abandonment abandonment抛弃
Correct a wrong friendship 纠正一段错误的友谊

/ kəˈrekt ə rɒŋ ˈfrendʃɪp /
abasement abasement 自卑
A peculiarly appropriate attitude in an employee when addressing an employer 雇员对雇主说话时一种古怪而合适的态度
abdomen abdomen 腹部
The temple of the God Stomach 肚子之神的庙宇
abduction abduction 诱拐
1) Invitation without persuasion 不用说服的邀请
ability ability 能力
1) Something like a check useless unless honored 像支票一样,只有兑现后才有价值的东西

2) Water, electricity, fire and dreams lurking inside one's body 潜伏在人体内的水、电、火和梦

3) What will get you to the top if the boss has no daughter 能使你爬到顶的本领,条件是你的老板没有女儿

4) Ability is nothing without opportunity. 没有机遇,能力一钱不值。
abnormality abnormality 变态
1) A kind of epidemic in modem society, a reaction to normality 现代社会的一种流行病,常态的一种反动
2) The nickname of any state you don't like 你不喜欢的所有状态的绰号

3) Any behavior that does not tally with your way of doing things 任何与你行事方式不一致的行为

4) Normal things in the eye of the abnormal 不正常的人眼中正常的事情

5) A term for diluted hatred 冲淡了仇恨的一种名称
abortion abortion 流产
Love's labor lost 爱的徒劳
abscond Absscond潜逃
Secretly leave with perfectly just objective 带着完全正当的目的偷偷地离开
absence Absence 缺席
Providing opportunities for others to slander against you 提供机会让别人诋毁你
absent-mindedness Absent-mindedness 心不在焉
1) No man knows what absent-mindedness really is until he finds himself dialing his own telephone number. 直到发现在拨自己的电话号码前,没人知道什么是心不在焉。

2) It's absent-mindedness when you forget, but it's gross negligence when your wife forgets.你自己忘记了是心不在焉,而你妻子忘记了则只是疏忽大意。
abstainer Abstainer 节欲者
1) A weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure 屈服于不让自已享受乐趣的诱惑的弱者
abstract art Abstract art抽象艺术
1) A form of modem art where the artist shows great skill in his inability to paint 表现画家不会作画的一种技巧高超的现代艺术形式

2) The art enabling the critic to admire what he can't appreciate, and to appreciate what he doesn't like.使批评家赞叹他不欣赏的东西,或欣赏他不喜欢的东西的一种艺术!

3) A product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered 由没有天才的人创作的、经没有原则的人卖给完全晕头转向的人的一种作品
absurdity Absurdity 荒谬
1) Sayings that obviously go contrary to my views 明显与我的观点相悖的说法

2) Imitation of those we cannot resemble 模仿我们无法比拟的人物
accident Accident 意外
1) An inevitable occurrence due to the action of immutable natural laws 不可改变的自然规律引起的、不可避免的事件
acclaim Acclaim 喝彩
1) Often just the echo of obsolete expressions 常常不过是陈词滥调的回声
accordion Accordion 手风琴
1) An instrument in harmony with the sentiments of an assassin 与刺客情绪很和谐的一种乐器

2) A pleated bagpipe褶皱的管风琴
acountability Accountability 责任心
The mother of caution谨慎之母
accountant Accountant 会计
1) Someone who can legally detect the pocketbook of the manager besides his wife除了他妻子外也可以合法侦探经理钱包的人

2) A man hired to explain why you didn't make the money you did 雇来解释为何你没有得到你挣的钱的人

3) One who uses your books to figure his profit 用你的账本来计算他自己利益的人

4) One who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing 知道所有东西的成本,却不知道其价值的人
accuracy Accuracy 精确
1) Dream of the idealist 理想主义者的梦

2) The vice of being right 正确之罪恶
accusation Accusation 指控
1) Firmly believe the other party is guilty so as to absolve yourself 坚信对方有罪以便开脱自己

2) To affirm another's guilt or unworth: most commonly as a justification of ourselves for having wronged him 证明另一个人有罪或卑鄙,最通常的是用以说明自己冤枉他是正当的
achievement Achievement 成就
1) Something which asks for more reproach than shortcomings 比缺点更招人非议的一种东西

2) The death of endeavor and the birth of disgust 努力的结束,厌倦的开始

3) Most of us are inclined to measure our achievement by what others have not done.我们大部分人往往以别人没有做到什么来衡量我们的成就。
acquaintance Acquaintance 熟人
1) A degree of friendship called slight when the object is poor or obscure, and intimate when he is rich or famous 某种程度的友谊,如果对方穷困或无名,称之为无足轻重;如果对方有钱或知名,则称之为亲密无间

2) A person whom we know well enough to borrow money from but not well enough to lend to 我们熟悉到可以向其借钱,但没有熟悉到可以借钱给他的人

3) People you find too many when you are in an awkward situation and too few when you feel exalted 你在尴尬时觉得太多,而当风光时觉得太少的人
acrobatics Acrobatics 杂技
1) Strange ways of piling up building blocks made of one‘s body and other odd things for people to shrill with amazement 以自己的身体和其他古怪的东西当积木,用新奇的办法堆积起来,让人们惊讶得尖叫
acting Acting 演技
An art that consists of keeping the audience from coughing使观众不咳嗽的艺术
action action 行动
1) Antidote of despair 失望的解药

2) The last resource of those who don't know how to dream 不知道该如何梦想的人的最后一招
actor actor演员
1) Someone who tries to be everyone but himself 试图成为所有的人,唯独不成为自己的人

2) A man who often staggers home full of boos 经常跌跌撞撞回家心里充满厌恶的人

3) A sculptor who carves in snow 用雪雕塑的人

4) Someone who peddles end products of sentiments 兜售感情最终产品的人
actress actress女演员
1) Every woman under thirty thinks she is an actress, and every actress thinks she is under thirty. 所有30岁以下的女人都认为自己是演员,所有女演员都认为自己不到30岁。
acupuncture acupuncture 针灸
A jab well done 恰到好处的一戳
adam Adam亚当
1) The only one indispensable man in all history 历史上唯一不可或缺的人
admiration admiration 钦佩
1) Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves 有礼貌地承认另一个人很像我们自己

2) A fool always finds a bigger fool to admire him. 傻瓜总能找到更傻的、钦佩他的傻瓜。
adolescence adolescence 青春期
1) The period in a youngsters life when he asks questions that parents can answer 年轻人生活中的一段时期,这时他问的问题是父母答得出的

2) The period when children stop asking questions and begin to question the answers 孩子们不再问问题而开始对答案提出疑问的时期

3) The period when a boy stops quoting his dad and starts criticizing him 男孩不再引用父亲的话而开始批评他的阶段

4) The time in life when a youngster is well informed about anything he doesn't have to study 年轻人对于无需学习的一切都十分了解的人生阶段

5) The period when a youngster objects to his parents’ having their own way 年轻人反对父母自行其是的时段

6) The age when a child feels his parents should be told the facts of life 孩子觉得应该告诉父母生活中的事实的年龄段

7) The period when you can't tell the girls from the boys by the clothes they wear 从着装难以区分姑娘和小伙子的时期

8) The best substitute ever invented for experience 用于取代经验的最好发明

9) The in-between age when a youngster is too old to say something cute, and too young to say something sensible 一个过度年龄段,这时候说聪明伶俐的话年龄太大,而又 还不到说明智的话的年龄

10) That period when a boy refuses to believe that someday he'll be as stupid as his father 男孩不再相信有朝一日会变得和他父亲一样傻的人生阶段
adoration adoration 崇拜
1) To venerate expectandy 有所盼望的尊敬
adult adult成年人
1) A person who stopped growing at both ends and started to grow in the middle 上下两端停止生长而中间开始生长的人

2) Someone who avoids puddles even when he is wearing a pair of boots 即使穿着长筒靴,走路时仍然绕开水坑的人

3) One who has the duty to stop playing children's games 有义务停止玩儿童游戏的人

4) One who has stopped belonging to the younger generation and has started complaining about it 不再属于年青的一代,并已开始为之埋怨的人
adult film adult film成人电影
1) A film viewed by people over 30 with a cast of 25 -year-olds doing what 18-year-olds do, with a plot for a 6-year-old 30岁以上者看的电影,由25岁的演员演18岁的人做的事,其情节适合6岁孩子看
adultery adultery 私通
1) Putting yourself in someone else's position把自己放在别人的位置上

2) When a spouse is too good to be true 配偶好得叫人不敢相信

3) Grown people acting like children 成人像小孩那样行事
adventure adventure 冒险
1) Somewhere between entertainment and panic 介于娱乐和惊恐之间
adversity adversity 逆境
1) The trial of principle and a man's honesty 对原则和一个人是否诚实的考验
advertisement advertisement 广告
1) The only lie that is acceptable when it is exposed 唯一能在揭穿后仍被接受的谎言

2) The only kind of news found in the daily papers thafs always on the bright side 出现在每天报上、总是令人鼓舞的唯一的消息

3) Illegitimate child of media and modem commerce, fed to look plumper and brighter than real things 媒体和现代商业的私生子,喂得比实际东西更丰满、更光鲜

4) Hymn offered to God by Judas. Content: My God, please grant me the opportunity to empty your wallet. 犹大献给上帝的赞美诗,内容是:我的上帝啊,请赐我掏空你的钱包的机会吧。
advertising advertising 广告学
1) The art of making you think you've longed all your life for something you never heard of before 让你觉得你一生都在想望你以前从没有听说过的某样东西的艺术

2) The science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it 让你有足够时间明辨不了是非,从而可以趁机赚钱的科学

3) The art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they doif t need 说服人们花尚未拥有的钱去买他们并不需要的东西的艺术

4) A trick to get you to spend money by telling you how much you can save 通过告诉你能省多少钱,从而使你花钱的计谋

5) The art of making whole lies out of half truth 用一半事实编出整个谎言的艺术

6) Something that has put an end to the power of most powerful adjectives 使最有力的形容词失去力量的某种东西

7) Legalized lying 说谎合法化

8) An effective modem art of calling your spirit so that you have no place to hide from it 一种有效的、让你无处藏身的现代招魂术
advice advice 忠吿
1) A method used by fools to lose their friends 傻瓜用以失去朋友的办法

2) The one thing which is umore blessed to give than to receive 一种“给予比得到更快乐”的东西

3) The smallest current coin 面值最小的流通硬币

4) An opinion given by someone who can't use it to someone who won't 不会使用的人给不想使用的人的某个主意

5) Never give anyone frank advice until you're out of reach. 在走出对方能触达你的范围前,千万不要给人直率的忠告。

6) It is the best to give advice in only two circumstances: when it is requested and when it is a life threatening situation. 只有在两种情况下给人忠告才是最好的:对方要求时和生 死攸关时。

7) Friendly advice has cost many a man his friend. 友好的忠告使许多人失去了朋友。

8) Everyone is unselfish when it comes to giving advice. 要说给别人忠告,谁也不自私。
aerobics aerobics健身操
1) A form of cruel punishment of the body for what it hasn't done 身体什么也没有做却受到的残酷的惩罚
aestheticism Aestheticism唯美主义
1) Escapism in life and eroticism in literature 生活中的逃避主义,文学中的色情主义
aesthetics aesthetics 美学
1) The tie under men's suits and cosmetics of women 男人西装里的领带,女人的化妆品
afternoon afternoon 下午
1) That part of the day we spent worrying about how one wasted the morning 一天中的、因为浪费了上午而烦躁不安的一段时间
age age年龄
1) Something possessed by everyone that goes up all the time and never comes down 每个人都拥有的只会升不会降的某种东西

2) Some secret women resent most to be asked about by others 女人最反感别人打听的某种秘密

3) Something a woman always fixes because she cannot stop time in its flight 女人总能使之固定下来的某种东西,原因是她无法让飞驶的时间停下来

4) Something a woman owns seven: her real one and six guessed ones 女人拥有的七个东西:一个真实的和六个猜测的

5) Calculator of one's wrinkles 皱纹计算器

6) A woman stops telling her age when her age starts telling on her. 女人在开始显露其年龄时不再说自己的年龄。

7) When people tell you how young you look, they are also telling you how old you are. 人们在说你有多年轻时,也就是说你有多老了。
agent agent代理人,间谍, 特工
1) Result of social division of labor, one who makes money, especially your money by claiming to work for you 社会分工的产物,声称为你工作却自己赚钱,特别是从你那里赚钱的人
aging Aging老化
1) The process of growing old, hastened by the eternal struggle to remain young 变老的过程,由于人们不断地想法子保持年轻而加快

2) Something everybody is doing inevitably 所有人都不可避免地在做的事
agitator agitator煽动者
1) A statesman who shakes the trees of his neighbors—to dislodge the worms 摇动邻居果树的政治家——为的是赶走虫子
agreement agreement同意
1) Tactful praise of the part of another person's idea which agrees with our own 巧妙地表扬别人想法中与自己的想法相同的部分
aim aim (瞄准的)目标
1) The task we set our wishes to 为希望规定的任务
air air空气
1) Nutritious substance supplied by a bountiful Providence for the fattening of the poor 上帝慷慨赏赐给穷人,让他们长胖的营养品
air conditioner air conditioner 空调
1) Something a litde cooler than your wife, which can adjust the temperature but not your temper 比你妻子凉快一点儿的玩意儿,它能调节温度但调节不了 你的脾性

2) Something most useful during months that have no R in it 没有R这个字母的月份里最有用的某种东西

3) The chief virtue of an air conditioner is that the neighbors can't borrow it. 空调最大的好处是邻居们无法借用。
airhead airhead轻浮者
1)(Jemale-specific) What a woman intentionally becomes when pulled over by a policeman (尤指女性)女人开车被警察叫到一边时故意变成的样子
airplane airplane 飞机
1) The only place where you cannot walk out on a dull movie 看着乏味没劲的电影却不能走出去的唯一的地方
alarm clock alarm clock 闹钟
1) Something built with a mechanism to scare the living daylight into you 吓你一跳,然后把活生生的白天塞给你的一种机械装置

2) A mechanical device to wake people up who don't have children 用于叫醒没有孩子的人的一种机械设备

3) A frightened timepiece 一个受惊的计时器

4) A device that wakes you up just in time to go back to sleep 让你醒过来正好再接着睡的一种装置

5) Something that makes people rise and whine 让人们起来而抱怨的某种东西
alcohol alcohol 酒精
1) A wonderful liquid that can preserve everything except secret 能保存除了秘密之外任何东西的一种奇妙的液体
alcoholic alcoholic 酒鬼
1) Anyone who will drink with anyone, to anyone 愿同所有人和为任何人干一杯的人

2) A man who never puts off till tomorrow the drinking he can do 从不把今天能喝的酒放到明天再喝的人 !

3) Someone who always drinks to forget, but never forgets to drink 总是为了忘却而喝酒,但从来不忘记喝酒的人

4) A person who drinks more than his physician 酒喝喝得比医生多的人

5) Someone you don't like who drinks as much as you do 酒和你喝得一样多,但是你不喜欢的人 !

6) The only sponge that never fills up on water 唯一不吸收水分的海绵
alimony alimony赡养费
1) When two people make a mistake and one of them continues to pay for it 两个人犯错误,其中一个人却得为之继续付出代价

2) The fine levied on a man who won't stay single and can't stay married 向不愿意单身、又无法保持婚姻的男人征收的罚款

3) The interest of long-term investment parents get from their children, as for the capital, a part has been embezzled by inflation and the most part has been grabbed away by either the daughter-in-law or son-in-law 父母从子女那里得到的长期投资的利息,至于本金,部分为通货膨胀所贪污,大部分则为媳妇或女婿夺走
alliance alliance 同盟
1) In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their : hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third 两个小偷在国际政治上团结一致,他们的手深深地插在对方的口袋里,因而无法单独抽出手来去抢夺第三者
allowance allowance 零用钱
1) The name given to the bribe that the older generation gives the younger generation to live with 长辈为了能和晚辈一起生活而付给后者的贿赂的名称
alternating current alternating current 交流电
1) Bi-sexual electrons 双性电子
altruist altruist利他主义者
1) One who would be sincerely sorry to see his neighbor's children devoured by wolves 看到邻居的孩子被狼吞食会感到真心遗憾的人
amateur amateur业余选手
1) A young man who, when flattering women, is afraid of overdoing it 奉承女人时怕做过头的年轻人

2) An athlete who insists on cash and won't take a check 坚持要现金,不肯接受支票的运动员

3) Avarice on silts and masked 戴着面具的贪欲坐在泥沙上
amateur hour amateur hour业余时间
1) That 60 minutes after the bars close 酒吧关门后的那60分钟
ambiguity ambiguity模棱两可
1) The language of politics and statesmanship 政治和政客使用的语言

2) Telling the truth when you don't mean to 你不打算说时说的真话
ambition ambition 雄心
1) An overmastering desire to be vilified by enemies while living and made ridiculous by friends when dead 渴望生前被敌人诋毁、死后被朋友讥笑的强烈愿望

2) A person's strong desire to work so that he can live later without work 一个人要工作的强烈愿望,以便之后可以逍遥自在不工作

3) A strong desire caused by a bold vision that the dead will kill the enemy, who then will bury the dead 大胆设想死人会杀掉敌人,然后被杀的敌人会埋葬死人而 产生的一种强烈的愿望

4) The only disease that laziness can cure 懒惰能医治的唯一疾病

5) A poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy 不好意思偷懒而使用的蹩脚的借口
amen Amen阿门(祈祷结束语)
1) The only part of a prayer that everyone knows 祈祷中唯一所有人都会说的部分
amity amity和睦
1) The husband likes fishing, the wife likes cooking fish, and the child likes eating fish 丈夫喜欢钓鱼,妻子喜欢做鱼,而孩子喜欢吃鱼
amnesia amnesia健忘症
1) The decline of your memory after you borrow money from others 向别人借钱后记忆力的衰退
amnesty amnesty 大赦
1) The stated magnanimity to those offenders whom it would be too expensive to punish 国家赦免某些罪犯的雅量,因为惩罚施们太费钱
anchor anchor 锚
1) A device designed to bring up mud samples from the bottom at inopportune or unexpected times 设计用于不凑巧和意外时从水底挖掘污泥样本的设备
anger anger生气
1) An uncontrolled feeling that betrays what you are when you are not yourself 一种控制不住的感情,在你忘乎所以的时候会显露你的真 实为人

2) A brief madness 短暂的疯狂

3) A wind that blows out the lamp of the mind 吹灭心中之灯的风

4) Punishing yourself by other's mistakes 用别人的错误惩罚自己

5) The energy that has not yet found its right channel to vent 尚未找到其正确发泄渠道的能量

6) A condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind 舌头比脑子转得快的一种状况

7) A mood when one feels awkward because of his incompetence or inability to do anything, mostly a kind of self-denouncement rather than towards others 因为无能而感到尴尬时的一种心情,更多的是自我谴责而 不是针对他人

8) Some feeling whose consequences are much more grievous than its causes 其后果比起因严重得多的某种感情
answer answer 答案
1) Pitfall for fools that makes everything inclusive 使一切变得模棱两可的、为傻瓜准备的陷阱

2) What everybody is still looking for 所有人都还在寻找的东西
answering answering 回答
1) It isn't what they call you, it's what you answer to 关键不在别人叫你什么,而在于你怎么回应
antagonist antagonist 对手
1) A ruffian that prevents us from doing whatever as we please 不让我们为所欲为的恶棍
antipathy antipathy反感
1) The sentiment inspired by one's friend's friend由朋友的朋友引起的情感
antique antique 古童
1) Anything thafs too old for the poor, but not too old for the rich 穷人认为太旧,而富人认为还不够旧的任何东西

2) Something one generation buys, the next generation gets rid of, and the following generation buys again 一代人买回来,下一代人扔掉,再下一代人又买回来的东西

3) Merchandise sold for old time's sake 为了往昔而出售的商品

4) A fugitive from the junk shop with a price on its head 从废品店买回来的、有身价的逃亡者

5) A piece of furniture that has been to the attic and back 在阁楼呆过又回来了的家具
antique shop antique shop 古董店
1) A place where there are thousands of treasures you can do without 一个拥有成千上万你有没有都无所谓的宝贝的地方

2) A business establishment where the sale items are very old and the prices are very modem 出售的东西很旧而价钱却非常时髦的商店
antonym antonym反义词
1) The opposite of the word you are trying to think of 和你使劲想的那个词相反的词
anxiety anxiety 担心
1) Nature's way of getting you up mornings 大自然让你早起的方法

2) The first time you can't do it a second time 你第一次做不成第二次
aphorism aphorism 格言
1) Salted and not sugared almonds at reason's feast I 道理宴会上盒腌的而不是糖渍的杏仁

2) Something pricking with the sharp point of truth, but with the sting removed 去掉了刺疼人的尖端的真理

3) Predigested wisdom useful only for those who set their mind on it 预先消化过的智慧,只对有心人有用
apology apology 道歉
1) Saying the right thing after doing the wrong thing 做了错事后说正确的话

2) An expression of regret where the voice seldom matches the words 遗憾的一种表示,但常常言不由衷

3) A lump in the throat caused by having to eat your own words 因为要吞回自己说过的话而堵在喉咙里的一团东西

4) A hint foreshadowing a second offense in the future 将来要再次冒犯的伏笔

5) All-purpose glue in life that can mend the world 可以修补世界的生活中的万能胶

6) An intoxicating perfume that can turn the most embarrassing : memory into the most cherished gift 一种令人陶醉的香水,能把最难堪的记忆变为最珍贵的礼物
apostate apostate变节者
1) A leech who, having penetrated the shell of a turtle only to find that the creature has long been dead, deems it expedient to form a new attachment to a fresh turtle 一只水蛭费了好大的劲儿钻进乌龟的壳,却发现那家伙早就死 了,就认为依附另一只乌龟是个不错的主意
appeal appeal 上诉
1) Ask one court to show its contempt for another court 请求一个法庭对另一个法庭表示蔑视

2) Put the dice into the box for another throw 把骰子放进盒子里再掷一次
appeaser appeaser姑息者
1) One who feeds crocodile, hoping it will eat him last 投喂鳄鱼,希望鳄鱼最后再吃他的人

2) Someone who believes that if you keep on throwing steaks to a tiger, it will become vegetarian 相信只要不断向老虎投牛排,老虎就会变成素食者的人
appetite appetite 胃口
1) An instinct bestowed to human beings by God with an ulterior motive so that those lazy creatures would be forced to labor 上帝居心叵测地赋予人类的一种本能,以迫使那些懒惰的家伙去劳动
appetizer appetizer幵宵食品
1) Those little bits you eat until you lose your appetite 一直吃到你失去胃口的那些小食品
applause applause 鼓掌
1) Two hands slapping each others face 两只手互相打耳光

2) The echo of platitude 平淡无奇的回声

3) A reminder to those who sleep in the theater that the performance has come to an end 提醒在剧场里睡觉的人演出结束了

4) Sounds reminding the speaker it is time to finish his speech 提醒演讲者该结束演讲了的声音

5) The music with no score, which, however, pleases the ear most :没有乐谱、但却是最悦耳的音乐

6) A body language to show one's appreciation and encouragement 表示赞赏和鼓励的肢体语言

7) The best gift to both friends and enemies 给朋友和敌人的最好的礼物
appreciation appreciation 欣赏
1) A wonderful feeling which makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well 一种奇妙的感觉,使我们能分享他人美好的东西

2) Something that comes to a man after death, and to a woman after divorce 男人死后、女人离婚后会得到的东西
apron apron围裙
1) A piece of cloth you wear in front to prevent your clothes from i smearing your hands 防止衣服弄脏手而围在身前的一块布
aquarium aquarium玻璃鱼缸
1) Interactive television for cats 猫的互动电视
arbitrator arbitrator 仲裁人
1) The only man who is conmpletely satisfied with the final settlement 唯一对最后的解决方案完全满意的人

2) A man who listens to both sides, studies the evidence, and then mispronounces judgment 聆听双方陈说,研究证据,然后误读裁决的人
archaeologist archaeologist 考古学家
1) A man whose career lies in ruins 事业在废墟申的人

2) A scientist who seeks to discover past civilizations while the present one is still around 目前的文明尚在而去探寻过去文明的科学家
archaeology archaeology 考古学
1) The science of digging in the earth to try and find a civilization worse than ours 在地里进行挖掘,试图找到比我们的文明更糟糕的某个文明的科学
architecture architecture 建筑
1) Frozen music 凝固的音乐
ardor ardor热忱
1) Remarkable manifestation of blind admiration 明显的盲目崇敬

2) The quality that distinguishes love without knowledge 盲目之爱的特有标志
arena arena竞技场
1) In politics, an imaginary rat-pit in which the statesmen wresde with their record 政治中一种想象的耗子洞,政客们在里面为自己的记录而互相扭打
argument argument 争辩
1) An event that leaves either party convinced that the other has a closed mind or he is more correct 一个使双方都相信对方不虚心或自己一方更正确的事件

2) An angry dispute in which two persons keep talking without throwing anything 两个人不停地说却不向对方扔东西的一场愤怒的争论

3) The proof of someone's ignorance 证明某个人无知

4) Something with two sides until you take one 在你表态支持一方前总有两个方面的东西

5) There are three sides to any argument: your side, my side, and the right side. 任何争论都有三方:你方,我方和正确的一方。
arithmetic arithmetic 算术
1) Being able to count up to twenty without taking off your shoes 不用脱掉鞋子能数到20

2) An obscure art no longer practiced in the world's developed countries 一种微贱的、发达国家已不再实践的艺术
armor armor 盔甲
1) The kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith 铁匠裁剪缝制出来让人穿的服装

2) The best armor is to keep out of gunshot. 最好的盔甲是不进入射程之内。
army army军队
1) A body of men assembled to rectify the mistakes of the diplomats 集合起来以改正外交家所犯错误的一队人
aroma aroma芳香
1) A whisper heard by the nose 鼻子听到的悄悄话
arrest arrest 逮捕
1) Formally to detain one accused of unusualness 某人被控告为异常而正式拘押
arrogance arrogance 傲慢
1) A pose assumed by the body to hide the fault of the mind 身体摆出一种姿态,以掩盖思想的错误

2) A kind of unsupported dignity 得不到支持的一种尊严

3) Lubricating oil smeared on the face of self-respect and dignity 涂在自重和尊严脸上的润滑油
art art艺术
1) A lie that enables us to realize the truth 使我们能认识真理的一种谎言

2) The stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travel 通过痛苦和旅行的翅膀收集起来、储藏在人们灵魂中的蜜

3) The cure for many a disease which has not yet been discovered 治疗尚未发现的许多疾病的良药

4) The difference between seeing and just identifying 真正看到和只是认出来之间的差别

5) The reasoned derangement of the senses 感官有理由的错乱

6) Something wonderfully irrational, exuberantly pointless, but necessary all the time 某种不合理得很精彩,无意义得很热情,却又始终必需的东西

7) A kind of subconscious madness expressed in terms of sanity 以有意识的方式表达的一种下意识的疯狂

8) An unpredictable self denial and unique vision of the world 一种不可预测的自我否定和审视世界的独特目光

9) Something that makes you laugh or cry, though you may not understrand it 让你笑、让你哭的某种东西,尽管你未必懂得它

10) Art is not a thing; it is a way. 艺术不是某样东西,而是一种方法。

11) Art is either a revolutionary or a plagiarist. 艺术不是革命家就是剽窃者。
artist artist艺术家
1) Anyone who glorifies his occupation 任何美化自己职业的人

2) Nature's lover, slave, and master 大自然的情人、奴隶和主人

3) An artist who theorizes about his art is no longer an artist but a critic. 使自己艺术理论化的艺术家不再是艺术家,而是批评家。
artlessness artlessness 笨拙
1) The quality a man has formed after long and repeated training and test by the woman who loves him 一个男人经过爱他的女人长期反复的训练和考验后养成的品质
ashtray ashtray烟灰缸
1) The result of burnt thinking 思考烧过后的结果

2) A place to put cigarette ashes if you haven't got a floor 没有地板时用来放香烟灰的地方
ass ass驴子
1) A public singer with a good voice but no ear 一位嗓子不错、但没有耳朵的公共歌唱家
assumption assumption 假设
1) The mother of all screw-ups 一切搞砸的事物之母
astronaut astronaut 宇航员
1) The only man who can see the shape of the world as it really is 唯一能看到世界真实面目的人

2) ILe only person who runs around in circles—and gets somewhere 唯一绕圈子前进并能到达某个地方的人

3) The only person qualified for outer space traveling without the aid of a clergyman 唯一无须牧师帮忙就有资格在外太空旅行的人
astronomer astronomer天文学家
1) A night watchman守夜人

2) One who lives in the four-dimension space and knows where God lives 住在四维空间,并且知道上帝住处的人
atheist atheist无神论者
1) A person whose faith is his lack of faith 以没有信仰为其信仰的人
atom atom原子
1) The smallest thing in the world which, when split, becomes the biggest 世界上最小的东西,可是一旦分裂会成为最大的东西

2) Something proves that it's the little things that count 证明小事物起作用的某种东西
atom bomb atom bomb原子弹
1) An invention that destructs every invention else 使所有其他发明都化为乌有的发明
attic attic阁楼
1) A place where you keep something for ten years and then throw it away just two weeks before you need it 一个存放某样东西长达十年的地方,可就在你需要该东西的两个星期前把它给扔了
attitude attitude 态度
1) Something unconsciously revealing your mood and character 无意中暴霭自己心情和人格的某种东西
attraction attraction 吸引
1) The act of associating hominess with a particular person 把某个人和性兴奋联想到一起的行为
auction auction 拍卖
1) A process to raise the value of anything by using a small hammer 用一把小小的锤子使任何东西增值的过程

2) A way of selling things by which the buyer are given the freedom to offer high prices to please the seller 出售东西的一种方法,买家可以自由出高价以取悦于卖家
auctioneer auctioneer拍卖师
1) The man who proclaims with a hammer that he has picked a pocket with his tongue 用锤子宣称他用舌头掏了人家口袋的人
audience audience听众/观众
1) People at leisure and without ill intentions 有空闲而没有恶意的人

2) People who roam with their eyes and ears in all seasons 不分季节用眼睛和耳朵漫游的人

3) The best audience a lecturer can have is one that's polite enough to cover their mouths when they yawn. 做报告人能拥有的最好的听众,是打哈欠时有礼貌地捂住 嘴的人。
audiophile audiophile 音响迷
1) One who listens to the equipment instead of the music 不听音乐而听设备的人
auditor auditor审计师
1) Someone who arrives after the batde and bayonets all the wounded 仗打完了拿刺刀捅所有伤员的人
authenticity authenticity 可靠(性)
1) Indisputable truth, in somebody's opinion 无可辩驳的真相,但只是某个人的看法
authority authority 权威
1) A person who can tell you more than you really care to know 能告诉你比你想要知道的东西还要多的人
autobiography autobiography 自传
1) The story of how a man thinks he lives 一个人以为自己过去是如何生活的故事

2) An obituary in serial form with the last installment missing 缺少最后一部分的连载讣告

3) A popular form of fiction in which the writer is always the hero 一种作者总是主人公的流行小说形式

4) The story of a famous individual describing personal experiences in his life that never happened 名人描述从未发生过的亲身经历的故事

5) A mixture of past events one feels satisfied with, fabrications, and exaggeration 令自己满意的往事、虚构及夸张的混合物

6) A popular form of literature based on the art of self-defense 一种以自我辩护的艺术为基础的流行的文学形式

7) A form of literature so devised that the past can be changed in the present 设计来将过去改变为现在的一种文学形式

8) The fine art of reconciling facts with fiction 使事实和虚构讲和的一种艺术

9) Autobiography usually reveals nothing bad about the writer except his memory. 除了记忆不好外,从自传中看不到作者有任何不好的地方。
automation automation 自动化
1) An electronic process in which more machinery provides more people with more time to be bored 用更多的机械让更多的人有更多的时间感到无聊的电子化过程

2) An electronic process of producing cheaply and quickly more of the things we already have too much 一种电子化过程,能廉价快速生产出我们已嫌太多的东西

3) Something which has opened up for thousands of skilled employees a whole world of unemployment 为成千上万有技术的雇员打开了一个失业世界的某种东西
automobile automobile 汽车
1) A four-wheeled vehicle that runs up hills and down pedestrians 一种能往小山上开,也能下来往行人身上开的、带四个轮子的车辆
autumn autumn 秋天
1) A second spring when every leaf is a flower 第二个春天,此时每片叶子都成了花朵

2) Season in which nature goes baroque 大自然变成巴洛克式的季节① ① 巴洛克式是17世纪欧洲一种建筑风格,以各种反传统的标新立异著称。
average man average man 普通人
1) One who thinks he isn't 认为自己不是普通人的人
aversion aversion 厌恶
1) Your feeling toward the plate after you have eaten the food in it 吃完盘子里的食物之后对盘子的感情
avoidance avoidance 回避
1) A dance for people who hate each other 互相痛恨的人跳的一种舞② ② 此释义源自avoidance的拼写,可以拆开为avoid (回避)和dance (跳舞)。
awe awe敬畏
1) Wow of silence 无声地说:“哇,太好了!”
baby baby婴儿
1) Something sent by God to show that the world should go on 某种代表上帝认为这个世界应该继续的东西

2) The only person in the house who can leave a ringing telephone alone 屋子里唯一听到电话铃声而无动于衷的人

3) An angel whose wings grow shorter as his legs grow longer 随着腿越长越长、翅膀越来越短的天使

4) Dad, when he gets a cold 得了感冒的爸爸

5) Mom's youngest child, even if he's 42 妈妈最小的孩子,哪怕已经42岁

6) A hollow tube with a loud voice at one end and a complete lack of responsibility at the other end 一根空心管子,一端是大嗓门,另一端完全不负责任

7) A strange creature without characters of age or sex, but arouses storms of sympathy or detest 一个古怪的、没有年龄和性别特征的生物,会引起同情或厌恶的风暴
baby-sitter baby-sitter临时保姆
1) A teenager who must behave like an adult so that the adults who are out can behave like teenagers 一个十几岁的孩子,其行为必须表现得像成人,以便外出 的成人的举止可以像十几岁的孩子那样

2) Someone you pay to watch television while your child cries itself to sleep 你花钱请来看电视的人,而你的孩子则在一旁哭着睡着了

3) A young girl hired to fall asleep while keeping your child awake 花钱雇来的年轻女孩,她自己睡着了,却让你孩子醒着

4) A girl hired to solve the problem of what to do with the leftovers 雇来解决如何处理吃剩下的东西的女孩
bacchus bacchus 酒神
1) A convenient deity invented by the ancients as an excuse for getting drunk 古人为了给酩酊大醉找个借口而信口创造出来的神
bachelor bachelor 光棍
1) A man who is free to choose and choose to be free 可以自由选择并选择自由的男人

2) A person who doesn't have to leave a party just when he starts to have a good time 聚会中玩性方浓时无须离开的男人

3) A man who believes that the proper time for divorce is before the wedding 认为最合适的离婚时间是在婚礼之前的男人

4) A man who looks before he leaps—and then doesn't leap 跳之前先看看清楚——然后却不跳的人

5) A man who profits by the mistake he doesn't make 一个因为没有犯的错误而获利的男人

6) A man who hasn't yet found a woman smart enough to understand him and foolish enough to admire him 尚未找到一个聪明得能理解他、又傻得会仰慕他的女人的男人

7) A man who is sometimes disappointed in love, but never in marriage 有时会对爱情失望、却永远不会对婚姻失望的男人

8) The only man who is allergic to wedding cake 唯一对结婚蛋糕过敏的男人

9) The only man who never contradicts his wife 唯一从来不和妻子唱反调的男人

10) Someone who can go to bed either side 可以从床铺的任何一侧上床的男人

11) A man whom nobody cares if he goes to bed without washing his feet 不洗脚就上床也没有人在乎的男人

12) Someone who has nobody to worry about and nobody worries about him 无人可牵挂、也不为人所牵挂的男人

13) The only man who never leams what a woman thinks of him 唯一从来不知道女人如何看待他的男人

14) A man who will not be disturbed when playing mahjong 打麻将时不会有人打扰的男人

15) A man still under investigation by women 仍在为女人所调査的男人

16) A man who can only blame fate because he has no wife to blame for his mistake 犯了错误因为没有妻子可以责备,只好责备命运的男人

17) A thing of beauty and a boy forever 永远漂亮的男孩

18) One who never makes the same mistake once 一次也没有犯过同样错误的人

19) A man who goes through life without a hitch 生活一直很顺利的男人

20) Another disadvantage of being a bachelor is that when something goes wrong, he has to blame himself 当光棍还有一个缺点:出了事只能怪自己。

21) A bachelors life is a fine breakfast, a flat lunch, and a miserable dinner. 光棍的生活是一顿不错的早餐、无味的中餐和可怜的晚餐。
back back后背
1) The part of your friend which it is your privilege to contemplate in your adversity 你处于逆境时有特权注视的、你朋友身体的一个部位
backache backache 背痛
1) A thing you can claim you have in case your mother wants you to weed the garden 你母亲要你去园子里锄草时,你可以声称自己拥有的东西
backbite backbite背后中伤
1) To speak of a man as you find him when he can't find you 你发现某个人而他发现不了你时,你谈论他的话
back-slide back-slide 掉队
1) Joint another group 与另外一个团体汇合
badminton badminton 羽毛球
1) A game in which two players try to beat the tail feathers off each other 两个人互相设法打掉对方尾羽的游戏
bail bail保释金
1) Bribe openly received by the law 法律公开接受的贿赂
bait bait诱饵
1) A preparation that renders the hook palatable, the best kind being beauty 使钓钩变得美味可口而配制的东西,最好的诱饵是美色
balance balance 盈余
1) Something you lose if the bank pushes you 银行推你一下你就会失去的东西
ballet ballet 芭蕾
1) Gymnastic showing balance with a higher technique 用高人一等的技巧表现平衡的体操

2) A way of dancing in order to save the heels of shoes 一种节省鞋跟的舞蹈方法
balloon balloon 气球
1) A fellow who is flighty and looks down upon people but cannot stand the stimulate of a pin point 轻浮、看低别人,却经不起针尖刺激的家伙

2) Something which warns people by its destruction that there is a limit for self-swelling 以其自身毁灭警告入们自我膨胀是有限度的东西
bamboo shoot bamboo shoot 竹笋
1) Something with a sharp tongue, a thick skin and nothing in the stomach 嘴尖皮厚,肚子里没东西的玩意儿
banana banana 香蕉
1) A fruit whose flesh brings your weight up but whose skin brings your weight down① 其肉让你体重增加、其皮让你摔倒的水果
① 从字面音brings your weight down也有"使你体重减轻"的意思。
bank bank银行
1) An institution where you can borrow money if you can present sufficient evidence to show that you don't need it 一个你可以向其借钱的机构,条件是你能提供足够的证据 表明你不需要这笔钱

2) The place you borrow money from when you can't get it from a friend 从朋友那儿弄不到钱时可以借钱的地方

3) A place where you deposit money so that it will be there when other people want it 你把钱存在那儿,这样别人要钱时那儿会有钱的地方

4) A place where you keep the government's money until the IRS② calls for it 在国内税收局需要之前你存放政府的钱的地方
② IRS是美国Internal Revenue Service (国内税收局,又译"国内收入署")的缩写,是美国人经常揶揄的对象。
banker banker银行家
1) A man who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shinning and wants it back the minute it starts to rain 晴天时把雨伞借给你,而一旦下雨立刻要你归还的那么一 个人

2) A hen in the form of a human being who can incubate money 能孵化钱的人形母鸡
bankruptcy bankruptcy 破产
1) Putting your money in your pants pocket, and letting your creditors take your coat 把钱放在裤子口袋里,让你的债权人拿走你的上衣

2) The worst bankruptcy is the losing of enthusiasm. 最糟糕的破产是丧失热情。
banquet banquet 宴会
1) The only meeting during which the shareholders and the board of directors will agree unanimously 股东和董事会能一致通过的唯一会议
barbarism barbarism 蒙昧
1) The idyll period before the dawn of human society 人类社会黎明前那个诗情画意的时期
barber barber理发师
1) A brilliant conversationalist, who occasionally shaves and cuts hair 一个偶尔刮刮胡子、剪剪头发的健谈家

2) The only husband who talks as much as his wife 唯一说话和妻子一样多的男人
bargain bargain廉价品
1) Anything you can buy today at yesterday's price 今天可以用昨天的价钱买到的任何东西
bargaining bargaining 砍价
1) Modem tug-of-war by the elasticity of the tongue 用舌头的弹性进行的现代拔河
baseball baseball棒球
1) Three minutes of action crammed into three hours 三分钟的行动塞进三个小时
bathroom bathroom卫生间
1) The only place in a government agency where the bureaucrats usually know what they are doing 政府机构里官僚们知道自己在做什么的唯一地方
battle battle 战斗
1) A method of untying with the teeth of a political knot that would not yield to the tongue 用舌头解不开政治之结时,用牙齿去解的一种办法
beach beach海滩
1) Where girls go when they have nothing to wear 姑娘们没有衣服穿时去的地方
bear market bear market 熊市
1) A 6 to 18-month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry, and the husband gets no sex 6到18个月的时期,期间孩子们没有零用钱、妻子没有首饰、丈夫没有性生活
beauty beauty美
1) Eternity gazing at itself in a mirror 永恒凝视镜子里自己的形象

2) A trick that defrauds the favor of one half of the world 骗得半个世界欢心的一种诡计

3) External given by Mother Nature and taken by Father Time 大自然母亲所赐而为时间父亲拿走的、虚有其表的东西

4) What's in your eye when you have a bee in your head 头脑不正常时眼睛里看到的东西

5) A power with which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband 女人迷住情人、吓坏丈夫的力量
beauty parlor beauty parlor 美容院
1) A place that can add some confidence to not so confident women 一个能给不太自信的女人增加几分信心的地方
bed bed床
1) A place where everyone wastes one third of their life willingly 所有人都自愿浪费1/3人生的地方

2) A frame prepared for a patient to suffer, or a refugee for repentance 为病人受折磨或为难民悔悟准备的一个框架。
bee bee蜜蜂
1) A fly with a fur coat 穿着毛皮外衣的苍蝇
beer beer啤酒
Something which makes men feel like women 让男人感觉像女人的东西
beggar beggar乞丐
1) The cleverest people in the world as they know how to make the best use of their hands and brains, and their job often leads to fortune 世界上最聪明、明白如何充分利用双手和大脑的人,他们 的职业往往能致富

2) A gentleman who does not pretend to be very upright 不装成正人君子的君子
begging begging 乞讨
1) Asking for something with an earnestness proportioned to the belief that it will not be given 诚恳地要某样东西,诚恳的程度要和你认为对方不会给的程度 成正比
beginning beginning 开始
1) The most important thing is don't stop half way after you have begun, no matter when you began. 不管你何时开始,最重要的是开始了就不要半途而废。
belief belief 信仰
1) Something which links individuals with a greater whole 把个人和更伟大的整体联系起来的某种东西
belly dancer belly dancer肚皮舞演员
1) One who uses sign language and stutters 使用手势语结巴的人
benefactor benefactor 恩人
1) A dishcloth to be thrown away as soon as being used, or it will become a burden to you 一块用后就应随手扔掉的抹布,否则会变成你的包袱

2) One who makes heavy purchases of ingratitude, without, however, materially affecting the price, which is still within the means of all 一个大批量采购忘恩负义的人,但他并未因此而影响其价格,大家仍然买得起
benevolence benevolence 仁慈
1) The only investment that will not fail 唯一不会失败的投资

2) Not just give a bone to the dog but share your bone with the dog when both of you are hungry 不是仅仅给狗一块骨头,而是你和狗都饥饿时分享骨头
bequeath bequeath 遗赠
1) Generously return those things to somebody because it cannot be denied that they belong to him 慷慨地把那些无法否认是属于某人的东西还给他
best-seller best-seller畅销书
1) The gilded tomb of a mediocre talent 中等才华者镀金的坟墓

2) Give a book a bad name—and it becomes a best-seller. 给一本书以坏名声,那本书就成了畅销书。
betrayal betrayal 背叛
1) Breaking up existing order to enter into chaos 打乱原有的秩序进人混乱
betterment betterment 改善
1) What we instandy feel when we realize our neighbor's problems are as bad as our own 认识到邻居的问题和我们一样糟时立刻产生的感觉
bid bid (拍卖)出价
1) A wild guess carried out to two decimal places 进到小数点后第二位的漫无边际的瞎猜
bier bier灵柩
1) A cradle for the dead 为死者做的摇篮
bigamist bigamist重婚者
1) A man who makes a second mistake before correcting the first 第一个错误尚未改正又犯第二个错误的人
bigamy bigamy 重婚
1) A mistake in taste for which the wisdom of the future will adjudge a punishment called trigamy 尝口味犯的错误,未来的智慧对犯这种错误的人判处以第三次 结婚的惩罚
bigot bigot顽固者
1) One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion that you do not entertain 顽固而狂热地迷恋你不感兴趣的某种观点的人

2) A narrow-minded man who thinks the straight and narrow path isn9t narrow enough 一个认为笔直的窄路还不够窄的心胸狭窄的人
bigotry bigotry 顽固
1) The anger of a man who has no opinion 没有观点的人的愤怒
bikini bikini比基尼
1) Something that begins nowhere and ends all at once 不知从哪里开始,却一下子到头了的一样东西

2) The thing a woman wears who is eager to show the world the stuff she's made off 急于想要让世界看看自己是什么材料做成的女人穿的东西

3) Public waist 公众的腰身
billingsgate billingsgate 粗话
1) The invective of an opponent 对手抨击用语
bird bird鸟
1) An intermediary between sky and earth, a ladder between human being and god, and the highest living being our eyes can see, sometimes singing, sometimes cursing, and sometimes silent 大地与天空之间的中介,人与神之间的阶梯,我们眼睛能看见 的最高处的生物,有时歌唱、有时诅咒、有时沉默
birth birth出生
1) The first and direst of all disasters 人生中发生最早的、也是最可怕的灾难
birthday birthday 生日
1) An anniversary that tells you how old a child is or how old his mother isn't 告诉你某个孩子多大而孩子的母亲不是多大的周年纪念日
bit bit比特
1) The unit by which computer programmers lose their sanity 计算机程序员失去正常判断的单位
blackguard blackguard 无赖
1) A man whose qualities, prepared for display like a box of berries in a market—the fine ones on top—have been opened on the wrong side, an inverted gentleman 倒过来的君子:这个人准备公示的本性就像市场上的一箱草莓 ——好的在上面——可是箱子给翻了个个儿,从底上打开了
black hole black hole 黑洞
1) God dividing by zero 上帝用零去除

2) The subway of the universe 宇宙的地下通道
blizzard blizzard暴风雪
1) Snowing sideways 从边上横着下雪
blood blood血液
1) Something thicker than water, and boils quicker, too 某种比水浓、也比水更容易沸腾的东西

2) Memoiy that never fades 永远不会褪色的记忆
boasting boasting吹牛
1) Where boasting ends, there dignity begins. 停止吹牛,尊严才会开始。
boat boat船
1) A hole in the water into which money is poured 水中的一个洞,用来往里面倒钱
body body身体
1) The baggage everyone carries through the voyage of life, and the more excess baggage one carries, the shorter the trip 每个人在人生旅途中都带着的行李,一个人带的额外行李越多,他的旅程就越短

2) The human body is extremely sensitive: pat a person on the back and his head swells. 人的身体极端敏感:拍拍一个人的背,他的头脑就会膨胀。
boldness boldness 勇猛
1) The mixture of vanity, sense of responsibility and the hope of a gambler 由虚荣心、责任感和赌徒的希望构成的混合物
bondsman bondsman担保人
1) A fool who, having property of his own, undertakes to become responsible for that entrusted to another to a third 愿意为某个人委托给另一个人的财产承担责任的、有钱的傻瓜
books books书籍
1) The legacies that great geniuses leave to mankind伟大的天才们留给人类的遗产

2) A guide for youth and entertainment for age 青年的指南,老年的娱乐

3) The ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom 积累起来的智慧点燃的长明灯

4) Faithful mirrors that reflect to our minds thoughts of sages and heroes 把圣人和英雄们的思想忠实地反射到我们心中的镜子

5) Medicine for ignorance and tools to transmit history and spiritual emotions 治疗愚昧无知的良药,传递历史和精神情感的工具

6) The stepping stones to human progress 人类进步的阶梯

7) Something that usually make the fools more foolish,the wise more wise, and leave the majority just as they are 通常会使傻瓜更傻、聪明人更聪明,而大多数人依然如故 的某种东西

8) Something of various practical values: it can be used to swat a fly, to throw at the author, sometimes it can be enjoyed like wine or beauty 有多种实用价值的东西:可以用来打苍蝇,可以用来砸作 者,有时也可像美酒或美女一样令人陶醉
bookworm bookworm书呆子
1) Someone who is so clumsy that a still pole can hit him 笨拙得连不动的电线杆都会撞到他的人
boots boots靴
1) Tall rubber shoes made so kids can check the depth of puddles 橡胶制的高帮鞋,可以让孩子们检查水坑的深度
borderland borderland 边噩
1) A piece of land that worries the minister of defense 使国防部长睡不安稳的一块疆域
bore bore厌烦的人
1) A man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you 你问他身体怎么样,他居然会真的告诉你他身体情况的人

2) A person who never likes to be alone, but makes you wish you were 一个从不喜欢孤独,却使你但愿能孤独的人

3) One who insists upon talking about himself when you want to talk about yourself 你想谈谈你自己,而他却坚持萋谈谈他自己的人

4) A person who talks when you want him to listen to yourself 你想要他听你说话,而他却自己说个不停的人

5) Someone who is always giving you twice as many as details you want to hear 告诉你的细节总比你想要听的多一倍的人

6) A person who is having a good time when he is giving others a bad time 自己兴高采烈却让别人难受的人

7) A person who is the easiest to approach and the hardest to get away from 最容易接近而最难摆脱的人

8) A person with plenty of time to spare your time 有的是时间的人——你的时间

9) A person who uses his mouth to talk while you use yours to yawn 你用嘴打哈欠时他用嘴说话的人

10) A fellow talker who can change the subject to his topic of conversation faster than you can change it back to yours 一个谈话伙伴,你还没来得及把谈话内容转到你自己的话 题,他已经转换到他的话题上去了

11) Someone who persists in holding his own views after you have enlightened him with yours 你已经用你的看法启发过他,却仍然坚持他自己看法的人

12) Someone who is going places, and the sooner the better 一个要去许多地方,越快走越好的人

13) A guy with a cocktail glass in one hand and your lapel in the other 一手拿着鸡尾酒杯,一手抓着你的西服翻领的人

14) A person who has nothing to say and says it 明明没什么话好说却偏要说的人

15) A guy who wraps up a two-minute idea in a two-hour vocabulary ;
boredom boredom 厌烦
1) A state of mind that usually ends when school lets out 通常学校一放假就会结束的一种心态
boss boss老板
1) A man who is at the office early on the days when you are late 在你迟到的日子早早来到办公室的人

2) The person you praise by words but curse in your mind, you say you wish him a long life but actually wish he would die tomorrow 你嘴上表扬心里诅咒,祝他长寿却巴不得他明天就死的那个人

3) A personal dictator appointed to those of us fortunate enough to live in free societies 为我们这些有幸生活在自由社会的人指定的私人独裁者
boundary boundary边界
1) A political-geographic term denoting the imaginary division between two countries that separates the imagined power of one country from that of another country 政治及地理术语,指两国之间假想的、把一个国家假想的权力同另一个国家假想的权力用以区分的分界线
bounty bounty 慷慨
1) The liberality of one who has much, in permitting one who has nothing to get all that he can 有钱人表现出来的宽厚,允许一无所有的人尽力去得到能够获 得的一切
box box盒子
1) A container which, when opened at the top, drops the contents out through the bottom 一种容器,打开上面时里面的东西会从下面掉出来
boxer boxer拳击手
1) Someone who trains for months to be beaten to a pulp in three rounds 训练了几个月、却三个回合就被打得稀巴烂的人
boxing boxing 拳击
1) Some event in which giving is far more important than receiving 给予远比得到重要的一项活动
boy boy男孩
1) A human machine that operates on the principle of perpetual commotion 以永远骚动为原则的一种人类机器

2) A man before becoming a father 成为父亲之前的男人

3) Noise with dirt on it 满是灰尘的吵声
braggart braggart吹牛者
1) A fellow who keeps recalling things that never happened 一个总在回忆从未发生过的事的家伙
brains brains 大脑
1) An apparatus with which we think that we think 我们用以认为自己在思考的一种装置

2) That body organ which starts working the moment you awake and does not stop until you get into the office 你一醒来就开始工作,可是一到办公室就会停止工作的那 个身体器官
brand brand牌子
1) Some nothing that adds much more value to a commodity than the value of the cummodity itself 某种莫须有的东西,会给商品增加比其本身价值高得多的价值
brandy brandy白兰地
1) A cordial composed of one part thunder-and-lightning, one part remorse, two parts bloody murder, one part death-hell-and-the-grave, and four parts clarified Satan ”由一份雷电、一份悔恨、两份血腥谋杀、一份地狱和坟墓,以 及四份澄清的魔鬼构成的兴奋剂
bravery bravery 勇气
1) A mixture consisting of 50 percent vanity, 10 percent of sense of duty, and 40 percent of gambling mentality 一种由50%的虚荣心、10%的责任感和40%的赌博心理构成 的混合物
breakfast breakfast 早餐
1) The only meal to which no one is ever invited 唯一不邀请客人的一顿饭
breathing breathing 呼吸
1) The secret of longevity—but only you keep up long enough 长寿的秘密——但你必须要坚持得足够长
brevity brevity 简洁
1) Sign of being mature 成熟的标志
bribe bribe贿赂
1) A means of investment with the highest profit 利润最高的一种投资手段
bride bride新娘
1) A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind 把幸福的前程留在身后的女人

2) A woman who is finally tired of her wild fancy about a happy life 终于对美好生活的想入非非感到厌倦的女人
bridegroom bridegroom 新郎
1) A man who agrees to marriage before marriage disagrees with him 在婚姻变得不适合之前同意结婚的男人

2) A man who is never important at a wedding unless he fails to show up 除非未能到场,否则在婚礼上永远无足轻重的人

3) A man who has just lost his self-control 一个刚刚失去自我控制的人
bridesmaid bridesmaid 伴娘
1) Often the most beautiful woman in the eye of the bridegroom 在新郎眼中常常是最漂亮的女人
bridge bridge桥牌
1) A friendly game invented by two married couples who dislike each other 两对互相讨厌的夫妇发明的一种友好的游戏
brightness brightness 光明
1) The devil who deprives a person the courage to do as he likes 剥夺一个人的勇气,让他不敢为所欲为的恶魔
broad-mindedness broad-mindedness 心胸开阔
1) Just another way of saying a fellow is too lazy to form an opinion 只不过是一个人太懒而形不成观点的另一种说法
broadway broadway百老汇
1) A place where people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like 人们花尚未挣到手的钱去买他们不需要的东西的地方,为的是 向他们不喜欢的人炫耀
broom broom扫帚
1) Something which has no foot but can walk to every corner of the house 某种没有脚却能走遍屋子每个角落的东西
budget budget预算
1) A plan that enables you to pay as you go—if you don't go anywhere 能让你有钱去的一项计划——如果你哪儿也不去

2) A detailed record of how you managed to spend more than you earned 表明你如何设法花掉比你所挣的钱多的详细记录

3) A method worrying before you spend instead of afterward 花钱之前就担心,而不是花钱之后再担心的一种办法

4) A method of wonying before you spend money, as well as afterward 花钱前和花钱后都担心的一种办法

5) An idealist art to buy things with future's money 用未来的钱购买东西的一种理想化的艺术

6) A record of what the money should have been spent for 钱本来应该用在什么地方的一份记录

7) An attempt to live below your yearnings 试图过花的钱比挣的钱少的日子

8) Methodical debt incursion 有条理的债务入侵

9) A precise way of going broke 精确的破产之道

10) The mathematical confirmation of one's darkest suspicions 从数学上确认让人最担心的怀疑

11) A mathematical system devised to remind oneself that one can't afford the kind of living one has grown accustomed to 一种数学系统,设计用来提醒自己没有能力负担已经习惯 的生活方式

12) For the average family, something made up of a little money and a lot of estimates 对普通家庭而言,一点儿钱加上许多估计

13) A budget sometimes shows how much we have to save, but more often how much we have to borrow. 预算有时表明我们必须攒多少钱,但更多时候表明我们该 借多少钱。
buffet buffet自助餐
1) A French word that means "get up and get it yourself" 一个法语词,意思是“站起来,自己去拿”
bulb bulb灯泡
1) Something lightens others by showing off its own brilliance 通过炫耀自己的光彩而照亮别人的东西
bull market bull market牛市
1) A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a Rnancial genius 使投资者误认为自己是金融天才的、偶然的市场波动
bureaucracy bureaucracy 官僚主义
1) The government of some people, by some people, and for some people 某些人所有、某些人所享、某些人所治的政府① ① 这是对 the government of the people, by the people and for the people (民有、民享、 民治)的讽剌。

2) More people doing less things and taking more time to do them worse 更多人办更少的事,而且用更多的时间,事情却弄得更糟

3) TTie art of making the possible impossible 使本来可能的事变得不可能的艺术

4) A system of government where a citizen elects big bureaucrats who dictate to little bureaucrats who dictate to him 一种政府制度,公民选出大官僚,大官僚指使小官僚,官僚指使公民

5) A method for transforming energy into solid waste 把能源化为固体废物的一种方法
bureaucrat bureaucrat官僚主义者
1) A government official who sees his duty and gets someone else to do it 政府官员明白自己的职责却让另一个人去做

2) An official who is clothed with power and whom it doesn't fit 穿着不合身的权力之衣的官员
bus bus公共汽车
1) A vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it 一种车辆,当你追赶它时比你乘在上面时车速快出一倍

2) A traffic means in cities that best shows people's intimacy, which is sometimes forced by circumstances though 城市里最能表达人们亲密关系的一种交通工具,尽管这种亲密无间有时候是迫不得已的

3) Beetles crawing the streets in the city 在城市里大街上爬行的甲壳虫

4) The best way to tell if a girl is really beautiful is whether she is sitting or standing in a crowded bus. 判断一个姑娘是否真正漂亮,要看她在拥挤的公共汽车上是坐着还是站着。
busyness busyness 忙碌
1) The happiest people are those who are too busy to notice whether they are happy or not 最幸福的人是那些忙得无暇顾及自己是否幸福的人。

2) A man is never too busy to talk about how busy he is. 再忙的人也不会忙得没有时间谈论自己有多忙。
but but但是
1) A small adversative conjunction often used between huge achievement and a minute problem 常用于巨大的成绩和微小的问题之间的一个转折连接词
butterfly butterfly 蝴蝶
1) An insect that flaunts its beauty but forgets its ugly childhood 炫耀自己的美丽、却忘了自己丑陋的童年的一种昆虫
button button 纽扣
1) A small event that is always coming off 老爱掉的一种小玩意儿
cabbage cabbage卷心菜
1) A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a man's head 菜园子里长的、大小和智力都和人的脑袋差不多的一种常见蔬菜
cactus cactus仙人掌
1) An overgrown pin cushion 长过头了的针插
cad cad下流胚
1) A man who doesn't tell his wife that he's sterile until she's pregnant 老婆怀孕了才告诉她自己已做过绝育手术的男人
calamily calamily 灾难
1) Bad luck for us or good luck for others 我们自己倒霉或别人走运

2) A more than commonly plain and unmistakable reminder that the affairs of this life are not of our own ordering 提醒物,它明确无误提醒我们:我们此生的事情不是我们 自己能安排得了的
calendar calendar 日历
1) Paper conjured from time 时间变出来的纸
callousness callousness无动于衷
1) Gifted with great fortitude to bear the evils afflicting another 天赋的坚毅,能承受别人受到的不幸
calorie calorie卡路里
1) Basic measure of the amount of rationalization offered by the average individual prior to taking a second helping of a particular food 食品定量的基本分量,供一般人再来一份前计算用

2) Unit denoting how good food tastes 表明食物可口程度的单位
camel camel骆驼
1) A horse designed by committee 委员会设计出来的马
camera camera照相机
1) One of the greatest liars of our time 我们时代最大的说谎者之一
camping camping 露营
1) An outdoor vacation during which you have a great time in great discomfort 在极不舒适中过得十分开心的室外度假

2) A camp is a summer place in the country where a mother sends her children for her vacation. 夏令营是乡下避暑的地方,母亲把孩子送到那里以便自己度假。
canada Canada加拿大
1)51 weeks winter, one week hockeyless summer 51个星期冬天,一个星期没有冰球的夏天
cancer cancer 癌症
1) Cure for smoking治疗吸烟的药物
candidate candidate 候选人
1) One who shakes your hand before election and your acquaintance afterwards 选举前同你握手、选举后不再认识你的那么一个人

2) The only man who knows all the answers, especially if he is out of office 唯一知道所有答案的人,尤其是他不执政时
cane cane棍捧
1) A convenient tool used to extinguish mild slanderer or rough challenger 一种用以消灭温和的诽谤者和粗俗的挑战者的顺手工具
cannibal cannibal食人者
1) A guy who goes into a restaurant and orders the waiter 进餐馆点菜要吃服务员的人
cannon cannon 大炮
1) An instrument employed in the rectification of national boundaries 用以调整国界的一种工具
capability capability 能力
1) Something like a check—of no value until converted into cash 就像支票一样,除非兑换成现金,否则毫无价值
car car小汽车
1) A convenient place invented to sit out traffic jams 发明岀来,在遇到交通堵塞时可以很方便地坐着等的地方

