prizefight, meet, set-to, struggle, encounter, engagement; duel: A bout has been arranged between the heavyweight champion of the world and a challenger from Puerto Rico. bow bown. 1 nod; curtsy or curtsey, salaam, kowtow, genuflection, prostration, obeisance: We all bowed respectfully before the emperor. v. 2 defer, yield, submit, give in, bend, bow down, capitulate: I bow to your greater knowledge of the subject. 3 bend, incline, lower: The servants bowed their heads when the master entered. 4 weigh down, crush, overload, bend down, burden: Michael was bowed down by the responsibilities of his new family. 5 nod, curtsy or curtsey, salaam, kowtow, genuflect, prostrate oneself, salaam, make obeisance: The natives bowed as the king passed by. bowels bowelsn. interior, insides, depths; heart, centre, core, intestines, viscera, vitals, belly, gut, Colloq innards, guts: We descended the shaft into the very bowels of the earth. She hates me, I can feel it in my bowels. bowl bowl¹v. move, trundle, wheel, roll, spin: We saw him in his car, bowling along at about 40. bowl bowl²n. dish; basin, pan: She brought me a bowl of cereal. box box¹n. 1 case, receptacle, crate, carton, container, casket, coffer, caddy, chest: She keeps her valuables in a small tortoise-shell box on the dressing-table. v. 2 crate, encase, package: The candles are boxed in dozens. 3 box in or up. trap, confine, bottle up, hem in, enclose, surround; pin down: They have the horses boxed in and are now driving them into the corral. box box²v. 1 fight, engage in fisticuffs, spar, battle: When he was in the army, he boxed for his regiment. 2 strike, buffet, punch, hit, Colloq slug, sock, whack, thwack, clout, belt, thump, lambaste, whomp: Every time she heard him swear, she'd box his ears. n. 3 blow, buffet, punch, hit, strike, Colloq slug, sock, whack, thwack, clout, belt, thump, whomp: How would you like a box on the ear, you young rascal! boy boyn. 1 lad, youth, young man, stripling, youngster, schoolboy, fellow, urchin, brat, Colloq kid, guy, small fry, little shaver: There were two girls and five boys in my family. 2 servant, house-servant, attendant; lackey, slave, Archaic knave, varlet, rogue, wretch, caitiff: Here! Boy! Bring me another gin and tonic. 3 old boy. Brit (public) schoolmate; friend, chum, pal, Archaic old bean, old egg, old crumpet, dear boy; crony: I say, old boy, care for a rubber of bridge? Carruthers wouldn't be where he is now if it weren't for the old-boy network. boycott boycottv. 1 blacklist, embargo; avoid, refuse, shun, reject, eschew, pass over or by: They are boycotting Fern's Dairy because it won't hire women. The US government is still boycotting cigars from Havana. n. 2 embargo, blacklist, blacklisting, ban: A boycott of their products soon forced them to change their policies. boyish boyishadj. 1 young, youthful, juvenile, adolescent: She liked his boyish good looks. 2 childish, puerile, juvenile, immature: Don't be too hard on them - it was just a boyish prank. 2.7 brace... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= brace bracen. 1 bracket, stiffener, reinforcement, reinforcer, support, buttress, prop, stay, strut, truss: Two steel braces have been installed to steady the columns. 2 drill: He bored three holes in the wood with his brace and auger. 3 clasp, clamp, buckle, fastener, clip, holdfast, catch, coupler, coupling: Another brace will be needed here to strengthen the handle. 4 pair; couple, span, team (of two): A brace of duelling pistols was sold at auction last week for œ20,000. Her carriage was drawn by a brace of palominos. v. 5 steady, reinforce, support, strengthen, prop or shore up: Iron bars are used to brace the arches. 6 brace oneself. steady or gird or prepare oneself; hold or hang on: I braced myself against the likelihood that she would refuse. bracing bracingadj. invigorating, tonic, stimulating, refreshing, exhilarating, fortifying, restorative: I cannot live in the tropics and need the more bracing climate of the north. bracket bracketn. 1 support, corbel, console: The mantelpiece rests on a pair of stone brackets. 2 shelf: Her collection of glass paperweights was arrayed on a bracket in the sitting-room. 3 category, class, set, group, grouping, classification, division, level; order, grade, rank: He comes from an altogether different bracket of society. v. 4 classify, rank, group; unite, combine, join, link: I wish you wouldn't bracket her with me - our politics are as different as day and night. brag bragv. boast, crow, trumpet, vaunt, strut, swagger, show off, Colloq talk big, blow or toot one's own horn or trumpet, go on about: He's always bragging about what he did in the war. braggart braggartn. boaster, bragger, braggadocio, windbag, peacock, show-off, Scaramouch or Scaramouche, Slang big-mouth, loud-mouth, gasbag: That braggart William Smith talks about himself incessantly. braid braidn. 1 plait: Katrina wore her blond hair in a tightly coiled braid on top of her head. 2 trimming, embroidery, soutache, lace, fillet, band, ribbon: The edges are decorated with narrow braid containing gold thread. v. 3 plait, intertwine, interlace, weave, twist: At school we learned how to braid leather laces into a belt. brain brainn. 1 brains, intelligence, intellect, understanding, sense, thought, imagination, capacity, perspicacity, perceptiveness, perception, percipience; wisdom, sagacity, wit, discernment, acumen; knowledge, cognition: Although she's not yet ten, she has the brain to become a great mathematician. 2 genius, mastermind, intellectual; leader, planner: Many people regard Einstein as the greatest brain of the 20th century. Ivor was clearly the brains of the operation. brake braken. 1 curb, check, restraint, restriction, constraint, control, rein: The central bank applied a brake to the upward trend of the dollar by buying Deutschmarks. v. 2 slow, slow up or down, put on or apply the brakes, reduce speed, decelerate, slacken, hold up: He braked before the bad curve. She braked the car going down the steep hill. branch branchn. 1 offshoot, arm; limb, bough, stem, shoot, twig, sprig: The branches of this tree need trimming. 2 department, section, subsection, division, subdivision, office, part, ramification; affiliate, subsidiary; spin-off: What branch of medicine are you going to specialize in? The company maintains branches in New York and Melbourne. v. 3 ramify, divide, subdivide, diverge; diversify: This road branches off in three directions. The company will branch out into electronics this year. brand brandn. 1 kind, make, type, sort, variety; brand name, manufacturer, maker, trade name, trade mark, label, mark, marque, Chiefly US and Canadian name brand: Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer? Our advertising agency is conducting a survey of brand loyalty. v. 2 mark, stamp, identify, tag, label, trade-mark: We sell only branded merchandise in our shops. 3 label, characterize; stigmatize, discredit, disgrace: Because his actions at the front were misinterpreted, Corporal Williams was branded as a coward. brand-new brand-newadj. new, unused, fresh, firsthand, mint, virgin: We bought a brand-new car last week. brash brashadj. 1 hasty, rash, impetuous, precipitate, impulsive, headlong, reckless: He may be a brash young man, but I think he's going places. 2 impudent, rude, impertinent, disrespectful, insolent, forward, audacious, brassy, brazen, bold, tactless, undiplomatic, presumptuous, Colloq cheeky, fresh: Her brash behaviour has already landed her in trouble with the headmistress. brass brassn. effrontery, gall, nerve, temerity, impudence, insolence, rudeness, Colloq cheek, nerve: He had the brass to turn down a knighthood. brassy brassyadj. 1 impudent, forward, insolent, saucy, brash, rude, brazen, shameless; coarse, flashy, florid, flamboyant; Colloq cheeky, fresh: Our landlady was a big brassy blonde. 2 harsh, strident, tinny, grating, dissonant, shrill, loud: She has just the right kind of brassy voice for belting out songs like, 'There's No Business Like Show Business'. bravado bravadon. boldness, bluster, boasting, braggadocio, swagger, front, self-assurance, Literary rodomontade, gasconade; arrogance, pretentiousness, Colloq machismo, Slang Brit side: With an attempt at bravado, the union leader refused to meet the management representatives. brave braveadj. 1 fearless, intrepid, bold, courageous, daring, gallant, stout, stout-hearted, valiant, valorous, stalwart, plucky, staunch, undaunted, dauntless, unafraid, unfearing, indomitable, heroic, Colloq macho; Slang gutsy: Despite her misgivings about her proposal, she put on a brave face in the boardroom. He was brave to face the enemy alone. 2 fine, handsome, grand, splendid, showy, colourful, spectacular, smart: The colonel made a brave appearance in full Highland regalia. v. 3 challenge, defy, dare; brazen (out), face, confront, encounter, meet: We had to brave the elements in the open boat. I had to brave my father at breakfast. bravery braveryn. daring, courage, valour, heroism, fortitude, fearlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, pluck, determination, staunchness, firmness, resoluteness, resolution, indomitability, stalwartness, Colloq machismo: One has to admire the bravery of a woman who supported suffrage in the early 1900s. brawl brawln. 1 fight, mˆl‚e or melee, battle, battle royal, Donnybrook, fray, wrangle, dispute, disorder, brannigan, fracas, row, quarrel, squabble, Colloq punch-up, free-for-all, scrap, ruckus: The police had to be brought in to break up the brawl. v. 2 fight, wrangle; row, quarrel, squabble, Colloq scrap: The two brothers always seem to be brawling. brawn brawnn. muscle(s), strength, robustness, brawniness, might, power, Colloq huskiness: It must take a lot of brawn to lift those weights. brawny brawnyadj. muscular, strong, tough, robust, mighty, powerful, burly, strapping, beefy, hefty, bulky, Colloq husky: That brawny fellow tossing the caber is my brother. brazen brazenadj. brassy, shameless, barefaced, brash, outspoken, forward, immodest, unashamed, audacious, candid, open, unabashed, brazen-faced; rude, impudent, impertinent, insolent, saucy, Colloq cheeky, fresh, US sassy: That's the last time I'll let that brazen hussy near my husband! breach breachn. 1 break, violation, infraction, disobedience, non-observance, infringement, contravention: Their failure to comply with paragraph 3 is a clear breach of our contract. 2 break, rift, gulf, split, break-up, separation, rupture, severance, schism, split, alienation, estrangement: There seems to be no way to heal the breach between them. 3 gap, fissure, crack, split, hole, opening; chasm: Their cannon opened a breach in the castle wall. v. 4 rupture; break through, invade: The sea has breached the dyke. Someone breached the security measures set up for the missile design. breadth breadthn. 1 width, wideness, broadness, beam, span, spread, thickness: The breadth of the cloth is 54in. 2 extent, magnitude, degree, amount, scope, expanse, range, area, depth, detail: I like the breadth of coverage of the six o'clock news. 3 liberality, largeness, catholicity, latitude: Great breadth of vision was exhibited in the conference papers. break breakv. 1 break apart or up or asunder, fracture, rupture, break into bits, come apart, shatter, shiver, crack, crash, splinter, fragment, split, burst, explode, Colloq bust: The ball flew over the fence and broke my neighbour's window. She fell and broke her wrist. 2 reveal, announce, disclose, divulge, tell, make public: Break the news to him gently. 3 relax, ease up, improve, ameliorate, change for the better: When will this spell of wet weather break? 4 demolish, smash, destroy, crush, ruin, defeat, foil, frustrate: The power of the dictator was finally broken. 5 ruin, bankrupt: He's the man that broke the bank at Monte Carlo. 6 weary, exhaust, wear out, weaken, debilitate: Twenty years in the chain-gang had broken him completely. 7 crush, overcome; cow, cripple, demoralize, weaken, undermine, discourage: The divorce has broken her spirit. 8 break in, tame, discipline, train, condition: I used to break horses for a living. 9 violate, transgress, disobey, contravene, defy, infringe, fail to observe, ignore, disregard, flout: If you break the law, you'll regret it. They broke the contract. 10 break off, discontinue, interrupt, sever, cut off; give up, suspend, disrupt: We broke relations with Spain after the incident. It is very difficult to break a habit of a lifetime. The narrative breaks at this point, to be taken up later. 11 break up, divide, disperse, scatter: The rain is over and the clouds are breaking. 12 break loose or away or forth, separate from, break out (of), escape (from), depart (from): The ship broke from its moorings during the storm. 13 break forth, burst forth; emerge or come out suddenly: The storm broke in all its fury. After a little while, the sun broke through. 14 demote, Colloq bust: He was broken from sergeant to private. 15 break away. leave, depart, separate (oneself): A small group broke away from the established church to worship as they saw fit. 16 break down. a demolish, destroy: All right, men, let's break down that wall. b decompose, break up; analyse: The carbon dioxide molecules and water are broken down by photosynthesis. c collapse, give way, disintegrate, be crushed, be prostrated: His health has broken down completely. 17 break ground. initiate, begin, commence, found, set up, establish, inaugurate, be innovative, innovate, Colloq break the ice, take the plunge, start the ball rolling: Laser printers have broken new ground in the area of computer printout. 18 break in. a interrupt, interpose, interject, burst in, intrude, intervene, interfere, disturb: If the results of the election become known, we shall break in to keep you informed. b train, educate, prepare; accustom, condition, habituate, wear: We'll break you in for a week or two on the new machine. Wear your new boots for an hour each day to break them in. c rob, burgle, burglarize, break and enter: Someone broke in and stole my video recorder last night. 19 break off. a discontinue, stop, cease, end: Sally broke off in mid sentence. After the Fashoda Incident, Britain broke off relations with France. b disengage; sever, detach, break: A large branch broke off from the tree and crashed down, narrowly missing me. 20 break out. a escape; emerge, appear: She broke out of prison in 1985 and hasn't been seen since. b erupt, come out in, break out in or into: He breaks out in a rash from eating strawberries. A war could break out any minute. 21 break the ice. See 17, above. 22 break through. penetrate, force or get through: Wit, like beauty, can break through the most unpromising disguise. 23 break up. See also 11, 16 (b), above. a disband, disperse; disintegrate: Heraclius succeeded in breaking up the Persian power. b fracture, fragment, comminute: In the spring, the ice on the river breaks up. c See 24 (a), below. 24 break with. a break up (with), separate from, leave, depart from: The leader broke with the party and established a new organization. Sally has broken up with Michael. b renounce, repudiate, disavow: They have broken entirely with the traditions we valued so highly. n. 25 fracture, split, separation, rupture, breach, rift, schism: There was a break in a gas pipe. Disagreement over the fishing grounds has resulted in a break in relations. 26 gap, opening, hole; crack, slit: You can escape through a break in the wall near the bridge. 27 interruption, discontinuity, discontinuation, hesitation, suspension, hiatus, gap, lacuna, unevenness, irregularity: There was a five-minute break in transmission from the ship. 28 rest, respite, rest period, coffee-break, tea break, intermission, interlude, lull, pause, playtime, US recess, Colloq breather: We take a break at ten o'clock. 29 chance, stroke of luck, opportunity, opening: All he needs is a break to get started. breakdown breakdownn. 1 collapse, downfall, failure, foundering; destruction, ruin: There was a breakdown of our computer system. The arbitrators blamed a breakdown of communication between union and management. 2 (mental) collapse, nervous breakdown, Colloq crack-up: She had a bad breakdown after her daughter was killed. 3 analysis, run-down, detailing, review; decomposition, itemization, classification, dissection, distillation, fractionation: I want a breakdown of these figures by noon. The chemical breakdown of the substance indicated the presence of arsenic. breakneck breakneckadj. reckless, dangerous, daredevil; excessive, careless, headlong, rash, Colloq hell for leather: The car came round the corner at breakneck speed on two wheels. breast breastn. 1 chest, bosom, bust; teat, Technical mamma, Slang boob, knocker, tit, titty: He clasped the child to his breast. On some beaches in Europe, women bare their breasts when sunbathing. 2 soul, core, heart, heart of hearts: I feel in my breast it is the right thing to do. breath breathn. 1 gust, zephyr, breeze, puff, whiff, stirring, stir: There wasn't a breath of air in the tent. 2 hint, suggestion, indication, touch, murmur, whisper, soup‡on: She never allowed the breath of scandal to affect her behaviour. 3 take one's breath away. astound, astonish, surprise, amaze, dazzle, startle, shock, stagger: The sheer beauty of the waterfall takes your breath away. breathe breathev. 1 live, exist: She believes that there never breathed a wiser man than her father. 2 inhale and exhale, respire, suspire: He was breathing regularly. 3 exhale, expel, puff, blow: The banner depicts a dragon breathing fire. 4 whisper, murmur, hint (at), suggest, tell, speak, say: She told me not to breathe a word of it to anybody. breathless breathlessadj. 1 panting, out of breath, winded, gasping, exhausted, spent, worn out, tired out, Colloq Brit puffed: We were breathless after carrying the piano up two flights of stairs. 2 surprised, amazed, astonished, astounded, awestruck, staggered: The news of Penny's having given birth to twins left me breathless. 3 eager, agog, feverish, in suspense: We were all breathless with anticipation as the compŠre opened the envelope. breed breedn. 1 kind, sort, type, variety, species; race, lineage, stock, family, strain: What breed of dog won at Crufts this year? v. 2 produce, generate, bring forth, create, engender, hatch, beget, give rise to, develop, cause: The cheese is so old it's breeding maggots. Familiarity breeds contempt. 3 raise, rear, cultivate, propagate: Charollais cattle are widely bred in Europe today. 4 arise, originate, appear; develop, grow, increase, multiply: The sergeant allowed discontent and jealousy to breed within his platoon. breeding breedingn. 1 rearing, bringing-up, raising, cultivation, development, propagation: The breeding of sheepdogs has been Tom's hobby for years. 2 (good) upbringing, (good) manners, civility, politeness, politesse, gentility, (good) behaviour: You can tell from the way she treats people that she has breeding. breeze breezen. 1 breath, puff, zephyr, wind, draught, gust, Nautical cat's-paw: A breeze sprang up from the north, and the little boat moved forward. 2 easy or simple job or task, nothing, Colloq snap, Slang cinch, US lead-pipe cinch: It ought to be a breeze to find someone at that salary. breezy breezyadj. 1 airy, fresh, windy, draughty, brisk, gusty: The afternoon was breezy and warm, ideal for walking. 2 casual, carefree, light-hearted, cheerful, cheery, airy, lively, spirited, blithesome, buoyant: The chairman's breezy opening of the annual meeting made everyone feel comfortable. brevity brevityn. shortness, briefness, conciseness, concision, terseness, succinctness, pithiness, compactness, laconicism or laconism, economy: Brevity is the soul of wit. brew brewv. 1 ferment, cook, boil; infuse: Our beer is brewed using the best hops. 2 concoct, devise, plan, Colloq cook up; contrive, prepare, bring about, cause, produce, hatch: They are brewing up a plot to unseat the financial director. 3 start, go on, hatch, begin, form; stew, simmer, Colloq cook: A storm is brewing. n. 4 beer, ale, stout; tea; beverage, drink; concoction, mixture: She served me some strange brew in which I could detect cinnamon and nutmeg. bribe briben. 1 graft, inducement, Colloq kickback, Chiefly US payola, US plugola: Some judges were offered bribes for reducing the sentences of convicted felons. v. 2 pay or buy off, buy; corrupt, suborn, Colloq fix; Slang oil, grease (someone's) palm, Brit nobble: The guards were bribed to look the other way during the prison break. bric-à-brac bric-à-brac n. bric-a-brac, curiosities, knick-knacks, collectables or collectibles, trinkets, gewgaws, gimcracks; bibelots, curios, objets d'art, objets de vertu: On Saturday she went to an antiques fair and bought still more bric-…-brac to clutter up the house. brick brickn. 1 block, cube, chunk, hunk, slab; stone: I bought a brick of ice-cream to serve for pudding. A university is not just bricks and mortar. 2 pal, comrade, friend, Colloq chum, US and Canadian buddy: You're a real brick to watch the children for me till I get back. bridal bridaladj. nuptial, wedding; conjugal, connubial, marriage: The bridal gown was white, with lace appliqu‚s. bridge bridgen. 1 span: We could build a bridge over the river here. 2 link, connexion or connection, tie, bond: She regarded teaching as a bridge between her studies and a post in school administration. v. 3 span, cross (over), go or pass over, traverse: The viaduct bridges the swamp. 4 connect, link, unite, join, tie: The gap between rich and poor is not easily bridged. bridle bridlen. 1 restraint, curb, check, control: Man has need of a bridle on his passions. v. 2 curb, check, restrain, hold in, control: You must learn to bridle your temper. 3 bristle, draw oneself up, be or become indignant, take offence or umbrage or affront (at), be affronted or offended (by): She bridled at the suggestion that she was responsible for Keith's departure. brief briefadj. 1 short, momentary, little, fleeting; short-lived, transitory, transient, evanescent, passing, temporary, ephemeral, fugitive: The lights went back on after a brief interval. His glory was brief. 2 short, concise, succinct, to the point; condensed, shortened, cut, curtailed, abbreviated, compressed, abridged, thumbnail, compendious: The chairman made a few brief remarks. Here is a brief description of what happened. 3 curt, abrupt, terse, short, blunt, brusque: You mustn't be so brief with little children. n. 4 summary, outline, digest, pr‚cis, r‚sum‚, compendium, abstract, condensation, abridgement or US only abridgment, synopsis, extract: This is merely a brief; the full document will follow. 5 in brief. briefly, concisely, in sum, in summary, to sum up, succinctly, in a word: He is a cutthroat, too - in brief, the greatest scoundrel living. v. 6 advise, inform, fill in, coach, instruct, enlighten; explain, run through or down: Howard will brief you on the details. briefly brieflyadv. 1 concisely, tersely, succinctly, in a word, in short; bluntly, curtly, in a nutshell, in a few words, to sum up: Briefly, the plan is a complete non-starter. 2 momentarily, for a few moments or seconds or minutes, fleetingly, hurriedly, hastily, quickly: I stopped briefly at the post office on my way home. bright brightadj. 1 light, shining, gleaming, radiant, brilliant, resplendent, glittering, flashing, Formal refulgent, effulgent, fulgent, fulgid, fulgorous; alight, aglow, beaming, dazzling, glowing, luminous, lambent, incandescent, ablaze with: We arrived on a bright, sunny day. The water was bright with phosphorescence. 2 clear, cloudless, fair, unclouded: It certainly is a bright night - you can see every star. 3 shiny, polished, lustrous, glossy, sparkling: I want that brass so bright I can see my face in it. 4 hopeful, optimistic, favourable, propitious, auspicious, promising, rosy: Glenys's job prospects are not very bright. 5 brilliant, vivid, intense, fluorescent, US trade mark Day-Glo: But you said you wanted the room bright orange, Madam. 6 intelligent, clever, quick-witted, witty, brilliant, keen-minded, sharp-witted, gifted, astute, ingenious, alert, smart; precocious; Colloq brainy, on the ball: No one can deny that Alison is a bright young woman. 7 illustrious, glorious, splendid, magnificent, distinguished, outstanding: Today has been one of the brightest days in the history of Britain. 8 cheerful, gay, happy, exuberant, lively, animated, vivacious, spirited: It is a pleasure to see so many bright faces in the audience. brighten brightenv. 1 illuminate, enliven, lighten, cheer up, liven up, Colloq perk up: Replacing those heavy draperies with thinner curtains ought to brighten the room. 2 shine, polish, burnish: The silver could use a bit of brightening up. brilliance brilliancen. 1 brightness, radiance, lustre, splendour, magnificence, sparkle, dazzle, glitter, effulgence, light: The brilliance of the opening night rivalled that of Hollywood. 2 intelligence, wit, intellect, keenness, sharpness, acuteness, genius, talent, sagacity; precocity: Her brilliance shows in her books. brilliant brilliantadj. 1 bright, shining, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, dazzling, luminous; incandescent, glittering, sparkling, scintillating, coruscating, twinkling, Formal effulgent: At the show I saw the most brilliant display of diamonds. 2 splendid, magnificent, superb, beautiful, distinguished, striking, glorious, remarkable, exceptional, outstanding: The audience rose for a standing ovation after the brilliant last movement of the concerto. 3 illustrious, famous, noted, celebrated, eminent, prominent, renowned, accomplished: Paul is one of the country's most brilliant chemists. 4 intelligent, clever, gifted, bright, talented, smart, expert, masterful, accomplished, ingenious, imaginative, creative; quick-witted, sharp-witted, keen-witted, enlightened; resourceful, discerning, able, competent: Goddard's brilliant mind understood principles of practical rocket flight. brim brimn. 1 edge, margin, lip, rim; brink: I filled the cup to the brim. v. 2 be full or filled, overflow: His cup was brimming with steaming mulled wine. They are brimming over with confidence as they approach the race. bring bringv. 1 carry, bear, fetch, get, take; deliver: Don't forget to bring some wine home for dinner tonight. 2 lead, conduct, convey; escort, invite, accompany: The road brought me to your house. You can bring anyone you like to the party. 3 draw, attract, lure, allure: What brings you to London? 4 carry, bear, convey; report: She brought word of the uprising. 5 bring on, bring about, occasion, give rise to, be the source or cause of, create, cause, engender, produce; contribute to: The thought of his mother brought tears to his eyes. 6 institute, advance; invoke: She is bringing charges against him for slander. 7 bring about. occasion, cause, bring on, accomplish, effect, achieve, produce: The government has brought about changes in the health service. 8 bring down. a overthrow, depose, oust, unseat, dethrone, overturn, topple: A military faction has brought down the government. b reduce, lessen, diminish, cut (back or down): The chancellor promised to bring down taxes in the next budget. 9 bring forth. a bear, give birth to, produce; yield: The kangaroo brings forth young less than an inch in size. b set forth, bring out or in or up, introduce, present, produce, put out, submit, offer, advance: Mr Hanson has brought forth a new sales plan. 10 bring in. a earn, yield, produce, realize, fetch, return, sell for: Advertising brings in more revenue than subscriptions. b See def. 15, below. 11 bring off. succeed (in), carry out, achieve, accomplish, do, carry out or off, perform, succeed, pull off; Colloq put over: Do you really think she'll be able to bring off her masquerade? 12 bring on. a produce, put on, introduce, bring in: When the children in the audience began to get restless, they brought on the clowns. b induce, produce, occasion, bring about: Eating strawberries brought on a rash. 13 bring out. a display, feature, focus on, illuminate, set off, make noticeable or conspicuous, emphasize, develop: The colour of the dress brings out the blue of your eyes. b publish, issue, release, make known or public, produce; put on, stage: They've brought out a new edition of Dickens's works. 14 bring round or around. a revive, resuscitate, bring to; restore: The smelling salts brought her round when she fainted. b persuade, win over, convince, influence: Can he be brought round to our way of thinking? 15 bring up. a rear, raise, care for, look after, nurture, breed; educate, teach, train, tutor: She has brought up six children on her own. b introduce, broach, bring in, raise, pen (up), set forth, mention, touch on, talk about, discuss; reintroduce, recall: Why bring up irrelevant matters like his age? c raise, elevate: So far, they have brought up only three survivors from the mine. d vomit, throw up, regurgitate, disgorge: He woke up feeling sick and brought up most of the previous night's meal. brink brinkn. 1 edge, brim, rim, margin, lip, border: He lost his footing and almost went over the brink into the gorge. 2 verge, point: He was on the brink of telling them everything, but suddenly remembered his promise. brisk briskadj. 1 active, lively, busy, vigorous: The poachers are doing a brisk trade in rhinoceros horn. 2 quick, animated, sprightly, spry, energetic, spirited: Patrick was a brisk lad, fresh from Oxford. 3 strong, steady, fresh, refreshing, bracing, invigorating, stimulating, crisp, biting, bracing, keen, nippy, chill, chilly, cool, cold: A brisk breeze had started up from the north, chilling us through. 4 energetic, vibrant, invigorating, stimulating: After a brisk massage, Mariette felt completely revitalized. bristle bristlen. 1 hair, whisker, barb, prickle, thorn, quill, Technical seta: Shaving brushes are often made from badger bristles. v. 2 prickle, rise, stand up, Formal horripilate: He could feel the hair on the back of his neck bristle. 3 seethe, become angry or infuriated or furious or maddened, boil, flare up, see red, bridle: He bristled with enraged frustration. 4 teem, crawl, be thick, swarm, be alive: The sea urchin was bristling with sharp spines. brittle brittleadj. 1 fragile, frangible, breakable; friable: My fingernails become brittle in the cold and break easily. 2 frail, weak, delicate, sensitive, fragile, insecure: She might seem strong, but she has a very brittle nature and is easily upset. broach broachv. introduce, raise, open (up), suggest, mention, hint at, touch on or upon, bring up or in, talk about, advance: I didn't dare broach the subject of money. broad broadadj. 1 wide, expansive, large, extensive; spread out, ample, spacious: The broad highway stretched out for miles before them. Cattle graze in the broad pastures. 2 bright, plain, open, full; unshaded: He had the nerve to kiss me in broad daylight, in front of everyone! 3 plain, clear, obvious, emphatic, explicit, pronounced, direct, unconcealed, undisguised, unsubtle, evident: His wink gave a broad hint of what he really had in mind. 4 main, general, generalized, rough, unspecific, non-specific, approximate, sweeping: Without the details, here is a broad outline of what happened. 5 plain-spoken, outspoken, forthright, direct, unreserved, frank, candid, unrestrained: When he reached the witness box, he repeated the accusation in broad terms. 6 inclusive, general, widely applicable, extensive, wide-ranging, comprehensive, wholesale; vague, imprecise, indefinite, unfocused, non-specific, unspecified: We have broad support for these policies. She formulated a broad rule to fit all imaginable cases. 7 liberal, tolerant, catholic, ecumenical, latitudinarian: The term 'Broad Church' is said to have been coined by A. H. Clough. The judge feels that he must give the broadest possible interpretation of the law. 8 dirty, blue, coarse, rude, indecent, vulgar, improper, indelicate, off colour, loose, gross, obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, pornographic; inelegant, unrefined, unladylike, ungentlemanly, titillating: Peter was in the corner telling some of his broad jokes. n. 9 woman, girl, Slang dame, cookie or cooky, skirt, bimbo, bird, chick, number, doll, piece (of baggage): We picked up a couple of broads at the dancehall last night. broadcast broadcastv. 1 air, transmit, relay; radio; televise, telecast: The programme will be broadcast tonight. 2 announce, advertise, publish, proclaim; disseminate: It may be a bad idea to broadcast your plans in advance. 3 sow, scatter, seed: The farmer broadcasts this seed instead of planting it. n. 4 programme, show; transmission, telecast: I heard the broadcast on my car radio. brochure brochuren. pamphlet, booklet; catalogue; folder, leaflet; tract: The brochure advertising the company's products will be ready tomorrow. broil broilv. grill, barbecue: I think hamburgers taste better broiled than fried. broke brokeadj. penniless, indigent, down-and-out, poverty-stricken, penurious, impoverished, insolvent, destitute, poor, needy, bankrupt, ruined, Colloq on one's beam-ends, on one's uppers, strapped, flat or dead or stony-broke, hard up, short, up against it, US flat, on the skids; Slang Brit skint: I was broke after paying the rent - I didn't even have money for food. broken brokenadj. 1 fragmented, shattered, shivered, splintered, ruptured, cracked, split, smashed, pulverized, disintegrated, destroyed, demolished: A broken Ming vase cannot be worth much. 2 fractured: With a broken leg, she certainly won't be competing in the slalom. 3 enfeebled, weakened, crushed, defeated, beaten, ruined; dispirited, dejected, discouraged, demoralized, defeated, subdued, debilitated, Colloq licked: Rosa's running away with a sailor left Hugh a broken man. 4 tamed, trained, disciplined, obedient, docile, domesticated, subdued; conditioned: What use is a horse that isn't broken? 5 violated, transgressed, disobeyed, contravened, defied, flouted,disregarded, ignored, infringed: The rules of this club are broken too often: we'll have to tighten things up. 6 interrupted, disturbed, discontinuous, disjointed, disconnected, fragmented, fragmentary, intermittent, erratic, sporadic: I couldn't stop worrying about the operation and had a terrible night of broken sleep. 7 Also, broken-down. out of order or commission, not working or functioning, in disrepair, Slang on the blink, out of kilter, kaput, US on the fritz, out of whack: My watch is broken. Why waste money repairing that broken-down car of yours? broken-hearted broken-heartedadj. heart-broken, depressed, downhearted, dejected, devastated, crushed, overwhelmed, heartsick, downcast, upset; forlorn, sorrowful, disconsolate, inconsolable, grief-stricken, miserable, wretched, melancholy, heavy-hearted, sad, doleful, dolorous, woeful, woebegone, gloomy, morose, glum, cheerless, Colloq down: She was broken-hearted when her puppy was lost. broker brokern. stockbroker; agent, dealer, middleman, intermediary, go-between, Brit stockjobber: I have phoned my broker to tell him to sell all my shares. brooch broochn. clasp, pin; fastening: She was wearing the cameo brooch I had given to her mother. brood broodn. 1 young, offspring, progeny; children, family: A mallard was tending her brood among the rushes. v. 2 incubate, hatch, set, sit, cover: The old hen was brooding three eggs. 3 Also, brood on or over. ponder (on or over), meditate (on or over), contemplate, ruminate (on or over), muse (on or over): He just sits there brooding over the subject of his next novel. 4 mope, sulk, pout, pine, eat one's heart out, fret, worry, agonize, despair: Don't just brood over the problem, do something about solving it! brook brook¹n. stream, rivulet, run, runnel, rill, US and Canadian and Australian and New Zealand creek; No. Eng. dialect beck, gill or ghyll; Scots burn: The river is fed by numerous brooks from every part of the country. brook brook²v. endure, tolerate, stand, abide, put up with, suffer, allow: She runs the business in her own way and brooks no interference from anyone. broth brothn. stock, bouillon, consomm‚; soup; decoction: We tossed food scraps into the large, simmering pot to make a broth. brothel brotheln. bordello, whore-house, house of ill fame or ill repute, bawdy-house, bagnio; seraglio, harem, Obsolete stew, Colloq US sporting house, Slang Brit knocking-shop, US cat-house: On their first night in Paris, they visited a brothel. brother brothern. sibling; relation, relative, kin, kinsman; fellow, fellow-man, fellow-clansman, fellow-citizen, fellow-countryman, fellow-creature; associate, colleague, confrŠre, companion, Colloq pal, chum, Brit and Australian mate, US buddy: Some day, perhaps all men will regard each other as brothers. brotherhood brotherhoodn. 1 brotherliness, fellowship, companionship, alliance, friendship, comradeship, camaraderie, kinship: We should all live together in harmony and brotherhood. 2 fraternity, guild, society, association, order, league, union, organization, club, community, circle, set, clique: The tribes fused into a united and enthusiastic brotherhood. brotherly brotherlyadj. fraternal, kind, affectionate, cordial, friendly, amicable, amiable, neighbourly, loyal, devoted: The boys grew up together and maintained a brotherly relationship throughout their lives. browbeat browbeatv. bully, intimidate, threaten, badger, dominate, cow, frighten, discourage, tyrannize, hector, harass, keep after, nag, Colloq hassle: The foreman constantly browbeat anyone who wasn't one of his drinking cronies. browse browsev. look over or through, skim (through), scan, thumb or flip or flick through: I was browsing through some recent acquisitions at the second-hand bookshop. bruise bruisen. 1 injury, hurt, contusion, bump, welt, scrape, abrasion, scratch, wound, black-and-blue mark, blotch, blemish, mark, spot, discoloration, damage, Technical ecchymosis: I got this bruise from walking into the corner of the table. The price is lower if the fruit has a few bruises. v. 2 injure, contuse, hurt, scrape, harm; wound, damage: I bruised my knee when I fell down. Being arrested certainly bruised his self-esteem. bruiser bruisern. prizefighter, boxer, fighter; tough, ruffian, bodyguard, thug, hoodlum, bouncer, Colloq hooligan, tough guy, toughie, Brit minder, US roughneck, hood, gorilla, plug-ugly, torpedo, enforcer: The heavyweight contender is really a big bruiser. Mr Big strode in with two of his bruisers. brunt bruntn. (full) force, burden, onus, weight, impact; shock, stress, violence, onslaught: As the head of the department was on holiday, I had to take the full brunt of the customers' complaints. brush brush¹n. 1 brushwood, shrubs, undergrowth, branches, scrub, brush, bracken, brambles, underbrush, underwood: It took us three days to clear the brush from around the house. 2 thicket, brake, copse, grove, boscage: The fox disappeared into the brush, which was too dense for the dogs to follow. brush brush²n. 1 hairbrush, toothbrush, clothes-brush, shoe-brush, nail-brush, paintbrush; broom, dust-broom, besom, US whisk broom: This brush is too harsh and may damage your teeth. 2 See brush-off. 3 encounter, engagement, skirmish, Colloq Brit spot of bother: Mark has had several brushes with the law. v. 4 scrub, clean; groom, curry; sweep, whisk, gather: Brush your teeth twice a day. I brushed down the mare before saddling her. Brush the crumbs off the table. 5 graze, touch: He deliberately tried to brush against her in the corridor. 6 brush aside or away. disregard, dismiss, put aside, shrug off: Brushing aside the members' objections, he tried to force the committee's acceptance of the new rules. 7 brush off. dismiss, ignore, rebuff, send off or away or packing: He asked her out, but she brushed him off. 8 brush up (on). review, restudy, go over, refresh, study, Archaic con: You should brush up on your geometry before taking trigonometry. brush-off brush-offn. dismissal, rebuff, rejection, snub, Colloq cold shoulder, put-down, slap in the face, the (old) heave-ho; Chiefly US and Canadian walking papers: Tanya has given Theo the brush-off said she never wants to see him again. brusque brusqueadj. blunt, rude, overbearing, impolite, uncivil, discourteous, ungracious, ill-mannered, unmannerly; churlish, gruff, abrupt, short, curt, sharp, terse, brash, bluff: I could tell that the interviewer had already decided against me by her brusque attitude. brutal brutaladj. 1 inhuman, savage, cruel, pitiless, harsh, severe, barbaric, barbarous, beastly, bestial, sadistic, murderous; inhumane, heartless, hard-hearted, unkind, fierce, stony-hearted, insensitive, unfeeling, cold-blooded, unsympathetic, remorseless, ruthless, ferocious, atrocious, Draconian or Draconic, Literary fell: Few survived the brutal treatment in the concentration camps. 2 rude, ill-mannered, coarse, unrefined, boorish, ill-bred, rustic, crass, uncouth, uncultured, uncultivated, rough, crude: His brutal behaviour made him unfit to represent the Crown. brute bruteadj. 1 brutish, dull, unfeeling, senseless, blind, unintelligent, unthinking, thoughtless, mindless, unreasoning, irrational, instinctive, physical, material; insensate, unconscious: He was able to lift the safe without help, by sheer brute strength. n. 2 animal, beast, savage: He wrote that man was the middle link between angels and brutes. George behaved like an absolute brute to her. 2.8 bubble =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= bubble bubblen. 1 blister, air pocket, globule, droplet: This painted surface is full of air bubbles. 2 bubbles. froth, foam, suds, lather, spume; effervescence, carbonation, fizz: The cider is full of bubbles. v. 3 foam, froth, boil, seethe, fizz: A pot of soup was bubbling on the stove. bubbly bubblyadj. 1 effervescent, foamy, frothy, fizzy, sparkling: I could see that the surface was all bubbly. 2 effervescent, merry, ebullient, bouncy, animated, vivacious, cheerful, cheery, lively, excited: Janet is known for her bubbly personality. n. 3 champagne, sparkling wine, sparkling burgundy, Asti spumante, Colloq Brit champers: Let's open a bottle of bubbly and celebrate. bucket bucketn. pail, scuttle: Keep this bucket of coal near the hearth. buckle bucklen. 1 clasp, fastener, clip, fastening, hook, catch: The buckle broke on my belt and my trousers fell down. v. 2 collapse, cave in, crumple, bend, warp, distort, twist, bulge: The support gave way and the entire wall buckled. bug bugn. 1 insect, beetle, larva, grub, caterpillar, butterfly, mosquito, fly, spider, Colloq Brit creepy-crawly, US no-see-em: There's a bug on your collar. 2 microbe, germ, virus; disease, affliction, illness, sickness, ailment, disorder, malady, infection; condition, complaint, infirmity, indisposition: She's caught some kind of bug and won't be in for a few days. 3 obsession, craze, fad, mania, rage: Almost everyone in those days succumbed to the hula hoop bug. 4 enthusiast, faddist, fan, fanatic; hobbyist: She's turned into a fruit machine bug. 5 listening device; microphone, transmitter, electronic eavesdropper, tap: They planted a bug in the ambassador's telephone. 6 fault, error, mistake, failing, shortcoming, Colloq hang-up, glitch: There's a bug in the program that's preventing the list from being sorted. They can't market the device till they've ironed out all the bugs. v. 7 annoy, irritate, pester, irk, harass, bother: I wish Mum'd stop bugging me about my homework. 8 tap, spy on: They bugged her phone and recorded all her conversations. bugger buggern. 1 buggerer, sodomite. 2 chap, fellow, man; boy, lad, child, tot; Slang chiefly Brit geezer , US jerk; Colloq guy , Brit bloke, fool, idiot: He's a cute little bugger, isn't he? Who's that silly-looking bugger with Christina? v. 3 Also, bugger up. ruin, destroy, botch, bungle, wreck; make a mess of, Colloq mess or screw up, Brit bollocks or ballocks up, balls up, make a balls-up of, cock up, US ball up, bollix up; Taboo fuck up: He's buggered the recording, so we'll have to start again at the beginning. Why does she bugger up everything I try to do? 4 bugger about or around. a fool about, waste time, dawdle, Colloq US lallygag or lollygag; Taboo fuck about or around: He buggers about the house all the time instead of looking for a job. Don't bugger about with my hi-fi. b cause complications for, create difficulties for: She pretends to be helping me, but she's just buggering me about. 5 bugger off. go away, depart, leave, clear off or out, Colloq make tracks, skedaddle, beat it, Slang piss off; Taboo fuck off: Oh, bugger off and leave me alone! build buildv. 1 construct, erect, raise, set up, assemble: I hope to build my own house in another year or so. 2 found, establish, base: The theory is built on the principle that light travels at 186,000 miles per second. 3 develop: She built the company in about five years. 4 Also, build up. intensify; increase, develop, enlarge, strengthen: The distant hum of voices gradually built to a mighty roar. n. 5 physique, figure, body, shape, Slang bod: He has a good build from working out at the gym. building buildingn. edifice, structure, construction, erection: The building where I work is air-conditioned. bulge bulgen. 1 lump, hump, protuberance, bump, swelling, projection: This wallet is making a bulge in my jacket. v. 2 protrude, stick out, swell (out): His stomach bulges out over his belt. bulk bulkn. 1 volume, magnitude, mass, enlargement, largeness, size: The sausage-makers add bread just for bulk. 2 majority: The bulk of the people voted for the proposal. bulky bulkyadj. large, voluminous, unwieldy, awkward, ungainly, cumbersome, Brit chunky: The package, though quite bulky, didn't cost much to post. bulletin bulletinn. message, notice, communication, announcement, communiqu‚, dispatch or despatch, report, account, flash, news item, newsflash: And now, here's a bulletin from the centre court at Wimbledon. bully bullyn. 1 persecutor, intimidator, tyrant: That bully Roderick is always beating up the younger boys. v. 2 persecute, intimidate, tyrannize, torment, browbeat, daunt, awe, cow, terrorize; hector, harass, push around: Roderick even bullied his best friend into parting with his allowance. adj. 3 Old-fashioned jolly, worthy, admirable: Ah, there you are, my bully boy! interj. 4 Usually, Bully for (someone)! Bravo!, Great!, Fantastic!, Fabulous!, Marvellous!, Spectacular!; So what?, What of it?; US Peachy!, Dandy!, Neat-oh!; Old-fashioned Fantabulous!: 'David's won the snooker competition again.' 'Bully for him!' bulwark bulwarkn. 1 defence or US defense, safeguard, redoubt, bastion, buffer, barrier, rampart, fortification: A strong defence is the best bulwark against aggression from outside. v. 2 defend, protect, shelter: Marnie's indifference to others bulwarks her against any feelings of contrition. bum bumn. 1 buttocks, posterior, hindquarters, fundament, behind, rump, bottom, behind, derriŠre, rear end, backside, seat, rear, Colloq Brit arse, US fanny, can, hinie, tush, tushy or tushie, tokus or tochis or tuchis, keister or keester, ass: Why don't you get off your fat bum and go out and get a job? 2 tramp, panhandler, beggar, vagrant, loafer, drifter, vagabond, hobo, derelict, gypsy; Brit caird, tinker, traveller; US (shopping-)bag lady: Along the Bowery the doorways and pavements are strewn with bums. 3 improper, unjustified, false, trumped up, untrue, fabricated, made-up, bogus: That auto theft charge was a bum rap, but he still served 18 months. adj. 4 bad, awful, unfair, dishonest, poor, rotten, Slang lousy, crummy: I still think you got a bum deal on that toaster. v. 5 borrow, beg, sponge, Colloq scrounge, cadge, touch, put the touch on, US mooch, hit, hit up: Can I bum a cigarette from you? bump bumpn. 1 blow, collision, thud, hit, knock, buffet, clunk, whack: That bump on the head seems to have affected him. 2 lump, protuberance, welt, swelling, tumescence, knob, bulge: How did you get that bump on your forehead? v. 3 knock (against), strike, hit, collide (with), run into, ram; smash, crash, Colloq wallop: I bumped into the car in front as I was parking. 4 bump into. meet, encounter, run into or across, come across, stumble over: I bumped into Philippa at the hairdresser's. 5 bump off. murder, kill, put away, assassinate, do away with, execute, liquidate, dispatch or despatch, Slang take for a ride, destroy, eliminate, rub out, wipe out, do in, US waste, ice: They bumped off Wimpy, boss; he was pulled out of the river wearing concrete overshoes. bumpy bumpyadj. lumpy, rough, uneven, irregular, knobby, knobbly, pitted; potholed, bouncy, jarring, jerky, rutted: The skin on his forehead is a bit bumpy. This is the bumpiest road in the town. bunch bunchn. 1 bundle, cluster, batch, clump; bouquet, nosegay, posy, spray: That's a nice-looking bunch of grapes. Mr Herbert arrived with a bunch of flowers for me. 2 crowd, knot, collection, group, lot, gathering, cluster, clutch, batch, assortment, mass: A bunch of people stood outside the courtroom, awaiting news of the verdict. v. 3 sort, class, classify, categorize, assort, group together, bracket: It would be a mistake to bunch all different kinds of liberals into the same category. 4 bunch up. gather; smock; collect, crowd, group, cluster: The fabric is all bunched up at the bottom. Don't let the people bunch up in front of the exits. bundle bundlen. 1 bunch, collection, package, parcel, packet, pack; bale, sheaf; Archaic fardel: I have to leave this bundle at the laundry today. Bring this bundle of hay for the horse. v. 2 gather (together), tie up (together), collect, pack, package: He bundled up all his belongings. 3 bundle off or out. dispatch or despatch, pack off, hustle or hurry off or away, send away or off; decamp, scurry off or away, Colloq Brit do a moonlight flit: We bundled Aunt Mary off home as soon as the storm subsided. That couple have bundled out of room 429. bungle bunglev. spoil, botch, mismanage, stumble, bumble, Golf foozle, Colloq foul or screw or louse up, blow, mess or muck up, make a mess or hash or muddle of, muff, Slang Brit bugger, US snafu, Taboo fuck up: Smith has bungled the job again; we'll have to replace him. buoy buoyn. 1 (navigational or channel) mark or marker, float; nun (-buoy), can (-buoy), bell (buoy), gong (-buoy), siren, signal, mooring-buoy, spar-buoy, lollipop: Returning to port, always leave the red buoys to starboard. v. 2 Often, buoy up. lift, raise, elevate, support, hearten, sustain, keep up: We sang songs to buoy up our spirits while the rescuers dug their way towards us. buoyant buoyantadj. 1 afloat, floating, floatable: The wood was water-logged and no longer buoyant. 2 light, resilient, lively, vivacious, bright, cheerful, carefree, blithe, animated, jaunty, bouncy, ebullient, light-hearted , Colloq peppy: One had to admire his buoyant optimism, even under adverse conditions. burden burdenn. 1 load, weight, gravamen; strain, pressure, trouble, onus, millstone, cross, albatross: The old man put down his burden. The burden of the evidence is against them. His feeling of guilt over her death in the crash was a terrible burden to bear. v. 2 load, weigh down, saddle with, encumber; tax, oppress: The mules were heavily burdened with a month's supply of food. Don't burden me with your problems. burdensome burdensomeadj. onerous, cumbersome, oppressive, weighty, troublesome, wearisome, bothersome, distressing, worrying, worrisome, vexatious, irksome: A tax on food is burdensome for those on a low income. bureau bureaun. 1 Brit (writing-)desk, US chest of drawers, chest, dresser, chifferobe, chiffonier: Simon has a beautiful antique bureau in his office. One of my cuff-links rolled under the bureau. 2 office, agency, department, division, section, subdivision, subsection, desk: I sent the form to the bureau a month ago, but I still don't have my visa. bureaucracy bureaucracyn. officialdom, officialism, government, red tape, administration, authorities: The bureaucracy survives because the officials rely on graft for their income. burglar burglarn. housebreaker, thief, robber; sneak-thief, cat burglar, US second-story or second-storey man: The burglars, remarkably, didn't take the most valuable paintings. burial burialn. interment, funeral, entombment, obsequies, sepulture: His six ex-wives attended the burial. burlesque burlesquen. 1 caricature, lampoon, spoof, parody, satire, mockery, travesty, Colloq take-off; (grotesque) imitation, vulgarization, exaggeration: In the mid-19th century, burlesques drove pantomimes off the stage. 2 US striptease, strip show, nudie or girlie show: The old comedians insist that burlesque acts were an art form, but the audience went just for the girls. v. 3 satirize, take off, lampoon, spoof, parody, caricature, travesty: Cervantes burlesqued the old romances in Don Quixote. adj. 4 satirical, derisive, mock-heroic, mock-pathetic: She sang a burlesque opera based on Hamlet, called 'Omelette'. burly burlyadj. stout, sturdy, corpulent, large, big, hefty, stocky, thickset, brawny, chunky, heavy, beefy, muscular, strong, strapping, rugged, tough, Colloq husky: Two rather burly gentlemen were called in to help me out of the place. burn burnv. 1 blaze, flame, flare, smoulder: A fire was burning on the hearth. 2 ignite, set on fire, fire, light, kindle, incinerate, Slang torch: He burnt the incriminating papers in the fireplace. 3 desire, yearn, wish, long, itch: He wrote 'Darling, I am burning to be with you tonight'. 4 waste, throw or fritter away, squander: Don't worry about Norman, he has money to burn. 5 overcook, blacken, char, singe: If you're not careful, you'll burn the toast again. burning burningadj. 1 flaming, blazing, fiery; ablaze, aflame, afire, on fire: When we arrived, the entire building was burning. 2 vehement, ardent, excited, passionate, fervent, fervid, intense, fiery, enthusiastic: She had a burning desire to join that illustrious company. 3 raging, violent, parching: His burning fever had finally subsided a little. 4 hot, blazing, scorching, seething, withering: She was married on a burning hot day in July. burrow burrown. 1 excavation, hole, warren, tunnel: The rabbit retreated to its burrow under the hedge. v. 2 dig, delve, tunnel, bore; excavate: The larvae burrow into the wood where the birds can hear them moving about. burst burstv. break (asunder), rupture, shatter, explode, blow up; puncture; Slang bust: If it keeps raining the dam will burst and the valley will be flooded. bury buryn. 1 inter, inhume, lay to rest: They buried her next to her husband as she had requested. 2 abandon, forget, consign to oblivion, eradicate, extirpate: The residents buried their differences and united to repel the town planners. 3 submerge (oneself), exile (oneself), plunge, become engrossed or absorbed: She buried herself in her book. 4 conceal, obscure, hide, cover up: The real story was by now completely buried beneath the mass of legend. 5 overwhelm, overcome, inundate: I'm so buried in work I can't take a holiday. business businessn. 1 duty, function, occupation, calling, vocation, trade, profession, work, province, area, subject, topic, concern, affair, responsibility, role, charge, obligation: Her business is supplying models for fashion shows. Mind your own business and don't be such a Nosy Parker. 2 matter, job, task, subject, question, problem, issue, point, affair: Gentlemen, let us call the meeting to order and attend to the business at hand. 3 dealing, transaction; trade, commerce, traffic: We've never done any business with that company. 4 concern, establishment, organization, company, firm, house, enterprise; corporation, partnership, proprietorship: Rodney wants to sell the business and retire to Spain. busy busyadj. 1 occupied, engaged, employed, involved: I can't talk to you now, I'm busy. 2 working, industrious, active, diligent; bustling, hectic, lively, hustling, energetic: Are you very busy at the office these days? The diamond district is certainly a busy place. 3 ornate, elaborate, detailed, complicated, complex, (over-)decorated, intricate, Baroque, Rococo: Some of the late Victorian architecture is far too busy for my taste. v. 4 occupy, involve, employ, divert, absorb, engross: She has busied herself with charity work to get her mind off the tragedy. busybody busybodyn. pry, snoop(er), peep(er), gossip, meddler, Paul Pry, Colloq Nosy Parker, Slang US buttinsky: If he so much as sees us talking together, that busybody will probably cook up some sex scandal. butcher butchern. 1 murderer, slaughterer, killer, ripper, cutthroat, executioner, annihilator: That cold-blooded butcher dismembered his victims after strangling them. 2 destroyer, bungler, muddler: Look what that butcher of a tailor has done to my suit! v. 3 slaughter, massacre, murder, cut or hack or hew to pieces, dismember, disembowel, exterminate, annihilate, kill, liquidate: The entire crew was butchered by the islanders. 4 botch, bungle, foul up, Colloq mess up, make a mess or hash of; Slang louse up, screw up, Brit bollocks or ballocks up, US bollix up; Taboo fuck up: He butchered the restoration of my antique cabinet. butt butt¹n. target, end, object, prey, victim, dupe; gull, Colloq pigeon, sucker; Brit Aunt Sally, Slang US and Canadian patsy: He was always the butt of their jokes. butt butt²v. 1 abut, join, meet: This wall butts up against my garage. 2 butt in or into. interfere, intrude, interrupt, Colloq US kibitz; meddle: Please let me finish a sentence without butting in. Don't butt into my affairs. buttocks buttocksn. bottom, behind, derriŠre, seat, rear, rear end, backside, posterior, hindquarters, fundament, Colloq Brit bum, arse , US hinie, can, tush or tushy or tushie, tokus or tochis or tuchis, keister or keester, butt, tail, prat, ass; Slang cheeks, duff: A person with large buttocks should not wear tight shorts. buttonhole buttonholev. 1 corner, detain, accost, importune, waylay: A reporter buttonholed one of the senators for details of the new tax bill. n. 2 corsage, US boutonniere or boutonniŠre: He wore a rose for a buttonhole. buttress buttressv. sustain, support, strengthen, prop (up), brace, reinforce, shore up: Huge beams were needed to buttress the walls after the bombing. buxom buxomadj. 1 hearty, healthy, vigorous, lusty, attractive, comely, plump, Colloq hefty: Sylvia was a buxom serving-wench at the Bugle Horn. 2 busty, bosomy, chesty, well-endowed, big-busted: The centrefolds in this magazine usually show quite buxom women. buy buyv. 1 purchase; acquire, obtain, get, procure, gain, come by, secure: Where did you buy that hat? 2 accept, allow, take, believe, swallow, go for: Did you buy his story about having his car stolen? 3 bribe, suborn, pay off, buy off, corrupt: That customs man must have been bought or he wouldn't have let the package through. n. 4 purchase, acquisition: We made a bad buy at the last auction. 5 Also, good buy. bargain, Colloq US and Canadian steal: If you paid only œ2,000, that was a real buy. buyer buyern. customer, consumer, client, purchaser: Is it likely that you will find many buyers of Basque dictionaries in this country? buzz buzzn. 1 hum, murmur, drone: I lay and listened to the buzz of the bees. 2 stir, ferment, talk, undercurrent: A ringing could be heard above the buzz of conversation. 3 phone call, ring: I think I'll give him a buzz to see if our appointment is still on. 4 thrill, feeling of excitement, sensation, stimulation, kick, Colloq high: I got quite a pleasant buzz from that drink. v. 5 hum, murmur, drone: The flies were buzzing around the dead squirrel. 6 fly down on, zoom on to: The pilot was grounded for a month for buzzing the airfield. 7 telephone, ring (up), call (up), phone; summon, signal, buzz or ring for: She said she'd buzz me if she needed anything. 2.8 by... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= by byprep. 