abide/əˈbaɪd/ abide by sth (formal) to accept a rule, a law, an agreement, a decision, etc. and obey it 接受,遵照,遵循(规章制度等):Members must abide by the rules of the club. 会员必须遵 守俱乐部的规定。 [OBJ] rules, decision, the law SYN comply (with sth) ♦ v + prep abound /əˈbaʊnd/ abound in/with sth to have a lot of sth; to contain a lot of sth 大量存在;盛产;富于:The rivers there abound in/with fish. 那儿的河里有 许多鱼。 ♦ v + prep abstain /əbˈsteɪn/ abstain from sth; abstain from doing sth to decide not to do or have sth, especially sth that you like or enjoy, because it is bad for your health or considered morally wrong 戒;避免;克制:Pregnant women are advised to abstain from alcohol. 建议孕妇戒酒。 [OBJ] alcohol, sex, drugs ♦ v + prep accede /əkˈsiːd/ accede to sth (formal)to agree to or allow sth that sb has asked for, often after you have opposed it for a while (反对之后转而)答 应,应允(请求): The government acceded co public pressure to review the tax. 政府在公众压 力下同意检讨税制。◊ Have all our requests been acceded to ? 我们的请求全部被接受了吗? [OBJ] request, demands, pressure NOTE at AGREE TO STH ♦ v + prep account /əˈkaʊnt/ account for sb/sth to know where sb/sth is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident or a natural disaster (尤指 事彗或自然灾害发生之后)了解, 查明(下落或 命运): All the people who were working in the building have now been accounted for. 当时正 在大楼里工作的人现在都有了下落。◊ There are three files that I can't account for. 有三份文件 我找不到。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep account for sth 1 to explain how or why sth happened; to be the explanation for sth 说 明;是…的原由:How do you account for the fact that the box has disappeared? 盒子不见 了,你如何解释? ◊ Poor hygiene may have accounted for the spread of the disease. 卫生状 况差可能是这种疾病蔓延的根源。2 to be a par- ticular part of sth; to be a particular amount 占,构成(比例或数量):Car crime accounted for 28% of all reported offences, 汽车犯罪占所 有举报罪案的 28%。 ◊ Wages account for less than half of the budget. 工资开支在预章中所占 比例不到一半。SYN make up sth; represent sth 3 to keep a record of how the money in your care will be spent or has been spent 记录 开支;报账:Every penny of the funds is accounted for. 资金中支出的一分一厘均有据可 查。4 to consider particular facts or circum- stances when you are making a decision about sth, especially when you are calculating the cost of sth (尤指计算成本时)考虑到,估计 到,顾及:The cost of the film was accounted for in the calculation of the cost of the service. 服务 成本中计入了胶片的费用。SYN take sth into account ♦ v + prep IDM there's no accounting for taste used to say that it is impossible to know why sb likes sb/sth that you do not like 人各有所好;人的 趣味各异,无法解释;人的爱憎好恶无需理由: (humorous) 'She seems to like you.' 'Well— there's no accounting for taste! “ 她好像喜欢 你。” “嘿,萝卜青菜,各有所爱!” accustom /əˈkʌstəm/ accustom sb/yourself to sth; accustom sb/yourself to doing sth (formal) to make sb/yourself familiar with sth; to become used to sth (使)适应,习惯于:It took a while for her eyes to accustom themselves to the dark. 过了一会儿,她的眼睛才适应了黑 暗. ◊ It shouldn't take long to accustom your students to working in groups. 你的学生应该很 快就会习惯分组学习的。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ace /eɪs/ ace sb out (AmE, informal) to defeat sb in order to obtain an important position or rank 打败,战胜(以获得重要地位):The company aced out its biggest rival to win the contract. 公 司挫畋最大的对手,赢得了合同。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ache /eɪk/ ache for sb/sth to have a strong desire for sb/sth or to do sth 渴望;热盼:I was aching for home. 我归心似箭。 SYN long for sb/sth ♦ v + prep acquaint /əˈkweɪnt/ acquaint sb/yourself with sth (formal) to make sb/yourself familiar with or aware of sth 使了解;使认识:He decided to take his son along and acquaint him with the business. 他决 定带上儿子,让他熟悉一下生意。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep act /ækt/ act as sth to perform a particular role or function 充当 ( 角色 );担任 ( 工作 );起...作 用:Will you act as interpreter for us? 你做我们 的翻译好吗? ◊ Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists. 高额罚金对驾车人有威慑作用。 [OBJ] agent, consultant, intermediary, go-between, deterrent SYN serve as sth ♦ v + prep act for sb (also ,act on be half of sb, act on sb's be half) if sb acts for you or acts on behalf of you, they deal with your affairs for you, for example by representing you in court, or by doing your duty when you are not able to 代表某人 ( 办理事务、出庭、履行职责等 ): Do you have a solicitor acting for you? 你有代 理律师吗? ◊ The Prince was acting on behalf of the Queen. 当时王子代表女王行使权力。◊ The Prince was acting on the Queen's behalf. 当时王 子代表女王行使权力。 [OBJ] client ♦ v + prep act on sth (also 'act upon sth more formal) 1 to do sth as a result of advice, information, instructions, etc. that you have received 遵 照…行事;根据…办理:The police were acting on information from a member of the public. 警 方根据一名群众的举报采取了行动。◊ I was just acting on instructions. 我不过是奉命行事而已。 ◊ If my advice had been acted upon, this would never have happened. 当初要是听从我的建议, 绝对不会发生茂种事情。[OBJ] advice, informa- tion, instructions 2 to have an effect on sth 影 响;作用于:The drug acts on the central ner- vous system. 这药会对中枢神经系统产生影响。 ♦ v + prep act on be half of sb; .act on sb's be' half -> ACT FOR SB act sth out 1 to perform a story or events that have happened or might happen, as if you are performing a play 将...表演出乘:The teacher read a story and the children acted it out。老师讲故事,孩子们把故事表演出来。◊ She acted out her fantasies of pop stardom in front of her bedroom mirror. 她本卧室镜子前手舞足 蹈,幻想自己成了流行歌星。◊ (figurative) The whole nation was following the drama being acted out on the football field 举国上下都在关 注足球场上正在上演的精彩戏码。 [OBJ] story, fantasy 2 to act a part in real life 扮演 (现实 生活中的角色):I found myself acting out the role of good, brave patient. 我发觉自己是个勇 敢的好病人。 3 (technical) to express your thoughts and feelings in your behaviour, often without being aware of it (常指不自觉地) 流 露, 表露 (思想和情绪) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv act up (informal) 1 to make sb annoyed by behaving badly, trying to get attention, etc. 捣 蛋;调皮;淘气:The kids have been acting up all day. 孩子们一整天都在闹个没完。2 if a machine or part of the body acts up, it does not work as it should (机器或身体部位) 出毛 病,不正常:The car's acting up again. 车又坏 了。 ◊ My ankle is acting up (= is painful and causing problems). 我的脚踝疼了起来。 SYN play up NOTE Act up is often used in the progressive tenses. * act up 常用于进行时。 ♦ v + adv act upon sth -> ACTON ON STH add /æd/ add sth 'in to include sth with sth else; to put sth into sth else or between two things 把…包括在内;加入;在中间插入:Send me the new figures when the additional costs have been added in. 额外成本计入后,再把新的数字发给 我。◊ I've added in two extra paragraphs. 我另 外插入了两段文字。 NOTE Add can also be used on its own with this meaning * add 单独使用也可作此义:I've added a couple of extra paragraphs. 我另外插 入了几段文字。 ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv add on; ,add on to sth (AME) to build an extra room or rooms on to a house or other building 扩建,增建 (房屋等):They decided to add on rather than move. 他们决定把房子扩 建一下,不搬走了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep add sth 'on; ,add sth on to sth to include sth or attach sth extra 附加;添加: He added £2 on to the bill. 他在账单上加了两 英镑。 NOTE Add (to sth) can also be used with this meaning add (to sth) 也可作此义:He added £2 to the bill. 他在账单上加了两英镑。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► add-on n a thing that is added to or included with sth else 附加物;附带物:The catalogue advertised add-ons such as extra memory and software. 目录册上的宣传文字写明 有内存、软件等附送产品。 ◊ add-on products/ pockets/units 附加的产品/ 口袋/元件 add to sth to increase the size, amount, number, etc. of sth 增加;添加;扩大:Taking the children with us would only add to our problems. 带上孩子只会给我们添乱。◊ Music playing in the background added to the atmos- phere. 背景音乐进一步渲染了气氛。。(BrE) The house has been added to over the years. 这些年 来,房子一直在扩建。 ◊ The food at the hotel is of a very high standard . Add to this the quality of the rooms and the service and it is clear why this is such a popular hotel. 这家旅馆的饭菜很 上档次,加上客房以及服务质量也很好,难怪会大受欢迎。 [OBJ] problems, number, knowledge, enjoy-ment ♦ v + prep add together; .add sth together to come together to produce sth; to join two or more things, numbers, etc. together to pro- duce sth 合成;汇合而成;累加而成:The games, the dancing and the good food all added together to make a memorable occasion. 游戏、 舞蹈和美食共同成就了一段难以忘怀的经历。◊ When all the different factors are added together, I can understand her decision. 综合考 虑各种因素,我能够体谅她的决定。◊ Add the two numbers together and divide by three. 把两 数相加,再除以三。 [OBJ] factors, numbers, costs ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv add up (informal) 1 to seem reasonable; to make sense; to have all the different parts agreeing with each other 有道理;言之成理; (各部分之间) 说得通:There are things in her story that just don't add up. 她的叙述有些地方 根本就是自相矛盾。◊ Now that I know where she was last night, it's all beginning to add up. 既然我知道了她昨晚的去处,一切就明白了。 NOTE Add up with this meaning is used espe- cially in negative sentences. * add up 作此义时 尤用于否定句。2 to increase gradually to make a large number or amount 逐步增加;逐 渐增长:Save a small amount each month; it'll soon add up.每月攒一点,很快就会积少成多 了。3 if two or more numbers add up, they come to the total that they should or that you would expect 达到应有 (或预计) 的总和;总 数不多不少:These figures just don't add up.这 些数字相加与总数对不上。 ♦ v + adv add up (especially BrE); add sth up to calculate the total of two or more numbers or amounts相加;计算总和;把…加起来:I never could add up. 我一直没学会做加法。◊ She's very good at adding up in her head. 她特别擅长心 算。◊ She added the figures up in no time. 她立 刻就算出了总数。◊ I needed to use a calculator to add up the bill. 我得用计算器算账单。 [OBJ] numbers, figures, score, cost ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv add up to sth 1 if two or more numbers or figures add up to sth, they make a total of sth SYNONYMS同义词辨析 add up to sth add up to sth ♦ amount to sth ♦ be sth ♦ number sth ♦ total sth These verbs all mean to reach a particular number or amount when all numbers/amounts have been added together. 这些动词都表示共计、总计、合计。 add up to sth to make a total amount or number of sth 合计达;总额是:The numbers add up to exactly 100. 这些数字相加正好是 100。 ◊ Their earnings were £250, £300 and £420, adding up to a total of £970. 他们的收 入是 250,300 和 420 英镑,总计为 970 英镑。 amount to sth (business) to reach a particular number or amount when added together 合计达;总数为:His earnings amount to £300000 per annum. 他的年收入达30万 英镑。 be sth to be equal to sth 等于:Three and three is six. 三加三得六。 ◊ How much is a thousand pounds in euros? 一千英镑可兑换多少欧元? number sth to make a particular number when added together 计有; 总共有;数量达: The crowd numbered more than a thousand. 聚集了一千多人。◊ We numbered 20 ( = there we're 20 of us in the group). 我们一共有 20人。 total sth (especially business) to reach a particular number or amount when added together 合计达;总额为;总值: Imports totalled $7.5 billion last year. 去年进口总额达 15 亿美元。◊ In 2005-6, college enrolments totalled some 5400. * 2005 至 2006 年度,大 学招生总人数约有 5400人。 WHICH WORD? Add up to and number can be used to emphasize the process of calculating a total; total and amount to sth focus more on the number/amount rather than the process of arriving at the result. Total and amount to are used especially in business writing when describing the performance of a company, etc . Number usually has people as the subject of the sentence; total is the only other verb that can be used like this * add up to 与 number 可 用于强调计算总数的过程;total 与 amount to 则 更侧重计算的结果,而非计算的过程。total 与 amount to 尤用于商务写作,例如描述公司业 绩。number 通常指人;total 是唯一具有与 number 相似用法的另一个动词:The crew totalled / numbered sixteen. 职员共计十六人。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to be/total/add up to/amount to/number 50, 2 million, etc. ■ to be/total/add up to/amount to $ 250 / 75% ■ profits/scores total/add up to/amount to ... ■ a group/crowd totals/numbers ... when they are added together 合计达;总数 为;总额是:Can you arrange the numbers in groups that add up to 10? 你能不能把数字分 组,使每组之和为10? ◊ The cost of all the equipment you need for a baby adds up to a considerable sum. 婴儿所需物品的费用总数相当 可观。2 (informal) to show sth; to have a par- ticular meaning or result 显示;意味着;结果 是:His evidence didn't really add up to much (= gave us very little information). 他的证词 其实说明不了什么问题。◊ All in all, it adds up to a pretty desperate situation. 总而言之,这意 味着形势相当危急, SYN amount to sth ♦ v + adv + prep address /əˈdres/ address yourself to sth (formal) to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it 想办法处 理;设法应付;致力解决:We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution. 我 们必须着手解决交通污染问题。' ♦ v + pron + prep adhere /ədˈhɪə(r)/ adhere to sth {format) to act in the way that a particular law, rule or set of instruc- tions says that you should; to follow or sup- port a particular opinion or set of beliefs 遵 循,奉行 ( 法律、规则,指示、信念等 ):They have adhered strictly to the terms of the treaty. 他们严格遵守了条约的条款. ◊ He found the diet very difficult to adhere to. 他觉福这种规定饮食 很难坚持。◊ How many people actually adhere to this view? 其实有务加人坚持这一观点呢? ◊ All safety requirements must be adhered to. 所 有安全规定必须贯彻执行。 (OBJ) principles, rules, guidelines SYN keep to sth (less formal); stick to sth (less formal) ♦ v + prep admit /ədˈmɪt/(-tt-) admit of sth (formal) to show that sth such as an explanation or an answer is possible; to allow sth to happen 给 ( 解释、回答等 ) 留有 余地;容许:The situation admits of only one explanation. 这一状况只可能有一种解释。 [OBJ] explanation, answer SYN allow of sth ♦ v + prep admit to sth; admit to doing sth 1 to say that you have done sth wrong or illegal 承 认,坦白 ( 过错或罪行 ):He admits to the other charges. 他对其他指控供认不讳。 ◊ She admitted to having stolen the car. 她承认偷了 那辆车。 2 to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true ( 常指不情愿地 ) 承认,确认:She admits to being strict with her children. 她承认 对孩子管得很严。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 admit to sth admit to sth ♦ confess to sth ♦ fess up (to sth) ♦ own up (to sth) These verbs all mean to say that you have done sth wrong. 这些动词都表示承认、供认、 坦白。 admit to sth to say that you have done sth wrong or illegal 承认,坦白 ( 过错或罪行 ): He admitted to taking the money. 他承认拿了 那笔钱。◊ He admitted to having taken the money.他承认拿了那笔钱。NOTE Admit can be used on its own * admit 可单独使用:He admitted taking the money. 他亲认拿了那 笔钱。 confess to sth to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or illegal ( 正式地 ) 承认;( 向警方 ) 供 认,交代: She confessed to the murder. 她承认 犯有谋杀罪. ◊ She confessed to killing him. 她 供认杀了他。 fess up (to sth) (especially AmE) to admit that you have done sth wrong 坦白 ( 过 错 ): No one has fessed up to eating my chocolates. 没人承认偷吃了我的巧克力。 own up (to sth) to admit that you are responsible for sth bad or wrong 承担 (责 任);承认 (错误):I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages. 我还在 等待有人能站出来承认打破东西的过失。 WHICH WORD? Own up and fess up are used for actions that are not very serious; confess is usually used for serious crimes. Admit is often used when the person is under pressure to tell the truth. Admit and confess can also be used to mention a fact that you feel embarrassed or ashamed about * own up 与fess up 用于表示承认不太严 重的行为;confess 一般用于表示坦白严重罪 行。admit 常指迫于压力而吐露实情。admit 与 confess 也可用于提及令自己感到难堪或羞愧的 事:I must admit I quite like her new look. 我得 承认我很喜欢她的薪扮相。◊ I confess I have no experience of this. 我承认我没有这样的经历。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to freely/openly confess/admit to sth ■ to readily/frankly admit to sth ■ to be prepared/ashamed/embarrassed to admit/confess ■ to be afraid/reluctant to admit/own up age /eɪdʒ/ age out (of sth) (AmE) to become older than the age limit stated in a law or in the rules of a system 超过年龄限制;超龄:How many children aged out of foster care in 2006? * 2006 年有多少孩子超过了寄养看护的法定年龄? ♦ v + adv ► aged- out adj [only before noun] (AmE): aged-out minors 超过规定年龄的未成年人 agree /əˈɡriː/ agree to sth to say yes; to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen 答应;同意;允许:Do you think hell agree to their proposal? 你认为他会接受他们的 提议吗? ♦ v + prep agree with sb 1 (about/on sth) to have the same opinion as sb 赞同;与...持同样观点:He agreed with them about the need for change. 他 与他们看法一致,认为需要变革。2 to make sb feel happy or healthy 使惬意;使健康;适合: You look great! Marriage obviously agrees with you. 你容光焕发啊!显然婚姻生活让你非常滋 润。◊ Mushrooms don't agree with me (= they make me feel Ul/sick). 我吃了蘑菇就会感觉 不适。 ♦ v + prep agree with sth (grammar) to match a word or phrase in number ( = being singular or plural ), gender (= being masculine, feminine, etc.), or person (= whether the subject is I, you, etc.) ( 在数、性或人称方面 ) 与一 致,呼应:In French, adjectives agree with their nouns. 在法语中,形容词必须与其名词保 持一致。 ♦ v + prep agree with sth; agree with doing sth to approve of sth, especially a policy or a belief 同意,赞同,认可 ( 尤指政策或信仰 ):I don't agree with capital punishment. 我不赞成 保留死刑。 OPP disagree with sth, etc. ♦ v + prep aim /eim/ aim at sb/sth; aim sth at sb/sth to point or direct a weapon, a shot, a kick, etc. at sb/sth 瞄准;对着:The gun was aimed at his head. 枪对准了他的头。◊ The Rovers youngster aimed a shot at the net (= in football/soccer). 流浪者队的这名年轻球员对准球网施射。 [OBJ] ball, gun, shot ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep aim at sth; aim at doing sth to try to achieve sth; to have sth as your aim 致力追 求;努力取得;目的在于:She's aiming at a sports scholarship. 她在争取获得一项体育奖学 金。◊ We need to aim at increasing exports. 我 们要努力增加出口。 NOTE Aim to do sth is also used with the same meaning * aim to do sth 也作此义:What do you aim to achieve? 你追求的目标是什么? ♦ v + prep aim sth at sb/sth if you aim sth at a par- ticular person or group, you do or say sth that you intend to have an effect on them ( 言 行 ) 针对,指向,以…为对象:The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这次广告宣传活动主要是针对年轻人。 ◊ I was not aiming my remarks at you. 我的话不是冲你 说的。 [OBJ] remarks, criticism, campaign NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be aimed at sth; be aimed at doing sth to have sth as an aim or purpose 目的在 于;以…为目标:The new scheme is aimed at reducing unemployment. 新计划旨在减少失业 人数。 ♦ be + v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 agree to sth accede to sth ♦ agree to sth ♦ consent to sth ♦ go along with sb/sth These verbs all mean to say that you will do what sb wants or allow sth to happen. 这些动 词都表示答应、同意、准许。 accede to sth (formal) to agree to a request or demand 答应,应允 ( 请求或要求 ):He acceded to demands for his resignation. 面对 各方的要求,他同意辞职。 agree to sth to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen 答应;同意;允许:Do you think he'll agree to their proposal? 你认务他会接受他们的提 议吗? consent (to sth) (formal) to agree to sth or give your permission for sth 赞成;准许:He consented to his daughter's marriage. 他同意 了女儿的婚事。 go along with sb/sth to agree to sth that sb else has decided 同意,支持,附和 (他人的 决定):She just goes along with everything he suggests, 只要是他的建议,她都赞同。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to agree to/go along with/consent to a plan/scheme/proposal ■ to agree to/go along with a decision ■ to agree to a suggestion ■ to agree to/accede to a request/demand ■ to be prepared/willing/forced to go along with sb/consent to sth alight /əˈlaɪt/ alight on/upon sb/sth (formal) to notice sb/sth suddenly; to find or think of sth by chance 突然注意到;意外发现;碰巧想到:My eye alighted on an old book. 我的目光突然落到 一本旧书上。◊ He finally alighted on a solution. 他最后灵机一动想出一个解决办法。 SYN light on/upon sb/sth ♦ v + prep align /əˈlaɪn/ align yourself with sb/sth to publicly support a person, a group of people or a set of opinions 公开支持;站在…-边:The senator aligned himself with the critics of the proposed reforms. 那位参议员公开支持对拟议改革提出批 评的人士。 ♦ v + pron + prep allow /əˈlaʊ/ allow for sth to include sth when you are calculating sth or planning sth 将…包话在内; 考虑到;顾及:Add an extra ten minutes to your journey time to allow for the traffic. 考虑到 交通状况,你的行程得额外多算十分钟. ◊ I've bought a large size to allow for the fact that it may shrink in the wash. 岳计到衣服可能会缩 水,我买了件大号的。◊ This had not been allowed for in the budget. 预算没有把这个考虑 在内。 [OBJ] the possibility, the fact that ... , differ- ences ♦ v + prep allow of sth (formal to show that sth, such as an explanation or an answer, is possible; to make sth possible 给 (解释、回答等)留有余 地:使成为可能:The facts allow of only one explanation. 这些事实灵能有一种解释。 SYN admit of sth ♦ v + prep allude/əˈluːd/ allude to sb/sth (formaL) to mention sb/sth indirectly or in a few words (间接或略 微)提到;暗指:He hated his mother's way of alluding to Jean but never actually saying her name. 他讨厌母亲拐弯抹角从不指名地提及琼。 ◊ Do you know the person who was alluded to in the report? 你知道报告中影射的人吗?。→ note at refer to sb/sth ♦ v + prep amount /əˈmaʊnt/ amount to sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)1 to add up to sth; to result in a final total of sth 合计达;总数为: The cost of the trip amounted to well over £500. 这次旅行的费用远远超过了500英镑。◊ The money I pay in tax amounts to about 40% of my salary. 交税用掉我工资的40%左右。 SYN come to sth → note at add up to sth 2 to be equal to or the same as sth 等于; 等同于; 相当于:What they did amounted to a breach of contract. 他们这样做就是违约。◊ It doesn't matter who pays—it amounts to the same thing in the end, 谁付钱无关紧要——最终反正都是 一回事。◊ It all amounts to a lot of hard work. 这一切意味着大量艰苦的工作。 SYN come to sth 3 if you say that sb/sth doesn't amount to much, you mean that he/she/it is not very important 无足轻重;意义不大; 不太重要: He'll never amount to anything. 他绝不会有出息。◊ The information we have doesn't amount to much. 我们掌握的信息没多大价值。 SYN add UP to sth ♦ v + prep amp /æmp/ amp sth up (slang) to make sth louder or stronger 提高...的音量:增强;放大:The crowd amped up their approval when he started to sing. 他刚开口唱歌,人群就爆发出巨大的欢呼 声. ◊ an amped-up rock band 一个激情四溢的 摇滚乐队 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n angle/ˈæŋɡl/ angle for sth (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时)to try to obtain sth with- out asking for it directly (间接地)博取,猎 取,谋取:She's angling for an invitation.她正 设法弄一张请柬。 SYN fish for sth ♦ v + prep answer /ˈɑːnsə(r); AmE 'ænsər/ answer back to defend yourself against sth bad that sb has said about you 自辩;抗辩; 反驳:It's not fair to criticize without giving her the chance to answer back. 批评她却不给她机会 辩白,有失公平。 ♦ v + adv answer back; .answer sb back if a child answers back or answers you back, they reply rudely (小孩)还嘴.翠嘴:Don't answer back! 不许回嘴! ◊ He's a rude little boy, always answering his mother back. 他年纪小, 脾气坏,老是和妈妈顶嘴。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv answer for sb to speak on behalf of sb and say what they will do or what they think 为…代言;代表…说话;代表…的意见:I can't answer for my colleagues, but I can manage a meeting next week. 我不能代表同事发表意见, 但是我可以设法下周开个会。 SYN speak for sb NOTE Answer for sb is usually used in negative sentences. * answer for sb 通清用于否定句。 ♦ v + prep answer for sth i to be responsible for sth bad; to accept the blame for sth 对…承担责 任;因…受到责备: She has a lot to answer for. 她负有很大的责任。◊ He's old enough to answer for his own actions. 他年纪不小了,应对自己的 行为负责。◊ When it comes to violence among young people, television has a great deal to answer for. 到年轻人的暴力行为,电视要负很 大责任。(OBJ) the consequences, sb's actions 2 to say that you are certain that sb has a particular quality or can be trusted or relied on 担保,保证(人品等):I can answer for her honesty. 我可以担仪她为人诚实。 SYN vouch for sth ♦ v + prep answer to sb (for sth) to have to explain your actions to sb; to show that your actions are right or reasonable (为某事)对…负有责 任,向…作出交代:You will answer to me for any damage to the car. 汽车有任何损坏,我都 找你负责。◊ If anything happens to her, you'll have me to answer to. 她如果有个三长两短,我 拿你是问。 ♦ v + prep answer to sth to be called sth; to recognize a name as your own 被称作;叫做:I answer to either Susan or Sue. 叫我苏珊或是苏。◊ I'm afraid there's no one here answering to that name. 恐怕这里没人叫那个名字。◊ She has a cat answering to the name of Dagobert.她有只 猫,名叫达戈贝尔。 [OBJ] name, Susan, Sue, etc. ♦v + prep ante /ˈænti/ ante up; .ante up sth 1 (in poker 扑克牌) to put forward a bet before the cards are dealt (发牌前)下注 2 (AmE) to pay a share of an amount of money that a group of people owe 付清(欠款中应摊的份额):The check arrived and we all anted up. 账单到了,我们都付清了 各自的欠款。◊ Some parents ante up big bucks to send their kids to prep school. 有些父母拿出 大笔钱送子女上预科学校。 NOTE Ante up is not used with a pronoun object. * ante up 不接代词宾语。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n appeal /əˈpiːl/ appeal for sth/sb; ap peal for sb to do sth to make a serious and urgent request for sth/sb or for sb to do sth 恳求;呼吁:The government has appealed for calm. 政府呼吁保 持镇静。◊ The police appealed for witnesses to come forward. 警方呼吁目击者出来作证。◊ The victim's family has appealed for help in tracking down the killer. 受害言家属畜求帮两抓捕凶手。 [OBJ] witnesses, help, information, calm, funds -> note at ASK FOR STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + prep + n/pron + to +inf appeal to sb if sth appeals to you, you like it or find it interesting and attractive 使感兴 趣;受…欢迎;对…有吸引The 'Harry Potter" books appeal to readers of all ages.《哈利•波 特》系列小说吸引了各个年龄层的读者。◊ The prospect of camping didn't appeal to me. 我对 露营的想法没有兴趣。 ♦ v + prep appeal to sth to try to persuade sb to do sth by reminding them that it is a good, rea- sonable thing to do (通过入情入理的劝说)打 动:Maybe if you appeal to her better nature (= her kindness), you can get her co help. 也许 你央求她发发善心,就能得到她的帮助。 [OBJ] sb's better nature, sb's sense of justice ♦ v + prep appertain /æpəˈteɪn; AmE pərˈt-/ appertain to sth [formal) to belong to sth; to be connected with sth 属于;涉及;关系到: the duties appertaining to the post 这一岗位的 职责 ♦ v + prep apply /əˈplaɪ/ (applies, applying, applied) apply for sth to make a formal request, usually in writing, for sth such as a job or a place at college, university, etc.(通常以书面 形式)申请,寻亲得到:I applied for a new pass- port. 我申办了一本新护照。 ◊ My son has applied for a place at Warwick University. 我儿 字已申请就读沃里克大学。 -> note at ASK FOR STH ♦ v + prep apply to sb/sth to concern or relate to sb/sth 涉及;与…有关联:The word "unexciting" could never be applied to her novels. “乏味” 一词绝对和她的小说沾不上边儿。 ♦ v + prep apprise /əˈpraɪz/ apprise sb of sth (formal) to inform sb of sth 将…通知…;向…告知…: We were fully apprised of the situation. 我们完全知晓了当肝 的状况。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep argue /ˈɑːɡjuː; AmE 'a:rg-/ argue sb into sth; .argue sb into doing sth to persuade sb to do sth by giving them a large number of reasons why they should do it 说服…做…:I managed to argue him into going back home to talk to his parents. 我终于说服他回家去和父母对话。 OPP argue sb out of sth, argue sb out of doing sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep argue sth out to discuss all the details of an idea, a plan, etc., often in an excited or angry way, until you reach a decision (常指 激烈地)彻底辩论,辩个明白:I'm sure they'll manage to argue out any differences that arise. 我相信他们会把出现的分歧辩个明白。◊ I'm too tired to argue it out with you now. 我很累,现 在没有力气和你辩出个高下。◊ The issues have all been argued out at great length. 这些问题经 过了很长时间的辩论,均已得到解决。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv argue sb out of sth; argue sb out of doing sth to persuade sb not to do sth by giving them a large number of reasons why they should not do it 说服…放弃 (做某事):I argued her out of her crazy idea. 我说服她放弃 了荒唐的念头。 OPP argue sb into sth, argue sb into doing sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep argue with sb/sth to disagree with what sb says; to say or show that sth is not right 不同 意 (某说法);表示 (某事) 不对:'It's cold today, isn't it?' 'I can't argue with you there!' (= I agree with you) “ 今天很冷,你说呢?" " 的确如此!” ◊ It's a lovely jacket— and you couldn't argue with the price. 这件夹克很不 错——而且价格也没得说。 NOTE Argue with sb/sth is often used with can't or another negative. * argue with sb / sth 常与 can't 或其他否定词连用。 ♦ v + prep armour (BrE)(AmE armor) /ˈɑːmə(r); AmE 'ɑːrmər/ armour sth up (AmE . armor sth up) (espe- cially AmE) to attach extra protection to a mili- tary vehicle, so that it is better protected from bombs, bullets, etc. 为 (军车) 加装装甲:The Pentagon realized it needed more money to armor up its trucks. 五角大楼意识到需要投入更 多资金为卡车配备装甲。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► up armour (AmE up- armor) vt (especially AmE) to armour up a vehicle 为 (车辆) 配备 装甲 ► up-armoured (AmE up-armored) adj [usually before noun] (especially AmE): up-armored Humvees 装甲悍马车 arrive /əˈraɪv/ arrive at sth to agree on sth or to find sth after discussing and thinking about it 达成 (协议);作出(决议);得出(结论):They had both arrived at the same conclusion. 他俩 得出了同样的结论。◊ It didn't take long to arrive at a decision, 没过多久便作出了决定。 [OBJ] conclusion, decision, agreement SYN reach sth ♦ v + prep arse /ɑːs; AmE ɑːrs/ arse about/around (BrE, slang) to behave in a silly or annoying way and waste time instead of doing what you are supposed to be doing 鬼混;闲荡;混日子:Stop arsing about and give me my bag. 别瞎闹了,把我的 包还给我。 NOTE Mess around and play around are more polite verbs to use to express this. 表达此义用 mess around 和 play around 更有礼貌。 ♦ v + adv ascribe /əˈskraɪb/ ascribe sth to sb to consider that sth has been written, painted, spoken or created by a particular person认代 (作品、言论等) 出自某 人:This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare. 这部戏剧通常被认为是莎士比亚创作的。 SYN attribute sth to sb ♦ v + n/pron + prep ascribe sth to sb/sth (formal) 1 to consider that sth is caused by a particular person or thing 把…归因于;认为…度由于:He ascribed his exhaustion to the heat. 他认为自己 疲乏是天气炎热所致。2 to consider that a person or a thing has a particular quality 认 为…具有(某特质):I am reluctant to ascribe supernatural powers to a fortune-teller. 我不太 相信算命的人有超自然能力。◊ The government ascribes great importance to these policies. 政府 十分重视这些政策。 SYN attribute sth to sb/sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep ask /ɑːsk; AmE æsk/ ask after sb to ask for news about sb and how they are, etc. 问候;问好;探问:Did she ask after me in her letter? 她在宿中问起我 了吗? SYN enquire after sb (formal) ♦ v + prep ask sb a'long to ask sb if they would like to go with you to an event or activity 邀请…同去 (参加活动);邀请…同行;邀请…作伴:Jane and Ed are going out tonight, and they've asked me along. 简和埃德今晚出去,还邀我一起去。 SYN invite sb along (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ask a'round to ask a number of different people in order to find out sth 四处打听;多方 询问:I don't know if there's any work, but i will ask around for you. 我不知道有没有工祐,不过 我会帮你打听打听。 ♦ v + adv ask sb around (AmE) -> ASK SB OVER/ROUND . ask sb back (to sth) (especially BrE) to invite sb to come back to your house with you for a drink, etc. when you are both out together (一起外出后) 邀请…去自己家:I asked him back for a coffee. 回来时我邀请他来我家喝杯 咖啡。 SYN have sb back; invite sb back (to sth) (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ask for sb to say that you want to see or speak to sb 要求与…见面;希望与…谈谈: There's somebody at the door asking for Pete. 门 口有人要找皮特。 ♦ v + prep ask for sth 1 (also ask sb for sth) to say that you want sb to give you sth 要求得到;请求给 予;索要:Jodie asked for a guitar for her birthday. 乔迪说她过生日想要把吉他。 ◊ Don't hesitate to ask for help. 如需帮助,尽管开口。◊ I asked the waiter for the bill. 我请服务员拿账 单过来。◊ We couldn't have asked for better weather. 天气再好不过了。◊ A beautiful house, husband and children. What more could you ask for? 漂亮的房子、丈夫和孩子。你还能再奢 望什么呢? SYN request sth (formal) 2 (infor mal) if sb is asking for trouble or asking for it, they are behaving in a way that is likely to cause sth bad to happen to them 招惹 (麻 烦、苦恼等);自作自受:You're asking for trouble walking home alone at night. 你夜里独 自步行回家是自找麻烦。◊ You asked for it!(= you deserve what I am going to do to you)' she said. “你自讨苦吃!” 她说。[OBJ] trouble, it 3 to say that you want to speak to sb or be directed to a place 找 (人);问 (路):When you arrive, go to reception and ask for George. 到了以后你就去服务台,说找乔治。◊ Ask for the station if you get lost. 如果迷路了,就向去 车站的路。 ♦ v + prep ask sb in/ up to invite sb to come into the room or building that you are in, especially your home 邀请...进 (尤指家里) 来: Aren't you going to ask me in? It's cold out here. 你不请我 进屋吗?外面很冷。◊ She asked me into her office for a chat. 她请我进她的办公室聊聊。◊ We must ask the neighbours in for coffee. 我们 应该请邻居来家里喝杯咖啡。 SYN invite sb in/up (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ask sb out to invite sb to go out with you, especially when you would like a romantic relationship with them ( 尤指为发展恋情 ) 邀 请…外出约会:Has he asked you out yet? 他约 你出去了吗? SYN invite sb out (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ask sb over/'round (BrE) (AmE .ask sb a round) to invite sb to come and visit you in your home 邀请…来家里做客:She's asked me round for dinner. 她请我去她家吃饭。 SYN invite sb over/round (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ask sb 'up -> ASK SB IN/UP SYNONYMS同义词辨析 ask for sth appeal for sth ♦ apply for sth ♦ ask for sth ♦ call for sth ♦ request sth These verbs all mean to tell sb that you would like them to do sth or give you sth, or that you would like sth to happen. 这些动词都表示请 求、申请、恳请。 appeal for sth to make a serious and urgent request for sth 恳求;呼吁:Nationalist leaders have appealed for calm. 民族主义领袖 呼吁保持镇定。 ◊ Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward. 警方呼吁目击者出 来作证。 apply for sth to make a formal request, usually in writing, for sth such as a job or a place at a university (通常以书面形式) 申 请,寻求得到:to apply for a job/ passport/grant 申请工作/护如/补助 ask for sth to tell sb that you would like them to do or give you sth, or that you would like sth to happen 要求得到;请求给予;索要:/ went up to the bar and asked for a beer. 我走 到吧台,要了杯啤酒。◊ He asked me for a job again yesterday. 他昨天又要我给他找工作。 call for sth (used especially in newspapers) to ask publicly for sth to happen (尤用于报 章)公开要求,呼吁 : The group called for the immediate release of the hostages. 该组织要求 立即释放人质。◊ The opposition is calling for the Prime Minister to resign, 反对党要求首相 辞职。 request sth (formal) to ask for sth or ask sb to do sth in a polite or formal way (客气或正 式地) 恳求,请求给 You can request a free copy of the leaflet. 你可以索取一本免费提供的 小册子。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to ask for/call for/appeal for sth from sb ■ to formally ask for/call for/request/apply for sth ■ to repeatedly ask for/call for/request/appeal for sth aspire /əˈspaɪə(r)/ a spire to sth to have a strong desire to gain or achieve sth 渴望得到;有志成就:He's never really aspired to great wealth. 他从未真正渴求 过巨额财富。 ♦ v + prep associate /əˈsəʊsieɪt; AmE ɑk-/ associate with sb to be involved with or spend a lot of time with sb or with a group of people, especially people that sb else does not approve of 与 (不被认同的人) 密切交往;和… 廊混:I don't like the people you associate with. 我不喜欢你结交的那些人。 ♦ v + prep associate yourself with sb/sth (formal) to say that you agree with sb/sth 表示赞同: They do not want to associate themselves with spending cuts and tax increases. 他们不想表态 赞成削减经费和增税。 OPP dissociate yourself from sb/sth ♦ v + pron + prep attend /əˈtend/ attend to sb/sth (formal) to deal with or take responsibility for sth; to give practical help to sb who needs it 处理;应付;照顾;护 理:I have some urgent business to attend to. 我 有一些急事要处理。◊ (BrE) Are you being attended to? 有人接待你吗? [OBJ] business, needs, customer an look after sb; look after sth; see to sb/sth (less formal) → note at care for sb ♦ v + prep attribute /əˈtrɪbjuːt/ attribute sth to sb to consider that sth has been written, painted, spoken or created by a particular person 认为 (作品、言论等) 出自某 人:This painting is usually attributed to Goya. 这幅画一般认为是戈雅的作品。 SYN ascribe sth to sb ♦ v + n/pron + prep attribute sth to sb/sth to consider that sth is caused by a particular person or thing 把... 归因于;认岛...真由于:His success can be attributed. largely to hard work. 他的成功可以 说主要是靠勤奋。◊ She said she was not going to attribute blame or seek revenge for what had happened. 事已至此,她说不想怨天尤人或寻求 报复。 SYN ascribe sth to sb/sth; put sth down to sth (less formal) ♦ v + n/pron + prep auction /ˈɔːkʃ(ə)n; BrE also 'ok-/ em An auction is a public event at which things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them. * auction 是指拍卖、 竞买。 auction sth 'off to sell sth at an auction, especially sth that sb no longer needs or wants 拍卖处理 ( 尤指不再需要的物品 ):The house and all its contents will be auctioned off next week. 下周将拍卖掉这所房子和房中所有物品。 -> note at SELL STH OFF ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv avail /əˈveɪl/ avail yourself of sth (formal) to make use of sth; to take advantage of sth, usually to improve your situation ( 通常为欢善状况 ) 使 用,利用:Guests are encouraged to avail them- selves of all the hotel's facilities. 欢迎客人使用 宾馆的各种设施。◊ I'd like to avail myself of this opportunity to thank you all for your sup- port. 我想借此机会感谢诸位的支持。 [OBJ] facilities, opportunity ♦ v + pron + prep average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ average 'out to result in a fair or equal amount over a period of time 达到平均数;最 终持平:Sometimes I do the cooking and some- times my flatmate does. It averages out over a month. 有时我做饭,有时室友做饭。一个月下 来,我们做饭的次数不相上下。 ♦ v + adv average sth out (at sth) to calculate the average of sth 算出…的平均数 ( 为… ):if you average it out, there's one car stolen every three minutes. 算起来平均每三分钟就有一辆汽车失 窃。◊ The tax authorities averaged out his profit at £10000 a year over five years, 税务机 关算出五年间他的平均利润为每年1万英镑。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv average out at sth to have a particular amount as the average over a period of time 平均数为;平均达到:The time she spends prac- tising the piano averages out at about an hour a day. 她练钢琴的时间为平均每天一小时左右。 ♦ v + adv + prep awake /əˈweɪk/ (awoke /əˈwəʊk; AmE ə'woʊk/, awoken /əˈwəʊkən; AmE əˈwoʊkən/) awake to sth (formal) to become aware of sth and its possible results; to realize or understand sth 意识到;察觉到;醒悟到:They finally awoke to the full extent of the problem. 他们终于认识到了问题的严重性。◊ I suddenly awoke to the fact that I had the answer in front of me. 我突然发觉答案就摆在我面前。 -> see also AWAKEN TO STH, AWAKEN SB TO STH ♦ v + prep awaken /[əˈweɪkən/ awaken to sth; a waken sb to sth (formal to become aware of sth, or to make sb become aware of sth, and its possible results (使) 意识到;(使) 察觉到;(使) 醒悟到:People are gradually awakening to their rights. 人们正逐渐意识到自己的权利。◊ The public has been awakened to the full horror of the situation. 公众完全认识到了这一状况多 么恐怖。 -> see also AWAKE TO STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep back /bæk/ back a way (from sth) to move backwards away from sb/sth frightening or unpleasant 畏 缩;退避;躲避:He stepped forward and she backed away in alarm. 他走上前来,她慌忙往 后退。◊ The child backed away from the dog nervously. 小孩紧张地后退躲避那条狗。 SYN retreat (from sb/sth) {more format) -> see also BACK OFF 2 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep back away from sth; back away from doing sth to avoid doing sth unpleasant or difficult; to show that you no longer support an action or an idea 背弃,不 再支持 (案行动或想法):We will not back away from tough measures. 我们不会手软。◊ The union has backed away from calling a strike. 工会放弃了罢工号召。 ♦ v + adv + prep back down (on/from sth) to take back a claim or a demand that you have made, or sth that you have said, usually because sb forces you to (被迫) 收回,放弃,取消 (主张、要 求、言论等):Neither of them will back down on this issue.在这一问题上他俩都不会退让。◊ His critics were forced to back down. 批评他的 人被迫偃旗息鼓了。 SYN climb down (over sth); give in (to sb/sth) -> see also BACK OFF (FROM STH/FROM DOING STH), BAC OFF STH ♦ v + adv back off 1 (informal) to stop threatening or annoying sb 放过(某入); 不再烦扰(某人): Back off and let me make my own decisions, 别烦我,让我自己拿主意。◊ The press have agreed to back off and leave the couple alone. 新闻媒体同意不再打扰这对夫妇。2 to move away from sb/sth frightening or unpleasant 畏缩;退避;躲避:As the head teacher approached, the children backed off. 校长过 案时,孩子和都闪开了。 SYN retreat (from sb/sth) -> see also BACK AWAY, BACK AWAY (from sth) ♦ v + adv back off (from sth/from doing sth), , back off sth (especially AmE) to decide not to continue to do sth or support an idea, in order to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation 放弃 (继续做某事);不再支持 (某想法):The government backed off in the face of strong opposition. 面对强烈的反对,政府退却了。◊ He refused to back off from his earlier statement. 他 拒绝撤回先前的声明。◊ The rebels backed off their demand for meeting with the President. 反 叛分子放弃了与总统会面的要求。 -> see also BACK DOWN (ON/FROM STH) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep back onto sth (BrE) if a building backs onto sth, it has sth behind it (建筑物) 背 向,背对,背靠:The hotel backs onto the golf course. 旅馆的后面是高尔夫球场。 ♦ v + prep back out; .back out of sth; back out of doing sth to decide not to do sth that you had agreed or promised to do 变卦;撒手不干;背弃 (承诺):Everything's arranged. It's too late to back out now. 一切都 安排妥了。现在退出为时已晚。◊ There's still time to back out of selling the house. 现在改主 意不卖房子还来得及。 SYN pull out, pull out of sth, pull out of doing sth; withdraw (from sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep back up; back sb/sth up to move backwards a short distance, especially in a vehicle; to make sb/sth move backwards a short distance (使) 后退;倒 (车):The truck in front is going to have to back up. 前面 的那辆卡车看来不得不倒一下车了。◊ You can back up another two meters or so. 你可以再退 两米左右。◊ Jeff backed the van up and drove off quickly. 杰夫倒了倒车,然后飞快地开走了。 ◊ The woman was backed up against the wall. 那名女子被迫退到了墙边。 an reverse, reverse sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n back up; back sth 'up if traffic backs up or is backed up, it cannot move and forms a long line (车辆) 拥堵,阻塞,排起长龙:Two lanes were closed by the accident, causing cars to back up for miles. 事故导致两条车道被封, 汽车拥塞长达几英里。◊ The traffic is backed up to the traffic lights. 车辆在没通信号灯处堵 住了。 TOTE Nearly always used in the passive. 几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n back sb/sth up 1 to say or show that what sb says is true 证明,证实 (某人所言) If tell my parents I was with you, will you back me up? 假若我对父母说当时我和你在一起,你肯为 我作证吗? ◊ His version of events is not backed up by the evidence. 他对事件的说法缺乏证据支 持。[OBJ] statement, claim 2 to support or help sb/sth 支持;帮助:Melissa complained that her husband never backed her up when it came to dealing with the children. 梅利莎抱 怨丈夫从未帮她管教过孩子。◊ Backing her up (= playing music to support her) was the band 'Midnight Express'. 为她伴奏的是 “午夜快车” 乐队。SYN an support sb/sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► backup n [C, U] (AmE music) (usually used as an adjective 通常用作形容词)music that supports the main singer or player in popular music (流行音乐的)伴唱,伴奏:a backup singer for Stevie Wonder 史蒂维.旺德的伴唱歌 手 ◊ She once sang backup for Madonna. 她曾经 为麦当娜伴唱。 back sth up 1 (computing) to make a copy of a file, a program, etc. that can be used if the original one is lost or damaged 备份(文 件、程序等):We back up all the files every night. 我们每晚都给所有文件做备份。[OBJ] file, document 2 to add sth extra to sth, especially as a support 补充;辅助;支持:The lectures will be backed up by practical work. 课堂讲 授将辅以实际操作。◊ They backed up their demands with threats. 他们以恐吓手段要挟满足 其要求。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► backup n 1 [C] (computing) a copy of a file, program, etc. for use in case the original is lost or damaged (文件、程序等的)备份: Have you kept a backup of this file? 这份文件 你备份了吗? ◊ a backup disk 备份磁盘 2 [U] support or help that you can use in order to do sth 支持;帮助;援助:military backup 军事援助。They have a huge backup team.他 有一支庞大的后援队 3 [C] a second piece of equipment, person, etc. that can replace another if necessary 备用器械:替补人员;后 备:He's our backup if another player isn't available. 如果我们有队员无法上场,就由他替 补。◊ the backup plan 备用方案 bag /bæɡ/ (-gg-) bag sth up to put sth, usually large amounts of sth, into a bag or bags 把(通常指大量物 品)装进袋里:The vegetables are bagged up on the farm and then sent out to the market. 蔬菜 在农场装袋后,发送到市场。 NOTE Bag sth can also be used on its own with this meaning. bag sth 单独使用也可作此义。 ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 back sb/sth up back sb/sth up ♦ bear sb/sth out ♦ confirm sth ♦ corroborate sth ♦ substantiate sth These verbs all mean to support what sb says by stating or showing that it is definitely true or correct. 这些动词都表示支持、证明、证实。 back sb/sth up to support what sb says; to say that what sb says is true 为...作证;证实 (言论):I'll back you up if they don't believe you. 如果他们不相信你,我会为你作证◊ The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples. 作者并未援引实例证明他的观点 bear sb/sth out (especially BrE) to support a claim, a theory or what sb says 支持,证实 (主张,理论或言论):The other witnesses will bear me out. 其他证人会为我作证。◊ The other witnesses will bear out what I say. 其他 证人会证明我所言属实。 confirm sth to state or show that sth is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence (尤指提供证据)证实, 确认,肯定:Rumours of job losses were later Confirmed. 裁员的传闻后来得到证实。◊ His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. 他 愧疚的神情证实了我的怀疑。 corroborate sth (often passive) (formal) to provide evidence that proves or supports a claim, theory or other evidence 确证 (主系 理论或其他证据):The evidence was corroborated by two independent witnesses. 该 项证据得到了两名独立证人的佐证。 ► corroboration n [U] substantiate sth (often passive)(formal) to provide evidence that proves or supports a claim or sth that sb has said 证明,证实(主 张或言辞):They made accusations which could not be substantiated. 他们提出了 指控, 但是无凭无据。► substantiation n [U WHICH WORD? Substantiate and corroborate have similar meanings but they tend to be used with different words. Both go with claim but substantiate is also used with criticism, remark and point; corroborate is commonly used with findings, theory, results and evidence. Back sb/sth up has a similar meaning to substantiate sth, but substantiate is more formal; substantiate cannot have a person as its object. Back sb/sth up and substantiate imply that you are providing information to prove sth; bear sb/sth out and confirm sth imply that the facts are already there. * substantiate 和 corroborate 含义 相近,但一般与不同的词语连用。两者都与 claim 连用,但 substantiate 还与 criticism, remark 和 point 连用,而 corroborate 通常与 findings, theory, results 和 evidence 连用。 back sb / sth up 和 substantiate sth 含义相近,但 substantiate 更正式,并且 substantiate 不能以人 作宾语。back sb / sth up 和 substantiate 含有提 供信息以资证明之意;bear sb / sth out 和 confirm sth 含有事实已经存在之意。 PATTERNS AND COllOCATIONS ■ to confirm/bear out that/what... ■ it was confirmed that... ■ to confirm whether... ■ to confirm/substantiate/back up/corroborate/bear out a claim/statement/story/theory bail /beɪl/ bail out; bail out of sth 1 (BrE also .bale out, bale out of sth) to jump out of a plane that is going to crash, using a parachute (= a large piece of cloth that opens out like an umbrella and makes people fall slowly and safely) (从即将坠毁的飞机中) 跳伞;紧急跳伞: The crew just had time to bail out. 机组人员刚 好来得及跳伞逃生。2 to escape from a situ- ation that you no longer want to be involved in 退出;不再参与:The actor who was supposed to be playing the part bailed out. 原定饰演这个 角色的演员不干了。-> see also BACK OUT ♦ v + adv + prep bail out; .bail sth out (BrE also .bale out, .bale sth 'out) to throw water out of a boat with a container or with your hands (从船 里) 往外舀水:The boat will sink unless we bail out. 我们要是不排水,船可要沉了。 ◊ They started bailing the boat out. 他们动手把船舱的 水舀出去。 [OBJ] boat, water ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bail sb out (law) to pay sb's bail (= the money that sb accused of a crime has to pay if they do not appear at their trial) for them, so that they can be set free until their trial 保释 (被告) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bail sb/sth out; .bail sb/sth out of sth (BrE also .bale sb/sth out, .bale sb/sth out of sth) (informal) to rescue sb/sth from difficulties, especially financial difficulties 帮 助...脱离困境;从困境中解救:The government: has refused to bail the company out again. 政府 拒绝再次帮助该公司摆脱困境。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► bailout n (especially AmE, finance) an act of giving financial help to a company, economy, etc. to save it from failing (帮助摆脱困境的) 紧急财政援助:government/bank bailouts政府/ 银行应急援助。 ◊ a bailout package 紧急财政援 助一揽子方案 balance /ˈbæləns/ balance A against B to compare the value or importance of one plan, argument, etc. against another 权衡,斟酌、比较 (两个计 划、论点等的价值或重要性) : You must balance the high salary against the long working hours. 你必须权衡高工资和长工时两者的利弊。 SYN set sth against sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep balance out; .balance sth out if things that are very different or have opposite effects balance out or you balance them out, they become equal in amount or value (使) 均 等,平衡、相当:If you eat a variety of food, protein and carbohydrate will balance out over a week. 如果饮食多样化,一星期后蛋白质和碳 水化合物就会均衡了。◊ We need to invite three more girls to balance out the numbers (= so that there are equal numbers of boys and girls). 我们得再邀请三个女孩,这样男女人数就 一样了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bale /beɪl/ bale out (BrE) -> BAIL OUT, ETC. balk/bɔːk/ balk at sth; balk at doing sth (especially AmE) -> BAULK AT STH, ETC. ball /[bɔːl/ ball sth up (AmE) to make sth that is usually flat into the shape of a ball 把...揉成 团:She balled up the paper and tossed it in the garbage. 她把纸揉成一团,扔到垃圾桶里。 SYN crumple sth up; scrunch sth up; wad sth up (especially AmE) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv balls /bɔːlz/ balls sth up (BrE, slang) to spoil sth; to do sth very badly 把...搞糟; 把...弄得一塌糊涂 NOTE A more polite, informal way of saying this is mess sth up. 较礼貌和非正式的表达方式 是 mess sth up。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► balls-up n (slang, especially BrE) sth that has been done very badly 混乱;一团糟;一塌 糊涂:I made a real balls-up of my exams. 我考 砸了。 NOTE A more polite, informal way of saying this is mess. 较礼貌和非正式的表送方式 是 mess。 band /bænd/ band together to form a group and act together in order to achieve sth, etc. 团结;联 合;携手:We need to band together to fight chese reforms. 我们要齐心协力与这些变革作 斗争。 ♦ v + adv bandage /ˈbændɪdʒ/ bandage sb/sth up to wrap a bandage around a part of the body that is injured 用 绷带包扎:Joe bandaged me up until the doctor came. 乔在医生到来前用绷带包扎好了我 的伤口。◊ I didn't see the bums because her fingers were all bandaged up. 我没有看到烧 伤,因为她的手指缠满了绷带。 [OBJ] wound, sb's leg/arm, etc. NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。 Bandage sb/sth is also used on its own. ♦ bandage sb / sth 也单独使用: ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bandy /ˈbændi/ (bandies, bandying, bandied) bandy sth a'bout (also .bandy sth around especially BrE) if a word, a name, etc. is bandied about, it is mentioned or talked about by many people, often in a careless way (轻率地) 传播, 散布,谈论:The stories being bandied about are completely false. 那些道听 途说的谣言完全是子虚乌有。 ◊ He's not paid anything like the £4000 a week figure being bandied around. 他每周挣四千英镑的说法完全 不靠谱。 [OBJ] story, figures, word/term NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bang /bæŋ/ bang a round {also .bang a1 bout especially BrE) to move around noisily 重手重脚地走动; 乒乓作响地来来去去:We could hear them banging about upstairs, moving things. 我们能 听到他们在楼上咣当咣当地来回挪动东西。 ♦ v + adv bang a1 way 1 {informal) to hit sth repeat- edly with a lot of force or energy (连续地) 猛砸,猛击:She picked up the hammer and began banging away. 她拿起锤子用力敲打起 来。2 if sth such as your heart bangs away, it makes very loud regular sounds (心脏等) 怦怦作响:My heart was banging away like a drum. 我的心像打鼓一样,扑通扑通直跳。 ♦ v + adv bang a way at sth (informal, especially AmE) to work very hard at sth 努力工作;致力于: She banged away all day at her assignment. 她 一整天都在埋头做作业。 SYN bash away (at sth) (BrE) ♦ v + adv + prep bang sth down to put sth down quickly and with a lot of force so that it makes a loud noise 猛摔;砰地一扔:He banged his fist down on the table. 他砰地一拳砸在桌子上。。 She banged the phone down (= ended the telephone conversation) before I could explain. 我还没来得及解释、她就啪地挂断了电话。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bang into sb/sth to crash into or hit sb/sth violently, usually by mistake (不小心) 撞 上,碰着: He ran around the comer and banged into an old lady who was coming the other way. 他跑过拐角,一下子撞上了迎面走来的一 位去太太。 ♦ v + prep bang on about sb/sth (BrE, informal) to talk or write a lot or in a boring way about sth 啰唆:絮叨:Pat is always banging on about politics. 帕特总是没完没了地谈论政治。◊ She keeps banging on about how wonderful her son is. 她逢人便讲她的儿子有多优秀。 SYN go on (about sb/sth) ♦ v + adv + prep bang out sth (informal) 1 to play music very loudly 高声奏出:He banged out the tune on the piano. 他在钢琴上响亮地弹奏那首曲子。 2 to write sth very quickly and without taking much care 仓促写成;匆匆写就:粗制滥造 (文 章等): She bangs out four novels a year. 她 一年可以赶写出四部小说。 SYN bash sth out (BrE), churn sth out NOTE When the object of bang out is a noun, it comes after out, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between bang and out ♦ bang out 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 out 之 后;但如果是代词,应置于 bang 和 out 之间: She bangs them out regularly. 她定期炮制些文 章出来。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv bang sb/sth 'up (AmE, informal) to damage or injure sb/sth, especially by hitting sth else 撞伤;碰坏:I banged up my knee when I fell off the bike. 我从自行车上摔下来,磕伤了膝盖。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv be/get .banged up (BrE, informal) to be locked up or put in prison 被拘留; 被关进牢房: He was banged up in a Singapore jail for six months. 他在新加坡坐了六个月牢。 ♦ be/get + v + adv bank/bæŋk/ bank on sb/sth; bank on doing sth; bank on sb/sth doing sth to rely on sb/sth; to be confident that sth will happen 依 靠;指望;信赖:I'm banking on your help. 我 还得靠你关照。 ◊ I'm really banking on you to help me. 我真的希望你能帮帮我。◊ I'd banked on getting a cup of coffee at the station, but everything was closed. 我原指望在车站能弄 杯咖啡喝,可是所有地方都打洋了。◊ He was banking on the train being on time. 他指望火车 会准点。◊ She might already have cleaned up the mess, but: I wouldn't bank on it. 她或许收 拾过了,但是我不能打包票。 SYN count on sb/sth, etc.; reckon on sb/sth, etc. ♦ v + prep ♦ v + prep + n/pron + to + inf bank up; .bank sth up (BrE) to form into a large pile; to make sth form a large pile (使) 堆积,聚集:The snow had banked up on either side of the road. 路两旁尽是积雪。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bargain /ˈbɑːɡən; AmE ˈbɑːrɡən/ bargain sth a way (rare) to give away sth valuable or important in exchange for sth less valuable or important 廉价交换:亏本 交易:The leaders refused to bargain away the freedom of their people. 领导人拒绝拿人民的自 由做交易。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent} bargain for/on sth; bargain for/on doing sth; bargain for/on sb/sth doing sth to expect or be prepared to do sth; to expect sth to happen or sb to do sth 准 备好 (做案事);预料到:We hadn't bargained for such bad weather. 我们没想到天气这么糟 糕。◊ I hadn't bargained on taking the kids with us. 我原本没打算让孩子们和我们一起去。◊ I didn't bargain for Jake being at the party. 我 没料到杰克会来参加聚会。 ◊ When he tried to argue with Kate, he got more than he had bargained /or. 他试图和凯特争辩,不料却招架 不住。◊ What 1 hadn't bargained for was that very few people would speak English. 我没想到 的是没几个人肯说英语。 SYN reckon on sb/sth, etc. NOTE These phrasal verbs are usually used in negative sentences. 这些短语动词通常用于否 定句。 ♦ v + prep barge /bɑːdʒ; /AME [bɑːrdʒ/ barge in (on sb/sth), barge into sth (informal) 1 to enter a place or join a group of people quickly and rudely, without being asked 擅自闯入;冒味介入:Sorry to barge in but ...抱歉冒昧打扰,可是… ◊ She barged in on our meeting without knocking. 我们开会时,她 门也不敲就闯了进来。◊ He just barged (his way) into the room. 他径直闯进了屋子。2 to interrupt what sb is doing or saying, especially when you have not been invited to join in 插 嘴:打岔;打扰:As soon as I paused for breath, Bart barged in. 我刚停下来喘口气,巴特便抢过 了话头。◊ You can't just come barging into our conversation! 你不能这么冒冒失失地打断我们的 谈话! ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep bark /bɑːk; AmE bɑːrk/ bark sth out to shout sth loudly 大声说 出;咆哮:She barked out instructions to her secretary. 她扯着嗓子对秘书发号施令。 (OBJ) orders, instructions SYN rap sth out NOTE Bark sth can also be used on its own with the same meaning * bark sth 单独使用也 可作此义:He barked orders at Tim. 他厉声对蒂 姆下达命令。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + speech barricade /bærɪkeɪd/ barricade yourself/sb in; barricade yourself/sb 'in/into/inside sth to put up a line of objects at the entrance to a room or building, so that nobody can get in or out, usually to protect or defend yourself or sb else (堵住入口) 把…关在里面, 让…躲在里面:The police were called when he went mad and barricaded himself in. 他发疯了,把自己关在里 边,于是有人叫来了警察。◊ They barricaded themselves inside their house. 他们把自己关在 屋里。◊ Families had to be barricaded inside a restaurant while students protested outside. 学 生在外面抗议,这些家庭只得躲进一家饭馆里。 [OBJ] room, house ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep base /beɪs/ base sth on sth (also base sth upon sth more format) to use or have an idea, an experience, etc. as the point from which sth can be developed 把…基于;以…为…的基 础;以…为…的根据:The novel is based on a true story. 这部小说是根据一个真实故事创作 的 ◊ She is basing the prosecution case on the evidence of two witnesses. 她是依据两名目击者 的证词提起诉讼的。◊ What's the design based on? 这一设计的蓝本是什么?。The report has been based upon inaccurate information. 这份 报告所依据的信息不准确。 ◊ Sue's knowledge of Japan was based only on what she had read in books. 休对日本的了解仅限于书本知识。 [OBJ] decision, theory, design, opinion, etc. NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep bash /bæʃ/ bash sb/sth about (BrE, informal) to hit or strike sb/sth and treat them/it in a rough way 猛打;暴打;粗暴对待:The mugger had bashed her about. 行凶抢劫者对她拳打脚踢。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv bash away (at sth) (BrE, informal) to work very hard at sth for a period of time 持续努 力,持之以恒 (专注于…):I bashed away at the article without a break from 11 until 6. 我从 11 点到 6 点一刻不停地写那篇文章。 ♦ v + adv bash sth down (informal, especially BrE) to destroy sth and make it fall by hitting it violently 撞倒;撞坏;捣毁: The firefighters had to bash the door down. 消防队员不得不把 门撞破。 [OBJ] door SYN break sth down (more formal); knock sth down (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bash sth in (informal, especially BrE) to break or destroy sth by hitting it violently 打 破;打坏:撞毁:The window had been bashed in. 窗户打碎了。 [OBJ] window, head, skull, nose SYN smash sth in NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM ,bash sb's head/'brains in (informal, especially BrE) to hit sb very hard 猛打;痛 打;狠揍:Shut up or III bash your brains in! 闭 嘴,不然我就把你的脑袋砸扁! bash on (with sth) (BrE, informal) to continue working hard at sth 继续努力干:Let's bash on. 咱们继续加油干吧。◊ I'd better bash on with my work. 我最好还是继续努力工作。 SYN get on (with sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv bash sth 'out (BrE, informal) to write sth very quickly, without taking much care 仓促 写成 粗制滥造 (文章等):I don't do drafts of articles. I just bash them out. 我写文章从不打草 稿, 随便一写就完事。 SYN bang out sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bash sb up (BrE, informal) to attack sb 'violently 猛打;痛打;狠揍 SYN beat sb up (more formal) NOTE Beat sb up is more frequent. * beat sb up 更常见。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bask /bɑːsk/ bask in sth to enjoy the good feelings that you have when other people praise or admire you, or when they give you a lot of attention 享受,沉浸于 (他人的赞美或关注):He had always basked in his parents' attention. 他一直 尽享父母的关爱。 ◊ i never minded basking in my wife's reflected glory (= enjoying the praise, attention, etc. she got). 生活在妻子的 光环中,我感到与有荣焉,从不介意。 ♦ v + prep bat /baet/ bat sth around (informal) to talk about or discuss plans or ideas, etc. before you decide what to do (在采取行动前) 考虑,讨论,推敲 (计划、想法等): We're just batting some ideas around. 我们只不过是在聊聊一些想法。 tPBJl ideas, figures ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n batten /ˈbætn/ batten sth down to fasten sth firmly in order to prevent damage by storms or winds 固定,钉在 (以防风暴):They managed to batten down the shutters and doors before the hurricane hit. 赶在飓风来袭前,他们总打算钉牢 了百叶窗和屋门。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM batten down the hatches to prepare for difficult times ahead 为应付困难作准备;未雨 绸缪:Businesses are battening down the hatches and preparing for a difficult year. 各企业都在早 作筹划,以应对困难的一年。 batter /ˈbætə(r)/ batter sth down to hit sth repeatedly until it breaks and falls down (以连续猛击) 砸 倒,砸毁:The only way to get in was to batter the door down. 要想进去只能把门砸开。 [OBJ] door SYN break sth down; beat sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n baulk (especially BrE) (AmE usually balk) /bɔːk/ baulk at sth; 'baulk at doing sth to be unwilling to do sth or to get involved in sth because it is difficult, dangerous, expensive, etc. 畏缩;回避:He baulked at the idea of telling his parents where he was going. 他不愿 告诉父母自己要去哪里。 [OBJ] idea, expense ♦v + prep bawl /bɔːl/ bawl sb out (informal) to speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong 痛骂; 厉声教: My boss bawled me out for being late. 我迟到了,给老板训了一顿。 SYN tell sb off ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n ► bawling- out n [usually sing.] (informal) an act of speaking angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong 痛骂;厉声教训 bawl sth out (informal, especially BrE) to say or sing sth very loudly or in an angry voice 怒 吼:大叫;高声歌唱:She doesn't give you an order. She bawls it out. 她吩咐什么事情,总是 大喊大叫。 ◊ The children bawled out the songs, 孩子们扯着嗓子唱歌。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ♦ v + adv + speech be /bi; strong form bi:/(am/is/are, being, was/were, been ) be after sth to be trying to get or obtain sth 追求;追逐:Several people in the office are after the same job. 办公室里有几个人起争同一个职 位。◊ She's being too nice. I wonder what she's after. 她友好得过了头。我倒想知道她图的是什 么。note at look for sb/sth ♦ v + prep be at sb (informal, especially BrE) be/go/keep on at sb be at sth to be busy doing sth 忙于;专注于: He's been at his essay all night. 他整夜都在写文 章。 ◊ I'll be at it all day tomorrow. 我明天一整 天都会处理这件事。 ♦ v + prep IDM be at it (informal) 1 to behave badly; to argue or fight 不守规矩;争吵;打架:The kids are at it again. 孩子们又闹起来了。2 to have sex 性交;做爱 be a way to not be at home, especially when you are on holiday/vacation or on a business trip 外出 ( 尤指度假或出差 ):we'll be away for the month of August. 我们八月份要外出。 ◊ He's away on business at the moment. 他出差去了。 ♦ v + adv be before sb be up before sb be behind sb to give sb your support 支 持;做...的后盾:Don't forget that we're behind you all the way. 记住我们会一直支持你。 ♦ v + prep be behind with sth to be late doing sth, such as paying a bill, your rent, etc. 拖欠 (付 账、交租金等);耽搁;逾期: we're behind with the mortgage repayments. 没有按时偿 还按揭贷款。◊ I'm behind with my college assignments, 我没及时完成大学作业。 ♦ v + adv + prep be down if a computer system is down, it is not working (计算机系统) 出故障:(计算 机)停机:Surely your computer isn't down again? 你的计算机不会又坏了吧? ♦ v + adv be down on sb to treat sb severely or unfairly 对…苛刻;对…不公:he's been really down on me lately. 他最近特别跟我过不去。 ♦ v + adv + prep be down to sb 1 to be the responsibility of sb 是...的责任: It's down to you to help them now. 现在该你帮助他们了。 SYN be up to sb 2 to be sb's fault 是...的过错: All this trouble is down to Matt. 所有这些麻烦都怪马特。 ♦ v + adv + prep be 'down to sth to have only a little money left (钱)所剩无几,只剩一点:I'm down to my last dollar. 我只剩最后一块钱了。 ♦ v + adv + prep be/go down with sth to have or catch an illness 生,得,染(病): Gill's down with flu. 吉尔患了流感。 ♦ v + adv + prep be in 1 to be in fashion 时髦;入时:Miniskirts are in this season, 本季流行超短裙。2 to be elected to a political position 当选(政治职 位):The Democrats are in for another term. 民 主党人获选连任。 ♦ v + adv be in for sth (informal) to be going to experience sth soon, especially sth unpleasant 即将面临(尤指令人不快的事);势必遭受: She's in for a shock. 她会大吃一惊的。 ◊ It looks like we're in for a storm. 看来我们要遭遇暴风 雨了。 ♦ v + adv + prep be/get 'in on sth (informal) to have a share in or knowledge of sth; to be or become involved in sth 知道;参与;涉足:Are you in on the secret? 你知道这个秘密吗? ◊ I'd like to be in on the deal. 我很想参与这桩交易。 ♦ v + adv + prep be (well) in with sb to be (very) friendly with sb and likely to get an advantage from the friendship 同…关系(非常)亲密(尤指可 从中获得好处) ♦ v + adv + prep be into sth to have a taste for or an interest in sth 爱好;对…感兴趣:Are you into jazz? 你 喜欢爵士乐吗? ◊ he's been into trains since he was a small boy. 他从小就喜爱火车。 ♦ v + prep be off 1 to leave; to go, especially in a hurry 离开;(匆忙)走开:I must be off. 我得走了。 2 to have gone bad and not be fit to eat or drink (食物)变质:This milk is off. 牛奶坏了。 3 if a dish in a restaurant is off, it is not available (饭店菜单上的菜)无法供应,断档: I'm afraid the liver is off today. 肝今天恐怕没 有了。 ♦ v + adv be off sb/sth 1 to have no interest in sb/sth; to have stopped liking sb/sth 对…不感 兴趣;不再喜欢:She can't be well. She's been off her food all week. 她一定是生病了。她整个 星期都没胃口。 ◊ That's it. I'm off men for life. 我算是受够了,这辈子我再也不找男人了。 2 to have finished speaking on the telephone 打完 (电话):Isn't he off the phone yet? 他电话还 没打完吗? ♦ v + prep be off for sth (informal) to have a particu- lar amount of sth (某物)有某一数量:How are we off for coffee (= how much have we got)? 我们还有多少咖啡? ♦ v + adv + prep be on 1 (of an event, a show, a performance, etc. 落动、演出、表演等)to be happening; to take place 在进行中;举行:Is the party still on? 聚会还没散吗? 2 (of a performer 表演者)to be on the stage; to perform 在台上;演出: Who's on next? 下面该谁上台? ◊ we're on after the band. 我们在这个乐队之后上场。3 (of food 食物)to be cooking 在烹调中:Are the potatoes on? 土豆烧上了吗? ♦ v + adv IDM you're on (informal) used when you are accepting a bet or a challenge 我跟你赌; 我接 受你的挑战 be on sb if sth such as drinks, food, tickets, etc. are on sb, they are paid for by that person (饮料、食前、票等)由…支付,由… 付账: The drinks are on me tonight. 今晚的酒水 钱我来付。 ♦ v + prep be on sth 1 to be taking medicine, a drug, etc.在服用(药物、毒品等):She's been on the pill for ten years. 她服避孕药有十年了。◊ I'm on strong painkillers. 我在服用强效止痛药。2 to be talking to sb on the telephone 在通电话: She's been on the phone for hours. 她打电话有 好几个小时了。 3 to be eating or drinking sth 在吃;在喝:I'm on my third coffee already this morning. 这是我今早喝的第三杯咖啡了。 ♦ v + prep IDM what are you on? (informal) used when you are very surprised at sb's behaviour and are suggesting chat they are acting in a similar way to sb using drugs (指对方行为失常)你 吃错药了吧? be on about sth (informal, especially BrE) to talk about sth, often in a boring way; to mean sth 谈论;唠叨;意思是:He's always on about how much money he earns. 他总爰唠叨 他赚多少钱。◊ What are you on about? (= I don't understand) 你究竟是什么意思? ♦ v + adv + prep be/go/keep on at sb (also be 'at sb) (informal, especially BrE) to try to persuade sb to do sth by talking about it very often and in an annoying way 反复劝说;不断纠缠:I've been on at my husband to go to the doctor, but he won't. 我再三规劝我丈夫去看医生,可他就 是不去。 SYN nag sb ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + prep be 'onto sb (informal) 1 to become aware that sb has done sth wrong or illegal and be trying to catch them 盯上(犯错者);追捕 (违法者):The police aren't onto us yet. 警察 还没盯上我们。2 to talk to sb about sth, espe- cially to complain about sth or ask them to do sth 向…投诉;要求…采取行动:I've been onto the council about the noise. 我已经向委员会投 诉过噪声问题了。 ♦ v + prep be onto sth to have found or discovered sth that could have very good results for you or for sb else 找到,发现 (有用的线索、有益的事 物):She could be onto something (= she might have discovered sth that will prove important). 她可能有了重大发现。 ♦ v + prep be out 1 to have stopped work as a protest and be on strike 罢工:The postal workers are still out 邮政职工还在罢工。2 to be no longer in prison 出狱;获释:I've heard Smith's out now. 我听说史密斯出狱了。 3 if a jury (= a group of people who decide the results of a competition or whether or not sb is guilty of a crime) is out, they are still trying to make a decision (评委会或陪审团) 在裁决中、在审议 中 4 to be no longer in fashion 不流行;过时: Black is out this year. 今年不时兴黑色。◊ Politeness seems to be out of fashion these days (= no one is polite any more). 如今讲礼貌似 乎已经过时了。5 if an action, for example, is out, it is not possible or is not allowed (行动 等) 不可能,不允许:Shall we get together one evening next week? Monday's out―I've got a French class. 我们下星期找个晚上聚一聚吧?星 期一不行——我有法语课。 ♦ v + adv IDM the jury is (still) 'out on sth used when you are saying that sth is still not certain (某 事)仍未定夺,悬而未决 The jury is still out on whether wine can be good for you. 葡萄酒对人 是否有好处尚无定论。 be out for sth; be out to do sth to be trying very hard to do sth or to get sth 力图; 一心一意要;竭力寻求:He's out for revenge. 他 一心要报复。◊ Everyone's just out for what they can get these days (= they are trying to get things for themselves). 如今每个人都只顾谋求 私利。 ◊ The German team want to win this game, but Brazil are out to stop them. 德国队想 赢下这场比赛. 但是巴西队会尽全力阻止他们。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + to +inf be out of sth to have used up a supply of sth and have nothing left 用光; 耗尽;使枯竭: we're out of sugar. 我们的糖吃完了。 ♦ v + adv + prep be over sb to have returned to your usual state of happiness after the end of a relation- ship (和某人感情结束后) 心情恢复过来: It was hard at first, but I'm over him now. 和他分手之 初很难过,但现在我对他没感觉了。 ♦ v + prep be over sth to have returned to health after an illness 病愈;恢复健康:He's over the flu now. 他的流感好了。 ♦ v + prep be past it (informal) used to show that you think sb is so old that they can no longer do anything useful or interesting 年老无用; 年老 无趣:The children laughed at him and said he was past it. 孩子们嘲笑他,说他年老不中用了。 ♦ v + prep + it be through (to sb) to be connected to sb on the telephone (和某人) 接通电话:You're through now. 您的电话接通了。◊ You're through to the manager now. 您可以和经理通 话了。 ♦ v + adv be through (with sb/sth) (especially AmE) to have finished using or doing sth; to have finished a relationship with sb 使用完 (某 物);做完 (某事);(与某人) 分手:Aren't you through yet? You've been ages! 你还没完 成?你真是没完没了! ◊ He promised he was through with drugs. 他保证过不再吸毒。◊ Keith and I are through. 基思和我吹了。 ♦ v + adv be up 1 to be awake 醒来;醒着:You're up early. 你醒得真早。◊ I've been up all night. 我整夜没合眼 2 (of the wind, the sea, etc,风、 海等)to have increased in strength or become violent 增强;变猛:In the morning the wind was up and we got ready for a day's sailing. 早晨风更大了,我们为一天的航行作好了准备。 3(informal) (of a drink, a meal, etc. 饮料、饭 菜等)to be ready 已准备好;已预备好:Tea's up! Come and get it. 茶沏好了! 过来喝吧。 4(with sb) used to say that sth is happening, especially sth unusual or unpleasant (不同寻 常或令人不快的事) 发生了,进行中:You look terrible! what’s up? 你气色很不好!出什么事儿 了? ◊ I couldn't understand what was up with George. 我不明白乔治是怎么了。 ♦ v + adv IDM what's up? (informal) used to say hello to sb (问候语) 你好吗, 最近忙些什么呢 be up against sb to be playing against sb in a game, competition, etc. (比赛、竞争等 中) 对手是:We're up against some tough com- petition this year. 今年我们面临激烈的竞争。 ♦ v + adv + prep be up against sth to be facing problems or difficulties 面对 (问题);面临 (困难):With three players injured, they were really up against it (— in a difficult situation). 三名队员 受了伤,他们的情形实在不妙。 ◊ Do you realize what you're up against? 你明白自己的处境吗? ♦ v + adv + prep be up before sb (also be before sb) to appear in court or before a judge 上法庭,出 庭 (面对法官):he's up before the judge tomor- row. 他明天出庭受审。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + prep be up for sth 1 to be considered for sth, especially as a candidate for a job, in an election, etc. 作为…的考虑对象;是…的候选人: She's up for promotion. 她就要升迁了。◊ (informer) There are 50 tickets up for grabs (=available for people who ask quickly). 现有 50张票,先来先得。2 to be for sb to buy 供出 售;待售:I see your house is up for sale. 我看 到你的房子要出售。◊ A Picasso is up for auction. 有一幅毕加索的画要拍卖。3 (informal) to be ready to take part in an activity 准备参 加 (活动):The new job will be a challenge, but I'm up for it. 新工作将是一个挑战,但是我 已准备应战。 ♦ v + adv + prep be up to sb 1 to be sb's responsibility or duty 是…的责任;是…的职责:It's up to you to make sure the house is kept tidy. 保持房屋整洁 是你的责任。SYN be down to sb 2 to be left to sb to decide 由…决定;取决于:'Shall we go out? ' I don't know. it's up to you‘ “我们出去 好吗?" “我不知道, 你来决定吧。" ♦ v + adv + prep be up to sth (informal) 1 to be busy doing sth, especially sth bad 忙于 (尤指做坏事): What have you been up to lately? 你近来忙些什 么呢? ◊ The kids are quiet—I'm sure they're up to no good (= they are doing sth bad). 孩子们 静悄悄的——我敢肯定他们没在干什么好事。 2 to be as good as people expect 符合期待; 达 到:Was your meal up to standard? 你的饭菜够 标准吗? ♦ v + adv + prep be upon sb (formal) to be going to happen very soon 即将发生:The election is almost upon us. 选举在即。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 be up be amiss ♦ be up ♦ be wrong These verbs all describe sth that causes problems or difficulties or that is not as it should be. 这些动词都表示出现问题、困难或 异常。 be amiss (formal) to be wrong; to be not as it should be 不正常;有毛病:She sensed there was something amiss and called the police. 她 感觉情况有点不大对头,于是报了警。 be up (informal) used to say that sth is happening, especially sth unusual or unpleasant (尤指不同寻常或令人不快的 事)发生,进行 what's Up? Are you OK? 怎么 了 ?你没事儿吧?。◊ I could tell something was up by the look on his face. 从他的脸色,我就 看出出事儿了。 be wrong to cause problems or difficulties; to be not as it should be 出问题;有困难;不正 常:Is anything wrong? You look worried, 出什 么事儿了? 你一副愁眉苦脸的样子。 ◊ 'what's wrong?' 'Oh, nothing'." 怎么了? ” “哦,没 事儿"。 ◊ There's something wrong with the printer. 打印机出故障了。 PATTERNS AND COLlOCATIONS ■ there is sth wrong/up/amiss with sb/sth ■ to be seriously wrong/amiss ■ to be badly wrong ■ is anything wrong/up? ■ what's wrong/up? beam /biːm/ beam sb up/ down (in science fiction 科 幻作品中)to transport sb from one place to another using a special machine which can separate the atoms in their body and then put them back together again (使用特殊机器以光 束形式) 将...从一地运送至另一地:This party is so boring! Beam me up, Scotty! (= used to say that you wish you were somewhere else) 这次 聚会乏味死了!真不该来! ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bear /beə(r); AmE ber/ (bore /bo:(r)/, borne /bɔːn; AmE bɔːrn/) bear 'down on sb/sth (also .bear 'down upon sb/sth more formal) 1 (especially BrE) to move towards sb/sth in a determined or threatening way (来势汹汹地) 冲向,逼近:A crowd of journalists bore down on the minister. 一群记者冲向部长。 ◊ A hurricane is bearing down on Central America. 飓风向中美洲袭来。 2 (especially AmE) if a problem or a difficult situation bears down on you, it makes you feel very worried and has a severe effect on you (问题或困境) 深深烦扰,严重影响:The drought is bearing down very hard on farmers. 旱情让农民忧心忡忡。3 (especially AmE) to press or push on sb/sth 施压;抑制;推动: (figurative) The government has announced it will bear down on (=deal strictly with) inflation. 政府宣布将严控通货膨胀。 ♦ v + adv + prep bear on/upon sb/sth (formal) to be connected with sb/sth; to have an effect on sb/sth 涉及;影响:This decision bears directly on our everyday lives. 这一决定直接影响我们的 日常生活。 SYN affect sb/sth ♦v + prep bear sb/sth out (especially BrE) to show that sth is true or that what sb says is true; to support sb/sth 证实;为...作证;支持 I always said she'd do well. John will bear me out on this. 我总是说她会做好的。这事约翰可以为我作 证。◊ John will bear out what I say. 约翰会证 明我所言非虚。 ◊ This theory is not borne out by the facts. 这一理论没有事实依据。-> note at BACK SB/STH UP ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bear up (under sth) to remain cheerful and in control in a difficult situation 保持振作;不 气馁:'How is your mother?' She's bearing up very well: “你母亲还好吗? ” “她很硬朗。" ◊ 'How are you?' 'Oh, bearing up.' “你怎么样 T? ” “ 啊,还挺得住。" ♦ v + adv bear upon sb/sth -> BEAR ON/UPON SB/STH bear with sb to be patient with sb 耐心对 待;容忍:If you'll just bear with me for a moment, Hl try to find. her. 如果你能给我一点 时间,我会设法找到她。 ◊ She's under a lot of strain. Just bear with her. 她承受着很大压力, 对她宽容一些。 NOTE Bear with sb is usually used in the present tense or to ask sb to be patient. * bear with sb 通常用于现在时,或用于劝人要有耐心。 ♦ v + prep beat /[biːt/ (beat, beaten /ˈbiːt(ə)n/) beat sb 'back to make sb move backwards away from sth 使后退;使后撤:She was beaten back by the flames. 火焰迫使她退了回去。◊ They tried to beat the enemy back 他们试图击 退敌军。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n beat down (on/upon sb/sth) 1 if the sun beats down, it shines with great heat (阳 光) 曝晒,直射:The sun beat down all after- noon from a clear sky. 整个下午晴空当头,骄阳 似火。2 if rain beats down, it falls with great force (雨) 倾盆而下,倾泻: The rain was beat- ing down on them. 大雨浇在他们身上。 ♦ v + adv beat sb 'down (AmE, slang) (of a group of people 一伙人) to severely injure sb by hitting and kicking them 殴打 (某A) : We saw pic- tures on the news of a bunch of kids beating down an older guy. 我们看到几张新闻照片,一 帮孩子对一个上了岁数的男子拳打脚踢。 SYN bash sb up (informal, less frequent), beat sb up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► beat-down n (AmE, slang) 1 an occasion when several people severely injure sb by hitting and kicking them (一伙人对某人的) 殴打 2 (sport) an occasion when one team defeats another by a large number of points 大 胜;完胜 beat sb/sth down (to sth) to persuade sb to reduce the price of sth; to get sb to accept a lower price for sth 与…讨价还价;杀…的价: Chris tried to beat them down to a lower price. 克里斯试图跟他们把价格砍下来。 SYN knock sb/sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) beat sth down i to hit sth hard, often many times, until it falls down 用力 打倒; 把...打翻在地:The police had to beat the door down. 警察不得不把门砸开。◊ People are hardly beating the door down to get her latest book (= they are not rushing to buy it). 人们 并没有争相购买她最近出版的书。[OBJ] door SYN break sth down; batter sth down 2 to make sth flatter or lower by hitting it hard, usually with sth flat (用平展的工具) 把…拍 平,把…打下去:I used a spade co beat down the mud. 我用铁锹把泥土拍结实。 ◊ Two women tried to beat down the flames. 两名女子试图把 火苗扑灭。[OBJ] flames ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n beat sb/sth 'off i to drive sb/sth back or away by fighting 驱走;逐回:They beat off an attack by the rebel army: 他们击退了叛军的进 攻。◊ He tried to beat the thugs off with a stick. 他想用棍子赶走那帮暴徒。 [OBJ] attack, attacker 2 to defeat sb/sth in a competition or in business (竞争中或商业上) 压倒,胜过:The company has beaten off very strong competition from abroad. 公司战胜了来自国外的强有力的竞 争。[OBJ] challenge, competition ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv beat on sb (AmE, informal) to hit or kick sb repeatedly 殴打;毒打 -> see also BEAT SB UP; BEAT UP ON SB ♦ v + prep beat sth 'out i to produce a rhythm by hitting sth such as a drum repeatedly (用鼓 等) 敲打出 (节奏) [OBJ] rhythm 2 to put out a fire by hitting it with sth such as a brush, a jacket, etc. (用刷子、上衣等) 扑打灭 (火): He used his jacket to beat out the flames. 他 用夹克衫把火扑灭。[OBJ] flames, fire 3 to make a piece of metal flat by hitting it with a hammer, etc. (用榔头等) 敲平,锤薄 (金属): Pure gold can be beaten out: to form very thin sheets. 纯金可以锤成很薄的箔片。[OBJ] gold/iron, dent ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) beat sb out of sth (AmE, informal) to get sth from sb by cheating or taking full advantage of a situation (通过欺诈手段或利 用机会从某人处) 骗取,攫取,猎取:He beat me out of $500, 他骗了我 500 元。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep beat sb to sth; .beat sb to it to achieve sth or reach a place before sb else 抢先完成; 抢先到达:Beckham beat everyone else to the ball. 贝克汉姆抢先拿到了球。◊ Book now before somebody else beats you to it! 请从速订购. 以 防别人捷足先登! ♦ v + n/pron + prep beat sb up to hit or kick sb repeatedly 毒 打;踢打:Her husband used to beat her up. 她丈夫以前常对她大打出手。◊ The gang went round beating up old ladies. 这伙暴徒四处殴打 老年妇女。 SYN bash sb up (informal, less frequent), beat sb down (slang) -> see also BEAT UP ON SB ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► beat-up (especially AmE) (BrE usually beaten-up) adj [usually before noun] (informal) old or damaged 就旧的;破损的:He drives a beat-up old win. 他开一辆破破烂烂的旧 货车。 beat yourself up (about/over sth) (in- format) to blame yourself too much for sth; to criticize yourself 深深自责;自我批评:Look, there's no need to beat yourself up over this. 哎,这件事你不必如此自责。 ♦ v + pron + adv beat up on sb (AmE, informal) to attack sb physically or with words (身体或言语上) 攻 击:Of course it's not OK to beat up on your wife. 打老婆当然不对。◊ He was accused of beating up on the President in the press. 有人指 责他在报章上抨击总统。 -> see also BEAT ON SB ♦ v + adv + prep beaver/buvs(r)/ beaver a way (at sth) (BrE, informal) to work very hard at sth 拼命工作;努力工作:She's been beavering away at her homework for hours. 她连续几个小时都在忙着做作业。 ♦ v + adv become /bɪˈkʌm/ (became /bɪˈkeɪm/, become) be come of sb/sth (formal) to happen to sb/sth 发生于;降临到...身上:I wonder what became of the people who lived next door. 我不 知道以前住在隔壁的人怎么样了。 ◊ What will become of us if I lose my job? 如果我丢了 工作, 我们会怎么样呢? NOTE Become of sb/sth is usually used in a question with what, * become of sb / sth 通常用 于带 what 的疑问句。 ♦v + prep bed /bed/ (-dd-) bed down 1 to lie down to go to sleep somewhere you do not normally sleep (临时 在某处) 睡下;投宿,过夜: Young people bedded down in doorways. 年轻人就睡在各家各 户的门口。 SYN doss down (BrE, less formal) 2 (also .bed 'in) if sth/sb new beds down, it/he/she becomes settled and starts to work well (新事物或新人) 适应,安顿下来: take a while for the new system to bed down. 新系统 需要过段时间才能正有运转。 ◊ The new players have bedded down well in the team. 新队员已经 很好地融入了这支队伍。 ♦ v + adv beef /biːf/ beef up sth informal) to make sth bigger, stronger, more interesting, etc. 扩大; 加强; 增强:Security has been beefed up. 安全措施得 到了加强。 ◊ The company has been trying to beef up its image. 公司一直致力于改善形象。 NOTE When the object of beef up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between beef and up * beef up 的宾语如果是名词, 应置于 up 之后;但如果 是代词,应置于 beef 和 up 之间:Try to beef it up a little. 这个尽量充实一点。 ♦ v + adv + n .v + pron + adv ► beefed-up adj [only before noun] im- proved; made bigger, stronger, more inter- esting, etc. 改进了的;强化了的;充实了的: beefed-up security 强化的安全措施 beg /beg/ (-gg-) beg off; beg 'off sth; ,beg off doing sth to ask to be excused from sth; to say that you cannot do sth that you are expected or have promised to do 推掉,请求免除 (该做 或答应做的事):She was asked to work the weekend shift but she tried to beg off. 要 让她上周末班,可她竭力想推掉。 ◊ He begged off visiting his grandparents. 他把看望爷爷奶奶 的事推掉了。 SYN pull out, pull out of sth, etc. -> see also CRY OFF, ETC. ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep believe /bɪˈliːv/ believe in sb/sth 1 to feel sure that sb/sth exists 相信…存也 信奉;信仰:Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗? ◊ I believe in Go. 我 信上帝。 ◊ I don't believe in aliens. 我不信有外 星人。 -> see also DISBELIEVE IN SB/STH; DEPEND ON SB/STH 2 to have confidence in sb/sth, to feel sure that they/it will be successful or achieve sth 信赖;信任;相信… 会成功:My parents always believed in me. 父母 始终相信我会有出息。 ◊ I have to believe in a product before I can sell it. 我首先必须对产品信 得过,然后我才能把它拿出来售卖。 ♦v + prep believe in sth; believe in doing sth to feel that sth is right or valuable; to approve of sth 认为...正确;认为...有益;赞同:Do you believe in capital punishment? 你赞成死刑吗? ◊ She doesn't believe in running risks. 她不主张 冒险 。 ◊ I've always believed in giving people a second chance. 我一直认为应该给人第二次 机会。 ♦ v + prep believe sth of sb to accept that sb is capable of a particular action, etc., especially a bad or immoral one 相信某I做得出 (尤指坏 事或不道德的事):Taking drugs? I can't believe that of Lucy! 吸毒? 我不相信露西会这样! 5 hadn't seen him doing it, I would never have believed it of him. 要不是亲眼所见, 我决不会 相信他会干这种勾当。 ◊ She is determined to believe the worst of me (= think I am capable of doing, and likely to do, sth very bad). 她坚 信我什么坏事都干得出来。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep belong /bɪˈlɒŋ; AmE ˈlɔːŋ/ belong to sb (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) 1 to be the property of sb; to be owned by sb (财物) 归...所有; 属于: The house belonged to my cousin. 这座房子是我 亲戚的。◊ That land belongs to the golf club. 那 块地属于高尔夫俱乐部。 ◊ Who does the van belong to? 这辆客货车是谁的? 2 if a time or an event belongs to a team, a group of people, etc. they are the most successful, popular or important (某时代、 赛事等) 属 于,成就了 : Britain did well in the competition, but the day belonged to Norway. 在比赛中英国 队表现不俗,但那天却是挪威队赢得了胜利。 ◊ The second half of the 20th century belonged to the young. * 20世纪后半期是年轻人的世界。 3 if a job, a duty, etc. belongs to you, it is your responsibility (工作、 任务等) 归…负 责,是…的责任: The job of disciplining a child belongs to the parents. 管教孩子是父母的职责。 ◊ The credit for our success belongs to the staff (= they made us successful). 我们的成功归功 于全体职员。 ♦ v + prep belong to sth 1 to be a member of sth, for example a club, an organization or a family 是 (俱乐部、组织、家庭等) 的一员: I don't belong to any political party. 我没有加入任何政 党。◊ Latvia already belongs to the European Union. 拉脱维亚已经加入欧洲联盟。[OBJ] (trade) union, club, (political) party 2 to be part of a particular group or system 是 (某族类或体 系) 的一分子;归入: Rattlesnakes belong to the viper family. 响尾蛇属于蛭蛇科。 ◊ These three turtles all belong to one species. 这三只龟都是 一样的品种。[OBJ] species, class, group, category 3 to be part of sth or connected with a particular time or place 是...的一部分;与 (特定时间或地点) 有关: These things belong to the past. 这些都是过去的事情了。 ◊ Writers like him belong to a different generation. 他这一类 作家属于另一代。[OBJ] the past, generation ♦ v + prep belt /belt/ belt sth 'down (AmE, informal) to drink sth quickly 很快喝掉;狂饮:He belted down his beer. 他把啤酒一饮而尽。 SYN knock sth back ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv belt 'out sth (informal if you belt out a song or a piece of music, you sing or play it very loudly 高声演唱;大声演奏:Nobody can belt out a tune like she can. 她歌喉嘹亮,无人 能比。◊ A radio belted out pop music. 收音机以 高音量播放流行音乐。 NOTE When the object of belt out is a noun, it comes after out, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between belt and out * belt out 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 out 之后;但如 果是代词,应置于 belt 和 out 之间: She can belt it out with the best of them. 她歌喉嘹亮,不比 任何人差。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv belt up (BrE) 1 (informal) used to tell sb not very politely to be quiet (不太礼貌的说法) 住 口,闭嘴,安静点:Belt up, will you? 你消停一 会儿,行不行? SYN shut up (informal) 2 to fasten the belt that you wear in a car to keep you in your seat if there is an accident (a seat belt) 系好安全带成 SYN buckle up ♦ V + adv bend /bend/ (bent, bent /bent/) bend 'down to lean down 垂下;弯下:He bent down and kissed her on the cheek. 他低下 头,吻了她的面颊。 ♦ v + adv bend over; ,bend over sth to lean over; to bend from the waist 俯身;弯腰:Bend over and touch your toes. 弯下腰去触摸你的脚趾。 ◊ He was bending over his desk, writing in his diary. 他正伏案写日记。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep IDM bend over backwards (to do sth) to do everything you can or make a great effort to do sth, especially to help sb 千方百计,尽心尽 力 (尤指帮助别人): We bend over backwards to be fair to all the children. 我们尽量对所有孩 子一视同仁。 bet /bet/ (betting, bet, bet or, less frequent, betting, betted, betted) bet on sth to rely on sth or on sb doing sth and expect it to happen 信赖:指望;对…有把 握:Do you think shell come? I wouldn't bet on it (= I don't think it is very likely), “你觉 得她会来吗?" “ 我看希望不大。” ◊ Don't bet on me still being here when you get back! 你回 来的时候,可别指望我还会在这里! SYN count on sb/sth, etc. ♦ v + prep big /big/ (-gg-) big sb/sth up (BrE, slang) to praise or recommend sb/sth strongly 高度费扬;竭力 推荐:He's been bigging up the CD on his radio show. 他在自己的广播节目中极力推荐那张CD。 SYN plug sth (more formal); promote sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n big it up (for sb/sth) (BrE, slang) to show enthusiasm and support for sb/sth, especially by clapping, shouting, etc. (尤指通过鼓掌、 欢呼等) 宣示热情,表示支持:Big it up for the boys in the band! 请鼓掌欢迎乐队的小伙子们! ♦ v + it + adv bill /bɪl/ bill sb/sth as sth to describe sb/sth in a particular way; to advertise sb/sth as sth 把… 称之为;把…宣传为:Some patients are re- ceiving what has been billed as a revolutionary treatment. 有些病人正在接受所谓的革命性治 疗。 ◊ The concert was billed as Night of Magic'. 这场音乐会美其名曰 “魔幻之夜” 。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep bind /baɪnd/ (bound, bound /baʊnd/) bind sb 'over (law) to warn sb that they will have to appear in court if they break the law again 勒令…具结保证 (不再违法):He was bound over to keep the peace. 他被责令具保不 再闹事。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bind sb to sth (formal) to force sb to do sth by making them promise to do it or making it part of a legal document 使立誓做:使受 (法律文书) 约束: The company directors are bound to secrecy ( = they have promised not to say anything) about the future of the company. 公司董事对公司的未来负有保密义 务。◊ The band found they were bound to the contract. 乐队发现他们被合同束缚住了。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep bind sth up (with sth) to tie a long thin piece of material around sth to protect it (用 长布条) 缠绕,围裹:She bound up his wounds with bandages. 她用绷带给他包扎好了伤口。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM be bound up in sth to be very busy with sth; to be very interested or involved in sth 忙 于;热衷于;也身于:He's too bound up in his work to have much time for his children. 他 工作太忙,没有多少时间留给孩子。be bound 'up with sth to be closely connected with sth 与…联系紧密;与…关系密: The history of the mill is closely bound up with the history of the Wilkins family. 工厂的历史与威尔金斯家族的历 史密切联系在一起。 bitch /bɪtʃ/ bitch sb out (AmE, slang) to criticize sb angrily 怒骂;痛骂:The teacher bitched me out for being late. 因为迟到,老师劈头盖脸说了我 一通。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bite /bait/ (bit /bit/, bitten /ˈbɪtn/) bite at sth to try to bite sth 试图咬;向…咬去: The dog bit at the boy's hand. 狗想去咬男孩 的手。 ♦ v + prep bite back (at sb/sth) to react when sb has harmed you and try to harm or criticize them 回咬;报复; 反击:If you criticize him, hell bite back. 如果你批评他,他会反过来攻击你的。 SYN hit back (at sb/sth) ♦ v + adv bite sth back to stop yourself from saying sth or from showing how you feel 忍住不说; 抑制 (情感):She struggled to bite back the tears of disappointment. 她极力克制着不让失望 的泪水流下来。◊ Mike bit back his anger. 迈克 按捺住怒火。◊ The word idiot' came into her head, but she bit it back. “白痴” 这个字眼闪过 她的脑际,可她忍住没说出来。 [OBJ] words, anger, retort, tears cm suppress sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) bite into sth 1 to cut or press into the surface of sth 咬入;划进;刺入: The collar bit: into his neck. 衣领勒着了他的脖子。SYN cut into sth 2 to have an unpleasant effect on sth, especially by making it smaller 对...产生不良 影响;(尤指) 使缩小: The recession is biting into our profits. 经济衰退侵蚀了我们的利润。 ♦ v + prep bite sth off to cut sth off by biting it 咬下; 咬掉:She bit off a piece of chocolate. 她啃下一 块巧克力。◊ His finger had been bitten, off by a dog. 他的手指让狗给咬断了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM bite sb's head off (informal) to shout at sb or speak to them angrily, often for no good reason (常指无缘无故地) 朝...叫嚷,呵斥:I only asked him when the work would be fin- ished and he almost bit my head off. 我只不过 问了下活儿什么时候能干完,他就冲我破口大 骂。 bite off more than you can 'chew (informal) to try to do too much or sth that is too difficult for you 贪多嚼不烂;想一口吃成胖 子;不自量力:This time he's bitten off more than he can chew. 这回他实在太贪心,吃不消 了。 I, etc. could have bitten my, etc. 'tongue off/out used to say that you wish you had not said sth that you have just said (表示后悔) 真不该说刚才那句话:Sam looked hurt and Maria could have bitten her tongue off. 看到 萨姆受伤的表情,玛丽亚对自己刚才说的话懊悔 不已。 black /blaek/ black out to become unconscious or lose your memory for a short time (短暂) 昏厥, 失忆:The pain hit him and he blacked out. 他 疼得晕了过去。 ♦ v + adv ► blackout n: When did you start having these blackouts? 你什么时候开始出现这种短暂 昏迷的? black sth out to turn out lights completely or cover windows, etc. so that light cannot be seen from outside 熄灭 (某处) 的灯;使不漏光: blacked-out windows/houses 密不透光的窗户 / 房子。◊ The city was often blacked out by power cuts. 停电经常使这座城市陷入一片漆黑。 [OBJ] window, city NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► blackout n 1 (especially BrE) (in the past) a period of time during a war when the streets and buildings were kept as dark as possible so that the enemy could not see what to bomb (战时) 灯火管制 2 [usually pl.] a covering for windows that stops light from outside coming in, or that stops bright light being seen from outside 遮光窗帘:blackout material 窗户遮光材料 3 (also 'outage AmE) a period of time when the electricity supply to a place stops completely 断电;停电 4 a situation when the government or the police prevent a radio or television programme from being broadcast, or do not allow some news or information to be given to the public (广播或电视节目的)禁播;(对新闻或信息 的)封锁:The government have been accused of maintaining a news blackout over election fraud. 政府被指封锁有关选举舞弊的新闻报道。 blank/[blæŋk/ blank out (AmEy informal) if you blank out or your mind blanks out, you cannot remem- ber anything or you become confused 不知所 措;一片茫然:I hope I don't blank out in the exam. 但愿考试时我脑子里不会一片空白。 NOTE Blank on its own has the same meaning. ♦blank 单独使用也作此义。 ♦v + adv blank sth out 1 to deliberately forget sth unpleasant 刻意忘却(令人不快的事):Your childhood may have been difficult but you can't just blank it out 童年时代或许艰难,但是不能 就这么从记忆中抹去。2 to cover sth written or printed, for example, with black ink so that it cannot be read (用墨水等)掩盖,遮盖(文 字):All the names in the report had been blanked out. 报告中所有的名字都已涂掉了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) blare /bleə(r); AmE bler/ blare out; blare sth out if music blares out, or a radio, etc. blares out music, it is produced or played very loudly ( 音乐)高声 奏出;(收音机等)大声播放(音乐): Music was blaring out from somewhere. 不知从何处传 来喧嚣的音乐。◊ The radio was blaring out rock music. 收音机正在以高音量播放摇滚乐。 SYN blast out, blast sth out (less frequent) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv blast /blɑːst; AmE blsest/ blast a way (at sb/sth) if a gun or sb using a gun blasts away, the gun fires loudly and continuously 砰砰新击;猛烈轰击:The machine guns blasted away all night. 机关枪射击声彻夜 不停。 ♦ v + adv blast sb/sth a way (less frequent) to kill sb or remove sth or break it apart violently, for example with a gun, bombs, etc. 击毙,炸 死(某人);炸毁,炸开(某物):They have blasted away the side of this beautiful valley to make a road. 为了修路、 他们把这座美丽峡谷的 一侧炸开了。 ◊ (figurative) This theory has been blasted away by the new evidence. 这一理论被 新的证据推翻了。 SYN blow sb/sth away ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (rare) blast off when a spacecraft blasts off, it leaves the ground and goes up into space (航 天器)发射,升空:The rocket blasted off at 7.28 p.m. 晚上 7 时 28 分火箭发射升空了。 SYN lift off ♦ v + adv ► blast-off n [U] the moment when a space- craft leaves the ground (航天器的)发成起 飞:Blast-off will be in 30 seconds. 距离发射时 间还有30秒。 blast out; .blast sth out if music blasts out or a radio, etc. blasts out music, it is produced or played very loudly (音乐) 高声奏出;(收音机等)大声播放(音乐):A Beatles song was blasting out at full volume. 一 首披头士乐队的歌曲正以最大音量播放着。 ◊ The radio was blasting out heavy rock music. 收音 机正在高声播放重摇滚乐。 SYN blare out, blare sth out ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv blaze /bleɪz/ blaze away 1 (at sb/sth) if guns or people blaze away, the guns fire continuously (对…)连续射击,连射不止:The guns kept blazing away at the enemy. 枪炮对着敌人 不停射击。2 if a fire blazes away, it bums brightly 熊熊燃烧;猛烈燃烧 NOTE Blaze is used on its own with the same meanings. * blaze 单独使用也作此义。 ♦ v + adv blaze up if a fire blazes up, it suddenly starts burning more strongly (猛然地)然 烧起来:(figurative) His anger blazed up uncontrollably. 他心中怒火不可抑制地爆发了。 ♦ v + adv bleep /bliːp/ bleep sth/sb 'out to remove an offensive word that sb says on television, etc. and replace it with a short high electronic sound (电视节目等中)以电子设备发出的短促尖 音取代(不雅字眼):His obscenities had to be bleeped。以. 他的污言秽语不得不用短促尖音 抹去。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n blend /blend/ blend in 1 (with sth) if sth blends in with sth else or with its surroundings, it looks similar to it/them or matches well (与周围 环境等)协调,相称:The curtains blend in perfectly with the carpet. 窗帘和地毯搭配完美。 ◊ The new office block doesn't blend in well with its traditional surroundings. 新办公大楼与传统 风格的周边环境格格不入。2 (with sb) if sb blends in with other people, they become similar to the people around them (与周围人 群)打成一片,融洽交流: He should try to blend in with the locals a bit more. 他应该争取更多地 与当地人交往。 -> see also BLEND INTO STH; MERGE IN (WITH STH), MERGE I NTO STH ♦ v + adv blend sth in 1 (in cooking 烹饪)to add another substance to sth and mix them together 加入并搅拌:调和掺入:Heat the butter gently and then blend in a little flour. 把黄油小 火加热,然后掺入少许面粉。SYN mix sth in 2 to make a substance mix with another so that you cannot see where one ends and the other starts 使混为一体;使掺和在一起:Blend the eyeshadow in with your fingers. 用手指把眼 影揉开。 ◊ He blended in the charcoal lines to make the picture look softer. 他以炭笔线条晕 染,使画面显得更柔和些。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) blend 'into sth to look or sound so similar to sth that it is difficult for anyone to see or hear it 与…融为一体:与...相互交融:The animals can blend into the long grass. 这些动物 在长草丛中很难分辨。 ◊ The new development should blend into its surroundings. 新开发项目 应该与周围环境协调一致。 [OBJ] background, surroundings -> see also BLEND IN; MERGE IN, ETC. ♦ v + prep blimp/blɪmp/ blimp out/up (AmE, informal) to become fat; to gain weight 发福;发胖 ♦ v + adv blink/blɪŋk/ blink sth a'way to dear sth from the eyes by blinking (= closing and opening your eyes quickly) 眨眼睛挤掉:He blinked away a tear. 他 眨了眨眼睛,挤掉泪水。 [OBJ] only tear(s) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv blink sth back to try to control your tears 忍住泪水:I found myself blinking back tears during his speech. 在他演讲过程中我一直忍着不 让眼泪掉下来。 [OBJ] only tear(s) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bliss /blɪs/ bliss out; .bliss sb out (informal) to feel very happy and relaxed; to make sb feel this (使) 感到轻松,感到喜悦:I was blissing out over my scrambled eggs. 我吃着炒鸡蛋,感到乐 不可支。◊ Those old black and white movies bliss me out. 那些黑白老电影使我欣喜若狂。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► blissed out adj feeling very happy and relaxed 轻松的;极乐的:The regulars at the yoga class looked completely blissed out. 瑜伽课 上的常客看上去怡然自得。 block /blɒk; AmE blɑːk / block sb/sth 'in to stop a vehicle from being driven away by parking too close to it (停车间距过小而) 把...困住,把...堵住: You're blocking that Mini in. 你停的车把那辆宝马微型 车给挡住了。 ◊ Somebody had parked in front of me, blocking me in. 有人把车停在我前面,把 我的车堵住了。 ◊ I was blocked in by two lorries so I had to leave the car and. walk. 我的车被两 辆大货车夹在中间不能动弹,我只好下车步行。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) block sth off 1 to close a road or another place by placing a barrier across it to stop sb/sth going in or coming out (设立路障等) 拦堵,封锁:The police blocked the street off. 警察封锁了这条街道。◊ The pipe had been blocked off to prevent further leaks. 为防止继 续渗漏,管道被堵上了。[OBJ] street, road, area, entrance SYN close sth off (to sth/sb) 2 (especially AmE) to reserve a period of time for a particular activity 留出,预留 (时间): Thursday afternoons are blocked off for sports. 周四下午定为体育活动时间。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n block sth out to stop light or noise from coming in; to cover or hide sth 遮挡 (光线或 噪声);遮盖;掩盖:The trees blocked out much of the sunlight 树木挡住了大部分的阳 光。◊ (figurative') fm so used to the traffic noise now I just block it out (= I don't hear it). 现在 我已经完全适应了汽车噪声,对它充耳不闻。 [OBJ] light, sun, sound ♦v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) block sb/sth out; .block sb/sth out of sth to avoid remembering sb/sth or thinking about sb/sth, especially sth unpleasant 刻意遗忘,不去想 (尤指令人不快 的事) : He tried to block the incident out of his mind. 他试图把那件事从心头抹去。 SYN blot sb/sth out, etc.; shut sth out, shut sth out of sth; suppress sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep block sth up to fill sth such as a hole completely so that nothing can get through it 堵塞,封住 (孔洞等): All the windows had been blocked up. 所有窗户都封死了。 (OBJ) window, door, hole, fireplace ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► blocked 'up adj completely full; not clear 塞塞的; 阻塞的: I've got a blocked-up nose. 我 的鼻子塞住了。 blot /blɒt; AmE blɑːt/ (-tt-) blot sb/sth out; .blot sb/sth out of sth to avoid remembering sb/sth or thinking about sb/sth, especially sth unpleasant 刻意忘 掉,不去想 (尤指令人不快的事):He wanted to blot out the memory, 他想抹去那段记忆。 [OBJ] memories, thoughts SYN block sb/sth out, etc.; shut sth out, shut sth out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep blot sth 'out to stop light or noise coming in; to cover or hide sth 遮挡 (光线或噪声); 遮盖;掩盖:Dark clouds were blotting out the sun, 乌云渐渐遮蔽了太阳。 [OBJ] light, sun, stars, sound SYN block sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv blow /[bləʊ; AmE bloʊ/ (blew /blu:/, blown /bləʊn; AmE bloʊn/) blow away; blow sth a way to be moved or carried away by the force of the wind or by sb's breath; to move in this way (被) 吹走,吹散: It was so windy the tent nearly blew away! 风太大,帐篷都几乎要被刮 走了!。 ◊ sudden breeze blew his newspaper away. 突如其来的一阵风刮跑了他的报纸。 ◊ She blew away the dust on the lid. 她吹掉了盖子上 的灰尘。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n blow sb a way 1 (informal) to impress sb a lot; to surprise or please sb 给...留下深刻印 象;震撼;使高兴:I saw her performance on Broadway last year and it just blew me away. 我去年在百老汇看过她的演出,印象十分深刻。 SYN bowl sb over; knock sb out (informal) 2 (AmE, informal, sport) to defeat sb easily 轻有打败;轻松战胜:Mitchell blew away the other runners. 米切尔轻而易举地战胜了其他赛 跑选手。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n blow sb/sth a way to kiD sb or remove or destroy sth with bombs or with a gun (用炸 药或枪) 杀死,除掉,摧毁:He threatened to blow us away. 他威胁说要把我们统统枪毙。 ◊ They blew his kneecaps away (= by shooting them). 他们开枪打碎了他的膝盖骨。 SYN blast sb/sth away 2 note at shoot sb/sth DOWN ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n blow down; .blow sth down if sth blows down, or the wind blows it down, it falls to the ground because of the force of the wind (被) 吹倒,掀翻:An old oak tree had blown down in the storm. 暴风刮倒了一棵老橡 树。◊ Hundreds of trees have been blown down this winter. 今年冬天有数百棵树被吹倒。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n blow in; .blow into sth (informal) to arrive somewhere where you are not expected 突然出现;突然来到:Look who's just blown in! 看. 谁来 了 ! ◊ Have you heard who's just blown into town? 你听说谁刚进城了吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep blow off (BrE, informal) to let air from the body escape through your bottom 放屁:Who just blew off? 刚才谁放两屁? SYN break wind (more formal); fart (slang) ♦ v + adv blow off; blow sth off; .blow sth off sth 1 if sth blows off, or the wind blows it off, it is removed by the force of the wind 刮走,吹掉: My hat blew off. 我的帽子被 风刮掉了 ◊ A gust of wind blew her cap off. 一阵风把她的帽子吹走了。 ◊ The roof was blown off the Greens' house. 格林家的房被 风掀掉了。2 if sth blows off in an explosion, or an explosion blows sth off, it is violently removed (被) 炸掉,摧毁:The door blew off in the explosion. 那扇门被炸飞了。 ◊ The explosion blew the roof off (the house). 爆炸把 屋顶掀翻了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM .blow off steam (AmE) -> LET OFF steam at let sth off blow/knock sb's socks off to impress or surprise sb very much 给 留下深 刻昂象;使十分惊愕:When I first heard the song, it blew my socks off. 我第一次听到这首 歌时就被深深打动了。 blow the *lid off sth (BrE also blow the 'lid on sth) to reveal information that was previously kept secret, especially in a dramatic way (尤指以戏剧性 的方式) 曝光...的秘密,揭露...的内幕:The art- icle blew the lid off the secret: scandals inside the previous administration. 该文揭露了上届政府不 为人知的丑闻。 blow 'off sth (AmE, informal) to decide not to do sth you should do or were planning to do 推掉 (本该做的事);取消 (原定要做的 事);变卦:Jessica blew off her classes on Friday afternoon to go shopping. 杰西卡星期五 下午旷课去逛商店了。 NOTE When the object of blow off is a noun, it comes after off, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between blow and off ♦ blow off 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 off 之 后;但如果是代词,应置于 blow 和 off 之间:I debated going to Joe's, but I blew it off. 我盘算 了一下是否去乔家里,但还是决定不去了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv blow sb off (AmE, informal) 1 to disappoint sb by not meeting them as arranged 对...爽 约; 不赴约去见 (某人):We were supposed to go out yesterday, but he blew me off. 我们约定 昨天外出的,可他放了我的鸽子。SYN stand sb up 2 to tell sb that you do not want to have a relationship with them 表示不愿与...发展关 系;甩掉:I told her I liked her, but she blew me off. 我向她示爱,但是她拒绝了 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n blow out 1 if a tyre blows out, it bursts suddenly (轮胎) 突然爆裂:One of the front Tyres blew out. 一个前胎突然爆了。SYN burst 2 if an oil or gas well blows out, it suddenly sends out gas with great force (油气井) 发生 井喷 ♦ v + adv ► blowout n 1 an occasion when a tyre bursts on a vehicle while it is being driven (车辆行驶过程中的) 爆胎 2 an occasion when oil or gas suddenly escapes from an oil well (油气井的) 井喷 3 (BrE, informal) a large meal at which people eat too much 大餐:盛宴 4 (AmE, informal) a large party or social occasion 盛大聚会;盛大的社交活动 blow out; blow sth out 1 if a flame blows out or sb/sth blows it out, it is put out by the wind or some air (被) 吹灭, 熄灭: There was a sudden gust of wind and the candle blew out. 突如其来的一阵风把蜡烛吹灭了。 ◊ She took a deep breath and blew out all the candles. 她深吸一口气,吹熄了所有蜡烛。 -> note at PUT STH OUT 2 if a window blows out, or an explosion, etc. blows it out, the force makes it faU out (窗户) 被炸掉, 被炸开;炸 掉,炸开(窗户): All the windows blew out in the blast. 爆炸炸飞了所有窗户。◊ The explosion blew out the windows in the building. 爆炸把这 栋大楼的窗户都炸毁了。3 (in surfing冲浪)if the waves blow out or the wind blows out the waves, they become too low for surfing in a particular place (风、浪) 过去了 (指浪头 过低,不适合冲浪) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv blow sb out 1 (for sb) (BrE, slang) to tell sb that you do not want to have a relationship with them不愿与...发展关系;甩掉:He blew me out for Chris, but I still fancy him. 他甩了 我而选择了克丽丝,但是我仍喜欢他。2 (AmE, informal, sport) to defeat sb easily 轻易打败; 轻松战胜:The home team blew out the Suns by 30 points. 主队以30分的优势一举击败太阳队。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► blowout n (AmE, informal, sport) an easy victory 轻而易举的胜利 blow sth 'out 1 to breathe sth out from your mouth 吹出;呼出:She inhaled and then blew the smoke out. 她吸了一口,接着吐出了烟。 SYN exhale sth 2 to fill sth, especially your cheeks, with air 鼓起 (腮帮子等) :She blew out her cheeks in exasperation. 她气乎乎地鼓着 腮帮子。[OBJ] cheeks 3 (especially AmE) to use a machine that blows hot air (a hairdryer) and a brush to make your/sb's hair straight (用电吹风和发刷) 梳直, 吹直 (头发): Blowing your hair out every day can damage it. 每天用电吹风吹头会伤害头发。ZW hair 4 to badly injure a part of your body, especially a joint such as a knee or elbow 重伤 (尤指关节部位): He blew out his knee playing basketball. 他打篮球时膝盖受了重伤。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM blow your/sb's brains out (informal) to kill yourself/sb by shooting yourself/them in the head 枪击头部自杀 / 杀死某人 ► blowout n (especially AmE) the act of blowing your hair out (电吹风) 吹头发 blow itself out if a storm blows itself out, it loses its force and stops (风暴) 减弱, 停止: By morning the storm had blown itself out. 到 了早上,风暴就逐渐停了。 ♦ v + pron + adv blow over 1 if a storm blows over, it becomes less strong and stops (风暴) 减弱, 停止:We sheltered in a bam until the storm blew over. 我们躲在谷仓里. 直到风暴平息。 SYN die down; subside 2 if an argument blows over, it becomes less important and is forgotten (争论等) 平息,被淡忘:Don't come back to work until the argument has blown over. 等争论平息后,再回来工作。 SYN subside ♦ v + adv blow over; .blow sb/sth over if sb/sth blows over or the wind blows sb/sth over, he/she/it falls to the ground because of the force of the wind (被) 吹倒,掀翻: One of the trees had blown over in the storm, 其中一棵树 在风暴中刮倒了。◊ The fence had been blown over in a storm. 篱笆在一次风暴中刮倒了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv blow up 1 to explode; to be destroyed by an explosion 爆炸;破炸毁:The bomb blew up as experts tried to defuse it. 专家们试图拆除引信 时,炸弹爆炸了。◊ The car blew up when it hit the walk 汽车撞墙后炸毁了。 SYN explode (more formal) 2 to start suddenly and with force 爆发:A storm blew up just after the ship left port. 轮船刚离开港口便狂风大作。 ◊ A row has blown up over the leaking of information to the press. 向新闻界泄露消息引发了一场轩然大 波。 OPP die down 3 (at sb) (informal) to become very angry 动怒; 大动肝火:My mum blew up at my dad for keeping me up so late. 妈 妈对爸爸大发雷霆,因为他这么晚还不让我去睡 觉。◊ His attitude annoyed me and I blew up. 他的态度令我生厌,于是我发火了。4 (slang) to become very successful or popular 大获成 功;走红:Right now Miss Kirstee is totally blowing up. She's in her prime. 眼下柯斯蒂小姐 大红大紫。她风头正旺。 ♦ v + adv IDM blow up in sb's 'face if a plan, a deal or a situation blows up in your face, it goes very badly wrong and causes you harm or embarrassment (因计划、交易关败或形势 恶化而) 使某人栽跟头 ► blow-up n 1 (especially AmE) an explosion 爆炸 2 (AmE) an occasion when sb becomes very angry; an argument 狂怒;争吵:The tensions between them ended in a big blow-up. 他们之间关系紧张,结果使他们大吵一场。 blow sb/sth up to kill sb or destroy sth with a bomb or an explosion 炸死;炸毁:The hijackers threatened to blow the plane up. 劫机 者威胁说要炸掉飞机。 ◊ A judge in Italy was blown up by a car bomb last week. 上周在意大 利-名法官被汽车炸弹炸死。 NOTE Often used in the passive, 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n blow sth up 1 to fill sth with air or gas 给...充气:You need to blow up the tyres on your bike. 你该给自行车轮胎打气了。[OBJ] balloon, tyre an inflate sth (more formal) ma let sth down 2 to make sth larger 放大:What a lovely photo! Why don't you have it blown up? 这张照 片多可爱啊!你怎么不把它放大呢? [OBJ] photo SYN enlarge sth (more formal) 3 to make sth seem more important, better or worse than it really is 夸张;对...言过其实:The whole affair has been blown up out of all proportion. 整个 事件被炒作得太离谱了。 SYN exaggerate sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► blow-Up n a larger picture made from a photo or picture 放大了的照片 (或图片):The blow-up showed a scar on the attacker's cheek. 从放大后的照片上可以看到攻击者面颊上有 伤疤。 ► blow-up adj [only before noun] that you can fill with air or gas 可充气的 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 blow (sth) up blow (sth) up ♦ burst (sth) ♦ explode (sth) ♦ go off These are all verbs that can be used when sth bursts apart violently, causing damage or injury. 这些动词都表示爆炸,炸毁或炸伤。 blow (sth) up to be destroyed by an explosion; to destroy sth by an explosion (被) 炸死 炸A police officer was killed when his car blew up. 一名警察在汽车爆炸中 丧生。 ◊ They were trying to blow up the bridge. 他们企图炸毁大桥。 burst (sth) to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make sth break in this way (尤指因内部压力) (使) 爆炸,爆裂,胀破: That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more. 你再吹气,气球会爆 的。◊ The dam burst under the weight of water. 在水压之下,堤坝溃决了。 explode (sth) to burst loudly and violently, causing damage; to make sth burst in this way 爆炸;引爆:The jet smashed into a hillside and exploded. 那架喷气式飞机撞上山 坡,爆炸了。◊ Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions. 拆弹专家在受控条件下引爆了该装 置。► explosion n : There were two loud explosions. 发生了两次剧烈爆炸。 go off (of a bomb) to explode; (of a gun) to be fired (炸弹) 爆炸,起爆;(枪支) 发射, 开火:The bomb went off in a crowded street. 炸弹在一条熙熙攘攘的街道上爆炸了。NOTE When used about guns, go off can suggest that the gun was fired by accident, or that the person who fired it was not really responsible 如果指枪支,go off 暗示枪支走 火,或者开枪者并无责任: A gun went off during the search of his home. 在搜查他家的 时候,有支枪走火了。 WHICH WORD? Blow up has a similar meaning to explode, but explode is more formal. It is possible to say that a bomb blows up, but it is more common to say that it explodes or goes off. * blow up 和 explode 含义相尽, 但 explode 更正式。 指炸弹 爆炸时可说 blow up. 但说 explode 或 go off 更 常见。 PATTERNS AND COllOCATIONS ■ a bomb explodes/goes off/bursts ■ a car/plane/vehicle explodes/blows up ■ a firework/rocket explodes/goes off ■ a shell explodes/bursts bluff /blʌf/ bluff sb out (old-fashioned, informal, especially AmE) to lie and pretend in order to trick sb (通过虚张声势) 欺骗,愚弄 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bluff it 'out (especially BrE) to lie to sb in order to get out of a difficult situation, especially when they suspect you are not being honest (尤指诚信受到怀疑时) 蒙混过关: If he asks any difficult questions, you'll have to bluff it out。他要是问些难题, 你就只能靠蒙混 过关了。◊ I know everything so there's no point trying to bluff it out. 我什么都知道,所以别企 图蒙骗下去了。 ♦ v + it + adv bluff sb 'out of sth (old-fashioned, AmE) to trick sb in order to get sth from them 从...手 中骗取;讴骗…交出 SYN cheat sb of sth, cheat sb out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep blunder/ˈblʌndə(r)/ blunder around; .blunder around sth (also .blunder about/round, blunder about/round sth especially BrE) to move about a place in an awkward or uncertain way, knocking into things 跌跌撞撞地走;踉踉 跄跄地走:He blundered about in the dark, feeling for the light switch. 他在黑暗中磕磕绊 绊,摸寻电灯开关。◊ I blundered around the flat, trying to be quiet. 我在公寓里跌跌撞撞, 尽量不弄出声响。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep blunder into sth 1 to walk into sb/sth because you are awkward or unable to see (因笨拙或看不见) She blundered into a tree. 她不小心撞上了一棵树。2 to accidentally find yourself in a difficult or dangerous place or situation (无意之中) 陷入困境,步入险境: She blundered into a dangerous area of the city after losing her way. 她迷路之后不知怎么就到 了城市的危险地带。◊ He had innocently blun- dered into a private dispute. 他稀里糊涂地卷入 了一场私人纠纷。 ♦ v + prep blurt /blɜːt; AmE blɜːrt/ blurt sth out to say sth suddenly and without thinking carefully 脱口而出;随口说出: There's been an. accident/ she blurted out. “ 出了事故。 ” 她随口说道。 ◊ He found himself blurting out the whole story to her. 他在不经意 中就把事情从头到尾全都告诉了她。 ♦ v + adv + speech ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv board /bɔːd; AmE bɔːrd/ board sth up to cover a window or a door with boards 用木板封闭 (门窗): AH the windows had been boarded up. 所有窗户都用木 板封牢了。 [OBJ] window, house, shop/store NOTE Often used in the passive.常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bob /[bɒb; AmE bɑːb/ (-bb-) bob up 1 to come to the surface quickly (迅 速) 冒出,浮出:She dived in and bobbed up a few seconds later in the middle of the pool. 她潜 入水中,几秒钟后在游泳池中央猛地钻出水面。 2 to appear suddenly 突然出现:She bobbed up from behind the fence. 他从篱笆后面突然冒了由 来。SYN pop up ♦ v + adv bog /[bɒg; AmE bɑːɡ/ (-gg-) bog down (AmE) to be unable to make progress 陷于停顿;停滞不前:The bill bogged down after being passed by Congress. 议案在国 会通过之后难以推行。 ♦ v + adv be/get .bogged down (in sth) 1 to be/get stuck in mud or wet ground; to become stuck in sth and unable to make progress 沉入泥沼 (或沼泽);受困无法前进: The car got bogged down in the mud. 汽车陷入泥潭中动弹不得。 2 to be unable to make progress in an activity 陷入困境;停滞不前:Don't get bogged down in details. 不要纠缠于细枝末节。◊ I'm rather bogged down (with work) at the moment. 现在 我有点被工作拖住了。 ♦ be/get + v + adv bog off (BrE, slang) used to tell sb rudely to go away 走开;滚开:Bog off, I'm trying to sleep! 滚一边去, 我要睡觉! SYN clear off (informal) ♦ v + adv boil /bɔɪl/ boil a way if a liquid boils away, it boils until there is nothing left (液体) 烧干: The water in the saucepan had all boiled away. 炖 锅里的水煮干了。 SYN evaporate (more formal) ♦ v + adv boil sth 'down 1 to make a liquid less in quantity by boiling it 熬浓;炖浓 SYN reduce sth (more formal) 2 (to sth) to make sth smaller by removing unimportant parts and leaving only the essential things 概括;归纳; 总结:Boil the report down to the key points. 把报告归纳为几个要点。SYN condense sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n boil down to sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) if a situation, an issue, etc. boils down to sth, it has that as its main part (形势、议题等) 归结为,归根结 底是:It all boils down to money in the end. 问 题最终的症结就在于钱。 ♦ v + adv + prep boil over 1 if a liquid in a pan, etc. boils over, it boils and flows over the side of the pan (液体) 煮溢, 稀饭潽了: Don't let the milk boil over.别把牛奶煮漕了。2 (into sth) {informal) if anger, an argument, etc. boils over, it changes and becomes very violent and difficult to control (怒火、挣论等) 恶化,失 控:The unrest could boil over into civil war. 骚乱有可能失控,进而演变成内战。。She interrupted swiftly before his temper could boil over again. 没等他再次动怒,她便急忙把话岔 开。SYN explode ♦ v + adv boil up if anger, an argument, etc. boils up, it starts to become stronger or more violent (怒火、争论等) 升级,愈演愈烈。 ♦ v + adv boil sth up (BrE) to heat a liquid or some food until it boils 把 (液体或食物) 煮沸: I'll boil the kettle up again and well have a cup of tea. 我再烧壶开水,咱们泡杯茶喝。 NOTE Boil sth can be used on its own with the same meaning. * boil sth 单独使用也可作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bollix /ˈbɒlɪks; AmEˈbɑːl-/ bollix sth up (AmE, slang) to confuse or change sth; to spoil sth 搞乱;使混乱;弄糟 an mess sth up (informal); screw sth up (slang) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bolster /ˈbəʊlstə(r)); AmE ˈboʊ-/ bolster sb/sth up to support or encourage sb; to make sth better or stronger 支持,鼓励 (某人);改善,加强 (某事物) :He tried to bolster up their morale. 他尽力鼓舞他们的士 气。◊ The high interest rates helped to bolster up the economy. 高利率有助于稳固经济。 [OBJ] confidence, morale NOTE Bolster sb/sth on its own is more frequent. * bolster sb / sth 单独使用更常见。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bolt /bəʊlt; AmE boʊlt/ bolt sth down (informal) to eat sth very quickly 狼吞虎咽;匆匆咽下: I had to bolt down my breakfast. 我只好匆匆吃完早饭。 [OBJ] food NOTE Bolt sth is also used on its own. * bolt sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bolt sth on (to sth) to add sth to sth else 'at a later stage (后期) 添加,添附: Statistics should be an integral part of the course and not just bolted on afterwards. 统计学应是本课程不 可分割的一部分,而不是后来补加的。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► bolt-on adj [only before noun] bomb /bɒm; AmE bɑːm/ bomb out (informal, especially AmE) to fail very badly 惨败;一败涂地:The movie bombed out at the box office. 这部电影票房惨淡。 NOTE Bomb is also used on its own * bomb 也 单独使用:The movie bombed at the box office. 这部电影票房惨淡。 ♦ v + adv be/get bombed out; be/get, bombed out of sth if a person is bombed out, their home is destroyed by bombs; if a building is bombed out, it is destroyed by bombs (人) 被炸得无家可归; (家园或建筑) 被炸成一片废 墟:My mother was bombed out of her house in 1942. *1942年,轰炸使我母亲无家可归。◊ They got bombed out. 他们的家园被炸毁了。 ♦ be/get + v + adv ♦ be/get + v + adv + prep bone /[bəʊn; AmE boʊn/ bone up on sth (informal) to study sth; to look again at sth you already know 学习;温 习:I must bone up on my French before we go to Paris. 我们去巴黎之前, 我一定得把法语捡 起来。 ♦ v + adv + prep book/bʊk/ book in (at sth), book into sth (BrE) to arrive at a hotel and arrange to have a room (到旅馆) 办理入住手续: They booked in (at the hotel) using a false name. 他们 (在旅馆) 用化名办理了住宿手续。◊ She booked into a hotel in the centre of Boston. 她入住了波士顿市 中心的一家宾馆。 SYN check in (at sth); check into sth OPP check out, check out of sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep book sb/yourself in (at sth), .book sb/yourself into sth (BrE to reserve a room at a hotel, etc. for sb 为…预订 (旅馆房 间等):I've booked us in at the Plaza.我在广场 大酒店为我们预订了房间。。The hotel I was booked into was awful. 我入住的那家旅馆糟糕 透顶。◊ He's booked himself into a rehabilita- tion clinic. 他预约了一家康复诊所。 [OBJ] hotel ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep book up (for sth) (especially BrE) to reserve a place, for example on a trip or a course 报名 参加 (旅行、课程等):I booked up for the course months in advance. 我提前几个月就报名 上这门课了。 NOTE Book (for sth) can be used with the same meaning. * book (for sth) 也可作此义。 ♦ v + adv be booked up 1 if a plane, restaurant, theatre, etc. is booked up, there are no seats, tables, etc. available (飞机、餐馆、剧院等) 客满, 预订一空:All the flights are booked up. 所有航班都满员了。 NOTE Be fully booked is often used with the same meaning. * be fully booked 常作此义。2 (informal) if a person is booked up, they have no time available (人) 没有空闲:He can't see you tomorrow, he's booked up. 他明天日程排满了, 无法见你。 ♦ be + v + adv boom /buːm/ boom out if a sound or sb's voice booms out, it makes a loud, deep noise (声音或嗓 音)浑厚有力地发出:His voice boomed out, announcing the winners. 他用浑厚响亮的声音 宣布获胜者。 ♦ v + adv boom 'out sth to say sth in a loud deep voice 浑厚有力地说:The trainer boomed out instructions through a loud hailer. 教练通 过扩音器用浑厚有力的嗓音发出指令。◊ A voice boomed out: ' Nobody move! " 传来一个低沉的声 音:“全都不许动!” ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + adv + speech boot /bu:t/ boot sb out; boot sb 'out of sth (informal, especially BrE) to force sb to leave a place, job, school, club, etc. 迫使…离开 (场 所、工作、学校、俱乐部等);解雇;开除:I'll have to boot you out soon. I want to lock up. 过会儿我就得撵你走了 —— 我想关门了。◊ The manager booted him out of the team. 主教练把 他踢出了球队。◊ He was booted out: of the house by his father. 他被父亲从家里轰了出去。 SYN kick sb out, etc. (informal); throw sb out, etc. NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep boot up; boot sth up (computing) if a computer boots up, or sb boots it up, it is turned on and becomes ready to use (使) (计算机) 启动:My machine isn't booting up properly. 我的机器不能正常启动。◊ When you boot up, a menu will appear on the screen. 启动 之后,屏幕上会显示一个菜单。◊ Boot the com- puter up and enter your password. 打开计算 机,输入你的密码。 [OBJ] computer ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n border /ˈbɔːdə(r); AmE ˈbɔːrd-/ border on sth (also border upon sth more formal) 1 to share a border with another country or region; to be next to a place 毗 邻;邻接;与...接壤:Many states formerly bordering on the EU have now joined. 原先与 欧盟毗邻的多个国家现已加入欧盟。◊ Slovenia borders on Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. 斯洛文尼亚与意大利、奥地利、匈牙利和克罗地 亚接壤。2 to come close to being sth 近乎; 接近:Her self-confidence borders on arrogance. 她自信得近乎傲慢。 ◊ Our task borders on the impossible. 我们的任务几乎不可能完成。SYN verge on sth ♦ v + prep bore /bɔː(r)/ bore into sb/sth (literary) if sb's eyes bore into sb/sth, they stare in a way that makes sb feel uncomfortable 盯住看;瞪着眼看;目不转 睛地看:His blue eyes seemed to bore into her. 他 的一双蓝眼睛似乎要看穿她。 ♦ v + prep boss /bɒs; AmE bɔːs/ boss sb around (also .boss sb about especially BrE) (informal to tell sb what to do in a determined or unpleasant way 对… 发号施令;对…颐指气使;对…呼来唤去:He's always bossing his wife around. 他总是对妻子 指手画脚。 SYN order sb around ♦ v + n/pron + adv botch /bɒtʃ; AmE bɑːtʃ/ botch sth up informal) to spoil sth by doing it badly; to do sth badly 把…弄环;把… 搞糟:Instead of fixing my computer, he's botched it up completely. 他没有修好我的计算 机,反倒把它彻底弄坏了。 SYN mess sth up NOTE Botch sth is used more frequently on its own * botch sth 单独使用更常见:botched attempts at DIY 尝试自己动手做的几次失败经历 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► botch-up (also botch) n (informal, espe- cially BrE) a piece of work that is badly done 拙劣的工作;粗制滥造的活儿;办砸了的事 bottle /ˈbɒt(ə)l; AmE ˈbɑːtl/ bottle out; .bottle out of sth; .bottle out of doing sth (BrE, informal) to suddenly decide not to do sth because you are too frightened (因恐惧) 突然放弃,临阵退缩: I bottled out of phoning him at the last minute. 最后关头,我丧失了打电话给他的勇气。 SYN chicken out, etc. ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep bottle sth up to keep your feelings, especially sadness or anger, hidden and not tell other people how you are feeling 掩饰, 隐藏 (感情): Tell someone how you're feeling, instead of bottling it all up. 找人说说你的感 受,不要一味闷在心里。 [OBJ] emotions, feelings ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bottom /ˈbɒtəm; AmE ˈbɑːtəm/ bottom out if markets, prices or bad situations bottom out, they reach their lowest point and then stop getting worse (市场、价 格或恶劣局势) 达最低点,停止恶化,探底:The recession has finally bottomed out. 经济萧条局 面终于开始好转。 ♦ v + adv bounce /baʊns/ bounce a round (AmEt informal) to live or work in many different places without developing a routine 居无定所; 无固定工作: He bounced around for a few years, living in friends' basements. 他很多年居无定所、常住在 朋友家的地下室里。 ♦ v + adv bounce sth a round (informal, especially AmE) to discuss sth with other people (与 人) 探讨,商议:we're bouncing some new ideas around. 我们正在讨论一些新想法。 [OBJ] ideas ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bounce back (from sth) (AmE) also .snap back (into sth)) (informal) to recover well after you have been ill/sick or had a difficult time 恢复健康;重整旗鼓:No matter what happens, she always bounces back very quickly. 无论发生什么事,她总能很快振作起来。 SYN recover (from sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv bounce back; .bounce sth back if an email bounces back, or the system bounces it back, it returns to the person who sent it because the system cannot deliver it (电子邮 件) 退回; 将 (电子邮件) 退回 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bounce sb into sth; bounce sb into doing sth (especially BrE) to make or force sb to do sth quickly without giving them time to think about it 催迫 (某人) 做 (某事): I felt I'd been bounced into supporting a proposal I didn't really agree with. 我感到在催促之下我才 支持了一项自己其实并不真正赞同的提案。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep bounce sth off sb (informal to tell sb else your ideas to find out what they think about them 向 (某人) 试探性地透露 (想法): We were able to share problems and bounce ideas off each other, 我们共同探讨了问题并相互 交流了想法。 [OBJ] ideas ♦ v + n/pron + prep bow /baʊ/ bow down 1 (to/before sb/sth) to move your head or the top part of your body forwards or downwards as a sign of respect 点 头,欠身 (以示敬意);鞠躬: He refused to bow down before the king. 他拒绝向国王鞠躬。2 (to sb/sth) to do what sb tells you to do without trying to resist 听命于人;听任摆布:We refuse to just bow down and let the government do whatever it wants. 我们拒绝任人摆布,让政府 为所欲为。 ♦ v + adv bow out; ,bow out of sth to stop doing an activity or a job that you have been doing successfully, often for a long time 退出,告别 (成功的事业等):After thirty years in politics, he feels it is time to bow out. 由于已从政三十 年,他觉得是引退的时候了。◊ Smith will bow out of professional football at the end of the season. 本赛季末史密斯将告别职业足球。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep bow to sth to agree unwillingly to do sth or to accept sth that sb else wants you to 勉 强同意做(或接受);屈从于:The government eventually bowed to public pressure. 政府最终 向公众压力低头了。 [OBJ] pressure, the inevitable erm give in (to sb/sth) ♦ v + prep bowl /bəʊl; AmE boʊl/ bowl sb out (in cricket 板球)to make the person who is hitting the ball (the batsman) or his/her team have to leave the field by throwing a ball that hits the three sticks behind the batsman (the wicket)(击中三柱 门)迫使(击球员或其球队)出局:He bowled Fleming out with the first ball. 他第一球就把弗 莱明杀出了局。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bowl sb over 1 to run into sb and knock them down 撞倒;撞翻:The explosion bowled us all over. 爆炸把我们全都震倒在地。SYN knock sb down; knock sb over 2 to surprise or impress sb a lot; to affect sb deeply 使大吃 一惊;使印象深刻;深深影响:We were bowled over by the news. 这条消息让我们目瞪口呆。 ◊ Philip bowled us all over by deciding to go into advertising. 菲利普决定投身广告业、 我们对此 都大为吃惊。 SYN blow sb away (informal); knock sb out ( informal ) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n box /bɒks; AmE bɑːks/ box sb in to prevent sb from doing what they want, especially by creating rules or other difficulties (尤指设置条条框框或其他障 碍)束缚...的手脚, 阻碍:The President was unable to act because the Democrats were boxing him in. 总统受到民主党人的掣肘, 无法 采取行动。◊ She was boxed in by rules and regulations. 她被规章制度束缚了手脚。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv box sb/sth in to prevent a person or a vehicle from moving by surrounding them/it with other people or vehicles 围困;封堵: You can't park here― you're boxing that car in. 这里不能停车 —— 你挡了那辆车的路! ◊ he couldn't overtake the leader because he was boxed in by the other runners. 他无法超越领跑 者,因为其他运动员把他的路堵住了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n box out box sb out (AmE)(in basketball 篮球)to put yourself between the basket and an opposing player in order to catch a ball which has hit the basket but not gone in 卡 位;挡住...抢篮板球:If we don't start boxing out, we'll lose every game! 如果我们不开始挡 人抢篮板球,我们会输掉每场比赛! ◊ We tried to box him out every time he went up for a shot. 每当他跳起投篮. 我们都全力挡人抢他的篮 板球。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► boxout n (AmE): She wasn't shooting well, and she was missing boxouts. 她投篮不准,并 且疏于拦截对手抢篮板球。 box sb 'out (of sth) (AmE) to force sb into a situation in which they can no longer take pan in an activity, business, etc. 使不能参加 (活动、业务等):The Senator accused them of trying to box him out of Che Republican convention. 那名参议员指责他们试图将他排除 在共和党大会之外。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n box sth up to put sth in a box or boxes 把... 装箱; 把...装盒:She boxed up all the old baby clothes to send to her niece. 她把所有的旧婴儿 服都装箱寄给侄女。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n branch /brɑːntʃ; AmE bræntʃ/ branch 'off 1 if a road or path branches off, it leaves a larger one and goes in a different direction (道路)分岔,岔开: She followed the path until it branched off. 她沿着小路一直走到 岔道口。◊ Over the bridge a road branches off to the right. 过了桥有一条往右去的岔道。2 if a person branches off, they leave a road or path and travel in a different direction (人) 改道,变道:Go past the farm and branch off towards the trees. 过了农场后就转道朝树林走。 ♦ v + adv branch out (into sth) to begin to do a new job or an activity that you do not usually do 涉足新领域;开拓新业务:The company is branching out into Europe. 公司正在拓展欧洲 业务。◊ She's leaving the company to branch out on her own. 她要离开公司独自创业。 ♦ v + adv brazen /ˈbreɪzn/ brazen out sth; brazen it out to behave in a confident way as if you are not ashamed or embarrassed about sth you have done, even though you should be 厚颜无 耻地硬撑下去;厚着脸皮蒙混过去:The senator brazened it out as the list of scandals grew. 丑 闻接二连三曝光,那位参议员依然恬不知耻,若 无其事。 NOTE When the object of brazen out is a noun, it comes after out, but when the object is the pronoun it, it comes between brazen and out. * brazen out 的宾语如果是名词, 应置于 out 之后;但如果是代词 it, 应置于 brazen 和 out 之间。 ♦ v + it + adv ♦ v + adv + n break /breɪk/ (broke /brəʊk; AmE broʊk/, broken /'brəʊkən; AmE ˈbroʊkən/) break away 1 (from sth) if an object breaks away from sth that is holding it in place, it becomes separated from it 脱离;脱开:The boat had broken away from its moorings. 船起 锚了。2 (from sb) to escape suddenly from sb who is holding you or keeping you prisoner 脱 逃;挣脱:The prisoner broke away from the guards. 犯人挣脱了 看守。3 (from sb/sth) to leave a group or an organization, such as a political party or a state, because of a disagreement, usually in order to form a new one 脱离,退出 (集团或组织,通常指另立门 户):Several MPs broke away to form a new party. 几名下院议员分离出去, 组建了一个新的 政党。◊ Two states broke away from the feder- ation. 两个州脱离了联邦。4 (from sb/sth) to move away from a group of people or a crowd (从一组人、 人群中) 离开,脱开: She man- aged to break away from the pack (= in a race) and establish a lead. 她总算甩开了其他赛跑选 手,确立了领先优势。◊ He broke away from the group and came over to talk to us. 他离开那 帮人,过来和我们说话。5 (from sb/sth) to reject a tradition or the usual way of doing things and do sth new and different 抛弃 (习 惯);破除 (传统);破旧立新:The company is trying to break away from its traditional image. 公司正试图摆脱其传统形象。 ♦ v + adv ► breakaway adj [only before noun] a breakaway group, political party or part of a country is one that leaves a larger group ( 从 集团、政党或国家中 ) 分离出来的:a breakaway faction/movement/republic 分离出来的派系 / 独 立运动 / 独立出来的共和国 breakaway n [sing.] an act of separating from a larger group/state, etc. 脱离; 分裂 break 'down 1 if a vehicle, etc. breaks down, it stops working because of a fault ( 车 辆等 ) 出故障,出毛病:The washing machine has broken down again. 洗衣机又坏了。◊ We (= our car) broke down twice on the way home. 在回家的路上我们的车抛锚了两次。2 if talks, a marriage, etc. break down, they fail ( 谈判、婚姻等 ) 失败,破裂: Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方 的谈判破裂了。◊ Their marriage broke down after three years. 结婚三年后,他们分手了。3 to lose control of your feelings and start crying 情不自禁地哭起来:As she drove away, I just broke down and wept. 她开车远去时,我不 禁失声痛哭。4 if your health breaks down, it becomes very bad (健康)恶化,崩溃:Her health broke down as a result of the strain. 她因过度劳累,身体垮了。 5 (into sth) to be divided into parts so that it is easier to discuss, to analyse or to deal with 分成(若干 部分): My weekly budget breaks down as follows: 50% for rent, 20% for food, 10% for travel, and 20% for everything else. 我每周的预 算分项列明如下:租金 50%, 食物 20%, 交通 10%, 其他 20% 。 ◊ The job breaks down into seven parts. 这项工作分为七部分。 -> see also BREAK STH DOWN 3 6 (into sth) if a substance breaks down, it separates into different parts or changes into sth else in a chemical process (化学变化中物质)分解, 转化:some pesticides break down safely in water. 有些杀虫剂可在水 中安全分解。-> see also BREAK STH DOWN 4 ♦ v + adv ► breakdown n 1 [C] an occasion when a vehicle or a machine stops working (车辆或 机器的)故障,损坏:We had a breakdown on the way home. 在回家的路上我们的车抛锚了。 ◊ a breakdown truck 抢修车;救险车 2 [C, U] a failure of talks, a marriage, law and order, etc. (谈判、婚姻的)失败,终止;(治安的)瘫痪: a breakdown in communication 通讯中断。◊ They were both responsible for the breakdown of their marriage. 对婚姻的破裂他们双方均有责 任。 3 [C] a period of mental illness when sb becomes tired, depressed and unable to lead a normal life 神经衰弱;精神崩溃:He had a nervous breakdown last year. 他去年患了神经 衰弱。4 [C, usually sing.] detailed informa- tion or figures that are the results of dividing sth into its parts to explain it more clearly 细 目;细分:Get me a breakdown of how the money was spent. 给我一份这笔钱的支出分类细 账。5 [U] the act of dividing a substance into its parts in a chemical process (化学变化中 的)分解 ► broken-down adj [only before noun] 1 (of a vehicle or a machine 车辆或机器)not working 出故障的;环了的:a broken-down car 抛锚的汽车 2 in a poor condition 状况差的; 破败的:a broken-down wall 剥落的墙壁 break sth down 1 to make sth fall down or open by hitting it hard 打倒:砸破:They had to get the police to break the door down. 他们不 得不请警豪来撞开门。[OBJ] door SYN knock sth down 2 to destroy or remove sth, especially a problem or an attitude or opinion that sb has 破除,消解(问题、态度或看法):Our aim is to break down barriers that exist between teachers and parents. 我们的目标是消除教师和家长之间 的隔阂。[OBJ] barriers 3 (into sth) to separate sth into smaller pans in order to analyse it or deal with it more easily 对...进行分关;细分: I've broken down the costs by country. 我把费用 按国别进行了划分。◊ The company was broken down into smaller units. 公司拆分成了较小的单 位。◊ The question can be broken down into two parts. 这个问题可以分为两部分。 -> see also BREAK DOWN 5 4 (into sth) to make a substance separate into its parts or change in a chemical process 使分解; 使转化: Enzymes in the mouth and stomach break the food down. 口腔和胃里的酶将食物分解,-> see also BREAK DOWN 6 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYNONYMS同义词辨析 break down break down ♦ crash ♦ go down ♦ go wrong These are all verbs that can be used when a machine stops working because of a fault. 这 些动词都表示机器出故障、出毛病、失灵。 break down (of a machine or vehicle) to stop working because of a fault (机器或交通工 具) 出故障,出毛病:The washing machine has broken down again. 洗衣机又环了。◊ We (= our car) broke down on the motorway. 我 们在高速公路上抛锚了。NOTE Break can be used on its own, but is not used to talk about vehicles * break 可单独使用,但不用 于指交通工具:My watch has broken. 我的手 表环了。 ► breakdown n : a breakdown on the motorway 在高速公路上抛锚 crash (of a computer or computer system) to stop working suddenly (计算机或计算机系 统) 突然崩溃,死机: Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. 如果系统突然崩溃, 文件可能会丢失。 go down (of a computer system) to stop working temporarily (计算机系统) 暂停工 作,暂停运行:The system is going down in ten minutes. 十分钟后系统将暂停运行。 go wrong to stop working correctly 出毛病; 出故障:The new television set will contain fewer components to go wrong. 新电视机的元 件中会出故障的将更少。 WHICH WORD? Machines, devices and parts inside machines and vehicles can go wrong; whole vehicles cannot. If sth goes wrong, it may not stop working completely, as it does if it breaks or breaks down. When computers or computer systems crash, this is always sudden and unexpected; when a system goes down, it may have been turned off deliberately while work is carried out on it * go wrong 用于指机器、装 置以及机器和车辆的零件出故障,而不用于指整 辆车。go wrong 并不表示完全停止工作;break 和 break down 则有此义。crash 通常指计算机或 计算机系统突然、意外地停止运行;go down 可 能指在系统工作时有意关闭系统。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ the TV/the DVD player/my watch has broken/gone wrong ■ the washing machine has broken down/gone wrong ■ my car has broken down ■ my computer has gone wrong/crashed ■ the computer system has crashed/gone down break in 1 to enter a building illegally or by force 非法闯入;强行进入:Somebody broke in last night and stole the PC and video. 昨天 夜里有人闯进屋里,偷走了电脑和录像机。◊ The firefighters had to break in to rescue them. 消防队员不得不破门而入营救他们。 -> see also BREAK INTO STH 1 2(on sth) to interrupt sb when they are speaking or doing sth 打断; 打 搅:He apologized for breaking in on their conversation. 他为打断了他们的谈话而道歉。◊ Mary broke in: ' It's not her fault! 玛丽插嘴说: “ 这不是她的错!” ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ 2 v + adv ♦ v + adv + speech ► break-in n an entry into a building using force, usually illegally 非法闯入;强行进入: There has been a series of break-ins in the area. 这个地区接二连三发生了数起破门入户案件。 break sb/sth in to train a person so chat they get used to a new job or situation; to train a horse so that you can ride it it (新来 者)适应新工作(或新环境);训练(马匹): We try to break newcomers in gently. 我们努力 让新手逐渐适应环境。◊ The horses hadn't been, broken in, 那些马还没经过训练。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n break sth in 1 if you break in new shoes or boots, you wear them until they become comfortable 把(新鞋)逐渐穿得合脚:It took me weeks to break in these new boots. 我穿了几 个星期后,这双新靴子才渐渐合脚。[OBJ] boots, shoes SYN wear sth in 2 (AmE (in the past) to prepare the engine of a new car for normal use by driving it slowly and carefully (旧时) 磨合,试用(新车)[OBJ] car SYN run sth in (BrE) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv break into sth 1 to enter a building, open a car, etc. illegally and by force 非法强行闯入 (建筑); 撬开(汽车):A thief can break into a car in under ten seconds. 窃贼十秒钟之内就能 把车撬开。 ◊ Three houses in our street have been broken into this week. 我们这条街本星 期有三户人家被盗。 [OBJ] house, car 2 to suddenly begin to do sth such as laugh, shout, run, etc. 突然开始(大笑、欢呼、奔跑等):He broke into a run when he saw the police. 他看 见了警察,撒腿就跑。◊ Her face broke into a huge smile. 她立刻笑容满面。◊ The audience broke into applause. 观众爆发出热烈的掌声。 [OBJ] a smile/grin, a run/trot, song, laughter 3 (BrE) to use a note/bill of high value to buy sth costing less 找开,兑开(大面值钞票以支合 小额费用):I didn't want to break into a twenty-pound note. 我并不想破开一张20英镑 的钞票。4 to interrupt sb's thoughts 干扰,扰 乱(思路):Her mother's voice broke into her thoughts. 她母亲的说话声打断了她的思绪。[OBJ] thoughts SYN disturb sth 5 to start to get involved in an activity and be successful at it, especially when this is difficult 成功参与; 顺利打入:The company is having difficulty breaking into new markets. 公司在打入新市场 时遇到了困难。◊ She is trying to break into journalism. 她正努力跻身新闻界。 [OBJ] market 6 to open and use sth that you have been saving for an emergency or a special occasion 启用 (应急备用品):I had to break into my savings to pay for the trip. 我不得不动用积蓄来 支付旅行费用。 ♦ v+ prep break off; break sth off 1 (also .break sth 'off sth) to separate sth from sth else, using force; to become separated from sth in this way (用力) 把...折断; 断开:The leg of the table just broke off. 桌子腿断掉了。◊ A comer of her tooth had broken off. 她的一颗牙 掉了一个角。◊ He broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. 他掰下一块方克力给我。2 to stop speaking or stop doing sth suddenly before you have finished (突然) 停顿,暂停: He broke off abruptly in the middle of a sentence . 他一句话刚说了半截忽然停住不说了。 ◊ We had to break off our holiday and return home immediately. 我们不得不中止休假立刻回 家。◊ They broke off their conversation as I approached. 我一走近,他们就中断了交谈。 ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ 2 v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) break sth off to end sth such as a relation- ship 结束,终止 (关系等): They've broken off their engagement. 他们解除了婚约。◊ Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations. 英 国威胁要断绝外交关系。◊ They were having an affair but she broke it off. 他们原本有私情, 但是她甩了他。[OBJ] diplomatic relations, engagement, talks/negotiations, affair SHI terminate (formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) break out 1 if sth unpleasant such as a fire, a war, etc. breaks out, it starts suddenly (火 灾、战争等) 突然发生,爆发: They would have got married in 1939 if war had not broken out. 要不是爆发战争,他们在1939年就结婚了 ◊ a fire broke out on a ferry yesterday. 昨天一艘渡 轮突然失火。[SUBJ] war, fire, fighting, row, violence 2 (also .break out of sth) to escape from a place or from a situation 逃离;脱身: Two terrorists have broken out of Blackwall Prison. 两名恐怖分子从布莱克沃尔监狱脱逃。◊ She longed to break out of the daily routine. 她 渴望摆脱单调无趣的日常生活。3 if sth breaks out on your skin, your skin becomes covered in sth (皮肤) 布满:Sweat broke out all over his body. 他浑身冒汗。◊ (AmE) I keep breaking out (= I keep getting lots of spots). 我脸上老 是长粉剌。 ♦ v + adv 2'also v + adv + prep ► breakout n 1 an escape from prison 越狱 2 (especially AmE) an occasion when you get spots on the face, etc. 长粉剌:I'm prone to breakouts on my forehead. 我额头容易长粉刺。 ► outbreak n the stan of sth or the sudden appearance of sth unpleasant or violent 突然 发生;突发:the outbreak of war 战争的爆发 ◊ an outbreak of food poisoning 食物中毒事件 ◊ outbreaks of rain 骤雨 break sth out 1 to get sth ready to be used, eaten, drunk, etc. 预备好, 备妥 (用品、食 物、饮料等):That's wonderful news! Let's break out the champagne! 真是个大好消息!咱 们把香槟酒拿出来庆祝吧! [OBJ] champagne 2 (by sth) (AmE) to separate information into categories in order to study it more closely 把 (信息) 分门别类;对...条分缕析:The survey does not break data out by race. 这一调查并没 有将数据按不同种族进行归类。◊ It is useful to break out results by state. 把结果按州分类大有 益处。[OBJ] data ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 break (sth) off break (sth) off ♦ chip (sth) off ♦ snap (sth) off These verbs all refer to a piece of sth becoming separated from the rest as a result of force or damage. 这些动词都表示折断、断开。 break (sth) off to become separated from sth as a result of force; to separate a piece of sth in this way 折断;断开:The back section of the plane had broken off. 飞机尾部已经折断。 ◊ She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it tome. 她掰下一块巧克力给了我。 chip (sth) off to damage sth by breaking a small piece off it; to become damaged in this way 碰下 (碎片等);剥落: The plaster had chipped off and no repairs had been done. 灰泥已出现剥落,却没人修缮过。 snap (sth) off to break off suddenly with a sharp noise; to break sth off in this way 啪的 一声突然折断:the branch she was standing on must have snapped off. 她站在上面的那根树 枝肯定是咔嚓一下折断了。◊ He snapped a twig off a bush. 他啪的一声从灌木上折下 细枝。 WHICH WORD? Chip off is used for materials like glass, paint or bone; snap off is used for objects which tend to break easily under pressure. Break off is the most general of these verbs. * chip off 用于指 玻璃、油漆、骨头等材料;snap off 用于指受力 易折断的物体。这些动词中,break off 含义最 宽泛。 ► breakout n the separation of information into categories in order to study it more closely (信息的)分类,归类:Breakouts were organized, into ten regions. 信息按十个地区 分类。 break out in/into sth to suddenly become covered in sth such as sweat 突然布满(汗水 等):He broke out in a cold sweat at the thought: of the trial. 一想到审判,他冒出一身冷 汗。 ◊ My skin has broken out in an itchy rash. 我的皮肤上突然起了一片令人发痒的皮疹。 [OBJ] sweat, rash ♦ v + adv + prep break through (especially AmE) to achieve your first important success in sth; to make an important or new discovery 获得 初次重要成功;取得重大新发现;突破:Scarlett Johansson broke through as a star with 'Lost in Translation1. 斯嘉丽. 约翰逊因影片《迷失东 京》而崭露头角,成为一颗新星。◊ Scientists believe they have broken through in their fight against the disease. 科学家认为他们在防治这一 疾病方面已经取得突破。 NOTE The phrase to make a breakthrough is used more often than to break through * to make a breakthrough 比 to break through 更常用: Scientists have made a major breakthrough in their fight against AIDS. 科学家在防治艾滋病方 面已获重大突破。 ♦ v + adv ► breakthrough n an important discovery or development; sb's first important success in sth 重大发现(或进展);初次重要成功;突破: an important breakthrough in the negotiations 谈判中的重大突破 。◊ Jo was only 19 when he got his breakthrough as a DJ. 乔作为流行音乐节目 主持人崭露头角之时年仅19岁。 break through; break through sth 1 to make a way through a barrier using force 冲破, 突破(障碍):He ran towards the barrier in an attempt to break through. 他向路 障冲去,想硬闯过去。◊ Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon. 示威人群试图 冲破警方的警戒线。[OBJ] barrier 2 (of the sun or moon 太阳或月亮)to appear from behind sth 从...后面露出:The sun finally broke through in the afternoon.下午阳光终于破云而出。◊ It stopped raining and the sun broke through the clouds. 雨停了,太阳从云层后钻了出来。 -> see also BREAK THROUGH STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep break through sth 1 to become greater in size or quantity than a particular level 超过, 超越 (某一水平):Unemployment figures have broken through the three million barrier. 失 业人数突破了三百万大关。 2 to succeed in dealing with a problem, such as an attitude that sb has突破(僵局);解决(问题等):1 tried hard to break through his silent mood. 我 努力尝试打破他的沉默。◊ Women are starting to break through the barriers that keep them out of top management. 女性开始冲破阻碍,走 上顶级管理岗位。 SYN overcome sth (more formal) -> see also BREAK THROUGH, BREAK THROUGH STH ♦ v + prep break up 1 (especially BrE) if a school or the children in it break up, school closes for the holidays at the end of a period of the school year (a term)(学校或学生)期末放假:We break up for Christmas next week. 我们下个星 期放假过圣诞节。◊ Have the schools broken up yet? 学校放假了吗? 2 (of a relationship, a band, etc. 关系、乐队等)to come to an end; to stop working together 结束;解散:Their marriage broke up after ten years, 他们的婚姻 在十年后破裂了。◊ There are rumours that the band is breaking up. 据传那支乐队要散伙了。 marriage 3 (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)if the connection between two telephones, or two radios that are used for sending and receiving messages, is breaking up, the people speaking can no longer hear each other clearly (通话声音或无 线信号)变弱,变模糊: The signal was breaking up. 信号变得模糊了。 ◊ I’m sorry—what did you say? You're breaking up. 对不起---你刚才说 了些什么?声音听不清。 ► break-up n [C, U] the ending of a marriage or a relationship (细姻或关系的)破裂,结束: He moved away after the break-up of his marriage. 他离异之后就搬走了。◊ marriage break-up 婚姻破裂 ♦ v + adv break up (with sb), break sb up to end a relationship with sb (与…)解除关系; (使)断绝关系:Rob and I broke up last week. 上个星期我和罗布吹了。◊ She's just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚和男朋友分手。 ◊ I can't believe my best friend is really trying to break us up! 我简直不能相信我最好的朋友正在想方设 法拆散我们! SYN split up (with/from sb), split sb up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n break up; .break sb/sth up 1 (into sth) if a group of people or a family breaks up, or sb breaks it up, the members separate and do not stay together (使)(集团或家庭)分解, 分裂:The conference broke up into discussion groups. 会议进行分组讨论。◊ She had never intended to break up his family. 她从未想过要 拆散他的家庭。 ◊ The Soviet Union began to break up in 1991. 苏联于1991年开始解体。 SYN split up (into sth), split sb/sth up (into sth) 2 if a group of people who are gathered together break up, or sb breaks them up, they go away in different directions (使) (聚集的人)散开,解散:The meeting broke up after two hours. 会议开了两个小时后散会了。◊ Police broke up the demonstration. 警察驱散了 示威人群。◊ I don't want to break up the party (= I don't want to make everyone else leave), but I have to go. 我不想搅散聚会,可我得走了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) SYNONYMS同义词辨析 break (sth) up break (sth) ♦ shatter (sth) ♦ smash sth up ♦ splinter (sth) These verbs all refer to sth breaking into lots of small pieces. 这些动词都表示分裂、碎裂、 破裂。 break (sth) up to separate, or make sth separate, into smaller pieces, either carefully or violently (使) 分裂,破裂: Break up the chocolate and place it in a bowl. 把巧克力掰 成小块,放在碗里。◊ The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞散了架。 shatter (sth) to suddenly break into small pieces; to make sth do this 碎裂;打碎:The explosion shattered all the windows in the building. 爆炸震碎了大楼里的所有窗户。 smash sth up to destroy sth deliberately (蓄 意) 毁坏,摧毁,捣毁: Youths had broken in and smashed the place up. 一群年轻人闯了进 来,把这个地方砸得一片狼藉。NOTE Smash can be used on its own, but is not used to talk about buildings, etc. * smash 可单独使 用,但不用于指建筑物等: She flew into one of her rages and started smashing crockery. 她又 一次大发雷霆,开始摔碗砸盆。 splinter (sth) (of wood, glass, stone or bone) to break into long, thin, sharp pieces; to make sth break in this way (使) (木头、 玻璃、石块或骨头) 裂成碎片: The mirror cracked but did not splinter. 这面镜子开裂 了,但是没碎。 WHICH WORD? People smash things deliberately; things shatter or get shattered as a result of explosions, flying bullets, stones, etc. * smash 是指蓄意弄碎; shatter 则是指因爆炸震碎或因射出的子弹、投 掷的石块等击中而碎裂:The thief smashed a window to get into her car. 窃贼砸碎了车窗,钻 进了她的车子。◊ Windows were shattered in the blast爆炸把窗户震碎了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ the glass/mirror smashed/shattered/splintered ■ to smash/shatter a glass/mirror/window/windscreen ■ his smashed/shattered/splintered bones/skull/wrist ■ to smash/smash sth up/shatter/break (sth) up into small/a thousand pieces ► break-up n [C, U] the division of a company, a country, an organization or a group of people into smaller parts (公司、国 家、组织或群体的) 解体,瓦解: the breakup of the Soviet Union 苏联的解体 ◊ family break-up 家庭分裂 break up (into sth), break sth up (into sth) if sth breaks up, or sb/sth breaks it up, it becomes separated into smaller pieces ( 把整 体) 拆开,拆散:The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞散了架。◊ Break the chocolate up into small pieces. 把巧克力掰成小块。◊ Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可 以分解成子句。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n break sb up (old-fashioned, AmE) to make sb laugh a lot 使纵声大笑: Watching my grandson blow bubbles just broke me up. 看着 孙子吹泡泡,让我乐不可支。 SYN crack sb up (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n break sth up to make sth that is rather boring, such as a period of time or a pattern, more interesting by adding sth different to it 给 (乏味的事物) 增添趣味; 调剂 (生活等) : I break up my day by going for a walk in the afternoon. 我下午会散散步,调节一天的生活。◊ Drawings were used to break up the page. 插图 使页面生动不少。 [OBJ] day, monotony ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) break with sb/sth (formal) to end your connection or relationship with sb/sth because you no longer agree with them (因 分歧) 与…绝交,与…决裂:Nick broke with his father to set up his own firm. 尼克与父亲分道扬 镳,创办了自己的公司。 ♦ v + prep break with sth (formaP) to reject sth such as a tradition or the past and decide to do sth different 摒弃,破除 (传统、 成例等);破旧立 新:The prince broke with tradition by going to study abroad. 王子打破了传统,去国外读书了。 ◊ The new directors are eager to break with the past. 新一届董事急于与过去决裂。 [OBJ] tradition, the past ♦ v + prep breathe /briːð/ breathe 'in to take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth 吸气:Breathe in through your nose as you stretch up. 伸展手 臂,用鼻子吸气。 ◊ He breathed in deeply and then spoke. 他深吸了一口气,开始讲话。 SYN inhale (more formal) OPP breathe out ♦ v + adv breathe sth in to take air, smoke, a smell, etc. in through your nose or mouth 吸入 (气 体、烟雾、气味等):We walked along the beach, breathing in the sea air. 我们沿着海滩漫 步,呼吸着海边的空气。 [OBJ] air, smoke SYN inhale sth (more formal) OPP breathe sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv breathe sth into sth to fill sth with life, energy or enthusiasm 为…注入 (生机、活力或 热情) :She has breathed fresh life into the movie industry. 她给电影业注入了新的活力。 [OBJ] life ♦ v + n/pron + prep breathe out to send air out of your lungs through your nose or mouth 呼气:Breathe out slowly through your mouth as you stand up. 站 起来时,用嘴巴缓缓呼气。 SYN exhale (more formal) OPP breathe in ♦ v + adv breathe sth out to send air, smoke, etc. out through your nose or mouth 呼出 (气体、 烟雾等):Breathe the air out slowly and stead- ily 平稳地徐徐呼气。 [OBJ] air, smoke SYN exhale sth (more formal) OPP breathe sth in ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv breeze /briːz/ breeze in; breeze into sth (informal) to arrive somewhere or enter a place in a relaxed, cheerful and confident way 轻盈而自 信地走入;信步走入;飘然而至: She breezed in and greeted everyone with a smile. 她一阵风似 的飘进来, 向大家微笑致意。◊ He breezed into the office and announced he was leaving. 他潇 洒地走进办公室,宣布他要走了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep breeze 'through sth (informal) to succeed in doing sth very easily 轻易通过;轻松完成: She breezed through the first exam. 她毫不费力 地通过了第一次考试。 ♦ v + prep brew /bruː/ brew up; brew sth up (BrE, informal) to prepare a hot drink of tea or coffee 沏 (茶); 煮 (咖啡) :Come into the kitchen while I brew up. 我在煮咖啡,你就到厨房来吧。 ◊ I’ll brew up a fresh pot of tea when they arrive. 等他们来了,我就泡壶新茶。 [OBJ] tea ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► brew-up n (BrE, informal) an act of making a drink of tea; the drink that you make 沏茶; 沏好的茶;调制好的饮品 brick /brɪk]/ brick sth in/ up to fill in or block an opening with bricks 用砖填补 (洞) ;用砖堵 住 (洞): The fireplace had been bricked in some years before. 壁炉几年前用砖封上了。 ◊ Somebody had bricked up all the doors and windows. 有人用砖封堵了所有的门窗。 window, fireplace, door NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv brief /briːf/ brief against sb to give information about sb, especially a politician, that is intended to damage their reputation 提供有损 (某政客) 名誉的信息:The minister accused her office of briefing against her. 部长指责部下泄露旨在诋 毁她名誉的信息。 ♦ v + prep brighten /ˈbraɪtn/ brighten up 1 if the weather brightens up, it becomes clearer and brighter (天气) 好 转,放晴:After a dull start, it should brighten up later. 刚开始是阴天,过会儿就会晴朗起来 的。SYN clear up 2 if a person brightens up, they become happier and more cheerful 快活 起家; 开心起来:He brightened up when they said he could go with them. 他们说他可以同 去,他就兴高采烈起来了。 SYN cheer up -> note at CHEER UP ♦ v + adv brighten sth up to make sth more inter- esting, exciting or attractive 使更有趣;使更活 跃;增添...的吸引力:I've brought some flowers to brighten the place up a bit. 我带了一些花 儿,把这里装点一下。◊ Brighten up your bed- room with a few posters. 挂几张海报,让你的寝 室亮丽起来。 [OBJ] place, room cm cheer sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n brim /brɪm/ (-mm-) brim over (with sth) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)if a cup or a container is brimming over with a liquid, it is so full that the liquid flows over the edge (容 器等) 满溢,漫出:He filled my glass so full it was brimming over! 他把我的杯子斟得太满了! 都溢出来了! ◊ Her eyes were brimming over with tears. 她热泪盈眶。 SYN overflow (with sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv brim over with sth (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)if sb is brimming over with sth, they show a lot of a particular quality 彰显,充芬表现出 (某一特 质) : She's brimming over with confidence and enthusiasm. 她显得信心十足,热情洋溢。 [OBJ] confidence, excitement ♦ v + adv + prep bring/brɪŋ/ (brought, brought /brɔːt/) bring sth about to make sth happen 导 致:引起:What has brought about this change? 这一变化是如何造成的?◊ His nervous break- down was brought about by stress. 他神经崩溃 是压力所致。 [OBJ] change, the end/collapse of sth SYN bring ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sb a long (AmE) t bring sb on bring sb/sth a long to bring sb/sth some- where with you 带上…(去某处);把…带来: Can I bring my sister along to the party? 我能 带妹妹来参加聚会吗?◊ She brought some CDs along. 她带了些CD来。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sb a round, etc. (AmE) -> BRING SB ROUND, ETC. bring sb back (to sth) 1 to return sb to a place; to take sb home 把…送回(某处); 送…回家:I’ll bring you back again after the party. 聚会结束后我再把你送回来。 ◊ She tried to bring him back (= to make him return) to the matter in hand. 她试图让他回过头来处理 手头上的事情。◊ Putting the driver of the car in prison won't bring my sister back (= return her to life). 把汽车司机关进监狱也不会让我姐 姐复活。2 to put sb back in their old job or position 恢复…的工作(或职位); 使复原: United have brought back their old manager. 联 队重新起用从前的主教练。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sth back 1 (to sth) to return sth to the place it came from 把…送回;归还:If the dress doesn't fit, bring it back to the shop and we'll change it for you. 衣服如不合身,可拿回 店里换一件。 2 to make you remember sth or think about it again 回忆起;使记起:Talking about: his death brought it all back to me. 说起 他的死,就让我想起过去的一切。◊ The photos brought back happy memories. 这些照片唤起 了美好的回忆。 [OBJ] memories 3 to make sth that existed or was done before be used or done again 重新启用;重新引入;恢复:Are you in favour of bringing back the death penalty? 你赞成恢复死刑吗? SYN restore sth; reintroduce sth (more formal) 4 to return with sth for sb 给...带回:What shall I bring back for the children from Paris? 我从巴黎给孩子们带些 什么好呢? In informal language bring sb back sth and, less often, bring sb sth back are also used 非正式语言中也说 bring sb back sth 和 bring sb sth back. 后者不太常用:I brought the kids back some books. 我给孩子们 带回来几本书。◊ Can you bring me something back? 替我带点东西回来好吗? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v 十 n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 bring sth down bring sth down ♦ decrease sth ♦ lower sth ♦ minimize sth ♦ reduce sth These verbs all mean to make sth smaller or less in size, amount or degree. 这些动词都表 示减小、减少、降低。See also go down, cut sth back. bring sth down to reduce the price, number or level of sth 降低(价格、水平);缩减 (数目):We aim to bring down prices on all our computers. 我们计划将我们所有的计算机 削价出售。◊ The economic recovery will bring down unemployment 经济复苏将降低失 业率。 decrease sth (formal) to reduce the amount or level of sth 减少(数量); 降低(水平): People should decrease the amount of fat they eat. 人们应减少脂肪的摄入量。 lower sth to reduce the level of sth 减低;降 低:The company may be forced to lower prices in order to stay competitive. 公司可能被迫降 价以保持竞争力。 minimize sth (BrE also minimise) to reduce sth, especially sth bad, to the lowest possible level 把…减少到最低程度, 将…压缩到最低 限度 (尤指坏事):Good hygiene helps to minimize the risk of infection. 良好的卫生习惯 有助于将感染的风险降到最低。◊ They worked at night in order to minimize the disruption. 他 们夜间工作,以便将对周边的干扰降到最低 限度。 reduce sth to make sth less or smaller in size, amount, number or level 缩小,减少(规 模、数量、数目);降低(水平):the number of employees was reduced from 40 to 25. 员工人数从40人裁减到25人。◊ Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease. 戒 烟能降低患心脏病的风险。 WHICH WORD? Decrease is more formal and less frequent than increase; it is used especially in the contexts of health and medicine. The more usual opposite of increase is reduce. Lower is used especially in the contexts of health and finance * decrease比increase 更正式,较不常用,尤用 于医疗保健的语境。 increase 更常用的反义词是 reduce。 lower 尤用于卫生保健和金融语境:to lower blood pressure/cholesterol levels 降低血压 / 胆固醇含量. Reduce can also be used in these cases. * reduce 也可用于上述语境。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to reduce sth/lower sth/bring sth down from ... /to ... /by ... ■ to reduce/lower/minimize/decrease/bring down the number/amount/level/cost of sth ■ to reduce/lower/minimize/decrease the risk/chance/rate of sth ■ to reduce/lower/decrease/bring down the price of sth bring sb/sth before sb/sth (/ow) to present sb for judgement; to present sth to sb/sth for discussion or a decision 把...提交 庭审;将...提交讨论:Children should not be brought before a court. 儿童不应在法庭上受审。 ◊ The case was brought before the judge. 这件 案子已提交法官审理。 [OBJ] case SYN haul sb before sb/sth, etc. (informal) Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep bring sb down (informal)。to depress sb; to make sb unhappy 使沮丧;使不悦:Spending New Year alone brought me right down. 独自一 人过新年让我闷闷不乐。 SYN get sb down; depress sb (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sb/sth down 1 to take sb/sth from a higher to a lower level 拿下来;使降低: They brought all the boxes down from the attic. 他们把所有箱子从阁楼上搬了下来。2 to make sb/sth fall to the ground 使倒地;使坠落;使 跌倒:He was brought down in the penalty area. 他在禁区内被撞倒。 ◊ Their plane was brought down by a violent storm. 他们的飞机遇强烈风 暴坠毁了。 ◊ When she fell, she brought him down with her. 她倒下的时候把他也带倒了。 ◊ He brought down the bird with a single shot. 他 一枪就射落了那只鸟。 3 to make a govern- ment, a leader, etc. lose power or be defeated 使 (政府、领导人等) 倒台;打倒;击败:The scandal brought the government down. 这件丑 闻导致政府垮台。[OBJ] government ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM bring down the 'curtain on sth; bring the curtain down on sth to finish or mark the end of sth 使落下帷幕;结束;标志着...的终结:Her decision to retire brought down the curtain on a glittering 30-year career. 她退休的决定给她 30 年辉煌的职业生涯画上了句号。 bring sth down 1 to make sth smaller in size or amount 降低; 减低: We are determined to bring down inflation. 我们决心降低通货膨 胀。◊ The price war is bringing the cost of flights down. 价格战降低了乘飞机出行的费用。 [OBJ] inflation, price SYN lower sth (more formal) 2 to make an aircraft land 使 (飞机) 降落:The pilot brought the plane down safely. 飞行员驾机安全着陆。[OBJ] plane SYN land sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM bring the house down to make an audience laugh or clap in an enthusiastic way 令观众捧腹大笑;使观众热情鼓掌:Her perform- ance brought the house down. 她的表演博得了 满堂喝彩。 bring sth down on/upon sb (formal) to make sth unpleasant happen to sb as a result of your actions 给...带来 (令人不快的事);连 累:He had brought nothing but trouble down on the family, 他尽给家里添乱。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep bring sb 'forth (old-fashioned, formal, rare) to give birth to sb 生 (孩子):She brought forth a son. 她生了个儿子。 [OBJ] child ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) bring sth forth (formal) to produce sth; to make sth happen 产生;导致:Her remarks brought forth a harsh response. 她的话招致严 厉的回应。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) bring sth 'forward 1 to move sth to an earlier date or time 将 (日期或时间) 提前: Well have to bring the date of the final game forward . 我们得把决赛日期提前。[OBJ] meeting, date SYN put sth forward OPP put sth back 2 to suggest a subject, an idea, etc. for discussion 提议;提出讨论:She brought forward proposals for a new school building. 她提议建新校舍。[OBJ] proposal SYN put sth forward 3 (finance) to move a total from the bottom of one page or column of numbers to the top of the next page (从页底或栏底) 把 (账目数字) 转入次页页首 [OBJ] balance SYN carry sth forward rsh NOTE Often used in the pas- sive. 常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring in sth; .bring sb in sth to make or earn money for sb 挣得;为...赚得: How much is she bringing in every month? 她每月挣 多少钱?◊ His job only brought him in a small income. 他的工作收入微薄。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + n bring sb in 1 (on sth) to get sb involved in sth, especially to advise or help, etc. 让...参与 (尤指提供意见、帮助等): Can we deal with this without bringing the police in? 我们不报警 私下处理这件事行不行? ◊ I'd like to bring Inspector Lacey in on this investigation. 我想请 莱茜督察参与丧项调查。◊ Experts were brought in to advise the government. 政府请来专家出谋 划策。[OBJ] experts, police, troops 2 if the police bring sb in, they take them to a police station to question them or arrest them 将… 带到警察局讯问;逮捕:Two men have been brought in for questioning. 两名男子被带到警察 局接受讯问。[OBJ] suspect ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sb/sth in 1 to take sb/sth into a room, a house, an office, etc. 把...带进 (房 屋、办公室等):Could you bring in another chair? 请再搬张椅子进来好吗? ◊ Bring him in! 把他带进来! NOTE In informal language bring sb in sth and, less often, bring sb sth in are also used 非正式语言中也说 bring sb in sth 和 bring sb sth in, 后者不太常用:Could you bring me in another chair? 请给我再搬张椅子进来好 吗? ◊ Could you bring us some tea in? 请给我 们端些茶来好吗? 2 to attract sb/sth to a place or a business 吸引 (访客或顾客): The visitor centre is bringing in more and more people. 游 客中心吸引了越来越多的访客。[OBJ] business, customers, tourism -> see also BRING SB/STH INTO STH ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sth in 1 to introduce a new law 采 用,施行(新法规)A new law was brought in to improve road safety. 实施了新法以加强道路 安全。◊ New controls were brought in to limit spending and borrowing. 实行了新的管制措施 以限制开支和借款。[OBJ] legislation, law SYN introduce sth (more formal) Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。2 (low) to give a decision in a court 作出(判决):The jury brought in a verdict of guilty. 陪审团作出 了看罪裁决。[OBJ] only verdict, decision 3 to mention or include sth 提及;包括:She brought in other evidence to support her argument. 她援引其他证据来支持她的论点。 4 to pick or cut and collect crops to be stored 采,收(作物):Farmers haven't been able to bring the harvest in because of the weather. 天 气不好,农民未能收割庄稼。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sb/sth into sth 1 to take sb/sth into a place 把…带到(某处):Bring that chair into the dining room. 把那张椅子搬到餐厅 来吧。 2 to include or mention sb/sth in a discussion, conversation, etc. (在讨论、谈话 等中)包括,提及:Why do you always have to bring Pete into it (= mention Pete when we are discussing sth? 你怎么张口闭口就是皮特? ◊ I knew you'd manage to bring football into the conversation! 我就知道你会把话题转到足球 上! 3 to attract sb/sth to a place or business 吸引(访客或顾客)到某处:The advertising campaign should bring more people into the bookshops. 这次广告活动应该能吸引更多的人走 进书店。 -> see also BRING SB/STH IN ♦ v + n/pron + prep bring sth off (informal) to manage to do sth difficult successfully 完成做成(困难的事): England were close to victory, but they couldn't quite bring it off. 英格兰队离胜利仅一步之遥, 但是最终仍功败垂成。◊ Thompson, the new goalkeeper, brought off a superb save. 新守门员 汤普森完成了一个精彩扑救。 SYN pull sth off ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv bring sb on (BrE) (AmE .bring sb along) to help sb to develop or improve when they are learning to do sth 帮助(学习者)进步;提高 (学习者)的水平:We need to bring on the young players quickly. 我们需要帮助年轻选手 尽快提高水平。◊ There's no time to bring employees along gradually. 没有时间按部就班 地培训雇员了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sth 'on to make sth unpleasant happen 招致,导致(令人不快的事):The heart attack was brought on by stress. 心脏病发 作是由压力所致。◊ It's not like you to get so upset. What's brought this on (= has made you so upset)? 你很少这么心神不宁。怎么回事? [OBJ] heart attack, depression SYN cause sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM bring it on! (informal) used to say that you are happy that a difficult or challenging situation is coming because you are sure that you can overcome it (接受挑战时表示信心十 足)好啊, 来吧; 放马过来! bring sth on sb/yourself (also .bring sth upon sb/yourself more formal) to be responsible for sth unpleasant that happens to sb/yourself 使遭受;使蒙受:You've brought shame on the whole family! 你使全家人蒙羞! ◊ Don't blame me! You've brought this on yourself. 别怪我! 你是咎由自取。 [OBJ] shame, disgrace ♦ v + n/pron + prep bring sb 'out to help sb to be more con- fident and less shy 使更加自信;使不再羞怯: Hers good at bringing out nervous interviewees. 他善于帮助紧张的面试者放松下来。◊ A year at college has really brought her out of herself. 一 年的大学生活确实让她开朗了不少。◊ I hoped that university would bring him out of his shell. 我希望上大学会让他活泼开朗起来。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sth out 1 (also .bring sth out of sth) to take sth out of sth; to remove sth from sth (从...之中)掏出,拿出: He brought a card out of his wallet and gave it to her. 他从皮夹里 取出一张名片给她。SYN sth out, take sth out of sth 2 to produce or publish sth 生产; 出版:They're bringing out a new sports car this year. 今年他们将推出一款新跑车。◊ How many albums have the band brought out? 这支乐队 出了多少张专辑? ◊ The publishers are bringing out a new edition of the dictionary next spring. 明年春季,出板社要推出这部词典的新 版本。3 to make a particular quality easier to see, taste, or notice 使(某一特质)突显;使突 出:That dress brings out the colour of your eyes. 那件衣服能衬托出你眼睛的颜色。[OBJ] colour, flavour SYN emphasize sth (more formal) 4 to make sth appear that is usually hidden 使(潜藏的东西)显现:She always brings out the worst in me! 她总是招我表现出 最恶劣的一面! ◊ The situation brought out the viciousness in him. 这种处境暴露了他恶毒的一 面。[OBJ] the best, the worst ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 1 also v + n/pron + adv + prep bring sb 'out in sth (BrE) to make sb's skin be covered in sth such as sweat or spots 使 (皮肤)冒出(汗水等);使(皮肤)布满(斑 点等):Tomatoes bring me out in a rash. 我吃 西红柿会出皮疹。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep bring sb/sth over to take or bring sb/sth to a particular place, especially sb's home 把...带到(尤指家里):When your sister gets back from New York, bring her over to see us. 你 妹妹从纽约回来,就带她来看看我们吧。◊ Bring your chair over and sit with us! 把椅子搬过 来,和我们坐一块儿! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sb round (BrE) (AmE .bring sb a round) 1 (also .bring sb to) to make sb conscious again 使恢复知觉;使苏醒: She gently slapped his face to bring him round. 她 轻轻拍了拍他的脸,让他苏醒过来。 2 (to sth) to persuade sb to agree with you, or to do what you want 说服;劝使: I brought him round to my way of thinking in the end. 最后我 终于使他转而赞同我的看法。 SYN win sb over (to sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv bring sb/sth round (especially (BrE) (AmE usually .bring sb/sth around) to bring sb/sth to sb's home 把…带到 (家里):I’ll bring the papers round to your house this evening. 我今 晚把文件送到你家。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sth round to sth (BrE) (also .bring sth a round to sth AmE, BrE) to direct a conversation, a discussion, etc. so that you are talking about the subject you want to talk about 将 (话题) 导向:He always brings the conversation round to football, life 总是把话题转 到足球上来。 [OBJ] conversation, discussion ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep bring sb through; bring sb through sth (AmE) to help sb to survive a difficult or unpleasant experience or period in their life 帮 助...渡过 (难关):My aunt helped to bring me through the period after my parents died. 我的 姨妈帮助我挺过了我父母去世后的那段日子。 SYN get sb through, get sb through sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep bring sb to -> BRING SB ROUND 1 bring A and B together 1 to help two people or groups to end an argument; to unite two people or groups 使 (双方) 握手言和;使 和好如初;团结;联合:The crisis brought the family closer together. 这场危机使一家人关系更 融洽。 2 to introduce two people who have never met; to help two people come together socially 介绍两人相识;帮助两人交往:It was me who brought them together. 是我给他俩牵 线搭桥的。SYN get A and B together ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sb/sth together to collect a group of people or objects together in one place 使 聚集;使集合:This exhibition brings together many artists' work. 展览汇集了众多艺术家的 作品。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sb up 1 to care for a child until he/she is grown up; to teach a child a particular way to behave, etc. 抚养;养育;教 养:She was brought up by her aunt. 她是由姨 妈带大的 。 ◊ I was brought up (= I grew up) on a farm . 我是在农场长大的。 ◊ They brought their children up very strictly. 他们对孩子管教 很严。◊ We were brought up to be polite and do what we were told. 从小家里就培养我们懂礼貌 和听话。◊ a well-brought-up child 有教养的孩子 [OBJ] children, family, daughter, son SYN raise sb (especially AmE) NOTE Bring up a child does not mean the same as look after a child. * bring up a child 和 look after a child 含 义不同。2 (law) to make sb appear for trial in court 使出庭受审;传讯 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► upbringing n [sing., U] the way in which a child is cared for and taught, especially by parents, while he/she is growing up 抚养; 培 养;教养 bring sb/sth up (to sth) to move sb/sth to a higher place, especially up the stairs 将…运到 (较高的位置,尤指楼上) ;举起; 抬起: Break- fast was brought up to our room. 早餐送到了我 们的房间。◊ Callum is downstairs. Shall I bring him up? 卡勒姆在楼下。 要不要我把他带上来? ◊ She brought her hand up and slapped him. 她 举起手扇了他一耳光。◊ I brought the cup up to my lips and took a sip of coffee. 我把杯子送到唇 边,抿了一口咖啡。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sth up 1 to move sth from a lower to a higher position 举起;抬高:She brought up her hand to protect her face. 她抬起手护住脸 部。 2 to mention a subject and start to talk about it 提出 (话题) 供讨论: Every time 1 bring the matter up, he changes the subject. 每当 我提起这件事,他就会转移话题。[OBJ] subject, matter SYN raise sth (more formal) 3 (to sth) to increase a total, a price, a number, etc. to a higher level or amount 提高,增加 (总数、价 格、数目等):this donation brings the total up to $6 000. 这笔捐款把总额提高到 6000元。 ◊ Owen got another goal, bringing the score up to SYN 欧文又进一球,把比分扩大为 4:0。[OBJ] total SYN raise sth (more formal) 4 to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth 呕吐:The baby's just brought up her breakfast。 小孩刚把早饭吐出来了。 SYN throw sth up (informal); vomit sth up (more formal) 5 to make sth appear on a computer screen 使 显示 (在计算机屏幕上) ;调出,打开 (文件) : Can you bring that file up on screen? 在电脑上 把那个文件打开好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bring sb up against sth to make sb real- ize sth or face sth and deal with it (使) 意识 到,面临,面对:This case brings us up against the problem of punishment in schools. 这件事使 我们直面学校体罚的问题。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep bring sb/sth up to sth to help sb/sth to reach an acceptable level or standard 帮助... 达到标准; 使达标:They have now brought the football ground up to the required safety standards. 他们现在把足球场改建得符合规定的 安全标准了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep bring sth upon sb/yourself -> BRING STH ON SB/YOURSELF SYNONYMS同义词辨析 bring sb up bring sb up ♦ educate sb ♦ raise sb ♦ rear sb These verbs all refer to how a child grows up and is cared for. 这些动词都表示抚养:养育、 教养。 bring sb up (often passive) to care for a child, teaching him/her how to behave, until he/she is grown up 抚养;养育;教养: She brought up five children. 她养大了五个孩子。 ◊ He was brought up by his aunt 他是由姨妈 带大的。 educate sb (often passive) to teach sb over a period of time at a school or university (在 学校) 教育,培育,培养: She was educated in the US. 她在美国接受的教育。 raise sb (often passive) (especially AmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is grown up 抚养,养育 (小孩);饲养 (幼兽):they were both raised in the South. 他们俩都是在南 方长大的。 rear sb (often passive) to care for young animals or children until they are grown up 饲养(幼兽);抚养,养育 (小孩): She reared a family of five on her own. 她独自养活 了一家五 口 . ◊ Lions usually manage to rear about half the number of cubs born to them . 狮子一般能养活所产幼仔的大约半数。 WHICH WORD? Raise is more often used to talk about children; rear is more often used to talk about animals . When raise is used in British English to talk about caring for a child, it is slightly more formal than bring up. * raise 多用于指抚 养孩子;rear 多用于指饲养动物。在英国英语 中,抚养孩子用 raise 比用 bring up 略显正式。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to bring up/raise/rear/educate a child ■ to bring up/raise/rear a family/daughter/son ■ to raise/rear young animals/sheep/chickens ■ to be brought up/raised/reared in Scotland, Oxford, etc . ■ to be brought up/raised/reared on Indian food, Hollywood movies, etc . bristle / ˈbrɪs(ə)/ bristle with sth to be covered in sth; to have or contain a large number or amount of sth 满布;充满:a roof bristling with TV aerials 布满电视天线的楼顶。◊ The staff bristle with efficiency. 全体员工工作效率很高。 ♦ v + prep broaden /ˈbrɔːdn/ broaden out if a river, a road, etc. broad- ens out, it becomes wider (河、 路等) 变 宽,变阔 NOTE Broaden is also used on its own, but less often. * broaden 也单独使用,但不太常见. ♦ v + adv broaden out; broaden sth 'out (especially BrE) if sth broadens out, or you broaden it out, it becomes more general or includes a larger number of people or things 拓展; 扩大:Let's broaden out the discussion to talk about education as a whole. 我们来扩大一 下讨论范围, 全面谈谈教育问题。 NOTE Broaden is also used on its own. * broad- en 也单独使用。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv brown /braʊn/ brown sth out (especially AmE) to reduce the amount of electrical power, water, etc . that is supplied to a particular machine, area, etc. 对 (特定机器、地域等) 减少供电 (或供水); 对...实行供电 (或供水) 管制: Servers were browned out by the increase in Internet traffic. 互联网流量增大,造成服务器几 乎瘫痪。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv (rare) ► brown-out n (especially AmE): Recurrent brown-outs brought the city to a standstill. 接 二连三的电力不足令城市运转陷入停顿。 browse /braʊz/ browse through sth to look through a book, a magazine, etc. without paying close attention or reading everything 浏览;随意翻 阅:She browsed through the newspaper while she waited. 她边等边浏览报纸。 [OBJ] book, newspaper ♦ v + prep brush /brʌʃ/ brush a'gainst/' by/' past sb/sth to touch sb/sth lightly when you move close to them/it 轻触:掠过: The cat brushed against Alison's leg. 那只猫蹭了蹭艾莉森的腿。 ◊ He brushed by/past me and ran out. 他和我擦肩而过,跑了 出去。 ♦ v + prep brush sb/sth aside 1 to push sb/sth to one side 把... 推到一边:She brushed a strand of hair aside. 她把一绺头发捋开。 2 to refuse to listen to sb/sth or treat them/it as important 不听; 漠视: 对…不以为然: He brushed, my protests aside and paid the bill. 他不顾我的反对,把账 单付了。 ◊ Every time I try to explain, you brush me aside. 每次我要解释,你都不理睬我。SYN wave sth aside/away; dismiss sb/sth -> see also BRUSH SB OFF 1, BRUSH STH OFF 2 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n brush sth away (from sth) 1 to remove sth from a surface with a brush, your hand, etc. 掸 去;擦掉:She brushed a stray hair away from her face. 她拂开脸上的一缕散发。[OBJ] tears, hair, dust 2 to ignore an idea, a thought, etc. because you do not want to think about it or you think it is not important 忽视; 对...置之 不理:She quickly brushed the idea away. 她立 刻把这个想法抛到脑后。SYN dismiss sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n brush by sb/sth t brush against/by/past sb/sth brush sb/yourself down (especially BrE) to clean sb/yourself by brushing their/your clothes with your hand, especially after they/you have fallen (尤指跌到后) 拂去...衣 服上的尘土;掸干净:She stood up and brushed herself down. 她站起来,拍去身上的灰尘。 -> see also BRUSH SB/YOURSELF OFF ♦ v + n/pron + adv brush sth 'down (especially BrE) to clean sth by brushing it thoroughly 刷干净:Brush your coat down to get the mud off. 把你外套上 的泥巴刷刷干净。 ◊ The children were taught how to brush down their ponies. 大人教孩子们 如何把他们的小马刷干净。 [OBJ] coat, skirt, etc. -> see also BRUSH STH OFF 1 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n brush off; .brush sth off if mud, dust, etc. brushes off, or you brush it off, it is removed by brushing (被) 刷去,拂去:Don't worry about the mud—itll brush off easily when it's dry. 那些泥巴不用操心---干了一刷 就会掉的。◊ We were able to brush the dirt off quite easily. 我们很容易就把灰尘掸掉了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n brush sb off (informal) 1 to refuse to listen to sb; to ignore sb in a rude or unkind way 不 理睬;(毫不客气地) 漠视:He tried to explain to her, but she brushed him off impatiently. 他 要向她解释,可她很不耐烦,对他爱搭不理。 SYN rebuff sb (formal) -> see also BRUSH SB/STH ASIDE 2 2 to get rid of sb 打发走:She couldn't brush Roger off after the party. 聚会之 后她没法把罗杰打发走。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► brush-off n [ sing.] (informal) rude or unkind behaviour that shows you do not want to be friendly 不理睬;不友好:They're just trying to give me the brush-off. 他们就是想要 冷落我。 brush sb/yourself off to clean sb/yourself by brushing their/your clothes quickly with your hand 拂去...衣服上的灰尘;掸干净 -> see also BRUSH SB/YOURSELF DOWN ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n brush sth off 1 to clean sth quickly by brushing it 刷净;拂净:He picked up his hat and brushed it off quickly. 他捡起帽子,马上把 它掸干净。-> see also BRUSH STH DOWN 2 to refuse to listen to, discuss or accept sth 不理 睬; 拒绝接受;对...置之不理: Roberts brushed off allegations of corruption. 罗伯茨不理会对他 贪污的指控。 ◊ She brushed off offers of help from her friends. 朋友们主动提出帮忙,她拒绝 了。 -> see also BRUSH SB/STH ASIDE 2 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n brush sth 'out 1 to brush sth, especially hair, thoroughly to remove knots or to make it straighter 梳理 (头发等):She brushed out her hair, washed her face and got into bed. 她梳 好头,洗好脸,就上床了。[OBJ] hair 2 (also .brush sth out of sth ) to remove knots, etc. from your hair by brushing 梳开 (头发的缠结 等):It took half an hour to brush out all the tangles in his hair. 用了半个小时才梳开他的一 头乱发。[OBJ] tangles, knots ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv 2 also v + n/pron + adv + prep brush past sb/sth -> BRUSH AGAINST/ BY/PAST SB/STH brush sth up; .brush up on sth (especially BrE) to study or practise sth in order to get back the skill or knowledge that you had in the past but have not used for some time 重温,复习 (生疏了的技能或知识): I need to brush up my computer skills. 我需要重 新捡起我的计算机技能。◊ You should brush up on your French before you go to France. 去法国 之前,你得温习一下法语。 [OBJ] skills , French/English, etc . SYN polish sth up; review sth (especially AmE), revise sth (BrE) NOTE used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv [less frequent) ♦ v + adv + prep bubble/ˈbʌb(ə)l/ bubble over (with sth) to be full of excite- ment, enthusiasm, ideas, etc, 充满,充溢着 (兴备、热情、想法等): They were bubbling over with excitement. 他们兴奋不已。 ♦ v + adv bubble under; .bubble under sth if sth is bubbling under, it is already fairly suc- cessful but is not yet as successful as other things of the same kind, although it is likely to be so soon 有望走红;有望大获成功;可能大红 大紫:This is our list of songs bubbling under. 这 是我们认为可能会窜红的歌曲名单。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep bubble up 1 if a liquid bubbles up from the ground, etc., it rises up in the form of bubbles or making the sound of bubbles (液体) 沸 腾,冒泡,发出冒泡声: Water bubbled up from the pool. 池塘里咕嘟咕嘟地冒水。◊ (figurative) Clouds will bubble up (= start to form) later this afternoon. 今天傍晚将转多云。 2 if an emotion, etc. bubbles up, it becomes stronger and starts to be heard or seen (感情等) 变得 强烈,开始流露:I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me. 我怒火中烧。◊ Laughter came bubbling up. 笑声传了过来。 ♦ v + adv buck /bʌk/ buck for sth (AmE) to try in a determined way to win or gain sth you want very much, especially an important position 极力谋求, 拼命争取 (尤指要职):He was bucking for a Cabinet post in the Nixon administration. 当时 他千方百计想在尼克松政府谋得一个内阁职务。 ♦ v + prep buck up (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) used to tell sb to hurry up (表示催促) 快点,抓紧: Buck up! we’ll be late. 别磨蹭!我们要迟到了。 SYN hurry up ♦ v + adv buck up; .buck sb up (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) to become, or to make sb, more cheerful (使) 振作,振奋: Buck up! There's no school tomorrow! 打起精神来!明天不用上学 了! ◊ He bucked up when I said he could go. 我说他可以走了,他便来了精神。 ◊ A day out will buck you up. 到外面转一天,你就会有精神 头了。 SYN cheer up, cheer sb/yourself up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM buck your i deas up (BrE, informal) to start behaving in a more acceptable way, so that work gets done better, etc. 振作起来 bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/ bucket down (BrE, informal) to rain heavily 下暴雨:It bucketed down all day. 整整下了一天 倾盆大雨。 ♦ v + adv buckle /ˈbʌk(ə)l/ buckle down (to sth) (informal) to start working or doing sth in a serious or deter- mined way 开始认真做;努力干:He tried to buckle down to some study. 他想静下心来学点 东西。 SYN knuckle down (to sth) ♦ v + adv buckle 'up (especially AmE) to fasten the belt that you wear in a car, etc. to keep you in your seat if there is an accident (a seat belt) 系上安全带:Buckle up, kids. 孩子们,系好安 全带。 SYN belt up (BrE) ♦ v + adv buddy /ˈbʌdi/ (buddies, buddying, bud- died) buddy 'up to/with sb/sth; be/get buddied up to/with sb/sth (AmE, informal) to become friendly with sb or work closely with another person (与…) 亲近,携 手工作:She buddied up to Julie, hoping to get to know her brother. 她和茱莉套近乎,希望结 识她的哥哥。◊ I asked to get buddied up with an experienced diver. 我要求和经验丰富的潜水 员搭档。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ be/get + v + adv + prep budge /bʌdʒ/ budge 'up (BrE, informal) to move up; to make more room for sb else 让开; 挪开:Budge up a bit! I'd like to sit down too. 挤一挤! 我也 想坐下。 SYN move up ♦ v + adv budget /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ budget for sth to plan to save or provide an amount of money for a particular purpose 预留…的费用;编制…的预算:Don't forget to budget for the cost of textbooks. 别忘了预留 书本费。◊ These extra costs have not been budgeted for. 这些额外开销没有编入预算。 ♦ v + prep buff /bʌf/ buff 'up (informal) to make yourself look fit and attractive 显得健美:You.ll need to spend some time in the gym if you want to buff up for your summer holiday. 要想在暑期度假时展现健 美身材,你就得花点时间在健身房锻炼。 ♦ v + adv duff sth up 1 to polish sth with a soft cloth (用软布) 擦亮,擦净: Wax isn't as durable as a varnish and it needs buffing up occasionally. 蜡不如清漆耐用,还需要不时用软布擦拭。 2 to improve sth 改进;改善:They're trying to buff up the company's image. 他们正努力改善公司 形象。 ♦ v + n + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bug /bʌɡ/ (-gg-) bug off (AmE, informal) used to tell sb to stop bothering you (告诫对方) 别烦人,滚 开:Should I tell him to bug off, or try to help? 我是该叫他滚蛋呢,还是该帮一帮他呢? ♦ v + adv bug out (AmE, informal) 1 if your eyes bug out, they suddenly open fully because you are surprised or excited (眼睛) 圆睁,瞪大:They just sat there with their eyes bugging out as if they'd never seen a woman yell at a man before. 他们坐在那里,目瞪口呆,仿佛以前从未见过一 个女人冲着男人大喊大叫。 2 ( especially of a group of soldiers, etc.尤指若干士兵) to leave a place quickly, especially to avoid duty or injury ( 为逃避职责或避免受伤 ) 撤退,逃离: When the radio went down, a couple of units bugged out. 无线联络中断后,记个小队逃跑了。 ◊ I picked up my pay and then bugged out. 我 领了工资就开溜了。 3 (about/over sth) to become very upset or angry 心烦意乱;怒气冲 冲:He came over to my house, bugging out about something. 他来到我家,人显得很烦躁。 SYN freak out (informal)。 ♦ v + adv bugger/ˈbʌɡə(r)/ bugger about/around (with sth) (BrE, △, slang) to waste time doing stupid or unimportant things; to behave in a silly way 鬼混;胡闹:Stop buggering about and let's get on with it 别晃荡了,我们继续干正事吧。 NOTE Mess around or, in British English, mess about is a more polite informal way to say this. 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 mess around K 英国英语中的 mess about, ♦ v + adv bugger sb about/around (BrE, A, slang) to treat sb badly or in a way that wastes their time 难为;给...添麻烦:I'm sick of being buggered about by my boss. 老板总跟我过不 去,真是烦死人。 NOTE Mess sb around or, in British English, mess sb about is a more polite informal way to say this. 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 mess sb around 或英国英语中的 mess sb about, ♦ v + n/pron + adv bugger 'off (BrE, slang) to go away 走 开;离开: Bugger off and leave me alone. 滚 开,别烦我。◊ Clive's buggered off to the pub with Julie. 克莱夫和茱莉去酒馆了。 NOTE Clear off is a more polite informal way to say this. 较礼貌的菲正式表达方式是 clear off。 ♦ v + adv bugger sth up (BrE, slang) to spoil sth; to do sth badly 弄糟;搞坏:I'm not going to let her bugger things up for me. 我不会让她把我的 事情搞砸。 NOTE Mess sth up is a more polite informal way to say this. 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 mess sth up. ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n build /bɪld/ (built, built /bilt/) build sth a round sth (BrE also .build sth round sth) to create sth, basing it on a particular thing, person, idea, etc. 在...基础上 创作:The story is built around the adventures of twelve knights. 故事围绕十二位骑士的历险 展开。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep build sth in; build sth into sth 1 to make sth a fixed and permanent part of a system, a plan, etc. 使成为 ( 体系、 计划等的 ) 组成部分:Safeguards against fraud are built into the system. 该系统植入了防欺诈的设置。 2 to make sth a fixed and permanent part of sth larger 把…建造在…里;使固定于 (较大的 物件 ):The flash is built into the camera. 闪光 灯设在照相机内。 ◊ This dishwasher can be built in. 几这款洗碗机可以嵌入安装。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► built- in (also in'built less frequent) adj [only before noun] forming a fixed pan of a larger structure 内置的;内装的;嵌入的:a built-in cupboard 嵌入式壁橱 ◊ The camera has a built-in flash. 这架照相机有内置闪光灯。 ► inbuilt adj [only before noun] existing as an essential part of sth/sb 内在的;固有的;天 生的:the inbuilt survival instinct of animals 动 物与生俱来的生存本能 build on sth (also build upon sth more formal) to develop further from sth that you have already achieved 在…的基础上发展:We need to build on last year's success. 我们要在 去年取得成功的基础上再接再厉。◊ This course builds on existing skills. 这门课程是对现有技能 的提高。 [OBJ] success, skills, strengths, achievements ♦ v + prep build sth on; build sth onto sth to add sth such as an extra room to an existing building (在建筑物上) 增建,添造: (BrE) They had built on a large extension at: the back of the house, 他们在屋后进行了大规模扩建。◊ (AmE) It is often better to build on an addition rather than removing walls. 增建往往优于把现有的墙 体拆除。 [OBJ] addition, extension ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep build sth on sth (also 'build sth upon sth more formal) to base sth on sth; to use sth as the basis or foundation for sth 把…作为… 的基础;把…建立在…的基础上:Our company has built its reputation on the quality of its products. 我们公司的信誉建立在过硬的产品 质量上。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep build sth out (especially AmE) 1 to finish a building, house, room, etc. which already exists in a basic form, to suit the needs of the people who will be using it 改造,装修 (建 筑、房屋、房间等):Building several offices at a time costs 10% to 20% less than building out a single suite. 一次性建造几间办公室,比改装 一个套间要便宜 10% 到 20%。 2 to develop or expand a new system, business or computer network 扩展,扩建 (新系统、企业或计算机网 络): Our strategy is to build out the network in over 200 cities statewide. 我们的战略是将这一 网络延伸至全国 200 多座城市。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► buildout n [U, C] (especially AmE) 1 the act of building out a house, etc. (房屋等的) 改建,装修:The buildout will take about two weeks. 改造需要两周左右。 2 the act of build- ing out a new system, business or computer network (新系统、企业或计算机网络的) 扩 展,扩建:the Internet buildout 互联网的扩展 build sth round sth (BrE) -> BUILD STH AROUND STH build 'up to become greater, stronger or larger in number 增大;增强;增多:Queues of traffic are building up after the accident: 车祸 之后,车辆排起了长龙。◊ I could feel the anger building up inside me. 我感觉到心中怒火越烧 越旺。 SYN accumulate (more formal) ♦ v + adv ► build-up n [sing., U] an increase in the amount, strength or number of sth 增长;增 强;增多:a build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 大气中二氧花碳的增加 build up (to sth), build yourself up (to sth) to gradually prepare yourself for sth such as a race or competition 逐步准备 (比赛等): Start gently and build up to the more strenuous exercises. 开始时轻松点,逐渐过渡到高强度的 训练。◊ Build up slowly until you can jog for 30 minutes. 逐步增加时间,直到能慢跑30分钟。◊ Build yourself up to the day of the performance. 好好为演出那天作准备。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ► build-up (to sth) n [C, usually sing.] the time before an important event when people are gradually preparing for it (重大活动的) 前期,准备过程: the build-up to the Olympics 奥 运备战 build sb/yourself up to make sb healthier or stronger 增进 (健康);增强 (体质):She gave me lots of vitamins and minerals to build me up. 她让我服用很多维生素和矿物质,以增 强体质。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv build sb/sth up to speak about sb/sth with great enthusiasm, often praising them more than they deserve 吹捧;大肆宣扬;为...大造 舆论:He has been built up to be the answer to the nation's problems. 他被鼓吹成了能解决国家 问题的人物。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► build-up n [C, usually sing.] a very en- thusiastic description, especially of a perform- ance, that is intended to make people excited about it and want to see it 极为捧场; 大肆宣 传;大造舆论:The reviewers gave the play a big build-up. 评论家对这部戏剧不吝赞词。 build sth up 1 to collect or create sth, often gradually over a period of time (逐步) 积 累,建立:She has built up an impressive collection of paintings. 她收集了数量可观的油 画。[OBJ] collection, library 2 to develop sth 建 立;发展:The manager had built up a good relationship with his staff. 经理与员工建立了 良好的关系。◊ My father built the business up from scratch. 我父亲白手起家,创办了这家 企业。◊ Harriet has built up quite a reputation for herself as a reporter. 作为记者哈丽雅特赢得 了相当高的声誉。 ◊ We are gradually building up a picture of what happened. 我们对发生的 事情逐步有了了解。[OBJ] business, reputation, picture 3 to increase sth or make sth stronger 增加;加强: After an accident, most drivers need to build up their confidence again. 发生事故之 后,大多数司机都需要逐步重拾信心。[OBJ] con- fidence, trust, strength 4 to cover sth so that it is higher or stronger than before 增高;加强 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► built-up adj [usually before noun] 1 covered with many houses or buildings 建 筑物多的;建筑物密集的;布满建筑物的:The speed limit is lower in built-up areas. 在房屋密 集的地区车辆限速要低一些。2 built-up shoes, boots, or heels have extra height added ( 鞋 子、靴子或鞋跟) 增高的,垫高的 build yourself 'up -> BUILD SB/YOURSELF UP build upon sth, build sth upon sth, etc . -> BUILD ON STH, BUILD STH ON STH, ETC. bulk/bʌl/ bulk out/1 up; .bulk sb/sth out/up (especially AmE) to increase in size or weight; to make sb/sth increase in size or weight (使) (规模或重量) 扩大,增大:Van Gisbergen had bulked up for this match. 范•吉 斯伯根为参加这次比赛增加了体重。 ◊ Local businesses are helping to bulk up school com- puter labs (= provide more computers). 当地 企业纷纷帮助学校扩充计算机室。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) bully /ˈbʊl/ (bullies, bullying, bullied) bully sb 'into sth; bully sb 'into doing sth to force sb to do sth by frighten- ing them or threatening them 胁迫某人做某事: You can't bully me into saying anything! 你休 想逼我说出一个字! ♦ v + n/pron + prep bum /bum/ (-mm-)burn a'round (informal) to travel around or to spend your time doing nothing in particular 四处游荡;无所事事;游手好闲 ♦v + adv bum around sth (informal) to travel some- where with no particular plans ( 在… ) 闲 逛,瞎混:After I left school, I bummed around the world for a year. 毕业后我在世界各地游荡 了一年。 [OBJ] the world, Europe, Asia, etc. ♦ v + prep bum sb out (AmE, informal) to annoy sb 使恼怒;使心烦:I was really bummed out that there were no tickets left. 票卖光了,我火冒 三丈。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv bum round, etc. (BrE) -> BUM AROUND, ETC. bumble/'bʌmbl/ bumble around; .bumble around sth (BrE also .bumble about, bumble a1 bout sth) to move around in an awkward and noisy way (在…) 笨手笨脚地走动, 踉踉跄跄: I could hear my father bumbling about downstairs. 我 能听见父亲在楼下来回走动时那笨重的脚步声。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep bump /bʌmp/ bump along to continue in the same way as before, without making any progress or improvement 依然如故;毫无起色,徘徊不前: United are still bumping along in the Third Division. 联队仍在丙级队里晃荡。 ♦ v + adv bump into sb (informal) to meet sb by chance 碰见;偶遇:I bumped into an old friend in town today. 今天在城里我与一位老友不期 而遇。 SYN run into sb ♦ v + prep bump 'into sb/sth to hit sb/sth by accident (不小心) 碰上,冲撞:In the dark I bumped into a chair. 在黑暗中我撞到了一把椅子。 SYN collide with sb/sth ♦ v + prep bump sb 'off (informal) to murder sb 谋 杀;杀害:He admitted bumping off Baines. 他 承认杀了贝恩斯。 ♦v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bump sb off; bump sb off sth 1 to not allow sb to have the seat on a plane that they have booked, because too many tickets have been sold (因机票超售) 取消...的订座:With more people flying these days, there is a greater chance of getting bumped off your flight. 如今 搭乘飞机的人多了,因机票超售被拒载的机率也 大了。◊ bumped-off travellers 因机票超售被拒 载的旅客 NOTE Bump sb can also be used on its own * bump sb 也可单独使用:We were late arriving at the airport and the airline bumped us. 我们赶到机场时晚了,因航空公司机票超售 我们无法登机。2 (especially AmE, computing) to break a connection with the Internet, so that it can no longer be used 终止 (联网); 使断网:Some users couldn't log in, others kept getting bumped off. 有些用户无法登录,其他 用户的联网则时断时续。◊ to be bumped off the Internet 被断网 [OBJ] the Internet, server, web- site SYN kick sb off, kick sb off sth; discon- nect sb (from sth) (more formal) NOTE Usually used in the passive 通常用于被 动语态:I was worried about being bumped off the flight. 我担心因机票超售而无法登机。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep bump sb 'up (to sth) (informal)。to move sb to a more expensive seat in a plane without charging them extra, because there are not enough seats at the price they have paid ( 因 所属机舱座位不足而) 免费提高...的座舱等级:I got bumped up to business class. 我被免费调整 到了商务舱。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv bump sth 'up (informal) to increase or raise sth 增加;提升:The company bumped their prices up by 10%. 公司提价 10%。 [OBJ] prices ♦ v 十 n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bunch /bʌntʃ/ bunch up; .bunch sth up if material bunches up, or you bunch it up, it forms tight folds (使) (布料) 起皱;把...揉皱:The sheets bunched up under him every time he moved. 他每次挪动一下身体,身下的床单就弄 得皱皱巴巴。◊ She bunched her skirt up and jumped. 她揪住裙子跳了起来。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bunch up/ togethen .bunch sb/sth *up/together to move closer together to make a tight group; to make sb/sth do this (使) 集中,聚拢:The children bunched together in little groups in the playground. 孩子 们在操场上三五成群。◊ All the runners were bunched up behind the leader. 其他赛跑选手跟 在领跑者后面挤作一团。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bundle/ˈbʌnd(ə)l/ bundle sb 'off (to sth ... ) to send sb somewhere in a hurry or when they do not want to go 把...匆匆送走; 强行把...打发 (到某 处): She bundled her son off to school. 她急匆 匆地把儿子送到学校。 SYN pack sb off (to ...) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bundle 'up (in sth) (AmE) to dress in warm clothes 穿得暖和: Bundle up! Ifs freezing outside! 多穿点!外面很冷! SYN wrap up (in sth), etc. ♦ v + adv bundle sb up (in sth) to make sb feel warmer by putting warm clothes on them or covering them with blankets 使穿得暖和;使 保暖: I bundled Lucy up in a blanket and made her a cup of tea. 我给露西裹了条毯子, 又给她 泡了杯茶。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv bundle sth up/together to put or tie things together in a pile 捆扎; 打包:She bundled up her clothes and pushed them into a cupboard. 她把衣服包起来,塞进衣橱。 ◊ The papers were all bundled together, ready to be thrown away. 报纸全部捆好了,准备扔掉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n bung/bʌŋ/ bung sth 'up (with sth) (BrE, informal) to stop sth from moving or flowing through sth by putting sth in or across it (用某物) 堵塞, 阻塞:She's bunged the sink up with tea leaves. 她倒的茶叶把水槽堵住了。 SYN block sth up (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► bunged up adj blocked; not clear 堵塞 的;阻塞的:My nose is all bunged up this morning . 今天早晨我的鼻子全堵了。 ◊ I'm (= my nose is) all bunged up. 我的鼻子全堵了。 bunk/bʌŋk/ bunk down (especially AmE) to lie down to sleep somewhere, especially somewhere uncomfortable or for only one night (尤指在 不舒适的地方)将就过夜,勉强投宿,暂时睡下: We bunked down in an old bam for the night. 那晚我们凑合睡在一个旧谷仓里。 SYN doss down (BrE, informal) ♦ v + adv bunk off; bunk 'off sth (BrE, informal) to stay away from school or work when you ought to be there; to leave school or work early, especially without permission 逃学; 旷 工;早退:Let's bunk off this afternoon and go shopping. 今天下午咱们别上班了,去购物吧。 [OBJ] school, work SYN skive off, etc. (BrE) ♦ v + adv • v + prep bunk up (with sb) informal。to share a bed with sb; to have sex with sb (与…)同 床,发生性关系:fm afraid you two will have to bunk up together tonight. 恐怕今晚你们俩得睡 一张床了。 ♦ v + adv ► bunk-up n (BrE, informal) an act of having sex with sb; a person to have sex with 与人发 生性关系;发生性关系的对象: lads out looking fora bunk-up 出门寻找一夜情的小青年 buoy /bɔɪ; AmE also ˈbuːi/ buoy sb/sth up 1 to make or keep sb cheerful and confident 鼓励;鼓劲: Winning the match buoyed. the team up. 比赛获胜使该队 欢欣鼓舞 ◊ The party did little to buoy up her spirits. 这次聚会并没有让她精神振作多少。 ◊ She was buoyed up by her father's praise. 父亲的赞扬给她增添了信心。 2 to keep sb/sth floating; to stop sb/sth from sinking 使漂浮; 使上浮:I relaxed, letting the salt water buoy me up. 我放松下来,任凭海水托浮着。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。Buoy sb/sth can also be used on its own buoy sb / sth 也可单独使用: Buoyed by their recent victory, the team are convinced they can win the finaL 在最近的胜利鼓舞下,该队有信心 赢得决赛。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n buoy sth up (finance) to make or keep prices at a high or acceptable level 保持(价 格)处于高位;维持(价格)在可接受的水平: Share prices were buoyed up by the news. 这个 消息使股价冲上高位。◊ to buoy up the economy 刺激经济 [OBJ] prices NOTE Often used in the passive.常用于被动语 态。 Buoy sth is also used on its own. * buoy sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n burn /bɜːn; AmE bɜːrn/ (burnt, burnt /bɜːnt; AmE bɜːrnt/ or burned, burned /bɜːnd; AmE bɜːrnd/) burn a way; .burn sth a way to disappear as a result of burning; to make sth do this (使)烧毁,烧光: Half the candle had burnt away. 这支蜡烛燃烧掉了一半。◊ The fire had burned away part of the roof. 火灾使一部 分屋顶被焚毁。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) burn 'down if a fire burns down, it becomes less strong and bums with smaller flames (火 势)减弱,变小:They sat by the fire, watching it slowly burn down. 他们坐在火边,看着火头 逐渐变小。 OPP burn up ♦ v + adv burn down; burn sth down if a building bums down, or sb bums it down, it is destroyed by fire (把…)焚毁,烧毁:The palace burnt down in the 19th century. 这座宫 殿在19世纪毁于大火。◊ She threatened to burn the house down. 她威胁要把房子烧掉。 Num Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n burn sth 'off 1 to remove sth by burning 烧掉;烧除:Burn the old paint off before repainting the door. 先把门上的旧漆烧掉,再刷 新油漆。2 (also .burn sth up) to use energy by exercising (通过锻炼)消耗(能量):Walk- ing briskly can bum off a lot of calories. 快步走 能消耗很多卡路里。[OBJ] calories, fat ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv burn out; .burn sth out if a machine or part of a machine bums out or sb/sth bums it out, it stops working because it has been used too much or has got too hot (因机器使 用过度或过热) 出故障, 损环: The clutch has burnt out. 离合器因过热而失灵了。 ◊ I burnt out the motor in the first car I had. 我把我第一辆车 的马达烧坏了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v 十 adv + n burn out; .burn itself out to stop burn- ing because there is no more fuel (因燃料耗 尽)熄灭:Blow out the candles before they burn out. 把蜡烛吹灭,免得烧完。 ◊ By the time the fire brigade arrived the fire had burnt (itself) out. 消防队赶到时,火已经(自己)熄灭了。 -> note at GO OUT; -> see also BURN STH OUT ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ► burnout n [C, U] the point at which a spacecraft has used all of its fuel and has no more power (航天器的)燃料耗尽 burn out; burn yourself out to become very tired or sick and unable to continue your work because you have worked too hard over a period of time 过劳;积劳成疾: It's a high-pressure job and many people bum out at a young age. 这份工作压力很大,很多人 年纪轻轻就积劳成疾。◊ If he carries on working so hard, he'll bum himself out. 他要是继续这样 拼命工作,会把自己累垮的。 -> see also BURN SB OUT, BURN SB OUT OF STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ► burnout n 1 [C, U] the state of being very tired or sick because you have worked too hard 过劳;积劳成疾:Burnout is common among teachers. 积劳成疾在教师中很常见。 2 [C] a person who is very tired or sick because they have worked too hard 劳累过度的人;积 劳成疾的人 ► burnout (especially BrE) (AmE usually burned- out) adj very tired or sick because you have worked too hard 筋疲力尽的;积劳 成疾 burnt-out rock singers 声嘶力竭的摇滚 歌手 burn sb out; burn sb out of sth to force sb to leave a building by setting fire to it 放火迫使...离开 (建筑物) : A gang has tried to burn a woman out of her home. 一伙歹徒试图 纵火把一名女子逼出家门。 -> see also BURN OUT, BURN YOURSELF OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep burn sth out to destroy sth completely by fire, so that only the outside or the frame is left 把... 烧成空架子: Two cars were burnt out in the crash. 撞车事故中有两辆汽车被烧毁。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 -> see also BURN OUT, BURN ITSELF OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► burnt out (especially BrE) (AmE usually burned- out) adj [only before noun] com- pletely destroyed or badly damaged by fire 烧 毁的;烧环 burnt-out buses 烧成空壳的公共 汽车。burned-out houses 焚毁的房屋 burn 'up 1 to be destroyed by heat 被焚毁; 被烧掉:The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere. 宇宙飞船进入地球大气 层时被烧毁。 2 (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to have a fever or a high temperature 发热;体温高 :She's burning up― he needs a doctor. 她发烧了 ----需要看 医生。 3 if a fire bums up, it gets stronger and has larger flames (火势) 燃旺,增强 OPP burn down ♦ v + adv burn sb up (AmE, informal) to make sb very angry 激怒;使大怒:The way he treats me really bums me up. 他那么对待我,实在把我气 疯了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv burn sth up 1 to get rid of sth completely by burning 焚毁;烧毁: I'm going to bum up all the rubbish/trash. 我要把所有垃圾都烧掉。2 -> BURN STH OFF 2 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv burrow /ˈbʌrəʊ; AmE ˈbɜːroʊ/ burrow in sth to search for sth among things in a container (在容器中) 搜寻,摸索: She burrowed in her pocket and eventually found a few coins. 她在口袋里摸来摸去, 终于 找到了几枚硬币。 ♦ v + prep burst /bɜːst; AmE bɜːrst/(burst, burst) burst in (on sb/sth), burst Into sth to enter a room, a building, etc. suddenly and noisily, interrupting the people who are in it闯入;闯进房间打断:He apologized for bursting in on our meeting. 对闯进来打断了我 们的会议,他表示歉意。◊The door suddenly flew open and Mia burst in. 门突然开了,米娅 猛地闯了进来。◊ She ran down the stairs and burst into the kitchen. 她跑下楼梯,一头扎进了 厨房。 -> see also BURST INTO STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep burst into sth to start producing or doing sth suddenly and with great force 突然爆发; 突然...起来:The aircraft burst into flames (= suddenly started to bum). 飞机一下子燃烧 了起来。 ◊ I was so relieved I burst into tears (= suddenly started to cry). 我如释重负, 不禁痛哭失声。◊ The cab's engine burst into life (= suddenly started to work). 出租车的引 擎猛地发动起来。 ◊ As the curtain fell, the audience burst into applause (= suddenly started to clap). 帷幕降下时,观众中突然响起 热烈的掌声。 [OBJ] tears, flames, laughter, life -> see also BURST IN (ON SB/STH), BURST INTO STH ♦ v + prep burst on/onto sth (also 'burst upon sth more formal) to appear somewhere suddenly in a dramatic or unusual way 突然显现;突然 在...出现: A major new talent has burst on/onto the tennis scene. 一名能力出众的新秀在网球界 突然崭露头角。 [OBJ] scene ♦ v + prep burst 'out to say sth suddenly, loudly and with strong feeling 突然激动地喊叫:"I hate you!" she burst out. “ 我恨你!" 她大声喊道。 SYN exclaim (formal) -> see also BURST OUT DOING STH ♦ v + adv + speech ► outburst n a sudden strong expression of an emotion; a sudden increase in an attitude or an activity (感情的) 迸发; (态度 的) 激化;(活动的) 激增:an outburst of anger/laughter 勃然大怒 / 哄然大笑 ◊ sporadic outbursts of violence 零星的暴力事件 ◊ She apologized for her outburst. 她为自己情绪失控 道歉。 burst out; burst out of sth to leave a room, a building, etc. suddenly and noisily 闯 出; 突然跑出:The door opened suddenly and a man burst out of the house. 门突然打开,一名 男子从屋里冲了出去。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep burst out doing sth to begin doing sth suddenly 突然开始做某事:We looked at one another and burst out laughing. 我们相互瞧着 对方,突然大笑起来。 [OBJ] laughing, crying ♦ v + adv + -ing burst through; .burst through sth to move suddenly through a door, a barrier, etc. with great force 闯过;突破:The car drove fast up to the road block and burst through. 汽车快 速开到路障前,一下子冲了过去。 ◊ She burst through the door pursued by two men. 她突然 冲出门去,后面两名男子紧追不舍。 ◊ The sun burst through the clouds. 太阳破云而出。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep burst upon sth t burst on/onto sth bury /ˈberi/ (buries, burying, buried) bury yourself in sth 1 to go to or be in a place where you will not meet many people 去 (人迹罕至的地方); 退隐于: He buried himself in the country to write a book. 他隐居乡间写 书。 2 to involve yourself in sth completely; to spend all your time thinking about or doing sth and ignore everything else 投身于; 潜心于: She buried herself in her work in an attempt to forget. 她一心工作, 试图忘掉往事。[OBJ] work, book ♦ v + pron + prep bust /bʌst/ (bust, bust or busted, busted) NOTE Bust is an informal way of saying break. bust是break 的非正式说法。 bust out; .bust out of sth; .bust sb out; .bust sb out of sth (informal) to escape from somewhere, usually prison; to help sb do this (帮助某人) 逃跑,越狱: His last movie was about a guy busting out of Alcatraz . 他的上一部电影讲述一名男子从阿尔卡 特拉斯岛越狱的故事。 ◊ His friends busted him out of jail. 朋友们帮他逃出了监狱。 SYN break out, break out of sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv 十 prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► bust-out n (informal): a prison bust-out 越狱 bust up (with sb) (BrE, informal) if a couple or two friends bust up, they have an argument and separate (夫妻、朋友) 分手, 散伙:They bust up after five years together. 他 们在一起五年后分道扬镳了。 ◊ I bust up with Tim a while ago. 不久前我和蒂姆分手了。 SYN break up (with sb); split up (with/from sb) ♦ v + adv ► bust-up n (BrE, informal) 1 (with sb) an argument 争吵;吵架:We had a huge bust-up and now we're not talking. 我们大吵了一顿, 现 在不说话了。2 the end of a relationship (关 系的) 结束,破裂 bust sth up (informal) 1 to end sth such as a meeting or a relationship by disturbing or ruining it 破坏 (集会、关系等): The police busted up the meeting. 警察驱散了集会。 SYN break sth up (more formal) 2 (AmE) to injure, damage or break sth 伤害;损坏;拆散: He busted up his knee in the accident. 他在事故中 伤了膝盖。 3 (AmE) to break a company or a larger organization into smaller parts 拆分 (公司或机构) [OBJ] company SYN break sth up (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron 十 adv bustle / ˈbʌs(ə)l/ bustle about/around .bustle about/around sth (especially BrE) to move about somewhere in a busy or hurried way (在…或为…) 忙得团团转, 东奔西跑: She was already bustling about, getting dinner ready for the family. 她已经在忙着为家人准备 晚饭。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep butt /bʌt/ butt in (informal) 1 (on sb/sth) to rudely interrupt sb when they are speaking 插嘴; 打断: He apologized for butting in on our conversation. 他为打断了我们的谈话道歉。 ◊ 'His name's Terry, actually,' she butted in. “ 其实他叫特里。” 她插话道。SYN interrupt (sb/sth) (more formal) 2 to become involved in a situation that does not concern you 插手; 干涉:Stop butting in. It's nothing to do with you. 你甭管。 这事与你无关。 SYN interfere (with sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + speech butt out (informal, especially AmE) used to tell sb rudely to go away or not try to influence matters which do not concern them (粗鲁的说法) 滚开,别管闲事: Butt out! It's none of your business. 别多嘴多舌!这不关你 的事。 ♦ v + adv butter /bAta(r)/ butter sb 'up (informal to say nice things about sb because you want them to do sth for you or give you sth (以甜言蜜语) 拍...的马 屁,讨好,巴结:we'd better butter him up a bit before we ask for his help. 我们最好先给他戴个 高帽, 再求他帮忙。 SYN soften sb up ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n button /bʌtn/ button up (AmE, informal) to stop talking suddenly, often because you have said too much already (常指因为讲话过多) 突然住 口,闭上嘴: She was giggling with her friends, when the teacher told them to button up. 她正 与朋友们咯咯说笑,老师要他们闭嘴。 ♦ v + adv button up; .button sb/sth up to be fas- tened with buttons; to fasten sth with buttons 扣上纽扣; 给…系上纽扣: He buttoned up his coat 他扣好了外衣的纽扣。 [OBJ] coat, jacket, etc.SYN do up, do sth up OPP unbutton, unbutton sth NOTE Button and button sth are also used on their own. * button 和 button sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► button-up n (AmE, informal) a shin that closes using buttons 带纽扣的衬衫 ► buttoned- up odj 1 [usually before noun] not showing or expressing your feelings openly; not very friendly 不露声色的; 沉默寡 言的;冷淡的: his buttoned-up calmness 他的镇 静从容 2 (AmE) very formal in appearance; traditional rather than new or exciting 一本正 经的;正襟危坐的;古板无趣的 button sth up (AmE, informal) to finish dealing with the final parts or details of sth complicated 处理…的遗留问题;了结: She went home for the funeral and to button up her father's financial affairs. 她回家参加葬礼,并计 划了结父亲的财务事宜。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n buy /baɪ/ (bought, bought /bɔːt/) buy sth 'back if sb buys sth back, they buy again sth that they have sold earlier to sb else 买回,购回 (售出物品): The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency. 银行将提供并向 购外汇。 ◊ He sold the car in 1949 for £400. To buy it back last year cost £31000. * 1949年他以 400 英镑卖掉这辆汽车,去年回购时花了 31000 英镑。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► buy-back n 1 the action of buying again sth that you have sold earlier 买回;购回: a book/an equipment buy-back (= when a shop/store or company buys back sth you have finished using) 书籍 / 设备的回购 2 (busi- ness) a form of borrowing money in which a company sells its shares with an agreement that it will buy them again at a later date 股份 回购 (公司在约定日后购回的前提下出售股份的 筹资方式):a share buy-back 股份回购 ◊ a share buy-back programme 股份回购计划 buy in (in poker 扑克牌)to pay money for pieces of plastic which represent a particular value (called chips) in order to enter a game 购买筹码:Is anyone else buying in? 有其他人要 购买筹码吗? ♦ v + adv ► buy-in n 1 (in poker 扑克牌)the amount paid to buy in 购买筹码的金额:a $50 buy-in 购 买 50 元的筹码 2 the fact of accepting an idea or product after being convinced by others that it is good (对某想法或产品的) 接受,相 信: It is important to get total Congressional buy-in from the beginning. 在开始阶段就获得国 会的完全赞同十分重要。 -> see also BUY INTO STH 3 (business') a situation where a group of people from outside a company buy more than 50% of its shares because they want to take over the management of the company (公司外部人士为取得公司管理权而购买50%以 上股份的) 收购,管理权收购 -> see also BUY INTO STH 4 (business) a situation where a com- pany buys its shares back from the people who own them 股份回购: The buy-in was part of the company's strategy to protect: itself against a hostile takeover. 股份回购是公司防 恶意收购的战略措施之一。 -> see also BUY INTO STH buy sth in (BrE) to buy sth or a large amount of sth for a special occasion or in order to have a supply for the future (为某场 合或保证未来供应) 大量买进,囤积: I'll have to buy in extra food if they're coming to stay for a while. 如果他们要来住上一段时间,我得额外多 买些食品。 [OBJ] food ♦v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv buy into sth 1 (business) to buy shares in a company, especially to gain control over it (尤指为取得控股权) 购买…的公司股份: They are looking to buy into another insurance company. 他们正寻机购买另一家保险公司的股 份以取得控股权。[OBJ] company, business -> see also BUY-IN AT BUY IN 2 (business) to invest in sth 投资于:The broker advised its clients to buy into the stock. 经纪人建议客户购入股票。3 to accept sth that many other people believe 从众;随大溜:We don't buy into the myth that money is the answer to everything. 我不会人 云亦云地相信金钱万能的神话。 -> see also BUY-IN at BUY IN ♦ v + prep buy sb off to pay sb to stop them acting against you, causing trouble for you, etc. 收 买,贿赂 (某人不做某事):They had to buy Brennan off to stop him from talking. 他们不得 不花钱封住布伦南的口。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n buy sb/yourself out; buy sb/yourself out of sth (BrE) to pay money so that sb/you can leave an organization, especially the armed forces, before the time agreed (为 提前退役、离职等) 支付补偿金 :After four years in the navy I bought myself out. 在海军服役四 年后,我付了补偿金提前退伍了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep buy sb/sth out to buy part of a company, business, etc. from sb else so that you own all of it and control it (为获得全部股份) 购 买...的股份: I want to buy her out and have the house to myself. 我想买下她名下的那部分产 权,独自拥有这幢点子。◊ The company was bought out by two German businessmen. 公司 的全部股份都被两个德国商人买下了。 [OBJ] partner, company ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► buyout n (finance} a situation when sb buys enough shares in a company to gain control of it (购买足够股份以获得控股权的) 公司收购,控股收购 buy 'round (informal, business) to buy goods directly from the manufacturer (从制 造商处) 直接购买 ♦ v + adv buy sth up to buy quickly all of sth or as much as you can 全部买下;尽量买进:They've bought up all the land in the area. 他们收购了 这个地区的全部土地。 [OBJ] company, land, property ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) buzz /bʌz/ buzz around; buzz a round sth (also buzz about/round, .buzz about/round sth especially BrE) to move around quickly and actively (在...或为…) 忙得团团转,跑东跑西: She buzzed round (the kitchen). 她 (在厨 房) 忙得团团转。 ◊ The photographer buzzed around, checking the light. 摄影师奔来跑去,忙 着检查灯光。◊ Questions buzzed round inside my head. 诸多疑问萦绕在我的心头。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep buzz sb down (informal) to cut sb's hair very short using an electric tool (clippers) (用电动理发推子) 剪短...的头发: I asked the barber to buzz me down to zero. 我要求理发师 把我的头发剃光。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv buzz sb in, 'up, etc. (informal) to let sb enter a building by opening the door using an electronic device (打开门禁) 让..进来: It's Craig―can you buzz me in? 我是克雷格----可 以打开门让我进来吗? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv buzz off {informal) used to tell sb, not very politely, to go away (不太礼貌的说法) 滚 开,走开:Buzz off, I'm trying to work! 滚远 点,我正干活呢! ◊ I wish he'd buzz off! 我希望 他走开! SYN clear off; go away (more formal) ♦ v + adv buzz 'round, etc. (especially BrE) -> BUZZ AROUND, ETC. calculate/ˈkælkjuleɪt/ calculate on sth; calculate on doing sth (especially AmE) to depend or rely on sth happening or being true, especially as part of a plan (尤指作为计划的一部分)指望, 依赖,期待:The developers are calculating on consumers' desire for better and better technology. 开发人员寄希望于消费者会需要越 来越好的技术。 SYN bank on sb/sth, etc.; count on sb/sth, etc.; reckon on sb/sth, etc. -> note at DEPEND ON SB/STH ♦ v + prep call /kɔːl/ NOTE To call is the most common way to say 'to telephone, in American English. It is also used in British English, but to phone and to ring are more common. * to call 是美国英语表 示打电话的最常见说法。它也用于英国英语,但 to phone 和 to ring 更常见。 call a round; call a round sb/sth (AmE) to telephone a number of different people, usually to try to get information 四处(给…) 打电话: He's been calling around trying to get the best price on a computer. 他正四下打电话, 想找到买计算机的最优价格。 ◊ I called around the neighbourhood to get support for my campaign. 我给左邻右舍打电话,请他们支持发 发起的活动。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep call sb away to ask sb to stop doing what they are doing and go somewhere else to deal with sth 把(某人)叫到别处去; 叫走(某人): He was called away to the phone. 有人叫他去接 电话。 ◊ She was called away from the meeting to deal with an emergency. 她被叫出会场去处理 一件急事。 NOTE Almost always used in the passive. 几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv call 'back (BrE) to visit sb again 再度拜访; 回访:I'll call back later when your wife's at home, 回头等您夫人在家,我再登门拜访。 ♦ v + adv call 'back; .call sb back to telephone sb again or to telephone sb who telephoned you earlier (给…)再打电话,回电话: Call back in an hour-----he'll be here then. 一个小时后再打电 话过来 ------那时他就回来了。 ◊ Kate phoned. Can you call her back? 凯特来电话了。你给她 回个电话好吗? ◊ I'll call you back with the details later. 待会儿我再给你打电话,告诉你详 细情况。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► callback n 1 a device in a telephone that automatically calls again a number that was busy when you first called it (电话) 自动重 拨装置: a callback facility 自动重拔功能 2 a telephone call that you make to sb who has called you earlier 回电话 call sb 'back 1 to shout to sb to turn around and come back to a place they have just left 把…喊回来; 叫…回来: I ran off, but he called me back. 我撒腿就跑, 可他把我叫了回去。 ◊ we started to walk off but were called back by the police officer. 我们拔腿要走开,但是被警察喊了 回来。2 to ask sb who is applying for a job, etc. to return so that you can talk to them again 通知(求职者等)回来( 再谈):Three people were called back for a second interview. 通知了三个人来参加第二轮面试。 ♦v + n/pron + adv call by (informal, especially BrE) to visit a place or a person for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else (顺道) 拜访,来访:Could you call by on your way home? 你回家途中顺便来小坐一会儿吧? ◊ Jan called by to bring your gift. 简顺路把你的礼物 送来了。 SYN drop by -> note at VISIT WITH SB ♦ v + adv call sb down to shout to sb to ask them to come down from a place which is higher than you 把...喊下来;叫…下来:I've called him down (= to come downstairs) to breakfast already. 我已经喊过他下楼吃早餐了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv call sth down (on/upon sb) (literary) to ask God, etc. to make sth unpleasant happen to sb because of sth bad they have done to you; to make sth bad happen to sb 祈求(某人受到) 某惩罚; 使(某人)遭受...灾祸: He called down curses on them. 他诅咒他们。 [OBJ] curses, wrath ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv call for sb (BrE) to go to sb's home, for example, and take them or go with them somewhere (去某人家) 接( 某人):Shall I call for you at eight? 我八点钟过来接你好吗? ♦ v + prep call for sth 1 if a situation calls for a par- ticular action or quality, it needs or requires it 需要,要求有(行动或品质): This calls for a celebration! 这得庆贺一下! ◊ What she's doing calls for great skill and courage. 她的工作需要 很高的技能和勇气。 ◊ Tougher action by the government is called for. 政府应该采取更加严厉 的行动。 2 (AmE) (of a weather forecast) to predict a particular type of weather (气象预 报)预报(会有某种天气):The forecast today calls for mostly sunny conditions with a light wind. 天气预报说今天以晴天为主,有微风。 ♦ v + prep ► un called for odj ( of remarks or behaviour 言辞或行为) not fair or necessary in the circumstances 不公正的; 多此一举的:I shall ignore that uncalled-for remark. 我不会理睬那 句不负责任的话。 call for sth; call for sb/sth to do sth to demand publicly that sth should be done (公开) 要求;向...呼吁:The group has called for a boycott of the elections. 该团体号召抵制选 举。 ◊ The other directors have called for him to resign. 其他董事已要求他辞职。 ◊ A total ban on nuclear weapons has been called for. 人们呼吁 全面禁止核底器。 -> note at ASK FOR STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + prep + n/pron + to +inf call sth forth (formal) to produce a particu- lar reaction 激起,导致 (反应): Her remarks have called forth harsh criticism in the media. 她的话招致媒体的严厉批评。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) call in 1 [+ adv/prep] (especially BrE) to visit a place or a person for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else ( 顺道短 暂) 拜访,来访: He called in at the office before he left for London. 他去伦敦前来了趟办公室。 ◊ She often calls in for a chat. 她经常顺路进来聊 会儿天。SYN drop in (on sb/at...) (informal) 2 to telephone the place where you work 打 电话到 (工作单位):She called in sick this morning (= telephoned to say that she was ill/sick and would not be coming to work). 她今天早晨打电话请了病假。 3 to make a tele- phone call to a radio or television programme 打电话到 (广播或电视节目): Many listeners called in to complain. 很多听众打电话来投诉。 ♦ v + adv ► call-in n (AmE) a television or radio show in which people can phone to talk to people on the show, ask questions, give their opinions, etc. (电视或广播的) 电话接入节目: a call-in show 观众 (或听众) 热线节目 call sb 'in to ask sb to come and help, give advice, repair sth, etc. 召来,请来 (某人来提 供建议、帮助维修等) : He's threatened to call in the police. 他威胁要叫警察。 ◊ you'll have to call a plumber in to look at this. 你得请水暖工 过来瞧瞧。 ◊ Bomb disposal experts were called in to get rid of the device. 请来了拆弹专家拆除 这个装置。 [OBJ] police, expert SYN send for sb ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv call sth in (BrE) 1 to order or request the return of a product that has a fault 召回 (有问题的产品):The manufacturers have called in the faulty goods. 制造商已召回次品。 SYN recall sth (more formal) 2 to request the return of sth that you have given or lent to sb 要求归还;要求付清: The bank called in the loan (= asked for the money to be paid back immediately). 银行要求立前还清贷款。 ◊ It was the first time Brad had called in a favour (= asked sb for a favour whom he had previously helped). 向自己曾经帮助过的人 开口求助,这在布拉德还是第一次。[OBJ] loan, favour ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv call sb/sth off to order soldiers, dogs, etc. co stop attacking sb, searching for sb/sth, etc. 喊走 (攻击人的狗等); 撤走 (搜查的士兵等): Please call your dog off. 请把你的狗叫走。 [OBJ] dog ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n call sth 'off to cancel or abandon sth that has been planned or that has already started 取消;放弃: The meeting was called off at the last minute. 会议临到最后取消了。 ◊ They've called off their engagement (= they have decided not to get married). 他们已经解除 婚约。 ◊ Police called off the search for the climbers at dusk. 黄昏时分, 警方停止了对登山 者的搜救。 [OBJ] match/game, engagement/wedding, deal, search, strike ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv call on sb 1 (especially BrE) to visit sb for a short time (短暂) 拜访, 探望: On our way back, we called on grandma. 在回去的路上, 我们去看望了奶奶。SYN drop in (on sb/at ...) 2 (AmE) to ask sb in a class, etc. to answer a question or give their opinion 请 (上课的学生 等) 回答提问 (或发表意见): The math teacher always calls on the boys. 数学老师总是要男生 发言。 ♦v + prep call on/upon sth (formal) to use your strength, courage, etc. in order to achieve sth or deal with a problem 用 (力气); 鼓起 (勇 气):She had to call on all her reserves of courage to face the ordeaL 她不得不鼓足全部勇 气,直面这一严峻考验。 [OBJ] strength, courage ♦ v + prep call on/upon sb to do sth (formal) 1 to make a serious or urgent request to sb to do sth 恳请;请求;呼吁: I'm available in case Pm called on to help. 如需帮忙,我随叫随到。 ◊ We call upon all parties to respect the results of the election. 我们呼吁所有党派尊重选举结果。 2 to formally invite or request sb to speak, etc. 恭 请, 邀请 ( 某人发言等 ): I now call upon Mr Spring to give the vote of thanks. 现在请斯普林 先生致答谢辞。 NOTE Call on/upon sb to do sth can be used in the passive * call on / upon sb to do sth 可用于 被动语态: I was called on to make a speech. 我 应邀发表了讲话。 ♦ v + prep + n/pron + to +inf call out (AmE) to telephone to say that you are ill/sick and will not be coming to work 打 电话请病假: If you always call out on Mondays it looks suspicious. 如果你老是星期一打电话请 病假,会显得很可疑。 ♦ v + adv call out (to sb), call sth 'out (to sb) to shout or say sth loudly in order to get sb's attention or help (对某人) 呼喊,喊: He called out to her, but she carried on walking. 他 大声叫她,但她还是继续走。 ◊ He woke in the night, calling out her name. 他夜里醒来,呼唤 着她的名字。 ◊ They called out the numbers of the winning tickets. 他们高声宣读中奖的券号。 [OBJ] name [OBJ] shout out (to sb), shout sth out (to sb) NOTE Call and call sth can be used on their own with a similar meaning, but call out/call sth out suggests sth louder or more urgent. * call 和 call sth 可单独使用,也作相近含义,但 call out 和 call sth out 含大声和迫切之意。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + adv + speech call sb 'out 1 to ask sb to come to help you, when there is an emergency (紧急时) 召唤某 人 (帮助): I've never had to call the doctor out at night before. 我以前从来没有在夜里请过医 生。 ◊ We had to call out an electrician. 我们不 得不叫电工过来。 ◊ Troops were called out co deal with the riot. 已调集部队前往平息骚乱。 [OBJ] doctor, fire brigade, electrician 2 to order or ask workers to stop work as a protest 命令罢工;通知罢工: Miners were called out on strike by union leaders. 工会领导人号召矿工罢 工。 3 (for sth) (AmE) to criticize sb's actions 批评;指责:Critics are calling the company out for releasing such shabby software. 评论家抨击 该公司发布了 如此蹩脚的软件。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► call-out n (BrE) an occasion when you ask sb to come to help you in an emergency (紧 急) 求助: ambulance call-outs 叫救护车 ◊ How much is the plumber's call-out charge? 请水暖 工上门需要多少钱? NOTE The noun call is also used. 也可使用名 词 call。 call out for sth (AmE) to telephone a shop/store, restaurant, etc. to ask them to deliver food to you at home or at work (打电 话)叫…外卖: Let's call out for pizza. 我们打电 话要外卖比萨吧。 SYN send out for sth ♦ v + adv + prep call sb over to call sb to come over to where you are, because you want to speak to them, give or show them sth, etc. 叫...过来; 让…过来: Call the waiter over. 把服务员叫 过来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) call round (BrE) to visit sb at their home for a short time (到别人家里短暂地)拜访,探访: I just called round to say hello. 我只是过来打个 招呼。 SYN drop round ♦ v + adv call up; .call sb/sth up (especially AmE) to make a phone call to a person or a place 打 电话(给某人或到某处):Call up and make a reservation for eight o'clock. 打电话去预订八点 钟的位子。 ◊ She called him up from the bus station. 她从公共汽车站给他打了电话。 ◊ Call up the office and ask for Mr Morgan. 打电话到 办公室,找摩根先生。 NOTE Call and call sb are also frequently used on their own with this meaning. Call up and call sb up are very common in spoken English. ♦ call和call sb 常单独使用也作此义。call up 和 call sb up 常见于英语口语。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n call sb up 1 to officially ask sb to go to do training in the army, navy or air force or to fight in a war 征召(服役或参战):When the war began, he was too old to be called up. 战争爆发时,他已超过应征入伍的年龄。 SYN conscript sb (especially BrE), draft sb (AmE) 2 (especially BrE) to ask sb to join sth or take part in sth; to choose sb to play in a team 选 入,征调(运动员等):He's been called up for next week's match. 他已入选参加下周的比赛。 3 (AmE) (in baseball 棒球)to bring a player from a minor league team onto a major league team 将(小联盟球队队员)选入大联盟 球队:They called him up last Tuesday, and hell be on the mound tonight. 上周二他们将他召入 大联盟球队,今晚他将作为投手上场。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► call-up n 1 an official order to join the army, navy or air force 征召令; 征兵令:call-up papers/camps 征召令 / 征兵营 2 (especially BrE, sport) an official invitation to play in a team or in a particular game (运动员)征调函,选 调函 call sth up 1 (computing) to obtain informa- tion that is stored on a computer (从计算机 中)调出,调用:She called up all the files he had worked on. 她调出他处理过的所看文件。 [OBJ] file, information 2 to bring sth back to your mind; to make you remember and think about sth 使忆起;使想起:The sound of their laughter called up memories of his own childhood. 他们的欢笑声唤起了他的童年记忆。 [OBJ] memory SYN recall sth (formal) 3 to use a quality that you have 利用. 发挥(品质): He called up all his reserves of courage. 他鼓足 了勇气。 [OBJ] reserves ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv call upon sth, etc. -> CALL ON/UPON STH, ETC. SYNONYMS同义词辨析 call sb up call (sb) up ♦ give sb a call ♦ give sb a ring ♦ phone (sb) up ♦ ring (sb) up ♦ telephone (sb) These verbs all mean to make a telephone call to sb. 这些动词都表示给人打电话。 call (sb) up (especially AmE) to make a telephone call to sb (给某人) 打电话:I called him up and asked him how he was doing. 我给他打了电话,问他近况如何。 NOTE Call can be used on its own * call 可单 独使用:My brother called me from Germany last night 我哥哥昨晚从德国给我打来了 电话。 give sb a call (not formal) to make a tel叩hone call to sb 打电话给某人:If you need any help, please give me a call. 如需帮 助,请给我打电话。 give sb a ring (BrE, informal) to make a telephone call to sb 打电话给某人:I'll give you a ring tomorrow. 我明天给你打电话。 phone (sb) up (BrE, not formal) to make a telephone call to sb (给某人) 打电话: I was just phoning up for a chat. 我只是打个电话聊 聊天。NOTE Phone can be used on its own * phone 可单独使用:My brother phoned me from Germany last night, 我哥哥昨晚从德国给 我打来了电话。 ring (sb) up (BrE, not formal) to make a telephone call to sb (给某人) 打电话:she rang me up to say she'd be late. 她给我打来电 话说她会晚点儿到。NOTE Ring can be used on its own * ring 可单独使用: I'll ring you later. 我过会儿给你打电话。 telephone (sb) (especially BrE, format) to make a telephone call to sb (给某人) 打电话: Please write or telephone for details. 请来函来 电了解详情。 ◊ I was about to telephone the police. 我正要打电话报警。 WHICH WORD? Ring and phone are the most frequent verbs in this group in spoken British English, but they are not used in American English. Gill is usually preferred when asking sb/sth to come to a place 在英国英语口语中,ring 和 phone 在 这组动词中最常见,但美国英语中不用于此义。 call 通常用于表示要某人或某物来某处: to call the police/fire brigade 打电话报警 / 报火警. You can call, ring or phone a person, place or institution, but you must call or ring/phone for a cab/a taxi/an ambulance. Give sb a call/ring is used most frequently when you are telling people to telephone you, or saying that you will telephone them. Call up, ring up, etc. are never used with this meaning. 打电话给某人、 到某处或某机构,可用 call, ring 或phone, 但 打电话叫出租车或救护车,须用 call for 或ring/ phone for。 让别人打电话来,或告诉别人会打电 话去时,give sb a call/ring 最常见,call up、 ring up 等从不用作此义。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to call sb (up)ring sb (up)/phone sb (up)/telephone sb about sth ■ to call/ring/phone/telephone for a taxi/an ambulance/a doctor ■ to call/ring/phone/telephone the doctor/fire brigade/police ■ to call (up)/ring (up)/phone (up)telephone for details/information Calm / kɑːm/ cairn down; calm sb/yourself down if sb calms down, or you calm them down, they stop being angry or excited and become calm (使)镇静下来,安静下来:Calm, down! I've said I'm sorry. 别生气了! 我说过对不起了。 ◊ There was nothing we could do to calm her down. 我们无法让她平静下来。 ◊ He went for a walk to calm himself down. 他出去散步,好让 自己的情绪平复下来。 ◊ Jack was so shocked that he had to be calmed down by his wife and son。 杰克惊呆了,他的妻儿不得不过来安抚他。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n calm down; calm sth down to become calmer; to make a situation calmer 平静下 来;使(局势)趋于平静:The whole fuss will have calmed down by tomorrow. 这一切忙乱到 明天就会平息下来。 ◊ I've spoken to them to try to calm things down a bit. 我告诉过他们要想办 法缓和一下事态。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n camp /kæmp/ camp out (informal) to sleep outside, usually in a tent; to sleep on the floor some- where for a short time 露宿;露营;(暂时) 睡地板:If there is nowhere to stay, we'll have to camp out. 如果无处过夜. 我们只能露宿。 ◊ People camped out in the school hall to escape the floodwater. 人们暂时在学校礼堂睡地铺,以 躲避洪水。 ♦ v + adv ► campout n (AmE) a time when people sleep outside in a tent 露营;宿营;野营 camp it up (BrE, informal) to behave in a very exaggerated manner, especially to attract attention to yourself or to make people laugh 过分做作、装模作样(尤指以引人注目或逗人发 笑为目的):He enjoys camping it up. 他喜欢哗 众取宠。 ◊ I really camped it up in the final scene. 在最后一幕我的表演确实有些过火。 ♦ v + it + adv Cancel /ˈkæns(ə)l/ (-II-, AmE -I ) cancel out; cancel sth out if two or more things cancel out or one cancels out the other, they are equally important, but have an opposite effect on a situation so that the situation does not change 抵消;对消:The gains and losses are expected to cancel out. 预 计得失参半。◊ Our expenditure and profits cancel each other out. 我们的开支和盈利相互 抵消。◊ The job is hard work, but this is can- celled out by the fact that the people are so nice. 虽然工作很辛苦,因为大家都很友善,这也就算 不了什么了。 -> note at MAKE UP FOR STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n Cannon /ˈkænən/ cannon 'into sb/sth (of a moving person, vehicle, etc. 移动中的人、车辆等) to hit sb/sth by accident and with great force 猛撞;狠撞: She stopped suddenly and I almost cannoned into her. 她突然停下来,我差点撞上她。 ♦ v + prep cannon 'off sb/sth if sth moving cannons off sb/sth, it hits them/it by accident and with great force and then goes off in a different direction (移动中的物体) 撞上…后弹开: The ball cannoned off his leg into the goal 球碰到 他的腿,弹入球门。 ♦ v + prep capitalize (BrE also capitalise) /ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz/ capitalize on sth (also capitalize upon sth less frequent, more formal) to use sth to gain further advantage for yourself 利用;凭借: They capitalized on their success by raising prices. 他们借着成功的势头提了价。 ◊ The opposition tried to capitalize on popular discontent over the new law. 反对党试图利用公 众对新法律的不满情绪。 [OBJ] success, opportunity, potential SYN take advantage of sth ♦ v + prep care /keə(r); AmE ker/ care for sb to like or love sb 喜欢;爱:I care deeply for you. 我深深地爱着你。 ◊ I just want to be loved and cared for by somebody. 我只是 想有人爱我,在乎我。 ♦ v + prep IDM would you care for ... (formal) used to ask sb if they would like sth to eat or drink 您 想来点 (食品或饮料) 吗?: Would you care for a cup of tea? 您想喝杯茶吗? care for sb/sth 1 to take care of and be responsible for sb who is very young, old or sick, etc. or for sth that is in danger or could be damaged 照顾;照护;照管:The nurses give advice to the patients and those who care for them. 护士给病人和陪护人员提供建议。 ◊ She cares for several children with special needs. 她 照看几个需要特别护理的孩子。 ◊ The company is committed to caring for the environment. 公 司致力保护环境。◊ The children were all clean and well cared for. 孩子们都干干净净,受到了 精心照料。(OBJ) children, the sick, the elderly -> see also LOOK AFTER SB/STH/YOURSELF; LOOK AFTER STH 2 not care for sb/sth (formal) to not like sb/sth very much 不太喜欢:I don't care for opera. 我不美喜欢歌剧。 ♦ v + prep ► un cared for adj not looked after 无人照看 的;被忽视的:The children looked dirty and uncared for. 孩子们看上去脏兮兮的,没人照 料。 ◊ uncared-for gardens 疏于管理的园子 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 care for sb attend to sb/sth ♦ care for sb ♦ look after sb/yourself ♦ take care of sb ♦ tend to sb These verbs all mean to be responsible for sb's health or safety, especially by giving them everything they need. 这些动词都表示照顾、 照料、看护。 attend to sb/sth (formal) to look after sb/sth and make sure they have everything they need 照顾;护理:A nurse attended to his needs constantly. 一位护士随时照看他的 需要。 care for sb to look after sb because they are seriously ill, injured or very old, and to make sure they have what they need 照顾,照料 (重病人、伤员或老人): He gave up work to care for his wife. 为照顾妻子他辞去了工作。 look after sb/yourself (especially BrE) to be responsible for sb's general health and happiness, especially because they are ill, injured, very young or old 照顾,如料 (尤指 病人、伤员、幼童或老人): Who's going to look after the children while you're away? 你 不在时谁来照看小孩? ◊ Don't worry about me---I can look after myself. 别担心我----我 能照料我自己。 take care of sb to look after sb 照顾;照料; 关心:Who's taking care of the children while you're away? 你不在时谁来照看小孩? tend to sb to look after ill or injured people 照管,照料,护理 (病人或伤员): crews were tending to the injured. 救护车上的 医护人员正在照料伤者。 NOTE Tend can be used on its own, and is also used for animals and plants * tend 可单独使用,也用于动植物: Doctors and nurses tended the injured. 医生和 护士照料伤者。 ◊ They helped the farmers tend their cattle. 他们帮农民照看牛。 WHICH WORD? People often look after sb for a short time, while they are ill, or while the person who usually takes care of them is away. Take care of sb can be used in the same way, and in American English it is more frequent than look after sb . Both of these, but especially take care of sb, can suggest a feeling of love and care for the person, not just a position of responsibility. Caring for sb is more often a long-term, full-time occupation. * look after sb 常指短期照料病人或代人照看。take care of sb 用法相同,在美国英语中比 look after sb 更常 见。这两个动词短语,特别是 take care of sb, 含有对人的关爱和关心之意,而不仅仅指负有责 任。caring for sb 多指长期、全职的工作。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to look after/take care of/care for/tend (to) the sick ■ to look after/take care of/care for the children/the elderly/an elderly relative ■ to look after/take care of yourself ■ to tend/attend to a wound carry /'kæri/ (carries, carrying, carried) carry sth around (also .carry sth a1 bout/ round especially BrE) (with you) to take sth from one place to another; to take sth every- where with you 将…带在身边;随身携带:I don't want to carry this bag about with me all day. 我不想成天提着这只包到处走。 ◊ The MP3 player is light enough to carry around in your pocket. * MP3播放器很轻,可以放在口袋里随 身携带。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n carry sb/sth a long to take or move sb/sth forward 把...往前带;把...往前推: His body had been carried along by the river. 他的尸身随河 水漂流。 ◊ The crowd was so thick that she was carried along with it. 人群挤得水泄不通, 她只能随着人流往前移动。 ◊ (figurative) His immense enthusiasm carried us all along. 他表 现出的极大热情深深感染了我们。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv carry sb/sth a'way/'off to support the weight of sb/sth and take them/it away 把… 抬走;把…冲走: A strong current carried the dinghy away. 一阵激流卷走了小艇。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n be/get .carried a way to be so excited and enthusiastic about sth that you lose control of your feelings and may behave in a silly way or without thinking (因激动或兴奋) 失去自制, 忘乎所以:I got so carried away with shopping that I completely forgot the time. 我疯狂购物, 完全忘记了时间。 ◊ Don't get carried away—it's not that exciting. 别兴奋得失态了 ----没那么 令人激动。 ♦ be/get + v + adv carry sb back (to sth) to remind sb of sth that happened in the past 使回想起来;使 陷入回忆:The song carried her back to her childhood. 这首歌令她回想起自己的童年。 SYN take sb back (to sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv carry sth forward 1 (also .carry sth over) (finance) to move a total sum of money, or a total amount, from one page or column to the next, or from one week or year to the next 将 (金额或总量) 转入 (次页或次栏); 结转到 (下期): The figures were carried forward from the previous page. 这些数字是从前页结转 而来的。SYN bring sth forward NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。2 to help sth to make progress or succeed 推进; 促成:She will carry the project forward after I leave. 我离开后,她将接手这个项目。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n carry sb off 1 if a disease carries sb off, they die as a result of it (疾病) 致...死亡, 夺 去...的生命: She was carried off by the epidemic. 她死于那场流行病。2 to capture sb 抓获;俘获: The enemy carried off many prisoners. 敌人抓 了很多俘虏。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n carry sb/sth off t carry sb/sth away/off carry sth off 1 to win sth 赢得;获得:She carried off most of the prizes. 她赢得了大多数奖 项。2 to succeed in doing sth difficult; to deal with a difficult situation successfully 成功地应 对;轻而易举地处理: She's the only person I know who can wear a dress like that and carry it off! 穿着那样的裙子又若无其事的,我认识的 人中只有她一个! ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n - adv (less frequent) ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n carry on 1 (with sth) (also .carry 'on doing sth) (especially BrE) to continue doing sth or moving in a particular direction, without stopping 继续做;继续 (向…) 移动:Carry on working/with your work while I'm away. 我不 在的时候,你们接着干吧。 ◊ If she carries on shoplifting, she'll end up in jail. 她如果继续在 商店偷窃,免不了坐牢的下场。 ◊ She ignored me and carried on writing. 她没理我,继续写东 西。◊ I called out to him, but he carried on down the road. 我大声喊他,可他继续沿着路往 前走。SYN go on, go on doing sth -> see also CARRY STH ON 1 2 to manage to continue living or working in your usual way in spite of difficult or unpleasant circumstances 坚持如常 地生活 (或工作):life carried on as usual after the fire. 火灾过后,生活依旧。 ◊ we're all going to carry on as if nothing has happened. 我们大 家要像什么事也没发生一样生活下去。SYN go on; continue 3 (with sth) to continue speaking or doing sth after a short pause (停顿之后) 继续讲话 (或做某事): ’well' she carried on, 'then I realized where I'd met him before!9 “噢." 她接着说, “ 于是我想起以前在哪儿见 过他了 !” ◊ Ted looked up briefly, then carried on with what he was doing. 特德抬头看了一 下,然后继续干他的活儿。SYN go on (with sth) 4 to last for a particular time 延续,持续 (一段时间): How long can this situation carry on? 这种状况能持续多久? SYN go on; last 5 (at sb) (about sth) (informal) to argue or complain noisily (向某人) (向某事) 吵闹, 大声抱怨:Stop carrying on about how hard your life is. 别再唠唠叨叨讲你的生活有多苦了。 ◊ How long are they going to be shouting and carrying on like that? 他们这么大吵大闹的还要 多长时间? SYN go on (at sb) (about sth) 6 (with sb) (old-fashioned, informal) to have a sexual relationship with sb (与…) 有性关系: She's carrying on with her boss. 她和她的老板 有私情。 ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + -ing ♦ 3 also v + adv + speech ► carry-on n 1 [usually sing.] (BrE, informal) excited or noisy behaviour over sth that is not important 忙乱;吵吵闹闹;大惊小怪 2 (AmE) a small bag or case that you carry onto a plane with you (乘飞机的) 随身行李: I'm travelling light―I just have a carry-on. 我轻装 旅行 只有一件随身行李。 ◊ Do you have any carry-on luggage? 你有随身行李吗? carry sth on 1 to continue sth, especially sth that sb else has begun 继续,承接,传承 (他人开始的事):Our children will carry this tradition on after us. 我们的子孙会将我们的这 一传统传承下去。 -> see also CARRY ON 1 2 carry on sth to do the activity mentioned 从 事,开展 (活动): We're trying to carry on a very important conversation! 我们正要进行一次 很重要的谈话呢! ◊ They carried on a cor- respondence for over forty years. 他们之间的通 信续了四十多年。 ◊ to carry on a business/ trade 经营业务 / 生意 [OBJ] conversation, cor- respondence, business SYN conduct sth NOTE When the object of carry on is a noun, it comes after on, but when the object is a pro- noun, it comes between carry and on * carry on 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 on 之后; 但如果 是代词,应置于 carry 和 on 之间: It's hard to carry it on when your heart's no longer in it. 如 果心思不在上面,要进行下去是很困难的。 ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv carry sth out 1 to do sth that you said you would do or that you have been asked to do 实施;履行;落实: to carry out a plan/a promise/an order 实施计划/ 兑现承诺/ 执行命 令 ◊ He had no intention of carrying out his threats 他无意将他的威胁付诸行动。 ◊ She had carried out all his instructions. 她执行了他的所 有指示。 [OBJ] threat, promise, order 2 to do and complete a task 完成,实现 (任务):to carry out a survey/an investigation 进行民意测 验 / 调查 ◊ to carry out repairs/checks/tests 进 行维修 / 检查 / 测试 ◊ to carry out research 开 展研究 ◊ It is not yet clear who carried out the attack. 目前尚不清楚是谁发动的袭击。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ► carry-out n 1 (AmE, ScotE) a meal that you buy cooked from a restaurant and take away to eat somewhere else (饭店的) 外卖,外带 食物:Let's get a carry-out 我们来份外卖吧。 2 (ScotE) alcohol that you buy at a pub and take away to drink somewhere else (酒吧 的) 外带酒 carry sth over 1 to delay sth until a later time 延期; 延迟:The game had to be carried over until Wednesday. 比赛不得不推迟至星期 三。 ◊ You can carry over 4 days' leave to next year. 你可以把4天的假挪到下一年休。SYN postpone sth 2 to keep sth from one situation and use or deal with it in a new situation 运 用; 应用:You should carry over what you learn in school into your everyday 你应该把学校 学到的知识运用到日常生活中。 3 -> CARRY STH FORWARD 1 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► carry-over n 1 (finance) a total sum of money or an amount that is moved to the next column/page/year, etc. 结转金额;结转数额 2 sth that is kept from one situation or time and used in another 留存物 carry sth round (with you) (especially BrE) -> CARRY STH AROUND (WITH YOU) carry through (on/with sth) (AmE) to do and finish what you have promised, agreed or arranged to do 履行,实现 (承诺、 约定 或安 排): He convinced us that he would carry through with/on his promise. 他使我们相信他 会兑现自己的诺言。 ♦ v + adv carry sb through; .carry sb through sth to help sb to deal with a difficult period 帮助…渡过 (难关):Her determination carried her through. 她靠毅力挺了过来。 ◊ His courage helped to carry them through the difficult times. 他的勇气鼓舞他们挺过了那段艰难的日子。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep carry sth 'through to finish a task, a plan, etc. successfully 成功完成;顺利实现:She was determined to carry through her plans. 她决心、 完成计划。 ◊ Once Helen has started a task, shell carry it through to the end. 海伦一旦开始 一项工作,就会把它做完。 [OBJ] plan, proposal, decision, reforms ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv Cart /kɑːt; AmE kɑːrt/ cart sth a round (also .cart sth a1 bout/ round especially BrE) (with you) (informal) used to talk about carrying sth large, awkward or unimportant from one place to another or everywhere you go 带着 (笨重、不便或无关紧 要的东西) 到处走:I had to cart my shopping around with me all day. 我一整天到哪儿都得提 着买来的东西。 ◊ He carts all sorts of useless stuff about. 他带着各式各样没用的东西四处 奔走。 SYN carry sth around (with you) (more formal); lug sth around (with you) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cart sb/sth a'way/'off (informal) to take sb/sth away with some difficulty 强行带走; 费劲地送走:Two players were carted off to hospital. 好不容易才把两名运动员送到医院。 ◊ The police arrived and carted 40 rioters off to jail. 警察赶到,把40名聚众闹事者扭送到监狱。 SYN take sb/sth away (more formal) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv carve /kɑːv; AmE kɑːrv/ carve sth out 1 (also .carve sth out of sth) (geology) to make a physical feature in the earth's surface over a long period of time through the action of water, ice, weather, etc. 形成 (地貌):The valley was carved out by glaciers. 这片峡谷是冰川冲刷而成的。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。2 (for yourself) to build a successful career, a good reputation, etc., often with difficulty or hard work 开辟,闯出 (自己的路);成就 (职 业生涯、声誉等):She carved out a unique niche for herself in the music business. 她成就 了自己在音乐界的独特地位。 ◊ He's carved out a successful career in the building industry. 他在 建筑业事业有成。[OBJ] career, name, niche ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv 1 also v + n/pron + adv + prep carve sb/sth up (BrE, informal) 1 to wound sb or their face badly with a knife 用刀伤害 (人);用刀划伤(脸) : He got carved up out- side the pub last night. 昨天夜里他在酒吧外面 被人用刀刺伤。 2 to go past a moving vehicle ahead of you and then suddenly move in front of it in a dangerous way 超车抢道;变道超车:I was carved up by a lunatic in a Porsche. 一个开 保时捷的疯子强行超车抢了我的车道。 ◊ We saw the van carve up several cars, before turning left. 我们看见小货车变道超了几辆车后向左拐弯 了。 [OBJ] person, car SYN cut sb/sth up (BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n carve sth up to divide a company, an area of land, etc. into parts and share them out 划 分;分割;分享:They carved the territory up into three provinces. 他们把那片领土划为三个 省。 ◊ The thieves hurriedly carved up the loot. 窃贼匆忙瓜分了赃物。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► carve-up n [sing] (BrE, informal) the act of dividing sth up into parts and sharing them out 划分;瓜分;分享 cash /kæʃ/ cash in (on sth) (informal) to gain an advan- tage from a situation in a way that people think is wrong or dishonest 从市牟利;捞取好 处:Many businesses cashed in on the massive public interest in her death. 很多公司利用公众 对她去世的广泛关注来牟利。◊ The new law means video pirates can no longer cash in by selling illegal copies. 新法律意味着录像盗版者 不能再靠销售非法拷贝赚钱。 ♦ v + adv cash sth 'in to exchange sth for money 把… 兑成现金;将...兑现:Cash in any remaining travellers' cheques when you return. 回来后把 旅行支票余额兑现吧。 ◊ You will lose money if you cash your policy in early. 提前兑现保险单 会亏钱的。 [OBJ] shares, policy ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cash 'out (AmE) 1 to exchange sth such as an insurance policy, property or shares for money, often before you are supposed to do this (常指提前) 把 (保险单、不动产或股票) 兑成现金 (或套现): With house prices still rising, many people are tempted to cash out while they can. 房价还在上涨,很多人想趁此 时机把房子售出变现。 2 (in poker, roulette, etc. 纸牌、轮盘赌等) to stop taking part in a game and exchange pieces of plastic which represent a particular value (called chips) for money 把筹码兑成现金:I actually won at the roulette table, so I cashed out and went home. 实际上我赌轮盘赢了,所以我把筹码兑换成现 金,打道回府。 3 -> CASH UP ♦ v + adv a cash-out n (AmE) the act of cashing out an insurance policy, property, etc. 兑成现金; 套现: cash-out refinancing mortgages 套现再融资按揭 cash up (BrE) (AmE .cash out) to count the money that has been taken in a shop/store, restaurant, etc. at the end of the day (商店、 饭店等每天营业结束时) 计算当天营业额:We cash up at five o'clock. 我们五点钟清点当天的收 款额。 ♦ v + adv cast /ka:st; AmE kaest/ (cast, cast) cast a'round (BrE also .cast about) (for sth) (formal to look around you to try to find sth; to try very hard to think of sth 四处寻觅;冥思 苦想:He cast about for an escape route. 他到处 寻找逃跑路线。◊ He was desperately casting around for an excuse. 他绞尽脑汁找借口。 ◊ The company is having to cast around feverishly for ways to cut its costs. 公司迫切需要找到一些降 低成本的途径。 ♦ v + adv cast sb/sth a side (formal) to get rid of or give no attention to sb/sth that you no longer want or need 抛弃;漠视:She just cast him aside when she got bored. 她觉得厌烦时就对 他不理不睬。 ◊ She has been able to cast aside (= stop using) her wheelchair. 她能丢开 轮椅了。 SYN discard sb/sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cast sth a'side (formal) 1 to throw sth to one side 把...丢在一边:He cast aside the news- paper impatiently. 他不耐烦地把报纸扔到一边。 2 to get rid of feelings, attitudes, etc. that are bad or negative, or that stop you achieving sth 摒弃,消除 (负面的感觉、态度等): He cast aside all his inhibitions. 他抛开了一切禁忌。 ◊ The speakers cast modesty aside and talked about their success. 演讲者大言不惭地谈起他们 的成就。 SYN throw sth aside; toss sth aside (less format) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv be .cast a'way (on sth) to be left somewhere after your ship has been destroyed at sea (船 只失事后) 流落 (至某处): What would you do if you were case away on a desert island? 如果 失事后漂流到荒岛上,你会怎么办? ♦ be + v + adv ► castaway n a person whose ship has been destroyed and who has managed to swim to an island, etc. (船只失事后) 流落到海岛等处 的人 cast sth back (to sb/sth) to make yourself think about a particular time, a situation in the past, etc. 回忆; 回顾:I cast my mind back to our first meeting all those years ago. 我想起 多年前我们的初次见面。 [OBJ] only your mind ♦ v + n + adv cast sth down (literary) if you cast your eyes down, you look down 使 (眼睛) 向下看: She cast her eyes down modestly while Jack was talking about her. 杰克说到她的时候,她谦恭 地垂下目光。 [OBJ] only eyes SYN lower sth (Jess formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► downcast (also .cast down less frequent) adj literary) downcast eyes are looking down (眼睛) 向下看的 be .cast down (by sth) (formal) to be sad or unhappy about sth (因…) 沮丧, 不愉快: He is not easily cast down. 让他垂头丧气可不 容易。 ♦ be + v + adv ► downcast (also .cast down less frequent) odj (literary) sad or unhappy 沮丧的; 不愉快的: a downcast expression 锤头丧气的表情 ◊ He looked so downcast I took pity on him. 他失魂 落魄的样子让我很同情。 cast off .cast sth 'off 1 to undo the ropes that are holding a boat in position so that it can start to move 解缆放船;解缆开航 2 (in knitting 编织) to remove a row from the needle in a way that will make a finished edge 收针:When the scarf is the right length, cast off. 围巾织得长度合适就收针吧。[OBJ] stitches OPP cast on, cast sth on ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) cast sth off (formal) 1 to take off a piece of clothing and throw it to one side 脱下 (衣 服) 扔到一边:They cast off their clothes and jumped in the pool. 他们脱掉衣服, 跳进游泳 池。 [OBJ] jacket, shoes, clothes SYN take sth off (Jess formal) 2 to get rid of sth bad or sth that you do not like 摒弃; 消除 : She tried to cast off her upbringing. 她努方摆脱童年所受教 育的影响。 ◊ It's time to cast off those winter blues and burst into spring! 该丢掉那些冬天的 忧郁投入春天的怀抱了! ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► cast-off (especially BrE) (AmE usually hand-me-down) n [usually pl.] a piece of clothing that the original owner no longer wants to wear 丢弃的衣物; 不再穿的衣物: She's fed up with wearing her sister's cast-offs. 老穿姐姐的旧衣服让她厌烦。 ► cast-off adj [only before noun] that the original owner no longer wants to wear or use (衣物) 丢弃的,不再穿的: cast-off clothing 丢 弃的衣物:不再穿的衣服 : ◊ cast-off plastic bags 丢弃的塑料袋 cast on .cast sth on (in knitting 编织)to make the first row on a needle 起针; 放针: Cast on and knit 10 rows. 起针,然后织 10 行。 [SUBJ] stitches OPP cast off, cast sth off ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) cast sb/sth 'out; cast sb/sth out of sth (formal) to drive sb away; to get rid of sb/sth, especially by using force 驱逐: 逐出: She was cast out: by society. 她被社会抛弃了。 ◊ He claimed to be able to cast out demons. 他自 称能驱魔。 ◊ The villagers had been cast out of their homes. 村民被赶出了家园。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► outcast n a person who is not accepted by other people and who sometimes has to leave their home and friends 被冷落的人; 被排斥的 人:She felt like a social outcast. 她感觉像是被 社会抛弃了。 ◊ He was treated like an outcast by the other children. 他受到其他孩子的排斥。 ► outcast adj [only before noun] ignored or not accepted by other people 被降落的; 被遗 弃的; 被排斥的:outcast members of society 社 会弃儿 cast sb/sth 'up (on sth) (literary) 1 if the sea casts sb/sth up on the land, it carries them/it in and leaves them/it there (海水) 把...冲上 岸: A whale bone was cast up on the beach. 一 块鲸骨被冲到海滩上。SYN wash up, wash sth up (less formal) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 2 if you cast your eyes up, you look up 使 (眼睛) 向上看: She cast her eyes up to the ceiling and sighed. 她抬 头望着天花板, 叹了口气。[OBJ] only eyes ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n catch /kætʃ/ (caught, caught /kɔːt/) catch at sth/sb to try to get hold of sth quickly 试图抓住:She tried to catch at a branch but couldn't reach. 她想抓住树枝, 但是够 不着。 [OBJ] sb's hand/arm/sleeve SYN clutch at sb/sth; grasp at sth/sb ♦ v + prep catch on (informal) 1 (to sth) to understand sth; to realize the truth of sth 理解; 领会; 认 识到: He's very quick to catch on. 他领悟能力很 强。 ◊ The students soon caught on to the idea that phrasal verbs are not really difficult. 学生 们很快就明白了短语动词其实并不难。 ◊ People are catching on to the fact that he's a fraud. 人 们逐渐意识到他是个骗子。SYN cotton on (to sth) 2 (with sb) to become popular or fashion- able 受到欢迎; 变得时髦; 流行起来 it's a good idea, but it'll never catch on. 这是个好主意,但 是永远也不会受人欢迎。 ◊ Paying by credit card has only caught on recently here. 用信用卡付 账只是最近才在这里流行起来的。◊ 3-D films never caught on with a mass audience. 立体电 影从未真正卖座。 ♦ v + adv catch sb 'out 1 to trick sb into making a mistake or doing sth wrong; to discover that sb does not know much or is doing sth wrong 引诱…犯错误; 发觉…干错事; 发现…所知甚少: The test isn't designed to catch you out. It's to see how much you've learnt. 这个测验目的不是 要故意刁难你们. 而是想了解你们学到了多少东 西。 ◊ The interviewer may try to catch you out with trick questions. 面试官可能试图用刁钻的 问题来难倒你。 ◊ She reacted like a child caught out in a lie. 她的反应就像一个说谎被揪住的小 孩。2 (especially BrE) if a situation, bad wea- ther, etc. catches sb out, it surprises them and puts them into a difficult situation 使突陷 困境:The snow catches us out every year (= we are not prepared for it). 大雪每年都让我们猝不 及防。 ◊ Many investors were caught out by the collapse of the company. 众多投资者由于该公司 倒闭而突然陷入困境。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) catch up (with sb/sth) (BrE also .catch sb/sth up) 1 to reach sb/sth ahead of you by going faster than them/it 赶上, 追上 (前面的人或 物): She was walking so fast I had to run to catch up (with her). 她走得很快,我必须跑着才 能跟得上她。 ◊ The police car finally caught up with the van. at the junction. 警车最后在交叉点 口撵上了那辆小货车。 2 to reach the same level or standard as sb/sth else that was better or more advanced 赶上, 达到 (水平或标准): We need to catch up with our competitors in Europe. 我们得追上欧洲的竞争对手。 ◊ You'll have to work hard to catch up with the rest of the class. 你必须努力学习才能赶上班里其他同 学。 ◊ When I went back to school I found I had a lot of catching up to do. 回到学校后,我发现 有很多课需要补。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ► catch-up n [U] the act of trying to reach the same level or standard as sb who is ahead of you 追赶; 赶上:catch-up history classes 历 史补习课 ◊ After our bad start to the season we were always playing catch-up (= trying to reach the same level as the others). 在本赛季 糟糕的开局之后, 我们一直在努力追赶。 catch 'up (with sth) 1 to spend extra time doing all the work, tasks, etc. that you should have done earlier 补做,赶做 (早该做的事): I'm so behind with my paperwork, it's going to take me a week to catch up. 我落下了很多案头 工作,要花一周时间才能补完。 2 to find out about things that have happened 了解 (发生 的事情): Come and stay for a few days, so that we have a chance to catch up. 来住几天吧,这 样我们就有机会聊一聊最近的事情。 ◊ I want to catch up with all your news. 我想知道你的全部 近况。◊ we've got a lot of catching up to do after all this time. 这么长时间过后,我们有很多 情况要去了解。 -> see also CATCH UP ON STH ♦ v + adv catch sb up (on sth) (AmE) to tell sb about things that have happened 告诉某人 (发生的 事情): You can catch me up on the news later, 过会儿你再告诉我新消息吧。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv catch sb/sth up (BrE) 1 -> CATCH UP ( WITH SB/STH ) 1: You go ahead. I'll catch you up. 你 先走, 我随后赶上。 ◊ She caught the leader up and then overtook her. 她追上了领先的选手并 超过了她。 2 -> CATCH UP (WITH SB/STH) 2: This company is the most likely to catch up the market leader. 这家公司最有可能赶上市场的主 导者。 ◊ She's training hard to catch her sister up. 她在刻苦训练,好赶上她的姐姐。 be/get caught up in sth 1 to become involved in an unpleasant event or situation that you cannot escape from 被卷入;陷入:A number of tourists got caught up in the riots. 一些游客亲入了那场暴乱。 ◊ children caught up in crime 牵涉到犯罪活动里的儿童 ◊ Sorry I'm late—I got caught up in a traffic jam. 抱歉我 来晚了——— 我遇到了塞车。 (OBJ) violence, war, events, traffic 2 to be completely absorbed in an activity, your own feelings, etc. 陷入(活 动、感情等); 被迷住:She got caught up in the excitement and drama of the auction. 她完全 沉浸在拍卖的兴奋和剌激中。 ◊ I didn't hear you come in; I was so caught up in this book. 我没听见你进来;我光顾着看这本书了。 [OBJ] excitement, book ♦ be/get + v + adv + prep catch 'up on sb -> CATCH UP WITH SB 2: Old age is catching up on me. 岁月不饶人啊。 catch up on sth 1 to spend extra time doing all the work, tasks, etc. that you should have done earlier 补做,赶做(未做的事):I've got a lot of work to catch up on. 我有许多工作 要补做。 ◊ 1 spent the weekend catching up on lost sleep. 我利用周末补上了觉。[OBJ] work, sleep 2 to find out about things that have happened 了解 (发生的事情):It was good to see Patsy and catch up on all the gossip. 见到帕 齐并聊聊近况真不错。 -> see also CATCH UP (WITH STH) ♦ v + adv + prep catch up with sb 1 if the police or people in authority catch up with sb, they finally find out that he/she has done sth wrong and punish him/her 终于查到 (某人); 终于 把(某人)绳之以法: They were involved in burglary for years before the police caught up with them. 警察最终抓住他们时, 他们已入室盗 窃好多年了。 2 (also .catch up on sb less frequent) if sth you have done or sth that has been happening to you catches up with you, it starts to cause you problems that you have so far managed to avoid 产生 (曾经设法回避 的) 问题: His past is finally catching up with him. 他的过去终于让他吃到了苦头。 ◊ The late nights were beginning to catch up with her. 熬夜的习惯开始让她品尝恶果了。 3 (informal) to meet sb you have not seen for a while and hear their news (小别之后)了解 (某 人) 的近况: He just wants to rest and catch up with old friends. 他只想休息一下, 找老朋友叙 叙旧。◊ Catch up with you later! 回头找你聊 聊!◊ We've got a lot of catching up to do after all this time! 过了么久,我们有很多话 要说! [OBJ] friends ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 catch up (with sb/sth) ' catch up (with sb/sth) ♦ draw level (with sb/sth) ♦ get to sth ♦ reach sb/sth These verbs all mean to arrive at a particular place or point. 这些动词都表示赶上、 追上、 到达。 catch up (with sb/sth) to reach sb/sth that is ahead of you by going faster 赶上; 追上: You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you. 你先走, 我会赶上你。 ◊ The car behind us was catching Up. 我们后面的车快跟上来了。NOTE Catch sb up can also be used in British English 英 国英语中也说 catch sb up: I eventually caught her up and managed to talk to her. 我最后追 上了她, 总算和她说上了话。 draw level (with sb/sth) to reach the same level as sb and move forward at the same speed 并排同速前行: She drew level with the police car. 她与警车并排行驶。 get to sth to arrive at a particular place or point after travelling there 到达;抵达:We got to San Diego at 7 o'clock. 我们 7 点到达圣 迭戈。 reach sb/sth to arrive at a place after travelling to it 到达;抵达: We didn't reach the border until after dark. 天黑之后我们才到 达边境。 ◊ I hope this letter reaches you. 我希 望你能收到这封信。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to eventually/finally get to/reach/catch up with/draw level with sb/sth ■ to soon/quickly get to/reach/catch up with (sth) ■ to get to/reach your destination cater /ˈkeɪtə(r)/ cater for sb/sth to provide everything that sb, a group of people or a situation needs or wants 提供...所需: 专为...而设: The careers service caters for the needs of young people and adults, 就业服务特别为青少年和成年人而设。 ◊ The resort also caters for winter sports. 这个度 假胜地也适合进行冬季运动。 ◊ All age groups are well catered for. 所有年龄段的人都得到了悉 心照料。 [OBJ] needs, children, interests ♦ v + prep cater to sb/sth to provide sth that satisfies what a particular type of person wants 迎合 (某种) 需要; 满足( 某类人) 的所想: Endless media coverage catered to the public's interest in the scandal. 没完没了的媒体报道投合了公众 对这一丑闻的好奇心。 ◊ Their every need was catered to. 对待他们是有求必应。 ♦ v + prep cave /keɪv/ cave in 1 (on sb/sth) if a roof, wall, etc. caves in, it falls down and towards the centre (房顶、墙壁等) 塌落, 塌陷, 坍塌: The roof of the tunnel caved in on the workmen. 隧道顶部 塌方,压住了作业人员。[SUBJ] wall -> note at FALL DOWN 2 (to sth) to finally do what sb wants you to do after you have resisted for a long time 让步; 屈服; 屈从: The management refused to cave in to their demands. 资方拒绝接 受他们的要求。 ◊ Under his fierce questioning she caved in and told him the truth. 在他 严厉质问下,她招架不住,告诉了他真相。[OBJ] demands, pressure ♦ v + adv ► cave-in n 1 the fact of a roof, wall, etc. caving in (房顶、墙壁等)塌落,塌陷,坍塌: For the people inside the tunnel there was a serious risk of flooding or a cave-in. 隧道里的人 面临透水或塌方的巨大危险。 2 an instance of agreeing under pressure to do sth you do not want to do 让步;屈服;屈从 Centre (AmE ˈsentər) /ˈsentə(r)/ centre around sb/sth; 'centre sth around sb/sth (BrE also 'centre round sb/sth, centre sth round sb/sth) to be, or make sb/sth, the most important person or thing around which most activity takes place 围绕; 环绕; 以…为中心; 把…作为…的中心: The debate centres around the question of power. 争论的核心是权力问题。 ◊ The case centred around the couple's adopted, children. 案 件的焦点是这对夫妇的养子女。 ◊ Her life was centred entirely around her family. 她的生活完 全以家庭为中心。 ◊ The nightlife of the town is largely centred around the hotels. 这个城镇的夜 生活大多集中在旅馆。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep centre on sb/sth; centre sth on sb/sth (also centre upon sb/sth, 'centre sth upon sb/sth more format) to give a lot of attention or thought to one particular activity, idea or person, etc. (注意力或思想) 集中 于,倾注于; 把 (注意力或思想) 集中于: The discussions centred on the hostage issue. 讨论围 绕人质问题展开。 ◊ Public interest centred large- ly on the team's stars. 公众关注的焦点主要是该 队的明星。 ◊ The group has centred its attention on the need for reform. 该小组将其注意力集中 在改革的必要性上。◊ His research is centred on the effects of unemployment. 他的研究以失业的 影响为主要课题。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep chain /tʃeɪn/ chain sb/sth up (to sth) to fasten sb/sth to sth else with chains to stop them escaping or being stolen 用链条把...拴住; 用链条把...拴 在…上: I'd chain your bike up to the fence just in case. 为以防万一, 我把你的自行车用链条锁 在栅栏上。 ◊ The prisoners were chained up in a dark cell. 囚犯都用链条锁在阴暗的牢房里。 NOTE Chain sb/sth (to sth) can also be used with this meaning. * chain sb / sth (to sth) 也可 作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chalk/tʃɔːk/ chalk up sth (informal) to achieve a suc- cess, a victory, a score in a game, etc. 获得, 赢得 (成功、胜利、比赛等); 写下, 记录 (成 就、分数等): The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row. 该队已连赢五场比赛。 ◊ This week Dee Brothers chalked up 100 years of business in this town. 本周迪伊兄弟公司在本城开业已经100 年了。 [OBJ] success, victory, win NOTE When the object of chalk up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pro- noun, it comes between chalk and up * chalk up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后;但如果 是代词,应置于 chalk 和 up 之间: She keeps on chalking them up. 她不断取得成功。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv IDM chalk one up for sb (AmE) used to show admiration or praise because sb has won sth (表示钦佩或赞扬) 为…记上一功: Chalk one up for the little guy. The city agreed today to pay 25 homeless people $80000 to settle a lawsuit alleging police harassment. 这多亏了那个小家 伙。今天市里同意向 25 名无家可归的人支付 8 万元,以了结一桩指控警察骚扰的诉讼。 chalk sth up to sth (informal) to think that sth happens as a result of sth else 把...归 因于:We can chalk our recent victories up to a lot of luck. 我们可以把近期的胜利归功于运气 好。 ◊ When the goal was disallowed they chalked it up to a bad referee decision. 进球被 判无效,他们认为这纯属裁判错判。 SYN attribute sth to sth (formal); put sth down to sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep IDM chalk it up to experience (informal, especially AmE) used to say that you can learn from sth bad that has happened to you 引以为 戒;吃一堑、长一智。 chance /tʃɑːns; AmE tʃæns/ chance on/upon sb/sth (formal) to meet sb or find sth when you do not expect to 不期 而遇; 偶然发现: I chanced on an old school friend in town. 我在城里邂逅一位旧日同窗。 ◊ He chanced upon a volume of Japanese poetry in a bookshop. 他在书店不经意间发现了一部日 语诗集。 ♦ v + prep change /tʃeɪndʒ/ change sb/sth a round (especially AmE) -> CHANGE SB/STH ROUND change 'back 1 (into sth) to take off your clothes and put on what you were wearing earlier 换上 (原来穿的衣服):I'll just change back into my tracksuit. 我这就换上先前穿的运 动服。2 (into/to sb/sth) to return to an earlier state or form 恢复原状;还原;复原: When you double click on SELECT, the screen changes back to the main design screen. 双击 “选项” , 屏幕 就返回设计主界面。 ◊ Slowly the angry animal changed back into its normal calm self. 那只发 怒的畜生慢慢恢复了正常的温顺本性。 ♦ v + adv change sth back (into/to sth) to exchange an amount of money into the system of money (currency) that it was in before 把 (钱) 换成 (原货币):Can I change these dollars back into sterling? 我可以把这些美元兑换回英镑吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n {less frequent) change 'down (into/to sth) (Br。to control the speed of a vehicle by changing to a lower gear (开车减速) 换低一挡,挂低速挡: Change down into second as you approach the comer. 靠近拐角时,减至二挡。 OPP change up (into/to sth) ♦ v + adv change into sth to put on different clothes 换(衣服): We quickly changed into our swim- suits. 我们迅速换上了游泳衣。 ◊ I didn't bring anything to change into. 我没带替换的衣服。 ♦ v + prep change into sth; .change sb/sth into sth to change, or to make sb/sth change, into sth different (使) 变成,变为 The castle has changed into a hotel. 陵堡改成了旅馆。 ◊ The handsome prince was changed into a frog. 英俊 的王子被变成了青蛙。 SYN turn into sth, turn sb/sth into sth ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep change out of sth to take off the clothes you are wearing and put on different ones 更 换, 换掉 (衣服); 更衣: I must change out of these wet clothes before I get a chill. 我得换掉食 身湿衣服,免得着凉。 ◊ She changed out of her suit as soon as she came home. 她一回到家就换 下了套装。 ♦ v + adv + prep change over 1 (from sth) (to sth) to stop using one system or thing and start using another 改用; 换用:The magazine changed over from pink paper to white in 1917. 该杂 志1917年把粉色纸张改换成了白色。 ◊ We're changing over to a new computer system. 我们 正要改用新的计算机系统。SYN switch over (from sth) (to sth) 2 (to sth) (8r£) to change from watching one television channel to watching another 变换 (电视频道); 换 (台): I changed over to BBC1 to see the football. 我把 电视频道调到英国广播公司电视一台收看足球 赛。 ◊ Can we change over? 我们换个台吧? SYN switch over (from sth) (to sth); turn over (to sth) ♦ v + adv ► changeover n a change from one system or thing to another (体制等的) 改变,转变, 变更: The changeover to the new system will take place gradually. 向新制度的过强将循序渐 进。◊ a changeover period 转型期 change 'over/'round (BrE) if two people change over/round, they move to where the other person was before or do what the other person was doing 对调,交换,调换 (位置或 工作): Can you and Phil change round? You're too tall to stand in the front: row. 你和菲尔互换 一下位置好吗? 你个子太高,不宜站在前排。 ◊ When you get tired of driving we can change over. 要是你开车累了,我们可以轮着开。 SYN swap around/over/round (informal, especially BrE) ♦ v + adv change sb/sth 'round {especially BrE) (AmE usually .change sb/sth a round) to move objects, such as furniture, or people into different positions 变换 (家具、入员等) 的位 置: Who's changed the desks around? 谁挪动 桌子了? ◊ You're always changing this room round! (= making it look different by moving the furniture, etc.) 你总是把房间里的家具移 来移去! ◊ The Yankees keep changing their players around. 扬基队一直在调整队员的位置。 [OBJ] room, furniture SYN swap sb/sth around/over/round (especially BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent} change *up (into/to sth) (BrE )to control the speed of a vehicle by changing to a higher gear (开车) 换高一挡,换挂高速挡:Change up into fourth gear now. 现在加速到第四挡。 OPP change down (into/to sth) ♦ v + adv charge /ʃɑːdʒ;AmE tʃɑːrdʒ/ charge sth up; charge up to pass electricity through sth so that it is stored there; to take in electricity and store it (给…) 充电:This charger will charge up most makes of phone. 这个充电器可以给大部分品牌 的手机充电。 ◊ It takes about two hours for the phone to charge up completely. 这个手机充满电 需要大约两个小时。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + adv charge sb with sth; charge sb with doing sth (formal) to give sb a duty, respon- sibility or task 使承担 (职责、责任或任务):A solicitor was charged with administering the estate. 一名律师受委托管理这份财产。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep charm /tʃɑːm; AmE tʃɑːrm/ charm sth out of sb if you charm money or information out of sb, you obtain it by using your power to please or attract people 利用魅力从...处获取:She managed to charm £20 out of him. 她施展魅力从他那里弄到了20 英镑。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ' chase /tʃeɪs/ chase after sb (informal) to try to persuade sb to have a romantic or sexual relationship with you 追求;向...求爱: He's always chasing after younger women. 他总是在追逐年轻的 女性。 ♦ v + prep chase after sb/sth to run, drive, etc. to try to catch sb/sth 追逐;追赶:They chased after the thief but he got away. 他们追赶那个小偷 但他还是逃掉了。 ♦ v + prep chase around (BrE also .chase about/ round) to be very busy, rushing from one place to another 四下忙碌;到处奔波:I've been chasing around all morning trying to find a gift for my sister. 我东奔西跑了一上午, 想为妹妹买 件礼物。 ♦ v + adv chase sb/sth a way/1 off/out to force sb/sth to run away by running after them or threatening them 赶走;驱逐:He chased the attackers away by firing shots into the air. 他朝 空中开了几枪,吓跑了袭击者。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chase sb/sth down (AmEf informal) to try hard to get sth or find sb/sth that you need or want 设法得到;努力寻觅: I've been, trying to chase Sam down all day! 我一整天都在苦苦寻 找萨姆! SYN seek sb/sth out (more formal) track sb/sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chase sb/sth off, out, etc. t chase sb/sth away/off/out, etc. chase round (BrE) -> CHASE AROUND chase sb/sth up (informal) 1 to contact sb and remind them to do sth they have said they would do or that they ought to do 催促: 催办;敦促: H'll chase him up and find out what's going on. 我来催催他,看看情况怎么样 了。 ◊ It is his job to chase up clients with outstanding debts. 他的工作是向客户追债。 ◊ Could you chase up those late replies (= remind people to reply). 你催催大家尽早答复好吗? 2 to try to find sb/sth that you need; to try to get more information about sb/sth 寻找;设法 获取:We're chasing up two other people who were at the party. 我们正在寻找当时出届晚会的 另外两个人。 ◊ I'll chase up references to the battle in the library. 我要去图书馆查找关于这 次战斗的资料。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chat /tʃæt/ (-tt-) chat sb up (informal) 1 (BrE) to talk in a friendly way to sb because you are sexually attracted to them 向...搭讪;与...调情: Who was that girl you were chatting up last: night? 昨晚你搭讪的那个女孩是谁? 2 (especially AmE) to talk to sb in a friendly way because you want them to do sth for you or to give you sth (别有目的地) 与...攀谈,与...套近乎:you'll have to chat the boss up if you want some days off. 如果想请几天假,你就得和老板拉拉关系。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► chat-up n (BrE, informal) an attempt to talk in a friendly way to sb you are sexually attracted to 搭讪;调情:He was trying some old chat-up lines. 他试图用些老套的话来搭讪。 cheat /tʃiːt/ cheat sb of sth (also .cheat sb out of sth) to prevent sb from having sth, especially in an unfair or dishonest way (尤凭以不正当或不诚 实的手段) 阻止…得到; 骗出: He had cheated the taxman of £60000. 他骗税务员少收了 6万 英镑。 ◊ He was cheated out of his rightful inheritance. 有人骗走了他本应获取的遗产。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep cheat on sb to secretly have sex with sb who is not your regular partner 对 (伴侣) 不忠; 背着 (原偶) 偷情: He was the last to know that she had been cheating on him. 她早已红杏出 墙,而他却是最后一个才知道。 [OBJ] wife, partner, etc. ♦ v + prep cheat sb out of sth -> CHEAT SB OF STH SYNONYMS同义词辨析 cheat on sb betray sb ♦ be unfaithful to sb ♦ cheat on sb ♦ commit adultery ♦ play around These verbs all mean to have a sexual relationship with sb who is not your usual partner. 这些动词都表示对伴侣不忠。 betray sb (literary, disapproving) (of sb who is married or who has a regular sexual partner) to have a secret relationship with sb else (对性伴侣) 不忠,出轨,偷情: She could not believe that Sergio had betrayed her. 她无法相 信塞尔吉奥对她不忠。 be unfaithful to sb (of sb who is married or who has a regular sexual partner) to have a secret relationship with sb else (对性伴侣) 不忠,出轨,偷情: Have you ever been unfaithful to him? 你有过外遇吗? cheat on sb (not formal, disapproving) (of sb who is married or who has a regular sexual partner) to have a secret relationship with sb else (对性伴侣) 不忠,出轨,偷情: He's cheating on his wife. 他背着妻子偷情。 commit adultery (format) to have sex with sb who is not your husband or wife 通奸: She was accused of committing adultery. 她被控 通奸。 play around (informal) to have a sexual relationship with sb who is not your usual partner 偷情;乱搞男女关系:Her husband is always playing around with other women. 她 丈夫总是拈花惹草。 WHICH WORD? Cheat on sb is slightly less formal than be unfaithful to sb . If you use be unfaithful to sb, you are not making any obvious moral judgement about a person's actions; using cheat on sb suggests that you find such an action dishonest and unacceptable. Play around is more often used to talk about men than women; it is often used about a man who has sexual relationships with more than one other woman. * cheat on sb Hs be unfaithful to sb 略显不正式。用 be unfaithful to sb 时,对此 种行为并无明显的道德判断;用 cheat on sb 时, 则表示此种行为不诚实、不可接受。play around 多用于指男性,并且常用于指与多名女性有染的 男性。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to cheat on/be unfaithful to your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner ■ to cheat on/be unfaithful to/betray your husband/wife/lover check /tʃek/ check in 1 (at sth) to go to an official desk at a hotel, an airport, etc. and tell sb that you have arrived (在旅馆、机场等) 登记,报到: After checking in, we went out for a meal. 登记 之后,我们就出去吃饭了。 ◊ Check in at desk 25 an hour before take-off. 请在飞机起 飞前一小时到 25 号台办理登机手续。 -> see also CHECK INTO STH 1 2 (with sb) (especially AmE) to contact sb to let them know where you are or what you are doing (向某人) 汇报,报告 (自 己的方位或工作):I have to check in with my boss every three hours. 我必须每三小时向老板 汇报一次。SYN report in (to sb/sth) ♦ v + adv ► check-in n 1 [U] the act of telling an official at an airport that you have arrived, showing them your ticket, etc. 办理登机手续: the check-in desk 登机手续办理柜台 2 [C, U] the place at an airport where you go to say you have arrived, show your ticket, etc. 登机 手续办理处:There were long queues at the check-in. 办理登机手续的地方排起长龙。 check sb 'in to take sb's name when they arrive at a hotel or an airport, look at their ticket, etc.(在旅馆、机场等) 为...登记; 给… 办理入住(或登机) 手续: Write all the names of the guests in this book as they are checked in. 为 客人办理入住手续时, 把他们的名字都记在这个 本子上。 ◊ All the passengers have been checked in. 已为所有乘客办妥登机手续。 [OBJ] guests, passengers ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n check sth in to leave or accept bags, cases, etc. to be put on a plane or a train 托运,接受 托运(行李):When we arrived at the airport we checked our bags in straight away. 到达机场 后,我们立刻把包托运了。 [OBJ] luggage, bags ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n check into sth 1 to arrive at a hotel, private hospital, etc. to begin your stay there 登记入住(旅馆、私人医院等): I arrived in Boston and checked into my hotel 我到了波士 顿后住进了预订的旅馆。 ◊ She's checked into a private clinic for drug rehabilitation. 她住进了 —家私人诊所戒毒。[OBJ] hotel, motel, clinic SYN book into sth OPP check out of sth -> see also CHECK IN 1 2 to try to find out more about sth or discover the true facts about sth 调查;核查: The police are checking into the cause of the crash. 警方正在调查飞机坠毁的原 因。SYN look into sth ♦ v + prep check sth 'off 1 to put a mark beside items on a list to show that they are correct, present or have been dealt with (经查对无误在清单项 目旁) 做记号,打钩:I've checked off all the furniture on the list. 我核对了清单上的所有家 具。 ◊ He checked everyone's name off as they arrived. 他在每位来宾姓名旁都打了个钩。SYN tick sth off 2 (especially AmE) to put a mark in a box on a document to give an answer to a question, choose sb/sth, etc.(在表格备选方 框中)做记号(表示回答、选择等);勾选: Some voters wrote in names instead of checking off the candidates listed. 有些选民填入了姓名, 而不是勾出所列的候选人。NOTE Check sth on its own is more usual. * check sth 单独使用更 常见。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv check on sb/sth 1 to make sure that sb is safe, happy, etc. or that sth is progressing as it should be 检查,核实,确认(是否正常等):I'll just check on dinner. 我看看晚饭好了没有。 ◊ The doctor visited every day to check on my progress. 医生每天来检查我的康复情况。[OBJ] progress, children, patient 2 to find out if sth is true or correct, especially sth that sb has said about themselves 调查, 核实,确认(尤 指个人提供的资料):Do you always check on future employees? 你总是调查将要雇用的人员 吗? ◊ Will you check on his address? 你核实一 下他的住址好吗? -> see also CHECK UP NOTE Check on sb/sth can be used in the passive * check on sb / sth 可用于被动语态:The children were put to bed and then not checked on again. 安顿孩子们睡下之后,就再没有查看 了。Check sth can also be used on its own with these meanings. * check sth 单独使用也可 作这些含义。 ♦ v + prep check 'out if facts, etc. check out, they can be shown to be correct or true (事实等)查对 无误,言之成理: His story doesn't check out. 他 的说法站不住脚。(SUBJ) story, reference ♦ v + adv check out; .check out of sth 1 to leave a hotel, a hospital, etc. where you have been staying 结账离开,办清手续后离开(旅馆、医 院等) : She checked out this morning. 她今天上 午退房了。 ◊ He decided to check out of the hospital and go home. 他决定出院回家。[OBJ] hotel, motel, hospital OPP check in; check into sth 2 (AmE, informal) to leave a place or finish an activity 离开(某地);结束(活动): The climb was too difficult so 1 checked out early. 这次登山太困难了,所以我早早地打了退 堂鼓。 ◊ He can't just check out on us like that! 他不能就这样离开我们! ◊ Let's check out of here. 咱们离开这儿吧。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ► checkout n [U] (AmE) the act or time of leaving a hotel at the end of your stay 结账离 开旅馆;退房时间:Checkout is 10 a.m. 退房时 间为上午10点。 ◊ checkout time 退房时间 check out; .check sb out [AmE] if you check out in a shop/store, or sb checks you out, you find out how much you have to pay and give sb the money (在商店)结账,为… 结账:You can check out at aisle eight. 您可以在 第八通道付款。 ◊ The girl who checked me out looked at me strangely. 给我结账的姑娘奇怪地 打量了我一下。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► checkout n the place where you pay for the goods you are buying in a supermarket (超市的)收银台,付款处:There were huge queues at the checkout. 付款处排起了长队。◊ a supermarket checkout 超市收银台 check sb/sth out i (especially AmE) to find out if sth is true or correct or if sb is honest, works hard, etc. 调查;证实;核对:Check him out before you give him the job. 调查一下再雇 用他。 ◊ Police have checked out his story. 警方 已核实了他的陈述。 ◊ We need to check out whether the company is reliable. 我们需要查 证一下这家公司是否可靠。[OBJ] story, claim, company 2 (informal) to look at sb/sth because they/it seem interesting or attractive 察看,观察 (有趣或有吸引力的事物): Check out our new fashion range! 看一看我们的新款 时装吧! ◊ It's worth checking out that new restaurant. 那家新餐厅值得试一下。 ◊ Check out that gorgeous guy over there! 快看那边的帅哥! -> NOTE AT LOOK AT SB/STH ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv check sth out (AmE) to borrow sth such as a book or a video from a library (从图书馆) 借出:I checked out three books from the library. 我从图书馆借了三本书。 [OBJ] book, video ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n check sb/sth 'over to examine a person or an animal to make sure that they are healthy; to examine a machine, etc. to make sure it is working correctly 为 (人或动物) 做体检;检 查 (机器运行等):The doctor would like to check you over. 医生想给你做个体检。 ◊ I got the car checked over before the trip, 启程前,我 让人检查了一下汽车。' SYN look sb/sth over; examine sb/sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n check sth over (also .check through sth) to examine sth written or printed carefully to make sure that it is correct 细心检查,核对, 校对 (文字):I've got to check over my work for spelling before I hand it in. 交作业前,我得 仔细检查一下辫写。 ◊ You should get someone to check the letter over for you. 你应该找人帮你 把信件校对一下。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 check sb/sth over check sb/sth over ♦ check through sth ♦ examine sb/sth ♦ go over sth ♦ look sb/sth over These verbs all mean to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, or acceptable. 这些动词都表示 细查、细察、核查。 check sb/sth over to check sb/sth carefully to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, or satisfactory 细心检查,细查 (以确保无误、状况完好 或 令人满意):we checked over the house, looking for damp or mt. 我们仔细检查了房屋,查看是否有受潮或 破朽之处。 ◊ The doctor checked him over and said he was fit and healthy. 医生为他做了检查 后,说他十分健康。NOTE Check can be used on its own, but cannot be used for people * check 可单独使用, 但不能用于指人: Check the container for cracks or leaks. 仔细检 查一下容器,看看有没有裂缝。 check through sth to examine all parts of sth closely to make sure that everything is correct or satisfactory, or in order to find sth 仔细检查,细查 (以确保无误、令人满意或查 找某物):The hospital have checked through their records but can find no reference to it. 医 院仔细检查了病历,但是没有找到有关记录。 examine sb/sth to look at sb/sth closely to see if there is anything wrong or to find the cause of a problem 仔细检查,细查 (以确定 是否有误或查找问题根源): The goods were examined for damage on arrival. 到货后仔细 检查了是否有破损。 ◊ The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong. 医生为她做 了诊察, 但是找不出毛病。 go over sth to check sth carefully for mistakes, damage or anything dangerous 仔 细检查,细查 (是否有错误、损坏或危险): Go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in. 交作业之前仔细检查一下是否 有拼写错误。 ◊ The Health and Safety Officer went over the whole school, checking every fire door. 卫生与安全官员仔细巡查了整个学校, 查看了每扇防火门。 look sb/sth over to look at sb/sth closely to see if they are/it is satisfactory 细心检查,细 查 (是否满意): We looked over the house again before we decided to rent it. 在决定租房 之前我们再次仔细察看了房子。 ◊ The sergeant looked him over and told him to polish his shoes. 中士仔细打量了他一番, 告诉他把鞋子 擦擦。 WHICH WORD? All of these verbs can be used when you are looking for possible problems, but only check (over/through) is used for possible mistakes 这些动词都可用于表示查找可能存在的问题,但 仅有 check (over / through) 用于指查找可能存在 的错误:Check your work (over) before handing it in. 交作业之前先仔细检查一下。Examine is used more often to describe what a professional person does * examine 多用于描 述专业人士的行为:The surveyor examined the walls for signs of damp. 勘测员仔细检查墙壁, 寻找发潮的痕迹。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to check (over/through)/examine sth to see if/whether... ■ to check (over/through)/examine/go over/look over sth carefully ■ to check (over/through)/examine/go over sth thoroughly ■ to check (over)/examine closely/regularly/daily check through sth (also .check it, them, etc. through less frequent) -> CHECK STH OVER: Check through your notes carefully. 仔细检查你 的笔记。 ◊ There were 23 files to look at, and Tim spent half his day checking through them all. 有23份文件需要看、蒂姆花了半天时间才全 部检查完。 NOTE When the object of check through is a noun, it comes after through, but when the object is a pronoun, it can come before or after through * check through 的宾语如果是名 词,应置于 through 之后;但如果是代词,可置 于 through 之前或之后:Check it through before you hand it in. 交上去之前先查看一下。 ◊ Check through it before you hand it in. 交上去之前先 查看一下。 -> note at CHECK SB/STH OVER; -> CHECK STH OVER ♦ v + prep ♦ v + pron + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + prep check up (especially BrE) 1 (on sb) to make sure that sb is doing what they should be doing, or that what they have said about themselves is true 监督;督促;调查, 核实 (某人的话):They always check up on pro- spective employees. 对可能雇用的人员他们总要 作调查。 ◊ I won't have you checking up on me like that! 我不允许你那样监督我! ◊ I'd better check up to see the kids are OK. 我最好去看看孩 子们是否还好。2 (on sth) to find out if sth is true or correct; to find out what is happening 核对,查证(某事): I think the train's at ten o'clock, but III phone the station to check up. 我 想火车是十点到站, 但我还是得打电话给车站核 实一下。 ◊ I went to the library to check up on a few things. 我去图书馆查证了几个问题。 NOTE Check and check sth can also be used on their own with these meanings. * check 和 check sth 单独使用也可作这些含义。 -> see also CHECK ON SB/STH ♦ v + adv ► check-up n an examination by your doctor to see how healthy you are 健康检查;体检:to go for a check-up 去做体检。◊ a routine check-up 常规体检 cheer /ʃɪə(r); AmE tʃɪr/ cheer sb on to encourage sb, especially sb in a race or competition, by shouting (比赛 中)为…呐喊助威,为…欢呼打气:The crowd cheered the runners on. 观众为赛跑运动员加油 鼓劲。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYNONYMS同义词辨析 cheer sb on cheer sb on ♦ root for sb ♦ urge sb on These verbs all mean to give sb encouragement or support. 这些动词都表示鼓 励、加油、声援。 cheer sb on to give sb shouts of encouragement in a race or competition (比赛中)为…呐喊助威,为…加油:The spectators cheered the runners on. 观众为赛跑 选手加油鼓劲。NOTE Cheer can be used on its own * cheer 可单独使用:We all cheered the team as they came onto the field. 队伍入场 时,我们都为他们欢呼喝彩。Cheering sb on implies giving encouragement to achieve sth in particular. * cheering sb on 含有鼓励完成 特定任务之意。 root for sb (informal) if you are rooting for sb/sth, you support or encourage them in a sports competition or when they are in a difficult situation (运动员或困境中的人) 鼓气;为…加油: We're rooting for the Bulls. 我 们正为公牛队助威。 urge sb on to encourage sb to do sth or support them so that they do it better, by shouting or just speaking words of encouragement (用呐喊或言语)激励, 为…加油,给…打She could hear him urging her on as she ran past. 她跑过的时候, 听到了他在为她加油鼓劲; WHICH WORD? Cheering sb on always means shouting and is nearly always done at a sports competition; urging sb on need not involve shouting and can be done in other situations. Rooting for sb may include shouting, but it mainly involves mental support. You can be rooting for sb even if you are not there * cheering sb on 几乎总是 指呐喊,并且几乎总是用于体育比赛;urging sb on 不一定需要呐喊,可用于其他场合。rooting for sb 可包括呐喊,但主要指精神支持,也可用 于加油鼓劲者不在现场时: Good luck with your audition tomorrow— I'll be rooting for you. 祝你 明天试演好运一一我会为你加油的。 cheer 'up; .cheer sb/yourself up to become, or to make sb/yourself, happier .or more cheerful (使)振作精神,振奋起来: She seems to have cheered up since Saturday. 星 期六以来,她似乎情绪好了一些。 ◊ Cheer up! 振作点!◊ Nothing could cheer him up. 没什 么事情能让他高兴起来。◊ She bought some chocolates to cheer herself up, 她买了些巧克力 来鼓励一下自己。 SYN brighten up; liven up, liven sb/sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cheer sth *up to make a room, etc. brighter and more cheerful 使(房间等)明亮;使宜人: Flowers always cheer up a room. 房间一有花就 明快不少。 [OBJ] room SYN brighten sth up; liven sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 cheer (sb) up brighten up・ cheer (sb) up * lift * perk up ♦ take heart These verbs all mean to become more cheerful or make sb feel more cheerful. 这些动词都表 示 (使) 振作起来、(使) 振奋起来或 (使) 快 活起来。 brighten up (of people, their eyes, faces or feelings) to look or feel happier (人、眼 睛、脸色或心情) 快活起来: She brightened up visibly at their words of encouragement. 听到 他们鼓励的话语,她喜笑颜开。NOTE Brighten can be used on its own * brighten 可 单独使用:My spirits brightened at the thought of Chris coming to stay. 一想到克里斯要来 住,我的情绪就好了起来。 cheer (sb) up (often used in orders) (of a person) to become more cheerful; to make sb feel more cheerful (常用于祈使句) (使) 振作精神,高兴起来: Cheer up—things aren't that bad. 打起精神 事情没那么糟 糕。 ◊ I tried to cheer her up. 我想方设法使她 高兴起来。 lift (of sb's heart, spirits or mood) to become more cheerful (心境、精神或蓿绪) 快活起 来,高兴起来:His heart lifted at the sight of her. 一见到她,他的心情便轻松起来。◊ As the sky began to brighten, my mood lifted. 随着天 气放晴,我的情绪也高涨起来。 perk up (informal (of people, their situation or feelings) to become more cheerful or lively, especially after you have been ill/sick or sad (尤指疾病或消沉之后) 快活起来,振 奋起来:She's been depressed but she seemed to perk up last week. 她一直情绪低落,但是上周 精神似乎好了起来。 take heart (used especially in newspapers) to feel more positive about sth, especially when you thought you had no chance of achieving it (尤用于报章) 树立信心,受到鼓舞,振奋 起来:The government can take heart from the latest opinion polls, 最近的民意调查旬以让政 府重拾信心。 WHICH WORD? Cheer up, lift and perk up are used to talk about how you feel; brighten up is more about how you look. It is not used in orders. If you take heart, you feel encouraged as well as happier. * cheer up. lift 和 perk up 用于指心 情;brighten up 多用于指精神面貌,并且不用 于祈使句。take heart 指受到鼓励并感到快慰。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to brighten (up)/cheer up/take heart/lift/perk up at sth ■ to take heart from sth ■ his spirits/mood brightened/lifted cheese /tʃiːz/ cheese sb off (BrE ,informal) to make'S sb annoyed or bored 使烦恼;使厌烦:Mike's car got vandalized, which cheesed him off no end. 迈克的车遭人故意毁坏,这让他沮丧透顶。 NOTE Cheesed off (BrE) is often used as an adjective * cheesed off 常用作形容词:I was really cheesed off with him. 我实在被他弄得烦 死了。 ◊ We were feeling a bit cheesed off and didn't know what to do with ourselves. 我们感 到有点苦恼,不知如何是好。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chew /tʃuː/ chew on sth 1 (also 'chew at sth) to bite sth continuously, especially because you are nervous or to test your teeth (因紧张等) 不 断地咬,不停地啃: He chewed on his bottom lip as he considered the question. 他一边思索问 题,一边时不时咬咬嘴唇。 2 -> CHEW STH OVER: Why don't we chew on it for a while? 我们为什 么不仔细考虑一段时间呢 ? ♦ v + prep chew sb out (AME, informal) to tell sb angrily that they have done sth wrong 怒斥; 训斥:He got chewed out by his teacher for being late. 他因为迟到挨老师骂了。 SYN tell sb off (for sth/for doing sth); repri- mand sb (formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chew sth 'over (also 'chew on sth) to think about or discuss sth carefully and in detail 仔 细考虑;详细讨论:he spent the weekend chew- ing over the problem. 他利用周末细致斟酌了这 个问题。 [OBJ] problem, idea o note at think sth over ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv chew sb up to make sb less confident, happy or successful; to end sb's career 使不自 信;使不愉快;使不成功;终结…的职业生涯: The company has chewed up numerous chief executives over the years. 这些年来,该公司断 送了众多首席执行官的前程。 ◊ The media just chews celebrities up and spits them out. 媒体对 名人总是横加贬责。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chew sth up 1 to bite sth until it is com- pletely soft or destroyed 细嚼:嚼碎:The baby chewed the cookie up and swallowed it. 小孩把 饼干嚼碎,咽了下去。 2 if a machine chews sth up, it damages or destroys it (机器) 使损 环,毁坏:The cassette player's chewed the tape up again. 放音机又卡带了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ chicken out; .chicken out of sth; chicken out of doing sth (informal) to decide not to do sth because you are afraid (因胆怯而) 放弃;畏缩:If I don't fight him, everyone will say that I chickened out. 如果不和 他打一架,大家都会说我胆小怕事了。 ◊ She chickened out of telling him the truth. 她不敢告 诉他真相。 SYN bottle out, bottle out of sth, bottle out of doing sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep chill /tʃɪl/ chill out (informal) to relax completely and not get upset or excited about anything 放 松:冷静;镇静:Chill out! Well get there on time! 别担心!我们会按时赶到的! NOTE Chill is also used on its own * chill 也单 独使用:We went home and chilled in front of the TV. 回到家后,我们看电视放松心情。 ♦ v + adv ► chillout adj [only before noun] that helps you to relax or makes you feel relaxed 助人放 松的;使人轻松的:chillout music 令人轻松的音 乐。◊ a chillout room (= a place at a club, etc. where you can relax when you do not want to dance) (俱乐部等的) 休息室 chime /tʃaɪm/ chime in (with sth) to join in a conversation suddenly or interrupt sb 插话; (以…) 打断 谈话:'AbsolutelyV she chimed in eagerly. “当 然! "她急忙插嘴道。 ◊ He kept chiming in with his own opinions. 他不断插话,发表自己 的见解。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v 十 adv + speech chime in with sth; chime with sth to agree with sth; to be similar to sth 与-致; 与…相似: His policies chimed in with the national mood at the time. 他的政策与当时的国 民心态相吻合。 SYN in with sth ♦ v + adv + prep • v + prep chip /tʃɪp/(-pp-) chip a way at sth ( used especially in the progressive tenses 尤用于进行时) to make sth smaller or weaker by continuously breaking small pieces off it 不断地削 (或凿、砍、 劈);不断削弱: He was chipping away at the rocks, looking for fossils. 他起不停凿岩石寻找化 石。 ◊ (figurative) The government seems to be chipping away at people's rights. 政府似乎在不 断削弱人民的权利。 ♦ v + adv + prep chip sth a way/ off .chip sth off sth to remove sth by continuously breaking off small pieces 不停地 (从…) 削掉:She used a hammer to chip away the stone. 她用锤子一点 一点地敲掉那块石头。 ◊ I chipped the rust off the box with a knife. 我用刀刮箱子上的锈。 -> note at BREAK OFF, BREAK STH OFF ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep chip in (with sth) (informal) 1 to join in or interrupt a conversation; to add sth to a conversation (以…) 插话,补充:Feel free to chip in if I've forgotten to mention anything. 如 果我有任何遗漏,请尽管补充。 ◊ She chipped in with some interesting remarks. 她插嘴说了几句 有趣的话。2 (also .chip 'in sth) to give some money so that a group of people can buy sth together 凑份子;凑钱: Has everyone chipped in for the present? 购买礼物的份子钱,大家都交了 吗?◊ The company has chipped in with a $200 donation, 公司凑了 200 元 捐款。 ◊ Let's all chip in five dollars. 咱们每人都凑五元钱吧。SYN club together (to do sth) ♦ v + adv 2 also v + adv + n chip oft .chip off sth if paint or a surface chips off, it comes off in small pieces (从…)剥落:The varnish is chipping off. 清漆 开始剥落了。◊ Most of the paint had chipped off the gate. 门上的油漆大部分都掉光了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep chip sth off, etc. -> CHIP STH away/off, ETC. chivvy /ˈtʃɪvi/ (chivvies, chivvying, chiv- vied) chivvy sb along (BrE, informal) to try to make sb move faster or do sth more quickly 催 促:The teacher chivvied the children along. 老 师催孩子们加快速度。 SYN hurry sb/sth along ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n choke /tʃəʊk; AmE tʃoʊk/ choke sth back to try to stop yourself from showing a strong emotion, or saying sth that might upset sb 克制,抑制 (强烈的感情或逆 耳的言语): He choked back his tears. 他强忍住 眼泪。 ◊ A protest rose to her Ups, but she choked it back. 抗议的话到了嘴边,却又被她咽 了回去。 [OBJ] tears, sob(s) NOTE used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv choke sth 'off 1 to prevent or stop sth 妨 碍;阻止:High interest rates have choked off investment, 高利率阻碍了投资。[OBJ] demand, investment 2 to stop or interrupt sth 终止; 使 中断:His words were choked off by the sudden screams. 突如其来的尖叫打断了他的话。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv choke up; .choke sb up (informal) to become, or to make sb, so upset that you/they are unable to speak (使) 哽咽,说不出话来: That song really chokes me up. 那首歌简直让我 泣不成声。 ◊ He gets choked up just remember- ing the day she left. 一想起她离开的那天,他就 哽咽着说不出话来。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv chop /tʃɒp; AmE tʃɑːp/ (-pp-) chop at sth; .chop a'way at sth to aim blows at sth with a sharp heavy tool 瞄准...砍 去;对准...劈去:They chopped at the under- growth with their machetes. 他们抡着大刀砍灌 木丛。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep chop sth 'down to make sth such as a tree fall down by cutting it at the base with a sharp tool 砍倒,砍下 (树木等):They're chopping down thousands of trees every year. 他们每年砍 伐几千棵树。 [OBJ] tree SYN cut sth down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv chop sth off; .chop sth off sth to remove sth by cutting it with a sharp heavy tool (从…上) 砍掉,斩下:The king had his head chopped off. 国王下令砍了他的头。◊ She chopped a branch off the tree. 她从树上砍下一 根树枝。 SYN cut sth off, cut sth off sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep chop sth up to cut sth into small pieces with a knife or a sharp tool 切细;剁碎:Shall we chop these logs up for firewood? 我们要把 这些木头劈成柴吗? ◊ I have to chop her food up small for her. 给她吃的食物我必须切得很 细。 ◊ Chop up the onion into small pieces. 把洋 葱切碎。 SYN cut sth up -> see also HACK STH UP ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chow /tʃaʊ/ chow down (on sth) (AmE, informal) to eat a lot of food 大吃:We chowed down on fried chicken and salad. 我们大吃炸鸡和色拉。 ♦ v + adv chuck /tʃʌk/ NOTE Chuck is an informal way of saying throw. chuck 是 throw 的非正式说法。 chuck sth a way ( BrE, informal 1 to not make good use of sth; to waste sth 不充分利 用;浪费:She's chucking all her money away on presents for him. 她把钱都乱花在给他买礼物上 了。 ◊ It's too good an opportunity to chuck away. 这是个大好机会,不能错过。2 ( also chuck sth 'out) to throw sth away because you no longer want or need it 丢弃;抛弃:We chucked the old sofa away. 我们扔掉了旧沙发。 ◊ Don't chuck yesterday's paper out. I still haven't done the crossword. 昨天的报纸可别扔 了。 我还没有做填字游戏呢。 SYN throw sth away ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chuck it down (also chuck down, 'chuck down sth less frequent) (BrE, informal) to rain very heavily 下暴雨:It was chucking it down outside. 外面大雨倾盆。 SYN pour down (BrE) NOTE Chuck it down and chuck down are always used with the subject it. chuck it down 和 chuck down 总是与主语 it 连用。 ♦ v + it + adv ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n chuck sth in (BrE, informal) to include sth extra with what you are selling or offering without increasing the price 附送: If you buy the freezer and the fridge well chuck in a toaster. 购买冰柜和冰箱附送一台烤面包机。 SYN throw sth in ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv chuck sth in/ up (BrE, informal) to decide to stop doing sth such as a job or a course of study 放弃,中断 (工作、课程等):What made you decide to chuck in your course? 你为什么决 定中断这门课程? ◊ I feel like chucking it all in and going back to Africa. 我想放弃一切回非 洲去。 [OBJ] job, course SYN jack sth in (BrE), pack sth in (BrE), give sth up NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv chuck sb out; tchuck sb out of sth (informal) to force sb to leave a place, a job, etc. 强迫…离开 (处所、工作等);撵走;辞退: Her parents chucked her out when she got pregnant. 她怀孕后,父母把她赶出了家门。 ◊ She failed her exams and was chucked out of college. 她几门考试不及格, 被大学开除, ◊ (BrE) There's always trouble at chucking-out time (= the time when pubs, etc. close). 到了 酒吧关门的时间, 麻烦总免不了。 SYN throw sb out, etc.; turn sb out, etc. ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep chuck sth 'out (informal) 1 to reject a plan, a proposal, etc. 否决,拒绝接受 (计划、提 议等): The committee chucked my proposal out. 委员会否决了我的提议。2 -> CHUCK STH AWAY 2 SYN throw sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n chuck up; .chuck sth up (BrE, informal) to bring food you have eaten back out of your mouth 呕吐;吐出:The smell made me want to chuck up. 这气味令我作呕。 SYN bring sth up; throw up; vomit, vomit sth (up) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► upchuck vt ,vi (informal)to bring food you have eaten back out of your mouth 呕吐; 吐 出:I almost upchucked my dinner. 我差点把晚 饭吐了出来。 chuck sth up (BrE) -> CHUCK STH IN/UP chug/tʃʌɡ/ (-gg-) chug a long (informal) to make steady but slow progress 稳定缓慢进展:'Hi! How are things? ' 'Oh, fine, just chugging along.' “嗨! 一切都好吧?" '喔,马马虎虎,基本上 老样子。" ♦ v + adv churn /tʃɜːn; AmE tʃɜːrn/ churn sth out (informal) to produce sth quickly in large amounts 批量生产;大量炮 制:She churns out trashy romantic novels. 她大量炮制毫无价值的言情小说。 ◊ They chum out 3000 identical toy trains every day. 他们每 天生产 3000 辆同样的玩具火车。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv churn sb up (informal) to make sb feel very upset, worried, frightened or angry 使不安; 使担忧;使害怕;使生气: When I drove away from the house for the last time, I was churned up inside. 我最后一次驾车离开那所房子时,心 中十分郁闷。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n churn sth up to move sth such as mud or water around and damage or disturb the surface 掀起,搅动 (泥或水);使翻腾:Cars and motorbikes had churned up the field. 汽车和摩托车在地上留下一道道车辙。 ◊ seas churned up by the storm 暴风中波涛汹涌的大 海 ◊ (figurative) His visit churned up bitter memories. 他的到访勾起了苦涩的回忆。 [OBJ] earth/ground, mud, water ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv claim /kleɪm/ claim sth back to ask for sth to be returned to you 要回; 索回:Claim your expenses back from the company. 费用请向公司报销。 [OBJ] tax, money ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n claim / kleɪm/ (-mm-) clam up (on sb) (informal) to refuse to speak about sth because you are afraid, or want to keep it secret 不敢作声;绝口不谈;拒不开 口;守口如瓶:He always clams up when we ask about his family. 我们问起他的家庭,他总是沉 默不语。 ♦ v + adv clamp /klæmp/ damp down; clamp down on sb/sth (informal) to become strict about sth in order to prevent sth happening, especially a crime, a protest, etc. (严厉) 弹压,镇压 (犯罪活动、 抗议示威等):The government intends to clamp down on drug smuggling. 政府拟严厉打击贩毒 活动。 SYN crack down, crack down on sb/sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ► clampdown (on sb/sth) n sudden action that is taken by a government or other authority to stop a crime, a protest, etc. ( 对 犯罪活动、抗议示威等的) 弹压,镇压,取缔 clamp sth on; clamp sth on sb/sth (especially AmE) to force sb to accept sth unpleasant 强令(…) 接受;强制执行: The army clamped on a curfew after the riots. 骚乱 过后军队实行了宵禁,◊ The army clamped a curfew on the refugee camps. 军队对难民营实施 宵禁。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep class/klɑːs; AmE klæs/ class sb/sth up (informal, especially AmE) to make sb/sth better in quality, or look more expensive or more fashionable 提高...的品 质;提高...的格调;使更时尚: They've classed up the magazine, using better paper and a cleaner design. 他们使用更优质的纸张和更简洁 的设计,提升了杂志的档次。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n claw /kio:/ NOTE Claws are sharp curved nails on the end of an animal's foot. * claw 指动物的脚爪。 claw at sb/sth to try to catch sb/sth or scratch or tear sb/sth with claws or with your nails (用爪子或指甲) 抓,撕:The cat was clawing at the door. 猫在挠门。◊ She tried to claw at his face. 她试图抓他的脸。 ♦ v + prep claw sth 'back (especially BrE) 1 to work hard to get sth back that you have lost 设法捞 回;努力挽回:They're trying to claw back their share of the market. 他们正在想方设法夺回市场 份额。2 if a government daws back money it has paid to people, it gets it back, usually by taxing them (通常指通过税收) 收回 (已支付 给民众的钱款):The government are clawing back age allowances in tax. 政府正在通过税收 收回老年补助金。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► clawback n (BrE, business') the act of a government getting back in tax the money it has paid to people; the money that is paid back 通过税收收回钱款;通过税收收回的钱款 clean /kliːn/ dean sth down (BrE) to clean sth thoroughly by rubbing it with a cloth, etc. or brushing it 把...彻底擦 (或刷) 干净:Clean down all the walls before repainting them. 重新 粉刷之前把墙壁都擦干净。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv clean sth off; .clean sth 'off sth to remove sth from the surface of sth by brushing, rubbing, etc. (从…上) 把刷...掉, 把...抹去,把 (污垢) 除掉:She couldn't be bothered to clean her make-up off. 她懒得卸 妆。 ◊ How can I clean red wine off the carpet? 怎样清除地毯上的红酒污渍? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep clean sb/sth out; .clean sb/sth out of sth (informal) to use up or take all sb's money; to take or buy the whole supply of sth that sb has 花掉 (钱财);买光 (存货): Buying drinks for everyone cleaned me out. 为 大家购买饮料把我的钱花得一干二净。◊ It's been a great year for sales. We're completely cleaned out (= we've sold all our supply). 今年销售情 况很好。我们的库存全部卖光了。 ◊ The stall was cleaned out of newspapers by 8.00 a.m. 上午八点报摊的报纸就卖光了。◊ Burglars had cleaned the place out (= had stolen every- thing). 窃贼把那里偷光了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep clean sth out to clean the inside of sth thoroughly 彻底清洁..的内部:We clean the stables out every day. 我们每天彻底清扫马厩。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► clean-out n [usually sing.] (especially BrE) an occasion when you clean a room, house, cupboard, etc. thoroughly; the activity of cleaning a room, house, cupboard, etc. thoroughly 彻底清洁;大扫除 clean up (injorma。to be very successful; to win a lot of money or prizes 大获成功;狠赚一 笔;赢得很多奖项:The movie cleaned up at the awards ceremony. 在颁奖典礼上,这部电影赢 得了很多奖项。 ♦ v + adv clean up; clean yourself up to wash yourself or make yourself clean (把自己) 洗 干净,弄干净: I'll just clean up before dinner. 我 晚饭前要洗漱一下。 ◊ They cleaned themselves up and put: on their best clothes. 他们梳洗干 净,换上最漂亮的衣服。 ◊ It's time you got cleaned up and ready for the evening. 你该梳洗 停当,准备好参加晚会。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv clean up; clean sth up to remove dirt, etc. from a place and make it clean ( 把… ) 打扫干净:I've got to clean up before my parents get home. 在父母回家之前,我得把家里拾掇干 净。 ◊ Who's going to clean up after you (= clean the mess that you made)? 谁会跟在 后面替你收拾? ◊ How often is the trash and litter cleaned up? 垃圾多长时间清理一次? [OBJ] mess, house, environment ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► clean-up n [usually sing.] the act of removing dirt, etc. from a place to clean it 清 洁;打扫 clean sb up to clean sb thoroughly 把 (某 人) 弄干净:Dad cleaned me up after I fell over in the mud. 我跌进泥水里,爸爸把我收拾 干净了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n clean sth up to remove criminals, crime or immoral behaviour from a place or an organization 消除 (犯罪或不道德行为);清 理;整顿:The mayor is determined to clean up the city and make it a safer place to live. 市长 决心整治好这座城市,使人们安居乐业。 ◊ The company is trying to clean up its image. 公司正 努力改善形象。 [OBJ] city, image ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM clean up your 'act to start behaving in a responsible way 重新做人;改过自新;洗心 革面 ► clean-up n [usually sing.] the act of removing crime or immoral behaviour from a place or an organization ( 对犯罪或不道德行 为的) 清理,整治 clear /klɪə(r); AmE klɪrl/ clear a'way; clear sth a way (especially BrE) to remove things that you have been using and no longer need in order to leave a clear space 把…清除掉 (以留出空间): I'll help you to clear away after tea. 喝完茶后我帮你收 拾。◊ to clear away the dishes 收拾盘子 ◊ Can you clear your books away? 把你的书收起来 好吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n clear sb a way (AmE) to make sb leave a place 赶走;撵走:The police cleared the demonstrators away. 警察驱散了示威者。 ♦v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n clear off (informal, especially BrE) to go or run away 离开;溜掉;逃走: You've no right to be here. Clear off! 你无权呆在这里。走开! ◊ He cleared off as soon as he heard the police car. 一 听到警车声他便马上溜走了。◊ I asked if I could play with them, but they told me to clear off home. 我问能不能和他们一起玩,他们却叫我滚 回家去。-> note at GO AWAY ♦ v + adv clear out; clear out of sth [informal to leave a place quickly 迅速离开:Would it be better for you if I just cleared out and went back to London? 我马上离开这里回伦敦,是否对你更 好一些? ◊ I told him to clear out of the house by Monday. 我叫他星期一前搬出这所房子。 SYN get out; get out of sth -> note at GO AWAY ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep clear sth out to make sth empty and clean by removing what you do not want 腾空; 清 理干净:I cleared out all the cupboards. 我把所 有橱柜全部腾空了。 SYN tidy sth out (BrE) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► clear-out n [usually sing.] (informal, especially BrE) the act of throwing away all the things you no longer want or need or of getting rid of people you no longer want 清 理;清除;裁减:a clear-out of staff to reduce the wages bill 为减少工资支出而进行的裁员 clear up if the weather clears up, it becomes brighter and rain, etc. moves away (天气) 转晴,放晴:For a week, it rained all day and cleared up in the evening. 一个星期以 来都是白天下雨、晚上放晴。 SYN brighten up ♦ v + adv clear up; dear sth up 1 to make sth dean and neat 打扫;清理:I'll help you clear up. 我来帮你收拾。 ◊ Clear up the mess in here before you go. 把这里乱糟糟的东西拾掇整齐再 走。 [OBJ] mess SYN tidy up, tidy sth up (especially BrE) -> note at TIDY UP 2 if an illness, infection, etc. dears up or sth clears it up, it disappears (疾病、感染等) 痊愈,治 愈:The rash cleared up very quickly. 皮疹很快 消失了。◊ The antibiotics should clear up the infection. 抗生素应该能治好这种感染。[OBJ] rash, infection ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n clear sth up to solve a problem; to find an explanation for sth 解决;解答:to clear up a mystery 揭开谜团。 ◊ I'm glad we've cleared that misunderstanding up. 我很高兴我们消除了 误会。 [OBJ] confusion, matter, problem, mystery -> note at WORK STH OUT ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv click /klɪk/ click through (to sth) to visit a website by clicking on a link or advertisement on another web page 点击进入 ( 链接或广告以访问另一网 页):You can only get that information by clicking through from the home page. 只能通过 点击进入主页获得该类信息。 ♦ v + adv ► click-through n [C, U] the number of people who follow a link on the Internet to a particular web page 点击量:Our banner ads have a 2% click-through. 我们的条幅广告点击 率是 2%。 ◊ poor click-through rates 很低的点 击率 climb/klaɪm/ climb 'down (over sth) (informal) to admit that you are wrong or have made a mistake; to change your position in an argument 承认 错误;作出让步:The president was forced to climb down and issue an apology. 总统被迫妥 协并致歉。 SYN back down (on/from sth); give in (to sb/sth) ♦ v + adv ► climbdown (over sth) n an act of admitting that you are wrong or have made a mistake; an act of changing your position in an argu- ment 认错;退让;屈服 cling /klɪŋ/ (clung, clung /klʌŋ/) cling on (to sth/sb), ding to sth to hold sth/sb tightly; to not let go of sth/sb 紧紧抓 住;不愿放开: She dung on for dear life. 她拼 命抓着不放。 ◊ I clung to the side so as not: to fall 我死死抓住侧边,以免摔下去。 SYN hang on -> note at HOLD ON ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep cling to sth; .cling on to sth to be unwilling to stop doing, believing or thinking about sth; to be unwilling to get rid of sth 不 愿放弃; 坚持: I still cling to the hope that he's alive. 我始终抱着希望,他仍然活看。 ◊ She’s clinging on to the past. 她对过去依然难以释怀。 [OBJ] past, power, tradition ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep clock /klɒk; AmE klɑːk/ clock in/ on; .clock sb in/ on (BrE) to record the time that you arrive at work, especially by putting a card into a machine; to do this for sb or check the time they arrive at work (尤指用打卡机) 记录 (某人) 上班到达 时间;上班打卡:We arrived and clocked on for the nightshift. 我们到了单位,就打卡上夜班。 SYN punch in, punch sb in (AmE) OPP clock off/out, clock sb off/out ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv clock in at sth to last or take a particular amount of time; to cost a particular amount of money 持续,花费 (时间);花掉,耗费 (金 钱): The fastest runner clocked in at 3 minutes 40 seconds. 最快的赛跑选手用了 3分40秒。 ♦ v + adv + prep clock off/ out; .clock sb off/ out (BrE) to record the time that you leave work, especially by putting a card into a machine; to do this for sb (尤指用打卡机) 记录 (某人) 下班离开时间;下班打卡: Don't forget to clock off when you leave. 下班离开时别忘了打卡。 SYN punch out, punch sb out (AmE) OPP clock in/on, clock sb in/on ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv clock 'on, etc. (BrE) -> CLOCK IN/ON, ETC. clock out, etc. (BrE) -> CLOCK OFF/OUT, ETC. dock sth 'up (informal) to win or achieve a particular number or amount 达到 (某一数字 或数量):We've clocked up 500 miles (= we've travelled 500 miles) today. 我们今天的行程 达到 500英里。 ◊ The company has clocked up record exports this year. 公司今年出口创了 纪录。 [OBJ] miles, years SYN notch sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (rare) clog /klɒɡ; AmE klɑːɡ/ (-gg-) clog up (with sth), ,clog sth up (with sth) to become, or to make sth, blocked so that nothing can move (用…) 塞满,把…阻塞: The pipe had clogged up (with mud). 管道被 (泥) 堵住了。◊ The roads were clogged up with traffic. 道路交通堵塞。 [OBJ] roads, pipes SYN block up, block sth up NOTE Clog and clog sth are used on their own with a similar meaning. * clog 和 clog sth 单独 使用也作相近含义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv close /kləʊz; AmE kloʊz/ close down; .close sth down if a shop/store, business, etc. doses down, or sb doses it down, it stops operating as a business, usually permanently ( 使商店、企业 等 ) 停业,倒闭:Many businesses have closed down because of the recession. 由于经济衰退, 很多企业纷纷倒闭。 ◊ The government has closed down most of the mines. 政府关闭了大多 数矿场。 ◊ The hospital closed down last year. 医院去年关闭了。 SYN shut down, shut sth down OPP open up, open sth up NOTE Close and close sth are also used on their own * close 和 close sth 也单独使用:The factory was closed last year. 工厂去年关闭了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► close-down n [U, sing.] the stopping of work, especially permanently, in an office, factory, etc. (尤指永久的) 停工,停业,倒闭 close in 1 (on sb/sth) to come nearer to and surround sb/sth in a frightening way or in order to attack them 逼近;包围: The enemy is closing in. 敌人渐渐逼近了。 ◊ The fog was closing in on us. 我们逐渐被大雾笼罩。2 (especially 8rQ when the days close in, they gradually become shorter (白昼) 逐渐变短, 渐短:The days/nights are closing in now that autumn/fall is here. 秋天来临,白天越来越短/ 天黑得越来越早。 ◊ The evenings are closing in fast.天黑得越来越早。SYN draw in (BrE) ♦ v + adv close sth 'off (to sb/sth) to put sth across the entrance to a road, a room, etc. so that people cannot go in 隔离;封堵:Police have closed the area off to traffic. 警方封锁了这一地区的交通。 ◊ (figurative) We don't want to close off any options. 我们并不想排除任何一个选项。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n close on sb/sth (BrE) to make the distance between you and sb/sth else smaller, for example in a race (赛跑等中) 缩短同...的距 离,逼近:I was slowly closing on the runner ahead of me. 我慢慢追上了跑在我前面的人。 ♦ v + prep close on/over sth to surround sth, covering it or holding it tightly 遮盖;握紧;箍紧:His fingers closed over the money. 他的手紧紧地攥 着那些钱。 ♦ v + prep close 'out (AmE) if a shop/store closes out, it sells everything very cheaply before it stops operating as a business (商店) 停业甩卖,歇 业抛售:The store is closing out on Monday with discounts of up to 75%. 这家商店星期一要停 业,商品折价甩卖,最大折扣达到75%。 ♦ v + adv ► closeout n (AmE) an occasion when a shop/store sells all remaining goods very cheaply before it stops operating 停业甩卖; 歇业抛售:a closeout sale 停业大减价 NOTE In British English, this is called a dosing-down sale. 英国英语的说法是 closing-down sale。 close sth out 1 to prevent light, sound, etc. from entering a place 遮蔽,屏蔽 (光线、声音 等):Wie need a curtain up there to close out the light. 我们得在那儿挂幅帘子遮挡光线。[OBJ] light, noise SYN shut sth out 2 (AmE, informal) to bring sth to an end 结束;终止:The vote closed out the three-day debate. 投票为三天的 辩论画上了句号。3 (AmE) if you close out a bank account, you stop keeping money in it 注 销,结清 (银行账户):I'd like to close out my savings account 我想注销我的储蓄胀户。[OBJ] only account NOTE Close sth is also used on its own * close sth 也单独使用:I'd like to close my savings account. 我想注销我的储蓄账户。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv close over sth -> CLOSE ON/OVER STH close 'up 1 to close completely 关闭;闭合: His eye had swollen and closed up. 他的眼睛肿 得睁不开了。 ◊ The cut took a long time to close up (= to heal). 伤口过了很长时间才愈合。OPP open up 2 to hide your thoughts and feelings 隐瞒,掩饰 (思想感情): She closed up when I mentioned her father. 我提起她的父亲时,她避 而不谈。OPP open up 3 if people or vehicles close up, they move nearer to each other 靠 拢; 靠近:Traffic was heavy and cars were clos- ing up behind each other. 交通拥挤不堪,一辆 一辆的汽车越挨越近。 ♦ v + adv close up; close sth up to shut and lock a building completely for a period of time ( 暂 时) 关门,锁门:You go on home. Ill close up (= shut the shop/store). 你尽管回家吧。我来 关店门。 ◊ He closes the shop up at 5.30. 他 5 点 30 分关店门。 ◊ They closed the house up and rented an apartment in the city. 他们把那所房 子锁上,在城里租了套公寓。 OPP open up, open sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM close up 'shop (AmE) (of a business) to stop operaring 歇业;关闭:After only six months in business we were forced to close up shop. 营业仅仅六个月,我们就被迫停业了。 cloud /klaʊd/ cloud over 1 (AmE also .cloud up) if the sky or the weather clouds over, clouds cover the sky and the sun disappears (天色) 阴暗 下来;阴云蔽日: It's starting to cloud over.天 阴了起来。[SUBJ] it, the sky 2 if your face, expression, etc. clouds over, you start to look sad, worried or angry (脸色) 阴沉下来;满脸 哀伤;愁容满面;面有怒色:His face clouded over when she walked into the room. 她一 走进屋,他的脸色立时阴沉下来。[SUBJ] face, expression, eyes ♦ v + adv cloud up (AmE) 1 -> CLOUD OVER 1: After lunch the sky clouded up, and we went home. 午饭过后天空乌云密布,我们就回家去了。 2 if your glasses cloud up, they become covered with very small drops of water so that you cannot see through them (眼镜) 布满水汽, 模糊不清: It was cold out and my glasses cloud- ed up when I came inside. 外面很冷,我一进 屋,镜片就蒙上了水雾。 ♦ v + adv clown /klaʊn/ clown abound (BrE also .down about) to behave in a silly way to make other people laugh 扮小丑; 装疯卖傻;滑稽逗乐 SYN mess around (informal) ♦ v + adv club /klʌb/ (-bb-) club together (to do sth) if people club together, they each give an amount of money so that the total can be used for a particular purpose 凑份子;凑钱:They clubbed together to buy their teacher a present. 他们凑钱给老师买 了个礼物。 SYN chip in (with sth) ♦ v + adv clue/kluː/ clue sb 'in (on/about sth) (AmE, informal。to give sb information about sth (就某事) 为 (某人) 提供消息:Can you clue me in on the facts of the case? 你能告诉我这件案子的实情 吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► clued- in (on/about sth) adj having a lot of information about sth 掌握大量 (有关…的) 信息的;消息灵通的 NOTE Clued-up is used in British English with this meaning. 英国英语用 clued-up 作此义。 cluster /ˈklʌstə(r)/ cluster a round sb/sth (Br£ also .cluster a'bout/1 round sb/sth) to form a group around sb/sth 聚集在...周围;围聚着:People clustered around the market stalls. 人们围拢在市场货摊 周围。 ♦ v + prep cluster together to come together in a small group 聚集:群聚;群集:The children clustered together in a comer of the room. 孩子 们聚集在房间的一角。 ♦ v + adv clutch /klʌtʃ/ clutch at sth/sb to try to get hold of sb/sth suddenly 抓住;握住:She clutched at her stomach, obviously in pain. 她一下子捂住肚 子,显然很痛苦。 SYN catch at sth/sb; grasp at sth ♦ v + prep IDM clutch at 'straws to try every possible way to escape from a difficult situation, even though there seems to be little hope of doing so 捞救命稻草;绝望地挣扎 clutter/ˈklʌtə(r)/ clutter sth 'up (with sth) to fill or cover sth with lots of things so that it looks very untidy (用…) 凌乱地塞满. 堆满: I'm sick of all these books cluttering up my office. 这么多书乱七八 槽地堆在办公室里让我很厌恶。 NOTE Clutter sth is used on its own with a similar meaning. * clutter sth 单独使用也作相 近含义。 -> note at MESS STH UP ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv coax /kəʊks; AmE koʊks/ coax sb into sth; coax sb into doing sth to persuade sb to do sth by talking to them gently 哄劝某人做某事: Can we coax you into singing for us? 我们能劝您为我们唱歌吗? ♦ v + n/pron + prep coax sb out of sth; .coax sb out of doing sth to persuade sb not to do sth by talking to them gently 哄劝某人不做某事:Try to coax him. out of resigning. 尽量好言好语地说 服他不要辞职。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep coax sth out of sb; coax sth from sb to persuade sb to do sth or to give you sth by talking gently 哄劝某人做某事;从某人处哄得 某物:She coaxed a smile from the baby. 她把婴 儿哄笑了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep cobble /ˈkɒbl; AmE ˈkɑːbl/ cobble sth to gether (informal) to put sth together or to make sth quickly or carelessly, with whatever time and materials you have available 胡乱拼凑;草率制成;粗制滥造: (figurative) The government seems to have cob- bled together these proposals. 政府的这些提案 看来搞得很草率。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cock /kɒk; AmE kɑːk/ cock 'up; .cock sth up (slang, especially BrE) to spoil or ruin sth by doing it badly or by making a mistake 把...搞糟;把...弄得一塌糊涂: You've really cocked up this time. 你这次确实弄 得糟糕透顶。◊ The travel agency completely cocked up the arrangements. 旅行社把行程安排 搞得乱七八糟。◊ Don't cock things up again! 别 把事情再搞砸了! SYN mess up, etc; bungle sth (informal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► cock-up n (slang, especially BrE) a mistake that spoils or ruins plans or arrangements; sth that has been spoilt because it has been badly done 错误;混乱;一团糟: She's made a complete cock-up of the arrangements. 她把计 划全搅乱了。 coil /kɔɪl/ NOTE A coil is a series of circles formed by winding rope, etc. * coil 指绳圈、线圈等。 coil up; .coil sth up to wind into coils; to make sth do this (将…) 卷起、盘起: The snake coiled up in the sunshine. 蛇在阳光下盘 了起来。 ◊ He coiled the rope up neatly. 他把绳 子整齐地卷起来。 [OBJ] rope, string ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n collect /kəˈlekt/ collect sth up to bring together things that are no longer being used 把 (不再使用的物 品) 收起来:Would somebody collect up all the dirty glasses? 请问,这些脏杯子有人来收拾吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n colour (BrE) (AmE color) /ˈkʌlə(r) / colour sth 'in to fill a shape, an area, etc. with colour, using pencils or pens (用笔) 给...着色、为…上色:Why don't you colour the pictures in? 你为什么不给这些画涂色呢? [OBJ] picture, drawing ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n comb /kəʊm; AmE koʊm/ NOTE A comb is a flat piece of plastic, etc. with a row of thin teeth along one side, used for making your hair neat. * comb 指梳子。 comb sth out 1 to use a comb to remove knots from your hair or to make it neat 梳理 (头发): My hair's so long that it takes me ages to comb it out. 我的头发太长,梳好要花很 长时间。 [OBJ] hair 2 (also comb sth out of sth) to remove dirt, knots, etc. from hair or fur with a comb 梳去 (污垢、发结等): She brushed her hair and then combed out the tangles. 她刷了刷头发,然后把打结的地方梳 开。[OBJ] knots, tangles ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 2 also v + n/pron + adv + prep comb sth 'over to arrange your hair to hide a place on your head where there is no hair (用头发) 遮盖 (脱发处) [OBJ] hair ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► comb-over n: He sported a terrible comb-over worthy of a football manager. 他刻 意用侧边头发遮掩秃顶,典型的足球教练式丑 发型。 come /kʌm/ (came /keɪm/, come) come about to happen 发生:It's hard to understand how the accident came about. 很难 理解事故是怎么发生的。 ◊ Can you tell us how it came about that you decided to strike? 你能 告诉我你们为什么决定罢工吗? SYN happen ♦ v + adv come a cross (also ,come over) 1 (also come 'through) [+ adv/prep] (of an idea, an opinion or a feeling 想法、意见或感情) to be expressed clearly and understood easily 传 达;被理解:Do you think the film's message comes across clearly? 你认为这靠影片的寓意传 达得很清楚吗? ◊ These themes come across very strongly in the novel 这些主题在小说中表现得 淋漓尽致。 ◊ I could tell she was frightened. It came over in her voice. 我看得出她很害怕。 这从她的声音中很容易听出来。 ◊ The feeling of solidarity among the people really came through. 人们充分表达出万众一心的气概。2 (AmE also .come 'off informal) [+ adv/prep] (as sth) to make a particular impression on people 给人以...印象:使产生...印象:She comes across well in interviews. 她在面试中常给人留 下很好的印象。 ◊ At the press conference, he came over as cool and confident. 他在记者招待 会上给人的印象是冷静自信。 ♦ v + adv come across (with sth) (informal) to provide or supply sth that sb asks for, especially money 提供,给予 (所求索的金钱等):They eventually came across with another $250000. 他们最后又给了 25万元。 ◊ We still hope the company will come across for us. 我们依然希望 公司给予我们所需。 ♦ v + adv come across; come across sth to cross a room, a road, a river, etc. towards the place where the speaker is (走过房间、道路、河流 等而) 来到,过来: When you've done your homework, come across to my house and well listen to some music. 你完成作业后就来我家, 我们听听音乐。◊ She waved and came across the room to talk to me. 她向我招招手,然后从 房间那头走过来和我说话。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v+ prep come across sb/sth to meet or find sb/sth by chance, without having planned or thought about it (偶然) 遇见,发现:He's the most unpleasant man I've ever come across. 他是我见 过的最令人厌恶的男人。 ◊ She came across a pile of old photographs while she was clearing the attic. 她清理阁楼时偶然发现了一沓旧照片。 SYN encounter sb/sth (formal) ♦ v + prep come after sb/sth to chase or follow a person or an animal to try to catch them 追赶; 追逐: The farmer came after them, threatening to call the police. 农夫一边追赶他们 一边威胁说要报警。 ♦ v + prep come along 1 to arrive or appear some- where; to start to exist, happen or be available 到达;出现:H's lucky you came along when you did or I'd have been stranded at the bus stop for an hour! 还好那时你到了,否则我就得在公共汽 车站耗上一小时! ◊ When the right opportunity comes along, hell take it. 只要有合适的机会, 他会抓住的。 ◊ There are new designs coming along. 新款即将面世。SYN turn up 2 (AmE also come 'with informal) to go somewhere with sb 跟随;同去: We're going to the pub. Do you want to come along? 我们要去酒吧。想一 起去吗? ◊ You'd better come along with me to the police station. 你最好跟我去趟警察局。 3 -> COME ON 4 4 (especially BrE) -> COME ON 1 ♦ v + adv come a long; come a long sth to move forward or from one end of sth to the other, towards the speaker (沿…) 过来: I waited for ages for a bus, then three came along together! 我等公共汽车好半天,后来一下子来了三辆! ◊ The lorry was coming along the road at great speed. 货车一路飞驰而来。 [OBJ] road ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come a part to break or fall into pieces 破 裂;破碎:The teapot just came apart in my hands. 茶壶就在我手中裂开了。 ◊ (figurative) After the first act, the play begins to come apart at the seams (= have a lot of problems). 第一 幕过后,这出戏就开始破绽百出。 SYN fall apart ♦ v + adv come a'round, etc. (especially AmE) -> COME ROUND, ETC. come a round sth (BrE also .come round sth) to move or travel around a comer 绕过 (拐角);走弯道: The bus came round the bend too fast. 公共汽车在弯道处开得太快。 [OBJ] only corner, bend ♦ v + prep come at sb to move towards sb as if you are going to attack them 逼近,迫近(以袭击某 人) : She came at me with a knife. 她拿着刀子 向我扑来。◊ (figurative') The questions came at me so fast that I didn't have time to think about them. 问题像连珠炮一般向我袭来,我无 暇思考。 ♦ v + prep come at sth to approach, think about or try to deal with a question, problem, etc. in a particular way 处理, 应对(问题、困难等): We're getting nowhere. Let's try coming at the problem from a different angle. 我们这样会毫无 进展,还是换个角度考虑这个难题吧。 [OBJ problem ♦ v + prep come a way; come a way from sth 1 to leave a place or a person 离开;离去:Come away, now. There's nothing to see. 走吧。没什 么可看的。 ◊ Jane came away from the meeting feeling angry and upset. 简又气又急地离开了会 场。 2 to become separated from sth 脱离;脱 落:He pulled at the door handle until it came away in his hands. 他一直拽着门把手,最后把 它拽了下来。 ◊ The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已开始从墙上脱落。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep come a way with sth to leave a place with a particular feeling, impression or result 带着 (某种感觉、印象或结果)离开: She came away from the championship with three medals. 她 在锦标赛上获得了三枚奖牌。 ◊ We came away SYNONYMS同义词辨析 come back come back ♦ get back ♦ go back ♦ return ♦ turn back These verbs all mean to come or go back from one place to another. 这些动词都表示返回。 come back to return 回来;返回:He came back home years later, a changed man, 几年后 他回到家,完全变了个人。 get back to arrive back somewhere, especially at your home or the place where you are staying 回到,返回(尤指家里或停留之处): What time did you get back last night? 你昨晚 几点回来的? ◊ When I finally get back home, I'm going to have a big party! 最终回家之后, 我要办个盛大的聚会! go back to return to the place you recently or originally came from or that you have been to before 回去;返回:She went back into the kitchen. 她回到了厨房。 return to come or go back from one place to another 回去; 返回:She's returning to Australia tomorrow after a year in Europe. 她在欧洲已 呆了一年,明天就要回澳大利亚。 ◊ I returned from work to find the house was empty. 我下 班回来,发现屋子空无一人。 ◊ The Prime Minister recently returned from a summit at Camp David. 首相参加完戴维营峰会刚回国。 turn back to return the way that you came, especially because sth stops you from continuing (尤指无法前行)折回,原路返回: The weather got so bad that we had to turn 天气糟透了,我们只得返回。◊ I think we're lost—we'll have to turn back. 我觉得我 们迷路了——我们得往回走。 WHICH WORD? Return is slightly more formal than the other verbs in this group, and is used more often in writing or formal speech. Come back is usually used from the point of view of the person or place that sb returns to; go back is usually used from the point of view of the person who is returning * return 比这一组其他动词略显正 式,多用于书面语或正式谈话。come back 通常 是对返回的人或地点而言;go back 通常是对返 回的人而言:Come back and visit again soon! 欢 迎早日再次光临! ◊ Do you ever want to go back to China? 你曾想过回中国去吗? PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to return/come back/go back/get back to/from/with sth ■ to come back/go back/get back outside/upstairs/down, etc. ■ to return/come back/go back/get back/turn back again ■ to return/come back/go back/get back home/to work ■ to return/come back/get back safely with the impression that something was wrong. 我们离去时觉得有些不对劲。 ♦ v + adv + prep come back 1 to return to the place where the speaker is 回来; 返回:Come back here at once! 马上回到这儿! ◊ Did she say when she was coming back? 她说过何时回来吗? ◊ Why don't you come back to my place for a coffee? 为 什么不来我这里喝杯咖啡呢? ◊ They came back from the trip relaxed and happy. 他们旅行归 来,轻松愉快。◊ She went into the kitchen and came back with two glasses of milk. 她走进 厨房,拿来两杯牛奶。 ◊ Well come back for the car tomorrow. 我们明天回来取汽车。 ◊ (figurative) Liverpool came back from being 2-0 down to win the game. 利物浦队在 0:2 落后的 情况下反败为胜。SYN return (more formal) 2 to begin to exist or happen again 再次出现; 再度发生:My headache has come back again. 我的头疼病又犯了。 ◊ Her confidence is starting to come back slowly. 她正慢做恢复自信。SYN return OPP go away 3 to return to school or work after a break (休假后)返校,回去工作: Do you know when Bill is coming back to work? 你知道比尔何时回来上班吗? 4 to become popular, successful or fashionable again 再受 欢迎;再次成功;再度盛行:80s hairstyles are coming back into fashion. * 80 年代的发型又流 行起来了。 ◊ 80s hairstyles are coming back in. ◊ 80年代的发型又流行起来了。 ◊ Do you think trams will come back? 你看有轨电车会重获新生 吗? 5 (of a message or a reply 信息或答复)to be given in answer to a message, letter, etc. that you have sent or a question that you have asked 答复;回复:I sent her an email and a message came back that she was away. 我给 她发了封电子邮件, 收到回复信息说她外出了。 6 (to sb) to return to your memory, often suddenly (突然)回忆起,回想起: It's all coming back to me now. 现在我全都回想起来 了。7 (at sb)(with sth) to reply to sb quickly, strongly or angrily 回击; 驳斥:She came back at the speaker with some questions. 她用提问来 反驳发言人。 ◊ He came back straight away, telling me what he thought of me. 他立刻还 击,说出了他对我的看法。 ♦ v + adv ► comeback n 1 [usually sing.] if a person makes a comeback, they return to per- forming or to public life after a long time, or they become popular again (长期沉寂之后 的)复出,东山再起,再度走红:The band's trying to make/stage a comeback. 这支乐队正 准备复出。2 if sth makes a comeback, it becomes popular or fashionable again 再度风 行;再次盛行:Cartoons seem to be making a comeback. 漫画似乎又重新流行起来了。 3 a way of getting payment or a reward for sth unfair or wrong that has been done to you 获 得补偿的方式: Will I have no comeback if the contract falls through? 如果合同落空,我得不 到赔偿吗? 4 a quick reply that is often angry, insulting, clever or humorous (气愤、带有侮 辱性、机智或幽默的)迅速回答,当场反驳:For once in her life, she had no sharp comeback, 她 平生第一次没有立刻反唇相讥。 come back to sth to return to a particular subject, an idea, etc. and start to talk about it or think about it 回到(主题、想法等)上来:I'll come back to that point in a moment. 我稍后还 会讲到这一点。 ◊ It always seems to come back to the question of money. 话题似乎总是回到钱 的问题上来。 SYN return to sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + prep come be fore sb/sth (formaD (of a legal case, a proposal or an issue 法律案件、提议或 议题)to be presented to sb/sth so that they can discuss it or make a decision or a judgement about it 提交...供讨论(或作决定、 判决) : The case comes before the court next week. 这桩案件下周提交法院审理。◊ The bill came before parliament last month. 议案上月呈 交议会。 [OBJ] court, committee, judge, parliament ♦ v + prep come between sb and sb; .come between sb and sth to harm or disturb a relationship between two people; to prevent sb from doing, enjoying or having sth 损害 (或离间)… 之间的关系; 阻碍某人做某事: Nobody will ever come between them. 没人能拆 散他们。 ◊ I don't want to come between her and her work. 我不想妨碍她工作。 ♦ v + prep come by; come by sth 1 to pass sb/sth without stopping (从…旁)经过,走过:Some kids on bikes came by, but they didn't notice me. 一些孩子骑着自行车从旁边过去了,可他 们没注意到我。 2 (especially AmE) to come to visit sb for a short time in a relaxed or informal way 短暂看望;来串门:Thanks for coming by yesterday. 谢谢你昨天来看我。 ◊ Come by on your way home from work, 你下班 回家的路上过来坐坐吧。 ◊ If you come by the office tomorrow, I'll have it ready for you. 如果 你明天能来办公室一趟,我会给你准备好。SYN drop by; stop by, stop by sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come by sth to manage to get sth; to receive sth by chance 设法得到;偶然得到:Jobs are hard to come by these days. 如今找工作很难。◊ Information about the company was not easy to come by. 这家公司的相关资料不容易弄到手。 ◊ How did you come by that cut on your hand? 你手上的伤口是怎么弄的? ◊ Old postcards are fairly easily come by. 老明信片现在很容易 弄到。 SYN get sth; obtain sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep come down 1 (from ... ) (to ... ) to travel from one place to another, especially from the north of a country to the south (从…)过来 (到…)(尤指从一国北部到南部):When are you going to come down and see us? 你何时过 来看我们? 2 if a price, a level or an amount comes down, it becomes lower or less than SYNONYMS同义词辨析 come down alight ♦ come down ♦ land ♦ settle ♦ touch down All these words mean to come down through the air and onto the ground or another surface. 这些动词都表示降落。 alight (formal) (of a bird or insect) to land on or in sth after flying to it (鸟或昆虫) 飞 落, 停落: A butterfly fluttered by and alighted on a rose. 一只蝴蝶振翅飞过,落在玫瑰花上。 come down (of an aircraft) to land or fall from the sky (飞机) 着陆,降落,坠落: The passenger plane came down somewhere east of Moscow. 客机坠落在莫斯科以东某地。 land to come down through the air onto the ground or another surface 着陆;降落;落: The space shuttle landed safely at 12.45 p.m. 航天飞机下午 12:45 安全降落。 ◊ A fly landed on the dog's nose. 一只苍蝇落在狗的鼻子上。 settle to come down from the airy land on sth and stay therefor some time 停留;停歇: Dust had settled on everything. 到处落满灰 尘。。Two birds settled on the fence. 两只鸟落 在篱笆上。 touch down (of a plane or spacecraft) to land (飞机或航天器) 着陆,降落:The shuttle will touch down at 6 a.m. GMT. 航天飞机将于格林 尼治时间上午6点着陆。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to land/settle/come down/touch down/alight safely ■ to be due/scheduled to land/come down/touch down ■ to be forced to land/come down before (价格、水平或数量) 下滑,降低:oil is coming down in price. 石油价格在下跌。◊ Inflation has come down twice in the last month. 通货膨胀率上月两度回落。 SYN decrease (more formal); drop; fall OPP go up 3 to break and fall to the ground 崩塌;坍 塌;倒塌:Part of the ceiling had come down. 天 花板有一处塌了下来。SYN collapse 4 (of a plane, etc.飞机等) to fall from the sky; to be brought down to the ground 坠落;降落:The pilot was forced to come down in a field.飞行员 迫降在田野 5 (of rain, snow, etc. 雨、雪等) to fall 落下;降落:The rain was coming down harder now. 雨下大了。 only the rain, the snow SYN fall 6 [+ adv/prep] to decide that you support or oppose sb/sth and say so publicly 决定并宣布 (支持或反对): I knew my parents would come down on my sister's side. 我知道父母会站在妹妹 一边。◊ The committee came down against the proposal. 委员会表态反对这项提议。 ◊ Voters came down firmly in favour of reform. 选民 表示坚决支持改革。7 when the curtain in a theatre comes down, it is the end of the performance ( 剧院帷幕 ) 落下 (表示演出结 束): When the curtain came down, we all rushed for the exits. 演出一结束,我们纷纷冲向 各个出口。OPP go up 8 [ + adv/prep ] to reach down to a particular point 下垂,向下延伸 ( 到某一点 ):My mother's hair comes down to her waist. 我母亲的头发垂至腰部。9 (from sth) (informal) to stop having the pleasant feelings and excitement that sth such as an enjoyable experience or a drug produces (愉快或兴奋过 后) 平静下来:The party was so good I haven't really come down yet. 晚会太棒了,我现在还沉 浸其中不能平静。 ◊ He still hasn't come down from the caffeine. 他仍未从咖啡因带来的兴奋中 平静下来。10 (from sth) (to sth) (of a person selling sth 卖方)to suggest or agree to a lower price 降价出售;降低售价:I wasn't prepared to pay £1500, but they eventually came down to £1350. 我不愿出 1500 英镑,可他们最后降 到了 1350 英镑。 ◊ Can you come down another $30?你能再便宜 30 元吗? 11 (from sth) (BrE, formal) to leave a university (especially Oxford or Cambridge) after finishing your studies (尤指从牛津 或 剑桥) 大学毕业:When did you come down (from Oxford)? 你何时 (从 牛津) 毕业的? OPP come up (to sth) ♦ v + adv 10 also v + adv + n IDM come (back) down to earth (with a bang/'bump) to return to the reality of normal life after a period of great excitement or a time when you have been living in a way that is not very practical 回到现实中;停止做 白日梦:He came (back) down, to earth with a bang when he discovered that all his money had run out. 他发现自己的钱全用光了,才猛醒 过来。 ► comedown n [usually sing.] (informal) 1 a situation which is not as good, important or interesting as one you have experienced previ- ously 倒退;退步:It's a bit of a comedown after her previous job. 这比她的上一份工作稍差了 点。2 a bad feeling which you get after the pleasant effects of a drug have disappeared ( 毒品带来的快感消失后的 ) 难受,不舒服 come down; come down sth to move from a higher place or position to a lower one, or from a place that is far away towards the speaker (从…) 下来,过来:Come down from that tree! 从树上下来! ◊ The car was coming down the road towards us. 汽车沿着马路朝我们 开来。 ◊ Jack came down the stairs two at a time. 杰克一步两级台阶走下楼来。 OPP come up, come up sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v+ prep come 'down on sb (informal) to punish sb or criticize sb severely 惩罚;训斥:The courts are coming down heavily on drug dealers. 法庭 要严惩毒品贩子。 ◊ Don't come down too hard on him—he's young. 不要对他这么凶---他还 小呢。 NOTE Come down on sb is always used with an adverb such as hard or a phrase with a similar meaning * come down on sb 总是与 hard 等副词或含义相近的短语连用:if it happens again, weV. come down on you so hard that you'll wish you'd never been born, 如果再有这 种事,我们会叫你吃不了兜着走。 ◊ He came down on me like a ton of bricks. 他劈头盖脸地 教训了我一顿。 ♦ v + adv + prep come down to sb (from sb/sth) to be passed to sb from sb who lived in the past (从…)流传下来:The family estate came down to her from her grandfather. 家产是祖父留给她 的。[SUBJ] story, name, tradition ♦ v + adv + prep come 'down to sth to be able to be explained as one simple, important question or point 可归结为;可归纳为:It all comes down to a matter of priorities in the end 归根 到底,这都是孰先孰后的问题。 ◊ When it comes down to it (= the most important fact is), we can't afford to go. 关键是我们去不起。 ◊ What it comes down to is a choice between money or happiness. 这可以归结为一个问题,就是要金钱 还是要幸福。 ♦ v + adv + prep come down with sth to get an illness, often not a very serious one 患,染上(小病): I came down with a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 ◊ I think I'm coming down with something. 我猜我 是得了什么小病了。 [OBJ] flu, a cold SYN go down with sth; catch sth; get sth -> note at SUFFER FROM STH ♦ v + adv + prep come for sb/sth 1 to come to sb's home, or to the place where sb/sth is in order to take them/it somewhere 来接某人,来取某物(以 带到另一处):The police came for him this morning. 警察今天上午把他带走了。 ◊ Have you come for the parcel? 你是来取包裹的吗? 2 to attack sb/sth 进攻;攻击:Sam came for me with his fists. 萨姆挥舞着拳头朝我打来。 ♦ v + prep come 'forth (literary) to appear or be pro- duced 出现;产生:He struck the rock and water came forth. 他敲打岩石,水就涌出来了。 ♦ v + adv ► forth coming adj 1 [only before noun] about to happen or appear very soon 即将发 生的;即将出现的:Who is in charge of pro- moting the band's forthcoming album? 谁负 责推广乐队即将推出的唱片? 2 [not before noun] ready or made available when you need it 现成;随要随有:Unfortunately money for the project has not been forthcoming. 可 惜这个项目的资金还未到位。3 [not before noun] (of a person 人)ready to give infor- mation when they are asked 愿提供信息;配合: He's not very forthcoming about his love life. 他 不大愿意谈及他的爱情生活。 come 'forward (with sth) to offer to give help, information, etc. 主动提供(帮助、信 息等):Police have asked witnesses tv come forward. 警方呼吁目击者出来作证。◊ We're hoping that a sponsor will come forward with the extra money. 我们希望有赞助者捐助额外资 金。 ◊ No one came forward to claim the reward. 无人前来领奖。 ♦ v + adv come from ... (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to be born in or live in a particular place 出生于;来自:Where do you come from? 你是什么地方的人? ◊ She comes from London. 她是伦敦人。 ♦ v + prep come from sth to start in a particular place or be made from a particular thing 来自;产自: Most of the wines that we sell come from France. 我们出售的葡萄酒大多产自法国。◊ Does your information come from a reliable source? 你的消息来源可靠吗? ◊ I'm lazy? That's rich, coming from you! (= you are lazy too)我懒 惰?真好笑,你不懒呀? ◊ He comes from a wealthy family. 他出身于富裕家庭。 ◊ Where's that terrible noise coming from? 那讨厌的噪音 是从哪里来的? ◊ 93% of our energy comes from fossil fuels. 我们93%的能源来自矿物燃料。 ♦ v + prep IDM where sb is 'coming from (informal) a person's situation, attitude, ideas, etc. that make them say what they have said (决定 某人言论的)某人的全部背景,某人的动机: I know exactly where you're coming from. 我完全 了解你的立场。 come from sth; come from doing sth -> COME OF STH, COME OF DOING STH come in 1 when the sea comes in, it moves towards the land (海水)涌向陆地,涨潮:The tide was coming in fast. 潮水迅速上涨。OPP go out 2 to finish a race in a particular position (赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次):Which horse came in first? 哪匹马得了第一名? 3 to arrive; to be received 到达; 传来:News is coming in of a train crash in Scotland. 刚收到的消息说,苏 格兰发生了火车撞车事故。 ◊ We've got more work coming in than we can handle. 工作不断 增加,让我们应接不暇。 ◊ I met all the trains that came in from London. 从伦敦来的所有列车 都是我接的。◊ We've got just enough money coming in each month to pay the bills. 我 们每月的收入刚好够支付账单。4 to become available 可提供;可利用:English strawberries usually come in in June. 英格兰的草莓通常在六 月上市。 ◊ New jobs are coming in all the time. 新的职位不断涌现。5 if a law or a rule comes in, it is introduced and begins to take effect (法律或规则)开始生效: New legislation coming in. next month will tackle low pay. 下月 实施的新法规将着手解决低工资的问题。 6 to take part in a discussion or agreement 参加讨 论;加入协议: I'd like to come in here. 我现在想 说几句。 ◊ I wish he wouldn't keep coming in with his stupid suggestions, 我希望他不要没完 没了地提出愚蠢的建议。 ◊ If you want to come in on the deal, you need to decide now. 如果你 想加入这项交易,现在就得决定。 ♦ v + adv IDM come in handy/1 useful to be useful 有用 处;用得上:These boxes will come in handy when we move house. 我们搬家时这些箱子会派 上用场。 ► income n money that you receive regularly, especially as payment for work 收入 ► incoming adj [only before noun] 1 travelling towards a place and arriving there 到来的:incoming flights/passengers 进港航班 / 旅客 2 (of the sea 海水)coming towards the land 涌向陆地的;上涨的 3 (of a phone call, letter or message 电话、信件或消息)sent to you or received by you 发来的;收到的: This phone only takes incoming calls. 这部电话只能 接听来电。4 recently appointed or elected 新 任的;新当选的:the incoming Socialist govern- ment 新当选的社会党政府 come in; come in sth; come into sth to enter a room or a building; to pass through sth such as a hole, a window, etc. 进入(房间或建筑物);通过(洞口、窗户等): I knocked and heard her say 'Come in:我敲了 敲门,听见她说 "进来”. ◊ The rain's coming in through that hole. 雨水从那个洞漏进来。 ◊ I'll ask him to call you as soon as he comes in (= arrives home or at work). 他一来我就让他 给你打电话。 ◊ The sun was coming in at the windows. 阳光从窗户射进来。 ◊ When you come in the door, you'll find Reception on your left. 你 一进门就能看到左边的接待处。 ◊ She came into the room crying. 她哭着进了房间。 -> note at GO IN, GO IN STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come in; .come into sth 1 to go to an office or the place where you work, in order to do some work (到办公室或工作地点)去工 作:Are you coming into the office tomorrow? 你 明天去办公室吗? [OBJ] the office, work 2 to have a part to play in sth; to play a useful role 有份儿; 起作用: I like the plan, but where do I come in (= what is my role)? 我赞成 这个计划,可我该做什么呢? 3 to become fashionable; to start to be worn or used 时 兴;流行起束:When did platform heels come in? 厚底高跟鞋是何时流行的? ◊ Trolleybuses first came in in 1923. 无轨电车最早出现于1923 年。◊ Punk clothes seem to be coming into fashion again. 朋克服装似乎又流行起来了。 OPP out 4 to go to a hospital to receive treatment, tests, etc. 到医院(接受治疗、检查 等):Can you come in for the X-rays on Friday? 你星期五来照X光好吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come in for sth to receive sth, especially sth unpleasant 遭受;招致:The government has come in for severe criticism from all sides. 政府遭到各方的严厉批评。 ◊ The company came in for a lot of stick (= a lot of criticism) with their advertising campaign. 公司的广告宣传活 动备受指摘。 [OBJ] severe criticism ♦ v + adv + prep come in with sb (on sth), ,come in (with sb) on sth if sb comes in with you, they join you in a particular project, activity, business, etc, 加入; 入伙:Do you want to come in with me on Joe's present? 你愿意和我凑份子 给乔买礼物吗? ◊ My brother hoped I would come in with him when he started his own busi- ness. 哥哥希望我和他一起创业。◊ Do you want to come in on the deal? 你想参与这笔交易吗? ♦ v + adv + prep come into sth 1 to begin to exist, happen, etc. 开始存在(或发生等):The cherry trees are coming into blossom. 樱桃树开花了。 ◊ The band only came into being in 2005. 这支乐队 2005 年才成立。 ◊ When do the new regulations come into force/effect? 新规章制度何时生效? ◊ When did the Labour party come into office? 工 党何时开始执政的? ◊ A variety of factors come into play when choosing an employee. 挑选雇员 要考虑客种各样的因素。2 to receive a large sum of money when sb dies 获得,继承(遗 产):She came into a fortune when her cousin died. 表兄去世后她继承了一大笔财产。[OBJ] a fortune, money 3 to be important in a particular situation (在特定情形下)起重要作 用: I got the job because I was the best. My looks didn't come into it. 我得到这份工作是因为我最 优秀,无关我的外表。 ◊ He took the job because he liked the work. Money didn't come into the equation. 他选择这份工作是出于兴趣。钱不是 主要因素。[OBJ] it, the equation ♦ v + prep IDM come into 'line (with sb/sth) to behave in the way other people behave, or in the way you should behave (与…)一致;随大 溜;按规范 come into your/its 'own to have the opportunity to show your/its qualities or abilities 有机会表现(品质);充分施展(才 能): After two poor games, he finally came into his own in the game against Germany. 经过两 场表现糟糕的比赛之后,他终于在和德国队的比 赛中发挥出了自己的水平。 ◊ This bike comes into its own on rough ground. 这辆自行车在颠 簸的地面上才能显示出它的优势。 come of sth; come of doing sth (also come from sth, come from doing sth) to happen as a result of sth 由…引起;是…的结果: I told him no good would come of it. 我告诉过 他不会有任何好的结果。◊ He promised to help, but I don't think anything will come of 他答 应帮忙,但我想他只是说说而已。◊ That's what comes of not listening to my advice? 那就是不听 我劝的下场! ◊ I had the feeling of satisfaction that comes from doing a difficult job welL 我有 那种圆满完成一项棘手工作的满足感。 ♦ v + prep come off 1 to be able to be removed 可拆 除;可拆卸:Does this knob come off? 这个旋钮 能卸下来吗? 2 (informal) to take place; to happen 举行;发生:Did your trip to New York ever come off? 你去纽约的事最后成了吗? 3 (informal) if a plan, etc. comes off, it is successful or it has the result that you intend (计划等)成功,达到预期效果:Her attempt to break the world record nearly came off. 她打破 世界纪录的尝试差点成功。 4 [ + adv] (informal) if sb comes off well or badly in a fight, a con- test, etc., they finish the fight in a good or a bad condition (搏斗、比赛等)大胜,大败: He always comes off worst in fights. 他打架总是输 得很惨。 5 (AmE, informal) -> COME ACROSS 2 ♦ v + adv come off; come off sth 1 to become separated from sth (从…)掉下,脱落:The handle came off in my hand. 把手掉在我手 里了。 ◊ A button has come off my coat. 我的 外套掉了一颗纽扣。 2 to faU from sth (从…) 掉下,落下: My glasses came off when I tripped. 我绊了一跤,把眼镜摔掉了。◊ She braked sharply and came off her bike, 她猛一刹 闸,从自行车上摔了下来。[OBJ] bicycle, horse 3 to move away from sth large or important and go in a different direction (从大的或重要 的事物中)分离,脱离,岔开:A narrow road comes off on the left. 左侧岔出去一条窄路。4 to leave the stage, the sports field, etc. during a play or a game (演出或比赛时) 离开舞台 (或赛场等);下台;退场:Two players came off just before half time. 在上半场即将结束之 前, 有两名队员下场了。5 to leave sth such as a vehicle or a road (从交通工具上)下来;离 开(道路):She looked tired as she came off the plane. 她下飞机时显得很疲惫。 ◊ Come off (the motorway) at junction five. 在五号交叉口驶 离(高速公路)。 6 if an amount of money comes off a price, the price becomes lower by that amount (从价格中)削减:Two pence a litre is coming off the price of petroL 食油价格 每升将要下调两便士。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come off sth 1 to stop using sth; to stop taking a drug, medicine, alcohol, etc.停止 (服药、吸毒、饮酒等):It's time she tried to come off sleeping pills. 她设设法戒掉安眠药 了 2 (of heat, a smell, the wind, etc. 热量、 气味、风等)to start from a particular place or thing (从某处或某物)开始,窜出,升起: There was a mist coming off the sea. 海上起雾 了。 3 (AmE, informal) to have just completed a very successful period of time or returned to normal after a bad period 圆满渡过(一段 成功时期);(一段糟糕时期之后)恢复正常: Farmers are coming off another tough year. 农 民又熬过了困难的一年。 ♦ v+ prep IMD come off it! used to tell sb that you think or know that what they have said is not true or that you disagree with it (表示不相信 或不同意)别胡扯,别胡谄,住口: Come off it! England will never win! 别胡说八道!英格兰队 肯定赢不了! come on 1 (also .come along especially BrE, less frequent) used to encourage sb to do sth, for example, to hurry (用于鼓励)快,加油, 加把劲:Come on, we'll be late. 走吧,我们要迟 到了。 ◊ Come on, things can't be that bad! 加 把劲,情况不会那么糟的! 2 used to show that you do not believe what sb has said or that you disagree with them (表示不相信或不同 意)得 了吧:Come on! You don't really expect me to believe that, do you? 得啦!你不会真的以 为我会相信那个吧。3 (of a light, the elec- tricity, etc. 电灯、电力等)to begin working; to be switched on 开始运作;打开:Does the heating come on automatically? 暖气自动开始 供暖吗? ◊ I've set the oven to come on at five. 我把烤箱设定为在五点钟开始烘烤。[SUBJ] lights OPP go off 4 (also .come along) to make progress; to improve or develop in the way that you want 进展;改进;发展:Your French is really coming on. 你的法语确实有进步。◊ Tim's come on well with the guitar. 蒂姆的吉他 弹得大有起色。◊ How's dinner coming along? 晚饭做好了吗? 5 (of an actor or a performer 表演者)to walk onto the stage and start to perform 登台;上场:When are McFly coming on? 小飞侠乐队何时出场? 6 (sport) (of a player 运动员)to join a team instead of another player during a game (比赛中替换别 人)上场:Robson came on in place of Wilkins. 罗布森替换威尔金斯上场。7 (of a television programme, etc. 电视节目等)to start to be shown 开始播映:What time does the news come on? 新闻报道什么时候开始? 8 (especially BrE) (of a season, a period of time, an illness, etc. 季节、时段、疾病等)to begin 开始:It's getting colder. Winter's coming on, 天气开始变冷了, 冬天到了。 ◊ I think I've got a cold coming on. 我觉得我有点感冒了。 ◊ It came on to rain.天 下起雨来了。NOTE Usually used in the pro- gressive tenses. 通常用于进行时。9 [+ adv] to go to a place 去某处:Come on in and make yourself at home. 进来随便坐坐吧。 ◊ My wife's coming on later. 我妻子过会儿来。10 (BrE, informal) (of a woman) to start your period (女性)来月经 ♦ v + adv IDM come on 'strong to speak or behave in a very determined way, especially in a way that shows sb you want to have a sexual relation- ship with them (尤指)露骨地求爱,求欢 ► oncoming adj [only before noun] ad- vancing towards you; approaching you 迎面而 来的;接近的 come on; come *on sth to begin speaking to sb on the telephone 开始(与某 人)通电话:I had a long talk with my mother, then my dad came on. 我和妈妈谈了好长时间, 然后爸爸又来和我通话。 ◊ Sue came on the line for a chat. 休打电话来聊天。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come on/upon sb/sth {Jorma!) to meet or find sb/sth by chance 偶然遇见;偶然发现:I came upon this beautiful vase in the attic. 我在 阁楼偶然看见了这只漂亮的花瓶。 ♦ v + prep come on to sb (informal) to behave in a way that dearly shows sb that you want to have a sexual relationship with them 勾引; 向...求欢 ♦ v + adv + prep ► comeon n [usually sing.] (informal。a remark or action that is intended to attract sb 试图吸引人的言行;噱头;引诱 come on to sth to start talking about or discussing a topic 开始讨论(某一话题):I'll come on to the subject of exams in a minute. 我 马上就会谈到考试这个话题。 [OBJ] question, topic, subject ♦ v + adv + prep come out 1 when the sun, moon or stars come out, they appear in the sky (太阳、月 亮或星辰)出现,出来: The sun came out in the afiemoon. 下午出太阳了。SYN appear 2 when flowers come out, they open (植物)开花: The daffodils came out late this year. 水仙花 今年开的晚。 3 to be published or produced 出版;发行;发表: Her new novel's just come out. 她的新小说刚出版。◊ When do the exam results come out? 考试成绩什么时候出来? SYN appear 4 (of news, the truth, etc. 消息、真相 等)to become known after a time when it has been secret 显露出来;为人所知:The truth finally came out, 终于真相大白了。◊ It came out that she'd made the whole thing up. 结果 发觉这全都是她捏造出来的。5 to be shown clearly 显示;显现:His arrogance comes out in every speech he makes. 每次讲话时他的傲慢 都溢于言表。 6 (with sb) to go somewhere with sb for a social event ( 和某人)外出社交: Will you come out to dinner with me tonight? 你今晚和我出去吃饭好吗? 7 if a photograph comes out, the picture can be seen clearly (照片)洗出来,显现: My photos didn't come out very well because there wasn't enough light. 由于光线不足,我的照片洗出来效果不好。 8 when words come out, they are spoken 说 出; 讲出:I opened my mouth to apologize, but the words wouldn't come out. 我张嘴想道歉, 但这话怎么也说不出口。◊ He tried to pay her a compliment but it came out all wrong. 他本想 称赞她,可是话一出口却全变味了。9 [+ prep] to state publicly that you do or do not support sth宣布(支持或反对某事):Members of the committee have come out in opposition to the proposal. 委员会成员公开表示反对这个提议。 10 come out and do sth to be brave enough to say or do sth that other people might find it hard to say or do 勇敢站出来;挺身而出:Has she actually come out and admitted it yet? 她是 否真的站出来承认了? ◊ Only one member of staff came out and said that the working condi- tions were unsatisfactory. 只有一名职员挺身而 出,指出工作条件不能令人满意。 11 (BrE) to stop work and go on strike 罢工:The miners have come out on strike. 矿工罢工了。12 to say openly that you are a homosexual (= a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex) 公开自己的同性恋者身份;出柜 13 when a young girl came out in the past, she was formally introduced into society (旧 时的少女经正式介绍)初入社交界 ♦ v + adv come out; come out of sth 1 to leave a place or appear from inside a place 离开; 从...出来:Come out! I know you're in there! 出 来吧!我知道你在里面! ◊ I'll speak to her as soon as she comes out of the meeting. 她一开完 会,我就跟她说。2 if an object comes out of sth, it is removed from the place where it is fixed or becomes separated from sth (从…) 掉下,脱落:Her tooth came out when she bit into the apple. 她咬苹果时崩掉了牙齿。 ◊ All the pages have come out of this book. 这本书散架 了 ◊ This screw won't come out of the wall. 墙 上这颗螺丝钉拔不出来。3 if a mark or some dirt comes out, it is removed from sth by washing or cleaning (污渍或污垢)被洗掉, 被清除:The bloodstains won't come out of my shirt. 我衬衫上的血迹洗不掉。◊ It was a very expensive skirt, but most of the colour came out when I washed it. 这条裙字很贵,可一洗颜色就 快褪光了。4 [+ adv/prep/adj] to finish sth in a particular state; to have a particular result (以某状态)完成(某事); 有…结果: She came out on top in the exams. 她考试成绩名列 前茅。 ◊ His reputation came out undamaged. 结果他的声誉并未受损。 ◊ The family didn't come out of the affair very well. 到头来这件事 对这家人结果不是很好。NOTE In this meaning, come out and come out of sth are always used either with an adverb, an adjective or a phrase beginning with a preposition. * come out和come out of sth 作此义时,总是与副词、 形容词或介词短语连用。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep come 'out of yourself to relax and become more confident and friendly with other people 更加放松自信地与他人友好交往; 变得外向 come out at sth to add up to a particular cost or sum 共计;合计:The total bill comes out at: over a thousand pounds. 账单金额总计超 过一千英镑。 ♦ v + adv + prep come out in sth if a person comes out in sth such as spots, their skin becomes covered in them (皮肤上)布满(疹子、粉刺等):The cream made her face come out in a rash. 用了 这种乳霜后,她脸上起了皮疹。 [OBJ] spots, rash, lumps SYN break out in sth ♦ v + adv + prep come out of sth 1 to return to normal after a difficult time (艰难时期之后)恢复 正常:The country is slowly coming out of recession . 该国正慢慢走出经济衰退。 2 to result or develop from a process or an event 由…产生; 由…形成: At least some good came out of all our hard work. 我们的辛勤劳动至少 带来一些好处。 ◊ The book came out of her travels in Japan. 这本书取材于她在日本的游历 经历。 3 to be taken away from a total amount (从总数中)扣减、减掉:The money will have to come out of your wages. 这笔钱只 能从你的工资中扣除。 ♦ v + adv + prep come out with sth (informal)。to say sth, especially sth surprising or not polite 说出 (尤指令人吃惊或无礼的话):I can't believe the things he comes out with! 我难以相信他居然说 出这种话! ◊ When I asked her why she was late, she just came out with a load of nonsense. 我问她为何迟到,她的回答不着边际。 ♦ v + adv + prep come over 1 (to sb/sth) to move across a room, a road, an ocean, etc. towards where the speaker is (从…) 过来:Come over and meet my husband. 过来见见我丈夫吧。◊ When are you coming over to England again? 你何时 再次来英国呢?◊ Lots of people are coming over from America for the wedding. 很多人要从美国 来参加婚礼。2 (to sth) to visit sb for a short time, usually at their home (通常指到家中) 短暂造访,顺便来访: Her son only comes over to see her occasionally. 她的儿子只是偶尔来看看 她。 ◊ Our new neighbours came over to our house last night. 昨天晚上新邻居到我们家来 了。3 [+ adj] (BrE, informal) to suddenly start feeling sth 突然感到:to come over funny/dizzy/faint 突然觉得好笑/ 晕眩 /头昏 ◊ I come over all shy whenever I see her. 每次见到 她,我就突然感到很腼腆。4 -> COME ACROSS ♦ v + adv come over sb/sth (of a feeling, a mood, etc. 感觉、情绪等) to affect sb/sth 影响:I'm sorry——I don't know what came over me (= I don't know what made me behave in that way). 对不起——我不知道我是怎么了。 ◊ A remarkable change has come over the group since he left. 他离开后,那个组变化很大。 ♦ v + prep come over to sb/sth to leave one group of people in order to join a competing group; to change from one opinion to another 转到… 方面来; 改变立场 (或看法等):Some of their members have come over to our side. 他们的一 些成员转变立场,站到了我们这边。 ♦ v + adv + prep come past; ,come past sb/sth to pass in front of the speaker or the place where the speaker is (从说话者前) 经过:Charlie came past on his bike. 查利骑自行车从我身边经过。◊ III bring the book round on my way to school— I've got to come past your house. 我去学校时把 书带过来——我反正得路过你家。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come 'round (BrE) (also .come a'round AmE, BrE) 1 (to sth) to visit sb or a place; to come to sb's home to see them for a short time 访问; 短暂拜访: Come round and see us sometime. 抽 空来看看我们吧。 ◊ Do you want to come round for lunch? 你来家里吃午饭好吗? -> see also COME OVER 2 2 (of a regular event 常规事件) to arrive; to happen at the usual time 到来; 按时举行:I can't believe Christmas has come round again! 难以置信又到圣诞节了! 3 to move among a group of people in order to give them sth 在人群中穿梭 (服务): The waiters came round with drinks. 服务员端着饮 料在人群中穿梭。4 (to sth) (informal) to agree to sth that you were against before; to change your opinion about sth 改变立场;改变观点: Shell never come round to our way of thinking. 她决不会改变观点转而同意我们的想法。 ◊ Don't push him; he'll come round in time. 别催他,他 迟早会回心转意的。 ♦ v + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 come round come round ♦ come to ♦ regain consciousness ♦ wake up These verbs all mean to become conscious again. 这些动词都表示恢复知觉、苏醒过来。 come round (BrE) to become conscious after being unconscious 恢复知觉;苏醒: She hasn't come round from the anaesthetic yet. 她 尚未从麻醉中苏醒过来。NOTE Come around is used in American English. * come around 用于美国英语。 come to to become conscious after being unconscious 恢复知觉;苏醒: When she came to, the room was in darkness. 她苏醒过来时, 房间漆黑一片。 regain consciousness (format) to become conscious after being unconscious 恢复知 觉;苏醒:She never regained consciousness and died three days later. 她再未恢复神智, 三日后与世长辞。 wake up to become conscious after being unconscious, especially after an operation (尤指手术后) 恢复知觉,苏醒: I felt really terrible when I woke up after the operation. 手 术后我苏醒过来,感觉很糟。 WHICH WORD? With come to the emphasis is more on the moment of becoming conscious, less on the process. With come round/around the emphasis is more on the process of becoming conscious, less on the moment. All of these expressions can be used for becoming conscious after an operation. * come to 更强调苏醒的时刻,而非 过程;come round / around 更强调苏醒的过 程,而非时刻。这些表达方式都可用于指手术后 恢复知觉。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to wake up/come to/come round/come around from sth ■ to wake up/come to suddenly ■ to come to/come round/come around slowly come round (BrE) (AmE ,come a round) (also come 'to BrE, AmE) to become conscious again 恢复知觉;苏醒:When she came round, her sister was sitting beside her bed. 她苏醒过 来时,姐姐正坐在床边。 ◊ He hasn't yet come round after the anaesthetic. 他麻醉后还没有苏 醒过来。 -> see also PASS OUT ♦ v + adv come round; come round sth (BrE) (also .come a round, .come around sth AmE, 1 (of a letter or a document 信件或文件) to be passed from one person to another 传 递;传阅:The card came round for everyone to sign. 贺卡传给每个人签名。 2 to travel to where the speaker is by a longer route than usual, especially around the outside of sth 绕 道而来:The road was blocked so we had to come round by the fields . 公路堵住了,我们只 得从田地里绕道过来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come 'round sth (BrE) -> COME AROUND STH come through 1 (to sth) (informal) used especially to ask sb to enter a room or a building, or move from one room to another 进入(房间或建筑物);(从一房间)进入 (另 一房间); (尤指请某人) 进来:Come through to my office. 到我办公室来吧。 ◊ Mr Dole can see you now. Will you come through? 多尔先生现在 可以见你了。请过来好吗? 2 (of news, a message, a document, etc. 消息、信息、文件等) to be received by telephone, radio, etc. or in an official way (通过电话、无线电等) 传来, 接收:I've got an international call coming through for you. 我接到一个找你的国际长途电 话。◊ We're going to buy a new car when the insurance money comes through. 收到保险金之 后,我们打算买辆新车。 ◊ He's still waiting for his divorce to come through. 他还在等候批准离 婚。3 (with sth) to provide or do sth that people expect or that you have promised 履 行,兑现 (诺言): The insurance company has finally come through with the money. 保险公司 终于陪付了那笔钱。 4 -> COME ACROSS 1 ♦ v + adv come through; come through sth 1 to enter and cross a room, an area of land, a town, a country, etc.; to pass through sth 穿 过;越过;通过:Put sth over the hole to stop the rain coming through. 把洞堵上,免得漏雨。 2 to get better after a serious illness; to avoid serious injury or damage (重病后) 康复;避 免严重伤害;安然度过:He's very ill but his doctors expect him to come through the operation. 他病得很重,但医生估计手术后能挺 过来。 3 to start to appear from under or behind sth 露出;探出:The baby's front teeth were coming through. 婴儿的门牙露头了。◊ The sun's coming through the clouds at last. 太 阳终于拨云而出。SYN emerge (more formal) 4 to pass from one stage of a competition to the next; to be successful in a test or an exam 通过 (选拔赛等); 通过 (测试或考试): Chris did well to come through the qualifying rounds of the tournament (= for example in tennis). 克里斯发挥出色,在锦标赛的资格赛中胜出。 ◊ Most of the students came through (the exam) with flying colours (= were very successful). 大多数学生考试成绩优秀。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come 'to -> COME ROUND; -> note at COME ROUND come to sb 1 if an idea comes to you, it suddenly enters your mind 闪现在脑海:The idea came to me in the middle of the night. 我在半夜时突然想到了这个主意。 ◊ It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong. 她突然 发觉她错了。 2 (especially BrE) (of money, property, etc. 钱、不动产等) to pass to sb else when sb dies 遗传给:All my money will come to you when I die. 我死后我的钱全归你。 ♦ v + prep come to yourself (old-fashioned) to return to your normal state 恢复常态:It took her a while to come to herself again. 她过了一会儿才 回过神来。 ♦ v + prep + pron come to sth 1 to add up to sth; to be equal to sth 共计;达到;等于:The bill came to $50. 账单金额是50元。 2 to reach a particular state or condition; to arrive at sth 达到 (某一状 况);得出 (结果):We both came to the same conclusion, 我们均得出同样的结论。 ◊ I don't know what the world's coming to (= I think things are getting very bad and unpleasant). 我不明白这世道是怎么了。 ◊ All her dreams had come to nothing. 她所有的梦想都破灭了。[OBJ] this, that, nothing NOTE In this meaning, come to sth is often used with this or that ♦ come to sth 作此义时,常与 this 或 that 连用: The doctors will operate if necessary, but it may not come to that. 必要时医生会开刀手术,但也 许还不致如此。 ♦ v + prep IDM when it comes to sth/to doing sth when it is a case, matter or question of sth/of doing sth 在…方面;涉及…时:When it comes to cooking, he's better than I am! 说到厨艺,他比 我强多了! come together if two or more people or things come together, they form one group or one piece 合成一体;结合;联合:Several local groups came together to fight the proposed housing development. 一些当地组织联合电来反 对规划中的房产开发。 ◊ During the last three days of rehearsals, everything came together. 在 最后三天的排练中,各部分都衔接起来了。 ♦ v + adv come 'under sth 1 to be included within a particular group or collection of things 归入; 归类:Several different types of schools come under the heading of 'private schools'. 一些学校 可归到 “私立学校” 类。[OBJ] heading, banner, category 2 to be managed, controlled or owned by a particular group or organization 归…管理;由..控制;隶属:The prisons now come under central government control. 监狱现 在由中央政府监管。[OBJ] control, authority, wing 3 if you come under attack, criticism, etc., sb attacks, criticizes, etc. you 遭到, 受到 (攻击、批评等):The government has come under attack over the new bill. 政府因为新法 案而遭受抨击。 ◊ She's come under intense pressure to change her mind. 她承受着要她转变 想法的巨大压力。[OBJ] attack, pressure, fire, scrutiny, criticism ♦ v + prep come up 1 (to ... ) (from ... ) to travel from one place to another, usually from a smaller place to a larger one, or from the south of a country to the north (从…)来到(通常指 从小地方到大地方,或从一国南部到北部): They've come up from Texas. 他们来自得克萨 斯 ◊ We thought we'd go up to London for a weekend in the big city. 我们本想去伦敦,在 大城市度个周末。2 (to sb/sth) to go towards a person in order to talk to them (为了攀 谈)走到...面前,走上前来,走近:A guy came up to me in the street and asked me for money. 街上有个男子走到我跟前来要钱。 ◊ The group leader came up to the reception desk. 组长走到 接待处前。 3 (of plants 植物)to appear above the ground 长出地面;破土而出:The first snowdrops are just coming up. 第一茬雪花莲刚 破土发芽。SYN appear 4 when the sun or moon comes up, it rises in the sky (太阳或月 亮)升起:We sat and watched the sun coming up behind the hills. 我们坐看红日从群山后面喷 薄而出。[SUBJ] onlv the sun, the moon SYN rise OPP go down 5 to rise to the surface of water or another liquid 升到(液体)表面;浮出:I came up gasping for air. 我浮出来大口呼吸。 ◊ Bubbles were coming up to the surface. 气泡 不断冒出水面。 6 to happen, especially when you do not expect it (尤指意外地)发生: Something urgent has come up; I have to go. 突然有了急事,我得走了。 ◊ opportunities like this don't come up every day. 这种机遇不是每天 都有的 。 SYN crop up 7 be coming up (always used in the progressive tenses 总是用手进行时) (of an event or a time 事情或时间)to be going to happen very soon 即将发生(或出现、到 来):Our exams are coming up soon. 我们马上 要考试了。 ◊ Coming up next is the news. 以下 是新闻报道。 8 to be talked about or discussed 被提及;被讨论:The subject didn't come up in conversation last night. 昨晚的谈 话中没有提到这个话题。 ◊ Mary's name keeps coming up. 玛丽的名字一再被人提到。[SUBJ] name, question, subject 9 to be dealt with by a court (由法庭)审理:Her case comes up next month. 她的案子下月开审。10 if your name, number or ticket comes up in a betting game, it is chosen and you are one of the winners (在博彩中)被抽中,中奖:My numbers came up and I won a million pounds! 我的号码中奖 了, 赢了一百万英镑! 11 (informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to be ready soon; to be coming soon 马上就 好:立刻到来: ’A cup of tea please’. 'Coming up!' “请来杯茶。” “ 马上就好!” 12 (of infor- mation 信息)to appear on a computer screen or a board, for example in an airport 出现, 显示(在机场等的计算机屏幕或布告牌上):Her flight has just come up on the arrivals board. 她乘坐的航班刚刚显示在进港布告牌上。13 [+ adj/adv] (BrE) (of an object or a substance 物体或物质)to appear in a particular way at the end of a period of time or when sth has been done to it (一段时间或经过处理后)以某 方式出现,变得:When the wool is washed, it comes up beautifully soft. 毛线洗涤后变得很柔 软。◊ I've given it a good clean and ifs come up like new. 我把它彻底清洗了,使它焕然一新。 14 (of lights in a cinema, a theatre, etc. 影 院、剧院等的灯光)to become brighter after the film/movie, play, etc. has finished (放映 或演出结束后)被打亮: The lights came up to loud applause. 伴随着雷鸣般的掌声,灯光打亮 了。15 (to sth) (BrE, format) to begin your studies at a university (especially Oxford or Cambridge) 上大学(尤指车津或剑桥):She came up (to Oxford) in 1982. 她 1982 年上的 (牛津)关学。 OPP come down (from sth) 16 (to sth) to reach as far as a particular point or level 达到(某点或某水平):The water came up to my chin. 水淹到了我的下巴。 ◊ My sister hardly comes up to my shoulder. 妹妹还不到我 的肩膀。 ◊ His scarf came up over his eyes. 他的 围巾裹住了眼睛。 SYN reach sth 17 (on sth) to start to feel the effects of a drug 开始感觉到 药效 ♦ v + adv IDM be coming up 'roses (informal) (of a situation 情况)to be developing in a successful way 进展顺利:Everything's coming up roses! 事事都一帆风顺! come up empty/ empty- handed (AmE) to be unsuccessful in achieving a goal or finding sth you are looking for 空手而归;一无所获:The women's volleyball team came up empty in all three matches Friday. 女排周五的三场比赛均告失利。 ◊ Police are still coming up empty-handed in the search for the missing girl. 警方搜寻失踪女孩仍无进 展。come up in the world to become more important in society or more successful in your career 发迹;出人头地:She's really come up in the world since she left school. 她离开学 校之后飞黄腾达。come up/turn up trumps to do more than people expect and so make a situation very successful 超出预期;大获成功: The team's new player came up trumps and scored three goals. 该队的新队员发挥出色,进 了三个球。 ◊ That was a wonderful meal! You've come up trumps again. 这顿饭好极了!你又露 了一手。 ► up-and- coming adj [only before noun] (informal) making good progress and likely to be successful in the future 初露头角的;真有 潜力的:cm up-and-coming young actor 一个崭 露头角的青年演员 ► upcoming adj [only before noun] (espe- cially AmE) about to happen soon 即将发生 的;就要出现的:the upcoming presidential elec- tion 即将举行的总统选举 come up; come up sth to move from a lower place or position to a higher one, or upstairs in a building, especially with the speaker or towards the place where the speaker is 上来;上...来 : Who wants to come up to the top of the hill with me? 谁想和我爬到山 顶上去? ◊ My apartment is on the third floor. Are you coming up? 我的公寓在三楼。你要上来 吗? ◊ I can hear somebody coming up the stairs. 我听到有人登楼梯上来。 [OBJ] road, stairs OPP come down, come down sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep come up against sb/sth if you come up against sb/sth, you have to face sb/sth that is difficult 面对,碰到(难缠的人或麻烦事):We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the scheme. 我们预料这个计划会遭到很多人的 反对。 ◊ You'll come up against the reigning champion in the next round. 你下一轮将与卫冕 冠军交锋。 ♦ v + adv + prep come up for sth 1 to come to the time when sth must be done 接近(期限):He's coming up for retirement soon. 他很快就要退休 了。◊ She comes up for re-election next year. 她明年将再度参加选举。 ◊ When does your contract come up for renewal? 你的合同何时到 期续约? [OBJ] renewal 2 to become available for a particular purpose 能用于(某目的): That house you like has come up for sale. 你中 意的那所房子正在出售。[OBJ] sale, auction ♦ v + adv + prep come up on sth (AmE) to be almost a particular time or age 接近(某时间或年龄): It's coming up on your bedtime. 你该睡觉了。 ♦v + adv + prep come up to sth 1 to approach a particular place, an age or a period of time 接近(某地、 年龄或时段):You're coming up to a busy road now. 你正开上拥挤路段。 ◊ It's just coming up to half past twelve. 就快到十二点半了。2 to reach an acceptable level or standard 达到, 符合(认可的水平或标准):The performance didn't come up to our expectations. 演出没有我 们预想的那么好。◊ You may lose your job if you don't come up to scratch. 你若达不到要求就会 丢掉工作。[OBJ] standard, expectations NOTE In this meaning come up to sth is usually used in the negative. * come up to sth 作此义时通常 用于否定句。 -> note at MEASURE UP ♦ v + adv + prep come up with sth 1 to think of an idea, an answer to a question or a solution to a problem 想到(主意);找到(答案或解决方 法):She came up with a great idea for increas- ing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的绝妙主意。[OBJ] idea, answer, suggestion, explanation -> note at THINK STH UP 2 to find or produce sth that sb needs 找到, 拿出(某人所需):if you want to buy my car, you must come up with the money. 要买我的车, 你就得拿出这笔钱来。 ◊ He always comes up with the goods (= does what he is expected to do) on the day. 他总是能准时 交差。 ♦ v + adv + prep come upon sb/sth -> COME ON/UPON SB/ STH come 'with (AmE): (informal) We're going to the bars. Want to come with? 我们正要去酒 吧。想一道去吗? -> COME ALONG come with sth to be included with or as part of sth 包括在...之中;是...的一部分: A new car comes with the job. 做这份工作配有一辆 新车。 ♦ v + prep commune / kəˈmjuːn; AmE ˈkɑːm/ commune with sth (formal) if you commune with sth such as nature, you spend time thinking deeply about it and so feel close to it 与…神交;与…作心灵沟通;与(大自然 等)相互交融 [OBJ] nature ♦ v + prep complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ com plain of sth to say that you feel ill/sick or are suffering from a pain 诉说(病 情或疼痛);主诉:Several children complained of severe stomach pains. 有几个孩子说肚子疼得 厉害。 [OBJ] pain, headache, symptoms ♦ v + prep conceive /kənˈsiːv/ conceive of sth to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind; to imagine sth 构思,想出 (主意、计划等);设想:I cannot conceive of any situation in which your plan would work. 我想象不出你的计划怎么可以成功。 -> note at THINK STH UP ♦ v + prep Concentrate /ˈkɒnsntreɪt; AmE ˈkɑːn-/ concentrate on sth to spend more time doing one particular thing than others 集 中于;全神贯注于:In this lecture I shall concentrate on the early years of Charles's reign. 这节课我将着重讲查理的早期统治。 ♦ v + prep condemn /kan'dem/ condemn sb to sth 1 to say what sb's punishment will be 宣判;判处某人某种刑罚: to be condemned to death/hard labour 被判处 死刑 / 劳役 2 to force sb to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation 迫使某人接受(困境或不 快的局面):They were condemned to a life of hardship. 他们被迫过着困苦的生活。SYN doom sb (to sth) NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep cone /kəʊn; AmE koʊn/ NOTE A cone is a coloured plastic object that has a round base and a point at the top, used on roads to show where vehides are not allowed to go. * cone 指表示道路禁行的锥形彩 色路标。 cone sth off to close a road or part of a road with cones 用锥形路标关闭(道路或道路 的一部分):Part of the road was coned off while repairs were done. 维修期间,用锥形路标 封闭了一段公路。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv confess /kənˈfes/ confess to sth; confess to doing sth sth 1 to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or illegal (尤指正式地或向警方)供认,坦白,交代:She confessed to the murder. 她承认犯有谋杀。 -> note at ADMIT TO STH 2 to admit sth that you feel ashamed or embarrassed about 承认 (令自己羞愧或难堪的事实):I must confess to knowing nothing about computers. 我得承认我 对计算机一窍不通。 ♦ v + prep confide /kənˈfaɪd/ con fide in sb to tell sb a secret or a piece of information that you would not tell other people 向..吐露,向..倾诉(秘密等):Can I confide in you? 你能保证不说出去吗? ◊ Do you have a friend that you can confide in? 你有可以 说知心话的朋友吗? [OBJ] mother, friend ♦ v + prep confine /kənˈfaɪn/ confine sb/sth to sth; con fine your- self to sth to keep sb/sth/yourself inside the limits of a particular activity, subject, area, etc. 把…限制在…以内; 将…局限于(某 一活动、主题、地域等): The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area. 这一工作不会仅 限于格拉斯哥地区。 ◊ I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916. 我只 探讨1900年到 1916年这段时期。 SYN limit sth to sb/sth; restrict sb/sth/yourself (to sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be confined to sth 1 if a person or an animal is confined to a place, they are kept in a small or closed space and not allowed to go out 被关在…里;被限制于(狭小或封闭的空 间):The children were confined to their rooms for the evening. 晚上孩子们不能出房门。◊ The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punish- ment). 有关的士兵只能在营房内活动,不能外 出。 2 if a person is confined to bed, etc., they have to stay in bed, etc. because they are ill/sick or injured 离不开(病榻等):She was confined to bed with the flu. 她因流感只得卧 床。◊ He was confined to a wheelchair after the car accident. 自那场车祸之后,他只能坐轮 椅代步。 ♦ be + v + prep confront /kənˈfrʌnt/ confront sb with sth to make sb face or deal with an unpleasant or difficult person or situation 使面临,使遭遇,使对付(困难或令 人不快的人、事物):He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship. 他要她在事业和两人关系之间作出选择。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be con fronted with sth to have sth in front of you that you have to deal with or react to 面对;正视;对付:Most people when confronted with a horse will pat it. 大多数人遇 见马都会拍拍它。 ♦ be + v + prep conjure /ˈkɑːndʒə(r)/ conjure sb/sth up to make sb/sth appear suddenly or unexpectedly, as if by magic (变 魔术般地)使出现,变出:She conjured up a three-course meal in half an hour! 她变戏法似 的半小时内做出了有三道菜的一顿饭! ♦v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) conjure sth up 1 to make a picture, a memory, etc. appear in your mind 使呈现于 脑际;使想起:The word birthday, conjures up images of presents and parties. “生日” 这 个词使人联想到礼物和聚会的情景。◊ The song conjured up memories of warm summer evenings. 这首歌唤起了温馨夏夜的回忆。[OBJ] image, picture, visions, memories SYN evoke sth (more formal) -> note at REMIND SB OF SB/STH 2 to ask the spirit of a dead person to appear, by using a magic ceremony 施魔法招 (亡灵);念咒招(魂) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) conk /kɒŋk; AmE kɑːŋk, kɔːŋk/ conk out (informal or humorous) 1 if a vehicle or a machine conks out, it stops working (车辆或机器)停止运转,出故障,失 灵:Our car conked out 5 miles from home. 我 们的车在离家 5 英里的地方抛锚了。 2 if a person conks out, they fall asleep because they are very tired ( 因极度疲劳)入睡,睡去: She was so tired she came home and conked out at eight o'clock. 她疲惫不堪,回到家后八点钟就 倒头睡去。 3 (old-fashioned, BrE) (of a person 人)to collapse or become unconscious 晕倒; 昏厥 4 (AmE) to die 死去;死掉:The old guy looks as if he's going to conk out any minute. 那 位老人看上去随时都会一命呜呼。 ♦ v + adv connect /kəˈnekt/ connect sth up (to sth), connect up (to sth) to join sth to a supply of electricity, gas, water, etc. or to another piece of equipment; to be joined to sth in this way 将… (与电源、煤气、水等) 连接起来;接通: Connect the computer up (to the power supply). 给计算机接通电源。◊ Many canals connected up to major ports. 很多运河通往重要港口。 OPP disconnect sth (from sth), disconnect (from sth) NOTE Connect sth and connect are often used on their own with the same meaning. ♦ connect sth 和 connect 常单独使用也作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + adv connive /kəˈnaɪv/ connive at/in sth (formal) to ignore or seem to allow sth that you know is wrong 对 (自己明知错误的事) 视而不见;纵容: The general is accused of conniving in a plot to topple the government. 将军被指控默许了一起 颠覆政府的阴谋。◊ Her brother is believed to have connived at her murder. 据信她的哥哥没 有制止她杀人。 ♦ v + prep consent /kənˈsent/ consent to sth (formal。to agree to sth or give your permission for sth 赞成;准许:He reluctantly consented to their marriage. 他勉强 同意了他们的婚事。 -> note at AGREE TO STH ♦ v + prep consign /kənˈsaɪn/ consign sb/sth to sth (formal) 1 to get rid of or put somewhere sb/sth that you do not want 丢弃;把...搁置一旁:She consigned his letter to the waste basket. 她把他的信丢进废纸 篓。 ◊ (figurative) They can't just consign me to the scrap heap because I'm over fifty! 不能因 为我年过半百,他们就将我弃如敝屣! 2 to put sb/sth in an unpleasant situation 置于 (令 人不快的境地);发落: Orphaned children were consigned to institutions. 孤儿都打发到了福 利院。 NOTE Often used in the passive 常用于被动语态: The report was consigned to the dustbin. 报告 被扔进了垃圾箱。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep consist /kənˈsɪs/ consist in sth; consist in doing sth (formal) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用 市进行时) to have sth as the main or only feature 在于;以...为主要特征: A home does not consist in its architecture and decoration. 家之 所以为家,并不在于其建筑与装潢。 ♦ v + prep consist of sth/sb; consist of doing sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进 行时) to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由…组成;由...构成:The exam consists of two parts: a written test and an oral. 考试分两部分:笔试和口试。 ◊ The group consists of senior people from education and business. 该组由教育界和企业界的元老组成。 ◊ His job consists of answering the phone and making coffee. 他的工作是接电话和煮咖啡。 SYN be made up of sth; comprise sth (formal) ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 consist of sth/sb be composed of sth/sb ♦ comprise sth ♦ consist of sth/sb ♦ constitute sth ♦ make up sth These verbs all mean to be formed from the things or people mentioned, or to be the parts that form sth. 这些动词都表示 (由…) 组成或 构成。 be composed of sth/sb to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由...组成; 由...构成:Our,inspection teams are composed of the most qualified and experienced experts available. 我们的各检查组由最有资历和经验 的专家组成。◊ Around 75% of our diet is composed of protein. 我们饮餐中蛋白质大约 占 15%。 comprise sth to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由...组成;由…构成:The collection comprises 327 paintings. 收藏品包括 327 幅画。NOTE The form be comprised of can often be heard 常能听到使用 be comprised of 的形式:The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors. 委员会由来自公共 部门和私营部门的代表联合组成。Many people consider that this is not correct, 很多 人认为这种形式不正确。 consist of sth/sb to be formed from the things, people or activities mentioned 由… 组成;击...构成: Their diet consists largely of vegetables. 他们的饮食以蔬菜为主。 ◊ Most of the fieldwork consisted of making tape recordings. 实地调查的主要工作是用磁带 录音。 constitute sth to be the parts or people that form sth 组成;构成:People under the age of 40 constitute the majority of the labour force, * 40岁以下的人口占劳动力的大多数。 make up sth to be the parts or people that form sth 组成;构成:Women make up 56% of the student numbers, 女生占学生人数的56%。 ◊ She wore a necklace made up of hundreds of coloured glass beads. 她戴着一条由成百个彩 色玻璃珠串成的项链。 WHICH WORD? Consist of sb/sth is the most general of these verbs and the only one that can be used for activities with the -ing form of a verb 这些动词 中,consist of sb / sth 含义最宽泛,并且是唯一 可用于动名词指代的活动的动词:My life consisted of feeding the baby and washing nappies. 我的生活就是给婴儿喂奶和洗尿布。 Be composed of sth/sb, comprise sth and constitute sth are the most formal of these verbs. None of these verbs is used in the progressive tenses. 这些动词中, be composed of sth/sb、comprise sth 和 constitute sth 最正 式。这些动词都不用于进行时。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ The group consists of/comprises/is made up of/is composed of ten people . ■ Ten people make up/constitute/comprise/compose the group. consort /kɒnsɔːt; AmE kɑːn'sɔːrt/ consort with sb (formal or humorous) to spend time with sb, especially sb that other people do not approve of 与...来往; 结交 (尤 指不合适的人):The nurses are instructed not to consort with their patients. 护士得到指示不 得与病人交往。 ♦ v 十 prep contend /kənˈtend/ con tend with sb/sth to have to deal with a difficult person or situation 应对,应付 (困 境或不好打交道的人):If we leave at eight, we'll have to contend with the rush-hour traffic. 如果八点钟出发,我们就会遇上交通高峰。 ◊ Anyone who criticizes her will have me to contend with! 无论谁要批评她,都得过我这一 关! ◊ He's had a lot of serious problems to con- tend with. 他有很多棘手的问题要解决。 [OBJ] problems ♦ v + prep content /kənˈtent/ con tent yourself with sth to accept and be satisfied with sth and not try to have or do sth better 安于,满足于 (现状);对...不求更 好:Martina contented herself with a single glass of wine. 马丁娜只喝了一杯葡萄酒就心满意足 了。◊ The crowd contented themselves with shouting insults. 那群人只顾着破口大骂。 SYN make do with sth ♦ v + pron + prep contract /kənˈtrækt/ contract in; contract into sth (BrE) to choose to become involved in and formally agree to a system, plan, etc. 订约参与: Employees can contract into the company pension scheme. 雇员可签订合同,加入公司养 老金计划。 [OBJ] (pension) scheme OPP contract out, etc. ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep contract out; con tract out of sth (BrE) to choose and formally state that you do not want to be involved in a system, plan, etc. 宣布不参与:Only a few employees have contracted out (of the pension scheme) so far. 迄今只有少数几个雇员选择不参加 (养老金 计划)。 [OBJ] (pension) scheme OPP contract in, etc. ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep contract sth out (to sb) to arrange for work to be done by another company rather than your own 订约把...承包出去:The com- pany contracts the printing out to an outside firm. 公司把印刷业务外包给了另外一家公司。 [OBJ] work ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n Contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt; BrE also kɒntrɪbjuːt/ con tribute to sth to help to cause sth 助 长;促成;加剧:The stress of losing his job contributed to his death. 失血的压力是导致他 死亡的因素之一。 ◊ The Prime Minister contributed to his own downfall by failing to control his government. 首相未能管理好政府, 加速了他本人的下台。 [OBJ] death, decline, downfall ♦ v + prep convert /kənˈvɜːt; AmE ˈvɜːrt/ convert into/to sth; convert sth into/to sth to be able to be changed from one form, purpose or system to another; to make sth do this 可转变成 (另一种形式等); 使成为另一种形式 (或目的、体系等): a sofa that converts into a bed 可改成床的沙发 SYN turn into sth, turn sb/sth into sth ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep cook /kʊk/ cook sth up 1 to cook sth, especially very quickly (尤指麻利地) 做饭,烹饪:In half an hour she had managed to cook up some delicious chilli. 她半小时内做好了美味可口的辣 叔。[OBJ] meal 2 (informal) to invent a story, an excuse or a plan, especially a very clever or dishonest one 捏造,杜撰,策划 (故事、借口 或计划):She cooked the plan up while he was away. 趁他外出,她拟出了这个计划。 ◊ They cooked up the story between the two of them. 他 们俩共同编造了这套谎话。 [OBJ] plan, story, scheme SYN concoct sth (more formal) ♦v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cool /kuːl/ cool down; cool sb down 1 (also .cool off, cool sb off) to become, or to make sb become cool or cooler (使) 变凉,降温:I'm going for a swim to cool down. 我要去游个泳, 凉快一下。◊ A shower will cool you down. 冲个 淋浴会让你感到凉爽些。 2 to become, or to make sb become, less angry or excited (使) 冷静、镇静:She's very angry. Give her some time to cool down. 他十分生气。给她点时间冷 静一下。◊ He tried to cool her down but she carried on shouting. 他试图让她平静下来,可她 继续大喊大叫。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv cool down; .cool sth 'down to become, or co make sth become, cooler (使) 变凉,冷 却:He waited for the soup to cool down a bit. 他 等着汤稍微凉一凉。◊ Once it had cooled down outside, we went for a walk. 外面一凉爽下来: 我们就去散了会儿步。◊ Cool the soup down by stirring it. 把汤搅一下弄凉。 ◊ The rain had cooled everything down. 这场雨把一切都变得清 爽了。 NOTE Cool and cool sth are also used on their own, but less often. * cool 和 cool sth 也单独使 用,但不太常见。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) cool off 1 to become less interested or enthusiastic 失去兴趣;失去热情:Our relation- ship was going well, but then Laura seemed to cool off. 正当我们的关系进展顺利时, 劳拉却似 乎冷淡下来了。 2 to become less angry or excited 冷静下来;平静下来:When I'm angry, I go for a walk to cool off. 我生气时就去散步消消 火。 3 if sth hot cools off, it becomes cooler 变凉;冷却下来:Leave the engine to cool off before you touch it. 等发动机冷却了才能碰它。 ♦ v + adv ► cooling-off period n 1 a period of time in which two sides in a disagreement try to come to an agreement before taking any further action (争执双方试图达成协议的) 冷却期: There is to be a six-month cooling-off period before divorce proceedings begin. 离婚诉讼开始 前有六个月的冷静期。 ◊ The union and the employers failed to reach an agreement within the cooling-off period. 工会和资方在冷却期内未 能达成协议。 2 a period of time when you can change your mind about buying sth, such as an insurance plan, that you have agreed to buy (在同意购买保险计划等后可改变主意的) 冷静期、犹豫期:Customers have a 14-day cooling-ojf period in which to cancel the agree- ment. 客户在 14 天的犹豫期内可以取消协议。 cool off;cool sb off -> COOL DOWN, COOL SB DOWN 1 coop /kuːp/ be cooped up (in sth) if a person or an animal is cooped up, they/it are kept in a small place or inside a building 被关 (在… 里);被禁闭:We've been cooped up (indoors) for hours because of the rain. 这场雨使我们 (在屋里) 被困了几个小时。 ♦ be + v + adv cop /kɒp; AmE kɑːp/ (-pp-) cop off (with sb) (BrE, slang) to meet sb and start a sexual relationship with them ( 与某 人) 发生性关系 ♦ v + adv cop out; cop out of sth (informal。to avoid or not do sth that you should be doing, because you are afraid, shy, lazy, etc. 逃避, 放弃 (应做的事): Lots of people said they'd help but they've all copped out. 很多人许诺帮 忙,可都退缩了。 ◊ You can't just cop out of difficult decisions. 你不能因为难以决定就回避。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ► cop-out n (informal, disapproving) a way of, or an excuse for, avoiding sth you should be doing 借口;托词:You're not too busy to come! That's just a cop-out. 你不是忙得来不 了! 那不过是个借口。 cope /kəʊp; AmE koʊp/ cope with sth to deal successfully with sth difficult 妥善处理;成功应付:He wasn't able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job. 他不能妥善处理工作压力。 ◊ Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. 沙漠植物适 应了酷热的环境。 SYN deal with sth ♦ v + prep copy /kɒpi; AmE ˈkɑːpi/ (copies, copying, copied) copy sth down to write sth exactly as it is written somewhere else 抄写下来:If I don't copy the phone number down, I'll forget it! 如果不记下电话号码,我会忘掉的! ◊ we copied down what the teacher had written on the blackboard. 我们把老师写在黑板上的东西抄了 下来。 SYN write sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n copy sb 'in (on sth) to make sure that sb receives a copy of a letter, an email, etc. that you are sending to sb else (将发送给其他人的 信件、电邮等) 抄送某人:Please copy me in on all correspondence. 请把所有来信都抄送给我。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) copy sth out to write sth out again; to make a copy of sth that is already written or printed 重新抄写;复写;复印:She copied, out a recipe she found in a library book. 她把在图书 馆的书上找到的食谱抄了下来。 SYN write sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cordon /ˈkɔːdn; AmE ˈkɔːrdn/ cordon sth off to stop people going into an area by forming a line or ring around it with police, soldiers, objects, etc. 封锁 (某地区); 在...设警戒线:Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was defused. 警方封锁了这个地区, 直至炸弹被拆除。 ◊ The roads were cordoned off. 这些道路被封了。 [OBJ] area, street SYN close sth off (to sb/sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cost /kɒst; AmE kɔːst/ cost sth out to estimate how much money will be needed for sth 估算...的成本:we'll have to cost the work out before we make a decision. 在作决定之前,我们得估算一下这项工作的成 本。◊ Have you costed out how much it will be to hire another member of staff? 你估算过再雇 用一名职员的开销吗? NOTE Cost sth on its own is more usual. * cost sth 单独使用更常见。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cosy (BrE) (AmE cozy) /ˈkəʊzi; AmE ˈkoʊzi/ (cosies, cosying, cosied) cosy up to sb (informal, especially AmE) to try to become friendly with sb, especially in order to gain an advantage for yourself 与… 套近乎;和…攀交情;讨好: She's only cosying up to him because she needs his help. 她讨好 他,只不过因为她需要他帮忙。 ♦ v + adv + prep cotton /ˈkɒtn; AmE ˈkɑːtn/ cotton 'on (to sth) (informal) to come to understand or realize sth without being told directly 理解;领会;意识到:She cottons on very quickly. 她领悟力强。◊ It took him a while to cotton on to what I was trying to say. 过了一 会儿,他才明白我想说什么。 SYN catch on (to sth) ♦ v + adv cotton to sb/sth (old-fashioned, AmE, informal) to begin to like or approve of sb/sth 产生好感;开始赞成:I didn't much cotton to the idea at first. 我起初并不十分赞同这个想法。 NOTE Cotton to sb is often used in negative sentences. * cotton to sb 常用于否定句。 ♦ v + prep cough /kɒf; AmE kɔːf/ cough up; .cough sth up (informal) 1 (especially BrE) to pay for sth or give sb money unwillingly (不情愿地) 付账,给钱:You owe me £20. Come on, cough up! 你欠我 20 英镑。 快点,掏钱吧! ◊ Don't cough up the money until the job's finished. 活儿干完以前不要掏钱。 SYN pay up -> note at PAY OUT, PAY STH OUT 2 (BrE) to admit sth or give sb information unwillingly (不情愿地) 承认,供出: Come on, cough up: where have you been? 得啦,老实交 代:你去哪儿了? SYN own up (to sth/to doing sth); confess (to sth/to doing sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cough sth up to force sth out of the throat or lungs by coughing 咳出:He's been coughing up blood 他一直在咯血。 [OBJ] blood ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv count /kaʊnt/ count a gainst sb to be a disadvantage to sb 对…不利:I'm sure that being late for the interview counted against me. 我肯定面试迟到 对我不利。 SYN weigh against sb (formal) ♦ v + prep count among sb/sth; count sb/sth a mong sth to be considered, or to consider sb/sth to be part of the group mentioned 被 视为,把…看作 (某集体的成员): She counts among the top ten marathon runners in the country. 她跻身全国马拉松选手的前十名。 ◊ The band count John Lennon among their influences. 该乐队把约翰•列侬视为对他们有影 响的人物之一。 ◊ I no longer counted myself among his friends. 我不再把自己当作他的朋友。 NOTE Count sb/sth among sb/sth is more frequent than count among sb/sth * count sb / sth among sb / sth 比 count among sb/sth 更常见: Egypt was counted among the most powerful countries in the world, 埃及当时被视为世界上 最强大的国家之一。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep count down (to sth), count sth down to be waiting for an important or exciting day, event, etc. and be counting the number of days, minutes, etc. there are before it 倒计 时;倒数:The whole world was counting down to the new millennium. 全世界都在倒计时迎接 新千年的来临。 ◊ I'm counting down the days until my trip to South America. 我在数着日子期 盼去南美旅行。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (rare) ► countdown (to sth) n 1 the act of counting backwards to zero, for example before a spacecraft is sent into space (航天器发射 升空前等的) 倒计时,倒数计秒 2 the period immediately before sth important happens 大 事临近时期 count sb in to include sb in a group or an activity 算入;包括:If you're going to the theatre, you can count me in. 你们要是去看 戏,算我一个。 SYN deal sb in (less formal) OPP count sb out ♦ v + n/pron + adv count off (AmE) if people count off, they say loudly in order the numbers they have been given 报数:He made everyone count off. 他让大家报数。 ♦ v + adv count on sb/sth; count on doing sth; count on sb/sth doing sth (also 'count upon sb/sth, etc. more format) to rely on sb to do sth; to expect sth to happen and make plans in an appropriate way 依赖,倚靠,指望 (某人做某事);相信,预期,期待 (某事发 生):You can count on me! 我决不辜负你! ◊ I'm sure hell help us.' Don't count on it.' “ 我 肯定他会帮我们的。” “ 那可靠不住。" ◊ She hadn't counted on going swimming when she packed. 收拾行装时,她并没想到会去游泳。。 I'm counting on your support. 我就靠你支持 啦。 ◊ I'm counting on you to support me. 我就 靠你支持啦。 ◊ She can be counted upon to contribute good ideas. 她总能想到好点子。 SYN bank on sb/sth, etc.; calculate on sb/sth, etc. (especially AmE), reckon on sb/sth, etc. -> note at DEPEND ON SB/STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + prep + n/pron + to +inf count sb out; .count sb out of sth (informal) to not include sb in a group or an activity 不把...算入; 不包括: You may enjoy those games, but you can count me out. 你们可 能喜欢那些比赛,但别把我算在内。 SYN deal sb out, deal sb out of sth OPP count sb in ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep count sth out to count coins, etc. one by one and put them somewhere 逐一数出,清 点:He counted out the exact money (on the counter). 他清点了 (柜台上的) 零钱。 [OBJ] money, change, notes/coins ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv count to wards sth (also .count toward sth especially AmE) to be included as part of sth you hope to obtain or achieve 计入 (希望 获得或争取之事):Marks from this test count towards your final grade. 这次测验的分数将计 入你们的期末成绩。 ◊ These sales will not count toward meeting the target. 这些销售额将不计入 完成目标的额度。 ♦ v + prep count sb/sth 'up to add together the number of things or people in a group 累加; 总计: Count up the number of times you've been abroad. 数数你一共出国几次。 [OBJ] number NOTE Count sb/sth is used on its own with the same meaning. * count sb / sth 单独使用也作 此义。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n / pron + adv count upon sb/sth, etc. -> COUNT ON SB/STH, ETC. couple /ˈkʌpl/ couple sb/sth with sb/sth to link one person, thing or situation with another 把...与...连接起来:The large number of new graduates, coupled with high unemployment, means that there is fierce competition for jobs. 应届毕业生很多,再加上失业率很高,这意味着 求职竞争激烈。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep cover /ˈkʌvə(r)/ cover sth over (with sth) to cover sth completely, especially to hide or protect it (以…) 覆盖,遮掩:Put the bulbs in a bowl and cover them over with soil. 把球茎放入盆 中,上面盖上土。 ◊ The shopping mall is covered over with an enormous glass roof. 购物 中心上方罩着巨大的玻璃顶。 NOTE Cover sth (with sth) is used more often with this meaning. * cover sth (with sth) 作此义 更常见。 ♦ v + n/pron 十 adv ♦ v + adv + n cover up; cover yourself up (with sth) to put on more clothes 加衣;穿着 (某衣物): Make sure you cover up before going out in the sun. 烈日下外出之前,一定要多穿衣服把身体包 住。 ◊ Cover yourself up. It's cold. 穿暖和点,天 气很冷。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv cover up (for sb/sth), .cover sth up to try hard to stop people finding out about a mistake, a crime, etc.; to hide the truth about sth (为…) 掩饰,隐瞒 (错误、罪行、真相 等): He's always covering up for her. 他总是护 她的短。 ◊ The government's attempts to cover up the scandal failed. 政府企图掩盖丑闻,但没 有得逞。 [OBJ] scandal, mistake, truth SYN conceal sth (more formal); hide sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ► cover-up n [usually sing.] an act of hiding a mistake, a crime, etc. 掩饰;隐瞒:The oppos- ition accused the government of a cover-up. 反 对党指责政府隐瞒真相。 cover sb/sth up to put sth over sb/sth in order to hide or protect them/it 盖住;遮住: You can cover up ugly pipes with wooden boxes. 你可以用木盒包住这些难看的管子。 ◊ There was something on the table covered up with a cloth. 桌子上有东西用布罩着。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cozy /ˈkəʊzi ; AmE 'koʊzi/ (cozies, cozying, cozied) cozy up to sb (AmE) -> COSY UP TO SB crack /kræk/ crack down; crack down on sb/sth to try harder to prevent people breaking a rule, using sth harmful, committing a crime, etc. and deal severely with those who do (对…) 采取严厉措施;制裁;镇压: Police are cracking down hard on drug dealers. 警方正在 严厉打击毒贩。◊ The government is cracking down on misleading food labelling. 政府正采取 严厉措施取缔误导性食品标签。 SYN clamp down, clamp down on sb/sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ► crackdown (on sb/sth) n severe action that is taken to prevent people committing a crime, opposing the government, etc. 严惩; 制裁; 镇 压: a police crackdown on car crime 警方对汽车 犯罪的严厉打击 crack on (with sth) (BrE, informal) to work hard and do sth quickly 努力,依干,拼命干 (某 事): We'd better crack on with the painting before it gets dark. 我们最好赶在天黑之前加把 劲儿刷完漆。 SYN get on (with sth) ♦ v + adv crack up (informal) to become physically or mentally ill because you are under pres- sure (因压力身体或精神) 垮掉,崩溃:She's cracking up under the strain. 压力过大, 她快要 吃不消了。 ♦ v + adv ► crack-up n (AmE, informal) 1 a period of mental illness caused by pressure 精神崩溃: She was never the same again, after her crack-up. 精神崩溃后她就像换了个人。 2 a person who is mentally ill 精神病患者: endless articles about Hollywood crack-ups 对好莱 坞精神病人持续不断的报道 3 a situation in which a system or organization stops functioning well or stops being well organized (体系或组织) 运转不灵,瓦解: the crack-up of the conservative movement in the US 美国保守 主义运动的衰败 crack up; .crack sb up (informal) to start laughing a lot; to make sb laugh a lot (使) 大笑起来:Everybody cracked up when he fell over. 他捧了一跤,引起众人一阵哄笑。 ◊ She's so funny—she cracks me up! 她真滑稽,逗得我 捧腹大笑。 SYN crease up, crease sb up (BrE) NOTE used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM be .cracked up to be sth (informal) to be as good, clever, exciting, etc. as people think or say sb/sth is 如同人们想象 (或所说) 的那样 好 (或聪明、令人兴奋等):Stardom is not all it's cracked up to be. 当明星并非想象中那样。 ◊ She's not as good as she's cracked up to be. 她并 不像人们说得那么好。 ► crack-up n informal) a person who is good at making other people laugh 逗趣的人: She was always the class crack-up. 她在班上总 是很风趣。 cram /kræm/ (-mm-) cram into sth; cram sb/sth 'in; cram sb/sth 'in/into sth to go into a place or space that is too small for everyone/everything; to push or force sb/sth into a place or space that is too small (把…) 塞进(…) 去: Six of us crammed into Rob's Mini. 我们六个人挤进了罗布的宝马迷你车 里。 ◊ I only had three days in New York, but I crammed in as much sightseeing as I could 我在纽约只呆了三天,可我尽可能多游览了些地 方。 ◊ He crammed all the sweets into his mouth. 他把所有糖果全塞进嘴里。 ◊ You can't cram eight children into the car! 你不可能把八 个孩子塞进车里! ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep crank/kræŋk/ crank sth out (informal, especially AmE) to produce sth quickly and in large amounts 大 量快速制成;粗制滥造:The plant can crank out about 63 cars an hour. 这家工厂每小时约可生 产 63 辆汽车。 SYN churn sth out; turn sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv crank sth up (informal) 1 to make a machine start working or work better 使 (机 器) 运转;使提高效率:It's time to crank up the air conditioning, 该打开空调了。 2 to make music, etc. louder 把 (音乐等) 的音量调高: They cranked the music up when the party started. 晚会开始时,他们开大了音乐的音量。 [OBJ] music, volume SYN turn sth up (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n crash /kræʃ/ crash a round (also .crash a1 bout/'round especially BrE) (informal) to move around making a lot of noise 声音很大地移动;东碰西 撞地走动: I heard her crashing about in the bathroom. 我听到她在浴室稀里哗啦地折腾。 ♦ v + adv crash down to fall with a very loud noise 轰 隆一声倒下 (或落下):Passengers had a lucky escape when a huge tree crashed down onto a busL 大树哗啦一声砸倒在公共汽车上,幸好乘客 有惊无险。 ◊ John's hand came crashing down on the table (= he hit the table hard with his hand). 约翰的手砰的一声拍在桌子上。 ◊ (figurative') All my dreams came crashing down around me (= I completely failed in what I wanted to do). 我所有的梦想都轰然破灭了。 NOTE Crash down is usually followed by a phrase beginning with a preposition. * crash down 通常后接介词短语。 ♦ v + adv crash into sb/sth (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或驾驶员) to hit sb/sth, causing damage 碰撞;撞坏: The car crashed into a wall.车子 猛地撞到了墙上。 ◊ I crashed into the back of the car in front. 我砰的一声与前车追尾。 ♦ v + prep crash out (informal, especially BrE) to go to sleep because you are very tired (因极度疲 劳) 入睡,睡去: I was so tired I crashed out in an armchair. 我疲惫不堪,在扶手椅上睡着了。 SYN flake out (BrE) ♦ v + adv crash out of sth (sport) to lose a game very badly and so not be able to continue to take part in a competition (在比赛中) 惨败出局: England crashed out of the World Cup. 英格兰 队在世界杯比赛中惨遭淘汰。 NOTE This phrasal verb is used especially in newspapers. 这一短语动词尤用于报章。 ♦ v + adv + prep crash 'round (especially BrE) -> CRASH AROUND synonyms同义词辨析 crash (into sth) collide (with sth/sb) ♦ crash (into sth) ♦ plough into sth ♦ slam into/against sb/sth ♦ smash into sth These are all verbs that can be used when sth, especially a vehicle, hits sth else very hard. 这 些动词都表示碰撞,尤指车辆碰撞。 collide (with sth/sb) (of a vehicle or person) to crash into sb/sth else (车辆或人) 碰撞, 撞击: The car collided with the van in thick fog. 轿车与货车在大雾中猛烈相撞。 ◊ As he fell, his head collided with the table. 他摔倒时,头 猛磕到了桌子上。 crash (into sth) to hit an object or another vehicle, causing damage (与物体或另一交 通工具) 碰撞,撞毁:He crashed into a tree. 他撞到一棵树上。 plough into sth (BrE) (AmE plow into sth) (especially of a vehicle or its driver) to crash into sth with a lot of force, especially because you are driving too fast or not paying enough attention (尤指交通工具或 驾触员) 猛撞: A truck ploughed into the back of the bus. 货车猛地撞上公共汽车的尾部。 slam into/against sb/sth to crash against sb/sth with a lot of force 猛地撞上:The car skidded and slammed into a tree. 车子打滑, 猛地撞到了树上。 smash into sth to crash into sth with a lot of force 猛地撞上: The car smashed into a tree. 汽车猛撞在树上。 WHICH WORD? Crash is used particularly for vehicles and can be used without a preposition * crash 尤用于 指车辆碰撞,并且可不接介词: We're going to crash, aren't we? 我们要撞车了,对吧 ? In this meaning slam, smash and plough always take a preposition. Slam and smash are used for a much wider range of things than just vehicles. * slam, smash 和 plough 作此义时总是接介词。 slam 和 smash 使用范围较广,不仅限于车辆。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ two vehicles crash/collide ■ two vehicles crash/slam/smash/plough into each other ■ to crash/collide head-on crawl /krɔːl/ crawl with sb/sth (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行商) to be full of moving people, animals, insects, etc. in an unpleasant way 挤满,爬满,充满 (人、动 物、昆虫等): The place is crawling with cops! 这地方到处是警察! [OBJ] police, insects ♦ v + prep cream /kriːm/ cream sb/sth off to take away the best people or things in a group or an amount of money, usually for your own advantage 提取 (精华);选取 (最好的人或物);取走 (一定 数额的钱款): The best pupils are creamed off into special classes. 最优秀的学生都编入特别 班 ◊ The company's directors are creaming off the profits. 公司的董事们分享了利润。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv crease /kriːs/ crease up; .crease sb up (BrE, informal) to start laughing; to make sb start laughing (使) 大笑起来:We all creased up when we saw her hat! 看到她的帽子,我们都爆笑起来! ◊ His programme always creases me up. 他的节目总 是令我捧腹。 SYN crack up, crack sb up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv credit /ˈkredɪt/ credit A with B; credit B to A 1 to believe that sb/sth is responsible for sth or for doing sth, especially sth good 认为...负责某事 (或做某事);把某事归功于:Bach is credited with performing the first solo on a piano. 巴 赫被认为是第一个表演钢琴独奏的人。 ◊ She credits her good looks and intelligence to her father's side of the family. 她认为自己的美貌 和才智遗传自父亲的血统。 2 to consider that sb/sth has a particular good quality or characteristic 认知...有 (某品质或优点):I had credited him with more sense. 我原以为他会更 有判断力。 ◊ Numerous health benefits are cred- ited to this natural oil. 人们认为这种天然油对 健康好处良多。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。You can also use the pattern credit sb/sth as sth, especially in the passive 也可说 credit sb / sth as sth, 尤用在被动语态结构中:The chee- tah is generally credited as the world's fastest animal. 猎豹被公认为世界上跑得最快的动物。 ♦ v 十 n/pron + prep creep /kriːp/ (crept, crept /krept/) creep 'in; creep into sth to start happening or affecting sb/sth gradually 逐渐 发生;逐步影响:I thought I'd decided, but then doubts started to creep in. 我原以为自己拿 定主意了,可后来却又困惑起来。 ◊ A hint of sarcasm crept into his voice. 他的语气中渐渐带 有一丝嘲讽。 ◊ More and more foreign words are creeping into the language. 越来越多的外来 词渗透到这种语言中来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep creep sb out (A/n£, informal) to make sb feel frightened and not safe 使害怕; 使不安: The way that man was watching us really creeped me out. 那个男人看着我们的样子把我亦 坏了。 ◊ I was a little creeped out by their first video, 他们的第一部录像使我有点受惊了。 NOTE Creeped is used as the past tense and past participle of this verb. 这一动词的过去式 和过去分词出 creeped。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv creep 'over sb/sth if a feeling creeps over you, or an expression creeps over your face, it gradually affects you (感觉) 悄悄袭来; (表情) 慢慢流露: A feeling of tiredness began to creep over her. 她渐渐开始感到疲惫。 ◊ A sly smile crept over her lips. 她的嘴角露出一丝狡黠 的笑意。 SYN steal over sb/sth ♦ v + prep creep up 1 if a price, an amount, etc. creeps up, it rises very gradually (价格、数 量等) 逐渐增长:House prices are starting to creep up. 房价在逐渐上涨。 2 (on sb) to move nearer to sb/sth slowly and quietly without being seen or heard 缓慢而悄悄地接近: Don't creep up on me like that! 别那样蹑手蹑脚地靠 近我! ◊ Jack crept up behind me. 杰克悄无声息 地走到我身后。 SYN steal up (on sb) ♦ v + adv creep up on sb 1 if an event, a date, etc. creeps up on you, it arrives before you are reaUy ready for it (事件、日期等) 不知不觉到 来,不受注意地临近:The exams just seemed to creep up on me. 考试似乎不知不觉就到了。2 if a feeling, etc. creeps up on you, it starts to affect you before you realize it (感觉等) 潜 移默化:Anorexia can creep up on young girls when they least expect it. 年轻女子可能不经意 间就患上厌食症。 ♦ v + adv + prep crop /krɒp; AmE krɑːp/ (-pp-) crop up (informal) to appear, happen, etc. when it is not expected (意外地) 出现,发生: I can't make it tonight-omething's cropped up. 我今晚不行---出了件事情。 ◊ Her name keeps cropping up everywhere. 她的名字不断在 各种场合出现。 SYN come up ♦ v + adv cross /krɒs; AmE krɔːs/ cross sb/sth off; .cross sb/sth off sth to remove sb's name or an item from a list by drawing a line through it because you have dealt with them/it or they are/it is no longer involved (从名单或清单上) 画掉,勾销;删去: Cross off any items we've already got. 把我们已 有的物品都画掉。 ◊ Jane won't be coming, so we can cross her off the list. 简不来了,我们可以把 她的名字从名单上删掉了。 SYN delete sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep cross sth 'out/'through to remove words from a text by drawing a line through them, usually because they are wrong 画去,删除 (文中错字等):I crossed his name out and wrote mine instead. 我勾掉他的名字,填上了我 的。 ◊ You've spelt it wrong. Cross it out and try again. 你拼错了。 画掉重写。 [OBJ] word, name an delete sth (more formal); x sth out (AmE, informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cross over 1 (also .cross 'over sth) (espe- cially BrE) to go from one side of sth, for example a road/street, a room, etc. to the other 走到对面;横穿:Let's cross over to the other side. 咱们到那边去吧。 ◊ She crossed over the road. 她横穿过马路。[OBJ] road, bridge 2 (into/to sth) to move from one style or type of music, culture, politics, etc. to another; to combine parts of different styles or types (音 乐、文化、政见等的风格或类型) 转变;结合 (不同风格或类型): They're a blues band who have succeeded in crossing over to jazz. 他们是 一支成功融合了爵士乐风格的布鲁斯乐队。 ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ 2 v + adv ► crossover n a successful combination of different styles of music, etc.; a successful change from one style to another (不同音 乐风格等的) 结合,跨界,转变:an exciting rock-dance crossover 摇滚与舞蹈的激情糅合 ◊ a crossover artist 转型艺术家 ◊ She's made the crossover from modelling into pop. 她从模特转 型为流行歌手。 cross sth through -> CROSS STH OUT/THROUGH crouch /kraʊtʃ/ crouch over sb/sth to bend over sb/sth so you are near them/it 俯身接近: She crouched over the injured man, checking his wounds. 她 弯下腰,检查伤员的伤口。 ♦ v + prep crowd /kraʊd/ crowd around etc. (especially AmE) -> CROWD ROUND, ETC. crowd in; .crowd into sth to move in large numbers into a small place 涌入 (狭小 的空间):As soon as the doors opened people began to crowd in. 门一打开,人们蜂拥而入。 ◊ We all crowded into the lift. 我们全都挤进电 梯。◊ (figurative) Memories she would rather forget came crowding in. 挥之不去的往事涌上 她的心头。 ◊ (figurative) Doubts crowded into my mind. 我一时满腹疑团。 SYN pile in, pile into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep crowd sb/sth in; .crowd sb/sth 'into/ 'onto sth to put a large number of people or things into a small space 把 塞进 (...)去:I doubt if we can crowd any more people in—he place is packed already. 我怀疑能否再塞进人 了 -----这里已经拥挤不堪。 ◊ We were all crowded into a small area behind the goal. 我 们全都挤在球门后面的一小块地方。 SYN cram sb/sth in, etc.; pack sb/sth in, etc. ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep crowd 'in (on sb) if high buildings, moun- tains, etc. crowd in, they seem to surround you and threaten you or have a strong effect on you (高楼、高山等) 给 (某人) 压迫感: The high walls seemed to crowd in (on her). 四 周的高墙似乎 (向她) 压了过来。 ◊ (figurative) He tried to resist the fears that were crowding in on him. 他竭力抑制涌上心头的恐惧。 ♦ v 十 adv + prep crowd sb/sth onto sth -> CROWD SB/STH IN, ETC. crowd sb/sth 'out (of sth) if a number of people or things crowd out other people or things, they are present in such large numbers that there is no room for anyone or anything else 把… (从…中) 挤出去: Tourists are crowding the regular customers out: of the bar. 酒吧挤满游客,老主顾都进不去了。 ◊ (figura tive) Small shops are increasingly being crowded out by the big supermarkets. 小店铺给大超市排 挤得越来越无立足之地。 SYN squeeze sb/sth out, etc. ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep crowd round; .crowd round sb/sth (especially BrE) (AmE usually .crowd a round, .crowd a'round sb/sth) to gather in large numbers around sb/sth 聚集在...周围;聚拢: People were crowding around to see what was going on. 人们聚过来围观。 ◊ Fans crowded round him to ask for his autograph. 崇拜者围 着他要签名。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep crumple /ˈkrʌmp(ə)/ crumple sth up to crush sth, especially a piece of paper, into a ball 把 (纸片等) 揉成 一团: She crumpled, his letter up without even looking at it. 她连看都没看就把他的信揉成 一团。 [OBJ] paper SYN ball sth up (AmE), scrunch sth up; wad sth up (especially AmE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cry /krai/ (cries, crying, cried) cry for sth to ask for or demand sth in a determined or urgent way 呼吁;呼救:The families of the victims are crying for justice. 受害者家属强烈呼吁伸张正义。◊ Listen! That sounds like somebody crying (= calling) for help. 听!那声音像是有人在喊救命。 help, mercy ♦ v + prep cry off; cry off sth; .cry off doing sth (BrE to decide not to do sth you have promised or agreed to do 食言;违背约定: We'd arranged to go together but Luiz cried off at the last moment. 我们说好一起去的,可路易 斯事到临头又变卦了。◊ Why did you cry off training last night? 昨晚的训练你为什么说来又 没来? SYN pull out, pull out of sth, etc. -> see also BEG OFF, BEG OFF STH, ETC. ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep cry out to make a loud sound without words because you are hurt, afraid, surprised, etc. (因伤痛、惊恐、惊讶岑) 大叫,叫喊: She cried out in/with pain. 她疼得大叫。 ♦ v + adv cry out sth to shout sth loudly 大声呼喊:He suddenly cried out, (Stop at once!f 他突然大喝一 声:“马上住手!” ◊ She could hear a voice crying out her name. 她听见有人喊她的名字。 ♦ v + adv + speech ♦ v + adv + n cry 'out against sth to protest strongly about sth 强烈抗议;大声疾呼反对: People have been crying out against this abuse for years. 多 年来人们一直在激烈谴责这-陋习。 ♦ v + adv + prep ► outcry (against/at/over sth) n [C, U] a public reaction of strong protest against sth 公 众的强烈抗议 (或反对):There is sure to be a massive outcry against the proposals. 这些提案 定会遭到公众大规模的猛烈抨击。 cry out for sth (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to clearly need sth very quickly 迫切需要: The group is crying out for new members. 该组急需新成员。 ◊ The whole system was crying out for a radical review. 整个体系亟待彻底检讨。 ♦ v + adv + prep cuddle/ˈkʌd(ə)l/ cuddle up (to/against sb), ,cuddle up together if children, pets, etc. cuddle up, they sit or lie close to each other or sb else, because they need warmth or comfort, or want to show affection 偎依着 (某人); 紧靠 在一起: Jack cuddled up to his mother. 杰克依 偎着母亲。 ◊ The cubs cuddle up together for warmth. 幼兽挤在一起取暖。 SYN snuggle up (to/against sb/sth) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + adv culminate /ˈkʌlmɪneɪt/ culminate in sth (also 'culminate with sth less frequent) (formal) to end with a particular result or conclusion, or at a particular point 以…告终; 达到…终点: The negotiations culminated in an agreement acceptable to all sides. 谈判最终达成了各方均能接受的协议。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 cry out cry out ♦ scream out ♦ screech ♦ shriek ♦ wail These verbs all mean to give a loud high cry, or to make a loud high noise. 这些动词都表示 大叫、尖叫、叫嚷。 cry out to make a loud sound without words because you are hurt, afraid, surprised, etc. (因伤痛、害怕、惊讶等)大叫,叫喊: she tried to stop herself from crying out. 她竭力克 制自己不响出声来。 ◊ He cried out in fear, 他 害怕得失声大叫。 ► cry n : He gave a loud cry of despair. 他发出绝望的叫喊。 scream out to give a loud, high cry, because you are hurt, frightened, excited, etc.(因伤 痛、惊恐、激动等)尖叫,惊呼: He covered her mouth to stop her from screaming out. 他 捂住她的嘴巴,阻止她尖叫。NOTE Scream can be used on its own * scream 可单独使用: The kids were screaming with excitement. 孩子 们兴奋地尖声大叫。 ► scream n : She let out a scream of pain. 她痛得尖叫一声。 screech to make a loud, high, unpleasant sound 剌耳地尖叫:He screeched with pain. 他 疼得直叫。 ► screech n : She suddenly let out a screech. 她突然发出一声尖叫。 shriek to give a loud, high cry, for example when you are excited, frightened or in pain (因激动、惊恐、痛苦等)尖叫,尖声叫喊: She shrieked in fright. 她吓得尖叫一声。 ◊ The audience was shrieking with laughter. 观众放 声大笑。 ► shriek n : She let out a piercing shriek. 她发出刺耳的尖叫。 wail to make a long, loud cry, especially because you are sad or in pain (因悲伤或痛 苦)哀号,恸哭, 嚎啕: The little girl was wailing miserably. 小女孩痛哭失声。 ► wail n : He let out a wail of anguish. 他大声哭号, 极度痛苦。 WHICH WORD? A wail is longer than a scream, but less strong and extreme; it can be high or low in pitch, but a scream is always high, and is used particularly for women. Of these words, only scream, screech and wail can be used to talk about a noise made by things 与 scream 相比, wail 持续时间长,但不那么尖厉;wail 的声音 可高可低,但 scream 总是指大声尖叫,且尤用 于指女性。这些词中,仅 scream、screech 和 wail 可用于指物体发出的噪声:Lights flashed and sirens screamed. 灯光闪烁,警报尖啸。 ◊ The car screeched to a halt 汽车嘎吱一声停住 了。 ◊ Sirens wailed in the distance. 远处警报呼 啸。 All of these verbs can be used with speech 这些动词都可与引语连用:‘It's broken!’ She wailed ! "它破了!” 她号啕大哭。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to scream (out)/cry out/screech/wail/shriek at sb ■ to scream (out)/cry (out)/screech/wail/shriek in/with pain, terror, etc. ■ to scream (out)/cry out/screech helplessly/shrilly/loudly ■ brakes/tyres screa m/screech/shriek ■ to screech/shriek to a halt curl /kɜːl; AmE kɜːrl/ curl up; be .curled up 1 to lie down or sit down with your back curved and your knees and arms close to your body 蜷曲;蜷曲 着:I love curling up in. an armchair with a good book. 我爱蜷缩在扶手椅里读一本好书。 ◊ The cat was curled up asleep under the bush. 猫在灌 木下蜷成一团睡觉。 2 if the edges of pages, leaves, etc. curl up, they bend towards the middle (书页、叶子等的边缘)卷起,卷曲: The pages had all curled up at the comers. 书页 的页角都卷起来了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ be + v + adv curl sth up; curl yourself up to bend sth/yourself into a tight curved shape 使蜷曲 着: She curled her legs up under her on the sofa. 她盘腿坐在沙发上。 ◊ He curled himself up under the covers and went to sleep. 他蜷缩在被 子底下睡着了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv curse /kɜːs; AmE kɜːrs/ curse sb out (also ,cuss sb out) (AmE, informal) to swear at sb because you are angry with them 咒骂;诅咒:She came up to me after school and just started cussing me out. 放学后 她走到我身边开始骂我。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n be cursed with sth to have or suffer from sth bad 遭受(厄运);受…折磨: He was cursed with poor health from childhood. 他从小就受体 弱多病之苦。 I've always been cursed with bad luck. 我总是走霉运。 ♦ be + v + prep curtain /ˈkɜːt(ə)n; AmE ˈkɜːrtn/ curtain sth off (from sth) to separate part of a room with a curtain or curtains 用帘子(把 房间的一部分)隔开:A comer of the room was curtained off. 屋子的一角用帘子隔开了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cuss /kʌs/ cuss sb 'out (AmE , informal) -> CURSE SB OUT cut /kʌt/ (cutting, cut, cut) cut across sth 1 (also ,cut through sth) to take a short route (a short cut) across a place instead of going around it 抄近路穿过;径直通 过:We'll get there quicker if we cut across the fields. 我们走小路穿过田地到那里会快一点。 2 to affect or be true for people in different groups that usually remain separate 影响,适 用于 (不同群体): Opposition to the proposal cuts across party boundaries. 对提案的反对超越 了党派界限。 (OBJ) boundary, division ♦ v + prep cut a way if a television programme or a film/movie cuts away, it shows sth different from what was shown before (电视节目或影 片的画面) 切换: We cut away to a building site, where Carter is searching through the rubble. 我 们将镜头切换到一个建筑工地,卡特正在瓦砾中 搜寻。 ♦ v + adv ► cutaway n: There was a cutaway to Jackson's guest on the podium. 画面切换到了讲 台上杰克逊邀请的嘉宾。 cut sth a way (from sth) to remove sth by cutting with a knife or a sharp tool (从...) 切除,割掉,剪去:Cut away any dead branches. 把枯枝全砍掉。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► cutaway n a model or diagram with some outside parts left out, in order to show what the inside looks like 剖面图 cut back (on sth) 1 to reduce sth such as the amount sb spends or produces 减少,缩减 (开支 或 生产):The recession means that everyone is cutting back. 经济衰退意味着每个人 都在削减开销。 ◊ We've had to cut back on staff to save money. 为了省钱,我们必须裁员。 2 (especially AmE) to eat, drink or use less of a particular thing, usually for your health (通 常为健康原因) 节制,减少 (饮食等):I smoke too much. I must cut: back. 我抽烟太多,必须加 以控制了。 ◊ The doctor's told me to cut back on red meat. 医生建议我少吃红肉。 -> see also CUT STH BACK 1, CUT DOWN ♦ v + adv ► cutback (in sth) n [usually pl.] a reduction in sth 减少;缩减:cutbacks in public spending 公共开支的削减。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 cut sth back axe sth ♦ cut sth back ♦ cut sth down ♦ scale sth back ♦ scale sth down ♦ slash sth These verbs all mean to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or the size of a business. 这些动词都表示削减、降低、减少,尤指金额或 企业规模。See also bring sth down. axe sth (BrE) (AmE usually ax) (often passive) (used especially in newspapers) to get rid of a service, jobs, etc. in order to save money (尤用于报章) 取消,削减,裁减 (机构、岗 位等):Unprofitable services are to be axed next year. 不盈利的部门明年将被砍掉。 ◊ 250 staff were axed as part of the shake-up. 作为改 组的一部分内容,250名员工被解聘。 cut sth back to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or business 缩减, 降低 (尤指金额或业务):We'll have to cut back production. 我们得减产。 NOTE Cut can be used on its own * cut 可单独使用:His salary has been cut by 10%. 他被减薪 10%。 It is also possible to use cut back on sth 也可说 cut back on sth: We are trying to cut back on spending. 我们正想方设法削减开支。 ► cutback n [usually pl.]: cutbacks in public spending 公共开支的削减。 cut sth down to reduce the size, amount or number of sth 削减,降低 (规模、数量 或 数 目):We need to cut the article down to 1000 words. 我们需要将文章删减至1000字。 NOTE It is also possible to use cut down on sth 也可说 cut down on sth: The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking. 医生嘱咐他 少喝酒。 scale sth back (especially AmE or business) to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or the size of a business 缩减,降低 (尤指金 额或企业规模):The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts, 国际货币基金组织已调低了 其经济增长预期。 scale sth down to reduce the number, size or extent of sth 缩减,降低 (数目、规模或幅 度): We are thinking of scaling down our training programmes next year. 我们正考虑明 年压缩培训项目。 slash sth (often passive) (used especially in newspapers} to reduce sth by a large amount (尤用于报章) 大幅削减,大大降低:The workforce has been slashed. 职工总数遭大幅 裁减。 WHICH WORD? Cut is the most general of these verbs. Cut back and scale back are both used especially to talk about money or business. Cut down and scale down are both more general and are used more for talking about things other than money or business. 这些动词中,cut 含义最宽 泛。cut back和scale back 尤用于指金钱或业务 上的缩减。cut down 和 scale down 含义较宽 泛,多用于指金钱或业务之外事物的缩减。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to cut sth/cut sth back/cut sth down/scale sth down from ... /to ... /by ... ■ to cut sth (back)/cut sth down/scale sth down considerably/significantly/drastically ■ to cut/slash/cut back on/cut down on/scale back spending/production ■ to cut/slash/cut back/axe jobs ■ to cut/slash costs/prices/taxes/the budget cut sth back 1 to reduce sth a lot (大幅) 降低,缩减:Government funding is being cut back. 应府拨款正在削减。 ◊ We have agreed to cut back CFC emissions by 2020. 我们同意 2020 年前大幅降低氯氟烃的排放。[OBJ] production, spending, pollution SYN pare sth down (to sth), pare sth back (to sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于彼动语态。 2 to reduce the size of a plant, a bush, etc. by cutting parts off 修剪;截短:That rose bush needs cutting back a lot. 那丛玫瑰需要修剪掉很多。[OBJ] bush, tree SYN prune sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) cut down (on sth) 1 to reduce the amount or quantity of sth削减,降低 (…的 数量): Recycling cuts down on waste. 废品回收能减少 浪费。◊ I've spent too much already this month— I'll have to cut down a bit ( = spend less money). 我这个月开销已经太大一一我得省着 点花钱了。 2 to use or buy less of sth 少用; 少买:The doctor's told me to cut down on fatty foods. 医生建议我少吃高脂肪食物。 ◊ I haven't stopped smoking, but I've cut down to five a day. 我还没戒烟,可已经减少到每天抽五支。 -> see also CUT STH DOWN 1, CUR BACK ♦ v + adv cut sb down (formal, BrE) to kill sb 致...死 亡;令...殒命:He was cut down by pneumonia at an early age. 他因肺炎早逝。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cut sb/sth down (AmE, informal) to make sb feel or look stupid, especially in front of other people 使当众出丑;使出洋相;使丢人现 眼:He always cuts her down in front of his friends. 他总是在他的朋友面前让她难堪。 ◊ She's always cutting down my lifestyle. 她动不 动就嘲笑我的生活方式。 SYN put sb down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM cut sb down to 'size to show sb that they are not as important as they think they are 让 某人有自知之明 ► cutdown (AmE) (BrE 'put-down) n (infor- mal) a remark or criticism that is intended to make sb feel or look stupid 令人难堪的话;噎 人的话 cut sth down 1 to reduce the amount or quantity of sth 削减,降低 (数量):Measures were introduced to cut down the number of road accidents involving children. 已采取措施 减少涉及儿童的交通事故的发生。 ◊ The policy aims at cutting down exhaust emissions. 这项政 策旨在控制废气排放。[OBJ] number, costs, amount SYN reduce sth (more formal) NOTE Cut sth can also be used on its own. Cut sth, not cut sth down is used for reducing the cost or the price of sth * cut sth 也可单独使用。降 低成本或价格用 cut sth, 而非 cut sth down: Petrol/gas prices have been cut. 燃油 /煤气降价 -> see also CUT DOWN; CUT STH BACK 1 -> note at CUT STH BACK 2 to make a tree, etc. fall down by cutting it at the base (自根部) 砍倒: Every time we cut a tree down, we plant a new one. 我们每砍伐一棵树,就补种一棵新的。[OBJ] tree SYN chop sth down; fell sth (more formal) 3 to reduce the length of sth 削减 (…的长 度);缩短:Please cut your article down to 1 000 words. 请把你的文章删节到 1000字。 SYN shorten sth (more formal) NOTE Cut sth can also be used on its own with this meaning. * cut sth 单独使用也可作此义。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv cut in 1 (on sb/sth) to interrupt sb/sth 打断 (某人讲话或谈话): 'Listen to me! she cut in impatiently. “听我说!” 她不耐烦地插嘴道。 SYN interrupt (sb/sth) t see also cut into sth 2 2 (on sb/sth) (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或 驾驶员) to move suddenly in front of another vehicle in a dangerous way, leaving little space between the two vehicles 超车抢道: The lorry cut in (on me) suddenly and I had to brake sharply. 那辆货车突然超车抢了我的道, 我只好猛踩刹车。 3 (of an engine, a motor or a piece of equipment 发动机、马达或设备) to start working automatically, especially after another source of power has failed (尤指断电 后) 自行启动,开始运转: If the power fails, the generator will cut in. 万一断电,这台发电机就 会自动发电。SYN kick in 4 (AmE, informal) to push in front of people who have been waiting in a line 插队;加塞儿: Someone tried to cut in in front of us. 有人想插到我们前面。 ◊ She saw some friends in line and cut in with them. 她 看见队列里有几个朋友, 于是插了进去。 SYN push in (BrE) 5 to interrupt a couple who are dancing to start dancing with one of them yourself 打断 (正在跳舞的两人以便与其中一人 跳舞); 抢走舞伴: May I cut in? 可以打断一下 请您跳支舞吗? ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + speech cut sb in (on sth) (informal) to include sb in a deal and give them a share of the profits 让…参与并分享利润:Do you think we can cut Harris in on the deal? 你看我们可以让哈里斯加 入进来做这笔买卖吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv cut into sth 1 to make a mark, an opening or a wound in sth with a knife or a sharp object 切入;切开口子:Make some pencil guidelines before you cut into the wood. 先用铅 笔画出标线,再在木头上锯个口子。 ◊ The rope was cutting into her wrists (= because it was very tight). 绳子勒破了她的手腕。[OBJ] cake, meat, etc. 2 to interrupt sth 打断;打扰:His voice cut into her thoughts. 他的声音打断了她 的思绪。 [OBJ] thoughts 3 to begin to use part or too much of sb's time, sth that belongs to sb else, etc. 开始占用,开始侵占 (某人的时间 或他人的物品):My work's cutting into my free time at the moment. 我的工作现在占用了我的 业余时间。 ◊ The independent stations are cut- ting into our audience. 独立电视台开始与我们 争夺观众了。[OBJ] time SYN encroach on/upon sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep cut sb off 1 to interrupt a telephone conver- sation by breaking the connection 切断 (电话 通话线路):Operator, I've just been cut off. 接 线员,我断线了。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被动语态。 2 to refuse to let sb have any of your money or property after you die 剥夺...的继承权:He cut his son off without a penny. 他完全剥夺了儿子的继承权。 [OBJ] son, daughter SYN disinherit sb (more formal) -> see also CUT SB OUT, CUT SB OUT OF STH 3 to end a relationship with sb because you do not want to see or talk to them any more 同...绝交;与...-刀两断;停止与...来往: His family have cut him off since he told them what he'd done. 自从他向家人透露了自己的所 作所为之后,他们断绝了与他的关系。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2,3 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) IDM be cut off in your prime to die suddenly when you are still young, strong and success- ful 英年早逝;短命 cut sb/sth off 1 (also cut yourself 'off) (from sb/sth) to separate sb/sth/yourself physically or socially from other people or things 使 (与…)分离;隔绝 (与…) 往来:His deafness cut him off from his family and friends. 失聪阻碍了他与亲友的交流。 ◊ She cut herself off from music after her marriage. 结婚后她不 再搞音乐了。 ◊ Why has he cut off all contact with his family? 他为什么与家人断绝了一切联 系? ◊ The farm was completely cut off in the snowstorm. 暴风雪使农场与外界完全隔绝。 ◊ (figurative) Politicians are cut off from the reality of poverty. 政客完全不了解贫穷的现实。 SYN isolate sb/sth/yourself (from sb/sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 2 to interrupt sb when they are speaking 打断 (谈话): He cut me off in mid-sentence. 我话刚 说到一半就被他打断了。 ◊ My explanation was abruptly cut off. 我的解释突然给打断了。 3 to stop the supply of gas, water or electricity to sb's home 停止 中断 (煤气、水或电的供应): The gas company threatened to cue them off if they didn't pay the bill. 煤气公司威胁说, 如果 拖欠账单,就停他们的煤气。 ◊ The water supply had been cut off. 断水了。 4 (AmE) -> CUT SB/ STH UP: A sports car cut me off as 1 turned into the road. 我拐上那条路. 一辆跑车抢了我的道。 5 to prevent sb from reaching or leaving a place; to stop sb 切断...的去路;拦截;阻挡: Try to cut him off at the traffic lights. 尽量在红 绿灯处把他截住。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► cut-off n an act of stopping sth 拦截;阻 挡;阻拦 cut sth off to block or get in the way of sth, etc. 阻碍;阻挡;堵住:The police cut off all their escape routes. 警方切断了他们所有的逃跑 路线。 ◊ The new hotel cuts off our view of the sea. 新旅馆挡住了我们观海的视野。 [OBJ] route, aid, supplies ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► cut-off n a point or a limit when you stop sth 截止点;界限: a cut-off in aid 援助中止 ◊ What is the cut-off date for registration? 注册哪 天截止? cut sth off; cut sth off sth to remove sth by cutting it with a knife or a sharp tool (从…) 切掉,割去,截断:He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. 他从那匹布上截下一米。 ◊ Mind you don't cut your fingers off! 当心,别 切掉了手指! ◊ she's had all her hair cut off. 她把头发剃光了。 ◊ If the photo is too large for the frame, cut a bit off the top. 如果相片比相框 大,就从顶部裁掉一点。 ◊ (figurative) Five seconds has been cut off the world record. 世界 纪录缩短了五秒。 SYN chop sth off, chop sth off sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► cut-offs n [pl.] trousers/pants that have been made shorter by cutting off part of the legs 剪短的裤子;毛边短裤 ► cut-off adj [only before noun] cut-off trousers/pants have been made shorter by cutting off part of the legs 裤管剪短的 ► offcut n (especially BrE) a piece of wood, paper, etc. that remains after the main piece has been cut 下脚料;边角材料。 cut yourself 'off (from sb/sth) -> CUT SB OFF 1 cut out if an engine or a motor cuts out, it suddenly stops working (发动机或马达) 突然 熄火,停止运转:One of the aircraft's engines cut out. 飞机的一个发动机突然停止运转。 ♦ v + adv ► cut-out n (especially BrE) a safety device that stops an electric current from flowing through sth (切断电路的) 断流器. 保险装置: A cut-out stops the kettle boiling dry. 断流器使 电水壶不致干烧。 cut out; cut out of sth (AmE) 1 (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或驾驶员) to move suddenly sideways out of a line of traffic 突然 驶离车流:Did you see the way the car in front cut out? 你看见前面那辆车是怎样猛冲出去的 吗? 2 (old-fashioned, slang) to leave 离开;走 开:I'm cutting out (of here). See you later. 我要 走了,回头见。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep cut sb 'out; cut sb out of sth to not allow sb to be involved in sth 不让...参与 (某 事): If we deliver the goods ourselves, we can cut out the middleman. 如果我们自己发货,就 可以绕开中间人了。 ◊ Don't cut your parents out of your lives! 不要把父母排除在你的生活之 外! ◊ She cut me out of her will (= refused to let me have any of her money or property after she died). 她的遗嘱将我排除在外。 -> see also CUT SB OFF 1 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep cut sth out 1 to make sth unnecessary 使变 得不必要:Cut out some of the administration by computerizing your records. 用计算机处理记 录,减少一些办事手续。 ◊ The new fast train service cuts out the need for a long bus journey. 有了新的高速列车,就不必坐长途汽车了。[OBJ] need 2 (informal) to stop doing, using or eating sth 停止做 (或使用、食用): I've cut out sweets to try to lose weight. 为了瘦身,我不吃 甜食了。 [OBJ] smoking, drink, sweets 3 (informal) to block light or sound 阻挡 (光线 或声音):That tree in front of the window cuts out the light. 窗前的树遮住了光线。[OBJ] light, noise SYN block sth out 4 (informal。 used to tell sb to stop doing or saying sth that is annoying you (用于制止恼人的话或事) 打 住,住口,住手:I'm sick of you two arguing— just cut it out! 我真烦你们俩吵来吵去---闭 嘴吧! ◊ Now cut out the jokes and pay attention! 别说笑话了,集中注意力![OBJ] it, that 5 to make sth by cutting 裁剪出; 砍出; 切出:They managed to cut out a path through the jungle. 他们设法在丛林里辟出一条小路。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cut sth out; ,cut sth out of sth i to remove sth you want from sth larger by cutting; to cut the shape of sth from a piece of material, paper, etc. (从…) 剪下, 所下; 裁 剪:Simply cut out and return the coupon, 剪下 优惠券并寄回即可。 ◊ She cut the article out of the newspaper. 她从报纸上剪下了那篇文章。 ◊ The children enjoy cutting shapes out of coloured paper. 孩子们喜欢用彩纸剪出各种形 状。 [OBJ] article, picture 2 to remove sth bad from sth by cutting 切除 (环的部分):I cut out the bad parts of the apple. 我削掉了苹果腐烂的 部分。 3 (informal) to leave sth out of a piece of writing, etc. 删减,删节 (文字等):You can cut out the unimportant details. 你可以删掉无 关紧要的细节文字。SYN omit sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv + prep IMD have your work cut out (for you) (formal) to face a difficult task or situation 面临困难的 任务 (或局面):You'll have your work cut out to beat him. 你想打败他绝非易事。 ► cut-out n a shape cut out of paper, wood, etc. 剪纸:刻出的图样:a cardboard cut-out 用 硬纸板剪出的图形 be cut 'out for sth; be .cut out to do/be sth (informal) to have the qualities and abilities needed for sth 具有…的天分; 是…的材料: I don't think I'm cut out for country life. 我认为我不适合乡村生活。 ◊ He's not cut out to be a politician. 他不是从政的料。 NOTE This phrasal verb is usually used in negative sentences. 这一短语动词通常用于否 定句。 ♦ be + v + adv + prep ♦ be + v + adv + to +inf cut 'through sth 1 -> CUT ACROSS STH 1: The path cuts through the wood. 小径横穿树林。 ◊ It should be quicker if we cut through town. 我 们从城里穿过去,应该会快一些。 2 to pass through sth by cutting 切开;割开;砍开:Will this saw cut through metal? 这把锯子能切割金 属吗? ◊ (figurative) The sharp wind cut through his shirt. 凛冽的冷风吹透了他的衬衣。 ◊ (figurative) The pain cut through him like a knife. 他感到痛如刀割。 3 to overcome a difficulty that is preventing you from making progress 克服 (困难); 冲破 (阻碍): Once you cut through the technical language the report is easy to understand. 你弄通了术语,报 告就容易理解了。 ◊ The yacht cut smoothly through the waves. 帆船平稳地破浪前进。 4 to interrupt sth 打断:打扰:His voice cut through her thoughts. 他的声音打断了她的思路。 ♦ v + prep cut sth through sth to make a path or passage through sth by cutting 开辟穿越...的 小道:They had to use their knives to cut a path through the undergrowth. 他们不得不用刀在灌 木林中劈出一条小路。 [OBJ] path ♦ v + n/pron + prep cut up (AmE, informal) to behave in a noisy, Silly way, especially to try and make people laugh 胡闹;卖弄;插料打诨: He cut up in class. 他在班上调皮捣蛋了。 ♦ v + adv ► cutup n (AmE, informal) a person who jokes a lot or behaves in a silly way to make people laugh or to get attention 爱开玩笑的 人;插科打诨的人 cut sb up (informal) 1 to injure sb by cutting them with a knife, a piece of glass, etc. 割伤; 捅伤;划破:He was very badly cut up in the fight. 在斗殴中他被严重砍伤。 2 to make sb very emotionally upset 使伤心;使悲痛;使难 受:She's still very cut up about the divorce. 她 仍为离婚痛苦不已。 Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被动语态。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv cut sb/sth up (BrE) (AmE .cut sb/sth off) (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或驾驶员) to suddenly drive in front of another vehicle in a dangerous way 超车抢道:Did you see how he cut me up? 你看见他怎么抢我的道了吗? SYN carve sb/sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n cut sth up to divide sth into small pieces with a knife or a sharp tool 切碎;剁碎;剪碎: Who's going to cue up the vegetables? 谁来切 蔬菜? SYN chop sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dab/dæb/ (-bb-) dab at sth (with sth) to touch sth, especially your face, several times, quickly and lightly (用…)轻触,轻搽,轻拍(尤指脸部):She was crying and dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. 她边哭边用手绢轻轻擦眼睛。 ◊ He gently dabbed at his cuts with a piece of cotton wool. 他用一块药棉轻轻按了按伤口。 [OBJ] my, your, etc. eyes NOTE Dab sth can be used on its own with the same meaning * dab sth 单独使用也可作此义: She dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. 她用 手绢轻轻擦眼睛, ♦ v + prep dab sth off to remove sth such as a mark caused by a liquid with quick, light move- ments (轻快地)擦掉,抹掉(水渍等):Dab the coffee off with your handkerchief. 用手帕擦 去咖啡污渍。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dab sth on (with sth) to put sth on a surface with quick, light movements (用 …)轻涂, 轻敷:Dab the paint on with a sponge. 用海绵轻 轻涂上颜料。 ◊ She dabbed on a little perfume. 她轻轻地搽了一点香水。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dabble /ˈdæbl/ dabble in sth to take pan in an activity or a sport, but not very seriously 涉足,涉猎,尝试 (活动或体育运动):She swims twice a week and has been dabbling in weight training. 她每 周游泳两次,偶尔还练一下举重。 ♦ v + prep dally /ˈdæli/ (dallies, dallying, dallied) dally with sth/sb (old-fashioned) to think about sth, do sth or treat sb in a way that is not serious enough 轻率地对待;玩弄;戏弄: They've been dallying with the idea for years. 他 们多年来一直有这个想法,但从未认真考虑过。 [OBJ] idea, thought SYN toy with sth ♦ v + prep dam /dæm/ (-mm-) IDM A dam is a barrier built across a river to stop the water from flowing. * dam 指水坝。 dam sth up to stop the water flowing in a river by building a dam across it 筑坝拦(河 水):The stream was dammed up to form ornamental lakes. 小河上建坝蓄水,形成了装 饰性的湖泊。◊(figurative) I tried to dam up my tears. 我强忍住泪水。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv damp /dæmp/ (also dampen /'dæmpan/) damp sth down 1 to make a fire bum more slowly or stop burning 使(火)减弱; 熄灭:Firefighters were damping down the embers hours later. 几小时后,消防队员基本扑 灭了余烬。 ◊ He put sand on the fire to try to damp it down. 他试图用沙子把火压灭。 ◊ The fire had been damped down but not extinguishecL 火势得到了控制,但尚未熄灭。 [OBJ] fire 2 if sb/sth damps down an emotion or a feeling, it becomes less strong 抑制, 控制 (情绪或感情):She tried to damp down her feelings of despair. 她努力克制自己的绝望情绪。 [OBJ] emotions 3 if sb/sth damps down a situation or an activity, it becomes slower or weaker 缓和(局势);减缓(速度):The latest increase in interest rates has damped down activity in the housing market. 最近的加 息抑制了住房市场交易。 4 (rare') to make a surface slightly wet by spraying a small amount of water over it 酒水打湿(表面) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) dangle /ˈdæŋɡl/ dangle sth be fore sb/sth to offer sb sth very attractive to try to persuade them to do sth 用..引诱;利用…吊某人胃口: it's the biggest financial incentive ever dangled before British footballers. 这是对英国足球运动员前所 未有的最大经济诱惑。 NOTE In front of can be used instead of before. 可用 in front of 代替 beforee ♦ v + n/pron + prep dash /daej/ dash a'bout (especially BrE) t dash around ,dash a'gainst sth (of rain, waves, the sea, etc. 雨水、波浪、海水等)to beat violently against a surface 拍打;痛击; 冲击 ♦ v + prep dash around (also .dash about/'round especially BrE) to move very quickly from place to place, being very busy 四处奔忙;到处奔波: I've been dashing around all day! 我东奔西跑地 忙了一整天了! ◊ At the scene of the accident, people were dashing about all over the place. 在事故现场,人们急匆匆地来回奔忙。 SYN rush around ♦ v + adv dash away/ off to go away from a place in a hurry 急忙离开;匆匆走开:He dashes off every day at four o'clock. 他每天四点钟就急匆 匆走了。 ♦ v + adv dash sth a way if you dash tears away, you remove them quickly from your face 快速擦掉 (泪水):He dashed away the tears welling up in his eyes with an impatient hand. 他烦躁地一 把抹掉涌出的泪水。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dash off -> DASH AWAY/OFF dash sth off to write or draw sth very quickly 仓促写出;草草画成:I dashed off a quick letter to my brother. 我匆匆忙忙给弟弟写 了封信。 SYN scribble sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) dash 'round (especially BrE) -> DASH AROUND date /deɪt/ date back ... (also .date back to sth) to have existed since a particular time in the past or for the length of time mentioned 追溯到; 起始于:It's a tradition that dates back at least a thousand years. 这一传统至少可以追溯到一千 年前。 ◊ Her problems date back to her child- hood. 她的这些问题从小就有了。◊ The town dates back to Roman times. 这座城镇始建于古 罗马时代。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep date from sth to have existed since a par- ticular time in the past 自…至今;从...开:It is a beautiful vase dating from about 1715. 这 是一个漂亮的花瓶,大约制作于1715年。 ◊ The strike was the latest stage in a dispute which dated from 2004. 这次罢工是始自2004年的纠 纷发展到最新阶段的结果。 ♦ v + prep dawn /dɔːn/ dawn on sb (also 'dawn upon sb more formal) if an idea, the truth or a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the first time 使开 始明白;使开始理解;使渐渐领悟:It suddenly dawned on us that we were lost. 我们突然意识 到我们迷路了。◊ The answer finally dawned on me. 我最终找到了答案。 SYN strike sb ♦ v + prep deal /diːl/ (dealt, dealt /delt/) deal in sth 1 to do business; to make money by buying and selling a particular product or kind of goods 经营; 买卖:He made a fortune dealing in stocks and shares. 他炒股发了财。◊ They deal exclusively in Chinese art. 他们专营中 国艺术品。◊ The company deals in computer software. 这家公司经营计算机软件。[OBJ] shares, art 2 to make money by buying and selling goods illegally, especially drugs 非法交易 (尤 指毒品):They're rumoured to be dealing in stolen goods. 据传他们在倒卖赃物。[OBJ] drugs, arms 3 to be concerned with or involved in sth 关心;参与;涉足:This newspaper doesn't deal in gossip, only in facts. 这家报纸不登八卦 传闻,只报道事实。 ◊ She's not the type to deal in rumours. 她不是那种搬弄是非的人。 ♦ v + prep deal sb 'in (informal, especially AmE) to include sb in an activity 让… 加入 (活动); 把...算入:it sounds like a great plan! Deal me in! 这计划听上去很棒!算我一个! SYN count sb in OPP deal sb out, deal sb out of sth ♦ v+ n/pron + adv deal sb 'out; .deal sb out of sth (AmE, informal) to not include sb in an activity 不 让…加入 (活动);不把...算入: You can deal me out of this. I don't want to get involved in anything illegal. 你不要把我算在内。我不想卷 入任何违法的事。 SYN count sb out, count sb out of sth OPP deal sb in ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep deal sth out (to sb) 1 to share sth among a number of people, groups of people or organizations 把…分发 (给…):Well deal out the proceeds to several charities. 我们将把收益 分赠给几个慈善机构。 ◊ The profits were dealt out among the investors. 利润分给了投资者。 SYN distribute sth (more formal) 2 (in a game of cards 纸牌游戏)to give cards to each player 发(牌):She dealt out seven cards to each player. 她给每人发了七张牌。NOTE Deal sth can also be used on its own with this meaning. * deal sth 单独使用也可作此义。3 to give sb a particular punishment; to say what punishment sb should have 给予,宣布 (处 罚):She dealt out the same punishment to all the children. 她给所有孩子以同样惩罚。 ◊ Severe penalties are dealt out to persistent offenders. 惯犯会受到严惩。[OBJ] punishment SYN administer sth (formal) ♦ 1,2 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv deal with sb 1 to look after, talk to or control people in an appropriate way, especially as part of your job (尤指作为工 作) 与…打交道,照管,管理: Her job involves dealing with young offenders. 她的工作职责是 看管少年犯。 ◊ They're very difficult people to deal with. 他们这些人很难缠。SYN handle sb 2 to take appropriate action in a particular situation or according to who you are talking to, etc. 接待;对付;应付:Can you deal with this customer? 你来招呼这位顾客好吗? ◊ We have to deal with students and handle a load of paperwork as well. 我们必须接待学生,同时还 得完成大量案头工作。 ◊ Most patients are dealt with within four weeks. 大多数病人可在四周内 得到治疗。 3 to take appropriate action to punish sb who has done sth wrong 整治;惩处: Your father will deal with you when he gets home. 你爸爸回家后会收拾你的。 ◊ Athletes found guilty of taking drugs were swiftly dealt with. 被检测出服用禁药的运动员立刻受到了处 罚。 SYN sort sb out ♦ v + prep deal with sb/sth 1 to do business regularly with a person, an organization, a government, etc. 与…做生意:We prefer to deal only with reputable companies. 我们只喜欢与声誉良好的 公司打交道。 ◊ It is best to deal directly with foreign suppliers. 最好和国外供应商直接交易。 [OBJ] business, company 2 to talk to sb, an organization, a government, etc. in order to reach an agreement or settle a disagreement 商谈; 谈判:I prefer to deal with somebody in. authority. 我希望与管事的人谈。 ◊ It would help if I knew exactly who Pm dealing with. 如果我 早知道我在跟谁谈就好了。 ♦ v + prep deal with sth 1 to solve a problem, carry out a task, etc. 解决;应付;处理: to deal with enquiries/issues/complaints 处理查询 / 问题 / 投 诉。◊ The police dealt with the incident very effi- ciently. 警方高效地处置了这一事件。◊ There's some urgent correspondence here that hasn't been dealt with. 有些急件尚未处理。[OBJ] prob- lems, matter, situation, crisis 2 (of a book, poem, article, etc. 书, 诗、文章等) to be about sth 涉及;论及;论述:The next programme deals with the subject of divorce. 下个节目将讨 论离婚这一话题。[OBJ] subject, question, issue SYN cover sth 3 if you deal with an emotion such as anger or sadness, you learn to control it or become less affected by it 学会控制,学 着克制 (情绪):He is beginning to deal with his anger in a constructive way. 他开始用有效 方法克制自己的怒气。◊ "You've, got to try and forget her and get on with your life.' I'm dealing with it!' “ 你必须尽力忘掉她,过你自 己的生活。" “ 我在努力! ” ◊ She's good at dealing with pressure. 她善于应对压力。 [OBJ] anger, grief, loss SYN cope (with sth) ♦ v + prep debar /dɪˈbɑː(r)/(-rr-) debar sb from sth; de bar sb from doing sth (formal) to prevent sb from doing sth, joining an organization, going somewhere, etc. 阻止:Students who have not paid their fees will be debarred from taking examinations. 未交费的学生将不得参加考试。◊ He was debarred from holding public office. 他 被禁止担任公职。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep decide /dɪˈsaɪd/ decide on sb/sth (also decide upon sb/sth more formal) to choose sb/sth after careful thought 决定;选定:We haven't decided on a date for the wedding yet. 我们尚未确定婚期。 ◊ Have you decided on whether to take the job or not? 要不要接受这份工作,你拿定主意了吗? ◊ Nothing has yet been decided on. 还未做出任何 决定。 SYN settle on/upon sth ♦ v + prep deck /dek/ deck sb out; .deck yourself out (in/as/like sth) to put on interesting and brightly coloured clothes or jewellery, usually for a special occasion (通常为特定场合) 穿戴 打扮,穿着,戴着: He decked himself out in his best suit. 他穿上了自己最好的那套西装。 ◊ A lot of supporters were decked out in the team's colours. 很多支持者穿着和该队队服颜色一样的 衣服。 SYN dress up (as sth), etc. NOTE Deck sb/yourself (in/with sth) is also used on its own. * deck sb / yourself (in / with sth) 也可单独使用。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv deck sth out (with/in/like sth) to decorate sth, especially a room or a building, for a special occasion (为特定场合) 装柿 (尤指 房间或建筑物);把 (房间等) 布置成…: The canteen was decked out with Christmas decorations. 餐厅装点着圣诞节饰品。 ◊ The room was decked out to look like the inside of a spaceship. 房间布置得像宇宙飞船船舱。 [OBJ] room NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv declare /dɪˈkleə(r); AmE dɪˈkler/ declare against sb/sth (BrE, formal) to say publicly that you do not support sb/sth 宣布不支持;声明反对: The newspaper has declared against the government in the run-up to the election. 在选举前的备选时期,该报声明 不支持政府。 ♦ v + prep de clare for sb/sth (BrE, formal) to say publicly that you support sb/sth 宣布支持;声 明赞成:Otto the Bald declared for the Emperor. 秃头奥托公开表态支持皇帝。 ♦ v + prep de clare for sth (AmE) 1 (of a politician) to announce that you will take part in an election for a particular office (政客) 宣布参 选:Yesterday she declared for Governor in a press conference. 昨天在记者招待会上,她宣布 参加州长竞选。 2 (of a sports player) to announce that you will take pan in the system by which teams choose players from a ranked group (the draft) (运动员) 宣布参加 (选秀): He's been thinking about declaring for the draft since last year. 自去年起,他一直起考虑宣布参 加选秀。 ♦ v + prep dedicate /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ dedicate sth to sb to say at the beginning of a book, a piece of music or a performance that you are doing it for sb, as a way of thanking them or showing respect (在作品开 头) 把...题献给...: This book is dedicated to my parents. 谨以此书献给我的父母。 [OBJ] book, work, song ♦v + n/pron + prep dedicate yourself/sth to sth; dedi- cate yourself/sth to doing sth to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because you think it is important 把 (时间、精力等) 用于;投身于: She dedicates herself to her work. 她全身心投入 工作。 ◊ He dedicated his life to helping the poor. 他毕生致力于帮助穷人。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep defer /dɪˈfɜː(r):(-rr-) defer to sb/sth (rather formal) to accept sb's opinion or do what they suggest because you respect them 依从;顺从:I defer to your judgement in these matters. 我尊重你对这 些事的判断。 ◊ We are happy to defer to the committee's wishes. 我们乐于遵从委员会的 意愿。 [OBJ] judgement, wishes ♦ v + prep delight /dɪˈlaɪt/ delight in sth; delight in doing sth to get a lot of pleasure from sth or from doing sth, especially sth that annoys or upsets other people 以 (尤指令人不快的事) 为乐:She seemed to delight in making her parents angry, 她似乎以惹父母生气为乐。◊ From childhood, she delighted in reading. 她从小就喜爱阅读。 ♦ v + prep deliver/dɪˈlɪvə(r)/ deliver on sth if you deliver on a promise, a threat or an agreement, you do what you have said you would do, or what you are expected to do 履行 (诺言);实施 (威胁); 践约:Can he be trusted to deliver on his promises? 能相信他会信守诺言吗? ◊ They failed to deliver on the agreement. 他们违背了协议。 [OBJ] promise, agreement ♦ v + prep deliver sb/sth over/'up (to sb), deliver yourself 'over/'up (to sb) (formal) to give sb/sth/yourself to sb in authority, often because you have been ordered to do so 将...移交,托付,交付 (给…) ; 自首:The defendant has been ordered to deliver up the goods. 已命令被告交出 货物。◊ She delivered the baby over to the care of her sister. 她把小孩交给姐姐照管。◊ He delivered himself up to the authorities. 他向当 局自首了。 SYN hand sb/sth over (to sb), etc. (less formal) ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv delve /delv/ delve 'into sth to try hard to find out more information about sth 追究;探究;追查: We should not delve too deeply into this painful matter. 我们不应该过分深究这件令人痛 苦的事。 [OBJ] subject, reasons SYN probe (sth/into sth) ♦ v + prep depart /dɪˈpɑːt; AmE dɪˈpɑːrt/ depart from sth to behave in a way that is different from what is usual or expected 违 反, 背离,不合 (常规):The teachers are not encouraged to depart from the syllabus. 教师最 好不要偏离教学大纲。 ◊ They departed from tradition and got married in a hotel. 他们突破 传统,在旅馆结了婚。 [OBJ] principles, rules, tradition, decision ♦ v + prep depend /dɪˈpend/ depend on sb/sth (also depend upon sb/sth more format) 1 (for sth) (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to need help or support from sb/sth in order to live or to manage in a particular situation 需要,依靠 (帮助或支持):The organization depended heavily on voluntary help. 这个机构 十分依赖志愿者的帮助。 ◊ She came to depend on her daughter for support. 她最终依靠女儿供 养。 ◊ He depends on medication to stay alive. 他靠药物维将生命。 SYN rely on/upon sb/sth (for sth) 2 (not used in the progressive tenses 不 用于进行时) to be affected by or decided by sb/sth 受...影响;依...而定;取决于:I don't know if I'll come or not. It all depends on how tired I feel this evening. 我不知道能不能来。这 全得看看今晚是不是很累。 ◊ This may be a welcome change or not, depending on your point of view. 这个变化是否受欢迎取决于你的 视角。 3 to rely on sb/sth; to be able to trust sb 依靠;信赖:I hope you'll be able to come — I'm depending on you to help me. 我希望你能 来-----我指望着你帮忙呢。 ◊ We need someone who can be depended on. 我们需要一个靠得住 的人。 SYN count on/upon sb/sth; rely on/upon sb/sth 4 (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be sure that sth will happen 确信;相信;指望:You can depend on my sister to spoil things (= she always does). 我妹妹保准把事情弄糟。 SYN count on/upon sb/sth; rely on/upon sb/sth ♦ v + prep ♦ v + prep + n/pron + to +inf deprive /dɪˈpraɪv/ deprive sb/sth/yourself of sth to prevent sb/sth from having sth important; to take sth away from sb 剥夺;使丧失;使不能 享受:In prison they were starved and deprived of sleep. 在狱中,他们忍饥挨饿,而且睡眠不 足。◊ The baby's brain had been deprived of oxygen during the birth. 这个婴儿出生时大脑缺 氧。 ◊ There is no need to deprive yourself of food on this diet. 按照这个规定饮食不必禁食。 ◊ (humorous) I couldn't deprive you of (= take away from you) your last few pence. 我不能搜 刮掉你最后的几个便士。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep derive /dɪˈraɪv/ derive from sth to come or develop from sth 从…衍生出;起源于;来自:The word history derives from the Latin word 'historia' meaning story. * history 一词源自拉丁语 historia, 意思是故事。◊ The criticism derives from a misunderstanding of our aims. 这一指责 出于对我们目标的误解。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 depend on/upon sb/sth believe in sb ♦ count on sb/sth ♦ depend on/upon sb/sth ♦ rely on/upon sb/sth ♦ trust sb/sth These verbs all mean to believe that sb/sth will do what you hope or expect of them or that what they tell you is correct or true. 这些动词 都表是相信、信赖、依靠。 believe in sb to feel that you can trust sb and/or that they will be successful 信赖; 信 任;相信(某人)会成功: They need a leader they can believe in. 他们需要一位信得过的 领袖。 count on sb/sth (often used with can, cannot, etc. 常与 can、cannot 等连用)to be sure that sb will do what you need them to do, or that sth will happen as you want it to happen 依赖, 指 望(某人做某事);确信,期待(某事会发 生):I'm counting on you to help me. 我就靠 你帮忙啦。 ◊ Can we count on your support in the next election? 下次选举时,我们还能得到 各位的支持吗? depend on/upon sb/sth (often used with can, cannot, etc 常与 can、cannot 等连用)to trust sb/sth to do what you expect or want, to do the right thing, or to be true or correct 相信; 信赖; 信任:He knew he could depend on her to deal with the situation. 他知道她会处理好 这一局面。 rely on/upon sb/sth (used especially with can, cannot, etc. 尤与 can, cannot 等连用)to trust sb/sth to do what you expect or want, or to be honest, correct or good enough 相信; 信 赖; 信任:Can I rely on you to keep this secret? 你能为我保守这一秘密吗? ◊ He can't be relied on to tell the truth. 不能相信他会实话实说。◊ You can't rely on any figures you get from them. 不能相信他们提供的任何数字。NOTE Rely upon sb/sth is more formal than rely on sb/sth . * rely upon sb/sth 比 rely on sb/sth 正式。 trust sb/sth to believe that sb is good, honest, sincere, etc. and that they will do what you expect of them or do the right thing; to believe that sth is true or correct 相信; 信 赖; 信任:You can trust me not to tell anyone. 你尽可放心,我不会告诉任何人。◊ I don't really trust his judgement. 我不太相信他的判 断力。◊ Don't trust what you read in the newspapers! 不要相信报纸的一面之词! WHICH WORD? You can trust a person but not a thing or system. You can trust sb's judgement or advice, but not their support. You can depend on sb's advice or support, but not their judgement. * trust 可用于人,但不用于事或体制;可指人的 judgement 或 advice, 但不用于人的支持。 depend on 可用于人的 advice 或 support, 但不 用于人的判断。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to trust/depend on/rely on/count on sb/sth to do sth ■ to trust/rely on/believe in yourself ■ to trust/depend on/rely on sb's advice ■ to trust/rely on sb's judgement ■ to rely on/depend on/count on sb*s support ■ to completely/fully trust/depend on/rely on/count on/believe in sb/sth derive sth from sth 1 (formal) to get or obtain sth from sth 从…中得到;从…中获得: She derived a great deal of satisfaction from this achievement. 她从这一成绩中获得极大的满足。 [OBJ] pleasure, satisfaction, information, benefits 2 to obtain a substance from sth 从… 中提取:These remedies are derived mainly from the natural world. 这些药物主要来自自然界。 NOTE Often used in the passive.常用于被动语 态。3 to come or develop from sth 从...衍生 出;起源于;源自:Washington derives its name from the first US president. 华盛顿得名于美国首 任总统。◊ The name of the mountain appears to be derived from an old Norse word. 这座山的 名称似乎是源于一个古挪威词。[OBJ] name, word NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于 被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep descend /dɪˈsend/ be descended from sb/sth to be related to sb who lived a long time ago 是...的后裔:He claimed he was descended from the Vikings. 他 声称自己是维京人的后代。 [OBJ] ancestors, line, family ♦ be + v + prep descend into sth to get into a very bad condition or state 陷入(糟糕的境地):The situation has descended into total chaos. 局面 变得—片混乱。◊ There were fears that the country was descending into turmoil or even civil war. 人们担心国家会逐渐陷入动乱,甚至 会爆发内战。 ♦ v + prep descend on sb/sth (also descend upon sb/sth more formal) 1 to arrive somewhere, especially suddenly and unexpectedly and in large numbers 突然涌到;大批到达:Dozens of police descended on the building. 数十名警察 突然进入这座大楼。◊ (humorous) My sister and her family are descending on us this weekend. 我妹妹一家这个周末要到我家来。2 to go towards sb/sth as if you are going to attack them/it 逼近:The mosquitoes descended on us as soon as night fell. 天一黑,蚊子就扑向我们。 ◊ A large woman in a hat was descending on them. 一个戴帽子的高大女人向他们冲过来。 ♦ v + prep descend to sth to do or say sth that makes people lose their respect for you 降低身份去 做; 竟做出;堕落到...地步: If you insult him back, you descend to his level. 你要是反过去侮 辱他,就是跟他一般见识了。 SYN stoop to sth, stoop to doing sth ♦ v + prep despair /dɪˈspeə(r); AmE dɪˈsper/ despair of sb/sth; despair of doing sth (formal or humorous} to feel that there is no hope that sb/sth will improve, get better, etc. or that sth will happen 对...绝望;对…失 去希望;丧失...的信心:I despair of you, Ian — act your age! 你太让我失望了,伊恩-----别跟 个孩子似的! ◊ I'd begun to despair of ever seeing him again. 我那时开始绝望,觉得再也见 不到他了。 ♦ v + prep detract /dɪˈtrækt/ detract from sth (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时)to make sth seem less good than it really is 诋毁; 减 损;贬低:These revelations should not detract from his achievements. 不应该因这些被揭露的 内幕而贬低他的成就。◊ Her tattered clothes in no way detracted from her beauty. 破衣烂衫丝 毫无损她的美貌。 SYN diminish sth ♦ v + prep devolve /dɪˈvɒlv; AmE -ˈvɑːlv/ devolve on/to/upon sb/sth (formal) (of work, duties, power or responsibility 工作、 职责、权力或责任)to be given to a person or an organization by sb at a higher level of authority 交给,移交(下属或下层):All the responsibility has devolved upon him. 所有责 任新落到了他肩上。◊ Additional powers will devolve to the regional governments. 将向地方 政府下放更多的权力。 ♦ v + prep de volve sth to sb/sth to give work, duties, power or responsibility to sb with less authority than you (将工作、职责、权力或责 任)交给,移交(下属或下层):More powers are gradually being devolved to the regions. 正 逐步向地方下放更多的权力。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep devote /dɪˈvəʊt; AmE dɪˈvoʊt/ de vote sth to sb/sth; devote sth to doing sth to give an amount of time, energy or attention to sb/sth 把(时间、精力或注意 力)投入,用于:He devoted his life to the struggle for justice. 他毕生致力于挣取公平正 义。◊ She gave up work to devote more time to her children. 她辞去工作,以便有更多时间和孩 子们相处。◊ The museum is hosting an exhib- ition. devoted to her work. 博物馆正在举办她的 个人作品展。◊ Several courses are devoted to improving customer care. 有几门课程是关于提 高客户服务水平的。 [OBJ] time. attention, energy, life, chapter ♦ v + n/pron + prep devote yourself to sb/sth devote yourself to doing sth to spend a large part of your time, energy and attention on a particular activity, especially sth good 投身 于;致力于;专心于:After her marriage, she couldn't devote herself totally to her music. 她 婚后无法全身心投入音乐事业。◊ They had devoted themselves entirely to building up their business. 当时他们一心一意想把自己的企业做大 做强。 ♦ v + pron 十 prep dial /ˈdaɪəl/ (-ll-, AmE -l-) dial in; dial 'into sth (also .dial up sth) (computing) to make a connection between one computer and another using a telephone line 拨号上网:I dial in from my PC at home to get the files I need, 我用家里的个人电脑拨号联 网,以获取所需的档案。◊ Every time I try to dial into the Internet I can't get a connection. 我 每次想拨号上网都连接不上。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep dial sth 'in to push buttons to use a telephone or put information into a computer 按(电话号码);(敲计算机键盘以)录入(信 息): I dialled in the number and waited for someone to answer. 我拨了号码,然后等人来接 电话。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv dial out to make a call to sb outside the building you are in 往外拨电话;打出电话:You can't dial out from that phone — it's for intern- al calls only. 那部电话不能打外线——只能打 内线。 ♦ v + adv dial up sb/sth 1 (AmE) to call sb/sth on the telephone 给…打电话:Would you dial up the doctor's office for me? 请帮我给诊所打个电话 好吗? SYN call sb/sth up; call sb/sth (AmE) 2 -> DIAL INTO STH: Customers can dial up the central computer from home and access the database. 客户可以从家里拨号和中央计算机联 网进入数据库。 NOTE When the object of dial up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between dial and up * dial up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后;但如果 更代词,应置于 dial 和 up 之间:Sit down and dial them up. 坐下给他们打电话吧。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ► dial-up adj [only before noun] using a telephone line to connect your computer to the Internet 拨号上网的 dictate /dɪkˈteɪt; AmE ˈdɪkteɪt/ dictate to sb to give orders to sb, especially in a rude or aggressive way 向...发号施令;任 意支使:You can't dictate to people how they should live. 你不能对别人的生活方式指手画脚。 ◊ I'm not going to be dictated to by my little brother! 我不会听凭我弟弟摆布! ♦ v + prep diddle/ ˈdɪdl/ diddle around (AmE, informal) to spend your time doing things that are not important 虚度光阴;无所事事;混日子:Stop diddling around and do some work! 别晃悠了,干点正 事吧! SYN fiddle about/around mess around ♦ v + adv die /daɪ/ (dies, dying, died, died) die a'way 1 (of a sound 声音) to become so faint or weak that you can no longer hear it 减弱;消失:The sound of the car engine died away. 汽车发动机的声音逐渐消失了。 ◊ Her laughter died away when she saw how angry he was. 她看见他那样生气,就止住了笑。SYN fade away 2 (also .die 'out) (of rain, wind or a storm 雨、风或风暴) to gradually become weaker and stop 逐渐减弱;渐渐平息:The rain will largely die away overnight. 雨过一夜差不 多就会停了。3 (of a feeling or an emotion 感 觉或情绪)to gradually become weaker and disappear 逐渐平静:渐渐消失:The excitement over their affair soon died away. 对他们的风流 韵事的兴奋劲儿很快过去了。SYN fade away -> note at PETER OUT ♦ v + adv dieback (also .die 'down) if a plant dies back, its leaves die, although the roots are still alive 枝叶枯萎 (根部仍存活):The leaves die back in winter. 叶子到冬天就枯萎了。 ♦ v + adv diedown 1 (of a sound or flames 声音或火 焰) to gradually become less loud or strong 逐 渐变弱;慢慢变小;渐渐消失:He waited for the applause to die down 他等着掌声平息下来。◊ The fire had died down by the morning. 到早 晨.火就慢慢熄灭了。 -> note at GO OUT 2 (of wind, rain or a storm 风、雨或风暴) to gradually become less strong or violent 逐渐 变弱;慢慢变小;渐渐消失:As it got dark, the wind died down. 天黑了,风力逐渐减弱了。 SYN subside 3 if sth such as excitement or confusion dies down, it gradually becomes less ( 兴奋、混乱等 ) 逐渐变弱,渐渐平静: When all the fuss had died down, he just quietly went back home. 一切喧闹平息之后,他悄悄回 了家。SYN subside 4 -> DIE BACK ♦ v + adv be dying for sth (informal) (only used in the progressive tenses 仅用于进行时) if sb is dying for sth, they want it very much 渴望; 极想;对…想得要命:I'm dying for a glass of water. 我很想喝杯水。 SYN be gagging for sth (BrE, slang) NOTE You can also use be dying to do sth 也 可用 be dying to do sth: I'm dying to know what happened. 我很想知道发生了什么事。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 die down die down ♦ ebb away ♦ lessen ♦ wane These verbs can all be used when the level or strength of sth goes down gradually or quickly. 这些动词都表示逐渐或快速降低、变弱、减轻。 See also dwindle away, peter out. die down (especially of noise, bad weather or fire) to become gradually less loud or strong (尤指噪声、恶劣天气或火势) 逐渐变轻,渐 渐减弱,慢慢变小:When the applause had died down, she began her speech. 掌声平息下 来后,她开始演讲。 ◊ As the flames died down, he felt cold air on his face. 随着火焰减 弱,他感到脸上寒气阵阵。 ebb away (formal) (especially of feelings) to become gradually weaker or less (尤指感 觉) 逐渐变弱,渐渐减轻: As night fell our enthusiasm began to ebb away. 夜幕降临,我 们的热情开始逐渐消散。 NOTE Ebb can be used on its own: The pain was ebbing. 疼痛渐 渐减轻了。 lessen to become smaller, weaker or less important 变小;减弱;衰落:The dominance of Oxford and Cambridge had begun to lessen. 牛津和剑桥的优势已开始缩小了。 ► lessening n: There has been a lessening of tension in the region. 该地区的紧张局势有所缓和。 wane (used especially in newspapers) to become gradually weaker or less important (尤用于 报章) 减弱,衰落:Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly. 她对整个想法 很快就不热心了。 ◊ Their popularity waned during that period. 在那一时期,他们的名气 下降了。 ► wane n: Her popularity is on the wane. 她的声望日益跌落。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ support/enthusiasm/confidence wanes/ebbs (away) ■ anger/fear ebbs (away) ■ the storm/wind/rain dies down ■ to wane/die down quickly ■ to wane/die down/lessen/ebb (away) gradually die off if a group of people or animals die off, they die one by one over a short period of time until there are none left 相继死去;先后 死去:The survivors are dying off daily. 幸存者 正在一天天地相继去世。 ♦ v + adv die out 1 if a family, race, type of animal, etc. dies out, there are no longer any members left alive (家族、种族、物种等)逐 渐消亡,死光,灭绝:There are several theories about why dinosaurs died out so suddenly. 关于 恐龙为何突然灭绝,有几种说法。 ◊ Many plants and animals are in danger of dying out. 很多动 植物濒于灭绝。 SYN become extinct 2 (of a custom, tradition or skill 风俗、传统或技能)to no longer be used or practised 失传:Many May Day ceremonies have virtually died out now. 五 朔节的很多仪式如今几乎已经失传了。 3 -> DIE AWAY 2: The outbreaks of rain will die out later in the day. 骤雨今天晚些时候将会逐渐停息。 ♦ v + adv dig /dɪɡ/ (digging, dug, dug /dʌɡ/) dig in; .dig 'into sth 1 (informal) to begin to eat 开始吃;开吃:Dig in while it's hot! 趁热 吃吧! ◊ As soon as the food arrived he dug in hungrily. 食物一端来,他便狼吞虎咽地吃起来。 ◊ They dug into the pizza hungrily. 他们风卷残 云般吃起比萨饼。SYN tuck in, etc. (especially BrE) NOTE Dig in is used especially to tell sb to start eating. * dig in 尤用于请别人开始吃。 2 (AmE, informal) to begin to do sth in a way that shows that you are determined to con- tinue or finish it, even if it is difficult 开始认真 对待;大干起来:He looked at the stack of work and dug in straight away. 他看了看堆积如山的 工作,便立即埋头干了起来。◊ She dug into the reports and finished them before the meeting. 