2) Something helps to see the world, but you must decide which world 帮你去看世界的某样东西,但你得决定是哪个世界
car accident car accident 车祸
1) The result of excited cars kissing each other 激动的汽车互相接吻的结果
car sickness car sickness 晕车
1) The feeling you get when the car payment is due 买车付款期到了时的感觉
careful driver careful driver 小心的司机
1) One who looks in both directions when he passes a red light 闯红灯时两边都看的人
carpet carpet 地毯
1) A philosophy trampled underfoot 踩在脚下的一种哲学

2) An expensive floor covering used to catch drink spills and clean mud off shoes 昂贵的地板铺设,用以接住溢出的饮料及擦去鞋上的污泥
cartoons Cartoons 漫画
1) Devices used by newspapers to say what an editor dare not 报纸用来说编辑不敢说的话的手法
casualty casualty 伤亡
1) The first casualty when war comes is truth.发生战争时第一个伤亡的是真理。
cat cat猫
1) A pygmy lion who loves mice, hates dogs and patronizes human beings 喜欢老鼠讨厌狗,对人类以恩人自居的一种小型狮子

2) A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle 大自然提供的一种柔软的、不会坏的自动装置,家里出事 时可供人踢

3) An animal degenerated from the tiger由老虎退化而成的一种动物
caterpillar caterpillar 毛毛虫
1) An upholstered worm 用布套装饰起来的蠕虫

2) A fishing worm with a raccoon coat 穿着浣熊衣服、用来钓鱼的虫子
cauliflower cauliflower 花椰菜
1) A cabbage with a college education 受过大学教育的圆白菜
caviler caviler吹毛求疵者
1) A critic of our own work 批评自己作品的人
celebrity celebrity 名人
1) One you don't know well enough to speak to, but know well enough to talk about 你还没有熟悉到可以与之交谈,却熟悉到可以谈论的人

2) A person who works hard all his life to become well known, and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized 为了出名而努力工作了一辈子,然后戴上墨镜生怕别人认出来的人

3) Persons who are well-known for their fame 因其名气而出名的人
cemetery cemetery 公墓
1) An isolated suburban spot where mourners match lies, poets write at a target and stone-cutters spell for a wager 郊区一个与世隔绝的地方,在这里吊丧者比赛说谎,诗人对着目标写诗,石匠为赌注而拼写
censor censor (出版物等的)检查员
1) A man who never suppresses his desire to suppress the desire of others 一个从不压制自己愿望的人,这个愿望就是想要压制别人的愿望

2) One who knows more than he thinks you ought to know 这么一个人,他懂得的东西比他认为你应该知道的还要多

3) Someone who believes in life, liberty and the pursuit of other people's happiness 一个对生活、自由和追求别人的幸福有信念的人
centenarian centenarian 百岁老人
1) The only person who has to wait a lifetime to reach his goal 唯一要等上一辈子才能实现自己目标的人

2) A person who lives long enough to make more mistakes than anyone else 活得足够长,因而犯的错误比谁都多的人
chance chance 机会
1) A crevice testing a person's resourcefulness and flexibility 考验一个人是否机敏、灵活的一条缝隙
change change 改变
1) The only thing that never changes in the world 世界上唯一一成不变的东西

2) A woman changes a lot after marriage—her husband's habits, friends and hours. 女人结婚后会改变很多——丈夫的习惯、丈夫的朋友和丈夫的作息时间。

3) Change is not reform, any more than noise is music. 就像噪音不等于音乐一样,改变不等于改革。

4) He who believes that the past cannot be changed has not yet written his memoirs. 相信过去不可能改变的人,是还没有写回忆录的人。
channel surfing channel surfing 频道搜索
1) What to do when you are only remotely interested in TV 对电视只有遥远的兴趣时可以做的事
chaos chaos混乱
1) Four lawyers plus one dinner bill 四个律师加上一张用餐账单
character character 性格
1) Continual habit 持续的习惯

2) Something you either have or are that is formed in youth and reformed in marriage 你具有或表现出来的某种东西,在你年轻时形成、结婚后被改造

3) What you are in the dark 你在黑暗中的为人

4) Things that some people have some people don't 有些人有、有些人没有的某种东西

5) A by-product produced in the great manufacture of daily duty 完成日常职责的伟大过程中产生的副产品

6) A person reveals his character by nothing so clearly as the joke he resents. 一个人不喜欢什么样的笑话最能显示他的性格。

7) Everyone has three characters: the one he shows, the one he has, and the one he thinks he has. 每个人都有三种性格:表现出来的、实际拥有的,以及自以为自己具有的。
charity charity 慈善
1) Something once a virtue, but now an industry 曾经是美德,现在却成了一个行业

2) Pass one's own guilty conscience onto others 把自疚转嫁给别人
charm charm魅力
1) The power to make someone else feel that both of you are great 让另外一个人觉得你和他都很棒的一种力量

2) What everyone notices when someone has it, but no one notices when someone hasn't 某个人拥有时大家都会注意到,而某个人没有时谁也不会 注意的某种东西

3) A way of getting a yes without having asked any clear question 无须清楚地提出问题就能得到对方同意的一种方法
chatter chatter 闲聊
1) The form of conversation where much is spoken but litde is said 说了很多话却什么也没有说的一种会话形式

2) A market where various trivial spiritual coarse grains are on sell出售各种琐碎的精神杂粮的市场
chatterbox chatterbox 喋喋不休的人, 唠唠叨叨的人; 饶舌者
1) A friendly woman who is always ready, able and willing to give your tongue a rest 随时乐意让你的舌头休息一下的友好的妇人

2) A woman who goes in for small talk which comes out in large doses 一个开始时只想随便聊聊,结果却说了一大堆话的女人
chauffeur chauffeur 司机
1) A man who is smart enough to operate an automobile, but clever enough not to own one 一个聪明得会开汽车,却精明得不拥有汽车的人
cheating cheating 作弊
1) Violent revolt against the exam system 猛烈反抗考试制度

2) Playing by the rules they are taught in business schools 按照在商业学校里教的那一套规矩玩
cheerfulness cheerfulness 快乐
1) The best promoter of health 最佳健康增进剂
chef chef大厨
1) A cook who swears in French 用法语咒骂的厨师

1) Noxious substances from which modem foods are made 制造现代食物的有毒物质
chemical fertilizer chemical fertilizer 化肥
1) Narcotics developed for crops为庄稼研制的毒品
chess chess 象棋
1) A war without bloodshed, a mental rather than physical fight, which, however, satisfies people's desire to fight 不流血的战争,耗费脑力而不是体力的搏斗,却满足了人类好斗的欲望
chest chest 胸膛
1) The part on your body to which your enemy pays particular attention 你身上敌人最注意的那个部位

2) Some people cannot stick out their chests not because they lack calcium. 有些人挺不起胸膛并不是因为缺钙。
chewing gum chewing gum 口香糖
1) Something trying to give you a warn that marriage is sweet at first, then become tasteless and difficult to swallow 某种东西,想要警告你婚姻开始很甜,然后变得乏味,难以下咽。

2) Adhesive for the hair粘发膏
chic chic (高雅的)风度;时髦的;优雅的;雅致的
1) Considered smart without the deadening impEcation of intelligence 被认为很帅,没暗示聪明而令人觉得没劲儿
chicken chicken鸡
1) Egg's way of making more eggs 鸡蛋制造更多鸡蛋的办法
child child儿童
1) A creature that stands between an adult and a television set站在大人和电视机之间的一个生物

2) A person who doesn't require a napkin to eat an ice-cream cone吃蛋卷冰淇淋时不需要餐巾的人

3) A spy sent by God 上帝派来的间谍

4) Substitute actor produced by the one-sided wish of the couple 一对男女一相情愿生产的替身演员

5) Someone who will soon forget your presents but always remember your presence 很快会忘记你送的礼物,但始终会记得你在场的人

6) You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut up 他们生命的头两年,你教他们走路和说话;接下来的16 年,你叫他们坐下来,闭上嘴

7) Children are excellent judges of character until they have received the benefits of education. 在受益于教育之前,儿童是最会判断性格的人。
childhood childhood 童年
1) A period in one's life measured out by sound and smell and sights before the dark hour of reason grows 在受道理约束的黑暗时辰到来之前,以感官享受计量分配的一个人生阶段

2) A happy period of life when nightmares occur only during sleep 人生中一个快乐的阶段,只有在睡眠时才会产生噩梦

3) A period in one's life when one is full of curiosity for everything, especially for where people came from 人生中的一个阶段,对一切都充满好奇心,尤其想要知道人是从哪里来的

4) The period of human intermediate life between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth—two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age 介于婴儿的无知和青年的愚蠢之间的一个人生阶段,离成 年的原罪两步,离老年的悔恨三步

5) The rapidly-shrinking interval between infancy and first arrest on a drug or weapons charge 婴儿和第一次因吸毒或使用武器而被捕之间迅速缩短的间隔

6) A wonderful time of life when all you need do to lose weight is to t take a bath 人生中一段美妙的时期,只要洗个澡就可以减肥
childishness childishness 幼稚
1) Always tell the truth in the wrong time 总在不该说实话的时候说了实话

2) The weakness one admits first and most willingly when he makes any mistake 一个人犯错误后最先、也是最愿意承认的弱点
child psychology child psychology 儿童心理学
1) A science where the child is confused by psychology and psychology is even more confused by the child 儿童被心理学弄糊涂,心理学被儿童弄得更糊涂的一门科学
child training child training 儿童训练
1) Chiefly a matter of knowing which end of your child to pat, and when 主要是要知道拍你孩子的哪一端以及该在什么时候拍
chivalry chivalry 骑士精神
1) The way a husband acts towards a wife—some other man's wife 丈夫对妻子——别人的妻子——的举止

2) A man's inclination to defend a woman against every man but himself 男人愿意保护女人不受除了自己以外任何男人欺负的精神

3) It means removing your hat for a woman in the elevator, but not yourself from a seat in the bus 这意味着你在电梯里向女士脱帽示意,但在公共汽车上并不站起来给女士让座
choice choice 选择
1) The two basic choices are accept or try to change reality. 生活中两个最基本的选择是接受现实或设法改变现实。

2) You have two choices in your life: remain single or get married. After that your fate will choose for you. 你的人生有两个选择:单身或结婚。你选择之后,剩下的 只能由命运替你选择了。
chopsticks chopsticks 筷子
1) Bridges between the dish and your mouth 菜和嘴之间的桥梁

2) Twin sisters who have tasted all kinds of tastes 尝尽了各种滋味的孪生姐妹
choreographer choreographer 编舞者
1) A dance creator who uses his head to give employment to other people's feet 舞蹈创造者,用自己的脑袋让别人的脚有活干
christian christian 基督徒
1) A man who feels repentance on a Sunday for what he did on Saturday and is going to do on Monday 在星期天对自己在星期六所做的事和在星期一将要做的事感到后悔的人

2) One who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbor 这样一个人,相信《圣经·新约》是一本神所启示的、非常适合自已邻居精神需要的书

3) One who follows the teachings of Christ so far as they are not inconsistent with a life of sin 只有当有罪与生活一致时才听从基督教诲的人
christmas Christmas 圣诞节
1) The season when you buy this yeafs gift with next year's money 用明年的钱购买今年的礼物的季节

2) The Season when people take the milk of human kindness out of the deep freeze 人们把善良之奶从深冷冻柜里拿出来的季节

3) The day when you resolve to do your Christmas shopping early next year 下决心明年早点去买圣诞物品的日子
christmas gift Christmas gift圣诞礼物
1) There are generally two kinds of Christmas gifts. The ones you don't like and the ones you don't get. 一般来说,圣诞礼物有两种:你不喜欢的和你没有得到的。
church church教堂
1) A house built in the name of God, funded by folks for the priest to live in 以上帝的名义、用老乡的钱盖起来给牧师住的房子

2) A hospital which cannot cure peopled physical disease but claims to be able to cure peopled souls 一个无法治疗人们身体上的疾病、但声称能治疗人们灵魂的医院

3) A place where you encounter nodding acquaintances 邂逅仅仅相识而不熟的人的一个地方
cigarette cigarette 香烟
1) A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool on the other 卷在纸中的一撮烟丝,一头是火;一头是傻瓜

2) A litde stick that bums itself to murder you slowly 通过焚烧自己而慢慢谋杀你的小棍子

3) A bridge connecting people and gods人与神沟通的桥梁

4) Something people of every class, humble or noble, kiss 不管贵贱,各个阶级的人都去吻的东西
circle circle 圆圈
1) A round line with no links in it, joint up so as not to show where it begins 一条没有扭结的圆形线条,互相连结,看不出从哪里开始

2) A round straight line with a hole in the middle 中间有个洞的圆形直线
circus circus马戏团
1) A place where horses, ponies and elephants are permitted to see men, women and children acting the fool 允许大马、小马和大象观看男人、女人和孩子扮演傻瓜的地方
city city城市
1) A place where you go out for a walk and get a breath of fresh air pollution 你出去散步却呼吸到新鲜的空气污染的地方
city life city life城市生活
1) Millions of people being lonesome together 数百万人一起感到寂寞
civilization civilization 文明
1) The process reducing the infinite to the finite 把无限减少为有限的过程

2) A Emitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities 没有必要的必要性无限地相乘

3) A slow process of creating more needs to supply 一个很慢的、创造更多的需要以便得到满足的过程

4) The history of mankind beginning with a cave and ending with a fallout shelter 以山洞开始、以防辐射尘洞结束的人类历史

5) The history of human society with a split Adam at the beginning and a split atom at the end 以劈开亚当①开始、以劈开原子结束的人类社会史
① 指上帝取亚当的一根肋骨造出夏娃(Eve)。

6) A state of affairs where it takes less and less time to fly across countries and more and more time to drive across town 事情的一种状态,乘飞机飞越国家需要的时间越来越短, 开车穿过市区需要的时间越来越长

7) A state of afiairs where it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between war and peace 有时很难区分战争与和平的一种状态

8) The act of living in towns of such size that everyone does not know everyone else 住在大得谁也不认识谁的城市里的行为
civilized people civilized people 文明人
1) People who seldom quarrel openly but covertly plot against each other 很少公开吵架、却在暗地里互相算计的人
classic classic经典著作
1) A book that you like to pretend to like你喜欢假装喜欢的一本书

2) A book everyone wants to have read, but no one wants to read 一本谁都希望自己读过、可谁也不想读的书

3) Books everybody praises but nobody reads 人人都称赞却没有人读的书

4) A dry book that satisfies the thirst for knowledge 一本能解对知识之渴的趣味索然的书

5) A book becomes a classic when people who hasn't read it begin to say they have. 当人们开始说已经看过某一本书、而实际上并没有看过时,这本书就成了经典著作。
clarification clarification 澄清
1) Filling in the background with so many details that the foreground goes underground 大量填补背景情况的细节,事情本身只好躲到地下去
classroom classroom教室
1) The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. 世界上最好的教室在老人脚旁。
clear conscience clear conscience 问心无愧
1) Being sure that no one knows what you have done 确信无人知道你做了什么

2) Poor memory 记性不好
cleavage cleavage 裂缝
1) Something you can both approve of and look down upon 你可以既赞成又看不起的某种东西
clergyman clergyman (英国国教)牧师
1) A man who conducts the management of our spiritual affiairs as a method to better his temporal ones 通过管理我们的精神事务使自己世俗生活过得更好的人
cleverness cleverness 聪明
1) One's ears and eyes pondering over the moon together 耳朵和眼睛一起思考月亮
cliche cliché陈词滥调
1) Words no longer of any meaning like the belch.of a person who has eaten to his full or the cluck of a hen 像饱汉打嗝或母鸡下蛋声一样不再有任何意思的词语
climacteric climacteric 更年期
1) Husband's justification of being ill-treated by the wife in many ways 丈夫用来说明自己理应受到妻子各种虐待的理由
clock clock时钟
1) A machine of great moral value to man, allaying his concern for the future by reminding him what a lot of time remains to him 对人类有很大道德价值的机器,提醒我们时间有的是,因此不用为未来担心
closet closet 柜子
1) A place for hanging things after you run out of door knobs 所有的门把手上都挂满东西后挂东西的一个地方
clothes clothes 衣服
1) Something invented to conceal the body, but often reveal the soul 发明出来遮盖身体、但常能揭示灵魂的某样东西

2) A mark to distinguish people's status 区别人们地位的一种标志

3) Something people put on to cover up their defects 人们穿在身上用以掩盖自身缺陷的东西

4) A woman is never happy unless she has a lot of clothes she is not wearing. 除非拥有许多她不穿的衣服,否则女人永远不会幸福。
clothes dryer clothes dryer 烘衣机
1) An appliance designed to eat socks 设计来吃袜子的电器
cloud cloud云
1) A big sponge in the sky 夭空的大海绵
clown clown小丑
1) The ugliest role in a drama played by the cleverest actor 由最聪明的演员扮演的戏中最丑的角色
club club俱乐部
1) Home of the homeless and refuge of those who have home 无家可归者的家,有家者的避难所
coca cola Coca Cola 可口可乐
1) The most brisk American English 最清爽宜人的美国英语
cocktail party cocktail party 鸡尾酒会
1) Where you meet a lot of people who drink so much, you can't remember their names 你遇到很多人,他们酒喝得太多,你都记不起他们名字的 那么一个地方

2) A gathering where half the guests open their mouths to talk too much, and the other half open their mouths to drink too much 一次聚会,一半宾客张开嘴说得太多,另一半宾客张开嘴 喝得太多
coexistence coexistence 共处
1) What the farmer dose with the turkey until thanks-giving 农民与火鸡延续到感恩节之前的关系① ①按照美国人的习惯,火鸡是感恩节必备的传统食品。
cold war cold war 冷战
1) The kind of war in which the shooting is replaced by shouting 用喊叫代替射击的一种战争

2) A snowball fight 打雪仗

3) The nightly battle between man and wife to secure and hold all the blankets 每天晚上丈夫和妻子争夺毯子的战斗

4) The cold war allows the world neither to live in peace nor to rest in peace 冷战既不让这个世界和平地生活,也不让这个世界和平地休息。

5) The only good thing about the cold war is that you learn a lot about geography. 冷战唯一的好处是你学了许多地理知识。
college college 大学
1) A fountain of knowledge where some students come to drink, some to sip, but most come just to gargle 知识的源泉,有的学生来痛饮,有的来小酌,但大多数只来漱漱口

2) The interlude of freedom a young man has between subjection to his mother and submission to his wife 年轻人在听从母亲和屈服于妻子两个阶段之间拥有的一段自由的插曲

3) The four-year period when parents are pennitted access to the telephone 家长被允许随意用电话的为期四年的阶段

4) The only place where one learns it really doesn't matter 让一个人弄明白真的没有关系的唯一地方

5) Basically a bunch of rooms where you sit for roughly two thousand hours and try to squeeze things into your mind. The two thousand hours are spread out over four years; you spend the rest of the time sleeping and trying to get dates 基本上是一连串的房间,你坐在里面大约2000个小时,尽 力往脑子里塞东西。这2000个小时分布在四年里,剩下的 时间你用来睡觉和设法约会

6) A place where girls go for facts and guys go for figures 女生寻找事实、男生寻找数字的地方

7) A place where some pursue learning and others learn pursuing 有人追求学问、有人学会追求的地方

8) College is wonderful because it takes the children away from home just as they reach the arguing stage. 大学之所以精彩,是因为在孩子们刚长到要争论的阶段时 把他们从家里请了出去。
color color颜色
1) All colors will agree in the dark. 在黑暗中,所有的颜色都会相配。
comedy comedy 喜剧
1) Society protecting itself with a smile 社会用微笑保护自己

2) Tragedy plus time 悲剧加上时间

3) Tragedy deferred 延期的悲剧

4) Simply a funny way of being serious 不过是以逗乐的方式表达严肃而已

5) Smile with tears 含泪的微笑
comfort comfort 舒服
1) A state of mind produced by contemplation of a neighbors uneasiness 想起邻居心神不安时产生的一种心理状态
comic books comic books 连环画
1) The opera of the print media 印刷媒体的歌剧
commerce commerce 商业
1) A kind of transaction in which A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D of money belongs toE 这样一种交易:甲从乙处抢走丙的货物;作为补偿,乙从丁的口袋里掏走属于戊的钱

2) A mechanical apparatus driven by the motor of profits and linked by the chain of credit 以利润为马达驱动、以信用为链条连接的一种机械装置
commendation commendation 嘉奖
1) The tribute that we pay to achievements that resemble, but do not equal to ours 对同我们的成就类似、但又不相等的成就的赞许
commercial commercial (广播和电视)广告
1) De facto compere of all television programs 所有电视节目的实际主持人

2) Many a commercial gives you a headache while trying to sell you a remedy for it. 许多广播电视广告想要推销头疼药的同时让你头疼。

3) A commercial either insists you want a product you don’t need, or need a product you don't want. 广播电视广告要么坚持说你想要某个你不需要的产品,要么坚持说你需要某个你不想要的产品。
commitment commitment 承诺
1)(female) A desire to get married and raise a family (male) Not trying to pick up other women while out with one's girlfriend ;
committee committee委员会
1) A group of people appointed to find some innocent individual to do the work 为找个无辜的人来做事而指定的一组人

2) A group of the unprepared, appointed by the unwilling, to do the unnecessary 被不愿意的人指定来做不必要的工作的一群没有准备的人

3) A group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group they decide that nothing can be done 这样一群人,作为个别的人,他们什么也干不了;作为一个团体,他们得出结论说什么也没法做

4) A group formed to discuss about things nobody can accomplish alone and often there are few things the group can accomplish through cooperation except discussion 为讨论没有人能独自完成的事而成立的一个小组,而除了讨论以外,这个小组也常常没有办法合作完成什么事

5) A committee consists of several men who cannot do a job in several hours as one man can do it in one hour. 委员会由好几个人组成,他们用好几个小时也干不完一个人能在一小时内干完的活。
commodity commodity 商品
A clever woman would buy enough commodities to spruce up herself into a commodity and then waits for a man to buy her. 聪明的女人会购买足够的商品将自己打扮成商品,然后等着男人来买。
Common knowledge / Common sense 常识

1) The most popularly distributed thing in the world and everybody thinks they have got a lot 世界上分配得最普遍的东西,人人都以为自己有很多

2) Learning belittled by those who think themselves above the crowd 自命不凡者不屑一顾的学问

3) Not sense common to everyone, but sense in common things 不是对每个人都常见的见识,而是关于常见事情的见识

4) The most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it 世界上最广为分享的商品,因为人人都相信自己得到了充 分供应

5) Common sense is usually lack of imagination, and imagination is usually lack of common sense. 常识通常缺少想象,而想象通常缺少常识。
commonwealth commonwealth 联邦
1) An administrative entity operated by an incalculable multitude of political parasites, logically active but fortuitously efficient 由数不清的政治寄生虫运作的行政实体,逻辑上说很有活力, 但只是偶尔才有效
communication Communication 交际
1)(female) The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner (male) Scratching out a note before suddenly taking off for a weekend with the boys (女)坦率地和伙伴分享想法和感情
commuter commuter每日往返上班者
1) A traveling man who pays short visits to his home and office 不断地短期访问自己的家和办公室的旅行者

2) A man who shaves and takes a train, and then rides back to shave again 刮完胡子去乘火车,然后再乘车回来刮胡子的人

3) One who spends his life in riding to and from his wife 一生都在乘车,不时回到妻子身边,又不时离妻子而去的人
company company 公司
1) A social group which first appeared in the early stage of capitalism with a sole purpose of making money 以赚钱为唯一目的,最先出现在资本主义社会初期的一种社会团体
comparison comparison 比较
1) Something, rather than reality, that makes a man happy or wretched 比起现实来更能使一个人感到幸福或沮丧的某种东西

2) The end of happiness and the beginning of insatiability 快乐的尽头,不知足的开始
compass compass指南针
1) The woman who sits beside you and tells you where to turn to the right and when to turn to the left 坐在你身边告诉你何处该右转、何时要左拐的那个女人
complacence complacence自鸣得意
1) How you feel when you compare others, short comings with your own strong points 拿别人的缺点和自己的优点比较时的感觉
Complaint Complaint 埋怨
1) The best sacrifice heaven receives from us and the sincerest part of our prayer 上天从我们这儿收到的最佳贡品,也是我们祈祷中最真诚 的部分

2) Every man complains of his memory, but no man complains of his judgment 人人都埋怨自己的记忆力,却没有人埋怨自己的判断力。
compliment compliment 恭维
1) The applause that refreshes 令人神清气爽的鼓掌

2) Falsehood in full dress 盛装的谎言

3) To say something to another which everyone knows isn't true 对另一个人说大家都知道不是事实的话

4) Something like gourmet powder, a little can improve the taste. But too much will spoil the soup 有点像味精,搁一点儿能改善口味,放多了汤就不好喝了

5) A kind of perfume to be smelled, but not drunk 一种香水,可以闻,但是不能喝

6) Words often mistaken for agreement because it sounds better than agreement 因为听上去比“同意”好听而常被误认为是同意的话

7) A compEment is sometimes a matter of fact, but more often a matter of tact 恭维有时候涉及事实,更多时候涉及机敏。

8) A woman can remember a compliment a man paid her long after she has forgotten his name. 女人在忘记恭维她的男人的名字之后很久仍记得他恭维她的话。
composer composer作曲家
1) Someone drying and airing tadpoles and viscera on five wires 在五根铁丝上晾晒蝌蚪和青蛙内脏的人
compromise compromise 妥协
1) The art of dividing a cake in such a way that each thinks he is getting the biggest piece 一种分蛋糕的艺术,它使每个人都觉得自己得到了最大的 一块

2) An agreement whereby both parties get what neither of them wanted 使双方都得不到想要得到的东西的一份协议

3) Such as adjustment of conflicting interests as gives each adversary the satisfaction of thinking he has got what he ought not to have, and is deprived of nothing except what was jusdy his due 如此以调整利害冲突,使对立各方都感到满意,觉得自己 得到了本不该得到的东西,除了自己确实应该付出的东西 之外什么也没有失去

4) Temporary truce preparing for fiercer struggle 为更激烈的战斗做准备的暂时休战
compulsion compulsion 强制
1) The eloquence of power 强权的雄辩
computer computer计算机
1) An office worker that doesn't get fired for making mistakes 犯错误后不会被开除的一名办公室工作人员

2) A tool used to train lazybones through scientific technology 用科学技术培养懒汉的工具

3) A box that you can never completely fill with money 用钱永远填不满的一只盒子

4) A very fast, very precise device for generating mistakes 能快速、精确地制造错误的玩意儿

5) The one thing in a woman's life that does exacdy what she tells it to 女人一生中唯一让做什么就做什么的东西
computer science computer science 计算机科学
1) A study akin to numerology and astrology, but lacking the precision of the former and the success of the latter 和命理学、占星学有亲缘关系的一门学问,但没有前者那么精 确,也没有后者那么成功
conceit conceit 自负
1) A strange disease which makes everyone sick except the person who has it 一种古怪的疾病,会使除了得这种病的人自己之外所有的 人都不舒服

2) Self-esteem of others because we don’t like it 别人的自尊,因为我们不喜欢

3) Conceit may puff a man up, but it can never prop him up. 自高自大可以使一个人膨胀起来,但永远也不能支撑住他。
concert concert音乐会
1) A team of swallows and swallow-tails having a meeting 一群燕子和燕尾服一起开会
conclusion conclusion 结论
1) The point to show you are tired of thinking 表明你已经厌烦再思考的那一点

2) The idea you have when you are too lazy to keep on thinking 懒得不愿再继续往下想的时候的想法
condom condom 安全套;避孕套
1) A home for retired semen 退休精子之家
conductor conductor乐队指挥
1) Someone driving away the fly of noise by waving 挥手赶走噪音苍蝇的人

2) A musician who is adept at following many people at the same time 擅长于同时跟随许多人的音乐家

3) A man who would rather face the music than the audience 一个宁可面对音乐而不愿面对听众的人① ①Face the music有“面对失败、接受批判”之意。
conference conference 协商会
1) The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present 一个人的迷惑乘以出席人数

2) A special meeting in which the boss gathers subordinates to hear what they have to say, so long as it doesn't conflict with what he's already decided to do 老板召集下属开的专门会议,听听他们有什么想法,只要 和自己已做出的决定不冲突就行
confession confession 坦白
1) Product of bravery and honesty 勇敢与诚实的产物

2) A wonderful medicine to lighten one's heart 一种让人心情轻松的灵丹妙药

3) A second lie used to deceive the wife when the first lie is laid bare 第一个谎言被拆穿后,用以欺骗妻子的第二个谎言
4) Admission of crimes one has not committed or insisting that one is guilty of some crime disregarding the evidence 承认没有犯过的罪,或无视证据而坚持自己有罪
confidant confidant 知己
1) One entrusted by A with the secrets of B, confided him toC 这样的一个人:有人把某个别人的知心话告诉他,他会去告诉另外一个人
confidence confidence 信心
1) The feeling you sometimes have before you fully understand a situation 在你了解全部情况之前有时会具有的一种感觉
conflict conflict 冲突
1) By product of wealth distribution 分配财富的副产品
confusion confusion 迷惑
1) A woman plus a left turn女人加上一个左转弯
congratulation congratulation 祝贺
1) A polite form of jealousy 有礼貌的妒忌
congress congress 国会
1) A body of people who meet to repeal laws 聚在一起去反对法律的一帮子人

2) The opposite of progress① 进步的反面
①Congress拆开来,前面的con有“相反”的意思,而progress拆开来,前面的 pro有“赞成”的意思。
connoisseur connoisseur鉴赏家
1) One who attains an obsessive knowledge of wines, audio equipment, cats or French cheeses so as to confer a sense of inadequacy on those who would simply enjoy them 对酒、音响设备、猫,或者法国奶酪有着癖好性知识的人,会让只会欣赏那些东西的人觉得知识不够
conscience conscience 良心,道德心
1) The voice that says you shouldn't have done something after you did it 你做了某件事后对你说你本不应该做的那个声音

2) The still, small voice which is always trying to convince you that it was the other fellow's fault 一个很轻的声音,总要说服你相信是另一个人的错

3) That still small voice that makes you feel still smaller 那个使你觉得自己更渺小的很小的声音

4) An inner voice that warns us that somebody may be looking 发自内心的一个声音,警告我们也许有人正看着我们

5) The internal perception of the rejection of a particular wish operating within us 拒绝心中某个特定的愿望的内心感知

6) What makes a boy tell his mother before his sister does 驱使男孩赶在妹妹之前告诉妈妈的想法

7) A useful scarecrow that can frighten away sparrows from the cherry tree 可以吓走樱桃树上的麻雀的管用的稻草人

8) A check that helps the banker tide over hard times 帮助银行家渡过难关的支票

9) Pledge some people use to exchange for money or other profit 某些人用以换取金钱或其他利益的抵押品

10) That part of the psyche which dissolves in alcohol 心灵中溶解于酒精的那一部分

11) The thing that hurts when everything else feels good 其他一切感觉都不错但是这东西却令人作痛
consciousness consciousness 觉悟
1) That annoying time between naps 两次打盹之间令人烦忧的时间
conscript conscript 应征士兵
1) One who is forced to fight for freedom 被强迫去为自由而战的人
conservatism conservatism 保守主义
1) The maintenance of conventions already in force 维护已生效的习俗
conservative conservative 保守派
1) A man whose mind is always open to new ideas, provided they are the same as the old ones 一个随时愿意接受新思想的人,条件是新思想和旧思想一模一样

2) A man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run 一个胆小得不敢打、又胖得跑不动的人

3) A man with two perfecdy good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward 长着两条健全的腿、却从未学会朝前走的人

4) One who fights for the status to remain quo 为维持现状而奋斗的人

5) One who believes in moving continually forward in the direction of the status quo 信仰朝着现状的方向不断前进的人

7) A man who just sits and thinks, mosdy sits 只是坐着和思考的人,更多的是干坐着

8) A man who does not think that anything should be done for the first time 一个认为凡事都不应该第一次做的人

9) A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others 陶醉于现存罪恶的政治家,与希望用新的罪恶取而代之的自由派不同

10) A liberal who has just been mugged 刚遭行凶抢劫的自由派人士

11) One who is opposed to the things he is in favor of 反对自己赞成的事物的人

12) A fellow who, in his heart, really believes a rich person should get a square deal 心底里认为富人应该得到公正对待的人

13) One who admires radicals centuries after they're dead 激进派死后几个世纪还敬仰他们的人
consistency consistency —致性
1) The last refuge of the unimaginative 没有想象力的人们的最后一个庇护所
onsolation onsolation 宽慰
1) A deceitful action in the form of praise, often produced around someone who is unfortunate 一种以赞扬形式出现的欺骗行为,常常围绕某个不幸者产生

2) The knowledge that a better man is more uncomfortable than yourself 得知某个比你优秀的人过得更不舒服

3) Howl for wolf, wool for sheep, love for woman, and monitor for philosopher 吼叫对于狼,羊毛对于羊,爱情对于女人,箴言对于哲学家

4) A good wife is a man's consolation, and a bad one is his friends' consolation. 好妻子是对男人的安慰,坏妻子则是对他朋友的安慰。
consultant consultant 顾问
1) Someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing 谈论你懂得的题目、却会让你觉得迷惑不解的某个人

2) A jobless person who shows executives how to work 一个没有职业却指点行政官员如何工作的人

3) Someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time 把你的手表从你手腕上拿走、告诉你几点钟的人

4) Someone who knows 101 ways to make love, but can't get a date 知道101种做爱的方法,但连一次约会也没有成功的人

5) Any ordinary guy more than 50 miles from home 离家50英里之外的任何普通人

6) On a résumé, the working title of anyone who doesn't currendy hold a job 目前没有工作的人简历上的头衔

7) A tipster disguised as an oracle, especially one who has learned to decamp at high speed in spite of a large briefcase and heavy wallet 假装成神谕的消息提供者,尤其是尽管带着很大的公文包和很重的钱包,却学会了快速逃走的人
consultation consultation 请教
1) To seek another's advice on a course already decided upon 已经做出决定后再去征求别人的意见

2) A formality to ask for others' suggestion for a setded decision 就已做出的决定走过场询问别人的意见

3) To put up a low profile purposely in order to see who is smarter after all 故意摆出一副低姿态,目的是看看到底谁更高明

4) Sharing the wealth 分享财富
contempt contempt 鄙视
1) The feeling of a prudent man for an enemy who is too formidable safely to be opposed 小心谨慎的人对太强大、因而肯定打不过的人的感情

2) Showing solicitude in a casual voice for things or people one pays great attention to by pretending they are unimportant 摆出一副无所谓的样子,用一种随便的口吻关注实际上很 重视的人或事物
contentment Contentment 知足
1) The art of keeping your taste below your neighbors income 使自己的口味保持在邻居的收入之下的艺术

2) The smother of invention 发明的扼杀者

3) The best of all riches—and it is not taxed 最好的财产,而且不用上税

4) Often the result of being too lazy to kick 常常是懒得再抱怨的结果
contract Contract合同
1) An agreement to fetter the weak 束缚弱者的协议

2) A written guarantee for cooperation because the two parties t concerned do not trust each other enough 因为当事双方彼此信任不够而写下的书面合作保证
contractor contractor 承包人
1) A gambler who never gets to shuffle, cut or deal 一个从来无需洗牌、切牌或发牌的赌博者
controversy controversy 争论
1) A battle in which spittle or ink replaces the injurious cannon-ball and the inconsiderate bayonet 用吐沫和墨水取代有杀伤力的炮弹和不体谅人的刺刀的战斗
convalescence convalescence 康复期
1) The period when you are still sick after you get well 病好了仍然感到不舒服的阶段
conversation conversation 交谈
1) A combination of 90 per cent of talking and 10 per cent of listening 90%的说话和10%的聆听的结合

2) The art of hearing as well as being heard 听别人说话和让别人听你说话并重的艺术

3) The art of telling people a little less than they want to know 一种艺术,告诉人们的内容比他们想要知道的略少

4) A fair to the display of the minor mental commodities, each exhibitor being too intent upon the arrangement of his own wares to observe those of his neighbor 展览各种琐碎的精神商品的集甫,每个商贩都专心摆弄自己的货色而无心去观察隔壁摊子上摆的东西

5) A vocal competition in which the one who is catching their breath is called the listener 一场声乐比赛,停下来吸一口气的人被叫做听众
cook cook厨师
1) Mom's other name 母亲的另一个名字
cooking cooking 烹调
1) The art of making food manifest its complexity and exquisite 使食物显得复杂和精致的艺术
coordinator coordinator 协调人
1) The guy who has a desk between two expeditors 在两个官方发言人之间有一张办公桌的家伙
corkscrew corkscrew 开瓶器
1) A device used to open a conversation 用来开启谈话的设备
corporal corporal 下士
1) A man who occupies the lowest rung of the military ladder 站在军事之梯最下面一格的人
corporation corporation 大公司
1) An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility 能使个人得到利润,但个人无须承担责任的一种创造性的装置
correspondence course correspondence course 函授
1) The trick to exchange waste paper for bank notes 一种用废纸换钞票的花招
cosmetics cosmetics 化妆品
1) A powerful form of chemical warfare by women in the batde of the sexes 妇女在两性战斗中使用的一种威力强大的化学战

2) Means to prevent men from reading between the lines① 防止男人从一行行之间看出什么的办法
① Read between the lines原来的意思是"看出言外之意”,这里的lines则指皱纹, 也是上年纪的迹象,女人使用化妆品的目的之一当然是掩盖自己的实际年龄。
cosmetology Cosmetology 美容术
1) The most real lie in the visual language 视觉语言中最真实的谎言
coughing coughing 咳嗽
1) A means to remind others of one's presence 提醒别人注意自己在场的一种方式
counterfeiter counterfeiter 伪造(假币)者
1) The only person who doesn't lose money on bad bills 唯一不会因为假钱而有所损失的人

2) A rare individual who has no problem making money—only how to spend it 极少数挣钱不成问题的人——只是如何把钱花出去是个问题
courage courage 胆量
1) A strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die 以准备好去死的形式表现出来的一种强烈的求生的愿望

2) The ladder on which all the other virtues mount 所有其他美德都靠它往上攀登的梯子

3) Looking a saleslady straight in the eye and saying you'd like something a litde cheaper 直视女营业员的目光说出你想买某样便宜些的东西

4) Grace under pressure 压力下的潇洒

5) Walking naked through a cannibal village 光着身子穿过食人村落

6) The ability of having to take necessary actions when you are extremely frightened 极端害怕时不得已采取必要行动的能力

7) A fear extinguisher 恐惧消除器

8) The discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose 发现你不可能胜,知道自己可能失败仍然努力尝试

9) A man has to have a lot of courage to admit that he hasn't any. 男人要有很大的勇气才能承认自己没有勇气。

10) One person with courage makes a majority. 只要有勇气,一个人也能成为多数。
courtesy courtesy 礼貌
1) The art of treating the other fellow as if he were as important as he thinks he is 对待另一个人的艺术,就好像那人有自己以为的那样重要

2) Just like the zero in mathematics, it means nothing alone but can double the value of other virtues 像数学里的零,单独存在没有意义,但却能使其他美德的 价值翻番

3) Something that can both shorten and lengthen the distance between people at the same time 可以同时缩短和拉长人们之间的距离的东西

4) A bridge or a wall between people 人和人之间的一座桥或一堵墙

5) Most acceptable hypocrisy 最容易接受的虚伪

6) The art of yawning with your mouth closed 闭着嘴打哈欠的艺术

7) Giving other people the right to disagree 给别人以不同意的权利
courtship courtship 求爱
1) The period when a girl doesn't say all she means, and a man doesn't mean all he says 女孩子不把心里话全说出来,男孩子说的不全是心里话的阶段

2) The only game when two people chase each other at the same time 唯一一种两个人同时追赶对方的游戏

3) A short period of long kisses usually followed by a long period of short kisses 进行长吻的一个短时期,其后通常是进行短吻的一个长时期

4) The period when a woman resists a man's advances while she blocks his retreat 女人不让男人接近,却又堵住他退路的这么一个阶段

5) Leam to appreciate an imperfect person with a perfect sense of judgment 学会用完美的眼光欣赏一个不完美的人

6) Something like playing the piano, there are some rules to follow at the beginning, but then it goes on in various ways from the heart of one's heart 就像弹钢琴,开头尚有规律可循,接下去则按照内心而千变万化
cousin cousin 表亲
1) The relative most likely to be responsible for your trouble 最可能成为要对你的麻烦负责任的亲戚
covering covering 遮盖
1) A way of hinting something important so that people will try by every means to peep at 暗示某样东西重要的办法,这样人们就会想方设法去窥视
cow cow母牛
1) A machine that makes grass palatable for humans 将草变成美味食品的机器
coward coward胆小鬼
1) One who faces anything difficult or dangerous by turning his back on it 背对任何困难和危险的人

2) A fellow with cold feet who has sense enough to stay out of hot water 尽管脚冷,仍知道躲开热水的家伙

3) A man who lives in fear of his life, and in even greater fear of his wife 害怕生活、更害怕妻子的人

4) Someone who dies several times before he finally dies 在最终死亡之前就死过好几次的人

5) One who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs 危急之际用双腿思考的人
craft craft手腕
1) Something used by fools in place of the brains 傻瓜用以代替头脑的某种东西
crafty crafty 奸诈
1) Treasure for weak animals or people to manage to beat stronger ones 弱小的动物或人设法战胜强大者的法宝
crank crank古怪的人
1) A man with a new idea until it succeeds 在新的想法成功之前具有这种想法的人
credit credit 信用
1) What enables people to spend money they haven% earned, to buy things they don't need, to impress people they don't like 使人们能用未挣到的钱去买他们不需要的物品,以让他们 不喜欢的人留下深刻印象的某种东西

2) A stable ladder you can climb up on which with your hands in your pockets 你可以把手插在口袋里往上爬的稳固的梯子
credit card credit card 信用卡
1) A financial device that enables people who own more to owe more 使拥有更多的钱的人欠钱更多的一种金融手段

2) A way to increase one's yearning 使人增加渴望的一种办法

3) A device that has divided America into two classes: those who have the latest gadgets, and those who pay cash 把美国人分成两大阶级的东西:拥有最新小玩意儿的阶级和付现金的阶级

4) The financial version of fool's gold① 傻瓜黄金的金融版
①"傻瓜黄金”(fool's gold)指黄铜矿,因金光闪闪而常为傻瓜当做黄金,亦用于指好看而不值钱的东西。
creditor creditor债权人
1) A man who has a better memory than a debtor 比债务人记性好的人

2) The one person who, in adversity, sticks by you closer than a friend 在你处于逆境时唯一比你的朋友和你粘得更紧的人
credulity credulity 轻信
1) The man's weakness, but the child's strength 成人的弱点,儿童的力量
crescendo crescendo声音渐增
1) Getting louder—testing the neighbors’ tolerance level 越来越响——测试邻居的忍受水平
crime crime罪行
1) Action out of either too much love for life or too much hatred for lives 对生活爱得过火,或对生命恨得过分导致的行为
criminologist criminologist 犯罪学家
1) One who will tell you crime doesn't pay, unless, of course, you do it well 告诉你除非你做得很地道,否则犯罪划不来的人
crisis Crisis 危机
1) A transitional period between two transitional phases 两个过渡时期中间的一个过渡阶段

2) When you can't say TeFs forget the whole thing” 你不能说“咱们甭管这些了”的时候

3) In politics, any situation you want to change 政治上任何你想要做出改变的情况
critic critic批评家
1) One who narrates the adventures of his mind among masterpieces 借杰出的作品叙说自己思想历险的人

2) A man who knows the way but can,t drive the car 认识路但不会开车的人

3) A man whose watch is five minutes ahead of other people's watches 手表比别人快五分钟的人

4) A wet blanket that soaks everything it touches 使所有接触到的东西都泡汤的湿毛毯

5) Someone who does not need to know how the world looks but knows how the world should look Eke 不需要知道世界是什么样子,但是知道世界应该是什么样 子的人

6) Someone who often imposes his own idea onto others . 常常将自己的想法强加给别人的人

7) Someone who can find whatever he likes to find in literature works 能在文学作品中找到任何他想要找的东西的人

8) A person who boasts himself hard to please because nobody tries to please him 吹嘘说因为没有人想讨他好,所以很难讨他好的人

9) A critic never knows his own limitation but always knows the limitation of others. 批评家从来不知道自己的局限,却总知道别人的局限。

10) A critic writes because he has to say something, not because he has something to say. 批评家之所以写文章,是因为他必须说些什么,而不是因 为他有什么话要说。
criticism criticism 评论
1) The art of writing about yourself while appearing to be writing about another man's work 表面看来在写关于别人的作品、实际上在写自己的一种艺术

2) The disapproval of people, not for having faults, but for having faults different from ours 对别人表示不同意,但不是因为其错误,而是因为其错得 和我们不一样

3) A kind of dissatisfaction because the other party has made some mistake that is different from one's own 因为对方犯了和自己不一样的错误而不满意

4) Prejudice made plausible 使之听上去似乎有理的偏见
crow crow乌鸦
1) A black bird which calls the pot black 自己黑却嫌锅黑的一种鸟
crowd crowd 人群
1) Anything that makes a noise is satisfactory to a crowd. 任何发出声音的东西都会使人群感到满足。
crying crying哭
1) The sharpest weapon used by women in the war between the two sexes 两性战争中女人使用的最尖锐的武器

2) Don't you cry before those who want you to cry. 不要在想让你哭的人面前哭。
cultural square cultural square 文化广场
1) Heaping various rubbish on the square to prove our spiritual wealth 将各种垃圾堆在广场上以证明我们的精神财富
culture Culture 文化
1) To know the best that has been said and thought in the world 了解世界上人们所说过的最好的话和想过的最好的思想

2) Roughly anything we do and the monkeys don't 大致上我们做而猴子不做的任何事情

3) The last parclose to overall materialization 全面物质化的最后一道屏障
cunning cunning 狡猾
1) An evil nimbleness 一种邪恶的机智

2) The faculty that distinguish a weak animal or person from a strong one—it brings its possessor much mental satisfaction and great material adversity 将懦弱的动物或人同强悍者区别开来的一种本领——它为具有这一本领者带来许多精神上的满足和巨大的物质上的厄运
cup cup杯子
1) A tool used for combating a drought on one's desk 办公桌上的抗旱工具

2) An instrument that isolate some water for redistribution 把一些水孤立起来进行再分配的仪器
cure cure治疗药物
1) The cure for anything is salt water—sweat, tears, or the sea. 能包治百病的药物是含有盐分的水——汗水、泪水或海水。
curiosity curiosity 好奇心
1) An eager confession of ignorance 无知急切的表白

2) Something which drives you to find out about things you don't need to know . 驱使你去弄清楚你无须知道的事情的某样东西

3) Modem people's longing to find out other people's privacy because of lack of understanding and communication 现代人因为缺乏理解和交流而想要发现他人隐私的渴望

4) An objectionable quality of the female mind; the desire to know whether or not a woman is cursed with curiosity is one of the most active and insatiable passions o£ the masculine soul 女人心中令人讨厌的品质;想要知道一个女人是否具有可恶的好奇心是男性灵魂里最活跃的、永不知足的一种欲望

5) A universal congenital disease, usually outgrown without impact 一种普遍的、先天性的疾病,通常发展得很快,却没有什么不良后果
curse curse诅咒
1) Energetically belaboring with a verbal slap-stick 使劲用语言大棒痛打

2) Poetic and artistic opinion developing towards a dark comer 向黑暗的角落发展的诗情画意
curtain curtain 窗帘
1) Entrance guard of privacy 隐私的门卫
curve curve曲线
1) The loveliest distance between two points 两点之间最可爱的距离
customer customer顾客
1) Someone who is always right besides the police 除了警察之外总是他对的人

2) The god to be easily cheated 很容易受骗的上帝

3) The customer is always right, unless his bill is overdue. 顾客总是对的,除非到期未付账。
cynic cynic玩世不恭者
1) A man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing 知道所有东西的价格,但不知道它们价值的人

2) A man who found out when he was about ten that there wasn't any Santa Claus, and he's still upset 大约十岁时发现世上并没有圣诞老人,却仍感到难过的人

3) A person who knows everything but believes nothing 一个什么都知道又什么都不相信的人

4) A person searching for an honest man with a stolen lantern 打着偷来的灯笼寻找一个诚实的人的人

5) A blackguard whose faculty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be 眼睛有毛病的恶棍,此入看到的事物是其本来的面目,而 不是应该有的样子

6) A man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin 闻到花香却四处寻找棺材的人

7) One who looks through rose-colored glasses with a jaundiced eye 怀有偏见而戴着玫瑰色眼镜看事物的人① ①Look through rose-colored glasses (戴着玫瑰色眼镜看事物)意为"乐观”。
cynicism cynicism 挖苦
1) An unpleasant way of saying the truth 一种令人不愉快的叙说真理的方法

2) Humor in ill-health 不健康的函默

3) Disappointed idealism 失望了的理想主义
dance dance跳舞
1) Vertical expression of a horizontal idea 竖向表达出横向的想法

2) The art of getting your feet out of the way faster than your partner can step on them 很快挪出双脚,不让你的舞伴踩上的艺术

3) A necessary cure and wisdom that keeps contact with reality 一种与现实保持接触的必要的疗法和智慧

4) Leaping about to the sound of tittering music, preferably with arms about your neighbor's wife or daughter 跟着傻笑般的音乐跳来蹦去,最好是搂着邻居的妻子或女儿
danger danger 危险
1) The major one is that you have taken too many defenses. 生命中最主要的危险是你采取了太多的防范。
daring daring 勇敢
1) One of the most conspicuous qualities of a man in security 男人在安全的情况下最显著的品质之一
data data数据
1) An accrual of straws on the backs of theories 理论背上自然生长出来的稻草
dating dating 约会
l) An organized meeting with someone who has yet to realize their : intense dislike for you 安排好的同某个人见面,那人还没有意识到多么强烈地讨厌你

2) The process of spending enonnous amounts of money, time, and energy to get better acquainted with a person whom you don't; especially like in the present and will learn to like a lot less in the future 花很多金钱、时间和精力以结识某个你目前弄不太喜欢、以后会越来越不喜欢的人
daughter daughter 女儿
1) Yesterday of the mother 母亲的昨天

2) A person who dad likes because she reminds him why he married his wife, and who mother is afraid of because she reminds her of why her husband married her 父亲喜欢而母亲害怕的人,因为她使父亲回想起娶妻子的原因,使母亲回想起丈夫娶她的原因
daughter-in-law daughter-in-law 儿媳妇
1) The woman who grabs away your son's filial devotion 夺走你儿子孝心的女人
dawn dawn黎明
1) The time when men of reason go to bed 理智的人上床睡觉的时刻
day day —天
1) A miniature of eternity 永恒的一个缩影

2) A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent—this period is divided into two parts, the day proper and the night, or day improper; the former devoted to sins of business, the latter consecrated to the other sort, with the two kinds of social activity overlap 由24个小时构成、大部分被胡乱花掉的一个时段,一般分 成白天和黑夜两个阶段,前者奉献给做生意的罪恶,后者 奉献给其他的罪恶,这两种社交活动互相重叠
day dreamer day dreamer白日做梦者
1) A person who does most of his dream while he is awake 大多数梦都是醒着时做的人

2) One who sleeps by night but dreams by day 晚上睡觉白天做梦的人
daybreak daybreak 拂晓
1) The time when honesty breaks away 真诚逃离的时刻
deadwood deadwood①朽木 ① 英语中的deadwood指不再有用的人或事物。
1) Anyone in your company who is more senior than you are 在你公司里资格比你老的任何人
deaf deaf耳聋
1) In the kingdom of the deaf, the one-eared man is king. 在聋子的国度里,一只耳朵好的人称王。
death death死
1) The wages of sin 给罪恶的报酬

2) The only pure, beautiful conclusion of a great passion 伟大的激情唯一纯洁、美丽的终结

3) The direction everyone is going toward 每个人都朝之走去的方向

4) A debt everyone has to pay back to Nature 每个人都必须还大自然的一笔债

5) A kind of practice of people without any reminiscences 没有留下任何回忆录的一种人类实践

6) The one experience impossible to put into perspective afterwards 唯一无法在事后展望的经历

7) God's way of telling you not to be such a wise guy 上帝叫你不要自作聪明的方法

8) Life's answer to the question "Why?"