1 near, beside, next to, close to, alongside: I park my car by my house. 2 via, by way of, through; past: I go home by High Wycombe. 3 by means of, on: I often travel by train. 4 before, not later than, sooner than: I have to leave by Monday. 5 during, at: We travel only by night. adv. 6 Often, close by. near, nearby, at hand, close, about, around, Literary nigh: When she is close by I get a tingling sensation. 7 past, nearby: When he walked by I nearly died. 8 away, aside: We put by a little for a rainy day. bygone bygoneadj. past, former, olden; of old, of yore: In bygone times, the fashion was for high-button shoes. bypass bypassv. 1 avoid, evade, circumvent, sidestep, skirt, go or get round, detour; ignore, Slang give the go-by: I shall bypass many problems if I take that route. n. 2 detour, alternative (way, route, etc.), alternate way or route: Take the bypass and avoid the town traffic. bystander bystandern. spectator, onlooker, observer, witness, non-participant, passer-by, eyewitness: He has always claimed he was an innocent bystander, but I'm not so sure. byword bywordn. proverb, proverbial saying, parable, maxim, adage, motto, slogan, apophthegm or apothegm, aphorism, catchword, catch-phrase: My byword has always been, Honesty is the best policy. 3.1 C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.2 cab... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= cab cabn. taxi, taxi-cub, Obsolete (horse-drawn) hackney, hansom (cab); Old-fashioned US hack: A cab picked me up and dropped me at the hotel. cabal cabaln. 1 intrigue, plot, conspiracy, scheme: The cabal against Washington found supporters exclusively in the north. 2 junta or junto, clique, set, coterie, faction, band, league; unit, party, caucus, club; ring, gang: A cabal of artists was formed. v. 3 intrigue, plot, conspire, connive, machinate: The barons began to sow dissension and to cabal against his succession. cabaret cabaretn. 1 nightclub, club, nightspot: The ever-popular entertainer Mimi opened at the Golden Palm cabaret last night. 2 floor show, show, entertainment, amusement: The dinner was poor, but the cabaret was marvellous. cabin cabinn. 1 hut, shack, cottage, cot, shanty; bungalow, lodge, chalet; Scots bothy: The old trapper lives in a cabin in the forest. You are welcome to come skiing with us and stay in our cabin. 2 stateroom, compartment, berth: We had a cabin on the starboard side. cabinet cabinetn. 1 cupboard, bureau, chifferobe, commode, chiffonier, chest (of drawers), chest-on-chest, tallboy, US highboy, lowboy: The aspirin is in the medicine cabinet. Our china cabinet is, unfortunately, not a genuine Chippendale. 2 council, ministry, committee, advisors, senate: At the age of thirty, he became the youngest member of the cabinet. cable cablen. 1 wire, line, rope, hawser, chain, mooring, strand, guy: The cable broke and we were set adrift. 2 telegram, wire, cablegram, radiogram, US Mailgram: Send a cable to Jones about the meeting. v. 3 telegraph, wire; radio: Cable Jones to come at once. cache cachen. 1 hiding-place, hole, vault, repository: There was a small cache concealed by the panelling in the library. 2 store, hoard, supply, reserve, nest egg, stockpile, Colloq US and Canadian stash: The wise hunter keeps a cache of supplies buried along his route. v. 3 hide, store, conceal, squirrel away, secrete, bury, Colloq stash (away): I cached the money in a biscuit tin. cachet cachetn. 1 stamp, feature, distinguishing mark, identification: The cachet of good taste is simplicity of design. 2 distinction, prominence, importance, prestige, dignity: Her new job doesn't pay much, but it has a certain cachet. cadaver cadavern. corpse, (dead) body, remains, Slang stiff: The medical students and doctors once paid to have cadavers exhumed for anatomical study. cadence cadencen. measure, beat, rhythm, tempo, accent, pulse, metre, lilt, swing: The snare drum marked the cadence for the marching band. café caf‚n. coffee-house, coffee bar, coffee-shop, bistro, snack bar, brasserie; tearoom, lunch-room, restaurant, eating-house, canteen; cafeteria, US diner, Colloq eatery; Slang Brit caff, US greasy spoon: We stopped at a caf‚ for refreshment. cage cagen. 1 crate, enclosure, pen, pound, coop, hutch: He keeps rooks in a cage. v. 2 Also, cage up or in. confine, enclose, pen, impound, shut up, or in, coop (up), imprison; restrict, restrain, hem in: They keep the kitten caged like a wild animal. I don't like to stay caged up in my office all day. cajole cajolev. wheedle, coax, beguile, jolly (along), cosy along, seduce, inveigle, persuade, Colloq soft-soap, butter (up), stroke, sweet-talk: Robert's wife always has to cajole him to go and visit her mother. cajolery cajoleryn. wheedling, coaxing, blandishment, beguilement, jollying, persuasion, seduction, inveigling, inveiglement, Colloq soft soap, buttering-up, sweet talk: She uses cajolery rather than threats to get what she wants. cake caken. 1 pastry, bun, Brit gateau: Right now, I should like to have a glass of milk and a piece of chocolate cake. 2 piece, chunk, bar, block, cube, lump, loaf, slab: Barbara gave me a cake of fancy perfumed soap for my birthday. v. 3 harden, solidify, thicken, congeal, dry, coagulate, encrust, consolidate: You can see where the paint has caked. calamitous calamitousadj. distressful, dire, tragic, disastrous, destructive, awful, devastating, fatal, deadly, pernicious, cataclysmic, catastrophic, ruinous, dreadful, terrible: They seemed unaware of the calamitous consequences of what they were doing to the environment. calamity calamityn. 1 disaster, destruction, ruin, catastrophe, cataclysm, devastation, tragedy, misadventure, mischance, mishap: Calamity befell the town when it was engulfed in a landslide. 2 distress, affliction, trouble, hardship, misery, tragedy, misfortune, adversity, reverse, ruin, ruination, desolation, wretchedness: So full is the world of calamity that every source of pleasure is polluted. calculate calculatev. compute, reckon, add up, assess, evaluate, count, figure (out), estimate, gauge, determine, ascertain, work out: Bradley was able to calculate the velocity of light. They calculated where the sun would come up at the equinox and built their temple accordingly. calculated calculatedadj. 1 arranged, designed, planned, prepared, adjusted, adapted, fit, fitted, intended, suited: The coach was calculated to carry six regular passengers. 2 deliberate, purposeful, intentional, premeditated, planned: The so-called accident was really a calculated attempt to kill me. calculating calculatingadj. shrewd, conniving, crafty, sly, scheming, designing, Machiavellian, manipulative, canny, contriving: She is a calculating woman, who knows what she wants and manoeuvres people to help her get it. calculation calculationn. 1 computation, reckoning, counting, estimation, figuring, determining: We needn't number them one by one, for the total can be arrived at by calculation. 2 answer, product, result, figure, count, estimate, amount: This calculation is wrong, so please do it again. 3 estimate, forecast, expectation, prediction, deliberation; circumspection, cautiousness, wariness, caution, prudence, forethought, discretion: His attack was not the inspiration of courage but the result of calculation. calculator calculatorn. computer, adding machine; abacus: According to my calculator, the answer should be 7.1592. calendar calendarn. 1 appointment book, schedule, slate, Brit diary, US date-book, US law docket: I have next week's lunch date in my calendar. 2 almanac, chronology, chronicle, annal(s): The ecclesiastical calendar lists today as St David's Day. calibrate calibratev. adjust, graduate; standardize: This balance has been dropped on the floor, and you'll have to calibrate it again. calibre calibren. 1 diameter, size, bore, gauge: You need a .38 calibre bullet to fit a .38 calibre pistol. 2 merit, ability, talent, capability, competence, capacity, quality, strength, stature: They should be playing against a team of their own calibre. 3 degree, measure, stamp, quality: I doubt that you will find anyone of equal calibre to Julia in artistic sensibility. call callv. 1 shout, cry (out), hail, yell, roar, bellow, call out, Colloq holler: I heard someone calling my name. 2 name, designate, denote, denominate, term, style, nickname, label, title, entitle, tag, identify, dub, christen, baptize: My real name is Angus, but they call me Scotty. A person from Glasgow is called a Glaswegian. 3 call up, telephone, phone, ring (up), dial, Colloq buzz: As it's her birthday, I must call my mother in Australia. Don't call us, we'll call you. 4 summon, invite, assemble, convoke, convene, bid, gather, collect, muster, rally: From the minaret, the muezzin was calling the faithful to prayer. Many are called but few are chosen. 5 visit, attend; call in; call on: My great aunt Frederica came to call last Sunday. 6 awake, awaken, wake up, rouse, Colloq Brit knock up: Please call me at six. 7 call down. a appeal to, invoke, petition, request, entreat, supplicate: He called down the wrath of God on the Philistines. b reprimand, chastise, castigate, upbraid, scold, reprove, rebuke: He was called down for having left the house after curfew. 8 call for. a demand, request, ask for, order, require, claim: The people in room 429 have called for clean towels. The problem calls for your urgent attention. b pick up, fetch, come for, get, accompany, Colloq collect: I'll call for you at seven o'clock. 9 call forth. summon, invoke, draw on or upon, evoke; elicit, inspire: Susan called forth all her courage and faced her accusers. He failed to call forth much enthusiasm in his listeners. 10 call on or upon. a request of, entreat, ask, address; apostrophize: The teacher called on me today to recite Hamlet's soliloquy. b supplicate, apostrophize, appeal to: He called on ’olus, god of the winds, for a fair breeze to carry his ship home. c visit: The vicar called on us when we first moved in. 11 call off. cancel; discontinue; postpone: The picnic has been called off because of rain. 12 call up. a summon, enlist, recruit, conscript, US draft: Father was called up as soon as war was declared. b call, telephone, phone, ring (up): Call me up sometime. n. 13 shout, cry, yell, whoop, Colloq holler: I'll be out in the garden, so give me a call if you want me. 14 summons, invitation, bidding, notice, notification, order, request, demand, command; telephone call, phone call, Brit ring; Colloq tinkle: She received a call to report at once for duty. 15 reason, justification, cause, need, occasion, right, excuse; requirement: You have no call to be abusive, regardless of what you think about him. 16 on call. ready, on duty, standing by, on stand-by, awaiting orders: They had to remain on call from midnight till eight o'clock. 17 within call. within earshot or hearing or (easy) reach: Please stay within call in case I need you. calling callingn. vocation, occupation, profession, business, trade, employment, work, line, job, m‚tier, pursuit, career, area, province, (area of) expertise, Brit speciality or US specialty, Colloq racket: He found his calling as a veterinary surgeon very satisfying. callous callousadj. hardened, thick-skinned, unfeeling, uncaring, insensible, insensitive, hard, hard-hearted, tough, hardbitten, cold, cold-hearted, heartless, indifferent, unsympathetic, apathetic, Colloq hard-boiled, hard-nosed: It was callous of Gerry to go off to the snooker club right after the funeral. callow callowadj. inexperienced, immature, juvenile, na‹ve, green, guileless, unsophisticated, innocent, raw, unfledged, untried, Colloq (still) wet behind the ears: It was a mistake to let a callow youth take out the boat alone. calm calmn. 1 quiet, stillness, tranquillity, serenity, hush, peace, peacefulness: A storm raged outside, but in the harbour was a breathless calm. 2 calmness, composure, placidity, placidness, peace, repose, sang-froid, coolness, self-control, equanimity, self-possession: The calm exhibited by the passengers during the hijacking was admirable. adj. 3 quiet, still, tranquil, serene, peaceful, balmy, halcyon, mild, undisturbed, unagitated, placid, pacific; motionless, smooth, even; windless: The sea is never calm in the same sense as a mountain lake. 4 composed, cool, cool-headed, self-controlled, impassive, dispassionate, unmoved, unruffled, serene, tranquil, sedate, staid, stoical, Colloq together: She remained calm while the others panicked. v. 5 Also, calm down. quiet, quieten, still, soothe, hush, lull, pacify; mollify, appease, placate, become or make quiet or pacified or less agitated, Colloq cool off or down: The arbitrator did his best to calm the two litigants by suggesting a compromise. After everyone had calmed down, the speaker continued. camouflage camouflagen. 1 disguise, concealment, cover-up, cover, guise, cloak, mask, screen, blind, (false) front, show, fa‡ade, pretence, trickery, deception; protective colouring or coloration, Technical apatetic or aposematic or cryptic colouring or coloration: Camouflage prevented the enemy from seeing our tanks. v. 2 disguise, cloak, mask, cover (up), hide, conceal, screen, veil; misrepresent, falsify: We camouflaged our movements by fastening twigs and leaves to our helmets. camp camp¹n. 1 camping-ground, camp-ground, bivouac, encampment, camp-site; settlement; camping-site, Brit caravan site: The name 'Chester' derives from Latin castrum, meaning 'camp', for the city was originally the site of a Roman camp. Is there a camp where we can stay overnight? 2 faction, set, coterie, clique, group, party, body: On this issue, the politicians are divided into two camps. v. 3 encamp, pitch camp, tent: Our family likes to go camping in the mountains during the summer. 4 lodge, bivouac, settle: The platoon camped by the river. 5 camp out. Slang crash: Mind if I camp out in your pad tonight? camp camp²adj. 1 outr‚, outrageous, exaggerated, artless, affected, inartistic, extravagant, artificial, Dadaistic, theatrical, mannered, flamboyant, showy, ostentatious, effeminate, Colloq campy: Some of the kitsch produced in the 1930s was the epitome of camp. His manner is a bit too camp for my taste. v. 2 exaggerate, show off, strut, flaunt, flounce, prance, posture, Colloq ham: Clarence just loves to camp it up whenever there are women around. campaign campaignn. 1 operation(s), manoeuvre(s), crusade, action; drive, offensive, push, effort; struggle: Napoleon's Russian campaign ended in disaster. Our next sales campaign will be aimed at teenagers. 2 competition, contest, rivalry, race: Presidential campaigns last for more than a year. v. 3 run, electioneer, compete, Brit stand; US and Canadian stump; Colloq throw or toss one's hat in the ring: Next week the Labour candidate will campaign in Yorkshire. cancel cancelv. 1 void, annul, invalidate, nullify, quash; revoke, rescind, redeem, repeal, abolish, retract, withdraw, recall, repudiate, abrogate, countermand, deny: The bonds have been cancelled and are worthless. She cancelled the incorrect cheque. 2 delete, obliterate, cross or strike or blot out, dele, rub out, erase, expunge, efface, eradicate, quash, deracinate; eliminate, do away with: I was forced to cancel the chapter of my book that dealt with M.I.5 activities. 3 Sometimes, cancel out. neutralize, nullify, counterbalance, countervail, compensate (for), make up for, offset, counteract: His later kindnesses cancel his previous injustices. cancellation cancellationn. 1 cancelling, annulment, nullification, rescinding, voiding, rescission, revocation, abolition, abandonment, withdrawal, abrogation; repeal: We found a hotel room in the end because of a late cancellation. 2 invalidation, revocation, abolition, discontinuance, termination, suppression: If you fail to pay the premium, the policy is subject to cancellation. 3 elimination, abolition; stoppage, cessation: Owing to the storm, some trains are subject to cancellation. candid candidadj. 1 frank, open, plain, sincere, ingenuous, straight, straightforward, truthful, forthright, direct, unequivocal, plain-spoken, plain-speaking, outspoken, honest, artless, blunt, guileless, open-hearted, above-board, undeceitful, undeceiving, undeliberative, uncalculating, uncalculated, unpremeditated, uncontrived , Colloq upfront: Henry offered a very candid account of his feelings. Let us be candid and speak our minds. 2 just, impartial, objective, fair, equitable, unbiased, unprejudiced, even-handed; unbigoted: The speaker expressed a candid view of all of the proposals. 3 unposed, informal, impromptu: Here is a candid photo of the two of us in Rome. candidate candidaten. aspirant, seeker, office-seeker, runner, nominee; applicant, entrant; prospect, possibility: There are quite a few candidates for the post. candour candourn. 1 openness, frankness, ingenuousness, simplicity, na‹vety, outspokenness, unreservedness, forthrightness, honesty, sincerity, directness, straightforwardness, unequivocalness: I admire her candour, but the truth sometimes hurts. 2 impartiality, fairness, justice, objectivity, open-mindedness: In criticism candour is as rare as bigotry is frequent. candy candyn. sweet(s), bon-bon(s), sweetmeat(s), confectionery: Eating candy can be bad for your teeth. cannibal cannibaln. anthropophagite, man-eater: They were said to have been captured by cannibals living in remote regions. cant cantn. 1 hypocrisy, insincerity, sham, pretence, humbug, sanctimony, sanctimoniousness, lip-service, affectedness, pretension: He wasn't really enthusiastic - all that talk was just cant. 2 jargon, shop, shop-talk, argot, vernacular, slang, dialect, patois, Creole, pidgin, gobbledegook or gobbledygook, Colloq lingo: The criminals use a cant not understood by those outside their fraternity. cantankerous cantankerousadj. ill-natured, quarrelsome, perverse, cross, choleric, cross-grained, crabby, curmudgeonly, crusty, grumpy, surly, irascible, snappish, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, bearish, bilious, peevish, testy, irritable, touchy, disagreeable, tetchy, contrary, Colloq crotchety, grouchy, US cranky: Simon used to be so friendly, but he's become a cantankerous old codger. canvass canvassv. 1 solicit, electioneer, campaign, poll, US and Canadian stump: The candidates will be canvassing in farming areas next week. 2 survey, poll, study, analyse, examine, investigate, interview, question: The statisticians are not satisfied that enough women were canvassed to provide an accurate sample. n. 3 solicitation, campaign: The party's canvass of rural areas for new supporters was not very successful. 4 survey, study, investigation, poll, examination, tally: A canvass of editors shows they have a conservative view of the language. canyon canyonn. gorge, ravine, gully or gulley, pass, defile, Brit dialect gill or ghyll, US and Canadian coul‚e, gulch; US gap, arroyo: The canyon created by the river is more than a thousand feet deep. cap capn. 1 hat, head covering: The plumber took off his cap and scratched his head. 2 lid, top, cover: Screw the cap on tight. 3 cap in hand. humbly, meekly, servilely, submissively, subserviently, docilely, respectfully: He went cap in hand to ask for a pay rise. v. 4 surpass, outdo, outstrip, better, beat, exceed, top, excel: Betty capped her earlier triumphs by winning the semifinals. 5 cover, protect: As it's begun to rain, you'd best cap the camera lens. capability capabilityn. ability, power, potential, capacity, means, faculty, wherewithal; talent, proficiency, aptitude, adeptness, skill, competence: Deirdre has the capability to be first in her form. capable capableadj. 1 able, competent, efficient, proficient, qualified, talented, gifted, skilled, skilful, accomplished, apt, adept, clever, effective, effectual; expert, masterly, masterful: Halliwell is quite capable of speaking for himself. He is a capable violinist, but scarcely a virtuoso. 2 capable of. disposed to, inclined to, predisposed to: Though violent, he is not capable of murder. capacity capacityn. 1 volume, content, size, dimensions; room, space: What is the capacity of this bottle in litres? The car is of sufficient capacity to hold only four adults. 2 potential, ability, capability, competence, intelligence, wit, brain(s), talent, aptitude, acumen, understanding, sense, judgement, perspicacity, perceptiveness, perception, mother wit, intellect, genius, skill, gift, faculty, power, potential, Colloq chiefly US right stuff, the goods: They don't yet have the capacity to absorb advanced theory. 3 position, condition, character, place, post, role, job, office, duty, responsibility, province, sphere, function; Law competency, qualification: She has every right to sign cheques in her capacity as director. cape cape¹n. headland, promontory, peninsula, neck, point, Archaic ness: We sailed round the cape and made for the harbour. cape cape²n. mantle, shawl, stole, cloak: His black cape reached to the floor. caper capern. 1 skip, leap, spring, frolic, hop, gambol, frisk, curvet, gambado: He can dance, though he does not cut capers. 2 escapade, stunt, mischief, prank, high jinks, US crime, burglary, robbery, Colloq shenanigan, dido, lark, Slang US and Canadian job: The capers we used to get up to after lights-out in the dormitory! v. 3 skip, hop, frolic, leap, jump, frisk, romp, gambol, prance, cavort, curvet: She capered about like a lamb in a meadow. capital capitaln. 1 head, top, crown, cap: The column was surmounted by a finely carved capital. 2 seat (of government): Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba. 3 money, assets, funds, finance(s), cash, wherewithal; wealth, means, property, resources, savings, principal: My capital is invested in land at the moment. 4 majuscule, upper case, large letter, initial, Colloq cap: The chapter titles should be set in capitals. adj. 5 chief, main, major, important, cardinal, central, principal, prime, primary, paramount, pre-eminent, foremost, leading: Our capital responsibility is to ensure the passengers' safety. 6 first-class, first-rate, excellent, superior, matchless, peerless, choice, select, outstanding, fine, superb, splendid, marvellous, extraordinary, Colloq smashing, great, super, Brit brill, Old-fashioned topping, top-hole, ripping, ripsnorting: Eating out tonight was a capital idea. capitulate capitulatev. 1 surrender, yield, give up, submit, succumb: Want of provisions quickly obliged the fortress to capitulate. 2 acquiesce, concede, relent, give in, yield: He begged so piteously that the king finally capitulated and allowed him to live. capricious capriciousadj. whimsical, erratic, flighty, fickle, mercurial, unsteady, variable, unstable, wayward, unpredictable, undependable, changeable, impulsive, crotchety, quirky, unreliable, inconstant, fanciful, wanton: His decisions are capricious and not based on sound judgement. The weather in March is capricious: as Mark Twain said, if you don't like it, just wait five minutes. capsize capsizev. upset, overturn, turn turtle or upside down, tip (over), keel over, invert: When the wind capsized the boat, we lost all our gear overboard. captivate captivatev. enthral or US enthrall, enslave, fascinate, hypnotize, entrance, beguile, charm, enamour, enchant, bewitch, enrapture, dazzle, infatuate, attract, allure, seduce, win: Her beauty captivated film-goers everywhere. captive captiven. 1 prisoner, convict, hostage, detainee, internee; slave, bondman or bondsman, bondservant: The captives were kept in a wretched hole. adj. 2 imprisoned, incarcerated, confined, caged, locked up, under lock and key: Captive animals lose their free spirit. captivity captivityn. confinement, imprisonment, internment, detention, custody, incarceration, restraint; bondage, slavery, thraldom or US also thralldom, enslavement, servitude; Archaic durance: Some wild creatures do not survive in captivity. Entire populations of conquered territories were taken into captivity in ancient times. capture capturen. 1 seizure, taking, catching, arrest, apprehension, Slang pinch, collar: They celebrated the capture of the Spanish galleon. The State has offered a reward for the capture of the bank robbers. v. 2 seize, take, catch, lay or take hold of, grab, apprehend, arrest, Slang pinch, collar, nab, Brit nick: Eventually, they captured the thief on the roof. car carn. 1 (motor) vehicle, motor car, automobile, passenger car, Old-fashioned or slang motor; Chiefly US auto; Colloq jalopy, heap, pile, crate, machine, buggy, transport; Slang wheels: Borrow a car and drive down for the weekend. 2 (railway) carriage: The body was found in a sleeping car of the Orient Express. card cardn. 1 playing-card, Slang pasteboard: The winning card was the ten of diamonds. 2 calling-card, visiting-card, carte de visite, business card: Visitors used to leave their cards on the silver tray at the front door. 3 greetings card, Christmas card, birthday card, anniversary card, condolence card, Easter card, New Year card: I sent Jacquelyn a card for her birthday last year. 4 postcard, US postal card: Drop me a card when you get there, just so I'll know you're all right. 5 index card, file card: The names and addresses of our members, formerly held on cards, are now stored in the computer. 6 membership card; press card; union card: I showed my card at the door and they let me in without any problem. 7 dance-card: She told me that her dance-card was full - and was likely to be for the next ten years. 8 US car-card, window-card, show-card: At the cost of a card on the New York buses, we'd never get our money back. 9 credit card; bank card: You may pay by card or cheque. They won't accept your cheque without a card. 10 identity or identification card, I.D. (card): The police asked to see my card. 11 joker, prankster, practical joker, wag, humorist, comedian, funny man: That Oscar - he's quite a card, isn't he? 12 on or esp. US in the cards. destined, fated, slated, in the offing; likely, probable, possible, liable: I doubt that a change of government is on the cards for some time to come. 13 play one's cards right, well, badly, etc. act, behave, take action; plan, use strategy: If Francis plays his cards right, he may be made head of department when Mark leaves. 14 put or lay one's cards on the table or show one's cards. act openly, reveal all, be forthright, be direct, be open, be honest, be unsecretive, Colloq come clean: I'm going to put my cards on the table, and let you know all my plans. cardinal cardinaladj. important, chief, key, special, main, central, principal, prime, primary, essential, necessary, fundamental; supreme, paramount, highest, first, foremost, leading, pre-eminent: The cardinal virtues are justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude, to which some writers add faith, hope, and charity. care caren. 1 anxiety, worry, trouble, anguish, disquiet, distress, grief, sorrow, dolour, sadness, suffering, misery, woe, tribulation: His haggard look reflected a life of care. 2 concern, regard, vigilance, mindfulness, heed, solicitude; heedfulness, attention, pains, carefulness, meticulousness, punctiliousness; caution, circumspection: The essence of public-spiritedness is care for the common good. He looks after his moustache and beard with great care. Open with care. 3 responsibility, charge, protection, guardianship, custody, keeping, safe keeping; control, direction, supervision: The child has been released into our care. 4 take care of. look after, attend to, be responsible for, take charge of, take responsibility for; tend, nurse: You should take care of your money. Does she have enough experience to take care of someone who is ill? v. 5 be concerned, trouble oneself, feel interest, worry, fret, trouble, Brit mind: Do you care whether Arnold gets the job he wants? I don't care who you are, you can't come in here! 6 care for. a look after, tend, attend (to), watch over, protect, take care of, provide for; nurse: He cared for his ailing parents for about twenty years. b like, fancy, be attracted to, be fond of, love, be keen on, be enamoured of: Jennifer admitted last night how much she cares for David. careen careenv. heel over, keel over; US loosely career, sway, tip, pitch, veer, swerve, lurch: We hauled out the boat, careened her, and proceeded to caulk her seams. career careern. 1 employment, occupation, calling, vocation, pursuit, (life's) work, job, business, livelihood; profession, trade, craft, m‚tier: She has made a career out of helping others. He is undecided whether to pursue a career in accountancy. v. 2 speed, race, rush, dash, fly, tear, hurtle, bolt, shoot, Colloq zoom: A bicycle came careering around the corner and knocked him down. carefree carefreeadj. nonchalant, easy, easygoing, insouciant, light-hearted, blithe, happy-go-lucky, breezy, airy; blas‚, indifferent, unconcerned, unworried, trouble-free, worry-free, contented, happy: Till he graduated from university, he had lived an entirely carefree life. careful carefuladj. 1 cautious, wary, circumspect, chary, prudent, watchful, aware, alert, vigilant: These days one cannot be too careful about walking in the city at night. 2 meticulous, painstaking, attentive, punctilious, (well-)organized, systematic, precise, fastidious, thorough, scrupulous, conscientious, particular, finicky, finical, fussy: The police conducted a careful search for weapons. careless carelessadj. 1 unconcerned, untroubled, unworried, casual, indifferent, heedless, thoughtless, inconsiderate, uncaring, devil-may-care, irresponsible, cursory, lackadaisical, perfunctory: No one could approve of the careless way he treats his family. 2 inattentive, negligent, thoughtless, absent-minded, neglectful, remiss; unobservant, unthinking, imprudent, unmindful, incautious, unwary, reckless, slapdash, rash: Many of the errors come from being careless. 3 inaccurate, imprecise, inexact, incorrect, wrong, error-ridden, erroneous, Colloq sloppy: You won't get a good mark for such a careless paper. 4 unstudied, ingenuous, artless, casual, nonchalant: I dislike his careless way of dressing, but it does show some style. caress caressn. 1 pat, stroke, fondling, blandishment; cuddle, embrace, hug; nuzzle, kiss: He submitted willingly to her caresses. v. 2 touch, pat, pet, fondle, stroke; cuddle, embrace, hug; nuzzle, kiss: The kitten approached warily and Isabella caressed it. cargo cargon. shipment, consignment, shipload, truckload, wagon-load, load, trainload, US carload; freight, goods, merchandise: The cargo of rifles was delivered to the warehouse. The ship was lost with all its cargo. caricature caricaturen. 1 cartoon, parody, burlesque, lampoon, satire, pasquinade, Colloq take-off, spoof, Brit send-up: The cartoon in the newspaper showed a caricature of the Prime Minister. v. 2 parody, satirize, lampoon, burlesque, ridicule, mock, distort, Colloq take off, Brit send up: Hogarth caricatured Churchill in the form of a bear. carnage carnagen. slaughter, butchery, massacre, blood bath, holocaust, killing, Shoah, Churban or Hurban: The battle was fought with much carnage on both sides. carnal carnaladj. fleshly, sensual, animal, bodily, lustful, voluptuous, libidinous, lecherous, concupiscent, sexual, erotic, lascivious, licentious, lewd, prurient: She is intent on satisfying her carnal desires. carouse carousev. 1 make merry, revel, Colloq party, pub-crawl, make whoopee, go on a bender or tear or binge or toot, paint the town red, binge, booze: After the cup final, we all caroused till the wee hours. n. 2 revel, spree, fling, wassail, carousal, drunk, bacchanal, Colloq binge, bender, booze, boozer, Brit knees-up, US tear, toot: They go on a carouse on Burns Night every year, then need a day to sleep it off. carp carpv. find fault, criticize, cavil, complain, nag, pick at, pick on, bully, bullyrag or ballyrag, Colloq knock, pick holes (in), gripe, Brit whinge: She said that she would leave him if he kept on carping at her about her cooking. carriage carriagen. 1 (railway) coach, US car: We moved our belongings into the next carriage. 2 bearing, mien, air, manner, deportment, conduct, demeanour, attitude, posture, stance, presence, behaviour, comportment: His upright carriage immediately identified him as a military man. 3 freight, freightage, transportation, cartage, shipping; postage: Carriage is free within mainland Britain. carrier carriern. 1 bearer, porter; transporter, drayman, shipper, haulier or US hauler; carter: The company we use as a carrier is expensive. 2 transmitter, Immunology vector, US Typhoid Mary: She couldn't have caught the disease directly, only through some carrier. carry carryv. 1 transport, convey, bear, lug, drag, cart, move, Colloq tote, Slang US schlep: He shouldn't carry such heavy packages at his age. 2 conduct, convey, lead, take, transport, transfer, transmit: This cable carries the power to the town. 3 drive, impel, conduct, convey, take, move: He travelled aimlessly, wherever the wind carried his ship. 4 support, maintain, finance: I had a wife and four children and was unable to carry my brother's family as well. 5 bear, hold up, uphold, maintain: Despite her troubles, she carried her head high. 6 win, take, sweep, capture, gain, secure: She carried the election easily. 7 stock, sell, offer; display: We don't carry purple shoes in this shop, Madam. 8 broadcast, disseminate, offer, release; communicate, present, read, report, announce; give: The news is carried on this station every night at nine. 9 carry away. transport, excite, enrapture, delight: He was quite carried away by her attentions. 10 carry off. a win, gain, capture, secure: She managed to carry off the first prize for the third year running. b abscond with, kidnap, take, purloin, Colloq Brit pinch, nick: I'm afraid that some of your chickens have been carried off by a fox. c accomplish, perform, effect, do, succeed, handle or manage successfully, bring off, carry out: We carried off the raid without loss of a single man. d kill, be or cause the death of, cause to die: He was carried off by yellow fever in his eightieth year. 11 carry on. a continue, proceed, go on, persist, keep on or at, persevere: Don't stop just carry on with what you were doing. b manage, conduct, operate: Despite the fire, we are carrying on our business as usual. c misbehave, Colloq act up, fool around, Brit play up: The children are carrying on so, I can't get any work done. 12 carry out or through. perform, effect, implement, complete, execute, accomplish, continue, conclude: Henry is carrying out his father's wishes according to the terms of his will. cart cartn. 1 handcart, pushcart, trolley, barrow, wagon or Brit also waggon: You'll need a cart to carry all these things to the car. v. 2 carry, convey, move, lug, drag, tote, transport, bring, haul, Colloq US schlep: Why do you cart that heavy bag everywhere you go? carte blanche carte blanchen. licence, permission, sanction, free rein, authority, discretion: She was given carte blanche to spend the money any way she wished. carve carvev. 1 hew, cut, sculpt, sculpture, shape, chisel, model, fashion, engrave, incise, grave, whittle, chip: The bust is carved out of solid marble. 2 Often, carve up or out. divide (up), cut (up), subdivide, apportion, parcel out, allot, partition: The gang-leaders carved up the territory, and the killings stopped for a while. case case¹n. 1 instance, example, event, occurrence; happening, occasion, circumstance, state, situation: In a recent case a farmer was attacked by a man-eating tiger. Holmes is investigating a case of a missing necklace. 2 action, suit, lawsuit, dispute; cause: I lost my case. 3 patient, invalid, victim: Four new cases were admitted to the hospital yesterday. 4 specimen, instance, example: Howard is an odd case, isn't he? 5 in any case. in any event, come what may, at all events, anyhow, anyway: In any case, your decision won't affect me. 6 in case. a lest, for fear that: He was worried in case his wife found out where he had been. b if, in the event that, if it happens or proves or turns out that, if it should happen or prove or turn out that: In case you were thinking of leaving, remember that we have your car keys. 7 in case of. in the event of; for fear of: In case of fire, you must use the staircase. We insured the house in case of fire. 8 the case. the fact, the actuality, the truth, the reality, what really happened or took place: She said he was drunk, but that's not the case. case case²n. 1 box, container, carton, crate; chest, holder, receptacle; trunk, suitcase, casket: Please order two cases of paper for the copying machine. The cosmetics came in a fitted case lined in velvet. 2 covering, cover, protection, casing, envelope, wrapper: The engraving was on the inside of the watch-case. The book came in a case of fine calfskin. v. 3 encase, box, crate, pack, package, containerize: The computer arrived, completely cased in rigid foam. cash cashn. 1 money, currency, bills, notes, banknotes, change, hard cash or money, specie, coin of the realm, legal tender, Slang moolah, dough, bread, loot, spondulicks or spondulix, Brit lolly, ready, readies, US scratch, gelt, mazuma: The shop accepts only cash, no charge cards. v. 2 Also, cash in. change, sell, liquidate, exchange; realize: She cashed some bonds to pay off the overdraft. casket casketn. 1 chest, box, container, case, coffer, receptacle: She keeps her jewels in a leather casket on the dressing-table. 2 coffin; sarcophagus: After the funeral, the pallbearers carried the casket from the church. cast castn. 1 throw, toss, pitch, shy, lob, thrust, chuck: In his next cast, the bowler lightly struck the jack. 2 dramatis personae, actors and actresses, players, performers, troupe, company: We invited the cast to a party after the show. 3 form, shape, mould; formation, formulation, arrangement: She can appreciate the turn of the phrase, the happy cast and flow of the sentence. 4 model, casting, mould; stamp, type: The Ming vase was copied from a cast. There are not many men of the cast of Crocker. 5 twist, turn, irregularity, warp; squint: The mare had a cast in her gallop. The pirate had a cast in his left eye. 6 turn, inclination, bent, hint, touch; tinge, tint, colouring: He has a melancholy cast of mind. v. 7 throw, toss, pitch, fling, sling, hurl, dash, send, Colloq chuck, shy: She tore off the gold necklace and cast it into the lake. 8 assign, delegate, appoint, designate, name, nominate, choose, pick, select: He has cast me as the villain in his little drama. 9 form, mould, found: The king's death-mask, cast in plaster, was on the floor of the tomb. 10 cast about for. search for, look for, seek: He was casting about for an excuse to avoid going to the Fordyces' for dinner. 11 cast aside. reject, discard, cast or throw away or out, get rid of: The expensive toys had been cast aside and the children were playing with the boxes and wrappings. 12 cast away. maroon, shipwreck: Jim O'Shea was cast away upon an Indian isle. 13 cast off. throw off, shed, doff: One's upbringing cannot be cast off like an old overcoat. 14 cast out. expel, drive out, throw out, evict, eject, oust, exile, remove, cast aside: She was cast out of the house by her mother, who had married a biker. castaway castawayn. reject, cast-off, outcast, pariah, exile: She always looked after the moral well-being of the castaways of society. caste casten. (social) class, rank, order, level, stratum, standing, position, station, status, estate: The women of her caste practised suttee. castigate castigatev. chastise, punish, correct, penalize, discipline, rebuke, reprimand, read (someone) the riot act, keelhaul, chasten, criticize, Colloq tell off, dress down, Chiefly Brit tick off, Brit carpet, haul over the coals, US and Canadian chew out, rake over the coals, put or call on or on to the carpet: They were castigated in the press for their extravagant lifestyle. castle castlen. 1 fortress, stronghold, citadel: The king moved to Windsor Castle during the winter. 2 mansion, palace, manor-house, hall, chƒteau: Mr Mooney lives alone in his castle and has nothing to do with his neighbours. casual casualadj. 1 accidental, chance, random, fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen, unpremeditated, unplanned, unforeseeable, unpredictable, serendipitous: It was only a casual remark, but it was taken very seriously. We interviewed casual passers-by. 2 uncertain, unsure, haphazard, occasional, random, irregular, unsystematic, sporadic, erratic: The budget includes provision for both certain and casual revenues. 3 indifferent, nonchalant, offhand, insouciant, apathetic, cool, unconcerned, uninterested, pococurante, dispassionate, blas‚, relaxed, lackadaisical: He may seem casual, but he is genuinely concerned about the patients. 4 informal; lounge: Dinner dress is not required: you may come in casual clothes. 5 offhand, happy-go-lucky, natural, easy, easygoing, devil-may-care, unconcerned, relaxed, d‚gag‚, unconstrained: Phil is quite casual about losing money at roulette. casualty casualtyn. 1 disaster, catastrophe, calamity, accident, mischance, misadventure, mishap: The company insures against casualties at sea. 2 a victim, fatality, Colloq statistic: I'm afraid that Jeff was a casualty of last year's cut in personnel. She was only one of thousands of casualties of the earthquake. b Usually, casualties. Chiefly military wounded, injured, missing, missing in action, dead, fatalities, US MIA(s), body count: The casualties were mounting. catastrophe catastrophen. 1 disaster, calamity, cataclysm: The eruption of Vesuvius was one of the major catastrophes in recorded history. 2 misfortune, bad luck, shock, blow, tragedy, disaster; mishap, mischance, misadventure, accident, fiasco, failure: Cook reported a catastrophe with the layer cake. catch catchv. 1 capture, seize, apprehend, take or get (hold of), grab, grip, grasp, take captive, hold, arrest, take prisoner, Colloq nab, pinch, collar, Brit nick: The police caught him when he returned to the scene of the crime. 2 trap, ensnare, entrap, snare, net, bag, hook, round up, corral: We caught three trout this morning. I caught all the horses that had broken through the fence. 3 take, get on or on to, board: You can catch the London train at Aylesbury. 4 surprise, discover, find: They fired him after catching him with his hand in the till. 5 be seized or taken hold of by or with, come down with, be afflicted by or with, contract, get, suffer from: You'll catch a cold if you don't wear a hat. 6 strike, hit, deliver, fetch, box: She caught him a great blow on the ear and he went down. 7 tangle, become entangled or stuck or trapped or hooked: His foot caught in the stirrup when he fell, and he was dragged along. 8 restrain, stop, check, curb: She caught herself before telling the police where the thief was hiding. 9 intercept, grab, seize, snatch: He caught the ball before it touched the ground. 10 understand, see, comprehend, grasp, apprehend, fathom, perceive, discern, follow, take in, gather, Colloq figure out, get, catch on (to), get the drift (of), Brit twig: I didn't quite catch what you said - please can you repeat it? 11 captivate, charm, bewitch, enchant, fascinate, seduce, attract, entice, allure: She knows how to use her charms to catch a man. 12 attract, draw: A very slight movement caught my eye. 13 catch on. a understand, grasp, see (through), comprehend, get (it), Brit twig: I didn't catch on to what she planned to do it till it was too late. The joke's on you and you still don't catch on, do you? b take hold, succeed, become popular or fashionable: Do you think the hula hoop will catch on again? 14 catch up. a absorb, involve, enthrall, immerse: He was completely caught up in the plot of the new novel. b reach, overtake, overhaul: I finally caught up with her as she neared the house. n. 15 capture, take, bag, prize, trophy: The catch of the day was a 20-pound pike. 16 acquisition; conquest: She was considered quite a catch. 17 clasp, hook, pin, clip, fastening, fastener: The catch on the necklace opened and pearls spilt all over the floor. 18 trick, disadvantage, hitch, snag, fly in the ointment, catch-22, trap, problem, drawback , Colloq US hooker: The first book is free, but the catch is that you have to buy four more at the regular price. catching catchingadj. 1 contagious, infectious, transmissible, transmittable, communicable: The doctor said that what I have is not catching. 2 attractive, captivating, fascinating, enchanting, bewitching, entrancing, winning, enticing, alluring, fetching: The strange object in the shop window was most catching to the eye of a passer-by. categorical categoricaladj. direct, explicit, express, unconditional, firm, positive, unreserved, unrestricted, absolute, outright, downright, unequivocal, unambiguous, specific; emphatic, unqualified, authoritative, dogmatic, Technical apodeictic or apodictic: His denial was clear and categorical. categorize categorizev. classify, class, sort, organize, assort, rank, order, section, departmentalize, group, arrange: Should plankton be categorized under zoology or botany? category categoryn. class, classification, type, sort, kind, variety, group, grouping, listing, rank, ranking, list, grade, department, division, section, sector, area, sphere; head, heading: Into which category would you put the partially disabled? cater caterv. 1 provision, victual; purvey, provide: We cater exclusively for housebound gourmets. 2 cater for or to. indulge, humour, serve, dance attendance on, pamper, baby, coddle, minister to, spoil, mollycoddle, cosset, pander to: She caters for him night and day. Our music group caters for all levels of ability. catholic catholicadj. universal, general, inclusive, all-inclusive, broad, wide, comprehensive, widespread, all-embracing, eclectic, liberal: Her musical tastes are catholic - they range from Bach to Berry (Chuck, that is). cattle cattlen. livestock, stock, beef; cows, bulls, bullocks, steers, bovines, oxen: He spent 20 years as a cowboy, herding cattle in Texas. cause causen. 1 origin, occasion, source, root, genesis, agent, prime mover, well-spring: The cause of the train crash is not yet known. 2 originator, creator, producer, agent, agency: His indecision was the cause of many of our problems. 3 ground or grounds, justification, reason, basis, call, motive: You have no cause to be dissatisfied. 4 case, matter, issue, concern; movement, undertaking; ideal, belief: We appealed the miners' cause to the high court. v. 5 make, induce: What causes hot air to rise? 6 effect, bring on or about, give rise to, result in, produce, create, precipitate, occasion, lead to, induce, generate, provoke, promote; engender; motivate, compel: Overeating causes indigestion. caustic causticadj. 1 burning, corrosive, destructive, mordant, astringent: Sulphuric acid is the caustic agent that eats away the metal. 2 sarcastic, biting, acrimonious, sharp, bitter, biting, sardonic, cutting, trenchant, critical, scathing, acid, harsh, pungent, virulent: His caustic remarks do not earn him many friends. caution cautionn. 1 warning, admonition, admonishment, caveat, monition, advice, counsel, injunction: A word of caution is needed before you go ahead. 2 wariness, prudence, care, vigilance, forethought, heed, watchfulness, alertness, circumspection, discretion: Drivers should exercise extra caution in bad weather. v. 3 warn, admonish, forewarn, tip (off); advise, counsel: Some employees had to be cautioned about arriving on time. cautious cautiousadj. wary, heedful, careful, prudent, circumspect, watchful, vigilant, alert, circumspect, discreet, guarded: They were very cautious about letting their children go out on their own. cave caven. 1 cavern, grotto, hollow, hole, cavity, den: In the cave were prehistoric wall paintings. v. 2 cave in. a collapse, break down, give way, subside, fall in or inwards: The earthquake caused the walls of the house to cave in. b yield, submit, give way; surrender; Colloq buckle, knuckle under: After eight hours of questioning, he caved in and told them everything. cavil caviln. 1 quibble, complaint: There is a minor cavil at the wording of the statutes. v. 2 carp, quibble, split hairs, complain, find fault, censure, criticize, dispute, object, demur, Colloq nit-pick: They cavilled at a mere misspelling. cavity cavityn. pit, hole, hollow, opening, crater, gap; space: The limestone is marked with a pattern of cavities. Vowel sounds resonate in the oral cavity. cavort cavortv. curvet, prance, caper, frisk, bound, gambol, romp, skip, leap, jump, dance: Stop cavorting about and settle down. 3.3 cease... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= cease ceasev. 1 stop, end, finish, leave off, terminate, halt, discontinue, desist (from), break off (from), refrain (from): Will that noise never cease? n. 2 without cease. ceaselessly, endlessly, unendingly, incessantly, interminably, continuously, continually, constantly, ad infinitum, infinitely, perpetually, forever, eternally, everlastingly, non-stop, unremittingly: Sisyphus was condemned to roll his burden uphill without cease. cede cedev. yield, give way, give up, grant, give, surrender, deliver up, turn or make or hand over, convey, transfer, relinquish, abandon, renounce, abdicate: Let private concerns always cede to the common good. The territory was ceded to our government in 1792. celebrant celebrantn. officiant, official; priest: The celebrant at High Mass was the archbishop. celebrate celebratev. 1 hold, perform, solemnize, ritualize, observe, keep, honour, officiate at; sanctify, hallow, consecrate, dedicate: The archbishop himself celebrated holy communion. 2 rejoice (in or at), memorialize; have a party, revel, make merry, wassail, Colloq party, paint the town red, whoop it up: The entire town celebrated the opening of the bridge with a huge party. 3 extol, praise, exalt, glorify, laud, eulogize, honour; lionize: She was widely celebrated for her achievements. 4 publicize, advertise, broadcast: The stones themselves would find a Voice, To celebrate his Praise. celebrated celebratedadj. famous, renowned, well-known, famed, prominent, noted, eminent, noteworthy, distinguished, illustrious, acclaimed: Their son became a celebrated brain surgeon. celebration celebrationn. 1 observance, observation, performance, solemnization, hallowing, sanctification, memorialization, commemoration: The celebration of the Eucharist was delayed because the vicar had been called to a sickbed. 2 praising, extolling, honouring: The ceremony was a celebration of their achievements in space exploration. 3 party, fˆte, gala, festivities, frolic, revelry, merrymaking: The New Year's celebration is planned at Jill's house this year. celebrity celebrityn. 1 renown, fame, repute, reputation, prominence, eminence, distinction, prestige, famousness, popularity, notability, stardom; notoriety: Dr Johnson was not enriched in proportion to his celebrity. 2 notable, dignitary, star, luminary, toast of the town, personage, name, personality, superstar: The hotel lobby was packed with celebrities from show business. celestial celestialadj. 1 heavenly, divine, spiritual, godly, paradisiac(al) or paradisaic, sublime, empyrean, Elysian, ethereal, immortal, supernatural: They worshipped Jupiter and other celestial beings. 2 astronomical, astral: We studied celestial navigation and how to use a sextant. celibacy celibacyn. 1 bachelorhood, spinsterhood, singleness: People who say they enjoy celibacy may simply have not met the right partner. 2 chastity, virginity, continence, (self-)restraint, abstinence, purity: They have to take a vow of celibacy before entering the priesthood. celibate celibateadj. 1 unmarried, single, unwed: Both brother and sister remained celibate all their lives. 2 abstinent, abstemious, continent, ascetic; virgin(al), pure, chaste, unsullied, undefiled, virtuous, immaculate: He led the celibate life of a monk for twenty years. n. 3 bachelor, spinster: She belonged to an order of female celibates. cell celln. chamber, room, apartment, cubicle; stall: As a friar, he lived in a small, plain cell for most of his life. cellar cellarn. basement, vault: She led me down to the cellar to show me her wine collection. cement cementn. 1 mortar, bond, glue, gum, paste, solder; adhesive: You'll need a special kind of cement to stick metal to glass. v. 2 stick, glue, paste, solder, weld, braze, bond; join, bind, combine, unite; cohere, hold, cling, adhere: First cement the tiles to the wall. The ashes and cinders cement readily into a compact mass. central centraladj. 1 middle, medial, median; inner, inside: The central reservation between the carriageways will be planted with bushes. 2 main, principal, important, chief, key, leading, dominant, prime, primary, pre-eminent, cardinal, significant, essential: Odysseus is the central figure of the poem. centre centren. 1 middle, core, heart; nucleus, focal point, hub, pivot, nave; mid-point: He stood in the centre of the road. We journeyed to the centre of the earth. The tower is at the centre of the market square. The amount to be paid was at the centre of the controversy. Mark the centre of the line. v. 2 focus, converge, meet, concentrate, cluster: The business of the meeting centred on the nomination of a chairperson. All my hopes were centred on getting the job as supervisor. ceremonial ceremonialadj. 1 ritual, celebratory, commemorative: We followed the ceremonial procession. 2 formal, solemn, stately, dignified; ceremonious, august: The ceremonial robes of his office were white. The ceremonial rites of passage involve many participants. n. 3 rite, ritual, formality, ceremony, service, observance: These are the ceremonials prescribed in the Anglican service. ceremonious ceremoniousadj. 1 ceremonial, formal, dignified, solemn, Colloq stuffy, stiff, starchy: There are many ceremonious procedures involved in a coronation. 2 courtly, courteous, polite, civil, correct, proper, conventional, punctilious, careful: He entered the room and made a ceremonious bow. ceremony ceremonyn. 1 rite, observance, solemnity, service, ceremonial, ritual, formality, function; obsequies: I had to attend my grandmother's funeral ceremony and was absent from school. 2 motions, formalities or formality, conventions or convention, niceties, proprieties, form, protocol; lip-service, appearances, pro formas, etiquette, decorum: Going through the ceremony is all they want - they don't care what you believe. Please sign even if only for ceremony's sake. certain certainadj. 1 determined, set, fixed, predetermined, decided, settled, firm, stable, invariable, established, standard, constant, unchanging, steady, unfluctuating, non-fluctuating, traditional: He agreed to pay a certain yearly rent. She met him there every day at a certain time. 2 sure, unerring, definite, dependable, trustworthy, unfailing, infallible, reliable, assured, guaranteed: How do you know that the dividend is certain? 3 sure, inevitable, inescapable, destined, predestined, ineluctable, inexorable, unavoidable, definite, firm; unchanging, changeless, infallible, permanent, Colloq on the cards, a sure thing, US in the cards: It is not always certain that justice will triumph. Nothing is certain but death and taxes. 4 indubitable, indisputable, undisputed, undoubted, sure, doubtless, unequivocal, incontestable, undeniable, incontrovertible, absolute, irrefutable, unquestionable, unquestioned, unarguable, valid: It is certain only that we exist, according to Descartes. 5 confident; assured, sure, positive, definite: I am certain that she did not steal the money. 6 specific, particular, definite; unnamed, unspecified, non-specified, non-specific: He gave us certain information which we now have reason to doubt. certainty certaintyn. 1 fact, actuality, reality, truth, Colloq sure thing: I would not advise you to neglect a certainty for something doubtful. 2 assurance, self-assurance, definiteness, confidence, conviction, faith, authoritativeness, positiveness, certitude: The certainty with which he played the card showed he expected it to be a winner. 3 for a certainty. assuredly, definitely, certainly, surely, positively; undoubtedly, indubitably, without (a) doubt, undeniably, unquestionably, absolutely, Colloq for sure: I know for a certainty that I cannot fly. certify certifyv. 1 confirm, attest (to), verify, testify (to), affirm, aver, asseverate, corroborate, substantiate, endorse, guarantee, warrant; swear (to), bear witness (to), vouchsafe, vouch (for): I will certify the accuracy of the report. She certified that she was the owner of the car. 2 declare, classify, establish, confirm: The magistrate certified the man insane. 3.4 chafe... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= chafe chafev. 1 rub, warm (up), heat (up): I took the chill off my hands by chafing them a bit. 2 rub, abrade, fret, gall, irritate, make sore: The skin is very tender where it was chafed. 3 fume, rage, seethe; ruffle, vex, fret, irritate: I chafed in impotent rage and exasperation at the ridiculous regulations. To chafe and vex me is a part of her nature. n. 4 sore, abrasion, bruise, soreness, irritation: The saddle caused a chafe on the inside of my thigh. chaff chaffn. 1 banter, raillery, ridicule, badinage, joking, teasing, twitting, Colloq kidding, ragging, Chiefly US and Canadian joshing: After the speech, he had to put up with a lot of good-natured chaff from the audience. v. 2 banter, tease, twit, rail at, Colloq kid, rag, Chiefly US and Canadian josh: When he was in the navy, his family chaffed him for having a girl in every port. chain chainn. 1 string, series, combination; sequence, succession, train, course, set, concatenation: He owns a chain of bookshops. Interruption of the food chain can cause serious ecological consequences. A curious chain of circumstances led me to a small hotel at Torquay in February. 2 restraint, check, trammel, control, confinement, fetter, bond, manacle, shackle, gyve: The family finally threw off the chains of poverty. v. 3 shackle, secure, fasten, bind, gyve; confine, fetter, restrain, confine, restrict, tie, limit: Prometheus was chained to a rock as punishment for having brought fire to man. Marguerite felt chained after twenty years of marriage. chair chairn. 1 seat, armchair, stool, bench, easy chair, rocking-chair: He offered me a chair so I sat down. 2 throne, bench, position, cathedra, authority; professorship, directorship: Sue has been offered a chair on the board. 3 chairperson, chairman, chairwoman, presiding officer, leader, moderator: The chair ruled on the matter after due consideration. v. 4 preside, lead, govern, moderate, run, direct, manage, oversee: Katherine will chair the meetings during the absence of the president. challenge challengev. 1 question, dispute, defy, object to, take exception to, contest, doubt, call into doubt, call into or to question, impugn: I challenge the validity of your accusation. 2 invite, dare, summon, call out, provoke: The duke was challenged to a duel. 3 brave, dare, confront, defy, contest: We could challenge criticism with an easy confidence. n. 4 question, dispute, doubt: His opinions are open to challenge. 5 invitation, dare, summons, provocation, confrontation, defiance; ultimatum: An older opponent might not have issued such a challenge. 6 problem, demand, stimulation, trial, test: Are you sure that Mr Wilson will be able to meet the challenge of the new position? chamber chambern. 1 assembly, body, legislature, judicature, house, congress, judiciary, senate, diet; consortium: She is entitled to sit in the Upper Chamber. 2 meeting-hall, reception room, assembly room: The council chamber was packed with people. 3 compartment, niche, nook, cavity: We hid the gold in a small chamber in the cave. 4 room, apartment; bedroom, bedchamber: On the first floor are the magnificent royal chambers. champion championn. 