她 全力以赴开始读报告,在开会前读完了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep dig in; dig yourself in to make a safe place for yourself in the ground and prepare for the enemy to attack 掘壕固守;挖掩体隐蔽: The troops dug in and organized their defences. 部队挖掘掩体并组织防守。◊ The marines were dug in on the front line. 海军陆战队士兵在 前线挖战壕隐蔽起来。 ◊ (figurative) Hospital workers dug in, prepared for a long battle over pay increases. 医院职工坚持立场,准备就加薪 问题展开长期斗争。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv dig sth in; ,dig sth into sth 1 to push sth into sth 把...插入;把...戳进:The bird dug its claws in and held onto its prey. 鸟用爪子刺 入猎物,牢牢抓住不放。◊ She dug her nails into my arm. 她的指甲掐进我胳膊的肉里。 2 to mix a substance into soil by digging (翻土 以把…)渗进,混入(土壤):I've dug the fertilizer into the soil. 我把肥料翻埋到土壤里面 去了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n • v + n/pron + prep IDM dig your heels/'toes in to refuse to do sth or to change your ideas or plans 拒绝做某事; 拒不让步;固执己见:He dug his heels in and insisted she went with him. 他毫不让步,坚持 要她跟他走。 dig into sth to examine sth carefully to find out information 细查;探究:It isn't a good idea to dig too deep into his past. 对他的过去探究过 多不是个好主意。 ♦ v + prep IDM dig (deep) into your 'pocket(s), savings, etc. to spend some of the money you have or have been saving 掏腰包;动用存款;破费:I‘ll have to dig into my savings to buy a new car. 我 买新车将不得不动用存款。 dig sb/sth out dig sb/sth out of sth to get sb/sth out of a place by digging the ground around them/it (从…中)挖掘出:It took them three hours to dig him out of the rubble. 他们花了三个小时才从瓦砾中把他挖出 来。 ◊ The car was buried in snow and had to be dug out. 汽车被雪埋住了,只好挖出来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► dugout n 1 a rough shelter made by digging a hole in the ground and covering it, used by soldiers 地下掩体 2 a shelter by the side of a sports field where a team's manager, etc. can sit and watch the game (赛场边的) 球员席,选手休息处 3 a light narrow boat made by cutting out the inside of a tree (挖 空树干作船体的) 独木舟 dig sth out 1 (informal) to find sth that has been hidden or not used for a long time 找 出,发现(被掩藏或长期不用的东西):He dug out the shoes herd bought 20 years before. 他找 出了 20 年前买的鞋。SYN unearth sth (more formal!) 2 (informal) to find out facts or information by searching or asking questions 查找到;探询到:I took the opportunity to dig out some interesting facts and figures about the island. 我利用这个机会查到了关于该岛的一些有 趣的精确资料。 SYN hunt sth down/out; root sb/sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv dig sth 'over to prepare the ground thoroughly for plants by digging the soil 翻挖 (土壤);翻(般);刨(地): The flower beds should be dug over in the spring. 春季应该给花 床松一松土。 [OBJ] ground, garden ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dig sth up 1 to break the ground into small pieces, especially before building sth, taking sth from underneath it, etc.(尤指在建筑物等 前)开掘,平整(土地):Some Roman remains were found under a car park which was being dug up. 一处正在开挖的停车场下面发现了一些 古罗马遗迹。[OBJ] road, garden 2 to remove sth from the ground by digging 发掘起;挖掘 出:Archaeologists have dug up some human remains. 考古工作者挖出一些人类遗骸。[OBJ] weeds, roots SYN unearth sth (more formal) 3 (informal) to discover information about sb/sth by searching or asking questions (经 调查研究)发现,查明: See what you can dig up on this man's past. 看看从这个人的过去你能挖 掘出些什么来。 SYN unearth sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dine/daɪn/ dine on sth to eat a particular type of food 吃(某种食物):We dined on freshly caught fish in a floating restaurant. 我们在一家水上饭 店品尝了刚捕到的鱼。 ◊ They dined on a bland diet of soup and bread. 他们饮食清淡,只吃汤 和面包 ♦ v + prep dine out (formal) to have dinner away from your home, for example at a restaurant or in sb else's home 外出(在餐馆、别人家里等) 用餐;下馆子:We dined out every night when we stayed in Paris. 在巴黎时,我们每晚都外出 吃饭。 SYN eat out (less formal) ♦ v + adv dine out on sth (BrE, humorous) to tell people of sth that has happened to you in order to impress them (为了炫耀)讲述(亲 身经历): She only actually said one sentence to Brad Pitt but she dined out on it for years. 实际 上她和布拉德•皮特只说过一句话,但是多 年来她一直把这事儿挂在嘴上。 ♦ v + adv + prep ding/dɪŋ/ ding 'down (ScotE) to snow or rain heavily 下大雪;下暴雨:It was dinging down. 正在下天 雪。 ◊ The snow was dinging down. 雪下得很 大。 the snow, the rain, it ♦ v + adv ding 'into sb/sth (Scot日 to hit sb/sth by accident 撞上;碰到:In the dark I dinged into a chair. 在黑暗中,我撞到了椅子上。 ♦ v + prep dink/dɪŋk/ dink a'round (AmE, informal) to waste time doing unimportant things and not get very much done 混日子;无所事事;游手好闲:They came home from war to find all their friends dinking around and going nowhere. 他们从战 场归来,发现所有朋友都在混日子,不思进取。 ♦ v + adv dip/dɪp/ (-pp-) dip sth in/into sth; ,dip sth in to put sth very quickly into a liquid and take it out again (飞快地)把…放入(液体)又取出; 用…浸一浸:She dipped her toes cautiously into the sea. 她小心翼翼地用脚趾试了试海水。◊ She took off her shoes and cautiously dipped a toe in. 她脱下鞋,小心翼翼地用一个脚趾探了探。 ◊ The fruit had been dipped in chocolate. 水果蘸 了巧克力。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dip 'into sth 1 to read or watch only small parts of a book, magazine, programme, etc. 草 草翻阅;稍加浏览:I've only had time to dip into the report. 这份报告我无暇细看,只草草浏览 了一下。 ◊ The continuous news services are intended for people to dip into. 不间断的新闻报 道是为了便于人们随时瞅上几眼。[OBJ] book, report -> note at LOOK THROUGH STH 2 to put your hand into a container to take sth out of it 把手伸进...中(取东西):She dipped into her purse and took out a coin. 她从钱包里掏出一枚 硬币。 ♦ v + prep IDM dip into your 'pocket, 'savings, etc. to take an amount from money that you have been keeping or saving 掏腰包;用积蓄:They have dipped into their savings to pay for the shares. 他们是动用积蓄买的股票。 disagree /dɪsəˈɡri:/ disagree with sb (not used in the progres- sive tenses 不用于进行时)1 (about/on/over sth) to have a different opinion from sb 持不同观 点;有意见分歧:He disagreed with his parents on most things. 在大多数事情上,他与父母意见 不合。 2 if sth such as food or the weather disagrees with you, it has a bad effect on you or makes you feel ill/sick (食物、天气等) 对...不适宜,使不适,对…有害: I feel terrible— something I ate must have disagreed with me. 我感觉很难受——肯定是吃的东西不合适。 SYN upset sb NOTE Not agree with sb is used more often * not agree with sb 更常用: Mushrooms really don't agree with me. 我吃了 蘑菇会不舒服。-> see also AGREE WITH SB ♦ v + prep disagree with sth; disagree with doing sth to disapprove of sth and think it is bad or wrong 木赞成;反对:We totally disagree with the ban on fox hunting. 我们完全 不赞同猎狐禁令。◊ She disagrees with keeping animals locked up in cages, 她反对把动物锁在 笼子里。 [OBJ] decision, statement, principle rim agree with sth, agree with doing sth ♦ v + prep disassociate /dɪsəˈsəʊsieɪt, -'səʊs-; AmE -'soʊs-/ disassociate yourself from sb/sth (formal) -> DISSOCIATE YOURSELF FROM SB/STH disbelieve / disbritv/ disbe lieve in sb/sth to not believe that sb/sth exists 不信;怀疑:to disbelieve in God/ devils 不信有上帝/魔鬼 NOTE Not believe in sb/sth is used more frequently. * not believe in sb / sth 更常见。 -> see also BELIEVE IN SB/STH ♦ v + prep discourse /ˈdɪskɔːs; AmE-'kɔːrs/ dis course (with sb) on sth (formal) to talk for a long time on a subject; to make a long speech about sth (同某人) 对...娓娓道 来,就…做长篇大论,滔滔不绝地讲述:He was able to discourse at: great length on the problems of education. 他能够滔滔不绝地谈论 教育存在的问题。 ♦ v + prep dish /dɪʃ/ dish sth 'out (to sb) 1 (informal) to give sth out to large numbers of people or in large amounts 广泛发出;大量发出:He's always dishing out advice to people. 他总是好为人师。 SYN hand sth out (to sb) (more formal) NOTE In informal spoken language, dish sb out sth is also used 非正式口语也说 dish sb out sth: He dished me out a few vitamin pills. 他给了我几 片维生素。2 to serve food to sb by putting it on plates 把 (食物) 分到盘里:He's busy dish- ing out the dinner. 他忙着给大家分晚饭。 SYN serve sth (to sb) (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) IDM dish it out (disapproving) to criticize sb or attack them 批评;攻击:He was good at dishing it out. It was time he learned what it felt like. 他就知道指责别人。这下该轮到他来尝 尝这个滋味了。 dish up, dish sth up (BrE, informal) to serve food by putting it on plates 上菜;把 (食物) 装盘:You pour the wine while I dish up. 你来倒葡萄酒,我来盛菜。 ◊ Come and wash your hands—I'm just going to dish up the dinner. 来洗洗手 —— 我这就把晚饭端上。 SYN serve sth out; serve, serve sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) dish up sth (informal) to present or offer sth to sb, usually sth not very good 提供, 供给 (通常指不太好的东西):She keeps on dishing up the same old jokes in her shows. 她 在节目里尽讲一些老掉牙的笑话。 SYN serve sth up NOTE When the object of dish up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between dish and up * dish up 两宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后; 但如果是代词,应置于 dish 和 up 之间:He keeps dishing them up. 他老是说道这些事。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv dispense /dɪˈspens/ dispense with sb/sth (formal) to get rid of sth; to stop using sb/sth because they are/it is no longer necessary 摒弃;省却:The programme dispensed with its most popular presenter. 这个节目最受欢迎的主持入被撤掉 了。 ◊ The spread of PCs has dispensed with the need for typists. 个人电脑普及后已不需要打字 员了。 ◊ His services can now be dispensed with. 现在可以不用他帮忙了。 [OBJ] servicesT need, requirement ♦ v + prep dispose /dɪˈspəʊz; AmE dɪˈspoʊz/ dispose of sb to defeat or kill sb 击败;杀死: The league champions quickly disposed of the opposition. 联赛冠军很快打败了对手。 ♦ v + prep dispose of sb/sth (formal) to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want 打发走某人;处理 掉某物:She tried to dispose of the evidence. 她 试图销毁证据。◊ They decided to dispose of much of their property. 他们决定卖掉大部分财 产。 ◊ Ensure that all the waste is properly and safely disposed of. 一定要确保所有废料得到安全 妥善的处理。 [OBJ]waste. property, assets ♦ v + prep dispose of sth (formal) to successfully deal with or finish with a problem, etc, 处理,办妥 (问题等):There just remains the matter of funding to dispose of. 仅余资金问题尚待解决。 [OBJ] problem, matter, argument SYN deal with sth (less formal) ♦ v + prep dissociate /dɪˈsəʊʃieɪt, -'səʊs-; AmE -'soʊ-/ (also disassociate /.dɪsəˈʊʃieɪt, -'səʊs-; AmE -'soʊ-/) dissociate yourself from sb/sth(formal) to say or do sth to show that you have no connection with sb/sth and do not support or agree with them/it 表示自己与...无关;表示 不支持 (或不同意):The President dissociated himself from the report. 总统否认与那则报道有 牵连。 OPP associate yourself with sb/sth ♦ v + pron + prep dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv; AmE-'zɒ:lv/ dis solve into sth 1 to suddenly start to laugh or cry (突然) 大笑起来,大哭起来: They dissolved into fits of laughter. 他们不禁哄 笑起来。 ◊ I dissolved into giggles. 我情不自禁 地咯咯笑了。 ◊ When I mentioned his name, she dissolved into tears. 我提起他的名字,她不禁潸 然泪下。 [OBJ] laughter, giggles, tears 2 to change gradually into a very bad state 逐渐恶 化:His surprise slowly dissolved into fury. 他先 是惊讶,然后慢慢变成震怒。 ♦ v + prep dive /daɪv/ (dived, dived, AmE also dove /doʊv; AmE doʊv/, dived) dive in .dive into sth 1 (informal) to start doing sth with enthusiasm and without stopping to think (不假思索地)全情投入,全 力以赴:She dived in with a question before I had finished speaking. 我话还没讲完,她便迫不 及待地提了个问题。 ◊ They had dived into the new business without thinking it through. 未经慎重考虑,他们就投身办起了新企业。 2 (informal) to start eating with enthusiasm 大 吃起来:As soon as the food was served, she dived in. 食物一端上来,她就大口大口地吃了起 来。[OBJ] food, dinner SYN dig in; dig into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep dive into sth to move your hand quickly into sth such as a pocket or bag to try to find sth 迅速将手伸入(口袋或包里)找东西:She dived, into her handbag for the keys. 她立即把 手伸进手提包里找钥匙。 [OBJ] bag, pocket ♦ v + prep divest /daɪˈvest/ divest sb/yourself of sth (formal) to take clothes off sb/yourself 脱去...的衣服:He swiftly divested himself of his clothes. 他迅速脱掉了 衣服。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep divest sb/sth of sth (formal)to take sth away from sb/sth 剥夺:The court order divests the company of all its assets. 法院指令剥夺了这 家公司的所有资产。 SYN strip sb/sth of sth (less formal) ♦ v + n/pron + prep divest yourself of sth (formal) to get rid of sth you no longer want or that is no longer useful 抛弃,处置(不要或无用的东西):She managed to divest herself of the unwanted property. 她设法处理掉了那件不需要的东西。 -> see also DIVEST SB/YOURSELF OF STH ♦ v + pron + prep divide /dɪˈvaɪd/ divide by sth if a number divides by another number, the second number is contained in the first an exact number of tunes 能被(某数)整除:Does 612 divide by 13? * 612 能被 13 整除吗? ◊ 148 doesn't divide by 12. * 148不能被12整除。 ♦ v+ prep divide sth by sth if you divide a number by another number, you find out how many times the second number is contained in the first (一数)除以(另一数):WhaVs 48 divided by 3? ★ 48 除以 3 得几? ◊ 48 ÷ 3 = 16 (read: forty-eight divided by three equals sixteen) * 48 除以 3 等于 16。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep divide into sth if a number divides into another number, it is contained in the second number a particular number of times 能整除 (某数):Does 300 divide into 1270? * 300 能 整除 1270 吗? ♦v + prep divide sth into sth if you divide a number into another number, you find out how many times the first number is contained in the second 用(一数)除(另一数):Can you divide 300 into 1270? 用 300 除 1270、你知道 得几吗? ♦ v + n/pron + prep divide sth/sb 'off (from sth/sb) to separate two things or two people with a barrier such as a wall or fence; to form a barrier between two things or people 用(屏障等)隔开;把… (与…)隔开:A fence divided off one side of the garden. 一道篱笆把园子的一边隔离出来。 ◊ They put up a barrier to divide the women's section off from the men's. 他们用挡板把女宾部 和男宾部分开。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv divide up; divide sb/sth up (into sth) to separate, or to make sb/sth separate, into groups or parts (把…)分成部分,分组;把… 分开(成为…):Divide up into two teams. 分成 两队。◊ They divided the children up into groups. 他们把孩子分成几个小组。 ◊ Divide up your time so that you don't spend too long on. any of the questions. 分配一下时间,这样就不 会在某个题目上花太多时间。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv divide sth 'up (among/between sb) to separate sth into parts and give one part to each of a number of people (由…)分摊,分 享;把…分派(给…);摊派:We divided the work up between us. 我们分担了这项工作。 ◊ The money was divided up among all three winners. 这笔钱分给了所有三名获胜者。 [OBJ] work, money, land ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n divorce /dɪˈvɔːs; AmE dɪˈvɔːrs/ divorce sb/sth from sth to separate a person, an idea, a subject, etc. from sth; to keep two things separate 使(人、思想、主题 等)与…分离;保持…与…分开:They believed that art should be divorced from politics. 他们认为艺术应该脱离政治。◊ When he was depressed, he felt utterly divorced from reality. 心情沮丧时,他感到完全脱离了现实。 SYN separate sb/sth (from/and sth) ♦ v + n/pron + prep divvy /ˈdɪvi/ (divvies, divvying, divvied) divvy sth up (informal, especially AmE) to divide or share sth, especially money, between a number of people 分担, 分享(尤指金钱): They divvied up the bill. 他们分摊了账单费用。 [OBJ] money SYN share sth out (among/ between sb) (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) do /du; strong form du:/does/dʌz/, did /did/, done /dAn/) do away with sb/yourself (informal) to kill sb/yourself 杀死,除掉(某人);自杀:She tried to do away with herself. 她企图自杀。 ♦ v + adv + prep do away with sth informal) 1 to get rid of sth; to stop doing or having sth 废除;除去; 结束:They've done away with the uniform at our school. 我们学校取消了校服。◊ A lot of the paperwork could easily be done away with. 许 多文案工作不难削减。SYN abolish sth (more formal) 2 to make sth no longer necessary 使 变得不必要:Computers have done away with a lot of the repetitive work. 计算机让人们省去了 大量重复性劳动。SYN eliminate sth; end sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + prep do sb down; do yourself down (BrE, informal) to criticize sb or yourself in a way that makes them/you appear more stupid or less able than they/you really are 贬低某人; 贬低自己:Don't do him down, he's a good worker. 别贬损他,他干活挺好。 ◊ Shefs always doing herself down. 她总是自我贬低。 SYN put sb down, etc. (more formaf) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) do for sb/sth (BrE, informal) to damage or destroy sth; to injure or kill sb; to put sb/sth in a situation so bad that they/it have no chance of returning to normal 毁掉,破坏 (某 物);伤害,杀死 (某人):The last bout of pneumonia nearly did for her. 上次肺炎发作差 点要了她的命。 ♦ v + prep ► done for adj (informal) in serious trouble or danger; having no chance of succeeding at sth 麻烦很大;十分危险;彻底完蛋:If anyone recognizes us, we're done for! 要是有人认出我 们,我们就完了 ! ◊ After three days trapped in the cave they thought they were done for (= they thought they would die). 在洞里困了 三天后,他们觉得求生无望了。 do sb 'in (informal) 1 if sth does you in, it makes you feel extremely tired 使易疲力尽; 使极度疲乏: That's done me in, lifting all those boxes. 搬完那些箱子后,我都累垮了。 2 (also do yourself 'in) (informal, especially BrE) to kill sb/yourself 杀死,除掉 (某人); 自杀: When we split up, I felt like doing myself in. 我 们分手时,我想自杀。◊ Does he get done in at the end of the film? 影片结尾时他被杀死了吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) 2 also v + pron + adv ► done in adj (informal) very tired 筋疲力尽 的;疲惫不堪的:I felt absolutely done in by the end of the day! 一天下来我觉得累极了! ◊ Come and sit down— you look done in. 过来坐坐吧 ——看样子你累坏了。 do sth in (BrE, informal) to injure a part of your body! (身体某部位) 受伤:He did his back in playing tennis. 他打网球伤了腰。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) IDM do sb's 'head in (BrE, informal) to make sb feel confused, upset and/or annoyed 使糊 涂;使心烦;使生气:Shut up! You're doing my head in. 闭嘴!你烦死我了。 do yourself in -> DO SB IN 2 do sth out (BrE, informal) to clean or paint and decorate a room, a house, etc. 打扫,油 漆,装饰 (房屋等):He's done the whole house out in yellows and greens. 他把房子全刷成了黄 色和绿色。 ◊ They had the hall done out in striped wallpaper. 他们在大厅贴了条纹墙纸。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n do sb out of sth (informal) to prevent sb from getting or keeping sth they ought to have, in an unfair or dishonest way (用不正 当手段) 阻止某人获得,剥夺:She tried to do me out of my inheritance. 她企图阻止我继承遗 产。◊ The residents of the home have been done out of a lot of money. 居住在这里的人被卷走了 很多钱。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep do sb over (BrE, informal) to attack sb and beat them severely 暴打;毒打;狠揍:They threatened to do her over if she didn't pay. 他们 威胁说,如果她不交钱就揍她。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n do sth over 1 (BrE, informal) to enter a house, flat/apartment, etc. by force and steal things from it 入室盗窃:I got back to find the house had been done over. 我回来时发现屋里失 窃了。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于 被动语态。2 (AmE) to do sth again 重做; 再做一次:Your handwriting is too messy— you'd better do it over (= write it out again). 你的字迹乱七八糟、最好重写。◊ I'm glad the campaign was successful, but I wouldn't want to do it over. 活动成功了,我很高兴,但是我不想 再搞一次。SYN do sth again; redo sth (more formal) 3 (AmE) to dean or paint and decorate a room, house, etc. 打扫,油漆,装 饰 (房屋等):They've done over the whole store. 他们对商店进行了全面装修。 ♦ 1,3 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv do up; do sth 'up (especially BrE) to be fastened with buttons, etc.; to fasten or close sth in this way (把…) 扣上,系牢,绑紧: This skirt does up at the back. 这条裙子在后面系扣。 ◊ Could you do up my dress? 请帮我扣上连衣裙 好吗? ◊ I can't do the zip up. 我拉不上拉链。 [OBJ] jacket, buttons, zip SYN fasten up, fasten sth up (BrE), fasten, fasten sth OPP undo, undo sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv do sth up 1 (in sth) to make sth into a package 包起来;捆起来;包裹 (在...里面): She was carrying some books done up in brown paper. 她拿着用牛皮纸包着的几本书。 SYN wrap sth up (in sth) 2 (especially BrE) to repair or decorate a room, a house, etc. to make it look better and more modem 修缮, 装饰 (房 屋等):They're looking for an old house so that they can do it up. 他们在寻找一处旧房,这样可 以进行整修翻新。 ◊ We're having the kitchen done up. 我们在整修厨房。[OBJ] house SYN fix sth up (especially AmE), decorate sth; renovate sth ♦ v + n/pron 十 adv ♦ v + adv + n do yourself up (informal) to make yourself more attractive by putting on make-up, attractive clothes, et. 梳妆;打扮:She spent hours doing herself up for their first date. 为了 他们的第一次约会,她花了好几个小时梳妆 打扮。 SYN doll yourself up ♦ v + pron + adv do with sb/sth ♦ v + prep IDM be/have done with it to finish dealing with sth unpleasant, especially as quickly as possible (尤指尽快) 了结,了断: Just tear up the contract and. be done with it. 干脆把合同撕 掉了事。 I, you, etc. can't/couldn't be doing with sb/sth (BrE, informal) used to say that you do not like sb/sth and find them/it very annoying 我 (或你等) 无法忍受…:I can't be doing with people like that. 我和那种人难以相 处。 ◊ He couldn't be doing with her untidiness. 他看不惯她那么邋里邋遢的。I, you, etc. could do with sth/sb used to say that you need or would like sth/sb 我 (或你等) 需要…,想要…: I could do with a drink! 我真想喝一杯! do sth with sth used with negatives and in questions to talk about where sb has put sth (与否定词连用,或用于疑问句) 把…放在: What have you done with my shoes? 你把我的 鞋搁哪儿了? ◊ I haven't done anything with your keys (= I haven't moved them). 我根本没 动过你的钥匙。 ♦ v + pron + prep do sth with yourself used in questions to talk about how sb spends their time (用于疑 问句) 消磨时间:She doesn't know what to do with herself while they're at school. 他们上学去 了后,她不知道怎样打发时间。 ♦ v + pron + prep + pron do without; .do without sb/sth to manage without sb/sth 没有...也行;没有...而 设法对付:If you can't afford a car, you'll just have to do without. 如果买不起车,你就只好将 就一下了。 ◊ I could do without (= I wish I didn't have) all this hassle. 我真希望没发生这 些纷争。 SYN go without, go without sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep dob /dɒb; AmE dɑːb/ (-bb-) dob sb in (to sb) (BrE, AustralE, informal) to tell sb about sth bad that another person has done (向…) 揭发,检举:Kay wasn't sure who had dobbed her in to the teachers. 凯拿不准是 谁向老师告了她一状。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv dole /dəʊl; AmE doʊl/ dole sth out (to sb) (informal) to give money, food, etc. to a group of people (给…) 分发,发放 (钱款、食物等): She quickly doled out the food. 她很快把食物发完 了。 ◊ The money was doled out to them on a weekly basis. 每周给他们发一次钱。 [OBJ] money, bread, etc. ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) doll /dɒl; AmE dɑːl/ doll yourself 'up (in sth) (informal) to make yourself look attractive by putting on fashionable clothes, doing your hair, etc. (用…) 装扮自己,梳妆打扮: Every Friday she dolls herself up and goes out to a nightclub. 每 到星期五,她就打扮得花枝招展地去夜总会。 SYN do yourself up ♦ v + pron + adv be/get .dolled up (in sth) (informal) to be/get ready for a special occasion by putting on fashionable clothes, doing your hair, etc. (尤指为出席特殊场合) (用…) 装扮自己,梳 妆打扮: She was all dolled up in a black dress and pearls. 她着实打扮了一番,穿了一件黑色连 衣裙,还佩戴着珍珠饰品。 ◊ I got dolled up for the party. 我打扮好了要去参加聚会。 ♦ be/get + v + adv dope /dəʊp; AmE doʊp/ be/get .doped up (informal, especially AmE) to be in a state where you cannot think clearly or act normally because you are under the influence of drugs (因药物作用) 神志不清, 行为迟钝:Some of the patients were kept doped up most of the time. 有些病人大部分时间都用药 物维持,迷迷糊糊。 ♦ be/get + v + adv dose /dəʊs; AmE doʊs/ dose sb/yourself up (with sth) to give sb/yourself a large amount of a medicine (届) 服用 (大量药物):She dosed him up with aspirin and sent him to bed. 她给他服了大 剂量阿司匹林,然后让他上床入睡。 NOTE Dose sb/yourself is used more often with the same meaning. * dose sb / yourself 作此义 更常见。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv doss /dɒs; AmE dɑːs/ doss a bout/a round (BrE, informal) to spend your time doing nothing or very little 混日子;游手好闲;无所事事:Everyone dosses about in geography classes. 上地理课时大家 都不当回事儿。 ◊ He just dossed around for a year before he got a job. 他晃荡了一年才找了份 工作。 ♦ v + adv doss 'down (BrE, informal) to sleep on the floor or somewhere uncomfortable because you have nowhere else to sleep (在地板等 不舒适的地方) 将就着睡:We dossed down on Tony's floor after the party. 聚会后,我们凑合 着睡在托尼家的地板上。 SYN bed down (B「E, more formal) NOTE Doss is sometimes used on its own with the same meaning. * doss 有时单独使用也作 此义。 ♦ v + adv dot /dɒt; AmE dɒ:t/ (-tt-) be dotted a bout/a round; be dotted a bout/a'round sth (especially BrF) if things or people are dotted about/around, they are in several different places over an area 散落, 分布 (在…):A few farms were dotted about in the valley. 峡谷中零星地散布着 几个农场。 ♦ be + v + adv ♦ be + v + prep dot A on/over B; dot B with A to spread very small amounts of sth in different places on a surface 把...撒在…上;在…上撒…: Dot the suncream on your face in tiny quantities and rub it in well. 在脸上搽少量防晒霜,然后 揉匀。 ◊ Dot the top of the cake with small sweets. 在蛋糕上面撒些糖粒。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be dotted with sth if an area is dotted with things or people, they are spread around in several places 散布着;...星罗棋布:The hillside was dotted with houses. 山坡上到处是 住宅。 ♦ be + v + prep dote /daut; AmE dout/ dote on sb (also dote upon sb more formal) to feel or show very great love for sb and ignore their faults 溺爱;过分喜爱:They dote on their daughter. 他们对女儿宠爱有加。◊ He was doted on (by his sisters). 他受到 (姐妹们 的) 宠爱。 [OBJ] daughter, child, mother, etc. ♦ v + prep double/dAbi/ double as sth; double up as sth to have a second function in addition to the main use 兼任;兼作:The garage doubles as his workshop. 车库同时又充作他的工作间。 ◊ The school secretary doubled up as the nurse. 学校 秘书兼任护士。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep double back (on yourself, itself, etc.) to turn around and go back in the direction you have come from 折回;往回走:The road ahead was flooded so we had to double back to find another way around. 前面的路被水淹了,我们 只好原路返回,再找条路绕过去。 ◊ The line of trees doubles back on itself at a bend in the river. 那排树在河道拐弯处折了回来。 ♦ v + adv double over, etc. -> DOUBLE UP/OVER, ETC. double sth over to bend or fold sth in the middle 把…对折: Use an A4 sheet doubled over. 用一张对折的A4纸。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n double up 1 (with sb/on sth) to form pairs in order to share sth (与另一人) 合用,同享: We've only got one room left; you'll have to double up with Peter. 我们只剩下一个房间, 你只好与彼得合住了。◊ There were enough guitarists to double up on parts (= two played each part). 吉他手足够两人一组分别演奏乐曲 的不同声部。 2 (on sth) (rare) to do sth in addition to your main role 兼任;兼做:The band are looking for a singer who can double up on guitar (= who can also play the guitar). 乐队正在寻找能兼做吉他手的歌手。 ♦ v + adv double 'up as sth -> DOUBLE AS STH, ETC. double up/over (in/with sth), double sb 'up/'over (in/with sth) to bend your body suddenly or quickly because you are in pain, for example; to make sb bend their body in this way (因疼痛等) (使)弓背,弯腰:He doubled up in/with pain. 他痛得蜷起身子。 ◊ She doubled up with laughter. 她笑弯了腰。 ◊ The punch hit him in the stomach, doubling him over. 那-拳打中了他的肚子,使他直不 起腰, ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) doze /dəʊz; AmE doʊz/ doze 'off to go to sleep, especially during the day (尤指白天) 打瞌睡,打盹儿:He dozed during the film. 他看电影时打起盹儿来。 ◊ I must have dozed off for a few minutes. 我一定 是打了几分钟瞌睡。 SYN nod off (informal) ♦ v + adv draft (also draught especially BrE) /drɑːft; AmE dræft/ draft sb in; .draft sb into sth to choose people and send them somewhere for a special task 选派,调遣 (去某处执行特殊任 务):Extra police are being drafted in to control the crowds. 当局正在额外抽调警察去控 制人群。 ◊ Williams was drafted into the team to play France. 威廉斯被征调入队,参加对法国 队的比赛。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + prep drag/dræɡ/ (-gg-) drag sb/sth/yourself a way (from sb/sth) to make sb or yourself stop doing sth when they/you do not reaDy want to (使) 勉强离 开 (或停止…): She was enjoying herself at the party so much, I couldn't drag her away. 她在 聚会上玩得兴高采烈,我没法拉她走。◊ I find it difficult to drag myself away from my computer. 我觉得我无法让自己离开计算机。◊ He couldn't drag his eyes away from her face. 他无法把目 光从她脸上移开。 SYN tear sb/sth/yourself away (from sb/sth) ♦ v + n/pron 十 adv drag sb/sth down 1 (to sth) to bring sb down to a lower standard of behaviour, or a lower social or economic level 使降格;使 (品 德、地位等) 下降 (到…):I'm worried the other children will be dragged down to his level (= because his behaviour is so bad). 我担 心其他孩子会跟他学坏。 2 to make sb feel depressed or weak 使沮丧;使无力:Her parents' constant criticism began to drag her down. 父母时常数落她,她开始灰心丧气。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) drag sb/sth in; drag sb/sth into sth 1 to make sb or sth become involved in a difficult or unpleasant situation when they do not want to be involved 把...牵扯在内;把… 卷进困境:把...拖下水;连累:When violence breaks out in the streets, innocent people are always dragged in, 街头暴力总会殃及无辜。◊ Don't drag me into your argument! 别把我卷入 你们的争论! SYN involve sb (in sth) (more formal) 2 to start talking about a person or a subject that has nothing to do with what is being talked about 把 (毫不相干的人或事) 拉 扯进 (话题中):Do you have to drag politics into every conversation? 每次交谈你都非得硬扯 到政治上去吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep drag sb 'off (to sth) to take sb somewhere by force 强行带走某人 (到…):1 was dragged off to the head teacher's office. 我被拽到校长室。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv drag on (disapproving) to progress very slowly and take too long 进展缓慢;拖得过久: The day dragged on interminably. 白天漫长难 挨,似乎没个完。 ◊ Negotiations between the two sides dragged on through the summer. 双方 的谈判拖了一个夏天。 [SUBJ] months, time, meeting, negotiations ♦ v + adv drag sth out to make sth last longer than it should 不必要地拖延;使持续过久:She dragged the meeting out for as long as possible. 她尽可 能地把会议时间拉长。 SYN prolong sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n drag sth 'out of sb to make sb give you information they do not want to give you 强 迫...说出;套…的话:They eventually dragged a confession out of her. 他们终于逼迫他招了供。 [OBJ] confession, truth ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep drag up; .drag sb/yourself up (infor- mal) to dress in clothes which are usually worn by the opposite sex, often to entertain people; to dress sb in this way (使) 穿异性服 装 (以博人一笑):He did a karaoke number dragged up as Kylie Minogue. 他打扮成凯莉.米 洛的样子,唱了一首卡拉OK歌曲。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n drag sth 'up to mention in a conversation an unpleasant fact from the past that sb would prefer to forget 提起 (别入不愿回忆的事):It all happened years ago. There's no point dragging it up now. 那都是些陈年旧事了。 现在不提也罢。 ◊ She's dragged up that story just to embarrass me. 她抖出那件事就是为了使 我难堪。 SYN bring sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dragoon /drəˈɡuːn/ dra goon sb into sth; dragoon sb into doing sth (formal or humorous) to force sb to do sth that they do not want to do 强迫某人做某事:We were dragooned into the football team. 我们迫不得已参加了足球队。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep drain/dreɪn/ drain a way (of feelings or colours 感觉或色 彩) to disappear gradually 逐渐消失;渐渐褪去: As she lay in the warm bath all the tension drained away. 她躺在温水浴盆里,一切紧张情 绪都慢慢消散了。◊ The colour had drained away from her face. 她变得脸色煞白。[SUBJ] anger SYN fade ♦ v + adv drain away/'off; drain sth a'way/'off (from sth) if a liquid drains away/off, or sb drains it away/off, it flows away 流走; 使 (从…) 流走:The water drained away down the plughole. 水经出水孔排走了。 ◊ I drained the water away and hung up the blouse to dry. 我放掉水,把衬衫挂起来晾干。◊ (figurative) Paying for private education for the children was draining away their resources. 支付孩子上 私学的费用逐渐耗尽了他们的财力。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv draught /drccft; AmE draeft/ draught sb 'in, etc. (especially BrE) -> DRAFT SB IN, ETC. draw /drɔ:/ (drew /dru:/, drawn /drɔːn/) draw 'back 1 to move away from sb/sth, especially sb/sth that makes you feel frightened (尤指因害怕) 退缩,后退;畏避: She drew back from the window in case anyone saw her. 她从窗口缩回,免得被人看见。 2 (from sth/from doing sth) to decide not to do sth, because you are afraid of what might happen 缩手不干;畏缩;退却: The government has drawn back from making a commitment to reform the voting system. 对投票制度改革,政 府已决定不作承诺。 ♦ v + adv draw sth down (especially AmE) to reduce the amount of sth, especially money, by using it and spending it 减少,消耗 (无指钱款): Higher production costs will draw down cash gains from rising farm prices. 生产成本上升会 减少农产品涨价带来的现金收益。 [OBJ] funds ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv draw sth down (from sth); draw down on sth (especially AmE, business) to take money from a fund that a bank, etc. has made available (从银行贷款等中) 提取,支取 (现金): If you draw down income from your investment too quickly, it may not last long. 如 果从投资中过快地提取收益,就会难以持久。 [OBJ] income ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + prep draw down on sb (AmE, slang) to pull a gun out and point it at sb 拔枪对准:What do you think you're doing, drawing down on a cop? 你以为你在干什么啊,拿枪指着警察? ♦ v + prep draw sth from sth to get sth from a particular source 从...中获得:Many artists and poets have drawn their inspiration from the landscape, 众多艺术家和诗人从自然风光中汲取 灵感。 ◊ At times of crisis, we drew strength from each other. 危难时刻我们彼此鼓劲。 [OBJ] inspiration, comfort, support ♦ v + n/pron + prep draw in (BrE) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用子进行时) when evenings or nights are drawing in, it is gradually becoming darker earlier in the evening because winter is coming (天黑)渐早; (白 昼)渐短:The nights are drawing in fast now. 天黑得越来越早了。 ◊ Evening was already drawing in. 天黑得越来越早了。 ◊ It was the end of September and the days had begun to draw in. 当时是九月末,白天开始变短了。 SYN close in OPP draw out (BrE) ♦ v + adv draw in; draw into sth (especially BrE} if a train draws in, or draws into a station, it slowly enters a station and stops at the platform (列车)到站,进站停靠:The London train drew in late. 发自伦敦的列车到站时晚点 了。 ◊ I got to the platform just as the train was drawing into the station. 我赶到月台时,火车 正徐徐进站。 SYN pull in, pull into sth OPP draw out, draw out of sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep draw sb in; .draw sb into sth; .draw sb 'into doing sth to make sb become involved or take part in sth, although they do not want to 使牵涉进去;费卷入某事: I didn't like the book when I started it, but the strange story soon drew me in. 我开始读时并不喜欢这 本书,但是离奇的故事情节很快把我吸引住了。 ◊ I refuse to be drawn into this argument. 我拒 绝参与这场争论。 [OBJ] conversation, discussion, argument, situ- ation SYN involve sb (in sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron 十 adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep draw sth in if you draw in a breath, you breathe deeply or quickly 深吸,迅速吸入 (一 口气):She drew in a deep breath at the magic- al sight of the city below. 她俯视迷人的城市景 色, 不禁深深地吸了一口气。 ◊ He drew in his breath sharply. 他猛吸了一口气。 [OBJ]only a, your, etc. breath ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv draw sth off to remove some liquid from a larger amount 抽出,排掉(液体):He drew off a glass of beer. 他倒了一杯啤酒。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n draw on (of a time or a season 时光或季节) to slowly pass 渐渐过去;荏苒:As night drew on, it became clear he wasn't coming. 夜渐深 了,显然他是不会来了。 ♦ v + adv draw on sth 1 (also draw upon sth more formal) to use sth that you have or that is available to help you do sth 凭借; 利用:The assignment asked us to draw on our experiences while we were in England. 这个任务要求我 们借鉴在英国时的经验。 ◊ I'll have to draw on my savings to pay for the car. 我得动用积蓄买 那辆车。◊ Sections of the book should be drawn on as required. 应按要求参考本书章节。 [OBJ] experience, work, resources, savings, tradition 2 if you draw on a cigarette or a pipe, etc., you breathe smoke into your mouth from it 吸,抽(烟等):He drew on his cigar. 他吸了一口雪茄。[OBJ] cigar, cigarette, pipe ♦ v + prep draw 'out (BrE) (usually used in the pro- gressive tenses 通常用于进行时)when evenings or nights are drawing out, it is gradually becoming lighter for longer in the evening because spring is coming (天黑)渐晚;(白 昼)渐长:After March the evenings started drawing out. 三月过后,夜晚开始来得迟了。 OPP draw in (BrE) ♦ v + adv draw out; draw out of sth (especially BrE) if a train draws out or draws out of a station, it begins to move and slowly leaves the station (列车)离站,出站:I arrived in time to see the train drawing out. 我赶到时正好 看到火车徐徐离站。◊ The train drew slowly out of the station. 火车缓缓开出车站。 SYN pull out, pull out of sth OPP draw in, draw into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep draw sb out to encourage sb who is shy to talk freely 鼓励(羞怯的人)畅谈;引…开口: I tried to draw him out on the subject of his life in Africa. 我设法让他好好谈谈他在非洲的生活。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv draw sth 'out to make sth such as a meeting or an event last longer than usual or longer than it should 拖延,拉长(会议、活动等): They drew the interview out to over an hour. 他 们拖拖沓沓面试了一个多小时。 ◊ The process is likely to be drawn out over several months. 这 一过程有可能拖几个月。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► drawn-out (also long-drawn-out, long-drawn less frequent) adj lasting longer than you expect or too long 拖延的;拖沓的; 旷日持久的:The negotiations were difficult and drawn-out. 谈判很艰难,迟迟没有结果。 ◊ It was another long-drawn-out meeting. 这又是一 次冗长的会议。 draw sth out .draw sth out of sth to take money out of a bank account (从银行 账户) 取 (钱),提 (款):How much money did you draw out? 你取了多少钱? ◊ Several thousand pounds had been drawn out of the account. 有几千英镑从这个账户提走了。 SYN take sth out, take sth out of sth; with- draw sth (from sth) (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep draw up; .draw sth/sb up to come to a stop; to make sth/sb/yourself stop (使) 停 下,停止:A taxi drew up outside. 出租车在外面 停了下来。◊ He drew the car up at the front door. 他把车停在前门。 ◊ He was walking towards the door when a loud knock drew him up sharply. 他朝门走去,响亮的敲门声令他猛 地收住脚步。 SYN pull up; pull sb up; pull yourself up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv draw sth up 1 to make or write sth that needs careful planning 拟就;草拟:My solicitor is drawing up the contract. 我的律师正 在起草合同。◊ clear guidelines need to be drawn up. 需要拟订明确的指导方针。◊ We've drawn up a plan of action. 我们制订了行动 计划。[OBJ] contract, agreement, plan SYN formulate sth (more formal) 2 to bring sth nearer to sb/sth 将…拉近; 使靠近:She drew up another chair and sat with them. 她拉过一 把椅子,和他们坐在一起。 ◊ He drew his knees up to his chest. 他把双膝抱在胸前。[OBJ] chair, knees SYN pull sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv draw yourself up to stand up very straight so that you are as tall as possible 站得笔直; 挺直身体:She drew herself up to her full height and glared at me. 她昂首挺胸站看,对我怒目 而视。 SYN pull yourself up ♦ v + pron + adv draw upon sth -> DRAW ON STH 1 dream /driːm/ (dreamt, dreamt /dremt/ or dreamed, dreamed) dream sth a way to spend time in a lazy way, thinking about things you would like to do but not actually doing anything (因幻想 而) 虚度 (光阴):She dreamt her life away, never really achieving anything. 她一辈子都在 想入非非,到头来一事无成。 [OBJ] life ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dream of sth to imagine and think about sth that you would like to happen 渴望;向往;梦 想:She dreams of running her own business. 她 梦想自己当老板。◊ It was the kind of trip most of us only dream about. 这是我们大多数人只能 梦想的旅行。 ♦ v + prep IDM wouldn't 'dream of sth/of doing sth used to emphasize the fact that you would not even think about doing sth 无论如何也不会做某事: Don't go without me, will you?' I wouldn't dream of it!' “别撇下我,求你了?" “我绝对 不会!” ► un dreamed-of (BrE also un dreamt-of) adj much more or much better than you thought was possible 料想不及的;做梦也没想到的: undreamed-of happiness 意想不到的幸福 dream on (informal) used to tell sb that you are certain that what they have just said will not happen 做梦去吧;痴心妄想:You want a pay rise? Dream on! 你想加薪?白日做梦! ♦ v + adv dream sth up (informal) to have an idea or think of a plan, especially one that is not very practical 凭空想出,虚构出 (尤指不切实际的计 划、想法等):The scheme was dreamed up by a local businessman. 这个计划是一个当地商人异 想天开弄出来的。◊ Trust you to dream up a crazy idea like this! 你这个人就是会想出这种荒 唐的主意来! [OBJ] idea, scheme -> note at THINK STH UP ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) dredge/dredʒ/ dredge sth up (usually disapproving) 1 to mention sth that sb has forgotten or wants to forget because it is unpleasant or embarrassing 重提 (令人不快的往事):She always dredges up that embarrassing story. 她 老是翻出那件令人尴尬的事。[OBJ] the past 2 to remember sth or to do sth with difficulty 追 忆;费力做 (某事):She was dredging up the little she knew about babies. 她努力回忆自己还 记得的关于婴儿的那点知识。 ◊ He managed to dredge up a smile. 他勉强挤出笑来。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) dress /dres/ dress down (in sth) to wear clothes that are less formal than those you usually wear or those that are usually worn in a particular situation 身着便服;穿着便装:He deliberately dressed down for the party. 他有意穿便装参加 聚会。 ◊ More and more people are dressing down for the office these days. 如今,越来越多 的人上班不穿正装。 OPP dress up (in sth) ♦ v + adv ► dress-down adj [only before noun] (business): The company has a dress-down Friday (= staff are allowed to wear clothes that are less formal than normal). 这家公司允 许员工周五上班不穿正装。 dress sb down to criticize sb angrily for sth wrong that they have done 训斥;责骂:The sergeant dressed down the new recruits. 中士把 新兵狠狠骂了一通。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► dressing- down n [sing.] (old-fashioned, informal) an occasion when sb speaks angrily to a person because they have done sth wrong 训斥;责骂 dress up (as sb/sth), dress sb/yourself up (as sb/sth) to put on special clothes in order to pretend to be sb else (把…) 装扮 (成…);乔装打扮;化妆。The kids love dress- ing up. 孩子都喜欢装扮成别人玩儿。◊ They dressed themselves up as cartoon characters. 他们装扮成了卡通人物。◊ (BrE) dressing-up clothes 化装服 ◊ (AmE) dress-up clothes 化装服 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n [less frequent) dress up (in sth), dress yourself up (in sth) to wear special or more formal clothes than you usually do or than those usually worn in a particular situation 身着 盛装;穿着 正装:Don't bother to dress up― come as you are. 用不着穿礼服——就穿平时的衣服来吧。◊ She dressed herself up in a grey suit for the court appearance. 她穿了一套灰色西装出庭。 OPP dress down (in sth) -> note at PUT STH ON ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv dress sth up (as sth) to make sth seem different or better than it really is by the way that you present it 把...粉饰 (成…); 把…美 化 (为…): You're sacking me. Don't try to dress it up as a career move. 你是要解雇我。别 美其名曰职业变动。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n drift /dnft/ drift apart to become less close or less friendly with sb 逐渐疏远;生疏起来:Over the years we just drifted apart. 年复一年,我们就这 么日渐疏远了。’ ♦ v + adv drift off to fall asleep 睡着:入睡:She soon drifted off. 她很快便入睡了。 ◊ I drifted off to sleep on the sofa while I was watching the football. 我看足球赛时在沙发上睡着了。 SYN doze off ♦ v + adv drill /drɪl/ drill down to go to deeper levels of an organized set of data on a computer or a website in order to find more detail (在计 算机或网站上为查找详细信息) 向下钻取: Navigation is good and there's a display to show how far you've drilled down. 导航不错,还可以 显示向下钻取的深度。 ♦ v + adv drill sth into sb to make sb learn or understand sth by repeating it frequently 向… 反复灌输 We had multiplication tables drilled into us at school. 以前我们上学得反复背诵乘法 表。◊ There's no need to drill things into them一 theyll learn as they go along. 没必要生塞硬 灌——他们自然会逐步掌握的。 SYN drum sth into sb NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep drink /drɪŋk/ (drank /dræŋk/, drunk /drʌŋk/) drink sth down to drink all of sth quickly 迅速喝光:He filled a cup with cold water and drank it down in one gulp. 他盛了一杯凉水,一 饮而尽。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n drink in sth to look at, listen to or experi- ence sth with great pleasure and interest 尽情 地欣赏;陶醉于:She wandered the streets, drinking in the atmosphere. 她漫步街头,乐在 其中。◊ His followers drink in every word he says. 他的追随者如饥似渴地聆听他的一言一语。 [OBJ] sight, view, atmosphere, beauty NOTE When the object of drink in is a noun, it comes after in, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between drink and in ♦ drink in 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 in 之后; 但如果是代词,应置于 drink 和in 之间:We sat gazing at: the view, drinking it all in. 我们坐观 美景,一览无遗。Not used in the passive. 不 用于被动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv drink to sb/sth to wish sb/sth good luck, success or happiness, by raising your glass and then drinking 为…干杯 (或祝酒);举杯祝贺: They all drank to the couple's health. 他们都为 这对夫妇的健康干杯。◊ Things can only get better.' ' I'll drink to that!' “ 情况只会更好 的。” “我举杯赞同!” SYN toast sb/sth ♦ v + prep drink up; drink sth up to finish all of a drink (把…) 喝完:Drink up. It's time to go. 喝干吧,该走了。◊ Drink your milk up—it's good for you. 把牛奶喝完--这对你有好处。◊ drinking-up time (= the rime allowed in pubs in Britain to finish your drink after the bar has closed) (英国酒吧停止营业后留给顾客的) 饮完 杯中酒时间 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n drive /draɪv/ (drove /drəʊv; AmE droʊv/, driven /ˈdrɪvn/) be driving at sth to try to express or say sth 试图表达;试图说: I'm not: sure I understand what youfre driving at. 你到底什么意思,我摸 不准。◊ WhaCs he driving at? 他什么意思? SYN get at sth NOTE Drive at sth is only used in the pro- gressive tenses and in direct or indirect questions with ’what‘. * drive at sth 只用于进 行时,并且是带 what 的直接或间接疑问句。 ♦ v + prep drive away/'off; .drive sb/sth away/ off (of a car or a driver 汽车或驾驶员)to go away in a vehide; to take sb away in a vehide 驱车离开;驾车带走:The cab drove slowly away. 出租车慢慢开走了。 ◊ There's someone to drive your car away and park it. 有人会帮你把 车开去停好。 ◊ They were driven away in a police van. 他们被警车带走了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv drive sb/sth a way (from sth) to make sb not want to go to a particular place or be with a particular person; to make sb/sth leave a place 令人却步; 驱使...离开:Rising prices are driving customers away. 不断上扬的价格使顾客 望而却步。◊ His violent behaviour has driven all his family away. 他的暴力行为把家人全吓 跑了。 [OBJ] business, customers ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n drive sb/sth in (in baseball 棒球)to hit the ball in such a way that a runner can score 跑垒得分:Ramirez drove in three runs in the second inning. 拉米雷斯在第二局三次跑垒 得分。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n drive off (in golf 高尔夫球)to hit the ball to begin a game 开球;发球 ♦ v + adv drive off; .drive sb/sth 'off: The van drove off at high speed. 小货车快速开走了。 ◊ The car was driven off at speed. 汽车快速开走 了。 ◊ Then he drove her off to the airport. 然后 他驾车送她去机场。-> DRIVE AWAY/OFF, DRIVE SB/STH AWAY/OFF drive sb/sth off; .drive sb/sth off sth to force sb/sth to move away from a particular place 赶走;驱赶… (离开…):The army was driven off by the fierce attacks of the rebels. 部队在叛军的猛烈攻击下被迫转移。 ◊ we were driven off the island by the new owner. 我们被 岛上的新主人赶走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep drive on to continue driving either without stopping or after stopping for a short time 驱车继续行驶:We drove on until we came to an open square full of cafes. 我们一直开到 一个到处都是小餐馆的露天广场才停下车。 ◊ Paula stopped to let Philip out of the car before driving on. 葆拉停车让菲利普下车,然后又继续 往前开。 ♦ v + adv drive sb/sth out; .drive sb/sth out of sth to make sb/sth leave or disappear 赶走; 使消失;使离开:They're hoping that their competitive prices will drive out the rival company. 他们希望以具有竞争力的价格逼退对 手公司。◊ They cried to drive her out of the Village. 他们试图把她赶出村庄。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep drone /drəʊ; AmE droʊn/ drone on (about sth) to talk about sth for a long time in a boring way 唠叨;絮絮叨叨地说: I nearly fell asleep while he was droning on! 他啰哩啰唆地讲个没完,我差点睡着! ◊ She droned on for hours about the uses of the present tense. 她没完没了地啰唆现在时的用法。 ♦ v + adv drool /druːl/ drool over sb/sth to look at sb/sth in a way that shows you like and admire or want them/it, often in a silly or exaggerated way 痴 情地看;迷恋地看:He was drooling over you at the party! 晚会上他一直在痴迷地打量你! ◊ The boys drooled over the sports cars in the showroom. 那些男孩给陈列室里的跑车迷住了。 ♦ v + prep drop /drɒp; AmE drɑːp/ (-pp・) drop around (AmE) -> DROP BY drop sth a1 round (AmE) -> DROP STH ROUND drop a way (especially BrE) 1 if the ground drops away, it slopes down steeply away from where you are (地面) 往下猛然变陡: The seabed suddenly dropped away and I was waist deep in the water. 海床突然陡直向下,我 掉进了齐腰深的水里。2 to become less strong or disappear 减弱;消失:He felt his dark mood dropping away. 他觉得他不再悲观了。 ♦ v + adv drop 'back if a person in a group drops back, they move to a position further back behind other people, often because they are not able to stay at the front 逐渐落在 (同伴等 的) 后面:The original leader in the race has now dropped back to third place. 比赛开始时领 先的选手现在掉到了第三名。 SYN fall back ♦ v + adv drop be hind; .drop be hind sb/sth if sb drops behind or drops behind sb/sth, they move to a position behind other people 落后 (于…);落在...之后:He dropped behind to walk with Sam. 他落到后面,和萨姆一道 走。◊ We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors. 我们不能落在竞争对手后面。 SYN fall behind, fall behind sb/sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep drop by (also .drop 'round BrE, .drop a round AmE) (informal) to pay a short, informal visit to sb, often without arranging this in advance 顺便看望一下:I just dropped by to check you were OK. 我只是顺便来看看你。◊ I'm dropping round to Kate's later. 我回头顺便 去凯特家一下。 SYN call by (especially BrE), stop by → note at VISIT WITH SB -> see also DROP IN (ON SB/AT ... ), DROP INTO STH; DROP OVER ♦ v + adv drop sth by (AmE) -> DROP STH IN, etc. drop down to lower yourself from a high place (从高处) 跳下,掉落: We climbed the wall and dropped down on the other side. 我们 翻过墙去。 ♦ v + adv ► drop-down adj [only before noun] 1 used to describe sth that appears by moving down into view when it is needed 下拉式的:a drop-down video screen 下拉屏 2 used to describe a menu that appears on a computer screen when you choose it, and that stays there until you choose one of the functions on it (计算机菜单) 下拉式的:a drop-down menu 下拉菜单 ► drop-down n a drop-down menu 下拉菜单: Select the item you want from the drop-down. 从下拉菜单中选择所需项。 drop in (on sb/at ... ), drop into sth (informal) to pay a short, informal visit to sb, often without arranging this in advance 顺便 看望一下 (某人);顺便到 (某处) 一会儿: Drop in any time you're passing. 你路过就顺便 进来坐坐。◊ She drops in on her parents at least once a week. 她一周至少去看父母一次。◊ I dropped into the pub for a quick drink on my way home, 回家路上,我顺便进酒吧匆匆喝 一杯。 SYN call in -> see also DROP BY ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ► drop-in adj [only before noun] used to describe a place where you can go without making an appointment 无需预约的;随时可 去的:a drop-in centre/surgery/clinic 无需预约 的活动中心 / 诊所 / 门诊 drop sb/yourself in it (BrE, informal) to put sb in a difficult or embarrassing situation 使陷入困境;使尴尬:She got herself out of trouble by dropping Laura in it. 她把劳拉扯进 去,自己甩掉了麻烦。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep + it drop sth in (to sb/sth), drop sth into sth (especially BrE) (AmE usually .drop sth 'by) (informal) to deliver sth, especially when you are on the way to somewhere else (尤指顺 路) 递送:She dropped the report in on her way out. 她外出时顺便把报告送去了。 ◊ I'll drop a note in to you when I know the arrangements. 等我知道安排后,就给你送个信儿。◊ Could you drop my coat into the cleaner's on your way to work? 你上班时顺路把我的外衣送到洗衣店好 吗? ◊ Hl drop the brochures by later. 我过会儿 顺便把这些手册送去。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep drop into sth -> DROP IN (ON SB/AT ...), ETC. drop sth into sth -> DROP STH IN, ETC. drop off 1 (informal, especially BrE) to fall into a light sleep 打盹儿; 小睡: He's always dropping off in front of the TV. 他看电视老是打 瞌睡 SYN doze off; nod off (informal) 2 if a number, an amount or a quality drops off, it decreases (数目、数量 或 员量) 下降,下滑: The numbers applying for membership have dropped off sharply. 会员申请者人数锐减。SYN fall off ♦ v + adv ► drop-off (in sth) n a decrease 下降;减少: Managers are concerned by a recent drop-off in sales. 最近销售额下滑让经理们忧心忡忡。 drop sb/sth 'off to stop and let sb get out of a car, etc.; to deliver sth to a place, often when you are on the way to somewhere else 停车让 (某人) 下去;(顺路) 递送 (某物): Could you drop me off at the station? 你在车站 让我下车好吗? ◊ I'm going past Jan's house—I could drop the cake off. 我要路过简家,可以顺 便把蛋糕送去。◊ She dropped off some clothes at the dry-cleaner's. 她顺便把一些衣服送到了干 洗店。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► drop-off n a place where vehicles can stop for people to get out, or where sth can be left; the action of doing this 停车下客 (或卸货) 站 点;停车下客 (或卸货):It is easier to get a taxi at passenger drop-off points than at flight arrival stands. 在下客站叫出租车比在航班进港 候客处容易。 drop out; drop 'out of sth 1 to stop taking part in an activity, being a member of a group, etc. 不再参加;退出;脱离:Several members of the team had to drop out at the last minute. 有几位队员不得不在最后时刻退出 比赛。◊ She had to drop out of the race halfway through. 她不得不中途退出赛跑。◊ The company had to drop out of the deal due to rising costs. 由于成本上升,公司只好放弃这笔 交易。SYN pull out, pull out of sth; withdraw (from sth) (more formal) 2 to leave school, college, university, etc. without finishing your studies 退学;辍学:She dropped out of college after only a few weeks. 她在大学只读了几个星 前就退学了。◊ Many students drop out or fail because they're not enjoying the course.很多同 学中途放弃或考试不及格是因为他们不喜欢这门 课程。3 to reject the accepted ideas, morals and values of society 拒绝主流社会;抵制现实 社会:There's a danger that when people lose their jobs they drop out (of society) altogether. 人们失业后很容易脱离社会。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ► dropout n 1 a person who leaves school, college or university before they have finished their studies 退学者;辍学者:He might be a college dropout but he's made a fortune in business. 他可能没完成学业,但却经商发了财。 ◊ There is a high dropout rate from some college courses. 有些大学课程的弃学率很高。2 (disapproving, especially BrE) a person who rejects the accepted ideas, morals and values of society 拒绝主流社会者:抵制现实社会的人: Many of the town's dropouts hang around the square, 这个小镇很多脱离主流社会的人爱在广 场上闲荡。 drop 'over (especially AmE) to visit sb for a short time at their home, without arranging a time in advance 串门;(到某人家) 小坐:I think Hl just drop over to Jim's for a while, 我 想去吉姆家串会儿门。◊ Why don't you drop over this evening? 你今晚过束坐坐吧? SYN pod over/round -> see also DROP BY ♦ v + adv drop 'round (BrE) -> DROP BY drop sth 'round (BrE) (AmE .drop sth a round) (informal) to deliver sth to sb's home, etc. 把 (某物) 送到 (某人家等):I'll drop those papers round later. 我过会儿把那些 文件送过去。 -> see also DROP STH IN (TO SB/STH), DROP STH INTO STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv drown /draʊn/ drown sb/sth out if a sound drowns out sb/sth, it is so loud that they/it cannot be heard (声音) 盖过,压过:The music was playing at full volume, drowning out conversation. 音乐开到了最大音量,掩盖了谈话 声。◊ Her reply was drowned out by a passing motorbike. 她的回答淹没在路过摩托车的轰鸣声 中。[SUBJ] noise, sound, roar, music NOTE Drown sb/sth can also be used with the same meaning * drown sb / sth 也可作此义:Her voice was drowned by the crashing waves. 她的 声音淹没在海浪拍击声中。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) drum /drʌm/ (-mm-) drum sth 'into sb to make sb remember sth by repeating it often 向…反复灌输; 对...再三 讲述:He drummed road safety into them before letting them out on their bicycles. 他再三叮嘱他 们要注意道路安全,然后才让他们骑自行车出 去。◊ Traditional values were drummed into him from an early age. 他从小就被反复灌输了 传统价值观。 ◊ I had it drummed into me that I shouldn't talk to strangers. 我曾被不断告诫不要 与陌生人讲话。 SYN drill sth into sb ♦ v + n/pron + prep drum sb 'out; .drum sb out of sth to force sb to leave a group or an organization, usually because they have done sth wrong 开 除;轰走;驱逐:He was drummed out of the club. 他被赶出了俱乐部。 SYN throw sb out, throw sb out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep drum sth up to work hard to get sth 竭力争 取;兜揽:We're launching a campaign to drum up more business. 我们正要开展活动,以招揽到 更多生意。 ◊ We couldn't drum up enough cash to keep the dub going. 我们无法挣取到足够的现 金来维持俱乐部的运转。 [OBJ] business, support, customers ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) dry /draɪ/ (dries, drying, dried) dry off; ,dry sb/sth off; .dry yourself off to become dry; to make sb/sth/yourself dry (使) 变干;弄干:We lay beside the pool to dry off in the sun. 我们躺在游泳池边晒干身上的 水。◊ You can use this towel to dry yourself off. 你可以用这条毛巾擦干身体。◊ I dried the car off with a soft cloth. 我用软布把车擦干。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dry out .dry sb 'out (informal) to receive treatment to help you stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs; to cure sb of drinking too much alcohol or of taking drugs (使) 戒酒,戒毒: She went into a clinic to dry out. 她到一家诊所 戒毒。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv dry out ,dry sth out to become very or too dry; to make sth become very or too dry (使) 变干,干透:Water the plant regularly and don't let the soil dry out. 经常给植物浇水, 别让土壤干掉了。◊ The wind and the sun had dried out my skin. 风吹日晒使我的皮肤变得 干燥。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dry up 1 if a supply of sth dries up, it is no longer available 枯竭;耗尽:The plan was abandoned when the money dried up. 资金耗 尽之后,计划就被放弃了。 SUBJ investment, supply, funds SYN run out 2 (informal) to stop talking suddenly because you cannot remember what to say next or are very nervous 突然说不出话来;张口结舌:She dried up during the second act. 在第二幕她突然忘了 台词。◊ I just dried up halfway through the interview. 面试进行到一半,我言语枯竭想不出 词儿了。3 (informal) used to tell sb rudely to be quiet or stop talking 闭嘴 ,住口. ♦ v + adv dry up; ,dry sth up 1 if a river or a lake, etc. dries up, or sth dries it up, it becomes completely dry (使河流、湖泊等) 干涸,枯竭: The well dried up for the first time in a century. 这是一个世纪以来这眼井第一次干涸。◊ The sun dried up all the puddles. 太阳把所有的水坑烤干 了。2 (BrE, informal) to dry dishes after they have been washed 擦干,拭干 (盘、碟):I'll dry up if you wash the dishes. 你洗盘子,我来 揩干。 ◊ He dried all the dishes up and put them away, 他把所有的盘碟抹干并收起来。NOTE Dry and dry sth are also used on their own. * dry 和 dry sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► dried up adj 1 completely dry 干涸的;干 透的:They camped in a dried-up river bed. 他 们在一处干涸的河床上扎营。2 [only before noun] (disapproving) (of a person 人)old, with many folds and lines on the skin, small and usually bitter or bad-tempered 年老干瘪 的 (通常尖刻暴躁):The librarian was a dried-up, bitter old man. 图书馆管理员是个干 瘪尖刻的老头儿。 ► drying- up n [U] (BrE, informal) the act of drying dishes after they have been washed 擦 干碟子:to do the drying-up 把碟子抹干 duck /dʌk/ duck out; ,duck out of sth; ,duck out of doing sth (informal) to avoid a responsibility or duty, especially an unpleasant one 逃避,躲避,推诿 (责任等): She ducked out of visiting him in hospital. 她找 借口没去医院看她。 ◊ You have to go, so don't try ducking out. 你必须去,别想躲。 Duck can be used with an object with the same meaning *duck 可接宾语作此义:Don't try to duck the issue. 不要试图回避这个问题。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep dude /du:d/ dude yourself up (AmE, slang) to make yourself more attractive and try to impress people by wearing expensive or special clothes 精心打扮:He really duded himself up for the party. 他为参加聚会着实修饰了一番。 ♦ v + pron + adv duff /dʌf/ duff sb up (BrE, informal) to hit or kick sb severely 猛踢;狠揍:A couple of guys duffed him up. 几个家伙给了他一阵拳脚。 SYN beat sb up ♦ v + n/pron + adv duke /djuːk; AmE duːk/ duke it out (with sb) (AmE, slang) to fight with sb using your hands tightly closed 攥紧 拳头打 (某人):You can't settle every argument by duking it out. 你不能靠拳头解决每一次争 吵。◊ (figurative) Youll have to duke it out over the last cookie. 只剩最后一块曲奇饼干,你们只 好打出个输赢了。 ♦ v + it + adv dumb/dʌm/ dumb down; .dumb sth 'down (dis- approving) to make sth too simple and there- fore less accurate and of poorer quality, by trying to make it easier for people to under- stand 为大众化而降低难度 (或质量等);使通 俗易懂:The programme producers claimed they had to dumb down. 制作人声称他们不得不拉低 节目层次。◊ The new producer has really dumbed the show down. 新的制片人确实使演出 变得很通俗。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► dumbing down n [U] the act or policy of making sth too simple and therefore less accurate and of poorer quality 大众化;通俗化 dummy /dʌmi/ (dummies, dummying, dummied) dummy up (AmE to say nothing 不吭声; 缄默:If he dummies up, just try a little per- suasion. 如果他闭口不说,稍微劝劝他就是了。 SYN clam up ♦ v + adv dump/dʌmp/ dump on sb (slang) 1 to treat sb unfairly, especially by giving them too much to do or unpleasant tasks (以超量的工作或苦差) 难 为,亏待 (某人):The boss dumps on Jerne cmd she dumps on the junior staff. 老板和简过不 去,简就和下属过不去 2 (AmE) to criticize sb and make them feel unimportant or stupid 贬损;冷嘲热讽:Quit dumping on me, I'm trying my best. 别嘲笑我了,我尽力了。◊ Why do I always get dumped on? 为什么人们总是挖 苦我? ♦ v + prep dump on sb; dump sth on sb (slang, especially AmE) to tell sb all your problems 对…倾诉;找…诉说:He dumps on me every time she throws him out. 他每次给她赶出来, 就找我诉苦。 ◊ She keeps phoning me and dumping all her problems on me. 她不断地给我 打电话,向我大倒苦水。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep Dust /dʌst/ dust sb/sth off; dust yourself off (BrE also ,dust sb/sth down, dust yourself down) to remove the dust or dirt from sb/sth/ yourself, for example with your hand or a brush 除去…上的灰尘;掸去;拂去:She stood up and dusted herself down. 她站起来,拍掉身 上的尘土。 -> see also DUST YOURSELF OFF ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n dust sth off (BrE also ,dust sth down) to bring sth out after it has not been used for a long time and start to use it again 把 (长期不 用的东西) 捡起;重新启用:The government is dusting off its plans for offshore gas and oil exploration. 政府要重新启动近海天然气和石油 勘探计划。 ◊ Some of their early songs have been brought out and. dusted down for re-release. 他们的一些早期歌曲被发掘出来,准 备再度发行。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) dust yourself off (BrE also .dust yourself down) to recover after a difficult or unpleasant experience and begin again 重新开 始:重整旗鼓:After a disappointment I just dust: myself down and start again. 失望过后我都会卷 土重来。 -> see also DUST SB/STH OFF, DUST YOURSELF OFF ♦ v + pron + adv dwell /dwel/ (dwelt, dwelt or dwelled, dwelled) dwell on sth (also dwell upon sth more formal) 1 to think or talk about sth for too long, especially sth unpleasant 细想, 唠叨, 不能释怀 (尤指令人不快的事):It's time you stopped dwelling on the past. 别再沉溺于往事之 中了。[OBJ] the past, problems 2 (literary) to look at sth for a long time 端详;谛视:He smiled, his eyes dwelling on her face. 他含笑凝 视着她的面庞。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 dwindle away dwindle away ♦ fall away ♦ fall off ♦ tail off ♦ taper off These are all verbs that can be used when the amount or number of sth goes down gradually. 这些动词都表示逐渐减少、减小、下 降。See also die down, peter out. dwindle away to become gradually less in number or amount (数目或数量) 逐渐变 少,渐渐缩小: Support for the party slowly dwindled away to nothing. 对该党的支持逐渐 荡然无存。NOTE Dwindle can be used on its own * dwindle 可单独使用:Membership of the club has dwindled from 70 to 20. 俱乐部的会 员人数从70下跌到了20。 fall away to become gradually fewer or smaller; to disappear 逐渐减少;渐渐减小; 慢慢消失:The market for their products fell away to almost nothing. 他们的产品几乎毫无 市场了。 ◊ All our doubts fell away. 我们所有 的疑惑烟消云散了。 fall off to become gradually lower or less in level or number (水平或数目) 逐渐下降, 变小: Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably. 我的课出席率显著下滑。 ◊ Public interest started to fall off after a while. 一段时间过后,公众的兴趣开始减退。 tail off (especially BrE) (of a number, level or sb's voice) to become smaller or weaker (数 目、水平或话音) 变小,降低,减弱:the number of tourists tails off in October. * 10 月 游客人数减少。◊ 'But why ... ?' Her voice tailed off in disappointment. “ 但是,为什 么…?" 她因失望声音渐渐变得微弱。 taper off to become gradually less in number, amount, etc. (数目、数量等) 逐渐变小,渐 渐变少:The number of applicants for teaching posts has tapered off. 申请教师职也的人数日 益减少。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS the number/level of sth dwindles (away)/falls away/falls off/tails off/tapers off ■ support dwindles (away)/tails off ■ sb's voice tails off ■ to dwindle (away)/fall away/fall off/tail off/taper off gradually/slowly dwindle /ˈdwɪndl/ dwindle a way (to sth) to become gradually less or smaller 逐渐变少;渐渐缩小:The audi- ence for this kind of music has dwindled away to nothing. 此类音乐的听众日渐减少,现已所剩 无几了。 ease /i:z/ ease ,back 1 (business) if profits, prices, etc. ease back, they become a little lower, especially after they have been high (利润、 价格等)略微回落,稍降,回调:The company's profits eased back from £15.1 million to £14.7 million. 公司利润从 1510 万英镑下滑到 1470万 英镑。 2 (on sth) if sb eases back, they go a little slower, do sth with a little less energy, are less strict, etc. than before (把某事)放 缓,放松:The team played aggressively in the first half of the game, but were able to ease back in the second. 该队在上半场比赛中咄咄逼人, 但在下半场攻势稍微有些放缓。◊ The govern- ment should ease back on farming restrictions. 政府应该放宽农业限制。 ♦ v + adv ease back into sth; .ease sb/yourself back into sth to gradually become familiar again with sth you have not done for some time; to help sb become familiar again with sth they used to do (使)重新熟习(生疏了的 事情):Smith is gradually easing back into running after his injury. 史密斯受伤后正慢慢恢 复跑步。◊ It's time to ease the kids back into the school routine. 该让孩子们逐步恢复上学时 的作息习惯了。 -> see also EASE INTO STH, ETC. ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ease into sth; .ease sb/yourself into sth to gradually become, or help sb become, familiar with sth new, especially a new job (使)逐渐熟悉(新事物,尤指新工作):to ease into retirement 逐步适应退休生活 ◊ a course for easing people into the world of computing 循序 渐进帮助人们熟悉计算机的课程 -> see also EASE BACK INTO STH, ETC. ♦ v+ prep ♦ v+ n/pron + prep ease off i to gradually become less strong or unpleasant 逐渐减轻;渐渐舒缓:Eventually the rain started to ease off. 雨势终于开始减弱了。◊ The pain eased off after a few hours. 几个小时 后疼痛减轻了。 2 to go slower or make less effort 减速;放松:He eased off in the last lap and still won, 他在最后一圈放慢了速度,但还 是赢了。 SYN slack off ♦ v + adv ease sb out; .ease sb out of sth to make sb leave their job or position, especially by making it difficult or unpleasant for them over a period of time (尤指通过长期刁难) 逼...离开(工作或职位):He was eased out of his job as presidential adviser. 他最终被迫辞去 总统顾问一职。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ease up 1 (on sth) to go slower or make less effort; to do sth less 减速;松弛;减少:The doctor told him to ease up. 医生让他放松点。 ◊ I'd ease up on the training a bit if I were you. 我 要是你,就少训练点。2 (on sb) to start being less severe with sb (对某人)放松要求: I think you should ease up on the kids a bit. 我觉得你 应该对孩子们温和些。 ♦ v + adv eat /iːt/ (ate /et, eɪt; especially AmE/, eaten /'iːtn/) eat sth a way to gradually damage or destroy sth over a period of time 侵蚀;腐 蚀;逐渐毁掉:Something was eating away the foliage. 有东西在蚕食叶子。◊ The stone had been eaten away by pollution. 石头因污染遭到 腐蚀。◊ The sea is eating away the coastline. 海 水侵蚀着海岸线。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv eat away at sb to worry sb over a long period of time (精神上长期)折磨,烦扰: Jeal- ousy is eating away at him. 嫉妒令他备受煎熬。 ♦ v + adv + prep eat away at sth to gradually damage or destroy sth over a period of time 侵蚀;腐 蚀;逐渐毁掉:Pollution is eating away at the stone. 污染腐蚀着石头。◊ Resentment ate away at their relationship. 怨恨逐渐破坏了他们的 关系。 -> see also EAT STH AWAY ♦ v + adv + prep eat in i to have a meal at home rather than at a restaurant 在家里吃饭:Are you eating in tonight? 你今晚在家吃饭吗? OPP eat out 2 (also eat sth 'in) (especially BrE) to buy and eat food at a restaurant, rather than taking it away to eat 在餐馆进餐:Is this food to eat in or take away? 这份食物是在这儿吃还是带走? OPP take sth away (especially BrE) ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ 2 also v + n/pron + adv eat into sth 1 to gradually damage or des- troy sth 逐步腐蚀;逐渐损毁:Woodworm had eaten into most of the furniture. 大部分家具都 遭虫蛀了。2 to use or take away a large part of sth valuable, especially money or time 消 耗,花掉,耗费(尤指大部分的金钱或时间): My work began to eat into the weekends. 我的 工作开始占用周末时间了。[OBJ] profits, time ♦ v + prep eat out to have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home 到餐馆吃饭;在外用餐: We ate out almost every night. 我们几乎每晚都 下馆子。 SYN dine out (formal) OPP eat in ♦ v + adv eat up used to tell sb to eat quickly or to eat everything they have been given 快点吃; 吃干 净:Eat up! You'll be late for school. 快点吃!你 上学要迟到了。 -> see also EAT STH UP 1 ♦ v + adv eat sb 'up if an emotion such as anger, etc. eats sb up, it worries them all the time and they cannot think of anything else (情感) 折 磨,困扰:The anger was eating her up inside. 她怒不可遏。◊ He's eaten up by jealousy. 他妒 火中烧。 SYN consume sb (formal) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n eat sth 'up 1 to eat all the food you have been given 吃完;吃光:Eat up your broccoli. It's good for you. 把西兰花吃完。它对你有好 处。 -> see also EAT UP 2 (informal, especially BrE) to use large quantities of sth, for example fuel or electricity 大量消耗 (燃料、电力等): His extravagance is eating up our profits. 他挥 霍无度,耗光了我们的利润。◊ The van really eats up petrol/gas. 这辆客货车很耗油。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) IDM eat it up {AmE, informal) to be very happy about sth that has happened and want it to happen more 欣然接受;巴不得:He start- ed telling jokes, and the audience just ate it up. 他开始说笑话,而听众也求之不得。 ebb /eb/ ebb a'way to gradually become weaker and begin to disappear 逐渐减弱;开始消失:His confidence ebbed away. 他渐渐丧失了信心。 SUBJ strength, enthusiasm, anger -> note at DIE DOWN ♦ v + adv edge /edʒ/ edge sb/sth out; .edge sb/sth out of sth to gradually move sb out of their job or position, especially by taking yourself; to gradually defeat sb (尤指通过取 而代之) 逐渐把…排挤 (在…之外) ; 击败:be careful he doesn't edge you out of your job altogether. 小心别让他逐步取代你。◊ She was edged out of the semi-final by her younger rival. 她被比她小的对手挤出了半决赛。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep edge up if prices, etc. edge up, they grad- ually increase (价格等) 逐步上涨: Inflation is edging up. 通货膨胀不断加剧。 ♦ v + adv edit /ˈedɪt/ edit sth out; .edit sth out of sth to remove words or phrases from a book, programme, etc. before it is published or shown (从书、节目等中) 删除,去掉:The swear words were edited out (of the song). (歌 词中的) 脏话已被删掉了。 ◊ He must have edited a lot of Che interview out. 他肯定大量删 减了采访内容。◊ Read through your work and edit out anything irrelevant. 通读一下你的作 品,删去无关的内容。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep edit sth down (to sth) to reduce the length of film/movie, report, etc. by taking out parts of it 删节,删减 (影片、报告等):We edited several hours of tape down to a short video. 我 们将几个小时的录像带剪辑成了一部短片。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n eff/ef/ eff off (BrE, △, slang) a rude way of telling sb to go away, used instead of fuck off ( 用于代 替 fuck off) 滚蛋,滚开 ♦ v + adv egg/eg/ egg sb on (to do sth) to encourage sb to do sth, especially sth stupid or wrong 鼓动;挑 唆;撺掇:Egged on by his classmates, he climbed a bit higher. 在同学们的怂恿下,他又 爬高了一点。 ◊ The other lads were egging them on to fight. 其他小伙子在鼓动他们打架。 SYN urge sb/sth on (to sth/to do sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n eke /iːk/ eke sth 'out 1 to make a small supply of sth last longer by using only a little at a time or by adding sth else to it 省出...再用;节约使 用;勉力维持:She eked out the stew to make another meal. 她省出一些炖菜,留到下一顿吃, [OBJ] income, supplies 2 .eke out sth (literary) to manage to live with very little money 糊 口; 艰难度日:She eked out a living by selling what she could grow. 她卖些能种的东西来糊 口。[OBJ] living, existence NOTE Eke out is not used with a pronoun object in this meaning. eke out 作此义时不与代词宾语连用。 ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ 2 v + adv + n elaborate /ɪˈlæbəreɪt/ elaborate on/upon sth to explain or describe sth in a more detailed way 详尽解 释;详细描述:He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons. 他说他准备辞职. 但是没有详谈原因。 SYN enlarge on/upon sth ♦ v + prep elbow /ˈelbəʊ; AmE -boʊ/ elbow sb/sth a side/ out; .elbow sb/sth 'out of sth to force sb or sth out of a position or job 把…挤掉;把...排除在(职 位)外:The story was on the front page, elbowing aside the peace talks. 这篇报道载于头 版。 把和谈消息挤到了其他版面。 ◊ He was elbowed out of power. 他被迫下台。 ◊ Germany has elbowed America out of the top slot after just one year. 仅仅一年,德国就取代美国坐上了 头把交椅。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep embark /ɪmˈbɑːk; AmE ɪmˈbɑːrk/ em bark on/upon sth (formal) to start to do sth new, important or difficult 开始,着 手,从事(新的、重要的或艰难的事情): The government has embarked upon a programme of reforms. 政府已开始实施改革计划。 ◊ He travelled for a year, before embarking on gradu- ate studies. 他旅行一年后才去读研究生。 [OBJ] programme, career, course, journey → note at START ON STH ♦ v + prep empty /ˈempti/ (empties, emptying, emp- tied) empty out; empty out of sth if a place empties out, or people empty out of a place, it becomes empty of people (地方)空出来; (某场所的人)走空:At 11.30 the restaurant emptied out (= people left it). 到 11:30 餐厅已 空无一人。 ◊ People were emptying out of bars and clubs. 酒吧和夜总会里的人纷纷散去。 NOTE Empty and empty sth are also used on their own. * empty 和 empty sth 也可单独使用。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep empty sth out; .empty sth out of sth to remove all the things from inside a container (从容器中)将...全部取出;腾空 (容器):He emptied the bag out onto the table. 他把袋子里的东西全放到桌上。 ◊ Don't empty the bath water out! 别把洗澡水排掉! ◊ I was asked to empty everything out of my pock- ets. 我被要求把衣兜里的东西全掏出来。 NOTE Empty sth is used more frequently on its own than empty sth out. * empty sth 箪独使用 比 empty sth out 更常见。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep encroach /ɪnˈkrəʊtʃ; /AmE ɪnˈkroʊtʃ/ en croach on sth (also encroach upon sth) (formal) 1 to use up too much of sb's time, personal life, etc.; to begin to affect sb 侵占 (个人时间等);打扰(正常生活等):She tried to prevent her work from encroaching too far on her private life. 她尽力避免工作过多影响她的私 生活。 SYN cut into sth (less formal); trespass on sth 2 to gradually spread over more and more of an area 逐渐遍布(某地区): New housing is starting to encroach upon the surrounding fields. 新住宅开始延伸到周围的田 地。[OBJ] territory, land ♦ v + prep end /end/ end in sth to have sth as an ending or as a result 以…结束;以…为结果:Many adverbs in English end in -ly. 很多英语副词以 -ly 结尾。◊ His first attempt to run a marathon ended in disaster. 他第一次尝试跑马拉松,结果以惨败 告终。 ◊ The partnership between the two companies could all end in tears (= have an unhappy result). 这两家公司的合作最终可能以 悲剧收场。 [OBJ] failure, disaster, divorce, a draw ♦ v + prep end 'up; .end up doing sth to reach or come to a particular place or situation that you did not expect or intend to be in 最终处于 (意料或意愿之外的境况);结果做了(意料或 意愿之外的事情):He ended up in prison 他最 终锒铛入狱。 ◊ I don't want to end up worse off than when I started. 我不想到头来比开始时境 况还糟。 ◊ I expect 11.1 end up paying, as usuaL 我估计最后会和往常一样,还得由我付账。 ◊ If you drive like that, you could end up dead! 你 要是这样开车,迟早送命! SYN finish up, finish up doing sth; wind up, wind up doing sth (informal) NOTE note that this phrasal verb does not mean the same as end 注意这个短语动词和 end 意义不同:Classes end at 4 p.m. 课在下午4点 结束。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + -ing endear /ɪnˈdɪə(r)); AmE - 'dɪr/ en dear sb/yourself to sb (formaF) to make sb/yourself loved or liked by sb 令...喜 欢; 使受...欢迎: He managed to endear himself to my entire family. 他设法博得了我们全家人的 好感。 ◊ The government's record on employ- ment did not endear them to the voters. 政府促 进就业的政绩未能为它赢取选民的支持。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/ endow sb/sth with sth (forma) 1 to give sb sth, such as a particular quality, responsi- bility, etc, 给予,赋予(某种特质、责任等): They endowed their children with remarkable names. 他们给孩子们取了很独特的名字。 ◊ The job endows its holder with great prestige. 做这 份工作的人会有很高的声望。 2 to imagine or believe that sb/sth has a particular quality 认 为...具有(某种特质):They endowed certain plants with almost magical healing qualities. 他 们认为某些植物具有近乎神奇的疗效。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be en dowed with sth to naturally have a particular skill, quality, feature, etc. 自然赋 予,天生具有(某种技能、特质、特征等):He is endowed with both intelligence and good looks. 他天生才智过人,相貌出众。 ◊ machines endowed with amazing powers 功能超凡的机器 ◊ The islands are well endowed with ponds, lakes and streams. 这些岛上到处是天然的池 塘、湖泊和溪流。 ♦ be + v + prep engage /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ en gage in sth; en gage in doing sth; en gage sb in sth; en gage sb in doing sth (formal) to take part in sth; to make sb take part in sth; to be busy doing sth (使) 参加;忙于:Lecturers engage in teaching and research. 讲师从事教学和研究。 ◊ She tried to engage him in conversation. 她设法让他参与 交谈。 ◊ He was engaged in running a small business. 他忙于经营一家小企业。 [OBJ] activities, research, business, discussion ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep be en gaged on/upon sth (formal) to do sth; to be involved in doing sth 正在做;投入 (活动等): He is engaged on a biography of his father. 他在写他父亲的传记。 ♦ be + v + prep enlarge /ɪnˈlɑːdʒ; AmE - ˈlɑːrdʒ/ enlarge on/upon sth (formal) to say or write more about sth you have mentioned 详 述;细说:I'll enlarge on this point later. 我过会 儿将进一步说明这一点。 SYN elaborate on/upon sth ♦ v + prep enquire (also inquire especially AmE) /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ en quire after sb (formal) to ask about sb's health or about what they are doing 问候; 询 问…的近况: My mother enquired after you and the baby. 我母亲向你和孩子问好。 SYN ask after sb (less formal) ♦ v + prep enquire into sth (formal, especially BrE) to try to find out the facts about sth 调查;查 究; 查问:The committee are enquiring into the employment of children. 委员会正在调查雇用童 工问题。 SYN investigate sth ♦ v + prep enquire sth of sb (formal) to ask sb sth 向 某人打听;向某人询问;向某人了解:'Are you able to come with us?' she enquired of Will. “你能和我们一道来吗?" 她问威尔。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep enter /ˈentə(r)/ enter into sth (format) 1 (with sb) to begin to discuss or deal with sth (与某人) 开始讨 论,着手处理:The government agreed to enter into negotiations. 政府同意进行谈判。 ◊ The examiners cannot enter into any correspondence over the results. 考官不得就结果进行任何通信 联系。 [OBJ] negotiations, correspondence, contract 2 (with sb) to begin or become involved in a formal agreement (与某人) 订 立协议:The government has entered into an agreement with the World Bank. 政府已经和 世界银行达成了协议。 ◊ It is vital that the contract be freely entered into. 自由签订本合同 是至关重要的。[OBJ] agreement 3 to affect a situation or be an important pan of it 影响; 是...的重要部分: Luck didn't enter into it; I won because of my skill. 我获胜并非靠运气,而是靠 技术。 [OBJ] it ♦ v + prep enter on/upon sth (formal) to make a start on sth; to begin sth 开始;着手:The economy entered on a period of sustained growth. 经济进 入了持续增长期。◊ In 1991, he entered upon. a turbulent political career. * 1991 年,他开始了 动荡不安的政治生涯。 ♦ v + prep entitle /ɪnˈtaɪtl/ en title sb to sth to give sb a right to have or do sth 赋予某人权利:This ticket entitles you to a free meal. 凭这张票可免费吃一顿。 ◊ All children are entitled to education. 所有孩子都 有接受教育的权利。 ◊ I think I'm entitled to an explanation. 我想我有权得到解释。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep entrust /ɪnˈtrʌst/ entrust A to B; en trust B with A to make sb responsible for doing sth or for taking care of sb 委托某人做某事;委托某人照 看某人: I couldn't entrust my children to strangers. 我不能把孩子交给陌生人看护。 ◊ Can you entrust an assistant with the task? 你能把 这项工作交给助手吗? ♦ v + n/pron + prep equate /ɪˈkweɪt/ equate to sth to be equal to sth 相当于; 等于:Do my qualifications equate to any in your country? 我的资历在你们国家有对等的吗? ◊ Production costs for the movie equated to around 30% of income. 这部电影的制作成本相 当于收益的大约30%。 ♦v + prep equate sth with sth to consider that sth is the same as sth else, or equal in value or importance 把…和…等同看待:He equates success with material wealth. 他认为成功等同于 物质财富。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep etch /etʃ/ be etched into/on sth; be 'etched with sth if a feeling is etched into/on sb's face or sb's face is etched with a particular feeling, that feeling can be seen very clearly (感情) 显露在(脸上);(脸上) 显露出 (感 情): Tiredness and despair were etched into his face. 疲惫与绝望刻在他的脸上。 ◊ Anthea's face was etched with horror. 安西娅的脸上流露出 恐惧。 ♦ be + v + prep IDM be etched on your 'heart/' memory/' mind if sth is etched on your memory, you remem- ber it because it has made a very strong impression on you 铭刻在心里 / 记忆里 / 脑海里 even /ˈiːvn/ even 'out if sth evens out, it becomes level or steady after a period when it has gone up and down or changed a lot (道路等)变平 坦;(局势等)趋于稳定:The path evens out further on. 这条小路再向前就平坦了。◊ House prices will eventually even out. 房价最终将趋于 平稳。 ♦ v + adv even sth 'out to spread sth equally over a number of people or a period of time 平分; 平摊:She tried to even out the work among the staff. 她尽量把工作平均分配给员工。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv even sth up to make a situation, a competi- tion, etc. more equal 使拉平;使相等;使平衡: If I give you another £5, that will even things up a bit. 我再给你 5 英镑,就会扯平一些了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n expand /ɪkˈspænd/ expand on sth (also expand upon sth more format} to give more information or details about sth you have said or written 详 论; 充分阐述:Could you expand on your earlier statement? 请详细说明一下你前面阐述的部分 好吗? [OBJ] point, statement ♦ v + prep explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ ex, plain sth away to give reasons why you should not be blamed for sth or why sth is not as important or as bad as people think 为… 作辩解;把…搪塞过去:How will you explain away the loss of two cars? 两辆车丢了,你如何 解释? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv eye /aɪ/ (eyeing or eying, eyed, eyed) eye sb up (informal, especially BrE) to look at sb in a way that shows that you are interested in them, especially in a sexual way 向…抛媚 眼;(色迷迷地)打量:She's eyeing me up as a potential customer. 她向我频送秋波,以为我可 能会买她的东西。◊ He was eyeing up all the women at the party. 他色迷迷地打量着晚会上 所有的女人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n eye sth 'up (informal, especially BrE) to look closely at sth, because you want it or are interested in it (渴望地或饶有兴趣地) 盯 着(某物):Are you eyeing up that strawberry tart? 你眼馋那块草莓馅饼吗? NOTE Have your eye on sth has a similar meaning * have your eye on sth 含义相近。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv face /feɪs/ face sb 'down (especially AmE) to oppose or defeat sb by dealing with them directly and confidently (毅然决然地)应对,挫败: The President is determined to face down his critics. 总统决心给指责他的人以迎头痛击。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv face off (AmE) 1 (in ice hockey 冰球)to start the game 开球;开赛:The teams face off at 2.30. 两队在 2:30 开始比赛。 2 to get ready to argue, fight or compete with sb 准备开始辩论 (或战斗、比赛):The candidates face off in a Democratic primary today. 民主党候选人初选辩 论今日举行。 ♦ v + adv ► face-off n (AmE) 1 (in ice hockey 冰球)the beginning of the game 开球;开赛 2 an argu- ment or a fight 辩论;对抗 ,face onto sth if a room or a building faces onto sth, the windows look in that direction (房间或建筑物的窗户)面向,面对,正对:The front bedroom faces onto a main road. 前面卧 室的窗外就是大马路。 ♦ v + prep face 'up to sth to accept and deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation 敢于面对;勇 于正视:When is she going to face up to her responsibilities? 她何时能勇于承担自己的责任 呢? ◊ He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. 他必须承认自己不再年轻了。 ◊ This problem has got to be faced up to. 必须直 面这个问题。 [OBJ] fact, reality, problem, responsibilities SYN square up (to sb/sth) ♦ v + adv + prep factor /ˈfæktə(r)/ factor 'into sth to have an influence on sth 对…有影响:The report will factor into the committee's decision. 报告将影响委员会的 决定。 ♦ v + prep factor sth in; .factor sth 'into sth (especially AmE) to include a particular fact or situation when you are calculating sth, or thinking about or planning sth 把(某因素) 考虑进去: When you estimated the cost of the repairs, you forgot to factor in the labour. 在估 算维修成本时,你忘了将人工考虑在内. OPP factor sth out, factor sth out of sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep factor sth out; .factor sth out of sth (especially AmE) to not include a particular fact or situation when you are calculating sth, or thinking about or planning sth 把(某因 素)排除在外:When inflation is factored out, the trade deficit fell 12.8%. 撇开通货膨胀因 素, 贸易赤字下降了 12.8%。 OPP factor sth in, factor sth into sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep fade /feɪd/ fade a'way 1 to gradually become less strong, clear or frequent and disappear 逐渐变 弱(或模糊); 渐趋消失:His footsteps grad- ually faded away. 他的脚步声渐渐听不到了。◊ Her enthusiasm will soon fade away. 她的热情 很快会消失。 SYN die away NOTE Fade can also be used on its own with this meaning, especially in more formal English. * fade 单独 使用也可作此义,尤用于正式英语。 -> note at PETER OUT 2 (of a person 人)to become weaker and die 衰弱;衰竭而亡: She's fading away rapidly. 她的身体迅速垮了下来。 ♦ v + adv fade in; .fade sth 'in if a sound or a picture in a film/movie, etc. fades in, or sb fades it in, it gradually becomes louder or clearer (画面)淡入,渐显;(声音)渐强; 使(画面、声音)淡入,渐强 OPP fade out, fade sth out ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► fade-in n [U, C] an act of gradually making a picture appear at the beginning of a scene in a film/movie (画面的)淡入,渐显 fade 'out; .fade out of sth to become quieter, weaker, etc. and gradually disappear 安静下来;逐渐减弱;逐渐消失:The protest eventually faded out. 抗议终于逐渐平息了。 ◊ She looked a strong candidate, but then faded out of the picture. 她一度看上去像个有实力的 候选人,但后来却逐渐无声无息了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep fade out; .fade sth 'out if a sound or a picture in a film/movie, etc. fades out or sb fades it out, it gradually becomes quieter or less clear (画面)淡出,渐隐;(声音)渐 弱;使(画面、声音)淡出,渐弱: Near the end of the song he faded out the music. 他在歌曲的 末尾把音乐逐渐减弱。 OPP fade in, fade sth in ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► fade-out n [U, C] an act of gradually making a picture disappear at the end of a scene in a film/movie (画面的)淡出,渐隐 faff /fæf/ faff a bout/a'round (BrE, informal) to waste time doing unimportant things and not get very much done 磨叽;拖拉:Stop faffing about. 别磨磨蹭蹭的。 ♦ v + adv fake /feɪk/ fake sb 'out (AmE, informal) to trick sb; to make sb think you are going to do one thing and then do another 蒙骗:(以假动作) 迷惑: He thought I was going to turn left, but I faked him out. 他以为我要向左拐,可我让他上当了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fall /fɔːl/ (fell /fel/, fallen /ˈfɔːlən/) fall a'bout (BrE, informal) to laugh a lot 捧腹 大笑;开怀大笑:We all fell about at her idea. 听了她的想法,我们都笑得前仰后合。 ◊ He's rude to the audience and yet they fall about laughing. 他对观众无礼,而观众却哄然大笑。 ♦ v + adv fall part 1 to be old or in bad condition and break or break into pieces 破旧; 破碎:If you buy cheap shoes, they'll fall apart after a few months. 便宜的鞋子几个月就穿破了。 ◊ My dictionary is falling apart now. 我的词典要散架 了。 SYN come apart 2 to have so many problems that it is no longer possible to exist or operate 破裂;崩溃:The whole country's falling apart. 整个国家就要分裂了。 ◊ After my marriage fell apart I moved away. 离婚后我搬 走了。 3 (informal) to have so many problems or worries that you can no longer think or behave normally 精神崩溃:I fell apart when she left. 她离开后我完全垮掉了。 ♦ v + adv IDM be falling apart at the seams to have a lot of problems and be starting to fail 即将失 败;濒临崩溃 fall a way i (from sth) to break off or separ- ate from a surface 剥落; 掉落:The plaster was falling away in big chunks. 灰泥大块大块地剥 落。 2 (of land, a road, etc. 地面、道路等) to slope down 下陡坡:The ground falls away abruptly to the right. 右边的地势陡降。 3 to gradually disappear 逐渐消失;逐渐消散: Gradually, all his cares and worries fell away. 久而久之,他的忧愁烦恼全都烟消云散了。 ◊ When things got difficult, his supporters all fell away. 面临困境时,他的支持者都先后离他而 去。 -> note at DWINDLE AWAY 4 (especially BrE) to get less or smaller 减少;缩小:The number of applicants has fallen away sharply. 申请人数 锐减。-> see also FALL OFF ♦ v + adv fall back i to fail to stay with people at the front in a race (赛跑) 落后:Betts had been leading, but fell back with ten laps to go. 贝茨 原本一路领先,可还剩10圈时却落在后面了。 SYN drop back 2 to move or turn back away from sth or sb 后退;撤退:When the troops moved forward, the crowd fell back. 部队向前移 动,众人纷纷后退。SYN retreat (more formal) 3 (BrE, finance) to decrease in value or amount (价值) 下降;(数量) 减少:Prices rose by more than 10% before falling back slightly. 价格上涨超过10%后略有回落。 ♦ v + adv fall back on sb/sth (also .fall back upon sb/sth more formal) to use sb/sth when the situation is difficult or other people/things have failed 求助于;借助于;转而依靠: It's very hard if you have no family to fall back on. 没有 家人可依靠的话,生活会十分艰难。 ◊ He could always fall back on his old,jokes. 他总会搬出他 那些老掉牙的笑话。 ♦ v + adv + prep ► fallback n a plan or course of action that you can use if sth else fails 应变计划;退路:a fallback position 应变方案 fall behind; .fall behind sb/sth to fail to stay with other people or things, especially in a race or competition 落后;落在...后面:I fell further and further behind. 我落得越来越 远。◊ The industry is falling behind the rest of The industry is falling behind the rest of Europe. 这个行业逐渐落在欧洲其他国家之后。◊ He fell behind the rest of the class. 他落在班里 其他同学后面。 SYN drop behind, drop behind sb/sth -> see also FALL BACK 1 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep fall be hind with/in sth to not do sth or pay sth at the right time 拖欠 (付款);没有 及时做:She fell behind with the rent. 她拖欠了 租金。◊ He began falling behind in his school- Work 他开始不按时做作业了。 [OBJ] payments, school work ♦ v + adv + prep fall 'down 1 to suddenly stop standing 突然 倒下;坍塌:1 thought the whole house was falling down. 我以为整个房子要塌了。◊ Her legs were so weak that she fell down, on her knees. 她 双腿虚弱难支,突然跪倒在地。 2 to drop to the ground 落下;垂到地面:His trousers were falling down. 他的裤脚拖到了地面。 ◊ A lump of the ceiling fell down. 天花板掉下了一小块。3 be falling down (only used in the progressive tenses 只用于进行时) (of a building 建筑物) to be in extremely bad condition 破烂不堪: It's a beautiful house but it's falling down. 房子十分 漂亮,但摇摇欲坠。 4 (of an idea, an argu- ment, a method, etc. 想法、论点、方法等) to be shown to be not true or not good enough 站不住脚:说不通;不适用:That's where the theory falls down. 这就是该理论不能自圆其说 之处。 ♦ v + adv ► downfall n the loss of sb's power, position, money, etc.; the thing that causes this 衰落: 衰败;垮台;衰落 (或衰败、垮台) 的原因 fall 'down on sth (BrE, informal) to fail to do sth correctly or successfully 没有把...做 好: 把...搞糟:The suggestion was that he was falling down on the job. 言外之意是他活儿干得 不好。 [OBJ] job ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 fall down cave in ♦ collapse ♦ fall down ♦ fall over ♦ topple over These verbs are all used to talk about buildings and other structures falling to the ground. 这些动词都表示倒塌、坍塌、倒下。 cave in (of a roof, wall, etc.) to fall down and towards the centre (房顶、墙壁等)塌落, 塌陷,坍塌:The ceiling suddenly caved in on top of them, 天花板突然塌下来,砸到他们 头上。 collapse (of a building, etc.) to fall down or fall in suddenly, often after breaking apart (建筑物等)突然倒塌,坍塌:The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 屋预被雪 压塌了。 fall down to suddenly stop standing 突然倒 下;坍塌:The house looked as if it was about to fall down. 房子看上去要倒塌了。 fall over to become unsteady and fall down 摔倒;倒下: I thought I was going to fall over. 我以为我要跌倒了。 ◊ The chair had fallen over. 椅子倒了。 topple over to become unsteady and fall down 倒塌;倒下:The pile of books toppled over. 那摞书倒了。 WHICH WORD? Only fall down and collapse can be used to talk about whole buildings. Cave in is used with parts of buildings, and fall over and topple over are used to talk about other structures.只有 fall down和collapse 可指整幢建筑物。cave in 用于指建筑物的某个部分,而 fall over 和 topple over 用于指其他结构体。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ a building/house falls down/collapses ■ a roof/wall/ceiling collapses/caves in ■ to completely/suddenly collapse ■ to be about to fall down/fall over/collapse/cave in/topple over fall for sb/sth (informal) to be attracted to sb/sth; to fall in love with sb/sth 倾心于; 迷恋: He fell for a young student. 他爱上了一个年轻 学止。◊ We fell for the farmhouse as soon as we saw it. 我们如那幢农舍一见倾心。 ♦ v + prep fall for sth (informal) to be tricked into believing sth is true when it is not 对...信以为 真:You didn't fall for that old trick, did you? 你 没被那个老花招迷惑住吧? ♦v + prep fall 'in 1 if a roof or a ceiling falls in, it drops to the ground (顶部或天花板)塌落, 坍塌: The roof of the cave fell in . 洞顶塌了。 2 (of soldiers 士兵)to move into a line 列队;集合 OPP fall out ♦ v + adv fall in with sb (informal to join sb; to become involved with sb 加入;开始与…有牵 连:She fell in with a bad crowd. 她结交了一帮 坏人。 ♦ v + adv + prep fall 'in with sth (BrE) to agree to or support a plan or an idea, especially when you do not really want to (尤指勉强地)同意,赞同:He always expects me to fall in with his plans. 他总 以为我会赞成他的计划。 [OBJ] plans SYN go along with sb/sth ♦ v + adv + prep fall 'into sth 1 to begin to be in a particular state 进入(某种状态):He fell into a deep sleep. 他沉睡过去。 ◊ The tramway fell into disuse in the 1920s. * 20 世纪 20 年代,有轨电 车被弃用。◊ We mustn't fall into this error (= make this mistake). 我们绝不能犯这个错。◊ He's fallen into arrears with the rent (= he is late in paying it). 他拖欠了租金。[OBJ] disuse, disrepair 2 to begin to do sth or become involved in sth 开始做;参与:I fell into the habit of having a nap after dinner. 我养成了晚 饭后小睡的习惯。 ◊ She fell into conversation with her neighbour. 她和邻居聊上了。 the habit of ... , conversation 3 to be able to be divided into sth 可分成:Computer viruses fall into three broad categories. 计算机病毒可分为 三大类。[OBJ] two groups, three categories, etc. 4 to belong to a particular group or class 属于(某团体或类别):Only 25% of people fall into this group. 只有25%的人属于该群体。 category, group, class, etc. ♦ v + prep fall off to decrease in quantity or quality (数量)减少;(质量)下降:Attendance has fallen off recently. 最近出席人数下滑。 ◊ The standard of cooking fell off when the old chef Left. 原来的厨师离开后,烹饪水平下降了。 SYN drop off -> see also FALL AWAY 4;-> note at DWINDLE AWAY ♦ v + adv ► fall-off (BrE also 'falling-off less frequent) (in/of sth) n [sing.] a decrease in the quality of sth (质基的)下降: a fall-off in attendance/ interest/sales 出席人数 / 兴趣 / 销量的减少 fall off; .fall off sth if sth falls off or falls off sth, it becomes separated from the thing it is joined to (从…)掉下,掉落: The door handle has fallen off. 门把手脱落了。 ◊ Put the picture up properly—we don't want it to fall off the wall. 把画挂好——我们可不想它从墙上掉 下来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep fall on sb/sth {also 'fall upon sb/sth more formal) (especially BrE) 1 to be the responsi- bility or duty of a particular person or organ- ization (责任或职责) 落在...身上,由...承担: Most of the cost fell on us. 大部分费用由我们负 担。 ◊ When he died, the responsibility of the business fell on his son. 他去世以后,企业由他 儿子负责管理。2 if your eyes fall on sb/sth, you suddenly see or notice them/it (视线) 落在…上: My eye fell on a letter she had left on the table. 我突然看见她留在桌上的一封信。 3 to attack sb/sth with energy or enthusiasm 扑 向;袭击;向…进攻:The children fell on the food with cries of delight. 孩子们欢叫着扑向食 物。 ◊ (figurative) He fell on the drawings and examined them closely. 他扑向那些画,端详起 来。[OBJ] food ♦ v + prep fall out 1 (of hair, teeth, etc. 毛发、牙齿等) to become loose and drop out 掉落;脱落: The chemotherapy made her hair fall out. 化疗使她 脱发了。 2 (with sb) (over/about sth) (espe- cially BrE) to have an argument with sb and stop being friendly with them (与某人) (为 某事) 吵架,闹翻: It's not worth falling out about this. 为这事争吵不值得。 ◊ Why have you fallen out with him? 你为什么和他吵翻了? ◊ They fell out over their father's will. 他们为父亲 的遗嘱吵了起来。 3 (of soldiers 士兵)to move out of lines 解散;掉队 OPP fall in ♦ v + adv ► falling- out n [sing.] (especially BrE) an argument or disagreement 吵架;闹翻: We've had a bit of a falling-out. 我们拌了 几句嘴。 ► fallout n [U] 1 dangerous (radioactive) dust that is in the air after a nuclear explosion or accident (核爆炸或核事故发生后产生的) 放射性坠尘 2 the bad results of a situation 恶 果;余波: the current crisis and its political fallout 当前危机及其政治影响 fall over 1 to be unable to stay standing and fall to the ground 摔倒;倒下:(especially BrE) He lost his balance and fell over. 他没站稳, 摔 倒了。 ◊ His bike fell over. 他的自行车倒了。 -> note at FALL DOWN 2 (of a computer or program 计算机或程序) to stop working sud- denly (突然) 出故障, 不运转: My spreadsheet keeps falling over. 我的电子制表软件不断出故 障。SYN crash ♦ v + adv fall over sb/sth to hit sb/sth with your foot when you are walking or running and fall or almost fall (几乎) 被…绊倒: Mind you don't fall over the boxes. 小心别让箱子绊倒。 SYN trip over sb/sth ♦ v + prep IDM .fall over yourself to do sth (informal) to be very keen to do sth 渴望;迫不及待: Record- ing companies were falling over themselves to sign the band. 唱片公司竞相和这支乐队签约。 fall through to fail to be completed; to not happen 落空;失败;化为泡影:Our travel plans have fallen through. 我们的旅行计划泡汤了。 ◊ The deal fell through. 交易告吹了。[SUBJ] deal ♦ v + adv fall to sb (to do sth) to become the duty or responsibility of a particular person (职责或 责任) 落在...身上,由...承担:The task of telling them, the news fell to me. 把这件事通 知他们的差事落到了我头上。◊ It falls to the police to ensure that demonstrations are well organized. 警方负责保证示威活动有序进行。 ♦ v + prep fall to sth; fall to doing sth (literary) to start doing sth 开始做;干起来:Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf fell to talking. 小红帽 和大灰狼交谈起来。 ◊ They fell to it with gusto. 他们兴致勃勃地干了起来。 ♦ v + prep fall under sth 1 to belong to or be included in a particular group of things 属于; 归入…之 中:What heading do these items fall under? 这 些项目列入哪个类别? [OBJ] heading 2 to begin to be controlled or influenced by sb/sth 开始 受到…控制 (或影响):I realized I was falling under her spell. 我意识到自己被她迷住了。 ◊ The education system fell under the control of the church. 教育体系受教会控制。[OBJ] spell ♦ v + prep fall upon sb/sth -> FALL ON SB/STH familiarize (BrE also familiarise) /fəˈmɪliəraɪz/ familiarize sb/yourself with sth to teach sb about sth or to learn about sth until you know it well (使…) 熟悉,了解: I familiarized myself with everyone's name before the meeting. 我在开会前熟悉了一下每个 人的名字。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep fan /fæn/ (-nn-) fan out to spread out over an area from a central point 散开;成扇形展开:Searchers fanned, out over the area where the missing child was last seen. 搜寻人员在失踪儿童最后出 现的地方四散寻找。 ◊ Five main roads fan out from the village. 五条干道从这座村庄通往四面 八方。 ♦ v + adv fan sth 'out if a bird fans out its feathers, it spreads them out (鸟) 展开 (羽毛):The peacock fanned out its tail. 孔雀开屏了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv fancy /ˈfænsi/ (fancies, fancying, fancied) fancy sth up (AmE, informal) to make sth look more attractive by adding decoration to it 装饰;装点:I fancied up the dress with some pearls. 我在连衣裙上装点了一些珍珠。 ◊ You don't need to fancy up your web pages. 不必把 网页弄得花里胡哨的。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv farm /fɑːm; AmE fɑːrm/ farm sb out (to sb) (informal, disapproving) to arrange for sb you are responsible for, espe- cially a child, to be cared for by other people 托(某人)照看(尤指小孩);寄养:When he was little, he was often farmed out to family friends. 他年幼时经常交由他家的朋友照看。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n farm sth out (to sb) (informal) to send or give work to other people to do 把(工作)承 包(给某人):We farm a lot of the work out to other companies. 我们把很多工作外包给了其他 公司。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fart /fɑːt; AmE fɑ:rt/ fart around (BrE also ,fart about) (△, slang) to waste time, especially by behaving in a silly way 混日子;鬼混:Stop farting around and behave yourself! 别晃荡了,干点正事吧! NOTE A more polite, informal way to express this is mess around or, in British English, mess about. 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 mess around 或英国英语中的 mess about。 ♦ v + adv fasten /ˈfɑːsn; AmE ˈfæsn/ fasten on sb/sth; fasten sth on sb/sth if your eyes fasten on sb/sth, or you fasten your eyes on sb/sth, you look at them for a long time 盯住;把(视线)停留在…上:All eyes in the room fastened on me. 一屋子的人都 盯着我看。 ◊ She fastened her gaze on him. 她 久久地凝视着他。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep fasten on/onto sth (also fasten upon sth more formal) 1 to hold sth firmly 握住;抓紧: The cheetah's jaw fastened on the gazelle's throat. 猎豹死死咬住羚羊的喉咙。2 to choose sth and give it all your attention or interest 把 (注意力或兴趣)集中于;对...锲而不舍:When she fastens on an idea, there's no stopping her. 她一旦打定主意,什么也不能阻止她。[OBJ] idea, word, fact ♦ v + prep fasten sth on/onto sb/sth to direct feelings such as blame, hope, etc. towards sb 把(罪责、希望等)归向:The blame hasn't been fastened on anybody yet. 目前尚无人 得咎。 [OBJ]blame, hopes ♦ v + n/pron + prep fasten 'up; .fasten sth up (BrE) to close, or to make sth close, with buttons, etc. (把…)扣紧,系牢: The dress fastens up at the front. 这条连衣裙是在前面系扣的。 ◊ Fasten your jacket up—it's getting cold. 把你的夹克衫 扣好——天冷了。 [OBJ] jacket, coat SYN do up, do sth up (espe- cially BrE) NOTE Fasten and fasten sth can also be used on their own with the same meaning. * fasten 和fasten sth 单使用也可作此义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fasten upon sth -> FASTEN ON/ONTO STH fathom /ˈfæðəm/ fathom sb/sth out (BrE) to understand how sb thinks and acts; to find an explanation for sth 理解,弄清(某人的想法和行为);找出 (某事的)真相:I can't fathom her out—she says one thing then does another. 我琢磨不透 她——她说的是一套,做的是另一套。 ◊ Have you fathomed out how to work the video yet? 你 搞明白如何操作录像机了吗? SYN work sb out; work sth out NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv fatten /fæt(ə)n/ fatten up; fatten sb/sth up to become fatter; to give an animal or a person a lot of food so that they become fatter (使)长胖; 养肥;育肥:The sheep fattened up quickly. 羊 上膘很快。◊ We're fattening the livestock up for slaughter. 我们要把这些牲畜养肥,准备以后 宰杀。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fax /fæks/ heh A fax is a message sent using a machine that sends and receives messages or docu- ments along telephone wires and then prints them.* fax 指传真。 fax in; fax sth in to send a fax to an organization, a company, a television or radio programme, etc.(把…)以传真发送:Viewers are invited to fax in with their comments. 欢迎 观众发传真来提出意见。 ◊ Orders can be either phoned or faxed in to us. 可给我们打电话或发 传真订货。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fax sth on (to sb/sth) to send a fax that you have received to sb else for them to see or deal with 把(收到的传真)转发(给…): Please email or fax this on to a friend. 请把此条 信息用电子邮件或传真转发给朋友。 fax sth out to send a fax to a large number of people at the same time 以传真散发(信息): Draft proposals will be faxed out for comment at the end of May. 草案将在5月底用传真发给 大家评议。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fax sth 'through to send sb a fax with details of or information about sth 以传真发送 (详情等) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fear /fɪə(r); AmE fɪr/ fear for sb/sth (literary) to be anxious or worried about sb/sth 为...担心;为…忧虑: I fear for her safety. 我担心她的安全。 ◊ When he's away at sea, I really fear for him. 他出海 时,我真是为他提心吊胆。 [OBJ] life, safety, future ♦ v + prep feed /fi:d/ (fed, fed /fed/) feed 'back (into/to sth) if sth feeds back to/into sth, it returns to the place, situation, idea, etc. that it started from and has an effect, usually a good one, on its development 反过来带动;反过来影响:Rising import prices tend to feed back into domestic prices. 进口价格 上升会导致国内价格上涨。 ◊ What the audience says feeds back into the development of the pro- gramme. 观众的反馈有助于这个节目的改进。 ♦ v + adv feed sth back (to sb) to give information, advice or opinions about a product, sb's work, etc., especially so that it can be improved 反 惯(信息、建议或意见)(给某人):We will feed this information back to the company. 我 们会把这一情况反馈给公司。 ◊ The results of the tests will be fed back to the schools. 考试成绩将 反馈给各学校。 [OBJ] information ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► feedback n [U] 1 information, advice or opinions about how good a product, sb's work, etc. is 反馈的信息(或建议、意见):We got a lot of positive feedback about the pro- gramme. 这个节目收到很多正面反馈意见。 2 an unpleasant noise produced by some elec- trical equipment when some of the power returns to the system (电器的)回传噪声 feed sth in; .feed A 'into B; feed B with A to put sth into a machine 将…放进 (机器):You'll need to feed the paper in by hand. 你得手动进纸。 ◊ to feed information into a computer 将信息输入计算机。 ◊ He fed coins into the meter. 他往停车收费器里投入硬币。 ◊ 版fed the meter with coins. 他往停车收费器里投入 硬币。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep feed 'into sth to have an influence on the development of sth 对(事物的发展)产生影响: The report's findings will feed into company policy. 报告结论将影响公司政策。 ♦ v + prep feed on/off sth 1 (of an animal, etc. 动物等) to use sth as food; to eat sth; to get strength from sth 以…为食;靠…生长:This bat feeds on fruit. 这种蝙蝠吃水果。 2 (disapproving) to become stronger because of sth else 因…而壮 大:The media feed off each other's stories. 媒体 靠相互采用对方的报道而生存。 ♦ v + prep feed 'through (to sb/sth/into sth) to reach sb/sth after going through a process or a system (在…身上)逐渐产生影响:Rises in prices feed through to higher wage claims, 物价 上涨导致人们要求加薪。 ◊ It will take time for the higher rates to feed through to investors. 提 高利率的效应需要-些时日传导到投资者。 ♦ v + adv feed sb/sth up (BrE) to give extra food to a person or an animal to make them stronger and more healthy (增加进食)养胖、养壮; (增加喂食)养肥:You need feeding up a bit. 你 需要多吃点。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n feel /[fiːl/ (felt, felt /felt/) feel for sb to have sympathy for sb 同情,怜 悯, 体谅(某人):I really felt for her, bringing up her children alone. 她独力抚养孩子,我非常 同情她。 ◊ I do feel for you, honestly. 说真的, 我很同情你。 ♦ v + prep feel sb 'out (AmE, informal) to try to dis- cover sb's views, opinions, etc. on sth, espe- cially in an indirect way (尤指间接地)揣 测,探明,摸清(某人的看法等):You have to feel them out and figure out whether they want to talk to you. 你得探探他们的口气,弄清他们 是否想与你交谈。 SYN sound sb/sth out (formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv feel sb up (informal) to touch sb in a sexual way when they do not want you to 猥亵; 性 骚扰 ♦ v + n/pron + adv feel up to sth; ,feel up to doing sth to feel capable of doing sth, physically or mentally 觉得(身体上或精神上)能胜任: If you feel up to it, we could walk into town. 如果你 觉得没问题,我们可以步行进城。 ◊ I don't really feel up to seeing anyone. 我实在没心情见任 何人。 ♦ v + adv + prep fence /fens/ fence sb in to restrict sb's freedom 限制(某 人)的自由:We've been fenced in by rules and regulations for too long. 我们被条条框框束缚得 太久了。 SYN hem sb/sth in NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fence sth 'in to surround sth with a fence (用栅栏等)围住,圈住:The grounds are fenced in by barbed wire. 那些地用带刺铁丝网 围住了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fence sth off to separate one area from another with a fence, often to stop people or animals from entering (用栅栏等)隔开: We've fenced off the vegetable patch to stop the rabbits from getting in. 我们把菜地围了起来, 不让兔子进去。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv fend /fend/ fend for your'self to take care of yourself without needing any help from other people 照料自己;自谋生计:独自谋生: We were brought up to fend for ourselves when we were still quite young. 我们很小的时候就学习自 己的事自己做。 ♦ v + prep + pron fend sb/sth off to defend or protect your- self from sb/sth 躲开;抵挡:The minister had to fend off some awkward questions. 部长不得 不回避一些尴尬的问题。 ◊ She managed to fend her attackers off for some time. 她设法抵挡了一 阵,令袭击者难以靠近。 ◊ She held up her arm to fend him off. 她抬起胳膊挡开他。 [OBJ] attack, question, criticism ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron 十 adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ferret /tent/ ferret out sth (informal) to discover sth by searching thoroughly or asking a lot of questions 搜出;查获:She's determined to ferret out the truth. 她决心查明真相。 [OBJ] information, the truth NOTE When the object of ferret out is a noun, it comes after out, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between ferret and out * ferret out 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 out 之 后;但如果是代词,应置于 ferret 和 out 之间:It took us a while to ferret it out. 我们花了点时间 才搞清楚。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv fess /fes/ Jess up (to sth)/(to sb) (about sth) (informal, especially AmE) to admit that you have done sth wrong 承认, 坦白 (过错):Come on, fess up. I know there's something you're not telling me. 快点,招了吧。我知道你有事瞒着 我。 ◊ How many stolen cars did they fess up to? 他们供认偷了多少辆车? SYN own up (to sth/to doing sth); confess (to sth/to doing sth) (more formal) -> note at ADMIT TO STH ♦ v + adv fetch /fetʃ/ fetch up (informal, especially BrE) to arrive somewhere by chance 偶然来到;意外到达: The boat finally fetched up on a sandy beach.船 最后停到了一处沙滩上。◊ He travelled around Europe for a while and finally fetched up in Naples. 他在欧洲旅行了一段时间,最后不知不 觉到了那不勒斯。 SYN end up ♦ v + adv fiddle /ˈfɪdl/ fiddle a bout/a round (BrE, informal) to spend your time doing nothing or doing sth that is not important 虚度光阴;鬼混:He's fiddling around in the garage. 他在车库没事 瞎忙。 SYN mess around ♦ v + adv fight /faɪt/ (fought, fought /fɔːt/) fight back (against sb/sth) to defend yourself with actions or words when sb attacks you or causes problems 抵抗; 还击: The team fought back to win the game. 该队奋 力反击以羸得比赛。 ◊ Don't let them bully you. Fight back! 别让他们欺侮你。要还击! ♦ v + adv fight back sth to try hard not to show your feelings or not to do sth 克制 (情感);忍住 (不做某事):She tried to fight back the tears. 她强忍住泪水。 [OBJ] tears, urge NOTE When t±ie object of fight back is a noun, it comes after back, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between fight and back ♦ fight back 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 back 之 后;但如果是代词,应置于 fight 和 back 之间: The tears came, but she fought them back. 泪水 涌出,但她还是竭力忍住。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv fight down sth to try hard not to show an emotion that you are starting to feel 抑制, 忍住 (即将发作的情绪):He fought: down a rush of panic. 他强压住心头的一阵恐慌。 ◊ She fought down the anger that was rising in her. 她 压下胸中燃起的怒火。 [OBJ] desire, impulse, panic NOTE When the object of fight down is a noun, it comes after down, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between fight and down ♦ fight down 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 down 之后;但如果是代词,应置于 fight 和 down 之间: A feeling of rage rose in her, but she fought it down. 她怒火中烧,但还是克制住了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv fight sb/sth 'off to resist sb/sth or make them/it go away, by fighting against them/it 抵抗; 击退:She managed to fight her attackers off. 她设法打跑了袭击她的人。◊ The company fought off tough competition, 公司挫败了强有力 的竞争。 [OBJ] attack, illness ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fight out sth; fight it out to fight or argue about sth until it is settled 打出个结果; 争辩个明白:We mustn't interfere. Let them fight it out between themselves. 我们不应介入。让他 们自己摆平。 ◊ The teams fought out a 0-0 draw. 两队 0:0 打成了平局。 [OBJ] battle, struggle, draw NOTE When the object of fight out is a noun, it comes after out, but when the object is the pronoun it, it comes between fight and out. ♦ fight out 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 out 之 后;但如果是代词,应置于 fight 和 out 之间。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv figure /ˈfɪɡə(r); AmE ˈfɪɡjər/ figure on sth; figure on sb/sth doing sth (informal, especially AmE) to include sth in your plans; to plan sth 把...考虑在内;计划: We hadn't figured on a long delay at the airport. 我们没有估计到在机场会耽搁很久。 ◊ I figure on being in New York in January. 我打算 1月去纽约。 ♦ v + prep figure sb/sth 'out to come to understand sb/sth by thinking carefully 想明白;领会到; 了解:I could never figure him out. 我永远无法 理解他。 ◊ Can you figure out what's going on? 你能搞清楚现在的情况吗? SYN work sb out; work sth out v note at WORK STH OUT NOTE Figure out is often followed by a ques- tion word such as how, what, why, etc * figure out 常后接 how、what、why 等疑问词:I can't figure out why he quit his job. 我弄不懂他为什 么辞职。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n figure sth 'out to calculate the total amount of sth 算出(总额):Have you figured out how much it will cost? 你计算出要花多少钱了吗? SYN work sth out NOTE Figure out is often followed by a ques- tion word such as what, how much, etc. ♦ figure out 常后接 what、how much 等疑问词。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv file /fan/ file sth a'way to put papers, documents, etc. away in a place where you can find them easily 把(文件等)归档:Everything is filed away in drawers, 所有的文档都存放在抽屉里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fill /fɪl/ fill in (for sb) to take sb's place for a short time and do the work they normally do 临 时补(某人的)缺;暂时代替(某人): Who's filling in for you while you're away? 你不在的 时候由谁临时顶替? ♦ v + adv fill sb in (on sth) to give sb all the details about sth that has happened 向…提供(详情): Can you fill me in on what's been happening while I was away? 把我外出期间发生的情况详 细告诉我好吗? ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fill sth in 1 (also fill sth 'out especially AmE) to complete a form, etc. by writing informal- tion on it 填写,填好(表格等):You could fill in an application form now. 你可以现在填写申 请表。 ◊ Fill in the blank spaces with one of these words. 选词填空。 ◊ I've left gaps on the sheet for you to fill in the details. 我在纸上留出 了空白,供你填写细节。[OBJ] form, details 2 to fill sth, such as a hole, a crack, etc. completely with a substance 填塞,填补(洞隙等):We'll have to fill the holes in with cement 我们得用 水泥堵上这些洞。[OBJ] hole, crack 3 (especially BrE) to spend time while you are waiting for sb/sth (等待期间)消磨,打发(时间):How shall we fill in the time until he arrives? 我们该 如何打发他来之前的这段时间啊? ♦ v + adv + n・ v + n/pron + adv (less frequent) fill 'out to become larger, rounder or fatter 长 大;变丰满; 长肥:The baby's filled out a lot recently. 婴儿最近胖多了。 ♦ v + adv fill sth 'out 1 to make sth larger or more complete 扩充;增补: We'll need to fill the story out to make a full page article. 我们得把这篇报 道扩充成一篇整版的文章。 2 (especially AmE) -> FILL STH IN 1 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fill up; fill sth up 1 (with sb/sth) if a container or a place fills up or sb fills it up, it becomes completely full 占满(容器或地 方);满是(人或物):The restaurant was beginning to fill up. 餐馆快满座了。 ◊ She filled her glass up again. 她又斟满一杯。 ◊ People began filling up the empty seats. 人们开始坐满 空位。 2 (with sth) to fill your vehicle with petrol/gas, etc. 装满(汽油等):I need to fill up with petrol before we go. 我们出发前,我得 加满油。 ◊ Fill the tank up with diesel. 把油箱 装满柴油。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► fill-up n (AmE) the action of filling sth, particularly of filling a car with petrol/gas 填 充;(尤指汽车的)加油 fill sb/yourself up to give sb a lot of food so that they feel full; to eat as much as you can (使)吃个饱,尽情地吃:The meals at school never fill me up. 学校的饭菜从未让我填 饱过肚子。 ◊ Eat lots of pasta to fill yourself up. 多吃通心粉,吃饱肚子。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv filter/ˈfɪltə(r)/ A filter is a device containing paper, sand, etc., or a substance used to remove unwanted substances. * filter 指过滤器。 filter sth 'out to remove sth using a filter 过 滤掉:Use a sun cream to filter out ultraviolet rays. 用防晒霜遮挡紫外线。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv find /faɪnd/ (found, found /faʊnd/) find against sb (Jaw) to decide in court that sb is guilty 作出不利于…的裁决; 判…败 诉;判…有罪:The court found against the defendant. 法庭判被告有罪。 ♦ v + prep find for sb (law) to decide in court that sb is innocent 作出有利于…的裁决;判…胜诉; 判…无罪:The jury found for the defendant. 陪 审团裁定被告无罪。 ♦ v + prep find out; .find sth out to learn a fact, a piece of information, or the truth about sth/sb 获知,查明,弄清(真相等):She won't be happy when she finds out about this. 她知道这事的话会不高兴的。◊ What did she say? ' You'll find out soon enough.' "她说了 些什么?” “你很快就会知道的。" ◊ When did you find out (that) she was ill? 你什么时候得 知她生病的? ◊ I never found out exactly what happened. 我从未弄清楚到底发生了什么 事。 ◊ How did you find that out? 你是怎样发现 这个情况的? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) SYNONYMS同义词辨析 find sth out discover sth ♦ find sth out ♦ hear about sb/sth ♦ learn of sth These verbs all mean to find information by being told by sb, reading, etc 这些动词都表示 获悉、得知、查明。 discover sth to find some information about sth 发现;发觉:We never discovered why she gave up her job. 她为何辞职,我们一直闹不明 白。 ◊ It was later discovered that the diaries were a fraud. 后来发现该日记系伪造。 find sth out to find some information about sth by asking, reading, etc. 获知;查明;弄清: She didn't want her parents to find out about the relationship. 她不想让她父母知道这层关 系。 ◊ We later found out that we'd been at the same school. 我们后来发现我们曾经上过同一 所学校。 hear about sb/sth to be told about sb/sth 获 悉;得知:I was sorry to hear about your accident off 听说你出了车祸,我很难过。 NOTE Hear can be used on its own with a clause * hear 可单独接从句:I was surprised to hear (that) they'd got married. 听说他和结婚 了。 我很吃惊。 learn of sth to become aware of sth by hearing it from sb else 获悉;听说:I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. 从一位密友那 里,我得知她来了。NOTE Learn can be used on its own with a clause * learn 可单独接从句: We were surprised to learn (that) that they're now divorced. 听说他们现在离婚了,我们很 吃惊。 WHICH WORD? Find out is often used with question words such as how, what, when, etc. * find out 常与 how、what, when 等疑问词连用:Did you ever find out who did it? 你查清了是谁干的没有? If you find sth out, you do so either by chance or by asking or studying. You can discover a piece of information that other people know but you didn't. Hear about sth and learn of sth are used to talk about news that is freely available. * find sth out 指事出偶然或者通过询问或调查得 知某事。discover 可用于指从别人处获知未掌握 的信息。hear about sth和learn of sth 用于指获 取公开信息。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to quickly/soon/eventually find out/dis- cover... ■ to be surprised/amazed/fascinated to hear/discover/learn ... ■ to be delighted/glad/pleased to hear/discover/learn ... ■ to be dismayed/horrified/shocked to hear/discover/learn ... ■ to be saddened/sorry to hear/learn ... ■ to aim/try/attempt to find out/discover... find sb 'out (informal) to discover that sb has been dishonest or has done sth wrong 查 出,识破 (环人):If you're ever found out, you'll go to prison. 一旦被发现,你要坐牢的。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ finish off (with sth), finish sth off (with sth) (informal) to have sth as the last part of sth; to make sth end by doing one last thing (以…) 结束;完成:After a delicious meal we finished off with coffee and mints. 吃完美味可 口的饭菜之后,我们喝了咖啡, 吃了薄荷糖。 ◊ The concert finished off with the band's latest hit. 演唱会以乐队的最新热门曲目压轴. ◊ The band finished off the show with their latest hit. 乐队用自己的最新热门曲目结束表演。◊ I have to go now, can 1 leave you to finish off? 我得走 了,你留下收尾好吗? ◊ Her outfit was finished off with navy shoes. 她穿上藏青色的鞋字,整装 完毕。 NOTE Finish and finish sth are also used on their own with almost the same meaning. * finish 和 finish sth 单独使用也作此义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n finish sb 'off (informal to make sb so unhappy, tired, etc. that they cannot continue what they are doing 使垂头丧气;使筋疲力 尽;使支撑不下去:Running in that: heat nearly finished him off. 冒着那种酷热跑步差点让他撑 不住。 NOTE Finish sb can also be used on its own with almost the same meaning. * finish sb 单 独使用也作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) finish sb/sth 'off (informal) 1 to destroy or kill sb/sth, especially sb/sth that is already injured 毁掉,杀死 (尤指已严重受伤者或严重 受损的事物):He thought the soldiers would come back and finish him off. 他以为那些士兵 会回来干掉他。 ◊ We ought to finish the poor animal off. 我们应该帮这只可怜的动物结束性 命。◊ (figurative) The business had been finished off by financial difficulties. 企业最终因 财务困难而倒闭。 2 (sport) to defeat a person or team that you are competing against 打 败,挫败 (对手): Murray finished him off in three sets. 穆雷直落三盘击败了他。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n finish sth 'off 1 to complete sth 完成:I'm going to try and finish off my work tonight. 我 今晚要争取把活儿干完。 2 to use the last part of sth, especially food or drink 用完,用光 (尤指食物或饮料): He's finished off all the ice cream! 他把所有冰激凌一扫而光! NOTE Finish sth is used on its own with almost the same meaning. * finish sth 单独使用也作 此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n finish 'up 1 [+ adj/prep] (also finish up doing sth) (especially BrE) to reach or come to a particular place, state or situation after a long series of events, often without planning it 最终来到;结果成为;以…终结:He lost control of the car and finished up in the river. 他开车失 控, 栽进了河里。 ◊ She started out washing dishes and finished up as a chef. 她从洗盘子干 起,最后成了厨师。 ◊ they all went home and I finished up doing most of the cleaning. 他们都 回家了,到头来清扫的活儿大部分是我干了。 SYN end up; wind up (informal) 2 (AmE) to complete what you are doing; to do the last part of sth 完成 (手头的工作); 作最后加工: I'll finish up here and join you later. 我把这里 的活儿干完就去找你。 ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ v + adv + -ing ♦ 2 v + adv finish sth up (especially AmE) to do the last part of sth; to use what is left of sth 对…作最 后加工;用…最后的部分:He stayed home to finish up his assignment. 他呆在家里完成作业。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) finish with sb (informal) 1 (BrE to end a relationship with sb 与…断绝关系:I've finished with Antonia. 我和安东尼娅芬手了。 SYN break up (with sb) 2 to stop punishing sb 停止 处罚;不再惩罚:He'll never do that again once I've finished with him! 等我教训过他以后,他再 也不会干那事了! ♦ v + prep finish with sth 1 to no longer need to use sth 不再需用 (某物):Can you wash your cup when you've finished with it? 杯子用过后洗洗好 吗? ◊ Can I keep the book a little longer? I haven't finished with it yet. 我能把书再保留一 段时间吗?我还没看完呢。NOTE Usually used in the perfect tenses. 通常用于完成时。 2 (BrE, informal) to stop doing sth because you no longer want to do it or enjoy it 不再做 (某事): He said he was finished with football”. 他说他再 也不踢足球了。 NOTE Usually used in the perfect tenses or in the form be finished with sth. 通常用于完成时或用 be finished with sth 的 形式。 ♦ v + prep fire /ˈfaɪə(r)/ fire a way (informal) used to tell sb to begin asking questions or to begin to speak 请问 吧;请说吧:'Can I ask you some questions?' fire away!' “我能提几个问题吗?" “问吧!” ♦v + adv fire sth off 1 to shoot a bullet from a gun 开 火;射击:He fired off a volley of shots. 他举 枪连射。[OBJ] gun, shot 2 to ask a lot of questions, etc. quickly, one after the other 连 珠炮似的发问:He fired off a series of questions. 他接二连三提了一连串问题。[OBJ] questions 3 to write a letter, report, etc. quickly, often because you are angry (常指愤怒地) 奋笔疾 书:She would fire off a letter of protest in. the morning. 她上午要秉笔直书一笔抗议信。[OBJ] letter 4 if you fire off an email, you send it 发 出,发送 (电子邮件): I'm going to fire off an email to a newsgroup. 我要给新闻组发一封电子 邮件。[OBJ] email ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) fire sb/sth 'up to make sb/sth become excited or enthusiastic about sth 使激动万分; 使激情澎湃:The manager fired the team up at halftime. 主教练在中场休息时鼓舞了全队的 士气。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n ► fired up adj: She felt fired up by the challenge the new job presented. 新工作带来的 挑战令她兴奋不已。 flre sth 'up 1 (AmE) to light a fire; to make sth hot 点然,加热:I'll get the burgers—you fire up the grill. 我去拿汉堡 —— 你给烤架生 火。 2 (especially AmE) to start a machine, piece of equipment, computer program, etc. 发动,启动 (机器、设备、计算机程序等):We need to fire up one of the generators. 我们需要 启动一台发电机。 ◊ Let me fire up another window (= on the computer screen). 让我再开 一个窗口。[OBJ] engine ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv firm /fɜːm; AmE fɜːrm/ firm sth *up (also .firm up less frequent) 1 if sb firms up an arrangement, an agreement, etc. it becomes more definite or less likely to change 落实,敲定 (安排、协议等):I'll phone on the 25th to firm up the details of the meet- ing. 我 25 号会打电话确认会议细节。 ◊ Prices will firm up later this year. 今年晚些时候会确 定价格。[OBJ] plans, agreement 2 to make sth, especially part of the body harder, or more solid 使 (尤指身体部位) 坚实;使坚硬;使牢固: These exercises will firm up those difficult areas of your body. 这些运动会使有问题的身体部位变 结实。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ♦ v + adv fish /fɪʃ/ fish for sth (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行船 to try to make sb tell you sth, say sth nice to you, etc. by asking them a question 探听(消息);间接引出(美言):Are you fishing for compliments? 你是拐弯抹角想让 我说奉承话吧? [OBJ] information, compliment SYN angle for sth ♦ v+ prep fish sb/sth out; ,fish sb/sth out of sth to take or pull sb/sth out of somewhere (从…中)取出,拖出:He fished some change out of his pocket. 他从衣兜里摸出一些零钱。 ◊ Several days later his car was fished out of the river. 几天后他的车从河里打捞了上来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep fit /fɪt/ (fitting, fitted, fitted, AmE usually fitting, fit, fit except in the passive) fit in (with sth) if sth fits in, it looks pleasant or suitable with other things or in a particular place (与…)协调,融合: The building doesn't fit in with the surrounding area. 该建筑和周围 环境格格不入。◊ It's an old house, but our furniture fits in welL 房子是旧的,可和我们的 家具很搭配。 ♦ v + adv fit 'in; ,fit into sth i to be the right size or shape to go in a particular place 放得下;摆得 开:Will all your furniture fit in? 你的家具全 都摆得下吗? ◊ The piano wouldn't fit into the room. 房间里搁不下这架钢琴。 2 to live or work easily and naturally with a group of people (与他人)合得来,和睦相处;适应: Tim never fitted in at college. 蒂姆一直没能适应 大学生活。 ◊ Jane fitted in well with the rest of the staff. 简和其他职员相处融逐。 ◊ She's fitted into the team well. 她已经完全融入该队。 3 to have a particular role or part in a plan, a situation, etc.(在计划、情况等中)担当某角色: Where does he fit in? 他可以起到什么作用? ◊ I like to know where I fit in. and what I have to do, 我想知道我的岗位和任务是什么。 ◊ Where do I fit into all this? 在这当中我该发挥什么 作用? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep fit sb/sth in; fit sb/sth 'into sth 1 to find a place for sb/sth, especially when there is not much space 把...放进(有限的空间); 把...置于(有限的位置):We can't fit a sofa in here. 这里放不下沙发。 ◊ We will try to fit you in somewhere in the organization. 我们将设法 把你安排进这个机构。SYN get sb in, get sb into sth; get sth in, get sth into sth 2 to manage to find time to see sb or to do sth 找 出时间(见某人或做某事):The nurse will fit you in between other appointments. 护士会把 你安排进其他预约的空当里。 ◊ How do you manage to fit so much into your day? 你怎么能 在一天中安排下这么多事情? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep fit 'in with sth 1 if an activity or event fits in with sth else, they exist or happen together in an easy or convenient way (活动或事情) 与...相宜,适合: My job fits in with looking after my family. 我的工作不耽误照顾家庭。 2 to adapt to what sb else is planning or to sb else's way of doing things 与(他人的计划或行 事方式)一致起来;适应:They've got to learn to fit in with our methods. 他们必须学会顺应我 们的方法。 ◊ I'll fit in with what you want to do. 我会根据你的要求作出调整。 3 to agree with ideas or information that you already have about sb/sth 与(已有的想涂或信息)一 致;与...吻合;符合:That fits in with every- thing I've heard about her. 这与我对她的了解完 全相符。 ♦ v + adv + prep fit sb/sth out (also .fit sb/sth up) (with sth) to supply sb/sth with the clothes, food, equipment, etc. they need 向...提供所需物品 (如衣服、食物、装备等):The ship had to be fitted out before the voyage. 轮船也航前一定要 配备好必需品。 ◊ the high cost of fitting out offices 置办办公室设备的高额费用 ◊ We fitted him out with a set of dry clothes. 我们给他换了 套干衣服。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv fit sb up (for sth) (BrE, informal) to make sb appear to be guilty of a crime that they have not committed 诬陷某人(犯有某项罪行);嫁 祸于某人:They're trying to fit me up for the theft 他们企图把偷盗的罪名栽到我头上。 SYN frame sb (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fit sb/sth up, etc. -> FIT SB/STH OUT, ETC. fix /fɪks/ fix on sth to decide to choose sth 选定;决定: We haven't fixed on a date for the meeting yet. 我们尚未确定会议日期。 SYN decide on/upon sth; settle on/upon sth ♦ v + prep fix sth on sb/sth if you fix your eyes or your mind on sb/sth, you look at or think about them/it with great attention 集中 (目光、思想、注意力等)于;全神贯注于:She fixed her eyes on his face. 她凝视着他的脸。◊ His attention was fixed on a dark car. 他目不转 睛地盯着一辆黑色轿车。 [OBJ] eyes, gaze, attention NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep fix sb up; .fix yourself up (informal) 1 (with sth) to arrange for sb to have sth; to provide sb with sth 给…准备; 向…提供; 安顿: I can fix you up with somewhere to stay. 我可以 给你安排住处。 ◊ I hope she soon gets herself fixed up with a job. 我希望她很快找到工作。 NOTE In informal spoken language fix sb up sth is also used 非正式口语也说 fix sb up sth: Can you fix me up an appointment for tomorrow? 能把我的预约安排在明天吗? 2 (with sb) to arrange for sb to meet sb who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend 给...介 绍(男友或女友):My brother says he wants me to fix him up with one of my friends. 我哥哥 说他想让我把他介绍给我的一位朋友。 -> see also FIX YOURSELF UP; FIX STH UP 1; FIX UP TO DO STH, FIX UP FOR SB TO DO STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) fix sth up 1 to arrange or organize sth; to arrange for sb to have sth 安排;组织;提供; 准备:Have you fixed your holiday up yet? 你安 排好假期了吗? ◊ Shall we fix up a meeting for next week? 我们下个星期开个会好吗? [OBJ] meeting SYN arrange sth -> see also FIX UP TO DO STH, FIX UP FOR SB TO DO STH 2 (especially AmE) to repair, decorate, etc. a room of a house 维修,装饰(房屋):they spent £30000 fixing up their house. 他们花了 3 万英镑整修房 子。 ◊ We fixed up the attic as a study. 我们把 阁楼装修成书房。[OBJ] house, room SYN sth up (BrE) 3 (especially BrE) to build or make sth quickly; to make sth ready 迅速建起(或造 出);备妥:We fixed up a shelter for the night 我们匆匆搭了个棚子过夜。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) fix yourself up (AmE, informal) to make yourself neat and attractive 打扮;梳妆:Can you wait? I'll just go and fix myself up. 等一下 好吗?我这就去梳洗一下。 -> see also FIX SB UP, FIX YOURSELF UP ♦ v + pron + adv six up to do sth; fix up for sb to do sth (BrE, informal) to make arrangements to do sth or for sb to do sth 安排(某人)做(某 事): He's fixed up for her to see the doctor on Thursday. 他已经安排她星期四看医生。 ◊ I've fixed up with the school to start in September. 我和学校商定9月开始。 SYN arrange (for sb) to do sth -> see also FIX STH UP 1; FIX SB UP, ETC. ♦ v + adv + to +inf ♦ v + adv + prep + n/pron + to +inf fix sb with sth (formal) if you fix sb with a look, etc., you look at them directly for a long time 把(目光等)停留在(某人)身上:She fixed him with a cold stare. 她冷冷地注视着他。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep fizzle /ˈfɪzl/ fizzle 'out (informal) to fail or to end in a weak or disappointing way, often after having started strongly (顺利开始后)最终失败,终 成泡影;虎头蛇尾:The romance fizzled out after a month. 这段恋情一个月后如结束了。◊ The coup attempt soon fizzled out.政变不久就 失败 了。 -> note at PETER OUT ♦ v + adv flag /flæɡ/ (-gg-) flag sb/sth 'down to signal to the driver of a moving vehicle to stop, usually by waving your arm (挥手)示意(人或车)停车:He managed to flag down a passing motorist. 他招 手让一位过路的司机把车停下来。 ◊ The police were flagging down all heavy goods vehicles. 警 察在挥手阻拦所有重型货车。 [OBJ]taxi/cab, motorist SYN wave sb/sth down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv flag sth up to draw attention to sth 提醒注 意(某事物);引起关注(某事物):The report flagged up the dangers of under-age drinking. 报告呼吁人们关注未成年人饮酒的危害。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv flake /fleɪk/ flake 'out (informal) 1 to collapse or fall asleep because you are very tired (疲倦得) 倒下,睡着:I was so exhausted that I flaked ouc on the sofa. 我筋疲力尽,倒在沙发上睡着了。2 (AmE) to begin to behave in a strange way 行 为古怪起来;举止变得乖张。 ♦ v + adv flame /fleɪm/ flame out (AmE) to fail, especially after succeeding for a while (尤指一时成功之后) 失败;好景不长:The team routinely wins 50 or 60 games in the season and then flames out in the play-offs. 该队一个赛季通常能赢下 50 或 60 场比赛,而在季后赛中就会一败涂地。 ♦ v + adv ► flameout n [C, U]: Hollywood is experi- encing box-office flameout. Fans love DVDs but not movie theaters. 好莱坞票房正在萎缩。影迷 钟情于影碟,而不是影院。 flare /fleə(r); AmE fler/ flare up 1 (of flames, a fire, etc. 火焰、火等) to suddenly bum more strongly 突然旺起 来:The fire flared up as I added more wood. 我添了些木柴,火顿时旺起来。2 if fighting, tension, anger, etc. flares up, it starts very suddenly and violently (战斗 紧张状态、怒 火等)爆发,加剧:Violence flared up in several cities. 多座城市突然发生暴力事件。 ◊ The dispute could flare up into a major crisis. 这 一争端可能激化,演变为一场重大危机。 3 if a person flares up, they show sudden anger towards sb 突然发怒:He flared up in a fury and shouted at her. 他一下子火冒三丈,对她夫喊大 叫。 4 if an illness or injury flares up, it suddenly starts again or becomes worse (疾 病或损伤)复发,恶化: Her asthma has flared up again. 她的哮喘病又犯了。 ♦ v + adv ► flare-up n [usually sing.] 1 a sudden expression of anger, violent feeling, etc.(怒 火、强烈感情等的)爆发:the latest flare-up between the two countries 两国间新近爆发的不 和 2 an occasion when an illness or injury starts again or quickly becomes worse (疾病 的)复发;(损伤的)迅速恶化 flash /flæʃ/ flash sth a round (also .flash sth a'bout especially BrE) (disapproving) to show sth valuable, especially money or jewelry to people, or let them see it, to impress them 炫耀,炫示(尤指金钱或珠宝):Stop flashing your money around. 别到处炫富了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv flash back (to sth) if your mind or your thoughts flash back to sth that happened in the past, you suddenly remember it 回想;回 顾:My mind flashed back to my first day at college. 我回忆起上大学第一天的情景。 ♦ v + adv ► flashback n 1 [C, U] a scene in a film/movie, book, etc. which shows sth that happened earlier (电影、书等的)闪回,倒叙 2 a sudden, very clear, strong memory of sth that happened to you in the past that is so real you feel that you are living through the experience again (往事的)闪回,再现眼前, 浮现脑海:She still has nightmares and vivid flashbacks of the accident. 她依然做噩梦,那次 事故的情景历历在目。 flash by/1 past; flash 'by/'past sb/sth to go or pass very quickly; to go very quickly past sb/sth 飞驰;飞逝;掠过:The days just flashed by. 日子转眼就过去了。 ◊ She watched the scenery flash past the train window. 她看着 风景在火车窗外飞掠而过。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep flash forward (to sth) if a book, film/movie, etc. flashes forward, it describes or shows sth that will happen at a later time (书、电影 等)闪前,预叙,提前叙述未来事件:The movie then flashes forward to wartime London. 电影 接着超前叙述,穿插战时伦敦的镜头。 ◊ (figura- tive) Flash forward to the present: we are still in the same mess as we were in back then. 快进到 现在:我们所处的窘境仍然与那时毫无二致。 ♦ v + adv ► flash forward n flash on sb if sth flashes on you, you suddenly realize it 突然意识到;蓦地醒悟到:It flashed on. me that he was the man I'd seen in the hotel 我忽然发觉,他就是我在旅馆见过的 那个人。 SYN hit sb ♦ v + prep flash on sth (AmE, informal) to remember or realize sth 回也起;意识到:I suddenly flashed on how horrible that day had been. 我突然意识 到,那一天是多么的糟糕透顶。 ♦ v + prep flatten /ˈflætn/ flatten sth/yourself against/ on sb/sth to press your body or part of your body on or against sb/sth (把身体或身体部 位)紧贴于,平贴于:She flattened her nose and lips against the window. 她把鼻子和嘴唇紧贴在 窗户上。 ◊ I flattened myself against the wall to let them pass. 我身体紧靠着墙, 让他们通过。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep flatten out 1 if a road, an area of land, etc. flattens out, it gradually becomes flat (道路、土地等)逐渐变平:After Oxford the countryside flattens out. 过了牛津以后,乡村逐 渐开阔起来。 2 to stop growing or going up 停 止增长(或上升):Sales have flattened out in the last few years. 在过去几车,销售额趋于 平稳。 ♦ v + adv flatten sth out to make sth completely flat 使变平:She flattened out the crumpled letter on the desk. 她在写字台上把皱巴巴的信展平。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv flesh /fleʃ/ flesh sth 'out (with sth) to add more details or information to an argument, an idea, a drawing, etc.(以细节或信息)充实(论据、 构思、绘画等):You need to flesh out the bones of your idea a bit more. 你需要进一步充 实完善你的想法。◊ They must be prepared to flesh out their strategy with some details. 他们 必须准备为策略增加一些细节。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv flick /flɪk/ flick sth off to switch sth off quickly 迅速关 闭,啪一声关上(电器等):He flicked the light Off. 他啪的一声关了灯。 [OBJ] lighten switch sth off OPP flick sth on ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n flick sth on to switch sth on quickly 迅速开 启,啪一声打开(电器等):He flicked on the air conditioning. 他轻轻一按打开了空调。 [OBJ] light SYN switch sth on OPP flick sth off ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n flick through sth to turn the pages of a book, etc. quickly, or look through a pile of papers, etc. without reading everything 浏 览;翻阅;快读:He flicked through a magazine while he waited. 他边等边翻看杂志。 [OBJ] pages, book, papers SYN flip through sth; leaf through sth; thumb through sth -> note at LOOK THROUGH STH ♦ v+ prep fling /flɪŋ]/ (flung /flʌŋ/, flung) fling yourself at sb (informal, disapproving) to try too hard to show sb that you are interested in them in a sexual way and make them interested in you (露骨地)向…求爱. 向…献媚、对…调情 SYN throw yourself at sb ♦ v + pron + prep fling yourself into sth to start to do sth with a lot of energy, enthusiasm and effort 致 力于;一心扑在…上:When they split up she flung herself into her work to try to forget him. 他们分手后,她全身心投入工作,试图忘掉他。 SYN throw yourself into sth ♦ v + pron + prep fling sth 'off (informal) to take clothes off quickly and carelessly 匆忙脱下:Flinging off her coat, she sank into an armchair. 她随手脱 掉大衣,一下子坐在扶手椅上。 SYN throw sth off OPP fling sth on ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fling sth 'on (informal) to put clothes on quickly and carelessly 匆忙穿上:Just fling a coat on over your pyjamas. 在睡衣外面披件外 套就行了。 SYN throw sth on OPP fling sth off ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n flip/flɪp/ (-pp-) flip for sb/sth (AmE, slang) to begin to like sb very much; to suddenly become very excited about sth attractive, pleasant, etc. 开 始迷恋;对…怦然心动: She flipped for his red hair and freckles. 她突然迷上了他的红头发和 雀斑。 ♦ v + prep flip for sth, etc. (AmE) -> TOSS FOR STH, ETC. flip sb 'off (AmE, slang) to raise your middle finger to sb in a very rude sign (粗鲁地)向 (某人)竖中指 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n flip sth off/on (AmE, informal) to turn off/on an electrical switch 关闭 / 开启(电器开 关):I flipped on the light to see what was making the noise. 我开了电灯,看是什么东西在 发出声响。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slip out (informal, especially AmE) to become very angry, excited or enthusiastic about sth 变得异常愤怒(或激动、狂热);情绪失控:She flipped out because I was late. 因为我迟到,她 大废雷霆。◊ People are flipping out over these new digital cameras. 人们狂热追捧这些新型数 码相机。 NOTE Flip is often used on its own with this meaning, especially in British English. * flip 常 单独使用作此义,尤用于英国英语。 ♦ v + adv flip 'over; flip sth 'over to turn over, or to turn sth over, onto the other side or upside down (使)翻倒,翻转:The dolphin flipped over onto its back. 海豚翻了个身,肚皮朝上。◊ A huge wave flipped the dinghy over. 一阵巨浪 打翻了小艇。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n flip through sth to turn over the pages of a book, etc. quickly, or look through a pile of papers, etc. without reading everything 浏览;翻看:He flipped through the photos quickly. 他匆匆翻阅了那些照片。 [OBJ] pages, magazines SYN flick through sth; leaf through sth -> note at LOOK THROUGH STH ♦ v + prep flirt /flɜːt:t; AmE flɜːrt/ flirt with sth 1 to think about or be interested in sth for a short time, but not very seriously 不严肃地考虑(或对待):I flirted briefly with the idea of emigrating. 我一时兴 起,动过移民的念头。[OBJ] idea, thought SYN toy with sth 2 to take risks or not worry about a dangerous situation 冒险;不顾危险信果:to flirt with danger/death/disaster 冒险 / 玩命 / 视 灾祸如同儿戏 [OBJ] danger, disaster ♦ v + prep float /fləʊt; AmE floʊt/ float a1 round; .float a round sth (BrE also .float about/'round, .float a'bout/round sth) 1 (usually used in the progressive tenses 通 常用于进行时)if an idea or a piece of news is floating around/about, it is being talked about by a lot of people (想法或消息)传播, 流传:There's a rumour floating about (the office) that she's leaving.(办公室里)纷纷传说 她要离职。[SUBJ] rumour, idea SYN go around, go around sth 2 if you say that an object is floating around/about, you mean that you have seen it somewhere but do not know exactly where it is (物品在某个不确定的地 点)出现过:Is there a pen floating about here somewhere? 有人看到过这儿的一支钢笔吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep flog /flɒɡ; AmE flɑ/ flog sth 'off to sell sth cheaply because you want to get rid of it or because you need the money 低价倾销;甩卖:We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit. 我们低价购 入,然后甩卖获利。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv flood /flʌd/ flood back if a thought or a memory floods back, you remember sth suddenly and it affects you strongly (想法或记忆)突然重 现脑海,涌上心头:Suddenly all my fears came flooding back. 所有的恐惧突然又重新向 我袭来。 NOTE Flood back is often used with the verb come * flood back 常与动词 come 连用:His words came flooding back to me. 他的话又在我 耳畔回响。 ♦ v + adv flood in .flood into sth 1 if water, etc. floods in or floods into a place, it moves to fill or cover it (水等)注入,涌人(某处): He opened the door and water came flooding in, 他一打开门,水就冲了进来。◊ Sunshine flooded into the room. 阳光洒满房间。 2 to come to or arrive at a place in large numbers or great quantities 大量涌入;蜂拥而至;纷至 沓来:Letters of support have been flooding in from all over the country. 声援信件从全国各地 潮水般地涌来。 SYN pour in, pour into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep flood sb out to force sb to leave their home because of a flood (洪水)迫使...离开家园: We were flooded out by a burst water main. 由 于自来水总管道破裂发了大水,我们被迫离开 了家。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n flood over/'through sb if a feeling floods over/through you, it affects you very strongly (感情)强烈影响,强烈感染(某人):A great sense of relief flooded through her. 她感到如释 重负。[SUBJ] relief ♦ v + prep flounder/ˈflaʊndə(r)/ flounder around (BrE also .flounder a bout) to struggle to move or get somewhere because it is difficult, or because you do not know where you are going 挣扎前行;艰苦移 动:People were floundering about in the water, shouting and screaming. 人们呼喊尖叫,在水中 扑腾。◊ (figurative') I floundered around trying to decide what I ought to do. 我举步维艰,不知 所措。 ♦ v + adv flow /fləʊ; AmE floʊ/ flow from sth (formal) to come or result from sth 出自;由...引起:What benefits might flow from joining the European Union? 加入欧盟会带来什么益处呢? [SUBJ] benefits/ advantages, consequences ♦ v + prep flow 'through to sb/sth to reach sb/sth or have an effect on them/it 到达;影响:It will take time for the drop in manufacturing costs to flow through to consumers. 生产成本下降一段 时间后,消费者才能从中获益。 ♦ v + adv + prep fluff /flʌf/ fluff sth 'out/up to shake or brush feathers, fur, hair, etc. so that they look bigger or softer 抖松,刷柔软(羽毛、毛皮、毛发等): The bird fluffed out its feathers. 鸟儿抖开羽毛。 ◊ Let me fluff up your pillows for you. 我来给你 把枕头抖松。 [OBJ] feathers ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv flunk/flʌŋk/ flunk out; (flunk out of sth (AmE, in- formal) to have to leave school or college because your marks/grades are not good enough (因不及格)(从…)退学: He flunked out (of college) last year, 他去年(从大学)退 学了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep flush /flʌʃ/ flush sth a way to get rid of sth with a sudden quick flow of water (用水)冲掉: She flushed the unused tablets away. 她冲掉了未服 用的药片。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n flush sb/sth out; .flush sb/sth 'out of sth 1 to force a person or an animal to leave the place where they are hiding 把…(从藏身 处)赶出:The dogs flushed out the deer that were left in the wood. 狗把树林里剩下的鹿撵了 出来。 ◊ The police flushed the gunmen out of the building. 警察迫使持枪歹徒离开建筑物。2 to force sb who is planning or doing sth secretly, especially sth dishonest, to say what they are planning or who they are 逼迫(密谋 者)坦白交代(或说出身份):Their offer is likely to flush out any rival bidders. 他们的出价 可能迫使任何投标竞争对手浮出水面。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ y + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep flush sth 'out; flush sth out of sth to wash sth out; to get rid of sth with a rush of water 把…(从…)冲掉;(用水)清除:Drink lots of water to flush the poisons out of your body. 要大量饮水以排出体内毒素。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv + prep flutter/ˈflʌtə(r)/ flutter around; .flutter around sth (also .flutter a bout, .flutter a bout sth espe- cially BrE) 1 if a bird or an insect flutters around, it flies somewhere moving its wings very quickly (鸟或昆虫)飞来飞去,振翅飞舞: Butterflies fluttered around (the garden). 蝴蝶 (在花园中)翩翩起舞。 2 if a person flutters around, they move quickly in a nervous or excited way (紧张或兴奋地)走来走去,坐立 不安: My mother fluttered about picking things up and putting things away. 我母亲忙里忙外地 收拾整理东西。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep flutter 'down to move gently through the air to the ground 飘落:Wind shook the branches and several leaves fluttered down. 风 吹动树枝,几片叶子飘落下来。 ♦ v + adv fly /flaɪ/ (flies, flying, flew /fluː/, flown /fləʊn; AmE floʊn/) fly a1 round; ,fly around sth (also ,fly about, ,fly about sth especially BrE) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)if a story or a piece of news is flying around, it is being talked about by a lot of people and passed from one person to another (传闻或 信息)传播,扩散:Stories about his past are flying around among the students. 他过去的事 在学生中传播开来。◊ Rumours have been/lying around the office. 办公室里谣言四起。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep fly at sb (of a person or an animal 人或动物) to attack sb suddenly and violently 扑向;猛 烈攻击:She flew at him, hitting and kicking. 她 朝他直扑过去,对他拳打脚踢。 ♦ v + prep fly 'by/'past 1 when time flies by/past, it seems to pass very quickly (时间)飞逝:My three years at college flew by. 我在大学的三年 一晃就过去了。 ◊ When you have lots of things to do, time just flies past. 很多事情要做时,就 觉得晚间过得飞快。 [SUBJ] time, days, hours, etc. NOTE Fly can also be used on its own with this meaning, especially with the subject time ♦ fly 单独使用也可作此义,尤与主语 time 连用: There was so much to do, the time just flew. 要 做的事情很多,时间一眨眼就过去了。 2 when miles, etc. fly by/past, a journey by car, bus, train or bicycle seems to pass very quickly (旅程)过得飞快:As the miles flew past and we got closer and closer to Che sea, the kids got more and more excited. 旅程飞快, 我们越来越 接近大海,孩子们越来越兴奋。[SUBJ] miles, countryside ♦ v + adv fly 'in/out; ,fly into sth; ,fly out of sth to arrive/leave a place by plane 乘飞机来 到 / 离开(某地);飞抵;飞离:She's flying out to join him in Nairobi next week. 她下周将飞往 内罗毕与他会合。 ◊ Several heads of state flew into London last night for talks with the Prime Minister. 数位国家元首昨晚飞抵伦敦,将与首相 举行会谈。 -> see also FLY SB/STH IN/OUT, ETC. ♦ v + adv ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + adv + prep fly sb/sth in/ out ,fly sb/sth into sth; fly sb/sth out of sth to bring sb/sth by plane to a place or take them away 用飞机运 来 / 运走; 空运:They flew us in by helicopter. 他们用直升机送我们。 ◊ Food supplies are being flown out immediately. 食物补给立刻空运 走了。 ◊ The travel company is flying 200 people out of the area tomorrow. 旅行公司明天将空运 200人离开该地区。 -> see also FLY IN/OUT, FLY INTO, FLY OUT OF STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep fly 'into sth if sb flies into a temper, etc., they suddenly become extremely angry 突然 发怒,突然变得怒不可遏:He flies into a rage when you mention her. 你一提起她,他就大发 雷霆; [OBJ] rage, temper, panic ♦ v + prep fly off; ,fly 'off sth to come off sth sud- denly and with force (从…)飞脱,甩出,突 然脱落:The jolt caused her glasses to fly off. 那 一阵颠簸把她的眼镜震掉了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep IDM fly off the handle (informal) to become suddenly very angry 勃然大怒;火冒三丈 fly out, etc. -> FLY IN/OUT, ETC. fly past -> FLY BY/PAST fob /fɒb; AmE fɑːb/(-bb-) fob sb off (with sth) 1 to try to make sb stop asking questions or complaining by giving them answers or excuses that are not true (为制止某人提问或抱怨而用不实之词)搪 塞,敷衍,应付:Don't try to fob me off with excuses. 休想找借口哄骗我。 2 to give sb sth that is different from or not as good as what they want (货不对版或以次充好地把货物)骗 售给:We thought we'd been fobbed off with inferior goods. 我们认为对方出售劣质商品骗 我们。 SYN palm sb off (with sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fob sth off on/onto sb (BrE, informal) to trick sb into accepting sth that you do not want or sth that is not genuine (把不想要的 商品或假货)骗售给:She tried to fob all her junk off onto me. 她想方设法向我兜售她的所有 垃圾商品。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep focus /ˈfəʊkəs; AmE foʊ-/ (-s- or -ss-) focus on sb/sth; focus sth on sb/sth (also 'focus upon sb/sth, 'focus sth upon sb/sth more formal) 1 to give all your attention, effort, etc. to a particular problem, subject or person 集中(注意力,精力等)于; 全力以赴做:Suspicion focused on. her husband. 怀疑集中到了她丈夫身上。 ◊ The programme was intended to focus attention on global warming. 议程计划集中讨论全球变暖问题。 2 (of eyes, a camera, etc. 眼睛、相机等)to be adjusted so that things can be seen dearly; to adjust sth so that you can see things clearly 注 视;聚焦:Rest your eyes by letting them focus on distant objects. 眺望远处的景物,让眼睛放 松一下。 ◊ The camera was focused on an old woman. 镜头对准了一位老妇人。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep fog /fɒɡ; AmE fɔ:g, fa:g/ (-gg-) fog 'up if a glass surface fogs up, it becomes covered with steam or drops of water so that it is difficult to see in or through it (玻璃表 面)被雾气笼罩:The windscreen started to fog up. 挡风玻璃开始蒙上雾气。 SYN mist up, mist sth up; steam up, steam sth up ♦ v + adv foist /fɔɪst/ foist sth/sb/yourself on sb (also foist sth/sb/yourself upon sb more formal) to force sb to accept sth that they do not want, or take care of sb that they do not want to 强迫 接受;把...强加: He tries to foist his beliefs on everyone. 他企图将自己的信仰强加于每一个人。 ◊ She resented having the child foisted on her while the parents were abroad. 该子的父母出国 期间,把孩子塞给她照看,这令她很反感。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep fold /fəʊld; AmE foʊld/ fold away/down; fold sth away/ down to be able to be bent or arranged into a smaller or flatter shape that you can store or carry more easily; to bend or arrange sth in this way (把…) 折小,叠平 (以便贮存或携 带):The bed can. fold away. 这张床可以折叠收 起。 ◊ You can fold the table away to make more room. 你可以把桌子折叠起来,腾出空间。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► foldaway (also 'fold-down, 'fold-up) adj [only before noun] that can be folded so that you can carry it or store it more easily 折叠式 的;可折叠的 fold sth away to fold sth and put it away 折 叠收起:She folded the newspaper away. 她把报 纸叠起收好。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fold sth back, over, ,down, etc, to bend sth back, over, down, etc. so that one part of it lies flat on another 折叠;对折:He folded the comer of the page over to mark his place. 他折起书页一角以作记号。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fold down, etc. -> FOLD AWAY/DOWN, ETC. fold sth 'into sth; fold sth 'in (in cooking 烹饪) to mix one substance gently with another, usually with a spoon (通常用 勺子) 把...调入,拌进:Gently fold the flour into the mixture. 轻轻地把面粉调拌进这一混合 物。 ◊ Fold in two egg whites. 拌入两个鸡蛋的 蛋白。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + adv 十 n ♦ v + n/pron + adv fold A in B; fold B round/over A to wrap sb/sth in sth 用...包裹:She gently folded the baby in a blanket. 她轻轻把婴儿裹进毯子 里。 ◊ She folded a blanket round the baby. 她 用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。 ◊ He folded her in his arms (= he put his arms around her). 他将她 拥入怀中。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep fold up; .fold sth up to bend sth or fold it so that it is smaller (把…) 折叠,折起:The map folds up quite small. 地图折起来很小。 ◊ She folded the letter up and put it in her pocket. 她把信折叠起来,塞进衣兜。 OPP unfold, unfold sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► fold-up adj -> FOLDAWAY at FOLD away/down follow /fɒləʊ; AmE ˈfɑːloʊ/ follow on 1 (from sth) to continue or result from sth in a natural or logical way 是…的必 然结果;因…而起: Listen carefully to the answer and make sure that your next question follows on. 仔细听答案,一定要据此回答下一个 问题。 ◊ Following on from what Jill has said, I'd like to talk about the future of the company. 我想借吉尔的话题谈谈公司的前景。2 to leave a place after sb else and meet them later 追 随;跟上:You go now. I'll follow on later. 你现 在走, 我随后追上。 ♦ v + adv ► follow-on n (especially BrE) sth that continues or results from sth; the action of following on from sth 结果;后续事物;后续工 作:'Jaws 2', was a follow-on to 'Jaws'. 《大白鲨2》是《大白鲨》的续集。◊ follow-on treatment/talks 后续治疗 / 会谈 ◊ a follow-on call 后续打来的电话 follow through (in tennis, golf, etc. 网球、 高尔夫球等) to complete a stroke by continu- ing to move the club, etc. after you have hit the ball (击球后球拍、球杆等) 完成顺势动作 ♦ v + adv ► follow-through (also follow-through especially AmE) n (in tennis, golf, etc. 网球、高 尔夫球等) the final part of a stroke after the ball has been hit (击球后的) 随球动作,顺势 动作 follow through (with sth), follow sth through to complete sth you have begun or already done 完成;把...进行到底:The store did not follow through with the prosecution. 该 店中途撤回了起诉。 ◊ He never follows things through. 他做事从来不能善始善终。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► follow- through n the actions that sb takes to complete or continue sth 后期行动;后续措 施:Your follow-through on the project was not very satisfactory. 你在这个项目上做的后续工作 不太令人满意。 follow up on sth; follow sth 'up 1 (with sth) to take further action about sth 对…采取进一步行动;跟进:You should follow your letter up with a phone call (= you should write first and then telephone). 你写信后还应 该再打个电话。 2 to find out more about sth sb has told you or suggested to you 追查;探究: The police are following up all the leads. 警方正 在追查每一条线索。 ◊ It's worth following up his idea. 值得顺着他的思路继续研究。[OBJ] lead, idea, complaint, matter SYN investigate sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► follow-up (to sth) n [usually sing.] sth that continues sth 后续;跟进:The survey is a follow-up to the questionnaire. 这个调查是问卷 的后续。 ◊ follow-up treatment/studies 后续治 疗 / 跟踪研究 fool /fuːl/ fool around 1 (BrE also .fool about) (with sth) to waste time or behave in a silly way 虚 度光阴; 胡闹; 犯傻:Stop fooling about with that knife! 别瞎摆弄那把刀子! 2 (with sb) (especially AmE) to have a sexual relationship with another person's partner or with sb who is not your partner (和某人) 乱搞男女关系: He's been fooling around with other women. 他 一直和别的女人厮混。 3 (AmE) if two people fool around, they kiss and touch each other in a sexual way (两人) 亲吻爱抚,缠绵: We were fooling around on the couch when my dad walked in. 我们正在沙发上亲热,我爸爸走 了进来。 ♦ v + adv fool with sth (AmE) to touch or use sth in a careless and/or annoying way 戏弄;摆弄:I caught him fooling with the buttons on the DVD. 我发现他在乱搪、影碟机的按钮。 SYN mess with sth ♦ v + prep force /fa:s; AmE fairs/ force back sth to try very hard not to show an emotion 竭力压抑 (情感):Forcing back the tears, she nodded and smiled. 她强忍泪水,点 头微笑。 [OBJ] tears NOTE When the object of force back is a noun, it comes after back, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between force and back ♦ force back 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 back 之 后;但如果是代词,应置于 force 和 back 之间: Ruth was about to let out a scream, but she forced it back. 露丝差点尖叫起来,但她还是忍 住了。 Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv force sth down 1 to make yourself eat or drink sth when you do not want to 勉强咽下 (食物或饮料):She forced down her breakfast. 她勉强吃下早饭。 2 to make a price, figure, etc. decrease 削减, 压低 (价格、数字等) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv force sth on sb {also 'force sth upon sb more formal) to make sb accept sth they do not want to 强迫 (某人) 接受;把...强加于人: I didn't want to take the money, but she forced it on me. 我并不想接那钱,可她硬塞给我。 ◊ Teachers feel that changes are being forced on them. 教师们感觉这些变革是强加他们身上的。 [OBJ] change, cuts, decision ♦ v + n/pron + prep force itself on sb (also force itself upon sb more formal) if sth forces itself on you, you cannot avoid becoming aware of it 使一目了 然;使完全明了: When he read the letter, the truth forced itself on him. 他读了来信,一切都 明白了。 ♦ v + pron + prep force yourself on sb S/s。force yourself upon sb more formal) to force sb to have sex with you when they do not want to, by using violence or by threatening them 强暴;强奸 ♦ v + pron + prep force sb out; .force sb out of sth to make sb leave a job or position against their wishes 强迫 (某人) 离并 (职位) : She was forced out of her job. 她无奈辞职。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep force sth out of sb to make sb tell you sth, especially by threatening them (尤指通过胁 迫) 迫使某人讲某事:I managed to force the truth out of him. 我总算逼他说出了真相。 [OBJ] truth ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep force sth through to get a new law or plan officially accepted, even though some people do not want it 强行通过,仓促通过 (法 律或计划):The party wants to force through new environmental taxes. 该党想强行通过新设 环境税。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv force sth up to make a price, figure, etc. 'increase 强抬,抬高 (价格、数字等) ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv forge /fɔːdʒ; AmE fɔːrdʒ/ forge a head 1 to move forward quickly 迅 速前行:He forged ahead, panting and breath- less. 他上气不接下气地向前奔跑。2 (with sth) to make progress quickly 进展神速:The company is forging ahead with its plans. 公司 的计划正顺利推进。◊ Jane's language skills enabled her to forge ahead on the career ladder. 简的语言技能使她在职场上平步青云。 SYN press ahead/on (with sth) ♦ v + adv fork /fɔːk; AmE fɔːrk/ fork 'out (for sth),(fork sth out (for/on sth (informal) to pay a lot of money for sth, especially when you do not want to (尤指不 情愿地)(为…) 大把掏钱,破费: I had to fork out for a cab home. 我不得不花冤枉钱, 乘出租 车回家。 ◊ I had to fork out $30 for a cab home. 我不得不花30元钱乘出租车回家。 SYN shell out (for sth), shell sth out (for sth) -> note at PAY OUT, PAY STH OUT ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) fork sth over (AmE, informal to pay for sth, especially when you do not want to (尤 指不情愿地) 支付、出钱:I had to fork over the $101 owed her. 我只好把欠她的 10元 钱还上。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) form /fɔːm; AmE fɔːrm/ form up; form sb up if soldiers form up, or sb forms them up, they get into position in lines (使) 列队,集合:The general formed up his troops. 将军命令部队列队集合。 ◊ The teams formed up into lines. 各队整好了队伍。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) foul/faʊl/ NOTE A foul in sports is an action that is against the rules of the game. * foul 指体育比 赛中的犯规。 foul 'out (of sth) 1 (in basketball 篮球)if a player fouls out, or fouls out of the game, he/she makes more than the number of fouls allowed in a game and is no longer allowed to play in that game (犯规超过规定 次数)被罚下场2 (in baseball 棒球)if a player fouls out, he/she hits a ball into the foul area and it is caught by a player on the opposing team, so that the first player's turn to hit is over (因击球出界并被对方捕手接杀而) 出局 ♦ v + adv foul Up .foul sth 'up (informal) to do sth badly; to spoil sth, especially by making mistakes (把…)搞糟;环了事: The team can't afford to foul up in this game. 该队输不起这场 比赛。 ◊ He admitted he'd completely fouled things up. 他承认自己把事情彻底搞砸了。 SYN mess up, mess sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► foul-up n (informal) a problem caused by bad organization or a stupid mistake (因组 织不当或愚蠢失误而引起的)混乱;一团糟:an administrative foul-up 管理混乱。 ◊ There was a complete foul-up at the bank and the customers were sent the wrong statements. 银行捅出大娄 子,给客户发送了错误的对账单。 found /faʊnd/ found sth on sth (also found sth upon sth more formal) to base sth on sth 把…基于; 把…建立在…上: Their conclusions were largely founded on guesswork. 他们的结论 大部分是基于猜测。 SYN base sth on/upon sth NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v+ n/pron + prep freak /friːk/ freak out; freak sb 'out (informal) if sb freaks out or if sth freaks them out, they react very strongly to sth that shocks, angers, excites or frightens them (使)极度吃惊(或 生气、激动、害怕);(使)反应激烈:I don't know what happened in the exams. I just freaked out. 我不知道考试是如何过来的。我完 全吓蒙了。 ◊ I thought I'd seen a ghost—it really freaked me out. 我还以为见到了鬼 —— 吓得我魂不附体。 SYN bug out (Am3 NOTE Freak and freak sb are used on their own less often with the same meaning. * freak 和freak sb 单独使用也作此义,但不常见。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) free /fri:/ free sb/sth 'up to do sth so that sb is able to do sth else; to make money, time, etc. available for a particular purpose 让(某人) 脱身(去做其他事情);腾出(时间、金钱等): Having a secretary frees me up to work on other things. 有了秘书,我就可以抽身处理其他事务。 ◊ I need to free up more disk space. 我需要清理 出更多的磁盘空间。 NOTE Free sb/sth is also used on its own. * free sb/sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) freeze /friːz/(froze /frəʊz; AmE froʊz/, frozen /'frəʊzn; AmE 'froʊzn/) freeze sb/sth out; freeze sb/sth out of sth (informal) to prevent sb from being part of a group or taking part in an activity, business, etc. by being very unfriendly or making things very difficult for them 排挤,排 斥(使不能参与活动等): My colleagues were freezing me out. 同事们在排挤我。 ◊ American rice farmers complained that their crops were being frozen out of the market. 美国水稻种植者 抱怨他们的产品正被挤出市场。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► freeze-out n (informal, especially AmE) an act of preventing sb from being part of a group or from taking part in an activity, a business, etc. 排挤;排斥 freeze 'over to become covered by ice 冰 封; 封冻:The river sometimes freezes over. 那 条河有时会封冻。 SYN ice over/up ♦ v + adv till/until/when hell freezes over used to say that you think sth will never happen 绝无 可能;永远不会发生;除非太阳从西边出来: They might give you a pay rise soon. 'Yeah, right. When hell freezes over!' “他们可能很快 就会给你加薪的。" “嗯,没错。等到铁树开花 水倒流的那一天吧。” freeze 'up 1 if sth freezes up, it becomes blocked with frozen liquid so that it cannot be used 冻住;冻塞:The pipes had frozen up. 水管 冻住了。 2 if sb freezes up, they are so ner- vous, frightened or excited that they are unable to move (因紧张、害怕或兴奋)动弹 不了,一动不动;惊呆;吓傻: I was so nervous I froze up. 我紧张得愣住了。 ♦ v + adv freshen /ˈfreʃn/ freshen up; freshen yourself up to wash and make yourself look clean and tidy after a journey, before a meeting, etc. 梳洗打 扮: I'll just freshen (myself) up before dinner. 晚 饭前我要去梳洗一番。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv freshen sth 'up to make sth look cleaner and more attractive 使洁净宜人;使令人耳目 一新:A coat of paint will freshen this room up. 刷一层油漆. 这房间将会焕然一新。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n frighten /ˈfraɪtn/ frighten sb/sth a way/off; frighten sb/sth away from sth 1 to make a person or an animal go away by making them feel afraid 把… (从…) 吓走: The noise frightened the birds away. 响声把鸟儿吓飞了。 ◊ I sometimes use a gun to frighten dogs away from the hens, 我有时用枪把狗从母鸡群里吓 跑。 2 to make a person or an organization so nervous that they are no longer interested in sth or no longer want to do sth 把…吓得不敢 (做某事);使却步: Investment: companies have been frightened off by fear of losing money. 由于担心资金损失,投资公司望而却步。 SYN scare sb/sth away/off ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v 十 adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep fritter /'frɪtə(r)/ fritter sth a way (on sth) to waste time or money on things that are not useful or important (在…上) 浪费 (时间或金钱):He's frittered away the money his father left him. 他 把父亲留给他的钱挥霍一空。 [OBJ] money, time ♦ v + adv + n・ v + n/pron + adv front /frʌnt/ front for sb/sth to represent a group or an organization in order to hide a secret or an illegal activity or protect the person who is controlling it 代表 (某个集团或组织) 出面;为 (秘密或非法活动) 作掩护: The police could not discover who he was fronting for. 警方无法查出 他的幕后主使是谁。 ♦ v + prep front onto sth if a building fronts onto sth, it faces it (建筑物) 面对,朝向:The apartment fronts onto the beach. 这套公寓面对 海滩。 ♦ v + prep frost /frɒst; AmE frɔːst/ NOTE Frost is the thin white layer of ice that forms when the temperature drops below o°C. * frost 指霜。 frost over/ up to become covered with frost 蒙上霜;结霜;起霜:All the windows frosted up overnight. 一夜之间所有窗户都结 了霜。 ♦ v + adv frown /fraʊn/ frown on sb/sth (also frown upon sb/sth more formal) to disapprove of sb/sth 不赞成; 反对: Some restaurants frown on men not wearing jackets. 有些餐馆不接待没穿外套的男 子。 ◊ Such behaviour is frowned upon. 这种行 为是不允许的。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 -> see also SMILE ON/UPON SB/STH ♦ v + prep fry /fraɪ/ (fries, frying, fried) fry sth up to cook food in oil especially in order to make a meal quickly 油煎;油炸;油 炒:He fried up some eggs and potatoes. 他做了 些煎蛋和油炸土豆。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► fry-up n (BrE, informal) a meal of fried food —份油煎食品 fuck /fʌk/ fuck a round (BrE also ,fuck a bout) (with sth) (A, slang) to waste time by behaving in a silly way 闲荡;瞎混:Stop fucking around and give me a hand, 别瞎胡闹了, 帮帮我吧。 NOTE A more polite informal way of saying this is mess around or, in British English, mess about. 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 mess around 或英国英语中的 mess about。 ♦ v + adv fuck sb a round (BrE also ,fuck sb a'bout) (△, slang) to treat sb in a way that wastes their time 故意浪费 (某人) 的时间;戏耍: Don't fuck me around. 别耽误我的时间。 NOTE A more polite informal way of saying this is mess sb around or, in British English, mess sb about 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 mess sb around 或英国英语中的 mess sb about。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv fuck off (△, slang) used to tell sb very rudely to go away 滚开;滚远点:Fuck off and leave me alone! 滚开,别烦我! ♦ v + adv fuck sb over (AmE, △, slang) to treat sb very badly or unfairly 苛待;不公平对待:The company promised me a big pay-off but they ready fucked me over. 公司答应给我一大笔酬 金,可实际上却耍了我。 NOTE A more polite informal way to say this is mess sb around. 较礼貌的非正式表送方式是 mess sb around 。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) fuck up; fuck sth up (A, slang) to spoil sth or do sth badly; to make a stupid mistake (把…) 弄糟,搞坏;犯愚蠢的错误:It was my fault_I fucked up. 这怪我---我搞砸了。◊ He's fucked everything up. 他把整件事搞得一塌 糊涂。 NOTE A more polite informal way to say this is mess (sth) up or foul (sth) up. 较礼貌的非正式 表达方式是 mess (sth) up 或 foul (sth) up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► fuck-up n (△, slang) 1 a problem caused by bad organization or a stupid mistake (因 组织不当或愚蠢失误而引起的) 混乱,一团糟。 NOTE A more polite informal way to say this is foul-up, 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 foul-up。 2 a person who is not in control of their life 生 活一团糟的人;做事不靠谱的人;老做傻事的人。 fuck sb up (△, slang) 1 to upset or confuse sb so much that they are not able to deal with problems in their life 把某人的生活搞糟:打乱 某人的生活。 NOTE A more polite informal way to say this is mess sb up. 较礼貌的非正式表达 方式是: mess sb up。 2 (AmE) to hit or kick sb hard many times 接连狠揍 (或猛踢) 某人 NOTE A more polite informal way to say this is beat sb up. 较礼貌的非正式表达方式是 beat sb up。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► fucked up adj (△, slang) extremely confused or disturbed 完全迷惑的;极为困扰的 NOTE A more polite informal way to say this is messed up. 较礼貌的非正式美达方式是 messed up。 ► fuck-up n (A, slang) 1 a person who is extremely confused or disturbed 完全迷惑 的人;受到困扰的人2 a situation which is confused or full of problems 混乱;一团糟 fuck with sb (△, slang) to treat sb badly in a way that makes them annoyed 苛待,不公平 对待 (使某人恼怒) NOTE A more polite informal way to express this is mess with sb. 较礼貌的非正或表达方式是 mess with sb。 ♦ v + prep fuel/ˈfjuːəl/ (-II-, AmE -I-) fuel up; .fuel sth up to put fuel into a vehicle 给 (车辆等) 加燃料;加油:I need to fuel up before I begin the trip. 我上路前得加足 油。 ◊ (figurative} On a cold morning I like to fuel up with a hot breakfast. 在寒冷的早晨,我 喜欢吃一顿热乎乎的早餐来补充能量。 ◊ People in a hurry can fuel up their cars and themselves in one stop. 着急的人可一站搞掂,停车加油、 进食两不误。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n fumble/ˈfʌmb(ə)l/ fumble around (also .fumble about especially BrE) to move awkwardly, especially using your hands to do sth or to find sth 笨拙地移动;粗手笨脚地做;胡乱摸索寻找:He fumbled around in the dark trying to find the lamp. 他摸黑找灯。 ♦ v + adv furnish /ˈfɜːnɪʃ; AmE ˈfɜːrnɪʃ/ furnish sb/sth with sth (formal) to supply or provide sb/sth with sth 给…提供;向…供应: She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case. 她向他透露了与该案有关的实情。 SYN supply sb/sth (with sth) ♦ v + n/pron + prep fuss /fʌs/ fuss at sb (AmE) to complain to sb about sb/sth very often in an annoying way (常令 人生厌地) 抱怨,嘀咕:She's always fussing at me about my smoking. 她总唠叨我抽烟的事。 ♦ v + prep fuss over sb/sth to pay a lot of attention, or too much attention, to sb/sth 对…关怀备至; 对…过分体贴:she likes to have someone to fuss over. 她喜欢对别人瞎操心。 ◊ When she gets nervous she fusses over unimportant details. 她 一紧张就纠缠细枝末节。 ◊ I hate being fussed over. 我讨厌别人对我关心过度。 ♦ v + prep futz /fʌts/ futz around (AmEf slang) to spend time doing unimportant things 闲荡;瞎混;虚度光 阴:I just futzed around all morning and got nothing done. 我一上午都在瞎混,什么事都没 干成。 SYN mess around (BrE) ♦ v + adv gabble / ɡæbl/ gabble away/ on (about sth) to talk quickly and for a long time about sth so that people find it difficult to understand you or become bored 急促不清地说;唠唠叨叨地说: Someone on the radio was gabbling away in a foreign language. 收音机里有人在叽里呱啦地说 外语。 ◊ Nicola gabbled on about her boyfriend for hours. 妮古拉喋喋不休地谈论她的男友有好 几个小时了。 ♦ v + adv gad /gæd/ (-dd-) gad about/around (old-fashioned, in- formal, humorous, especially BrE) to go to different places looking for fun and excite- ment, especially when you should be doing sth else 四处闲逛; 游手好闲:It's about time he stopped gadding about and settled down. 他该 结束游荡生活安顿下来了。 ♦ v + adv gag /gæg/ (・gg-) be gagging for sth (BrE, slang) (only used in the progressive tenses 只用于进行时) if sb is gagging for sth, they want it very much 很想 得到;渴望:We were all gagging for a burger. 我们都渴望着吃汉堡包。 ◊ Not all rock stars are gagging for it (= wanting to have sex with sb). 并非所有的摇滚歌星都性欲亢奋。 SYN be dying for sth (informal) NOTE You can also use be gagging to do sth 也 可说 be gagging to do sth: footballers gagging to play for their country 迫不及待地要为国效力的 足球运动员 ♦ v + prep gain /ɡeɪn/ gain in sth to get more of a particular quality 增加,增长 (某种品质):The students are slowly gaining in confidence, 学生们正慢慢 增加自信。 [OBJ] popularity, confidence, strength ♦ v + prep gain on sb/sth (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to come closer to sb/sth, especially sb/sth that you are chasing 接近, 逼近 ( 所追逐的人或物 ):We were gaining on the car in front. 我们快追上前面那辆小汽车了。 ♦ v + prep gallop /ˈɡæləp/ gallop through sth to do or say sth very quickly 匆忙地做;急促地说:Don't gallop through your speech as if you can't wait to finish. 讲演时别那么急,好像迫不及待要一下说 完似的。 ♦ v + prep gamble /ˈɡæmbl/ gamble sth away to lose sth such as money, your possessions, etc. by risking it/them on a card game, horse race, etc. 赌 掉;输光:She gambled away all our money. 她 把我们的钱输得精光。 [OBJ] money ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv gamble on sth; gamble on doing sth; gamble on sb/sth doing sth to take a risk with sth, hoping that you or it will be successful 冒...的风险; 碰...的运气:She's had two transplants and now her family are gambling on one last operation. 她做过两次移 植手术,现在家人正冒险让她做最后一次手术。 ◊ We're gambling on the weather being fine on Saturday. 我们寄希望于星期六会有个好天气。 ♦ v + prep gang/ɡæŋ/ gang 'up (against/on sb) [informal] to join together, especially to oppose, threaten, hurt or frighten sb (尤指为反对、恐吓或伤害某 人) 联合起来,拉帮结派:My brothers are always ganging up on me. 我的兄弟们总是合伙 对付我。 ♦ v + adv gas /ɡæs/ (-gg-) gas up; ,gas sth up (AmE, informal) to put fuel in a vehicle 加油;给 (车辆) 加燃料:I'll have to gas up before we leave. 我们出发前我得 加加油。 ◊ Have you gassed up the car? 你给车 加油了吗? SYN fuel up, fuel sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv gather /ˈɡæðə(r)/ gather around; .gather around sb/sth (BrE also .gather 'round, gather round sb/sth) to come together in one place, forming a group around sb/sth 聚集...周 围:围拢:Everyone gathered around to hear the song. 所有的人都聚拢过来听这首歌。 ◊ They aU gathered round the table. 他们全围在桌旁。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep gather sth in to collect a quantity of things, especially crops, and put them all together in one place 收割,收获 (尤指庄稼);收集; 搜集 [OBJ] harvest, crop ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n gather 'round, etc. (BrE -> GATHER AROUND, ETC. gather sth to gether/ up to bring together objects that have been spread around 归拢,收拢 (分散的东西): She gathered together her belongings and left. 她收拾好自己 的行李就走了。 [OBJ] papers, belongings, things NOTE Gather sth is used on its own with the same meaning. * gather sth 单独使用也作此义。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv gaze /ɡeɪz/ gaze at sb/sth to look steadily at sb/sth for a long time, either because you are very interested or surprised, or because you are thinking of sth else 盯着;凝视:She gazed lovingly at her baby. 她爱意绵绵地注视着她的 宝宝。 ♦ v + prep gear /ɡɪə(r); AmE gɪr/ gear sth to/towards sb/sth; gear sth to/towards doing sth to make or change sth so that it is suitable for a particular need or an appropriate level or standard 使与...相 适应; 使适合于: The programme is clearly geared to a teenage audience. 这个节目显然 是针对青少年观众的。◊ We try to gear our services to customers' requirements. 我们竭力按 顾客的要求提供服务。 ◊ The policy is geared towards attracting nurses back to work. 这项政 策旨在吸引护士回到工作岗位。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep gear up (for sth/to do sth), gear sb/sth/yourself up (for sth/to do sth) to be ready and able to do sth; to become or make sb/sth/yourself ready or able to do sth (使) 为...作好准备: The players are gearing up for the big game. 运动员正作准备迎接这场重大 比赛。◊ The hospital is gearing itself up to deal with new patients. 医院正为接诊新病人作准备。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n gee /dʒi:/ gee up (BrE) used to tell a horse to start moving or to go faster 驾,快跑 (用以吆喝马 起步或加快行进速度) ♦ v + adv gee sb up (BrE) to encourage sb to work harder or faster or to perform better 激励,鼓 励 (某人加倍努力等):Their success last week will gee the team up. 上周的胜利将激励该队再 接再厉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n gen /dʒen/ (-nn-) gen up; ,gen sb/yourself up (on sth) (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) to find out about sth; to get or give sb information on sth 了解 (情况);向…提供 (情报):I must gen myself up for the interview. 我必须为参加面试作好 准备。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv get /get/ (getting, got, got /ɡɒt; AmE ɡɑːt/) NOTE In spoken American English, the past participle gotten is almost always used. 美国 英语口语中,过去分词几乎都用 gotten。 get a'bout 1 (BrE also .get a round) if sb who is old or ill/sick gets about, they are able to move from place to place without difficulty (老人或病人) 四处走动:She gets about with the help of a stick. 她拄着拐棍四处走动。 2 (BrE) -> GET AROUND ♦v + adv get about sth (BrE) -> GET AROUND STH get above yourself (especially BrE) {often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to have too high an opinion of yourself; to behave as if you are better than other people 自以为了不起;自高自大;自视甚高;唯我独尊: She's been getting a bit above herself since winning that award. 她获奖后有点得意忘形了。 ♦ v + prep + pron get a'cross (to sb) to be communicated to sb or understood by sb (信息) 传达,传递 (给 某人):The message is finally getting across to the public. 这一信息终于传达给了公众。 ♦ v + adv get a1 cross; get across sth to move from one side of a river, a bridge, a street, etc. to the other 通过,穿过,渡过 (河、桥、路等): How can we get across to the island? 我们怎样 才能到那座岛上去呢? ◊ The only way to get across the lake is by boat. 过湖的唯一办法是乘 船。 ◊ Can we get across Che city without having to use the subway? 我们不乘地铁能穿过市 区吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get sth across (also ,get sth 'over less frequent) (to sb) to communicate sth to sb; to make sth clear to sb (向某人) 传达,把...讲 清楚:He's not very good at getting his ideas across to the class. 他不太会讲课。◊ You'll have to think of new ways of getting your message across effectively. 你得琢磨新方法把你的意思表 达清楚。 [OBJ] message, point, idea an put sth across Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n get sb/sth a cross sth (also ,get sb/sth over sth) to move sb/sth, or to help sb/sth move, from one side of sth such as a road, river, bridge, wall, etc. to the other 把...送过 (路、河、桥、墙等);使通过:We've got to get supplies across the border somehow. 我们必 须想办法把供给品运过边境。 ◊ We got all the injured soldiers across the river. 我们把所有伤 员都送过河了。◊ Billy got the pony over the jumps with difficulty. 比利费劲地骑着马驹跳过 那些障碍。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 get sth across communicate sth ♦ convey sth ♦ get sth across ♦ pass sth on These verbs all mean to make sure sb receives and understands information, ideas or feelings about sth. 这些动词都表示传达信息、想法或表 达感情。 communicate sth to make information, ideas or feelings known to other people 传 达; 表达:He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group. 他急切地想把自己的想法 传达给小组成员。 convey sth to make information, ideas or feelings known to sb 传达;传递:He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation Was. 他竭力想把局势极其危急的信息传递给大 家。 ◊ Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength. 红色等颜色能传达活力和力量。 get sth across to succeed in communicating sth 把…表达清楚:He's not very good at getting his ideas across. 他不太善于表述自己的想法。 pass sth on to give information to sb else after receiving it yourself 传 (口信) ; 转告:I passed your message on to my mother. 我把你 的口信带给我母亲了。 WHICH WORD? You can convey, get across or pass on information, etc. to one other person or to a group of people. You can communicate sth to a group of people or people in general, but not usually to one other person. Pass on is not used for communicating ideas or feelings. Communicate and convey are the most formal of these verbs. * convey,get across 或 pass on 可表示向个人或群体传送信息等。用 communi- cate 时, 信息传达对象是群体或大众,一般不以 某个个人为对象。pass on 不用于传达思想或感 情。communicate 和 convey 在这组动词中最为 正式。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to convey/communicate/get across/pass on sth to sb ■ to convey/communicate to sb that... /what ■ to convey/communicate/get across/pass on a message ■ to convey/communicate/get across your ideas ■ to convey/pass on the news ■ to convey/communicate/get sth across clearly/effectively get 'after sb (informal, AmE) 1 to keep asking or telling sb to do sth, often in an annoying way 不断督促;一再敦促:She's been getting after me to take a vacation. 她一直催着 我休假。 ◊ I had to get after Jack to clean his room. 我不得不一再催促杰克打扫他的房间。 2 to try to catch sb, especially after they have committed a crime 追捕:搜捕:We need to get after drug users more. 我们需要抓捕更多吸 毒者。 ♦ v + prep get a head; get a'head of sb to make more progress than other people, companies, etc.; to become successful in your life or career 走在…前面;领先;胜过;取得成功:It isn't easy to get ahead in this business. 在这一 行想出类拔萃并非易事。 ◊ By doing extra home- work, he soon got ahead of his classmates. 通过 多做额外功课,他很快就在班上名列前茅了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep get ahead of yourself to tell sb sth before you have fully explained the background or the details that they need to know first (讲话 时未经充分说明背景) 直奔正题,直接切入主题 get along (informal) 1 (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to leave a place 离开;离去:It's late. We'd better be getting along. 不早了,我们还是走吧。 ◊ One more coffee and then I must get along. 再喝一 杯咖啡,我就得走了。-> see also GET ON 5 2 (with sb/together) -> GET ON 1 3 (with sth) -> GET ON 4 ♦ v + adv get a round (8rE also ,get about) 1 (in- formal) to move from place to place; to go to lots of different places 到处走动;周游:You certainly get around! Paris one minute, Berlin the next. 你真是个大旅行家啊!前一分钟在巴 黎,下一分钟又到了柏林。 ◊ She cart use my car to get around while she's here. 在这里逗留期 间,她可以开我的车到各处转转。 2 (of news, a piece of information, etc. 消息、信息等) to become known by a lot of people 传播; 流传: The news of her resignation soon got around. 她 辞职的消息很快传开了。 ◊ Word soon got around that they were having an affair. 关于他 们关系暧昧的流言很快就传开了。 3 (informal, disapproving) to have sexual relationships with lots of different people 和多人有性关系;滥交 4 -> GET ABOUT 1 ♦ v + adv get a round, etc. -> TGET ROUND, ETC. get a round sth (BrE also ,get a bout sth, get round sth) 1 to move around a city, a country, etc.(在城市、国家等)四处走动:It's easy to get around Amsterdam on a bicycle. 骑 自行车逛阿姆斯特丹很方便。 2 (of news, a piece of information, etc. 消息、信息等) to become known by a lot of people (在…)传 播,流传:News soon gets round the office. 消息 很快在办公室传开了。 ◊ It didn't take long for the rumour to get all around town. 没过多久, 谣言就传遍了全镇。3 (especially AmE)-> GET ROUND STH 3 ♦ v + prep get a1 round to sth, etc. -> GET ROUND/AROUND TO STH, ETC. get at sb informal) 1 (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于业行时)to keep criti- cizing sb 一再批评;不断指责:Sam's parents are always getting at him. 萨姆的父母老是责备 他。 ◊ She feels she's being got at. 她感到自己总 是受人数落。 2 to influence sb, especially illegally, for example by threatening them or offering money, in order to persuade them to say sth that is not true or act in an unfair way (尤指通过胁迫、贿赂等非法途径)影响;威逼 利诱:One of the witnesses had been got at. 一 名证人被买通了。 ◊ They even tried getting at the judge. 他们甚至试图收买法官。 ♦ v + prep get at sb/sth to reach or obtain sb/sth; to find a way of entering a place, talking to sb, looking at sth, etc. 接触; 取得;达到: The files are locked up and I can't get at them. 文件锁起 来了, 我搞不到手。 ◊ I can't get at my inherit- ance until I'm 21. 我满21岁才能得到遗产。 ◊ Put it in a place where it can be got at easily. 把 它放在容易拿到的地方。 ♦ v + prep get at sth to learn, discover or find out sth 获 悉;了解:发现: We've got to get at the truth. 我们必须查明真相。 [OBJ] truth SYN find sth out ♦ v + prep IDM what are you, was he, etc. getting at? used to ask, often in an angry way, what sb is/was suggesting (气愤地问)你(或他等) 这话是什么意思,你(或他等)用意何在:What exactly are you getting at? 你到底是什么意思? ◊ I see what you're getting at, but I'm afraid I can't help you with that. 我明白你的意思,可我 恐怕帮不上你这个忙。 get a way 1 (from sth/ ... ) to succeed in leaving a place 得以离开(某处):It was midday before we finally managed to get away. 到中午时分我们终于脱身。 ◊ I won't be able to get away from the office before seven. 我七点钟 前无法离开办公室。 -> note at GO AWAY 2 (from sb/sth/ ...) to escape from sb or a place 摆脱(某人);逃离(某地):The thieves got away in a blue van. 窃贼乘坐-辆蓝色客货车逃 脱了。 ◊ You're not getting away from me so easily! 我绝不会这么轻易放过你的! 3 to have a holiday/vacation 度假;休假:We're hoping to get away for a few days at Easter. 我们期待着 复活节外出休几天假。 ◊ Will you manage to get away this year? 你今年能出去度假吗? 4 get away (with you)! (old-fashioned, BrE) used to show that you find it difficult to believe what sb has just said (表示某人的话难以置信) 胡扯: Get away! You could never run that far! 胡说八 道!你不可能跑那么远的! ◊ 'I'm going to live in China.' 'Get away with you!' “ 我要移居中国 了。" “开玩笑吧!” SYN go on ♦ v + adv ► getaway n [usually sing.] 1 the act of leaving a place in a hurry, especially after committing a crime (尤指犯罪后的)逃跑,逃 走:They made a quick getaway. 他们很快就溜 了。2 a short holiday/vacation; a place for this 短假;度假地:the popular island getaway of Penang 热门度假海岛槟榔屿 get a way from sth; get away from doing sth to start doing sth in a different way or talking about a different subject 改变 (做事方式);转换(话题):The club should get away from its old-fashioned image. 这个俱 乐部应该改变过时的形象。 ◊ I tried to get away from the subject of babies. 我试图转换话题不谈 婴儿。 ♦ v + adv + prep IDM get a way from it all (informal) to have a short holiday/vacation in a quiet place where you can relax (到别处度短假)享清净 there's no getting a'way from sth; you can't get away from sth you have to admit that sth unpleasant is true 只得承认,不容否认(令人 不决的事实):There's no getting away from the fact that his mistake lost the game for his team. 他的失误导致全队输掉比赛,这一事实无法 否认。 get sb/sth a way from sth to remove sb/sth from somewhere 把…从…弄走:Get that dog away from me! 把狗从我这儿赶开! ◊ I tried to get Ana away from the window. 我竭力把安 娜从窗边拉开。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 Vn心c ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep get a way with sth 1 to steal sth and escape with it 携(赃物)潜逃;盗走:Thieves raided the bank and got away with £50000. 盗 贼洗劫了银行,卷走了 5 万英镑。 2 (also .get a way with doing sth) (informal) to do sth wrong and not be punished or criticized for it 做了(环事或错事)而未受(惩罚或批评):I can't believe you cheated in the exam and got away with it! 我无法相信你考试作弊居然可以逃 脱处罚! ◊ Nobody gets away with insulting me like that. 这样侮辱我的人我绝不会轻饶。 3 to receive a relatively light punishment 只受到轻 罚;得到从轻发落:For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine. 他犯了这么 大的事而只交罚款了结,算是走运。[OBJ] fine, warning ♦ v + adv + prep get 'back 1 (from/to sth/ ... ) to return, especially to your home 返回; 回家:What time did you get back last night? 你昨晚几点到家 的? ◊ We only got back from our trip yesterday. 我们昨天才旅行回来。◊ It'll take us ten minutes to get there and five minutes to get back.我们 去那里要用十分钟,回来要用五分钟。 -> 6 note at COME BACK 2 (from sb/sth) (used especially to give orders 尤用于命令) to move away from a place, a person or sth that is happening 走 开;让开;退后:Get back or I'll shoot! 闪开, 不然我开枪了 ! an stand back; back off ♦ v + adv get sb 'back 1 to persuade sb to begin a romantic relationship with you again, after you have been apart for some time 劝 (某 人) 恢复恋情;使再续旧情:I‘ve done everything I can to get her back. 我已经尽全力劝她回心转 意了。 2 (for sth/for doing sth) (informal) -> GET BACK AT SB Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv get sb/sth back (to sth/ ... ) to take sb/sth back to a place after they have been away from it 把…带回, 送…回 (某处):We'll get her back home before midnight. 我们会在午夜前把 她送回家。 NOTE used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv get sth 'back to obtain sth again after you have lost it, spent it, lent it to sb, etc. 取向, 索回,重新得到 (丢失的物品、花费的钱、借出 的物品等): She's got her old job back. 她已恢 复原职。 ◊ I never lend people books; you never get them back. 我的书从不外借;借出去就收不 回来了。 ◊ If I don't like the dress, can I get my money back? 要是我不喜欢这件连衣裙,可以退 钱给我吗? ◊ There isn't much of a chance of getting the wallet back (= it has been stolen). 寻回失窃的皮夹机会不大。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) IDM get your 'breath back (BrE) to start breathing normally again after physical exercise (运动后) 恢复正常呼吸,喘过气来:It took me a while to get my breath back after running for the bus. 我追公共汽车后过了好一会 儿才缓过气来。 ◊ (figurative) I haven't had a moment to get my breath back (= I‘ve been very busy) since we came back from Prague. 自 打我们从布拉格回来,我一直忙得连喘口气的工 夫都没有。 get back at sb (also .get sb 'back) (for sth/for doing sth) (informal) to punish or hurt sb because they have done sth unpleasant to you 向某人复仇:This is his way of getting back at me for arguing with him. 我和他争论过几 句,他就这样报复我。◊ I'll get her back for what she's done. 我会报复她的所作所为的。 SYN pay sb back (for sth/for doing sth) ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv get back into sth to start being interested or involved in a particular activity again 对 再生兴趣; 重新参与:she'll try to get back into journalism when the kids start school. 孩子们上 学后,她会设法重返新闻工作岗位。 ◊ I should get back into serious training. 我应该恢复正式 训练。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 get sth back get sth back ♦ recover sth ♦ regain sth ♦ retrieve sth ♦ reclaim sth These verbs all mean to get back sth that you no longer have. 这些动词都表示取回、恢束 重新得到。 get sth back (not formal) to obtain sth again after having lost it or given it to sb 取回,重 新得到 (丢失或借出的物品):She's got her old job back. 她已恢复了原来的工作。 ◊ I never lend books—you never get them back. 我 的书从不外借一借出去就收不回来了。 recover sth to get back an amount of money that you have spent or that is owed to you; to get back or find sth that was lost, stolen or missing 收回 (退款或欠款);找回,寻回 (失物或失窃物):The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings. 警方最终追回 了失窃的画作。 ◊ He is unlikely to ever recover his legal costs. 他永远也不可能获得诉讼费 补偿。 regain sth to get back sth you no longer have, such as an ability, quality or position 恢复 (能力、品质、职位等);重新获得:I struggled to regain some dignity. 我尽力挽回一 点颜面。 ◊ She paused on the edge, trying to regain her balance. 她在边上停了一会儿,试 图重新站稳。 retrieve sth (formal) to bring or get sth back, especially from a place where it should not be 取回;收回:She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor. 她弯腰从地上捡起梳子。 ◊ The dog retrieved the ball from the water. 狗从水 里将球衔了回来。 ◊ The police have managed to retrieve some of the stolen money. 警方总算 追回了部分被盗款项。 reclaim sth to get sth back or to ask to have it back after it has been lost or taken away 收 回;要求收回:You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet. 你得跑趟警察局 领回你的钱包。◊ T he team reclaimed the title from their rivals. 该队击败众多竞争对手,夺 回了冠军。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to recover sth/get sth back/retrieve sth from sb/sth ■ to recover/regain/get back control/the lead ■ to recover/get back/retrieve your costs/expenses/losses/money ■ to recover/get back tax/your investment ■ to recover/get back/retrieve/reclaim stolen property get 'back to sb to reply to sb or contact them again by letter or by telephone (通过信 件或电话)答复(或再联系):Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 留个信 儿吧,我尽早联系你。 ◊ They never got back to me about my order. 订单给了他们后就杳无 音讯。 ♦ v + adv + prep get 'back to sth to stan doing or talking about sth again; to return to sth 重新开始做 (或说);回到…上:To get back to what I was saying ... 再谈一下我前面所说的.... ◊ once I was awake I couldn't get back to sleep. 我一醒就再 也睡不着了。 ◊ Let's get back to the point. 我们 回到正题上来吧。 ♦ v + adv + prep get back with sb; .get back to gether to begin a romantic relationship with sb again, after you have been apart for some time (和某人)恢复恋情,再续前缘:Jack's getting back with his ex-girlfriend. 杰克和前女 友重归于好了。 ◊ Jack and his girlfriend are getting back together.杰克和女友重归于好了。 -> see also GET TOGETHER 2 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + adv get behind (with sth) to not go as fast as is necessary or as other people; to not produce sth at the right time (在...方面)落后,拖 延,拖欠:Once I get behind (with my work) it's very hard to catch up. 我(工作)一旦落下,就 很难赶上。 ◊ We're getting behind with the rent. 我们拖欠租金了。 SYN drop behind, drop behind sb/sth; fall behind, fall behind sb/sth OPP get ahead ♦ v + adv get be hind sb/sth 1 to move into a position behind sb/sth 到…后面:If you get behind the tree, she won't see you. 你躲到树后 面她就看不到你了。 ◊ He seems to go mad when he gets behind the wheel of a car. 他一旦手握方 向盘开车,就像发了疯似的。 2 to reveal the truth about sth 显露,揭露(内幕):This is a programme that really gets behind the world of pop music. 这个节目确实向人们展示了流行音乐 界不为人知的一面。 3 (especially AmE) to support sb/sth and help them to succeed 支 持;扶持:The whole town got behind him/the campaign. 全镇的人都支持他/这场运动。 ♦ v + prep get beyond sth 1 (.also .get past sth) to move or advance further than a particular place 超过,超出(某处):I haven't been able to get beyond chapter one. 我还没能看完第一章 呢。 ◊ When we got beyond York, it started to snow. 我们过了约克就开始下雪了。 2 (also .get past sth) to make progress so that you no longer do or are interested in a particular thing 超出,超脱(某事物):Hasn't she got beyond/past the stage of sucking her thumb yet? 她还没有度过吮吸拇指的阶段吗? 3 to become more than sth 超过;大于;多于: What if our losses get beyond 10%? 如果我们亏 损超过 10% 怎么办? ♦ v + prep IDM get beyond a 'joke to become annoying and no longer acceptable 变得令人恼火(或无 法接受):This rain is getting beyond a joke. Let's go inside. 这雨越来越烦人了,我们进 屋吧。 get 'by to manage to live or do a particular thing using the money, knowledge, equip- ment, etc. that you have (靠…)维持生计, 勉强应付:How does she get by on such a small salary? 靠这点儿工资, 她怎么生活?。'Are you earning more money now? ' I get by.' " 你现在 赚钱多一些了吗?" “ 够糊口吧。" ◊ She's got a deadline to meet, so she's getting by on virtually no sleep. 为了不误最后期限,她几乎没 怎么睡觉。◊ I don't know a lot of Italian, but I can get by. 我意大利语会得不多,但能勉强对 付。 ◊ To begin with, you can get by with a few simple tools. 首先,你可以将就着用几件简单的 工具。 ◊ Getting by isn't good enough for me. I want to be successful. 我并不满足于得过且过。 我想有所成就。 ♦ v + adv get by; get by sb/sth -> GET PAST, GET PAST SB/STH get 'down 1 (from sth) to move from a higher position to a lower one (从)下来, 下去:The driver got down from his truck to help me. 司机从卡车上下来帮我。OPP get up 2 to bend downwards from a standing position and sit, lie, etc. on the ground (在地上)坐 下,躺下:The children got down on their hands and knees and pretended to be lions. 孩子们四 肢着地,扮成狮子。 ◊ He's going to shoot! Get down! 他要开枪了!卧倒! OPP get up 3 (to sth/ ... ) to visit or arrive at a place further south in the country than the place where you live 去(或到)一国的南部;南下: How long did it take you to get down here? 你南下到这里用了 多长时间? OPP get up 4 (from sth) (BrE) (of children 儿童)to leave the table after a meal 饭后离开餐桌:Please may I get down (from the table)? 我可以离开(饭桌)了吗? 5 (to sth) (informal) to go to a place 去(某处):I'll get down there straight away. 我马上就去那里。◊ I've got five minutes to get down to the store. 我 有五分钟时间去商店。 6 (AmE, informal) to relax and enjoy yourself, especially in a very lively way 轻松快活;娱乐: Let's get down and party! 咱们尽情狂欢吧! ♦ v + adv get down; get down sth to move from a higher place to a lower one, for example using stairs, a rope, etc.(通过阶梯、绳索等) 下来,下去:What are you doing on the table? Get down now! 你在桌上干什么? 马上下来! ◊ Did you get down the hill without any dif- ficulty? 你下山顺利吗? ◊ How does water get down the back of the sink? 水怎么从水槽后面流 下去呢? OPP get up, get up sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get sb down (informal) to make sb feel sad or depressed 使悲伤;使沮丧;使忧郁:This weather is really getting me down. 这天气实在 让我觉得压抑。 ◊ Don't let it get you down too much, 别太介意这事。 SYN depress sb NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv get sb/sth down 1 (to sth/ ... ) to send or move sb/sth to a place, often a place further south in a country 派遣(某人)去(常 指一国的南部);运送(某物)去(常指一国的 南部);派遣(某人)南下;运送(某物)南下: Get somebody down here straight away. 马上派 人南下到这里来。 ◊ We'll need to get the boat down to the south coast. 我们得把船开到南部海 岸。OPP get sb/sth up 2 (from sth) to move sb/sth from a higher position to a lower one (从…)把(某人)带下来,将(某物)拿下来: Can you get a jar down from the shelf for me? 你帮我从搁板上拿个罐子下来好吗? ◊ He got the baby down from the high chair and put her on the floor. 他把孩子从高脚椅上抱下来,放到地 板上。 ◊ Get your head down! He's going to shoot! 低头! 他要开枪了! NOTE informal spoken language get sb down sth and, less often, get sb sth down, are also used 非正式口 语也说 get sb down sth 和 get sb sth down, 但后 者不常用:Can you get me down that book?你 能帮我把那本书取下来吗? ◊ Can you get me that book down? 你能帮我把那本书取下来吗? NOTE Not used in the passive, 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv get sth down 1 (also .get sth down sb/you informal) to swallow sth, usually with dif- ficulty (勉强)吞下,咽下:The medicine was so horrible I could hardly get it down. 这药太苦 了,难以下咽。 ◊ Get this tea down you, then you'll feel better. 喝下这杯茶,你就会感觉好点 的。 SYN swallow sth 2 to make a note of or record sth 记录; 写下:Get it down in writing. 把它写下来。◊ I just managed to get down the car's registration number. 我勉强记下了汽车的 牌照号码。 ◊ Did you get his name and tele- phone number down? 你记下他的名字和电话号 码了吗? SYN note sth down; take sth down; write sth down 3 to reduce sth, especially the cost or price of sth 削减,压低(尤指成本或价 格):If we bargain, we may be able to get the price down. 如果我们还价,有可能把价格压下 去。 ◊ How can I get my blood pressure down? 我如何才能把血压降下来? SYN bring sth down; lower sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) 1 also v + n/pron + prep ,get sb/sth 'down sth to manage to move sb/sth from a higher place to a lower one, for example using stairs, a rope, etc.(通过阶 梯、绳索等)设法把...弄下来:I can't get the bookcase down the stairs on my own. 我一个人 没法把书柜搬下楼梯去。 响有 Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep get down on sb/sth (for sth) (AmE, slang) to think that sb/sth is wrong and to criticize them 认为…有错而加以指责:She's always getting down on me for coming in late. 她老是 批评我迟到。 ◊ It's easy to get down on kids from day to day and forget their good points. 家 长很容易成天数落孩子,而忘记他们的优点。 ♦ v + adv + prep 、 get down to sth; get down to doing sth to begin to do sth; to give serious atten- tion to sth 着手做;开始认真对待:Let's get down to business straight away. 咱们马上开始 干正事吧。 ◊ Isn't it about time you got down to work? 你是不是该开始工作了? ◊ Read the text all the way through before you get down to translating it. 先把原变通读一遍,然后再动手 翻译。 [OBJ] business, work -> note at START ON STH ♦ v + adv + prep get in; get 'into sth 1 to arrive at a place 到达(某地):When do you normally get in (= arrive home) from work? 你一般什么时间 下班回到家? ◊ What time do you get into work in the morning? 你早上几点上班? ◊ The train got in late. 火车晚点到达。◊ What time does your flight get into Heathrow? 你的航班几点到 达希思罗机场? 2 (also .get 'in sth informal) to succeed in entering a place, especially a building (成功)进入(尤指建筑物);进去: How did the burglars get in? 盗贼是如何进来 的? ◊ They broke a window to get into the house. 他们打破一扇窗户,闯进了屋子。 ◊ You can't get in without a ticket. 无票不得入场。 ◊ Maybe we can get in the window? 也许我们可以 从窗户爬进去? OPP get out, get out of sth 3 (also .get in sth) to enter or go inside sth 进 入(某物):He ran to the car, got in and drove off. 他跑到汽车旁,钻到里面开走了。 ◊ I saw Jan getting into a cab. 我看见简进了一辆出租 车。 ◊ Hurry up and get into bed. 快点上床。 ◊ Get in the car! 上车! ◊ He needs help getting in the bath. 他需要有人扶着进浴缸。 ◊ Luckily the poison hasn't got into her bloodstream. 幸运的 是毒素还没进入她的血液。 ◊ The smell of smoke got into all my clothes. 烟味渗进了我所有的衣 服。OPP get out, get out of sth -> note at GET ON, GET ON STH 4 to be elected to a political position 当选:They need 326 seats to get in. 他 们需要 326 个席位才能当选。 ◊ The Republican candidate got in with a small majority. 共和党 候选人以微弱多数当选。 ◊ When did she first get into Parliament? 她首次当选议会议员是什么时 候? 5 to gain a place at a school, college, university, etc. 被学校录取;被接受入学:She's applied for Cambridge, but doesn't know if she'll get in. 她申请了剑桥大学,但不知能否被录取。 ◊ I tried to get into Harvard, but I wasn't accepted. 我想进哈佛大学,但没被接受。 6 (also .get in sth informal) (BrE, sport) to be chosen as a member of a sports team 入选 (运动队):He played well at the trials and got in. 他在选拔赛中表现良好,因此入选。 ◊ I'll never get into the senior side. 我永远进不了成年 队。 ◊ Did you get in/into the team? 你入选这 支队伍了吗? -> see also GET INTO STH; GET INTO STH, GET SB/YOURSELF INTO STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get 'in sth -> GET IN, GET INTO STH 2,3,6 get sb in 1 to call sb to your home, etc. to do a job for you 请(某人)来(家里等)做事: We'll have to get a plumber in to mend the pipe. 我们得找个管子工来修理管道。 2 to attract a large audience 吸引(大批观众):A comedy usually gets the crowds in. 喜剧通常能吸引大批 观众。 SYN pull sb in 3 (also .get sb 'into sth) to fit sb in a small place让(某人)进入狭小空 间: Can you get another person in? (= in a car, for example)能再挤进去一个人吗? SYN fit sb/sth in, fit sb/sth into sth 4 (also ,get sb into sth) to make it possible for sb to get into a place, attend an event, etc. 使能进入(某 处);使能参加(活动等):If I come to the stage door, can you get me in? 要是我到后台门 口,你能让我进去吗? NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare} get sth 'in 1 to collect or gather sth and bring it inside a place 收集;收割:Did you get in the washing when it started raining? 雨下起 来的时候,你把晾晒的衣服收进来了吗? ◊ Can you get the bags in from the car? 你把车上的那 些袋子拿进来好吗? ◊ We worked hard all week to get the com in. 我们收割谷物,苦干了整整一 星期。 SYN bring sth in 2 to buy a supply of sth 购买;买进:Have you got your coal in for the winter yet? 你买好过冬的煤了吗? ◊ w'll you be getting any more of these dresses in? 你们还 进这些连衣裙吗? ◊ (informal) Who's going to get the beers in (= buy beer for everybody)? 谁 来为大家买啤酒? 3 to manage to do, have, etc. sth, although there is not much time (挤 出时间)设法做某事: 1 can only get in an hour's piano practice a day. 我每天只能抽出一小时练 钢琴。 ◊ We ought to get in another meeting before the end of the month. 月底前我们应该争 取再开一次会。SYN fit sth in 4 to manage to say sth, usually when there are lots of people talking (很多人说话时)找到说话机会:She talks so much that it's impossible to get a word in. 她说起话来滔滔不绝,让人一句话都插不进。 去。◊ 'Excuse me; I eventually got in, ’I think I can help you.‘ “打扰一下," 我终于插上了 话, “我想我可以帮你。" [OBJ] word 5 to manage to finish a piece of work and give it to sb, for example your teacher 提交(完成的工 作): Did you manage to get your project in on time? 你最后按时提交项目报告了吗? 6 (also .get sth 'into sth) to fit sth in a small place 把...放进(狭小空间):How are we going to get everything in? 我们怎样把所有东西都放进去 呢? SYN fit sth in, fit sth into sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (less frequent) ♦ 4 also v + adv + speech IDM (not) get a word in edgeways (BrE) (AmE (not) get a word in 'edgewise) to (not) be able to say anything because sb else is talking too much 能(或不能)插上话:When those two get together, you can't get a word in edgeways. 他 俩凑到一块儿,就没你说话的份儿了。 get 'in on sth (informal) to become involved or take part in an activity 参与,参加(活动): How did she manage to get in on the deal? 她怎 么参与到这项交易的? ◊ He's hoping to get in on any discussions about the new project. 他盼望着 参加有关新项目的任何讨论。 -> see also BE IN ON STH ♦ v + adv + prep IDM get in on the 'act (informal) to become involved in an activity that sb else has started, especially to get sth for yourself (尤指为私 利)参与,插手,染指(他人开始的活动): Since the success of the first four-wheel drives, other companies are getting in on the act too. 第 一批四轮驱动汽车取得市场成功后,其他公司也 竞相推出类似产品。 get in with sb (informal) to try to become friendly with sb, especially in order to gain an advantage for yourself (尤指为捞取好处与 某人)成为朋友,拉关系,套近乎:Have you noticed how he's trying to get in with the boss? 他在竭力巴结老板,你注意到了没有? ◊ She got in with a bad crowd at school 她在学校结交了 一帮环人。 ♦ v + adv + prep get 'into sb ♦ v + prep IDM what has got into sb? used to say that sb has started to behave in a strange or differ- ent way (表示某人行为反常起来)…怎么了: Wha’s got into you? 你是怎么回事? ◊ I don't know what's got into Georgia recently—she's so bad-tempered. 我不知道乔治娅最近怎么了 -- 她动不动就发火。 get 'into sth 1 to put on a piece of clothing, especially with difficulty (尤指费力地)穿上:I can't get into these shoes. 这双鞋我穿不进去。◊ She wants to get into a size 40. 她想穿 40 号 的。 ◊ Go upstairs and get into your pyjamas. 上 楼去穿上睡衣吧。 2 to start a career in a particular profession 涉足(某个行业);开始 从事(某种职业):Can you give me any advice on getting into advertising? 你能指点我如何进 入广告业吗? 3 (also get into doing sth) to become involved in an activity; to start sth 参 与(活动);开始(某事):We got into a conversation about pollution. 我们谈起了污染 问题。 ◊ He got into taking drugs at school.他 在学校沾上了毒品。。Sam's always getting into fights. 萨姆老是打架。 ◊ Are you sure you know what you're getting into? 你确实清楚你要干什 么吗? [OBJ] conversation, fight, argument 4 to develop a habit, a routine, etc. 养成(某种习 惯);形成(某种惯例):I don't want to get into bad habits. 我不想沾染恶习 ◊ We've got into a routine now. 我们现在已经成了习惯。 ◊ Get into the habit of checking your work carefully. 要养成仔细检查作业的习惯。 [OBJ] habit, routine EEQ get out of sth 5 (informal) to develop a taste for or an interest in sth 培 养(某种兴趣爱好):OPP really getting into jazz these days. 我最近真的开始喜欢上爵士乐了。 6 to become familiar with sth; to learn sth 开始 熟悉;学会: I haven't really got into my new job yet. 我还未真正熟悉我的新工作。 7 to be found and used in a particular way or by particular people 作…之用; 被(某些人)得到: I hope the story doesn't get into the papers, 我希望此事不 要见报。 ◊ I don't want this file getting into the wrong hands (= getting to people who should not see it). 我不想让这份文件让那些不该看的人 看到。 -> see also GET IN, GET INTO STH; GET INTO STH, GET SB/YOURSELF INTO STH ♦ v + prep get into sth; .get sb/yourself into sth to reach a particular state or condition, especially a bad or unpleasant one; to make sb do this (使)处于,陷于(某种状态或境 地): Jerry was always getting into trouble as a boy. 杰里小时候经常闯祸。 ◊ Her little brother was always getting her into trouble. 她弟弟过去 经常给她惹麻烦。 ◊ My sense of humour often gets me into trouble! 我的幽默感常常给我带来 麻烦。 ◊ The company has got into difficulties (= financial problems). 公司陷入了困境。 ◊ His passion for sailing has got him into debt. 他对 帆船运动的热爱使他背上了债务。 ◊ That's another fine mess I've got myself into! 那是我又 一次把事情搞得一塌糊涂! ◊ Do you realize what you're getting (yourself) into? 你明白这样 会(让自己)陷入什么处境吗? OPP get out of sth; get sb/yourself out of sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 -> see also GET IN, GET INTO STH; GET INTO STH ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM get sb into 'bed to persuade sb to have a sexual relationship with you 诱使某人与自己 上床;把某人弄到手 get sb/sth 'into sth -> get sb in, get sth in get 'off 1 to leave a place or start a journey 离开;出发;起程: We ought to get off straight after breakfast. 我们应该早饭后立即动身。 ◊ to get off to bed/work 上床睡觉去 / 上班去 2 (with sth) to escape or nearly escape punishment (以…)逃过惩罚,几乎免受处罚:He got off with a small fine. 他交一点罚款就把事了结了。 ◊ Companies who pollute the environment have been getting off lightly. 那些污染环境的公司只 受到轻微的处罚。 3 (with sth) to escape or nearly escape injury in an accident (除 了…) 幸免于难,逃过一劫:She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises. 她所幸并无大碍. 只有 几处碰伤。 4 (BrE, informal) to go to sleep 入 睡:I couldn't get off to sleep last night, 我昨晚 睡不着。 5 (AmE, informal, disapproving) to be brave enough to say or do sth 敢于说(或做) 某事:I don't know where you get off saying that musicians don't make much money. 我不知道你 怎么居然会说音乐家赚钱不多。 6 ( △, slang) to achieve sexual satisfaction 达到性高潮 ♦ v + adv IDM get off to a flying start; get off to a flyer to make a very good start, 很好的开端;有良 好的起步;开门红:The team have got off to a flying start this season. 该队本赛季开局不错。 get off on the right/wrong foot (informal) to start a relationship well/badly 异论时关系良 好 / 不好: Mark and I managed to get off on the wrong foot. 马克和我开始交往时就关系很僵。 get off; get off sb (informal) used to tell sb to stop touching sb (要求对方)别碰(某 人), 走远点:Get off (me)! You're hurting my arm! 别碰我!你弄疼我的胳膊了! ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 get off alight ♦ disembark ♦ dismount (from sth) ♦ get off (sth) ♦ get out (of sth) These verbs all mean to get out of a form of transport such as a car or bus, or get down from a form of transport such as a bicycle or horse. 这些动词都表示从交通工具上下来。 alight (formal) to get out of a bus, train or other vehicle 下(车等):He would alight at Piccadilly Circus. 他会在皮卡迪利广场下车。 disembark (formal) to leave a vehicle, especially a ship or plane, at the end of a journey T (尤指船或飞机);上岸;登陆: We will be disembarking at midday. 我们将在 中午下船。 ► disembarkation n [U]: All crew should get ready for disembarkation. 全体乘务 人员应为下客作好准备。 dismount (from sth) to get off a horse, bicycle or motorcycle 下(马、自行车或摩托 车):She stopped her horse and dismounted. 她停住,下了马。 get off (sth) to leave a form of transport such as a bus, plane, train, etc; to get down from a horse or bicycle 下(公公汽车、飞机、火 车、马、自行车等):Get off at the next stop. 在下一站下车。 ◊ They were arrested when they got off the plane. 他们一下飞机即被 逮捕。 get out (of sth) to get out of a vehicle such as a car 下(车等): She stopped the car and ordered him to get out. 她停下车,命令他下 车。 ◊ If you feel sleepy, get out of the car and walk around. 要是发困,就下车走走。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to get out/get off/disembark/alight at... to disembark/alight/dismount from sth ■ to get off/dismount from a horse/motorcycle/bicycle ■ to get off a bus/plane/train ■ to get out of a car get off; get off sth 1 to leave a bus, train, plane, etc. that you are travelling in 下 (公共汽车、火车、飞肮等):Ask the driver where to get off. 问问司机在哪儿下车。 ◊ Let's get off the bus and walk the rest of the way. 咱 们下公共汽车,步行走完剩下的路吧。OPP get on, get on sth -> see also GET OUT, GET OUT OF STH 2 2 to move your body from sth you are sitting, standing, lying, etc. on, down to the ground (从…)下来,下去(到地面):Get off the table at once! 马上从桌上下来! ◊ Your bike's got a flat tyre. You'd better get off and walk. 你的自行车轮胎没气了。你最好下车步 行。 3 to leave work with permission 获准离 开工作岗位;下班: I normally get off at 5.30, but I'll try to get off earlier. 我一般 5 点 30 分下 班,但我会争取提早点。 ◊ What time do you get off work tomorrow? 你明天几点下班? 4 to stop touching sth 停止触摸,不再碰(某物): Get off those cakes! They're for your grand- parents. 别碰那些蛋糕! 那是给你爷爷奶奶的。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get off sth 1 to leave a place where you should not be 离开(不该逗留的地方):Get off my land! 从我的土地上走开! [OBJ] land, pro- perty 2 to stop discussing a particular subject 停止讨论,不再谈论(某一话题):Doesn't she ever get off the subject of money? 她可曾停止过 谈钱? [OBJ] subject 3 to stop using the tele- phone 挂断(电话): Can you tell me when you get off the phone? 能告诉我什么时候你打完电话 吗? ◊ Get off that phone! I'm waiting for a call. 别用那部电话!我在等电话呢。[OBJ] phone, line OPP get on sth 4 to stop using or doing sth that you have been using or doing as a habit 戒掉;戒除:I'm determined to get off the drugs. 我决心戒毒。[OBJ] drugs, drink -> see also GET SB OFF STH 1 5 (AmE) to say or write sth amusing 说(或写)有趣的事 ♦ v + prep get off it! (AmE, informal) used to tell sb to stop saying sth that you think is silly or annoying (用于劝告)前犯傻了,别烦人了、 得了吧:‘ I told you it wouldn't be easy!' 'Oh, get off it. I'm doing just fine." “ 我警告过你,这事 可不容易!" “ 嗨,别扯了。我干得不赖。” get off my back/* case (informal) used to ask sb to stop annoying you by criticizing you or telling you to do things (用于警告)别对我评 头论足,别对我指手画脚。 get (sth) off the ground to start happening successfully; to make sth do this (使)顺利开始,成功启动: The project was slow to get off the ground. 这个 项目迟迟不能上马。◊ to get a new company off the ground 使新公司顺利开业 get sb off 1 (to ... ) to make or help sb leave a place or start a journey 使动身,使起 程(去…):I'll come after I've got the children off to school. 我打发孩子们上学去后就来。 2 to make a baby, a child, etc. fall asleep 使(婴 儿、孩子等)人睡: She got the baby off to sleep by rocking her. 她轻轻摇动让宝宝入睡了。 ◊ When did you eventually get him off? 你最后是 什么时候让他睡过去的? [OBJ] baby 3 (also .get sb off sth) to help sb to escape punishment 使 免受惩罚;使逍遥法外:She's relying on clever lawyers to get her off. 她指望高明的律师能帮她 免受惩罚。◊ They managed to get him off the charge. 他们设法使他逃过了指控。 Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv 3 also v + n/pron + prep get sth off 1 to send sth by post/mail 邮寄:I must get these letters off tonight. 我必须今晚把 这些信件寄出去。SYN send sth off (to sb) 2 to remove sth from sth; to manage to remove sth from sth (设法从…上)取掉,拿掉:Get your coat off and come and sit down. 把外套脱了, 过来坐下。 ◊ Her finger was so swollen, that she couldn't get her ring off, 她的手指肿得连戒指都 摘不下。[OBJ] clothes, coat take sth off 3 to have permission from your employer not to go to work for a particular period of time 获 准(某段时间)不上班;请到假: Can you get some time off next week? 你下个星期能休息几 天吗? ◊ I'll see if I can get the day off. 我看看能 否请一天假。[OBJ] time, day, week SYN take sth off -> see also GET STH OFF STH 2 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM get it off (with sb) (AmEt A, slang) to have sexual relations with sb; to have strong feelings of sexual pleasure (和某人)发生性 关系, 达到性高潮 get sb off sth 1 to help sb to stop using or doing sth that they are in the habit of using or doing 使戒掉;使戒除:I need professional help to get me off the alcohol. 我需要专业指导帮我戒 酒。 -> see also GET OFF STH 4 2 to stop sb from discussing a particular subject 使停止讨 论;使不再谈论:I couldn't get him off politics once he'd started 他一谈起政治我就没法让他停 下。 3 -> GET SB OFF 3 OPP get sb onto sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep get sth off sb (informal) to succeed in get- ting sb to give you sth 从 (某人处) 弄到:Did you get that money off him? 你跟他要到那笔钱 了吗? ◊ Our team couldn't get the ball off them. 我们队没法从他们那里抢到球。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep get sth 'off sth 1 to manage to remove sth from sth; to remove sth from somewhere (设 法) 从…上取掉,从…处挪开: Can you get the top off this bottle? 你能打开这个瓶盖吗? ◊ She got a jar of coffee off the shelf. 她从搁板上取下 一罐咖啡。 ◊ Get your feet off the chair! 别把双 脚放在椅子上! 2 to get permission from your employer not to go to work during a particu- lar period of time 获准 (某段时间) 不上班; 请到假: Do you think you can get the week off work? 你认为你能请到一个星期的假吗? [OBJ] time, day, week -> see also GET STH OFF SYN take sth off sth NOTE Not used in the passive, 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + prep ♦ 2 v + n/pron + prep + n get off on sth; get off on doing sth (informal) to become very excited by sth often in a sexual way or because of drugs (常 指性兴奋或毒品作用) 因…而兴奋,因…而激动: She seems to get off on shouting at people. 她似 乎以对人大喊大叫为乐。 ♦ v + adv + prep get off with sb; .get off together (informal, especially BrE) to start a sexual or romantic relationship with sb (与某人) 发生 性关系,产生恋情:Sam got off with Kate at the party. 在聚会上,萨姆和凯备搞到了一起。◊ They got off together at the party. 他们在聚会 上搞到了一起。◊ He was trying to get off with Her. 他在设法泡她。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + adv get on 1 (BrE) (also .get along) (with sb/together) to have a friendly relationship with sb (与某人) 关系友好,相处融洽:My mum and I never really got on (together). 妈妈 和我从未真正和睦相处过。 ◊ Do you get along all right with your boss? 你和你的老板合得来 吗? ◊ Do you and your boss get along all right? 你和你的去板合得来吗? ◊ I'm glad you get on so well with her. 我很高兴你和她相处得如此融 洽。 2 (with sth) to start an activity or continue doing sth, especially after an inter- ruption 开始 (活动);(尤指中断后) 继续:Be quiet and get on with your dinner! 别吵,继续 吃你的饭! ◊ Let's get on with the meeting. 我们 继续开会吧。 ◊ She got on with the job quietly. 她默不作声地开始工作了。 ◊ If you're going to tell us, just get on with it! 你想告诉我们,就说 吧。 ◊ I'd love to talk but I must get on. 我倒想 聊聊,可我必须继续工作了。 ◊ All I want is to get on with my life. 我只想继续生活。3 (in sth) to be successful in your career (事业上)获得 成功: She's keen to get on in her career. 她很想 干一番事业。 ◊ Having contacts is the only way to get on in the art world. 建立关系网是在艺术 界取得成功的唯一途径。 4 (also .get along) (with sth) used to talk about how well sb is doing a task, managing a situation, etc. (在…上) 有进展: How's Jan getting on at college? 简在大学怎么样了? ◊ Are you getting on alright with your project? 你的项目进展还顺 利吧? ◊ I can get along without him easily. 没 有他我也能应付自如。◊ I'm not getting on very fast with this job. 我这项工作进展不太快。 ◊ How did you get on in your exams? 你考试怎么 样了? 5 (often used in the progressive tenses 常 用于进行时)to leave a place, because you have lots to do (因要做的事情很多)出发,离 开: It's time we were getting on. 我们该动身了。 -> see also GET ALONG 1 ♦ v + adv IDM be getting on 1 (of a person 人)to be becoming old 年事渐高;上了年纪 2 (of time 时间)to be becoming late 渐晚:The time's getting on—we ought to be going. 时候不早 了---我们该动身了。be getting on for ... to be near a particular time, age or number 接 近,靠近(某个时刻、年龄或数字):It must be getting on for midnight. 一定快到午夜了。 ◊ I think he's getting on for 40. 我想他将近 40 岁 了。 be getting on towards/toward ... (especially AmE) to be near a particular time, especially a time that is late 接近,将近(尤指 较晚的时刻):It must be getting on toward midnight by now. 现在一定快到午夜了。 get 'on; .get 'on sth 1 (also .get onto sth) to get into a bus, plane, train, etc. 乘上,登上 (公共汽车、飞机、火车等):How did he manage to get on the wrong plane? 他怎么会上 错飞机? ◊ Did Jack manage to get on? 杰克最 后上车了吗? ◊ Did anyone see Sue getting onto the bus? 有没有人看见休上公共汽车? ◊ He got on his bike and rode off. 他骑上自行车走了。 [OBJ] plane, bus, train, bicycle SYN board, board sth (more formal) OPP get off, get off sth NOTE Enter sth cannot be used with this meaning. * enter sth 不作此义。 2 (also ,get 'onto sth) to move your body so that you are standing, sitting or lying on sth 站(或坐、 躺)到…上:How did the rabbit get onto the table? 兔子怎么跑到桌子上去了? OPP get off, get off sth 3 to leave one road and join another (从一条路)拐上(另一条路):You'll need to get on the motorway, 你得上高速公路。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get on sth 1 (to sb) to pick up the telephone and try to call sb 拨打(电话)(给某人):Get on the phone (to them) and tell them you can't come. (给他们)打个电话告诉他们你去不成 了。[OBJ] phone, telephone, line 033 get off sth 2 (also ,get 'onto sth) to be successful in being chosen to do sth such as be on a radio or television programme, etc. 被选中(上广播 或电视节目等):She'd do anything to get on the telly. 为了上电视,她可以不择手段。 3 (also ,get onto sth) to gain a place on a course, a committee, etc. 得到,获得(名额等):I was very lucky to get onto the course. 能够上这门课 程,我很幸运。 4 (also ,get onto sth) to be dropped, rubbed, etc. on sth; to fall on sth 掉 到(或抹到等)…上;落到…上: How did that mud get on the carpet? 那块泥巴是怎么掉到地 毯上去的? ◊ Be careful that the oil doesn't get onto your clothes. 小心别把油蹭到衣服上。 ♦ v + prep get on sth; get sb on sth used especially in offices to mean to make telephone calls, or to contact sb by phone (尤指在办公室)打电 话,打电话与(某人)联系: I'll get on the phone and find out exactly what he wants. 我来打个电 话,问问他到底想要什么。◊ I couldn't get him on the phone all day. 我打了一天电话都联系不 上他。 ◊ Shall I get her on the line? 要不要我打 个电话给她? NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep get sth on 1 to put on, or to manage to put on, an item of clothing, jewellery, etc.(设 法)穿上,戴上:Get your coat on and we'll go for a walk. 穿上外套,我们散步去。 ◊ My finger's swollen and I can't get my ring on. 我的 手指肿了,戒指戴不上。 [OBJ] coat, shoes OPP get sth off 2 to start preparing or cooking a meal, a drink, etc, 开始准备,开始做(饭菜、 饮料拿): It's nearly six o'clock. I must get the dinner on. 快到六点了。我得开始做晚饭了。 ◊ Get the kettle on and make us a nice cup of tea. 烧壶水,给我们沏杯香茶吧。 [OBJ] dinner, kettle SYN put sth on NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ 2v + n/pron + adv IDM, get it on (with sb) (slang, especially AmE) to have sex with sb (与某人)做爱 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 get on (sth) board (sth) ♦ embark ♦ get in (sth) ♦ get on (sth) ♦ mount (sth) These verbs all mean to get inside or onto a form of transport. 这些动词都表示乘上交通 工具。 board (sth) to get on a ship, plane, train, bus, etc. 上 (船、飞机、火车、公共汽车等): Passengers are waiting to board. 乘客在等待上 车。◊ She boarded a train for Philadelphia. 她 上了去费城的火车。NOTE If a plane or ship is boarding, it is ready for passengers to get on. 飞机或船正在 boarding 表示乘客可以登机 或登船。 embark to get onto a ship 上 (船):Will all foot passengers get ready to embark. 请步行的 乘客准备上船。 ◊ The family embarked at Liverpool. 全家人在利物浦上了船。 ► embarkation n [U]: Embarkation will be at 14.20 hours. *14 点 20 分登船。 get in (sth) (also get into sth) to get inside a vehicle such as a car 上 (车等):Rob got in beside me. 罗布挨着我上了车。◊ She checked the tyres and got back into the van. 她检查了 轮胎,然后回到客货车上。 get on (sth) (also get onto sth) to go onto or into a form of transport that carries several people, such as a plane, bus or boat; to move your body onto a form of transport such as a bicycle or horse 上 (飞机、公共汽 车、船、自行车、马等): It was time to get on the plane. 到了登机的时候 了。 ◊ We can get on the bus at the end of the road. 我们可在这条 路的尽头乘公共汽车。 He was stopped from getting onto the ferry at the port. 他被人拦在 码头上,没登上渡轮。 mount (sth) to get on a horse, bicycle, etc. in order to ride it 上 (马、自行车等):He mounted his horse and rode away. 他骑上马走 了。 ◊ Carla waved and mounted her bike again. 卡拉挥了挥手,骑上了自行车。NOTE The use of mount without a direct object usually relates to getting on a horse * mount 不接直接宾语,通常指骑上马:Paul went up to the pony, mounted, and galloped off 保罗走 到小马跟前,上马飞奔而去。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to get in/get on/board/embark at... ■ to get on/mount a horse/motorcycle/bicycle ■ to get on/board a bus/plane/train ■ to get in a car get sb/sth 'on sth (also ,get sb/sth onto sth less frequent) 1 to manage to put sb/sth onto a place 设法把…放到…上面:It took four people to get the piano on the stage. 用了四个 人才把钢琴搬上舞台。 ◊ Get him onto a chair and call an ambulance. 把他抬到椅子上,叫辆 救护车。 2 to make sth reach a particular state or condition 使(某物)达到(某种状态或状 况):How did you get mud on your coat? 你的 外套怎么蹭上泥了? NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v+ n/pron + prep IDM get your 'hands on sb/sth to find, obtain or catch sb/sth 找到;得到;抓到: I'll need any- thing I can get my hands on. 凡是能到手的东 西,我都用得着。◊ Just wait until I get my hands on him! 我会逮到他的,等着瞧吧! get on at sb to criticize sb a lot 不断批评: She's always getting on at me. 她动不动就唠唠 叨叨地数落我。 ♦ v + adv + prep get onto sb; ,get on to sb i (informal) to contact sb, especially by telephone or letter (尤指用电话或书信)与(某人)联系:if you've got a complaint you'd better get onto the manager. 想投诉,你最好找经理。 2 to become aware of sb's activities, especially ones they want to keep secret 觉察,察觉,识破(某人的 秘密活动):I don't want the police getting onto me. 我不想被警方发现。 -> see also BE ONTO SB ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep get onto sth 1 -> GET ON STH 2,3,4 2 (also get on to sth) to begin to discuss a new subject 开始讨论, 转而谈论(新的话题):We somehow got onto the subject of exams. 我们不 知怎么就谈起了考试。 ◊ It's time we got onto the question of cost. 我们该讨论成本问题了。 [OBJ] subject, question 3 (also .get 'on to sth) (informal) to start working on or thinking about sth 着手做,开始考虑(某事):I'll get onto it right away. 我马上就开始。 -> see also BE ONTO STH 4 -> GET ON, GET ON STH 1,2 ♦ v + prep get sb onto sth; ,get sb on to sth 1 to introduce sb to sth, especially sth harmful 使 尝试(尤指有害的事);教唆: Who got her onto drugs in the first place? 首先,是谁教她吸毒 的? 2 to make sb start discussing a particular subject 使开始讨论(某个话题):Don't get Ken onto politics or well be here all night! 不要让肯 谈起政治,否则我们就要在这里呆一夜了! OPP get sb off sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep get sb/sth 'onto sth -> GET SB/STH ON STH get out 1 if news, etc. gets out, it becomes known, even though people are trying to keep it a secret (消息等)泄路,泄漏:If word gets out there'll be trouble. 要是走漏了风声就麻烦 了。 ◊ When it got out that we'd won the lottery, we couldn't escape press photographers. 我们中 彩的事传出去后就躲不开摄影记者了。 SYN leak out 2 to have a social life outside your home 外出参加社交活动:You need to get out more. 你 应该多出去社交。SYN go out -> see also GET AROUND 3 3 Get out! (AmE informal) used to show that you do not believe sth (表示难以 置信)真的吗? Get out! Ed actually said that? 不 会吧!埃德真的那么说? ♦ v + adv get out; get out of sth 1 to leave or go out of a place such as a car, a lift, a room or a house (从汽车、电梯、房间、屋子里等)出 来,出去:The car door opened and a tall man got out. 车门开了,一个高个男人下了车。 ◊ I have a lot: of trouble getting out of bed in the mornings. 我早晨总不想起床。 ◊ Close the door to stop the heat getting out. 把门关上,免得热 气跑出去。◊ Get out and don't come back! 滚出 去,别回来了! ◊ Do you need help getting out of the bath? 你从浴缸出来要人帮忙吗? OPP get in, get into sth -> note at GET OFF, GET OFF STH 2 to leave a car, etc. that you are travelling in 下(车等):A car drew up and a stranger got out. 车停了下来,一个陌生人下了车。OPP get on, get on sth -> see also GET OFF, GET OFF STH 1 3 to manage to find a way out of a place 设法找到出路;设法(从…)出去:It's very difficult getting out of the city in the rush hour. 交通高峰时间很难应城。 ◊ The thieves must have got out through the window. 窃贼 一 定是从窗户逃出去的。 4 to leave a place, an organization, etc. in order to avoid difficulty or danger 离开(某个地方、机构等以避开困难 或危险):They were able to get out of the country before the war started. 在战争爆发前他 们设法离开了这个国家。 ◊ The company's in trouble— you should get out while you can. 公 司有麻烦了 一你赶紧走人。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep get sb out (in cricket 板球)to end the time when sb is hitting the ball, for example by forcing them to make a mistake 把(某人)杀 出局:If England can get Richards out, they might win the match. 英格兰队如果能把理查兹 杀出局,就有可能赢得比赛。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) get sb out; get sb out of sth to help or make sb leave a place 帮助(或促使)某人离开 (某处): Get everyone out (= out of a build- ing) quickly! 让大家赶快出来! ◊ I couldn't get the kids out of bed this morning. 今天早晨我没 法叫孩子们起床。◊ (figurative') I can't get her out of my mind. 我无法忘记她。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep get sth 'out 1 to say sth with difficulty 困难 地说出;勉强地说:She was laughing so much she could hardly get the words out. 她笑得几乎 说不出话来。 ◊ I wanted to tell him how I felt, but I couldn't get it out. 我想告诉他我的感受, 可我难以启齿。[OBJ] words 2 to produce or publish sth 制作;发表;出版:Wi'll we get the book out by the end of the year? 我们在年底前 会出版这本书吗? NOTE Not used in the passive, 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) get sth out; get sth out of sth 1 to remove or take sth out of a place, a container, etc. (从…处)移开;(从…中)拿出,取出: Get your violin out and we'll start the lesson. 拿 出小提琴,我们要开始上课了。 ◊ He started to get his wallet out (of his pocket) but I insisted on paying. 他伸手(从衣兜)掏皮夹,可我坚持 要付账。 I'll need to get some money out (= of the bank ). 我需要(从银行)取点钱。 ◊ She got out her cigarettes and offered me one. 她拿出香 烟,给了我一支。◊ I'll try and get that book out of the library. 我来试试把那本书从图书馆借出 来。 ◊ (figurative) I can't get the argument out of my mind. 我忘不掉那次争吵。SYN take sth out, take sth out of sth 2 to remove a mark, etc. from sth 除去,擦掉(污痕等):Did you manage to get out that oil stain? 你把那块油污 弄掉了吗? ◊ I can't get the red wine out of the carpet. 我除不掉地毯上的红酒污渍。[OBJ] stain ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep IDM get sth out of your system (informal) to do or say sth so that you no longer feel a very strong emotion or have a very strong desire 宣 泄,排解, 消解(强烈的感情或欲望):I need to get the anger out of my system, 我得消消气。 ◊ You'll feel better once you've got it all out of your system. 你发泄完就会感觉好些的。 get 'out of sth 1 (also ,get 'out of doing sth) to avoid a responsibility or duty; to not do sth that you ought to do 逃避,规避, 摆脱(责任 或义务):We promised we'd go—we can't get out of it now. 我们答应过要去的----现在不能 食言。◊ I'll see if I can get out of going to the meeting. 我来想想能否不去参加那个会。 2 to stop having a particular habit 放弃,抛弃,戒 除(习惯):I can't get out of the habit of waking up early. 我早醒的习惯改不了。 ◊ I don't want the children to get out of their routine. 我 不想孩子们乱了生活规律。 ◊ Try to get out of the habit of eating between meals. 尽量改掉正 餐之间吃东西的习惯。[OBJ] habit, routine OPP get into sth 3 to escape from a difficult situation 摆脱,逃脱(困境) : Sometimes I feel III never get out of debt 有时我觉得我的债永远 也还不清。◊ How are we going to get out of this mess? 我们如何摆脱这种混乱局面?[OBJ] debt, mess, trouble OPP get into sth 4 to remove an item of clothing 脱下(衣服):Come in and get out of those wet clothes. 进来把那些湿衣服 脱了。 OPP get into sth ♦ v + adv + prep ► get-out n [usually sing.] a way of avoiding sth; an excuse 回避,(或逃避)的办法;借口: They're looking for a good get-out. 他们在找个 好的托词。 ◊ The agreement contains a number of get-out clauses. 协议中有很多免责条款。 get out of sth; get sb/yourself out of sth to escape from a particular state or condition, especially a bad or unpleasant one; to make or help sb do this (使)解脱出来,摆 脱困境:Jack always uses his wits to get out of trouble. 杰克总能随机应变摆脱麻烦。 ◊ The situation is getting out of control. 局面即将失 控。 ◊ Who can get us out of this mess? 谁能帮 我们摆脱这种混乱局面? ◊ This new job should help me get out of debt. 这份新工作应当能帮我 还清债务。 OPP get into sth; get sb/yourself into sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep get sth out of sb to obtain sth from sb, usually by persuading or threatening them (通过劝说或威胁)从(某人处)得到: The police have got a confession out of her. 警方逼 她招了供。 ◊ It's not worth trying to get money out of him! 求他给钱不值得! ◊ 1 couldn't get a word out of her. 我从她那里探不到一点口风。 [OBJ] word, money, the best ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep get sth out of sth; get sth out of doing sth to gain, obtain or achieve sth from a particular occasion, situation or activity 从...中获得:She seems to get a lot out of life. 她似乎从生话中获益良多。 ◊ He gets a lot of pleasure out: of buying presents for the children. 给孩子们买礼物让他感到很快乐。 ◊ I didn't get much out of the conference. 这次会议 我没有什么收获。◊ I don't feel she's getting the most out of her studies. 我觉得她的学习效果不 够理想。 ◊ John gets a kick out of (= gets a lot of pleasure and excitement from) driving fast cars. 约翰觉得飙车很剌激。 [OBJ] pleasure, enjoyment ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep get 'over (also .get yourself over informal) [+adv/prep] to go to a place or to arrive some- where 去,到达(某地):How much will it cost you to get over to Ireland? 到爱尔兰去要花多少 钱?。 I'd better get over there right now to see her. 我最好立刻到那里去见她。 ◊ Get yourself over there now and tell him how you feel. 你现 在就去那里,把你的感受告诉他。’ ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv get 'over sb/sth to return to your usual state of health, happiness, etc. after the end of a relationship with sb, an illness, a shock, etc. 从(关系破裂、疾病、震惊等)中恢复过来:He never really got over Jennifer (= when their relationship finished). 自从和珍妮弗分手后, 他从未真正恢复过来。◊ I'm still getting over my cold. 我感冒还没好呢。◊ My pride was hurt, but Hl get over it. 我的自尊心受到了伤害,不过我 会想得开的。 ♦ v + prep get 'over sth 1 to deal with or gain control of sth 解决;克服;控制:Eddy's got to learn to get over his shyness. 埃迪必须学会克服羞怯心 理。 ◊ I think the problem can be got over with- out too much difficulty. 我想这个问题不太难解 决。[OBJ] shyness, problem SYN overcome sth 2 (informal) (usually used in a negative sentence with can't or couldn't 通常与 can't 或 couldn't 连接,用于否定句)to believe that sth sur- prising or unexpected really did happen or is true 相信(令人吃惊或出乎意料的事):I can't get over (= I'm very surprised by) how much she's changed! 她变化如此之大,难以置信! 3 to climb or cross sth high 攀登,攀爬,越过 (高处):Can you get over the wall on your own? 你能自己翻过墙吗? ♦ v + prep IDM get over it (informal) used to tell sb that they should stop worrying about sth which you think is not important or not their busi- ness (用于告诉别人不要为琐事或不相干的事瞎 操心)不用操心,少管闲事:These people don't like the way I dress. They should get over it! 这 些人不喜欢我的穿着。这不关他们的事! get over yourself (informal) to realize that you are not as good, important, etc. as you think you are 有自知之明;不再自以为是:She needs to get over herself! 她应该知道自己有几斤 几两! ♦ v+ prep get sb over [ +adv/prep] to arrange for sb to go or come to a place 安排(某人)去(或来某 处): Get a reporter over here straight away! 马 上找一名记者来! ◊ Shall we get my parents over for dinner tonight? 我们今晚请我父母来吃 饭好吗? NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv get sth 'over 1 -> GET STH ACROSS (to sb) 2 (informal) to complete sth necessary and usu- ally unpleasant 完成,结束(令人不快但避免不 了的事):Can we just get this test over? 我们把 这次考试考完好吗? ◊ Let's tell her the news now and get it over with. 咱们现在把这件事告诉她 算了。◊ I'll be glad to get the exam over and done with. 考试结束我就称心了。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv get yourself 'over [+adv/prep] → GET OVER get sb/sth 'over sth -> GET SB/STH ACROSS STH get past; get past sb/sth (also .get by, get by sb/sth less frequent) 1 to manage to move past sb/sth (设法)超过,越过: He tried to get past them and run for the door. 他试图从 他们身边穿过,向门口跑去。 ◊ Once we get past this truck I can speed up. 我们一超过这辆卡 车,我就能提速了。 2 to pass sb/sth without being noticed, caught or stopped 通过(而不 被注意、抓住或拦下):It'll be difficult to get past the ticket collector without paying. 不付钱 很难瞒过检票员的。 ◊ The movie will never get past the censors. 这部电影一定不会通过审查。 ◊ Very few goals get past the goalkeeper. 很少有 球能闯过这位守门员的十指关。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get past sth -> GET BEYOND STH 1, 2 get sb/sth past sb/sth 1 to manage to move sb/sth past sb/sth (设法)使通过,弄 过去:I couldn't get the baby's buggy past the car parked on the pavement. 人行道上停了辆车, 我没法把婴儿车推过去。 2 to make sb/sth go past sb/sth without being noticed, stopped or caught 使通过(而不被注意、拦下或抓住): You won't get any goals past him! 你不可能把 球踢进他的球门的! ◊ How did you get your article past the editor? 你的文章是如何通过编 辑审查的〉 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep get round; get round sth (BrE) (also get a round, get a round sth AmE, BrE) 1 (sport) to complete a course and return to the beginning (赛跑等)跑完一圈:How long did it take you to get round (the course)? 你跑完一圈 用了多长时间? 2 to fit in a circle around a table, etc,(在桌子等周围)围一圈,围拢:Can we all get round (the table)? 我们大家围着(桌 子)能都坐下吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get round sb (also .get around sb especially AmE) to persuade sb to let you do or have sth, or to do what you want, often by being nice to them (通过讨好卖乖)说服使依顺:I'll try and get round my dad tonight and persuade him to give us a lift. 我今晚会想法哄爸爸开心, 说服他让我们搭个便车。 ♦ v + prep get round sth (BrE) 1 t get around sth 1 2 -> GET AROUND STH 2 3 (also ,get a round sth especially AmE) to deal with a problem successfully; to avoid sth 成功对付;解决; 回 避:There's no getting round it. We're just going to have to pay. 逃不掉了。我们只能付钱了。 ◊ A clever lawyer might be able to get round that clause. 高明的律师也许能找到规避那个条款的办 法。 ◊ There must be a way these rules can be got round. 肯定有办法绕开这些规定的。 ♦ v + prep get round/a'round to sth; get round/a'round to doing sth to find the time to do sth 抽时间做:I haven't got round to asking him yet. 我还没顾得上问他呢。 ◊ One of these days I'll get around to buying a new car. 我这几天会抽空去买辆新车。 ◊ I'm going to write to Uncle Joe, but I haven't got around to it yet. 我要给乔叔叔写信,可就是抽不出时间。 ♦ v + adv + prep get through 1 (to sb) to make contact with sb by telephone (接通电话)联系上(某人):I tried ringing you but I couldn't get through. 我 试着给你打电话,但没打通。 ◊ We had great trouble getting through to the right person on the phone. 我们费了好大周折,才通过电话联系 到要找的人。 2 (to sb) to make sb understand or accept what you say to them, especially when you are trying to help them 传达信息 (给某人,尤指为提供帮助):I don't feel I'm getting through (to her). 我感觉我没有(向 她)说清楚意思。 ◊ Do you think the message is getting through? 你认为意思传达清楚了吗? ◊ How can I get it through to him that he's wasting his life in that job? 我怎样才能让他明 白,他干那份工作是在浪费生命? 3 (to sb/sth) to succeed in reaching a place or a person 到 达(某人处或某地):Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies don't get through (to them). 如果这些物资运不到(他们)那里,数以千计的 难民就会死去。 4 (to sth) to reach the next stage of a competition 进入(下一阶段比赛): Murray got through to the final. 穆雷进入了决 赛。 ◊ I really wasn't expecting to get through! 我真的没想到能进入下一轮比赛! ♦ v + adv get 'through; get through sth 1 to survive a difficult or unpleasant experience or period in your life 挺过去;挺过(难关):He wouldn't have got through (it) without her. 要 不是她,他不会挺过来的。 ◊ 1 don't know how I got through the day. 我不知道那一天我是如何 熬过来的。 ◊ These difficult times just have to be got through. 这些艰难的日子只能硬挺过去。 [OBJ] day SYN survive, survive sth -> see also GET SB THROUGH, GET SB THROUGH STH 1 2 to be successful in an examination, a test, etc. 通 过(考试等):Tom failed but his sister got through. 汤姆考试不及格,可他姐姐顺利通过 了。 ◊ The whole class got through the exam. 全 班都通过了考试。[OBJ] exam SYN pass, pass sth 3 to manage to pass through a hole, gap, etc. to reach the other side 设法穿过(洞穴、缺口 等): The gap's not very wide. Do you think you can get through? 豁口不太宽,你觉得你能钻过 去吗? ◊ Sophie's probably small enough to get through the window. 索菲个头小,应该可以从 窗户钻过去。 ◊ The sun was still trying to get through (the clouds). 太阳仍未冲破云雾阻挡。 [OBJ] window -> see also GET STH THROUGH, GET STH THROUGH STH 2 4 tv be officially approved or accepted 获得正式通过;获得采纳:Do you think the bill will get through (Congress)? 