9) Stop sinning suddenly 突然停止犯罪

10) Death has this consolation: It frees us from the thought of death. 死亡能给人这样一个安慰:它使我们从人会死的困扰中解脱。
death wish death wish遗愿
1) The only wish that always comes true, whether or not one wishes it to 不管是不是真的愿望,唯一总会实现的愿望
debauchee debauchee 放荡者
1) One who has so eamesdy pursued pleasure that he has had the misfortune to overtake it 一个认真追求享乐却让不幸跑到享乐前面去了的人
debate debate 辩论
1) Further proving our own correctness and the mistakes of others 进一步证明我们的正确和别人的错误
debt debt债务
1) An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slave-driver 一种巧妙的取代奴隶监管者的锁链和皮鞭的代用物
debtor debtor债务人
1) A rich man who anxiously hopes the financial affairs of the state is mismanaged so that money would devaluate 急切地希望国家财政事务管理不善因而钱会贬值的有钱人
deceit deceit 欺骗
1) Seduction wearing smiling masks 戴着微笑的面具的引诱

2) To deceive a deceiver is no deceit 欺骗骗子不是欺骗。
decision decision 决定
1) What an executive is forced to make when he can't get anyone to serve on a committee 主事人在委员会当差找不到人时被迫做出的东西

2) To succumb to the preponderance of one set of influences over another set 屈从一组占主导地位的支配力量

3) When a man says he hasn't made up his mind, he means he hasn't had a chance to ask his wife. 一个男人说他尚未下决心时,他的意思是说他还没有机会 问一下他的妻子。

4) A woman's shopping trip consists of three parts: indecision, decision, change of decision. 女人去买东西有三部曲:下不了决心,下决心,改变决心。

5) The usual decision a committee makes is to postpone making one. 委员会通常做出的决定是推迟做出决定。
deconstruction deconstruction 解构
1) If I grind you up I can show that even your molecules are wrong 如果我能把你磨碎,我能证明连构成你的分子都是错的
defamation defamation 诽谤
1) Telling the truth about another 说出关于另一个人的真相
defeat defeat 打败
1) The first step to something better 通向更好的第一步
deficit deficit 赤字
1) What you have when you haven't as much as when you had nothing 当你比一无所有还要穷的时候所拥有的东西

2) The only thing you have left after you pay your tax 缴了税之后唯一剩下的东西

3)(when your party is out of power) The nation's biggest problem (你党在野时)国家最大的问题
(if your party is in power) A necessary economic stimulus (如果你党执政)刺激经济的必要手段
definition definition 定义
1) Conclusion full of loopholes 漏洞百出的结论
deflation deflation通货紧缩
1) The period when prices decline on everything except what you want to buy 除了你想买的东西外所有东西都降价的时期
degeneration degeneration 墮落
1) A game most people like to do but haven't got enough courage, so its pleasure can only be enjoyed by a few people 大多数人想做却没有足够勇气去玩的游戏,因此其乐趣只 有很少的人享受得到

2) One of the stages of moral and social progress from private station to political preferment 无名小卒变成政治红人的、道德和社会进步的步骤之一
delay delay延迟
1) The greatest remedy for anger 治疗生气最好的药物
delayed payment delayed payment 延期付款
1) A tourniquet applied at thg pockets 缚在口袋上的止血带
deliberation deliberation 审镇
1) The act of examining one's bread to determine which side is buttered on 仔细查看面包,以弄清哪一面涂了黄油
delight delight 欣喜
1) Indifference between love and no love 爱与不爱之间的无动于衷
deluge deluge大洪水
1) A notable first experiment in baptism which washed away the sins and the sinners of the world 引人注目的第一次洗礼试验,该试验冲刷掉了世界上的罪恶和罪人
delusion delusion 幻想
1) The father of a most respectable family, comprising Enthusiasm, Affection, Self-denial, Faith, Hope, Charity and many other goodly sons and daughters 一个极其令人尊敬的家庭的父亲,该家庭成员有热情、慈 爱、克制、信仰、希望、仁慈,以及其他很多乖儿女

2) A pair of stinking feet that have reached out of the domain of romanticism 伸出浪漫主义领土之外的一双臭脚
demagogue demagogue 煽动家
1) A person with whom we disagree as to which gang should mismanage the country 在让哪一帮人来误治国家方面和我们有不同意见的人

2) A politician who rocks the boat and then alarms you about the dangerous storm at sea 先晃荡船,然后警告你海上有狂风暴雨的政客

3) A man who pretends to be behind the people in order to become their leader 一个假装跟在人民后面,以便成为人民领袖的人
democracy democracy 民主
1) A word all public men use and none understand 所有公仆都使用,但谁也不懂的一个词

2) A form of government under which everyone has the freedom to elect officials to restrict their freedom 每个人都有权自由选举官员来限制他们自由的一种政府形式

3) A form of government where you can always say what you like, and do what you're told 一种政府形式,你想说什么都可以,但必须按照吩咐去做

4) Saying not "I'm as good as you are” but “ you're as good as I am"

5) An experiment in government, and it has the obvious disadvantage of merely counting votes instead of weighing them 政府的一种实验,其明显的弊病是只记票数却不掂掂票的分量

6) The art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage 在猴笼里管理马戏团的艺术和科学

7) Finding proximate solution to insoluble problem 为无法解决的问题寻找最接近的答案

8) The art of thinking independendy together 共同独立思考的艺术

9) How voters choose whom to blame 选举者如何选择责怪谁

10) Four wolves and a lamb voting on lunch 四匹狼和一只绵羊就午餐进行表决

11) The theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard \这样一种理论:既然普通民众知道他们想要什么,他们就应该完全得到

12) The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a I dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting. 民主和独裁的区别在于:民主国家里是先选举再服从命令,独裁国家则无须浪费时间去选举。
demonstration demonstration示威游行
1) An outdoor activity occasionally permitted the citizens by the constitution of democratic countries 民主国家的宪法偶尔允许公民进行的一种户外活动

2) A riot by people you agree with 与你意见一致的人们的骚动
denial denial自我克制
1) How an optimist keeps from becoming a pessimist乐观主义者防止自己变成悲观主义者的办法
dentist dentist 牙医
1) Someone who takes something out of your mouth or put something into your mouth and asks you for money 从你嘴里拿走什么东西或往你嘴里放进什么东西,然后跟你要钱的人

2) A prestidigitator who, putting some metal or ceramics pieces into your mouth, pulls bunches of money out of your pocket 一位往你嘴里放些金属或陶瓷块,同时从你口袋里大把掏走钱的魔术师
dentures dentures (—副)假牙
1) Two rows of artificial ivories that may be removed periodically to frighten one's grandchildren or provide accompaniment to Spanish music 两排人工象牙,可以时不时拿下来吓唬孙子孙女,或为西班牙音乐进行伴奏
dependence dependence 依赖
1) Reliance upon another's generosity for the support which you are not in a position to exact from his fears 由于你的地位不足以强迫某人因害怕而支持你,只好靠他的慷慨达到目的
depilatory depilatory 脱毛
1) The skill of pulling hair off someone's scalp, the master of which is the wife when she quarrels with her husband 把头发从某人头皮上拔掉的一种技巧,同丈夫吵架时的妻子是这种技巧的大师
deposit deposit 存款
1) A philanthropic act to support the construction of the bank 支持银行建设的一项慈善行动
depth depth深度
1) Height turned upside down 倒过来的高度
design design 设计
1) What you regret not doing later on 没有放到后来再做而感到后悔的事
desire 欲
desire 欲望

1) Fuel that fully stipulates one's muscles into hyper function 使人的肌肉进入极度亢奋状态的燃料
desk desk办公桌
1) A large wastebasket with drawers and a phone 带有抽屉和电话的一个大废纸篓
dessert dessert (饭后)甜食
1) The reason for eating a meal 吃一顿饭的原因
destination destination 归宿
1) The place you get to when you cannot return 到达后不能再回来的地方
destiny destiny 命运
1) A tyrant's authority for crime and fool's excuse for failure 暴君作恶的权力,傻瓜失败的借口

2) Something that exits only when we think of it 某种只有想起时才存在的东西
detective detective 侦探
1) Someone who puts our privacy into his notebook with half an eye 用半只眼睛把我们的隐私记人笔记本的人
detour detour 迂回
1) The roughest distance between two points 两点之间最崎岖的距离

2) Something that lengthens your mileage, diminishes your gas, and strengthens your vocabulary 让你增加里数、减少汽油、粗化语气的某种东西
deviation deviation 偏差
1) Any departure from the Captain's orders 任何背离船长命令的做法
devil devil魔鬼
1) A gentleman who never goes where he is not welcome 一位从来不到不受欢迎的地方去的绅士

2) Another face of God 上帝的另一副面孔
dew dew露水
1) Sweat of the earth as it works the whole night, justly used to moisten delicate twigs and sentimental poets 地球彻夜工作流的汗水,正好用于滋润娇嫩的树枝和多愁善感的诗人

2) Air that looks wet 湿漉漉的空气
diagnosis diagnosis诊断
1) The process that the doctor asks the patient whafs wrong and then the patient asks the doctor 大夫询问病人有什么不舒服,然后病人反过来问大夫是怎 么回事的过程

2) A physician's forecast of disease by the patient's pulse and purse 大夫根据病人的脉搏和钱包做岀关于疾病的预言

3) A process in which the physician tries to measure the wallet of the patient 医生设法探测病人钱包的过程
dialectic dialectic 辩证法
1) I'm right, but then again, I may be wrong 我是对的,不过我也可能是错的
diamond diamond 钻石
1) The hardest① stone go get 最难得到的石头

2) A woman's idea of stepping stone to success 女人理想中通向成功的垫脚石

3) Most valuable surplus value 最有价值的剩余价值

4) Diamond is the hardest substance known to man: It can not only cut glass, but will even make an impression on a woman's heart. 钻石是男人所知最硬的东西:不仅能切割玻璃,还能在女人心上留下印记。
diamond ring diamond ring 钻戒
1) Jewelry which can later be used as collateral for the divorce lawyers 后来可能成为离婚律师附属品的首饰
diary diary日记
1) A daily record of that part of one's life, which he can relate to himself without blushing 一个人生活的按日记录,但只记载自己叙述时不会脸红的那部分生活
dictionary dictionary 字典
1) The only place where success comes before work “成功”出现在“工作”之前的唯一地方

2) The only place where divorce comes before marriage 唯一 “离婚”在前,“结婚”在后的地方① ①在中文里次序正好相反,所以没有上一条那么巧。

3) A heap of words in queues of good order 有秩序地排着队的一堆词

4) A yoke of thinking, invented to petrify the language and prevent it from developing 对思想的一种枷锁,发明来使语言僵化、阻止其发展

5) The most important word in a man's dictionary is "sex" , and a woman's a beautiful; when the two dictionaries put together, you can't find any word. 男人的字典里最重要的字是“性”;女人的字典里最重要的 字是“美”,这两本字典合在一起后,你什么字也查不到。
diet diet节制饮食
1) Triumph of mind over platter 头脑胜过食物盘

2) What some women do to their hair 某些女人对她们的头发做的事

3) Keeping willpower dominant over won't power 使意志力压倒不肯的力量

4) A brief period of starvation followed by a gain of five pounds 体重增加5磅前短暂的饥饿时期
difference difference 差异
1) Some minute character of things or people which draws our attention, especially the ones that are uniquely disgusting 事物或人身上吸引我们注意力的细微的特点,尤其是特有 的讨厌之处

2) The difference between us and other people is that their money looks bigger and their troubles smaller. 我们和他人之间的不同,在于别人的钱看上去要大些,别 人的麻烦看上去要小些。

3) There is as much difference between us and ourselves as between us and others. 我们与自己之间和我们与他人之间有着同样的差别。
difficulty difficulty 困难
1) An irou door one can avoid bumping into if he does not go forward 只要不往前走就可以避免撞上的一扇铁门
digestion digestion 消化
1) The conversion of victuals into virtues, when the process is imperfect, vices are evolved instead 把食物转化成美德的过程,这一过程有缺陷时罪恶便会产生
dignity dignity 尊严
1) The first thing in the human personality that dissolves in alcohol 人格中首先溶化于酒精的东西

2) The capacity to hold back on the tongue what never should have been on the mind in the first place 一种能力,能克制自己嘴里不说出原本从来不该在心里的 东西

3) Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his capacity to despise himself 也许一个人唯一真正的尊严在于能鄙视自己
dilemma dilemma进退两难
1) Trying to believe someone you nonnally trust when you know you would lie if you were in their place 设法相信你平时信任的某个人,可是你明明知道,要是你处于 他的位置你会说谎
diligence diligence勤奋
1) Some stubbornly biased behavior when indulging in some enticement 沉溺于某种诱惑而产生的偏执行为
dime dime (美元硬币)—角
1) Dollar after taxes 一美元税后
dimple dimple 酒窝
1) A pimple going the other way 反方向的丘疹
diploma diploma 文凭
1) A receipt a young man gets from a collage for bills his father paid 年轻人从大学得到的、说明他父亲替他付过账的一张收据
diplomacy diplomacy 外交
1) The art of knowing what not to say 知道什么不该说的艺术

2) The patriotic art of lying for one's country 为自己的国家撒谎的爱国艺术

3) The art of diving into trouble without making a splash 跳入麻烦之池而不溅出水来的艺术

4) The art of saying things in such a way that nobody knows exactly what you mean 一种使谁都不明白你真正含义的说话艺术

5) The fine art of telling half the truth, or the finer art of telling half lies 会只说一半真理,更会只说一半谎言的艺术

6) The art of keeping your shirt on while you are getting something off your chest 不用脱掉衬衫,从胸口拿走某种东西的艺术

7) The art of handling a porcupine without disturbing the quills 触摸豪猪却不弄乱其刺的艺术

8) The art of fishing tranquilly in troubled water 在浑水中静悄悄地摸鱼的艺术

9) Thinking twice before saying nothing 在什么也不说之前再三思考

10) Letting someone else have your say 让别人代你说你想说的话

11) The art of letting someone else get your way 让别人替你随心所欲的艺术

12) The behavior of mouthing fine words to get meat in other's pot into one's own mouth 满口好听的话,却将别人锅里的肉弄到自己嘴里的行为

13) The art of saying 4 Nice doggie1 until you can find a rock:

14) The nastiest thing in the nicest way 用最好的方式做最令人作呕的事
diplomat diplomat外交家
1) A man who can hold his tongue in several languages 会用好几种语言保持沉默的人

2) A fellow that lets you do all the talking while he gets what he wants 一个让你滔滔而论,却能得到他想要的东西的人

3) A man who tries never to stand between a dog and a lamppost 一个设法不站在狗和灯柱之间的人

4) One who can put his foot down without stepping on someone 一个能把脚放下来而又不踩上别人脚趾的人

5) A wealthy person assigned to meddle in other people's business 一个被派去管别人闲事的富人

6) One who can always make himself misunderstood 一个总能使别人误解自己的人

7) A lobbyist whose lodge and flying tickets are endorsed by the government 住宿和机票由政府负担的游说者

8) A person whose job is patching up the troubles caused by other diplomats 一个专门收拾别的外交家搞下的烂摊子的人

9) A person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip 一个说话艺术高超的人,他叫你去下地狱,你听后果真会想去

10) One who can cut his neighbor's throat without having his neighbor notice it 能在邻居没有注意到的情况下割断其喉咙的人

11) A man who always remembers a womans birthday, but never remembers her age 一个永远记得女人的生日,却不记得她年龄的人

12) A man who can convince his wife she would look fat in a fur coat 能说服妻子说她穿毛皮衣服会显得臃肿的人

13) A diplomat always knows what to talk about, but doesn't always talk about what he knows. 一名外交家永远知道该谈什么,但他并不总谈自己知道的内容。
diplomatic language diplomatic language 外交辞令
1) A diplomatic language has a hundred ways of saying nothing but no way of saying anything. 一种外交辞令有一百种方法什么也不说,却没有任何方法说些什么。
director director 导演
1) A lazy fellow who always picks others to perform for himself 总是挑选别人为自己演出的懒汉

2) An expert in classifying animals, who is good at discovering a duck from a group of geese and then teaches the duck to pretend to be a goose 动物分类专家,善于从鹅群中发现鸭子,然后又教鸭子装成鹅
disability disability 无能
1) The only disability in life is a bad attitude. 生活中唯一的无能是错误的态度。
disabusal disabusal 解惑
1) Presenting your neighbor with another and better error than the one which he has deemed it advantageous to embrace 给邻居另一个好一点的错误,以取代他原来自鸣得意地抱住不 放的错误
disappointment disappointment 失望
1) Those who have ignored reality suddenly face reality squarely 无视现实的人突然正视现实
disaster disaster 灾害
1) Stumbling block set by God when we are proud and pleased with ourselves 上帝在我们洋洋得意时安排的绊脚石
discovery discovery 发现
1) Seeing what everybody sees but thinking everybody does not think 见众人所见,但是想众人所未想

1) discretion 慎重
When you are sure you are right, and then ask your wife 确信自己是正确的,然后再去请教你妻子
discussion discussion 讨论
1) One of the ways to further prove the other is wrong 进一步证明别人不对的方法之一

2) A process to complicate simple matters 使简单事物复杂化的过程

3) Great minds discuss ideas, good minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people. 伟大的人讨论主意,能干的人讨论事件,小心眼的人讨论人。

4) Discussion is an exchange of intelligence; argument is an exchange of ignorance. 讨论是交换智慧,争论是交换无知。
disease disease 疾病
1) Favor bestowed to medical doctors by Nature 大自然给医生的恩赐
disillusion disillusion幻想破灭
1) The scratch of the pin after you have pinned your faith on the wrong person 把信念用大头针别错在某个人身上,没有想到针刺疼了自己

2) Disillusion is commonly found in only three classes of people: unmarried women, unmarried men, and married couples. 只有三种人常常幻想破灭:未婚的女人、未婚的男人和已 婚的夫妇。
dislike dislike 讨厌
1) A special feeling towards neither friends nor enemies but friends' friends 不针对朋友,也不针对敌人,而是专门针对朋友的朋友的一种特殊感情

2) If anyone dislikes you, you can overcome his dislike by asking him for any kind of information. :
disneyland disneyland迪斯尼乐园
1) A people trap operated by a mouse 一个由老鼠操纵的捕人陷阱
disobedience disobedience 违抗
1) The silver lining of the cloud of servitude 劳役之云的银色边缘

2) To celebrate with an appropriate ceremony the maturity of a command 用适当的仪式庆祝某项命令的成熟
dissoluteness dissoluteness 放荡
1) Typhoon caused by too much sea water in the human body 人身上海水过多引起的台风

2) The cause why the husband is infatuated with his lover despite the wife's repeated prohibition 丈夫不顾妻子再三禁止,仍然迷恋情人的原因
distance distance距离
1) Producer of charm, based on mysteriousness and somnolence 魅力的制造者,基础是神秘感和朦胧

2) The only thing the rich willing to let the poor call theirs and keep 富人情愿让穷人称他们所拥有、并可以保持的唯一的东西

3) Something that lends enchantment to the view 使景色更迷人的某种东西

4) The shortest distance between two points is gong from the sublime to the ridiculous. 两点之间最短的距离是从崇高到荒唐。
distress distress 苦恼
1) A disease incurred by exposure to the prosperity of a friend 看到朋友走运引起的一种病
divorce divorce 离婚
1) A marital dissolution that follows a mutual disillusion 对彼此的幻想破灭后婚姻的解体

2) Future tense of marriage 婚姻的将来时态

3) Postgraduate in the school of love 爱情学校里的研究生

4) The best thing about divorce is that it puts marriageable men back in circulation. 离婚最大的优点在于将可结婚的男人放回可流通的领域。
divorce court divorce court 离婚法庭
1) Hall of blame 责备纪念堂 ① Hall of blame显然是根据Hall of Fame (名人纪念堂)仿造的
dizziness dizziness 晕眩
1) A capricious and insunnountable desire to fall down, a kind of intoxication of the weak 一种任性的、不可克服的、想倒下的愿望,弱者的一种陶醉
dna DNA脱氧核糖核酸
1) Building block of life; appropriately shaped like a spiral staircase to nowhere 搭建生命的积木,很恰当地呈现为一个哪里也到不了的螺旋形楼梯的形状
doctor Doctor 医生
1) A healthy man who can't keep away from sick people 离不开病人的健康人

2) Someone who doesn't feel happy when his friends are in good health 朋友健康时并不感到快乐的人

3) An enemy of God: he batdes against death 上帝的敌人:他与死亡作战
doctrinaire Doctrinaire教条主义者
1) Someone who insists on not believing your opinion 坚持不相信你的观点的人
document document 文件
1) Some paper that finally flows to the rubbish heap 最终流向垃圾堆的一些纸

2) Medicalu'ecord of the government 政府的病历
dog dog狗
1) A creature who hears a burglar, barks once, then hides in the closet 听到窃贼会叫一声,然后躲到柜子里去的动物

2) A foot warmer that must be fed 需要喂食的暖脚器

3) A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours. 狗用尾巴在几分钟内表达的内容,比其主人用舌头在几个小时内表达的内容还要多。

4) One reason a dog is such a comfort when you're downcast is that he doesn't ask to know why. 狗之所以能在你情绪低落时使你感到宽慰,一个原因是它并不问你为什么。
door door门
1) What a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of 狗总是错呆在其里面还是外面的那个东西
dorm Dorm宿舍
1) Student residence located only a few convenient miles from 8 a. m. classes 离早上8点种上课只有几英里,因而很方便学生住的地方
doubt doubt怀疑
1) Key to knowledge 通向知识的钥匙
download Download 下载
1) How a computer eats 计算机进食的方法
dowry dowry嫁妆
1) Kick back to the son-in-law by the mother-in-law 丈母娘给女婿的回扣
dozing off dozing off 打盹
1) A strong desire which is often aroused at meetings 常在开会时被唤醒的愿望
drama drama 戏剧
1) What literature does at night 文学在晚上做的事

2) A form of art people use to express their feelings indirectly 人们用以间接表达感情的一种艺术
dream dream梦想
1) Seasonings for a monotonous tasteless real life 单调无味的现实生活的调味品

2) The best consolation for disappointment 对失望最好的安慰

3) Dreams are the touchstones of our character. 梦想是我们为人的试金石。

4) To make your dreams come true, you have to stay awake. 要想使梦成为现实,你就得醒着。
drinking drinking 饮酒
1) Many a man drinks to make him forget the woman who is driving him to drink. 许多男人喝酒是为了忘掉开车送他去喝酒的女人。
driver Driver开车人
1) Someone with one foot on the throttle and the other on the door to the next world 一只脚踩着油门、另一只脚踩着通向另一个世界之门的人
drooling drooling 流口水
1) How teething babies wash their chins 正在长牙的婴儿洗下巴
drug drug药
1) A substance that, when injected into a rat, produces a scientific paper 一种注射进老鼠体内就能产生一篇科学论文的物质
drunkard drunkard 醉鬼
1) A boxer defeated before he enters the ring 没有进入赛场就已被打倒的拳击手

2) A speech without words 没有词的演说辞
duck duck鸭子
1) A bird that looks as if it had been riding a horse all day 看上去好像骑了一整天马的鸟

2) Chicken on snow shoes 穿着雪鞋的鸡
duel duel决斗
1) A formal ceremony preliminary to the reconciliation of two enemies 两个敌对者和好之前的一种正式仪式
dullard dullard 蠢汉
1) A person whose point of view isn't sharp enough to penetrate anything 其观点钝得什么东西也刺不破的人
dullness dullness 迟钝
1) The coming of age of seriousness 达到严肃认真的年龄
dust dust 灰尘
1) Mud with the juice squeezed out 挤去了汁的烂泥

2) Insidious interloping particles of evil that turn a home into a battle zone 闯进来的罪恶粒子,不知不觉中变得很严重,把一个家变成了战斗区
duty duty义务
1) Something entrusted to the care of others 托给别人保管的东西

2) That which sternly impels us in the direction of profit, along the line of desire 严厉地驱使我们沿着欲望的路线、朝着利益所在的方向前 进的东西

3) The other side of rights 权利的另一面

4) What one expects from others 一个人指望从别人那里得到的东西

5) Half the world knows how the other half ought to live 半个世界知道另外半个世界应该如何生活
ear ear耳朵
1) A special container designed to hold good word or praise 一种设计用以专门盛好话和恭维话的容器

2) Ornaments of deaf people 聋人的装饰品

3) A ready organ designed for the wife to give the husband a light punishment 设计给妻子小罚丈夫的现成的器官

4) A place where kids store dirt 小孩储存灰尘的地方
earth earth地球
1) One of the smallest stars in the universe, but the one with the biggest taxes 宇宙中最小的星星之一,但收税却是最多的

2) A three-dimensional planet: longitude, latitude and platitude 一颗三维的行星:经度、纬度和俗度

3) The lunatic asylum of the solar system 太阳系中的疯人院
easter easter复活节
1) The only time when ifs perfecdy safe to put all your eggs in one basket 能将你所有的鸡蛋放在一只篮子里的唯一安全的日子① ① 西方人庆祝复活节少不了复活节彩蛋。Put all one's eggs in one basket有"孤注一 掷”之意。
eating eating吃(东西)
1) To perform successively (and successfully) the functions of mastication, humectation, and deglutition 接连不断地(而且成功地)完成咀嚼、润喉和吞咽的功能

2) What kids do between meals, but not at them 小孩在两顿饭之间做、吃饭时不做的事

3) Women eat while they are talking; men talking when they are eating. 女人边说话边吃东西;男人边吃东西边说话。

4) One half of what we eat enables us to live ; the other half enables the doctor to live. 我们吃的东西的一半让我们得以活着,另一半让医生得以 活着。

5) Eating is important to both sexes, but to woman it's where she eats, and to a man ifs what. 吃东西对男女都很重要,女人在意在什么地方吃,男人注 重吃的是什么。
eavesdropping eavesdropping 偷听
1) Secretly to overhear a catalogue of the crimes and vices of another or yourself 偷偷地听到有人罗列另一个人或你的种种罪恶

2) The only way to obtain other people's fair and equitable appraisal on you 获取别人对自己公正评价的唯一途径
eccentricity eccentricity 古怪
1) A person who is too rich to be called crackpot 因为太有钱而不能叫做狂人的人

2) A method of distinction so cheap that fools employ it to accentuate their incapacity 一种便宜的出名方法,连傻瓜都用它强调自己的无能
echo echo回声
1) The sound of kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. 接吻的声音没有炮声响,但其回声持续的时间却要长得多。
economics economics 经济学
1) The science that deals with the two great problems in life: how to make money, and how to get along without it 解决生活中两大难题的科学:如何挣钱,没钱时怎么过

2) The study of how others spend their money 研究别人如何花钱的学问

3) The science of telling you things you've known all your life, but in a language you can' understand 一门科学,用你不懂的语言告诉你本来一直懂的事物

4) The only academic field where two people can win the Nobel Prize for proposing opposite theories 持有相反理论的两个人可以得到诺贝尔奖的唯一学科
economist economist经济学家
1) A man who writes a 100-page report concluding that in cold weather people use more fuel 一个写了一份100页报告的人,得出结论说人们在天冷时 用的燃料过多

2) An expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today 到了明天就会知道他昨天的预言今天为什么没有发生的专家

3) A man who knows more about money than the people who have it 比有钱人知道更多关于钱的知识的人

4) One who can figure out complex problems of taxation and finance, but cannot straighten out his wife's household accounts 一个能计算出复杂的税收和财政问题,却弄不明白其妻子 家庭账目的人

5) One of a group of people who, if laid end to end, couldn't reach a conclusion 这么一群人中的一个,即使把他们一个个从头到脚排起来 也得不出结论

6) One of a band of educated men and women who define and codify the laws of greed 一帮受过教育的、为贪心法律下定义和编法典的男人和女人

7) An ambidextrous individual who is always saying, “ on the other hand..."

8) One who firmly believes that he is needed by the poor to tell them that they are 这样一个人,他坚信穷人需要他告诉他们他们是穷人

9) A person who works with numbers but lacks the personality to be an accountant 与数字打交道,但却缺少当会计的个性的人

10) Someone, when he doesn't know the answer, changes the problem 不知道答案时就改变问题的人
economy economy节约
1) Denying ourselves a necessary today in order to buy a luxury tomorrow 为了购买明天的奢侈品而剥夺今天的必需品

2) Purchasing the barrel of whisky that you do not need for the price of the cow that you cannot afford 用你买不起的母牛的代价买一桶你不需要的威士忌
economy economy 经济
1) Kaleidoscope formed by jumping currency and alternating debt 跳动的货币和交替的债务组成的万花筒
ecstasy ecstasy 狂喜
1) Discovering a second layer of chocolates 发现第一层巧克力下面还有一层

2) The feeling you get when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before 你觉得你会感觉到一种从未有过的感觉时的那种感觉
edibles edibles食品
1) Something good to eat and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm 能吃而又好消化的东西,如虫子对于蛤蟆、蛤蟆对于蛇、蛇对 于猪、猪对于人、人对于虫子
editor editor 编辑
1) One who dress up the language 给语言梳妆打扮的人

2) A man who knows what he wants but doesn't know what it is 一个知道他想要的东西,但又不知道那是什么的人

3) One who separates the wheat from the chaff and prints the chaff 把麦和秕糠分开来,然后去印秕糠的人

4) A man to whom the wastebasket is mightier than the pen 认为字纸篓比笔更有力的人
education education 教育
1) The process of changing blissful ignorance into some other kind of ignorance 把幸福快乐的无知转变为另一种无知的过程

2) The method by which an ignorant man is given confidence in himself 使一个无知的人对自己建立信心的方法

3) One of the few things a person is willing to pay for not getting 人们愿为之付钱却没得到的少数事物之一

4) What is left over after you have forgotten the facts 忘记了事实之后剩下的东西

5) What survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten 所学过的东西忘掉以后仍然留下来的东西

6) The process to make a man in the condition of continually asking questions 使一个人习惯于不断提出问题的过程

7) Transmission of civilization 文明的传播

8) A progressive discovery of our own ignorance 逐步发现自己无知

9) Helping the child realize his potentialities 帮助孩子认识到自己的潜力

10) A method by which one acquires a higher grade of prejudices 获得更高一级的偏见的方法

11) That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding 揭露聪明人无知、而掩饰笨人无知的东西

12) Education teaches a man how to speak, not how long or how often. 教育教会一个人如何说话,但没有教该说多久,也没有教隔多长时间再说。

13) There are obviously two kinds of educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live. 教育显然有两种:一种教人如何谋生,另一种教人如何生活。

14) Education is not the piling of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities—that"s training or instruction—but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed. 教育不是学习、信息、数据、事实、技术或能力的堆积 ——那是训练或指导——而是让藏着的种子显露出来。

15) The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet. 教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何谋生,而是使每一 口都香甜。

16) Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. 教育不是灌满一桶水,而是点燃一团火焰。

17) What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. 教育之于灵魂,犹如雕刻之于大理石。
egg egg鸡蛋
1) Hen eggs are more popular than duck eggs because a hen cackles to advertise her product. 鸡蛋之所以比鸭蛋更受欢迎,是因为母鸡咯咯叫着为自己的产 品做广告。
ego ego自我意识
1) The only thing that can keep growing without nourishment 唯一不用营养而会不断生长的东西

2) The ugly little troll that lives underneath the bridge between your mind and your heart 生活在思想和心灵之桥下面的丑陋的侏儒

3) That part of the psyche that realizes there is an outside world filled with idiots 心灵中的一个部分,意识到还存在着一个满是白痴的外部世界
egotism egotism自我主义
1) The ability to see things in yourself that others cannot 别人看不出,而自己看得出自己有能耐的能力

2) The only disease where the patient feels well but his company feels sick 病人感觉良好,而其伙伴感到难受的唯一疾病
egotist egotist自我主义者
1) A person who dose not see the world with himself in it, but sees himself with the world around him 看不到自己在世界上,而只看到世界在自己周围的这么一 个人

2) A man who thinks he is everything you think you are 一个认为他具有你认为你具有全部优点的人

3) One who can hardly wait to hear what he's going to say about himself 一个几乎等不及听自己讲自己的事情的人

4) A man who thinks first of himself and then thinks of himself second 一个首先想到自己,第二还是想到自己的人

5) A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me 一个对自己的兴趣超过对我的兴趣的低级趣味的人

6) One who does crossword puzzles with a pen 用钢笔猜解填字谜的人

1) ejection 驱逐
An approved remedy for the disease of garrulity, also used in cases of extreme poverty 对付喋喋不休的有效办法,也用于对付极端贫困
elation elation 得意
1) A wonderful feeling you suddenly have when a beautiful young lady smiles at you slyly, which ends when you find a button of your coat :in a wrong hole 一个妙龄女郎朝你俏皮地微笑时你突然感到的美好感觉,但当你发现自己上衣有一颗纽扣扣错了地方时,这种感觉就结束了
election election 选举
1) A political campaign where the loser gets the boot, and the winner gets the booty 失败者被开除、获胜者得奖品的一场政治运动

2) An important democratic process by which you are given a choice to decide who will spend your money 一个重要的、你可以选择由谁来花你的钱的民主过程

3) A conflict of interests disguised as a contest of principles 假装成原则竞赛的利益冲突

4) An advance auction of stolen goods 提前拍卖赃物
elector elector 选民
1) One who enjoys the privilege of voting for the man of another man's choice 享有特权、可以投票选举别人选中的人的人
electrocution electrocution 电刑
1) Burning at the stake with all the modem improvements 用一切最时髦的设备在火刑柱上焚烧① ①stake (火刑柱)是中世纪处死宗教犯人的刑具。
elegy elegy挽歆
1) A composition in verse , in which, without employing any of the methods of humor, the writer aims to produce in the reader's mind the dampest kind of dejection 一种韵文,作者不用任何幽默手法,想要在读者心目中引起最 沮丧的心情
elephant elephant 大象
1) A mouse built to government specifications 按政府定的规格制造的老鼠

2) A useful animal with a vacuum cleaner in front and a rug beater at the back 一种前面有吸尘器、后背有地毯拍打器的有用的动物
ellipsis ellipsis省略号
1) What a kiss feels like 接吻的感觉
elope elope私奔
1) To turn the danger and inconvenience of settling down into the comfort and safety of traveling 把定居的危险和不便换成旅行的舒适和安全

2) To form a secret merger 秘密合并
eloquence eloquence 口才
1) The art of saying as litde as possible but making it sound as much as possible 尽可能少说,但尽量让人觉得有理的说话艺术

2) Saying the proper thing and stopping 说合适的话,然后住口

3) What you think you have after a few martinis 三杯酒下肚后觉得自己拥有的本事

4) That art of orally persuading fools that white is the color that it appears to be, including the gift of making any color appear white 一种口头艺术天赋,能使傻瓜相信看上去白色的东西就是 白色的,包括使任何颜色看上去都成为白色的才能
emancipation emancipation 解放
1) A bondman's change from the tyranny of another to the despotism of himself 奴隶摆脱别人的暴政、建立起自己的专制的过程
embassy embassy大使馆
1) Names of countries exchanged 相互交换的国名
emergency emergency突发事件
1) An opportunity for the wise and a disaster for the foolish 智者的机遇,傻瓜的灾难
emotion emotion 情感
1) A prostrating disease caused by a determination of the heart to the head, sometimes accompanied by a copious discharge of hydrated chloride of sodium from the eyes 一种由心作出决定而引起的、通向大脑的衰竭性疾病,有时伴 随由眼睛排出大量氯化钠溶液的症状
emphasis emphasis 强调
1) Pulling out a part of something to be exposed publicly 把事物的一部分拉出来示众
encomiast encomiast 奉承者
1) A special ( but not particular) kind of liar 一类特殊的(但不是唯一的)说谎者
encomium encomium赞词
1) A kind of dense fog of wisdom that enlarges the objects it envelops 一种智慧的迷雾,会放大被笼罩的事物
encouragement encouragement 鼓励
1) What a girl uses to make a slow man think he's fast worker 姑娘用来使一个迟钝的男人觉得他自己干活很利索的手段

2) To strengthen a fooFs confidence so as to make him continue the work that has just begun to harm him 使傻瓜坚定信心,继续从事刚开始对他造成伤害的工作
encrypt encrypt 加密
1) What one does with a dead language 对待已死亡的语言的做法
end end终端
1) The position farthest removed on either hand firom the Interlocutor 从对话者任一只手移开的最远的位置
enemy enemy敌人
1) A former friend you know well enough not to speak to 你很了解他因而不同他说话的原来的朋友

2) Someone dangerous who discovers your shortcomings first 最先发现你的缺点,因而对你构成危险的人

3) A ruffian intentionally making things hard for you and you feel helpless about him 一个存心和你过不去,而你又拿他无可奈何的恶棍

4) Many a young man is his own enemy, at least until he gets married. 许多青年人是自己的敌人,至少在结婚之前是如此。
energy energy 精力
1) Element of vitality kids always have an oversupply of until asked to do something 孩子在被告知做某件事之前总也用不完的活力成分
engagement engagement 订婚
1) An urge on the verge of merge 快要合并之前的一种沖动

2) The only period during which a girl is neither married nor single 女孩既未婚又不是单身的唯一阶段

3) A short period lacking in foresight, followed by a long period loaded with hindsight 缺少远见的一个短时期,其后是一个充满后见之明的长时期

4) A form of installment plan of marriage 婚姻的一种分期付款形式

5) Being handcuffed by a smiling harpy, and it needs a great amount of jewelry and false affection to ransom the key 被一个微笑的母夜叉戴上手铐,想赎回钥匙需要大量的首饰和假情假意
enhancement enhancement 增强
1) Tampering with an image, usually to its detriment 篡改形象,通常造成伤害
enough enough 足够
1) What would satisfy us —if the neighbors didn't have any more 在邻居们不拥有更多的情况下使我们满足的东西
entertainment entertainment 款待
1) Any kind of amusement whose inroads stop short of death by injection 除了注射死亡之外所有形式的消遣

2)(female) A good movie, concert, play or book (male) Anything that can be done while drinking (女)一部好电影,一场音乐会,一场话剧,或者一本好书
enthusiasm enthusiasm 热情
1) A special form of hypocrisy 虚伪的一种特殊形式

2) Notable mark of blind love 盲目之爱的显著标志

3) A disease often suffered by the young, which can be cured by small doses of repentance and large doses of experience 青年人常患的一种疾病,可用小剂量的悔恨和大剂量的经 验治愈

4) The energy of youth that goes away with experience 有了经验就会不复存在的年轻人的精力
entrepreneur entrepreneur 企业家
1) A high-rolling risk taker who would rather be a spectacular failure than a dismal success 一个豪赌的冒险家,宁可堂而皇之地失败也不愿灰溜溜地成功
envelop envelop 信封
1) Coffin of documents, sheath of bills, shell of remittance, pajamas of love letters, and the best carrier of slander 文件的棺材,账单的刀鞘,汇款的外壳,情书的睡衣,诽谤最 好的载体
envy envy羡慕
1) The sincerest form of flattery 最真诚的奉承

2) A blind feeling that knows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others 除了如何贬低别人的优点外什么也不知道的一种盲目感情

3) The desire to possess something another person has 想要拥有别人有的某种东西

4) Emulation adapted to the meanest capacity 以最无能的方式进行的竞争

5) The litde boat that carries people to the shore of success, but a stumble stone in the progress of human civilization 载人到达成功彼岸的小舟,也是人类文明进步中的绊脚石
epaulet epaulet 肩章
1) An ornamental badge, serving to distinguish a military officer from the enemy—that is to say, from the officer of lower rank to whom his death would give promotion 装饰性的徽章,用以将军官和他的敌人——即军衔比他低,会 因为他的死而得到提升的军官——区分开来
epidemic epidemic流行病
1) A disease that is of good sociability and has no prejudice 社交能力很强、又没有任何偏见的疾病
epigram epigram 警句
1) A short, sharp saying in prose or verse, frequendy characterizes by acidity or acerbity and sometimes by wisdom 短小精悍而又尖刻的话,有时押韵,常常有酸味或涩味, 有时表现出智慧

2) The part of food not digested after repeated rumination in the stomach 反复反刍后仍留在胃里没有消化的那部分食物
epitaph epitaph墓志铭
1) An inscription on a tomb, showing that virtues acquired by death have a retroactive effect 坟上的题词,表明死亡获得的美德有追溯效力

2) A kind of commemorative carving that tells how great and respectable the deceased could have been if he had had enough willpower and opportunity 一种纪念性的碑刻,表明如果该死者有足够的意志力和机 会的话,会如何伟大及受人尊敬
equality equality 平等
1) The principle that one man is as good as another, and often a great deal better 表明一个人和另一个人一样好,而且常常好出一大块的原则

2) The weak always want to pull the strong down to their own level 弱者总想把强者拉下来,和自己处于同一个水平
erosion erosion 侵蚀
1) Time that keeps rusting the human body 使人体不断生锈的时间
erudition erudition 博学
1) Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull 把书里的灰尘抖出来装进一个空空的脑袋
error error过失
1) Often the precursor of what is correct 往往是正确的先导
established practice established practice 惯例
1) Habitual inheritance of tradition and wrong custom 习惯性地继承传统和错误的习惯
esteem esteem敬重
1) Fawn on those who are useful to and would not refuse us 讨好那些对我们有用并且不会拒绝我们的人
etc etc.等等
1) The sign used to make people think you know more than you do 用来使人认为你懂得的东西比实际上更多的符号

2) A terse expression of freedom for the future 未来自由的简洁表达方式
eternity eternity 永恒
1) The average length of the last day of school 学期最后一天的平均长度

2) The last two minutes of a football match 足球比赛的最后两分钟

3) A word invented by someone who wants to turn good mood into marble 想把好心情变成大理石的人发明的一个词

4) The length of time between when you come and he leaves 你来到和他离开之前这一段时间的长度
ethnology ethnology 人种学
1) The science that treats of the various tribes of Man, as robbers, thieves, swindlers, dunces, lunatics, idiots and ethnologists 研究人类各种部族的科学,如强盗、窃贼、骗子、笨蛋、疯 、白痴和人种学家
etiquette etiquette 礼仪
1) A convenient code of conduct which makes lying a virtue and snobbishness a righteous deed 使说谎成为美德、使势利成为德行的一种很方便的举止 规范

2) Saying "No, thank you” when you want to yell, “Gimme!"

3) The art of knowing the right way to do the wrong thing 知道用正确的方法做错事的艺术

4) Learning to yawn with your mouth closed学会不张开嘴打哈欠
eulogy eulogy 颂词
1) Praise of a person who has either the advantages of wealth and : power, or the consideration to be dead 赞美有权有势或即将去世者的话
euphemism euphemism委婉
1) The arrow shot out making several detours before reaching its target 射出的箭在到达靶子前先迂回几次
evaporation evaporation 蒸发
1) Magic trick performed by children when it comes the time to clear : the table or wash the dishes 孩子们在该他们擦桌子或洗碗时表演的魔术
evening evening 傍晩
1) That period of the day when people do the craziest things to keep : from going to bed 一天中这样一段时间,此时人们为了不上床睡觉而做出各种最疯狂的事
evening news evening news晩间新闻
1) Stories beginning with a Good evening and then proceeding to tell you why it isn't 以“晚上好”开始,然后告诉你晚上怎么不好的消息
evolution evolution 进化
1) The process of organism developing from lower form to higher form such as from clerk to boss and from boss to thief 生物由低级向高级发展的过程,比如由职员到老板,再由 老板到盗贼

2) How scientists make monkeys of themselves 科学家如何把自己弄成猴子
exaggeration exaggeration 夸张
1) Some method that makes truth more acceptable and the lie less 1 使真理更能为人接受、使谎言更难为人接受的某种方法

2) A truth that has lost its temper 发脾气的真理

1)80% of the final exam is always based on the one lecture you missed and the one book you didn't read. 期末考80%的题目总是以你缺席的那一堂课和你没有读的那一本书为基础的。
excellenee excellenee 杰出
1) Doing a common thing in an uncommon way 用不寻常的办法做寻常的事
exception exception 例外
1) A thing which takes the liberty to differ from other things of its class, as an honest man, a truthful woman, etc. 放肆地把自己从同类中区别开来的某种东西,例如诚实的男人、正直的女人等
excess excess 过剩
1) In morals, an indulgence that enforces by appropriate penalties the law of moderation 道德上沉溺于用适当的惩罚来实施节制的戒律
excitement excitement 激动
1) When most blood flows from the brains to the heart 大部分血从脑子流到心里的时候

2) Two women plus one secret 两个女人加上一个秘密
exercise exercise 锻炼
1)(Jemale-specific) Walking up and down a mall, occasionally resting to make a purchase (指女性)在某个购物中心上下走,偶尔休息一下买点东西
excuse excuse 借口
1) Something to be used sparingly to avoid trouble 为避免麻烦但要省着用的东西

2) A poor excuse is worse than no excuse. 找个糟糕的借口不如没有借口。
executioner executioner刽子手
1) Someone who tries to prevent people from suffering senile pains and reduce their chances of being drowned 设法防止人们受老年痛苦的折磨,且减少他们淹死的机会的某 个人
executive executive 执行官
1) A man employed to talk to visitors so that the other employees can get the work done 雇来同来访者谈话,以便其他雇员可以把工作干完的人

2) A person who considers an idea good because he thought of it 因为是自己想出来的主意,所以认为该主意好的人

3) An officer of the government, whose duty is to enforce the wishes of the legislative power until such time as the judicial department shall be pleased to pronounce them invalid and of no effect 政府的一个官员,其职责是实施法律,直到司法部门乐意 宣布无效为止
exhortation exhortation 劝诫
1) In religious affairs, to put the conscience of another upon the spit and roast it 宗教上把另一个人的良心放在烤叉上烤
exile exile被流放者
1) One who serves his country by residing abroad, yet is not an ambassador 通过住在外国为自已的国家服务的人,但不是大使
existence existence 存在
1) The flesh keeps dreaming after it has died 肉体死亡后继续做梦
expectation expectation 期望
1) A kind of state of mind following one's wish but then comes disappointment 跟随希望而来的心态,但随之而来的是失望
expedition expedition 远征
1) A group of big boys going to holiday camp shouldering guns 一群大孩子扛着枪去度假野营
experience experience 经验
1) What happens to you while you are making other plans 你在制订别的计划时发生在你身上的事

2) What enables you to recognize a mistake after you make it 犯了错误后使你能认识错误的东西

3) Something you have plenty of when you are too old to get the job 你上了岁数不能再得到工作时大量拥有的东西

4) The name men give to their mistakes 人们给自己的错误起的名字

5) Yesterday’s answer to today's problems 昨天为今天的问题提供的答案

6) The only teacher that gives the test first and the lesson later 唯一先测验再上课的老师

7) A medicine of endless doses which you keep on taking all your life 一种你一生都在服用的剂量无穷的药

8) What you get when you don't get what you want 得不到你想要的东西时得到的东西

9) Something which enables us in the future to make the same mistakes more easily 使我们在将来犯同样的错误时更容易些的某种东西

10) The training that enables people to get along without education 训练人们不受教育也能对付着过

11) Something wonderful which enables you to recognize a mistake every time you repeat it 某种神奇的东西,使你每次重复某个错误时都能认出来

12) Drawing without an eraser 画画不用橡皮

13) The comb that Nature gives us when we are bald 脱光了头发时大自然给我们的梳子

14) The mother of science 科学之母

15) A matter of knowing how much is too much 知道多少是过分

16) Something we expect with enthusiasm which turns out to be a disgusting devil we have known for a long time 我们满怀希望迎接,结果却是相识已久的讨厌鬼

17) What causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones 使人不会犯旧错误而只犯新错误的东西

18) Something you do not get until just after you need it 你需要时没有,过后才会得到的东西

19) Knowledge acquired when it's too late 迟到的学问

20) Memory burned by a red hot iron plate 烧红的铁板烙过的记忆

21) The wisdom that enables us to recognize as an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already embraced 一种智慧,使我们认识到我们已经拥抱过的愚蠢只是一个不受欢迎的老相识

22) Perils of wisdom 智慧的风险

23) What causes one to think twice before saying nothing 使人三思后什么也不说的东西

24) Something you can9t get unless you've already got it, in which case you probably don't want any more of it 除非你已经得到了,否则无法得到的东西,可是这时你也 许不再需要了

25) A closure against craziness and a precondition for making and confirming any discovery 抵御疯狂的围墙,发现及证实发现的先决条件

26) Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him. 经验不是对某个人发生什么事,而是他对发生的事怎么做。
experiment experiment 实验
1) An undertaking to prove a hypothesis, such as u one-legged cats are easier to throw,” or wcats without legs never land on all fours''
为证明某个假设而从事的工作,例如要证明“一条腿的猫比较 容易扔”或者“没有腿的猫从来不会四脚着地”
expert expert 专家
1) One who knows more and more about less and less 对越来越少的东西知道得越来越多的人

2) A man who tells you simple things in a confused way in such a fashion as to make you think the confusion is your own fault 用模糊的方法告诉简单的事情的人,但他会让你觉得之所 以模糊是你自己的过错

3) A man who always has a good reason for guessing wrong 每次猜错了都能讲出道理来的人

4) A man who wastes a lot of time figuring out the little time others are wasting 浪费很多时间去琢磨别人浪费的很少时间的这么一个人

5) A person who can talk about something you already know and make it sound confusing 这样一个人,他谈论你已经知道的某个事物时能让你觉得 越听越糊涂

6) Someone who will readily tell you how to make a watch when you ask him what time it is 你问他几点钟,他会欣然告诉你如何制造钟表的人

7) Someone who knows everything about something but nothing about everything else 对某些东西什么都知道,而除此之外的东西什么也不知道 的人

8) A person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy 大踏步地向大谬论前进时避免出小错的人
expostulation expostulation 劝说
1) One of the many methods by which fools prefer to lose their friends 傻瓜选择用以失去朋友的许多办法之一
expression expression 表情
1) A barometer on one's face remotely controlled by the brains 受大脑遥控的脸上的晴雨表
external storage external storage 外存
1) Wastebasket 废纸
extinction extinction 灭绝
1) The raw material out of which theology created the future state 神学用以创造未来世界的原材料
extravagance extravagance 奢侈
1) The way the other fellow spends his money 另外一个家伙花钱的方法

2) Anything a husband spends money on which his wife can't use 丈夫花钱买任何他妻子用不上的东西

3) A form of excessive spending indulged by your neighbor 你的邻居沉溺于过度花钱的一种形式
eye eye眼睛
1) An organ that speaks a soundless but more powerful language 说一种无声的、但更有力的语言的器官

2) An easily misleading door 容易引人误入歧途的一扇门
eye ball eye ball 眼珠
1) A pearl that holds the whole world 能容下整个世界的珍珠
fable fable寓言
1) To explain some important theory through one or two simple sentences of lies 用一两句简单的谎话说明某个重罟理论

2) A story told by a teenager arriving home after curfew 宵禁后少年才回家讲的故事
fact fact事实
1) Something ruthless that crashes empty talks 将空话打得粉碎的某种无情的东西

2) Things which tend to moderate opinions 往往会缓和观点的事情

2) A fact in science is not a mere fact, but an instance. 在科学上,一个事实不仅仅是一个事实,而是一个例子。
fad fad风尚
1) Tn one era and out the other 进入一个时代,走出另一个时代

2) A folly committed by enough of the right people to confer upon it a badge of status 有足够的正常人干的蠢事,可以授予一枚象征身份的徽章
faddist faddist追时髦者
1) A person who is always giving up something new and taking after something newer 一个不时放弃新东西、追求更新的东西的人
failure failure 失败
1) Not falling down, but remaining lying when you have fallen 不是倒下,而是倒下后躺着不爬起来

2) The prize drawn by the man who wastes all his time talking about success 把时间全浪费在空谈成功上的人得到的奖品

3) The reason for trying again 再试一次的原因

4) Success in doing a bad thing 成功地做成了一寤事

5) Failure is an attitude, not a result. 失败是一种态度,不是结果。

6) A failure is a man who has blundered, but unable to cash in on the experience. 失败者是犯了过错而不能从中吸取经验教训的人。
fairness fairness 公正
1) A shirt made of paper of a civilized society 文明社会一件纸做的衬衫
fairy tale fairy tale 童话
1) A lie with much literature value 具有相当文学价值的谎言

2) A horror story to prepare children for the newspapers 讲给孩子们听的恐怖故事,以便为他们看报纸做好准备
faith faith信念
1) Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel 毫无根据地相信某个不知情的人谈论某件没有先例的事

2) That quality which enables us to believe what we know to be untrue 使我们相信明知不是真实情况的某种品质
fake fake贋品
1) Something manufactured to replace certified products which are always full of defects 为取代总有许多毛病的正品而制造出来的东西
fallacy fallacy 谬论
1) Any saying that is obviously against my point of view 和我的观点显然相反的任何说法

2) Theory that has not been accepted yet 尚未被接受的理论

3) Why you don't even know you're wrong甚至不知道自己为什么错了的原因
falsehood falsehood 谬误
1) Actually a truth only you set too strict a demand for its conformity with fact 实际上是一种真理,只是你对其与事实之间的一致性要求太严格
fame fame名声
1) Chiefly a matter of dying at the right moment 主要是死得恰逢其时

2) An emblem trembling with stage fright 因怯场而哆嗦的象征

3) When you dominate the conversation and you're not there 你不在场却能支配谈话

4) The chastisement of merit and the punishment of talent 对价值的斥责,对天才的惩罚

5) Bubbles in the stream of life 生命之河中的泡沫

6) Conspicuously miserable 引人注目的可怜
family family 家庭
1) A place where the father does the providing, the mothe” does the deciding, and the children the overriding 一个父亲负责供给,母亲负责做决定,孩子们进行否决的 地方

2) A unit composed of not only children, but of men , women, an occasional animal and the common cold 一个不仅由孩子,还有男人、女人,偶尔还有一只爱畜和 感冒组成的单位

3) A fonn of government where the father is the chief executive, and the mother is the speaker of the house 由父亲担任首席行政长官,由母亲担任议会议长的一种政 府形式

4) A woman's kingdom and a man's castle 女人的王国,男人的城堡

5) A trap made of tenderness and lies 由温情和谎言构成的一个圈套
family planning family planning 计划生育
1) The art of spacing your children the proper distance apart to keep you on the edge of financial disaster 保持合适的间距生孩子,以使自己处于财政危机边缘的艺术
fanatic fanatic狂热分子
1) One who can't change his mind and won't change the subject 既无法改变主意,又不肯改变话题的人

2) One who, having lost sight of his goal, redoubles his efforts 失去了目标而加倍努力的人
fancy restaurant fancy restaurant 特色餐馆
1) One that serves cold soup on purpose 有意识地上冷汤的餐馆
fashion fashion 时尚
1) A form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months 一种因无法忍受而不得不每六个月就更换一次的丑陋

2) A dandy who is sought after by women but who casts them away again and again 一个花花公子,女人拼命追逐,他却一再抛弃她们

3) A despot whom the wise ridicule and obey 聪明人既嘲笑又服从的一个暴君

4) Something that makes a woman mad and a man crazy 会让女人发狂、男人发疯的某种东西

5) Something that goes in one year and out the other 某一年流行,下一年不再流行的东西

6) Dialogue between swindlers and fools, not between designers and customers 骗子和傻瓜之间,而不是设计师和顾客之间的对话

7) Decision concerning what part of the body and how much of it to be exposed 决定暴露身体的哪个部分,暴露多少
fast food fast food 快餐
1) Economy gastronomy 经济美食法
fatalist fatalist宿命论者
1) One who passes all his days in continual expectation of the unexpected 整天不断盼望会发生意想不到之事的人
fate fate宿命
1) The irony that permits us to kill time before time kills us 允许我们在被时间打发掉之前打发时间的一种讽刺

2) A magic square played by the despot and an excuse of the fool for failure 暴君玩弄的魔方,傻瓜失败的借口

3) The expression written on your face 写在你脸上的表情
father father父亲
1) The parent who is busy doing his children's homework while they are busy watching television 孩子们忙于看电视时忙于替他们做作业的家长

2) A banker provided by nature 大自然赐予的银行家

3) The man of whom you were very afraid when a kid but grew to be less and less afraid of 你小时候挺怕、后来越来越不怕的那个男人

4) One provided by Nature who controls one fourth of our life, and supplies us with things we need before we learn to live by plundering 大自然为我们准备的、控制我们人生1/4的某个人,他在我们学会靠掠夺生活之前为我们提供所需要的东西

5) Someone who carries pictures where his money used to be 原来放钱的地方换成照片的人

6) A father usually believes in heredity until his son starts acting like a fool. 在其儿子开始像傻瓜那样行事之前,父亲一般都相信遗传学。
father-in-law father-in-law 岳父
1) The fellow who is now happy to have paid for the wedding because now his wife has another man to harass 已经为婚礼付过钱因此很高兴的人,因为现在老婆有另外一个男人可以骚扰了
fatigue fatigue 疲惫
1) The feeling of a philosopher after he completes thinking about the wisdom and virtue of human beings 哲学家完成对人类的智慧和美德的思考之后的感觉
fault fault过错
1) You want to do some good deed but failed 想做好事却没有成功

2) A man will sometimes own up to a dozen faults in order to hide one. 为了要隐瞒一个过失,有时要承认十来个过失。
fault-finder fault-finder 挑错者
1) A person with a bad memory who never remembers the good, or with : a good memory who always remembers the bad 一个记性不好从来记不住好处,或记性太好永远记得坏处的人
favor favor人情
1) A thin paper but a thick wall 薄薄的一张纸,却是厚厚的一堵墙
favoritism favoritism 徇私
1) Appointing your grandmother to office for the good of the party 为了聚会而任命祖母就职
fax machine fax machine传真机
1) A device that allows someone in another place to pile work on your desk 使在另外一个地方的人可以在你桌上堆满工作的一种装置
fear fear恐惧
1) Just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment 只不过是需要端正态度的激动

2) Self punishment of criminals 罪犯们的自我惩罚

3) Punishment closely following the criminal 紧跟在罪犯后面的惩罚

4) A feeling of going to degenerate totally soon 即将完全堕落的一种感觉
feeling feeling 感觉
1) The supreme court of women where every right and wrong is judged 女人判断一切是非的最高法院
felon felon重罪犯
1) A person of greater enterprise than discretion, who in embracing an opportunity has formed an unfortunate attachment 冒险性很强、谨慎性不足的一个人,抓住机会时依附错了人
feminism feminism女权主义
1) A political position which seeks to rebuild society so that both men and women are treated as women wish to be treated 一种重建社会的政治主张,要让男女都按照女人希望的那样被对待
fence fence篱笆
1) A barrier used by neighbors to gossip over, with much to be said on both sides 邻居越过它交换流言蜚语的栅栏,两边都有很多话要说
festival festival节日
1) Pretexts thought by people so that they could spend the 365 days with one upsurge after another 人们为了使365天过得高潮迭起而想出来的各种名目

2) All weather commercial celebrations 全天候的商业庆祝活动
fib fib (小)谎话
1) A lie that hasn't cut it's teeth yet 尚未长牙的谎言

2) A habitual liar’s nearest approach to the truth 习惯说谎的人最接近真相的说法
fickleness fickleness见异思迁
1) The iterated satiety of an enterprising affection 有魄力的感情多次反复造成的厌烦
fiction fiction 虚构
1) The story told by a completed income tax form 完整填写的所得税表表明的情况① ① 美国每年四月份所有人都要填写上一年交纳所得税情况的明细表,可以提出许 多理由要求退税,有专门帮助人们填此表的律师。

2) Can't hold a scandal to biography 传记里不能放丑闻

3) The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense. 虚构和真实的区别,在于虚构必须能说出道理来。

4) Most of the fiction in this world comes from people who are repeating true stories. 世界上大多数小说都来自重复真实故事的人。
fidelity fidelity 忠诚
1) A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed 在将要被背叛的人看来很古怪的一种美德
fighter fighter 斗士
1) Someone who still believes in himself when others do not believe him 别人不信任自己时仍然信任自己的人
fighting fighting 打架
1) The extension of free dancing by two people 两个人自由舞蹈的延伸
filing cabinet filing cabinet 文件柜
1) A place where important papers get lost alphabetically 重要文件按字母排列顺序丢失的地方
film film电影
1) The only device by which the secret of film stars can be shown openly 唯一能公开展示电影明星秘密的玩意儿

2) A group of fools who turn more clever people into fools 使更多的聪明人变成傻瓜的一群傻瓜

3) The only way to make a good film is to know nothing about film making. 拍出一部好电影的唯一方法是对拍电影一窍不通。

4) Some of today's films are so long that it takes less time to read the book. 如今有些电影太长,看原著也要不了那么多时间。

5) The early silent films had one advantage: You could see a woman open her mouth without any sound coming out 早期的无声电影有一个优点:你能见到女人张嘴而不发出任何声音。
finance finance金融管理
1) The art or science of managing revenues and resources for the best advantage of the manager 能给管理者带来最大好处的、管理收入和财源的一种艺术或科学

2) The cause of digesting and understanding gold 消化和理解黄金的事业

3) Modem civilization's art of passing currency from hand to hand until it multiplies at the top, slips through countless middle hands, and disappears from the bottom 当代文明的一种艺术,指将货币从一只手传到另一只手, 在顶上翻了几倍,从无数的中间的手中漏过,最后在底部失
finance company finance company 金融公司
1) A loan wolf 贷款之狼
financial planner financial planner 金融计划师
1) A guy who actually remembers his wallet when he runs to the 7-11 for toilet paper and cigarettes 为了手纸和香烟去便利店,而实际上还记得自己钱包的家伙
financier financier 金融家
1) A pawnbroker with imagination 富有想象力的当铺老板

2) A successful person who can earn money faster than his family can spend it 挣钱比家里人用钱快的成功人士
fine fine罚款
1) A fine is a tax for doing wrong A tax is a fine for doing well. 罚款是做错了而交的税。税是做对了而交的罚款。
finishing line finishing line 终点线
1) The starting pint of another match 另一场比赛的起点
firmness firmness 坚定
1) The admirable quality in ourselves that is detestable stubbornness in others 在别人身上是令人讨厌的固执,而在我们自己身上却是令人羡慕的品质
first lady first lady 第一夫人
1) Eve 夏娃
first love first love 初恋
1) A little foolishness and a lot of curiosity 一点儿傻乎乎加上大量的好奇心
first mate First mate 大副
1) Crew member necessary for skippers to practice shouting instructions to 船员中不可缺少的成员,以便船长可以冲着他练习叫喊命令
fishing fishing 钓鱼
1) The act of drowning worms on a hook 在鱼钩上淹死虫子的行为

2) A man's way of hiding a drinking problem 男人用以掩饰酒瘾的方法
fission fission 裂变
1) Outdoor sport favored by nuclear physicists 核物理学家喜欢的户外活动
fist fist拳头
1) Some insignificant factor that arouses people's respect 引起别人尊重的一种微不足道的因素
fitness fitness 健身
1) Salvation through perspiration 通过出汗获得拯救
flag flag旗帜
1) A piece of cloth that rises in the morning and waves all day 早上升起来,然后整天挥手的一块布
flashlight flashlight 手电筒
1) A device for storing dead batteries 储存废电池的玩意儿
flatterer flatterer 马屁精
1) One who says things to your face that he wouldn't say behind your back 这么一个人,背后绝不会说他当面对你说的话

2) A special liar who wins the favor of the overwhelming majority of people 获得绝大多数人欢心的特殊说谎人
flattery flattery拍马屁
1) The art of saying the right thing for the wrong reason 为错误的原因说正确的话的艺术

2) The art of patting a person on the back in order to turn his head 为了叫某人转过头来而拍他后背的艺术

3) Telling the other fellow what he thinks of himself 告诉另一个人他对自己的看法

4) Something you say to another and which you both know is not true 你对某个人说的、你俩都知道不是真话的话

5) Talking about oneself to please the listener 为取悦听者而说自己

6) A skillful way of scratching an itch 一种讲究技巧的挠痒痒

7) A wine that suits everybody's taste 合所有人口味的一种酒

8) Spiritual massage practiced on one's superior in order to gain great profit 为了取得巨大利益而对上司施行的精神按摩

9) A perfume that can be smelled but not used 一种只能闻不能用的香水

10) A counterfeit money that circulates only because of our vanity 因为我们的虚荣心才得以流通的一种伪币

11) A lie just right for a certain purpose 为达到某个目的恰到好处的谎言

12) Something free you receive with pleasure but often have to pay high price for it that cannot be measured by money 你高兴地接受的某种不用花钱的东西,但是常常会为之付 出金钱无法衡量的高价

13) An insult in gift wrapping 包装在礼品纸里面的侮辱
flight schedule flight schedule航班时刻表
1) An entertaining work of paperback fiction 消遣的平装本小说
flint flint燧石
1) A very hard stone often used to make people's heart① 一种很硬的常用于制造人类心肠的石头
①英语flint-hearted的意思是“铁石心肠” 。
flirtation flirtation 调惰
1) Attention without intention 无意的留意
floor floor 地板
1) Place for all food not found on lap or chair 所有膝盖上和椅子上找不到的食物所在的地方
flower flower花
1) Smile of the land 土地的微笑

2) Poem showing the earth's estrous 表明大地发情的诗

3) A word used to describe a woman: the first person who uses it to describe a woman is a wise one, but the second person does so is a fool. 用来形容女人的一个词:第一个形容女人像花的人是聪明 人,第二个再这样形容的人是傻瓜。
fly fly苍蝇
1) A peculiar insect that walks on the ceiling and shakes hands with its hind legs 在天花板上行走并和自己后腿握手的一种古怪的昆虫

2) A small animal that has tasted all kinds of delicacies, lived in beautiful houses, ridden elephants, and sat on the laps of great men 尝过各种美味、住过漂亮房子、乘过大象,也在伟人膝上 坐过的一种小动物

3) The fly that doesn’t want to be swatted is safest on the fly-swatter. 苍蝇不想被打死,最安全的办法是呆在苍蝇拍上。
fly-speck fly-speck蝇屎污点
1) Prototype of punctuation marks标点符号的原型
foe foe仇敌
1) Someone who, driven by his mental morbidity, denies my merits, and sometimes flaunts himself 出于病态心理否认我的优点,有时还夸耀他自己的这样一个人
fog fog雾
1) A natural weather phenomenon which usually occurs around an airport while the surrounding areas are clear 一种天气自然现象,通常发生在机场四周,而其附近地区却很晴朗
folk song folk song 民歌
1) A song that nobody has written谁也没写过的歌
1) Someone with ulterior motives who has not yet got all the things he wants 心怀鬼胎、尚未得到他想要的全部东西的人
folly folly愚笨
1) That "gift and faculty divine" whose creative and controlling energy inspires Man's mind, guides his actions and adorns his life 其创造力和控制力激发人的心智、指导人的行为,并美化了人的生活的一种“神圣的天赋和才能”
food food食物
1) An edible substance occasionally found in reducing diets 减肥食谱中偶尔发现的、可以食用的物质

2) Fuel for the body 身体的燃料

3) Mankind is divided into two classes: those who are looking for food, and those who are looking for an appetite 人类可以分为两大阶级:寻找食物阶段和寻找胃口的阶段
fool fool傻瓜
1) Someone who will stumble and fall a second time at the same place 会在同一个地方第二次绊倒的人

2) One who does not suspect himself 不怀疑自己的人

3) Someone who does not know things you are familiar with and you : know nothing about the things he knows 这样一个人,你熟悉的东西他不知道,而他知道的东西你也一无所知。

4) Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference. 千万不要和傻瓜争论。人们也许弄不清你们有什么区别。
foolhardiness Foolhardiness 莽撞
1) Out of luck when doing something very bravely 十分勇敢地做某件事时运气不佳
foot foot脚
1) What carries all the weight of your body but is of the lowest status 身体上承载你全身重量、地位却最低的部位

2) A device for finding furniture in the dark 在黑暗中寻找家具的设备
football football 足球
1) A sport in which 22 men on the field desperately in need of rest, and 40000 on the stand desperately in need of exercise 场上22个人特别想休息,而看台上40000个人特别想运动 的一种体育运动

2) An easy way to advance one's social status 提高社会地位的一种易行的方法
football fans football fans 足球迷
1) Athletes who play football with their mouths outside the field and are more tired than those playing with their feet 在球场外用嘴踢球,比用脚踢球的人更累的运动员
footprint footprint 脚印
1) The earth's impression of the walker 土地对走路人的印象
forbearance forbearance 忍让
1) The demeanor we show in front of people superior to ourselves 在地位高于自己的人面前表现出来的风度
forecast forecast 预报
1) A prediction of the future, based on the past, for which the forecaster demands payment in the present 根据过去对将来做的预言,为此预报者要求现在付钱
forefinger forefinger 食指
1) The finger used to point at two ruffians at the same time 用于同时指出两个恶棍的手指
foreign language
1) foreign language 外语
Mews by a dog 狗喵喵叫
forenoon forenoon 上午
1) The last part of the night to lazy people who like to sleep late 对爱睡懒觉的懒人而言,这是夜晚的最后一部分
forever forever 永久
1) A concept feared by love 为爱情所怕的一个概念
forgetfulness forgetfulness 健忘
1) A gift of God bestowed upon debtors in compensation for their destitution of conscience 上帝赋予欠债人的一种才能,用以弥补他们良心的贫乏

2) Special result of social intercourse owned by grown-ups 成人拥有的、特殊的社会交际的结果
forgiveness forgiveness 原谅
1) The fragrance the violet dashes on the wheel that crushes it 紫罗兰被车碾碎后留在车轮上的香味

2) Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. 原谅是通向行动和自由的钥匙。
fork fork叉子
1) An instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth 主要用以把死动物塞进嘴巴里的工具

2) An eating utensil made obsolete by the discovery of fingers 因为发现了手指而不再使用的吃饭工具
form form表格
1) Administrative currency 行政管理货币
fortune hunter fortune hunter猎取财富者
1) A man with cheap ideas but expensive tastes 思想贫乏、口味昂贵的家伙
fortuneteller fortuneteller 算命先生
1) Someone who always foretells a bright future for others in order to make a bright future for himself 为了自己美好的前途因而总预言别人前途美好的人