1 victor, winner, conqueror, title-holder, prizewinner, titleist: She is the women's singles champion for the fourth year in a row. 2 defender, guardian, protector, hero, supporter, backer, protagonist, advocate: He acquired a reputation as champion of the low-paid. 3 fighter, combatant, hero, warrior, campaigner, veteran: A stouter champion never handled a sword. The boar is often regarded as the champion among beasts. v. 4 defend, protect, guard; support, back, stand up for, fight for, maintain, sustain, uphold; espouse, forward, promote, advocate: He has always championed the cause of the underdog. chance chancen. 1 fortune, luck, fate: We met, as chance would have it, at the supermarket. Life is but a game of chance for those who cannot control their destiny. 2 opportunity, time, turn; occasion: You have had your chance to return the money, now it is too late. 3 Also, chances. likelihood, probability, prospect, odds, certainty, predictability; conceivability, possibility: Chances are that he'll be late. The chance of winning the lottery is pretty remote. 4 Also, chances. risk, speculation, gamble: You are taking a chance going out there without a weapon. I'll take my chances. 5 by chance. a accidentally, unintentionally, inadvertently: By chance the witness saw him talking to the suspect. b perhaps, maybe, possibly, conceivably: Have you by chance a match? adj. 6 casual, incidental, accidental, unintentional, inadvertent; unplanned, unpremeditated, unexpected, unforeseen; unlooked-for: The affair began with a chance meeting at a pub. v. 7 happen; occur, come to pass, take place, come about; befall, betide: We chanced to see him jogging in the park. It chanced that a passer-by called the police. 8 risk, hazard; imperil, endanger, jeopardize, stake, bet, wager: Few would chance severe penalties or jail by lying on a tax return. Don't chance everything you've worked for! change changen. 1 substitution, replacement, exchange, interchange, switch: You have five minutes for a change of costume. This sunny weather is certainly a change for the better. 2 variation, difference, switch, variety, novelty: We prefer to live where there is a change of the seasons, not in the tropics. 3 variation, alteration, change-over, mutation, shift, modulation, modification, transformation, metamorphosis, revolution: I can't believe the change that has come over Betty since the divorce. 4 coin(s), coppers, silver; (hard) cash: I need some change for the coffee machine. v. 5 exchange, interchange, switch, trade; replace (with), substitute, Colloq swap or swop: I won't be a minute, I just want to change my shoes. I'd like to change this shirt for a larger size. 6 modify, alter, modulate; mutate, transform, metamorphose: Antoinette has changed since her marriage. I never thought anyone would be able to make her change her mind. 7 fluctuate, shift, vary; vacillate: The temperature often changes very rapidly here. 8 change to or into. turn into, become, transform, mutate, transmute, convert, metamorphose: The alchemists tried to change base metal into gold. Every winter changes into spring - sooner or later. changeable changeableadj. 1 variable, mutable, protean, inconstant, unstable, unsettled, shifting, uncertain, irregular, uneven, unpredictable, labile, capricious, erratic, fickle, unreliable, undependable, mercurial, volatile: The weather has been changeable for the past week. 2 alterable, modifiable, transformable, convertible: Their meeting-places were changeable and known only to them. changeless changelessadj. 1 unchanging, unvaried, eternal, permanent, fixed, stable; unchangeable, immutable, unalterable, inevitable, uniform: We studied photographs of the changeless Martian landscape. The fundamental truths of the Gospel are changeless. 2 abiding, permanent, constant, perpetual, everlasting, steadfast, unvarying, unchanging: Nothing could alter my changeless love for you. channel channeln. 1 watercourse, canal, waterway, ditch, aqueduct, sluice, trench, trough, gutter, moat; river-bed, stream-bed: The engineers dug a channel to drain the swamp. 2 strait, narrows, neck: The English Channel connects the North Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. 3 furrow, groove, flute: The channels cut into this column are not straight. 4 course, means, way, approach, avenue, medium, path, artery, conduit: We have to open a new channel of communication with the terrorists. v. 5 direct, convey, pass, guide, lead, conduct: Their grievances are being channelled through the information officer. chant chantn. 1 song, psalm, hymn, canticle, plainsong, plainchant, mantra, paean, dirge, monody, descant, carol; singsong: The war chant of the natives, echoing over the water, struck fear into their enemies. v. 2 sing, intone, descant, carol: The choir chanted the verses of a lugubrious threnody. chaos chaosn. formlessness, disorder, confusion; pandemonium, bedlam, turmoil, tumult; entropy: The universe arose out of chaos. If you want to see chaos, look in any teenager's bedroom. There was chaos as the bank closed its doors and ceased trading. chaotic chaoticadj. 1 formless, shapeless, incoherent, disordered, disorderly, disorganized, unorganized, unsystematic, unsystematized, unmethodical, haphazard, irregular, helter-skelter, confused, topsy-turvy, jumbled, higgledy-piggledy, Brit shambolic: The present solar system is thought to have condensed from a chaotic mass of nebulous matter. The rules may seem chaotic at first sight. 2 tumultuous, noisy, clamorous, uproarious, wild, riotous, frenzied, hectic, turbulent, unstuck: The press conference became chaotic when the president announced his resignation. chap chapn. fellow, lad, man, boy, Colloq guy, geezer, customer, gink, Brit bloke, Australian cove, US buddy, gazabo or gazebo; Old-fashioned Brit (old) egg, (old) bean, (old) crumpet, (old) boy; Slang US bozo: I went with some of the chaps from the club. character charactern. 1 brand, stamp, mark, symbol, monogram, insigne, badge, emblem, sign, seal, label; letter, number, figure, type, sort, arbitrary, peculiar, rune, hieroglyphic or hieroglyph: They used to brand the character of a horse on the forehead of their slaves. We shall need to obtain a set of Cyrillic characters if we are going to print Russian texts. 2 characteristic, quality, distinction, trait, feature, mark; sort, kind, type, nature, description, attribute; idiosyncrasy, peculiarity: He now tried to give the war the character of a crusade. It is the character of some people to be curious. 3 morality, honesty, integrity, respectability, rectitude, honour, courage, goodness: Everyone agrees that she is a person of outstanding character. 4 person, personage, personality, individual: Cobbett had more sagacity and foresight than any other public character of his time. 5 role, part, personality, characterization, dramatis persona: He played the character of Caesar. 6 eccentric, card, Colloq oddball, nut, nutter, loony, bat, weirdo, nutcase, screwball, crackpot, fruit cake, Australian and old-fashioned Brit cove: She was regarded as quite a character because of her many strange habits. 7 role, position, status, capacity: He assumes the character of a Dutch uncle when he speaks to me. 8 in character. fitting, proper, suitable, in keeping, typical, normal, expected, characteristic: It is completely in character for Len to criticize everything he encounters. 9 out of character. untypical, atypical, uncharacteristic, abnormal, unexpected, unfitting: It would be out of character for Janet to refuse help to someone in need. characteristic characteristicadj. 1 typical, representative; emblematic, symbolic, distinctive, idiosyncratic, symptomatic: How characteristic it is of them to refuse to go to the dance! These subjects are characteristic of the early Impressionists. n. 2 mark, trait, attribute, feature, quality, property, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, character, earmark: It is a characteristic of bees to swarm. characterize characterizev. delineate, describe, portray, depict, represent, define, brand, label, mark, note, identify: She has consistently characterized him as a buffoon. 'Virago' is the term that would best characterize Felicity. charade charaden. travesty, absurdity, mockery, farce, parody: He has made a charade of what could have been a serious relationship. charge chargen. 1 load, burden, weight, onus, impediment; care, concern, obligation: She feared that she would become a charge on her children. 2 price, fee, cost: What is the charge for admission? 3 debt, debit, expense, assessment, liability: Any charge against the estate of the deceased will be paid in full. 4 care, custody, protection, guardianship, wardship, supervision, jurisdiction, control, responsibility, safe keeping: We left the children in the charge of Nanny and Nanny in charge of the children. 5 order, mandate, injunction, precept, command, dictate, direction, instruction, demand, exhortation: The judge's charge to the jury was to ignore the evidence given by the caretaker. 6 accusation, imputation, indictment, allegation: The charge is murder. The police decided to drop the charges against him. 7 attack, onset, action, assault, sally, raid, foray, sortie: At the signal the cavalry began their charge. v. 8 fill, imbue, load, instil, pervade, permeate, saturate, suffuse: The air was highly charged with a stench from the kitchen. 9 burden, entrust, commission, assign; afflict, tax: He was charged with the supervision of all the military schools. 10 command, order, bid, enjoin, exhort, urge, require, instruct, direct: I charge you not to speak of this matter to anyone. 11 blame, censure, accuse; indict, cite, name; allege, assert: She charged him with being a hypocrite. He has been charged with assault. It is charged that she was present at the commission of the crime. 12 bill, invoice, assess, debit: Please charge these items to my account. Do not charge me for merchandise not shipped. 13 ask, demand, claim, require, expect: How much do they charge for asparagus at the supermarket? 14 attack, assault, storm, assail, do battle (with): Four thousand horsemen stood ready to charge the enemy. charitable charitableadj. 1 generous, liberal, bountiful, munificent, unselfish, open-handed, magnanimous, philanthropic, public-spirited, unsparing, eleemosynary: Despite her income, Irena has always been most charitable when it comes to worthwhile causes. 2 well-disposed, kindly, kind, beneficent, benevolent, well-wishing, lenient, tolerant, forgiving, indulgent, understanding, compassionate, humane, sympathetic, considerate, well-meaning, good: They took a charitable view of the matter and decided not to press charges. charity charityn. 1 generosity, alms-giving, munificence, liberality, open-handedness, magnanimity, beneficence, philanthropy, unselfishness, humanity, humanitarianism, good will: Your charity towards this hospital has been unequalled by any other donor, Sir Keith. 2 leniency, big-heartedness, large-heartedness, benevolence, magnanimity, indulgence, considerateness, consideration, compassion, understanding, sympathy, kind-heartedness: We are all urged to show charity towards those who wrong us. 3 alms, donation, contribution, largesse, Colloq Brit dole, US welfare, relief: I want the opportunity to work, not the government's charity. charm charmn. 1 amulet, talisman, fetish, rabbit's foot, good-luck piece: She wears a charm to ward off evil spirits. 2 attractiveness, appeal, fascination, allure, magnetism, desirability, elegance, urbanity, sophistication, sophisticatedness, suavity, grace, refinement, cultivatedness, cultivation, culture, polish; magic, enchantment, spell, sorcery: To Diderot we go not for charm of style but for a store of fertile ideas. To get ahead Colin relies more on his charm than on his ability. 3 charms. beauty, attractiveness, pulchritude, prettiness, handsomeness, appeal, allure, magnetism, pull, draw: For all her charm, I would not trust her one inch. 4 like a charm. successfully, perfectly, miraculously, marvellously, extraordinarily, especially well: His appeal to their egos worked like a charm. v. 5 influence, control, subdue, bind, put a spell on, bewitch, enchant, seduce, hypnotize, mesmerize, enthral or US enthrall, captivate, delight, fascinate, Literary enrapture: He charmed them with some tale and they gave him their money. 6 overcome, subdue, calm, soothe, allay, assuage, hypnotize, mesmerize: Music is said to have qualities capable of charming savages. charmed charmedadj. 1 bewitched, spellbound, enchanted, magical: Apollonius considered the use of charmed rings essential to quackery. 2 fortified, protected: He must lead a charmed life to have survived all those battles. 3 pleased, delighted, enchanted, happy: I am charmed to meet you at last, Madam President. charmer charmern. enchanter, enchantress, sorcerer, sorceress, magician; vamp, siren, Circe, Cleopatra, Lorelei, temptress, seductress; seducer, Romeo, Valentino, Don Juan, Lothario, Casanova, lady-killer, ladies' man; flatterer; smooth talker, Colloq (big-time) operator, con artist or man, Old-fashioned smoothie, wolf: Charlotte has run off with some charmer she met at a party. chart chartn. 1 sea-chart, map: According to the chart, we are fifty miles west of the Lizard. 2 map, table, tabulation, graph, diagram; blueprint: A weather chart appears on page 23. Here is a chart of the highest-yielding unit trusts. She drew up a genealogical chart of the descendants of Queen Victoria. v. 3 plot, plan, map (out), design: He charted a course of action for the company. Have you charted the shortest route between Gibraltar and Cyprus? charter chartern. 1 document, contract, compact, agreement, covenant: This year we again commemorate the signing of the United Nations charter. 2 permit, permission, licence or US license, authority, franchise, right, privilege, concession: He was given an exclusive charter to export furs in 1679. 3 lease, contract: We have the yacht under charter for the summer. v. 4 license, authorize, document, commission, approve, certify, franchise, qualify; recognize: He is a chartered accountant, she a chartered surveyor. 5 let, lease, rent, hire, engage, contract: I chartered the sloop for three weeks. chase chasen. 1 hunting, hunt, pursuit: Police dogs entered the chase and the prisoner was finally caught. 2 run after, follow, pursue, track, go (out) after; court, woo: The police were chasing a man down the street. Stop chasing women and settle down. 3 chase away, off, out, etc. rout, put to flight, hound; drive away, off, out, etc.: I chased the cat away from the birdcage. chaste chasteadj. 1 pure, virginal, virgin, celibate, abstinent, continent, virtuous, undefiled, stainless, unstained, unsullied, unblemished, decent, clean, good, wholesome, moral: Only a knight who was wholly chaste would find the Grail. 2 subdued, severe, restrained, unadorned, austere, unembellished, simple, pure, undecorated, clean: In some respects, modern architecture emulates the chaste style of the ancient Egyptians. chasten chastenv. 1 discipline, correct, chastise, punish, castigate: He used every means to chasten the unruly and disobedient. 2 moderate, temper, subdue, curb, restrain, repress, tame, suppress: I am not as sanguine as I was - time and experience have chastened me. chastise chastisev. punish, beat, thrash, belabour or US belabor, spank, whip, flog, scourge, birch, cane; discipline, chasten, correct, censure, berate, scold: Pupils are not being chastised as in the old days. chastity chastityn. purity, continence, virginity, maidenhood, maidenhead, virtue, celibacy, abstinence, abstention, abstemiousness, restraint, self-restraint, forbearance: She was a nun and had taken a vow of chastity. chat chatn. 1 conversation, colloquy, talk, small talk, gossip, palaver, chit-chat, tˆte-…-tˆte, heart-to-heart, Colloq gab, Chiefly Brit chin-wag, confab, Brit witter, natter, US and Canadian rap, gabfest, bull session: We'd get together for a chat every now and then. v. 2 converse, gossip, talk, chit-chat, Colloq gab, chew the fat or the rag, jaw, Brit witter, natter; Slang US and Canadian rap, bullshit: We were just chatting when I smelt something burning. 3 Brit chat up. flirt or dally with, persuade, induce, prevail upon, tempt, lure, entice, inveigle, seduce, proposition: Rick chats up every girl he meets. chatter chatterv. 1 prattle, gabble, jabber, prate, patter, gibber, cackle, jibber-jabber, Brit chaffer, Colloq gab, jaw, Brit natter, witter, rabbit on or away, waffle: He just kept chattering on about nothing. 2 clatter, rattle: It was so cold my teeth were chattering. n. 3 prattle, prate, patter, gossip, cackle, jabbering, chattering: I don't want to hear any more chatter in the library. cheap cheapadj. 1 inexpensive, low-priced, bargain-priced, low-cost, sale-priced, cut-price, reasonable; economy, budget(-priced): He was chewing on a cheap cigar. Everything used to be a lot cheaper when I was younger. 2 economical; reduced: Eggs are cheaper by the dozen. 3 shoddy, base, shabby, tawdry, sleazy, tatty, seedy; inferior, low-grade, poor, second-rate, trashy, worthless, Brit twopenny or tuppenny; Colloq tacky, Brit tinpot, Slang US two-bit, lousy, chintzy: Those cheap pictures ruin the look of the place. 4 stingy, miserly, penurious, niggardly, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, frugal, tight, tight-fisted, Scrooge-like, skinflinty: That cheap brother of yours wouldn't give even a penny to a beggar. adv. 5 inexpensively, cheaply, for a song, Brit for twopence or tuppence: You can buy those cheap from any street vendor. 6 cheaply, easily, reasonably, for a song, Brit for twopence or tuppence: She has sold cheap that which she holds most dear. n. 7 on the cheap. inexpensively, reasonably, cheaply, at or below cost, for a song, Brit for twopence or tuppence; Slang for peanuts: We buy these watches on the cheap and sell them to tourists. cheat cheatn. 1 swindler, deceiver, impostor, fraud, faker, fake, swindler, trickster, confidence man, con man, operator, charlatan, mountebank, rogue, shark, Colloq phoney or US also phony, US snake-oil artist: It is amazing how many cheats are out there waiting to take advantage of you. v. 2 swindle, deceive, bilk, trick, con, take, fleece, defraud, euchre, hoax, hoodwink, Colloq con, take in, rook, flimflam, finagle, diddle, fiddle, move the goalposts, bamboozle, take for a ride; Slang rip off: His own solicitor cheated him out of his inheritance. If you paid ten pounds for that painting, you were cheated. check checkv. 1 stop, arrest, stay, halt, obstruct, block, limit; retard, slow, brake, curb, hinder, hamper, impede, thwart: They are trying to check the spread of the disease in West Africa. 2 restrain, control, repress, stay, inhibit, contain, curb, restrict: The animal population is checked only by availability of food. 3 authenticate, verify, confirm, substantiate, validate, corroborate, check into, check out, check up on: Please check his story to make sure he's not lying. 4 enquire about or after or into, check into, check (up) on, examine, investigate, inspect, make sure of, verify, monitor, test, study, scrutinize: You'd best check the temperature in the kiln. 5 correspond, coincide, agree, jibe, tally, conform, check out, fit, mesh; compare: His alibi doesn't check with the witness's statement. 6 check in. arrive, report: We check in for work at 0800. 7 check in or into. register, sign in or on, enrol, log in: We checked into the hotel. 8 check into. investigate, check out, check up on, verify, check: The detective checked into the backgrounds of all applicants. 9 check off. tick (off), mark, check: Check off the names in red. 10 check out. a depart, leave; go: He checked out of the hotel and took a taxi to the airport. b investigate, research, explore, enquire into, look into or at or over, scrutinize, examine, inspect, probe, survey, check up on, check, check into, check over: You had best check out her references before hiring her. c pass, pass muster or scrutiny, meet approval, be verified, check: According to our records, his story checks out. d Slang cash in one's checks or chips, kick the bucket, croak: Sam checked out last week - heart attack, I think. 11 check over or out. review, verify, authenticate, check: Please check over my figures before I submit them to the accountant. 12 check up (on). a investigate, do research, probe, explore, check: I don't know her name, but I'll check up and let you know. b determine, discover, find out, look into, check: I want you to check up on where they eat lunch. n. 13 stop, stopping, cease, surcease, hesitation, cessation, stoppage, interruption, break, pause, balk or baulk, discontinuity, discontinuation, discontinuance, suspension: The visitors continued to arrive without check, far into the night. 14 restraint, repression, inhibition, limitation, curb, restriction, control, constraint, hindrance, obstruction, impediment, damper: He keeps a good check on the foreman. This tax will serve as a check against free trade. 15 control, test, inspection, examination, scrutiny, verification, substantiation, authentication, confirmation, validation, corroboration: We do a thorough check on the quality of every product. 16 US tick, mark, dash, X: Place a check in the box alongside your choice. 17 token, receipt, counterfoil, stub; voucher, chit, certificate: Don't lose your baggage check. 18 chip, counter: Let's cash in our checks and go home. 19 Chiefly US bill, tab, charge(s): In the U.S.A., people generally add 15 per cent to the check for a tip. cheeky cheekyadj. impudent, impertinent, insolent, audacious, disrespectful, rude, uncivil, forward, brazen, pert, saucy: That cheeky little brat told me to get lost! cheer cheern. 1 disposition, frame of mind, spirit: They were of good cheer, considering their predicament. 2 cheerfulness, gladness, mirth, joy, gaiety, blitheness, happiness, buoyancy, light-heartedness, merrymaking: There wasn't much cheer at the pub when we learnt of what had befallen poor Grover. 3 comfort, solace, encouragement, consolation: She brought in a little breath of cheer from the outside world. 4 shout, cry, hurrah, rah, huzzah, hurray or hooray: Three cheers for Penelope! v. 5 comfort, console, solace, encourage, inspirit, warm, Colloq buck up: Your friendly note cheered me considerably. 6 gladden, enliven, cheer up, hearten, buoy up, brighten, elate, brighten, uplift, lift up: Let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth. 7 applaud, shout, hurrah, clap, yell; Colloq Brit and Australian and New Zealand barrack for: The crowd cheered for five minutes when Mr Flews stood to speak. cheerful cheerfuladj. 1 joyous, glad, gladsome, blithesome, blithe, happy, cheery, of good cheer, joyful, jolly, exuberant, jubilant, gleeful, gay, light-hearted, merry: I am pleased to see that Agatha is so cheerful. Why do you cry at weddings, which are supposed to be such cheerful occasions? 2 cheering, gladdening, animating, bright, enlivening, cheery, gay, buoyant, invigorating: She has redecorated the bedroom in more cheerful colours. chequered chequeredadj. 1 chequer-board, checked; patchwork; plaid, tartan: You cannot use a chequered tablecloth for a formal dinner. 2 variegated, diversified, alternating, variable, good and bad, varying, fluctuating, up and down; uncertain: David Williams had a rather chequered career in the army. cherish cherishv. 1 treasure, hold or keep dear, prize: I know that she cherishes every moment you were together. 2 foster, tend, cultivate, preserve, sustain, nurture, nourish, nurse, cosset: For their sweetness gillyflowers are cherished in gardens. We cherish little Edward and probably spoil him a bit too much. chest chestn. 1 box, coffer, trunk, strongbox, caddy, casket, case: It took four men to carry the chest outside, where we could open it. Martha kept her jewels in a small chest on the dresser. 2 breast; thorax: The wrestler was pounding his chest and shouting 'I am the greatest!' chew chewv. 1 masticate, grind, munch; bite, gnaw: Make sure to chew each mouthful thoroughly. The puppy chewed up my slipper. 2 chew the fat or rag. gossip, palaver, chat, converse, talk, Slang US and Canadian bullshit: We sat round the fire and chewed the fat all evening. 3 chew out. scold, rebuke, reprimand: The sergeant chewed out the recruit because his boots were dirty. 4 chew over. think about or on or over, consider, review, ponder, ruminate on, meditate on or over: I'll chew over your proposal and let you know. chic chicadj. 1 stylish, fashionable, à la mode, modish, smart, tasteful, elegant; sophisticated; Colloq trendy: Susanna was always a chic dresser. n. 2 style, fashion, good taste, tastefulness, elegance, stylishness, modishness: There is an air of chic about him that repels many men but attracts many women. chicanery chicaneryn. trickery, sophistry, deception, quibbling, sharp practice, cheating, deviousness, duplicity, pettifoggery, double-dealing, artifice, skulduggery: They lost the case because of the chicanery of their lawyers. chief chiefn. 1 head, leader, principal, superior, supervisor, superintendent, manager, overseer, captain, master, ringleader, chieftain, Dialect himself, Colloq boss, bossman, Brit governor, gov., supremo, US man, kingpin, (head or chief) honcho, number one, numero uno, headman, big White Chief, big Chief, Great White Father, big Daddy, super; Slang big cheese, Brit gaffer, Chiefly US Mr Big: You'd best ask the chief for permission to fly to Rome. adj. 2 head, leading, ranking, superior, supreme, foremost, premier, first, greatest, outstanding: Terry is your chief competition for the singles trophy. 3 principal, most important, essential, key, paramount, (first and) foremost, primary, prime, main: The chief reason I came was to see you. Here is a list of the chief crimes committed in the area last year. chiefly chieflyadv. mainly, in particular, especially, particularly, above all, most of all, pre-eminently, principally, primarily, mostly, predominantly, largely, by and large, on the whole, in the main, generally, in general, usually, as a rule: Inflation affected chiefly the price of food. The Anatomy of Melancholy consists chiefly of quotations. child childn. 1 offspring, descendant, son or daughter, little one, youngster, Formal progeny, issue, Colloq kid, nipper, Slang Brit sprog: How many children do you have? 2 foetus, newborn, neonate, infant, baby, babe, toddler, boy or girl, lad or lass, stripling, youngster, youth, juvenile, adolescent, teenager, young man or woman, young gentleman or lady, Chiefly Scots laddie or lassie: No children were born in the village for five years. These miscreants are mere children, who should not be punished as adults. childhood childhoodn. infancy, babyhood, boyhood or girlhood, youth, puberty, minority, adolescence, teens: During her childhood the family moved to Kent. She spent most of her childhood dreaming about travelling to the moon. childish childishadj. childlike, juvenile, puerile, infantile, babyish; immature, inexperienced, na‹ve, undeveloped, underdeveloped, retarded; silly, US sophomoric: They thought his reaction to their criticism was childish and petulant. childlike childlikeadj. youthful, young, innocent, trustful, ingenuous, unsophisticated, na‹ve, trusting, credulous, open, undissembling, unassuming, guileless, artless: There is a childlike simplicity to some primitive paintings. chill chilln. 1 coldness, cold, coolness, sharpness, nip: We put on our jackets to ward off the chill of the evening. 2 cold, flu, influenza, (la or the) grippe, ague, Technical coryza, Colloq (the) sniffles, sneezles and wheezles: Take off those wet clothes before you catch a chill. 3 coolness, iciness, frigidity, aloofness; unfriendliness, hostility: Mrs Marlow felt the chill in the stare of her husband's ex-wife. adj. 4 cold, cool, numbing, chilling, chilly, raw, penetrating, icy, frigid, wintry, frosty, arctic, polar, glacial: A chill easterly wind made me shiver. 5 shivering, chilled (through), numb, numbed, numbing, benumbed: She kissed me with a lip more chill than stone. 6 cold, cold-blooded, aloof, indifferent, insensitive, unemotional, unsympathetic; chilly: The prison commandant viewed the corpses with chill detachment. v. 7 cool, freeze, refrigerate, ice: The fruit tastes better if it has been chilled. 8 dampen, dispirit, depress, deject, dishearten, distress: The news of mother's illness chilled us all. chilly chillyadj. 1 cool, coldish, cold, frigid, nippy, frosty, icy, crisp, chill: The weather has been quite chilly for May. 2 chill, unenthusiastic, unresponsive, unreceptive, frosty, unwelcoming, crisp, cool, cold, unfriendly, hostile; distant, aloof: The suggestion that the charity fair be held in her garden met with a chilly response from Lady Griffiths. chime chimen. 1 bell, set of bells, carillon, ring, peal: Our church has a full chime of eight bells. 2 ringing, peal, chiming, tolling, tintinnabulation, clanging, ding-dong, striking; tinkle, jingle, jangle: We could hear the chimes of Big Ben from our hotel room. v. 3 ring, peal, toll, sound, tintinnabulate, clang, strike: The clock chimed on the hour. 4 mark, denote, indicate, announce: The carillon chimed the hour at noon. 5 chime in. a join in, blend, harmonize: When singing this round, chime in at the third bar. b interrupt, intercede, intrude, interfere, break in, Colloq chip in; Slang butt in: I was about to speak when he chimed in with some silly remark. chink chinkn. fissure, rift, crack, crevice, gap, opening, cleft, slit, aperture, cranny: We could see daylight through a chink in the fence. chip chipn. 1 fragment, piece, shard or sherd, splinter, flake, sliver, scrap, morsel, bit: A chip of slate rattled down off the roof. 2 counter, marker, token; plaque, US check: He put his chip on number 14. v. 3 chisel, whittle, hew: He chipped away at the stone till it fitted perfectly into the hole. 4 chip in. a contribute; participate: All the neighbours chipped in to pay for the street decorations. b interrupt, break in, intrude, interfere, intercede, interpose, Colloq chime in: Clive chipped in with his usual silly comment. chirp chirpv. 1 tweet, peep, twitter, chirrup, warble, trill, cheep, chitter, chirr, pipe: I was awakened by the birds, chirping away in the forest. n. 2 tweet, peep, twitter, chirrup, warble, trill, cheep, chitter, chirr: The canary gave two chirps and jumped onto its perch. chisel chiselv. 1 carve, cut, pare, groove, shape, engrave, grave: He was chiselling the figure of an eagle out of the board. 2 cheat, defraud, swindle, bilk, trick, fool, dupe, gull, Colloq bamboozle: The gamblers chiselled him out of a week's wages. chivalrous chivalrousadj. courtly, gracious, courteous, polite, gallant, noble, knightly, gentlemanly, considerate, kind, charitable, magnanimous: It was quite chivalrous of you to drive me home. chivalry chivalryn. knight-errantry; honour, bravery, courage, courtesy, politeness, courtliness, gallantry, nobility, virtuousness, righteousness, justness, fairness, impartiality, equitableness: All the noble sentiments blended together constitute chivalry. choice choicen. 1 selection, election, preference, choosing, pick, acceptance: I don't care for his choice of language. 2 option, realm of possibilities; alternative, voice, determination: She was given no choice in selecting her husband. 3 pick, ‚lite, flower, best, select, cream, crŠme de la crŠme: The king's guard is made up from the choice of the kingdom. adj. 4 select, exquisite, special, superior, prime, high-quality, excellent, pre-eminent, best, prize, first-rate, exceptional, preferred, desirable, ideal, rare, Colloq Brit plummy: She has the choicest wines in her cellar. 5 selected, select, hand-picked, well-chosen, fit, appropriate, fitting: The eulogy was disposed of in a few choice words. choke chokev. 1 suffocate, asphyxiate, smother, stifle, strangle, throttle, garrotte or garrote or garotte, burke: He choked his elderly victims, then stole their money. 2 stop, fill (up), block (up), obstruct, congest, clog, dam (up), constrict: The channel is completely choked with weeds. 3 Also, choke off. smother, suppress, stifle, prohibit, frustrate, deny, obviate, cut off, stop, put a stop to; dissuade, discourage: His policies choked off any chance for innovation. 4 choke back or down. suppress, repress, stifle, restrain: He choked back the tears when he saw the gravestone. choose choosev. select, elect, pick (out), determine, judge; decide, prefer, opt, settle upon or on: She had the right to choose the course that seemed the best to her. Given the options, I chose to stay. choosy choosyadj. selective, discriminating, discerning, fastidious, finicky or finical, particular, fussy, demanding, exacting, difficult, hard to please , Colloq picky: If you weren't so choosy, you wouldn't have to pay so much. chop chopv. 1 Also, chop away or down or off. cut, hack, hew, lop, crop, cleave, sever: Chop away that underbrush. I tried to chop off the end. Don't chop down that tree! 2 Also, chop up. mince; dice, cube; hash: Chop up the parsley very fine before adding it to the sauce. n. 3 cut, blow, stroke: With a quick chop of the axe, the branch was severed. christen christenv. 1 baptize, anoint: They are going to christen the baby next week. 2 name, call, dub: The child was christened Madelaine. The highest peak in Wales is christened Snowdon. chronic chronicadj. 1 long-lasting, long-standing, lingering, inveterate, persistent, continuing, lasting, long-lived: The doctor said that the condition, for which there is no cure, is chronic. 2 inveterate, persistent, dyed in the wool, confirmed, habitual, hardened: Abby is a chronic liar. chronicle chroniclen. 1 record, history, diary, chronology, account, narrative, description, report, register, annal(s), archive: She has written a chronicle of the events leading up to the War of Jenkins' Ear. v. 2 record, register, list, enter, archive, document, describe; tell, recount, narrate, report, relate, retail: In the Iliad Homer chronicled the legends of the Trojan War. chronology chronologyn. account, record, calendar, almanac, journal, log; sequence: Describe the chronology of events preceding your discovery of the body. chubby chubbyadj. podgy or US pudgy; stumpy, stubby, chunky, tubby, plump, dumpy, thickset, heavy-set, heavy, ample, overweight: She was a bit chubby when a teenager but became a professional model when she was 21. chuckle chucklev. 1 laugh, chortle, crow, snigger, giggle, titter: Robin always chuckled when the subject of embezzlement came up. n. 2 chuckling, laugh, chortle, crowing, giggle; laughter, snigger, sniggering: It was hard to resist a chuckle when we saw the looks on their faces. chum chumn. 1 friend, comrade, companion; confidant(e), familiar; fellow, colleague, Colloq pal, sidekick, Chiefly Brit and Australian and New Zealand mate, Chiefly US and Canadian buddy: I invited a chum of mine for the weekend. v. 2 Often, chum around. associate, Colloq pal (around): Yes, we used to chum around together in the army. 3 chum up with. ally (oneself) with, be friendly with, go with, associate with, Colloq pal (up or about or around) with, US team up with: Lionel chummed up with Ashley to go swimming. chummy chummyadj. friendly, sociable, intimate, close, thick, Colloq pally, US palsy-walsy, buddy-buddy: You were very chummy with Peter once, weren't you? chute chuten. 1 waterfall, rapid: The canoe skimmed down the chute with lightning speed. 2 slide, shaft, channel, ramp, runway, trough, incline: The parcels come down this chute and you have to sort them by postcode. 3.5 circle... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= circle circlen. 1 disc or chiefly US disk, ring, hoop, loop, band, wheel, annulus, ringlet; cordon: Using a compass, he carefully drew a circle. We formed a circle around the speaker. 2 set, coterie, clique, class, division, group, crowd; society, fellowship, fraternity, company: John and I don't move in the same circles. v. 3 encircle, circumambulate, go round or around, tour; circumnavigate: For exercise, I circle the lake in the park every morning. 4 encircle, surround, gird, enclose, circumscribe: Twenty small diamonds circle each star sapphire. circuit circuitn. 1 compass, circumference, perimeter, periphery, girth, border, boundary, edge, limit, ambit, margin, outline, confine(s), bound, pale: The circuit of the area amounts to 72 miles. 2 round, tour, ambit, circle, orbit, course, lap: The rider completed the circuit of the ranch, mending the fence as he went. circular circularadj. 1 round, disc-shaped or chiefly US disk-shaped, disc-like or chiefly US disk-like, discoid; ring-shaped, ring-like, annular: Notice the circular pattern of growth of this ivy. 2 roundabout, indirect, circuitous, tortuous, twisting, twisted, anfractuous; periphrastic, circumlocutory; devious: We had to take a circular route because the road was closed. Why can't she say what she means instead of being so circular? 3 illogical, inconsistent, redundant, fallacious, irrational, Formal sophistic or sophistical: To say that you exist because you think and that you think because you exist is an example of circular reasoning. circulate circulatev. 1 move or go about or round or around, orbit, flow, course, run, circle: The blood circulates from the heart through the arteries and veins and back to the heart. 2 spread, distribute, disseminate, issue, publish, air, announce, proclaim, make known, noise abroad, bruit about, report, broadcast, reveal, divulge, advertise, publicize, promulgate, put about, bring or put out, pass out or round or around: He has been circulating the story that his ex-wife cheated on her income tax. 3 spread, go round or around, be bruited about, come out: A rumour has been circulating about your behaviour at the office party. circulation circulationn. 1 circuit, course, orbit, flow, flowing, motion: It was Harvey who discovered the circulation of the blood. 2 spread, spreading, dissemination, transmission, passage, distribution, diffusion, publication, advertisement, announcement, issuance, issuing, pronouncement, proclamation, promulgation, broadcast, broadcasting: The state has again forbidden the free circulation of information. circumstance circumstancen. 1 Often, circumstances. situation, condition(s), state (of affairs); status, station, resources, income, finances: In the circumstances, all leave is cancelled. Each person will be helped according to the individual circumstance. 2 event, incident, episode, occurrence, affair, happening, occasion: Any unforeseen circumstance could set off a shooting war. circumstantial circumstantialadj. 1 indirect, presumptive, evidential or evidentiary, interpretive, deduced, presumed, presumptive, presumable, implicative, implied, inferred, inferential: Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a gun in the suspect's house. 2 accidental, incidental, hearsay, indirect, unimportant, adventitious, provisional, secondary, unessential, non-essential, fortuitous, chance, extraneous: Such circumstantial trivia have no bearing on the case. 3 detailed, particular, precise, explicit, specific: We cannot believe that he invented so circumstantial a narrative. citizen citizenn. 1 voter; native; householder, resident, inhabitant, denizen, dweller, freeman; Brit patrial, ratepayer; US taxpayer: All citizens are entitled to certain rights. 2 city-dweller, town-dweller, townsman, townswoman, villager, burgess, oppidan: She considers herself a citizen of Oxford. city cityn. metropolis, municipality, borough, burgh; conurbation, megalopolis; Brit urban district; see, diocese, bishopric; New Zealand urban area; Colloq town, US burg, big apple: We gave up our flat in the city and moved to the country. civil civiladj. 1 civilian, non-military, lay, laic, laical, secular: There is a distinction between civil law and canon law. 2 domestic, internal; public: The economic conditions have led to civil strife. 3 polite, courteous, respectful, well-mannered, proper, civilized, cordial, formal, courtly, urbane, polished, refined: They are civil enough, but I always have the feeling they really despise tourists. civility civilityn. courtesy, politeness, respect, comity, urbanity, amiability, consideration, courteousness, cordiality, propriety, tact, diplomacy, politesse, protocol: Despite his rude behaviour at her dinner-party, she treats him with great civility. civilization civilizationn. 1 culture, refinement, cultivation, enlightenment, edification, sophistication, polish: The Romans brought civilization to many peoples who had been quite barbarous. 2 culture, mores, custom(s): He has studied Egyptian civilization all his life. civilize civilizev. 1 enlighten, refine, polish, edify, educate, acculturate: Civilized people do not behave in such a boorish way. 2 tame, domesticate; broaden, elevate, acculturate: The claim that they civilized the Aborigines means only that they forced them to conform to the White man's notion of civilization. 3.6 claim... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= claim claimn. 1 demand, assertion, request, requisition, petition, application; requirement: As far as the land is concerned, his claim has been denied. 2 right(s), call, title: What possible claim could the Miss Dashwoods have on his generosity? v. 3 demand, seek, ask or call (for), exact, insist (on or upon), require, command, be entitled to: She has every right to claim a share in the estate. 4 declare, assert, allege, state, put or set forth, affirm, contend, maintain: These measurements lack the degree of accuracy claimed for them. She claims that she was the first person to ring the police. clammy clammyadj. 1 moist, sticky, gummy, pasty, viscous, slimy: In the swamp the police found a clammy pistol that they believe to be the weapon. 2 moist, damp, humid, close, muggy, wet, misty, foggy: It was the kind of clammy summer's day when your shirt sticks to your back. clamp clampn. 1 clasp, vice, brace, clip, fastener: Use a clamp to hold the pieces together till the glue dries. v. 2 fasten (together), clip (together), bracket, make fast, clasp: You should clamp the planks together and plane the edges of both. clan clann. 1 tribe, family, dynasty, line, house: There had been a feud of long standing between the two clans, which culminated in the massacre of Glencoe. 2 fraternity, brotherhood, party, set, clique, coterie, circle, crowd, group, fellowship, society, faction, family, tribe; band, ring, gang: He regards social scientists as a clan quite separate from other scientists. clap clapv. 1 applaud; cheer, acclaim: Everyone clapped when the boxer climbed into the ring. 2 slap, strike, pat: He clapped me on the shoulder in the friendliest way. 3 put, place, slap, fling, toss, cast , Colloq stick: He had no sooner set foot in the town when he was clapped in jail. 4 impose, lay, apply: The magistrate clapped a severe fine on me for speeding. n. 5 crack, slap, report, crash, bang, snap: There was a loud clap of thunder, making the house shake. clapper clappern. tongue: We attached a rope to the clapper of the bell. clarify clarifyv. 1 elucidate, make clear, simplify, make plain, clear up, explain, shed or throw light on or upon, illuminate, explicate: She offered to clarify any points about which we had questions. 2 clear, purify, clean: The trout should be lightly basted with clarified butter. clarity clarityn. 1 clearness, transparency, limpidity, pellucidity: The clarity of the sea in the tropics is owing to a lack of plankton. 2 lucidity, definition, definiteness, distinctness; comprehensibility, understandability, intelligibility, unambiguousness: One cannot argue with the clarity of her explanation of Hegelianism. clash clashn. 1 crash, clang, clank, clangour: The concerto ends with a clash of cymbals. 2 collision, smash, (hostile) encounter, conflict, engagement, fight, battle, disagreement, difference, argument, dispute, altercation, quarrel, squabble: He has witnessed many a clash between the prime minister and parliament. v. 3 conflict, fight, battle, disagree, differ, argue, dispute, quarrel, squabble, feud, wrangle, cross swords: My brother and I always clash on the question of who should pay our father's hospital bills. 4 conflict, disharmonize, jar, be at odds or out of keeping: The pink of the blouse and the fuchsia of the skirt clash badly. clasp claspn. 1 fastener, fastening, hook, catch, clip, pin, brooch: The ends were fastened together with a diamond clasp. 2 embrace, hug, hold, grasp, grip: He held her tight in his clasp. v. 3 fasten, secure, close, hold, hook, clip, pin, clamp: The robe was clasped by an emerald pin. 4 hold, embrace, take hold of, hug, enclose, envelop: The beggar clasped my hand, his eyes seeking mine in piteous supplication. 5 grab, grasp, seize, clutch, grip: They clasped hands in friendship. class classn. 1 rank, grade, level, order, stratum; caste, lineage, birth, pedigree, stock, extraction, descent: He was born in the l940s into a family of the middle class. 2 category, division, classification, group, genre, league, realm, domain; kind, sort, type: As a dancer, she in a class by herself. 3 excellence, merit, refinement, elegance, prestige, importance, taste, discernment, distinction, bearing, presence, savoir faire, savoir vivre, breeding: He may be a good drinking companion, but he has no class whatsoever. 4 year, form, US grade: We were in the same class at school. v. 5 classify, group, arrange, assort, type, categorize, rank, grade, rate, order: They are classed as self-employed for these purposes. classic classicadj. 1 standard, leading, outstanding, prototypical, definitive, model, ideal, archetypal, paradigmatic: His military career is a classic example of what family connections can achieve. 2 legendary, immortal, enduring, deathless, ageless, timeless, undying, venerable, time-honoured; outstanding, first-rate, superior, excellent, noteworthy, notable, exemplary: By the time she was ten, she had read most of the classic works of English literature. He collects classic cars. n. 3 paragon, epitome, outstanding example, exemplar, model, paradigm, prototype: When it comes to comedians, Ronnie is a classic. 4 masterpiece, master-work: The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost is regarded as a classic by collectors. classical classicaladj. 1 standard, model, exemplary, traditional, established, influential, authoritative, serious, weighty: Classical authors are those who are regarded as being of good credit and authority in the schools. Montaigne is the earliest classical writer in the French language. 2 Greek, Latin, Roman: Architectural styles of the 18th century harked back to Classical designs. claw clawn. 1 talon, nail: The cat had scratched her badly with its claws. v. 2 scratch, tear, scrape, rake, slash: She clawed at his face to break his grip on her throat. 3 grapple, grab, catch, scrape, scrabble: He tried to climb up the embankment, clawing at the steep wall. clean cleanadj. 1 pure, undefiled, unsullied, unmixed, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unpolluted, uninfected, unspoiled or unspoilt, sanitary, disinfected; antiseptic, decontaminated, purified, sterile: The laboratory reports that our well water is absolutely clean. You must use a clean bandage. 2 unsoiled, untainted, unstained; unsullied; cleansed, cleanly, (freshly) laundered or washed, scrubbed; spotless, immaculate: She puts on clean underwear every day in case she's involved in an accident. 3 clean-cut, neat, simple, definite, uncomplicated, smooth, even, straight, trim, tidy: The edges of the fracture are clean and will mend quickly. 4 innocent, blameless, inoffensive, respectable; decent, chaste, pure, honourable, good, undefiled, virtuous, moral: The suspect was completely clean - he was out of town at the time of the robbery. 5 non-radioactive: They say they've produced a clean bomb, but I don't believe it. 6 unarmed, weaponless: Frisk that suspect and make sure he's clean. adv. 7 completely, entirely, thoroughly, fully, totally, wholly, altogether, quite, utterly, absolutely: Geoff's clean out of his mind if he believes that. With one blow he cut the orange clean through. 8 come clean. confess, acknowledge, make a clean breast, admit, make a revelation, reveal, Colloq own up, spill the beans; US dialect fess up; Slang sing: In the end he saw that he was trapped and decided to come clean. v. 9 cleanse, wash, lave, (take a) shower, sponge, mop, scrub, scour, sweep, dust, vacuum, polish, launder, dry-clean, Brit hoover; tidy, neaten, do up, straighten up or out, unclutter; Brit bath; US and Canadian bathe: When we cleaned the urn, we could read the inscription. I have told Richard a thousand times to clean his room. 10 clean out. a exhaust, deplete: The gambler cleaned her out of every penny she had in the world. b empty, leave bare, clear out, evacuate: We must clean out the larder before it can be painted. 11 clean up. a clean, cleanse, wash, (take a) shower, Brit bath; US take a bath, bathe, wash up: Clean up, please, dinner is almost ready. It took us a week to clean up the stables. b purge, purify, disinfect, depollute, decontaminate, clear, sanitize: The council has led the way towards cleaning up the wetlands of chemical waste. cleanse cleansev. 1 clean, absterge, deterge, wash, scour, scrub: You need a scrubbing brush to cleanse the tub. 2 purify, depurate; purge, wash away, expiate: Each prayer repeated has a certain value in cleansing away sin. clear clearadj. 1 unclouded, cloudless, sunny, fair, sunlit, fine: On a clear day, you can see the lighthouse several miles away. 2 transparent, limpid, crystalline; translucent, uncloudy, unclouded, pellucid: The water was clear enough to see the bottom. 3 bright, lustrous, shining, shiny, sparkling, Formal nitid: We painted the bathroom a lovely clear blue. 4 bright, fresh, unblemished, unscarred: She has a lovely clear complexion. 5 distinct, sharp, well-defined, definite; legible, readable; acute, vivid: The notes were written in a large clear hand. 6 understandable, intelligible, perspicuous, lucid, comprehensible, apprehensible, discernible, plain, obvious, unambiguous, unequivocal, explicit, definite, unmistakable, indisputable, undisputed, unquestionable, incontrovertible: He has made himself very clear on that point. 7 distinct, unclouded, unconfused, explicit, plain, definite, clear-cut, palpable: I have a clear recollection of her words. 8 evident, plain, obvious, patent, manifest, apparent: It became clear that someone was trying to compromise her. 9 perceptive, acute, sensitive, perspicacious, discerning, keen: It was only his clear vision of the situation that saved us all. 10 certain, sure, convinced, confident, positive, determined, definite, assured: I am not clear that the subject was a good one. 11 pure, unwavering, well-defined, distinct, clarion, bell-like: We heard father's clear voice calling from below. 12 pure, guileless, unsophisticated, innocent, blameless, faultless; not guilty: I still cannot look her in the eye with a clear conscience. 13 unencumbered, free, net: In our first year we made a clear profit of 25 per cent. 14 unlimited, unqualified, unquestioned, unquestionable, absolute, complete, entire; pure, sheer, perfect: You must allow three clear days for the ascent. 15 disengaged, disentangled, unentangled, free, freed, rid, quit, loose, unencumbered, released: When the line is clear of any obstruction, hoist sail and let's be off. 16 open, unencumbered, free, unblocked, unobstructed, unimpeded, direct: There is a clear view of the park from here. adv. 17 brightly, effulgently, radiantly, luminously, lambently: The stars were shining clear in the night sky. 18 distinctly, clearly, starkly, perceptibly, discernibly, understandably, prominently: When you see the reef, sing out loud and clear. 19 completely, utterly, entirely, cleanly, clean, wholly, totally: The thief got clear away in the confusion. v. 20 clarify, cleanse, clean, purify: The chemical soon cleared the water of all sediment. 21 exonerate, absolve, acquit; excuse, forgive: He has been cleared of all charges and released. 22 Also, clear up. explain, elucidate, explicate, clarify, make plain or clear, disambiguate: We should be able to clear up the mystery by this evening. 23 Also, clear up. become fair or cloudless or sunny: I hope the weather clears in time for the game. 24 open (up), free; unblock, unclog, unstop; disencumber, dislodge: We were able to clear a path through the jungle. He cleared his throat and began to speak. 25 empty: Clear the land of trees before farming it. 26 Also, clear away or out. remove, eliminate, take; cut away or down: Clear those branches from the paths. 27 disburden, unburden, purge, free, rid: He has cleared his conscience of any responsibility in the matter. 28 leap or jump over, vault: She cleared the fence easily. 29 Also, clear up. settle, discharge, pay, square, defray, satisfy: The company has cleared all its debts. 30 clear off or out. leave, depart, decamp, go or run off, get out, withdraw, Slang beat it, scram, Taboo Brit sod off, Chiefly Australian shoot through, US and Canadian take a (run-out) powder: I told them to clear off and stop bothering me. 31 clear up. a eliminate, remove, settle; clarify: I hope we can clear up any misunderstanding between us. b tidy (up), neaten (up), put or set in order, clear: I'll clear up after dinner. n. 32 in the clear. innocent, not guilty; exonerated, forgiven, absolved; unburdened, disburdened, unencumbered, free: The other chap confessed, leaving me in the clear. clearance clearancen. 1 space, gap, hole, interval, separation, room, margin, leeway, allowance: You must allow a clearance of 2 millimetres. 2 approval, endorsement, authorization, consent; licence, leave, permission: He cannot get security clearance with his prison record. clearly clearlyadv. 1 distinctly; starkly, plainly: With spectacles, I can see everything more clearly. 2 evidently, apparently, manifestly, obviously, certainly, definitely, positively, unequivocally, unquestionably, incontestably, without doubt, undoubtedly, indubitably, demonstrably, absolutely, utterly: His statement is clearly untrue. 3 audibly, distinctly, understandably: I wish she would speak more clearly. cleave cleavev. split, divide, cut, cut or chop or hew in two or asunder, bisect, halve, separate, slit, rive: With a mighty blow the log was cleaved cleanly in two. clergyman clergymann. 1 ecclesiastic, churchman, cleric, reverend, divine, man of the cloth, holy man, priest, minister, chaplain, father, rabbi, pastor, parson, rector, vicar, dean, canon, presbyter, prebendary or prebend, deacon, sexton, sacristan, guru, ayatollah, imam: In his black frock coat he looked like a clergyman. 2 monk, friar, brother, monastic, religious: A clergyman was responsible for his religious education. 3 preacher, gospeller, evangelist, revivalist, missionary, sermonizer: She was moved by the clergyman's sermon. clerical clericaladj. 1 ecclesiastical, churchly, pastoral, sacerdotal, priestly, hieratic, rabbinical, ministerial, monastic, apostolic, prelatic, papal, pontifical, episcopal, canonical: He was wearing his clerical vestments. 2 white-collar, office, professional, secretarial, stenographic, accounting, bookkeeping: He runs the shop and his wife has the clerical responsibilities. clever cleveradj. 1 skilled, talented, skilful, adroit, dexterous, gifted, agile, quick-witted, intelligent, perceptive, discerning, sharp, sharp-witted, adept, able, Colloq brainy: She was very clever at mathematics. 2 shrewd, cunning, guileful, canny, artful, crafty, sly, wily, foxy: It was a clever move to sound out the chairman before the meeting. 3 intelligent, wise, sage, sagacious; ingenious, original, resourceful, Daedalian, inventive, creative, smart, imaginative: It was very clever of her to memorize the record-book for the competition. 4 deft, adroit, nimble-fingered, dexterous, handy, skilful: The old woman is clever with her hands. cliché clichén. stereotype, bromide, trite saying, old saw or maxim, truism, platitude, commonplace, banality, Colloq chestnut: The report was full of clich‚s and convinced no one. client clientn. customer, patron, shopper; patient: She opened a law practice and already has a number of clients. clientele clientelen. clients, patrons, customers; custom, business, trade, patronage, following: What sort of clientele do you expect to attract? cliff cliffn. precipice, bluff, escarpment, scarp, crag, rock-face, cuesta, scar or Scots scaur: The commandos are trained to scale a 100-foot cliff. climate climaten. 1 weather, Literary clime: We are retiring to the Maldives because we like a sunny climate. 2 atmosphere, ambience or ambiance, air; feeling, mood, aura, milieu, feel: In the present climate of opinion, we'd best delay introducing the bill. climax climaxn. 1 culmination, height, acme, apex, summit, zenith, apogee, peak, high point, maximum, supreme moment: The war reached its climax at the battle of Arbela. 2 turning-point, crisis, crossroads: The climax of the play occurs in the third act. 3 orgasm: She told her psychiatrist that she had never reached a climax with her husband. v. 4 culminate, peak, crest, come to a head: The week's events climaxed with the presentation of the gold medal. climb climbv. 1 Also, climb up. mount, ascend, go up, scale, shin (up), clamber up, US shinny (up): In one of the games we had to climb a greased pole. Two Japanese teams have climbed Mount Everest. 2 creep, trail, twine; grow: The ivy has climbed all over the garden wall. 3 rise, arise, ascend, go up, mount; advance: Watch the smoke climb into the sky. 4 climb along. creep, edge, clamber, crawl, inch: The cat burglar climbed along the ledge till he reached the window. 5 climb down. a descend, go down: We shall need a rope to climb down from here. b Usually, climb down from. retreat (from), withdraw (from), back away (from), give up, abandon, renounce: He has climbed down from his earlier position regarding women in the priesthood. n. 6 grade, incline, route, pitch; ascent; descent: It was a steep climb to Camp Four. clinch clinchv. 1 secure, settle, confirm, determine, conclude, dispose of, complete, wind up, finalize Colloq sew up: He clinched the argument by resigning. n. 2 close quarters, hug, clasp, embrace; cuddle: The boxers went into a clinch to regain their breath. clincher clinchern. finishing touch, pay-off, punch-line, coup de grƒce, final or crowning blow: The point about saving costs proved to be a clincher, and we were given the go-ahead. cling clingv. 1 stick, adhere, attach, fasten, fix: The detectives found that one of the victim's hairs had clung to the suspect's lapel. 2 favour, be or remain devoted or attached to, embrace, hang on to, retain, keep, cherish: He still clung to his old-fashioned notions of honour. 3 cling together or to one another. embrace, hug, cleave to one another, clasp one another, clutch one another, hold (fast) to one another, grasp one another: The children clung together in the darkness. clip clip¹v. 1 clasp, fasten, fix, attach, hold, clinch; staple: Please clip these papers together. n. 2 clasp, fastener: That clip isn't strong enough to hold all these papers. clip clip²v. 1 trim (off), lop (off), cut (off), crop, bob, snip: The barber clipped my hair short. Roger has clipped two seconds off the record. 2 shorten, reduce, abbreviate, diminish, cut (short): The film was clipped by fifteen minutes for television. In her rapid-fire way of speaking, she clipped each word. 3 strike, hit, punch, smack, box, cuff, whack, Colloq wallop, clout; Slang sock: He was clipped on the jaw and knocked out. 4 cheat, swindle, bilk, overcharge, Slang rook: They clipped him out of a week's wages. She was clipped for a ten per cent 'service fee'. n. 5 segment, interval, section, part, portion, extract, cutting, excerpt, cutting, bit, snippet, scrap, fragment: We were shown a film clip of the cheese-making process. 