你认 为此议案能(在国会)通过吗? iWlParliament, Congress -> see also GET STH THROUGH, GET STH THROUGH STH 1 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get through sth 1 (especially BrE) to use up the amount or quantity of sth mentioned 角 完; 耗尽:She gets through forty cigarettes a day. 她每天抽四十支香烟。 ◊ Have we got through all that milk already? 我们把那些牛奶 全喝光了吗? 2 to manage to do or complete sth (设法)处理,完成:I've got a lot of work to get through today. 我今天有很多事要处理。 ◊ We must get through the syllabus before the end of the year. 年底前,我们必须完成教学大纲 ◊ There are a lot of jobs to be got through. 有很 多活儿要干。[OBJ] work ♦ v + prep get sb through; get sb through sth 1 to help sb survive a difficult or unpleasant experience or period in their life 帮某人挺过 去;帮某人挺过(难关):I'm depending on luck to get me through, 我准备靠运气挺过去。◊ A good breakfast will help you get through the morning. 早餐吃好,能应府一上午。SYN bring sb through, bring sb through sth (AmE)-> see also GET THROUGH, GET THROUGH STH 1 2 to help sb to be successful in an examination, a test, etc. 帮助某人通过(考试等):My mum got me through my driving test. 我妈妈帮我顺利通 过了驾照考试。 ◊ These grades should just get me through. 能得这些分数我就通过了。 -> see also GET THROUGH, GET THROUGH STH 2 3 (to sth) to help a player or team to reach the next stage of a competition 使(选手或队伍)进入 (下一阶段比赛):He was responsible for getting them through that round. 他负责帮助他 们通过那轮比赛。 ◊ A stroke of luck may get us through to the final. 如果走运我们可能进入 决赛。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep get sth 'through (to sb/sth) to manage to send sth to a person or place 设法把...送 抵(某人处或某地):I really need to get a mes- sage through to them. 我真的需要给他们传条信 息。 ◊ We must get food through to the hungry. 我们必须把食物送到忍饥挨饿的人们手中。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态 ♦ v + n/pron + adv get sth through; get sth through sth 1 to make sth be officially approved or accepted 使(在…)获得通过(或采纳):I'm still trying to get the proposal through. 我仍在 努力使提案得以通过。 ◊ Will he manage to get the bill through parliament? 他能成功争取国会 通过议案吗? [OBJ] bill 2 to cause sth to pass through sth 使通过(或穿过):Can you get your car through the gate? 你能开车通过大门 吗? ◊ My hair was so tangled that I couldn't get a comb through it. 我的头发乱得梳不顺。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 -> see also GET THROUGH, GET THROUGH STH 3 ♦ v 十 n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep get to sb (informal) to begin to annoy, anger, upset or affect sb, even though, they try not to let it 开始影响(某人)的情绪;使厌烦;使生 气;使困扰:His constant nagging is beginning to get to her. 他的唠叨不休开始使她不胜其烦。 ◊ Don't let her get to you. 别让她影响你的情 绪。 ◊ Seeing him so sad really got to me. 看见 他悲痛欲绝,我实在于心不忍。 ♦ v + prep get to sth to arrive at a place or reach a particular situation, age, time, etc, 到达(某 地);到了(某一状态、年龄、时间等):The train gets to London at six o'clock. 火车六点钟 到伦敦。 ◊ I didn't get to bed until after midnight last night. 我昨晚半夜以后才上床。 ◊ It's got to the stage/point where I don't want to go home. 已经弄到我不想回家的地步了。 ◊ When you get to my age you're a bit more relaxed about things. 等到了我这个年纪,你对 各种事情就会看得开一些了。 ◊ It got to four o'clock and she still hadn't arrived. 已经四点钟 了,可她还没来。 ◊ I wonder where Anthony's got to (= where he is/what he is doing)? 不知 道安东尼去哪儿了/怎么样了? [OBJ] bed, stage, point -> note at CATCH UP ♦ v + prep get to doing sth to reach the point where you do sth; to begin to do sth 取起(某事) 来;开始做(某事):He got to thinking that perhaps she wouldn't come after all. 他开始琢 磨着也许她根本不会来了。 ♦ v + prep get together (with sb) 1 to meet with sb for social purposes or to discuss or organize sth (与某人)碰头,会面;聚集:We must get together for a drink some time, 我们什么时候得 聚一聚喝上一杯。 ◊ The management should get together with the union to discuss their differences. 资方应与工会一起开个会讨论他们的 分歧。 ◊ Local residents have got together and started a petition. 当地居民集合起来发起请愿。 2 to begin a relationship with sb (与某人)建 立关系:Did you two get together (with each other) at university? 你们俩是上大学时(相 互)结识的吗? -> see also GET BACK WITH SB, GET BACK TOGETHER ♦ v + adv a get-together n (informal) an informal social meeting; a small party (非正式)聚会: a family get-together 家庭团聚 ◊ We're having a little get-together to celebrate Jane's exam results. 我们要小聚一番,庆祝简考出了好成绩。 get A and B together to help two people begin a romantic relationship with each other 介绍(两人)开始谈恋爱;给(两人)做媒:I was the one who got them together. 是我给他们 俩牵线的。 SYN bring A and B together NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv get sb/sth together to bring people or things together in one place 召集,聚集(人 员);收集,汇集(物品):She's getting her things together ready to leave. 她正在打点行装 准备出发。 ◊ Do you think you could get together a team for Saturday's match? 你觉得 你能召集起一支队伍参加星期六的比赛吗? ◊ We're getting a band together. 我们正在组建一 支乐队。 ◊ (figurative) We'll need some time to get our ideas together and come up with a plan. 我们需要点时间集思广益并制订出一个计 划。 ◊ Can you get the money together by Friday? 你到星期五能把钱收齐吗? ◊ Do you think you can get together a proposal by next week? 你觉得到下个星期你能拟出计划吗? ◊ I haven't got anything together for the trip. 我根 本没开始收拾旅行用品呢。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM get your 'act together (informal) to become organized in order to be able to deal with or achieve sth 安排有序:If he gets his act together he could be very successful. 如果他做事 有条不紊,就会大有作为。 ◊ The government needs to get its act together on unemployment 政府需要有条理地应对失业问题。 get it to gether (with sb) (informal) 1 to start a romantic or sexual relationship with sb (与 某人)产生恋情,发生性关系:I didn't know Bill and Gina had got it together! 我还不知道比尔 和吉娜好上了呢! 2 to become organized in order to be able to deal with or achieve sth 安 排有序:The team needs to get it together if they want to win the match. 该队如想赢得比塞, 就 需要作出周密的安排。 get yourself together to manage to control your feelings in a difficult situation 设 法控制感情:She paused outside the door to get herself together. 她在门外停了一会儿,打算稳 定一下情绪。 SYN pull yourself together ♦ v + pron + adv get up 1 to stand after sitting, lying, etc. 起 身; 站起来:Everyone got up when the President came in. 总统进来时,全体起立。◊ He got up slowly from his chair. 他从椅子上缓缓地站起身 来。◊ Get up off the floor! 从地板上起来! -> note at STAND UP 2 [ +adv/prep] to visit or travel to a place (usually somewhere further north in the country)访问(或到达)一国的北 部;北上:When are you going to get up to Glasgow for a visit? 你打算何时去格拉斯哥转一 转? ◊ He doesn't get up to see me very often. 他 不常来看我。◊ I won't be able to get up there until Wednesday. 我星期三之前不能上那儿去。 OPP get down 3 if the sea or the wind gets up, it increases in strength (风、浪等)增强,大 作: As the sun went down, a breeze got up. 太阳 落山时起风了。 ♦ v + adv ► get-up-and go n [U] (informal) the quality of being determined and full of energy 决心; 干劲;进取心: She's got lots of get・up・and-go. 她 干劲十足。 get up; get sb up to get out of bed; to make sb get out of bed (使)起床:What time do you usually get up? 你通常几点起床? ◊ Could you get me up early tomorrow? 明天你早 点叫我起床行吗? ◊ Get up, you lazy thing! 快 起床,你这懒骨头!-> note at WAKE UP, WAKE SB UP ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv get up ; get up sth to climb to the top of sth such as a hill, steps, etc. 爬上,登上(…的 顶部):How did the cat get up there? 那只猫是 怎么爬到那上面的? ◊ He can't really get up the stairs on his own. 他根本不可能自己爬上楼梯 的。 ◊ We used ropes to get up the mountain. 我 们用绳索登上了山顶。 ◊ I had to get up on the desk and shout to get somebody's attention. 我 不得不爬到书桌上大喊,以引起大家的注意。 [OBJ] mountain, hill, stairs, steps OPP get down, get down sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep get up sth 1 to make yourself feel excited, full of energy, etc. 振作(精神);焕发(斗 志): I'm trying to get up the enthusiasm to do some Christmas shopping. 我正努力打起精神, 准备圣诞节购物。[OBJ] enthusiasm, energy 2 to organize sth such as a public event or action 安排,组织(公众活动或行动):Parents are getting up a petition against the closure of the local school. 家长正在发起请愿,反对关闭当地 学校。 ◊ We're getting up a party for her birth- day. 我们正在筹备她的生日聚会。 ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) IDM get up Speed to start to go faster 开始加 速:We'll be able to get up speed once we get onto the motorway. 我们一上高速公路就能提 速了。 get sb/sth 'up 1 (to sth) to send or move sb/sth to another place, often a place further north in the country 派遣(某人)去(常指一 国的北部);运送(某物)去(常指一国的北 部);派遣(某人)北上;运送(某物)北上: We need to get somebody up there straight away. 我们需要立刻派人上那里去。◊ How can we get all our equipment up to Leeds? 我们怎么 把所有的设备搬到莉兹? OPP get sb/sth down 2 (also ,get sb/sth up sth) to move sb/sth from a lower position to a higher one 把...搬 到(高处);把...移到(高处):Can you get me up onto the chair? 帮我坐到椅子上去好吗? ◊ How did you get the bed up the stairs? 你是怎 么把床搬上楼的? OPP get sb/sth down; get sb/sth down sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv 2 also v + n/pron + prep get sth up 1 to build sth; to put sth into a standing position 建起;将…立起: They got the building up in just a few months. 他们只用了几 个月就建成了那幢楼。 ◊ Can you get the tent up while I go and find water? 我去找水,你搭帐篷 好吗? 2 if sb gets their hopes up, they start to hope and believe that sth they want will happen 开始相信(愿望)可能实现;有盼头:I don't want to get your hopes up, but there will probably be a place on the course for you. 我不 想让你期望过高,但这门课程很可能你可以上。 [OBJ] only hopes NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM get sb's back up (informal) to annoy sb 惹恼:He really gets my back up when he behaves like that! 他那么不懂规矩, 真让我恼 火! get it 'up (slang) (of a man 男子)to become sexually excited 达到性兴奋;勃起 get sb/yourself up as/in sth to dress sb/yourself in unusual or strange clothes (把…)化装成, 装扮成: She was got up as an Indian princess. 她被打扮成了印度公主。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► get-up n (old-fashioned, informal) a set of clothes, usually an unusual or strange one (通常指古怪的)一套服饰,穿戴,装束: He looked ridiculous in that get-up! 他穿着那身奇 装异服显得很滑稽! get up to sth 1 to reach a particular point 到达(某一阶段):We got up to page 72 last lesson. 我们上一节课学到第72页。◊ I've got to get up to intermediate level in French in a year 我一年内必须达到法语中级水平。 2 (informal) to be doing or be involved in sth, especially sth that is surprising or unpleasant 忙于,从 事(尤指令人吃惊或不快的事):What on earth will he get up to next? 他接下来究竟要干什么? ◊ What have you kids been getting up to? 你们 这些孩子在折腾什么? ◊ The boys are lively and get up to mischief all day. 男食子们活泼好动, 整天都在调皮捣蛋。 ◊ She's been, getting up to her old tricks again! 她又在故伎重演了 ! ♦ v + adv + prep get with sb to start a relationship with sb, usually a sexual relationship (与某人)发生 关系,发生性关系:She knew my brother was trying to get with her. 她知道我弟弟在竭力追 求她。 get 'with sth (informal) to start to behave or think in a way that sb else wants you to behave or think; to accept sth as being true or right 对…亦步亦趋;随波逐流与...保持一致; 全盘接受:They never had a hit because they refused to get with the publicity machine. 他们 一直没有红极一时的曲目,因为他们拒绝听从宣 传营销人员的摆布。 ◊ He shook his head. 7 just cannot get with that." 他摇了摇头。“我恕难 从命。” IDM get with it (informal) to become aware of what is in fashion and start to follow it 跟上潮 流;赶时髦;不落伍:You need to get with it! 你 要跟上潮流! get with the programme (AmE get with the program) (informal) used to tell sb to change ±eir attitude and start doing what they are supposed to be doing 需要改委 态度了;改做正事了: You need to get with the programme! 你要改一改了 ! gin /dʒɪn/ gin sth up to invent sth or create sth that is artificial in order to achieve a goal 杜 撰;编造;伪造:Presidents will do anything in an election year to save the economy, including gin up inflation. 在大选之年,总统会为拯救经 济不择手段,包括制造通货膨胀。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ginger/ˈdʒɪndʒə(r)/ ginger sb/sth up (BrE) to make sb/sth more active, interesting or exciting 使活泼; 使有趣;使兴奋:Some dancing would ginger up the party. 跳跳舞可以活跃聚会气氛。 ◊ They need some excitement to ginger them up a bit. 需要来点剌激让他们打起精神。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv give /ɡɪv/ (gave /ɡeɪv/, given /ˈɡɪvn/) give sb a way 1 (in a marriage ceremony 在 婚礼上)to lead the woman who is getting married to the man she is going to marry and formally allow her to marry him 将(新娘)交 给新郎:Her father gave her away. 她父亲把她 交给了新郎,2 (BrE) to give a baby or a child to another person to take care of as their own child 把(婴儿或孩子)送人收养: She had never understood why her mother had given her away. 她一直不理解母亲为什么把她送给别人收 养。 -> see also GIVE SB UP 2 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n give sb/sth/yourself a way to do or say sth that shows sth about sb/sth/yourself that Was a secret 泄露,吐露:it was her eyes that gave her away (= showed how she really felt). 她眼睛流落出了她的真实情感。 ◊ he never Give very much away about himself. 他对自己 的情况从不多言。 ◊ She gave away state secrets to the enemy. 她向敌人泄露了国家机密。 ◊ I found I could tell lies confidently without giving myself away. 我发现自己能面不改色心不改 跳地说谎。 [OBJ] nothing, anything, little SYN betray sb/sth/yourself (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM give the 'game away to tell a secret, especially by accident; to show sth that has been hidden 不慎泄密;露出马脚;露馅:I don't want to give the game away by telling you how the movie ends. 我不想把电影的结局透露给你。 ► giveaway n (informal) sth that makes you guess the real truth about sth 暴露真相的事物: He said he was French, but his accent was a dead giveaway! (= showed clearly that he was not French) 他说他是法国人,云他的口音 共他彻底露馅儿了! SYNONYMS同义词辨析 give sb/sth away betray sb/sth ♦ disclose sth ♦ divulge sth ♦ give sb/sth away ♦ reveal sth These verbs all mean to give information about sb/sth to sb, especially when that information is supposed to remain secret. 这些动词都表示泄露、暴露、透露。 betray sb/sth to tell sb or make them aware of a piece of information or a feeling, usually without meaning to (通常指无意中) 泄 露,暴露:His voice betrayed the worry he was trying to hide. 他的嗓音使他的焦虑无法掩饰。 ◊ She was terrified of saying something that would make her betray herself (= show her feelings or who she was). 她害怕说出的话会 暴露自己。 disclose sth to make sth known to sb, especially sth that was previously secret 泄 露;揭露;公开:The spokesman refused to disclose details to the press, 发言人拒绝向媒体 披露详情。 divulge sth (formal) to give sb information that is supposed to be secret 泄露;透露: Police refused to divulge the identity of the suspect 警方拒绝透露嫌疑人的身份。NOTE Divulge is often used in the negative, or with a verb that has a negative meaning, like refuse . * divulge 常用于否定,或与 refuse 等 具否定意义的动词连用。 give sb/sth away to make known sth that sb wants to keep secret 泄露;透露: She gave away state secrets to the enemy. 她向敌人泄露 了国家机密。◊ His voice gave him away (=showed who he really was). 他的嗓音透 露出他的身份。 reveal sth to make sth known to sb, especially sth that was previously secret 泄 露;揭露;公开:The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. 医生没有告诉他真实病情。 ◊ It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. 据透露,重要证据被隐瞒了下来。 WHICH WORD? A person who gives sth away should really be keeping the information secret; a person who divulges information is more likely to have the authority to do so. Disclose is always rather formal; reveal can be used in formal or less formal contexts, including popular newspapers. * give sth away 指泄露本应当保守 的秘密,divulge 指透露秘密者很可能有此权 力。disclose 总是相当正式,reveal 可用于正式 语境或大众报纸等不太正式的语境。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to reveal/disclose/betray/divulge/give away sth to sb ■ to reveal/disclose/betray/divulge/give away that/who/where ... ■ to reveal/disclose/betray/divulge/give away a secret ■ to reveal/disclose/give away the truth ■ to reveal/disclose/divulge/give away details of sth give sth a way 1 to give sth to sb as a gift 把…赠送出:He decided to give most of his money away. 他决定捐出他大部分的钱财。 ◊ We have 200 tickets to give away free to our viewers. 我们有 200 张票免费赠送给观众。 2 (AmE) to do sth in an election or competition that allows the other side to win easily 让对手 轻易取得 (选举或竞赛) 的胜利: We could have won the play-offs if we'd tried, but we gave the final game away. 我们如果尽力而为,原本可以 赢下季后赛,但我们却将最后的胜利拱手送人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► giveaway n (informal) sth that a company gives free, usually with a product for sale, to persuade people to buy it (公司为推销产品搭 送的) 赠品 ► giveaway adj [only before noun] (informal) (of prices 价格) very low 低廉的 give sth back (to sb) 1 to return sth to its owner 归还,送还 (原主):You can't have it. Give it back! 你不能要。把它还给人家!◊ Have you given back the money you borrowed from your father? 借你父亲的钱,你还了吗? ◊ Can you lend me $20? I'll give it back to you later. 你能借我20元吗?我以后还你。◊ The new law gives some power back to the people. 新法将部 分权力还给了人民。 ◊ (figurative) The operation gave him back the use of his legs. 手术使他恢复 了双腿的功能。SYN hand sth back (to sb); return sth (to sb) (more formal) NOTE In informal language give sb back sth and, less often, give sb sth back are also used 非正式语 言也说 give sb back sth 和 give sb sth back. 但后 者不常用:Could you give me back my pen? 把 笔还我好吗? ◊ Could you give me my pen back? 把笔还我好吗? 2 to do sth which benefits a group of people because they have done sth for you 回报,报答 (众人):I'd like to give something back to the community. 我愿意回报 社会。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n give sth for sth to pay or give a particular amount to have or do sth 以...支付;以...换取: How much did you give for the car? 你买这辆车 花了多少钱? ◊ I'd give anything for a cold beer. 我愿意拿任何东西换瓶冰镇啤酒。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep give in (to sb/sth) 1 to accept that you have been defeated or persuaded by sb (向…) 屈 服,认输:I give in—you'll have to tell me the answer. 我认输-----你得告诉我答案。 ◊ Even- tually I gave in to temptation, and had an ice cream. 我最后经不起诱惑,吃了冰激凌。 2 to finally agree to do sth that you do not want to do (向…) 低头,让步:We mustn't give in to terrorist demands. 我们一定不能对恐怖分子的 要求让步。 ◊ She gives in to the children all the time to avoid arguments. 她一直让着孩子们, 免得争吵。OPP hold out (against sb/sth) ♦ v + adv Live sth in (to sb) to hand sth to sb in authority, for example a teacher 呈上; 交上: Please give your test in (to the teacher) when you've finished. 试卷做完后,请交上来 (给 老师)。 SYN hand sth in (to sb) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n give of sth; give of yourself (formal) to give your time or money willingly to help other people without expecting them to do anything for you 贡献 (间或钱财);奉献; 献身:She's always willing to give of her time to help the homeless. 她随时愿意奉献自己 的时间,帮助无家可归的人。◊ The teacher encourages all the children to give of their best 老师鼓励所有的孩子把最好的贡献出来。 [OBJ] time, best ♦ v + prep ♦ v + prep + pron give 'off sth i to produce sth such as heat, light, smoke, etc. 发出,放出 (热、光、烟等): Burning apple wood gives off a pleasing smell. 燃烧苹果木会散发出悦鼻的香味。[OBJ] smell, aroma, light, gas -> see also GIVE STH OUT 2 2 to give a particular impression by the way you look or behave 散发出,表现出 (气质等):She gave off an air of confidence. 她显得充满自信。 NOTE When the object of give off is a noun, it comes after off, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between give and off * give off 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 off 之后;但如果 是代词,应置于 give 和 off 之间:They absorb radiation from the sun, then give it off at night. 它们吸收太阳辐射,然后夜里释放出来。 ♦v + adv + n ・v + pron + adv (less frequent) give onto sth (8rE) if a door, a window, etc. gives onto sth, it has a view of it or leads directly to it (门、窗等)朝向, 通往:French windows give onto a balcony. 落地窗通向阳台。 ♦ v + prep give 'out 1 to come to an end; to be used up 耗尽;用完:My patience finally gave out. 我终于忍无可忍了。 ◊ We were fine until the batteries in the torch gave out. 手电筒的电池用 光之前我们还好。 SYN run out 2 if an engine, a machine, etc. gives out, it stops working, especially because it is old or damaged (尤指 机器等因老化或损坏而) 停止运行,停止运转: One of the plane's engines gave out. 飞机的一个 发动机停转了。 ◊ (figurative) His heart gave out just before his eightieth birthday. 在八十大寿即 将来临之时,他的心脏停止了跳动。SYN break down ♦ v + adv give sth 'out 1 to hand sth to a lot of people 分发;散发:The teacher gave out the exam papers. 老师发下了试卷。 ◊ I'll write up the report and give it out to the whole department. 我会写出报告,分发给全部门的人。[OBJ] cards, leaflets SYN hand sth out (to sb) NOTE In informal spoken language give sb out sth is also used 非正式口 语也说 give sb out sth: I'll give you out the cards later. 我过会儿给你们发 牌。 2 to produce sth, such as light or heat 发 出,放出 (光、热等):That lamp doesn't give out a lot of light. 那盏灯不够亮。[OBJ] light, heat, noise -> see also GIVE OFF STH 1 3 (BrE) to tell people sth or broadcast sth 宣布;播送: No details of the accident have been given out yet. 事故的详尚未公布。◊ The leader of the opposition has given out that she is resigning. 反对派领导人已经宣布她即将辞职。[OBJ] infor- mation NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv give over (BrE, informal) used to tell sb to stop doing sth 住手;到此为止吧;别再…了: Give over! I can't work with you shouting like that. 打住吧!你那么嚷嚷让我无法工作。 ♦ v + adv give sb/sth over to sb to let sb have sb/sth so that they can look after or have responsibility for them/it 把...托付给某人:We gave the house over to my uncle when we went to live abroad. 我们去国外生活时把房子交给我 叔叔照看。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep give sth over to sth to use sth only for a particular activity or purpose 把...专用于 (某 种活动或用途):The newspapers gave six pages over to the tragedy. 报纸用十六个版面专门报道 这一惨剧。 ◊ Much of the countryside is given over to agriculture. 乡下有许多土地用于农业。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep give yourself over/'up to sth; .give yourself over/'up to doing sth to spend all your time and energy on sth; to allow sth to completely control your life 致力 于;沉溺于:After his wife's death, he seemed to give himself over to despair. 妻子亡故后,他似 乎万念俱灰。 ◊ I want to give myself over to writing full-time. 我希望专事写作。 ♦ v + pron + adv + prep give up; give sth up; give up doing sth 1 to stop trying to do sth, usually because it is too difficult (常指因困难而) 停止,放弃: She doesn't give up easily. 她不会轻易认输。 ◊ I tried to fix the car myself, but gave up the attempt after a couple of hours. 我试图自己修 车,但几个小时后就作罢了。 ◊ I've given up trying to understand her. 我不再揣摩她的心思。 -> see also GIVE IN (TO SB/STH) 2 to stop doing or having sth that is not good for your health 戒除,抛弃 (对健康有害的做法或所有物): It's about time you gave up smoking. 你该戒烟了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + adv + -ing give sb 'up 1 to stop having a friendship or a relationship with sb 与 (某人) 断绝关系; 不 再与 (某人) 交往: I'm not going to give up all my friends just because I'm getting married. 我 不会只因为要结婚而疏远所有的朋友。 ◊ He gave her up for a younger woman. 他为了一个年轻 女子而抛弃了她。 2 to give a baby to sb else to bring up 把 (婴儿) 送人抚养: She gave the baby up for adoption. 她把婴儿送给别人收养。 -> see also GIVE SB AWAY 2 3 (also .give up on sb especially AmE) to stop hoping that sb will arrive or is still alive 不再期望 (某人) 的到来 (或 存活): Where have you been? We'd given you up! 你去哪儿了 ?我们都以为你不来了! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 2 also v + adv + prep IDM give sb up for lost/'dead to no longer hope or expect that sb will arrive or is still alive 不再期望某人到来 (或存活) give sth up 1 to stop doing or having sth 停 止;中止;放弃:He's given up the idea of becoming a model. 他打消了破模特的念头。 ◊ She'd given up all hope of seeing him again. 她 已经不抱任何希望能再次见到他。 2 (to sb) to let sb else have sth, sometimes because they need it more than you 把...让与 (某人): Children rarely give up their seats to older people on buses now. 现在的孩子在公共汽车上 很小给年长者让座。3 (to sb) to hand sth over to sb else 把...交给 (某人):Do I have to give up my old passport when I apply for a new one? 申请新护照时,我需要交出旧护照吗? 4 to spend time doing sth when you would normally be doing sth else 把 (本应做其他事 情的时间) 用于:Thanks for giving up your time to come and help us. 感谢您花时间来帮我们。 [OBJ] time, the morning, etc. 5 (for sb/to do sth) to stop doing or having sth that you enjoy so that you can do or achieve sth that you consider more important (为某人 / 为做某 事) 放弃:I gave up everything for my family. 我 为了家庭放弃了一切。 ◊ She gave it all up to de with him. 为了和他在一起,她什么都不要了。 NOTE Not often used in the passive. 不常用于 被动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) 3 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM give it up for sb (informal, especially AmE) to clap to show you approve of sb or have enjoyed sth为 (某人) 鼓掌。 give yourself 'up (to sb/sth) to allow your- self to be arrested or captured 自首;投降: After a week on the run he gave himself up to the police. 逃跑一周后,他向警方投案自首了。 SYN surrender (to sb/sth) ♦ v + pron + adv give up on sb (informal) 1 to lose hope that sb will get better, change, etc. 对 (某人) 不再抱希望;不再指望 (某人) 改变: I've given up on hen She never replies to my letters. 我已 经对她不抱希望了。 她从不回我的信。 ◊ His teachers seem to have given up on him. 他的老 师们似乎认为他不可救药了。 2 (especially AmE) -> GIVE SB UP 3 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 give sth up give sth up ♦ knock off (sth) ♦ leave off (sth) ♦ pack sth in ♦ quit (sth) ♦ stop (sth) These verbs all mean to no longer continue to do sth. 这些动词都表示放弃、停止、中止。 give sth up to stop doing or having sth 停 止;中止;放弃 She didn't give up work when she had the baby. 她生小孩那会儿并没有放弃 工作。 ◊ We'd given up hope of ever having children. 我们已经对生孩子不抱希望了。◊ He gave up medicine for a career in show business. 他放弃行医,投身演艺界。 knock off (sth) (informal) to stop doing sth, especially work 停止; 中断;(尤指) 收工: Do you want to knock off early today? 你今天 想早点下班吗? leave off (sth) (informal) to stop doing sth, especially temporarily (尤指暂时) 停止, 中断: Start reading from where you left off last time. 从上次没读完的地方开始读。 pack sth in (informal) to stop doing sth 停 止;放弃: She decided to pack in her job. 她决 定辞职。 quit (sth) (informal, especially AmE) to stop doing sth 信止;放弃: I'm still trying to quit smoking. 我仍在努力戒烟。 ◊ We only just started. We're not going to quit now. 我们才刚 刚开始。我们不想现在放弃。 stop (sth) to no longer continue to do sth; to make sth no longer happen (使) 停止, 中 止:Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong 请别哭了,告诉我怎么回事。 ◊ He couldn't stop thinking about her 他无法停止 对她的思念。◊ Stop it! You're hurting me, 住 手!你弄疼我了。 WHICH WORD? Give up, quit, leave off, knock off and pack sth in are all informal ways of saying *stop doing sth\ Knock off is usually used about work, when you stop work at the end of the day or for a short time. You can give up, quit or pack in your job if you leave to do something else. If you give up/quit work you leave your job and don't get another one. Leave off is also usually used when you stop sth temporarily and expect to start again later. * give up、quit、 leave off、knock off 和 pack sth in 都是 “停止 做某事” 的非正式表达方式。knockoff 通常用 于指工作,表示收工或歇工。 give up、quit 或 pack in 可表示放下工作去做其他事清。give up/ quit work 指辞职并且不再工作。 leave off 通常 也用于指暂时停止并留待以后重新开始。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to stop/give up/quit/leave off doing sth/what ■ to give up sth for/in favour of sth else ■ to stop/give up/quit/leave off/knock off work ■ to give up/quit/pack in your job ■ to stop/give up/quit smoking give up on sth (informal) to stop hoping that sth will be successful or will happen 对 (某事) 不再抱希望:I haven't given up on my marriage yet. 我对我的婚姻还抱有希望。◊ Have you given up on the idea of emigrating? 你打消 了移民的念头了吗? ♦ v + adv + prep give yourself up to sth -> GIVE YOURSELF OVER/UP TO STH glam /ɡlæm/ (-mm-) glam 'up; glam yourself/sb up to make yourself/sb look attractive by wearing clothes, make-up, etc. that look expensive ( 穿戴昂贵的服饰 ) 打扮: We got all glammed up in preparation for our night out. 为了准备晚 上出去玩,我们个个打扮了一番。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n glance /ɡlɑːns; AmE ɡlæns/ glance off sth if a ball, etc. glances off sth, it touches it lightly and moves away from it in a different direction (球等) 擦过,掠过:The ball glanced off the goalpost into the net. 球擦 着门柱入网。 ♦ v + prep glance off/on sth if Light glances off/on sth, it flashes on a surface or is reflected from it (光) 在…上闪烁,从…中反射: the sun glancing on water 水面波光粼粼。 ♦ v + prep glance over/'through sth to look at or read sth very quickly and not very thoroughly 粗略地看:浏览:Could you glance over this document for me? 你能帮我把这份文件过目一 下吗? ◊ I glanced through a magazine while I waited. 我边等边翻阅杂志。 [OBJ] book, list ♦ v + prep glare /ɡleə(r); AmE ɡler/ glare at sb/sth to look at sb/sth in an angry way 怒视:He glared at me with open hostility. 他毫不掩饰敌意,对我怒目而视。 ♦ v + prep glaze /ɡleɪz/ glaze 'over if a person's eyes glaze over, the person begins to look very bored or tired (眼 睛) 变呆滞,发呆:Her eyes glazed over when they started talking about football. 他们开始谈 足球时,她变得无精打采。 ◊ I started to glaze over at that point. 那时我就开始发愣了。 NOTE Glaze can also be used on its own * glaze 也可作单独使用:Her eyes glazed with tears. 她 眼含泪水,目光呆滞。 ♦ v + adv glom /ɡlɒm; AmE ɡlɑːm/ (-mm-) glom onto sth (AmE, slang) to become very interested in sth such as a new fashion or an idea 对 ( 新款式、新想法等 ) 产生浓厚兴趣; 对...入了魔:The whole nation glommed onto the scandal. 举国上下都关注这一丑闻。 ♦ v + prep glory /ˈɡlɔːri/ (glories, glorying, gloried) glory in sth (literary) 1 to get great pleasure or enjoyment from sth 因...而喜悦;为...而欣 喜:He gloried in his son's success. 他为儿子的成 就而自豪。 ◊ I gloried in the beauty of the scenery. 美景使我流连忘返。 2 to take pleasure in sth 以…为快;从…中得到快乐:She seemed to glory in. his failure. 她似乎对他的失败幸灾 乐祸。 ♦ v + prep gloss /ɡlɒs; AmE ɡlɔːs,ɡlɑːs/ gloss over sth to treat sth such as a problem, mistake, etc. as if it was not important and avoid discussing it in detail 淡 化处理;轻描淡写;掩盖:The manager glossed over the team's recent defeat. 主教练对该队最近 的失败闪烁其词。 ◊ The movie glosses over the real issues of the war. 这部电影掩饰了战争的真 正问题。 ◊ This question has been glossed over by politicians. 政客们对这一问题遮遮掩掩。 ♦ v + prep gnaw /nɔ:/ gnaw at sb to make sb feel gradually more anxious or annoyed over a long period of time (长期)烦扰,轿磨:These doubts had been gnawing at him for some time. 这些疑虑已经折 磨他一段时间了。 ♦ v + prep gnaw away at sth to gradually have a harmful effect on sth over a long period of time (长期)危害,侵蚀:His attitude towards her gnawed away at her confidence. 他对她的态 度不断削弱她的自信。 ♦ v + adv + prep go /ɡəʊ; AmE goʊ/ (goes /gəʊz; AmE goʊz/, went /went/, gone /ɡɒn; AmE ɡɔːn, gɑːn/) NOTE Been is used as the past participle of go when sb has gone somewhere and come back. 当表示去某处后已返回时,go 的过去分词 用 been. go a'bout, etc. (BrE) -> GO AROUND, ETC. go about sth to continue to do sth in your usual way, especially after sth unusual has happened; to keep busy with sth (尤指不同寻 常的事情发生后)继续做某事, 继续忙于某事: Everybody was going about their business as usual. 大家照常各忙各的事。 [OBJ] your business, the business of …,work, task ♦ v + prep go about sth; ,go about doing sth to start to work at sth; to approach or deal with sth 开始做;着手处理: I want to help, but I don't know how to go about it. 我想帮忙,可不 知道如何帮。◊ How should I go about finding a job? 我该怎样着手找工作呢? ◊ You're not going about it the right way. 你这样做不对头。◊ It seems a strange way of going about things. 这 种处事方法好像很奇怪。 [OBJ] things SYN set about sth, set about doing sth; tackle sth ♦ v + prep go across; ,go a*cross sth to cross a room, a road, a river, etc. in order to get to the other side 通过,穿过(房间、道路、河流 等):We borrowed a boat and went across to the island. 我们借了条船到岛上去。◊ Can you go across the road to the store for me? 你能替 我到马路对面的商店去跑一趟吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go after sb/sth 1 to chase or follow a person or an animal to try to catch them 追 赶;跟在...后面:He went after the burglars. 他 追赶那些窃贼。◊ Aren't you going to go after her to see if she's all right? 你要不要跟着她,看 看她是不是没事? 2 to try to get or obtain sb/sth 追求;谋求:We're both going after the same job. 我们俩都在谋求得到同一份工作。 ♦ v+ prep go against sb if a result, a judgement, etc. goes against sb, it is not in their favour or to their advantage (结果、判决等)对(某人) 不利:The jury's verdict went against him. 陪审 团的裁决对他不利。◊ The war is going against us. 战争变得对我们不利。 ♦ v + prep go against sb/sth to resist or oppose sb/sth; to act in a different way from what sb tells you or advises you to do 反抗;反对; 与…相背离:Anyone who goes against me will be punished. 任何人与我作对都将受到惩罚。 ◊ He was going against his doctor's advice by continuing to work. 他没有遵照医嘱,而是继续 工作。 ◊ Don't go against your parents' wishes. 不要违背你父母的意愿。 -> note at STAND UP TO SB/STH ♦ v + prep go against sth to be opposed to sth; to not fit or agree with sth 违反; 与…不符(或相 悖): This goes against everything I believe in. 完全与我的信念背道而驰。◊ Paying for my children's education goes against my principles. 负担孩子们的教育费有违我的原则。 [OBJ] principles, beliefs ♦ v + prep IDM go against the grain to be sth different from what is normal or natural for you and so sth you do not like doing 背离本性(或意愿): It went against the grain to have to agree with My brother. 我同意我哥哥实属无奈。 go a head 1 (also ,go ahead of sb) to go in front of other people who are going in the same direction as you and arrive before them 走在(某人)前面;先走:She went ahead of him into the house. 她在他前面进了屋子。 ◊ You go ahead and we'll follow when we're ready. 你 先走一步,我们准备好了随后就去。 2 (of a plan, a project, a deal, etc. 计划、项目、交易等) to be carried out or happen 实施;进行: The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned 新桥的修建将按计划进行。◊ Filming went ahead in spite of the bad weather. 尽管天 气不好,但电影的摄制照常进行。SYN proceed (formal) 3 (with sth) if sb goes ahead with sth, they do it, although there may be a problem, or sb may have objected or expressed doubts (遇到困难、反对或障碍时仍 然 ) 进行:In spite of her illness, Anna decided to go ahead with the wedding. 尽管生了病,安娜 还是决定照常举行婚礼。 ◊ 'May I start now?' Yes, go ahead (= I give you permission)/ "我 现在可以开始了吗?” “可以,开始吧。" SYN proceed (with sth) ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + prep ► the go-ahead n [sing.] permission or approval for sth to start 准许;许可:Has the boss given you the go-ahead for the project? 老 板批准你这个项目了吗? ► go-ahead adj [usually before noun] (BrE) trying hard to be successful, often by using new methods and ideas 雄心如勃的;锐意进取 的;有开拓精神的:a go-ahead company 充满开 拓精神的公司 go a'long 1 to progress; to develop or improve 进展;发展:改进:Things are going along nicely. 进展良好。2 (to sth) (with sb) to go somewhere or to an event with sb (陪某 人) 去 (某处),去参加 (某活动):I went along to the club a couple of times. 我去过那家 俱乐部几次。◊ Sam said he'd go along to the party with us. 萨姆说他要和我们一起去参加聚 会。 3 (especially AmE) to do what sb else suggests or does 听从建议;效仿某人:What- ever Ed said, Max went right along. 埃德无论说 什么,马克斯都照做。 ♦ v + adv IDM as you go a'long while you are doing sth 在做某事的同时:He made the story up as he went along. 这个故事是他现编现讲的。 ◊ I was never taught how to use a computer. I just picked it up as I went along, 从来没人教我如何 使用计算机。我只是边用边学。 go a long; go a long sth to move forward or from one end of sth towards the other 向前 走;沿着...移动:The bus rattled as it went along. 公共汽车唬啷唬啷地往前开着。 ◊ I went along a dark narrow passage, past several doors, 我沿着一条黑暗狭窄的通道向前走,经过 了几道门。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go a long with sb/sth 1 (especially BrE) to agree with sb/sth 同意;赞同:I can't go along with you on that point. 在那一点上我不敢苟 同。 2 to accept sth or do sth, especially when you do not really want to (不情愿地) 接受, 做 (某事):They didn't like the idea, but they went: along with it. 他们不喜欢这个主意,可还 是接受了。◊ I didn't want to make him angry, so I just went along with him (= I didn't argue with him). 我不想惹他生气,所以就不同他争 辩。 SYN fall in with sth (BrE) → note at AGREE TO STH ♦ v + adv + prep go around (AmE) → GO ROUND go around; ,go around sth (BrE also .go round, go round sth) 1 to visit a group of people or places, one by one 逐一见某人 (或 到某处); 走遍: I'll go around and check all the doors are locked. 我挨处走走,看看所有的门都 锁上了没有。 ◊ We spent all afternoon going round the shops. 我们整整一下午都在四处逛商 店。 ◊ She went round the table and said goodbye to everyone. 她和一桌人一一道别。 2 (of a note, etc. 字条等) to be sent round a group of people so that everyone can read it 被传阅:A card's going around for people to sign. 传给大家的一张贺卡是供签名用的。 ◊ A memo went around the department. 部门内传 阅了一份通知。3 (BrE also ,go a bout, go a bout sth)if a piece of news, an illness, etc. goes around, it spreads from one person to another (在…)流传,传播: There's a rumour going around that Sam and Kate are having an affair. 谣传萨姆和凯特之间关系暧昧,◊ There's a nasty virus going round the schooL 一种恶性 病毒正在这所学校传播。 SYN float around, float around sth 4 to move or be placed in a circle 旋转; 转动:The cyclist was going round the roundabout the wrong way. 那个骑自行车 的人在环形交叉路口拐错了弯 。◊ The earth goes round the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。◊ (figurative) We're going round in circles in this argument. 我们一直在这个论点上兜圈子。5 to be enough for everyone to have a share 足够分给每个 人;足够每人一份:There aren't enough chairs to go round. 椅子不够坐。◊ Is there enough food to go around all the guests? 食物够分给所 有客人吗? 6 to move around the outside of sth in order to get past sth or get to the other side 绕道;绕过:We didn't go into the city. We went around it. 我们没有进城。我们绕了过去。 ◊ Because of the flood, we had to go round by the minor roads to get to schooL 由于洪水,我 们只好走小道绕行去学校。7 to travel in a country or place and visit lots of different things 周游;遍览:We travel around by bus. 我 们乘公共汽车到客处旅行。◊ They're saving up to go around the world. 他们正起攒钱准备周游 世界。◊ We're planning to go round visiting all the temples. 我们打算游遍所有庙宇。 8 to visit every part of a room or building (在房间或建 筑物内)到处走动,看遍各处: How long does it take to go around the museum? 把这座博物馆 转遍需要多长时间? ◊ A guide will go round with you. 导游将带你去各处参观。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep IDM what .goes around 'comes around whatever happens now will have an effect in the future 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;善有善报,恶 有恶报 go around; ,go around sth; go around doing sth (BrE also ,go round/about, go round/about sth, go 'round/about doing sth) to dress or behave in a particular way; to do sth regularly 以某种 方式穿看(或行动);经常做(某事):She goes around barefoot most of the time. 她大部分时 间光看脚:◊ It's not safe to go about the streets alone. 独自在大街上行走不安全。◊ You can't go round spreading rumours like that. 你不能那样 传谣。 ◊ The kids went around in gangs, dressed completely in black. 孩子们穿着一身黑衣,结伙 行动。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go around sb/sth (BrE also .go round sb/sth) to surround or go in a circle around sb/sth 包围;环绕:I felt his arm going around my shoulder. 我感觉到他的胳膊搂着我的肩膀。 ◊ The belt won't go round my waist! 我的皮带 不够长了! ♦ v + prep go around sth (BrE also ,go round sth) to move or travel around a comer 绕过(拐角): The car's tyres screeched as it went round the bend. 汽车转弯时,轮胎发出尖厉的声音。◊ Maggie watched until Jess had gone around the comer and was out of sight. 玛吉一直目送杰斯 绕过拐角处,从视线中消失。 [OBJ] onlv corner, bend ♦ v + prep IDM go round the bend/'twist (informal, espe- cially BrE) to go crazy 发疯;疯狂:驴/ have to stay in this place another day, I'll go round the bend! 我要是非得在这个地方再呆上一天,我会 疯掉的! go around with sb, go around together (BrE also ,go about/'round with sb, go about/round together) (old-fashioned) to spend a lot of time with sb or with a group of people 和(某人或一伙人)泡在一块儿:Ann goes around with Sue. 安和休形影不离。 ◊ Ann and Sue go around together. 安和休形影相随随 ◊ These are the people I used to go around with. 我以前就是和这些人经常混在一起。 SYN hang around with sb, etc. ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 go around circle (sth) ♦ go round/around (sth) ♦ revolve (round/around sth) ♦ rotate ♦ spin (round/around sth) ♦ turn These verbs all mean to move around a central point. 这些动词都表示旋转、转动、 绕转。 circle (sth) to move in a circle, especially in the air (尤指在空中) 旋转,盘旋,环绕: Birds were circling overhead, 鸟儿在头顶上盘 桓。◊ The plane had to circle the airport for another 30 minutes before landing, 着陆前, 飞机不得不在机场上空又盘旋了 30分钟。 go round/around (sth) to spin or move around in a circle (绕…) 旋转, 转动:The wheel was going round and round. 轮子在转个 不停。 ◊ The earth goes around the sun. 地球 围绕太阳转。 revolve (round/around sth) to move in a circle around a central point 旋转;转动;绕 转:People used to think that the sun revolved around the earth. 过去人们认为太阳绕着地球 转。◊ The ceiling fan revolved slowly overhead. 吊扇在头顶上慢慢转动。 rotate to move in a circle around a fixed central point 旋转;转动;绕转: Make sure that the propeller can rotate freely, 要确保螺 旋桨能不受阻碍地旋转。 spin (round/around sth) to turn round and round quickly (绕…) 根速旋转: The dancers spun round and round. 鼓舞的人不停地旋转。 ◊ The Earth spins around a central axis. 地球 绕中心轴旋转。 turn to move around a central point 旋转;转 动:The wheels of the car began to turn. 车轮 开始转起来。 WHICH WORD? When sth rotates or spins, it usually moves around its own centre; when sth revolves, it usually moves around a point outside itself. Rotate, spin and turn can be used with a direct object with the meaning of 'make sth go round, * rotate 或 spin 通常指围绕自身的中心转 动;revolve 通常指围绕自身以外的中心点转 动 rotate, spin 和 turn 可与直接宾语连用,表 示 “使转动”: Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees. 将轮子旋转 180 度。 ◊ Spin the coin. 转动硬币。 ◊ Turn the wheel slowly. 慢慢转动 轮子。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to spin/circle/rotate/revolve about sth ■ to spin/turn/rotate faster (and faster)/rapidly/quickly ■ to spin/turn/circle/rotate/revolve slowly go at sb to attack sb 进攻,攻击(某人):He went at me like a wild animal. 他像头野兽一样 向我扑来。 ♦ v + prep go at sth to make great efforts to do sth; to work hard and with enthusiasm at sth 拼命 干; 卖力干:They went at the job as if their lives depended on it. 他们玩命似的干起活来。◊ He was going at the food as though he hadn't eaten for days. 他狼吞虎咽,好像好几天没吃饭似的。 ♦ v + prep IDM go at it .hammer and 'tongs if two people go at it hammer and tongs, they argue or fight with a lot of energy and noise (两人)激烈争吵(或厮打) go away 1 to leave a place or a person 离 开;走开:Go away! You're annoying me! 走 开!你烦死我了 ! ◊ Go away and think about it a bit. 到一边去想一想。 2 to leave home for a period of time, especially for a holiday/vacation 离家外出(尤指度假):They went away for the weekend. 他们周末外出了。 ◊ Are you going away on holiday this year? 你今 年要去度假吗? ◊ She goes away on business a lot. 她经常出差。 3 to disappear gradually 逐 渐消失:The smell still hasn't gone away. 气味 还没散。 ◊ Has your headache gone away? 你头 不疼了吧? ◊ The longing never went away. 这 种渴望从未消失。 OPP come back ♦ v + adv go away with sth to leave a place with a particular feeling or impression 带着(某种感 觉或印象)离开:I don't want people to go away with the wrong idea. 我不希望人们带着错误的 想法离开。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 go away clear off ♦ clear out ♦ depart ♦ get away ♦ go away ♦ leave (sth) These verbs all mean to go away from a person or place. 这些动词都表示离开、离去、 走开。 clear off (informal) to leave a place quickly because you do not want to be found there or sb does not want you there 迅速离开;溜 走;逃走:They cleared off as soon as the police arrived. 警察一到他们便溜了。◊ Clear off! 快 走开! clear out (informal) to leave a place quickly, especially taking all your things with you (尤指携带所有个人物品) 迅速离开: He cleared out with the money and left her with the kids, 他带着钱跑了,把孩子留给了她。 depart to leave a place, especially to start a trip 离开;(尤指) 起程,动身: She waited until the last of the guests had departed. 她一 直等到最后一位客人离去。 get away to succeed in leaving a place 得以 离开;脱身:I won't be able to get away from the office before seven. 我七点钟前无法离开办 公室。 go away (used especially in orders) to leave a person or place (尤用于命令) 备开,走开: Just go away and leave me alone! 走开,别烦 我! ◊ It's been over seven years since he went away. 自他走后,已经七年多了。 NOTE Go can be used on its own * go 可单独使用:I must be going now, 我现在得走了。 leave (sth) to go away from a place 离开:If we leave now, we should make it in time. 现在动 身的话,我们应该能赶得及。◊ Are you ready to leave yet? 准备好走了吗? ◊ John says he left the restaurant at around midnight. 约翰说他 午夜时分离开了饭馆。 WHICH WORD? In ordinary speech, depart is formal, but it is the usual official word used about planes, trains, etc. that are leaving 在日常口 语中, depart 属正式用语,但它通常用于表示飞机起 飞、火车开动等:This train will depart in three minutes. 本次列车将在三分钟后发车。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to leave/depart for ... ■ to plan to/be about to/be going to leave/go/depart/go away ■ to decide to/intend to/refuse to leave/go/go away ■ to be ready to/be forced to leave/go/depart ■ to tell sb to leave/go/go away/dear off ■ to leave/go/depart/go away at once/in a hurry/now/soon go back 1 (to sth/ ... ) to return to a place where you were before 回到,返回 (原地): Can we go back inside? 我们可以回到里面了 吗? ◊ I made a cup of tea and went back to bed. 我泡了杯茶,又回到床上。◊ When are you going back to Australia? 你什么时候回澳大利 亚? -> note at COME BACK 2 (to sth) to return to school or work after a break (休假后) 返 校,回去工作:The children have to go back to school next week. 孩子们下个星期就得返校了。 3 (to sb/sth) to be in a situation that you were in before 回到 (某人处);恢复 (从前的状态): We can never go back to how things were before (= in a relationship, for example). 我们永远不 可能回到从前了。◊ Once you have taken this decision, there's no going back. 你一旦作出这 个决定就无法回头了。◊ I don't think Emily will go back to her husband (= live with him again). 我认为埃米莉不会回到丈夫的身边。4 (to sth) to return to work after being on strike (罢工后) 复工:The strikers won't go back (to work) until they get a pay rise. 罢工的人要得到 加薪才肯复工。5 (to sth) (informal) (of sth that you have bought or borrowed 买的或借的 东西) to be returned to the place where you got it 被退回;被归还:This toaster will have to go back to the shop—it doesn't work properly. 烤面包机得退回商店去 —— 它是坏的。 ◊ When does this video have to go back? 这盘录像带什 么时候要还? 6 (of clocks and watches 钟表) to be set to an earlier time when the time changes at the end of summer (夏令时结束之 际) 拨回原来的时间:The clocks go back tonight We get an extra hour in bed. 今晚时钟 要拨回原来的时间了。 我们可以多睡一个小时。 OPP go forward ♦ v + adv go back ... 1 if two people go back a period of time, they have known each other and have been friends for that time 相识,已认识 (一段 时间): Adam and I go back a long way. 亚当 和我是老相识了。2 (also ,go back to sth) to have existed since a particular time in the past 追溯到;回溯到:Our friendship goes back fifteen years. 我们的友谊开始于十五年前。 ◊ This tradition goes back to medieval times. 这 个传统可上溯到中世纪。SYN date back date back to sth 3 (also ,go back to sth) to consider sth that happened in the past 回忆 起,回到 (先前的事):To trace the origins of the problem, we have co go back to the 18th century. 要对这个问题追根潮源,我们必须回到 18 世纪。 ◊ I'm going back a few years now ... (= I'm talking about sth that happened some years ago) 我现在要谈的是几年前的事… ♦ v + adv 2,3 also v + adv + prep go back on sth to fail to keep a promise; to change your mind about sth 违约; 改变主意: She never goes back on her word (= fails to do what she has said she will do). 她从不食言。◊ He went back on his promise. 他违背了诺言。 ◊ I don't like to go back on what I said. 我不喜欢出 尔反尔。 [OBJ] your promise, your word ♦ v + adv + prep go back over sth to think about sth again or often (再次或经常)忆起,回顾:I went back over the day's events in my mind. 我回想 了一下当天发生的事。 ♦ v + adv + prep go back to sth 1 to start talking about sth again 回到,重谈(原来的话题):To go back to what you were saying before ...回到你之前的话 题 SYN return to sth 2 → GO BACK ... 2 3 -> GO BACK ... 3 ♦ v + adv + prep go back to sth .go back to doing sth 1 to start doing sth again that you had stopped doing 重新开始;重操旧业:Tom turned over and went back to sleep. 汤姆翻了个 身又睡着了。◊ I wouldn't go back to living in the city. 我不会回城里住的。 ◊ She's decided to go back to teaching. 她已决定重新执教。◊ John's going back to college to get some more qualifications. 约翰要重返大学继续深造。 2 (of a situation 状况)to return to what it was before sth else happened 复原;恢复:Things haven't gone back to normal yet. 局势尚未恢复 正常。 SYN return to sth ♦ v + adv + prep go before (literary) (not used in the pro- gressive tenses 不用于进行时)to exist or happen in an earlier time 先前存在;以往发生:The present crisis is worse than any that have gone before. 目前的危机比以往历次都严重。 NOTE Go before is usually used in the past or perfect tenses. * go before 通常用于过去时或完 成时。 ♦ v + adv go before sb/sth (of a legal case, a proposal or an issue 案件、提议或议题)to be presented to sb/sth so that they can discuss it or make a decision or a judgement about it 提 交给...审议(或作出决定、裁决):When does his case go before the judge? 他的案子何时提交 给法官审理? ♦ v + prep go beyond sth to be greater, better, etc. than sth 超出;越出:The price we got for the painting went beyond all our expectations. 那幅画卖出的价钱大大超出我们的预期。 ◊ The matter has gone beyond a joke (= has become very serious and is no longer amusing). 这件 事已经不是闹着玩的了。 SYN exceed sth (formal) ♦ v + prep go 'by (of time 时间)to pass 流逝;过去:As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse.随 着时间的推移,我的记忆似无每况愈下。◊ The weeks went slowly by . 时间一周一周慢慢过去 了。◊ Hardly a day went by without Anthony's name being mentioned. 安东尼的名字几乎每天 都被提到。 ♦ v + adv go by; 'go by sb/sth 1 to pass sb/sth with- out stopping (从…旁边)路过,走ii: Did you see a boy go by on a bicycle? 你见到过一个男孩 骑自行车打这儿经过吗? ◊ We sat and watched the world go by (= watched people passing). 我们坐在那儿看着眼前人来人往。 ◊ They waved to us as we went by the window. 我们经过窗口 时,他们向我们招手。SYN pass by, pass by sb/sth 2 (AmE) to stop somewhere or visit sb for a short time, often on your way to some- where else (顺路)在…暂留,短暂拜访(某 人): I'll go by and see him on my way home. 我回家时将会顺便去看看他。 ◊ Would you go by the grocery store for me? 你顺便替我去趟杂食 店好吗? SYN drop by; stop by ♦ v + adv ♦ v 十 prep go by sth 1 to be guided or directed by sth; to form an opinion or a judgement from sth 遵 循;依照;以…来判断:That's a good rule to go by. 参照这个规则准错不了。◊ If past experience is anything to go by, Tom will be late! 从 以往的经验来看,汤姆会迟到的! ◊ I shall go entirely by what my solicitor says. 我将完全照 我律师说的做。2 to call yourself a particular name, which may not be your real name 自称 为…(可能不是真名):For her crime novels, she goes by the name of Monica Simon. 她的犯 罪小说署名是莫妮卡・西蒙。[OBJ] only the name of... ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 go by elapse ♦ go by ♦ pass ♦ progress ♦ tick away ♦ wear on These are all verbs that can be used to talk about time moving forward. 这些动词都表示时 间流逝。 elapse (not usually used in the progressive tenses) (formal)(of time) to pass (时间)流逝,消逝: Many years elapsed before they met again, 过 了很多年他们才重逢。 go by (of time) to pass (时间)逝去,过去: Things will get easier as time goes by. 随着时 间的推移,事情会变得容易。 ◊ The weeks went slowly by. 时间一周一周慢慢过去了。 pass if an hour, day, year, etc. passes, it moves forward in time (小时、日、年等)流逝, 过去:Six months passed and we still had no news of them . 六个月过去了,我们仍没有他 们的音讯。 progress (of time, an event or an activity) to pass (时间)逝去;(事件或活动)进展, 进行:The weather became colder as the day progressed. 天气一天天冷起来。 tick away (of time) to pass, especially when there is not much time to do sth (时间)流 逝,过去(尤指时间紧迫时) I had to get to the airport by two, and the minutes were ticking 我必须两点钟赶到机场,时间在 一分一秒地过去。 wear on (of time) to pass, especially in a way that seems slow (时间尤其缓慢地)流逝, 过去: As the party wore on, she became more and more tired. 随着聚会的进行,她越来 越累。 WHICH WORD? Wear on and progress are mainly used to say that a situation developed during a particular period of time * wear on 和 progress 主要用于 表示在特定时期形成了某种局面:The situation worsened as the year wore o/i. 一年中,随着时 间的流逝,局势更趋恶化。◊ The visiting team's confidence increased os the game progressed. 随 着比赛的进行,客队场上信心越来越足。You cannot usually use progress and wear on with hours, days, etc. as the subject. * progress 和 wear on 通常不可用 hour, day 等相主语。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ a day/a night/a year/time goes by/passes/elapses/wears on/progresses/ticks away ■ days/hours go by/pass/elapse/tick away ■ time goes by/passes/wears on/ticks away slowly/uneventfully ■ time goes by/passes quickly go 'down 1 (to ... /sth) (from ... /sth) to travel from one place to another, especially from the north of a country to the south (从 一处)到(另一处)(尤指南下):We're going down to London next week. 我们下个星期要南 下到伦敦去。OPP go up 2 to fall to the ground 倒下;落下;倒在地上: She tripped and went down with a bump. 她绊了一下,重重摔 倒在地上。3 to become lower or smaller; to fall 减低;变小;下降:The price of petrol is going down/Petrol is going down (in price).汽 油价格正在下跌。◊ The temperature went down by ten degrees overnight. 气温一夜间下降了 10 度。◊ Rental costs have gone down (£50) since last year. 去年以来,租金下降了(50英镑)。◊ The floodwaters are going down. 洪水水位在回 落。 ◊ Membership numbers have gone down recently. 会员人数最近减少了。◊ The swelling has gone down a little. 肿块稍微消了点。SYN drop; fall OPP go up 4 (AmE also ,go 'over [+ adv] if a remark, a performance, an action, etc. goes down well or badly, etc., it gets a good or bad reaction from people (话语、演 出、行为等)反响好(或差),受(或不受)欢 迎:Did your performance go down all right? 你 的演出反响不错吧? ◊ The movie went down well in America, 这部电影在美国颇受欢迎。◊ Jokes don't go down too well with my mother ( = she does not like them ). 我母亲并不喜欢开 玩笑。◊ The band went down a storm ( = people liked them very much ). 这支乐队引 起了轰团。5 (of the sun and moon 日、月) to disappear below the point where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea (the horizon)落到地平线下;落下:We watched the sun go down. 我们看着太阳落下。SYN set OPP come up; rise 6 to get worse 变得更差;每况 愈下:The quality of the product has gone down since the company was sold. 公司卖掉之后,产 品质量下降了。◊ He's certainly gone down in my estimation (= I don't have the good opinion of him that I used to). 他确实不如我原 先印象中那么好了。◊ The food's gone down since the restaurant changed hands. 餐厅转手之 后,菜肴质量滑坡了。SYN deteriorate (more formal) OPP go up 7 (computing) if a com- puter system goes down, it stops working temporarily 暂停作业;暂停运行:I lost all my work when the computer went down. 计算机死 机了,我做的东西全丢了。 -> note at BREAK DOWN 8 (of food, a meal, etc. 食物、饭菜等)to be partly or completely dealt with by your body (全部或部芬)消化:Let your food go down before you go swimming. 先消消食再去游 泳。9 [+ adv] if food or drink will/will not go down, it is easy/difficult to swallow, or you enjoy it/do not enjoy it 容易(或难)吃(或 喝);喜欢(或不喜欢)吃(或喝):My drink went down the wrong way and I started coughing. 我喝饮料呛得咳嗽起来。◊ A cup of tea would go down nicely (= I would like one). 能喝上一杯茶再好不过了。 10 when the cur- tain in a theatre goes down, it is the end of the performance 落幕;演出结束:The audience were cheering as the curtain went down. 落幕 时,观众报以热烈的欢呼声。◊ (figurative) After 25 years, the curtain has finally gone down on his sparkling career. * 25 年后,他终于告别了 辉煌的职业生涯。OPP go up 11 when lights go down in a theatre, the performance is about to start (剧院的灯光)熄灭;演出即将 开始:She quickly found a seat before the lights went down. 她抢在熄灯开演之前迅速找了个座 位。go up 12 [+ adv/prep] to reach down to a particular point 垂到,垂及 (某点): Pepita's coat is so big it goes right down to her ankles. 佩皮塔的外套很大,长及脚踝。13 (of a tyre 轮胎)to lose air 瘪下;泄气:My tyre's gone down again. 我的轮胎又没气了。14 (BrE, informal to be sent to prison 被关进监狱;坐 牢:He's gone down for twenty years. 他要蹲二 十年监狱。15 (of a carpet 地毯)to be put on the floor 铺开;展开:It'll feel a lot warmer when the carpet goes down. 铺了地毯后,就会 感觉暖和多了。 16 (of a plane 飞机)to fall from the sky; to be brought to the ground 坠 落;被迫降落:The plane's going down!" he cried. “ 飞机要坠毁了!” 他喊道。17 (of a ship 船只)to sink 下沉;倾覆:Hundreds died when the ferry went down. 渡轮沉没,数百人丧 生。18 to fail; to behave badly and lose people's respect 失败:丢脸:If the business goes down, we go down with it. 要是企业破产, 我们一起完蛋。19 (to sb) to be defeated by sb, especially in a sports game or competition (尤指体育比赛或竞赛中)败北,落败:Liver- pool went down 2-0 to Everton. 利物浦队以 0:2 输给了埃弗顿队。20 (to sth) (especially BrE) to be made to move to a lower position, rank, class, status, etc.( 职务、官衔、级别、地位 等)降低:We need to win the next two games to avoid going down. 我们得赢下随后的两场比赛 才能避免降级。OPP go up 21 (in sth) (as sth) to be written down; to be recorded or remembered in a particular way 写在,载入 (…中);记录,记载(为…):Everything I said went down in his little book. 我说的话全记 在他的小本子上。◊ 1998 will go down as the company's best year. * 1998年将成为公司业绩 最好的一年。◊ He will go down in history as a great statesman. 他将作为伟大的政治家名垂 青史。22 (slang, especially AmF) to be happening 正在发生;正在进行:She always knows what's going down. 她消息灵通。◊ What's going down? 出什么事了? 23 (from ...) (BrE, formal) to leave a university (especially Oxford or Cambridge) at the end of a term or after finishing your studies (大学学期结束或 毕业后)离校(尤指牛津或剑桥):She went down (from Cambridge) in 2004. 她 2004 年 (自剑桥)大学毕业。OPP go up ♦ v + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 go down decline♦ decrease« drop. fall, go down ♦ slump These verbs are all used to talk about a reduction in amount, level or number. 这些动 词都表示下降、下跌、下滑。 decline to become lower or less in level, number, size, strength or importance (水 平、数字、大小、实力或重要性)下降,下 滑,衰落:The number of tourists visiting the resort declined by 10% last year, 去年该度假地 的游客人数下降了 10%。 decrease to fall in number or level (数字或 水平)减少,下跌: The number of students decreased from 210 to 160 this year, 今年学生 从 210 人减少到 160 人。◊ Donations have decreased significantly in recent years. 近年捐 赠显著减少。’ drop (not used in the progressive tenses} to become lower or less in level, number, or strength (水平、数字或实力)下降,降低: The temperature has dropped considerably. 气 温已大幅下降。◊ The team have dropped to fifth place. 该队排名下滑到第五位。◊ The wind dropped. 风小了。 fall to become lower or less in level, number, or strength (水平、数字或实力)下降,降低: Their profits have fallen by 30%. 他们的利润下 滑了 30% 。 ◊ The temperature fell sharply in the night. 夜间气温骤降。◊ Share prices fell 30p. 股票价格跌了 30便士。 go down to become less in level or value (水 平或价值)下降,降低,下跌:The temperature sometimes goes down to minus Thirty. 气温有时会降到零下三十度。 ◊ Coffee is going down in price. 咖啡价格正在下跌。 NOTE Come down is used when prices, etc. return to their previous level * come down 用 于指价格等回落到先前的水平:The price of gas is coming down again. 煤气价格又降了。 slump (not used in the progressive tenses) (especially business} to fall in price, value or number, suddenly and by a large amount (价格、价值或数字)突降,锐减,暴跌: Profits slumped by over 50%. 利润暴跌了 50% 以上。 WHICH WORD? In many cases you can use any of these verbs 在多数情况下,这些动词可通用: Sales have fallen/declined/dropped by 20%. 销售额下降了 20%o They can all be used to talk about numbers, levels, rates, prices, profits and sales. To talk about a loss of economic strength, use decline 这些动词都可用于谈论数字、水平、比 例、价格、利润和销售额。若谈及经济活力的丧 失,用 decline: The market has declined. 市场陷 入衰退。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ numbers/levels/rates fall/decline/drop/decrease ■ prices/profits/sales fall/decline/drop/slump/decrease ■ figures/temperature fall/drop ■ to fall/decline/drop/decrease sharply/significantly/considerably ■ to fall/drop/decline/decrease slightly/slowly/gradually/steadily go down; go down sth to move from a higher position to a lower one; to go along sth from one end towards the other (从高处)下 去;(沿着…)过去:One end of the see-saw goes up while the other end goes down. 跷跷板 一头起来,另一头就下去。 ◊ The pain goes down my arm. 疼痛传遍了我的胳膊。 ◊ I've just got to go down to Jim's office with these papers. 我得把这些文件送到吉姆的办公室去。 ◊ Will we go down any steep hills? 我们会沿陡峭山坡下山 吗? ◊ You'll see the museum if you go down the road a bit. 沿路往前走一点,就看到博物馆了。 ◊ It was hard enough to get up here (= a mountain, for example), and now we've got to go down! 爬上来就够呛了,现在我们又得下 去! ◊ Their company has decided to go down the same path (= do the same things) as ours. 他们的公有已决定走我们的路子。◊ I went down on my hands and knees to look for the pen. 我 趴在地上找钢笔。。I'm not going to go down on my knees and beg him to forgive me. 我不会奴 颜婢膝,乞求他原谅我。 [OBJ] road, stairs, hill OPP go up, go up sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep IDM go down the drain (BrE also go down the plughole) to be wasted; to get much worse 付 诸东流;白白浪费;每况愈下 go down that road to follow a particular course of action, especially a difficult or harmful one 踏上那条 道;采取(尤指艰难或有害)的做法:He said he'd never used drugs because he'd seen too many talented kids go down that road. 他说他 从不吸毒,因为他见过太多有才华的孩子走上那 条路。 go down on sb (slang) to perform a sex act on sb with your mouth 为(某人)口交 ♦ v + adv + prep go down to sth to go to a place near where you are, or a place you often go to 去,前往 (附近或常去的地方):Shall we go down to the beach for a swim? 我们去海滩游泳吧? ◊ I'm going down to the comer shop for some milk. 我 要去拐角处的商店买牛奶。 ♦ v + adv + prep go down with sth (especially BrE) to become ill/sick with sth 患,得(病):I think I'm going down with a cold. 我想我感冒了。 SYN come down with sth; sicken for sth; catch sth; get sth ♦ v + adv + prep go for sb/sth 1 to attack sb/sth 攻击;袭击: She went for him with a knife. 她手持尖刀向他 剌去。◊(figurative) The newspapers really went for him over his defence of terrorism. 各家报纸 强烈抨击他为恐怖主义辩护。 2 to apply to sb/sth; to be true of sb/sth 适用于;(某种情 况)也如此:What I said about Tim helping goes for you too, Alex. 我说让蒂姆帮忙,这话也 适用于你, 亚历竞斯。 ◊ We may have high unemployment, but the same goes for many other countries. 我们的失业率或许很高,不过其 他很多国家也都一样。◊ Terry needs to relax more, and the same goes for you. 特里需要放 松些,你也一样。3 to go to get sb/sth 去带回 (某人);去取回(某物):Shall I go for a doctor? 要我去请医生吗? ◊ She's gone for some millc. 她买牛奶去了。 4 to be attracted by sb/sth; to like or prefer sb/sth 为...所吸引;喜 欢;偏爱:He's not the type I usually go for. 他 不是我喜欢的那种人。 ◊ Children usually go for colourful packaging. 儿童一般喜欢色影鲜艳的 包装。 ♦ v + prep IDM (have) a lot, nothing, etc. going for it/you (to have) many/not many advantages 有(或位有)诸多有利案件: She has a good job, she's attractive and intelligent― he has a lot going for her. 她有份好工作,妩媚可人,聪明 伶俐————————她有很多有利条件。◊ The town doesn't really have much going for it. 这座小镇 着实不具备太大优势。 go for sth 1 to choose sth 选择:I think Ill go for the steak. 我想要牛排。◊ Which computer system are they going for? 他们要选哪套技算机 系统? 2 to try to get or achieve sth 努力获 取;努力实现:Did you go for that job? 你争取 过那心工作吗?。He's going for the world record 他力争打破世界纪录。◊ Go for it! You've got nothing to lose. 尽力争取吧!你不会失去什 么。 ◊ That's a great idea! Go for it! 想法很棒! 努力去实现吧! 3 to be sold for the price mentioned (以所提价格)出售;索价:These computers usually go for under £1000. 这类计 算机一般卖不到1000英镑。 ♦ v + prep go 'forth (literary) to leave a place and go somewhere, especially in order to do sth good or brave (尤指为做有益的或需要勇气的事情) 动身去,起程。 ♦ v + adv go 'forward 1 to make progress; to begin to happen or be successful 取得进展;开始发生; 初见成效:The project is going forward nicely. 项 目进展十分顺利。◊ Now that we have his agree- ment, the deal can go forward. 既然我们得到了 他的许可,就可以进行交易了。 2 (of clocks and watches 钟表)to be set one hour ahead at the beginning of summer (夏令时开始之际) 拨快一小时:The clocks go forward tonight. We have an hour less in bed. 今晚时钟要拨快。我 们少睡一小时。OPP go back 3 to be suggested as a candidate for a job or an elected position, etc. 获提名;列为候选人:Her name has gone forward for the job. 有人提名她出任该职。4 (to sth) to win one stage of a competition, etc. and be able to take part in the next stage (比 赛等)获胜进入下一阶段:Which teams will go forward to the second round? 哪几个队会进入 第二轮比赛呢? ♦ v + adv go in 1 (of the sun or moon 日、月)to disappear behind a cloud 躲进云里;被云掩盖: The sun went in and it grew colder. 太阳躲到云 后,天更冷了。OPP come out 2 (informal) (of facts, information, etc. 事实、信息等)to be absorbed, understood and remembered 被吸 收;被理解;被记住:I keep studying, but: these dates just won't go in. 我不断复习,但这些日期 就是记不住。SYN sink in 3 (of a piece of equipment, furniture, etc. 设备、家具拿)to be built or fitted in a place 装入;嵌入:The kitchen will be finished once the fridge has gone in. 冰箱放进去后,厨房就安排停当了。 ♦ v + adv go in; ,go in sth; go into sth 1 to enter a room, a house, etc. 进去;进入(室 内、屋内等):It's getting cold; let's go in.天 冷了;我们进屋去吧。 ◊ Let's go in the kitchen— it's wanner. 我们进厨房吧-----厨房暖和些。◊ Why did you go into my office? 你为什么进我的 办公室? ◊ Are you going into town today? 你今 天要进城吗? 2 to fit into a container, etc. 能 放进(容器等):The suitcase is full already— those shoes definitely won't go in. 手提箱已经满 了 ——那些鞋子肯定放不下了。◊ I'm amazed that all the luggage went in the car. 行李全都放 进车里了, 我颇感惊奇。 ◊ All the photos will go into this box. 所有照片都会放进这盒子里. 3 (informal) to join an organization, especially one of the armed forces or the police 加入,参 加(某一组织,尤指军队或警察部门):He was 17 when he went in the army. 他 17 岁入伍。◊ Ed wants to go into the Marines. 埃德想加入海 军陆战队。4 (of the ball in sports played with a ball, etc. 运动所用的球等)to enter the goal, net, hole, etc. and score points 进(门、网、 洞等); 进球得分: Did you see if the ball went in? 你看见球进了没有? ◊ He kicked the ball hard enough to go into the back of the goal. 他 用力把球踢进了球门里。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go in; ,go 'into sth 1 to go to an office or another place of work in order to work, do a particular task, have some work done for you, etc. 去办公室,去工作单位(上班、办事、找人 服务等): I've got to work tomorrow, but I can always go in late. 我明天要上班,但我总还可以 迟到。◊ The car needs to go in (= into the garage) for a service. 车子需要去(修理厂)维 修了。◊ Are you going into work tomorrow? 你 明天要去工作吗? 2 to go to a hospital to receive treatment, tests, etc. 去医院(接受治 疗、检测等):I'm going in on Friday for an X-ray. 我星期五要去医院做X光检查。 ◊ When is Cara going into hospital? 卡拉什么时候上医 院? 3 (of soldiers, an army, etc. 士兵、部队等) to go to a place where there is fighting or a war and become involved in it 上战场; 参战: Troops are going in tonight. 部队今晚上战场。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go 'in for sth (especially BrE) 1 to take part in a competition; to take an exam 参加(竞赛 或考试):She goes in for all the competitions in the magazines and never wins anything. 她参加 了杂志上登的所有比赛, 却从未获奖。◊ Which events are you going in for at the school sports? 学校运动会你打算参加什么项目? ◊ She's going in for Che Cambridge First Certificate. 她准备参 加剑桥初级证书考试。 2 -> GO INTO STH 3: He decided to go in for politics. 他决定从政。 SYN enter sth ♦ v + adv + prep go in for sth; .go in for doing sth to like sth and regularly use it, do it, etc.; to have sth as an interest or a hobby 喜欢;有...兴 趣;以...为业余爱好:S/ie goes in for very bright colours. 她喜爱给艳的色彩。◊ He doesn't really go in for making long speeches, 他不太喜欢做长 篇讲话。◊ We don't go in for that sort of thing. 我们不喜欢那种事。◊ she never went in for dancing. 她对跳舞从不感兴趣。 ♦ v + adv + prep go 'in with sb (on sth) to join sb in a particular project, activity, business, etc. 与 (某人)联合(完成某个项目、参加某个活动、 做生意等):Jack went in with some friends to start a car hire business.杰克和一些朋友做起了 汽车租赁生意。◊ I'll go in with you on (= I'll give you some money for) Mary's present. 我 和你凑份子给玛丽买件礼物。◊ My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them. 我的几个兄弟要开汽车修理厂,想拉 我入伙。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 go in come in ♦ enter (sth) ♦ go in ♦ set foot in/on sth All these words mean to come or go into sth. 这些动词都表示进来或进去。 come in (also come into sth) to enter a place, especially a building, room, etc 进来; 进入 (楼内、室内等): It's getting cold. Why don't you come in now? 天冷了。为什么现在不进来 呢? ◊ Come in! (= used to give sb permission to enter a room)进来! enter (sth) (formal) to come or go into a place 进入;走进:Please knock before you enter, 进 来之前请敲门。◊ Where did the bullet enter the body? 子弹打中身体什么部位了? go in (also go into sth) to enter a place, especially a building, room, etc. 进去;进入 (楼内、室内等): It's getting cold. Let's go in. 天冷了。我们进去吧。 ◊ They went into the dining room. 他们进了餐厅。 set foot in/on sth to enter or visit a place 进 入,踏上,访问,参观(某地):He was the first person to set foot on the moon. 他是第一 个登上月球的人。◊ I vowed never to set foot in the place again. 我发誓再也不去那个地方。 ◊ It was the first time I'd set foot on African soil, 那是我首次踏上非洲的土地。 WHICH WORD? Come in implies movement in the direction of the speaker; go in implies movement in the opposite direction * come in 指朝说话者的方向 移动; go in 指朝相反的方向移动: Come in and help me tidy up. 进来帮我收拾一下。 ◊ The door was open but we were too scared to go in. 门是 敞开的,但我们吓得不敢进去。Enter can imply movement in either direction. * enter 可指朝 任一方向移动。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to enter/come into/go into/set foot in a room/building/country/town ■ to enter/come in/go in by/through sth ■ to allow sb/permit sb/give permission for sb to enter/come in/go in go into sth 1 (of a vehicle 交通工具)to hit sth violently; to crash into sth 猛地撞上:The car skidded and went into a tree. 车子打滑,猛 地撞到树上。2 (of a vehicle or driver 交通工 具或驾驶员)to start a particular movement 开 始以某种方式移动;开始某种动作:The truck went into a spin on a patch of ice. 卡车在冰面 上打起转来。◊ The plane went into a nosedive. 飞机俯冲下来。3 (also ,go in for sth) to decide to do a particular kind of work as your job or career 决定从事,投身(某种行显): When did you decide to go into politics? 你何时 决定从政的? ◊ She's going into publishing. 她 要从事出版业。◊ Sanjay's gone into business with his father. 桑贾伊跟随父亲经商了。[OBJ] politics SYN take sth up 4 to begin to be in a particular state or situation 进入(某种状态或 状况):She went into a coma after the accident. 事故后她陷入昏迷。 ◊ The country is going into a decline. 该国日益衰落。◊ The company has gone into liquidation. 公司在停业清算。 ◊ The family has gone into hiding. 这家人躲了起来。 [OBJ] liquidation, production, decline, hiding, exile, a coma 5 to begin to act or behave in a particular way (以某种方式)开始行动,开始 行事:He went into a long explanation of the affair. 他对那件事长篇大论解释起来。◊ Divers were there, ready to go into action if the stunt went wrong. 潜水员在那里待命。 如果特技动作 出现差错,他们会马上入水救险。6 to examine or discuss sth carefully 仔细考虑;深入探讨:I won't go into details now. 我现在不谈细节。◊ We need to go into the question of costs. 我们需 要研究一下成本问题。◊ She's not coming, for reasons which I won't go into now. 她不来了, 原因我现在不作解释。7 (also ,go 'into doing sth) (of money, time, effort, etc. 金钱、时间、 精力等)to be spent on sth; to be used to do sth 投入;用于:More money needs to go into rebuilding the inner cities. 重建市中心旧城区, 需要投入更多的资金。◊ I can see that a lot of time and effort has gone into your project. 我可 以看出这个项目你花了很多时间和精力。 ◊ A huge amount of work went into making the occasion a success. 为确保这个活动的成功,做 了大量的工作。 ◊ A lot of skill, love and work had gone into the garden. 这座花园凝聚了高超 的技艺、很多的爱心和辛劳。8 to start taking part in an exam, a competition, an election, etc. 参加(考试、竞赛、竞选等):I can't go into the exam unprepared. 我不能毫无准备去参 加这次考试。9 if one number goes into a larger number, it is contained in that number the number of times mentioned (一数字)除 尽,整除(另一较大数字):5 goes into 25 five times. * 5 除 25 得 5。◊ Does 13 go into 39? * 13能整除39吗? ♦ v + prep go off 1 (to sth) to leave a place, especially in order to do sth 离开,离去(尤指去做某事): You go off and have fun. 你去玩吧。◊ When are you going off on your trip? 你何时动身去旅行? ◊ Have the children gone off to school yet? 孩子 们去上学了吗? ◊ Everyone went off happy. 大 家都高高兴兴地离开了。 ◊ I can't believe Ed went off without saying goodbye! 我无法相信埃 德竟然不辞而别! ◊ My parents have just gone off to bed. 我父母刚去睡下。 2 (of a weapon, etc. 武器等)to be fired; to explode 开火; 爆炸: The gun went off by accident. 枪走火了。 ◊ The bomb went off in a crowded street. 炸弹在熙来 攘往的大街上爆炸了。 [SUBJ] gun, bomb 3 (of an alarm 警报器或闹钟)to make a sudden loud noise or flash 突然响起; 突然闪烁:She got up as soon as the alarm clock went off, 闹钟 一响,她就一骨碌起床了。 ◊ The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went " 防盗器 警报声大作,窃贼们立刻逃走了。 [SUBJ] alarm, alarm dock, fire alarm 4 if a light, the electricity, etc. goes off, it stops working (电灯)熄灭;(供电等)中断:停止运行: Suddenly all the lights went off. 所有的灯突然 熄灭了。 ◊ The heating goes off at nine. 九点钟 停止供暖。[SUBJ] lights OPP come on; go on 5 [+ adv] if a performance, etc. goes off well/badly, it is successful/not successful (演 出等)成功 / 不成功:The show went off very well. 演出大获成功。 ◊ How did the concert go off? 音乐会开得怎么样? ◊ The performance went off without a hitch (= without any problems at all. 演出十分顺利。6 (BrE) if food or drink goes off, it becomes bad and not fit to eat or drink (食物或饮料)变质,变 坏:This milk has gone off. 牛奶馊了。 [SUBJ] milk, meat 7 (especially BrE) to become worse in quality (质量)下降,滑坡:Her books have gone off in recent years. 她近年出的书质量下滑 了。8 (informal, especially BrE) to fall asleep 入眠;入睡:Hasn't the baby gone off (to sleep) yet? 宝宝还没睡着吗? SYN drop off ♦ v + adv go 'off; go 'off sth 1 to move away from sth large or important and go in a different direction 偏离(主干事物);岔开:The road you want goes off on the right. 你要走的路往右 边岔开去。◊ (figurative) She's always going off the point(= not talking about the main topic). 她讲话老是跑题。 2 to leave the stage, the sports field, etc. during a play or a game (演 出或比赛中)下场,退场: Hamlet goes off in the middle of the scene. 哈姆雷特在该场剧前中场阶 段退场。◊ Johnson went off at half-time. 约翰 逊中场休息时下场了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go 'off (on sb) to suddenly become angry with sb (对某人) 突然发怒,大发脾气: He just went off on her and started yelling. 他突然对她发 火,大声叫嚷起来。◊ (BrE) I spilt coffee on the sofa and my mum went off on one. 我把咖啡洒 在了沙发上,妈妈立刻发了火。 ♦ v + adv go off sb/sth (informal, especially BrE) to lose interest in sb/sth; to stop liking sb/sth 失 去对…的兴趣; 不再喜欢: I think she's going off me. 我觉得她对我没兴趣了。◊ He's gone off his food. 他厌食了。◊ I've gone off the idea of a holiday in Scotland. 我已经没有去苏格兰度假的 兴致了。 ♦ v + prep go 'off with sb to leave your husband, wife, etc. in order to have a relationship with sb else 与 (新欢) 私奔:Eddie's gone off with his wife's best friend. 埃迪跟他妻子的闺蜜私奔了。 SYN run away/off with sb ♦ v + adv + prep go 'off with sth to leave a place with sth that does not belong to you fl! 擅自拿走 (他人之 物):Who's gone off with my new pen? 谁顺手 牵羊拿走了我的新钢笔? SYN make off (with sth) ♦ v + adv + prep go 'on 1 (of a situation or a state of affairs 情 况或事态)to continue to happen or exist without changing 继续下去;维持不变:We can't let this dispute go on. 我们不能继续这样争 执下去。◊ Things can't go on as they are. 事情 不能再像目前这样继续下去了。◊ In spite of everything, life must go on. 无论如何,生活还 是要继续。◊ We can't go on like this! 我们不能 这样继续下去! SYN carry on; continue 2 to last for a particular time 持缓,延续(一段时 间): The meeting went on for hours. 会开了好 几个小时。 ◊ How much longer will this hot weather go on (for)? 这样炎热的天气还会持续 多久? SYN carry on; last 3 (with sth) to continue an activity, especially after a pause or a break (尤指停顿或中断后) 继续做 (某 事):I'm sorry I interrupted. Go on with your story. 对不起,打断你了。继续讲你的故事吧。◊ The children quietly went on with their work. 孩 子们继续安静地做功课。 ◊ Let's take a break. We'll go on when you're ready. 咱们休息一下 吧。你们准备好了我们再继续。 SYN carry on (with sth) 4 (with sth) (also ,go on doing sth) to continue an activity without stopping (不 停顿地) 继续做 (某事):When I came into the room, the boss just went on with what she was doing and didn't look up. 我进房间时,老板头 也没抬,只是继续忙她手里的活儿。 ◊ I could have gone on listening to Ted's stories all night. 特德的故事我可以一直听上一夜。 ◊ I'd prefer to go on doing things my own way. 我宁愿按照自 己的方式做事。SYN carry on (with sth), carry on doing sth 5 to continue speaking after a short pause (短暂停顿后) 继续设:'You know', he went on, ‘1 never liked her.’ “ 你知道的.” 他接着说,“ 我从没喜欢过她。" ◊ Go on then! Tell me what happened! 那么快说吧!告诉我发 生了什么事! ◊ She hesitated for a moment, and then went on. 她犹豫了一会儿,然后继续往下 说。SYN carry on 6 (of a light, the electricity, etc. 电灯、供电等) to start to work; to be switched on 打开;接通;开始运行:Suddenly all the lights went on. 突然所有的灯都亮了。 OPP go off 7 (of time 时间) to pass 流逝:过去: Things will improve as time goes on. 随着时间 的推移,情况会好转的。 ◊ She became more miserable as the evening went on. 夜渐深,她越 来越难受。SYN go by 8 (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to take place; to happen 发生;出现:What's going on here? 这里发生什么事儿了? ◊ Who knows what goes on when I'm away. 谁知道我外出期间会出 什么事。 ◊ There must be a party going on next door. 隔壁一定是在举行聚会。◊ She ignores a lot of what goes on. 她对很多事情都视而不见。 9 (to sth/to do sth) to do sth after you have finished sth else (完成某事后) 接着做〈另 件事):Do all the students go on to work in catering? 是不是所有的学生都接着在餐饮业工 作? ◊ Let's go on to the next item on the agenda. 咱们接着进行下一项议程吧。 ◊ The boys went on to a club, but I decided to go home. 男 孩子们接着去夜总会,可我决定回家。10 .go 'on! (informal) used to encourage or dare sb to do sth (用于鼓励或激将) 来吧:Go on! Have another cake. 来吧!再吃一块蛋糕。◊ Go on! Try it! 来吧!试试嘛! ◊ Go on! Ask her out! I dare you! 去呀!约她出来呀!我谅你也不敢! 11 (about sb/sth) to continue talking to sb for a long time about the same person or thing, usually in an annoying way 唠叨;说个没完: They keep going on about their trip. 他们没完 没了地讲他们的旅行。 ◊ What is she going on about? 她在啰唆啥呢。 ◊ My parents went on and on about how successful my sister is. 我父 母不停地唠叨我姐姐多么有出息。SYN bang on about sb/sth (BrE informal) 12 (at sb) (about sth) (especially BrE) to complain to sb about their behaviour, work, etc. (为某事) (向某 人) 唠叨,埋怨,指责: My dad went on at me about not having a job. 我爸爸责备我没工作。◊ Stop going on at me! 别数落我了!。She keeps going on at me to dress better. 她没完没了地唠 叨着,让我穿得体面些。SYN carry on (at sb) (about sth); criticize sb 13 to continue to travel in the direction you are going (按原来 的方向) 继续旅行,继续行进:I'm too tired to go on. 我累得走不动了。 ◊ They had an accident and couldn't go on. 他们出了意外,无法继续行 程。SYN carry on 14 (ahead/to sth) to travel in front of sb else 先走一步;先行:Jack's going on ahead to get the house ready. 杰克要提前出 发,去把房子收拾好。 ◊ Shall we wait for Ray or shall we go on into town without him? 我们 等一等雷,还是不等他先去城里? 15 (of a road, a piece of land, etc. 道路、土地等) to cover a particular distance in a particular direction 延伸;延续:The desert seemed to go on forever. 沙漠一望无际。16 (of an actor or a performer 演员或表演者)to walk onto the stage to begin their performance 上场; 登台: She doesn't go on till Act 2. 她要到第二幕才出 场。17 (sport) (of a player 运动员) to join a team instead of another player during a game 替补 上场:Allen went on (in place of Brown) just before half-time. 上半场即将结束前,艾伦 上场 (替换下了布朗)。18 go on (informal, especially BrE) used to agree to do or allow sth that you do not really want to do or allow, after sb has persuaded you (表示勉强同意) 行吧,可以吧:'Are you sure you won't come?' ‘Oh go on then, but I won't be able to stay long’. “你真的不来了吗?” “喔,那还是去吧,可我 不能呆很久。" 19 go on! (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) used to show that you do not believe what sb is saying (表示不相信) 真的吗:Go on! You didn't eat it all yourself! 不会吧!你不 可能一个人把它全吃光的! SYN get away (with you) ♦ v + adv 4 also v + adv + -ing ♦ 5 also v + adv + speech IDM be going on (for) sth (BrE) to be nearly a particular age, time or number 接近,将近 (某个年龄、时间或数字):It was going on (for) midnight. 快到午夜了。◊ She's 20, going on 21. 她现在 20 岁,马上 21 了。enough, plenty, etc. to be going on with enough, plenty, etc. for our present needs 足够目前所 需;绰绰有余:That should be enough food to be going on with. 食物应该足够现在吃的了。 ► goings- on n [pl.] (informal) activities or events that are strange or amusing 异常情况; 有趣的活动 (或事情):There have been some strange goings-on at their house. 最近他们家发 生了点儿有趣的事。 ► ongoing adj [usually before noun] continuing to exist or develop 继续存在的;仍 在进行的;不断发展的:an ongoing process 持 续的过程。the ongoing debate 持续两辩论。 ◊ an ongoing situation 不断发展的状况。The problem is ongoing. 这个问题尚未解决。 go on; .go on sth to fit or be put on top of another object (大小等) 合适;放到…顶部; 盖上:The lid won't go on. 盖子盖不上。 ◊ This shoe won't go on my foot at all. 这只鞋根本不 合我的脚。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go on sth 1 (used in negative sentences and questions 用于否定句和疑问句)to base an opinion or a judgement on sth 以…为依据; 凭…来判断:The police don't have much evidence to go on. 警方证据不够充分。◊ I'm only going on what she told me. 我只以她对我 说的话为依据。2 to begin doing, following, enjoying or using sth 开始 (做、遵循、享受或 使用):to go on a course/trip 开始一门课程/旅 行 ◊ I'm going on a diet on Monday. 我星期一开 始节食。◊ When are you going on holiday? 你 什么时候去度假? ◊ to go on the dole (= to start to receive government unemployment benefit) 开始领取失业救济金。 ◊ When do the band go on tour? 乐队何时开始巡回演出? ♦ v + prep go on sth; go on doing sth (of money, time, energy, etc. 金钱、时间、能源等) to be spent or used for sth 花在…上;用于:All his money goes on drink. 他的钱全用来喝酒了。◊ Most of the electricity we use goes on running the computers. 我们所用的电大多耗费在运行计 算机上。 -> see also GO ON 4 ♦ v + prep go out 1 (for/to sth) to leave your house to go to social events, etc. 出门参加社交活动;外 出交际:Shall we go out for a meal tonight? 我们今晚出去吃饭好吗? ◊ Ellie goes out a lot. 埃利经常外出参加社交活动。 ◊ She goes out dancing most weekends. 她周末多半在外跳舞。 ◊ Jenny usually goes out with her friends on Friday evenings. 珍妮通常在星期五晚上和朋友 外出娱乐。OPP stay in 2 (with sb/together) (informal) (especially of young people 尤指年 轻人) to spend time with sb and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them (与…) 约会,谈情说爱:Sam has been going out with Kate for six months. 萨姆与凯特相恋六 个月了。 ◊ How long have Sam and Kate been going out together? 萨姆与凯特相恋多久了? ◊ When did they start going out? 他们什么时候开 始约会的? SYN date, date sb 3 (of a letter, a message, etc. 信件、信息等) to be sent, announced, etc. 寄出;发送出;公布:Have the invitations gone out yet? 请柬发出去了吗? ◊ A memo went out about the director's resignation. 备忘录上发布了主管辞职的消息。 4 (of news, information, etc. 新闻、消息等) to be made public; to be published 公布; 发布;刊行: Word went out that the Prime Minister had resigned. 首相据传已经辞职。◊ The magazine goes out six times a year. 这份杂志每年出版六 期。5 (especially BrE) ( of a radio or television programme 广播或电视节目) to be broadcast 播送;播出:The fyst episode goes out next Friday at 8.00 p.m. 第一集下周五晚上八时播 出。◊ The show will go out live from the studio. 节目将在演播室现场直播。6 ( of a fire or a light 火或灯光)to stop burning or shining 熄灭: The fire has gone out. 火灭了。 ◊ There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 断电了, 所有的灯都熄了。[SUBJ] lights, fire SYN be extinguished (formal) 7 if money goes out, it is spent on bills and expenses (钱) 用掉,花 掉:We need to have more money coming in than going out. 我们要多挣少花。OPP come in 8 (to ... ) to leave your country and travel to another one, especially one far away 出国 (尤 指去遥远的国度): We went out to see him when he was living in Australia. 他住在澳大利 亚时,我们曾出国去看望他。◊ Have you been out to India recently? 你最近去过印度吗? 9 if the tide goes out, the sea moves away from the land 退潮;落潮: When does the tide go out? 什么时候退潮? [SUBJ] only the tide SYN ebb (more formal) OPP come in 10 to fail in a competition, contest, etc. (竞赛等中) 遭淘汰,出局: She went out in the first round of the tournament. 她在锦标赛 第一轮即遭淘汰。 ♦ v + adv IDM go out like a light to fall asleep very quickly 迅速入睡:I went out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow. 我头一挨到枕头,就 睡着了。 ► outgoing adj 1 very friendly and liking to meet and talk to other people 友好的;开朗 的;爱交际的:Annie's sister is much more outgoing than she is. 安妮的姐姐比她外向多 了。 2 [only before noun] about to leave a position of responsibility 即将卸任的;即将离 职: the outgoing government 任期即将届满的 政府 3 [only before noun] going away from a particular place 向外的;离开的:outgoing calls/flights/passengers 打出的电话/离港航班/ 出发旅客 ◊ the outgoing tide 退潮 ► outgoings n [pl.] (BrE) the money which a person or a company spends regularly on bills and other necessary expenses 开支; 经常性支 出:They haven't got enough money to cover their outgoings. 他们入不敷出。 go out; go out of sth 1 to leave a room, building, etc. 出门;出去:Ifs too cold to go out 天冷得迈不出门。◊ The talking started as soon as the teacher went out of the room. 老师 刚走出教室,大家就开始说话。 ◊ It isn't a good idea to go out alone at night. 夜间不宜独自外 出。 ◊ I‘m going out for a walk. 我出去散步了。 ◊ He's just gone out to get a newspaper. 他刚出 去买报纸去了。 ◊ My grandmother never went out to work (= away from the home). 我奶奶 从没离开家门出去工出过。◊ She went straight out and spent £200 on a new coat, 她立马出去 花200英镑买了件新外套。 OPP go in, go in sth, go into sth 2 to become no longer fashionable or used 不再流行;不再使用:That hairstyle went out of fashion years ago. 那种发型多年前 就不时兴了。 ◊ Styles like that have completely gone out now. 那样的款式现在完全过时了。 ◊ The word "leathern" has gone out of use in modem English. 现代英语已经不用 leathern — 词了。OPP come in, come in sth, come into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep go out for sth (AmE) to try to gain a place in a sports team, a band or a group that does some other activity 争取加入 (运动队、乐队等 团体): I had to talk Greg into going out for the basketball team. 我得说服格雷格加入篮球队。 ◊ 'Did she make the band? ' 'She didn't go out for it' “她是乐队成员吗? ” “她没想参加。" SYN try for sth (especially BrE), try out (for sth) (especially AmE) ♦ v + adv + prep go out of sb/sth (of a quality or feeling 品 质或感觉)to no longer be present in sb/sth; to disappear from sb/sth 在…中不复存在;从… 中消失:He relaxed and the tension went out of him. 他放松下来,紧张顿消。 ◊ The heat had gone out of the day. 白天的热气已经散尽。 ♦ v + adv + prep go out to sb if you say that your heart, thoughts, prayers, etc. go out to sb, you are expressing sympathy for them 同情,怜悯 (某 人) : Our hearts go out to all the victims of the disaster. 对所有受灾者,我们深表同情。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 go out burn (itself) out ♦ die down ♦ go out These verbs all mean to stop burning. 这些动 词都表示熄灭。See also put sth out. burn (itself) out to stop burning because there is nothing more to burn 燃尽; 熄灭: The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived 消防车赶到时,火已经灭了。 die down to burn less strongly (火势) 变 弱;渐渐熄灭: As the flames died down he felt cold air on his face. 火焰小了,他感到脸上阵 阵寒气。 go out to stop burning 熄灭:The candles had all gone out and I was left in darkness. 蜡烛全 灭了,我陷入黑暗之中。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ a fire/blaze goes out/burns (itself) out/dies down ■ flames go out/die down ■ a candle/cigarette goes out ■ to gradually burn (itself) out/die down ■ to suddenly go out go 'over 1 (to sb/sth) to move towards sb/sth, especially crossing a room, etc. (尤指 通过房间等) (向…) 走去 He went over to the window for a closer look at the parade. 他走到 窗前,就近观看游行队伍。◊ I went over and sat beside Jane. 我走过去坐在简身边。2 (to sth) to visit sb for a short time, usually at their house (到别人家) 短暂拜访, 探望:I'm going over to my daughter's for lunch. 我要去女儿家吃午饭。 -> see also GO ROUND 1 3 (to ...) to travel to a place in another country, especially by sea (到海外) 旅行:My family live in Belgium and I'm going over to see them next week. 我家人住 在比利时,我下星期要去看望他们。4 [+ adv] (AmE) -> GO DOWN 4: My suggestion didn't go over well with my boss. 老板对我的建议不以为 然 。 ◊ The news of her promotion went over well with her colleagues. 她提升的消息受到同事们的 欢迎。 ♦ v + adv go over; go over sth to pass above or over the top of sb/sth 从...上方经过:Planes were going over all night. 飞机整夜在上空飞来 飞去。 ◊ We were shaken as the car went: over the bumps in the road. 车子在坑坑洼洼的路面 上开过,把我们颠个不停。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go 'over sth 1 to do more, spend more, etc. than a particular amount or than you are allowed to do 超出,越出 (某一数量或允许范 围):Don't go over the speed limit. 不要超过限 速。◊ Did you go over budget on your project? 你的项目超出预算了吗? SYN exceed sth (more formal) 2 to examine the details of sth; to check sth 检查细节;审核:I'll go over the figures again to make sure they're right. 我要再 核对一下数据,以免有误。◊ Go over your work carefully before you hand it in. 交作业前要仔细 检查一下。 -> note at CHECK SB/STH OVER 3 to study sth carefully; to repeat sth 反复研究;仔 细琢磨:I've gone over and over what happened in my mind. 我心里反复琢磨所发生的事。 ◊ She went over her lines ( = in a play) until she knew them perfectly. 她反复记诵台词,直到滚 瓜烂熟。4 to look at or check sth carefully 细 查;检查:Police went (back) over all the evidence again. 警方再次仔细察看了所有证据。 ◊ My dad went over the car thoroughly and advised us not to buy it. 父亲彻底检查了那辆 车,然后建议我们不要买。 5 to draw, paint, etc. over the top of sth that has already been drawn or painted 描摹;临摹:I've gone over the original drawing in pen. 我用钢笔描摹了原 画。6 to dean sth by passing sth across the surface 打扫干净;擦试干净:He went over the surfaces with a duster. 他用抹布擦干净了表面。 ♦ v + prep ► going- over n [sing.] (informal) 1 an act of examining, cleaning or repairing sth thoroughly (彻底) 检查,打扫,维修:I've given the flat a good going-over (= a thorough clean). 我把公寓打扫得一尘不染。◊ The garage gave the car a thorough going-over (= a careful check). 汽修厂彻底检查了这辆车。2 a serious attack on sb, physically or in words 毒打;痛骂: The gang gave him a real going-over. 那帮流氓 毒打了他一顿。 go over to sb/sth 1 to leave a group of people in order to join a competing group; to change from one side, opinion, habit, system, etc. to another; to start using sth different 转 向 (另一团体、立场、见解、习惯、体系等); 开始启用 (不同事物):Two MPs went over to the opposition. 两名议员转投反对党。 ◊ We've recently gone over to semi-skimmed millc 我们 最近开始喝半脱脂牛奶。2 ( in broadcasting 广 播) to transfer to a different person, place, etc. for the next part of a programme 切换到 (另 一人物、地点等):Let's go over to the news desk for an important announcement. 我们现在 播报新闻,有一条重要通告发布。 ♦ v + adv + prep go past (of time 时间)to pass 流逝;过去: Half an hour went past while we were sitting there. 我们在那里坐了半个小时。 ♦ v + adv go past; go past sb/sth to pass in front of sb/sth 在(...) 面前经过:I stood back to let Jack go past. 我往后站了站,让杰克过去。◊ The shop is empty whenever I go past it. 我每次经过 商店时,里面都空无一人。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go round (BrE) (AmE ,go a round) 1 (to sth) to visit sb for a short time, usually at their house (常指到别人家里) 探望一下:Why don't you go round and see Annie? 你为什么不去看看 安妮呢? ◊ I've got to go around to my sister's (= to her house) in the morning. 我早上得去 姐姐家里看看。 -> see also GO OVER 2 2 to spin or turn 旋转;转动:When I found the bicycle, the wheels were still going round. 我找到自行车 时,轮子还在转呢。 ◊ (figurative) I've got so many ideas going around in my head at the moment. 我现在脑子里涌现出各种各样的想法。 -> see also GO AROUND, ETC. ♦ v + adv go through 1 (to sth) (informal) used especially to ask sb to enter a room, etc.(尤 用于邀请) 进来,进去: Shall we go through to my office? 我们去我的办公室好吗? ◊ Go through and make yourself comfortable. 进来随 便坐吧。 2 if a law, a contract, etc. goes through, it is officially approved, accepted or completed (法律、合同等) 获得通过,获得批 准: The bill went through without any objections. 议案全票通过。◊ The adoption. (— of a child) has finally gone through. 收养一事终 获批准。 3 if a business deal, etc. goes through, it is completed successfully (商业交 易等) 达成,成功:We are almost certain the deal will go through. 我们几乎可以肯定这笔交 易能谈成。◊ If the merger goes through, we may lose our jobs. 如果合并谈成,我们可能会 丢掉工作。4 (to sth) to pass to the next stage of a competition, etc. having won the first part(s) 获胜进入 (下一阶段比赛等):Four teams will go through to the semi-final. 四支队 伍将进入半决赛。 ♦ v + adv go through; .go through sth to enter and cross a room, an area of land, a town, a country, etc.; to pass through sth 穿过,越过 (房间、地域、城镇、国家等):The gates opened and we went through. 大门开了,我们 走了进去。 ◊ Lots of huge trucks go through the town, 镇子里的大卡车川流不息。◊ You have to go through the lounge to reach the kitchen. 到 厨房去得通过客厅。◊ The defence was weak, and the ball went through into the goal. 防守薄 弱,球射入了球门。◊ The bullet went straight through the window. 子弹直接射进了窗户。◊ This is the hole where the bullet went through. 这就是子弹射穿的孔。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go through sb 1 if a feeling goes through you, it passes through your body (感觉) 传 遍全身:A shudder went through her. 她浑身一 阵战栗。2 if a particular type of food goes through you, your body cannot deal with it easily and it is emptied from your body quickly or in liquid form (某种食物) 使腹泻:I can't eat sushi—it goes right through me. 我不 能吃寿司——————一吃就拉肚子。 ♦ v + prep go through sb/sth to ask a person or an organization to deal with sth for you or give you permission to do sth 通过(他人或机构) 处理;向…提出申请:If you want to book the cruise, you'll have to go through a travel agent. 预订乘船游览得通过旅行社代办。 ♦ v + prep go through sth 1 to pass through sth from one end to the other 从…的一端到另一端;穿 过:We went through the woods to get to the lake. 我们穿过丛林来到湖边。 ◊(figurative) What went through your mind when you saw her? 你见到她的时候,心里是怎么想的? 2 if you go through an event, a period of time, etc. you pass through it from the beginning to ±e end 自始至终经历(某一事件、时期等); 经过:He went through the day in a state of shock. 他惊魂未定挨过了这一天。◊ She can't go through life always depending on her parents. 她不能一辈子都依赖父母。3 to experience or suffer sth 经历;遭受:You don't realize what I've been going through. 你不了解我的遭遇。◊ She's been through a bad patch recently. 最近她 连触霉头。◊ We've been through a lot together. 我们甘苦与共。 ◊ It's a phase/stage all teenagers go through. 这是所有青少年都要经历的一个阶 段。[OBJ] phase, experience, a bad, difficult, etc. patch SYN undergo sth (more formal) 4 to look at, check or examine sth closely and carefully, especially in order to find sth 仔细 找遍;仔细查遍;仔细搜遍:I've gone through all my pockets but I can't find my keys. 我翻遍 所有衣兜也找不到钥匙。◊ After his death, his daughter had to go through his papers. 他去世 后,女儿不得不仔细阅读整理他的文件。 [OBJ] pockets, papers 5 to discuss or study sth in detail, especially repeating it (尤指反复地) 详细探讨,仔细研究:Let's go through the arguments again. 咱们再详细研究一下这些论据 吧。◊ Could we go through Act 2 once more? 我 们把第二幕戏再过一遍好吗? SYN run through sth 6 to perform a series of actions; to follow a method 经过(一套程序、所有步骤等):This is the process you have to go through to become a club member. 这是成为俱乐部会员必须办理的 手续。◊ I made a mistake when I was logging out and had to go through the whole process again, 我退出系统时出了差错,只好从头再来一 遍。◊ Have you seen him go through his exercise routine in the mornings? 他每天早晨的 例行作育锻炼,你见过吗?[OBJ] process, routine, procedure 7 to use up sth 用完;耗尽: I seem to be going through a lot of money at the moment. 我现在好像花钱如流水。◊ Have we gone through all that milk already? 我们把那些 牛奶全喝光了吗? SYN get through sth 8 to wear or make a hole in sth 磨破:穿破:I've gone through the elbows of my jumper. 我毛衣 的肘部都磨破了。 ♦ v + prep go through the motions (of sth/of doing sth) 1 to pretend to do sth 假装,佯装(做某 事);装出...的样子:He just went through the motions of being a poet. 他不过装作是个诗人。 2 to do or say sth without being serious or sincere about it 走过场;敷衍了事;装模作样: Her heart wasn't in the game—she was just going through the motions. 她心思不在比赛 上------ 只不过是在应付差事。go through the roof 1 (of prices, etc. 价格等)to rise very quickly 飙升;陡升;猛涨:House prices have gone through the roof. 房价暴涨离了谱。 2 to become very angry 震怒;暴怒:My mum will go through the roof if she finds out! 我妈妈要是 知道了会火冒三丈的! go 'through with sth to do what is necessary to complete sth or achieve sth, even though it may be difficult or unpleasant 做 完,完成(艰艰或令人不快的事):She decided not to go through with the operation (= she decided not to have it). 她决定不动手术。◊ He says hell take us to court, but hell never go through with it. 他说要起诉我们,但他绝不会 费这个劲。 ♦ v + adv + prep go to it (AmE) informal) used to tell sb to start doing sth 开始吧;动手吧:You need to get it finished by six. Go to it! 你要在六点前完成。 快去办吧! ◊ We better go to it before it gets dark. 我们最好赶在天黑前动手。 ♦ v + prep + it go to sb/sth 1 to be given to sb/sth; to pass to sb else when sb dies 给予;归于;(去世 后)遗留给:Proceeds from the concert will go to charity. 音乐会的收入将捐赠慈善事业。◊ Some of the credit for the book should go to the illustrator. 本书获得的赞誉应部分归功于插图绘 制者。◊ The first prize went to Peter. 一等奖颁 给了彼得。 ◊ The contract has gone to a private firm. 合同被一家私营公司拿到了。◊ The property went to his eldest: daughter (= when he died). 他的遗产留给了长女。2 to approach sb/sth for help or information; to ask sb for sympathy or advice 向...求助(或咨询);希望 获得(某人)的同情(或建议):Sue goes to her friends for support rather than her family. 休向 朋友而不是家人寻求支持。◊ He's the only person I can go to for advice. 我能够咨询意见商 人仅他而已。◊ I always go to my dictionary when I come across a word I don't know, 遇到生词,我总是查阅字典。SYN turn to sb/sth ♦ v + prep ► go-to adj [only before noun] (AmE, informal) a go-to guy, etc. is one that you can approach for help, information, etc. 可以求助 的;可以咨询的:Jimmy's the go-to guy if you're looking for advice about your car. 想要获得汽 车方面的建议,可找吉米。 go to sth 1 to start to do sth; to begin to be in a particular state or condition 开始着手(某 事);进入,陷入(某种境地或状况):The two countries are set to go to war over the dispute. 为了解决这场争端, 两国准备开故。◊ I hate to see food going to waste. 我痛恨糟蹋食物。 ◊ My brain went to work on (= started to think about) what I should do next. 我开始考虑下一 步的打算。[OBJ] only war, waste, work 2 to make a lot of effort, spend a lot of money, etc. in order to do or achieve sth 花费(精力、金 钱等)做:Don't go to any trouble on my behalf. 不要为我费心。 ◊ Why go to the expense of buying a car? 为什么花钱买车呢? ◊ He went to great pains to persuade us. 他苦口婆心地规劝 我们。◊ It's amazing the lengths people will go to to get a job. 人们为找份工作煞费周章,令人 惊叹。 [OBJ] only trouble, expense, pains, lengths ♦ v + prep + n IDM go to the dogs (informal) to get into a very bad state 衰落;没落:Some people think this country is going to the dogs. 有人认为这个 国家正走向没落。go to sb's head 1 (of alcohol 酒)to make sb feel drunk 使醉;上头 2 (of success, praise, etc. 成功、赞扬等)to make sb feel very proud of themselves, especially in a way that other people find annoying (使)冲昏头脑,扬扬白得,忘乎所 以 go to pieces (informal) if sb goes to pieces, they become so upset or frightened that they cannot live or work normally 萎靡不振;崩 溃;心慌意乱:It seems he goes to pieces in a crisis. 他好像危机临头就吓破了胆。 go to pot {informal) to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things (因 不努力或不上心而)荒废,完蛋:His plan to make money had gone to pot. 他赚钱的计划泡 汤了。go to sleep 1 to fall asleep 入睡;睡着 2 if part of your body goes to sleep, you lose the sense of feeling in it (身体部位)麻木, 毫无知觉 go to town (on sth) to do sth with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, especially spending a lot of money (尤指花大钱)大干 一番,全力以赴:They hadn't got a garden, so they really went to town on indoor plants. 他们 没有花园,所以十分热衷于栽培室内植物。go to the wall if a company or a business goes to the wall, it fails because of a lack of money (公司或企业因缺乏资金而)走投无路、倒闭. 破产 go together 1 (of two or more things 两个 或多个事物)to exist at the same time; to be often found together 并存;相伴而生:Money and happiness don't always go together. 金钱并 不总是意味着幸福。 -> see also GO WITH STH 2 2 to look, taste, sound, etc. good together; to combine well with sth (外形、味道、声音 等)和谐,相配:These colours go together well. 这些色彩十分协调. ◊ Curry and pasta don't go together. 咖喔和通心粉不对味。 NOTE Go is also used * go 也作此义:Curry and pasta don't really go. 咖喱和通心粉实在是不对味。 ◊ These colours don't really go. 这些色彩实在是不协调。 -> see also GO WITH STH 1 3 (old-fashioned, especially AmE) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)( of two people 两人 )to spend time with each other and have a romantic or sexual relationship 相恋;相好: They haven't been going together long. 他们谈 恋爱没多久。 -> see also GO OUT 2 ♦ v + adv go towards sth; go towards doing sth to be used as part of the payment for sth; to be used as part of sth 成为...的部分付款;用 于…(作为其中的一部分):The money will go towards buying a computer. 这笔钱会用来支付 购买一部计算机的部分费用。 ◊ All these marks go towards my final diploma. 这些分数都计入 我的毕业文凭成绩。 ♦ v + prep go under 1 to sink below the surface of the water 沉入水中;沉没:They had to swim to shore when the boat went under. 船沉下去了, 他们只好向岸边游。◊ Someone rushed to help him when he went under. 他落水后,有人急忙 下水去救他。2 (informal) to fail, lose power, etc.; to be unable to pay what you owe 失败; 垮台; 破产:A large number of small companies have gone under. 小公司大批到闭。 ♦ v + adv go under sth to be known by a particular name or title 名为; 称为:Does he go under any other names? 他有其他名字吗? [OBJ] the name of ... , a different, etc. name, the title of... -> see also GO BY sth 2 ♦ v + prep go up 1 to become higher in price, level, etc.; to rise (价格、水平等)上升,增长:The price of cigarettes is going up. 香烟价格在上涿。◊ Cigarettes are going up (in price), 香烟在涨价。 ◊ My pension has gone up (by) £5 a week. 我的养老金每周涨了 5英镑。 [SUBJ] price, temperature SYN rise OPP come down; go down 2 (to sb/sth) to go towards sb/sth 走 向;前往:He went up to the house and knocked on the door. 他走到屋前敲门。3 (to ... ) to travel from one place to another, especially from the south of a country to the north (尤 指从一国南部某处)去(北部某处);北上: She's gone up to Scotland to see her son. 她北上 苏格兰去看儿子。◊ Are you going up to London tomorrow? 你明天去伦敦吗? 4 to be built; to be put up 建起;竖起:New office blocks are going up everywhere. 到处都在兴建新办公楼。 5 to be destroyed by fire or an explosion 焚 毁;炸掉:one of the gas tanks goes up, there will be massive damage. 如果其中一个燃气罐爆 炸,将会造成巨大破坏。◊ The whole building went up in flames. 整栋建筑毁于大火。6 to be fixed in a public place 张贴;张挂:Notices have gone up all over the university. 大学校园到处张 贴着通知。7 if the curtain across the stage in a theatre goes up, it is raised or opened (剧 院舞台的帷幕)升起,拉开:The stage was empty when the curtain went up. 幕布升起时, 舞台上空空荡荡。[SUBJ] curtain OPP come down 8 if a loud sound such as a shout goes up, it is made by lots of people (喊声等)响 起,爆发:A huge cheer went up from the crowd. 人群中爆发出雷鸣般的欢呼声。[SUBJ] cheer, cry 9 (to/into sth) (of a sports team or a student 运动队或学生)to move to a higher rank, pos- ition or class 晋级;升级:Oxford went up into the second division. 牛津队晋升到了二级联赛。◊ Is she going up into the sixth form this year? 她 今年要升入六年级吗? OPP go down 10 (to ...) (BrE) to begin your studies at a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge; to begin a term at university 上大学(尤指牛津或剑 桥);进入大学新学期:She went up (to Oxford) in 1996. 她1996年上的(牛津)大学。OPP go down ♦ v + adv go up; go up sth to move from a lower position to a higher one or upstairs in a building 上去;上来;上楼;沿...上去:The lift goes up and down all day. 电梯整天上上下下 的。 ◊ Go up the ladder. 顺梯子爬上去。 ◊ She went up the stairs very slowly. 她慢悠悠地爬上 楼梯。 ◊ Julie's gone up to her room to change. 朱莉到她楼上的房间去换衣服。 [OBJ] stairs, kill, road SYN ascend, ascend sth (formal) OPP go down, go down sth; descend, descend sth (formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep go up against sb/sth (AmE informal) to face sb/sth difficult, for example in a competition 面临,应对(难以对付的人或事 物):He went up against the champion in the second round. 他在第二轮遭遇冠军。◊ in a con- sumer taste test, Coke went up against Pepsi. 在 一次消费者品尝测验中,可口可乐与百事可乐狭 路相逢。 ♦ v + adv + prep go up to sth to come close to a particular point or time, or go in a particular direction 接 近(某一地点或时间);通向:This diary only goes up to November. 这本日记只写到11月。◊ The road goes up to the school. 这条路通往 学校。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 go up climb ♦ go up ♦ grow ♦ increase ♦ rise These are all verbs that can be used when an amount, level or number of sth gets bigger or higher. 这些动词都表示上涨,上升、增长。See also put sth up, shoot up. climb to become greater in level or value (水 平或价值)上升,上涨:The dollar/temperature/price of oil has been climbing all week. 整整一周, 美元汇率 / 气温 / 油价节节拳升。 go up to become greater in level or value (水 平成价值)上升,The price of cigarettes is going up. 香烟价格在上涨。 ◊ Do you think interest rates will go up again? 你认为利率会 再次提高吗? grow to become greater in size, number or strength (大小、数字)上升;(强度)增强: The company profits are expected to grow by 5% next year. 公司利润明年有望增长5%。 ◊ She is growing in confidence all the time. 她的 信心越来越足。 increase to become greater in amount, level, number, degree, value, size or strength 上 升;上涨;增长: The population has increased from 7.2 million to 1.8 million. 人口从 120 万 增长到 180 万。 ◊ The rate of inflation increased by 2%. 通货膨胀率上升了2%。 rise to become greater in number, level or amount (数字、水平或数量)上升,增长: rising fuel bills/crime rates 不断上升的燃料费 / 犯罪率。 ◊ Unemployment has risen by 3%. 失业 率上升了3%。 ◊ Gas rose sharply in price. 煤 气价格快速上涨。 WHICH WORD? Rise is most often used to talk about the number or level of sth; grow and increase can also be used about size and strength * rise 常 用于指数字或水平;grow 和 increase也可用于 指大小和强度:Profits/Numbers have risen/grown/increased. 利润增长 / 数字攀升 Her confidence/fear grew/increased. 她的信心 / 恐惧 增强了。 Climb is usually used about a number rather than an amount. * climb 通常用于指数 字,而非数量。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ the price/number rises/increases/climbs/goes up ■ the level/cost/temperature rises/increases/goes up ■ the size/amount grows/increases ■ to rise/grow/increase/climb/go up slightly/steadily/slowly/rapidly/dramatically/sharply ■ to rise/grow/increase/go up significantly/substantially/considerably go with sb (old-fashioned, informal) to have a sexual or romantic relationship with sb; to have sex with sb 与某人谈恋爱:与某人发生性 关系:She's been going with him for quite a while. 她和他恋爱已好一阵子了。 -> see also GO OUT 2 ♦ v + prep go with sb/sth (informal, especially AmE) to support a plan, an idea, etc. or the person suggesting it 支持,赞同(计划、想法、提议者 等):I'm prepared to go with her decision. 我愿 意支持她的决定。◊ I like Ted's idea. Let's go with it. 我赞成特德的主意。大家来支持吧。◊ Which candidate shall we go with? 我们该投哪 个候选人的票? ♦ v + prep go with sth 1 to look, taste, sound, etc. good with sth; to combine well with sth (外形、味 道、声音等)和谐、相称:This sauce goes well with lamb. 这种调味汁和羊肉很对味。 ◊ Does this skirt go with my jumper? 这条裙子和我的 套衫搭配吗? -> see also GO TOGETHER 2 2 (of two or more things 两个或多个事物)to exist at the same time or in the same place as sth; to be often found together 并存;相伴而生: Disease often goes with poverty. 疾病与贫困常 常相伴而生。◊ She loves all the attention that goes with being famous. 她享受名气所带来的关 注。 -> see also GO TOGETHER 1 3 to be included with or as a part of sth 附属于;是… 的一部分:A new car goes with the job. 这份工 作配有一辆新车。 ♦ v + prep go with out; go with out sth; go with 'out doing sth to manage without sth which you usually have 没有…而勉强应付;没 有...也行:I never want the children to have to go without. 我总是对孩子有求必应。◊ She went without sleep for three days. 她熬了三天没 睡觉。 SYN do without, do without sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep goad /ɡəʊd; AmE ɡoʊd/ goad sb 'on to drive and encourage sb to do sth 驱使;怂恿;剌激:They goaded him on to break the window. 他们唆使他打破窗户。◊ The boxers were goaded on by the shrieking crowd. 拳击运动员听见观众的尖叫就来劲儿了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv gobble /ˈɡɒbl; AmE ˈɡɑːbl/ gobble sth down/ up (informal) to eat food very quickly 飞快地吃:I gobbled down my breakfast and ran out of the house. 我狼吞虎咽 地吃完早饭跑出屋子。 SYN wolf sth down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv gobble sth up (informal) 1 to use all of sth, especially money, very quickly 一下用光,很 快耗尽(尤指金钱):The rent gobbles up half his earnings. 租金用去了他一半的收入。 2 if a business, company, etc. gobbles up a smaller one, it takes control of it 吞并,兼并(公司): Small family businesses are being gobbled up by Larger firms. 小型家庭企业正被大公司吞并。 SYN swallow sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv goof /ɡuːf/ goof a round {informal, especially AmE) to waste your time doing silly or stupid things 浪 费光阴做傻事:Come on, quit goofing around— this is serious. 快点儿,别浪费时间了 —— 这是 正经事。 SYN mess around ♦ v + adv goof 'off (AmE, informal) to waste time when you are supposed to be working 闲荡;偷懒; 混日子 ♦ v + adv ► goof-off n (AmE, informal, disapproving) a lazy person who does not work hard 懒汉; 懒 鬼:懒虫。 goof up (on sth), goof sth up (AmE, informal) to make a mistake; to spoil sth by making a mistake or doing it badly 出差错; (把…)毁掉,搞糟:He always goofs up (on exams). 他总是考砸。 ◊ He really goofed up his exam. 他考得实在槽糕。 SYN mess up, mess sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n gouge /ɡaʊdʒ/ gouge sth out; gouge sth out of sth to remove sth, or form sth, by digging into a surface with a sharp tool, your fingers, etc. (在…中)挖出,抠出:I wanted to gouge her eyes out. 我当时想把她的眼珠子给抠出来。◊ Glaciers gouged out valleys from the hills. 冰川 在丘陵地带冲刷出一条条峡谷。 SYN eyes ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep grab /ɡræb/ grab at sb/sth to try to take hold of sb/sth 试图抓住;试图握住:She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. 她想抓住树枝,却失手 跌落下来。 SYN clutch at sb/sth ♦ v + prep grab at sth to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth 抓住,利用(机 会): He'll grab at any excuse to avoid doing the dishes. 他会找出任何借口来逃避洗碗。 [OBJ] chance, opportunity, excuse SYN seize on sth ♦ v + prep grapple /ˈɡræpl/ grapple with sth to try to deal with a difficult situation or solve a difficult problem 设法应付(困境):竭力解决(难题): I've spent all afternoon grappling with these accounts. 我用了整整一下午处理这些账目。◊ This is an issue that is being grappled with by the council 这个问题正由市议会寻求解决。 [OBJ] problem, issue SYN wrestle with sth ♦ v + prep grasp /ɡrɑːsp; AmE ɡræsp/ grasp at sth/sb to try to take hold of sth/sb in your hands 尽力抓住;尽力握住:She grasped at his coat. 她使劲抓住了他的外套。 SYN catch at sth/sb; dutch at sth/sb ♦ v + prep grasp at sth to try to take advantage of an opportunity, especially because you are unhappy with the present situation (尤指因 不满现状)急切抓住(机会):He grasped at any hope of escape. 他不放过任何逃生的希望。 SYN clutch at sth ♦ v + prep IDM grasp at straws to try very hard to find a solution to a problem or some hope in a difficult situation, even though this seems very unlikely (在危难中) 捞救命稻草,不放过 些许希望 grass /ɡrɑːs; AmE ɡræs/ grass sth over to cover an area of ground with grass 使长满草;在...上种草:The garden had been grassed over. 花园里长满了草。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv grass sb up (BrE, informal) to inform the police or sb in authority about a crime or sth bad that sb has done (向警方或当局) 告发, 检举:My girlfriend grassed me up. 女友出卖 了我。 NOTE It is also possible to say 也可说:My girlfriend grassed (on me). 女友出卖了我。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n gravitate /ˈɡrævɪteɪt/ gravitate to/toward(s) sb/sth to move towards sb/sth that you are attracted to 被吸 引到;受吸引而转向:Most visitors to New York gravitate to Times Square. 大多数来纽约的游客 都被吸引到时代广场。 ♦ v + prep grey (BrE) (AmE gray) /ɡreɪ/ grey sth out (computing) to show writing, etc. in a faint colour on a computer screen to show that a particular option cannot be chosen (在计算机屏幕上) 以灰色显示 (表示该 选项不可选):That option is greyed out. 那个 选项是灰色的,不可用。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) grind /ɡraɪnd/ (ground, ground /ɡraʊnd/) grind sb down to treat sb in an unkind way or annoy them for a long time until they can no longer defend themselves or fight back (长期) 折磨,欺压:Don't let your colleagues grind you down! 别让你的同事欺负你! ◊ The villagers had been ground down by years of poverty. 多年来村民饱受贫困之苦。 SYN wear sb down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n grind sth down to rub sth against a hard surface in order to make it smooth and shiny 打磨:磨光;研磨 SYN wear sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n grind on to continue for a long time in a boring or unpleasant way 磨蹭:缠磨:The negotiations ground on for months. 谈判拖拖拉 拉持续了几个月。 ♦ v + adv grind sth out 1 to produce sth in large quantities over a long period of time, especially sth that is not interesting or of good quality 大量生产;粗制滥造:He grinds out a novel a month. 他每月新拼凑出一部小说。 SYN churn sth out 2 to press a burning cigarette down firmly with your hand or your foot in order to stop it burning 捻灭,踩灭 (烟蒂): He ground out the cigarette with his heel. 他用 鞋跟踩灭了香烟。 SYN stub sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv grind sth up to break or crush sth into very small pieces 碾碎; 磨碎:I ground up the nuts to put in the cake. 我把坚果仁碾碎,掺入蛋 糕里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n grope /ɡrəʊp; AmE ɡroʊp/ grope for sth to try hard to find sth 摸索; 搜素:I stepped in the door and. groped for the light switch. 我迈进门,摸索着寻找电灯开关。◊ (figurative) 'Yes, but ... ' He was groping for words." 是啊,可是…” 他搜肠刮肚找词儿。 [OBJ] light, word, answer ♦ v + prep grope towards sth (rare) to try to find an agreement, an answer to a problem, etc. 努 力达成 (协议);试图找到 (答案):The two parties are groping towards a compromise. 双 方正在努力寻求妥协。 ♦ v + prep gross /ɡrəʊs; AmE ɡroʊs/ gross sb out (informal, especially AmE) to make sb feel disgusted 使恶心;使嫌恶:His greasy hair really grosses me out! 他油乎乎的头 发实在令我恶心! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► gross-out adj [only before noun] (informal, especially AmE): Hollywood's latest gross-out comedy 好莱坞最新推出的令人作呕的喜剧 ground /ɡraʊnd/ be grounded in/on sth to be based on sth 以...为基础;基于:Is the story grounded in fact? 这是真人真事吗? ♦ be + v + prep ground out (AmE) (in baseball 棒球)to hit a ball along the ground, which is then caught by an opposing player and thrown to first base before you can run there, so that you are out (击出地滚球后在一垒) 被杀出局:Miller singled and grounded out. 米勒击出一垒安打, 然后击出地滚球被杀出局。 ♦ v + adv grow /ɡrəʊ; AmE ɡroʊ/ (grew /gru:/, grown /ɡrəʊn; AmE ɡroʊn/) grow a part to become less close to sb in a relationship 逐渐疏远;变得生疏:We used to be good friends, but we've grown apart. 我们曾经 很要好,可现在疏远了。 ♦ v + adv grow a way from sb to come to have a less close relationship with sb; to depend on sb less 与...的关系渐淡;逐渐疏远;减少对...的依 赖:She has grown away from her parents. 她不 再那么依赖父母了。 ♦ v + adv + prep grow back if hair, fur, etc. grows back, it starts to grow again after it has been cut or damaged (毛发等剪去或受损后)重新长出:His hair grew back thicker after it fell out.他头发 脱落后,新长出的头发反而更密了。[SUBJ] hair ♦ v + adv grow into sth 1 to gradually become sth over a period of time 逐渐长成:She had grown into a beautiful young woman. 她出落成了一个 漂亮的姑娘。2 if a child grows into clothes, he/she becomes big enough to fit into them (小孩)长大至穿(衣服)合身:This coat's too big for him now, but: he'll grow into it. 这件外 套他现在穿太大,不过再长大些就合身了。 coat, trousers, etc. OPP grow out of sth 3 to become familiar with and confident in a new job, activity, etc. 逐渐适应,开始熟悉(新事 物):He needs time to grow into the job. 他需 要时间适应这份工作。[OBJ] job, role ♦ v + prep grow on sb if sb/sth grows on you, you gradually like them/it more and more 逐渐 被…喜爱;越来越被...喜欢:That painting's really grown on me. 那幅画实在让我越来越喜 欢了。 ♦ v + prep grow out if the colour or style of your hair grows out, it disappears as your hair grows (头发染色或发型)因头发长长而消失:I had my hair coloured six weeks ago, but it's growing out now. 我六个星期前染了头发,可现在新发又 长出来了。 ♦ v + adv grow sth out to let your hair grow so that the colour or style changes or disappears 让头 发长长使(头发染色或发型)消失。I've decide to grow the layers out. 我决定把我剪出层次的头发 留长。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n grow out of sth 1 if a child grows out of clothes, he/she becomes too big to wear them (小孩)长大至穿不进(衣服):She grows out of her clothes so fast! 她这么快就长得穿不下她 的衣服了 ! [OBJ] coat, trousers, etc. SYN out- grow sth OPP grow into sth 2 to stop doing sth or suffering from sth as you become older 长大至不再(做某事或受...之苦):He grew out of his eczema as he got older. 他长大点后湿疹就 好了。◊ He was a very rebellious teenager, but he grew out of it. 他十几岁时非常叛逆. 但长大 后就好了。 SYN outgrow sth 3 to develop from sth 产生于;源自:These laws grew out of a need to protect children. 这些法律是为保护儿 童而制定的。 ♦ v + adv + prep grow up 1 when a person grows up, they become an adult 长大成人:Kate's growing up fast. 凯特长得很快。 ◊ Oh, grow up (= behave in a more sensible way) and stop making such a fuss! 喂,懂事点,别这么闹了! ◊ He was a difficult teenager, but grew up to be a responsible adult. 他十几岁时很难相处,可长大 成入后很有责任心。2 [+adv/prep] to spend the time you are a child in a particular place or in a particular way (在某地或以某种方式) 成长,长大:He grew up in Portugal. 他在葡萄 牙长大。 ◊ Mel and I grew up together. 梅尔和 我是一起长大的。 ◊ This generation has grown up on MTV. 这代人是看音乐电视长大的。3 to develop gradually 逐渐发展;日渐形成:The town had grown up around the abbey. 这座小 镇是环绕修道院发展起来的。◊ A cult had grown up around him. 逐渐形成了一种对他的狂热崇 拜 SYN develop ♦ v + adv ► grown- up adj (informal) 1 mentally and physically an adult 长大成人的;成年的: He has two grown-up children. 他有两个已成年的孩 子。2 like an adult in behaviour 老成的;成 熟的:Susie is very grown-up for her age. 相对她 的年龄来说,苏茜非常成熟。 ► grown-up n (informal) (used especially by adults when talking to children, or by children 尤 用于成年人对儿童说话或作儿童用语)an adult person 大人;成人:The grown-ups will sit at one table and the children at another. 大人坐一 桌,小孩坐另一桌。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 grow up develop ♦ grow up ♦ mature ♦ shoot up These verbs are all used to talk about children becoming bigger or more adult. 这些动词都表 示长大、成人。 develop to gradually become bigger, stronger and more like an adult 逐渐长大;成长: The child is developing normally. 这小孩发育 正常。 grow up to develop into an adult 长大;成长: My children have grown up and left home. 我 的孩子都长大离家了。◊ Children grow up fast. 孩子们长得很快。 mature to develop emotionally and start to behave like a sensible adult 变成熟:He has matured a lot over the past year. 过去一年他 成熟了很多。 shoot up to become bigger very quickly 快速 长大;蹿高:The kids have shot up since I last saw them. 自我上次见到他们以来,孩子们长 高了不少。 WHICH WORD? Grow up never means to become larger in size'. Use grow instead. * grow up 从不表示 “个头变大”,表示此义用 grow。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to grow up fast/quickly/rapidly ■ to develop/mature quickly/rapidly ■ to develop/mature emotionally/physically ■ to grow up/develop/mature into an adult, grub/ɡrʌb/ (-bb-) grub sth out/ up (rare) to dig sth out of the ground (从地里)掘出,挖出:Thousands of miles of hedgerows have been grubbed up. 几 千英里的树篱被挖了出来。 SYN dig sth out; dig sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv guard /ɡɑːd; AmE ɡɑːrd/ guard against sth; guard against doing sth to do sth to prevent sth happening or to protect yourself from sth 防 止(某事);避免(做某事):Clean the wound to guard against the danger of infection. 清洗伤 口,以防感染。◊ We should guard against the possibility of this happening again. 我们应该提 防此类事情膏次发生。◊ Regular exercise can help to guard against heart disease. 经常锻炼 有如于预防心脏病。◊ This danger must be guarded against. 必须防范这一危险。 [OBJ] danger, risks, possibility ♦ v + prep guess /ɡes/ guess at sth to try to imagine sth or make a judgement without knowing all the facts 猜 想;估计;臆断:We can only guess at the reason for his actions. 我们只能推测他行动的原 因。◊ Her feelings can only be guessed at. 她的 感觉如何,只能猜测。 ♦ v + prep gulp/ɡʌlp/ gulp sth 'back (rare) to stop yourself showing that you are upset by swallowing hard (以吞咽方式)抑制,忍住(消极情绪): She gulped back her tears. 她强忍泪水。 [OBJ] tears ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv gulp sth 'down to swallow sth quickly and noisily 狼吞虎咽;匆匆吞下(或喝下):He gulped down a glass of water. 他把一杯水咕咚 咕咚一饮而尽。 [OBJ] water, coffee, etc. NOTE Gulp sth can also be used on its own with a similar meaning. * gulp sth 可单独使用 也作相近含义。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv gum /ɡʌm/ (-mm-) gum sth up (BrE, informal, rare) to fill sth with a sticky substance so that it cannot move or work (用黏性物质)粘住,黏住:My eyes were all gummed up. 我的眼睛睁不开了。◊ The substance gummed the machine up. 这东西把机 器粘得转不动了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n gun /ɡʌn/ (-nn-) gun sb 'down (informal) to shoot sb, especially so as to kill or seriously injure them 枪击;枪杀;开枪打伤:He was gunned down outside his home. 他在自家门前遭到枪击。◊ Terrorists gunned down six people in the town last month. 上月,恐怖分子在城里开枪,六人 伤亡。 SYN shoot sb; shoot sb down o note at shoot sb/sth down NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) be gunning for sb (informal) (only used in the progressive tenses 只用于进行时)to try to blame sb or cause trouble for them 伺机指 责;伺机为难:She's been gunning for me since I came to work here. 我来这里工作后,她一直借 机找茬。 ♦ v + prep be gunning for sth (informal) (only used in the progressive tenses 只用于进行时)to try hard to get sth; to aim for sth 力争;瞄准(目 标): They are both gunning for places in the championship. 双方都在竭力争取入围锦标赛。 ♦ v + prep gussy /ˈɡʌsi/ (gussies, gussying, gussied) gussy sb/sth 'up; .gussy yourself up (AmE, informal) to dress sb/yourself in special, attractive clothes; to decorate sth to make it look attractive 打扮(某人);装饰(某物): She gussied herself up for the big party. 为参加 盛大聚会她把自己打扮得光彩照人。◊ Jim's got all gussied up! 吉姆穿戴一新啊! ◊ My dress was plain, but I gussied it up with some jewellery. 我的连衣裙较素淡,可我戴了些首饰 来装点。◊ The city was gussied up for the Presidents visit. 这座城市张灯结彩,迎接总统 来访。 SYN doll yourself up; be/get dolled up NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv gut/ɡʌt/(-tt-) gut it out (AmE, informal) to work in a very determined way to achieve sth, often despite great problems or physical pain (常指克服艰 难困苦)拼命干,坚持到底,撑到最后:Those kids went into the game and gutted it out. And they won! 那些孩子参加了比赛,一直拼到 最后,他们最终赢了比赛! SYN tough it out ♦ v + it + adv hack /hæk/ hack sth about (BrE, informal disapproving) to cut or change sth in a rough and careless way 乱砍;乱剪;(粗暴或随意地) 改变:The hairdressers have hacked her hair about a bit. 理发师把她的头发削得有点儿乱。 ◊ (figurative) The script was hacked about by several people before the movie was finished. 电影拍完之前, 剧本已被几个人删改得面目全非。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv hack at sth; hack a way (at sth) to try to cut sth using strong rough blows with a knife, scissors, etc, 猛砍;猛剪;乱劈:She's really hacked at my hair. It's a complete mess. 她实在 是对我的头发下了狠手,剪得一塌糊涂。◊ He was hacking away at the trees with an axe. 他 用斧子对着那些树猛砍。◊ Don't hack at: it! Cut it carefully! 不要乱剪!剪得仔细些! ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv hack sth 'down to cut a tree, etc. roughly so that it falls to the ground 砍倒,砍伐 (树木 等):They are hacking down the forests to sell the timber. 他们在砍伐森林以售卖木材。 [OBJ]tree SYN chop sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hack into sth (computing) to find a way of looking at or changing the information on sb else's computer without their knowledge or permission 非法侵入 (他人计算机信息系统):A teenage girl managed to hack into the bank's computer. 一名十几岁的女孩设法侵入了这家银 行的计算机。 ♦ v + prep hack sb off (BrE, informal) to make sb feel extremely annoyed or irritated 使极其恼怒; 使非常生气:He was hacked off with the whole situation. 他对整个局面大为恼火。◊ She always wants me to be there. That really hacks me off. 她总是要我呆在那儿。这让我苦恼不已。 曲心 Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hack sth 'off; .hack sth off sth to cut sth off sth with rough heavy blows 把… (从… 上)砍下来;(从…上) 削掉:They hacked off the dead branches. 他们把枯树枝砍掉了。 ◊ He hacked the padlock off the door. 他把门上的挂 锁砸掉了。◊ She was always threatening to hack her lovely long hair off with the kitchen scissors. 她总是威胁说要用厨房剪刀剪去她那头 漂亮的长发。 SYN chop sth off, chop sth off sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep hack sth up to cut sth very roughly into large pieces 和...剁成大块:He hacked up the meat with a large knife. 他用大刀把肉剁成 大块。 SYN chop sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hail /heɪl/ hail from ... (formal) (not used in the pro- gressive tenses 不用于进行时) to come from or to live in a particular place 来自;住在:Which part of Ireland does he hail from? 他来自爱尔兰 的哪个地方? ♦ v + prep ham /hæm/ ( mm ) ham it up (informal) to act in a deliberately artificial or exaggerated way 表演得夸张做 作;表演得过火:The actors were really ham- ming it up. 演员们表演得太夸张。 ♦ v + it + adv hammer /ˈhæmə(r)/ hammer a way at sth to work hard in order to finish or achieve sth; to repeat sth again and again 不懈努力;孜孜以求;重复论 及:He kept hammering away at the same point all through the meeting. 他开会自始至终都在再 三强调同一观点。 ♦ v + adv + prep hammer sth in; hammer sth into sb to force sb to learn sth by repeating it many times (向…) 反复灌输:I'll manage to hammer the point in somehow. 我将设法反复强调这一 点、。◊ They have had English grammar ham- mered into them. 他们通过接受反复灌输学会了 英语语法。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep hammer sth 'out 1 to discuss a plan, a deal, etc. for a long time and with great effort, until sth is decided or agreed on 反复讨论出 (一致意见); 充分研讨出 (决定):It took weeks to hammer out an agreement. 经过多个 星期的反复讨论才达成协议。[OBJ] deal, agree- ment, policy 2 to play music loudly, especially on a piano (尤指在钢琴上) 敲打出: She ham- mered out 'Happy Birthday' on the piano. 她在 钢琴上敲敲打打,弹奏出了《生日快乐》。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hand /hænd/ hand sth a1 round (especially AmE) -> HAND STH ROUND hand sth 'back (to sb) 1 to give sth back to the person, country, etc. who used to have it or who owns it legally 把…归还 (给原先或 合法的拥有者、国家等):The territory was handed back to Egypt. 领土归还给了埃及。◊ We will not press charges if the stolen money is handed back. 如果把偷走的钱还回来,我们就不 起诉。money, control 2 to give sth back to the person who gave it to you 把...归还 (给 原主人) : She looked quickly at my passport and then handed it back. 她看了一下护照就还 给了我。[OBJ] passport, letter, glass NOTE In informal spoken language hand sb back sth and, less often, hand sb sth back are also used 非正式口语也说 hand sb back sth 和 hand sb sth back, 但后者不太常用:I handed her back her pen. 我把笔还给了她。◊ I handed her her pen back. 我把笔还给了她。 SYN give sth back (to sb); return sth (to sb) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hand sth down i (also .hand sth on) (to sb) to give or leave sth to a younger person 把…传下去 (给年轻的人);流传 (后世):All my clothes were handed down to me by my brother. 我所有的衣服都是我哥哥传给我的。◊ These skills have been handed down from gener- ation to generation. 这些技术一直代相传。◊ He's got no one to hand the family house on to. 他没有后代继承他家的房子。[OBJ] tradition, custom, skills M2 pass sth down (to sb) NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被动语 态。2 (especially AmE) (of a court, etc. 法庭等) to announce an official decision 宣布,公布 (决定):The judge handed down a sentence of six years. 法官宣布判处六年徒刑。[OBJ] decision, sentence, verdict ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► hand-me-down n [usually pl.] (especially AmE) clothing that is no longer wanted and is given to sb else, especially a younger brother or sister (传给弟第妹妹的) 旧衣物:I had to wear my brother's hand-me-downs. 我不得不穿 我哥哥传下来的旧衣服。 hand sth 'in (to sb) 1 to give a piece of work to sb, such as a teacher, so that they can correct, read or deal with it; to give sth to sb in authority because it belongs to them or is lost 提交,呈交,上交 (书面材料、失物等): Make sure you hand in your homework on time. 一定要按时交家庭作业。◊ Hand your room keys in by 10 a.m. 上午10点前交房间钥匙。[OBJ] essay, homework SYN give sth in (to sb) 2 to tell sb officially that you intend to leave your job 递交 (辞呈):I've just handed in my notice. 我刚刚提交了辞职报告。 [OBJ] only your notice, your resignation SYN give sth in (to sb); resign ♦v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hand sb off (BrE, sport) to push away a player who is trying to stop you, with your arm straight 用手推挡 (对方防守队员) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hand sth on (to sb) 1 to send or give sth to another person after you have finished with it 把…转交 (给某人) (使用或处理):Hand on the magazine to your friends. 把杂志给你的朋 友传阅。◊ The task has been handed on to me. 这项任务交给了我继续处理。 2 -> HAND STH DOWN 1 SYN pass sth on (to sb) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hand sth 'out (to sb) 1 to give sth to each person in a group 把...分发 (给某人):She handed textbooks out to the new students. 她把课本发给新生。[OBJ] leaflets, money SYN give sth out; pass sth out (to sb) 2 to give advice, criticism, a punishment, etc. to sb (对 某人) 提出,给予 (建议、批评、惩罚等):The courts are handing out tough sentences to frequent offenders. 法庭现在对惯犯予以重判。 information, punishment, sentence SYN dish sth out (to sb) (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► handout n 1 sth that is given free to people, especially food, money or clothes 免费 分发品 (尤指食物、钱款或衣服):施舍物;救 济品。 2 a document giving information about sth, especially one that is given to a group or a class by a teacher, speaker, etc. (尤指发给学 生、听众等的) 讲义 hand over to sb; hand sb over to sb (especially BrE) to give sb else a turn to speak when you have finished talking (讲话结束 后) 请 (其他人) 讲话,让 (某人) 听 (另一个 人) 讲话:I'd like to hand over now to our guest speaker. 现在有请我们的特邀演讲人发言。◊ I'll hand you over to Dad for a chat. 请你跟我爸爸 聊聊。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep hand over to sb; hand sth over to sb to give sb else your position of power or authority; to give sb else the responsibility for dealing with a particular situation 向...移交 (权力或责任):I am resigning and handing over to my deputy. 我要辞职了,由我的副手接 任。 ◊ My father has handed over the business to me. 我父亲把企业交给了我。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► handover n [C, U] the act of moving power or responsibility from one person or group to another; the period during which this happens (权另或责任的) 移交,交接期 hand sb/sth over (to sb), hand your- self 'over (to sb) to give sb/sth officially to sb else, especially sb in authority 把...交出 (给当高); 引渡;自首:They handed him over to the police. 他们把他移安给了警方。 ◊ He forced me to hand over the keys. 他逼我交出 钥匙。 SYN deliver sb/sth over/up (to sb), deliver yourself over/up (to sb) (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► handover n [C, U] the act of giving a person or a thing to sb in authority 交出;引 渡;自首 hand sth round (especially BrE) (AmE usu- ally .hand sth a round) to offer or pass sth (especially food and drink) to each person in a group of people or in a room 分发,传递 (尤指食物和饮料):Could you hand round the sandwiches, please? 请分发一下三明治好吗? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hang /hæŋ/ (hung, hung /hʌŋ/) hang a bout, etc. (BrE) 1 (informal) -> HANG ON 3 2 -> HANG AROUND, ETC. hang a bout with sb;hang a bout together (BrE) -> HANG AROUND WITH SB, HANG AROUND TOGETHER hang around (BrE also .hang about/'round) (informal) 1 to wait 等待;等候:Sorry to keep you hanging around for so long. 对不起,让你 等了这么久。◊ I won't hang about for you if you're late. 你要是来晚了,我就不等你了。SYN wait around (for sb/sth) 2 to delay doing sth; to be slow to do sth 拖延;慢悠悠:Have you finished already? You don't hang about do you? 你已经完成了?你挺麻利呀,是不是? ♦ v + adv hang a'round; (hang a1 round sth (BrE also .hang about/1 round, hang about/ round sth) (informal) to spend time some- where, without doing very much 转悠; 闲荡: We spent most of the day hanging about doing nothing. 我们那天大部分时间都在闲逛。◊ Children hang around the streets because there's nowhere for them to play. 孩子们在街上东游西 逛,是因为他们没有地方玩。 ◊ Why are they always hanging round our house? 他们为什么 总是在我们的房子附近转悠? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep hang a'round with sb; hang a'round together (BrE also .hang about/'round with sb, ,hang about/1 round together) (informal to spend a lot of time with sb or with a group of people (和某人) 常呆在一起,泡在一块儿: Bob hangs around with Tim. 鲍勃和蒂姆形影不 离。 ◊ Bob and Tim hang around together 鲍勃 和蒂姆形影相随。◊ I don't like the kind of people she hangs about with. 我不喜欢她交往两 那种人。 SYN go around with sb, go around together ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + adv hang 'back 1 to not move forwards because you are nervous or afraid 畏缩不前;望而却步: She hung back, afraid to go near the dog. 她站 在原地,不敢走近那条狗。2 to stay behind in a place such as a school or an office after most of the other people have left 留下;留在原处: My friends rushed out, but I hung back to talk to the teacher. 朋友们急忙跑出去了,可我留下 来找老师谈话。3 to be unwilling to do sth; to hesitate 退缩;迟疑:This is a great opportun- ity. We can't afford to hang back. 这是个绝好的 机会。我们可不能再犹豫了。 ♦ v + adv hang on 1 (to sb/sth) to hold sb/sth firmly 抓 牢;握紧:Hang on tight and you won't fall off. 你抓紧就不会掉下去。 ◊ The horse suddenly galloped off and I tried to hang on as best as I could. 马突然飞奔起来,我拼命抓住缰绳。 ◊ Hang on to my hand while we cross the road. 过 马路时拉紧我的手。 -> see also HANG ONTOE STH/SB; -> NOT AT HOLD ON 2 (BrE, informal) used to ask sb to wait for a short time 等一 下;停一下:Hang on a minute—I'm nearly ready. 稍等一下——我快准备好了。 ◊ The line's engaged. Would you like to hang on? 电 话占线。请稍等一会儿好吗? 3 (BrE also .hang about) (informal) used to teD sb to stop what they are doing or saying, because you have just realized sth, or because you do not under- stand sth (用于突然有所悟或没明白对方的言 行时) 停一下,等一等 :Hang on! I've had an idea. 等等!我想到一个主意。 ◊ Hang on! How much did you say it was? 等一下!你说这个多 少钱? ◊ Hang on! That's not what I said! 稍停 一下!我可没那么说! 4 to continue doing s± even when the situation is difficult (困境中) 坚持不懈:How much longer can their troops hang on in that position? 他们的部队还能在那 个阵地坚持多久? 5 to wait for sth to happen 等待,等候 (某事发生): Indeed an answer soon— don't keep me hanging on. 我需要马上得到答 复——别让我一直等着。 SYN hold on ♦ v + adv IDM hang (on) in there (informal) to continue trying to do sth, even though it is very difficult 坚持下去:Hang on in there! The exams will soon be over. 坚持住!考试很快就结束了。 hang on sth to depend on sth 有赖于;视… 而定:My whole future hung on his decision. 我 的未来完全取决于他的决定。 [OBJ] decision SYN depend on sth ♦ v + prep IDM hang on sb's word's/sb's every word to listen with great attention to sb you admire 全 神贯注地聆听,热切地倾听 (某人的话语) hang sth on sb (informal, especially AmE) to blame sb for sth, often unfairly (常指不公正 地) 为责备某人,把...归罪于某人:You can't hang the damage to your computer on me— I wasn't even there! 你的计算机坏了不能赖 我——我当时根本不在场! ◊ They tried to hang the blame on me. 他们试图归咎于我。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep hang on to sb/sth (informal) to keep sb/sth; to not sell, give away or lose sth 保 留;不卖掉;不放弃;不丢失:Hang on to the receipt in case you want to change the dress. 留 着发票,万一你想退换连衣裙时用。◊ You can hang on to the book for a bit longer if you want. 你想的话,可以暂时留着这本书。 ◊ I hope she manages to hang on to her job. 我希望她能 保住那份工作。◊ The company seems to be incapable of hanging on to its staff. 公司似乎无 法留住员工。◊ He's a great guy--you should hang on to him! 他是个很不错的小伙子-你 应该牢牢抓住他! SYN hold onto sb/sth, hold on to sb/sth ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep ► hanger on n a person who tries to be friendly with a famous person or who goes to important events, in order to get some advan- tage 逢迎献媚者;攀附权贵之徒:It's not the monarchy I object to, it's all the hangers-on that go with it. 我反对的不是君主制,而是该制度催 生的那些趋炎附势之辈。 hang out (informal) 1 [+adv/prep] to spend a lot of time in a place or with a person or a group of people 泡在某处;(和某人或群体) 泡在一起:Where does he hang out these days? 他这些天常去哪儿? ◊ She used to hang out with the Beatles in the sixties. 在六十年代,她常常和 披头士乐队泡在一块儿。2 to spend time relax- ing, doing very little 闲散;歇闲:We've just been hanging out and listening to music. 我们 闲来无事,在听音乐。 ♦ v + adv ► hang-out n (informal) a place where you live or enjoy spending time with friends 住 处;(和朋友) 常去之处:a popular hang-out for teenagers 常有青少年流连聚集的地方 hang sth out to attach things that you have washed to a piece of string or rope outside so that they can dry; to attach sth such as a flag outside a window or in a street 把 (衣服) 晾 出去;把 (旗帜等) 挂出去:Have you hung the washing out? 你把洗好的衣服凉出去了吗? ◊ Many houses hung out a banner supporting the march. 很多住房外悬挂了支持游行的横幅。 [OBJ] washing, clothes, flags, banner -> see also HANG UP, HANG STH UP 1 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hang over sb/sth if a problem, a threat or sth sad hangs over you, you think about it or worry about it a lot 困扰;使苦恼:A question mark hangs over the future of the club (= no one knows what is going to happen). 俱乐部 的未来还是个问号。◊ The threat of dismissal hung over our heads. 解雇的威胁悬在我们心 头。[SUBJ] question mark, threat [OBJ] head, future ♦ v + prep hang rounds etc, (BrE, informal) -> HANG AROUND, ETC. hang together 1 to be well organized and fit together well; to have parts that all agree with each other 连贯;相符;一致:The book doesn't really hang together 这本书结构不太紧 密。 ◊ This account of what happened doesn't hang together. 对事件的这一描述前后矛盾。2 (especially AmE) when people hang together, they support or help one another 相互支持; 互帮互助:We need to all hang together against those who want to remove our freedoms. 我们 需要紧密团结,反对妄图剥夺我们自由的人。 SYN cooperate; pull together; stick together (informal) ♦ v + adv hang up; hang sth up 1 to attach sth from the top to a hook, a piece of string, etc. so that the lower pan is free or loose; to be attached in this way (把…) 悬挂起条:My dress is hanging up in the wardrobe. 我的连衣 裙挂在衣柜里。◊ Shall I hang your coat up? 我 帮你把外套挂起来好吗?◊ He took off his suit and hung it up carefully. 他脱掉西装, 小心地 挂了起来。[OBJ] coat, clothes -> see also HANG STH OUT 2 (on sb) to end a telephone conver- sation, often very suddenly, by putting down the part of the telephone that you speak into (the receiver) or switching the telephone off (突然) 挂断 (某人的) 电话:She hung up on me. 她挂断了我的电话。◊ Don't hang up. I'd like to talk to Dad too. 别挂电话。我还想和爸 爸谈谈。◊ I was so upset I hung up the phone, 我十分生气,挂断了电话。[OBJ] phone, receiver 3 to finish using sth for the last time; to give up a particular activity, profession, etc. 终止使 用 (某物);结束 (某种活动);不再从事 (某 职业):After twenty years playing football, he's finally hanging up his boots. 踢了二十年足球, 他终于挂靴了。[OBJ] boots ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv be/get ,hung up 1 (on/about sth/sb) (in- formal, disapproving) to be very worried about sth/sb; to think about sth/sb too much 担忧; 思念:You're not still hung up on that girl? 你不会仍在迷恋那位姑娘吧? ◊ Don't get too hung up about fitness. 不要对健康过于焦虑。2 (AmE) to be delayed 耽搁:延误:I got hung up in traffic. 我遇上了交通堵塞。◊ Sorry I'm late一 I got hung up at the office. 对不起,我来晚 了一一我在办公室脱不开身。 ♦ get + v + adv ► hang-up n 1 an emotional problem about sth that makes you embarrassed or worried (令人尴尬或烦恼的) 情感问题,心理障碍: He's got a real hang-up about his height. 他对自己 的身高确实有心理障碍。2 (AmE) a problem that delays sth being agreed or achieved 悬而 未决的问题;障碍。 hang with sb (AmEf slang) to spend a lot of time with sb (而某人) 泡在一块儿, 厮混: Are you still hanging with those loser guys? 你还和 那些不成器的家伙混在一起吗? ♦ v + prep hanker /ˈhæŋkə(r)/ hanker after/for sth to want sth very much 渴望得到;渴求:He hankered after city life. 他向往城市生活。 SYN long for sth ♦ v + prep happen / ˈhæpən/ happen along/ by (informal) to arrive or appear unexpectedly 意外来到; 碰巧出现:A police car happened along just at that moment. 就在那时. 一辆警车出乎意料地出现了。 ♦ v + adv happen on/upon sb/sth (old-fashioned) to find or meet sb/sth by chance 偶然发现 (某 物);碰巧遇见 (某人):I happened upon the book I wanted in a second-hand bookshop. 在一 家二手书店我碰巧发现了我想要的那本书。 SYN come across sb/sth ♦ v + prep hark /hɑːk; AmE hɑːrk/ hark at sb (humorous) used only in the form hark at sb, to show that you think what sb has just said is stupid, or shows too much pride (只用于 hark at sb 的形式) 听听某人的 蠢话,看看某人的狂样儿:'I need to lose some weight.' 'Hark at her! She's so thin I can hardly see her!' “我需要减减肥。” “听听她的话有多 傻!她瘦得我都快看不见她人了!” ♦ v + prep hark back to sth 1 to talk about or remember sth that happened in the past or was mentioned before 重提,忆起 (过去的事): You can't keep harking back to the past. 你不能 没完没了地念叨从前。[OBJ] the past, youth NOTE Often used in the progressive tenses. 常 用于进行时。2 (8rE) to be like sth in the past 和 (过去的事物) 相似:The melody harks back to one of his earlier symphonies. 这首曲子与他 早期的一首交响曲有些像。NOTE Not used in the progressive tenses. 不用于进行时。 ♦ v + adv + prep harp /hɑːp; AmE hɑːrp/ harp on (about sth), harp on sth (in- formal) to keep talking about sth in a way that other people find annoying 喋喋不休地谈论; 啰唆个没完:He's still harping on about his accident. 他还在唠叨他出事故的事儿。◊ He's always harping on the same theme. 他总是翻来 覆去地念叨同一个话题。 an go on (about sth) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep harsh /hɑːʃ; AmE hɑːrʃ,/ harsh on sb (AmE, slang) to criticize sb 批 评;责谁:In his blog he harshed on actresses who jump on the anti-war bandwagon. 他在博 客上指责了那些追随反战潮流的女演员。 ♦ v + prep hash /hæʃ/ hash sth out (AmE, informal) to discuss sth in detail for a long time in order to reach an agreement 仔细商定:They are still hashing out the details of the contract. 他们还在反复商讨合 同的细节。 an thrash sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hash sth 'over (AmE, informal) to discuss sth for a long time in a lot of detail 仔细商 谈;反复讨论:We hashed over the events of the previous evening, but couldn't come up with any answers. 我们详细讨论了前一天晚上发生的事 情,但仍找不出任何答案。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv hatch /hætʃ;/ hatch out (8r£) when a bird, an insect, etc. hatches out, it comes out of the egg; when an egg hatches out, it breaks open and a bird, an insect, etc. comes out (鸟、虫等) 孵出,破壳 而出;(蛋) 孵化:The chicks hatch out after fifteen days. 小鸡的孵化期是十五天。◊ Have the eggs hatched out yet? 那些蛋孵化了吗? ◊ When will the caterpillars hatch out? 幼虫什么时候孵 化出来? NOTE Hatch is used on its own instead of hatch out in American English. It can also be used in British English. 美国英语中 hatch 单独 使用,而非 hatch out。hatch 也可用于英国 英语。 ♦ v + adv haul /hɔːl/ haul sb be fore sb/sth (also .haul sb up before sb/sth) (informal) to make sb appear in court to be judged 把某人提交法庭审判: They were hauled before the courts. 他们被移交法庭 审判。◊ They hauled her up in front of senior officers. 他们把她送交高级军官查办。 SYN bring sb before sb/sth (more formal) NOTE In front of sb/sth can be used instead of before 可用 in front of sb / sth 代替 before: They hauled her up in front of senior officers. 他们把 她送交高级军官查办。Often used in the pas- sive. 常用于被动语态。 -> see also HAUL SB UP ♦ v + n/pron + prep haul sth in (AmE, informal) to win or earn sth 赢得;挣得:The thirty-year-old hauled in five gold medals. 这位三十岁的选手摘得五枚 金牌。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv .v + adv + n haul sb off (to sth/ ...) (informal) to take sb somewhere by force 强行带走某人 (到某处): They hauled him off to jail. 他们押送他去了 监狱。 SYN drag sb off (to sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) haul sb up (informal) to make sb appear in court to be judged 把某人提交法庭审判:He was hauled up on a charge of dangerous driving. 他 被控危险驾驶,交由法院审判。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 -> see also HAUL SB BEFORE SB/STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n {rare) have /hav, SV, hæv/ (has, having, had, had) NOTE Phrasal verbs with have are not normally used in the passive. * have 构成的短语动词一般 不用于被动语态。 have sth against sb/sth (also have .got sth against sb/sth) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to dislike sb/sth for a particular reason 因...而不喜欢…:I've got nothing against her family personally! 我本人 对她的家庭并无不满! ◊ I don't: know what she had against me, 我不知道她反感我什么。 [OBJ] nothing, anything, something ♦ v + pron + prep have sb a round (especially AmE) -> HAVE SB OVER have it a way (with sb) (BrE, slang) t have IT OFF (WITH SB) have sb back (especially BrE) 1 to allow a husband, wife or partner that you are separ- ated from to return 允许(分手的配偶或伙伴) 回头;愿(与某人)重修旧好:He had his wife back time and time again. 他一再向妻子表达复 合愿望。SYN take sb back 2 to invite sb to your house after you have been somewhere with them (一起相聚后)邀请某人回自己家: After the cinema we had everybody back for coffee. 看完电影,我们请大家到家里喝咖啡。 SYN ask sb back; invite sb back (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv have sth back to receive sth that has been borrowed or taken from you 收回,要回(借 出或被拿走的东西):Can I have the book back by Thursday? 星期四之前能把书还给我吗? ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) have sb down as sth (especially BrE) to think that sb is a particular type of person, especially when in fact they are not (尤指错 误地)以为某人是(某类人): I didn't have you down as the jealous type. 我没认为你是爱嫉妒 的那种人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep have sb in (also have ,got sb in) to have sb doing some work in your home or office 让某 人来(家里或办公室)工作:They've got the builders in all week, 他们让建筑工来干了整整一 星期了。◊ We had the inspectors in on Tuesday. 我们星期二接受检查员检查了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv have sth in (also have ,got sth 'in) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to have a supply of sth in your home, etc. 存有,备有 (某物):Do we have enough food in for the holiday? 我们的食物足够整个假期之用吗? ◊ I wanted to get a new swimsuit, but the store didn't have any in yet. 我想买件新游泳衣,可商 店还没进货。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv have it off (also .have it a way (with sb)) (BrE, slang) to have sex with sb (而某人)发 生性关系 ♦ v + it + adv have sb on (informal) {usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)to joke with sb by pretending sth is true when it is not (作 为玩笑)哄骗,欺骗:We've won a new car! 'you're having me on!' " 我们赢了辆新车!” “ 你是在哄我吧!” ♦ v + n/pron + adv have sth on (also have .got sth on) 1 (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to be wearing sth 穿着;戴着:She's got her best dress on. 她穿着她最漂亮的连衣裙。◊ He had nothing (= no clothes) on! 他一丝不挂! ◊ He had on a blue and white checked shirt and jeans. 他上身穿了件蓝白格子衬衣,下穿一条牛 仔裤。 [OBJ] clothes, coat, hat, etc. SYN be wearing sth 2 to have a piece of electrical equipment switched on 让(电器)开着:I didn't hear you come in because I had the radio on. 我开着收音机,没听见你进来。[OBJ] tele- vision, radio 3 to have sth planned or arranged 有...安排(或计划):I've had a lot on recently. 我最近安排得很满。 ◊ What do you have on (for) tomorrow? 你明天有什么安排? [OBJ] nothing, something, a lot ♦ v + n/pron + adv 1 also v + adv + n (less fre- quent) have sth on sb/sth (also have .got sth on sb/sth) (informal) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to know sth bad about sb/sth that can be used against them/it 抓有...的把柄; 掌握…的证据: The police had nothing on him (= no evidence that he had committed a crime). 警方没掌握他什么证据。 [OBJ] something, nothing ♦ v + n/pron + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 have sth on dress up ♦ get dressed ♦ have sth on ♦ put sth on ♦ wear sth These verbs mean to put or have clothes on your body. 这些动词表示穿(戴)上或穿 (戴)着。 dress up to wear clothes that are more formal than those you usually wear; to put on special clothes or a costume 身着正装(或盛装 ); 乔装打扮 : I like to dress up on a Saturday night. 我喜欢周六晚上穿得正式点。 。We decided to dress up as fairies. 我们决定 装扮成仙女。 get dressed to put clothes on yourself 穿上衣 服:I got up and got dressed. 我起床穿衣。 NOTE Dress can be used on its own with this meaning, but is more formal. It is also used to talk about the kind of clothes a person wears * dress 可单独使用也作此义,但更为正 式。dress 也用于指所穿的某类衣服:she always dresses well. 她总是衣着得体。 have sth on (not used in the progressive tenses) to be wearing sth 穿着;戴着: She had a red jacket on. 她身穿红色夹克杉。◊ He had nothing on. 他一丝不挂。 put sth on to dress yourself in sth J; N: Put your coat and scarf on! 穿上外套,戴上围巾! wear sth to have clothes on your body 穿着; 戴着:He was wearing a tie. 他打着领带。◊ I don't know what to wear. 我不知道穿什么 才好。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to wear/put on/have on a dress/hat/jacket ■ to tend to/refuse to/be entitled to wear sth ■ to get dressed/put sth on hurriedly/quickly/carefully ■ to dress casually/elegantly/fashionably/neatly/nicely/smartly/well have sth out i to have a tooth or an organ of your body removed 拔(牙);切除(身体 器官):I had to have a tooth out, 我只好拔掉 一颗牙。[OBJ] tooth, appendix, tonsils 2 (with sb) to talk to sb openly to try to settle a disagreement (跟某人)把话说开,打开天窗 说亮话:She finally decided to have it out with him, 她最终决定跟他把话敞开说。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv have sb over (also .have sb around espe- cially AmE) (BrE also .have sb 'round) to invite sb to come to your house 请某人来家里:They had some friends over last night. 他们昨晚请了 些朋友到家里来。◊ We're having people round for dinner tonight. 我们今晚有客人来家里吃饭。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv have sb up (for sth) (BrE, informal) to accuse sb of sth and bring them to court to be examined by a judge 使(为某事)出庭受审: He was had up for dangerous driving. 他因危险 驾驶被送上法庭。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv hawk /hɔːk/ hawk sth about/around/' round; hawk sth about/around/'round sth (BrE) to try to sell things by going from place to place asking people to buy them 沿街叫 卖;(在…)兜售:Pirate copies of their CD were being hawked around. 有人在街上兜售他 们 CD 的盗版碟。 ◊ They hawked their newslet- ter around student bars. 他们在学生小卖部推销 他们的小册子。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + prep head /hed/ head for/towards sth (also be headed for/towards sth especially AmE) (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时)1 to be going in a particular direction or to a particu lar place 朝...方向(或地点)行进;前往:it's time I was heading for home. 到我该回家去的时 候了。◊ Jane headed for the door. 简走向门口。 YSN make for sb/sth 2 to be likely to experi ence sth, especially sth bad 可能遭受,会招致 (尤指不幸或不祥的事):They're heading for trouble. 他们要惹麻烦的。◊ The country is headed for an economic disaster. 国家将要陷入 经济灾难。 [OBJ] trouble, defeat, disaster, victory, a fall ♦ v + prep ♦ be + v + prep head off to leave a place to go somewhere else or do sth else 出发;起程:It's time we headed off to get: the train. 我们该动身去赶火 车了。 ♦ v + adv head sb off to get in front of sb in order to make them turn back or go in a different direction 拦挡某人使改变方向:Police tried to head off the demonstrators before they got to the city halL 警方试图在游行示威者到达市政厅 之前拦截他们。 SYN intercept sb (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv head sb/sth off to prevent sth; to stop sb from doing sth 防止(某事发生);阻止(某人 做某事):Their attempts to head off criticism have failed. 他们阻止别人批评的努力失败了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv head towards sth> etc. -> HEAD FOR/TOWARDS STH, ETC. head up sth to be in charge of sth such as a department, a company, an organization, etc. 领导,掌管(某个部门、公司、机构等):She heads up our finance division. 她是我们的财务 部门主管。◊ The new company will be headed up by Graham Hart. 新公司将由格雷厄姆・哈特 执掌。 [OBJ] operation, company NOTE When the object of head up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between head and up ♦ head up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后; 但如果是代词,应置于 head 和 up 之间:This new company—who will head it up? 这家新公 司一一将由谁来执掌? NOTE Head sth is also used on its own * head sth 也单独使用:She heads our finance division. 她是我们的财务部门主管。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv heal /hiːl/ heal up/'over if a cut, a wound, etc. heals up/over, it closes and becomes healthy again (伤口等)愈合,痊愈: Her leg took a long time to heal up. 她的腿过了很久才痊愈。 ◊ The cut has healed over now. 伤口现已愈合。 NOTE Heal is often used on its own with the same meaning. * heal 常单独使用作此义。-> note at PULL THROUGH ♦ v + adv heap /hiːp/ heap A on B; heap B with A (also heap A upon B more format) 1 to put a lot of sth in a pile on sth 在...上堆放(很多东西):She heaped food on my plate, 她往我的盘子里放了 很多食物。 ◊ The food was heaped on the plate. 盘子里盛满了食物。 ◊ The chairs were heaped with cushions. 椅子上摞着垫子。 2 to offer or give sb a lot of sth, especially praise or criti- cism 大量地给某人;(尤指)对某人大加赞扬 (或批评):They heaped scorn upon his pro- posaL 他们对他的建议大加嘲讽。 ◊ Praise was heaped on the police for their handling of the case. 警方对这一案件的处理广受赞扬。[OBJ] praise, scorn NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 help ♦ v + n/pron + prep heap sth up to put sth into a pile 堆放:A huge pile of washing was heaped up in a comer. 角落里放了一大堆待洗衣物。 SYN pile sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hear /hio(r); AmE hir/ (heard, heard /hɜːd; AmE hɜːrd/) hear about sb/sth to be told news or infor- mation about sb/sth 得知;获知:I'm so sorry to hear about your mother (= for example, that she is ill). 听到你母亲的事儿,我很难过。◊ Have you heard about your job yet (= if you have got it)? 你的工作有消息了吗?-> note at FIND OUT, FIND SB OUT ♦ v + prep hear from sb; hear sth from sb 1 to receive news or information from sb, usually by letter or telephone 收到某人的来信;接到某 人的电话:Do you ever hear from any of your school friends? 你收到过校友的信吗? ◊ I look forward to hearing from you. 我期待你的回信。 ◊ I haven't heard anything from Kate for ages. 凯特很长时间没有和我联系了。 2 to formally get sb's opinion about sth or their description of sth that has happened, such as an accident, etc. 听取 (某人的意见或汇报):Can we hear from some of the women in the audience? 我们 能否听听一些女性听众的看法?◊ The police would like to hear from anyone who witnessed the accident. 警方希望所有事故目击者都能提供 证言。◊ I'd like to hear something from some- body who's had experience of studying abroad. 我想听听有出国留学经历的人的意见。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep hear of sb/sth to know about sb/sth because you have been told about them/it 听 说;得知:I've heard of the Alexander technique, but I don't know anything about it. 亚历山大技 巧我听说过,但一点都不了解。 ◊ I've never heard of him. 我从未听说过他。 NOTE Hear of sb is often used in the present perfect tense with have. * hear of sb 常与 have 连用:用于现在完成时。 ♦ v + prep hear of sb/sth; hear sth of sb/sth to have news of sb/sth 得知;获悉:I was sorry to hear of your accident. 得知你遇到了意外,我很 难过。◊ He was last heard of in Liverpool. 最后 一次有他的消息时,他在利物浦。 ◊ you're going abroad? This is the first I've heard of it! 你要出 国? 这可是我第一次听说这件事! ◊ From what I've heard of Andy, hers become very successful. 从我掌握的有关安迪的情况来看,他已经十分成 功。 ◊ I expect we'll hear more of this band in the future. 我认为今后能更多地听到这支乐队的 消息。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 -> see also NOT HEAR OF STH, ETC. ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► un heard of adj that has never been known or done; surprising 前所未闻的;前所未有的; 惊人的:It's almost unheard-of for it to rain there in July. 那里7月下雨很罕见。 not hear of sth; not hear of sb doing sth to not allow sth or not allow sb to do sth 不允许,拒绝考虑( 某事或某人做某事):I offered to go but she wouldn't hear of it. 我自告 奋勇要去,但她不允许。◊ They wouldn't hear of us postponing the trip. 他们就是不同意我们 推迟旅行。 ♦ v + prep hear sb out to listen until sb has finished saying what they want to say 听某人把话讲完: I know you don't believe me, but please hear me out! 我知道你不相信我,可是请听我说完! ♦ v + n/pron + adv heat /hiːt/ heat up (AmE) -> HOT UP heat up; heat sth up to become warm or hot; to make sth warm or hot (使) 变暖, 变热:The pipes will expand as they heat up. 管 子变热就会成胀。◊ We can heat up the soup in the microwave. 我们可以把汤放在微波炉里热 一热。 SYN warm up, warm sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v+ n/pron + adv hedge /hedʒ/ hedge sth about/around/' round with sth (BrE, formal) to surround and limit sth with conditions or restrictions (以…) 限 定,限制:Employment is hedged around with legislation nowadays. 如今雇工受法律约束。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep hedge sb/sth in to surround sb/sth with sth; to restrict the freedom of sb to do sth 围 绕着;约束住:The cathedral is hedged in by other buildings. 大教堂四周有建筑物环绕。◊ He felt hedged in by all the rules and regulations, 他觉得被各种规章制度束缚了手脚。 SYN fence sb in; hem sb/sth in NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n help/help/ help sth a long to try to make sth happen more quickly or easily 加速; 促进:My mother always says that a cup of tea helps things along. 我母亲总是说喝杯茶效率高。◊ His father's name helped along his career in the early days. 他父亲的名气为他早年的事业铺平了道路。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) help sb off/ on with sth to help sb to take off or put on a piece of clothing, such as a coat 帮某入脱去 / 穿上衣服:Can I help you off with your coat? 我帮你脱外套好吗? ◊ She helped him on with his dressing gown. 她帮他 穿上了晨衣。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep help 'out (with sth), help sb out (with sth) to help sb in order to make things easier for them, for example by doing some of their work or by giving them money (以…) 提供 协助,减轻某人的负担:Thank you for helping out. 感谢你帮我解围。◊ My dad said he'd help me out with money. 我爸爸说他会借钱给我救 急的。 NOTE Help (with sth) and help sb (with sth) can be used with the same meaning. * help (with sth) 和 help sb (with sth) 可作此义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n [rare) help sb to sth; help yourself to sth to give sb/yourself some food or drink 为 (某人 或自己) 取用 (食物或饮料):Can I help anyone to more chicken? 再给哪位来点鸡肉好 吗?。Please help yourselves to salad. 吃色拉请 自己来。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep hem /hem/ (-mm-) hem sb/sth in to surround sb/sth with sth so that they cannot move freely 包围;框 住;制约:The thick trees hemmed them in on all sides. 他们四周密林环绕。◊ The ship was hemmed in by the ice. 船的四周都是冰。◊ (figurative) We felt hemmed in by restrictions. 我们觉得被条条框框束缚了手脚。' SYN fence sb in NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n herd /h3:d; AmEh3:rdl herd together; herd sb/sth together to move or make sb/sth move in a particular direction (使) 成群结队移动:They were herded together into trucks and driven away. 他 们被一起赶上卡车带走了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv • v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hew /hju:/ (hewed, hewed or hewn /hjuːn/) hew to sth (AmE) to agree with or match sth closely (与…) 保持一致,完全相符:His comments hewed to the line of other senior government officials. 他的评论与其他高级政府 官员的说法并无二致。 ♦ v + prep hide /haɪd/ (hid /hid/, hidden /ˈhɪd(ə)n/) hide a way; hide yourself a way to go to a place secretly because you do not want anyone to find you 躲起来;躲藏:She used to hide away in her room when she got depressed. 她以前心情沮丧时就躲进自己的房间。◊ She hid herself away until she felt better. 她躲了起来, 直到心情好些。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ► hideaway n a place where sb goes to be alone 藏身处;独处的地方 hide sb/sth a way to put sb/sth in a secret place so that no one else can find them/it 把...藏起来:You won't find your present—I've hidden it away! 你找不到你的礼物 的——我藏起来了! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) hide out to go to a secret place to escape from sb who is trying to find you 躲避,隐匿 (以避开某人):He hid out in the woods. 他藏 在树林中。 ♦ v + adv ► hideout n a place where sb goes when they do not want to be found 藏身处 hike /haɪk/ hike sth up 1 (informal) to lift or pull up a piece of clothing that you are wearing 拉进, 提起 (衣服):He hiked up his trousers and waded into the water. 他提起裤子趟进水里。 SYN hitch sth up 2 to increase a price or rate suddenly and by a large amount 大幅提高 (价 格或收费):They hiked up the price by 40%. 他们把价格猛涨了 40%。 SYN jack sth up (informal); put sth up NOTE Hike sth is used on its own less often with this meaning. * hike sth 单独使用也作此义,但不常见。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) hinge /hɪndʒ/ hinge on sth (also 'hinge upon sth more formal) if an action, a result, etc. hinges on/upon sth, it depends on it completely or is strongly influenced by it 随...而定;受...影 响;依...而定:whole career could hinge on the results of these exams. 我一生的职业很可能 就取决于这些考试的成绩。◊ The success of the project hinges on how well everyone works together. 这个项目能否成功取决于大家的合作 情况。 ♦ v + prep hint /hɪnt/ hint at sth to suggest in an indirect way that sth is true or likely 暗示;示意;透露:In his speech the Prime Minister hinted at an early election. 首相在讲话中暗示会提前举行选举。◊ The problem was only hinted at. 这个问题只是 从侧面提到过。 ♦ v + prep hire /ˈhaɪə(r)/ hire sb out; hire yourself out (to sb) (as sth) to arrange for sb to work for sb else; to arrange to work for sb 安排聘用;(作为…) 受雇 (于):The agency hires out cleaning staff. 这家代理公司派出清洁人员提供服务。 ◊ He hires himself out to farmers at harvest time. 到了收 获季节,他就给农场主当雇工。◊ He had been hired out to them as an expert. 他曾经以专家身 份被他们聘用。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hire on; hire sb on (AmE) to take a par- ticular job or position; to give sb a job 受雇 (担任某职位);雇用 (某人):I'm just trying to do what I hired on to do. 我不过是尽职尽责 而已。 ◊ She hired on as a claims adjuster with an insurance company. 她受聘于一家保险公司 任理赔核算员。◊ We've hired on thirty new staff members this month alone. 仅在本月我们就聘 用了三十名新员工。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hire sth out (to sb) to allow sb to use sth for a short period of time in return for payment 出租;把...租给某人:The club will hire out tennis rackets to guests. 俱乐部向客人出租网 球拍。 [OBJ]equipment, boat SYN let sth out (to sb); rent sth out (to sb) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hit /hɪt/ (hitting, hit, hit) hit back (at sb/sth) to criticize or attack sb who has criticized or attacked you 反驳; 回击: In an interview she hit back at her critics. 在访 谈中,她驳斥了批评她的人士。 SYN bite back (at sb/sth); strike back (at/against sb/sth) ♦ v + adv hit sb for sth (also ,hit sb up for sth) (slang, especially AmE) to ask sb for sth, especially money 有某人索要 (尤指金钱):They hit us for a commission as well. 他们还向我们索取佣金 呢。◊ She's always hitting me up for the cab fare home. 她总是要我出打车回家的钱。◊ Does he always hit you for cash when he wants new clothes? 他想买新衣服时总是向你伸手要钱吗? ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep hit it off (with sb) (informal) if two people hit it off with each other, they like each other and become friendly immediately (和某人) 一见如故,投缘,合得来:We hit it off from the start. 我们一开始很投缘。◊ She didn't really hit it off with the office manager. 起初她和办公室 经理真有点合不来。 ♦ v + it + adv hit on sb (AmE, slang) to talk to sb in a way that shows you are sexually attracted to them (与某人) 搭讪,调情:He was hitting on my girlfriend! 他居然调戏我的女友! ♦ v + prep hit on sth (also 'hit upon sth more formal) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think of a plan, a solution, etc. suddenly or by chance 突然想出,偶然想到 (主意、计划 等):She hit on an idea for raising money. 她 灵机一动,想到了个筹款的主意。 ◊ I realized rd hit upon a solution to one of our main prob- lems. 我意识到我碰巧找到了解决一个主要问题 的方法。 [OBJ] idea, method, formula, solution SYN light on/upon sb/sth → note at think sth up ♦ v + prep hit out (at sb/sth) 1 to attack sb violently, especially sb who is trying to hit or capture you 猛烈攻击 (尤指想打或想抓自己的人):She hit out at the policeman as he tried to arrest her. 她对来逮捕她的警察大打出手。◊ I just hit out blindly in all directions. 我只是四下乱打一 气。SYN strike out (at sb/sth) 2 to criticize sb or sth strongly 严厉抨击:He hit out at the government's decision. 他痛斥政府的决定。 SYN lash out (at sb/sth) ♦ v + adv hit sb up for sth (AmE) -> HIT SB FOR STH hit upon sth -> HIT ON STH SYNONYMS同义词辨析 hit out (at sb/sth) attack sb/sth ♦ condemn sb/sth ♦ criticize sb/sth ♦ denounce sb/sth ♦ hit out (at sb/sth) These verbs all mean to say that you disapprove of sb/sth, especially because you think they have done sth bad. 这些动词新表示 批评、抨击,斥责。 attack sb/sth (used especially in newspapers) to criticize sb/sth strongly, especially in order to make people stop respecting them (尤用于 报章) (尤指为了诋毁) 严厉抨击,痛斥: Newspapers attacked the minister for her stance. 报界猛烈抨击部长的立场。 condemn sb/sth (used especially in newspapers} to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth, usually for moral reasons (尤用于报章) (通常指出于道义) 强烈谴责:The government issued a statement condemning the k讪ngs. 政府发表声明, 强烈谴责杀戮。 criticize sb/sth (BrE also criticise) to say that you disapprove of sb/sth; to say what you do not like or think is wrong about sb/sth 批 评;非议:The decision was criticized by the unions. 这一决定遭到工会的诟病。◊ Who are they to criticize my dress sense? 那些指摘我的 衣着品位的人当自己是谁啊? denounce sb/sth (formal) to criticize sb/sth strongly, usually in public (常指公开) 斥 责,谴责: She denounced the governments handling of the crisis. 她痛斥政府对危机应对 失据。 hit out (at sb/sth) (used especially in newspapers) to criticize sb/sth strongly, especially because you think their views or actions are bad or because they have criticized you unfairly (尤用于报章) (尤指 为了指摘错误或反击不公的批评) 严厉抨击, 强烈驳斥:The Duchess has hit out at journalists who criticize her dress sense. 公爵夫 人言词驳斥那些批评她衣着品位的记者。 WHICH WORD? You denounce things because you think they are wrong, not just because you do not like them. * denounce 是为了指正错误,而非仅仅 出于主观嫌恶。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to criticize/condemn/attack/denounce sb/sth for sth ■ to criticize/condemn/attack/denounce the government/the President/a decision ■ to criticize/condemn/attack/denounce sb/sth strongly/publicly ■ to be severely/roundly criticized ■ to be widely blamed/criticized/condemned/attacked/denounced hitch /hɪtʃ;/ hitch sth up to pull up a piece of your clothing 拉起,提起 (衣服):We hitched up our skirts and climbed over the wall. 我们提起 裙子,翻墙而过。 SYN hike sth up (informal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hive /haɪv/ hive sth off (into/to sth) (business) to separ- ate sth from a larger group; to sell part of a company 把 (一部分) 分离出来;卖掉 (公司 的一部分):Some of the firm's operations have been hived off into a separate company. 公司的 部分业务已经剥离出来,成立了一家公司。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) hoe /həʊ; AmE hoʊ/ hoe 'in (AustralE, informal) to eat with en- thusiasm 尽情地吃 ♦ v + adv hoist /hɔɪst/ hoist sb/sth up; hoist yourself up to raise sb/sth/yourself to a higher position or level, often with difficulty or using ropes or special equipment (用绳索等特殊装置或费劲 站) 升起,扯起:She hoisted the box up onto the shelf. 她吃力地把箱子搬到搁板上。-> note AT LIFT SB/STH UP ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n hold /həʊld; AmE hoʊld/ (held, held /held/) hold sth against sb to allow sth bad that sb has done to make you like or respect them less 对某人记仇 (或抱有成见):I was stupid—I hope you won't hold it against me. 过去我很愚 蠢——希望你别因此而看不起我。◊ Do you hold any grudges against him? 你怨恨他吗? ◊ I don't hold it against him that he lied to me. 他 对我说过谎,但我并不计校。 [OBJ] it, grudge NOTE Hold sth against sb is often used with a negative such as don't or won't. * hold sth against sb 常与 don't、won't 等否定词连用。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep hold back (from doing sth), hold sb back (from doing sth) to hesitate, or to make sb hesitate (使) 犹豫, 踌躇: Don't hold back! This opportunity is too good to miss! 别 犹豫了!大好机会不容错失啊! ◊ Phil walked forward confidently but something held Ben back. 菲尔信心十足地走向前去,本却徘徊不 决。◊ I nearly told him what I thought of him, but I held back. 我差点把我对他的看法告诉了 他,但我没有开口。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv hold sb/sth back 1 to prevent sb/sth from moving forward or from entering or leaving a place 阻挡,阻拦 (前进或出入):The police were unable to hold, back the fans. 警察拦不住 那些崇拜者。2 to prevent the progress or development of sb/sth 阻碍,妨碍 (进步或发 展):Now that he's got this job, there'll be no holding him back. 既然他已经得到了这份工 作,就没什么能拦住他的事了。◊ Teaching all the children together can hold the brighter children back. 所有孩子放在一起教,会妨碍聪 明些的孩子进步。 ◊ Low rates of investment will hold back technical progress. 投资率低会阻碍技 术进步。◊ Parents claim the tests are being used to hold children back (= not let them progress to the next class). 家长们声称这些测试是用来 阻止孩子们升级的。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hold sth back 1 to stop yourself from expressing or showing how you feel 抑制,克 制 (感情):They couldn't hold back their laughter. 他们忍不住大笑起来。◊ He struggled to hold back his tears. 他强忍住眼泪。[OBJ] your tears, your laughter SYN keep sth back; contain sth (more formal) 2 to not tell sb sth ±at you wish to keep secret 隐瞒,保守 (秘 密):I think he's holding something back; he knows more than he's admitting. 我认为他有所 隐瞒;他还有事情没有交代。[OBJ] something, anything, information SYN withhold sth (more formal) 3 to keep sth such as money to use later 留出,留下 (金钱等供日后之用):£1 000 of the grant will be held back until the project is completed. 拨款中将扣留1000英镑, 等项目完成之后再发放。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hold back on sth to try to spend only a little time, money, etc. on sth; to show control in what you do 节省;节制;克制:She never held back on the tea and cakes when we visited. 我们去拜访她时,她从不吝惜茶点。◊ She held back on her questioning (= she did not ask too many questions). 她的提问很有节制。 ♦ v + adv + prep hold sb down to prevent sb from having their freedom or rights 剥夺(某人的自由或 权利) SYN oppress sb ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hold sb/sth down to use force to hold sb/sth in a particular position and stop them/it from moving 按下;撼住:He was held down and kicked by the two men. 两个男人按住 他,踢他了几脚。 ◊ Hold the mouse button down as you move the cursor. 移动光标时,按 住鼠标键。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hold sth down 1 to manage to keep a job, position, etc. even though it may be difficult for you to do so 努力保住(工作、职位等):He doesn't seem able to hold down a full-time job. 他似乎无力保住一份全职工作。[OBJ] a job 2 (especially BrE) to keep sth at a low level 使维 持在低水平:The company is trying to hold down costs. 公司正在力图维持低成本。◊ The rate of inflation must be held down. 通货膨胀率 必须控制在低水平上。 [OBJ] prices, wages, in- flation, costs SYN keep sth down 3 (AmE, informal) to limit sth, especially a noise 限制 (尤指噪声):Hold it down, will you? I'm trying to sleep! 小点声行吗?我要睡觉! 4 (usu- ally used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) to be able to eat food without bringing it back out of your mouth 咽下不吐出来:She hasn't been able to hold any food down since the oper- ation. 手术后她一吃东西就吐。[OBJ] food SYN keep sth down 5 to not allow yourself to show or express a strong emotion 抑制,克制 (强烈感情):I had to hold down the urge to hit him. 我不得不强忍住要揍他的冲动。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hold 'forth (on/about sth) (formal or humor- ous) to speak for a long time and often in a boring or annoying way (对某事物)喋喋不 休,大发议论:He was holding forth about how successful his business is. 他滔滔不绝地大谈特 谈他的公司如何红火。 ♦ v + adv hold sth in 1 to keep sth inside a place so that it cannot fall out or escape 把…固定在里 面:The straps hold the baby in securely. 带子把 婴儿安全地索在里面。 ◊ I had to hold my stom- ach in (= pull the muscles flat) to zip up my jeans. 我得收腹才能拉上牛仔裤的拉链。[OBJ] your stomach, your tummy 2 to not show or express how you feel 克制, 忍住(感觉):I couldn't hold in my anger any longer. 我怒不可 遏。OPP let sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hold off 1 if rain or a storm, etc. holds off, it does not start (降雨、风暴等)不来,延迟:I hope the rain holds off for the wedding. 我希望 这场雨能拖到婚礼结束后再下。SYN keep off 2 (also .hold 'off sth, hold off (from) doing sth) to delay doing sth 推迟,拖延(做某事):I need to make a decision soon, but I'll hold off until next week. 我得很快作出决定,但我会拖 到下个星期。◊ The committee will hold off their decision until they receive the report. 委员会将 在收到报告后再作决定。◊ I'm holding off buying a dress until the sales start. 我要等开始 降价时再买件连衣裙。NOTE Hold off is not used with a pronoun object. * hold off 不与代 词宾语连用。 ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ 2 v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + adv + -ing hold sb/sth off to resist an attack by an enemy or an opponent 抵抗;抗击:How long do you think you can hold off the attack? 你认 为这轮进攻你能顶多长时间?◊ he held off a late challenge from Davies to win the race. 他在后程 较量中顶住了戴维斯的冲击,赢得了比赛。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hold on 1 (informal) used to ask sb to wait or stop for a short time 等一下;停一下:Hold on a minute—fm not ready. 稍等一下 -------我 还没准备好呢。 ◊ Hold on! That doesn't sound right. 等一会儿! 这听上去不对劲。 2 to survive in a difficult or dangerous situation; to continue doing sth although it is difficult (从 困境或险境中)生存下来;坚持住;挺住:They managed to hold on until help arrived. 他们总 算撑到了救援到来。 SNY hang on ♦ v + adv hold on (to sth/sb) to hold sth/sb tightly; to not let go of sth/sb 抓紧;不松手:Hold on tight—I'm going to speed up! 抓牢—————我要加 速了! ◊ Hold on to your hat or it'll blow away. 捂住帽子,免得被吹跑了。 SYN hang on NOTE Hold on to sth can also be spelt hold onto sth * hold on to sth 也可写作 hold onto sth: I had to hold onto the chair for support. 我只好 抓着椅子来撑住。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep hold sth on to keep sth in position so that it cannot fall off 固定(某物的位置):It is these nuts and bolts that hold the wheels on. 就是这 些螺母和螺栓把轮子固定住了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n hold onto sb/sth; .hold on to sb/sth to keep sth/sb; to not lose sth/sb 把...留下 来;不失去:Hold on to the magazines for as long as you like. 尽量把杂志保存久一点。◊ The party will hold on to its majority at the next election. 该党在下次选举中将保持其多数优势。◊ She's a good worker. You should hold on to her. 她很能干。你应该把她留住。◊ You must pass the ball and not hold onto it. 你得把球传给别 人,不要黏球。 SYN hang onto sb/sth, hang on to sb/sth (informal) -> see also HOLD ON ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 hold on (to sth/sb) clasp sth ♦ cling to sth • clutch sth ♦ grip sth ♦ hang on (to sth) ♦ hold on (to sb/sth) These verbs all mean to have sb/sth in your hands, arms, etc. 这些动词都表示抓紧、握紧、 抱紧。 clasp sth to hold sb/sth tightly in your hand or in your arms 握紧;抱紧:He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together. 他 探身向前,双手紧握。◊ She clasped the children in her arms. 她将孩子们拥在怀中。 cling to sth to hold sb/sth tightly, especially with your whole body 抓紧;抱紧: Survivors clung to pieces of floating debris.幸存者紧紧 抱着漂浮的残骸碎片。 clutch sth to hold sb/sth tightly, especially in your hand; to take hold of sth suddenly (一 把) 抓住,握住;抓紧;握紧:She clutched her bag tightly in one hand. 她一只手死死抓 住她的包。 grip sth to hold sth very tightly with your hand 抓紧;握紧: Grip the rope as tightly as you can. 尽量抓牢绳子。 ► grip [C, usually sing.] Keep a tight grip on the rope. 紧紧抓牢 绳子。◊ The climber slipped and lost his grip. 登山者失足,松开了手。 hang on (to sth) to hold sth very tightly, especially in order to support yourself or stop yourself from falling (尤指为了获得支 撑或避免摔倒) 抓牢, 握紧. I hung on to him for support. 我抓紧他,靠他撑住我。◊ She was standing at the top of the stairs, hanging onto the banister. 她站在楼梯顶端,紧紧抓着 栏杆。 hold on (to sth/sb) (also hold onto sb/sth) to continue to hold sb/sth; to put your hand on sb/sth and keep it there 抓会;不松手: Hold on and don't let go. 抓牢,别放开。 ◊ It's very windy一you'd better hold on to your hat. 风很 大 —— 你最好捂住帽子。 ◊ He held on to the back of the chair to stop himself from falling. 他抓住椅背,避免摔倒。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to dutch/grip/clasp sth in your hand/hands/arms ■ to hold on to/ding to/dutch/grip/clasp/hang on to sb/sth tight/tightly/firmly ■ to hold on to/ding on to/dutch/grip/clasp/hang on to sb's hand hold out 1 if money or supplies, etc. hold out, they last or remain (钱款、供应品等)持 续保有,未耗尽:I'm staying here for as long as my money holds out. 我要在这里一直呆到我的 钱花光。◊ Do you think the fine weather will hold out? 你认为好天气会持续下去吗? SYN last out 2 (against sb/sth) to resist an attack 抵 抗;抗击:The town continues to hold out against enemy bombing. 全镇人继续抵御敌人的 轰炸。3 (against sth) to refuse to accept sth that you do not agree with 拒绝;拒不接受:We can't hold out against industrialization any longer. 我们不能再拒绝工业化了。OPP give in (to sb/sth) ♦ v + adv ► holdout n a person or group of people that resists an attack, an enemy or an opponent, or refuses to accept sth 抵抗者;拒绝接受者 hold out sth to offer a chance, hope or pos- sibility of sth 提供 (机会);给予 (希望);使 有可能:He may come, but I don't hold out much hope. 他也许会来,可我不抱很大希望。◊ This method seems to hold out the greatest promise of success. 这种方法似乎最有希望成功。 [OBJ] the promise/prospect/possibility of ..., hope NOTE Hold out is never used with a pronoun object. * hold out 不与代词宾语连用。 ♦ v + adv + n hold sth out to hold sth such as your hand or sth in your hand, in front of you towards sb else 伸出;递出:She held her cup out for more coffee. 她递过杯子,要求再添点咖啡。 ◊ 'You must be Kate,' he said, holding out his hand. “你一定是凯特。" 他说着,伸出手来。 [OBJ] hand ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hold out for sth to deliberately delay reaching an agreement in the hope that you will gain sth; to refuse to accept anything less than what you are asking for (为得到更大利 益) 拖延达成协议;拒绝让步:Union leaders are holding out for a better deal. 工会领导人拒不让 步,以期达成更有利的协议。 ♦ v + adv + prep hold out on sb (informal) to refuse to tell or give sb sth 拒绝告诉 (或给予) 某人:You promised to give me the money. Stop holding out on me. 你答应过给我钱的。不许赖。 ♦ v + adv + prep hold sth 'over 1 to leave sth to be dealt with later 搁置;推退:We decided to hold the matter over until the next meeting. 我们决定将 此事延迟到下次会议处理。SYN postpone sth 2 (AmE) to show a film/movie or play for longer than planned because it is so successful 延长 (电影或戏剧) 的上演期;加演;加映:The show is being held over for another month. 该 演出会再加演一个月。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► holdover n (AmE) a person who keeps a position of power, for example sb who had a particular position in one government and who still has it in the next 留任人员;(曾任职 于上届政府的)留任官员。 hold sth over sb to use sth that you know about sb in order to threaten them and to make them do what you want 抓住某人的把 柄;揪住某人的小辫子: I don't want to give him anything to hold over me. 我不想给他留下任何 把柄来要挟我。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep hold to sth if you hold to an opinion, a belief, etc., you do not change it 坚持(意见、 信念等):She always holds to her principles. 她 始终坚持自己的原则。 SYN keep to sth; stick to sth ♦ v + prep hold sb to sth 1 to make sb keep a promise 要求遵守(诺言):'I promise I'll take you out to dinner if we win.' ' I'll hold you to that!' "如果 我们赢了;我保证请你出去吃饭。" “你得说话 算数啊!” 2 (sport) to stop your opponent in a sports competition winning more points than you 压住(对手);不让(对方得分超过 自己):Spain held France to a 1-1 draw. 西班 牙队1:1逼平了法国队。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep hold sth to sth to place sth close to sth else 把…靠近…放; 把…放在…旁边: He held a knife to her throat. 他用刀顶着她的喉咙。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep hold together; .hold sth together i to remain, or to keep sb/sth, united (使)保 持团结:The coalition has held together for longer than expected. 联盟坚持的时间超出预 料。◊ Strong bonds of loyalty hold the family together. 忠诚的纽带有力地把全家人凝聚在一 起。2 if ideas, arguments, etc. hold together, or sth holds them together, they are logical and the parts agree with each other (思想、 论点等)合乎逻辑,相互一致:His ideas don't really hold together. 他的观点有些散。◊ Words like "however", 'therefore', 'although: etc. can hold your text together.“可是”、"因此"、 “尽管” 等词能使文章前后连贯。 3 to remain in one piece; to stay in good condition 未破 碎;完好无损:It's a miracle that his car is still holding together. 他的车依然完好,真是个奇 迹。◊ His trousers were held together by safety pins. 他的裤子是用安全别针别在一块儿的。 ♦ v + adv • v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hold up 1 to remain healthy, in good con- dition or working effectively, especially when there are difficulties 支持住;承受住;支撑住: Sales have held up well, in spite of economic difficulties, 尽管遇到了经济困难,销售额还相当 可观。 ◊ How did your tent hold up in the storm? 你的帐篷是如何挺过风暴的? 2 if an idea, an argument, etc. holds up, it remains strong when you analyse it carefully (想法、 论据等)经得起推敲: I don't think his argument really holds up. 我认为他的论证实际上站不住 脚。SYN stand up ♦ v + adv hold sb/sth up i to raise sb/sth in the air 升起;举起: She held up her hand to stop him. 她抬起手阻挡他。◊ He held up his trophy as the crowd applauded. 在众人的掌声中,他举起奖 杯。2 to support sb/sth and prevent it/them from falling 支撑;使不垮下:Her trousers were held up with string. 她的裤子是用带子吊着的。 ◊ The two pillars were holding the ceiling up. 这 两根柱子支承着天花板。SYN keep sth up 3 to block or delay the progress of sb/sth 阻挡;耽 搁:Roadworks on the motorway are holding up traffic. 高速公路施工阻塞了交通。 ◊ She phoned to say she'd been held up at the office. 她打来电 话说,她在办公室脱不开身。 ◊ I don't want to hold you up. 我不想耽误你的时间。 4 to rob a person, a bank, a shop/store, etc. using a gun 持枪抢劫(人、银行、商店等):Have they caught the people who held up the bank? 他们 抓到持枪打劫银行的人了吗? NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv 4 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► hold-up n 1 a delay or sth which causes a delay 延误;阻滞:What's the hold-up? 遇到什 么障碍了? 2 an act of robbing a person, a bank, a shop/store, etc. using a gun 持枪抢劫 hold sb/sth up as sth to present sb/sth as an example of sth 将...作为...的例子:My mother held up my cousin as an example of a good student. 我母亲把我表哥看作优秀学生的 典范。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep hold with sth to agree with or approve of sth 同意;赞成:I don't hold with these new theories on education. 我不赞同这些新的教育 理论。 NOTE Hold with sth is only used in negative sentences and questions. * hold with sth 只用 于否定句和疑问句。 ♦ v + prep hole /həʊl; AmE hoʊl/ hole up; be .holed up {informal) to hide somewhere 躲藏:The thieves holed up in an empty warehouse. 盗贼躲在一个空仓库里。◊ The police couldn't find out where the gang were holed up. 警方查不到那个团伙的藏身处。 ♦ v + adv ♦ be + v + adv hollow /ˈhɒləʊ; AmE ˈhɑːloʊ/ hollow sth out 1 to make a space inside sth by removing part of it 挖空;挖出(孔、洞 等):We hollowed out the pumpkin and put a candle in it. 我们把南瓜挖空,在里面插了根蜡 烛。◊ a hollowed-out tree trunk 中空的树干 2 to form sth by making a hole in sth else 挖洞 (成某物):The waves have hollowed out caves along the cliff. 海浪拍击峭壁,形成了一个个 岩洞。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) home /həʊm; AmE hoʊm/ home in on sb/sth 1 to move or be aimed straight towards sb/sth 移向;朝向;导向:She homed in on me as soon as she saw me. 她一看 见我就向我直奔过来。 2 to turn all your atten- tion to sth 把注意力集中于;全神关注于:The lawyer homed in on the inconsistencies in her story. 律师将注意力集中在她的陈述中前后矛盾 的地方。 ♦ v + adv + prep hook /hʊk/ hook sb into sth; hook sb into doing sth (AmEt informal) to persuade sb to do sth when they do not want to 说服某人做 某事:I didn't want to be involved but I got hooked into helping. 我原本不想参与,可架不 住劝,还是帮了。 ◊ He tried to hook me into going with them. 他试图劝我跟他们一道去。 NOTE Nearly always used in the passive. 几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep hook up (with sb) 1 (informal) to agree to work with sb 同意 (与某人) 搭档工作:We've hooked up with a firm in Ireland. 我们答应了和 爱尔兰的一家公司合作。2 (informal, especially AmE) to meet sb and spend time with them (与某人) 结识,联系上:On vacation we hooked up with some Texans. 度假时我们结交 了一些得克萨斯人。◊ Let's hook up when you get back from your trip. 等你旅行归来我们 再聚聚。3 (informal, especially AmE) to start a relationship with sb, especially a sexual relationship (与某人) 开始建立关系 (尤指性 关系):They hooked up at Kyle's party. 他们是 在凯尔的聚会上好上的。◊ Judith hoped to hook up with a cowboy at the rodeo. 朱迪丝希望在骑 术竞技大会上钓上一个牛仔。 ► hook-up n (AmE, informal) a new relation- ship with sb, especially a sexual relationship (与某人的) 新搭上的关系 (尤指性关系) : The magazine has all the latest gossip about celebrity hook-ups. 这本杂志刊登关于名人绯闻 的所有最新八卦消息。 ♦ v + adv hook up; hook sb/sth up (to sth) to connect sb/sth to a piece of electronic equip- ment or to a power supply (使) 接通 (电子 设备或电源): All the specters hook up to a single amplifier. 所有喇叭都接在同一个扩音器 上。◊ The boat was hooked up to the shore power supply. 船与岸上的电源接通了。◊ They've hooked him up to a life-support machine. 他们给他接上了呼吸机。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv ► hook-up n a connection between two or more pieces of equipment (设备的) 连接:an international phone hook-up 国际电话联网 hook sb up with sth (AmE, informal) to give sb a valuable gift because of their job or position 用 (贵重礼物) 向 (某人) 行贿:My clients from the music industry often hook me up with free tickets. 音乐界的客户经常用赠票巴 结我。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep hoover /ˈhuːvə(r)/ NOTE A Hoover™ (BrE) is an electric machine that cleans floors, carpets, etc. by sucking up dirt and dust. * hoover 指真空吸尘器。 hoover sth up (BrE) 1 to remove dust, dirt, etc. from a carpet or floor with a Hoover 用真 空吸尘器吸 (灰尘等):to hoover up all the dust 用真空吸尘器吸去所有灰尘 2 get or collect sth in large quantities 得到 (大部分);席卷:The US and Canada usually hoover up all the gold and silver medals. 美国和加拿大通常会囊括所 有金银牌。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hop /hɒp; AmE hɑːp/ (-pp-) be/get .hopped up (on sth) (AmE, informal) 1 to be behaving in a very excited or enthusi- astic way 激动难耐;兴奋不已:I remember the first time they came to my office, hopped up on their new ideas for the Internet. 我记得他们第 一次来我的办公室时,我为他们关于互联网的新 构想兴奋不已。2 to be behaving in an excited or unusual way because of the effects of alco- hol or drugs (饮酒或吸毒后) 非常兴奋,表现 异常:Some psycho hopped up on heroin pulled a gun. 有个吸食了海洛因的神经病拔出了枪。 ♦ get + v + adv ► hopped- up adj [only before noun] (AmE, informal): a hopped-up crowd at Dodger Stadium 道奇体育场里兴高采烈的一群人 ◊ hopped-up street thugs 吸毒后发狂的街头暴徒 horn /hɔːn; AmE hɔːrn/ horn in (AmE) 1 (on sb/sth) to rudely inter- rupt sb when they are speaking (粗暴地) 打 断 (别人的谈话):She kept trying to horn in on our conversations. 她老是无礼地打断我们的 交谈。2 (on sb/sth) to interfere in a situation that does not concern you 干涉 (与己无关的事 情):Stop horning in on my private life! 不要 干涉我的私生活! ♦ v + adv horse /hɔːs; AmE hɔːrs/ horse a round (BrE also .horse about) (informal) to play in a noisy and careless way that is likely to damage sth or hurt sb 胡闹; 哄闹;瞎闯:If you two don't stop horsing around you'll hurt yourselves. 你们俩要是继续 疯下去的话,会把自己弄伤的。 SYN mess around [BrE) ♦ v + adv hose /həʊz; AmE hoʊz/ NOTE A hose is a long rubber or plastic tube. *hose 是橡胶或塑料的软管。 hose sth down (AmE also .hose sth 'off) to wash or clean sth using water from a hose 用 水管冲洗:I hosed the car down to get rid of the mud 我用水管冲掉了车上的泥。◊ She stood in the driveway hosing off her newly washed car. 她站在车道上,用水管冲她刚洗过的车。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hot /hɒt; AmE hɑːt/(-tt-) hot up (BrE) (also ,heat up informal) to become more lively or exciting 更趋活跃;激 烈起来:Things are hotting up as the election approaches, 随着选举临近,渐渐出现了一片热 闹的景象。◊ As the pace hotted up, he dropped back into third place. 随着节奏加快, 他滑落到 了第三名。 ♦ v + adv hound /haʊnd/ hound sb out; .hound sb out of sth; hound sb from sth to force sb to leave a place or their job 逼迫某人离开(某地或某职 位):They were hounded out of the town. 他们 被逐出镇子。◊ She was hounded from politics by her rivals. 她被对手挤出了政坛。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep huddle/ˈhʌdl/ huddle together to move, stand or sit close to one another for warmth or protection 靠拢在一起(以取暖或寻求保护):We huddled together for warmth. 我们挤在一起取暖。 ♦ v + adv huddle up (against/to sb/sth) to press yourself into a small space for warmth or protection 蜷缩,紧挨着(以取暖或寻求保护): She huddled up against him. to keep warm. 她 蜷起身紧挨着他来保暖。 ♦ v + adv hunger /ˈhʌŋɡə(r)/ hunger after/for sth (literary) to have a strong desire for sth and try to get it 渴望得 到;渴求:She hungers after wealth and prestige. 她渴求名利。 ♦ v + prep hunker/ˈhʌŋkə(r)/ hunker down (especially AmE) 1 to sit on your heels with your knees bent up in front of you 蹲坐:昨 hunkered down around the fire. 我们围绕火堆蹲坐着。SYN squat 2 to refuse to change an opinion, a way of behaving, etc. 拒绝改变,顽固坚持(观点、习性等): The Democrats have hunkered down and won't be moved. 民主党人顽固不化,不肯让步。3 to start to work at sth or study very hard 开始努 力(工作或学习):It's time you hunkered down and started studying. 你该全身心地投入学 习了。 ♦ v + adv hunt/hʌnt/ hunt sb 'down to search for sb until you find or catch them 追捕;抓捕:He vowed to hunt down the killer. 他发誓要捉拿凶手。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv hunt sth down/ out to find sth after a long and difficult search (经过千辛万苦)搜 寻出,寻找到: I managed to hunt out those files you wanted. 我总算找到了你要的文件。◊ Can you hunt down his phone number for me? 你能 帮我查到他的电话号码吗? SYN dig sth out; root sb/sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) hunt for sb to look for sb in order to catch them or harm them 追捕;捉拿:Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday. 侦探正在设法将昨天闯入仓库的一伙 窃贼缉拿归案。 ♦ v + prep hunt for sb/sth to look for sth that is dif- ficult to find 寻找;寻求:She is still hunting for a new job. 她仍在寻觅一份新工作。 -> note at SEARCH FOR SB/STH ♦ v + prep hunt sb/sth up to search for sb/sth, espe- cially sb/sth that is hidden or difficult to find 搜寻;搜索;搜求:We hunted up anyone who might have known him. 我们找遍了所有可能认 识他的人。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) hurry/'ˈhʌri; AmE ˈhɜːri/(hurries, hurrying, hurried) hurry sb/sth along to do or say sth to make sb move or work faster; to do sth to make sth happen faster 催促(某人);加快 (某事):Hurry the kids along or well miss the train. 让孩子们抓紧点,否则我们就赶不上火车 了。 ◊ Try to hurry things along a bit. 尽量加快 点速度。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv hurry on (to sth) to continue speaking, with- out allowing anyone to interrupt or speak 喋 喋不休(不让别人开口): She hurried on to the next topic before I could object. 我还没来得及提 出异议,她就继续讲下一个话题了。◊ 'just leave that to me,' she hurried on. “把那个交给我就 行了。" 她匆忙说道。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + speech hurry up used to tell sb to move or do sth more quickly 赶快; 麻利点:Hurry up, we have to leave in five minutes! 利索一点,我们五分钟 后就得走了! ◊ I wish the bus would hurry up and come. 我希望公共汽车能快点来。◊ I wish the waiter would hurry up with our soup. 我希 望服务员能快些把我们的汤端上来。 ♦ v + adv hurry sb/sth 'up to encourage sb to move or work faster; to do sth to make sth happen faster 催促(某人);加快(某事):Hurry your brother up or we'll be late. 催一下你弟弟,不然 我们要迟到了。 ◊ Hurry it up—we haven't got all day! 抓紧点——我们可没有一整天的时间! ◊ Is there a way of hurrying things up? 有没有 办法把事情往前赶? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) hush /hʌʃ/ hush sth up to hide information about a situation, especially sth bad or shocking, because you do not want people to know about it 隐瞒,遮掩 (丑闻等):The govern- ment tried to hush the affair up. 政府试图隐瞒 此事。 ◊ The scandal was hushed up. 这桩丑行 被捂住了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n hype /haɪp/ hype sb/sth up (informal) to advertise or talk about sb/sth in an exaggerated way in order to get a lot of public attention for them/it 夸张地宣传;大肆炒作:His latest movie is being hyped up by the media. 媒体正大肆炒 作他最新的电影。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。 Hype sb/sth is also used on its own. ♦ hype sb / sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► hyped up adj (informal) 1 (of a person 人) very excited or worried about sth 十分兴奋 的;十分担忧的:She gets very hyped up before a race. 她一到赛跑前就万分紧张。 2 (of a film/movie, a book, an event, etc. 电影、书、 活动等) advertised or talked about in an exaggerated way to get public attention 大做 广告的;受到吹洛的:a hyped-up movie 被大肆 炒作的电影 ice /aɪs/ ice sth down (AmE) to put ice on, around, or in sth to keep it cold 冰冻;冰起来:Have you iced down the champagne? 香槟你冰镇了 没有? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ice over/up; be ,iced over/up to become covered by a layer of ice 覆盖着一层 冰;结冰:The road had iced over during the night. 道路夜间结了冰。 ◊ The windscreen had iced up. 挡风玻璃上结了一层冰。 ◊ The lake was iced up. 湖面结冰了。 SYN freeze over, freeze up ♦ v + adv ♦ be + v + adv identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ (identifies, identify- ing, identified) identify with sb/sth to feel that you can understand and share the feelings of sb else 对...感同身受;对…有同感:He's a character that readers feel they can identify with. 他是一 个让读者感觉能产生共鸣的人物。 ♦ v + prep identify sb with sb/sth to consider sb to be sth or to be closely connected with sb/sth 认为某人是…;认为某人与...有密切联系: The last thing she wanted was to be identified with her parents. 她最讨厌别人将她和父母联系 在一起。 ◊ Many of these artists were closely identified with Cubist painting. 这些艺术家中的 很多人被看作属于立体主义画派。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep identify sth with sth to consider sth to be the same as sth else 认为…等同于: Beauty is often, identified with youth. 美貌与青春常常被 等同看待。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep identify yourself with sb/sth; be identified with sb/sth to support sb/sth; to be closely connected with sb/sth 支持; 与...关系密切:He refused to identify himself with the new political party. 他拒绝支持新 政党。 -> see also IDENTIFY SB WITH SB/STH idle/ˈaɪdl/ idle sth a way to spend time doing nothing very important 混时间;无所事事:They idled away their time watching television. 他们看电 视消磨时间。 [OBJ] day, time ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv imbue/ɪmˈbju:/ imbue sb/sth with sth to fill sb/sth with a strong feeling, quality, etc. 赋予 (某特 点);灌输,使充满 (强烈感情等):He man- aged to imbue his employees with team spirit. 他成功地激发了员工的团队精神。◊ The paint- ing is imbued with energy and life. 这幅画充满 活力与生机。 SYN infuse B with A NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep immerse /ɪˈmɜːs; AmE ɪˈmɜːrs/ immerse sb/yourself in sth to become, or to make sb become, completely involved in sth (使) 沉浸于,醉心于,投入: He immersed himself in his studies. 他潜心研究。 ◊ I was completely immersed in the story. 我完全沉浸在 故事中。 NOTE Often used in the passive, 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep impact/ˈɪmpækt/ impact on sb/sth (also impact upon sb/sth more formal) to have an effect on sb/sth 影响:Government cuts will impact directly on education. 政府削减经费将直接影响教育。◊ This decision may impact on the unemployed. 这一决定可能会影响失业人群。 SYN affect sb/sth ♦ v + prep impinge /ɪmˈpɪndʒ/ impinge on sb/sth (also impinge upon sb/sth more formal) to have a strong effect on sb/sth, especially a bad one 对…造成严重 影响 (尤指负面影响):She didn't allow her personal problems to impinge on her work. 她 不让个人问题妨碍工作。 affect sb/sth ♦ v + prep impose /ɪmˈpəʊz; AmE ɪmˈpoʊz/ impose on sb to expect sb to do sth for you or spend time with you when they do not have much time, or when it may not be convenient for them 强人所难:勉强某人: Tim never says 'No', so people are always imposing on him. 蒂姆从不拒绝别人。 所以别人常常要他 做这做那。 ♦ v + prep impress /ɪmˈpres/ impress sth on sb (also impress sth upon sb more formal) to emphasize to sb how important or serious sth is 向某人强调(某事 的重要性或严重性):I wanted to impress on him that it was a very serious offence. 我想向他 强调、这是一项很严重的罪名。◊ She impressed on. her staff the importance of keeping accurate records. 她向员工强调准确记录的重要性。 NOTE The object of impress usually comes after on sb. * impress 的宾语通常置于 on sb 之后。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep impress sth/itself on sth (also impress sth/itself upon sth more formal) if sb impresses sth on or sth impresses itself on your mind, memory, etc., it has a great effect on you so that you do not forget it 绐...留下深 刻印象;使铭记:Her beauty impressed itself on everyone who met her. 她的美貌让每个见过 她的人都难以忘怀。◊ His words impressed themselves on my memory. 他的话我铭记在心。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep imprint/ɪmˈprɪnt/ imprint A in/on B; imprint B with A 1 to have a great effect on sth so that it cannot be forgotten, changed, etc. 对…产生 不可磨灭的影响;牢记…(在心):The scene was imprinted on my mind. 这一场景在我脑 海里挥之不去。 ◊ The picture is imprinted with his own style. 这幅画彰显了他的个人风 格。 2 to print or press a mark or design on sth 在…上印上(标记);压印(图样): T-shirts imprinted with the logos of sports teams 印有运动队标识的 T 恤衫 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep improve/ɪmˈpruːv/ improve on sth (also improve upon sth more format) to achieve or produce sth of a better standard or quality than sth else 完善; 改进:There are a few points in your work that you could improve on. 你的工作中有几个地方有 待改进。◊ The Kenyan girl improved on her previous best performance (= in a race). 那名 肯尼亚女选手超越了自己以往的最好成绩。◊ These results cannot be improved upon. 这些成 果无法超越。 ♦ v + prep impute /ɪmˈpjuːt/ impute sth to sb/sth (formal) to say, often unfairly, that sb/sth is responsible for sth, or has a particular quality (常指不公平 地)将…归咎于,认为…具有(某种特质): Why do you impute selfish motives to her? 为什 么你认为她是出于私心? ♦ v + n/pron + prep incline/ɪnˈklaɪn/ in cline to/towards sth; in cline sb to/towards sth (formal) to tend to think or behave in a particular way; to make sb do this (使)倾向于:I incline to the view that we should take no action. 我倾向于认为我们不应采 取任何行动。 ◊ Her love of languages inclined her towards a career as a translator. 她对语言 的热爱促使她当了翻译。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep indulge/ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ indulge in sth i to allow yourself to have or do sth that you like, often sth that is bad for you 沉迷于;沉湎于;沉溺于:She indulged in the luxury of a long bath. 她在浴缸里泡了很 久,好好享受了一番。◊ He now has time to indulge in his favorite hobby: photography, 现在他有时间醉心于他的最大嗜好——摄影。◊ It's a luxury that can only be indulged in from time to time. 这种奢侈只能偶尔享用一下。◊ I'm going to indulge in a chocolate cake! 我要享用 巧克力蛋糕了! 2 to take part in an activity, especially sth bad or illegal 参加,参与(尤指 不良或非法活动):We shouldn't indulge in speculation as to what really happened. 到底发 生了什么事,我们不应妄加猜测。 ♦ v + prep inform /ɪnˈfɔːm; AmE ɪnˈfɔːrm/ in form on sb to give evidence about sb or accuse sb of sth, to the police or sb in authority 举报;告发:One of the gang informed on the rest. 团伙中的一人告发了其他人。 ♦ v + prep infringe /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/ in fringe on sth (also infringe upon sth more formal) to limit sb's freedom, rights, etc. 限制,侵害,侵犯(某人的自由、权利等):The media is accused of infringing on people's privacy. 媒体被指责侵犯人们的隐私。 [OBJ] liberty, rights ♦ v + prep infuse /ɪnˈfjuːz/ infuse A into B; infuse B with A (formal) to fill sb/sth with a particular quality 赋予,注入,使充满(某种特质) : His arrival infused new life and energy into the team. 他的 到来为团队注入新的生气和活力。 ◊ Her work is infused with anger. 她的作品充满了激愤。 SYN imbue sth with sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep ink/ɪŋk/ ink sth in (8「E) to write or draw in ink over sth that has been written or drawn in penal 在(铅笔字或画上)用墨水加描,上墨:I did the answers in pencil first and then inked them in. 我先用铅笔作答,然后用墨笔描出来。 ◊ (figurative) The company has inked in June 1st (= made it definite) for the launch. 公司已 确定6月1日推出该产品。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n inquire /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ in quire into sth etc. (especially AmE) -> ENQUIRE insinuate /ɪnˈsɪnjueɪt/ insinuate yourself into sth (formal, disapproving) to get yourself into a position of advantage, especially by clever talk or by gaining the favour or respect of sb important 钻营巧取,耍手段 (以取得有利地位):She clev- erty insinuated herself into his family. 她设法巧 妙地混入了他的家庭。 ♦ v + pron + prep insist /ɪnˈsɪst/ insist on sth; insist on doing sth (also insist upon sth, insist upon doing sth more format) to demand sth and refuse to be persuaded to accept anything else 坚决要求; 坚持主张:They are insisting on a meeting tomorrow. 他们坚持明天开会。 ◊ I always insist on skimmed milk. 我从来只喝脱脂牛奶。 ◊ He insisted on walking home with her. 他执意要和 她一起走回家。 ◊ This format must be insisted on. 必须使用这一格式。 ♦ v+ prep insist on doing sth (also insist upon doing sth more formal) to continue doing sth even though other people find it annoying 坚 持做,继续做 (烦人的事):She will insist on shouting at the top of her voice. 她会一直放声 大喊的。 ♦ v + prep insure /ɪnˈʃʊə(r), ˈʃɔː(r); AmE 'ʃʊr/ in sure against sth 1 to buy an insurance policy which will pay you money if the event mentioned happens 购买...保险;投保:Every- one needs to insure against fire. 每个人都需要 投保火险。 2 to take action to prevent sth unpleasant happening 采取预防措施;防止… 发生:This is to insure against a repetition of previous disasters. 这是为了避免过去灾难的 重现。 ♦ v + prep interest /ˈɪntrəst, -rest/ interest sb in sth to persuade sb to buy, do or eat sth 劝某人做某事;使某人对某事感兴趣: Could I interest you in this model (= of car), Sir? 先生,您有兴趣看看这款车吗? ♦ v + n/pron + prep interfere/ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r); AmE ˌɪntərˈfɪr/ interfere with sb to touch a child in a sexual way (出于猥亵目的) 触摸 (幼童) ♦ v + prep interfere with sth 1 to get in the way of sth; to prevent sth from being done or making progress 妨碍;阻碍;干扰:Don't let: anything interfere with your training. 不要让任何事情影 响你的训练。◊ We don't want to interfere with your plans. 我们不想打乱你的计划。 2 to touch, adjust or change sth without permis- sion, and damage it (未经允许) 摆弄,改 动,摆弄 (而造成损坏): Who's been interfering with the clock? 是谁乱动过这钟? ◊ The evidence has been interfered with. 有人对证据动了手脚。 SYN tamper with sth 3 if sth interferes with radio or sound waves, etc., it stops them being heard easily or clearly 干扰 (无线电波、声波 等):The computer is interfering with the radio. 计算机正对广播产生干扰。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 interfere with sth disrupt sth. interfere with sth. interrupt sth ♦ upset sth These verbs all mean to make it difficult for sth to continue in the normal or planned way. 这些动词都表示干扰、打乱、妨碍。 disrupt sth to make it difficult for sth to continue in the normal way or in the way that was planned 打乱;扰乱;妨碍: Demonstrators succeeded in disrupting the meeting. 示威者成功地搅乱了会议。 interfere with sth to prevent sth from succeeding or from continuing as normal or as planned 妨碍;阻碍;干扰:She doesn't allow her personal feelings to interfere with her work. 她不让私人感情妨碍工作。► interference n [U]: We will not allow any interference with the normal democratic processes. 我们不允许正常民主程序受到任何 干扰。 interrupt sth to stop the continuous progress of sth fora short time 暂停;中断;打断:The game was interrupted several times by rain. 比 赛因雨中断了好几次。◊ We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin. 本节目暂停,为您插播重要新闻简 报。 ► interruption n [C,U]: The service was maintained without interruption throughout the war. 在战争期间,这项服务得以维持,未 曾中断。 upset sth to make a plan, event or situation go wrong 打乱;扰乱;使出错:He arrived an hour late and upset all our arrangements. 他 迟到了一个小时,打乱了我们所有的安排。◊ The disagreement further upset relations between the two countries. 这一分歧进一步损 害了两国的关系。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to disrupt/interfere with/interrupt work ■ to disrupt/interrupt services/a meeting ■ to disrupt/interfere with/upset plans ■ to interfere with/upset arrangements ■ to disrupt/interfere with sb's life inure /ɪˈnjʊə(r); AmE ɪˈnjʊr/ inure sb/yourself to sth to make sb/sth get used to sth unpleasant so that they are no longer strongly affected by it 使习惯于, 使适 应 (令人不快的事物):The prisoners quickly became inured to the harsh conditions. 囚犯很 快便适应了恶劣的条件。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep invalid /ˈɪnvəlɪd, ˈɪnvəlɪ:d/ invalid sb out; invalid sb out of sth (BrE) to make sb leave a job, especially in the armed forces, because they are ill/sick or injured 使 (因病或因伤) 离职 (或退役):He was invalided out of the army because of his injuries. 他因伤从部队退役了。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep inveigh /ɪnˈveɪ/ inveigh against sb/sth (formaP) to criticize sb/sth strongly 猛烈抨击;痛骂:The article went on to inveigh against political correctness and all the perceived evils of the modem world. 该文继而痛斥 “政治正确” 这一 观念以及现代社会各色罪恶。 ♦ v + prep invest /ɪnˈvest/ in vest in sth (informal, often humorous) to buy sth or spend money on sth useful, especially sth expensive购卖 (有用之物,尤指 贵重物品):it's time we invested in a new sofa— this one is falling to bits. 我们该买新沙发 了——--这一套都快散架了。 ♦ v + prep in vest sb/sth with sth (formal) to make sb/sth seem to have a particular quality 使似 乎具有 (某种特质):Being the boss invests her with a certain glamour. 当上老板似乎为她平添 了几分魅力。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ invite sb along to ask sb if they would like to go with you to an event or activity 邀请某 人一起参加;请某人同行:Shall I invite Dave along (to the concert)? 我该不该邀请戴夫一起 去 (听音乐会)? SYN ask sb along (less formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) invite sb a round (AmE) -> INVITE SB OVER/ROUND invite sb back (to sth) (especially BrE) to ask sb to go back to your home after you have been out somewhere together (一起在外聚会 后) 邀请某人回自己家:She invited me back to her place for coffee after the movie. 看完了电 影,她邀我去她家喝了杯咖啡。 SYN ask sb back (to sth); have sb back (less formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) invite sb in/ up to politely ask sb to enter a room, your house, etc. 邀请某人 (进屋、回 家等): Aren't you going to invite me in for a coffee? 你不打算请我进去喝杯咖啡吗? EQZlask sb in/up (less formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) invite sb out to ask sb to go out with you, especially as a way of beginning a romantic relationship 邀请某人外出约会 (尤指有意发展 恋情):We've been invited out for dinner this evening. 今晚有人约我们出去吃饭。◊ He eventu- ally found the courage to invite Julia out. 他终 于鼓起勇气约朱莉娅出来。 SYN ask sb out (less formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) invite sb over/'round (BrE) (AmE .invite sb around) to ask sb to come and visit you in your home 邀请某人来家做客:I've invited a few friends round to watch the game with us on TV. 我约了几个朋友来我家一起看电视转播的比赛。 ◊ We ought to invite the new neighbours over for coffee, 我们应该请新邻居来家里喝杯咖啡。 SYN ask sb over/round (less formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv invite sb up -> INVITE SB IN/UP involve /ɪnˈvɒlv; AmE ɪnˈvɑːlv/ involve sb in sth to make sb experience or do sth, especially sth unpleasant 使经历,使陷 入 (尤指不快之事):The new exams have involved teachers in a lot of extra work. 新的考 试给老师们带来大量额外工作。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep iron /ˈaɪən; AmE ˈaɪərn/ iron sth out 1 to remove the folds that you do not want from clothes, etc. by using an iron 熨平,烫平 (衣服等的皱褶):Iron out all the creases. 熨平所有的褶皱。[OBJ] creases 2 to get rid of any problems or difficulties that are affecting sth 消除. 解决 (问题或困谁):We must iron out the problems before next week. 我 们下周前必须解决这些问题。 SYN difficulties, problems SYN resolve sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) issue /'ɪʃuː; BrE also ˈɪsjuː/ issue from sth (formal) to come, go or flow out of sth or somewhere 从...中出来;从...流出: I could see smoke issuing from the window. 我 看到烟正从窗户冒出来。 ♦ v + prep itch /ɪtʃ/ itch for sth (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to want sth very much 渴望;热望;极想得到:They were just itching for a fight. 他们摩拳擦掌,想打上一架。 [OBJ] a fight, a chance NOTE Itch to do sth can also be used with the same meaning * itch to do sth 也可作此义:He was itching to find out more. 他迫切想了解更多 情况。 ♦ v + prep jab /dʒæb/ (-bb-) jab at sb/sth (with sth) to push a sharp or pointed object quickly or roughly into sb/sth or in the direction of sb/sth (用尖锐物体) 捅,戳,剌:He kept jabbing at the paper cup with his pencil. 他不断地用铅笔扎着纸杯。◊ She jabbed at the papers with her finger. 她用手指 戳了戳文件。 ♦ v + prep jabber /ˈdʒæbə(r)/ jabber a way (informal) to speak or talk quickly in an excited way 急促兴奋地说话: She jabbered away, trying to distract his attention. 她喋喋不休,想分散他的注意力。◊ He was jabbering away in Russian. 他叽里咕噜 地说着俄语。 ♦ v + adv jack /dʒæk/ jack sb a round (AmE, informal to treat sb in a way that is deliberately not helpful to them or wastes their time 搪塞;怠慢;浪费某 人的时间:Let's go. We're being jacked around here. 我们走。这里的人在敷衍我们。 SYN mess sb around (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv jack in; jack into sth (informal) to connect to a computer system 连接上 (计算机 系统): I'm jacking into the Internet now. 我现 在正连接互联网。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep jack sth in (BrE, informal) to stop doing sth, especially your job 停止, 放弃 (尤指工作): She decided to jack in her job. 她决定辞职。◊ After such a bad day I feel like jacking it all in. 这么倒毒的一天下来,我什么都不想干了。 [OBJ] job SYN chuck sth in/up; pack sth in NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv jack off (AmE, △, slang) if a man jacks off, he gives himself sexual pleasure by rubbing his sexual organs (男子) 手淫,自慰 ♦ v + adv jack up (slang) to take an illegal drug by putting it into your body using a needle 注射 毒品 ♦ v + adv jack sth up 1 to lift sth such as a vehicle off the ground using a special device (a jack) 用 千斤顶托起 (车辆等) [OBJ] car 2 (informal) to increase the cost or the price of sth 增加,提 高 (成本或价格):The wholesalers have jacked up their prices. 批发商提价了。[OBJ] cost, price SYN put sth up; increase sth (more formal) -> note at PUT STH UP ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv be/get jacked up (AmE, slang) 1 to be mined or spoiled 毁坏;损坏:My PC is all jacked up right now, 我的电脑现在完全坏了。 2 to be nervous or excited 紧张;激动:The whole school is jacked up about the game tonight. 全校的人都为今晚的比赛兴奋不已。3 to be drunk 喝醉:Don't drive if you're too jacked up. 喝得烂醉了就别开车。 ♦ get + v + adv jam /dʒæm/ (-mm-) jam sth on if you jam on the brakes of a vehicle, you operate them suddenly and with force 猛踩 (刹车):A child ran into the road and I jammed on the brakes. 有个小孩跑到马路 上,我急忙踩刹车。 [OBJ] only the brakes, the handbrake SYN slam sth on ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv jam up; jam sth up (with sth) (especially BrE) if a machine, a road, etc. jams up, or sth jams it up, it becomes blocked, stops work- ing, etc. (使) (机器等) 卡住,停止运转; (使)(道路等) 拥塞, 阻塞:Let's get moving before the traffic jams up. 咱们赶在交通拥堵前 出发吧。◊ People were jamming up the aisles in their rush to get out of the theatre. 大家冲出剧 院,把过道堵塞了。◊ That photocopier is always getting jammed up. 这台复印机总卡纸。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) jazz /dʒæz/ jazz sth up (with sth) {informal) 1 to make sth more lively or interesting 使活泼;使有趣: Jazz up that plain dress with some jewelry. 佩 戴些首饰,让那件素淡的连衣裙鲜亮一点。SYN liven sth up; spice sth up (more formal) 2 to make a piece of music sound more modem, or more like jazz or popular music 改编 (音乐) 使有现代元素 (或有爵士乐风格、流行乐色彩): jazzed-up Bach 改编的巴赫作品 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv jerk /dʒɜːk; AmE dʒɜːrk/ jerk sb a round (informal, especially AmE) to treat sb badly and cause them problems, especially by not telling the truth (尤指通过 隐瞒真相) 为难,刁难:He won't give us an answer一 he keeps jerking us around. 他不会给 我们答复的 —— 他一直刁难我们。 SYN mess sb about/around (BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n jerk off (△, slang) if a man jerks off, he gives himself sexual pleasure by rubbing his sexual organs (男子) 手淫,自慰 ♦ v + adv jet /dʒet/ (-tt-) jet off (to ... ) to fly somewhere, especially somewhere far away 乘飞机去 (尤指远方): They're jetting off to Florida tomorrow. 他们明 天要飞往佛罗里达。 ♦ v + adv jibe /dʒaɪb/ jibe with sth (AmE) to agree with sth; to be the same as sth or match sth (与…) 相符, 一致,匹配:Her story didn't jibe with the witnesses' account. 她的说法和证人的描述有 出入。 ♦ v + prep jockey /ˈdʒɒki;AmE dʒɑːki/ jockey for sth to try very hard to gain an advantage, a favour, etc. for yourself and stop other people getting it 争夺;谋求:Several employees are jockeying for the manager's position. 几个雇员正在角逐经理职位。 [OBJ] position, power ♦ v + prep jog /dʒɒɡ; AmE dʒɑːɡ/ (-gg-) jog along (8rE, informal) to continue in a steady way, with little or no excitement or progress 缓慢平稳地进行:For years the business just kept jogging along. 多年来生意一直不温 不火。 ♦ v + adv join /dʒɔɪn/ join in (with sb/sth), join in sth to become involved in sth; to take part in an activity with other people (与...-同) 参加, 加入:Can I join in (the game)? 我可以参加 (比 赛) 吗? ◊ We all joined in with the singing. 我 们都齐声歌唱。 SYN participate (in sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep join up 1 (with sb/sth) to meet or combine with sb/sth to do sth together (与…) 会合, 联合:They joined up with the rest of the party later. 他们后来与团队的其他人会合了。 2 to become a member of the armed forces 入伍; 参军:We both joined up in 1939. 我俩都是 1939 年入伍的。SYN enlist (more formal) ♦ v + adv join up;join sth up (especially BrE) to be connected to sth; to connect sth to sth (使) 连接,结合:The dots join up to form a solid line. 小点连接起来形成实线。◊ Join up the dots to see the picture. 把这些点连接起来就能看出图 形了。 SYN connect (sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► joined up adj [usually before noun] (espe- cially BrE) things that are joined up are connected or linked together 相互连接的;连 成一体的: joined-up writing 连笔字 ◊ (figurative) joined-up thinking 连贯思维 ◊ (figurative) the government's joined-up policy on health care 政 府对医疗保健的一体化政策 join with sb (in sth/in doing sth) (formal) to do or say sth with sb else or with a group of people 和某人一起 (做某事):I'm sure you'll join with me in congratulating Jo and Mark. 我 相信各位会和我一道祝贺乔和马克。◊ Parents joined with teachers to protest against the closure of the school. 家长和教师联合抗议关闭 学校。 ♦ v + prep joke /dʒəʊk; AmE dʒoʊk/ joke a round (AmE) to make jokes or do things to make people laugh 开玩笑;逗乐子: I'm always joking around, trying to lighten the mood. 我总是开玩笑,尽量放松心情。 ♦ v + adv jolly /ˈdʒɒli; AmE ˈdʒɑːli/ (jollies, jollying, jollied) jolly sb a long (BrE, informal to keep encouraging sb in a friendly way —直给...鼓劲: She tried to jolly him along but he couldn't forget his problems. 她一直鼓励他,但他忘不掉 自己的问题。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv Jolly sb/sth up (BrE) to make sb/sth brighter or more cheerful 使生气勃勃;使喜气 洋洋:Do you think you can jolly Anthony up a bit? 你觉得你能让安东尼打起点精神吗? SYN cheer sb/sth up; liven sb/sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n jostle /ˈdʒɒs(ə)l; AmE dʒɑːsl/ jostle for sth to compete strongly with other people for sth 争夺;金抢:People in the crowd were jostling for the best positions. 这群人在竞 相抢占最好的位置。 ♦ v + prep jot /dʒɒt; AmE dʒɑːt/ (-tt-) jot sth down to write sth down quickly 草 草记下;匆匆记下:I'll jot down their address before I forget it. 我得赶快把他们的地址写下 来,免得忘了。 SYN note sth down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv juice /dʒuːs/ juice sth up (informal, especially AmE) 1 to make sth more lively, exciting or interesting 使更生动;使更激动人心;使更有趣:Juice up your talk with pictures. 用图片使你的演讲更活 泼些。SYN jazz sth up 2 to make sth more powerful 加强...的功效:I can juice up the engine for you. 我能给你的发动机加大马力。 SYN soup sth up 3 to put petrol in a vehicle 给 (车辆)加油:We need to juice up the car before we leave. 出发前我们要给车加油。 [OBJ] car SYN fill sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv jumble/ˈdʒʌmbl/ jumble sth up/to'gether to mix things up in a confused way 使混乱;使杂乱:Make sure you don't jumble everything up. 一定不要 把东西全都弄乱了。 ◊ the details of the accident were all jumbled together in his mind. 他把事故 细节记得颠三倒四。 SYN mix sth up -> note at MIX STH UP NOTE Often used in the passive 常用于被动语态: All her papers had been jumbled up. 她的文件 都搞乱套了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n jump/dʒʌmp/ jump at sb (AmE)-> JUMP ON SB jump at sth to accept an opportunity, a chance, etc. with enthusiasm 迫不及待地接 受,抢着接受(机会等):I jumped at the chance of a trip to Italy. 我急不可待地抓住机会 去意大利旅行。 [OBJ] chance, idea cm leap at sth ♦ v + prep jump in 1 (with sth) to interrupt a conver- sation 打断谈话;插嘴:I jumped in while there was a brief pause in the conversation. 我趁着谈 话间隙插了句话。2 to become involved in a situation suddenly or quickly 匆忙行动;踊跃 参与:She had jumped in to help while he was ill. 他生病时她立刻去帮忙。 ♦ v + adv jump on sb (AmE also jump at sb) (informal) to criticize sb sharply 尖锐批评;厉声斥责:She jumped on me before I had a chance to explain. 我还没来得及解释,她便对我破口大骂。 ♦ v + prep jump out at sb to be very easy to see; to be noticeable (对某人来说)非常显眼,显而易见: The headline jumped out at me. 我一眼就看见 了醒目的标题。◊ The mistakes are so obvious they jump out at you. 这些错误十分显眼:一眼 就看到了。 SYN leap out at sb ♦ v + adv + prep Jump up to stand quickly and suddenly when you have been sitting (坐着)突然起 身,一跃而起:He jumped up off the floor. 他一 下子从地板上站了起来。 SYN leap up ♦ v + adv ► jumped-up adj [only before noun] (BrE, informal, disapproving) thinking that you are more important than you really are, particu- larly when you have risen in social status but do not deserve to (尤指高升或发迹后)妄自尊 大的,自视过高的:I won't take orders from a jumped-up office girl! 我不会容忍一个新升职的 办公室女职员对我发号施令! jut /dʒʌt/ jut out (from sth), jut out of sth to stand out from sth; to stick out further than the surrounding surface (从…)突出,伸出: The tops of the flooded houses jutted out of the water. 遭水淹的房屋只有屋顶露出水面。 SYN stick out, stick out of sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep keel /kiːl/ keel over 1 (informal) to fall over 倒下:I'm so tired, all I want to do is keel over and sleep fora week. 我累极了,只想倒头睡上一个星期。 SYN collapse 2 (of a boat 船)to turn on its side 倾覆:翻倒:The boat keeled over in the strong winds. 船在大风中翻了。SYN capsize ♦ v + adv keep /kiːp/ (kept, kept /kept/) keep after sb (about sth/to do sth) (AmE) to ask or tell sb repeatedly to do sth 一再要 求. 反复提醒 (某人做某事):She keeps after me to fix the TV. 她总是唠叨着让我修电视机。 -> see also KEEP ON 2 ♦ v + prep keep a head; keep a1 head of sb/sth to continue to be more advanced or successful than other people, groups, etc. 保持领先 (于…) 的位置:We need to keep ahead of our competitors. 我们得继续领先于我们的对手。◊ If you want to keep ahead in this industry, you have to be ruthless. 要想在这个行业一直做领头 羊,你就不能心慈手软。 SYN stay ahead, stay ahead of sb/sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep keep at sth; keep sb at sth to continue to work hard at sth, or to make sb work hard at sth, particularly sth which is difficult or takes a long time (使) 继续努力,坚持干: Keep at it, you've nearly finished! 别松劲,你马 上就要完成了! ◊ He kept them at the job until it was finished. 他让他们一直干到把活干完。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep keep a1 way (from sb/sth) to not go near sb/sth 避免靠近;远离:Keep away from me! 离 我远点! ◊ The police told us to keep well away from the area. 警察让我们避开那个地区。 SYN stay away (from sb/sth) ♦ v + adv keep sb/sth a way (from sb/sth) to prevent sb/sth from going near sb/sth 不让...靠近;使 远离:Keep him away from the kitchen while we make his birthday cake. 我们给他做生日蛋糕 时,不要让他进厨房。 ◊ We turned off the lights to keep the mosquitoes away. 我们关了灯,以 免招蚊子。 ◊ Her parents are keeping her away from school for a few days. 她的父母让她这几天 不去上学。 ◊ (figurative) A healthy diet can help to keep colds and flu away. 健康饮食有助于预 防伤风和流感。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► keep-away n [U] a game, usually played by children, in which two or more people throw a ball and try to stop another person from catching it 儿童投球游戏:拦截球游戏。 keep back (from sb/sth) to remain at a distance from sb/sth (与…) 保持距离:Keep back or I'll shoot! 不许过来,不然我开枪了! ◊ I kept well back from the road. 我远离公路。 SYN stay back ♦ v + adv keep sb back 1 (BrE) t keep sb in 1:1 was kept back after school for being cheeky. 我因为 不懂礼貌而要课后留校。2 (/VnE) -> KEEP SB DOWN 1 keep sb/sth back (from sb/sth) to make sb/sth remain at a distance from sb/sth; to prevent sb from moving forwards 使 (与…) 保持距离:避免…走近:Keep the children back from the fire. 别让小孩靠近炉火。◊ The police were trying to keep back the crowds, 当时警察 正设法阻挡人群靠近。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n keep sth back 1 (especially BrE) to keep a part of sth to use later 保留;预留:Have you kept some money back to pay the bills? 你留出 付账单的钱了吗? ◊ Keep a piece of cake back for Alex. 给亚历克斯留块蛋糕。2 (from sb/sth) to refuse to tell sb sth; to hold sth back 不告 诉; 隐瞒:I'm sure she's keeping something back (from us). 我肯定她有什么事儿瞒着 (我们)。 [OBJ] something, anything, nothing SYN with- hold sth (more format) 3 to try not to let other people see or know how you feel 抑制,克制 (感情等):He could hardly keep back the tears. 他难以忍住泪水。[OBJ] tears SYN hold sth back ♦ 1,2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv keep sb be hind (AmE) keep sb in 1 keep down to hide yourself by not standing up straight 隐伏;卧倒隐蔽;蹲下藏身:Keep down! Don't let anybody see you. 蹲下!不要让 人看见你。 SYN stay down ♦ v + adv keep sb down 1 (BrE) (AmE, KEEP SB BACK 1 to make a student repeat a year at school, college, etc. because of poor marks/grades 让 (学生) 留级:I was kept down because I failed the exam. 我因为考试不及格被要求留级。 2 to control a people, a nation, etc. so that they have no power or freedom 压制,控制,限制 (人民、国家等):The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime. 多年来人们 一直受到残暴政权的压制。SYN repress sb ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n keep sth down 1 to make sth remain at a low level; to avoid increasing sth 使保持在低 水平;抑制...的增长: We're trying to keep costs down. 我们正努力保持低成本。◊ He exercises a lot to keep his weight down. 他一个劲地锻炼, 以控制体重。 ◊ Keep your voice down! 小点声! ◊ Keep it down (= Make less noise)! I'm trying to concentrate. 安静点!我要集中注意力。[OBJ] costs, prices, voice, noise SYN hold sth down 2 to manage to keep food or drink in your stomach and avoid bringing it back through your mouth 不使(胃中食物)吐出;吃(或 喝)下去不吐:He can't keep anything down. 他 吃什么都吐。[OBJ] food SYN hold sth down 3 to not raise a part of your body 不抬起(身体 部位):Keep your head down! 别抬头! ◊ She kept her eyes down while he was talking.他讲 话时她一直没抬眼。[OBJ] eyes, head, face NOTE Not used in the passive in meanings 2 and 3. 作第2及第3义时不用于被动语态。 ♦ 1,2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 3 v + n/pron + adv IDM keep/get your 'head down to avoid attracting attention 避免引起注意;保持低调; 不张扬 keep from doing sth; 'keep yourself from doing sth to prevent yourself from doing sth 忍住不做某事:She bit her lip to keep from laughing. 她咬着嘴唇,以免笑出来。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + pron + prep keep sb from sth; 'keep sb from doing sth to prevent sb from doing sth 阻止 某人做某事:Don't let me keep you from your work. 我可不想妨碍你工作。 ◊ I've been trying to keep him from finding out the truth. 我一直 没让他找出真相。◊ Her pride kept her from crying in front of them. 她的自尊心不允许她在 他们面前哭出来。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep keep sth from sb to avoid telling sb sth 不 告诉;隐瞒:I think he's keeping secrets from me. 我想他有秘密瞒着我。◊ Are you keeping something from us? 你有什么事儿瞒着我们吗? [OBJ] secrets, something ♦ v + n/pron + prep keep in (BrE) to stay near the edge of the road or path while you are driving, walking, etc. 靠路边(开车、行走等):If you keep in, the van can overtake. 你往路边靠一下,小货车就能 开过去。 ♦ v + adv keep sb in (especially BrE)1 (BrE also .keep sb back) (AmE also .keep sb behind) to make a child stay after normal school hours as a punishment 罚(学生)课后留校:The teacher kept them all in after school. 老师罚他 们全部课后留校。2 to not allow a child to go outdoors 不许(孩子)出门;留(孩子)在室内: Vm keeping the children in because it's raining outside. 外面下着雨,所以我让孩子们呆在屋 里。 3 to keep sb in hospital 不让出院;使继 续住院:She's much better, but they're keeping her in overnight. 她好多了,但他们让她在医院 住一夜。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv keep sth in 1 to stop yourself expressing an emotion 克制,抑制(感情):He could hardly keep in his anger. 他几乎掩饰不住愤怒之情。 SYN restrain sth 2 to not allow sth to escape, be lost or taken out 不让...逃脱(或遗失);保 留: Close the door to keep in the warmth. 关上 门,别跑了热气。 ◊ She wanted to cut the sex scene (= in a play or film/movie), but we kept it in. 她想剪掉性爱场面,可我们保留了。 [OBJ] warmth, heat 3 to not allow an animal to go outdoors 不让(动物)出屋 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM keep your 'hand in to do an activity occasionally so that you do not lose your skill at it (不时操练以)保持技巧熟练:I play squash from time to time, just to keep my hand in. 我偶尔打打壁球,以免技术生疏。 keep sb/yourself in sth (informal) to give or allow sb/yourself a regular supply of sth 使 常有(某物的供应);向...供给(某物):This part-time job keeps me in cigarettes. 这份兼职 工作够我买烟抽了。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep keep in with sb (BrE) to continue to be friendly with sb, especially in order to gain some advantage for yourself 与...保持友好关 系;不断讨好:He keeps in with anyone who might be useful to him. 只要是对他可能有用的 人,他就一直巴结着。 ♦ v + adv + prep keep off (especially BrE) if rain, snow, etc. keeps off, it does not fall, even though it looks as if it might (雨、雪等)未下:The party will go ahead provided the rain keeps off. 如果不下雨,聚会将照常举行。 SYN hold off ♦ v + adv keep off; keep off sth to not go onto a particular area 不去(某处):Keep off (the grass)! 勿践踏(草坪)! ◊ We kept off the main roads to avoid the traffic. 为避开车流,我们没 有上干线公路。 [OBJ] grass ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep keep off sth; .keep sb off sth 1 to not eat, drink or smoke sth; to not let sb eat, drink or smoke sth (使)戒忌食物(或饮料、香烟): The doctor's told me to keep off red meat. 医生建议我不要吃牛羊肉。2 to not mention a particular topic; to stop sb talking about a particular topic 回避(某一话题);不让(某 人)谈论(某一话题):It's best to keep off the subject of politics with my father. 最好不要和我 父亲谈论政治话题。。Keep her off the subject of teenage girls! 不要让她谈少女这个话题! [OBJ] subject, topic SYN stay off sth ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep keep sb/sth off; keep sb/sth off sb/sth to stop sb/sth from coming near or going into (a place); to stop sb/sth from touching or harming sb/sth 使不靠近;使不进 入;避免...接触(或伤害):He covered Che sandwiches to keep the flies off. 他盖上了三明 治,免得招苍蝇。 ◊ Keep your animals off my land! 别让你的牲口进我的地界! ◊ Working helps keep my mind off my problems. 工作有助 于让我忘掉烦恼。 ◊ I kept the children off (school) until they felt better. 直到孩子们感觉 好了点,我才让他们上学。 [OBJ] flies, hands, mind, eyes ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep keep on 1 (also .keep 'on doing sth) to continue without stopping 继续,持续 (做某 事):He'll get into trouble if he keeps on like this! 他照这样下去会惹麻烦的! ◊ Keep on trying― don't give up! 继续努力--不要放 弃! ◊ The rain kept on all night. 雨整夜下个不 停。SYN carry on (with sth), carry on doing sth 2 (at sb) (about sb/sth) (BrE) to continue to talk about sb/sth in a boring or annoying way (对某人) (关于…) 喋喋不休,唠哩唠叨: Don't keep on (about it)! 别唠叨 (这件事儿) 了! ◊ My mum keeps on at me to cut my hair. 妈妈没完没了地催我理发。 SYN go on (about sb/sth) -> see also KEEP AFTER SB (ABOUT STH/TO DO STH) ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + -ing keep on; keep on sth to continue to follow a particular route 沿路继续走:Keep on until you come to the road. 一直往前走到公路。 ◊ Keep on the path until you see a gate. 沿这条 小路往前,直到看见一道大门。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v+ prep keep sb on to continue to employ sb, even though circumstances have changed 继续雇用: We can only afford to keep a few workers on. 我 们只能续聘少数几名工人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) keep sth on 1 to continue to wear sth; to not take sth off 继续穿着;不脱下;不取下:It was so cold that we kept our socks on in lid. 天 气很冷,我们在床上没脱袜子。◊ Keep the lid on while the tea is brewing. 沏茶时不要打开盖子。 OPP take sth off 2 to not switch sth off 一直开 着: Do you keep the heating on all day? 你整天 开着暖气吗? SYN leave sth on OPP switch sth off 3 to stop sth coming or falling off 避免掉 落;使固定住: How do you keep that bandage on? 绷带怎么缠牢? 4 to continue to rent or be the owner of a house, flat/apartment, etc. 继 续租用,保留 (房屋、公寓等):Can you afford to keep this place on while you're abroad? 出国 期间,你有能力继续租用这个地方吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) IDM keep your 'hair on (BrE, informal) used to tell sb not to become angry 冷静下来;别发 脾气 keep sth on sb/sth if you keep your mind, eyes, etc. on sb/sth, you fix your attention on them/it 集中注意力宇;专注于:I can't keep my mind on my work. 我没法集中精力工作。◊ She kept one eye on the traffic and the other on the map. 她一边留心来往车辆,一边看地图。 [OBJ] mind, attention, eye ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM keep an eye on sb/sth (informal) to watch or check sb/sth to make sure that they are safe, etc.; to look after sb/sth 照看;留 神;留意:Will you keep an eye on the baby for five minutes? 你照看婴儿五分钟好吗? keep out; keep out of sth to not enter a place; to remain outside 不进入 (某处);留 在…外面:There was a sign saying 'Keep out!'. 告示牌上写着 "禁止入内!" ◊ Please keep out of the office while I'm working. 我工作时请不要 进办公室。 ♦ v + adv • v + adv + prep keep out of sth; keep sb out of sth 1 to avoid sth; to prevent sb/yourself from being affected by sth 避免;(使) 免受...的影 响:The doctor has advised me to keep out of the sun. 医生建议我不要晒太阳。◊ They always kept their daughter out of the spotlight (= away from the public). 他们总是不让女儿 抛头露面。 ◊ I try to keep out of his way. 我尽 量躲着他。[OBJ] the sun, sight, sb's/the way 2 to avoid becoming involved in sth; to stop sb from becoming involved in sth 避免 (让…) 参与;(使) 置身事外:Keep out of this! It's got nothing to do with you! 别掺和!这不关你的 事! ◊ Try to keep the kids out of mischief while I'm out. 我外出时别让孩子们胡闹。SYN stay out of sth ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep keep sth out to not put sth away that you have taken out of a cupboard, etc.; to keep sth ready to use 不收走 (从橱柜等拿出的东西); 把…预备好: Keep the butter out for your dad's breakfast. 把黄油留下,给你爸爸吃早餐用。 OPP put sth away ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) keep sb/sth out; keep sb/sth out of sth to prevent sb/sth from entering a place 使 不进入(某处);防止...进入 (某处);把...关 在 (…的) 外面: We hung a curtain at the door to keep out the cold. 我们在门上挂了条帘子,以 防冷气进来。◊ (figurative) She tried to keep the anger out of her voice. 她尽量使自己的声音不流 露出怒气。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep keep to sth 1 to not leave a path, a road, etc. 不偏离,不离开 (道路等):Keep to the footpath. 顺着人行道走。 ◊ Keep to the left (= on a road, etc.). 靠左边行走。[OBJ] path 2 to talk or write only about a particular subject 不偏离,不脱离 (主题): Keep to the point! 别 跑题! ◊ Will you please keep to the subject under discussion? 请不要偏离讨论的主题好吗? [OBJ] subject, point 3 to follow a plan, an agreement, a rule, etc. exactly as you are supposed to do 信守,严格遵守 (计划、协议、 规则等):She hasn't kept to the agreement, so neither will I. 她没有遵夺协议,所以我也不会遵 守的。◊ We must keep to the schedule. 我们必 须按日程进行。◊ He never keeps to the speed limit. 他从不遵守速度限制。◊ Was the agenda kept to at the meeting? 开会时是否严格遵守了 议程? [OBJ] rules, agreement, schedule SYN adhere to sth (formal) SYN stick to sth ♦ v + prep keep to yourself; keep yourself to your self to avoid meeting people socially or becoming involved in other people's affairs 不 与人往来;离群索居;不管闲事:He keeps (him- self) to himself and nobody knows very much about him. 他很少和人交往,所以谁对他都不太 了解。 ♦ v + prep + pron ♦ v + pron + prep + pron keep to sth;keep sth to sth to use only one thing or a Limited number or amount of sth; to make sure that the number or amount of sth does not become any bigger than a particular size 仅使用(一种或数量有限的东 西);将(数量)控制在(一定范围内):We've decided to keep to pale colours for the bedroom. 我们决定卧室只用淡颜色。 ◊ I'm trying to keep the number of guests to a minimum. 我正设法 把来宾人数控制在最少。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep keep sth to your self to not tell anyone about sth or what you think about sth 对...秘 而不宣;不将...说出来:I know who's won, but I'm keeping it to myself. 我知道谁赢了,但我会 保密的。◊ Keep your opinions to yourself in future! 今后把你们的意见藏在肚子里! ◊ (figure tive) Keep your hands to yourself! (= do not touch me) 别碰我! [OBJ| opinions ♦ v + n/pron + prep + pron keep together;keep sb/sth to gether to remain together in a group; to make sb/sth do this (使)在一起,不分开: Keep together, kids, when we cross the road. 孩 子,咱们过马路时一起走。 ◊ Use a paper clip to keep your papers together. 用纸夹把你的文件 夹在一块儿。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) keep sb under (BrE) to control sb 控制;压 制:The local people are kept under by the army. 当地居民受军队管制。 SYN oppress sb (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv keep up 1 if rain, snow, etc. keeps up, it continues without stopping (雨、雪等)持续 不停:The rain kept up all afternoon. 雨下了整 整一下午。 2 (with sb/sth) to move at the same rate or speed as sb/sth (与…)齐步前进: I had to run to keep up with him. 我得跑步才能 跟上他。OPP fall behind, fall behind sb/sth 3 to work at the necessary speed so that you progress at the same speed as other people (与…)进度相同;跟上进度: She's having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class. 她 跟不上同班同学。 ◊ Do keep up! I can't keep repeating everything. 跟上!我不能每句话都重 复。 4 (with sth) to rise at the same rate as sth else (与…)同步上升:Salaries are not keeping up with inflation. 工资的增长赶不上通货膨胀。 5 (with sth) to do all the work necessary in order to finish on time or deal successfully with a situation that changes rapidly 按时完成 (必要的任务);处理好(瞬息万变的局面): We're finding it hard to keep up with demand. 我们觉得难以及时满足需求。 ◊ Things were happening too fast to keep up with. 事态发展太 快,令人跟不上趟儿。 ♦ v + adv keep sb up to prevent sb from going to bed or from sleeping 使熬夜;使不睡觉:I hope we're not keeping you up. 但愿我们没有耽误你 睡觉。◊ The baby kept us up half the night. 孩 子弄得我们半夜才睡。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv keep sth up 1 to continue sth at the same, usually high, level; to continue to practise or observe sth 使保持(高)水准;继续实行(或 遵守):Keep up the good work! 继续好好干吧! ◊ You're doing a great job! Keep it up! 你干得 很好!继续努力! ◊ We kept up a fast pace all the way. 我们一路上一直走有很长。 ◊ We're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments. 我们难以继续按期偿还按揭贷款件。 The press is keeping up the pressure on. the government. 报界继续向政府施压。 ◊ Do you still keep up your Portuguese? 你的葡萄牙语还 在学着吧? [OBJ] it, pace, pressure, tradition 2 to prevent sth from falling down 使不掉下: You'll have to wear a belt to keep your trousers up. 你得系皮带,以免裤子掉了。 [OBJ] trousers/pants SYN hold sth up 3 to make sth stay at a high level 使处于高水平;使不低落: High transport costs are keeping food prices up. 高昂的运费使食品价格居高不下。 ◊ They sang songs to keep their spirits up. 他们唱歌以保持情 绪昂扬。[OBJ] price, spirits, strength, morale 4 to keep a house, garden/yard, etc. in good condition by spending money on it or working hard on it 维修,维护,保养(房屋,花园等): The house is becoming too expensive for them to keep up. 他们渐渐难以负担房子昂贵的维修费 用。SYN maintain sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n keep up appearances to hide the true situation and pretend that things are better than they are 保持体面;维持门面:There's no point keeping up appearances when everyone knows we've lost. 大家都知道我们遭受了损失, 没必要打肿脸充胖子。 keep your chin up! (informal) used to reU sb to remain cheerful in difficult circumstances 振作起来;别气馁 ► upkeep n [U] 1 the cost or process of keeping a building, piece of land, etc. in good condition (建筑、土地等的)保养(费),维 修(费):Who is responsible for the day-to-day upkeep of the house? 谁负责房屋的日常维护? 2 the cost or process of giving a child or an animal the things that they need 抚养(费); 饲养(费) keep up with sb to continue to be in contact with sb by writing, phoning or seeing them regularly 与(某人)保持联系: How many of your old school friends do you manage to keep up with? 你还和多少老同学保持联络, ♦ v + adv + prep keep up with sth 1 to learn about the news, events, etc. that are happening 了解 (最新消息、形势等):I try to keep up with current affairs. 我尽可能了解时事。 ◊ Susie likes to keep up with the latest fashions. 苏茜喜欢追 逐时尚。 2 to continue to pay or do sth regularly 继续按时支付;继续定时做 (某事): He couldn't keep up with the repayments on the loan. 他无力继续偿还贷款。◊ Are you keeping up with your homework? 你还在按时写作业吗? ♦ v + adv + prep key /ki:/ key sth in; key sth into sth to put information into a computer, using a key- board (用键盘) 输入 (信息);把 (信息) 键 入 (计算机):Key in your personal number. 输 入你的个人号码。◊ All the information has been keyed into the computer. 所有信息均已输入计 算机。 [OBJ] data, information SYN enter sth (into sth) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + n/pron + prep key in on sth -> KEY ON STH key into sth 1 to use a computer or infor- mation stored on a computer 调用,使用 (计 算机或计算机内存信息):A hacker keyed into a vital database at the newspaper's office. 一名黑 客侵入了这家报社的重要数据库。SYN access sth (more formal) 2 if sth keys into sth else, it goes well with it and agrees with it, producing a good result 适合;匹配:remedies that key into the body's basic metabolism 调节身体基本 新陈代谢的各种疗法 ♦ v + prep key on sth (also key 'in on sth) (AmE) to focus on sth or begin to pay attention to it 聚 焦于;开始关注:Keying on the public's interest in the first airplane flight, the Pilots Association launched a new ad campaign today. 利用公众 对飞机首航的关注,飞行员协会今天启动了一个 新的广告活动。 ◊ Police dogs keyed in on a briefcase left in the baggage area. 警犬盯上了落 在行李区的一个公文包。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep key sth to sth/sb to make sth suitable for sth/sb; to link sth with sth else 使适合;使 与...相关:The farm was keyed to the needs of the local people. 这个农场注意满足当地人的需 求。◊ The timing of the concerts was keyed to the World Cup soccer games. 这些音乐会是配合 世界杯足球赛来安排时间的。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep kick /kɪk/ kick against sth to protest about sth or resist sth 抗议;抵抗:It's no use kicking against the system, 反抗体制是没有用的。 ♦ v + prep kick a round; kick a round sth (BrE also .kick a'bout, kick about sth) (informal) 1 (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用 于进行时)to be present or lying somewhere not being used 闲置不用;闲置于 (某处):His letter is kicking about somewhere. 他的信不知 搁哪儿了。 ◊ The idea has been kicking around for years. 这个想法好多年没人提起了。2 (of a person 人) to be somewhere, or to go from one place to another, with no particular purpose (漫无目的地) 闲逛,四处游荡:I decided to kick around the States for a couple of months. 我决定在美国转悠几个月。 SYN knock around, knock around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep kick sb a round (BrE also .kick sb about) (informal) to treat sb in an unkind or unfair way 粗暴 (或不公正地) 对待:Don't let the boss kick you around. 别让老板欺负你。 SYN push sb around ♦ v + n/pron + adv kick sth a round (BrE also .kick sth about) 1 to play with a ball by kicking it with your foot 踢 (球):They were kicking a ball around in the street. 他们在街上踢球。[OBJ] ball 2 (informal) to discuss plans, ideas, etc. in an informal way 非正式地讨论;随便聊聊:They're kicking around the idea of a merger. 他们在聊 合并的想法。[OBJ] idea SYN discuss sth (more formal); knock sth around ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n kick back (AmE, informal) to relax 放松;休 闲:I spent the evening kicking back in the hotel's piano bar. 我晚上在旅馆的钢琴酒吧娱乐 放松。 ♦ v + adv kick sth back (to sb) (AmE, informal) to pay money illegally in order to get some advan- tage for yourself 拿出 (一定金额) 作回扣 (给 某人):Contractors winning construction jobs had to kick back two per cent of the contract price to the mafia. 赢得建筑工程的承包商得抽 出合同成交价款的百分之二作为回扣给黑手党。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► kickback n (informal, especially AmE) money that is paid to sb in order to get an advantage for yourself 回扣;贿赂 kick sth down to break sth and make it fall by kicking it 踢破;踢倒:If you don't open up, we'll kick the door down. 你要是不开门,我们 就踹开。 [OBJ] door ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n kick in (informal) to start to work or have an effect 开始运作;开始见效:After a couple of minutes the emergency electricity supply kicked in. 几分钟后,应急供电系统开始运行 了。 ◊ You'll feel better when the antibiotics kick in. 抗生素一起作用,你就会感觉好些的。 ♦ v + adv kick sth in to break sth and make it fall by kicking it 踢破;踢倒:They had kicked the front door in. 他们把前门踹开了。 [OBJ] door ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) IDM .kick sb's 'head/'teeth in (informal) to kick sb very violently 猛踢;狠踢 kick off 1 (in football/soccer 足球) when a game or team kicks off, the game starts 开 球;开赛:The game kicks off at 7.30. 比赛 7 点 30 分开始。 2 (with sth) (Informal) to start (以…) 开始:The tour kicks off with a concert in Nottingham. 巡回演出以诺丁汉的音乐会为起 点。 -> note at START OFF 3 (BrE, informal) to start fighting 开始打架;打起来:Jamie is always kicking off and causing trouble. 杰米老 是打架,总惹麻烦。 ♦ v + adv ► kick-off n 1 [C, U] (in football/soccer 足球) the start of a game 开球;开赛:It's an afternoon kick-off. 足球赛下午开始。2 [C] (BrE) a fight 打架:There were kick-offs in the town centre every Friday night. 每个星期五晚上市中 心都有人打架。 kick sb off; kick sb off sth 1 (informal, computing) to break the connection between sb's computer and the Internet, so that they can no longer use the Internet 断开某人的 (互 联网) 连接:I keep getting kicked off the Internet. 我上网时总是掉线。 [OBJ] the Internet, server, website SYN disconnect sb (from sth) 2 {especially AmE) to force sb to stop being a member of a team or organization, usually because they have done sth wrong 开除 (出 …):He was kicked off his college team for using steroids. 他因服用类固醇被踢出了校队。 [OBJ] team NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep kick sth off 1 to remove sth by kicking 踢 开;踢掉:She kicked off her shoes and lay down on the bed. 她踢掉鞋子,躺倒在床上。2 (with sth) to begin a meeting, an event, etc. (以…) 开始 (会议、活动等):Who's going to kick off the discussion? 谁来起头讨论? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) kick on (BrE, sport) to continue playing 继续 踢;继续比赛:We need to kick on and take advantage of our lead. 我们需要继续踢下去,利 用好我们的领先地位。◊ (figurative) Kick on, I thought. Don't get left behind. 我想,要坚持下 去。别掉队。 ♦ v + adv kick out (at sb/sth) 1 to kick your foot into the air to try to hit sb, especially because you are angry or upset (尤指因愤怒或不安) (向…) 踢去:She kicked out wildly at him as he tried to grab her. 正当他想一把拽住她时,她 发疯一般地踢他。2 to react violently to sb/sth that makes you angry or upset 作出强烈反应: She kicked out against traditional ideas about painting portraits. 她猛烈抨击肖像画创作的传 统观念。 ♦ v + adv kick sb out; kick sb out of sth (informal) to make sb leave; to send sb away by force 使离开;逐出: His parents kicked him out (= made him leave home) when he was seventeen. 他十七岁时父母就把他赶出了家门。◊ They were kicked out of the nightclub for fighting. 他们因为打架被撵出了夜总会。 SYN boot sb out, etc. (informal); throw sb out, etc. NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep kick sth over to make sth fall on its side by kicking it 踢翻:She almost kicked the bucket over. 她差点踢翻了水桶。 SYN knock sth over ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n kick up if a wind, a storm, etc. kicks up, it becomes stronger (风、风暴等) 增强,变猛 SUBJ only wind, storm ♦ v + adv kick sth up to make dust, sand, etc. rise into the air 扬起 (尘埃、沙子等):The horse kicked up a cloud of dust. 马蹄踏过扬起一片 尘土。 [OBJ] dirt, dust, sand ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) IDM .kick up a fuss/*stink etc. (about sth) to complain loudly about sth (因某事) 大声抱 怨,大发牢骚 kid /kɪd/ (-dd-) kid a round (informal, especially AmE) to behave in a silly way; to joke 做傻事; 装傻 相;开玩笑:A lot of what I said was just kidding around, but people took me seriously. 我说的很多话不过是在开玩笑,可大家当真了。 SYN mess around ♦ v + adv kill/kɪl/ kill sb/sth off 1 to make a lot of plants, animals, etc. die 大量杀死 (动植物等):Anti- biotics should kill off the bacteria. 抗生素应能 杀死这种细菌。 ◊ The plant life was killed off by air pollution. 空气污染导致植物大面积死亡。2 to get rid of sb/sth; to stop sth 除掉;停止: The hero is killed off in the last chapter. 主人公 在最后一章被干掉了。 ◊ It is difficult to kill off old traditions or myths. 很难消除旧有传统或错 误观念。 NOTE Often used in the passive, 常用 于被动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv • v + n + adv (rare) kip /kip/(-PP-) kip down (BrE, informal) to sleep in a place that is not your own bed (在别处) 睡下,投 宿,过夜:it there anywhere to kip down for the night? 晚上有没有地方睡觉? ♦ v + adv kiss /kɪs/ kiss sth a way to stop sb feeling sad or angry by kissing them 吻去 (悲伤或怒气):Let mummy kiss away your tears. 让妈妈吻掉你的 眼泪吧。 [OBJ] tears, worries ♦ v + adv + n • v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) kiss off (AmE, informal) used to tell sb rudely to leave or stop bothering you (粗鲁的说法) 滚蛋,别烦:If he asks me for any more money Hl tell him to kiss off. 他如果再向我要钱、我就 叫他滚。 ♦ v + adv ► kiss-off n [sing.] (informal) : He had just bought her a ring, and she gave him the kiss-off (= told him she did not want to have a relationship). 他刚给她买了个戒指,她让他别 痴心妄想了。 kiss sb/sth off (as sth) to consider that sb/sth is a failure or not important 认为...很失 败 (或不重要):The record companies kissed us off as a second-rate punk band. 唱片公司认为我 们是二流朋克乐队。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv kiss up to sb (AmE} informal) if you kiss up to sb in authority, you try to please them in order to gain an advantage for yourself 巴 结;讨好 SYN suck up to sb ♦ v + adv + prep kit /kɪt/(-tt-) kit sb/sth out {also ,kit sb/sth up less fre- quent) (in/with sth) (BrE) to supply sb/sth with the clothes or equipment that they need for a particular purpose (为…) 整理行装、配 置设备:The kids are all kitted out for the new school year 孩子们新学年的文具都准备齐了。 ◊ The studio is kitted out with modem sound equipment. 演播室配备了现代音响设备。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n z kneel /niːl/ (knelt, knelt /nelt/, AmE also kneeled, kneeled) kneel down to get into a position where one or both knees are resting on the ground 跪下;跪着:He knelt down beside the chair. 他跪倒在椅子旁。 ◊ She was kneeling down, looking for something on the /floor. 她跪在地板 上找东西。 ♦ v + adv knit /nɪt/(-tt-) knit together ( Knit is usually used for the past tense and past participle 过去时和过去分词 通常用 knit) when broken bones knit together, they grow together again (断骨) 愈合,接合: The ribs are broken, but they'll knit together. 肋 骨断了,可它们会愈合的。 NOTE Knit is also used on its own. * knit 也单 独使用。 ♦ v + adv knock /nɒk; AmE nɑːk/ knock a round; knock a round sth (BrE also .knock about, knock about sth) (informal 1 (especially BrE) (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) used to say that sb/sth is in a particular place, but is not doing anything or being used (某人在某处) 游荡;(某物在某处) 闲置:These chocolates have been knocking around since New Year. 这 些巧克力从新年起就一直丢在这儿。 ◊ His book was knocking around the lounge for ages. 他的 书被扔在起居室好长时间了。 ◊ There were a few kids knocking about in the street outside. 有几 个小孩在外面街上闲荡。2 to travel and live in various places 漫游;漂泊:He spent a few years knocking about Europe. 他花了几年 时间在欧洲游历。 ◊ Jeff will know what to do— he's knocked about a bit (= has had a lot of experience of different situations). 杰夫会有办 法的————他见多识广。 SYN kick around, kick around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep knock sb a round (BrE also .knock sb a'bout) (informal) to hit sb again and again 经 常打:Her husband knocks her about. 她的丈夫 动不动就打她。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv knock sth a round (BrE also .knock sth a* bout) 1 to treat sth roughly; to hammer or hit sth 粗暴对待;锤击;敲打:The builders have started knocking our kitchen about. 建筑 工人开始在我们的厨房大动干戈。2 (BrE) to kick sth around 把...踢来踢去:We spent a few hours knocking a ball about. 我们把球踢来踢去 踢了几个小时。[OBJ] a ball SYN kick sth around 3 (informal) to discuss an idea or a suggestion with several people (和几个人) 讨论,商量:We knocked a few ideas about at the meeting. 我们在会议上讨论了几个想法。 [OBJ] idea SYN kick sth around ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► knockabout n (BrE) a period of time spent kicking a ball around with other people 一起 踢球:We had a knockabout in the park. 我们在 公园踢了会儿球。 ► knockabout adj [usually before noun] (BrE) knockabout entertainment involves people acting in a deliberately silly way, for example falling over or hitting other people, in order to make the audience laugh 闹剧的; 喧闹的 knock around/a bout with sb; knock a round/a bout together (BrE, informal) to spend a lot of time with sb (和…) 长时间 呆在一起,泡在一块儿:She knocks around with Sahan. 她成天和萨汉在一起。◊ She and Sahan knock around together. 她和萨汉成天在一起。◊ knock He knocks about with some strange people! 他 结交了些古怪的人! SYN hang around with sb, etc. ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + adv knock sb back 1 to prevent sb from achieving sth or making progress, especially by rejecting them or sth that they suggest or ask 阻碍;拒绝;驳回:He had been knocked back twice by the selection committee. 他曾两度 遭评选委员会拒绝。2 to surprise or shock sb 使惊讶;使震惊:The news really knocked me back. 这消息着实让我大吃一惊。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ► knock-back n (BrE) an occasion when sb rejects you or sth that you suggest or ask; a refusal 拒绝;回绝;挫折:I don't think I could stand another knock-back. 要是再受挫,我相信 我真的吃不消了。 knock sb back sth (BrE, informal) to cost sb a particular amount of money 用掉某人一 笔钱:Those books knocked me back £50. 那些 书花了我 50 英镑。◊ That car must have knocked you back a bit! 那辆车一定花了你不 少钱! SYN set sb back sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + n knock sth back (informal) to drink sth quickly 很快喝掉;一口喝下: He knocked back two pints of beer. 他一口气喝了两品脱啤酒。 [OBJ] beer, coffee, etc. SYN swig sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv knock sb down 1 if a car or another vehicle knocks sb down, it hits them, often killing or injuring them (汽车等) 撞倒,撞 死,撞伤:She was knocked down by a bus. 一 辆公共汽车把她撞倒在地。 SYN run sb over NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。 2 to hit or push sb so that they fall to the ground or the floor 撞倒;打倒;推倒:The wind was strong enough to knock you down. 风 大得能把你吹倒。 ◊ He knocked down his opponent in the first round (in boxing). 他第 一回合就将对手击倒了。 -> see also KNOCK SB OVER ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM you could have knocked me down with a feather used to express great surprise (表示 非常惊讶) 太离奇了,难以置信 ► knock down n (in boxing, etc. 拳击等) an occasion when one person taking part hits the other so hard that they fall to the ground 击倒 ► knock-down adj [only before noun] 1 using a lot of force 强有力的;大力的:a knock-down punch 猛力一击 2 very convincing 有说服力的:a knock-down argument 令人信服 的论证 ► knock-down-'drag-out adj [only before noun] (AmE, informal) (of a fight or an argu- ment) very aggressive and unpleasant (打斗 或争论) 激烈的,咄咄逼人的,狂暴的 knock sb/sth down to persuade sb to accept a lower price for sth; to make the price of sth lower 说服...降价;使降价: He knocked Simon down to $5. 他让西蒙把价格降到了5英 镑。 ◊ We knocked the price down to £10. 我们 把价格砍到了10英镑。 ◊ How did you manage to knock them down from $5000 to $4000? 你 是如何说服他们从5000英镑降到4000英镑 的? ◊ He managed to knock the price down from £350 to £320. 他设法把价格从350英镑杀 到了 320英镑。 SYN beat sb/sth down NOTE Knock sb down (by) sth and knock sth down (by) sth can also be used 也可以说 knock sb down (by) sth 和 knock sth down (by) sth: We should be able to knock them down (by) a few pounds. 我们应该能让他们降几英镑。 ◊ He knocked the price down (by) five dollars. 他把 价格砍下了五元。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► knock-down n sth that has been reduced in price 降价商品;特价商品:I can never resist a knock-down. 我总是不能抵制削价商品的 诱惑。 knock sth down 1 to destroy sth and make it fall down 推倒;拆毁:If you don't open up, I'm going to knock the door down. 你不开门, 我可要踹门了。◊ These old houses are going to be knocked down. 这些旧房将要拆除。[OBJ] house, door SYN demolish sth (more formal) 2 (to sb) to sell sth to the person who offers most money at a public sale (an auction) (拍 卖会上) 卖出;拍卖 (给某人):The painting was knocked down to me for £5000. 那幅画我 以 5000 英镑拍下。3 (AmE) to take sth apart, especially furniture, so that it can be sent or carried somewhere more easily 拆卸,拆开 (尤指家具) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► knock down price n a much lower price than usual 低价;特价:I got these books at a knock-down price. 我以优惠价买到了这些书。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 knock sth down demolish sth ♦ knock sth down ♦ pull sth down ♦ tear sth down These are all verbs that can be used to talk about destroying buildings or trees. 这些动词 都表示拆除、拆毁、拆掉。 demolish sth to destroy a building or part of a building by breaking its walls, usually deliberately 拆除, 拆毁,拆掉 (建筑物): The old slums are being demolished to make way for a new housing project 旧贫民窟正在 拆除,以让地给新的住宅场目。► demolition n [U,C]: The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition. 整排房屋都将按计划拆除。 knock sth down to deliberately destroy a building, wall or fence 拆毁,拆掉 (建筑 物、墙壁或栅栏):These old houses are going to be knocked down. 这些旧房将要拆除。◊ You could knock this wall down and make one large room. 你可以拆了这面墙,改成一个大 房间。 pull sth down to deliberately destroy a building or part of a building by breaking its walls 拆除,捣毁,拆掉 (建筑物): This tower is being pulled down in a few weeks' time. 几个星期后,这座塔将要拆毁。 tear sth down to deliberately destroy a building, wall or barrier 拆除,拆毁, 捣毁 (建筑物、墙壁或栅栏) : They're tearing down these old houses to build a new office block. 他们正在拆除这些老屋,准备建造新办 公楼。 ◊ (figurative): We need to tear down the barriers that divide the two communities. 我们 必须消除这两个社区之间的隔阂。 WHICH WORD? Buildings are usually demolished deliberately, because they are not safe or are no longer needed, or the land is needed for sth else. In informal usage, especially in American English, buildings, vehicles and other objects can be demolished by accident * demolish 通常指建筑 物因为不安全、不再需要或该地需作他用而有意 拆除。在非正式用法中,尤其在美国英语中, demolish 可指建筑物、车辆以及其他物体毁于 事故:The hurricane demolished trailers and blew roofs off houses. 飓风摧毁了拖车式活动房,掀 翻了房顶。Tear sth down can suggest that unnecessary violence was used, or that the speaker has negative feelings about what was done. Demolish, knock sth down and pull sth down are neutral in meaning. * tear sth down 可暗示使用了不必要的暴力,或者说话者对发生 之事持有否定态度。demolish, knock sth down 和 pull sth down 在含义上不带有倾向性。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to demolish/tear down/knock down/pull down a building/house/factory/wall ■ to be due to be demolished knock sth in; knock sth in/ into sth 1 to make sth enter sth by hitting it, for example with a hammer 把…锤进;把…敲入: She knocked some nails into the wall. 她把一些 钉子钉在墙上。[OBJ| nail 2 to make sth go into sth by hitting or kicking it 把...击入;把...踢进: Barnes knocked in two goals. 巴恩斯踢进两球。 ◊ She knocked the ball into the net. 她击球入 网。 [OBJ] goal, ball ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep knock sth in sth to make sth such as a hole in sth by hitting 在...上打出 (洞等): They knocked a hole in the wall for the window. 他们在墙上凿了个洞开窗户。 [OBJ] hole ♦ v + n/pron + prep knock off;knock off sth (informal) to stop doing sth, especially work 停止;中断; (尤指) 下班,收工:What time do you knock off (work) today? 你今天几点下班? [OBJ] work -> note at GIVE UP, GIVE STH UP ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep knock it off (informal) used to tell sb to stop doing sth annoying 别闹了;别烦人: Knock it off! I'm trying to concentrate! 别吵 了!我要集市注意力! ♦ v + it + adv knock sb off (slang) 1 to murder sb 杀死; 除掉:He was knocked off by another gang, 他被另一个团伙干掉了。 SYN bump sb off (informal) 2 (BrE,△, slang) to have sex with sb 和某人性交 3 (AmE, informal) to defeat sb in a competition or election 击败:打败:She easily knocked off her Republican opponent in the last election. 上次选举中她轻松战胜共和党 的对手。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n knock sb off;knock sb 'off sth to make sb fall off sth by hitting them 把某人 (从…上) 撞倒:I was knocked off my bike this morning (= by a car). 我今天早晨被 (一辆 车) 从自行车上撞了下来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep knock sth off 1 (also .knock sth 'out) (informal) to complete sth quickly and with- out much effort 迅速轻松地完成:They expect me to knock off (= write) a thousand words a day. 他们指望我一天赶出一千字。 2 (BrE, slang) to steal sth 偷窃:He's knocking off TVs and video recorders. 他在偷电视机和录像机。◊ These bikes have been knocked off. 这些自行车 被盗了。3 (AmE informal) to make a copy of a popular product to sell at a cheaper price, often illegally 复制;仿冒; 盗印 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► knock-off n (AmEt informal) a copy, often illegal, of a popular product sold at a cheaper price 复制产品;仿冒产品;盗版产品 knock sth off; knock sth off sth 1 to reduce the price, value, etc. of sth 降低 (价 格、价值等);(从…) 减去:We've knocked £20 off the price. 我们已减价 20 英镑。◊ The short cut knocks about half an hour off the journey. 抄近道节省了大约半小时的行程。◊ That: hairstyle knocks years off your age. 那个 发型让你年轻了好几岁。2 to remove sth, and usually make it fall to the ground, by hitting it (从…) 打落,敲掉:Who knocked that glass off the table? 谁把桌上的玻璃杯碰掉了? ◊ She knocked my glasses off. 她把我的眼镜撞掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM I'll knock your 'block/'head off (BrE, (informal) used to show that you are very angry with sb, by threatening to hit them (用 于表示非常气愤)我要打掉你的脑袋,我要揍扁 你 knock/blow sb's ‘socks off to impress or surprise sb very much 给某人留下深刻印象; 使某人感到万分惊奇 knock sb out 1 (also .knock yourself 'out) to make sb/yourself fall asleep or become unconscious 使入睡;使昏迷:The bump on the head knocked me out cold. 我头上撞了一下, 晕了过去。◊ He ran straight into a lamp post, knocking himself out. 他在灯柱上撞了个正着, 不省人事。 ◊ That sleeping pill knocked me out. 那片安眠药使我睡得很沉。2 (in boxing 拳击) to hit an opponent so hard that they fall to the ground and cannot get up within a limited time, so losing the fight 打倒(或击倒)...而获 胜: He was knocked out in the seventh round. 他在第七回合被击倒落败。3 (also .knock yourself out) to make sb/yourself very tired, ill/sick, etc. 使筋疲力尽;使病倒:The course completely knocked me out. 这门课把我累垮了。 ◊ she's knocking herself out with all that work. 那么多的工作让她吃不消了。 4 (informal) to surprise sb very much; to have a strong emotional effect on sb 使大吃一惊;使激动: The movie was fantastic. It knocked me out. 这 部电影棒极了,着实令人震撼。 SYN blow sb away {informal bowl sb over ♦ 1,2,3 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ 4 v + n/pron + adv ► knockout (also knock-out) n 1 a person, a piece of clothing, a performance, etc. that is extremely attractive or impressive 引人注目 (或令人印象深刻)的人(或服装、演出等): Her daughter's an absolute knockout. 她的女儿 绝对令人倾倒。2 (in boxing 拳击)a blow that is so hard that your opponent falls to the ground and cannot get up within a limited time, so losing the fight 击倒对手的一击;击倒 对手获胜 knock sb/sth out; knock sb/sth out of sth (sport) to defeat a person or a team so that they cannot continue in the competition 把...淘汰(出比赛):France knocked Belgium out of the European Cup, 法国队将比利时队淘 汰出了欧洲杯赛。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► knockout (also knock-out) n (especially BrE, sport) a competition in which the winning player or team at each stage goes on to the next stage, but the losing one no longer takes part in the competition 淘汰赛: the European cup knockout 欧洲洲杯淘汰赛 ◊ a knockout competition 淘汰赛 knock sth out 1 -> KNOCK STH OFF 1: (in- formal) Can you knock out a quick report for me? 你能不能给我赶写一份报告? 2 to remove sth with a hard blow 使劲打落;猛敲掉:She knocked out her front teeth in the fall 她摔了 —跤,磕掉了门牙。[OBJ] teeth 3 to stop a machine, system, etc. from working 使(机 器、系统等)停止运转:The hurricane knocked out power to over a million customers. 飓风使 一百多万用户用电中断。◊ Scientists are now able to knock out this gene. 科学家现在能够剔 除这一基因。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv knock yourself out 1 -> KNOCK SB OUT 1 2 -> KNOCK SB OUT 3 3 (informal, humorous, especially AmE) used to encourage sb to do sth they have said they would like to do, even though you do not understand why they want to do it (用于鼓励)来试试吧,好吧: You want to help? Great, knock yourself out! 你想帮忙? 太好了,来吧! ◊ Sure you can take over the cooking—knock yourself out! 你当然可以接手做 饭啦——来试试看吧! SYNONYMS同义词辨析 lay sb off dismiss sb ♦ fire sb ♦ lay sb off ♦ make sb redundant ♦ sack sb These verbs all mean to officially remove sb from their job. 这些动词都表示解雇、免职、 开除。 dismiss sb (usually passive) (formal) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;免 去...的职务;开除:She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她自称遭到无正当理 由的解雇。 fire sb (often passive) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;开除:We had to fire him for dishonesty. 由为他不诚实,我们不得不将 他开除。 ◊ She got fired from her first job. 她 被解雇,结束了第一份工作。 lay sb off (often passive) to stop employing sb, often for a temporary period, because there is not enough work for them to do (因工作 不多暂时) 遣散,裁减 ;200 workers at the factory have been laid off. 该厂 200 名工人下 岗了。 make sb redundant (usually passive) to remove sb from their job because there is no more work available for them (因无工作可 做) 解雇,裁减: She was made redundant from her job. 她被裁员了。 sack sb (often passive) (informal, especially BrE) to dismiss sb from a job, usually because they have done sth wrong (因过错) 解雇, 开除:She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays. 她因拒绝星期天上班被开除了。 NOTE It is also possible to say give sb the sack or get the sack in British English.英国英语中 也可说。 give sb the sack 或 get the sack。 WHICH WORD? Dismiss is the preferred term in legal contexts, especially in the phrase unfairly/wrongfully dismissed. Sack can sound more sudden or dramatic than give sb the sack, and is used more in newspapers. Give sb the sack is more frequent in everyday spoken English 法律语境 中将向于用 dismiss 一词,尤其在 unfairly / wrongfully dismissed 短语中。与 give sb the sack 相比,sack 含有突如其来或富有戏剧性之 意,多用于报章。日常英语口语中常用 give sb the sack: She got the sack/was given the sack for refusing to work on Sundays, 她因拒绝星期天上 班被开除了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to fire sb/dismiss sb/lay sb off/sack sb/make sb redundant/get the sack from a job ■ to fire sb/dismiss sb/sack sb/give sb the sack for sth ■ staff/workers are fired/dismissed/laid off/sacked/made redundant ■ to be unfairly/summarily fired/dismissed/sacked SYNONYMS同义词辨析 lay sb off dismiss sb ♦ fire sb ♦ lay sb off ♦ make sb redundant ♦ sack sb These verbs all mean to officially remove sb from their job. 这些动词都表示解雇、免职、 开除。 dismiss sb (usually passive) (formal) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;免 去...的职务;开除:She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她自称遭到无正当理 由的解雇。 fire sb (often passive) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;开除:We had to fire him for dishonesty. 由为他不诚实,我们不得不将 他开除。 ◊ She got fired from her first job. 她 被解雇,结束了第一份工作。 lay sb off (often passive) to stop employing sb, often for a temporary period, because there is not enough work for them to do (因工作 不多暂时) 遣散,裁减 ;200 workers at the factory have been laid off. 该厂 200 名工人下 岗了。 make sb redundant (usually passive) to remove sb from their job because there is no more work available for them (因无工作可 做) 解雇,裁减: She was made redundant from her job. 她被裁员了。 sack sb (often passive) (informal, especially BrE) to dismiss sb from a job, usually because they have done sth wrong (因过错) 解雇, 开除:She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays. 她因拒绝星期天上班被开除了。 NOTE It is also possible to say give sb the sack or get the sack in British English.英国英语中 也可说。 give sb the sack 或 get the sack。 WHICH WORD? Dismiss is the preferred term in legal contexts, especially in the phrase unfairly/wrongfully dismissed. Sack can sound more sudden or dramatic than give sb the sack, and is used more in newspapers. Give sb the sack is more frequent in everyday spoken English 法律语境 中将向于用 dismiss 一词,尤其在 unfairly / wrongfully dismissed 短语中。与 give sb the sack 相比,sack 含有突如其来或富有戏剧性之 意,多用于报章。日常英语口语中常用 give sb the sack: She got the sack/was given the sack for refusing to work on Sundays, 她因拒绝星期天上 班被开除了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to fire sb/dismiss sb/lay sb off/sack sb/make sb redundant/get the sack from a job ■ to fire sb/dismiss sb/sack sb/give sb the sack for sth ■ staff/workers are fired/dismissed/laid off/sacked/made redundant ■ to be unfairly/summarily fired/dismissed/sacked ♦ v + pron + adv knock sth out of sb to make sb lose their breath, because of a fall, a blow, etc.(由于摔 倒、打击等)使喘不上气:The force of the impact knocked the breath out of her. 她给撞得 上不来气了。 [OBJ] breath, wind ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep IDM knock the 'stuffing out of sb (informal) to make sb lose their energy, enthusiasm or confidence 使失去活力(或热情、信心);使受 重创;使一蹶不振 knock sb over if a car or another vehicle knocks sb over, it hits them and often kills or injures them (汽车等)撞倒,撞死,撞伤:He got knocked over by a bus. 他给公共汽车撞了。 SYN run sb/sth over NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。 Knock sb over is not used as often as knock sb down or run sb over. * knock sb over 不如 knock sb down 或 run sb over 常用。 -> see also KNOCK SB DOWN ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n knock sth over 1 to push or hit sth, making it fall or turn on its side 推倒;打翻: You've knocked my drink over! 你把我的饮料打 翻了! ◊ I'll put the candle here so that it doesn't get knocked over. 我把蜡烛放在这里,免得碰 倒。2 (AmE, informal) to rob a bank or other business 抢劫,(银行等):The two men were wanted for knocking over a bank. 这两名男子因 打劫银行遭到通缉。[OBJ] bank ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ' knock 'through (BrE) to knock down the wall between two rooms 打通(房间的墙壁): I intend to knock through on the ground floor, 我打算把底楼的墙壁打通。 ♦ v + adv knock together (especially BrE) if two things knock together, they touch each other with some force and make a sound (两物) 相撞, 碰撞:His knees were knocking together with fright. 他吓得两腿直哆嗦。 ♦ v + adv knock sth to gether 1 (also .knock sth 'up) to make or complete sth quickly and often not very well 草草做成;匆易拼凑成:I'll quickly knock some lunch together. 我来赶紧弄午饭。2 (BrE) to join two or more rooms or houses to make a single one 打通 (房间或房屋):They've knocked the two rooms together to make one big living room. 他们把两个房间打通,弄成一 个大起居室。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n knock up (BrE, sport) (in tennis, etc. 网球等) to practise for a short time before the beginning of a game 赛前练习:We knocked up for a few minutes before the match. 我们赛前练 了几分钟。 ♦ v + adv ► knock-up n (BrE) (in tennis, etc. 网球等)a short practice before a game 赛前练习 knock sb up (informal) 1 (BrE) to wake sb by knocking on their door 敲门唤醒:Would you like me to knock you up in the morning? 你 想让我早晨敲门叫你起床吗? 2 (especially AmE) to make a woman pregnant 使怀孕 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n knock sth up -> knock sth together 1 know /nau; AmE noʊn/ (knew /njuː; AmE nuː/, known /nəʊn; AmE noʊn/) know sb/sth as sth to call sb/sth by a particular name; to think that sb/sth has a particular characteristic or is a particular type of person or thing 把...称为;认为...具有 (某 种特质);把…看成 (某种类型的人或事物): She is known to her friends as Beth. 她的朋友们 叫她贝丝。 ◊ It became known as the worst local company to work for. 它成了雇员公认的当地最 差公司。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be known for sth to be weD known because of a particular characteristic, achieve- ment or feature 因…而闻名;因...众所周知: The town is best known for its ancient: university. 这座镇子最出名的是一所历史悠久的 大学。◊ He is not known for his tact! (= he is often rude) 他常常出言不逊。 ♦ be + v + prep know A from B to be able to recognize the difference between two things 能区分,能辨别 (两事物): She doesn't know a Rolls Royce from a Renault. 她分辨不出劳斯莱斯车和雷 诺车。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM not know your ,arse from your 'elbow (BrE, △, slang) to be very stupid or completely lacking in skill 蠢笨至极;屁都不懂:He doesn't know his arse from his elbow. 他是个大白痴。 know of sb/sth to have heard of sb/sth, but not have very much information about or experience of them/it 听说过;对...略知一二: 'Has he ever been in trouble with the police?' 'Not that I know of.' " 他曾被警察抓过吗? ” " 据我所知没有。" ◊ I know of one student who failed the exam twice. 我听说过一个学生两 次没通过这个考试 。◊ I know of her, but we've never actually met. 我对她有所耳闻,可未曾 谋面。 ♦ v + prep knuckle/ˈnʌkl/ knuckle down (to sth) (informal) to begin to work seriously at sth, usually after a period when you have not worked hard 开始 收心下功夫 (做某事):It's time to knuckle down (to some hard work). 现在得开始努力 (刻苦工作) 了。 SYN buckle down (to sth) ♦ v + adv knuckle under (to sb/sth) (informal) to accept or admit defeat and do what you are told or what you have to do (向…) 屈服,认 输,低头:Those who refused to knuckle under were imprisoned. 不肯妥协的人被关了起来。 ♦ v + adv kowtow /ˌkaʊˈtaʊ/ kowtow to sb/sth (informal) to show sb/sth too much respect and be too willing to obey them (对…) 卑躬屈膝,俯首帖耳,百依 百顺:I refuse to kowtow to anyone. 我绝不会屈 从于任何人。 ♦ v + prep labour (BrE)(AmE labor) /ˈleɪbə(r)/ labour under sth (BrE, formal) 1 (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to believe sth that is not true 为…所蒙蔽;误信: to be labouring under a delusion 有错觉 ◊ She was labouring under the impression that he loved her. 她以前一直有错觉,以为他爱她。[OBJ] misapprehension, delusion, impression 2 to find a situation very difficult because of sth 因…陷入困境; 为…苦恼:The new government is labouring under a huge debt. 新一届政府负债 累累,举步维艰。 ♦ v + prep lace /leɪs/ NOTE Laces (or shoelaces) are strings that go through the holes on a shoe to fasten it. * laces (或shoelaces) 指鞋带。 lace up; lace sth up to be fastened with laces; to fasten sth with laces 把鞋带系紧:She laced her shoes up. 她系好了鞋带。 [OBJ] shoes, boots SYN do up, do sth up NOTE Lace sth is also used on its own. * lace sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► lace-up n [usually pl.] (BrE) shoes fastened with laces 系带鞋:As a child, she always wore lace-ups. 她小时候总是穿系带鞋。 ◊ lace-up shoes 系带鞋 lace sth with sth 1 to put a small amount of sth, such as alcohol, a drug, poison, etc. into a drink 给 (饮料) 掺 (少许酒,、药、毒物 等):Someone had laced the cat's milk with alcohol. 有人在给猫吃的奶里加了点酒。 2 (especially BrE) to put a lot of a particular quality into sth such as a speech, a piece of writing, etc. 使 (演说、文章等) 具有 (某种特 色):The show is laced with black humour. 这 个节目颇具黑色幽默意味。 ◊ She laces her stor- ies with irony. 她的故事含讥带讽。NOTE Usu- ally used in the passive. 通常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ladle /ˈleɪdl/ NOTE A ladle is a large deep spoon with a long handle. * ladle 指长柄大勺子。 ladle sth out 1 to serve food with a ladle, etc., or in large quantities (用大勺) 舀出,盛 出 (很多食物):He ladled out the soup. 他用大 勺分汤。2 (sometimes disapproving) to give sb a lot of sth, especially money or advice 大量给 予,大量提供 (尤指金钱或建议) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv lag /læɡ/ (-gg-) lag be hind; .lag be hind sb/sth 1 to be behind sb/sth because you are walking more slowly 落后;落在…后面:Everyone ran down to the beach, but Amy lagged behind. 大家都向 海滩奔去,只有埃米落在后面。 ◊ Susie lagged behind the other children. 苏茜落在其他孩子后 面。 2 (in sth/in doing sth) to progress or develop more slowly than others (在...方 面) 进展比…缓慢;滞后:We are lagging far behind our European competitors in using new technology. 在采用新技术方面,我们远远落后 于欧洲的竞争对手。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep lager /ˈlɑːɡə(r)/ be/get lagered up (on sth) (BrE, informal) to be behaving in an excited or violent way because of the effects of alcohol (因醉酒) 举 止兴奋,行为粗暴:They just sit in front of the TV, getting lagered up and shouting at the referee. 他们就坐在电视机前,喝得醉醺醺的, 对裁判大喊大叫。 ♦ be/get + v + adv ► lagered-'up adj [only before noun] (BrE, informal): The town centre is full of lagered-up lads looking for a fight. 镇中心到处是酩酊大醉 的年轻小伙,找茬要与人打架。 land /lænd/ land in sth; land sb/yourself in sth (informal) to get sb/yourself into trouble or a difficult situation (使) 处于,陷入 (困境): She landed in court for stealing a car. 她因为偷 车而要出庭受审。 ◊ Being too outspoken landed her in trouble. 她过于直率,惹了麻烦。◊ How did I land myself in such a mess? 我怎么卷入了 这样的乱局? ◊ He really landed us in it! (= got us into trouble) 他可把我们害惨了 ! ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron 十 prep land on sb (AmE, informal) to criticize sb angrily 怒斥; 痛骂:My professor really landed on me for turning my paper in late. 因为我论文 交得晚了,教授狠狠训了我一顿。 ♦ v + prep land up (BrE, informal) 1 [+adv/prep] to reach a final position or situation 终于到 达 (某个位置);最终落到 (某种境地):She landed up in hospital with a broken leg. 结果她 断了一条腿,住进了医院。 ◊ The train was diverted and we landed up in York, 火车改变了 路线,我们最后到了约克。◊ The dish slipped out of my hands and landed up on the floor. 盘 子从我手中滑落,掉到了地板上。◊ I landed up with more work than I could manage. 到头来我 的活儿多得难以应付。 2 land up doing sth to end by doing sth or having to do sth that you had not planned to do 最终要做(意料之外的 事情)收场;以做(计划外的事)告终: They landed up paying for the damage. 最后他们 只得赔偿了损失。◊ We landed up spending the night at the airport. 我们最后只好在机场过 夜了。 SYN end up; finish up ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ 2 v + adv + -ing land sb/yourself with sb/sth; 'land sb/yourself with doing sth (informal, especially BrE) to give sb/yourself an un- pleasant or difficult task to deal with 把(苦差 或重担)留给:We've landed ourselves with the most boring job of the lot. 我们承担了其中最枯 燥乏味的工作。 ◊ I got landed with clearing up the mess. 收拾乱摊子的活儿落到了我的肩上。◊ They landed the organization with a huge bill. 他们给这个机构留下了巨额账单。 SYN saddle sb/yourself with sb/sth, etc. NOTE Often used in the passive, usually with get 常用于被动语态,通常 与 get 连用:Guess who got landed with washing the dishes? 猜猜 洗碗的活儿落到谁头上了? ♦ v + n/pron + prep lap/læp/ (-pp-) lap sth up 1 to receive sth such as praise or a kind remark with pleasure without thinking about whether it is true or not 欣然接受,全盘 接受(赞扬、美言等):The baby was lapping up the attention he was getting. 这个小孩受到 别人关注就开心了。 ◊ She lapped up his flattery, 他的恭维话她照单全收了。 2 to drink aU of sth with great enjoyment 开怀畅饮;高兴地喝干: The cat lapped up the cream, 猫津津有味地把奶 油舔得一干二净。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) lapse /læps/ lapse into sth 1 to pass gradually into a worse or less active state or condition (逐 渐)进入,陷入:They lapsed into silence. 他们 陷入沉默。◊ The country lapsed into chaos. 国 家陷入混乱。◊ to lapse into unconsciousness/ a coma 逐渐失去知觉 / 陷入昏迷 [OBJ] silence, unconsciousness 2 to start speaking or be- having in a different way, often one that is less acceptable (言行)出现(异常):She lapses into English when she can't think of a word in French, 她想不出法语词时就用英语。 ♦ v + prep lard /lɑːd; AmE lɑːrd/ lard sth with sth Soften disapproving) to include particular words or expressions in a speech or in a piece of writing (言语或文章 市)夹杂,穿插(某类语汇):His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs, 他的谈话穿 插了许多俄国谚语。 NOTE Nearly always used in the passive. 几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep lark /lɑːk; AmE lɑːrk/ lark about/around (old-fashioned, in- formal, especially BrE) to enjoy yourself by behaving in a silly way 胡闹;傻玩;玩乐: Some kids were larking about in the shopping centre. 一些孩子在购物中心嬉戏。 SYN mess around ♦ v + adv lash /læʃ/ lash 'down if rain lashes down, it falls heavily (雨)下得大,下得猛:The rain lashed down. 大雨倾盆而下。 ♦ v + adv lash out (at sb/sth) 1 to make a sudden vio- lent attack on sb (突然)狠打,痛揍:He lashed out at也. 他突然对我们大打出手。◊ Jim lashed out with both fists. 吉姆突然双拳猛挥起 来。2 to criticize sb/sth in an angry way 怒 斥;痛骂:She lashed out at: the company for treating her so badly. 她大骂公司太亏待她。 SYN hit out (at sb/sth) ♦ v + adv lash out on sth (BrE, informal) to spend a lot of money on sth (在…上)大手大脚,大肆 挥霍 SYN splash out (on sth) ♦ v + adv + prep last /lɑːst; AmE læst/ last out; Last sth out 1 to survive for a period of time 存活,活过(一段时间):How long can we last out without water? 我们不喝 水能活多长时间? ◊ The doctors thought he might not last out the night. 医生们认为他可能 撑不过那晚。 2 to continue in the same situ- ation or manage to do sth for a particular length of time (在某段时间内) 坚持下去,坚 持做某事:He made it to the summit, but at one point I thought he wasn't going to last out. 他 成功登上了山顶,可我一度以为他坚持不下来。 ◊ She lasted out for a week without smoking. 她 坚持了一个星期不抽烟。◊ Can you last out the day without using your phone? 你能坚持一天不 用电话吗? 3 to be enough for a particular length of time (在某段时间内)够用,够维持: Our supplies should last out until the end of the month. 我们的储备应该可以维持到月底。 ◊ Will the food last out the week? 食物够这个星期吃 的吗? SYN hold out NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动语 态。 Last and last sth are used frequently on their own with the same meanings. * last 和 last sth 常单独使用作此义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) last sb out (often humorous) to live or con- tinue longer than sb else 活过,寿命超过(某 人): My grandmother is so fit and healthy shell probably last us all out! 我奶奶身体这么 硬朗健康,她可能比我们大家都长寿! ♦ v + n/pron + adv latch /lætʃ/ latch on; .latch onto sb (also ,latch on to sb) {informal) to follow sb around, often when they do not want you with them 纠缠; 缠住:He latched onto us and we couldn't get rid of him. 他缠着我们,甩也甩不掉。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep latch on;latch onto sth (also .latch on to sth) 1 to become attached to sth 依附;附 着在…上:The virus latches onto the red blood cells. 这种病毒附着在红细胞上。 2 to be inter- ested in an idea, a fashion, etc. and use it for your own purposes 对…产生兴趣 (并加以利 用):The government have latched onto en- vironmental issues to win votes. 政府大谈环境 问题以争取选票。◊ They have a reputation for latching onto all the latest crazes. 大家都知道 他们对所有的最新时尚都会跟风。 ◊ Young chil- dren latch onto phrases and repeat them over and over. 小孩子喜欢成语,还一遍遍地重复。3 (BrE, informal) to understand an idea, what sb is saying, etc. 理解;懂得: It took him a while to latch onto their style of humour. 过了一会儿 他才领会他们的幽默风格。◊ She soon latched onto the idea. 她很快就领悟了这个想法。◊ It was a difficult concept to grasp, but Sam latched on very quickly. 那个概念很难掌握,但 萨姆很快就理解了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep laugh /lɑːf; AmE læf/ laugn at sb/yourself to make sb/yourself seem stupid by making jokes about them/ yourself; to not be too serious about sb/ yourself 嘲笑;讥笑;取笑:They were laughing at him behind his back. 他们在背后取笑他。◊ We all laughed at Jane when she said she believed in ghosts. 简说她相信有鬼,我们都笑 话她。◊ I laughed at myself for believing such an unlikely story. 我因为相信了这种不可能的事 儿而自嘲。 ◊ Nobody likes to be laughed at. 没 人喜欢被嘲笑。 ♦ v+ prep laugh at sth 1 to show that you find sth funny or amusing 因 (有趣的事等) 发笑:You never laugh at my jokes. 我讲笑话你从来不笑。 ◊ The whole class was laughing at him clowning around. 全班同学都给他的滑稽相逗乐了。2 to make sth seem stupid by making jokes about it 嘲笑;讥笑;取笑:He was laughing at my accent. 他在取笑我的口音。◊ He doesn't like his ideas being laughed at. 他不喜欢他的想法遭人 取笑。 SYN ridicule sth (more formal) ♦ v+ prep laugh sth off (informal) to try to make people think that you do not care about sth, or that it is not serious or important, by making a joke about it (对) 付诸一笑;用 笑话摆脱:He laughed off suggestions that he had been approached to be manager of Che England team. 传闻有人找他当英格兰队的主教 练,他一笑置之。◊ It was an embarrassing situation, but she managed to laugh it off. 那个 场面很尴尬,可她一笑摆脱了窘境。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) launch /lɔːntʃ/ launch into sth; launch yourself into sth to start doing sth in a very enthusiastic or emotional way (热情地) 开始做,投入:She launched into an explanation of how the machine worked. 她开始热心地讲解机器如何运 转。◊ We don't want to launch ourselves into the wrong enterprise. 我们不想入错行。◊ The band launched into one of their best known songs . 乐队开始演奏他们的一首最有名的歌曲。 ◊ He launched into a tirade of abuse against the police officer. 他开始对警官激烈地骂个不休。 [OBJ] speech, explanation, challenge ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + pron + prep launch out (into sth) to begin to do sth new or different in a confident way 拓展,满怀信 心投身于 (新事业或不同事业):She's decided she has enough experience to launch out on her own. 她认为她的经验足以独自创业。 ♦ v + adv lavish/ˈlævɪʃ/ lavish sth on sb/sth (also lavish sth upon sb/sth more formal) to give a lot of sth, often too much, to sb/sth 过分给予;滥施:They lavished such care on that house! 他们对那所房 子的维护真是无微不至! ◊ He was jealous of the attention lavished on his sister. 妹妹得到了过多 的关爱,他很嫉妒。 ◊ Millions of pounds were lavished on restoring the building. 修复这一建 筑费了数百万英镑。 [OBJ] attention, praise, care NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep lay /leɪ/ (laid, laid /leɪd/) Jay about sb (with sth) (especially BrE) to attack sb violently physically or with words 猛 打;痛骂:He started to lay about me with his walking stick. 他开始用拐杖狠狠揍我。 ♦ v + prep Jay sth aside (formal) 1 to put sth to one side and not use it or think about it 把...放在 一边;将...搁置一旁:I laid my book aside and picked up the letter. 我把书放在一边,拿起那封 信。◊ (figurative) They laid aside their differ- ences until the crisis was over. 在危机期间他们 搁置了分歧。2 (also Jay sth 'by less frequent) to keep sth to use in the future; to save sth 留 存备用;积蓄: Have you laid anything aside for your old age? 你为个人养老有所积攒了吗? SYN put sth aside; set sth aside ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n lay sth before sb/sth to present a pro- posal, some information, etc. to sb for them to think about and decide on 呈交,递交,上报 (供审议决定):The bill was laid before Parlia- ment. 议案提交给了国会。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep lay sth by -> LAY STH ASIDE lay sth down 1 to put sth down or stop using it 放下;停用:He stopped writing and laid down his pen. 他停止写字,放下钢笔。◊ They refused to lay down their arms. 他们拒绝 放下武器。SYN put sb/sth down 2 if you lay down a rule, or a principle, you state officially that people must obey it or use it 规定,制定 (规则或原则):The government has laid down procedures for negotiating teachers' pay. 政府已 制定出协商教师薪酬的程序。 ◊ Clear guidelines have been laid down for religious teaching in schools. 已制订出明确的关于学校宗教教育的指 导原则。 [OBJ] guidelines, rules, conditions 3 to establish sth that will develop or be useful in the future 形成;建立:Good eating habits can be laid down in childhood. 良好的饮食习惯可以 在童年养成。4 to produce sth that is stored and gradually increases 积聚;积累:If you eat too much, the surplus is laid down as fat. 要是 吃得太多,过剩的营养就会成为脂肪贮存起来。 [OBJ] fat NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常 用于被动语态。5 (BrE) to store sth, especially wine, to use in the future 贮备,贮存(尤指葡 萄酒):She has laid down hundreds of bottles of port. 她贮存了上百瓶波尔图葡萄酒。[OBJ] bottles, wine 6 to record music for a CD, etc. 录制(音乐):We laid down a couple of tracks in the studio this morning. 今天上午,我们在录 音间灌录了两三首乐曲。[OBJ] track ♦ 1,4 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2,3,5,6 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) IDM lay down the 'law to tell sb firmly what they can or cannot do 严令;发号施令 lay down your 'life (for sb/sth) to die willingly in order to save sb or because of sth that you believe in (为救人或坚持信仰)牺牲生命,献 身,捐躯 lay sth 'in (formal) to get a supply of sth and store it to use in the future 贮备;贮存:I've laid in enough logs for the winter. 我储备的木 柴足够过冬。 SYN get sth in ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv lay into sb/sth (with sth) (for sth/for doing sth) (informal) to attack sb/sth violently, with words or blows (为…)(以…)猛揍,痛斥: She laid into him with her fists. 她挥拳狠揍了 他。◊ He laid into the government for spending millions of pounds on buildings nobody wanted. 他怒斥政府耗费几百万英镑兴建没人要的楼房。 SYN rip into sb/sth, etc. ♦ v + prep lay off; Jay off sb/sth; lay off doing sth (informal) used to tell sb to stop doing sth that irritates or annoys you (用于命令)别烦 人,停止(做):Lay off! You're messing up my homework! 别闹了!你打扰我写作业了! ◊ Lay off him, he's still learning. 别烦他,他还在 学习呢。◊ Lay off bullying your brother! 别再 欺负你弟弟! ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep lay off sth; Jay off doing sth (informal) to stop doing or using sth harmful 停止(做 有害的事);放弃(有害的事物):You should lay off alcohol/drinking for a while, 你暂时别 喝酒。 ♦ v + prep lay sb 'off to dismiss workers, usually for a short time, because there is not enough work (因工作不多暂时)遣散,裁减:We've had to lay off hundreds of workers. 我们不得不暂时解 雇几百名工人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► lay-off n 1 [C] an act of dismissing workers because there is not enough work (因工作不 多而进行的)遣散,裁员:The crisis has caused thousands of lay-offs. 这场危机导致几千人失 业。2 [usually sing.] a period of time when sb is not able to take part in an activity or a sport that they usually do (无法参加活动或体 育运动的)歇工期,休息期 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 lay sb off dismiss sb ♦ fire sb ♦ lay sb off ♦ make sb redundant ♦ sack sb These verbs all mean to officially remove sb from their job. 这些动词都表示解雇、免职、 开除。 dismiss sb (usually passive) (formal) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;免 去...的职务;开除:She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. 她自称遭到无正当理 由的解雇。 fire sb (often passive) to officially remove sb from their job 解雇;开除:We had to fire him for dishonesty. 由为他不诚实,我们不得不将 他开除。 ◊ She got fired from her first job. 她 被解雇,结束了第一份工作。 lay sb off (often passive) to stop employing sb, often for a temporary period, because there is not enough work for them to do (因工作 不多暂时) 遣散,裁减 ;200 workers at the factory have been laid off. 该厂 200 名工人下 岗了。 make sb redundant (usually passive) to remove sb from their job because there is no more work available for them (因无工作可 做) 解雇,裁减: She was made redundant from her job. 她被裁员了。 sack sb (often passive) (informal, especially BrE) to dismiss sb from a job, usually because they have done sth wrong (因过错) 解雇, 开除:She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays. 她因拒绝星期天上班被开除了。 NOTE It is also possible to say give sb the sack or get the sack in British English.英国英语中 也可说。 give sb the sack 或 get the sack。 WHICH WORD? Dismiss is the preferred term in legal contexts, especially in the phrase unfairly/wrongfully dismissed. Sack can sound more sudden or dramatic than give sb the sack, and is used more in newspapers. Give sb the sack is more frequent in everyday spoken English 法律语境 中将向于用 dismiss 一词,尤其在 unfairly / wrongfully dismissed 短语中。与 give sb the sack 相比,sack 含有突如其来或富有戏剧性之 意,多用于报章。日常英语口语中常用 give sb the sack: She got the sack/was given the sack for refusing to work on Sundays, 她因拒绝星期天上 班被开除了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to fire sb/dismiss sb/lay sb off/sack sb/make sb redundant/get the sack from a job ■ to fire sb/dismiss sb/sack sb/give sb the sack for sth ■ staff/workers are fired/dismissed/laid off/sacked/made redundant ■ to be unfairly/summarily fired/dismissed/sacked lay sth on (BrE, informal) to provide or arrange sth for sb, for example food, transport or entertainment 提供,安排(食物、交通、娱 乐等):Extra buses were laid on during the train strike. 铁路罢工期间增加了公共汽车班次。 ◊ She had laid on tea for the players. 她为运动 员提供茶水。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM lay it/sth on with a 'trowel; lay it on 'thick (informal) to talk about sb/sth in away that makes them seem much better or worse than they really are; to exaggerate sth 大肆吹 捧;过分贬低;夸大其词:He was laying on the flattery with a trowel. 他在一个劲儿地拍马屁。 ◊ Calling him a genius is laying it on a bit thick! 称他为天才未免有些言过其实! lay sth 'on sb (informal) 1 to force sb to deal with sth unpleasant or difficult 把(麻烦 或难题)强推给某人处理:I'm sorry to lay all this work on you, 很抱歉我把这活儿全推给你 干。2 (AmE) to break bad or surprising news to sb 把(坏的或惊人的消息)透露给:Sorry to lay this on you, but he's never coming back. 很 抱歉地告诉你,他绝对不会回来了。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep lay 'out (AmE) to stop taking part in a group activity for a short time, especially in order to let others take part (充指为让他人参与而)暂 时退出(集体活动): He's always happy to lay out for a while and let other people be heard. 他 总是乐于歇息一下,让其他人发言。 ♦ v + adv lay sb out 1 (informal) to knock sb un- conscious 打昏;打晕: He laid his opponent out with a single blow. 他一拳就把对手打晕了。 2 to prepare a dead body to be buried 给(尸 体)作殡葬准备 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n lay sth 'out 1 to spread sth out ready to use or so that it can be seen easily 铺开;展开;摊 开:Lay out all the clothes you want to take. 把 你要带走的衣服全摆出来。◊ Lay all the cards out on the table. 把纸牌全摆在桌上。2 to plan how sth should look and arrange it in this way 策划;设计;安排;布置:They laid the streets out on a grid pattern. 他们把街道设计成棋盘 状。 ◊ a well-laid-out CV/resume 版面编排得宜 的个人简历。 3 to present or explain sth clearly and carefully (清晰细致地) 演示,解释:At the meetings he laid out his plans for the com- pany. 在会议上,他清楚地阐释了他对公司的规 划。 4 (on sth) (informal) to spend money 花 (钱): He laid out thousands renovating the house. 他花了几千元钱翻新房子。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► layout n [usually sing.] the way in which sth is arranged 规划;设计;安排;布局:He still recalled the layout of the house perfectly, 他 依然清晰地记得那座房子的布置。 ◊ The maga- zine has a very attractive layout. 那本杂志的版 面设计很吸引人。 ► outlay n [C, U] the money that you spend on sth, especially when you start a new pro- ject (尤指新项目的) 支出,花费:an outlay of $400000 * 40 万元的开支。 ◊ What was your initial outlay on equipment? 你购置设备的起始 费用是多少? lay over (in/at...) (AmE) to stop somewhere for a short time when you are on a journey by plane (乘飞机时在中途) 稍作停留,短暂滞 留:Several passengers were laying over in Chicago for a few hours. 几名乘客在芝加哥逗留 了数小时。 ♦ v + adv ► layover n a short stay somewhere during a plane journey (乘飞机时在中途的) 短暂停 留,短暂滞留: a four-hour layover 四个小时的 途中短暂停留 lay up to hide somewhere or do nothing for a while 躲藏;闲着:They lay up in a cave until it got dark. 他们在洞里一直躲到天黑。 ♦ v + adv lay sb 'up (informal) if sb is laid up, they are unable to work or take part in an activity because they are ill/sick or injured (因病或因 伤) 使暂停工作,使退出活动: I was laid up for a month with a broken leg. 我因腿部骨折休养 了一个月。 ◊ He has been laid up with flu for a week. 他因患流感休息了一个星期。 NOTE Nearly always used in the passive. 几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n lay sth 'up 1 (for yourself)(BrE) if you lay up trouble or problems for yourself, you do sth that will result in difficulties later 把(困 难或问题)积存起来;搁置:You're laying up problems for yourself by not tackling this now. 你现在不处理这事,就是给自己日后增加麻烦。 [OBJ] trouble, problems 2 to stop using a vehicle, ship, etc. because you do not need it, or it has to be repaired 暂停使用(车、船等): Our boat is laid up during the winter months. 我们的船在冬季的几个月里闲着不用。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv laze /leɪz/ laze around; laze around sth (BrE also laze about, laze about sth) to spend your time relaxing and doing very little 闲散地打发 时间;消磨时光:He lazed about all day. 他悠闲 地过了一整天。◊ They lazed around the pool in the afternoon. 他们在游泳池里懒散地过了一 下午。 SYN lie around, etc.; lounge about/around, etc. ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep laze sth away to spend a period of time relaxing and doing very little 闲散地打发(时 间);消磨(时光):We lazed away the summer on the beach. 我们在沙滩上懒洋洋地打 发了夏日时光。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n lead /liːd/ (led, led /led/) lead 'into sth 1 if a subject or a discussion leads into sth, it moves naturally into a second subject or discussion 自然进入,引出 (下个话题等):This led into a discussion on gender differences. 这就引出了有关性别差异的 讨论。◊ Pair and group work often leads into a whole-class discussion. 对于活动和小组活动之 后常常是全班讨论。2 if a room, a door, a street, etc. leads into a place, it opens into it or connects with it (房间、门、街道等)通 往,连接到:The door led into a tiny kitchen. 这 道门通向一个小厨房。[SUBJ] door, room, road ♦ v + prep ► lead-in (to sth) n an introduction to a sub- ject, a story, etc.(主题、故事等的)介绍,导 入;导语;开场白:We want a striking lead-in to the new programme. 我们这个新节目需要个 吸引人的引子。 lead off (with sth)(especially AmE) to start a discussion, meeting, etc.(为讨论、会议等) 带头,领头:Everyone will have a chance to speak. Would you like to lead off? 大家都有机会 发言。你愿意带个头吗? ♦ v + adv lead off sth;lead off from sth 1 if a street leads off (from) a place, it starts there and goes away from it (街道)起始于:He pointed to a street leading off (from) the comer of the square. 他指了指从广场一角延伸出去的 街道。 2 if a room, a door, etc. leads off (from) a place, it connects directly with it (房 间、门等)紧接着,直接连着:All the rooms lead off the main hall. 所有房间都与大厅相通。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep lead sb on (informal) to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially that you love them or find them attractive 误导(使某人相信自己 讨人喜爱、具有魅力):You shouldn't have led him on like that. 你不该让他产生那样的误解。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) lead to sth; lead sb to sth (also .lead on to sth, lead sb 'on to sth) to result in a particular action or event; to force or per- suade sb to take a particular action 导致;迫 使(或劝服)某人采取某一行动: Living in damp conditions can lead to serious health problems. 生活在潮湿环境中会引发严重的健康问题。◊ What led you to this conclusion? 你如何得出这 个结论的? ◊ The increase in the number of motor vehicles has led to an increase in vehicle crime. 机动车辆的增加导致与车辆相关罪案同时 增长。◊ The police have offered a reward for information leading to the conviction of the child's killers. 警方已悬赏寻找能对杀害儿童的 凶手定罪的线索。◊ She described how her early life had led her to her profession as an artist. 她 叙述了她的早年生活如何引导她走上职业艺术家 的道路。◊ One thing led to another and before long Sue and I were engaged. 就这样一来二去, 不久我和休就订婚了。 NOTE Lead sb to do sth can also be used with this meaning * lead sb to do sth 也可作此义:She described how her early life led her to become an artist. 她描述了她的早年生活如何引导她成 为艺术家。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep lead up to sth 1 to be the introduction to or the cause of sth 是…的开端; 致使:The book describes the period leading up to the start of the war. 这本书叙述了导致战端开启的那个时 期。◊ Police are investigating the chain of events that led up to her death. 警方正在调查导 致她死亡的一连串事件。 2 to prepare to talk about sth or ask a difficult question by gradually introducing the subject you want to talk about 逐渐引出(话题或难题); 铺垫: What exactly are you leading up to? 你到底想 谈什么? ◊ He seemed to be leading up to asking a difficult question. 他似乎正在为提出难题作 铺垫。 ♦ v + adv + prep ► lead- up (to sth) n [sing.] (BrE) a period of time or an event or series of events before another event or activity (某一时段、事件 或活动的)前期,前奏:in the lead-up to the election 在选举前夕 leaf /liːf/ leaf through sth to turn over the pages of a book, a magazine, etc. quickly without read- ing them carefully or in detail 匆匆翻阅;浏览: She picked up a brochure and leafed through it. 她拿起一本小册子翻看了一下。 [OBJ] pages SYN flick through sth → note at LOOK THROUGH STH ♦ v + prep leak /liːk/ leak out if secret information leaks out, it becomes known to the public when it should remain secret (秘密) 泄露:He was worried about what might happen if the news leaked out. 他担心万一走漏了风声可能会出乱子。 SYN get out ♦ v + adv 240 lean /liːn/ (leaned, leaned, BrE also leant, leant /lent/) lean against/on sth/sb; lean up against sth to rest against or on sth/sb for support 倚着;靠着;靠在…上:Laura leaned weakly against the door. 劳拉无力地靠在门上。 ◊ We left our bikes leaning up against the wall. 我们把自行车靠墙放着。◊ You can lean on my arm. 你可以靠在我的手臂上。 -> see also LEAN ON SB/STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep lean sth against/on sth; lean sth up against sth to make sth rest against or on sth in a sloping position 使斜靠着:He leaned his head on his hand and closed his eyes. 他手 托着头闭上眼睛。◊ Maggie leant the broom up against the wall. 玛吉把扫帚靠在墙上。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep lean on sb (informal) to try to make sb do sth by threatening them 威胁;胁迫:They are leaning on him to make him withdraw his complaints. 他们正对他施加压力,让他撤回投 诉。◊ I was being leaned on. 我受到了恐吓。 ♦ v + prep lean on sb/sth (also 'lean upon sb/sth more formal) to depend on sb/sth 依靠:依赖:It's good to have someone to lean on. 有人可依赖 真好。◊ She was unsure of herself and leaned heavily on her friends for support. 她缺乏自 信,十分依赖朋友的支持。 -> see also LEAN AGAINST/ON SB/STH ♦ v + prep lean towards sth (also lean toward sth) to support or tend to prefer a particular idea or political party 倾向,偏向 (某一观点或政 党): I'm not sure how I'm going to vote but I'm leaning towards the Democrats. 我还没确定投 票给谁,可我倾向于投给民主党。 ♦ v + prep lean up against sth -> LEAN AGAINST/ON STH/SB lean sth up against sth -> LEAN STH AGAINST/ON STH lean upon sb/sth -> LEAN ON SB/STH leap /liːp/ (leapt, leapt /lept/ or leaped, leaped) leap at sth to accept sth with enthusiasm, without hesitating 迫不及待地接受;毫不迟疑 地接受:She leapt at the chance of working in Paris. 她立刻抓住了去巴黎工作的机会。 [OBJ] chance, opportunity SYN jump at sth ♦ v + prep leap on sth (also leap upon sth more formal) (especially to suddenly become very interested in an idea or a suggestion, espe- cially because you think it will give you an advantage (尤指因有利可图而) 突然对 (某想 法或提议) 极感兴趣:The press leapt on the story. 报界开始对这件事大为关注。 ♦ v+ prep leap out at sb if sth, especially sth written, leaps out at you, you see it immediately 立刻 进入 (某人) 的视线;引人注目: His name leapt out at me from the page. 我在那一页上一眼就 看见了他的名字。 SYN out at sb ♦ v + adv + prep leap up to stand quickly and suddenly when you have been sitting (坐着时) 突然起身,猛 地站起来:He leapt up and ran to answer the door. 他一下子站起来跑过去开门。 SYN jump up ♦ v + adv leap upon sth (especially BrE) -> leap on sth learn /lɜːn; AmE lɜːrn/ learn of sth to become aware of sth by hear- ing about it from sb else 听说; 获悉: I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. 我从一位密友那 里得知她来了。 -> note at FIND OUT, FIND SB OUT ♦ v + prep leave /liːv/ (left, left /left/) leave sth a side to not discuss or consider a particular idea or issue 把 (想法或问题) 搁置 一边:Leaving aside car parking space, the housing development is well planned. 撇开停车 位不谈,住宅开发规划得很好。◊ Let us leave aside the question of costs for the moment. 我 们暂时不谈费用问题吧。 ◊ Leaving that aside ... 且不说… [OBJ] question, that/this problem ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) leave sb/sth be hind to make progress much faster than sb else 把...抛在后面;超过: The new car is going to leave the competition far behind. 这款新车将把竞争对手远远地甩在 后面。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv leave sb/sth be hind; .leave sb/sth be hind sb 1 to go away from a place with- out taking sb/sth because you have forgotten them/it 忘带;丢下:Somebody has left their umbrella behind. 有人忘了把雨伞带走。 ◊ Wait— don't leave me behind! 等等-----别撇下我! 2 to go away from a place while the result of sth you have done stays there 留下 (某一行为的后 果): They wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints behind (them). 他们戴了手套,以 免留下指纹。3 to leave a person or place per- manently, especially in order to begin a new life (尤指为开始新生活) 永别 (某人或某地): He was anxious to leave the past behind (him). 他巴不得永远告别过去。◊ She disappeared a year ago, leaving behind a boyfriend and a small baby. 一年前她抛下男友和襁褓中的小孩 消失了。 4 to have sb/sth remaining after your death 死后留下:He died at the age of 33, leaving behind a wife and three young children. 他33岁时去世,留下妻子和三个年幼的孩子。 NOTE Leave sb/sth is sometimes used on its own with these meanings * leave sb / sth 有时 单独使用也作这些含义:They wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints. 他们戴着手套,以 免留下指纹。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep leave sth in to not remove sth, for example from a book, a piece of writing, etc. 保留,不 删 (书、文章等的内容):Make sure you leave that paragraph in. 一定要保留那个段落。 OPP leave sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n leave off; .leave off sth; ,leave off doing sth (BrE, informal) to stop doing sth 停止;中断:Lee shouted at him, but he wouldn't leave off. 李大声喊他,但他不想停下 来。◊ Would you leave off what you are doing for a moment? 你暂时放下手头的事好吗? ◊ We're going to try and begin where they left off. 我们将尽力从他们停下的地方接着往下做。 ◊ 'Will you leave off nagging? ' he shouted. “你 能不能别唠叨了? "他大叫。 -> note at GIVE UP, GIVE STH UP ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + adv + -ing leave sb/sth off; .leave sb/sth off sth to not include or mention sb/sth, especially on a list 不把…列入;不包括;不含:Have I left anyone off the list? 我在名单上有没有漏掉什 么人? ♦ v + n/pron 十 adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep leave sth on 1 if you leave clothes on, you continue wearing them 继续穿着:Leave your shoes on. 不必脱鞋。SYN keep sth on 2 to not switch sth off 不关闭;开着:I found the televi- sion had been left on all night. 我发现电视机开 了一夜。◊ Do you mind if I leave the tape recorder on while you talk? 你说话的时候我把 录音机开着,你不介意吧? OPP leave sth off; switch sth off ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n leave it 'out (BrE, informal) 1 used to tell sb to stop doing sth silly or annoying (用于警 告) 停下,别干…了 2 used to tell sb that you think what they have said is stupid, or that you do not believe it (表示觉的别人的话很 蠢或不可信) 胡说八道,不可能,算了吧:Two million dollars? Leave it out! 两百万元?瞎扯! ♦ v + it + adv leave sb out; .leave sb out of sth to not include sb deliberately 不把某人列入;不 把某人包括在(...)内:It seemed unkind to leave Daisy out, so we invited her too. 把黛西排 除在外似乎不太好,所以我们也邀请了她。◊ There was an outcry when he was left out of the team. 他未被列入队员名单,引发了抗议。 SYN exclude sb (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► left out adj unhappy because you have not been included in sth 感到被冷落;感到受排斥: I felt a bit left out. 我感到有点受冷落。 leave sb/sth out; .leave sb/sth out of sth 1 to not involve sb/sth in sth 不把...牵涉 在(...)内:Leave my brother out of this—he had nothing to do with it. 别把我弟弟牵扯进 来-----他与这事无关。2 to not include sb/sth either accidentally or deliberately (有意或无 意地) 不把...包括起 (...)内:Have I left any- one out? 我遗漏了谁吗? ◊ You can leave out the gory details. 你别提那些血腥的细节。◊ This is spelt wrongly. You've left out the 'e'. 这个词拼写 错了。你漏掉了 e。 ◊ You've left the second ‘m’ out of 'committee'. 你漏掉了 committee 中的第 二个 m 字母。◊ You've left out an ‘m’ in 'committee'. 你漏掉了 committee 中的一个 m 字 母。SYN omit sth (more formal); miss sth out (BrE) ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ 2v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep be left over (from sth) (of food or money 食物或金钱) if food, money, etc. is left over, it remains when the rest has been eaten or used up 剩下;残留:After I've paid my rent and bought food there isn't much left over to spend on books. 我付掉房租买完食物之后,就没剩下 多少钱买书了。◊ There was plenty of food left over after the party. 聚会后剩下了不少食物。◊ There's some rice left over from lunch. 午饭剩了 些米饭。 ♦ be + v + adv ► leftover n (BrE) 1 [usually pl.] food that has not been eaten and remains after a meal 吃剩的饭菜 2 a custom, tradition, etc. that belongs to an earlier time but still exists 遗留 下来的风俗 (或传统等):These narrow roads are a leftover from the days of horse-drawn car- riages. 这些窄道是从马车时代沿用下来的。 ► leftover adj [only before noun] remaining because it has not been eaten or used 吃剩 的;用剩的: leftover vegetables/fabric 吃剩的蔬 菜 / 边角布料 leave sb to sth to go away from sb so that they can continue what they were doing before you came, or do sth without your help 离开以便让某人继续 (或独自) 做某事:(in formal) If you don't need me any more, I'll leave you to it. 你要是不再需要我,我就走了,你自 个儿干吧。◊ I'll leave you to your lunch. 我走 了,你吃午饭吧。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM leave sb to their own devices to leave sb alone to do as they wish 听任某人自行其是; 让某人自行发展:Once I've explained things to him I tend to leave him to his own devices. 我一 旦对他说明了情况,就往往任他自行其是。 lend /lend/ (lent, lent /lent/) lend sth out (to sb) to allow sb to borrow sth for a period of time 把…借出 (给某人): The reference books cannot be lent out. 参考书 不得外借。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n lend itself/themselves to sth (formal) to be suitable for sth 适合于;适宜于:Science in elementary schools lends itself well to learning through play. 小学科学课很适合在游戏中学习。 ◊ Not all materials lend themselves to scientific dating. 并非所有材料都能用科学方法测定年代。 ♦ v + pron + prep let /let/ (letting, let, let) let sb down 1 to fail to help or support sb in the way that they hoped or expected (因 未如所期望的提供协助或支持) 让某人失望:She said she would help, but let them down at the last minute. 她说过要帮忙,可最后关头却让他 们失望。◊ It's important our decision doesn't let down our customers. 重要的是我们的决定不要 让顾客失望。◊ The car has never let me down. 我这辆车从未出过毛病。◊ I felt I'd been badly let down by the company. 我觉得公司令我非常 失望。2 to tell sb some bad news in a kind way so that they will not be too disappointed or upset 婉转地告诉某人环消息:The kids will be really upset that the trip's been cancelled— try to let them down gently. 旅行取消了,孩子 们会大失所望——尽量婉转点跟他们说。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv 1 also v + adv + n IDM let the 'side down (BrE) to disappoint your family, friends, team, etc. by not being as successful as they expect, or not helping or supporting them 使自己人 (如家人、朋友、团 队等) 失望;未能帮助 (或支持) 自己的一方; 拆自家人的台:John would never let the side down. 约翰永远不会让大家失望的。◊ I knew I was letting the side down (= disappointing my family, etc.) by not going to college. 我知道我 没上大学让家人失望了。 ► let-down n [C, usually sing.] [U] sth that is not as good as you thought or hoped it would be 令人失望的事物:The book was great but the ending was a bit of a let-down. 这本书很不错, 可是结尾有些不尽人意。 let sb/sth down; let yourself down to make sb/sth/yourself less successful or impressive than they/it/you should be 使略 逊一筹;使美中不足:Her pronunciation lets her down. 她美中不足的是发音不大好。◊ His clothes let him down. 他穿着不够得体。◊ If you don't work hard for these exams, you'll only be letting yourself down. 你要是不努力准备这些考 试,成绩就会不理想。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n let sth down 1 to make sth go lower 放 下;放低;降下: We let the bucket down on a rope.我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。SYN lower sth (more formal) 2 to make sth longer, especially an item of clothing 把 (衣服) 放长:I'm going to let the hem down a couple of centimeters. 我 要把褶边放出几厘米。OPP take sth up 3 (BrE) to allow the air to come out of sth, such as a tyre 给( 轮胎等) 放气:The tyres on his car had been let down during the night. 晚上他的车胎被 人放了气。[OBJ] tyre SYN deflate sth (formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM let your 'hair down (informal) to relax and enjoy yourself, often in a lively way (快 活地) 放松, 轻松一下: I saw my parents letting their hair down on the dance floor. 我看见我爸 妈在舞池快乐地跳着舞。 let sb/sth in; let yourself in; let sb/ sth/yourself 'into sth to allow sb/sth/ yourself to enter a room or a building 让...进 来: Let me in! It's cold out here. 让我进去! 外面 很冷。 ◊ The guard refuses to let anyone in without a security pass. 没有安全通行证,门卫 就不让进。◊ She let herself into the flat. 她进了 公寓。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep let sth in to allow sth such as water or light to enter a place through a hole 让 (水、光 等) 进来:There was a hole in the roof that let the rain in. 屋顶有个洞漏雨。 ◊ I drew the curtains back to let in some light. 我拉开窗帘透 透光。 [OBJ] light rain, water NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► inlet n 1 a narrow strip of water which goes from the sea or a lake into the land (海或湖伸向陆地的) 小湾,水湾:a narrow/ sheltered inlet 狭窄的 / 隐蔽的港湾 2 the part of a machine through which air, gas or fuel enters (气体或燃料进入机器的) 入口,进口: a fuel/power inlet 燃料入口 /充电插口 let sb/yourself in for sth (informal) to allow yourself to become involved in sth dif- ficult or unpleasant (使) 卷入,牵涉到…中:听 I'd known what I was letting myself in for. I'd never have agreed to help. 如果我知道会卷进什 么事, 我绝对不会同意帮忙的。◊ What have you let me in for? 你给我招惹了什么麻烦? NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动语 态。Often used in questions with what. 常用 于带 what 的疑问句。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep let sb in on sth (BrE also Jet sb into sth) (informal) to allow sb to share a secret 向某人 透露 (秘密):Are you going to let them in on your plans? 你是不是打算让他们知道你的计划 呀?◊ I wanted to let Chris in on the secret. 我 原打算告诉克里斯这个秘密的。 ◊ I'll let you into a little secret. 我要告诉你一个小秘密。 [OBJ] secret, plans ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep be let into sth (BrE) to be put into the sur- face of sth 使置入;使嵌进:A large window was let: into the wall. 墙上开了个大窗户。 ♦ be + v + prep let off (BrE, informal) to let air from the body come out through your bottom 放屁 SYN break wind (more formal); fart (slang) ♦ v + adv let sb off (with sth) to punish sb lightly for sth wrong they have done; to not punish sb at all (以轻罚) 从宽处理;放过;免罚:She was let off with a fine. 她只交了罚款就完事。◊ I'll let you off this time, but don't do it again. 这次 我放过你,但是不要再干这事了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv let sb off; let sb off sth 1 to allow sb not to do sth or not to go somewhere 让某人 免于做某事:You really ought to help with the shopping, but I suppose I could let you off. 你真 的应该帮着买东西,但我想我可以饶过你。 ◊ Mum let me off the household chores during exams. 考试期间妈妈免了我的家务活儿。 2 to allow sb to get out of a vehicle, especially a bus 让某人下车 (尤指公共汽车):Can you let me off here? 让我在这儿下车好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM let sb off the 'hook to free sb from a dif- ficult or unpleasant task or situation 让某人免 做苦差;让某人摆脱窘境:He wasn't going to let the senator off the hook easily; he kept asking difficult questions. 他不打算轻易放过那个参议 员,不断抛出难缠的问题。 let sth off to fire a gun; to make sth explode 开(枪);起爆(炸弹);燃放(烟花):The boys were letting off fireworks. 那些男孩在放花 炮。 ◊ He let off a warning shot. 他开枪示警。 [OBJ] firework, shot ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM let off steam (AmE also .blow off 'steam) to get rid of your energy, emotions, etc. by shouting or doing sth active 释放精力;宣泄情 感:He let off steam by hitting a pillow. 他捶打 枕头出气。 ◊ (AmE) I decided to go for a jog to blow off some steam. 我决定去慢跑,释放一点 精力。 let on (to sb) (informal) to tell sb sth that is supposed to be a secret 透露 (给某人):She doesn't know I've bought her a watch, so don't let on, will you? 她不知道我给她买了块手表, 所以请保密, 行吗? ◊ The children knew he was coming, but they didn't let on to anyone. 孩子 们知道他要来,但他们对谁也没说。◊ There were holes in. Jack's shoes, but Kate didn't let on (that) she'd noticed. 杰克的鞋子破了几个洞,但 凯特假装没看见。 ♦ v + adv let out (AmE) when schools, classes, offices, etc. let out, they come to an end and stu- dents, workers, etc. go home at the end of a day or a term 放学;放假;下班:Classes let out in June. * 6 月不上课。 ◊ More than 30000 people are expected in the square after work lets out 预计有3万多人下班后来广场。 ♦ v + adv let sb out; let sb out of sth 1 to allow sb not to do sth they have promised or are expected to do; to free sb from a difficult situ- ation 让某人免于做某事;让某人摆脱窘境:I've got school tomorrow, so that lets me out (of helping). 我明天上学,所以我不用帮忙了。2 to allow sb to leave a hospital, prison, etc., espe- cially for a short time or earlier than expected (尤指暂时或提前) 让某人出院 (或出狱等): The doctors might let me out tomorrow. 医生可 能让我明天出院。◊ I was amazed they let her out of hospital so soon. 他们这么早就让她出院 了,我很惊讶。 ◊ He was let out on parole last week. 他上周获假释出狱。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► let-out n [sing.] (especially BrE) something that allows you to avoid an unpleasant or dif- ficult situation 让人摆脱窘境的事物:a let-out clause (= in a contract) 合同的保留条款。◊ ‘I think it's too hot to go jogging today,’ I said, looking for a let-out. “我觉得今天太热了,不 适合慢跑。” 我找借口说。 let sb/sth out; .let sb/sth out of sth; let yourself out; let yourself out of sth to allow sb/sth/yourself to go out of a room or a building 让… (从房间或建筑物) 出 去:Shall I let the dog out? 我可以放狗出去吗? ◊ Can you let yourself out? 你可以出去吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep IDM let the cat out of the bag to tell a secret carelessly or by mistake 无意中泄露秘密:I was trying to keep my promotion quiet, but Steve went and let the cat out of the bag. 我尽量不说 我晋升的事儿,可史蒂夫过去说漏了嘴。 let sth out 1 to give a cry; to make a sound 发出 (叫声等):She let out a scream of terror, 她发出一声恐怖的尖叫。 ◊ He let out a sigh of relief. 他松了口气。[OBJ] cry, sigh, scream OPP hold sth in 2 to allow secret information to become known 透露,泄露 (秘密):He's the only person who could have let the secret out. 他 是唯一可能泄密的人。◊ The company let out: that they were putting in a bid for KFC. 该公司 放出风声说要提出收购肯德基。[OBJ] secret SYN reveal sth (more formal) 3 (to sb) (BrE) to make a house, etc. available for rent 出租 (房 屋等)(给某人):The apartment's been let out to a couple. 那套公寓租给了一对夫妇。[OBJ] flat/apartment, house SNY hire sth out (to sb); rent sth out (to sb) 4 to make an item of cloth- ing looser or larger (把衣服等) 放松,放宽, 放大:I've eaten so much I’ll have to let my belt out! 我吃得太多,只好松一松皮带了![OBJ] skirt, trousers OPP take sth in 5 (also Jet sth 'out of sth) to allow air, liquid, etc. to escape 让 (气 体、液体等) (从…) 透出去: We need to let the air out of the radiator. 我们得给散热器放放气。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv 5 also v + n/pron + adv + prep ► outlet n 1 (for sth) a way of expressing or using energy, strong feelings, ideas, etc.(用 以表达或宣泄精力、强烈感情、思想等的)途 径,出口: Children need an outlet for all their energy. 儿童需要有机会消耗一下精力。 2 a shop/store or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or of a particu- lar type 专营店;经销店:a retail/fast food outlet 零售店 / 快餐店 3 (especially AmE) a shop/store that sells goods of a particular make/makes at reduced prices 廉价经销店: designer outlets 设计师品牌产品折扣店 4 a pipe or hole through which water, steam, etc. can flow out (水、蒸汽等的)排放管,出口 5 (AmE) a device in a wall that you use to connect a piece of electrical equipment to a power supply (墙壁上的)电源插座:an electrical outlet: 电源插座 6 the end of a river where it flows into a lake or the sea 河口; (河流的)入湖口,入海口 let sb/sth past to allow sb/sth to go past you 给…让路:Can. you let me past, please? 请 让我过去好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv let sb/sth through 1 to allow sb/sth to pass or go through sth that is blocking the way给…让路;让…通过:The crowd moved aside to let the ambulance through. 人群退到一 边,让救护车通过。◊ Let me through—I'm a doctor, 让我过一下 -- 我是医生。 ◊ These blinds don't let much light through. 这些窗帘不 怎么透光。2 (especially BrE) to say that sb/sth is good enough for sth or is correct 通过;许 可;批准:We were worried the council wouldn't let the plans for the new building through. 我们 担心理事会不会通过兴建新楼房的计划。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) let up (informal) 1 to become less strong 减 弱;减轻:The rain showed no sign of letting up. 雨没有减小的迹象。2 to do sth with less effort or energy than before, or stop doing it 松懈;停止:We mustn't let up, even though we're winning. 我们一定不能松劲儿,尽管现在 还领先。 ◊ Doesn't she ever let up? She's been complaining all day. 她就不能消停一会儿吗? 她抱怨一整天了。 ♦ v + adv ► let-up (in sth) n [U, sing.] a reduction in the strength of something; a period of time when sth unpleasant stops 减弱;(令人不快 事情的)停歇期:There can be no let-up in the war against drugs. 禁毒斗争不能放松。 ◊ The rain continued all afternoon with no let-up. 雨 下了整整一下午,没有停过。 level /ˈlevl/ (-ll-, AmE -l-) level sth at sb/sth 1 (also .level sth against sb/sth) to say publicly that sb is to blame for sth, especially a mistake or a crime (对…)公开批评,公开指责:The charges levelled against him are unjust. 对他的公开指 责是不公平的。◊ Environmental groups have levelled a number of criticisms at the proposal. 环保团体对议案提出了种种批评。 ◊ Accusations of incompetence have been, levelled at the principal. 多人指责校长不称职。[OBJ] criticism, accusation, charge NOTE Usually used in the passive.通常用于被动语态。2 to point sth, especially a gun, at sb (尤指用枪)瞄准,对准: She levelled the pistol at his head. 她用手枪指着 他的脑袋。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep level sth down/'up to make standards, amounts, etc. be the same low/high or lower/ higher level 使(标准、数量等)降低(或提 高)到同等水平;把...向下(或向上)拉平: The government is accused of levelling down standards in schools rather than levelling them up. 政府受到指责,称其全面降低而非提高各学 校的标准。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv level off/out 1 to become level or steady after a period of sharp rises and falls (急剧涨 落后)平稳下来:House prices showed no sign of levelling off. 住房价格没有趋稳的迹象。2 to become level or horizontal after rising or falling (起伏后)变水平,变平坦:The road began to level off as we approached the coast. 我们接近海岸时,路面开始变得平坦起来。◊ The plane levelled off at 20000 feet. 飞机升至 2 万 英尺高空后改为平飞。 ♦ v + adv level sth 'off/1 out to make sth smooth or flat 使平坦;使平整:Level the ground out before sowing the seed, 把地平整好再播种。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n level sth up t level sth down/up level with sb (informal) to speak or deal with sb in an honest and direct way (对某 人)坦白,说实话:I'm going to level with you now— our work hasn't been up to standard for some time. 我跟你实话实说吧——你的工作最 近一段时间没有达到要求。◊ I've got the feeling that he's not levelling with me. 我感觉他对我不 够坦率。 ♦ v + prep lick /lɪk/ lick sth off/up; lick sth off sth to eat or drink sth by moving your tongue over the surface of it 舔吃;舔着喝:She licked the jam off (the spoon). 她舔掉了(勺子上的)果酱。◊ The cat licked up the milk from the dish. 猫舔 光了碟子里的牛奶。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep lie /laɪ/ (lies, lying, lay /leɪ/, lain /leɪn/) lie a bout, etc. (BrE) -> lie AROUND, ETC. lie a head; lie a head of sb to be in the future; to be in front of sb 在将来;在某人面前: Great opportunities lie ahead. 今后机会很多。◊ Who knows what problems might lie ahead of us? 谁知道我们可能遇到什么问题呢? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep lie a round; (lie a round sth (BrE) also lie about, .lie about sth) 1 (of a person 人)to spend time being lazy and not doing anything in particular 懒散度日;游手好闲:She's been lying around the house all day doing nothing. 她在家无所事事. 呆了一整天。SYN laze around, laze around sth; lounge about/ around, lounge about/around sth 2 (of a number of things 许多东西)to be left some- where in a careless or untidy way 乱放;乱搁: His clothes lay around all over the floor. 他的衣 服扔了一地。 ◊ 'Have you seen my purse?' 'It was lying about in the kitchen when I last saw it.' “你看见我的皮夹了吗?" “我上次在厨房 里看到过。” ◊ You shouldn't leave valuables lying around the changing rooms. 你不应该把 贵重物品随便放在更衣室。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ► layabout n (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) a lazy person who does very little work 游手好 闲的人;懒汉;二流子 lie back (in/on sth) to rest, relax and do very little 休息;放松;休闲: Just lie back and enjoy the peace and quiet. 放松下来,享受这种宁静。 ◊ She lay back on the pillows and closed her eyes. 她安闲地躺在枕头上,合上了眼睛。 ♦ v + adv lie be fore sb (literary) 1 to be in front of sb 出现在某人面前:A terrible sight lay before them. 可怕的情景出现在他们面前。2 to be in the future 在将来:Your whole life lies before you. 你的人生还长着呢。 ♦ v + prep lie behind sth to be the real explanation or reason for sth 是…的真实原因 (或理由):She understood the feelings that lay behind his angry words. 她明白他愤怒言辞背后的真实感 受 。 ◊ We will probably never know what lay behind his decision to resign. 我们可能永远不会 知道他辞职的真正原因。 ♦ v + prep lie down to be or move into a horizontal position on a bed, etc. in order to sleep or rest 躺下;平卧:Go and lie down for a while. 去躺 一会儿吧。◊ He lay down on the sofa and went to sleep. 他躺在沙发上睡着了。◊ The coughing is worse when he's lying down. 他躺着时咳嗽得 愈发厉害。◊ She was lying down on the bed. 她 躺在床上。 NOTE Do not confuse this sense of lie down with lay sth down, which must always have an object 不要将 lie down 的这个含义和 lay sth down 混淆,后者必须接宾语:I'm going to lie down for a while 我要躺一会儿 (not I'm going to lay down for a while). ◊ They were told to lay their guns down 他们被命令把枪放下 (not They were told to lie their guns down). ♦ v + adv IDM lie down on the job to not do sth that you are responsible for doing or expected to do 玩忽职守;偷懒;磨洋工;工作不出力: Some one at City Hall is obviously lying down on the job, or this would be done by now. 市政 厅显然有人工作偷懒,否则这事现在早干完了。 take sth lying down to accept an insult, a criticism, a violent attack, etc. without protest- ing or reacting to it 甘受,容忍 (屈辱、批评、 严厉攻击等):He has been accused of bribery, but he won't take this lying down. 有人指责他 受贿,但他不肯忍气吞声甘受指摘。 ► lie- down n [sing.] (8「E, informal) a short rest, especially in bed (尤指在床上的) 小睡, 小憩:to have a lie-down 躺一会儿 lie in (BrE, informal) to stay in bed after the time you usually get up 睡懒觉;起得晚:It's Saturday tomorrow, so you can lie in. 明天是星 期六,你可以睡懒觉了。 SYN sleep in ♦ v + adv ► lie- in n [sing.] (BrE, informal) an act of staying in bed longer than usual in the morn- ing 睡懒觉;晚起:t。have a lie-in 睡个懒觉 lie up (BrE) to hide somewhere 躲藏;藏匿: The fugitives lay up in the caves until it got dark. 逃亡者在洞里一直躲到天黑。 ♦ v + adv lie with sb/sth (to do sth) (forma!) to be the duty or responsibility of sb/sth 是...的职责; 是...的责任:It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal. 接受还是拒绝这一建议由你决定。 ◊ The decision on whether to proceed lies with the minister. 得由部长决定是否继续进行。 SYN rest with sb ♦ v + prep lift /lɪft/ lift 'off (of a rocket, etc.) to rise from the ground into the air (火箭等) 发射,起飞,升 空:The rocket lifts off next Monday. 火箭下星期 一发射。 ♦ v + adv ► lift-off n [C, U] the moment when sth lifts off (火箭等的) 发射,起飞,升空:We have lift-off! 我们发射成功! lift sb/sth up; .lift yourself up to raise sb/sth/yourself to a higher position or level 举 起;提盒;吊起;抬高:I can't lift you up— you're too heavy! 我抱不动你--你太重了! ◊ She lifted herself up on one elbow. 她用一只 胳膊肘支撑起身体。◊ She lifted up the box and put: it on the table. 她把盒子搬起来放到桌 子上。 NOTE Lift sb/sth/yourself can also be used on its own with this meaning. * lift sb / sth / your- self 也可单独使用作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n light /laɪt/ (lit, lit /lɪt/) light on/upon sb/sth (literary) 1 to sud- denly see sb/sth 突然看到:Her gaze lighted on her daughter. 她的目光落在了女儿身上。SYN alight on/upon sb/sth 2 to suddenly find sb/ sth or think of sb/sth 突然发现;忽然想到: The research team has lit upon important new material. 研究团队突然找到了重要的新资料。 SYN hit on sth NOTE Lighted is also used for the past tense and past participle. 过去式和过去分词也 用 lighted。 ♦ v + prep light 'out for sth (AmE) to go somewhere quickly because you are keen to get there 匆 匆前往; 急切前往:At 22 he lit out for Holly- wood and was in his first movie the next year. 他22岁时迫不及待前往好莱坞发展,第二年出演 了第一部电影。 ♦ v + adv + prep light up; light sth up 1 to become or to make sth bright with light or colour (使) 发 亮,放光彩:Flashes of lightning lit up the sky. 闪电照亮了天空。 ◊ The waterfall was lit up at night with pink and green floodlights. 夜间的粉 色和绿色泛光灯把瀑布映照得光彩夺目。2 (of a computer system, etc. 计算机系统等) to start working; to make sth start working (使) 开 始工作,启动:She switched the monitor on and the screen lit up. 她打开显示屏,屏幕亮了起 来。◊ I lit up the spreadsheet application on my PC. 我打开了电脑上的电子制表软件。 ◊ They expect to start lighting up the network by early 2011. 他们期待2011年年初开始运作这一网络。 3 if a person's eyes or face light up, or sth lights them up, they become bright with excitement or happiness 喜形于色;喜气洋洋: Her eyes lit up when she saw them. 她看见他们 时两眼放光。◊ A smile of delight lit up his face. 他脸上露出欣喜的笑容。◊ His face lit up with pleasure. 他面露喜色。 4 (informal) to begin to smoke a cigarette, etc. 点燃, 开始吸 (香烟 等):She took out a cigarette and lit up. 她掏 出—支香烟点上。 ◊ He lit up one cigarette after another. 他一根接一根地抽着烟。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) light sb 'up (AmE) 1 to hit or kick sb repeat- edly (反复地) 打,踢:If he doesn't watch what he says, someone's going to light him up. 他要是满嘴胡扯,会有人揍他的。2 to defeat your opponent easily in a game or competi- tion 轻松击败:The White Sox lit up the Cubs last night at Wrigley Field. 昨晚在里格利运动 场,白袜队轻松击溃小熊队。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv light upon sb/sth -> LIGHT ON/UPON SB/STH SYNONYMS同义词辨析 lift sb/sth up hoist sb/sth up ♦ lift sb/sth up ♦ pick sb/sth up ♦ scoop sb/sth up These verbs all mean to take hold of sb/sth and raise, move or pull it/them. 这些动词都表 示举起、提起、吊起。 hoist sb/sth up to raise or pull sth up to a higher position, often with difficulty or using ropes or special equipment (用绳索、特殊 装置等费劲地) 升起,提起: He hoisted himself upon to a high stool. 他吃力地坐到高 凳子上。NOTE Hoist can be used on its own * hoist 可单独使用:The cargo was hoisted aboard by crane. 货物被起重机吊装到船上。 lift sb/sth up to take hold of sb/sth and move them/it to a different position 举起,提起, 吊起 (至别处):Can you lift up the computer so I can clean underneath? 你抬一抬计算机好 吗?我好把下面擦干净。NOTE Lift can be used on its own * lift 可单独使用:I lifted the lid of the box and looked in. 我掀开盒子盖, 朝里面看了一眼。 pick sb/sth up to take hold of sb/sth and lift them/it up 拿起;提起;举起: She went over to the crying child and picked her up. 她走到 哭泣的小孩跟前,把她抱了起来。 ◊ He picked up the phone and dialled the number. 他拿起 电话,拨了号码。 scoop sb/sth up to move or lift sth with a spoon or similar object; to pick sb up in your arms (用勺子或类似器皿) 舀出,挖出 (某 物);抱起 (某人): He scooped the child up in his arms. 他把孩子抱了 起来。NOTE Scoop can be used on its own * scoop 可单独使用: She scooped ice cream into the bowls. 她把冰 激凌舀到碗里。 WHICH WORD? Pick up is usually used to talk about things and people that are not very heavy; when you use lift up or hoist up you are suggesting that the person or thing is quite heavy. Lift is also used to talk about moving heavy people or things in different directions to lift sth up/down/into sth/from sth . Pick up, on the other hand, can only be used to talk about raising a person or thing to a higher position. * pick up 通常用于 表示移动不很重的人或物;lift up 或 hoist up 含 有人或物相当重之意。lift 还可表示向其他方向 移动很重的人或物:to lift sth up / down / into sth / from sth。 但是,pick up 只用于表示把人或物 往上移。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to pick up/lift (up)/hoist (up)/scoop (up) sb/sth sharply/smoothly/carefully/gently ■ to try to/manage to/be able to pick up/lift (up)/hoist (up)/scoop (up) sb/sth ■ to pick up/lift (up)/hoist (up)/scoop (up) a bag/suitcase/child/body ■ to pick up/lift the phone/telephone/receiver lighten /ˈlaɪtn/ lighten up used to tell sb to be less serious or to complain or worry less about sth (用于 劝告) 别那么严肃,别埋怨,别担心:Come on, lighten up! It was only a joke. 喂,别紧张!这 只不过是开玩笑。 ♦ v + adv lighten sth up (informal) to make sth more cheerful and less serious or depressing 使生动 活泼:He did his best to lighten things up. 他竭 尽全力使气氛活跃起来。◊ She tried to lighten up her speech with a few jokes. 她说了几个笑 话,尽量让讲话轻松愉快一些。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n liken /ˈlaɪkən/ liken sb/sth to sb/sth (formal) to compare sb/sth to sb/sth else and say that they are similar 把…比作:He has been likened to a young George Best. 有人把他比作年轻的乔治.贝 斯特。◊ She likened the building to a ship. 她把 这栋建筑比作一条船。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦v + n/pron + prep limber /ˈlɪmbə(r)/ limber up (for sth) to do exercise to prepare to take part in a sport, a race, etc.; to warm up (体育运动、比赛等前) 做准备活动,做热 身运动:The players were limbering up for the game. 运动员正在为比赛做预备活动。◊ (figura- tive) The candidates are already limbering up for the election campaign. 各候选人已经在为竞 选活动热身了。 SYN warm up ♦ v + adv limit /ˈlɪmɪt/ limit sth to sb/sth to make sth exist or happen only in a particular place or within a particular group 使限于...内:Violent crime is not limited to big cities. 暴力犯罪并不局限于大 城市。◊ The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. 教历史不应局限于 讲年代和人物。 SYN confine sth to sb/sth NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep line /laɪn/ line out (BrE, sport) to go onto the sports field at the beginning of a game, etc. (比赛等 前) 走进场地,入场:Nobody will line out tomorrow unless they're fully fit. 除非状态极 佳,否则明天无人出场。 ♦ v + adv line up 1 (for sth/to do sth) if people line up, they form a line, standing one behind the other or beside each other 排成一行,排成 一列,站队,排队 (等候做某事):A group of people were lining up for tickets. 一群人正在排 队买票。◊ They lined up to shake the Presidents hand. 他们站成一排,逐一和总统握手。◊ The runners lined up at the starting line. 赛跑运动 员在起跑线上站成一排。 -> see also QUEUE UP (FOR STH/TO DO STH) 2 (against sth) (behind sb/sth) to join with sb in order to do sth 与某 人联合起来 (反对或支持…):Several news- papers lined up to demand his resignation. 几家 报纸联合起来要求他辞职。◊ Local groups are lining up against the new development (= join- ing together to oppose it). 当地团体结成联盟 反对新的开发项目。 ◊ All the residents have lined up behind the caretaker (= they support him). 全体居民一致支持看门人。 ♦ v + adv ► line up n [usually sing.] a row of people that is formed so that sb who saw a crime can try to recognize the person who did it (让目 击者识别罪犯的) 一行人,一排人;辨认行列: She picked him out of a line-up (= she recog- nized him as the person who committed ±e crime). 她从一排嫌疑人当中把他指认了出来。 line up; line sth up to be, or to put sth, in the correct position in relation to sth else (使与相关的其他东西) 排齐,对齐:The three holes should all line up (with each other). 这三 个孔应该全对齐。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n line sb/sth up 1 to arrange people or things in a line or a row 使排成一行 (或一列): She lined the children up for the photograph. 她 让孩子们站成一排照相。 ◊ His CDs were lined up on the shelf. 他的 CD 排列在架子上。 2 (for sb/sth) to organize an event or an activity; to arrange for sb to do sth at an event, a com- petition, etc. 组织,安排 (活动);安排某人 (参与活动等):He's lined up a band for the party. 他为聚会安排了一支乐队。◊ We've lined up a few things for the weekend. 我们为这个周 末安排了几件事。 ◊ They already had a buyer for their car lined up. 他们已经为他们的车子找 了个买主。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ► line up n [usually sing.] 1 a group of people who have been chosen or invited to take part in an event 人员配备;阵容:an impressive line-up of performers 强大的演员阵容 ◊ The line-up for tonight's game is still not known. 今晚的比赛阵容尚不清楚。 2 a set of events, people or things 一系列事件;一批人 (或事物):Several new dramas are included in the line-up of programmes for next year. 明年 的节目安排中包括几出新戏。 linger/ˈlɪŋɡə(r)/ linger on 1 to remain for a long time 长期留 存:The memory of that day lingers on in the minds of local people. 当地人对那一天久久不能 忘怀。◊ The smell lingered on for days after. 那 种气味连续多日不散。 2 to remain alive, but becoming gradually weaker 奄奄一息;苟延残 喘:We should be thankful that she didn't linger on. 她没有拖延很久就去世了,我们应该感到宽 慰。NOTE Linger is used more frequently on its own with the same meanings. * linger 单独 使用作此义更常见。 ♦ v + adv link/lɪŋk/ link up 1 (with sb) to join with sb in order to do sth together (有某人) 合作,联手:We are trying to link up with other charities working in the area. 我们试图和在该地区开展工作的其他 慈善机构进行合作。2 (with sth) to make a connection with sth (与某物) 连接,接合: The two spacecraft will link up in orbit. 两个航 天器将在轨道上对接。 ♦ v + adv link sb/sth up (to sth) to connect sb/sth with sb/sth else 使连接 (到…):The alarm is linked up to the police station. 这个防盗器与警 局连接。◊ The new network links us up to organizations around the country. 新网络把我 们和国内各机构连接起来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► link-up n a connection between two systems, organizations or machines (两个系 统、机构或机器的) 连接,接合:They did a live satellite link-up with the show. 他们通过卫星实 况转播了演出。 liquor/ˈlɪkə(r)/ be/get .liquored 'up (AmE, informal) to be/get drunk 喝醉酒:We got liquored up on Saturday night. 星期六晚上我们喝醉了。 ♦ be/get + v + adv listen /ˈlɪs(ə)n/ listen for sb/sth; listen out for sb/sth to listen carefully to see if you can hear sb/sth 留心听;留神听:She lay awake, listening out for the sound of the key in the lock. 她躺着 没睡,留意是否有钥匙开锁的声音。◊ Will you listen for the phone while fm in the bath? 我洗 澡时你留意听电话好吗? ◊ Farmers should listen out for flood warnings this weekend. 本周末农 民应留意洪水警报。 [OBJ] sound, knock, doorbell ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + adv + prep listen in 1 (on/to sth) to listen to sth or sb secretly 窃听;偷听;监听:Have you been listening in on my phone calls? 你是不是一直在 偷听我的电话? ◊ They were sure that the police were listening in to their conversations. 他们肯 定警方在监听他们的谈话。2 (to sth) to listen to a radio programme, etc. 收听 (广播节目 等):Listen in on Friday for our interview with Britney. 请于星期五收听我们对布兰妮的访谈。 ♦ v + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 listen in (on sth) bug sth ♦ eavesdrop (on sb/sth) ♦ listen in (on sth) ♦ overhear sb/sth ♦ tap sth These verbs all mean to listen to a conversation in which you are not involved. 这 些动词都表示偷听、窃听、监听。 bug sth to put a special electronic listening device (= a bug) somewhere in order to listen secretly to sb's private conversations (在某处) 装窃听器: They bugged her hotel room. 他们在她的宾馆房间装了窃听器。 eavesdrop (on sb/sth) to listen secretly to what other people are saying; to listen secretly to electronic communications in order to collect information 偷听 (他人谈 话);窃听 (电子通讯): We caught him eavesdropping outside the window. 我们发现 他在窗外偷听。◊ Hackers eavesdropped on phone networks to steal data. 黑客窃听电话网 络以盗取数据。 listen in (on sth) to listen to a conversation that you are not supposed to hear, especially by means of electronics (尤指通过电子手 段) 窃听,监听: You shouldn't listen in on other people's conversations. 你不该偷听他人 的交谈。◊ They did not know that the police were secretly listening in. 他们不知道警方正在 暗中监听他们。 overhear sb/sth to hear, especially by accident, a conversation in which you are not involved 偶然听见;碰巧听到:We talked quietly so as not to be overheard. 我们轻声交 谈, 以免被人听见。◊ I overheard a conversation between two boys on the bus, 在 公共汽车上,我无意中听到两个男孩的谈话。 tap sth to fit a device to a telephone or telephone line so that sb's calls can be listened to secretly 窃听,盗听 (电话) was convinced his phone was being tapped. 他 确信他的电话被窃听了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to overhear/eavesdrop on/bug/listen in on a conversation ■ to eavesdrop on communications ■ to tap/bug sb's telephone listen out, etc. -> LISTEN FOR SB/STH, ETC. listen to sb/sth 1 to pay attention to sb/sth that you can hear 聆听;倾听:I enjoy listening to music. 我爱听音乐。 ◊ Listen carefully to what I have to say. 注意听我要说的。2 to take notice of what sb says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them 听从; 听信: If you had listened to me, none of this would have happened. 当初你要真听了我句话,就不会 发生这些事。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 listen to sb/sth catch sth ♦ hear sb/sth ♦ listen to sb/sth ♦ pay attention (to sb/sth) These verbs all mean to be aware of the sound made by sb/sth, or to understand the meaning of sb's words. 这些动词都表示听见或听懂。 catch sth to manage to hear or understand sth (设法)听清,听懂:Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. 对不起,你刚才说的话, 我没太听明白。◊ Did you catch that programme on the radio? 那个广播节目你听 到了吗? hear sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses) to be aware of sounds with your ears 听见; 听到:Can you hear me? 你听得见我吗? ◊ She heard footsteps behind her. 她听到了身后的脚 步声。 listen to sb/sth to give your attention to the sound produced by sb/sth; to take notice of what sb says to you so that you follow their advice or believe them 聆听;倾听;听从; 听信:He enjoys listening to music 他爱听音 乐。◊ None of this would have happened if you'd listened to me. 当初你要是听了我的话, 就不会有这些事。 pay attention (to sb/sth) to listen to sb/sth carefully 注意听 仔细听;留神听: Can you all pay attention please? 请你们都专心听好 吗? ◊ Don't pay any attention to what they say. 别理睬他们说的话。 WHICH WORD? Hear usually describes what happens when a sound comes to your ears, whether you are giving the sound your attention or not. Listen means that you are deliberately trying to hear a sound. Catch is used especially in negative sentences to say that sb did not hear or understand sth. * hear 通常指听见,无论是否 专心在听。listen 指有意去听。catch 尤用于否定 句,表示没听见或未听懂。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to hear/listen to/catch a radio programme ■ to hear/listen to music ■ to hear/listen to/pay attention to a conversation/advice/a warning ■ to hear/listen to/pay attention to sb's words/what sb says listen up (especially AmE) used to tell sb to pay attention to what you are going to say (用于提醒对方注意听)听着,听好了: Listen up, everyone — his is important! 大家注意 听——这很重要! ♦ v + adv live /lɪv/ live by sth to follow a particular belief or set of principles 遵循,遵守(信念、原则等): Some people live by the rule 'anything for the sake of peace". 有些人的信念是 "一切为了和 平"。 ◊ Women working in a man's world have to live by men's rules. 在男性圈子里工作的女性 不得不遵守男性的规则。 [OBJ] principles, standards, rules ♦ v + prep IDM live by your 'wits to earn money or sur- vive by clever and sometimes dishonest means 靠聪明赚钱(或维生);靠耍花招捞钱(或维 生): He had no job and was living by his wits. 当时他没有工作,靠耍小聪明过活。 live by sth; live by doing sth to earn the money that you need by using or doing a particular thing 靠...赚钱维生:people who live by the land (= for example, farmers)靠土地过 活的人们。 She lived by giving private lessons. 她 靠做家庭教师为生。 ♦ v + prep live sth down to make people forget sth very embarrassing or bad that you have done in the past 让人遗忘(自己过去的尴尬事或坏 事):I can't believe I fell in the river~~I'll never be able to live it down. 我不敢相信我掉到河里 去了 —— 我永远无法让人忘记这事的。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n live for sb/sth to consider sb/sth as the main purpose of or the most important person or thing in your life 为...而活:She lives for her work. 她活着是为了工作。◊ What have I got to live for now? 如今我活着是为了什么? ♦ v + prep live in to live at the place where you work or study 住在工作(或学习)的地方:They have a nanny living in. 他们有个保姆住在家里。◊ (BrE) Most students live in during their first year. 大 多数学生第一学年住校。 OPP live out ♦ v + adv ► live-in adj [only before noun] 1 (of an employee 雇员)living in the house where they work 住在工作场所的:a live-in housekeeper/ position 住在雇主家的管家 / 工作 2 (of a boy- friend, girlfriend, etc. 男友、女友等)living in the same house as their sexual partner 同居的: a live-in lover/boyfriend 同居恋人 / 男友 live off sb/sth (disapproving) to get the money or the things you need from sb/sth 倚 靠...过活;依赖...生活:You can't live off your parents forever! 你不能-辈子靠父母养! ◊ He had to live off his savings. 他只得靠积蓄过活。 ♦ v + prep live off sth to eat one type of food very frequently or all the time 常吃;以…为主食: When I was a student I lived off bread and cheese. 我当学生时主要吃面包加奶酪。 -> see also LIVE ON STH 2 ♦ v + prep IDM live off the land to eat food that you can grow, kill or find yourself 依靠种地(或养殖、 打猎等)过日子;靠土地吃饭;自食其力:The army was forced to live off the land. 军队被迫自 给自足。 ◊ It's q farming area and most of the people still live off the land. 那是个农业地区, 多数人依然靠土地吃饭。live off the fat of the land (disapproving) to have enough money to be able to buy expensive food, drink, clothes, etc. 锦衣玉食;生活奢华:It was a time when landlords and merchants lived off the fat of the land. 那个时代,地主和商人穿金戴银, 生活 阔绰。 live on to continue to live or exist 继续活 着;继续存在:He may be dead but his music lives on. 他也许死了,但他的音乐永存。 ♦ v + adv live on sth 1 to have a particular amount of money with which to buy everything you need 靠(某笔钱)生活:How did you manage to live on a student grant? 你如向靠奖学金维持生活 的? ◊ They don't earn enough to live on. 他们 入不敷出。2 to eat a particular type of food very frequently or all the time 常吃;以...为主 食:She was living on fruit and raw vegetables. 她主要吃水果和生蔬菜。◊ birds that live on insects 靠捕食昆虫维持生存的鸟 -> see also LIVE OFF STH ♦ v + prep live 'out (BrE) to live away from the place where you work or study 住在工作(或学习) 以外的地方:I lived out during my final year at college. 我念大学的最后一年住在校外。 OPP live in ♦ v + adv live out sth 1 to do in reality sth that you think about, believe in, dream of, etc. 将(想 法)付诸行动;实践(信念);实现(梦想): on holiday in Texas I lived out my childhood fantasy of being a cowboy. 在得克萨斯度假时, 我实现了当牛仔的童年梦想。 [OBJ] fantasy, dream 2 to spend your life or the rest of your life in a particular way (以某种方式)生活, 度过余生:She lived out the rest of her life in poverty. 她的晚年在贫困中度过。◊ Maybe 111 live out my days in the peace of the mountains. 也许我会在宁静的山区安度晚年。[OBJ] life, days NOTE When the object of live out is a noun, it comes after out, but when the object is a pro- noun, it comes between live and out * live out 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 out 之后;但如果是 代词,应置于 live 和 out 之间:I always dreamt of crossing the desert, and now I've lived it out. 我总是梦想穿越沙漠,现在我梦想成真了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv live through sth to experience sth difficult or unpleasant and survive 从...中幸存下来;经 受住;熬过:He lived through both world wars. 他经历了两次世界大战。 ◊ It's something 1 never want to live through again. 那是我永远不想再 次经历的事情。 ♦ v + prep live together (.also 'live with sb) 1 to live in the same house, flat/apartment, etc.(与某 人)同住,在一处生活:There are six students living together in the house. 房子里有六个学生 合住。 ◊ I'm living in a flat with Meg. 我和梅格 合住一间公寓。 2 to share a home and have a sexual relationship, but without being married 未婚同居;姘居 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep live it up (informal) to have a very exciting and enjoyable time, usually spending a lot of money 狂欢作乐;挥霍享乐:I've heard that Tom's living it up in LA . 我听说汤姆在洛杉矶纵 情玩乐。 ♦ v + it + adv live up to sth to behave as well as or be as good or successful as people expect 达到,符 合,不辜负(他人的期望):The hotel failed to live up to expectations. 这家旅馆令人失望。◊ Mr Mean lived up to his name. 吝啬先生名副其 实。 ◊ I've got a lot to live up to. 大家对我寄予 厚望。 [OBJ] expectations, name, reputation -> note at MEASURE UP ♦ v + adv + prep live with sb -> LIVE TOGETHER live with sth; live with yourself to accept an unpleasant situation and continue with your life and work 忍受,容忍(令人不快 的状况): You might not like the situation, but you'll have to learn to live with it. 你可能 不喜欢这种情况,但你必须学会忍耐。 ◊ She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she hurt him. 如果她伤害了他,她是无法原谅自己的。 ♦ v + prep liven /ˈlaɪvn/ liven up; liven sb/sth up to become or to make sb/sth more lively, interesting or exciting (使)愉快起来,活泼起来,兴奋起来: She livened up when Alan asked her to dance. 艾 伦请她跳舞,她便来了精神。 ◊ Put some music on to liven things up. 放些音乐活跃一下气氛 吧。 ◊ A few pictures would liven up the room. 挂几张画会使房间更有生气。 SYN brighten up; brighten sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n load /ləʊd; AmE loʊd/ load sb/sth down (with sth) 1 to give sb/sth too many things to carry 给...以重负: She was loaded down with books. 她提了很多 书。2 to give sb/sth too much work or too many responsibilities 给...过多的工作; 给…委 以过重的责任:We've been loaded down with work recently. 我们最近工作繁忙。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n load up (with sth), Joad sth up (with sth) to put a lot of things in/on sth, especially a vehicle (把…)装上,装满(尤指车辆): Bring the car to the door and weTL help you load up. 把车开到门口, 我们帮你装车。 ◊ I loaded up the van with all my possessions. 我把我的东西全塞 进了小货车。 ◊ We've loaded up all the furniture and are just about ready to go. 我们把所有家具 都装上车,正准备出发。 NOTE Load and load sth are used more frequently on their own with this meaning. *load 和 load sth 单独使用作此义更常见。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv loaf /ləʊf; AmE loʊf/ loaf a round; loaf a1 round sth (BrE also ,loaf about, loaf about sth) (informal) to spend your time in a lazy way, doing very little 游手好闲;无所事事;(在某处)闲 荡:kids loafing about with nothing to do 东游 西荡的孩子们。 ◊ She just loafs around the streets all day. 她成天只是逛街。 SYN lie around, lie around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep loan /ləʊn; AmE loʊn/ loan sth/sb 'out (to sb) to lend sth/sb to sb, sometimes in return for money 把...借出(或 租出);把…借给(或租给):Several players have been loaned out to other teams. 有几名运 动员借调到其他队。◊ Sometimes we loan out these buses. 我们有时把这些公共汽车租出去。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv lock /lɒk; AmE lɑːk/ lock sb a way -> LOCK SB UP/AWAY lock sth a way -> LOCK STH UP 1 Jock yourself a way to shut yourself in a place away from other people so that you are not disturbed 把自己关起来(躲清静):He locked himself away (in his room) until he'd finished his work. 他把自己关在房间里,直到把 活儿干完。 SYN shut yourself away (from sb/sth) -> see also LOCK SB UP/AWAY ♦ v + pron + adv lock sth down (AmE) (of the police, etc.) to strictly control who goes in and out of a particular building, area, city, etc. during an emergency (警察等在紧急情况下)控制出入, 封锁(建筑物、地区、城市等):It would take more officers than we have to lock down the whole city. 要封锁整座城市,我们警力不足。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n a lockdown n [C, U] (AmE): The school was under lockdown for two hours after the shooting incident. 枪击事件后,学校被封闭了两 个小时。 lock sb/sth in; Jock yourself in to put sb/sth/yourself in a room or building and lock the door 把…锁在里面;把…关起来:The prisoners are locked in every night. 犯人每晚都 被锁在牢房里。◊ He rushed to his bedroom and locked himself in. 他冲进卧室,把自己反锁在 里面。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► lock-in n (BrE) an occasion when cus- tomers are locked into a bar or pub after it has closed so that they can continue drinking privately (就把打样后)留置顾客续饮 lock sth in to carry out measures to ensure that improvements in a system are permanent (采取措施以)确保(成果等):Formal treaties help lock in the benefits of arms control. 正式条 约有助于确保军备控制成果不至付诸东流。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv be 'locked in sth to be involved in a dif- ficult or unpleasant situation, especially an argument or a legal battle, that seems unlikely to end soon 陷入,卷入(困境或窘境,尤指旷 日持久的纷争或诉讼):The parents are locked in a bitter legal battle over the future of the twins. 父母为双胞胎的将来打起了激烈的官司。 ♦ be + v + prep lock 'in on sth -> LOCK ONTO STH be .locked into sth (also become/get locked into sth) to be in a particular situ- ation, or behave in a particular way, that you cannot change 无法摆脱(某一状况);积习难 改:The government is locked into a policy of reducing taxes. 政府难以从减税政策中抽身。◊ Older horses can get locked into bad habits. 老 马难以改掉过去养成的恶习。 ♦ be + v + prep lock 'onto sth (also lock 'in on sth) if a weapon that is sent through the air locks onto sth or is locked onto sth that it is aimed at, it finds it and follows it (武器)搜寻跟 踪,锁定(攻击目标):The missile can lock onto a target from a kilometer away. 导弹能锁 定一公里之外的目标. ◊ The missile was locked, onto the target. 导弹锁定了目标。 [SUBJ] missile [OBJ] target ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + adv + prep lock sb/sth out 1 (also .lock sb/sth out of sth) to prevent sb/sth from entering a place by locking a door 把...锁在门外:I arrived home to find the landlady had locked me out. 我回到家时发现我被房东太太锁在门外了。 2 to prevent workers from entering their place of work until they agree to the conditions given by the employer (在工人答应雇主的条件 前) 不准 (工人) 进入工作场所;封闭工厂: The management will lock out anyone who refuses to sign the new contract. 资方将不允许拒签新合 同的员工进入工作场所。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 1 also v + n/pron + adv + prep ► lockout n a situation when an employer refuses to let workers enter their place of work until they agree to particular conditions 停工,闭厂(指雇主在工人答应条件前不准其进 入工作场所): The strikers faced a lockout. 罢 工者面临停工的威胁。 lock yourself out; lock yourself out of sth to accidentally leave your keys inside a car, building, etc. when you go out, so that you are unable to get inside again 把自己锁 在外面:I've managed to lock myself out of my room three times! 我把自己锁起门外已经三 次了! ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + pron + adv + prep lock up to stop working correctly 停止正常 工作: My brakes had locked up. 我的刹车卡住 了。 ◊ The computer locks up when I try to load the program. 我一加载这个程序,计算机就 死机。 ♦ v + adv ► lock-up n: This computer game has a his- tory of technical problems, including lock-ups. 这款计算机游戏曾经出现过游戏突然卡死等技术 问题。 lock up; lock sth up to make a building safe by locking the doors and windows 锁好 (某处的)门窗: Make sure you lock up before you leave. 离开时别忘了锁好门窗。 ◊ She locked the shop up and went home. 她锁好商店的门窗 回家了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► lock-up n (BrE) a small shop/store that the owner does not live in; a place that the owner does not need and rents to sb else, for example to keep a car in (店主不住在店 内的)夜间上锁小商店;(供出租的)车库: a lock-up garage/shop 出租的车库/不住人的夜间 上锁小店 lock sb 'up/a'way (informal) to put sb in prison or in a guarded hospital 把某人关进监 狱, (或监管医院):People like that should be locked up! 那种人应该座牢!。They should lock her up and throw away the key. 他们应该把她 关起案,然后丢掉钥匙。 ◊ He was locked away for the rest of his life. 他银铛入狱,在牢里度过 了余生。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► lock-up n a small prison where prisoners are kept for a short time (短期关押犯人的) 监狱,拘留所 lock sth up 1 (also Jock sth away) to put sth valuable in a safe place and lock it 把(贵 重物品)收好并锁起来:Lock your valuables up in the safe. 把你的贵重物品锁在保险箱里。 ◊ She locked the money away in a cupboard. 她把钱锁在了橱柜里。 2 (in sth) to invest money in sth and not be able to turn it into cash to spend (投资后难以变现)套牢,搁 死,锁死:Huge sums of money are locked up in pension funds. 大笔大笔的钱都套牢在退休基金 上了。 [OBJ] capital, money SYN tie sth up NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。3 (also have sth .locked up) (espe- cially AmE) to be sure that you will win sth or achieve a goal you have been aiming for 赢 定;稳获;稳操胜券:The Senator knew he had the nomination locked up. 参议员知道提名已成 了他的囊中之物。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► lock-up n (finance) an agreement not to sell or exchange shares for a particular period of time 禁售(在特定时期内采可出售或交易股 票的协议):The shares will be subject to a lock-up for 180 days. 这些股票须禁售180天。 ► lock-up adj [only before noun] (finance): A lock-up agreement prevented the shares from being sold for six months. 禁售协议禁止六个月 内售出这些股票。 log /lɒɡ; AmE lɔːɡ,la:g/ (-gg-) log in/ on; log into/1 onto sth (com- puting) to perform the actions that allow you to begin using a computer system 登录,登 入,进入(计算机系统):I got an error message when I tried to log in/on. 我想登录时信息提示 登录有误。◊ The password allows the user to log onto the system. 用户输入密码可进入系统。 [OBJ] system, network, computer OPP log off/ out; log off/out of sth NOTE Log into/onto sth can be used in the pattern be logged into/onto sth * log into / onto sth 可用 be logged into / onto sth 的句型:I was logged onto the Internet. 我连上了互联网。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep log sb in/on to allow sb to begin using a computer system 使登入(计算机系统):The system is unable to log you on. 系统无法登入。 OPP log sb off/out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n log off/ out; log off/ out of sth (com- puting) to perform the actions that allow you to finish using a computer system 注销,登 出,退出(计算机系统):Try logging off and logging on again. 先注销再登录试试。 [OBJ] system, computer OPP log in/on; log into/onto sth NOTE Log off/out of sth can be used in the pattern be logged off/out of sth * log off / out of sth 可用 be logged off / out of sth 的句型:Wait until all the users are logged off. 等到所有用户 都退出为止。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep log sb off/out to cause sb to finish using a computer system 使退出(计算机系统):The system will automatically log you off after 30 minutes. * 30分钟后你将自动登出本系统。 OPP log sb in/on ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v 十 adv + n loll /lɒl/ loll around; loll a round sth (BrE also loll a*bout, loll a'bout sth) to sit, lie or stand in a relaxed way, doing very little 懒洋洋地 坐着(或躺着、站着);无所事事:There were several kids lolling around outside the club. 有 几个孩子在俱乐部外面闲荡。 ◊ Jim should get a job instead of lolling around the house all day. 吉姆应该找份工作,不应该成天闲在家里。 SYN lie around, lie around sth; loaf around, loaf around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep long /lɒŋ); AmE lɔːŋ/ long for sb/sth; long for sb to do sth to want sb/sth very much 渴望;渴求:to long for a baby 极想要个孩子 ◊ I was longing for a chat and a good laugh. 我很想聊聊天,开心地 笑一笑。 ◊ She found herself longing for her visitors to leave. 她巴望着客人离开。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + prep + n/pron + to +inf ► longed-for adj [only before noun] that sb has been wanting or hoping for very much 渴 望的;期待已久的:a longed-for child 盼望已久 的孩子 look /lʊk/ look about, etc. (BrE) -> LOOK AROUND, ETC. look across/'over (at/to sb/sth) to look quickly across a room 迅地速朝 (房间) 对面看:I looked across to where they were sitting. 我朝他 们坐的地方望过去。◊ She knew I was there, but she didn't look over at me. 她知道我在那里,可 她没往我这边看。 ♦ v + adv look after sb/sth/yourself (especially BrE) 1 to make sure that sb/sth is safe; take care of sb/sth 照料;照顾: His parents are looking after the children for the weekend. 他父母这个周末照 看孩子们。◊ She doesn't look after her clothes. 她穿戴不整洁。◊ Sophie will look after the vis- itors. 索菲会接待客入的。◊ They're old enough to look after themselves now (= they don't need any help). 他们现在长大了,能够自立了。 o Would you mind looking after my bag for a minute? 你照看一下我的包好吗? ◊ He needs to be properly looked 他需要得到妥善的 照顾。 ◊ See you soon―look after yourself (= when saying goodbye to sb). 再见---多 保重。NOTE Take care of sb is used in both British and American English with the same meaning 英国英语和美国英语中 take care of sb 均可作此义:My mother is going to look after/ take care of the kids while we're away. 我们外 出时,我母亲将照看孩子们。 -> see also BRING SB UP 1; -> note at CARE FOR SB 2 to make sure that things happen to sb's advantage 确保 (于 己有利):He's good at looking after his own interests. 他精于维护自己的利益。 ♦ v + prep look after sth (BrE) to deal with sth; to be responsible for sth 处理;对…负责: Their accountant looks after the financial side of things. 他们的会计负责财务方面的事。 ◊ Every- thing's being looked after. 所有的事情都有人 负责。 SYN attend to sth (more formal} NOTE Take care of sth is used in both British and American English with the same meaning. 英国英语和美国英语中 take care of sth 均可作 此义。 ♦ v + prep look ahead (to sth) to think about what is going to happen in the future 展望未来;为将 来设想:The team is looking ahead to next season. 该队正为下个赛季作准备 ◊ Looking ahead to the weekend, the weather will stay fine. 可以预见好天气将持续到周末。 ♦ v + adv look around (BrE also look 'round) 1 (at sb/sth) to turn your head in order to see sb/ sth behind you 转过头看;回头看:The people in front kept looking round at us. 前面的人不时 回过头看我们。◊ He looked round to see if I was still there, 他回头看我是不是还在。 2 (for sb/ sth) to examine various choices or possibilities 考虑各个选项或各种可能性 (以作出选择): We're looking around for a new car. 我们货比 三家,多方比较,准备买辆新车。-> note at LOOK FOR SB/STH ♦ v + adv look around; look around sth (BrE also .look round, look round sth) to visit a place or a building as a tourist or because you are interested in buying it, etc. 游览,参观 (某处):Take your time looking around. 慢慢 观光吧。 ◊ They've gone to look round the cath- edral. 他们去参观大教堂了。 ◊ I spent the day looking around the town. 我白天游览了市区。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep look around; .look around sth; look around you (BrE also .look about/'round, look about/round sth, look about/'round you) to turn your head in different directions so that you can see sth or see what is there 环 视;四下察看:She came into the room, looked around, then went out again. 她走进房间,四 下察看了一下就出去了。◊ He looked round the dassroom angrily. 他怒气冲冲地环顾教室。◊ I looked about me at the other passengers on the plane. 我看了看飞机上我周围的乘客。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep look at sb/sth 1 to turn your eyes towards sb/sth so that you can see them/it 看着;瞧着: Don't look at me like that! 别那样看着我! ◊ What are you looking at? 你在看什么呢? 2 to examine sth/sb closely (仔细) 察看,检查:I'd like the doctor to look at him. 我想请医生给他 检查一下。◊ Can you look at this watch for me? I think it might be broken. 你能帮我看看这块手 表吗?我想可能是坏了。◊ I took the car to the garage to get it looked at, 我把车开到修理厂去 检修。 3 (usually used in negative sentences or questions 通常用于否定句或疑问句) to consider or be prepared to accept sb/sth 考虑;准备接 受:They wouldn't even look at someone want- ing part-time work. 对于想兼职的人,他们完全 不予考虑。4 used to draw sb's attention to sb/sth, often as an example that you want them to follow or not follow (常作为正面或 反面范例) 看看...吧:I wouldn't take advice from her—just look at the mess she's made of her own life! 我不会听她的建议的---就看看 她把自己的生活搞得有多糟糕吧! ◊ He left school without any qualifications, but look at him now! (= he is very successful now) 他没有毕 业就离开了学校,可看他现在多有出息! ◊ Money doesn't always bring happiness—just look at Frank (= he is rich but not happy). 金钱并不 总能带来幸福——看看弗兰克就知道。 ♦ v + prep look at sth 1 to read sth, usually quickly, without reading all the details 浏览;翻阅:She sat in the waiting room, looking at a magazine. 她坐在等候室翻看杂志。 ◊ Don't hand the form in until it's been looked at by a teacher. 等老师 过目之后再交这张表。2 to think about or study sth 思考;研究:Have you looked at the possibility of adopting a child? 你想过收养个孩 子吗? ◊ The film looks at the events leading up to the war. 这部电影着眼于导致这场战争的诸多 事件。◊ Four possible routes were looked at for the new road, 修建新公路考虑了四条可能的线 路。3 to consider sth in a particular way (以 某种方式) 看待,考虑:If you look at it like that, it's a good thing we didn't go. 如果你那么 看,我们没去是件好事。 4 be looking at sth (informal) (always used in the progressive tenses 总夏用于进行时) to have to consider or deal with sth; to be faced with sth 不得不考虑 (或 处理);面临:You're looking at £600 to get the car fixed. 要想修好这辆车你就得考虑花600英 镑。◊ If he's found guilty he's looking at a six- year prison sentence. 如果被判有罪,他就得坐 六年牢。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 look at sb/sth check sb/sth out ♦ look at sb/sth ♦ observe sb/sth ♦ view sth ♦ watch sb/sth These verbs all mean to turn your eyes in a particular direction in order to see sth. 这些动 词都表示看、观看、察看。 check sb/sth out (informal) to look at or examine sb/sth that seems interesting or attractive 察看,观察 (有趣或吸引人的人或 事物): Check out the prices at our new store! 新店开张,敬请惠临,看看价格! look at sb/sth to turn your eyes in a particular direction towards sb/sth (朝某一 方向) 看,瞧: She looked at me and smiled. 她 看着我,笑了。 observe sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses) (formal) to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them (尤指 为进一步了解) 观察:I felt he was observing everything I did. 我觉得他在观察我的一举一 动。◊ The patients were observed over a period of several months. 这些患者接受了好几个月的 观察治疗。 view sth (formal) to look at sth, especially when you look carefully; to watch television, a film/movie, etc 细看;观看 (电视、电影 等):The eclipse should only be viewed through a special lens. 日食只能通过特殊镜片 观看。◊ It's an opportunity to view the movie before it comes out. 这是上映前看这部影片的 一个机会。 watch sb/sth to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens 注视;观 看:I only let my kids watch television at the weekends. 我只让孩子们在周末看电视。 ◊ A capacity crowd watched the semi-final match. 这场半决赛座无虚席。 WHICH WORD? All of these verbs imply a deliberate action, unlike see . However, you can talk about seeing a film/movie/programme (or going to see a film/movie). See is never used with television . Watch is used especially when you are interested in something which is happening or moving, unlike look at 与 see 不同,这些动词 都暗示主动的行为。但是,可以说 seeing a film/ movie / programme 或 going to see a film / movie。 see 从不与 television 连用。 与 look at 不同,watch 尤用于令人感兴趣的正在发生的事 件或运动中的物体:Watch me while I show you how. 看着我,我来给你演示怎么做。 ◊ Look at my new shoes! 看我的新鞋子! PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to watch/see/view a film/movie/programme ■ to watch/see a match/game/fight ■ to look at/watch/observe sb/sth carefully/closely/intently ■ to look at/watch sb/sth thoughtfully/suspiciously/expectantly ■ to watch/observe what/who/how ... look a way (from sb/sth) to look in the opposite direction; to turn your eyes away from sb/sth 把视线 (从…) 移开:She looked at him then looked away. 她看了看他,然后移开 了视线。◊ He mumbled a reply and looked away from me, 他叽里咕噜地回了一声,就不再 正眼看我了。 ♦ v + adv look back (at/on/to sth) to think about sth that has happened in your past 回首 (往 事);回顾:Looking back, I'm not surprised she left. 回头想想,我对她的离去并不感到意外。◊ He looked back on his time in England with a sense of nostalgia. 他怀恋自己在英格兰的时光。 ♦ v + adv IDM never/not look back (informal) to become more and more successful 一帆风顺; 蒸蒸日上:He started work on a market stall in 1970 and he's never looked back. 他 1970 年开 了个集市货摊,从此生意日益兴旺。 look 'down (at sb/sth) to turn your eyes downwards to the floor, especially because you are embarrassed, shy, etc. (尤指因尴尬、 羞怯等) 垂下目光:The little boy blushed and looked down. 小男孩脸红了,低头向下看。 ◊ She looked, down at her hands. 她低头看着自己 的双手。 ♦ v + adv look down on sb/sth to consider sb/sth as less good or important than yourself 蔑 视;轻视;看不起:She tends to look down on people who haven't been to college. 她一向瞧不 起起读过大学的人。◊ They looked down on our little house. 他们对我们的小屋不屑一顾。◊ He was looked down on at school. 他在学校被人 看扁。 ♦ v + adv + prep look for sb/sth to search for sb/sth, either because you have lost them/it, or because you need them/it 寻找;寻求:Sue's been looking for you. 休一直在找你。◊ 'Can I help you? ' *Yes, I'm looking for this shirt in blue. "您要买点什 么?" “哦,我要找这一样式衬衣的蓝色款。” ◊ They were looking for an easy solution to the problem. 他们在寻找解决这个问题的简易办法。 ♦ v + prep look for sth to hope for sth or expect sth 盼 望;期望:The examiners will be looking for good grammar and spelling. 考评人会关注语法 和拼写是否正确无误。◊ This could be just the opportunity he's been looking for, 这可能就是他 一直翘首期待的机会。 ♦ v + prep IDM look for 'trouble to behave in a way that is likely to cause an argument, a fight, etc. 自 找麻烦;自寻烦恼;自讨苦吃:Are you looking for trouble? 你是不是想惹麻烦? ► un looked-for adj (formal) not expected 意 外的;出乎预料的:unlooked-for success 意想不 (到的成功 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 look for sb/sth be after sb/sth ♦ have a look (for sb/sth) ♦ look around (for sb/sth) ♦ look for sb/sth ♦ seek sb/sth These verbs all mean to try to find sb/sth that is lost or that you need or want. 这些动词都表 示寻找、寻求、谋求。See also search for sth . be after sb/sth (informal) to try to find or catch sb/sth 寻找;寻求:The police are after him. 警察正在抓他。 ◊ He's after a job at our place. 他在我们这儿求职。◊ What are you after now? 你现在有什么愿望? have a look (for sb/sth) to try to find sth, especially quickly or only in one place (尤 指很快地或仅在某一处) 找一下: I'll just have a quick look for my glasses. 我要赶紧找一下 我的眼镜。 ◊ 'Have you seen my keys?" 'Have a look in the kitchen. " 你看见我的钥匙了 吗?" “在厨房找一下吧。” look around (for sb/sth) to try to find sth in a number of different places; to try to get sth by considering different possibilities 四下寻 找;(通过考虑各种可能性) 寻找到: She looked around for a towel to dry his hands. 她 四处找毛巾给他擦手。◊ I'm looking around for a new secretary. 我想物色一个新秘书。 look for sb/sth to try to find sb/sth 寻找;寻 求:We've been looking for you. 我们一直在找 你。◊ Are you still looking for a job? 你还在我 工作吗? seek sb/sth (formal) to try to find sb/sth; to try to obtain or achieve sth 寻找;追求;谋 求:Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. 驾车者被告知改道行驶。◊ to seek funding for a project 为项目融资 ◊ to seek medical advice 征求医疗意见 WHICH WORD? Seek is the most formal of these verbs. It is used especially in business or work contexts, and in newspapers. It is not normally used to talk about trying to find things that are lost. The most neutral of these verbs is look for sth . *seek 在这些动词中最为正式,尤用于商务或工 作场合以及报章中,一般不用于表示寻找遗失物 品。这些动词中意义最为中性的是 look for sth。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to look for/look around for/seek/be after work/a job ■ to look for/look around for/seek/have a look for your keys/glasses/wallet ■ to carefully look for sth look forward to sth; look forward to doing sth to feel excited about sth that is going to happen because you expect to enjoy it 盼望;期待: Are you looking forward to your trip? 你期待着这次旅行吗? ◊ I'm not looking forward to going to the dentist. 我可不希望去看 牙医。 ◊ We're looking forward to the concert! 我们对音乐会翘首以待! ◊ I look forward to hearing from you (= at the end of a letter). 盼 望着收到你的来信。 ◊ The President^ visit is eagerly looked forward to. 人们热切盼望总统 来访。 NOTE Remember that to is a preposition in this phrasal verb and must be followed by a noun or the -ing form of a verb. 注意 to 在本短语动 词中是介词,必须后接名词或动词的 -ing 形式。 ♦ v + adv + prep look in (on sb) to make a short visit to a place, especially sb's house when they are ill/sick or need help (到某人处) 短暂拜访:I asked Sarah to look in on her grandmother on her way home. 我要萨拉回家时顺便去看看她的 奶奶。◊ The doctor will look in again this even- ing. 医生今晚会再来探视的。 -> note at VISIT WITH SB ♦ v + adv look 'into sth to examine sth or consider it carefully 仔细调查;周详地研究;慎重考虑:The committee is looking into the matter. 委员会正 在调查这一事件。◊ The manager is looking into your complaint. 经理正在处理你的投诉。◊ We're looking into the possibility of moving to France. 我们正在考虑能否迁往法国。◊ This situation should be looked into. 这个情况应该进行调查。 ♦ v + prep look 'on 1 to watch an event or an incident without taking part in it yourself 旁观:People looked on in alarm as the car began to roll down the hill. 人们眼睁睁看着那辆车开始往山 坡下滚,惊恐不已。◊ Passers-by just looked on as he was attacked. 他遭人袭击时路人只在一边 袖手旁观。 2 (with sb) (AmE) to share a book, etc. with another person in a group (和某 人)合看,合读(书等):There aren't enough books so you'll have to look on with your neigh- bor. 书不够,你们只能和邻座的人一起看了。 ♦ v 十 adv ► onlooker n a person who watches sth without becoming involved in it 旁观者:A crowd of onlookers formed around the fight. 一 大群人围观斗殴。 look on sb/sth (also look upon sb/sth more format) [+ adv/prep] to consider sb/sth in a particular way (以…)看待;把…视作:I look on you as my friend. 我把你视为朋友。◊ She looked upon the assignment as a challenge. 她 把这项任务看成一种挑战。 ◊ I looked on life in a different way after that. 自那以后,我的人生 观改变了。◊ She was always looked on with distrust. 以前她总是不受信任。◊ The job was looked upon as glamorous. 这份工作令人向往。 ♦ v + prep look out used to tell sb to be careful, espe- cially when there is some danger (表示劝 告,尤指有危险)小心,留神,注意:Look out! There's a car coming. 当心!有车来了。◊ You're going to bum that food if you don't look out. 你 要是不看着点,就会把食物煮糊了。 SYN watch out ♦ v + adv look sth out (for sb/sth) (BrE) to search for sth from among your possessions 把...找出来: I'll look out that book for you. 我会给你找出那 本书的。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv look out for sb/yourself to take care of sb/yourself and think about their/your own interests 考虑…的利益; 关照: Once he was in London he had to look out for himself. 到了伦 敦他就要自己照顾自己。◊ Emily's brothers always looked out for her. 埃米莉的兄弟们总是 关照她。 ♦ v + adv + prep look out for sb/sth 1 to try to find sb/sth or meet sb 尽力寻找:I was looking out for Pete but I didn't see him. 我当时一直找皮特,可没看 见他。◊ Look out for this movie at your local multiplex. 留意当地影城是否上映这部影片。 2 to try to avoid sth bad happening or doing sth bad 提防;防备:Look out for pickpockets. 当心 扒手。 SYN watch out for sb/sth ♦ v + adv + prep ► lookout n 1 a place where sb watches from to see if there is any danger 瞭望台;观察所; 监视哨:a lookout post/tower 瞭望哨 / 塔 2 a person who watches for danger 瞭望员;观察 员;监视员:The burglars posted a lookout outside the house. 盗贼在房子外面安排了一个人 望风。 look 'out on/over sth (of a room, etc. 房 间等) to have a view of sth 面向;朝向:Our room looked, out over the square. 从我们的房间 朝外看可俯视广场。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS局义词辨析 look out beware ♦ look out ♦ watch out These verbs are all used to warn sb about sb/sth that is dangerous. 这些动词都表示 警告。 beware (used only in infinitives and orders) used to warn sb that sb/sth is dangerous and that they should be careful (仅用于不定式 结构和命令句,表示警告)谨防,小心: Motorists have been warned to beware of icy roads, 已经提醒驾驶人员路面有冰。 look out used to warn sb to be careful, especially when there is danger (表示警 告,尤指有危险)小心,留神,注意:Look out! There's a snake! 当心!有蛇! ◊ if they don't look out they're going to get in trouble. 他 们一不留神就会惹祸上身的。 watch out used to warn sb about sth dangerous (表示警告)小心,留神,注意: Watch out! There's a car coming. 小心!车开 过来了。 WHICH WORD? There is very little difference in the meaning or use of these verbs. Watch out is a little more frequent in spoken English than look out, 这 些动词在意义及用法上差异甚微。在英语口语 中,watch out 比 look out 略微常见一些。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to look out/watch out for sth ■ sb/sth had better beware/watch out/look out look 'over (at/to sb/sth) -> LOOK ACROSS/ OVER(AT/TO SB/STH) look over sth 1 to make a tour of a place 游 览;参观:We were invited to look over the new classrooms. 我们应邀参观了新教室。2 to read sth quickly 浏览;快速阅读:I need to look over my notes before the test. 测验前我得把笔记过一 遍。 ◊ Your tutor will look over your work with you. 你的导师会和你一起看一遍你的作业。 ♦ v + prep look sb/sth over to check or examine sb/sth to see how good, big, etc. they are/it is 查看;检查:He looked the painting over careful- ly. 他仔细查看了那幅画。◊ I'd like the doctor to look him over. 我想请医生给他检查一下。◊ We'll get a mechanic to look the car over before we buy it. 我们要请个技工检验一下这辆车再买。 SYN check sb/sth over; examine sb/sth -> note at CHECK sb/sth over NOTE When look sb/sth over is used with the pronouns it and them referring to things, these pronouns can also come after over ♦ look sb / sth over 与表示事物的代词 it 和 them 连用时,这些代词也可置于 over之后:We'd like a mechanic to look over it for us. 我们想请个技 工帮我们把它检验一下。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n look 'round, etc. -> LOOK AROUND, ETC. look 'through sb to look at sb and not show that you have seen or recognized them 对某人视而不见;佯装没认出某人:I smiled at him, but he just looked straight through me. 我 朝他笑了笑,可他假装没看见我。 ♦ v + prep look through sth 1 to read sth quickly 浏 览;快速阅读:She looked through her notes before the exam. 她考试前匆匆看了一下笔记。◊ I looked through the paper while I was waiting. 我边等边翻阅了一下报纸。 2 to examine a collection of things or what is inside sth 查看、翻看 (一批物品或某物内的东西):What are you doing looking through my bag? 你干吗 翻我的包? ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 look through sth dip into sth ♦ flick/flip through sth ♦ leaf through sth ♦ look through sth ♦ scan through sth These verbs all mean to look at and understand the meaning of printed or written words without reading everything. 这些动词都 表示浏览、翻阅、略读。 dip into sth to read only parts of sth 阅读 (一部分);略读:It's a good book to dip into now and again. 这本书适合不时翻翻。 flick/flip through sth to quickly turn the pages of a book, magazine, etc. and look at them without reading everything 浏览;草 草翻阅;快读:She was flicking through a magazine. 她正在翻看一本杂志。◊ While he was out I flipped through his address book. 趁 他出去,我翻了翻他的地址簿。 leaf through sth to quickly turn the pages of a book, without reading them or looking at them closely, especially in order to find sth in particular (尤指为寻找信息) 匆匆翻阅, 浏蓝:She leafed through the guidebook until she found the page she wanted. 她匆匆翻阅指 南,直到找到她想要的那页。 look through sth to turn the pages of a book, magazine, etc, and look at them without reading everything 浏览;翻阅:I caught him looking through my confidential files. 我撞见 他在翻看我的机密文件。 scan through sth to read sth quickly but not very carefully and not reading every word 粗 略或读;扫视;浏览: I scanned through the list quickly, looking for my name. 我快速扫了 一眼名单,寻找自己的名字。 NOTE Scan can be used on its own * scan 可单独使用:I scanned the list quickly, looking for my name. 我快速扫了一眼名单,寻找自己的名字。 WHICH WORD? If you flick/flip through sth, you do it more quickly than if you look through sth, which is usually more deliberate. * flick / flip through sth比look through sth 看得快,后者通常表示有 目的。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to flick through/look through/leaf through/flip through a book/magazine/newspaper ■ to flick through/look through/leaf through/scan/flip through the pages of sth ■ to scan (through) a list/a menu look to sb/sth (for sth/to do sth) to rely on sb/sth or expect sb to provide sth or do sth 依 赖;指望:They looked to us for help. 他们指望 更们提供帮助。◊ We must look to other means to generate the funds we need. 我们必须通过 别的途径筹集所需资金。 ◊ Many students can't look to their parents for financial support. 很多 学生不能指望父母提供经济支持。 SYN turn to sb ♦ v + prep look to sth (especially BrE) 1 to think about sth that will happen in the future 考虑(将来 的事);展望:We are looking to the future with confidence. 我们满怀信心地展望未来。[OBJ] the future 2 (formal) to make sure that sth is safe or in good condition; to think about how to improve sth 注意(确保安全、正常等);考虑 (改进):You should look to your own be- haviour before criticizing others. 正人先正己。 ♦ v + prep look 'up 1 (from sth) to raise your eyes 抬头 看; 向上看:She looked up from her book and smiled. 她停止看书,抬起头来笑了笑。2 (in- formal) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通 常用于进行时)(of a business, a situation etc. 生意、情况等)to become better; to improve 好 转;改善:Things started to look up for me after I got a job. 我找到工作后情况开始有了好转。 ◊ Business is looking up at last. 生意终于有了 起色。 ♦ v + adv look sb up (informal) to visit or contact sb when you are in the place where they live, especially when you have not seen them for a long time (尤指久别后到某人处)拜访,看 望,联络:Look me up next: time you're in London. 你下次到伦敦时来看我吧。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) look sb ,up and down to look at sb in a suspicious, careful or critical way (以怀疑或 审视、挑剔的态度)上下打量,端详 look sth up to search for a word or some information in a dictionary or another book (在词典或书中)查阅,查寻:I looked the word up in the dictionary. 我在词典里查过这个词。 ◊ Hang on, I'll just look up her telephone number. 稍等一下,我马上查查她的电话号码。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n look up to sb to admire or respect sb 钦 佩;仰慕;敬仰:She always looked up to her older sister. 她一向敬重她的姐姐。◊ She was looked up to by the rest of her family. 她受到家 人的尊敬。 ♦ v + adv + prep look upon sb/sth -> LOOK ON SB/STH SYNONYMS同义词辨析 look up to sb admire sb ♦ look up to sb ♦ respect sb ♦ think highly of sb These verbs all mean to have a good opinion of sb. 这些动词都表示钦佩、赞赏、尊敬。 admire sb to respect sb for what they have done 钦佩,赞赏(某人的行为):l don't agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principles, 我不同意她的观点,但我钦佩 她坚持自己的原则。 look up to sb to admire or respect sb, especially sb who is older 钦佩,仰慕,尊重 (尤指年长者):Children need somebody to look up to. 孩子们需要有个能让他们爱戴的 人。 ◊ Everyone looks up to her because of who she is. 由于她的身份,每个人都敬重她。 respect sb to have a very good opinion of sb; to admire sb 尊敬;尊重: She had always been honest with me, and I respect her for that. 她一直对我坦诚相待,我因此而敬重她。 ◊ a much loved and highly respected teacher 一位 深受爱戴和尊敬的老师 think highly of sb to have a very good opinion of sb 对…高度评价;看重;器重: His teachers think very highly of him. 老师们很赏 识他。 WHICH WORD? If you respect sb, you do not necessarily like them or agree with them. * respect 并不一定意 味着喜欢某人或与其见解一致。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to deeply/greatly admire/respect sb ■ a highly respected doctor, teacher, etc. ■ to be generally/widely admired loom /luːm/ loom a head if sth dangerous, difficult or unpleasant looms ahead, it is likely to happen soon (危险、困难或令人不快的事情) 即将出现,逼近:Further problems are looming ahead. 更多的问题迫在眉睫。 ♦ v + adv loom up to appear as a large shape that is not clear, often in a way that seems frighten- ing or threatening 令人惊恐地隐现;赫然耸现: A shape loomed up out of the fog. 雾中出现了一 个模糊的身影。 NOTE:Loom up is usually followed by an adverb or a phrase beginning with a prep- osition * loom up 通常后接副词或介词短语:A man loomed up out of the darkness. 一名男子隐 隐出现在黑暗市。Loom is also used on its own. * loom 也单独使用。 ♦ v + adv loosen /ˈluːsn/ loosen up; loosen sb up (informal) to become more relaxed and comfortable; to make sb feel like this (使) 放松;(使) 不拘 束:He began to loosen up and enjoy the even- ing. 他开始轻松下来,享受这个夜晚。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n loosen up; loosen sb/sth up to relax your muscles or parts of the body, or make them relax, before taking exercise, etc. (在运 动等前) 放松 (肌肉或身体部位):I swam a short distance to loosen up. 我游了一小段距离 放松筋骨。 ◊ A massage will help loosen you up. 按摩一下会使你放松的。 ◊ These exercises will loosen up your shoulders, 这些动作会使你的肩 部松弛下来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n lop /lɒp; AmE lɑːp/ (-pp-) lop sth 'off; lop sth off sth 1 to remove sth from sth, especially branches from a tree, by cutting it (从…) 砍掉,剪去,削去 (树枝 等): Several branches had been lopped off (the tree), (从树上) 砍下了几条枝杈。 ◊ They lopped 20p off the price of each unit. 他们把单 价消减了 20 便士。SYN chop sth off, chop sth off sth; cut sth off , cut sth off sth 2 to make sth smaller or less 削减;缩小;减少:The new rail link has lopped an hour off the journey. 新 铁路线把旅程缩短了一个小时。SYN knock sth off, knock sth off sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep lord /lɔːd ;AmE lɔːrd/ lord it over sb to behave in a superior way to sb 对某人摆架子:She likes to lord it over the junior staff. 她喜欢在初级职员面前逞威风。 ♦ v + it + prep lose /luːz/ (lost, lost /lost; AmE lɔːst/) lose yourself in sth to become so inter- ested in sth that you are not aware of anything else 沉迷于;专心致志于:I soon lost myself in the excitement of the play. 我很快就沉 浸在激动人心的戏剧情节中了。 ♦ v + pron + prep lose out (on sth) (informal) to be unsuccess- ful in getting sth that you want or think you should have 得不到 (需要或觉得应有的东西): Some youngsters are taking day jobs and losing out on schooling. 有些孩子因白天工作而荒废了 学业。 ◊ if things go wrong, I'm the one who'll lose out. 如果有什么差错,受损失的将是我。◊ While the stores make big profits, it's the customer who loses out. 商店赚大钱,而吃亏的 是顾客。 ♦ v + adv lose out to sb/sth (informal) to not get the business you expected or hoped to get, because sb else has got it (生意) 落到...手里: Small stores are losing out to the big super- markets. 小商店的生意都被大型超市抢走了。 ♦ v + adv + prep lounge /laʊndʒ/ lounge around; lounge a round sth (BrE also .lounge about, lounge about sth) to spend your time in a relaxed way doing very little 懒散度日;游手好闲;在 (某处) 转 悠:She was always lounging about while the rest of us were working! 我们在干活,而她总是 到处晃荡! ◊ They were lounging around the hotel pool, 他们在宾馆的游泳池里消磨时间。 SYN laze around, laze around sth; lie about/ around, lie about/around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep louse /laʊs/ louse sth up (slang) to spoil or ruin sth 搞 坏;弄槽;办砸:He loused up my promotion chances. 他使我失去了晋升的机会。 SYN mess sth up (BrE) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv love /lʌv/ be/get ,loved up (BrE, informal) to be/ start to be full of happy, loving or romantic feelings, because you are in love or because of the effects of drugs, music, etc. (因恋爱、吸 毒、听音乐等) 如痴如醉,激情勃发 ♦ be/get + v + adv ► loved-'up adj [only before noun] (BrE, informal): a bunch of loved-up clubbers 一群兴 奋的俱乐部会员 luck /lʌk/ luck 'into sth (AmE, informal to get sth you want by chance 偶然 (或碰巧) 得到:I lucked into some free tickets for the show. 我侥幸弄到 了几张免费的演出票。 ♦ v + prep luck out (AmE, informal) to be very lucky 十 分走运;交好运: We lucked out in a big way. 我 们走鸿运了。 ◊ We really lucked out with the weather. 我们真走运,遇上了好天气。 ♦ v + adv lug /lʌɡ/ (-gg-) lug sth a round (BrE also Jug sth a bout, Jug sth round) (with you) (informal) to carry or pull sth large, awkward or heavy from one place to another, or everywhere you go 提着 (或拉着) (笨重的东西) 四处走动: Can I leave my bag somewhere? It's very heavy to lug around. 我能在什么地方存一下包吗? 提着它到 处走很重。 SYN carry sth around (with you) (more formal) cart sth around (with you) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n lull/lʌl/ lull sb into sth; lull sb 'into doing sth to make sb feel confident and relaxed, especially so that they do not expect it when sth bad happens 麻痹,使失去警惕 (而做某 事): Don't let success in the test lull you into thinking you do not need to work hard. 不要让 这次测验的好成绩冲昏了头脑,以为你不必下苦 功夫。 ◊ His calm, manner lulled me into a false sense of security (= made me feel safe with him when I was not). 他镇定的举止给我一种虚 假的安全感。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep lumber /lʌmbə(r)/ be/get 'lumbered with sb/sth (BrE, informal) to give sb a responsibility or a prob- lem that they do not want and cannot get rid of 逼…负担 (职责);给…增添 (麻烦):I'm sorry you've been lumbered with driving me home, 真抱歉要麻烦你开车送我回家。◊ The movie was about somebody who sees a murder and then gets lumbered with the dead man's child. 这部电影讲述的是一名凶杀案目击者担负 起了抚养被害男子遗孤重任的故事。 ♦ be/get + v + prep lump/lʌmp/ lump A and B together; lump A with B; lump A in with B (informal) to put or consider two or more people or things together in the same group 把...归并在一起; 合起来考虑:A large number of plants are lumped together under the name of herbs'. 很多植物被笼统地归于 “草本植物” 类。◊ You can't lump the elderly and the disabled together. 你不能把上年纪的人和残障人士混为一谈。 You can't lump the elderly with the disabled. 你 不能把上年纪的人和残障人士混为一谈。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep lust /lʌst/ lust after sb (often disapproving) to feel a strong sexual desire for sb 对某人起了淫欲 ♦ v + prep lust after/for sth to have a strong desire to possess or have sth 贪求;渴望:She was lusting after/for revenge. 她复仇心切。 ♦ v + prep luxuriate /lʌɡˈʒʊərieɪt; AmE -'ʒʊr-/ luxuriate in sth (formal) to take great pleasure in sth that is very pleasant and relaxing 尽情享受;沉溺于:Alison likes to luxuriate in a long, hot bath. 艾莉森喜欢长时间 泡热水澡。 ♦ v + prep magic /ˈmædʒɪk/ (-ck-) magic sb/sth away/up (BrE) to use magic to make sb/sth disappear or appear; to make sb/sth disappear or appear so quickly or suddenly that it seems as if you have used magic 用魔术使消失(或出现);变魔术般地使 突然消失(或出现):I wish my problems could be just magicked away. 希望我的难题能像变魔 术那样一下子就解决了。◊ Sarah magicked up a meal in a very short time. 萨拉像变戏法似的一 下子弄出了一顿饭菜。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv mail /meɪl/ mail sth in to send sth by post/mail to a place where it will be dealt with 把...邮寄出 (至某处);寄来:Don't forget to mail in your entry form for the contest! 别忘了把比赛报名表 寄来! SYN send sth in ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n mail sth off (to sb) to send sth to sb by post/maU 把…邮寄出(给某人);寄出:I mailed off an application the next day. 我第二 天寄出了申请。 [OBJ] letter, package SYN post sth off (BrE) send sth off (to sb) NOTE You can also use mail a letter, etc., but this often refers to the action of putting the letter in the mailbox 也可用 mail a letter 等, 但这常指把信件投入邮箱的行为:I'm sorry—I forgot to mail your letter. 对不起-我忘了 把你的信放进邮筒了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n mail sth out to send sth to a lot of different people or places at the same time 批量邮寄: Catalogues will be mailed out next week. 这些 目录将在下周寄出。 SYN send sth out NOTE Mail sth can also be used with this meaning. * mail sth 也可作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n major /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ major in sth (AmE) to study sth as your main subject at a university or college; to get a degree in that subject 主修:获得(某一学 科)的学位:He majored in chemistry. 他学的是 化学专业。 ♦ v + prep make /meɪk/ (made, made /meɪd/) make away with sth to steal sth and take it away with you 偷走;携(赃物)逃走: Thieves made away with a computer and two televisions. 小偷窃走了一台计算机和两台电 视机。 -> see also MAKE OFF (WITH STH) ♦ v + adv + prep make for sb/sth to move in the direction of sb/sth 向…移动:He jumped up and made for the door. 他跳起来冲向门口。◊ She made straight for me. 她径直朝我走来。 SYN head for/towards sth ♦ v + prep make for sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to help to make sth possible; to produce a particular result 促成; 产生(某种结果):The two-hour journey to work makes for a long day. 上班的两小时路程 使工作日很漫长。◊ The large print makes for easier reading. 大字体便于阅读。 ♦ v + prep make sb/sth into sth to change sb/sth into sth 把...变成:They made the extra bedroom into a bathroom. 他们把多出的卧室改成了浴 室。 ◊ You're trying to make her into something she isn't. 你这是试图改变她的本性。 ◊ Their story is being made into a movie. 他们的经历正 被改编成电影。 SYN turn sb/sth into sth ♦ v + n/pron 十 prep make sth of sb/sth to have an impression or an understanding of sb/sth 领会;理解: What did you make of the play? 你觉得这出戏 怎么样? ◊ I never knew quite what to make of Nick. 我向来不大了解尼克。◊ The information we have is so confused, it's hard to make anything of it. 我们手头的资料杂乱无章,很难 理出头绪。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep make 'off (with sth) to hurry or rush away, especially when sb is trying to escape or has stolen sth 匆忙离开;(尤指) 仓皇逃跑,携赃 物溜走:The youths made off in a stolen car.小 青年们开着偷来的车溜了。 ◊ Two boys made off with our bags. 两个男孩偷走了我们的包。 -> see also MAKE AWAY WITH STH; -> note at RUN AWAY ♦ v + adv make out (informal) 1 used to ask sb how they have managed or survived in a particular situation (用于询问)应付,过活:How are you making out in your new home? 你在新家 生活得怎么样?。'Did you make out all right in the interview? 'Yes, fine' “你面试顺利吗?" “哦,还好。" 2 (with sb) (AmE) to kiss and touch sb in a sexual way; to have sex with sb (与…)热吻爱抚,做爱: I saw her making out with Billy. 我看见她和比利亲热。 ♦ v + adv make out (that ... ), make sb/sth/ yourself out to be ... to claim that sth is true that may not be; to try to make people believe sth 声称;把…说成:企图使人相信:She made out (that) she was earning a fortune. 她 吹嘘说她在赚大钱。 ◊ Things aren't as bad as he makes out 情况并非像他说的那样糟糕。◊ The brochure made the place out to be a quiet resort. 小册子把这个地方描绘成清静的度假胜 地。 ◊ He makes himself out to be a big shot in the city. 他自诩为城里的大人物。◊ The hotel wasn't quite what it was made out to be (= it was not as good as the advertisement said it was). 旅馆并没有宣传的那么好。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + to +inf make sb/sth 'out 1 to manage to see sb/sth or read sth 看出;读出;辨出:I could just make out the shape of a house in the darkness. 黑暗 中我只能隐约看见房子的轮廓。◊ She could just make out the sound of distant voices. 她模模糊 糊地听到远处有人说话。 ◊ I couldn't make out what he was saying. 我听不清他当时在说什么。 ◊ Can you make out his handwriting? 你认得 出他的字迹吗? 2 (used especially in negative sentences and questions 尤用于否定句和疑问句) to understand sb/sth; to see the reasons why sth happens or why sb behaves in the way that they do 理解;弄懂:She couldn't make out the expression on his face as he spoke. 她不明白 他说话时的表情。◊ I can't make her out at all. 我根本摸不透她。◊ He couldn't make out what was going on. 他搞不清这到底是怎么回事。◊ You need to apply for a permit, as far as I can make out 据我 所知,你需要申请许可证。◊ How do you make that out (= how did you reach that conclusion)? 你怎么得出那个结论 的? NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ 2v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv make sth out to write out or complete a form or document 开具,填写 (表格或文件): He made out a cheque for £100. 他开了一张 100 英镑的支票。 ◊ Who shall I make the cheque out to (= whose name shall I write on it)? 支票抬 头写什么? ◊ Shall I make the invoice out to the company? 发票抬头写公司的名称吗? ◊ Would you make out a list for me of everyone who's coming? 请给我写一张所有来宾的名单好吗? [OBJ] cheque, list NOTE In informal spoken language make sb out sth can also be used 非正式口语也可说 make sb out sth: I'll make you out a list. 我来给 你开张清单。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 make sb/sth out discern sth ♦ distinguish sb/sth ♦ identify sb/sth ♦ make sb/sth out ♦ pick sb/sth out These verbs all mean to be able to see or hear sb/sth and especially to be able to say who or what they are. 这些动词都表示看出、听出、 辨出。 discern sth (not used in the progressive tenses) (formal) to recognize or know sth, especially sth that is not obvious 认出;辨出: He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome. 他觉察到他们接待他时态度有些冷淡。 distinguish sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses) to manage to see or hear sb/sth that is not very dear 看出;听出;辨出: I could not distinguish her words, but she sounded agitated. 我听不清她说的话,不过听上去她很 焦虑。◊ She could not distinguish the make of the car. 她认不出这辆车的牌子。NOTE Distinguish is often used in the negative, or with a verb that has a negative meaning. * distinguish 常用于否定句,或与含否定意义 的动词连用。 identify sb/sth to be able to say who or what sb/sth is 认出;识别:The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug defers. 尸首被确认为两名贩毒嫌疑人。◊ First of all we must identify the problem areas. 首 先,我们应该明确问题领域。 make sb/sth out (not used in the progressive tenses) to manage to see or hear sb/sth that is not very clear (勉强) 看出,听出,辨出:I could just make out a figure in the darkness. 黑 暗中我只能隐约看见一个影子。 pick sb/sth out to recognize sb/sth from among other people or things 认出; 辨出: See if you can pick me out in this photo. 看看 你能不能在这张照片上认出我来。 WHICH WORD? Distinguish is more formal than make sb/sth out and is more likely to have a noun phrase as object * distinguish 比 make sb / sth out 更为正 式,往往接名词短语作宾语 i was able to distinguish the bird's yellow beak. 我能看见黄色 的鸟嘴。 Make sb/sth out is more likely to have a clause with what or who as object * make sb / sth out 往往接 what 或 who 引导的从句作宾语:I couldn't make out what she was saying. 我听不 清她在说什么。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to identify/distinguish sb/sth by sth ■ to identify/make out/discern/distinguish who/what/how ... ■ to dearly/easily/barely/hardly identify/make out/discern/pick out/distinguish sb/sth ■ to accurately/correctly identify/discern/pick out/distinguish sb/sth ■ to attempt/try/enable sb/help (sb) to identify/make out/discern/pick out/distinguish sb/sth make sb/sth over (informal, especially AmE) to change sb/sth to give them/it a new appearance; to change sth to give it a new use 改变形象;改造(作新用途); 修饰:They decided to make over the whole house when they moved in. 他们决定搬进去时把房子整个翻 新一下。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► makeover n the process of improving the appearance of a person or a place (外观的) 改进, 改善;修饰:She won a complete make- over (= new clothes, hairstyle, etc.) in a com- petition, 她在比赛中获得革新形象奖。 make sth over to sb to legally give sth you own to sb else 把…转让给;将…赠与:He made his estate over to his eldest son. 他把财产 留给了长子。◊ The government has made a lot of its power over to the regions. 政府将很多权力 下放给了各地区。 ◊ The house was made over to the charity three years ago. 三年前这所房子转 赠给了慈善机构。 [OBJ] estate, money ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep make towards sb/sth to go in the direc- tion of sb/sth 向…移动;朝…走去:I saw them making towards the exit. 我看见他们朝出口 走去。 ♦ v+ prep make up; make sb/sth up; make yourself up (BrE) to put make-up on to make sb/yourself attractive or to prepare for an appearance in the theatre, on television, etc.花妆;打扮顼 takes her an hour to make up before going on stage. 她上台演出前要用一 个小时化妆。◊ She spends ages making herself up. 她没完没了地梳妆打扮。 ◊ The children had been made up to look like clowns. 孩子们化装成 小丑。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► made-up adj wearing make-up 化了妆 的;上了妆的:a heavily made-up face 浓妆艳抹 的脸 ◊ She's always carefully made-up. 她总是精 心化妆。 ► make-up n [U] substances that people put on their eyes, Ups and face to make them- selves more attractive, or that actors, etc. use 化妆品:to put on your make-up 化妆。 ◊ a make-up bag 化妆包 make up; .make it up (with sb) (BrE) to end an argument or a disagreement with sb (与…)和解,言归于好:Let's kiss and make up. 我们和好吧。 ◊ He's made it up with his parents. 他和父母重归于好。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + it + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 make sth up concoct sth ♦ fabricate sth ♦ invent sth ♦ make sth up These verbs all mean to say or describe sth that is not true. 这些动词都表示捏造、虚构、 杜撰。 concoct sth to invent a story or plan, especially in order to trick people (尤指为 欺骗人而) 编造: She concocted some elaborate story to explain her absence. 她煞费苦心地编 了个借口为自己的缺席开脱。 fabricate sth (often passive) to invent false information in order to trick people (为欺 骗人而)伪造,假造: The prisoners claimed their confessions had been fabricated by police. 犯人声称他们的供状系警方伪造。 invent sth to say or describe sth that is not true, especially in order to trick people; to think of and use a new word, phrase or name (尤指为欺骗人而)捏造,虚构;创 造,生造(新词语或名字):I did not have to invent any tales about my pos 关于我的过 去,我没必要说谎。► invention n [C,U]: The story is apparently a complete invention. 显而 易见,这一说法纯属捏造。 make sth up to invent a story, name, etc., especially in order to trick or entertain sb (尤指为欺骗人或开玩笑)杜撰,虚构,捏造: He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick. 他编了个借口,说他女儿病了。► made-up adj: a made-up story/word/name 虚 构的故事 / 生造的词 / 杜撰的名字 WHICH WORD? Make sth up is slightly less formal than invent. It is often used where the object of the verb is not specific * make sth up 比 invent 略显不正 式,常用于动词的宾语并未具体言明的场合: You're making it up. 这是你自己编的吧。 ◊ It turned out she had made the whole thing up. 后 来发现事情从头到尾是她瞎编的。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to invent/make up/fabricate/concoct a story ■ to invent/make up an excuse/a name/a word ■ to make up/fabricate evidence make sth up 1 to invent sth, often in order 'to trick sb (常指为欺骗而)杜撰、虚构,捏造: He was making up stories for the children. 他在 给孩子们编故事。◊ She made up an excuse for being late, 她为迟到编了个借口。◊ Did you think / was making it all up? 你是不是以为我纯 粹是在瞎编? [OBJ] story, excuse 2 make up sth to form a particular part of sth 组成;构成: Rice makes up a large part of their diet. 大米是 他们的主食。◊ Women make up 55% of the student population. 女生占学生人数的55%。 SYN account for sth; constitute sth (formal) → note at CONSIST OF STH/SB 3 make 'up sth to put sth together from several different things 拼装成;组合成:the cultures and races that make up the nation 作为该国组成部分的各种文 化和种族 ◊ The course is made up of five modules. 这门课程由五个模块组成。 SYN con- stitute sth; be composed of sth (formal) -> see also CONSIST OF STH/SB, consist of doing sth When the object of make up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pro- noun, it comes between make and up * make up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后;但如果 是代词,应置于 make 和 up 之间:the United Kingdom and the regions that make it up 联合 王国以及构成该国的各个地区. 4 to complete sth, especially a number or an amount 凑成, 凑满 (尤指数字或数量):We need one more player to make up a team. 我们还需要一名队员 才能凑成一支队伍。5 to replace sth that has been lost or missed 补足;补偿:We need to make up lost time. 我们得弥补时间上的损失。◊ He was late for work but he made the time up the following day. 他上班迟到了,可他第二天把 时间补上了。 6 to prepare sth; to make sth ready to use 准备;配制;预备;配备:The pharmacist made up the prescription (= the medicine), 药剂师配好了药。◊ She made up a basket of food for the picnic. 她为野餐备好了一 篮子食物。◊ The bed's already made up.屎已经 铺好了。◊ She bought a length of material for making up into a skin, 她买了一块布料,打算 做一件裙字。NOTE In informal spoken lan- guage make sb up sth is also used 非正式口语 也说 make sb up sth: Can you make us up a packed lunch? 请为我们准备一份盒饭好吗? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v+ n/pron + adv 2 v + adv + n ♦ 3 v 十 adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv IDM make up your *mind to decide sth 作出 决定;拿定主意:I like both―I can't make up my mind. 两个我都喜欢-----我定不下来。◊ Have you made up your minds where to go for your honeymoon? 你们想好去哪儿度蜜月了吗? ◊ You'll never persuade him to stay--his mind's made up (= he has definitely decided to go). 你根本无法劝他留下来 —— 他去意已决。 ◊ Come on—ifs make your mind up time! 别犹 豫——该下决心了! ► made- up adj invented; not true or real 杜 撰的;虚构的;捏造的:It was a true story, not a made-up one. 这是真事,可不是编造的。 ► make-up n 1 the different things, people, qualities, etc. that combine to form sth 组成成 分;构成方式:Aggression is part of our genetic make-up. 好斗是我们基因构造的一部分。◊ The country has a complicated ethnic make-up. 这 个国家的民族成分很复杂。2 (AmE) a school test that you were not present for and that you take later 补考;缓考:The make-up will be on Friday. 补考安排在星期五。 ◊ a make-up test 补考 ► make-up adj [only before noun] intended to replace sth that has been lost or missed 弥 朴的;补偿的:There will be a make-up party in January for those who can't come to the one in December, * 12月份不能参加聚会的人,可参加 1月份的聚会补上。 make up for sth; make up for doing sth to do or provide sth good to balance or reduce the effects of sth bad 补救;补偿;弥补: I bought myself a new dress to make up for not getting the job. 我没得到那份工作,于是买了件 新连衣裙聊以自慰。 ◊ After two years in prison he's now making up for lost time (= doing the things he was not able to do before). 在狱中关 了两年之后,他正在弥补失去的时间。 SYN compensate (for sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv + prep make up for sth; .make it up to sb (informal) to do sth good for sb because you have treated them badly or because they have done sth good for you 为…赎过;报答:An apology won't make up for the way you've behaved. 单纯道歉无法补救你的所作所为。◊ He said he was sorry and promised to make it up to her. 他道了歉,并保证补偿她。 ◊ You've done me a real favour——I don't know how to make it up to you. 你真是帮了我大忙 —— 我不知道如 何回报你。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + it + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 make up for sth cancel sth out ♦ compensate (for sth) ♦ make up for sth ♦ offset sth These verbs all mean to reduce or remove the effect of sth else. 这些动词都表示弥补,补偿、 抵消。 cancel sth out to have an equal but opposite effect to sth, so that the situation does not change 抵消;对消:Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year. 近期的亏损抵消了年初的所有盈利。 ◊ The advantages and disadvantages would appear to cancel each other out. 看上去利弊 相抵。 compensate (for sth) to provide or do sth good to balance or reduce the bad effects of sth 补偿;赔偿;弥补: Nothing can compensate for the death of a loved one. 亲人 之亡故,无可弥补。 make up for sth to provide or do sth good that makes a bad situation better 补救;补 偿;弥补:Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. 失去孩子,无以弥补。 ◊ The warm welcome we received more than made up for our horrendous journey there. 我们受到的热烈 欢迎尽可弥补旅途的艰辛。 offset sth to use one cost, payment, or situation to reduce or remove the effect of another 补偿;冲抵:The company's losses in the US were more than offset by gains everywhere else. 公司在其他所有各地的利润都 不能抵消在美国的亏损。 WHICH WORD? Compensate is more formal than make up for sth but can be used in a wider range of structures, with or without for * compensate 比 make up for sth 更为正式,但可用于更多的结 构,接不接 for 均可:You should be able to eat more on this diet without having to compensate by going hungry. 实施这种节食期间可以多吃 点,无需通过忍饥挨饿来抵消多吃的部分。 Offset is often used in technical contexts. * offset 常用于专业性场合。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to be compensated/offset/cancelled out/made up for by sth ■ to compensate for/offset/cancel out the effect of sth ■ to compensate for/offset a problem ■ to help (to) compensate for/offset/make up for sth ■ to partly/partially/more than compensate for/offset/make up for sth make up to sb (BrE, informal, disapproving) to be pleasant to sb in order to get an advantage for yourself 奉承;讨好;巴结:He's always making up to the boss. 他总是拍老板的 马屁。 SYN kiss up to sb (AmE), suck up to sb ♦ v + adv + prep make with sth (informal) to do sth or use sth 做 (某事);用 (某物):Just make with the apology and buzz off. 道个歉,马上离开。◊ Stop talking and make with the duster (= start cleaning). 别说了,开始打扫吧。 ♦ v + prep map /mæp/ (-PP-) map sth on/onto sth to link a group of qualities, items, etc. with their source, cause, position on a scale, etc. 把...与...对应起来;使 有关联;映射:Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own. 语法信息可使学生将 外语的结构与母语对应起来。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep map sth out to plan or arrange sth in detail 详细规划;周密安排:I've mapped out a route for you. 我给你画出了详细路线。 ◊ She felt as though her future had been mapped out for her. 她感觉她的未来似乎被精心设计好了。 [OBJ] future, route, strategy, plan ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) march /mɑːtʃ; AmE mɑːrtʃ/ march on 1 to continue marching; to con- tinue walking quickly 继续行进;继续快步走:1 tried to speak to her but she just marched on. 我 想和她搭话,可她一个劲儿地走。2 to move on or pass quickly 快速前行;快速通过:Time marched on and we still hadn't finished. 时间过 得飞快,我们还没有完成任务。[SUBJ] time ♦ v + adv march on sth to march to a place in order to attack it or make a protest 向…行进 (以发 动攻击或示威抗议):Demonstrators marched on the American embassy. 示威者朝着美国大使 馆行进。 ♦ v + prep march past; .march past sb/sth (of soldiers 士兵) to march past an important person or building 列队经过 (要员或重要建 筑);分列式行进接受检阅: At eleven o'clock the army began to march past. 部队在 11 点钟开始 接受检阅。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ► march past n a ceremony in which soldiers formally march past an important person, etc. 阅兵式 mark /mɑːk; AmE mɑːrk/ .mark sb/sth down to reduce the marks given to sb in an examination, etc. 压低...的成 绩;减分:She was marked down for poor spell- ing. 她因拼写错误过多被扣了分。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n mark sth down 1 to reduce the price of sth 标低…的价格;降价;削价:All goods have been marked down by 15%. 所有商品一律打八五折。 SYN reduce sth 2 to write sth down; to make a note of sth for future action 写下; 记录下来 (为作未来行动之用):The teacher had marked me down as absent. 老师记了我缺课。◊ The council had the old square marked down for new development. 委员会决定开发旧广场。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► markdown n a reduction in price 降价;削 价: a markdown of 12% 八八折 .mark sb down as sth (BrE) to consider sb to be a particular type of person 将某人看 作;认定某人是:I had him marked down as a promising player from the start. 我一开始就觉 得他是个前途无量的运动员。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep mark sb/sth off (BrE) -> MARK SB/STH OUT mark sth off 1 to separate sth by marking a line between it and sth else 画线分隔;划分: We've marked the playing area off with a white line. 我们用白线划出了运动场地。2 to write or draw a mark beside a name or an item on a list, for example, for a particular reason (在 清单上)做记号: The students I want to see are marked off on the list. 我在名单上对想见的学生 标了记号。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n mark sb/sth out (BrE also .mark sb/sth off less frequent) to make sb or sth different from other people or things 使与众不同;使有别于 其他:There was something about her which marked her out from the other students. 她有些 地方和其他学生不一样。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n mark sth 'out to draw lines to show the edges of sth 用线画出…的范围;用线标出…的 界限(或边界):She marked out a circle on the ground. 她在地上画圈为界。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv mark sth up 1 to increase the price of sth 标高...的价格;提价;加价:Shares were marked up by 8%. 股票价格上涨了 8%。 2 to mark or correct a text 标示,修改(文本):The text had already been marked up with corrections (= for printing). 文稿已校对。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► markup n [usually sing.] 1 the difference between the cost of producing sth and the price it is sold at (成本与售价之间的)差价; 毛利;加成 2 the symbols used in computer documents which give information about the structure of the document, etc,(计算机文档 中用于表示文档结构等的)代码,,编码,专记: a markup language 标记语言;置标语言;标识 语言 marry /ˈmæri/ (marries, marrying, mar- ried) marry be neath you/yourself to marry sb who belongs to a lower social class than your own 与地位比自己低的人结婚;下嫁:She thought her son was marrying beneath him. 她 觉得儿子娶的媳妇配不上他。 ♦ v + prep + pron marry into sth to become a part of a family or a group because you have married sb who belongs to it 因结婚而成为(家庭或团体)的成 员:She married into a wealthy family. 她嫁入 了富裕人家。 [OBJ] family, aristocracy ♦ v + prep marry sb off (to sb) (disapproving) to get rid of a daughter or a son by finding a husband or wife for them 让(子女)结婚以将其摆脱; 把…嫁出;让…成家:He had married his daughter off to a man twice her age. 他把女儿 嫁给了比她年长一倍的男人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n marry up; marry sth up (with sth) (BrE) 1 to join up or connect successfully; to make two things or two parts do this (使)(两物 或两部分)结合起来;(使)连接上:The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 这个构 件断开的两半接不上。 ◊ He couldn't marry up the two parts of the lock. 他锁不上锁。2 to match; to make two things match (使)(两 事物)相称,匹配:The two versions of the story don't quite many up. 这件事的两种说法有出 入。◊ The lawyers couldn't marry up her story with the facts. 律师无法将她的说法和事实对 上号。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv marvel /ˈmɑːvl; AmE ˈmɑːrvl/ ( -ll-, AmE -l-) marvel at sth to be very surprised or impressed by sb/sth 深感惊奇;大为赞叹: Everyone marvelled at his courage. 他的勇气人 人钦佩。◊ Massimo marvelled at how quickly he had got used to life in Britain. 自己这么快就 适应了英国生活,马西莫觉得不可思议。 SYN wonder at sth ♦ v + prep masquerade /ˌmæskəˈreɪd; BrE also .mɑːsk-/ masquerade as sb/sth to pretend to be sth that you are not 假扮;乔装;伪装: commercial advertisers masquerading as private individuals 乔装打扮成普通人的商业广告业务 员。The local paper is full of gossip masquerad- ing as news. 这份地舌报纸充斥着包装成新闻的 八卦。 ♦ v + prep match /mætʃ/ match sb/sth against/with sb/sth to make sb/sth compete with another person or thing 使与...较量;使与...竞争:Jobson will be matched against a far more experienced player. 乔布森将与经验远比他丰富的选手一决高下。◊ Match your skill against the experts in our weekly quiz. 和我们的每周问答比赛高手过一过 招吧。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep match sth against sth to compare sth to sth else to see how the two things are similar or different 比较;对照:We are able to match the details he gave us against the information held on the computer. 我们可以拿他提供的详情 与计算机存储的信息相互参照。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep match 'up 1 (with sth) to be the same or similar (与…)相同,相似:Do their names match up with any in our database?他们的 名称与我们数据库中的能匹配上吗? ◊ The two statements don't match up. 这两个说法有出入。 SYN tally (with sth) 2 (to sb/sth) (especially BrE) (usually used in negative sentences 通常用于 否定句)to be as good as or equal to sb/sth (与…)相称,相当:The movie didn't match up to my expectations. 这部影片令我大失所望。◊ He knows what he wants and I just don't match up. 他知道自己想要什么,而我没法和他相比。 SYN measure up (to sb/sth) -> note at MEASURE UP ♦ v + adv match sb/sth up (with sb/sth) to find things or people that are suitable for each other or fit well with each other 配对;相配; 搭配:The agency matched me up with a suit- able job. 职业介绍所给我找了份合适的工作。 ◊ They were unable to match up his tissue type with any of the possible donors. 在可能的捐赠 者中,他们未能找到与他匹配的身体组织类型。 NOTE Match sb/sth (with sb/sth) can be used with the same meaning. * match sb / sth (with sb/sth) 可作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n match sb/sth with sb/sth -> MATCH SB/ STH AGAINST/WITH SB/STH max /mæks/ max out; max sth out (informal, espe- cially AmE) to reach the limit at which nothing more is possible 达到最大极限;达到极点:The car maxed out at 180 mph. 这辆车跑出了 180 英 里的最高时速。◊ I just maxed out my credit card. 我刚用完了信用卡的最高限额。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv measure/meʒə(r)/ measure sb/sth/yourself against sb/ sth to compare sb/sth/yourself with sb/sth else 拿…与…比较: The quality of the water is measured against EU standards. 水质是根据欧 盟标准测定的。◊ We have nothing to measure our performance against. 我们缺乏衡量业绩的 尺度。◊ She always measured, herself against her sisters. 她总是和姐妹们作比较。◊ I had no one to measure myself against. 我没有可比较的 对象。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep measure sth 'off to mark out a particular length on sth such as a piece of cloth 量出 (长 度): She measured off two meters of cloth. 她 量了两米布。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) measure sth out to measure the quantity of sth that you need from a larger amount 量出,取出 (所需量):He measured out the ingredients for the cake. 他称好了做蛋糕的 配料。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) measure up (to sb/sth) (informal) to be of a good enough standard or as good as sb/sth else 达到标准;合格:The new assistant didn't measure up (= he was not good enough to do the job), so we had to replace him. 新来的助手 不称职,我们只好把他换点。 ◊ The procedures don't measure up to today's standards. 这些程 序不符合现在的标准。 SYN match up (to sb/sth) NOTE Measure up is often used in negative sentences and questions. * measure up 常用于 否定句和疑问句。 ♦ v + adv measure up (for sth), measure sb/sth up (for sth) (especially BrE) to find the exact size of sth by measuring (为…) 量尺寸 (以 便制造…):We need to measure up and decide where the furniture can go. 我们得测量一下, 好确定把家具搁在哪儿。 ◊ They've come to measure up (the room) for the new carpet. 他们 为做新地毯过来丈量了 (房间的) 尺寸。◊ He was being measured up for a suit. 那会儿正有人 在给他量尺寸做西服。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYNONYMS同义词辨析 measure up (to sb/sth) come up to sth ♦ live up to sth ♦ match up (to sb/sth) ♦ measure up (to sb/sth) These verbs all mean to be good enough for a particular purpose or as good as sb expects. 这 些动词都表示达到标准、符合期望。 come up to sth to reach an acceptable level or standard 达到,符合( 认可的水平或标 准): His performance didn't really come up to his usual high standard. 他实在没有表现出平 时的高水准。 ◊ Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations. 他们的法国之行有负所望。 live up to sth to do sth as well or be as good as sb expects 达到,符合 (他人的期望);不 辜负:The island definitely lives up to its reputation as an ideal holiday destination, 该 岛确实是个名副其实的度假胜地。 match up (to sb/sth) to be as good or successful as expected or needed 达到 (标 准);符合 (期望): I tried to compete, but found / couldn't match up. 我试着争个高低, 但发现我不是对手。 measure up (to sb/sth) to be as good or successful as expected or needed 达到 (标 准);符合 (期望):The job failed to measure up to her expectations. 这份工作没有 她期望的那么好。 WHICH WORD? There is little difference in meaning or use between these verbs, but measure up is the most common. Come up to, match up to and measure up are usually used in the negative, or with a verb that has a negative meaning; live up to can be used in the negative, but is also used with positive meanings. 这些动词在意义 或用法上差异甚微,但 measure up 最为常见。 come up to、match up to 和 measure up 通常用 于否定句,或与含否定意义的动词连用;live up to 可用于否定句,但也用于肯定意义。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to measure up as sb/sth ■ to measure up/match up against sb/sth ■ to measure up to/live up to/come up to expectations ■ to fail to live up to sth/measure up/come up to sth/match up meet /miːt/(met, met /met/) meet up 1 (with sb) to meet sb by arrange- ment (按照安排) 会面,会见:We're meeting up with Gary after work, if you want to come. 如果你想来,我们下班后会和加里见面。 ◊ Where shall we meet up? 我们在哪儿碰头? 2 (with sb) to meet sb by chance 偶遇,撞见,碰 上 (某人):It was lucky we met up with them. 很幸运我们与他们相遇了。 ◊ I expect well meet up again some time. 我们后会有期。3 (with sth) (of two or more roads, rivers, etc. 两条或 以上的道路、河流等) to join up 汇合;合拢; 合流:The two paths meet up just below the summit. 这两条小道在山顶附近会合。◊ This road eventually meets up with the A40. 这条路 最终通往A40公路。SYN join up ♦ v + adv meet with sb to have a meeting with sb 会 晤;会见:The Prime Minister met with other European leaders this morning. 首相今晨与欧洲 其他领导人会晤。 ♦ v + prep meet with sth (forma;) 1 to experience sth unpleasant 遭遇,遭受 (令人不快的事):The chief witness met with an accident on his way to the court. 主要证人在前往法庭的途中出事了。◊ Our attempts to save her met with failure. 我们 救援她的努力失败了。[OBJ] an accident, fate, failure 2 to be received or treated by sb in a particular way 引起...反应;受到...对待:The proposal met with considerable opposition. 该 项提议遭到相当大的反对。◊ My explanation met with a blank stare. 我的解释换来一脸茫 然。[OBJ] opposition, approval, hostility, resistance ♦ v + prep meet sth with sth to react to sth in a par- ticular way, especially a bad or negative way 对…作出 (尤指糟糕或负面的) 反应;以…作为 回应:The proposal was met with anger and dismay. 该项议案使人们感到愤怒和沮丧。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep mellow /meləʊ; AmE -loʊ/ mellow out (informal, especially AmE) to relax and do very little 悠然自得:放松:We could just put on some music and mellow out, 我们可以放点音乐轻松一下。 SYN chill out ♦ v + adv mellow sb out (informal, especially AmE) to make sb more relaxed 使心情轻松;使放松:A week on the beach should mellow him out. 在海 滨过一周他就会放松下来了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n melt /melt/ melt a way; melt sth a way to disappear gradually; to make sth disappear gradually (使) 逐渐消失:His anger melted away. 他两 怒气渐渐消了。◊ The crowd dispersed, melting away into the side streets. 人群散了,慢慢消失 在街巷里。 ◊ His smile melted away all the tension. 做浅浅一笑,紧张气氛消散殆尽。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv melt sth 'down to heat sth until it is in a liquid state, usually so that it can be made into sth else 使熔化;使回炉:Aluminium cans can be melted down and recycled. 铝罐可回炉 再用。 [OBJ] gold, silver, etc. ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► meltdown n [U, C] 1 a serious accident in which the central part of a structure that produces nuclear energy melts 核反应堆核心 熔毁:A meltdown at the reactor had only just been avoided. 险些酷成核反应堆核心熔毁事故。 2 a disaster or serious collapse 灾难;崩溃: The meltdown on Wall Street caused chaos in markets worldwide. 华尔街股灾引发全球股市 震荡。 melt into sth to gradually become part of sth and difficult to see (逐渐) 融入,与...成 为一体:I tried hard to melt into the back- ground. 我想方设法隐身幕后。 ♦ v + prep merge /mɜːdʒ; AmE mɜːrdʒ/ merge in (with sth), merge into sth if sth merges in (with sth) or merges into sth, it is so similar to the second thing that you cannot really see the differences between them or where one ends and the other begins 与…合而为一;同…融为一体;和…不分彼此: The new college building does not merge in with the old buildings. 大学的新楼和旧楼群不协调。 ◊ Autumn is merging into winter. 不经意间秋去 冬来。◊ Saturday and Sunday seemed to merge into each other. 那个星期六和星期天似乎是连在 一起过的。 -> see also BLEND IN; BLEND INTO STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep IDM merge into the background (of a person 人)to behave quietly when you are with a group of people so that they do not notice you 在人群中毫不起眼:不引人注意 mess /mes/ (mess a bout, etc. (BrE) -> MESS AROUND, ETC. mess sb about/around (BrE, informal) to treat sb badly, making them waste time, changing your mind a lot, etc. 糊弄; 耍弄; 不 公正地对待:They messed us around so much, I wrote to complain. 他们这样耍我们,我已写信 去投诉了。 ◊ I don't like being messed about. 我 讨厌被人愚弄。 SYN muck sb about/around (BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv mess around (BrE also .mess about) (in- formal) 1 (with sb/sth) to spend time and enjoy yourself doing sth with no particular purpose 闲着;自娱:We just messed around at home all day. 我们一整天都在家里享清闲。◊ Children love to mess about in water. 儿童喜欢 嬉水。 2 (with sb/sth) to behave in a silly way, especially when you should be working or doing sth else 胡闹;瞎混:He was messing around in class. 他在课堂上捣乱。◊ She messed about all year and failed her exams. 她一年到 头在鬼混,结果考砸了。◊ Stop messing around with Tony and get on with your work. 别和托尼 瞎混了,快干活吧。 ◊ 'They fixed that quickly!' 'Yeah, they don't mess around.' (= they do things quickly) “他们很快就修好了!” “是 啊,他们不磨洋工。" 3 to joke, to say silly things 开玩笑;胡说:I'm not: messing about, it's true! 我不开玩笑,这是真的! SYN kid around (informal) SYN muck about/around (BrE) -> see also MESS AROUND WITH STH ♦ v + adv mess sb a round (BrE) -> mess sb about/ AROUND mess around with sb (BrE also .mess about with sb) (informal to have a sexual relationship with sb 和某人有性关系 ♦v + adv + prep mess around with sth (BrE also .mess a1 bout with sth) (informal) 1 to keep touching or moving sth in an annoying way 乱弄; 瞎摆 弄:Stop messing around with the video! 别瞎捣 鼓那盘录像带! ◊ Don't mess around with your food like that! 别把食物那么拨来拨去! ◊ This package has been messed around with. 这个包 裹被人动过。 2 to get involved in sth that you do not know much about or understand 涉足,插手 (自己所知不多或不懂的事):Who knows what might happen if we mess around with nature? 如果我们对大自然肆意妄为,谁知 道会发生什么事? 3 to get involved with sth dangerous 再入,陷入 (危险):He started messing around with drugs when he was just a kid. 他还是个孩子的时候就沾染上了毒品。 SYN muck about/around with sth (BrE) -> see also MESS AROUND ♦ v + adv + prep mess up; .mess sth up (informal) to spoil sth; to do sth very badly (把…) 弄糟;瞎干:I was so nervous I totally messed up at the inter- view. 我面试时紧张得答非所问。 ◊ She messed up all our arrangements by arriving late. 她姗 姗来迟,把我们的安排全打乱了。◊ You've really messed things up for me. 你给我把事情彻底搞 槽了。 SYN foul up, etc; screw up, etc. (slang) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv mess sb 'up (informal) 1 to spoil sb's life; to make sb suffer emotionally or mentally 扰 乱某人的生活;使心情恶劣;使精神痛苦: His parents really messed him up. 他爸妈真的把他 给毁了。◊ He came back into her life and messed her up again, fife 回到她的身边,再次搅 乱了她的生活。 2 (AmE) to physically hurt sb, especially by hitting them 使受伤;殴打 SYN screw sb up (slang) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► messed 'up adj (informal) confused and upset, especially because of sth bad that has happened to you in the past (尤指因不愉快的 往事) 困惑苦恼的,心烦意乱的:He's just a messed-up kid. 这孩子心理有阴影。 mess sth up to make sth untidy or dirty 弄 乱; 搞脏:She comes in, messes the place up and then goes out again. 她总是进来把这里弄的脏乱 不堪,然后又出去。 ◊ The wind is going to mess up my hair. 风快把我的头发吹乱了。 SYN muck sth up (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYNONYMS同义词辨析 mess sth up clutter sth up ♦ litter sth ♦ mess sth up These verbs all mean to make a place untidy. 这些动词都表示使某处不整洁。 clutter sth up (often passive) (disapproving) to fill a place with too many things, so that it looks untidy 乱糟糟地堆满 (某处); 使不整 洁:I don't want all these boxes cluttering up the place. 我不希望这么多盒子乱糟糟地堆在 这里。NOTE Gutter can be used on its own * clutter 可单独使用:Don't clutter the page with too many diagrams. 别让过多的图表把页 面挤得乱七八糟。 litter sth (often passive) to be spread around a place, making it look untidy (在某处) 零乱 地布满 (杂物);使杂乱: Piles of books and newspapers littered the floor. 一堆堆的书报散 乱地摊起地板上。◊ The tables were littered with old newspapers and ashtrays. 桌上凌乱地 放着旧报纸和烟灰缸。 mess sth up (informal) to make a place untidy, especially by leaving things in the wrong place or spreading them around (在 某处) 乱丢,乱放;弄乱,搞乱 (某处);使 不整洁:I don't want you messing up my nice dean kitchen, 我不想让你把我干干净净的厨房 搞得一团槽。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to be Littered/cluttered (up) with sth ■ to litter/clutter (up)/mess up the place ■ to litter/clutter (up) the room/table/floor mess with sb (informal) (usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句)1 to get involved with sb who may react in a danger- ous or violent way 与 (危险或有暴力倾向的 人) 有瓜葛 (或厮混):I wouldn't mess with Frank if I were you. 我要是你,就不会招惹弗兰 克。 2 to have or try to have a sexual relation- ship with sb 和某人有性关系;勾搭 -> see also MESS AROUND WITH SB ♦ v + prep mess with sth (informal, especially AmE) 1 to use or treat sth carelessly, causing damage 把…摆弄坏;把…捣鼓环:who's been messing with the answering machine? 谁把电话答录机 搞环了 ? ◊ Read the label carefully before you start messing with dangerous products. 使用危 险品前,先仔细阅读标签。2 to get involved with sth dangerous 陷入,卷入 (危险):How long has he been messing with drugs? 他吸毒有 多久了? [OBJ] drugs -> see also MESS AROUND WITH STH ♦ v + prep mete /miːt/ mete sth 'out (to sb) (formal) to give sb a punishment, etc. 给予 (惩罚等):Severe penal- ties were meted out by the court. 法庭予以重 判。 ◊ The commission was appalled at the treatment meted out to prisoners. 犯人受到的虐 待令委员会感到震惊。 [OBJ] punishment, treatment, justice, penalty NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) militate /ˈmɪlɪteɪt/ militate against sth (formal) to prevent sth; to make it difficult for sth to happen 防 止;妨碍:Lack of funds militated against the success of the campaign. 资金短缺使这一活动难 以成功。 ♦ v + prep mill/mɪl/ mill around; mill around sb/sth (BrE also .mill about, mill about sb/sth) if a large group of people mill around, or mill around a place, they move around without going any- where in particular, often while waiting for sth to happen (一大群人) (在某处) 闲逛, 转悠 (等候某事发生):Photographers milled around outside the hotel, waiting for the prince to appear. 摄影记者在酒店外徘徊,等待王子露 面。◊ People milled about the room, shaking hands and chatting. 人们在房间里转来转去,握 手交谈。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep mind /maɪnd/ mind out (BrE) 1 used to warn sb to be careful (用于警告) 小心,注意: Mind out! You nearly knocked me off my bike! 看着点!你险些 把我从自行车上撞下来! ◊ fve got you fish and chips. Mind out for the bones! 我给你弄了炸鱼 薯条。当心鱼刺! SYN watch out 2 (informal) used to tell sb to move so that you or sb else can pass 请让一下;借光:Mind out, Joe— you're in the way! 乔,请让一让-你挡 路啦! ♦ v + adv minister /ˈmɪnɪstə(r)/ minister to sb/sth {old-fashioned, formal) to care for sb; to make sure that sb/sth has everything necessary 照料;服侍;满足...所需: She felt it was her vocation to minister to the sick. 她觉得护理病人是她的天职。◊ Servants ministered to his needs. 仆人们鞍前马后地伺候 他。◊ He would not: be ministered to by strangers. 他不肯让陌生人照顾。 [OBJ] needs, the sick ♦ v + prep minor/ˈmaɪnə(r/ minor in sth (AmE) to study another subject as well as your main subject at a university or college 辅修:He minored in Art History. 他选择 辅修了艺术史。 ♦ v + prep miss /mɪs/ miss out (on sth) to lose an opportunity to benefit from sth or enjoy yourself, by not doing sth or taking part in an activity 错失 (机会):I felt I missed out because I didn't go to college. 我觉得我没上大学,失去了很多。◊ She missed out on the school trip. 她错过了 学校 旅行。◊ He just missed out: on a gold medal in the last Olympics (= he was just beaten). 他在 上届奥运会上痛失一枚金牌。◊ There are lots of things happening during Carnival, so don't miss out on the fun! 狂欢节期间有很少活动,可别错 过好玩的机会呀! ♦ v + adv miss sb/sth out (BrE) to not include sb/sth either deliberately or by accident (有意或无 意地) 不包括...在内;遗漏:Have I missed any- body out? 更有没有漏掉谁? ◊ You've missed out the most important piece of information! (= you haven't mentioned it) 你忘了一条最重 要的信息! ◊ She missed out a few chapters in the middle. 她漏了中间的几章。 SYN leave sb/sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n mist /mɪst/ mist over i if glass mists over, it becomes covered with very small drops of water so that you cannot see through it (玻璃) 蒙上水汽: As soon as I stepped inside, my glasses misted over. 我一踏进屋里,眼镜上就蒙了一层雾。 2 if your eyes mist over, they fill with tears (眼 睛) 充满泪水,噙着泪,被泪水模糊:His eyes misted over. 他泪眼朦胧。 NOTE Mist is often used on its own. * mist 常 单独使用。 ♦ v + adv mist up;mist sth up to cover glass, a mirror, etc. with small drops of water so that you cannot see clearly (玻璃、镜子等) 蒙上 雾气:The inside of the car was beginning to mist up. 车内开始蒙上雾气了。◊ The windows were misted up. 窗户蒙了一层水汽。 SYN fog up; steam up, steam sth up NOTE Mist and mist sth are also used on their own. * mist 和 mist sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n mistake /mɪˈsteɪk/ (mistook /mɪˈstʊk/, mistaken /mɪˈsteɪkən/) mistake sb/sth for sb/sth to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else 把...错认 为;把...误当作:I mistook him for his brother. 我把他错当成他兄弟了。◊ The toy could easily be mistaken for a real gun. 这支玩具枪几可 乱真。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 mistake sb/sth for sb/sth confuse sb/sth (with sb/sth) ♦ mistake sb/sth for sb/sth ♦ mix sb/sth up (with sb/sth) ♦ take sb/sth for sb/sth These verbs all mean to think that sb/sth is sb/sth else. 这些动词都表示错认、误认、弄混。 confuse sb/sth (with sb/sth) to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else (把…) 错 认为,误认作: People often confuse me and my twin sister. 人们常把我和我的孪生姐妹搞 混。 ◊ Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality. 注意不可将数量和质量搞混。 mistake sb/sth for sb/sth to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else 把…错认为;将…误 认作:She was quite annoyed when I mistook her for a waitress. 我把她错当成女招待,她很 恼火。 ◊ These tablets can be easily mistaken for sweets. 这些药片很容易被错当成糖果。 mix sb/sth up (with sb/sth) (not formal) to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else (把…) 错认为,误认作: I think you must be mixing me up with someone else. 我想你一定 是把我当作别人了。◊ She always gets her left and right mixed up. 她总是分不清左右。 take sb/sth for sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses) to consider sb/sth to be sb/sth, especially when you are wrong 把… 认为是;把…错认为: I mistakenly took her for the Senators wife. 我把她错认作那名参议员的 妻子。 ◊ He's not the fool you take him for. 他 可不像你想的那么傻。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to easily confuse/mistake sth ■ you can't mistake sth mix/mɪks/ mix sth in (with sth), mix sth into sth to combine one substance with others, espe- cially in cooking (尤指烹调时) 使与…混合, 掺入,和入:Mix the eggs in slowly. 慢慢把鸡蛋 搅进去。◊ Mix a little cream into the sauce. 在 调味酱里搀一点奶油。 SYN blend sth in; stir sth in, stir sth into sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep mix sb up; be/get .mixed up to make sb unable to think clearly or understand what is happening; to be in or get into this state 把...扃糊涂;使弄不清:Now you've mixed me up completely! I'm really confused. 你现在把我 彻底搞懵了!我实在是弄不懂了。◊He got mixed up and caught the wrong train. 他稀里糊涂地上 错了火车。 SYN muddle sb up (informal, especially BrE), confuse sb (more formal) NOTE Often used in the passive with be or get 常与 be 或 get 连接,用于被动语态:I think you're getting mixed up. 我想你是糊涂了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ be/get + v + adv ► mixed up adj (informal) confused because of social or emotional problems 迷惘的;困惑 的:She's a very mixed-up kid. 这女孩十分迷茫。 mix sb/sth 'up (with sb/sth) to think wrong- ly that sb/sth is sb/sth else; to be unable to distinguish between two or more people or things (把…) 错认为,误当作;分不清: You're mixing me up with my brother. 你把我错当作我 兄弟了。 ◊ The hospital mixed up the babies' name tags. 医院把婴儿的姓名牌弄混了。 SYN muddle sb/sth up, etc. (especially BrE) -> note at MISTAKE SB/STH FOR SB/STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM get A and B mixed up; get A mixed up with B to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else; to be unable to distinguish between two or more people or things (把…) 错认为,误 当作;分不清:My bag got mixed up with some- body else's at the airport. 我的包在机场和别人 的搞混了。◊ People who are colour-blind usu- ally get red and green mixed up. 色盲的人通常 区分不了红色和绿色。 mix sth up (with sth) to change the order or arrangement of things in a confused or untidy way 搞乱;弄混:I'd sorted chose papers out and now you've mixed them all up again. 我本来 把文件整理好了,可现在你又全弄乱了。 ◊ My letters have all been mixed up with yours. 我和 你的信全混在一起了。 SYN muddle sth up (with sth) (especially BrE) -> note at MISTAKE SB/STH FOR SB/STH NOTE Often used in the passive with be or get 常与 be 或 get 连接,用于被动语态:The clean clothes got all mixed up with the dirty ones. 干 净衣服和脏衣服全搅在一块儿了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► mix-up n a mistake that causes confusion; a situation that is full of confusion 混乱; 杂乱: There was a mix-up over the tickets. 票弄混了。 ► mixed 'up adj untidy; in a state of confu- sion 混乱的;混杂的:My papers were all mixed up. 我的文件全乱套了。◊ mixed-up papers 杂乱 的文件 be/get .mixed 'up in sth to be/become involved in sth dangerous or illegal 卷入,陷 入 (危险或非法之事):He would never have got mixed up in anything criminal. 他绝不会参与任 何犯罪涪动的。◊ How did you get mixed up in all this? 你是怎样被牵连进这一切的? ♦ be/get + v + adv + prep be/get .mixed up with sb to be/become friendly with or involved with sb dangerous or dishonest 与 (危险或不诚实的人) 来往;与... 厮混:I'll never understand how she got mixed up with PhiL. 我一直搞不明白她是如何跟菲尔鬼 混上的。 ◊ He was mixed up with the wrong crowd for a while. 他和一些不三不四的人交往 过一阵。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 mix sth up jumble sth up ♦ mix sth up ♦ muddle sth up ♦ shuffle sth These verbs all mean to put things together in the wrong order or a different order. 这些动词 都表示弄乱、搞乱、弄混。 jumble sth up (usually passive) to mix things together without any order and in an untidy way 使混乱;使杂乱:The letters in these words have been jumbled up. 这些单词的字母顺序已 被打乱。NOTE Jumble can be used on its own * jumble 可单独使用:Books, shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor. 书 籍、鞋子和衣服在地板上乱作一团。 mix sth up to change the order or arrangement of a group of things, often by mistake or in a way that you do not want 搞 乱;弄混: Someone has mixed up all the application forms, 有人把报名表全都弄乱了。 muddle sth up (often passive) (especially BrE) to accidentally change the order or arrangement of a group of things, usually in a way that you do not want 随意弄乱;使混 乱: All the cups and saucers have been muddled up. 杯子和托碟全都弄混了。NOTE Muddle can be used on its own * muddle 可 单独使用:Don't do that—you're muddling my papers. 别那么干——你把我的文件搞乱了。 shuffle sth to move paper or things into different positions or a different order; to completely change the order of playing cards before playing a game 搞乱;弄乱; 洗(牌): He nervously shuffled the papers on his desk. 他紧张地把桌上的文件翻来翻去。 ◊ Shuffle the cards and deal out seven to each player. 洗 牌,然后每人发七张纸牌。 WHICH WORD? You can mix or jumble things up by mistake or deliberately; things are always muddled by mistake. You can mix up or muddle papers or forms by getting them in the wrong order; things that are jumbled are usually objects that are not in any order at all. * mix /jumble things up 可出于无意或有意;muddle 总是出于无意。 mix up 或 muddle 是指文件或表格乱序;jumble 通常指物品无序。 PATTERNS AND COllOCATIONS ■ to be jumbled/mixed/muddled up ■ to be jumbled/muddled up together ■ to jumble/mix up letters/words ■ to mix up/muddle sb's papers ♦ be/get + v + adv + prep mix it up with sb (AmE, informal) 1 to fight with sb 与…打架:Some guys came into the bar obviously in the mood to mix it up with someone. 几个家伙走进酒吧,显然想要找人干 上一架。 2 to start an argument with sb 与… 争吵;与…争执起来: Do they really mean what they say, or are they just trying to mix it up with the other side? 他们说的话是当真的吗,2 是他们只想和对方吵上一架? ♦ v + it + adv + prep mix it with sb (BrE, informal) 1 to compete with sb; to argue or fight with sb 和…较量: 与…吵桑; 与…打架: Hell be mixing it with the world's best players. 他将和世界顶级好手决一雌 雄。 ◊ He can mix it with the best of them. 他能 够和他们中的强手一较高低。2 to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way 和… 交往;同…相处:She loves mixing it with the rich and famous. 她喜欢结交富人与名流。 ♦ v + it + prep mock /mɒk/ mock sth up to produce a copy of sth that is going to be made, so that it can be tested or people can see what it will be like 制作…的实 体模型:We mocked up the front page to see how it would look. 我们把头版编排了出来,看看效 果如何。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► mock-up n a copy of sth that is produced to show people what it will be like, or to test it 实尺寸模型;实物复制品:a mock-up of the next day's front page 第二天头版的版面样张。 model /ˈmɒdl; AmE mɑːdl/ (-II-, AmE -I-) model sb/sth/yourself on sb/sth (also model sb/sth/yourself upon sb/sth more formal) (AmE also model sb/sth after sb/sth) to make or create sth that looks or behaves like sth else; to take sb, especially sb you like, as an example and copy them 仿造;效仿; 以...为榜样;向...看齐:The house was modelled on a French chateau. 这所房子是模仿―-座法国 庄园建造的。◊ He modelled the main character on his friend 他以朋友为原型创作了这个主要角 色。◊ He still models himself on Elvis. 他还在模 仿 "猫王" 埃尔维斯。 NOTE Often used in the passive 常用于被动语态: The ship was modelled on/after a Greek pirate ship. 这艘船以希腊海盗船为设计蓝本。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep monkey /ˈmʌŋki/ monkey a bout/a round (with sth) (BrE, informal) to behave in a silly way; to touch or change sth in a careless way 胡闹;瞎弄;乱改: They were monkeying around in class. 他们那 会儿正在课堂上捣蛋。◊ He's monkeyed about with the original words of the song. 他改动歌词 闹着玩儿。 SYN mess around; mess around with sth ♦ v + adv mooch /muːtʃ/ mooch about/around; .mooch about/around sth (informal, especially BrE) to spend time doing nothing in particular 闲荡;闲着:We went into town and mooched about for a while. 我们进城逛了一会儿。◊ They spent an hour mooching around the shops. 他 们花了一小时逛商店。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep moon /mu:n/ moon about/around; moon about/ a round sth (BrE, informal) to spend time doing nothing in particular, often because you are feeling unhappy (郁闷地) 闲逛,消磨时光: He mooned around the streets, hoping to see Anna. 他在街上四处游荡,希望见到安娜。 SYN mope around; mope around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep moon over sb (informal) to spend your time in a dream thinking about sb that you love 出神地思念 (钟爱的人);对…魂牵梦萦: He spends most of his time mooning over Helen. 他 大部分时间都在痴想着海伦。 ♦ v + prep mop /mɒp; AmE mɑːp/ (-pp-) mop up; mop sth up 1 to clean up liquid or remove liquid from somewhere, using sth that absorbs it 吸净,抹去 (水迹):I always have to mop up after he's had a shower. 他淋浴过后我总得擦干水迹。◊ Can you mop up the water on the bathroom floor? 请擦掉浴室瘢 板上的水好吗? ◊ She mopped up the sauce with a piece of bread. 她用面包片把酱料能干净了。◊ Mopping-up operations have begun after the floods. 洪水过后,善后工作已经展开。2 to use up all of sth 用光;用完:The new factory should mop up the pool of surplus labour. 新工 厂应该把剩余劳力全部用上。 3 to take control of sth 控制;支配:The company started mopping up smaller firms. 这家公司并始兼并小 公司。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) mop sb/sth up to get rid of the last few people who continue to oppose you; to finish tasks that remain 肃清 (残敌); 完成 (余下的 工作): The army mopped up some isolated pockets of resistance. 部队剿灭了一些孤立的抵 抗势力。◊ There are a few things to mop up before we go. 我们走之前还有几件事儿要完成。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) mope /məʊp; AmE moʊp/ mope a round; mope a round sth (BrE also .mope about, mope a1 bout sth) to walk about a place in an unhappy way, with no particular purpose (无聊地) 闲荡,闲逛:He's been moping about all day. 他百无聊赖地转悠 了一整天。◊ You spend too much time moping around the house. 你闷在家的时间太多了。 SYN moon about/around; moon about/ around sth (BrE ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep mount /maʊnt/ mount up (to sth) to increase gradually in size or quantity (大小或数量) 渐增,缓升: The paperwork soon mounts up if you don't deal with it immediately. 一不及时处理,文案 工作很快就攒成堆了。◊ My debts have mounted up to over a thousand dollars. 我欠债累积超过 了一千元。 ♦ v + adv mouse /maʊs/ mouse 'over sth (computing) to move a computer mouse so that you point to a par- ticular area on the screen 滑动鼠标至 (计算机 屏幕某处);鼠标悬停于:When you mouse over these hot spots, they change colour. 移动鼠标指 向这些热点,他们会变颜色。 SYN roll over sth ♦ v + prep ► mouseover n [C, U]: Most browsers support mouseovers. 大多数浏览器支持鼠标悬停。 ◊ mouseover buttons 鼠标悬停按钮 mouth /maʊθ/ mouth off (at/about sb/sth) (informal) (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行 时)to give your opinion about sb/sth loudly; to complain loudly about sb/sth 大发议论;大 声抱怨:I could hear him mouthing off about how they should have won. 我听到他在高谈阔 论他们如何如何本应取胜。◊ She was mouthing off at all the other drivers on the road. 她扯着 嗓门大骂所有其他路过的司机。 ♦ v + adv move /muːv/ move about, etc. (especially BrE) -> MOVE AROUND, ETC. move a'cross; move across sth to move from one side of sth to the other 从一边 移到另一边;穿过:He moved across to the window and looked out.他走到对面的窗前向外 张望。 [OBJ] room ♦ v 十 adv ♦ v + prep move a1 head to advance or develop, often after there has been a delay (耽搁之后) 发 展,进展:The project is moving ahead again now. 这个项目现在又有了进展。 SYN proceed (more formal) ♦ v + adv move ahead of sb/sth to move faster than sb/sth; to develop more quickly than sb/sth else 比...移动得快;比...进展迅速;领 先...-步:'Speed up!' he said, moving ahead of her." 快点!” 他说着便冲到了她前面。◊ Our foreign competitors are moving ahead of us. 国 外竞争对手走在我们前面。 SYN overtake sb/sth ♦ v + adv + prep move a long .move a long sth to go forward (沿着…) 前行:The convoy of cars was moving slowly along the road. 车队在公路 上缓慢行进。 [OBJ] road ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep move along/ on; move sb along/ on to leave a particular place or go to a new position; to make sb do this (使 ) 挪动; (使) 移动:Move along now. You're blocking the entrance. 往前走。你挡住门啦。 ◊ The police arrived to move the demonstrators along. 警察 到场让示威人群移动起来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv move along; .move sth along if a project, etc. moves along, or if sb moves it along, it continues to make good progress (使项目等) 继续推进:Can you move the story along a bit faster? What happened in the end? 你把故事讲得快一点好吗?结局到底怎样? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv move a part if two or more things or people move apart, they become separated by a distance 分开;分离:They quickly moved apart when I walked in. 我走进来,他们马上分开了。 ◊ (figurative) The two sides in the dispute are moving further and further apart. 争议双方的 分歧越来越大。 ♦ v + adv move around; move a round sth (also move about/'round, move about/'round sth especially BrE) to keep moving from one place to another 不停移动;走来走去:Use the mouse to move around the screen. 用鼠标在屏 幕上来回移动。◊ I have to move around a lot with my job. 我的工作需要我到处跑动。◊ She sang as she moved about the room. 她在房间里 边走边唱。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep move sb/sth a round (also .move sb/sth a'bout/round especially BrE) to move sb/sth from one place to another (使) 移动;(使) 走动:It's not fair to keep moving the children around, from school to school. 让孩子经常转学 不好。◊ The chair is light and easy to move about. 椅子很轻,便于搬动。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv move around sth (also .move round sth especially BrE) to move in a circle around sth that is blocking your path 绕过去;兜过去:She moved round the table to open the window. 她 绕过桌子去开窗。 SYN go around sb/sth ♦ v + prep move a side to move to one side, usually to allow sb or sth to pass 挪到一边;闪开;让路:I moved aside to let: her go past. 我闪到一旁,让 她过去。 ♦ v + adv move sb/sth a'side to put sb/sth to one side away from the centre of a place, usually to make room for sb/sth else 把...挪到一边, 移开 (以腾出空间):We moved the tables aside so that we could dance. 我们把桌子都搬到边上 以便跳舞。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv move a'way to leave the place where you live to go and live in another place 搬家;迁离: All her friends have moved away from the area. 她的朋友都从这个地方迁走了。 ♦ v + adv move a way (from sb/sth), move sth away (from sb/sth) to leave the place or position you are in and go to another; to take sth from one place or position and put it in another (使) 改变位置:离开;把…从…搬走: Move away from the window in case anyone sees you. 离开窗户,别让人看见你。 ◊ Can you move the scissors away from the baby? 把宝宝 那儿的剪刀拿走好吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n move a way from sth to stop doing, following or believing sth 歌手不干;不再追 随;不再相信:The party seems to be moving away from its original aims. 该党似乎在背离其 原来的宗旨。 ♦ v + adv + prep move back; move sth back 1 to go, or to move sth, to a new position at a distance away from the front or behind sb/sth (使) 退后;(使)后移:He moved back a few steps. 他后退了几步。◊ She moved her chair back from the fire. 她把椅子从炉火旁往后挪了一挪。 OPP move forward, move sth forward 2 to go, or to move sth, to the place or position it was in before (使)回到原位;(使)归位: His eyes moved back to her face. 他的目光回到了她的脸 上。◊ It took a long time to move the furniture back after the party. 聚会过后花了很长时间才 把家具放归原位。SYN return (sth) (to sth) 3 if an event moves back, or sb moves it back, it takes place at a later date or time than was first planned (使)推迟;(使)延期:They've moved back the date of the wedding. 他们把婚 期推迟了。 OPP bring sth forward; move forward; move sth forward -> see also PUT STH BACK ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) move 'down (of a level or an amount 水平 或数量)to decrease 降低;减少:Prices move up and down according to demand. 价格随需求变 化上下浮动。 SYN go down OPP move up ♦ v + adv move down; .move down sth 1 to move from a higher position to a lower one 从高处移到低处;下移:I watched her move nervously down the slope. 我看着她战战兢兢地 下了坡。[OBJ] hill, ladder OPP go up, go up sth 2 to move to a new position to make more space for sb else 移动(以腾出空间):Can you move down (the bus) so more people can get on?请往里挪挪,让更多的人上车好吗? SYN move up, move up sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep move down; .move sb down (at school 在学校)to move, or to move sb, to a lower class, grade or level (使)降级;(使)降到 慢班:I was worried that if I failed the test I would have to move down. 我害怕如果通不过考 试,我就得降级了。◊ If you don't work harder, you'll be moved down (to the class below). 如果 不努力学习,你就要降到慢班去了。 OPP move up, move sb up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv move sb/sth down; move sb/sth 'down sth to move sb/sth from a higher position to a lower one 把...从高处移到低处; 把...下移:Move the boxes down from the top of the wardrobe. 把衣橱顶上的那些盒子拿下来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep move forward; .move sth forward 1 to go, or to make sth go, to a place or position that is in front (使)前行;(使)前移:The car began to move forward slowly. 车子开始徐 徐向前开动了。 OPP move back, move sth back 2 to develop, or to make sth develop, towards a good result (使)有进展;促进; 推动:It's time to move this project forward. 该 进一步开发这个项目了。3 to move, or to make sth move, towards the future (使)向前发展: The company must keep moving forward. 公 司必须不断发展进步。◊ The story then moves forward to 1999. 故事接着就说到了 1999年。 4 if an event moves forward, or sb moves it forward, it takes place at an earlier date or time than was planned (使)提前发生; (使)提前:My operation has been moved forward two weeks. 我的手术提前了两个星期。 OPP move back, move sth back ♦ v + adv ♦ v+ n/pron + adv move 'in 1 (on sb/sth) to move towards sb/ sth, especially in a threatening way, or to make a dangerous situation calm 向...进逼; 赶到(以平息危险事态):I moved in close and stuck the gun in his back. 我逼近他,用枪抵住 他的后背。◊ The police moved in to control the crowd. 警察赶了过来控制人群。 SYN close in (on sb/sth) 2 to arrive and begin work, especially when people do not really want you there (违背他人意愿地)开进并动工:The developers moved in and built a housing estate in the grounds of the old house. 开发商开了进 来,在旧房子的地皮上建造住宅。3 (on sth) to begin to try to have control of or responsibility for a company, a project, etc, 试图控制,企图 接管(公司、项目等):They are moving in on another drugs company. 他们试图控制另一家制 药公司。 ♦ v + adv move 'in; move into sth to go to a new house and begin to live there 搬入新居:How soon can you move in? 你多久能搬进新家? ◊ When are you moving into your new flat? 你什 么时候搬到新公寓。 OPP move out, move out of sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep move in together; move in with sb to start living with sb, especially a partner 和 (伴侣等)开始共同生活;开始同居:They've decided to move in together. 他们决定同居。 ♦ v + adv + adv ♦ v + adv + prep move into sth 1 -> MOVE IN, MOVE INTO STH 2 to start to be involved in a new area of activity or business 涉足,开始从事(新的活动 或工作):The company is looking to move into new markets. 公司正打算打入新市场。◊ After teaching for ten years he moved into publishing. 从教十年后,他改行干起了出版工作。 3 to develop or advance into a new position, stage, etc. 发展到,进入(新的位置、阶段等):The project is now moving into its second year. 这项 工程正步入第二个年头。 ◊ The team has moved into fourth place after their victory. 获胜后该队 升至第四名。 ♦ v + prep move sb/sth 'into sth to take sb/sth and put them/it in a new place 将...移到;把...挪 到:We've moved the phone into the hall. 我们把 电话移到了门厅。◊ The doctors at the hospital have moved my father into a room on his own. 医院的医生把我父亲转到了单间。 ◊ I've moved my savings into a different bank account. 我把存款转到了另一个银行账户上。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep move 'off (especially BrE) (especially of a vehicle 尤指车辆)to start a journey; to begin to move 出发;起程;启动:Check your mirrors before you move off. 车白动之前注意看一下反 光镜。 ♦ v + adv move off sth;move sb/sth off sth to leave the place where you are; to remove sb/sth from a particular place 离开;(把…) 移开:Farmers are rapidly moving off the land. 农民正快速离开土地。◊ Can you move your car off the pavement please? 请把你的车开离人行道 好吗? ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep move on 1 to continue your journey after stopping for a short while; to leave the place where you are and go to a new place (短暂 停留后)继续行进;离开:After a few minutes, the bus moved on again. 几分钟后公共汽车又往 前开了。◊ The police told them to move on and go home! 警察命令他们离开这里回家去! ◊ When I looked round, I realized everyone else had moved on. 我环顾四周,发现其他人都走掉 了。 2 if ideas, beliefs, etc. move on, they change and develop (思想、信念等)变化发展: Things have moved on a lot since my parents were young. 与我父母年轻时相比,世事已经大 变。 ◊ The debate does not seem to have moved on much. 争论似乎没有多大进展。◊ Fashions are moving on all the time. 流行时尚总是日新 月异。 3 (to sth) to start doing or discussing sth new 开始做(别的事情);转换(话题):I want to move on to my next point now. 我现 在想开始阐述下一个要点。◊ When her contract here runs out in April, Tessa will move on. 特 莎在这里的合同4月到期后将换份工作。 ◊ She moved on to become senior editor of a maga- zine. 她转任一家杂志的高级编辑。SYN pass on (to sth) ♦ v + adv move on;move sb on: Every time they stopped they got moved on by the police. 他们每 次停下来都被警方要求向前走。→ MOVE ALONG/ ON, MOVE SB ALONG/ON move out;move out of sth to leave your home and go to live somewhere else 搬 出去住;(从…) 迁出:The lodger moved out yesterday. 房客昨天搬走了。◊ He wants to move out of London. 他想搬出伦敦。 ◊ They've recent- ly moved out of the city and gone to live in the country. 他们最近从城里迁居乡下。 OPP move in, move into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep move sb out;move sb out of sth 1 to make sb leave a place, especially their home 让...离开(尤指住所):The landlord is moving the tenants out. 房东要房客搬走。◊ The emer- gency services are moving people out of their homes. 紧急救援人员正将民众疏散出住所。 2 to remove sb, especially soldiers, from a place 将…调离;从…撤回: Many countries are moving their troops out of the area. 多个国家正 在将部队撤离该地区。SYN withdraw sb (from sth) ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (lessfrequent) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep move sth out;move sth out of sth to remove sth from a place, especially in order to make more space (从…)移开, 挪开(以腾出 空间):We'll need to move some chairs out to make more room. 我们得搬走几张椅子,以便多 腾出些地方。 ◊ When can you move your belongings out of my apartment? 你什么时候能 把你的东西从我公寓里搬走? ◊ That table will have to be moved out of the way. 那张桌子得挪 开让道。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep move out of sth 1 to leave a particular place, area or situation 离开;觥离: We watched the boat moving out of the harbour. 我 们看着那艘船驶离了港口。◊ The country is moving out of recession. 该国正从衰退中复苏。 2 to stop being involved in a particular activ- ity or area of business 退出,不再从事(某项 活动或工作):Many people have been forced to move out of farming. 很多人被迫放弃了务农。 ♦ v + adv + prep move over 1 (to sb/sth) to go towards sb/ sth 向...走去;走向:He moved over to Her. 他朝 她走去。2 (to sth) (especially BrE) to begin to do sth in a different way or with different people; to change the system you are using 转 变(做事方式);更换(工作环境);改变(系 统): I'm an interpreter, but I'd like to move over to translation work. 我从事口译,但我希 望改做笔译。◊ We've just moved over to a new computing system. 我们刚刚换上了新的计算机 系统。3 to move to one side, usually to make room for sb/sth else 移到一边; 挪开;让开:I wish the car in front would move over and let me overtake. 我希望前面的车能让让路,让我超 车。 ◊ Move over! I want to sit down too. 往 旁边挪一挪!我也想坐下。◊(figurative) Older managers should move over to make room for younger people. 年长的经理应该退下来,给牟轻 人腾地方。 -> see also MOVE UP 2 ♦ v + adv move over sth;move sb/sth over sth 1 to go forward slowly across a surface; to make sth do this (使)缓慢走过(平面): The tank adapts to the ground it is moving over. 坦克能适应它驶过的地面。◊ just move the brush lightly over the paper. 把画笔在纸上轻轻 描画就行啦。 2 if sb's hands, eyes, etc. move over sth, or sb moves them over sth, they slowly move across sth (用手)抚摩;(用目 光)打量;(使)缓缓移过: His eyes moved over her face. 他的目光在她脸上游移。 ◊ She moved her hands gently over his injured ankle. 她用双 手轻抚他受伤的脚踝。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep move 'past sb/sth to pass in front of sb/sth 从…前面经过:He moved past her into the lounge. 他在她面前走过,进了休息室。 SYN go past sb/sth ♦ v+ prep move rounds etc. (especially BrE) -> MOVE AROUND, ETC. move to wards sb/sth to approach sb/sth 接近; 靠近:She began to run as the car moved towards her. 车子冲她开来时她跑了起来。 ♦ v + prep move towards sth; move towards doing sth (especially BrE) (AmE usually move toward sth, move toward doing sth) (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行 时)to prepare to do or achieve sth; to approach or move nearer to sth 准备做(或完 成);接近;靠近:We are moving towards a better understanding of the situation. 我们对局 势有了更深入的了解。◊ Is the group moving towards finding a solution? 小组有重找到解决 方案吗? [OBJ] understanding, settlement ♦ v+ prep move up (of a rate, a level or an amount 比 率、水平或数量)to increase 增长;上升:What will we do if interest rates move up? 如果利率 上调,我们该怎么办? SYN go up OPP go down ♦ v + adv move up; move sb up to move, or to make sb move, to a higher level, grade or class (使)升级;(使)升入快班:She's been moved up into the Advanced class. 她被调到了 快班。◊ I see Tim has moved up in the world (= has got a better job, more money, a higher social position, etc.)我看蒂姆混得比以前好啦。 OPP move down, move sb down ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv move up; move up sth; move sb/ sth up; move sb/sth up sth 1 to move from a lower to a higher position; to make sb/sth do this (使)上移;(使)升高:Hold the ladder tightly and. move up a rung at a time. 抓紧梯子,一级一级往上爬。◊ we watched the group moving up the hill 我们看着这一队人 登山。◊ (figurative) This is your chance to move up the career ladder and get a better job. 这是 你职业生涯提升和得到更好职位的机会。◊ Move your hand up and down. 上下挥动你的手。◊ We had to move the piano up three flights of stairs. 我们得抬着钢琴上三段楼梯。SYN go up, etc. OPP move down, etc. 2 to change your pos- ition to make room for sb else; to make sb/sth do this (使)让开;(使)让位:Come on, move up a bit and let your mother sit down! 哎,挪开点,让你母亲坐下! -> see also MOVE DOWN, MOVE DOWN STH 2; MOVE OVER 3 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep mow /məʊ; AmE moʊ/ (mowed, mown /məʊn; AmE moʊn/or mowed) mow sb 'down 1 to kill sb, often large num- bers of people, with a gun (用枪)杀死,撂 倒,射杀(常指成群的人):The demonstrators were mown down by the soldiers. 示威者被士兵 开枪打死了。 -> note at SHOOT SB/STH DOWN 2 (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或司机)to kill/hit sb, often because the driver has been driving in a careless or dangerous way (常指因粗心 大意或危险驾驶)轧死,撞倒: A mother and her two children were mown down by joyriders. 母子三人被开车兜风的人撞死了。 SYN run sb down NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv muck/mʌk/ muck a'bout/a round (BrE, informal) 1 (with sb/sth) to spend time and enjoy yourself doing sth with no particular purpose 游手好 闲; 闲荡:They were mucking about outside, kicking a ball around. 他们在外面玩耍,把一只 球踢来踢去。2 (with sb/sth) to behave in a silly way, especially when you should be working or doing sth else 游手好闲;游荡;胡 混:Stop mucking around and go to bed. 别胡闹 啦,睡觉去吧。◊ She mucked around all year and failed her exams. 她一年到头浑浑噩噩,结 果没通过考试。 3 to joke; to say silly things 开 玩笑;胡说八道:I thought he was mucking about until I saw it was real blood on his face. 我还以为他是闹着玩儿,直到我看见他脸上真的 有血。 SYN mess around ♦ v + adv muck sb a bout/a round (BrE, informal) to treat sb badly, making them waste time, changing your mind a lot, etc. 糊弄;耍弄; 玩弄:I'm sick of being mucked about by employers. 我很厌烦雇主们的愚弄。 SYN mess sb about/around ♦ v+ n/pron + adv muck about/a round with sth (BrE, informal) to keep touching, moving or chan- ging sth in an annoying way 瞎弄;胡搞;乱改: Who's been mucking about with my computer? 谁摆弄过我的计算机啦? ◊ Don't muck around with the words of the song—I think they're fine. 歌词别再改来改去了 ——我觉得不错。 SYN mess around with sth, etc. ♦ v + adv + prep muck a'round, etc. (BrE)-> MUCK ABOUT/ AROUND, ETC. muck in (BrE, informal) 1 to join in with other people in order to complete a task 加 入,合伙(以完成工作):If we all muck in, we'll soon get the job finished. 如果我们大伙一 块儿干,活儿很快就能做完。2 to share food, accommodation, costs, etc. with other people 分享;分摊:Money was short, but we all mucked in together. 钱不够用,但我们都同舟 共济。 ♦ v + adv muck out; .muck sth out to clean the place where an animal lives, especially a horse 打扫 (畜栏,尤指马厩):It's your turn to muck out today. 今天轮到你清扫马棚了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv muck sth up (informal, especially BrE) 1 to do sth very badly; to spoil sth 搞糟;毁坏:This is your last chance, so don't muck it up. 这是你 最后的机会,可别搞砸了。◊ Her surprise visit totally mucked up my plans. 她的意外到访完全 打乱了我的计划。 2 to make sth dirty 弄脏: Take your shoes off! You're mucking up my floor! 脱掉鞋子!你踩脏我的地板了! 3 to make sth untidy 弄乱:Stop that, you're mucking up my hair. 快住手,你把我的头发搞 乱了。 SYN mess sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv muddle/ˈmʌdl/ muddle along (also .muddle on less frequent) (especially BrE) to continue living or doing sth with no clear purpose or plan 浑浑 噩噩混日子; 得过且过: We muddle along from day to day. 我们一天天地混日子。 ♦ v + adv muddle through to achieve your aims although you are not efficient, do not know what you are doing, do not have the right equipment, etc. 勉强应付过去:I'll muddle through somehow. 我会设法对付过去的。 ♦ v + adv muddle sb up (especially BrE) to make sb confused 使糊涂:I won't explain now—it might muddle you up. 我现在不作解释-----那样会使 你摸不着头脑的。◊ You're muddling me up! 你 把我搞糊涂啦! ◊ I got muddled up and took the wrong turning. 我稀里糊涂地拐错了弯。 SYN mix sb up; confuse sb (more formal) -> note at MIX STH UP NOTE Often used in the passive with get. 常与 get 连接,用于被动语态。Muddle sb is used more frequently on its own with the same meaning. * muddle sb 单独使用作此义更常见。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) muddle sb/sth up (with sb/sth), muddle A up with B (especially BrE) to confuse one person or thing with another; to think that sb/sth is sb/sth else (把…) 错认 为,误当作:He muddled up our passports and gave me back the wrong one. 他把我们的护照搞 混了,把别人的发还给了我。 ◊ I keep muddling her up with her sister, 我老是把她当成她姐姐。 SYN mix sb/sth up (with sb/sth) NOTE Muddle sb/sth is also used on its own. * muddle sb / sth也单独使用。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM get A and B muddled 'up; get A muddled up with B to confuse one person or thing with another 混淆;搞混;分分不清:I always get the twins muddled up. 我总是分不清这对双 胞胎。 muddle sth up (with sth) (especially BrE) to carelessly put things in the wrong order; to mix things together in an untidy way 随便弄 乱;使混乱:The money was muddled up with everything else in his pocket. 他衣兜里的钱和其 他东西乱作一团。◊ The kids have muddled up all the photos. 孩子们把照片全都翻得乱七 八糟。 SYN mix sth up (with sth) → note at MIX STH UP NOTE Muddle sth is also used on its own. * muddle sth 也单独使用。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM get sth muddled up (with sth) to put things in the wrong order; to mix things together in an untidy way 弄乱;使杂乱无章: The words seemed to have got muddled up. 词 序好像乱套了。 mug/mʌɡ/ (-gg-) mug 'up (on sth), .mug sth 'up (BrE, in- formal) to quickly learn sth, especially sth that you should already know, before an exam, etc. (尤指考试前) 临时抓紧学习,临阵磨枪, 临时抱佛脚:He spent the whole night mugging up for the exam. 他熬了一夜,拼命用功应付考 试。◊ I'd better mug up on the subject before I meet her. 和她见面前我得赶快了解一下这个课 题。 ◊ I'm going to mug up as much as I can about Delhi before I go there. 去德里前我要尽量 多地了解那里的情况。 SYN swot up (on sth) (BrE), review sth (espe- cially Am E), revise sth (BrE) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv mull/mʌl/ mull sth over to think about or consider sth for a long time before you decide to do sth (作决定前) 仔细斟酌,反复考虑:I've been mulling over what you said last night. 我一直在 琢磨你昨夜说的话。 -> note at think sth over ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n muscle /'mʌsl/ muscle 'in (on sb/sth) (informal) to get involved in a situation that you have no right to be involved in, especially sth that will give you an advantage or a profit 强行干预,粗暴 干涉 (以谋取私利);强行捞 (好处):I don't want Matt muscling in on our deaL 我不想让马 特插手我们的交易。 ♦ v + adv muscle 'up to develop your muscles so that you become stronger and fitter 锻炼肌肉;健身: Once you muscle up, youll find that your body bums more calories. 一旦开始锻炼血肉,你转 发现身体会消耗更多热量。 ♦ v + adv muscle up;muscle sth up to become stronger, better or more powerful; to make sth stronger, better or more powerful (使)变得 更强壮;(使)变得更强大:The unions need to muscle up if they want to become a force in this country again. 工会如果想再次成为这个国家的 一股力量, 就需要使自身不断壮大。 ◊ The BBC is trying to muscle up its winter schedules. 英国 广播公司正在强化冬季节目安排。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) muss /mʌs/ muss sth 'up (Am日 to make sth look untidy 使不整洁;搞乱:My skirt got mussed up when I sat down. 我坐下时把裙子压皱了。 SYN mess sth up NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。 Muss sth is often used on its own. * muss sth 常单独使用。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n muster/ˈmʌstə(r)/ muster sth up to find the courage, strength, etc. that you need in order to do sth difficult or unpleasant 鼓起(勇气、劲头 等);振作起来: She could barely muster up the strength to get out: of bed. 她几乎连起床的力气 都没有了。 [OBJ] strength, energy Sd summon sth up NOTE Muster sth is often used on its own. * muster sth常单独使用。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv naff /næf/ naff off (old-fashioned, BrE, slang) used by some people to tell sb rudely to go away and stop annoying them (粗鲁的说法) 滚开,别 烦:Just naff off and leave me alone! 滚蛋,别 烦我! SYN clear off (especially BrE) ♦ v + adv nag /næg/ (-gg-) nag at sb 1 to keep complaining to sb about their behaviour; to keep asking sb to do sth 向…无休止地抱怨;不断指责:对…反复唠叨: He keeps nagging at me to get more exercise. 他 不断唠叨,叫我多锻炼。2 to worry or irritate sb continuously 不断烦扰;使一直困扰:The suspicion that she was lying continued to nag at me. 我怀疑她撒谎,这使我烦恼不已。 ♦ v + prep nail /neɪl/ nail sb down (to sth) to force sb to state exactly what they think, what they intend to do, etc. 迫使明确说出 (想法、计划等):He says hell come, but I can't nail him down to a date. 他说要来,但我无法让他敲定日期。 SYN pin sb down (to sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n nail sth down 1 to fasten sth down with nails 用钉子将…固定住;将…钉住:She got him to nail the loose floorboard down. 她让他把 松动的木地板钉牢。 2 to know or understand exactly what sth is 确切知道;准确理解:Some- thing seems strange here, but I can't nail it down. 这里有点不对劲,可我搞不清究竟是什 么。 3 to reach an agreement or a decision, usually after a lot of discussion 达成 (协 议);作出 (决定):They managed to nail down an agreement with the management. 他 们总算与资方达成了协议。[OBJ] agreement ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv nail sth up 1 to attach sth to a wall, a post, etc. with naUs 用钉子将...固定到 (墙壁、柱子 上等): I nailed up a notice saying: Keep out! 我钉了一块牌子,上面写着:禁止入内! 2 to fasten a door, a window, etc. with nails so that it cannot easily be opened (用钉子) 封 住,封死 (门窗等):He nailed up the door to keep intruders out. 他把门钉死了,以免外人 闯入。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv name/neɪm/ name sb/sth after sb/sth (AmE also name sb/sth for sb/sth) to give sb/sth the name of sb/sth else that you like or admire, for example a family member or a famous person or place 以…命名;给…取名: We named her after her grandmother. 我们给她取了她祖母 的名字。◊ The Miller fire was named for the canyon in which it began. “米勒大火” 是以起 火的那条峡谷命名的。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep narrow /ˈnærəʊ; AmE -roʊ/ narrow sth down (to sth) to gradually reduce the number of possibilities 逐渐把 (可能性) 减小 (到…);缩小…的范围:Vve narrowed the list of candidates down to three. 我把名单上的候选人缩减到三人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n nestle /ˈnesl/ nestle up (to sb/sth) to make yourself warm and comfortable by moving close to sb 温暖 舒适地紧贴着;偎依:Jamie nestled up to his mother on the sofa. 杰米在沙发上偎依着母亲。 ♦ v + adv nibble/nɪbl/ nibble at sth 1 to eat sth by taking very small bites 小口吃;一点点咬:The mouse nibbled at the peanuts. 老鼠一点一点地啃着花 生。◊ You've only nibbled at your lunch. 你午 饭只吃了几小口。2 to show a slight interest in sth 对…略感兴趣:Several companies have nib- bled at our offer. 几家公司表示对我们的出价有 点兴趣。 ♦ v + prep nibble a way at sth (especially BrE) to gradually reduce or use up the total amount of sth 慢慢消耗;蚕食: Inflation began to nibble away at their savings. 通货膨胀让他们的存款开 始缩水。 ♦ v + adv + prep nip /nɪp/(-pp-) nip sth off to remove a part of sth by squeezing it with your fingers, cutting it quickly with scissors, etc. 掐掉;夹断;剪去: She nipped off the dead leaves. 她剪掉了枯叶。 SYN cut sth off ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv nod /nɒd; AmE nɑːd/ (-dd-) nod off (informal) to fall asleep 打盹;打瞌睡: She nodded off in front of the television, 她在电 视机前睡着了。 SYN doze off (more formal) ♦ v + adv nose /nəʊz; AmE noʊz/ nose a round (8rE also .nose about) (for sth) (informal) to go around trying to find out sth about sb/sth, particularly when you should not do this 打探;探听;搜寻:Vm just nosing about for clues. 我正在寻找线索。 ♦ v + adv nose sb out (informal) to defeat sb by a small amount, for example in a race or an election 以微小差距战胜;以微弱优势胜过;险 胜:She was nosed out of first place by her old rival. 她被老对手以微弱优势击败,丢掉了冠军。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n nose sth 'out (informal) to discover some information by searching for it 打探到;探听 到; 查出:That man can nose a news story out SYN anywhere. 那人到任何地方都能挖出新闻。 sniff sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n notch /nɒtʃ; AmE nɑːtʃ/ notch sth up (informal) to achieve a win or a high score 赢取;获得 (高分):He notched up ten points in the first five minutes of the game. 在比赛开始的前五分钟里,他直取十分。 [OBJ] victory, points, score MH clock sth up ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv note /nəʊt; AmE noʊt/ note sth down to write sth down so that you will remember it 记下; 记录:The class noted down every word she said. 全班学生把她 说的每个字都记了下来。 SYN take sth down; write sth down snore at WRITE STH DOWN ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv number/'nʌmbə(r)/ number sb/sth among sth (formal) to include sb/sth in a particular group 把...算 作;使属于;将…列入:I number her among my closest friends. 我把她当成我最亲密的朋友 之一。 ◊ He is numbered among the world's top experts. 他跻身世界顶尖高手之列。 SYN count sb/sth among sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep nut /nʌt/ nut sth out (AustralE, informal to calculate sth or find the answer to sth 计算;解答:I'm going to have to nut it out on a piece of paper. 我要在纸上把它算出来。 SYN work sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv nuzzle/ˈnʌzl/ nuzzle up against/to sb/sth to press your head, face, etc. against sb/sth to show affection or keep warm, etc. (用头、脸等) 紧 贴,挨擦 (表示爱意、取暖等):He nuzzled up to his mother with a happy sigh. 他依偎着妈 妈,惬意地舒了口气。 ♦ v + adv + prep object /ˈəb'dʒekt]/ object to sb/sth; object to doing sth; object to sb doing sth to say that you disagree with, disapprove of or oppose sth 不 同意;不赞成;反对:Many local people object to the new airport. 当地很多居民反对建设新 机场。◊ I really object to being charged for parking. 我坚决反对收取停车费。 ♦ v + prep occur /əˈkɜː(r)/ occur to sb if an idea or a thought occurs to you, it suddenly comes into your mind (主 意或想法) 突然出现在脑海,闪现在脑际:Hadn't it ever occurred to you that he might be lying to you? 你是否想到过他可能在对你撒谎?◊ A strange thought suddenly occurred to me. 当时 我忽发奇想。[SUBJ] thought, possibility ♦ v+ prep offend /əˈfend/ offend against sth (formal) to go against what people believe is morally right 违反,有 悖于 (情理) : The book offends against good taste. 这本书品位不高。 ♦ v + prep offer /ɒfə(r); AmE ˈɔ:f,'ɒ:f/ offer sth up (for sth) to give sth to God 奉 献,祭献 (给上帝) : She offered up a prayer for her husband's safe return. 她祈求上帝保佑丈夫 平安归来。 [OBJ] prayer, sacrifice ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (less frequent) ooze /u:z/ ooze out; ooze out of/from/ through sth if a thick liquid oozes out or oozes from somewhere, it flows out slowly (浓液) 慢慢淌出,渗出: Cream was oozing out of the cake. 奶油从蛋糕中慢慢流出来。◊ cakes with cream oozing out at the sides 边缘部分渗 出奶油的蛋糕 ◊ Blood was oozing from the cut. 伤口正冒着血。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + prep open /ˈəʊpən; AmE 'oʊ-/ open into/'onto sth if a door or a room opens into/onto sth, it leads directly to it (门或房间) 直接通向,通往:The door opened onto a small yard. 门外是一个小院。◊ The kit- chen opens into a large sitting room. 厨房对着 大客厅。 ♦ v + prep open off sth if a door or a room opens off sth, it connects directly with it (门或房间) 与...相连,相通:Several doors opened off the hall. 有几道门通往大厅。◊ The offices opened off the reception area. 这些办公室和接待区 相连。 ♦ v + prep open 'out 1 (into/onto sth) to become wider or bigger; to become more open and not surrounded by anything 变宽;变大;变得开阔: The valley opened out in front of us. 宽阔的山 谷展现在我后面前。 ◊ The narrow lane opened out into a field 狭窄的小路尽头是一大片田野。 2 (to sb) (BrE) -> OPEN UP 1: He only opened out to her very slowly. 他慢慢地把话敞开来对她说。 3 to spread out; to become open and larger or flatter 展开;打开;变得开阔;变得平坦:The table opens out so that more people can sit at it. 这张桌子可以打开,让多些人坐下。◊ The buds on the trees have all opened out. 树上的花蕾都 绽放了。 ♦ v + adv open sth 'out to spread sth out; to make sth open and flat 展开;摊开:He opened the map out. 他铺开了地图。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n open 'up 1 (BrE also .open 'out) (to sb) (informal) to talk freely and openly about what you feel or think 开怀畅谈;畅而欲言; 直抒胸臆:Will you open up to me and tell me what's worrying you? 请放开谈谈你的烦恼 好吗? 2 to start firing 开火:The anti-aircraft guns opened up. 高射炮开始射击。3 (often used in orders, etc 常用于命令等) to open a door 开门:Open up or well break the door down! 开门,不然就砸门了! ♦ v + adv open sb up to cut sb open in order to do a medical operation 给...乔刀 (做手术):They opened her up but didn't find anything wrong. 他们给她开刀,可没发现异样。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n open up; open sth up 1 to become or to make sth possible, available or able to be reached (使) 成为可能,开放:If you have good qualifications, a whole range of possi- bilities open up for you. 如果资历足够. 就会有 很多发展的机会。◊ The whole region, has been opened up for trade by the new rail link. 新铁路 或把整个地区的贸易搞活了。◊ They opened up the sports hall to house the flood victims. 他 们开放体育馆安置水灾灾民。◊ Writing to pen- friends can open up a whole new world. 和笔友 通信能使你大开眼鼻。2 to start a new busi- ness 开业; 开张:The company are opening up a new factory in Wales. 公司将在威尔士开一家 新工厂。OPP close down, close sth down 3 to begin business for the day (每天) 开门营业:if you're feeling tired this morning, I'll open up (the store). 你今天早上要是觉得累,就由我来开 店门吧。OPP close up, close sth up 4 (usually in sport 通常用于体育运动) to develop or start to happen; to produce sth or make sth start to happen 发展;产生;(使) 发生: An increasing gap is opening up between girls and boys in exams. 男女生的考试成绩差距开始拉大。◊ United have opened up a three-point lead after five games. 五场比赛过后,联队以三分领先。5 to become wider; to make sth wider, especial- ly sth that has been closed (使) 张开,裂 开;拓展:Coughing might open up your wound. 咳嗽可能震裂你的伤口。 ◊ She wished the floor would open up and swallow her (= because she felt very embarrassed). 她窘得恨不得地上 开个口子让施钻进去。 ◊ Cutting down the trees opened up the view from the house. 那些树砍掉 后,房子的视野开阔了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n open sth up to make sth that is shut, locked, etc. open 打开;开启:Can you open up that box of books for me? 请帮我打开那籍书 好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n opt /ɒpt; AmE ɑːpt/ opt for sth to choose sth; to make a decision about sth 选择;决定:More students are now opting for computer courses. 现在更多的学生选 修计算机课程。◊ You can stay in the hotel or opt for one of the bungalows near the beach. 你 可以住在旅馆,或在海滩附近选择一套平房。 ♦ v + prep opt in; opt 'into sth to choose to take part in sth 决定加入;选择参: We offer a pen- sion plan, and all staff have the chance to opt in. 我们提供养老金计划,所有职员均可参加。◊ The government decided to opt into the new European treaty. 政府决定加入新的欧洲条约。 OPP opt out, opt out of sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep opt out; opt out of sth 1 to choose not to take pan in sth 决定退出;选择不参加:You can opt out of the company's pension plan, 你可以选择不加入公司的养老金计划。2 (of a school or a hospital in Britain 英国学校或医院) to choose not to be under the control of the local authority 选择不受地方当局管理: A major- ity of parents were in favour of opting out. 大多 数家长赞成教育脱离地方当局管理。 OPP opt in, opt into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ► opt-out n (often used as an adjective 常用作 形容词) 1 the act of choosing not to take part in sth 不参加的决定 2 (in Britain) the action of a school or a hospital that decides to manage its own money and is therefore no longer controlled by a local authority (英国学校或医 院从地方当局管理中的) 退出,脱离: Nurses and health workers voted against the opt-out. 护士 和保健员投票反对脱离地方当局管理。 order /ˈɔːdə(r); AmE ˈɔːrd-/ order sb a'round (BrE also .order sb a*bout) to keep on telling sb to do things in an unpleasant way (不断地) 命令,使唤:Stop ordering me around! 别再对我呼来喝去了! ◊ Even as a child, he ordered his friends about. 他 从小就爱支使朋友。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv order 'in; order in sth (AmE) to tele- phone and buy a meal from a restaurant that cooks the food and brings it to you 打电话 让餐馆送外卖食物;电话叫(…) 外卖:I'm too tired to cook―let's order in. 我累得不想做饭 了-----我们叫外卖吧。◊ Let's order in Chinese tonight. 咱们今晚打电话要中餐外卖吧。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n order sb off; order sb off sth 1 to tell sb to leave sth such as a bus, a train, etc. 命 令...离开 (公共汽车、火车等);叫...下车:The driver ordered the boys off for messing around on the bus. 几个男孩在公共汽车上捣乱,被司机 赶了下去。 2 (for sth) (especially BrE) (in a sports game 体育比赛)to make sb leave the field because they have broken the rules of the game 罚...下场:He was ordered off for arguing with the referee. 他和裁判发生口角,被罚下场。 [OBJ]player SYN send sb off (for sth) (Br£) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep order out (for sth) (AmE) to telephone and buy a meal from a restaurant that cooks the food and brings it to you 打电话让餐馆送外 卖食物;电话叫 (…) 外买:We could order out for a Chinese, 我们可以打电话要份外卖中餐。 ♦ v + adv own /əʊn; AmE oʊn/ own up (to sth/to doing sth) to admit that you are the person responsible for sth that has happened 承认,坦白 (过错):Nobody owned up to breaking the window. 没人承认把窗户打 破了。 SYN confess (to sth/to doing sth) (more formal) -> note at ADMIT TO STH ♦ v + adv pace /peɪs/ pace out sth (also .pace off sth less fre- quent) to measure sth by taking regular steps across it 以步丈量;步测:She paced out the length of the room. 她步测出了房间的长度。 When the object of pace out is a noun, it comes after out, but when the object is a pro- noun, it comes between pace and out * pace out 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 out 之后;但如 果是代词,应置于 pace 和 out 之间:To measure your plot, either use a tape measure or just pace it out. 丈量土地,要么用卷尺,要么就干脆 步测。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv pack /pæk/ pack a way if sth packs away, it can be folded up small when you are no longer using it 能折叠:可收拢:The jacket packs away neatly into its own pocket. 这件夹克衫可以巧妙地折进 衣服口袋里。 ♦ v + adv pack sth a way 1 to put sth into a box, cup- board, etc. when you are no longer using it (用后)收拾好;把...装进(盒子、柜子等)里: We packed away the picnic things and put them in the car. 我们把野餐用品收拾好放到车里。 2 {informal) to eat a lot of sth 猛吃;胃口大:She can certainly pack it away! 她可真能吃! SYN put sth away ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pack sb in to attract large numbers of people to a show, a play, etc.(演出、戏剧 等)吸引(大批观众):The film is still packing in the crowds. 这部电影依然吸引着大批观众。 [OBJ] the crowds NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) pack sb/sth in; pack sb/sth in/1 into sth 1 to do a lot of things, see a lot of people, etc. in a limited period of time 把(要做的 事、要见的人等)挤在(有限的时间)里:She managed to pack a lot of sightseeing into three days. 她设法用三天时间游览了许多地方。 ◊ We packed in a lot yesterday afternoon. 我们 昨天下午做了很多事。2 to put a lot of things or people into a limited space 把(大量的 人或物)挤在(有限的空间)里:Somehow we managed to pack everyone in. 我们总算让每个 人都挤了进去。 SYN cram sb/sth in, cram sb/sth in/into sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep pack sth in (BrE, informal) 1 to give sth up, especially a job 停止,放弃(尤指工作):She's packed in her job as a teacher. 她辞去了教师工 作。◊ Smoking's bad for you. You ought to pack it in. 吸烟有害健康。你应该戒掉。◊ I was so depressed I felt like packing it all in. 我心灰意 冷,想彻底放弃。[OBJ] job SYN chuck sth in/up (BrE), jack sth in give sth up -> see also PACK UP, PACK STH UP 2; -> note at GIVE UP, GIVE STH UP 2 pack it in used to tell sb to stop behaving badly or doing sth that is annoying you (用于劝告)住手,收敛点,别 烦人: Just pack it in, will you? 规矩点,行不? ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2 v + it + adv pack 'into sth if people pack into a place, they go there in large numbers and fill it com- pletely (人)挤进…里;使爆满:All six of us packed into the tiny car. 我们六个都挤进了小 车。 ◊ More than 70000 people packed into Tra- falgar Square on New Year's Eve. 除夕有 7 万多 人涌入特拉法尔加广场。 SYN cram into sth ♦ v + prep pack sb/sth into sth -> PACK SB/STH IN, ETC, pack sb off (to ... ) (informal) to send sb away, especially because you do not want them with you 把…打发走,把…赶走(到某 处):She was packed off to boarding school at the age of eight. 她八岁就被送进了寄宿学校。◊ He packed the children off to bed. 他打发孩子们 去睡觉了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pack sth out (BrE) if a show, a performer, etc. packs out a place, large numbers of people go to see it/them (表演、演员等)吸 引大批观众,使满座:The band packs out venues all over the country. 这支乐队在全国各地的演出 都是观众爆满。◊ The movie has been packing out cinemas for weeks. 这部电影使影院连续几 周爆满。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► packed out adj (BrE) very full 爆满的;挤 得水泄不通的:The town is packed out with tourists in the summer. 夏天城里游人如织。◊ a packed-out stadium 挤得水泄不通的体育场 pack up (BrE, informal) if a machine, an engine, etc. packs up, it stops working (机 器、发动机等)失灵,出故障: My car's packed up again. 我的车又坏了 SYN break down; give out ♦ v + adv pack up; pack sth up 1 to put your possessions, equipment, etc. into bags or boxes before you leave a place 打点行李;收 拾行装:It's time to pack up and go home, 该收 拾东西回家了。◊ All our things were packed up, waiting to be moved. 我们所有东西都打包好了 等着运走。[OBJ] things, belongings 2 (BrE, informal) to stop doing sth, especially a job 停 止;放弃;辞掉:He used to smoke but he packed up last year. 他抽过烟,但去年戒掉了。 ◊ You'd feel better if you packed up smoking. 把 烟戒了,你就会感觉好些的。 ◊ When did you pack up your job at the shop? 你什么时候辞去 了店里的工作? [OBJ] smoking, work, job SYN give sth up -> see also PACK STH IN 1 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) package /ˈpækɪdʒ/ package sth up (especially AmE) to wrap sth and make it into a package so that you can send it somewhere 将...包裹好:She packaged up his books and mailed them to him. 她把他的 书包好,邮寄给了他。 SYN parcel sth up (BrE) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron 七 adv pad /pæd/ (-dd-) pad sth out (with sth) 1 to put soft material into a piece of clothing in order to change its shape 给 (衣服) 加 (软填料):She padded the costume out with foam. 她给戏服填衬了泡沫材 料。2 to make sth, such as a book, an article, a speech, etc., longer by adding unnecessary material (用废话) 拉长 (书、文章、讲话 等); 充篇幅:I padded out the article with lots of quotations. 我在文章中塞进了大量引语。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv page /peɪdʒ/ page down/'up (computing) to move forward/backwards in a computer document, web page, etc. (计算机文档、网页等) 向前/ 向后翻页:You can page up or down using the scroll bar at the side of the screen. 用屏幕旁边 的滚动条可以上下翻页。 ♦ v + adv page through sth (AmE) to turn the pages of a book, a magazine, etc. and look at them without reading them in detail 浏览;翻阅: She paged through the report looking for her name. 她翻看报告,查找自己的名字。 SYN leaf through sth ♦ v + prep page up -> PAGE DOWN/UP paint /peɪnt/ paint sth out (especially BrE) to cover sth, such as a mark, part of a picture, etc. by put- ting paint on top of it so that no one can see it (用油漆、涂料莓) 涂掉,刷掉:The markings on the plane had been hurriedly painted out. 飞 机上的标志被匆匆涂抹掉了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) paint over sth to cover sth with a layer of paint (用油漆、涂料等) 覆盖,遮盖: to paint over the dirty marks on the wall. 我 得刷层油漆把墙上的污斑涂抹掉。 ◊ I don't like the way the painting has turned out so I'll just paint over it. 我不喜欢这幅画的效果,我就干脆 在上面再画。 ◊ The name had been painted over. 名字用颜料涂掉了。 ♦ v + prep paint sth up to paint sth, decorating it in a bright, attractive way (刷油漆、颜料等) 粉刷 装饰:Their house had been painted up in amazing colours. 他们的房子粉刷得五颜六色。◊ The bus was painted up with advertisements. 公 共汽车上刷了广告。