2) Someone who tells an unmarried woman there's a man in her future, and tells a married woman there's a future in her man 这样一个人,他对未婚妇女说她的未来有一个男人,对已婚妇女说她的男人有一个未来
forward thinking forward thinking 超前意识
1) The part of knowledge you have forgotten long ago when others have just begun to learn 别人刚开始学习、你却早就已经忘记了的那部分知识
fossil fossil 化石
1) Stubborn memory of the earth 地球固执的记忆
fraud fraud作弊
1) A shortcut for a student to raise his status, but he must be smarter than the teacher 学生提高地位的捷径,但是必须比老师更精明
freebooter freebooter 掠夺者
1) A conqueror in a small way of business, whose annexations lack of the sanctifying merit of magnitude 小小的征服者,其并吞的领土疆域缺乏符合其规划规模的正当的依据
freedom freedom 自主
1) The right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong 可以犯错误,却不能做坏事的权利

2) When you can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse 可以不找借口而拒绝吃饭的邀请

3) Exemption from the stress of authority in a beggarly half a dozen of restrainfs infinite multitude of methods ; a condition that every nation supposes itself to enjoy in virtual monopoly 每个国家都认为自己享有的、事实上只不过是垄断的一种状态,仅仅是免受无所不在的权威压力中可怜的几个

4) Everyone is free to say two plus two make four. 所有人都有自由说“二加二等于四”。

5) Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. 自由只不过是变得更好的一个机会。
free speech free speech言论自由
1) When you can have free use of someone else’s telephone 你可以免费用别人的电话
freshman freshman大学一年级学生
1) A student who has to constantly fight misfortunes 一个不得不时时刻刻同不幸抗争的学生
friend friend 朋友
1) A person who runs interference for you in your pursuit of happiness 在你追求幸福时替你对付干扰的人

2) A person who dislikes the same people as you do 和你有共同憎恨对象的人

3) A person who shares your shortcomings 和你有同样缺点的人

4) One who knows you well, but likes you anyway 非常了解你,却仍然喜欢你的人

5) A present which you give yourself 送给自己的一件礼物

6) Someone who always watches over you, and you are but a specimen in his microscope; your life, your movements, your every existence are all within his vision 总是监视着你的某个人,你不过是他显微镜上的一个标本:你的生活,你的一举一动和全部生活都在他的视野中

7) One with whom you can frankly be yourself和他在一起时你可以坦率地做你自己的人

8) One who pushes you in the swing, pulls you in the ladder, pats you on the back and hugs you good-bye 荡秋千时推你一把,上楼梯时拉你一把,然后拍拍你肩膀,拥抱你一下说再见的人

9) Everyone's friend is no one's friend. 每个人的朋友不是任何人的朋友。

10) Before borrowing money from your friend, decide which you need more—friend or money. 向朋友借钱之前先确定一下,在朋友和钱之间你想选择哪一个。

11) No matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone : needs a friend to act goofy with. 不管生活需要你多么严肃,每个人都需要有个朋友可以一起开心胡闹。

12) A life without friends is a life without sunshine. 生活里没有朋友,等于没有阳光。
friendship friendship 友谊
1) A relationship that multiplies happiness and reduces misery by halves 使快乐倍增、使痛苦减半的一种人际关系

2) Love without its wings 没有翅膀的爱神

3) The golden thread that ties the hearts of the entire world 把全世界的心连起来的金线

4) A disinterested commerce between equals 平等的伙伴之间公平的交易

5) One soul in two bodies 两个躯体装着一个灵魂

6) Not lightning, not thunder, but a storm that falls on dried-up land 不是闪电,不是雷声,而是洒落在干旱土地上的一阵暴雨

7) Seasoning and pain-killer in life 人生的调味品和镇痛药

8) A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul 风平浪静时可以载两个人,起风浪时只能供一个人乘的一 艘船

9) A fog-like relationship between people 人与人之间一种雾一般的关系

10) A mood of self-love exaggerated in imagination 想象中夸张了的自恋心态

11) True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost 真正的友谊就像健康,在失去它之前人们很少意识到其价值。

12) Friendship is like a bank account: you cannot continue to draw on it without making deposits. 友谊像银行里开的一个账户,你不能老取钱而不往里存钱。
frivolity frivolity 轻浮
1) Distorted natural bearing, frank deformation, general betrayal, and fragmented emotion, character, and will power 扭曲的潇洒,坦率的变形,大方的叛变,感情、性格和意志的碎片
frog frog青蛙
1) A reptile with edible legs 一种长有可食用的腿的两栖动物
frontier frontier 边境
1) Precondition against the existence of democracy 反对民主存在的先决条件
frugality frugality 俭朴
1) The practice of making money that can go the farthest by barely letting it go at all 几乎不必动,却能挣到最多钱的办法
frustration frustration 挫折
1) The difference between what you are and what you think you are 你认为自己是什么样的人和你实际上是什么样的人之间的差别

2) An emotional state experienced by a one-handed man hanging from a cliff with a bad itch 独臂者一只手悬挂在悬崖上而奇痒难熬时的感受
frying-pan frying-pan 煎锅
1) One part of the penal apparatus employed in that punitive institution— a woman's kitchen 施刑罚处——女人的厨房里一用的一种刑具
full name full name全名①
1)① 英文中的全名包括名(personal name)和姓(sumame),有时还有中间名 (middle name), 一般为父名等纪念性名字。
What you call your child when you'e mad at him/her 对孩子生气时称呼他/她用的名字
funeral funeral 葬礼
1) A pageant whereby we attest our respect for the dead by enriching the undertaker and strengthen our grief by an expenditure that deepens our groans and doubles our tears 一种露天表演,通过让殡仪员发财来证实我们对死者的崇敬, 通过付费加深呻吟,流双倍的眼泪来强化我们的痛苦
furniture furniture 家具
1) Another thing in the house that your wife likes to push around 你妻子喜欢摆布来摆布去的家里的另一样东西
future future 未来
1) The period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends are true and our happiness assured 我们的事业兴旺发达,我们的朋友真诚不讳,我们的幸福 确实无疑的时期

2) The time when you'll wish you've done what you aren't doing now 这样一个时间,你希望那时自己已经做完目前你没有在做 的事情

3) Judge of the present 审判现在的审判官
gadabout gadabout闲逛的人
1) A woman whose place is in the home―of some other woman 老待在家里——不过是另外一个女人的家里一一的女人
gallows gallows绞刑架
1) A stage for the performance of miracle plays, in which the leading actor is translated to heaven 用以表演奇迹的一座舞台,剧中主人公在此升入天堂
gambler gambler 赌鬼
1) A person who would rather win a dollar on a bet than earn ten 宁可打赌赢一块钱而不肯去挣十块钱的人

2) Someone who refuses to work today because he expects to win at the races tomorrow 期待明天能在赛马场上赢钱而拒绝在今天工作的人
gambling gambling 赌博
1) The sure way of gaining nothing for something 肯定有失无得的方法

2) A recreational activity whose pleasure partly comes from winning, but mosdy from losing 一种娱乐方式,其快乐部分来自赢,但主要来自输

3) The only person who can afford to gamble is the pauper. 唯一赌得起的人是穷人。
garden garden 花园
1) A place of beauty and a job forever 一个有永远干不完的活的美丽地方
garlic garlic 大蒜
1) The thing to eat lots of when you want to be alone 想要一个人呆着时大量吃的东西
garter garter吊袜带
1) An elastic band intended to keep a woman from coming out of her stockings and desolating the country 一种有弹性的带子,用以阻止妇女从长袜中溜出来,否则世界会变成一片荒漠
gaze gaze注视
1) See nothing or pretend to see nothing else except the targeted thing 除了目标以外的东西,什么也看不见,或者假装看不见
genealogy genealogy 家谱学
1) Tracing back to people better than you are 追溯到比你更好的人

2) An account of one's descent from an ancestor who did not particularly care to trace his own:
generation gap generation gap 代沟
1) As soon as you have just got used to your son's long hair he has all his hair shaved 你刚习惯你儿子的长头发,他却剃了光头
genius genius 天才
1) One percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration 1%的灵感加上99%的汗水

2) Great aptitude for patience 有巨大的耐心

3) The man of tomorrow who is paid today with the wages of yesterday 今天拿昨天的工资的属于明天的人

4) A person who always happens to be ahead of his time but behind his rent 一个总是走在时间前面,却过期不付房租的人

5) One who can do almost anything except make a living 几乎什么都会,就是不会养活自己的人

6) Anyone under ten years of age 年龄在十岁以下的任何人

7) The ability to put into effect what is in your mind 有能力将心里的想法付诸实施

8) The ability to turn off the cold and hot water faucets at the same time 能同时关上冷水龙头和热水龙头的人

9) A man who does unique things of which nobody would expect him to be capable 能完成所有人都认为他无法完成的、独特事情的人

10) Someone good at making use of the simplest ideas 善于利用最简单的想法的人

11) One whose function is not to give new answers, but pose new questions which time and mediocrity can resolve 一个不提供新的答案,而提出时间和平庸之才也能解决的 新问题的人

12) The ability to reduce the complicated to the simple 使复杂的事情变得简单的才能

13) Some strange person who often nods when others shake their heads and who shakes his head when others nod 常常在别人摇头时点头、别人点头时摇头的怪人

14) Generally a person with a higher gift than average people who can live on others' worship of him 一般而言天赋比常人高的人,能靠别人对他的崇拜生活

15) A nudist with a memory for faces 记得住人脸的裸体主义者
gentility gentility教养
1) Hypocrisy after careful repackage 精心改装过的假仁假义

2) That which is left over from rich forebear after the money is gone 有钱的祖先没钱之后留下的东西
gentleman gentleman 君子
1) A man hiding his manner 把自己的举止藏起来的人

2) A man who, when his wife drops something, pushes it to where she can pick it up more easily 妻子掉下东西时,把东西推到她更容易拣到的地方的人

3) A man who holds the door open while his wife carries in the groceries 妻子捧着食品进屋时把门拉开的男人

4) Someone ashamed of his word outstripping his deeds 对言过其实感到羞耻的人

5) Any man who wouldn't hit a woman with his hat on 不会戴着帽子打女人的任何男人

6) Someone who eavesdrops other's secret word but never publicizes it 偷听了别人私房话而绝不张扬的人

7) A man who can play the accordion but doesn't 一个会拉手风琴但却不拉的人
geographer geographer地理学家
1) A chap who can tell you offhand the difference between the outside of the world and the inside 能不假思索就告诉你这个世界的外部和内部有什么区别的人
1) geologist地质学家
A man who buries himself in the study of the earth before he is buried in it 被埋进地球之前埋头研究地球的人
geriatrics geriatrics老年病学
1) The branch of medicine that seeks to add years to your life as well as life to your years 设法让你延年益寿,也让你生活更充实的医学分科
gesture gesture 手势
1) A silent language to express your feelings 一种表达感情的无声的语言
ghost ghost鬼魂
1) The outward and visible sign of an inward fear 内心恐惧可见的外在表现

2) A monster imagined by people to frighten themselves 人们想象出来吓唬自己的一种妖魔

3) The easiest figure to draw 最容易画的形象
gift gift 天赋;礼物
1) Gift天赋
Something pedagogy hates to the core and tries to strangle by every means 教育学恨之入骨,千方百计要扼杀的东西

2) Gift礼物
1) Something as a makeup by a intranquil conscience良心不安作出的补偿

2) You should never say no to a gift from a child. 永远不能拒绝一个小孩子给你的礼物。
1) girdle束腰带
A device to make a woman slimmer on the outside than she is on the inside 一种使女人外面比里面更苗条的用品
girl girl女孩
1) Pre-woman 女人的前身
glamour glamour 魔力
1) What makes a man ask for your telephone number, and a woman ask for the name of your dress maker 使男人打听你的电话号码、使女人打听替你做衣服的裁缝叫什 么名字的那种东西
glass glass玻璃杯
1) Something that gives water a shape 赋予水以形状的某种东西
gloating gloating幸灾乐祸
1) The rat comes out to see the cat off when the latter is kicked out by the owner of the house 猫被房主一脚踢出去时老鼠出来送行
glutton glutton贪吃者
1) One whose mind is always on his stomach, and whose stomach is always on his mind 心里老想着肚子、肚子老放在心上的人

2) A person who takes the piece of pastry you want 拿走你想吃的那块点心的人

3) A person with poor tastes to whom everything tastes good 不挑口、认为什么都好吃的人

4) Someone who is always eating when he is not hungry, or is always hungry when he is not eating 不饿的时候总在吃东西,不吃东西就感到饿的人

5) A person who escapes the evils of moderation by committing dyspepsia 通过消化不良症来逃避节食之苦的人
goal goal(要实现的)目标
1) Task accomplished by the government with slogans and statistics 政府用口号和统计完成的任务
god God上帝
1) A circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere 一个圆心无处不在、圆周无处可寻的圆圈

2) The tangential point between zero and infinity 零和无限之间的正切点

3) Darwin's chief rival 达尔文的主要对手

4) When we know what God is, we shall be gods ourselves,
gold gold黄金
1) The most beautiful and heaviest shackles 最漂亮、最沉重的枷锁
golden time golden time黄金时代
1) The time when gold is not in rule 黄金不占统治地位的时代
golf golf高尔夫(球)
1) A five-mile walk punctuated by disappointments 行走5英里,时不时被失望所打断

2) Lovely walk spoiled by a little white ball 被一只小白球破坏了的美好的散步
good management good management 经营有方
1) The art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them 让问题变得十分有趣,让解决问题的方案变得十分有建设性, 以至人人都想插一手的艺术
goose goose鹅
1) An animal that has to stretch its neck as soon as it opens its mouth 一种一开口就得伸脖子的动物

2) A bird that supplies quills for writing, which, by some occult process of nature, are penetrated and suffused with various degrees of the bird's intellectual energies and emotional character, so that when inked and drawn mechanically across paper by a person called an “author” , there results a very fair and accurate transcript of the fowl's thought and feeling 提供写字用的鹅毛管的一种鸟,通过某种不可思议的自然 过程,这些管子里浸透了不同程度的鹅的智力和感情特点, 所以,当一个被称之为“作家”的人蘸上墨水,机械地在纸 上划时,就产生了鹅的思想和感情非常清晰而准确的描述
gossip gossip 流言
1) Something that goes in the era and comes out uf the mouth greatly enlarged 从耳朵里进去,从嘴里出来时被大大放大了的东西

2) The only sound that travels faster than sound 唯一比声音传播得更快的声音

3) A woman who talks so much that her supply of truth gives out before she gets through 一个话特别多的女人,没等她讲完,她的事实就用完了

4) Simply news running ahead of itself in a red stain dress 只不过是穿着沾上红斑的衣服跑在自己前面的新闻

5) A chain store run by a swindler: to gain high profits, both retailing and wholesale intended to destroy the trust between people 骗子开的连锁商店:为了得到高额利润,无论是零售还是 批发,都想摧毁人们之间的信任

6) A stray bullet that kills the other party effectively without the danger of being found out 能有效杀死对方却没有暴露之险的流弹

7) Something that would not be said if the truth will do more damage 如果事实真相会造成更大的损害就不会有人说的话

8) Something said with a sense of rumor① 有谣言感的话
① 显然由a sense of humor (幽默感)而来。

9) The knife of the party 聚会中的刀
gourmet gourmet美食家
1) An expert good at tapping the potentials of the mouth and the tongue 善于挖掘嘴巴和舌头潜力的专家
government government 政府
1) An expensive organization to regulate evildoers and tax who behaves 管制做坏事的人,却向守规矩的人收税的一种昂贵的组织

2) The only known vessel that leaks from the top 唯一已知的、会从顶上往下漏的一艘船

3) A modem devil that swallows its own children 吞食自己孩子的一种现代慶鬼

4) There are only three types of governments: those that break heads, those that count heads, and those that use heads. 政府只有三种类型:打破脑袋的、数脑袋的和用脑袋的。
graduation graduation 毕业
1) The end of one kind of life and the beginning of another 一种生活的结束,另一种生活的开始
grammar grammar 语法
1) A system of pitfalls thoughtfully prepared for the feet of the self-made man, along the path by which he advances to distinction 为自我奋斗者的脚精心设计的一整套陷阱,分布在他通往成名的沿途
grandmother grandmother 祖母
1) A baby-sitter who doesn't hang around the refrigerator 不会在冰箱前荡来荡去的临时照顾孩子的人
grandparent grandparent 祖父母
1) Something so simple a child can operate 孩子都会操作的十分简单的某种东西
grape grape葡萄
1) A non-intoxicating wine in pill form 丸状的、不会醉人的酒

2) Uninteresting larval stage of wine 不好玩的、酒的幼虫时期
grass grass草
1) Meat favored by certain animals and monks 某些动物及和尚爱吃的肉
gratitude gratitude 感激
1) The feeling that people who have done you favors in the past are obliged to continue doing you favors in the future 你觉得过去有恩于你的人将来还应该有恩于你的一种感情

2) An emotion that lies between the harvest of interest and expectation 横在获利和期盼之间的一种感情
grave grave坟墓
A place in which the dead are laid to await the coming of the medical student 放置尸体、等待医学院学生来的地方① ①18世纪以前,由于世俗观念的限制,医生和医学院学生很难得到解剖用的尸体,只好盗墓。
great man great man 伟人
1) Someone who is always willing to be litde 愿意始终当小人物的人

2) Someone who profits the most from the fewest mistakes 从最少的错误中得到最多利益的人

3) Servant of history 历史的仆人
greatness greatness 伟大
1) How you are distinguished from other people 你如何不同于别人
greed greed 贪婪
1) Something that enables a person to buy the things money can buy while losing the things money cannot buy 某种东西,它使人能买到金钱可以购买的东西,却失去金钱买不到的东西

2) A knot that tightens one's mind and blocks one's intelligence 绷紧人的心、堵塞人的理智的一个套结

3) Exclusive mentality caused by unrequited love for wealth 对财富的单相思引起的排他主义心态

4) Greediness is the truest poverty. 贪婪是最真实的贫穷。
grief grief悲伤
1) A fonn of unhappiness that comforts 使人感到舒服的一种不快乐
grime grime污垢
1) A matter widely spread in nature, but its highest number are in the hands of outstanding American politicians, and most difficult to eliminate on money 自然界分布很广的一种物质,在杰出的美国政治家手里数量最多,在金钱上最难洗掉
grouch grouch坏脾气者
1) A man who has lost heart and has to depend solely on his liver 失去了心而只能依赖肝的人
grumble grumble 牢骚
1) A small dish for your superior, reminding him to pay the bill 提醒上司不要忘了付账的一碟小菜
guest guest客人
1) An ideal guest always stays at home. 理想的客人总待在自己家里。
guilt guilt有罪
1) Indiscreet doings unluckily found out by others 不幸被他人发现的轻率行为
guilty conscience guilty conscience 自咎
1) A boundary tablet between right and wrong and between good and evil 是与非、善与恶之间的界碑
gun gun枪
1) You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. 说好话加上一把枪比光说好话管用得多。
gunpowder gunpowder 火药
1) An agency employed by civilized nations for the settlement of disputes which might become troublesome if left unadjusted 文明国家用以调解争端的一种中介,那些争端不处理会成为麻烦

1) gymnast体操运动员
A person who puts his brains in his muscles 把大脑放进肌肉的人
habit habit习惯
1) One's second nature人的第二本性

2) A shackle for the free 自由人的镣铐

3) The enormous flywheel of society, its most precious conservation agent 巨大的社会飞轮,也是保护社会最昂贵的代理人

4) Something very difficult to break: Nobody can throw it away through the window but can only coax it step by step down the stairs 很难打破的一种东西,谁也无法将其从窗户扔出去,只能 哄它一步一步从楼梯上走下来

5) A giant rope of which we weave a thread every day; It is unbreakable, and finally we become its slave 一根巨绳,我们每天编织其中的一根线;这根绳弄不断, 我们最终成为其奴隶

6) Love makes marriage possible, and habit makes it endurable. 爱情使婚姻成为可能,习惯使婚姻得以持久。

7) The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits acquired during the first half 人的后半生只是由前半生养成的习惯组成的。
hag hag老巫婆
1) An elderly lady whom you do not happen to like; sometimes called, also, a hen, or cat 你碰巧不喜欢的老妇人,有时也称为老母鸡或老猫① ①在英语中,hen指“爱管闲事的女人”,cat则指“心地恶毒的女人”。
hairdresser hairdresser 美发师
1) Someone who is able to create a style you will never be able to duplicate again 能创造出你永远也无法复制的发型的人
hammer hammer锤子
1) A tool used to crash one's finger用以砸手指的工具
hand hand手
1) A singular instrument worn at the end of a human arm and commonly thrust into somebody's pocket 套在人的胳膊终端,通常插在别人口袋里的一种奇特的工具
handkerchief handkerchief 手绢
1) A small square of silk or linen, used in various ignoble offices about the face and especially serviceable at funerals to conceal the lack of tears 在各种尴尬或不方便的场合用以擦脸的一小块方形绸缎或 亚麻布,尤其适于在葬礼上用以掩盖没有眼泪的嘴脸

2) Cold storage 感冒储存所
hanger-on hanger-on 跟屁虫
1) The person who buries the truth in heart 把真理埋藏在心里的人
happiness happiness 幸福
1) An illusion caused by the temporary absence of reality 现实暂时不存在引起的一种幻觉

2) Your mother-in-law’s picture on the back of a milk carton 你丈母娘的照片贴在牛奶盒反面

3) Something that can’t buy money 买不到钱的某种东西

4) An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another 想到另一个人的悲惨时涌上心头的一种美滋滋的感觉

5) A way station between too much and too little 太多和太少之间的一个小站

6) Having a scratch for every itch 每次痒了都挠一下

7) An imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to the children, and : by children to adults 一种想象的意境,从前活人认为死人幸福,而现在大人常常认为儿童幸福,儿童却认为大人幸福

8) The art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed 永远不要把过去不幸的记忆放在心里的一种艺术

9) A feeling you have when you are too busy to be miserable 忙得无暇顾及悲哀时的一种感觉

10) The interval between periods of unhappiness 不幸福的阶段之间的间隙

11) Not being pained in body or troubled in mind 身上不疼,心里不烦

12) Nothing more than health and a poor memory 只不过是健康加上记性不好

13) The natural flower of duty 责任的自然之花

14) Something which adds and multiplies as we divide it with others 和别人分享时会增加和翻倍的某种东西

15) The feeling you have when you succeed after spending three hours in getting a coin out which you dropped into the ditch 花了三个小时终于成功地把一枚掉进阴沟的硬币弄出来时 的感觉

16) Harmony between what you think, say, and do 你所思、所言、所行的协调

17) A perfume you cannot pour on others without a few drops on yourself 往别人身上洒,因而自己也免不了会沾上几滴的香水

18) Essentially a state of going somewhere whole-heartedly, one-directionally, without regrets or reservation 从本质上说是一种状态,一心一意、义无反顾、既不后悔也无保留地去某个地方

19) Something formed of bits of good things—a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a sincere praise, plus the feeling of countless happiness and affection 由点点滴滴的美好事物组成——个吻、一个微笑、一个善意的眼神、一个真心的赞美,以及难以计数的快乐、亲切的感觉

20) Something we can give others even we ourselves don't have 即使我们自己没有,也能给予别人的一种东西

21) Eve of love, beginning of story, and early youth who has no time yet to feel sad 爱情的前夜,故事的开端,还没有时间难受的少年

22) A butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you 你追逐它时总在你身边不远的地方,你悄悄地坐下来时也许回落到你身上的一只蝴蝶

23) True happiness is found in pursuing something, not in catching it, except the last home-bound train. 真正的幸福在于追寻某种东西,而不在于赶上它,回家的 末班火车例外。

24) Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember. 幸福不是你感受的东西,而是你记忆中的东西。

25) When you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere. 如果你的心胸里怀有怨恨,幸福就会停泊到别的港口去。

26) Happiness consists of filling a child's stomach, a woman's wardrobe, and a man's wallet 幸福在于填满孩子的肚子,填满女人的衣柜,填满男人的钱包

27) Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product 幸福不是目标,而是一种副产品。

28) Happiness is what everyone is in pursuit of, though no one knows where it is. 幸福是尽管谁也不知道在哪里、却人人都在追求的东西。

29) A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. 一个真正幸福的人是绕道时也会欣赏风景的人。

30) Happiness sneaks in through a door you don't know you left open. 幸福是从你不知不觉中开着的门悄悄进来的。

31) The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. 幸福最重要的要素是:有事情可做,有对象去爱,有所期盼。

32) One of the big obstacles to happiness is extravagant hope for too much happiness. 幸福的一大障碍是奢望太多的幸福。

33) Happiness is a way of travel—not a destination. 幸福是一种旅行方式,不是目的地。
happy marriage happy marriage幸福的婚姻
1) A long conversation that always seems too short 看上去总嫌短的促膝长谈
harangue Harangue夸夸其谈
1) A speech by an opponent of yours 对手的演说
harbor harbor 海港
1) A place where ships taking shelter from storms are exposed to the fury of the customs 船只躲开风暴却暴露在海关狂风的地方
hard drive hard drive 硬驱
1) The sales technique employed by computer salesmen 计算机销售员采用的推销技术① ① Hard drive有“硬性驱赶(某人做某事)”的意思。
hard times hard times艰难时节
1) A season during which it is very difficult to borrow money to buy what you don't need 很难借到钱去购买你不需要的东西的季节
② Hardware本来指五金工具。
1) The parts of a computer which can be kicked 可以用脚踢的计算机部件

2) Tools, such as lawnmowers, rakes and other heavy equipment, that you haven't laid a finger on since getting your computer 自从有了计算机后再也没有碰过的除草机、耙子等较重的 工具
harmony harmony 和谐
1) Peaceful and friendly coexistence of different or opposite things, not of equal ones 不同甚至相对立——而不是平等的事物和平而友好地共处

2) The husband likes fishing, the wife likes cooking fish, and the child likes eating fish. 丈夫喜欢钓鱼,妻子喜欢烧鱼,孩子喜欢吃鱼。
harp harp竖琴
1) Grand piano after taxes 交过各种税后的大钢琴

2) A nude piano 裸体的钢琴
hatred hatred 仇恨
1) The coward's revenge for being intimidated 胆小者受到威胁时的报复

2) A sentiment appropriate to the occasion of another's superiority 另一个人比自己强时恰当地表现出来的一种感情

3) Stored-up desire to revenge 储存起来的复仇愿望

4) A woman armed with hatred can beat ten men. 一个用仇恨武装起来的女人能战胜十个男人。
hawaii Hawaii夏威夷
1) An island sent out from the chord of the guitar 吉他琴弦弹岀来的岛屿
head head头
1) The greatest underdeveloped territory in the world that lies under your hat 你帽子下面的世界上没宥充分开发的最大的领土

2) The part of your body which is supposed to be responsible for other parts of your body “ 你身上被认定要为身体其他部分负责的那个部分
health health 健康
1) The thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year 让你感到眼下是一年中最好时光的东西

2) Indispensable condition for a long life, young people use it to change for money and old people use money to change for it 长寿的必要条件,年轻人用它换取金钱,老年人用金钱换取它

3) Necessary condition for wisdom and sign of being happy 智慧的必要条件和愉快的标志

4) Something that makes you feel it's a fine day when it isn't 让你在雨天时觉得是晴天的某种东西

5) The slowest possible rate at which one can die 人会死的最慢的速率. hearing hearing 听力
1) What a husband loses after the honeymoon 丈夫在蜜月之后失去的东西
hearing aid hearing aid 助听器
1) One of the best hearing aids a man can have is his wife. 男人最好的助听器之一是自己的妻子。
hearsay hearsay 传闻
1) A procedure in the making of rumor 制造谣言的一个程序
heart heart心
1) The place the devil dwells in 魔鬼居住的地方
heaven heaven 天国
1) Castle in the air 空中楼阁

2) The building built on the hell of the poor 造在穷人地狱之上的建筑

3) A place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk of their personal affairs, and the good listen with attention while you expound your own 恶人停止谈论他们的私事来烦忧你,而善人洗耳恭听你大 谈自己的私事的地方

4) On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it 地球上没有天堂,但有天堂的碎片。

5) A girFs idea of heaven is a place where there are no other girls. 姑娘心目中的天堂,是一个没有其他姑娘的地方。
hedgehog hedgehog 刺猬
1) An animal cactus 动物仙人掌
hell hell地狱
1) Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. 要去天堂找好气候,要去地狱找好伙伴。
help Help帮助
1) The most beautiful verb in the world after the verb love 排在“爱”之后的世界上最美好的动词

2) One way to help others is to keep out of their way. 帮助别人的办法之一是不要妨碍他们。
helplessness helplessness 无奈
1) The feeling when bitten by a dog but cannot bite back 被狗咬了却无法反咬一口的感觉
helpmate 帮
helpmate 帮手
1) A wife, or bitter half① 妻子或者令人痛苦的另一半
① 英语中常称妻子为better half,因此有worse half等诙谐的说法。
hen hen母鸡
1) Egg spurt 下蛋器
henpeckedness henpeckedness怕老婆
1) A henpecked husband is a man who is treated by his wife like a wife. 怕老婆的丈夫是被老婆当做老婆对待的人。

2) Some husbands are so henpecked, they are even afraid to talk back to other men's wives. 有些丈夫太怕老婆,甚至不敢对别人的老婆回嘴。
heredity Heredity 遗传
1) Something you believe firmly when your son's school report is full of A 你的孩子成绩单上全是“优”时你深信不疑的东西

2) Something you believe in if you have a very bright child 如果你有一个非常聪明的孩子你就会相信的东西

3) Something you are forced to take over from your parents to show you are their shadow 你被迫从父母那里继承来的东西,表明你是他们的影子

4) The transmission of unpleasant characteristics from the other side of the family 从家庭的另一支传下来的令人不愉快的性格

5) What sets the parents of a teenager wondering about each other 使十几岁的孩子的父母互相猜测的东西

6) The theory that states if your parents can't have children, neither can you 这样一个理论:如果你的父母不能生育,那么你也不能
hermit hermit 隐士
1) Simply a person to whom civilization has failed to adjust itself 那么一个人,文明未能调节好来适应他

2) A person whose vices and follies are not sociable 其恶行和愚蠢不善于社交的人
hero hero英雄
1) Often a man who didn't have the courage to be a coward 常常是一个没有勇气当胆小鬼的人

2) A man who has fought impressively for a cause of which we approve 为我们赞成的事业进行过卓绝奋斗的人

3) The one who can hang on just one minute longer 能多坚持一分钟的人

4) People who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away 会随机应变和悄悄溜走的人

5) The main thing about being a hero is to know when to die. 要成为英雄,最重要的是要知道何时死去。
heroism heroism英雄主义
1) Evil desire of certain men who have raised their vanity direcdy to the edge of the knife 把虚荣心直接提到刀刃上的某些男人的罪恶企图
hesitation hesitation 犹豫
1) Seeing the destiny but not yet finding the way to it 能看见目的地但尚未找到通达的路
hiding hiding隐藏
1) It is often easier to hide something than to hide the fact that you are hiding something. 隐藏某样东西容易,隐藏你在隐藏某样东西这事实往往很难。
highbrow highbrow高级知识分子
1) One who talks about things he doesn't understand but expects you to 谈论自己不懂的东西,却指望你能懂的那么一个人

2) A man who does not understand everything he knows 对自己所知道的事物并不全部懂得的人

3) One who checks a book out of the library that no one else has checked out in years 从图书馆借一本多年没有人借的书的人
highway highway高速公路
1) A road where a lot of cars are moving rapidly until your car joins them 许多汽车在上面开得很快,一旦你的车也开上去就不快了的一条路

2) A main road surfaced with concrete and cars 用混凝土和汽车铺成的一条大路
hindsight hindsight事后聪明
1) The ability to see an opportunity, but only after you've missed it 错过机会后才看到该机会的本事
historian historian历史学家
1) A person whose job is to spread news that's long out of date 以散布早就过时了的新闻为职业的人

2) An unsuccessful novelist 不成功的小说家

3) A prophet facing the past 面对过去的预言家

4) A broad-gauge gossip 大口径的流言蜚语传播者

5) A gossipmonger with much tolerance 气量很大的长舌妇

6) A man whose proper occupation is to give an accurate description of what has never occurred 这样一个人,其专属的职业是精确地描述压根儿就没有发 生过的事
history history 历史
1) A distillation of rumor 谣传中提炼出来的精华

2) The essence of innumerable biographies 无数篇传记的精华

3) The witness of the times, the torch of truth, the life of memory, the teacher of life, and the messenger of antiquity 时代的见证,真理的火炬,记忆的生命,生活的老师,古人的使者

4) Philosophy teaching by example 通过例证进行教育的哲学

5) A pack of tricks we play upon the dead 我们戏弄死者的一大堆花招

6) A fable agreed upon 大家一致同意的寓言

7) A set of lies agreed upon by victors 胜利者一致同意的一套谎言

8) The science of what never happens twice 关于永远不会发生两次的事情的科学

9) An account of past events explaining how other nations have always been wrong 对过去的事件的叙说,解释别的民族如何总是不对

10) The sum total of things that could have been avoided 本来可以避免的种种事情的总和

11) The short trudge from Adam to atom 从亚当到原子之间短暂的艰苦跋涉

12) The record of an encounter between character and circumstance 人物碰上情况的记录

13) The discovering of the constant and universal principles of human nature 发现人类本性中永恒的和普遍的原则

14) A cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man 时间写在人类记忆中的一首循环诗

15) Interpretation of the past for understanding the present and confronting the future 用以理解现在和面对未来的对过去的解释

16) A shining textbook in a lot of dust 一部在大量灰尘中发光的教科书

17) An account mosdy false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools 对于大多由无赖统治者和傻瓜士兵所做的、多半不重要的 事件多半不真实的叙说

18) A pair of trousers that can never wear or be taken off by mankind 人类永远穿不坏也脱不掉的一条裤子

19) A wire ofif which the performer will fall down with slightest sway 只要有一点儿摆动,演员就会从上面摔下来的一根钢丝绳
hole hole洞
1) Nothing at all, but you can break your neck in it 什么也不是,但你却能在里面摔断脖子

2) Something funny, the more you take from it the larger it becomes 某种古怪的东西,你从它那里拿走的越多,它变得越大

3) The smallest hole can empty the water in the largest container, but the largest hole may get blocked if used for drainage. 再小的洞也会使最大的容器中的水流光;而用来排水,再 大的洞也会堵塞。

4) If shoes have a small hole, that's poverty; it they are mostly holes, that's style. 鞋上有个小洞是穷困,几乎全是洞却是时尚。
holiday holiday 假日
1) A day when father works twice as hard as he does in the office 父亲的工作比在办公室还要忙一倍的日子

2) The time when you find out where not to go next year 弄明白下一年不要去什么地方的时间
hollywood Hollywood 好莱坞
1) Degeneration of angels and angels degenerated 天使的堕落,堕落的天使
holy water holy water 圣水
1) A liquid whose chemical formula is H2OLY 分子式为H2OLY的液体
home home 家
1) The place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in 你不得不去时,他们必须让你进去的那个地方

2) The crystal of society— the nucleus of national character 社会的结晶 民族性的核心

3) A place where everybody has the right to talk, and nobody bothers to listen 人人都有权说话,都没人费心听的地方

4) Where you go when you're tired of being polite to people 感到烦得不想再对别人有礼貌时去的地方

5) Where we are treated best and grumble most 我们被招待得最好、却抱怨最多的地方

6) Where the husband runs the show, but the wife writes the script 丈夫管演出、但由妻子写脚本的地方

7) The only place a man can do as he pleases—when his wife is away 男人可以随心所欲的地方,条件是妻子不在

8) Restaurant for the hungry and bed for the lazy 饿汉的饭店,懒汉的床铺

9) The father's kingdom, mother's world, and child's amusement park 父亲的王国,母亲的世界,孩子的游乐场

10) The place one wants to leave when young but to come back when old 年轻时想离开、年老时想回来的地方

11) A place where you feel warmer than outside even you are shivering with cold 哪怕冷得发抖,也觉得比外面温暖的地方
homeless homeless无家可归
1) Optionally residential 自由选择住处
homesick homesick 乡愁
1) Thorough destruction of one's dream of going abroad by death 死亡对出国梦的彻底毁灭
homework homework家庭作业
1) One of the few things a child is punished not for doing, but for not doing 很少的不是因孩子做了而是因没有做而受罚的事情之一
honesty honesty 诚实
1) Fear of being caught 害怕被抓住

2) The first chapter of the book of wisdom 智慧之书的第一章

3) An explanation you have to give your wife when you come home late 晚回家时必须给老婆的一种解释

4) An excuse used by incompetent people to console themselves named as a virtue 无能者自我解嘲的一种所谓美德

5) A euphemism for incompetence 无能的一个婉辞

6) Result of stutter and slow of speech 口吃和说话木讷的结果

7) Social virtue of the weak that are laughed at 被嘲笑的弱者的社交美德
honey honey蜜糖
1) The language matchmakers skilled in 媒人擅长使用的语言
honeymoon honeymoon 蜜月
1) The period when a man treats a new wife like a new car 男人像对待新汽车那样对待新妻子的时期

2) The only period when a woman isn't trying to reform her husband 女人并不设法去改造其丈夫的唯一时期

3) The time between the wedding ceremony and real life 结婚典礼与真正生活之间的时光

4) A short period of doting between dating and debting 约会和欠债之间一个短暂的溺爱时期

5) The time between "I do” and "You'd better!"
honor honor荣誉
1) An access board rather than a hammock in life 生活中的一块跳板,而不是一张吊床
hook hook鱼钩
1) A clever advertisement to entice a fisherman to spend his life's savings on a new rod and reel 诱使垂钓者把一生的积蓄用来买一副新的渔具的聪明的广告
hope hope希望
1) The poor man's bread 穷人的面包

2) Desire and expectation rolled into one 欲望和期待卷成一团

3) The thing with feather that perches in the soul 栖息于灵魂中的会飞翔的东西

4) Something that springs eternity in the human breast 在人类胸怀中喷发出永恒的某种东西

5) A beautiful soap bubble, when it breaks you shrug your shoulder and anther one comes to you 美丽的肥皂泡,一个破灭后,耸一耸肩便又来了一个

6) The only thing good that is not taxed today 如今唯一未被征税的好东西

7) Something in the mind which inspires the wise and deceives the lazy 脑子里激励智者、哄骗懒汉的东西
horizon horizon地平线
1) The place where the earth and the sky meet but disappears when you get there 天地相接的地方,可是你一到那儿它就消失了

2) A line you can never reach 永远也到不了的一条线
Horticulturist 园艺师
An artist who steals from Nature to satisfy his own desire 窃取自然以满足私欲的艺术家
hospital hospital 医院
1) The place where the night nurse wakes you up to give you a sleeping pill 夜班护士叫醒你,给你一片安眠药的地方

2) A place where the patient is treated by the doctor and reprimanded by the administrator 病人受医生治疗,被管理人员训斥的地方
hospitality Hospitality 好客
1) The virtue which induces us to feed and lodge certain persons who are not in need of food and lodging 诱使我们为并不需要的人提供食宿的一种美德
hostility hostility 敌意
1) A peculiarly sharp and specially applied sense of the earth's overpopulation 因为地球上人口过密而产生的一种特别尖刻却十分实用的感情
hotline hotline 热线
1) The best place for people to pour out their privacy and the best way for businessmen to make money 人们倾吐隐私最好的地方,商人赚钱最好的途径
hotel hotel旅馆
1) A place whose owner offers you a room in which you retire at the price which enables him to retire① 你出钱,老板给你一个房间休息,他可以退休的地方
① 原文是一个双关语。英语中的mtire有"休息”和"退休”两个意思。
house house房子
1) A hollow edifice erected for the habitation of man, rat, mouse, beede, cockroach, fly, mosquito, flea, bacillus and microbe 供人、老鼠、甲虫、蝉螂、苍蝇、蚊子、跳蚤、细菌和其他微 生物居住而建造的中空的建筑物
housework housework 家务
1) Something you do that nobody notices unless you don't do it 你所做的谁也不会注意到的事,除非你不做

2) A happy house is one where the wife helps her husband with the housework. 只有妻子帮助丈夫做家务,才会有一个快乐的家。
hovel hovel棚舍
1) The fruit of a flower called the Palace 称做“宫殿”的花朵结成的果实
hug hug拥抱
1) A roundabout way of expressing affection 绕着圈子表示感情的方式

2) A hug is a great gift. One size fits all. It can be given for any occasion and ifs easy to exchange. 拥抱是一大礼物,同一个尺寸适合所有的人,可以在任何 獗 场合给出,而且容易交换。
hum and haw hum and haw支支吾吾
1) A most clever way to answer in some circumstances 在某些情况下最聪明的回答方式
human nature human nature人的本性
1) Something consisting of 90 percent giving advice, and ten percent : lending a helping hand 90%给人忠告,10%给人帮助
human race human race 人类
1) The human race is composed of two groups: number one, yourself; and number two, all the others. 人类由两大群构成:第一群是你自己,第二群是所有其他人。
humbleness humbleness低三下四
1) Being patient before one's superior steps down 上司下台之前表现得有耐心
humility humility 谦逊
1) The embarrassment you feel when you tell people how wonderful you are 你告诉人们自己如何了不起时感到的尴尬
humor humor 幽默
1) Emotional chaos remembered in tranquility 平静时记起的感情混乱

2) Thinking in firn while feeling earnest 感到一本正经时想风趣的事情

3) Merely tragedy standing on its head with its pants torn 只不过是悲剧穿着破裤子拿大顶

4) Laughing at what you haven't got when you ought to have it 嘲笑你应该有而尚未有的东西

5) Another line of defense against the universe 对付宇宙的另一道防线

6) Humor is falling downstairs, if you do it in the act of warning your wife not to. 幽默是在提醒你妻子注意不要从楼梯上摔下去时,自己却摔了下去。

7) What humor is to life is like what shock absorbers are to automobiles. 幽默对于生活的重要性,犹如减震器对于汽车。
hunger hunger 饥饿
1) Initial education 最初的教育

2) The best flavoring in the world 世界上最好的调味品

3) Condition produced by five minutes of continuous studying 连续学习五分钟产生的情况
hunter hunter 猎人
1) One who deems wild animals as his private property 把野生动物当成自己私有财产的人
hunting hunting 打措
1) A profession caused by the foxes' refusal to hand in their fur 因为狐狸不肯上交毛皮而产生的一种职业
hurricane hurricane喝风
1) A very common atmospheric demonstration常见的一种大气示威
hurry hurry仓促
1) Nimbleness of the clumsy 笨拙者的敏捷
husband husband 丈夫
1) A man who has lost his liberty in the pursuit of happiness 在追求幸福中失去自由的人

2) A person who expects his wife to be perfect and to understand why he isn't 一个期待妻子十全十美,而又能理解他自己为什么不是十全十美的人

3) A man who has made a mistake, but keeps learning from it all his life 一个犯了一个错误,但一辈子都在吸取教训的男人

4) One who, having dined, is charged with the care of the plate 吃完饭后负责收拾碗筷的人

5) The most competent servant of most families 大多数家庭里最得力的仆人

6) A man with half of his original right but double duty 只剩下一半权利,却负有加倍义务的男人

7) A lover who pushed his luck too far i把幸运推得太远的情人

8) What remains after the never has been killed “永不”被杀死后剩下的东西
hypocrisy hypocrisy 虚伪
1) The homage that vice lays to virtue 邪恶向美德表示敬意

2) The homage that politics pays to principle 政治对原则的敬意

3) Prejudice with a halo 带光环的偏见

4) Consistence between one's subconsciousness and appearance or actions 潜意识与外表或行动的一致
hypocrite hypocrite伪君子
1) A man who sets good examples only when he has an audience 只有在有人看的时候才做出榜样的人

2) A person who is not himself on Sundays 星期天不是自己的人

3) One who writes a book praising atheism and then prays it will sale 一个写了一本赞扬无神论的书,然后祈祷该书能畅销的人

4) An animal that walks upright but seldom talks that way 挺直身子走路,却很少挺直身子说话的动物

5) One who, professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he despises 装出具有某种其实他不放在眼里的美德,以从中获得好处的人

6) One always mouthing decent words but never doing any decent things 整天说正经话,却从来不做正经事的人

7) The man who murdered both his parents and then pleaded for mercy on the ground that he was an orphan 谋杀了自己的双亲,然后又以自己是孤儿而请求宽恕的人
iceberg iceberg 冰山

A kind of permanent wave① 一种永久的波浪

①Permanent wave也可指“(女人波浪形的)烫发”。
icicle icicle 冰柱
1) A stiff piece of water 一块僵硬的水
ideal ideal理想
1) Ambition in appealing full dress 穿着迷人的盛装的野心

1) One who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup 注意到玫瑰比白菜好闻,于是得出结论玫瑰做成汤也会比 白菜做的汤味道好的人

2) Someone who tries to shape the world to his wishes instead of trying to shape his wishes to the world 想要根据自己的愿望塑造世界,而不是根据世界塑造自己 愿望的人

3) Someone who is confident of the future but does not know what to do at the present 对未来充满信心,却不知道现在该怎么办的人
identity identity 身份
1) Just a series of numbers: those of identity card, driving license, passport, telephone, social security card, credit card, etc. 无非是一系列号码:身份证号码、驾驶执照号码、护照号码、 电话号码、社会保险号码、信用证号码,等等
ideologue ideologue 思想家
1) Typically, an obscure humorless zealot who finds fulfillment by spouting the ideas of famous humorless zealots 通常指一个没有幽默感的狂热者,此人滔滔不绝地大谈有名 的、没有幽默感的狂热者的想法,从中得到自我满足
idiot idiot白痴
1) A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling 一个威力强大的部落的成员,其在人类事务中的影响始终 处于主导和控制的地位

2) Genius who is capable of turning complicated things into simple ones if he is interested 感兴趣时能将复杂的事情简单化的天才

3) The cleverest fool 最聪明的傻瓜

4) Never argue with an idiot: he will drag you down to his level. 千万不要同白痴争论:他会把你降低到和他同一个水平。
idleness idleness 闲散
1) Not doing nothing, but being free to do anything 不是什么也不干,而是有空做任何事情

2) The refuge of weak minds 薄弱意志的避难所

3) A model farm where the devil experiments with seeds of new sins and promotes the growth of staple vices 魔鬼试验种植新的罪恶之种子,促进主要邪恶生长的示范 农场
idler idler游手好闲者
1) A man whose life work is to avoid it 终身的工作就是躲开工作的人
ignoramus ignoramus不学无术者
1) A person unacquainted with certain kinds of knowledge familiar to yourself, and having certain other kinds that you know nothing about 对你熟悉的知识一无所知,对你一无所知的知识却了如指掌的人
ignorance ignorance 无知
1) Ignorance is the primary source of all misery and vice. 无知是一切悲惨和罪恶的基本源泉。
ill luck ill luck 倒霉
1) Unfortunate events fall on you which you estimated would fall on someone else 本来估计会落到别人头上的不幸落到了自己头上

2) The gift you reap after you rebuke your superior in public 当众指责上司后收获的礼物
illegibility illegibility (写的字)难以辨认
1) A doctors prescription written with a post office pen in the rumble seat of a second-hand car 大夫在一辆二手汽车颠簸的座位上用邮局的笔开出的处方
illusion illusion 错觉
1) Mistake one's own mood as the weather 错把自己的心情当天气

2) Light smoke as a result of the burning of one?s nervous network 神经网络燃烧产生的轻烟
illustriousness illustriousness 卓越
1) Suitably placed for the shafts of malice , envy and detraction 恰当地放在怨恨、嫉妒和诽谤之箭所射的地方
imagination imagination 想象力
1) That admirable quality in ourselves which is objectionable falsehood in others 在别人身上是讨厌的虚妄,在自己身上是令人羡慕的优点

2) What makes you think you are having a wonderful time when you are only spending your money 只不过是在花钱时使你认为自己过得高兴极了的东西

3) A warehouse of facts, with poet and liar in joint ownership 储藏事实的仓库,为诗人和骗子共同拥有

4) Something that sits up with the wife when her husband is out late 丈夫外出深夜未归,和妻子一起坐等的某种东西
imitation imitation 模仿
1) The flattest fbnn of sincerity 真诚最乏味的形式

2) Outright admiration 直言不讳的崇拜

3) An original author is not one who doesn't imitate but one whom nobody can imitate. 有独创性的作家不是不模仿别人,而是别人模仿不了的人。
immigrant immigrant移民
1) An unenlightened person who thinks one country better than another 以为一个国家会比另一个好的不开窍的人
immodesty immodesty 不谦虚
1) Having a strong sense of one's own merit, coupled with a feeble conception of worth in others 对自己的优点有强烈的意识,而对别人的价值几乎感觉不到
immortality immortality 不朽
1) The condition of a dead man who doesn't believe he is dead 一个死人不相信自己已经死了的那种情况

2) The power to influence others after others can no longer influence you 在别人无法再影响你之后仍能影响别人的力量

3) Preserving ideas that wouldn't die with spiritual saline water 用精神盐水保存不愿死去的想法

4) A fate worse than death 比死更糟糕的命运
impartiality impartiality不偏不倚
1) Inability to perceive any promise of personal advantage from espousing either side of a controversy or adopting either of two conflicting opinions 看不出支持或采纳矛盾的任何一方的观点对自己有什么好处
impatience impatience 不耐烦
1) A state of annoyance when your head is in a hurry but the rest of you keeps it waiting 你的大脑很忙,你身体的其余部分却让其等着时的一种恼怒

2) Waiting in a hurry 匆忙地等待
impeccability impeccability 无瑕
1) With faults not easily perceived 不易感觉到瑕疵
impenitence impenitence顽固不化
1) A state of mind intermediate in point of time between sin and punishment 从时间上说处于犯罪和惩罚之间的一种中间心态
impiety impiety不信神
1) Your irreverence toward my deity 你对我信的神不尊重
implicitness implicitness 含蓄
1) A seed containing limidess much chance and associations 含有无限机会和联想的种子

1) A peculiar word most of which is possible when you examine it closely 这是一个古怪的词,要是你仔细审视一下,你就会发现,这个 词的大部分是可能。
impostor impostor冒名顶替者
1) A rival aspirant to public honors 追求名誉中的对手
improvidenee improvidenee 无远见
1) Provision for the needs of today from the revenues of tomorrow 用明天的收入支付今天的费用
inaccuracy inaccuracy 不精确
1) Something that saves a world of explanation 能使你省去许许多多的解释的某种东西
income income 收入
1) The natural and rational gauge and measure of respectability, the commonly accepted standards being artificial, arbitrary and fallacious 判断某个人是否值得尊敬的自然而合理的尺度,而通常的标准 都是不自然的、任意的、谬误的
income tax income tax 所得税
1) To have and have not有了又没了
incompatibility incompatibility 对立
1) In matrimony a similarity of tastes, particularly the taste for domination 婚姻中志趣相投,尤其是两人都想支配对方
incomprehensibility incomprehensibility 不可理解
1) One of the major attributes of gods 神的主要属性之一

2) The time has not come for comprehensibility 可理解的时间尚未来到
inconstancy inconstancy反复无常
1) Synonym of “woman” “女人”的同义词
indecisiveness indecisiveness 优柔寡断
1) Constantly decide to choose decisions 不断地决定做出选择

2) Chief element of success 成功的主要因素
independence independence 独立
1) How we want our children to be as long as they do everything we say 我们想要孩子变成如此,条件是他们什么都按我们说的去做
indifference indifference 淡漠
1) The attitude of philosophers or those who are shallow and selfish fellows 哲学家或浅薄自私的家伙的态度

2) Imperfecdy sensible to distinctions among things 对事物的差别不十分敏感
1) indigestion 消化不良
The incompatibility between a man's stomach and his wife's cooking 丈夫的胃口和妻子的烹饪之间的不相容
industrialization industrialization 工业化
1) A desperate struggle launched by man against the earth that will result either in man's destruction or in the earth's destruction 人类发起的同地球的殊死搏斗,其结果不是人类灭亡就是地球灭亡
inexpedience inexpedience 不明智
1) Not calculated to advance one's interests 没有盘算如何给自己增加利益
infancy infancy 幼年
1) The period of our lives when Heaven lies about us, and after which the world begins lying about us pretty soon afterward 生命中天堂在我们身边的时期,不久之后我们就被尘世所包围
infatuation infatuation 迷恋
1) A state of mind when a man shows great ingenuity in making a fool of himself 男人出丑时表现出来的、伟大天才的心理状态

2) A state of mind which has nothing to do with the mind 和心理没有关系的一种心理状态
inflation inflation通货膨胀
1) The period when it is easy to earn money than to earn a living 挣钱容易谋生难的时期

2) The period when less people raise food and more people raise food price 少数人生产食品,多数人抬高食品价格的时期

3) One form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation 不用立法就可以收税的一种形式

4) Being broke with a lot of money in your pocket 口袋里装着很多钱而破产

5) What makes people pay more while they live on less 使人们在节衣缩食时掏钱更多的东西

6) The period when the standard of living continues to rise until the people can't afford it 生活水平持续上升,直到人们负担不起的时期

7) Cutting money in half without damaging the paper 不损坏钱而将其一裁为二

8) A fate worse than debt 比欠债更糟糕的命运

9) The result of legalized counterfeiting 合法制造假币的结果

10) A situation where no one has enough money because everyone has too much 这样一种情况,因为所有人的钱都太多,因此没有人有足 够的钱

11) A financial situation which causes one to live in the lapse of luxury 使人生活中没有奢华的一种经济状况

12) When an item bought for five dollars costs ten dollars to be repaired 1 quid 政治上用虚构的一分钱换取实实在在的一块钱
information information 信息
1) How ducks are supposed to fly 据说鸭子是怎么飞的
information center information center 信息中心
1) A room staffed by professional computer people whose job it is to tell you why you cannot have the information you require 一个配备专业计算机人员的房间,他们的工作是告诉你为什么 你不能得到你想要的信息
ingrate ingrate忘恩负义者
1) One who receives a benefit from another, or is otherwise an object of charity 得到别人好处的人,或慈善的对象
inhumanity inhumanity 无人性
1) Most typical mark and character of humanity 人性最典型的标志和特点
initiative initiative 主动性
1) Doing the right thing without being told不用被告诉就做合适的事情

2) Deliberately disobeying a destructive order from your manager and being right in the long run 故意不服从经理有害的命令,而从长远来看,你是正确的
1) A mixture of ignorance, hope, greed, and sin, used to express ideas and mood carefully thought over, which spreads farther than orally spread nonsense 蒙昧、希望、贪婪和罪恶等组成的混合物,用以表达深思 熟虑的想法和心情,可以比口头传播的胡说八道传得更远
innocence innocence 天真
1) A nun working in condom factory, thinking she's making sleeping bags for mice 尼姑在安全套工厂干活,以为是在给老鼠做睡袋
insane asylum insane asylum疯人院
1) The place where optimism most flourishes 乐观主义兴旺发达的地方
insanity insanity精神错乱
1) A perfecdy rational adjustment to the insane world ; a primary method of survival in it 调整这个疯狂的世界完全合理的方法,也是在这个世界生 存最主要的方法

2) A hereditary disease contracted from one's children; symptoms include nonsensical statements such as "goo goo”① and “I will hit you into the middle of next week''
从儿童那里传染上的一种遗传性疾病,其症状包括“咕咕” 和“我要把你打到下个星期中间”之类毫无意义的话
①Googoo是儿语,指“黏糊糊、甜滋滋的东西”,也泛指“小孩话”,中文里找 不到相对应的词。

3) Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results 翻来覆去做同一件事,希望会产生不同的结果
inscription inscription 碑文
1) Open invasion of past time into the present 过去的时光对现在的公然入侵
insensitivity insensitivity 麻木
1) In politics, objections to the use of tax money to buy votes 在政治上反对用税收的钱买选票
inside inside 屋内
1) That place that will suddenly look attractive to kids once mom has spent a minimum of half an hour getting them ready to go outside 妈妈至少花了半个小时让孩子们岀去,孩子们却突然觉得很有 吸引力的地方
insolence insolence蛮横
1) The art of keeping your manner fresh instead of your mind 让自己的举止放肆,而不是保持头脑清新的艺术
insomnia insomnia 失眠
1) A disease which forces you to face at night the troubles you meet during the daytime 迫使你晚上再次面对白天所遇到的麻烦的一种疾病

2) The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep. 治疗失眠最好的办法是多睡觉。
insomniac insomniac 失眠者
1) A person either asleep with one eye open, or awake with both eyes shut 睁着一只眼睛睡着或闭着双眼而醒着的人

2) Someone who 五nds it hard to fall asleep at night, and even harder to stay awake by day 发现晚上难以入睡,而白天更难醒着的人
inspiration inspiration 灵感
1) A trick that poets have invented to give themselves importance 诗人为了使自己显得更重要而发明出来的一种花招

2) An idea that does not occur when you rack your brains but lingers in your mind when you go to bed to prevent you from sleeping 冥思苦想时不出现,上床时却在你脑子里盘旋,使你无法入睡的想法

3) Award for tenacious labor 对顽强劳动的奖赏

4) The bride of wine or the yell of new marriage 酒的新娘或新婚的呐喊
Installment payment 分期付款
A condition that makes the months shorter and the years longer 使月份变短、年份变长的一种情况
instinct instinct 本能
1) Intelligence incapable of self-consciousness 没有自觉意识的智力
institution institution 机构
1) The lengthened shadow of one man 一个人的影子被拉长了
insurance insurance 保险
1) An ingenious modem game of chance in which the player is permitted to enjoy the comfortable conviction that he is beating the man who keeps the table 一种巧妙的、靠运气的现代游戏,它允许玩游戏的人放心地相 信他会赢坐庄的人
insurrection insurrection 起义
1) An unsuccessful revolution ; disaffection failure to substitute misrule for bad government 不成功的革命;抱怨未能以暴政取代拙劣的政府
intellect intellect 理智
1) The fellow who is watching you coldly when you are dancing with excitement 你兴奋得手舞足蹈时冷眼旁观你的那个家伙

2) Bad habits gradually corrected in the process when a child grows up into an adult 孩于长大成人的过程中逐渐改掉的坏习惯
intellectual intellectual 知识分子
1) A man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows 用比实际需要得多的话谈论比自己所知要多的这么一个人

2) Someone whose mind watches itself 其头脑会观察头脑本身的人

3) Someone who knows how to quarrel by quoting someone else's words 会引用别人的话吵架的人

4) Someone whose intelligence will become lower as soon as he enters a shop of choice goods 一进精品店智商就会下降的人

5) Scapegoat of blind belief 盲目信念的替罪羊

6) One who always contributes more heat than light to a discussion 在讨论中贡献的热总是大于光的人
intelligence intelligence 智力
1) Quickness in seeing things as they are 能迅速看出事物的本来面目

2) The ability to focus attention on important things 专心关注重要事物的能力

3) Iron chain that tighdy binds the truth 将真相捆得很紧的铁链

4) Shortcomings gradually corrected in the process of a boy growing into a man 男孩长成男人过程中陆续克服的缺点
intention intention 意图
1) The mind's sense of the prevalence of one set of influences over another set; an effect whose cause is the imminence, immediate or remote, of the performance of an involuntary act 脑子里一种势力胜过另一种势力的感觉,由一种紧迫的、 即刻的或遥远的、非志愿的行动造成

2) The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. 通向地狱的路是好心铺成的。
interest interest 兴趣
1) A man's interest in the world is only the overflow from his interest in himself 一个人对世界的兴趣,只是他对自己的兴趣的溢出。
interference interference 干涉
1) If you interfere between man and wife, remember this: they will be friends again but you won't. 如果你要干涉人家夫妻的事,要记住这一点:他们会重新成为 朋友,而你却不会。
interview interview 采访
1) In journalism a vulgar fellow turns one of his ears to some vain and ambitious fool confess 新闻业中一个粗俗的家伙,一只耳朵转向某个虚荣而野心勃勃 的傻瓜坦白
intimacy intimacy 亲密
1) A relation into which fools are providentially drawn for their mutual destruction 傻瓜们为了彼此的毁灭而幸运地互相吸引的一种关系
intimidation intimidation 恫吓
1) A means of education, such as killing a chicken in front of a monkey, a possible result is that the monkey learns how to kill a chicken 一种教育手段,如杀鸡给猴子看,结果可能是猴子学会了杀鸡
intoxication intoxication 陶醉
1) A state of mind that may last to the next morning 可能会延续到第二天早上的一种心情
introduction introduction 介绍
1) A social ceremony invented by the devil for the gratification of his servants and the plaguing of his enemies 魔鬼为使其仆人满足、使其敌人遭灾而发明的一种社交仪式
intuition intuition 直觉
1) A sixth sense possessed by people who show no sign of the other five 显不出五官功能的人所拥有的第六种感官功能

2) A suspicious instinct that makes a woman distrust the man's trusts 一种怀疑的本能,它使一个女人不相信自己信任的男人

3) What enables a wife who knows less than her husband to understand more 使原本比丈夫知道得少的妻子懂得比丈夫多的某种东西
invasion invasion 侵略
1) An action particularly favored by patriots to show their love of their own country 爱国者特别喜欢的、为表明他们对自己国家热爱的一种行动
inventor inventor发明家
1) A man who prefers to get ahead by monkeying rather than aping 愿意像猴子那样,而不是像猩猩那样走到前面去的人① ①“猴子”(monkeying)指自己别出心裁地玩弄,“猩猩” (aping)指模仿。