6 blow, cuff, punch, hit, strike, smack, whack, box, Colloq wallop, clout; Slang sock: She gave him a clip at the side of the head and he went down. 7 pace, rate, speed: I was riding along at a good clip when my horse shied and I was thrown off. clique cliquen. set, coterie, crowd, circle, group: There was the usual clique from the Sales Department standing round the bar. cloak cloakn. 1 mantle, cape, robe, wrap, poncho; coat, overcoat: She pulled her cloak around her in the chill night air. 2 mantle, concealment, cover, screen, shroud, veil: He stole away under the cloak of darkness. v. 3 conceal, hide, mask, screen, veil, shroud, cover up; disguise: All of the spies' activities were cloaked in secrecy. clod clodn. 1 lump, mass, gob, wad, hunk, chunk; piece of sod or turf; Colloq glob: A clod of earth was stuck between the spikes of my golf shoes. 2 idiot, fool, dolt, blockhead, simpleton, dunce, dope, oaf, Neanderthal, lout, ass, boor, clown, ninny, ninny-hammer, bumpkin, clodhopper, Slang vegetable, US and Canadian jerk: He felt a bit of a clod standing there with no idea which way to go. clog clogv. hamper, encumber, impede; obstruct, choke (up), block, congest, jam: The road was clogged with returning holiday-makers. A piece of orange peel had clogged the sink drain. close closev. 1 shut, close up, seal; close off, lock, padlock, secure, fasten: I closed my eyes. Please close the door behind you. 2 make inaccessible, shut, Chiefly US place off limits: The Bodleian Library will be closed for a week. 3 conclude, end, finish, complete, bring to a close or end, terminate, climax, Colloq wind up: A brilliant flourish closes the first movement of the symphony. 4 conclude, sign, seal, make, settle, clinch, agree, arrange, work out, establish: Union and management closed a deal, and the strike was called off. 5 Also, close down. discontinue, terminate, stop, suspend, shut down, go out of business, cease operations, close (up), Colloq wind up, shut up shop, put up the shutters: Competition from the supermarket forced the greengrocer to close down. 6 Also, close off. seal, make inaccessible, shut (off), obstruct, obturate: This wing of the museum has been closed off temporarily. 7 close one's eyes to. ignore, overlook, disregard: You have always closed your eyes to his faults. 8 close up. a close, shut (up), lock up, close (down): It's time to close up for the night. b close, come or draw or bring together, unite, join; connect: We closed up ranks and stood at attention. adj. 9 near; adjacent, proximate, proximal: He claims to have had a close encounter with an extraterrestrial. There certainly is a close resemblance between Kathy and her daughter. 10 closed, shut (up), fixed, fast, secure, tight: The hostages spent a month in close confinement. 11 dense, compact, tight, cramped, compressed, tiny, minuscule, minute: I could hardly read the close writing on the matchbox. 12 stuffy, musty, stale, fusty, confining, oppressive, airless, unventilated, confined, stifling, suffocating: They locked me in a room that was so close I could hardly breathe. 13 nearly equal or even, close-matched, neck and neck, tight: It was a close race, but Flanagan won by a hair. 14 careful, assiduous, precise, detailed, concentrated, strict, rigorous, minute, searching, attentive, alert, intent, intense, thorough, painstaking: Close analysis has revealed that the handwriting is that of a left-handed adult. 15 attached, intimate, devoted, familiar, inseparable, close-knit, solid, confidential; fast; Colloq thick, thick as thieves, pally, US and Canadian palsy-walsy, buddy-buddy: They are a very close family. She and her father are very close. 16 private, privy, secret, guarded, closely guarded, confidential: Although it should have been a close secret, the press managed to get hold of it. 17 secretive, reticent, taciturn, reserved, close-mouthed, tight-lipped, silent: She is very close about the whereabouts of her husband. 18 stingy, mean, miserly, niggardly, tight-fisted, close-fisted, parsimonious, penurious, penny-pinching, cheese-paring, Scrooge-like, skinflinty, Colloq near, Brit mingy: He's so close he charges his own mother rent. 19 secluded, concealed, shut up or away, hidden: The fugitives decided to lie close till nightfall. adv. 20 near, in the neighbourhood (of), not far (from), adjacent (to); alongside; at hand, nearby, close by: The murder took place close to my house. I'm frightened, so please stay close by. 21 close to or on or onto. nearly, almost, about, practically, approximately, nigh unto, approaching: For close to two thousand years the site lay untouched. n. 22 end, termination, conclusion, finish, completion, cessation; culmination: By the close of trading, share prices had risen again. cloth clothn. 1 fabric, material, textile, Chiefly Brit stuff: The curtains are made of cloth, not plastic. 2 the cloth. the clergy, the (religious) ministry, the priesthood: He is a man of the cloth. clothe clothev. 1 dress, attire, garb, apparel, outfit, fit out or up, accoutre or US also accouter, Brit kit out or up, Colloq tog up or out: He earns barely enough to clothe and feed his family. 2 endow, invest, caparison, endue: They tried to clothe their transactions with the raiment of honesty. clothes clothing, apparel, attire, wear, dress, garments, raiment, wardrobe, outfit, ensemble, vestment(s), Old-fashioned duds, Colloq togs, gear, get-up Slang glad rags, Brit clobber; Slang US (set of) threads: Put on some old clothes and make yourself comfortable. clown clownn. 1 jester, fool, zany, comic, comedian, funny man: Of all the performers at the circus, I like the clowns best. 2 buffoon, boor, rustic, yahoo, oaf, lout, clod, dolt, bumpkin, clodhopper, provincial, peasant, yokel, Colloq lummox; Slang chiefly US jerk; Old-fashioned galoot or galloot; Slang chiefly US and Canadian hick: That's the kind of language we expect to hear only from the most ignorant clowns. v. 3 Often, clown around or about. fool (around), play the fool, horse around or about, caper, cut a caper or capers, engage in high jinks or hijinks, US cut up, cut didos: Stop clowning around with that hose and help water the garden. club clubn. 1 cudgel, bat, bludgeon, mace, billy, truncheon, baton, staff, stick; cosh, Chiefly US and Canadian blackjack: The blow from the club required six stitches. 2 association, society, organization, fraternity, sorority, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, federation, union, guild, lodge, alliance, league, order, consortium, company: Our sailing club holds an annual race. 3 clubhouse: The society's club is near Pall Mall. 4 nightclub, cabaret, Colloq nightspot: After the theatre, we stopped at Oscar's club for a nightcap. v. 5 beat, cudgel, bludgeon, bat, belabour or US belabor; lambaste, baste, thrash, trounce: The guerrillas caught the traitor and clubbed him to death. 6 Often, club together. band or join or league (together), team (up), join forces, combine, ally, associate, confederate, cooperate: We clubbed together to purchase the antique clock. clue cluen. 1 hint, suspicion, trace, intimation, suggestion, inkling, indication, pointer, lead, tip, tip-off, evidence, information, advice; key, answer, indicator: There is no clue pointing to anyone in particular. Any clue to the solution of the mystery disappeared in the fire. v. 2 clue someone in or Brit also up. hint, suggest, imply, intimate, inform, advise, indicate: She clued us in as to who might have sent the letter. clump clumpn. 1 lump, mass, clod, chunk, hunk, wad, gob, Colloq glob: As the soup cooled, clumps of fat formed on its surface. 2 bunch, cluster; thicket, copse; wood, Chiefly Brit spinney: The deer disappeared into a clump of trees. That clump will provide good cover for us. v. 3 lump, mass, heap, collect, gather, bunch, pile: She wore her hair clumped on top her head. clumsy clumsyadj. awkward, ungainly, unwieldy, ungraceful, gawky, maladroit, unhandy, unskilful, inept, bungling, bumbling, cloddish, ox-like, bovine, uncoordinated, lubberly, oafish; gauche, Colloq butter-fingered, ham-fisted, ham-handed, cack-handed: He made a clumsy attempt to put the key in the lock. She gave a clumsy excuse for being in the bank after hours. cluster clustern. 1 collection, bunch, clutch, tuft, bundle: Notice that cluster of flowers near the top of the plant. 2 collection, bunch, group, knot, body, band, company, gathering, crowd, assembly, congregation, throng, flock, assemblage, swarm: A cluster of well-wishers stood talking with the minister. v. 3 collect, bunch, group, band, gather, crowd, congregate, throng, assemble, accumulate, mass, aggregate: A number of people clustered round the new sculpture. Why do these flowers cluster at this tree? clutch clutchv. 1 seize, snatch, grab, grasp, take or lay hold of; hold; US snag: She clutched feebly to the rope before losing her grip and plunging into the abyss below. He clutched the child to his bosom. n. 2 clutches. a grasp at, hold; embrace: We watched as the gazelle deftly eluded the cheetah's clutches. b influence, control, power, domination, dominance, possession: He fell into the clutches of the Triads. clutter cluttern. 1 mess, litter, jumble; mishmash, olla podrida, confusion, hash, gallimaufry, hotchpotch or US also hodgepodge, muddle, farrago, medley: I must insist that you clear up the clutter in your room at once. That philosophy is a clutter of competing ideas. 2 confusion, tangle, chaos, disarray: The town was a clutter of narrow, crooked, dark, and dirty lanes. v. 3 Often, clutter up. mess up, litter, strew, make a shambles of: Please don't clutter up my desk with newspaper cuttings. 3.7 coach... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= coach coachn. 1 carriage, bus, omnibus, motor coach: The sightseeing coach broke down near Exeter. 2 tutor, trainer, instructor, teacher, mentor, Brit crammer: Her voice coach says she's not yet ready for grand opera. v. 3 tutor, train, instruct, guide, direct, drill, prepare, prompt, school, exercise, Brit cram: Her lawyers have coached her in what to say in court. coagulate coagulatev. congeal, gel, jell, clot, curdle, set: The white of the egg had coagulated, but the yolk was still runny. coarse coarseadj. 1 rough, uneven, scratchy, prickly, bristly; crude, rough-hewn, unfinished, unrefined: He has a three-day coarse growth of beard. The surface on the furniture is still too coarse. 2 rude, boorish, loutish, crude, ill-mannered, unpolished, rough, uncouth, impolite, uncivil, unrefined: Nigel's behaviour is coarse, and he spits when he talks. 3 rude, indecent, improper, indelicate, obscene, lewd, vulgar, gross, smutty, dirty, filthy, foul, offensive, lascivious, ribald, bawdy; foul-mouthed: Don't use that kind of coarse language with me. 4 inferior, low-quality, second-rate, shoddy, tawdry, trashy; kitschy: That shop stocks only the coarsest merchandise. coast coastn. 1 seaside, seashore, shore, sea-coast, strand, beach, littoral, coastline, seaboard: Be careful of rocks if you sail near the coast. v. 2 glide, skim, slide, sail: The children coasted down the hill on the toboggan. coat coatn. 1 overcoat, greatcoat; jacket, anorak, parka, Brit cagoule, Colloq Brit cag: Put on your coat, it's cold out. 2 coating, layer, covering, overlay; film: Two coats of paint ought to be enough. There was a coat of dust on everything. v. 3 cover, paint, spread: We coated the floor with three layers of varnish. coax coaxv. persuade, urge, wheedle, cajole, beguile, charm, inveigle, jolly, manipulate: She coaxed me into spending a weekend with her at Blackpool. cocky cockyadj. overconfident, arrogant, haughty, conceited, self-important, egotistical, proud, vain, prideful, cocksure, saucy, cheeky, brash: Since she won the beauty contest, Claire has been entirely too cocky. coddle coddlev. pamper, baby, cosset, mollycoddle, indulge, humour, spoil, Brit cocker: Give him a cold bath and don't coddle him so much. code coden. 1 law(s), regulation(s), rule(s), jurisprudence, jus canonicum 'canon law', jus civile 'civil law', jus divinum 'divine law', jus gentium 'universal law', jus naturale 'natural law', corpus juris, pandect, lex non scripta 'common law, unwritten law', lex scripta 'statute law': In the present code there is no statute that forbids keeping a pet gnu. 2 cipher or cypher, cryptogram: Our agents send all their messages in code. 3 system, practice(s), convention(s), standard(s), criterion (criteria), principle(s), rule(s), maxim(s), custom(s), pattern(s), structure, tradition(s), organization, protocol, orthodoxy: Our code of behaviour is completely foreign to the islanders. v. 4 encode, encipher or encypher, encrypt: It took an hour to code the information. coffin coffinn. casket, pall, (pine) box; sarcophagus: The coffin was slowly lowered into the grave. cog cogn. 1 tooth, gear-tooth, sprocket, ratchet: Stripping the gears means breaking the cogs off them. 2 underling, pawn, subordinate, nonentity, zero, cipher or cypher, nothing, nobody, small fry: He's only a small cog in the organization - we're after the big wheel himself. cognizance cognizancen. knowledge, awareness, knowledge, perception, notice, consciousness, mindfulness: They ran the gambling den with the full cognizance of the police. coherent coherentadj. 1 consistent, orderly, organized, well-organized, logical, rational, reasonable, well-ordered: The MP set forth a coherent argument against an excise tax. 2 understandable, sensible, comprehensible, intelligible, articulate, lucid, clear: He was so frightened and hysterical that he was unable to tell a coherent story. cohort cohortn. 1 troop, squad, squadron, platoon, brigade, unit, cadre, wing, legion, detachment, contingent: Ten select Roman cohorts were sent against the Mitanni. 2 company, band, group, faction, set, body, corps: She was a member of a small cohort of suffragettes. 3 companion, confederate, accomplice, associate, fellow, comrade, friend, confrŠre: Gerald then arrived with a few of his cohorts. coil coilv. 1 wind, twist, coil, snake, wrap, enwrap, spiral, Nautical fake or flake (down): The rope is coiled round a capstan. n. 2 winding(s), circle(s), loop, whorl, spiral, helix, twist: His foot caught in the coil of rope and he was carried overboard. coin coinn. 1 specie, money, currency; change, cash, silver: I have only a few coins in my pocket. As he had no notes he had to pay in coin. v. 2 mint, stamp: The US government has stopped coining silver dollars. 3 invent, create, conceive, originate, start, make up, fabricate, frame, concoct, think or dream up: James Joyce coined the word 'quark'. 4 coin it in or US only coin money. earn or make money, become wealthy, enrich oneself, Colloq rake it in: Those rock stars really coin it in from their record sales. coincide coincidev. fall or come or go together, line up, co-occur, correspond, synchronize, match, tally, agree, (be in) accord, equal, jibe: This year, Easter and Passover coincide. The southern boundary coincides with the Thames. coincidence coincidencen. 1 co-occurrence, simultaneity, correspondence, concurrence, consistency, contemporaneity, synchronism, synchrony, coextension, coevality, coinstantaneity: The coincidence of twelve by the clock with noon by the sundial is exact only four times in the year. 2 congruence, matching, jibing, agreement, concord, accord, harmony, accordance, conformity, congruity, consonance, concomitance: Fortunately there was a coincidence of views on the main issues. 3 chance occurrence, fluke, chance, accident, luck, fortuity, fortuitousness, US and Canadian happenstance: By sheer coincidence, I met my next-door neighbour on the train from Glasgow. coincidental coincidentaladj. chance, lucky or unlucky, fortuitous, accidental, unexpected, unpredicted, unpredictable, unforeseen: It was entirely coincidental that we were on the same train. cold coldadj. 1 chill, chilly, frosty, icy, keen, nippy, freezing, frigid, ice-cold, stone-cold, bitter, bitter-cold, raw, biting, biting-cold, numbing, gelid; wintry, hibernal, brumal; arctic, glacial, polar, hyperborean or hyperboreal, Siberian: It was so cold that the canal had completely frozen over. 2 chilly, chilled; unheated, heatless: The room is cold; we'd better put the heating on. 3 indifferent, apathetic, chilly, chilling, cool, icy, dispassionate, unsympathetic, aloof, unresponsive, spiritless, frigid, unfriendly, uncordial, lukewarm, frigid; cold-blooded, insensitive, uncaring, unemotional, undemonstrative, reserved, unmoved, spiritless, callous, remote, distant, standoffish, unapproachable, stony-hearted, emotionless, unfeeling, cold-hearted: My ideas received rather a cold reception. Because she had offended him, he was quite cold to her. 4 depressing, cheerless, chilling, gloomy, dispiriting, deadening, disheartening, bleak, dismal, discouraging: The sweat stood out on his brow in cold apprehension. 5 unmoving, stale, trite, stereotyped; dead: The coldest word was once a glowing new metaphor. 6 weak, faint, stale, old, dead: The trail of the tiger had grown cold. 7 unprepared, unready: She hadn't studied and went into the exam cold. 8 Often, getting cold. far, distant, remote, off the track: As I searched for the weapon, I felt I was getting cold the further I went from the kitchen. n. 9 coldness, frigidity, iciness: Last winter, the cold killed off many of our shrubs. 10 head or chest or common cold, influenza, ague, (la or the) grippe, Technical coryza, gravedo, Colloq sniffles, the flu, bug, sneezles and wheezles: I caught a cold waiting for you in the rain. adv. 11 completely, thoroughly, entirely, absolutely, unhesitatingly, promptly, immediately, unreservedly, abruptly: His application to join the police was turned down cold. cold-blooded cold-bloodedadj. 1 Technical poikilothermic or poikilothermal: Reptiles are cold-blooded. 2 unexcited, unemotional, cool, unimpassioned, unfeeling, callous, thick-skinned, insensitive, heartless, uncaring, stony, steely, stony-hearted, cold-hearted, imperturbable, unmoved, indifferent, unresponsive, unsympathetic, apathetic, dispassionate: The murder appeared to be the act of a cold-blooded killer. 3 cruel, brutal, savage, inhuman, barbarous, vicious, barbaric, merciless, pitiless, ruthless: They were victims of a cold-blooded policy of repatriation. cold-hearted cold-heartedadj. insensitive, unsympathetic, apathetic, indifferent, unfeeling, uncaring, callous, thick-skinned, cold, cool, frigid, hard-hearted, heartless, unkind, thoughtless, unthoughtful, uncharitable, ruthless, pitiless, unmerciful, cruel, merciless, mean: Putting that kitten out on a snowy night is the most cold-hearted thing you ever did. collaborate collaboratev. cooperate, join (forces), work together, team up: We collaborated in writing both the lyrics and music. collapse collapsev. 1 fall (down or in or apart), crumple, cave in, deflate, crumble, tumble down, break down, go: When he opened the valve, the balloon collapsed. Hundreds of buildings collapsed in the earthquake. 2 fail, (come to an) end, fall through, peter out, disintegrate, dissolve, fall flat, founder, come to naught or nought, break up or down; decline, diminish; disappear, evaporate, go up in smoke, go bankrupt, go under, Brit go to the wall, Colloq fizzle out: After the imprisonment of their leader, the entire movement collapsed. Owing to the recession, many businesses collapsed. 3 pass out, faint, drop, Colloq keel over; Old-fashioned or literary swoon: He collapsed on-stage and they took him to his dressing-room. 4 break down (mentally), have a (nervous) breakdown, go to pieces, come or fall apart , Colloq crack up, US also crack: She finally collapsed from overwork and is now in a sanatorium. n. 5 cave-in, breakdown: The collapse of the house was attributed to termites. 6 failure, downfall, ruin; disappearance, disintegration, dissolution, bankruptcy: Will he be able to survive the collapse of his financial empire? 7 (mental) breakdown, prostration, Colloq crack-up: He suffered a mental collapse when his family was killed in a car crash. colleague colleaguen. team-mate, fellow-worker, co-worker; associate, comrade, ally, confrŠre, mate, consociate, Chiefly Brit and Australian mate, US buddy: I have asked some of my colleagues from the office to join us for dinner. collect collectv. 1 gather (together), get or bring or come or together, amass, accumulate, assemble, compile, pile up, heap up, rack up; convene, congregate, converge, rally, meet: A crowd had collected outside the mayor's home. They were collecting evidence for their case. 2 summon (up), draw (up), muster, gather (up), concentrate: She collected all her courage to ask for an increase in salary. collected collectedadj. calm, serene, controlled, cool, sedate, composed, nonchalant, poised, unruffled, unperturbed, at ease, comfortable, tranquil, unexcited; imperturbable; confident: Considering what she's just gone through, Tanya seems quite collected. collection collectionn. 1 collecting, gathering, solicitation, garnering, gleaning, accumulation, amassment, aggregation, Colloq Brit whip-round: The collection of donations in this neighbourhood is going well. 2 accumulation, hoard, store, assemblage, omnium gatherum; anthology, chrestomathy: Would you like to come up to see my collection of etchings? They have published some very interesting collections. collector collectorn. gatherer, accumulator; connoisseur, art-lover: The rent collector is coming tomorrow. We are collectors of paintings by unknown artists. collide collidev. 1 crash, strike or dash together: The cars collided at the bridge. 2 collide with. crash into, smash into, run into, bump into, smack into: The car collided with the bus at the crossing. collision collisionn. smash-up, smash, crash, wreck, pile-up, Colloq Brit prang; US crack-up: There has been a major collision on the Tring road. colossal colossaladj. 1 huge, vast, enormous, gigantic, giant, mammoth, massive, gargantuan, Cyclopean, Brobdingnagian, immense, monumental, titanic, Herculean, elephantine, jumbo: Mystery surrounds the exact methods used in moving the colossal stones used in the pyramids. 2 spectacular, stupendous, wonderful, awe-inspiring, staggering, extraordinary, incredible, overwhelming, unbelievable: The old Hollywood extravaganzas were described by press agents as 'colossal'. I think you have made a colossal mistake in failing to hire Cynthia. colour colourn. 1 hue, tint, tincture, shade, tone, cast, tinge, pigmentation; pigment, dye: The colours of the curtains don't match the wall. 2 colours. a flag, ensign, standard, pennant, banner, burgee: The sloop hoisted the British colours. b device, badge, emblem, insigne or pl insignia, symbol(s), identification; identity, appearance, face; loyalties: The investigators found he'd been operating under false colours. She has shown her true colours at last. v. 3 tint, dye, stain, paint, crayon, tincture, tinge; pigment: These sections will stand out better if you colour them red. 4 influence, affect, distort, falsify, taint, warp, twist, slant, pervert, bias: Jealousy colours his opinion of his supervisor. 5 blush, redden, flush: After their affair, she visibly coloured whenever they met. 6 falsify, distort, misrepresent, disguise, mask, conceal: He feigns confusion when he wishes to colour his true feelings. colourless colourlessadj. 1 pale, pallid, blanched, white; wan, ashen, sallow, waxen, sickly, washed out: You could see from his colourless complexion that he had not been outside for months. 2 dull, drab, uninteresting, vacuous, vapid, lifeless, boring, tedious, spiritless, dry, dry-as-dust, dreary, characterless, insipid, bland, namby-pamby, lacklustre, uninspiring, uninspired: She has led a colourless life. Few people have so colourless a personality as he. combat combatn. 1 fight, encounter, engagement, duel, battle, conflict, war, warfare; skirmish: The two men were locked in single combat. 2 struggle, contest, strife, controversy, dispute, quarrel, disagreement, altercation, vendetta, feud: There was endless combat between father and son. 3 opposition, difference, confrontation: The combat between good and evil can never end. 4 action, fighting, battle, war: He was in combat on three occasions. Have you seen any combat? v. 5 fight, (do) battle, war, clash, contend, duel, joust, wrestle, come to blows, spar, grapple (with): The soldiers are combating hand to hand in the trenches. 6 fight, struggle or strive against, contest, oppose, defy, enter the lists against, withstand: There was broad support for measures to combat crime and pollution. combination combinationn. 1 union, conjunction, mixture, mix, grouping, set, array: They always serve the same combination of foods. 2 association, alliance, coalition, union, federation, confederation, combine, syndication, syndicate, consortium, trust, bloc, cartel, party, society, organization, league, cabal, conspiracy, clique; claque: When they get together they form an unbeatable combination. 3 mixture, amalgam, compound, compounding, mix, alloy, conglomerate, conglomeration, aggregate, aggregation, amalgamation, blend, emulsion, suspension, colloid, solution, composition, Technical parasynthesis, parathesis; mosaic, patchwork: From a combination of ingredients the witch made a slimy love potion. A combination of every colour of the rainbow covered the walls. combine combinev. 1 unite, unify, join, connect, relate, link, conjoin, band, ally, associate, integrate, merge, pool: Combine forces, and we'll win. 2 blend, mix, amalgamate, mingle, consolidate, compound, incorporate, put together: Combine the water, butter, and salt in a saucepan. 3 blend, fuse, synthesize, bind, bond, compound, unite, coalesce, come together, commingle, mingle: When heated, the silver combines with the chlorine. come comev. 1 approach, advance, (draw) near, move, Archaic or literary draw nigh: The car came towards us. She has come to me for comforting words. Winter is coming. 2 arrive, appear, make or put in an appearance, Colloq blow in, report (in), turn or show up, check in, sign in, clock on or in, roll in: Winter has come. When Cora comes, we'll ask her. 3 enter: Come into the light, where I can see you. 4 come about. a occur, happen, take place, come up; befall, Loosely transpire: I cannot imagine how this state of affairs came about. b Nautical tack, go about: After the marker, come about and hoist the spinnaker. 5 come across. a find, discover, encounter, meet (up or up with), run across or into, happen or chance upon or on, hit or light on or upon, stumble upon or on, Colloq bump into: I came across some information about Charles. b pay (up), settle; yield, give up, submit: Frank owes me money but refuses to come across. c be communicated or understandable, penetrate, sink in: I am not sure that my points came across. 6 come along. fare, do, progress, move along: How is William coming along at his new school? 7 come apart. disintegrate, crumble, fall or fly to pieces, separate, break (apart or up or down): The carburettor came apart in my hands. 8 come at. attack, assault, charge, rush (at), fly at, descend upon or on, Colloq go or make for: She came at me waving her umbrella. 9 come by. a acquire, obtain, get, procure, secure, find, take or get possession of, get or lay hold of, get or lay or put (one's) hands or US also fingers on; be given: The tax inspector wondered how she came by such valuable property. b win, earn, attain; be awarded: I came by that trophy fair and square. 10 come clean. See clean, 8, above. 11 come down on or upon. pounce on or upon, rebuke, criticize, revile, reprimand, bear down on, blame: Mother really came down on us when she discovered who had taken the pie. 12 come down with. succumb to, contract, catch, be stricken or afflicted with, acquire: He's come down with pneumonia. 13 come in. a win, succeed; Colloq finish (in the money): My horse came in. b be, prove, turn out or prove to be: Knowing someone on the council can come in handy. c finish, end up, arrive: Donald came in first in the backstroke. d enter: Don't come in, I'm dressing. 14 come off. a occur, happen, come to pass, take place , Loosely transpire: I doubt that the performance will ever come off. b emerge, result as: We came off the winners in Saturday's game. 15 come out. a be revealed, become public or known or common knowledge, get about or around, get or leak out, emerge: The story has come out that he tried to bribe the inspector. b be published or issued or produced or distributed, be shown, be in print, premiŠre: The new edition of the dictionary has just come out. c end, conclude, turn out, terminate, finish: How did the chess match come out? 16 come over. a go over, communicate, come across, be communicated, succeed, be received: How did my speech come over? b affect, influence, possess: I can't imagine what's come over Louis. c visit, drop or stop by or in: Quentin and his wife came over for dinner last night. 17 come through. a recover (from), recuperate (from), get well or better: He came through his operation with flying colours. b conclude or end (up) or finish or wind up successfully or satisfactorily, succeed, arrive, not fail or disappoint: I knew he'd come through. 18 come to. a amount to, add up to, total, aggregate: My bill came to more than I had with me. b regain or recover consciousness, awake(n), revive, wake up, come (a)round: When I came to, I was on the floor with a terrific headache. c regard, concern, relate to, be a question of, involve, be relevant to, be involved: When it comes to real ale, Mario is the expert. 19 come up. a arise, surface, present itself, be brought up, be broached, come about, turn up, rise, Colloq crop up: The question of religion never came up. b grow, thrive, appear: None of my tulips came up this year. c rise, arise: The moon came up just as the sun was setting. comedian comediann. humorist, comic, wit, wag, jokesmith; clown, buffoon, funny man, funster, jester, fool, zany, merry andrew: The new comedian at the variety show is very funny. comely comelyadj. good-looking, pretty, bonny, lovely, fair, beautiful, handsome, attractive, appealing, wholesome, winsome, buxom: She is a comely woman who has had no shortage of suitors. come-on come-onn. lure, attraction, enticement, inducement, temptation, bait; loss-leader: The free glassware is a come-on to buy a tankful of petrol. comfort comfortv. 1 console, solace, soothe, assuage, reassure, relieve, hearten, cheer, gladden: It might comfort you to know that Roderick has recovered completely. He comforted her when the pain became unbearable. n. 2 consolation, solace, relief, cheer: I derived some comfort from knowing that my attacker had been caught. 3 ease, luxury, security, abundance, plenty, opulence: Cordelia lived out her days in comfort after inheriting a fortune from her aunt. comfortable comfortableadj. 1 at ease, easy, tranquil, serene, relaxed, contented, untroubled, undisturbed: After the operation, the nurses did everything they could to make me comfortable. 2 well off, carefree, insouciant, contented, satisfied; self-satisfied, complacent, smug: They don't have a lot of money, but they're comfortable enough. 3 likeable, easy, congenial, amiable, cordial, warm, pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, relaxing: Daphne is a very comfortable sort of person to be with. 4 suitable, acceptable, adequate, satisfactory, reasonable: The radio was on very loud, so I turned down the volume to a more comfortable level. comic comicadj. 1 funny, droll, comical, humorous, hilarious, side-splitting, mirthful, jocose, jocular, witty, waggish, clever, facetious, amusing: Barry's comic routines have made him a popular performer for years. n. 2 See comedian. command commandv. 1 order, direct, bid, enjoin, charge, request, require, demand, instruct; say, prescribe, decree: What the Queen commands must be done. 2 control, dominate, have or maintain or wield authority or control or sway or influence over, hold sway over; lead, rule, govern, have under one's thumb, call the tune; head (up): Whoever commands the sea commands the town. He commanded a battalion during the war. 3 master, draw upon or on, control, summon: The work required all the skill the sculptor could command. 4 attract, earn; exact, compel, demand: Gunga Din's bravery commanded the respect of the entire regiment. 5 dominate, control, overlook, look down on; have, enjoy, possess: The tower commands a view of the entire valley. n. 6 order, direction, behest, mandate, charge, bidding, instruction: Your wish is my command. 7 control, authority, power, sovereignty, dominion, regulation, direction, management, government, oversight, leadership, charge, sway, stewardship, jurisdiction: The unit is under the command of the colonel. 8 mastery, control, (thorough) grasp or knowledge: He has a good command of three languages. commemorate commemoratev. memorialize, remember, celebrate, observe, dedicate, consecrate, solemnize, sanctify, hallow, reverence, revere, honour, venerate, pay tribute or homage to, salute; immortalize: We are here to commemorate deeds of valour and the men who performed them. commence commencev. 1 begin, enter upon, start, initiate, launch, embark on or upon: Tomorrow morning, we commence the ascent of Mont Blanc. 2 begin, start, open: The ceremonies are about to commence. 3 begin, start, initiate, launch, inaugurate, establish: We commenced operations at this plant last year. comment commentn. 1 remark, reference, animadversion, note, annotation, criticism, exposition, explanation, expansion, elucidation, clarification, footnote: The author's comments on his sources appear in the appendix. 2 commentary, opinion, remark, view, observation, reaction: The judge's comments are not for publication. v. 3 remark, observe, opine, say: He commented that he knew nothing about the minister's private life. 4 comment on or about. discuss, talk about, remark on; reveal, expose: She declined to comment on what had happened the previous night. commerce commercen. trade, business, mercantilism, marketing, merchandising, traffic, trafficking: All commerce consists in the exchange of commodities of equal value. My husband is in commerce. commit commitv. 1 entrust, consign, transfer, assign, delegate, hand over, deliver, give; allot, pledge, allocate: They committed the goods to traders with strong distribution facilities. 2 sentence, send (away), confine, shut up, intern, put away, imprison, incarcerate: The judge committed her to prison. You can be committed for such behaviour. 3 perpetrate, do, perform, carry out: They committed murder for money. 4 commit oneself. pledge, promise, covenant, agree, assure, swear, give one's word, vow, vouchsafe, engage, undertake, guarantee, bind oneself: He committed himself to buying the company after seeing the books. committee committeen. council, board, cabinet, panel, body, commission: They have set up a committee to oversee park planning. common commonadj. 1 ordinary, everyday, commonplace, prosaic, usual, familiar, customary, prevalent, frequent, run-of-the-mill, general, normal, standard, conventional, regular, routine, stock, average, proverbial; plain, simple, garden-variety, common or garden, workaday, undistinguished, unexceptional: Intermarriage is a common occurrence among the members of the sect. We planted a common variety of carrot. 2 mutual, reciprocal, joint, shared: Our common heritage must be protected. 3 low-class, ordinary, plain, simple, plebeian, bourgeois, proletarian, run-of-the-mill, vulgar, unrefined: Kings avoid dealing with the common people. 4 inferior, low-grade, mean, cheap, base: He was smoking a cigar of the commonest type. 5 public, general, community, communal, collective, non-private, universal; well-known: The contents of the library are the common property of everyone. Their romance is common knowledge in the village. 6 trite, stale, hackneyed, worn out, banal, tired, overused, stereotyped, clich‚d, stereotypical: The term 'yuppie' has become too common to have much impact any longer. communicate communicatev. 1 make known, impart, confer, transmit, transfer, hand on or down, share, pass on or along, send on, spread; tell, divulge, disclose, reveal, announce, transmit, promulgate, proffer, tender, offer, convey, deliver, present, give, yield, supply: Moral qualities are sometimes thought to be communicated by descent. I communicated to them the information that I had about the missiles. 2 Also, communicate with. be in communication (with), converse (with), talk (with), chat (with); correspond (with); associate (with), be in contact or touch (with), reach: Donald and I haven't communicated in years. Instead of communicating with him by telephone, she did so via personal notices in the newspaper. 3 get or put across, make understandable; get through to, reach, be of one mind, be in tune, relate, be in or en rapport, make oneself understood , Slang be or vibrate on the same frequency or wavelength: He has difficulty in communicating his ideas to his students. We might talk, but are we communicating? compact compactadj. 1 packed, compacted, closely-knit, condensed, concentrated, consolidated, compressed; dense, solid, firm, thick: The sesame seeds are mixed with honey and pressed into a compact block. 2 tight, small, snug, little: The table folds up into a compact unit for storage. 3 condensed, terse, laconic, close, pithy, succinct, concise, brief, compendious, laconic, epigrammatic, aphoristic: The information is given in a compact form with many abbreviations and symbols. companion companionn. 1 fellow, associate, comrade, colleague, confrŠre, Colloq chiefly Brit and Australian mate, US and Canadian buddy: For ten years they had been constant companions. 2 vade-mecum, manual, handbook, guide, reference book, enchiridion: They publish a pocket companion listing the month's events. 3 escort, chaperon(e), attendant, (in Spain, Portugal) duenna: Aunt Dinah is too old to be alone, so we have engaged a companion for her. companionship companionshipn. fellowship, camaraderie, comradeship, company, society, amity, friendship, fraternity: I often enjoy the companionship of an older person. company companyn. 1 companionship, society, fellowship; attendance, presence; associates, friends, companions, comrades: It was a stormy night, and I was only too glad to have his company. A man is known by the company he keeps. 2 assemblage, party, band, group, retinue, entourage, suite, train, coterie, ensemble, troop, followers, following, flock; circle, assembly, gathering, convention, body, crowd, throng, Theatre troupe, cast, players, actors, performers: The king arrived with his company at the gate of the city. The speaker addressed the assembled company. The company leaves today for a month on the road. 3 guest(s); visitor(s), caller(s): Are you having company for dinner tonight? 4 firm, business, house, concern, institution, establishment, enterprise; proprietorship, partnership, corporation, Brit public limited company, plc, Australian and New Zealand and South African private limited company, Pty: The company was founded in 1867. compare comparev. 1 liken, associate, make (an) analogy (with), refer, analogize: How can you compare your collection to mine? 2 compare with. resemble, be or look like, be on a par with, be in a class or the same class with, correspond, match, parallel, approach, approximate, bear or merit comparison (with); rival, compete with or against, be a match for: Your paintings compare well with Picasso's. The new recordings don't begin to compare with the old ones. 3 contrast, measure against, weigh, juxtapose, set side by side, relate, correlate: We need to compare the results of the two surveys. comparison comparisonn. 1 contrasting, contrast, juxtaposing, juxtaposition, balancing, balance, weighing: His comparison of the candidates is prejudiced. 2 match, similarity, resemblance, likeness, comparability, relation, relationship, commensurability, kinship, point of agreement or correspondence: There is no comparison between a racing car and a family car. compartment compartmentn. division, section, partition, part, space, chamber, bay, alcove, cell, pigeon-hole, locker, cubby-hole, niche, cubicle, slot: Each specimen is in its own separate compartment. compensate compensatev. 1 recompense, make up (for), make restitution or reparation, offset, make good, indemnify, repay, reimburse, redress, requite; expiate, atone, make amends (for): The company compensated us for the loss of the car. Arriving at school early today, Gerard, does not compensate for having been late yesterday. 2 balance, counterpoise, counterbalance, equalize, neutralize, even (up), square, offset: Deduct six ounces to compensate for the weight of the container. 3 pay, remunerate, reward, repay, recompense: Two pounds does not compensate me adequately for an hour's work. compensatory compensatoryadj. compensative, remunerative, restitutive or restitutory, expiatory, reparative or reparatory, piacular: His huge donation to the church was a compensatory offering for his past sins. compete competev. contend, vie, struggle, strive, conflict, joust, fence; fight, battle, clash, collide: They are competing to see who will become chairman of the company. These two designs compete with one another for the viewer's attention. competent competentadj. 1 adequate, suitable, sufficient, satisfactory, acceptable, all right, Colloq OK or okay: Colquhon will make a competent bureau chief. 2 qualified, fit, capable, proficient, able, prepared: Do you really think that fellow Johnson competent to write a dictionary? competition competitionn. 1 rivalry, contention, striving, struggle: The competition for newspaper circulation becomes keener every day. 2 contest, match, meet, game, tournament, event; championship: We entered the competition as underdogs. 3 See competitor. competitor competitorn. rival, opponent, competition, opposition, adversary; antagonist, contestant, contender: Our main competitor has just announced a new product. compile compilev. collect, put together, gather, accumulate, assemble, amass, collate, organize, order, systematize; anthologize, compose: He has compiled a large butterfly collection. Every year she compiles a volume of the best stories. complain complainv. grumble, moan, groan, wail, grouse, carp (at), whimper, cry, lament, bemoan, Colloq gripe, squawk, grouch, Brit whinge, Slang bitch, beef, US kick: What are you complaining about now? complaint complaintn. grumble, grievance, grouse, Colloq gripe, squawk , Slang beef, US kick: I have no complaints about my treatment while I was in hospital. complement complementv. 1 completion, perfection, confirmation, finishing touch, consummation: The grand tour was considered the necessary complement of an English education in the 18th century. 2 crew, team, company, band, outfit; quota, allowance, quorum: The regiment's full complement was attained by selecting from among the recruits. v. 3 complete, perfect, round out or off, set off, top off; flesh out: The setting was complemented by a huge floral arrangement. His argument was complemented by evidence from rare documents. 4 supplement, enhance, add to: These are facts that complement but do not contradict her story. complete completeadj. 1 entire, whole, intact, uncut, unbroken, undivided, unabridged, full, undiminished, unabated, unreduced: The complete works of Dickens are available in paperback. They performed the complete opera, a six-hour marathon. 2 finished, ended, concluded, over, done, accomplished, terminated; settled, executed, performed: The company's figures are not yet complete. When will your building plan be complete? 3 entire, total, thorough, absolute, utter, unqualified, unmixed, unalloyed, pure, unmitigated, rank: I attribute the disaster to a complete breakdown of communication, together with the complete incompetence of the site manager. 4 perfect, consummate, exemplary, ideal, model, superior, superlative, superb, faultless, flawless: Her dissertation is a work of complete scholarship. v. 5 conclude, finish, end, bring to an end, accomplish, achieve, do, Colloq wrap up; finalize: He stopped after completing ten ciruits of the track. Have you completed the prospectus? 6 round out, round off, perfect; crown, culminate: The unit was completed by the addition of five platoons. A golden cupola completed the top of the dome. completely completelyadv. 1 entirely, fully, quite, wholly, totally, altogether, in toto, thoroughly, perfectly, exactly, precisely, down to the ground, from start to finish, from beginning to end, from A to Z, from the word go, in full; lock, stock, and barrel; hook, line, and sinker; heart and soul; root and branch; en masse: The currency does not completely represent the wealth of the country. 2 unqualifiedly, unconditionally, thoroughly, utterly, totally, absolutely, quite, altogether, unreservedly: He's completely mad if he thinks that thing will fly. 3 clearly, expressly, explicitly, unambiguously, entirely, fully, totally, wholly, altogether, unequivocally, truly, categorically, flatly: I am completely in agreement with your policy. completion completionn. 1 conclusion, end, close, termination, fulfilment, culmination, realization, accomplishment, finish: The completion of the building phase is scheduled for next July. 2 finishing, finalization, wind-up, finishing-off, completing: The completion of the house is scheduled for next October. complexity complexityn. 1 complication, convolution: We are finding it difficult to understand the complexities of the agreement. 2 intricacy, involvement, complicatedness; inscrutability: The complexity of her theory makes it difficult to interpret. complicate complicatev. 1 mix up, entangle, snarl, tangle, confound, muddle, confuse: You only complicate matters by bringing up the question of religion in a discussion of money. 2 make complicated or complex, make involved or intricate, make a shambles or mess or muddle of, mess up, Colloq screw up: The phenomena of tides and currents greatly complicate coastwise navigation. complicated complicatedadj. involved, intricate, complex, compound, elaborate; ornate, Byzantine, Daedalian, tangled, knotty, confused, labyrinthine: In birds the eye is a more complicated organ than in our own species. His plan is too complicated to understand. complication complicationn. 1 complexity, involvement, intricacy, convolution: The complications of the diagram make it almost impossible to understand. 2 difficulty, problem, predicament, dilemma, obstacle, obstruction, snag, drawback: Asking for more money might create complications. compliment complimentn. 1 praise, homage, commendation, honour, tribute, flattery, bouquet, favour: The greatest compliment given to my work has been its success. 2 Usually, compliments. respects, regards, good or best wishes, felicitations, salutations, greetings: I stopped by to pay my compliments to your mother. v. 3 honour, praise, pay homage or tribute to, commend, laud, congratulate, felicitate; flatter: She came backstage to compliment me on my performance. complimentary complimentaryadj. 1 laudatory, commendatory, encomiastic, panegyrical, eulogistic, congratulatory, flattering: The duke was most complimentary about my sculpture. 2 free, gratis, on the house: The shoehorn is complimentary when you buy a pair of shoes. comply complyv. agree, obey, conform, consent, acquiesce, concur, submit, yield, accede; accord: They require your signature and I hope you'll comply. compose composev. 1 constitute, form, make (up), be a constituent or ingredient or component or element of, be a part of: Clouds are composed of countless particles of water. 2 write, create, imagine, think up, originate, frame, formulate, make (up), author, devise; contrive; set to music, arrange: He composed the poem while travelling on the Flying Scotsman. That symphony was composed in 1873. 3 be composed of. consist of or in, comprise, be formed or made (up) of, be constituted of: The new government is composed of a coalition of three parties. 4 compose oneself. calm (down), quiet or quieten (down), pacify, control oneself, get control of or over oneself: They stopped crying and composed themselves. composition compositionn. 1 theme, essay, article, paper, story: The teacher required each of us to write a thousand-word composition every week. 2 combination, make-up, structure, form, assembly, set-up, organization, layout, arrangement, configuration, shaping; balance, harmony, proportion, placement, placing, construction: Notice the composition of the various elements in this painting. 3 combination, aggregate, mixture, compound, compounding, mix, formulation, formula, composite, amalgam, alloy, m‚lange, medley: The medication was a composition of several odd ingredients. 4 creation, origination, formulation, fashioning: The composition of the opera was begun in 1837. 5 make-up, constitution: What goes into the composition of brass? compound compoundv. 1 put together, combine, mix, concoct, compose, make (up), formulate, blend: They compound curry powder from different spices. 2 blend, merge, coalesce, combine, unite, fuse or US also fuze, come or go together: Sometimes two words compound to form one, as in 'ingrown', 'outgrow', and 'uptake'. 3 aggravate, intensify, exacerbate, heighten, augment, add to, worsen, increase; enhance, multiply: Demanding your money back now will only compound the problem. adj. 4 intricate, complex, involved, complicated; composite, multiple, multiform, multifaceted, Technical parasynthetic, parathetic: The compound eye of the fly / Lets it see far better than I. A compound sentence is composed of two or more clauses joined by one or more coordinating conjunctions, express or understood. n. 5 composite, blend, synthesis, combination, consolidation, Technical parasynthesis, parathesis; mixture, amalgam, alloy, merging, merger, mix: Table salt is a compound of the metallic element sodium and the gaseous element chlorine. 'Slithy' is a compound of 'slimy' and 'writhe'. comprehend comprehendv. understand, see, grasp, conceive, take in, apprehend, realize, fathom, perceive, discern, absorb, assimilate, appreciate: Do you comprehend how serious the matter has become? comprehensive comprehensiveadj. inclusive, encompassing, thorough, extensive, full, exhaustive, complete, sweeping, wide, broad, encyclopedic or encyclopaedic: We hope to give comprehensive coverage to all aspects of the subject in our new book. compulsive compulsiveadj. compelling, obsessive, coercive, urgent, forceful, overwhelming, constrained: She is such a compulsive workaholic that she double-checks everything done by her staff. compunction compunctionn. 1 remorse, contrition, regret, uneasiness of mind, pang or pricking of conscience, self-reproach: He has no compunction about hurting your feelings. 2 hesitation, reluctance, reserve, disinclination, qualm, misgiving, unwillingness, fear: She has no compunction about speaking her mind. compute computev. calculate, reckon, figure (out), work out, determine, ascertain, estimate: My accountant computed my income tax for this year and told me that I was entitled to a refund. comrade comraden. colleague, associate, friend, companion, chum, crony, confrŠre, Colloq pal, chum, Chiefly Brit and Australian mate, Australian cobber, US buddy: None of my comrades from the old regiment attended the reunion this year. conceal concealv. 1 hide, secrete, bury, cover, disguise, camouflage: Packets of a white powdery substance were concealed inside each doll. 2 keep secret or hidden, keep quiet about, disguise, not reveal; dissemble: He concealed his true identity even from his wife. concede concedev. 1 admit, allow, grant, acknowledge, confess, own (up or to or up to), accept: I conceded that I had no business in the bank after closing. 2 grant, yield, surrender, cede, give up, submit, resign, relinquish, abandon, waive: In chess, upon the loss of a queen, many players will concede. She has conceded any right to the estate of her uncle. conceit conceitn. 1 vanity, pride, egotism, self-esteem, self-admiration, self-love, narcissism, vainglory, amour propre; arrogance: His conceit is matched only by his incompetence. 2 fancy, whim, caprice: Some have a conceit their drink tastes better / In an outlandish cup than their own. 3 elaborate figure (of speech), affectation, strained or far-fetched metaphor: A conceit would be calling the waves 'nodding hearse-plumes'. conceited conceitedadj. vain, egotistical, self-centred, egocentric, self-admiring, narcissistic, prideful, proud, arrogant, self-involved, self-important, self-satisfied, smug, complacent, vainglorious, snobbish, Colloq stuck-up; Slang snotty: That conceited ass really thinks the world of himself. conceive conceivev. 1 have, bear, beget, sire, father, give birth to; become pregnant (with): After the twins, they conceived three boys. 2 formulate, devise, plan, contrive, create, plot, hatch, develop, evolve, fabricate, think or make up, form, frame, design: He conceived a scheme for swindling that poor woman out of her life savings. 3 think (up), imagine, speculate (on), perceive, see, understand, realize, comprehend, envision, envisage, conjure up, dream up, hypothesize, postulate, posit, suggest, suppose: I cannot conceive of any reason why she shouldn't be allowed to take part. concentrate concentratev. 1 focus, direct, centre, centralize, converge, consolidate: The council concentrated its efforts on refurbishing the schools. 2 condense, reduce, distil, intensify, refine, strengthen: The sap of the sugar maple is concentrated by boiling. 3 gather, collect, congregate, draw or bring together, crowd, cluster, group: Much of the population is concentrated around the large cities. 4 think, focus one's thoughts or attention, apply oneself: I cannot concentrate with the radio on. conception conceptionn. 1 birth, beginning, genesis, inception, commencement, emergence, start, inauguration, initiation, launch, launching, origin, origination, formation, formulation, introduction: We were excited to be in at the conception of the scheme. 2 idea, notion, inkling, clue, concept; id‚e re‡u; understanding, knowledge, appreciation, comprehension: He has no conception of what is involved in maintaining a yacht. 3 design, plan, scheme, proposal, outline: Transporting a building from another site instead of constructing one was a bold conception. concern concernv. 1 refer or relate to, have relation or reference to, be about, pertain or appertain to, be pertinent or relevant to, regard, apply to, be connected or involved with, bear on, be germane to, be connected with, involve, apply to, touch (on): The matter concerns your inheritance, Cosgrove. 2 affect, have (a) bearing or (an) influence on, involve, touch; interest, be of importance or interest to: This war concerns us all. 3 worry, trouble, disturb, bother, perturb, unsettle, upset, distress: He doesn't let anything concern him. n. 4 business, affair, problem; responsibility, duty, charge, task, involvement, Colloq thing; Slang bag, shtick: What she does is no concern of yours. The safety of the passengers is his concern. 5 interest, regard, consideration, care, thought, awareness, attention: You should show more concern for those less fortunate than you. 6 anxiety, worry, solicitude, apprehension, distress, apprehensiveness, uneasiness, malaise, disquiet, disquietude: It's only a cold, and no cause for concern. 7 business, firm, company, house, establishment, enterprise, organization: The business is being sold as a going concern. 8 matter, affair, issue: The preservation of wildlife is an international concern. concerned concernedadj. 1 involved, responsible, interested, active; caring, solicitous: The best governments are run by a concerned citizenry. 2 troubled, vexed, anxious, worried, distressed, uneasy, perturbed, bothered, upset, disturbed: They were not at all concerned about the state of my health. concerning concerningprep. about, regarding, relative or relating to, referring to, with or in reference to, as regards, in or with regard to, with an eye to, with respect to, respecting, apropos (of), as to or for, in the matter of, on the subject of, re, Formal anent: Concerning your recent application, please phone this office. concise conciseadj. brief, terse, laconic, compact, direct, succinct, epigrammatic, cogent, pithy, compendious, summary, epigrammatic, trenchant, compressed, condensed, short; shortened, abridged, curtailed, abbreviated: He gave a concise summary of the findings. This is a concise edition of the dictionary. concrete concreteadj. real, actual, literal, realistic, authentic, valid, genuine, bona fide, reliable; specific, particular, definite, definitive, clear-cut, material, physical, tangible, substantial: Have you any concrete evidence for the existence of UFOs? condemn condemnv. 1 censure, blame, criticize, remonstrate with or against, denounce, disparage, reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold, reprimand, upbraid: The council was condemned for failing to provide adequate health care. 2 convict, find guilty; sentence, doom: The judge condemned them to twenty years imprisonment. 3 Usually, condemned. doomed, damned, destined, fated, ordained, foreordained; consigned: He has been condemned to wander forever. condescend condescendv. stoop, deign, lower or humble or demean oneself, come down off one's high horse: She wouldn't condescend to talk to the stable-boy directly. condescending condescendingadj. patronizing, belittling, disdainful, contemptuous, pompous, overbearing, high-handed, imperious, snobbish, haughty, Colloq snooty, Brit toffee-nosed; Slang snotty: He thinks he's better than everyone, and I can't stand his condescending manner. condition conditionn. 1 state; circumstance(s), shape: What condition is the house in? My bank account is in a poor condition. 2 stipulation, proviso, demand, requirement, term, qualification, contingency, requisite, prerequisite: The terrorists have announced their conditions for releasing the hostages. 3 working order, fitness, shape, form, fettle; health: He's in good condition, but his car isn't. 4 conditions. circumstances; quarters; environment: The ship's crew live in very crowded conditions. v. 5 ready, get or make ready, prepare, equip, outfit, fit (out or up), adapt, modify: The mechanics are conditioning the plane for high-altitude flights. 6 train, educate, teach; brainwash; influence, mould, persuade: The children were conditioned to avoid talking to strangers. 7 accustom, inure, adapt, acclimate, acclimatize: At this training base, we condition the commandos to all kinds of hardships. conduct conductn. 1 behaviour, actions, demeanour, manners, deportment, comportment, attitude: Such conduct will not be tolerated in this school. 2 guidance, direction, management, supervision, leadership, administration, government, running, handling, control, command, regulation, operation: Had the conduct of the war been left up to him, we should have lost. v. 3 guide, direct, supervise, manage, carry on, run, control, administer, regulate, operate: They conduct a remarkably successful business. 4 lead, guide, escort, show (in or out), usher: We were conducted through the gallery by the curator herself. 5 channel, carry, transmit, convey; direct: Electrical power is conducted by the cable. 6 conduct oneself. behave, act, demean, deport, comport, acquit: For a six-year-old, he conducted himself very well. confer conferv. 1 converse, consult, deliberate, talk (over), discuss, take counsel: I shall have to confer with my colleagues on that matter. 