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pair /peə(r)); AmE per/ pair off;pair sb off (with sb) to form a pair or pairs, especially in order to have a romantic relationship; to bring two people together in this way (使) 结对,配对,成为 恋人:By the end of the course, everyone had paired off. 课程结束时大家都成双结对了。◊ (especially BrE) They tried to pair their daugh- ter off with the neighbour's son. 他们想撮合女 儿和邻居的儿子。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pair up; pair sb up (with sb/sth) to form a pair or pairs (with sb/sth) in order to work, play a game, etc. together; to bring two people together for this purpose (工作、比 赛等中) 组对,配对;使配对:The job is a lot easier if you pair up with someone else. 你如果 找个人搭档,这活儿就轻松多了。◊ Writers have been paired up with artists to write articles on paintings. 作家和艺术家联手作画赋文。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pal /pæl/ (-ll-) pal a round (with sb) (AmE) to become friends with sb and spend time with them (和 某人) 结伴,共度时光:I used to pal around with Brad. 我以前常和布拉德一起玩儿。 ♦ v + adv pal up (with sb) (BrE) to become friends with sb (而某人) 结成朋友:They palled up at cob lege. 他们是在大学结为好友的。 ♦ v + adv palm /pɑːm/ palm sb off (with sth) (informal) 1 to per- suade sb to believe an explanation for sth that is not true, in order to stop them asking questions or complaining (为制止某人提问或 抱怨而用托词) 敷衍,骗过:Don't let him palm you off with an excuse. 别听他找借口搪塞你。 2 to persuade sb to accept sth that has little value or is not what they really want 向某人 骗售 (无价值或不需要的东西): Make sure he doesn't palm you off with faulty goods. 当心别 让他以次充好把劣质产品卖给你。 SYN fob sb off (with sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n palm sth off as sth (informal) to persuade sb that sth is better than it really is, or is sth different, especially in order to sell it (尤 指售出) 把…充作…;以次充好;以假乱真:She was trying to palm copies off as original paint- ings. 她企图以复制品假冒原画出售。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep palm sb/sth off on/onto sb (informal) to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want by per- suading sb else to accept them/it (把自己不 想要的人或物) 推诿给,塞给:He tried to palm his uncle off on me for the whole afternoon. 他 花了整整一下午时间想把他叔叔硬推给我。◊ I think she palmed off the stolen necklace on some unsuspecting old lady. 我想她把偷来的项 链脱手给了一位毫无戒心的老太太。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep pan /pæn/ (-nn-) pan 'out (informal) (of events or a situation 事件或局面)to develop in a particular way 发 展; 成为:I don't know why things panned out the way they did. 我不明白事情为何搞成这样。◊ How do you see your career panning out? 你怎 样看你的职业前景? SYN turn out ♦ v + adv pander /pændə(r)/ pander to sb/sth (disapproving) to try to please sb by doing or providing what they want although you know it is probably wrong to do so 逢迎;投...所好:He panders to her every whim. 他对她百依百顺。◊ His movies never pandered to public taste. 他的电影从不迎 合公众的口味。◊ I don't think children should be pandered to. 我觉得不应该迁就孩子。 ♦ v + prep panic /ˈpænɪk/ (-ck-) panic sb into sth; 'panic sb into doing sth to make sb do sth too quickly because they are afraid 使因恐慌而仓皇行事:Don't let them panic you into a decision. 另被他们吓得 匆忙作决定。◊ She refused to be panicked into making rash promises. 她不肯因为害怕而草率 承诺。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep paper /'peɪpə(r)/ paper 'over sth 1 to cover sth such as a wall with thick paper in order to hide sth 用纸 裱糊住;用厚纸遮盖: We papered over the stains on the wall. 我们把墙上的污斑用纸糊上了。2 to hide sth such as a problem, a disagreement, etc., especially quickly or not very well 慌忙掩 盖,权且掩饰 (问题、分歧等):The divisions in the party had been papered over during the election campaign. 竞选期间,该党的内部分歧 被暂时掩盖了。 ♦ v + prep IDM paper over the 'cracks (in sth) to try to hide a problem or fault, especially in a way that is unlikely to be successful (拙劣地) 掩 盖,粉饰 (问题或过失) parachute/pærəʃuːt/ parachute sb in; .parachute sb into sth to put sb from outside an organization into a senior position in the organization 把 (外部人员) 空降 (至某机构出任高级职位): She was parachuted in last year to resolve the pensions crisis. 去年她被紧急调来解决养老金 危机。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep parcel /ˈpɑːs(ə)l; AmE ˈpɑːrsl/ (-II-, AmE -II- NOTE A parcel is something that is wrapped in paper so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily, or given as a present. * parcel 指用于邮 寄或作为礼物的包裹。 parcel sth 'off to sell or transfer a set of things that are part of a larger set 分批出售; 分期转让:They'll parcel off some of Che stores to the other companies. 他们将把部分店铺分批 出售给其他公司。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n parcel sth 'out to divide sth into parts 把… 分成(若干份);划分:They parcelled out the land into small plots. 他们把地分成了若干小 块。◊ The work was parcelled out among the staff, 工作分派给了各职员。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) parcel sth up (BrE) to wrap sth and make it into a parcel 包裹好;打包:She parcelled up the books ready to send. 她把书包起来准备 寄走。 SYN package sth up (especially AmE), wrap sth up NOTE Parcel sth on its own is used less often with the same meaning. * parcel sth 也单独使 用作此义,但不常见。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pare /peə(r); AmE per/ pare sth away/Off to remove the thin outer layer from sth in thin strips 削皮;去皮: Pare off the rind from the orange using a sharp knife. 用快刀子削去橙子皮。◊ (figurative) Their rights had been pared away under the last three kings. 此前三任国王统治期间,他们的权利被一 层层地剥夺了。 NOTE Pare sth can also be used on its own with this meaning * pare sth 也可单独使用作此 义:Pare the rind from the lemons. 给柠檬去皮。 ◊ thinly pared rind 削得薄薄的皮 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pare sth down (also .pare sth back less fre- quent) (to sth) to gradually reduce sth con- siderably in size or amount 逐步大量缩减;逐 步大幅降低:We've pared our expenses down to a minimum. 我们已把开支削减到最低限度。 SYN cut sth back; cut sth down (to sth) NOTE Pare sth can also be used on its own with this meaning * pare sth 也可单独使用作此 义:We pared costs by doing much of the work ourselves.我们自己承担了很多工作,以大幅压 缩成本。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n parlay /ˈpɑːleɪ; AmE ˈpɑːrleɪ/ parlay sth 'into sth (AmE, informal} to use an advantage that you have, such as money or a skill, in order to get sth or make it worth more 利用 (金钱、技术等优势) 获得;使 (优 势) 增值为:He parlayed his relationship with his boss into an important job. 他利用和老板的 关系得到了一份重要工作。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep part /pɑːt; AmE pɑːrt/ part with sth to give sth away that you would prefer to keep 割舍;放弃:It was my grandmother's necklace and Ill never part with it.那是我奶奶的项链,我决不会割爱。◊ (hu- morous) We won't be sorry to part with that old sofa. 我们不会舍不得把那套旧沙发处理掉的。◊ He hates parting with (= spending) his money. 他不舍得花钱。 [OBJ] money ♦ v + prep partake /pɑːˈteɪk; AmE pɑːrt/ (partook /-'tʊk/, partaken /-'teɪkən/) partake of sth (old-fashioned or humorous) to eat or drink sth 吃;喝:Would you care to partake of some refreshment? 你想吃些点心吗? ♦ v + prep partition /pɑːˈtɪʃn; AmE pɑːrˈtɪʃn-/ partition sth off to separate one area, one part of a room, etc. from another with a wall or screen (用墙或屏风把一个区域,房间等) 分割,隔开:The dining area is partitioned off with screens. 吃饭的地方是用屏风隔出来的。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv partner /ˈpɑːtnə(r)/; AmE ˈpɑːrtnər/ partner up (with sb) to join one other person in order to play a game, dance, etc. (和某人) 搭档,合作,结对 (游戏、跳舞 等):Our dancing coach got us co partner up. 始蹈教练让我们找好舞伴。 ◊ Who have you partnered up with? 你和谁搭档的? ♦ v + adv pass /pɑːs; AmE pæs/ pass sth a round .pass sth around sth (BrE also .pass sth round, .pass sth 'round sth) to offer sth to each person in a group 把…传递给 (…中的) 每个人:Would you mind passing the sandwiches round? 请您把 三明治递给大家好吗? ◊ A picture was passed around the class. 班上的同学传看一幅画。 SYN hand sth round, hand sth around ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + Prep pass as sb -> PASS FOR/AS SB pass a way 1 (also .pass 'on) people say pass away to avoid saying 'die' (die 的委婉 语)逝世,亡故:She passed away peacefully in her sleep. 她是在睡梦中安详地去世的。2 to disappear 消失:Many of these customs have passed away. 这些风俗有很多已消失了。 ♦ v + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 pass away die ♦ pass away ♦ perish ♦ bite the dust These verbs all mean to stop living. 这些动词 都表示死亡。 die to stop living 死;死亡:Her father died of cancer. 她父亲死于癌症。◊ Her husband died suddenly last week. 她丈夫上周突然去世。 pass away to die 逝世;辞世;亡故: mother passed away last year. 他母亲去年过 世了。 perish (formal or literary) to die, especially in a sudden violent way 丧命;横死;暴卒: A family of four perished in the fire, —家四口命 丧火灾。◊ Thousands perished at the hands of the invading forces. 在入侵军队手中,数千人 罹难。 bite the dust(informal, humorous) to die 翘辫 子;上西天: At the end of the film the baddies all bite the dust 在电影结尾,环蛋都 丢了性命。 WHICH WORD? People say pass away to avoid saying 'die'. Perish is usually used in texts describing the results of war and accidents. Bite the dust is used humorously, and so should usually be avoided when talking about real people. It can be used to talk about businesses, plans, etc. * pass away 是 die 的委婉语。perish 通常用于描 写战争和事故的后果。bite the dust 用于开玩笑 打趣,因此通常应避免用于指真人,可用于指公 司、计划等。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to die/perish of/from sth ■ to die/perish in an accident, a fire, etc. ■ to die/pass away peacefully pass between sb if sth such as a look, a word, etc. passes between two people, they look quickly at each other, speak to each other, etc.(两人之间)互传(神色、言语 等):A look of understanding passed between Ann and Carla. 安和卡拉心照不宣地交换了一下 眼神。◊ I never knew what passed between them (= what they said to each other) on that day. 我根本不知道那天他们之间说了些什么。 ♦ v + prep pass ' by if time passes by, it goes past (时 间)过去,逝去:The weeks passed by and she didn't call. 几个星期过去了,她没有打电话 过来。 SYN go by NOTE Pass on its own is used more frequently ♦ pass 单独使用更常见:The weeks passed. 几个 星期过去了。 ♦ v + adv pass by; pass by sb/sth to go past sb/ sth without stopping 通过;从...旁边云过:He saw the procession pass by. 他看见队伍走过。◊ The boat passed close by the island. 那艘小船紧 挨着岛驶过。 SYN go by, go by sb/sth NOTE Pass and pass sb/sth are also used on their own * pass 和 pass sb / sth 也单独使用:We watched the procession pass. 我们看着队伍 走过。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ► bypass n 1 a road that goes around a town, etc. and which is intended to keep traffic out of the town centre (绕过市中心等 的)旁道,外环道 2 a medical operation on the heart in which blood is directed along a different route so that it does not flow through a part that is damaged or blocked; the new route that the blood takes (给心脏接 旁通血管的)分流术,搭桥术;旁通管: a bypass operation 搭桥手术 ► passer-'by n a person who is walking past sb/sth, especially when sth unexpected happens (尤指出现意外时的)过路人,路人: Several passers-by stopped to help. 几位过路人 停下来帮忙。 pass sb/sth by to happen without affecting sb/sth 对...没有影响:She feels that life is pass- ing her by (= that she is not enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life). 她觉得人 生的机遇乐趣都与她无缘。◊ The whole business passed him by (= he was hardly aware that it was happening). 他对发生的事全然不知。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv pass sth down (to sb) to give sth or teach sth to your children or people who are younger than you, who will then give or teach it to their children, etc. 把...传下来;使相传; 流传:These stories were passed down from one generation to the next. 这些故事世代相 传。◊ Some of the furniture has been passed down through the family. 有些家具是一代代传 下来的。 SYN hand sth down (to sb) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pass for sth (disapproving) used to say that although sth is said to be a particular thing, you do not think it is good enough to be called that 名义上称作;充作:I got used to drinking what passes for tea in that part of the world 我喝习惯了那个地方所谓的茶。 ♦ v + prep pass for/as sb to be so much like another person, or another type of person, that people could easily think you were that person or type (因相似)被当作,被认为是(某人或某类 人): He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman. 他法语说得好,很容易被当成法 国人。 ◊ She's in her forties but she could pass for ten years younger. 她四十来岁了,但看上去 要年轻十岁。◊ They could pass as twins. 他俩 长得像双胞胎。 ♦ v + prep pass into sth (formal) to become a part of sth 成为...一部分;融入;纳入:Many foreign words have passed into English. 许多外来词已 被英语吸收了。 ♦ v + prep pass off (BrE) 1 [+ adv/prep] if an event passes off in a particular way, it takes place and is finished in the way mentioned (事件 以特定方式)发生,结束,进行,完成: The elec- tion has passed off without incident. 选举顺利 结束了。◊ The celebrations passed off peace- fully. 庆祝活动平静地结束了。 2 if pain, the effects of a drug, etc. pass off, they gradually disappear (疼痛、药效等)逐渐消失,消退: The symptoms should pass off within 24 hours. 症状应该在24小时内消失。 ♦ v + adv pass sth 'off to act as if a difficult or awk- ward remark or situation is less important than you really think it is 对(困难、尴尬的话 语或状况)淡化处理;从容应对: He had really upset her, but she smiled and tried to pass it off. 他着实让她难过,但她笑了笑,尽量不去理会。 ◊ He managed to pass the question off lightly. 他把那个问题轻轻带过,就算应付过去了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pass sb/sth off as sb/sth; .pass your- self off as sb/sth to pretend that sb or sth is sth that they are not 装作;假装;佯装: She tried to pass the picture off as an original. 她企 图用那张画冒充成作。◊ He succeeded in passing himself off as a doctor. 他假冒医生得逞了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep (less frequent) pass on 1 (to sth) (BrE) to begin a new activ- ity, discussion, etc. 开始(下一项活动、讨论 等):Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda. 我们进入下一项议程吧。◊ If you can't answer one question, pass on to the next. 如果 某个问题回答不上来,就去回答下一个。 SYN move on (to sth) 2 t pass away 1 ♦ v + adv pass sth on (to sb) 1 to give sth to sb else, especially after receiving or using it yourself 转交;(接到或使用…之后)递给,传给:I'll pass this book on to you when I've finished with it. 我看完这本书后就给你。◊ I'll pass on. your news to the rest of the family. 我会把你的消息 带给家里人的。SYN hand sth on (to sb) 2 to give sth that you have, such as a disease, a quality, etc. to sb else 把(疾病)传染给;将 (品质等)传给:HIV can be passed on from parent to child. 艾滋病病毒可由父母传染给子 女。 ◊ Parents pass these attitudes on to their children. 父母的这些观念会传给孩子。 3 if a company, a shop/store, etc. passes on higher or lower costs to its customers, it makes them pay more or less for sth 把(成本)转嫁给(顾 客):The supermarket did not pass on its profit to customers by cutting prices. 超市没有削减价 格向顾客让利。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pass sb on to sb to arrange for sb else to help or deal with a particular person 把某 人交给他人;安排他人接手:I'm afraid I canft answer your question^ but III pass you on to my colleague. 恐怕我不能回答你的问题,不过我可 以请我的同事回答。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep pass out 1 to become unconscious 昏迷;晕 倒;失去知觉:He almost passed out with the pain. 他痛得快要昏死过去了。SYN black out; faint -> see also COME ROUND/COME TO 2 (also .pass 'out of sth)(BrE) to leave a military after completing a course of training (从军 校)毕业 ♦ v + adv 2 also v + adv + prep pass sth out (to sb) to give something to each person in a group 分发;分配:The teacher asked me to pass the books out 老师让 我把书发给大家。 SYN give sth out; hand sth out (to sb) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pass over sb (for sth) to not consider sb for a better job, especially when they deserve it or think they deserve it (升职等时)忽视, 不考虑(应获提升或自认应获提升的人): I was passed over for promotion again. 晋升又没有考 虑我。◊ He was passed over in favour of a younger man, 他未获擢升,一个比他年轻的人 却受提拔了。 NOTE When the object of pass over is a noun, it comes after over, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between pass and over ♦ pass over 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 over 之 后;但如果是代词、应置于 pass 和 over 之间: Her distinguished career made it impossible to pass her over. 她出色的工作业绩使她获得升迁。 Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv pass over sb/sth 1 to move over the top of sb/sth 在...上方经过:The planes pass directly over the hospital. 飞机从医院的正上方飞过。 ◊ The eye of the storm was passing over us. 那 时暴风中心正从我们上方通过。 2 to ignore or avoid sth 忽略过去;对...不予考虑:They chose to pass over her rude remarks. 他们决定不理会 她的出言不逊。 ◊ For years this painting was passed over by experts. 这幅画多年被专家冷落 在一边。SYN ignore sb/sth ♦ v + prep ► overpass n (especially AmE) a bridge that carries one road or railway above another; a bridge over a road for people who want to cross 立交桥;天桥:Don't try to cross the high- way—use the overpass. 别横穿公路-----从天桥 上走。 pass sb/sth over (to sb) 1 to give sth to sb, especially when they ask for it or you do not want it any more; to give sb, or the responsi- bility for sb, to sb else 将...交给(某人);让 (某人)照看;由(某人)掌管:Jeff passed the phone over so that I could speak to Clare. 杰夫把电话递给我,让我和克莱尔讲话。 ◊ The doctor passed the baby over to the nurse, 医生 把婴儿交给护士照料。◊ Control of the budgets has been passed over to individual schools. 预算 管理权已交给了各学校。SYN hand sb/sth over (to sb) 2 to let sb listen or speak to sb else when you have finished talking (讲完之后) 让(某人)听(别人)讲话,让(某人)与(别 人)说话: If there are no more questions, Ill pass you over to Ted. 如果没有其他问题问我, 下面音请特德给你们讲话。SYN hand over to sb, hand sb over to sb ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv 十 n pass sth 'round, etc. (BrE) → PASS STH AROUND, ETC. pass through; .pass through sth to go or travel through a place, only stopping for a short time 经过;路过:We're not staying here, we're just passing through. 我们只是路经此地, 不会久留的。◊ We passed through Paraty on our way to Rio. 我们去里约时途经帕拉蒂。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep pass through sth (especially BrE) to experi- ence a particular kind of situation or period of time, especially a difficult or unpleasant one, and develop during it 经受;遭受:She passed through a difficult period after her divorce. 她 离婚后一度备受煎熬。 ◊ The industry is passing through a period of change. 该行业正经历着一 场变革。 [OBJ] period, stage SYN go through sth ♦ v + prep pass to sb/sth to begin to be owned by sb new 易手;易主:When she died, the house passed to her niece. 她去世后,房子归了 她侄女。 ♦ v + prep pass sth up (informal) to decide not to take advantage of an opportunity, an offer, etc. 放 过,不要 (机会、提议等):She passed up the chance of a trip to Rome. 她放弃了去罗马的机 会。◊ Imagine passing up an offer like that! 真 想不到居然放弃人家提供的大好机会! [OBJ] opportunity, chance, offer ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) pat /pæt/ (-tt-) pat sb 'down (AmE) (of a police officer, etc.) to feel sb's body, legs, arms, etc. with your hands in order to check whether the person has a gun (警察等) 对…进行搜身检 查 (以确定是否带枪):The policeman had stopped two teenagers and was patting them down. 警察拦住了两名少年,正在搜他们的身。 SYN frisk sb; search sb ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv patdown n (AmE): Five or six passengers were given pat-downs as they entered the station. 进站时五六名乘客接受了搜身检查。 patch /pætʃ/ patch sb/sth through to connect tele- phone or electronic equipment temporarily (暂时) 接通,连通 (电话或电子设备):The radio was patched through to army head- quarters, 无线电接通了陆军总部。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv patch sth together to arrange sth quickly, especially by putting several different parts together, without taking any care over it 匆匆拼凑;草草拼合:An interim government was quickly patched together. 临时政府仓促组建 起来。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv patch sb/sth up to give quick or temporary medical treatment to sb who is injured 匆忙处 理;暂时包扎:They patched him up and sent him back onto the field (= for example in a game of football). 他们给他处理了一下伤口, 就让他回到了赛场。◊ The doctor did his best to patch up their wounds. 医生尽最大努力很快给 他们包扎了伤口。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n patch sth 'up 1 to repair sth, especially quickly or temporarily (尤指快速或暂时) 修 理, 修补:The car was patched up and resold. 汽车草草修理了一下又卖掉了。 ◊ We patched up the hole in the roof and got it repaired the next day. 我们堵了堵屋顶的洞,第二天找人把它修好 了。 2 to end an argument or disagreement with sb and be friends again 平息 (争论); 消除 (分歧);重归于好: They patched up their differences. 他们消除了分歧。◊ Can't you two try to patch things up? 你们俩就不能尝试和好 吗? [OBJ] differences, quarrel, things 3 to agree on sth, especially after long discussions and even though the result is not as good as hoped 勉强同意;求同存异:They managed to patch up a peace. 他们好歹达成了和解。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2,3 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv paw/pɔː/ NOTE An animal's paw is its foot. * paw 指动物 的爪。 paw at sb/sth (informal) if an animal paws at sb/sth, it touches sb/sth repeatedly with its paw (动物不停地) 用爪子抓,用蹄子扒:a horse pawing at the ground 蹄子不停地刨着地 的马 ◊ (figurative) One of the children was pawing at my sleeve. 有个孩子一个劲儿地拽我 的袖子。 ♦ v + prep pawn /pɔːn/ pawn sth off as sth to pretend that sth is better, more valuable, etc. than it really is 把…充作…;假冒;以次充好:There is so much misinformation pawned off as fact these days. 如今很多虚假信息被当成事实。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep pawn sth off on sb (AmE) to get rid of sb/ sth that you do not want by persuading sb else to accept ±em/it 把 (自己不想要的人或物) 推 诿给 (或塞给):New economies are trying to pawn off old processes on poorer countries. 新 兴经济体竭力把旧工艺转让给贫困国家。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep pay /peɪ/ (paid, paid /peɪd/) pay sb back (for sth/for doing sth) to punish sb because they have made you or sb else suffer 报复;回击:pay him back for getting me into trouble! 他给我惹了麻烦,我非 治治他不可! SYN get back at sb (for sth/for doing sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► payback n [C, U] a reward or a punish- ment that sb receives for sth they have done 报答;报复 pay sb back; pay sth back (to sb) to return money that you have borrowed from sb 还钱 (给某人);偿付 (借款) I'll pay you back next week. 我下周把钱还给你。◊ She's trying to pay the loan back over five years. 她争 取五年内分期偿还贷款。◊ He'll never be able to pay back the money, 他永远也还不起那笔钱。 SYN repay sb (sth), repay sth (to sb) (more formal) NOTE In informal language pay sb back sth and, less often, pay sb sth back are also used on their own 非正式用语中 pay sb back sth 和 pay sb sth back 也单独使用,后者较不常用: When are you going to pay me back that $100 you owe me? 你打算什么时候还欠我的100元? ◊ Can you pay me that money back soon? 你早 点儿把钱还给我好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n ► payback n [C, U] the money that you receive back on money that you have invested; the time that it takes to get your money back 回报;回报期:I'm waiting to get the maximum payback on my investment. 我等 着获得最大的投资回报。 ◊ a ten-year payback 十年的回报期 pay sth 'down to give an amount of money as the first payment for sth 付...作为首期款; 先支付:You can pay $200 down and the rest in 12 monthly instalments. 你可以付 200 元的 首期,其余的分期12个月支付。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pay for sth 1 (also 'pay sb for sth) to give sb money for work, goods, services, etc. 为...付 钱 (给某人):I'll pay for the tickets. 票款由我 来付。◊ You need to pay Paul for all that work he did for you. 保罗给你干了那么多活儿,你得 付他工钱。 2 to suffer or be punished for sth wrong that you have done or said, or for sth you believe 为 (做错的事、说错的话或相信 的事) 吃苦头 (或受惩罚):Someone's going to pay for this! 一定得有人为这事付出代价! ◊ They are paying dearly for their mistake. 他们 正因其自身失误大吃苦卖。[OBJ] mistake, crime ♦ v + prep pay sth in; .pay sth into sth to put money into a bank account 存 (钱);存 (钱) 入 (账户):I had to go to the bank to pay a cheque in. 我得去银行存入一张支票。◊ Her wages are paid directly into her account. 工 资直接存入她的账户。 [OBJ] cheque, money SYN deposit sth (in sth) (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep pay off if sth that involves risk pays off, it is successful and brings the results that you want (冒险的事) 成功,奏效,达到目的:The gamble paid off. 这次赌赢了。 ◊ Their hard work is beginning to pay off. 他们的辛劳开始有 了成果。 ◊ All the training you've been doing seems to have paid off handsomely (= has had very good results). 你接受的那些训练似乎大有 成效。 ♦ v + adv ► pay-off n (informal) a reward or a benefit that you receive as a result of sth you do 报 偿;收益:What are the pay-offs of working at home? 在家工作有什么好处? pay sb off 1 to give sb money to persuade them not to do sth or not to tell sb about sth illegal or dishonest you have done 用钱封...的 口;买通:She refused to be paid off. 她拒绝被 人收买。 SYN buy sb off 2 to pay sb the money they have earned and dismiss them from their job 付清工资后解雇;发薪遣散:The store has paid off many of the full-time staff and offered them part-time work. 商店结清工 资后解雇了很多全职员工,然后让他们做兼职 工作。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► pay-off n (informal) 1 a payment you make to sb to persuade them not to do sth or not to tell sb about sth illegal or dishonest you have done 封口费;行贿钱: Police have been accused of receiving pay-offs from local gangs. 警方被控 成受当地黑帮的贿赂。2 a payment made to sb to persuade them to leave their job 辞退金; 遣散费:She has received a £10000 pay-off. 她 得到了 1万英镑的遣散费。 pay sth/sb off 1 to finish paying money that you owe for sth 付清...的款质;清偿...的 欠款:I used the money to pay off my overdraft. 我把钱用来偿还透支款了。◊ They're still paying off their mortgage. 他们还在偿还按揭贷款。◊ to pay off creditors/a bank manager 向债权人 / 银 行经理付清欠款 [OBJ] mortgage, loan, debts SYN repay sth/sb (more formal) 2 (especially BrE) to pay for a taxi journey 付出租车费:She paid the taxi off and walked the rest of the way. 她付了打车的钱,然后步行。[OBJ] taxi/cab ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pay out; pay sth out (for sth) (especially BrE) to pay a large amount for sth (为…) 付巨款,花大价钱:The insurance company refused to pay out. 保险公司拒绝支付巨额赔 偿。◊ The government pays out millions of pounds in benefits. 政府支出数百万英镑救济 金。◊ I can't afford to pay out for private treat- ment 我承受不起自费医疗的高额费用。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► payout n a large amount of money that is given to sb 支付的巨款:People injured in the crash won record payouts from the rail com- pany. 撞车事故中的受伤人员获得了铁路公司数 额空前的赔款。 pay sth out (BrE) to pass a rope, etc. through your hands (从手中) 放出 (绳索等): He started paying out the rope. 他开始放出 绳子。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) SYNONYMS同义词辨析: pay (sth) out cough (sth) up ♦ fork out (sth) ♦ pay (sth) out. pay up. shell (sth) out These verbs all mean to give money to pay for goods or services. 这些动词都表示有钱、付账。 cough (sth) up (informal) to pay or give money unwillingly (不情愿地) 付账,给钱: His family shouldn't have to cough up for his gambling debts. 他的家人不必替他还赌债。◊ She finally coughed up the money she owed us. 她终于把欠我们的钱还了。 fork out (sth) (informal) to spend a lot of money on sth, especially unwillingly (尤指 不情愿地) 大把掏钱,破费: Furious rail passengers had to fork out for taxis. 怒气冲冲 的铁路乘客不得不花冤枉钱去坐出租车。◊ We've forked out a small fortune on home improvements, 我们花了不少的钱修缮房屋。 pay (sth) out to pay a lot of money for sth or to sb 将出巨款;花大价钱: I had to pay out £500 to get my car repaired, 我花了 500 英镑 才把车修好。NOTE Pay can be used on its own * pay 可单独使用:I had to pay £500 to get my car repaired. 我花了 500 英镑才把车 修好。 pay up (not formal) to pay all the money that you owe to sb, especially when you do not want to or when the payment is late (尤指 不情愿地或逾期) 还清欠债: I had a hard time getting him to pay up. 我费了不少功夫才让他 把钱还了。 shell (sth) out (informal) to spend a lot of money on sth (为…) 大把掏钱,破费:The band shelled out $100000 for a mobile recording studio. 乐队耗资10万元购置了移动 录音室。 WHICH WORD? You fork out for sth more unwillingly than you shell out for sth. You can cough up money that you or sb else owes. You cannot pay up for sb else's debts, only your own. Pay up does not take an object. M shell out 相比,fork out 包含 的不情愿意味更强。cough up 可指本人还债或 替别人还债。pay up 不表示替别人还债,仅指 归还本人的欠债。pay up 不接宾语。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to pay out/fork out/shell out on sth ■ to pay out/pay up/cough up/fork out/shell out for sth ■ to pay out/cough up/fork out/shell out money/£1 000/a lot pay up (informal) to give sb the money that you owe them, especially if you do not want to (尤指不情愿地) 归还欠债:In. the end we threatened to take them to court and they paid up. 最后我们威胁要和他们法庭上见,他们才还 清了欠款。 SYN cough up (especially BrE) ♦ v + adv ► paid-up adj [only before noun] 1 having paid all the money necessary to be a member of a club or an organization 已付清会费的;已 缴款的 2 (informal) strongly supporting sth 坚 决支持的;全情投入的:a fully paid-up football fan 铁杆足球迷 peck /pek/ peck at sth to eat only very small amounts of sth, because you are not hungry (因不饿 而) 一点一点地吃,小口啃:He was so nervous he only pecked at his lunch. 他紧张得午饭只吃 了几口。 ♦ v + prep peel /piːl/ peel away/'back (from sth), peel away/back (from sth) to come off the sur- face of sth; to remove a thin layer from the surface of sth 剥落;除掉 (外层):The wall- paper had started to peel away. 墙纸开始脱落。 ◊ The paint was peeling away from the wood. 木头上的油漆一片一片地剥落下来。◊ She peeled back the blankets and jumped into bed. 她掀开 毯子跳到了床上。◊ He peeled away the plastic wrapping. 他剥掉了塑料包装。 -> see also PEEL STH OFF, PEEL STH OFF STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n peel off 1 to come away from the surface of sth 剥落;脱落:The wallpaper was peeling off. 墙纸正在脱落。 SUBJ paper, skin, paint 2 (of cars, aircraft, etc. 汽车、飞机等) to leave a group and turn to one side 离队;转向一侧: The planes peeled off, one by one. 飞机一架接一 架地脱离了编队。 ♦ v + adv peel sth off 1 to remove some or all of your clothing, especially sth that fits tightly 脱去 (尤指紧身衣服): He peeled off his wet clothes. 他脱掉了湿衣服。[OBJ] clothes, gloves, T-shirt, etc. -> note at TAKE STH OFF 2 to remove some notes from a thick pile of folded or rolled paper money (从一叠或一卷纸币中) 抽出几张: He peeled off two hundred dollars and handed them to her. 他抽出两百元递给了她。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) peel sth off; ,peel sth off sth to remove a thin layer from the surface of sth 剥 掉,除掉 (外层):He peeled off the sweet wrapper. 他剥掉了糖纸。◊ She peeled all the wallpaper off the bathroom ceiling. 她把浴室天 花板的墙纸全撕掉了。 [OBJ] wallpaper, paint, wrapper ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep peel 'out (AmE, informal) to leave quickly and in a noisy way, especially in a car, on a motorcycle, etc. (开着车、骑着摩托等) 快 速离开,呼啸而去:She peeled out of the drive- way and sped down the street. 她驱车快速驶离 车道开上大街。 ♦ v + adv peer /pɪə(r); AmE pɪr/ peer at sth to look closely or carefully at sth, especially when you cannot see it clearly (尤指看不清时) 贴近看,仔细看,盯着看:She peered closely at: the dusty old letters. 她贴近细 瞧那些布满灰尘的旧信件。 ♦ v + prep peg /peg/ (-gg-) peg a way (at sth) (informal) to continue to work hard at or try to achieve sth difficult 坚持不懈地工作;孜孜不倦地努力:He keeps pegging away at his novel. 他笔耕不辍,创作 小说。 ♦ v + adv peg sb/sth back (sport) to stop sb/sth from winning or from increasing the amount by which they are ahead 止住,拖住 (领先者); 拉低 (分差):Italy were winning 2-0, but were pegged back to a draw by Spain's late goal. 意 大利队以 2:0 领先,但西班牙队后来的进球把比 分追平。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 It is common in newspapers. 常见于 报章。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) peg out (BrE, informal) to die 断气;死掉:I thought she was going to peg out right in front of me! 我还以为她就要在我面前一命呜呼了呢! ♦ v + adv pelt /pelt/ pelt down {informal) to rain very heavily 下 大雨; 下暴雨: It's pelting down (with rain) out- side. 外面大雨如注。 SYN pour down ♦ v + adv pen /pen/ (-nn-) pen sb/sth in; .pen sb/sth in sth to shut sb/sth in a small space with walls or fences, etc. all around 把…关起来 (或圈起来): We penned the sheep in the yard. 我们把绵羊关 在院子里。◊ The troublemakers were penned in by the police. 那些闹事者被警方关押了起来。◊ (figurative) She felt penned in living in the heart of the city. 她觉得生活在市中心就像被关在笼 子里。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep pen sb/sth up (especially BrE) to shut sb/sth in a place with walls, fences, etc. all around, and not let them leave 把...关起来 (或圈起来): It was good to go outside after being penned up in the house all day. 在屋孑里 关了一整天,出去走走真好。◊ They penned us up in a little room and wouldn't let anyone leave. 他们把我们关在一个小房间里,不许任何 人离开。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pencil /'pensl/ AmE -I- ) pencil sb/sth in (for sth) to write down sb's name for an appointment, or the details of an arrangement, although you know that this might have to be changed later 暂时记下 (约见人的姓名或细节安排): Let's pencil in the third of May for the meeting. 我们新定 5 月 3 号 开会吧。 -> note at WRITE STH DOWN ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pension /ˈpenʃ(ə)n/ pension sb off to allow or force sb to retire, especially because they are old or ill/ sick, and pay them a pension (尤指给老人或 病人发退休金) 准予...退休,强迫...退休:She was pensioned off at the age of 56. 她 56 岁时获 准退休。 ◊ (figurative) We've pensioned our old TV off and bought a new one. 我们让旧电视机 退休,买了台新的。 NOTE Usually used in the passive, 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pep /pep/ (-pp-) pep sb/sth 'up (informal) to make sb/sth more interesting; to make sb feel more lively or full of energy 增加…的趣味;使兴致勃勃; 使活跃; 激励:The company needs to pep up its image. 这家公司需要改善形象。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pepper/pepə(r)/ pepper sb/sth with sth to hit sb/sth with lots of small things such as bullets (以子弹等 小发射物) 连续击打 (或射击):They said they were peppered with shotgun pellets as they walked in the forest. 他们说在森林中行走时被 猎枪发射的弹丸击中。◊ (figurative) The inter- viewer peppered her with questions. 面试官连珠 炮似的向她发问。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep pepper sth with sth to include a large number of sth in sth 向...中大量加入:She peppers her conversation with references to famous people. 在交谈中她频频提及名人。◊ Her hair is peppered with grey. 她满头花白。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep perk /pɜːk; AmE pɜːrk/ perk up;perk sb up (informal) to become, or make sb, more lively or more cheerful, especially after they have been ill/ sick (使) 活跃;(使) 振奋: You've perked up since this morning. 今天上午开始你精神就好多 了。 ◊ A shower would soon perk you up. 冲个 淋浴你很快就会打起精神的。 SYN liven up, liven sb up o note at cheer up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n perk up;perk sth up (informal) to improve or increase in value, to make sth increase in value, etc. (使) 增值;(使) 增加: The weather seems to be perking up. 天气似乎 要好起来了。◊ The recent demand for houses has perked up the prices. 最近对住房的需求抬高 了房价。◊ House prices are expected to perk up. 房价预计会上涨。 SYN improve, improve sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n perk sth up (informal) to make sth more interesting or more attractive 使更有趣:使更 诱人:Perk up a dark kitchen with a coat of paint. 把昏暗的厨房油漆一下,让它变亮堂。 vegetable stew can be perked up with a dash of chilli sauce. 给炖菜加点辣叔酱能使味道更佳。◊ ideas for perking up bland food 给寡淡无味的食 物提味的点子 SYN liven sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) permit /pəˈmɪt AmE pər'm-/ (-tt-) permit of sth (Jorma。to make sth possible; to allow sth to happen 使有可能;允许…发生: The situation does not permit of any delay. 形 势刻不容缓。 NOTE Permit of sth is usually used in negative sentences. * permit of sth 通常用于否定句。 ♦ v + prep pertain /pəˈteɪn; AmE pər't-/ pertain to sth (formal) to be connected with a particular subject, person, event or situation 与...相关;关于:The committee was reviewing all the laws pertaining to adoption. 委员会在重新审议有关收养的所有法律。 ♦ v + prep peter /ˈpiːtə(r)/ peter out (into sth) to decrease or fade grad- ually before coming to an end 逐渐减少;逐渐 减弱;渐趋消失:The road petered out into a dirt track. 大道逐渐变窄,成了一条泥土小径。◊ By midday their enthusiasm had petered out. 他 们的热情到中午就烟消云散了。 ◊ The conversa- tion gradually petered out 谈话逐渐停了下来。 ♦ v + adv SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 peter out die away ♦ fade away ♦ fizzle out ♦ peter out These verbs can all be used when sth gradually becomes less or weaker, and eventually disappears or stops happening. 这些动词都表 示逐渐减少、逐渐减弱、逐渐消失。See also die down, dwindle away. die away (especially of noise) to become gradually weaker or fainter and finally disappear (尤指噪声) 逐渐减弱,渐渐消失: The sound of their laughter died away. 他们的 笑声逐渐听不见了。 fade away to disappear gradually 逐渐消失: Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away. 达成协议的希望似乎越来越渺 茫。◊ The laughter faded away. 笑声逐渐消 失。NOTE Fade can be used on its own * fade 可单独使用:Her smile faded. 她的笑容 逐渐消失了。 fizzle out (informal) to gradually become less successful and end in a disappointing way 走 向失败;终成泡影;虎头蛇尾: The threatened revolt just fizzled out. 叛乱的威胁落空了。◊ Her parents are hoping that the relationship will fizzle out 她父母巴不得这段恋情鸡飞 蛋打。 peter out to gradually become smaller, quieter or weaker and then end 逐渐减小; 逐渐减弱;渐趋消失:The campaign petered out for lack of support 这一活动因乏人相助, 逐渐归于沉点。◊ The conversation eventually petered out 最后终止了谈话。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ the storm/wind/rain peters out/dies away ■ sb's voice peters out/dies away/fades away ■ sb's words peter out/die away/fade away ■ a revolt/relationship peters out/fizzles out phase /feɪz/ phase sth down to reduce sth gradually in stages over a period of time 逐步减少;分阶段 削减:We are phasing down production of less profitable items. 我们正分阶段减少利润较低的 产品产量。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv phase sth in to introduce sth gradually or in stages 逐步引入;分阶段采用:The govern- ment will phase in the new tax. 政府将逐步推出 新税种。◊ The scheme will be phased in over 15 years. 这一方案将用15年时间逐步推行。 OPP phase sth out NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv phase sth 'out to stop using sth gradually or in stages 逐步废除:分而段废除:They agreed to phase out chemical weapons. 他们同意逐步停止 使用化学武器。◊ The old system is being phased out 旧体制正在一步步地废除。 OPP phase sth in NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv phone /fəʊn; AmE foʊn/ NOTE To phone is the most common way to say 'to telephone' in British English. To ring and to call are also used. The most common verb in American English for this is to call. 英 国英语表示打电话的最常见说法是 to phone, 也 用 to ring 和to call。 美国英语表达此义的最常用 动词是 to call。 phone around/round; phone around/ round sb/sth (especially BrE) to make phone calls to several different people or places, usually to try to find out some in- formation 四处(给…)打电话(询问信息等): I spent the morning phoning round hotels. 我一上午都在给各家宾馆打电话。◊ He phoned around to tell everyone about the meeting. 他分 别打电话通知大家开会。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep phone back; phone sb 'back (especially BrE) to telephone sb again or to telephone sb who telephoned you earlier (给某人)再打电 话;(给某人)回电话:I left a message but they never phoned back. 我留言了,可他们从没回过 电话。◊ Tom called while you were out. He asked if you could phone him back. 你外出 时汤姆来电话了。他请你给他回个电话。◊ The travel agent phoned back to confirm your book- ing.旅行社来电话确认你的预订。 ◊ It's engoged— I'll phone back later. 电话占线----我过会儿 再打。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) phone in (especially BrE) 1 to telephone your place of work 往工作单位打电 话:I‘ll phone in to say I won't be in until lunchtime. 我会给单位打电话说我到午饭时才到。 ◊ He phoned in sick (= to say he was ill/sick and could not go to work) this morning. 他今天早 晨打电话来请了病假。2 to phone a television or radio programme 给电视(或电台)节目打 电话;打观众(或听众)热线电话:Hundreds of listeners phoned in to complain. 有几百名听众 打来热线电话表示不满。 ♦ v + adv ► phone-in n (especially BrE) a radio or TV programme in which people can phone and ask questions, give their opinions, etc. as the programme is being broadcast (电台或电视 的)热线电话节目,电话接入节目:He hosts a radio phone-in. 他在电台主持热线电话节目。◊ a phone-in programme 电话接入节目 phone sth in 1 (especially BrE) to make a telephone call to the place where you work in order to give sb some information 往工作单位 打电话(汇报信息):Our reporter phoned the story in this afternoon. 我们的记者今天下午来 电话报道了这一新闻。2 (informal) to do sth such as play a role in a film/movie, play in a sports competition, etc. without making much effort (在电影表演、体育比赛等中)不卖力, 走过场,敷衍:Cruise is just phoning it in in this new release. 在新发行的这部影片中,克鲁斯演 技平平。◊ Pavarotti's performance was phoned in. 帕瓦罗蒂的演唱有些应付差事。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n phone round, etc. (especially BrE) -> PHONE AROUND/ROUND, ETC. phone sth through (especially BrE) to phone sb with details of or information about sth 打电话详细告知:Phone your order through to the store. 给商店打电话告知订单详情。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n phone up; .phone sb/sth up (especially BrE) to make a telephone call to sb/sth (给…)打电话:I'll phone up and cancel my appointment. 我将打电话取消约见。◊ Phone Mike up and ask him if he wants to come. 给 迈克打个电话,问他想不想来。◊ I phoned up the bank this morning. 我今天上午给银行打了 电话。 NOTE Phone and phone sb are also frequently used on their own. Phone up and phone sb up are very common in spoken English. * phone 和 phone sb 也常单独使用。英语口语中 经常说 phone up 和 phone sb up。 -> note at CALL UP, CALL SB/STH UP ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pick /pɪk/ pick at sth 1 to eat very small amounts of food because you are not hungry (因不饿 而)小口吃, 少量地吃: She picked at her food for a while, then left the table. 她吃了 几小口就 离开了餐桌。[OBJ] food, meal 2 to pull sth with your fingers several times (用手指反复地) 拔,揪,拉:She picked nervously at her skirt until she made a hole. 她紧张不安地抓弄着裙 子,结果抠了个洞。 ♦ v + prep pick sb/sth off 1 to shoot a person, an animal, a bird, an aircraft, etc. especially one of a group, after aiming carefully 瞄准射击 (一群中的一个目标):One of our men was picked off by a sniper. 狙击手射中了我们的一个 人。 -> note at SHOOT SB/STH DOWN 2 to choose the best people or things for your own use 挑选(最优秀的人或物):The company con- tinues to pick off the brightest young graduates. 这家公司继续物色最优秀的年轻大学毕业生。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pick sth off; pick sth off sth to remove sth from sth with your nails or a tool (用指甲 或工具)除去,剪除:She watered the plants and picked off the dead leaves. 她浇了花草,摘 掉了枯叶。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep pick on sb 1 to treat sb badly or unfairly, especially repeatedly (一再)刁难,作弄: You're always picking on me! 你总是在跟我过 不去! ◊ The manager was accused of picking on a member of the department. 有人指责经 理百般刁难部门中的一名职员。 ◊ It's difficult being the younger sister― you always get picked on. 当妹妹真难——动不动就挨骂。2 (espe- cially BrE) to choose sb for a task, especially an unpleasant one 指定某人做(尤指苦差):The teacher always picked on Tom to answer the dif- ficult questions. 老师总是点汤姆回答难题。 ♦ v + prep pick sb/sth out 1 to choose sb/sth from a number of people or things 选择;挑选;挑中: He picks out people from the audience to come up on stage. 他挑了一些听众到台上来。◊ The brightest students were picked out for special training. 最优秀的学生被选拔出来接受专门培 训。◊ He picked out the most expensive suit in the shop. 他选中了商店里最贵的一套西服。 SYN select sb/sth (more forma) 2 to recognize sb/sth from among people or things 认出; 辨 别出:Can you pick me out in this old school photo? 你能在这张学校旧照片中认出我来吗? ◊ The suspect was picked out at an identity parade. 嫌疑人在列队接受指认时被认了出来。 3 to manage to see sb/sth 看出;认出;分辨出: We could just pick out a car in the distance. 我 们只能隐隐约约看见远处有一辆车。SYN make sb/sth out (more formal) -> note at MAKE SB/STH OUT 4 if a light, etc. picks sb/sth out, it shines on sb/sth so that they/it are easier to see (灯光等)照见,使容易看见:The car's headlights picked out a road sign. 车子前灯照 射在一块路标上。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pick sth out 1 to discover or recognize sth after careful study (经仔细研究)发现,认识 到:It was difficult to pick out the important points from the mass of facts. 从一大堆资料中 很难理出要点。◊ They were asked to pick out exactly what made his style so distinctive. 他 们被要求悉心领会是什么成就了他与众不同的风 格。 2 if you pick out a tune on a musical instrument, you play it slowly, note by note, without using written music (不看乐谱)慢 慢弹奏出(曲调):Buddie was picking out a simple tune on his guitar. 巴迪在吉他上缓缓弹 着一首简单的曲子。9OBJ) melody, tune 3 usu- ally be .picked out (BrE) to paint, draw or write sth in such a way that it is very easy to see, especially by using a colour that is dif- ferent from the background (用对比色)醒目 地画(或写):The details of the flowers were picked out in blue and gold. 花的纹理用蓝色和 金黄色勾画得很鲜艳。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pick sth over 1 (also .pick 'through sth less frequent) to look carefully at a group of things, choosing what you want and rejecting any- thing you do not want 用心挑选;筛选:He picked over the apples, checking for bad ones. 他 仔细挑选苹果,也坏的拣出去。 ◊ Bargain hunt- ers picked over a pile of sale items. 专捡便宜货 的人在一堆打折商品中挑来拣去。2 (especially BrE) to examine or analyse sth carefully 仔细 审查;认真分析:We spent the meeting picking over last month's results. 我们开会详细研究了 上个月的业绩。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + pron + adv pick up 1 to become better; to improve 改 善;好转:The market always picks up in the spring. 市场总是在春季开始向好。◊ The game started very slowly but picked up in the second half. 比赛开始时节奏缓慢,但在下半场有了起 色。◊ We're waiting until the weather picks up a bit. 我们等天气有所好转再说。2 if the wind picks up, it starts to blow more strongly (风)变大,增强:The wind seems to be pick- ing up. 风似乎越刮越大。3 to start again; to continue 重新开始;继续:The new series picks up where the old one left off. 新的系列接续上 一系列。 -> see also PICK STH UP 9 4 if your speed picks up, you start to go faster (速 度)加快, 提高:After the first mile (= in a race) I started to feel stronger and my speed picked up. 一英里跑下来我开始觉得有了劲头, 于是加快了速度。-> see also PICK UP SPEED/ MOMENTUM at PICK STH UP 5 if a bus, etc. picks up somewhere, it stops there to allow passengers to get on (公共汽车等)停车搭载 乘客:The bus picks up outside the Post Office. 公共汽车在邮局门外停下载客。-> see also PICK SB UP 1 6 (after sb) (informal, especially AmE) to collect things that have been dropped or left on the ground and put them away (跟在 某人后面)收拾,整理:I shouldn't have to pick up after you! 凭啥我要跟在你后面收拾东西! -> see also PICK STH UP 12; -> note at TIDY UP ♦ v + adv ► pickup n 1 an improvement 改进;改善: 好转:There are no signs of a pickup in con- sumer spending. 没有迹象显示消费者支出会增 长。2 (AmE) the ability of a vehicle to in- crease its speed (车辆的)加速性能 pick up; .pick sth up to answer the tele- phone 接听(电话):Pick up if you're there, Tom! 汤姆,你在的话就接电话! ◊ At lost some- one picked up the phone. 最后终于有人接了 电话。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pick sb up 1 .pick up sb if a bus, etc. picks up sb, it stops and allows them to get on (公 共汽车等)搭载(乘客):The bus stopped to pick up some passengers. 公共汽车停下让一些 乘客上车。NOTE When the object of pick up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between pick and up ♦ pick up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后; 但如果是代词,应置于 pick 和 up 之间:The bus stopped to pick us up. 公共汽车停下让我们上 车。-> see also PICK UP 5 2 to rescue sb, for example from the sea (从海里等)营救,搭救: Lifeboats picked up all the survivors. 救生艇救 起了所有幸存者。3 to arrest sb; to take sb somewhere in order to question them 逮捕; 拘押(以审问):She was picked up by the police as she was leaving her hotel. 她正要离升 旅馆时被警察逮住了。 4 (informal) to start talking to sb you do not know, because you want to have a sexual relationship with them (为发生性关系而)搭讪,勾搭(陌生人):He picked her up at a club. 他是在俱乐部勾搭上她 的。 5 if sth picks you up, it makes you feel better 使振作;提神:A cup of tea will soon pick you up. 喝杯茶你就会有精神的。 -> see also PICK YOURSELF UP ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ► pick-me-up n (informal) sth that makes you feel better or happier, etc. 提神之物; 振奋 精神的事物:The country air was the perfect pick-me-up. 乡下的空气让人神清气爽。 ► pickup n 1 an occasion when sb gets in a car, on a bus, etc. to be taken to another place 搭车;搭载:The coach driver made several pickups before heading for the airport. 长途汽 车司机停了几次车搭载乘客,然后开往机场。◊ a pickup point 搭车地点 2 (informal a situation in which sb is trying to start a sexual relation- ship with a person they do not know; the person they are trying to start a sexual rela- tionship with (为发生性关系)与陌生人的搭 讪;偶然结识的性伙伴:Nothing ever came of his pickups. 他的搭讪从来都没成功。◊ a pickup joint 勾搭性伙伴的场所 ► pickup adj [only before noun] (AmE) not planned in advance or open for anyone to join in 临时的;拼凑的:a pickup game of basketball 临时组织的一场篮球比赛 ◊ The children ate pickup meals next to the stove. 孩子们在炉子旁 随便吃了些东西。◊ a pickup dance troupe 临时 拼凑起来的舞蹈团 pick sb/sth up 1 to take hold of and lift sb/sth 拿起;提起;举起;抱起:I always pick the baby up when she cries. 孩子一哭我就把她 抱起来。◊ I picked up your bag by mistake. 我 错拿了你的包。◊ Pick your coat up off the floor! 把你的外套从地板上捡起来! -> note at LIFT SB/STH UP 2 to go to sb's home or a place you have arranged and take them somewhere in your car; to collect sth from a place you have arranged 开车接走(某人);取走(某物):I'll pick you up at seven o'clock. 七点钟我开车来接 你。◊ He picked up a hitchhiker. 他带上了一个 搭便车的人。◊ I went to pick her up from the airport. 我开车去机场接她了。◊ We can pick up the tickets an hour before the show starts, 我们 可以在开演前一小时取票。TOTE Pick sb/sth up is used much more often than collect sb/ sth in spoken English. 与 collect sb / sth 相比, 英语口语多用 pick sb / sth up。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pick sth up 1 to obtain or buy sth 获得;购 得 2 to learn a language, a skill, etc., or to get information, without making an effort 轻 松学会(语言、技能等);轻易得到(信息): She picks up languages really easily. 她学习语 言确实很轻松。◊ I showed her the software and she picked it up quickly. 我向她演示了这个软 件,她很快便掌检了。◊ 1 picked up lots of tips on home entertainment from the magazine. 我从杂志上找到家庭娱乐的很多小窍门。◊ She picked up the idea for the novel from a news story. 她这部小说的创作灵感来自一则新闻报 道。[OBJ] languages, French, tips, etc. 3 to get or obtain sth 感染;得到:He picked up a virus at school 他在学校染上了病毒。◊ The children have picked up the local accent. 孩子们学会了 当地口音。[OBJ| cold, habits 4 to identify or recognize sth 辨认;识别出:The early signs of the disease were not picked up. 早期病征没有被 察觉到。[OBJ] signs SYN detect sth 5 if a machine picks sth up, it receives a sound, a signal or a picture 接收(声音、信号、图像 等):The microphone picks up every sound. 麦 克风收进所有的声音。◊ Signals from the satel- lite are picked up at ground stations. 地面站 接收卫星发回的信号。◊ We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. 我们能收到英国广 播公司国际广播节目。6 to buy sth, especially cheaply or by good luck (尤指以低价或幸运 地)买到:He picked up some bargains in the sales. 他在打折期间买了些便宜货。 ◊ You can pick up a second-hand bike for about £60. 你花 60 英镑左右就能买到一辆二手摩托车。[OBJ] bar- gain 7 to win a prize or an award 赢得(奖 项):The movie picked up several Oscars. 这部 电影获得了几项奥斯卡奖。[OBJ] award, cheque 8 to find and follow a route, etc. 追踪;跟踪:A police dog picked up his scent. 一条警犬嗅到了 他的气味。◊ The French police picked up the trail and traced her to Lille. 法国警方发现了她 的踪迹,并跟踪到了里尔。[OBJ] trail, scent 9 to discuss sth further; to return to a topic or theme and continue it 深入讨论;回到(话题 或主题)继续讨论:Can I pick up the point you made earlier? 可否允许我再跟您探讨一下您之 前提到的观点? ◊ We pick the story up again in London, five years later. 五年后,我布在伦敦再 次提起了那件事。[obJ] point, story -> see also PICK UP 3 10 to manage to see or hear sth that is not very dear 勉强看到;勉强听到:I just picked up the sound of a car in the distance. 我隐约听见远处有汽车的声音。11 (especially AmE) to collect things that have been dropped or left on the ground and put them away 收 拾;整理:Will you pick up your toys now? 把 你的玩具收拾起来好吗? 12 (AmE) to tidy a room, etc. and put things away 收拾(房间): Pick up your room before you go out. 你出去 前整理一下房间。[OBJ] room SYN tidy sth up (BrE), tidy sth (BrE), -> note at TIDY UP -> see also PICK UP 6 13 (informal) if you pick up a bill for sth, you pay it for sb else 替人支付 (账单):Wie ended up picking up the bill. 结果 是我们付了账。[OBJ] bill, tab ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv 13 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) IDM pick up the pieces to return, or to help sb return, to a normal situation, particularly after a shock or a disaster (使)复原;(使) 恢复正常:He walked out on his family, leaving his wife to pick up the pieces. 他离家出走,留下 妻子收拾烂摊子。pick up speed/momentum to go faster 加速;加快:The bus picked up speed as it went down the hill.下坡时公共汽车 加快了速度。 ► pickup 1 (also 'pickup truck) a light motor vehicle with low sides and no roof at the back, used, for example, by farmers 轻型小货 车;敞篷小货车;皮卡车 2 the part of a record player or musical instrument that changes electrical signals into sound, or sound into electrical signals 拾音器;电唱头;磁头 3 (AmE, sport) a player who is bought by a particular team (某一球队)买入的球员:The young left- handed slugger was a great pickup for the Braves. 那个年轻的左撤子强击手是勇士队买得 十分合算的一名球员。 pick yourself up to get to your feet, espe- cially after a fall (尤指跌倒后)站起,爬起: She picked herself up and stumbled on, 她爬起 来,踉踉跄跄地继续走。◊ (figurative) We have to pick ourselves up after yesterday's defeat and start again, 我们必须从昨天的失利中振作 起来,重新开始。 -> see also PICK SB UP ♦ v + pron + adv pick up on sth 1 to notice sth 发现;注意到: He picked up on her feelings of unease. 他觉察 到了她的不安情绪。◊ Children soon pick up on tensions between their parents. 父母关系紧张, 孩子很快就能察觉到。2 to return to a point in order to talk about it in more detail 回到 (论点)并详细讨论:I'd like to pick up on. Mr Finla's point. 我想再谈一下芬利先生的观点。 [OBJ] point ♦ v + adv + prep pick sb up on sth (BrE) to correct sth that sb has said or done 纠正(某人)在...方面的错 误:If you make a mistake, he always picks you up on it. 他总爱挑别人的毛病。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 pick sb/sth up collect sb/sth ♦ fetch sb/sth ♦ get sb/sth ♦ pick sb/sth up These verbs all mean to go to a place where sb/sth is and bring them/it back. 这些动词都表 示接走或取走。 collect sb/sth to go to a place where sb is waiting or sth is ready or has been left for you, and bring them/it back or take them/it somewhere 接走,接回(某人);取走,取 回(某物):Your package is ready to be collected. 你可以来领取你的包裹了。◊(BrE) What time do you have to collect the kids from school? 你什么时候得到学校接孩子? ► collection n [U]: Your car will be ready for collection on Monday. 你可以星期一过来 取车。 fetch sb/sth (especially BrE) to go to a place where sb/sth is and bring them/it back 接回 (某人);取回(某物): She's gone to fetch the kids from school. 她去学校接孩子了。◊ He fetched a couple of towels from the bathroom. 他从浴室拿来几条毛巾。◊ Can you fetch me a towel? 你可以给我拿条毛巾过来吗? get sb/sth (not formal) to go to a place where sb/sth is and bring them/it back 接回(某 人);取回(某物): Quick—go and get a doth! 快点——去拿块抹布过来!。◊ get a drink for John. 给约翰弄杯饮料。◊ Get john a drink. 给约翰弄杯饮料。 pick sb/sth up to go to a place where sb is waiting or sth is ready or has been left for you, and bring them/it back or take them/it somewhere 接走,接回(某人);取走,取 回(某物):He's gone to pick up Jan from the airport. 他去机场接简了。 ◊ I'll pick up your dry-cleaning for you if you like. 要是你愿意, 我可以替你去取干洗的衣物。 WHICH WORD? Get has a wider range of meaning than fetch you usually fetch people or things that are in a place and just need to be collected; you can get things that need to be prepared or obtained. When you are talking about people, collect can be used in British English; in American English it is more usual to say pick sb up . You might be on foot or in a car when you pick sth up but you always pick sb up in a car. •get 比 fetch 的意义范围更广:fetch 通常指去 某处接入或取物;get 可指调制出来或弄到。英 国英语中 collect 可用于指接人,而美国英语中 更倾向于用 pick sb up。 pick sth up 可步行或开 车前往,但 pick sb up 总是指开车去接。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to get/fetch/pick up/collect sb/sth from sth/somewhere ■ to get/fetch/collect sth for sb ■ to go/come to get/fetch/pick up/collect sb/sth ■ to go/come and get/fetch sth ■ to get/fetch help/a doctor piece /piːs/ piece sth together 1 to discover a story, etc. by putting together separate facts or pieces of evidence 拼合,整合(各种证据以 便了解事实);理清(头绪):Detectives are piecing together the events of the last hours of his life. 侦探正在拼接连缀他死亡之前数小时发 生的事。◊ Investigators are still trying to piece together the evidence to find out what caused the crash. 调查人员仍然在努力厘清证据,以找 出撞车原因。[OBJ] evidence, story, events 2 to make sth by putting a lot of separate parts together MK;拼合: Archaeologists have worked for years to piece together the huge mosaic. 考古学家耗时数年拼组这幅巨大的镶嵌 图案。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) pig/pɪɡ/ (-gg-) pig 'out (on sth) (informer) to eat too much or a lot of food 大吃;猛吃:We pigged out at: lunch for four bucks each. 午餐时我们每人出四 块钱大吃一顿。◊ It isn't a good idea to pig out on. sugar. 吃糖太多不好。 ♦ v + adv ► pig out n an occasion on which you eat too much or a lot of food 大吃;猛吃:We had a real pig-out last night 我们昨晚吃得真够多的。 ◊ a pig-out party 吃喝聚会 piggyback/ˈpɪɡibæk/ piggyback on/onto sth to use sth that already exists as a support for your own work; to use a larger organization, etc. for your own advantage (为工作之便)借用(现成的事 物);依靠(大型机构等)获益:We can piggy- back on the other departments for our station- ery supplies. 我们可以借用其他部门的办公用品。 ♦ v + prep pile /paɪl/ pile in/'out; pile 'into/'out of sth to go in or out of somewhere without order or control 蜂拥而入 / 而出;涌入 / 涌出:The taxi arrived and we all piled in. 出租车一到,我们 一拥而上。◊ Crowds of children piled, out of the building. 一群群孩子闹哄哄地从楼里跑出来。 [OBJ] car, taxi, room ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep pile into sb/sth to crash into sb/sth 和...碰 撞;撞上:She stopped dead in. the middle of the pavement and we all piled into her. 她在人 行道中间突然停住了,我们全撞到她身上。 ◊ 出 many as 30 cars and trucks piled into each other in the fog this morning. 今天上午在大雾 中多达30辆汽车和货车连环相撞。 -> see also PILE UP, PILE STH UP ♦ v + prep pile 'on if sb's weight piles on, it increases rapidly (体重)剧增,猛增:The pounds have just piled on since I got married! 结婚以来我的 体重一个劲儿地增加! ♦ v + adv pile sth on 1 to express a feeling in a much stronger way than is necessary 夸张;渲染:I admit I'm piling on the drama a bit, but I'm trying to make a serious point. 我承认我有点夸 大其词,但我是想说明一个严肃问题。2 to give sb a lot or too much of sth 大量给予;过度施加: United piled on the pressure in the second half (= of the football game). 联队在下半场给对手 赢加了很大压力。[OBJ] pressure, guilt 3 to make sth increase rapidly 使激增;使猛增:As soon as she stops dieting she piles on the pounds. 她一停止节食,体重便迅速增加。◊ The team were piling on the points. 该队连连得分。 [OBJ] pounds, weight ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pile out, etc. -> PILEIN/OUT, ETC. pile up; pile sth up 1 to form a pile; to make a lot of things into a pile (使)堆积: Snow was piling up against the windows. 雪堆 积到了窗户上。 ◊ They piled the stones up in a comer of the yard. 他们把石头堆在院子的一角。 2 to increase or to make sth increase in quan- tity or amount (使)增长,增多:Rubbish was piling up in the streets. 街上的垃圾越堆越多。◊ The bills were piling up and we had no money to pay them. 账单越积越多,我们没钱支付。◊ Liverpool should have gone on to pile up a big score (= in a game of football). 利物浦队本应 该继续拉大比分的。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 2 v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► pile-up n a road accident in which several vehicles crash into each other 数车相撞;连环 撞车事故:Eleven cars were involved in a pile-up on the motorway. 有十一辆车在高速公路上相 撞。◊ Three people were killed in. a multiple pile-up. 连环撞车事故中有三人丧生。 pin/pɪn/ (-nn-) pin sb 'down 1 to make sb unable to move, especially by holding them firmly (按住)使 动弹不得:The older boy had pinned Jimmy down on the floor. 大些的男孩把吉米死死摁在 地板上。◊ The rebels were pinned down (= they could not move from their position) just south of the border. 叛乱分子被困在边境南 部。2 (to sth/to doing sth) to make sb say clearly exactly what they are going to do 使 清楚表明(意向);使明确说出(打算):You'll find it difficult to pin him down to a price. 你会 发现很难让他开出个准价钱。◊ They pinned the builders down to finishing by June. 他们让建筑 商确保 6 月份完工。SYN nail sb down (to sth) 3 to find sb and make them answer a question or tell you what you need to know 找...查问; 使说清楚:She tried to pin him down for an interview, but he was always busy. 她试图找他 进行采访,可他总是没空。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pin sth down to identify or understand sth exactly 确认:确切理解:There's something wrong with this photograph but I can't quite pin it down. 这张照片有些不对劲儿,可我说不太清 楚。◊ Doctors have been unable to pin down the cause of her symptoms. 医生们还不清楚她为什 么会有这些症状。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pin sth on sb to make sb seem responsible or take the blame for sth they have not done 使(无辜者)受过;冤枉;嫁祸于: They tried to pin the blame on me! 他们居然想让我背黑锅! [OBJ] blame ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM pin (all) your hopes on sb/sth; .pin your 'faith on sb/sth to rely on sb/sth completely for success or help 完全依赖;寄希望于;指望: Police are pinning their hopes on finding the murder weapon. 警方一心期望能找到谋杀案作 案凶器。 pin sth 'up 1 to fasten sth to a wall, etc. with pins 用大头针固定;钉住: He pinned up a notice on the board. 他把通告钉在布告板上。 ◊ Can I pin. this poster up? 我可不可以把海报钉上去? 2 to fix your hair in place with pins 用发卡别住 (头发):She was pinning her hair up in front of the mirror. 她在镜子前往头发上别发卡。[OBJ] hair ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► pin-up n 1 a picture of an attractive person, designed to be put up on the wall for people to look at (可挂在墙上观赏的) 美 人像、名人图:The walls of his room were covered in pin-ups. 他房间的墙壁上挂满了美人 像。◊ He was football's first pin-up boy. 他是 首位登上海报的足球偶像, 2 a person who appears in a pin-up 海报女郎;海报美人 pine/paɪn/ pine a way to become very sad, and some- times ill/sick or weak because sb has died or gone away (因忧伤而) 憔悴,病病歪歪,消瘦: After his wife died, he just pined away. 妻子死 后,他日渐樵悴。◊ He seemed to be pining away from love. 他好像为爱而憔悴。 ♦ v + adv pine for sb/sth to want or miss sb/sth very much 思念;渴望: She wasn't really pining for Brazil at alL 她其实并不怀念巴西。◊ Q dog pining for its master 想念主人的狗 ♦ v + prep pipe /paɪp/ pipe down (informal) used to tell sb to be less noisy or to stop talking (用于劝告、命 令) 安静些,别说话:OK, everybody pipe down! 好了,大家安静啦! ♦ v + adv pipe up (with sth) (informal) to begin to speak 开始说; 说起来:Debbie suddenly piped up with I've seen this film before!’ 戴比突然叫 起来: “这部电影我以前看过!” ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + speech piss/pɪs/ piss a'bout/a round (BrE,△ slang) to waste time by acting in a silly way 游手好闲; 混日子;瞎混:We haven't got time to piss about. 我们没时间胡闹了。 NOTE A more polite, informal way of saying this is mess around or, in British English, mess about. 表示此义较礼貌和非正式的表达方 式是 mess around 或英国英语的 mess about。 ♦ v + adv piss sb a'bout/a round (BrE, △, slang) to treat sb in a way that wastes their time 耍弄, 糊弄 (某人):Don't piss me about, just tell me the truth! 别跟我绕弯子了,直截了当告诉我真 相吧! NOTE A more polite, informal way of saying this is mess sb around, or, in British English, mess sb about. 表示此义较礼貌和非正式的表达 方式是 mess sb around 或英国英语的 mess sb abouto ♦ v + n/pron + adv piss down; piss it down (BrE, △, slang} to rain very heavily 下大雨:It's still pissing (it) down out there. 外面依然雨大得要命。◊ The rain was pissing down. 正在下大雨。 SYN pour down (BrE, more formal) NOTE A more polite, informal way of saying this is chuck it down. 表示此义较机貌和非正式 的表达方式是 chuck it down。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + it + adv piss off (A, slang, especially BrE) used to tell sb rudely to go away (粗鲁的说法) 滚蛋,走 开:I told him to piss off. 我让他滚远点。◊ Piss off and leave me alone! 滚开,别管我! ♦ v + adv piss sb off (△, slang) to make sb annoyed or bored 使生气;使厌烦:Everybody's pissed off with what's going on. 大家都对目前两情况很恼 火。 ◊ It really pisses me off when I see people behaving like that. 看到人们的那种行为确实让 我生气。 NOTE Pissed off (BrE) and pissed (AmE) are often used as adjectives * pissed off (英国英 语) 和 pissed (美国英语) 常作形容词:I was really pissed off with him. 我对他烦透了。A more polite way of saying piss sb off is get on sb's nerves: It really gets on my nerves when I see people behaving like that. 看到人们的那种行 为确实让我生气。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare} pit/pɪt/(-tt-) pit sb/sth/yourself against sb/sth to test sb/sth/yourself in a struggle or competi- tion with sb/sth (使) 与...争斗,经受考验: It's a chance to pit yourself against the champion. 这是你与冠军交锋的一次机会。◊ I'd like to pit my wits against the best minds in the country (= to test my intelligence). 我想和国内最有头 脑的人斗智。◊ I like sailing as I enjoy pitting my strength against the wind and the waves. 我 喜爱帆船运动,因为我喜欢同风浪搏斗。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep pit out; .pit sth out (/VnE, slang) to spoil a shirt, etc. by sweating a lot (因出汗太多) 损坏,糟蹋 (衬衫等):I was so nervous, and my T-shirt was totally pitted out. 我太紧张 了,T恤衫全被汗水打湿了。◊ I tried to defend myself, turned red, and totally pitted out. 我想 为自己辩解,变得面红耳赤,汗流浃背。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pitch /pɪtʃ/ pitch 'in (with sb/sth) (informal} to join in willingly with sb to help with an activity 志愿 加入;参与;支援:We all pitched in and soon finished the job. 我们都上手帮忙,很快便干完 了工作。◊ Lots of people pitched in with advice. 很多人主动出主意。◊ Ruth pitches in with the adults before she goes to school. 露丝上学前和 大人一起干活。 ♦ v + adv pitch 'into sb (informal, especially BrE) to attack or criticize sb 攻击;批评:They really pitched into me when I refused to cooperate. 我 拒绝合作,他们便对我大肆攻击。 ♦ v + prep pitch into sth (informal, especially BrE) to start doing sth with energy and enthusiasm 大干起来;积极投入;蓬勃开展:I rolled up my sleeves and pitched into the cleaning. 我挽起 衣袖,劲头十足地动手大扫除。◊ All of them pitched into the fight. 他们所有人都憋足了劲儿 加入了这场拼斗。 SYN launch into sth ♦ v + prep pitch up (BrE, informal) to arrive some- where, especially late or without planning (尤指迟到或事前无计划) 到达,出现: You can't just pitch up and expect to get in without a ticket. 别指望没票到了那里就可以进去。 SYN turn up ♦ v + adv pivot /ˈpɪvət/ pivot on/around sth to depend on a cen- tral point; to develop from a central idea or point 以...为核心;围绕...展开:The success of the project pivots on investment from abroad. 这个项目的成功主要依靠国外投资。 ◊ The novel pivots around a long conversation between two characters. 这部小说是以两个人物的对话为中心 展开的。 SYN hinge on sth ♦ v + prep plan/plæn/ (-nn-) plan ahead (for sth) to make arrangements in advance 提前安排;预先计划:It's impossible to plan ahead when things keep changing! 情 况不断变化,不可能提前计划好! ◊ We need to plan ahead for our retirement. 我们得为退休作 准备。 ♦ v + adv plan on sth; plan on doing sth; plan on sb doing sth 1 to intend to do sth 计 A; 打算: We'd planned on having a quiet even- ing at home tonight. 今晚我们想安静地呆在家 里。◊ I'm not planning on going to bed yet. 我还没打算睡觉呢。2 (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) to expect sth to happen 预料;料想:We hadn't planned on a storm! 我们没料到会有风暴! ◊ They hadn't planned on so many people visiting the exhib- ition. 有这么多人参观展览,他们始料未及。 ♦ v + prep plan sth out to plan carefully and in detail sth that you are going to do in the future 精心 安排;筹划:to plan out your time/route 仔细安 排时间 / 设计路线 ◊ I knew exactly where I was going——I'd got it all planned out. 我十分清楚自 己的目标——我已经精心规划了一切。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv plant /plɑːnt; AmE plænt/ plant sth out to put plants in the ground so that they have enough room to grow 以一定间 距种植 (以利生长) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) plaster /ˈplɑːstə(r); AmE plæs-/ NOTE Plaster is a substance that is put on walls and ceilings to give them a smooth hard surface. * plaster 指灰泥。 plaster 'over sth to cover sth such as a crack or a wall with plaster 用灰泥涂抹 (裂 缝、墙壁等):The old brick had been plastered over. 旧砖上已抹了灰泥。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep plate /pleɪt/ plate up; .plate sth up (in a restaurant, etc. 在餐馆等) to arrange food on a plate so that it is ready to be served (把菜肴) 装盘: The food was plated up and ready to go. 菜已盛 盘,可以端上去了。◊ Just before you plate up, add the cheese and cream to the rice. 装盘前, 在米饭里加点奶酪和奶油。 [OBJ] food ♦ v + adv ♦ v 十 n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n play /pleɪ/ play about, etc. (BrE) -> PLAY AROUND, ETC. play along (with sb/sth) to pretend to agree with sb/sth, to believe sb/sth, etc., to gain an advantage, amuse yourself, avoid trouble, etc. 假意顺从;假装相信:He realized they'd mistaken him for the gardener, but decided to play along. 他意识到他们误以为他是园丁, 但决定将错就错。 ◊ I knew he was lying, but I decided to play along with him. 我知道他在撒 谎,但我想还是先不戳穿他。 ♦ v + adv play around (BrE also ,play about) 1 (with sb/sth) to behave in a careless way, without thinking about the results 胡闹;乱弄:Stop playing about and get on with your work! 别瞎 折藤了,干你的活儿去吧!◊ Don't play around with matches! 别玩火柴! SYN mess around (with sb/sth); mess around with sth (BrE) -> see also PLAY AROUND WITH STH 2 (with sb) {informal) to have a sexual relationship with sb who is not your usual partner (和某人) 偷 情,鬼混,厮混 -> note at CHEAT ON SB ♦ v + adv play around with sth (BrE also .play about with sth) to test or try new ideas, methods, etc. to see how good or effective they are before you make a final decision 试验,尝试 (新想法、新方法等):Play around with the spreadsheet until you find the best way to display the data. 试着用电子制表,以摸索出 显示这些数据的最佳方法。◊ We're still playing around with ideas for a new programme. 我 仍然在构思新项目。 ♦ v + adv + prep play at doing sth (especially BrE) to do sth without any effort or real interest 敷衍;应付: He's just playing at being in love. 他谈恋爱只不 过是逢场作戏。 ♦ v + prep IDM 'two can play at that game used to tell sb who has played a trick on you that you can do the same to them (表示可以其人之道还治 其人之身)那套花招你会我也会,我照样能以牙 还牙。 what is sb playing at? (informal) used to ask in an angry way what sb is doing (气 愤地质问)...搞什么鬼名堂:What do you think you're playing at? 你以为你在搞什么鬼把戏? play a way; play away from home (BrE) 1 (of a sports team 体肓运动队)to play a match at the opponent's ground or stadium 客 场作战;打客场 2 (of a person who is married or who has a regular sexual partner 已婚者或有固定伴侣者)to have a secret sexual relationship with sb else 有婚外情;有外遇: 有另外的性伙伴 ♦ v + adv play sth back (to sb) to play music, sound, images, etc. that have been recorded on a tape, video, etc.(为某人)播放(录音、录像 等):Can you play back what we've just recorded? 把我们刚录制的内容播放一下好吗。 [OBJ] tape ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► playback n [U, C] the act of playing music, showing a film/movie or listening to a tele- phone message that has been recorded before; a recording that you listen to or watch again 录音(或录像、电话留言等)的播放;播放的 录音(或录像、电话留言等):A TV playback showed exactly what had happened. 电视播放 的录像原原本本再现了事件的经过。 play sth 'down to try to make sth appear less important than it is 降低…的重要住;贬 低; 淡化:The government is trying to play down its involvement: in the affair. 政府正极力 淡化与此事的牵连。 OPP play up sth, play it/them up NOTE Downplay sth is also used with the same meaning * downplay sth 也作此义:The report downplayed the effects of large class sizes in schools. 报告对学校大班级的负面影响轻描淡写。 ♦ v + adv + n, v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) play off (especially BrE) if two teams, players, etc. that have the same number of points in a competition play off, they play a final game to decide who has won (平局后 为决出胜负)进行加赛,进行决胜比赛:The two Germans played off for a place in the finaL 两 名德国选手加赛一场以争夺决赛权。 ♦ v + adv ► play-off n a game or games between two players or teams with equal points in a competition to decide who the winner is (平 局后决出胜负的)加时赛,延长赛:We're un- likely to reach the play-offs. 我们不大可能进入 加时赛。◊ The title was decided by a sudden- death play-off. 冠军是由采取突然死亡法赛制的 加时赛决出的。◊ a play-off final 加时决赛 play A off against B (BrE) (AmE 'play A off B) to make two people or groups oppose each other, especially in order to gain an advantage for yourself 引起...之间的矛盾,挑 拨离间(以从中渔利):(BrE) He tries to play one parent off against the other. 他试图挑拨父 母不和。◊ (AmE) The children played their parents off each other. 孩子们搞得他们父母闹不 和。◊ She played, her two rivals off against each other and got the job herself. 她酸动两个对手相 互争斗,从而自己得到了那份工作。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep play on 1 (sport) to continue to play; to start playing again 继续比赛;恢复比褰:They claimed a penalty but the referee told them to play on. 他们要求判罚,但裁判却要他们继续比 赛。2 to continue to play music 继续奏乐: Despite the uproar, the musicians played on. 乐 手们不顾喧闹继续演奏。 ♦ v + adv play on sth (also play upon sth more formal) to deliberately use sb's fears, etc. for your own advantage 利用(他人的恐惧等):He played on my feelings of guilt to make me stay. 他利用 我的内疚感让我留下。◊ The government played on people's fears of rising crime to get support for their policies. 政府利用人们对犯罪率上升的 恐惧来获取他们对政策的支持。 [OBJ] fears SYN exploit sth (formal) ♦ v + prep play out (informal) if a band, etc. plays out, it performs in front of an audience (乐队等) 演出:Serious bands should be playing out regularly. 正规乐队应该定期演出。◊ Playing out is the best way for a DJ to build a following. 现 场表演是流行音乐节目主持人赢得拥趸的最佳 途径。 ♦ v + adv play out; .play itself/themselves out (format) to develop and come to an end or be no longer useful or important 衰竭;式微;结 束:The crisis has yet to play out. 危机尚待消 除。◊ The revolution soon played itself out. 革 命很快就悄无声息了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ► played out adj completely finished; too tired or weak to continue 完结;筋疲力尽;衰 竭:She was played out― too exhausted even to cry. 她疲惫不堪一一累得连哭的力气也没有了。 play sth out 1 when an action is played out, or sb plays it out, it happens (使)发 生,出现:The negotiations are being played out behind closed doors. 谈判正在秘密进行。◊ She continued to play out her role of dutiful daugh- ter. 她继续恪守她作为女儿的本分。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。2 (espe- cially AmE) to continue to play sth until it finishes 继续将(比赛等)完成: We’ll play out: this game and then go to bed 我们这一局结束 就去睡觉。 3 to let a length of rope pass through your hands bit by bit (从手中)缓缓 放出(绳索) ♦ V + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv play up; ,play sb up (informal, especially BrE) 1 if sth plays up or plays you up, it causes you problems 出问题:给...添麻烦: The car started playing up about six months ago. 这辆车六个月前就开始出毛病了。 ◊ The computer's been playing me up recently. 计算机 最近总是给我添堵。◊ My leg's playing up again (= it is painful). 我的腿又疼起来了。 ◊ My back plays me up from time to time. 我的背不时出现 酸痛。2 if children play up or play sb up, they behave very badly (孩子) 惹麻烦,调皮 捣蛋: The kids have been playing up all day. 孩 子们胡闹了一整天。◊ All kids play new teachers up. 所有孩子都戏弄新老师。 NOE Play up, play sb up are often used in the progressive tenses. * play up、play sb up 常用 于进行时。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n play up sth to try to make sth appear more important than it really is 夸大…的重要性;渲 染;吹嘘:She played up her achievements in an attempt to impress us. 她吹嘘自己的成就,好让 我们觉得她了不起。 OPP play sth down NOTE When the object of play up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pro- noun, it comes between play and up * play up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后;但如果是代 词,应置于 play 和 up 之间:He has some finan- cial problems, but the newspapers have really played them up. 他的财务出了些问题,但报界 肆意渲染。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv play up to sb (BrE) to behave towards sb in a way that you think they will like and will bring you an advantage 献媚;讨好;奉承;迎 合:S/ie always played up to her father. 她总是 讨好她的父亲。 ♦ v + adv + prep play up to sth (especially BrE) to behave in the way that people expect you to 迎合,顺应 (他人而期望):People think she's only twenty, and she plays up to this all the time. 别人以为 她只有二十岁,于是她干脆装嫩充小。 ♦ v + adv + prep play upon sth -> PLAY ON STH play with sb/sth (disapproving) to behave towards sb in a way that is not serious, espe- cially by pretending to feel sth you do not feel 轻率对待;对...虚情假意:She was just playing with my emotions. 她只不过是在玩弄我的感情。 ♦ v + prep play with sth i to keep touching or moving sth (不停) 触摸,拨弄:She was playing with her hair. 她在摆弄自己的头发。◊ Stop playing with your food! 不要再玩吃的东西! 2 to use things in different ways to produce an interesting or humorous effect, or to see what effect they have (以不同的方式) 运用 (以取 得有趣或诙谐的效果等):In this poem Fitch plays with words which sound alike. 在这首诗 中,菲奇用同音字玩起了文字游戏。◊ The com- poser plays with the exotic sounds of Japanese instruments. 作曲家谱曲时加入了具有异国风味 的日本乐器奏出的乐音。 3 (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时)if you play with an idea, you think about it, but do not really intend to do anything about it 随意想想: She's playing with the idea of starting her own business. 她的创业念头只是随便想想而已。 [OBJ] idea SYN toy with sth ♦ v + prep play with yourself (informal) to touch your sexual organs in order to give yourself pleasure 手淫;自慰 ♦ v + prep plod /plɒd; AmE plɑːd/ (-dd-) plod along/ on to continue doing sth, espe- cially difficult or boring work, at a very slow rate 缓慢进行 (尤指艰难或枯燥的工作):Keep plodding on― you'll soon be finished! 坚持干 吧-----就快做完啦! ◊ They're still plodding along with their investigation. 他们仍然在不厌 其烦地进行调查。 ♦ v + adv plod a'way (at sth) to work steadily but slowly at a difficult or boring task 坚持不懈地 做 (艰难或枯燥的工作):He plodded away all night at his project to get it finished. 他为完成 课题通宵埋头苦干。 ♦ v + adv plonk (especially BrE) /plɒŋk; AmE plɑːŋk, plɔːŋk/ (AmE usually plunk) plonk 'down; .plonk yourself down (informal) to sit down heavily and quickly 重 重坐下;猛地坐下:She plonked herself down in front of the telly. 她一屁股坐在了电视和前。 M2 plump down, plump yourself down ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv plonk sb/sth down (informal) to drop sth or put sth down heavily without taking great care 重重地放下;砰地扔下:She plonked the food down in front of them. 她把食物啪的一 声扔在他们面前。 ◊ Don't just plonk the baby down on the floor. 别粗手粗脚地把孩子随便往 地板上扔。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) plough (BrE) (AmE plow) /plaʊ/ NOTE A plough is a large piece of farming equipment with one or several curved blades, used for digging and turning over soil. ♦ plough 指犁。 plough sth back (into sth), .plough sth back In to put profits back into the business that produced them 把 (利润) 再投资 (于原 项目):All the profits are ploughed back into the company. 所有的利润又反哺给了该公司。◊ The director confirmed that every penny had been ploughed back in. 董事确认每分钱都又投 了回去。 [OBJ] profits, money NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n plough 'into sb/sth (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或司机)to crash violently into sb/ sth 猛撞;碰撞:The car hit a lamp post before ploughing into a wall 汽车碰了灯柱后又撞上一 堵墙。 → note at CRASH INTO SB/STH ♦ v + prep plough sth into sth; plough sth into doing sth to invest a large amount of money in a project, a business, etc. 把(巨额 资金)投入;大量投资于:$50 million will be ploughed into the area over the next five years. 今后的五年中,将有五千万元投放到这个地区。 SYN sink sth into sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep plough 'on (with sth) to continue to say or do sth even though it becomes difficult (不顾 困难)坚持说,继续做:No one was listening to him but he ploughed on regardless. 没人在听他 讲话,但他依然坚持讲下去。◊ The path was steep, but we ploughed on until we got to the top. 小路坡度很陡,然而我们坚持不懈,走到了 山顶。 ♦ v + adv plough through sth; .plough your way through sth 1 to force a way through sth 费劲地穿行于(或通过):The car ploughed its way through the snow and ice. 汽 车在冰雪中艰难地行驶。◊ The journey involved ploughing through 50 miles of swampland. 旅 途中需要跋涉50英里的沼泽地。2 (of a vehicle or an aircraft 车辆或飞机)to crash violently through sth 猛冲过:The car ploughed through the hedge. 汽车猛地冲破了树篱。3 to slowly do, read or eat all of sth even though it is dif- ficult or boring 缓慢地做完(或读完,吃完); 艰难地进行;埋头苦干:It took me hours to plough through all my emails. 我花了几个小时 埋头读完了所有电子邮件。◊ I had to plough my way through a mountain of pasta because I didn't want to appear rude. 我不想让人觉得我 没礼貌,于是硬着头皮吃下了一大盘意大利面。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n + prep plough sth 'up 1 to break the surface of an area of land that has not been used for grow- ing crops before, and turn it over using a plough (用犁)开垦,开荒:He ploughed up the field ready for sowing. 他犁了那片地准备播 种。◊ action to prevent farmers ploughing up footpaths 阻止农民开垦人行小道的举动 2 to break up the surface of the ground by walking or driving across it 走坏,碾坏,轧翻(地面): He got so angry he ploughed up his neighbour's lawn with his motorbike. 他火冒三丈,开着摩 托车把邻居的草坪碾得稀烂。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv plow (AmE) /[plaʊ/ plow (AmE) -> PLOUGH pluck/plʌk/ pluck at sth to take hold of sth with your fingers and pull it towards you in a quick, sharp movement 揪;拽;扯;撕:He plucked at my sleeve. 他拉了拉我的衣袖。 ♦ v + prep plag/plʌɡ/ (-gg-) plug away (at sth) {informal) to work hard and steadily at sth for a long time, especially sth difficult or boring 坚持不懈地做(尤指困难 或乏味的工作):Scientists have been plugging away at the problem for years, 科学家多年来一 直在钻研这个难题。 ♦ v + adv plug for sth to support sth or keep asking for sth because you think it is important 支 持; 要求:For years I've been plugging for a new assistant for the office. 多年来我一直要求给办 公室配一名新助理。 ♦ v + prep plug in; plug into sth 1 to be able to be connected to a source of electricity or another piece of electrical equipment 能与(电源或另 一电器)连接:Where does the TV plug in? 电视 机的电源在哪儿? ◊ The guitar plugs into this amplifier. 这把吉他能接到这个扬声器上。2 to become involved with a particular activity or group of people 参与;加入:The company hopes to plug into new markets in Asia. 这家公 司希望打入亚洲新市场。 3 (computing) to have access to a computer network 接入(计算机网 络):We plug into the Institute's research net- work. 我们能进入学院的研究网。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep plug sth in; plug sth into sth to con- nect a piece of electrical equipment to the electricity supply or to another piece of elec- trical equipment 接通(电源或另一电器);把 插头插入(插座):Don't forget to plug the printer in. 别忘了给打印机接上电源。◊ Where can I plug in my hairdryer? 电吹风的插头插在 哪儿? OPP unplug sth (from sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► plug-in adj [only before noun] that can be connected to an electricity supply with a plug 带电源插头的;插入式的:a plug-in kettle 电源 插入式水壶 ► plug-in n 1 (computing) a piece of software that can be added to a computer system to give extra features 插件:plug-ins for a palmtop computer 掌上电脑的插件。a plug-in graphics card 插入式显卡 2 (CanE) an electric socket in a garage or car park where a car can be plugged in when it is parked, used to heat the engine and prevent it from freezing (车库或 停车场内用于加热发动机防止上冻的)插座: Medicine Hat Hotel offers free parking with plug-ins. 梅迪辛哈特酒店提供免费停车,配有防 冻插座。◊ plug-in facilities 防冻插座设施 be/get .plugged in (to sth), be/get plugged into sth (informal, especially AmE) to be aware of or understand sth 知道; 了解:The good thing about this job is that I'm plugged into what's going on in the industry. 这份工作的好处是我可以获悉行业动态。◊ Colin is always plugged in to what is fashionable with the kids. 孩子们中间流行什么,科林总是 一清二楚。 ♦ be/get + v + adv ♦ be/get + v + prep ► plugged-'in adj [only before noun] (infor mal, especially AmE) aware of what is happen- ing, what is new, etc. 消息灵通的;明白的:a group of plugged-in editors and designers 一群 见多识广的编辑和设计师 plug sth up to fill or block a hole with a substance or a piece of material that fits tightly into it 填塞 封堵:We plugged up all the holes around the window co stop the wind coming in. 我们堵上了窗户周围的缝隙,以免 漏风。 [OBJ] hole 3Z3 block sth up NOTE Plug sth is often used on its own with the same meaning. * plug sth 常单独使用作 此义。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv plumb/plʌm/ plumb sth in (BrE) to connect a washing machine, a bath, etc. to a water system 把 (洗衣机、浴缸等)与水管连接:He's plumbed in the new washing machine for me. 他帮我给 新洗衣机接上了水管。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv plump/plʌmp/ plump down; .plump yourself down (informal) to sit down quickly and heavily 猛 地坐下;董重坐下: She plumped herself down in the armchair. 她一屁股坐到扶手椅上。 SYN plonk down, plonk yourself down ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv plump sth down (informal) to put sth down suddenly and carelessly (猛然)丢下, 扔下:He plumped his books down on the table. 他砰的一声把书丢在桌子上。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n plump for sb/sth (BrE, informal) to choose or vote for sb/sth after thinking about it care- fully 慎重挑选(或投票);筛选出:I think I'll plump for the steak. 我想我要牛排。 ♦ v + prep plump 'up to become rounder or fatter 变 圆;变胖:Soak the raisins until they plump up. 把葡萄干泡在水里发好。 ♦ v + adv plump sth up to make sth which is stuffed with feathers, etc. rounder and softer by shaking it 把(羽绒填充品等)拍得蓬松柔软: Let me plump up your pillows for you. 我来帮你 把枕头拍松。 [OBJ] cushion, pillow ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv plunge /plʌndʒ/ plunge in; .plunge into sth 1 to jump or fall into sth, usually with some force (角 力)跳进;(重重地) He plunged into the pooL 他猛地跳进了游泳池。◊ The car plunged into a gorge. 汽车坠入了峡谷。◊ We ran down co the sea and plunged in. 我们跑到海边,纵身 跳入海水中。2 to begin doing sth or talking about sth without preparing for it or thinking carefully 贸然行动;唐突讲话;冒失地开始做 (或讲):He plunged into the task of clearing the office. 他二话没说就开始清理办公室。◊ I plunged in and started telling him all about it. 我冒冒失失地把这事对他和盘托出。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep plunge sth in; .plunge sth in/into sth to put sth quickly and with force into sth else 猛力插入;扎进:She plunged the knife into his leg. 她猛地把刀子扎进他的腿部。◊ He opened the sack and plunged his arm in. 他打开 袋子,手臂一下子伸了进去。 [OBJ] knife, hand ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep plunge into sth -> PLUNGE IN, PLUNGE INTO STH plunge into sth;plunge sb/sth into sth to be or to make sb/sth suddenly be in a bad state (使)突然陷入(糟糕的境况):The country plunged into recession. 国家经济急剧衰 退。◊ The city was plunged into chaos as a result of the strike. 罢工使城市骤然陷入一片混 乱。◊ The room was suddenly plunged into darkness. 房间一下子变得漆黑一团。 [OBJ] recession, despair NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v+ n/pron + prep plunge sth into sth -> PLUNGE STH IN, ETC. plunk/plʌŋk/ plunk 'down;plunk yourself down (AmE, informal) -> PLONK DOWN, PLONK YOUR- SELF DOWN ♦ v + adv plunk sb/sth down (AmE, informal)-> plonk sb/sth down: (figurative) Movie goers plunked down $1.7 billion for tickets (= spent that amount on tickets) this summer. 今年夏天 的电影票房达17亿元。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ply /plaɪ/ (plies, plying, plied) ply sb with sth 1 to keep giving sb large amounts of sth, especially food and drink 持 续大量提供(尤指饮食):They plied us with tea and cakes. 他们一个劲儿地让我们喝茶吃糕点: 2 to keep asking sb questions 不停地提问;问 个不休:They plied me with questions about my visit to England. 他们对我的英国之行不停地问 这问那。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep point /pɔɪnt/ point at/to sb/sth to stretch out your finger or sth held in your hand towards sb/sth in order to show sb where a person or thing is 指着;指向:He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand. 他指着那所房子以前所在 的地点。◊ He pointed, at the computer screen with his pen. 他用钢笔指着计算机屏幕。 ♦ v+ prep point sth at sb/sth to aim sth at sb/sth 把...对准:He pointed the gun at her head. 他用 枪指着她的脑袋。 [OBJ] gun SYN aim sth at sb/sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep point sb/sth out (to sb) to show sb which person or thing you are referring to, for example by moving your head, by describing them/it, etc. 把…指出来(给某人看):Will you point his wife out to me if you see her?如果 看见他的妻子,你就指给我看好吗? ◊ He drove them around Beverley Hills, pointing out where the stars lived. 他开车带而们在比佛利山转悠, 把明星们的住所指给他们看。 ◊ The guide pointed out various historic monuments. 导游介绍了各 处历史遗迹。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n point sth 'out (to sb) to mention sth in order to give sb information about it or make them notice it (向某人)指出:He thanked me for pointing out the mistakes in his report. 他感谢 我指出了他报告中的错误。◊ I must point out that my part in the rescue was very small. 我必 须说明,在这次营救行动中我的作用很小。 ◊ It must be pointed out that this new drug is not a miracle cure. 必须指出的是,这一新药并不是 什么灵丹妙药。◊ He doesn't like having his faults pointed out to him. 他听不进别人的指 正。 ◊ 'He's not my father, he's my stepfather,' he pointed out angrily, “ 他不是我父亲,他是 我继父。” 他愤怒地说。 NOTE Point sth out is often used in the pattern point out that ... * point sth out 常用于 point out that ...句型。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + speech point to sb/sth point at/to sb/sth point to sth 1 to mention sth that you think is important and/or the reason why a panicu- lar situation exists 提出,指出(重要的事项或 原因):She pointed to unemployment as a reason for rising crime. 她强调失业导致了犯罪 率上升。 2 if a fact, event or situation points to sth, it suggests that this is true or likely to happen 暗示;显示:All the signs pointed to a successful year ahead. 所有迹象都预示来年将一 帆风顺。◊ The facts seem to point to him having been murdered. 事实似乎表明他是被谋 杀的。◊ She had symptoms which pointed to a diagnosis of kidney failure. 从症状来看,她很可 能患了肾衰竭。 ♦ v + prep point up sth (BrE, formal) to give special emphasis to one particular aspect of a prob- lem, fact or opinion; to show sth very clearly 特别强调;明确显示:This incident points up the hostility between the two sides. 此次事件凸显了 双方间的敌意。 NOTE When the object of point up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pro- noun, it comes between point and up * point up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后;但如 果是代词,应置于 point 和 up 之间:There are divisions in the party, and the conference has pointed them up. 该党内部存在很多分歧,这次 会议将它们暴露无遗。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv poke /pəʊk; AmE poʊk/ poke about/around; poke about/ around sth (informal 1 (also .poke 'through sth especially AmE) to look for sth, especially sth that is hidden among other things that you have to move (在…中)搜 寻,翻找:They were poking around in the bushes, looking for their ball. 他们在灌木丛中 找他们的球。◊ What were you doing poking about in my room? 你在我房间里翻箱倒柜想找 什么? ◊ He spent his weekends poking around dusty old bookshops. 他周末时和泡在布满尘埃 的旧书店里淘书。◊ Customs officials poked through the containers looking for weapons. 海 关人员在集装箱里查找武器。2 to try to find out information, especially secret or hidden information; to get involved in sth that does not concern you 刺探;打听;干涉:A reporter had been poking around, trying to discover something in my past. 有应记者一直试图打探我 过去的事。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep poke along (AmE, informal) to move some- where very slowly 缓慢移动:The bus poked along at about 30 mph, stopping in every tiny town. 公共汽车以大约每小时30英里的时速缓 慢行驶,在每座小镇都停车。 ♦ v + adv poke around; .poke a round sth (AmE, informal) to move or do things slowly, without hurrying 闲散地移动(或行事);闲荡;从容做 事:I was just poking around in town all mom- ing. 我整个上午都在城里闲逛。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep poke at sth to push your finger, a stick, etc. into sth, often several times (用手指、棍子等 反复地)捅,戳,扎:She poked at her salad with her fork. 她用叉子拨弄着色拉。 SYN prod at sth ♦ v + prep poke out; .poke out of sth (also .poke through, .poke through sth) if sth pokes out or pokes out of sth, you can see it because a small part is coming through a hole or is no longer covered (从…中)突出,探出,露出: His toes were poking through the holes in his socks. 他的脚趾从袜子的破洞处露了出来。 ◊ Two feet poked out from under the bed. 床底下伸出 了两只脚。◊ There were flowers poking out of holes in the wall. 花儿从墙洞里伸出来。 SYN stick out, stick out of sth; stick through, stick through sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + prep poke sth 'out; .poke sth out of sth to move sth suddenly forwards or out of sth 忽然 前移;突然从…出来: The door opened and Max poked his head out. 门开了,马克斯猛地探出头 来。◊ The pony poked its nose out of the door as I went past. 我走过时,小马一下字把鼻子伸 出门来。 [OBJ] head, tongue SYN stick sth out, stick sth out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep poke through; .poke through sth -> POKE OUT, POKE OUT OF STH poke 'through sth (especially AmE) -> poke ABOUT/AROUND, POKE ABOUT/AROUND STH 1 poke up to become visible because a small part is coming through a hole, etc. 突出; 露出: The grass had begun to poke up through the snow. 草开始破雪而出了。 SYN stick up ♦ v + adv polish /ˈpɒlɪʃ; AmEˈpɒ:l-/ polish sb 'off (informal, especially AmE) to kill sb 杀死;干掉:She hired an assassin to polish him off. 她雇了杀手来除掉他。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n polish sth 'off (informal) to finish sth quickly, especially food or drink 很快做完;迅 速吃光 (或喝干):They polished off the pud- ding in no time. 他们眨眼工夫就把布丁扒拉下 肚了。◊ I'll polish off this last bit of work, then we can. go out. 我加把劲把剩下这点活儿干完, 我们就可以出去了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv polish sth up 1 to make changes to sth in order to improve it 改善;修饰:The college needs to polish up its image. 这所学院得提升一 下形象了。[OBJ] act, image 2 to improve your skills in sth that you have learned but have not used for a long time 捡起,重温 (生疏了 的技能等):She went on. a course to polish up her German. 她去听课,以便温习一下德语。 [OBJ] French, Italian, etc. SYN brush sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ponce /pɒns; AmE ɑːns/ ponce a bout/a round (BrE, informal) to do silly things in a way that looks ridiculous, especially to attract attention; to waste time (尤指为引人注意) 胡闹,招摇;浪费时光:He ponces around on the show, interviewing mem- bers of the audience. 他在节目中装模作样地采 访观众。◊ I could have finished that job while you've been poncing around! 有你无所事事瞎折 腾的那点时间,我就能把那活儿干完了! ♦ v + adv ponder /pɒndə(r); AmE 'pɑːn-/ ponder about/on/over sth to think about sth carefully for a period of time 仔细考 虑;深思:She pondered over what he had said. 她对他的话左思右想。◊ They were left to ponder on the implications of the announcement, 他们 只好反复思考公告的言外之意。 -> note at THINK STH OVER ♦ v + prep pony /’pəʊni; AmE ˈpoʊni/ (ponies, ponying, ponied) pony up;pony up sth (AmE, informal) to pay money for sth (为…) 付款:If you really want it, you have to pony up, 你如果真的 想要,就得付钱。◊ Each guest had to pony up $40 for the meal 这顿饭每位客人得掏40块。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv poop /puːp/ poop out (AmE, slang) 1 (on sb/sth) (also poop 'out of sth) to fail to do sth that you have arranged to do; to stop doing sth because you are very tired or afraid 没做( 安 排好的事);(因劳累或害怕) 停止做:I was supposed to go out last night but I pooped out, 我应晚没有按原定计划出去。◊ I'm sorry to poop out on you, but I have the worst headache. 很 抱歉我爽约了,可我头疼得厉害。2 (on sb) if a machine poops out, it stops working (机 器) 停止运传,抛锚:The horn on my old Toyota pooped out on me. 我的旧丰田车喇叭 环了。 ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + prep poop sb 'out (AmE, informal) to make sb very tired 使筋疲方尽;使疲惫不堪:A long day at the office poops me out. 在办公室忙了一整 天,把我累垮了。 -> note at tire sb out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► pooped out adj [not before noun] (in- formal, especially AmE) very tired 筋疲力尽; 疲惫不堪:I was pooped out after a long day at the office. 在办公室忙了一整天,累得我够呛。 pop /pɒp; AmE pɑːp/ (-pp-) pop in (informal, especially BrE) to visit sb/sth for a short time (短暂) 走访,逗留: She often pops in for coffee. 她常来小坐,喝杯 咖啡。◊ I'll pop in to see you at the weekend. 周 末我会去看看你。 SYN drop in (on sb/at...) -> note at VISIT WITH SB ♦ v + adv pop sth in/round to deliver sth to sb on your way to another place 顺道递送:I'll pop the library books in on my way home. 我回 家时会捎带把图书馆的书还了。◊ Could you pop those photos round later? 回头请顺便把那些照 片带来好吗? SYN drop sth by; drop sth in (to sb/sth); drop sth off ♦ v + n/pron + adv pop off (informal, especially BrE) 1 to go or leave somewhere, especially for a short time (尤指短暂) 前往,离开:I'm going to pop off early tonight (= leave work early). 我今晚打算 早点下班。◊ They just pop off to France when- ever they feel like it. 他们兴致一来就去法国。2 to die 翘鞭子;一命呜呼:When I pop off, all my 308 money goes to you.我死后,我的钱全都归你。 3 (to sb) (AmE) to talk angrily about sb/sth or to criticize sb/sth in public 怒气冲冲地说;当 众指责:The assistant coach popped off to the press about the team's poor performances. 助理 教练在媒体面前公开批评本队的糟糕表现。 ♦ v + adv pop sth 'on (BrE, informal) 1 to put on a piece of clothing quickly (迅速) 穿上 (衣服): He popped on his jacket and went out. 他披上夹 克就出去了。2 to turn on a piece of electrical equipment 开启 (电器):I'll pop the kettle on for some tea. 我来烧壶水泡茶喝。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pop out 1 (also .pop out of sth) to come out from a place suddenly 突然出现; (从…) 冒出:He just popped out from behind a tree. 他冷不丁从树后蹿出来。◊ (figurative) I didn't mean to tell them—it just popped out (= I spoke) before I realized. 我不是有意要告诉 他们的----我说漏嘴了。◊ (figurative) His eyes nearly popped out of his head (= he was very surprised) when he saw what she was wearing. 看到她的穿着,他吃惊得眼珠子几乎都要瞪出来 了。 2 (especially BrE) to leave somewhere for a very short time 暂时离开:John's just popped out to get a newspaper. 约翰刚刚出去取 份报纸。 ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + prep pop 'over/ round (BrE) to visit sb's home for a short time 上门短暂拜访:Pop over if you feel lonely. 你要是觉得孤单就来我家里坐坐。 SYN drop by; drop over (especially AmE) ♦ v + adv pop up (informal) to appear or happen when you do not expect it 冷不防冒出;突然出现; 意外发生:He seems to pop up in the most unlikely places, 他好像神出鬼没。◊ When you click with the mouse, a menu pops up. 点击鼠标 就会弹出菜单。 ♦ v + adv ► pop-up adj [only before noun] 1 (com- puting) a pop-up function is one that appears quickly on the screen when you choose it while you are working on another document 弹出式的:a pop-up menu/window 弹出式菜单/ 弹窗 2 (of a book, etc.书籍等) having pictures that stand up when you open the pages 有立 体活动图的:a pop-up book 立体图书 3 (AmE) a pop-up store is a shop/store that opens for a short time in a place where many people will see it, in order to advertise the company that owns it (为推广公司品牌短暂经营的) 限 时展售店,品牌游击店:a pop-up store on Fifth Avenue 第五大道上的限时展售店。 pop up; pop sth up (AmE) (in baseball 棒球) to hit a ball very high, so that it can be easily caught by the opposing team 打出高飞球: He popped it up into left field and Haines caught it. 他打出了左外野高飞球,海恩斯接住了。 ◊ Miller popped up and the inning was over. 米勒 击出腾空球,一局随之结束。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► pop-up n (AmE) (in baseball 棒球)a ball which is popped up 高飞球:腾空球:He hit a pop-up into center field 他打出了中外野高 飞球。 pore /pɔː(r)/ pore over sth to study sth by looking at it or thinking about it very carefully 打量;审视; 钻研:She was poring over an old map. 她全神 贯注地看一张旧地图。 ♦ v + prep post /pəʊst; AmE poʊst/ post sth off (to sb) (BrE) to send sth to sb by post/mail (给某人) 邮寄,邮递:I posted a letter off to you this morning. 我今天上午给你 寄了封信。 [OBJ] letter, parcel SYN mail sth off; send sth off (to sb) NOTE You can also use post a letter, etc., but this refers to the action of putting the letter in the mailbox 也可用 post a letter 等,但这是指把 信投入邮箱的动作:Did you remember to post my letter? 你没忘记把我的信寄出去吧? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n post sth 'up to put a notice, etc. up on a wall so that people can see it 贴出 (通告 等);公布:The exam results will be posted up in the hall. 考试成绩将在礼堂张榜公布。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n potter (BrE) /pɒtə(r); AmE ˈpɑːt-/ (AmE putter) potter a'bout/a round; .potter about/around sth to do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing sth that you enjoy and that is not important 从容做事;成如从事;漫步;闲荡: They spent the day pottering about by the river. 他们在河边逍遥了一天。◊ She was happy just pottering around the house. 她就乐意在家里 晃悠。 [OBJ] the house, the garden ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep pounce /paʊns/ pounce on sb/sth (also 'pounce upon sb/ sth more formal) to quickly notice sth that sb has said or done, and criticize it or use it for your own advantage 抓住不放,一把揪住 (进 行抨击):As soon as I opened my mouth, the teacher pounced on me. 我刚一张嘴就被老师抓 住了错。◊ He said something silly and the other boys pounced on it at once. 他说了句傻话,马 上遭到了其他男孩的嘲笑。 ◊ His mistake was pounced on by the press. 他的失误立刻被新闻界 揪住并大做文章。 SYN seize on sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep pounce on sth (also 'pounce upon sth more format) to accept an opportunity, etc. with enthusiasm (急切地) 抓住,把握 (机会等): She pounced on the opportunity to work with them. 有机会同他们一起工作,她求之不得。 SYN seize sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep pound /paʊnd/ pound sth out to play a tune on a musical instrument very loudly (用乐器)大声弹奏: Cole was pounding out: a tune on the piano. 科尔正在用力弹一首钢琴曲。◊ (figurative) She pounded out her poems on an old typewriter. 她 用一台旧打字机噼里啪啦打出她的诗歌。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) pour/pɔː(r)/ pour sth a way to get rid of a liquid by emptying it out of its container 倒掉,倾倒 (液体): He poured the water away after he finished washing the car. 他洗完车把水倒掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pour down to rain heavily 下大雨;大雨如注: It's pouring down. 大雨滂沱。◊ The rain poured down all weekend. 整个周末都在下暴雨。 SYN pelt down NOTE Pour is also used on its own, but only with the subject it * pour 也单独使用,但仅和 主语 it 连用:It's pouring (with rain). 天正下着 大雨。 ♦ v + adv ► downpour n a heavy shower of rain 倾盆 大雨;滂沱大雨;暴雨 pour forth; pour forth sth (formal) to appear or to produce sth from somewhere in large numbers or amounts 涌现;大量产生: The doors opened and a crowd of people poured forth. 门开了,一群人蜂拥而出。◊ He poured forth a stream of bitter accusations. 他连珠炮般 提出了一连串严厉指控。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n pour in; pour into sth to arrive some- where in large numbers or amounts 涌进; (向…)源源而来:Complaints poured in after last night's programme. 昨晚节目播出后,我诉 纷至沓来。◊ Sunlight poured in through the windows. 阳光从窗户倾泻而入。◊ Fans were still pouring into the stadium. 球迷继续涌入体 育场。 SYN flood in, flood into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep pour sth into sth to provide a large amount of money for sth 投入(大量金钱) 到;大量投资于:The council has been pouring money into the area, 议会一直在向这个地区投 入大笔资金。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep pour sth 'off to remove some of the liquid from a container, cooking pot, etc. by pouring 倒出(容器中的部分液体):When the fish is cooked, pour off the water. 鱼煮熟后,把水滗 出去。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pour it 'on (AmE) (informal) 1 (of a team or sports player) to play very well against your opponent, so that you are difficult to defeat (运动队或选手)发挥出色,难以击败:The Rangers came onto the ice and poured it on from the very beginning. 流浪者队上了冰球场, 从开局起便稳操胜券。2 to talk or behave in an exaggerated way in order to impress sb (为引人注目而)言行夸张,表现过火: She was really pouring it on, making sure he knew she was available. 她一个劲儿卖弄风情,想让他明 白她仍待字闺中。 ♦ v + it + adv pour out; ,pour sth 'out 1 (also .pour out of sth, ,pour sth out of sth) to come out or to produce sth from somewhere in large amounts or numbers 涌出; 大量产生:Black smoke poured out of the engine. 发动机排放 出滚滚黑烟。◊ People poured out through the gates. 人们涌出大门。◊ Factory chimneys poured out smoke. 工厂烟囱喷出了浓烟。 2 when feelings or words pour out, or sb pours them out, they are expressed, usually after they have been kept hidden for some time (感情或话语在压抑后)奔涌,迸发;一吐为快: All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out. 她一股脑儿倾吐出所有的怨恨。 ◊ The whole story then poured out 接着,事情的来龙去脉被 和盘托出。◊ He poured out his troubles to me. 他对我倾诉了他的烦恼。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) 1 also v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► outpouring n 1 [usually pl.] a strong and sudden expression of feeling (感情的)倾 吐,迸发:She hated having to listen to his passionate outpourings. 她讨厌听他那热切的表 白。2 a large amount of sth produced in a short time 涌现:a remarkable outpouring of scholarship 学术成果的层出不穷 power/paʊə(r)/ power up; .power sth up if a machine powers up, or sb/sth powers it up, it is switched on and becomes ready to use 发动, 启动(机器):Switch on the computer then wait for it to power up. 接通计算机的电源,然 后等它启动。 ◊ This switch will power up the monitor. 这个开关控制监视器。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv precede /prɪˈsiːd/ precede sth with sth (formal) to do or say sth before the main thing that you want to do or say 在(正事)前做;在(正题)前说; 以…开始(或引导):They often precede their performances with a short talk or display. 他们 常在演出前说几句话或进行花絮表演。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep predispose /,priːdɪˈspəʊz; AmE -'spoʊz/ predispose sb to sth (also predispose sb towards sth less frequent) (formal) to make sb more likely to do sth or to suffer from a particular illness 使倾向于做;使易患 (疾病): Cigarette advertising predisposes children to smoking. 烟草广告会诱导儿童抽烟。◊ His life- style predisposed him to high blood pressure. 他的生活方式使他易患高血压。◊ Certain people may be predisposed to mental illness. 有些人易 患精神疾病。 NOTE Often used in the passive 常用于被动语态: He believes that some people are predisposed to criminal behaviour. 他认凭有些人有犯罪倾向。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep preface /ˈprefəs/ preface sth by/with sth; preface sth by doing sth (formal) to say sth before you start making a speech, answering a question, etc. 以…为开端;作...的开场白:It is helpful if an interviewer prefaces each group of questions with a brief explanation. 访谈主持人最好在每 组提问前进行简要讲解。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep prefix /ˈpriːfɪks/ prefix A to B; ' prefix A with B to add letters, numbers or words to the beginning of a number or word 在...前面加 (字母、数字或 字词):Prefix 020 to the number you want to call. 在你要拨打的号码前加 020。◊ Prefix the number you want to call with 020. 在你要拨打 的号码前加020。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep preside /prɪˈzaɪd/ preside over sth (formal) to lead or be in charge of a meeting, ceremony, etc. 主持 (会 议、仪式等);担任 (会议等) 的主席:She pre- sided over the meeting. 她主持了会议。 ◊ The court is presided over by a single judge. 该法 庭只有一名法官负责审案。◊ (figurative) His government presided over (= were responsible for) a massive increase in unemployment. 他 的政府对失业大幅增加负有责任。 ♦ v + prep press /pres/ press a head/ on (also .press forward less frequent) (with sth) to continue moving for- ward quickly; to continue to do a task in a determined way 继续快速前进;坚持不懈地做: He pressed on, even though it was now dark. 尽 管夜幕降临,他仍继续赶路。◊ They decided to press ahead with their plans. 他们决定继续推进 他们的计划。 SYN forge ahead (with sth) ♦ v + adv press for sth; press sb for sth to make repeated and urgent requests for sth (向…) 催逼,不断迫切要求:The unions are pressing for a pay rise. 工会不断强烈要求涨工资。 ◊ I must press you for a reply. 我不得不催促你才能 得到答复。 SYN push for sth, push sb for sth ♦ v + prep press forward -> PRESS AHEAD/ON press in (on/upon sb) to move nearer to sb in a way that seems likely to cause harm 逼 近; 进逼:He felt as if the walls were pressing in on him. 他觉得四周的墙壁仿佛要向他压过来。 SYNN dose in (on sb/sth) ♦ v + adv press on -> PRESS AHEAD/ON press sth on sb to try to make sb accept sth, even though they may not want it 强迫 (某 人) 接受;把…强加于:She pressed cake and tea on us. 她执意要我们吃蛋糕、喝茶。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep presume /prɪˈzjuːm; AmE-ˈzuːm/ presume on/upon sth (formal) to use sb's friendship or kindness for your own advantage in an unfair way (不正当地) 利 用,滥用 (他人的情谊或善意):I felt it would be presuming on our friendship to keep asking her for help. 如果一再央求她帮忙,我觉得是过 分利用了我们之间的交情。 [OBJ] friendship, hospitality ♦ v + prep pretend /prɪˈtend/ pre tend to sth (formal) (usually used in negative sentences and questions 通常用于否定 句和疑问句) to claim to be or have sth, espe- cially when it is not true 声称;自称;自诩:I don't pretend to any great knowledge of the situation. 我不敢自夸对局势有多么了解。 ♦ v+ prep pretty /'prɪti/ (pretties, prettying, pret- tied) pretty sth up (especially AmE) to make sth look or seem better than before 装饰;修饰; 美化:She had prettied up the front porch with a few plants. 她用些花花草草装饰了前廊。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ prevail on/upon sb (to do sth) (formal) to persuade sb to do sth 劝说;说服:Can I prevail on you to play the piano for us? 烦请您为我们 弹奏钢琴好吗? ◊ She was prevailed upon to give one final performance. 她被说服最后再演 —场。 ♦ v + prep prey/preɪ/ prey on sb (also 'prey upon sb more formal) to treat sb who is weaker than you in an unfair or dishonest way in order to get sth or gain an advantage for yourself 欺压,掠夺 (弱者): The thieves have been preying on elderly people living alone. 窃贼们一直在偷盗独 居老人的财物。 SYN exploit sb ♦ v + prep IDM prey on sb's 'mind if a problem or a thought preys on your mind, you think and worry about it all the time (问题或想法) 萦 绕心头;使耿耿于怀;使忧心仲忡 prey on sth (also prey upon sth more formal) if a bird or an animal preys on/upon another bird or animal, it hunts and kills it for food (鸟兽) 捕食,猎食:They prey on small mammals. 它们捕食小型哺乳动物。◊ These small fish are preyed upon by sharks and other fish. 这些小鱼是鲨鱼和其他鱼类的猎物。 ♦ v + prep pride /praɪd/ pride yourself on sth; pride yourself on doing sth to be proud of sth such as a personal quality or a skill 引以为傲;为...而自 豪:She had always prided herself on her appearance. 她总是对自己的容貌洋洋自得。 ♦ v + pron + prep print /prɪnt/ print sth off/ out to produce a document or information from a computer in printed form (从计算机中) 打印出:I'll print off enough copies for everyone to have one. 我会给 每人打印一份的。◊ I'm waiting for the results to be printed out. 我等着把结果打印出来。 [OBJ] copy ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► printout n a printed copy of information in a computer file (计算机) 打印件; 打印资料: She asked for a printout of the previous year's accounts. 她索要了一份去年账目的打印件。 print sth ,up to produce sth in printed form, especially quickly or in large quantities (尤指 快速或大量) 打印出:He printed up 200 000 catalogues for the new season. 他为新的一个季 度打印了 20万份产品目录。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv prise (BrE) (AmE prize) /praɪz/ (also pry /praɪ/ (especially AmE) prise sth out of sb; prise sth from sb to obtain some information, etc. from sb with great difficulty (用尽手段) 诱供,逼问,强迫 透露:I finally managed to prise his new address out of her. 我最后总算从她口中套出了他的新住 址。◊ She had a way of prising secrets from people. 她打探秘密很有一手。◊ You'll be lucky to prise any money out of him! 要是能从他那里 弄到钱,算你走运! ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep proceed /prəˈsiːd; AmE proʊ-/ pro ceed against sb (formal, law) to start a court case against sb 起诉;控诉:I shall instruct my solicitor to proceed against you for trespass. 我要委托我的律师控告你非法侵入他人 土地。 ♦ v + prep pro ceed from sth (forma!) to be caused by or be the result of sth 由...而引起; 是...的结果: The dispute proceeded from a wrong interpret- ation of the law. 争端起因于对法律的错误解释。 ♦ v + prep prod /prɒd; AmE prɑːd/ (-dd-) prod at sth to press sth with your finger or with a pointed object, especially to see what it is, or what it is made of, etc. (用手指或锐 器) 捅,戳、杵,刺: He prodded at the plate of fish with his fork. 而拿叉子翻弄那盘鱼。 SYN poke at sth ♦ v + prep pronounce /prəˈnaʊns/ pronounce for/against sb/sth to give a judgement in court for or against sb/sth 作有 利于 / 不利于...的判决;判...胜诉/败诉 ♦ v + prep pronounce on/upon sth (formal) to express an opinion or give a judgement on sth就…表态;对…作出判断:The minister will pronounce on the situation today. 部长今天将 对局势发表讲话。 ♦ v + prep prop /prop; AmE pra:p/ (-pp-) prop sb up to support sb by putting sth under or behind them 支撑,托起 (某人):We propped her up with a pillow. 我们给她垫了一 个头。◊ He tried to prop himself up on his elbow. 他努力用胳膊肘撑起身子。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n prop sth up 1 to keep sth standing or stop sth from falling by putting sth under or behind it 撑起;支起:A family photo was propped up against some books on her desk. 她 的书桌上靠着书立着一张全家福。◊ The treehad to de propped up with thick posts. 那棵树得用 些粗棍子预住。2 to support sth that is having financial, political, etc. difficulties 支持;扶 持;援助:The regime is being propped up by foreign aid. 这个政权依靠外援维持着。◊ The government will no longer prop up inefficient industries. 政府将不再补贴效益低下的产业。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n provide /prəˈvaɪd/ pro'vide against sth (formal) to make plans in order to deal with or prevent a bad or unpleasant situation 预防;防备;未雨绸缪: Does your insurance provide against loss of income? 你的保险是否赔付收入损失? ♦ v + prep provide for sb to give sb the things that they need to live, such as food, money and clothing 为...提供生活所需:How will she pro- vide for six children? 她将如何养活六个孩子? ◊ My family will be well provided for if I die. 万一 我死了,我的家人将衣食无忧。 [OBJ] children, family ♦ v + prep pro vide for sth (formal) 1 to make plans or arrangements to deal with sth that may happen in the future 为…作好准备:为…作好 预防措施:The budget provides for rising informa- tion. 预算考虑到了通货膨胀可能上升。SYN allow for sth 2 (of a law, etc. 法律等)to make it possible for sth to be done 就...作出规定; 为...提供法律依据:European legislation pro- vides for expansion of the EV. 欧盟立法就该盟 扩员作出了规定。 ♦ v + prep prowl /praʊl/ prowl around; prowl around sth (also .prowl a1 bout/'round, prowl about/ round sth especially BrE) 1 to move quietly and carefully around an area, often with the intention of committing a crime 潜行(图谋不 轨):There was someone prowling around outside. 外面有个人蹑手蹑脚向。 ◊ Why were you prowling about the building so late? 这么 晚了,你怎么还在大楼周围转悠? 2 to walk around a room, a building, etc., because you are worried, bored or unable to relax (由焦 虑、无聊或紧张)徘徊,走来走去:Her husband prowled about restlessly. 她丈夫焦躁不安地来回 踱步。◊ She got up and prowled around the room, 她站起身来在房间里踱来踱去。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep pry (AmE) /praɪ/ (pries, prying, pried) rpry sth 'out, etc. -> PRISE STH OUT, ETC. psych /saɪk/ psych sb out (informal) to make an op- ponent feel less confident by saying or doing things that make you seem better, stronger, etc. than them 使(对手)心虚胆怯;震慑(对 手): The other team tried to psych us out before the game started. 对方运动队试图在比赛 开始前就把我们从心理上打垮。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n psych sb up; psych yourself up (for sth) (informal) to prepare sb/yourself mentally for sth difficult, such as a game, an exam, an interview, etc.(为困难的事)作好思想准备: Boxers need to psych themselves up for the fight. 拳击手需要为比赛作好心理准备。◊ I'd got psyched up for the interview but then it was cancelled at the last minute! 我为面试作好了心 理准备,可临到最后却取消了! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n puff /pʌf/ puff a way (at/on sth) (informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to smoke a pipe, cigarette, etc., often when you are thinking deeply (籍指沉思时)吸,抽 (烟斗、香烟等):He stood looking out of the window, puffing away at his pipe. 他站在那 里,一边眺望窗外一边吸着烟斗。 ♦ v + adv puff sth out to make sth larger and rounder by filling it with air 使充气;吹胀:She puffed out her cheeks in anger. 她气得鼓起了腮帮子。◊ Her hair was puffed out round her face. 她披头 散发。 [OBJ] cheeks, chest ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n puff up; puff sth up to swell or to make sth swell and increase in size (使)膨胀,肿 胀:He could feel his face puffing up where Mark had hit him. 他能感觉到脸被马克打肿了。◊ He puffed up his chest like an exotic bird. 他像只 怪异的鸟儿一样鼓起了胸脯。◊ The medicine makes my ankles puff up. 这种药把我的脚踝弄 肿了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM be puffed up with pride, etc. to be too full of pride, etc. 骄傲自夫;妄自尊大;趾高气 扬:She was so puffed up with conceit she didn't notice people were avoiding her. 她自命不凡, 没意识到人们都躲着她。 pull /pʊl/ pull a head; pull a head of sb/sth to move in front of sb/sth, especially suddenly or unexpectedly (突然或出人意料地)抢先,领先: I pulled ahead of the other runners on the last straight. 在直道冲刺时,我一下子超过了其 他选手。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep pull sb/sth a'part 1 to separate sb/sth, often people or animals that are fighting 拉 开,分开(打斗的人或动物):It took several of us to pull them apart. 我们上了好几个人才把福 们拉开。SYN separate sb/sth (more formal) 2 to severely criticize sb/sth 严厉批评;斥责:She pulled my work apart and made me do it again. 她把我的工作批得一无是处,而且让我返工。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) pull sth a* part to destroy sth or separate sth into pieces by pulling parts of it in different directions 毁坏;拆散:拆卸:I pulled the machine apart, but couldn't find what was wrong with it. 我卸开机器,但没找到毛病。◊ The fox was pulled apart by the dogs. 几条狗把 狐狸撕成了碎片。 -> note at TEAR STH UP ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) pull sb a'side to take sb to a quiet comer or place to talk to them privately 把某人拉到一旁 (私下说话): I pulled him aside to warn him not to say anything. 我把他拉到一边,警告他什 么也别说。 SYN take sb a side ♦ v + n/pron + adv pull sth a side to move sth such as a curtain so that you can see sth 拉开(帘子等):She pulled the curtain aside to reveal a small door. 她掀开帘子,露出了一扇小门。 [OBJ] curtain ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pull at sth 1 to pull sth lightly several times especially to gain attention (尤指为引人注 意)接连轻拽:The little boy pulled anxiously at her sleeve. 小男孩焦急地拉了拉她的袖子。 2 → PULL ON/AT STH SYN tug at sth ♦ v + prep pul! a(way (from sth) 1 when a vehicle pulls away, it begins to move (车辆) 开动:The train was pulling away as we reached the sta- tion. 我们赶到车站时火车刚刚启动。◊ I started the engine and pulled away from the kerb. 我发 动引擎驶离了路边。2 to gradually move fur- ther in front of sb/sth; to start to win a game or competition by getting more points than your opponent 逐渐拉大 (与对手的) 距离 (或 比分);获胜在望:The British boat began to pull away from the Italians (= in a race). 英国 赛艇渐渐甩开了意大利赛艇。◊ The German pair pulled away to finish three games ahead (= in tennis). 德国双打选手以胜三局领先。3 (from sb/sth) to move quickly away from sb/sth 迅 速离开;逃脱:She pulled away from him in horror. 她惊恐地挣脱了他。 ♦ v + adv pull sb/sth a way (from sb/sth) to make sb/sth move away from sb/sth 使远离;拉开:I pulled her away from the edge. 我把她从边上拉 了回来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pul! back i (from sb/sth) to move back- wards away from sb/sth 退回;缩回: He pulled back and stared at her in disbelief. 他倒退一 步,疑惑地盯着她。◊ The camera then pulled back to a wider view. 然后摄影机镜头拉向,使 取景变宽。2 to decide not to do sth you were intending to do, usually because of possible problems 退却;反悔:Their sponsors pulled back from financing the movie. 赞助商打了退堂 鼓、不再资助该部影片。SYN withdraw ♦ v + adv pull back;pull sb/sth back i to move back from a place; to make an army move back from a place 撤离;撤回 (部队) 2 (BrE, sport) to improve a team's position in a game 扭转颓势;获回败局;翻盘 ;Rangers pulled back to 4-3. 流浪者队以 4:3 反超。◊ They pulled back a goal in the last few minutes of the game. 在比赛结束前几分钟,他们扳回了一球。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pull sb/sth 'back to hold sb/sth and move them/it backwards, sideways or away from sth 向后拉;拉到一旁; 拽开:I pulled the child back from the edge. 我把孩子从边上拉了回来。 ◊ He pulled back the curtain. 他拉开了窗帘。◊ She pulled the sheet back to show us the wound. 她掀开被子,让我们看伤处。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pull sb down (informal, especially AmE) to have a bad effect on sb's health or happiness 使虚弱;使扫兴:The strain is really putting me down. 压力着实把我拖垮了。 SYN getS sb down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pull sth down 1 to move sth from a higher to a lower position 拉下;放下:She pulled down the blinds and locked the door. 她放下卷 帘,锁上了门。◊ He dried his hands and pulled down his sleeves. 他擦干手,放下衣袖。[OBJ] blinds, trousers 2 (especially BrE) to destroy a building completely 摧毁,捣毁,拆除 (建筑 物):My old school has been pulled down. 我的 母校被拆了。[OBJ] house, building SYN demol- ish sth (more formal) -> note at KNOCK STH DOWN 3 (computing) to make a list of possible choices appear on a computer screen by press- ing one of the buttons on the mouse 下拉 (选 项菜单) 4 (informal) -> PULL STH IN ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► pull-down adj [only before noun] used to describe a list of possible choices that appears on a computer screen below a title 下拉式的:a pull-down menu 下拉式菜单 pull for sb/sth (AmE) to support and encourage sb/sth and hope they will be suc- cessful 支持;激励:Hang in there, we're all pulling for you to win! 坚持下去,我们都在为 你加油,希望你取胜! SYN root for sb/sth ♦ v + prep pul! in;pull into sth 1 if a train or a bus pulls in, it arrives somewhere and stops (火 车或公共汽车) 到站,进站停靠:The express pulled in on time. 特快列车准时进站了。◊ The coach pulled into bay 27. 该辆长途汽车驶进了 27 号站台。 2 (BrE) if a vehicle or a driver pulls in, they move to the side of the road and stop (车辆或司机) 驶向路边停靠:Pull in in front of the bus. 开到路边,停在公共汽车 前。 ◊ He pulled into the parking lot and turned off the engine. 他把车开进停车场熄了火。 SYN draw in, draw into sth OPP pull out, pull out of sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep pull sb in 1 (informal) to bring sb to a police station in order to ask them questions 拘留 (盘问):The police have pulled him in for questioning. 警方把他扣起来讯问。SYN bring sb in 2 if an event or a show pulls people in, it attracts people in large numbers (活动或演 出) 聚集,吸引 (很多人):The show is still pulling in the crowds. 表演依然吸引着大批观 众。[OBJ] crowds, customers SYN get sb in ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2v + adv + n ,v + n/pron + adv pull sth 'in (also pull sth down) (informal) to earn a particular amount of money 赚,挣 (钱): He must be pulling in a hundred thou- sand. 他肯定能赚十万。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv (rare) pull off;pull off sth (of a vehide or its driver 车辆或司机) to leave the road in order to stop for a short time 驶离 (公路) 后短暂停 车:He pulled off onto the verge. 他把车开到路 边停下。◊ I pulled off the main road and stopped. 我把车驶离大路然后停下。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep + n pull sb/sth off;pull sb/sth off sb/sth to strongly pull away sb/sth that is attacking sb/sth else 用力拉开(进攻的人或动物):They tried to pull off the dogs with their hands. 他们 试图徒手把那些狗拽开。◊ He had to be pulled off the older man by two policemen. 两名警察才 把他从老人身边拉开。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep pull sth off 1 to remove an item of clothing quickly or with difficulty (迅速或费力地)脱 下(衣物):She pulled off her hat and gloves. 她一把摘掉帽子和手套。SYN take sth off OPP pull sth on 2 (informal) to succeed in doing or achieving sth difficult 做成,完成(困难的事 情):The goalie pulled off a terrific save. 守门 员来了个漂亮的救球。◊ If anyone can pull it off, I'm sure you can. 如果看什么人能办成这事,我 敢说就是你了。SYN bring sth off ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) puli sth on to put an item of clothing on quickly or with difficulty (迅速或费力地)穿 上(衣物): I pulled my shorts on and ran out- side. 我套上短裤,跑了出去。 SYN) put sth on OPP pull sth off ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n pull on/at sth to take long deep breaths from a cigarette, etc. 猛抽,狠吸(香烟等): She pulled on her cigar. 她深深地吸了口雪茄。 [OBJ] cigarette, cigar ♦ v + prep pull out 1 (also .pull 'out of sth) if a train or bus pulls out, it leaves a place (火车或公共 汽车)出站,驶离:The train pulled out (of the station) on time. 火车准点并出了车站。 SYN draw out, draw out of sth OPP pull in, pull into sth 2 [+ adv/prep] (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机)to move away from the side of a road, from behind sth, etc. 驶离路 边;超车:I pulled out onto the main road 我开 车驶上了主干道。◊ A white van suddenly pulled out in front of me. 一辆白色小货车突然超车到 我前面。 ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + prep pull out; pull out of sth; .pull sb/sth out; pull sb/sth out of sth 1 to move or to make sb/sth move away from sth or stop being involved in it (使)脱离,退出:They are pulling their troops out of the war zone. 他 们正从战区撤军。2 (also .pull out of doing sth, pull sb/sth 'out of doing sth) to stop being involved in sth or decide not to do sth you had promised to do; to make sb do this (使)退却, 反悔:The other firm wanted to pull out of the deal. 对方公司想退出交易。◊ The manager has pulled the team out of the compe- tition. 主教练让本队退出了比赛。◊ The com- pany is pulling out of sponsoring the team. 那 家公司停止赞助该队了。 SYN back out, back out of sth, back out of doing sth; withdraw (from sth), withdraw sb/ sth (from sth) (more formal) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► pull-out n an act of taking an army away from an area; an act of taking an organization out of a system, a deal, etc.(军队的)撤退, 撤离;(肮构的)撤出,退出:their unexpected pull-out from the competition 他们出人意料的 退赛 pull sth out;pull sth 'out of sth 1 to take sth out of somewhere by pulling (从…)拉出,抽出,拽出:He pulled an enve- lope out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一个信 封。◊ The woman suddenly pulled out a knife. 那名女子突然拔出一把刀。2 to remove sth from sth else; to separate sth from sth else (从…)把…盘开,分离出:I pulled out the middle page of the magazine to show him. 我抽 出杂志的中页给他看。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ► pull-out n a part of a magazine, news- paper, etc. that can be taken out easily and kept separately (报刊等的)可取出的插页:an eight-page pull-out 八页的插页 ◊ a pull-out guide to health 活页保健指南 pull over; pull sb/sth over to move or to make sb/sth move, to the side of the road and stop (使)停靠路边:He pulled over and jumped out of the car. 他把车停在路边,然后跳 下车。◊ I pulled over to let the ambulance pass. 我开车到威边给救护车让道。◊ A police car pulled me over. 警车令我把车开到路边停下。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pull through; pull through sth; pull sb 'through; pull sb through sth 1 to get better after an illness; to help sb get better after an illness (帮助)康复;(使)痊愈:Few people expected him to pull through after the accident. 几乎没人认为事故后他会康复。◊ She has pulled through the operation remarkably well. 她手术后恢复得非常好。◊ He suffered terrible injuries, but his courage pulled him through. 他伤得很重,但他靠勇气挺了过来。2 to succeed in doing sth very difficult or in dealing with difficult problems; to help sb do this (帮助)完成(困难的事情);(使)渡过 (难关):He's got his problems at school, but with help hell pull through. 他在学校遇到了困 难,但帮他一把他就能克服的。◊ It's going t。be tough but we'll pull through it together. 这事 会很棘手,但我们将齐心协力渡过难关。◊ She relied on her business experience to pull her through. 她靠从商经验挺了过来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep .pull sth to if you pull a door to, you close it or almost close it by pulling it towards you 拉 上,关上,带上(门):Pull the door to on your way out. 出去时把门带上。 [OBJ] door SYN shut sth OPP push sth to ♦ v + n/pron + adv pul! together if a group of people pull together, they act or work together in order to achieve sth 齐心协力;通力合作;万众一心: If we all pull together, well finish by Friday, 如 果我们劲儿都往一处使,到星期五就能完成。 SYN cooperate; hang together (especially AmE), stick together (informal) ♦ v + adv pull sth together 1 to make all the dif- ferent parts of an organization, an activity, etc. work together in a successful way 使(组 织等)团结...心;使(行动等)协调一致: His inspired leadership pulled the party together. 他的卓越领导才干使全党上下同心同德。 2 to organize a variety of ideas, etc. in a logical and careful way (有系统地)集中,组合,整 合(思想等):This lecture pulls together several recent theories. 这次讲座系统地介绍了几个新 理论。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pull yourself together to gain control of your feelings and start to act in a calm and sensible way 控制住情绪;恢复镇定: She made a great effort to pull herself together. 她咬紧牙 关,保持降静。◊ Stop crying and pull yourself together! 别哭了,振作起来! ♦ n + adv pull sb/sth under to make sb/sth become completely covered in water 把...卷进水中:He felt the waves pulling him under. 他觉得波浪要 把他吞没了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv pull up (of a vehicle, or its driver 车辆或司机) to stop, especially for a short time 短暂停留; 临时停靠:He pulled up alongside me at the traf- fic lights. 在红绿灯处,他把车停在我旁边。◊ A taxi pulled up outside. 一辆出租车停在了外面。 SYN draw up ♦ v + adv pull sb up 1 (on/for sth) (BrE, informal) to criticize sb for sth they have done badly or wrong 训斥;斥责:She pulled him. up on his untidy handwriting. 他写字歪歪扭扭,被她训斥 了一顿。◊ I was pulled up for not using the correct procedure. 因为没有按正确步骤操作,我 挨了一项批评。2 to make sb stop doing or saying sth very suddenly 使突然停住;使愣住: The shock of his words pulled me up short. 他 的话如晴空霹雳,把我怔住了。◊ The expansion of industry was pulled up sharply by an economic crisis. 经济危机使工业扩张陡然陷入停 顿。SYN draw sb up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pull sth up 1 to move sth from a lower to a higher position 把...向上拉:She pulled her shorts up and put a T-shirt on. 她穿上短裤,套 上 T 恤衫。 2 to remove sth from the ground with force (从地里)拔起,拔出:Kids had pulled all the shrubs up. 孩子们把灌木全都拔掉 了。 3 (to sth) to bring sth such as a chair closer to sb/sth 把(椅子等)搬到近处;拉近: Pull up a chair and sit down. 搬张椅子过来坐 T下。 SYN draw sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pull your 'socks up (BrE) to try to develop a more serious, responsible attitude to your work; to improve your behaviour 端正 态成;改善行为:He'll have to pull his socks up if he wants to pass that exam. 想通过考试他就 得加倍努力。 ► pull-up n an exercise in which you hold onto a high bar above your head and pull yourself up towards it (单杠)引体向上:She does 50 pull-ups and 100 sit-ups every morning. 她每天早晨做50次引体向上和100次仰卧起坐。 pull yourself up 1 to move your body into a standing position, especially by holding sth firmly and using force (尤指紧紧抓住某物用 力)站起来:Julia pulled herself up from the sofa. 朱莉娅使劲从沙发上站起身来。◊ I pulled myself up to my full height and glared angrily at Dan. 我昂首挺胸站立起来,对丹怒目而视。2 to stop doing or saying sth very suddenly 猛然 停止;突然打住:I started to ask about her family, but pulled myself up sharply when I saw she was getting upset. 我开始询问她的家庭 情况,见她变得心烦意乱,便立刻打住了。 SYN draw yourself up ♦ v + pron + adv IDM pull yourself up by your (own) ' boot- straps (informal) to improve your situation yourself, without help from other people 自强 不息;自力更生 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 pull through get better ♦ get well ♦ heal up ♦ pull through ♦ recover These verbs all mean to stop suffering from an illness or injury. 这些动词都表示复原、康复、 痊愈。 get better (of a person or a part of the body) to become healthy again after being ill or hurt (人或身体某个部位)(病后或伤后) 复原,痊愈:I hope you get better soon. 我希 望你很快康复。◊ My wrist is getting better. 我 手腕好些了。 get well (of a person) to recover from an illness (人)(病后)康复,痊愈: Get well soon! 祝早日康复! ◊ They sent me a get-well 切rd. 他们给我寄来一张明信片,祝我早日 康复。 heal up (of a wound or injury) to become healthy again; to make a wound or injury healthy again (使)(伤口或损伤)愈合: The cut healed up without leaving a scar. 伤口 愈合了,没留伤疤。NOTE Heal can be used on its own * heal 可单独使用:it took a long time for the wounds to heal. 伤口很长时间 才好。 pull through (not formal) to get better after a serious illness or operation (重病或手术 后)康复,痊愈:The doctors think she will pull through. 医生认为她会恢复健康的。 recover (of a person) to become healthy again after being ill or hurt (人)(生病或受伤 后)康复,痊愈:He's still recovering from his operation. 他手术后还在恢复。◊ Mother and baby are recovering well. 母亲和孩子恢复得很 快。► recovery n : He made a full recovery. 他 完全康复了。 WHICH WORD? Get well is used especially to talk about the wish or need for sb to recover; it is not used much in the past tense. * get well 尤用于表达 对某人康复的祝愿或某人康复的必要性,一般不 用于过去时。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to recover from sth ■ to gradually recover/get better/heal (up) ■ to completely/partially recover/heal (up) pump/pʌmp/ NOTE A pump is a machine that is used to force liquid, gas or air into or out of sth. ♦ pump 指泵。 pump sth in; pump sth into sth to give large amounts of money or resources to sth把(资金或资源)大量投入(或大量注入): Millions have been pumped into this industry. 对这个产业已经投资了几百万。 [OBJ] money SYN inject sth (into sth) ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep pump out; pump out of sth; .pump sth out; pump sth out of sth 1 (of a liquid 液体)to come out of somewhere or to be produced from somewhere with force and in large amounts 涌出;涌流;喷涌:Blood was pumping out of the wound. 鲜血正从伤口喷出 来。◊ Cars are pumping out tons of pollutants every year. 汽车每年排放成吨的污如物。2 if music, sound, etc. pumps out or sb pumps it out, it is produced from somewhere very loudly and for a long time (使)(音乐、, 音等)连续高声播放:Heavy metal was pumping out of huge speakers. 巨大的扬声器不断播放着 震耳欲聋的重金属音乐。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep pump sth out; pump sth out of sth to remove a gas, liquid, etc. from inside sth with a pump (用泵)(从…)排出,吸出: The fire brigade pumped out the basement. 消防 队把地下室的水抽了出来。 ◊ The fire brigade pumped the water out of the basement. 消防队 把地下室的水抽了出来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep pump sb up; pump yourself up (informal, especially AmE) to make sb feel more excited or determined about sth 给…打 气;鼓舞斗志:I really pumped up for the race. 那次赛跑我真是憋足了劲儿。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv pump sth up 1 to fill a tyre, etc. with air using a pump 为(轮胎等)充气(或打气): Pump your tyres up before you set off. 出发前给 轮胎打足气。2 (informal, especially BrE) to increase the amount, value or volume of sth 增加(数量、价值或体积):They always pump their prices up before Christinas. 他们总是在圣 诞节之前提价。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n punch /pʌntʃ/ punch 'in/ out; punch sb in/ out (AmE) to record the time that you arrive at or leave work, by putting a card into a machine; to do this for sb else (替某人)用计时卡登录上班/ 下班时间;(替某人)刷计时卡:He punched in ten minutes late. 他上班刷卡迟到了十分钟。◊ I was in such a hurry to leave that I forgot to punch out. 我下班时过于匆忙,忘了刷卡。◊ Would you punch me in? I'm going to be late. 你 可以帮我刷卡吗?我要迟到了。 SYN clock in/on, clock sb in/on (BrE), clock off/out (BrE) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv punch sth in; .punch sth into sth to put information into a computer, etc. by press- ing keys 将(信息)键入(计算机等):She punched in the security code and the door opened. 她输入密码,门开了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep punch 'out, etc. (AmE) -> PUNCH IN/OUT, ETC. punch sb out (AmE, informal) to hit sb repeatedly 反复击打;连续揍:Touch my car and I'll punch you out. 你敢动一下我的车,我 就让你尝尝我的拳头。 SYN beat sb up -> see also PUNCH IN/OUT, PUNCH SB IN/OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv punch sth out 1 to press a combination of buttons or keys on a computer, telephone, etc. 按键(输入号码、字符等):He picked up the phone and punched out Donna's number. 他 拿起电话,拨打唐娜的号码。2 to hit sth very hard and make a hole in it or make sth fall out在…上打孔;打破;打掉:The burglar had punched out a pane of glass to open the window. 窃贼打碎一块玻璃,弄开了窗户。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv push/pʊʃ/ push sb a'bout (especially BrE) -> PUSH SB AROUND push a head/ forward/ on (with sth) to continue with a plan in a determined way 毅 然推行(计划):They pushed ahead with the modernization programme. 他们坚定地推进现 代化方案。 -> see also PUSH ON ♦ v + adv push sb a round (also ,push sb a*bout espe- cially BrE) (informal) to order sb to do things in a threatening or unpleasant way 对(某 人)发号施令;任意摆布:Don't let him push you around. 别让他对你指手画脚。 SYN kick sb around ♦ v + n/pron + adv push sb/sth a side i to move sb/sth to a position where you are not prevented from going somewhere or doing sth 移开(妨 碍前进的人或物):He pushed her aside and went into the room. 他推开她,进了房间。 ◊ I pushed the curtain aside to get a better view. 我 拉开窗帘开阔视野。 2 to treat sb/sth as if they are/it is not important; to avoid thinking about sb/sth 将...置之不理;把...抛诸脑后: When his sister brought home a school friend, he felt pushed aside and abandoned. 他妹妹 带了一位同学回家,他觉得自己被扔在一边,无 人理会。◊ Emma immediately pushed the unpleasant thought aside. 埃玛立刻把这个不愉 快的想法抛诸脑后。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n push sb/sth a way to remove sb/sth from in front of you with your hands or arms, to show that you do not want them/it 把(不 需要的人或物)推开:He offered to help, but she pushed him away. 他主动来帮忙,却被她推 开了。◊ She pushed her plate away. I'm not hungry.' 她把盘子推到一边说: “我不饿。” ◊(figurative) Had he lied to me? I pushed the thought away. 他对我说谎了吗? 我不愿这 样想。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n push back (at sb) (AmE) to respond to sth that you think is wrong by telling the person responsible that you do not like it (向负责 人)投诉,抱怨,拒绝:Minority groups are pushing back at the city's police department, after years of being mistreated 由于年复一年饱 受不公正待遇,少数族群不断向市警察局发难。 ♦ v + adv ► pushback n [U] The pushback from left-wing groups on the subject of tax cuts has been strong and loud. 左翼团体应减税问题上持 强烈反对立场。 push sb 'back 1 to use force to make sb move backwards, especially by using your hands or arms 把(人)向后推:The police pushed the protesters back. 警察把示威者挡了 回去。 2 if sb pushes soldiers, an army, etc. back, they force them to move away from a place 迫使(士兵、部队等)撤离;打退: Magnus's army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle. 马格努斯的部队被迫一步步撤 回防守圈。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n push sth 'back 1 to make sth move back- wards by using your hands, arms, legs, etc. 把...向后推:He pushed his chair back and stood up. 他把椅子向后一推,站了起来。2 to make the time or date of a meeting, etc. later than originally planned 推迟;延迟:The release of their new album has been pushed back until early next year. 他们的新专辑推迟到明年年初 发行。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n push 'by/'past; .push by/1 past sb to use force to go past other people, rudely making them move to one side (推搡着)向前挤,挤 过去:She pushed by without saying a word. 她 一言不发遍挤了过去。◊ He followed me to the door and pushed past me into the house. 他跟 随我来到门口,把我推到一边,进了屋子。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep push for sth; push sb for sth to keep asking for sth, or asking sb to do sth, because you think it is very important 不断要求;争 取;敦促:We are pushing hard for electoral reform. 我们强烈要求选举改革。◊ They're pushing me for a decision on the matter. 他们 在催促我就此事作出决定。 SYN press for sth, press sb for sth ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep push forward 1 to move forward through a group of people until you are near the front 挤到前面:She pushed forward through the crowd. 她挤到了人群前面。 2 -> PUSH AHEAD/ FORWARD/ON 3 if soldiers, an army, etc. push forward, they move forward against the enemy, especially with some difficulty (士 兵、部队等)向敌方推进,艰难前进 ♦ v + adv push sb/yourself forward to try to make sb notice sb/yourself, especially in order to obtain sth such as a job or a move to a more important job (使)引人注目,出风头:He's not the sort of person who pushes himself for- ward. 他不是想方设法表现自己的那种人。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv push in (BrE, informal) to move in front of other people who are waiting in a line 插队; 加塞儿:They thought I was trying to push in at the head of the queue. 他们以为我想插到队列 前面。 SYN cut in (AmE) ♦ v + adv push off 1 (informal, especially BrE) used to tell sb rudely to go away 滚开;一边去:Push off and leave me in peace! 滚远点,让我安静一 冬儿! 2 to leave sb/a place, especially in order to go home 离开;动身回家:It's time 1 pushed off and did some work. 我该回家干活儿 去了。 3 (from sth) to move away from land in a boat, or from the side of a swimming pool (乘船)离岸;离开(游泳池边):He pushed off from the bank and rowed downstream. 他划 船离开河岸顺流而下。 ♦ v + adv push on 1 (to ... ) to continue travelling somewhere (向…) 继续行进:We decided to push on to Stonehaven. 我们决定继续前往斯通 黑文。 -> PUSH AHEAD/FORWARD/ON ♦ v + adv push sth on/onto sb to try to make sb accept or buy sth they do not really want 迫使 接受;强迫买下;强人所难:He keeps pushing his attentions on her. 他没完没了地向她大献 殷勤。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep push sb out; .push sb out of sth to make sb leave a place or an organization 驱 逐; 开除:He refused to resign, so his colleagues pushed him out. 他拒绝辞职,于是同僚把他赶 下了台。◊ Patients are being pushed out of hospital before they are really ready. 病人还没 痊愈就要被赶出医院。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep push sb/sth out to make sb/sth less important than before; to replace sb/sth with sb/sth else 降低...的重要性;使失势;替换:My parents didn't want me to feel pushed out by my younger brother. 父母不想让我因为我弟弟而咸 到失宠。◊ 'Harry Potter’ is pushing out more traditional children's stories.《哈利・波特》正 取代较为传统的童话。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv push sb/sth 'over to make sb/sth fall to the ground; to make sth fall onto its side or turn over 推倒;推翻:I was pushed over in the play- ground. 我在运动场上被撞倒了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v 十 adv + n ► pushover n (informal) 1 a task that is easy to do; a contest that you win easily 轻而易举 的事;轻松获胜的比赛:The game against Shef- field will be a pushover. 和谢菲尔德队的比赛将 易如反掌。2 a person who is easy to influence or persuade 蓉易说服的人;好说话的人;耳软 心活的人 push 'past, etc. -> PUSH BY/PAST,ETC push through; .push through sth to use force to cross a barrier, especially one formed by a crowd of people 冲过 (障碍 物);挤过 (人群):He pushed his way through to the front of the crowd. 他挤到了人 群前面。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep push sth through;push sth through sth to get a new law, plan or proposal offi- cially accepted 使通过;使获批准:We're trying to push through the reforms as quickly as possible. 我们正在争取尽快促成这些改革。◊ The Prime Minister promised to push the bill through Parliament quickly. 首相允诺让议会从 速通过这项法案。 [OBJ] bill, reforms, legislation ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep push sth to if you push a door to, you close it or almost close it by moving it away from you 把 (门) 推合;关闭:I pushed the door to. 我把门推上了。 [OBJ] only door SYN shut sth OPP pull sth to ♦ v + n/pron + adv push towards sth to make progress towards achieving an aim 向 (目标) 推进:We are pushing towards full membership of the EU. 我们正向正式加入欧盟的目标迈进。 ♦ v + prep push sb to1 wards sth; .push sb to wards doing sth to make sb try to do or achieve sth 使尝试;使争取:The need for aid finally pushed them towards cooperation with the USA. 由于需要援助,他们最终还是与美国进 行了合作。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep push sth up to make sth rise or increase 使 上升;使增长:A shortage of land pushed prop- erty prices up, 土地短缺推高了房地产价格。 [OBJ] prices, rates, costs ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pussyfoot /'pʊsifʊt/ pussyfoot a bout/a round to be careful or anxious about expressing your opinion in case you upset sb (为照顾他人情绪而) 说话谨 慎,不正面表达:支支吾吾:Alison should stop pussyfooting around and tell him what she really thinks. 艾莉森不该再闪烁其词了,得对他 表明她自己的真实想法。 ♦ v + adv put /pʊt/ (putting, put, put) put a*bout (technical) if a ship puts about, it changes direction (船) 改变方向,转向:The ship put: about and headed back to port. 船掉头 驶回港口。 ♦ v + adv put it about (also .put yourself about) (Br£, slang) to have sexual relationships with a lot of different people 与多人有染;滥交:He had a reputation for putting it about when he was at college. 他上大学时出了名地爱乱搞。 ♦ v + it + adv put sth a1 bout (informal, especially BrE} to spread information, stories, etc. among a group of people 散布; 传播:Someone has been putting it about that you're leaving. 有人散布 消息说你要走了。◊ This was an idea put about by the government. 这一构想是从政府传出的。◊ Rumours were put about that the shop was closing. 传言说商店要关门了。 [OBJ] rumour, idea, it NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pul yourself about (BrE) 1 (informal) to be sociable and friendly in public, especially in order to become well-known (尤指为了出 名) 喜欢交际,待人友善:Politicians like that are always putting themselves about at parties. 那种政客总是出没于各类聚会。2 (informal, sport) to be very involved in a game and play with enthusiasm (比赛中) 全身心投入,奋力;6 拼搏:Christian is a no-nonsense defender who puts himself about and is popular with the fans. 克里斯蒂安是一名敬业的后卫,比赛中积极投 入,深受球迷喜爱。 3 -> PUT IT ABOUT ♦ v + it + adv put sb/sth above sb/sth -> PUT SB/STH BEFORE SB/STH put sth across (also put sth over) (to sb) to communicate your ideas, feelings, etc. to sb clearly and successfully (清楚有效地) 交流, 沟通 (思想、感情等):The campaign failed to put the message across. 这次活动未能有效传达 信息。◊ She's very good at putting across her ideas. 她非常善于表达其个人想法。 [OBJ] message, idea, point SYN get sth across ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM put one a1 cross sb (informal) to trick sb 欺骗,蒙骗 (某人) put yourself across (also .put yourself 'over) (to sb) (BrE) to make sb understand your ideas, your personality, etc. 表明自己的 想法;使别人了解自己:She puts herself across well at interviews. 她面试表顼得很好。 ♦ v + pron + adv put sth aside 1 to place sth to one side 把...放在一边:She put the newspaper aside and stood up. 她把报纸放在旁边站了起来。SYN lay sth aside 2 to keep an item for a customer to collect later (为顾客) 保留:I asked them to put the dress aside for me. 我让他们把这件连衣 裙给我留着。3 (also .put sth by especially BrE, put sth away) to save some money to use later 积蓄,储存, 积攒 (钱款):He had been putting some money aside every month. 以前他 —直每月攒点钱。[OBJ] money 4 to decide to keep a period of time for a particular task or activity 留出,腾出 (时间):We need to put aside some time to deal with this. 我们得抽出时 间处理这事。[OBJ] time 5 to ignore or forget sth 忽视;不理睬;忘记:Doctors have to put their personal feelings aside. 医生一定不能受个 人感情的影响。 ◊ They decided to put aside their dijferences. 他们决定搁置双方的分歧。SYN set sth aside; disregard sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv put sth/sb at sth to calculate or estimate sth to be a particular size, amount, etc. 计算; 估算:I'd put his age at about sixty. 我估计他大 约六十岁。◊ I'd put him at about sixty. 我估计 他大约六十岁。◊ The cost of the project is put at two million pounds. 这一项目预计耗资两百 万英镑。 [OBJ] figure, cost ♦ v + n/pron + prep + n pul sb away (informal) 1 to send sb to prison, to a hospital for people who are men- tally ill, etc. 监禁;把某人送进监狱 (或精神病 院等) : He was put away for 25 years. 他被关 押了 15 年。 ◊ If you're found guilty, they'll put you away for a long time. 如果被判有罪,你就 要长期坐牢。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。2 (AmE, slang) to kill sb 杀 死;干掉:He was ordered to put the hostage away. 他受命将人质杀死。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n put sth a way 1 to put sth in a box, drawer, etc. because you have finished using it 把…放 回;把…收起:He washed the dishes and put them away. 他把盘子洗干净放回碗柜。 ◊ I'm just going to put the car away (= in the garage). 我正要把车开进车库。◊ Kids, will you put away your toys now? 孩子们,现在把玩具 收起来好吗? 2 -> PUT STH ASIDE 3: She's put- ting some money away for college. 她正在攒钱 准备上大学。◊ I'm putting something away for a rainy day (= for difficult times ). 我在积谷 防饥。3 (informal) to eat or drink large quan- tities of sth 猛吃;猛喝;胡吃海塞:They put away five bottles of wine between them! 他俩共 喝了五瓶酒! ◊ I don't know how he manages to put it all away! 真不知道他怎么吃得下这么多! 4 (BrE, informal, sport) to score a goal 得分: He had a couple of chances which he failed to put away. 他有两三次机会,但未能得分。5 (AmE) -> PUT STH DOWN 4 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n put sth 'back 1 to return sth to its usual place; to return sth to the place it was before 把...放回:He uses my things and never puts them back. 他用了我的东西从来不放回原处。◊ Put the book back on the shelf, will you? 把书放 回书架好吗? ◊ She carefully put the letters back where she'd found them. 她小心翼翼地把信放回 原处。 SYN replace sth (more formal) 2 (to ... ) to move sth to a later time or date 推 迟;延迟:The meeting has been put back to next week. 会议已延期到下周。 ◊ The game has been put back 24 hours. 比赛推迟了 24 小时。 SYN postpone sth (more formal) OPP bring sth forward 3 to cause sth to be delayed 拖延 ;延 缓:The strike has put back our deliveries by over a month. 罢工使我们的交货延误了一个多 月。 SYN set sth back 4 to move the hands of a clock back to give the correct earlier time, especially at the end of summer (尤指夏时制 结束时) 向后拨,拨慢 (钟表指针):We forgot to put the clocks back last night 我们昨晚忘记 把时钟指针拨回去了。[OBJ] the clocks, your watch OPP put sth forward 5 (informal) to drink a large quantity of alcohol 大量喝 (酒): I had just put back my sixth beer of the evening. 我刚刚灌下当晚的第六瓶啤酒。SYN knock sth back 6 (into sth) to give sth to or do sth for an organization, a society, etc. that has given you sth 用...回报;以...报答:The school has been so good to me. I really want to put something back into it. 学校对我这么好,我真想能对学校有所 回报。[OBJ] something SYN give sth back 7 to spend more money on sth in order to make it better or more successful 对...增加 (投资): The govemment isn't putting enough money back into the economy. 政府对经济没有追足 够的资金。[OBJ] money ♦ 1,2,4 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 3,5 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM put the dock back to return to a situ- ation that existed in the past 倒退;复旧;回 到从前:I wish I could put the clock back and give our marriage another chance. 我希望时光 倒流,再给我们的婚姻一次机会。 put sb/sth before sb/sth (also put sb/sth above sb/sth) to give sb/sth more importance than sb/sth else 把...看得比 重要:把...放 在…之上:He puts his children before anyone else. 他把子女看得比谁都重要。 ◊ They have always put business before pleasure. 他们一直 是正事在先,享乐在后。◊ Some young men put their own career above their partner's. 有些年 轻男子把自己的事业看得比配偶的事业要重。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sth be fore sb/sth to present sth to sb/sth 向...展示;把…提交给:She will put her arguments before the committee. 她将向委员会 陈述自己的观点。◊ The new evidence was put before the court. 新的证据已呈交法庭。 [OBJ] proposal, evidence, plan ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sth be hind you to try to forget about sth unpleasant that has happened and not allow it to affect your future 那...置之脑后:She wanted to put the past behind her. 她想忘掉 过去。 [OBJ] your/the past, your problems ♦ v + n/pron + prep + pron put sth by (especially BrE): He puts a few pounds by every week. 他每周都存几英镑。◊ She's got some money put by. 她有些存款。-> PUT STH ASIDE 3 put 'down (especially BrE) if a plane or its pilot puts down, the plane comes down to the ground (飞机或飞行员) 降落,着落:the plane put down at Manchester airport,飞机降落在曼 彻斯特机场。◊ He had to put down in a field. 他 只好降落在一块田里。 SYN set down, set sth down; land, land sth ♦ v + adv put sb down 1 (also .put yourself 'down) to criticize sb and make them feel stupid, especially in front of other people; to say sth that suggests that you have a low opinion of yourself 使 (当众) 出丑;使出洋相;使丢人现 眼;自我贬低:She's always putting people down. 她总是挖苦别人。◊ Don't put yourself down! 别妄自菲薄!SYN do sb down, do your- self down (BrE, informal) 2 (BrE) (of a bus, etc. 公共汽车等)to allow sb to get off 让 (某 人) 下车:The bus stopped to put down some passengers. 公共汽车停下来让乘客下车。◊ Ask the driver to put you down outside the City Hall. 告诉司机让你在市政厅外下车。[OBJ] passengers SYN set sb down (especially BrE) OPP pick sb up 3 to put a baby to bed 安置 (婴儿) 入睡: She's just put the baby down. 她刚刚把小孩哄 睡。[OBJ] baby ♦ 1,3 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► put-down n (informal) a remark or an action that is intended to make sb look stupid 令人难堪的话 (或行为);噎人的话:She produces some wonderful put-downs. 她真会奚 落人。 put yourself 'down 1 -> PUT SB DOWN i 2 f PUT sb/sth down, put yourself down X.put sb/sth down to place sb/sth that you are holding onto the floor or another surface 放下;搁下:She put her bag down by the door. 她把包放在门边。◊ Put me down! 把我放下来! ◊ (figurative) It's a great book. I couldn't put: it down! (= stop reading it) 这本书太精彩了。我 简直爱不释手! opp pick sb/sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n put sb/sth down; .put yourself down (for/as sth) (to do sth) to add sb's name or your own name to a list; to write sth down 列 入 (名单等);登记;注册;写下: She put her- self down for an aerobics class. 她报名上有氧健 身班。◊ I've put Jack's name down for the local school 我已经给杰克报名上当地的学校。◊ we've been put down to go to a class at 4 p.m. 我们已 报名上下午4点钟的课。◊ I'll put the meeting down in my diary. 我要把这次会面记在日志里。 ◊ He put himself down on the form as "unfit". 他 在表格上给自己填了个 “身体欠佳”。 ◊ I've put some ideas down on paper. 我在纸上写了几点 想法。 ◊ Could you put down in writing what you feel? 请把你的感受写下来好吗? ◊ I've put you (= your name) down where it says 'next of kin' (= on a form). 我把你的名字填在了 “最近 亲属” 一栏。 -> note at WRITE STH DOWN ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n put sth down 1 to replace the part of the telephone that you speak into (the receiver) of a telephone and end your conversation 挂 断 (电话):(BrE) She put the phone down on me! 她居然往断了我的电话! [OBJ] only the phone, the receiver 2 to pay part of the cost of sth 支付 (部分费用);缴纳 (订金):I've put down a deposit on our trip. 我已经付了我们 旅行的订金。[OBJ] deposit 3 to move sth from a higher to a lower position 把...放下;使垂下: The sun's in my eyes—can I put the blind down? 阳光太剌眼——我可以放下窗帘吗? ◊ Put your feet down, please! (= off the table/chair) 请把 脚放下来! ◊ The rain stopped so she put her umbrella down. 雨停了,施把伞收了起来。 4 (AmE also .put sth a'way) to kill an animal because it is old or sick 对 (衰老或有病的动 物) 实施人道毁灭;对...处以安乐死:The horse was injured and had to be put down. 那匹马受 伤了,只好对它实施安乐死。◊ We had to have our cat put down. 我们只得结束了猫的生命。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。5 to stop sth by force 镇压;平定:The revolt was swiftly put down. 叛乱被迅速镇压下 去。[OBJ] rebellion, uprising, revolt HJ3 sup- press sth; crush sth 6 to spread sth on the floor or ground 在地板上铺;在地面上撒:We decorated the room and put a new carpet down. 我们装饰了房间,铺了张新地毯。◊ I'm going to put some poison down for the rats. 我要往地上 放置些老鼠药。7 (in a game of cards 纸牌游戏) to play a card 出 (牌);打出:She put down the ace of spades. 她打出黑桃 A。 ◊ Each player puts down a card in turn. 打牌的人轮流出牌。 [OBJ] card, ace, etc. 8 to present sth formally for discussion by a parliament or a committee 将...提交 (由议会或委员会审议):to put down a motion/an amendment 提交一项动议 / 修正案 SYN table sth (formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM put your foot down 1 (BrE) to drive faster; to drive very fast 踩油门;加速行驶;开 快车 2 to be very firm in opposing sth 坚决反 对:You'll just have to put your foot down and say no. 你只要坚定地说 “不” 就行了。put your head down to go to sleep 睡觉;入睡:Why don't you put your head down for a while? 你 干吗不睡一会儿呢? put sb down as sth to think that sb is a particular type of person, especially when you do not know them very well (尤指在不太了解 的情况下) 把某人看作,把某人视为:I put the boy down as a troublemaker as soon as I saw him. 我一见到这孩子就认为他很顽皮。 ◊ I would never have put you down as an athlete! 我怎么 也想不到你是个运动员! ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep + n put sb down for sth to write down that sb is willing or wishes to buy sth, give an amount of money, etc. 为...登记预购 (或认捐等):Put me down for three tickets for the Saturday show. 给我预订三张星期六的演出门票。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep put sth down to sth to consider that sth is caused by sth 把…归因于:They put everything down to fate. 他们把一切归因于命运的安排。 SYN attribute sth to sth (formal); chalk sth up to sth (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep put sth forth (formal or literary) 1 (espe- cially AmE) -> PUT STH FORWARD 3 2 (AmE) to make a strong physical or mental effort to do sth 用劲;费心;尽心尽力:He isn't putting forth the necessary effort. 他没有尽力。[OBJ] effort ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (rare) put sb/sth forward; .put yourself forward (for/as sth) to suggest sb/yourself as a candidate for a job, a position, etc. 推 荐;提名;自荐:Can I put your name forward for the job? 我推荐你来做这份工作好吗? ◊ Only one woman has put herself forward as a candi- date. 只有一名女性毛遂自荐。◊ We would like to put you forward as head of department. 我 们想推举你为部门主管。◊ My name was put forward for the scholarship by the principal. 我 获得了校长的奖学金提名。 [OBJ] name ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n put sth forward 1 to move sth to an earlier time or date 将...提前:We've put the meeting forward a couple of days. 我们把会期提前了两 三天。 SYN bring sth forward 2 to move the hands of a clock forward to give the correct time, especially at the beginning of summer (尤指夏时制开始时) 向前拨,拔快 (时钟指 针):We forgot to put the clocks forward last night. 我们昨晚忘记把时钟指针往前拔了。 ◊ France is an hour ahead, so you'll have to put your watch forward when you get there. 法国早 一个小时、所以你到了那里得把表拔快。 [OBJ] the clocks, your watch OPP put sth back 3 (also put sth forth formal, especially AmE) to suggest an idea or a plan so that it can be discussed 提出;提议:She put forward several ideas for new projects. 她为新项目提出了好几个 设想。◊ This theory was originally put forward by Darwin. 该理论是由达尔文最先提出的。 [OBJ] argument, proposal, idea SYN bring sth forward ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ♦ 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv put in (at ... ), put 'into ... (BrE) (of a ship or its sailors 船或船员) to stop in port for a short time 暂时进(入…)港;入港: The ship put in at Lisbon. 轮船暂时停靠里斯本港。◊ The captain was instructed to put into Calais for repairs. 船长得到指令驶入加来港检修。 OPP put out (to/from ...) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep put 'in; put in sth to interrupt another speaker in order to say sth 打断...讲话; 插话: 'But what about us? ' he put in quickly. “可我 们怎么办呢?" 他连忙插嘴问。◊ Could I put in a word? 我可以插句话吗? SYN interject sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + speech ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv put sb in (especially BrE) to elect a political party as the government; to choose sb officially to do a particular job 选举 (执政 党);任命 (某人):The voters put the vatives in with a large majority. 选民以压倒性 多数票选举保守党上台。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n put sb in/'into sth 1 to make sb go to a particular institution, such as a school, hospital, etc. 把某人送进 (学校、医院等):He was put in prison for five years. 他入狱五年。◊ An accident put him in hospital for three weeks. 车祸后他入院治疗三个星期。◊ We had to put granny in/into a nursing home. 我们不得木把 奶奶送到养老院。NOTE When this meaning of the phrasal verb is used with hospital and prison, in is usually used rather than into. 这 个短语动词与 hospital 和 prison 连用作此义时, 通常用 in,不用 into。 2 to give sb a particular job to do 给某人指派 (工作):We put her in/ into sales and she did really welL 我们让她搞销 售, 她确实干得很好。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM put sb in the 'picture {informal) to give sb the information they need in order to understand a situation 给…介绍情况;使了解 背景:You should put Mike in the picture as soon as possible. 你应丧尽快让迈克了解情况。put sb in their place to make sb feel stupid or embarrassed when they have shown too much confidence 挫某人的锐气;煞某人的威风;使有 自知之明 put yourself in sb's shoes to imagine that you are in another person's situation, especially when it is an unpleasant or difficult one 设想处于某人(尤指不快或困难)的处境; 站在...的立场;设身处地:Don't be angry with your brother. Try to put yourself in his shoes. 别 生你哥哥的气了,替他想一想吧。 put sth 'in 1 to fit a piece of equipment, furniture, etc. into a particular place 安装(设 备、家具等):Steve put the shower in by him- self. 史蒂夫自己把淋浴器装上了。◊ They had central heating put in when they moved into the flat 他们搬进这所公寓时安装了中央供暖设备。 SYN install sth (more formal) 2 to officially make a claim, a request, etc. 正式提出(要求 等): I've put in a request for some extra funding. 我已提出申请,要求追加资金。 ◊ They've put in an offer on the house (= to buy it). 他们出了个价,想买这套房子。[OBJ] offer, claim 3 to give sth, such as time or money, in order to help sb/sth 拿出,付出(时间、金钱 等):We all put in five pounds for Lucy's present. 我们每人出五英镑为露西买礼物。4 to plant sth in the ground 种植;栽种:Have you put any bulbs in this autumn? 今年秋天你种鳞 茎植物了吗? [OBJ bulbs, seeds ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM put in an appearance to go somewhere for a short time 露一下面:I can't stay long at the party, but I'd better put in an appearance. 我不能在聚会上呆很久,可我好歹要露个面儿。 put sth in; put sth in/ into sth 1 to include sth in a story, a letter, etc. 把...写入, 把...插入(故事、信函等中):He didn't put anything in his letter about coming to stay. 他 信中只字未提要过来住。◊ When you write the report, make sure you put in the latest figures. 写报告时别忘了用最新数据。2 to pay money into a bank account 把(钱)存入(账户); 存(钱):He put £500 into his account. 他往户 头上存了 500 英镑。[OBJ] money SYN pay sth in, pay sth into sth; deposit sth 3 (also put sth into doing sth) to give a lot of time or effort to sth or to doing sth 花费,耗费,投入(时 间、精力等):She's put a lot of effort into improving her French. 她下了很大功夫提高她的 法语水平。 ◊ Thank you for all the hard work you've put in. 感谢你付出的辛勤劳动。[OBJ] effort 4 (also put sth into doing sth) to pro- vide money for sth 提供,投入,投放(资签):" The school has put a lot of money into (buying) new equipment. 学校花了一大笔钱购置薪设备。 [OBJ] money, resources SYN invest sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► input n [C, U] time, knowledge, ideas or work that you put into a project, etc. in order to make it succeed 投入的时间(或知识、想 法、人力等);资源投放;投入:Nurses should have more input into the way patients are treated. 护士应该想更多办法照顾好病人。◊ Thank you for your input to the discussion. 感 谢你们在讨论中献计献策。 NOTE There is also a verb input sth meaning to put information into a computer and a related noun input, 还有动词 input sth, 意思是 将信息输入计算机,相关名词是 input。 put in for sth (especially BrE) to apply for- mally for sth 申请:Are you going to put in for that: job? 你想申请那份工作吗? ◊ She's going to put in for a transfer. 她打算申请调职。 [OBJ] transfer, job ♦ v + adv + prep put sb/sth/yourself in for sth to enter sth/yourself for a competition 给...登记,报名 (参加比赛):She's put herself in for the 100 metres. 她已报名参加100米赛藏 ◊ You should put that photo in for the competition. 你应该拿 那张照片参赛。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep put into ... (BrE) -> PUT IN (AT ... ), PUT INTO ... put sb 'into sth -> PUT SB IN/INTO STH put sth 'into sth 1 to add a quality to sth 将...注入;使融入:Do you need to put some excitement into your life? 你需要给生活加点刺 激吗? 2 -> PUT STH IN, PUT STH IN/lNTO STH ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sth into doing sth -> PUT STH IN, PUT STH IN/lNTO STH 3,4 put off doing sth -> PUT STH OFF 1 pul sb off 1 to cancel a meeting or sth you had arranged with sb 取消,撤销(与某人的会 面或安排):He was supposed to come yester- day, but I put him off. 他本来昨天要来的,可我 把他打发掉了。◊ Tell her you want to calk to her and don't be put off. 告诉她你想跟她谈谈, 别让她推三阻四。2 (BrE)(of a vehicle, a driver, a ship, etc. 车辆、司机、船舶等)to stop in order to allow sb to get off 停下卸(客); 让某人下去:I asked the bus driver to put me off near the town centre. 我请公共汽车司机在快到 市中心时让我下车。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) pul sb off; put sb off sb/sth; put sb 'off doing sth to make sb stop liking sb/ sth; to make sb lose interest in sb/sth 使某人 对…反感;使某人对...失去兴趣:His manner tends to put people off. 他的态度容易让人反感。 ◊ Your story is putting me off my food! 你说的 事儿让我吃不下饭了 ! ◊ The accident put her off driving for life. 那场车祸让她一生都不想开车 了。 ◊ The way he treated his wife really put me off him. 他那么对待他的妻子实在让我厌恶。 ◊ Don't be put off by her appearance—he's really very sweet. 别看她外表凶--她其实很温和。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► off-putting adj (informal, especially BrE) unpleasant; making sb dislike or not be inter- ested in sth/sb 讨厌的;令人反感的;使人失去 兴趣的:The computer made a buzzing noise that she found off-putting. 计算机发出的嗡嗡声 让她心烦。◊ I find it very off-putting to have someone watching me all the time. 我觉得一直 被人监视着非常讨厌。◊ His manner is very off- putting. 他的态度令人十分反感。 put sb off; put sb off sth to disturb sb who is trying to give all their attention to sth 使分神;搅扰:Don't put me off when I'm trying to concentrate. 我要集中精神时别打扰我。◊ The sudden noise put her off her game. 突如其来的 嘈杂声干扰了她的比赛。 SYN distract sb (from sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ♦ v + n/ pron + prep put sth 'off 1 (also .put off doing sth) to change sth to a later date or time 推迟; 延迟: Well have to put the meeting off until next week. 我们只能把会议延期到下个星期。◊ He keeps putting off going to the dentist. 他把看牙 医前事一拖再拖。SYN delay sth 2 (especially BrE) to switch sth off 切断…的电源;关掉: Could you put the lights off before you leave? 你临走时把灯关了好吗? [OBJ] lights, the tele- vision, etc. switch sth off; turn sth off ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 1 also v + adv + -ing put sb on (AmE) informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to laugh at sb, especially by pretending that sth is true that is not 拿...开玩笑;愚弄;作弄:I thought you were putting me on! 我当你是在耍我呢! SYN have sb on (BrE) NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ► put-on n [C, usually sing.] (AmE, informal) an act of laughing at sb by telling them that sth is true that is not; a joke or trick 玩笑; 愚 弄;作弄:Don't take it so seriously—it was just a put-on. 别当真 —— 不过是开个玩笑而已。 put sb on; put sb on sth to give sb the telephone so that they can speak to the person calling 让某人接听电话:She put Tim on the phone. 她让蒂姆接电话。◊ Put Jane on for a minute, will you? 让简接听一下电话好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sb 'on sth 1 to make sure that sb gets on a plane, train, etc. 把…送上 (飞机、火车 等):We put Ruth on the bus to Carlisle. 我 们把鲁思送上了开往卡莱尔的公共汽车。2 to make sb follow a particular diet, take a par- ticular medicine, etc. 使遵照 (规定饮食); 使 服用(某种药物):The doctor put him on anti- biotics. 医生让他服用抗生素。 ◊ Tim's been put on a low-fat diet. 蒂姆被要求只吃低脂肪食函。 3 to decide that sb should do a particular job 决定由...做 (某工作):They're going to put someone else on that project. 他们要换别人来承 担那个项目。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sth on 1 to put an item of clothing, etc. on your body 穿;戴;披:Aren't you going to put your coat on? 你不打算穿外套吗?◊ Hang on, I need to put my glasses on. 等一下,我得戴 上眼镜。◊ I can't find anything clean to put on! 我找不到一件干净衣服穿!◊ Have you put your seat belt on? (= in a car) 你系好安全带了吗? ◊ Could you put his shoes on for him? 请帮他穿上 鞋好吗? [OBJ] coat, shoes, glasses, etc. OPP take sth off -> note at HAVE STH ON 2 to apply sth to your skin 抹;擦;涂:She's putting her make-up on. 她在化妆呢。◊ Make sure you put some sun cream on before you go out. 出去前别 忘了搽防晒霜。[OBJ] lipstick, make-up, per- fume SYN apply sth OPP take sth off 3 (espe・ dally BrE) to switch sth on 开动;发动;打开: Shall I put the light on? 我可以开灯吗? ◊ Let's put the kettle on and have a cup of tea. 我们烧 壶水沏杯茶吧。[OBJ] the light, the heating, the radio, the kettle SYN switch sth on; turn sth on OPP put sth off; switch sth off; turn sth off 4 to begin to cook food 开始做饭:I need to get home and put the dinner on. 我得回家做饭了。 SYN get sth on 5 to make a CD, etc. begin to play 播放(CD 等): Do you mind if I put some music on? 我放点音乐,你不介意吧?◊ She put on a Bob Marley CD. 她播放了鲍勃・马 利的CD。[OBJ] some music, CD, video 6 to operate the brakes on a vehicle (= a device for slowing or stopping the vehicle) 刹 (车): Don't forget to put the handbrake on. 别忘了拉 上手闸。◊ She put on the brakes suddenly. 她猛 地踩下刹车。 [OBJ] the brakes, the handbrake SYN apply sth (more formal) 7 to grow heavier by the amount mentioned 增加(体重);发胖: He's put on a lot of weight since I last saw him. 他比我上次见他时胖多了。◊ I've put on two kilos in two weeks. 我两周内体重增加了两 公斤。[OBJ] weight SYN gain sth (more formal) OPP lose sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不 用于被动语态。8 to provide sth specially 专门 提供:They put on extra trains during the holi- day period. 假期额外增开了列车。◊ A splendid lunch was put on for the visitors. 专门为客人们 准备了丰盛的午餐。[OBJ] bus, train SYN lay sth on OPP take sth off 9 to produce or present a play, an exhibition, etc. 举办;上演;展出:The local drama group are putting on 'Macbeth'. 当 地剧团正在演出《麦克白〉。 ◊ The museum put on a special exhibition about dinosaurs. 博物 馆专门举办了恐龙展。[OBJ] play, exhibition, show SYN stage sth (more formal) OPP take sth off 10 to pretend to have a particular feeling or quality 装作;假装: He put on a hurt expression. 他作出一副受到伤害的表情。◊ Can you put on an American accent? 你能模仿美 国口音吗? ◊ She isn't really upset― he's just putting it on. 她并不是真的苦恼一一她不过是 在装样子。◊ He seemed furious, but I think it was all put on. 他似乎怒不可遏,可我想这都是 在演戏。 [OBJ] accent, expression SYN assume sth (formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► put-on n [C, usually sing.] (AmE, informal) sth that is done to trick people 信象;骗局: Kate's shabby appearance is just a put-on. Her parents are both lawyers. 凯特的寒酸相不过是 装出来的,她父母都是律师。 put sth on sth 1 to add an amount of money to the price or cost of sth 在 (价格或成 本)上加…;加价:The new tax put 20p on the price of a packet of cigarettes. 新税使得每包香 烟涨价 20 便士。OPP knock sth off sth 2 to bet money on sth 把钱押在…上;下赌注:I've put £10 on Sultanls Promise (= a horse) in the next race. 下一轮赛马,我在"苏丹希望”身上 押了 10 英镑。[OBJ] bet (on sth), money ♦ v + n/pron + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 put sth on affect sth ♦ assume sth ♦ fake sth ♦ feign sth ♦ put sth on These verbs all mean to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true. 这些动词都表示装作、假装、 伪装。 affect sth (formal, often disapproving) to pretend to be thinking or feeling sth or to have a particular way of speaking, often in order to impress other people (常表示为使 人印象深刻) 佯作,假装: She affected a calmness she did not feel. 她故作镇静。 assume sth (formal) to pretend to be thinking or feeling sth; to pretend to have a particular way of speaking 佯作;假作: She assumed an air of concern. 她摆出关切的姿态。 fake sth (not formal) to pretend that you are ill, injured or have a particular physical feeling 装作;装 (病) : She's not really sick— she's just faking it. 其实她没病--------她不过在 装病罢了。 feign sth (formal) to pretend that you have a particular emotion or that you are ill. injured, asleep or dead 佯作;佯装:'Who cares?9 said Alex, feigning indifference. “谁在 乎啊?" 亚历克斯说,装出漠然的样子。 put sth on (not formal) to pretend to be thinking or feeling sth; to pretend to have a particular way of speaking 装作;假装:I don't think she was hurt. She was just putting It on. 我认为她并未受伤。她不过是在装模 作样。 WHICH WORD? Put on is often used with a phrase describing sb's face or voice * put on 常与描写脸色或语气 的短语连用:to put on a look of concern/an artificial accent 装作关心 / 装腔。 Put on is rather informal; assume and affect are both formal. Affect is often more disapproving than assume, suggesting that you think the person's behaviour is silly. * put on 不太正式;assume 和 affect 均为正式用语。与 assume 相比,affect 常含贬义,暗示该人的行为。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to feign/assume/affect indifference ■ to feign/assume interest ■ to feign/affect surprise ■ to feign/fake illness/injury ■ to put on/assume/affect an accent ■ to put on/assume an air of concern, indifference, etc. put sb onto sb/sth (also .put sb on to sb/sth) 1 to tell sb about a person, an organ- ization, etc. that could help them, or sth that they might like or find useful 为...介绍;提供 信息:Could you put me onto a good account- ant? 你能给我介绍个好会计师吗? 2 to connect sb by telephone to sb else 让...接听电话:Could you put me onto the manager, please? 请让经理 接电话好吗? 3 to inform the police, etc. about a crime or a criminal 向 (警方等) 告发 (或检 举): Do you know who put the police onto the hackers? 你知道是谁向警方举报黑客的吗? ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep put out 1 (to/from ... ) (BrE) (of a boat or a crew 船只或船员)to move out to sea from a port 出航;离港:The ship put out to sea by night. 店船在夜间出海了。◊ We put out from Liverpool. 我从利物浦起航。OPP put in (at ... ) 2 (AmE, slang) (of a woman 女子)to agree to have sex with sb 同意性交: She won't put out on a first date. 她不会初次约会时就跟 人上床。 NOTE Sometimes considered offen- sive. 有时会被视为含冒犯意。 ♦ v + adv put sb out 1 to make trouble, problems, extra work, etc. for sb 给...增添 (麻烦、问 题、额外工作等):I hope our arriving late didn't put you out at all. 但愿我们迫到没有给你 添什么麻烦。2 be put out to be upset or offended 烦恼;生气:Jeff wasn't at all put out by what I said. 杰夫根本不介意我的话。◊ I was a bit put out that I hadn't been invited. 没受邀 请,我有点郁闷。3 (informal) to make sb go to sleep or become unconscious 使入睡;使昏 迷:These pills should put him out for a few hours. 这些药片能让他昏睡几个小时。-> see also PUT YOURSELF OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) put sth 'out 1 to make sth stop burning 使 熄灭;扑灭:Firefighters soon put the fire out. 消防队员很快把人扑灭了。◊ He put his cigarette out. 他捻灭了香烟。[OBJ] fire, cigarette, candle SYN extinguish sth (more formal) 2 (especially BrE) to switch sth off 切断...的电源;关掉:Put the light out before you come to bed. 睡觉前把 灯关了。[OBJ] the light SYN put sth off; switch sth off; turn sth off 3 to take sth out of your house and leave it, often for sb to collect 将… 放在户外(待收集):(BrE) Remember to put the dustbins/rubbish out. 记住扔垃圾。◊ (AmE) Remember to put the garbage/trash out. 记住扔 垃圾。◊ She put the washing out to dry. 她把洗 好的衣服晾出去了。 OPP bring sth in 4 to place sth where it will be noticed and used 把…摆好;预备好(物品):Have you put out clean towels for the guests? 你给客人准备好干 净毛巾了吗? 5 to stretch part of your body away from yourself towards sb else (向某 人)伸出:He put his hand out to shake mine, 他 伸出手来同我握手。[OBJ] hand, tongue 6 (also put sth out of sth) to put a part of your body through a door or window to the outside 使 (身体部位)探出(门或窗);把…弄出(门或 窗): She opened the window and put her head out. 她打开窗户探出头来。◊ Sam put the cat out of the door roughly. 萨姆粗暴地把猫赶出门 外。7 (BrE) to broadcast sth; to publish or issue sth 播放;出版;公布:The programme will be put out on Channel 4. 该节目将在第四频 道播出。◊ The CD was put out for the American market. 这张CD是为美国市场发行的。◊ The police put out an urgent appeal for witnesses. 警 方发出了寻找目击证人的紧急呼吁。[OBJ] appeal, statement SYN broadcast sth 8 (informal) to produce sth 生产;制造:The factory puts out 500 new cars a week. 这家工厂每周生产500辆 新车。◊ They put out a new software package last month. 他们上个月开发了一个新软件包。 SYN produce sth 9 (also .put sth 'forth more formal)(of a plant 植物)to develop or pro- duce new leaves, etc. 长出(新叶等);抽 (芽): The roses are putting out new shoots already. 玫瑰已经开始发出新芽。[OBJ] flowers, shoots, leaves 10 to make a figure, a result, etc. wrong 使(数字、结果等)出错:A price increase put our estimates out by £650. 涨价使 我们的估算出现 650 英镑的误差。11 (to sb) to give a job, a task, etc. to a worker who is not your employee or to another company so that the work will be done in another place 把(工 作)外包:A lot of editing is put out to free- lancers. 很多编辑工作都外包给了自由职业者。◊ The cleaning contract was put out to tender (= companies were asked to make offers to supply these services). 清洁合同对外招标了。 [OBJ] work 12 (informal) to push a bone out of its normal position 使脱臼:She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out. 她摔下马来, 造成肩关节脱位。◊ I put my back out lifting those boxes. 我扛那些箱子时扭伤了背。 [OBJ] your back, shoulder SYN dislocate sth (formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► output n [U, sing.] 1 the amount of sth that a person, machine, company, etc. produces (个人、机器、公司等的)创作量, 产量,输出量:The company aims to increase output in the coming year. 公司计划来年增产。 ◊ His musical output has diminished in recent years. 他近年的音乐作品减少了。2 (computing) the information produced by a computer 输出: data output 数据输出 NOTE There is also a verb output sth, related to this meaning. 与此义相 关的动词是 output sth。3 the power, energy, etc. produced by a piece of equipment 输出功 率;输出量: an output of 100 watts 功率 100 瓦 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 put sth out blow sth out ♦ extinguish sth ♦ put sth out ♦ smother sth ♦ stub sth out These verbs all mean to stop a fire, etc. from burning. 这些动词都表示扑灭、熄灭。 blow sth out to put out a flame, etc. by blowing 吹灭;吹熄:Maisie blew out the candles on her birthday cake. 梅茜吹灭了生日 蛋糕上的蜡烛。 extinguish sth to make a fire stop burning 扑 灭;使熄灭:Firefighters tried to extinguish the flames. 消防队员想方设法灭火。 put sth out to stop sth from burning 扑灭; 使熄: Firefighters soon put the fire out. 消防 队员很快把火扑灭了。 smother sth to make a fire stop burning by covering it with sth 闷灭;闷熄: He tried to smother the flames with a blanket. 他试图用毯 子把火闷灭。 stub sth out to stop a cigarette, etc. from burning by pressing the end against sth hard 掐灭,掐熄(香烟等):He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray. 他在烟灰缸里掐灭了 香烟。 WHICH WORD? Extinguish has a similar meaning to put out, but is more formal. * extinguish 与 put out 含义 相近,但更为正式。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to extinguish/put out/smother a fire/the flames/a blaze ■ to blow out/extinguish/put out a candle ■ to extinguish/put out/stub out a cigarette put yourself out to make a special effort to do sth for sb 特意为...忙活;专诚为...做事: Please don't put yourself out on our account, 请 别特意为我们费心了。◊ She really put herself out for the visitors. 她悉心招待来客。 -> see also PUT SB OUT 1 ♦ v + pron + adv be ,put out -> PUT SB OUT 2 put yourself over (to sb) -> PUT YOURSELF ACROSS (TO SB) put sth over -> PUT STH ACROSS IDM put one 'over on sb (informal) 1 to per- suade sb to accept sth that is not true; to trick sb 蒙骗;诱骗:No one is going to put one over on him. 没人能让他上当。2 to show that you are better, stronger, etc. than sb else by defeating them 占上风;压倒;击溃:We'd love to put one over on the Welsh team. 我们要战胜 威尔士队。 put sth past sb (to do sth) (informal) (always used in negative sentences with wouldn't 总与 wouldn't 一起用于否定句) to be surprised that sb has done sth wrong, illegal, etc. 对某人 (做错事、违法等) 感到吃惊:I wouldn't put it past him to use force to get what he wants. 即使他为了达到目的使用暴力,我也 不会感到惊讶。◊ 'She won't tell the teacher, will she?‘ 'I wouldn't put it past her!’ "她不会告诉 老师吧?" “告诉了也不稀奇!” ◊ Personally I wouldn't put anything past him! 依我看他什么 都干得出来! [OBJ only it, anything, that NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sb/yourself through sth 1 to make sb/yourself experience sth unpleasant or dif- ficult 使经受 (痛苦或磨炼);折磨:He put his parents through hell. 他让他的父母饱受挤磨。◊ Why put yourself through it? 你何必自讨苦吃 呢?◊ She never forgot the terrible ordeal he had put her through. 她永远忘不了他带来的深 重苦难。2 to pay for sb to attend a school, college, etc. 供某人上 (学):She worked part- time to put herself through university. 她靠打零 工挣钱读完了大学。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sb/sth 'through (to sb/sth) to connect sb to sb else by telephone 给…接通 (电话); 为 转接 (至…):Could you put me through to the manager, please? 请找经理接电话好吗? ◊ The call was put through to the wrong exten- sion. 电话接错分机了。◊ Hold the line, I'm putting you through. 别挂电话,我这就给你转 接过去。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv put sb/sth 'through sth to test sb/sth to see what they are able to do 检验,测试 (能力 或性能):We put the machines through a series of tests. 我们对机器进行了一系列检测。◊ The team are put through a fitness programme. 该 队接受了体能项目测试。. ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM put sb/sth through their/its 'paces to give sb/sth tasks to perform in order to find out what they are/it is able to do 考验某人的能 力;检验某物的性能:He put the car through its paces.他检测 了汽车性能。◊ She watched the team being put through their paces. 她看着团队 接受测试。 put sth through; put sth through sth to complete a plan, programme, etc. suc- cessfully 完成;促成;This was the last deal James put through. 这是詹姆斯做成的最 后一笔生意。◊ Has the legislation been put through parliament? 这项法律议会通过了吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sth through sth to change sth by using a machine, a process, etc. (使用机 器、工艺等) 改变,使发生变化:She put some oranges through the juicer. 她用榨并机榨了些 橙子。◊ The fish is then put through the smok- ing process (= to produce smoked fish). 下一 步就把鱼进行熏制。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► throughput n [U, C, usually sing.] (tech- nical) the number of people that are dealt with, or the amount of work that is done, in a particular period (特定时间段的) 接待量, 生 产量,业务量:Hospitals have increased the throughput of patients. 医院提高了接诊量。 put sb to sth to make trouble, problems or extra work for sb 给...增添 (麻烦、问题、工作 等): I hope we're not putting you co too much trouble. 但愿我们没有给你添太多的麻烦。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep + n put sth to sb 1 to suggest sth to sb for them to consider 建议;给...提出 (建议):Your pro- posal will be put to the board of directors. 你的 建议将提交董事会。◊ The question of strike action must be put to union members. 采取罢工 行动的问题必须提交工会成员讨论。◊ When are you going to put the idea to your parents? 你打 算什么时候把这个想法告诉父母? ◊ I'll put it to you straight (= tell or ask you sth in an honest and direct way). 我会直截了当跟你说 的。[OBJ] proposal, idea, view 2 to ask sb a question 向...提问:The audience were invited to put questions to the paneL. 听众获邀向专门小组 提问。[OBJ] question ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sth together 1 to make or repair sth by fitting parts together 组装;装配;拼接:He took the clock apart and couldn't put it together again. 他把钟拆开却装不起来了。◊ Can you put a team together in time for the game on Satur- day? 你能否组个队赶上参加星期六的比赛? SYN assemble sth (more formal) OPP take sth apart 2 to create sth 创作:He's putting together a travel guide for the British Isles. 他在 撰写一本不列颠群岛旅行指南。◊ The band are putting their first album together. 这支乐队正 在制作他们的第一张专辑。3 to combine things 组合;结合:What reaction will we get if we put these two chemicals together? 把这两种化学试 剂放在一起会产生什么反应呢? ◊ This painting is worth more than all the rest put together. 这 幅画比其他的加起来还要值钱呢。 ♦ 1,3 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less fre- quent) ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM put our/your/their heads together to discuss sth as a group in order to reach a plan of action, a solution to a problem, etc. 集体讨 论;群策群力:We put our heads together and decided what had to be done. 我们大家集思广 益,拿出了行动方案。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 put sth together assemble sth ♦ erect sth ♦ put sth together ♦ put sth up ♦ set sth up These verbs all mean to make sth, especially by putting different parts together. 这些动词都 表示组装、装配、搭起。 assemble sth to fit together all the separate parts of sth such as a piece of furniture or a machine 组装;装配;拼装: The shelves are extremely easy to assemble. 搁架极易安装。 erect sth (formal) to build sth; to put sth in position and make it stand upright 建起;竖 起;设立:Police had to erect barriers to keep the massive crowds back. 警方不得不设置路 障,以阻挡住人潮。 put sth together to make or prepare sth by fitting or collecting parts together 组装;装 配;拼制:to put together a model plane/an essay/a meal 组装模型飞机/拼凑文章/拼凑 菜肴 put sth up to build sth or place sth somewhere 建起;竖起;搭起: I'm putting up shelves in the garage this weekend. 这个周末我要在车库搭几块搁板。 set sth up to build sth or place sth somewhere 建起;竖起;搭起: The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. 警方在 出城的道路上设置了路障。 WHICH WORD? Assemble, put together and set up are not used for permanent buildings, whereas the others can be * assemble, put together 和 set up 不用 于指永久性建筑物,而本组其他动词可用:to set up/put up a fence/barrier/shelter 筑篱笆 / 设障碍 / 搭架子。They're putting up new hotels in the area. 他们在该地区修建新宾馆。You set up camp but put up a tent. * set up 与 camp 莲用, put up 与 a tent 连用。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to assemble/put together a machine ■ to erect/set up/put up a barrier ■ to erect/put up a house/shelter/wall/fence/tent/statue/monument ■ to erect/put up some shelves ■ to assemble/put together the parts/sections of sth put sth towards sth to use or give an amount of money to pay part of the cost of sth 攒钱买;为...凑钱:We will put the money cowards a new computer. 我们要把这笔钱攒起 来买台新计算机。◊ The city council will put £5 000 towards equipment for the nursery. 市议会 将拨出 5000 英镑用于购置幼儿园的设备。 [OBJ] money ♦ v + n/pron + prep put sb 'under (informal) to make sb uncon- scious before a medical operation (手术前) 使昏迷,麻醉:I'm afraid we'll need to put you under for the operation. 恐怕手术前我们得为你 施行麻醉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv put up [+ adv/prep] (old-fashioned, especially BrE) to stay somewhere for the night (在…) 过被;投宿:We put up at a hotel. 我们在旅馆 过的夜。 ♦ v + adv put up sth 1 to resist strongly or fight hard in a game, a contest, an argument, etc. 激烈抵 抗;奋力斗争;坚持争辩:The other team didn't put up much of a fight. 对方队伍没怎么抵抗。◊ She's not likely to put up much resistance to the idea. 她不会强烈反对这个想法。「OBJ] fight, resistance 2 to show a good level of skill in a game or a competition (比赛或竞争中) 表现 出色,技术娴熟:The team put up a great per- formance (= played very well). 该队打得很出 色。[OBJ] performance, show 3 to suggest an idea for other people to discuss 提出 (意见): to put up a proposal for a new book 提议撰写一 本薪书 [OBJ] argument, proposal ♦ v + adv + n put sb up 1 to let sb stay at your home; to arrange for sb to stay somewhere 让...留宿; 为…安排住处:We can put you both up for the night. 我们可以留你俩过夜。◊ They put us up at a hotel in town. 他们安排我们往应城里的一 家旅馆。2 (for sth) to present sb as a candi- date in an election; to propose sb for an offi- cial position 提名;推荐:We hope to put up more women candidates in the next election. 我 们希望在下次选举时推举更多女性候选人。◊ We want to put you up for club secretary. 我们想推 荐你当俱乐部干事。[OBJ] candidates ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n pul sth 1 up 1 to raise sth from a lower to a higher position 举起;升起;抬高:Put your hand up if you want to ask a question. 想提 问题就奉手。◊ It started raining so I put my umbrella up.下雨了,我撑起了伞。◊ I've decided to put my hair up for the party. 我决定 把头发挽上去参加聚会。◊ to put up a flag 升旗 [OBJ] your hand, your hair 2 to fix or fasten sth in a place where it will be seen; to display sth 置…于明显处;张贴;展示:Several warning signs have been put up. 挂起了几块警示牌。◊ The exam results haven't been put up on the noticeboard yet, 布告栏还没有贴出考试成绩。◊ Annie's put posters up all over her bedroom. 安 妮在她的卧室挂满了海报。◊ They've put their Christmas decorations up already. 他们已经把 圣诞节装饰品挂起来了。[OBJ] sign, poster, cur- tains, notice OPP take sth down 3 to build sth; to put sth into a standing position 建起; 竖起;搭起:These apartments were put up in the sixties. 这些公寓楼建于六十年代。◊ We had trouble putting the tent up in the dark. 我们摸 黑支帐篷很费劲儿。◊ We need to put some shelves up for our books. 我们得摆几个书架放 书。[OBJ] tent, shelf, fence OPP take sth down; pull sth down → note at PUT STH TOGETHER 4 to increase the price, cost or level of sth 提高 (价格、成本或水平):The theatre has put up ticket prices. 剧院门票涨价了。◊ The banks have put up their interest rates again. 银行再次 提高利率。◊ The landlord wants to put up the rent by £20 a month. 房东打算把月租提高20英 镑。 [OBJ] prices SYN raise sth OPP bring sth down 5 (informal) to provide or lend money 提供,借出 (资金):James put up half the money for the car. 詹姆斯出了一半的买车钱。◊ A local businessman has put up the £500000 needed to save the football club. 一名当地商人 拿出了拯救该足球俱乐部所需的50万英镑。[OBJ] money 6 ,put sth up for sth to offer sth to sb else for them to buy, etc. 提供 (给别人购买 等); 兜售:The house has been put up for sale. 这幢房子已经挂牌出售了。◊ Why did Jess put her baby up for adoption? 杰丝为什么要让别人 收养她的孩子呢? [OBJ] house, baby, child ♦ 1,2,3,4 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 5 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ 6 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) IDM put your 'feet up to sit down and relax 坐 下休息:I can't wait to get home and put my feet up for a while. 我恨不得马上回家歇歇脚。a ,put-up job (BrE, informal) a plan or an event that has been arranged secretly in order to trick sb 圈套;欺诈;障眼法:The kidnapping was a put-up job. 这个绑架事件是个骗局。 put sb up to sth; put sb up to doing sth (informal to encourage or persuade sb to do sth wrong or stupid 怂恿;撺掇:Some of the older boys must have put him up to it. 那件 事准是一些大孩子唆使他干的。◊ Her sister put her up to climbing into the house through an open window. 她姐姐教她从敞开的窗户爬进 屋里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 put sth up boost sth ♦ increase sth ♦ jack sth up ♦ put sth up ♦ raise sth These verbs all mean to make the amount, number or level of sth bigger or greater. 这些 动词都表示增加、增长、提高。 boost sth (often approving) (used especially in newspaper) to make sth increase (尤用于报 章) 增加,提升: last-minute rush by Christmas shoppers boosted sales. 圣诞节前最 后时刻的抢购使销售量大涨。 increase sth to make sth greater in amount, number, level, degree or value (数量、数 目、水平、程度或价值) 增多,增大,增强: We need to increase productivity. 我们需要提 高生产效率。◊ They've increased the price by 50%. 他们提价 50%。 ◊ increased demand/pressure/spending 上升的需求 / 增大 的压力 / 增加的消费 jack sth up (informal, disapproving) to increase sth, especially prices, by a large amount (尤指价格) 大幅提高: Florists always jack up the price of roses just before Valentine's Day. 情人节临近时,花店老板总是 大幅抬高玫瑰售价。 put sth up to raise or increase sth 提高;增加: They've put up the rent by £20 a month. 他们 把月租提高了 20英镑。 raise sth to increase the amount or level of sth (数量或水平) 增长,提升: government has promised not to raise taxes. 政 府已经许诺不加税。◊ How can we raise standards of teaching in our schools? 我们怎样 才能提高学校的教学水准? WHICH WORD? Increase is slightly more common than raise when talking about numbers, prices and figures; raise is more useful for abstract nouns such as feelings and qualities 指数目、价格和 数字时,increase比raise略微常见;raise 更多 用于指心情、特质等抽象名词: to raise interest/awareness 提高利率 / 引起注意. Boost is always used about a positive increase * boost 总是用于指积极的增长:to boost productivity/sales/spending 提高生产效率 / 促进 销售 / 剌激消费。◊ to boost sb's morale/career/confidence 鼓舞士气 / 促进事业 / 增强自信. Jack sth up is nearly always used about an unwanted increase. * jack sth up 几 乎总是用于指不乐见的增长。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to increase/raise/boost sth by ... /from ... / to... ■ to increase/raise/boost/jack up prices ■ to increase/raise/boost your income/profits ■ to increase/raise salaries/taxes ■ to increase/raise/boost awareness/interest/support/confidence put up with sb/sth to accept sb/sth that is annoying or unpleasant without complaining 宽容;忍受:I don't know how your parents put up with you! 我不知道你的父每怎么能容忍得了 你! ◊ We put up with that car for years. 我们将 就着开那辆车有好几年了。◊ I don't see why I should put up with being spoken to like that. 我不明白我为什么要对那种话忍气吞声。◊ I can put up with the rain—it's the cold I don't like. 下雨我倒不介意——但我受不了这种冷。◊ She has a lot to put up with. 她得处处忍让。 SYN tolerate sth (more formal); endure sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + prep put upon sb (BrE) to use sb's kindness for your own advantage by asking them to do things for you that you should not expect them to do. 利用( 某人) 的善意;占…的便宜:I felt that my mother had been put upon. 我觉得 我母亲的好意被人利用了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep ► put-upon adj badly treated by sb who uses your kindness for their own advantage 被占便 宜的;被利用的:She is the most put-upon member of the family. 在家里她是最受欺负的。 putter /ˈpʌtə(r)/ putter around, etc. (AmE) -> POTTER ABOUT, ETC. Putz /pʌts/ putz around (AmE, informal) to waste time not doing anything useful or important 闲 荡;浪费时光;瞎混:You need to stop putzing around and do some real work. 你不能再鬼混 了,干点正经事吧。 ♦ v + adv puzzle /'pʌzl/ puzzle a1 bout sth -> PUZZLE OVER/ABOUT STH puzzle sth out to find the solution to a dif- ficult problem by thinking carefully about it 琢 磨出…的答案;找到…的解决办法:She couldn't puzzle out where her keys could have gone. 她怎么也想不起她的钥匙放哪儿了。◊ I spent hours trying to puzzle out an explanation for his behaviour. 我琢磨了好几个小时想弄明白他 的行为。◊ I can't puzzle out: how the box opens. 我搞不懂怎么打开这个盒子。 SYN work sth out NOTE Puzzle sth out is often used with the question words how, what, why, etc. * puzzle sth out 常与 how、what、why 等疑问词连用。It cannot be used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) puzzle over/about sth to think hard about sth because you want to understand it 认真琢磨;苦苦思索:Police are still puzzling over the incident. 警方仍然在追查事件发生经 过。◊ She puzzled over the postmark on the letter. 她想弄明白信封上的邮戳。 ♦ v + prep quarrel /ˈkwɒrəl; AmE ˈkwɑːrəl-, 'ˈkwɑːr-/ (-II-, AmE -I-) quarrel with sth/sb (especially BrE) (usu- ally used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) to disagree with sth/sb 不赞同;反对:Few would quarrel with the principle of free educa- tion for all. 绝少有人会反对普及义务教育这一 原则。 ♦ v + prep queue /kju:/ (queuing or queueing) queue 'up (for sth/to do sth) (BrE) to wait or stand in a line with other people in order to get sth or do sth 排队等候:They spent four hours queueing up for tickets. 他们排了四个小 时队买票。◊ We had to queue up to get our visas. 我们得排队办签证。 IDM Queue is often used with the same meaning * queue 常作此义:We spent four hours queueing for tickets. 我们排了四个小时队买票。 -> see also LINE UP 1 ♦ v + adv be .queuing up for sth/to do sth if you say that people are queuing up for sth, you mean that a lot of people want to have sth or do sth 纷纷等待;争先恐后;趋之若渴:Actors are queuing up to work with this company. 演 员都期待与这家公司合作。 ♦ be + v + adv + prep ♦ be + v + adv + to +inf quieten (BrE)/ˈkwaɪətn/ (AmE quiet /ˈkwaɪət/) quieten down; quieten sb/sth down (AmE .quiet 'down, quiet sb/sth 'down) to become, or to make sb/sth, calmer, less noisy or less active (使) 安静下来,平静:We've been really busy at work during the summer but things should quieten down now. 我们暑期工作 繁忙,不过现在事情应该少一些了。◊ It took a long time for the baby to quieten down. 过了好 久,小孩才停止哭闹。◊ Can you quieten the kids down? 请让孩子们安静些好吗? NOTE Quieten/quiet and quieten/quiet sb/sth are also used on their own, especially in more formal language * quieten / quiet 和 quieten / quiet sb / sth 也单独使用,尤用于更正式用语: The class quietened. 班上安静了。 -> note at SHUT SB UP ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) quit /kwɪt/ (quitting, quit, quit, BrE also quitting, quitted, quitted) quit on sb (AmE, informal) 1 to stop helping, working with or supporting sb when they need you most 离开 (最需要获得帮助、合作或 支持的人);撇下 (某人) 不管:I can't believe he quit on the team after only two games! 我无 法相信他只打了两场比赛就离队了! ◊ You can't quit on me now, we're almost there! 你不能 现在丢下我,我们快到了! 2 if a machine, a vehicle, etc. quits on you, it stops working at a time when you really need it (机器、车辆 等在关键时刻) 停止运转,抛锚:The air condi- tioning quit on us in mid-July. 在 7 月中旬这一 节骨眼上,我们的空调罢工了。 ♦ v + prep rabbit /ˈræbɪt/ rabbit on (about sb/sth) (BrE, informal, dis- approving) to talk about sth for a long time in a boring way (没完没了地) 闲谈,闲扯, 唠叨;喋喋不休:What's he rabbiting on about? 他在瞎唠叨些什么啊? SYN go on (about sb/sth) ♦ v + adv rack (also wrack less frequent) /ræk/ rack up sth (informal, especially AmE) to get or collect a large amount or quantity of sth, such as profits or losses in a business or points in a competition 累积 (盈利、亏损等);累计 (得分);聚集:The company racked up $20 billion in sales. 公司销售额累计达200亿元。◊ Bush has racked up victories in another five states. 布什在另外五个州又获得了胜利。 NOTE When the object of rack up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between rack and up * rack up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后;但如果 是代词,应置于 rack 和 up 之后:Even more impressive than the goals he scored was the effortless way he racked them up. 比他所得的分 数更令人印象至深的,是他不断进球得分时的轻 松自如。 ♦ v + adv + n • v + pron + adv (less frequent) raffle /ˈræfl/ NOTE A raffle is a competition where people buy tickets with a number on and some of the numbers are later chosen to win prizes. * raffle 指抽彩。 raffle sth 'off to offer sth as a prize in a raffle 以…为抽彩奖品:The cake will be raffled off to raise money for the school. 抽奖活动是为 学校筹款,奖品是这个蛋糕。 NOTE Raffle sth is used more frequently on its own with this meaning. * raffle sth 单独使用作 此义更常见。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rag /ræɡ/ (-gg-) rag on sb (AmE, informal) to complain to sb about their behaviour, work, etc. 抱怨;责 难;责骂:My boss is always ragging on me. 老 板总是责骂我。 ♦ v + prep rail /reɪl/ rail against/at sb/sth (formal) to pro- test about sb/sth in an angry or bitter way 强烈抗议;愤怒谴责;怒斥:to rail against the govemment/authorities 痛斥政府 / 当局 ◊ There's no point in railing against the decision. 强烈反对这一决定毫无意义。 ♦ v + prep rain /reɪn/ rain 'down (on/upon sb/sth), train sth down (on/upon sb/sth) to fall or to make sth fall on sb/sth in large quantities (使) 散落, 撒落 (在…上):Huge boulders rained down on us. 巨石不断地朝我们砸来。◊ He rained blow after blow down on my skull. 他一拳又一拳地打 在了我头上。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n be .rained off (BrE) (AmE be .rained out) (informal) if an event such as a sports game is rained off, it stops or it does not take place because of rain (体育比赛等活动) 因雨中断, 因雨取消:The game was rained off. 比赛因雨中 断了。 ◊ It looks as if the concert is going to be rained off. 看样子音乐会要因雨取消了。 ♦ be + v + adv rake /reɪk/ NOTE A rake is a tool with a long handle and a row of metal points at the end. * rake 指耙子。 rake sth 'in (informal) to earn large amounts of money without difficulty 轻易地赚 (大钱): The company rakes in about £190 million. 公司 轻而易举地赚了大约1.9亿英镑。◊ Since she moved to London she's been raking it in. 她从搬 到伦敦以来钱已经赚得数不清。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) rake sth off to take part of the profits of sth, especially secrecy or dishonestly (从… 中) 抽头,吃回扣,拿佣金:Landlords have been raking off commission from inflated insurance premiums. 房东们一直在从高额保险 费中抽取佣金。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) rake over sth (BrE, informal, disapproving) to examine sth that happened in the past in great detail and keep talking about it, when it should be forgotten 翻出,重提 (往事): There's no point in raking over the events of the past, 唠叨旧事毫无意义。 [OBJ] the past ♦ v + prep IDM rake over old coals/ ashes to discuss sth that happened in the past in detail, when it should be forgotten 重提往事;翻旧阪 rake sb over the 'coals (AmE) (BrE haul sb over the coals) to criticize sb severely because they have done sth wrong 申斥; 怒斥 rake 'through sth to examine a collection of things or what is inside sth 在...中查找;搜 遍:I raked through my bag but couldn't find my ticket. 我在包里翻来找去,但没找到票。 SYN search through sth -> note at SEARCH FOR SB/STH ♦ v + prep rake sth 'up 1 to talk about sth unpleasant that has happened in the past, which people would like to forget 重提,翻出 (令人不快的 往事):I didn't come here to rake up old arguments. 我不是来重提以前的争吵的。2 to collect sth into a pile using a rake 用耙子使聚 拢;把...耙成一堆: I raked up all the leaves. 我 把树叶全耙到一块儿。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rally /ˈræli/ (rallies, rallying, rallied) rally around/ round; rally around/ round sb if people rally around or rally around sb, they work together to help and support sb who is in a difficult situation 聚集 在一起,集结起来 (帮助支持某人):When she was ill the neighbours all rallied round to help her. 她生病期间,左邻右舍都来帮助她。 ◊ His friends rallied around him when they heard the news. 朋友们一得到消息就都来支持他。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ram /ræm/ (-mm-) ram into sb/sth;ram sth into sth to hit sth violently; to make sth hit sth violently (使) 猛撞,猛击:He was going too fast and rammed into the car in front. 他速度太快,猛 地撞上了前面的车。◊ The thieves rammed their truck into the jeweller's window. 窃贼开着货车 猛地撞进了珠宝店的橱窗。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep ramble /ˈræmbl/ ramble on (about sb/sth) (BrE) to talk or write a lot about sb/sth in a confused and boring way 漫谈;闲扯;漫笔:What is she rambling on about? 她在东拉西扯些什么呢? ◊ There's me rambling on, and you haven't told me your news yet. 光我一个人在说个不停,你 还没把你的事儿告诉我呢。 ♦ v + adv ramp /ræmp/ ramp down;ramp sth down to decrease in stages; to make sth decrease in stages (使) 分阶段降低;使逐步缩减;使缓 降:As the fighting ramps down., the soldiers are looking forward to going home to their families. 随着战事逐渐减少,士兵们翘首盼望返乡与家人 团聚。◊ We are ramping down our activities in the region. 我们正逐步减少在这一地区的活动。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ramp up;ramp sth up to increase in stages; to make sth increase in stages (使) 分阶段提高;使逐步增加;使缓升:The manufacturer has ramped up production of this popular new model. 生产商逐步增加了这款畅销 新品的产量。 ◊ Internet sales have been ramping up over the past year. 在过去一年里,互联网上 的销售额一直稳步上升。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) range /reɪndʒ/ be ranged against/1 with sb/sth; range yourself against/with sb/sth (formal) to join with other people to oppose sb/sth (与他人一起) 反对/联合:He felt as though the whole family was ranged against him. 他感觉好像全家人合伙对付他。◊ She ranged herself more with her parents than with her brother. 她多数时候是站在父母而不是兄弟 一边。 ♦ be + v + prep ♦ v + pron + prep rap /ræp/ (-PP-) rap sth out to say sth quickly and sharply 迅 速厉声说出;喝 (令):The officer rapped out orders. 军官大声下令。 [OBJ] command, order SYN bark sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ♦ v + adv + speech rat /ræt/(-tt-) rat on sb (informal) to give information to people in authority, causing trouble for sb 打 小报告;告发;出卖:Say what you like about AU but he has never ratted on his friends. 随便 你怎么说阿里,但他从未打过朋友的小报告。 ♦ v + prep rat on sth (Br£, informal) to fail to keep a promise you have made 违背 (诺言):They accused the government of ratting on promises to the disabled. 他们指责政府背弃了对残疾人的 承诺。 [OBJ] promise, pledge ♦ v + prep ratchet /ˈrætʃɪt/ ratchet sth 'up to make prices, etc. increase a little at a time 逐步提高 (价格等):The interest rates have been ratcheted up sharply. 利率渐渐调得很高。◊ The hormone rushes around the brain, ratcheting the heart rate up from 60-80 to about a hundred. 荷尔蒙在脑中 四处窜动, 把心率从60-80逐渐提高到大约100。 ◊ (figurative) The government have ratcheted up the pressure on the protest organizers. 政府对示 威组织者施加的压力逐步增大。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ratchet sth down to make prices, etc. decrease a little at a time 逐步降低 (价格等): Management were determined to ratchet down costs. 管理层决心逐步压缩成本。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ration /ræʃn/ ration sth out to divide sth that there is not very much of between a group of people in such a way that everyone gets a small share 分 配,配给(有限的东西):They rationed the water out among the survivors. 他们把水分给了 幸存者。 [OBJ] food, water ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n rattle /'rætl/ rattle around; rattle around sth (informal) to live, work, etc. somewhere that is much too big for your needs 在空荡荡的地 方居住(或工作等):There are only two of us, rattling around in this massive office. 这么大的 办公室空落落的,只有我们两个人。◊ They're rattling around that house now that the children have left. 孩子们走后就剩下他们住在空 荡荡的房子里。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep rattle sth off to say or repeat sth from memory, quickly and without any effort 不假 思索地说出(或背诵);脱口而出:She rattled off the names of the movies Hitchcock had directed. 她顺口就报出了希区柯克所执导的电影 的片名。 reel sth off ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) rattle 'on (about sth) (informal) to talk quickly and for a long time about sth that is not important or interesting 喋喋不休地说(无 谓或无趣的话):He rattled on about his job for over an hour. 他喋喋不休地聊他的工作,说了 一个多小时。 SYN waffle on (about sth) ♦ v + adv rattle through sth (BrE, informal) to do sth very quickly 迅速地做:He rattled through his homework then went out. 他急急忙忙写完 作业就出去了。 ♦ v + prep reach /riːtʃ/ reach sth down (for sb) to get sth down from a high place (为某人)从高处取下: Could you reach that vase down for me? 请帮我把那 个花瓶拿下来好吗? ◊ She reached down a box from the top shelf. 她从架子最上层把盒子拿了 下来。 NOTE In informal spoken language reach sb down sth is also used 非正式口语也说 reach sb down sth: Could you reach me down that vase? 请帮我把那个花瓶拿下来好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n reach out; reach sth out to stretch your arm or your hand in order to touch or get sth 伸出(胳膊或手):He reached out to switch on the light. 他伸手开灯。◊ I reached out a hand to touch her face. 我伸手摸她的脸。 ◊ The child reached out for her hand. 孩子伸过 手来握她的手。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) reach 'out to sb to show sb that you are interested in them and/or want to help them; to try to get people's interest or attention (向 某人)表示感兴趣、伸出援助之手;试图吸引… 的注意力:The organization is trying to reach out to people of all ages and from all levels of society. 该组织试图吸引各年龄段以及社会各阶 层人士。◊ The party has failed to reach out to young people. 该党不金吸引年轻人。◊ The makers of this movie have tried to reach out to an older audience. 这部影片的制作人试图让影 片满足年长观众的口味。 ♦ v + adv + prep ► outreach n the activity of an organization that provides a service or advice to people in the community, especially those who cannot come to an office, a hospital, etc. for help 外 展服务,外延活动(指在服务机构以外的场所提 供的社区服务等): a rural outreach programme 农村外展活动 ◊ outreach work 外展工作 read /riːd/ (read, read /red/) read sth back to read a message, a letter, etc. aloud in order to check that it is correct 读 出,复述(以便核对):I got her to read the message back to me to make sure it was right. 我让她把留言给我复述一遍,以保证正确无误。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n read sth 'into sth to think that sth has a meaning or an importance that it probably does not have 认为...另有深意;对...作过度猊 K: It's a mistake to read too much into the results of one opinion poll. 对一次民意调查结果 作过度的解读是错误的。◊ You can read any- thing you want into horoscopes. 占星术算命怎 么理解都行。◊ Her voice was cold and I wasn't sure what to read into it. 她语气冷淡,我弄不 清该作何解释。 [OBJ] too much, something, anything ♦ v + n/pron + prep read sth 'off to look at the measurement shown on a machine or measuring device 看 (机器或测量设备)上的读数:The speed can be read off from the graph. 速度可或从图表中读 取。 ◊ I looked at: the thermometer and read off the temperature. 我看了看温度计上的读数。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv read on to continue reading 继续读;接着读: The book was so exciting he read on until dawn. 那本书太精彩了,他一口气读到天亮。◊ The idea is to make the reader want to read on. 目的是吸引读者继续读下去。◊ If you want to find out more, read on! 欲知后事,请看下文! ♦ v + adv read sth 'out (to sb) 1 to read sth aloud, especially to other people 大声读(给某人 听);朗读:She read out: the names of the winners. 她宣读了获胜者的名字。◊ The teacher read my poem out to the class. 老师在班上朗读 了我的诗。◊ There's a letter from Tom. Shall I read it out to you? 汤姆来信了。要不要读给你 听? 2 (especially AmE, computing) to get back information that is stored on a computer; to produce a display of the information on a screen 读取,读出(数据) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + speech ► read-out n (computing) a record or display of information on a computer screen (数据 的)读取,读出:The computer will work out the best route for you and give you a read-out on the screen, 计算机会为你设计出最佳路线并 显示在屏幕上。 read sth through (also .read sth 'over less frequent) to read sth from the beginning to the end, usually in order to find any mistakes 通读(以便检查核对):I read through my translation, checking for mistakes. 我把我的译 文从头到尾校了一遍。◊ When she read her letter through the next day, she decided not to send it 第二天她把信通读之后便决定不发了。◊ When she'd finished, Emily read over what she'd written. 她写完以后,埃米莉通读了一遍。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv read up on sb/sth; read sb/sth up (also .read up about sb/sth less frequent) to read a lot about a particular subject in order to learn about it (就某一课题)广泛阅读,博 览群书:Have you been reading up on the history of the island? 你是不是一直在大量阅读 这个岛的历史? ◊ I've been reading this place up in the library. 我一直在图书馆查阅这个地方由 相关资料。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rear /rɪə(r); AmE rɪr/ rear sb/sth on sth to give a person or an animal a particular type of food, entertain- ment, etc. when they are young (用 …)喂 养,饲养;(以…)培育,娱乐: was reared on jazz, but lacer discovered rock. 我是听爵士乐长 大的,后来才接触到摇滚乐。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep rear up 1 if a horse, etc. rears up, it stands on its back legs with its front legs in the air (马等)用后腿支撑直立:The horse reared up and she fell off. 这匹马用后腿支撑直立起来,把 她摔了下去。 2 if a building, mountain, etc. rears up, it seems to lean over you in a threatening way (楼房、峭壁等)危立,陡立: The cliff reared up before them. 在他们面前悬崖 壁立。 NOTE Rear is also used on its own with these meanings, especially meaning 1 * rear 单独 使用也作这些含义,尤其是第 1 义:The horse reared and she fell off. 马用后腿支撑直立起来, 把她摔了下去。 ♦ v + adv reason / ˈriːzn/ reason sth out to think carefully about sth in a logical way in order to understand it 推 论,琢磨(原因):Let's try to reason out why he behaved as he did. 我们来想一想,他为什么 会有这种行为。◊ Reason it out for yourself— why do you think she didn't say where she was going? 你自己想想——你觉得她为什么不说她 要上哪儿去? SYN figure sb/sth out; work sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n reason with sb to talk to sb in order to persuade them to be more sensible 和某人讲 道理;规劝:It's impossible to reason with her when, she's in this mood, 她情绪不好,不可能听 得进劝告。◊ He can't be reasoned with. 他这人 不可理喻。 ♦ v + prep rebound /rɪˈbaʊnd/ rebound on sb (also rebound upon sb more formal, less frequent) if sth that you do, especially sth that is intended to be unpleasant for sb else, rebounds on you, it has an unpleasant effect for you instead 反作 用于;使反受其害:使搬起石头砸自己的脚:His trick seems to have rebounded on him. 他的 伎俩似乎使他自食其果。◊ These measures could rebound on the poorest families (= affect them instead of the people they were intended to affect). 这些措施反而会殃及那些最贫困的 家庭。 ♦ v + prep reckon /ˈrekən/ reckon on sb/sth; reckon on doing sth; reckon on sb/sth doing sth to rely on sb/sth or on sth happening; to expect sb to do sth or sth to happen 指望;依赖;寄 希望于:We were reckoning on a profit of about half a million. 我们希望有大约50万的盈利。◊ You can reckon on my support. 你放心,我会支 持你。◊ We hadn't reckoned on them arriving so early. 我们没料到他们来得这么早。◊ You can't always reckon on having good weather in June. 不能指望6月常有好天气。◊ The company thought they would easily get permission to build a hotel, but they hadn't reckoned on the local people. 公司认为能轻而易举获得建造宾馆 的许可,但他们并未寄希望于当地人。 SYN count on sb/sth, count on doing sth, count on sb/sth doing sth ♦ v + prep reckon sth up (especially BrE) to add figures or numbers together 累加;总计;合计: That'll be £20.50, if I've reckoned. it up correctly. 如果我没算错的话,总额应该是20.50英镑。 SYN add sth up; calculate sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n reckon with sb/sth 1 {usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句)to consider sb/sth as a possible problem that you should be prepared for 考虑到,预料到,顾及 (可能出现的问题):Unfortunately, we hadn't reckoned with Emily. 可惜我们忘了考虑埃米 莉。 ◊ We must reckon with the possibility of failure. 我们必须考虑到有可能失败。2 to consider or deal with sb/sth as a serious opponent or problem 考虑,处理,应付(对手 或问题): He had to reckon with a great deal of opposition. 他不得不认真对待诸多反对意见。◊ The team are still a force to be reckoned with (=they will be difficult to defeat). 该队依然不 容小觑。 ♦ v + prep reckon without sb/sth (especially BrE) to not consider sb/sth as a possible problem and therefore not be prepared for it 没考虑到;没 预料到;没有顾及:We allowed an hour to get there, but we'd reckoned without the traffic. 我 们原打算用一个小时赶到那里,但没考虑到交通 状况。 ♦ v + prep reconcile /ˈrekənsaɪ/ reconcile sb/yourself to sth; ' recon- cile sb/yourself to doing sth to make sb/yourself accept an unpleasant situation because nothing can be done to change it 无 奈地接受;将就;顺从于:They were reconciled to the fact that: he wouldn't be coming back. 他不会回来了,对此他们也无可奈何。◊ I've reconciled myself to having no money while I'm a student. 作为学生没钱花,我已经习惯了。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep reduce /rɪˈdjuːs; AmE-ˈduːs/ reduce sb/sth to sth to bring sb/sth to a particular state, especially a worse one 使陷入 (更糟的)境地;使陷入窘境: She was reduced to tears by their criticism. 他们的批评使她落 泪。◊ The building was reduced to a heap of rubble. 这座建筑物化成了残垣断壁。◊ Her questioning reduced him to a state of confusion. 她的提问使他越听越糊涂。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep reduce sb to doing sth to make sb do sth they do not approve of or are ashamed of because there is no other choice for them 迫 使某人做某事;使沦落到做某事的地步:I was reduced to borrowing money from friends. 我迫 不得已向朋友借钱。 NOTE Nearly always used in the passive.几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep reduce sth to sth to change sth into a simpler or more general form 将...简化为; 将...概括成:His arguments can be reduced to four points. 他的论据可以概括成四点。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep reek /riːk/ reek of sth (disapproving) 1 to smell very strongly of sth unpleasant 散发(难闻的气味): His breath reeked of tobacco. 他满嘴烟臭味。2 if sth reeks of sth, it suggests very strongly that there is sth unpleasant or suspicious about it 明显带有(令人不快或生疑的迹象): His statement reeks of hypocrisy. 他的话显然很 虚伪。◊ The whole place reeked of neglect. 整个 地方明显疏于管理。 ♦ v + prep reel /riːl/ NOTE A reel is a round object around which you wind such things as thread or wire. * reel 指卷轴。 reel sth in/ out to wind sth on/off a reel 用 卷轴绕起;从卷轴上放开:He slowly reeled the fish in. 他慢慢收卷钓线,把鱼钓上来。◊ The firefighters reeled out the hose. 消防队员放开了 水龙软管。◊ The line caught on something in the water as he reeled it in. 他收绕钓线时钩到 了水里的什么东西。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n reel sth 'off 1 to say a long list of things quickly and without having to think about it 滔滔不绝地讲出;一口气说出:He reeled off the names of the people he'd invited, 他一口气报出 了他邀请的人的名字。[OBJ] list, names, figures SYN rattle sth off 2 (informal, especially BrE) (in a sports competition 体育比赛)to win a series of games or a number of points 连赢 (比赛);连得(比分):The Bulls reeled off nine consecutive points. 公牛队连获九分。 ◊ Sharapova reeled off three straight games. 莎拉 波娃连胜三局。[OBJ] points, games SYN chalk up sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) reel sth out -> REEL STH IN/OUT refer /rɪˈfɜː(r)/ (-rr-) refer to sb/sth 1 (as sth) to mention or talk about sb/sth 提到;谈及;说起:She never referred to the incident again. 她再也没有提起 过这件事。◊ Passengers are now referred to as 'customers'. 乘客现在都称作 "顾客”。 2 to describe or be connected to sb/sth 涉及; 意思 上指向;与...有关:This paragraph refers to the events of last year. 这一段说的是去年发生的事。 ◊ This phenomenon is referred to in detail in chapter nine. 这一现象在第九章有详细的阐述。 ◊ The term Visually handicapped' refers to students who have serious difficulties in seeing. “视障生” 一词指的是有严重视力缺陷的学生。 ♦ v + prep refer to sth to look at sth for information 查 阅;查询;参考:You don't need to refer to a dictionary for this exercise. 做这个练习不必查词 典。◊ It is important to provide a record that can be referred to. 提供可以查阅的记录十分 重要。 [OBJ] book, dictionary, manual, instructions SYN consult sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep refer sb/sth to sb/sth to send sb/sth to a different place or person in order to get help, advice or a decision 将...移交(或委托)…处 理;让...去(找):The case was referred to the Court of Appeal. 该案已提交上诉法院审理。◊ My tutor referred me to a counsellor. 导师让我 去找辅导员。◊ (formal) I refer you to my letter of 2 June. 请查看一下我6月2日给你的信。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 refer to sb/sth allude to sb/sth ♦ cite sth ♦ mention sth/sb ♦ refer to sb/sth These verbs all mean to write or speak about sb/sth, especially in order to give an example or prove sth. 这些动词都表示提到、谈及、说 起,尤指举例或引证。 allude to sb/sth (formal) to mention sth in an indirect way 暗指;影射;间接提及:Hie problem had been alluded to briefly in earlier discussions. 此前的讨论曾对这个问题略有 涉及。 cite sth (formal) to mention sth as a reason or an example, or in order to support what you are saying (作为理由或例证) 援引,引用, 引证:He cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown. 他说工作量大是他 身体垮掉的原因。 mention sth/sb to write or speak about sth/sb, especially without giving much information (充指简略地) 提及,谈起: Nobody mentioned anything to me about it. 没 人对我说过这件事的只言片语。 refer to sb/sth to mention or speak about sb/sth 提到;谈及;说起: I promised not to refer to the matter again. 我保证过再也不提这 件事。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ sth is commonly/frequently/often mentioned/referred to/cited/alluded to ■ to mention/refer to/allude to sb/sth briefly/casually/in passing ■ to mention/refer to sb/sth directly/explicitly ■ the example mentioned/referred to/cited/alluded to above/earlier/previously ■ to mention/refer to/cite an example/an instance/a case of sth reflect /rɪˈflekt/ reflect on sb/sth (also reflect upon sb/sth more formal) to make sb have a particular opinion of sb/sth 使对…有 (某种看法); 反映: When the department performs badly, it reflects on me as manager (= it makes people think I am a bad manager). 部门表现欠佳,我这个经 理就会遭人非议。◊ This incident reflects badly on everyone involved. 这件事令所有当事人蒙 羞。◊ When our students are successful it reflects well on the whole school. 如果我们的学 生学业有成,整个学校也有光彩。 NOTE Reflect on sb/sth is often used with adverbs, especially badly or well. * reflect on sb/sth 籍与 badly、well 等副词连用。 ♦ v + prep IDM reflect great credit on sb/sth to show that sb/sth is very good or has done sth very well 反映… (做得) 很好:The fine condition of the cars reflects great credit on their owners. 车况良好说明车主保养得当。◊ The young orchestra's performance reflected great credit on their training. 从青年管弦乐队的演出 可以看出他们训练有素。 regale/rɪˈɡeɪl/ regale sb with sth to entertain sb with stories, jokes, etc. 通过 (故事、笑话等) 愉悦 (某人):She was regaling us with tales of her youth. 她讲她年轻时的事,逗我们开心。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep rein /reɪn/ rein in; rein sth in (also ,rein 'back, rein sth 'back less frequent) to pull on the reins of a horse (= the leather bands that go around its neck) to make it go more slowly or stop 勒缰绳使 (马) 慢行 (或止步):Felipe reined back and rode beside her. 费利普勒了勒 缰绳,和她并排骑行。◊ She reined in her horse and waited for John to catch up. 她勒住马等着 约翰赶上来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rein sb/sth in (also ,rein sb/sth back less frequent) to control sb or sth more strictly 严 格控制;严厉约束:We need to rein in public spending. 我们需要严控公共开支。 ◊ The new President is faced with the task of reining in the military. 新总统面临着严管军队的任务。◊ He was unable to rein back his impatience, 他按捺 不住自己的急躁情绪。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) relate /rɪˈleɪt/ relate to sb/sth 1 to feel that you can understand a person, a situation, sth that sb does or feels, etc. and have sympathy with them/it 理解并认同;谅解;体恤:She was unable to relate to her youngest child. 她没办法 理解她最小的孩子。◊ I find him very difficult to relate to. 我发现他这人难以捉摸。◊ I just couldn't relate to that: movie at all. 我根本无法 欣赏那部电影。◊ She could relate to his feelings of guilt about his children. 她体谅他对自己孩子 的愧疚感。2 to be connected to sb/sth; to refer to sb/sth涉及;与…有关联; 关系到:All the documents relating to the matter were destroyed, 与此事相关的所有文件都销毁了。◊ The new law relates only to children bom after 1996. 新法只适用于1996年后出生的儿童。 ♦ v + prep relieve /rɪˈliːv/ relieve sb of sth 1 (formal) to carry out a difficult or unpleasant task for sb else, or instead of them 替...做 (难事或苦差);减 轻…的负担: Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work. 机器人可以代做单调重复 的工作。◊ Can I relieve you of some of your bags (= carry them for you)? 我帮你提几个包 好吗? 2 (formal) to dismiss sb from a job or responsibility 革除,解除 (职务):He was relieved of his post as manager. 他被免去经理职 务。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被 动语态。3 (informal, ironic) to rob sb of sth 偷 取;抢走:The thief relieved him of his wallet 扒手偷走了他的钱包。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ (relies, relying, relied) rely on sb/sth (also rely upon sb/sth more formal) 1 (for sth) to need or depend on sb/sth 依赖;依靠:She still has to rely on her parents for money. 她仍然得向父母要钱花。◊ He hasn't got a car, and relies on public transport to get around. 他没汽车,外出得靠公 交。◊ We relied on Anna to translate for us. 我 们靠安娜给我们翻译。◊ Before they got a piped water supply, local people had to rely on getting their water from wells and tanks. 没通管道自来 水之前,当地人只得依赖水井或储水池取水。 SYN depend on/upon sb/sth (for sth) → note at DEPEND ON SB/STH 2 to trust or have confidence in sb/sth 信任;信赖:You can safely rely on her judgement:. 你可以放心大胆地 相信她的判断。◊ You can rely on. Jon to turn up late! (= he always does) 乔恩准保迟到! ◊ For the first time in years she had someone she could rely on. 多年来第一次她有了可以信任的 人。◊ We relied on the advice of our solicitor. 我 们听从我方律师的建议。◊ She cannot be relied on to tell the truth. 不能指望她说实话。SYN count on/upon sb/sth; depend on/upon sb/sth ♦ v + prep remember /rɪˈmembə(r)/ remember sb to sb (BrE) (not used in the progressive 不用于进行时) used to ask sb to say hello and give your good wishes to sb else 代 (我) 问候 (某人);代 (我) 向某人致 意:Remember me to your mother. 代我向你母 亲问好。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep remind /rɪˈmaɪnd/ remind sb of sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) if sb/sth reminds you of sb/sth, they make you think of sb/sth because they are similar 使想起; 使 联想到:The smell of bread baking reminds me of home. 烤面包的香味让我想家了。◊ When Clare smiled, she reminded me of her mother. 克 莱尔的微笑让我回想起她的母亲。◊ Listening to her, he was reminded of Helen. 听着她的声音, 他想起了海伦。◊ Watching his serious face, with its big round glasses, she was reminded of an owl 看着他那又大又圆的眼镜和严肃的面 孔,她想到了猫头鹰。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析! remind sb of sb/sth bring sb/sth to mind ♦ conjure sth up ♦ evoke sth ♦ remind sb of sb/sth ♦ take sb back These verbs both mean to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind. 这些动 词都表示忆起、想起、想到。 bring sb/sth to mind (formal) to remind you of sb/sth 使忆及;使忆起:The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works. 这幅画 让人想起毕加索的一些早期作品。 conjure sth up to make sth appear as a picture in your mind 使呈现于脑际;使想起: That smell always conjures up memories of holidays in France. 那股气味总是让人回想起 在法国度假的情景。 evoke sth (formal) to bring a memory, feeling or image into your mind 唤起;引起; 想起: The music evoked memories of her youth. 那首 乐曲唤起她对青春时期的回忆。 ◊ His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy, 他的境况不 可能博得公众的同情。 remind sb of sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses) (of a person, place, thing or event) to make sb think of another person, place, etc. because they are similar in some way 使想起;使联想到:You remind me of your father when you say that. 你说那 句话的时候,让我想起了你父亲。◊ That smell reminds me of Italy. 那股气味令我想起 意大利。 take sb back to make sb remember a time in the past 带回到 (过去);使回想起:The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood. 大海的气息将他带回了孩提时代。◊ That song takes me back 30 years. 那首歌使我 回忆起30年前的往事。 WHICH WORD? Conjure sth up can be more visual than evoke and usually means to remember sth in pictures or images. Evoke is used more for talking about memories and feelings. Remind and take back refer specifically to memories. 与 evoke 相比,conjure sth up 更力形象化,常指想 起画面或形象。evoke 多用于指回忆和感觉。 remind 和 take back 特指回忆。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to remind sb of/evoke/conjure up/take sb back to the past/past times ■ to evoke/conjure up a memory/a picture/an image/a feeling ■ to vividly remind sb of sth/evoke sth/conjure sth up renege /rɪˈniːɡ, rɪ'neɪg/ renege on sth to break a promise, an agreement, etc. 违背,违反 (承诺、协定等): Clarke claimed that she had reneged on her promise to marry him. 克拉克声称她违背了 婚誓。 [OBJ] deal, debt, contract ♦ v + prep rent /rent/ rent sth 'out (to sb) to allow sth that you own to be used by another person in return for payment 出租,租借 (给某人):They rented the house out to students. 他们把房子租 给了学生。◊ Most of these houses are rented out. 这些房子大多租出去了。 [OBJ] room, house, etc. SYN hire sth out (to sb); let sth out (to sb) (BrE) NOTE Rent sth can also be used on its own with the same meaning * rent sth 单独使用也 作此义:You could rent a room to a student. 你 可以把一间房租给学生。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n repair /rɪˈpeə(r); AmE -'per/ repair to ... (formal or humorous) to go to a place 去 (某地): After dinner, they repaired to the lounge for coffee. 饭后他们到休息室喝咖啡。 ♦ v + prep report /rɪˈpɔːt; AmE rɪˈpɔːrt/ report back 1 (to sb) (on sb/sth) to give a spoken or written account of some information that you were asked to find out about (向某人) 汇报:I have to report back to the manager on our progress. 我得向经理汇报 我们的进展。2 (to ... ) to return to a place, especially in order to start work again 返回 (工作岗位等):When do you have to report back for duty? 你什么时候必须归队? ♦ v + adv report 'in (to sb/sth) to contact sb to let them know where you are or what you are doing 报告,汇报 (方位或工作情况):The officer briefly reported in (to the police station). 那位警察 (向警察局) 简单报告了一下情况。 re1 port to sb (business) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) if you report to sb in a company or an organization, they are responsible for your work and tell you what to do 是…的下属;受…的领导;向…负责: She reports directly to the chief executive. 她受 总裁直接领导。◊ A new team will be put together for the project, reporting to me. 这个项 目将组建一支新团队,由我负责。 ♦ v + prep reside /rɪˈzaɪd/ reside in sb/sth (formal) to be in sb/sth; to be caused by sth 在于;由…引起 (或造成): The attraction of the book resides in its illustrations. 这本书的魅力在于它的插图,◊ The interests of the child reside in getting the best possible education. 对孩子来说,其权益体现在 能否得到尽可能好的教育。 ♦ v + prep reside in/with sb/sth (formal) to be present in or belong to sb/sth 存在于;隶属 于;属于:Supreme authority resides with the President:. 最高权力属于总统。◊ Political power seems to reside increasingly in Brussels. 布鲁塞 尔的政治力量似乎在不断增强。 ♦ v + prep resign /rɪˈzaɪn/ resign yourself to sth; resign your- self to doing sth to be ready to accept sth unpleasant because you cannot avoid it 无奈 地接受;顺从于:She resigned herself to her fate. 她听天由命。◊ They resigned themselves to being defeated. 他们只得认输了。◊ I've resigned myself to staying in again tonight. 我今晚还是 不打算出门。 ♦ v+ pron + prep resolve /rɪˈzɒlv; AmE rɪˈzɑːlv/ resolve into sth; resolve sth into sth to separate or to be separated into its parts 分 成,分解 为 (若干部分):The design resolved into a number of different patterns. 设计图分成 若干不同的图案。◊ a lawyer's ability to resolve facts into their legal categories 律师将事实按其 所属法律范畴分门别类的能力 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + pron + prep resolve into sth; resolve itself into sth 1 if sth you see or hear at a distance resolves into sth or resolves itself into sth, you gradually see it or hear it clearly as a particular thing (远处的景物或声音) 逐渐呈 现为:The grey shape resolved into a group of walkers. 灰影渐渐清晰起来,原来是一群徒步赶 路的人。◊ The white light resolved, itself into the headlights of a car. 白色亮光渐渐看褂出来 是一辆汽车的前灯。2 to gradually become or be understood as sth 逐步变成;逐渐被理解为: The discussion eventually resolved itself into two main issues. 讨论最终集中在两大主要议题上。◊ The question resolves itself into whether individuals should be allowed co choose such a course of action. 问题逐步归结为是否应该允许 个人选择这种做法。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + pron + prep resonate /ˈrezəneɪt/ resonate with sth (formal) (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to be full of a particular quality or feeling 充满: She makes a simple story resonate with complex themes and emotions. 她使一个简单的故事充满 了复杂的主题和情感。 ♦ v + prep resort /rɪˈzɔːt; AmE rɪˈzɔːrt/ resort to sth; resort to doing sth to make use of sth, especially sth bad or unpleasant, as a way of achieving sth, often because no other course of action is possible (常指迫不得已而) 诉之于,采取:They should be able to settle their differences without resorting to violence, 他们应该能够解决分歧, 无须诉诸暴力。◊ They resorted to bribery to get what they wanted. 他们最后靠行贿达到目的。◊ Various measures were resorted to. 已采取了各 种措施。 [OBJ] violence, bribery ♦ v + prep rest /rest/ rest on sb/sth (also rest upon sb/sth more formal) 1 to depend on sb/sth 寄托在…上: Britain's hopes of a medal now rest on Henderson. 英国现在寄希望于亨德森摘得奖牌。 2 if your eyes rest on sb/sth, you look at them/it (视线) 落在...上:Her eyes rested on a photograph on the desk. 她的目光停留在桌上的 一张照片上。[SUBJ] eyes, gaze ♦ v + prep rest on sth (also 'rest upon sth more formal) to be based on sth 基于;以…为基枷:The whole case rests on one man's evidence. 整 个案件都基于一名男子的证词。◊ His argument seemed to rest on a false assumption. 他的论点 似乎建立在错误的假设之上。 ♦ v + prep rest 'up (informal) 1 (old-fashioned, especially BrE) to rest after an illness or injury (因病成 因伤) 休息;养病;养伤: He was advised to rest up for a week after his fall. 他摔了一跤,要遵 医嘱歇息一个星期。 NOTE Rest on its own is more usual. * rest 单独使用更常见。2 (espe- cially AmE) to rest in order to gain energy and strength, for example after an illness or before a sports competition (因病) 休养;(为准备 比赛等) 养精畜锐:You should rest up if you're going to be fit for the game. 你要想以最佳状态 参加比赛,就应该养养劲儿了。◊ The climbers decided to rest up for a couple of days before continuing up to the summit. 登山队员决定休息 几天再继续向顶峰进发。NOTE Rest can also be used on its own with this meaning. * rest 单独 使用也作此义。 ♦ v + adv rest with sb (to do sth) (formal) (not used in the progressive tenses 不角于进行时)to be sb's responsibility (责任) 落在...身上:The decision rests entirely with you. 这个决定完全得由你来 作。◊ The responsibility for bringing up children rests with the parents. 养育子女是父每 的责任。◊ It rests with the bus company to prove they were not responsible for the accident 公共汽车公司应当拿出证据证明他们对这一事故 没有责任。 SYN lie with sb (to do sth) ♦ v + prep result /rɪˈzʌlt/ result in sth to have a particular effect; to make sth happen 产生 (某种效果);导致: The accident resulted in 67 deaths. 这场事故造 成 67 人死亡。◊ The agreement will result in employers working more closely with students and teachers. 协议将促成雇主和师生更加紧密地 合作。 [OBJ] death, increase, loss ♦ v + prep retail /ˈriːteɪl;/ retail at/for sth (business) to be sold at a particular price 以...价格零售:The DVDs retail at £15 each. * DVD 每盘售价15英镑。 ♦ v + prep return /rɪˈtɜːn; AmE rɪˈtɜːrn/ rreturn to sth 1 to go back to a previous state 回复,恢复 (先前的状态):Train services have returned to normal after the strike. 罢工 过后,铁路运营已恢复正常。SYN go back to sth 2 to start discussing a subject you were discussing earlier 回到,重提 (先前的话题): He returns to this topic later in the report. 他在 报告中后来又提到了这个主题。 SYN come back to sth ♦ v + prep rev /rev/ (-vv-) rev up; rev sth up if the engine of a vehicle revs up, or sb revs it up, it runs quickly although the vehicle does not move (使)(发动机) 快速旋转:The car revved up and roared away. 车子发动起来,然后轰响 而去。 NOTE Rev and rev sth are also used on their own. * rev 和 rev sth 单独使用也作此义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n rev 'up (for sth), rev sb/sth up (for sth) (especially AmE) to become, or to make sb/sth, more active of excited (使) 活跃起来,兴奋 起来:The team are revving up for next week's game. 该队对下周的比赛跃跃欲试。◊ It's his job to rev up the audience before the show starts. 他 负责在表演开始前鼓动观众的情绪。 ♦ v 十 adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n revel /ˈrevl) revel in sth; revel in doing sth to enjoy a situation or an experience very much 陶 醉于;沉迷于;纵情于:I think he's secretly revelling in all the attention. 我觉得他对于能够 引起广泛关注正暗自得意。◊ She seems to revel in annoying her parents. 她似乎以惹父母生气 为乐。 ♦ v + prep revert /rɪˈvɜːt; AmE rɪˈvɜːrt/ revert to sb (law) (of property and land 财 产或土地)to return legally to the owner 复 归,归还(物主):After his death the house reverted to its original owner. 他死后房子归还 给了原先的主人。 ♦ v + prep revert to sth; revert to doing sth (formal) 1 to go back to a previous condition or activity, especially a worse one 恢复,退回 (尤指较差的状况):When the pressure is on, players revert to bad habits. 遇到压力,运动员 就会恢复坏习惯。◊ After a good year the team reverted to type in their last game (= they played badly again). 该队的表现好了一年,上 一场比赛中又故态复萌。◊ After 80 years as a school, the building has reverted back to being a house again. 这座建筑用作校舍80年后又重 新成为住宅。2 to start talking or thinking again about a subject you were considering earlier 重提,再次思考(先前的话题):Jo revert to your earlier question ...回到你之前提 出的问题… ♦ v + prep revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ revise sth 'down to decrease an estimate in order to correct or improve it 调低,下调 (估计值):The company was forced to revise down its earnings forecast. 公司被迫下调预期收 益额。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n revise sth up to increase an estimate in order to correct or improve it 调高,上调(估 计值): US growth forecasts have been revised up. 对美国经济增长的预估数据已经调高。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n revolve /rɪˈvɒlv; /AmE rɪˈvɑːlv/ revolve around sb/sth; revolve around doing sth (also revolve round sb/sth, revolve round doing sth especially BrE) to have sb/sth as the main subject or interest 围绕;以…为中心;将…作为主旨(或兴趣): His whole life revolved round cars. 他一辈子都 在和汽车打交道。◊ You think the whole world revolves around you. 你以为整个世界都围着你 转呢。 ◊ Much of a dolphin's life revolves around finding and eating food. 海豚生命的大部分时间 用于觅食和进食。 ♦ v + prep revolve around sth (also revolve round sth especially BrE) to move around sth in a circle 绕...旋转:The earth revolves around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转动。 ♦ v + prep rid /rɪd/ (ridding, rid, rid) rid sb/sth/yourself of sb/sth (formal) to remove sth/sb unpleasant from a person, a place or an organization 去除;清除;(使) 摆脱:The government pledged to rid the country of nuclear weapons. 政府承诺销毁本国 的所有核武器。◊ How could she rid herself of Charles? 她怎样才能摆脱查尔斯? NOTE Get rid of sb/sth is a more common way of saying rid yourself of sb/sth * get rid of sb / sth 是 rid yourself of sb / sth 的更常见说法:How could she get rid of Charles? 她怎样才能摆脱查 尔斯? ♦ v + n/pron + prep riddle/ˈrɪdl/ riddle sb/sth with sth to fill sb/sth with bullets or with holes 使布满,使遍布(子弹或 窟窿):His body was riddled with bullets. 他被 子弹打得体无完肤。◊ wooden beams riddled with holes 千疮百孔的木梁。◊ a bullet-riddled car 弹坑累累的汽车 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be riddled with sth to be full of sth, especially sth unpleasant or bad 充满;弥漫; 充斥:The whole organization is riddled with corruption.整个组织从上到下腐败透顶。 ♦ be + v + prep ride /raɪd]/ (rode /rəʊd; AmE roʊd/, ridden / rɪdn/) ride on sth (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时j to depend on sth 决定 于;取决于;有赖于:My whole future is riding on this interview. 我的未来全押在这场面试上。 ◊ There's a lot of money riding on this deal. 这 宗交易关系到一支笔钱。◊ She has a lot riding on this film after the failure of the last two. 上 两部电影失败之后,她对这一部寄予厚望。 ♦ v + prep ride sth 'out to manage to survive a difficult period or situation without suffering serious harm 安然渡过(难关);经受住:Do you think the president will be able to ride out this latest crisis? 你认为总统能挺过最近这次危机吗?◊ Of course your parents were angry, but you should, have stayed to ride out the storm. 你父母当然 生气,但你应当留下来挨过那一刻的。 [OBJ] storm, recession ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ride 'up if an item of clothing rides up, it gradually moves upwards, out of position (衣 服)慢慢向上移,薪渐缩上去:His waistcoat: was riding up over his stomach. 他的西装背心缩到 腹部以上了。◊ My skirt tends to ride up. 我的 裙子老是向上拱。 ♦ v + adv rifle /ˈraɪfl/ rifle through sth to search quickly through sth such as drawers, cupboards or papers, in order to find or steal sth 迅速搜寻;匆忙翻找: Sally rifled through her wardrobe looking for something co wear. 萨莉翻腾着衣柜找穿的。◊ The room looked as if a burglar had rifled through it. 房间看上去像遭过劫似的。◊ The drawers had been rifled through. 有人翻检过 抽屉。 ♦ v + prep , rig /rɪɡ/ (-gg-) rig sb/sth out (in/with sth) (old-fashioned, BrE) to provide sb/sth with clothes or equip- ment 为...提供 (衣服或设备):We rigged them out from top to bottom (= bought them new clothes, shoes, etc.). 我们给他们从头到脚穿戴 一新。◊ The ship had been rigged out with state-of-the-art equipment. 这艘轮船安装了最先 进的设备。 SYN kit sb/sth out (in/with sth) (Br£) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► rig-out n (BrE, informal, disapproving) a set of clothes worn together 一套服装;全套服 饰; 装束:Where are you going in that rig-out? 你穿了那身衣服去哪儿啊。 rig sth up 1 to fix a piece of equipment into place 安装:装配:We've rigged up lights in the garden for the party. 为开晚会我们在花园里安 了灯。◊ He was rigged up to a machine so that the nurses could check his heartbeat. 他身上连 接了机器,让护士检查心跳。2 to make or build sth quickly, using whatever materials are available (用现有材料) 匆匆做成,草草搭 建:He had rigged up a sort of tent, using his jacket and shirt. 他用夹克衫祈和衬衣匆忙搭了个 帐篷样的东西。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ring/rɪŋ)/ (rang /ræŋ/, rung /rʌŋ/) NOTE To ring is not used in American English to mean *to telephone1. To call is the most common verb for this in American English. It is also used in British English, as well as to phone. 美国英语不用 to ring 表示打电话,表达 此义的最常用动词是 to call。to call 和 to phone 也用于英国英语。 ring around/'round; ring around/ round sb/sth (BrE) to phone several people or places to find out information or discuss sth 到处 (给 ) 打电话:I've spent the morning ringing round travel agents. 我一上午 都在给各旅行社打电话。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ring back; ring sb back (BrE) to telephone sb again or to telephone sb who telephoned you earlier (给某人) 再打电话, 回复电话:I'll ring you back later with more details. 我过会儿再打电话跟你细说。◊ Your mother called. She wants you to ring back. 你母亲来电话了。她让你回个电话。◊ I've only got a few coins for this call (= from a public telephone). Can you ring me back? 我只有几枚 硬币打这个电话。