2) A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels, levers and springs, and believes it's civilization 别出心裁地将轮子、杠杆和弹簧安排一下,相信这就是文明的人
iou IOU借据
1) A love letter inscribed on one's mind that helps him to remember someone 帮助人刻骨铭心地记住某个人的情书
irony irony 讥讽
1) Something often done by people who cannot accomplish anything and sincerely hope others would not accomplish anything either 自己什么也做不成,真心希望别人也什么都做不成的人常做 的事
jail jail监狱
1) A place where criminals have time to reflect the techniques of their crimes 罪犯有时间反省犯罪技巧的地方
jar jar罐子
1) A botde with its mouth wide open 张着大嘴的瓶子
jazz jazz爵士乐
1) Democracy in music 音乐里的民主

2) If music is the language of the soul, jazz must be the curse words. 如果音乐是灵魂的语言,爵士乐一定是咒词。
jaywalker jaywalker乱穿马路者
1) One who reaches the obituary column before he reaches the other side of the street 还没到马路对面就上了讣告的人

2) An impatient pedestrian on his way to become a patient 在通向病床的路上不耐烦的行人
jealousy jealousy 忌妒
1) No more than feeling alone among smiling enemies 只不过是身处微笑的敌人中时的孤独感

2) The blister on the heel of matrimony 婚姻脚后跟上的水疱

3) Most impotent competition 最无能的竞争

4) The ugly side of love 爱的丑陋面

5) A double-edged sword which cuts yourself when it cuts others 既伤害别人又伤害自己的一把双刃剑

6) The twin brother of admiration that is of sour temper 羡慕的李生兄弟,只是脾气不好

7) Offerings to geniuses by mediocre people 庸人献给天才的贡品

8) Bitterness built on the base of other's happiness 建筑在别人幸福基础上的痛苦
joke joke玩笑
1) A form of humor enjoyed by some and misunderstood by most 一些人感到好玩,却为大多数人所误解的一种幽默
journalism journalism 新闻业
1) The ability to meet the challenge of filling space 能应战填补空白的能力

2) Buying white paper at two dollars a pound and selling it at ten dollars a pound 两块钱一磅买进白纸,再以十块钱一磅卖出去
joy joy喜悦
1) A feeling caused mainly by knowing other people's misery 主要由想到别人的悲伤而引起的一种感情
judge judge法官
1) Someone who is always interfering disputes that has nothing to do with him 总是干预与己无关的争端的人

2) One who rides rough-shod over legal cases 骑在案件上作威作福的人
july July七月
1) The month when mothers are again reminded why school-teachers need long summer vacation 再次提醒母亲们为什么老师们需要一个长长的暑假的月份
junk junk破烂儿
1) Something needed the next day after it is thrown away 被扔掉后的第二天用得上的东西
jurisprudence jurisprudence 法学
1) A scrupulous science that tries to shut everyone in the circle of laws 设法把所有人都关在法律圈子里的一门严谨的科学
jury jury陪审团
1) Twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer 挑选出来十二个人,以判断谁请的律师更好

2) A group of people appointed by the court to prevent laws deteriorating into justice 有法庭指定的、防止法律退化为正义的一组人
justice justice 正义
1) Truth in action 行动中的真理

2) A decision in your favor 对你有利的决定

3) A commodity which is in a more or less adulterated condition the State sells to the citizen as a reward for his allegiance, taxes and personal service 国家为了奖励公民的忠诚、纳税和服劳役而卖给他们的多 少掺了点假的一种商品

4) Something people have always thought might happen but never see 人们一直以为可能发生,但从来见不着的那档子事儿
juvenile delinquent juvenile delinquent 少'年犯
1) A minor who create a major problem 造成大问题的小孩子

2) A youngster who is very good at being no good 对于没有出息很在行的年轻人
kangaroo kangaroo 袋鼠
1) The largest species of grasshopper 最大种类的蚂蚱
karaoke karaoke 卡拉 OK
1) A Japanese word meaning “tone deaf”
keepsake keepsake纪念品
1) Something given us by someone we've forgotten to remember him 我们已经不再记得的某个人送给我们的,以使我们能记得他的某样东西
keyboard keyboard 键盘
1) The standard way to generate computer errors 产生计算机错误的标准方法
killing killing 杀死
1) Creating a vacancy without nominating a successor 制造空缺而不提名继承者
kilt kilt苏格兰方格呢短裙
1) A kind of clothes sometimes worn by Americans in Scotland or Scottish in America 在苏格兰的美国人或在美国的苏格兰人有时穿的一种衣服
kindness kindness 善良
1) The golden chain by which society is bound together 把社会捆在一起的金链

2) The oil that takes the friction out of life 消除生活中摩擦的润滑油

3) A brief preface to ten volumes of exaction 为十卷“勒索”写的简短的前言

4) A language that the mute can speak and the deaf can hear 哑巴会说且聋子听得见的一种语言

5) Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. 善良的言词创造信心,善良的思想创造深沉,善良的给予创造爱。

6) A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. :
kiss kiss吻
1) A means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other 一种能让两个人靠得非常近,因而看不到彼此缺点的办法

2) A pleasant reminder that two heads are better than one 一种提醒人们两个脑袋总比一个脑袋好的令人愉快的事物

3) A punctuation in love, which can serve as a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point 恋爱中的一个标点符号,可以用作逗号、问号或惊叹号

4) An operation, cunniny devised, for the mutual stoppage of speech at a moment when words are utterly superfluous 设计得很巧妙的一种动作,当讲话变得绝对多余时让双方住口

5) A knot formed of four lips that binds two people 由四片嘴唇构成的把两个人拴在一起的结

6) A little trick people learned when he was bom, which is useful when language becomes surplus 人生来就会的一种小花招,当语言显得多余的时候就能派上用场

7) A word invented by the poets as a rhyme for “bliss”, supposed to signify, in a general way, some kind of rite or ceremony appertaining to a good understanding; but the manner of its perfonnance is unknown to this lexicographer 诗人发明的和bliss (极乐)押韵的一个词,一般而言象征和充分理解有关的某种仪式,但是其表现方式本词典编撰人尚不知道

8) At twenty, a kiss is an experiment, at forty a sentiment, and after that a compliment 20岁时接吻是实验,40岁时接吻是多情,再往后接吻是恭维。
kitchen kitchen 厨房
1) The place where tea is kept in a coca jar labeled COFFEE 是这样一个地方,在那里茶叶放在一只贴有“咖啡”标签的可可罐里
kite kite风筝
1) A flier whose wings are not commanded by its head 其翅膀不受其头脑指挥的飞行物
klutz klutz笨蛋
1) What you discover your lab partner is when you ask him to slowly pour the sulfuric acid into the beaker you're holding 你让你的实验室合作者将硫酸慢慢地倒入你拿着的烧杯时,发现他是这么个人
know-it-all know-it-all 万事通
1) Someone who knows everything except one thing: he doesn't know how much he doesn't know 一个什么都知道,唯独不知道自己有多么无知的人

2) A man whose wide range of information is always based on a narrow acquaintance with facts 其广博的知识总是以对事实很肤浅的了解为基础的这么一 个人

3) A man who never opens his mouth without subtraction from the sum of human knowledge 是这样一个人,只要他一张嘴,人类的知识总和就被减去一块
knowledge knowledge 知识
1) The amassed thought and experience of innumerable minds 无数人的思想和经验的综合

2) The spring water underground—the deeper you dig, the clearer is the water 地下的泉水——挖得越深水越清

3) A city, to the building of which every human being brought a stone 每个人都为之添砖加瓦而建起来的一座城市

4) An ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age 得意时的装饰,失意时的庇护所,年老时的必需品

5) Knowing something ourselves or knowing where we can find information about it 懂得某个事物或知道在哪里能找到有关的信息

6) The antidote of fear 恐惧的解毒药

7) A polite word for dead but not buried imagination 想象的用来指已死去但尚未埋葬的一个斯文词

8) A shield against all kinds of calamities 抵御一切灾难的盾牌

9) A candle that leads life towards the bright realm of realty 引导人生通向光明的诚实境界的蜡烛
labor labor劳动
1) One of the processes by which A acquires property for B 为他人获得财富的过程之一

2) Father of pleasure 快乐之父
labor Day labor Day劳动节
1) A holiday when people celebrate working by not 人们通过不劳动来庆祝劳动的一个节日
lady lady淑女
1) A woman with a good memory: she always remembers others, yet never forgets herself 一个记性很好的女人:她永远记得别人,但也从不忘记自己
land land 土地
1) A part of the earth's surface, considered as property 地球表面的一部分,被认为是财产
language language 语言
1) The dress of thought 思想的外衣

2) The art of concealing thought 隐藏思想的艺术

3) The light of the mind 心灵之光

4) The music with which we charm the serpents guarding anothefs treasure 用以迷惑看守别人宝贝的蛇的音乐

5) A system which was developed to allow humanity to complain without killing or maiming 使人类可以不必杀人或伤人就可以发牢骚而发展形成的一 种系统

6) A system of organizing and defining error messages 把错误信息组织起来,并给以定义的系统

7) Language is supposed to be a vehicle of thought, but all too often it is just an empty car full of gas. 语言被认为是思想的载体,但常常只是一辆加足了汽油的空汽车。
lap lap膝部
1) A part of the human body that can hold babies, heads and plates of food 人体的一个部位,用以放婴孩、脑袋和食品盘
laughing laughing笑
1) A smile that bursts 绽放的微笑

2) The most touching mask 最感人的面具

3) Snoring agape and tongue-tied 张口结舌地打呼噜
laughter laughter 笑声
1) A smile that bursts绽放的微笑

2) Life's loveliest music 生活中最美妙的音乐

3) The only medicine that needs no prescription, has no unpleasant taste, and costs no money 唯一不用处方、没有苦味,而且不用花钱的药

4) A tranquilizer with no side effects 没有任何副作用的镇静剂

5) The corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks 防止我们变成古怪的人的矫正力量

6) The shortest distance between two people 两个人之间最短的距离

7) A gift of God that brightens our good times and lightens the rough ones 上帝送给我们的礼物,使我们高兴的时刻更光彩,不愉快的时刻变得轻松

8) A really loud noise from the soul saying “aren't that the truth?"

9) An interior convulsion, producing a distortion of the features and accompanied by inarticulate noises 发自身体内的一种痉挛,会使五官变形,并伴有含混不清的杂音
law law法律
1) The crystallization of the habit and thought of society 习惯和社会想法的结晶

2) Experience developed by reason and applied continually to further experience:

3) Merely the expression of the will of the strongest for the time being 只是目前势力最大的人的意志的体现

4) Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught. 法律是大苍蝇飞得过、小苍蝇被逮住的蜘蛛网。
lawsuit lawsuit官司
1) A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage —台机器,你进去时是一头猪,出来时成了一根香肠

2) Generally a matter of expense and suspense 大体是一桩关于开销和悬念的事件
lawyer lawyer 律师
1) A man who gets two people to strip for a fight, and then runs off with their clothes 让两个人脱掉衣服打架,然后拿着他们的衣服逃走的人

2) A man who prevents someone else from getting your money 阻止除他自己以外的人拿走你的钱的人

3) A person who writes a 10, 000 word document and calls it a brief 写出一篇万言文件,却称其为简单说明的人

4) One skilled in circumvention of the law 擅长于迂回法律的人

5) Someone good at setting traps of laws 善于设立法律陷阱的人

6) One bent on seeing either the fish dies or the net gets tom 热衷于看到不是鱼死就是使网破的人

7) One who protects us from robbers by taking away the temptation 通过消除强盗的欲望从而保护我们不遭抢劫的人

8) The only man in whom ignorance of the law is not punished 唯一不会因为不懂法律而受惩罚的人

9) A professional advocate hired to bend the law on behalf of a paying client, for this reason considered the most suitable background for entry into politics 职业辩护者,雇来代表付钱的当事人曲解法律,这被认为是进入政界的最好背景

10) Misspelling of "liar"

11) The larva stage of a politician 政客的幼虫阶段

12) A person who goes in after the auditors and strips the bodies 跟着审计员进去扒光里面的人的衣服的人
laziness laziness 懒情
1) The habit of resting before you get tired 不等到累就要休息的习惯

2) Something which walks so slowly that it will soon be caught up with by poverty 走得太慢,很快会被贫穷赶上的一种东西

3) A lock that shuts the store house of wisdom so that you remain forever poor in both work and life 一把锁锁住了智慧仓库,因此你在工作和生活中永远是贫穷的
leader leader 领袖
1) A man who has followers and therefore can't change his mind even if he is wrong 因为有追随者,所以即使错了也不能改变想法的人
leadership leadership 领导
1) Leadership is an action, not position. 领导是行动,不是地位。
learning learning 学问
1) Dust jerked into the empty head from books 从书本里抖落进空荡的脑袋里的灰尘

2) The process of cocksure ignorance to thoughtful uncertainty 从自信的无知到深思熟虑的无自信的过程

3) The kind of ignorance 击stinguishing the studious 使读书人出人头地的一种无知
lecture lecture 授课
1) An art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the students without passing it 不用传递即能把授课人笔记上的信息转移给学生的艺术
lecturer lecturer演讲者
1) One with his hand in your pocket, his tongue in your ear and his : faith in your patience 手伸在你口袋里,舌头伸在你耳朵里,信念寄托在你耐心上的人
legality legality 合法
1) When the judge and his agent are of the same will 法官及其代理人的意愿一致
legend legend 传奇
1) A lie that has attained the dignity of age 因为年代久远而取得了尊严的谎话
leisure leisure 休闲
1) The time you spend on jobs you don't get paid for 把时间花在没有报酬的工作上

2) Something which makes you tired more easily than work 比工作更能使你感到疲乏的事情

3) Free time hard to fill for the poor and enjoyment the rich is after and try to bless 穷人填不满的空余时间,富人追求和呵护的享受

4) Leisure is the most challenging responsibility a man can afford 休闲是一个人所能负担得起的最有挑战性的责任。
leopard leopard豹
1) A dotted lion 有斑点的狮子
lesson lesson教训
1) Correcting one's actions with one's failure and arming oneself with other's mistakes 用自己的失败校正行动,用别人的错误武装自己
letter writing letter writing 写信
1) The only device for combining solitude and good company 把孤独和好伙伴结合起来的唯一办法
lexicographer lexicographer词典编纂家
1) A pestilent fellow who, under the pretense of recording some : particular stage in the development of a language, does what he can to arrest its growth, stiffen its flexibility and mechanize its methods 一个讨厌的家伙,假装记录语言发展的某个特殊阶段,实际上采取一切手段扼杀其发展,使之机械呆板

1) One who pretends to be very good or very bad 假装非常好或非常坏的人

2) A lawyer with a roving commission 没有固定顾主的律师

3) Someone who tells an unpleasant truth 说出令人不高兴的真相的人

4) The lair's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else. 说谎者受到的处罚完全不在于没人相信他,而在于他无法相信任何人。

5) All men are bom truthful and die liars. 所有人生下来时都讲真话,死的时候都是说谎者。
liberal liberal自由主义者
1) A man who leaves the room when the fight begins 一旦打起来便离开屋子的人

2) A person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment 目前其利益尚未受到威胁的人

3) A man who is willing to spend somebody else's money 一个愿意花别人的钱的人
libertine libertine淫荡者
One restrained by his own passion 被自己的激情束缚住的人
liberty liberty 自由
1) One of imagination's most precious possessions 幻想最宝贵的财产之一

2) Naive desire of human beings to want to turn the collar into a banner and let it fly everywhere 人类天真的愿望,想要把衣领改成旗帜,使之到处飘扬

3) The one thing you cannot have unless you give to others 不给予别人自己也无法得到的一种东西

4) Being free from the things we don't like in order to be slaves of the things we do like 可以随意摆脱我们不喜欢的东西,以便成为我们喜欢的东西的奴隶

5) Giving everyone full right to mind everyone else's business 给每个人以全权去管别人的闲事

6) A banner under which stand a collection of people each of whom has a different worry 一面旗帜,集合在该旗下的人各有不同的心事
library library图书馆
1) Tomb of knowledge 知识的坟墓
lickspittle lickspittle阿谀奉承者
1) A blackmailer under another aspect 以另一副面孔出现的敲诈者
lie lie谎言
1) Something which can travel so fast that it can cover half of the world while truth is putting on its shoes 某样跑得非常快的东西,真理还在穿鞋的时候它已跑遍了半个世界

2) A live fish fallen to the ground: it stirs and jumps in agony and may make you feel ill at ease, but it will die if you remain calm 一条落在地上的活鱼,它会痛苦地挣扎乱蹦并让你感到局促不安,但是你只需保持平静它就会死去

3) A very poor substitute for the truth, but the only one discovered to date 真理糟糕的替代品,但却是到目前为止已发现的唯一的替代品

4) An "exaggeration" Mom uses to transform her child's papier- maché volcano science project into a Nobel prize-winning experiment and a full-ride scholarship to Harvard 妈妈的一种夸张,把孩子的纸模型火山实验项目说成会得到诺贝尔奖的实验以及会得到哈佛大学的全额奖学金5) Lying is an indispensable part of making life tolerable. 说谎是使得人们能承受生活所不可缺少的一部分。

6) Actions lie louder than words. 行动说起谎来比言词更厉害。
life life人生
1) A sheet of white paper, thereon each of us may write his word or two 每个人都可以写上关于自己一两句话的一张白纸
2) The art of drawing sufficient conclusion from insufficient premises 根据不充分的前提得出充分结论的艺术

3) One long process of continuously getting tired 一个不断疲劳的漫长过程

4) That brief interlude between no 虚无短暂的插曲

5) A series of trying to make up your mind 下一系列的决心

6) A process made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles with sniffles predominating 由呜咽、啜泣和微笑,主要是由啜泣构成的一个过程

7) More a cross-country run than a 100-meter dash, if we sprint all the time, we not only fail to win the race, but never last long enough to reach the finish line 不是百米冲刺,而是越野长跑;如果始终拼命冲刺,不仅 不会胜利,还永远坚持不到终点

8) Something consists of three ingredients: learning, earning and yearning 由下列三种成分组成的东西:学习、挣钱和思慕

9) Something like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep 某种像洋葱的东西:你只能一层一层地剥开,有时还要流泪

10) A period of time, of which first half is ruined by our parents and second half by our children 前一半被父母毁坏,后一半被孩子毁坏的一段时间

11) A trivial comedy made up of important tragedies 一岀由若干重大的悲剧组成的无足轻重的喜剧

12) A diary in which every man means to write one story, and write another 一本日记,每个人都想写下一个故事,但却写成了另一个 故事

13) A teacher that's always giving you new problems before you've solved the old ones 总是在你还没有解决旧问题时就给你出新问题的老师

14) An infant that must be rocked in its cradle until it falls asleep 一个躺在摇篮里的婴儿,你必须一直摇到他睡着

15) A party at which you arrive after it has begun, and-depart from before it has ended 你到达时早已开始,而不等其结束你就得离开的一个聚会

16) A journey where you are always getting out of one difGculty to find yourself in another 你发现自已总是摆脱一个困难时又陷进了另一个困难的 行程

17) A continuous process of learning new ways to make the same old mistakes 不断学会用新的方式犯同样的老错误的过程

18) A foreign language all men mispronounce it 所有人都发不准音的一种外语

19) A tree that bears various fruits of possibilities 一棵结满各种可能之果的树

20) A labyrinth people spend their first half of their living time to look for its entrance and the other half to look for its exit 让人们花生命的一半时间寻找其入口,花另一半时间寻找 其出口的一座迷宫

21) The sum of four stages of you believe in Santa Clause, you no longer believe in him, you become him yourself, and you really look like him 这么四个阶段的总和:你相信圣诞老人,你不相信圣诞老 人,你是圣诞老人,你看上去像圣诞老人

22) A bike whose speed can be changed but many people have never even tried many of its gears 一辆变速自行车,有很多挡许多人甚至从来没有试过

23) The only game with a purpose of learning its rules 唯一以学习其规则为目的的游戏

24) A process that begins with one's own crying and ends with other's tears 从自己的哭声开始,在别人的泪水中结束的一个过程

25) An interval between two eternities, an instant of light between two darknesses 两个永恒之间的空隙,两块黑暗间发光的瞬间

26) Some interesting event on the way to the tomb 通往坟墓的路上发生的一件趣事

27) A funny journey in which those who get lost may reach the destination first 一种奇怪的旅行,迷路者可能先到达目的地

28) A novel with the ending tom away 撕去了结局的一部小说

29)10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it 10%在于发生了什么,90%在于我如何应付

30) An art that everyone has to learn but nobody can teach 人人必须学,却没有人能教的一门艺术

31) A tragedy for day dreamers, and a comedy for men of action 对于白日做梦者是一场悲剧,对实干家来说是一出喜剧

32) A spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay 使肉体不会腐败的一种精神盐水

33) Something like a roll of toilet paper: the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes 有点像一卷手纸,越是快要到头时越是消耗得快

34) One dodge after another—cars, taxes, and responsibilities 一个接一个的躲闪——躲汽车,躲税,躲责任

35) What happens to you while you are making other plans 你在制订别的计划时发生在你身上的事

36) A first draft, with no rewrite 不能改写的第一稿

37) The whim of several billion cells to be you for a while 几十亿个细胞想临时组成你的突然的念头

38) Learning about people the hard way—by being one 作为人的一员,艰难地弄明白人是怎么回事

39) A carpet woven with sadness and happiness 由痛苦和快乐编织成的一条毯子

40) Some women spend the first part of their lives looking for a husband, and the last part wondering where he is. 有些女人用一生的前半部分时间找一个丈夫,后半部分时 间琢磨他会在哪里。

41) The three essential elements of life are: to pursue real love, to exploit the unknown world, and to sympathize with other people's sufferings. 人生有三大要素:追求真正的爱情,探索未知的世界,同 情他人的痛苦。

42) You have two choices in your life: remain single or get married, after that you can only let fate choose for you. 你一生有两个选择:单身或结婚,此后就只好让命运替你 选择了。

43) On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the Escape key. 在人生的键盘上,一个手指始终要放在退出鍵上。
life insurance life insurance 人寿保险
1) A game in which you have to die to win 你只有死了才能赢的一场游戏

2) Some undertaking that concerns more about how you die rather than your death itself 更关心你如何死亡,而不是你的死亡本身的一种事业

3) A contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die rich 让你终生受穷,以能死得富有的一纸合同
limitation limitation 限制
1) Limitations live only in one's mind. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. 限制只存在于我们心里,要是我们发挥想象力就会有无限的可能性。
linguist linguist语言学家
1) A talented person who can make mistakes in more than one language 会用不止一种语言犯错误的天才

2) Anyone who can make himself misunderstood in more than one language 能用不止一种语言使自己被误解的人

3) A man who has mastered every tongue but his wife's 除了他妻子的语言外,什么语言都已掌握的人
listener listener 听者
1) A good listener is sometimes a man with nothing to say, and sometimes a woman with a sore throat 一个好的听者有时是无话可说的男人,有时是嗓子疼的女人。
literature literature 文学
1) The art of writing something that will be read twice 一种艺术,能写出人们会阅读两遍的作品

2) A kind of intellectual light which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like 一种理智之光,它和阳光一样,有时能使我们看到我们不喜欢的东西

3) News that stays news 永远是新闻的新闻

4) The last rose in summer man uses to console and salve himself, his apprehension of life and pennanent pursue of the : philosophical theme of life and death:

5) The immortal part of history: It is the best and most enduring part of personality 历史不朽的部分:它是个性最美好、最持久的部分

6) There are three kinds of literature: prose, poetry and love-letters. 文学有三种:散文、诗歌和情书。
litigant litigant 诉讼人
1) A person about to give up his skin for the hope of retaining his bones : 准备好舍弃皮肤希望能保住骨头的人
litigation litigation 诉讼
1) A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage 一台机器,你进去时是一头猪,出来时成了一根香肠
local specialty local specialty 土特产
1) Gifts that your superior will accept with an easy conscience 你的上司会心安理得地接受的礼品
logic logic逻辑
1) The art of going wrong with confidence 满怀信心犯错误的艺术

2) An instrument used for bolstering a prejudice 用来支撑偏见的工具

3) The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding 与人类误解的局限和误解完全一致的、思考和推理的艺术
loitering loitering徘徊
1) What one does when he sees the destination but hasn't found the way to it 看到了目的地而尚未找到通路时做的事
loneliness loneliness 孤独
1) The state of mind you sometimes have when you are among a crowd 处于人群中有时会有的一种心态

2) The feeling you cannot chip in when your garrulous wife is talking 你絮絮叨叨的老婆说话你插不上嘴时的感受

3) Forgotten by the moonlight 被月光忘却
longevity longevity 长寿
1) Unusually prolonging the fear to death 异乎寻常地延长对死亡的恐惧
los lngeles Los Angeles 洛杉矶
1) A place where the only way to determine that the seasons have changed is to note that people have changed the main topic of conversation from mud slides to brush fires 一个地方,那里确定季节变化的唯一途径是注意人们谈话的主 题从泥石流转到丛林火灾① ① 洛杉矶是一个令人兴奋、机会颇多的城市,但因地震多发、污染严重、交通拥挤和种族骚乱,也被认为是一个危险的地方。
loss loss损失
1) Losing what we have and what we do not have 失去我们拥有的和并不拥有的任何东西
lottery 彩
lottery 彩票

1) A tax on fools 向傻瓜征收的税

2) A tax on the poor or those who are bad at math 向穷人和算术不好的人征收的税
lounge lounge休息室
1) Any area in a dorm, union or classroom building where the only furniture that isn't soiled, ripped or scarred is immediately stolen 宿舍楼、学生会楼或教学楼里的任何地方,那里只要有家具没 有被弄脏、撕破或留下斑痕,就会立即被偷走
love love爱
1) A feeling you feel you're feeling when you have a feeling you feel you've never felt before 你正感觉到有一种你从来没有感觉过的感觉的感觉

2) A feeling which, even if unrequited, has its rainbow 即使没有得到回报也有其彩虹的一种感觉

3) Two vowels, two consonants, and two fools 两个元音字母、两个辅音字母,加上两个傻瓜

4) A temporary insanity curable by marriage 婚姻可以治愈的短暂精神错乱

5) The only force that makes the world go round 使世界运转的唯一力量

6) The only game that two can play and both win 唯一一种两个人玩两个人都可以赢的游戏

7) A romantic feeling that wakes your sense of honor while it weakens your sense of humor 唤醒你的荣誉感、弱化你的幽默感的一种浪漫的感情

8) To place your happiness in the happiness of another 把你的幸福放在另一个人的幸福上

9) The feeling that flatters your ego while it flattens your wallet 使你的自我意识鼓起来而钱包瘪下去的一种感情

10) The feeling that makes a woman make a man make a fool of himself 让一个女人能使一个男人自己出丑的一种感情

11) A mental disorder that makes a girl eager to give up seven hours in an office to slave fourteen hours in a house 一种神经错乱,它使一个女孩甘心放弃在办公室工作7个小时的差事,而宁可在家里当14个小时奴隶

12) I'll let you play with my life if you'll let me play with yours. 如果你让我拿你的生活开玩笑,我也让你拿我的生活开玩笑。

13) Man's grand delusion that one woman differs from another 男人认为一个女人和另一个女人不一样的堂皇的妄想

14) Something blind, but marriage is the real eye opener 某种盲目的东西,但是婚姻会使你睁开眼睛

15) A state of mind that begins when you think life can't be any better, and ends when you think life can't be any worse 一种心理状态,开始时你觉得生活无比美好,结束时你觉得生活无比糟糕

16) An irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired 一种不可抗拒的想使别人对自己产生不可抗拒的欲望的欲望

17) A sea of emotions entirely surrounded by expenses 被开销所彻底包围的感情的海洋

18) The exchange of two illusions and the contact of two skins 两个幻想的交换,两个皮肤的接触

19) The best medicine 最好的药物

20) The wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise 傻瓜的明智,聪明人的胡闹

21) An attachment to another self 对另一个自我的眷恋

22) What's left in a relationship after all selfishness has been removed 排除了所有自私后剩下的一种关系

23) A fire for which there is no insurance 没有买保险的火灾

24) The business of the idle, the idle of the busy 闲人的正事,忙人的偷闲

25) A word used to label the sexual excitement of the young, the habituation of the middle aged, and the mutual dependence of the old 用以标志青年人的性激情、中年人的习惯、老年人的相依为命的一个词

26) The emotion that a woman always feels for a poodle, and sometimes for a man 女人对卷毛狗始终存在的、有时也对男人存在的感情

27) The last and most serious of the diseases of childhood 儿童时期最后的、也是最严重的病

28) Twin brother of hatred, the more intense one loves, the deeper one hates 恨的李生兄弟,爱得越强烈,恨得越深

29) A contract, both signatories of which agree to exaggerate the good points and reduce the shortcomings of the other 一份合同,签署的双方同意夸大对方的优点,缩小对方的 缺点

30) A magic wand that can transfbnn the most boring life into gold 能把最无聊的生活点化成黄金的魔杖

31) Free extortion in the form of selfless dedication 以无私奉献的形式出现的无偿索取

32) Something very strange: no matter how many times you divide it, it never decreases 一种奇妙的东西,无论你把它分多少次,它都不会减少

33) Something like dough: you have to knead and roll repeatedly to make fine cake 像面团的某种东西,要反复地糅合擀才能做出可口的面点

34) Prelude to life, permanent home of the soul of the deceased, sources of creation, and annotation of the world 生命的前奏,亡灵的归宿,创造的源头,世界的注释

35) A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder 一种短暂的精神错乱,可以通过结婚或使病人远离得病根源而治愈

36) A game played by a man and a woman with their eyes closed, it finishes when one of them opens their eyes 一个男人和一个女人闭着眼睛玩的一场游戏,一旦有一方睁开了眼睛,游戏就结束了

37) The most expensive consumer goods 最贵的消费品

38) The first craze of man and the last line of defense of human nature 人的第一次疯狂,人性的最后一道防线

39) A replenished life like a glass filled with wine 充实了的生活,犹如注满了酒的酒杯
40 ) Two people in love are not gazing at each other but looking into the distance along the same direction. 相爱中的两个人不是彼此凝视,而是向同一个方向眺望。

41) No one is perfect until you fall in love with them. 除非你爱上某人,否则没有人是十全十美的。

42) The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned. 维持得最长久的爱,是没有得到回报的爱。

43) If you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. 爱到痛苦就不再有痛苦,而只有更多的爱。

44) The torch of love is lit in the kitchen. 爱的火炬是在厨房里点燃的。

45) The most slippery word in the human language ; used by knaves to seduce, by fools for comfort, and by most men to placate the female 人类语言中最滑头的词,无赖用之勾引女孩,傻瓜用之安慰自己,而大多数男人用之抚慰女人
love at first sight love at first sight —见钟情
1) What occurs when two extremely homey but not entirely choosy people meet 两个长相极一般,但是不太挑剔的人相遇时发生的事
love letter love letter情书
1) Love's declaration to launch the campaign 爱的竞选宣言

2) A letter that begins by your not knowing what you are going to say, and ends by your not knowing what you have said 开始不知道自己要说些什么,结尾不知道自己已说了些什 么的书信

3) Most horrible works of literature 最惨不忍睹的文学作品

4) Noose paper 纸绞索
love song love song 情歌
1) The song always sun for the one person 永远为某一个人唱的歌
lovelornness lovelornness 失恋
1) Spiritual imbalance caused by over-dependence 过分依赖造成的精神失衡
luck luck运气
1) The comer where preparation meets opportunity 准备碰上机遇的一个角落

2) Your knowing of when to go home, not the best cards you get when gambling 赌博时知道什么时候该回家,而不是拿到最好的牌

3) Opportunity happens to run into your effort 机会碰巧撞上了你的努力

4) What is left after you paid one hundred percent 你100%付出后剩下的东西

5) Rare slip of God when throwing the dice 上帝掷骰子时难得的失误

6) Natural force involved when a man picks up a horseshoe on the road and is knocked by a car into a field of four-leaf clovers, passing under a ladder on the way, as a black cat walks by, getting up and stepping on a mirror hidden in the grass, thereby cracking it, as the shopping bag he was carrying rips open and the package of salt that was in it spills on the ground 这样一个过程涉及的自然力量:一个人在路上捡起一块马蹄铁,被一辆汽车撞到一块长有四片叶子的三叶草地里, 其间经过一架梯子时下面正好有一只黑猫走过,此人站起来正巧踩上一面藏在草里的镜子,把镜子踩碎了,他拿着的购物袋开裂了,购物袋里的一包盐洒翻在地上
Something you do not need, but cannot get along without 你并不需要,但没有又不行的东西
macaroni macaroni通心粉
1) Material for a collage大杂炫的原料
mace mace权杖
1) A stick signifying the authority in an office, its shape hinting how it is used to persuade people of different opinions 办公室里象征权威的一根棍子,其形状暗示如何用之说服持不 同意见的人
machination machination 诡计
1) The method employed by one's opponents in baffling one's open and honorable efforts to do the right thing 对手用以阻挠某人用公开、正宜的办法做正确的事的方法
madness madness 疯狂
1) Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence; not conforming to standards of thought, speech and action derived by the conformists from study of themselves; at odds with the majority; in short, unusual 智力有高度的独立性,思想和言行不符合墨守成规者对自己研 究后得出的标准;和大多数人不一样,一句话,不同寻常
magazine magazine 杂志
1) A bunch of printed pages that tell you whafs coming in the next issue 一叠印有字的、告诉你下一期有什么内容的纸
magic magic魔术
1) An art of converting superstition into coin 把迷信变成钱的艺术

2) An art that puts a maggot into people's head 使人想人非非的艺术
magician magician魔术师
1) A man who cannot earn an honest living unless he practices all sorts of tricks on people 不对人们耍各种花招就没法正正当当谋生的人

2) Someone who fakes open and above board 正大光明地作假者
magistrate magistrate 地方官
1) An executor of the law with not much power but astonishing fatuousness 一个权力不大却昏庸得惊人的执法者
magnificenee magnificenee 壮观
1) Having a grandeur or splendor superior to that to which the spectator is accustomed, as the ears of an ass, to a rabbit, or the glory of a glowworm, to a maggot 与观看者习以为常的东西相比更出彩,如兔子心目中驴子的耳 朵、蛆眼里萤火虫的光芒
magnifying glass magnifying glass 放大镜
1) A tool for making mountains out of molehills 用来小题大做的工具
maid maid女佣
1) A temporary member of the family whose position is a little higher than the male master 地位略高于男主人的家庭临时成员

2) A shadow full of vitality and all kinds of possibility 充满生机和各种可能性的一个影子

3) Someone the hostess pours her to and suspects at the same time 女主人对之说心里话可同时又怀疑的人
major major主修课
1) An area of study that no longer interests you 对你不再有兴趣的学习领域
majorily majorily 多数
1) The quality that distinguishes a crime from a law 区别法律和罪行的一种品质
makeup makeup 化妆
1) False appearance used to prove one's youth 用以证明自己青春的假象

2) Lipstick, eyeliner, blush, etc. which ironically make Mom look younger while making her young daughter look like a "tramp”
male male雄性
1) A member of the unconsidered, or negligible sex 被忽略了的或微不足道的性别的成员
malefactor malefactor 恶人
1) The chief factor in the progress of the human race 人类进步的主要因素① ① 注意malefactor—词可以拆成male (雄性)和factor (因素)两个词。
mammon mammon 财神
1) The god of the world's leading religion, whose chief temple is in the holy city of New York 世界最主要的宗教里的上帝,其主庙在纽约
man man人
1) The only animal that laughs and weeps because he is the only animal that is struck by the difference between what things are and what they ought to be 唯一会笑会哭的动物,因为他是唯一因事物的现状和其本 应有的状态不同而感到伤怀的动物

2) The only animal with brain enough to find a cure for the diseases : caused by his own folly 唯一能找到办法治愈因自己胡闹而造成疾病的聪明动物

3) The only animal that thinks, but he is not what he thinks he is 唯一会思考的动物,但他并不像自己以为的那样了不起

4) The only animal that eats when he is not hungry and drinks when he is not thirsty 唯一不饿时吃东西、不渴时喝水的动物

5) The only animal that goes to sleep when he's not sleepy and gets up when he is 唯一不困时去睡觉而困时却爬起来的动物

6) The only creature that refuses to be what he is 唯一不安本分的生物

7) The only animal to whom an accent is important 对其而言口音至关重要的唯一动物

8) Ideal god in dog‘s mind 狗心中理想的上帝

9) A useful domestic animal, popular with cats 受到猫欢迎的一种驯化了的动物

10) A complex mechanism used to convert coffee into urine 将咖啡转化成尿液的一种复杂的机制

11) Ant in God's eye and god in ant's eye 上帝眼中的蚂蚁,蚂蚁眼中的上帝

12) A god who has lost his position in Heaven 失去了在天堂中位置的神

13) An intelligent creature that is slaved by his organs 受自己的器官奴役的智慧生物

14) An animal that embodies paradox and a bundle of contradictions 一种体现自相矛盾和一大堆外部矛盾的动物

15) A plummet swaying between smile and tears 微笑和眼泪之间的钟摆

16) The only machine that needs to be lubricated with alcohol 唯一要用酒精润滑的机器

17) The only animal that knows that animals grow old 唯一知道动物会变老的动物

18) The only animal that feels insulted when called an animal 唯一在被称为动物时感到受侮辱的动物

19) The only animal that laughs at himself, and he has plenty of reason to 唯一会嘲笑自己的动物,他确实有许多理由这样做

20) The only animal that blushes, or needs to 唯一会脸红或唯一需要脸红的动物

21) The only animal that suffers from the diseases of self-hatred and self-contempt 唯一受到自我痛恨和自我鄙视折磨的动物

22) The only animal that is capable of maintaining good relation with the game before he eats it 唯一在吃掉猎物之前能与之保持友好关系的动物

23) The only creature that allows its children to come back home 唯一允许自己的孩子回家的动物

24) Nature's sole mistake 大自然唯一的错误

25) The only calculating machine so far invented that can reproduce itself 迄今为止所发明的、唯一能复制自己的计算机器

26) A creature made at the end of a week's work when God was tired 上帝工作了一个星期,已经很累时创造的动物

27) A two-footed animal without feather 没有羽毛的两足动物

28) An animal so lost in rapturous contemplation of what he thinks : he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be, Whose chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species 沉溺于自己想象中的自己,而忽视了自己实质上是什么的一种动物,主要忙于消灭同类和其他动物
manner manner 作风
1) A kind of pretended self-cultivation 乔装打扮的自我修养

2) Just a formal expression of how you treat people 只不过是如何对待别人的一个正式的说法

3) Noises you don't make while eating soup 喝汤时不发出来的噪声

4) Good manner are made up of petty sacrifices 好的作风是由许多小的牺牲组成的。
mansion mansion 大厦
1) Monument to the architect 建筑师的丰碑
map map地图
1) A road map is the only place where motorists will find all the roads free from traffic lights, traffic jams and traffic cops. 道路图是开车人所能发现的唯一没有红灯、没有堵车、也没有交通警察的地方。
marriage marriage 婚姻
1) A legal custom by which a man becomes a captive audience for his wife 一个男人由此而成为受制于妻子的听众的法定习俗

2) An unarmed alliance against the outside world 对付外部世界的没有武装的联盟

3) The alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other never forgets 两个人的联盟,一个人从来记不住生日,另一个人则从来不会忘记

4) An equal partnership where he makes the money and she makes the decision 一个平等的伙伴关系,他挣钱,她做决定

5) A partnership where ten percent is what you make it and ninety percent is how you take it 一种伙伴关系,10%在于你怎么组成它,90%在于你怎么看待它

6) A union where the husband's due for the rights of membership amount to his whole take-home pay 一个联合会,丈夫需要缴纳他到手的全部工资作为会费才 能享受到权利

7) A two-party system is which one of the parties acts as if she has the majority vote 两党制,其中一个党表现得好像拥有多数票

8) A deal in which a man gives away half of his groceries in order to get the other half cooked 一笔买卖,男人白送掉他一半的食品,以便有人会替他把 剩下的一半做熟

9) A lottery in which men stake their liberty, and women their happiness 男人以其自由、女人以其幸福作为赌注的一场博彩

10) An endless conversation in which the more the wife talks, the less the husband listens 一次没有终止的会话,妻子说得越多,丈夫听得越少

11) A very expensive way for a man to get his laundry done free 男人最昂贵的免费洗衣服的办法

12) A friendship recognized by the police 警察承认的一种友谊

13) The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making all in two 由一个男主人、一个女主人及两个奴隶组成的社团,但总 共只有两个人

14) A business where the husband is the boss and has his wife's permission to say so 一家公司,由丈夫任老板,但必须妻子允许他这么说

15) A partnership in which two people co-operate for a common purpose against each other 两个人为你争我斗这个共同目标而合作的一种伙伴关系

16) A book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and the remaining chapters in prose 第一章用诗歌写成,其余各章用散文写成的一本书

17) The feminine plot to add to a man's responsibility and subtract from his right 女性的阴谋,它增加了男人的责任,减少了他的权利

18) A continuous process of getting used to things you hadn't expected 一个持续的、逐步习惯没有料到的事物的过程

19) One plus one makes one or three 一加一等于一,或等于三

20) An ideal marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband. 理想的婚姻应是瞎子妻子加上聋子丈夫。

21) An alarm clock that wakes you up from the dream of sweet courtship 让你从甜蜜的恋爱中醒过来的闹钟

22) A button that may start a tragedy or comedy when you press it 按下后可能开始一场悲剧或喜剧的按钮

23) An umbrella which naturally makes you extremely comfortable in rainy days or scorching sun but becomes a nuisance to bring along with in good weather 一把伞,有了它,风雨烈日自然舒适无比;但在风和日丽的天气里,带着就会觉得累赘

24) Sometimes something you have to do because the child needs a father 有时候因为孩子需要一个父亲而你不得不做的事

25) Trying to turn an owl into a dove 试图把猫头鹰变成家鸽

26) The price men pay for sex and sex is the reward women give marriage 男人为性付出的代价,而性是女人给婚姻的报酬

27) A lottery ticket you cannot tear even if you have lost the game 即使输了也不能撕的一张彩票

28) The joint life of two people, the problem lies in whose life, his or hers?

29) A dilapidated building you don't know when it will collapse ; you won't realize it when it is too late 一座不知道何时会垮的危楼,等你意识到时已经太晚了

30) A cactus everybody would like to have a bite with eyes closed 一种所有人都想闭着眼睛尝一尝的仙人掌

31) Only sport in which the trapped animal has to buy the license 唯一必须由被捕获的动物购买许可证书的运动

32) Foreplay for divorce 离婚的先期准备活动

33) A legal or religious ceremony by which two persons of the opposite sex solemnly agree to harass and spy on each other for ninety-nine years, or until death do them join 法律或宗教的仪式,两个异性的人庄严地同意互相折磨、 监视99年,或直到死亡使他们结合在一起

34) A process whereby love ripens into vengeance 爱情成熟为报复的过程

35) An old, established institution, entered into by two people deeply in love and desiring to make a commitment to each other expressing that love—in short, commitment to an institution 由两个深深相爱的人组成的一种古老的机构,目的是要表达相互的爱的承诺——简言之,对一个机构的承诺

36) A trap with the most beautifully decorated entrance 入口装饰得最漂亮的陷阱

37) Convertible bonds① 可兑现的契约
marriage certificate marriage certificate 结婚证书
1) A licence that makes it legal for a woman to drive a man or to be driven by a man 使一个女人驾驭男人或被男人所驾驭合法化的证书

2) A document always recorded in black and white in order to show its true color 一份白纸黑字写成,以便显露出其真实色彩的文件
martyr martyr 烈士
1) A man who loses his head by sticking his neck out因伸出脖子而掉脑袋的人
martyrdom martyrdom 殉难
1) The only way in which a man can become famous without ability 唯一不需要能力却能成名的途径
mask mask面具
1) An object of ornament so often used by man that it is now indistinguishable from man's face 一种装饰品,由于人类常用而无法将它和脸区分开来
master master 大师
1) Those who can find beauty in common things people see every day 能在人们每天都见到的普通事物中发现美的人

2) Someone who can still talk endless downright nonsense after death 死后仍能废话连篇的人
materialism materialism唯物主义
1) Political dissent against the autocratic rule of God 反对上帝独裁统治的不同政见
mathematics mathematics 数学
1) The queen of science 科学的女王

2) The subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true 这样一门学科,我们从来不知道在谈论什么,也不知道我们所说的是否是真的
matrimony matrimony 结婚
1) A process that turns a woman from an attraction into a distraction 使妇女吸引人的事物变成让人分散注意力的过程

2) A popular form of disagreement where the husband thinks the wife should spend less, and the wife thinks the husband should earn more 一种常见的意见不一致的形式:丈夫认为妻子应该少花些, 妻子认为丈夫应该多挣些

3) A bright but not dazzling light, a loud but not jarring sound9 a smile ignoring rumbling sensation, and an indifference to extremes 明亮而不刺眼的光,响亮而不刺耳的声音,不理会哄闹的 微笑,对极端的淡漠
maturity maturity 成熟
1) The age at which you begin to realize there are more things you don't know than you do 开始认知到自己不懂的东西比懂得的要多的年纪

2) A capacity to show consideration for others' thinking and feelings while expressing one's own feelings and belief 在表达自己的感情和信念的同时,还能兼顾他人的想法和 感受的本领
mausoleum mausoleum 陵墓
1) The final and funniest folly of the rich 富人做的最后一件最愚蠢的事
maxim maxim箴言
1) A saying of maximum repetition and minimum value 重复最多、价值最小的一种说法

2) Foot prints of the thinker 思索者的脚印
maybe maybe也许
1) Mom's word for “no” 妈妈表示“不”的词语
meaning meaning 意思
1) Something not to be totally disclosed 不能完全说穿的某种东西
measuring cup measuring cup 量杯
1) A kitchen utensil that is stored in the sandbox 储存在沙盘里的一种厨房用具
medal medal奖章
1) A small metal disk given as a reward for virtues, attainments or services more or less authentic 一种金属小圆片,对多少有点可信的美德、成就或贡献的报酬
medicine medicine 医学
1) The practice of medicine has advanced so much in recent years that it is impossible not to find something wrong with you. 近年来医学的发展突飞猛进,不可能不在你身上发现某种疾病。
mediocrity mediocrity平凡的人
1) A person who can explain everything, is surprised at nothing 一个什么都能解释,对什么都不会感到惊讶的人
meditation meditation 冥想
1) The manners a foolish person puts up in a crowd of clever people 蠢人在聪明人堆里装出来的样子
meekness meekness温顺
1) Uncommon patience in planning a revenge that is worthwhile 制订一项值得做的复仇计划时不寻常的耐心
meeting meeting会议
1) An experience of sitting in the jail, where the chairman makes attendants fully understand the preciousness of freedom by prolonging the meeting as much as he can 一种坐牢的体验,主持人为了让出席者充分懂得自由的珍贵,尽量拖长会议的时间

2) The value of a meeting is in the inverse proportion of each other. 一个会议的价值和出席的人数成反比。

3) An assembly of people coining together to decide what person or department not represented in the room must solve a problem 一些人集合起来以决定屋里没有代表的哪个人或哪个部门 必须解决的问题
meeting room 会议
meeting room 会议室

1) A place where everyone speaks but not one listens, and everyone disagrees 每个人都在说但没有人在听,而且每个人都表示不同意的地方

2) An ideal place to nap off, or for men to cotton up to others and for women to knit 最理想的打瞌睡场所,或者男人拉关系、女人打毛衣的理想场所
memo memo备忘录
1) An office communication often written for the benefits of the person who sends it than the person who receives it 办公室通信方式的一种,写下来更多是为了对写的人而不是看的人有好处
memory memory 记忆
1) What is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen 某件事发生了,但尚未完全消失时剩下的东西

2) A mental process that enables us to forget a lesson in half the time it takes to leam it 一个脑力过程,使我们只要用一半的时间就能忘记花很多 时间才能学会的功课

3) What makes you wonder what you've forgotten to do 一种东西,它让你琢磨你忘了做什么事情

4) What makes you try to remember what you forget 一种东西,它让你设法记起你忘记了什么

5) A crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food 收集各色破布却扔掉食物的疯女人

6) What tells a man that his wife's birthday was yesterday 告诉一个男人昨天是他妻子生日的某种东西

7) Something that tempers prosperity, consoles adversity, cautions youth, and delights old age 成功的考验,逆境中的安慰,青年的提醒者,老年人的快乐

8) Every man's memory is his private literature. 每个人的记忆都是他的个人文学。
menu menu菜单
1) A list of dishes the restaurant has just run out of 餐馆刚卖完的菜的单子

2) What you'll never see again after buying a computer because you'll be too poor to eat in a restaurant 买了计算机后很少见到的单子,因为你穷得没有钱下馆子了
mermaid mermaid美人鱼
A bottomless① girl in a topless suit 穿着无上装礼服、裸露下身的姑娘
merchant merchant 商人
1) One who uses his whole lifetime to sell retail or wholesale his true visage 用一生时间零售或批发出售自己真实面目的人
mercy mercy慈悲
1) An attribute beloved of detected offenders 已被发现的犯有罪行的人喜爱的一种品行
metaphor metaphor 隐喻
1) Epitomes of the whole creativity of mankind 人类全部创造力的缩影
metaphysics metaphysics形而上学
1) The science of proving what we don't understand 证明我们不懂得的事物的科学
meteor meteor 流星
1) The only loafer in the universe who cares about nothing 宇宙里唯一什么也不放在心上的浪荡子
meteorologist meteorologist 气象学家
1) A man who can look into women's eye and predict weather 一个可以通过观察女人的眼睛预报天气的人

2) One who uses reverse psychology with mother nature; when he says it will rain, it won't 会用天赋的逆向心理的人,他说要下雨,肯定不会下

3) One who doubts the established fact that it is bound to rain if you forget your umbrella 怀疑这样的既有事实的人:你忘了带伞就一定会下雨
metropolis metropolis 大都市
1) A stronghold of provincialism 地方主义的堡垒
microsecond microsecond 微妙
1) The amount of time required for a program to hang up 一个程序意外停机需要的时间

2) The unit of time that measures how long that new computer is state-of-the-art 衡量新计算机保持最领先技术的时间单位
middle age middle age中年
1) When your age starts to show at your middle你的年龄开始在身体中间显示出来的时候

2) The time in life when work begins to be less fiun and fun begins to be a lot more work 人生中这样一段时间,工作开始变得不那么有趣,但要费力做更多工作才会觉得有趣

3) The period in a man's life when he has more on his mind, but less on his head 男人生活中的一个阶段,脑袋里面东西多了,脑袋上面东西少了

4) The time in life when youVe old enough to know better, but young enough to keep doing it 人生中的一段时间,你到了知道不该这么做的年龄,却觉得自己还年轻而继续这么做

5) The time in life when one keeps putting back the time when middle age sets in 人生中一个人不断地推迟中年来到的时间的一段时间

6) The period when we can do just as much as ever, but would rather not 我们能做得和以前一样多,但宁可不这样做的一个阶段

7) The period of one's life when one can do everything one used to do, but not until tomorrow 人生中这样一个阶段,他能做过去习惯做的所有事情,但 要放到明天去做

8) The time in life when you stop criticizing the older generation and start criticizing the younger generation 人生中的一段时间,此时你不再批评老一代,而开始批评年青一代

9) The period when a man's hairline goes back and his waistline goes forward 一个人的发际线往后退、腰围线向前挺进的阶段

10) When actions creak louder than words① 动作比语言更响的时候
① 这是模仿谚语Actions speak louder than words (事实胜于雄辩)的变体。

11) The time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel just as good as ever 这么一段时间,总觉得再过一两个星期自己就会感觉像以往一样好

12) The time in life when it takes you longer to rest than to get tired 人生中的一段时间,你觉得很快就会累,但要很长时间才 能恢复过来

13) When a man says he is going to begin saving next month 男人说他下个月要开始存钱的时候

14) When you're willing to get up and give your seat to a lady and can't 你愿意站起来给一位女士让座,却又力不从心的时候

15) When your money is shorter but your experience longer, and when your vitality is lower but your forehead higher 你的记忆短了,但是经验长了;你的活力低了,但是额头 高了

16) The time when your children tell you that youle driving too slow and your parents tell you that you're driving too fast 你的孩子嫌你车开得太慢,而你的父母嫌你车开得太快的时候

17) An interlude between two periods: when time marches on, and when time runs out 时间在向前进和时间快用完了这两个阶段中的插曲

18) The time in life when you are determined to cut down on your calories some day in the near future 人生中的这样一段时间,你下决心在最近某一天减少卡路 里

19) The time in life when you haven5t enough wind to blow out the candles on your birthday cake in one breath 你已经没有足够的力气一口气吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛的人 生阶段

20) The period when the old complain to you about the young, and the young complain to you about the old 这样一个阶段,老年人在你面前说青年人不好,青年人在你面前说老年人不好

21) When anything new in the way you feel is mostly likely a symptom 你的任何新感觉都很可能是一个症状的时候

22) The period when too much food and too little sleep make a person thick and tired 吃得太多睡得太少会让人变得身材粗壮、感到疲惫不堪的 那个阶段

23) When you don't care where you go just so long as you're home by ten 你觉得只要能在十点钟回到家里,到哪里去都无所谓的 时候

24) The time in life when you act like 18 one night, and feels like 118 the morning after 生活中的这样一个时刻,头一天晚上你行动起来像18岁的青年,第二天早上感觉像118岁的老人

25) When you're sitting at home on Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn't for you 星期六晚上坐在家里,电话铃响了,你却但愿不是打给你的

26) When your old classmates are so gray and wrinkled and bald they don't recognize you 你的老同学头发变白、满脸皱纹或者已谢顶,因此他们都认不出你来了的时候

27) The time in life when a woman stops counting years, and starts counting calories 人生的一段时间,女人停止计算年份而开始计算卡路里

28) The time in life when a woman's curves turn into circles女人的曲线变成圆圈的时候

29) After middle age the days go two at a time. 过了中年,日子两天两天地过去。

30) The time when you first suspect your body is betraying you 你第一次怀疑你的身体背叛你的时候

31) The time when people around you suddenly become young 当周围的人突然变得年轻的时候

32) The time when you begin to feel you would rather stay at home to have a rest than going out 开始觉得宁愿待在家里休息而不愿外出的时候

33) The time when you see more things than you would like to see 你看到的东西比你想看到的东西要多的时候

34) When you admit you are also a common person 承认自已也是凡人的时候

35) When you often fail to find your looking glasses 常常找不到眼镜的时候

36) When you decide the mirror in the bathroom is a liar 认定浴室里的镜子是一个说谎者的时候

37) When you begin to find the letters are too small in printed matters 你开始发觉印刷物上字体太小的时候

38) The middle point between birth and death 出生和死亡的中点

39) The age when your thin waist and broad mind begin to change shapes 你狭窄的腰肢和宽广的胸怀开始交换形象的年纪

40) When bustling youth matures into dignity and strenuous social duty melts into daily living 喧嚣的青春成熟为端庄,繁重的社会责任溶化为日常生活

41) At 50 everyone has the face he deserves. 50岁的时候,每个人的脸都是理该如此。
midwife midwife助产士
1) Someone who provides food for the devil 为魔鬼提供食物的人
milestone milestone 里程碑
1) The most unsociable thing in the world that always keeps a distance from his fellows 世界上最不善于交际,永远和同伴保持距离的东西
military rank military rank 军衔
1) The hallmark of one's position in the army, though its system varies in different countries, the same principle is followed everywhere: in peace the higher rank walks in front and in war the lower rank walks in front 一个人在军队里的地位的标志都追随同一个原则:和平时军衔高的走在前面,战争时军衔低的走在前面,尽管其在各国的系统五花八门
millionaire millionaire 百万富翁
1) A man with the most relatives 亲戚最多的人

2) The only person who receives letters from second cousins 唯一收到远房表兄弟姐妹来信的人
mind mind心思
1) A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain, whose chief activity consists in the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself with 大脑分泌的一种神秘物质,其主要活动在于弄明白自己的性质,可是由于不能利用本身以外的东西来了解自己,所以怎么试也没有成功

2) A round worm parasitizes in people which no vermifuge can drive out !
minister minister 部长
1) An agent of a higher power with a lower responsibility 更高权力的代理人,但只负较低的责任
miracle miracle奇迹
1) Anything that is thoroughly well done 一切干得彻底漂亮的事情

2) An act or event out of the order of nature and unaccountable, as beating a normal hand of four kings and an ace with four aces and a king 违反常规而无法解释的行为或事件,比如用四张A和一张 K打败四张K和一张A mirror mirror 镜子
1) The only thing not afraid to talk back to a woman 唯一不怕对女人回嘴的东西

2) The root of aU. human hallucination 人类所有幻觉的根源

3) A vitreous plane upon which to display a fleeting show for man's disillusion given 显示短暂的形象,使人清醒的一块平面玻璃

4) A truthful reflector shunned by vampires, hypocrites and aging fashion models 吸血鬼、伪君子和大龄模特躲开的真相反射体
misanthrope misanthrope愤世嫉俗者
1) One who distrusts people who flatter him, and dislikes people who don't 这样一个人,他不信任吹捧他的人,又讨厌不吹捧他的人
misdemeanor misdemeanor 轻罪
1) An infraction of the law having less dignity than a felony and constituting no claim to admittance into the best criminal society 犯法但没有重犯那么尊严,不得进入最佳罪犯社会
miser miser守财奴
1) A poor wretch who has nothing but money 除了钱之外什么也没有的穷光蛋

2) A person who lives poor so that he can die rich 一生过穷日子,以求死时富有的人
miserly miserly吝啬
1) A step further than frugality 比节俭多走了一步
misery misery 苦难
1) Step-stone for the talented, wealth for the capable and abyss for the weak 天才的垫脚石,能干者的财富,弱者的深渊
misfortune misfortune 不幸
1) The gift you receive after you criticize your superior in public当众批评上司后收到的礼物

2) The kind of fortune that never misses 那种永远不会错过的运气① ① 注意:misfortune 一词拆开就是miss fortune (错过了幸运)。

3) The best college, especially for building up one's character 最好的大学,尤其是能培养人格
miss miss小姐
1) The tide with which we brand unmarried women to indicate that they are in the market 用以给未婚的女人打上标签的称号,表明她们供出售
missionary missionary 传教士
1) A person who teaches cannibals to say grace before they eat him教食人者在吃掉他之前先祷告的人
mist mist薄雾
1) Rain that just isn't trying very hard 没有使劲下的雨
mistake mistake错误
1) Having done something you think correct at an improper time and an improper place 在不合适的时间和不合适地点干了一件你自认为正确的事情

2) Something everybody makes sometimes but only those exceptional dare to admit 人人都会在某个时候难免、但只有少数超凡者才敢承认的事情

3) The biggest mistake is to be airaid of making mistakes.最大的错误是怕犯错误。
mistress mistress 情妇
1) A woman who walks bravely toward the whirlpool of emotion because she wants to develop a line of poem to a novel 为了把一行诗扩展成一部长篇小说而勇敢走向感情旋涡的女人
mixed emotions mixed emotions 复杂心情
1) The feeling one gets while watching one9s mother-in-law drive over a cliff in one's brand-new BMW 看到丈母娘开着自己崭新的宝马车翻下悬崖时的感受
moan moan呻吟
1) Sound effect that is less loud but can win more sympathy than shouting 比喊叫轻、却能赢得更多同情的音响效果
model husband model husband 模范丈夫
1) One who is smart enough to earn a lot of money, and foolish enough to give it all to his wife 一个很聪明、能挣很多钱,又傻到把钱全交给妻子的人
moderation moderation 适度
1) A guy who makes enemies left and right 一个左右都结仇的家伙
modern dance modern dance现代舞蹈
1) The modem dance is no dance in the first place, and when you've finally learned it, ifs not modem any more. 首先,现代舞蹈不是舞蹈,而等你学会了,就不再是现代的了。
modern music modern music现代音乐
1) The kind of music that forces you to listen by its high decibel and nobody will find out when the performer makes any mistake 以其高分贝强迫你听,而且表演者演奏错了你也发现不了的一 种音乐
modernization modernization 现代化
1) Never falling behind, not even in going backwards 永不落伍,哪怕是倒退的时候
modesty modesty 谦虚
1) The color of virtue 美德的色彩

2) The art of encouraging people to find out for themselves how wonderful you are 鼓励人们自己去发现你有多了不起的艺术

3) The practice of withholding from others the high opinion you hold of yourself 暂时不告诉别人你对自己非常高的评价的做法

4) A delicate form of hypocrisy 一种形式微妙的虚伪

5) The only sure bait when you angle for praise 唯一有把握能钓取称赞的诱饵

6) An art encouraging others to find one's own ability so as to raise one's charm by pretence 鼓励别人发现自己的能力、用假装来提高自己魅力的一种 艺术

7) The expression of a rabbit seeing a wolf 兔子见到狼时的表情

8) Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness 摆出很舒坦的样子,让人发现你的伟大
monday Monday 星期一
1) In Christian countries, the day after the baseball game 基督教国家里棒球比赛的下一天