2 When transitive, confer on. give, grant, present, award; bestow (on): The prizes will be conferred after the dinner. He was bewildered by the honours conferred on him. conference conferencen. meeting, convention, symposium, congress, seminar, forum, colloquium; discussion, talk, colloquy, US bull session: In 1988, the conference was held in Budapest. confess confessv. disclose, acknowledge, admit, own (up or to or up to), declare, avow, make a clean breast (of); reveal, divulge, confirm, concede, affirm, aver, testify; disbosom oneself, Colloq come clean: She confessed her part in the swindle. Confronted with the evidence, he confessed. confidence confidencen. 1 trust, reliance, faith; belief: Your parents have a great deal of confidence in you. 2 assurance, self-confidence, self-assurance, self-reliance, poise, aplomb, coolness; conviction, certitude, boldness, courage, nerve: We admire the confidence she shows in her daring plan. 3 in confidence. in secrecy, in privacy, privately, confidentially, intimately, Colloq on the q.t. or Q.T.: I am telling you this in confidence. confident confidentadj. 1 secure, sure, certain, assured, positive, convinced: I feel confident that we shall get the contract. 2 self-confident, self-assured, self-possessed, reliant, self-reliant, dauntless, bold, cool, cocksure, fearless, courageous, Colloq cocky: He strode into the room with a confident air. confidential confidentialadj. private, secret, intimate; classified; Colloq hush-hush: These confidential papers must never be out of your possession. confirm confirmv. 1 ratify, sanction, authorize, endorse, support, sustain, approve, uphold, back up, validate, verify, recognize; authenticate, accredit: By-laws shall not take effect unless confirmed by the local authority. 2 establish, settle, affirm, ensure, clinch, substantiate, guarantee, bind, seal: The king thereby confirmed his control over the islands. 3 strengthen, encourage, fortify, reinforce, corroborate, substantiate, buttress, prove: Later events confirmed his opinion. confiscate confiscatev. appropriate, seize, impound, sequester, sequestrate, expropriate, take (away), commandeer: The police confiscated my car to use as evidence. conflict conflictn. 1 fight, battle, combat, engagement, struggle, war, fray, fracas, affray, brawl, Donnybrook: Gurkha troops entered the conflict. 2 dispute, argument, controversy, wrangle, contention, disagreement, altercation, feud, quarrel, row; squabble, tiff, Colloq spat: The counsellor was unable to resolve the conflict between the sisters regarding the will. 3 clash, antagonism, difference, opposition, disagreement, variance, discord: There is a basic conflict between the interests of labour and of management. v. 4 clash, disagree, differ, be incompatible or at odds or at variance, be in opposition (to): The plans conflict on only one point. conform conformv. 1 comply (with), follow, observe, obey, respect, abide by, adapt or adjust (to): We agree to conform to the rules of the club. 2 accord (with), agree (with), concur (with), coincide (with), correspond (with), harmonize (with), square (with), match, tally (with), fit (in with), be consistent (with), be in accord or in accordance (with): Their behaviour did not conform with what is expected in such circles. The two plans do not conform. confuse confusev. 1 disconcert, perplex, puzzle, bewilder, mystify, baffle, bemuse, befuddle, discomfit, confound, fluster, flummox, upset, disorient, embarrass, abash, shame, dismay, Colloq rattle, throw, Chiefly US discombobulate , US and Canadian buffalo: She was completely confused by his offer to help. 2 disorder, confound, disorganize, throw into disarray, muddle, mix up, snarl (up), ensnarl, tangle (up), entangle, botch, Colloq mess up, make a mess of, screw up, Brit make a balls-up of, US ball up: He has done more to confuse the situation than to clear it up. 3 mix up, confound, muddle, jumble, snarl (up), ensnarl; blur: The identities of the children were confused at birth. confused confusedadj. 1 mixed up, jumbled, disordered, disorganized, disorderly, muddled, muddle-headed, snarled (up), messy, baffling, confusing, mystifying, puzzling, perplexing; contradictory, ambiguous, misleading, inconsistent, mixed up, botched (up) , Colloq higgledy-piggledy: The accountants have provided a confused set of figures. 2 bewildered, perplexed, puzzled, baffled, (be)fuddled, mystified, disoriented, discomposed, at sea, flummoxed, dazed, muddled, bemused, mixed up, nonplussed, disconcerted, abashed, put off, put out, disturbed, flustered, ill at ease, upset, at sixes and sevens, at a loss, Rare metagrobolized, Colloq screwed-up, muzzy, out of it, not with it, Chiefly US discombobulated, fouled up; Slang (all) balled up, Brit (all) bollocksed or ballocksed (up), US (all) bollixed (up), US and Canadian snafu: I have never seen anyone so confused about a simple question of astrophysics. 3 jumbled, mixed up, muddled, disorderly, confusing, messy, disorganized, topsy-turvy; miscellaneous, motley, Brit shambolic: The books lay in a confused heap on the floor. confusion confusionn. 1 disorder, mix-up, mess, jumble, muddle, disarray, disarrangement, chaos, shambles: The files are in complete confusion. 2 tumult, commotion, disorder, turmoil, pandemonium, bedlam, chaos: Untold confusion resulted from sounding the alarm. 3 mix-up, confounding; ambiguity, ambiguousness, misunderstanding, contradiction, inconsistency: There is often some confusion between the name of a thing and the thing itself. 4 mixing, combining, mixing up, intermingling: The removal firm is responsible for the confusion of your books with mine. 5 assortment, mixture, pot-pourri, gallimaufry, hotchpotch or US and Canadian also hodgepodge: A confusion of products lines the shelves. 6 embarrassment, discomfiture, mortification, abashment, shamefacedness, chagrin: He felt terrible confusion when confronted with the evidence. congested congestedadj. (over)crowded, blocked (up), jammed, crammed, plugged, stopped or stuffed (up), choked: The police are trying to deal with traffic at congested intersections. congratulate congratulatev. felicitate, compliment: Her friends congratulated her on winning the award. congratulations congratulationsinterjection. Felicitations!, Best wishes!, Well done!, Many happy returns!, Colloq Nice going!, Good show!: Heartiest congratulations! You've come in first! connect connectv. 1 join or link or tie (together), unite: An old road connects the two towns. 2 associate, affiliate, link, relate, league, tie (in): The police connected him with the break-in. The institute is connected with a pharmaceuticals company. 3 fasten, bind, unite, tie, link, join, attach, couple, put together, secure, fit, fix, affix, stick, anchor, lock; rivet, weld, braze, solder, screw, nail, stitch, sew, pin, hook, staple, tack, glue, cement, fuse, seal, buckle, strap, bolt, lash, chain, moor: Connect the parts to the frame. connection connectionn. 1 uniting, joining, linking, connecting, coupling; union, bond, joint, link: The US constitution forbids a formal connection between Church and State. The connection between the fittings has broken. 2 link, tie, (inter)relation(ship), interplay, bearing, reference, relevance, appropriateness, correlation, tie-in; coherence, consistency, association: Your answer had no connection with the question. 3 Often, connections. contact, ally, acquaintance, friend (at court); influence, Colloq pull; Slang US drag: With their connections, they can get away with anything. 4 connections. relatives, relations, family, kin, kith and kin: They have connections in Australia. conquer conquerv. 1 overcome, vanquish, beat, defeat, subdue, crush, subjugate: The Moors conquered most of Spain. 2 capture, seize, win, gain, acquire, obtain; occupy, annex, overrun: They conquered the territory by force of arms. 3 overcome, triumph or prevail over, beat, surmount, master, win out (over): He has finally conquered the habit of biting his fingernails. conquest conquestn. 1 vanquishment, subjugation, defeat, domination, subjection: Hernando Cort‚s is famous for his conquest of Mexico. 2 victory, triumph, mastery, win: He is credited with the conquest of a number of diseases by means of this drug. conscience consciencen. morality, morals, judgement, fairness, sense of right and wrong, ethics, honour, standards, principles, scruples: In such matters, your conscience must be your guide. conscientious conscientiousadj. 1 scrupulous, principled, fair, moral, ethical, strict, righteous, right-minded, upstanding, upright, honourable, just, responsible, high-minded; incorruptible: Fetherby is a conscientious arbitrator. 2 cautious, careful, scrupulous, exacting, meticulous, punctilious, painstaking, diligent, particular, rigorous, thorough: A conscientious effort was made to restore the painting to its original condition. 3 prudent, discreet, politic, careful, circumspect, heedful, attentive, serious: Fred is conscientious about keeping secrets. conscious consciousadj. 1 aware, awake, alert: I was conscious of an eerie presence. The victim of the attack is now conscious. 2 deliberate, intentional, purposive, purposeful, wilful, studied: Lydia has been making a conscious effort to be friendlier to me. consent consentv. 1 agree, comply, concur, accede, acquiesce, concede, yield, submit, cede, conform, give in: He asked for payment in advance and I consented. 2 consent to. permit, allow, agree to, give in to, approve, authorize: Richard's parents consented to his going on the outing. n. 3 approval, assent, permission, sanction, authorization, imprimatur, seal of approval, Colloq OK, okay, go-ahead: Have Richard's parents given their consent? 4 agreement, acceptance, acquiescence, compliance, approval, concurrence: Taxes cannot be raised without the consent of Parliament. consequently consequentlyadv. so, therefore, as a result or consequence, accordingly, ergo, hence, thus: He was found guilty and, consequently, sentenced to death. conservation conservationn. preservation, protection, safe keeping, maintenance, upkeep, management, safeguarding; husbandry, economy: The conservation of natural resources must be a priority. conservative conservativeadj. 1 reactionary, right, right-wing, rightist, Tory: In his conservative view, no change is ever for the better. 2 cautious, careful, prudent, moderate, temperate, middle-of-the-road, sober, stable; unprogressive, orthodox, traditional, conformist, hidebound, conventional, standard, fundamentalist, true-blue, dyed in the wool: The conservative approach would be to study the problem before making a change. The conservative members voted against electing certain members to the club. n. 3 reactionary, rightist, right-winger, Tory, fundamentalist; moderate, middle-of-the-roader: He's a conservative and favours a classical education. conserve conservev. 1 keep, preserve, hold on to, save, spare, reserve: Conserve your energy for later, when we get near the top. 2 preserve, maintain, keep up, take care of: These buildings should be conserved for later generations. consider considerv. 1 think about or over, take into or under consideration, deliberate (over or about), contemplate (on or over), weigh, ponder, mull over, cogitate on, meditate (on or upon or over), reflect (on or upon), ruminate (on or over), chew over, study, examine: The council will consider your proposal. 2 heed, mark, take into account or consideration, reckon with, bear in mind, note, observe, make allowance for; esteem, respect, have regard for: Consider your mother's feelings in the matter. 3 regard, look upon; judge, deem, take to be, think, believe, gauge, rate, estimate, reckon: Consider yourself under arrest. I don't consider Simon the best person for the job. considerable considerableadj. 1 sizeable, substantial, large, big, great; appreciable, respectable, noticeable, largish, biggish, goodly, decent, fair, Colloq tidy: A considerable crowd were gathered outside. 2 important, worthy, of consequence, of distinction, distinguished, illustrious, noteworthy, notable, remarkable, estimable, influential, respectable: Some of the most considerable citizens were banished. considerate considerateadj. thoughtful, kind, kindly, kind-hearted, good-hearted, helpful, friendly, neighbourly, gracious, obliging, accommodating, charitable, generous, unselfish; sympathetic, compassionate, sensitive; attentive; solicitous: It was very considerate of you to offer your car. consideration considerationn. 1 regard, concern, attentiveness, solicitude, thoughtfulness, compassion, kindness, kindliness, kind-heartedness, considerateness, respect, caring, care: Out of consideration for your father, you should complete your studies. 2 reward, compensation, remuneration, fee, payment, recompense, emolument, tip, gratuity, pourboire, baksheesh or backsheesh; honorarium: The boy will look after your luggage for a small consideration, madam. 3 thought, deliberation, reflection, contemplation, rumination, cogitation, study, examination: After some consideration, we have decided that we will finance the project. considering consideringprep. in view of, in (the) light of, bearing in mind, making allowance for, taking into consideration or account, looking at, all in all, all things or everything considered, inasmuch as, insomuch as: Considering your background, I doubt that you are qualified. consistent consistentadj. 1 agreeing, in agreement, in harmony, in keeping, harmonious, in concordance, conforming, in conformance, accordant, compatible, in accord or accordance, consonant: Her story is not consistent with the facts. 2 dependable, regular, predictable, undeviating, steady, steadfast, unchanging, uniform, unswerving, constant: His behaviour, even under pressure, has been quite consistent. consistently consistentlyadv. 1 steadily, constantly, regularly, uniformly, daily, day by day: Her piano technique is improving consistently. 2 dependably, unswervingly, staunchly, devotedly, firmly, resolutely, faithfully, uniformly, unfailingly: The courts have consistently upheld her claim to custody of the children. console consolev. comfort, soothe, calm, assuage, solace, cheer (up): Ivan made an effort to console the grieving widow. conspicuous conspicuousadj. 1 obvious, clear, evident, plain, palpable, perceptible, patent, prominent, apparent, clear-cut, unquestionable, incontestable, incontrovertible: The sultan played a conspicuous role in the kidnapping of the envoy. 2 obvious, unmistakable, prominent, outstanding, noticeable, impressive, vivid, obtrusive; striking, showy, garish, gaudy, loud, tawdry, blatant, lurid, vulgar, flashy, ostentatious: The silhouette of the castle was conspicuous against the sky. Fingal was again conspicuous, this time in a green wig and bowler. 3 notable, noteworthy, exceptional, outstanding, eminent, unusual, marked, extraordinary, remarkable, distinguished, impressive, awesome, awe-inspiring, glorious: The medal is awarded for conspicuous bravery. conspiracy conspiracyn. plot, scheme, stratagem, intrigue, collusion, cabal, connivance, foul play, dirty work: He suspected them of a conspiracy to defraud their clients. constable constablen. policeman, policewoman, (police) officer, US patrolman, Colloq cop, copper , Brit bobby; Slang flatfoot, fuzz: A constable was standing on the corner, and we asked him the way. constant constantadj. 1 resolute, immovable, steadfast, firm, dependable, unshakeable or unshakable, determined, unswerving, undeviating, persevering, unwearying, unwearied, untiring, indefatigable, tireless, unflagging, unwavering, unfailing, unfaltering, persistent; loyal, true, tried and true, devoted, staunch, trusty, faithful: He was her constant companion during her troubles. 2 incessant, unceasing, ceaseless, perpetual, persistent, uninterrupted, steady, regular, invariable, unremitting, unvarying, relentless, unrelenting, continuous, continual; unending, endless, never-ending, non-stop, perennial, eternal, everlasting, Literary sempiternal: The constant pain almost made me cry out. Their constant bickering is getting on my nerves. 3 unchanging, unchanged, invariable, unvarying, fixed, uniform, unalterable, immutable, changeless, persistent: The numbers might change, but the ratio is constant. construct constructv. 1 build, erect, make, put together, frame, set up, put up, assemble: We constructed a summer-house in the garden. 2 fabricate, devise, create, forge, invent, formulate, compose, shape, set up, fashion: He has constructed a complex argument to support his theory. constructive constructiveadj. 1 helpful, useful, practicable, advantageous, practical, productive, beneficial, positive: She provided much constructive advice on how to design the factory. 2 virtual, inferential, implicit, inferred, derived, deduced: As it turned out, the shareholders were the constructive victims of the fraud. consult consultv. 1 Often, consult with. confer (with), discuss (with), deliberate (with), talk over (with), inquire or enquire of, seek advice from, ask (of), question, interrogate, take counsel (with or of): I shall have to consult a doctor about my headaches. You should consult with your lawyer. 2 refer to, look up, seek information from: If in doubt, consult the dictionary. consultant consultantn. 1 physician, doctor, specialist, expert: You ought to get the opinion of another consultant. 2 adviser or advisor, expert, counsellor or US counselor: Our financial consultant tells us how to handle the company funds. consume consumev. 1 devour, eat (up), gulp (down), swallow, drink (up), put away, gobble (up); digest: When those teenagers come home, they consume everything in sight. 2 use up, exhaust, deplete, drain, expend, diminish, reduce: The new car has consumed all our savings. 3 waste, occupy, squander, fritter away, dissipate, absorb, lose, throw away, lavish, Slang blow: Too much of your time has already been consumed by that problem. 4 destroy, ruin, (lay) waste, demolish, wreck, gut, raze, Slang US and Canadian total: Fire consumed the entire house. 5 overcome, overwhelm, devastate, destroy, annihilate, ravage, (lay) waste, wear out, ruin, eat up, devour, do in; preoccupy, obsess: He is consumed by jealousy. consummation consummationn. 1 completion, accomplishment, fulfilment, finish, end, realization, attainment, achievement, success; completing, accomplishing, fulfilling, finishing, ending, realizing, attaining, achieving: Owning a Rolls Royce was the consummation of her dreams. 2 acme, perfection, peak, culmination, finishing touch, conclusion, grand finale, climax: The Nobel prize was the consummation of an arduous life of research. contact contactn. 1 junction, conjunction, connection: If the wires make contact, the fuse will blow. 2 acquaintance, friend, connection, Colloq US in: I have a contact on the board of directors. 3 touch, communication, association: Are you still in contact with Georgina? v. 4 get in touch with, communicate with, reach, get hold of; phone, ring (up), telephone, speak to or with, write to, correspond with: Try to contact the manager at his home. contain containv. 1 hold, have in it; bear, carry: The capsule contained a deadly poison. 2 hold, have the capacity for, accommodate, admit, carry; seat: This bottle contains no more than a quart. The theatre can contain 200. 3 restrain, restrict, confine, repress, control, hold back or in, curb, bridle, keep under control, suppress, check, stifle: He could hardly contain himself when he learnt he had passed the examination. contaminate contaminatev. defile, sully, pollute, corrupt, rot, stain, soil, taint, infect, poison, foul, spoil, befoul; debase, adulterate, vitiate: The river has been contaminated by effluent from a nearby factory. contemplate contemplatev. 1 look or gaze at or on or upon, behold, view, survey, observe, regard, eye; scan, scrutinize, inspect: I contemplated the scene of the Grand Canal from my hotel room. 2 ruminate (over), ponder (on or over), deliberate (over), muse (on or over), meditate or reflect (on), think (about or over), mull over, cogitate (over), turn over in one's mind, brood on or over, chew on or over, consider, study, examine: She was contemplating the events of the past night. Give me a moment to contemplate. 3 plan, intend, think of or about, consider, entertain the idea or notion of: After we broke up, I contemplated emigrating to Australia. contemporary contemporaryadj. 1 of the time, contemporaneous, coeval, coexistent, concurrent, concomitant, parallel, synchronous, synchronic, coincidental, coetaneous: We examined some of the documents contemporary with his reign. 2 modern, current, present-day, new, up to date, stylish, fashionable, modish, … la mode, latest, in; novel, newfangled, Colloq trendy: She always keeps up with contemporary fads in dress and make-up. I find much of the contemporary metal-and-glass architecture rather boring. contempt contemptn. loathing, abhorrence, hatred, odium, hate; scorn, disdain, contumely, disgust: She has nothing but contempt for cowards. contemptible contemptibleadj. despicable, loathsome, detestable, scurvy, low, mean, base, inferior, currish, wretched, vile, abject, ignominious, unworthy, shabby, shameful: It was contemptible of you to give away my secret. contemptuous contemptuousadj. scornful, disdainful, sneering, derisive, insulting, contumelious, insolent: The maestro was contemptuous of my piano-playing. content content¹n. 1 capacity, volume, size, measure: The content of the barrel is exactly 55 gallons. 2 Usually, contents. ingredients, components, constituents; load: The bottle broke and its contents spilt on the floor. 3 substance, subject-matter; significance, purport, import, essence, text, theme, topic, thesis: The book is amusing but its content is quite trivial. content content²n. 1 pleasure, satisfaction, gratification, happiness, contentment, contentedness, felicity, delight: He kept on singing to his heart's content. 2 ease, comfort, tranquillity, serenity, peace, peacefulness, contentedness: I have a feeling of such content merely being with you. adj. 3 pleased, satisfied, happy, delighted, contented, gratified, glad, cheerful; comfortable, fulfilled: I was quite content to be home once more. v. 4 satisfy, please, gratify, soothe, cheer, gladden, delight: It contented him to be near her. contest contestn. 1 competition, match, tournament, championship, tourney, meet, game, rivalry, trial: The contest was won by a woman from Shropshire. 2 strife, controversy, dispute, contention, debate, altercation, argument, velitation; conflict, struggle, fight, battle, combat, war: The contest is between those for and those against capital punishment. v. 3 contend, argue, dispute, debate; challenge, (call into) question, oppose, counter, confute, object to, refute: David has decided to contest his father's will. contestant contestantn. contender, competitor, opponent, rival, adversary, entrant, player, participant: The winner is the contestant from Chearsley. context contextn. structure, framework, environment, situation, circumstance(s); ambience or ambiance, surround, surroundings, frame (of reference), setting, background: It is often hard to understand something taken out of its context. continual continualadj. constant, incessant, perpetual, non-stop, persistent, uninterrupted, regular, steady, unbroken, unceasing, ceaseless, constant, eternal, unremitting, interminable, endless, unending; Loosely continuous: She has this continual ringing in her ears. continue continuev. 1 carry on, proceed (with), keep up or on or at, go on (with), pursue, persist (in), persevere (in): Please continue whatever it was you were doing. 2 endure, last, go on, persist, be prolonged, remain: How long will the curfew continue? 3 maintain, keep (on), prolong, perpetuate, carry on (with), persist in or with, sustain, extend: My mother continued her career throughout my childhood. 4 resume, pick up, take up, carry on (with): Allow me to continue my story and don't interrupt again. 5 proceed, go (on), extend: The road continues for about a mile, ending at the sea. continuous continuousadj. 1 connected, unbroken, uninterrupted: The wall is continuous except for one gate. 2 incessant, persistent, perpetual, non-stop, unceasing, ceaseless, constant, unremitting, interminable, endless, unending; Loosely continual: A continuous stream of refugees passed through the camp. contract contractn. 1 agreement, understanding, deal, bargain, arrangement, pact, commitment, obligation, compact: We have just signed a contract to supply office equipment to a new electronics company. v. 2 engage, agree, promise, covenant, undertake: Our company contracted to maintain the roads in this area. 3 catch, acquire, get, come down with, develop, become infected with, Brit go down with: Eunice contracted diphtheria. 4 diminish, shrink, draw together, roll (oneself), narrow, squeeze, constrict, compress, condense, decrease, reduce: When disturbed, the animal contracts itself into a ball. 5 wrinkle, knit, crease, corrugate, pucker: His brow contracted into a frown. contradict contradictv. 1 deny, gainsay, dispute, controvert, argue against; oppose: He is very opinionated, and doesn't like to be contradicted. 2 contravene, belie, refute, disallow, forbid, disaffirm, counter, abrogate, nullify, annul, reverse, counteract: The evidence yields nothing that contradicts my argument. contradictory contradictoryadj. inconsistent, paradoxical, incongruous, conflicting, incompatible, discrepant; ambiguous, ambivalent: The witnesses' descriptions of the robbers are contradictory. contraption contraptionn. contrivance, device, gadget, mechanism, apparatus, Colloq widget, thingumabob or thingamabob, thingumajig or thingamajig, thingummy, whatsit, doodah, thingy, US gizmo or gismo, Rube Goldberg (invention), whatchamacallit, Colloq Brit gubbins: People began to build all sorts of contraptions that they hoped might fly. contrary contraryadj. 1 opposite, opposing, opposed, different, contradictory, conflicting, antagonistic: Set aside enough time to hear the contrary side of the argument. 2 antagonistic, perverse, contrarious, hostile, unfriendly, inimical, cross-grained, refractory, contumacious, self-willed, argumentative, unaccommodating, antipathetic, Literary froward: He can disagree, but why must he be so contrary? 3 adverse, unfavourable, inauspicious, unlucky, unfortunate, unpropitious, untoward, inopportune, bad, foul: We ran into contrary winds and were delayed. n. 4 opposite, reverse: Her present position is the direct contrary of the one she took yesterday. adv. 5 perversely, oppositely, contrariwise, contrarily, in opposition to: The rat in the maze acted contrary to the expected pattern. contrast contrastv. 1 juxtapose, oppose, compare, distinguish, differentiate, discriminate, set or place against; set off: Contrast life in the 18th century with life today. 2 conflict, differ or diverge or deviate (from): The two styles contrast sharply. Australian speech contrasts with that of Canada in many respects. n. 3 comparison; difference, distinction, disparity, dissimilarity: The author emphasizes the contrasts between the two economic policies. contribute contributev. 1 give, furnish, donate, bestow, grant, present, provide, supply: He contributed three paintings by Longchamp to the museum. They contributed generously to the restoration fund. 2 contribute to. add to, promote, advance, help, aid, support, forward, have a hand in, play a part or role in: They believe that poor parental supervision contributes to juvenile delinquency. control controlv. 1 command, dominate, direct, steer, pilot, hold sway over, rule, exercise power or authority over, govern, manage, lead, conduct, be in control (of), call the tune, guide, oversee, supervise: Does she really control the future of the company? 2 check, hold back or in check, curb, repress, contain: Try to control yourself. 3 suppress, put down, master, subdue, restrain, curb, manage: They were totally unable to control the unruly teenagers. n. 4 command, direction, power, authority, leadership, management, guidance, supervision, oversight, charge; sway, rule, jurisdiction: Turn control of the mission over to Mrs Beale. The court is under the control of the State. 5 restraint, check, curb, mastery, command, dominance, domination: You must get better control over your emotions. 6 knob, button, dial, handle, lever, switch; device, mechanism: This control opens the door to the safe. controversial controversialadj. 1 debatable, disputable, questionable, moot, doubtful, unsettled: Who will run the department is a controversial matter. 2 polemical, dialectic, litigious, factious: She has studied the controversial writings of the 19th-century feminists. 3 disputatious, argumentative, contentious; provocative: Race relations have remained a controversial issue for centuries. controversy controversyn. 1 dispute, debate, contention, argument, argumentation, disputation, wrangling, confrontation, questioning, disagreement: The inquest went ahead without controversy. 2 argument, dispute, disagreement, quarrel; squabble, tiff, Colloq spat: Controversy still rages over the theory of natural selection. convalesce convalescev. recover, improve, get better, recuperate: The doctor said I needed only a week to convalesce after the operation. convenient convenientn. 1 suitable, commodious, useful, helpful, handy, serviceable, expedient, opportune, advantageous: The bus is quite convenient for getting to and from the airport. 2 handy, nearby, within (easy) reach, at one's fingertips, close at hand, available, accessible; (at the) ready: There's a convenient post office round the corner. convention conventionn. 1 assembly, meeting, gathering, congregation, congress, conference, symposium, council, conclave, diet, synod, seminar: The annual convention of cat fanciers will take place in June. 2 rule, practice, custom, tradition, usage, formality, conventionalism: According to convention, this year's vice-president becomes president next year. conventional conventionaladj. customary, habitual, usual, normal, regular, standard, orthodox, traditional, established, ordinary, everyday, common, commonplace, accustomed, received, agreed; reactionary, old-fashioned, stodgy, stuffy, old hat: Conventional methods of teaching mathematics are being criticized. converge convergev. come or go together, meet, join, unite, merge, coincide; blend: The roads converge in the valley. conversation conversationn. discussion, talk, chat, dialogue, colloquy, parley; chit-chat, gossip, discourse, palaver, Colloq chiefly Brit chin-wag: The conversation about the situation in the Middle East ended abruptly. I want action, not conversation. conversationalist conversationalistn. deipnosophist: It was a pleasure to have dinner with an intelligent conversationalist for a change. converse conversev. discuss, talk, speak, chat, parley, discourse, gossip, chatter: The men were conversing about her over dinner. convert convertv. 1 change, modify, alter, transform, transmute, mutate, transfigure, transmogrify, remodel, remake, metamorphose: We converted our rowing-boat into a sailing dinghy. 2 proselytize, switch, change (over): To avoid the horrors of the Inquisition, many Spanish Jews converted to Catholicism. n. 3 proselyte; neophyte, catechumen, disciple: Converts are often the most passionate believers. convict convictv. 1 find or prove guilty: She was convicted of theft. n. 2 prisoner, captive, Slang con, jailbird orBrit also gaolbird, Brit lag: The rioting convicts burnt down two prison buildings. conviction convictionn. 1 proof of guilt: After his conviction, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. 2 belief, opinion, view, persuasion, position: It is her conviction that the painting is by Titian. 3 certainty, sureness, positiveness, confidence, assurance, certitude: He doesn't have the courage to back up his convictions. convince convincev. win over, talk into, persuade, bring (a)round, sway: I have at last convinced them of the need for more resources. cool cooladj. 1 chilly, chill, chilling, cooling, unheated; chilled, cold, refreshing, fresh: It's rather cool outside today. I'd prefer some cool lemonade. 2 calm, serene, collected, level-headed, quiet, unexcited, unemotional, undisturbed, unexcitable, unruffled, unflappable, cool-headed, relaxed, controlled, under control, self-possessed, self-controlled, unperturbed, phlegmatic, composed, imperturbable: He remains cool even in a crisis. 3 dispassionate, cold, cold-blooded, emotionless, deliberate, cold-hearted, calculated, wilful, premeditated, purposeful, purposive: It was clearly the cool act of a professional criminal. 4 uninvolved, distant, remote, aloof, detached, removed, uninterested, unconcerned, unsympathetic, apathetic, cold, cold-hearted, cold-blooded: How can you be so cool where human lives are concerned? 5 lukewarm, distant, uncordial, unfriendly, unsociable, unapproachable, standoffish, forbidding, unwelcoming, cold, frigid: After the affair, she was distinctly cool towards him. 6 bold, audacious, brazen, overconfident, presumptuous, shameless, unabashed, impertinent, impudent, insolent: I cannot account for the cool way he insulted his host. n. 7 coolness, chill, chilliness, Colloq coolth: I shall have a sherry to ward off the cool of the evening. 8 aplomb, poise, sedateness, control, self-control, composure, sang-froid: He really lost his cool when she told him he was a lousy driver. v. 9 chill, refrigerate, ice: Cool the pudding before serving. 10 diminish, reduce, lessen, abate, moderate: Her interest quickly cooled when she discovered he was married. cooperate cooperatev. 1 collaborate, work together, join, unite, interact, team up, join forces, act jointly or in concert: If we cooperate, the work will be done in half the time. 2 participate, contribute, lend a hand, help, assist: You must learn to cooperate and not just sit there. cooperation cooperationn. 1 collaboration, teamwork, interaction, synergism or synergy: Only through cooperation will we be able to achieve success. 2 support, help, aid, assistance, patronage, backing, advocacy, favour, helping hand, friendship, blessing, sponsorship, auspices, backup: We needed the cooperation of people like you to mount the exhibition. coordinate coordinatev. 1 organize, classify, order, arrange, systemize, systematize, codify, categorize, group, match (up), dispose, rate, rank, grade: Coordinate the information before preparing the report. 2 harmonize, correlate, unify, mesh, synchronize, integrate, Colloq pull together: We must coordinate our efforts for the best results. adj. 3 equivalent, parallel, correspondent, complementary, correlative, equal, reciprocal, coordinating, coordinative, Technical paratactic: The two systems are coordinate and operate in parallel. cope copev. 1 manage, get along or by, make do, survive, subsist, come through: Even with seven children to care for, she copes very well. 2 cope with. be a match for, withstand, contend with or against, handle, deal with, dispose of: I cannot cope with all the work I have been given to do. copy copyn. 1 reproduction, replica, facsimile, likeness, imitation, double, twin, duplication, duplicate, transcript, replication, carbon (copy), photocopy, print: She found a copy of the lost manuscript. 2 example, sample, specimen: How many copies of the book have been sold? 3 text, writing: The copy is ready; we are waiting for the illustrations. v. 4 reproduce, duplicate, replicate, transcribe: Don't copy others' work - they might be wrong. 5 imitate, mimic, impersonate, emulate, ape, parrot, echo: Ted copies the rock stars in every possible detail of their dress and behaviour. cord cordn. string, line, twine; rope: Tie the cord around the parcel twice. cordial cordialadj. friendly, warm, affable, amiable, kindly, genial, gracious, welcoming, pleasant, good-natured, nice; courteous, polite: After a cordial greeting at the door, the guests were served champagne. core coren. 1 centre, heart, middle, nucleus, inside(s): Remove the core of the apple first. 2 essence, marrow, heart, pith, gist, quintessence, sum and substance: The core of the problem is her refusal to consider any alternative. v. 3 pit, seed: The pie might have tasted better if you'd cored the apples first. corps corpsn. body of men or women, troop, cadre, unit, detachment, cohort, division, battalion, brigade, platoon, squad, column, squadron: We delivered supplies to the medical corps. corpse corpsen. body, remains, cadaver, Slang stiff; (of an animal) carcass: The corpses were buried in a mass grave. correct correctv. 1 right, set or put right, amend, redress, rectify, remedy, repair, fix; cure: A good mechanic will be able to correct the faults in the engine. 2 scold, admonish, rebuke, reprimand, berate, chide, reprove; censure, blame: You mustn't correct people for their bad manners. 3 punish, chastise, chasten, discipline, castigate: The boys were corrected for swearing at the teacher. 4 reverse, offset, counteract, counterbalance, neutralize, nullify, make up for, annul, cancel; adjust, change, modify: Adding this fertilizer should correct the acid content of the soil. 5 mark, grade: The exam papers haven't yet been corrected. adj. 6 proper, decorous, decent, appropriate, suitable, fit, right, meet, fitting, befitting, apt, de rigueur, comme il faut, Old-fashioned Brit tickety-boo: I have found her behaviour correct at all times. 7 conventional, established, set, standard, normal, orthodox, approved, in order, de rigueur, comme il faut, usual, natural, customary, traditional, done, right, Old-fashioned Brit tickety-boo: Sending flowers to the funeral parlour would be the correct thing to do. 8 accurate, right, precise, exact, factual, valid, true, proper, fitting, apt, suitable, appropriate; faultless, perfect, unimpeachable: Joanna gave the correct answer. correction correctionn. 1 improvement, emendation, rectification, redress, remedy, reparation, amendment; corrigendum: With these corrections, the work will be vastly better. 2 punishment, castigation, chastisement: He resented her continual correction of him for trivial things. correspond correspondv. 1 agree, conform, tally, comply, accord, harmonize, be congruous, match, coincide: The results of the surveys correspond. 2 write, communicate, be in touch or contact: We have been corresponding for years. correspondent correspondentn. newspaperman, newspaperwoman, pressman, presswoman, journalist, reporter, stringer, newsman, newsperson: Here is a report from our correspondent in Sydney. corridor corridorn. hall, hallway, passage, passageway: We met in the corridor outside my room. corrupt corruptadj. 1 dishonest, untrustworthy, dishonourable, underhand(ed), venal, Colloq crooked: He got off by bribing a corrupt judge. 2 debased, depraved, perverted, subverted, evil, wicked, degenerate, degraded: The inhabitants practised a corrupt form of Christianity. v. 3 debase, pervert, subvert, degrade, deprave, warp: A funds manager could easily be corrupted by all that money. 4 adulterate, contaminate, pollute, taint, defile, infect, spoil, poison: Drainage from the site has corrupted the purity of the water. 5 bribe, suborn, buy (off): He thought he knew a juror who might be corrupted. cost costn. 1 price, outlay, payment, charge, expense, expenditure, rate, tariff: The gold strap will double the cost of the watch. If the cost increases, the selling price must go up. v. 2 sell for, get, fetch, bring in, Colloq set (someone) back: This would cost twice as much in London. costume costumen. dress, clothing, attire, clothes, garb, apparel, raiment, garments, outfit, vestment, livery, uniform, kit, Colloq gear, togs, get-up; Slang rags, US threads: What kind of costume is Celia wearing to the fancy-dress ball? cosy cosyadj. 1 comfortable, snug, warm, restful, secure, relaxing, easy, US cozy, Colloq comfy: They bought a cosy little rose-covered cottage in the Cotswolds. 2 convenient, expedient, self-serving, underhand(ed): He has a cosy arrangement with the planning board. cot cotn. bed, crib; cradle, bunk: The baby is asleep in his cot. cottage cottagen. hut, shack, cabin, bungalow, shanty, Literary cot; US and Canadian lodge, chalet: She's going to stay at our cottage for a week. couch couchn. 1 sofa, settee, settle, divan, love-seat, chaise (longue); day-bed; tˆte-…-tˆte, vis-…-vis, siamoise; US Davenport: Come and sit by me on the couch. v. 2 embed, frame, style, express, phrase: Her warning was couched in friendly words. council counciln. 1 assembly, meeting, conclave, conference, synod, consistory, convention, congress, congregation, gathering, convocation, US caucus: The council voted to ban nuclear arms. 2 board, ministry, directors, cabinet, panel, committee, body, directorate, directory, caucus: She was elected to the council last year. counsel counseln. 1 advice, judgement, direction, opinion, guidance, instruction, recommendation, exhortation, Technical par‘nesis: Your counsel has always been wise in the past. 2 consultation, discussion, deliberation, consideration: We took counsel with the cabinet on the matter. 3 adviser or advisor, guide, counsellor; lawyer, Brit barrister; US attorney: My counsel suggests we settle out of court. v. 4 advise, recommend to, suggest to, instruct; guide: I have counselled her to pursue the matter. counsellor counsellorn. adviser or advisor, counsel, lawyer, Brit counsellor-at-law, barrister, US counselor, counselor-at-law, attorney: We have retained Vestley and Stock as our counsellors. count countv. 1 count up or off, enumerate, number, calculate, add up, total, reckon, compute, tally, figure up, quantify, Colloq figure out: Maddie counted the number of pencils in the box. 2 include, consider, regard, deem, judge, look on or upon: You can count me among those who favour the idea. 3 count on or upon. rely on or upon, depend on or upon, be sure of, trust, bank on, be confident of, Chiefly Brit or US dialect reckon on or upon, Chiefly US figure on or upon: I knew I could count on Moira to do the right thing. counter countern. 1 token, disc, chip, piece, marker: She placed three counters on the number 14. 2 table, bar: We do not serve beer at this counter. counteract counteractv. counterbalance, neutralize, correct, annul, nullify, cancel, oppose, mitigate: The coffee counteracted the effect of the sleeping-pill. counterfeit counterfeitadj. 1 forged, fake, fraudulent, imitation, bogus, spurious, Colloq phoney or US also phony: The bank reported the counterfeit money to the police. 2 make-believe, sham, pretended, pretend, feigned, insincere, fake, faked, false, artificial, meretricious, pseudo, factitious, synthetic, unreal, simulated: You were warned about his counterfeit sincerity. n. 3 fake, imitation, forgery, reproduction, Colloq phoney or US also phony: This is the original deed, that one is a counterfeit. v. 4 forge, copy, reproduce, falsify, imitate; Slang hang paper: He made a living counterfeiting passports. 5 feign, pretend, simulate, put on, fake: The suspects have shown signs of wealth that are difficult to counterfeit. counterfeiter counterfeitern. Slang paper-hanger: The counterfeiter, who forged only five-pound notes, was arrested today. country countryn. 1 nation, state, power; territory, realm: How many countries belong to the British Commonwealth? 2 (native) land, homeland, fatherland, motherland, mother country: I would gladly fight for my country. 3 countryside, rural area or surroundings, provinces, hinterlands; mountains, woods, wilderness, outback, Colloq sticks, US boondocks, boonies: We are spending our holiday in the country. couple couplen. 1 pair, duo, twosome; brace, span, yoke, team: They certainly make a nice couple. 2 a couple of. a few, several, a handful (of), one or two, three or four: I'll be with you in a couple of minutes. v. 3 join, link, yoke, combine, unite, match up, connect: The two carriages are easily coupled together. courage couragen. bravery, valour, boldness, intrepidity, gallantry, dauntlessness, daring, fearlessness, heroism, nerve, Colloq grit, guts, pluck, spunk, US moxie, sand, Slang Brit bottle: She had the courage to face the two of them alone. courageous courageousadj. brave, valiant, valorous, bold, intrepid, gallant, dauntless, daring, fearless, heroic, Colloq plucky: The soldiers were very courageous and fought against tremendous odds. course coursen. 1 path, way, orbit, route, run, track, ambit, line, circuit, passage: We continued on our course. The sun pursued its fiery course across the heavens. 2 movement, progress, headway, advance, progression; speed: The driver slackens his course at the curves. 3 procedure, process, performance, routine, conduct, order, practice, dispatch or despatch, execution: In the course of her duties, she handles a great deal of money. 4 direction, tack: If we stay on this course we'll run aground. 5 class, lecture, seminar, programme: You should sign up for a course in English grammar. 6 of course. naturally, surely, certainly, positively, obviously, definitely, assuredly, by all means; undoubtedly, indubitably, without (a) doubt, no doubt, Colloq US sure: Of course I'll go to the theatre with you! courteous courteousadj. polite, well-mannered, well-behaved, gentlemanly, ladylike, well-bred, polished, urbane, civilized, respectful, civil, courtly, proper, decorous, tactful, considerate, diplomatic: He might have been rude to you, but he was always quite courteous to me. courtesy courtesyn. politeness, elegance, courtliness, politesse, courteousness, respect, respectfulness, good manners, formality, civility, ceremony: I much appreciated the courtesy with which they treated me. cover coverv. 1 protect, shelter, shield, screen; guard, defend, command: The guns covered the approaches to the town. 2 Also, cover up or over. conceal, hide, bury, mask, shroud, obscure; dissemble; enclose, envelop: I was unable to cover my embarrassment. Her face was covered by the hood of the cloak. 3 overlie, spread over, overspread, lie on, layer, coat, blanket: Oil covers the surface of the lake. 4 wrap, swaddle: Mother covered us with warm blankets. 5 dress, clothe, garb, attire, robe, sheathe: She was covered in silk from neck to ankle. 6 extend or stretch over, occupy, engulf, inundate, submerge: A lake has covered the original site of Abu Simbel. 7 include, comprehend, provide for, comprise, extend over, contain, embody, incorporate, account for, take into account, take in, deal with: This report covers our activities over the past year. 8 act, take responsibility or charge, stand or sit in, substitute, take over, run things, double: Go and get some coffee - I'll cover for you. 9 traverse, complete, pass or travel over, travel, cross: With frequent stops, we could not cover more than 50 miles a day. 10 compensate for, defray, be enough or sufficient for, counter, offset, counterbalance, make up for, insure or protect against: The policy covers losses of up to a million. n. 11 lid, top, cap, covering: I can't find the cover for this pot. 12 binding, boards, wrapper, dust-jacket, jacket: You can't tell a book by its cover. 13 Often, covers. blanket, quilt, eiderdown, duvet, bedclothes, bedding, (bed) linen; coverlet, counterpane; US comforter: I crept into bed and pulled the covers over my head. 14 shelter, protection, concealment, hiding-place, hide-out, retreat, refuge; hide, US and Canadian blind; Colloq Brit hidey-hole: We tried to find some sort of cover till the sun went down. 15 cloak, screen, disguise, concealment, pretence, front, camouflage, smokescreen, cover-up, mask, covering: His bluster and bullying were only a cover for his cowardice. coward cowardn. poltroon, craven, dastard, sissy or cissy, baby, mouse, milksop; Scaramouch or Scaramouche; Colloq chicken, Slang yellow-belly; US and Canadian milquetoast: He's such a coward that he's afraid of his own shadow. cowardice cowardicen. cowardliness, chicken-heartedness, faint-heartedness, timidity, timorousness, pusillanimity: Owing to the cowardice of the lieutenant, the troop surrendered without a shot being fired. cowardly cowardlyadj. timid, fearful, frightened, afraid, scared, faint-hearted, timorous, chicken-hearted, chicken-livered, lily-livered, white-livered, craven, namby-pamby, dastardly, pusillanimous, vitelline, Slang yellow, yellow-bellied: The cowardly rascals ran from the battle. coy coyadj. shy, modest, diffident, demure, timid, bashful, self-conscious, sheepish, timorous, unassuming, unpretentious; reserved, self-effacing, retiring, evasive, reluctant, recalcitrant: She was so coy she would disappear whenever we had guests. 3.8 crack... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= crack crackn. 1 break, fracture, chink, crevice, rift, gap, flaw, split, fissure, slit, cleft, split, check, rupture, breach: The crack in the dam was caused by an earthquake. 2 snap, report, bang, clap, shot: I ducked when I heard the crack of the rifle. 3 moment, instant, time, second: She gets up at the crack of dawn. v. 4 snap: He cracks the whip and the horses start up. 5 break, fracture, rupture; shiver, shatter, smash: He fell backwards on the pavement and cracked his skull. 6 fissure, craze, crackle, US alligator: The heat of the sun caused the paint to crack. craft craftn. 1 skill, ability, artisanship, handiwork, ingenuity, skilfulness, art, talent, dexterity, cleverness, mastery, expertness, expertise, flair, genius , Colloq know-how: Considerable craft is required to make that kind of jewellery. 2 deceit, guile, cunning, fraud, trickery, wiliness, foxiness, artfulness, craftiness, duplicity: He exhibits that crooked wisdom called craft. 3 trade, occupation, calling, vocation, m‚tier; profession: He was a member of one of the medieval craft guilds. 4 vessel, ship, boat; hovercraft; aircraft, aeroplane, plane; spaceship, spacecraft, rocket: One day there will be at least as many craft in space as there now are in the air. v. 5 make, fashion, fabricate: She crafted the figures out of solid wood. crafty craftyadj. artful, cunning, clever, shrewd, foxy, canny, wily, sly, scheming, calculating, designing, plotting, tricky, sneaky, deceitful, shifty, dodgy, guileful, insidious, double-dealing, two-faced, duplicitous, treacherous: That crafty beggar has made off with my life's savings. crag cragn. cliff, bluff, tor, peak, rock, escarpment, scarp, precipice, US palisade: Soaring above us was a huge crag that we still had to climb. cram cramv. 1 pack, stuff, overstuff, overcrowd, jam, fill: The car was crammed to the top with suitcases. 2 study, burn the midnight oil, Literary lucubrate, Colloq grind, Brit swot: Bob can't go out because he's cramming for an exam. cramped crampedadj. tight, crowded, incommodious, uncomfortable, close: The tiny cabin was too cramped to hold all of us at once. crank crankn. 1 eccentric, character, oddity, Colloq nut; Slang Brit nutter, nutcase: Pay no attention to Jason, he's just a crank. 2 monomaniac, zealot, fanatic: The restaurant is patronized mainly by health-food cranks. cranky crankyadj. 1 eccentric, odd, weird, strange, queer, peculiar, quirky, capricious, whimsical: He's a cranky old bird who hardly goes out at all. 2 testy, grouchy, crabby, short-tempered, surly, irascible, waspish, churlish, gruff, curmudgeonly, cantankerous, choleric, snappish, petulant, peevish, contentious, querulous, irritable, splenetic, Colloq crotchety: He's always cranky before breakfast. cranny crannyn. chink, crevice, crack, fissure, check, fracture, break, furrow, split, cleft: Flowers grew from the crannies in the ancient wall. crash crashv. 1 fall, topple: The vase crashed onto the stone floor. 2 force, drive, run, smash: He crashed the car into a wall. 3 bang, boom, explode: The thunder crashed all around us. n. 4 boom, bang, smash, explosion, blast: We heard a great crash as the building collapsed. 5 disaster, collapse, failure: The stock-market crash has had a devastating effect. crawl crawlv. 1 creep, worm, wriggle, wiggle, squirm; edge: A spider is crawling on your collar. 2 inch, creep, drag: For a solid hour the cars just crawled along at a snail's pace. 3 cower, cringe, grovel, toady, fawn: Don't worry, he'll soon come crawling, begging you to take him back. 4 teem, abound, swarm, be overrun or swamped: The scene of the crime crawled with police. craze crazen. fad, fashion, trend, enthusiasm, rage, mania, thing, obsession; last word, dernier cri: The craze for printed T-shirts goes on and on. crazy crazyadj. 1 mad, insane, demented, deranged, unbalanced, unhinged, lunatic, non compos mentis, daft, certifiable, mental, touched (in the head), out of one's mind or head, mad as a March hare or hatter, maddened, crazed, Colloq barmy or balmy, cuckoo, cracked, crackers, crack-brained, dotty, daffy, dippy, gaga, goofy, crackpot, loony, off one's rocker, have a screw loose, screwy, batty, bats, bats in the belfry, Brit barmy (in the crumpet), potty, bonkers, round the bend or twist, off one's chump, doolally, US off one's trolley, out of one's gourd, screwball, nuts, nutty (as a fruit cake); Slang bananas, US out to lunch, meshuga, flaky, flaked-out, (plumb) loco: His wife thinks he's crazy to want to walk around the world. 2 silly, absurd, foolish, nonsensical, inane, ridiculous, preposterous, laughable, risible, ludicrous, asinine, stupid, moronic, imbecile or imbecilic, idiotic, feeble-minded, hare-brained, Colloq crackpot: Someone came up with a crazy idea of a square tennis ball to slow down the game. 3 impractical, impracticable, unworkable, unsound, pointless, imprudent, rash, reckless, ill-considered: Columbus' plan to sail round the world was thought to be crazy at the time. 4 enthusiastic, eager, avid, zealous, keen, excited: I'm really crazy about windsurfing. 5 infatuated, keen on or about, wild, mad, Colloq dotty, US nuts, nutty; Slang US ape: Marjorie, I'm absolutely crazy about you. create createv. 1 make, produce, form, bring into being, originate, conceive; sire, father: The question remains whether God created Man or vice versa. 2 engender, beget, spawn, generate, invent, imagine, think up, frame, forge, fashion, fabricate, manufacture, develop, design, contrive, devise, produce, dream up, initiate: Here is where they create many of the most successful television advertisements. creation creationn. 1 beginning, origin, birth, start, inception, genesis, making, formation: The creation of the lake began with the damming of the stream. 2 the world, the universe, the cosmos: He was the most wicked man in the history of all creation. creative creativeadj. imaginative, inventive, originative, artistic, original, ingenious, resourceful: A truly creative artist seldom lacks for inspiration. creator creatorn. 1 originator, author, initiator, founder, father, inventor, architect, designer, framer, maker, prime mover: The creator of this painting must have been a genius. 2 God, Supreme Being, the Deity: Some day you will have to answer to your Creator for your sins. creature creaturen. 1 being, organism, entity, living thing: The hound had the saddest face I have ever seen on any creature. 2 creature comforts. (physical or bodily or material or mundane or superficial or non-spiritual) luxuries: He has the money to enjoy all the creature comforts. credit creditn. 1 belief, faith, trust, credence: I don't give much credit to what they say. 2 creditation, acknowledgement or acknowledgment, attribution, ascription: Credit for inventing the telegraph goes to Guglielmo Marconi. 3 trust, confidence, faithfulness, reliability, trustworthiness, honesty, probity, dependability; solvency: Her credit rating at the bank is excellent. 4 honour, commendation, praise, tribute, acclaim, esteem, recognition, merit: The team's victory in the finals has brought credit to the school. v. 5 believe, trust, hold accountable, put or place one's faith or confidence in, have faith or confidence in, rely on, accept, depend on or upon: If you credit the Bible, the world was created in six days. 6 ascribe, acknowledge, attribute, assign; impute: The goal was credited to Barnes. creed creedn. tenet, dogma, doctrine, credo, teaching, principles, belief, set of beliefs: She adheres to the creed of the Golden Rule. creek creekn. 1 Brit inlet, bay, cove, harbour: Overnight we moored in a little creek, sheltered from the sea. 2 US and Canadian stream, streamlet, brook, rivulet, rill, runnel, run, burn: We used to fish in the creek behind the house. creep creepv. 1 crawl, slither, inch, squirm, wriggle, wiggle: A tiny lizard was creeping up the wall. 2 crawl, drag: The hours creep by slowly when you have nothing to do. 3 steal, sneak; slink, skulk, tiptoe, Colloq pussyfoot: The thief must have crept in through the kitchen window. Someone is creeping about out there in the dark. crescent crescentn. 1 demi-lune, semi-lune, lune, lunette: The moon's crescent hung low in the western sky. adj. 2 crescent-shaped, demi-lune, semi-lune, biconcave, concavo-concave: For chopping, the chef uses a crescent blade that just fits into a curved wooden bowl. crest crestn. 1 top, summit, pinnacle, peak, head, ridge: The surfers rode in on the crest of a wave. 2 seal, device, figure, badge, emblem, insigne, symbol, design: The school crest shows an inkpot and a scroll. v. 3 top, crown, surmount, cap: The ancient walls were crested with ivy. 4 culminate, reach, top, US top out: The flood-waters crested at nine feet. crevasse crevassen. gorge, chasm, abyss, ravine, fissure, crack, furrow: One of the climbers fell into a crevasse in the glacier. crevice crevicen. crack, fissure, chink, cleft, cranny, groove, furrow, break, split, rift: Water ran down the crevices in the rocks. crew crewn. group, company, band, troupe, party, gang, team, corps, body: We shall need a crew of twenty for tomorrow's job. crime crimen. offence, violation, misdeed, wrong; felony, misdemeanour; lawlessness: The number of crimes of violence is increasing. criminal criminaladj. 1 illegal, unlawful, illicit, lawless, dishonest, Colloq crooked: Arson is a criminal act. We have to weed out the criminal element. 2 wicked, evil, bad, wrong, corrupt, vile, black, immoral, amoral, sinful, villainous, iniquitous, flagitious, depraved; disgraceful, reprehensible: The way they treat their children is absolutely criminal. n. 3 felon, convict, lawbreaker, outlaw, culprit, offender, miscreant, malefactor, wrongdoer, villain, scoundrel, knave, blackguard; gangster, Mafioso, desperado, racketeer; hoodlum, thug, hooligan, tough, ruffian, terrorist, Colloq roughneck, bad guy, black hat, bad hat, baddie or baddy, crook; Slang hood, US mobster: He was arrested for consorting with known criminals. cringe cringev. 1 cower, wince, flinch, quail, recoil, blench, tremble, quiver, quake or shake in one's boots or shoes, shrink: That dirty little coward cringed even when they called his name. 2 defer, kowtow, grovel, crawl, fawn, boot-lick, US apple-polish; Slang kiss someone's arse or US and Canadian ass, Taboo slang brown-nose: The man cringed before the magistrate, his eyes downcast, tugging his forelock. cripple cripplen. 1 amputee, paralytic: He has been a cripple since the accident. v. 2 disable, lame, incapacitate, handicap, maim; impair, damage, weaken, debilitate, emasculate, enervate: She was crippled when a child. The dictator's power was crippled by the revolt. crippled crippledadj. 1 disabled, lame, handicapped, incapacitated; weakened, weak, debilitated: He takes care of his crippled mother. The crippled party platform succumbed to attack from the far left. 2 damaged, immobilized, inoperative: The crew stayed with the crippled vessel. crisis crisisn. 1 turning-point, critical time or moment: She has passed the crisis and will be better tomorrow. 2 disaster, emergency, calamity, catastrophe, danger: The storm has created a crisis and the residents are being evacuated. crisp crispadj. 1 brittle, crunchy, friable, breakable, crumbly, frangible: Keep the biscuits crisp in this special jar. 2 curly, crispy, crinkly, frizzy, frizzled: His hair is brown and crisp, just like his father's. 3 US chip: I'll bet you can't eat just one potato crisp. critical criticaladj. 