你给我打过来好吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► ringback n [U, C] a telephone service that you can use if you call sb and their telephone is being used, so that your telephone will ring when the line is free 电话自动重拨服务 ring in (BrE) 1 to telephone the place where you work (往工作单位) 打电话:She felt so exhausted she rang in sick (= to say she could not come to work). 她感觉筋疲力尽,于是给单 位打电话请病假。◊ The boss rings in several times a day, even when he's on holiday. 老板一 天打几次电话过来,即使他休假也不例外。2 to telephone a radio programme, etc. (给电台节 目等) 打电话:Listeners were asked to ring in with their opinions. 电台欢迎听众拨打电话发表 意见。 ♦ v + adv ring off (BrE) to end a telephone conver- sation, and put the telephone down 挂断电话: He rang off before I could explain. 我还没来得 及解释他就把电话挂了。 SYN hang up ♦ v + adv ring 'out to be heard loudly and clearly 清脆 响亮;发出响声:His clear voice rang out across the hall. 他清脆的嗓音响彻大厅。◊ Suddenly shots rang out nearby. 附近突然响起一阵枪声。 ♦ v + adv ring 'round, etc. (BrE) -> RING AROUND/ROUND,ETC ring through (to sb/sth) (BrE) to make a telephone call to sb, especially within the same building (给同一楼内的人) 打电话: Reception rang through to say my visitor had arrived. 服务台打来电话说我的客人到了。 ♦ v + adv ring up;ring sb/sth up (BrE) to telephone sb/sth (给…) 打电话:He rang up to apologize. 他打电话来道歉。◊ We must ring Jenny up tonight. 我们今晚一定得给珍妮打个电 话。◊ Can you ring up the station to check the train times? 你打电话到火车站核实一下列车时 刻好吗? ◊ My dad was once rung up by some- one claiming to be John Lennon. 我爸爸曾经接 到一个自称约翰・列侬的人打来的电话。 NOTE Ring and ring sb are also frequently used on their own. Ring up and ring sb up are very common in spoken English. * ring 和 ring sb 也常单独使用。ring up 和 ring sb up 在英语 口语中十分清见。 -> note at CALL UP, CALL SB/STH UP ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ring sth up to record the cost of goods being bought in a shop/store on a machine (a cash register); to make sales of the value mentioned 将 (款项) 输入收银机;达到 (某一 销售额):She rang up the drinks on the till. 她 将饮料款额打在收根机上。◊ The company rang up profits of $160 million last year. 公司去年利 润达1.6亿元。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rinse /rɪns/ rinse sth out 1 to make sth clean by washing it in water 冲洗;洗刷干净:Ruth finished her coffee and rinsed out her cup under the tap. 鲁思喝完咖啡就到水龙头前把杯子冲洗 干净。◊ Rinse your mouth out to get rid of the taste. 漱漱口,去去嘴里的味道。NOTE Rinse sth is also used on its own * rinse sth 也单独使 用:She quickly rinsed her cup and plate. 她很 快清洗好了杯子和盘子。2 (also .rinse sth out of sth) to remove sth such as soap from sth else with water 把 (肥皂等) 冲掉;漂洗: Leave the conditioner on your hair for three minutes and then rinse it out. 让护发素在头发上留三分 钟,然后冲洗干净。 SYN wash sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 2 also v + n/pron + adv + prep rip /rɪp/ (-pp-) rip sb/sth apart 1 to criticize sb/sth very severely 痛斥; 抨击: After she'd gone, we ripped her apart. 她走后,我们把她大骂了一通。◊ My tutor ripped my essay apart. 导师把我的文章批 驳得一无是处。SYN rip into sb/sth; tear sb/sth apart 2 to defeat sb/sth early 轻松击败: We ripped the other team apart in. the second half. 我们在下半场轻取对手。SYN tear sb/sth apart ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) rip sth a part to destroy sth completely 完 全摧毁;全部毁掉:The hooligans had ripped the place apart. 那伙流氓把这个地方全毁了。 SYN tear sth apart; tear sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare} rip at sth to attack sth violently and tear it or cut it 猛烈撕扯;用力割:The bird ripped at its rival's throat. 那只鸟猛啄对手的喉咙。◊ (figure- tive) The hurricane tore at their skin and ripped at their clothes. 飓风吹割看他们的皮肤,撕扯着 他们的衣服。 ♦ v + prep rip into sb/sth (with sth) (for sth/for doing sth) (informal) to criticize sb in an angry way for sth they have done or said (因…) 恕骂, 呵斥:He ripped into me for being late. 他因为 我迟到而训了我一通。 SYN lay into sb/sth (with sth) (for sth/for doing sth) ♦ v + prep rip into/through sb/sth to go very quickly or violently into or through sb/sth (猛地) 钻入,穿透:An. explosion ripped through a four-storey apartment building. 剧烈 的爆炸穿透了一座四层公寓楼。 ♦ v + prep rip sb 'off (informal) to cheat sb, for example by charging them too much for sth, selling them sth of poor quality, etc. (以劣质品等) 欺骗;敲...竹杠;宰 (客):The bank was accused of ripping off its customers. 银行被指责 欺诈客户。◊ The tickets were very expensive. We felt we'd been ripped off. 票价很贵。我们觉得被 宰了。◊ The law protects tenants from being ripped off by landlords. 法律保障租户免受房东 欺诈。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► rip-off n [usually sing.] (informal) a situation where you pay too much for sth; sth that is not worth what you pay for it 宰客; 不 划算的东西:They charged you £25 for a T-shirt? What a rip-off! 一件 T 恤衫他们开价 25 英镑?抢钱啊! ◊ The meal was a total rip-off. 那顿饭完全不合算。◊ rip-off prices 过高的价格 rip sb/sth 'off (informal) to copy sb/sth, by stealing ideas, designs, etc. especially in order to make money for yourself 抄袭;盗版;仿冒: Another band has ripped off our song. 另一支乐 队剽窃了我们的歌曲。◊ She was accused of ripping off other people's ideas. 她被控抄袭他人 的构思。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► rip-off (of sth) n (informal) a copy of sth, especially one that is not as good as the original 山寨产品;盗版产品;冒牌货;仿制品: He has a stall that sells designer np-offs (= clothes). 他开了个店铺,卖仿冒品牌服装。 rip sth off (slang) to steal sth 偷窃;盗取: Thieves broke in and ripped off five computers. 盗贼破门而入,偷走了五台计算机。 SYN nick sth (BrE, slang) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► rip-off n (informal) an act of stealing sth 盗 窃:偷盗:"was a scandalous rip-off of public funds. 那是一起盗用公款的丑闻。 rip sth off;rip sth off sb/sth to remove sth, especially clothing, very quickly by pulling sharply 猛地拉下 (或拽下);迅速 脱下:The fans were trying to rip his clothes off. 追随者试图拉掉他的衣服。◊ She ripped the poster off the wall. 她把海报从墙上一也扯 下来。 SYN tear sth off, tear sth off sb/sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n rip on sb (AmE) to laugh at sb or make jokes about them 嘲笑;开...的玩笑;拿...寻开心:My buddies were ripping on me about a poem I had written. 朋友们拿我写的一首诗取笑我。 ♦ v + prep rip 'through sb/sth -> RIP INTO/THROUGH SB/STH rip sth up 1 to tear sth to pieces 撕碎;撕毁: I ripped the letter up without reading it. 我看也 不看就把信撕成了碎片。-> note at TEAR STH UP 2 to pull sth quickly or violently from the floor or ground (从地上) 迅速拉电,猛地拔起:A gang of teenagers ripped up fences and plants. 一帮十来岁的孩子拔掉了围栏和花草。◊ We've ripped up the old carpets and painted the walls. 我们把旧地毯扯了起来,粉刷了墙壁。 SYN tear sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM rip/tear up the rule book to start doing things in a way that is different from the way things are usually done, usually resulting in an improvement 破旧立新;打破陈规:What we were able to do was rip up the rule book and design a car that doesn't damage the environ- ment. 我们所能做的就是打破陈规,设计对环境 无害的汽车。 rise /raɪz/ (rose /rəʊz;/AmE roʊz/, risen /rɪzn/) rise above sth 1 to not be affected or limited by problems, insults, etc.; to be able to deal with problems 不受…影响 (或局限); 克 服;超越:She was able to rise above her disability. 她战胜了自身的残疾。2 to be too wise or good to do sth wrong or to think or behave in the way other people do 不为...所 动;高出,超脱于 (常人):He Had血unusual ability to rise above the prejudices of his generation. 他能力超群,能够摆脱同代人所持 的偏见。◊ There will always be gossip. You have to try and rise above it. 流言蜚语总会有。你必 须尽量置之不理。3 to be better than other similar things 超出 (同类事物);出类拔萃: Her articles never rise above the level of a gossip column. 她的文章从未超出过八卦专栏的水准。 ♦ v + prep rise to sth 1 to deal successfully with a situation or problem that you do not expect or do not usually have to face 成功应对 (非常情 况、突发问题等) : The job wasn't easy but Sam was ready to rise to the challenge. 那份工作并 不轻松,可萨姆愿意迎接挑战。◊ The play was a challenge for the actors but they rose to the occasion. 这部戏对演员是个挑战,但他们应付 裕如。 2 to react when sb is deliberately trying to make you angry or get you interested in sth 上当;中圈套;入陷阱:I refuse to rise to that sort of comment. 对此类言论,我拒绝置 评。◊ I decided to flatter him and he rose to the bait (= he reacted in the way that I wanted). 我决定奉承他一番,结果他上钩了。 ♦ v + prep rise up 1 (against sb/sth) (formal) to start to fight against or refuse to obey people in authority, for example a government or king 反抗; 起义; 反叛:The people rose up against the invaders. 人们起来抗击侵略者。SYN rebel (against sb/sth) 2 (literary) to appear as a tall shape above the surroundings 蒿耸;屹立;挺 立:A magnificent palace rose up before her. 一 座富丽堂皇的宫殿矗立在她面前。 ♦ v + adv ► uprising n a situation in which a group of people join together to fight against or to refuse to obey people in authority 起义; 暴动; 造反: The uprising was ruthlessly suppressed. 起义被残酷镇压下去了。 roar /rɔː(r)/ roar back (AmE) (of a sports team) to start beating your opponent easily after losing (体 育运动队) 轻易反败为胜,后来居上,轻松翻 盘:The Sixers won the first two games, but the Trail Blazers roared back with four straight wins. 七六人队赢了前两场比赛,但开拓者队连 胜四场,轻松翻盘。 ♦ v + adv rock /rɒk;AmE rɑːk/ rock up (BrE, AustralE, informal) to arrive, especially in a relaxed way or without giving advance warning 悠闲自在地到达;不打招呼来 到:You can't just rock up to that kind of restaurant without booking — they're very selective. 那种饭店你不能不经预约想去就去—— 他们可不是来者不拒。 SYN roll up (informal) ♦ v + adv roll /rəʊl; AmE roʊl/ roll around (BrE also .roll 'round) (informal) 1 (BrE also .roll about) to be laughing so much that you can hardly control yourself 大 笑不止:Her speech had everyone rolling around w沥laughter. 她的话令大家笑得前仰后合。2 (of a regular event 常规事件) to arrive; to happen at the usual time 定期举行;重临;周 而复始:We have to be ready when election time rolls around again. 我们必须为下次选举作好准 备。SYN come round, come around ♦ v + adv roll sth back 1 to reduce the amount of influence, power or importance that sth has; to change sth so that it is the opposite of what it was 降低 (影响、力量或重要性);逆转: They were determined to roll back union power. 他们决心削弱工会的权力。2 to reduce prices, wages, etc. 减低,削减 (价格、工资等):We must roll back inflation. 我们必须降低通货膨 胀。[OBJ] prices 3 to make sth go back or further away 使回复 (原貌);扩大 (领域): to roll back the frontiers of space/science 拓展 太空 / 科学领域。The former star rolled back the years with a brilliant performance last night (= he played as he did when he was younger). 这位前巨星昨晚展现了昔日的丰采。 [OBJ] frontiers ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► rollback (of sth) n 1 (especially AmE) a reduction or decrease in sth 回降;削减:a 2% rollback in taxes 减税 2% 2 (computing) a return to the condition that existed before there was an error in a computer system (计 算机系统的) 还原,恢复 roll sth 'down 1 to open out a piece of clothing, etc. that has been folded over and over 展开,铺开,摊开 (卷起之物):She rolled down her sleeves and buttoned the cuffs. 她 放下衣袖,扣上袖口的纽扣。[OBJ] sleeves 2 to lower sth; to open a window in a car, especially by turning a handle 放低;摇开 (车 窗):He rolled down the car window and waved to us. 他摇下车窗向我们挥手。[OBJ] car window OPP roll sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv roll in (informal) 1 to arrive in great numbers or quantities 滚滚而来;大量涌入; 纷至沓来:Offers of help continue to roll in. 不断有人表示愿意提供帮助。2 to arrive somewhere, usually late and without being worried or sorry 姗姗来迟:Rob finally rolled in at lunchtime. 到午饭时分,罗布终于慢 吞吞地来了。 ♦ v + adv roll off sth to be produced, usually in large numbers, in a factory 从...批量下线:By next year, 60000 cars will be rolling off its assembly lines. 到明年,将会有6万辆车驶下流 水生产线。 ♦ v + prep roll 'on 1 (of time 时间)to pass steadily 流 逝;过去:As the years rolled on the painful memories began to fade. 光阴荏苒,痛苦的回忆 开始被淡忘。2 to continue without changing very much 继续进行;持续不变:For the next few weeks the debate rolled on. 在随后的几周 里,争论仍在继续。3 roll on ... (BrE, informal) used to say that you wish sth would come soon (用于表示愿望)...快来吧:Roll on summer! 夏天快点到来吧! ♦ v + adv roll sb/sth out (informal, especially AmE) to use sb/sth to help you achieve sth 动员;动用: He rolled out all his old friends to help him win the election. 他发动了所有的老友故交来帮他赢 得选举。◊ The circus rolled out bears to announce its arrival. 马戏团以狗熊表演拉开了 演出序幕。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv roll sth out 1 to make a substance flat and thin by rolling sth over it 将…轧平;把...辗薄: Roll out the pastry with a clean rolling pin. 用 干净的擀面杖把油酥面团擀平。[OBJ] pastry, dough 2 to open sth that is in a roll and put it flat on the ground 展开,铺开(卷起之物):I rolled out: my sleeping bag and crawled in. 我摊开睡袋爬了进去。OPP roll sth up 3 to officially make a new product available or start to use a new system 将...公之于世;正式 推出(新产品);正式启用(新系统):The Air Force will roll out its new planes in November, 空军的新型飞机将于11月投入使用。SYN launch sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM roll out the red carpet (for sb) to treat sb like a very important visitor 铺红地毯隆重欢 迎;以贵宾般的礼节接待 ► roll-out n an occasion when a company introduces or starts to use a new product or system (新产品的)面世;(新系统的)启用: q roll-out ceremony 新品上市仪式。◊ the global roll-out of the new corporate identity 新企业标 识在全球的推出 roll 'over (informal) to be easily defeated without even trying 不作抵抗;轻易认输;束 手就擒: We can't expect them to just roll over for us. 我们不能指望他们向我们举手投降。 ◊ They thought the unions would roll over. 他 们认为工会会坐等失败。 ♦ v + adv roll over; roll sb/sth over 1 (of a person 人)to turn from lying on one side of your body to the other side; to move sb in this way (使)翻身:She rolled over onto her back. 她翻了个身仰卧着。◊ 1 rolled the baby over and sat up, 我把婴儿翻过身来,自己坐了起来。2 (of a vehicle, a boat, etc. 车船等)to turn onto its side or upside down; to move sth in this way (使)侧翻、翻转:the car rolled over info a ditch, 汽车翻进了沟里。 SYN turn over, turn sb/sth over ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv roll over sth (computing) to move a com- puter mouse so that you point to a particular area on the screen 滑动鼠标至(屏幕某处): When you roll over these hot spots, they change colour. 移动鼠标指向这些热点,它们会变色。 SYN mouse over sth ♦ v + prep ► rollover n [C, U]: Most browsers support rollovers. 大多数浏览器支持鼠标滑动触发。◊ rollover buttons 鼠标滑动触发按钮 roll sb 'over (BrE, informal) to defeat sb easily 轻松击败:They rolled us over in the replay. 他们在重赛中轻而易举地打败了我们。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv roll sth over 1 (finance) to allow money that sb owes to be paid at a later date 准许 延期偿还;将(债务)转期:The government agreed to roll over the debt. 政府批准将债务展 期。[OBJ] debt, loan 2 to save points, credits, etc. that are supposed to be used in one time period and use them at a later time 转移,延 后使用(积点、积分等):My mobile phone network allows me to roll over any unused minutes from one month to the next. 我的手机 网络允许我把一个月中剩余的分钟数转到下月 使用。 3 (BrE) to add the prize money in a competition in a particular week to the prize money the next week, if no one has won it 将(本周未开出的奖金)滚存至(下周奖金): This week's lottery jackpot will be rolled over until next week, 这个星期彩票的奖金将累加到 下个星期。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► rollover n 1 [C] (BrE) a prize of money in a competition that is formed by adding the prize from one week when no one has won it to the prize for the next week 累积奖金:This week there is a rollover of £14 million. 本周的 累积奖金是1400万英镑。 ◊ a rollover jackpot/ week 累积奖金 / 有累积奖金的一周 2 [U] (finance) the act of allowing money that is owed to be paid at a later date (欠款的)延 期偿还;(债务)转期 roll round (BrE)-> ROLL AROUND roll up (informal) to arrive, especially in a relaxed way or without giving advance warning 悠闲自在地到达;不打招呼来到:He finally rolled up an hour late. 他最后迟到了一 小时。o Roll up! Roll up for the greatest show on earth! (- used to invite people who are passing to come and form an audience) 快来 看啊!快来看全球最棒的表演! SYN rock up (BrE, AustralE, informal) ♦ v + adv roll sth 'up 1 to turn the end of a piece of clothing over and over to make it shorter 卷 起,挽息 (衣服):He rolled up his sleeves and started washing the dishes. 他杨起衣袖开始洗盘 子。[OBJ] sleeves, trousers OPP roll sth down 2 to fold sth to make the shape of a tube or a ball 把...卷成筒形 (或球形);把…卷起来:She rolled up the sleeping bag. 她卷起了睡袋。OPP roll sth out 3 to close the window in a car, especially by turning a handle; to raise sth 摇 上 (车窗);将…升高:She rolled up the window and drove off. 她摇上车窗开车走了。 [OBJ] car window OPP roll sth down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► roll-up n (BrE, informal) a cigarette that you make yourself (自制的) 烟卷,卷烟: Simon lit a roll-up. 西蒙点了根烟卷。 roll sb/sth up to defeat or gain an advantage against a group of enemy soldiers, etc. 击败;占...的上风:Counter-intelligence services rolled up many of Moscow's spy networks, 反情报机构捣毁了莫斯科的多个间谍 网。◊ Numerous terrorist cells have been rolled up. 众多恐怖分子的基层组织被破获。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv romp /rɒmp; AmE rɑːmp/ romp ahead/away (BrE) to make progress, increase or win quickly and easily 进 步神速;快速增加;轻易获胜:The home team romped away to win by three goals. 主队轻而易 举地以三分取胜。 NOTE This verb is mostly used in newspapers. 这个动词主要用于报章。 ♦ v + adv romp 'through sth (BrE, informal) to do sth easily and quickly 轻而快速地做:She romped through the exam questions. 她轻松答 完了考试题。 NOTE This verb is mostly used in newspapers. 这个动词主要用于报章。 ♦ v + prep root /ruːt/ root a1 round;root a'round/'through sth (BrE also .root a'bout, .root a'bout sth) (for sth) to move things around to try to find sth 翻找;搜寻:He was rooting around in the drawer for his keys. 他翻抽屉找他的钥匙。◊ Someone had been rooting through the rubbish. 有人一直在垃圾堆里翻来翻去。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep root for sb/sth (informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to support or encourage sb in a sports competi- tion or when they are in a difficult situation 为 (参赛运动员或困境中的人) 助威;为...鼓劲: Good luck—ni be rooting for you! 祝你好 运 我会为你加油的! -> note at CHEER SB ON ♦ v + prep root sb/sth out 1 to find the person or thing that is causing a problem and remove or get rid of them/it 肃清;铲除;根除:The government: has promised to root out police corruption. 政府承诺要杜绝警务人员腐败。◊ The troublemakers seem to have been rooted out. 惹 是生非的人似乎都已被揪出来了。 [OBJ] corrup- tion 2 (informal) to find sb/sth when it is not easy or it takes a long time 终于发 现 (或找到):They eventually rooted out two witnesses. 他们最终找到了两名目击者。◊ I've got some instructions for the camera somewhere—11 see if I can root them out, 我 把照相机的使用说明不知道放在什么地方了—— 我来看看能不能找出来。◊ I'll root out the photo for you. 我来给你找出这张照片。SYN dig sth out; hunt sth down/out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) root through sth -> ROOT AROUND, ETC. root sb to sth if fear, shock, etc roots you to a place, it makes you unable to move 使 (因恐惧、震惊等) 呆住不动: She stood rooted to the spot in horror. 她吓得呆立不动。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep root sth 'up to dig or pull up a plant, tree, etc. with its roots 连根挖起;连根拔起:Kids have been rooting up plants. 孩子们一直在拔 花草。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rope /rəʊp; AmE roʊp/ rope sb in; rope sb into sth; .rope sb into doing sth (informal) to persuade sb to take part in an activity or to help you, even when they do not want to 劝说某人加 入;说服某人帮忙: We'll rope Colin in to help us. 我们要游说科林来帮助戒们。◊ I got roped into washing all the dirty dishes. 我被拉来洗所 有的脏盘子。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep rope sth off to separate one area from another with ropes, in order to stop people from entering it 用绳子围起;用绳子隔开:The scene of the crime had been roped off. 犯罪现场 周围拉起了绳子。 [OBJ] area NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n rot /rɒt; AmE rɑːt/ (-tt-) rot a way to gradually decay 逐渐腐烂: The window frame had rotted away. 窗框已经 烂了。 ♦ v + adv rough /rʌf/ rough sth out to draw or write the main parts of sth without including all the details 画…的草图;草拟:She roughed out the design on the back of an envelope. 她在信封背面勾画 设计草图。◊ /Ve roughed out a few ideas for the book. 我给这本书草拟了几个构思。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) rough sb up (informal) to hurt sb by hitting or kicking them, especially in order to frighten or warn them (尤指为表示恐吓或警 告) 对…拳打脚踢,对…大打出手:They didn't want to kill him, just rough him up a little. 他 们并不想杀他,只是让他吃了点皮肉之苦。◊ Demonstrators claimed they had been roughed up by the police. 示威者声称他们遭到了警察 殴打。 SYN beat sb up (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n round /raʊnd/ round sth 'down -> ROUND STH UP/DOWN round sth 'off 1 (AmE also .round sth out) (with sth) to end or complete sth in an acceptable way 圆满结束;圆满完成:We rounded off the meal with coffee. 我们最后喝了 咖啡,心满意足地吃完了那顿饭。◊ The team rounded off a successful season with another brilliant victory. 该队再次完胜对手,圆满结束 了战绩显赫的赛季。◊ The evening was rounded off with a disco. 晚会以一曲迪斯科圆满结束。 [OBJ] the day, the evening 2 to give a smooth curved shape to the edge of sth 除去...的棱 角;使边缘光滑:I rounded off the comers with sandpaper. 我用砂纸磨光棱角。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv round on sb to suddenly speak angrily to sb and criticize or attack them 突然责骂;突然指 责;突然攻击:He rounded on her angrily and told her to keep her mouth shut. 他突然怒气冲 冲地呵斥她,并让她闭嘴。 ♦ v + prep round sth 'out (AmE) -> ROUND STH OFF 1 round sb/sth up to bring together a number of people, animals or objects in one place 聚拢;驱集: to round up cattle/sheep 把 牛 / 羊赶到一块儿 ◊ The gang were rounded up and put in jaiL 那伙人遭到逮捕,被投进了监 狱。◊ (humorous) We've rounded up some good speakers for the conference. 我们为会议请到了 几位高水平的演讲人。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► round-up n [usually sing.] 1 a brief summary of the most important points of news or sport, for example on a television or radio news programme 新闻摘要;综合报道:a news round-up 新闻综合报道 ◊ a round-up of the day's events 今日赛事综述 2 an act of bringing people or animals together in one place 聚拢;驱集:a round-up of wild ponies 赶 拢野生矮马 ◊ a round-up of suspects 嫌疑犯的 集中拘押 round sth up/down (to sth) to increase/decrease a number to the next highest or lowest whole number (把数字)上 入,下舍;将 (数字) 调高 (或调低) 成整数: He rounded the price down to $900. 他把价 格去掉零头取整为900元。◊ Totals should be rounded up to the nearest whole number. 总数 应该入为最接近的整数。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n rub /rʌb/ -bb- ) rub against sb/sth; rub up against sb/sth if an animal rubs (up) against sb/sth, it moves backwards and forwards and presses itself against them/it (动物) 在...上蹭: The cat rubbed (up) against her. 猫在她身上蹭 来蹭去。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep rub a long (with sb/together) (Br£, informal) to live or work together with sb in an acceptable way (与某人) 相处融洽:We rub along all right with the neighbours. 我们和邻居 处得很融洽。 SYN get on/along (with sb/together) ♦ v + adv rub sb/sth down; rub yourself down to rub the skin of a person, an animal, etc. with sth such as a towel, to make it clean and dry 将 (人、动物等) 擦干净:She rubbed herself down with a towel. 她用毛巾擦干身体。 ◊ After exercise each horse must be rubbed down. 训练后必须把每匹马都擦干净。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► rub-down n [usually sing.] an act of rubbing sb/sth/yourself with a towel, for example (用毛巾等的) 擦身,擦干 rub sth down 1 (especially BrE) to make sth clean by rubbing it with a cloth, etc. (用布 等) 将...擦干净,把...揩干净:Rub the walls down well before painting them. 粉刷墙壁之前 先把墙擦干净。2 to make the surface of sth smooth by rubbing it with special paper, etc. (用专用的纸等) 将...打磨光滑:He rubbed the woodwork down with sandpaper. 他用砂纸把木 制品打磨光滑。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► rub-down n [usually sing.] (especially BrE} 1 an act of cleaning the surface of sth with a cloth, etc. 擦拭;揩;抹 2 an act of rubbing the surface of sth to make it smooth 打磨; 磨光 rub sth in to say sth to sb which reminds them of sth that they feel embarrassed or guilty about and would like to forget 提及 (令 人尴尬或愧疚的事);触及 (痛处);揭开 (伤 疤):I already know it was my fault—there's no need to rub it in. 我早知道是我错了———————没 必要再提了。◊ Was he trying to rub in the fact that he didn't like me? 他是不是还想说他不喜 欢我? [OBJ] it NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM rub sb's 'nose in it to remind sb of sth they feel embarrassed or guilty about and would like to forget 提起某人以往的尴尬事 (或过失);揭疮疤 rub sth in; ,rub sth into sth to spread a substance over a surface while pressing firmly with your fingers, a cloth, etc. 涂;抹;搽:Rub the lotion into your skin with your fingers. 用手 指将润肤露揉进皮肤里。◊ Spray on the polish and rub it in well. 喷上亮光剂并抹匀。 [OBJ] cream, lotion ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep rub off (on/onto sb) if sth, such as a good quality that sb has, rubs off onto you, you gain some of that quality by spending time with the person (良好品员等)感染,传给: Let's hope some of his good luck rubs off on me! 希望他的好运能分给我一些吧! ◊ None of her love for nature has rubbed off onto her children. 她对大自然的热爱一点都没有传给她的孩子。 ♦ v + adv rub off; rub sth off; ,rub sth off sth to be removed from sth by rubbing; to remove sth from sth by rubbing (被)擦掉,抹掉: Somebody's used the wrong kind of pen on the whiteboard and it won't rub off. 有人在白色书 写板上用错了笔,擦不掉了。◊ He quickly rubbed the mud off his face. 他迅速擦掉了脸上 的泥。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep rub sb 'out slang) to murder sb 干 掉;除掉:He was rubbed out before he could talk. 他还没来得及开口说话就被人杀了。 SYN bump sb off (informal); do away with sb (informal); murder sb NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n rub sth 'out (BrE) to remove the marks made by a pen, pencil, etc. from a piece of paper, a board, etc. 擦掉(字迹等):Draw the outline with a soft pencil, so that you can rub it out later. 用软芯铅笔勾画轮廓,便于以后擦去。 SYN erase sth (more formal) ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n rub up against sb/sth -> RUB AGAINST SB/STH ruck/rʌk/ ruck up; ,ruck sth up (BrE) to form untidy folds; to make sth do this (使)起皱褶: Your blouse has rucked up at the back. 你的衬 衫后面起褶儿了。◊ Her skirt was rucked up. 她 的裙子皱了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rule /ruːl/ rule sth in; .rule sth into sth (formal) if sb rules sth in, they decide that it is possible, or that it can or should happen 认为...有可能 发生:He asked for all possible results to be ruled into the discussions. 他要求讨论时要考虑到所有 可能出现的结果。 OPP rule sth out, rule sth out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep rule sb out (as sth), rule sb out of sth 1 if sb rules sb else out, they decide that it is not possible for them to have done sth or to do sth, or that they are not suitable for sth 把(某人)排除在外;认为(某人)不适合:The police soon ruled out her husband as a suspect. 警方很快就排除了她丈夫的嫌疑。◊ The producer ruled out an older actress for the role. 制片人认为年长的女演员不适合该角色。◊ Ramsay has been ruled out as too old for the job. 拉姆齐被认为年纪太大,不适合做那份 工作。2 if sth rules sb out, it makes it impossible for sb to have done sth or to do sth, or makes them not suitable for sth 使(某 人)被排除;使(某人)不适合:Several people saw her at the restaurant at 9.00 p.m. so that seems to rule her out as the murderer. 有几个人 晚上9点在饭店见过她,因此似乎排除了她是凶 手的可能性。◊ Beckham has been ruled out of tonight's game with a knee injury. 贝克汉姆因 膝部受伤不可能参加今晚的比赛了。 -> see also RULE YOURSELF OUT, ETC. ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep rule sth out (as sth), rule sth out of sth 1 if sb rules sth out, they decide that it is not possible, or that it cannot or should not happen 将...排除在外;认为…不可能发生:The police have ruled out suicide. 警方排除了自杀的 可能。◊ I wouldn't rule anything out. 我不会排 除任何可能性。◊ Detectives have not ruled out the possibility that she was abducted. 探员们尚 未排除她被绑架的可能性。 ◊ Paris has been ruled out as the site for the next Olympics. 巴黎 已经没有可能成为下届奥运会的主办地了。◊ Sabotage was ruled out of the investigation. 蓄 意破坏未列入本次调查。OPP rule sth in, rule sth into sth 2 if sth rules sth out, it makes it impossible for sth to happen, or makes sth not suitable for a particular purpose 使不可能发 生;使不适合:The latest developments rule out the possibility of peace. 最近的事态发展使和 平遥不可及。◊ The change in the weather ruled out any climbing the next day. 因天气变化 第二天不可能登山了。◊ The size of the house ruled it out as a family home. 房子太小, 住不 下一家人。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep rule yourself out; rule yourself out of sth to decide you do not want to or are not able to do sth; to decide that you are not suitable for sth 认为自己不想做(或没有能力、 不适合):Smith has not ruled himself out of Saturday's game. 史密斯并未排除自己参加星期 六比赛的可能性。 ♦ v+ pron + adv ♦ v + pron + adv + prep rumble/ˈrʌmbl/ rumble on (especially BrE) if an argument, a disagreement, etc. rumbles on, it continues slowly and steadily for much longer than it should (辩论、争执等) 拖得很长,拖拖拉拉: The dispute rumbled on through the summer. 整 个夏天都在没完没了地争论。◊ The row has been rumbling on for two years. 争吵已经持续 两年之久。 ♦ v + adv fun /fʌn/ (running, ran /ræn/, run) run about, etc. (BrE) ► runabout n (informal) 1 a small car, boat or aircraft, used mainly for short journeys (用 于短途旅行的) 小型汽车,小船,小型飞机 -> RUN AROUND, ETC. 2 a person who moves from place to place 居无定所的人;流 浪者 run a cross sb/sth to meet sb or find sth by chance 偶然遇见;碰巧发现:I ran across Mary in town yesterday. 我昨天在城里巧遇玛丽。 SYN come across sb/sth ♦ v + prep run 'after sb (informal) to try to persuade sb to have a romantic or sexual relationship with you 追求:He's always running after younger women. 他总在追求年轻女子。 ♦ v + prep run after sb/sth to run to try to catch sb/sth; to chase sb/sth 追捕;追逐:They ran after the thief but he got away. 他们追赶小偷, 可他跑掉了。 ♦ v + prep run along (old-fashioned, informal) used to tell sb, especially a child, to go away and not disturb you (无用于命令儿童) 走开,一边去: Run along now, children, I'm busy. 孩子们,都 走开吧,我忙着呢。 ♦ v + adv run around; run a round sth (BrE also run about/round, run about/1 round sth) 1 to run in different directions, especially in an excited way (兴奋地) 各处跑,东奔西跑: It's a lovely park to run around in. 这个公 园不错,可以在里面四处跑跑。◊ The children were running round the house with no clothes on. 孩子们光着身子在房子里跑来跑去。◊ They stopped the car to let the dogs run about 他们 停车让狗下去遛遛。2 to move very quickly from place to place, being very busy 奔走忙 碌;疲于奔命:I ran around like a mad thing all day. 我一整天疯了似的到处奔波。◊ He's been running about the place organizing the party. 他一直在这里四处奔走组织聚会。◊ I've been running round everywhere looking for you! 我 跑遍了所有地方找你! ◊ Hers had the police running around in circles (= being very busy but not achieving anything). 他搞得警察四处 扑空。 SYN rush around, rush around sth; tear around, tear around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep ► runaround n if you give sb the runaround, you treat them badly by delaying them, not telling them the truth, etc. 兜圈子;耍弄:You know where she is, but you're just giving me the runaround. 你如道她在哪儿,可你却在和我兜 圈子。 run around after sb (BrE also .run round after sb) to be very busy doing a lot of things for sb, when they should be able to do them for themselves 替...做其力所能及的事;替...忙 活:His mother shouldn't have to run around after him. 他的母亲不该替他忙活。◊ She spends all her time running round after the children. 她 所有的时间都花在为孩子瞎忙活上了。 ♦ v + adv + prep run around with sb (disapproving) to spend a lot of time with sb 与...厮混;和…泡 在一块儿:Their son is running around with a bad crowd 他们的儿子与一帮环人混在一起。 ♦ v + adv + prep run at sb to run towards sb to attack them or as if you were going to attack them 冲过去袭 击;冲向:He ran at me with a knife. 他拿着刀 朝我冲过来。 ♦ v + prep run at sth (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to be at or near a particular level or rate 达到,接近 (某种水平 或比率):Inflation is running at 26%. 通货膨 胀率为 26%。 ◊ Interest rates were running at record levels. 利率接近历史最高水平。[SUBJ] inflation, unemployment ♦ v + prep run away 1 (from sb/sth) to move quickly away from sb/a place; to escape from sb/a place 迅速离开;逃离:A man was seen running away from the shop. 有人看见一名男子从商店 里跑了 出去。◊ 'Bye then,' she said, and ran away without looking back. " 再见吧。" 她说 完头也不回地跑开了。◊ His first instinct was to run away. 他的本能反应就是逃走。 -> see also RUN OFF 1 2 (from sth) to leave the place where you are living or staying suddenly and secretly because you are unhappy 出走:She ran away from home. 她离家出走。◊ He ran away and joined a circus. 他离家出走后进了马 戏团。 -> see also RUN OFF 2 3 to leave a person or a place to try to avoid doing sth (为免做某事而) 离开某人,离开某地,避开, 躲避:Don't run away-I want your advice. 别 溜————你得帮我出主意。4 used to tell a child to go away and not disturb you (用于命令儿 童) 走开,别捣乱:Run away and play. 一边玩 儿去。 ♦ v + adv ► runaway adj [only before noun] 1 (of a situation or an event 情况或事件) happening quickly and easily and not able to be controlled 迅猛的;急骤的;无法控制的:The movie has been a runaway success. 这部电影一 炮打响。◊ The game was a runaway victory for Liverpool. 利物浦队这场比赛赢得干净利落。◊ runaway inflation 失控的通货膨胀 2 (of an animal or a vehicle 动物或车辆)moving, but no longer under the control of the rider or driver脱离控制的;失控的:a runaway horse 脱 缰的马 3 (of a person 人)having secretly left their home or the place where they are staying 出走了的:runaway children/teenagers 离家出走的孩子/少年 ► runaway n a person who has left their home or the place where they are staying suddenly and secretly because they are unhappy there 出走的人:a 16-year-old runaway 离家出走的16岁少年 run away/'off; ,run a way/1 off with sb; run away/ off together to leave your home, husband, wife, etc. secretly with sb else in order to marry them or have a sexual relationship with them (与某人)私奔:They ran away to Scotland. 他们私奔到了苏格兰。◊ We think John and Susie have run off together. 我们认为约翰和苏茜一起私奔了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + adv run a way from sth to try to avoid dealing with or thinking about sth because it is difficult or unpleasant 逃避,回避(困难等): He is running away from his responsibilities. 他 在逃避责任。◊ You can't just run away from difficult situations— you must face up to them. 你不能只是回避——必须直面困难。 [OBJ] responsibilities ♦ v + adv + prep , run away with sb, etc. -> RUN AWAY/OFF, ETC. run away with sb if a feeling, an emotion, etc. runs away with you, you are not able to control it (感情、情绪等)无法抑制,失去控制: Her imagination tends to run away with her. 她 动辄想入非非。◊ My tongue ran away with me and I said things I regretted. 我没留神说出了令 我后悔的话。[SUBJ] imagination, tongue ♦ v + adv + prep run a way with sth 1 to win sth clearly or easily 轻松赢得:Their team are running away with the championship. 他们队即将轻松获得冠 军。 ◊ She ran away with the show (= she was easily the best performer). 她轻而易举地当选 最佳演员。2 (especially AmE) (also ,run off with sth) to escape with sth that you have stolen or taken without asking 偷走; 未经允 许拿走;携...潜逃:The treasurer ran away with all the funds. 出纳携带所有资金潜逃了。3 (inform。f) to believe sth that is not true 误 信;误认为:Don't run away with the idea that everything was perfect in our marriage. 不要以 为我们的婚姻十全十美。[OBJ] idea, impression ♦ 1,2 v + adv + prep ♦ 3 v + adv + prep + noun SYNONYMS同义词辨析 run away flee ♦ make off ♦ run away ♦ run off ♦ take off flee to leave a place very quickly, especially because you are in danger 逃禽;逃走: Refugees fled from the city. 难民逃出了这座城 市。◊ The robbers fled empty-handed from the shop. 强盗们一无所获,从商店逃跑了。 make off to hurry away, especially in order to escape from sb/sth 匆忙离开;(尤指)仓皇 逃离:The robbers made off before the police arrived. 劫匪在警察赶到前逃走了。 run away to leave a person or place suddenly; to escape from sb/sth 突然离开; 逃离:He turned and ran away. 他转身拔腿就 跑。◊ I tried to run away from home several times when I was a kid. 我小时候几次想离家 出走。 run off to escape from sb/sth by running 逃 离;逃跑:She ran off when I tried to talk to 人er. 我正要和她说话,她却跑掉了。 take off (informal) to leave a place, especially in a hurry 匆匆离去;急忙离开: When he saw me coming he took off in the opposite direction. 他一看到我过来,就朝反方向急匆 匆走了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to flee/run away/run off/take off/make off in terror/in panic/empty-handed ■ to flee/run away/take off/make off from sb/sth ■ to flee/run away/run off/take off/make off to safety ■ to be forced to/have to flee/run away ■ to try to/attempt to/manage to flee/run away/run off/take off/make off run sth 'by/'past sb (informal) to show sb sth or tell them about an idea, a proposal, etc. in order to get their reaction to it 给某人 看…,说给某人听…(以观察其反应):I've got a few ideas I'd like to run by you. 我有几个主意 想说给你听听。◊ Run that past me again. 把那 个再给我看看。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep run down; run sth down 1 to lose power or stop working; to make sth do this (使)耗尽能量,停止工作: I think the batteries are running down. 我想电池快没电了。◊ If you leave your headlights on, you'll run the battery down. 让前灯亮着会耗尽电池的。[SUBJ] battery 2 to stop functioning gradually or become smaller in size or number; to make sth do this (使) 逐步失去作用,萎缩,衰减:Oil supplies in the region will start to run down in the next decade. 未来十年内这个地区的石油资源将开始 枯竭。◊ The company are running down their operations in the UK. 公司正逐步缩减在英国的 业务。◊ Businesses in the town have been allowed to run down during the last few years. 在过去几年,该市的商业机构被压缩。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► rundown (in/of sth) n [usually sing.] a reduction in the size, number, amount or importance of sth 肖减;紧缩;萎缩:The public are complaining about the rundown of health services. 公众抱怨医疗卫生服务萎缩。 ► run- down adj 1 (of a building or place 建 筑或地区)in very bad condition; that has not been taken care of 破败的;疏于管理的: run-down inner-city areas 年久失修的内城区 2 (of a business, etc. 商业机构等) not as busy or as active as it used to be 衰微的;颓败的;不 景气的:run-down transport services 今不如昔 的交通运输业 3 [not before noun] (of a person 人)tired or slightly ill/sick, especially from working hard 疲惫;衰弱:I'm feeling rather run-down. 我觉得身体有点虚弱。 run down sth; run sth down sth 1 to look quickly at a list; to quickly read and mention the items on it 快速浏览;迅速读出: Her eyes ran down the figures on the page. 她快 速浏览了一下这一页上的数字。 ◊ She ran her eyes down the page. 她匆匆扫了一眼这一页。2 to pass, or to make sth pass, downwards over a surface (使) 沿…向下移动:She ran her finger down the page. 她用手指往下点着浏览了 那一页。 ► rundown (on/of sth) n [usually sing.] an explanation or a description of sth 解释;要 略;纲要;综述:I can give you a brief rundown on each of the job applicants. 我可以向你简单 介绍一下每位求职者的情况。◊ We would like a full rundown on the progress of the project so far. 我们想详细了解这个项目到现在为止的进展 情况。◊ a rundown of the history of each team 各队的简史 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep run sb/sth down 1 (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机) to hit a person or an animal and knock them/it to the ground 把… 撞倒:The cyclist was run down by a lorry. 骑自 行车的人被一辆货车撞倒了。◊ You nearly ran down that pedestrian. 你差点撞了那个行人。 SYN knock sb down; knock sb over NOTE Often used in the passive. It can also suggest that the driver of the vehicle intended to hit the person or animal 常用于被动语态,可表示 司机故意肇事:The officer challenged the thief and tried co make the car stop, but the driver ran him down, 警察命令窃贼停下并试图拦住汽 车,可司机开车撞了他。-> see also RUN SB/STH OVER 2 to criticize sb/sth in an unkind way 恶意批评;说…的坏话;贬低:She's always running her husband down in front of their friends. 她总是当着朋友的面数落丈夫。SYN disparage sb/sth (formal) NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动语态。-> see also RUN YOURSELF DOWN 3 to find sb/sth after looking for a long time (长时间搜寻后) 找到:I finally ran the book down in the college library. 我终 于在大学图书馆找到了这本书。 SYN track sb/sth down; trace sb/sth eih Not used in the passive. 不用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n run yourself down to criticize yourself, often unfairly 过分自责;自我贬低;妄自菲薄: You're always running yourself down! 你总是自 轻自贱! -> see also RUN SB/STH DOWN 2 ♦ v + pron + adv run in; run 'into sth (AmE informal) to visit sb for a short time in an informal way; to go somewhere quickly on your way to some- where else 顺便探望;顺路去 (某处);串门子: III run in on my way home. 我回家时顺便去看 看。◊ Can you run into the dry-cleaner's on your way to work? 你上班时顺路到干洗店去一 趟好吗? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep run sb in (old-fashioned, informal) to arrest sb and take them to a police station 把某人扭 送警察局:She was run in for shoplifting. 她因 为在商店里偷东西被抓到局子里去了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) ► run in n 1 (with sb) (informal) an argument or a disagreement 口角; 争吵:I had a run-in with my mum this evening. 我今晚和妈妈吵了 一架。2 (also 'run-up) (to sth) (BrE) a period of preparation just before an event takes place (活动等的) 准备阶段,酝酿期: the final run-in to the World Cup 世界杯的最后准备阶段 3 the action of approaching sth or the distance you cover 靠拢;接近;接近的路程: the final run-in to the target 向目标的最后靠拢 run sb in; run sb into sth/ ... to take sb by car to the centre of town, etc. 用车送 某人去 (市中心等):I need to go into town. Can you run me in? 我需要进城去。你开车送我 好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep run sth in (BrE) (in the past) to drive a vehicle slowly and carefully when it is new so that you do not damage the engine (旧 时) 磨合运转,磨合驾驶:I'm not going on motorways until I've run the car in. 我要等车子 磨合好之后再上高速公路。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n run into sb to meet sb by chance 偶然遇 见,碰到 (某人):Guess who I ran into today? 猜猜我今天碰见谁了? ◊ You rarely run into people you know in London. 在伦敦很难撞见 熟人。 SYN bump into sb (informal) ♦ v + prep run into sb/sth; run sth into sb/sth to accidentally crash into sb/sth; to make a vehicle do this 意外撞上;(开车) 撞上:The car went out of control and ran into a tree. 车 子失控撞上了一棵树。◊ The lorry behind ran into the back of me (= my car). 后面的货车追 尾撞了我的车。◊ He ran his car into a tree.他 开车撞到了树上。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep run into sth 1 to meet or enter an area of bad weather while travelling 途中遭遇(恶劣 天气): We ran into a patch of thick fog just outside the city. 我们刚出城就遇上了一片大雾。 [OBJ] bad weather 2 to experience difficulties or problems 遭遇,遇到(困难或问题):We ran into problems right from the beginning of the project. 这个项目一开始我们就遇到了问题。 (OBJ) trouble, difficulties, problems, oppos- ition 3 to reach a particular level or amount 达到(某种水平或数量):The bill will run into hundreds of pounds. 账单金额将高达数百英镑。 4 if things run into each other, or sth runs into sth else, they join so that they can only be separated with difficulty 相互连接;纠缠不 清:I tried to explain, but my words all ran into each other. 我试图解释,然而却越说越乱。 ♦ v + prep run sb into sth -> RUN SB IN, RUN SB INTO STH run sth into sb/sth -> RUN INTO SB/STH, ETC. run off 1 to move quickly away from sb/a place; to escape from sb/a place 迅速离开;逃 离:The thief ran off down a side street. 小偷从 小巷逃跑了。◊ They ran off laughing.他们奖着 跑开了。 -> see also RUN AWAY 1 2 to leave a place secretly 悄悄离开:She ran off in the middle of the night. 她半夜悄悄溜了。 -> see also RUN AWAY 2, RUN AWAY/OFF, RUN AWAY/OFF WITH SB, RUN AWAY/OFF TOGETHER ♦ v + adv run off; run off sth if a road, path, etc. runs off or runs off a place, it leads away from it (道路等)从...荷出,从...开出:Can you see that road running off to the right? 看到 通向右边的那条路了吧? ◊ Several doors ran off the corridor. 走廊上开了几道门。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep run off; run off with sb, etc. -> RUN AWAY/OFF, ETC. run off sb/sth to flow away from sb/sth 从...流出:Water runs off the fields into the valley. 水从田野流进峡谷。◊ Sweat was running off her. 她汗流侠背。[SUBJ] water, sweat ♦ v + prep ► run-off n [U, C] (technical rain, water or other liquid that runs off land and into rivers, etc.(雨、水或其他液体的)径流,径流量 run off sth; jun sth off sth (of a machine, etc. 机器等)to use a particular type of power in order to operate a machine 以…为动力:The outboard motor runs off an ordinary car battery. 舷外发动机以一个普通汽 车蓄电池来推动。 -> see also RUN ON STH, RUN STH ON STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep run sth off 1 to produce copies of a piece of writing, etc. on a machine (用机器)复 印,复制:They ran off hundreds of copies of the leaflet. 他们复印了几百张传单。 ◊ Can you run these letters off for me? 帮我把这些信件复印出 来好吗? NOTE In informal spoken language, run sb off sth and run sb sth off are also used 非正式口语也说 run sb off sth 和 run sb sth off: Hl just run you off a copy. 我这就给你复印一 份。 ◊ I'll run you a copy off now. 我现在就给你 复印一份。2 to produce sth that is usually difficult to write, such as a poem, speech, etc. quickly and easily 迅速流畅地写出;一气呵成: She ran off a fantastic speech in no time at all. 她转眼间就写好了一份精彩的演讲稿。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv run off with sb; run off together -> RUN AWAY/OFF WITH SB, RUN AWAY/OFF TOGETHER run off with sth -> RUN AWAY WITH STH 2 run on 1 to continue to run in the same direction (朝相同方向)继续跑,接着跑:I'll stop here, you run on ahead. 我在这儿打住了, 你接着往前跑吧。2 to continue longer than is necessary or expected 拖延; 拖长:1 don't want the meeting to run on. 我不想延长会议。 3 (about sth) (especially AmE) to continue talking for a long time about unimportant things 没完没了地唠叨;不停地啰唆:She does tend to run on! 她真能唠叨! ◊ She ran on with great enthusiasm about her latest project. 她喋喋不休地大谈特谈她的最新课题。4 [+ adv/prep] (of a road or a track 道路或小径) to continue in the same direction 延伸; 延续: The road runs on into the desert. 这条路一直通 往沙漠。5 (of a line of text) to continue into the next line (文字的一行)接排,不分段: This line runs on into the next verse of the poem. 这一行接下一个诗节。 SYN go on ♦ v + adv run on sth if your thoughts, etc. run on a particular subject, you think or talk about it a lot (思想等)以...为中心,围绕:Her thoughts kept running on their last meeting. 她不断地回 味着他们上次的会面。 ♦ v + prep run on sth; run sth on sth to use a particular type of power or fuel to make a machine or a vehicle work 以…为动力:You can run the car on any type of unleaded petrol. 这辆车可使用任何类型的无铅汽油做燃料。 -> see also RUN OFF STH, RUN STH OFF STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep run 'out 1 if a supply of sth runs out, it is finished or used up 用完;耗尽:I'm going to keep travelling until my money runs out. 我要一直旅行到钱花光为止。◊ We have to eat quickly as time is running out. 时间不多了,我们必须快点吃。◊ One day his luck will run out. 总有一天他会不再这么走运。 ◊ My patience with her suddenly ran out. 我突 然对她失去了耐心。[SUBJ] money, petrol, time, luck, patience 2 (also ,run 'out of sth) if a person or a machine runs out of a supply of sth, they finish it or use it all up (人或机器) 用完,耗尽:We're running out of money. 我们 快把钱花光了。◊ Could you get some more milk? We've run out 再拿点牛奶过来好吗?我 们喝完了。◊ I‘ve run out of patience with her. 我已对她失去耐心。◊ You've run out of space on the disk. 你的磁盘没有空间了。◊ The band seems to have run out of ideas. 乐队似乎才思枯 竭了。 [OBJ] money, ideas, petrol, patience, time 3 if a contract or other legal document runs out, it is no longer valid (合同等法律文 件)失效, 过期:His contract with the club runs out at the end of the season. 他和俱乐部的合同 这个赛季末到期。SYN expire (more formal) ♦ v + adv 2 also v + adv + prep IDM ,run out of 'steam (informal) to have less energy and enthusiasm and stop doing sth or do it less well 泄气;热情冷却:I ran. out of steam halfway up the hilL 我爬到半山腰就累趴 下了。◊ The campaign seems to have run out of steam. 这场运动似乎大势已去了。 run sb out; run sb out of sth/ ... (especially AmE) to force sb to leave a place 使 离异;把...赶走:He vowed to run them out of town, 他发誓要把他们赶出城去。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep run sb out; run yourself out (in cricket, etc. 板球等)to make a player end their turn at hitting the ball by throwing the ball so that it hits the set of sticks, (the wicket), while they are still running (抛球击中三柱门)将 (正在跑动的击球员)截杀出局:He was run out for 73. 他以 73 分被截杀出局。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n run 'out on sb to leave sb that you live or work with, especially when they need your help 弃...而去;抛弃:She ran out on him as soon as things got difficult. 情况一变得艰难,她 就离他而去。 ♦ v + adv + prep run 'over 1 if a container or the liquid in it runs over, the liquid flows out of it over the edge 溢出;流出:Don't let the bath run over! 别 让浴缸的水漫出来! ◊ The tea ran over into the saucer. 茶水溢到了茶碟上。SYN overflow 2 to continue longer than expected or planned 拖 延;超时:We've already run over so let's try to end the meeting soon. 我们已经超过预定时间 了,抓紧点儿把会开完吧。 ♦ v + adv run over sb/sth; run sth over sb/sth to move over a surface; to make sth do this (使)在...表面经过:1 let the cold water run over me. 我让凉水淋到身上。◊ She ran her eye over the figures on the page. 她浏览了一下那一 页上的数字。 ♦ v + prep run over sth to read through or think about sth quickly; to practise sth 快速阅读(或思 索);练习:Let's run over the plans again. 我 们再把计划快速过一遍吧。◊ I ran over the possibilities in my mind. 我在脑子里飞快地估算 了一下这些可能性。 SYN go over sth ♦ v + prep run sb/sth over (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机)to knock a person or an animal down and often pass over their body or part of it 撞倒并碾过(人或动物):Two children were run over by a truck and killed. 两名儿童被一辆 卡车轧死了。◊ I ran over a cat last night.我昨 晚轧了一只猫。◊ You nearly ran me over! 你差 点轧了我! SYN knock sb over -> see also run sb/sth down 1 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n run sth past sb (informal) -> RUN STH BY/PAST SB run 'round, etc. (BrE) -> RUN AROUND, ETC. run 'through sb/sth if a feeling runs through sb/sth, it passes quickly through them/it (感觉)迅速传遍,快速穿过:A thrill of excitement ran through her. 一阵兴奋传遍了 她的全身。◊ She felt a tremor run through his body. 她感到他全身-阵颤抖。◊ An angry murmur ran through the crowd. 愤怒的抱怨 声在人群中迅速蔓延。[SUBJ] tremor, shiver, shudder, fear, relief ♦ v + prep run through sth 1 to be present in every part of sth 遍布:There is a common theme running through all of her novels. 一个共同主 题贯穿她所有的小说。◊ The English title picks up a thread running through the film, 英文 片名和贯穿影片的线索相呼应。2 to discuss, examine or read sth quickly 匆匆讨论(或检 查); 快速阅读:He ran through his list one more time. 他又浏览了一遍清单。◊ Can you run through some of these figures with me? 和 我一起核对一下这里的一些数据好吗? ◊ She mentally ran through the list of who to invite. 她在脑子里匆匆过了一遍邀请来宾的名单。◊ Let's run through what I'm meant to do again. 咱们再来简要讨论一下我要做的事吧。SYN go through sth 3 to perform, act or practise sth 表演;扮演;排练:Could we run through Act 3 again, please? 请大家再来排练一下第 3 幕好 吗? SYN go through sth 4 (informal) to use up or spend money carelessly 挥霍,乱花(金 钱):She ran through a lot of money in. her first year at college. 她上大学的第一年花了很多 钱。SYN go through sth ♦ v + prep ► run-through n a practice for an event or a performance 从头至尾的排练;试演;预演: We're having the main technical run-through of the play tonight. 我们今晚进行这部戏的主要技 术排练。 run to sb to go to sb for help, advice, protection, etc. 找某人(寻求帮助、建议、保护 等):If you get hurt, don't come running to me, 你要是受伤了,可别来找我。 ♦ v + prep run to sth 1 to reach the amount, or size mentioned, especially a large one 达到(某一 校大的数量或规模):The total cost runs to hundreds of pounds. 全部费用高达数百英镑。◊ The report already runs to 800 pages. 报告已经 长达 800 页。2 (BrE) (often used in negative sentences and with can 常与 can 一起用于否定句) if a person or their money can run to sth, they have enough money to pay for it 有足 够... 之用的钱:We couldn't quite run to private education for the children. 我们的钱不太够让孩 子们接受私立学校教育。3 if your taste or your mind, etc. runs to sth, you enjoy it or can do it 喜好;能做:His taste in music runs to pop and jazz, but that's about it. 他喜爱流行乐和爵 士乐,但也就听听而已。 ♦ 1 v + prep + n ♦ 2,3 v + prep run up 1 to move quickly towards sb/sth 快速朝...移动;跑向:She ran up to me, smiling. 她笑看向我跑来。 2 (in cricket and other sports 板球和其他体育运动)to run in order to gain speed before you throw a ball, jump, etc. 助跑:Gough is now running up to bowl. 高夫正 在助跑投球。3 to increase增长;增加:Product prices have run up faster than expected. 产品涨 价的速度出乎预料。 ♦ v + adv ► run-up n (BrE) 1 (sport) the act of running or the distance you run in order to gain speed before you throw a ball, jump, etc. 助跑;助跑 距离:She took a run-up and kicked the ball. 她 助跑踢球。2 {also 'run-in less frequent) (to sth) the period of preparation before an important event (重大活动的)准备阶段,酝酿期:She's been training hard in. the run-up to the big competition. 她在大赛开始前的这段时间里刻苦 训练。◊ the run-up to the election 选举前夕 run sth up 1 to allow a bill, debt, etc. to reach a large total 积欠,累积(账单、债务 等):I ran up a few debts while I was abroad. 我出国期间欠下了几笔债。◊ He's run up a huge bill on his credit card. 他信用卡上积下了一大笔 欠账。[OBJ] bill, debts, overdraft 2 (for sb) to make sth very quickly, especially an item of clothing 匆匆做,赶制(尤指衣服):I'll run up some new dresses for the girls. 我要给女孩子们 赶做几件新连衣裙. NOTE In informal spoken language, run sb up sth and, less often, run sb sth up can also be used 非正式口语也可说 run sb up sth或run sb sth up, 但后者不太常用: Could you run me up some curtains/run me some curtains up? 请帮我赶制几块窗帘好 吗? 3 to raise sth, especially a flag 竖起,升 起(尤指旗帜):They ran up a white flag and surrendered. 他们举白旗投降了。[OBJ] flag 4 to achieve sth 获得;实现:The team have run up their best victory yet. 该队取得了迄今为止最辉 煌的胜利。[OBJ] victory, results ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) run up against sb/sth to experience a difficulty or a problem 遭遇...经历(困难或问 题):The project keeps running up against the problem of lack of funds. 这个项目接二连三地 遭遇资金短缺问题。◊ In this round, he will run up against the previous year's champion. 在这 --轮,他将和去年的冠军交手。 [OBJ] problems SYN come up against sb/sth ♦ v + adv + prep run with sb -> RUN AWAY/OFF, RUN AWAY/OFF WITH SB, RUN AWAY/OFF TOGETHER run with sth to accept or start to use a particular idea or method 接受、采纳(主意或 方法):OK, let's run with Jan's suggestion. 好 吧,我们就采用简的建议。 ♦ v + prep rush /rʌʃ/ rush around; rush around sth (BrE also .rush about/'round, rush about/1 round sth) to move very quickly from place to place, being very busy 奔走忙碌 疲于奔命:I've been rushing around all day. 我整整一天忙得团团 转。◊ He rushed about the room tidying. 他跑 来跑去忙着收拾房间。 SYN run around, run around sth; tear around, tear around sth ♦ v + adv rush in to do or decide sth very quickly, often without thinking about it for long enough 贸然行事;仓促决定:He's very wary of rushing in and making changes. 他十分谨慎, 不愿轻率作出改变。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep IDM fools rush in (where angels fear to tread) used to say that people with little experience will try to do the difficult or dangerous things that people with more experience would not do 智者避之,愚者趋之;无知者无畏 rush into sth; rush 'into doing sth; rush sb into doing sth to do or decide sth quickly without thinking about it carefully; to make sb do this (使)贸然行事,仓促决定: Don't go rushing into anything. 不要贸然行事。 ◊ You shouldn't rush into getting married. 你不 应当草率结婚。◊ She won't be rushed into a decision. 她不会受外界影响而轻率作出决定。◊ Don't let anyone rush you into accepting the job. 不要受任何人的影响以致冒冒失失接受那份 工作。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep rush 'off to leave quickly 迅速离开:Don't rush off, I haven't finished. 别忙着走,我还没弄 完呢。 ♦ v + adv rush sth out to produce sth very quickly 匆 忙生产;赶制:They rushed out the posters in time for the festival 他们及时为庆祝活动赶制出 了海报。◊ The book was rushed out by the publishers. 出版商仓促付印了这本书。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv rush 'round, etc. (BrE) -> RUSH AROUND, ETC. rush sth through; .rush sth through sth to make sth become official policy, etc. much quicker than normal 快速通过(法规等): The legislation has been rushed through. 立法 匆匆通过了。◊ They rushed the bill through Parliament. 他们在议会仓促通过了该议案。 [OBJ] bill, legislation ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n {rare} ♦ v + n/pron + prep rustle /rʌsl/ rustle sb/sth up (informal) to prepare or provide sth for sb very quickly without planning; to find sb very quickly 仓促准备(或 提供)某物;迅速找到某人:I'll rustle some lunch up for you. 我给你马上弄些午饭来。◊ I rustled up a few helpers to hand out leaflets. 我 仓促拉了几个帮手来分发传单。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sack /sæk/ sack out (AmE, informal) to lie down to rest or relax 躺下休息:We sacked out on the couch and watched. a video. 我们躺在沙发上看录像。 ♦ v + adv saddle /ˈsædl/ NOTE A saddle is a leather seat for a rider on a horse. saddle 指马鞍。 saddle up; .saddle sth up to prepare to ride a horse by placing a saddle on it 给(马) 备鞍:Have you saddled up the horses yet? 你给 马套好鞍了吗? ◊ Saddle up, we're leaving right away. 备鞍,我们马上就走。 [OBJ] horse ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv saddle sb/yourself with sb/sth; saddle sb/yourself with doing sth to give sb/yourself a difficult or unpleasant task or responsibility to deal with 使担负(难活 儿、苦差或责任):I've been saddled with my brother's kids for the weekend (= I have to take care of them). 我这个周末要照看我哥哥的孩 子。◊ He had saddled himself with huge debts. 他背上了沉重的债务。◊ I've been saddled with organizing the conference. 组织会议的差事落在 了我头上。 SYN land sb/yourself with sb/sth, land sb/yourself with doing sth NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v+ n/pron + prep Safeguard /ˈseɪfɡɑːd; AmE -gɑ:rd/ safeguard against sth; safeguard sb/sth/yourself a gainst sth (Jormal) to prevent sth bad from happening; to keep sth safe from harm damage 防止;保护…以 免(伤害或损失):Safeguard against theft by installing a burglar alarm. 可安装防盗警报器防 盗。◊ The leaflet shows you how to safeguard your home against accidents. 宣传单上说明如何 预防家中各类事故。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep sail /seɪl/ sail 'through; sail 'through sth to suc- ceed in an examination, a test, etc. very easily 轻松通过(考试、测试等): She sailed through her final exams. 她顺利通过了期终考试。 [OBJ] exam ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep Sally /ˈsæli/ (sallies, sallying, sallied) sally 'forth (also .sally out less frequent) old-fashioned or literary) to leave a place in a determined or enthusiastic way (坚决或 兴冲冲地)动身,出发,外出:After lunch she sallied forth for a short walk. 午饭后她兴致勃 勃地出去散步了。 ♦ v + adv Salt /sɔːlt; BrE also sɒːlt// salt sth away to save money, etc. for the future, often secretly or dishonestly (常指 秘密地或以欺瞒手段)贮存,储蓄:He claimed she had salted money away in accounts in Brazil 他声称她把钱偷偷存到了巴西的账户。◊ $10 billion had been salted away in banks. 银 行中秘密存入了 100 亿元。 [OBJ] money ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sand /sænd/ sand sth down to make sth smooth by rubbing it with strong, rough paper (用砂 纸)打磨,磨光:Sand the doors down before you paint them. 把门用砂纸打磨光滑再油漆。 NOTE Sand sth can be used on its own * sand sth 单独使用也作此义:Sand the doors before you paint them. 把门用砂纸打磨光滑再油漆。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sandwich /sænwɪtʃ-, -wɪdʒ/ sandwich sb/sth between sb/sth to fit sth/sb into a very small space between two other things or people 把...插在...中间:I was sandwiched between two large men on the back seat. 我在后排座位上被两个高大的男 人挤在中间。◊ The shop is sandwiched between a bank and a cafe. 铺子就夹在一家银行和一家 咖啡馆中间。 NOTE Nearly always used in the passive. 几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦v+ n/pron + prep sandwich A and B together (with sth) to put sth between two things to join them (用…)接合,粘合:Sandwich the cakes together with cream. 用奶油把蛋糕粘在一起。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n save /seɪv/ save on sth; save sth on sth to use less of sth or not more than necessary (在...上) 节省,节约:He saved on electricity by using candles. 他为了省电使用蜡烛。◊ Get your tickets early and save $5 on the cost of an adult ticket. 早点买票,一张成人票可少花5元钱。、 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep save up; save sth up (for sth) to keep your money instead of spending it, especially because you want to buy a particular thing (为…)积蓄,攒钱:She's saving up for a new computer. 她在攒钱买新计算机。◊ I saved up all my wages to buy my parents a present. 我省下 全部工资给父母买礼物。 NOTE Save and save sth are used more frequently on their own with this meaning, especially in more formal English. * save 和 save sth 单独使用作此义更常见,尤用于正式 英语。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv save sth up to keep sth to use or enjoy in the future 保存;保留:I save up the week's newspapers to read at weekends. 我把一周的报 纸攒到周末看。 NOTE Save sth is used more frequently on its own with this meaning, especially in more formal English. * save sth 单独使用作此义更常 见,尤用于正式英语。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv saw /sɔː/ (sawed, sawn /sɔːn/, AmE also sawed, sawed) NOTE A saw is a tool with a long blade and sharp points along the edge. * saw 指锯子。 saw sth 'down to cut sth down and bring it to the ground, using a saw 锯倒;锯下:We had to saw down two trees. 我们只好锯掉两棵树。 [OBJ] tree ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv saw sth off; .saw sth off sth to remove sth from sth by cutting it with a saw (从…) 锯掉,锯去:I sawed the lower branches off the apple tree. 我锯掉了苹果树低处的树枝。 [OBJ] branch ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + Prep ► sawn-off (BrE) (AmE 'sawed-off) [only before noun] (of a gun 枪) having had the long tube through which the bullets are fired, (the barrel), cut short 锯短枪管的:a sawn-off shotgun 枪管锯短的猎枪 saw sth up (into ) to cut sth into pieces using a saw 把...锯成 (小块或碎片):All the trees were sawn up into logs. 所有的树都被锯成 一段段的木材。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scale /skeɪl/ scale sth 'down (AmE also .scale sth back) to reduce sth in size or importance 缩减,降 低 (规模或重要性):The company has scaled down its training programmes this year. 公司 削减了今年的培训疏目。◊ Police are scaling down the search for the attacker. 警方正在缩小 对袭击者的搜寻范围。◊ Colin's tools were a scaled-down version of his father's. 科林的工具 是比照他父亲工具的尺寸按比例缩小的。 [OBJ] programme, project OPP scale sth up (less frequent) -> note at CUR STH BACK ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scale sth up to increase the size or importance of sth 增加,扩大 (规模或重要性): WeYe deciding how to scale up our operation. 我 们正在考虑如何扩大我们的行动。 OPP scale sth down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scan /skæn/ (-nn-) scan sth in; scan sth 'into sth to pass light over a picture or document using a special machine (a scanner) in order to copy it and put it in the memory of a computer 扫 描 输入 (计算机):Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer. 文本和图像都可扫 描输入计算机。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep scan through sth to look quickly but not very carefully at a document, etc. 粗略 地看;扫视;浏览:She scanned through the newspaper over breakfast. 她边吃早饭边浏览 报纸。 ♦ v + prep scare /skeə(r); AmE sker/ scare sb/sth away/'off to make sb/sth leave or stay away by frightening them 把...吓 跑; 吓走:She used a whistle to scare away her attacker, 她吹响哨子吓跑了袭击她的人。◊ The noise scared the birds off. 响声惊飞了鸟雀。 SYN frighten sb/sth away/off (especially BrE) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scare sb into sth; scare sb into doing sth to make sb do sth by frightening them 威胁,恐吓 (使某人做某事):He was scared into signing a confession. 他迫于威吓在供状上 签了字。◊ Her threats finally scared him into action. 她的威胁最终吓得他采取了行动。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep scare sb 'off to accidentally make sb afraid of or nervous about sth they are planning to do (不经意间) 吓退,吓走:Many investors were scared off by the rumours. 很多投资者都给 传闻吓跑了。◊ Don't act too interested or you'll scare him off. 别表现得太投入,不然你会把他 吓跑的。 SYN frighten sb off (especially BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n scare sb/sth 'off -> SCARE SB/STH AWAY/OFF scare up sth (AmE, informal to find sb/sth or to make sth by using whatever is available (尽力地) 找到,筹措;(因陋就简地) 凑合: I'll see if I can scare up enough chairs for us all. 我来看看能不能给大家凑够椅子。◊ I'll try to scare up some friends to come and help us. 我尽 量拉些朋友来帮忙。 NOTE When the object of scare up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between scare and up ♦ scare up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后; 但如果是代词,应置于 scare 和 up 之间:I'll try to scare some up for you. 我尽量给你弄些来。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv (less frequent) scarf /skɑːf; AmE skɑːrf/ scarf sth down (AmE, informal) to eat sth very quickly 飞快地吃;狼吞虎咽:He came home and scarfed down a piece of blueberry pie. 他回到家,风卷残云般吃下一块蓝莓馅饼。 SYN scoff sth (BrE, informal), wolf sth down (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n scarf sth 'up (AmE, informal) to eat sth very quickly 飞快遍吃;狼吞虎咽:The kids sat down and started scarfing up everything in sight. 孩 子们坐下来,开始狂吃眼前所有的食物。 SYN scoff sth (BrE, informal), wolf sth down (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n scoop /skuːp/ scoop sth out 1 (also .scoop sth out of sth) to remove sth from the inside of sth else using a curved tool, such as a spoon, or your hand (用勺子、手等) 从…中舀出,从…里取出: Scoop all the seeds out of the fruit. 把果实里的 籽全挖出来。[OBJ] seeds, flesh 2 to make sth hollow by removing the inside with a spoon, etc. (用勺子等) 把...挖空,掏空:First scoop out the melon using a spoon. 先用勺子把瓜挖 空。SYN hollow sth out ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/ pron + adv + prep ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scoop sb/sth up to move or lift sb/sth using a quick continuous movement (迅速) 拿起,抓点,抱起:I scooped up a handful of sweets. 我抓起一把糖果。◊ She scooped the baby up into her arms. 她一下子把孩子揽入怀 里。 -> note at LIFT SB/STH UP ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scoop sth 'up to win or get sth easily, espe- cially a large sum of money or a prize 轻松赢 得,轻易得到 (尤指巨款或奖项):The Liberals scooped up four fifths of the seats. 自由党人不 费吹灰之力便赢得了五分之四的席位。 [OBJ] seats, prizes NOTE Scoop sth can also be used on its own * scoop sth 单独使用也作此义:The movie scooped nine Oscars, 这部影片轻而易举赢得了 九项奥斯卡奖。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scoot /sku:t/ scoot 'over (AmE, informal) to move along on a seat to make room for another person (给某人) 挪出座位:Scoot over and make room for your sister. 挪一挪,给你妹妹腾个座 儿。◊ (figurative) Scoot over, men! Women golfers are on the increase. 让位吧,男士们!打 高尔夫的女士越来越多了。 SYN move over ♦ v + adv scope /skəʊp; AmE skoʊp/ scope sb/sth out (AmE, informal) to look for sb/sth interesting or attractive; to search out sb/sth 寻找;物色:We scoped out a place to spend the weekend. 我们找到了一个地方过 周末。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv score /skɔː(r)/ score off sb (especially BrE) to show that you are better than sb, especially by making clever remarks, for example in an argument 驳倒;挫败:He's always trying to score off his colleagues. 他总是和同事抬杠。 ♦ v + prep score sth out/ through (BrE) to draw a line or lines through sth in a text to show that you do not want it 画线于;删去:The last paragraph had been scored out. 最后一段给画 掉了。◊ He neatly scored through the word 'impossible'. 他在 “impossible ” 一词上画了一 条笔直的线。 SYN cross sth out/through; delete sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv (rare) scout /skaʊt/ scout around; scout around sth (BrE also .scout 'round, scout 'round sth) (for sb/sth) to search an area or different places to try to find sb/sth (在某地) 侦察,搜索,勘察 (以寻找人或物):I'll go and scout around for some water. 我去找些水来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep scout sth out to find out what sth is like or where sth is, by searching (通过搜寻) 发 现,找到:A team travelled to Moscow to scout out possible places for a meeting. 一个小组去了 莫斯科寻找可以开会的地方。◊ The company is scouting out business opportunities in Vietnam. 公司正在越南寻找商机。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scrabble /ˈskræbl/ scrabble a round (BrE also .scrabble a bout, scrabble round) (for sth) to use your fingers to search for sth quickly or with difficulty (用 手指迅速或困难地) 摸索,摸找:She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses. 她在包里摸来 摸去找眼镜。 ♦ v + adv scrabble at sth to scratch at sth with small, hurried movements (动作匆忙地) 抓,搔,挠: She was scrabbling at the earth with her fingers. 她用手指不断扒拉着泥土。 ♦ v + prep scrape /skreɪp/ scrape by (on sth) to manage to live on the money you have, although you do not have much (靠…) 勉强维生,艰难度日,糊口: I can just scrape by on what my parents give me. 我靠父母给的那点钱只能糊口。 ♦ v + adv scrape 'in;scrape into sth (BrE) to manage to get a job, a position, a place at college, etc., but with difficulty 勉强获得 (工 作、职也、入学资格等):I just managed to scrape into university. 我勉强升入了大学。◊ He scraped in with 180 votes. 他以 180 票勉强 当选。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep scrape sth off; .scrape sth off sth to remove sth from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard like a knife across it (用 刀子等从…上) 刮掉,削去:He spent all day scraping paint off the walls. 他花了整整一天时 间刮掉墙上的油漆。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep scrape sth out 1 (also .scrape sth out of sth) to remove sth from the inside of sth else using sth sharp and hard like a knife (用刀子 等从…中) 挖出,掘出:I scraped all the seeds out of the melon. 我把瓜里的籽都挖了出来。◊ He scraped out the bowl (= removed every- thing from it) with a teaspoon. 他用茶匙把碗割 干净了。 2 (AmE) to just manage to make enough money to live 只挣得糊口的钱:He scraped out a living by drawing cartoons for local newspapers. 他靠给当地的报纸画漫画勉强 度日。 [OBJ] living, existence ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv 1 v + n/pron + adv + prep scrape through; scrape through sth to succeed with difficulty in doing sth, espe- cially in passing an exam 艰难完成;勉强通 过 (考试):I might scrape through (the exam) if I'm lucky, 要是走运的话,我也许可以勉强及 格。◊ She just scraped through law school. 她 勉强从法学院毕业。 [OBJ] exam ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep scrape sth together (also .scrape sth up less frequent) to obtain or collect sth such as an amount of money with difficulty 勉强 凑集;费力积攒;艰难筹措:They managed to scrape together $1 200, 他们好不容易凑了 1200 元钱。◊ We scraped up enough money to buy a small car. 我们好不容易才凑够买辆小汽 车的钱。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scratch /skrætʃ/ scratch around (BrE also .scratch a1 bout) (for sth) to search for sth in a way that is not very organized, by looking at different things, looking on the ground, etc. (茫无头绪地 )搜 寻, 查寻,查找:He was scratching around on the ground for clues. 他在地面上四处寻找线索。 ♦ v + adv scratch sth off; scratch sth off sth to remove sth from a surface by rubbing with your nails, etc. (用指甲等从…上) 刮掉、擦去: She scratched the paint off to see what was underneath. 她刮开油漆察看下面是什么。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep scratch sth out to remove a word, especially a name, from sth written, usually by putting a line through it 画去,删除 (名字 等):Their names had been scratched out. 他们 的名字被画掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n scream /skriːm/ scream out 1 to give a loud, high cry, because you are hun, frightened, etc. (因受 伤、惊恐等) 尖叫,放声大哭: She screamed out in pain. 她疼得大叫起来。-> note at CRY OUT 2 (for sth) to be very obvious or noticeable; to demand attention 十分明显;引人注目:The mistakes just scream out at you. 这些错误显而 易见。◊ The cake was screaming out to be eaten. 那块蛋糕令人垂涎欲滴。◊ The market has been screaming out for a product like this. 市场上亟缺此类产品。 ♦ v + adv screen /skriːn/ screen sth off to separate or hide an area of a room, etc. from another area by putting a taD piece of furniture or equipment in front of it or around it (用家具等) 隔开,遮去 (房 间的一部分等):Part of the room had been screened off with a curtain. 房间的一部分用帷 幔隔开了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv screen sb/sth out to not include sb/sth, or not allow sb to join an organization, enter a country, etc. because you think they may not be suitable or may cause trouble 把...排除 在外;不准某人加入;拒绝某人入境:Unsuitable candidates were screened out. 不合格的候选者 被淘汰了。◊ His job is to screen out inquiries unlikely to result in a sale. 他的工作是筛除不可 能带来销售的客户咨询。◊ Insurance companies often screen out people who are high risk. 保险 公司常常对高风险人群拒保。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + pron + adv screen sth out to prevent sth harmful from entering or going through sth 遮挡;遮住:It is essential to screen out ultraviolet rays. 挡住紫 外线很有必要。◊ A window blind will screen out too much light. 窗帘会挡住太多的光线。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + pron + adv screw /skruː/ screw a round (△, slang) 1 to have sex with a lot of different people 乱搞性关系;滥交 NOTE A more polite, informal way to say this is sleep around, 较礼貌和非正式的表达方 式是 sleep around。 2 (AmE) to waste time doing silly or useless activities 胡闹;闲荡: Stop screwing around and do some work! 别瞎 晃荡了,干点正事吧! NOTE A more polite, informal way to say this is mess around, or, in British English, mess about. 较礼貌和非正式的 表达方式是 mess around 或英国英语的 mess about。 ♦ v + adv screw sb around (BrE, A, slang) to treat sb in a way that is deliberately not helpful to them or wastes their time 和...绕弯子;糊弄; 耍弄:Stop screwing me around and tell me the truth! 别跟我兜圈子,跟我说实话! NOTE A more polite, informal way of saying this is mess sb about/around (BrE). 较礼貌 和非正式的英式英语表达方式是 mess sb about / around。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv screw sth 'down to attach sth firmly to sth else using screws (用螺丝钉) 固定,拧紧: Screw the lid of the box down securely. 用螺丝 钉把箱子盖拧牢。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n screw sth on; .screw sth onto sth to fasten the top on a container by twisting it around 将 (容器的盖子) 拧紧;旋紧: Is the top screwed on tightly? 盖子拧紧了吗? [OBJ] lid, top ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM have your head screwed on (right/the right way) (informal) to be a sensible person 头脑清醒;思维清楚;明白事理 screw sb out of sth (slang) to cheat sb and prevent them from having sth that they should have 骗取某人应得的东西:She tried to screw him out of his winnings. 她企图把他赢的 钱骗走。 NOTE A more polite way to say this is cheat sb out of sth. 较礼貌的美达方式是 cheat sb out of sth. ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep screw sth out of sb (.slang) to force sb to give you sth; to get sth from sb with great difficulty 从某人处勒索 (或推取) 某物:They screwed the money out of her by threatening to hit her. 他们威胁要揍她,逼她交出了钱。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep screw sb over (AmE, A, slang) to trick sb in order to obtain sth valuable from them; to treat sb badly, especially by telling lies 欺诈; 不公平对待:He screwed her over and took all her money. 他骗走了她所有的钱。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n screw up; .screw sth up (slang, especially AmE) to do sth badly or spoil sth 搞糟; 搅乱:I was trying to be helpful, but I screwed up again. 我本想帮忙,却又一次搞砸了。◊ She screwed up all the arrangements. 她把计划全毁了。 SYN mess up, mess sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► screw-up n (slang, especially AmE) a situation that has been dealt with very badly; a bad mistake 混乱;严重错误:There was a screw-up over the bookings. 预订情况一团糟。 screw sb up (slang) to make sb so upset or confused that they are unable to deal with problems in life 使烦恼得不能正常生活;使神 经兮兮:Her parents have really screwed her up. 她的父母实在是把她逼疯了。 SYN mess sb up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► screwed- up adj (informal) upset and anxious, especially because of sth bad that has happened to you in the past (因以前有过不幸 遭遇) 紧张不安的, 心烦意乱的: a screwed-up kid 一个十分神经质的孩子。 screw sth up 1 (BrE) to squeeze sth into a tight ball 把...揉成团: She screwed up the note and threw it away. 她把字条揉成一团扔掉了。 [OBJ] paper, letter SYN scrunch sth up 2 if you screw up your eyes or your face, your muscles become tight because you are in pain, the light is too bright, etc. (因疼痛、光线强烈 等) 眯起 (眼睛),扭曲 (面孔),龇牙咧嘴: He screwed up his face in disgust. 他厌恶地皱起 了脸。 [OBJ] face, eyes ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM screw up your 'courage (especially BrE} to force yourself to be brave enough to do sth 鼓足勇气:I finally screwed up my courage and went to the dentist. 我终于鼓起了勇气去看 牙医。 ► screwed- up adj (BrE) squeezed and twisted into a ball 揉成团的:a screwed-up sheet of paper 揉成一团的纸。 scribble/'skrɪbl/ scribble sth down to write sth quickly and carelessly 草草地写;匆匆记下:She scribbled down the directions on her pad. 她在便笺簿上 潦草地记下了指示。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv scrimp/skrɪmp/ scrimp on sth to spend too little money on sth or buy sth that is of poor quality 在…方面 俭省;为省钱购买 (劣质产品): If you're going to do a good, job of renovating an old house, don't scrimp on materials. 要想好好改造旧房, 材料上可别舍不得花钱。 ♦ v + prep scroll /skrəʊl; AmE skroʊl/ scroll down/1 up (computing) to move down/up or backwards/forwards in the text on a computer screen so that you can read different parts of it 向下/向上移动, 向后 / 向前滚动 (以阅读计算机屏幕上的文本): She scrolled down to the end of the document. 她滚屏到了文件末尾。 ♦ v + adv scroll through sth to move through a text on a computer screen quickly, without reading everything 粗略地读,滚屏浏览( 计算机屏幕上 的文本): You can scroll through the document using the wheel on your mouse. 你可以用鼠标 滚轮来滚屏浏览这份文件。 ♦ v + prep scrounge /skraʊndʒ/ scrounge around (for sth) (AmE, informal) to search around in different places for sth, especially if it is difficult to find or there is not much available (尤指费力地)四处寻找,到处 搜寻:He scrounged around in his desk drawer for a paper dip. 他在书桌抽屉里翻来翻去找回 形针。 ♦ v + adv scrounge sth up {AmEf informal) to dis- cover information about sb/sth by searching or asking questions (通过搜寻或询问)发现, 找到:It would be great if you could scrounge up some information on this. 你要是能搞到一些这 方面的情报,那就太好了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv scrub /skrʌb/ (-bb-) scrub in (AmE)-> SCRUB UP scrub sth 'off; scrub sth off sth to remove sth from the surface of sth by rubbing it hard with a brush, etc.(用刷子等从…上) 刷掉,擦掉:Scrub all that mud off the walls. 把 墙壁上的泥全刷掉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep scrub sth 'out to clean the inside of sth by rubbing it hard with a brush and usually with soap and water (用刷子、肥皂、水等) 擦洗,擦净(某物的内部):He scrubbed out the pans. 他把平底锅都刷干净了。◊ The cupboards are scrubbed out every week. 每周都要清洁 碗柜。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv scrub up (especially BrE) (AmE usually .scrub 'in) (of a doctor, nurse, etc. 医生、护士等)to wash your hands and arms very thoroughly before performing a medical operation (手术 前)彻底擦洗手臂:The surgeon scrubbed up and put on his gloves. 外科医生洗干净手臂后戴 上手套。◊ He asked to scrub in for surgery. 他 要求擦洗手臂准备做手术。 ♦ v + adv IDM scrub up well if sb scrubs up well, they look very attractive when they are clean and tidy (人)收拾干净后焕然一新,打扮得楚 楚动人 scrunch /skrʌntʃ/ scrunch sth up (informal) 1 to squeeze sth into a small round shape in your hands 把...揉成小团:He scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it at me. 他把那张纸揉成一个 小团,朝我扔过来。[OBJ] paper, letter SYN ball sth up (AmE), crumple sth up; wad sth up (especially AmE) 2 to twist your face or part of it into a different shape 扭曲(面部);眯 起(眼睛);皱起(眉头):He scrunched up his face, trying to concentrate. 他紧皱眉头,努力集 中精神。[OBJ] face, eyes ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv seal /siːl/ seal sth 'in to keep sth inside a container so that none of it can escape 把...密封在容器里: The foil packet seals in the flavour. 锡纸包装保 存住了味道。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv seal sth off if the police, the army, etc. seal a place or an area off, they put barriers there to prevent anyone from entering it (警察、军 队等)封锁,封闭(某处):The police have sealed off the town centre. 警察已经封锁了市中 心。◊ Seal off all the exits! 封锁所有出口 ! [OBJ] area, road, building ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + pron + adv seal sth up 1 to close an envelope, etc. by sticking the edges of the opening together 粘上(信封等):He sealed up the envelope and wrote the address on it. 他粘好信封,然后写上 地址。 2 to close sth completely so that nothing can get in or out 将...关严:I sealed up the windows to keep out the fumes. 我关紧 窗户挡住浓烟。 NOTE Seal sth is used more frequently on its own with these meanings. ♦ seal sth 单独使用作这些含义更常见。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv search /sɜːtʃ; AmE sɜːrtʃ/ search for sb/sth to look carefully for sb/sth 仔细搜寻;细查:I searched everywhere for my passport. 我到处找我的护照。 ♦ v + prep search sb/sth out to look for sb/sth until you find them 找出;查到;搜寻到:He's searching out some old pictures to show us. 他 在找些旧照片给我们看。◊ She wanted to search out her real parents. 她想找到亲生父母。◊ John searched me out and gave me a note. 约翰找到 我,交给我一张便条。 SYN seek sb/sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + pron + adv search through sth to examine a collection of things or what is inside sth 在… 中查找;搜遍:遍寻:I searched through my bag but couldn't find my ticket 我把包翻了个遍, 但没找到票。 SYN rake through sth -> note at SEARCH FOR SB/STH ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 search for sth hunt for sb/sth ♦ rake through sth ♦ search for sth ♦ search through sth ♦ trawl through sth These verbs all mean to try very carefully to find sb/sth that is lost or that you need or want, especially sb/sth that is difficult to find. 这些动词都表示寻找、搜寻、细查。See also look for sb/sth. hunt for sb/sth to try to find sb/sth that is difficult to find 寻找;搜求:I'm still hunting for a job. 我还在找工作。◊ Police are hunting fora serial killer. 警方正在追捕连环杀手。 rake through sth to look in sth carefully to find sth that is missing 在…中查找; 搜寻:I raked through my bag for the keys. 我在包里 找钥匙。 search for sb/sth to try to find sb/sth by looking carefully 仔细搜寻;细查:I've been searching for those files, 我一直在找那 些文件。 search through sth to look in sth carefully to try to find sth that is missing or hidden 在… 中查找;搜寻: The customs officers searched through our bags. 海关官员把我们的包搜了个 遍。◊ I searched through my files for the information. 我在我的文档里找那条信息。 NOTE Search can be used on its own * search 可单独使用:The customs officers searched our bags. 海关官员搜了我们的包。 trawl through sth to search through a large amount of information or a large number of people, places, etc. looking for a particular thing or person 在 (大范围) 中搜寻;搜罗: The police are trawling through their files for similar cases. 警方正在档案中搜寻类似案例。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to search through/rake through/trawl through sth for sb/sth ■ to carefully search for sth ■ to search thoroughly/diligently/painstakingly (for sb/sth) ■ to search eagerly/desperately/frantically/in vain (for sb/sth) ■ to search far and wide/high and low see /siː/ (saw /sɔː/, seen /siːn/) see about sth; see about doing sth to deal with sth; to make arrangements for sth to be done 办理;料理;安排:I'll go and see about lunch. 我去安排一下午餐。◊ I must see about getting someone to help you with the kids. 我一 定得找人来帮你照看孩子。◊ He says he won't help, does he? Well, we'll soon see about that (= I will demand that he does help). 他说他不 愿帮忙,是吧? 那好,让我们走着瞧。 ♦ v + prep see sb 'in; .see sb into sth to go with sb into a room, building, etc. to make sure that they get there safely 送某人进去;护送:After seeing her in (= into her home), he rode off without a word. 把她送到家后,他一句话也没 说就开车离开了。 -> see also SEE SB/YOURSELF OUT, SEE SB/YOURSELF OUT OF STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep see sth 'in if you see in an occasion such as New Year, you are there when it happens 度过 (新年等); 迎接…的到来:They saw in the New Year with friends. 他们和丽友一起跨 年。◊ He lived long enough to see in the new millennium, 他活到了新千年。 [OBJ] New Year ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv see sth in sb/sth to believe that sb/sth has a particular quality or characteristic, especially a good one 认为...具有 (某种良好的 品质或特征):I don't know what she sees in. him (= I can't understand why she likes him or finds him attractive). 我弄不明白她看中他 哪儿了。◊ He sees good in everyone. 他觉得每 个人都有好的一面。◊ I can. see value in each argument. 我认为每次辩论都有价值。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep see sb off 1 to go to a station, an airport, etc. to say goodbye to sb who is going on a journey 为...送行;送别:We all went to the airport to see her off. 我们全都去机场给她送 行。2 (BrE) to force sb to leave a place, for example by chasing them 赶走;驱逐: The dogs soon saw off the burglars. 几条狗不一会儿就撵 走了窃贼。3 to defeat sb 打败;击败:She saw off her opponent and now goes into the final. 她 战胜对手进入了决赛。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n see sth off (BrE) to be strong enough to resist sth 经受得住;能够抵挡:The company saw off the threat of a takeover. 公司面对收购 威胁挺了过来。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv see sb out (BrE) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to last longer than the rest of sb's life 寿命比某人长;持续到某人余生: I've had this coat for years, and I'm sure it will see me out. 这件衣服我穿了好几年了,我肯定还 能穿到老。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv see sb/yourself out; ,see sb/yourself 'out of sth to go with sb out of a building, etc. to make sure that they find the way 送某 人出去;送走:Jay saw the last guests out and locked the door. 杰伊送走最后几位客人后就锁 上了门。 ◊ Don't get up. I'll see myself out. 别起 来。不用送我出去。 -> see also SEE SB IN, SEE SB INTO STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep see sth out (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) 1 to stay in the same place, do the same things, or survive, until the end of sth 坚持到...结束:She promised to see out the rest of her contract. 她答应坚持干到合同期满。 2 to last until the end of sth 持续到...结束:We have enough fuel to see the winter out. 我们的 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv see over/'round sth (BrE) to visit and look at a place carefully 细看,察看(某处): We'd like to see over the flat again before we rent it. 租下公寓之前我们想再好好看看。 SYN look over sth; look around sth ♦ v + prep see through sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to realize the truth about sb/sth 看透;识破:We saw through him straight away. 我们一下子就识破了他。 ◊ I can see through your little game (= trick). 我 看穿了你的小把戏。 ♦ v + prep see sb through; ,see sb through sth to give sb support to enable them to survive a difficult experience or a particular period of time 帮助(或支持)某人渡过(难关):His courage and good humour saw him through.他 靠勇气和乐观的性格挺了过来。◊ She saw him through the months after his accident. 在他出 事故后的几个月中,她一直陪伴着他。◊ I only have $20 to see me through the week. 我只有 20 元钱来撑过这一周了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep see sth 'through (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时)to not give up a task, project, etc. until it is com- pleted 把(任务、项目等)进行到底;坚持完成: She's determined to see the job through. 她决心 坚持完成这项工作。 [OBJ] project, job ♦ v + n/pron + adv see to sb/sth to deal with sb/sth that needs attention 办理;料理;照管:Ill see to the kids. 我来照看孩子。◊ Lin was great and saw to everything.林真了不起,把一切都包了。◊ Don't worry, I'll see to it! 别担心,我来处理这事儿! ◊ We must get that door seen to. 我们得找人修一 下那扇门。 [OBJ] attend to sb/sth (formal) ♦ v + prep ► seeing-to n [sing.] (Br£) 1 an act of hitting sb hard in a fight 暴打;猛揍:If he wasn't so big I'd give him a right seeing-to! 要不是他块头 那么大,我很想痛扁他一顿。◊ (figurative) The England squad got a thorough seeing-to in the final. 在决赛中,英格兰队遭遇惨败。2 an act of sex 性行为 see to it that ... to make sure that sth happens 确保;务使:Can you see to it that everyone knows the date of the meeting? 你负责 把会议日期通知到每个人,能做到吗? ♦ v + prep seek /siːk/ (sought, sought /sɔːt/) seek sb/sth out to look for and find sb/sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort (尤指竭力)寻求,挑选,物色:He sought her out to ask her advice. 他找到她讨主 意。◊ She's always seeking out new business opportunities. 她不断发掘新的商机。 [OBJ] opportunities, information SYN track sb/sth down (less formal) → note at LOOK FOR SB/STH ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv seep /siːp/ seep away to flow away slowly and in small quantities 渗出;漏出:Water had been slowly seeping away from the pond. 池塘里的水一直在 慢慢渗漏。◊ (figurative) My anger began to seep away. 我的怒火开始消下去了。 ♦ v + adv segue /ˈseɡweɪ/ segue 'into sth to move smoothly from one song, subject, place, etc. to another (顺 利)转到,接入(另一首歌、话题、地方等):a spiritual that segued into a singalong chorus 后面紧接大合唱的灵歌。 ◊ He then segued into a discussion of children's rights. 他接着转而讨论 儿童权利。 ♦ v + prep seize /siːz/ seize on sth (also 'seize upon sth more format) to suddenly show a lot of interest in sth, especially because you can use it to your advantage 突然大为关注,一把抓住(可利用的 事物):The scandal was immediately seized upon by the press. 新闻界立即紧紧盯住了这一 丑闻。◊ Peter seized eagerly on all opportunities for conversation, 彼得逮谁跟谁聊。 SYN pounce on sth ♦ v + prep seize up 1 if a machine or a part of a machine seizes up, it stops moving or work- ing correctly (机器或部件)停止运转,发生故 障,失灵:The engine seized up after only three weeks. 发动机只用了三个星期就坏了。◊ (figura- tive') The whole city seized up (= no traffic, etc. was able to move) during the blizzard. 遭受暴 风雪袭击期间,全市陷入瘫痪。2 if a part of your body seizes up, it becomes stiff and you are unable to move it easily (身体部位)发 僵, 变僵硬:My legs were beginning to seize up and I needed a rest. 我腿麻了,需要休息一下。 ♦ v + adv Sell /sel/ (sold, sold /səʊld; AmE soʊld/) sell sth off 1 to sell all or part of an industry, a company or a piece of land 售 出,卖掉(产业、公司或土地):Unwanted land next to the farm was sold off. 农场旁边闲置的地 块给卖掉了。◊ The government decided to sell off state companies. 政府决定出售国有公司。 [OBJ] assets, land, business, company 2 to sell things cheaply because you no longer want them or because you need the money 甩卖; 抛售;变卖:The store is selling off the old stock. 那家商店正在折卖旧存货。◊ The family silver was sold off to pay the debts. 家里的银器被贱卖 以还债。 ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv ► sell-off n (BrE) 1 the sale by the govern- ment of an industry or a service to individual people or private companies (国有企业的) 出售:the proposed sell-off of the rail company 拟议中的铁路公司的出售 ◊ sell-off plans 出售计 划 2 (AmE, business) the sale of a large number of shares in a company, after which their value usually falls (公司股份的) 大量抛 售 (通常造成股价下跌) SYNONYMS同义词辨析 sell sth off auction sth off. sell sth off* sell (sth) up These verbs all mean to give sth to sb in exchange for money. 这些动词都表示卖掉、 变卖。 auction sth off to sell sth at an auction (= an event where things are sold to the person who offers the most money), especially sth that is no longer needed or wanted 拍卖处 理. (尤指不再需要的物品):The Army is auctioning off a lot of surplus equipment 军 队正在拍卖大量的过剩装备。NOTE Auction can be used on its own * auction 可单独使 用:The costumes from the movie are to be auctioned for charity. 电影中使用的演出服装 将进行义卖。 sell sth off to sell things cheaply because you want to get rid of them or because you need the money; to sell all or part of an industry, a company or land 甩卖;抛售;廉价出售 (产业、公司或土地):in the nineties most state-owned industries were so/d off. 在九十年 代,大多数国有企业被廉价出售了。NOTE Sell can be used on its own * sell 可单独使用: They sold the business at a profit/loss. 他们把 公司卖掉赚了一笔/卖亏了。 sell (sth) up (especially BrE) to sell your home, possessions, business, etc, usually because you are leaving the country or retiring (通 常因出国或离职) 卖掉 (家当、财物、企业 等): They sold up and moved to France. 他们 变卖了家当,移居法国。◊ I sold up everything I had and bought a farm. 我卖掉所有财产,买 个了农场。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to sell sth (off)/auction sth (off) to sb/for £100, £47000, etc. ■ to sell (off)/auction (off) assets/a collection/land/property ■ to sell (off) shares/a company ■ to sell/auction a house ■ to be forced to/obliged to sell sth (off)/sell sth up ■ to sell sth (off) cheaply/at a loss sell sth on (to sb) to sell sth to sb else that you have bought not long before, usually in order to make a profit 转卖;倒卖;倒手:She managed the business for a year and then sold it on. 她把公司经营了一年,然后转手卖掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n be sold on sth (informal) to be convinced that sth is very good 相信…很好:I could see she was sold on the idea. 我看得出她非常赞同 这个主意。◊ I'm not really sold on American music. 我并不怎么喜欢美国音乐。 [OBJ] idea ♦ be + v + prep sell 'out; be .sold 'out 1 if tickets for a concert, a game, etc. sell out or are sold out, they are all sold and there are none left (门 票等) 售光,卖完:The tickets for the game will sell out quickly. 这场比赛的门票很快就会卖光。 ◊ Tonight's performance is completely sold out. 今晚演出的门票全部售罄。◊ The first 5000 copies of the book have sold out 这本书首次印 刷的 5000 册已经售完。2 (also .sell out of sth, be .sold out of sth) if sb sells out of sth or is sold out of sth, they have sold all of it and have nothing left (人) 售空,卖光 (物 品):I'm sorry, we've sold out of milk. 抱歉, 我们的牛奶卖完了。◊ We are already sold out for tonight's concert. 我们已经把今晚的音乐会 门票卖光了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ be + v + adv 2 also v + adv + prep ♦ be + v + adv + prep ► sell-out n [usually sing.] a play, concert, etc. for which all the tickets have been sold 门票销售一空的演出;客满的演出:The gig is a sell-out. 这场演奏会的门票销售一空。◊ a sell-out tour/crowd 场场爆满的巡演 / 座无虚席 sell out (to sb/sth) (disapproving) 1 to ignore or change your principles or beliefs, especially to gain an advantage for yourself 背弃, 背叛 (原则、信念等): The rest of the gang accused him of selling out to the law. 这个团伙的其他人 指责他向警方告发了他们。◊ a talented British movie director who's sold out to Hollywood 一 名投靠好莱坞的英国天才电影导演 2 to sell your business or a part of your business 出售 (企 业):The company sold out to its rival. 公司卖 给了对手。 ♦ v + adv ► sell-out n [usually sing.] a situation in which sb is not loyal to sb who trusted them, by not doing sth that they promised to do, or by doing sth that they promised not to do 背 叛:出卖:a dreadful sell-out of their cause 对他 们事业的无耻背叛 ◊ The deal was seen as a union sell-out to management. 这项协议被视为 工会变节投向资方。 sell sb/sth out (to sb/sth) to not be loyal to sb (向…) 出卖,变节:They discovered who had sold them out to the enemy. 他们已弄清是 谁向敌人出卖了他们。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sell 'out of sth -> SELL OUT, ETC. sell up;sell sth 'up to sell your home, possessions, business, etc., usually because you need the money, are moving to another place or are stopping work 卖光,卖 掉 (家当、企业等):They sold up and moved to France. 他们变卖了家当,移居法国。◊ We decided to sell up everything and buy a farm. 我 们决定卖掉所有财产,然后买个农场。-> note at SELL STH OFF ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv Send /send/ (sent, sent /sent/) send sb/sth ahead to arrange for sb/sth to go or be taken to the place you are going to, before you arrive there 提前运送;派...打头阵: The rest of the equipment was sent ahead by air. 其余的设备先行空运走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv send a way (for sth) -> SEND OFF (FOR STH) send sb away 1 to tell sb to leave 把 某人打发走:The reporters were sent away empty-handed (= without any news). 记者都 被打发走了,空手而回。2 (to ... ) to arrange for sb to go somewhere away from home 安排 某人离开家 (去某处):He was sent away to boarding school at the age of seven. 他七岁时就 被送进了寄宿学校。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) send sb/sth 'back (to sb/sth) to return sb/sth to where they/it came from 把...退回; 遣返:The refugees were sent back to their own country. 难民被遣送回国。◊ You can send the goods back if you're not satisfied. 不满意可 退货。 SYN return sb/sth (to sb/sth) (^more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send sb 'down (BrE) 1 (informal) to send sb to prison 把...送进底狱;判…坐牢:He was sent down for ten years. 他被判了十年刑。SYN put sb away 2 (old-fashioned) to make a student leave a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge, because of bad behaviour (尤 指牛津或剑桥大学) 勒令...退学,开除…的学籍: She was sent down from Oxford. 她被牛津大学 除名了。SYN expel sb NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send for sb to send a message to sb to ask them to come and see you, especially in order to help you 请某人来 (帮忙等):Send for a doctor. 叫大夫来吧。◊ Has the doctor been sent for? 请大夫了吗? [OBJ] doctor, police SYN call sb in ♦ v+ prep send for sth to ask sb to bring or deliver sth to you 让人带来 (或送来) 某物:Send for an ambulance. 叫救护车吧。◊ Have you sent for a catalogue (= by post/mail)? 你去信索要目录了 吗? ◊ More equipment has been sent for. 已经 要求发送更多设备来。 ♦ v + prep send sb 'in 1 to order sb to go to a place to deal with a difficult situation 派...去 (应付困 难局面): Troops were sent in to restore order. 已派军队前去恢复秩序。[OBJ] troops, police, army 2 to teD sb to go into a room, where sb else is waiting to see them 让某人进去 (会面): Send the next candidate in, please. 请下一位申 请人进来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send sth 'in to send sth by post/mail to a place where it will be dealt with 把...寄到某处 (处理):500 schools sent in entries for the competition. 有 500 所学校寄来了参赛作品。◊ Viewers are invited to send in their suggestions for next week's programme. 欢迎观众来信对下 周节目提出建议。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send 'off (also .send a way especially AmE) (for sth) to write to sb and ask them to send you sth by post/mail 函索:If you save enough packets, you can send off and get a free toy. 攒 够包装录可寄来免费换取玩具。◊ You can send off for a free booklet. 可来信免费索取小册子。 SYN write away/off (to sb) (for sth) ♦ v + adv send sb off 1 (for sth) (BrE) (in a sports game 体育比赛) to make sb leave the field because they have broken the rules of the game 罚...下场:He was sent off for a foul, 他因 犯规被罚下。◊ Three players got sent off in the first half. 上半场比赛有三名运动员被罚下场。 [OBJ] player NOTE Often used in the passive. 常 用于被就语态。 2 (to ...) to ask or tell sb to go somewhere 派…去;派遣:The bank sent him off for four months' study at Harvard. 银行派他 去哈佛进修四个月。◊ I always send the kids off to school looking clean and tidy. 我总是让孩子 们干净整洁地去上学。◊ The men were sent off to find water. 那些人被派出去找水。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ► sending- off n (BrE) (in a sports game 体 育比赛) a situation when a player is told to leave the field because they have broken the rules 判罚下场;罚出场外:It's his third sending-off this year. 这是他今年第三次被罚下 场了。◊ The match saw three penalties and two sendings-off. 这场比赛有三次罚球,两人被 罚下场。 ► send-off n (informal) an occasion when people come together to say goodbye to sb who is leaving 送行;送别;话别:She was given a good send-off by all her colleagues. 她受 到了所有同事的热情欢送。 send sth off (to sb) to send sth by post/mail 寄某物 (给某人);邮送:Have you sent that letter off yet? 你把信寄出去了吗? [OBJ] letter, parcel SYN mail sth off (to sb) (AmE), post sth off (to sb) (BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send sth on 1 (to ... ) to send a letter, etc. that has arrived at sb's old address to their new one 转寄,转投 (信件等至新地址):I've asked a neighbour to send on any important letters. 我已经请一位邻居帮忙转寄所有重要信 件。[OBJ] letter SYN forward sth (to sb/sth) (more formal) 2 (to sb/sth) to send sth you have received to sb else for them to see or deal with 转送;转递;转达: I'll send the photos on to you. 我会把照片转给你。3 to send sth to a place so that it arrives before you get there 先期发运 (或送达);提前送到:We sent our furniture on by ship. 我们把家具先行水运过去 了。 ◊ We've arranged for your belongings to be sent on. 我们已经安排把你的东西提前发送过 去了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send sb out to send sb somewhere for a particular purpose 派出某人 (到某处执行任务 等); 派遣:Hl ask them to send someone out straightaway to fix the car. 我会请他们马上派 人修车的。◊ If Pm not back by midnight, send out a search party! 要是半夜我还回不来,就派 出搜索队! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send sth out 1 to send sth to a lot of different people or places 分发;散发:I sent: out fifty invitations. 我发出了五十份请柬。◊ Have we sent letters out to all the applicants? 我们给所有的申请人都发信了吗? [OBJ] letter, information SYN mail sth out 2 to produce sth, such as light, a signal, sound, etc. 发出, 放出 (光、信号、声音等):a fire sending out waves of warmth 热浪滚滚的大火 ◊ His brain was sending out warning signals telling him to be careful. 他的大脑不断发出警报,提醒他小 心。[OBJ] signal SYN emit sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send out for sth to ask a restaurant or shop/store to deliver food to you at home or at work 请 (饭店或商店) 送来( 外卖食物): We could send out for a takeaway. 我们可以叫 外卖。 ♦ v + adv + prep send sb up (AmE, informal) to send sb to prison 把某人关进监狱;判某人坐牢 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n send sb/sth up (BrE, informal) to make people laugh, especially by copying sb/sth in an amusing way 滑稽模仿;戏仿...取乐:a TV programme that sends up politicians 模仿讽剌 政客的电视节目。◊ Everyone was sending her up. 大家都在模仿取笑她。 ◊ The teacher heard me sending up her accent. 老师听到了我怪声怪调地 模仿她的口音。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► send-up n (BrE, informal) an act of making sb/sth look silly by copying them/it in an amusing way (对人或塞物的) 滑稽模仿,戏 仿取乐:The movie is a hilarious send-up of the Hollywood western. 这部电影是对好莱坞西部片 的戏仿。 separate /'sepreɪt/ separate sth off (from sth) to remove sth from a larger thing or group; to keep sth apart (从…) 分出,分离,分割:The property agency has been separated off from the main business. 房地产经纪业务从主营业务中拆 分出来了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) separate out; separate sb/sth 'out (from sth) to divide into different parts; to divide sb/sth into different parts or groups (使) 分开;划分:The mixture separates out into layers. 这种混合物会分层。◊ Plastics must be separated out into different types for recycling. 塑料必须先行分类,再回收利用。◊ We need to separate out fact from speculation. 我们需要把事实和猜测区别开来。◊ The process separates out the different gases. 这个过程可将 各种气体分离出来。 NOTE Separate and separate sb/sth can also be used on their own with this meaning. ♦ separate 和 separate sb/sth 单独使用也作 此义。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) Serve /sɜːv; AmE sɜːrv/ serve as/for sth to be used instead of sth else when there is nothing better available 凑 合着当...用;权且用作:An old box served as a table. 用一个旧箱子将就着当桌子用。◊ Small temporary buildings had to serve for offices. 狭 小的临时建筑权且作办公室用。 SYN act as sth ♦ v + prep serve sth on sb (also serve sth upon sb more formal) serve sb with sth (law) to give or send sb an official document, especially one that orders them to appear in court 把 (传票等) 送交某人;给某人发出 (传 票等):The police have served a summons on Mr Jackson. 警方已向杰克逊先生发出了传票。。 The police have served him with a summons. 警 方已向他发出了传票。 [OBJ] summons, notice, writ ♦ v + n/pron + prep serve sth 'out 1 to continue doing sth until the end of a fixed period of time 做…直 至期满:She served out the rest of her sentence in an open prison. 她在一座开放式监 狱服满了剩下的刑期。[OBJ] notice, sentence, term NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被 动语态。2 (especially BrE) t serve sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) serve sth up 1 (also .serve sth out especially BrE) to put food onto plates and give it to people 端上 (食物):He served up a delicious meal. 他端上一桌可口的饭菜。 SYN dish sth out; dish up, dish sth up 2 (dis- approving) to give or offer sth 供应;提供:All the TV channels served up the usual old movies during the holidays. 假期所有电视频道都播放经 典老片。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n serve sth upon sb; serve sb with sth -> SERVE STH ON SB set /set/ (setting, set, set) set about sb (with sth) (old-fashioned, BrE) to attack sb 袭击;攻击;抨击:He set about me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。 ♦ v + prep set about sth; 'set about doing sth 1 to begin a task or an activity, especially with energy or enthusiasm 开始进行;开展 (活动 等): We set about the task of cleaning the apartment. 我们动手打扫公寓。 2 to approach a problem or task in a particular way 着手 处理 (问题);展开 (工作):You've set about this problem the wrong way. 你处理这个问题的 方式错了。◊ How should I set about finding a job? 我该怎样着手找份工作呢? SYN go about sth, go about doing sth ♦ v + prep set sb against sb to make sb oppose a friend, relative, etc. 使反对 (朋友、亲人等): The civil war set brother against brother. 内战 造成手足相残。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep set sth against sth 1 to consider sth by comparing good points with bad ones 权 衡,掂量,比较 (得失或优劣):Set against血 benefits of the new technology is the possibility that jobs will be lost. 权衡利弊,新技术固然 有种种好处,但亦可能使一些人失去工作。SYN balance A against B 2 (also 'set sth 'off against sth) (finance) to record sth as a busi- ness cost as a way of reducing the amount of tax you must pay 把…计作 (营业成本) 以降低 (纳税额):The cost of looking for oil can be set against tax as business expenditure. 勘探石 油的成本可按营业支出记账以减税。3 be set against sth if sth is set against sth else, it is placed near it or next to it so that the differ- ence between the two is very noticeable 与… 形成对比;以…作为衬托:views of rocky islands set against fiery sunsets 石矶岛和火红的落日交 相辉映的景色 ◊ Set against her white dress, her hair seemed even darker. 在白色连衣裙的映衬 下,她的头发显得越发乌黑。4 be set against sth if a story, a film/movie, etc. is set against a particular time, event or place, the action happens at that time or place (故事、电影 等) 以…为背景,发生在:It is a love story set against a backdrop of rural Irish life. 这是一个 以爱尔兰乡村生活为背景的爱情故事; NOTE In meanings 3 and 4 set sth against sth is only used in the passive, 作第 3 和第 4 义 时,set sth against sth 只用于被动语态。 ♦ 1,2 v + n/pron + prep ♦ 3,4 be + v + prep set sth a1 head to change a clock or watch to show the correct later time 把 (钟表) 拨快 (以校正时间):Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight (= because the time has officially changed). 今晚别忘了把时 钟调快。 [OBJ] clock, watch SYN put sth forward (BrE) OPP set sth back (AmE), put sth back (BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv set sb/sth a'part (from sb/sth) to make sb/sth different from or better than others 使 与众不同;使突出;使优于:His confidence sets him apart from his classmates. 他的自信使 他有别于同班同学。◊ It's the service at the restaurant that sets it apart. 这家餐馆的服务独 具特色。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) set sth a part (BrE) (also .set sth a'side AmE, BrE) to keep sth such as money or time for a special use or purpose 留出 (金钱、时间 等);拨出 (供专用):A room was set apart for quiet reading. 留出了一间房作为安静的读 书室。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) set sth a'side 1 to place sth to one side 把… 放到一旁;把...搁到一边:I set her letter aside, meaning to read it later. 我把她的信放到一边, 留待以后再读。SYN put sth aside 2 to save or keep sth for a particular purpose 省出; 留出: She sets aside £50 every month for her daughter's college fees. 她每月存下 50 英镑留作 女儿上大学的费用。◊ We need to set aside some time to deal with this. 我们得抽点时间处理这件 事。[OBJ] money, time SYN put sth aside 3 to ignore sth such as your feelings or opinions, because other things are important 暂不考 虑;暂且放下:We decided to set our differences aside. 我们决定搁置分歧。◊ Let's set aside my personal feelings for now. 眼下咱们就不要顾及 我个人的感受了。SYN put sth aside 4 -> SET STH APART: Restaurants must set aside an area for non-smokers. 餐馆必须留出禁烟区。[OBJ] area, room SYN put sth aside 5 (law) to reject a previous decision made by a court 撤销,驳 回 (法庭判决);宣布无效: The verdict was set aside by the Appeal Court. 上诉法庭驳回了该裁 决。[OBJ] decision, conviction SYN overturn sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► set-aside n [U] a system in which the government pays farmers not to use some of their land for growing crops; the land that the farmers are paid not to use (政府补贴农 民退耕部分耕地的) 退耕补贴制度;退耕地:750 acres of set-aside * 750英亩的退耕田地 set sb back sth (informal) to cost sb a large amount of money 使花费:使破费:That new car must have set her back a bit. 新汽车一定让 她破费了一笔。◊ This watch set me back £200. 这只表花了我200英镑。 SYN knock sb back sth (BrE, informal) NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + n set sb/sth 'back to delay the progress of sb/sth 耽搁..的进展;耽误;使延误:The rain set the building programme back by several weeks, 建筑计划因雨延误了几周。◊ He was starting to play very well, but his injury has really set him back. 他开峪表现得非常好,但伤 病着实拖了他的后腿。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► setback n a problem or difficulty that delays the progress of sb/sth 挫折;障碍: Parry's broken ankle was a major setback for the team. 帕里脚踝骨折对该队是一大打击。 set sth back (AmE) to change a clock or watch to show the correct earlier time 把 (钟 表) 拨慢 (以校正时间):I forgot to set my watch back last night (= when the time officially changed). 我昨晚忘记把手表调慢了。 [OBJ] clock, watch SYN put sth back (BrE) OPP put sth forward (BrE), set sth ahead (AmE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv be set back (from sth) if a building is set back, it is a long way from sth, especially a road (建筑物) 远离 (公路等):Their house is the only one that's set back (from the road). 只 有他们的房子位置 (离公路) 远。 ♦ be + v + adv set down;set sth down (of a plane, a pilot, passengers, etc. 飞机、飞行员、乘客等) to land 着陆;降落: We set down on the beach. 我们在沙滩上着陆了。◊ The pilot set the plane down in a field. 飞行员把飞机降落在一块田里。 SYN put down (especially land, land sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n set sb 'down (BrE) (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或驾驶员) to stop and allow sb to get off/out 让人下车;停车卸客:The taxi set me down at the end of the road. 出租车在路的尽头 让我下了车。 SYN drop sb/sth off OPP pick sb up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n set sth down 1 (on sth) (literary) to place an object down on a surface 放下;搁下:He set his glass down before he spoke. 他放下玻璃杯开 始说话。◊ She set the tray down on the table. 她把托盘放在桌上。 SYN put sth down 2 to write sth down on paper in order to record it 写下; 记下:I wanted to set my thoughts down on paper. 我想把自己的想法写下来。◊ It's a good idea to set down your complaint in writing. 以书面形式投诉是个好主意。SYN put sth down 3 to give sth as a rule, etc. 制定 (规 则等);规定: to set down guidelines/rules 制 定箱导方针 / 规则。 ◊ qualifying standards set down by the Athletics Association 由运动员协会 制定的资格标准 ♦ 1,2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) set 'forth (literary) to start a journey 出发; 动身;起程:They set forth for Crete. 他们动身 前往克里特岛。 SYN set out (less formal) ♦ v + adv set 'forth sth (formal) to state sth clearly; to make sth known 明确陈述;声明:The President set forth his views in a long television broadcast. 总统在长篇电视讲话中阐述了自己的观点。 ◊ Her beliefs have been clearly set forth. 她已经表明了 自己的信念。 NOTE When the object of set forth is a noun, it comes after forth, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between set and forth * set forth 的宾语如果是名词,应置于forth之后,但 如果是代词,应置于 set 和 forth 之间:I have my opinions on the matter, but I would never set them forth in public. 对此事我有自己的见解、 但我永远也不会公之于众。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv set in if bad weather, an unpleasant feeling, an illness, etc. sets in, it begins and seems likely to continue ( 恶劣天气、不快感觉、疾 病等) 到来,开始:I need to mend the roof before winter sets in. 冬天到来前我得把屋顶修 好。◊ Panic set in when she realized how much work there was to do. 意识到有那么多活儿要干 后,她一下子就慌了。◊ He eventually agreed to stay in bed, but it was too late— pneumonia had set in. 他终于同意卧床休息,可是太晚了一 一他患上了肺炎。[SUBJ] panic, winter ♦ v + adv IDM the rot set in used to describe the fact that a situation has become very bad and will continue like that 情况变坏;每况愈下:She had problems at her first school, but when she changed schools the rot really set in. 她在第一 所学校学习就不好,然而转学后情况更糟。 set sth 'in/into sth to fix sth in a space so that it does not stick out beyond the surface 把…嵌入 (…之内):A small safe had been set into the wall 墙壁里放了个小保险箱。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 The verb inset sth has a similar meaning. 动词 inset sth 含义相近。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► inset n 1 a small picture, map, etc. inside a larger one (套印在大图、地图等中的) 小 图,小地图:The committee members' names appeared in an inset. 委员会成员名字列在了插 图中。 2 a piece of material, a small stone, etc. that is added on to sth else or put inside sth else 嵌入物;附加物:a silver brooch with ruby insets 镶嵌红宝石的银胸针 set off to begin a journey 出发;动身;起 程:I set off for work at seven. 我七点钟动身上 班。◊ Check your oil before setting off on a long journey. 长途旅行出发前要检查一下油量。 ◊ When are you planning to set off? 你准备什么 时候上路, ♦ v + adv set sb off; .set sb off doing sth (informal, especially BrE) to make sb start doing sth such as laughing, crying or talking 使笑起来;使哭起来;使说起话来: Those photos always set her off (crying). 她一见那些照片 就哭。◊ Just seeing him laughing sets me off! (= makes me start laughing) 一看到他笑,我 就忍不住笑! SYN start sb off, start sb off doing sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv set sth off 1 to make a bomb, etc. explode 使 (炸弹等) 爆炸;起爆:to set off fireworks 燃 放烟火。They set the bomb off as soon as they were a safe distance away. 他们一退到安全距备 就引爆了炸弹。 [OBJ] bomb, firework 2 to make an alarm start 使 (警报) 响起;拉响 (警报): The burglars set the alarm off. 窃贼弄响了防 盗器。◊ If you bum the toast you'll set the smoke alarm off. 面包片如果烤焦,烟雾报警器 就会响。[OBJ] alarm 3 to start a process or series of events 引发,激起 (一连串的事件): The news set off a wave of panic on world markets. 这则消息引起全球市场的一阵恐慌。◊ The girl's death set off a terrible chain of events. 女孩之死引发了一连串可怕的事情。SYN panic, chain/series of events t see also set sth up 4 4 to make sth appear more attractive by being placed near it 烘托;使突出;使显得更夺目: That scarf sets off the blue of her eyes. 围巾衬托 出她的蓝眼睛。 ♦ 1,2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 3,4 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv set sth off against sth NOTE The verb offset sth (against sth) has a similar meaning 动词 offset sth (against sth) 含 义相近:There are certain expenses that you can offset against tax. 某些支出应可以抵税。→ set STH AGAINST STH 2 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 set off leave ♦ set off ♦ set out ♦ start These verbs all mean to begin a journey. 这些 动词都表示出发、动身、起程。 leave to go away from a person or place 离开: It was raining when we left. 我们走时天正下 着雨。 set off to begin a journey 出发;动身;起程: We set off at dawn. 我们黎明时分上路了。◊ Check all the doors and windows are locked before setting off. 出发前检查一下所有门窗是 否都锁好了。◊ The group set off for Rome the next day. 第二天那伙人起程去罗马。 set out to leave a place and begin a journey 出发;动身;启程: They set out on the last stage of their journey. 他们踏上了 最后一段 旅程。 start out to begin a journey 出发;动身;起程: They started out at five o'clock in the morning. 他们早上五点动身了。NOTE Start can be used on its own * start 可单独使用:I should get there by the afternoon if I start early. 出发 早的话,我下午能到那儿。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to set off/start (out)/set out late/early/at midday/at 9 o'clock ■ to set off/start (out)/set out for/from ... ■ to set off/start/set out back (to ...) ■ to set off/start (out)/set out on a journey/voyage/trip ■ before setting off/starting (out)/setting out set on/upon sb (formal) to attack sb 攻击; 袭击:I was set upon by a gang of youths. 我遭 到一伙青年的袭击。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + prep set sb/sth on sb to make a person or an animal attack sb 使攻击 (或袭击) 某人:The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us if we didn't leave at once. 农夫威胁说,如果我们不马 上离开,他就放狗咬我们。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep set out 1 to leave a place and begin a jour- ney, especially a long journey (尤指长途旅 行)出疫,动直,起程:They set out on the last stage of their journey, 他们踏上最后一段行程。 ◊ We set out at dawn. 拂晓时分,我们上路了。 2 .set out to do sth to begin to do sth with a particular aim or purpose (胸怀目标) 开始 工作,展开任务:She set out to break the world record. 她开始力争打破世界纪录。◊ They succeeded in what they had set out to do. 他们 实现了既定的目标。 ♦ v + adv 2 also v + adv + to +inf ► outset n the beginning of sth 开端;开始; 起点:We knew the danger at/from the outset. 我们从一开始就意识到了危险。 set sth 'out 1 to arrange or display sth 摆 列;陈列;排列:She began setting out plates and glasses, 她开始摆放盘子和玻璃杯。◊ Set out your answers neatly. 把答案写得工整些。2 to present ideas, facts, etc. in a clear, organized way, in speech or writing (条分缕析地) 陈 述,表明:This document sets out our objections to the proposal. 这份文件阐明了我们对提案的 反对意见。[OBJ] terms, reasons, policies, con- ditions ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) set to (old-fashioned, formal, especially BrE) 1 to begin doing sth in a busy or determined way 起劲地干起来;毅然开始做: She set to with a scrubbing brush (= she started cleaning). 她 拿起刷子起劲地擦洗起来。2 to begin fighting 开始打架:They took off their jackets and set to. 他们脱掉外衣就打了起来。 ♦ v + adv ► set-to n [sing.] (informal, especially BrE) a fight or an argument 打架;争吵:He had a set-to with one of his workmates. 他和一位工友 吵了一架。 set up; .set sth up to make a machine, some equipment, etc. ready to use 安装好,装 配好. 调试好(机器、设备等):He helped me to carry my equipment in and set up. 他帮我把 设备搬进来并调试好。◊ It took hours to set up all the equipment. 花了好几个小时才把所有的 设备安装好。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv set up; .set yourself up to start running your own business 立业;创业:He left the firm and set up in business on his own. 他离 开了公司自己创业。◊ She set herself up as a hairdresser. 她自己开了个美发店。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv set sb up 1 to provide sb with the money they need, for example to start a business, buy a home, etc. 资助,经济上扶持(某人):A bank loan helped to set her up in business. 她靠 一笔银行贷款做起了生意。◊ He set his daughter up in her own apartment. 他资助女儿买了她自 白的公寓。◊ If you win tonight's fight, you'll be set up for life (= have all the money you will ever need). 你如果赢了今晚的拳击比赛,这辈 子就不愁钱花了。 2 (informal) to trick sb, especially by making them appear to be guilty of sth that they have not done (栽赃)诬陷: 冤枉(某人):He claimed he had been set up by the police. 他说警方冤枉了他。3 (informal to make sb feel healthier, stronger, more active, etc. 使更健康;使更强壮;使更活泼:A good breakfast will set you up for the day. 早餐吃好 一天都精力充沛。4 (with sb) (informal) to arrange for sb to meet sb so that they can have a romantic or sexual relationship 介绍某 人(和…)约会;给...当红娘:为...搭桥: He set me up with his sister. 他介绍我和他妹妹约会。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ► set-up n [usually sing.] (informal) 1 a situation in which sb tricks you or makes it seem as if you are guilty of sth that you have not done 诬陷;构陷;栽赃: I didn't do it, this is a set-up! 那事我没干,这是陷害! 2 a situation when sb arranges for you to meet sb in order to begin a romantic or sexual relationship 经人介绍约会;相亲:a set-up date 相亲约会 set sth up 1 to create sth or start a business, an organization, etc. 创建;建立;开办:She gave a talk on setting up a business. 她就如 何创业发表了演说。◊ A committee was set up to investigate the problem. 已成立委员会调查这 个问题。◊ young people setting up home for the first time 初次成家的年轻人 [OBJ] business, committee, system, company 2 to build sth or put sth somewhere 架起;设立;设置:The police set up roadblocks on all main roads. 警 方在所有干道上设置了路障。-> note at PUT STH TOGETHER 3 to organize or arrange sth; to make the arrangements for sth to happen 组 织;安排;策划:to set up a meeting 筹划会议 ◊ We'll set up the transport arrangements. 我们 来安排交通工具。[OBJ] meeting 4 to start a process or a series of events 引发,导致(一连 串事件):The crisis set up a chain reaction in other European markets. 这次危机在欧洲的其 他市场引起了连锁反应。 [OBJ] chain reaction, chain of events t see also SET STH OFF 3 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► set-up n [usually sing.] (informal) the way sth is organized or arranged; a system 组织; 机构;建制;I'Ve only been here a week so I don't really know the set-up. 我刚到一个星 期, 所以还不太清楚这里的组织架构。 set yourself up -> SET UP, SET YOURSELF UP set yourself up as sth to daim to be very important, know a lot about sth, etc. 以...自居;自诩为;自夸为: He set himself up as an authority on modem art. 他自我标榜为现代 艺术权威。 ♦ v + pron + adv + prep set upon sb (formal) -> SET ON/UPON SB settle /setl/ settle down 1 (also .settle yourself down) to get yourself into a comfortable position when you are sitting or lying (舒适地)坐 下,躺下:She settled down in an armchair to read. 她舒舒服服地坐在扶手椅上开始阅读。◊ Tom settled himself down at the table. 汤姆惬意 地坐在桌子旁边。2 to start to have a calmer or quieter way of life, without many changes, especially living in one place (在某地)定居 下来,过安定的生活: He got married and settled, down. 他成了家并安定下来。 3 to become relaxed and confident in a new situation; to get used to a new way of life, job, etc. 安顿下 来;习惯于,适应(新生活、新环境等):She's settling down well at her new school. 她在新学 校很习惯。◊ He just couldn't settle down in the city. 他就是不能适应城市生活。4 to become calmer and less active 平静下来;安定下来:I've been really busy at work, but things should settle down again soon. 我确实工作一直很忙, 但一切很快就会再平复下来的。◊ Their speed settled down to a steady fifty miles an hour. 他 们降低车速、稳定在每小时五十英里。 ♦ v + adv 1 also v + pron + adv settle down;settle sb down to become or to make sb become calmer, less excited, etc.(使某人)安静下来,平静下来: The children finally settled down and started work. 孩子们终于安静下来开始干活了。◊ The teacher had trouble settling the class down. 老 师没法让班上的同学安静下来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv settle yourself 'down -> SETTLE DOWN settle down to sth {also settle to sth BrE) to begin to think about sth or give your attention to doing sth 开始认真对待;安下心来 做;专心致志于:They had just settled down to dinner when the phone rang. 他们刚刚开始吃 饭,电话铃就响了。 ◊ I'm so worried that I can't settle to anything. 我忧心忡忡,做什么事都静 不下心来。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + prep settle for sth; settle for doing sth to accept sth that is not quite what you wanted but is the best that you can get (无奈地) 接 受;将就,凑合着 (做…):Both teams were happy to settle for a draw. 两队都乐于接受平局 的结果。◊ He'd hoped to get £8000 for the car but had to settle for a lot less. 他本想把车 卖到 8000 英镑,但最后不得不以低得多的价格 成交。 ◊ I refuse to settle for (being) second best! 我决不甘心屈居第二! [OBJ] less ♦ v+ prep settle in; settle into sth to become used to sth new, such as a new home, school or job 安顿下来;习惯于,适应 (新事物、新环境等): She soon settled in at school, 她很快便适应了学 校生活。◊ It took her a while to settle into her new job. 她过了一段时间才适应了新工作。 [OBJ] routine, school, job ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep settle on sth (also 'settle upon sth more formal) to choose sth; to make a decision about sth 选定;决定:We couldn't decide where to go but we eventually settled on Italy. 我们定 不下来去哪儿,最终决定去意大利。◊ A date was finally settled on. 最后敲定了日期。 SYN decide on/upon sth ♦ v + prep settle sth on/upon sb (formal, law) to arrange to give property or money to sb, for example after your death 把 (财产等) 给予 (或分配给) 某人:He settled his entire estate on his son. 他决定把全部财产都留给儿子。 [OBJ] money, estate ♦ v + n/pron + prep settle to sth (BrE) -> SETTLE DOWN TO STH settle 'up (with sb) to pay sb the money you owe them (向某人) 还钱; 结算;结账:We need to settle up with them for the hire of the room. 我们得跟他们结清房租。◊ Hl pay now— we can settle up later. 现在我来付钱吧----我 们之间以后再算。 ♦ v + adv settle upon sth, etc. -> SETTLE ON STH, ETC. sew /səʊ; AmE soʊ// (sewed, sewn /səʊn; AmE soʊn/ or sewed) sew sth up 1 to join or repair sth using a needle and thread 缝拢;缝补:Sew up the tear before it gets any worse. 把撕破的地方及时缝补 好。◊ They cleaned the wound and sewed it up. 他们清洗了伤口,然后缝合。[OBJ] seam, tear, wound 2 (informal) to arrange sth in an acceptable way; to bring sth to an acceptable conclusion 安排妥帖;办好;解决:They'd sewn the deal up by midday. 到中午时分,他们做成 了那桩生意。 [OBJ] deal 3 (informal) to have control of sth; to be likely to win sth 控制住; 很可能获胜:Her company have got the market sewn up. 她的公司占领了市场。◊ By half-time they had the game sewn up. 比赛进行到一半他 们就已胜券在握。[OBJ] market, game, election NOTE Often used in the passive in meanings 2 and 3, and in the phrase have (got) sth sewn up. 作第 2 和第 3 义时,常用于被动语态以及短 语 have (got) sth sewn up 中。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sex /seks/ sex sb up (informal) to make sb feel sexually excited 激发 (某人) 的性欲;勾引 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv sex sth up (informal) to make sth seem more exciting and interesting 渲染;使更剌 激;使更有趣:The profession is trying to sex up its image. 这个行当正在设法使自身形象更吸 引人。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv shack/ʃæk/ shack up with sb; be .shacked up with sb (also .shack 'up together) (slang, disapproving) to live with sb you are having a sexual relationship with but are not married to 和 (性伴侣) 同居:He's shacked up with some girl he met in Berlin. 他跟一个在柏林结识 的女子同居。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ be + v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + adv shade /ʃeɪd/ shade sth in to make part of a picture darker, either with colours or using black 把...涂暗;画阴影:He shaded in part of the graph. 他把曲线图的一部分涂了暗色。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv shade 'into sth to gradually change into sth else so that you cannot tell where one thing ends and the other begins (界线模棚地) 渐变: The blue gradually shades into purple. 蓝色逐 渐变成了紫色。◊ Sometimes nervousness can shade into fear. 有时紧张可能慢慢转变为恐惧。 ♦ v + prep shake/seɪk/ (shook/ʃʊk/, shaken /ˈʃeɪkən/) shake 'down (informal) to become comfort- able and confident in a new situation 融入新 环境;适应新情况:Once the team shakes down, results should improve. 一旦整个队伍熟悉了情 况,成绩应该可以提高。 ♦ v + adv ► shakedown n (AmE, informal) the test of a vehicle or an aircraft before it is generally used, to see if there are any problems (车辆 或飞行器的) 测试,试用,试驾,试航: a shake- down flight 试飞 shake sb down (AmE, slang) to threaten sb in order to get money from them 敲诈;勒索: TheyPe found the guy who shook George down. 他们找到了勒索乔治的家伙。◊ police who shake down motorists for bribes 向开车人索贿的警察 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► shakedown n (AmE, slang) an act of trying to get money from sb with violence or threats 敲诈;勒索:He was stabbed during a shake- down. 他遭勒索时被剌伤了。 shake sb/sth down (AmE, informal) to search a person or place in a very thorough way 彻底搜查(某人或某处):Police shook down the club, looking for drugs. 警方彻底搜查 了那家俱乐部,意图找到毒品。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► shakedown n (AmE, informal) a thorough search of sb/sth (对人员或地方的)彻底搜查: a police shakedown of the area 警察对这个地区 的大搜查 shake sb off 1 to escape from sb; to get rid of sb who is following you 摆脱,甩掉(某人): He twisted and turned in a desperate attempt to shake off his pursuer, 他左拐右转,拼命想甩掉 追他的人。 ◊ I think we've shaken them off. 我 相信我们已经甩开他们了。2 to escape from sb who is holding you and will not let go 摆脱, 挣脱(某人):She clung to him, but he shook her off. 她紧紧抱着他,可他挣脱了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv shake sth off to get rid of sth, such as an illness, that is causing you problems 摆脱,消 除,驱除(疾病等):I can't shake off this cold. 我感冒老不好。 ◊ She struggled to shake off her image as a beauty with no brains. 她努力摆脱 自己的花瓶形象。 [OBJ](a) cold ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv shake on sth to shake hands with sb in order to show that you agree to sth 就...握 手确认(达成共识): Let's shake on it. 咱们握手 为定。 [OBJ] deal, agreement, it ♦ v + prep shake sth out 1 to open or spread sth by shaking it 抖开:He shook the blanket out and spread it on the grass. 他把毯子抖开铺在草地 上。 2 to open sth by shaking it in order to get rid of bits of dirt, dust, etc. 将(某物)抖干净: She went outside to shake out the tablecloth. 她 到外面把桌布抖落干净。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shake sb up 1 to shock or upset sb 使吃 惊;使不安:She has been badly shaken up by the experience. 那次经历让她大受剌激。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 Shake sb is also used frequently on its own with this meaning * shake sb 单独使用也常作 此义:She was badly shaken by the experience. 那次经历让她大受刺激。2 to surprise sb in order to make them think or behave in a different way, become more active, etc. 震 动:激励;使振作:He was asked to shake the staff up a bit. 有人要求他调动一下员工的积 极性。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shake sth up to make important changes in an organization, a profession, etc. in order to make it more efficient 彻底调整,重组(机 构、行业等):The company needs shaking up a bit. 公司需要进行重大改组。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v 十 adv + n ► shake-up (also shake-out) n a major change to a company or an organization in order to improve it (公司或机构的)大变动, 剧变,重组:The police force is facing the biggest shake-up in its history. 警察队伍面临有史以来 最大的一次变革。 shame/ʃeɪm/ shame sb into sth; 'shame sb into doing sth to persuade sb to do sth by making them feel ashamed not to do it 使感到 羞愧而不得不做某事:They shamed him into apologizing. 他们弄得他很羞愧,只好道歉。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep shape/ʃeɪp/ shape up (informal) 1 [+ adv/prep] to develop in a particular way, often in the way that you had hoped for 进展,发展(良好): Our plans are shaping up nicely. 我们的计划进 展顺利。◊ How's the new team shaping up? 新 队伍的表现怎么样? 2 to improve your work or your behaviour 改善工作(或行为):If you don't shape up, you'll lose your job. 工作要是没 起色,你会丢饭碗的。3 (especially BrE) to become thin and physically kit 改善身材(或体 形): It's time to slim down and shape up for the summer. 夏天快到了,该减减肥让身材更好 一些了。 ♦ v + adv IDM shape up or ship out (AmE, informal) used to tell sb that if they do not improve their work or their behaviour they will have to leave their job, etc.(用于警告)再不好好干就 滚蛋 share /ʃeə(r); AmE fer/ share sth 'out (among/between sb) to divide sth such as money, food or work and give an amount to each person 将...分配 (给…);分享;分担:The work was shared out equally. 工作平均分派给大家了。◊ How can we share out the pizza between the five of us? 我们五人怎么分这个比萨饼呢? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sharpen /ˈʃɑːpən; AmE ʃɑːrpən/ sharpen up; sharpen sb/sth up to become, or to make sb/sth, better, more skillful, more effective, etc. than before (使)变得更好(或技术更高、更有效率等); 提高…的水平(或技术、效率等):She needs to sharpen up before next month's competition.下 个月比赛之前,她的水平需要再提高一步。◊ This exercise will help students sharpen up their reading skills. 这个练习将帮助学生进一步提高 阅读能力。◊ Discipline has sharpened them up. 纪律使他们更有效率了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv shave /ʃeɪv/ shave sth off to remove hair from your face, head, etc. 剃掉,剪去 (胡须、头发等): Dad's shaved his beard off. 爸爸刮掉了胡子。◊ She shocked everyone by shaving all her hair off. 她剃光了头发,让大家吃惊不小。 [BOJ] beard, moustache, hair ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shave sth off;shave sth off sth 1 to cut very thin pieces from the surface of a piece of wood, etc. (从…上) 削掉,刨去,切 掉:I had to shave a bit off the door to make it shut. 我把边缘部分刨去了一点门才能关上。 ◊ Use a sharp knife to shave off thin rolls of chocolate. 用锋利的刀子片下薄薄的巧克力卷 儿。 2 to make sth smaller or lower by a very small amount (微量地) 减少,缩小:We managed to shave 5% off the cost. 我们设法把 成本降低了 5%。 ◊ He shaved half a second off the world record. 他把世界纪录缩短了半秒。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + prep shear /ʃɪə(r); AmE ʃɪr/(sheared, shorn /ʃɔːn; AmE ʃɔːrn/ or sheared) be 'shorn of sth (literary) to have sth important taken away from you 被褫夺;被剥 夺;被掠夺:a political party shorn of power 被 剥夺了权力的政党 ♦ be + v + prep shear off;shear sth off (technical (especially of sth metal 尤指金属) to break under pressure; to cut through sth and make it break 受压断裂;剪切;切断:The bolts holding the wheel in place sheared off. 固定轮 子的螺栓压断了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv sheer /ʃɪə(r); AmE ʃɪr/ sheer away/'off to suddenly move away in a different direction, especially to avoid hitting sth 急转,急拐 (以避开某物):The car sheered wildly away, just missing the truck. 汽 车猛地一个转向,勉强避开了卡车。◊ Her mind sheered away from images she did not wish to dwell on. 她刻意不去想那些她不愿细想的场景。 SYN veer off, veer away (from sth) ♦ v + adv shell /ʃel/ shell out (for sth), shell sth out (for sth) (informal) to pay for sth, especially when it is a lot of money or you do not really want to (为…) 花很多钱, 破费: I'm not shelling out for another computer. 我不会花钱再买一台计算 机的。◊ I had to shell out $500 for the air fare. 我只得拿出500元买飞机票。 SYN fork out (for sth), fork sth out (for sth) s note at pay out, pay sth out ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) Shill (BrE) /ʃɪl/ (AmE shinny) (-nn-) shin down/up;shin down/'up sth (BrE) (informal) to climb down or up sth, using your hands and legs to hold it tightly 向 下 / 向上攀爬:He shinned down the drainpipe. 他顺着排水管爬下来。◊ You might be able to see if you shin up that tree. 爬上那棵树,你就 有可能看见了。 [OBJ] drainpipe, rope ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep shine/ʃaɪn/ (shone, shone /ʃɒn; AmE ʃoʊn/) shine out 1 to shine brightly 照耀;闪耀:A light shone out across the field. 田野那边有光在 闪耀。2 if a person or a thing shines out, you notice them because they are very much better than the others 突出; 出众;鹤立鸡群: She seemed to shine out from the rest. 她看上去 非常出众。 ♦ v + adv shine 'through; .shine through sth to be seen clearly and easily 显现出来;显而易见: In the last game her talent: really shone through. 在上一场比赛中,她真正展露了才华。 ◊ His love of life shines through the pages of his book. 他的书中字里行间流露出对生命的热爱。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep shinny (AmE) /ˈʃɪni/ (shinnies, shinnying, shinnied) shinny down/ up; .shinny down/ up sth: (AmE) Burglars broke into the art gallery through the roof, shinnied down the rope and stole five valuable paintings. 窃贼吊绳索从屋顶 爬下,闯入了美术馆,盗走了五件珍贵的画作。 -> SHIN DOWN/UP, SHIN DOWN/UP STH ship/ʃɪp/ (-pp-) ship sb off (to ... ) (informal) to send sb away somewhere, especially when they do not want to go 送走某人,遣送某人 (到…):They shipped the children off to camp. 他们把孩子们 送进宿营。◊ I was shipped off to Canada. 我被 送到了加拿大。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ship sb/sth off (to ... ) to send goods or people somewhere by ship 用船运走:They shipped all their possessions off to Australia. 他 们把所有财物都海运到了澳大利亚。◊ The goods were shipped off last week. 货物上个星期装船运 走了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ship sb/sth out (to ... ) to send goods or people somewhere, especially by ship (尤指 用船) 运走:They shipped the sculpture out to the States. 他们把雕塑海运到了美国。◊ Fresh supplies were shipped out. 新的补给品装船运 走了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM shape up or ship out -> SHAPE shoo /ʃuː/ (shoos, shooing, shooed) shoo sb/sth away to get rid of sb/sth by waving your arms, making a noise, etc.(通 过挥动手臂、发出嘘声等)轰走,赶走:We tried to shoo the flies away. 我们试图撵走苍蝇。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shoo sb/sth in; shoo sb/sth into sth (informal, especially AmE) 1 to send sb/sth into a room, building, etc. 把…带入(房间、建筑物 等): Our friends unloaded our bags and shooed us into the house. 朋友们卸下我们的包,带我们 进了屋。◊ After a minute, she opened the door and shooed me in. 过了一会儿,她开门让我进 来。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被 动语态。 2 to ensure that sb wins a com- petition or an election or gets a job without going through the proper procedures (在比 赛、选举或招聘中)内定,暗定(原家或获聘用 者):They're trying to shoo in their first choice without even giving her an interview. 他们试图 就将她作为首选录用她,连面试也想免了。◊ I'm not going to sit back and watch my rival get shooed in. 我不会坐视我的对手通过暗箱操作入 选。◊ She was surprised when she got shooed into the top job. 她轻而易举获得了最高职位, 她本人也大吃一惊。NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► shoo-in (for sth/to do sth) n (informal, espe- cially AmE) a person or team that will win easily 十拿九稳的取胜者;稳操胜券者:Tiger Woods is a shoo-in for the championship. 泰格・ 伍兹将轻松夺冠。 shoot /ʃuːt/ (shot, shot /ʃɒt; AmE ʃɑːt/) shoot sb/sth 'down 1 to shoot at sb/sth and make them/it fall to the ground 射倒; 射伤;击毙;击落:They were shot down in cold blood. 他们被残忍地射杀了。◊ They shot down a civilian aircraft by mistake. 他们不小 心击落一架民用飞机。2 (informal) to strongly criticize sb or their ideas, etc. 批驳,驳倒 (某人);彻底推翻(观点等):When I made a suggestion, they shot me down in flames. 我 提了个建议,却被他们彻底推翻了。◊ My ideas were shot down one by one. 我的观点被逐一 驳斥。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词瓣析 shoot sb down blow sb away ♦ gun sb down ♦ mow sb down ♦ pick sb off ♦ shoot sb/sth down These verbs all mean to kill or wound a person or animal with a gun. 这些动词都表示枪杀或 射伤。 blow sb away (especially AmE. informal) to kill sb by shooting them 击毙;枪杀;开枪打死: He thought that he would be the next to be blown away. 他认为自己是下一个被枪杀的 目标。 gun sb down (usually passive) (used especially in newspaper) to shoot sb and kill or seriously injure them (尤用于报章)枪击, 枪杀, 并枪打伤: The policeman was gunned down while on duty. 那名警察执勤时被枪 击中。 mow sb down to kill sb using a gun or a vehicle, especially when several people are all killed at the same time (用枪)杀死,扫 射(尤指多人);(用车)轧死,碾死(尤指 多人):The gunmen opened fire, mowing down at least seven people. 持枪者开火打死至 少七人。 pick sb off (informal) to aim carefully at a person, animal or aircraft, especially one of a group, and then shoot them 瞄准射击(处 于群体市的一个目标):Snipers were picking off innocent civilians. 狙击手对无辜平民逐一 下手。 shoot sb/sth down (usually passive) to make a person or plane fall to the ground by shooting them/it 射倒;击落: Several planes were shot down by enemy fire. 数架飞机被敌 军炮火击落了。 WHICH WORD? Planes, people in planes, or people on the ground can be shot down ; only people on the ground can be gunned down . * shot down 可针 对飞机、飞机上的人或地面上的人;gun down 仅针对地面上的人。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to threaten/be going to shoot sb down/blow sb away ■ to be shot down/gunned down in cold blood ■ to be picked off one by one/at random shoot for sth (AmE, informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses 值常用于进行时)to try to get or achieve sth difficult 力争达到;努力 获取:They're shooting for another victory this season. 他们争取这个赛季再赢一场。 ♦ v + prep shoot 'off (informal) to leave somewhere very quickly 迅速离去:She had to shoot off to meet someone. 她得赶去见个人。◊ I'm sorry I've got to shoot off. 抱歉,我必须马上离开。 ♦ v + adv shoot sth off to remove sth by shooting 开 枪打掉:They shot the lock off. 他们开枪把锁打 掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shoot 'through (informal, AustralE) to leave, especially in order to avoid sb/sth 离去;躲避: I was only five when my dad shot through. 爸爸 离开时我才五岁。 ♦ v + adv shoot up 1 (to sth) to rise or increase very quickly 徒增;猛涨;飙升:The inflation rate has shot up to 20%. 通货膨胀率激增到20%。 2 to grow taller in a short time 迅速长高: She's shot up in the last few months. 在过去的 几个月里,她个头一下子蹿上来了。 -> note at GROW UP ♦ v + adv shoot up; .shoot up sth(slang) to make an illegal drug enter your body using a needle 注射(毒品) [OBJ] heroin, drugs ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n shoot sb/sth up to injure sb or damage sth severely by shooting 开枪打伤(或打坏); 击 伤(或击毁):An armed gang shot up the nightclub. 一个武装团伙开枪把夜总会打得千疮 百孔。 [OBJ] house, bar, dub ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv . SYNONYMS同义词辨析 shoot up jump ♦ leap ♦rocket ♦ shoot up ♦ soar ♦ spiral ♦ surge These are all verbs that can be used when an amount, level or number increases quickly. 这些动词都表示陡增、猛涨、飙升。See also go up. jump (used especially in newspapers} to increase suddenly and by a large amount (尤用于报 章)陡增,猛涨,飙升: Prices jumped by 60% last year. 去年物价暴涨 60%。 ◊ Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion. 销售额从 27 亿元猛增到35亿元。 leap (usually approving) to increase suddenly and by a large amount 陡增;猛涨;飙升: Shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p. 股价从 476 便士开始飙涨,以 536 便士 收盘。 rocket (of an amount or rate) to increase very quickly and suddenly 陡增;猛涨;飙升:The total has rocketed from 376 to 532. 总额从 376 激增到 532。 shoot up (often disapproving) to increase suddenly and by a large amount 陡增;猛 涨;飙升:Ticket prices shot up last year. 去年 票价狂涨。◊ Burglaries in the city have shot up by nearly seventy per cent 本市的入室盗窃 案骤升了近七成。 soar to increase very quickly in value, amount or level (价值、数量或水平)剧增,飞涨, 突升:Soaring costs/prices/temperatures have made progress difficult 成本 / 价格 / 温度陡升 使进展步履维艰。◊ Unemployment has soared to 18%. 失业率激增至18%。 spiral (disapproving) to increase quickly in level or amount (水平或数量)剧增,飞涨: You must be aware of the spiralling cost of health care in this country. 你肯定注意到了这 个国家节节拳升的医疗保健费用。◊ Prices are spiralling out of control. 物 一路飞涨,失 去控制。 surge (especially business) (of prices, profits or the rate of sth) to suddenly increase in value or level (价格、利润或比率)陡增,突升: Profits from cigarettes surged to $225m last year. 去年香烟的盈利猛增至2.25亿元。 WHICH WORD? Leap is usually used when the increase is seen as a positive thing profits, shares and prices can leap or jump, but costs jump . Leap usually suggests a more dramatic, surprising or significant increase * leap 通常用于指积极的增 长:profits (利润)、shares (股价)和 prices (价格)可用 leap 或 jump, 但成本用 jump。 leap 通常暗示更具戏剧性、惊人或重大的增长: Raw material costs jumped 7 per cent last month. 上个月原材料成本上涨了 1%。 Shoot up is used in more informal contexts, and especially when the increase is seen as a negative thing * shoot up 用于更加口语化的语境,尤用于指负 面增长:Prices/charges/interest rates have shot up. 价格 / 费用 / 利率飞涨。Spiral is nearly always used with a negative meaning spiralling debt/prices .* spiral 几乎总是用于负面的意义: spiralling debt / prices 。 PATTERNS AND C0U0CAT10NS ■ to soar/jump/shoot up in price/in number ■ to soar/jump/rocket/leap/shoot up from.../ to.../by... ■ the price/cost of sth soars/jumps/surges/spirals/rockets/shoots up ■ profits soar/jump/surge/leap ■ numbers/levels of sth soar/jump/shoot up ■ to soar/jump/surge/leap/shoot up suddenly/dramatically shop /ʃɒp; AmE ʃɑːp/ (-pp-) shop around (for sth), shop a round sth (for sth) to look at different shops/ stores to compare the prices of goods or services so that you can buy the ones that are the best value (就某种商品或服务) 比较...的 价格;逐店选购;货比三家:If you're buying a new MP3 player, shop around for the best price. 你要是买新的MP3播放器,应该货比三家,买最 合算的。◊ It's worth shopping around the travel agents to find, the best deal. 比较各家旅行社, 选择最划算的是值得的。 ◊ When you open a bank account, it's a good idea to shop around first. 开立账户前,不妨先比较一下各家银行的 服务。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep shore/ʃɔː(r)/ shore sth up 1 to support part of a building or other large structure by placing large pieces of wood or metal against or under it so that it does not fall down (用梁柱等) 支撑 (建筑 物):Engineers shored up the tunnel with wooden beams. 工程师用木梁支撑隧道。◊ The building was shored up to make it safe. 这座建 筑物被支撑起来加固。2 to support sth that is weak or failing 支持;稳住:to shore up the economy/dollar/pound 支撑经济/美元/英镑 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) shout /ʃaʊt/ shout sb 'down to shout to prevent sb who is speaking from being heard, because you do not like what they are saying or you disagree with them 用叫喊声压倒某人的讲话:I tried to explain but they just shouted me down. 我试图 解释,可他们大喊大叫,把我的声音压下去了。 ◊ The speaker was shouted down by angry protesters. 愤怒的抗议者大叫大嚷,盖过了讲话 人的声音。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shout out (to sb), shout sth out (to sb) to suddenly say sth in a loud voice 突然 (向某 人) 喊叫:I shouted out to them but they didn't hear me. 我朝他们大喊一声,可他们没听见。◊ She shouted out a warning. 她大声发出警告。◊ He shouted out, 'Over here!‘ 他高声呼喊:"在 这边!” SYN call out (to sb), call sth out (to sb) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + speech ► shout-out n an act of mentioning sb's name by a performer at a concert or by a disc jockey (= a person who plays music on the radio or at a club), in order to give a message, say hello, etc. (音乐会表演者或音乐 节目主持人提到某人名字的) 提名致意,问候 : A big shout-out to my boyfriend Flavio on his birthday! 我要大声祝我男友弗莱维奥,生日 快乐! shove /ʃʌv/ shove off (BrE) used to tell sb rather rudely to go away (粗鲁的说法) 滚,滚开:Just shove off and leave me alone! 滚远点, 别烦我! SYN push off ♦ v + adv shove 'up (BrE) used to ask sb to move to make a space for sb else to sit down 挪出空位: We can get one more in if you shove up. 你挪动 一下,我们就能再坐下一个。◊ Shove up a bit! 稍挪一挪! SYN budge up (BrE), move up ♦ v + adv show/ʃəʊ; AmE ʃoʊ/ (showed, shown /ʃəʊn; AmE ʃoʊn/ or, rarely, showed) show sb around; show sb around sth (BrE also ,show sb 'round, show sb round sth) to go with sb when they visit a place for the first time, showing them what is interesting 领某人参观;带某人巡视: There are guides in the palace who will show visitors around. 宫殿里有导游带访客参观。◊ I'll arrange for someone to show you around the school 我会安排人领你参观学校。 SYN take sb around, take sb around sth -> see also SHOW SB OVER STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep show sb 'in; show sb into sth to lead a visitor to a place where they can wait, or to the room where sb is waiting to see them 把 (客人) 带入 (等候处或会客室): Sarah showed the visitors in. 萨拉把客人们领了 进来。◊ I was shown into a waiting room. 有人 把我带到候客室。 OPPP show sb out, show sb out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep show off (informal, disapproving) to try to impress other people with your abilities, wealth, intelligence, etc. 炫耀;卖弄;显摆: Stop showing off! 别卖弄了! ◊ Bonnie was showing off to her friends, doing handstands on the grass. 邦妮向朋友们炫耀,在草地上做倒立。 ♦ v + adv ► show-off n (informal, disapproving) a person who likes to impress other people with their abilities, wealth, etc. 爱炫耀的人:You're such a show-off! 你真会卖弄! show sb/sth off (to sb) 1 to try to make people pay attention to sb/sth because you are proud of them/it (向人) 显示,卖弄,夸 耀:He was showing his CD collection off to his friends. 他在向朋友展示他收集的光盘。◊ She brought her new boyfriend along to show him off. 她把新男友带来炫耀-番。2 to make sb/sth look attractive or seem interesting or exciting by showing their best features 使显得 迷人;使夺目;衬托: ◊ The black sweater showed off her figure to full advantage. 那件黑毛衣完美 地衬托出她的身材。◊ The music shows the band off in their best light. 音乐展现了该乐队最出色 的一面。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 show sb/sth off flaunt sth ♦ parade sb/sth ♦ show sb/sth off These verbs all mean to show people sb/sth that you are proud of. 这些动旬都表示炫耀、 卖弄、夸示。 flaunt sth (disapproving) to show sth you are proud of to other people, in order to impress them 夸耀;卖弄:He did not believe in flaunting his wealth. 他不赞成炫耀自己的 财富。 parade sb/sth to show sb/sth in public so that people can see them/it (当众)夸耀, 炫示:The trophy was paraded around the stadium. 奖杯被环绕体育场当众展示。◊ The prisoners were paraded in front of the crowd. 囚犯被押解示众。 show sb/sth off to show people sb/sth that you are proud of 炫耀;卖弄;显摆: She wanted to show off her new husband at the party. 她想在聚会上将新老公炫耀一番。◊ He likes to show off how well he speaks French. 他喜欢卖弄自己的法语。 ► show-off n: a person who tries to show off: You're such a show-off! 你真爱炫耀! WHICH WORD? Show sb/sth off can be either approving or disapproving, but flaunt sth is nearly always disapproving. Flaunt is most commonly used with words relating to money, such as wealth, prosperity and possessions, but it is also often used with words for parts of the body and relationships * show sb / sth off 可褒可贬,但 flaunt sth 几乎总是带有贬义。flaunt 往往用于钱 财类词语,例如 wealth (财富)、prosperity (繁荣)和 possessions (财产),但也常用于 表示身体部位和关系的词语: He wore a tight T-shirt which really showed off his muscles. 他穿 了件紧身T恤衫,使他的肌肉十分清晰地显现 出来。People parade things either because they are proud of them and want to impress other people, or because they want to make other people feel ashamed. 人们 parade 某事 物,或表示因引以为傲而向人炫耀,或表示意图 使他人感到羞惭。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to show off/flaunt/parade sth in front of sb ■ to show off/flaunt your wealth/possessions ■ to show off/flaunt your body/breasts ■ to show off/parade your knowledge/skills/talents/medals ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n show sb 'out; show sb 'out of sth to lead a visitor to the door out of a room, a building, etc. 把(客人)送出门:I'll show you out. 我来送送你。 OPP show sb in, show sb into sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep show sb over sth (BrE) to take sb around a place they are visiting and show them what is interesting 领某人参观;带某人查看:They showed me over the house. 他们带我看了房子。 -> see also SHOW SB AROUND, SHOW SB AROUND STH ♦ v + n/pron + prep show sb 'round, etc. (BrE)-> SHOW SB AROUND, ETC. show through; show through sth to be visible through sth or behind sth (从… 中)透出,显出,透视:This paper is so thin the ink shows through. 这纸薄得能透墨迹。 ◊ His skull showed through his thin hair. 他的脑壳在 稀疏的头发下清晰可见。◊ When he spoke, his bitterness showed through. 他的言语流露出内心 的酸楚。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep show up (informal) to arrive or appear at the place you have arranged 如约赶到;出 现;露面:She finally showed up at lunchtime. 午饭时分她终于赶来了。◊ I arranged to meet him but he didn't show up. 我约了和他见面,可 他没来。 SYN turn up -> note at TURN UP ♦ v + adv show up;show sth up to become or to make sth easy to see (使)惹眼,显眼,显而 易见:His striped tie showed up well against his dark red shirt. 他的条纹领带搭配深红色的衬衫 显得十分醒目。◊ Something odd has.shown up on. the X-ray. * X光片显示有些异常。◊ Her lack of experience was shown up by the test. 她缺乏 经验,这在测试中看得出来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv show sb up (informal) to make sb else feel embarrassed by behaving badly or by dding sth better than them 使难堪(或尴尬、丢脸 等);使下不了台:He said I'd shown him up in front of his friends. 他说我弄得他在朋友面前下 不了台。◊ You really showed me up by snoring during the concert! 你在音乐会上鼾声连连,真 给我丢脸! ◊ Don't worry about being shown up by the kids. 不要顾虑输给孩子们没面子。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n show sb/sth up as/for sth to show what sb/sth is really like, when this is worse than people thought 揭露:揭示...为…: The book shows her up for what she really is: a fraud. 这本书揭穿了她的真面目----个骗 子。◊ We were shown up as the second-rate team that we were. 我们暴露出了二流球队的真 实水平。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep shower /ˈʃaʊə(r)/ shower 'down;shower 'down on sb/sth; shower on sb/sth; .shower sth down on sb/sth; 'shower sth on sb/sth to fall onto sb/sth, especially in a lot of small pieces (雨点般)落在…上;洒落: Volcanic ash showered down on the town after the eruption. 火山喷发之后,小城落了一层火山 灰。◊ The bottle broke and showered glass fragments on us. 瓶子炸了,溅得我们满身都是 玻璃碎片。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep shower sb with sth to drop a lot of small things onto sb 将…向某人抛撒: The bride and groom were showered with rice as they left the church. 新娘新郎离开教堂时,大家向他们身上 撒大米。◊ The roof collapsed, showering us with dust and debris. 房顶塌了,灰尘和瓦砾雨 点般落到我们身上。◊ (figurative) He showered her with gifts. 他送给她大量礼物。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep Shrink /ʃrɪŋk/ (shrank /ʃræŋk/, shrunk /ʃrʌŋk/ or shrunk, shrunk) shrink a'way/'back (from sb/sth) to move backwards or away from sb/sth, especially because you are frightened or disgusted 躲 避;退避;畏缩:She shrank away from him in horror. 她惊恐万分地躲避他。 ♦ v + adv shrink from sth; shrink from doing sth (often used in negative sentences 常用于否 定句)to be unwilling to do or accept sth that you find frightening, unpleasant or immoral 畏避,逃避,回避(可怕、不快或邪恶的事): She recognized her responsibility and did not shrink from it. 她意识到自己的责任,没有退 缩。◊ He shrank from confronting his son face to face. 他避免身儿子正面冲突。◊ She never shrank from difficult tasks, 她从不回避难度大 的工作。 [OBJ] task, duty SYN back away from sth ♦ v + prep shrivel /ˈʃrɪv(ə)l/ shrivel up to become dry and develop deep lines because of heat, lack of water, etc. 干 瘪;打蔫儿;枯萎:The apples left on the tree had shrivelled up. 留在树上的苹果都蔫儿了。 NOTE Shrivel is used on its own with a similar meaning. * shrivel 单独使用也作相近含义。 ♦ v + adv ► shrivelled up adj: shrivelled-up apples 干 瘪的苹果 shroud /ʃraʊd/ be shrouded in sth i to be covered or hidden by sth 被…遮盖 ; 被…掩藏: The city was shrouded in mist. 城市笼罩在雾霭中。◊ furniture shrouded in dust sheets 蒙着防尘罩的 家具 2 if information, etc. is shrouded in mystery, it is hidden or kept secret (消息等) 被掩盖,被隐藏:His family background is shrouded in mystery. 他的家庭背景扑朔迷离。◊ Their work is shrouded in secrecy. 他们的工作 神秘莫测。 ♦ be + v + prep shrug/ʃrʌɡ/ (-gg-) shrug sth off 1 (also .shrug sth a'way less frequent) to push sth back or away with your shoulders 耸肩顶回(或推走):She shrugged off her jacket. 她抖抖肩甩掉外套。◊ She put her hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it away. 她把手搭在他的肩上,可他一耸肩闪开了。 [OBJ] jacket, hand 2 (also .shrug sth a'side less frequent) to treat sth as if it is not important 不把...当回事;对...满不在乎(或不屑一顾): He shrugged off all the objections I raised. 他对 我提出的所有反对意见都置之不理。◊ Barnes is trying to shrug off an ankle injury. 巴恩斯试图 不去理会脚踝的伤。[OBJ] injury, criticism ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv shuck/ʃʌk/ shuck sth off (AmE) to take off a piece of clothing in a careless way (随意地)剥去,脱 去(衣服):He shucked off his bathrobe and got into the shower. 他脱掉浴袍,进了淋浴房。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv shut /ʃʌt/ (shutting, shut, shut) shut sb/sth a'way to put sb/sth in a place where other people cannot see or find them/it 把…藏起来;隔离;禁闭门:He shut the files away in the s#e. 他把文件锁在保险柜里。◊ prisoners shut away in jail for a long time 长期监禁的 犯人 SYN lock sb up/away; lock sth up/away ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shut yourself a way (from sb/sth) to stay in your room or go somewhere where you will be completely alone 独自躲起来;隐藏:He shut himself away in his study to finish the book. 他 独自躲进书房把书看完。◊ You can't just shut yourself away from the world. 你不能把自己封 闭起来,不与外界接触。 SYN lock yourself away ♦ v + pron + adv shut down;shut sth down i to stop opening for business; to stop sth from opening (使)关张,停业,倒闭,关闭:The mine shut down last month. 煤矿上个月关闭了。◊ The club was shut down by the police. 俱乐部被警方 查封了。SYN close down, close sth down 2 if a machine shuts down, or sb shuts it down, it stops working (机器)停止运转;关闭(机 器): The machine shuts down if there's an overload. 一超负荷,机器就停。◊ The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. 周 末将关闭计算机系统。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► shutdown n 1 the act of closing a factory or business, either temporarily or permanently (工厂、企业暂时或永久的)关闭,停工,歇 业:The shutdown has put hundreds out of work. 倒闭造成几百人失业。2 the act of stopping a large machine from working, either temporarily or permanently (大型机 器的)关闭,停转,停车:There was a fault in the nuclear reactor's emergency shutdown procedures. 核反应堆的紧急关停程序有错误。 shut sb/sth in; .shut sb/sth in sth; shut yourself in; .shut yourself in sth to put sb/sth in a room, a vehicle, etc. and keep them there; to go into a room, a building, a vehicle, etc. and stay there 把..关 在(房间、建筑、车辆等)里面;在...里呆着: They shut the animals in at night. 他们夜间把 牲畜圈起来。◊ Liz rushed out and shut herself in her room. 利兹冲了出去,然后把自己关在房 间里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► shut-in n (old-fashioned, AmE) a person who cannot leave their home because they are ill/sick or cannot move easily 因生病( 或行动 不便 )不能离家的人;卧病在家的人 shut sth in sth to trap or injure sth by closing sth tightly around it 把…卡在(或轧 在)…中:I shut my finger in the car door. 我的 手指被车门夹伤了。 [OBJ] finger ♦ v + n/pron + prep shut off; shut sth off 1 if a machine shuts off, or sb shuts it off, it stops working (机器)停止运转;关闭(机器):The heating shuts off automatically at 9.30. * 9:30 自动停止 供暖。◊ I stopped the car and shut off the engine. 我停下车,关闭了发动机。SYN switch off, switch sth off; turn off, turn sth off OPP switch on, switch sth on; turn on, turn sth on 2 if a supply of gas, electricity, etc. shuts off or sb/sth shuts it off, it stops flowing (煤 气、水、电等)停止供应;切断,停供(煤气、 水、电等):The water shuts off automatically when the tank is full. 水箱加满后自动停止注 水。 ◊ A valve shuts off the gas when the lid is closed. 盖子一闭合,阀门就会切断煤气。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► shut-off n 1 a device that stops sth working or stops power, gas, etc. from flowing 关闭装置;开关;阀:a shut-off valve 关闭用阀 门 2 a period when power, gas, etc. is prevented from flowing 断电; 断水;断煤气:a shut-off of the water supply 停水 shut sb/sth 'off (from sth) to keep sb/sth separate from other people or things 使 (与…)隔离; 隔绝:A range of mountains shuts Bosnia off from the Adriatic. 波斯尼亚和 亚得里亚海之间有山脉相隔。◊ The kitchen area is shut off from the rest of the room. 做饭的地 方与房间的其他部分隔开了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shut yourself off (from sb/sth) to deliberately separate yourself physically or socially from other people 躲避(尘世);离 群索居:After her son died, she just wanted to shut herself off from the world. 儿子死后,她只 想遁世离群。 SYN cut yourself off (from sb/sth) ♦ v + pron + adv shut sb out 1 (also .shut sb 'out of sth) to refuse to allow a person to share your thoughts, feelings or activities 把某人排除在 (…)外;拒绝与某人分享: Don't shut me out— I want to help you. 别闷在心里------我想帮你。 ◊ I was shut out of the decision-making process. 决策过程没让我参与。◊ When he saw her with the baby he felt shut out. 看到她和宝宝在一 起,他有一种受到排斥的感觉。SYN exclude sb (more formal) 2 (AmE, informal) to stop an opponent from scoring in a game or contest (比赛中)不让(对手)得分:They shut out the Mets in their last game. 在上次比赛中,他们让 大都会队一分未得。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 1 also v + n/pron + adv + prep ► shutout n (AmE, informal) a game in which one team does not score 一方得分为零的比 赛:完胜 shut sb/sth 'out; shut sb/sth out of sth to stop sb/sth from entering a place 使不能进入(某处);挡住;遮住: He closed the door firmly, shutting us out of the room. 他用力关上门,不让我们进房间。◊ I drew the curtains to shut out the light. 我拉上窗帘遮挡 光线。 [OBJ] light, noise ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep shut sth out; .shut sth 'out of sth to stop yourself from having particular feelings or from thinking about particular things 克制 (某种感情或想法);不去想: She tried to shut out all the painful memories. 她尽力回避这一切 痛苦的回忆。 [OBJ] pain, memories SYN block sth out, block sth out of sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep shut yourself out; .shut yourself out of sth to be unable to enter your home because you have closed the door and left your keys inside 把自己锁在家门外:I've shut myself out of the house again! 我又把自己锁在 门外了! SYN lock yourself out, lock yourself out of sth ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + pron + adv + prep shut 'up (informal) used to tell sb rudely to stop talking or making a noise (粗鲁的说法) 住口,闭嘴:Shut up and go away! 住口,滚 开! ◊ If you'd shut up, I could hear what the speaker is saying. 你要是闭上嘴,我就能听清演 讲人说的话了。 SYN belt up (BrE) ♦ v + adv shut sb up (informal) to make sb stop talking or making a noise 使住口;使闭嘴;使 安静:I couldn't shut the kids up! 我没法让孩子 们安静下来! ♦ v + n/pron + adv shut sb/sth up (in sth), shut yourself up (in sth) to keep sb/sth in a place and prevent them/it from going anywhere; to stay in a room and not go out 把...关住;把 关在...里;呆在屋里不出去:He had been shut up in a cell for ten years. 他被关在牢里十年了。 ◊ Shut the dog up in the shed. 把狗关进棚子 里。◊ My father used to shut himself up with his books for days. 我父亲过去常常连续好几天 独自躲在屋里看书。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n shut sth up (especially BrE) to close a room, house, etc. and not use it for a period of time 把 (房屋等) 暂时关闭:We shut the summer house up again for another year. 我们再次关好 避暑别墅的门窗,待明年再来。 SYN close sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM shut up shop (BrE, informal to close a business permanently; to stop working for the day 关闭;停业;关张;打样:Ifs time to shut up shop and go home for the day. 该关店 回家了。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 shut up be quiet ♦ fall silent ♦ quieten (sb/sth) down ♦ shut (sb) up ♦ silence sb/sth These verbs all mean to stop talking or making a noise, or to make people stop talking. 这些 动词都表示 (使) 住口、(使) 闭嘴、(使) 安静。 be quiet a way of telling sb to stop talking or making a noise (用于命令) 住口,闭嘴,保 持安静:'Be quiet!' said the teacher. “静一 静!” 老师说。◊ Will you please be quiet? I'm trying to read. 请保持安静好吗?我正要读书。 fall silent (formal) to stop talking or crying 住 口;闭嘴:停止哭闹: As the curtain rose, the audience fell silent. 随着帷幕升起,观众安静 了下来。 quieten (sb/sth) down to become or make sb/sth calmer or less noisy (使) 安静下来; (使) 平静:Things seem to have quietened down now. 现在事态似乎平息下来了。 ◊ A night in the cells will quieten him down. 在单 人牢房关上一宿,他就不闹了。NOTE Quieten can be used on its own * quieten 可 单独使用:The chatter of voices gradually quietened. 七嘴八舌的说话声渐渐变小了。 shut (sb) up (informal) to stop talking or make sb stop talking; a rude way of telling sb to stop talking (使) 住口,闭嘴;( 粗鲁的命 令 ) 住口,闭嘴: Just shut up and listen! 闭 嘴,听好了 ! ◊ Will you tell Mike to shut up? 株叫迈竟南嘴好吗? ◊ Somebody should shut him up. 该有人叫他闭上嘴。 silence sb/sth to make sb/sth stop speaking or making a noise; to stop sb expressing their opinions 使闭嘴;使安静;弹压,压制 (意见):S诡 silenced him with a glare. 她瞪 了一眼,让他默不作声了。◊ All protest has been silenced. 所有反对意见均遭压制。 WHICH WORD? Be quiet and shut up are used to tell people to stop making a noise. Be quiet and shut up are not polite. Fall silent is used to describe what people do, not to tell them what to do. * be quiet和shut up 用于叫别人安静下来,是不礼貌 的说法。fall silent 用于描述人的行为,而非用 于命令。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to tell/ask sb to shut up/be quiet/hush ■ the audience/class/room falls silent/quietens down ■ to hush up an affair/a murder/an incident ■ to silence rumours/your critics shy /ʃaɪ/ (shies, shying, shied /ʃaɪd/) shy a1 way (from sth/from doing sth) to avoid doing sth because you are nervous or frightened ( 因紧张或害怕而 ) 躲避,回避: She shies away from close friendships. 她不愿跟人深 交。◊ Don't shy away from saying what you think. 别吞吞吐吐的,说出你的想法吧。 ♦ v + adv sic (also sick) /sɪk/ (-cc-) sic sth on sb (AmE, informal) to tell a dog to attack sb 放出狗去咬某人:Back off or I'll sic the dog on you. 走开,不然我就放狗咬你。 [OBJ] dog SYN set sth on sb (BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + prep sick /sɪk/ sick sth up (BrE, informal) to bring food up from the stomach 呕吐;吐出:The baby sicked up her milk. 婴儿吐奶了。 SYN throw sth up; vomit sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sick sth on sb (AmE, informal) -> SIC STH ON SB sicken /ˈsɪkən/ sicken for sth (BrE) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时 )to show signs that you may be becoming ill / sick 显露出患病迹象;像是要得病:I feel as if I'm sickening for something. 我感觉好像得了什么 病。◊ You look as if you're sickening for flu. 你 看上去像是要患流感。 SYN go down with sth; get sth ♦ v + prep side /said/ side with sb (against sb) to support sb in an argument, a disagreement, etc. 支持某人,和 某人站在一起(反对…):The children always sided with their mother (against their father). 孩子们总是站在妈妈一边(反对爸爸)。 ♦ v + prep sidle /ˈsaɪdl/ sidle 'over/'up (to sb) to approach sb in a shy, uncertain or secret way (羞怯、犹豫或悄 悄地)走向,走近(某人):She sidled up to him and whispered in his ear. 她悄悄地走到他 身边,对着他的耳朵低语。 ♦ v + adv sift /sɪft/ sift sth from sth; sift sth out from sth to separate sth, usually sth you want, from a group of things 从(众多东西)中选取 (拟保留的东西);筛选;挑选: to sift (out) the good from the bad 去劣存优 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + adv + n + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep sift sth 'out to separate sth, usually sth you do not want, from a group of things 从(众多 东西)中去掉(不适合的东西);剔除;淘汰: We need to sift out unsuitable applications. 我 们需要剔出不合格的申请表。◊ He helped me s说 out the bad songs I'd written. 他帮我筛除了我写 得不好的那些歌。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sift through sth (for sth) to carefully examine a large amount of sth in order to find sth important or decide what is useful 详细审 查,仔细检查(以寻找某物):I sifted through his papers for clues. 我认真推敲他的文件,寻找 线索。◊ The judges sifted through 8000 entries and finally picked the winner. 评委详细审看 了 8000份参赛作品,最后评出了获奖者。◊ This pile of reports needs to be sifted through by the end of this week. 这一叠报告本周末之前需要审 阅完毕。 ♦ v + prep sign /saɪn/ sign sth away to give up your rights, property, etc. by signing a document 签字放 弃,签字让与(权利、财产等):The artist lost millions by signing away his rights to the cartoon, character he created. 那位艺术家签字 放弃了他创作的卡通人物的所有权,因此损失数 百万。 [OBJ] rights ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sign for sth 1 to sign a form, etc. as proof that you have received sth 签收:The postman asked me to sign for the packet. 邮递员要我签 收小包裹。◊ This letter hasn't been signed for. 这封信还没人签收。2 (sport) if a player signs for a club, he/she formally agrees to play for that team (运动员)和球队签约,正式同意为 球队效力:When did Rooney sign for United? 鲁 尼什么时候和曼联签约的? ♦ v + prep sign in;sign sb in to write your name or the name of a guest when you arrive at an office, a club, etc.(替客人)签到:All visitors must sign in on arrival. 来客均须签到。◊ You have to be signed in by a member. 你必须由会 员帮你签到。 OPP sign out, sign sb out ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sign 'off 1 to end a letter, email, etc. 结 束写信(或电子邮件等):I'll sign off now and post this. 我这就把信写完并寄出去。2 to end a broadcast by saying goodbye or playing a piece of music (以道别或播放乐曲的形式)结 束播送,停止广播:I'll sign off with a reminder to tune in again tomorrow. 播音到此结束,明 天请继续收听。 ♦ v + adv ► sign-off n a way of ending a letter, email, etc.(信件、电子邮件等的)结束语:His letter ended with an indecipherable sign-off which could have been lots of love". 他来信的结束语难 以辨认,可能是 “非常爱你”。 sign sb 'off (BrE) to say officially that sb is too ill/sick to work for a particular period 给...开病假:The doctor signed him off for a wee/c医生给他开了一周的病假。[SUBJ] doctor ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sign sth off (BrE) to give your formal approval to sth, by signing your name 签字认 可; 签名同意:She signed off all the invoices. 她 在所有发票上签了名。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sign off on sth (AmEf informal) to express your approval of sth formally and definitely 正 式批准:The President hasn't yet signed off on this report. 这份报告总统还没有正式批准。 ♦ v + adv + prep sign on 1 (BrE, informal) to sign a form stating that you are unemployed so that you can receive payment from the government 办 理失业登记 ( 以领取失业救济金 ):He had to sign on when the factory closed. 工厂倒闭后, 他不得不办理失业登记。2 (old-fashioned, AmE) to announce the start of broadcasting for the day 开始广播:This is Jack Grainger signing on. 我是杰克·格兰杰,现在开始播音。 ♦ v + adv sign on; .sign sb on: Eric has been signed on for the team as goalkeeper. 埃里克和球队签 了约,司职守门员。◊ Shall I sign you on for the painting class? 我要不要替你报名上美术斑 ? ◊ I tried to sign on as a medical assistant. 我想报 名当医务助理。 -> SIGN UP, SIGN SB UP ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv sign 'out; .sign sb 'out to write your name or the name of a guest when you leave an office, a club, etc. (替客人) 签退,签字离开: Don't forget to sign out when you go. 离开时别 忘了签退。◊ You must sign your guests out when they leave the dub. 客人离开俱乐部,你 必须替他们签退。 OPP sign in, sign sb in ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv sign sth out to sign a document to say officially that sth can be removed from a place or that you have taken it 签字 (同意) 取走 (或带出:There is no record of the file being signed out again. 没有文件再次借出的签字。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sign sth over (to sb) to give your rights or property to sb else by signing a document 签 字传让 (权利或财产):He signed the house over to his daughter. 他签署文件,把房产过户 到了女儿名下。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sign up; .sign sb up (also .sign on, .sign sb on less frequent) 1 (with/for sb) to sign a document saying that you agree to work for sb, play for their team, etc.; to persuade sb to do this 签约受雇;签约雇用:She's signed up with an employment agency. 她已签约就职于一 家职业介绍所。 ◊ We've signed up three new players. 我们签约聘用了三名新队员。◊ Who hw been signed up to star in the new movie? 谁签 约主演新电影了? 2 (for sth) to arrange to do a course of study by adding your name or sb else's name to the list of people doing it (帮 某人) 报名,注册 (上某课程):I've signed up for a pottery course. 我已经报名上陶艺班。◊ Shall I sign you up for the workshop too? 我要 不要也替你版名参细讲习班? 3 to agree to become a member of the armed forces; to persuade sb to do this (使) 报名入伍: He tried to sign up when, he was only fifteen. 他刚十五岁 就想报名参军。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv silt /sɪlt/ NOTE silt is sand, mud, etc. that has been brought by flowing water. * silt 指泥沙、淤 泥等。 silt up; ,silt sth 'up to become blocked with silt; to block sth in this way (使) 淤塞: The old harbour has silted up. 老港口已经淤塞 了。◊ Mud is silting up the stream. 泥沙淤积, 阻塞了河道。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv simmer/ˈsɪmə(r)/ simmer down (informal) to become calm after a period of anger, excitement, violence, etc. 缓和下来;平静下来:Just simmer down and well discuss this calmly. 先平静一下,然后 我们心平气和地谈谈这件事。 SYN cool down, calm down ♦ v + adv sing /sɪŋ/ (sang /sæŋ/, sung /sʌŋ)/) sing a long (with sb/sth), ,sing a'long (to sth) to sing together with sb who is already singing or while a record, radio, or musical instrument is playing 随着 (某人、唱片、广播 或乐器) 唱:He sang along with the CD. 他跟着 播放的音乐光盘唱歌。◊ We sang along to all the songs. 我们跟唱了所有的歌曲。 ♦ v + adv ► singalong n an informal occasion at which people sing songs together 众人自娱歌唱聚会: We had a great singalong in the pub last night. 我们昨晚在酒吧齐声跟唱,妙极了。 sing out; .sing sth out to sing or say sth clearly and loudly 叫出;唱出:Sing out so that everyone can hear. 亮开嗓门唱,让大家都能听 见。◊ If you need anything, just sing out. 需要 什么就喊一声。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + speech ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sing up (BrE) to sing more loudly 更大声地 唱;放开嗓门唱:Sing up, I can't hear you. 大点 声唱,我听不见。 ♦ v + adv single/ˈsɪŋɡ(ə)l/ single sb/sth out (for sth/as sb/sth) to choose sb/sth from among a group for special comment or treatment (为某事) 单独挑出; 单独选出… (作为…): They singled her out fin- particular praise. 他们特别表扬了她。◊ He was singled out as the best student. 他被评选为最佳 学生。 NOTE Often used in the passive 常用于被动语态: Why had Aidan been singled out for special treatment? 为什么对艾丹特殊对待? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sink /sɪŋk/ (sank /sæŋk/, sunk /sʌŋk/ or (Jess frequent)sunk., sunk) sink 'back (into sth) to move or fall back- wards, or lie down, especially when you are feeling tired 向后靠, 向后倒 (在…上);躺下: She sank back into her chair. 她向后一倒坐进椅 子里。◊ He sank back against the pillows, exhausted. 他筋疲力尽地靠到枕头上。 ♦ v + adv sink in; .sink into sth 1 (of liquids 液体) to go down into another substance 渗透;渗 入...中:Apply the moisturizer and let it sink in. 涂上润肤霜, 让它渗进肌肤。◊ The rain sank into the dry ground. 雨水渗进了干旱的土地里。 SYN be absorbed (into sth) 2 (of words, etc. 话语等)to be fully understood or realized 被 完全理解:被吸收;消化:: It took a while for the news to sink in. 过了一段时间,人们才完全明白 这则消息。◊ He paused to let his words sink into her brain. 他停了一下,好让她充分领会他 的意思。[SUBJ] words, news, meaning ♦ v + adv IDM be 'sunk in sth to be in a state of unhappiness or deep thought 闷闷不乐;陷入 沉思:She just sat there, sunk in thought. 她只 是坐在那儿沉思。 sink into sth to go gradually into a less active, happy or pleasant state 渐渐进入(不活 跃或消沉、不快乐的状态):She sank into a deep sleep. 她沉沉睡去。◊ He sank deeper into depression. 他越来越忧就。 [OBJ] depression SYN descend into sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep sink into sth; .sink sth into sth to go deep into sth solid, to make sth sharp do this (把…)插入:sharp teeth sank into his arm. 尖 利的牙齿咬住了他的胳膊。◊ The dog sank its teeth into my leg. 狗猛咬我的腿。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron 十 prep sink sth 'into sth to spend a lot of money on a business or an activity, for example in order to make money from it in the future 把 (资金)投入(企业或活动):We sank all our savings into the new company. 我们把所有的积 蓄都投进了新公司。 [OBJ] fortune SYN plough sth into sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep sip /sip/ (-pp-) sip at sth to drink sth slowly, taking a very small amount each time 小口小口地喝: 浅啜;抿: She sipped at her coffee. 她一点一点 地抿咖啡。 [OBJ] drink ♦ v + prep siphon (also syphon) /ˈsaɪfn/ siphon sth 'off (from sth) (informal) to move money or resources from one place to another, usually illegally (非法)将(金钱或 资源)抽走(或转移):She siphoned off profits into her own bank account. 她擅自将盈利转到 了她本人的银行账户上。 [OBJ] money, funds SYN divert sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sit /sɪt/ (sitting, sat, sat /sæt]/) sit a1 round; ,sit a1 round sth (BrE also ,sit a'bout/'round, .sit about/'round sth) to spend time sitting down doing very little 无 所事事地坐看;(在…)闲坐:I'm far too busy to sit around here all day. 我忙得很,没空在这 儿成天闲坐着。◊ We sat about talking for most of the morning. 我们大半上午都坐着闲聊。◊ All we could do was sit around and wait. 我们 能做的就是无聊地坐着等。◊ They were sitting around the house chatting. 他们闲散地坐在屋里 聊天。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep sit back 1 to sit or lean comfortably in a chair 舒服地(在椅子上)坐着(或倚靠着):He sat back in his chair and closed his eyes. 他惬意 地坐在椅子上,闭上了眼睛。2 (and do sth) to relax, especially by not getting too involved in or anxious about sth 放松下来(做某事): Now all the work's done we can sit back and enjoy things! 活儿全干完了,我们可以尽情玩 啦! ◊ Are you going to sit back and let me do everything? 你打算在一旁歇着,让我包揽所有 的活儿? ♦ v + adv sit by to do nothing to stop sth bad or unpleasant happening 坐视不管;袖手旁观; 无动于衷:I'm not going to sit by and let an innocent man go to jail 我不会坐视一个无辜的 人去坐牢。 SYN stand by ♦ v + adv sit 'down 1 to lower your body until you are sitting on a chair, etc. 坐下;就座:Please sit down!请坐! ◊ We sat down on the sofa. 我们 在沙发上坐下。◊ When everyone was sitting down, he began. 大家还没落座,他就开始了。 -> see also sit YOURSELF DOWN 2 (and do sth) to give time and attention to sth in order to try to solve a problem or achieve sth 坐下来全 神贯注(做某事) : We've never actually sat down and talked the problem through. 我们从 来没有坐下来专心讨论过这个问题。 3 (with sb) to meet with sb to discuss sth (与某人)会 面,面谈,会晤:If you're feeling undervalued, it might be a good idea to sit down with your boss and talk about it. 你要是觉得未受重用,跟老板 面谈一下也许是个好主意。 ♦ v + adv ► sit-down n 1 [C] a strike, protest, etc. involving people sitting down and refusing to leave a place 静坐罢工;静坐抗议:to stage a sit-down 发起静坐请愿 ◊ q sit-down protest 静坐 抗议 2 [sing.] (BrE, informal) a short rest while sitting 坐着休息:I need a sit-down. 我需 要坐下休息一会儿。3 [C] (AmE) a meeting to discuss sth 会面讨论;会晤:Oprah will host a sit-down with some of Hollywood's hottest stars. 奥普拉将主持一档访谈节目,受访者是好莱坞最 走红的一些明星。 ► sit-down adj [only before noun] a sit-down meal, etc. is one where people sit on chairs instead of standing up (饭菜等)坐着 吃的;坐着进行的. sit sb down to help or persuade sb to sit down either for a rest or to discuss sth 扶着某 人坐下,说服某人坐下(休息或讨论):She sat him down in front of the fire. 她扶他坐在炉火 前。 ◊ we need to sit him down and explain the situation. 我们得让他坐下来解释一下情况。 E我 Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 sit down be seated ♦ sit (yourself) down ♦ take a seat These verbs all mean to rest your weight on your bottom with your back upright, for example on a chair. 这些动词都表示就座、 坐下。 be seated (formal) to be sitting 坐下;就座: She was seated at the head of the table. 她坐 在首席。◊ Wait until all the guests are seated. 等到所有客人都落座。NOTE Be seated is often used as a formal way of inviting sb to sit down * be seated 常用于正式邀请他人入座: Please be seated. 请坐。 sit (yourself) down to move from a standing position to a sitting position 坐下; 就座: Please sit down. 请坐。◊ He sat down on the bed. 他在床上坐下。◊ Come in and sit yourselves down. 进来坐坐吧。NOTE Sit can be used on its own * sit 可单独使用:May I sit here ? 我可以坐这儿吗? take a seat to sit down 坐下;就座 NOTE Take a seat is used especially as a polite way of inviting sb to sit down * take a seat 尤用于 礼貌邀请他人入座:Please take a seat I'll be with you shortly. 请坐,我马上来陪你。 WHICH WORD? All of these are used to ask people to sit. (Please) be seated is the most formal, and sit yourself down is the least formal. Sit, be sitting and be seated can also refer to the position sb is in 所有这些动词都用于邀请他人入座。 (please) be seated 最正式,sit yourself down 最 不正式。sit、be sitting 和 be seated 也可指某人 所坐的位置:He sat and stared at the letter in front of him. 他坐下目不转睛地盯着面前的信。 ◊ Where were you sitting? 当时你坐在哪儿? ◊ We were seated in the front row. 我们坐在前排。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to sit/sit down/be seated/take a seat on/in sth ■ to sit/sit down/be seated astride sth ■ to sit/sit down/be seated/take a seat beside/opposite/next to sb/sth sit yourself 'down (informal) to lower your body until you are sitting on a chair, etc. 坐 下;就座:Come in and sit yourself down. 进来 坐下吧。 -> see also SIT DOWN 1 ♦ v + pron + adv sit for sb/sth to be a model for an artist or a photographer 为...做模特:She sat for some of the most famous artists of her day. 她为她那个 时代一些最知名的艺术家当过模特。 ♦ v + prep sit in (on sth) to attend a meeting, a class, etc. to watch it, not to take part 列席 (会议);旁听 (课程):I was allowed to sir in on the meeting. 我获准列席会议。◊ I sat in on some English classes. 我旁听了一些英语课。 ♦ v + adv ► sit-in n a form of protest in which people refuse to leave a factory, a building, etc. ( 拒绝离开工厂、建筑物等的 ) 静坐示威,静坐 抗议:Workers decided to stage a sit-in. 工人们 决定发起静坐罢工。 sit in for sb to do sb's job or perform sb's duties while they are away 代某入顶班;替某 人履行职责:The chief reporter often sat in for George as editor. 主任记者常顶替乔治做编辑。 SYN stand in for sb ♦ v + adv + prep sit on sth 1 to be a member of a group of people such as a committee 是 ( 委员会等 ) 的成员:How many people sit on the committee? 委员会有多少成员? ◊ My mother sat on the jury during a famous murder trial. 我母亲曾 经是一宗有名的谋杀案审判的陪审团成员。[OBJ] committee, council 2 (informal) to do nothing about a letter, report, etc. that sb has sent you 拖延办理;积压,搁置 ( 信函、报告等 ): They've been sitting on my application for a month now. 他们压着我的申请未加处理已有一 个月了。 ♦ v + prep IDM sit on the 'fence to avoid becoming involved in deciding or influencing sth 骑墙观 望;保持中立:You can't go on sitting on the fence trying not to upset anybody. 你不能继续 持观望态度,谁都不想得罪。(be) sitting on a fortune/'gold mine (informal to own sth very valuable, often when you do not realize it ( 在不知不觉中 ) 坐拥财富 / 金矿,拥有珍品: His paintings are in great demand. If you have one, you could be sitting on a gold mine. 他的 画作很抢手。你要是有一幅,那可就发财了。 sit 'out to sit outside somewhere rather than inside 坐在外面:It's too cold now to sit out. 这 会儿在外面坐着太冷了。◊ Let's sit out on the balcony. 咱们到阳台去坐吧。 ♦ v + adv sit sth 'out 1 to not take part in a dance, game or other activity 坐在一旁不参加 (跳舞、游戏等活动):I think I'm going to sit this one out, 这一曲我不想跳了。[OBJ] dance 2 to stay in a place and wait for sth unpleasant or boring to finish 耐心等候(不快 或乏味的事情)结束;挨到...结束:to sit out a recession/slump/war 熬过经济衰退 / 萧条期 / 战 争。We'll just have to sit it out here until things improve. 我们只好一直在这儿耐着性子熬到事情 有转机。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) sit over sth to have a meal or a drink in a slow relaxed way (悠闲地)吃(或喝):We sat over breakfast and planned the day ahead. 我们慢悠悠地吃着早餐. 安排一天的日程。 [OBJ] breakfast, dinner, etc. ♦ v + prep sit round; ,sit round sth (BrE) -> sit AROUND, SIT AROUND STH sit through sth to stay until the end of a performance, speech, meeting, etc. that you think is boring or too long 一直坐到(冗长的 演出、演讲、会议等)结束:We had to sit through a whole dinner without a cigarette. 我们一根烟都不能抽,一直熬到晚餐结束。◊ I can't sit through four hours of Shakespeare! 我 可没耐心看完四个小时的莎士比亚戏剧! ♦ v + prep sit up 1 to be or to move yourself into a sitting position, for example, from lying down 坐起来;坐直:He sat up, turned the light on, and looked at his watch. 他坐起来开灯,看了看 表。◊ Do you feel well enough to sit up yet? 你 感觉怎么样,能坐起来了吗? 2 to not go to bed until later than usual 熬夜;迟睡:We sat up late watching a movie. 我们熬夜看了场电 影。SYN stay up 3 (and do sth) to suddenly give your attention to sth (突然)关注起来, 警觉起来:We need an advert that will make people sit up and take notice. 我们需要一个吸 引人眼球的广告。◊ This will make them sit up and listen. 这样他们就会聚精会神用心听。 ♦ v + adv ► sit-up n an exercise in which you move from lying down to a sitting position 仰卧起坐: I do about sixty sit-ups a day. 我每天做大约六 十个仰卧起坐。 sit sb up to move sb from lying to a sitting position 让...坐起来:She sat the baby up in the pram. 她把孩子放在婴儿车里坐着。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv size /saɪz/ size sb/sth up (informal) to form a judgement or an opinion of sb/sth 估计;估 量:揣度;判断:The two opponents were sizing each other up. 两个对手相互打量着。◊ I sized up the situation very quickly. 我很快对形势作出 了判断。 [OBJ] situation SYN sum sb/sth up (as sb/sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n skate /skeɪt/ skate over/around sth (BrE also .skate round sth) to talk about sth difficult or embarrassing quickly, without giving atten- tion to details 把(困难或尴尬的事)轻轻带 过;对...轻描淡写:She skated over the next part of her story. 她对自己经历的下一个片段一 带而过。 ♦ v + prep sketch /sketʃ/ sketch sth 'in 1 to give more information or details about sth 补充说明;给…补充细节: He sketched in the background to the case. 他补充说明了此个案的背景。◊ I‘ll sketch in the details later for you. 我以后给你补上细节。 ◊ You need to sketch in his character a little more. 对他的性格你应当刻画得再细致一些。 [OBJ] background, history 2 to add sth to a drawing quickly or roughly (给图画)略加几 笔:She sketched in a few more trees. 她又粗略 地画了几棵树。◊ I sketched in the outline of the house. 我又草草勾画了房子的轮廓。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sketch sth 'out 1 to draw all the main features of sth without showing exact details 画出...的草图:He sketched out some preliminary designs. 他简单地勾画了几个初步 的设计。2 co give a brief general description of a plan or an idea 简述;概述;草拟:She sketched out the plots of her novels in an exercise book. 她在练习册上勾勒了她小说的情 节。SYN outline sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv skim /skɪm/ (-mm-) skim sth 'off 1 to remove a substance such as fat from the surface of a liquid 撇去(液体 表面的油脂等):Skim off the fat and reheat the stew. 把油撇掉后,再把炖菜热一热。2 to take the best part of sth for yourself, often in an unfair or dishonest way 提取,攫取,捞取(精 华部分):She's been skimming off a percentage of the profits for years. 她多年来一直在捞取一 定份额的利润。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv skim through sth to read sth very quickly in order to get a general impression or to find a particular point 浏览;粗略地读:I only had time to skim through the report. 我只来得及浮 光掠影地看一遍报告。◊ He skimmed through the article trying to find his name. 他浏览了一 下文章,想找到自己的名字。 [OBJ] book, letter ♦ v + prep skimp/skɪmp/ skimp on sth to spend less money or time on sth than is normal or necessary 节省(金钱 或时间);省吃俭用:Older people shouldn't skimp on food or heating. 老年人不应过分吝惜 食品或取暖方面的开销。 SYN hold back on sth ♦ v + prep skin /skɪn/ skin 'up (informal) to make a cigarette containing an illegal drug (marijuana) (给香 烟) 掺入 (大麻) ♦ v + adv skip /skɪp/ (-pp-) skip off (BrE) (also .skip out AmE, Br£) (informal) to leave a place secretly or suddenly, especially for a dishonest reason, for example to avoid paying for sth (尤指出 于不正当的原因) 突然离去,溜走: They skipped off without paying. 他们没付钱就溜了。 ♦ v + adv skip out on sb/sth (AmEt informal) to leave sb, especially when they need you; to try to avoid a difficult situation by leaving a place (尤指不顾某人) 离开,溜走;(为摆脱困境) 逃避, 远遁:He just skipped out on his wife leaving her with four kids to take care of. 他撇 下妻子跑了,留下四个孩子让她照料。◊ He was found 22 years after he skipped out on drugs charges. 他因被控藏毒负罪潜逃、22年后 被找到了。 SYN run out on sb (especially BrE) ♦ v + adv + prep skirt /skɜːt; AmE skɜːrt/ skirt around sth (BrE also .skirt round sth) 1 to be or move around the edge 环绕在… 的边缘;位于…的四周:We skirted around the pond and crossed the bridge. 我们沿着池塘 边走,然后过了桥。2 to avoid discussing or dealing with a difficult or embarrassing sub- ject 回避,绕开 (话题):She tactfully skirted around the subject of money. 她巧妙避开了涉及 我的话题。◊ The issue was skirted around for years. 这个问题被回避很多年了。[OBJ] subject, question NOTE Skirt sth is also used on its own with both these meanings * skirt sth 单独使用也作这 两种含义:the road that skirted the lake 环绕湖 滨的道路. ◊ to skirt laws/duties 逃避法律 / 职责 ♦ v + prep skive /skaiv/ skive off; skive off sth (BrE, informal) to avoid work or school by staying away or leaving early 旷工;逃学;早退:I can skive off for a few hours. 我可以提前几个小时溜出来。 ◊ 1 decided to skive off school. 我决定不去上学。 [OBJ] school, work SYN bunk off, bunk off sth (BrE) NOTE Skive can also be used on its own, but not skive sth * skive 单独使用也作此义,但不能 用 skive sth: Where's Tom? I expect he's skiving again! 汤姆在哪儿?我想他又溜了吧! ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep slack /slæk/ slack off to do sth more slowly or work less hard than before 松懈;放松;懈怠:We can't slack off until everything is finished. 等一切都 完成了,我们才能松劲儿。 SYN ease off ♦ v + adv slacken / ˈslækən/ slacken off to become less busy or active 闲 下来;变懒散:We've been really busy, but things are starting to slacken off now. 我们忙极 了,不过现在事情开始减少了。 ♦ v + adv slag /slæɡ/ (-gg-) slag sb/sth off (BrE, slang) to criticize sb/sth in a cruel, unkind way 诋毁;贬损;辱 骂:He's always slagging his brother off. 他老损 他的弟弟。 SYN run sb/sth down (BrE), cut sb/sth down (AmE more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slam /slæm/ (-mm-) slam against sb/sth, etc. -> SLAM INTO/AGAINST SB/STH, ETC. slam sth down (on/onto sth) to put sth down with a lot of force, especially when you are angry 猛力放下,砰地摔下 ( 落在…上 ): She slammed the book down on the table. 她 把书摔在桌子上。◊ I slammed down the phone (= put the receiver down and ended the phone conversation) in a rage. 我愤怒地摔了 电话。 [OBJ] phone, receiver ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slam into/against sb/sth; .slam sb/sth into/against sb/sth to crash, or to make sth crash, into sth with a lot of force (使) 重重撞上,猛撞到:The jeep slammed into the wall. 吉普车撞到了墙上。◊ in the crash she was slammed against the back of the seat. 撞车时她被甩到了座位靠背上。 -> note at CRASH INTO SB/STH ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep slam sth 'on if you slam on the brakes of a vehicle, you operate them suddenly and with force 用为踩 ( 刹车 ):A child suddenly ran out into the road and I had to slam on the brakes. 一个小孩突然跑上公路、我只好猛踩刹车。 [OBJ] only brakes SYN jam sth on ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv slap /slæp/ (-pp-) slap sb a bout/a round (informal, espe- cially BrE) to hit sb regularly or often, used especially of a man hitting a woman 常常打, 动辄殴打 ( 尤指男性打女性 ):He used to come back drunk and slap his wife around. 他过去经 常醉醺醺地回家打他老婆。’ SYN knock sb around ♦ v + n/pron + adv slap sb down (informal) to criticize sb or their ideas or suggestions in an unfair way, often in public (公开且不公平地)奚 落,指责,责骂:He tried to object, but was immediately slapped down. 他想表示反对,可 立即遭到了喝止。◊ If you ask a question, she just slaps you down. 你要是提个问题,她就会 把你痛批一顿。 SYN cut sb down (AmE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slap sth 'down (on/onto sth) to put sth onto a surface in a quick and often noisy way, especially because you are angry 啪的一 声把…放下(露在…上):He slapped down a copy of the book on the table, 把一册书猛地 丢到桌子上。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slap sth on; slap sth on sb/sth (/n- formal) to announce suddenly that sb must have a punishment, obey a new rule, etc., often when this is unfair 突然强制实行(惩 罚);突然强迫遵守(新规则等):Judges have been slapping on longer prison sentences. 法官量刑时一直是选择判处较长的刑期。◊ The government slapped a new tax on high earners, 政府突然对高收入者强制征收新税。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep slap sth on; ,slap sth on/onto sth (informal) to spread a substance on a surface quickly and carelessly (在…上)随意涂抹, 胡涂乱抹:I'd better slap some make-up on before I go out. 出去前我得简单化化妆。 [OBJ] paint, make-up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + Prep slap sth on sth (informal) to increase the price of sth suddenly 突然把(价格)提高…: They've slapped 50p on the price of cigarettes. 他们把烟价一下子提高了 50 便士。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep slap sth onto sth -> SLAP STH ON, SLAP STH ON/ONTO STH slap sb up (slang) to hit sb hard with your hand, many times (接连不断地用手)猛打, 猛拍,猛掴 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) slash /slæʃ/ slash at sb/sth (with sth) to attack sb violently with a knife, etc. and try to cut them/it (用刀等)猛砍,猛击:He slashed at: his opponent's face with a knife. 他用刀子猛划 对手的脸。 ♦ v + prep slave /sleɪv/ slave a'way (at sth) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时 )used to emphasize how hard you are working, especially when you think people do not recognize this or feel grateful (默默地)辛苦 劳作,做苦工:I've been slaving away all day trying to get this work finished. 我拼命忙了一整 天,想把这活儿干完。’ ♦ v + adv sleep /sliːp/ (slept, slept /slept/) sleep a round (informal, disapproving) to have sex with many different partners 到处跟 人睡觉;乱搞性关系;滥交 ♦ v + adv sleep 'in 1 to remain in bed longer than usual in the morning (比平常)迟起;睡懒觉: She usually sleeps in on Sundays. 她星期天通常 睡懒觉。SYN lie in (BrE, informal) 2 (ScotE) to sleep longer than you intended (比预定)迟 起;睡过头:I slept in and missed the bus, 我睡 过了头,误了公共汽车。SYN oversleep ♦ v + adv sleep sth off to get better after sth, espe- cially drinking too much alcohol, by sleeping 以睡眠消除,睡一觉熬过(尤指酒劲):He's still sleeping off yesterday's hangover. 他还在睡觉消 解味天的宿醉呢。◊ Go home and sleep it off. 回 家睡一觉恢复恢复吧。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sleep on sth to delay making a decision about sth until the next day so that you can think about it 把...留待次日决定;把...拖 到第二天再说:Sleep on it and let me know tomorrow. 晚上好好想想,明天给我个答复。 ♦ v + prep sleep out to sleep outdoors 在户外睡;露宿: We slept out most nights when we were in Greece. 我们在希腊时大多露宿。 ♦ v + adv sleep over to stay the night at sb else's home 在别人家过夜;借宿:The kids are sleeping over with friends. 孩子们在朋友家过 夜。◊ It's very late now—why don't you sleep over? 现在已经很晚了 ——为什么不就睡 这儿呢? ♦ v + adv ► sleepover n a party for children or young people when a group of them spend the night at one house (儿童或年轻人在某人家里的)过 夜聚会 sleep through sth to not be woken up by sth such as a loud noise or a lot of activity 不被(吵闹或混乱)吵醒;睡觉不受...影响:She slept right through the thunderstorm. 她完全没 被暴风雨吵醒。◊ I'm afraid I slept through the alarm. 恐怕闹钟没把我叫醒。 ◊ Did he sleep through the whole incident? 发生这事时自始至 终他都在睡觉吗? ♦ v+ prep sleep together; sleep with sb (informal) to have sex with sb, especially sb you are not married to 和某人(尤指非配偶)发生性关系: They have been sleeping together for months now. 他们一块儿睡觉已经有几个月了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep slice /slaɪs/ slice sth 'off; .slice sth off sth 1 to remove a thin piece of sth from sth larger by cutting (从…上)切下,割下(薄片):The top of his finger was sliced off in an accident. 他的 指尖在一次事故中被切掉了。◊ She sliced a piece of meat off the joint. 她从那一大块带骨肉上切 下一片。 2 to reduce sth by a particular amount 将...减少(某数量);使削减: He sliced two seconds off the world record. 他把世界纪录 缩短了两秒。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep slice through sth (especially BrE) to pass through sth very easily (轻易地) 切开,过: The axe sliced through the wood like butter.这 把斧子劈柴如同切黄油块一样轻松。◊(figurative) He sliced through all my objections. 他轻而易举 地驳倒了我的所有反对意见。 ♦ v + prep slice sth 'up to cut sth into flat thin pieces 把...切成薄片:Would you slice the cucumber up? 请把黄瓜切成片好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slick/slɪk/ slick sth * back/'down if you slick your hair back/down, you make it lie flat by putting oil, water, etc. on it 使(头发)平整光 滑:His hair was slicked back. 他的头发梳得溜 光。◊ He still slicks down his hair with oil. 他 仍然用发油梳平头发。 [OBJ] hair NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slim /slɪm// (-mm-) slim down to become thinner, for example as a result of eating less (靠节食等)变苗条, 减肥,瘦身:She slimmed down to 60 kilos before her wedding. 她在婚礼前把体重减到了 60 公斤。 SYN trim down ♦ v + adv slim down; .slim sth down to make sth, such as an organization or a company, smaller by employing fewer people, reducing the amount of work done, etc. 精简(机构);裁 减(人员);减少(岗位):The coal industry has had to slim down. 煤炭产业还得精简。◊ The firm had to slim down its workforce. 公司 不得不裁员。◊ a slimmed-down curriculum 压 缩了的课程 SYN trim down, trim sth down ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sling /slɪŋ/ sling off at sb (AustralE, informal) to laugh at sb in an unkind way 取笑;嘲笑;讥笑 ♦ v + adv + prep slip /slɪp/ (-pp-) slip a way 1 (also .slip off) to leave quietly without attracting attention 溜走;悄悄离 开;不辞而别:I slipped away to my room to write some letters. 我偷偷躲进房间去写信。 ◊ He managed to slip off alone for an hour. 他设法独自溜掉了一个小时。 2 (also ,slip •by) if a period of time slips away, it passes more quickly than you realize (时间)不知不 觉地流逝,飞逝:She could see her childhood slipping away. 她感到自己的童年在不经意间过 去亍。◊ The afternoon slipped by. 下午一晃就 过去了。3 (from sb) to disappear; to die or to stop existing 消失;消亡;死去:He slipped away peacefully during the night. 他夜间安详地 去世了。◊ I felt the game was slipping away from me (= I was losing). 我感觉我这场比赛败 局已定。 ♦ v + adv slip by 1 -> SLIP AWAY 2: Time just seemed to slip by. 时间好像悄悄溜走了。 2 if an opportunity, etc. slips by, it passes and you do not use it (机会等)溜走,失去:I try never to let a chance to travel slip by. 我争取不错过任 何旅行机会。 ♦ v + adv slip sth in; .slip sth into sth to add sth to a speech, conversation or written text quickly or secretly (在说话或文字中)插入 (几句话等):He usually slips a couple of jokes into his lectures. 他讲课时常捎带穿插几个笑 话。◊ She slipped in a few comments about her boyfriend. 她插话讲了讲她的男友。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep slip into sth 1 to put clothes on quickly and easily 迅速轻松地穿上:I'll just slip into some- thing more comfortable. 我套件舒服点的衣服就 行了。[OBJ] dress, shoes, etc. OPP slip out of sth -> see also SLIP STH OFF; SLIP STH ON 2 to pass into a particular state or situation, espe- cially a difficult or unpleasant one 进入,陷入 (尤指困难或不快的状况):The patient slipped into a coma. 病人陷入了昏迷。◊ The economy has slipped into recession. 经济陷入衰退。[OBJ] coma, sleep, recession, debt ♦ v + prep slip 'off -> SLIP AWAY 1 slip sth off to take clothes or shoes off quickly and easily 迅速轻松地脱下:She slipped her shoes off by the door. 她在门旁一下子踢掉 了鞋子。 ◊ Slip off your coat and I'll make some tea. 快把外套脱了,我去沏茶。 [OBJ] coat, shoes, etc. OPP slip sth on -> see also SLIP INTO STH; SLIP OUT OF STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (slip sth on to put clothes or shoes on quickly and easily 速速轻松地穿上: Hold on, I'll just slip my coat on, then Hl be ready. 等一下, 我披上外套就好了。 [OBJ] shoes, jacket, etc. OPP slip sth off -> see also SLIP INTO STH; SLIP OUT OF STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► slip-on n [usually pl.] a shoe that you can put on and take off quickly and easily without having to tie or fasten anything 无带无扣的便 鞋:懒人鞋;一脚蹬:a pair of cheap slip-ons 一 双便宜的无带便 slip-on shoes 无带便鞋 slip out (informal) if sth slips out, you say it when you do not intend to 无意中说出;不经 意泄露:I didn't mean to tell him—it just slipped out. 我并不想告诉他的——只是说漏嘴了。 ♦ v + adv slip out of sth to take off clothes quickly and easily 迅速轻松地脱下:She slipped out of her clothes and got into the shower. 她很快脱了 衣服去冲淋浴。 [OBJ] clothes, dress, etc. OPP slip into sth -> see also SLIP STH OFF; SLIP STH ON ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep slip 'over to slide a short distance and fall 滑 倒;失足:He slipped over on the ice and broke his leg. 他在冰上滑了一跤,摔断了腿。 ♦ v + adv slip through; slip through sth if sth or sb slips through or slips through a system, etc., a person or a system fails to find and deal with it/them 漏网;被漏掉;蒙 混过关:Mistakes occasionally slip through.偶 京有些错误会被忽略。◊ Somehow he slipped through the company's screening process. 他不 知用何种方法混过了公司的审查程序。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep IDM (let sth) slip through your fingers if sb/sth slips through your fingers, you fail to keep or use it/them (让…)溜走;把握不住: The thief had slipped through their fingers yet again. 小偷又一次从他们的眼皮底下溜走 了。◊ You've let your chances slip through your fingers. 你已经一再错失机会。slip through the net when sb/sth slips through the net, an organization or a system fails to find them and deal with them 漏网;被漏掉:We tried to contact all the former students, but some slipped through the net. 我们尽力联系所有校友,但还 是遗漏了一些。 slip up (over sth) (informal) to make a careless mistake 疏忽;有纸漏:I slipped up over the date of the meeting. 我不小心把开会日 期搞错了。◊ He slipped up in his calculations. 他粗枝大叶算错了。◊ We slipped up there, didn't we? 我们疏忽大意了,对吧? ♦ v + adv ► slip-up n (informal) a careless mistake 粗 心导致的错误;疏忽;纸漏:One small slip-up could cost us the election. 一个小小的失误就会 让我们输掉选举。 slob /slɒb; AmE slɑːb/ (-bb-) slob a round/out; ,slob a1 round sth (BrE, slang) to spend time being lazy and doing nothing 游手好闲;无所事事;混日子: We just slobbed out in front of the telly last night 我们昨晚就看了看电视打发时间。◊ Are you going to slob around in your pyjamas all morning? 你是不是要穿着睡衣晃荡一上午? ◊ I decided to slob around the campsite instead of going swimming. 我决定在露营地转转,不去游 泳了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep slobber /ˈslɒbə(r); AmE ˈslɑːbər-/ slobber over sb/sth (informal) to show, without any pride or control, how much you like or want sb/sth ( 毫无自尊或节制地 ) 对… 示爱:I know he's in love with you but does he have to slobber over you in public? 我知道他爱 上了你,但是他非得在大庭广众之下对你大秀恩 爱吗? ♦ v + prep slog /slɒɡ; AmE slɑːɡ/ (-gg-) slog away (at sth) (informal) to work hard and steadily at sth, especially a boring or difficult task, for a long time 勤勤恳恳地做、 不辞辛劳地干 ( 乏味或艰巨的工作 ):He slogged away at that report for weeks. 他埋头苦干了几 个星期写那份报告。 ♦ v + adv slog it 'out (BrE, informal) -> SLUG IT OUT slog through sth (informal) to work hard and steadily at sth, especially a boring or difficult task, for a long time 勤勤恳恳地做, 不辞辛劳地干 ( 乏味或艰巨的工作 ):I seem to have been slogging through this book for weeks. 我啃这本书似乎有好几个星期了。 ♦ v + prep slop /slɒp; AmE slɑːp/ (-pp-) slop a bout/a round 1 (in sth) (of a liquid 液体)to move around in a container, often so that some liquid comes over the edge 晃荡;(常指) 溢出,溅出: Water was slopping about in the bottom of the boat. 水在船底晃 来晃去。 SYN slosh around/about 2 (in sth) to move around in water, mud, etc. ( 在水、 泥等里 ) 趟来趟去,走动:She slopped around in the cooling water. 她在凉爽的水里走来走 去。SYN slosh around/about 3 (BrE, informal, disapproving) to spend time relaxing or being lazy 休息;放松;偷懒: She used to slop around all day in old jeans and sweatshirts. 以 前,她时常整天穿着旧牛仔裤和运动衫闲逛。 SYN slouch about/around (BrE) hang around ♦ v + adv slop out (BrE) when prisoners slop out, they empty the containers that they use as toilets (囚犯) 倒便桶 ♦ v + adv slop over; slop over sth (of a liquid 液体)to move around in a container so much that some liquid comes out over the edge 晃出;溅出:Some tea had slopped over into the saucer. 一些茶水泼到了茶托上。◊ Water slopped over the edge of the bath. 水从浴缸边上 溢出来了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep slope /sləʊp; AmE sloʊp/ slope 'off (BrE, informal) to go away, espe- cially without being noticed, in order to avoid doing work, talking to sb, etc. 溜掉;悄 悄走开;不告而别: He always slopes off if there's any work to be done. 一到套干活时他就开溜。◊ Where are you trying to slope off to? 你要躲到 哪儿去? ♦ v + adv slosh /slɒʃ; AmE slɑːʃ/ slosh around (also .slosh a1 bout especially BrE) (in sth) (informal) 1 (of a liquid 液体) to move around noisily in a container 晃荡 作响:The water was sloshing about in the bucket. 水在桶里哗啦哗啦地直晃荡。SYN slop about/around 2 to move around noisily in sth liquid ( 在液体里 ) 出声地四处移动:The children were sloshing around in the puddles. 孩 子们在水坑里啪嗒啪嗒地踏来踩去。SYN slop about/around 3 (BrE) (especially of money 尤 指钱) to be present in large quantities 大量存 在:There seems to be lots of money sloshing around in professional tennis. 职业网球赛可谓 金钱滚滚。 ♦ v + adv slot /slɒt; AmE slɑːt/ (-tt-) slot in;slot into sth if sth slots in or slots into sth, it fits easily and exactly into a space, especially the space made or designed for it 正好插入,恰好嵌入 (制作或设计好的空 间):This bit slots in neatly just here. 这一块 正好插在这儿。◊ This piece is meant to slot into this groove. 这个部件应该插在这个槽里。◊ (figurative) I didn't understand everything at the time, but later it all slotted into place. 当时 我并不清楚所有的事,到后来才弄明白一切。 -> see also SLOT STH IN, SLOT STH INTO STH ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep slot sb/sth 'in to manage to find a time to see sb or to do sth 为…安排时间;抽空 (见某 人或做某事):I can slot you in tomorrow at four. 我可以把你安排在明天四点钟。 SYN fit sb/sth in ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slot sth 'in; .slot sth into sth to put sth into a space that is available or designed for it 把...投入 (已有的或设计好的空间):He slotted a coin into the machine. 他往机器里投了一枚硬 币。◊ (figurative) The final pieces of the puzzle had been slotted into place. 这个迷团的最后几 部分终于解开了。 -> see also SLOT IN, SLOT INTO STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep slot together;slot A and B together if two things slot together, or sb slots them together, they fit together easily and exactly (使) 严丝合缝地拼合. 完全吻合: The base comes in sections that simply slot together. 底座由几个部分插接而成。 ◊ The parts are ready to be slotted together. 部件可随时 拼装。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n slouch /slaʊtʃ/ slouch about/around; slouch about/a round sth (BrE, disapproving) to spend time relaxing or being lazy 休息; 放 松;偷懒:He slouches around all day reading comics 他优哉游哉地看了一整天的连环漫画。◊ She wasted the day slouching about the house. 她在屋子里无所事事地呆了一天。 SYN slop about/around (BrE), hang around ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep slough /slaʊf/ slough sth off 1 to remove or get rid of a layer of dead skin, etc. 除掉,去掉 ( 死皮等 ): Slough off dry skin once a week. 每周除一次干 皮。SYN shed sth 2 (formal) to get rid of sth that you no longer want 摒弃:抛弃;摆脱:He was not able to slough off the memories of the past. 他无法忘怀过去。◊ Responsibilities are not sloughed off so easily. 推卸着任绝非易事。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) slow /sləʊ; AmE sloʊ/ slow 'down;slow sb/sth down (also .slow up, slow sb/sth up less frequent 1 to go, or to make sb/sth go, at a slower speed (使) 慢下来,减速: Slow down, I can't keep up with you, 慢点儿,我跟不上你。◊ The bus slowed up as it approached the junction. 公共汽车在驶近交叉路口时放慢了速度。 ◊ The heat slowed us down. 我们热得慢了下 来。◊ The roadworks are slowing the traffic up in the mornings. 道路施工减缓了早晨车辆的通 行速度。2 to be less active or develop more slowly; to make sb/sth do this (使某人) 松 弛;(使发展) 减缓:He looks ill, he should slow down. 他看上去不太舒服,该萩松一下了。 ◊ The economy has slowed down. 经济发展放缓 了。◊ They claim they can slow up the ageing process. 他们声称能够延缓衰老过程。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► slowdown n 1 a decrease in the rate of activity or production ( 活动或生产的 ) 减速, 减退:a slowdown in the economy 经济放缓 2 (AmE) a protest that workers make by doing their work more slowly than usual 怠工:The union threatened a slowdown if their demands were not met. 工会威胁说,如果不答应要求他 们就怠工。 slug/slʌɡ/ (-gg-) slug it 'out (BrE also ,slog it 'out) (informal) to fight; to compete until sb has won 斗 争;比c出胜负;决一雌雄:The two companies slugged it out for their share of the market. 两 家公司为争夺市场份额一较高下。◊ The Demo- crats and the Republicans will be slugging it out in November. 民主党和共和党将于11月一决 胜负。 ♦ v + it + adv sluice /sluːs/ sluice sth down/ out (especially BrE) to wash or clean the surface of sth with large amounts of water (用水流) 冲刷,洗净 (表面): They sluice the streets down every morning, 他们每天早晨冲洗街道。◊ An attend- ant was sluicing out the changing rooms. 一名 服务员正在冲洗更衣室。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv smack /smæk/ smack of sth to seem to contain an un- pleasant attitude or quality 带有 ( 令人不快 的态度);含有 (消极意味):His comments smack of racism. 他的评论带有种族歧视的 味道。 ♦ v + prep smack sb 'up (slang) to hit sb hard with your hand, many times ( 用手连续 ) 猛打,猛 拍,猛掴 ♦ v + n/pron + adv • v + adv + n (rare) smart /smɑːt; AmE smɑːrt/ smart 'off (to sb) (AmE, informal) to say sth that does not show respect to sb in authority (言语) 冒犯,激怒,惹恼 (权威人士) : You are more likely to get a ticket from a cop if you smart off to him or her. 对警察说话莽撞放肆. 更有可能吃罚单。 ♦ v + adv smarten /ˈsmɑːtn; AmE ˈsmɑːrtn/ smarten 'up 1 (also .smarten yourself up) to make yourself neater, tidier, or more attractive 打扮;收拾整洁:You need to smarten (yourself) up before you go out. 你应该修饰 一下再出去。SYN spruce yourself up 2 (espe- cially AmE) to become more clever and aware of things 变得清醒;变得精明:You'll have to smarten up if you want to pass those exams. 你 要是想通过那些考试,脑子必须转得更快一些。 ♦ v + adv 1 also v + pron + adv smarten sb/sth up (especially BrE) to make a person or a place neater, tidier or more attractive 使 ( 人或地方 ) 整洁起来;使光彩夺 目:The hotel has been smartened up by the new owners. 新业主把旅馆修葺-新。◊ She did her best to smarten her husband up. 她竭尽全力把 丈夫打扮得英俊潇洒。 SYN spruce sb/sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv smash /smæʃ/ smash sth down to make sth fall by hitting it very hard and breaking it (用力) 击倒,打 翻:The police decided to smash the door down. 警察决定破门而入。 [OBJ] door ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n smash sth In to make a hole in sth or destroy it by hitting it very hard (用力) 打 破,撞坏,毁坏:The doll's face had been smashed in. 玩具娃娃的脸被打瘪了。◊ (in- formal) He threatened to smash my head in (= hit my head very hard). 他威胁要砸扁我的 脑袋。 [OBJ] door, face, head mm bash sth in (informal, especially BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n smash into sb/sth (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或驾驶员) to hit sb/sth very hard, causing damage 猛撞上;撞毁:The car smashed into a tree. 汽车猛地撞到树上。◊ I smashed into the car in front. 我的汽车猛地撞上前面的汽车。→ note at CRASH INTO SB/STH ♦ v + prep smash sth up to damage or destroy sth by hitting it very hard 捣毁;破环:A bunch of thugs broke in and smashed the place up. 一帮暴徒闯进来把这个地方砸了个稀巴烂。◊ He smashed his car up last week (= he had a crash). 他上个星期把汽车撞环了。 [OBJ] car, things, place s note at break sth up ♦ v 十 n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n smell /smel/ (smelled, smelled, BrE also smelt, smelt /smelt/) smell of sth to have the smell of sth 有...气 味;散发…气味:The baby smelled of soap and milk. 孩子身上全是肥皂味和奶味。◊ Can you put your cigarette out? I don't want my room smelling of smoke. 把烟掐灭了好吗?我不希望 我的房间有股烟味儿。 ♦ v + prep IDM come up/out of sth smelling of ' roses (informal) to still have a good reputation, even though you have been involved in sth that might have given people a bad opinion of you 牵涉 (丑闻等) 后美名依旧;事后于名誉 无损 smell sb/sth out 1 to be aware of fear, danger, trouble, etc. in a situation 觉察到, 意识到 ( 危险、麻烦等 ):He could smell out weakness in others. 他能够抓住他人的弱点。2 (of dogs 狗) to find sb/sth, by smelling 凭嗅觉 我到;嗅出;闻出:The dogs are trained to smell out drugs. 这些狗是经训练用于缉毒的。 SYN sniff sb/sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv smell sth out (BrE) (AmE smell sth up) to fill a place with an unpleasant smell 使 (某 处) 充满难闻气味;使臭气熏天:That fish smelt the whole house out 那鱼让整个房子充满腥味。 ◊ I burned some milk and smelled up the whole house. 我烧糊了牛奶,整个屋子全电一股 焦味儿。 SYN stink sth out (BrE), stink sth up (AmE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n smile /smaɪl/ smile on/upon sb/sth (formal or literary) if fortune, fate, etc. smiles on you, you are very lucky and successful ( 运气、命运等 ) 垂 青,厚待:Fortune smiled on us that night and the plane landed safely. 那天夜里我们福星高 照,飞机安全着陆了。 -> see also FROWN ON SB/STH ♦ v + prep smoke /sməʊk; AmE smoʊk/ smoke sb/sth out 1 to make sb/sth come out of a place by filling it with smoke 用烟熏 出:The fire is used to smoke the bees out, 用火把蜜蜂熏出来。2 to find sb/sth that is causing a problem; to make sth that is secret publicly known 查出 (坏人或问题根 源);揭露 (秘密); 使水落石出:The police are determined to smoke out the leaders of the gang. 警方决心揪出犯罪团伙的头目。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv smooth /smuːð/ smooth sth a way/out to reduce or remove problems and difficulties 减少,排 除,克服 ( 问题或困难 ):The group was set up to smooth away local difficulties. 成立这 个组的目的是解决当地的困难。◊ His anxieties were quickly smoothed away. 他的忧虑很快就 消除了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv smooth sth down to make your hair or your clothes smooth and flat with your hands 用手将 ( 头发或衣服 ) 弄光滑平整: He smoothed down his hair. 他把头发抚平。 [OBJ] hair, skirt ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv smooth sth out 1 to make sth such as a piece of paper or cloth smooth and flat with your hands 将 (纸张、布等) 抚平;使平滑: She tried to smooth out the crumpled letter. 她 试着把皱巴巴的信抻平。wrinkles, paper 2 -> SMOOTH STH AWAY/OUT: We are here to smooth out any practical problems for you, 我 们是来帮你解决实际问题的。[OBJ] differences, problems ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv smooth sth over to make a problem or difficulty seem less serious or easier to deal with, especially by talking to the people involved 缓和;调解;斡旋:She tried to calm her parents down and smooth things over. 她努力让父母冷静下来,同时尝试居中调停。◊ The leaders managed to smooth over their differences. 领导们设法消除了他们之间的分歧。 [OBJ] differences, things ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv snack /snæk/ snack on sth to eat small amounts of food between or instead of meals 吃小吃;吃零 食:It's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate. 以水果当零嘴比吃巧克力更有益 健康。 ♦ v + prep snap /snæp/ (-pp-) snap 'back (into sth): (AmE) After the initial shock, he soon snapped back. 他起初大吃一惊, 但很快就恢复了镇静。◊ She snapped back into her daily routine soon after the operation。手术 后不久她就恢复了正常生活。 SYN recover (from sth) -> bounce back (from sth) ♦ v + adv snap sth off; .snap sth off sth; .snap off to break sth suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way 啪的一声扯断; 突然 (从…) 折断:He snapped a twig off a bush. 他啪的一下折下一条灌木的嫩枝。◊ The branch she was standing on must have snapped off, 她 站在上面的那根树枝一定是突然断裂了。-> note at BREAK OFF, BREAK STH OFF ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep snap sth out to say sth in a sharp or unpleasant way 厉声说出;气势汹汹地说;恶 声恶气地说:The sergeant snapped out an order. 中士厉声下达命令。 NOTE Snap sth can be used on its own with this meaning * snap sth 单独使用也可作此义: She snapped instructions to the team. 她厉声向 队伍下达指令。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ v + adv + speech snap 'out of sth; snap sb 'out of sth (informal) to make yourself, or help sb else, stop feeling upset, in a bad mood, etc. (帮某 人) 消除烦恼,改善心境,振作起来:Come on, Joe. Snap out of it 振作点,乔。别难过了。◊ She was snapped out of her reverie by the sound of the door opening. 开门声把她从幻想中 惊醒了。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep snap 'to it (informal) used to tell sb to start working harder or more quickly 快点干;加把 劲:This place has to be clean by this evening so snap to it! 这个地方今晚之前必须弄干净,抓紧 干吧! ♦ v + prep + it snap sb/sth up to buy or take sth quickly and with enthusiasm 争购;疯抢:Fans quickly snapped up the tickets. 狂热的爱好者很快就由 门票抢购一空。◊ (figurative) He was snapped up by United. 他被联队抢去了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv snarl /snɑːl; AmE snɑːrl/ snarl up; (snarl sth up if sth snarls up, or sth snarls it up, it becomes so confused, twisted, etc. that no part of it can move (使) 缠结、混乱:The dog*s lead got snarled up in a bush. 拴狗的皮带缠绕在一丛灌木上。◊ The traffic snarls up at that junction every evening. 那个交叉路口每晚都交通拥堵。◊ The accident snarled up the traffic for the whole day. 这次事 故造成整整一天的交通堵塞。 NOTE Often used in the passive with get 常与 get 连用,用于被动语态:The city centre gets snarled up with tourists in the summer. 到了夏 天,市中心游人如织。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► 1 snarl-up n (BrE, informal) a situation in which traffic is unable to move 交通堵塞 snatch /snætʃ/ snatch at sth 1 to try to take hold of sth 伸 手抓;试图夺: She snatched at the letter in his hand. 她伸手去抢他手里的信。2 (BrE) to take an opportunity to do sth quickly and with enthusiasm (毫不迟疑地) 抓住 (时机):They snatched at the chance to be happy. 他们立刻抓 住机会开心一下。 ♦ v + prep sneak/sniːk/ NOTE The usual past form is sneaked, but snuck is now common in informal speech, especially in American English. However, many people consider it incorrect. 过去式一 般用 sneaked, 但在非正式口语尤其是美国英语 中 snuck 已很常见。不过,很多人认为 snuck 不 正确。 sneak up (on sb) to approach sb very quietly, so that they do not see or hear you until you reach them 悄悄走近:He loves sneaking up on me to scare me. 他就爱偷偷溜到 我身边吓唬我。◊ She snuck up behind them and suddenly shouted. 她蹑手蹑脚地走到他们身后, 然后突然大喊一声。 ♦ v + adv sniff /snɪf/ sniff around; .sniff a round sth/sb (BrE, also .sniff 'round, .sniff 'round sth/sb) (informal) to go somewhere to try to find secret information about sth/sb or to look for a particular person or thing 探查;打探;访查: The studio was sniffing around for new talent. 电影公司在四处物色新秀。◊ It won't be long before the press come sniffing around the club. 记者很快就会到这个俱乐部访查的。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep sniff at sth (informal) to show a lack of interest in or respect for sth 对...嗤之以鼻; 对…不屑一顾:At first he sniffed at her foreign ways. 起初他对她的洋做派不以为然。 ♦ v + prep NOTE not to be 'sniffed at (informal) good enough to be accepted or considered seriously 值得认真对待;不击对...等闲视之:Her achieve- ment is not to be sniffed at. 她的成绩不可小看。 sniff sb/sth out 1 (especially of dogs 尤 指狗) to find sb/sth by smelling 凭嗅觉找到; 嗅出;闻出:These dogs can sniff out explosives. 这些犬能嗅出炸药。SYN smell sb/sth out 2 (informal) to find information about sb/sth 觉 察;找到;发现:journalists trained to sniff out a scandal 对挖掘丑闻训练有素的记者 ◊ They're quick to sniff out a deception. 他们善于识破骗 局。SYN nose sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sniff 'round, etc. (BrE) -> SNIFF AROUND, ETC. snow /snəʊ; AmE snoʊ/ be/get .snowed in/ up to be unable to go anywhere or leave a place because of heavy snow 被大雪困住;因大雪滞留:We got snowed in for three days. 我们被大雪困了三天。 ♦ be/get + v + adv be/get .snowed under (with sth) to have so much work that you have problems dealing with it ( 因工作量大 ) 不胜负荷,不堪应付,应 接不暇:We're snowed under with work at the moment. 我们现在被工作压得直不起腰。 ♦ be/get + v + adv be/get .snowed up (BrE) -> BE/GET SNOWED IN/UP 2 (of 3 road, etc, 道路等 ) to be/become blocked with snow 被雪封住:The driveway was still snowed up, 车行道依然被积 雪封阻。 ♦ be/get + v + adv snuff/snʌf/ snuff sb out (especially AmE) to kill sb 谋 杀,干掉 (某人):He was snuffed out by the Mafia. 他被黑手党干掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n snuff sth out 1 to stop a flame from burning 熄灭,扑灭 ( 火焰 ) :She snuffed out the candles. 她掐灭了蜡烛。[OBJ] candle, flame NOTE Snuff sth can also be used on its own with this meaning. * snuff sth 单独使用也可作 此义。2 to suddenly end or destroy sth 突然 结束,扼杀,消灭 (某事物):A moment of mindless violence snuffed out his life. 一 时无谓 的暴力夺去了他的生命。◊ The revolution was quickly snuffed out. 那场革命被迅速扼杀了。 [OBJ] life, hope ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) snuggle / snʌɡl/ snuggle down to make yourself warm and comfortable in your bed 温暖舒适地躺在床上: He snuggled down and went to sleep. 他舒舒服 服地躺在床上睡着了。 ♦ v + adv snuggle up (to/against sb/sth), .snuggle up (in sth) to get into a warm and comfort- able position close to sb/sth or in sth (温暖舒 适地) 偎依,挨进: She snuggled up to him. 她 紧紧依偎着他。◊ I'd love to snuggle up in bed right now! 我真想立刻舒舒服服地蜷到床上去! SYN cuddle up (to/against sb) ♦ v + adv soak/səʊk; AmE soʊk/ soak in;soak into sth (of a liquid 液体) to pass into sth 渗入;渗进:Apply the oil to the wood and leave it to soak in. 把油涂在木头上, 让油渗进去。◊ The wine had soaked into the carpet. 葡萄酒渗进了地毯。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep soak through; soak through sth (of a liquid 液体) to pass into or through sth 渗入;渗透:Blood had soaked through the bandage. 血渗透了绷带。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep soak sth up 1 to take in or absorb sth, espe- cially a liquid 吸收,吸掉 ( 尤指液体 ):Use a paper towel to soak up the excess oil. 用厚纸 巾把多余的油吸去。◊ (figurative) The farmers soak up (= use up) £1 billion of government aid a year. 农民每年接受十亿英镑的政府补贴。 [OBJ] water, debts 2 to absorb sth into your senses, your body or your mind (通过感官或 身心) 吸取, 摄取:We walked around the town, soaking up the atmosphere. 我们在那座城市里 漫步,感受那里的气氛。[OBJ] the sun, the atmosphere SYN absorb sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (less frequent) sober /ˈsəʊbə(r); AmE ˈsoʊ-/ sober up; .sober sb up to become, or to make sb, no longer drunk (使) 醒酒,清醒:I decided to walk home to sober up. 我决定步行 回家醒醒酒。◊ I need a black coffee to sober me up. 我需要一杯清咖啡醒酒。◊ (figurative, espe- cially BrE) We all laughed at what Liam said, but soon sobered up (= became serious) when we saw his wife's expression. 我们都嘲笑利亚姆 的话,可当我们看到他妻子的表情时,马上认真 起来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sock /sɒk; AmE sɑːk/ rock sth a way (AmEf informal) to save money by putting it in a bank or by buying shares in a company, etc. ( 通过银行存钱、买 股票等) 储存,积攒 (钱):She already has $500 socked away for college. 她已经存了 500 元 用来上大学。◊ He socks away half his salary every month for the house. 他每月将工资的一半 攒起来用于买房。 [OBJ] money ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sock it to sb (informal or humorous) used to encourage sb to do or say sth that will have a strong effect, for example before an interview, a sports game, etc. (面试、体育 比赛等开始前鼓励某人的话) 直截了当地做, 放心大胆地说 ( 以给面试官、评委等留下深刻 印象 ):You'll be fine. Just get in there and sock it to them. 没事的。你就直接上那儿给他们 露一手。 ♦ v + it + prep sod /sɒd; AmE sɑːd]/ (-dd-) sod 'off (BrE, △, slang) used to tell sb to go away 走开;滚开:Just sod off and leave me in peace! 走远点, 让我安静会儿! ♦ v + adv soften /'sɒfn; AmE ˈsɔːfn/ soften sb up (informal) to try to make sb more willing to do sth for you by being very nice to them first 讨好;打动;诱导:I know you, you're just trying to soften me up! 我了解 你,你只不过是在拉拢我! ◊ They softened the voters up with promises they had no intention of keeping. 他们为取悦选民,许下了他们无意兑 现的承诺。 SYN butter sb up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv soften sb/sth up to make an enemy weaker and easier to attack 软化,削弱,瓦解 (敌人): It'll take more than a few bruises to soften him up. 要制服他可不是件轻而易举的 事。◊ The artillery was used to soften up the advancing enemy. 炮兵部队被用来遏制向前推进 的敌军。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n soldier /ˈsəʊldʒə(r); AmE ˈsoʊldʒər-/ soldier 'on (with sth) to continue with sth you are doing although it is difficult or unpleasant 坚持不懈;不屈不挠;硬挺:She soldiered on with the course in spite of her personal problems. 尽管有些个人困难,她还是 坚持上课。◊ I'm having to soldier on alone since Bill left. 比尔离开后,我不得不独自支撑。 ♦ v + adv sort /sɔːt; AmE sɔːrt/ sort sb 'out informal, especially BrE) to deal with sb who has been causing trouble 整治, 对付,收拾( 某人):They sent the lads round to sort him out. 他们派了些小伙子去教训他。 SYN deal with sb ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sort sb/yourself out (BrE, informal) 1 to find a solution to sb's/your own problems, etc. 解决某人 / 自己的问题:It took her months to sort herself out after the divorce. 离婚后,她过 了好几个月才缓过来。◊ He was so upset it took us an hour to calm him down and sort him out 他十分难过,我们用了一个小时才让他恢复平 静、振作起来。[OBJ] straighten sb/yourself out 2 to organize sb or yourself 安顿某人/ 自 己: You load the car and III sort the kids out, 你 来装车,我把孩子们安顿好。◊ She's in her room sorting herself out for the trip. 她在房间 打点行装。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv sort sb 'out with sth (informal, especially BrE) to provide sb with sth they need 为某人 提供 (所需物品):I'm sure we can sort you out with some dry clothes. 我想我们一定能给你找出 几件干衣服。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep sort sth 'out 1 to put sth in order; to tidy and organize sth 把...安排好;理顺;清理:I spent the afternoon sorting out my study. 下午 的时间我用来整理书房了。[OBJ] room, stuff → note at TIDY UP 2 (especially BrE) to organize or arrange sth 组织;安排:First you have to sort out a work permit. 首先,你必须办理工作 许可证。3 (especially BrE) to decide on sth 挑 选;选定:I need to sort out what clothes to take with me on the trip. 我得想好旅行带什么 衣服。[OBJ] details, priorities NOTE Usually used with question words such as what where etc.通常与what, where 等疑问词连用。4 to solve a problem 解决 (问题):We've sorted the problem out, 我们把问题解决了。[OBJ] problem, mess 5 (from sth) to separate sth from a larger group (从…中) 区分开来,辨别出来: Sort out the ripe pears from the rest. 把熟梨和其他的分 开。◊ She sorted out the clothes that she didn't wear any more. 她把不再穿的衣服挑了出来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► sort-out n (BrE, informal) an act of arranging or organizing things in a neat and tidy way and getting rid of things you do not want 收拾;清理 sort itself out (especially BrE) if a problem sorts itself out, it stops being a problem with- out anyone having to do anything (问题) 自 行化解:He woke up feeling ill, but thought the problem would soon sort itself out. 他醒来后感 觉不适,可他认为很快就会自动好起来的。 SYN work itself out ♦ v + pron + adv sort through sth to look through a number of things either in order to find a particular thing or to put them in groups 翻找;规整:She sorted through her wardrobe for something to wear. 她翻遍衣柜找衣服穿。◊ They sorted through thousands of old photos. 他们收拾整理 了几千张旧照片。 ♦ v + prep sound /saʊnd/ sound 'off (about sth) (informal, disapproving) to express your opinions loudly or in an aggressive way (大声或盛气凌入地) 高谈阔 论,夸夸其谈:He should check his facts before sounding off like that. 他应该先核实一下实情再 那样大发宏论。 ♦ v + adv sound sb/sth out (about/on sth) to try to discover sb's views, opinions, etc. on sth, especially in an indirect way 试探某人 (对某 事) 的看法;向…探口风:I want to sound him out about a possible job. 我想探探他的口风,看 能不能得到一份工作。◊ We should sound out opinions on these changes. 我们应该试探一下人 们对这些变革的看法。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) soup /suːp/ (soup sth 'up informal) if you soup up a car, a computer, etc., you make changes to it so that it is more powerful or exciting 改装 (汽车、计算机等) 以增强功能:He makes a living buying old cars and souping them up. 他 买来旧车进行改装,加大马力,并以此为生。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n 十 adv (less frequent) ► souped-up adj [only before noun] (in- formal) a souped-up car, etc. has been changed to make it more powerful or exciting (汽车等) 改装后功能增强的: a souped-up Mini 加大马力的迷你车 space /speɪs/ space out; .space sb 'out (slang, especially AmE) to be confused, unable to think clearly, or not aware of what is happening around you, for example as a result of taking drugs; to put sb in a state like this (因服用药 物等) 精神恍惚,使神志不清: I was supposed to meet her for lunch but I spaced out and forgot. 我本应该和她共进午餐,可我迷迷糊糊地给忘 了。◊ The drugs I was taking for my illness spaced me out so I couldn't think clearly. 我为 治病吃的药把我弄得头昏脑涨,神志不清。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► spaced out adj (slang) confused, unable to think clearly and not completely conscious of what is happening around you, for example because of toeing drugs (因服用药物等) 精神 恍惚的,神志不清的:He sat in the comer look- ing completely spaced out. 此他坐在角落里,看上 去好像整个人已灵魂出窍一般。 space sth out to arrange things with a regular distance or time between them, espe- cially a fairly large amount 使拉开 (空间或时 间上) 的间距;使隔开:Try spacing the words out more on the page. 把页面上的字间距再拉大 些。◊ Should I space out the baby's feeds over 24 hours? 我是不是应该在24小时中分多次喂 宝宝? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n spark /spɑːk; AmE spɑːrk/ spark sth off (informal) to cause sth to suddenly happen or develop 使爆发 (或发 展);引发;导致:The incident sparked off riots across the country. 这一事件激起了全国各 地的骚乱。◊ His resignation sparked off a political crisis. 他的辞职引发了一场政治危机。 [OBJ] riots, debate, incident, protest, crisis NOTE Spark sth is also used on its own * spark sth 单独使用也作此义:The TV programme sparked a storm of protest. 这档电视节目引发了 一阵抗议浪潮。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) spark 'up if a fire sparks up, it starts to bum brightly again after a period when it was almost out (死灰) 复燃:The fire is still smoking and could spark up at any moment. 那 火堆还在冒烟,随时会再燃烧起来。◊ (figurative) They sparked up (= became more lively and interested) when they heard the music. 他们听 到音乐就来了劲头。 ♦ v + adv spark sth up (informal) 1 if you spark up a conversation, a debate, a friendship, etc., you start one, often suddenly (突然) 开始 (交 谈、争论、交友等):I sat down beside Helen and tried to spark up a conversation with her. 我在海伦旁边坐下,想和她攀谈。2 to add interest or excitement to sth 给...增添趣味;增 加...的兴致:Spark up pasta dishes with fresh 旭rbs. 用新鲜香草给意大利面食调味。◊ Send a card and spark up someone's day. 寄贺卡一 张,让人快乐一天。SYN spice sth up 3 spark up sth to light a fire, etc. 点燃:引燃:(slang) Time to spark up a cigarette. 到吸烟时间了。◊ (figurative) There is nothing in the book to spark up the reader's interest. 书中毫无吸引读 者兴趣之处。 NOTE When the object of spark up is a noun, it comes after up, but when the object is a pronoun, it comes between spark and up ♦ spark up 的宾语如果是名词,应置于 up 之后; 但如果是代词,应置于 spark 和 up 之间:If your dress looks boring, spark it up with some sequins. 你的连衣裙要是看上去单调,可以用些 亮片给它增色。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv [rare) speak /spiːk/ (past spoke /spəʊk; AmE spoʊk/, spoken / spəʊkən; AmE ˈspoʊ-/) speak for sb 1 to state the wishes or views of sb; to act as a representative for sb 代表 某人讲话;充当某人的代言人:1 can't speak for the others, but I'd love to come. 我无法代表 其他人表态,但我很想来。◊ She speaks for a whole generation of disillusioned youngsters. 她说出了理想幻灭的整整一代青年的心声。SYN answer for sb 2 to give evidence to support sb in court (在法庭上) 提供有利于某人的证词, 为某人辩护:Many people spoke for her at the trial, 审判时有很多人提供了支持她的证词。 ♦ v + prep IDM speak for it self/themselves if sth speaks for itself, it is so clear and easy to understand that it does not need to be explained 一目了 然;不言而喻;不言自明:The facts speak for themselves. 事实是明摆着的。 speak for yourself to express your own opinion, although you know that others might not agree with you 表达自己的观点;发表个人 意见:Speaking for myself, I'd prefer to go by train. 依我看,我宁愿坐火车。◊ He speaks for himself when he says we need a smoking area. 他说我们需要一个吸烟区,这是他个人的意见。 ♦ v + prep IDM speak for myself/herself/himself/them selves to express your opinion yourself, rather than sb else doing it for you ( 表示不需 要别人代言) 自己表达个人的观, I can speak for myself, thank you! 我自己能说清楚的,谢谢 你! speak for yourself (informal) used to tell sb that sth they have said is not true of you (表示某人说的话只能代表说话人自己) 你代表不了别人:'We're all tired.' 'Speak for yourself—I'm fine! " "我们都累了。" "你说的 是你自己吧——我可不累!” be 'spoken for 1 to be married or to have a partner already 结了婚的;有伴侣的;有主了的: You can forget about him, he's already spoken for! 你别去想他了,他是有妇之夫! 2 to be set aside for a particular purpose 预留的; 留作专 用的:Half the money is already spoken for. 半 数的钱款已有用途了。 ♦ be + v + adv speak of sth (formal, literary') to be evidence of sth; to suggest sth 为…提供证据;说明;意 味着:The pictures in the room spoke of dreams of faraway places. 房间里的图画表达了对遥远 地方的向往之情。 ♦ v + prep speak out (against/in favour of/on sth) to say what you think clearly and publicly, often criticizing or opposing sb/sth, in a way that needs courage 大胆地说;挺身而出, 站出来 (表示反对、支持等):People are no longer afraid to speak out. 人们再也不怕站出来 说话了。◊ She spoke out forcefully against the regime. 她公开抨击该政权。 ♦ v + adv ► out spoken adj saying openly exactly what you think, even if you know other people will disagree or be offended 直言不讳的;直率的: Her outspoken views often get her into trouble. 她坦率的观点常常给她惹麻烦。 ► speakout n (AmE) an organized public meeting at which people talk about their experiences of a particular subject (就特定话 题各自谈论亲身经历的) 畅言聚会,座谈会: Speakouts are good because they encourage people to talk about things in a positive way. 畅 言聚会很不错,因为它鼓励人们以正面态度谈论 各种事情。 speak 'up 1 used to ask sb to speak louder 大 声点说:Please speak up—we can't hear you at the back. 请讲得大声些 —— 我们在后面听不 见。2 (for sb/sth/yourself) to say what you think clearly and freely, especially to support or defend sb/sth (畅所欲言地) 明确表态; (为…) 说好话,辩护:Several players spoke up for their manager. 有几名运力员为他们的主教 练辩护。◊ She's learned to speak up for herself, 她学会了据理力争。◊ It's time to speak up about what is happening in. our schools. 针对学 校目前的状况,该毫不含糊地表明我们的态 度了。 ♦ v + adv speed /spiːd/ (speeded, speeded, or sped, sped /sped/) speed a'way/'off to leave very quickly, usually in a vehicle of some kind (驾车、骑 车等) 迅速离开:The car sped away from the house. 那辆车相速驶离了那所房子。 ◊ She sped off on her bike. 她骑着自行车飞驰而去。 NOTE Sped is usually used as the past tense and past participle of this verb. 过去式和过去 分词通常用 sped。 ♦ v + adv speed 'up; .speed sth up to start to move or happen faster; to make sth do this (使) 加速:The train started to speed up. 火车开始加速了。 ◊ Parking restrictions were introduced to try to speed up the traffic. 为 了使交通提速推行了限制停车的措施。◊ They worked slowly at first, speeding up as they got used to it. 他们一开始慢慢地做,等熟练后便加 快了进度。 ◊ The new tool speeds things up. 新 工具提高了效率。 NOTE Speeded is used as the past tense and past participle of this verb. 过去式和过去分词 通常用 speeded。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv spell /spel/ (spelt, spelt /spelt/ or spelled, spelled) spell sth out 1 to make sth clear and easy to understand; to explain sth in detail 讲 清楚;解释明白;详细解释:His reasons for leaving are spelt out in detail in his letter. 他在 信中详细解释了他离开的原因。◊ Surely I don't have to spell it out? (= it should be obvious) 肯定不需要我进一步解释了吧。2 to say or write the letters of a word in the correct order 用字母拼,拼写 (单词):Could you spell that word out for me again? 你能不能把那个单词再 给我拼一遍? NOTE Spell sth on its own is more usual. ♦ spell sth 单独使用更常见。 ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + speech spew /spju:/ spew out; spew sth out to flow out quickly in large amounts; to make sth do this (使) 喷涌出:lava spewing out from a volcano 火山喷出的熔岩 ◊ fumes spewed out by cars and trucks 轿车和货车排放的废气 NOTE Spew and spew sth are also used on their own * spew 和 spew sth 单独使用也作此义: a volcano spewing clouds of ash 喷吐着团团火 山灰的火山 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv spew up; ,spew sth up (BrE, slang) to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth 呕吐;呕出:He spewed up all over my jacket. 他把我的夹克衫吐得到处都是。 SYN throw up, throw sth up; vomit, vomit sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv • v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n spice /spaɪs/ spice sth up to add spice to food in order to give it more flavour and make it more interesting (用调味品) 给 (食物) 调味: Casseroles can be spiced up with a dash of tabasco sauce. 炖锅菜里可加一点塔巴斯科辣椒 酱调调味。◊ (figurative) He exaggerated the details to spice up the story. 他添油加醋, 让故 事更生动。 SYN jazz sth up (informal); liven sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv spiff /spɪf/ spiff sb/sth up; .spiff yourself up (AmE, informal) to make sb/sth/yourself look more attractive 将...收拾得更漂亮;打扮;装 扮:We went home to get spiffed up for the party. 我们回家去为晚会收拾打扮一番。 ◊ Here are some easy ways to spiff up spreadsheets. 这 是将电子表格制作得更精美的几种简便方法。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v 十 n/pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) spill /spɪl/ (spilled, spilled, BrE also spilt, spilt /spɪlt/) spill out; .spill out of sth 1 to acci- dentally flow out of a container (从容器中意 外地) 流出,溢出,泼出:The contents of her bag spilled out everywhere. 她袋子里的东西 撒得到处都是。 ◊ Water had spilled out onto the floor. 水溅到了地板上。2 to come out in large numbers or amounts 大量出现;涌出: The theatre crowds spilled out onto the pavement. 剧院的观众纷纷涌上人行道。◊ The children spilled out into the yard. 孩子们蜂拥到 院子里。SYN pour out, pour out of sth ♦ v + adv spill out; .spill sth out to tell sb a secret, your fears, worries, etc. without intending to (不经意间) 倾诉,倾吐,吐露 (秘密、畏惧、 忧虑等):When she started to speak, the words just came spilling out. 她一张开嘴便全说了 出来。◊ She spilled out her troubles to her parents. 她向父母倾吐了烦恼。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv spill over (into/to sth) to start in one situation or area and then have an effect on another situation or in another area 波及, 带动,影响到 (另一范围);嬗变,蜕变 (成另 一局面): Unrest has spilt over into areas outside the city. 骚乱已经波及城市的周边地区。 ◊ Anger spilled over into violence at yesterday's demonstration. 在昨天的示威游行中,愤怒演化 成了暴力。◊ Her excitement spilled over to the rest of the group. 她的兴奋情绪感染了这个组的 其他人。 ♦ v + adv ► overspill n [U, sing.] (BrE) people who move from a town or city because it is too crowded and go and live somewhere else (因 城市拥挤而外迁的) 外溢人口,外流人口: These towns were built to house overspill populations from the big cities. 兴建这些小镇是为了容纳从 大城市迁出的外流人口。 ► spillover [c, U] 1 sth that is too large or too much for the place where it starts and spreads to other places 溢出部分;溢出物: a spillover of riots 骚乱的蔓延 ◊ a spillover room (= a room where extra people can go) 为超员准备的备用房间 2 the results and effects of sth that have spread to other situ- ations or areas (影响到其他情况或地区的) 伴 随结果,伴随效果:Other resorts could benefit from the spillover (of tourists). 其他度假胜地可 从游客涌入中获益。◊ spillover effects/benefits 溢出效应 / 利益 spill over; .spill over sth to flow over the edge of a container that is too full 溢出; 漫出:The water spilled over the rim of the glass. 水从玻璃杯口溢出来了。◊ Her tears suddenly spilled over (= she started to cry). 她突然眼泪 奔涌而出。◊ The goods were spilling over from the shops onto the pavements. 货物从店铺里一 直摆到了人行道上。◊ (figurative) His emotions suddenly spilled over. 他突然情绪失控。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep spin /spɪn/ (spinning, spun, spun /spʌn/) spin a round; .spin sb/sth a round (BrE also .spin 'round, .spin sb/sth 'round) 1 to turn very quickly to face in the opposite direction; to turn sb/sth in this way (使) 迅 速转身,猛然后转:She heard her name and spun around to see the speaker. 她听到自己的 名字,马上回过身去看说话的人。◊ He spun her round to face him. 他拉她转过身面对着自己。2 to turn round and round quickly; to make sth do this (使) 快速旋转:The propeller started to spin around. 螺旋桨开始飞速旋转起来。◊ The room seemed to be spinning round. 房间似乎在 不停地旋转。◊ The wheels were spinning round in the mud. 轮子在泥中空转个不停。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv spin off (from sth), spin sth off (from sth) (especially BrE, business) to produce a new product, material, service, etc. that is connected with sth successful that already exists; to be produced in this way (从成功 的产品、服务等) 派生,衍生:Calendars and diaries spinning off from familiar books and TV shows are always popular. 使用流行书籍和电视 节目内容制作生产的日历和日记本一直很畅销。 ◊ 'A Different World' was spun off from 'The Cosby Show'.《另一个世界》 是从热播的《科斯 比一家》 衍生出来的。◊ Their research has spun off many useful applications. 他们的研究被用来 开发出很多实用产品。 ♦ v + adv • v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► spin-off n 1 an unexpected but useful result of an activity that is designed to produce sth else (意外但有用的) 副产品,衍 生物:commercial spin-offs from medical research 医学研究的商业衍生品。 ◊ spin-off effects 衍生效应 2 a product or a book, film/movie, etc. that is based on a very successful book, film/movie or television series (根据取得商业 成功的书籍、电影或电视系列剧制作的) 派生作 品,周边产品,搭车产品: 'The Cosby Show' and its spin-off《科斯比一家》 及其衍生作品。 ◊ a spin-off movie 一部派生电影 ,spin sth off {business') to separate part of a company or an organization from the main part in order to form a new one (从公司或机 构中) 分拆出:The fast food chain could be spun off as a separate company. 这个快餐连锁店可以 分拆出来组建一家独立公司。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► spin-off n [C, U] the act of forming a new, independent company from part of an existing one; a company formed in this way 分拆; 分 拆出来的公司 spin out (of/from sth), spin sth out (of/from sth) (especially AmE, business') to form a new and independent company from part of an existing one by selling shares in it (公司通 过售出股份) 抽资脱离组建 (新公司):a newly spun-out company 最近分拆出来的公司 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv ► spin-out n 1 a company that is formed to develop and use the results of research done at a university, etc. (为开发利用大学等机构的 科研成果而成立的) 大学附属公司,校办科技企 业:Cambridge has produced 120 spin-outs over the last ten years. 在过去10年间,剑桥大学创 办了 120 家校办企业。2 -> SPIN-OFF spin sth 'out to make sth last as long as possible 拖长;拖延:I managed to spin my talk out to an hour. 我总算把讲话拉长到了一个小 时。◊ She had to spin out her money until payday. 她得把余钱省着花,拖到发薪日。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv spin round, etc. (BrE) -> SPIN AROUND, ETC. spirit /ˈspɪrɪt/ spirit sb/sth a'way/'off (to sth) to remove sb/sth quickly, secretly or as if by magic (迅 速、秘密或变魔术般地) 弄走,带走,转移;使 不翼而飞:He was spirited away by his friends before the police arrived. 朋友打赶在警察到来前 把他悄悄转移了。◊ An enormous amount of money had been spirited away in only two months. 一笔巨款仅仅两个月就被神秘转走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n spit /spɪt/ (spitting, spat, spat /spæt/ or spitting, spit, spit, especially AmE) spit it out used to tell sb to reveal a piece of information or to say sth when they are feeling nervous or unwilling to speak 说出来 吧;有什么尽管说:Come on, spit it out! Who did it? 爽快点,说出来吧!是谁干的? ♦ v + it + adv spit sth out 1 to force sth out of your mouth 吐出:H tasted so horrible he had to spit it out. 那东西味道差极了,他只好吐了出来。2 to say sth very angrily 愤怒地说:'Men!' She spat the word out. “小子们!" 她怒气冲冲地 说。[OBJ] word ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 2 also v + adv + speech spit up; .spit sth up (AmE) if a baby spits up or spits sth up, it brings milk back from its stomach out through its mouth (婴儿) 漾 奶,吐奶:Put this doth on your shoulder in case she spits up. 