2) The day when men spout eloquent speeches commenting on various professional league matches 男人们滔滔不绝地评论各种职业联盟赛的日子
money money金钱
1) The root of all evil 万恶之源

2) The most efficient labor-saving device ever invented 迄今所发明的、最有效的省力的东西

3) The most egalitarian force in society, conferring power on whomever holds it 社会最平等的力量,不管是谁,拥有它就被赋以权力

4) The lover of all men and women in the world 天下所有男人和女人的情人

5) A sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five 没有它你就无法完全运用其他五种感官的第六感官

6) A commodity that is constandy changing hands—and people 不断转手——也不断在改变人的一种商品

7) A singular thing ranking with love as man's greatest source of joy, and with death as his greatest source of anxiety 一种奇特的东西,它和爱情一样是人最大乐趣的源泉,又 和死亡一样是最大忧虑的源泉

8) For the average individual, something that is simply a goal; for the politician, it is power; for the liberal it is freedom; for the middle class, it is stature ; but for the poor, it is everything 对普通人而言只是一个目标;对政客而言意味着权力;对 自由主义者而言是自由;对中产阶级而言象征着境界;对穷人而言是他们的一切

9) Something a man works hard to bring home and a woman does her best to take out 男人努力工作往家里带,女人想方设法往外拿的某种东西

10) A slip of paper with special patterns that will boost one's feeling but reduce love 带有特殊图案的纸片,能使人的感情上升,但使爱情下降

11) The eyes of the Devil 魔鬼的眼睛

12) A terrible master but an excellent servant 糟糕的主人,杰出的仆人

13) That which you swap for what you think will make you happy 用以交换你认为能使你幸福的东西的东西

14) A yardstick used to measure how miserly a person is 用以衡量一个人有多小气的尺度

15) Something which never makes a fool out of anyone ; it just spotlights them 不会使任何人变傻,但却会给傻瓜打上聚光灯的某种东西

16) A blessing that is of no advantage to us excepting when we part with it, an evidence of culture and a passport to polite society 只有同其分手后才有用的一种赐福,文化的一种证明,通 往礼貌社交的护照

17) Something that satisfies and disappoints people tnost easily 最容易使人满足、也最容易使人失望的某种东西

18) The element in life which makes stupidity shine 人生中使愚蠢发光的成分

19) A specie which won't buy happiness, but will pay the salaries of a large research staff to study the problem 买不来幸福、却能雇大量的人研究这个问题的一枚硬币

20) Two classes of people worry about money: those who have too little and those who have too much. 有两种人为钱担心:钱太少的人和钱太多的人。
money lender money lender 放债人
1) Someone who serves in the present tense, lends you in the conditional mood, keeps you in the subjunctive, and ruins you in the future 以现在时为你服务,以条件语气借钱给你,使你处于虚拟语气之中,在将来毁掉你的人
money making money making 挣钱
1) Making money is a pleasure, but leaving a pile of money to your children will deprive them of the pleasure. 挣钱是一种乐趣,可是把一大堆钱留给孩子会剥夺他们这 一乐趣。 "

2) Making money is inhaling the air and donating money is exhaling, and breathing means the combination of the two. 挣钱是嘤气,捐赠是呼气,呼吸是两者的结合。
monkey monkey 猴子
1) The animal that claims to be the king of animals only when the tiger is away 只有老虎不在的时候才敢称自己是大王的动物
monopolist monopolist 垄断者
1) A man who keeps an elbow on each ann of his theater chair 坐在剧院的椅子上,把胳膊放在两边扶手的人

2) A person who always knows better than you do what is bad for you 一个总比你更清楚什么对你有害的人
monopoly monopoly垄断
1) If you don't cooperate with us in this enterprise, we will sue you until you go bankrupt:
monument monument纪念碑
1) A building on which the name of a person is carved as a proof that he has disappeared 刻上某人姓名,证明他已消失的建筑物

2) A structure intended to commemorate something which either needs no commemoration or cannot be commemorated 意在纪念不需要纪念或无法纪念的事物的一个建筑
moon moon月亮
1) Something which shows off by borrowing sunlight, thus often hiding : itself, changing its appearance every day and is afraid of the sun 借太阳的光辉炫耀自己,常常躲躲藏藏,每天改头换面、害怕太阳的东西
moped moped 机动自行车, 轻便摩托车, 助动车
1) Horse of civilized people, which does not eat grass but occasionally takes a bite of people's flesh 文明人的马,不吃草,但偶尔会咬一口人肉
moralist moralist道德家
1) One who wants you to live your life his way 想要你按他的方式生活的人

2) A person who always overlooks the difference between what he is and what he wants you to be 总是忽略自己的为人和他要求你的为人之间的差别的人

3) Someone who never seems to run out of ideas on what other people ought to do 对别人该干什么似乎有无穷无尽的想法的人
morality morality道德观念
1) The theory that every human act must be either right or wrong, and that 99 percent of them are wrong 一种理论,认为每个人的行为非对即错,而99%是错的

2) Truth in full bloom 盛开着花的真理

3) The custom of one's country: Cannibalism is moral in a cannibal country 一个人所在的国家的习惯:在一个吃人的国度里,吃人是 合乎道德的

4) Just a derivative of intelligence 只不过是智力的衍生物

5) That instinctive sense of right and wrong that tells people how everyone else should behave 直觉的是非感,它告诉人们所有的别人应该有怎样的举止
moron moron低能儿
1) A person who proofreads the Xerox copy against the original 拿复印件同原稿校对的人

2) Someone that spent all night studying for a blood test 为了验一次血而整夜进行研究的人
mosquito mosquito 蚊子
1) A flying hypodermic needle 会飞的皮下注射针

2) A small animal that likes humming operas but ig afraid of applause 喜欢哼歌剧、却害怕鼓掌的一种小动物

3) An insect that makes you like flies better 使让你更喜欢苍蝇的一种昆虫

4) A polite gentleman who announces his visit beforehand with a song and leaves you some touchable gift on your skin when he leaves 一位有礼貌的君子,来时先唱歌通报,走时在你皮肤上留下一个摸得着的礼物
mother mother母亲
1) Chairman of board of a family 家庭的董事长

2) A housewife whose idea of leisure is the free time she has to indulge in other domestic chores 一位家庭妇女,她认为休闲就是有时间可以享受做其他家务的乐趣

3) The woman who persistently shields you and finally ruins your future 一味袒护你,最终使你没有出息的那个女人

4) A woman who calls you darling and whom your father calls darling 叫你“宝贝”,而你父亲叫她为“宝贝”的女人

5) The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind 人类嘴上说的最美的词

6) The person who feeds the mouth that bites her 喂咬她手的那张嘴的人
mother-in-law mother-in-law 丈母娘
1) A teller who gets the richest income during her daughter's courtship 女儿恋爱期间收入最丰的出纳员

2) To a married man the most troublesome woman besides his wife 对已婚男人而言,除了妻子之外最麻烦的女人
mothers day mothers day母亲节
1) A holiday celebrated by letting mother cook a bigger dinner than on any other Sunday 这样来庆祝的一个节日:让母亲做一顿比任何星期天都丰盛的饭
motive motive动机
1) A wolf in a sheep's skin 披着羊皮的狼
mouse mouse 老鼠,鼠标
1) mouse 老鼠
An animal which strews its path with fainting women 用晕倒的妇女点缀自己通道的一种动物

2) mouse鼠标
An advanced input device to make computer errors easier to generate 使计算机更容易产生错误的先进输入装置
mouth mouth嘴巴
1) In man, the gateway to the soul ; in woman, the outlet of the heart 男人通往灵魂的大门;女人宣泄感情的出口

2) The grocers friend, the dentisfs fortune, the oratofs pride, and the fool's trap 杂货商的朋友,牙医的财富来源,演说家的骄傲,傻瓜的陷阱

3) A wonderful thing: It starts working the moment you are bom and never stops until you stand up to speak in public 一个奇妙的东西:你一生下来它就开始不停地工作,可是 当你面对公众要发表讲话时它却不灵了
movie star movie star电影明星
1) A beautiful bubble thafs constandy blown up by a press agent 广告宣传员不断吹大的一个美丽的肥皂泡
mower mower割草机
1) The best means to eradicate surplus value 消灭剩余价值的最佳手段

2) Man's fight against spring 人反抗春天的斗争
mugwump mugwump骑墙派
1) In politics one afflicted with self-respect and addicted to the vice of independence 政治上为自尊所痛苦,而又沉溺于独立之罪的人
murder murder 谋杀
1) Capital punishment without the agreement of the victim 没有得到被害者同意的极刑
museum museum博物馆
1) A store where you pay but cannot take anything away 花了钱却不能拿走任何东西的铺子
music music音乐
1) The universal omnipotent language 世界通用的万能语言

2) A picture you see when you close your eyes 闭上眼睛能看见的图画

3) The arithmetic of sounds 声音的算术

4) Improved noise, made by those who can no longer bear the mess of noises of life 无法再忍受生活中杂乱的噪音的人们改进过的噪音

5) The only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing 不能用来表达卑鄙或讽刺的唯一一种语言

6) Something in which one must think with the heart and feel with the brain 必须用心去想、用脑去感受的某种东西

7) Not only well composed sound but also a picture you can see when you close your eyes 不仅是组合得很好的声音,而且是闭上眼睛看得见的图画

8) Another woman who talks charmingly and says nothing 说话非常迷人,但什么也没说的另一个女人
musicologist musicologist 音乐学家
1) Someone who can read music but can't hear it一个能读乐谱却听不到音乐的人
mustang mustang 野马
1) An indocile horse of the western plains in America but In English society referring to the American wife of an English nobleman 美国西部平原的一种难以驯服的马,可是在英国社会指英国贵族娶的美国妻子
mystery mystery 神秘
1) Something which can be better tasted by the more ignorant 越是无知的人越能品味的东西
myth myth神话
1) Ancient gossip 古代的闲话

2) Most myths begin with wLong time ago", but a few begin with “If I am elected"
nagging nagging 唠叨
1) A woman whose ability to remember is only exceeded by her N inability to forget 这样一个女人,唯一超过她记忆力的只有她忘不掉的能力

2) The lesson the husband has to attend to every day when he comes home 丈夫每天回家必须听的课
nail nail钉子
1) Something afraid of a hole fatter than itself 害怕窟窿比自己胖的东西
naive naive 天真无邪的
1) Anyone who thinks you are interested when you ask how he is 你问他好吗,他认为你真的对他的健康感兴趣的人
name name名字
1) Something belonging to you but used by others more often 属于你,但别人用得更多的某样东西

2) A symbol which accompanies you all your life and you can not shake off 一辈子跟着你、摆脱不了的一个符号
nap nap午休
1) Nature's way of reminding you that life is nice—like a beautiful, softly swinging hammock strung between birth and infinity 大自然提醒你生活是多么美好的一种方式,就像挂在出生和无 限之间一只轻轻摇晃的吊床
national debt national debt 国债
1) A public debt that the private citizens have to pay 公民们个人不得不偿还的一笔公共债务
nature nature大自然
1) An infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere 圆心随处都在,圆周哪儿也不在的一个无限的圆
necessity necessity 需要
1) The mother of invention, especially the invention of lies 发明之母,尤其是发明谎言之母

2) The idea for every infringement of human freedom—the argument of tyrants and the creed of slaves 侵犯人类自由的辩辞一暴君的借口,奴隶的信条
neck neck脖子
1) The thing that keeps you from having a head on your shoulders 避免让你的头直接长在肩膀上的那个东西
necklace necklace 项链
A very expensive lasso used to harness a woman with 用来套住女人的昂贵的套索
negotiation negotiation 谈判
1) The art of persuading your opponent to take the nice shiny copper penny and give you the wrinkled old paper money 说服对手去拿那枚精致闪光的铜币,而把那张皱了的旧纸币给你的艺术

2) Seeking a meeting of minds without knocking together of heads 寻求心灵相通时避免脑袋相撞
neighbor neighbor 邻居
1) Someone who knows your privacy and scandal better than you yourself 比你自己更了解你的隐私和丑闻的人

2) A person you don't know well enough to dislike, or a person you know too well to like 一个你还没有熟悉到不喜欢的人,或一个你太熟悉了而感 到不喜欢的人

3) One whom we are commanded to love as ourselves, and who does all he knows how to make us disobedient 值得我们像爱自己一样去爱的人,那人却尽其所能让我们做不到这一点

4) Those who enjoy all welfare but never concern themselves about public affairs 享受所有福利待遇,却对公共事业毫不关心的人

5) A good neighbor is one who smiles at you over the back fence, but never climbs it. 好邻居是在屋后篱笆那边对你微笑却从不爬过篱笆的人。
nervousness nervousness神经过敏
1) Used to describe one who asks which wine goes best with fingernails 用以描号问喝哪种酒手指甲最下酒的人
neurotic neurotic神经病者
1) A person who can't leave being well enough alone无法被打扰自由自在的人

2) A person who worries about things that didn't happen in the past, instead of worrying about something that won't happen in the future, like all us normal people 像我们所有正常人一样的人,不去担心将来不会发生什么, 而是担心过去没有发生过的事
net net网
1) Many holes tied together with a string 用一根线绑在一起的许多窟窿
news news新闻
1) History shot on the wing 在飞翔中被射中的历史

2) Anything that causes a woman to say, " My goodness! ” 会使女人叫“我的天哪!”的任何事情

3) The first rough draft of history 历史的第一遍初稿

4) The art of making people feel that the world is changing 让人感到世道在变的艺术

5) An illusion created by two people talking fast for 45 seconds 两个人快速谈论45秒钟创造的一种幻象

6) Condiment of life made by some people for some other people 一部分人制造出来,供给另一部分人的生活调料
newspaper newspaper 报纸
1) The mirror of the world 世界的镜子

2) A circulating library with high blood pressure 血压很高的流动图书馆
news report news report新闻报道
1) The most reliable rumor that gives people more reason to love life 使人们有更多的理由热爱生活的最可靠的谣言
nickname nickname 绰号
1) The hardest stone that the devil can throw at a man 魔鬼扔过来砸人的最硬的石头

2) A window to watch society and life 观察社会和人生的一个窗口
nirvana nirvana 涅磐
1) In the Buddhist religion, a state of pleasurable annihilation awarded to the wise, particularly to those wise enough to understand it 佛教中赐予智者的一种快乐无比的湮灭的方法,尤其是那些有 足够智慧理解该方法的人
nobleman nobleman 贵族
1) Title provided by Nature for wealthy American minds ambitious to incur social distinction and suffer high life 大自然提供给那些有志于出人头地而忍受上流社会生活的有钱美国人的头衔
nobel prize Nobel prize诺贝尔奖
1) Nobel Prize money is a lifebelt thrown to a swimmer who has already reached the shore in safety. 诺贝尔奖金是抛给已安全游到岸边的游泳者的救生圈。
noise noise噪声
1) A stench in the ear, and the chief product of civilization 耳朵里的臭气,文明的主要产物

2) Undomesticated primitive music 没有驯化的原始音乐
nomination nomination 提名
1) Designating for the heaviest political assessment, or putting forward a suitable person to incur the mud-gobbling and dedicating of the opposition 指定一个人承受最苛刻的政治评价,或推荐一个合适的人以引 发反对派大泼脏水和抨击
nonchalance nonchalance 冷漠
1) half of death半个死亡
non professional non professional 外行
1) Usually the person who directs what you do 通常指挥你干活的那个人
nonsense nonsense 胡说
1) The sixth sense that makes you disbelieve the other five 使你不相信其他五种感官的第六感官

2) Another name given to some advice given by the superior to the subordinate 上级给下级的某些忠告的另一个名字

3) Badly worn language that has been used with too high a frequency 使用频率太高而高度磨损的话语
normality normality 正常
1) When everything you say or do conforms to other people's demand 你所说的和所做的一切都符合别人的要求
nose nose鼻子
1) The extreme outpost of the face, an organ of quell 脸部最前沿的哨所,一种杀戮的器官

2) It has been observed that one's nose is never so happy as when thrust into the affairs of others, from which some physiologists have drawn the inference that the nose is devoid of the sense of smell. 据观察,鼻子在伸出来打探别人事务时最高兴,所以有些 生理学家推论说鼻子已经失去了嗅觉功能。
nostalgia nostalgia 杯旧
1) The longing to go back to the good old days when you were neither good nor old 想回到过去美好的老时光的向往,其实那时候你既不美好也不老

2) A device that removes the ruts and potholes from memory lane 除掉记忆之巷中车辙和坑洼的设备

3) The good old days multiplied by a bad memory 过去的好时光乘以不好的记忆

4) Something transcrosses time and space: a little path in home country, a reproach by mother, a photo in a lover's hand 跨越时间和空间的某种东西:故乡的一条小路,母亲的一 个责备,心上人手里的一张照片

5) The feeling one gets while trimming the Christinas tree with popcorn made in the microwave 用微波炉烤的爆米花修剪圣诞树时产生的感情
notion notion 观念
1) An idea with a smile带微笑的想法
notoriety notoriety 恶名
1) The fame of one's competitor for public honors 同你竞争公共荣誉者的名声

2) The kind of renown most accessible and acceptable to mediocrity 平庸之辈最容易得到和最高兴接受的那种名声

3) A Jacob's ladder leading to the vaudeville stage, with angels ascending and descending 通向歌舞杂耍表演舞台的天梯,天使们忙着上上下下
novel novel小说
1) A mirror walking along the main road 沿着大街行走的一面镜子

2) A short story padded; a species of composition bearing the same relation to literature that the panorama bears to art 加了许多充填物的短篇小说;这种文体相对于文学的关系, 犹如艺术相对于事情的全貌
null string null string 空串
1) The result of a four-hour database search花四个小时搜索数据库的结果
nurse nurse 护士
1) A young woman who holds your wrist and then expects your pulse to: be normal 握住你的手腕而期待你脉搏正常的年轻女人
①Jacob's ladder;《圣经》中以色列人的祖先雅格布梦见天使从天上下来的梯子。
oath oath 誓言
1) Something people begin to use when trust is exhausted 人们在信任用完后开始用的东西

2) In law, a solemn appeal to the Deity, made binding upon the conscience by a penalty for perjury 打官司时恳求上帝处罚作伪证,让人们受到良心的约束
obituary obituary 讣告
1) A final summation of our lives that, for most of us, occupies about three inches of space in what will shortly become cage liner for your neighbor's parakeet 我们一生的总结,大部分人的讣闻占三英寸的篇幅,过不了多久邻居就会用来垫鸟笼
observatory observatory 天文台
1) A place where astronomers conjecture away the guesses of their predecessors 天文学家用自己的推测去推翻前任猜想的一个地方
obsession obsession 顽念
1) An idea which you must get out of your mind if you are not to go out of your mind 不想头脑发疯就必须赶出头脑的想法

2) Vexed by an evil spirit, like the Gadarene swine and other critics 像横冲直撞的野猪或一些批评家一样,为某种邪念所困扰
obsoleteness obsoleteness 淘汰
1) No longer used by the timid 胆小者不敢再使用
obstacle obstacle 障碍物
1) The stumbling blocks that often become the stepping stones to success 绊脚石,常常会变成通向成功的垫脚石

2) The biggest obstacle preventing you from realizing your dream is fear of failure. 使你的梦想不能实现的最大障碍是害怕失败。
obstinacy obstinacy固执
1) Inaccessibility to the truth as it is manifested in the splendor and stress of our advocacy 拒不接受我们光辉灿烂地表现出来的主张的真实性

2) A very deaf orator 一位非常聋的演说家

3) The popular type and exponent of obstinacy is the mule, a most intelligent animal. 固执最典型的代表是骡子,一种绝顶聪明的动物。
ocean ocean海洋
1) A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man—who has no gills 为人类准备的、约占世界2/3面积的水域——他们没有腮
oceanographer oceanographer海洋学家
1) A scientist to whom the sea's bottom is even more important than the moon's behind 认为海底比月球背面更重要的科学家
office office办公室
1) A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life 在紧张的家庭生活之后可以放松自己的地方

2) A place provided by the government for men and women to flirt 政府提供的男女调情的场所
officialese officialese 官样文章.
1) A form of government writing where you can understand the words, but not the sentences 官方书写的一种形式,你能看懂每一个词,却看不懂其句子
old age old age 老年
1) The age of a person when regrets take the place of dreams 一个人后悔取代了梦想的年龄

2) A plane flying through a storm: Once you are aboard, there's nothing you can do. You can't stop the plane, you can't stop the storm, you can't stop time. So one might as well accept it calmly, wisely. 在暴风雨中航行的一架飞机:一旦你上了这架飞机,你就 变得完全无能为力。你停不住飞机,停不住暴风雨,也停不住时间,所以你最好还是平静而明智地听其自然。

3) The period when you begin to smile at things you used to laugh at 你开始以微笑对待以往嘲笑的事物的这么一个阶段

4) When you first realize other people's faults are no worse than your own 你开始认识到别人的错误并不比你的错误更糟的时候

5) Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young. 老年和其他事物一样,要使之成功,必须从年轻时开始。
old man old man 老人
1) A man who is ten years older than your age 比你大十岁的人
olympic sports Olympic sports奥林匹克运动
1) People showing determination to shorten the distance between men and animals 人们显示要缩短与动物之间距离的决心
omen omen预兆
1) A sign which indicates that if nothing is happening something will happen in the future 一种迹象,它表明如果现在没有发生任何事,将来总会有什么事要发生
online online 在线
1) The idea that a human being should always be accessible to a computer 人应该随时与计算机接通

2) Where laundry is hung to dry 晾衣服的地方
opera opera歌剧
1) A play presenting life in another world whose inhabitants have no speech but song, no motions but gestures, no postures but attitudes 表现另一个世界生活的话剧,那里人们不说话只唱歌,没 有动作只摆姿势,没有姿态只有态度

2) Where women who are bored at home take their husbands to be bored 在家里嫌烦的女人带他们的丈夫去受烦的地方

3) When a guy gets stabbed in the back and instead of bleeding he sings 背后让人捅了一刀,不会出血反而唱歌
operation operation 手术
1) Something a surgeon does to extend the patient's pain by three inches 外科医生为将病人的痛苦延长三寸而做的事
opiate opiate鸦片剂
1) An unlocked door in the prison of Identity, leading into the jail yard 身份之狱一扇没有上锁的门,通向监狱天井
opinion opinion 见解
1) The substitute we use for thought 思考的替代
opportunist opportunist机会主义者
1) One who always tries to land on someone else's feet 总是想方设法靠别人逢凶化吉的人

2) A flying bird that never rests 一只永不栖息的飞鸟

3) A person who starts taking a bath if he accidentally falls into a river 意外落水遂乘机洗浴的人

4) Someone who steals time for ulterior motives 为达到不可告人的目的偷时间的人
opportunity opportunity 机遇
1) A favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment 抓住失望的一个有利时机

2) Product of attention and watchfulness 注意力和警觉性的产物

3) Something always easier to recognize when it says good-bye to you than when it approaches you 与你告别时比向你走近时容易认出来的某种东西

4) Good time to make mistakes easily missed 容易失之交臂的、犯错误的大好时机

5) Something always looks bigger going than coming 某种东西,远去时看上去总比过来时大

6) Opportunities are never lost; someone wiD take the ones you lost. 机会永远不会丢失;总有人会接过你丧失的机会。
opposition opposition 反对
1) Assistance with obstructions and objections 用障碍和异议进行帮助
opposition party opposition party 反对党
1) In politics the party that prevents the Government from running amuck by hamstringing it 使政府残废从而阻止其施虐的政治党派

2) Someone taken to the greenwood who is always ready to be offered amnesty and officialdom, bowman good at shooting in the dark 随时准备被招安当官的落草者,善于暗中放箭的弓箭手
optimism optimism乐观主义
1) A cheerful frames of mind that enables a tea kettle to sing though in hot water up to its nose 使处在水深火热中的水壶唱歌的一种好心情

2) The belief that even when the worst comes to the worst, it won't be so bad 认为即使最坏的情况发生,也不至于那么坏的那种信念

3) Effective cure for all kinds of illnesses 所有疾病的特效药

4) The doctrine, or belief, that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly, everything good, especially the bad, and everything right that is wrong 一种教条或信念,认为所有事物,包括丑陋的、好的,尤其是坏的,以及所有错的事物,都是美好的
optimist optimist乐观主义者
1) A proponent of the doctrine that black is white 倡导黑就是白这一信条的人

2) One who buys a botde of hair restorer and a hair brush 买生发剂同时买梳子的人

3) Someone who proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds 宣告我们生活在最美好的世界上的人

4) A man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery 被狮子逼上树而仍在欣赏风景的人

5) One who refuses to see the wolf until it seizes the seat of his pants 在裤子屁股被狼抓住之前拒绝看到狼的人

6) Someone who can always see the bright side of the other fellow's misfortune 总能在别人的不幸中看到光明的一面的人

7) One who in a thunder storm sees lightning as a cloud with a silver lining 在雷雨风暴中看到云彩光亮的一边的人① ①"云彩光亮的一边"(cloud with a silver lining)指困难中光明的一面。

8) One who thinks they will never do anything stupid again 认为他们再也不会做任何傻事的人

9) One who thinks his wife has quit smoking cigarettes when he sees cigar butts lying around the house 看到满屋子里到处是烟头却仍认为妻子已经戒烟的人

10) A man who spends his last dollar to buy a new billfold 用最后一块钱买一个新钱包的人

11) A rock musician with a mortgage 欠着抵押贷款的摇滚音乐家

2) A person who while falling from Eififel tower says in midway “See Pm not injured yet"
从埃菲尔铁塔掉下,在半空中还在说“瞧我还没有受伤” 的人

13) Someone who thinks a way to get out when swallowed by a shark 被鲨鱼吞进肚子里想着如何出来的人

14) A husband who goes down to the marriage license bureau to see if his has expired 到婚姻登记所,看看自己的结婚证有没有过期的人

15) Simply a pessimist with no job experience 简单而言,一个没有工作经验的悲观主义者

16) A man who thinks a woman in a phone booth will be right out when he hears her say good-bye 听到电话亭的女人说再见时以为她会马上出来的人

17) A girl who regards a bulge as a curve 把胖看做是曲线的女孩

18) A man who makes a motel reservation before a blind date 在同没有谋过面的人约会前先在汽车旅馆预订房间的人

19) An optimist always seems to have the right feelings for the wrong reasons. 乐观主义者对错误的原因看来总有正确的感觉。

20) A real optimist does not believe that everything will come one's way, but is sure that not everything will be smooth sailing. 真正的乐观主义者并不相信万事如意,而是确信不是每件事都会一帆风顺。
oral test oral test 口试
1) A funny game played by two persons: one knows the answer but does not give it while the other does not know the answer but tries hard to guess at it 一种有趣的游戏:一个人知道答案却不说,另一个人不知道答案却使劲猜
oratorS orator雄辩家
1) A fellow who is always ready to lay down your life for his country 随时愿为他的国家牺牲你的生命的家伙

2) A man who says what he thinks and feels what he says 言其所想,又感其所说的人
oratory oratory 雄辩
1) The art of talking at length without letting on what you are talking about 发表长篇大论,却不让人们知道你在说什么的艺术

2) A conspiracy between speech and action to cheat the underatanding, a tyranny tempered by stenography 用语言和动作骗取理解的阴谋,通过速记法锻炼的专制
order order秩序
1) Heaven's first law, but earth's last achievement 天堂的第一定律,人间的最后成就
originality originality独创性
1) Having a pair of fresh eyes 拥有一双能看到新鲜事物的眼睛

2) A by-product of sincerity 真挚的副产品

3) The fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it 一种艺术,记得住听到的话,却记不起来是在哪儿听到的

4) The art of concealing your source 把出处隐藏起来的艺术

5) Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself. 独创性不在于说别人之前从来没有说过的话,而在于确切地说出自己的想法。
ordinary person ordinary person 凡人
1) Someone who never thinks himself to be ordinary 从来都自命不凡的人
ornaments ornaments 装饰品
1) Fetters and handcuffs women wear for the sake of love 女人为了爱情而戴的镣铐
orphan orphan 孤儿
1) A living person whom death has deprived of the power of filial : ingratitude :
overbearing overbearing 欺压
1) Unsupported dignity 得不到支持的尊严
outcome outcome 结果
1) A particular type of disappointment 一种特定的失望
outdatedness outdatedness 过时
1) Old frame of mind that can hardly be retrieved很难再找回的旧心情

2) Contradicting the interest in fashion, just like a vintage car on the highway 和流行的兴趣相抵触,就像在高速公路上的老爷车
out-of-doors out-of-doors 户外
1) That part of one's environment upon which no government has been able to collect taxes, chiefly useful to inspire poets 一个人的生活环境中任何政府都无法收税的部分,主要用于使诗人产生灵感
overwork overwork过度操劳
1) A dangerous disorder affecting high public functionaries who want to go fishing 一种危险的、影响想要去钓鱼的高级公共官员的疾病

1) A bird supposed to be wise, but it is not wise enough to get off the night shift 被认为很聪明的一种鸟,但并没有聪明到摆脱上夜班
oyster oyster 牡蛎
1) Fish built like a nut 生长得像坚果的鱼

2) A slimy shellfish which civilization gives men the hardihood to eat without removing its entrails, whose shells are sometimes given to the poor 一种黏糊糊的贝壳类动物,文明使人胆大得敢不去掉内脏就吃,其壳则有时送给穷人
pacifist pacifist和平主义者
1) One who cannot argue in favor of peace without using his fists 不用拳头就无法为和平辩论的人
Painting 绘
painting 绘画

1) The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic 防止平面不受风雨侵蚀,让其受评论家批评的艺术
pajamas pajamas 睡衣
1) Items of clothing that newlyweds place beside the bed in case of fire 新婚夫妇放在床边,万一失火时可以穿的衣服
panic panic惊慌
1) A blind sheep flock effect caused by wrong judgment错误判断引起的羊群效应
pantheism pantheism 泛神论
1) The doctrine that everything is God, in contradistinction to the doctrine that God is everything 与上帝是万物的教义截然不同的一种教义,认为所有一切事物都是神
pantomime pantomime 哑剧
1) A play in which the story is told without violence to the language, the least disagreeable form of dramatic action 不对语言施加暴力而讲述故事的表演,最不令人讨厌的戏剧形式
pants pants短裤
1) Trousers' country cousins 长裤的乡下表弟
paper clip paper clip 纸夹
1) Larval stage of a coat hanger衣架的幼虫阶段

2) The primary tool of an engineer 工程师最基本的工具
paradise paradise 天堂
1) Castle in the air 空中楼阁

2) Exactly like where you are right now, only much, much better 和你现在呆的地方一模一样,只是要好得多
pardon pardon 宽恕;赦免
1) Something about the past mistake, though it cannot mend it but can broaden the future 关于过去错误的某样东西,虽然补救不了错误,却能拓宽未来

2) Remitting a penalty and restore to the life of crime so as to add to the lure of crime and the temptation of ingratitude 免除惩罚,恢复罪行的生命,以增加罪行的魅力和忘恩负义的诱惑
paranoia paranoia妄想狂
1) Believing this definition was written about you 相信这条定义是说你的

2) Healthy understanding of how the world works 对这个世界运作的健康理解
paranoid paranoid妄想狂者
1) Someone who just figured out what's going on 刚弄明白发生了什么事的人
parasite parasite寄生虫
1) A base creature that extracts a living from the lives of others, like a tapeworm, biographer, or reporter 从别的生命中汲取生命的卑鄙的生物,比如绦虫、传记作家或记者
parent parent 家长
1) One who treats an adolescent like a child, yet expects him to act like an adult 把少年当孩子对待,却又期望他会像成人一样行动的人

2) A boss of a trust company who is willing to risk and enjoys the pleasure of investing when he knows he won't be able to receive; even his capital 一个明知连本钱都收不回来,却愿意冒风险、享受投资乐趣的信托公司老板

3) An officialdom one cannot assume havning no child 没有孩子就不能担任的一种官职

4) Parents are people who always think their children would behave better if they didn't play with the brats next door. 父母亲是这样的人,他们总认为要是他们的孩子不和隔壁的捣蛋鬼一起玩,一定会表现得更好。
parking place parking place 泊车处
1) A space that suddenly disappears while you are making a U turn 你在将汽车掉头时突然消失的一块空地

2) A place where arguments start from a scratch 因为抓一下开始争吵的地方
parrot parrot 鹦鹉
1) A queer bird that goes in for swearing, but draws the line at drinking and smoking 爱好赌咒,却决不抽烟喝酒的一种怪鸟
pass pass通行证
1) Another name of money, a piece of paper more powerful than money 钱的另一个名称,比钱更厉害的一张纸
passion passion 激情
1) Vices or virtues in their highest powers处于最强大时的罪恶或美德

2) The funny feeling that drives a man to bite a girl's neck because she has beautiful legs 一种有趣的感情,它促使一个男人去咬一个姑娘的脖子原因是她的腿很美
passport passport 护照
1) A document treacherously inflicted upon a citizen going abroad, exposing him as an alien and pointing him out for special reprobation and outrage 阴险地强加给出国公民的一个文件,提醒人们他是异国人,指出可以对他进行特殊拒斥和侮辱
past past过去
1) That part of Eternity with some small fraction of which we have a slight and regrettable acquaintance 永恒的一部分,我们对其只有一些支离破碎的、遗憾的了解
pastime pastime 消遺
1) A device for promoting dejection, gentle exercise for intellectual debility 增进沮丧的一种手段,适合于心智衰弱者的一种幽雅的锻炼方式
pastor pastor (英国国教以外的)牧师
1) Some religious person one who arranges your future in heaven so that he can live a nice secular life 安排你将来进天国,为的是自己过好世俗生活的宗教人士
patience patience 耐心
1) A minor form of despair disguised as virtue 伪装成美德的失望的一种次要形式

2) The best remedy for every trouble 治疗一切烦恼的最佳良药

3) The willingness to listen to the other person to tell you his trouble before you tell him yours 在对别人诉说你的麻烦之前,愿意听别人对你诉说他的麻烦

4) The ability to stand at the screen door while your guests holds it open for a half hour and lets in the flies 你的客人把纱门拉开半个小时放进苍蝇来,而你有本事站在一旁熟视无睹

5) The quintessence of wisdom 智慧的精髓

6) Wait control 等待的控制

7) The companion of wisdom 智慧的伙伴

8) A virtue that makes us tolerate things we cannot prevent from happening 使我们能容忍我们无法阻止其发生的事情的-种德行

9) A virtue which has no regret for the past, no remorse for the present and an unshakable trust in the future 不后悔过去,不责备现在,毫不动摇地信任未来的一种美德

10) The disposition to endure injury with meek forbearance while maturing a plan of revenge 报复的计划成熟之前对伤害逆来顺受的气质

11) Infinite suspension of the execution of your sentence 对你判决的无限期缓刑

12) For a woman the most important ingredient for dating, marriage, and children 对女人而言,约会、结婚和生孩子最重要的成分

13) Patience is sometimes considered a virtue when it is merely a case of not knowing what to do. 耐心有时只不过是不知道做什么,却被当成了美德。
patriot patriot爱国者
1) One to whom the interests of a part seem superior to those of the whole, the dupe of statesmen and the tool of conquerors 认为局部利益高于整体利益的人,被政治家愚弄的笨蛋,征服者的工具
patriotism patriotism爱国主义
1) A praiseworthy competition with one5s ancestors 和自己祖先进行的一场值得称赞的竞赛

2) Combustible rubbish fed to the torch of anyone ambitious to illuminate his name 可燃的垃圾,供有野心照亮自己名字的人点燃火炬
pause pause停顿
1) The most precious thing in speech 演说中最宝贵的东西
peace peace 和平
1) A period set aside between wars to enable the generals to write their books 两场战争之间留出的让将军们写书的阶段

2) In international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting 国际事务上两次战斗之间进行欺骗的阶段

3) When the parties at war try to deceive each other 交战方设法互相欺骗的时期
peaceful coexistence peaceful coexistence 和平共处
1) Several hungry men frightened into gentlemen by a sumptuous dinner 丰盛的大餐把几条饿汉吓成了君子
peacefulness peacefulness 安详
1) Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world. 让孩子在你怀里睡着是世界上最安详的感觉之一。
peak peak山峰
1) Love child of earth's impulse大地冲动的私生子
pearl pearl珍珠
1) Solidified colorful tear drops 凝固的彩色泪珠
pedagogy pedagogy 教育学
1) A science studying how to make children as ignorant as adults in the quickest way 研究如何尽快使儿童和成人一样无知的一门学问
pedestrian pedestrian 行人
1) A man with two cars, a wife and a son 有两辆汽车、一个妻子和一个儿子的男人

2) A person walking or lying in the street 一个在街上走着或是躺着的人

3) The variable (an audible) part of the roadway for an automobile 道路上汽车道可变的(听得见的)一部分
pedigree 家
pedigree 家谱
1) The known part of the route from an arboreal ancestor with a swim bladder to an urban descendant with a cigarette 从带有鱼鳏的树栖的祖先到叼着香烟的现代城市后裔的进化路 线的已知部分
peer peer 凝视, 盯着看, 费力地看
1) Test of eyesight in the dark暗中进行的视力测验
pen pen笔
1) The tongue of the mind心之声
pentagon Pentagon五角大楼
1) A place where costs are always rounded to the nearest tenth of a billion dollars 开支总是被四舍五入到一亿美元的地方
people people 人(们)
1) There are two classes of people; Those who worry about their business, and those who worry about other people's business 人可以分为两大类:为自己的事担心的人和为别人的事担 心的人

2) There are three kinds of people in the world: Those who can't stand Picasso, those who can't stand Raphael, and those who've never heard of either of them 世界上的人可以分为三种:不能忍受毕加索的人,不能忍 受拉斐尔的人和从来没有听说过这两个人的人
perfect guest perfect guest十全十美的客人
1) One who makes his host feel at home 使主人不拘束感到像在自己家里一样的人
perfect man perfect man 完人
1) Someone who says nothing, listens to nothing, does nothing and is nothing 什么也不说,什么也不听,什么也不做,而且什么也不是的人
perfection perfection 完美
1) An imaginary state of quality distinguished from the actual by an element known as excellence 想象中的质量状态,因具有一种叫做杰出的元素而有别于实际
1) A person who cannot enjoy Tchaikovsky music without knowing how to spell his name 不知道如何拼写柴可夫斯基的名字就无法欣赏其音乐的人
performance performance 表演
1) Using insincere acts to earn ears 用不由衷的动作赚取眼泪
perfume perfume香水
1) A fragrance used by a woman to make a man believe that two can live as cheaply as one 女人用来使男人相信两个人生活能和一个人生活一样便宜 的一种香味

2) A volatile cosmetic that stimulates others and puzzles oneself 刺激别人、迷惑自己的一种挥发性化妆品

3) A smell that is used to drown a worse one 用来掩盖更糟糕的气味的气味
period period句号
1) Comma that curled up and went to sleep 卷起身子睡觉的逗号
perjury perjury 伪证
1) When a law finn advertises, "We're only here to help”
peroration peroration 结束语
1) The explosion of an oratorical rocket演说之火箭的爆发
perpetual motion perpetual motion 永动
1) A cow drinking milk 喝牛奶的母牛

2) The noise outside a hotel window at night 旅馆窗外晚上的噪声
perseverance perseverance 坚持
1) A lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves an inglorious success 一种低级的美德,平庸者靠之不光彩地取得成功
personal cult personal cult 个人崇拜
1) To obey quiedy against one's will不情愿悄悄地服从
personal secretary personal secretary 私入秘书
1) Part of personal properties of people in high positions 身处高位者的私人财产的一部分
personality personality 人格
1) The name we give to our Ettle collection of queer habits 为我们种种稀奇古怪的习惯起的名称
pessimism pessimism悲观主义
1) A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsighdy smile 带有稻草人的希望和不雅的微笑的乐观主义者使人沮丧的 普遍情绪强加给观察者的信念的一种哲学

2) Spiritual health protection action and poison for illusion 行动的精神保健,幻想的毒药
pessimist pessimist悲观主义者
1) An optimist with experience 有经验的乐观主义者

2) A man who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street 横穿单行道时朝两边都要看一看的人

3) One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both 可以在两个邪恶中选择一个,却两个都选的人

4) One who, regardless of the present, is disappointed in the future 不管现在如何,对将来失望的人

5) A person who is never happy unless he is unhappy 除非不高兴,否则从来都不高兴的人

6) A person who is happy when he is wrong 错了反而高兴的人

7) A person who keeps an optimist from becoming satisfied with himself 阻止乐观主义者自我满足的人

8) Someone who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks 机遇敲他门时嫌太吵的人

9) Someone who feels bad when he feels good because he's afraid he'll feel worse if he feels better 感到不错时觉得不好的人,因为他害怕如果自己感到更好, 就会感到更糟

10) A man who thinks everybody as nasty as himself, and hates them 这么一个人,认为所有的人都和自己一样令人不快,因而痛恨他们

11) Someone who bums his bridges before he gets to them 还没走到桥跟前就把桥烧了的人

12) A fellow who thinks that every time the tide goes out, it won't come in again 每次潮水退落时都认为不会再涨潮的人

13) A person who says that 0 is the last letter in ZERO instead of the first letter in the word OPPORTUNITY 说0是ZERO (零)的最后一个字母,而不说它是 OPPORTUNITY (机遇)的第一个字母的人

14) A pessimist thinks all women are immoral and an optimist hopes it is true. 悲观主义者认为所有女人都不道德,而乐观主义者希望这是真的。
petting petting 爱抚
1) The art of doing the wrong thing at the right time 在正确的时间做错事的艺术
pharmacist pharmacist药剂师
1) A musical conductor of all sorts of powders 各种粉末的音乐指挥

2) The physician's accomplice, undertakers benefactor and grave worm's provider 医生的帮凶,殡仪馆的施主,坟墓里虫子的供给人
philanthropist philanthropist 慈善家
1) One who returns to the public a small percentage of the wealth he steals from them privately 把私下从公众手里偷走的财富中很小的一部分还给公众 的人

2) A rich (and usually bald) old gendeman who has trained himself to grin while his conscience is picking his pocket (通常秃顶的)富有的老绅士,通过训练已能够在良心掏自 己的腰包时咧开嘴笑

3) A rich man who is well informed on income tax deduction 对减免所得税了解得一清二楚的富人

4) One who enjoys seeing his money flowing out to become news 其乐趣在于看自己的钱流出去成为新闻的人
philistine philistine 俗人
1) One whose mind is the creature of its environment, following the fashion in thought, feeling and sentiment, sometimes learned, frequently prosperous, commonly clean and always solemn 这么一个人,其思想是环境的产物,被思想感情和情趣的时尚牵着鼻子走,有时有点学问,常常走好运,一般很干净,总是很严肃
philosopher philosopher 哲学家
1) A person who can make ignorance sound profound 能使无知听上去很深奥的人

2) A person who gives other people advice about troubles he hasn't had 就自己未遇到过的麻烦给人出主意的人

3) A person who can explain why he is happy when he has no money 能解释为什么自己没有钱时很高兴的人

4) A thinker who thinks there is nothing so important as thinking 认为什么也比不上思考更重要的思考者

5) A fool who torments himself while he is alive in order to be famous after he is dead 活着时折磨自己,以便死后成名的傻瓜

6) One who instead of crying over split milk consoles himself with the thought that it was over four fifths water 一个人洒了牛奶不但不哭反而安慰自己,说牛奶中超过4/5 都是水

7) A blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there 一个瞎子在一间黑暗的房间里找一只根本不在那儿的黑猫

8) A man who sneers at people stealthily behind nonsense 一个躲在废话后面偷偷地嘲笑世人的人

9) One who keeps learning more about less and less until finally he knows everything about nothing 不断学习越来越少的东西,直到最后知道什么也不是的人
philosophy philosophy 哲学
1) Baffling answers to insoluble questions 对无法解决的问题的莫名其妙的回答

2) A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing 由许多道路构成的、从乌有之乡通往虚无之乡的路线

3) An unusually ingenious attempt to think fallaciously 异常奇妙的、想要胡思乱想的企图

4) A study that lets us be unhappy more intelligendy 不幸让我们更明智的学问

5) A system of labeling and redefining our language to allow us to rescue the absurd 给我们的语言加以标记和重新定义的系统,好让我们拯救荒谬的说法
phoenix 凤
phoenix 凤凰
1) The classical prototype of the modem small hot bird 现代“迷人小鸟”的经典原型
phonograph phonograph 留声机
1) An irritating toy that restores life to dead noises —种使死去的声音恢复生命的烦人的玩具
photograph photograph 照片
1) A picture painted by the sun without instruction in art 没有上过艺术课的太阳画的图画
photographer photographer 摄影师
1) One who can make an ugly girl as pretty as a picture 能使丑姑娘美丽如画的人
physician physician内科医生
1) Someone who tries to kill your ills by pills and then tries to kill you with his bill 先设法用药杀死你的病,然后设法用账单要你命的人

2) One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well 我们有病时把希望放在他身上,没病时把狗放过去咬的人
piano piano钢琴
1) Something that gives out pleasant musical notes when hit resemblance to man 对至高无上的神的敬意,其基础是上帝和人很相像
pig pig猪
1) An animal closely allied to the human race by the splendor and vivacity of its appetite, which, however, is inferior in scope, for it sticks at pig 一种动物,以其光辉和生气蓬勃的胃口与人类结成紧密的联盟,但论规模比不上人类,所以仍坚持做猪
pillory pillory枷
1) A mechanical device for inflicting personal distinction—prototype of the modem newspaper conducted by persons of austere virtues and blameless lives 强加给人,使之出众的一种机械设备——品行严峻,过着无可指责的生活的人办的、现代报纸的原型
pilot pilot飞行员
1) A poet who decorates his life with a piece of white cloud 用一朵白云点缀自己生命的诗人
pioneer pioneer 开拓;开拓者
1) Rush forward eamesdy until one gets a black and blue face 一本正经地往前冲,直到鼻青脸肿
pirate pirate 海盗
1) A politician of the seas 海上的政客
pity pity怜悯
1) A feeling most unbearable that makes the weak weaker and can kill people, but the conventional weapon used by women to conquer men 一种使弱者更弱的、最难忍受的感情,但也是女人用以征 服男人的常规武器

2) A failing sense of exemption, inspired by contrast 由对比之下自己免于受灾而引发的一种失败的感觉
plagiarism plagiarism 剽窃
1) A short-cut to harvest two profits by one work 通过一篇作品收获两份收益的捷径

2) Copying from one source 只从一个地方抄

3) A literary coincidence compounded of a discreditable priority and an honorable subsequence 文学上的巧合,以可耻开始,以光荣结果

4) Taking the ideas or writing of another and making them worse 把别人的想法或文章拿过来,将其弄得更糟

5) Taking the thought or style of another writer whom one has never read 从一个从来没有读过的作者那里获取其思想或风格
plague plague 瘟疫
1) A wide-spread punishment of the innocent, or a kind of occasional aimless detest of Nature 对无辜者普遍的惩罚或者大自然偶尔发作的、没有目标的厌恶
plan plan计划
1) Bothering about the best method of accomplishing an accidental result 不厌其烦地找一个最好的办法去获得一个偶然结果

2) Designing inevitable pathway beforehand for absolutely accidental results 为绝对偶然的结果预先设计必然的途径
planned economy planned economy 计划经济
1) Where everything is included in the plans except economy 除了经济之外一切都包括在计划之内
plate plate盘子
1) A breakable Frisbee 会打破的飞碟
platitude platitude陈词滥调
1) A verbal garment used by people to cover their intellectual nakedness 人们用来遮盖自己智力裸体的词汇衣服

2) The fundamental element and special glory of popular literature; a thought that snores in words that smoke; the wisdom of a million fools in the diction of a dullard; a fossil sentiment in artificial rock; a moral without the fable; all that is mortal of a ; departed truth; a demitasse of milk and mortality; the Pope!s-nose of a featherless peacock; a jelly-fish withering on the shore of the sea of thought; the cackle surviving the egg; a desiccated: epigram 通俗文学的基本元素和特殊的荣耀;抽着烟的文字的思想打鼾声;笨蛋用词中一百万个傻瓜的智慧;人工岩石里的化石伤感;没有寓言的说教;老掉牙的真理中所有的俗气;牛奶和死亡率混合而成的一小杯咖啡;没有羽毛的孔雀的 !屁股;在思想之海的海岸上干枯的海蛮;鸡蛋破了后的咯咯叫;化成灰的格言 ;
pleasantries pleasantries 客套
1) Kissing through vein 隔着面纱接吻
pleasure pleasure 乐趣
1) The least hateful form of dejection 最不令人讨厌的沮丧

2) Nothing else but the intermission of pains 只不过是痛苦的间歇而已

3) The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. 人生的最大乐趣在于做别人认为你做不了的事。

4) Anticipating pleasure is also a pleasure. 期待快乐本身也是一种快乐。
plebiscite plebiscite全民公决
1) A popular vote to ascertain the will of the ruler 所有人都投票以确认统治者的意志
pledge pledge 誓约
1) Guarantee to help look after someone's money before you have a chance to spend it 在有机会使用别人的钱之前答应帮助他看管好
pleonasm pleonasm冗言法
1) An army of words escorting a corporal of thought 一支词语的大军护送一位思想下士阴谋
Wisdom behind the sunlight, jumpy exploration, ideal for which there is no time to become just and honest 阳光背后的智慧,心惊肉跳的探险,来不及光明正大的理想
plunder plunder 掠夺
1) Taking the property of another without observing the decent and customary reticences of theft 拿走别人的东西,但是不遵守小偷通常那样彬彬有礼和不 做声的规矩

2) Effecting a change of ownership with the candid concomitance of a brass band 公然雇一支铜管乐队实行所有权的改变

3) Wresting the wealth of A from B and leave C lamenting a vanishing opportunity 从乙处抢走甲的财产,让丙哀叹失去了一个机会
pocket pocket 口袋
1) The cradle of motive and the grave of conscience 动机的摇篮,良知的坟墓
poem poem诗
1) Poems are but impression of life, when your life is thoroughly burned, poem becomes ashes. 诗是生活的印记,生命彻底燃烧的时候,诗就成了灰烬。
poet poet诗人
1) A man who puts up a ladder to a star and climbs it while playing a violin 支起通向星星的梯子,一边往上爬一边拉小提琴的人

2) Anyone in love 恋爱中的任何人

3) One who either puts fire into his verses or his verses into fire 不是把烈火放入诗文中,就是把诗文放入烈火中的人

4) A man who cannot afiord to say it with flowers, but says it instead with flowery language 此人买不起花,故而用花一般的语言来表达

5) A prophet whose prophesying never comes true 其预言从来都不会成为现实的预言家

6) One who makes spiritual bread for the world but often suffers from hunger himself 为世界制造精神面包,自己却常常饥肠辘辘的人

7) A man to whom a stature is erected after he has died in poverty and neglected 在贫困中和被遗忘中去世,死后人们却竖立纪念碑加以纪 念的人

8) A person whose job is to put into words those feelings we all have that are so deep, so important, and yet so difficult to name, to tell the truth in such a beautiful way that people cannot live without it 专门把我们都有的、非常深刻、非常重要,却又难以名状 的感情用词语表达出来的人;他们把真理讲得那么美,没有这种美我们就活不下去

9) A vexed nightingale which sings most beautifully when not given too much happiness 一只苦恼的得不到太多幸福时歌唱得最美的夜莺

10) A dreamer who instigates others to dream with him 怂恿别人和他一起做梦的梦想者

11) An individual so in love with language who can, for the sake of art, survive any hardship—except a misprint 非常热爱语言,因此,为了艺术的缘故,什么困难都能承 受,但印刷错误例外

12) Poets have invented nothing ; they just listen carefully. 诗人没有发明任何东西,他们只是仔细聆听。

13) The worst fate for a poet is to be worshiped by people but not understood. 诗人最糟的命运是被人崇拜,却不被理解。

14) In the case of many poets, the most important thing for them to do is to write as litde as possible. 对许多诗人而言,最重要的是尽量少写。
poetry poetry 诗歌
I) The best words in the best order 以最好的次序排列的最好的词

2) The record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds 最快乐、最高尚的心灵在最美好、最幸福的时刻的记录

3) The eldest sister of all arts 一切艺术的大姐姐

4) A language that tells us something which cannot be said 告诉我们无法言传的东西的一种语言

5) A search for syllables to shoot at the barriers of the unknown and the unknowable 寻找音节,射向未知和不可知事物的障碍

6) The impish attempt to paint the color of the wind 想要给风涂颜色的淘气的企图

7) The opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what was seen during a moment 门打开又关上,让那些往里看的人猜测一瞬间都看到了什么

8) The rhythmical creation of beauty in words 用言词创作出来的有节奏的美

9) The art of uniting pleasure with truth 把快乐和真理结合起来的艺术

10) The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility 安静时回忆起来的强烈感情的自发流溢

11) A series of explanation of life, fading into horizons too swift for explanation 对生活的一系列解释,但来不及解释就很快消退到地平线 下去了

12) A refrigeration that keeps the language from getting stale 防止语言陈腐而将其冰冻起来

13) A form of expression peculiar to the Land beyond the Magazines 除了在杂志以外的领域显得古怪的一种表达方式

14) Flying fish on the grassland, horses in the ocean, a loose pajama of God, and a sensual guitar of Homer 草原上的飞鱼,大海里的马匹,上帝宽松的睡袍,荷马放浪的六弦琴

15) Poetry is bones with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words. 诗歌是以思想为其骨,以感情为其神经和血液,由言词这 一细嫩而结实的皮肤连在一起的。
pointer pointer 教鞭
1) A supplementary instrument a teacher uses to call the students' attention and deepen their memory 老师用来让学生集中注意力并加深记忆的辅助仪器
point of view point of view 看法
1) Your point of view is everything: the pond is an ocean to a tadpole. 你的观点才是最重要的:在蝌蚪看来,池塘就是海洋。
poise poise沉着
1) The ability to be ill at ease inconspicuously 不自在而不引人注目的本事
police police 警察
1) An armed force for protection and participation 为了保护和参与而建立的一支军队

2) Someone who makes crimes turn underground 使刑事犯罪转入地下的人
policy policy政策
1) Shield of the government used to fence off beat and kick aimed at the incompetence of the president or the prime minister 政府的盾牌,用以抵挡因总统或总理无能而招来的拳脚
politeness politeness 礼貌
1) Something like an air cushion: There may be nothing in it, but it eases our jolts wonderfully 某种像气垫的东西,里面可能什么也没有,但却能奇妙地减少颠簸

2) A means that costs nothing and gains everything 一种不用花钱而能得到一切的办法

3) Good nature regulated by good sense 受通情达理调节的好脾气

4) The art of choosing among your thoughts 在自己的思想中进行选择的艺术

5) Either a bridge or a wall between people 不是人与人之间的桥,就是人与人之间的墙

6) Most acceptable hypocrisy最容易被接受的虚伪

7) Saying Excuse me” before robbing someone抢劫之前先说一声“对不起”
political party political party 政党
1) Assembling of citizens around certain plans first, assembling of activists around certain programs second, and assembling of enthusiastic supporters around certain candidates finally 首先是公民围绕某些计划集合,然后是积极分子围绕某些纲领集合,最后是热情的支持者围绕某些候选人集合
politician politician 政客
1) Someone who sometimes knows the right thing, sometimes does the right thing, but most often just says the right thing;

2) One who shakes your hand before elections and your confidence after 选举前同你握手,选举后让你心寒的人

3) Someone who promises to build a bridge where there is no river 答应在没有河的地方建桥的人

4) One who stirs the quiet world into turmoil 把平静的世界搅得乱糟糟的人

5) A person with at least two faces 至少有两种面孔的人

6) An eel in the fundamental mud upon which the superstructure of organized society is reared. When he wriggles, he mistakes the agitation of his tail for the trembling of the edifice 基本污泥里的一条泥鍬,作为上层建筑的有组织的社会就建立在这个污泥上。泥鍬会把自己尾巴扭动时造成的骚动错以为是整个大楼在颤抖
politics politics 政治
1) The science of how who gets what, when and why 一门科学,讲的是何人在何时以何种方式得到何物以及为什么

2) The most promising of all careers 所有职业中最有前途的职业

3) The entertainment branch of industry 工业的娱乐分部

4) A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles 化装成原则之争的利益之争

5) The conduct of public affairs for private advantage 为了个人的好处而处理公共事务

6) The skilled use of blunt objects 巧用钝器的技术

7) The art of the possible 可能会发生的事情的艺术

8) Something made up of three parts: complaints, compliments, and compromise 由埋怨、恭维和妥协三个部分组成的某种东西

9) The gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other 通过承诺保护穷人不受富人欺负、富人不受穷人欺负,从 而能从穷人那儿拉到选票、从富人那儿拉到竞选基金的一 种温和的艺术

10) The daughter of economy, so it is natural that she should take care of her parents 经济的女儿,所以她理所当然地该照顾自己的父母

11) Everybody blaming others for the mistakes he has committed 人人都把自己犯的错误归咎于别人
ponder ponder 沉思
1) To arrive at a stupid conclusion slowly 慢慢地得出愚蠢的结论
popularity popularity 人缘;广受欢迎;普及;流行
1) The capacity for listening sympathetically when men boast of their wives, and women complain of their husbands 能同情地倾听男人夸縫妻子及女人埋怨丈夫的一种能耐

2) Glory's small change 光荣的零头

3) Allowing yourself to be bored by people most of the time while pretending to enjoy them 大部分时间硬着头皮听令人感到厌烦的话,但却装出听得 很高兴的样子

4) To be gifted with the virtue of knowing a whole lot of uninteresting people 天生具有认识许许多多无聊的人的美德
possible possible 可能
1) Four syllables that means either yes or no 既可以表示是又可表示否的两个音节① ① 英文possible占三个音节,中文"可能性"只有两个音节。
poster poster招贴画
1) An inexpensive way to decorate a room while making people think you've been to foreign lands and done things you never have 一种省钱的装饰房间的方法,同时还会让人以为你到过外国, 以及做过根本没有做过的事
postmodernism postmodernism后现代主义
1) Describing the future without predicting its prospective 描写未来,但不对其前景作预测
postscript postscript (信的)附笔
1) The only thing interesting in a woman's letter 女人写的信中唯一有趣的内容
poverty poverty贫穷
1) A condition you try to hide when you experience it, but brag about afterwards 你经受时设法掩盖,而事后却大肆吹嘘的一种情形

2) An economic condition that prevents you from going anywhere— except into debt 除了走进债务,使你哪儿也去不了的一种经济状况

3) A disease that can be cured by money 金钱能治好的一种病

4) The most effective way to keep out robbers and thieves 把强盗和小偷拒之门外最有效的办法

5) A file provided for the teeth of the rats of reform供改革之鼠用以磨牙的一把锉刀

6) Possessing nothing one desires but too much one does not desire 想要的没有,不想要的太多

7) Motivation of social progress ; roots of crimes; salaries of decent employees from the government 社会进步的动力,罪恶的根源,本分人从政府那儿得到的薪水

8) Having too much left at the end of the money 钱底还剩下很多月
pow POW战俘
1) Someone who asks you not to kill him because he failed to kill you 因为没有能杀掉你而求你不要杀他的人
power power权力
1) Holding someone else's fear in your hand and showing it to them 把别人的恐惧握在手里并显示给他们看
pregnancy pregnancy 怀孕
1) The swelling of the fine words of a man in a woman's belly 男人的花言巧语在女人肚子里膨胀
prairie prairie大草原
1) A vast plain covered by a treeless forest 覆盖着没有树木的森林的大平原
praise praise 赞扬
1) A roundabout way of acknowledging other people's similarity with ourselves 婉转地承认别人和自己的相似之处

2) Letting off esteem 释放尊敬
pray pray祈祷
1) Something you never learn until your kids learn to drive 你的孩子学开车时你才真正学会的某种事情

2) Asking that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy 代表一个公开承认自己卑微的请愿者,请求宣布整个宇宙的法律无效
preach preach 布道
1) Hypnotism that turns people too sleepy to bother about how to commit crimes 使人昏昏欲睡的催眠术,让他们不会为如何犯罪而伤脑筋
preacher preacher 布道者
1) A man who must be able to talk louder than people can snore 说话声音必须响得压过人们打鼾声的人
predestined affinity predestined affinity 缘分
1) The most frequently used and most dignified explanation for the : success or failure of love 最常用的、解释恋爱成功或失败的最体面的理由
predicament predicament 困境
1) The wage of consistency 付给言行一致的酬金
predilection predilection 偏爱
1) The preparatory stage of disillusion 幻灭的准备阶段
preference preference 偏好
1) A sentiment, or frame of mind, induced by the erroneous belief that one thing is better than another 认为一种东西比另一种好的错误信念诱发的一种情绪或心理状态
prejudice prejudice 偏见
1) Weighing the facts with your thumb on the scales 大拇指按着天平衡量事实

2) An unwillingness to be confused with facts 不愿意为事实所困惑

3) A lazy man's substitute for thinking 懒人用以代替思考的东西

4) The reason of fools 傻瓜的道理

5) The child of ignorance 无知的产物

6) An opinion without judgment 没有判断的观点

7) Not only drawing your own conclusions but coloring them as well 不仅自己得出结论,还给这些结论上色