1 carping, fault-finding, censorious, disparaging, depreciatory or depreciative, depreciating, deprecatory or deprecative, deprecating, judgemental: The article was highly critical of the council. 2 crucial, important, essential, basic, key, decisive, pivotal, vital, momentous: The meeting at the bank will be critical for us. 3 grave, serious, dangerous, uncertain, perilous, severe, touch-and-go, ticklish, sensitive, touchy, Colloq parlous: His illness has reached the critical stage. criticism criticismn. 1 judgement, evaluation, appraisal, analysis, assessment, estimation, valuation: Their criticism was generally favourable. 2 censure, disapproval, condemnation, disparagement: I was very upset by her criticism of my behaviour. 3 critique, review, commentary: My sister writes the theatre criticisms for the local paper. criticize criticizev. 1 judge, evaluate, value, assess, appraise, estimate; discuss, analyse: He criticizes books for the quarterly. 2 censure, find fault (with), carp (at), cavil (at), condemn, attack, denounce, disapprove (of), put down, impugn, blast, lambaste, Colloq pan, knock, Brit slate: His book was criticized because of its poor scholarship. Why must he constantly criticize, even when there's nothing wrong? crooked crookedadj. 1 criminal, dishonest, illegal, unlawful, illicit, wrong, perverse, Slang Brit bent: Selling a stolen painting is crooked. 2 bent, bowed, askew, awry, deformed, distorted, contorted, lopsided, twisted, misshapen, disfigured, warped, gnarled: Because of the constant west wind, the trees are all crooked. cross crossn. 1 crucifix, rood: In ancient times, it was common to execute certain criminals by nailing them to a cross. 2 hybrid, cross-breed, mongrel; blend, combination: This fruit is a cross between a plum and a pear. v. 3 cross off or out. strike out, erase, cancel, rub out, delete, wipe out: After that remark, I'm crossing you off my list. 4 meet, intersect, join: The roads cross further on. 5 cross over, go across, pass over, span, traverse: The bridge crosses the river here. adj. 6 peevish, irritated, annoyed, piqued, irritable, testy, snappish, irascible, surly, choleric, splenetic, grouchy, huffish or huffy, pettish, cranky, grumpy, touchy, moody, fractious, vexed, curmudgeonly, petulant, waspish, querulous, cantankerous, crusty, short-tempered, on a short fuse, Colloq crotchety, Slang Brit shirty: He's cross because he has a headache. 7 annoyed, irritated, angry, irate, furious: I was very cross that you took the car without permission. crouch crouchv. bend (down), squat (down), hunker down, stoop (down): If you crouch down, no one will see you in the bushes. crowd crowdn. 1 throng, multitude, horde, swarm, mass, press, flood, mob, flock, pack: A huge crowd descended on the village square. 2 company, set, circle, lot, bunch, group, coterie, clique, claque, faction: She doesn't associate with our crowd any longer. v. 3 throng, swarm, herd, pour, pile, press, cluster, gather, get together, flood, flock, assemble, congregate: People crowded into the stadium. 4 push, press, drive, shove, thrust, force, load, pack, cram, jam, corral: The police crowded the hooligans into vans. 5 compress, squeeze, pack, jam, cram, collect; stuff: We were so crowded in the cabin we could hardly breathe. crown crownn. 1 coronet, diadem, wreath, fillet, circlet, tiara: The princess wore a golden crown set with jewels. 2 sovereignty, rule, dominion, authority, government, realm, rulership, jurisdiction: They discovered many lands and annexed them to the Crown. 3 monarch, ruler, sovereign, potentate; king, queen, emperor, empress, His or Her Majesty, His or Her Highness: The Crown has very little real power these days. v. 4 enthrone, Colloq US coronate: He was crowned on the death of his father. 5 cap, top, surmount, culminate, climax, consummate, fulfil, reward: All her years of practising the violin were finally crowned with success. crucial crucialadj. critical, decisive, pivotal, vital, momentous, major, important, essential: It is crucial that you press the right button. crude crudeadj. 1 unrefined, raw, natural, original, unprocessed: Those are the prices of crude oil, not the petrol used in cars. 2 rough, unpolished, rudimentary, immature, undeveloped, primitive, unrefined, unfinished: At this stage, she has only a crude idea of the design. 3 rough, coarse, rude, unrefined, uncouth, crass, gross, rustic, uncivil: Don't you despise his crude manners? 4 blunt, brusque, unsophisticated, inconsiderate, tasteless, indelicate, offensive, improper, vulgar: How crude of him to ask her how long since her husband had 'croaked'! cruel crueladj. 1 merciless, pitiless, hard-hearted, harsh, stony-hearted, heartless, unsparing, callous, beastly, cold-blooded, ruthless, unkind, hard: It was cruel of you to refuse to help. 2 ferocious, inhuman, barbaric, barbarous, brutal, savage, bloodthirsty, vicious, sadistic, fiendish, diabolical, hellish, atrocious, Neronian or Neronic or Neroic: His captors subjected him to the cruellest tortures. cruise cruisev. 1 sail, coast, travel, journey, voyage; yacht: We cruise in the Caribbean during the winter. n. 2 sail, voyage, journey, boat or yachting trip: I took a three-day cruise around the Isle of Wight. crumb crumbn. fragment, morsel, bite, scrap, particle, shred, snippet, sliver, bit, speck, scintilla, mote, molecule, atom: There isn't a crumb of food in the house. crumble crumblev. disintegrate, fragment, break apart, break up, shiver, come to pieces: Acid rain has caused the stone fa‡ade to crumble. In the face of the attack, his resolve crumbled. crumple crumplev. wrinkle, crush, crease, rumple, mangle, crinkle: Your jacket is all crumpled. crunch crunchv. 1 chew, bite, crush, grind, munch: He crunched the nuts between his teeth. n. 2 moment of truth, decision time, crisis, critical moment, showdown, crux, juncture: You can count on me when it comes to the crunch. crusade crusaden. 1 campaign, expedition, holy war; jihad or jehad: He joined the crusade against the Saracens. v. 2 campaign, war, battle; take up a cause, lobby, fight: She is crusading for equal rights for women. crush crushn. 1 break, smash, crunch, pulverize, shiver, splinter, pound, grind: The vandals crushed the statue to bits with hammers. 2 crumple, wrinkle, crease, crinkle, rumple, mangle: The shirts came back crushed from the laundry. 3 squash, pulp, mash, squeeze, compress, press: The machine crushes the oranges and extracts the juice. 4 overcome, defeat, conquer, vanquish, beat, thrash; subdue, put down, quash, quell, overwhelm, squelch, suppress, repress: The title-holder crushed the challenger. The junta crushed the uprising without bloodshed. 5 abash, embarrass, shame, mortify, depress, devastate, humiliate, disgrace: She was really crushed when he refused to see her. n. 6 press, pressure, crowd: When the fire alarm sounded, I was almost caught in the crush of the people trying to escape. cry cryv. 1 weep, sob, wail, keen, bawl, shed tears: Paul cried when they took his mother away. 2 whimper, snivel, pule, mewl, whine, moan, groan, fret, Colloq turn on the waterworks, Brit grizzle: Don't cry over spilt milk. 3 cry out for. demand, need, call for, beg for, plead for: Her hair is so untidy it cries out for trimming. Wanton murder cries out for vengeance. n. 4 scream, shriek, wail, howl, yowl: I heard the mournful cries of those being tortured. 5 shout, whoop, yell, howl: Uttering blood-curdling cries, the rebels attacked. 6 call, sound, note: The noise was the cry of the lesser grebe to its mate. 7 war cry, battle-cry, slogan, watchword: 'Down with the king!' was the cry used to rally the rabble. 8 a far cry. a long way, quite a distance, remote, distant, not, not quite, very different (from): This report is a far cry from what I had expected. crypt cryptn. tomb, vault, mausoleum, sepulchre, grave, catacomb; cellar, basement: He is buried in the crypt of St Paul's. cryptic crypticadj. 1 secret, occult, mystical, hidden, esoteric, mystic, cabbalistic: The sarcophagus was covered with cryptic symbols. 2 obscure, mysterious, unclear, nebulous, vague, inscrutable, recondite, arcane, enigmatic, puzzling: I cannot make head or tail of her cryptic remarks. 3.9 cuddle... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= cuddle cuddlev. 1 snuggle up (to), nestle or huddle (against): She cuddled the baby closer to her. 2 caress, embrace, fondle, hug, pet, bill and coo, make love (to), Colloq neck, smooch, Australian and New Zealand smoodge or smooge, Slang US make out (with), watch the submarine races: The couple were cuddling in the back seat. n. 3 hug, embrace, snuggle: Give us a cuddle, Janie. cue cuen. 1 prompt, hint, reminder, signal, sign: Give her the cue to start singing. v. 2 signal, prompt, remind: She was cueing me to begin, but I'd lost my voice. culprit culpritn. 1 accused, prisoner: How does the culprit plead? 2 offender, criminal, malefactor, wrongdoer: They caught the culprit red-handed. cultivate cultivatev. 1 till, plough, farm, work: These lands have been cultivated since time immemorial. 2 grow, raise, tend, produce: What crops can be cultivated in this climate? 3 develop, promote, further, encourage, foster, advance: She's been cultivating a friendship with her boss. 4 woo, make advances to, ingratiate oneself with, court, pay court to, curry favour with, Colloq work on, Slang suck up to, butter up, US shine up to; Taboo slang brown-nose: He is cultivating Trevor only because he wants something from him. cultivated cultivatedadj. sophisticated, cultured, educated, refined, elegant, soign‚(e), civilized, polished, aristocratic, urbane, suave, cosmopolitan: She prefers to go out with cultivated older men. culture culturen. 1 cultivation, refinement, sophistication, urbanity, suavity, elegance, (good) breeding, background, erudition, education, enlightenment, learning, taste, discrimination, savoir faire, savoir vivre, discernment: She is a lady of considerable culture as well as beauty. 2 civilization, mores, customs, lifestyle, way of life, (sense of) values: In their culture, biting someone is a sign of love and respect. curb curbn. 1 check, restraint, control: You should put a curb on your tongue. v. 2 check, restrain, bridle, control, contain, repress, subdue, suppress: Try to curb your exuberance. cure curen. 1 course of treatment, therapy, remedy, medication, medicament, medicine, drug, prescription; cure-all, nostrum, panacea: The doctor said there was no cure for her illness. v. 2 heal, mend, restore to health or working order, remedy, rectify, correct, repair, fix: What can't be cured must be endured. 3 smoke, pickle, dry, salt, preserve, corn, marinate: That cured ox tongue is simply delicious! curiosity curiosityn. 1 inquisitiveness, interest: His insatiable curiosity next led him to study astronomy. 2 snooping, prying, peeping, intrusiveness, meddlesomeness, interference, Colloq nosiness, Nosy Parkerism: Curiosity killed the cat. 3 curio, oddity, rarity, conversation piece, objet de virtu or vertu, objet d'art, found object; bric-…-brac or bric-a-brac, knick-knack, bauble, trinket, gewgaw: The shop sells curiosities, like goblets made from ostrich eggs. In those days, every house had a curiosity cabinet. curious curiousadj. 1 inquisitive, inquiring, interested: I am curious to know what you were doing in there all night. 2 snooping, prying, intrusive, meddlesome, interfering, Colloq nosy: Our neighbours are entirely too curious about our activities. 3 odd, peculiar, eccentric, strange, outr‚, queer, unusual, outrageous, offbeat, weird, bizarre, unconventional, freakish, exotic, singular, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, erratic, pixilated, quaint, outlandish, grotesque, aberrant, abnormal, singular, irregular, deviant, deviate, Colloq kinky, nuts, nutty; Slang Brit barmy: How do you explain Frieda's curious behaviour? current currentadj. 1 contemporary, ongoing, present, contemporaneous, simultaneous, coeval: The current issue of the magazine came out last week. 2 prevalent, prevailing, common, popular, accepted, known, widespread, reported, in circulation, going round or around, bruited about, widely known, in the air, present-day: The current theories reject those of a decade ago. 3 fashionable, stylish, … la mode, modish, in vogue, latest, up to date, Colloq trendy: The current trend is towards shorter skirts. 4 US up to date, in the know, informed, advised, in touch, aware, posted, au courant, au fait, on the qui vive: The Financial Journal keeps me current on stock prices. n. 5 stream, flow, undercurrent: The canoe was caught in the current and carried away. 6 course, progress, tendency, tenor, drift, trend, inclination, mainstream: The current of public opinion is turning in favour of policies that are more environmentally responsible. curse cursen. 1 malediction, imprecation, denunciation, damnation, execration, oath: He heaped curses on all those who opposed him. 2 evil, bane, misfortune, affliction, torment, harm, scourge, cross to bear: The curse of our generation is that so few of us deeply believe anything. 3 profanity, oath, blasphemy, obscenity, bad language, dirty word, swear-word, curse-word: A stream of curses issued from the bathroom when Joe cut himself shaving. v. 4 damn, execrate, blast, denounce, anathematize, excommunicate: He was cursed by the priests and forbidden ever to enter a temple again. 5 swear at, blaspheme at: The muleteer was cursing his team. 6 burden, saddle, weigh down, handicap: She was cursed with bad eyesight and had to wear thick glasses. cursory cursoryadj. superficial, hasty, hurried, passing, quick, slapdash, perfunctory, rapid, summary: She gave the note a cursory glance and threw it away. curt curtadj. abrupt, short, terse, brief, laconic, concise; blunt, gruff, harsh, brusque, unceremonious, snappish, crusty, rude: His answer was a curt 'No', without any explanation. curtail curtailv. shorten, abbreviate, cut short, abridge, diminish, reduce, cut, cut back, cut down: Both our working week and our salaries were curtailed. cushion cushionn. 1 pillow, bolster, pad: The women of the harem sat on cushions on the floor. v. 2 soften, absorb, mitigate, reduce, buffer, insulate, mollify, lessen: They offered me a month's paid holiday to help cushion the blow of being transferred. custody custodyn. 1 care, custodianship, safe keeping, protection, charge, guardianship, keeping: She was granted custody of the children. 2 imprisonment, detention, incarceration, confinement: The police took three troublemakers into custody. custom customn. 1 practice, habit, usage, fashion, way, wont, tradition, routine, convention, form: According to custom, the warriors of the tribe paint their bodies. 2 customs. toll, duty, impost, tax, excise, levy, dues, tariff: He was assigned to collect customs and port duties. 3 patronage, support, business, trade: The new butcher needs as much custom as possible. adv. 4 specially, especially, expressly, exclusively, particularly; to order: All her clothes are custom-made. customary customaryadj. 1 usual, normal, conventional, routine, everyday, common, commonplace, ordinary: Is it customary for them to eat lunch on the premises? 2 accustomed, habitual, regular, traditional, wonted: I took the customary way home. customer customern. 1 client, patron, buyer, purchaser; consumer: Mrs Morris is one of our regular customers. 2 chap, fellow, character, person, guy, Colloq Brit bloke: She would never go out with an ugly customer like that. cut cutv. 1 gash, slash, slit; open: I cut my finger on the glass. 2 slice, cut off, carve: Please cut me a thick piece of steak. 3 Often, cut up. hurt, wound, pain, upset, grieve, distress, aggrieve, slight, insult, offend, affront: I was really all cut up by her nasty remarks. 4 trim, snip, lop, clip, crop, shorten, shear, chop off; mow; dock: The barber has cut too much off the sides. 5 abbreviate, shorten, crop, condense, abridge, edit, cut back, reduce, cut down; epitomize, abstract, digest, summarize, curtail: Cut this script to make it fit into the allotted time. 6 dilute, thin, water (down), weaken; degrade, adulterate: They cut the rum with water to make grog. 7 avoid, fail to attend, eschew: Cynthia cut classes three days this week. 8 lower, reduce, lessen, cut back (on), cut down (on), slash, diminish, decrease, retrench (on), curtail: We shall have to cut expenses if the company is to survive. 9 conclude, settle, agree: Once the deal was cut, there was no going back on it. 10 prepare, draw, write, sign: We'll have accounting cut your cheque and send it at once. 11 cut back. a See 5, above. b See 8, above. 12 Often, cut dead. snub, slight, spurn, shun, ignore, give the cold shoulder (to): Cornelia had the gall to cut Jason dead at his own party. 13 cut down. a fell, chop or hew down: Don't cut down that tree! b kill, cut off, murder, assassinate: He was cut down in his prime. 14 cut in. interrupt, intrude, interfere, Colloq butt in: Please don't cut in on our conversation. 15 cut off. a cleave, sever, chop or lop or hack off: Cut the branch off near the trunk. b intercept, interrupt, discontinue, end, stop, terminate, break off: There was a click and our phone conversation was cut off. c separate, sever, split, estrange: He's been cut off from the family for years. d disinherit, disown, reject: She was cut off with a shilling. 16 cut out. a delete, remove, excise, strike or cross out, edit out, omit, cut, kill, Technical dele: The publishers made me cut out parts of the book that they were advised might be libellous. b extract, excise, remove, resect: My appendix was cut out years ago. c stop, cease, desist (from), quit: Whenever it rains the engine cuts out. Cut out the clowning around. d suit, equip, fit: I don't think Cyril's cut out to be a lumberjack. e plan, prepare, ready, organize, destine: He certainly has his work cut out for him! 17 cut up. a chop (up), dice, cube, mince, cut, divide (up), carve (up): Cut the celery up very small. b misbehave: The football supporters began to cut up rough. 18 cut up rough. get angry, lose one's temper, show resentment: The driver began to cut up rough when I refused to pay. n. 19 gash, slash, incision, nick, wound: I got a nasty cut from that razor. 20 share, portion, percentage, piece, dividend, commission: Blatchley gets a cut on every car we sell. 21 reduction, cut-back, curtailment, decrease: The government's cuts in spending affect us all. 22 deletion, excision, omission: The author refuses to approve the cuts in the script. 23 affront, insult, offence, slight, snub, dig, jibe, slap in the face, cold shoulder: The unkindest cut was the accusation of cheating. 24 engraving, plate: This cut is too badly worn for use now. 25 artwork, picture, illustration, plate, drawing, line cut, line engraving, half-tone: The book has 300 cuts and only 20 pages of text. adj. 26 separated, detached, severed: I prefer cut flowers to a plant. 27 abridged, abbreviated, cut-down, shortened, edited, curtailed: The magazine published a cut version of the novel. 28 reduced, diminished, lowered, discounted: This shop sells everything at cut prices. 29 cut and dried. a clear-cut, settled, arranged, decided, predetermined, prearranged: Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is not cut and dried. b stale, unoriginal, trite, hackneyed, old; dull, boring: His suggestions for improvement are always cut and dried. c manufactured, automatic, unchanging, unchanged: Mr Mackay will again present his old cut and dried plan. cute cuteadj. 1 pretty, attractive, adorable, dainty, lovely, beautiful, Colloq US cunning: There were a lot of cute children at the beauty competition. 2 clever, shrewd, ingenious, adroit, crafty, cunning: It was very cute of him to suggest his brother for the job. cutthroat cutthroatn. 1 murderer, pirate, killer, thug, hatchet man, gunman, assassin, Slang US gunsel, torpedo, hit man: Those streets are frequented by thieves and cutthroats. adj. 2 merciless, ruthless, unmerciful, unprincipled, relentless, pitiless, brutal, cold-blooded, cold-hearted: Her cutthroat tactics call for dismissing all executives. 3 murderous, homicidal, lethal, deadly, barbaric, fierce, cruel, barbarous, savage, inhuman, brutal, brutish, violent, ferocious, bloodthirsty, sanguinary, bloody, feral, vicious, truculent: He was once a member of a gang of cutthroat hoodlums. cutting cuttingadj. 1 severe, biting, chill, cold, icy, frigid, freezing, raw, piercing, penetrating: A cutting wind seemed to go right through me. 2 sarcastic, sardonic, bitter, scornful, sneering, acid, scathing, acerb(ic), wounding, stern, harsh, caustic, mordant, acrimonious, contemptuous; malevolent, malicious, invidious, vicious, venomous: Her cutting remarks completely devastated me. n. 3 scion, slip, clipping: Mrs Galloway allowed me to take a cutting from her rose bush. 3.10 cycle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= cycle cyclen. 1 round, rotation, circle, course; series, sequence, run, succession, pattern: We must learn to break the continuous cycles of war and peace. v. 2 recur, return, rotate, recycle, circle: The water from the fountain is cycled back to the reservoir. 4.1 D =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4.2 dab... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dab dabv. 1 daub, pat, tap, tamp, touch: Dab a little more paint into the crevices. n. 2 touch, drop, trace, bit, mite, hint, suggestion, pinch, dash, spot, tinge, Colloq dollop, smidgen or smidgin: Add just a dab of mustard to the sauce. 3 daub, poke, pat, tap, touch: Wipe it away with a dab of a damp cloth. dabble dabblev. 1 dip, splash, spatter, sprinkle, bespatter, besprinkle, bedabble: I sat on the rock, dabbling my toes in the pool. 2 dabble in or with or at. tinker, trifle (with), potter or US putter, dally, Colloq fool (around or about or with or about with): She's not seriously interested in music - she just dabbles in it. dab hand dab hand n. phr. past master, expert, master, adept, authority, wizard, Colloq ace: Oscar is a dab hand at wood-carving. daft daftadj. 1 foolish, silly, giddy, senseless, absurd, ridiculous, stupid, nonsensical, fatuous, fatuitous, imbecile or imbecilic, idiotic, moronic, obtuse, cretinous, boneheaded, fat-headed, dim-witted, witless, asinine, attocerebral, weak-minded, simple-minded, brainless, feeble-minded, feather-brained, rattle-brained, hare-brained, slow-witted, halfwitted, fat-witted, addle-pated, addle-brained, Brit gormless; Colloq dumb, dopey or dopy, daffy; Slang cock-eyed, US cockamamie or cockamamy, running on 'Empty': He has the daft idea that he will be appointed managing director. 2 See crazy, 1, above. 3 daft about. mad about, infatuated with, besotted by or with, sweet on, Colloq nuts about, crazy about: Those two are daft about each other. dagger daggern. knife, poniard, skean, short sword, stiletto, dirk, blade, kris, bowie knife, bayonet: It was his dagger that was sticking out of the man's back. daily dailyadj. 1 diurnal, circadian, everyday, quotidian: The daily papers reported nothing about the fire. 2 ordinary, common, commonplace, everyday, routine, regular: Her trip to the market has become a daily occurrence. adv. 3 constantly, always, habitually, day after day, regularly, every day, continually, continuously: The trains run daily between here and London. dainty daintyadj. 1 delicate, graceful, fine, elegant, exquisite, neat: The value lies in this dainty border painted round the edge of the cup. 2 fastidious, sensitive, squeamish, finicky or finical, over-nice, overrefined, genteel, mincing: He seems somewhat dainty in his choice of words. 3 choice, delicious, delectable, tasty, appetizing, palatable, toothsome: They were given a few dainty morsels to nibble while waiting. n. 4 delicacy, sweetmeat, treat, comfit, titbit or US tidbit, morsel: A plate of dainties was placed beside the bed each night. damage damagen. 1 harm, injury, hurt, impairment, mutilation, destruction, devastation: Fortunately, there was little damage from the storm. 2 expense, price, cost; bill, invoice, US check: At the restaurant, the damage came to œ50. 3 damages. compensation, reparation, indemnity: We won the suit and were awarded damages of œ10,000 for defamation of character. v. 4 harm, hurt, injure; wound; mutilate, disfigure, mar, deface; wreck, ruin, spoil, impair: Although the car was badly damaged, the passengers escaped unharmed. Will this news damage your chances of a promotion? damn damnv. 1 condemn, criticize, find fault with, berate, castigate, upbraid, attack, blast, reprimand, reprove, remonstrate, denounce; blame: Some would damn him for saving the murderer from drowning, others would damn him if he didn't. 2 doom, condemn, sentence: Sisyphus was damned for all eternity to roll a heavy stone up a hill. 3 curse (at), swear (at), execrate: I damned the day I first set foot in that house. n. 4 jot or tittle, brass farthing, Slang hoot, two hoots (in hell), Slang tinker's damn or cuss: His opinion isn't worth a damn. 5 give a damn. care, mind, be concerned, worry, Slang give a hoot: Why should he give a damn if the critics panned his play? damnable damnableadj. awful, terrible, horrible, horrid, atrocious, abominable, dreadful, hideous, execrable, accursed, cursed, detestable, hateful, abhorrent, despicable, loathsome, wicked, sinful, offensive, heinous, pernicious, infernal, malicious, malevolent, outrageous, foul, rotten, base, vile, odious: He has been telling the most damnable lies about her since they broke up. damp dampadj. 1 clammy, moist, wettish; humid, dank, misty, dewy, steamy, muggy: Wipe off the table with a damp cloth. Nothing dries out in this damp weather. n. 2 moistness, moisture, dampness, clamminess, humidity: The mould on the walls is the result of the damp. dampen dampenv. 1 damp, moisten, sprinkle, bedew: Dampen the clothes before ironing them. 2 stifle, deaden, damp, check, chill, cool, restrain, retard, lessen, diminish, reduce, suppress, abate, moderate, allay, subdue, temper, dull, discourage: His constant chattering on about himself dampened her ardour. dance dancev. 1 cavort, gambol, caper, skip, leap, romp, trip the light fantastic (toe), US cut a rug, sashay, Colloq bop, hoof it: We danced for joy when we heard the news. Would you care to dance? n. 2 ball, social, dancing party, th‚ dansant, US tea dance, promenade, Colloq shindig or shindy, hop, bop, US and Canadian prom: I have invited her to the dance on Saturday evening. dandy dandyn. 1 fop, coxcomb, (gay) blade, beau, gallant, lady-killer, ladies' or lady's man, rake, Colloq swell, clothes-horse, Brit toff, blood, US dude: He was a great dandy, and spent hours dressing every day. adj. 2 fine, splendid, first-rate, great, marvellous, neat, spectacular: Penny's father bought her a dandy new car. danger dangern. 1 peril, risk, threat, hazard, jeopardy: The danger of an avalanche is too great to go skiing. 2 in danger of. likely (to be), liable (to be): If you drink and drive, you are in danger of causing a road accident. dangerous dangerousadj. 1 risky, perilous, hazardous, unsafe, precarious, rickety, Colloq chancy, iffy: Rock-climbing is very dangerous. 2 threatening, menacing, harmful, treacherous: He is a dangerous criminal, wanted for murder. dangerously dangerouslyadv. 1 perilously, hazardously, unsafely, precariously, recklessly: He's a mountain-climber who likes to live dangerously. 2 ominously, alarmingly: She is standing dangerously close to the edge. dangle danglev. 1 hang (down), droop, depend, swing, sway: The rope dangled from the top of the flag-pole. 2 flaunt, brandish, wave, flourish: Competitors often dangle big salary increases in front of those who agree to leave our company. 3 wait, Slang cool one's heels: They have kept me dangling for weeks for their decision. dapper dapperadj. neat, spruce, smart, trim, well-dressed, well turned out, stylish, fashionable, elegant, chic, dressy; Colloq got up or dressed to the nines, dressed to kill, swanky or swank, ritzy; Slang snazzy, nifty, spiffy, sharp, swell, classy: Tony looks very dapper in his new Savile Row suit. dapple dappleadj. 1 spotted, dotted, mottled, speckled, flecked, dappled; brindled; pied, piebald, skewbald, paint, flea-bitten, US pinto: Take the chestnut mare - I'll ride the dapple grey. v. 2 spot, dot, mottle, speckle, bespeckle, stipple: Dapple paint on the wall with a sponge to get a mottled effect. dare darev. 1 challenge, defy, provoke; throw down the gauntlet: She dared me to jump, so I jumped. 2 risk, hazard, gamble, venture, face, make bold, be so bold as: I would never dare to talk to my father that way. n. 3 challenge, provocation, taunt; ultimatum: She took the dare and swam across the lake. daredevil daredeviln. 1 exhibitionist, showman, stunt man, stunt woman; adventurer, soldier of fortune, Colloq show-off: William finally got a job as a daredevil in the circus. adj. 2 reckless, rash, death-defying, impulsive, daring, dashing, impetuous, incautious, imprudent, wild, foolhardy, madcap, devil-may-care; audacious, bold, brave, fearless, gallant, courageous, intrepid: Do you consider ski-jumping a sport or an example of daredevil madness? daring daringn. 1 courage, boldness, bravery, valour, intrepidity, fearlessness, grit, pluck, spirit, mettle, adventurousness, derring-do, Colloq guts, spunk, nerve; Slang Brit bottle: Diving from a cliff into the sea takes a lot of daring. adj. 2 bold, audacious, courageous, brave, valorous, intrepid, fearless, unafraid, plucky, mettlesome, adventurous, venturesome, hardy; rash, reckless, Colloq gutsy, US nervy: In the 19th century, a few daring explorers penetrated the jungles of Africa. dark darkadj. 1 unlit, unlighted, unilluminated, ill-lighted, ill-lit, sunless; black, Stygian, pitch-dark, inky, jet-black: We cowered in a recess in the dark cave. 2 dim, murky, tenebrous, shady, shadowy: I could scarcely see ahead of me in the dark forest. 3 gloomy, dismal, dreary, dull, drab, subfuscous, subfusc, bleak, cheerless, mournful, dour, pessimistic, sombre, doleful, joyless, grim, sad, melancholy, sorrowful: Why do you always look at the dark side of things? 4 evil, wicked, vile, base, foul, iniquitous, nefarious, black-hearted, villainous, sinister, satanic, devilish, hellish: Nostradamus predicted that dark forces would overrun the world. 5 murky, overcast, cloudy, threatening, black, dusky, louring or lowering; foggy, misty; US glowering: Another dark day on the moor and I thought I'd go mad. 6 mysterious, deep, profound, incomprehensible, enigmatic, puzzling, impenetrable, unfathomable, abstruse, recondite, arcane, obscure: She took her dark secret to the grave. 7 hidden, concealed, secret, occult, mystic(al), cryptic: The true reason for his leaving was always kept dark in the family. 8 brunette; black, swarthy, brown; (sun)tanned, Old-fashioned swart: One is fair with dark hair, the other has dark skin. 9 ignorant, unenlightened, benighted: Our culture passed through a dark phase before the Renaissance. n. 10 night, night-time, nightfall: We waited till dark to make good our escape. 11 darkness, blackness, gloom, gloominess, murk, murkiness: At fifty, isn't he a bit old to be afraid of the dark? 12 obscurity, ignorance: She was always kept in the dark about his true identity. darling darlingn. 1 sweetheart, beloved, love, dear, dearest, true-love: She insists on buying all her darling's clothes. 2 pet, favourite, apple of one's eye, Brit blue-eyed boy; US fair-haired boy: Frank might have been the black sheep of the family, but he was always his mother's darling. adj. 3 beloved, loved, cherished, adored, dear, precious, treasured: He travelled everywhere with his darling niece. 4 pleasing, fetching, attractive, adorable, enchanting, lovely, alluring, engaging, bewitching, charming: Josephine was wearing a darling frock she'd just bought at the Corner Boutique. dash dashv. 1 crash, smash, shatter, break, shiver, fragment, split; destroy, ruin, spoil, frustrate, obliterate: The mirror was dashed to smithereens when it fell. The ship didn't see our raft, and our hopes of rescue were dashed. 2 hurl, toss, throw, fling, cast, pitch, Colloq chuck: We drank a toast, then dashed our glasses into the fireplace. 3 rush, run, dart, spring, bolt, bound, race, sprint; hasten, fly, hurry, speed: I'll have to dash to catch my train. 4 dash off. scribble: I've just dashed off a note to mother. n. 5 dart, bolt, rush, run, spurt, spring, bound, sprint: He made a dash for the door but it was too late. 6 flourish, ‚lan, flair, liveliness, style, panache, spirit, brio, verve, zest, spice; ardour, fervour, vigour, energy: She is known for her beauty as well as her dash and courage. 7 bit, pinch, soup‡on, hint, suggestion, touch, trace, tinge, taste, drop, piece, Colloq smidgen or smidgin, US tad: Add a dash of nutmeg at the end. dashing dashingadj. 1 spirited, lively, impetuous, energetic, vigorous, dynamic, animated, Colloq peppy: She is now going out with a dashing young fellow from the City. 2 fashionable, stylish, chic, … la mode, modish, smart, elegant, dapper, Colloq Brit swish: That's a dashing coat, Felicia. 3 flamboyant, showy, ostentatious, pretentious: George Hutton was a bit too dashing for her taste. data datan. facts, information, statistics, figures, details, matter, observations, material(s); text; evidence: We shall process the data on the computer and print out the results. date daten. 1 time, year, season, period, day; age, era, epoch, stage, phase: These artefacts are from an earlier date than was first supposed. 2 appointment, meeting, engagement, rendezvous, assignation, tryst; fixture: She already has a date for Saturday night. 3 escort, companion, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, girl, woman, boy, man, swain, beau, lover, Colloq steady: Bob is Sally's date for the dance. 4 out of date. old-fashioned, old, ancient, archaic, antiquated, dated, pass‚, outmoded, obsolete, obsolescent, Colloq old hat: This timetable is out of date. Why do you wear those out of date clothes? 5 up to date. modern, latest, current, contemporary, … la mode, fashionable, Colloq trendy: Her taste in music is quite up to date. Use this up-to-date edition of the encyclopedia. v. 6 show one's age, make obsolete or obsolescent or old-fashioned: That pompadour hair-do really dates her. 7 entertain, escort, go out (with), go steady (with): Does Michael still date Patsy? Those two are still dating. daunt dauntv. intimidate, cow, discourage, dishearten, dispirit, unnerve, shake, upset, disconcert, discomfit, put off, awe, overawe, appal, alarm, threaten, frighten, terrify, scare, terrorize: He was daunted by the prospect of facing the entire council. dauntless dauntlessadj. fearless, undaunted, unafraid, unflinching, stalwart, brave, courageous, bold, audacious, intrepid, valorous, daring, gallant, heroic, venturesome, plucky, stout-hearted, valiant: Dauntless, the knight rode into the thick of the fray. dawdle dawdlev. linger, loiter, straggle, delay, procrastinate, dally, lounge, laze, idle, lag, lie about, waste time, Colloq dilly-dally, shilly-shally: We have to catch the next train, so stop dawdling. dawn dawnn. 1 daybreak, sunrise, break of day, crack of dawn, first light, dawning, cock crow, Literary aurora, day-spring, US sun-up: We shall attack the castle at dawn. 2 dawning, beginning, commencement, start, birth, awakening, inception, genesis, outset, onset, origin, appearance, arrival, advent, emergence, inauguration, rise, first occurrence: The dawn of western civilization has been placed in Anatolia. v. 3 gleam, break, brighten, lighten: The day dawned on the deserted beach. 4 begin, originate, commence, arise, appear, emerge, start, arrive, develop, unfold: The day of the computer had not yet dawned when I was a child. 5 dawn on or upon. occur to, come to mind, become apparent or evident to: It slowly dawned on me that he had been lying all along. day dayn. 1 daytime, daylight, broad daylight, light of day: Sunrise quickly turned night into day. 2 time, hour, age, period, era, epoch, date, prime, heyday; lifetime: Her day will come. In his day, there was no telephone. day-dream day-dream n. 1 reverie, wool-gathering, fantasy, fancy, dream, musing, castle in the air or in Spain, pipedream: The realities of life have cured me of many day-dreams. v. 2 fantasize, imagine, fancy, envision, dream: She still day-dreams that a knight in shining armour will come and carry her away. daylight daylightn. 1 sunlight, sun, sunshine, light: Coming from the cave, we were blinded by the daylight. 2 open, broad daylight, light of day, full view, full knowledge, clarity: We must bring his treachery out into the daylight. daze dazev. 1 stun, stupefy, blind, dazzle, bedazzle, shock, stagger, startle, astonish, astound, amaze, surprise, overcome, overpower, dumbfound, benumb, paralyse, Colloq bowl over, floor, flabbergast; Slang blow one's mind: She was dazed to learn her husband was still alive. 2 befuddle, confuse, bemuse, bewilder, puzzle, mystify, baffle, perplex, nonplus, blind: He was dazed by the difficulty of the examination. n. 3 confusion, flurry, spin, whirl: The entire week was a continuous daze of cocktail parties and dinner parties. 4 in a daze. stupefied, in a trance, bewildered, confused, perplexed, disoriented, dizzy, dazzled, bedazzled, overcome, overpowered, nonplussed, befuddled, flustered; startled, surprised, shocked, stunned, astonished, astounded, amazed, staggered; bemused, baffled, puzzled, mystified, Colloq flabbergasted, bowled over, floored: Arthur was in a daze to find himself the centre of attention. dazzle dazzlev. 1 impress, bewitch, enchant, charm, beguile, intrigue, captivate, fascinate, spellbind, entrance, hypnotize, mesmerize: Every man in the room was dazzled by Mrs d'Arcy's brilliant wit and good looks. 2 See daze, def. 1. n. 3 brilliance, splendour, magnificence, sparkle, glitter, Slang razzle-dazzle, razzmatazz: Many actors are lured to New York by the dazzle of Broadway. dazzling dazzlingadj. bright, brilliant, resplendent, blinding, bedazzling, radiant, splendid, magnificent, glorious, sparkling, scintillating; stunning, overwhelming, overpowering, stupefying, dizzying; gorgeous; Colloq splendiferous, mind-boggling: In the chest was a dazzling collection of the finest jewels. 4.3 dead... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= dead deadadj. 1 deceased, defunct, extinct, gone, departed, late, lifeless, no more, Colloq done for, Slang Brit gone for a burton: Both his parents are dead, and his only brother lives in Australia. Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime. 2 insensate, insensible, numb, paralysed, benumbed, unfeeling: After the accident, my left thumb was completely dead. 3 insensible, unconscious, out, dead to the world, deathlike, deathly: At the news of her son, she fell in a dead faint. 4 insensitive, unemotional, unfeeling, emotionless, apathetic, lukewarm, cool, cold, frigid, unresponsive, unsympathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested; numb, wooden, callous, hardened, impervious, inured, inert: He has always been dead to others' problems. 5 out, smothered, extinguished: The fire is dead. 6 inanimate, lifeless, inert, inorganic: Dead stones speak volumes to the geologist. 7 extinct, obsolete, perished, past, outmoded, disused, expired, pass‚: Latin is a dead language. 8 barren, unfruitful, infertile, unproductive: That area off the coast is dead as far as fishing goes. 9 tired (out), exhausted, worn out, fatigued, tired out, spent, collapsing, in a state of collapse, Slang bushed, beat, Brit knackered, US and Canadian pooped: We were completely dead after the hike into town. 10 dull, lustreless, flat, neutral, vapid, empty, bland, colourless, grey, beige, dun: The walls of the prison were painted a dead white. 11 stagnant, motionless, still, standing, static, inert, unmoving, inactive, quiet, calm: There were small pools of dead water covered with a green slime. Without a breath of air stirring, the boat was dead in the water. 12 boring, dull, tedious, tiresome, monotonous, prosaic, uninteresting, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, commonplace, dry, insipid, bland, flat, two-dimensional, lifeless, stiff, rigid, stony: The play was bad, the performance dead. 13 dull, muffled, deadened, anechoic, unresounding, non-resonant: One room in the laboratory was built to be dead to all sound. 14 complete, entire, total, absolute, downright, thorough, through and through, utter, all-out, out-and-out, unqualified, unrelieved, unbroken, categorical, outright: My investment in the anti-gravity pill has so far been a dead loss. 15 profound, deep: I fell into a dead sleep. 16 sudden, abrupt, complete, full: The train came to a dead stop. 17 certain, sure, unerring, exact, precise, accurate, crack: According to the records, Calamity Jane was a dead shot. adv. 18 completely, entirely, absolutely, totally, utterly, categorically, thoroughly, unconditionally, unqualifiedly: You are dead right about Pontefract. 19 completely, entirely, absolutely, totally; abruptly, suddenly: He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me. 20 directly, exactly, precisely: An enormous maelstrom lay dead ahead of the fragile craft. n. 21 depth(s), extreme, midst, middle: She used to visit his room in the dead of night. deaden deadenv. 1 numb, benumb, paralyse, anaesthetize, desensitize, dull; damp: This injection will deaden your hand and you'll feel no pain. 2 weaken, moderate, soothe, mitigate, assuage, reduce, lessen, diminish, alleviate, cushion, soften, mollify, blunt, dull: He took to drink to deaden the shock of losing his only son. deadlock deadlockn. 1 standstill, impasse, stalemate, stand-off, draw, stoppage, Colloq US Mexican stand-off: Union and management negotiators have reached a deadlock on the pension issue. v. 2 bring or come to a standstill or impasse, stall, stop, halt: The Congress is likely to deadlock on the question of expanding national health benefits. deadly deadlyadj. 1 lethal, fatal; dangerous, pernicious, poisonous, noxious, toxic; baleful, harmful, nocuous: This drug is deadly if taken in large doses. 2 mortal, implacable, ruthless, savage: They were deadly enemies long after the war was over. 3 murderous, homicidal, bloodthirsty, brutal, vicious, ferocious, barbarous, barbaric, savage, inhuman, cold-blooded, heartless, ruthless, pitiless, merciless: Two deadly killers have escaped from Dartmoor prison. 4 deathly, deathlike, pale, pallid, ghostly, cadaverous, ghastly, wan, white, livid, ashen: He turned a deadly hue, as if he had seen a ghost. 5 boring, excruciating, dull, tiresome, tedious, dreary, humdrum, lacklustre, wearying, wearisome: It was a deadly play put on by deadly actors. 6 exact, precise, accurate, true, unerring, unfailing: Each arrow hit the bull's-eye with deadly accuracy. deaf deafadj. 1 hard of hearing, stone-deaf: Sean is slightly deaf in his left ear. 2 unhearing, unheedful, heedless, insensible, insensitive, impervious, indifferent, oblivious, unresponsive, unmoved, unconcerned, unyielding: The judge was deaf to all appeals for clemency. deal dealv. 1 distribute, dole out, give out, parcel out, mete out, allot, apportion, administer, dispense: Deal thirteen cards to each of the four players. She dealt out her own brand of justice to criminals. 2 buy and sell, handle, stock, do business, trade, traffic: This shop deals only in the most expensive linens. 3 behave, act, conduct oneself: Simon has never dealt openly, so you mustn't trust him. 4 deal with. treat, handle, take care of, have to do with, attend to, see to, reckon with, grapple with, act on; practise, administer, engage in: I shall deal with the matter tomorrow. n. 5 transaction, arrangement, negotiation, agreement, contract, bargain, understanding: The deal to sell the textbook division is off. 6 Often, great deal. (large or great) amount, lot, (large or huge) quantity; extent: There's been a great deal of crime in that neighbourhood. dealer dealern. trader, businessman, businesswoman, merchant, tradesman, retailer, shopkeeper, vendor, merchandiser; wholesaler, jobber, distributor, stockist, supplier; broker, agent, salesman, US storekeeper: He has been a dealer in precious gems for years. dealings business, commerce, exchange, trade, traffic, transactions, negotiations; relations, relationships, affairs: All his business dealings are reviewed by his solicitor. dear dearadj. 1 beloved, loved, adored, darling, precious, cherished, prized, valued, treasured, favoured, favourite, pet, esteemed, admired, venerated, honoured: He was my nearest and dearest friend. 2 expensive, costly, high-priced, highly priced, Colloq pricey: Tomatoes are much too dear at this time of the year. n. 3 darling, sweetheart, beloved, love, true-love, sweet, honey, precious, pet, favourite, treasure, precious, Colloq sweetie, sweetie-pie, Slang baby: My dear, I hope we'll be together always. adv. 4 dearly; at great cost or expense, at a high or excessive price: That little error will cost you dear, my friend. dearly dearlyadv. 1 greatly, very much, indeed, sincerely: I should dearly like to go, but I cannot. 2 affectionately, fondly, lovingly, tenderly: He loves his mother very dearly. 3 expensively, dear, at great cost or expense, at a high or excessive price, punitively: The victory at Thalamos was dearly bought. dearth dearthn. scarcity, want, need, lack, deficiency, sparseness or sparsity, scantiness, insufficiency, inadequacy, shortage, paucity, exiguity, poverty, exiguousness; absence: There is a dearth of major roles for black actors. death deathn. 1 demise, decease, passing, dying, end: She was overcome with grief at the news of his death. 2 end, termination, cessation, expiration, expiry: Nobody mourned the death of the bill in the lower house. 3 end, finish, termination; extinction, destruction, extermination, annihilation, eradication, obliteration, eradication, extirpation, liquidation, ruin, downfall, undoing: The invasion marked the death of the Roman Empire. deathless deathlessadj. eternal, everlasting, immortal, undying, imperishable, permanent, unending, timeless, never-ending: In his opinion, his novel was another example of his deathless prose. debase debasev. 1 lower, degrade, devalue, depreciate, depress, demote, deprecate, belittle, diminish, reduce, disparage: Words which denote fine qualities are in time debased. 2 adulterate, contaminate, taint, pollute, corrupt, mar, spoil, impair, vitiate, abase, defile, bastardize; poison: To increase profits, the manufacturer has debased the traditional formula. debatable debatableadj. controversial, arguable, questionable, doubtful, dubious, problematic or problematical, disputable, open or subject to dispute or doubt or question, in dispute or doubt or question, moot, polemic or polemical, unsure, uncertain, unsettled, undecided: Whether he is the best person for the job is debatable. debate debaten. 1 discussion, argument, dispute, altercation, controversy, wrangle, contention, polemic; argumentation: I refuse to take sides in the debate over social services. 2 deliberation, consideration, (careful) thought, reflection, cogitation, meditation, contemplation: Payment of reparations to the victims of the disaster is a matter for debate. v. 3 argue, wrangle, dispute, contest, contend; discuss, moot, question: We debated only the most important issues. 4 deliberate, consider, reflect (on), mull over, ponder (over), weigh, ruminate (over), meditate (on or over), think (over or on), think through: I have often debated in my own mind the question of capital punishment. debonair debonairadj. 1 suave, soign‚(e), elegant, urbane, refined, dapper, genteel, well-bred, courteous, civil, mannerly, gracious, polite, affable, obliging, pleasant, Colloq smooth: Despite his vicious temper, he was most debonair in company. 2 carefree, insouciant, gay, nonchalant, light-hearted, dashing, charming, cheerful, buoyant, jaunty, sprightly: Being handsome and debonair, he was much sought after by hostesses. debt debtn. 1 obligation; due, indebtedness, liability, responsibility, accountability, encumbrance: He owes a debt of gratitude to his wife for her moral support. The company takes care of all debts promptly. 2 in debt. under obligation, owing, accountable, beholden, indebted, responsible, answerable for, liable, encumbered, in arrears, straitened, in dire straits, in (financial) difficulty or difficulties, in the red, Colloq US and Canadian in hock: I shall always be in debt to you for your help. The London branch is in debt for ten million pounds. début débutn. 1 première, introduction, initiation, inauguration, launch or launching, coming out: The young soprano's d‚but at La Scala was a triumph. v. 2 launch, come out, enter, appear: His plan is to d‚but with a zither accompaniment. decadent decadentadj. 1 declining, decaying, deteriorating, debased, degenerating, falling off, on the wane, withering, degenerative: The decadent literature of the period was a reflection of the decline in moral standards. 2 corrupt, dissolute, immoral, debauched, dissipated, self-indulgent, degenerate: His decadent behaviour brought him to the attention of the police. decay decayv. 1 a decline, wane, ebb, dwindle, diminish, decrease: The magnetic field rapidly decays when the power is removed. b decline, waste away, atrophy, weaken, wither, degenerate, deteriorate, disintegrate; crumble: Her great beauty decayed quickly. 2 rot, decompose, moulder, putrefy, spoil; turn, go bad, go off: The flesh has decayed and only a skeleton remains. n. 3 decline, weakening, failing, fading, deterioration, decadence, degeneration, wasting, atrophy, dilapidation, disintegration, collapse; downfall: The buildings were in an advanced state of decay. 4 rot, rotting, decomposition, mould, putrefaction, mortification: The decay has weakened the timbers supporting the bridge. deceit deceitn. 1 deception, deceitfulness, fraud, fraudulence, cheating, trickery, chicanery or chicane, dissimulation, dishonesty, misrepresentation, double-dealing, duplicity, hypocrisy, treachery, underhandedness, guile, craft, slyness, craftiness, cunning, knavery, funny business, Colloq hanky-panky, monkey business: Inside traders on the Stock Exchange profit enormously from deceit. 2 trick, subterfuge, stratagem, ploy, ruse, manoeuvre, artifice, wile, hoax, swindle, double-cross, misrepresentation, pretence, sham, contrivance, shift, confidence trick, subreption, gloze, Brit dialect or colloq US flam; Colloq flimflam; Slang scam, con, con trick, con game: She was sick of all his lies and deceits. deceitful deceitfuladj. dishonest, underhand(ed), untrustworthy, misleading, crooked, insincere, false, fraudulent, counterfeit, disingenuous, lying, mendacious, untruthful; wily, crafty, sly, cunning, scheming, guileful, artful, sneaky, double-dealing, two-faced, hypocritical, duplicitous, Colloq phoney or US also phony: It was deceitful of you to pretend you loved her when all you wanted was her money. deceive deceivev. mislead, delude, impose on or upon, fool, hoax, trick, cheat, swindle, betray, double-cross, lead on, lead up or down the garden path, lead astray, pull the wool over (someone's) eyes, inveigle, cajole, Archaic cozen; Colloq con, bamboozle, take in, take for a ride, two-time, move the goalposts; Slang US take: He deceived even his friends and family into believing he had been a war hero. decent decentadj. 1 becoming, suitable, appropriate, proper, seemly, fitting: Despite the life she led, the woman should have a decent burial. 2 seemly, decorous, tasteful, dignified, mannerly, nice, clean, respectable, polite, modest, presentable, acceptable: Hereafter, you will use only decent language when speaking to me! 3 adequate, acceptable, passable, fair, competent, mediocre, middling, fair to middling, moderate, respectable, not bad, ordinary, so so, not outstanding, unimpressive, average, neither here nor there, all right, reasonable, tolerable, satisfactory, good enough, Colloq OK or okay: Sales in the first quarter were decent but hardly outstanding. 4 courteous, proper, right, fair, honest, honourable, friendly, considerate, gracious, nice, thoughtful, obliging, kind, generous, accommodating: You can count on David to do the decent thing. 5 chaste, pure, virtuous, modest, well-bred, decorous, well brought up, nice, respectable: Caroline is a decent girl, but no great brain or beauty. deception deceptionn. 1 duplicity, deceit, intrigue, hypocrisy, fraud, cheating, trickery, chicanery or chicane, dissimulation, double-dealing, subterfuge, sophistry, treachery, knavery, tergiversation; see also deceit 1, above: He practised deception even in his family relationships. 2 trick, ruse, artifice, stratagem, subterfuge, manoeuvre, wile, imposture, hoax, sham, pretence; see also deceit 2, above: He tried every deception in the book to separate her from her money. deceptive deceptiveadj. 1 misleading, false, illusory, deceiving, unreliable: He has the look of an athlete, but appearances can be deceptive. 2 fraudulent, deceitful, dishonest, untruthful, fake, false, shifty, fallacious, specious, spurious, bogus, counterfeit, pseudo, sophistical; tricky, dodgy, evasive, elusive, slippery, Colloq phoney or US also phony: The bank is being deceptive about his credit rating. decide decidev. 1 determine, settle, resolve, conclude, take or reach or come to a decision or conclusion, make up one's mind, arbitrate, judge, adjudicate, referee, umpire: She decided that you were right. They decided the case in my favour. 2 decide on or upon. fix or fasten or settle on or upon, choose, select, pick (out), elect, opt (for), commit oneself (to): I have decided on a British-made car. decided decidedadj. 1 definite, pronounced, marked, unmistakable, unambiguous, unequivocal, certain, sure, absolute, obvious, clear, evident, unquestionable, unquestioned, indisputable, undisputed, undeniable, irrefutable, incontestable, unqualified, unconditional, incontrovertible, solid: The party was a decided success. 2 fixed, firm, resolute, determined, adamant, stony, unhesitating, decisive, definite, unfaltering, assertive, asseverative, unswerving, unwavering: They are decided in their approval of her plan. decipher decipherv. 1 decode, decrypt; unravel, unscramble, disentangle, translate, work out, explain, solve, Colloq figure out: It was Champollion who deciphered the Rosetta Stone. 2 read, interpret, make out, Colloq figure out: I can't decipher Theresa's handwriting or what she's trying to say. decision decisionn. 1 settlement, determination, resolution, settling, resolving, arbitration: The decision is the umpire's responsibility. 2 judgement, conclusion, resolution, verdict, sentence, ruling, finding, decree, settlement, outcome: According to the decision, the victims will receive compensatory damages. 3 determination, firmness, decidedness, resolve, decisiveness, conclusiveness, steadfastness, purpose, purposefulness: She asserted her position with decision. declaration declarationn. 1 statement, assertion, attestation, deposition, asseveration, affirmation, avowal, announcement, proclamation, pronouncement, profession: Henrietta desperately wanted to believe Henry's declaration of love. 2 proclamation, announcement, pronouncement, promulgation, pronunciamento, edict, ukase, manifesto, notice: The colonists issued a declaration of independence. declare declarev. 1 assert, say, offer, submit, affirm, state, aver, asseverate, avow, avouch, profess, protest, swear, claim, proclaim; confirm, certify, ratify: I solemnly declare that the testimony I am to give is true, so help me God. 2 announce, make known, pronounce, decree, rule, proclaim, herald, promulgate, publish, broadcast, trumpet (forth): Robert has declared his intention to make Marianne his wife. decline declinev. 1 refuse, turn down, deny, reject, demur, forgo, veto, avoid, abstain from: She declined help with the packages. Roger was offered a professorship at the university but he declined. 2 diminish, lessen, decrease, wane, flag, go down, fall or taper off, subside, ebb, abate, dwindle, shrink, fade, Colloq peter out, run out of steam, US run out of gas: Demand for hula hoops declined. 3 slope or slant (downwards), descend, drop or fall off, dip, sink: The meadow declines towards the river. 4 deteriorate, degenerate, worsen, fail: My health has declined over the last year. 5 go or drop down, settle, dip, sink, set: The sun was declining as I went home. n. 6 diminution, decrease, lessening, ebb, downturn, fall-off, reduction, abatement, slump, descent: There has been a steady decline in the value of the pound. 7 degeneration, deterioration, loss, diminution, weakening, debility, weakness, worsening, decay, failing: We noted a decline in the physical condition of those living nearby. 8 declivity, (downward) slope or slant, descent, downgrade, incline: The path led down a steep decline towards the pond. decompose decomposev. 1 disintegrate, separate, fall or come apart, break up or down, take apart, dissect, anatomize, atomize, resolve, decompound, analyse: By absorption the scientists decomposed the green light into yellow and blue. 2 rot, disintegrate, decay, moulder, putrefy; spoil, go off or bad, turn sour: The meat will decompose if it is left outside the fridge. decorate decoratev. 1 embellish, adorn, ornament, garnish, embroider, elaborate, bedeck, deck (out), trim, dress (up), spruce or smarten up, beautify, Literary caparison, Colloq Brit tart up: We decorated the pub for the Christmas holidays. 2 Brit paint, wallpaper, redecorate, furbish, refurbish, renovate, fix up, restore: All the bedrooms have been decorated. decoration decorationn. 1 garnish, trim, trimming, adornment, embellishment, ornament, ornamentation, garnishment: There's a bit too much decoration on the cake. 2 medal, laurel, award, badge, colours, order, ribbon, star, garter: Captain Harder won many decorations in the war. decorous decorousadj. becoming, dignified, decent, correct, mannerly, seemly, refined, elegant, polite, well-behaved, genteel, demure, polished, gentlemanly, ladylike, seemly: Your behaviour was less than decorous at last night's party. decorum decorumn. 1 etiquette, proper behaviour, propriety, good form, mannerliness, politeness, dignity, gentility, good manners, respectability, courtliness, deportment: The decorum of the meeting was disturbed by rabble-rousers. 2 correctness, propriety, protocol, punctilio, conformity: Please observe proper decorum when visiting the embassy. decoy decoyn. 1 bait, lure, trap, attraction, enticement, inducement, stool-pigeon: The hunters set out their decoys and waited for the ducks. v. 2 lure, entrap, entice, attract, induce, seduce, bait, trick, tempt, ensnare, inveigle, allure: He was decoyed into a dark alley and robbed. decrease decreasev. 1 diminish, reduce, decline, lessen, lower, abate, fall off, shrink, shrivel (up), contract, dwindle, ebb, subside, wane, taper off, de-escalate, slacken, let up, ease (off or up), curtail, cut (down or back), Colloq run out of steam, US run out of gas: Demand for tickets to rock concerts has decreased over the years. The number of applicants for work is decreasing. n. 2 diminution, reduction, decline, lessening, lowering, abatement, falling off, shrinking, shrivelling, contraction, decrement, dwindling, ebb, subsidence, tapering off, wane, de-escalation, slackening, easing (off or up), curtailment, cut, cut-back: There has been no noticeable decrease in the price of houses in the south-east. Have you noticed the decrease in arrests for dangerous driving? decree decreen. 