8) A vagrant opinion without visible means of support 一种见异思迁的、没有明显的理由支持的观点

9) Prejudice is the easiest thing in the world to acquire, but the hardest thing to get rid of. 偏见是世界上最容易得到,却最难摆脱的东西。
premonition premonition 预感
1) The strange feeling you get that something is going to happen, but only after it has happened 但是只有这种感觉,感到有什么事会发生的一种奇怪的感觉
prescription prescription 处方
1) A physician's guess at what will best prolong the situation with least harm to the patient 医生的猜想,内容是如何在对病人损害最小的条件下延续目前的情况

2) Written guarantee for death 死亡保证书
present present 现在
1) Part of eternity that separates the land of disappointment and the kingdom of hope 永恒的一部分,它将失望之乡和希望的王国分割开来
present present 赠品
1) Something the angler gives the fish 钓鱼者给予鱼的东西

2) Something whose value is determined by the position of the sender 其价值由送礼人的地位决定的东西
presentability presentability 体面
1) Hideously appareled after the manner of the time and place 可憎地装扮得符合时宜和地点
prettiness prettiness 漂亮
1) A kind of compensation by the Creator for his imperfect work 造物者对其不完善的作品的一种补偿
prevaricator prevaricator 推诿者
1) A liar in the stage of larva 处于幼虫期的说谎者
price price价格
1) Value plus reasonable torment of the conscience in bargaining 价值加上讨价还价时合理的良心折磨

2) A series of digits that make us pout our lips as soon as we look at them 一连串让人一看就撅嘴的数字

3) Value, plus a reasonable sum for the wear and tear of conscience in demanding it 价值加上想要得到该东西的良心的磨损的一笔合理的数目
pride pride骄傲
1) Over esteem oneself out of self-love 因为自恋而过高估计自己

2) Though pride is not a virtue, it is the parent of many virtues. 虽然骄傲本身不是美德,它却是许多美德之母。
principle principle 原则
1) Something not to be traded but can be given up 不能拿来做交易但可放弃的东西

2) Principles have no real force except when one is well fed. 肚子没有吃饱,什么原则都不会有真正的力量。
prison prison牢房
1) The only house in the world you can live in without paying the rent but nobody lives there willingly 世界上唯一不用交房租就可以住的房屋,但没有人自愿 去住

2) A place of punishments and rewards 一个处罚和酬谢的地方
private private 列兵
1) A military gentleman with a field-marshal's baton in his knapsack and an impediment in his hope 军人里的君子,背包里装着元帅的指挥棒,但实现希望却障碍重重
private tutor private tutor私人辅导
1) Someone who doesn't fart in public 不在公共场所放屁的人
problem problem (需要处理的)问题
1) The price of progress进步的代价

2) Guide leading one forward rather than signal to stop 不是停止的信号,而是引导人前进的向导
proboscis proboscis 长鼻子
1) The rudimentary organ of an elephant which serves him in place of the knife-and-fbrk that Evolution has as yet denied him 进化还没有给大象配备刀叉时最基本的代用器官
prodigy prodigy 神童
1) Another persons child who is exceptionally talented, or your own grandchild who isn't 别人特别有天赋的孩子,或是自己没有天赋的孙儿

2) A youngster who is too young to be as old as he is 比起自己实际年龄还年轻的年轻人

3) A new-born baby suddenly seeing his fathers nose and eyes 刚出生的婴儿突然看见父亲的鼻子和眼睛
professor professor教授
1) Someone who talks in someone else’s sleep 在别人睡梦里说话的人

2) A textbook wired for sound 接上了电线因而会发声的教科书

3) Someone who goes to college and never gets out 进了大学再也出不来的人
profiteer profiteer 奸商
1) A person you have to count your fingers after you shaking hands with whom 同他握手后要数一下你的手指头的人
profoundness profoundness 深奥
1) Bait of otherwise stark naked snare 用以掩盖赤裸裸的圈套的诱饵
progress progress 进步
1) The activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow 今日的活动,明日的保证

2) Man's ability to complicate simplicity 人类使简单变得复杂的本事

3) The process whereby the human race is getting rid of whiskers, the vermiform appendix, and God 人类摆脱络腮胡子、阑尾和上帝的过程

4) Prolonging life expectancy along with the development of killing methods, boundless expanding of solitariness and contacts, study and recreation at the same time 寿命延长伴随着杀人方法的发展,孤独和联系、学习和娱乐同时无限制地拓展

5) A step nearer to death 离死亡又进一步
projectile projectile①抛射物
① 英语中的projectile主要指炮弹等。

1) The final arbiter in international disputes 国际争端的最后仲裁人

2) Anything from a broom to a kiss, depending on who projects to whom 可以是各种各样的东西,可以是一把扫帚或一个吻,取决 于谁抛给谁 Proletariat 无产者
Those who have no power or wealth to lose except the indictment 除了起诉书之外没有权力或财产可以丧失的人
promise promise许诺
1) A pleasant musical note slipped out from the tip of one's tongue which makes the speaker carefree and the listener happy 从舌尖上滑出来的使说者畅快、听者愉快的动人音符

2) Agreeing to look after someone's money before you use it 在用别人的钱之前同意先看管一下

3) A cloud that won't give rains unless carried out 一片云,只有实现了才会变成雨
proof-reader proof-reader 校对员
1) A malefactor who atones for making your writing nonsense by permitting the compositor to make it unintelligible 通过允许排版工人使你的作品让人不知所云,从而做出弥补使之成为废话的一个恶人
propaganda propaganda 宣传
1) The art of persuading others of what one does not believe oneself 说服别人去相信自己不相信的事物的艺术
property property 财产
1) Any material thing, having no particular value, that may be held by A against the cupidity of 没有多大价值,但可以用来对付别人贪婪的任何物质

2) Whatever gratifies the passion for possession in one and disappoints it in all others 一切会使人感到满足而使其他人感到失望的东西

3) The object of man's brief rapacity and long indifference 使人的贪欲暂时得到满足,却长期置于不顾的东西

4) Material indicator of people's desire 人的欲望的物质指标
prophecy prophecy 预言
1) The art and practice of selling one's credibility for future delivery 从事出售信誉,将来兑现的艺术

2) Unproved lie 未经证实的谎言
prosecutor prosecutor 原告
1) The first fish in the eye of the lawyer 律师眼中的第一条鱼
prospect prospect 前程
1) An egg of brightness hatched by an ill-fated mother 受苦受难的母亲在孵的一只光明的蛋
prosperity prosperity 繁荣
1) Something the businessmen create for the politicians to take credit for 实业家发明出来、让政客居功的某种东西
protest protest 抗议
1) Opposed opinions blown up to a larger standard 放大了规格的反对意见
proverb proverb 谚语
1) Much matter decocted into a few words 众多的内容提炼浓缩成的寥塞数字

2) A short sentence distilled from experience 从经验中提炼出来的短句子

3) Ornaments of language 语言的饰物

4) Child of experience 经验的儿女

5) Literature of literature 文学中的文学
prude prude拘谨
1) A bawd hiding behind the back of her demeanor 藏在其举止背后的鸨母
prudence prudence 谨慎
1) A rich, ugly, old maid courted by Incapacity 一位富有而丑陋的老姑娘,无能对其大献殷勤

2) Ask your wife's opinion even when you are absolutely sure 即使绝对有把握,仍征求一下妻子的意见

3) Believing 10% of what one hears, a quarter of what one reads, and a half of what one sees 相信自己听到的1/10,读到的1/4和看到的一半

4) A measure of self-protection man acquires gradually in the process of evolution 人在进化的过程中逐渐学会的一种自我保护措施
psychiatrist psychiatrist 精神病医生
1) A man who doesn't have to worry as long as other people do 只要别人担心,自己就不用担心的人

2) A person who will listen to you as long as you don't make sense 只要你说的话莫明其妙,就会听你说话的人

3) A fellow who asks you a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing 一个问你许多问题,你要付一大笔钱给他的家伙,而你的妻子问你这些问题分文不收

4) A man who goes to a burlesque show and watches the audience 到脱衣舞演出场所注视观众的人

5) A penson who reads between the lines even vdien there is nothing there 即使什么也没有,也要从字里行间琢磨出含意的人
Psychologist Psychologist 心理学家
1) One who when a beautiful girl enters the room watches everyone else 一个美丽的姑娘进屋时观察所有其他人的人
psychology psychology 心理学
1) Merely common sense applied to human problems只不过是应用于人类问题的常识

2) The learning of judging others' mind against one's own way of thinking 以自己之心度他人之腹的学问
public public 公众
1) The factor that can be ignored in issues concerning laws 法律问题中可以忽略的因素
public opinion public opinion 舆论
1) What people think other people think 人们以为别人在想的想法

2) A compound of folly, weakness, prejudice, wrong feeling, right feeling, obstinacy, and newspaper paragraphs 由愚蠢、懦弱、偏见、错误的感觉、正确的感觉、固执,加上报纸上的报道组成的混合物
public relation public relations①公关

1) The art of not treating the public like relations
2) The art of doing what the public likes, or making it like what you do 或是做公众喜欢的事,或是让公众喜欢你做的事的一种艺术
public speaking public speaking 公开演说
1) The art of diluting a two-minute idea with a two-hour vocabulary 将两分钟就能说清楚的道理稀释到两个小时才能说完的艺术
publicity publicity 名气
1) Something you get when you are successful enough not to need it 你已经成功了,因而不再需要时所得到的某种东西
puck puck冰球
1) A hard rubber disk that hockey players strike when they can't hit one another 一块很硬的橡皮圆盘,冰球运动员不能互相打而只好打它
punctuality punctuality 准时
1) The art of guessing how late the other fellow is going to be 猜出对方会迟到多久的艺术

2) An moral quality that has developed abnormally on the part of creditor 在债权人身上得到畸形发展的一种品德
punctuation punctuation标点符号
1) The basting that holds the fabric of language in shape 将语言布料缝成形的线

2) The traffic signals of language, they tell us to slow down, notice this, take a detour, and stop 语言的红绿灯:提醒我们放慢速度,注意某个事物,绕行和停车

3) A courtesy designed to help readers to understand a story without stumbling 为帮助读者理解故事不会困惑而设计的一种礼貌表示
punishment punishment 惩罚
1) A weapon justice seems to have forgotten how to use 公正几乎忘记了如何使用的一种武器

2) An advice in the negative form 一种否定形式的忠告
pyramid pyramid 金字塔
1) A well-organized pile of rocks 一堆组织得很好的岩石
quagmire quagmire 泥潭
1) Any situation more easily entered into than exited from; e. g. , a guerrilla war, a bad marriage, or a conversation with an insurance salesman 所有进去容易出来难的情况,比如游击战、糟糕的婚姻,或者和保险推销员的谈话
quality quality 质量
1) Half brother of advertisement 广告的同父异母兄弟
quality control quality control 质量控制
1) The process of testing one out of every 1, 000 units coming off a production line to make sure that at least one out of 100 works 对生产线的产品进行1‰的测试的过程,确保至少有1%没有问题

2) The process of assuring that the quality of a product does not get out of hand and add to the cost of its manufacture or design 确保产品质量不失控,不增加生产和设计成本
quarrel quarrel 吵架
1) The most frank conversation 最坦诚的谈话

2) A game played by two to attract people's attention 吸引别人注意、由两个人玩的一种游戏

3) A conversation stating the true opinion of each other 表明对对方真实想法的会话

4) A method through which you can learn the other's true opinion of you 用以了解对方对你的真实看法的一种方法

5) A sport contest that attracts the most spectators in the world, the winner is determined by the amount and speed of the spittle of the two participants 世界上吸引观众最多的体育比赛,根据两位选手唾沫的数 量和速度决定胜者
quarter quarter 四重唱
1) Four men, all of whom think the other three can't sing 四个人,谁都认为另外三个人不会唱歌
question question (提问的)问题
1) An opportunity for you to display yourself to your heart's content 让你能尽情表现自己的机会

2) No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious. 最难回答的问题是答案明摆着的问题。
quiet quiet安静
1) A state of household serenity which occurs before the birth of the first child and occurs after the last child has left for college 家庭的一种安详宁静的状态,发生在第一个孩子出生之前以及 最后一个孩子离家上大学之后
quill quill鹅毛笔
1) An implement of torture yielded by a goose and commonly wielded by an ass 由鹅提供的、通常由驴子使用的一种刑具
quip quip妙语
1) The quickest distance to the point 能说到点上的最快的距离
quorum quorum法定人数
1) A sufficient number of members of a deliberative body to have their own way and their own way of having it 一个审议团体必须有的足够数目的成员,以便可以按自己的方式随心所欲
quotation quotation 语录
1) The words erroneously repeated 错误地重复的言辞

2) Repeating other's wisdom as the first step to become wise 重复别人的智慧作为自己走向聪明的第一步
quotient quotient 商(数)
1) A number showing how many times a sum of money belonging to one person is contained in the pocket of another—usually about as many times as it can get there 表示某个人的一笔钱在另一个人的口袋多少次的数字——通常为能到那里的最多次数
rabbit 兔
rabbit 兔子

1) The animal that loses only once in the race against a tortoise 和乌龟赛跑只输过一次的动物

2) An herbivorous animal that does not eat the grass around its burrow 不吃窝边草的一种食草动物
rabble rabble乌合之众
1) In a republic, those who exercise a supreme authority tempered by fraudulent elections 在一个共和国中,经过欺骗性选举的千锤百炼的人们
racehorse racehorse (比赛的)赛马
1) An animal that can take several thousand people for a ride at the same time 可以同时让几千人乘坐的一种动物。
rack rack行刑拷问
1) An argumentative implement formerly much used in persuading devotees of a false faith to embrace the living truth 以前用得很多的一种辩论的手段,用以劝说某个虚假信仰的皈依者们接受现行的真理
radical radical激进主义者
1) A man with both feet planted firmly in the air 两只脚都坚定地插在空中的人
radicalism radicalism激进主义
1) The conservatism of tomorrow injected into the affairs of today 明天的保守主义被注入了今天的事务
railroad railroad 铁路
1) The chief of many mechanical devices enabling us to get away from where we are to where we are no better off 许多机械设备中最主要的一种,使我们离开所在的地方,到 一个一样糟糕的地方
rain rain雨
1) A curtain hanging from the sky to the ground 从天上挂下来垂到地上的帘子
rainbow rainbow彩虹
1) If you want to enjoy the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain. 要想欣赏彩虹,就要忍受下雨。
raisin raisin葡萄干
1) A grape with a sunburn灼伤的葡萄

2) A worried grape 焦虑的葡萄
rank rank级别
1) Relative elevation on the scale of human worth 在人的所值刻度表上的相对高度
ransom ransom 赎身
1) The purchase of that which neither belongs to the seller, nor can belong to the buyer 购买既不属于卖主、也不可能属于买主的东西
rapacity rapacity贪得无厌
1) Providence without industry不以勤劳为本的谋虑
rapper rapper说唱歌手
1) One who associates unemployment, literature, and comers of staircase and make them sparkle 把失业、文学和楼梯昔見联想在一起,并使之迸发出火花的人
rascal rascal 恶棍
1) A fool considered under another aspect 从另外一个角度被认为是傻瓜的人
rascality rascality 卑鄙
1) Stupidity militant, the activity of a clouded intellect 好战的愚蠢,被阴云蒙住的智力的活动
rashness rashness 草率
1) Resolution of the foolish 笨蛋的果断

2) Insensibility to the value of our advice 对我们的忠告的价值反应迟钝
rationality rationality 理性
1) Devoid of all delusions save those of observation, experience and reflection 除了观察、经验和反思之外,没有任何妄想
reactionary reactionary 反动派
1) A man who thinks that today's politics can operate tomorrow with yesterday's policy 认为今天的政治可以用昨天的政策去管理明天的人

2) A man whose political opinion always manages to keep up with yesterday 政治观点总能赶上昨天的人
reading reading 读书
1) An ingenious device sometimes used to avoid thinking 有时用于避免思考的一种巧妙的办法
realism realism现实主义
1) The art of depicting nature as it is seen by toads, the charm suffusing a landscape painted by a mole, or a story written by a measuring-worm 按照蛤蟆眼中所见刻画自然的艺术,充满着騒鼠所画的风 景画,或者尺蟆所写的故事的魅力

2) A corruption of reality 现实的讹化
reality reality 现实
1) The dream of a mad philosopher 发疯的哲学家的梦
reason reason 理由
1) Propensity of prejudice 对偏见的癖好

2) A drop of tear of a woman can beat all the reasons given by a man. 女人的一滴眼泪可以压倒男人所有的理由。

3) He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave. 不愿说理是固执;不会说理是傻瓜;不敢说理是奴隶。
reasonableness reasonableness 通情达理
1) Accessibility to the infection of our own opinions, hospitability to persuasion, dissuasion and evasion 能为自己的看法所左右,能接纳劝说、告诫和遁词
reasoning reasoning 推理
1) Finding arguments for going on believing as we already do 为继续相信我们已相信的东西找论据

2) Weighing probabilities in the scales of desire 在欲望的天平上称各种可能性
rebel rebel造反者
1) A proponent of a new misrule who has failed to establish it 倡议建立一种新的暴政但没有成功的人
reception reception 招待会
1) Bright lights, glittering slogans, delicious food, and silly social conversations 明亮的灯光、闪亮的标语、可口的食品,以及傻乎乎的社交谈话
reciprocation reciprocation 回报
1) When someone mentions your "rich imaginationyou claim his is the works “by a genius”
recollecting recollecting 回忆
1) A strange sieve that always leaves one9s own good and other people's bad 一个奇怪的筛子,总是留下自己的好和别人的坏
recollections recollections 回忆录
1) A book that collects the good deeds you should have done and casts away the bad deeds you have done 收集了你本该做而没有做的好事,而排除了你所做的坏事 的一本书

2) Remembering the past and add something you haven't done 回忆过去,再加上你没做过的某些事

3) Memoir with additions of something not previously known 回忆加上一些人们以前不知道的事情
recommendation recommendation 推荐
1) It is a good way to get rid of guilty conscience by recommending a person you do not want to someone else. 把自己不喜欢的人推荐给别人,是摆脱良心谴责的一个好办法。
reconciliation reconciliation 和解
1) A suspension of hostilities, an armed truce for the purpose of digging up the dead 为把尸体挖出来而暂时终止敌意,全副武装地休战
recon sideration recon sideration 复审
1) Seeking a justification for a decision already made 为已做出的决定找一个正当的理由
record record记录
1) The only thing people feel glad when it is broken 唯一被打破后人们为之高兴的东西
recounting recounting更新计票
1) Another throw of the dice, accorded to the player against whom they are loaded 再扔一次骰子,以让点数符合投掷者的心意
recreation recreation 娱乐
1) A particular kind of dejection to relieve a general fatigue 驱除一般疲劳的一种特殊沮丧
recruit recruit 新兵
1) A person distinguishable from a civiEan by his uniform and from a soldier by his gait 身上穿了军装而有别于老百姓,走路的姿势又有别于士兵的人
1) Red is a universal signal for STOP, except when you find it on a girFs lips. 红色是天下通用的表示“停止”的符号,但在女孩子嘴唇上的例外。
redemption redemption 赎罪
1) Deliverance of sinners from the penalty of their sin, through their murder of the deity against whom they sinned 杀死他们冒犯的神,以使犯罪者免受惩罚
redress redress 补偿
1) An insatisfactory compensation 一种不能令人满意的赔偿
refinement refinement 高雅
1) A comparatively taller tree growing in the bush 生长在灌木丛中、相对较高的一棵树
reflection reflection 反省
1) An action of the mind whereby we obtain a clearer view of our relation to the things of yesterday and are able to avoid the perils that we shall not again encounter 使我们更清楚地理解我们与过去的事物之间的关系的一种心理 活动,以避免我们不可能再遇到的危险
reform reform 改革
1) A thing that mostly satisfies reformers opposed to reformation 最能使改革者满足、反对任何改进的一种事物

2) To pound into an unrecognizable mess in the hope you can then make something useful out of it 捣成无法辨认的一团糟,希望能以此做出某种有用的东西
reformer reformer改革家
1) A guy who rides through a sewer in a glass-bottomed boat 乘着玻璃底船在下水道里航行的家伙
refrigerator refrigerator 冰箱
1) A place where you store leftovers until they are ready to be thrown out 剩饭剩菜最后倒掉之前放置的地方
refugee refugee难民
1) People who vote with their feet 用脚投票的人们
refusal refusal 拒绝
1) A door that can emerge from the mouth any time 随时能从口中冒出的一扇门

2) Denial of something desired, as an elderly maiden's hand in marriage, to a rich and handsome suitor; a valuable franchise to a rich corporation, by an alderman, and so forth 不接受某种想要的东西,如老姑娘拒绝心目中有钱而英俊的男性求婚者,有钱的公司拒绝心目中由市议院授权的、 价值不菲的特许经营,等等
regret regret 后悔
1) A killer that wastes most time 最浪费时间的杀手

2) A color that adds sense of beauty and depth to life 一种为生活增添美感和深度的色彩

3) Filth at the bottom of the cup of life 生命之杯中的底垢

4) Intending to write some poem, which is unintentionally published by life 有意想要写诗,无意中被生活提前发表了

5) Awakened memory 觉醒了的记忆
rehabilitation rehabilitation 改造
1) Magic word said before releasing criminals 释放罪犯前说的魔词
relative relative 亲戚
1) Someone who complains of hard up when he borrows money from you and does the same when you want to borrow money from him 向你借钱时哭穷,你向他借钱时也哭穷的人

2) Some people either you summon them or you are summoned by them, depending on whether they are rich or poor 不是你召唤他们就是他们召唤你的一些人,取决于他们是富有还是贫穷
relativity relativity 相对论
1) When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute—and it's longer than any hour. 一个男人和一个漂亮的姑娘坐在一起,一个小时就像一分钟;可是让他坐在火热的炉子上,一分钟比一个小时还长。
relaxation relaxation 松一口气
1) Calculating tomorrow's gain after calculating today's lose 算完今天的损失后算一下明天的收益
religion religion 宗教
1) A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable 希望和恐惧的女儿,向无知者解释不可知事物的性质
remorse remorse 懊悔
1) Regret that one has waited too long to do it 惋惜等了太久后才做
remote control remote control 遥控器
1)(female) A device for changing from one TV channel to another (male) A device for scanning through all 100 channels every three minutes (女)切换电视频道的东西
renown renown 声誉
1) A degree of distinction between fame and notoriety, a little worse than the former but a little tolerable than the latter 美名和臭名之曲程度上的区别,比前者略为不如,比后者略为可以忍受
reparation reparation 偿还
1) Compensation that is made for a wrong and deducted from the satisfaction felt in committing it 从做了错事后的一种满足感中扣除的、对错误的赔偿
repartee repartee妙答
1) The art of making a point glitter while making a person bitter 让论点闪光,同时又使人难受的艺术

2) An insult with its dress suit on 穿得笔挺的侮辱

3) A duel fought with the points of jokes 用笑话的尖刺进行的决斗

4) The brilliant remark the other fellow makes just before you think of it 没等你想出来,对方已说出来的精彩的话

5) A dull sword used in practice that does not kill 杀不死人的、用于练习的一把钝剑

6) Prudent insult in retort, practiced by gendemen with a constitutional aversion to violence, but a strong disposition to offend 反驳时谨慎的污蔑,为气质上厌恶暴力、生性倔强却想伤害人的君子们所用
repentance repentance 悔恨
1) Imagining heaven but feeling hell 想象天堂却感受地狱

2) Reversed negative hope 倒过来的负的希望

3) Preparation for a greater cheating 为更大的欺骗所做的准备

4) Faithful attendant and follower of Punishment, usually manifested in a degree of reformation that is not inconsistent with continuity of sin 惩罚忠实的随从,通常表现一定程度的改过自新,但并不 一定表示罪行不再继续
reporter reporter 记者
1) A writer who guesses his way to the truth and dispels it with a tempest of words 通过猜想得到事实真相,然后用词句的暴风雨将其摧毁的作家
republic republic共和国
1) A nation in which, the thing governing and the thing governed being the same, there is only a permitted authority to enforce an optional obedience 一个国家,在这个国家里,统治和被统治是一回事,只允 许有一个权威执行有选择的服从

2) A system of government which ensures justice for everyone who can afford to buy it 一种政体,保证所有能买得起正义的人都能得到它

3) A utopian form of organization of indiscriminate love 博爱的乌托邦组织形式
reputation reputation 名望
1) A personal possession, frequendy not discovered until lost 往往是在失去之后才被发现的一种个人财产
research research 硏究
1) When you look for something twice 两次寻找某种东西

2) An organized method of keeping you reasonably dissatisfied with what you have 一个有组织的方法,让你对已拥有的事物保持适当的不满意

3) To see what everybody has seen, and to think what nobody has thought 看到每个人都看到的,想到没有人想到过的
resentment resentment 怨恨
1) Someone who takes some poison but waits for someone else to die 服了毒却在等别人死去
resident resident 居民
1) People unable to leave 不能离开的人
resignation resignation 辞职
1) Renouncing an honor for an advantage or renouncing an advantage for a greater advantage 为某个利益而放弃一种荣誉,或为一个更大的利益而放弃某个利益
resoluteness resoluteness 果断
1) Obstinateness in a course that we approve 坚持朝我们认可的方向一意孤行
resort resort 胜地
1) A place where no one knows you are important 没有人知道你是重要人物的一个地方

2) A place where the tired grow more tired 疲乏的人变得更疲乏的地方
respite respite 缓刑
1) A suspension of hostilities against a sentenced assassin, to enable the Executive to determine whether the murder may not have been done by the prosecuting attorney:

2) A sudden break in the continuity of a disagreeable expectation 突然中断连续的、令人不愉快的期望
responsibility responsibility 责任
1) Shackles in various forms made of different invisible material 用各种看不见的材料制成的式样不一的镣铐

2) A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor:
restraint restraint 克制
1) One of the characters of higher animal, who gives up freedom to get respect 高等动物的特征之一,为了得到尊敬而放弃自由

2) Remain aloof and indifferent, even when seeing a beautiful woman in miniskirt 哪怕见了穿超短裙的漂亮女人也无动于衷
retaliation retaliation 报复
1) The basis for all law suits 所有诉讼的基础

2) Making a second trouble in order to get rid of one trouble 为了摆脱一个麻烦而惹出另一个麻烦

3) The natural rock upon which is reared the Temple of Law 法律之神庙建造在上面的自然巨石
retirement retirement 退休
1) The period in life when you stop quoting the proverb that time is money 你不再引用“时间就是金钱”这条谚语的人生阶段

2) The time when you never do all the things you intended to do when you have the time 这时候,即使有时间,你也决不去做你原本打算要做的所 有的事情

3) The time in life when there is nothing so difficult as doing nothing 人生中这样一个时候,你觉得没有任何事物能比得上什么 也不干那么难

4) The period when you exchange the bills in your wallet for snapshots of your grandchildren 把钱包里的钱换成儿孙照片的时期
retribution retribution 报应
1) A rain of fire-and-brimstone that falls alike upon the just and such of the unjust 同样降落在正义者和非正义者头上的威胁报复
revenge revenge 报仇
1) Biting the dog because he has bit you因为狗咬了你,所以你去咬狗

2) Sending the love letters of your former lover to your rival in love—her present husband 把你往日恋人的情书寄给你的情敌——她现在的丈夫
reverence reverence 敬意
1) The spiritual attitude of a man to a god and a dog to a man 人对神或狗对人的心情
review review 回顾
1) An effective means to revise what one has said or done 修正自已说过的话或做过的事的有效手段
revolution revolution 革命
1) An activity with increased labels and decreasing heads 帽子增加、头颅减少的一项活动

2) Killing or being killed 杀人或被杀
rhetoric rhetoric 修辞
1) A long speech with words of many syllables 由多音节词构成的长篇大论

2) Equivocal, ambiguous, and far-fetched dust of language 含混不清、模棱两可、牵强附会的语言尘埃
ribaldry ribaldry 下流
1) Censorious language by another concerning oneself 另一个人说的、关于你的挑剔性的语言
ribbon cutting ribbon cutting 剪彩
1) Make a clean break in front of the public 当着大家的面一刀两断
riches riches 财雷
1) Wise men’s servant and fools’ commander 智者的仆人,傻瓜的主人

2) Something that consists not in the extent of one's possessions, but in the smallness of one's wants 不是一个人拥有有多么多,而是一个想要的有多么少
rich person rich person 富有者
1) One who is never afraid to ask a shopkeeper to show him something more expensive 从来不怕让售货员给他看看更昂贵的东西的人

2) One who employs a secretary, buder, valet, cook, laundress, and housekeeper, while his poor brother has to do with just a wife 雇有秘书、领班、男仆、厨师、洗衣女工和管家的人,而 他可怜的弟弟只有妻子

3) One appreciated mainly by his heirs 主要受到继承人欣赏的人

4) The one with the finest foods, but always with. a poorer appetite than the poor 享用最好的食物,可是胃口却总是没有穷人好的人

5) Someone who may build a fine home, but ifs the wise man who marries his widow 能造得起好房子的人,可是聪明人却会娶他的寡妇
ridicule ridicule 嘲笑
1) Something often done by those who cannot do anything well and hope others wouldn't do well either 自己做不好任何事,也希望别人做不好的人们常做的事

2) An extensively infectious rust that will erode everything it touches 一种有广泛传染性的锈,它会腐蚀接触到的所有东西
right right权利
1) Legitimate authority to be, to do or to have; as the right to be a king, the right to do one's neighbor, the right to have measles, and the like 做人、做事和拥有的合法权益,比如当国王的权利、欺骗邻居 的权利,以及得麻疹的权利等
ring ring戒指
1) A hole with a rim round it 镶有边的洞

2) A small and expensive handcuff people put on willingly 人们自愿戴上的一种小型而昂贵的手铐
riot riot暴乱
1) A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders 无辜的旁观者给军人们的一种受欢迎的娱乐方式
rite rite礼节
1) A religious or semi-religious ceremony fixed by law, precept or : custom, with the essential oil of sincerity carefully squeezed out of it 由法律、戒律或习惯规定的一种宗教或半宗教的仪式,可是其中虔诚的精华已被小心地榨掉了
road road路
1) A long strip of land along which you can go from a place you are tired of to another place just as boring 一长条土地,沿着它可以从一个你厌倦的地方到达一个同 样无聊的地方

2) The road is endless because the earth is round. 路是没有尽头的,因为地球是圆的。

3) If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there,
robbery robbery 抢劫
1) Over-simplified commercial activity not tolerant by the law 法律不允许的过分简化了的商业活动
robot robot机器人
1) A steel-collar worker 铁领工人
robustness robustness 粗野
1) Never having to say you're sorry 永远无需说对不起
rock rock 岩石
1) The original unfinished furniture 未完成的原始家具
rocket rocket 火箭
1) Something providing people with a moral revelation: You can drive upward as along as you sharpen your head 具有道德启示的某种东西:只要你削尖脑袋,就能往上蹿
rod rod渔竿
1) An attractively painted length of fiberglass that keeps an angler from ever getting too close to a fish 一根漆得很漂亮的、阻止垂钓者和鱼靠得太近的纤维玻璃棒
romance romance浪漫史
1) A short period when two people cannot see too much of each other, followed by a long period when they do 两个人总嫌互相看不够的一段短时间,其后是两个人嫌见 得太多的一段长时间

2) A story that begins with a prince kissing an angel, and ends with a bald-headed man yawning at a fat woman 以王子吻天使开始,以秃头男人朝胖女人打哈欠结束的一 个故事

3) Obscenity that happens to noble people 发生在高贵者身上的下流

4) Strolling of the soul 心灵的散步

5) Fiction that owes no allegiance to the God of Things as They Are, in which it ranges at will over the entire region of the imagination—free, lawless, immune to bit and rein 在想象的王国——自由,无法无天,不受驾驭——任意驰骋,丝毫不忠实于事实真相的虚构
rose rose玫瑰
1) A sign that may bring a woman s series of calamities 可能给女人带来一系列灾难的标志

2) Something that tests a man's ability to take advantage of an opportunity and use soft tactic 考验男人能不能顺势采用柔性战术的本领的东西

3) Color of the sun at dawn 黎明时太阳的颜色

4) Always take time to stop and smell the roses… and sooner or later, you'll inhale a bee. 老是花时间去闻玫瑰……早晚会把蜜蜂也吸进去。

5) You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. 可以因为玫瑰有刺而埋怨,反过来,你也可以因为刺有 玫瑰而喜悦。
rostrum rostrum 讲台
1) A place from which a candidate for office energetically expounds the wisdom, virtue and power of the rabble 官员候选人口若悬河地解说乌合之众的智慧、美德和权力的一 个场所
rubber rubber 橡皮
1) Something most unlearned as it only touches wrong words 最没有学问的东西,因为它接触的都是错别字
rubbish rubbish 垃圾
1) Worthless matter, such as the religions, philosophies, literatures, and arts 诸如宗教、哲学、文学、艺术等没有价值的东西
rumor rumor谣言
1) A language that travels faster than truth but stays not as long as truth 比真理跑得快,但停留时间没有真理长的一种语言

2) The news service of the weak 提供给弱者的消息服务

3) Seasonings for leisure 休闲的调料

4) A favorite weapon of the assassins of character 有性格的杀手喜爱的一种武器

5) News that travels at the speed of sound 以音速传播的消息
sush hour sush hour高峰时间
1) The time when a motorist travels the shortest distance in the longest time 开汽车的人用最长的时间开过最短的距离的时候

2) The time of the day when the traffic rushes at a snail’s pace 一夭中车辆以蜗牛的速度往前赶的一段时间
sacrifice sacrifice 牺牲
1) The only means for the incapable to become famous 没有本领的人岀名的唯一途径
safety safety 安全
1) The only privilege enjoyed by the dead 死人享有的唯一特权
sage sage贤圣
1) A person who died long ago and has been edited and processed 经过编辑加工的早已死去的人
saint saint圣人
1) A dead sinner revised and edited 经过改写和编辑的已死的罪人
salary salary 薪水
1) The amount of money you are underpaid 你没有被付足的钱数

2) Appendix to employment contract 雇佣合同的附件
salesman salesman推销员
1) A man who convinces his wife she looks fat in a mink coat 让自己的妻子相信穿上貂皮上衣会显得太肥的男人
saliva saliva 睡液
1) A medium for blowing bubbles 吹泡泡的媒介
sample sample 样品
1) Champion of beauty contest held among stored goods 库存商品中的选美冠军
sarcasm sarcasm 讽刺
1) Barbed ire带刺的愤怒
sardines sardines 沙丁鱼
1) Little fish that swim into a can, lock themselves up and leave the key outside 游进罐头,把自己锁好,把钥匙留在外边的小鱼
satiety satiety 厌烦
1) The feeling that one has for the plate after he has eaten its contents 一个人吃完了盘子里的东西后对盘子的感情
satire satire 讽刺
1) The soured milk of human kindness 变酸了的人类善良之奶

2) A form of humor enjoyed by some and misunderstood by many 一些人欣赏而许多人误解的幽默的一种形式

3) A strange mirror in which the observer sees everybody else9s features but not himself 一面奇特的镜子,观看者在其中看到每一个人的尊容,就是看不到自己
satisfaction satisfaction 满足
1) When you see misfortune falling on others 看到不幸降临到别人头上

2) What makes you stop exerting yourself 使你停止努力的东西

3) The beginning of insipid life 平淡乏味生活的开始
sauce sauce调味酱
1) The one infallible sign of civilization and enlightenment 文明和开化的一个绝对无误的标志
savings savings 积蓄
1) Something acquired quite easily; all you have to do is to keep too busy to spend your money 很容易获得的东西,只要让自己忙得没空花钱就行

2) Resources which are like toothpaste in a tube; easy to take out, but almost impossible to put back in 像牙膏管中的资源,很容易弄出来,但几乎无法放回去
scandal scandal 丑闻
1) The tail revealed because of poor concealing 没有掩藏好而露出的尾巴

2) A breeze stirred up by a couple of windbags ①两三只风囊煽动起来的一阵微风
schmuck schmuck 蠢材
1) What everyone thinks a television director is 所有的人心目中的电视导演
scholar scholar 学者
1) A man who owns more hard-cover books than paperbacks 拥有的精装书比平装书多的人

2) Someone with a supple mind and heavy buttocks 头脑灵活、屁股沉重的人
school school学校
1) A place where mistakes are justified straightforwardly 直接将错误合理化的场所

2) A good place to sell glasses for near-sightedness 销售近视眼镜的好地方

3) A place where Papa pays and Son plays 爸爸出钱儿子玩耍的地方

4) Building with four walls and tomorrow inside 有四座墙,里面关着明天的建筑

5) A learning prison学习的监狱
school teacher 小学教师
1) A disillusioned person who used to think that he liked children 一个本来认为自己喜欢孩子们但已醒悟过来的人
science science 科学
1) Grouping facts so that general laws or conclusions may be drawn from them 归纳事实以便据此找出普遍规律或得出结论

2) Trained and organized common sense 训练有素、组织严密的常识

3) The nervous system of our era 我们时代的神经系统

4) Nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated 只不过是发展了的感性知识,解释清楚的意图,及完整、详细而且表达得很清楚的常识

5) A collection of successful recipes 成功的秘方集

6) Art is I; science is we 艺术是我;科学是我们

7) Something people have to study and apply diligently in order to satisfy their desire to be lazy 人们为了满足懒惰之心而不得不勤奋地研究和运用的东西

8) A first rate piece of furniture for a man's upper chamber if he has common sense on the ground floor 低层有常识的屋子楼上才会有的一件一流的家具

9) A method of systematic inquiry; whose main sections are readily identifiable by the following guidelines: if it's green or wiggles, ifs biology; if it stinks, it's chemistry; if it doesn't , ifs physics 系统地询问的方法,其主要部分可用下列指导原则辨认: 如果是绿色的或者会扭动,那是生物学;如果气味刺鼻, 那是化学;如果不刺鼻,那是物理学

10) Science today is the technology of tomorrow.今日的科学就是明日的技术。
scissors scissors 剪刀
1) Inseparable twin brothers married inseparable twin sisters 形影不离的一对双胞胎兄弟娶了一对形影不离的双胞胎姐妹

2) Two brothers sharing one navel 共有一个肚脐的兄弟俩
scrap-book scrap-book 剪贴簿
1) A book that is commonly edited by a fool 通常由傻瓜编的一本书
scratching scratching 挠痒痒
1) Nature's way of giving you something to do when you itch 大自然在你痒痒的时候设法让你有事可做
screen screen 纱窗
1) A wire mesh that keeps flies from getting out of the house 不让苍蝇飞出屋子的细铁丝网
scribbler scribbler 涂鸦者
1) A professional writer with contradictory views 具有矛盾观点的专业作家
sculpture sculpture 雕塑
1) Creation of expressions with clay or stone, erect music and aesthetics 用泥巴或石头创造的表情,直立的音乐和美学
seamstress seamstress女裁缝
1) A lady who describes 250 pounds in a size 6用6号尺寸形容250磅的女士
seasickness seasickness 晕船
1) The only thing that can make a tourist look like his passport photograph 唯一能使旅游者看上去像他护照上照片的事
seat belt seat belt安全带
1) Something invented to keep you from suddenly leaving the scene o£ an accident 为阻止你突然离开事故现场而发明出来的某样东西
secret secret 秘密
1) Something that is not only told in strict confidence but also repeated in strict confidence 不仅是在高度机密的情况下被告知,而且是在高度机密的 情况下被重复的内容

2) Something we give to others to keep for us 交给别人代为保管的某种东西

3) A net, when one mesh breaks the whole net is useless 一张网,只要一个网眼破了,整个网也就没有用了

4) When you get it, it becomes your prisoner; once you let it out, you become its prisoner 获得它,它就是你的囚徒;一旦把它泄漏出去,你便成了它的囚徒

5) News intentionally leaked out to assume importance 故意泄露出去以佯装重要的消息

6) A naughty child the more you want to keep guard on the easier for him to run away 一个调皮的、看守得越严越容易逃跑的孩子

7) Something you tell to one person at a time 你每次只告诉一个人的某种东西

8) The most difficult secret for a man to keep is his own opinion of himself. 最难保守的秘密是一个人对自己的看法。
security council Security Council 安理会
1) A place for a group of refined, courteous and self-righteous people to quarrel 一群彬彬有礼而自以为是的人吵架的场所
seed seed种子
1) Condensed plant浓缩的植物
self self自我
1) The most important person in the world 天底下最重要的人
self-control self-control 自我克制
1) Courage under another form 以另一种形式表现出来的勇气

2) A virtue you never knew you had until you argue with the boss 和上司争吵之后才知道自己拥有的一种美德

3) The ability to eat only one peanut 只吃一颗花生米的能力
self-defense self-defense 自卫
1) Pushing oneself aside to dodge the bullet 把自己推到一边以躲避子弹
self-esteem self-esteem 自负
1) The confidence which a person has in himself though there's no one he has fooled more often 一个人对自己的信心,不过更多时候还是用来欺骗自己

2) An erroneous appraisement 一份错误的鉴定年
self-evidence self-evidence 自明
1) Something evident to one's self and to nobody else 对本人自己是显然明白,而别人并不明白的东西
self-examination self-examination 自省
1) A camel leading you through the desert to the oasis of truth 领你穿过沙漠、到达真理之绿洲的骆驼
selfishness selfishness 自私
1) Cannon fire which can turn the lawn of life to a piece of scorched land 能把人生芳草地变成焦土的炮火 ;

2) Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others不考虑其他人的自私
self-reproach self-reproach 自责
1) Reflection over one's persuasiveness after failing to admonish someone 规劝某人失败后对自己的劝说能力的反思
self-respect self-respect 自尊
1) A well from which flows the spring of confidence 流出自信泉水的井

2) The greatest lever in one's soul 一个人灵魂中最伟大的杠杆
self-satisfaction self-satisfaction 自我满足
1) The smug feeling we get from comparing other peopled faults with our own virtue 拿别人的过错和自己的美德相比时那种沾沾自喜的感觉
self-teasing self-teasing 自嘲
1) Modesty of those who are not willing to reconcile 心有不甘者的谦虚

2) A weak self-justification used by fools to console themselves that they have rebu社ed the scoff of the wise 傻瓜用以安慰自己的、无力的自我辩解,自以为他们已经 反驳了聪明人的奚落
self-vigilance self-vigilance 自戒
1) A fuse that prevents fires on your way to success 通往成功的路上灭火的保险丝
senate senate参议院
1) A body of elderly gendemen charged with high duties and misdemeanors 一群年长的绅士,身负高级责任和不端行为
senator senator参议员
1) Half horse and half man 半马半人
senility 衰
senility 衰老
1) When you're years beyond your wise 年岁超过了智慧

2) The state of mind of elderly persons with whom one happens to disagree 正巧与之有不同看法的老人的心态
sense of humor sense of humor幽默感
1) What enables you to laugh at somethingunless it happens to you 某种让你感到可笑的事情—— 不是发生在你自己身上
sense of shame sense of shame羞耻心
1) Second underwear of man, but some people often like to take them off 人的第二内衣,但某些人常喜欢将其脱掉
sentimentalist sentimentalist 感伤主义者
1) One who desires to have the luxury of an emotion without paying for it 渴望不花钱就能享受感情之奢侈的人
sentimentalism sentimentalism 多愁善感
1) The working off on yourseE of feelings you haven't really got 向自己发泄并不真正具有的感情
september September 九月
1) The month when the children go back to school, and their mothers; go back to bed 孩子们回学校,母亲们回床上的月份
1) A bowl of refreshing moonlight, some analeptic that drives away our sleepiness 一碗提神的月光,驱走睡意的兴奋剂
serendipity serendipity 好运
1) The process by which human knowledge is advanced 人类知识进步所经历的过程

2) Looking in a haystack for a needle and finding the farmer's daughter 在干草堆里找针,结果发现了农夫的女儿
sex sex性
1) An emotion in motion动态的激情

2) The most fun you can have without laughing 能得到的、没有笑而最有趣的东西

3) A thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble 占用时间最少,引起麻烦最多的事
sexes sexes性别
1) The three sexes are men, women, and professor. 三种性别是男人、女人和教授。
sexual desire sexual desire 性欲
1) Spring of temporary pleasure and abyss of continuous pain 暂时快乐的源泉,持续痛苦的深渊
shadow shadow 影子
1) Something dark that reminds you there is light shining 提醒你有光在照耀的深色的东西
shakespeare Shakespeare 莎士比亚
1) It is much easier to quote Shakespeare than to read him. 引用莎士比亚的话比读他的作品要容易得多。
shakespeareanism Shakespeareanism 莎士比亚主义
1) A historical theory that holds the passion, struggle, shameless sense, and impulse of the strong are decisive 认为强者的激情、奋斗、寡廉鲜耻和冲动起决定作用的一种历 史理论
sham sham虚假
1) The profession of politicians, the science of doctors, the knowledge of editors, and the religion of missionaries, in a word, the whole world 政客的职业、医生的科学、编辑的知识、传教士的宗教,简而言之,整个世界
shameless shameless 无耻
1) Absolutely free to act like an animal because there is no spiritual shackles 因为没有精神枷锁,因而可以绝对自由地像动物那样行事
sheath sheath 刀鞘
1) Something that protects the sharpness of the knife but contented with its own dullness 保护刀的锋利,却满足于自己迟钝的某样东西
shin shin小腿
1) A device for finding furniture in the dark 黑暗中寻找家具的设备
2) The bruised area on the front of the leg that runs from the point where the ache from the wrenched knee ends to where the soreness from the strained ankle begins 腿前部挫伤的部位,从扭伤疼痛的膝盖起,一直到崴了而酸痛的脚踝
shirker shirker逃避责任者
1) A worker who acts as if he were on a pension instead of a salary 看起来好像是在拿退休金,而不是拿工资的工人
shiver shiver 哆嗦
1) A dance played by a mouse in the presence of a cat 老鼠在猫面前表演的一种舞蹈
shoe store shoe store 鞋店
1) A place where a woman tries on many pairs of shoes, hoping to find something larger in the same size 女人试穿许多双鞋的地方,她希望能在同一个尺码的鞋里找出 一双大一些的
shopping shopping 购物
1) Retail therapy零售疗法
short cut short cut 捷径
1) The shortest way that often leads you to some place you don't want to go 往往是通向你不想去的地方的最短的路
show off show off 炫耀
1) What a child who is more talented than yours does 比自己的孩子有天才的孩子做的事
sick ward sick ward 病房
1) The best place to give presents to your superior 给上司送礼最好的地方
sign sign标志
1) An airport decoration, usually unnoticed except by small children, its primary function being to hide the location of various areas of the airport, e. g. , gate numbers, rest rooms, baggage claim, etc. 机场的一种装饰,除了小小孩以外通常没有人会注意,其主要 功能是隐藏机场各部门的地点——如登机门号码、洗手间、领行李处等
signature signature 签名
1) A signature always reveals a man's character—and sometimes even his name. 从一个人的签名往往能看出他的性格——有时甚至能看出他的 名字。

2) Celebrities scrawling writing which closely resembles the tracks of crawling bugs 名人写的像臭虫爬的字迹
significance significance 意义
1) Something rarely contained in what I say 我所说的话中很少包含的东西
silence silence 沉默
1) One of the hardest arguments to refute 最难驳斥的论点之一

2) The most perfect expression of scorn 表示藐视的最完善的办法

3) The art of knowing when to lock one's tongue 知道何时锁住自己舌头的艺术

4) Shelter of the ignorant and pride of the learned 无知者的掩饰,有学问者的骄傲

5) The college yell of the school experience 大学里对中学的经验的呐喊

6) Dialogue with God, feeling the universe and oneself 和上帝对话,感觉宇宙和自我

7) The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but the ability to keep your mouth shut in one language is priceless. 能说几种语言是一笔财产,能用一种语言免开尊口却是无价之宝。
silk silk绸
1) Fabric made so that women could go naked in clothes 可以让女人穿着衣服裸露身子的衣料
silliness silliness 愚蠢
1) Give a correct answer in an intelligence contest when your boss answers wrongly 智力竞赛时,上司答错的问题你却答对了
singing star singing star 歌星
1) One who travels everywhere to sell his or her voice for money in an imposing way 到处旅行,堂而皇之地出卖自己的声音以换取金钱的人
sinner sinner (道德上的)罪入
1) A stupid person who gets found out 被人发现的蠢人
sisters sisters 姐妹
1) A burden of the family when they are young but a financial resource of the family when they grow up 小时候家中的负担,长大后家中的财源
sit in sit in静坐
1) When you sit down to stand up for our rights 为了能站起来维护自己的利益而坐下去
skeleton skeleton 骷髅
1) A bunch of bones with the person scraped off 一把骨头,上面的人给削掉了
skeptic skeptic怀疑论者
1) A man who has faith in nothing except in his own lack of faith 除了自己没有信心这一点之外,对一切都没有信心的人

2) A fellow who won't take know for an answer 不愿意别人回答“知道”的家伙

3) A person who would ask God for his ID card 要检查上帝身份证的人
skepticism skepticism 疑心
1) A process of slow suicide 慢性自杀的过程

2) The first attribute of a good critic 一名优秀的批评家首要的特征
skill skill技巧
1) Something fools use to replace their brains 傻子用以取代头脑的东西
skirt skirt 裙子
1) A flower opening downwards 向下开的花朵

2) A moving①flower used to blooming in summer now can be seen all the year around 一朵以前夏天开放,现在一年到头都能看得到的移动的花
① Moving也有"动人”的意思。

3) A little poem, the shorter the more wonderful 越短越精彩的一首小诗
slander slander 诽谤
1) An arrow launched from the tongue that can kill the speaker, the listener, and the one talked about at the same time 从舌头上射出的一支箭,能同时杀死说话的人、听话人和 被谈论的人

2) Enforce on others with ill intention evil things which one wants to do by himself but has got no chance 恶意地把自己想做而没有机会做的恶行强加给别人
slang slang俚语
1) A language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands and goes to work 卷起袖子,往手上吐一口唾沫,然后去干活的语言

2) The one stream of poetry which is continually flowing outward 不断往外流的诗歌之溪
sleep sleep睡眠
1) The best cure for waking troubles 治疗醒时烦恼的最好的药

2) A form of death on the installment plan 分期付款的一种死亡形式

3) The worst thief who steals away half of our life 最坏的贼,偷走我们半生

4) That fleeting moment just before the alarm goes off 闹钟响之前短暂的一刻
slogan slogan 口号
1) A good substitute for the facts 取代事实的好东西

2) Our modem commercial replacement for quality 现代商业代替质量的东西

3) A politician banner, often changed, but always held high above the voters' brains 面政治旗帜,经常会改变,但始终高举在选民的头脑之上
smart person smart person 精明人
1) One who knows when and how to play dumb 知道何时和怎样装聋作哑的人
smile smile微笑
1) A wrinkle that shouldn't be removed 不该抹去的皱纹

2) A language that even a baby understands 连婴儿都懂的一种语言

3) Just a frown upside down 倒过来的皱眉

4) A light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is home 心灵之窗的一盏灯,表明心在家里

5) A powerful weapon you can even break ice with 甚至可以用来破冰的一件有力的武器

6) A melting agent whose temperature can never be measured by any statistics 世界上任何统计都无法衡量其温度的融化剂

7) The shortest distance between two persons 两个人之间最短的距离

8) The curve that sets all things straight 使一切事物变得笔直通畅的曲线

9) A beam of sun light you can give to any stranger, and perhaps the only one he will see 你能给所有陌生人的一束阳光,很可能是他能见到的唯一 的一束阳光

10) A light at the window of the soul showing composure 灵魂的窗口表示安详的一盏灯

11) An inexpensive way to improve your looks 改进容貌的廉价的办法

12) Something that adds to your face value 增加你的“面值”的某种东西

13) A facelift thafs in everyone's price range 所有人都付得起的美容

14) An umbrella on a rainy day 雨天的一把伞

15) Exposing a portion of one5s skeleton as a gesture of goodwill toward a fellow human 暴露骨骼的一部分,作为对同属人类的另一个人表示友好 的姿态

16) Smiles are the soul's kisses. 微笑是灵魂之吻。

17) All people smile in the same language 所有的人都用同一种语言微笑。
smoker smoker吸烟者
1) One who always makes an ash of himself 总是把自己变成灰的人
smoking smoking 抽烟
1) Rolling up one's money and burning it 把钱卷起来烧

2) A process of slow suicide 慢性自杀的过程

3) Indirecdy roll a lot of money, put it between your lips and burn it to vent your anger or divert yourself from boredom 间接地将许多钱卷起来,叼在嘴上,然后点火烧,以发泄怒气或解闷

4) The world's leading cause of statistics 世界上进行统计的首要原因
snail snail蜗牛
1) An animal that carries its house so that it doesift have to spend money to stay in a hotel when it travels 驮着自己的房子,因此旅游时不必花钱住旅馆的一种动物
sneer sneer嘲笑
1) An unjust weapon used by old habit to fight against new things 一种不正当的、通过旧习惯用以反对新事物的武器
snob snob势利小人
1) A man standing on a ladder licking the feet of the man above, and stepping on the hands of the man below 一个人站在梯子上,一面舔他上面人的脚,一面踩他下面 人的手

2) Someone who regards himself as the equal of his superior? and superior of his equal 认为自己与上司平等,比同级高一等的人

3) One whose grandfather made money and who therefore refuses to associate with persons who have made it themselves 因祖父挣了钱而拒绝同自己挣了钱的那些人来往的人
snobbery snobbery 势利
1) The pride of those who are not sure of their position 对自己的地位没有把握的人的骄傲
social intercourse social intercourse社交
1) An activity in which people narrow their eyes to look at important people and open their eyes wide to glare at unimportant people 眯起眼睛看大人物、瞪大眼睛看小人物的一种活动
society society 社会
1) A strange place where the addresses of people you are looking for are mostly not known 一个奇怪的地方,你要找的人的地址大多不详
sociologist sociologist社会学家
1) A scientist who blames crime on everything and everyone except the person who commits it 把犯罪归咎于犯罪者之外所有事物和所有人的科学家
software engineer software engineer软件工程师
1) One who is paid for sending and receiving junk e-mails 花钱雇来收发电子垃圾邮件的人

2) Apes who write programs 程序猿
son son儿子
1) The result of getting what you thought you wanted 得到你以为你想要的东西的结果
song song歌
1) Anything that is too stupid to be spoken 任何说起来显得愚蠢的东西

2) People's mood transformed into the posture of sea water 改装成海水姿势的心情
son-in-law son-in-law 女婿
1) Someone who lives in the crevice between the wife and the mother-in-law 生活在妻子和丈母娘之间夹缝中的人
sophistication sophistication 世故
1) The ability to yawn without opening your mouth 不张嘴打哈欠的本事

2) Sediments of time and life experiences in one's mind 时间和生活经历在思想中的沉积
sophistry sophistry 诡辩
1) The controversial method of an opponent, distinguished from one's own by superior insincerity and fooling 对手惯用的有争议的办法,因为极度不真诚和愚蠢而与我们自己的办法不一样

2) Art of conversation admired by both fools and philosophers from the bottom of their heart, which makes black not so black and every other color seem black 傻瓜和哲学家都从心底里佩服的说话艺术,这种艺术使得黑色不那么黑,别的颜色却都显得有点黑
sorcery sorcery巫术
1) The ancient prototype and forerunner of political influence 政治影响力的古代原型和先驱
soul soul心灵
1) A saloon which has to be open to take in more people 一个只有打开才能容纳更多人的客厅
sound sound声音
1) One of the pollutants with the highest cost, a chief element of chaos but also material for creating music and harmony 代价最高的污染之一,混乱的首要因素,但也是创造音乐与和谐的原料:
sourpuss sourpuss性情乖戾者
1) One who looks as if life isn't worth living, but act as if it isn't worth leaving :
看上去好像不值得活着,行动上却好像离不开生活的人 !