1 order, mandate, directive, ordinance, edict, law, statute, regulation, enactment, act, ruling, dictum, dictate, injunction, sanction, manifesto, proclamation, promulgation, determination, decision, judgement, rescript, prescription, pronunciamento, firman, ukase, Rom Cath Ch decretal: The star chamber issued a decree restricting the freedom of the press. v. 2 order, command, direct, rule, mandate, ordain, dictate, charge, enjoin, proclaim, pronounce, prescribe, decide, determine, adjudge, Scots law decern: The council has decreed that no spirits can be sold on Sundays. decrepit decrepitadj. 1 feeble, enfeebled, weak, weakened, frail, infirm, wasted, worn out, unfit, debilitated, enervated, disabled, incapacitated, crippled, doddering; out of shape, in bad shape; aged, old, elderly, ancient, superannuated, senescent, senile, Colloq gaga: The old man was so decrepit he was unable to lift the cup to his lips. 2 dilapidated, deteriorated, crumbling, decayed, decaying, withered, wasted, antiquated, tumbledown, broken-down, rickety, unstable, shaky, ramshackle, derelict, creaking, creaky, run-down: The barn was so decrepit we had to tear it down. decrepitude decrepituden. 1 feebleness, weakness, infirmity, debilitation, enervation, incapacity, old age, superannuation, senescence, senility, caducity, dotage: Her decrepitude was so extreme that she could neither walk nor understand what was said to her. 2 dilapidation, deterioration, decay, ruin: The house is in an advanced state of decrepitude. dedicate dedicatev. 1 devote, consecrate, give (up or over), yield, offer, surrender, commit, pledge, assign: She dedicated her life to helping the poor. 2 consecrate, bless, sanctify, hallow: There stands the temple dedicated to Apollo. 3 inscribe; address, assign: This book has been dedicated to you. dedication dedicationn. 1 devotion, assignment, pledge, commitment, allegiance, adherence, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, devotedness, wholeheartedness, single-mindedness, fixedness, fealty: I admire Rudolph's dedication to duty. 2 inscription, address; message: The dedication reads, 'To my mother and father'. 3 consecration, sanctification, hallowing: The ceremony for the dedication of the youth centre will be held tomorrow. deduce deducev. conclude, infer, understand, gather, assume, presume, derive, draw, work out, divine, glean, take it, suppose, surmise, suspect, Slang Brit suss out: From the tone of his letter she deduced that he was going to change his mind. deduct deductv. subtract, take away or out or off, take from, remove, withdraw, Colloq knock off: Deduct six from ten and you're left with four. deduction deductionn. 1 subtraction, diminution, decrease, reduction, withdrawal, removal, abstraction: After deductions for expenses, you'll be left with nothing. 2 conclusion, inference, finding, reasoning, result: After considering the evidence, my deduction is that the butler didn't do it. deed deedn. 1 act, action; performance: Their deeds did not match their promises. 2 exploit, feat, achievement, accomplishment: We are here to honour her for her many deeds, both on and off the tennis court. 3 title(-deed), document, instrument, indenture, contract, agreement: The bank holds the title-deed until the mortgage is paid off. deep deepadj. 1 extensive, bottomless, abyssal, unfathomable, profound; wide, broad, yawning, chasmal or chasmic: All our supplies were lost in a deep crevasse in the glacier. 2 profound, arcane, recondite, difficult, abstruse, obscure, esoteric, incomprehensible, beyond or past comprehension, impenetrable, unfathomable, inscrutable, mysterious, mystic(al), occult, weighty, serious, Colloq heavy: Religious philosophy is too deep a subject to discuss at breakfast. 3 wise, learned, sage, sagacious, astute, perspicacious, profound, discerning, acute, intense, penetrating, knowledgeable, knowing: Margaret is one of the deepest thinkers on the subject. 4 rapt, absorbed, engrossed, occupied, preoccupied, intent, intense, involved, engaged, immersed, lost, Colloq into: Don't disturb him when he's deep in thought. 5 devious, cunning, shrewd, crafty, canny, clever, knowing, scheming, artful, designing: He thinks there is a deep plot against him. 6 profound, intense, sincere, serious, heartfelt, earnest, ardent, fervent, poignant, deep-rooted: I know of your deep concern for her. 7 low, resonant, booming, resounding, sonorous, rumbling: The deep sound of thunder rolled across the valley. 8 rich, dark, intense, strong: The sky was a deep blue. n. 9 the deep. the ocean, the main, the sea, the waters, the high seas, the briny (deep), the wave(s), Davy Jones's locker, Neptune's or Poseidon's kingdom or domain: It was midnight on the waters and a storm was on the deep. adv. 10 deeply, far down, profoundly, intensely, earnestly, heavily: We drank deep of the cooling liquid. deepen deepenv. 1 dig out, burrow, sink, dredge, excavate, scoop (out): We'll have to deepen the hole to support the flag-pole. 2 intensify, increase, concentrate, strengthen, expand, magnify: The programme reflects a deepening interest in education. deeply deeplyadv. 1 deep, (far) downwards or inwards, way down, deep down: The glacier was deeply fissured. She swam to the surface and inhaled deeply. 2 profoundly, intensely, strongly, powerfully, very much, acutely, keenly, gravely, greatly, to a great extent, extremely, thoroughly, completely, entirely, seriously, severely, irrevocably, unreservedly; passionately, heavily, emotionally: She is deeply involved with a man from Kent. They were deeply committed to the labour movement. deface defacev. mar, disfigure, spoil, ruin, deform, blemish, damage, mutilate, harm, impair, injure, destroy: Nothing should be allowed to deface the beauty of these buildings. default defaultn. 1 failure, fault, defect, neglect, negligence, dereliction, lapse, oversight, non-performance, non-fulfilment, inaction: We won the case because of their default on the contract. The other contestant failed to appear, so Gordon won the match by default. 2 non-payment, delinquency: Default in the rent may result in eviction. v. 3 fail, neglect, dishonour, lapse, fall short, come (up) short: He has defaulted on a car payment. defeat defeatv. 1 overcome, conquer, vanquish, be victorious over, get the better of, beat, subdue, overwhelm, overpower, prevail over, triumph over, bring down, worst, thrash, rout, repulse, overthrow, trounce, whip, crush, destroy, do in, best: The champion defeated the contender in a ten-round match. 2 thwart, frustrate, disappoint, check, balk, stop, terminate, end, finish, foil: He never let his handicap defeat his hopes of winning. n. 3 conquest, overthrow, beating, repulse, trouncing, rout, vanquishment: The defeat of our team must be charged to lack of training. 4 frustration, undoing, failure, miscarriage, set-back; Waterloo: The stock market crash spelled the defeat of the company's plan for a share issue. defecate defecatev. void (excrement), move the bowels, excrete, eliminate, evacuate (the bowels), have a (bowel) movement or bm, open the bowels, relieve oneself, Babytalk do number two , Euphemistic go to the men's or ladies' (room), go to the toilet or bathroom or lavatory, excuse (oneself), wash (one's) hands, go to the bathroom, go to the powder-room; Mincing go to the little boys' or girls' room; Colloq Brit spend a penny, Colloq Brit go to the loo, pass a motion, Taboo slang (take a) crap or shit: The first symptoms of bowel disease are problems when defecating. defect defectn. 1 shortcoming, deficiency, lack, want, inadequacy, insufficiency, shortfall, failure, weakness, frailty, weak point, imperfection, irregularity, liability: See the doctor about that hearing defect. 2 blemish, imperfection, failing, weakness, flaw, fault, mark, stain, irregularity, mistake, error: The products should be inspected for defects before shipping. v. 3 desert, change sides or loyalties, turn traitor, go over; escape: Ropovich tried to defect, but the Albanians sent him back. defective defectiveadj. 1 imperfect, faulty, flawed, deficient, broken, out of order, impaired, marred, Colloq on the blink, US on the fritz: The brakes on his car were defective. 2 retarded, simple, feeble-minded, (mentally) deficient or incompetent, backward, subnormal, Brit education ESN ('educationally subnormal'), US education exceptional: Found to be defective, he could not stand trial. defector defectorn. deserter, apostate, turncoat, traitor, renegade, Colloq rat: Some political defectors were suspected of being spies. defence defencen. 1 shelter, protection, cover, guard, safeguard, shield: There is no defence against certain illnesses. 2 fortification, armour, barricade, screen, bulwark, rampart: Shore defences were set up, including barbed wire entanglements and concrete pillboxes. 3 excuse, apology, reason, apologia, explanation; justification, vindication, argument, plea, advocacy, support: His defence for decreasing welfare payments was inadequate. She spoke in defence of nationalizing industry. defenceless defencelessadj. unprotected, exposed, vulnerable, unguarded; helpless, weak, powerless, impotent: Would you take advantage of a poor, defenceless creature? defend defendv. 1 protect, watch over, guard, safeguard, keep (safe), shelter, shield, screen, preserve; fight for: We must defend our civil rights. 2 fortify, arm, secure; fend or ward off, parry: Can you defend your position from attack? 3 plead for, speak or stand up for, stick up for, go to bat for, support, uphold, stand by, champion, stand with or behind or beside, argue for or in behalf of, hold a brief for, espouse: The lawyers defended her right to free speech. defer defer¹v. put off, postpone, delay, shelve, lay or put aside, adjourn, US table; Colloq Brit kick into touch: The judge has deferred his decision. defer defer²v. Often, defer to. give in (to), give ground or way (to), yield (to), submit (to), bow (to), capitulate (to), cede (to), accede (to), acquiesce (to); comply (with), agree (to): I'll defer to your decision in the matter. deference deferencen. 1 respect, regard, politeness, civility, courtesy, consideration, esteem: They treated him with deference owing to his age. 2 obeisance, submission, acquiescence, obedience, compliance: Considering her accomplishments, she is paid little deference. defiant defiantadj. challenging, bold, brazen, audacious, daring; rebellious, disobedient, stubborn, recalcitrant, obstinate, refractory, unyielding, insubordinate, mutinous, unruly, self-willed, aggressive, headstrong, contumacious, pugnacious, hostile, belligerent, antagonistic, Slang gutsy, spunky: His defiant attitude towards authority often gets him into trouble. deficient deficientadj. 1 wanting, lacking, defective, incomplete, unfinished, short, insufficient, inadequate, sketchy, skimpy, scarce: Some foods are deficient in vitamins. 2 faulty, impaired, flawed, imperfect, incomplete, defective, inferior, unsatisfactory: Many have a deficient knowledge of their legal rights. deficit deficitn. loss, deficiency, shortfall, shortage, default: At the end of the year there was a considerable deficit. define definev. 1 determine, establish, fix, demarcate, mark off or out, delimit, limit, lay or set down, circumscribe, specify,, identify, delineate, describe: You must first define the subjects to be covered. 2 describe, explain, interpret, spell out, detail, clarify, delineate, expand on, expatiate on or upon, delineate; characterize, state, name: No one dictionary defines all the words of a language. Please define exactly what you want me to do. definite definiteadj. 1 specific, particular, exact, pronounced, explicit, express, precise: She came here with a definite purpose. 2 sure, positive, certain, assured, fixed, settled, confirmed: Then we have a definite appointment for two o'clock? 3 clear, plain, well-defined, unambiguous, unequivocal, distinct, clear-cut, obvious: The plans for revision are definite. definitely definitelyadv. positively, absolutely, surely, to be sure, assuredly, certainly, indubitably, undoubtedly, categorically, unequivocally, unquestionably, decidedly, finally, once and for all; plainly, clearly, obviously, patently: Then you're definitely not going to the dance with Waldo? That was definitely the worst movie of the year. definition definitionn. 1 delineation, delimitation, demarcation, outlining; acutance, resolution, distinctness, clarity, sharpness, focus, precision: The definition at the edge of the photograph is fuzzy. 2 description, explanation, explication, clarification, statement (of meaning), sense, meaning: How many definitions are there for the word 'good'? definitive definitiveadj. 1 decisive, final, conclusive, ultimate: My definitive answer will be given tomorrow. 2 thorough, through and through, exhaustive, ultimate, consummate, complete, authoritative, reliable: She has written the definitive work on the axolotl. 3 clarifying, unambiguous, categorical, absolute, unqualified, accurate, exact, precise: We expect a definitive statement from the union regarding their claims. deflect deflectv. avert, turn away or aside, deviate, change, swerve, switch, divert, shy, veer, sidetrack; fend off: The trajectory of a bullet is deflected by gravity. By deflecting a bit to their left, they managed to regain their original course. deformed deformedadj. 1 misshapen, malformed, distorted, twisted, grotesque, gnarled, crooked, contorted, awry, warped, bent: This tree is deformed because of the constant wind. 2 disfigured, crippled, lame, misshapen; abnormal: He was born with a deformed foot. 3 distorted, warped, bent, perverted, twisted, grotesque; abnormal: The deformed personalities of his patients are the subject of my book. defraud defraudv. cheat, swindle, trick, beguile, cozen, dupe, delude, fool, bilk, fleece, victimize, take in, deceive, humbug, hoodwink, flimflam, Colloq do, diddle, con, slip one over on, put (something) over on, pull a fast one on, fast-talk, rope in,, US take; Slang take for a ride, gyp, rob, rip off, rook; Dialect flam: Shareholders are defrauded by insider trading schemes. defray defrayv. pay, settle, meet, discharge, liquidate, clear, cover, reimburse, Colloq pick up the bill or tab or US check (for), foot the bill (for): The company defrays the cost of all travelling expenses. defunct defunctadj. 1 dead, deceased, extinct: The dinosaurs have been defunct for millions of years. 2 inoperative, inapplicable, unused, unusable, invalid, expired, obsolete, pass‚, dead, expired, non-existent, outmoded, out: Although still on the books, that law is defunct. defy defyv. 1 challenge, dare, face, confront, brave, stand up to, flout, brazen out, thumb one's nose at, Colloq Brit cock a snook at: The defendant defied the prosecutor to prove the allegations. 2 frustrate, thwart, baffle, resist, withstand, repel, disobey, repulse: Her feats of legerdemain defy the imagination. Copeley has invented a device that defies the law of gravity. degenerate degenerateadj. 1 debased, degraded, corrupt, corrupted, vitiated, decadent, depraved, reprobate, dissolute, ignoble, base, low, inferior, vile: He was a degenerate descendant of a once noble lineage. Ben sank into the depths of a degenerate existence after Penelope left him. v. 2 decline, deteriorate, decay, sink, worsen; backslide, regress, retrogress, weaken, go to the dogs, go to rack and ruin, Colloq go to pot: He felt that art had degenerated since the days of Rembrandt. n. 3 reprobate, debauchee, wastrel, profligate, rake, rakehell, rou‚; pervert, deviate: The detective said that only a degenerate could have committed such a crime. degradation degradationn. 1 degeneracy, degeneration, deterioration, corruptness, corruption, vitiation, baseness, depravity, turpitude: History records the moral degradation of a whole society. 2 disrepute, discredit, shame, humiliation, ignominy, dishonour, disgrace, abasement, debasement: He had to face the degradation of an accusation of child molestation. degrade degradev. 1 downgrade, demote, break, Military cashier, Ecclesiastical unfrock, Law disbar; depose, unseat; disfranchise or disenfranchise; Military drum out (of the corps), Chiefly naval disrate; US military bust: They degraded him from captain to lieutenant. 2 disgrace, dishonour, humble, shame, discredit, debase, demean, abase; humiliate, mortify, belittle, deprecate, depreciate, cheapen, reduce, lower: He has been degraded to mopping the floor. 3 dilute, adulterate, weaken, thin, water (down), alloy: Cologne is, essentially, degraded perfume. degrading degradingadj. demeaning, humiliating, shameful, shaming, debasing, lowering, discreditable: Why should you deem selling a degrading occupation? degree degreen. 1 grade, level, stage, class, caste, rank, order, scale, standing, status, station, position, situation, estate, condition: He is entertaining a lady of high degree. 2 measure, magnitude, extent, limit, point; lengths, step: All our needs, desires, and goals are biologically determined to some degree. 3 by degrees. little by little, bit by bit, step by step, inch by inch, inchmeal, gradually, slowly, (almost) imperceptibly: By degrees, her health has improved. 4 to a degree. a rather, somewhat, quite: She is to a degree a better dancer than he. b substantially, considerably, highly, decidedly, exceedingly, to a considerable extent: She must be stupid to a degree if she believes in levitation. deign deignv. condescend, stoop, vouchsafe, concede; yield, agree: Lord Worthington deigned to say good morning to us. deity deityn. god, goddess, Supreme Being, creator, demiurge: Deities in various religions are represented as men, women, or animals. dejected dejectedadj. downcast, downhearted, depressed, dispirited, discouraged, despondent, down, low, chap-fallen, crestfallen, melancholy, sad, unhappy, gloomy, glum, miserable, blue, low-spirited, in low spirits, forlorn, woebegone, disconsolate, sorrowful, morose, heartbroken, heavy-hearted, in the doldrums, Colloq down in the dumps, down in the mouth: She was bound to feel dejected when she couldn't find a job. delay delayv. 1 postpone, put off or aside, defer, temporize, suspend, shelve, hold off or up (on), put on hold, hold in abeyance, put or keep in a holding pattern, pigeon-hole, put on ice, put in or into the deep-freeze, Colloq put on the back burner, Brit kick into touch, US hold off or up (on), table: We shall delay our decision till next month. 2 hold up or back, detain, impede, hinder, retard, keep, bog down, set back, slow (up or down); stop, arrest, halt, check; obstruct: Delivery of the mail has been delayed by the strike. We were delayed by traffic. 3 loiter, procrastinate, hesitate, poke or drag (along), tarry, wait, lag (behind), dawdle, hang back, stall, linger, dally, mark time, potter or US putter; vacillate; Colloq dilly-dally, shilly-shally, drag one's feet: Stop delaying and get to work. n. 4 postponement, deferral, deferment, wait, hold-up; set-back: There will be a ten-day delay in paying the rent. 5 lull, interlude, hiatus, interruption, gap, interval, lacuna, stop, stoppage, wait, waiting, hold-up, suspension: After an hour's delay, service was resumed. 6 tarrying, loitering, dawdling, Colloq dilly-dallying, shilly-shallying: There should be no further delay in shipping the order. delectation delectationn. delight, enjoyment, amusement, entertainment, diversion, pleasure, satisfaction: For your delectation, Le Moulin Rouge presents La Goulue! delegate delegaten. 1 envoy, agent, legate, representative, ambassador, plenipotentiary, minister, emissary, commissioner, (papal) nuncio, (papal) internuncio, spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman, go-between: They kowtowed to the delegate from His Imperial Highness. v. 2 depute, commission, appoint, designate, assign, name, nominate, accredit, authorize, empower, mandate: The president delegated Ambassador Foxley to represent him at the meeting. 3 assign, give, hand over or on, pass over or on, depute, transfer, entrust, relegate, Colloq pass the buck for, US buck: She has delegated the responsibility to one of the directors. delete deletev. erase, cancel, rub or cross out or off, remove, blot out, expunge, efface, eliminate, obliterate, wipe out, eradicate, strike out, cut or edit (out), Publishing blue-pencil; Printing dele: Delete the old address and insert the new one. deliberate deliberateadj. 1 intentional, planned, studied, wilful, intended, premeditated, calculated, conscious, prearranged, purposeful, preconceived, considered; cold-blooded: The insult was deliberate, not a slip. 2 slow, methodical, careful, unhurried, paced, measured, regular, even, steady, sure, unhesitating, unfaltering, confident: He moved across the room with a deliberate step and tore the medals from the general's tunic. 3 careful, prudent, cautious, painstaking, discreet, considered, considerate, thoughtful, well thought out, thorough, methodical, systematic, fastidious, orderly, punctilious, dispassionate, cool, composed, collected, calm, serene, unruffled: A deliberate speaker, he chose his words with care. v. 4 consider, ponder, think (about or over), weigh, debate, meditate (on or over), reflect (on or over), cogitate (on or over), study: I shall need a few days to deliberate on that question. deliberately deliberatelyadv. intentionally, on purpose, purposely, wilfully or US willfully, consciously, wittingly, calculatedly, calculatingly, knowingly, pointedly, resolutely, of one's (own) free will, on one's own, with one's eyes (wide) open: She did that deliberately, not by accident. delicacy delicacyn. 1 fineness, exquisiteness, gracefulness, beauty, lightness, daintiness: Notice the delicacy of the tracery in the rose window. 2 fragility, fragileness, frailty, frailness, weakness, infirmity, feebleness, tenderness; susceptibility: Because of the delicacy of his constitution, even a cold might be fatal. 3 sensitivity, difficulty, ticklishness, finesse, nicety, sensibility: The delicacy of the situation demands the utmost diplomacy. 4 luxury, sweetmeat, dainty, titbit or US tidbit, savoury: The table was laden with delicacies from all over the world. delicate delicateadj. 1 fragile, breakable, frail, tender, frangible, dainty; perishable, flimsy: This filament is extremely delicate, so be careful. 2 fine, exquisite, dainty, graceful, elegant, subtle: A delicate border of lace sets off the collar. 3 feeble, weak, sickly, frail, debilitated, weakened, enfeebled, unhealthy: Her condition is too delicate for her to be moved. 4 critical, ticklish, sensitive, dangerous, tricky, precarious, touchy, Slang hairy; Colloq sticky: Rescuing the survivors of the avalanche was a delicate operation. 5 dainty, squeamish, queasy, fastidious, prudish, Victorian, finicky, finical, refined, discriminating, discerning, sensitive, puristic, proper, coy, modest, demure: In those days ladies were thought to be too delicate to mention such matters. 6 gradual, subtle, nice, precise, muted, soft, faint, subdued: The delicate shading at the horizon is characteristic of this artist. delicious deliciousadj. 1 delectable, luscious, ambrosial, savoury, mouth-watering, toothsome; choice, flavourful, tasty, appetizing, palatable, Colloq scrumptious; Slang yummy: Larry's fried chicken is quite delicious. 2 enjoyable, delightful, pleasurable, pleasing, pleasant, choice, enchanting, fascinating; agreeable, charming, engaging; amusing, entertaining: I heard the most delicious bit of gossip about the Browns. delight delightv. 1 please, gratify, satisfy, gladden, cheer, tickle, amuse, entertain, divert, excite, thrill, captivate, entrance, fascinate: We were delighted to hear the Mighty Allen Art Players once again. 2 delight in. enjoy, appreciate, like, relish (in), savour, revel in, glory in; love, adore; Colloq get a kick from or out of; Slang get off on: She delights in any kind of jazz. n. 3 pleasure, gratification, joy, satisfaction, enjoyment, delectation; bliss, ecstasy, rapture: She takes great delight in playing practical jokes on her guests. In his dreams he visited the garden of earthly delights. delighted delightedadj. pleased, happy, charmed, thrilled, enchanted, enchant‚(e): I am delighted to meet you. 'Miss Smith, meet Mr Brown.' 'Delighted!' delightful delightfuladj. 1 pleasing, agreeable, pleasurable, enjoyable, joyful, pleasant, lovely, amusing, entertaining, diverting, exciting, thrilling: We spent a delightful evening together. 2 attractive, congenial, winning, winsome, charming, engaging, exciting; captivating, ravishing, fascinating, enchanting: Georgina is one of the most delightful people I have met in a long time. delinquent delinquentn. 1 malefactor, (young or youthful) offender, wrongdoer, lawbreaker, culprit, criminal, miscreant; hooligan, ruffian, roughneck: The police rounded up six juvenile delinquents and charged them with rowdyism. adj. 2 neglectful, negligent, derelict, remiss, failing, defaulting: I have been delinquent in my obligations to my mother. 3 overdue, past due, in arrears, late, unpaid: All these delinquent accounts should be collected as soon as possible. delirious deliriousadj. 1 wild, hysterical, distracted, incoherent, rambling, irrational, raving, ranting, frenzied, frantic, disturbed, demented, deranged, unhinged, mad, insane, crazy, lunatic: He is still delirious and doesn't know what he's saying. 2 wild, excited, crazed, thrilled, ecstatic: She was delirious with joy that Ken was coming home. deliver deliverv. 1 carry, bring, convey, distribute, give or hand out; purvey, take round; cart, transport: Only in a few places in the world do they still deliver milk to the door. 2 hand over, give, surrender, cede, yield, make over, relinquish, give up or over, commit, transfer, turn over, resign: We were forced to deliver our children to the enemy as hostages. 3 set free, liberate, enfranchise, extricate, release, save, rescue; emancipate, manumit, redeem; disencumber, disburden, ransom: They were delivered from certain death by the arrival of the helicopter. Modern appliances have delivered millions of women from the drudgery of housework. 4 give, present, utter, read, broadcast; proclaim, announce, declare, set forth, communicate, make known, express, publish, hand over, hand out, promulgate, pronounce, enunciate: He has to deliver a speech tonight. The police delivered an ultimatum to the terrorists. 5 give, administer, inflict, deal, direct, send, launch, impart, throw; cast, hurl, shoot, discharge, fire: He delivered a blow on the chin that knocked me out. The ball was delivered with enormous speed. 6 bring forth, bear, give birth to, bring into the world: In the next three years, she delivered three more girls. 7 produce, perform, put one's money where one's mouth is: Roger had better deliver, or we shall have to take drastic measures. delivery deliveryn. 1 distribution, delivering, deliverance, conveyance, transportation, transport: The strikers have caused delivery of newspapers to stop. 2 liberation, release, deliverance, emancipation: His delivery from poverty was still a few years away. 3 childbirth, parturition; confinement: Many women find that their second child is an easier delivery. 4 presentation, performance; utterance, enunciation, articulation, pronunciation, expression, execution: He is an accomplished orator, with a spellbinding delivery. delusion delusionn. 1 deception, trick, stratagem, artifice, ruse, pretence: It was a snare and a delusion to represent the painting as genuine. 2 false or mistaken impression, fallacy, illusion, mistake, error, misconception, misbelief, hallucination: He suffers under the delusion that he is a great pianist. demand demandv. 1 require, order, bid, call (for); insist, command: I demand that you retract that remark! She demanded to know where he was going. 2 claim, ask (for), require, insist on; exact: They had paid for tickets and demanded entrance. 3 require, call for, need, want, necessitate, cry out for: This superb dish demands an excellent claret. 4 ask (for), inquire or enquire, request; requisition: We demanded help from the police. n. 5 request, bid, behest, requisition, order, insistence; outcry: Our demand for service went unheeded. 6 want, need, requirement, desire; market (demand), marketability; consumer or customer acceptance: The demand for our products is low at the moment. 7 in demand. wanted, needed, requested, coveted, popular, sought after, desired, desirable, Brit in request, US on request: Bright graduates are always in demand. 8 on demand. on call, on request, on presentation, when requested or required; at once, immediately, without delay: These notes are payable on demand. demanding demandingadj. 1 difficult, hard, exigent, tough, exacting, trying, taxing: Edwards is a demanding boss. Diamond cutting is demanding work. 2 insistent, clamorous, urgent, nagging, persistent: Your demanding fans want another encore. democratic democraticadj. egalitarian, classless; republican, representative, popular, self-governing, autonomous: The colonists voted for a democratic form of government. demolish demolishv. 1 tear or pull down, dismantle, reduce to ruin(s), smash, pull to pieces, knock down, raze, topple, destroy, level: This building will have to be demolished to make room for the new shopping mall. 2 destroy, end, bring to an end, make an end of, put an end to, devastate, terminate, annihilate, overturn, overthrow, crush, defeat, refute, disprove, dispose of, suppress, squelch, quash: With just one phrase he demolished their entire argument. demon demonn. 1 devil, evil spirit, fiend, cacodemon or cacodaemon; monster, ghoul, ogre, harpy, vampire: Medieval demons are generally depicted as having horns, hoofs, and tails. 2 fanatic, fiend, enthusiast, addict, Colloq freak: He's a real speed demon when he gets onto the motorway. demonstrable demonstrableadj. provable, confirmable, attestable, verifiable; evident, self-evident, obvious, undeniable, apparent, manifest, indisputable, unquestionable, positive, certain, conclusive: The judge showed a demonstrable bias against my client. demonstrate demonstratev. 1 show, prove, make evident, establish, evince, evidence, exhibit, manifest: The increase in arrests demonstrates the efficiency of the police. 2 display, explain, expose, describe, present; illustrate: The salesman demonstrated the new camera for us. 3 picket, march, parade, rally, protest: More than 5000 people demonstrated against the fraudulent election. demonstration demonstrationn. 1 proof, evidence, testimony, confirmation, verification, substantiation; manifestation, exhibition, display, illustration, indication: I have seen sufficient demonstration of her ineptitude. 2 presentation, display, show, explanation, description, clarification, elucidation, exposition, Colloq demo: The student gave an excellent demonstration of how a computer works. 3 picketing, march, parade, protest, rally, sit-in, Colloq Brit demo: There have been numerous demonstrations against the government's policies. demonstrative demonstrativeadj. 1 open, unrestrained, unconstrained, unreserved, expansive, effusive, emotional, warm, tender, affectionate, loving: Pat is quite demonstrative, often causing me to blush. 2 illustrative, indicative, representative, probative, evidential; provable, evident: Her point was proved by several demonstrative arguments. The hostility of these few is demonstrative of what to expect of the entire group. demoralize demoralizev. 1 dispirit, daunt, dishearten, discourage, defeat; weaken, cripple, enervate, devitalize, depress, subdue, crush: The party's crushing defeat in the election thoroughly demoralized its supporters. 2 corrupt, pervert, deprave, vitiate, debase, debauch: The committee consider him a demoralizing influence and insist he should resign. 3 bewilder, discomfit, unnerve, shake (up), confuse, fluster, disconcert, unnerve, perturb, disturb, upset, Colloq rattle: The demonstrators were completely demoralized when arrested for loitering. denial denialn. 1 contradiction, negation, repudiation, refutation, disavowal, disclaimer, disaffirmation: Her denials notwithstanding, she was found guilty. 2 retraction, recantation, renunciation, withdrawal: The arbitrary denial of civil rights to some is unconscionable. 3 refusal, rejection, negation; veto: The boy's persistent denial of authority went into his record. denizen denizenn. inhabitant, dweller, occupant, frequenter, resident; citizen: The depths of the seas harbour some strange denizens. Carl is a denizen of The Bottle and Glass. denomination denominationn. 1 sect, persuasion, school, church, order: He is a member of the Mormon denomination. 2 sort, kind, type, nature, variety, unit, size, value; grade, class, genus, species, order, classification: The kidnappers demanded the ransom money in used notes of small denomination. 3 designation, appellation, name, identification, style, title, tag, term; designating, naming, identifying, styling, classifying, titling, entitling, tagging, terming, denominating: The denomination of people by race, creed, colour, or sex is discriminatory. denote denotev. 1 indicate, specify, designate, distinguish, signify, mark, note: Hypothetical linguistic forms are denoted by an asterisk. 2 mean, name, symbolize, represent, betoken: The word mother denotes 'female parent', but its connotations are far more extensive. denounce denouncev. 1 accuse, brand, stigmatize, charge, blame, incriminate, implicate, complain about: He has been denounced for the blackguard he is. 2 betray, inform against, report, reveal: He denounced his own son to the authorities. 3 criticize, condemn, decry, denunciate, attack, assail, censure, impugn, declaim or rail (against), vituperate, revile, vilify, inveigh against; ridicule, (hold up to) shame, pillory, (heap) scorn (upon), cast a slur on: The playwright was denounced as a neo-Nazi. dense denseadj. 1 compact, thick, compressed, condensed, close, solid, heavy, impenetrable: The fox escaped into a dense thicket. 2 crowded, packed, tight, impenetrable, impassable: There was a dense crowd blocking the exit. 3 stupid, slow, slow-witted, thickheaded, dull, thick-witted, obtuse, stolid, dim, dim-witted, foolish, Colloq thick, dumb: He may be a gifted artist but he is dense when it comes to money matters. deny denyv. 1 contradict, gainsay, refute, controvert, disaffirm, disclaim, confute, negate, dispute: She denies ever having met the defendant. 2 reject, refuse, withhold, forbid, turn down, decline, disallow; recall, revoke, recant: He asserts that his right to counsel was denied. 3 disavow, repudiate, renounce, disown, forswear, disclaim: The witch-doctor demanded sacrifices, saying that the angry gods would not be denied. depart departv. 1 go, go away or out or from or off, leave, quit, retire (from), retreat (from), withdraw (from), exit (from), set out or forth or off, decamp, abscond, fly, cut and run, skip (out), run off or away or out, take to the road, take one's leave, check out, disappear, vanish, evaporate, Jocular toddle off, Imperative Begone!, Colloq beat it, scram, shove off, make oneself scarce, Brit scarper, US hit the road, be out of (someplace), Slang split, Imperative get lost, US cut (on) out, vamoose, take a (run-out) powder, lam (on) out, take it on the lam, Brit do a moonlight flit, Usually imperative bugger off, buzz off , Taboo, imperative fuck off: Our bags are packed and we depart at noon. 2 Often, depart from. deviate (from), change, diverge (from), turn (aside or away) (from), differ (from), vary (from), break away (from), leave, abandon, stray (from), veer (from): She refused to depart from established practices. department departmentn. 1 division, subdivision, branch, office, bureau, section, segment, unit, part: Some departments are in another building. 2 responsibility, concern, worry, sphere, bailiwick, jurisdiction, domain, control, area or sphere of influence or activity: He was only responsible for the launch of the missiles - where they came down was not his department. depend dependv. 1 depend (on or upon). be contingent or dependent or conditional on, turn on, hinge on, pivot on, hang on, be subject to, rest on, be influenced or determined or conditioned by: The plans for our picnic depend on the weather. 2 depend on or upon. trust (in), rely on, count on, reckon on, bank on, be sure of, put one's faith or trust in: I knew we could depend on you, Giles, to do the right thing. deplorable deplorableadj. 1 lamentable, regrettable, sad, woeful, grievous, wretched, miserable, unfortunate, awful, distressing, disturbing, troubling, upsetting, grave, serious, oppressive, difficult, desperate, hopeless, tragic, disastrous: Orphaned at six, he had a deplorable childhood. 2 shameful, disgraceful, scandalous, disreputable, awful, bad, appalling, dreadful, abominable, execrable, terrible, reprehensible: What did you think of Annie's deplorable behaviour at last week's dance? That's a deplorable painting. deposit depositv. 1 place, leave, set or put or lay (down), drop, Colloq US plunk down: You are requested to deposit litter in the bin. 2 entrust, leave, lodge, consign, keep, place, put; store, save, set aside, bank, lay or put away, Brit pay in, Colloq stash away: Each morning she deposits the children at the day nursery and goes to work. He deposits money every week in a pension fund. n. 3 down payment, part or partial payment, advance payment: A small deposit will hold your purchase until you are ready to pay for it in full. 4 precipitate, sediment, silt, alluvium, dregs, lees, accumulation, deposition: There is a dark deposit at the bottom of the coffee-pot. depreciate depreciatev. 1 devalue, devaluate, decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, lower, depress, cheapen, mark down: The abundant harvest has depreciated the price of commodities. 2 disparage, diminish, deride, decry, underrate, undervalue, underestimate, minimize, belittle, slight, derogate, deprecate, discredit, denigrate, run down, vilipend, Colloq play down, US talk down: When he depreciates another's work he adds nothing to the value of his own. depredation depredationn. plunder, plundering, pillage, pillaging, despoliation, despoiling, ravaging, sacking, laying waste, devastation, destruction; ransacking, robbery, looting; ravages: The depredation caused by ten years of war is unimaginable. depress depressv. 1 deject, dispirit, oppress, sadden, grieve, cast down, dishearten, discourage, dampen, cast a gloom or pall over, burden, weigh down: He's very depressed right now because he failed to get a promotion. 2 weaken, dull, debilitate, enervate, sap; depreciate, cheapen, devalue, devaluate; diminish, lower, bring down, reduce: The news about a new oil field depressed the market today. 3 press (down), push (down) (on), lower: If the pressure gets too high, just depress this lever. depression depressionn. 1 indentation, dent, dimple, impression, pit, hollow, recess, cavity, concavity, dip: When the box fell, its corner left a small depression in the top of the metal cabinet. 2 dejection, despair, gloom, downheartedness, sadness, melancholy, discouragement, despondency, gloominess, glumness, the blues, unhappiness; Colloq the dumps: A general feeling of depression came over us at the doctor's words. 3 recession, slump, (economic) decline, downturn, US and Canadian bust: The analysts are unable to predict accurately either booms or depressions. deprive deprivev. withhold, deny, refuse; withdraw, remove, strip, dispossess, take away, expropriate, divest; mulct: They deprived him of the right to have visitors. deprived deprivedadj. needy, in want, in need, impoverished, badly off, destitute, poor, poverty-stricken, Euphemistic underprivileged, disadvantaged: As a deprived family, they are entitled to a number of benefits. depth depthn. 1 deepness, extent, measure, profundity, profoundness: The depth of the cavern was at least three miles. 2 profundity, profoundness, abstruseness, obscurity, reconditeness, complexity, intricacy: There is great depth of meaning in many proverbs. 3 profundity, wisdom, sagacity, sageness, understanding, perception, astuteness, perspicacity, perspicaciousness, insight, intuition, acumen, penetration: One would scarcely characterize Mickey Mouse as possessed of great depth. 4 intensity, profundity, strength; vividness, brilliance, brilliancy, brightness, richness: It is hard for me to express the depth of my feeling for you. The depth of colour is much better in this picture. 5 depths. deep(s), abyss, abysm, chasm, bowels of the earth, (bottomless) pit, nethermost reaches or regions, nadir: As we descended into the depths the temperature increased. She is in the depths of despair and needs your moral support. 6 in depth. thoroughly, comprehensively, in detail, profoundly, deeply, extensively, intensively, concentratedly, probingly: The specialists have looked into the problem in depth and have no answer yet. deputy deputyn. substitute, replacement, surrogate, stand-in, reserve, proxy; agent, operative, representative, go-between, intermediary, spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman, delegate, ambassador, minister, emissary, envoy, legate, (papal) nuncio; Chiefly US alternate: She excused herself from the meeting, leaving her deputy in charge. deranged derangedadj. mad, insane, demented, lunatic, unhinged, unbalanced, berserk, crazy, crazed, psychotic, irrational, non compos mentis, out of one's mind or senses or head, not all there, of unsound mind, crack-brained, mad as a hatter or March hare, off the rails, Colloq touched, dotty, daft, cracked, bats, cuckoo, Brit potty, US have nobody home (upstairs), out to lunch, off-the-wall; Slang bonkers, dippy, barmy or balmy, batty, screwy, loony, nuts, nutty, wacky, bananas, off one's rocker, off one's trolley, mental, missing a few marbles, not having all one's marbles, kooky, with a screw loose, Chiefly Brit off one's chump, Chiefly US (plumb) loco, meshuga: Police said that the killer was completely deranged and should be approached with caution. derelict derelictadj. 1 deserted, abandoned, forsaken, neglected; ruined, dilapidated, run-down, tumbledown: The council has a scheme for the renovation of derelict buildings in the inner city. 2 negligent, remiss, neglectful, delinquent, dilatory, careless, heedless, lax, slack, irresponsible, slipshod, slovenly, Colloq sloppy: He was accused of having been derelict in his duty. n. 3 vagrant, tramp, outcast, pariah, loafer, wastrel, good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well, malingerer, vagabond, slacker, down-and-out, US and Canadian hobo, Colloq US bum: Because of alcohol, he ended up as a derelict. deride deridev. mock, ridicule, scoff (at), jeer (at), laugh (at), make fun or sport (of), tease, taunt, twit, poke fun (at), make a laughing-stock (of), sneer (at), scorn, flout, disdain, pooh-pooh, belittle, diminish, disparage, laugh off, Brit rally, Colloq knock, Brit take the mickey or micky out of: His classmates had always derided his attempts at getting anywhere with the girls. derision derisionn. ridicule, mockery, raillery, laughter, sarcasm, scoffing, contempt, scorn, contumely, disrespect; satire, lampoon, pasquinade, burlesque, caricature, travesty: Her suggestion was greeted with derision. derisory derisoryadj. mocking, ridiculing, scornful, derisive, disdainful, contemptuous, taunting, insulting, contumelious, jeering; sardonic, sarcastic, ironic(al), satirical: He felt crushed by their derisory laughter. derivation derivationn. origin, descent, extraction, source, beginning, foundation, ancestry, genealogy, etymology, root: The derivations of many words are unknown. derivative derivativeadj. 1 derived, borrowed, procured, obtained, acquired; unoriginal, second-hand, copied, imitative, plagiarized, plagiaristic: He created nothing of his own - all his compositions were highly derivative. n. 2 derivation, offshoot, development, spin-off, by-product: French, Italian, and other Romance languages are derivatives from Latin. derive derivev. 1 draw, extract, get, obtain, acquire, procure, receive, secure, gain, elicit, deduce, educe, infer, gather, collect, harvest, glean, cull, winnow: I derive no pleasure from punishing you. I derived from her remark that she didn't like the play. 2 derive from. arise from or out of, originate in or with or from, emerge from or out of, come (forth) from or out of, arrive from, issue from, proceed from, develop from, spring from, flow from, emanate from, stem from, be traceable or traced to: The word delicate derives from Latin. All our knowledge is derived from experience. derogatory derogatoryadj. depreciatory, depreciating, depreciative, disparaging, abasing, debasing, lowering, denigrating, belittling, diminishing, demeaning, detracting, deflating, minimizing, mitigating; uncomplimentary, offensive, insulting: The family took a somewhat derogatory attitude towards commerce. He said something derogatory about my wife, so I punched him. descend descendv. 1 come or go down, move down, climb down, get down: The sun was setting as he descended from the mountain. 2 decline, incline (downwards), slope, slant, dip, drop, fall, plunge, plummet: Beyond the curve, the road descends suddenly for a mile. 3 stoop, condescend, sink, lower oneself: If you start shouting, you're just descending to Basil's level. 4 descend on. attack, assault, invade, pounce on or upon, swoop down on or upon: Fighter planes descended in droves and destroyed the base entirely. descendant descendantn. offspring, progeny, issue, heir, posterity, family; child, son, daughter, grandchild, scion; offshoot: They claim to be descendants of Tsar Nicholas. describe describev. 1 tell (of), recount, relate, give an account (of), narrate, recite, report, chronicle; retail: He described his adventures in Rio. 2 detail, define, explain, specify, delineate: Please describe exactly where you found the body. 3 characterize, portray, paint, depict, identify, label, style; represent: I would describe her as careless rather than uncaring. 4 trace, mark out, outline, traverse, draw: The trail of the comet described a perfect arc in the black sky. description descriptionn. 1 portrayal, characterization, depiction, (thumbnail) sketch, portrait: Her description of her boss was far from flattering. 2 account, narrative, story, report, representation, statement, definition; explanation, commentary; chronicle, history, record, narration; memoir: I want your detailed description of what led up to the argument. 3 sort, kind, nature, character, type, variety, brand, breed, species, category, genus, ilk, genre, class; stripe, kidney, feather: Carstairs is a rou‚ of the worst description. desecrate desecratev. profane, defile, blaspheme (against), dishonour, degrade, debase, befoul, contaminate, pollute, corrupt, violate, pervert, vitiate: Vandals desecrated the temple of Minerva. desert desert¹n. 1 waste, wilderness, wasteland, dust bowl: The nearest oasis was fifty miles away across the desert. adj. 2 barren, desolate, uninhabited, unpeopled, lonely, deserted; arid, bare, vacant, empty, wild, uncultivated: I was marooned on a desert island. v. 3 forsake, leave, abandon; jilt, throw over; maroon, strand, leave to twist (slowly) in the wind; Colloq run or walk out on, leave flat or in the lurch, leave high and dry: His courage deserted him when he saw the child's eyes. He has deserted his wife for some floozie. 4 abscond, quit, run away (from), defect, abandon; Military slang go over the hill: He deserted and will be court-martialled. desert desert²n. Often, deserts. payment, recompense, requital, compensation, due, right; retribution, justice, Slang comeuppance, what's coming to one: She'll get her just deserts one of these days. deserted desertedadj. abandoned, desolate, forsaken, neglected, uninhabited, unpeopled, vacant, vacated, unfrequented, unvisited, unoccupied, empty; stranded, rejected, God-forsaken, isolated, solitary, lonely, friendless: At that hour the streets are completely deserted. deserter desertern. runaway, fugitive, escapee, absconder, defector, renegade, outlaw; traitor, turncoat, Colloq rat: Deserters are shot when caught. deserve deservev. merit, earn, be entitled to, be worthy of, rate, warrant, justify: You ought to be nicer to him - he really doesn't deserve such unkind treatment. deserved deservedadj. merited, earned, just, rightful, suitable, fitting, fit, appropriate, proper, right, fair, equitable, meet, warranted, condign: Carla was never given her deserved credit for catching the thief. deserving deservingadj. meritorious, worthy, merited, commendable, laudable, praiseworthy, creditable, estimable: Perhaps you should leave your money to a deserving charity. design designv. 1 plan, draw up, think of, conceive of, contemplate, devise, lay out, visualize, envisage, envision, sketch (out), pattern, set up: The building was originally designed as the centre-piece for a whole new development. 2 plan, sketch (out), delineate, outline, draft, work or map or block out, lay out, devise, invent, contrive, create, conceive, originate, think up, develop, organize, frame, shape, mould, forge, make, construct, form, fashion: John Smithers has designed a new sales strategy for the company. 3 sketch, draft, lay out, draw; form, devise: Who designed the company's new logo? 4 intend, mean, plan; purpose, destine; scheme, plot: The building was originally designed to be a school. The book was designed for children. n. 5 plan, scheme, conception, study, project, proposal, undertaking, enterprise; blueprint, pattern, chart, diagram, layout, map, drawing, draft, sketch, model, prototype: The grand design for rebuilding the city was not approved. 6 form, shape, configuration, pattern, style, motif, format, layout, make-up, delineation, arrangement, organization, composition, structure, construction: I don't much care for her new design of my monogram. 7 aim, purpose, intention, objective, object, goal, point, target, intent: My design had been to go at once to London. 8 designs. plot, intrigue, stratagem, cabal, conspiracy, conniving, manipulation, connivance, evil intent or intentions: His designs against me have borne bitter fruit. designate designatev. 1 indicate, specify, pinpoint, particularize, delineate, point out, identify, state, set forth, write or put down, name: You should designate your heirs in your will. 2 appoint, nominate, name, identify, denominate, select, pick, choose, elect, assign, appropriate, delegate, depute: She has not yet designated her successor. 3 mean, stand for, symbolize, denote, represent: The Greek letter pi designates the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. 4 call, name, style, term, label, christen, dub, nickname, entitle: Elvis was publicly designated 'The King of Rock 'n' Roll'. designer designern. 1 creator, originator, architect, artificer, author, deviser, inventor; (interior) decorator, artist; draughtsman: Raymond Loewy was a designer of locomotives and fountain pens. Lady Mendl was the best-known interior designer of the 1920s. 2 intriguer, schemer, conniver, plotter, conspirator: He is a cunning designer who has wormed his way into favour with the management. designing designingadj. scheming, plotting, conniving, conspiring, intriguing, calculating, wily, tricky, cunning, sly, underhand(ed), crafty, artful, shrewd, Machiavellian, guileful, deceitful, double-dealing, devious, treacherous, Colloq crooked: The prince has fallen prey to designing courtiers. desirable desirableadj. 1 sought-after, wanted, coveted, longed-for, looked-for, desired: Few things are more desirable than security in old age. 2 attractive, pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, winning, winsome, captivating, seductive, alluring, fetching: Their daughter had grown up into a most desirable young lady. 3 good, goodly, excellent, choice, fine, superior, superb, Colloq Brit plummy: The company has produced some very desirable motor cars. 4 profitable, worthwhile, beneficial, advantageous, valuable, worthy, estimable, commendable, admirable: Lady Chelm's plan possesses many desirable attributes. desire desirev. 1 crave, want, fancy, covet, wish for, hope for, long or yearn for, pine or sigh for, hanker after, have an eye or taste for, hunger or thirst for or after, die for, have one's heart set on, give one's eye-teeth for, Colloq have a yen for, Slang US have the hots for: I desire nothing but your happiness. He desired her more than anything else in the world. 2 ask for, request, order, demand, solicit, importune, summon, require: Do you desire anything further, sir? n. 3 longing, craving, yearning, hankering, hunger, thirst, appetite; passion, lust, libido, lustfulness, concupiscence, lecherousness, lechery, lasciviousness, salaciousness, prurience, Slang hot pants, US the hots; Colloq yen: He felt desire rising in him like a fever. 4 wish, request, urge, requirement, order, requisition, demand, desideratum; appeal, entreaty, petition: He fulfils her every desire. desirous desirousadj. wishful, desiring, longing, yearning, hopeful, hoping: I was desirous to learn more about his whereabouts. desolate desolateadj. 1 solitary, lonely, isolated, deserted, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, alone, abandoned, neglected; desert, uninhabited, empty, unfrequented, bare, barren, bleak, remote: He felt desolate after his wife's death. Tristan da Cunha is a group of four desolate islands in the Atlantic. 2 laid waste, ruined, devastated, ravaged, destroyed: The explosion left the surrounding countryside desolate. 3 dreary, dismal, wretched, joyless, cheerless, comfortless, miserable, unhappy, down, disconsolate, sad, melancholy, sorrowful, forlorn, mournful, woebegone, gloomy, broken-hearted, heavy-hearted, inconsolable, dejected, downcast, downhearted, dispirited, low-spirited, depressed, melancholy, spiritless, despondent, dismal, distressed, discouraged, hopeless: He has brought some happiness into her desolate existence. v. 4 depopulate: The country was desolated by famine. 5 destroy, devastate, ruin, lay waste, despoil, ravage, demolish, obliterate, annihilate, raze, gut: Invaders desolated the countryside. 6 dismay, dishearten, depress, daunt, dispirit, sadden, deject, dispirit, discourage: He was either buoyed up by renewed hope or desolated by despair. desolation desolationn. 1 destruction, ruin, devastation, waste, spoliation, despoliation, sack, depredation, extirpation, obliteration, ravagement, barrenness, havoc, chaos: We had to shape a new life from the desolation left by the war. 2 grief, sorrow, dreariness, despair, gloom, distress, melancholy, sadness, misery, woe, anguish, wretchedness, dolour, dolefulness, unhappiness: She felt the desolation of loneliness after her husband's death. despair despairn. 1 hopelessness, desperation, discouragement, disheartenment, despondency, dejection, depression, gloom, gloominess, misery, melancholy, wretchedness, distress, miserableness, anguish; resignation: The despair of the prisoners was evident in their ravaged faces. v. 2 give up or lose hope; surrender, quit: We despaired of ever seeing our children again. desperate desperateadj. 1 reckless, foolhardy, rash, impetuous, frantic, frenzied, panic-stricken: Desperate measures are required in such a desperate situation. 2 careless, hasty, devil-may-care, wild, mad, frenetic, furious: They made a last desperate attack on the fort. 3 anxious (for), craving, hungry (for), thirsty (for), needful (of), desirous (of), covetous (of), eager (for), longing or yearning (for), wishing (for), hoping (for), aching (for), pining (for): She is desperate for attention. 4 urgent, pressing, compelling, serious, grave, acute, critical, crucial, great: There is a desperate need for medicines at the disaster site. 5 precarious, perilous, life-threatening, hazardous, dangerous, tenuous, hopeless, beyond hope or help: Avalanches are making the climbers' situation even more desperate. 6 at one's wits' end, forlorn, despairing, despondent, wretched, at the end of one's tether, frantic: With no one to turn to for help, he was truly desperate. desperation desperationn. 1 recklessness, impetuosity, rashness, foolhardiness, imprudence, heedlessness: Penniless and half-starved, he was driven to desperation and stole a loaf of bread. 2 despair, anxiety, anguish, anxiousness, despondency, depression, dejection, discouragement, defeatism, pessimism, hopelessness, distress, misery, melancholy, wretchedness, gloom, sorrow: In a final act of desperation, he attempted suicide. despicable despicableadj. contemptible, below or beneath or beyond contempt or scorn or disdain, mean, detestable, base, low, scurvy, vile, sordid, wretched, miserable, ignoble, ignominious, shabby; shameful, shameless, reprehensible: He is a thoroughly despicable person and you should have nothing more to do with him. despise despisev. disdain, scorn, look down on or upon, be contemptuous of, sneer at, spurn, contemn; hate, loathe, detest, abhor: She despised her servants and treated them badly. He despised anyone who had not been to university. despite despiteprep. in spite of, notwithstanding, undeterred by, regardless of, in the face or teeth of, in defiance of, without considering, without thought or consideration or regard for, ignoring: We went sailing despite the fact that gales had been forecast. despondent despondentadj. dejected, sad, sorrowful, unhappy, melancholy, blue, depressed, down, downcast, downhearted, low, morose, miserable, disheartened, discouraged, dispirited, low-spirited, down in the mouth, Colloq down in the dumps: He's been despondent since she went away. despot despotn. absolute ruler, dictator, tyrant, oppressor, autocrat: History has painted Ivan the Terrible as one of the cruellest despots of all time. despotic despoticadj. dictatorial, tyrannical, oppressive, authoritarian, imperious, domineering, totalitarian, absolute, autocratic, arbitrary: The country was under the despotic rule of a callous tyrant. despotism despotismn. autocracy, monocracy, autarchy, totalitarianism, absolutism, dictatorship, tyranny, oppression, suppression, repression: She denounced the new laws as another instance of the brutal despotism of the regime. dessert dessertn. sweet, Brit pudding, Colloq Brit pud, afters: For dessert, I had ice-cream and she had a fruit tart. destination destinationn. journey's end, terminus, stop, stopping-place; goal, end, objective, target: Our destination is Bristol. destine destinev. 1 fate, predetermine, predestine, ordain, foreordain, preordain; doom: His only ambition was to be a successful farmer, but the gods destined him for greater things. 2 design, intend, mean, devote, assign, appoint, designate, purpose, mark, earmark, set aside: He beheld the chariot destined to carry him heavenwards. destined destinedadj. 1 meant, intended, designed, predetermined, foreordained, predestined, fated; doomed, written; US in the cards: His destined end was to be shot while escaping. Oliver was destined to fail at everything he tried. It was destined that the boy would become king. 2 certain, sure, bound, ineluctable, unavoidable, inevitable, inescapable: Being devoured by monsters is the destined demise of all who dare to enter there. destiny destinyn. fate, doom, fortune, lot, kismet, karma: It is my destiny to be ignored when living and forgotten when dead. destitute destituteadj. 1 in want, impoverished, poverty-stricken, poor, indigent, down and out, needy, on one's uppers, badly off, penniless, penurious, impecunious, insolvent, bankrupt, Colloq hard up, broke, US on skid row: Why distribute food to destitute families only at Christmas? 2 Usually, destitute of. bereft of, deficient in, deprived of, devoid of, lacking (in), wanting (in), in need, needful (of), without: The landscape was entirely destitute of trees. destroy destroyv. 1 demolish, tear or pull down, raze, wipe out, ravage, wreck, smash, ruin, break up or down, annihilate, crush, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, devastate, commit mayhem, lay waste, vandalize, Slang US trash: The invading hordes destroyed everything, leaving desolation in their wake. The storm destroyed fifty houses. 