2) One who always looks as if he had just been cut out of someone's will 看上去好像刚从某人的遗嘱中被排除出去的人

3) A peevish person who never wipes his opinion off his face 从来不把观点从脸上擦掉的愤怒者
specialist specialist 专家
1) A man once thought to be with a one-track mind 曾经被认为是脑子只有一根筋的人

2) One who knows everything about something and nothing about anything else 对某样事物无所不晓,而对其余事物一概不知的人

3) The only man who can afford to be ignorant on all subjects but one 除了一种学科外,对其他学科唯一都可以无知的人

4) A learned person who can name a horse in nine languages and buys a cow to ride 会用九种语言称呼马,但却买了一头奶牛来骑的人

5) A doctor with fewer patients than his colleagues but with a bigger yacht 病人比同行少,但游艇比他们大的医生
speculator speculator投机者
1) A man who observes the future, and acts before it occurs 观察将来,在其未到来时即采取行动的人
spendthrift spendthrift 挥霍者
1) A fellow who treats some of his friends lavishly with the money he owes other friends 用欠某些朋友的钱慷慨款待另一些朋友的家伙

2) One who considers living within one's income a fate worse than debt 认为量入为出比欠债的命运更糟糕的人

3) One who spends money like a lottery winner with a week to live 花起钱来好像中了头彩,而生命只剩下一个星期的人
spine spine脊柱
1) A long, limber bone, your head sets on one end and you sit on the other 一根易弯曲的长骨头,你的头安在其一端,你坐在其另一端
sports sports体育运动
1) Games organized in which people can kick and beat balls as a way of preventing civilized men from beating their wives 有组织的游戏,使人们可以踢球、打球,以防止文明人打老婆

2) The toy department of human life 人生中的玩具部
sportsmanship sportsmanship 体育道德
1) Sportsmanship requires that a loser grip the winner's hand even though he wishes it were his throat 体育道德要求输了比赛的人紧握赢者的手,尽管他恨不得能掐对方的脖子。
spouse spouse 配偶
1) A variable, you find three when you find one: the you in your mind, the real you, and the you you will change into after marriage 一个变量,你找到一个就等于找到了三个:你心目中的自己、实际中的你自己、你结婚后会变成的自己

2) A pair of shoes picked by yourself, and you alone know if they fit you 你自己挑选的一双鞋,只有你知道合不合脚

3) Someone who will stand by you through all the trouble you wouldn't have had if you'd stayed single in the first place 发生问题时始终站在你这边的人,不过,如果你保持单身就不会发生这些问题
spring spring春天
1) The glorious season when the grass grows up along the roadside and hides the discarded beer cans 一个令人愉快的、路边的草长起来盖住人们扔掉的啤酒罐 的季节

2) The time when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush 哪怕鞋子里满是泥泞,仍然想要吹口哨的时节

3) The silly season when men plant grass in order to slave in the summer keeping it cut 一个傻乎乎的季节,此时男人们种草,以便夏天受苦受累 不断修剪

4) Nature's way of saying " Lefs party! ”

5) A time when boys feel gallant and girls feel buoyant 小伙子感到勇敢,姑娘感到快活的时间
square square 广场
1) A safe place feared by illicit lovers 偷情者害怕的一个安全场所
St. Valentine's Day St. Valentine's Day 情人节
1) The day when the singular dream of paradise, those in love find some excuse to create romance atmosphere, and the third party jusdy satisfy their urge 单身汉梦想天堂,恋爱者找借口制造浪漫,第三者过把瘾的日子
stage stage舞台
1) A limited area where lying is legal 一个范围有限的地方,在那里说谎是合法的

2) A place where what happened in the past can be presented as the present and what happened in a hundred years can be presented in an hour 可以将过去发生的事呈现为现在,还可以用一个小时呈现一百年的地方
stamp stamp邮票
1) A small piece of modest paper that still stays in a comer after traveling round the world 一张谦虚的、周游世界后仍然呆在一角的小纸片

2) Arch-criminal in emitting nonsense to fly all over the world 让废话全世界乱飞的罪魁祸首
standards standards 标准
1) The principles we use to reject other people's code 我们用以拒绝别人的准则的原则
star star星星
1) Something in the sky which provides aspiration for poets and jobs for astronomers 天空中的某种东西,它使诗人产生写诗的冲动,为天文学 家提供职业

2) Something beautifal and pure in our minds because it is too far away to let us know its private life 我们心目中美丽而纯洁的东西,因为太远,我们无法了解 其私生活
state-of-the-art state-of-the-art 最先进
1) Soon to be obsolete 很快就会过时

2) Any computer you can't afford 你买不起的任何电脑
statesman statesman 政治家
1) Any politician ifs considered safe to name a school after 被认为可放心地用其名字命名一所学校的任何政客
statistician statistician 统计家
1) A man who can go direcdy from an unwarranted assumption to a preconceived conclusion 可以从无根据的假设中直接得出预先想好的结论的人

2) A man who comes to the rescue of figures that cannot lie for themselves 因数字本身不会说谎而来求助数字的人

3) A specialist who assembles figures and then leads them astray 专门集合数字,然后把它们领向歧途的专家

4) A person good with numbers but lacking the personality to be an accountant 善于处理数字,但缺少当会计必须具备的人格的人
statistics statistics 统计学
1) The science of producing unreliable facts from reliable figures 根据可靠的数字产生岀不可靠的事实的科学

2) Figures used as arguments 用做论点的数字

3) A system for expressing political prejudices in convincing scientific guise 披着有说服力的科学装束,表达政治偏见的一种系统
status status 地位
1) Relative height of a person in the list of his worthiness 一个人在价值等级表中的相对高度
steam steam蒸汽
1) Water gone crazy with the heat 因受热而发疯的水
stimulant stimulant 兴奋剂
1) A wad of hundred dollar bills 一叠百元大钞
stock stock股票
1) A controller that may enable you to build an edifice and make you jump down from it the next day 一位操纵者,能使你盖起一座高楼,也可以在第二天让你从这幢楼跳下去
stock analyst stock analyst股票分析师
1) The idiot who just downgrades your stock 让你的股票降格的傻瓜
stock broker stock broker股票经纪人
1) A man who is smart enough to tell you what stocks to buy, and too smart to buy them himself 一个聪明人,他告诉你该买什么股票,而自己并不去买
stock market stock market 股市
1) A market like beer for its bubbles 因为有泡沫而像啤酒的市场

2) A social finance college without a closure, where you can repeat the grade but never graduate 一个没有围墙的社会财经大学,你可以留级,但是永远毕不了业
storm storm暴风雨
1) Envoy sent by God reminding people that they are not all mighty 上帝派来的信使,提醒人们他们并不能主宰一切

2) Long eyelash of maiden 少女的长睫毛
story story故事
1) A narrative, commonly untrue 通常不真实的叙述
story teller story teller讲故事者
1) A person who has a good memory and hopes other people haven't 自己记性很好,却希望别人记性不好的人
strangeness strangeness 陌生
1) The manner the husband puts up when he meets his mistress in the presence of his wife 丈夫在妻子在场时遇到情妇表现出来的样子
stranger stranger陌生人
1) A friend whose acquaintance you haven't made yet 尚未结识的朋友
strategy strategy 战略
1) A comprehensive plan of inaction 不采取行动的全面计划

2) A long-range plan whose merit cannot be evaluated until sometime after those creating it have left the organization 一种长远计划,其价值要在其制订人离开组织后的某个时候才能做出评价
The confusion created when one’s mind overrides the body’s basic desire to choke the living shit out of some asshole who desperately deserves it 理智战胜感情,想要把那个该死的王八蛋活活勒死的基本愿望造成的混乱
strike strike 罢工,打击
1) strike 罢工
An effort to increase egg production by strangling the chicken 想要通过勒死母鸡以增加鸡蛋产量的做法

2) strike 打击
A test to temper your soul for adapting to a more painful world 使你能适应一个更痛苦的世界而磨炼灵魂的考验
striving striving 奋斗
1) The process of realizing one's ambition and meeting one's desire 实现抱负和满足愿望的过程
student student 学生
1) A kind of commodity produced by the school whose price is determined by the marks 学校生产的一种产品,其价格由分数决定

2) Setting sun at dawn 黎明的夕阳
stupidity stupidity 愚蠢
1) When your tongue runs faster than your brains 舌头跑得比脑子快的时候

2) Wisdom revealed improperly 不适当地流露出来的聪明才智

3) Use one's almightiness to pursue the worst aim 用尽力气追求最糟糕的目标

4) Losing $ 25 on the game and $ 25 on the instant replay 输了 25块钱,马上再赌25块钱

5) Letting the child with stomach flu sleep on the top bunk 让拉肚子的孩子睡上铺
style style风格
1) The mind skating circles round itself as it moves forward 思想滑冰向前进,绕着自己转圈
submarine submarine潜水艇
1) A ship that travels overseas undersea在海底航行到海外的船
subordinate subordinate下属
1) Those who do things always contrary with your wishes 总不按你的心愿办事的人
success success 成功
1) The difference between doing good and making good 努力做和做得好之间的差别

2) Get your feet again every time you are knocked down 每次被击倒都重新站起来

3) Making a lot of money to pay the taxes you wouldn't have to pay if you weren't successful 挣好多钱去缴如果不成功本来不必缴的税

4) Not how far you have covered, but the journey you have walked through from the starting point 不是你走了多远,而是你从起点开始已经走过的路程

5) A noun desired by everyone but it will bring you many irrelevant relatives 一个人人向往的名词,它会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚

6) Going from one defeat to another without losing confidence 从一个失败走向另一个失败却不失去信心

7) The height you rebound when you fall down 坠落时反弹的高度

8) The number of times you stand up exceeding the number of times you are knocked down 站起来的次数超过被击倒的次数

9) For a man it means earning more than your wife spends 对男人而言,意味着挣的钱比妻子花的钱多

10) A kind of unpardonable crime the successor committed towards one's colleagues 成功者对自己的同事们犯下的一种不可饶恕的罪行

11) The secret of success is this: there is no secret of success. 成功的秘诀是:成功没有秘诀。

12) Failure is the result of not knowing what to do; success is the result of knowing what not to do. 失败是不知道做什么的结果;成功是知道不去做什么的结果。

13) Success = more work + less eating + no sleep. 成功=多工作+少吃饭+不睡觉。

14) Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success. 什么也没有像表面成功那样容易成功。

15) Behind every successful man there is a woman, and behind every unsuccessful man there are two. 每个成功的男人背后都有一个女人,每个不成功的男人背后都有两个女人。
suffrage suffrage投票权
1) The right held to be both a privilege and a duty, which means, as commonly interpreted, to vote for the man of another man's choice 被认为既是特权又是责任的一种权利,通常解释为把票投给另 外一个人选中的人
suicide suicide 自杀
1) The sincerest form of self-criticism 自我批评最真诚的形式

2) Jumping to a conclusion 匆忙作出结论
summer summer 夏天
1) A season of the year divided into three parts: anticipation, vacation, recuperation 一年中的一个季节,分为三个部分:期待、度假、恢复

2) The time of the year when a mother appreciates nothing so much as a teacher's patience 一年中母亲最敬佩老师的耐心的时节
summer vacation summer vacation 暑假
1) When parents suddenly realized that teachers are grossly underpaid 家长们突然意识到教师工资太低的时候
sumo wrestling sumo wrestling 相扑
1) Survival of the fattest 最胖的人存活下来
1) A day that can clear away the rust of the whole week 能除去一星期锈迹的一天
sunday best sunday best 礼拜服
1) Attractive, expensive childrens clothing made of a fabric which attracts melted chocolate and grape juice 用会吸引融化的巧克力和葡萄汁的面料做成的、好看而昂贵的儿童服装
sunlight sunlight 阳光
1) A luxury everyone desires when in dark but nobody seems to care when the weather is fine 黑暗中人人盼望,天晴时好像谁也不在乎的一种奢侈品
suntan suntan 晒黑
1) Freckles that are connected 连在一起的雀斑
superficiality superficiality 浅薄
1) Motivation of decisive and bold reckless actions 果断而大胆的妄为的动力
superstition superstition 迷信
1) The religion of feeble minds 意志薄弱者的宗教

2) A premature explanation that overstayed its time 逗留过久的不成熟的解释
support support 拥护
1) Follow someone in order to gain some profit 为得到某种好处而追随某人
supporter supporter 拥护者
1) A follower who hasn't got everything he is after 尚未得到全部想要的东西的人
supreme court supreme court 最高法院
1) Body that corrects the errors of lower courts by perpetuating its own 通过使自己的错误永恒来改正低级法院的错误的机构

2) Where people go if they have anything left after getting out of lower courts 从低级法院出来还剩有东西的人去的地方
surprise surprise 惊讶
1) The very first step of new discovery and learning something new 发现和学会新东西的第一步
surrogate mother Surrogate mother 代孕母亲
1) Hired labor 雇佣的生产者
suspicion suspicion 猜疑
1) What drives a woman to find out something about her husband she would rather not know 一种东西,驱使女人去发现她还不如不知道的、关于她丈夫的某些事

2) Why do you want to know? 你为什么想要知道?
swearing swearing 起誓
1) Something invented as a compromise between running away and fighting 发明出来,作为逃跑和打架之间的折中的一种东西

2) Something you never learn to do until you learn to drive 只有你在学开车时才会真正学会的某种东西

3) A joke armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿的玩笑
sweat sweat 汗水
1) The only liquid it is impossible to drown in 唯一不可能淹死人的液体

2) The cologne of accomplishment成功的科隆香水
swimming pool swimming pool 游泳池
1) A mob of people with water in it 中间掺有水的一帮子人
sycophant sycophant 谄媚者
1) One who approaches great people on his belly so that he may not be commanded to turn and be kicked 肚子贴在地上爬向伟人的人,这样就不会被命令转过身去挨一脚
sympathy sympathy 同情
1) Your pain in my heart 你的痛苦在我心中

2) An unrealistic luxury of feeling 一种不切实际的情感上的奢华
symphony symphony交响乐
1) A generous musical performance that allows different instruments to play in different tones at the same time 一种宽宏大量的、允许不同的乐器用不同的调门同时演奏的音 乐演出
synonym synonym同义词
1) A word you use when you can't spell the other one 在不会拼写某个词时使用的另一个词
synthesis Synthesis 综合
1) You are so wrong that you are right 你错得这么厉害因此你是对的
tacit agreement tacit agreement 默契
1) Preventing two people or more from becoming laughingstock at the same time 防止两个或两个以上的人同时成为笑柄
fact tact机敏
1) The art of making a point without making an enemy 证明一个论点而又不结仇的艺术

2) The ability to avoid saying what comes naturally as if it were natural 情不自禁想说而又不说的本事

3) The ability to change the subject when you can't change your mind 不能改变观点时改变话题的本事

4) The art of showing that you dislike a person as much as you do 表明你喜欢某个人的程度和你不喜欢那个人的程度一样的艺术

5) The art of dressing the bare facts and draping the naked truth 让赤裸裸的事实穿上衣服,让无法掩盖的真理披上外套的艺术

6) Looking around to be sure no one is related to the person about whom you are going to gossip 要说某人闲话之前先看看周围,确保没有该人的亲友在场

7) Ability to tell a man he's open-minded when he has a hole in his head 有人头上有个洞,你有本事说他是思想开放

8) The ability to describe others as they see themselves 根据别人对他们自己的看法描述他们的本事

9) The art of Temembering not to forget yourself 记得不忘记你自己的艺术

10) The art of never thinking the way we speak, or the art of never speaking the way we think 永远不要说什么就想什么或永远不要想什么就说什么的 艺术

11) Getting your point across without stabbing someone with it 让你的观点被接受,但不要因此刺伤什么人

12) Recalling a lady's birthday but forgetting her age 记起女士的生日,但是忘记她的年龄

13) Knowing how far is to go too far 知道走多远是过分

14) Rubbing out another's mistake instead of rubbing it in 擦掉另一个人的错误,而不是触其痛处

15) The ability to remain silent while your two best friends are arguing and you know they're both wrong 你两位最好的朋友在争论,你明知他们两人都错了却能保持沉默的本事

16) The unsaid part of what you're thinking 你思想中没有说出来的部分
tactful person tactful person机敏的人
1) One who comes to your home and makes you feel at home 到你家来,使你感到没有拘束的人
tactic tactic 战术
1) Light of wisdom which flashes from one in love or war 恋爱中或战争中的人闪现的智慧之光
tail tail尾巴
1) A kitten does not discover that her tail belongs to her until you tread upon it. 等你踩上了,小猫才发现尾巴是属于它的。

2) Tail up and fail 翘起尾巴就失败
tailor tailor 裁缝
1) Someone good at measuring 善于把握分寸的人
talent Talent 才能
1) Crystallization of bitterness 痛苦的结晶

2) What everyone else has but you 除了你之外所有人都有的东西

3) The most valuable of all talents is never using two words when one will do. 所有才能中最宝贵的是用一个字能行的时候不用两个字。
talking talking 说话
1) To commit an indiscretion without temptation, from an impulse without purpose 出于冲动,没有目的,没有受到引诱的情况下的冒失行为

2) The surest way a man can make his wife listen is by talking to another woman. 男人让妻子听自己说话最有效的办法是同另一个女人说话。
tariff tariff关税
1) A scale of taxes on imports, designed to protect the domestic producer against the greed of his consumer 为保护国内生产者、抵制消费者贪心而设计出来对进口商品征 收的不同等级的税
tattoo tattoo文身
1) Permanent proof of temporary insanity一时犯糊涂的永久性证据
taxation taxation税收
1) An art which consists of plucking the goose to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least amount of hiss 拔鹅毛时能得到最多的毛,而让鹅发出最少的嘶嘶声的艺术

2) The govemmenfs form of spring cleaning 政府春季大扫除的形式

3) Of life's two certainties, the only one one can get an extension for 生活必然发生的两件大事①中可以延缓的一件

4) Duty which applies to people who are not smart enough to start their own country 尚未聪明到建立自己的国家的人必须尽的义务

5) A funding method which allows individuals to test their powers of deduction 看看个人测试自己减法本事有多大的积累资金的办法
taxi taxi出租汽车
1) A vehicle that disappears when it rains 一下雨就不见了的一种汽车
taxpayer taxpayer纳税人
1) People who don't have to take a civil service test to work for the government 不用参加公务员考试就可以为政府工作的人
teacher teacher 教师
1) A person who knows all the answers, but only when she asks the questions “
teaching teaching 教学
1) The fine art of imparting knowledge without possessing it 没有知识却会传授知识的美妙艺术
teamwork teamwork协作
1) A device used to get someone else to blame 找人替自己受过的一种办法
tears tears眼泪
1) A form of feminine water power used to overcome masculine wills 用以克服男性意志的女性水力的一种形式

2) The hydraulic force by which one partner's will power is defeated by the other's water power 一种水力,借此可以击败另一个人的意志力

3) The silent language of grief 悲哀的无声语言

4) A kind of liquid used by children to issue command, by women to gain sympathy, and by men to tide over difficulties 一种液体,孩子用来发号施令,女人用来争取同情,男人用来渡过难关

5) Some liquid that can wash away past miseries 可以冲洗掉昔日悲哀的某种液体

6) Something the crocodile also has which is used shed to solicit sympathy 鳄鱼也有的、用以恳求同情的东西
teenager teenager十几岁的孩子
1) The only person who talks on the telephone long enough to have to change ears 唯一打电话时间很长,不得不换一只耳朵听的人

2) An adolescent who is constandy irked by his or her disobedient parents 因为父母不听话而老感到厌烦的青少年

3) A big child whom you understand only a little, but who misunderstands you a lot 一个你了解很浅,他对你却有很深误解的大孩子

4) People doing things you wish we had thought of when we were younger 你希望当年自己年轻时也会像他们一样行事的人
telephone telephone电话
1) An instrument used to judge if the lie one tells is effective 用以判断自己说的谎是否有效的一种工具

2) An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance 魔鬼的一种发明,使不再可能把讨厌的家伙拒之千里之外

3) The greatest nuisance among conveniences, and the greatest convenience among the nuisances 各种便利的设备中最恼人的设备,各种恼人的玩意儿中最 方便的玩意儿
telescope telescope 望远镜
1) A device enabling distant objects to plague us with a multitude of needless details 一个能使远处的东西用一大堆烦琐的细节烦扰我们的玩意儿
television television 电视
1) A form of entertainment which you continue to watch in the hope that it will turn to a form of entertainment 你不断观看,希望它真的会成为一种娱乐形式的一种娱乐 形式

2) An invention whereby you can be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your house 一种发明,使那些你不想让他们进屋的人能在你客厅里为 你提供娱乐

3) Chewing gum for the eyes 眼睛吃的口香糖

4) A wonderful form of entertainment that has two things wrong with it—the commercials and the programs 一种精彩的娱乐形式,只有两样东西不好——广告和节目 本身

5) A form of entertainment where old movies never die, no matter how long ago they were shot 无论多久以前拍的老电影都不会死去的一种娱乐形式
television set television set 电视机
1) A riot box 骚乱盒
temperament temperament 气质
1) Something you try hard to find in your future spouse when you court but discover that is the very thing your spouse lacks after marriage 恋爱时努力想要在未来的配偶身上发现的,婚后发现正是对方 所缺的东西
temptation temptation 诱惑
1) Woman's weapon and man's excuse 女人的武器,男人的借口
tenacity tenacity 执著
1) A certain quality of the human hand in its relation to money 人的手在处理和金钱之间的关系时表现出的特性
terminal terminal 终点
1) Perhaps the starting point to some other place because our earth is round 也许是通往另一个地方的起点,因为我们的地球是圆的
terrorism terrorism恐怖主义
1) Strategic actions by losers to spoil winners' victory party 失败者用以破坏胜利者庆祝聚会的战略行动
textbook textbook教科书
1) A book the students have to read though they don't like to 学生们不喜欢读而又不得不读的书
theater theater 剧院
1) Holding a mirror up to a keyhole 拿镜子对着钥匙孔照
theologian theologian 神学家
1) A blind man in a dark room searching for a black cat that isn't there—and finding it 一个瞎子在一间黑洞洞的屋子里寻找不在那儿的一只黑猫—— 居然找到了
theorist theorist 理论家
1) A person who turns simple reason into profound learning 把简单的道理变成深奥的学问的人
theory theory 理论
1) An idea with a college degree 具有大学学位的想法
thief thief贼
1) A person who has the habit of finding things before the owner loses them 习惯于在失主失去东西以前就找到那些东西的人

2) A kind of beast which steals someone else's things and accidentally dies but claims compensation 一种偷别人东西意外死亡却要求赔偿的兽类
thinking thinking 思考
1) If eveiybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking. 如果每个人想的都一样,肯定有人没有在思考。
tiger tiger老虎
1) Symbol of frightful grace 可怕的优美之象征
time time时间
1) The author of author 作家的作家

2) Something serves to justiiy a deed which seems at first unjustifiable 使起初显得不合理的行为变得合理的某种东西

3) The thief you cannot banish 无法驱逐的小偷

4) The devourer of all things 万物的吞噬者

5) A bird forever on the wing 一只永远在飞翔的鸟

6) Something man is always trying to kill, but which ends in killing him 人们总想打发掉它,结果自己却被它打发掉的某种东西

7) A patient observer waiting for tomorrow to turn today into yesterday 一个耐心的、等着明天把今天变成昨天的观察家

8) A sieve that will finally clean out all historical dregs 最终会淘去历史沉渣的筛子

9) A torrential river consisting of all kinds of events 各种事件构成的一条汹涌湍急的河流

10) A thief who steals our life and runs away without turning back 窃取我们的生命,拼命逃走从不回头的小偷

11) One of our tools, not a crutch 我们的一样工具,不是拐杖

12) Perhaps a great therapist but often a poor beautician 也许是一位了不起的医疗师,却常常是一名糟糕的美容师

13) An illusion perpetrated by the makers of space 宇宙创始者瞎弄出来的一种幻想

14) A way of preventing everything from happening simultaneously 防止所有事情同时发生的办法

15) The least thing we have of 我们拥有的最少的东西
timidness timidness胆怯
1) Fear and dissatisfaction taking the upper hand in turns 恐惧和不满交替占上风
tippler tippler嗜酒者
1) Someone like a whisky botde: all neck and stomach without head 像威士忌酒瓶的人:只有脖子和肚子,没有脑子
today today今天
1) A date that keeps changing all the time as yesterday calls it “tomorrow” and tomorrow calls it “yesterday" 一种始终在变的,昨夭称其为“明天”、而明天称其为 “昨天”的日期

2) The last day of some of your life 你生活某个部分的最后一天

3) Effect of yesterday and cause of tomorrow 昨天的后果,明天的原因
tolerance tolerance 宽容
1) The ability to smile when someone else's child behaves as badly as your own 看到别人的孩子和你自己的孩子一样捣乱时能微笑的本事

2) The belief that people who disagree with you have the right to be wrong 相信持不同意见的人有权不对

3) The positive and cordial effort to understand anotheFs belief, practices, and habits without necessarily sharing or accepting 积极热情地努力去理解别人的信仰、实践和习惯,而不一定要分享或接受它们

4) Something wonderful that enables the rich to declare that there is no disgrace in being poor 一种很奇妙的、使富人可以宣称贫穷并不是耻辱的东西

5) A kind of luxury goods bought by only very intelligent and far-sighted people 只有非常睿智和有远见的人才会购买的一种奢侈品

6) A condition most important for modem people to coexist 现代人共存最重要的条件

7) Generosity allowing other people to have the same idea, and to act in the same way as we 允许别人和我们有同样的想法,采取同样做法的大度
tomb tomb坟墓
1) House of the soul灵魂之家

2) People's last home from which nobody gets out 人们最后的家,却没人从里面出来

3) Neighboring houses whose inhabitants never visit each other 居住者从不来往的相邻的住宅
tomorrow tomorrow 明天
1) The day on which loafers work, fools act sensibly, and drunks swear off 二流子肯干活,傻瓜聪明地行事,醉鬼发誓不再喝酒的那 一天

2) One of the greatest labor-saving devices of today 使今天省劲的最伟大的手段之一

3) The day for good deeds and correcting one's mistakes when happiness begins 行善和改过的日子,幸福开始的时候

4) A generous friend who promises everything we desire 一个慷慨大方的朋友,他承诺给我们所有的向往
tongue tongue 舌头
1) One of the most useful organs on the human body, most people use it to taste and to speak, some use it as a killing weapon 人体最有用的器官之一,大部分人用以品尝和说话,有些人却 用做杀人武器
toothache toothache 牙疼
1) Natural prescription for temporarily curing our nostalgia 临时治疗怀旧的天然良方
toothpick toothpick 牙签
1) A fortune's favorite which can have a taste of many delicacies 能尝到各种美味的幸运儿
tourism tourism 旅游
1) Gaining a moment's happiness at the expense of the long pain of your feet 用双脚漫长的痛苦换来的短暂的快乐
tourist tourist 游客
1) A person who travels to find things that are different, and then complains when they are 一个人出门旅行去寻找不同的事物,可是一旦发现事物真 的不同却又埋怨的人

2) A fellow who drives thousands of miles so he can be photographed standing in front of his car 驱车几千里,以便能站在自己汽车前照相的人
toy toy玩具
1) The first toys a baby gets into contact are mother's breast, father's thumb, leftover food and its wrappings. 婴儿最早接触到的玩具是母亲的乳房、父亲的大拇指、吃剩的 食物及其包装。
trade trade交易
Give out an apple in order to get an orchard 为了得到一个果园,给别人一个苹果
tradition tradition 传统
1) Group efforts to keep the unexpected from happening 阻止发生意外事件的集体努力

2) The handicap by means of which yesterday keeps up with today 用以使昨天能赶上今天的障碍

3) Something which can let you live or die 既可以让你活又可以让你死的某种东西

4) Ever increasing bad habits of human beings against evolution 人类不断增加的、有悖于进化论的恶习
traditionalist traditionalist 传统主义者
1) A pessimist about the future and an optimist about the past 对未来的悲观主义者,对过去的乐观主义者
traffic light traffic light 红绿灯
1) A green light that turns red as you approach it 你到它跟前时变成红灯的绿灯
traffic policeman traffic policeman 交通警察
1) A person who never loses an argument 争论时永远不会输的人
tragedy tragedy 悲剧
1) Show people beauty by tearing it apart 把美撕破给人看
tranquility tranquility 宁静
1) Some enjoyment you can never find elsewhere unless you have 让 in your heart 如果自己心中没有、在别处永远也找不到的某种享受
translation translation 翻译
1) Happy marriage between two languages and their background 两种语言和其背景之间幸福的婚姻

2) A cube of ice melting into water 一块方方正正的冰化成水

3) Performing without stage 没有舞台的演出
transportation transportation交通
1) A kind of communication whose supply is restricted by the police 被警察限制了供应量的交往
travel travel 旅行
1) A way to distribute one's life 一种分配生命的方法
tree tree树
1) Something that stands in the same places for hundreds of years and suddenly jumps in front of a car 站在原地几百年不动窝,却突然跳到汽车前的某样东西

2) A plant used to stop cars 用以使车辆停下来的植物

3) A tall vegetable intended by nature to serve as a penal apparatus, though through a miscarriage of justice most trees bear only a negligible fruit, or none at all 大自然本来打算用做一种惩罚器具的高大的蔬菜,但是由 于正义的流产大多数树只结很少的果实,甚至不结果
trial trial审判
1) A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors 为了证实和记录法官、律师、陪审团成员的人格无可指责而设 计的一种正式询问
trouble trouble 麻烦
1) The result of the combination of a narrow head and a big mouth 狭脑袋和大嘴巴结合的产物

2) Something easy to get into but hard to get out of 你要进去很容易,你要出来却很难的某种东西
trust trust 信任
1) Speaking to you with a smile, but never showing the false teeth 微笑着同你讲话,但从不露出假牙

2) A rope binding two people together一根把两个人拴在一起的绳子
truth 1.truth真相

1) An ingenious compound of desirability and appearance 由意愿和表面现象巧妙地结合而成的复合物

2) The foundation of all knowledge and cement of all societies 所有知识的基础,所有社会的黏合剂

3) The greatest news nowadays 当今最大的新闻

4) Something somewhat discreditable to someone 对某些人来说总有点不光彩的事物

5) A touch that shines through the fog without dispelling it 照透大雾而并不驱散它的一把火炬

6) When one fisherman calls another fisherman a liar 一个渔夫称另一个渔夫是说谎者

7) The one thing you get from a person who doesn't like you 你从不喜欢你的人那儿得到的一种东西

8) Something stranger than fiction, but not as popular 某种比小说更离奇、但没有小说流行的东西

9) Happy coincidence between facts and one's recollection 事实和回忆的巧合
1) Something based on facts, but truth is the farthest from us though facts the nearest to us 根据事实得出的东西,但是,尽管事实离我们最近,真理却离我们最远

2) Daughter of time 时间的女儿

3) A bottle of mixed beans and sesame seeds; some people say the world is beans, others say the world is sesame, and everybody concludes that beans are sesame seeds 一瓶掺杂的豆子和芝麻,有人说世界是豆子,有人说世界 是芝麻,于是大家得出结论:豆子就是芝麻
ugliness ugliness 丑陋
1) A gift of the gods to certain women, entailing virtue without humility 诸神送给某些女人的礼物,包含与谦逊无关的一种美德
ultimatum ultimatum最后通牒
1) A last tongue placed before the fist 横在拳头前的最后一根舌头

2) The last demand before giving in, whose effectiveness is determined by your actual strength 让步前最后一项要求,其有效性取决于你的实际力量

3) The last request before you are ready to give in 屈服之前的最后一项要求
umbrella umbrella伞
1) A movable roof 可移动的天花板
unbending unbending不屈不挠
1) The willfully persistent virtue caused by benighted ignorance 由于愚昧无知而产生的一意孤行的美德
uncle uncle 叔叔,舅舅
1) A relative who seems to like you when he needs something done for him 需要有人帮他做事时好像喜欢你的这么一位亲戚
understanding understanding 理解;善解人意的;富有同情心的;体谅人的
1) A rubber that erases the inharmonious lines between people on the pattern of life 一块橡皮,用于擦去生活图案上人与人之间不和谐的线条

2) A cerebral secretion that enables one having it to know a house from a horse by the roof on the house 大脑的一种分泌物,使人看到房子有屋顶而能将其和马分辨出来

3) Reach a point, in one's investigation of some subject, at which one ceases to examine what is really present, and operates on the basis of one"s own internal model instead 调査某事物时到达某一点,此时你不再审核什么是真正存 在的,而根据自己内心的样式行事
unemployment unemployment 失业
1) A way of enjoying leisure without moral standard 没有道德标准的一种休闲方式

2) The usual alternative to overwork 通常工作过度的交替
unhappiness unhappiness 不幸福
1) Not knowing what we want, and killing ourselves to get it 不知道想要什么,却拼命地想要得到

2) A feeling caused by the belief that the rest of the people are happy 相信所有别人都很幸福而产生的一种感觉

3) The difference between our talents and our expectation我们的才能和期望之间的差距

4) The ultimate form of self-indulgence 自我放纵最终的形式
united nations United Nations 联合国
1) A concert of nations with too many wind instruments 管乐器太多的多国音乐会

2) An organization made up of one part protocol, one part of alcohol, and one part vitriol 由一份外交礼仪、一份酒精和一份刻薄组成的一个组织

3) An organization set up to make nations behave like friends instead of relatives 为使各国能像朋友而不是亲戚那样行事而建立起来的一个 组织
united states United States 美国
1) A land of freedom where everyone is free to complain about the lack of freedom 一片自由的土地,那里人人都可以自由地抱怨没有自由

2) A country so rich where there are the best politicians money can buy 一个非常富有的国家,那里有金钱能买得到的最好的政客

3) The United States is a nation that tops the rest of the world in automation 9 education—and taxation. 美国是一个在自动化、教育——还有税收方面为各国之冠的国家。
university faculty university faculty 大学教员
500 egotists with a common parking problem 有共同的停车问题的500个自我主义者
urbanity urbanity 文雅
The kind of civility that urban observers ascribe to dwellers in all cities but New York: Its commonest expression is heard in the words, " I beg your pardon, ” and it is not consistent with disregard of the rights of others 据城市观察家说,除纽约之外所有城市居民都有的一种礼节, 其最常用的表达方式是“请你原谅”,而这和置别人的权利不顾并不一致
usher usher引座员
One who takes a leading role in a theater①剧院里的领路人
①Take a leading role还有"演主要角色"的意思。
utopia utopia乌托邦
1) The place where all women get married, and all men remain bachelors 所有女人都结了婚,而所有男人仍然打光棍的地方

2) The only place where adults act like adults 成人的举止像成人的唯一地方
utopian utopian空想主义者
1) A poet who has gone astray 走入歧路的诗人
vacation vacation 假日
1) A period during which you learn where to stay away from next year 学会明年要躲开哪些地方的一段日子

2) Where you take the family to get away from it all, only to find it there, too 你带着全家人想躲开,结果到了那里发现仍然躲不开

3) A place to go without having to 不一定非去不可的一个地方

4) A two-week binge of rest and relaxation so intense that it takes another 50 weeks of your restrained workaday life-style to recuperate 两个星期的集中纵情休息和放松,需要50个星期平常的生 活之后才会恢复过来
vagrant vagrant流浪汉
1) A nobody on his way from nowhere to nothing 一个从无处而来,走向一无所有,什么也不是的人
valor valor勇猛
1) A soldierly compound of vanity, duty and the gambler's hope 虚荣心、责任感和赌徒的希望组成的英勇的混合物
vanity vanity虚荣心
1) The tribute of a fool to the worth of the nearest ass 傻瓜对近在身旁的毛驴的价值的赞美

2) The desire to present oneself above one's real value, often in positive proportion with one's stupidity 想要显示自己超出自身价值的愿望,常和愚蠢程度成正比

3) Either the silly affectation of good qualities one has not, or the sillier pride for whatever does not deserve commendation in itself 愚蠢地假装拥有自己没有的优点,或更愚蠢地夸耀根本不 值得夸燿的东西

4) The quicksand of reason 理智的流沙

5) The magic mirror that gives many an unattractive woman delusion of glamour 一面魔镜,能使许多不漂亮的女人照出幻想中动人的光彩

6) Something that is bad but keeps the looking glass business going 一种不好的东西,但能使镜子行业得以维持

7) Always living for others: not concerned about one,s own feeling, but about how other people feel about oneself 总是为别人活着:不在乎自己的感觉,却计较别人对自己 的感觉
vegetarian vegetarian 素食者
1) Old Indian word for bad hunter 一个古老的印第安词,指糟糕的猎人① ①印第安人以擅长打猎著称。
veterinarian veterinarian 曽医
1) A doctor who never asks his patents any question 一个从来不向病人提问题的医生
vexation vexation烦恼
1) A state of mind caused by a wide gap between one's expectation and talent 才能和期望之间的鸿沟构成的一种心态

2) Most reliable friend of human-being who always accompanies you whether you are rich or poor 人类最可信赖的朋友,无论你富贵或贫贱,它总是形影不 离地陪伴你
vibration vibration震动
1) A motion that cannot make up its mind which way it wants to go 下不了决心想要到哪里去的运动
victory victory 胜利
1) Something good which will not walk to you but you have to walk to get it 不会乖乖地走向你,你必须走过去才能得到的好东西

2) The biggest victory is to defeat yourself. 最大的胜利是战胜自己。
villain villain 恶棍,流氓
A free man because he is not bound by self-respect 不受自尊束缚的自由人
violin violin小提琴
1) The proper musical instrument for a wedding: after the romantic music is over, the strings are still attached 适合于婚礼的一种乐器:浪漫的音乐完了后,琴弦仍缠在 一起

2) An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat 用马尾巴的毛在猫的内脏上摩擦,以撩拨人的耳朵的一种乐器
virtue virtue 美德
1) Nothing more than politeness of soul 心灵的礼貌而已

2) Insufficient temptation 不够大的诱惑

3) Its own punishment 自身的惩罚

4) The failure to achieve vice 未能做到恶
vision vision 远见
1) A compelling image of an achievable future 未来可以实现的一个引人入胜的景象

2) A term used to describe a man who wouldn't take a chance on an auto raffle because he didn't have a garage, or the fellow who buys two lawn mowers—one for the neighbors to use 用于描写下述两种人的一个术语:因没有汽车房而不愿在 汽车抽彩中碰碰运气的人;买两台割草机,其中一台供邻居使用的人
vituperation vituperation 漫骂
1) Irony as understood by dunces and all such as suffer from an impediment in their wit 傻瓜和所有智力有缺陷的人理解的讽刺
volcano volcano 火山
1) A mountain that blows its stack 大发雷霆的山

2) A mountain with hiccups 打嗝的山
vote vote 投票
1) In the United States, even dead people can vote, but only beast can do in China. 在美国即便是死人都可以投票,而在中国只有兽类可以投票。
voting voting 投票
1) The instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country 自由人有权力把自己弄成傻瓜,把国家弄成一团糟的工具 和象征

2) Choosing the lesser of evils 选择恶人中相对不那么恶的人
vulgarity vulgarity 庸俗
1) The garlic in the salad of taste 美味的色拉里的大蒜
waiter waiter (餐馆)服务员
1) One who believes that money grows on trays 相信托盘上会长出钱的人
walking walking 步行
1) A wonderful exercise that is sure to prolong your life, unless you try to cross the street 肯定会延长你寿命的一种极好的锻炼,除非你要穿马路
wall wall墙壁
1) Drawing plate for kids that comes within every room 每个房间都有的孩子的画板
wall street Wall Street 华尔街
A symbol for sin for every devil to rebuke 连所有恶人都指责的罪行的象征
war war战争
1) Something much too important to be left to the military 某件太重要、因而不能由军人处理的事务

2) A by-product of the arts of peace 和平之艺术的副产品

3) The sure result of the existence of armed men 存在武装着的人的必然结果
warden warden看守者
1) The most anxious man in the prison 监狱里最焦虑不安的人
warmonger warmonger战争贩子
1) A person who is invincible in peace and invisible in war 和平时不可战胜、战争时不见踪影的人
warrior warrior 勇士
1) One who lives on the self-respect of the timid 靠怯懦者的自尊为生的人

2) The two strongest warriors are time and patience.最强大的勇士有两位:时间和耐心。
washing machine washing machine 洗衣机
1) Household appliance used to clean blue jeans, permanent ink markers, loose change, homework, tissues and wads of gum 清洗牛仔裤、不褪色墨水笔、零钱、家庭作业、手纸和口香糖 块等的家用电器
water water水
1) Something soft but cannot be compressed; it will produce irresistible force when impressed 某种柔软但不可压缩的东西,受到压力会产生不可抗拒的力量

2) Popular beverage in underdeveloped countries 不发达国家流行的饮料
weakness weakness 软弱
Certain primal powers of woman wherewith she holds dominion over the male of her species, binding him to the service of her will and paralyzing his rebellious energies 女人用以控制男人的某种原始的力量,使他服从自己的意愿, 瓦解他的反抗
wealth wealth 财宝
1) What gives you the right to preach about the virtues of poverty 赋予你权利去宣传贫穷是美德的东西

2) Something dangerous that will attract some false friends to you 某种危险的、会吸引一些假朋友到你身边来的东西

3) The climate of the hour 当前的气候
weather weather 天气
1) Something without whose changes many people would have nothing to talk about 没有其变化,许多人便会无话可说的某种东西

2) There are five kinds of weather: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and unusual. 有五种天气:春天、夏天、秋天、冬天,以及异常天气。

3) You can’t control the weather, but you can always change your mood. 你无法左右天气,但是你总可以转变自己的心情。
wedding wedding婚礼
1) A ceremony at which a woman acquires another mind of her own 女人得到自己另一个大脑的仪式

2) The formality a man has to go through before going to work for a new boss 男人为一位新老板工作之前必须办理的手续

3) A ceremony at which a man chooses the woman he wants to spend his life listening to 男人选择想要的女人,准备一辈子听她话的一种仪式

4) A ceremony at which a woman surrenders before she proceeds to dictate her own term 女人在开始下命令之前先投降的仪式

5) A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes to become nothing, and nothing undertakes to become supportable 一个仪式,两个人同意变成一个人,一个人同意化为乌有, 乌有同意可以忍受

6) A ceremony of a man and a woman both of whom want to transform their disappointment in life to the other party 一男一女为了把生活中的失意转嫁给对方而举行的仪式

7) A perfonnance free of charge, but you won't feel at ease if you want to go in to see without spending a lot of money 免费的演出,但是你会觉得不好意思不花大钱就进去看

8) A ceremony held before two boxers enter into Hghting 两个拳击手进入搏斗前的一种仪式
wedding dress wedding dress 婚纱
1) The dress worn by an angle going to become a slave that makes girls envy her 天使要变为奴隶时穿的衣服,以让姑娘们嫉妒她
wedding ring wedding ring结婚戒指
1) A circle around a woman's finger, but a noose around a man's neck 绕在女人手指上的一个小圈,绕在男人脖子上的一个绞索

2) The world's smallest handcuffs 世界上最小的手铐
weed weed草
1) The only plant a gardener can grow without the aid of packets of seeds 唯一一种花匠无须借助种子就可以栽培出来的植物

2) A plant whose virtues have not been discovered 优点尚未被人发现的一种植物
week week星期
1) The shortest distance between two Mondays, and the longest distance between two paydays 两个星期一之间最短的距离,也是两个发薪日之间最长的距离① ①英美国家一般实行周薪制。
well-to-do well-to-do 宽裕
1) The state when your salaries are doubled and your wife's spending reduces by half 你的薪水多了一倍、你老婆花钱少了一半时的状况
whisper whisper 耳语
1) The way of speaking that always accompanies lies 总与谎言相伴的说话方式
wife wife妻子
1) A young man's mistress, a companion for middle age, and an old man's nurse 青年人的情人,中年人的伴侣,老年人的护理员

2) A woman who singles out a man, doubles his joys, and triples his expenses 选中某个男人,使其欢乐增加一倍、开销增加两倍的一个 女人

3) The woman who makes up and goes out for others to see but removes her makeup for you to see when she gets home 出门时化妆给别人看,回来时卸妆给你看的女人

4) The woman who holds you back by the waist from behind when you want to fly high with opening arms 你张开双臂想要高飞时从后面拦腰抱住你的女人

5) A woman who can mend any part of you 可以修理你任何部分的女人

6) A lady with a whim of iron 有铁一般坚强的怪念头的女人

7) The one person with whom, in an argument, if you win, you lose 这么一个人,你和她争论时赢了也还是输

8) The most indispensable but often neglected person in the family 家庭里最不可缺但经常被忽视的人
will will遗瞩
1) A legal statement indicating how a person wants his property divided among his mistakes 表明一个人想要如何在其错误之间分配财产的法律声明

2) A person's last whim and testament 一个人最后的突发念头和声明
willpower willpower毅力
1) Something that helps those with ordinary ability to accomplish great causes 帮助能力一般的人成就大业的某种力量

2) That admirable quality in ourselves which is detestable obstinacy in others 我们自己身上的优点,别人身上讨厌的固执

3) A power that makes you do what you have to do when you hate to do it most 一种让你不得不去做你极不想做的某件事的力量

4) What to the mind like a strong blind man who carries on his shoulders a lame man who can see 就好像你心里有一个瞎子肩上驮着一个明眼跛子

5) The power every man has—until he tries to give up smoking想要戒烟之前每个男人都有的力量
wind wind风
1) Something which can howl or whisper without mouth, get to all places without foot, strike people without hand, and sweep by you before showing up 一种没有嘴却能号叫或低语,没有脚却能到所有地方,没 有手却能打人的东西,还没有岀现就从你身边掠过去了

2) Mother of waves, elder sister of fire 浪之母,火之姐
wine wine酒
1) A drink used to train orators 培养演说家的饮料

2) God's best gift to man next to his wife 上帝赐给男人的仅次于妻子的最好的礼物

3) An infallible antidote to commonsense and seriousness ; an excuse for deeds otherwise unforgivable 常识和严肃的可靠的矫正剂,在别的情况下不可原谅行为的借口
wine bibber wine bibber 豪饮者
Someone who looks like a wine botde—with just a long neck and a large stomach but no brains 一个像酒瓶的人,长了一个长脖子,一个大肚子,却没有脑子
winter winter 冬天
1) A strange season that freezes your hands and feet but thaws your nose 冻住你的手脚,却让你的鼻子化冻的奇怪季节

2) The season of the year when you always decide that you like summer best 一年中的一个季节,它总让你认为你最喜欢夏天

3) The season when you can't close the window you couldn't open in summer 夏天打不开的窗户此时怎么也关不上的季节
wisdom wisdom智慧
1) Extensive observation plus broad knowledge 广泛的观察加上广博的知识

2) The pursuing of the best ends by the best means 用最好的方法追求最美好的结果

3) The art of knowing what to overlook 知道什么可以忽略的艺术

4) To know what is best worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing 知道最值得知道的东西,做最值得做的事情

5) Something you can make do without 没有它也可以凑合着过的东西

6) Knowing what to do with what you know 知道根据自己的所知做事

7) Wisdom consists of not exceeding the limit. 智慧包括不超越限度。
wisecrack wisecrack 俏皮话
1) A comedian with a Ph. D. 有博士头衔的戏剧演员
wise person wise person 明智者
1) Someone who thinks twice before he speaks and then does not say anything 说话前三思,然后什么也不说的人

2) One who sees the storm coming before the clouds appear 云还没有出现就能看到暴风雨来临的人

3) A wise person learns more from his enemies'than a fool from his friends. 明智者从敌人那里学到的东西,比傻瓜从朋友那里学到的东西还要多。
wit wit风趣
1) Cultured insolence 有教养的野蛮

2) The salt of conversation but not the food 谈话的盐,而不是谈话的食品

3) The salt with which the American humorist spoils his intellectual cookery by leaving it out 一种盐,美国幽默作家烹饪智力美餐时没有放,所以淡而无味

4) Wit lies in the difference of things that are different, and in the difference of things that are alike. 风趣在于不同事物的相似处和相似事物的不同处。
witch witch女巫
1) Any ugly and repulsive old woman, in a wicked league with the devil 丑陋而可憎的老女人,和魔鬼结成邪恶的联盟

2) A beautiful and attractive young woman, in wickedness a league beyond the devil 年轻漂亮的女人,其邪恶比魔鬼更胜一筹
wolf wolf 狼
1) An animal stupider than human beings, that doesn't see the difference between the sheep and the goat as both are tasteful to it 比人还傻的一种动物,看不出绵羊和山羊的区别,以为两者同样鲜美可口
woman woman女人,妇女
1) One of nature's agreeable blunders 大自然铸成的一个令人愉快的过错

2) Nature's most outstanding failure next to the dinosaur 仅次于恐龙的大自然第二大失败作品

3) An animal usually living in the vicinity of man, and having a rudimentary susceptibility to domestication 通常生活在男人身边的一种动物,有着易驯服的基本特征

4) The only creature that can be found with wool over its body, fur on its shoulders, leather on its feet, and feathers on its head 唯一这样一种能发现的生物:身上是羊毛,肩上是毛皮, 脚上是皮革,头上是羽毛

5) Only half a person as half has been given to man 只是半个人,因为一半给了男人

6) Someone who never lies except about her age, weight, and the income of her husband 除了自己的年龄、体重以及丈夫的收入外决不撒谎的人

7) A creature thafs expensive when picked up, but explosive when dropped 一种要花很多钱才能弄到手,舍弃时却会爆发的生物

8) A heptachord to be plucked by a man 一把要男人弹拨的七弦琴

9) Incantation of God’s smile 上帝微笑的化身

10) A bom political animal, who plays political tactics like mingling the truth with the false or going a step back before going two steps forward 天生的政治动物,完弄政治手腕时犹如混淆是非,或者先退一步再进两步
women's day Women's Day 妇女节
1) A fine festival fully displaying the inequality between men and women 充分体现男女不平等的一个美好的节日
words words言词,话
1) The coins making up the currency of sentences, and there are always too many small coins 组成句子货币的硬币,但小面值的硬币总是太多

2) The most powerful drug used by mankind 人类使用的最厉害的药
work work工作
1) The grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that beset mankind 医治人间一切疾病和厄运的万能良药

2) The refuge of people who have nothing better to do 没有更好的事情可做的人们的避难所

3) The sweating boundary tablet between human beings and other animals 人和动物之间汗淋淋的界碑

4) The slow, dragging fingernail on the blackboard of life 在生活之黑板上慢慢拖长的手指甲

5) The thing that interferes with golf 干扰高尔夫球的东西

6) A blessed respite from screaming kids and soap operas for which you actually get paid 小孩哭和肥皂剧之间的小憩,为此还会有人付钱给你
workaholic workaholic 工作狂
1) Someone whose favorite entertainment is Monday morning 感到最大的乐趣在星期一上午的人
world world世界
1) A ladder for some to go up and some down 供有些人上、有些人下的梯子

2) A play that would not be worth seeing if we know the plot 一出如果事先知道情节就不值得看的戏

3) A looking glass which gives back every man the reflection of his own face 一面照见每张脸的镜子

4) A jigsaw puzzle with a peace missing 缺了一块“和平”的拼图游戏① ①Peace (和平)和piece (块)发音一样。

5) A supermarket at the disposition of rich consumers 富裕的消费者任意摆布的超级市场
world wide web World wide web 万维网
1) Earth after being overrun by spiders 蜘蛛蔓延的世界
worry worry 担忧
1) The interest paid by those who borrow trouble 借麻烦的人付出的利息

2) Interest paid on trouble before it falls due 到期之前付给麻烦的利息

3) A stone which crashes a man but can be easily lifted by two men 会压垮一个人,两个人却很容易举起来的一块石头

4) Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. 担忧就像摇椅,让你有事做,可是什么也做不成。
worship worship 崇拜
1) Admiration plus desire 敬慕加上欲望
wrath wrath愤怒
1) Anger of a superior c(uality and degree, appropriate to exalted characters and momentous occasions 质量和程度都上乘的气愤,适合于高贵的人物和重要的场合
wrinkle wrinkle 皱纹
1) A place where there has been a smile 曾经有过笑容的地方
wristwatch wristwatch 手表
1) A bracelet that ticks 会滴答响的手镯

2) An instrument invented by man to measure the distance to death 人类发明出来、用以丈量到死亡的距离的仪器

3) A time piece that goes slow when you are working and fast when you are enjoying yourself 你工作时它走得慢,你玩得高兴时它走得快的一种计时器

4) A time keeping instrument which is said to be out of order when someone is late for work 上班迟到时便被说成坏了的计时器

5) Something very funny: if you wear one you will know the time, but if you wear two you are never sure 某种很好玩的东西:如果戴一块,你能知道时间,可是戴两块,你永远也拿不准
writer writer 作家
1) One who corrects a wrong 纠正错误的人
writing writing 写作
1) The only profession where no one considers you ridiculous if you earn no money 唯一不挣钱不会被认为可笑的职业

2) The hardest way of earning a living, with the possible exception of wrestling alligators也许是除了与鳄鱼搏斗之外最难以谋生的方式

3) Some men write for publication, other write for circulation among editors 有些人写作为了出版,有些人写作为了在编辑中传阅。
Xerox Xerox施乐(复印机)
1) A trademark for a photocopying device that can make rapid reproduction of human errors, perfectly 一种复印机的商标,这种复印机能快速完美地复制人类的错误
X-ray X光(机)
X-ray X光(机)

1) A piece of medical equipment that can display cafeteria meatballs up to ten years after they're eaten 能显示出十年前吃下去的饭馆肉丸子的医疗设备

2) A diagnostic tool used to detect existing cancerous growths and create new ones for future examinations to reveal 一种诊断仪器,用以侦査已有的恶性肿瘤,并创造出新的 恶性肿瘤以便将来可以査出来
yawn yawn哈欠
1) Nature's method of giving the person listening to a bore an opportunity to open his mouth 大自然让人在听讨厌的讲话时有机会张嘴的办法

2) A trick devised by nature to open a person's mouth as a hint to others to shut theirs 大自然想出来的一个秒计,让一个人用张嘴的办法提醒其 他人闭上嘴

3) Opening your mouth when you should shut your eyes 该闭眼时张嘴

4) The only time some married men ever get to open their mouths 一些已婚男人唯一能开口的时候

5) Soundless shout and protest 无声的呼喊和抗议

6) An honest opinion openly expressed 公开表示的一种诚实的看法

7) Silent shout, inside out 里外倒了个个儿的不出声的呼喊
year year年
1) At the beginning of a year, you think it's a long time but you feel it's too short at the end of the year. 在年初你认为一年有很长时间,但是在年末,你感觉时间太短。

2) A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments 365个失望构成的一段时间
yearbook yearbook 年鉴
A book like War and Peace 像《战争与和平》的书
yesterday yesterday 昨夭
1) Today will become yesterday after you blink your eyes. 一眨眼,今天变成了昨天。

2) Babyhood of the youth, youth of the middle-aged, and the whole past of the old 青年人的婴儿期,中年人的青年期,老年人的整个过去

3) When the 12-page paper you started tonight was due 你今天晚上开始写的一篇12页的论文到期的时候
yogurt yogurt 酸奶
1) Semi-solid dairy product made from partially evaporated and fermented milk, one of the foods that taste exacdy the same as they sound 用部分蒸发掉和部分发酵的牛奶制成的半固体奶制品,滋味如其名的食物之一

2) It is a kind of sour milk in China. 在中国是一种酸了奶。
youth youth青年
1) A complex of much talent and indiscrete 相当的才华和冒失的混合体

2) A period of time filled with all kinds of possibilities 充满各种可能性的一段时期

3) The wonderful time of life which only the young are strong enough to endure 只有年轻人强健的体魄才能承受的人生中的美好时光

4) Skirts in full bloom causing a tide of various gaze 盛开的裙子荡起的各种目光

5) Pawned youth can never be redeemed. 典当出去的青春是永远也赎不回来的。
yo-yo yo-yo溜溜球
1) Something occasionally up but normally down 一般往下,偶尔往上的某种东西

2) An item that has its ups and downs 经历过上下起伏的一个东西
zeal zeal热诚
1) A certain nervous disorder afflicting the young and inexperienced 折磨年轻人和没有经验的人的一种神经错乱

2) A passion that goes before a sprawl 散漫懈怠之前的激情

3) A quality seen in new graduates—if one is quick 新毕业的人具有的一种品质——如果你眼快的话
zebra zebra斑马
1) A horse behind bars 栅栏后面的马

2) A horse that could only afford half a coat of paint 只付得起半身油漆费的马

3) A horse with Venetian blind 自带百叶窗的马
zero zero零
The nearest thing to nothing that anything can be and still be something 一切事物都可能成为的、最接近什么也不是的某种事物,但仍 然是个事物
zillion zillion无穷数
1) Amount of times Mom must have gone to the supermarket already this week妈妈这个星期已去过超市的次数

2) The number of times you ask the kids to take out the trash, then end up doing it yourself, anyway 你让孩子把垃圾弄出去,但到头来还是你自己弄的次数
zoo zoo动物园
1) A place devised for animals to study the habits of human beings 设计出来让动物研究人类习惯的一个场所

2) A place where animals of higher and lower status watch and study each other 高等动物和低等动物互相观看,研究对方的场所

3) What dorms would look like if they were a litde neater 宿舍稍微整洁一些的样子
zucchini zucchini西葫芦
1) A vegetable which can be baked, boiled, fried or steamed before kids refuse to eat it 在孩子拒绝吃之前可以烘、煮、煎、蒸的一种蔬菜
basic BASIC ( Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 初学者通用符号指令码)
1) Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control 比尔企图抓住工业控制权
cd-rom CD-ROM ( Compact Disc-Read Only Memory 只读光盘存储器)
1) Consumer Device Rendered Obsolete in Months 几个月就使客户的设备失去时效
cfo CFO (Chief Financial Officer 首席财务长官)
1) Corporate Fraud Officer 法人欺诈长官
cobol COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language 面向商业的通用语言)
1) Crude Outdated Boring Obsolete Language 粗俗过期令人讨厌的语言

2) Completely Over and Beyond Objective Logic 完全违背客观逻辑
dec DEC (Digital Equipment Corp.数据设备公司)
1) Definitely Expect Cuts 肯定期望减价
dos DOS (Disc Operating System 磁盘操作系统)
1) Dead On Site 现场就死

2) Defunct Operating System 不能用的操作系统
eps EPS (Electronic Publishing System 电子出版系统)
1) Eventual Prison Sentence 最终判决监禁
ibm IBM (International Business Machines 国际商用机器公司)
1) I Blame Microsoft 我责怪微软

2) Idiots Become Managers 傻瓜成为经理

3) Idiots Buy More傻瓜再买

4) Incredibly Big Machine大得不可思议的机器

5) Industry's Biggest Mistake 工业最大的错误

6) International Brotherhood of Mercenaries 国际铜臭兄弟会

7) It Boggles the Mind 让人感到吃惊

8) Itty-Bitty Machines 极小的机器

9) Inferior But Marketable 劣等但能卖得出去

10) It's Better Manually 还不如手工

11) It's Been Malfunctioning 一直失灵

12) Insidious Black Magic 阴险的妖术

13) Incontinent Bowel Movement立刻有便意
isdn ISDN (Tntegrated Service Digital Network:综合服务数字网络)
1) It Still Does Nothing 仍然什么也不干
mips MIPS (Million Instruction Per Second 每秒百万次指令)
1) Meaningless Indicator of Processor Speed 没有意义的处理器速度指示器
pcmcia PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association 个人计算机内存卡接口协会)
1) People Can't Memorize Crazy Industry Acronyms 人们记不住疯狂的工业首字母缩写
scsi SCSI (Small Computer Systems Inteiface 小型计算机系统接口)
1) System Can't See It 系统无法看到它
suv SUV (Sport-Utility Vehicle 多用途跑车)
1) Stupid, Useless Vehicle 没用的傻瓜车
www WWW ①World Wide Web万维网 ②World Weather Watch世界气象监督网)
1) Whole World Waiting or World Wide Wait 全世界都在等待
acura ACURA阿库拉
1) All Cars Usually Require Adjustment 通常所有的车都需要调整

2) Americans Can Under-estimate Routine Accidents 美国人会低估日常事故

3) Any Child Understands Real Automobiles 所有孩子都懂得真正的汽车

4) Automobile Causes Universal Road Accidents 汽车造成全世界的交通事故

5) Awful, Crappy, Unreliable, Rusty Automobile 可怕的、极差的、不可靠的、生锈的汽车
audi AUDI 奥迪
1) Accelerates Under Demonic Influence 在恶魔的支配下加速

2) Always Unsafe Designs Implemented 实施了永远不安全设计
beetle BEETLE甲壳虫
1) Battered Everywhere, Expect To Lose Engine 全身被撞烂,发动机也会失效
bmw BMW宝马
1) Babbling Mechanical Wench 吱吱嘎嘎的机械丫头

2) Bastard Money Wielders 杂种挥霍手

3) Beastly Monstrous Wonder 野兽魔鬼奇观

4) Beautiful Masterpieces on Wheels 车轮上漂亮的杰作

5) Beautiful Mechanical Wonder 美丽的机械奇迹

6) Big Money Waster 浪费大量的钱

7) Big Money Works 钱多好办事

8) Blasphemous Motorized Wreck 亵渎神祇的机动化的毁灭

9) Bom Moderately Wealthy 生来相当富有

10) Break My Windows 打破我的窗户

11) Broken/ Brutal Money Waster 破烂的/野蛮的金钱浪费器

12) Broken Monstrous Wonder 破烂的怪异奇观

13) Bumbling Mechanical Wretch 笨拙的机械捣蛋鬼

14) Bought My Wife 买了我老婆
buick BUICK 别克
1) Big Ugly Import Car Killer 又大又丑的进口杀人车

2) Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer 又大又丑、摧毁不了的杀人车

3) Built Under Inspection of Cooky Korean 在精明的韩国人检查下建造的
camaro CAMARO卡玛洛
1) Can't America Make A Real One? 美国人造不出真正的玩意儿?
chevrolet CHEVROLET 雪佛龙
1) Crappy Hot-Running Engines, Very Rusted Out, Lose Every Time 锈透了的、极差的发烫的引擎,从来不管用

2) Car Has Extensive Valve Ratde On Long Extended Trips 跑长途时到处听见阀门嘎吱嘎吱响的汽车

3) Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time 便宜,难得有效,几乎每次都要靠运气
chevy CHEVY 雪维
1) Cheapest Heap Ever enVisioned Yet 迄今为止能想象出来的最便宜的一堆
chrysler CHRYSLER克莱斯勒
1) Car Having Really Yucky Stupid Lazy Engine Runs 装有确实令人讨厌的懒汉笨蛋引擎的车

2) Could Have Remained Your Sickly Lame Elderly Relative's 本来应该留在你有病、并且上岁数的癇腿亲戚那里
citroen CITROEN 雪铁龙
1) Crap Interior Terrible Road-holding Owned Entirely by Nutters 完全由疯子拥有,车内破破烂烂,占据很大路面的可怕的玩意
dodge DODGE 道奇
1) Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter 已死的或快要死的喷垃圾机

2) Dem Old Dudes Go Everywhere 哪儿都去的花花公子

3) Drips Oil, Drops Grease, Everywhere 到处漏油掉脂
fiat FIAT菲亚特
1) Failure In Automotive Technology 汽车技术失灵

2) Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation 意大利对于交通微弱的尝试

3) Fix It Again Tony 托尼,再修一下

4) Fix It All the Time 永远在维修
ford FORD 福特
1)(backwards) Driver Returns On Foot (倒看)由开车回到走路

2) First On Recall Day 首先回忆起来的东西

3) Fix Or Repair Daily 每天修理

4) Found On Road Dead 上路就熄火

5) First On Rust and Deterioration 第一个生锈变质

6) Fast Only Rolling Downhill 只有滚下山时才快
gm GM通用
1) General Mistake 通常的错误

2) Grungy Merchandise 会摇滚的商品

3) General Maintenance 大修
honda HONDA 本田
1) Hand Over Dollars to Asians 把美元给亚洲人

2) Helping Out Nips Destroying America 帮助小日本摧毁美国

3) Hold Overs Not Doing Anything 什么也不干的期满留用人员
hyundai HYUNDAI 现代
1) Hope You Understand Nothing's Drivable And Inexpensive 希望你懂得没有任何东西是可以驾驶或不费钱的
jaguar JAGUAR 捷豹
1) Jews And Germans Usually Argue Retail 犹太人和德国人通常为零售争吵
jeep JEEP 吉普
1) Jinxed Engine has Extra Parts 倒霉的引擎有备件

2) Jump Excitedly in Every Pothole 激动地往每个坑里跳

3) Jumps Everything Ever Parked 跳过所有停靠着的东西

4) Junk Electrical and Emissions Parts 废旧电动排放部件

5) Junk Everyone Eyes for Parts 所有人都寻找部件的废物

6) Just Eat Every Pickle 只需吃掉所有泡菜
mazda MAZDA马自达
1) Making A Zillion Dollars Annually每年赚无数美元

2) Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along 大多数总是危险地嗖嗖作响
nissan NISSAN 尼桑
1) Nasty Import Sucks Savings Away to Nippon 将积蓄吸到日本去的、恶劣的进口
oldsmobile OLDSMOBILE奥尔兹莫比尔
1) Old Loose Dented Sheet Metal Outdated By Infamies Like Edsel ①Edsel是福特汽车中出了名的失败车型,成了笑柄的代名词。
像爱泽尔一样臭名昭著的而且过期的老式凹陷散架 铁皮

2) Old Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly Late Everyday 老太太慢慢地开,使后面的人每天迟到而怒不可遏

3) Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Irregular Leftover Equipment 用别克剩下的不合格部件造出来的轿车,价格昂贵, 只能悠闲地开
pinto PINTO 斑马
1) Put In New Transmission Often常常安装新的变速器
pontiac PONTIAC 朋雪克
1) Poor Old Nitwit Thinks It's A Cadillac 可怜的老傻瓜以为是凯迪拉克豪华车
porsche PORSCHE 保时捷
1) Phased Out Racer—Still Can't Hold Engine 逐步淘汰的跑车——然把握不住引擎

2) Pulled Over Regularly So Cops Have Enough 老被叫到路边,警察都嫌厌烦了

3) Puts Out Really Smoky Carbonate Hazardous Emissions散发出真正有烟的有害碳酸气
renault RENAULT 雷诺
1) Retarded Engine No Acceleration Ugly Lump of Trash 丑陋的垃圾块,没有加速器的低能引擎
saab SAAB 萨博
1) Swedish Automobile—Always Broken 瑞典汽车,老是散架

2) Send Another Automobile Back 送另一辆车回去
subaru SUBARU 斯巴鲁
1) Send Undercover Boat And Radioactive Uranium 送出掩盖着的船和有放射性的铀
toyota TOYOTA 丰田
1) Taking Our Yen Out —Thanks All 把你的日元掏出来——谢谢大家

2) Too Often Yankees Overprice Ulis Auto 美国佬常常把这款车标价很高
triumph TRIUMPH 凯旋
1) The Risk Involving Useless Machinery Pays Heavily 涉及付出很大代价却没有用的机器的风险
volvo VOLVO沃尔沃
1) Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object 看上去很怪的车辆