2 ruin, do away with, end, make an end of, bring to an end, bring or put an end to, terminate, finish, kill: Realizing what he had done, he destroyed himself. The trial destroyed his career. 3 counteract, neutralize, nullify, annul, cancel (out), reverse; stop, interfere with: Caught embezzling, Martin destroyed everything he had worked for. Sunspot activity destroyed radio transmission this week. 4 disprove, refute, confute, deny, contradict, negate, overturn, overthrow, ruin, spoil, undermine, weaken, enfeeble, devitalize, exhaust, disable, cripple: By pointing out just one flaw, she destroyed his entire argument. destruction destructionn. 1 demolition, razing, wrecking, ruin, ruining, ruination, breaking up or down, mayhem, havoc, annihilation, devastation, tearing or knocking down, laying waste, ravagement; rack and ruin, Colloq wiping out: The destruction of the city took place in 1942. 2 slaughter, annihilation, killing, eradication, murder, extermination, holocaust, liquidation, massacre, extinction, genocide, assassination, slaying, putting to death, putting an end to, making an end of, doing away with, putting away, Colloq doing in, wiping out; Slang US rubbing out, rub-out: They were bent on the destruction of an entire people. 3 undoing, end, ruin, ruination, downfall, termination, breakup, breakdown, collapse: The imprisonment of the bosses spelt the destruction of the entire crime network. destructive destructiveadj. 1 harmful, injurious, baneful, pernicious, dangerous, hurtful, toxic, poisonous, virulent, noxious, bad, malignant, baleful, unwholesome, damaging, detrimental, deleterious, devastating; deadly, fatal, lethal, fell, killing, internecine: The spray keeps away insects but is destructive of the plant life. 2 negative, adverse, opposing, opposed, contrary, contradictory, antithetical, conflicting, unfavourable, condemnatory, derogatory, disparaging, disapproving, critical: The playwrights feared and disliked him because of his destructive criticism. desultory desultoryadj. shifting, devious, unsteady, irregular, wavering, inconstant, fitful, spasmodic, unmethodical, disconnected, unsystematic, disorderly, disordered, unorganized, disorganized, inconsistent, random, haphazard, chaotic, erratic, shifty: He made no more than a desultory effort to stop smoking. The countries engaged in intermittent, desultory warfare for decades. detach detachv. separate, uncouple, part, disjoin, disengage, disunite, disconnect, disentangle, free, unfasten, undo, cut off, remove: She carefully detached the printer lead from the back of the computer. detached detachedadj. 1 disconnected, unattached, separate(d), free, isolated, disentangled, unfastened, removed, cut off, divided, disjoined: He suffered from a detached retina. Their new house is detached. 2 disinterested, aloof, uninvolved, unemotional, dispassionate, d‚gag‚(e), reserved, impersonal, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced: She seemed rather detached and did not get involved in the discussion. detachment detachmentn. 1 separating, unfastening, disconnecting, detaching, disengaging; separation, disconnection, disengagement: Most young birds cannot survive a prolonged period of detachment from their parents. 2 aloofness, unconcern, indifference, coolness, inattention, insouciance: He viewed the carnage of the battle with regal detachment. 3 See detail, 3, below. detail detailn. 1 particular, element, factor, point, fact, specific, technicality, component, item, feature; aspect, respect, count: He gave us a general idea of the plan but not a single detail. 2 details. particulars, minutiae, niceties, fine points, specifics, technicalities: Must we go into all the details of his dismissal? 3 detachment, squad, party, cadre, duty, fatigue, group: The sergeant appointed a detail to police the area. 4 in detail. specifically, particularly, thoroughly, in depth, item by item, point by point, exhaustively, comprehensively, inside out, perfectly: We examined the report in detail. v. 5 specify, spell out, itemize, delineate, catalogue, list, tabulate, enumerate, particularize, recount, cite (chapter and verse): She detailed every little move I was to make. 6 assign, appoint, charge, delegate, name, specify, send: We have been detailed to act as your bodyguard during your visit. detailed detailedadj. 1 itemized, exhaustive, comprehensive, thorough, full, complete, inclusive, particularized, precise, exact, minute, blow-by-blow, circumstantial: He kept a detailed report of everything that happened on D-Day. 2 intricate, complex, complicated, elaborate, ornate: Note the detailed scrollwork on this screen. detect detectv. 1 uncover, find (out), discover, locate, learn of, ascertain, determine, dig up, unearth: The pathologist detected the presence of prussic acid in the victim's bloodstream. 2 perceive, note, notice, identify, spot, observe, sense, read, scent, smell, discern, feel, catch, find: Did I detect a tone of sarcasm in your reply, young man? detective detectiven. investigator, private investigator, CID man, policeman, constable, Colloq private eye, sleuth, Sherlock, snoop, snooper, Brit tec, US P.I., dick, Hawkshaw; Slang cop, copper, US and Canadian gumshoe, peeper: Detectives have at last solved the case of the missing weapon. detention detentionn. custody, confinement, imprisonment, captivity, internment, incarceration, restraint, Archaic or literary durance: The culprit was kept in detention for a week. deter deterv. dissuade, discourage, inhibit, intimidate, daunt, frighten off or from or away, scare off or from; prevent, stop, obstruct, check, hinder, impede: I was deterred from entering by three large dogs. Regular spraying of plants helps to deter aphid infestation. detergent detergentn. 1 cleaner, cleanser, soap (powder or flakes or liquid); surfactant, surface-active agent, detersive: You put too much detergent into the washing machine and it overflowed. adj. 2 cleaning, cleansing, washing, purifying, detersive: The detergent effect is reduced if too much soap is used. deteriorate deterioratev. 1 worsen, decline, degenerate, degrade, spoil, worsen, get worse, depreciate, slip, slide, Colloq go to pot, go to the dogs, go downhill: We have watched their relationship deteriorate over the years. 2 decay, decline, disintegrate, fall apart, decompose, crumble, erode: The building slowly deteriorated and is now uninhabitable. determination determinationn. 1 resoluteness, resolution, firmness, resolve, steadfastness, tenacity, perseverance, fortitude, doggedness, persistence, constancy, single-mindedness, will (power), Colloq grit, guts: The idea is a good one, if only she has the determination to see it through. 2 settlement, resolution, resolving, decision, solution, judgement, verdict, outcome, result, upshot, conclusion, end, termination: None of us could live in peace till the determination of the border dispute. 3 fixing, settling, ascertainment, ascertaining, delimitation, definition: The determination of our position is critical in setting our course. determine determinev. 1 settle, decide, clinch, arbitrate, judge, adjudge, conclude, terminate, end: The ambiguity must be determined one way or the other. 2 ascertain, find out, discover, conclude, infer, draw, learn, detect; verify: From the evidence, they determined the identity of the intruder. 3 decide, choose, select, resolve, make up one's mind, settle on or upon, fix on or upon: You alone can determine which candidate you want to vote for. 4 affect, influence, act on, shape, condition, govern, regulate, dictate: There were many factors determining my choice. determined determinedadj. 1 decided, resolute, resolved, purposeful, dogged, strong-willed, strong-minded, single-minded, tenacious, intent, firm, unflinching, unwavering, fixed, constant, persistent, persevering, steady, unfaltering, unhesitating, unyielding, stubborn, obstinate, adamant: He was determined not to go. We made a determined effort to locate the wreck. 2 fixed, determinate, definite, exact, precise, distinct, predetermined, ascertained, identified: They worked to a previously determined plan. They agreed to pay a percentage of the determined price. deterrent deterrentn. hindrance, impediment, discouragement, disincentive, dissuasion, check, hitch, obstacle, obstruction, stumbling-block; catch, snag, rub, fly in the ointment, bar, drawback: Some experts hold that the death penalty is no deterrent to murder. The only deterrent to your plan is that we are likely to be caught. detest detestv. despise, loathe, hate, abhor, execrate, abominate: They served turnips, which I detest, and sat me next to Ida, whom I also detest. detour detourn. 1 diversion, deviation, circuitous route or way, roundabout way, bypass: The detour took us five miles out of our way. v. 2 deviate, turn (away) from, divert, bypass: I detoured from the main road and took a short cut. detract detractv. detract from. diminish, reduce, take away from, subtract from, lessen, depreciate, disparage: Once you are in the public eye, your slightest fault detracts from your reputation. detriment detrimentn. disadvantage, drawback, liability; damage, harm, ill, impairment, injury, hurt, loss: He has a tendency to support lost causes, to his own detriment. Seeds survive without detriment where their plants would perish. detrimental detrimentaladj. disadvantageous, harmful, injurious, hurtful, damaging, deleterious, destructive, prejudicial, adverse, unfavourable, inimical, pernicious: I know nothing detrimental about either one of them. devastate devastatev. 1 lay waste, ravage, destroy, waste, sack, raze, ruin, desolate, spoil, wreck, demolish, level, flatten, gut, obliterate: The island was completely devastated by the tidal wave that followed the typhoon. 2 disconcert, confound, discomfit, take aback, nonplus, shatter, overwhelm, abash, shock; humiliate, mortify, embarrass, chagrin, Colloq floor, US discombobulate: She was devastated by the news of Bertie's expulsion from college. devastating devastatingadj. 1 keen, incisive, mordant, penetrating, trenchant, telling; sardonic, sarcastic, bitter, acid, caustic, savage, satirical, virulent, vitriolic: Because of his bland manner, his devastating wit often caught people by surprise. 2 ravishing, captivating, enthralling, stunning, overpowering, bewitching, spellbinding; spectacular: Kathy was wearing a devastating black silk dress. develop developv. 1 bring out or forth, advance, expand (on or upon), broaden, enlarge (on or upon), amplify, evolve, expatiate (on or upon), elaborate (on or upon), reveal, lay open, expose, unfold, disclose, bare, (cause to) grow, realize the potential (of); cultivate, improve, promote, exploit, strengthen: The plot is fine, but the characters need to be developed more fully. It is the aim of the school to develop the students' natural abilities. 2 (make) grow, mature, ripen, age, expand; flower, blossom, bloom, increase: You can't develop that idea without financial backing. These shrubs will be fully developed next year. 3 exhibit, display, show, demonstrate, manifest: She has recently developed an interest in cooking. 4 emerge, arise, appear, come out, come to light, evolve, originate, begin, commence, happen, occur, come about; come forth, result: A serious fault has developed in the rocket's fuel line. His natural talent for music developed when he joined the school band. development developmentn. 1 occurrence, happening, event, incident, circumstance, situation, condition, phenomenon: William Nye will report new developments from the scene. 2 evolution, growth, evolvement, maturation, unfolding, maturing, maturity, increase, expansion, enlargement, increment; advance, advancement, progress; improvement: She has studied the region's economic development. deviant deviantadj. 1 deviating, divergent, different, abnormal, strange, uncommon, unusual, odd, peculiar, curious, aberrant, eccentric, idiosyncratic, deviate, queer, quirky, weird, bizarre, offbeat, singular, Slang kinky, freaky, Chiefly Brit bent: They have been observing his deviant behaviour for some time. 2 See homosexual, 2, below. n. 3 See homosexual, 1, below. deviate deviatev. 1 turn aside or away, swerve, veer, wander, stray, drift, digress, diverge; divert: He has chosen a path that deviates from the straight and narrow. adj., n. 2 See deviant, 1, 3, above. device devicen. 1 contrivance, mechanism, machine, machinery, implement, utensil, apparatus, instrument, appliance, tool, gadget, gimmick, Colloq contraption, widget, thingumajig or thingamajig, Brit gubbins: She has patented a device for peeling hard-boiled eggs. 2 stratagem, scheme, trick, artifice, ruse, plot, ploy, gambit, strategy, manoeuvre, machination; machinery, apparatus, mechanism, contrivance, gimmick, tool, weapon: They resorted to a variety of devices in order to achieve their ends. That lawyer used every device he could think of to separate Cornelia from her inheritance. 3 design, emblem, figure, (heraldic) bearing, insigne, cadency mark, mark of cadency, hallmark, trade mark, symbol, badge, coat of arms, seal, crest, colophon, logotype, logo, monogram, charge, cognizance, signet; motto, slogan, legend: The device - a closed eye - is that of Lord Boring. 4 devices. pleasure, disposition, will, inclination, fancy, desire, whim: Left to his own devices, he'll survive very well indeed. devil deviln. 1 Satan, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Abaddon, Apollyon, Belial, Lord of the Flies, prince of darkness, spirit of evil, evil spirit, cacodemon or cacodaemon, evil one, wicked one, archfiend, Fiend, deuce, Scots Clootie; Colloq Old Harry, (Old) Nick, US (Old) Scratch: In medieval times the devil was given horns, a tail, and cloven hooves. 2 brute, fiend, demon, beast, ogre, monster, rogue, scoundrel, rake, knave, rakehell, villain, ghoul, hell-hound, vampire, barbarian; witch, hell-cat, shrew, termagant, vixen, virago, ogress, harpy, hag, Xanthippe or Xantippe, crone: If you hit me again I'll phone the police, you devil! 3 fellow, person, chap, wretch, bloke, guy, beggar, unfortunate, Colloq bugger, Brit sod: The poor devil lost an arm at Gallipoli. 4 imp, scamp, rascal, fox, slyboots, sly dog, rapscallion, confidence man, trickster, Colloq operator, smoothie, smooth or slick operator, con man, con artist: The little devil has stolen our hearts. The devil wormed his way into our confidence and then made off with our money. 5 like the devil. exceedingly, extremely, excessively, violently, speedily, confoundedly, deucedly: The car was going like the devil when it hit the tree. She fought like the devil to protect the house. 6 - the devil. in heaven's name, the dickens, in the world, on God's green earth, in hell: What the devil do you think you are doing? Who the devil is she? Where the devil have you put my trousers? devilish devilishadj. diabolic(al), satanic, Mephistophelian, fiendish, demonic, cacodemonic, demoniac(al), infernal, hellish, villainous, sinister, wicked, evil, iniquitous, sinful, flagitious, heinous, malign, malevolent, malignant, cruel, maleficent; impish, mischievous, prankish, naughty, crazy, madcap: He has come up with a devilish plan for stealing the secret formula. devilry devilryn. 1 deviltry, mischief, mischievousness, roguery, naughtiness, rascality, roguishness, diablerie, archness, knavery, knavishness: His latest bit of devilry is hiding father's bedroom slippers. 2 deviltry, devilishness, wickedness, evil, fiendishness, diablerie, cruelty, malice, malevolence, viciousness, perversity, iniquity, hellishness, villainy: That traitor is up to some devilry. devious deviousadj. 1 deceitful, underhand(ed), insincere, deceptive, misleading, subreptitious, sneaky, furtive, surreptitious, secretive, double-dealing, treacherous, dishonest, shifty, smooth, slick, slippery, scheming, plotting, designing, foxy, vulpine, wily, sly, crafty, tricky Colloq crooked: The plot to poison the queen was the product of a devious mind. 2 indirect, roundabout, zigzag, evasive, circuitous, crooked, rambling, serpentine, tortuous, sinuous, anfractuous: That is about the most devious bit of reasoning I have ever heard! devise devisev. 1 concoct, make up, conceive, scheme, contrive, dream up, design, draft, frame, form, formulate, plan, arrange, work out, think up, originate, invent, create, Colloq cook up: He devised a method for making sandals out of leather scraps. 2 bequeath, will, convey, hand down, give, assign, dispose of, transfer, bestow: I devise to my nephew, Ian Ferguson, my property in Yorkshire. devote devotev. 1 apply, appropriate, assign, allot, commit, allocate, set aside or apart, put away or aside, dedicate, consecrate: Each of the chapels was devoted to a separate sect. 2 apply, pledge, dedicate, commit, give up: She has devoted her life to helping others. devoted devotedadj. faithful, true, dedicated, committed, devout, loyal, loving, doting, staunch, tender, staunch, steadfast, constant; ardent, loving, caring, fond, earnest, zealous, enthusiastic: Your brother was my most devoted friend throughout his life. devotee devoteen. fan, aficionado, adherent, votary, enthusiast, addict, Colloq buff, fiend, US hound; Slang bug, nut, freak, US head, junkie, groupie: The band was followed about on tour by scores of screaming devotees of rock music. devotion devotionn. 1 devotedness, devoutness, reverence; earnestness, religiousness, piety, religiosity, pietism, godliness, holiness, spirituality, sanctity; worship, prayer, observance, ritual: The sect was noted for its devotion to martyrs and their relics. It is gratifying to see such devotion amongst the younger members of the congregation. They interrupted the holy man at his devotions. 2 dedication, consecration, attachment, loyalty, devotedness: His devotion to duty will be remembered by his fellow soldiers. 3 zeal, ardour, fervour, ardency, intensity, fanaticism, eagerness, enthusiasm, earnestness, readiness, willingness; love, passion, infatuation, fondness, affection, attachment, adherence, loyalty, allegiance: They would dedicate themselves with slavish devotion to some brutal master. devour devourv. 1 wolf (down), gulp (down), bolt, swallow (up), gorge, gobble (up), gormandize, cram, stuff, eat (up) greedily, Archaic gluttonize; Colloq Brit pig, US and Canadian pig out (on): He was so hungry when he came in that he devoured two whole pies and a plate of chips. 2 consume, waste, destroy, wipe out, ravage, annihilate, demolish, ruin, wreak havoc (up)on, devastate, obliterate, eradicate: A quarter of Europe was already devoured by the plague. 3 relish, revel in, absorb, be absorbed by; engulf, consume, drink in, eat up, swallow up, take in; swamp, overcome, overwhelm: He eagerly devoured all of Dickens's novels. The sea devoured its victims silently. devout devoutadj. 1 devoted, pious, religious, reverent, worshipful, faithful, dedicated, staunch, churchgoing; holy, godly, saintly, pure: When I last saw him, he had become a devout Christian. 2 devotional, reverential, religious, solemn: Through devout prayer one might see the kingdom of heaven. 3 earnest, sincere, genuine, hearty, heartfelt, devoted, ardent, zealous: You have my devout best wishes for your happiness. dexterity dexterityn. 1 touch, nimbleness, adroitness, deftness, facility, knack, skill, proficiency; sleight of hand: Much fine rug-weaving is done by little children because of the dexterity of their small fingers. 2 cleverness, ingenuity, ingeniousness, tact, astuteness, keenness, sharpness, shrewdness, cunning, guile, canniness, artfulness: I admire his dexterity in arguing the case in court. He exercised great dexterity in eluding capture. dexterous dexterousadj. 1 dextrous, deft, lithe, nimble, supple, agile, quick, skilful: He was a dexterous archer. 2 clever, ingenious, astute, keen, sharp, shrewd, cunning, guileful, canny, artful, crafty, slick: She was devout in religion, decorous in conduct, and dexterous in business. He was the most dexterous of our political leaders. 4.4 diabolic... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= diabolic diabolicadj. 1 diabolical, devilish, satanic, Mephistophelian, demonic, demoniac(al), fiendish, hellish, infernal: His interest in the supernatural included participation in diabolic rituals of the most repulsive kind. 2 diabolical, cruel, wicked, iniquitous, evil, fiendish, appalling, dreadful, inhuman, atrocious, execrable, abominable, awful, terrible, damnable, accursed, horrid, horrible, hideous, monstrous, odious, vile, base, corrupt, foul, depraved, flagitious, heinous, malicious, malevolent, malign, maleficent, sinister, sinful, impious, bad: The prisoners suffered the most diabolic treatment. diagnose diagnosev. identify, name, determine, recognize, distinguish, pinpoint, interpret; analyse: The doctor diagnosed the symptoms as those of rheumatoid arthritis. dialect dialectn. speech (pattern), phraseology, idiom, accent, pronunciation, patois, vernacular; jargon, cant, slang, argot, language, tongue, Creole, pidgin; brogue, burr, Colloq lingo: Some of the regional dialects are hard to understand. dialogue dialoguen. 1 duologue, conversation, discussion, conference, talk, chat, colloquy, communication: I wrote down that dialogue - it was hilarious! 2 parley, conference, meeting, huddle, tˆte-…-tˆte, colloquy, Colloq US and Canadian rap session: A meaningful dialogue between labour and management could easily settle the question. diary diaryn. appointment book, date-book, calendar, engagement book; journal, chronicle, log, record, annal(s): According to my diary, the date we dined was the lst. dicey diceyn. risky, tricky, dangerous, difficult, ticklish, unpredictable, uncertain, unsure, doubtful, Colloq iffy, chancy or chancey, hairy: Asking for another pay rise could be pretty dicey, Daniel. dicker dickerv. 1 bargain, trade, barter, deal, haggle, negotiate: If I dicker with him, he may drop his price. n. 2 bargain, deal, haggle, negotiation: We had a bit of a dicker but finally settled on a figure. dicky dickyadj. dickey, shaky, unreliable, unsteady, unsound, faulty, Colloq dodgy: The engine sounds a bit dicky to me - you'd better have it seen to. dictate dictatev. 1 say, prescribe, ordain, decree, demand, command, lay down (the law), order, direct, pronounce, impose: It is our leader who dictates what we may say and do. n. 2 decree, demand, command, order, direction, instruction, charge, pronouncement, edict, fiat, ukase, mandate, caveat, injunction, requirement, bidding, behest: Each must act in accord with the dictates of his conscience. dictator dictatorn. autocrat, absolute ruler or monarch, despot, overlord, oppressor, tsar or czar, tyrant, Fuehrer or F•hrer: Among monarchs, Henry VIII certainly could have been characterized as a dictator. dictatorial dictatorialadj. 1 absolute, arbitrary, totalitarian, authoritarian, autocratic, all-powerful, omnipotent, unlimited: The peoples of some countries often confer dictatorial powers on their leaders. 2 despotic, tyrannical, authoritarian, iron-handed, domineering, imperious, overbearing, Colloq bossy: The dictatorial way she runs the department makes those who work there miserable. diction dictionn. 1 language, wording, (verbal or writing) style, expression, usage, expressiveness, terminology, word choice, vocabulary, phraseology, phrasing, rhetoric: Please go over my paper and correct the diction. 2 articulation, pronunciation, enunciation, delivery, elocution, oratory, presentation, speech, intonation, inflection: That course in public speaking, improved Brian's diction enormously. dictionary dictionaryn. lexicon, glossary, wordbook; thesaurus: My dictionary gives the pronunciation, etymology, and meanings of hundreds of thousands of words. die diev. 1 lose one's life, lay down one's life, perish, expire, decease, suffer death, Euphemistic depart, give up the ghost, be no more, (go to) meet one's Maker, breathe one's last, go to the happy hunting-grounds, go to one's reward, go to one's final or last resting-place, go west, pay the debt of nature, pay one's debt to nature, pass through the pearly gates, pass away or on, join the majority, go the way of all flesh; Slang pop off, bite the dust, kick the bucket, croak, Brit snuff it, go for a burton, pop one's clogs, US turn up one's toes, cash in one's chips or checks: He died of tuberculosis, a rare affliction these days. 2 Often, die down or out or away. dwindle, lessen, diminish, decrease, ebb, decline, wane, subside, wither (away), wilt, melt (away), dissolve, peter out, fail, weaken, deteriorate, disintegrate, degenerate, fade (away), droop, moulder, sink, vanish, disappear: We lost the race because the breeze died down. After the third try, her enthusiasm died. The sound of the flute died away among its echoes. 3 expire, end, stop, cease: Your secret will die with me. 4 Usually, die off or out. become extinct, perish: By about 200 million years ago, all the dinosaurs had died out. 5 long, pine, yearn, crave, hanker, want, desire, hunger, ache: He said he was dying to meet a real movie star. diet diet¹n. 1 fare, food, nourishment, nutriment, sustenance, subsistence, victuals, intake, aliment: A well-balanced diet is very important. 2 regimen, regime: She is on a diet of bread and water. v. 3 fast, abstain; slim; reduce: I am dieting to lose weight. diet diet²n. council, congress, parliament, senate, legislature, house, chamber, assembly: In Japan, the legislature is called a diet . differ differv. 1 diverge, deviate, be separate or distinct, be dissimilar or different, contrast; depart: Even the leaves of the same tree differ from one another. These substances differ in their magnetic properties. 2 disagree, conflict, contradict, be contradictory, vary, be at variance, take issue, part company, fall out, quarrel, argue: Opinions differ as to the best way to bring up children. She differed with me on many subjects. difference differencen. 1 distinction, dissimilarity, discrepancy, unlikeness, disagreement, inconsistency, diversity, variation, imbalance; inequality, dissimilitude, incongruity, contrast, contradistinction, contrariety: Difference of opinion can be constructive in a business partnership. Being colour-blind, he cannot tell the difference between red and green. 2 Often, differences. dispute, quarrel, argument, disagreement, dissension, conflict: We were able to settle our differences amicably. 3 change, alteration, metamorphosis, reformation, transformation, conversion, adjustment, modification: Since her operation, the difference in Philippa is surprising. 4 idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, characteristic, character, nature: There are important differences between socialism and communism. 5 rest, remainder, leftovers, balance: After each had taken his share, the difference was 12, which we divided equally among the four of us. different differentadj. 1 unlike, unalike, dissimilar, conflicting; contrary, discrete, contrastive, contrasting, disparate, divergent, diverse, distinct, opposite, separate, distinguishable; another or other: We both enjoy boating but in different ways. When modelling, she assumes a different pose every few seconds. 2 unique, unusual, peculiar, odd, singular, particular, distinctive, personal, extraordinary, special, remarkable, bizarre, rare, weird, strange, unconventional, original, out of the ordinary; new, novel, exceptional, unheard-of: And now, for something completely different, we present a juggling trick cyclist. 3 assorted, manifold, multifarious, numerous, abundant, sundry, various, varied, divers, many, several: Different kinds of breakfast cereal are now available. differentiate differentiatev. 1 distinguish, discriminate, contradistinguish, separate, contrast, oppose, set off or apart, tell apart: They must learn how to differentiate one species from another. 2 modify, specialize, change, alter, transform, transmute, convert, adapt, adjust: All organisms possess the power to differentiate special organs to meet special needs. difficult difficultadj. 1 hard, arduous, toilsome, strenuous, tough, laborious, burdensome, onerous, demanding: He found it difficult to work the longer hours. The first birth is sometimes difficult. 2 puzzling, perplexing, baffling, enigmatic(al), profound, abstruse, obscure, recondite, complex; thorny, intricate, sensitive, knotty, problematic(al), ticklish, scabrous: Some of the questions in the exam were very difficult. The analyst raised a lot of difficult issues which I had to confront. 3 intractable, recalcitrant, obstructive, stubborn, unmanageable, obstinate, contrary, unaccommodating, refractory, unyielding, uncompromising; naughty, ill-behaved; Colloq Brit bloody-minded: Tessa has three difficult teenagers in the house these days. 4 troubled, troubling, tough, burdensome, onerous, demanding, trying, hard, grim, dark, unfavourable, straitening: We have been through some difficult times together. 5 fussy, particular, demanding, finicky, finical, fastidious, critical, troublesome, difficile, awkward, Colloq nit-picking: I'll go wherever you like; I don't want to be difficult about it. Sharon can be a very difficult person to be with. difficulty difficultyn. 1 strain, hardship, arduousness, laboriousness, formidableness, tribulation, painfulness: Despite much difficulty she succeeded. 2 hardship, obstacle, problem, distress, pitfall, dilemma, predicament, problem, snag, hindrance; Gordian knot: He has encountered difficulties during his career. 3 Often, difficulties. embarrassment, plight, predicament, mess, strait(s), trouble, scrape, Colloq hot water, jam, pickle, fix; hot potato: She always seems to be in financial difficulties. diffuse diffuseadj. 1 spread (out or about or around), scattered, dispersed, widespread; sparse, meagre, thin (on the ground): A few diffuse clouds could be seen on the horizon. 2 wordy, verbose, prolix, long-winded, loquacious, discursive, digressive, rambling, circumlocutory, meandering, roundabout, circuitous, periphrastic, ambagious, diffusive, pleonastic: The style of the book is very diffuse, being extravagantly uneconomic of expression. v. 3 spread, circulate, distribute, dispense, disperse; dispel, scatter, broadcast, sow, disseminate; dissipate: The colour rapidly diffused, turning the liquid crimson. She has successfully diffused her ideas of female equality throughout the community. dig digv. 1 excavate, burrow, gouge, scoop, hollow out; tunnel: He dug a hole in which to set the post. 2 nudge, thrust, stab, jab, plunge, force, prod, poke: I dug my spurs into my horse and rode off. He kept digging me in the ribs with his finger. 3 appreciate, enjoy, like, understand: They really dig the jazz of the big-band era. 4 notice, note, look at, regard: Hey, man, dig that crazy gear! 5 dig into. probe (into), delve into, go deeply into, explore, look into, research, study: We dug into many books of forgotten lore to find the words of the magic spell. 6 dig out or up. unearth, disinter, exhume, bring up, find, obtain, extract, ferret out, winkle out, discover, bring to light, expose, dredge up, extricate, come up with, Australian fossick: I dug out an old book on witchcraft. She has dug up some interesting information about your friend Glover. n. 7 thrust, poke, jab, stab, nudge: She playfully gave him a dig in the ribs. 8 insult, insinuation, gibe, slur; taunt, jeer; Colloq slap (in the face), wisecrack, crack, US low blow: Referring to him as a Dartmoor graduate was a nasty dig. digest digestv. 1 assimilate: She has trouble digesting milk. 2 bear, stand, endure, survive, assimilate, accept, tolerate, brook, swallow, stomach: The attack was too much for even him to digest. 3 comprehend, assimilate, understand, take in, consider, grasp, study, ponder, meditate (on or over), reflect on, think over, weigh: I need a little time to digest the new regulations. 4 abbreviate, cut, condense, abridge, compress, epitomize, summarize, reduce, shorten: Her assistant had digested the report into four pages by noon. n. 5 condensation, abridgment or abridgement, abstract, pr‚cis, r‚sum‚, synopsis, summary, conspectus, abbreviation: I never did read the original novel, only a digest. dignified dignifiedadj. stately, noble, majestic, formal, solemn, serious, sober, grave, distinguished, honourable, distingu‚, elegant, august, sedate, reserved; regal, courtly, lordly, lofty, exalted, grand: Despite the abuse, he maintained a dignified demeanour. dignify dignifyv. distinguish, ennoble, elevate, raise, exalt, glorify, upraise, lift, uplift, enhance, improve, better, upgrade: The critic wrote that he wouldn't deign to dignify the book by calling it a novel. dignitary dignitaryn. personage, official, notable, worthy, magnate, power, higher-up; celebrity, lion, luminary, star, superstar, Colloq VIP, bigwig, big shot, big wheel, big name, big gun, hotshot, hot stuff, big noise, big White Chief, big Chief, big Daddy, Brit Lord or Lady Muck, high-muck-a-muck, Slang big cheese, Chiefly US Mr Big, biggie, fat cat: Anyone with a lot of money is treated today as a dignitary. dignity dignityn. 1 nobility, majesty, gravity, gravitas, solemnity, courtliness, distinction, stateliness, formality, grandeur, eminence; hauteur, loftiness: She entered and walked with dignity to the throne. 2 worth, worthiness, nobility, nobleness, excellence, honour, honourableness, respectability, respectableness, standing, importance, greatness, glory, station, status, rank, level, position: The real dignity of a man lies not in what he has but in what he is. 3 self-respect, self-regard, amour propre, self-confidence, self-esteem, pride, self-importance: It was beneath her dignity to speak directly to a footman. digression digressionn. 1 aside, departure, deviation, detour, obiter dictum, parenthesis, apostrophe, excursus: His numerous digressions made it difficult to focus on the main points of the speech. 2 digressing, deviating, divergence, going off at a tangent, rambling, meandering, straying, wandering, deviation: Digression from the main theme of his speech only diluted his argument. dilapidated dilapidatedadj. ruined, broken-down, in ruins, gone to rack and ruin, wrecked, destroyed, falling apart, decrepit, derelict, battered, tumbledown, run-down, ramshackle, crumbling, decayed, decaying, rickety, shaky, shabby, Brit raddled: We shall have to fix up that dilapidated barn if we expect to use it. dilemma dilemman. predicament, quandary, double bind, catch-22, impasse, deadlock, stalemate; plight, difficulty, trouble; stymie, snooker; Colloq bind, box, fix, jam, spot, pickle, squeeze: He was faced with the dilemma of killing the injured animal or allowing it to die in agony. dilettante dilettanten. dabbler, trifler, aesthete, amateur: You know art like a curator; I am a mere dilettante. diligent diligentadj. persevering, persistent, industrious, assiduous, sedulous, intent, steady, steadfast, focused, concentrated, earnest, attentive, conscientious, hard-working, indefatigable, tireless, constant, painstaking, careful, thorough, scrupulous, meticulous, punctilious: Only through diligent application was she able to get through law school. dilute dilutev. water (down), thin (down or out), cut, weaken, doctor, adulterate; mitigate, lessen, diminish, decrease: For the table, wine was often diluted with water. He dilutes his argument by citing irrelevancies. dim dimadj. 1 obscure, obscured, vague, faint, weak, weakened, pale, imperceptible, fuzzy, indistinct, ill-defined, indiscernible, undefined, indistinguishable, foggy, clouded, cloudy, nebulous, blurred, blurry, unclear, dull, hazy, misty, dark, shadowy, murky, tenebrous, gloomy, sombre, dusky, crepuscular: Her beauty made The bright world dim. We could barely see in the dim light of the cave. 2 stupid, obtuse, doltish, dull, dull-witted, foolish, slow-witted, dim-witted, dense, Colloq thick, dumb: Anyone who can't understand that is really quite dim. v. 3 obscure, dull, becloud: His natural feelings of compassion had been dimmed by neglect. 4 darken, bedim, shroud, shade: Twilight dims the sky above. The stage-lights dimmed and the curtain fell. diminish diminishv. 1 decrease, decline, abate, lessen, reduce, lower, shrink, curtail, contract, lop, crop, dock, clip, prune, cut, truncate, cut down, abbreviate, shorten, abridge, compress, condense, pare (down), scale down, boil down: As the height increases, the pressure diminishes. The need for police patrols was diminished when we hired security guards. 2 belittle, disparage, degrade, downgrade, discredit, detract (from), vitiate, debase, deprecate, demean, derogate, depreciate, vilipend, devalue, cheapen, put down, dismiss, humiliate, demean, reject: His abuse by the authorities did not diminish him in her eyes. 3 wane, fade, dwindle, ebb, die out or away, peter out, recede, subside; slacken, let up, wind down, slow (down), ease (off), Colloq run out of steam: Soaking in the hot water, I felt the tensions of mind and body gradually diminishing. The campaign finally diminished to a negligible effort. diminutive diminutiveadj. small, tiny, little, miniature, petite, minute, minuscule, mini, compact, undersized, pocket, pocket-sized, pygmy, elfin, Lilliputian, midget, wee, microscopic; micro, infinitesimal; US vest-pocket, vest-pocket-sized, Colloq teeny, teeny-weeny or teensy-weensy: The bride and groom appeared with their diminutive page-boys and bridesmaids behind them. din dinn. 1 noise, clamour, uproar, shouting, screaming, yelling, babel, clangour, clatter, commotion, racket, row, hullabaloo, hubbub, hurly-burly, rumpus, hollering, blare, blaring, bray, braying, bellow, bellowing, roar, blast, roaring, pandemonium, tumult: We couldn't hear the speech above the din of the crowd. v. 2 instil, drum, hammer: The names and dates of the British monarchs were dinned into me in childhood. dine dinev. eat, banquet, feast, sup, break bread, breakfast, lunch, have a bite or snack, nibble, Colloq feed, Slang nosh: We'll dine at 8.00, so don't be late. dingy dingyadj. dark, dull, gloomy, dim, lacklustre, faded, discoloured, dusky, drab, dreary, dismal, cheerless, depressing, gloomy, shadowy, tenebrous, smoky, sooty, grey-brown, smudgy, grimy, dirty, soiled: He was a dingy man, in dingy clothes, who lived in a dingy house. dip dipv. 1 immerse, plunge, duck, dunk, douse, bathe, submerge: He dipped each dish into the soapy water. 2 decline, go down, fall, descend, sag, sink, subside, slump: The road dips after the next curve. The price of shares has dipped again. 3 dip in or into. dabble in, play at; skim, scan: I haven't had time to read it, but I dipped into it here and there. n. 4 swim, plunge; immersion; Brit bathe: We are going for a dip in the pool before dinner. 5 lowering, sinking, depression, drop, slump, decline: This dip in the price of oil means nothing. diplomacy diplomacyn. 1 tact, tactfulness, adroitness, discretion: She was able to get rid of that rude boor with her customary diplomacy. 2 statecraft, statesmanship, negotiation; intrigue, Machiavellianism, machination, manoeuvring or maneuvering: Cardinal Richelieu is considered the founder of modern diplomacy. diplomatic diplomaticadj. tactful, discreet, prudent, wise, sensitive, politic, courteous, polite, discerning, perceptive, perspicacious, thoughtful: How diplomatic it was of you to have invited Frances's husband! direct directv. 1 manage, handle, run, administer, govern, regulate, control, operate, superintend, supervise, command, head up, rule; Colloq call the shots: She directs the company with an iron hand. 2 guide, lead, conduct, pilot, steer, show or point (the way), be at the helm; advise, counsel, instruct, mastermind; usher, escort: He has directed the company for 40 years, through good times and bad. Can you direct me to the post office? 3 rule, command, order, require, bid, tell, instruct, charge, dictate, enjoin; appoint, ordain: He directed that the attack be launched at dawn. 4 aim, focus, level, point, train; turn: That bullet was directed at my heart. Direct your attention to the front of the room. 5 send, address, post, mail: Please direct the letter to my home. adj. 6 straight, unswerving, shortest, undeviating, through: We turned off the direct road to take in the view. 7 uninterrupted, unreflected, unrefracted, without interference, unobstructed: She cannot remain in direct sunlight for very long. 8 unbroken, lineal: He claims to be a direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell's. 9 straightforward, unmitigated, outright, matter-of-fact, categorical, plain, clear, unambiguous, unmistakable, to the point, without or with no beating about the bush, unqualified, unequivocal, point-blank, explicit, express: I expect a direct answer to my direct question. Have you direct evidence of his guilt? That was a gross insult and a direct lie! 10 straightforward, frank, candid, outspoken, plain-spoken, honest, blunt, open, uninhibited, unreserved, forthright, honest, sincere, unequivocal; undiplomatic, tactless: She is very direct in commenting about people she dislikes. direction directionn. 1 directing, aiming, pointing, guiding, guidance, conducting, conduct, instructing, instruction, managing, management, administering, administration, governing, government, supervising, supervision, operating, operation, running, leadership, directorship, directorate, control, captaincy, handling, manipulation, regulation, rule, charge: The Freedom Party's direction of the country has led to many reforms. 2 Often, directions. instruction(s), information; bearing, road, way, route, avenue, course: To assemble the appliance, follow the directions printed in the leaflet. Can you give me directions to the nearest filling-station? directly directlyadv. 1 straight, in a beeline, unswervingly, undeviatingly, as the crow flies: This road should take me directly to the beach. 2 immediately, at once, straight away, right away, quickly, promptly, without delay, speedily, instantly, Colloq US and Canadian momentarily: She called and I went directly. 3 soon, later (on), anon, presently, in a (little) while, shortly: The doctor will be here directly. 4 exactly, precisely, just; completely, entirely: My garage is directly opposite. The cricket pitch is directly at the centre of the park. conj. 5 as soon as, when: The police arrested him directly he entered the building. director directorn. 1 executive, administrator, official, principal; chairman, president, vice-president; governor; head, chief, boss, manager, superintendent, supervisor, overseer, foreman, headman, Colloq kingpin, number one, numero uno, Mr Big, the man; Slang top dog, top banana, Brit gaffer, US big cheese, head or chief honcho: The sale of the company was announced at the meeting of the board of directors. 2 guide, leader; steersman, helmsman, pilot, skipper, commander, commandant, captain; cicerone; maestro, concert-master, conductor; impresario: We were lucky to have a director who really knew what he was doing. dirt dirtn. 1 soil, mud, muck, mire, grime, slime, sludge, ooze, slop; dust, soot; excrement, ordure; filth, waste, refuse, trash, garbage, rubbish, offal, junk, dross, sweepings; leavings, scrap, orts; Slang Brit gunge, US grunge: This vacuum cleaner is guaranteed to pick up any kind of dirt. 2 soil, earth, loam, ground, clay: Hydroponics is the technique of farming without dirt, using only liquid nutrients. 3 indecency, obscenity, smut, pornography, foulness, corruption, filth, vileness: Customs confiscated much of the dirt before it could enter the country. 4 gossip, scandal, talk, rumour, inside information , Colloq low-down, dope, Slang US scuttlebutt: I got the dirt from David about what really happened at the party. dirty dirtyadj. 1 foul, unclean, befouled, soiled, begrimed, sooty, grimy, filthy, mucky, besmeared, besmirched, befouled, polluted, squalid, sullied, stained, spotted, smudged, slovenly, unwashed, bedraggled, slatternly, untidy, Slang Brit gungy, US grungy: If you think his shirt was dirty, you should have seen his body! 2 smutty, indecent, obscene, ribald, off colour, prurient, risqu‚, salacious, lewd, lascivious, salacious, pornographic, coarse, licentious, rude, blue, scabrous: His parents were shocked to hear him telling dirty jokes. 3 unfair, unscrupulous, unsporting, dishonest, mean, underhand(ed), unsportsmanlike, dishonourable, deceitful, corrupt, treacherous, perfidious, villainous, disloyal; malicious, malevolent, rotten, filthy: It was a dirty trick of Sue's to tell the teacher. 4 bad, foul, nasty, stormy, rainy, windy, blowy, blowing, squally, sloppy: We're in for some dirty weather, Mr Christian, so you'd best reduce sail. 5 bitter, resentful, angry, furious, wrathful, smouldering: She gave me a dirty look when I said anything about her sister. 6 sordid, base, mean, despicable, contemptible, ignoble, scurvy, low, low-down, ignominious, vile, nasty, infamous: That villain has done his dirty work and now we must all suffer. He's nothing but a dirty coward! v. 7 stain, sully, befoul, soil, begrime, besmirch, pollute, muddy, smear, defile; blacken, tarnish: She refused to so much as dirty her hands to help us. Are you afraid it will dirty your reputation to be seen with me? disability disabilityn. 1 handicap, impairment, defect, infirmity, disablement: James is unable to play tennis owing to his disability. 2 inability, incapacity, unfitness, impotence, powerlessness, helplessness: The teacher helped her to overcome her disability. disabled disabledadj. incapacitated, crippled, lame; damaged, ruined, impaired, harmed, non-functioning, inoperative, Slang Brit scuppered: Disabled ex-servicemen ought to receive compensation. No parts could be found for the disabled machines. disadvantage disadvantagen. 1 deprivation, set-back, drawback, liability, handicap, defect, flaw, shortcoming, weakness, weak spot, fault: Being colour-blind has not been a disadvantage in his kind of work. 2 detriment, harm, loss, injury, damage; prejudice, disservice: Failure to send in a tax return will be to your distinct disadvantage. disagree disagreev. 1 differ, dissent, diverge: She disagrees with most of my ideas. I said the painting was by Hockney, but he disagreed. 2 conflict, dispute, quarrel, argue, contend, contest, bicker, fight, fall out, squabble, wrangle, debate: Those who agree on major principles often disagree about trifles, and vice versa. disagreeable disagreeableadj. 1 unpleasant, unpleasing, offensive, distasteful, repugnant, obnoxious, repellent, repulsive, objectionable, revolting, odious: He found the heat and humidity in the tropics most disagreeable. 2 offensive, noxious, unsavoury, unpalatable, nauseating, nauseous, nasty, sickening, disgusting, revolting, repellent, abominable, objectionable: A disagreeable odour arose from the beggar on the doorstep. 3 bad-tempered, ill-tempered, disobliging, uncooperative, unfriendly, uncivil, abrupt, blunt, curt, brusque, short, uncourtly, impolite, bad-mannered, ill-mannered, discourteous, rude, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, testy, grouchy, splenetic, cross, ill-humoured, peevish, morose, sulky, sullen: Brian became quite disagreeable, and I did not see him again. disagreement disagreementn. 1 difference, discrepancy, discord, discordance, discordancy, dissimilarity, disaccord, diversity, incongruity, nonconformity, incompatibility: Can you resolve the disagreement between the results of these experiments? 2 dissent, opposition, conflict, contradiction, difference, disparity: The problem arises from a basic disagreement in their principles. 3 quarrel, strife, argument, dispute, velitation, altercation, controversy, contention, dissension, debate, clash, Colloq US rhubarb: Their mother had to settle the disagreement between the brothers. disappear disappearv. 1 vanish, evaporate, vaporize, fade (away or out), evanesce, Poetic evanish: After granting my wish, the genie disappeared, laughing diabolically. 2 die (out or off), become extinct, cease (to exist), perish (without a trace): The dinosaurs, though enormously successful as a species, suddenly disappeared from the earth. disappoint disappointv. 1 let down, fail, dissatisfy: Miss Sheila disappointed her public by refusing to sing. 2 mislead, deceive, disenchant, Colloq stand up: She disappointed me by saying she would be there and then not arriving. 3 undo, frustrate, foil, thwart, balk, defeat: How can I answer you truthfully without disappointing your expectations? disappointed disappointedadj. 1 frustrated, unsatisfied, dissatisfied, disillusioned, disenchanted, discouraged, downhearted, disheartened, downcast, saddened, unhappy, dejected, discontented, let down: There will be a lot of disappointed children at Christmas this year. 2 foiled, thwarted, balked, defeated, undone, failed, let down: Though she campaigned energetically, Theodora was among the disappointed candidates. disappointing disappointingadj. discouraging, dissatisfying, unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, disconcerting; poor, second-rate, sorry, inadequate, insufficient, inferior, pathetic, sad: The former champion turned in a disappointing performance yesterday evening. disappointment disappointmentn. 1 frustration, non-fulfilment,unfulfilment, unsatisfaction, dissatisfaction, set-back, failure, let-down, defeat, blow, fiasco, calamity, disaster, fizzle, Brit damp squib, Colloq wash-out: Recently he has had one disappointment after another. 2 dejection, depression, discouragement, disenchantment, distress, regret, mortification, chagrin: I cannot tell you the disappointment your father and I felt when you failed to get into university. disapproval disapprovaln. disapprobation, condemnation, censure, criticism, reproof, reproach, objection, exception, disfavour, displeasure, dissatisfaction: The council voiced their disapproval of holding a carnival in the village square. disapprove disapprovev. condemn, criticize, censure, object to, decry, denounce, put or run down, deplore, deprecate, belittle, look down on, frown on or upon, Colloq knock, look down one's nose at, tut-tut: I don't care if you disapprove of my marrying Eustace. The monopolies commission has disapproved the merger. disarm disarmv. 1 unarm; demilitarize, demobilize, disband, deactivate: After the war, most - but not all - European countries disarmed. 2 win over, put or set at ease, mollify, appease, placate, pacify, reconcile, conciliate, propitiate, charm: I was completely disarmed by her friendly disposition. Many people found his na‹vety disarming. disaster disastern. catastrophe, calamity, cataclysm, tragedy, misfortune, d‚bƒcle, accident, mishap, blow, act of God, adversity, trouble, reverse: The flooding of the river was as much of a disaster as the earlier drought. disastrous disastrousadj. 1 calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, tragic, destructive, ruinous, devastating, appalling, harrowing, awful, terrible, dire, horrendous, horrible, horrifying, dreadful, fatal: There has been a disastrous earthquake which killed thousands. 2 awful, terrible, unlucky, unfortunate, detrimental, grievous, harmful: The postal strike has had disastrous effects on the mail-order business. disband disbandv. disperse, disorganize, scatter, break up, dissolve, demobilize, deactivate, retire: After the war, the special spy force was disbanded. discard discardv. 1 get rid of, dispense with, dispose of, throw away or out, toss out or away, abandon, jettison, scrap, Colloq trash, dump, Slang ditch: We discarded boxes of old photographs when we moved house. n. 2 reject, cast-off: I felt like a discard from the lonely hearts club. discernible discernibleadj. 1 perceptible, visible, seeable, perceivable, apparent, clear, observable, plain, detectable; conspicuous, noticeable: A small sailing-boat was discernible on the horizon. 2 distinguishable, recognizable, identifiable, distinct: To me there is a discernible difference between puce and burgundy. discharge dischargev. 1 release, let out, dismiss, let go, send away; pardon, exonerate, liberate, (set) free, acquit, let off, absolve: She was discharged from hospital yesterday. He was discharged from police custody last week. 2 expel, oust, dismiss, cashier, eject, give notice, Colloq sack, give (someone) the sack, fire, kick out: He was discharged from his job yesterday. 3 shoot, fire (off); set or let off, detonate, explode: It is illegal to discharge a firearm or other explosive device in this area. 4 emit, send out or forth, pour out or forth, gush; disembogue; ooze, leak, exude; excrete, void: The sore in his leg continued to discharge pus. We can ill afford to discharge those effluents into the sea. 5 carry out, perform, fulfil, accomplish, do, execute: He faithfully discharges the duties of his office. 6 pay, settle, liquidate, clear, honour, meet, square (up): Before going off on holiday, we discharged all our financial obligations. 7 unload, offload, disburden, empty: After discharging its cargo, the vessel rode high in the water. n. 8 release, dismissal: What is the date of his discharge from the clinic? 9 expulsion, ouster, dismissal, ejection, notice, Colloq the axe or US ax, the sack, the boot, Chiefly US and Canadian walking papers, Slang US and Canadian the bounce, the gate: Her discharge from the firm was rather ignominious. 10 shooting, firing (off), report, shot; salvo, fusillade, volley; detonation, explosion, burst: The discharge of a pistol could not be heard at that distance. I heard the discharge from the guns of the firing squad in the courtyard below. The discharge of the bomb maimed three children. 11 emission, release, void, voiding, excretion, excreting, emptying, flow; ooze, oozing, pus, suppuration, secretion, seepage: The discharge of blood from the wound continued. 12 performance, fulfilment, accomplishment, execution, observance, achievement: The discharge of my family responsibilities will have to await my return from the front. 13 payment, settlement, liquidation, squaring (up), clearance: The bank expects full discharge of all debts before they lend any money. 14 unloading, disburdening, offloading, emptying: The customer will pay in full after the discharge of his cargo. disciple disciplen. 1 apprentice, pupil, student, proselyte, learner, scholar: Pietro Zampollini was a disciple of the great artist Ravelli. 2 follower, adherent, devotee, admirer, votary; partisan, fan, aficionado: She is a disciple of Louis Armstrong's. disciplinarian disciplinariann. taskmaster, martinet, drill-sergeant; tyrant, despot, dictator: The headmaster at Briarcliffe was a stern disciplinarian who regularly used to beat us. discipline disciplinen. 1 training, drilling, regimen, exercise, practice, drill, inculcation, indoctrination, instruction, schooling: Strict discipline is good for young people, according to my father. 2 punishment, penalty, chastisement, castigation, correction: The discipline meted out to senior students was very harsh. 3 order, routine, (proper) behaviour, decorum: The sergeant is there to maintain discipline among the recruits. 4 direction, rule, regulation, government, control, subjection, restriction, check, curb, restraint: There was far too much discipline during my childhood, both at school and at home. 5 subject, course, branch of knowledge, area, field, speciality or chiefly US and Canadian specialty: Latin is a discipline which is fast disappearing from our schools. v. 6 train, break in, condition, drill, exercise, instruct, coach, teach, school, indoctrinate, inculcate; edify, enlighten, inform: The aim of his education is to discipline him to respond to orders. 7 check, curb, restrain, bridle, control, govern, direct, run, supervise, manage, regulate, hold or keep in check, US ride herd on: You have to discipline those children or they will always misbehave. 8 punish, chastise, castigate, correct, penalize, reprove, criticize, reprimand, rebuke: Discipline that boy or he will just do it again. disclose disclosev. 1 reveal, impart, divulge, betray, release, tell, blurt out, blab, leak, let slip, report, inform, Colloq spill the beans, blow the gaff, Slang squeal, snitch, squeak, rat, peach, US fink: To get a shorter sentence, he disclosed all to the police. 2 bare, reveal, expose, uncover, show, unveil: When the pie was opened, twenty-four blackbirds were disclosed. discomfit discomfitv. 1 embarrass, abash, disconcert, disturb, confuse, make uneasy or uncomfortable, discompose, fluster, ruffle, confound, perturb, upset, worry, unsettle, unnerve, Colloq rattle, US faze, discombobulate: Being short, she was discomfited by references to her height. 2 frustrate, foil, thwart, baffle, check, defeat, trump, outdo, outwit, overcome: Discomfited by her violent reaction, her attacker fled. discomfort discomfortn. 1 uneasiness, hardship, difficulty, trouble, care, worry, distress, vexation: She hasn't known the discomfort of being the wife of a miner. 2 ache, pain, twinge, soreness, irritation; bother, inconvenience, nuisance: Some discomfort persisted in my legs long after the accident. disconcerted disconcertedadj. discomposed, discomfited, ruffled, uneasy, put out or off, uncomfortable, queasy, flustered, agitated, upset, shaken, unsettled, perturbed, confused, bewildered, perplexed, baffled, puzzled, US thrown off, Colloq rattled, US fazed, discombobulated; Slang (all) shook (up): They were really disconcerted by the arrival of the police. disconcerting disconcertingadj. awkward, discomfiting, off-putting, upsetting, unnerving, unsettling, disturbing, confusing, confounding, bewildering, perplexing, baffling, puzzling: I found his persistence quite disconcerting. disconnect disconnectv. separate, disjoin, disunite, uncouple, detach, unhook, undo, disengage, unhitch; cut or break off; cut or pull apart, part, divide, sever: They disconnected the engine after pushing the carriages onto a siding. Disconnect the power before changing the light-bulb. disconnected disconnectedadj. 1 unconnected, separate, apart, unattached; split, separated: A totally disconnected thought suddenly occurred to me. 2 incoherent, irrational, confused, illogical, garbled, disjointed, rambling, mixed-up, unintelligible, uncoordinated, random: He lost the debate because his argument was disconnected and lacked cogency. discontent discontentn. displeasure, unhappiness, dissatisfaction, discontentment, distaste, uneasiness; malaise: He felt discontent at being barred from the club. discontented discontentedadj. displeased, dissatisfied, discontent, annoyed, vexed, fretful, irritated, testy, piqued, petulant, disgruntled, exasperated, Colloq fed up, Slang browned off, pissed off, Brit cheesed or brassed off: The umpire's decision made many fans quite discontented. discontinue discontinuev. cease, break off, give up, stop, terminate, put an end to, quit, leave off, drop; interrupt, suspend: Please discontinue newspaper delivery until further notice. discord discordn. strife, dissension, disagreement, conflict, disharmony, contention, disunity, discordance, division, incompatibility: The seeds of discord between the families were sown generations before. discordant discordantadj. 1 contrary, disagreeing, divergent, opposite, opposed, adverse, contradictory, incompatible, differing, different, conflicting, at odds, incongruous, in conflict, in disagreement, at variance, dissimilar: The testimony of the fossils is discordant with the evidence in the legend. 2 inharmonious, dissonant, jarring, cacophonous, unmelodious, unmusical, harsh, strident, jangling, grating: He struck some discordant notes on his zither. discount discountv. 1 reduce, mark down, deduct, lower, take or knock off: As I was buying a dozen, he discounted the price by ten per cent. 2 diminish, lessen, minimize, detract from: One must discount what she says when she's angry.