把这块布垫在肩上,她可能吐 奶。◊ Lots of babies spit up some milk after feeding. 很多婴儿喂过之后都会漾点奶。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYN vomit, vomit sth; be sick (BrE) ► spit-up n [U] the milk that a baby brings back out of its mouth 婴儿漾的奶 splash /splæʃ/ splash about (BrE) -> splash around splash sth about/around (informal, especially BrE) to spend money freely or care- lessly 随意地乱花(钱); 大肆挥霍: He splashes his wages about just to impress her. 他大手大脚 地花工资只是为了讨好她。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n splash sth a cross/o'ver sth to publish a photograph, a news story, etc. in a place where a lot of people will see it, especially in a newspaper 把 (照片、新闻报道等) 安排在 (报章等) 的显要位置;在 (引人注目的位置) 刊载:The next day her name was splashed across all the front pages. 第二天,她的名字出 现在所有报纸头版的显著位置。◊ I don't want my private life splashed all over the tabloids. 我 不想让我的私生活被那些小报大肆曝光。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep splash a round (BrE also .splash about) (in sth) to move about in water making it fly everywhere (在水中) 溅起水花行进,使水花 四溅:The children splashed about in the river all afternoon. 孩子们整个下午都在河里玩水。 ♦ v + adv splash sth around -> SPLASH STH ABOUT/AROUND splash 'down when a spacecraft splashes down, it returns to earth and lands in the sea/ocean (航天器) 坠落入海,溅落:The capsule splashed down in the Pacific. 航天船溅 落在太平洋。 ♦ v + adv ► splashdown n [C, U] the return of a space- craft to earth when it lands in the sea/ocean (航天器返回地球后的) 坠落入海,溅落: Splashdown is expected 300 kilometers west of Valparaiso. 溅落地点预计在瓦尔帕莱索以 西300 公里。 splash out (on sth), .splash sth out (on/for sth) (informal) to spend a lot of money on sth 花大笔的钱 (买某物):She splashed out on a new pair of shoes. 她花很多钱买了双新鞋。 ◊ Why don't we splash out and go out for a meal? 我们为什么不潇洒一把出去吃顿饭呢? ◊ The band splashed out thousands on new equipment. 乐队花了好几千购置新设备。◊ Don't splash it all out at once! 别把钱一下子挥霍光! ♦ v adv ♦ v + adv + ri ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) -> splash sth over sth -> SPLASH STH ACROSS/OVER STH split /splɪt/ (splitting, split, split) split away/off (from sth), .split sth a'way/'off (from sth) to separate from, or be separated from, a large object or a group (从…中) 脱离,分裂出去,分离: The branch had split away from the trunk. 那根树枝是从树 干上折下的。◊ The wind split the door away from its frame. 风把门从门框上刮了下来。◊ Some of the members split away to form a new party. 一些党员分裂出去另立新党。◊ Should the ownership of the rail track be split off from the running of the train services? 铁路的所有权 是否应该从火车服务营运中分离出去? ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv split on sb (to sb) (BrE, informal) to tell sb in authority about sth bad or wrong that sb has done (向某人) 告发某人,揭发某人:Promise you won't split on me. 你要答应不出卖我。 SYN tell on sb ♦ v + prep split up (with/from sb), .split sb up (informal) to end a relationship or a marriage; to make two people stop having a relationship with each other (使)(和某人) 断绝关系, 分手,离婚:He told me he had split up with his girlfriend. 他告诉我他和女友分手了。◊ The band split up at the height of their fame. 乐队 在最走红的时候散伙了。◊ My friend is doing her best to split Maria and me up. 我的朋友竭 力想拆散我和玛丽亚。 SYN break up (with sb), break sb up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n split up (into sth), ,split sb/sth up (into sth) if a group of people or a family splits up, or sb splits it up, the members separate and do not stay together (把集体或家庭) 分散, 化整为零:We split up into groups to discuss the question. 我们务组讨论了那个问题。◊ The class was split up into groups. 已在班上分了组。。We got split up in the crowd. 我们在人群命走散了。 SYN break up, break sb/sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n split sth up (into sth) to divide sth into smaller parts 划分,分解 (为若干部分):The day was split up into six one-hour classes. — 天分成六节课,每节课一小时。◊ We split the profits up between us. 我们把利润分了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n spoil /spɔɪl/ (spoiled, spoiled /spɔɪld/, BrE also spoilt, spoilt /spɔɪlt/) be 'spoiling for sth (informal) (only used in the progressive tenses 只用于进行时) to be wanting to fight sb 按捺不住想 (和某人) 打架: He was spoiling for a fight. 他攒足了劲儿想 打架。 [OBJ] a fight ♦ v + prep sponge /spʌndʒ/ sponge sb/sth down to wash sb/sth with a wet doth or a soft material 用湿布 (或软材 料) 清洗:I sponged the coat down to remove the mud. 我用湿布擦洗掉外套上的泥。◊ She tried sponging the baby down to lower his temperature. 她试着用湿毛巾给孩子降体温。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sponge off sb (also 'sponge on sb less frequent ,informal, disapproving) to get money, food, etc. from other people, without doing anything for them or offering to pay 从 某人处白拿(钱、食物等);蹭吃蹭喝;揩油: He's constantly sponging off his friends. 他经常 占朋友的便宜。 ♦ v + prep sponge sth 'off; .sponge sth off sth (especially BrF) to remove a mark, some dirt, etc. with a wet cloth or a piece of a soft material 用湿布(或软材料)除掉(污渍、灰尘 等):It was impossible to sponge the mark off. 这块污斑不可能擦掉。◊ I couldn't sponge the stain off my dress. 我擦不掉我连衣裙上的污渍。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep sponge on sb -> SPONGE OFF SB spout /spaʊt/ spout 'off/'on (about sth) (informal, dis- approving) to talk about sth in a boring or annoying way (对…)喋喋不休,唠叨:He's always spouting off about the behaviour of young people today. 他总是没完没了地数落如今 年轻人的行为。◊ What are you spouting on about now? 你在啰唆什么呢? ♦ v + adv sprawl /sprɔːl/ sprawl out to sit or lie down with your arms and legs spread out in a relaxed or awkward way (放松或不雅地)伸展四肢坐着(或躺着): He came home and just sprawled out on the sofa. 他回到家就四仰八叉地倒在沙发上。 NOTE Sprawl is used more frequently on its own * sprawl 单独使用作此义更常见:Tom sprawled in the armchair. 汤姆摊开手脚躺在扶 手椅上。 ♦ v + adv spread /spred/ (spread, spread) spread 'out 1 to gradually cover a wider area (逐渐)扩展,扩散,蔓延:The city has spread out into what used to be countryside. 城市渐渐延伸到了从前的乡村。◊ The ripples spread out across the water. 涟漪在水面荡开。◊ (figurative) A bright future spread out before him. 光明的前景展现在他面前。NOTE Spread is also frequently used on its own with this meaning * spread 单独使用也常作此义:The fields spread for miles along the river. 田野沿河 延伸好几英里。2 (also .spread yourselves out) to move away from others in a group so as to cover a wider area (人群)散 : The search party spread out over the moor. 搜索队在旷 野四面敢开。◊ Don't all sit together. Spread yourselves out. 别都挨在一块儿坐,分开坐吧。 3 (also .spread yourself out) to stretch your body or arrange your things over a large area 伸展身体;摊开:There's more room to spread out in business class. 商务舱宽敞些,伸得开腿。 ◊ Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa? 你就非得摊开手脚。 把整个沙发 全占了? ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ 2,3 also v + pron + adv spread out; be spread out to cover a wide area 伸展开来:The valley spread out beneath us. 开阔的山谷出现在我们脚下。◊ We looked down at the city spread out below us, 我 们俯瞰下面面积广大的城市。 NOTE This verb is often used in descriptions of cities, views, etc. 这个动词常用于描述城市, 景色等。 Spread and be spread are also frequently used with this meaning * spread 和 be spread 也常作此义:The valley lay spread before us. 开阔的山谷出现在我们眼前。 ♦ v + adv ♦ be + v + adv spread sth out 1 to arrange a group of objects on a surface so that you can see them all clearly 摆开,摊开(一组物品):Spread out all the pieces before you begin the jigsaw. 拼图 之前先把所有的小拼片摊开。◊ All the brochures were spread out on the floor. 小册子全都摆放在 地板上。2 to open sth that is folded and put it down on a flat surface 打开,展开(折起的 东西):They spread the blanket out on the grass. 他们也毯子铺在草地上。◊ The map had been spread out on the table. 地图在桌上摊开。 map, newspaper, blanket 3 to stretch your fingers, arms, etc. so that they are apart 伸开,张开(手指、手臂等):The boy spread out his arms, pretending to be an aeroplane. 那 个男孩张开双祝 模仿飞机。[OBJ] arms, hands NOTE Spread sth is also frequently used on its own with this meaning. * spread sth 单独使用 也常作此义。4 (over sth) to separate sth into parts and arrange them over a period of time or divide them between different people (按 时间或按人)分摊,分派;把...分期(或分担) 完成:The cost can be spread out over two years. 成本可分摊到两年中。◊ I'll try to spread out the work evenly. 我会尽力把工作平均分配。 [OBJ] cost, work SYN divide sth (more formal) NOTE Spread sth (over sth) is also frequently used on its own with this meaning * spread sth (over sth)单独使用也常作此义:Payments can be spread (over five years). 可(在五年内)分期 付款。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n spring /sprɪŋ/ (sprang /spræŋ/, sprung /sprʌŋ/, AmE also sprung, sprung) spring for sth (AmE, slang) to pay for sth for other people 替他人付...的账;包揽…的费用: I'll spring for lunch. 午饭我来埋单。 ♦ v + prep spring from sth 1 to be caused by sth; to start from sth 由...造成;起源于:The idea for the novel sprang from a trip to India. 这部小说 的灵感来自一次印度旅行。◊ Aggression often springs from fear. 攻击行为常常出自恐惧。2 {informal) (usually used in questions 通常用于 疑问句)to appear suddenly or unexpectedly from somewhere 突如其来地从(某处)出现: Where on earth did you spring from? 你究竟是 从哪儿冒出来的? ♦ v + prep spring sth on sb to suddenly do or say sth that people do not expect 突如其来地对某人做 (或说) 意料不到的事:I hate to spring this on you at such short notice. 我真不想这样唐突地告 诉你这件事。◊ They were planning to spring a surprise on us. 他们准备让我们大吃一惊。◊ I didn't know about Rob's new job until he sprang it on me this morning. 要不是今天上午罗布突然 告诉我他换了份新工作,我还一无所知呢。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep spring up to appear, develop, grow, etc. quickly or suddenly (迅速或突然) 出现,发 展, 生长:Weeds were springing up everywhere. 到处杂草丛生。◊ Several new cafes sprang up in the area. 这一带突然冒出了几家新的咖啡馆。◊ A cool breeze had sprung up. 突然吹来一习凉 风。◊ New industries were springing up all over the country. 各种新行业如雨后春笋般在全国各 地出现。 ♦ v + adv spruce /spruːs/ spruce sb/sth up; .spruce yourself up to make sb/sth/yourself tidy and clean (把…) 收拾整洁,打扮整齐:We spruced up the room with a coat of paint. 我们把房间刷亍 —层涂料. 令它整洁一新。◊ He spruced himself up for the interview. 他为参加面试打扮了一番。 SYN smarten up, smarten yourself up; smarten sb/sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) spur/spɜː(r)/ (-rr-) spur sb vn (to sth/to do sth) to encourage sb to act in a particular way, especially to work harder or to try to achieve sth 鼓励;激 励;鞭策:Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed. 她苦难的童年促使她努力争取出 人头地。◊ His parents' encouragement spurred him on to greater efforts. 父母的鼓励促使他更 加努力。◊ Spurred on by this victory, we went on to win the championship. 在这次胜利的鼓 舞下,我们接着赢得了冠军。◊ Their shouts of encouragement spurred us on. 他们助威的呐喊 声激励着我们。 SYN encourage sb NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语 态。 Spur sb followed by an infinitive or a phrase beginning with a preposition is also used * spur sb 后接不定式或介词短语也作此义: His criticism spurred me to try harder. 他的批 评鞭策我更加努力。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n spurt /spɜːt; AmE spɜːrt/ spurt out; .spurt out of sth; .spurt sth out; .spurt sth out of sth to come out of sth in a sudden or fast stream; to pour out a sudden fast stream of liquid or flames (从…中) 喷出,冒出,涌出:Water spurted out of the hole. 水从小孔中喷射出来。◊ The volcano was spurting out rivers of molten lava. 火山喷涌着熔岩。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep spy /spaɪ/ (spies, spying, spied) spy on sb/sth (also spy upon sb/sth more formal) to watch sb/sth secretly 暗中监视;窥 探;侦查:He hired a detective to spy on his wife. 他雇了侦探暗中监视他的妻子。◊ He knew he was being spied on . 他知道有人正在秘密监 视他。 ♦ v + prep spy sth out (BrE) to go somewhere secretly to try to find out information (去某处) 暗中 查明,秘密查出:I arrived early to spy out the land (= collect information before deciding what do do). 我很早便到了,以便摸清情况。 ◊ He studied the map and spied out the quickest route. 他研究了一下地图,发现了一条 最便捷路线。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) square /skweə(r); AmE skwer/ square sth a1 way (AmE) to finish dealing with sth; to put sth in order 办妥;了结;归整: We need to get everything squared away before you leave. 在你走之前,我们得把一切整理好。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n square off (against sb) (AmE) to fight or to prepare to fight sb (和某人) 打斗;摆好架势 (而某人) 打斗:The two candidates will square off in a TV debate tomorrow. 两名候选人将在 明天的电视辩论中交锋。◊ Protesting students squared off against police. 抗议的学生和警察发 生了冲突。 ♦ v + adv square 'up 1 (to sb) (BrE) to stand facing sb as if you are prepared to fight or argue with them 气势汹汹地面对 (某人);摆 好 (与某人) 打斗 (或吵架) 的架势:Kath put her hands on her hips and squared up to him. 凯思双手叉腰面对着他。2 (to sb/sth) to face a difficult situation and deal with it in a determined way 勇敢面对;毅然面对:He must square up to the reality of being out of work. 他 必须直面失业的现实。SYN face up to sth 3 (with sb) to pay sb the money you owe them (向某人) 付清欠款;(与某人) 算清账:Can I leave you to square up with the waiter? 我先走 一步,你来和服务员结账好吗? SYN settle up (with sb) ♦ v + adv square with sth; square sth with sth to agree with another fact, idea or situation; to make two facts, etc. agree with each other (使) 与---致,有…相符: This doesn't square with what you told us earlier. 这与你先前告 诉我们的有出入。 ◊ How do you square your profession with your religious beliefs? 你如何 使你从事的职业和你的宗教信仰协调一致? ◊ The interests of farmers need to be squared with those of consumers. 农场主的利益要和消费者的 利益相一致。 ♦ v+ prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep square sth with sb to get sb's approval before you do sth 就…征得某人批准 (或认可): You'd better square it with the boss if you want to leave early. 你要是想提前下班,最好征得老 板的同意。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep squash /skwɒʃ; AmE skwɑːʃ, skwɔːʃ,/ squash in, etc.: Can I squash in? 我能挤进 来吗?◊ We all squashed into the back of the van. 我们都挤进了客货车的后座。 -> SQUEEZE IN, ETC. squash sb/sth together to press people or things tightly together in a small space 把...挤在一起:people living squashed together in terrible conditions. 拥挤地生活在恶劣环境中 的人 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) squash up, etc. (BrE) If we squash up there'll be room for one more. 我们挤一挤就会 再腾出个位子来。◊ I was squashed up against Samantha in the back of the van. 我在客货车的 后座上和萨曼莎挤在一起。 -> SQUEEZE UP, ETC. squeak/skwiːk/ squeak by (AmE, informaf) to achieve a successful result with great difficulty 艰难地 (或勉强) 取得成功:We just squeaked by in the semi-finaL 我们在半决赛中险胜。 ♦ v + adv squeak through; .squeak through sth (informal) to manage to achieve sth or get a successful result with great difficulty 勉力取 得成功;勉强通过:Andrew squeaked through the qualifying rounds of the championship. 安 德鲁侥幸通过了锦标赛的资格赛。 SYN scrape through, scrape through sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep squeeze /skwiːz/ squeeze 'in; squeeze into sth to just manage to fit into a small space 挤进;挤入… 里:The bus was so full not one more passenger could have squeezed in. 公共汽车挤得满满的, 连一个乘客也塞不下了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep squeeze sb/sth in; .squeeze sb/sth into sth i (also .squash sb/sth In, .squash sb/sth 'into sth) to just manage to put sb/sth into a small space 勉强把 ...挤进;塞进:Can you squeeze anything else into that case? 你还能再往那个箱子里塞点东西吗? 2 to just manage to fit sb/sth into a short period of time 挤出时间见某人 (或做某事):The doctor can squeeze you in on Tuesday morning. 大 夫星期二上午可以挤出时间给你看诊。 ◊ All my classes are squeezed into four days a week. 我每 周上四天课,日程排得满满的。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep squeeze sb/sth out; squeeze sb/sth out of sth to prevent sb/sth from doing sth or from doing business 排挤出去;把…挤出 (某行业等):Small firms are being squeezed out by larger companies. 小公司逐渐被大公司挤 垮。◊ One candidate has already been squeezed out of the leadership race. 在领导人竞选中已有 一名候选人被淘汰出局。 SYN crowd sb/sth out, crowd sb/sth out of sth; exclude sb/sth (from sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv + prep squeeze sth out i (also .squeeze sth out of sth) to remove liquid from sth by pressing it hard (从…中) 挤出,榨出 (液体):She squeezed the cloth out. 她把那块布拧干。◊ Squeeze the juice out of four oranges. 榨出四个 橙子的汁液。2 (also .squeeze sth 'out of sb/sth) to get sth such as information or money from sb by putting pressure on them, threatening them, etc. 勒索;敲诈;逼供:The government will try to squeeze more money out of the taxpayer. 政府总是想方设法向纳税人榨取 更多的钱。◊ The police squeezed the truth out of him. 警方逼他讲出了真相。◊ They finally squeezed some concessions out of the employers. 他们终于迫使雇主作出了一些让步。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep squeeze up (against sth), squeeze sb/sth up (against sth) (also .squash up, squash sb/sth 'up) to move closer towards sb so that you are pressed tightly together (使) 挤紧:There'll be enough room if we all squeeze up a bit. 大家稍稍挤一挤,地方就够了。◊ ni walk—it's better than being squeezed up in the back of the car. 我要步行——这总比挤在车的 后座上要强。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n squirrel /ˈskwɪrəl; AmE ˈskwɜːrəl/ (-ll-, AmE -l-) squirrel sth a way to put sth, especially money, in a safe place so that you can use it later 储藏:贮存:She had money squirrelled away in various accounts. 她把钱存在不同的银 行账户上。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stack /stæk/ stack up 1 to increase gradually until there is a large pile, a long line, etc. 积聚成一 大垛 (或一长排等);加起来:Over the months he just let the paperwork stack up. 几个月 间,他就那么让文案工作积压成堆。◊ The traffic quickly stacked up behind the bus. 公共汽车 后面的车辆很快排成了长龙。SYN pile up 2 (against sb/sth) (informal to compare with sb/sth (和…) 相比:How does this washing powder stack up against your usual brand? 这种洗衣粉和你平常用的牌子比起来怎么样? ◊ Let's try him in the team and see how he stacks up. 我们把他安排到队里试试,看看和其 他人比怎么样。SYN compare (with sb/sth) ♦ v + adv stack up; .stack sth up if planes stack up or are stacked up over an airport, there are a lot of them flying around waiting to land (飞机)作分层盘旋(等待降落):Planes stacked up at Heathrow after an accident on the runway. 由于跑道上出了事故,飞机在希思罗机 场上空作分层盘旋。 NOTE Stack and stack sth are sometimes used on their own with this meaning * stack 和 stack sth单独使用有时也作此义:a queue of planes stacked in the air over the closed airport 在关闭 的机场上空作分层盘旋的候降飞机 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv stack sth 'up 1 to arrange things in a tall pile 堆起;摞起:He stacked up the dishes on the draining board. 他把碟子摞在滴水板上。 SYN pile sth up Stack sth is often used on its own with this meaning. * stack sth 单独使用也 常作此义。2 (AmE, informal) to gradually get more of sth 逐渐得到更多;累积:She's stacking up the college credits with all of her night classes. 她上很多晚上的课程来积累大学学分。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stake /steɪk/ stake sth on sth; * stake sth on doing sth to risk money or sth very important on the result of sth or on sth happening (就某事物)拿(钱或十分重要的东西)冒险; 以…打赌:He staked twenty pounds on the favourite (= in horse racing, for example). 他 在那匹众人看好的马上押了二十英镑。◊ Several journalists staked their reputation on Bush winning the election. 有几个记者拿声誉担保布 什能赢得选举。◊ Hell never let you down—Ifd stake my life on ”. 他绝对不会令你失望的- 我拿性命担保。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep stake sth 'out 1 to mark the position and the limits of a piece of land or an area to show that you own it 界定(属于自己的地 区);划出(自己的势力范围);圈(地):The male stakes out his territory and defends it from other birds. 雄鸟标出自己的地盘,保护它不受 其他鸟侵犯。2 to state your position or opinion on sth clearly 表明(立场或意见):The President staked out his position on the issue. 总 统阐明了他在这个问题上的立场。3 if police stake out a building, they watch it secredy and continuously because they think sth illegal is happening there (警方)监视(某 处):Armed police have been staking out the house for two weeks. 武装警察监视这所房子已 两个星期了。◊ The cops had the building staked out. 警察把这处建筑监视了起来。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► stake-out n a situation when police watch a building continuously and secretly because they think sth illegal is happening there 警 方监视:The stake-out at the house produced nothing. 监视这所房子没有什么收获。 stamp /stæmp/ stamp on sth 1 to bring your foot down on sth with force 重踩;用力跺:The child stamped on the spider. 小孩使劲踩那只蜘蛛。◊ She stamped on his foot as hard as she could. 她使 出全身力气踩他的脚。 ◊ The victim had been kicked and stamped on. 受害者遭人踢踹踩踏。◊ A child ran out into the road and I had to stamp on the brakes. 有个小孩跑到马路上,我 只好用力踩刹车。2 (especially B旧to control sth or stop sth from happening by force 压 制;镇压:This kind of disobedience must be stamped on at once. 此类反抗行为必须立刻压 制住。 ♦ v + prep stamp sth on sth to make sth have an important effect or influence on sth 在… 上打 上…印记;把...铭刻在…中:She stamped her own interpretation on the role. 她赋予这一角色 自己的诠释。◊ The new director has worked hard to stamp his authority on the board. 这 位新董事力求在童事会树立权威。◊ The date is forever stamped on her memory. 那个日子永远 铭刻在她的记忆中。 [OBJ] your authority, your mark ♦ v + n/pron + prep stamp sth 'out 1 to destroy or get rid of sth bad or unpleasant by force or with a lot of effort (通过暴力或不懈努力)消除,消 灭,摧毁:They aim to stamp out drug dealing in schools. 他们力争取缔校园里的毒品交易。◊ The party chairman is determined to stamp out corruption. 党主席决心杜绝腐败现象。[OBJ] a problem, drug abuse SYN eradicate sth (more formal) 2 to put out a fire by pressing down on it hard with your foot 踩灭(火):He stamped out the flames before they spread any further. 在火势蔓延之前,他踩灭了火苗。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) stand /stænd/ (stood, stood /stʊd/) stand around; .stand a round sb/sth (BrE also, .stand about/1 round, .stand 'round sb/sth) to stand in a place doing nothing, either waiting for sb/sth or with no particular purpose (在某人旁或在某处)闲站着,站着等: Don't just stand around watching me, give me a hand. 别光站着看,帮我一把。◊ There were a few people standing around the square. 广场四周站了几个人。◊ A group of people stood around watching. 一群人站着观看。◊ Young men stood about: in groups, chatting. 小伙子们 三五成群地站着闲聊。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep stand a side 1 to move to one side to let sb/sth pass 站到一边;站开;让开: Stand aside please and let her through. 请站开,让她过去。 2 to take no part in events; to do nothing 不 参与;不介入:I can't stand aside and let you waste an opportunity like that. 我不能不管不 问,让你把那样的机会浪费掉。3 to stop doing a job so that sb else can do it 退居一旁; 让位 于人:It's time he stood aside and let somebody younger take his place. 他该引退并让位给年轻 人了。 ♦ v + adv stand 'back (from sth) 1 to move a short distance away from sb/sth 靠后站;退后: Stand well back from the flames. 离那堆火 远点。 2 to be located at a distance from sth 位于远离的地方:The house stands back from the road. 房子离公路有一段距离。3 to think about a situation as if you are not involved in it 置身事外(来考虑);旁观:She found it hard, to stand back from the situation. 她觉得很难把自己当成局外人。◊ This is an opportunity to stand back and think about what you have achieved. 这是一个客观思考自己 有何建树的机会。 SYN step back (from sth) ♦ v + adv stand be tween A and B to prevent sb from doing or having sth, or being in a particular situation 在…和...之间隔着;阻止: Only three people stood between him and the crown (= becoming king). 妨碍他登上王位的 只有三个人。◊ Your lack of confidence is all that stands between you and a much better job. 缺乏自信是你得到更好工作的唯一障碍。 ♦ v + prep stand by 1 to be present when sth bad or unpleasant is happening, but not become involved 袖手旁观;无动于衷;漠然置之:I can't stand idly by and let him take the blame for what happened. 我不能袖手旁观,让 他对发生的事承担责任。◊ I can't stand by and see you ruin your life. 我不能眼睁睁看着你 毁了自己的一生。2 (for sth) to be ready to take appropriate action 作好准备(以便随时行 动);待命;候命:The pilot was instructed to stand by for take-off. 飞行员接到指示作好随时 起飞的准备。◊ Fire crews are standing by in case of an explosion. 消防队员严阵以待,如有 爆炸立刻出动。 ♦ v + adv a bystander n a person who is present but is not involved in sth 旁观者:Two innocent bystanders were hit by stray bullets, 两名无辜的 旁观者被流弹击中。 ► standby n 1 [C] a person or a thing that can be used if sb/sth else is not available 后 备(或候补)人员;备用品:Keep some candles as a standby in case the power fails. 存一些蜡 烛,预备断电时用。◊ Mia made a delicious meal from standbys in the store cupboard. 米娅 用储藏柜里的备用食物做了一顿可口的饭菜。2 [U] a state of being ready to act if necessary 待命状态:All local hospitals have been put on standby. 当地所有医院都进入了待命状态。3 [U] if an electrical device such as a television is on standby, the power supply is switched on but it is not actually functioning (电器 的)待机状态:Do you leave the TV on. standby? 电视机还在待机工作吗? ► standby adj [only before noun] 1 that can be used if other things are not available 备用的;候补的:standby supplies 备用物资 ◊ Two divers work together while a standby diver remains on the surface. 两名潜水员协同作 业,同时有一名候补潜水员留在水面上。 2 a standby ticket for a flight, a theatre, etc. is one that cannot be bought in advance and is only available a very short time before the plane leaves or the performance starts (机 票、戏票等)最后时刻出售的,剩余的:standby passengers 买余票出行的乘客。 ◊ to fly standby (= with a standby ticket)买剩余机票出行 stand 'by sb to support or help sb in a difficult situation 支持,帮助,忠于(处于困境 的人):I'll stand by you whatever happens. 不 管发生什么事,我都支持你。 SYN stick by sb (informal) ♦ v + prep stand by sth to continue to believe sth you said earlier even though the situation may now be different 遵守(原先的诺言、协议 等);不改(初衷):I'll stand by what I said earlier. 我会恪守我说过的话。◊ The committee stood by their decision. 委员会维持他们的决定。 ♦ v + prep stand 'down 1 (as/from sth) to leave a job or position; to stop taking part in a race or a competition, etc. 离职;下台;退出(比赛等): She stood down after only three months as chairman, 她只当了三个月主席就下台了。◊ He stood down from the committee for personal reasons. 他出于个人原因退出了委员会。SYN step down (as/from sth) 2 (in court 在法庭上) to leave the place where you stand to give evidence 离开证人席:The witness was allowed to stand down. 证人获准离开证人席。 ♦ v + adv stand sb/sth down to give an official order that a group of people, equipment, etc. should no longer be in operation 命令(人 员)撤离;指示(设备)停工: The regiment will be stood down from next month. 该团自下月起 将被撤回。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stand for sth 1 (.not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to be a shorter form of sth 是…的缩写;是...的意思;代表:What does DVD stand for? * DVD 代表什么? 2 to support sth; to be in favour of sth 支持;主张;赞同: Our party stands for racial harmony, 我们党主 张各种族和谐相处。◊ I hated him and all he stood for. 我讨厌他,也讨厌他的一切主张。3 (used in negative sentences and questions 用于 否定句和疑问句)to allow sth to happen or sb to do sth 容忍;忍受;允许:I won't stand for this behaviour. 我无法容忍这种行为。SYN put up with sth; tolerate sth ♦ v + prep stand in (for sb) to take sb's place 代替,顶 替(某人):We'll need someone to stand in for you while you're away. 你不在期间,我们需要 有个人顶替你。 SYN deputize (for sb) (formal) ♦ v + adv ► stand-in n 1 a person who does sb's job for a short time while they are away or not available (职位或工作的)临时替代者:Tom acted as my stand-in while I was abroad. 我出国期间由汤姆代职。◊ q stand-in goalkeeper 替补守门员 2 a person who replaces an actor in some scenes in a film/movie, espe- cially dangerous ones (尤指电影中代拍危险场 景的)替身演员:rehearsing with stand-ins 和替 身一起排练 stand out i (against/from sth) to be clearly visible 显眼;突出:His yellow jacket stood out clearly against the grey hillside. 在灰色的山坡 上,他的黄色上衣显得特别醒目。◊ The tower stands out against the sky. 塔楼在天空映衬下格 外显眼。◊ A small figure in red stood out from the rest of the group. 一个穿红衣服的小个子在 人群中特别惹眼。 SYN stick out 2 (as/from sb/sth) to be much better or more important than other people or things 出色;杰出;更为 重要:This building stands out from the rest because of its design. 这座建筑因其设计显得卓 尔不群。◊ She's the sort of person who always stands out in a crowd. 她直那种在哪儿都能脱 颖而出的人。3 (against/for sb/sth) to oppose or refuse to accept sth that you believe is wrong 反对,拒绝接受(认定错误的事情): Parents often stand out against troublesome behaviour for some time, then give in. 做父母的 常常对令人生厌的行为反对一段时间之后就听之 任之了。 SYN stick out for sth; hold out against/for sth ♦ v + adv IDM stand out like a sore thumb to be very noticeable in an unpleasant way 刺眼;碍眼: Dressed like that, you'll stand out like a sore thumb. 你穿戴成那样会很扎眼。 ► out standing adj 1 excellent 杰出的;卓越 的:an outstanding young actress 优秀的年轻女 演员 2 [usually before noun] very obvious or important 突出的;明显的;重要的:Lake Baika! is one of earth's outstanding features. 贝加尔湖风景优美, 举世瞩目。 3 (of payment, work, problems, etc. 款项、工作、困难等)not yet paid, done, solved, etc. 未支付的;未完 成的;未解决的:to repay outstanding debts 清偿欠债。 ◊ I don't have any urgent work outstanding. 我没什么未做完的紧要工作。 ► out standingly adv 1 used to emphasize the good quality of sth 特别; 异常:outstand- ingly beautiful/successful 特别美丽 / 成功 2 extremely well 优异;极好:Owen has played outstandingly this season. 欧文本赛季表现 极佳。 ► standout n (informal, especially AmE) a person or thing that is better, more impressive, etc. than others of a similar type 杰出的人(或物);出众的人(或物):This is my list of standouts in this week's CD chart. 这 是我制作的本周CD排行榜的最佳CD。 ► standout adj [only before noun] (informal, especially AmE) better, more impressive, etc. than others of a similar type 杰出的;出众的; 不同凡响的:There are a few real standout moments which put this movie ahead of others in its class. 这部影片确实有几个出彩的桥段,比 同类其他影片高出一筹。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 stand out excel ♦ shine ♦ stand out These verbs all mean to be much better than other people or things, especially at doing sth. 这些动词都表示出色、杰出,尤指更擅长 做某事。 excel to be very good at doing sth 擅长;善于: She has always excelled in foreign languages. 她一向擅长外语。◊ Music was something at which he excelled. 他擅长音乐。 shine to be very good at sth 擅长;善于:He failed to shine academically, but was extremely popular with the other students. 他学业不出 众,但在同学中间人缘极好。 stand out to be much better or more important than other people or things 出 色;杰出;更为重要: Of all the members of the cast, two in particular stood out 在所有演 员当中,有两位演技特别出众。◊ There will be lots of applications for the job, so yours really needs to stand out, 这份工作冬有很多人应 聘,所以你确实需要胜人一筹才行。 WHICH WORD? Shine is used especially in the phrase shining example and when talking about people doing well at school or college. Excel is used especially to talk about people being good at particular subjects or skills. * shine 尤用于 shining example 这个短语以及指学业优异。 excel 尤用于指擅长某类课程或技能。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to excel at sth ■ to excel/stand out as sth ■ to shine/excel academically stand over sb to remain close to sb and watch them, usually to make sure that they behave or do sth correctly 监督,监视(某人): She won't do her homework unless I stand over her. 除非我在旁边看着她,否则她不会做作业。 ◊ I can't concentrate with you standing over me. 你在旁边盯着我,我无法集中精神。 ♦ v + prep stand 'round; stand round sb/sth (BrE) -> STAND AROUND, STAND AROUND SB/STH stand 'up 1 to rise to your feet from a sitting or lying position; to be on your feet 站立;站起;起立:Darcy stood up when Emma came into the room. 埃玛一进房间,达 西就站了起来。◊ There was silence when the President stood up to speak. 总统起身讲话,会 场静了下来。◊ Stand up straight instead of slouching. 站直身子,别歪歪斜斜的。◊ Horses can sleep standing up. 马能站着睡觉。2 (to sth) to remain true or correct even when tested, examined closely, etc. 经得起 (考验、 审查等); 站得住脚:Your theory doesn't stand up to close examination. 你的理论经不起仔 细推敲。◊ His story won't stand up under cross-examination. 他的陈述经不起详细诘问。 SYN hold up 3 (to sth) to be strong enough not to be harmed by sth 经受住 (打击等); 毫发无损:The children stood up well under questioning from the police. 孩子们顶住了警察 的盘问。◊ The players are standing up to the tour well. 演员们在巡回演出中丝毫未显疲态。 ♦ v + adv ► stand-up adj [only before noun] 1 a stand-up comedian is an entertainer who tells jokes to an audience 单人滑稽表演的;说 单人脱口秀的:stand-up comedy 单人脱口秀 ◊ a stand-up act 单人脱口秀表演 2 (especially BrE) a stand-up argument, fight, etc. is one in which people shout loudly at each other or are violent towards each other (争论、打斗 等) 激烈的:He had a stand-up row with the team captain. 他和队长大吵了一架。3 (AmEt informal) honest and easy to trust or depend on 诚实的;信得过的;堂堂正正的:He was known in business circles as a stand-up guy. 他 在商界以诚实可靠著称。 stand sb up (informal) to deliberately fail to meet sb you have arranged to meet, especially sb you are having a romantic relationship with (尤指恋人) 故意失约使某人空等:We agreed to meet at the cinema but she stood me up. 我 们约好在电影院见面,可她让我空等一场。◊ I've been stood up! 我被放鸽子了! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) stand sb/sth up (especially AmE) to prepare a group of people, equipment, etc. to do a particular job 配备好(人员);备妥(设备等): The authorities have stood up a special team to deal with the disaster. 当局已成立专门小组应对 这场灾难。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYNONYMS同义词辨析 stand up be on your feet ♦ get to your feet ♦ get up ♦ rise ♦ stand up These verbs all mean to be in an upright position with your weight on your feet, or to put yourself in this position, 这些动词都表示站 着或起立。 be on your feet to be in a standing position 站着;立着;站立着:I've been on my feet all day. 我站了一整天了。 get to your feet to stand after sitting, kneeling or lying 起身;站起;起立:I helped her to get to her feet 我扶她站了起来。◊ 'I'd better be going,' he said, getting to his feet “ 我该走了。" 他说着站起身来。 get up to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 起身;站 起;起立:Please don't get up! I can let myself out. 请别站起来!我自己能出去。◊ She got up and left the room. 她站起身来出了房间。 rise (formal) to get into a standing position from a sitting, kneeling or lying position 起 身;站起;起立:They rose from the table. 他 们从桌边站起来。◊ She rose to her feet. 她站 起身来。 stand up to be in a standing position; to stand after sitting 站立;站起;起立: Stand up straight! 站直了! ◊ I've been standing up for hours. 我已经站了几个小时了。◊ He stood up and put on his coat. 他站起身来穿上了外 套。NOTE Stand can be used on its own * stand 可单独使用:Every。/? ◊ stood when the President entered the mom. 总统一走进房间, 大家都站了起来。 WHICH WORD? Stand usually means 4to be in a standing position1 to stand talking; but it can also mean 'to get into a standing position*. Stand up can be used with either of these meanings, but its use is more restricted it is used especially when sb tells sb or a group of people to stand, or when sb has to stand up (for example, because there is nowhere to sit). Get up is the most frequent way of saying "get into a standing position1, and this can be from a sitting, kneeling or lying position; if you stand up, this is nearly always after sitting, especially on a chair. * stand 通宿指 “站立着” :to stand talking 站着说话;但也可指 “站立起来” 。 stand up 可用于指这两个意义,但使用范围较 窄:它尤用于指叫别人站起来,或不得不站起来 (例如,因为无处可坐)。 get up 是最常见的表 示 “站立起来” 的说法,可指从坐着、跪着或躺 着的状态站起身来;stand up 几乎总是指从坐 着的状态站起身来,尤指从椅子上站起。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to get up/rise/stand up from sth ■ to stand/get up/rise/stand up quickly/slowly ■ to stand/stand up straight stand up for sb/sth/yourself to support or defend sb/sth/yourself, especially when sb is criticizing them/it/you 支持;维护:She's always stood up for her friends. 她总是为朋 友辩解。◊ You should stand up for what you believe in. 你应该坚守自己的信念。◊ He's always telling her what to do. It's time she stood up for herself! 他总是对她指手画脚。现在她该 挺身保护自己了!◊ James doesn't need you to stand up for him. 詹姆斯不需要你为他辩护。 [OBJ] your rights, your interests ♦ v + adv + prep stand up to sb/sth to resist sb/sth; to defend your position against a more powerful person or organization that is treating you badly or unfairly 抵抗;勇敢维护;反抗(不公 正待遇):If you don't stand up to him he'll treat you like dirt. 你如果俯首帖耳,他就根本 不会尊重你。◊ It was difficult for Paul to stand up to his father's rage. 保罗难以招架父亲的 暴怒。 ♦ v + adv + prep stand up to sth (of a product, material, etc. 产品、材料等)to be able to stay in good condition even though it is treated roughly 能 承受;经受得住;耐用:Will your china and glass stand up to family wear and tear? 你的瓷 器和玻璃器皿禁得起家庭使用的磕磕碰碰吗? SYN withstand sth (formal) ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 stand up to sb defy sb/sth ♦ go against sb/sth ♦ oppose sth ♦ resist sth ♦ stand up to sb/sth These verbs all mean to speak or act against things that you disagree with. 这些动词都表示 反对、反抗、抵抗。 defy sb/sth to refuse to obey or show respect for sb/sth in authority, a law, rule or decision 拒绝遵从,违抗,藐视(权威、法律、规则或 决定):I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers. 我可不敢与老师作对。◊ Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings. 今天有数百人违反禁令参加了政治 集会。 go against sb/sth to disagree with a rule or sb's wishes and do the opposite of what they say 反对,反抗(规则或某人的愿望);与… 相违背:He would not go against his parents' wishes. 他不会违背父母的意愿。 oppose sb/sth to disagree strongly with a person, plan or policy, and to speak or act against them 反对,抵制(某人、计划或政 策):This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty. 该党将会 强烈反对恢复死刑。◊ He found himself opposed by his own deputy. 他发现自己的副 手反对自己。 resist sth to refuse to accept a change or what sb wants to do, and try to stop it from happening 抗拒,抵抗,抵御(变革或某人想 做的事情):They are determined to resist pressure to change the law. 他们决意顶住压 力,拒绝修改法律。 stand up to sb/sth to refuse to accept bad treatment from a more powerful person or organization without complaining 勇敢面 对,反抗(欺压):It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies. 她很有勇气,敢于反抗那 些恃强凌弱之徒。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to oppose/resist change/a plan/a proposal/an idea ■ to oppose a decision ■ to oppose/defy a ban/the law/sb^s wishes ■ to oppose/defy/stand up to the government ■ to defy your parents/authority/a rule/an order ■ to effectively/fiercely/bitterly/strongly oppose/resist sth stare /steə(r); AmE ster/ stare at sb/sth to look at sb/sth for a long time 盯着看;凝视:I stared blankly at the paper in front of me. 我茫然盯着面前的考卷。 ♦ v + prep stare sb 'out (BrE)(also .stare sb down AmE, BrE) to look sb directly in the eyes for a long time until they feel forced to lower their eyes or look away 盯得某人转移目光(或慌了神): He was looking at her intently but she stared him out. 他热切地看着她,可她盯得他移开了目 光。◊ (figurative) The two nations are trying to stare each other down. 这两个国家都试图把对 方镇住。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) start /stɑːt; AmE stɑːrt/ start 'back to begin to return somewhere 动 身(或启程)返回:It's time we started back. 我 们该回去了。 ♦ v + adv start for ... to leave one place to go to another 动身去;启程前往:We started for home. 我们动身回家了。 SYN head for... ♦ v + prep start 'in (on sth) (informal, especially AmE) to begin to do sth 开始做 (某事):Let's start in now and get the job done quickly. 咱们现在就动 手快点把活儿干完吧。◊ It's time you started in on your homework. 你该做家庭作业了。 ♦ v + adv start 'in on sb/sth (especially AmE) 1 → START ON SB/STH 2 -> START ON AT SB start 'off 1 (also .start off doing sth, .start sth off) [+ adv/prep/adj] to begin happening in a particular way; to begin doing sth in a particular way (以某种方式) 进行起来,开 展起来:The game started off well, but grad- ually got worse. 比赛开始一帆风顺,但逐渐变 得艰难起来。◊ We started off with some gentle exercises. 我们先是做了点动作柔和的练习。◊ She started off by welcoming everyone. 她首先 向大家表示欢迎。◊ He started off as a plumber. 他的第一份工作是做管道工。◊ I started off working quite hard, but it didn't last. 我一开始 非常勤奋,但没有坚持下去。◊ The discussion started off calmly enough. 讨论开始时颇为平 静。◊ The leaves start off green but turn red later. 叶子起先是绿色,到后来就变红了。◊ We always started off the lessons with a quiz. 我们 上课开始时总是先做一个小测验。◊ The teacher started things off by asking us what we had done at the weekend. 老师上课时首先问我们周 末做了什么。2 [+adv/prep] to begin to move or travel 开始活如 (或旅行); 启动;启程: The bus started off with a jolt. 公共汽车开动时颠了 一下。◊ We started off for home. 我们动身回 家了。 ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ v + adv + -ing ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (mre) ♦ 2 v + adv start sb 'off 1 (on sth) (also .start sb off doing (sth)) to help sb begin an activity, an exercise, a job, etc. 帮助某人开始 (活动、 练习、工作等) : I'll start you off on the first exercise. 我来带你们做第一个练习。◊ His father started him off farming. 他父亲指点他做 农活儿。2 (o/so .start sb 'off doing sth) to make sb react in a particular way or begin doing sth 使作出反应;使开始 (做某事):just mentioning The Simpsons' started her off again (= made her start laughing). 一提起《辛普森 一家》, 就又把她逗笑。 ◊ Don't shout—you'll start the baby off (crying) again. 别喊了 —— 不然又要把婴儿吓哭了。SYN set sb off, set sb off doing sth NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv start sth off -> START OFF 1 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 start off begin ♦ commence ♦ kick off ♦ open ♦ start off These verbs are all used to talk about things happening from the beginning. 这些动词都表 示开始、开展、展开。 begin to start to happen or exist; to start in a particular way or from a particular point 开 始;起步;开展: When does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时模开演?◊ It was beginning to snow. 开始下雪了。 commence (formal) to start happening 开始 发生; 开始:The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon. 会议定于中午开始。 kick off (informal) (of an event, activity, film or book) to start, especially in a particular way (事件、活动、电影或书籍) 开始,展 开,发展: The festival kicks off on Monday September 13.节庆活动9月13日星期一 开始。 open (of an event, film or book) to start, especially in a particular way (事件、电影 或书籍) 开始,展开,发展: The story opens with a murder. 故事以一起谋杀案开头。 start off (of an event or thing) to start in a particular way or from a particular point (事件或事情) 开始进行,开展:The discussion started off mildly enough. 讨论开始 时气氛很缓和。◊ Let's start off with some gentle exercises. 我们先做些强度小的练习吧。 NOTE Start can be used on its own * start 可 单独使用:Have you any idea where the rumour started? 你知不知道谣言是从哪儿传出 来的? WHICH WORD? Start (off) is more frequent in spoken English and in business contexts than begin, which is more frequent in written English and is often used when you are describing a series of events * start (off) 比 begin 更常见于英语口语 和商务语境,而 begin 更常见于书面英语,常用 于描述系列事件:The story begins on the island of Corfu. 故事从科孚岛展开。Open is a less informal way of saying kick off; however, it is not usually used for shorter or more informal activities * open 是 kick off 较正式的说法;但 通常不用于持续时间较短或不太正式的活动: What time do we kick off? 我们几点钟开始? You can use it for longer or more formal events * open 可用于持续时间较长或较正式的 活动:The conference opens on 15 March.大会 3 月15日开幕。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to start/begin/start off/kick off/commence/open by doing/with sth ■ to start/begin/start off/commence as sth ■ a campaign/season/tour starts/begins/starts off/kicks off/commences/opens ■ a film/book/chapter starts/begins/starts off/opens ■ an enquiry/investigation starts/begins/commences/opens ■ work/production starts/begins/starts off/kicks off/commences start on sb/sth (also .start 'in on sb/sth especially AmE) (informal) to attack sb physically or with words 对…进行 (身体或言 语) 攻击;打骂:He hit me first and then he started (in) on my friend. 他先打了我,然后打 我的朋友。◊ Don't start on me, I'm tired. 别跟 我找茬了,我累了。 ◊ My mum started on me about doing my homework as soon as I got home. 我一回到家,妈妈就数落我做作业的事。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + adv + prep start on sth to begin to deal with sth; to begin to do sth 开始处理,着手做 (某事): When she'd finished cleaning the kitchen, she started on the bathroom. 她打扫完厨房就动手 清洁浴室。 NOTE Start sth has a similar meaning. * start sth 含义相近。 ♦ v + prep start on at sb (BrE) (also .start on about sth, .start in on sb/sth AmE, BrE) (informal) to begin to criticize sb/sth or complain to sb about sth 开始责备某人;开始向某人抱怨 (某 事): He started on at me again about my hair. 他又对我数落起我的头发来。◊ Don't start on about that dog barking. 不要为那条狗叫的事发 牢骚了。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 start on sth begin sth ♦ embark on/upon sth ♦ get down to sth ♦ start on sth ♦ take sth up These verbs all mean to do the first part of sth, or to do sth or make sth happen or exist for the first time. 这些动词都表示开始、着手、使 起步。 begin sth to do the first part of sth; to do sth that you were not doing just before; to make sth happen or exist for the first time 开始; 着手;使起步;使形成: He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise. 他上课总是以 热身练习开始。◊ She began to cry. 她哭了起 来。◊ Everyone began talking at once. 大家立 刻七嘴八舌交谈起来。 embark on/upon sth to begin doing sth new or difficult开始,从事 (新事业或棘手之事): She is about to embark on a new career. 她即 将开始新的职业生涯。 get down to sth to begin giving serious attention to sth 开始认真对待;开始致力于: Let's get down to business. 我们开始干正事 吧。◊ It's time I got down to thinking about that essay. 我该开始构思那篇文章了。 start on sth to begin doing sth; to make sth begin to happen 开始;着手;使起步:It's time you started on your homework. 你该做家 庭作业了。NOTE Start sth can be used on its own * start 可单独使用:It's time you started your homework. 你该做家庭作业了。 take sth up to begin sth such as a job or hobby 开始从事 (工作);开始有 (嗜好): He takes up his duties next week. 他下周履职。 ◊ They've taken up golf. 他们已经开始打高尔 夫球了。 WHICH WORD? Start sth (up) is more frequent in spoken English and in business contexts than begin, which is more frequent in written English. Start, but not begin, can also mean 'to make sth start happening or working1 * start sth (up)比 begin 更常用于英语口语和商务语境,而 begin 更常用 于书面英语。表示 “使起步或开始运作" 也可用 start,而非 begin: Who started the fire? 谁放的 火? ◊ I can't start the car. 我无法启动车子。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to begin/start/get down to doing sth ■ to begin/start to do sth ■ to begin/start sth by doing/with sth ■ to begin/start a discussion/a conversation/negotiations/an argument/a fight/a riot ■ to begin/start/get down to work ■ to begin/start/take up a job/employment/your duties/a hobby ■ to begin/start/embark on a journey/hunt/search/relationship/career start out 1 to begin a journey 启程;上路: Check the oil before you start out. 出发前检 查一下油量。◊ What time did they start out? 他们什么时候动身的?SYN set off 2 (as sth) to begin in a particular way, especially in business or work (以某种方式) 开始,创业: We started out originally as a taxi firm. 我们 开始创业时开了一家出租车公司。◊ When the band started out, they had hardly any equip- ment. 乐队成立之初,几乎没有什么设备。◊ Did you know the tower started out leaning the other way? 你知不知道那座塔开始时是向另一边 倾斜的? 3 (also .start 'out to do sth, .start 'out doing sth) to have a particular idea or intention when you begin to do sth 最初想 要;起先打算:I had no idea what I was going to write when I started out. 我提笔之时根本不 知道要写些什么。◊ She had started out to write a short story but it ended up as a novel. 她起先 打算写短篇小说,但最后写成了长篇小说。◊ He started out with no political opinions, but soon got involved in student politics. 他开给时不抱任 何政见,可是很快就投身于学生参与的政治活 动。◊ She'd started out meaning to apologize but couldn't. 她原本打算道歉,可就是开不了 口。 SYN set out to do sth ♦ v + adv 3 also v + adv + to +inf ♦ v + adv + -ing start over; .start sth over (especially AmE) to begin doing sth again, especially because you were not successful the first time 重新开始;从头开始再做(某事):I messed up and had to start over. 我搞砸了,不得不返工。 ◊ She spelled my name wrong and had to start over. 她把我的名字拼错了,只好重写。◊ His wife has walked out and he must start life over. 妻子抛弃了他,他必须开始新的生活。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv start 'up to begin happening 开始:After a moment's silence, the music started up again. 片 刻沉寂过后,音乐重又响起。 ♦ v + adv start up; ,start sth up 1 to start operating; to make sth start operating (使) 发动,启劫;开动:The engine started up with a roar. 引擎轰隆隆地发动起来。◊ It took me a while to start up the generator. 我费了点时间启 动发电机。◊ I heard the car starting up. 我听见 汽车发动了。2 (in sth) to start operating or trading; to establish a business 开始营运(或 经营);创办:When I started up in business, I needed a lot of help. 创业之初,我需要诸多帮 助。◊ There are a lot of small businesses starting up in the area. 区内小企业大量涌现。◊ My father helped me start up my own company. 父桑帮助我创办了自己的公司。[OBJ] business, company ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► start-up adj connected with beginning a new business 与创业有关的;创办阶段的:the new company's start-up costs 这家新公司的启动 费用 ► start-up n a company that is just beginning to operate, especially an Internet company 新公司;创业公司;(尤指)新网络公司: This is just one of the problems facing start-ups in this highly competitive area. 这只是新互联网公司在 这个竞争激烈的领域中面临的诸多问题中的 一个。 starve /stɑːv; AmE stɑːrv/ starve for sth; starve sb/sth for sth (AmE) to feel you do not have sth that you really need; to prevent sb/sth from having sth necessary or very important 渴求;急需;使缺 乏:Sam was starving for a kind word from Clare. 萨姆渴望听到克莱尔一句体贴的话。◊ The children were starved for affection. 这些孩子渴 望关爱。 NOTE Starve for sth is usually used in the progressive tenses. Usually used in the passive. * starve for sth 通常用于进行时、并且 通常用于被动语态。 -> see also STARVE SB/STH OF STH ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep starve sb into sth; 'starve sb into doing sth to force sb to do sth or accept sth by preventing them from getting food or money 断绝食物(或资金)来源以迫使某人做 某事:The aim was to starve the enemy into submission. 目的是断绝敌人的粮食,迫使他们 屈服。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep starve sb/sth of sth to prevent sb/sth from having sth that they want or need 使得不到; 使缺乏:The project is being starved of funds. 这 个项目目前缺少资金支持。◊ The baby had been starved of oxygen at birth. 这个婴儿出生时缺 氧。◊ Teachers described the students as starved of attention and affection. 教师们说这些学生缺 乏关爱。 SYN deprive sb/sth/yourself of sth NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 -> see also STARVE FOR STH, ETC. ♦ v + n/pron + prep starve sb ,out to force sb to leave a place by not allowing them to get food 断绝食物来源迫 使某人出来:It took a month to starve them out. 断粮一个月后,他们才被迫出来。◊ A few rebels remain in the area. The rest have been starved out. 少数反叛者还留在那个地区,其余的都饿得 跑出来了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stash /stæʃ/ stash sth away (informal) to store sth in a secret or safe place 藏起;隐藏:She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts. 她在不同的银行账户上秘密存了一大笔钱。 SYN hide sth away ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stave /steɪv/ stave sth 'in to break sth by hitting it with force and making part of it fall 使向内塌陷; 压凹:The side of the boat was staved in when it hit the rocks. 船撞上了礁石,把船舷撞扁了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stave sth off to prevent sth unpleasant from happening for a period of time; to delay sth unpleasant 暂时阻止,避开(某 事);延缓,推迟(令人不快的事):to stave off hunger/illness 暂时解饥 / 缓解病情。desperate attempts to stave off civil war 为避免内战而付 出的巨大努力 ◊ I staved off jet lag with a bath and an early night. 为了到时差,我洗了个澡后 早早睡下。 SYN avert sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) stay /steɪ/ stay ahead; .stay ahead of sb/sth to succeed in remaining further forward in space, time, development, success, etc. 保持 领先;占上风:We need to keep an eye on our competitors if we want to stay ahead. 我们 要保持领先地位,就得时刻留神竞争对手。◊ He stayed ahead of me throughout the race, 整个赛 跑过程中他一直冲在我前面。◊ More investment is needed if we are to stay ahead of the game (= be more successful than our competitors). 我们要想立于不败之地就得追加投资。 [SubJ] competitors SYN keep ahead, keep ahead of sb/sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep stay around to not leave somewhere 呆着 不走; 不离开:I'll stay around in case you need. me. 我就呆在这儿,也许你用得着我。◊ I don't know if hell be angry with us or not, but I'm not staying around to find out! 我不知道他会不 会生我们的气,不过我不会傻等着弄清楚的! ♦ v + adv stay away (from sb/sth) to not go near sb/sth dangerous or unpleasant; to have nothing to do with sb/sth 离开,不接近(危 险、讨厌的人或事物);不去(某处);不沾染 (某物):stay away from the edge! 不要靠近边 缘!◊ He advised us to stay away from drugs. 他告诫我们远离毒品。◊ The police have asked the public to stay away. 警方已要求公众保持 距离。 SYN keep away (from sb/sth) ♦ v + adv stay 'back to remain in a place and not move forward 呆在原地;退后:The police shouted to the crowd to stay back. 警方向人群叫喊,让他 们退后。 SYN keep back (from sb/sth) ♦ v + adv stay behind (after sth) to remain in a place at the end of an event after other people have left (活动结束后)留下:I had to stay behind after class. 课后我得留下来。◊ She stayed behind after the meeting for a chat. 会议 结束后,她留下来和人闲聊。 ♦ v + adv stay 'down 1 to remain in a low position 保 持在低处:The blind won't stay down. 窗帘总是 放不下来。◊ Get down and stay down or he'll see you! 趴下别起来,不然他就看见你了!SYN keep down 2 (of food 食物)to remain in the stomach 留在胃里:Nothing she ate would stay down. 她吃什么吐什么。 ♦ v + adv stay 'in 1 to remain in a position inside sth 固 定在里面: This nail won't stay in. 这颗钉子就是 钉不牢。 2 to remain at home or inside a building 呆在家里;不外出: I was ill and had to stay in all week. 我生病了,只好在家休息了整 整一周。◊ Let's stay in this evening. 咱们今晚呆 在家里吧。 ♦ v + adv stay off to keep away; to not return 避开; 离开;不恢复:If the rain stays off, well got out for a walk. 雨要是不下了,我们就出去散散步。 ◊ She's always dieting, but she can never get the weight to stay off. 她一直在节食,不过体重总是 反弹。 ♦ v + adv stay off; .stay off sth (BrE) to not go to work, school, etc., especially because you are ill/sick (尤指因病)不上班,不上学:He injured his back and stayed off for a week. 他背 部受伤,一个星期没上班。◊ Can I stay off school today? 我今天可以不上学吗? [OBJ] work, school ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep stay 'off sth to stop yourself from eating or drinking sth, especially sth that could be harmful 不再吃(或喝);戒掉:The doctor told him to stay off alcohol. 医生劝他戒酒。 SYN keep off sth ♦ v + prep stay 'on 1 to remain in position on top of sth 留在上面:The lid won't stay on. 这个盖子 就是盖不上。2 to not leave a job, school, place, etc. when you are expected to, or when other people do 留下来继续(学习、工作等): We hope he will stay on as manager at the end of his contract. 我们希望合同期满后他能留下来 继续当经理。◊ We couldn't persuade Jane to stay on at school for an extra year. 我们无法 说服简留在学校继续学习一年。3 to continue operating 继续运作:The light stays on until dawn. 灯一直亮到拂晓。 ♦ v + adv stay 'out 1 to remain out of the house or outdoors, especially at night (尤指晚上)呆 在户外,不在家:Sam was allowed to stay out until 11.30 on a Saturday. 有个星期六萨姆获准 在外呆到 ll:30。 ◊ I don't like you staying out so late. 我不喜欢你在外面呆到这么晚。2 to remain on strike 继续罢工:The miners stayed out for fifteen months. 矿工连续罢工十五个月。 ♦ v + adv stay out; .stay out of sth to remain outside a place 呆在(...)外面:Stay out, the floor's wet. 在外面呆着,地板湿着呢。◊ Stay out of the kitchen, I'm busy. 别到厨房来,我忙 着呢。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep stay 'out of sth 1 to not become involved in sth that does not concern you 不介入; 不干预: I try to stay out of their little quarrels. 他们斗 嘴, 我尽量不掺和。◊ Stay out of this, it's none of your business. 别插手,这事写你无关。2 to avoid sth 避开;远离:Try to stay out of trouble! 尽量别惹麻烦! SYN keep out of sth, keep sb out of sth ♦ v + adv + prep stay over to sleep at sb's house for a night 在 别入家过夜;留宿: It got late, so we stayed over. 当时已经很晚,我们就留下过夜了。◊ Can I stay over at Gareth's (house) tonight? 我今晚可以左 加雷思家过夜吗? SYN rain sleep over ♦ v + adv stay 'up 1 if sth stays up, it remains in a standing or higher position where it has been put, built, etc. 保持直立(不倒下); 保持在高 处(不落下):These trousers won't stay up without a belt. 这条裤子不系腰带就往下掉。◊ I'm not very good at putting up shelves—I'm amazed they've stayed up! 我不太会安装架 子------架子没倒下来,我真吃惊! 2 to not go to bed 不睡;熬夜:Don't stay up too late. 别熬 太晚了。◊ We let him stay up to watch the movie. 我们让他熬夜看那部电影。 ♦ v + adv stay with sth/sb (informal) to continue to do sth, especially when it is difficult or you do not really want to 坚持做(困难或不底做 的事);等某人(做完某事):Several students weren't enjoying the course, but they stayed with it. 有几个学生不喜欢这门课程,但还是坚 持下来。◊ Stay with me, I've nearly finished. 等 等我吧,我快干完了。 SYN stick with sth ♦ v + prep steal /stiːl/ (stole /stəʊl; AmE stoʊl/, stolen /ˈstəʊlən; AmE 'stoʊ-/) steal away to go away from a place quietly and secredy 偷偷离开;溜走:He stole away under cover of darkness. 他在夜幕的掩护下溜 掉了。 ♦ v + adv steal 'over sb (formal) if a feeling steals over you, you gradually feel it (感觉)油然而 生,慢慢出现: A chill stole over her body. 她渐 渐感觉到一丝寒冷。◊ Exhaustion stole over me as I sat there, 我坐在那儿,不知不觉地感到浑身 疲乏。 ♦ v + prep steal 'up (on sb) to approach sb quietly so that they do not see or hear you coining 悄悄 走近(某人):She stole up on him in the dark. 她在黑暗中悄悄靠近他。 ♦ v + adv steam /stiːm/ steam sth off; .steam sth off sth to remove a piece of paper from another piece using steam to melt the glue that is holding them together 用蒸汽使(从…)脱离:He steamed the stamp off the envelope. 他用蒸汽嘘 了嘘,把信封上的邮票取了下来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + prep steam 'up; .steam sth up to become, or to make sth become, covered with steam (使)蒙上水汽:The windows had steamed up. 窗户蒙了一层雾气。◊ The warmth in the room steamed all the windows up. 房间里的热气使所 有窗户都起了一层雾。 SYN fog up; mist up, mist sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM be/get (all) steamed up (about/over sth) (BrE, informal) to be/become very angry or excited about sth (因某事而)非常愤怒,非常 兴奋:I realized I had got all steamed up over nothing, 我意识到我发的净是一些无名火。 steep /stiːp/ steep sth in sth to put food in a liquid and leave it for some time so that it becomes soft and flavored by the liquid 将(食物)浸渍在 (液体)中:Raspberries are delicious steeped in brandy. 用白兰地浸泡悬钩子的味道很好。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep steep yourself in sth; be steeped in sth (formal) to spend a lot of time doing sth or thinking about sth and learn a lot about it 沉浸于; 潜心于:teenagers steeping themselves in pop culture 沉迷于通俗文化的青少年 ◊ He was steeped in the family business from an early age. 他从早年起就潜心经营家族企业。 ♦ v + pron + prep ♦ be + v + prep be steeped in sth to have a lot of a par- ticular quality 深深浸淫;饱含(某种特质):a city steeped in history 一座历史悠久的城市 [OBJ] history, tradition ♦ be + v + prep steer /stɪə(r); AmE stɪr/ steer away from sth to avoid discussing sth or becoming involved with sb/sth, because it may cause problems 绕开,躲开,避开(某 人或某物);岔开,避免谈论(某话题):I tried to steer away from the subject of divorce. 我设 法避开离婚这个话题。◊ Jane tends to steer away from sugary foods. 简一般不吃甜食。 ♦ v + adv + prep stem /stem/ ( -mm- ) stem from sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)to be caused by sth; to be the result of sth 起源于;根源是;是…的结果: Many of her problems stem from the fact that her parents are famous. 她的很多问题之所以会 产生,就在于她父母是名人。◊ Their opposition stems from fear and ignorance. 他们反对是出于 恐惧和无知。[SUBJ] problem, difficulty [OBJ] the fact that... ♦ v + prep step /step/ (-PP-) step a side/down (as/from sth) to leave an important job or position in order to let sb else take your place 下台;退位;辞职;让 出…职位:After ten years as party leader, it's time for him to step aside. 他当了 10 年的党 魁,应在该让贤了。 ◊ He decided to step aside as director to make way for his son. 他决定把公 司董事的位置让给儿子。◊ I intended to step down as Chairman. 我想辞去主席职务。◊ She's stepping down from her post next year. 她明年 就要离职了。 ♦ v + adv step ' back 1 (from sth) to try to think calmly about a situation in which you have been closely involved, as if you are not involved in it 跳出(某事物的)圈子(看待问题);置身事 外(冷静思考);旁观:You should try to step back from the problem and look for a new way to deal with it. 你应该试着从旁观者的角度 看待这个问题,寻找新的处理方法。SYN stand back (from sth) 2 to feel as if you have moved backwards to an earlier period of history 仿佛回到,似乎置身(某历史时期):When you enter the cathedral you step back in time to the 15th century. 一走进大教堂,就有一种回到了 15 世纪的感觉。 ♦ v + adv step down (as/from sth) SYN stand down (as/from sth) -> STEP ASIDE/DOWN step 'forward to offer to help sb, give information, money, etc. 主动站出来(帮忙、 提供信息、出资等):A soft drinks company/105 stepped forward to sponsor the team. 一家软饮 料公司提出赞助该队。 ♦ v + adv step in to help in an argument or a difficult situation 施以援手;居间调停;居中斡旋: When my mum was ill, my aunt stepped in to help. 我 妈妈生病时,姨妈前来帮忙。◊ The Youth Club was going to close, but a local bank stepped in with a generous donation. 青年俱乐部即将关闭 时,一家当地银行出来慷慨相助。 ♦ v + adv step on it (informal) used especially to tell sb to drive faster (尤用于要求加速行驶)开快 些,赶快:Step on it! We're late! 开快点!我们 迟到 了 !◊ Well have to step on it to be there by noon. 我们要想中午赶到那儿,就得加速了。 ◊ (figurative) Step on it! I need those figures soon. 麻利点!我马上要那些数据。 ♦ v + prep + it step out (especially AmE) to leave a place for a short period 离开一小会儿;暂时离开:He's just stepped out for ten minutes. 他刚出去了十 分钟。 ♦ v + adv step up (to sb/sth) to come forward 走上前去: He stepped up to receive his award. 他走上前去 领奖。◊ The runners stepped up to the line. 赛 跑运动员走向起跑线。 ♦ v + adv step sth up to increase the rate, level, amount, etc. of sth 增加,提高(速度、水平、 数量等):Security has been stepped up at the airport since the bomb scare. 自遭遇炸弹恐吓以 来,机场已加强了安全措施。 ◊ Police have stepped up their search for the missing school- girl. 警方加紧搜寻失踪女学生。 [OBJ] campaign, pressure, security, production, efforts ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 step sth up boost sth ♦ heighten sth ♦ intensify sth ♦ step sth up These verbs all mean to make the amount or level of sth bigger or greater. 这些动词都表示 增强、加强、强化。 boost sth (often approving) (used especially in newspapers) to make sth become stronger, better or more successful (尤用于报章)增 强,提升,促进:to boost productivity/sales/spending 提高生产率 / 销售 额 / 支出额。 ◊ to boost sb's morale/career/confidence 提高士气 / 促进事 业 / 增强信心 NOTE Boost is always used about a positive increase. * boost 总是用于 指积极的增长。 heighten sth to increase an effect or feeling or make it stronger 增强,加强,提高(效果 或感觉):The campaign is intended to heighten public awareness of the disease. 活动 旨在提高公众对这一疾病的认识。◊ fears of further conflict were heightened by news of the riots. 发生骚乱的消息加深了人们对冲突加剧 的担忧。 intensify sth to increase an activity or feeling in degree or strength 增强,加强,强化(活 动或感觉):The leader has intensified his attacks on the government 领导人加强了对政 府的攻击。◊ The reforms served only to intensify the misery of the poor. 改革只是加剧 了穷人的痛苦。► intensification n [U, sing.] step sth up to increase the level of an activity 增加,提高(活动水平):He has stepped up his training to prepare for the race. 为了准备 赛跑,他已经加强了训练。◊ Security has been stepped up in response to the recent threat. 已 经加强了安全措施来应对近期的威胁。 WHICH WORD? Heighten and intensify can also be used without an object, though heighten is more commonly used with an object. Heighten is used especially about feelings and attitudes; intensify can apply to actions too * heighten 和 intensify 也可不接宾语,尽管 heighten 接宾语 更常见。heighten 尤用于指感觉和态度上的强烈 程度;intensify 也可用于表示行为方面的强化: a heightened sense of loneliness/well-being 更强 烈的孤独感 / 幸福感。◊ to intensify the campaign/battle. 深入开展活动 / 扩大战役 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to boost/step up sth by ... /from ... /to ... ■ to boost/heighten awareness/interest ■ to boost support/confidence/your income/prices/profits/numbers ■ to intensify/step up the pressure/a campaign/your efforts ■ to heighten the tension ■ to intensify/heighten/step up security ■ to boost sth considerably/significantly/dramatically stick /stɪk/ (stuck, stuck /stʌk/) NOTE Stick is often used as an informal way of saying put. * stick 常作 put 的非正式说法。 stick a round (informal) to stay in or near a place, waiting for sth to happen, sb to arrive, etc 逗留;不走开;呆在原地(或附近):Stick around—we need all the help we can get. 别 走开——我们需要任何可能得到的帮助。◊ I'll stick around here in case Maya arrives. 我就呆 在这儿,说不定马娅会来呢。 ♦ v + adv stick at sth to work continuously at sth in a determined way 坚持不懈地做, 有之以恒地做 (某事):If we stick at it, we should finish the job today. 我们只要不停地干,今天应该能把活 儿干完。◊ She never sticks at anything for very long. 她做任何事都缺乏恒心。 SYN keep at sth; persevere with sth (more format) ♦ v + prep stick sth back (informal) to return sth to its usual place; to return sth to the place it was before 把…放回(原位):Stick the cake back in the oven for ten minutes. 把蛋糕放回烤箱里烤 十分钟。◊ When you've finished with the dictionary, just stick it back on the shelf. 你用 完词典就放回书架。 SYN put sth back ♦ v + n/pron + adv stick by sb (informal) to be loyal to sb and continue to support them in difficult times 忠 于,不背弃(处于困境的人):She stuck by him through thick and thin. 她和他同甘共苦,对他 忠贞不渝。 SYN stand by sb ♦ v + prep stick by sth to do what you said, planned or promised you would do, even though the situation might have changed 信守,遵守,贯 彻(原先的计划、承诺等):In spite of what's happened, we must stick by our decision. 尽管 出了这种事,我们仍必须坚持执行我们的决定。 ◊ The developer wants to stick by his original plan. 开发商想坚持执行原来的计划。 SYN stand by sth ♦ v + prep stick sth down 1 to fix a piece of paper, etc. to sth else using glue (用胶水)把...粘 住,把...贴好:I can't stick the comers of this wallpaper down. 我没法粘住墙纸的角。◊ The envelope hadn't been stuck down properly. 信封 没粘好。2 (informal) to place sth that you are holding onto the floor or another surface 放 下; 放好:Stick your coat on the chair and come and sit down here. 把你的外套放在椅子上,过 来坐这儿吧。SYN put sth down 3 (in/on sth) (inform。f) to write or note sth down quickly (迅速)写下,记下: Stick it all down on paper before you forget. 把这个全写下来,免得忘了。 SYN put sth down; note sth down; jot sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stick sth 'in/'Into sth; .stick sth in 1 (informal) to put sth into sth 把...放入(...):【 stuck the letter in my pocket to read later 我把 信塞进衣兜,等以后再看。◊ He saw the hole and stuck his finger in. 他看见那个小孔就把手 指伸了进去。◊ I stuck my feet into my slippers. 我把脚伸进拖鞋。◊ Timmy stuck his thumb in his mouth. 蒂米把拇指含在嘴里。SYN put sth in, put sth in/into sth 2 to put sth sharp into sth, making a small hole 把(尖利物)刺入 (或穿入):Ouch! I've stuck the needle in my finger! 哎哟!我的手指被针扎了! [OBJ] knife, needle 3 (informal) to include sth in a story, a letter, etc. 将…写进(小说、信等)中;把…加 进:Should 1 stick this paragraph in or leave it out? 这一段我该不该加进去呢? ◊ I'll stick in something about football to make the article more interesting. 我来加点关于足球的内容,给 文章增添些趣味。SYN put sth in, put sth in/into sth 4 to attach sth firmly to sth, using tape or glue 粘贴(在…上): I'm going to stick the photos in my album. 我要把相片贴在我的相 册里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM stick/poke your 'oar/'nose into sth (BrE, formal) to try to become involved in sth that does not concern you 多管闲事;干预,插手 (与己无关的事) get stuck in; ,get stuck into sth (BrE, informal) to start doing sth in an enthusi- astic way; to become very interested and involved in sth 热切地开始(做某事);热情地 参与(某事):You must be hungry. Get stuck in! (= start eating)你一定饿了。快吃吧! ◊ I was too tired to get really stuck into the debate. 我很累,没有心思参与这场辩论。 ♦ get + v + adv ♦ get + v + prep stick sth 'on (informal) 1 to switch on a piece of electrical equipment 打开(电器)开 关:I'll stick the kettle on for a cup of tea. 我来 烧壶水,沏杯茶。2 to put on clothes 穿上(衣 服): I'll just stick a jacket on, and I'm ready. 我 套件上衣就行了。3 to begin to cook food 开 始烹制(食物):I'll stick the potatoes on. 我来 做些土豆。4 to make a CD, etc. begin to play 播放(CD 等):Stick on some music, if you like. 想听的话就放点音乐吧。 SYN put sth on ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stick sth on; .stick sth on/1 onto sth to attach sth firmly to a surface, using glue, tape, etc. 粘贴(到…上):I stuck the label on with adhesive tape. 我用胶带把标签粘上了。◊ He sealed the envelope, and stuck a stamp on it. 他 封好信封,在上面贴了一枚邮票。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► stick-on adj [only before noun] a stick-on object has glue on one side so that it can be attached to sth 可粘贴的;粘贴式的;一面带粘 胶的: stick-on badges/labels 带粘胶的标牌/标签 stick sth on sth (informal) 1 to put sth somewhere in a careless or rough way 把...随 便放在某处;扔;丢:Stick your report on my desk when you've finished it. 你写完报告后就放 在我的办公桌上吧。2 to add an amount of money to the price or cost of sth 把(某金额) 加在(价格或成本)上:They can't just stick an extra 20p on the price of cigarettes! 他们不能就 这么把香烟价格提高20便士! SYN put sth on sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep stick out to be very noticeable or easy to see 显眼;夺目;引人注 I: They wrote the notice in red so that it would stick out. 他们用红字写出 通知,这样会醒目一些。◊ (figurative) One of the boys in the class sticks out in my mind. 班 里有个男孩给我的印象特别深。 SYN stand out (more formal) ♦ v + adv stick out a 'mile to be very noticeable or easy to see 十分显眼;显而易见:Dressed like that, you stick out a mile. 你打扮成那样,真是 大出 成头。◊ It stuck out a mile that she was lying. 她显然在说谎。stick out like a sore thumb to be very different from others, espe- cially in an unpleasant way (与周围环境)格 格不入;扎眼;惹眼:The red house stuck out like a sore thumb among the old stone cottages. 那座红房子在破旧的小石屋中间很剌眼。 stick 'out; .stick out of sth to be further out than sth else; to be partly outside sth such as a container 突出;(从容器等中)伸出,探 出:His ears stick out. 他长着一对招风耳。◊ There was a newspaper sticking out of her coat pocket. 她外衣兜里露出了一截报纸。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep stick sth out; .stick sth out of sth to make sth, especially pan of your body, come through a hole 使(身体部位)伸出;使探出:if you want to turn right, stick out your hand. 休 要是想右转就伸出手。◊ I stuck my head out of the window to see what was happening. 我从窗 户探出头,看外面出了什么事。 [OBJ] head, tongue SYN poke sth out, etc. ♦ v + adv + n • v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep IDM stick your 'neck out (informal) to do or say sth when there is a risk you may be wrong 做有风险的事;冒险说没有把握的话:I'm going to stick my neck out and say that we'll have a dry summer. 我不一定对,但我还是要斗胆说这 个夏天会干旱。 stick it/sth 'out to continue doing sth dif- ficult or boring until it is finished 坚持到底; 忍受下去:I don't like being on my own, but 111 stick it out until my parents come back. 我不喜 欢独自一个,但我会坚持熬到爸妈回来的。 ◊ I'm amazed that she's stuck the course out this long. 我觉得很惊奇,她居然耐着性子这么长时间把这 门课学完了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv stick out for sth (BrE, informal) to refuse to give up until you get what you want 坚持索 要;得不到…不罢休: They're sticking out for a higher pay rise. 他们坚持要求提高加薪幅度。 SYN hold out for sth ♦ v + adv + prep stick 'through; .stick 'through sth if sth sticks through or sticks through sth, it goes from one side to the other and it is partly outside 从...的一边伸到另一边;穿过:His head was sticking through the railings. 他的脑袋伸过 了栏杆。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep stick to sth 1 to continue doing sth even if it is difficult or you have problems 坚持不懈,持 之以恒(做某事):He found it difficult to stick to a diet. 要坚持按规定饮食,他觉得很困难。 -> see also STICK WITH STH 1 2 to continue doing or using sth and not want to change it 坚持; 维持;固守;坚持保留:I'm sticking to my previous statement. 我坚持我先前所说的话。◊ That's her story and she's sticking to it. 那是她 本人的说法,并且她仍坚持那么说。-> see also STICK WITH STH 2 3 to keep inside the limits of a particular subject, etc. 不超出(某个话题 等);紧扣(主题):I'm not interested in your opinions—just stick to the facts. 我对你的观点 不感兴趣——只讲事实就行了。 ♦ v + prep IDM stick to your 'guns to refuse to change your mind about sth even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong 坚持己见;一意孤行 stick together (informal) 1 to remain friendly and loyal to one another; to sup- port each other 彼此友好忠诚;团结在一致: The family should stick together at a time like this. 在这样的关头,全家人应该团结一致。 ◊ The children from the village tended to stick together. 这个村的孩子喜欢抱团。2 (informal) to stay physically close to each other 互相挨近 (或靠近): Let's all stick together until we find the way out. 找到出去的路之前,我们大家不要 分开。 -> see also STICK WITH SB 1 ♦ v + adv stick sth to gether to attach things or parts of things to each other 将(零散物品或散件) 拼合;把...粘在一起:Cut out the shapes and stick them together to make a bird. 先剪出各个 形状,然后把它们拼成一只鸟儿。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stick 'up to point upwards 向上突出;竖立: The branch was sticking up out of the water. 树 枝从水中冒了出来。◊ Is my hair sticking up? 我 的头发翘起来了吗? ♦ v + adv stick sb/sth up (AmE): informal) He stuck up a liquor store in Oregon. 他持枪抢劫了俄勒 冈州的一家卖酒的店铺。-> HOLD SB/STH UP ► stick-up n (AmE, informal) an act of robbing sb/sth using a gun 持枪抢劫:This is a stick-up, nobody move! 打劫,都不许动! stick sth up to attach sth to a wall, a board, a window, etc. so that people can see it 张 贴:They had stuck up posters everywhere advertising the show. 他们在各处张贴海报宣传 这次演出。◊ If you want to sell your bike, just stick a notice up in the shop window. 你要是想 卖自行车,就在商店橱窗上贴一张布告。 SYN put sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv stick sth up; .stick sth up sth (informal) to place sth in a high position; to move sth upwards, especially inside sth 举起;擎起; (在某物内部) 使向(...) 上移动:Stick your hand up if you know the answer. 知道答案就举 手。◊ Jeff stuck his hand up the pipe to see what was blocking it. 杰夫用手顺着管子往上 摸,看是什么东西堵住了。 [OBJ] hand, finger ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stick up for sb/yourself/sth (informal) to support or defend sb, yourself or sth, when they are being criticized 维持;维护;捍卫:She always sticks up for her little sister. 她总是护 着妹妹。◊ You must stick up for what you believe in. 你一定要捍卫你的信念。◊ Don't be so weak—you should stick up for yourself. 别这么 软弱——你应该自卫。 ♦ v + adv + prep stick with sb 1 (informal) to stay physically close to sb 紧跟,靠近 (某人):Stick with me until we get out of the forest. 走出森林之前跟紧 我。-> see also STICK TOGETHER 2 2 (informal) to remain in sb's memory 留在记忆中;牢记: His words will stick with me for ever. 他的话将 永远铭刻在我的心中。 ♦ v + prep stick with sth (informal) 1 to continue to do sth in spite of difficulties (顶着困难) 坚 持,继续 (做某事):If we stick with it we should finish soon. 我们要是坚持下去,很快就 能做完。◊ I stuck with the job for as long as I could. 我一直坚持工作,直到无法继续。2 to continue doing or using sth and not want to change 持续不变地做 (或使用);坚持;维 持:I've decided to stick with my usual method. 建决定沿用我惯用的办法。-> see also STICK TO STH 2 ♦ v + prep be/get stuck with sb/sth (informal) to be forced to do sth, take care of sb/sth, etc. that you do not want to 被逼做某事;被迫照 料;无法脱身于: How did I get stuck with all the cleaning? 打扫卫生怎么会落到我一个人头上 了呢? ◊ if we're stuck with each other for the next two weeks, we might as well be polite. 如果今后两个星期我们必须一起共事的话,我们 彼此客气点为好。◊ I got stuck with defending my brother's wild behaviour (= but I really thought he was wrong). 我硬着头皮为我兄第 粗野的行为辩解。 ♦ be/get + v + prep sting/stɪŋ/ (stung, stung /stʌŋ/) sting sb for sth (informal) 1 to trick or cheat sb into paying more money than they should or than they expected to (抬高价格) 骗某人的钱;敲某人的竹杠:Motorists are being stung for another £25 road tax. 驾车的人又被 敲去25英镑,说是要交公路税。2 (BrE) to borrow money from sb, especially when they are unwilling to give it to you (尤指强人所 难) 向某人借钱:Can I sting you for a fiver? 能 借给我五英镑吗? ♦ v + n/pron + prep stink /stɪŋk/ (stank /stæŋk/, stunk /stʌŋk/ or stunk, stunk) stink sth out (BrE),(AmE ,stink sth up) (informal) to fill a room, a building, etc. with a very unpleasant smell 使 (某处) 充满恶臭; 使臭气冲天:He stank the whole place out with his cigarettes. 他弄得到处都是难闻的香烟味。 [OBJ] the place SYN smell sth out (BrE), smell sth up (AmE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stir /stɜː(r)/ (-rr-) stir sth in; ,stir sth 'into sth to mix one substance into another by moving a spoon, etc. 将…搅入(…):Stir in the cream. 把奶油 调进去。◊ Stir the pasta into the sauce. 把意大 利面加到调味汁里调拌。 SYN mix sth in (with sth), mix sth into sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep stir sb 'up to encourage sb to do sth; to make sb feel they must do sth 激励,鼓动 (某 人) : He was accused of stirring up the slaves against their masters. 有人指责他鼓动奴隶反抗 主人。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv stir sb/sth up 1 to cause trouble, especially by making people feel strong emotions 煽动; 挑起 :I don't want to stir up any more trouble. 我不想挑起更多麻烦了。◊ The government has been accused of stirring up racial hatred. 有人 谴责政府煽动种族仇恨。[OBJ] hatred, trouble, things, controversy SYN rouse sb/sth 2 to make sb have a particular feeling or attitude 激起 (感情):Her story stirred up a lot of old memories for me. 她的故事唤起了我的很多往昔 回忆。◊ I can't seem to stir up any interest in the campaign. 我似乎对这个活动一点也提不起 兴致。[OBJ] memories, interest, emotions 3 to make sth such as sand or dust move around in water or air (在水中) 搅起;(在空中) 扬起: The helicopter stirred up a cloud of dust. 直升机 吹起了一片灰尘。[OBJ] dust ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM stir up a 'hornets' nest to cause a difficult situation in which a lot of people get very angry 激起公愤;捅马蜂窝:His criticisms of the president stirred up a hornets' nest. 他对总裁的 批评激起了公愤。 stitch /stɪtʃ/ stitch sb up (BrE, informal) to make sb appear to be guilty of sth they have not done, for example by giving false information; to cheat sb 诬陷;欺骗:I didn't do it! I've been stitched up! 那事我没干!有人陷害我! SYN frame sb ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► stitch-up n (BrE, informal) a situation in which sb deliberately cheats you or causes you to be wrongly blamed for sth 诬陷;欺骗:It was a stitch-up! 这是污蔑! stitch sth up 1 to join things together using a needle and thread 缝拢;缝合:This wound has to be stitched up urgently. 这个伤口 必须立 刻缝合。[OBJ] wound 2 (BrE, informal) to arrange sth; to complete a business deal 安 排;做成(交易):He has managed to stitch up major deals all over the world. 他在世界各地做 成了几笔大买卖。◊ The company has the US market stitched up. 公司在美国市场地位稳固。 [OBJ] deal SYN sew sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv stock /stɒk; AmE stɑːk/ stock up (on/with sth) to buy or get a lot of sth so that you can use it later. 储备,备足(某 物):The shops are very busy with people stocking up for the holidays. 各个店铺非常繁 忙,挤满了采购节日用品的顾客。◊ I need to stock up on food before all the family arrive. 我 得赶在全家人到来之前备足食物。 ♦ v + adv stock sth up (on/with sth) to fill sth with goods, food, etc. 在...中备足(货品、食物等): Mum stocked up the freezer for us before she went: to the conference. 妈妈去开会前为我们在 冰柜里存满了食物。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv stoke /stəʊk; AmE stoʊk/ stoke up (on/with sth) informal) to eat a lot of sth so that you will not feel hungry later 预 先吃饱;预先吃好:We'd better stoke up now— we've got a long journey in front of us. 我们现 在最好吃饱点——前面的路还很长呢。 ♦ v + adv stoke sth up 1 to keep a fire, etc. burning by adding more fuel 往(火等)里添燃料:He stoked up the fire before going to bed. 他临睡前 给炉子加了煤。[OBJ] fire 2 to make people feel sth more strongly 使(感觉)更加强烈;火上 浇油:He continued to stoke up hatred in his speeches. 他在讲话中不断煽动人们的仇恨。 NOTE Stoke sth can also be used on its own with the same meanings. * stoke sth 单独使用 也作这些含义。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv stoop /stuːp/ stoop to sth; stoop to doing sth to do sth bad or unpleasant in order to gain an advantage for yourself (为私利)不择手段; 卑鄙(或堕落)到做某事:I can't believe he would stoop to blackmail. 我没法相信他会如 此下作,竟然会勒索别人。◊ He's the kind of person who would stoop to making personal attacks on a rival. 他京那种能卑鄙到对竞争对 手进行人身攻击的人。 SYN descend to sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep stop /stɒp; AmE stɑːp/ (-pp-) stop a round; stop a round sth (AmE) to make a short visit to sb, usually at their home 去看望(某人);去(某人家)小坐:I'll stop around this evening when I finish work. 我 今晚下班后要去拜访一下。◊ Let's stop around the Smiths' house for a drink. 咱们去史密斯家 坐坐喝点东西吧。 SYN drop round; pop over/round (BrE) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep stop a way to deliberately decide not to go somewhere 有意选择不去(某处):Many of the people invited to the dinner had stopped away in protest. 接到邀请的很多人故意不赴宴,以示 抗议。 SYN stay away NOTE away is more frequent. * stay away 更常见。 ♦ v + adv stop back (AmE) to return to somewhere that you visited earlier 返回,回到(先前去过 的地方):Hl stop back on my way home. 我回 家时会再过来一下的。 ♦ v + adv stop be hind (after sth) (informal) to remain somewhere at the end of an event after other people have left (活动结束他人离开后)留下: She stopped behind after the meeting to talk to him. 会后她留下来和他谈话。 NOTE Stay behind is more frequent. * stay behind 更常见。 ♦ v + adv stop by; .stop by sth to make a short visit to sb/sth, especially when you are on the way to somewhere else 过来小坐;顺路造访:Stop by for a chat on your way home, 你回家时顺便 过条聊聊吧。 ◊ Could you stop by the store for some milk? 你能不能顺路到那家店里买点牛奶? SYN come by, come by sth; drop by -> note at VISIT WITH SB ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep stop in (BrE, informal) to stay at home rather than go out 呆在家里(不外出):We've decided to stop in tonight because it's raining. 下雨了, 我们打算今晚留在家里. NOTE Stay in is more frequent. * stay in 更 常见。 ♦ v + adv stop off (at/in ... ) to stop somewhere for a short time when you are on the way to some- where else (在某处)中途停留:We stopped off for lunch just north of Paris. 我们就在巴黎以北 中途停下来吃了午饭。 ◊ I stopped off at the supermarket on the way home. 我回家途中去了 一趟超市。 ♦ v + adv ► stop-off n 1 a short stay somewhere during a trip (旅程中的) 中途停留:a stop-off in Sydney 在悉尼的短暂逗留 2 a place where you stop for a short time during a trip (旅程中 的)中途停留地 stop on [+ adv/prep] (BrE, informal) to stay somewhere longer than you planned or after other people have left. 多呆;(在他人走后) 留下:I'll stop on an hour after work. 我要加班 一个小时。 NOTE Stay on is more frequent. * stay on 更 常见。 ♦ v + adv stop out (BrE, informal) to stay out late at night or all night instead of going home 夜晚 迟归;夜不归宿:He often stops out till three in the morning. 他常常在外面呆到凌晨三点。 NOTE Stay out is more frequent. * stay out 更 常见。 ♦ v + adv stop over (in/at...) to stop somewhere for a short time when you are on a long journey, especially a journey by plane (尤指乘飞机长 途旅行)(在某处)中盘停留:I stopped over in Merida on the way to Havana. 去哈瓦那途中. 我在梅里达短暂停留。 ♦ v + adv ► stopover n 1 a short stay somewhere during a long journey (长途旅行的)中途停留: We had a three-day stopover in Hawaii 我们在 夏威夷逗留了三天。2 a place where you stay for a short time during a long journey (长途 旅行的)中途停留地 stop up informal) to not go to bed until later than usual 熬夜;迟睡:She stopped up to see the football match. 她熬夜看足球赛。 NOTE Stay up is more frequent. * stay up 更 常见。 ♦ v + adv stop sth up to cover or fill a hole, a crack, etc. so that nothing can get through 盖上,堵 塞(孔穴、缝隙等):I stopped up all the holes to keep。以the draught. 我把洞全堵上了,想挡 住穿堂风。 SYN block sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv store /stɔː(r)/ store sth away to put sth in a safe place and keep it there so that you can use it later 贮存;储备;贮藏:We stored away the baby clothes. 我们把婴儿服装全都收起来了。◊ It's amazing how much knowledge he's got stored away in his memory. 他头脑中储存的知识多得 令人惊叹。◊ I stored away the information for future use. 我存了这条信息等以后用。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv store up sth to make trouble for yourself in future 带来,遗留(后患):Smokers may be storing up health problems for their unborn children. 吸烟的人可能给他们的胎儿留下健康隐 患。◊ Children who store up their bad feelings often develop headaches or stomach pains. 儿童 如果情绪低落郁结在心头,常常会导致头疼或 腹痛。 [OBJ] problems, trouble NOTE A pronoun always comes between the verb and up. 代词总是置于动词和 up 之间。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv store sth up 1 to keep s± so that it can be used later. 贮存 ;储备::animaE storing up food for the winter 贮藏食物准备过冬的动物。 ◊ The batteries store up enough energy for a week. 电 池可蓄足够一周用的能量。NOTE Store sth is also used on its own. * store sth 单独使用也作 此义。2 to keep information or facts in your memory to use later (在脑中)记下,记住 (信息或事实):He stored up all the amusing and interesting things that happened during the day to tell his family in the evening. 他把白天发 生的好笑和有趣的事儿都记在心里,等到晚上讲 给家人听。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv storm /stɔːm; AmE stɔːrm/ storm 'off to leave a place or a person suddenly because you are very angry 愤怒地 突然离开:We had a big argument and he stormed off. 我们大吵一架,然后他怒冲冲地夺 门而出。 ♦ v + adv stow /stəʊ; AmE stoʊ/ stow a way (on sth) to hide on a vehicle, especially a ship or a plane, in order to travel without paying or without being seen 无票 偷乘(交通工具,尤指船或飞机):He stowed away on a ship bound for vigo. 他偷偷地上了一 艘开往维哥的轮船。 ♦ v + adv ► stowaway n a person who hides on a ship or a plane in order to travel without paying or without being seen 无票偷乘船(或飞机) 的人;逃票乘客 stow sth away to put sth in a place where it will be safe or will not be found 将...收好; 把…保存好:He stowed his passport away safely in a drawer. 他把护照妥善存放在抽屉里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n straighten /streɪtn/ straighten out; .straighten sth out to become or to make sth straight (使)变直: After the bridge, the road straightens out. 过了 桥之后,路就直了。 ◊ attempts to straighten out the river 将河道改直的尝试 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv straighten sb out; .straighten your- self 'out to help sb deal with problems or understand a difficult situation; to help your- self in this way 帮人(或自行)解决问题:使认 清困局:A few sessions talking to a counsellor should straighten him out. 跟咨询顾问谈几次就 能让他转过弯来。 SYN sort sb/yourself out ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n straighten sth 'out to deal with problems or a difficult situation; to organize things that are confused 解决(问题或困难);清理;整顿: I was left to straighten out the mess. 我被留下 来收拾个烂摊子。◊ He's trying to straighten out his finances. 他试图清理个人财务。 SYN sort sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv straighten up to stand up straight from a bent position 挺直身子; 站立起来: She slowly straightened up and rubbed her back. 她慢慢站 起来揉了揉背。 ♦ v + adv straighten sth up to make a room, etc. neat and tidy 整理(房间等);收拾整齐:We'd better straighten up the house before they get back. 我们最好在他们回来之前把房子收拾好。 SYN tidy sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv strain /streɪn/ strain at sth to pull very hard on sth 拉紧, 用力拽(某物)3 The dog was straining at its lead. 那只狗用力拖拽着牵狗绳。 ♦ v + prep IDM strain at the leash (informal) to want to do sth very much, especially when sb/sth is trying to stop you 迫不及待,急于挣脱束缚 (做某事): He's straining at the leash to get on with his research. 他急于摆脱束缚继续搞研究。 strain sth 'off to separate a liquid from sth solid by pouring it through sth that has very small holes in it 滤掉,滤去(液体):Strain off any excess liquid. 把多余的液体都过滤掉。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv strap /stræp/ (-pp-) NOTE A strap is a strip of leather, cloth, etc. that is used to fasten sth or keep sth in place. ♦ strap 指带子。 strap sb in; .strap yourself in; .strap sb/yourself 'into sth to fasten sb/yourself in a seat, etc. using straps 给...系上安全带:All passengers in the plane must be securely strapped in. 机舱内的所有乘客必须把安全带系 牢。◊ Make sure you strap the baby firmly into the high chair. 孩子坐高脚椅一定要系牢。◊ Have you strapped yourselves in? 你们系好安全 带了吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep strap sth on; .strap sth onto sth to attach sth to sth else with straps 用带子系(或 捆、绑)(在…上):He strapped on his helmet and rode away. 他系好头盔就开车走了。◊ She strapped the suitcases onto the roof of the car. 她把衣箱绑在车顶上。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep strap sth up to tie bandages around sth, especially an injured part of the body, to support it or prevent it from moving 用绷带包 扎 (受伤部位):Your wrist needs to be strapped up. 你的手腕需要包扎一下。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stress /stres/ stress sb 'out (informal) to make sb very anxious and tired so that they are unable to relax 使过度焦虑劳累;使心力交瘁:My job really stresses me out. 我的工作真是让我身心俱 疲。 ◊ My dad stressed me out by criticizing me all the time. 爸爸没完没了地数落我,都快把我 逼疯了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► stressed out adj too anxious and tired to be able to relax 焦虑不安;心力交瘁;精疲 力竭:When I'm stressed out, I try to go for a long walk. 我压力过大时,就出去长时间散步。◊ stressed-out executives 心力交瘁的主管 stretch /stretʃ/ stretch a way/'out [+ adv/prep] to spread over a large area of land, especially away from where you are (往远处)绵延,延伸: The mountains stretched away into the dis- tance. 山脉向远方延伸。◊ Banana plantations stretched away as far as the eye could see. 香蕉 种植园一望无际。 SYN extend ♦ v + adv stretch out; .stretch yourself out to lie down, with your arms or legs out straight, especially in order to relax or sleep (尤指为 休息或睡觉)舒展四肢躺下:He stretched out on the floor and fell asleep. 他摊开手脚躺在地板上 睡了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv stretch sth 'out 1 to put your arm or leg out straight, especially in order to reach sth (尤指为够东西)伸出,伸展(手或脚): She stretched out a hand to touch his face. 她彳申 手去摸他的脸。◊ He leant back and stretched his legs out in front of him. 他靠后仰,双腿前 伸。 [OBJ] arm, hand, leg 2 to make sth last as long as possible by not using very much at a time 节俭使用(以维持更久):It's hard to stretch my money out to the end of the month. 我的钱很难撑到月底。SYN spin sth out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n strew /struː/ (strewed, strewed or strewn /struːn/) be strewn with sth to be covered with a lot of things 撒满,遍布 (某物):The/Zoor was strewn with clothes. 满地都是衣服。◊ (figurative) The way ahead is strewn with difficulties. 前面 的路困难重重。 ♦ be + v + prep strike /straɪk]/ (struck, struck /strʌk/, AmE also struck, stricken /ˈstrɪkən/) strike at sb/sth 1 to try to hit sb/sth, espe- cially with a weapon (用武器) 朝...打去: She screamed and struck at the wolf with a stick. 她尖叫着用棍子朝那只狼打去。2 to cause damage or have a serious effect on sb/sth 损 害;有损于;严重影响到:The proposals struck at the roots of community life. 这些提议动摇了 社区生活的根基。◊ This legislation strikes at the most vulnerable people in society. 这项法律 损害了社会上最弱势群体的利益。 ♦ v + prep strike 'back (at/against sb/sth) to criticize or attack sb who has criticized or attacked you 反 击;回击:Sarah used the article to strike back at her critics. 萨拉借这篇文章驳斥批评她的人。 SYN hit back (at sb/sth) ♦ v + adv strike sb 'down (formal) 1 if a disease strikes sb down, it kills them or makes them very ill/sick (疾病) 使丧命,使病倒,侵袭: She was struck down by polio at the age of four. 她四岁那年得了小儿麻痹症。 ◊ I was struck down by flu and had to cancel the trip. 我得了 流感,不得不取消行程。2 to hit sb very hard so that they fall to the ground; to kill sb 击 倒;撞倒;使丧命:Fights broke out near the shop and one girl was struck down by a handbag. 商店附近发生了斗殴,一名女孩被一 只手提包击倒。◊ the spot where Kennedy was struck down 肯尼迪遇剌的地点 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n strike sth 'down (especially AmE) to reject sth; to make sth no longer valid 驳回;废止; 废除:Only the Supreme Court has the power to strike down this legislation. 只有最高法院有权 否决这项法律。◊ Parents tried to have the ban struck down. 父母们试图使禁令得以取消。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv strike 'off -> STRIKE OUT 3 strike sb/sth off; .strike sb/sth off sth (BrE) to remove sb's name from the list of members of a profession so that they can no longer work in that profession 把...(从某职业 中) 除名;取消...的从业资格:She was struck off for professional misconduct. 她因为渎职被除 名了。◊ These doctors should be struck off the medical register. 这些医生应该被吊销行医员 格。◊ fm going to strike Ashok off my guest list for the party. 我要把阿肖克从聚会邀请名单上 画掉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep strike sth off (formal) to remove sth with a sharp blow; to cut sth off 打掉;砍掉:砍下: They struck off his head with a sword. 他们用剑 削掉了他的脑袋。 SYN chop sth off (less formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv strike out 1 (at sb/sth) to aim a violent blow at sb 猛打:He struck out at me with his fist. 他 给了我一记重拳。SYN hit out (at sb/sth) 2 to start being independent and do sth new 独立 出去;自立谋生: Sanjay left the firm and struck out on his own. 桑杰离开了公司自己创业。3 (also ,strike off less frequent) [+ adv/prep] to start to go somewhere in a determined way 毅 然走向 (某处):He struck out across the fields towards the farmhouse. 他大步流星地穿过田地 朝农舍走去。 4 (with sb) (AmE, informal) to fail; to be unsuccessful 失败;搞砸:I tried to get a job but struck out completely. 我努力想 找份工作,可一次也没成功。◊ He must have struck out with her because he came home early. 他肯定和她没戏了,因为他很早就回家 了。5 (at sb/sth) to criticize sb/sth, especially publicly (尤指公开) 抨击: striking out at your critics 驳斥别人对你的批评。SYN hit out (at sb/sth) ♦ v + adv strike out; .strike sb out (AmE) (in baseball 捧球) to fail to hit the ball success- fully three times and so finish your turn; to make sb do this (使) 三击不中出局:He struck out in the third inning. 他在第三局三击不中出 局了。◊ The pitcher struck out three batters. 投 手使三名击球员三击未中出局。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► strikeout n (in baseball 棒球) an occasion when sb is struck out 三击不中出局 strike sth out/*through (especially BrE) to remove sth from a text or a list by drawing a line through it 画掉;删去;勾销:I struck out some words to make the message shorter. 我 删掉一些文字,缩短了信息内容。◊ He insisted that I strike out all references to his family. 他 坚持要我删除所有提及他家庭的内容。 SYN cross sth out/through ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► strikethrough (also strikeout) n [U] a style of print in which words have a line through them, usually to show that they are wrong (为标示错误) 加删除线的字体: strikethrough text 加了删除线的文本 strike 'up (with sth), .strike up sth if musicians strike up, they begin to play (乐 队) 开始弹奏:Everyone was waiting for the band to strike up. 大家都在等着乐队开始演奏。 ◊ The orchestra struck up a lively tune. 管弦乐 队奏起一首欢快的曲子。 [OBJ] tune ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n strike up sth (with sb) to begin a friendship, a relationship, a conversation, etc. with sb (和某人) 建立友谊,开始来往,交谈起来: My mother will strike up a conversation with anyone she meets. 我母亲逮谁跟谁聊。◊ Children of the same age don't always strike up friendships (with each other). 同龄的孩子不一 定会成为朋友。 [OBJ] conversation, friendship, relationship ♦ v + adv + n string /strɪŋ/ (strung, strung /strʌŋ/) string a long (with sb) (informal) to go somewhere or do sth with sb else, especially because you have nothing else to do (闲时) 跟随,陪伴 (某人):Can I string along with you when you go to the shops? 我能跟你去商 店吗? SYN tag along (behind/with sb) ♦ v + adv string sb a long (informal) to allow sb to believe sth that is not true for a long time, especially when you encourage them to have false hopes 一直让…误信;欺骗;戏弄: They never intended to give her a job. They were just stringing her along. 他们从未真正想过要给 她一份工作。他们只不过是吊吊她的胃口。◊ He strung her along for years and then married Kate. 他哄骗了她好几年,后来抛弃她娶了凯特。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv string out (across/along sth) to spread out in a line 分开成一列:As we climbed, we tended to string out, with the fittest people taking the lead 我们爬山时一般会排成一列,由最强壮的 人领头。 ♦ v + adv string sth out to make sth last longer than expected or necessary 延长;把…的时间拖长:I didn't want to string out the argument. 我无意 把这场辩论耗下去。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv string sth to gether 1 to combine words, phrases, sentences, etc. to form sth that has some meaning 把 (单词、短语、句子等) 连成 有意义的语言单位:I can barely string together two words of German. 我德语说不成句。◊ The report should be written by somebody who can string two sentences together. 这份报告应该让 文笔流畅的人来写。 [OBJ] words, a sentence 2 to join a series of things together 把 (一系列 事物) 连接起来:pearls strung together on a necklace 串在项链上的珍珠 ◊ The student of kung fu learns various movements that are then strung together. 学功夫的人先学会各种基本动 作,然后组合成套路。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n string sb up (informal) to kill sb by hanging them, especially illegally (尤指非法地) 吊死: They'll string him up if they catch him. 他们抓 住他,就会把他吊死。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n string sth up to hang or tie sth in place 悬 挂;系起:She strung up a banner saying 'Happy 40th Birthday'. 她扯起一条横幅,上面 写着 “恭贺四十岁生日” 。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n strip/strɪp/ (-pp-) strip sth a way 1 (from sth) to completely remove a layer of sth that is covering sth else 剥去;剥下;揭去:Strip away the paint to reveal the wood underneath. 把油漆刮掉,露出 下面的木头。◊ The bark has been stripped away from the tree. 树皮已经剥光了。2 to remove anything that is not true and necessary to reveal what sb/sth is really like 揭去,揭穿, 清除 (虚假或不必要的东西):When you strip away the jargon, he really has nothing sensible to say. 去掉术语之后,他实际上没有说任何有意 义的东西。◊ The programme stripped away the mystery surrounding the royal family. 这个节目 揭开了王室的神秘面纱。3 to remove or get rid of sth that has existed for a long time 夺走, 去除 (存在已久的事物):Our basic rights are being stripped away by these laws. 这些法律正 在剥夺我们的基本权利。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv strip sth down to separate a machine or an engine into parts, especially in order to clean or repair it. 拆开,拆卸 (机器或引擎): We had to strip down the engine and replace the worn parts. 我们不得不拆开引擎,更换了磨损 的部件。◊ The car was stripped down and sold for parts. 车子已拆成零件卖了。 SYN dismantle sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv strip down to sth to take off your dothes until you are only wearing the items men- tioned 脱得只剩下:I stripped down to my underwear for the massage. 我脱得只剩下内 衣,接受按摩。 ♦ v + adv + prep + noun strip sth from sth -> STRIP STH OFF, ETC. strip sb/sth of sth to take away a right, property, etc. that sb has, as a punishment 剥 夺…的权利 (或财产等);使丧失权利 (或财产 等): He was stripped of his title for refusing to fight in Britain (= for example, in boxing). 他 因为拒绝在英国比赛而被取消了冠军头衔。◊ They stripped me of my citizenship and deported me. 他们剥夺了我的公民资格,将我驱逐出境。 SYN divest sb/sth of sth (formal) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep strip off; .strip sth off (BrE, informal) if you strip off, or strip sth off, you take off all or nearly all your clothes (几乎) 脱光 (衣 服):She stripped off and dived into the water. 她脱去衣服,跳入了水中。◊ Strip off your wet clothes and put on these dry ones. 把湿衣服脱 了,换上这些干的。-> note at TAKE STH OFF ♦ v + adv • v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv strip sth off; .strip sth off/from sth to remove a layer of sth (从…) 除去,剥掉 (表层):It was hard work stripping the old wallpaper off. 旧墙纸很不容易撕掉。◊ All the leaves had been stripped off the branches. 树枝 上的叶子落光了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep strip sth out to completely remove things you do not want; to remove everything from a place and leave it empty 将 (不需要的东西) 全部挪走;清空 (某处):They had stripped。成 all the original features of the house. 他们把房 子本来的特色全毁了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv struggle / ˈstrʌɡ(ə)l/ struggle a'long/'on to manage to continue in spite of great difficulties 在困难中坚持;勉 力维持:The country's economy is still strug- gling along. 国家的经济还在艰难维持着。◊ The government struggled on with a tiny majority. 政府以微弱多数勉力支撑着。 ♦ v + adv stub/stʌb/ (-bb-) stub sth out to stop a cigarette, etc. burning 把 (香烟等) 弄灭;捻熄:He stubbed the cigarette out with his foot. 他把香烟踩 灭了。 [OBJ] cigarette, cigar SYN grind sth out; put sth out; extinguish sth (more formal) -> note at PUT STH OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n stuff /stʌf/ stuff up; .stuff sth up (BrE, slang) to do sth very badly; to fail at sth (把某事) 弄糟、 办砸:I'm afraid I stuffed up again. 恐怕我又砸 锅了。 ◊ I'm not having them stuff up my plans. 我不会让他们搅乱我的计划。 SYN mess up; mess sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv stumble/ˈstʌmb/ stumble across/ on/u pon sb/sth to find sb/sth unexpectedly or by chance 意外发 现;偶然遇见:We stumbled on the solution by accident 我们是无意中找到这个解决方法的。◊ I stumbled across an old school friend today. 我 今天碰到了一位老校友。 ♦ v + prep stumble into sth to become involved in sth by chance 无意间涉足:She stumbled into engineering because of her love of maths, 她因 为喜欢数学而偶然涉足工程领域。 ♦ v + prep stump /stʌmp/ stump up (for sth), .stump up sth (for sth) (BrE, informal) to pay the amount of money for sth that sb asks, often when you do not want to (不情愿地为…) 付钞票,掏钱腰包: He had no money so I had to stump up for his ticket. 他没带钱,于是我只好替他出钱买票。◊ We had to stump up an extra five hundred pounds for insurance. 我们不得不又付了五百英 镑保险。 [OBJ] the cash SYN cough up} cough sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n Subject / ˈsʌbdʒekt/ subject sb/sth/yourself to sth (formal) to make sb/sth/yourself experience, suffer or be affected by sth, usually sth unpleasant 使经受;使遭受:to subject sth to scrutiny/ analysis 对某事物进行仔细审查/分析。◊ All our products are subjected to thorough tests. 我们的 所有产品都要经过全面检测。◊ to be subjected to criticism / harassment/abuse/torture 遭到批评 / 骚扰 / 虐待 / 折磨 ◊ Why did I subject myself to another evening of arguments? 我为什么自讨 苦吃,又去争吵一个晚上呢? ◊ The city was subjected to repeated bombings. 那座城市遭到 连续轰炸。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep subscribe /səbˈskraɪb/ subscribe to sth (forma。to agree with an opinion, a theory, etc. 同意;赞成;首肯:It's not an opinion I tend to subscribe to. 这个观点 我不太赞同。◊ The company subscribe to the view that if you can encourage children to use your products, they will continue to use them when they are adults. 公司认同这样的观点,即 如果能够鼓励儿童使用你的产品,他们长大成人 后就会继续使用这些产品。◊ It's not a theory that is commonly subscribed to. 一般人并不赞 成这个理论。 [OBJ] view, theory, opinion ♦ v + prep substitute /ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt; AmE -tuːt/ substitute for sb/sth to take the place of sb/sth else 代替;替代:Can you substitute for me at the meeting? 你能代我去开一下会吗? ◊ Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. 医生所能给你的医嘱 无可取代。 ♦ v + prep succeed /səkˈsiːd/ succeed in doing sth to achieve sth that you have been trying to do or get; to have the result or effect that was intended 做成某事; 获取某物;实现目标;达到目的:He succeeded in getting top marks in chemistry. 他拿到了化学课 的最高分。◊ The Labour Party succeeded in capturing the female vote (= they persuaded women to vote for them). 工党成功里赢得了女 性的选票。 ◊ (ironic) I tried to mend my watch, but only succeeded in breaking it (= that was not what I intended). 我想修我的手表,结果却 弄坏了。 ♦ v + prep suck/sʌk/ suck sb in; .suck sb 'into sth to grad- ually involve sb in an activity, a situation, etc., especially one that they do not at first want to be involved in 逐渐把某人卷入(某事):There is a danger we could be sucked into a war. 我们 有被卷入战争的危险。◊ Don't let yourself get sucked in. 别把自己给牵扯进去。◊ In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult. 他年轻的 时候-度崇尚嬉皮士式的生活。 NOTE Nearly always used in the passive. 几乎 总是用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep suck it up (AmE, informal) to accept an unpleasant or difficult situation, and continue living, working, etc. in the usual way 认命; 接受现实;忍耐一下:I know he has a cold, but hell just have to suck it up like everyone else does. 我知道他感冒了,但他只能同其他人一样 忍着点。 ♦ v + it + adv suck up to sb (informal, disapproving) to try to please sb by helping them, saying nice things to them, etc. in order to gain an advantage for yourself 奉承;巴结:He's always sucking up to the teacher. 他总是讨好老师。◊ We don't suck up to anyone! 我们不会讨好巴结 任何人! ♦v + adv + prep sucker /ˈsʌkə(r)/ sucker sb 'into sth; .sucker sb into doing sth (AmEt informal) to persuade sb to do sth they do not really want to do, espe- cially by using their lack of knowledge or experience 蒙骗某人做某事;诱使某人做某事: He got suckered into the scheme. 他落进了圈 套。 ◊ I was suckered into helping. 我上了当去 帮忙。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep sue /su:; BrE also sju:/ sue for sth (formal) to formally ask for sth, especially in court (尤指在法院)正式要求, 为...提出请求:◊。sue for divorce 诉请离婚 ◊ The rebels were forced to sue for peace. 反叛者被迫 求和。 [OBJ] divorce, peace ♦ v + prep suffer /ˈsʌfə(r)/ g suffer from sth 1 to have a particular illness or medical condition 得,染,患 (病): She suffers from hay fever. 她患有花粉症。 ◊ Some of the victims are suffering from shock. 有些受害者仍惊魂未定。2 to have a particular problem 有,存在 (某种问题):Many com- panies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff. 很多公司缺少有经验的员工。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 suffer from sth catch sth ♦ come down with sth ♦ contract sth ♦ get sth ♦ have sth ♦ suffer from sth These verbs all mean to be or become ill with a disease or illness. 这些动词都表示得病、染 病、患病。 catch sth to get an infectious illness 得,染, 患(传染病):I think I must have caught this cold from you. 我想感冒肯定是你传染给我 的。◊ It is unusual to catch measles more than once. 很少有人不止一次得麻疹。 come down with sth to get an illness that is not very serious 得,染,患(小病):I think I'm coming down with something. 我想我是得 了什么病了。 contract sth to get a disease, especially a serious one 得,染,患(尤指重病):He contracted malaria while abroad. 他出国期间 患上了疟疾。 get sth to begin to have an illness, to suffer from a pain 患上,染上(疾病);遭受(痛 苦)-think I'm getting a cold. 我想我是得了 感冒。◊ She gets really bad headaches. 她头疼 得厉害。 have sth (also have got) (not used in the progressive tenses) to suffer from an illness or pain 患有(疾病);遭受(痛苦)I had a cold yesterday and I couldn't come to work. 我 昨天感冒,没法来上班。◊ I've got a headache. 我头疼。 suffer from sth to be badly affected by a disease, an illness or pain 受(疾病)之苦; 遭受 (痛苦):He suffers from asthma. 他有哮 喘病。◊ The driver was taken to hospital suffering from shock. 驾驶员休克了,被送入 医院。 WHICH WORD? Have sth and suffer from sth are used to talk about sb having an illness. The other verbs are used to talk about sb starting to have an illness. Contract is often used in technical contexts. * have sth 和 suffer from sth 用于指患 有某种疾病。其他动词用于指开始染上某种疾 病。contract 常用于专业语境。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to suffer from/have/get/catch/contract a disease/an illness ■ to suffer from/have/get/catch/contract/come down with a a bug/flu ■ to suffer from/have/get/contract cancer/AIDS ■ to suffer from/have/get/catch/contract a virus/HIV/malaria ■ to suffer from/have/get/catch/come down with a cold ■ to suffer from/have/get a headache/a condition/arthritis/diarrhoea suit /su:t; BrE also sjuːt/ suit sth to sb/sth to make sth appropriate for sb/sth 使适合;使适应;使适宜:He can suit his conversation to whoever he's with. 无论跟谁 在一起,他都能聊得投机。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep suit 'up (AmE) to put on the clothing that you wear to do a particular job, play a sport, etc. 穿上,换上 (工作服、运动服等):ok, every- one. Time to suit up. The game starts in a half hour.好了, 各位。该换上运动服了。比赛半个 小时后开始。 ♦ v + adv sum /sʌm/ (-mm-) sum up; ,sum sth up 1 to give the main points of sth in a few words 总结;概括: we conclude the meeting, let me sum up. 会议 结束之前,我来总结一下。 ◊ To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the problem ... 概括来说,这一问题主要有三种处理办法... ◊ In her conclusion, she summed up what had been agreed. 她最后概括了已达成的共识。 SYN summarize, summarize sth (more formal) 2 (of a judge 法官)to give the main points of the evidence or arguments in a legal case, near the end of the trial 总结 (案件的证据或论 辩):When he summed up, the judge reminded the jury of the seriousness of the case. 法官总结 陈词时提醒陪审团注意案件的严重性。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ► summing-up n 1 a speech made by the judge to the court near the end of the trial, giving the main points of the evidence and the arguments in the case (法官提请陪审员注 意的) 案情总结,总结陈词,证据和论辩综述: The judge will begin her summing-up on Monday. 法官将于周一开始作总结陈词。2 an occasion when sb states the main points of an argument, etc. 总结;概括:There was a final summing-up by each of the speakers. 每位演讲 者都作了最后总结。◊ The speakers gave brief summings-up of their talks. 演讲者对他们的讲 话进行了简要总结。 sum sb/sth up 1 to describe or show the most typical characteristics of sb/sth, especially in a few words 扼要描述;概述: His speech summed up the mood of the whole country. 他的讲话概括了整个国家的气 氛。◊ Totally lazy—that just about sums him up. 赖到家了——这大体上就是他的真实写照。 2 (as sb/sth) to decide or express what you think about sb/sth 估量;判断;把...视为:The two of them stood there, summing each other up. 他们俩站在那儿,相互打量着。◊ He had already summed her up as someone who hated to admit defeat. 他已经把她归为那种不愿认输 的人。◊ I summed up the situation immediately (= realized what was happening and what needed to be done). 我立刻看出是怎么回事。 SYN size sb/sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) summon/'sʌmən/ summon sth 'up 1 to manage to produce a particular feeling in yourself, although this is difficult 设法激起 (感情);鼓起 (勇气);振 作 (精神):She eventually summoned up the courage to knock at the door. 她最终鼓起勇气 敲了门。◊ He managed to summon up a smile. 他挤出了一丝笑容。◊ I can't summon up much enthusiasm for grammar! 我对语法无法产生多 大热情!。I don't think I can summon up the energy to go for a run, 我想我拿不出劲头去 跑步了。[OBJ] courage, smile, energy, strength SYN muster sth up NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动语态。Summon sth is sometimes used on its own with this meaning. ♦ summon sth 有时单独使用也作此义。2 to make an idea, a feeling, a memory, etc. come into your mind 唤起;忆起;想起:It's a smell that summons up memories of my childhood. 那 种气味会唤起我董年的记忆。[OBJ] memories, vision, image SYN evoke sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n・v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) surge /sɜːdʒ; AmE sɜːrdʒ/ surge 'through sb if a feeling surges through you, you suddenly feel it very strongly (感觉) 涌上心头,传遍全身:A thrill of excitement surged through IsobeL 伊索贝尔 突然感到一阵激动。[SUBJ] relief, excitement, anger -> see also SURGE UP ♦ v + prep surge up (literary) if an emotion surges up in you, you suddenly feel it very strongly (情 绪) 高涨:Panic surged up inside her. 她突然惊 恐万状。 -> see also SURGE THROUGH SB ♦ v + adv ► upsurge (in/of sth) n [usually sing.] a sudden great increase in sth 突增;猛升;飙涨: There has been a recent upsurge of violence in the area. 近日这个地区暴力事件激增。◊ an upsurge of interest in science and technology 对 科学技术的兴趣渐浓。 surrender /səˈrendə(r)/ surrender to sb/sth; surrender your- self to sb/sth (formal) to stop trying to resist a feeling, a particular person, etc. and let them control what you do 任由 (某人、感觉等) 控制;对...放弃抵抗:He sur- rendered to his natural instinct to run away. 他 出于本能,不由自主地逃了。◊ She surrendered to Leo's charm. 她抵挡不住利奥的魅力。◊ He surrendered himself to sleep. 他不知不觉睡 着了。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + pron + prep suss /sʌs/ suss sb/sth out (BrE, informal) to find out what sb/sth is really like; to understand the important things about sb/sth 发现...的真 相;了解的本质:My classmates were sussing me out, seeing how tough I was. 我的同学开始 了解我,看出我有多坚强。◊ We'll need to suss out our opponents before the game. 我们在比 赛前要摸清对手的底细。◊ I've got him sussed out now. 我现在看清他的真面目了。◊ Jen had sussed out right away that there was something strange going on. 珍一眼就看出情况有些不对 头。◊ Simon always did what his family wanted. I soon sussed that out. 西蒙总是顾着家 人的意思去做。我很快就瞧出了这一点。 NOTE Suss sb/sth can be used on its own with a similar meaning * suss sb / sth 单独使用也作 相近含义:I've got him sussed. 我看清他的真面 目了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n swallow /'swɒləʊ; AmE 'swɑːloʊ/ swallow sb/sth up to completely cover sb/sth or absorb them, so that they can no longer be seen or do not exist separately 吞没; 淹没: He watched them walk away until the darkness swallowed them up. 他目送 他们走远,直到消失在夜色里。◊ She was so embarrassed she wished that the ground would open and swallow her up. 她尴尬极了, 简直希望地面能裂开个洞,止她钻进去。 ◊ The countryside is rapidly being swallowed up by building developments. 乡村地区正被建筑开发 项目迅速侵占。◊ Many small businesses have been swallowed up by larger companies. 很多小 公司被大公司兼并了。 NOTE Swallow sb/sth is sometimes used on its own with this meaning * swallow sb / sth 有时 单独使用也作此义:She wished that the ground would open up and swallow her. 她希望地面能 裂开个洞,让她钻进去。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n swallow sth up to use sth such as money or resources completely 用光,用尽,耗尽 (钱、资源等):Practising the piano swallows up all her free time. 练钢琴占用了她所有的闲暇 时间。◊ Pay rises were quickly swallowed up by price increases. 增加的工资很点快就被上涨的物价 抵消了。◊ Nuclear weapons swallowed up a third of the country's defence spending. 核武器 用掉了国防开支的三分之一。◊ The extra money was swallowed up by debts, 剩余的钱都用来还 债了。 [OBJ] time, money SYN use sth up NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) swan /swɒn; AmE swɑːn/ (-nn-) swan about/around; .swan a1 bout/ around sth (BrE, informal, disapproving) to move around or go from one place to another enjoying yourself, but with no real purpose (悠闲自得地) 晃荡;闲逛: Stop scan- ning about pretending to be clever. 别自以为是 地晃荡了。◊ She's scanning around Europe for the summer. 她夏天要去欧洲逛一逛。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep swan off (to ...) (BrE, informal, disapproving) to go off to enjoy yourself with no real purpose 外出闲荡找乐:He's always scanning off to Spain on holiday! 他一有假期就去西班牙 游玩潇洒! ♦ v + adv swap (also swop) /swɒp; AmE swɑːp/ (-pp-) swap around/'over/round (informal, especially BrE) if two people swap around/ over/round, they move to where the other person was before or start doing each other's jobs (两人) 对调位置,交换工作:III drive there and you can read the map. Well swap over on the way back. 去时我开车,你看地图。 回来时我们交换位置。 SYN change over/round ♦ v + adv swap sb/sth a'round/'over/* round (informal, especially BrE) to replace sb/sth with sb/sth else 替换:At half-time the manager swapped some of the players around. 主教练在 半场时把几名队员换下了场。 SYN change sb/sth round/around ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) swap over (to sth), .swap sb/sth 'over (to sth) to change from one situation, position, etc. to another; to make sb do this (使) 从 (一种情况、位置) 转换到(另一种): We swapped over from an electric cooker to gas. 我们把由炉灶具换成了煤气炉。◊ Have you been swapped over to the new computer system yet? 有人给你装新的计算机系统了吗? SYN switch over, etc. ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) swarm /swɔːm; AmE swɔːrm/ swarm with sb/sth (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) if a place is swarming with sb/sth, it is very full of people or things moving around 到处是 (人或物) 在 移动;挤满 ( 活动着的人或物 ):The museum was swarming with tourists. 博物馆里游客摩肩 接踵。◊ The room was hot: and swarming with flies. 房间里很热,到处是苍蝇。 ♦ v + prep sweep swear /sweə(r); AmE swer/ (swore /swɔː(r)/, sworn /swɔːn; AmE swɔːrn/) swear by sb (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) used to show that you are making a serious promise 对...发誓;向...宣誓: I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth (= for example, said in a British court). 我向 全能的上帝起誓,我以下所说句句属实。 ♦ v + prep swear by sth/sb (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to believe strongly that sth/sb is very useful and helpful 极为信赖; 对...推崇备至:My brother swears by lemon and honey drinks as a cold remedy. 我哥哥深信柠檬 加蜂蜜饮料能治疗感冒。◊ Why don't you go and see Dr Nash? My mother swears by him. 你 干吗不去找纳什医生瞧病呢? 我母亲特别相信他 的医术。 ♦ v + prep swear sb in; .swear sb into sth to introduce sb publicly to a new position, responsibility, etc. by getting them to promise that they will do the job correctly, be loyal to the organization, their country, etc. 使宣誓就 职;使宣誓效忠 (某个组织、国家等):He was sworn in as President in January. 他1月宣誓就 任总统。◊ The new President was hurriedly sworn into office. 新总统仓促宣誓就职。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► swearing-in n [U, sing.] the act of swearing sb in 宣誓就职:The swearing-in of the new president will take place tomorrow. 新总统 将于明天宣誓就职。◊ a swearing-in ceremony 宣誓就职典礼 swear off sth (informal, especially AmE) to make a serious promise that you will give sth up, especially sth that is bad or harmful 发誓 戒除:He's intending to swear off alcohoL 他打 算从此滴酒不沾。◊ Ever since her boyfriend left she has sworn off men. 自从她的男友离开之 后,她发誓不再和男性交往。 ♦ v + prep swear to sth (informal) to say that sth is def- initely true 断言;肯定;保证:I think I've met him somewhere before, but I couldn't swear to it (= I'm not completely certain). 我觉得我在 哪儿见过他,不过我不敢肯定。 ♦ v + prep swear sb to sth to make sb promise sth, especially that they will not tell other people sth 使发誓 (严守秘密等):The actors know how the series will end but they are sworn to secrecy. 演员们知道连续剧的结局,但他们按要 求发誓保密。 ◊ Jeff told me about his promotion and swore me to silence. 杰夫告诉我他要升 职,但让我别张扬出去。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep sweat /swet/ sweat sth off to lose weight by doing a lot of hard exercise 通过排汗减轻(体重):I sweated off the extra weight by playing squash every day. 我靠每天打壁球出一身汗,减掉多余 的体重。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) sweat sth out 1 to get rid of a cold, fever, etc. by staying warm so that you produce sweat 通过发汗治好 (感冒、发烧等):When- ever I get a bad fever I go to bed and sweat it out. 我每次发高烧都是通过卧床发汗治好的。 [OBJ] cold, fever 2 sweat it out to wait for sth that you feel nervous or anxious about to happen or to end 等待 (或忍受) 到底;熬过: They made us sweat it out for two hours until the result was announced. 他们让我们苦等了两 个钟头才宣布结果。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv • v + adv + n (less frequent) sweat over sth informal) to work very hard on sth; to spend a lot of time doing sth or worrying about sth 努力做某事;耗费时间做 (或操心) 某事:I've been sweating over my letter of resignation for several days. 我花了几 天时间埋头写辞职信。 ♦ v + prep sweep /swi:p/ (swept, swept /swept/) sweep sb along/away to make sb feel very enthusiastic about sth or involved in sth; to affect sb so much they forget everything else 使激动万分;使专注于:Ana was swept along by her father's enthusiasm. 父亲的热情深 深感染了安娜。 SYN carry sb along; be/get carried away NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv sweep sb aside to defeat sb easily 轻松打败: United swept Liverpool aside with ease. 联队轻 而易举地击败了利物浦队。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sweep sth aside to ignore sth; to treat sth as though it is not important 对...置之不理; 不理会;无视:All their objections were swept aside. 他们的反对全都没人理会。◊ She sweeps aside every suggestion I make. 她把我的所有建 议都当成了耳旁风。 objections, protests, restrictions, oppos ition, criticism NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sweep sb a'way -> SWEEP SB ALONG/AWAY sweep sth a'way to destroy or get rid of sth completely 消灭;彻底消除;完全打消: The President's speech swept away all our doubts. 总 统的讲话消除了我们的一切疑虑。◊ Poverty will be swept away! 贫困将会消除! ◊ The old way of life has been swept away by the electronic revolution. 电子革命使旧的生活方式不复存在。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sweep sth back/1 up if you sweep your hair back or up, you brush or push it away from your face 把 (头发) 往后梳理 / 往上梳: She swept: her hair back from her face with both hands. 她用双手把头发从面颊抹到后面。◊ Long hair can be swept up on top of your head. 长头 发可以盘在头上。 [OBJ] hair ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n sweep sth off; .sweep sth off sth to remove sth from somewhere, especially by brushing with your hands, a brush, etc. (从…) 扫走,擦掉:He swept the crumbs off the table. 他把桌上的面包屑扫掉。◊ (figurative) The wind swept her hat off. 风把她的帽子吹 走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM .sweep sb off their 'feet to make sb fall suddenly and deeply in love with you 使一见 倾心;使立刻迷上自己: Maria was swept off her feet by Mark's charm. 马克的魅力使玛丽亚一见 倾心。 sweep sth 'out to clean a room, a cupboard, etc. with a large brush with a long handle (a broom) 打扫,清扫干冷 ( 房间、橱柜等 ): Brad was busy sweeping out the yard. 布拉德忙 着扫院子。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sweep sb up 1 to lift sb with a sudden smooth movement 一把抱起:He ran forward and swept her up in his arms. 他跑上前去一把 将她抱了起来。2 to make sb become very involved in sth so that they are unable to think clearly 使沉醉于;使陶醉于:The whole country was swept up in the excitement 全国上 下沉浸在一片兴奋中。SYN be/get caught up (in sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于 被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) sweep up; (sweep sth up to remove dust, dirt, etc. from a floor with a brush 扫 地;清扫 (灰尘等):We had to sweep up before w left. 我们临走之前得打扫一下。◊ We'd better sweep up all the bits of broken glass quickly. 我 们最好快点把玻璃喳子扫干净。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv sweep sth up -> SWEEP STH BACK/UP sweeten /ˈswiːtn/ sweeten sb up (informal) to try to per- suade sb to help you, agree to sth, etc. by giving them gifts, being very nice to them, etc. 哄某人 ( 帮忙、同意等 );打好:If you sweeten him up hell do the work for you. 你要是 哄哄他,他就会帮你干活。◊ They sweeten up customers with special offers. 他们用特价优惠招 揽顾客。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n swell /swel/ (swelled /sweld/, swollen /'swəʊlən; AmE swoʊ-/ or swelled, swelled) swell up if part of the body swells up, it becomes much larger and rounder than usual as a result of illness, injury, etc. (身体 部位) 肿胀,隆起:My foot swelled up to twice its normal size. 我的脚肿得有平时的两倍大。◊ (figurative) A feeling of admiration swelled up in her. 她心中顿生倾慕之情」 ♦ v + adv swill /swɪl/ swill sth 'down (informal)to drink a large amount of sth quickly 猛喝;痛饮;牛饮:He just swilled down his beer and walked out. 他一 口气把啤酒灌下肚,然后走了出去。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv swing /swɪŋ/ (swung, swung /swʌŋ/) swing around; .swing sb/sth around (BrE also .swing round, ,swing sb/sth round) 1 to turn around fast to face the other way; to make sb/sth do this (使某人) 猛地转身; 猛地掉转 (某物):Luke suddenly swung round and glared at me. 卢克突然转过身来瞪着我。◊ I swung the car round and drove back down the road. 我猛地掉转车头,沿路开车返回。2 to change from one idea, opinion, etc. to another, especially the opposite one 改变 (主 意、看法等);改弦易辙: The Labour Party has now swung round to supporting Europe. 工 党现在已经改弦更张,转而支持欧洲了。◊ You should be able to swing people round to your point of view. 你应该有能力扭转人们的看法来 接受你的观点。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv swing at sb; 'swing sth at sb to try to hit sb (用…) 朝某人打去:She swung at me with the iron bar. 她抡着根铁棍向我打过来。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep swing by; .swing by sth (AmE, informal) to visit a person or place for a short time, especially when you are going somewhere else 短暂拜访 (某人或某处);顺路看望:She swung by (= came here) on her way home. 她回家时 顺便过来了一趟。◊ Let's swing by Dave's house after the movie. 看完电影后,咱们顺便到戴夫家 去坐坐吧。 SYN drop by ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep swing round, etc. (BrE) -> SWING AROUND, ETC. switch /swɪtʃ/ switch off (informal) to stop giving your attention to sb or sth 不再想着;不去考虑;失 去兴趣;觉得乏味:I just switch off when Jo starts talking. 我一听乔讲话就腻味。◊ Do you find it hard to switch off (= stop thinking about work) when you get home? 你回到家后 是不是觉得很难放下工作? SYN turn off ♦ v + adv switch off; switch sth oft .switch itself 'off to stop an electrical device, a machine or an engine working by pressing a switch, a button, etc. 关闭,断开 (电器、机器 或引擎):The heating switches off at 10.00 p.m. 晚上 10 点停止供暖。 ◊ Shall I switch the lights off? 我要不要关了灯? ◊ The electricity has been switched off. 电源被切断了◊ Her smile switched off suddenly when she saw him come in, 一看见他进来,她的笑容马上消失了。 ◊ Please switch off your mobile phones. 请关闭 手机。 SYN turn off, turn itself off; turn sth off OPP switch on, switch sth on, switch itself on ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n switch on; .switch sth on; .switch itself 'on to start an electrical device, a machine or an engine by pressing a switch, a button, etc. 打开,接通 (电器、机器或引擎): She walked in and switched on the light. 她走进 来开 了灯。◊ The machine switches (itself) on automatically. 这台机器能自动启动。◊ How do you switch this thing on? 怎么把这个东西打开? ◊ (figurative) He can switch on the charm whenever he likes. 他随时都能施展魅力。 SYN turn on, turn itself on; turn sth on OPP switch off, switch sth off, switch itself off ♦ v + adv switch over (to sth), .switch sth 'over (to sth) 1 (BrE) to change from one television station to another 换台;换频道:I switched over to watch the news. 我换了个频道看新闻。 SYN change over (to sth); turn over (to sth), turn sth over (to sth) 2 (also .switch sb 'over) to change from one position, situation, job, etc. to another (把某人) 转换到另一位置 (或 局面、岗位等):We've finally switched over to a computerized system. 我们的系统最终转换 成了计算机化系统。◊ The country gradually switched over from imperial to metric. 该国逐渐 从英制转用公制。◊ 35000 customers have been switched over to the new system. 已经让 35000 名客户转用新系统。SYN change over (from sth) (to sth) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n swivel /ˈswɪvl/ ( -ll- , AmE -l- ) swivel around; .swivel sb/sth a'round (also .swivel 'round, .swivel sb/sth round especially BrE) 1 to turn or move your body, eyes or head around quickly to face another direction (把身体、眼睛或脑袋) 转向另一方向: He swivelled around to look at her. 他猛地转过 头去看着她。 2 to turn or make sth turn around a fixed central point (使) 转动,旋转: She swivelled the chair around to face them. 她 把椅子转过来面对着他们。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv swop /swɒp; AmE swɑːp/ (-pp-) swop a round, etc. -> SWAP AROUND, ETC. swot /swɒt; AmE swɑːt/ swot up (on sth) (BrE, informal) to study a subject very hard, especially when you are preparing for an exam (尤指为准备考试) 刻 苦学习 (某门课程):I have to swot up on phrasal verbs for a test tomorrow, 我不得不努 力温习短语动词,以迎接明天的测验。◊ It's time to start swotting up for the exam. 现在该开始好 好复习准备考试了。 SYN brush sth up, brush up on sth (especially BrE), mug up (on sth), mug sth up (BrE), review sth (especially AmE), revise sth (BrE) syphon /ˈsaɪfn/ syphon sth off -> SIPHON STH OFF tack /tæk/ tack sth on; ,tack sth on to sth (in formal) to add sth as an extra item, especially in a careless way (漫不经心地) 添加,附加, 增补:The last paragraph seems to have been tacked on at the last minute. 最后一段像是在最 后一刻加上的。 ◊ An extra day has been tacked onto the New Year holiday. 新年休假额外增加 了一天。 ◊ a porch tacked on to the front of the house 接在房子前面的门廊 SYN add sth on, add sth on to sth NOTE Often used in the passive.常用于被动 语态。 -> see also TAG STH ON, TAG STH ON TO STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep tag /tæɡ/ (-gg-) tag a'long (behind/with sb) (informal) to go somewhere with sb, especially when you have not been invited (尤指未经邀请) 跟随,尾随: The children tagged along behind their mother. 孩子们跟在妈妈后面。◊ Can I tag along (with you) when you go to the shops? 我跟着你去商 店好吗? SYN string along (with sb) -> see also TAG ON, TAG ON TO SB ♦ v + adv tag on; .tag on to sb/sth (especially BrE) to follow sb closely and go somewhere with them, although you have not been invited (未 经邀请) 紧跟,紧随,寸步不离:Kate's friend tagged on and spoiled the day. 凯特的朋友黏着 她,弄得一天都很扫兴。◊ We tagged on to the end of the procession. 我们紧紧地跟在游行队伍 的末尾。 -> see also TAG ALONG (BEHIND/WITH SB) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep tag sth on; .tag sth on to sth (informal) to add sth as an extra item to the end of sth, especially in a careless way (漫不经心地) 添 加,附加,增补:An apology was tagged on to the end of the letter. 信的末尾顺便附了一句抱歉 的话。◊ Online security is being built into the system, not tagged on. 在线安全保护程序内置在 系统中,不是外挂的。 SYN add sth on, add sth on to sth NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态: -> see also TACK STH ON, TACK STH ON TO STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron 十 adv + prep tail /teɪl/ tail away tail off tail 'back (BrE) if traffic tails back, it forms a long line that moves very slowly or not at all (受阻车辆) 排成长龙:After the accident, traffic tailed back ten miles. 事故发生后,受阻 车辆排了十英里长。 ♦ v + adv ► tailback n (BrE) a long line of traffic that tails back 受阻畚车辆排成的长龙:The crash caused a six-mile tailback, 撞车事故使受阻车辆 排了六英里长。 tail off (also .tail a'way less frequent) to become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc. 变小 (或 变少、变弱等);逐渐消失:Sales tailed off in the summer. 夏季销售额不断下滑。◊ The number of tourists starts to tail off in Septem- ber. 从9月起,游客人数开始逐步减少。◊ Her voice tailed away. 她话音越来越低。◊ 'Did you want to see ... ' she tailed off. “你是不是想 看..." 她的声音低了下去。-> note at DWINDLE AWAY ♦ v + adv tailor/ˈteɪlə(r)/ tailor sth to/for sb/sth to make or adapt sth for a particular purpose, a particular per- son, etc.(为…) 定做,特制;使适应: Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific students. 针对具体学生的需要安排特 别的课程。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep take /teɪk/ (took /tʊk/, ‘taken /’teɪkən/) take sb a back to shock or surprise sb 使震 惊; 使吃惊:I was taken aback by his rudeness. 我对他的粗鲁无礼感到吃惊。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态a ♦ v + n/pron + adv take after sb 1 (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to look like or behave like an older member of your family (容貌或举 止) 像,似 (长辈):I'm told I take after my grandmother. 有人说我长得像我奶奶。◊ Your daughter doesn't take after you at all. 你女儿一 点儿都不像你。◊ He's always been shy— e takes after his father. 他一贯腼腆--像他的 父亲。2 (old-fashioned, AmE) to begin to follow sb quickly in order to catch them 开始 追赶;跟踪:A man rushed out of Che bank and two men took after him. 一名男子冲出银行,另 两名男子追了出来。◊ She ran out into the night and he took after her. 她冲入了夜幕. 他紧随其 后赶了出去。 ♦ v + prep take against sb/sth (old-fashioned, BrE) to begin to dislike sb/sth 开始不喜欢:Why have you suddenly taken against Laura? 你为什么突 然讨厌劳拉了? OPP take to sb/sth ♦ v + prep take sb/sth along (to sth) to take sb or sth with you when you go somewhere 随身带着; 携带:Tom took his sister along to the party. 汤姆带着妹妹去参加聚会。◊ When you travel with young children, take along some favourite toys or a book. 和孩子们旅行要带些他们喜欢的 玩具,或者带一本书。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n take sb/sth a part (informal) 1 (sport) to defeat sb easily (体育运动中) 轻松打败, 把...打得一败涂地:He took the American apart in the third set (= in a game of tennis). 他在 第三盘轻而易举地击败了美国选手。◊ We took the other team apart, 我们把对手打得溃不成 军。2 to attack or criticize sb/sth severely 猛 烈攻击;严厉批评:Touch her again and I'll take you apart! 再动她一下,我就把你大卸八块!◊ Her second novel was taken apart by the critics. 她的第二部小说被评论家批得体无完肤。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) take sth a part to separate a machine, a piece of equipment, etc. into its parts 拆 卸,拆散,拆开 (机器、设备等): She took the clock apart and couldn't put it back together. 她把钟拆了却装不到一块儿。◊ You can take the mixer apart to clean it. 你可以把搅拌器拆开 来清洁。◊ The police took the room apart (= examined everything very carefully), looking for evidence. 警察仔细搜查了房间的每 个角落,寻找证据。 SYN dismantle sth (more formal) OPP put sth together ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) take sb a round; .take sb a round sth (BrE also .take sb round, .take sb 'round sth) to visit a place with sb; to show sb the inter- esting or important parts of a place 带…游 览;领…参观:If you'd like to see the town, I could take you around. 你要是想看看城里,我 可以带你转转。◊ We got a guide to take us round the temples. 有一位导游带我们参观了那 些寺庙。 SYN show sb around, show sb around sth; take sb over sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sb/sth a round (especially AmE) -> TAKE SB/STH ROUND take sb a side to separate sb from the rest of a group in order to talk to them privately 把...带到一边 (私下谈话):She took me aside and explained the situation. 她把我拉到旁边解 释情况。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv take sb a'way (from sb/sth) 1 to remove sb from somewhere; to lead or move sb to another place 把...送走;带…去别处;将...转 到别处:The injured were taken away by ambu- lance. 伤者被救护车送走了。◊ I can take you away from all this (= all this trouble). 我可以 带你远离这一切烦扰。2 to remove sb, espe- cially a child, from sb's care 使离开 (某人的监 护等):The children were taken away from, them and put into a children's home. 孩子们 从他们身边被带走,送到了儿童收养所。◊ My father took me away from school and taught me himself. 父亲给我退了学,亲自教我。3 to take sb with you on a trip or holiday/vacation 带… 旅行;携…度假:He takes the whole family away for two weeks in the summer. 他夏天带全 家旅游两个星期。4 to make it necessary for sb to leave a place, especially temporarily 使 (暂 时) 离开:Sam's work takes him away from his family for months at: a time. 萨姆因工作需要每 次要离家好几个月。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) take sth a'way 1 to remove sth and place it somewhere else 把...移到别处:They had to take the computer away to fix it. 他们得把计算 机拿去修理。◊ You can take the book away with you. 你可以把书带走。2 (from sb/sth) to remove sth from a person, a place or an organization so that they no longer have it (从某人处或某地点) 把...带走;取走: These books must not be taken away from the library. 这些书不得带出图书馆。◊ They can't take our rights away from us. 他们不能剥夺我们的权 利。3 to make a feeling, pain, etc. disappear 解除,消除 (感觉、痛苦等):These tablets should help take the pain away. 这些药片能止 痛。◊ I need a drink of water to take the bad taste away. 我得喝杯水去掉这怪味道。[OBJ] pain, taste, appetite 4 (from sth) (math- ematics') to take one number from another (从某数中) 减去,减掉: If you take four away from ten, that leaves six. 十减去四等于六。◊ Ten take away four leaves six. 十减四得六。5 (BrE) (AmE .take sth out) (usually used in the infinitive with 'to' 通常用于带 to 的不定式) to buy a cooked dish at a restaurant and carry it away to eat at home, in the street, etc. (从餐 馆等买食品) 带走食用;买外卖食品:A cheese- burger and a coffee to take away, please. 请来 一份干酪汉堡包和一杯咖啡,带走。◊ Is that to eat here or take away? 在这儿吃还是带走? 6 (from sth) to form an opinion or impression of sb/sth that is still there when you go away 带 着 (某种观点或印象) 离开;对…留下 (某种观 点或印象):We didn't take away a very favour- able impression of the hotel. 我们对这家旅馆没 留下什么好印象。◊ What do we want students to take away (= to learn) from this course? 我 们想让学生从这门课程中学到什么呢? ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM take sb's breath away to surprise or please sb very much 使惊讶; 使惊叹:The first sight of the waterfall takes your breath away. 第一次看到那瀑布,你会感到震撼。 ► takeaway (BrE) n 1 a restaurant that cooks and sells food that: you eat somewhere else 外 卖餐馆:a Chinese/Indian takeaway 中餐 /印度 餐外卖店 ◊ a takeaway restaurant 外卖餐馆 2 (AmE takeout, carry-out) a meal that you buy from this type of restaurant 外卖的饭菜; 外卖食物:We could get a takeaway tonight. 我 们今晚可以叫份外卖。◊ a takeaway pizza 外卖 的比萨饼 3 (AmE) an idea that you learn about in a meeting or discussion that you remember and use later ( 从会议或讨论中得到的 ) 想法收 获,心得体会:The key takeaway is that there should be more growth next quarter. 主要心得 是下季度应有更大的增长。 take a way from sth to make the effect or value of sth seem less 使 (效果) 减弱;使 (价 值) 降低:I don't wish to take away from his achievements, but he couldn't have done it with- out our help. 我不想贬低他的成就,但没有我们 援手相助,他是做不成的。 SYN detract from sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + prep take sb a way from sth to take sb's atten- tion away from sth 使从...上转移注意力:These minor problems are taking us away from the real issue. 这些次要问题使我们减少了对主要问 题的关注。 SYN distract sb (from sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep take sb 'back 1 (to sth) to go with sb to the place where they were or to your/their home 将...送回原处;拒...送回家:Can you take me back to the hotel? 你能把我送回旅馆吗? ◊ Ill take the kids back now-they're getting tired. 我现在要把孩子们送回家了——他们有些疲倦。 2 to allow sb such as your husband, wife or partner to come home after they have left because of a problem; to allow sb to return to their job 允许 (因矛盾纠纷而离去的配偶等) 回家;与...重归于好;允许...复职:I agreed to take her back if she promised to be faithful in future. 我同意让她回家,但她要保证今后对我忠 诚。◊ An employer cannot be forced to take you back. 不能逼迫雇主让雇员复职。SYN have sb back 3 (to sth) to make sb's thoughts return to a past time ...的思绪回到过去;使回想起: The smell of the sea took him back to his child- hood. 大海的气息将他带回了孩提时代。◊ That song takes me back a bit! 那首歌勾起了我无限 的回忆! SYN carry sb back (to sth) -> note at REMIND SB OF SB/STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv take sth back 1 (to sb/sth) if you take sth back to a shop/store, or a shop/store takes sth back, you return sth that you have bought because it is the wrong size or does not work, for example 退回 (商品);收回 (退货):The sweater had a hole in it so I took it back. 毛 衣上有个洞,于是我把它退了。SYN return sth (more format) 2 to return sth you have bor- rowed, hired, etc. 归还;交还:I forgot to take my books back to the library. 我忘了把书还给 图书馆。◊ It's your turn to take the videos back. 轮到你去还录像带了。 SYN return sth (more formal) NOTE In informal spoken language take sb back sth, or, less often, take sb sth back can also be used 非正式口语中也可用 take sb back sth 或 take sb sth back, 后者不太常用:I took him back his CD. 我把 CD 还给他了。◊ I took him his CD back. 我把 CD 还给他了。3 to take sth you have bought, etc. home with you after you have been away (外出后) 带回 (所 买的物品等):We were looking for presents to take back for the kids. 我们在选购回去后带给孩 子们的礼物。 NOTE In informal spoken lan- guage take sb back sth is also used 非正式口 语中也可用 take sb back sth: We took the kids back some presents. 我们给孩子们带了些礼物回 来。 4 to receive or take sth that you own from sb who has borrowed it 收回,拿到 (借 出的物品):When rd read the letter he took it back and put it in his pocket. 我看完信后,他 就拿回去塞进了衣兜。◊ No attempt was ever made to take back the land (= to take control of it again). 从未有人试图收回这块土地。5 to admit that sth you said was wrong or that you should not have said it 收回,撤回 (说过的 话) : I take back what I said about you being lazy. 我把说你懒惰的话收回。SYN retract sth; withdraw sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n 5 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) take sb 'down (AmE) 1 to make sb fall to the ground, especially in a sport (尤指在体育 运动中) 使倒地,撞倒,使摔倒: He ran for 40 yards before being taken down. 他跑了 40 码后 被人放倒在地。2 to arrest sb 逮捕;抓捕 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► takedown n (AmE) 1 a situation in which sb is made to fall to the ground 撞倒;摔倒; 拉倒:his ninth takedown of the game 他在比赛 中的第九次被人放倒在地 2 a situation in which sb is arrested 逮捕;抓捕:When it comes to the takedown, we only take the best officers along. 抓捕时我们只带最优秀的警官同去。 take sb/sth down; .take sb/sth down sth to go with sb/sth to a lower level, to a more southern part of a country, etc., or to a different part of a building, town, etc.带...去 (下一层、南方或别处):The nurse will take you down in the lift. 护士将带你乘电梯下去。◊ The injured climbers were taken down the mountain on a sledge. 受伤的登山者用雪橇送下 了山。◊ You promised to take me down to London next time you went! 你答应过下次去伦 敦时带上我的! ◊ Tony's just taking the car down to the garage— ell be back soon. 托尼正 把车开到车库去一他一会儿就回来。 OPP take sb/sth up, take sb/sth up sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sth down 1 to remove sth from a high level 从高处取下:She took a book down from the top shelf. 她从书架最上层拿下一本书。2 to remove sth that is hanging on a wall, etc, 摘 掉. 取下 ( 墙上悬挂的东西等 ):Will you help me take the curtains down? 请帮我摘下窗帘好 吗? [OBJ] curtains, pictures OPP put sth up 3 to remove a structure by separating it into pieces 拆掉;拆除;拆卸:They were taking their tent down as we left. 我们离开时他们正在 拆帐篷。[OBJ] a tent, scaffolding OPP put sth up 4 to pull down a piece of clothing worn below the waist, without actually removing it 往下拽,拉低(下身衣服):She took her trousers down to show the doctor her leg wound. 她把裤子往下褪了褪. 让医生看腿伤。 [OBJ] trousers, pants 5 to write sth down 写 下; 记录:She took down my name, address and phone number. 她记下了我的姓名、住址和电话 号码。[OBJ] details, (telephone) number SYN note sth down s note at write sth down 6 (computing) to remove a website or material on a website from the Internet 关闭(网 站);删除(网站内容):All offensive advertise- ments will be taken down immediately. 所有令 人反感的广告将立即撤下。[OBJ] website ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n take sb/sth for sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 )to consider sb/ sth to be sb/sth, especially when you are wrong 把...错当作; 将...误认为:The experts took the painting for a genuine Matisse. 专家们 把那幅画当成是马蒂斯的真迹了。 ◊ What do you take me for? (= what kind of person do you think I am?) “ 你把我看成什么人了 ?” -> note at MISTAKE SB/STH FOR SB/STH ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sb 'in 1 to allow sb to stay in your home 留宿;收留:She takes in paying guests. 她让交费的客人留宿。◊ When my parents died, my uncle took me in. 父母去世后,伯伯收留了 我。[OBJ] guests, lodgers 2 if the police take sb in, they take them to a police station to question them about a crime 拘禁,拘押(问 话):Two young men have been taken in for questioning. 两名年轻男子被拘留问话。3 (of an organization, an institution, etc. 组织、机 构等)to accept sb as a member, a student, a patient, etc. 接收(入会、入学、入院等):The college took in more students than ever before last year. 这所大学去年招收的学生比往年多。4 to make sb believe sth that is not true 欺骗: 蒙骗;哄骗:How could I have been taken in by his charm? 我怎么会被他的风度蒙蔽了呢? ◊ She took me in completely with her story. 她一 番说辞完全把我蒙骗住了。 SYN deceive sb (more format) NOTE Usually used in the pas- sive. 通常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► intake n 1 [C, U] the number of people who join a college or other organization at a particular time 接收(入学、入会、入院等)的 人数:a new intake of students 新招收的学生 2 (AmE) a first test, meeting, etc. that you have when you go to a hospital or have an inter- view for a job or school, etc.(入院的)初次 体检;(求职、申请入学等的)初次面试,初次 见面 take sb/sth in (to sth), .take sb/sth into sth to go with sb or to take sth into a building or another place 带...去(或进入)某 处: I'm going into town, so I'll take you in if you like. 我要去城里,你想去我就带上你。◊ I took Jack into the kitchen for a quiet chat. 我把杰克 带进厨房悄悄聊一会儿。◊ I'll take you in to meet the manager now. 我现在带你进去见经 理。◊ If you take your camera in (to the shop), they'll have a look at it for you. 你把照相机带 去(商店),他们就会帮你检查一下。◊ My dad has been taken into hospital. 我父亲被送进了 医院。 NOTE In informal spoken language take sth in (for sb) can also be used in the patterns take sb in sth and, less often, take sb sth in 在非正 式口语中,take sth in (for sb)也可作 take sb in sth 和 take sb sth in, 后者不太常用:I took him in a cup of tea. 我给他送了杯茶。◊ I took him a cup of tea in. 我给他送了杯茶。 -> see also TAKE STH IN, TAKE STH INTO STH ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ V + n/pron + Prep take sth in 1 to notice sth with your eyes 注 意到;观察到;看到:He took in every detail of her appearance. 他仔细端详了一番她的外貌。◊ She started to relax and take in her surround- ings. 她放松下来,四下看了看。 2 to under- stand or absorb sth that you hear or read; to accept sth as true 理解;领会;记住;相信:I read the whole page without taking anything in. 这一页我全看了,可一点也没看懂。◊ He just couldn't take in what had happened. 他完全 不能相信发生的事。3 to include or cover sth 包括;包含:The trip takes in six European capitals. 这次旅游包括六个欧洲国家的首都。◊ The study takes in women from 15 different countries. 研究对象包括来自15个国家的女性。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动语 态。4 (informal) to go to see or visit sth such as a film/movie, especially when you are in a place for a different reason (尤指因故在某地 逗留时)去看,观看(电影等):She always tries to take in a show when she's in New York. 她到 纽约时总要争取看场演出。[OBJ] a show, the sights NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于 被动语态。5 to make a piece of clothing narrower or tighter 改小,或紧(衣服):This dress needs to be taken in at the waist. 这件连 衣裙腰身需要改瘦一些。[OBJ] a dress, a skirt, etc. OPP let sth out 6 if a boat takes in water, water comes in to it, usually through the bottom or sides (船只)进水 [OBJ] only water 7 (old-fashioned) to do particular kinds of work for other people in your home, in order to earn money 在家承接(活计):My grand- mother used to take in washing. 我祖母从前把 洗衣活儿揽回家做。[OBJ] washing, ironing, sewing 8 [AmE) to receive or earn an amount of money 得到,赚取(钱):How much did the show take in? 这次演出的收入有多少? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (/ess frequent) take sth in; .take sth into sth to absorb sth into the body by breathing or swallowing it 吸入,吞入(体内):Fish take in oxygen through their gills. 鱼用鳃吸取氧。 ◊ She took in deep breaths of sea air. 她大口吸入海边的空气。 ◊ When we breathe we take oxygen into the body. 我们呼吸时把氧气摄入体内。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► intake n 1 [U, C] the amount of food, drink, etc. that you take into your body (食 物、饮料等的) 摄取量,吸入量:q high intake of vitamin C 维生素 C 的高摄取量 ◊ to reduce your calorie intake 减少热量的摄入 2 [C, usu- ally sing.] an act of taking sth in, especially a breath 吸入;吸收;吸气:q sharp intake of breath 猛吸一口气 take sb into sth to accept sb into an insti- tution, an organization, etc. 接纳…加入 (机 构、组织等):They had to take the children into care (= to be looked after by the local authority). 他们不得不把孩子们交给当地政府照 看。◊ Five men were taken into custody (= to prison). 五名男子被拘押。◊ They took him into the firm as a partner last year. 他们去年接纳他 为公司合伙人。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sb/sth 'into sth to bring sb/sth into a particular situation, activity, period of time, etc. 将...带进 (特定状况、活动、时期等):Im- perceive sth (formal) to notice or become aware of sth, especially sth that is not proved graphics took computer games into a new era. 改进后的制图技术将计算机游戏带入了 一个新时代。◊ Owen's goal took England into the lead (= they were winning). 欧文的进球让 英格兰队或得领先。 ◊ tke government that took Britain into Europe 带领英国融入欧洲的政府 ♦ v + n/pron + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 take sth in detect sth ♦ notice sth ♦ observe sth ♦ perceive sth ♦ take sth in These verbs all mean to see or be aware of sth, especially when you pay careful attention to it. 这些动词都表示看到、发觉、察觉。 detect sth to discover or notice sth, especially sth that is not easy to see, hear, etc. 发 现,察觉,发觉 (尤指不易察觉的事物):the tests are designed to detect the disease early. 这 些化验可以在患者患病早期查出疾病。◊ Do I detect a note of criticism in your voice? 我发现 你话中带有批评的口吻啊? notice sth (not usually used in the progressive tenses) to see, hear or become aware of sb/sth; to pay attention to sb/sth 看出;听 见;发觉;注意到:The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell. 这房间我首先 注意到的就是气味。◊ I couldn't help noticing that she was wearing a wig. 我不由得发现了 她 戴着假发。 observe sth (not used in the progressive tenses) (format) to see or notice sb/sth 看到;察觉; 发觉:Have you observed any changes lately? 你观察到最近有何变化吗? obvious 察觉,发觉,注意到 (尤指不明显的 事物):I perceived a change in his behaviour over those months. 我发现几个月来他的行为 有变化。 take sth in to notice sth with your eyes 观察 到;看到:He took in every detail of her appearance. 他将她的外貌纤毫不漏地尽收眼 底。 ◊ She took in the scene at a glance. 她将 那个场面一览无余。 WHICH WORD? All of these verbs can mean to become aware of sth with your eyes. Detect, notice and perceive can also be used in connection with other senses, such as hearing or smell. 所有这 些动词都可指看到。detect, notice 和 perceive 也可指听、闻等其他感官的感觉。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to notice/detect/observe/perceive that/how/what/where/who... ■ to notice/observe sth happen/sb do sth ■ to barely/hardly/scarcely notice/detect/observe/take in sth ■ to be worth noticing/observing ■ sb can't/couldn't help noticing/observing/taking in sth ■ to fail to/not appear to/not seem to notice/detect/observe/perceive/take in sth take off 1 (of an aircraft, etc.飞机等)to leave the ground and begin to fly 起飞:The flight was due to take off from Heathrow at 13.15. 航班预定于 13:15 从希思罗机场起飞。◊ The high jumper took off at a bad angle. 那名 跳高运动员的起跳角度不好。OPP land 2 (in- formal) if an idea, a product, etc. takes off, it suddenly becomes successful or popular (构 思、产品等) 突受重视,迅猛发展,迅速流行: The new dictionary has really taken off. 这部 新词典大受欢迎。◊ Her career is just starting to take off. 她的事业刚刚开始步入快车道。◊ Sales of mobile phones have really taken off in the last few years. 移动电话在过去几年中十分 畅销。 ♦ v + adv ♦ take-off n [U, C] 1 the moment when an aircraft, etc. leaves the ground ( 飞机等的 ) 起飞 The plane is ready for take-off. 飞机准备 起飞。 ◊ take-off point/speed/run 起飞点 / 速度 / 滑行 ◊ (figurative) The economy is poised for take-off. 经济蓄势待发。2 the moment when your feet leave the ground when you jump 起跳 take off; .take yourself off to leave somewhere suddenly or in a hurry 匆忙离去; 突然离开:Whenever things get tough, she takes Off. 一遇到困难她就立刻开溜。◊ He stayed for a year, then took off for a job in New York. 他呆 了一年,就匆匆到纽约找了份工作。 ◊ I'm going to take myself off to bed. 我得赶快睡觉去了。 → note at run away ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv take sb off (especially BrE) 1 to copy sb in an annoying way (以令人生厌的方式)模仿, 学...的样子:She was taking off the woman next door. 她在模仿隔壁女人的样子 2 (in sports, entertainment, etc. 体育运动、娱乐活动等中) to remove a player from the field, an actor from the stage, etc. and not allow them to continue playing or acting. 换下,撤下(队 员、演员等):Their best striker was taken off after 30 minutes. * 30分钟后,他们最好的前锋 被替换下场。 ♦ 1 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► take-off n an act of copying sb in an amusing way 滑稽的模仿 .take sb off; .take sb off sth to rescue sb from a ship, a mountain, etc.(从船上、山上 等)营救,搭救:The injured men were taken off the boat by helicopter. 受伤人员被直升机从船上 救走了。 NOTE Often used in the passive, 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sb/sth off (to sth) to make sb go with you to another place; to take sth to another place 带走;取走:They took him off to the police station. 他们把他带到了警察局。◊ She collected our passports and took them off some- where. 她把我们的护照收走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare') take sb off sth 1 to stop sb from con- tinuing a particular medicine, treatment, etc. 使停止(服用药物、接受治疗等):His doctor took him off tranquilizers. 医生让他停服镇静 剂。OPP put sb on sth 2 to remove sb from a job, position, etc. and not allow them to con- tinue 调离,解除(工作、职务等):One of the lawyers has been taken off the case. 其中一名律 师已被禁止继续参与此案。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sth off 1 to remove an item of clothing from your/sb's body 脱下,摘下(衣物):She took her coat off and hung it up. 她脱掉外衣, 把它挂了起来。◊ It's the custom to take off your shoes when you go into the house. 进屋脱 鞋是这里的风俗。◊ Can you take off Tommy's jacket for me? 帮我把汤米的夹克衫脱掉好吗? [OBJ] clothes, shoes, coat, jacket, etc. OPP put sth on 2 to remove a bus, train, etc. from service; to stop a television or radio pro- gramme, performances of a show, etc. 取消, 停止(公共交通服务、广播电视节目、演出等): The 17.13 bus to Bristol will be taken off next month. * 17:13开往布里斯托尔的公共汽车班次 将于下月取消。◊ The play was taken off after a week 该剧目上演一周后停演了。OPP put sth on 3 to cut off hair or a part of the body 剪掉(头发);截去,切除(身体部位):The hairdresser asked me how much she should take off. 理发师问我头发剪多长。◊ His leg had to be taken off above the knee. 他的腿不得不从膝盖 以上锯掉。4 (AmE) to lose weight by exer- cising or following a diet (通过运动或节食) 减去(体重):Several people reported that they had taken off more than 15 pounds. 有几个人 反映他们已减重15磅以上。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM I take my 'hat off to sb (informal, espe- cially BrE) used to say that you admire sb very much for sth they have done 向某人脱帽致敬 take sth off. take sth off sth 1 to remove sth from somewhere (从…)移走, 拿开,除去:Sam took off the lid and looked inside. 萨姆揭开盖子朝里看了看。◊ Sam took the lid off the box. 萨姆打开了盒盖。◊ Can you take your feet off the sofa? 把脚从沙发上挪开好 吗?◊ I've got an assistant now, which will take the pressure off a bit 我现在招助手了,这样会 减轻一点压力。◊ Always take your make-up off before you go to bed. 睡前一定要卸妆。 SYN remove sth (more formal) OPP put sth on 2 to remove an amount of money, a number of points, etc. from sth in order to reduce the total 扣除,减去(金额、分数等):Can you take any money off this shirt (= sell it at a cheaper price)? 这件衬衫你可以便宜点卖吗?◊ Marks will be taken off for bad spelling. 拼写错 误要扣分。3 to have a period of time as a break from work or school 休假;休息: I'm going to take next week off. 我打算下星期休假。 ◊ She took a day off work. 她请了一天假。4 to remove a name, an item, etc. from a list (从 单子上)勾掉,删除:The soup has been taken off (the menu). 这道汤已(从菜单上)删掉了。 ◊ I took my name off the list. 我把自己的名字从 名单上勾掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM take your eyes off sb/sth to stop looking at sb/sth 把目光挪开;停止看:He couldn't take his eyes off the cake. 他忍不住一个劲儿地盯着 蛋糕。◊ I only took my eyes off her for a second and she disappeared. 我刚一转眼, 她就不见 了。 take sb's 'mind off sb/sth to make sb stop thinking about sb or about sth unpleasant 转移注意力;不去想,不再担忧(令人不快的 事):We thought going out for the evening might take her mind off things. 我们觉得晚上出 去一下可以让她散散心。 take sth off sb (informal, especially BrE) to use force or your authority to get sth from sb (从某人处)抢夺,没收(某物)'Another child took his teddy off him. 另一个孩子抢走了他的 玩具熊。◊ The teacher took the cigarettes off me. 老师把我的香烟没收了。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM take 'years off sb to make sb feel or look younger than they are 使觉得(或显得)年轻: That hairstyle takes ten years off you! 这个发型 让你看上去年轻了十岁! take sth 'off sth (informal) to make sth shorter by the amount mentioned 使减少(特 定数量):Smoking takes six years off the average life. 吸烟使平均寿命缩短六年。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep take yourself off -> TAKE OFF, TAKE YOUR- SELF OFF SYNONYMS同义词辨析 take sth off peel sth off ♦ remove sth ♦ strip off ♦ take sth off ♦ undress These verbs mean to take clothes off your body. 这些动词都表示脱衣服。 peel sth off to take off all or most of your clothes, especially when they are tight or wet 脱去,脱光(尤指紧身衣或湿衣服):He peeled off his shirt. 他扒掉了衬衫。 remove sth to take off clothes, etc from the body 脱去,脱掉(衣服等):Please remove your shoes before entering the temple. 进寺庙 前请脱鞋。◊ He removed his glasses. 他摘下了 眼镜。 strip off to take off all or most of your clothes 脱去,脱光(衣服): We stripped off and ran down to the sea. 我们脱光衣服朝大施跑去。 NOTE Strip can be used on its own * strip 可 单独使用:I stripped and washed myself all over. 我脱了衣服洗了个澡。 take sth off to remove a piece of clothing from your/sb's body 脱下, 摘下(衣物):Sit down and take off your shoes, 坐下把鞋脱了。 ◊ She took off her glasses, rubbed her eyes, then put them back on again. 她摘下眼镜,揉 了揉眼睛,然后又把眼镜戴上了。 undress to take off your clothes 脱去,脱下 (衣服): I undressed and got into bed. 我脱 掉衣服上了床。NOTE It is also possible to say get undressed 也可说 get undressed: You can get undressed behind the screen. 你可以在 屏风后面脱衣。 WHICH WORD? Remove sth is more formal than take sth off or peel sth off. * remove sth 比 take sth off 或 peel sth off 更正式。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to take off/remove a dress/hat/jacket ■ to take off/remove your glasses/shoes ■ to strip down to your underwear, etc. take on sth to begin to have a particular quality, appearance, etc. 呈现,具有(某种特 质、外观等):Lisa's voice took on a more serious tone. 莉萨说话的语气变得严肃起来。◊ His words suddenly took on a different mean- ing 他的话突然弦外有音了。◊ The car suddenly seemed to take on a life of its own (= move by itself without anyone controlling it). 那辆车突 然自已开动起来。 [OBJ] meaning, shape, expression, appearance SYN assume sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n take sb on 1 to employ sb 聘用;雇用:She was taken on as a graduate trainee. 她受聘做 毕业实习生。◊ They take on extra staff for summer. 他们夏天雇用额外员工。SYN employ sb 2 to accept sb as a patient, a customer, etc. 接纳,接待(病人、顾客等):The dentist has stopped taking on new patients. 牙医已停止接 收新病人。[OBJ] patients, clients 3 to play against sb in a game or contest; to fight against sb (在体育比赛或竞争中)向…较量; 与…战斗;对抗:She took her father on at chess and beat him. 她和父亲比赛下棋,结果赢了他。 ◊ The rebels took on the entire Roman army. 反 叛者与整个罗马军队作战。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n take sb/sth on (of a bus, plane, ship, etc. 公共汽车、飞机、船只等)to allow sb/sth to enter or come on board 接载(乘客);装载 (物品):The bus stopped to take on more passengers. 公共汽车停下让其他乘客上车。◊ The plane was taking on fuel from a tanker.飞机正 从油罐车上加油。 ■ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv ■ take sth 'on to decide to do sth; to agree to be responsible for sth 决定做,同意负责(某 事);承担(责任):She took on more respon- sibilities when she was promoted. 她晋升后责任 更大了。◊ If we're short of money, III just have to take on extra work. 如果我们缺钱,我就得做 额外工作。 [OBJ] responsibility, job, task, work ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv take sth on/upon yourself to decide to do sth without asking permission or talking to anyone else (未经允许或商议)自行决定(做 某事); 自作主张:She took the responsibility for what had happened upon herself. 她主动 为所发生的事承担了责任。◊ Reg took it upon himself to tell the newspapers the truth. 雷吉擅 自把真相告诉了报界。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep + pron SYNONYMS同义词辨析 take sb on employ sb ♦ engage sb ♦ hire sb ♦ recruit sb ♦ sign sb up ♦ take sb on These verbs all mean to give sb a job to do for payment. 这些动词都表示聘用、雇用。 employ sb to have sb working for you for payment; to give sb a job 聘用;雇佣: How many people does the company employ? 公司 有多少员工? ◊ For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter. 在过去三年 里,他一直就职于消防队。 engage sb (formal) to employ sb to do a particular job 聘角;雇用: We will have to engage the services of a translator. 我们得聘一 名翻译。 hire sb (especially AmE) to give sb a job; to find new people to work for a company or organization 聘用;雇用:She was hired three years ago. 她是三年前招进来的。NOTE in both British and American English hire also means 'to employ sb for a short time to do a particular job' 在英国和美国英语中,hire 也 指 “短期聘用 ”:They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system. 他们雇 了一家咨询公司来设计新系统。 recruit sb to find new people to join a company, an organization or the armed forces 招聘;招收(新成员);征募(新兵): The police are trying to recruit more officers from ethnic minorities. 警方正尝试从少数族裔 中征召更多警员。 sign sb up (not format) to arrange for sb to sign a form or contract agreeing to do a job 签约雇用;签订工作合 The company has signed up three top models for the fashion show. 为了这次时装展, 公司已经与三名顶级 模特签约。NOTE Sign can be used on its own to talk about arranging for a professional sports player to join a team, or a musician to work with a recording company * sign 可单独使用,指职业运动员 签约加入某一运动队或音乐人与唱片公司签约: United have just signed a new goalie. 联队已签 下了一名新守门员。 take sb on to give sb a job 聘用;雇用:We're not taking on any new staff at present 我们眼 下不招新员工。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to employ/hire/recruit/sign/engage/take on/sign up sb as sth/to do sth ■ to employ/hire/recruit/take on workers/staff/a manager ■ to employ/hire/engage a lawyer ■ to sign/sign up a player ■ to employ/take on sb temporarily/permanently take sb 'out (for/to sth) to invite sb to go with you to the theatre, a restaurant, etc, 邀请某人一同外出(做某事或到某处):He took Susie out for a meal. 他请苏茜出去吃饭了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv take sb out; .take sb out of sth to remove sb from a place; to take sb outside a bunding 把...弄走:领…出去;带离开:The prisoners were taken out and shot. 囚犯被带出 去枪毙了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep take sb/sth out (informal) to kill sb or des- troy sth; to injure or damage sb/sth so that they cannot work or be used 杀死;捣毁;摧残: Enemy missiles took out two of our planes. 敌人 的导弹击毁了我们两架飞机。◊ Police think he was taken out by a rival gang. 警方认为他是被 一个敌对团伙干掉的。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv take sth out 1 to remove a part of the body from inside sb 切除,摘除(人体器官):She had to have her appendix taken out. 她只得 切除了阑尾。◊ I'm afraid well have to take the tooth out. 恐怕我们得把这颗牙拔了。[OBJ] tonsils, teeth, appendix SYN remove sth (more formal) 2 to obtain an official document or a service 领到(正式文件);获得(服务): She took out a loan to buy a new car. 她贷款买 来一辆新车。◊ Did you remember to take out travel insurance? 你没忘记去购买旅行保险吧? [OBJ] insurance, loan, mortgage 3 (against sb) to start a legal process against sb by means of an official document (针对某人)发布,送 达,下达(法院指令等):They took out an injunction against the newspaper. 他们向这家 报纸发出了禁制令。[OBJ] summons, injunction 4 (for sth) to leave your house with sth in order to do a particular activity 带某物出去 (活动): Shall we take the car out for a drive this afternoon? 我们今天下午开车出去兜风好 吗? 5 (AmE) -> TAKE STH AWAY 5 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv take sth out; .take sth out of sth 1 to remove sth from somewhere 拿出;取出; (从…)取走:Jack felt in his pocket and took out his keys. 杰克摸了摸衣兜,掏出了钥匙。 ◊ How many books did you take out of (= borrow from) the library? 你从图书馆借了 几本书? ◊ You're not allowed to take so much money out of the country. 你不可以带这么多钱 出境。◊ He took out his wallet and pulled out a £50 note. 他拿出钱包,抽出一张 50 英镑的钞 票。2 to carry sth with you outside 把(某 物)带出去;携带:I'll take the cases out to the car. 我来把箱子提到车上。3 to remove money from your bank account (从银行账户中)提 取(存款):I took some more money out (of my account) yesterday. 我昨天(从账户上)又提了 一些钱。[OBJ] money SYN draw sth out, draw sth out of sth; withdraw sth (from sth) (more formal) 4 to remove an amount of money from a larger amount to pay for sth 扣除,减 去,抽取 (特定金额以付款):£20 will be taken out of your wages to pay for the damage. 将从 你的工资中扣除20英镑赔偿损失。◊ Contribu- tions to your pension will be taken out of your salary. 养老金的缴款将从薪金中扣除。5 to stop your career, studies, etc. for a period of time in order to do sth else (工作、学习等期 间) 暂停,腾出 (一段时间):She took a year out of college to work abroad. 她大学休学一年 去国外工作。◊ He took a year out between school and college. 他中学毕业后在上大学之前 休学了一年。◊ We need to take time out to think things through. 我们需要腾出时间把事情 彻底考虑一下。[OBJ] a year, time NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动语态。6 to make sth disappear from somewhere 使消失; 消除:Soaking should help to take the stain out. 浸泡应有助于除掉污渍。[OBJ] stain ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep 5 v + n + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) IDM take a leaf out of sb's book to follow sb's example 效法某人:I'm going to take a leaf out of your book and get to work early. 我打算向你 学习,早点上班工作。take sth out of sb's hands to remove sth from sb's control and deal with it yourself (从某人手中) 取得…权 力并亲自掌握,接管:The decision has been taken out of my hands. 我已经无权作决定了。 take the mickey out of sb/sth (also take the piss out of sb △, slang) both (BrE, informal) to make sb look or feel silly by copying sth that they do, or making them believe sth that is not true ( 通过模仿某人或使其信以为真 ) 取 笑,愚弄,作弄:They used to take the mickey out of Ade because of the way he spoke. 他们过 去常取笑埃德说话的腔调。 ► takeout (AmE) -> TAKEAWAY at TAKE STH AWAY take it/sth out of sb to make sb feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使极度疲劳:That flu really took it out of me. 那次得的流感使我浑身无力。 ◊ Looking after three young children really takes a lot out of you. 照看三个小孩能把你 累死。 [OBJ] a lot, so much SYN wear sb out ♦ v + it + adv + prep ♦ v + pron + adv + prep take sb out of themselves (especially to make sb forget their worries, thoughts, con- cerns, etc. 使摆脱苦恼;为…消愁释闷:Seeing his old friends again took him out of himself. 再 次见到老朋友使他忘却了烦恼。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep take sth out on sb/sth to behave in an unpleasant way towards sb/sth because you feel angry, disappointed, etc. 向…发泄; 拿… 撒气:When he's had a bad day, he always takes it out on me. 他哪天不顺心就拿我当出气筒。◊ You shouldn't take your frustrations out on the 杞ids. 你遭受挫折,别拿孩子们出气。 ♦ v + it + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep take 'over 1 (from sth) (as sth) to become more important than sth else and replace it 替 代; 取代:Computers are rapidly taking over from books as children's learning resources. 计算机正迅速取代书本成为儿童的学习资源。◊ Patras took over from Cork as European Capital of Culture. 帕特雷取代了科克成为欧洲文化之 都。2 to become stronger, more powerful or more noticeable 占据上风;变得明显:It's hard not to let negative feelings take over, 很难遏制 消极的情绪。◊ When she saw the accident, her training as a doctor immediately took over. 看 到这场事故时,她因受过医师培训而跃跃欲试。 ♦ v + adv take over; ,take sth over 1 (from sb) (as sth) to take responsibility for sth after sb else has finished; to do sth instead of sb else 接 替;接任;接管;接手:Who's going to take over from Bill as manager when he retires? 比尔退休 后,谁来接替他的经理职务? ◊ If you're tired of drivingj I'll take over for a while. 你要是开车 开烦了,我就代你开会儿。◊ I'll take over the driving if you want. 你如果愿意,我来代你开 车。◊ Anita took the business over from her father. 安妮塔从父亲手中接管了这家企业。◊ More and more jobs are being taken over by machines. 越来越多的工作正被机器取代。2 to gain control of a political party, a country, etc. 控制,接管,治理 (政党、国家等):Things will change when the Socialist Party takes over. 社会党上台后情况就会不同了。◊ In the film, aliens take over the world. 在影片中外星人统治 了地球。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) take sb over sth 1 to go with sb around a building and show them what is interesting or important 带 参观:A guide took us over the house. 导游带我们参观了这所房子。SYN take sb around/round sth 2 to look at or discuss sth wi± sb and explain important points 帮 助…了解;给...讲解:Would you mind taking us over the procedure again? 请给我们再讲解一下 程序好吗? -> see also TAKE SB THROUGH STH ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sb/sth over 1 to affect sb so strongly that they are unable to think of anything else or do anything else 强烈影响:使心无旁骛;主 宰:His ambition had taken him over. 他的野 心左右着他。◊ My job is starting to take over my life. 我的工作开始支配我的生活。2 [+ adv / prep] to take sb/sth from one place to another 带…丢 (某处):I took Mia over to Cambridge to meet my parents. 我带米娅去剑桥见我父母。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 2 v + n/pron + adv take sth over 1 to gain control of a busi- ness, a company, etc. by buying it or by buying most of its shares 收购,接管,接应 (企业、公司等):The company was taken over last September. 这家公司去年9月被收购了。◊ They have already taken over several smaller airlines. 他们已经收购了几家小航空公司。[OBJ] company SYN buy sth out 2 if you take over a place, you fill it or use the whole of it so that other people cannot use it 占满,占用(某处): We're taking over the whole hotel for the confer- ence. 我们要为这次会议包下整个宾馆。3 to start living in a place or using it 迁入,开始使 用(某处):The flat was a mess when, we took it over. 我们搬进那套公寓时,里面一团糟。◊ This building used to be a school until the hotel took it over. 这座建筑曾经是所学校,后来改成 旅馆了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► takeover n [C, U] 1 an act of gaining control of a company by buying most of its shares 收购:接管;接收:The company have abandoned their takeover bid. 这家公司已经放 弃了收购出价。2 an act of gaining control of a country, region or city, especially by force (对国家、地区或城市的)控制,强行接管:a military takeover 军事接管 take sb round, etc. (BrE) -> TAKE SB AROUND, ETC. take sb/sth round (BrE) (also .take sb/sth a'round AmEf BrE) to take sb/sth with you to another place, sb else*s home, etc. 带..去(别 处、别人家等):I'm taking the photos straight round to Phil's to show him. 我要把这些照片直 接带到菲尔家给他看看。◊ Joe took us round to see his mother. 乔带我布去看他母亲。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n take sb/sth through; .take sb/sth through sth to lead or carry a person or a thing through one place to another 把(人 或物)一直带到…;带着(人或物)经过:Let's take our tea through to the lounge. 咱们把茶端 到休息室吧。◊ The journey takes you through some beautiful scenery. 旅途中将穿越一些美丽 的风景区。◊ (figurative) We have plenty of work to take us through to the end of the year. 我们的工作很多,足以干到年底。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sb 'through sth to discuss sth with sb or explain it to them so that they know what to do 帮助…了解; 给…讲解: Your solicitor will take you through the contract. 你的律师会为你 解释这份合同。◊ The director took us through the play scene by scene. 导演一场一场地给我们 说戏。 -> SEE ALSO TAKE SB OVER STH 2 ♦ v + n/pron + prep take to sb/sth to start liking sb/sth 开始 喜欢;对...产生好感:I didn't take to Elena's husband at alLc 我从来没有喜欢过埃琳娜的丈 夫。 ◊ He hasn't taken to his new school. 他还没 喜欢上新学校。 OPP take against sb/sth ♦cv + prep IDM not take kindly to sb/sth to not like sb/ sth 不喜欢;厌烦:I don't take kindly to being told how to run my life. 我讨厌别人对我的生活 指手画脚。 take to sth to go away to a particular place, especially to escape from sth difficult or dan- gerous (尤指为逃避困难或危险)逃往,躲到: She felt so ill that she took to her bed. 她感觉很 不舒服,于是上床休息了。◊ The rebels took to the hills. 反叛者逃进了山里。◊ Thousands of people took to the streets (= went out in to the streets) in protest. 几千人走上街头示威抗议。 ♦cv + prep IDM take to your heels to start running 开始 跑;溜掉:They took to their heels and fled. 他 们撒腿就跑, 逃走了。 take to sth 1 (also 'take to doing sth) to begin to do sth, especially as a habit 开始沉湎 于;养成...习惯:For some reason he took to walking the New York streets at night. 不知为什 么,他养成了夜间在纽约街道溜达的习惯。◊ She gave up painting and took to sculpture. 她放弃 绘画、搞起了雕塑。2 to develop an ability for sth 培养…能力:He took to tennis as if he'd been playing all his life. 他网球学得很快,好像一辈 子和在打网球似的。◊ Jeremy took to teaching like a duck to water (= very naturally). 杰里 米教起书来如鱼得水。 ♦ v + prep take sth to sth (informal) to use a tool or piece of equipment in order to do sth, espe- cially sth violent 用(工具或设备)做某事; (尤指)用...击打:He took a hammer to the radio (= he destroyed it). 他用锤子把收音机 砸了。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep take up to continue with sth, especially after sb/sth else has finished 继续;接下去:The band's new album takes up where the last one left off. 这支乐队的新专辑是接上一专辑的乐曲 录制的。 ♦ v + adv take sb/sth up; .take sb/sth up sth to go with sb or take sth to a higher place or to another part of a building, country, etc. 和 (某人)去较高处(或别处);把(某物)带到 较高处(或别处):Someone will take you up to your room. 有人会带你去你的房间的。 ◊ Why don't we take our picnic up the hill? 我们为什 么不到山上去野餐晚? ◊ She took a hot drink up to bed with her. 她端了杯热饮上床。 OPP take sb/sth down, take sb/sth down sth NOTE In informal spoken language take sb up sth and, less often, take sb sth up are also used 非正式口语中也用 take sb up sth 或 take sb sth up, 后者不太常用:He took her up a cup of tea. 他给她端来一杯茶。◊He took her a cup of tea up. 他给她端来一杯茶。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + prep take sth up 1 to remove sth that is fixed on a floor or on the ground 移开(固定于地板或 地面的物体);揭起;掀开;挖开:They took the road up to repair the water pipes. 他们挖开 路面维修水管。[OBJ] road, pavement, carpet, floorboards SYN pull sth up 2 to start to do a new activity, especially for pleasure (尤指为 消遣)开始做,学习做:She took up yoga a few years ago. 她几年前开始学瑜伽。◊ I've decided to take up Japanese. 我决定开始学日语。◊ Alex only took up the piano when he was 14. 亚历克 斯14岁时才开始学钢琴。 → note at start on sth 3 to start or begin sth, especially a job 开 始从事(尤指工作):She took up a post at Kyoto University. 她在京都大学谋得了个职 位。[OBJ] post 4 to make an item of clothing, a curtain, etc. shorter 改短(衣服、窗帘等): This skirt will need taking up. 这条裙子需要改 短。OPP let sth down 5 to absorb sth such as a liquid, a gas, etc. 吸收,吸入(液体、气体 等):Plants take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 植物吸收大气中的二氧化碳。 SYN absorb sth 6 to continue sth after sb else has stopped; to continue to discuss sth that was mentioned earlier 继续从事(他人未完成 的事);接着讨论(以前提过的事):I'd like to take up the point you raised earlier. 我想继续谈 一谈你早些时候提出的问题。◊ Paula took up the story. 葆拉接着来讲这个故事。[OBJ] story SYN pick sth up 7 to accept a suggestion, a policy, an invitation, etc. 接受(建议、政策、 邀请等):The union have taken up her case. 工 会已经同意受理她的事情。◊ The idea was never taken up. 这个主意从未得到重视。◊ I'd like to take up their invitation to visit them in Rio. 我 想接受他们的邀请,去里约拜访他们。[OBJ] case, idea, challenge, offer 8 to join in saying or singing sth 一起说;一齐唱:The cry was taken up by the rest of the crowd. 人群中的其他人也 随着喊起来。[OBJ] the cry, the refrain 9 to move into a particular position 进入,占据 (位置):We took up our positions by the door. 我们守在门口。◊ (former) She has taken up residence (= begun to live) in London. 她到佗 敦去住了。[OBJ] position 10 (old-fashioned, formal) to take sth in your hand 拿起;抓起: She took up a book and began to read. 她拿起 一本书读了起来。SYN pick sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► take-up n [U, sing.] the rate at which people accept sth that is offered to them or made available to them 接受率;领用率:a low take-up of government benefits 政府补助的低领 取率 ► uptake n [U, sing.] 1 the process by which sth is taken into a body or system; the rate at which this happens 摄取(速度);吸纳(速 度):The experiment measured the uptake of oxygen by the muscles. 这个实验测量了肌肉消 耗氧气的速度° 2 an act of making or starting sth; the number of people who do this 制作某 物(的人数);开始某事(的人数):There has been an increase in the uptake of these courses. 修读捋些课程的人数有所增长。 take up sth to fill a particular amount of space or time 占据,占用(空间或时间):This table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地 方。◊ Virtually all the memory is taken up with this one program. 这一个程序就占了几乎所有内 存。◊ I mustn't take up any more of your time. 我不能再占用你的时间了。◊ Her whole day was taken up with making phone calls. 她一整天光 是用来打电话了。 NOTE Take up is not used with a pronoun object in this meaning. * take up 作此义不与代 词宾语连用。 ♦ v + adv + n [OBJ] room, space, time HU occupy sth take sb up on sth (informal) 1 to question sb or argue with sb about sth because you do not agree 质问;查问:I thought he was wrong but I didn't take him up on it. 我认为他错了, 但我没有提出异议。◊ I'd like to take you up on what you said about unemployment. 我想就你 对失业问题提出的看法问几个问题。SYN pick sb up on sth 2 to accept an offer, an invitation that sb has made 接受(提议或邀请):I think I'll take you up on your offer to help, 我想我可 以接受你的帮助。◊ You can borrow the car if you like." 'I might take you up on that.' “你想 用车的话,尽管借。” “我也许会的。” ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep take up with sb {informal) to become friendly with sb; to start a relationship with sb, especially sb who might have a bad influ- ence on you 开始结交(尤指可能带来环影响的 A) : I heard Tom has taken. up with a supermodel! 我听说汤姆傍上了个超级模特儿! ◊ She's taken up with a bunch of losers. 她结交了 一帮碌碌无为的人。 ♦ v + adv + prep take sth 'up with sb to speak or write to sb about sth they may be able to help you with 向...提出; 号…交涉:You'll have to take your complaint up with the manager. 你得向经 理投诉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep be .taken up with sb/sth; be .taken up with doing sth to be very busy with sb or with doing sth 致力于;专心于;对...一心一 意:She is very taken up with the children. 她整 天忙着照料孩子。◊ I've been completely taken up with preparing for exams. 我一直在全力以赴 准备考试。 ♦ be + v + adv + prep take sth u pon yourself -> TAKE STH ON/ UPON YOURSELF be taken with sb/sth to find sb/sth attractive or interesting 迷上;被…吸引;对… 感兴趣:We were all very taken with Zoe. 我们 都觉得佐伊非常讨人喜欢。 ♦ be + v + prep talk/tɔːk/ talk a'round sth (BrE also .talk round sth) to talk in a general way about a subject or a problem without discussing the difficult or important parts of it 泛泛而谈;避实就虚地 谈;不着边际地谈:We talked around the subject for some time before coming to the real issue. 我 们围绕这个话题东拉西扯了一会儿才言归正传。 [OBJ] subject ♦ v + prep talk at sb to speak to sb without listening to what they say in reply 对…自顾自地谈;滔滔 不绝地对...说:My father always listened to our point of view—he never just talked at us. 我父 亲总是听取我们的观点 —— 他从不搞一言堂。◊ 1 was being talked at rather than talked to. 我 只有听的份儿,没有说的份儿。 ♦ v + prep talk away (to sb) to talk without stopping for a period of time (对某人)喋喋不休,说个 不停:They were soon talking away to each other as if they'd known each other for years. 他 们很快就像老相识一般聊个没完。◊ Marie was talking away nineteen to the dozen (= talking a lot without stopping). 玛丽不住嘴地唠叨着。 ♦ v + adv talk back (to sb) to reply rudely to sb in authority (对上司j 回嘴,反驳:She was sent out for talking back to the teacher. 她因为顶撞 老师被赶了出去。 SYN answer back, answer sb back (especially BrE) ♦ v + adv ► back talk n [U] (AmE, informal) a rude reply or comment 回嘴;反驳:I said no, and don't give me any more back talk. 我说过不 行,不要再顶嘴了。 talk sb 'down 1 to talk to sb who is threat- ening to kill themselves by jumping from a tall building, etc. and persuade them not to 劝 阻(要从高处跳下自杀的人):The police were trying to talk down a youth threatening to jump from the bridge. 警囊正在规劝一名威胁要从桥 上跳下自杀的青年。2 to prevent sb from speaking by talking loudly or without stopping 以高声讲话(或不停讲话)阻止(某人说话); 不让…插话:I tried to argue but they talked me down. 我试图争辩,可他们不给我说话的机会。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n talk sb/sth 'down 1 to help a pilot bring a plane to the ground by giving detailed instruc- tions from the ground 引导(飞行员或飞机) 着陆:The pilots were talked down by the Ground Controllers. 地面导航人员引导飞行员安 全着陆。◊ to talk a plane down 引导飞机降落 2 to persuade sb to lower their prices 与…讲 价; 而…还价; 对…压价: He's asked for $1 000. Can we talk him down any further? 他开价 1000元。咱们能不能和他再砍砍价? 3 to talk about sth in a way that makes it seem less important or successful than it really is 贬低; 贬抑:The opposition was attacked for talking the country down. 反对派因贬损国家而遭到抨 击 ° ◊ He tends to talk his achievements down. 他常常贬低自己的成绩。 OPP talk sb/sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n talk 'down to sb to speak to sb as if they are younger or less intelligent than you or than they really are 以居高临下的姿态对...说话: He makes the mistake of talking down to his students. 他不该以高高在上的态度跟学生说话。 ◊ I hate being talked down to. 我讨厌别人自命 不凡地对我说话。 SYN patronize sb ♦ v + adv + prep talk sb/yourself 'into/1 out of sth; .talk sb/yourself 'into/'out of doing sth to persuade sb/yourself to do/not to do sth 说 服…做 / 不做某事:Why did you let James talk you into this crazy scheme? 你为什么听信詹姆 斯制订如此荒唐的计划? ◊ I talked myself into believing I was happy. 我让自己相信自己幸福快 乐。 ◊ I'm leaving this minute and don't try to talk me out of it. 我这就要走了,别想说服我 留下。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep IDM talk your way out of sth/of doing sth to make excuses and give reasons for not doing sth; to manage to get yourself out of a difficult situation 找借口(或理由)不做某事;凭口才 解围:I managed to talk my way out of having to give a speech. 我设法找借口逃脱了演讲。◊ I'd like to see him talk his way out of this! 我倒想 看看他如何开口给自己解围! talk sth 'out to discuss sth thoroughly until you find a solution, an agreement, etc. or make a decision 把...谈透;彻底讨论(直至解 决问题、达成协议、作出决定等):to talk out your thoughts/feelings/problems with sb 对某 人说出想法 / 向某人倾诉感受 / 与某人协商解决 问题 ◊ It might help to talk things out. 把事情好 好谈谈也许不无裨益。 [OBJ] things, problem ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n talk yourself out to talk until you have nothing left to say 言无不尽;倾谈:They spent all the evening discussing the problem until they talked themselves out. 他们彻夜畅谈这个问题。 ♦ v + pron + adv talk sb/yourself 'out of sth -> TALK SB/ YOURSELF INTO/OUT OF STH, ETC. talk sth 'over (with sb) to discuss sth with sb in order to find a solution, make a decision, etc. 详细讨论,详谈(以解决问题、作出决定 等):I need to talk it over with my parents. 我 得和父母好好商量。◊ You'll find it helpful to talk things over with a friend. 把情况和朋友多 谈谈,你会觉得大有帮助。◊ You both need to talk over what happened. 你们俩需要把发生的 事好好谈谈。 [OBJ] things, feelings, problems ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n talk round sth (BrE) -> TALK AROUND STH talk sb 'round (to sth) (BrE) to persuade sb to accept sth or to agree to sth 说服; 劝说某 人接受(或同意):My parents didn't want me to go to study in Britain, but I managed to talk them round (to the idea). 我父母不想让我去英 国学习,但我总算说服了他们。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv talk sb 'through sth to explain sth to sb in detail so that they understand it 向某人详细解 释:The technical support staff will talk you through any difficulties you have with the soft- ware. 技术支持人员将给你详细讲解使用软件时 遇到的困难。◊ I can talk you through the appli- cation form. 我可以详细告诉你如何填写申请表。 SYN walk sb through sth (AmE) ♦ v + n/pron + prep talk sth through to discuss sth thoroughly so that you can understand it, come to an agreement, or make a decision about it 把 谈透;彻底讨论 (以了解情况、达成协议、作出 决定等): Throughout their marriage they have always talked things through. 他们婚后一直是 商量着解决问题。◊ It's helpful to talk the prob- lem through with a counsellor. 找个顾问把问题 谈透会有帮助。◊ We talked through what had happened. 我们就所发生的事充分交换了意见。 [OBJ] things, problems ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ['talk to sb 1 (also talk with sb especially AmE) to have a conversation with sb 与...交谈 2 to speak to sb seriously, especially about sth wrong that they have done, or sth that they have not done 找…严肃交谈; 责骂;训斥: I'd like to talk to you in my office now. 我想现在请 你来我办公室好好谈谈。 ♦ v + prep ► talking-to n [sing.] (informal) a serious talk with sb who has done sth wrong 责骂; 训 斥:to give sb a good talking-to 痛骂某人一通 talk sb/sth 'up to praise sb/sth in order to make other people interested in them/it; to describe sb/sth in a way that makes them sound better or more successful than they really are 炒作;过分夸奖;吹捧:They talked up the tourist attractions to encourage more visitors, 他们对这些旅游景点大肆炒作,以吸引 更多游客。◊ He was being talked up as a future presidential candidate. 他被吹捧成了未来的总 统候选人。◊ It's too early to tell if the new President will talk the dollar up or down. 现在 断言新总统会炒高还是炒低美元为时尚早。 OPP talk sb/sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n talk with sb (especially AmE) -> TALK TO SB 1 tamper /ˈtæmpə(r)/ tamper with sth to do sth to sth to change it without permission 篡改;擅自改动;胡乱摆 弄:Two policemen were accused of tampering with the evidence. 两名警察被控篡改证据。◊ The lock has been tampered with. 这把锁被做过 手脚。 [OBJ] evidence, controls, brakes SYN interfere with sth ♦ v + prep tangle /ˈtæŋɡ(ə)l/ tangle sth up; be/get Wangled up (in/ with sth) to twist sth into an untidy mass; to become twisted in this way (使) 缠结;纠 结;乱作一团:My long skirt got tangled up in. the wheel of my bike. 我的长裙缠进了自行车轮 里。◊ (figurative) Kurt didn't want to get tan- gled up with a girl while he was trying to study. NOTE 库尔特不想在求学期间和某个女孩坠入情网。 Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ be/get + v + adv tangle with sb (informal) to become involved in an argument or a fight with sb 争 执;争吵:打架:You've chosen the wrong man. to tangle with. 你吵架找错人了。 ♦ v + prep tank /tæŋk/ tank up; .tank sth up (AmE, informal) to fill a vehicle with fuel 给 (车辆) 加满油:We'd better tank up before we get on the thruway. 上 高速公路前,我们最好加满油。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tank up (on sth) (slang) to drink a lot of alcohol 大量喝 (酒):The lads had spent all evening tanking up on scotch. 小伙子们整晚都 在狂饮苏格兰威士忌。 ♦ v + adv ► tanked up adj very drunk 喝得烂醉的;烂 醉如泥的:She got totally tanked up and couldn't drive home. 她喝得酩酊大醉,没法开 车回家。 tap /tæp/ (-pp-) tap sb for sth 1 (BrE, informal) to persuade sb to give you sth, especially money 向…索 要,向...乞讨 (尤指钱): Can't you tap your father for a loan? 你不能找你父亲要点钱吗?。 to tap sb for information 向某人探询信息2 (AmE, informal to choose sb for a particular role or job 选择 (或指定) …做:A British actress has been tapped for a part in the movie. 已选定一名英国女演员出演这部电影的一个角 色。NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用 于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep tap sth 'in/1 out to put information, num- bers, letters, etc. into a machine by pressing buttons 录入,敲进 (信息、数字、字母等): Tap in your password. 请输入密码。◊ I picked up the phone and tapped out Joe's number. 我 抓起电话,拨了乔的号码。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tap 'into sth 1 to use a computer to obtain information from another computer (用计算 机) 获取...的信息:He had managed to tap into the company's database. 他设法进入了公司的数 据库。2 to use sth from a supply of energy, knowledge, etc. for your own advantage 利用,开发,发掘 (资源、知识等):Schools should tap into the knowledge and experience of people in the local community, 学校应该利用当 地社区居民的知识和经验。◊ His talk about bullying tapped into parents' anxieties. 他的关 于霸道行为的讲话是利用了父母的担忧。 ♦ v + prep tap out; .tap sb/sth out (AmE) to have nothing left of a supply of money, resources, ideas, etc., or to make sb have nothing left (使) (资金,资源、思想等) 枯竭;榨干:I've given to so many charities lately and it's tap- ping me out. 我最近向很多慈善机构捐款,手里 没剩几个钱了。◊ If the US were to tap out, the global system would lose its best customer. 假如 美国财源枯竭,全球体系将失去最好的客户。◊ The city has tapped out the groundwater supply. 这座城市已经耗尽地下水供给。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► tapped out adj (AmE): He is a creative guy and far from tapped out. 他创造力丰富,远未 才思枯竭。◊ a tapped-out TV series 越拍越没新 意的电视连续剧 tap sth out 1 to hit a surface lightly, making a rhythm 轻轻敲出 (节奏):He tapped out the rhythm with his /dot. 他用脚轻轻打音节 拍。2 -> TAP STH IN/OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv 十 n tape /teɪp/ tape sth 'up 1 to fasten tape around sth firmly 用带子轴紧:Put it in a box and tape it up securely, 把它装进盒子捆扎牢固。2 (AmE) to tie a bandage firmly around a wound 用绷 带包扎:That's a nasty cut—ome on, well get it all taped up. 伤口很深 —— 快,我们用绷带 把它包扎好。 NOTE Tape sth can also be used on its own ♦ tape sth 也可单独使用:Put it in a box and tape it securely. 把它装进盒子捆扎牢固。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n taper /ˈteɪpə(r)/ taper 'off to gradually become smaller in size, volume, amount, etc. (规模、体积、数 量等) 逐渐减少:Our profits have begun to taper off. 我们的利润开始逐渐下滑。-> note at DWINDLE AWAY ♦ v + adv tart /tɑːt; AmE tɑːrt/ tart sth up (BrE, informal) to decorate or improve the appearance of sth, often in a way that other people do not think is attractive 把...装饰得很俗气;把…弄得花里胡哨:They've tarted up the restaurant but the food hasn't improved. 他们把餐馆弄得花里胡哨,然而饭菜 却没有改进。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv tart yourself 'up (BrE, informal, disapprov- ing) (especially of a woman 尤指女子) to make yourself more attractive by putting on special clo±es, jewellery and make-up 打扮得华枝招 展;浓装艳抹:She spends ages Carting herself up for a night out. 她为了外出玩一晚上花了很 长时间梳妆打扮。 SYN doll yourself up (in sth) ♦ v + pron + adv task /tɑːsk; AmE tæsk/ task sb with sth to give sb a task to do 把 (任务) 交给某人:forces tasked with keeping the peace 执行维和任务的部队 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。You can also use the pattern task sb to do sth 也可使用句型 task sb to do sth: soldiers tasked to provide medical support 派去提供医疗 援助的士兵 ♦ v + n/pron + prep tax /tæks/ tax sb with sth (formal) to accuse sb of doing sth wrong (就…) 指责,责备,谴责: Critics taxed the government with not acting quickly enough. 评论家指责政府行动不够迅速。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep team /tiːm/ team 'up (with sb) to work together with another person or group in order to do sth (与…) 合作,协作,搭档: The two companies have teamed up to produce new software. 这 两家公司联手开发新成件。◊ We've teamed up with XL Records to give away 25 tickets for the live concert. 我们和 XL 唱片公司合作,送出25 张现场音乐会门票。◊ How did the two of you come to team up? 你们俩是如何走到一起开始合 作的? ♦ v + adv tear1 /teə(r); AmE ter/ (tore /tɔː(r)/, torn /tɔːn; AmE tɔːrn/) tear about; .tear a1 bout sth (BrE) -> TEAR AROUND, TEAR AROUND STH tear sb/yourself a1 part to make sb/ your- self suffer very much or feel very unhappy 使痛苦;使难过:Being separated from the children was tearing her apart. 与孩子分离令她 痛不欲生。◊ Don't tear yourself apart thinking about the past. 别想过去的事了,那只会使自己 难受。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv tear sb/sth a part 1 (also .tear itself, themselves, etc. a1 part) to separate people in a family, an organization, a country, etc. and make them argue with or fight against each other 使四分五裂;拆散;使支离破碎:The civil war is tearing the country apart. 内战把这个国 家搞得四分五裂。◊ The family was torn apart by conflicting loyalties. 这个家庭因家人意见不 合而破裂。◊ The region was tearing itself apart. 这个地区正在瓦解。◊ Jealousy tore them apart. 嫉妒令他们成了对头。2 to destroy or defeat sb/sth 摧毁;打败:We tore the other team apart in the second half. 我们在下半场把对方 行得一败涂地。3 to criticize sb/sth severely 严厉抨击:You can't write that— you'll be tom apart. 你不能写那个-------你会覆骂得体无 完肤的。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tear sth a'partl to destroy sth by pulling it violently so that it breaks into pieces 撕毁;撕 碎:The dogs tore the fox apart. 几条狗把那只狐 狸撕成了碎片。[OBJ] prey SYN rip sth apart -> note at TEAR STH UP 2 to destroy a building, etc. 摧毁 (建筑物等):Hundreds of homes were tom apart by the hurricane. 飓风毁掉了几百 所住宅。◊ The police tore the room apart look- ing for drugs. 警察为了搜寻毒品把房间翻了个底 朝天。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) tear itself, themselves, etc. apart -> TEAR SB/STH APART 1 tear around; .tear a round sth (BrE also .tear about/'round) .tear about/'round sth) to move very quickly from place to place, being very busy (忙碌地) 四处跑动:The children were tearing around shouting. 孩子们 吵吵嚷嚷地跑来跑去。◊ No wonder you're tired, tearing about like that all the time. 你成天那么 东奔西走的,难怪要累呢。 SYN run around, run around sth; rush around, rush around sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep tear at sth (with sth) to attack sth violently, especially by pulling pieces off it (用…) 撕 扯,撕裂,撕破,扯开: The brambles tore at her legs. 荆棘划破了她的腿。◊ He tore at the meat with his bare hands. 他就用手把肉撕开了。 ♦ v + prep tear sb/yourself/sth a way (from sb/sth) to make sb/yourself stop doing sth they/you enjoy in order to do s± else (使) 依依不舍地 停止;(使) 忍痛离去:I can't tear myself away from this book. 我对这本书简直爱不释手。◊ Come and visit us, if you can tear Bill away from his computer! 你要是能说服比尔离开计信 机,就过来看看我们吧! ◊ He couldn't tear his eyes away from (= stop looking at) Mina. 他 目不转睛地望着米娜。 SYN drag sb/sth/yourself away (from sb/sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► tearaway n (informal) a young person who behaves in a wild way 放荡不羁的年轻人;任 性妄为的青年人:Her son's a bit of a tearaway. 她儿子有点无法无天。◊ The ten-year-old tear- away had burgled several houses. 那个 10 岁的 小阿飞曾进入过好几所住宅行窃。 tear sth a'way to pull sth violently from the thing it is attached to 用力撕下;猛地拉掉:The floods had tom away the base of the bridge. 洪 水把桥墩冲走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n be torn between A and B to have to make a very difficult choice between two things, people, etc. (在两者间) 谁以选择,左 右为难:I was tom between my parents and my friend. 在父母和朋友之间,我左右为谁。◊ Thomas was tom between going to college or working for his father. 托马斯在上大学和为父 亲打工之间难以取舍。 ♦ be + v + prep tear sth 'down to pull or knock down a building, a wall, etc. 拆毁,拆除 (建筑物、墙 等): They're tearing down some old houses to build a new office block. 他们正在拆除旧房,以 建造新办公楼。 [OBJ] building, house, trees SYN pull sth down; demolish sth (more formal) → note at KNOCK STH DOWN ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tear 'into sb/sth to attack sb/sth physically or with words 攻击;袭击;痛斥;抨击: He tore into Jed with his fists. 他给了杰德几拳。◊ She tore into the students if they were late. 学生要 是迟到,她就训斥他们。◊ They tore into their food (= started eating) as if they were starving. 他们狼吞虎咽地吃起来,好像饿环了似的。 ♦ v + prep tear sth off; .tear sth off sb/sth to remove sth quickly by pulling violently (猛 地) 撕下,拽掉:Alice tore off her ring and threw it on the ground. 艾丽新一把摘下戒指摔 到了地上。◊ The door was nearly tom off its hinges. 门几乎要从饺链上拽下来了。◊ If you need a piece of paper III tear some off my pad. 你要是需要纸,我就从我的便笺簿上撕一些 下来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep inn tear sb 'off a strip; tear a strip off sb (BrE, informal) to speak angrily to sb you think has done sth wrong 责骂;训斥:The boss tore him off a strip. 老板把他痛骂了一顿。 tear sth out; .tear sth out of sth to separate sth from sth it is attached to, espe- cially with your hands (从…) 撕下,拽掉: Several pages had been tom out of the book. 这 本书有几页给撕掉了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep IDM tear your hair out (informal) to show that you are very angry or very worried about sth 怒气冲冲;忧心忡忡:I was tearing my hair out trying to work out what to do. 我为了想清 楚该干什么而大伤脑筋。 tear round; .tear 'round sth (BrE) -> TEAR AROUND, TEAR AROUND STH tear sth up 1 to destroy a piece of paper, a letter, etc. by pulling it into pieces 撕毁,撕碎 (纸、信等):She tore up all the letters he had sent her. 她把他寄来的信都撕了。◊ (figurative) The union accused the management of tearing up (= ignoring) the agreement. 工会指责资方 撕毁协议。[OBJ] letter, agreement, treaty SYN rip sth up 2 to destroy or damage sth, espe- cially by removing it violently from the ground 摧毁;损坏;(尤指从地上) 猛地拔起: Trees and bushes were tom up by the storm. 暴 风雨把树和灌木连根拔起。[OBJ] trees SYN pull sth up; rip sth up 3 (AmEf informal) to per- form or do an activity with a lot of energy or emotion (满怀干劲或激情地) 干,做:Two of the couples were tearing up the dance floor. 其中两对夫妻在舞池里跳得不亦乐乎。◊ Ray Charles was tearing it up at the piano, and the crowd was going wild. 雷・查尔斯激情四射地弹 奏着钢琴, 众人如痴如醉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM rip/tear up the 'rule book to start doing things in a way that is different from the way things are usually done, usually resulting in an improvement 破旧立新;不墨守成规;不因 循守旧:What we were able to do was tear up the rule book and design a car that doesn't damage the environment. 我们所能做的就是独 辟蹊径,设计对环境无害的汽车。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 tear sth up pull sth apart ♦ rip sth up ♦ shred sth ♦ tear sth apart ♦ tear sth up These verbs all mean to pull sth apart by force. 这些动词都表示撕毁、撕碎、撕开。 pull sth apart to separate sth into pieces by pulling different parts of it in different directions, sometimes violently 撕开;扯散: The wolves will pull the carcass apart 狼群会 把尸体撕成碎片的。 rip sth up to destroy sth by tearing it into small pieces, often suddenly or violently 撕 毁;撕碎:He ripped up the letter. 他把信撕 了。 NOTE Rip can be used on its own * rip 可单独使用:she ripped the letter to shreds. 她 把信撕成了 碎片。► rip n: The jacket had a rip in the sleeve. 夹克衫袖子上剐了个洞。 shred sth to cut or tear sth into lots of small pieces 切碎;撕碎: Serve the fish on a bed of shredded lettuce. 把鱼放在一层莴苣丝上端上 来。◊ He was accused of shredding documents relating to the case. 有人指控他将与此案有关 的文件用碎纸机处理掉了。 tear sth apart to destroy sth violently, especially by pulling it to pieces 撕毁; 撕碎: The dogs tore the fox apart. 狗把那只狐狸撕成 了碎片。◊ They tore the room apart, looking for money. 他们为了找钱把房间翻了个底 朝天。 tear sth up to destroy a document, etc. by pulling it in different directions 撕毁,撕碎 (文件等): She tore up the letter. 她把信撕 了。 NOTE Tear can be used on its own. tear 可单独使用:She tore the letter into tiny pieces. 她把那封信撕得粉碎。► tear n [C]: There's a tear in your coat. 你外套上有个洞。 WHICH WORD? Ripping is usually more violent than tearing. Both verbs, but especially rip, are often used with a preposition or adverb to show violent movement as the thing is ripped/torn. Shredding paper is usually done in a machine called a shredder or shredding machine ; if you do it with your hands you tear it up or rip it up. 一般而言 rip比tear 动作更激烈。这两个动词, 尤其是 rip, 常与介词或副词连用,表示撕毁某 物时动作激烈。shred 通常指用 shredder 或 shredding machine (碎纸机) 粉碎纸张;tear up 或rip up 指用手撕毁纸张。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to rip (up)/shred paper/a letter ■ to rip fabric/flesh ■ to shred vegetables ■ to shred sth finely tear2 /tɪə(r); AmE tɪr/ tear 'up (AmE) to start crying 开始哭:I saw Mom tear up as they said 'I do'. 当他们说 "我愿 意” 时,我看见妈妈哭了。 ♦ v + adv tease /tiːz/ tease sth out; .tease sth out of sth 1 to try to find some information or the mean- ing of sth when this is hidden or not clear (从…中) 找出;深入研究;梳理清楚:teasing out meanings from texts 弄清文本的含义。◊ These issues will be teased out in. the course of the book. 书中将深入探讨这些问题。 ◊ to tease information/the truth out of somebody 从某人 处打探消息 / 实情 [OBJ] information, answers, truth 2 to remove sth such as knots from hair, wool, etc. by gently pulling or brushing it 梳 理, 梳通, (毛发等):Lisa dried her hair careful- ly, teasing it out between her fingers. 莉萨用手 箱梳理着头发,小心地弄干。3 to separate sth carefully from sth else (从…中) 仔细地将… 分离出:birds teasing out ripe seeds (from plants) 小心地啄出成熟草籽的鸟儿。◊ He took a screwdriver and teased out the remaining screws. 他拿出螺丝刀把其余的螺丝卸了下来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep tee /tiː/ (teed, teed) NOTE In golf, a tee is a flat area from which players hit the ball. 在高尔夫球运动中,tee 指 球手开球的球座。 tee 'off (in golf 高尔夫球)to start a game by hitting the ball for the first time 开赛;开球; 发球:The players eventually teed off two hours late. 推迟两个小时后,球员终于开球了。◊ (fig- urative') What time does the party tee off tonight? 今晚的聚会几点钟开始? ♦ v + adv tee sb 'off (AmE informal to make sb angry or annoyed 使生气;使心烦 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► teed off adj (AmE, informal) annoyed or angry 生气的;心烦的:Her friend was teed off about what she said. 她的话把她朋友惹火了。 ,tee ur ,tee sth up (in golf 高尔夫球) to prepare to hit a ball by placing it on a tee 置 (球) 于球座;准备开 (球):The crowd fell silent as he teed up. 他准备开球时,观众屏住了 呼吸。◊ She teed up the ball and took a few practice swings. 她把高尔夫球放在球座上,总杆 练习了几次。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv teem /tiːm/ teem down to rain hard 下暴雨;大雨倾盆: It was absolutely teeming down. 大雨真是滂沱 而下。◊ The rain teemed down. 大雨如注。 [SUBJ] only the rain, it SYN pour down NOTE You can also say 也可说:It was teeming with rain. 下着瓢泼大雨。 ♦ v + adv teem with sb/sth (usually approving) (usu- ally used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行 时) to have large numbers of people or things moving around 充满,遍布,到处都是 (移动 着的人或物):cities teeming with life/people 生 机勃勃 / 人潮涌动的城市。 ◊ The lake was teeming with fish. 湖中盛产鱼类。 ♦ v + prep tell /tel/ (told, told /təʊld; AmE toʊld/) tell a gainst sb (Formal, especially BrE) to be a serious disadvantage to sb 对...极为不利:Her lack of experience told against her. 她缺乏经验 对她十分不利。 SYN count against sb (less formal) ♦ v + prep tell sb/sth a part to be able to distinguish sb/sth from other similar people or things 能 够区分;能够分辨:I can never tell the twins apart. 我从来分不清这对双胞胎。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv tell sb/sth from sb/sth to distinguish sb/ sth from another person or thing 区分; 分辨: It needs skill to tell a real diamond from a fake. 识别真假钻石需要技巧。◊ Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? 你能把汤姆和他的孪生 兄弟区分开吗? NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep 'tell of sth (formal, literary) to make sth known; to give an account of sth 公布; 讲述: The report told of a series of design errors. 这 份报告披露了一系列设计上的失误。◊ The story tells of the love between a prince and a young girl. 故事讲的是王子和一个姑娘之间的爱情。 ♦ v + prep tell sb off (for sth/for doing sth) (informal) to speak angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done sth wrong 责备,斥 责,数落 (尤指儿童):I told the boys off for making so much noise. 男孩子们大吵大闹,我把他 们训斥了一顿。◊ You'll get told off if you're caught doing that. 你做那事要是被抓住了就要 挨骂。 SYN tick sb off; reprimand sb; scold sb (formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► telling- off (for sth/for doing sth) n [usu- ally sing.] (informal, especially BrE) an act of speaking angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done sth wrong (尤指对儿 童的) 责备,责骂,数落: You've already been given one telling-off today! 你今天已经挨一次骂 了 ! ◊ How many tellings-off have you had this week? 你这个星期挨了几次训? tell on sb 1 (informal) (used mainly by children 主要是儿重用语) to tell a teacher or sb in authority that sb has done sth wrong 告 发;告…的状;打…的小报告: Don't tell on me, will you? 别告发我,好吗? 2 (forma。to have a bad effect on sb/sth 对...产生负面彭响:The long wait was telling on his nerves. 漫长的等待 让他心烦意乱。 ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 tell sb off rebuke sb ♦ reprimand sb ♦ scold sb ♦ tell sb off ♦ tick sb off These verbs all mean to tell sb that you disapprove of sth they have done. 这些动词都 表示责备、斥责、责骂。 rebuke sb (often passive) (format) to tell sb, publicly or privately, that you blame them for doing sth wrong 非难;训斥;指责:The company was publicly rebuked for having neglected safety procedures. 公司因漠视安全 规程遭到公开贪难。► rebuke n [C, usually sing., U]: He was silenced by her stinging rebuke. 她的尖锐斥责令他哑口无言。 reprimand sb (formal) to tell sb officially that you disapprove of their actions, especially if they have broken a rule or law (正式地) 谴 责, 申斥 (尤指违规行为): The officers were severely reprimanded for their unprofessional behaviour. 由于行为有失职业规范:,警察受到 了严厉训斥。► reprimand n : He received a severe reprimand for his behaviour. 他的行为 招致严厉斥责。 scold sb to tell sb, especially a child, that you disapprove of sth they have done 责备,斥 责,责骂 (尤指儿童):Rose scolded the child gently for her behaviour. 罗斯对女孩的行为温 和地批评了一下。 ► scolding n [C, usually sing.]: She got a scolding from her mother. 她 挨了妈妈一顿责骂。 tell sb off (informal) to speak angrily to sb for doing sth wrong 责备;斥责;责骂;数落:/ told the boys off for making so much noise. 男 孩子们太吵,我把他们训了一顿。◊ Did you get told off? 你挨训了吗? ► telling-off n [C, usually sing.] (BrE, informal): The nurse gave him a telling-off for smoking. 因为他抽烟,护 士数落了他一通。 tick sb off (BrE, informal) to speak angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done sth wrong 责备,斥责,责骂 (尤指儿 童): He was ticked off by the headmaster. 他 被校长训了一顿。 ► ticking off n [sing.] (BrE, informal): She got a ticking off for being late. 她因为迟到挨了顿骂。 WHICH WORD? There is no verb for telling sb that you disapprove of their actions that is neither formal nor informal. Scold is the most frequent of these verbs in written English, particularly in stories, but it is not used much in spoken English. Tell sb off is the most frequent in spoken English but it is not used much in written English. 表示责备的动词要么是正式 的,要么是非正式的。在这组动词中,书面英语 中最常见的是 scold,尤其用在讲述性文字中, 但英语口语中不常用。英语口语中最常见的是 ten sb off, 但书面英语中不常用。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to scold sb/tell sb off/rebuke sb/reprimand sb for sth ■ to scold/rebuke/reproach yourself ■ to scold sb/tell sb off/rebuke sb/reprimand sb severely ■ to scold/rebuke/reprimand sb gently ■ to publicly rebuke/reprimand sb tend /tend/ tend to sb/sth to care for sb/sth, especially when there is a problem (尤指出现向题时) 照看,照料,照管理: I'll look after the child—you tend to the mother. 我来看着孩子--你照看 这位母亲吧。◊ The injured were already being tended to. 伤员已经有入在护理了。 SYN attend to sb/sth; see to sb/sth → note at CARE FOR SB NOTE Tend sb/sth can also be used 也可用 tend sb / sth: farmers tending their cattle 看管牛的 农夫 ♦ v + prep tend towards sth; tend towards doing sth (Jess frequent) to take a particular direction or have a particular opinion; to have a lot of a particular quality 趋向;倾向;趋于: We're tending towards the view that all students should study two languages. 我们倾向于认为所 有学生都应该学习两门语言。◊ His views tend towards the extreme. 他的观点趋于偏激。 incline to/towards sth ♦ v + prep tense /tens/ tense up; .tense sth up if you tense up or tense sth up, you make your muscles stiff and tight because you are not relaxed (使肌 肉) 绷紧,拉紧:If you feel that you're tensing up, take a few moments to relax. 如果你觉得紧 张,就放松会儿。◊ Tense up your arm and leg muscles and then let them go. 绷紧胳膊和腿部 肌肉,然后放松。 NOTE Tense and tense sth are used on their own with the same meaning. * tense 和 tense sth 单独使用也作此义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv test /test/ test for sth; 'test sb/sth for sth to exam- ine sb/sth to see if a particular substance, etc. is present 查验 (成分等);对 (人或物) 作…检测:They are testing for oil in the area. 他 们正在这个地区勘探石油。◊ She was tested for hepatitis. 她作过肝炎检查。◊ The software has been tested for viruses. 这个软件已作过病毒 检查。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep test sb 'out to try to find out what qualities sb has, how they will react in a particular situ- ation, etc. 试用,考验 (某人):My new boss gave me the most difficult clients to deal with. I felt he was really testing me out to see if I would cope. 新老板让我去对付那些最难缠的客户。我 觉得他其实在考验我能否应付。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) test sth 'out (on sb/sth) to try an idea, a machine, a product, etc. to see if it works well or if people like it (用人或物) 作...测试:Let me test this idea out on you. 让我在你身上检验 一下这个想法。◊ When you buy a bed, test it out in the shop. 买床时要在商店里试一试。 [OBJ] idea, theory, equipment SYN try sb/sth out (on sb/sth) NOTE Test sth can also be used on its own with the same meaning. * test sth 单独使用也 作此义。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n testify /ˈtestɪfaɪ/ (testifies, testifying, testified) testify to sth to show or be evidence that sth is true 证明;证实;表明:James's school reports testified to his ability. 詹姆斯的在校成 绩单说明了他的能力。 ♦ v + prep thaw /θɔː/ thaw 'out if ice or snow thaws out, it melts (冰或雪) 融化,解冻:Britain is thawing out after the freeze. 严寒过后,英国开始冰消雪化。 ♦ v + adv thaw out; ,thaw sth out 1 to become, or to let frozen food become, soft and ready to cook (使冷藏食物) 解冻,化冻:He took the meat out of the freezer and left it to thaw out. 他把肉从冰箱拿出来解冻。◊ to thaw out meat/ fish 把肉 / 鱼解冻 SYN defrost, defrost sth 2 (informal) to become, or to let sth become, warmer after being very cold (使) 暖和: Come in and thaw out by the fire! 进来烤火取 取暖吧! ◊ My feet are frozen! I need to thaw them out, 我的脚冻僵了!我得把它们焙热。◊ (figurative) She was very shy at first, but she soon thawed out. 她起初羞答答的,可很快就活 跃起来了。NOTE Thaw and thaw sth can also be used on their own with these meanings. ♦ thaw 和 thaw sth 单独使用也作这些含义。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n thin /θɪn/ (-nn-) thin sth down (with sth) to make a liquid less thick or strong, for example by adding water to it (掺水等) 稀释,冲淡:The paint needs to be thinned down with water before you use it. 颜料使用前需要加水调稀。 NOTE Thin sth is used on its own more fre- quently. * thin sth 单独使用更常见。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv thin 'out to become fewer in number, or less thick 减少;变稀薄:The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left. 人群渐渐散 去,只剩下几个人。◊ Once they were clear of the city, the traffic started to thin out. 他们一出 城,来往车辆就开始减少了。◊ The trees began to thin out as we climbed higher. 我们再往上 爬,树木就变得稀疏起来。[SUBJ] crowd, trees, traffic ♦ v + adv thin sth 'out to reduce the number of sth so that there is more space between them 把...分 散开来;拉大...的间距:Thin out the seedlings to about 10 cm apart. 按 10 厘米左右等距间苗。 [OBJ] plants ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv think /θɪŋk/ (thought, thought /θɔːt/) think about sb/sth 1 to have ideas or images in your mind; to remember sb/sth 想;思考:回想:I can't stop thinking about her. 我没法不想她。◊ All he ever thinks about is money. 他满脑子都是钱。◊ It doesn't bear thinking about. 这事不堪回首。◊ When I was alone, I just sat and thought about things. 我 一个人呆着时,就只是坐着想这想那。2 (also think of sb/sth) to consider sb/sth 考虑;顾 及;替…着想:It's time you stopped being so selfish and started thinking about other people! 别这么自私了,该为别人想想了! SYN take sb/ sth into account ♦ v + prep IDM if/when you think about it used to draw attention to a fact that is not obvious or has not been mentioned before (用于提醒注意) 如果细细想想,如果三思:It must have been terrible when you think about it. 你想想看,这 事一定很可怕。 think about sth; think about doing sth to use your mind to consider sth, such as your future plans, to try to solve problems, etc. 考虑;打算;动脑筋想:I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow. 我先考虑一下,明 天再告诉你。◊ She's thinking about changing her job. 她在考虑换份工作。◊ Have you thought about what you'll do if you don't get a place at college? 你想过如果上不了大学要干什么吗? ◊ "What did I do wrong?' 'Just think about it!' “我做错了什么?" “你自己想想吧!" ♦ v + prep IDM think twice about sth/about doing sth co chink carefully before you decide to do sth 认 真考虑后再作决定;三思而后行:I'd think twice about calling him if I were you. 我要是你,给他 打电话之前会先考虑考虑。 think a'head (to sth) to think carefully about what might happen in the future; to plan for the future 预先考虑;事前筹划:Even when their children are very young, parents are think- ing ahead to exams and jobs. 甚至在孩子年纪尚 小的时候,父母就开始考虑他们将来的考试和就 业了。◊ Pilots are trained to think ahead. 飞行 员接受训练,学习预判本领。 ♦ v + adv think back (to sth) to remember or think about sth that happened in the past 回想; 追 忆:She thought back to the day they first met. 她回想起他们初次见面的那一天。◊ Thinking back, I'm sure I noticed there was something strange. 回想起来,我敢说我注意到了有些地方 不太对劲儿。 ♦ v + adv think for yourself to make your own deci- sions, form your own opinions, etc. without depending on other people 独立思考;自行决 定:You need to learn to think for yourself. 你 需要学会独立思考。 ◊ Our parents always en- couraged us to think for ourselves. 父母总是鼓 励我们自己拿主意。 ♦ v + prep + pron think of sb/sth 1 to have an image or idea of a particular person or thing in your mind 想 到; 想起:When I said that, I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular. 我说那话时,并没有特别 想到某个人。◊ He thought of how happy his parents would be to see him. 他想着父母见到他 会有多高兴。2 -> THINK ABOUT SB/STH 2: just think of the consequences if you give up your job. 想一想你放弃工作的后果吧。3 to create an idea in your imagination 想出;构思出: Who first thought of the idea? 这主意是谁最先 想出来的? ◊ Can you think of anyone who could help? 你能想到有谁可以帮忙吗? ◊ Hasn't this idea ever been thought of before? 以前就没 有人想到过这个主意吗? 4 (used especially with CAN 尤与 can 连用) to remember sb/sth 记得; 想起:I can't think of his name at the moment 我一时想不起他的名字。◊ I was just thinking of the wonderful trip we had. 当时我正在回味我们 愉快的旅行。5 (as sb/sth) to consider sb/sth from a particular point of view 把...看作; 将...视为:I still think of Oxford as my home. 我依然把牛津当作我的家。◊ Franco thought of his landlady as his 'English mother". 佛朗哥把 房东太太看成自己的 “英国母亲"。 ◊ She is not thought of as a businesswoman. 人们不把她看 作是商人。◊ Elisa hates being thought of as a little girL 埃莉莎讨厌别人把她当成小女孩。 ♦ v + prep come to 'think of it used when you sud- denly remember sth or realize that it might be important (用于突然想起某事或意识到某事可 能相重要时) 想起来了,对了: Come to think of it, he did mention. you. 对了,他的确提起过你。 not think much of sb/sth to not have a very high opinion of sb/sth 对...评价不高:I didn't think much of her new boyfriend. 我觉得她的 新男友不怎么样。think 'better of it/of doing sth to decide not to do sth you had planned to do after you have thought about it 经考虑后 决定不做(计划的事);一想又改变主意:I was about to tell him the truth, but I thought better of it. 我正要告诉他实情,可琢磨了一下觉得还 是不说为好。think the world of sb to have a very high opinion of sb; to love sb very much 对某人评价很高;非常喜爱某人:He thinks the world of his daughter. 他把女儿视为掌上明珠。 think of doing sth 1 to consider that you niight do sth 考虑要做某事;掂量:They're thinking of moving to America. 他们正在考虑移 居美国。◊ I did think of resigning, but I decided against it. 我确实考虑过辞职,可后来决定打消 这个念头。SYN contemplate sth (more formal) 2 to imagine an actual or a possible situation 想象;想到:I'd never have thought of doing that! 我绝对不会想到干那事! ◊ I couldn't think of letting you take the blame (= I wouldn't allow you to do this). 我不会让你承受指责。 NOTE Often used in negative sentences. 常用 于否定句。 ♦ v+ prep IDM think nothing of doing sth to consider that: doing sth is normal and not very difficult 认为做某事很正常(或不难):She thinks noth- ing of walking home in the rain. 她觉得冒雨步 行回家算不了什么。 think sth 'out to consider all the details of sth carefully, especially in order to find an answer or a solution to a problem 认真思索; 仔细盘算:She needed to be alone to think things out. 她需要单独呆着把事情考虑清楚。◊ I thought out what I was going to say before I phoned. 打电话前我先斟酌了一下要说的话。◊ a well-thought-out training programme 考虑周密 的培训计划 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n think sth over to consider sth carefully, especially before making a decision (尤指作 出决定前)仔细考虑,慎重思考:Please think over what I've said. 请把我的话好好想一下。◊ I'd like more time to think things over. 我希望 有更多时间把情况考虑周详。 SYN mull sth over ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词瓣析 think sth over chew sth over ♦ consider sth ♦ mull sth over ♦ ponder about/on/over sth ♦ think sth over These verbs all mean to use your mind in order to try to understand sth, make a decision, solve a problem, etc. 这些动词都表示 仔细斟酌、反复推敲、慎重思考。 chew sth over (not formal) to think about or discuss sth slowly and carefully, especially when sb cannot decide or a group of people cannot agree about sth (尤指难以作出决定 或无法取得一致时)慢慢思索,仔细考虑,详 细讨论:I was chewing things over in my head. 我正绞尽脑汁想事情。 consider sth to think carefully about sth, especially in order to make a decision (尤 指为作出决定)仔细考虑,小心盘算: she considered her options. 她对自己的可选项琢磨 了一番。◊ Let us consider the facts, 我们考虑 一下事实吧。◊ He was considering an appeal. 他正考虑上诉。◊ He was considering what to do next. 他正思考下一步怎么办。 mull sth over to spend time thinking carefully about sth such as a plan or proposal 仔细斟酌,反复推敲(计划、提议 等):I need some time to mull it over before making a decision. 在作出决定前,我需要些 时间琢磨琢磨。 ponder about/on/over sth to think carefully about sth, especially in order to understand it 仔细考虑; 苦苦思索: She pondered over his words. 她对他的话左思右想。NOTE Ponder can be used on its own * ponder 可单独使用: We intend to ponder all the alternatives before 行动之前,我们打算仔细掂量一下所有 选择。 think sth over to consider sth carefully, especially before reaching a decision (尤 指作出决定前)仔细考虑,慎重思考:He'd like more time to think it over. 他希望有更多 时间认真琢磨一下。NOTE It is also possible to use think about sth with this meaning * think about sth 也可作此义:I can't tell you now—HI have to think about it. 我现在没法 告诉你——我得好好斟酌一下。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to consider/think about/ponder (over) how/what/whether... ■ to leave sb/pause to consider sth/think about sth/think sth over/ponder (over) sth ■ to consider sth/think about sth/think sth over/ponder (over) sth carefully/briefly ■ to consider sth/think sth over/think about sth seriously/rationally ■ to think about sth/ponder sth long and hard think sth through to consider a problem fully 充分考虑;全盘考虑;想透:Careers ad- visers can help you think through your choices. 职业顾问能帮你把各种选择考虑清楚。◊ Take my advice and think things through before you do anything. 听我的劝,要三思而行。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv think sth 'up (informal) to create an idea, a plan, a story, etc. in your mind 想出,构思出 (主意、计划、故事等):We need to think up a new name for the group. 我们得给这个团体想出 个新名字。◊ Can't you think up a better excuse than that? 难道你就想不出一个更像样的借口? SYN devise sth (more formal); invent sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) SYNONYMS同义词耕析 think sth up come up with sth ♦ conceive of sth ♦ devise sth ♦ dream sth up ♦ hit on/upon sth ♦ think sth up These verbs all mean to think of an idea, plan, solution, etc 这些动词都表示想出、想到、构 思出。 come up with sth (not. forma I) to think of or produce an idea, a plan, a solution, etc. 想 到 (主意或计划);找到 (解决方法): come up with a really good design for a solar-powered car. 他想出了个太阳能动力车的 绝妙设计。 conceive of sth (formal) to form an idea, a plan, etc in your mind 构思,想出 (主盘、 计划等):They conceived of a theory and stuck to it 他们构想出一个理论并一直信奉这一理 论。NOTE Conceive can be used on its own * conceive 可单独使用:He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre. 他想出一个主意,将旧发电厂改建 为艺术中心。 devise sth to invent sth new or a new way of doing sth 发明,设计 (新事物);想出 (新 方法):Scientists have devised a method of recycling the contaminated oiL 科学家已经想 到一个回收利用污油的办法。 dream sth up (not format) to think of an idea, especially a very unusual or silly one 凭空想 出,虚构出 (尤指不合常规或愚蠢的主意): Trust you to dream up a crazy idea like this! 就 知道你会想出这种荒唐的主意来!◊ It was a scheme dreamt up by some advertising guru. 这 个方案是某个广告大师想入非非捣鼓出来的。 hit on/upon sth (not formal) to think of a good idea suddenly or by chance 突然想 出,偶然想到 (好主意):She hit on the perfect title for her new novel. 她灵机一动,为 自己的新小说想到了个完美的名字。 think sth up (not formal) to think of an idea, plan or excuse 想出,构思出 (主意、计划或 借口): Can't you think up a better excuse than that? 难道你就想不出一个好点儿的借口? PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to come up with/devise/conceive (of)/hit on/think up/dream up a plan/scheme ■ to come up with/conceive (of)/hit on/think up/dream up an idea/the idea of doing sth ■ to come up with/devise/hit on/think up a way of doing sth/method/formula ■ to come up with/devise a solution ■ to come up with an answer ■ to come up with/think up/dream up an excuse thirst /θɜːst; AmE θɜːrst/ thirst for sth (literary) to want sth very much 渴望;渴求:Our opponents were thirsting for revenge. 我们的对手迫不及待地想复仇。 ♦ v + prep thrash /θræʃ/ thrash a round (also .thrash a1 bout espe- cially BrE) to move about in a violent, uncon- trolled way 剧烈扭动;翻来覆去:He thrashed around in the water, gasping for breath. 他在水 中挣扎,急促地喘着气。 ♦ v + adv thrash sth out to discuss sth thoroughly and in an open and honest way to try to find a solution 彻底讨论,坦诚地探讨 (以寻求解决 办法): He called a meeting to thrash out the problem. 他召开了会议研讨这个问题。◊ Eventually they thrashed out an agreement. 他们经过 讨论最终达成了协议。 [OBJ] problem, details, agreement, deal SYN hash sth out (AmE, informal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) thrill /θrɪl/ thrill to sth (formal) to feel very excited at sth 对...感到非常兴奋 (或激动):Audiences thrilled to his performance in Macbeth. 观看了 他在《麦克白》中的表演,观众兴奋不已。 ♦ v + prep thrive /θraɪv/ (thrived, thrived, AmE also throve /θrəʊv; AmE θroʊv/, thriven /'θrivən/) thrive on sth to enjoy or be successful in a situation or condition that other people would not like 在 ( 某种环境等) 中自得其乐;乐意做 (令人不快的事):He thrives on hard work. 他 以苦干为乐事。◊ Sue and Jack seem to thrive on arguments. 休和杰克似乎专爱吵架。 ♦ v + prep throttle /ˈθrɒtl; AmE ˈθrɑːtl/ throttle back (also ,throttle down less frequent) to control the supply of fuel or power to an engine in order to reduce the speed of a vehicle 调节油门减速:The pilot got very low before he throttled back. 飞行员减速前高度降得 很低。 ♦ v + adv throttle up (rare) to control the supply of fuel or power to an engine in order to increase the speed of a vehicle 调节油门加速 ♦ v + adv throw /θrəʊ; AmE θroʊ/ (threw /θru:/, thrown /θrəʊn; AmE θroʊn/) throw sb/yourself around; .throw sb/ yourself a round sth {BrE also .throw sb/yourself about, .throw sb/yourself a'bout sth) to make sb/yourself move about suddenly and violently, often causing injury 使(人) 大幅度摇晃;(人)横冲直撞:The passengers were thrown around in the crash. 撞车时乘客给 撞得东倒西歪。◊ The child was screaming and throwing himself around. 那个孩子尖叫着跑来 跑去。◊ The band threw themselves around the stage like madmen, 乐队在舞台上狂舞。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth around (BrE also .throw sth a bout) 1 to say sth, discuss sth, etc. in a gen- eral way 泛泛而谈;笼统地讨论:You can't just throw accusations around like that! 你不能那样 不着边际地光顾着指责! ◊ Let's have an initial meeting to throw some ideas about. 我们先 开个会简单讨论一下想法吧。[OBJ] accusations, ideas SYN toss sth around 2 to spend time throwing sth such as a ball from one person to another, in a not very serious way (随便地) 抛,传(球等):They were in the yard throw- ing a ball around. 他们在院子里抛球玩。[OBJ] ball 3 to move part of your body around violently (使劲)挥动,摆动,甩动(身体部 位): She was speaking excitedly, throwing her arms around. 她一边挥舞着胳膊,一边兴奋地 讲话。[OBJ] arms, head ♦ v 十 n/pron + adv IDM throw your 'money around to spend a lot of money in a very careless way, often in order to impress people (常指为给人留下深刻 印象)乱花钱,大手大脚,律意挥霍: John hates people throwing their money about 约翰讨 厌那些花钱如流水的人。throw your weight around (informaf) to use your authority in an aggressive way to achieve what you want 滥 用权势;仗势欺人;飞扬跋扈: She enjoys throw- ing her weight about and getting her way, 她喜 欢依仗权势为所欲为。 throw sth a round; ,throw sth around sth (also .throw sth a'bout/round, throw sth about/1 round sth especially BrE) to send sth from your hand in different direc- tions, often because you are angry (常指因生 气)位处扔,到处撒:How do you stop babies throwing their food around? 怎样才能不让小孩 子把食物撒得到处都是呢?◊ Jeff got so angry that he started throwing furniture about. 杰 夫火冒三丈,竟动手乱摔家具。◊ People were throwing glasses round the room. 人们在房间里 到处扔玻璃杯。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth a round sb/sth (BrE also .throw sth a bout/round sb/sth) 1 if you throw your arms around sb, you hold them tightly to show that you love them or wish to thank them for sth 紧紧拥抱:Diana threw her arms around him/his neck and kissed him. 黛安娜紧 紧搂住他 / 他的脖子,吻了他。 2 to put sth quickly around sb/sth 很快用...围住:We threw blankets around ourselves to keep warm. 我 们马上用毯子把自己裹住保暖。◊ a silk scarf thrown casually around the shoulders 随意围在 肩上的丝巾 3 to put a barrier around a place so that people cannot enter or leave 用(障碍 物)封起;隔离:A security cordon had been thrown around the area. 这一区域拉上了安全警 戒线,被封锁起来。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth a side 1 to put sth quickly to one side, often because you are angry or in a hurry (常指因生气或匆忙)把...搁在一边:She read the letter and immediately threw it aside. 她读 完信便立刻把它丢到一边。 SYN cast sth aside (formal); toss sth aside (formal) 2 to reject sth such as an attitude, an idea, a way of life, etc. 拒绝接受,摒弃(某种态度、想法、生活方式 等):All loyalties were thrown aside once the competition started. 竞争一开始,所有的忠诚观 念都被抛开了。◊ to throw aside sentimentality/ nervousness 抛开感伤 / 紧张的心情 ◊ to throw aside a system 抛弃一种体制 SYN cast sth aside (formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n throw sth at sb 1 to direct sth such as a remark, a question, etc. at sb, often in an aggressive way (尤指咄咄逼人地) 针对某人发 表评论(或提出问题等):She threw a look of contempt at me. 她鄙夷地扫了我一眼。◊ to throw insults/accusations at somebody 侮辱 / 指 责他人 ◊ He has an answer for any question you can throw at him. 你向他提出在向问题他都能 解答。[OBJ] question, look, accusation NOTE You can also say 也可说:She threw me a look of contempt. 她鄙夷地扫了我一眼。2 to do sth or give sb sth that tests their abilities and skills 给…出难题;考验:You never know what life's going to throw at you. 人生的考验从来 羸是不可预见的。◊ We can cope with any- thing our opponents throw at us. 我们能应付对 手的任何挑战。[OBJ] everything, anything, whatever ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth at sb/sth to throw an object in the direction of sb/sth, trying to make it hit them 向...砸(或掷、投、抛):He t/irew stones at the window to try to catch their attention. 他 朝窗户扔石头,想吸引他们的注意。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM throw the 'book at sb (informal) to punish sb who has committed an offence very severely 严惩;严办 throw money at sth (dis- approving) to try to solve a difficult situation or problem by spending lots of money on it rather than considering other ways of dealing with it 靠花大钱解决:You can't solve the prob- lem by throwing money at it. 这个问题不是靠乱 砸钱就可以解决的。 throw yourself at sb (informal, disapprov- ing) to be too anxious to try to attract sb, because you want to have a romantic relation- ship with them ( 为建立恋爱关系 ) 对...大献殷 勤, 拼命讨好,百般勾引:He was flattered that such an attractive woman as Nell was throwing herself at him. 有内尔这样漂亮的女子向他献 媚,他心里飘飘然起来。 SYN fling yourself at sb ♦ v+ pron + prep throw yourself at sb/sth to rush or jump violently towards or onto sb/sth 向...猛扑过 去;冲向:The dogs threw themselves at the gate. 几条狗扑向大门。 ♦ v + pron + prep throw sth a way 1 (also .throw sth out) to get rid of sth that has no use or that you no longer need 扔掉;丢弃:She never throws anything away. 她从来不丢掉任何东西。◊ The average household throws away three kilos of waste every week. 每户家庭平均每周丢弃三公斤 垃圾。SYN discard sth (more formal) 2 to fail to make good use of sth; to waste sth 错过; 浪费;白费:She's throwing away a great oppor- tunity. 她要丢掉一个大好机会了。◊ The team threw away a 2-0 lead (= they were winning, but then lost the game). 该队茬以 2:0 领先的情 况下输掉了 比赛。[OBJ] chance, lead, money, opportunity ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► throwaway adj [only before noun] 1 a throwaway product is intended to be used only once, or for a short time and then to be got rid of (产品) 一次性的,用后即扔的:a throwaway lighter/razor 一次性打火机 / 剃须刀 ◊ our throwaway culture/society (= we expect to use things once and then throw them away) 我们的一次性物品消费文化 / 社会 2 a throwaway remark, line or comment is sth you say without careful thought, often in order to be funny (尤指俏皮话) 脱口而出 的,随意说出的:Some people overreacted to a throwaway remark. 有些人对信口说出的话反应 过度了。 throw yourself a way (on sb) to have a relationship with sb, or work for sb, who is not good enough for you or does not deserve you ( 和诸方面与己不相配者 ) 交往;屈就: Don't throw yourself away on somebody like him. 不要屈尊和他这种人来往。 ♦ v + pron + adv throw sth 'back 1 to return sth with a sharp movement of your arm or wrist 扔回; 抛回;掷还: Can you throw the ball back to me? 帮我把球扔回来好吗? 2 to put sth quickly and carelessly in the place where it was before (匆匆) 把...放归原处: Just throw those papers back in the drawer when you've finished with them. 你用完那些文件后扔回抽屉里就行 了。 3 if you throw back your head or your shoulders, you move them backwards sud- denly 向后仰起 (头或肩):She threw back her head and laughed. 她仰头大笑。[OBJ] head, shoulders 4 to pull or fold back a covering, especially on a bed 拉开,揭开 (床罩等):He threw back the bedclothes and jumped out of bed. 他掀开铺盖跳下了床。[OBJ] covers, bed- clothes ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► throwback (to sth) n [C, usually sing.] sb/ sth that is similar to sb/sth that existed long ago 有返祖现象的人 (或事物):This music is a real throwback to the seventies. 这确实像是 70 年代的老音乐。 throw sth 'back at sb 1 to remind sb of sth they have said or done in the past, espe- cially to upset or annoy them (尤指为使人烦 恼) 使想起,提醒,再提:His unwise remark was frequently thrown back at him by his col- leagues. 他的同事经常在他面前提起他的蠢话。 [OBJ] words, remark 2 to reply angrily to sb 生 气地回答:'It was your fault!' he threw back at her. “ 是你的错!” 他怒气冲冲地回了她一句。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ 2 v + speech + adv + prep be .thrown 'back on sth to be forced to rely on sth which you have not needed for a while because nothing else is available 被迫依 靠,无奈启用 ( 弃用的旧东西 ):The television broke down so we were thrown back on our own resources (= we had to entertain our- selves). 电视机环了,我们只好自娱自乐。 ♦ be + v + adv + prep throw down (AmE, slang) 1 to do sth with as much energy and pleasure as possible 尽情 地干;尽兴地做:We were throwing down at the party last night 昨晚我们在聚会上玩了个痛快。 2 to fight or argue with sb, or to say sth that starts a fight or argument 打架; 争吵; 挑衅叫 板:She was mad as hell and ready to throw down. 她气得发疯,想大吵一通。 ♦ v + adv ► throwdown n (AmE, slang) a fight or argu- ment 打架;争吵:You could tell he was ready for a throwdown. 看得出来,他想大吵一通。 throw sb/sth 'down; .throw sb/sth down sth to send sb/sth from your hand suddenly and violently downwards 猛地把 摔下;扔下:Ellie threw the book down on the table. 埃利把书摔到桌上。◊ Jed threw her down on the sofa. 杰德把她扔到沙发上。◊ Throw the rest of the medicine down the sink. 把剩下的药 倒进洗涤槽里。◊ Her husband threw her down the stairs. 她丈夫把她推下了楼梯。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth 'down 1 to drop or put your weapons down to show that you do not wish to fight any longer 放下,扔掉(武器):The rebels have thrown down their arms. 反叛者已 经放下武器。[OBJ] weapons, arms 2 to eat or swallow food or drink very quickly 迅速吞食; 猛喝;狼吞虎咽:He threw his dinner down in two minutes. 他两分钟就吃完了饭。3 to sug- gest that sb should do sth you think they will not be willing or able to do 使勉强做(不想做 或做不到的事);强人所难:She threw down a direct challenge for him to tell them the truth. 她直接要求他告诉他们真相。[OBJ] only challenge ♦ 1,2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ♦ 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + n + adv (rare) throw down the gauntlet to invite sb to fight or compete with you (向某人)发出挑战 throw yourself down to move suddenly and violently so that you fall down to the ground 猛地倒(或躺)在地上:She threw herself down on the grass. 她扑倒在草地上。 -> see also THROW SB/STH DOWN ♦ v + pron + adv .throw sb 'in/into sth to force or order sb to enter a prison and stay there 把...关进 (监狱);监禁:I'll have you thrown in jail for that! 我要让你为那件事去坐牢! ◊ He was thrown inco a police cell overnight. 他被抓进警 察局,在拘留室过了一夜。 NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被 动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sb/sth/yourself 'in; .throw sb/ sth/yourself in/1 into sth to push or move sb/sth/yourself roughly or violently into sth, such as water or a building 把…大力推入 (水中、建筑物等);猛地跳入(或窜进): Sam opened the door of the shed and threw his bike in. 萨姆打开车棚的门,把自行车一下子推 了进去。◊ Did Eva throw herself in the river or was she pushed? 伊娃是自己跳进河里的,还是 有人推她的? + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) + n/pron + prep IDM throw sb in at the deep end (injormal) (usually used in the passive 浦常用于被动语态j to introduce sb to the most difficult part of an activity or job, especially an activity they have not been prepared for 使毫无准备地承担最艰 巨的任务;使陷入未曾料到的艰难处境 ► throw-in n (in football (soccer) and rugby 足球和橄榄球)the act of throwing the ball back onto the playing field after it has gone outside the area 掷界外球;掷边线球 throw sth in 1 to include sth with what you are selling or offering, without increasing the price 额外赠送;奉送;白送:The job pays £25000, with a company car thrown in. 这份 工作薪金为 25000 英镑,此外公司还配车。2 to add a remark, comment, etc. without care- ful thought 未经细想加上,随口插进,漫不经 心地加插(话语、评论等):Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment. 杰克意外地插了一 句鼓舞人心的话。◊ 'I wouldn't mind coming,' she threw in casually. "我可以来。" 她漫不经 心地插话。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv 2 also v + adv + speech throw in your lot with sb/sth (informal) to decide to join sb/sth and share all their suc- cesses and problems 决定和...共命运(或同甘 苦);与...同舟共济 throw in the 'towel; throw in your hand {informal) to admit that you are defeated and stop trying to do sth 承 认失败;认输;放弃:Decorating my apartment isn't easy, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet 装修我的公寓挺不容易,但我还不准 备放弃。 throw sb into sth -> THROW SB IN/INTO STH throw sb/sth into sth to put sb/sth sud- denly in a particular state, especially a bad one 使突然陷入...境地:His announcement threw everyone into confusion. 他的宣言让大家 一下子不知所措。◊ Her arrival threw him into a panic 她的到来令他惊慌失措。◊ Traffic was thrown into chaos by the accident. 这场事故使 交通陷入一片混乱。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM throw sth into doubt/ question to make people wonder whether sth is true, correct, appropriate, etc. or whether it will be able to continue 引起对...的质疑:The future of the company has been thrown into question by recent events. 最近的事件使人们对公司前景产生 了疑虑。throw sth into (sharp) relief 1 to make an object more noticeable than others around it 使突出;使格外醒目:The sunlight threw the objects in the room into sharp relief. 阳光把房间里的物品照得清清楚楚。2 to make a particular situation, problem, etc. more noticeable than before 使(情况、问题等)暴 露出来;使更加明显:Their differences have been thrown into sharp relief by the present crisis. 当前的危机将他们的分歧暴露无遗。 throw sb/sth/yourself into sth -> THROW SB/STH/YOURSELF IN, ETC. throw sth 'into sth 1 to use a lot of energy or resources to try to make sth successful 把(大量精力或资源等)投入;向...注入:He's thrown all his energy into this project. 他所有 的精力都投入了这个项目。2 -> THROW SB/STH/ YOURSELF IN, ETC. ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw yourself into sth 1 (also .throw yourself 'into doing sth) to begin to do sth with energy and often enthusiasm 投身于; 热 衷于;积极从事:Laura threw herself into her work to try and forget him. 劳拉全身心投入 工作,力图忘掉他。◊ He threw himself into writing his report. 他埋头写报告。 SYN fling yourself into sth 2 -> THROW SB/ STH/YOURSELF IN, ETC. ♦ v + pron + prep throw sb off; .throw sb 'off sth to order sb to leave a place 命令某人离开(某 地);驱逐;逐出:Farmers are being thrown off their land. 农民正被赶出他们的土地。◊ If he finds you on his property, he'll throw you off. 如 果他发现你在他的地盘上,会把你撵出去的。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sb/sth off; .throw sb/sth off sth 1 to get rid of sb/sth that is making you suffer, annoying you, following you, etc.; to free yourself from sb/sth 摆脱;甩掉:to throw off repression 摆脱压制。 ◊ to throw off anger/ family worries/troublesome thoughts 消除愤怒 / 家庭烦恼 / 烦心事。◊ They waded through a stream to throw the dogs off. 他们蹚过小溪,摆 脱狗的追缠。◊ I tried every way I could think of to throw him off. 我想尽一切办法甩开他。◊ She wants to throw off her old image. 她想摆脱固有 的形象。◊ I can't seem to throw off this cold. 我 这伤风好像好不了了。2 to disturb sb/sth who is trying to do sth, making them fail or not behave as usual 打扰;扰乱;使慌乱:The dir- ector came in while I was speaking and that threw me off a bit. 我讲话时主任走了进来,让 我有点着慌。SYN put sb off, put sb off sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep IDM throw sb off balance 1 to make sb unsteady and likely to fall 使失去平衡;使摇摇 欲坠:I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind. 突如其来的一阵狂风差点把我吹 倒。 2 to make sb surprised and no longer calm 使慌张;使张皇失辂:The senator was thrown off balance by the unexpected question. 这个出人意料的问题让参议员乱了方寸。throw sb off 'course 1 if sb/sth is thrown off course, they are forced away from the direction they should be travelling in 使偏离行进(或行驶) 方向:The plane was thrown off course. 飞机偏 离了航向。2 to force sb to change the direc- tion in which their ideas or actions are moving 迫使(某人)改变方针(或行动方向):The gov- ernment was thrown off course by economic problems. 经济问题迫使政府改变了政策。throw sb off the 'scent to do sth to stop sb finding you or discovering a secret 使失去线索;摆脱 (追踪者):She changed taxis to throw her pursuers off the scent. 她换乘出租车以甩掉追捕 者。◊ Lisa told her parents she was going to a friend's house to throw them off the scent (= she was really going somewhere else). 莉 萨对父母说她去朋友家,以掩盖行踪。 throw sth 'off to remove your clothes or sth covering your body quickly and carelessly 匆 匆脱掉,拽下,扯掉(衣服等):She threw off her clothes and leapt into the river. 她脱下衣服 跳进了河里。 SYN fling sth off OPP throw sth on ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv throw sb/sth/yourself off; .throw sb/ sth/yourself off sth to send or push sb/ sth violently from a high place; to jump from a high place 用力将...从高处扔下(或推下); 从高处跃下:Ed was threatening to throw himself off the roof. 埃德威胁说他要从房顶跳下 去。◊ The sledge hit a bump and threw me off into the snow. 雪燧撞上了一处地面突起,把我 摔到了雪地里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth 'on to put on a piece of clothing quickly and carelessly 匆匆穿上(衣服):He threw on his clothes and ran downstairs. 他匆 忙穿上衣服跑下楼去。◊ I'll just throw a coat on and then I'll be ready. 我套上件外衣就好。 SYN fling sth on OPP throw sth off ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv throw sb/sth on; .throw sb/sth 'on/ onto sth; .throw yourself *on/'onto sth to send or push sb/s± violently onto sth 用力推向(或扔向); 朝...猛掷:Jamie angrily threw the book onto the table. 杰米生气地把书 摔到桌上。◊ The fire wasn't burning well, so we threw on more wood. 火烧得不旺,于是我们又 添了些柴。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth on sb/sth (q/so .throw sth u pon sb/sth more formal) 1 if sb/sth throws doubt or suspicion on sb/sth, people start to wonder if sth is true, will continue, etc. 使对...产 生(怀疑或疑虑):New evidence threw doubt on Tom's innocence. 新的证据令大家开始怀疑汤 姆是否真的清白。◊ This controversy throws doubt on her political future. 这一争论使人们对 她的政治前途产生了疑问。◊ The murder was carefully planned to throw suspicion on the woman's husband (= to make him appear guilty). 谋杀事件经过精心策划,目的是为了将 怀疑引向那名女子的丈夫。◊ They tried to throw suspicion on . 他们企图让我们受到猜疑。[OBJ] doubt, suspicion 2 (formal) to cover sb/sth in light or shadows 将(光线)照在…上;将(阴 影)映在...上:The lamp threw strange shadows on^his face. 灯光在他脸上投射出奇怪的阴影。 [OBJ] light, shadows ♦ v + n + prep IDM throw 'light on sth to make a problem, etc. easier to understand 把(问题等)理出头 绪;使(事情)有点眉目;使易于理解:I might be able to throw some light on the matter. 我 也许可以说明一下这件事。◊ Recent research has thrown new light on the cause of the disease. 最近的研究为揭示这种疾病的诱因提供 了新的线索。 throw yourself on sb/sth (also throw yourself onto sb/sth less frequent) to run towards sb/sth and fall onto them 扑向;倒进: She threw herself on him and burst into tears. 她扑到他怀里哭了起来。 -> see also THROW SB/STH ON, ETC. ♦ v + pron + prep IDM throw yourself on sb's 'mercy (formal) to put yourself in a position where you must rely on sb to be kind to you and not harm or punish you 只能仰仗某人宽恕(或善待):He threw himself on the mercy of his captors. 他只 得指望劫持他的人开恩。 throw sb/sth/yourself onto sth -> THROW SB/STH ON, ETC. throw sb out; .throw sb out of sth to force sb to leave a place, their home, a job, etc. 撵走;轰开;逐出:Tim's parents threw him out when he was 18. 蒂姆18岁时父母就把他赶 出了家门。 ◊ When the mine closed down, 50 people were thrown out of their jobs. 煤矿倒 闭,有 50 人失去了 工作。◊ When she failed her exams, she was thrown out of college. 她考试 不及格,被学院开除了。◊ Many families have been thrown out into the street (= out of their homes). 很多家庭被迫流落街头。 SYN boot sb out, boot sb out of sth; kick sb out, kick sb out of sth (informal) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep throw sb/sth 'out to confuse sb/sth; to make sb make a mistake; to make sth wrong 使混乱;使出错:One of the figures was wrong and it threw me out completely. 有一个数字 有误,把我完全搞糊涂了。◊ Some unexpected costs threw our calculations out by £4000. 一 些计划外的开销使我们的计算差了 4000英镑。 [OBJ| calculations ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n throw sb/sth 'out; .throw yourself out (of sth) to push or send sb/sth/yourself forward and out of a place (从…) 扔出,抛 出,跳出:Frank quickly opened the window and threw his cigarette out, 弗兰克迅速打开窗 户把香烟丢了出去。◊ He threw himself out of the window and was killed. 他从窗户跳出去摔 死了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep throw sth out 1 -> throw sth away 1: It's time we threw that old chair out. 我们现在该把 那张旧椅子扔掉了。2 to reject sth such as a proposal, an idea, etc. 拒不接受,否决 (建 议、想法等):The committee have thrown out the proposal for a new supermarket. 委员会否 决了建新超市的提案。◊ The case was thrown out of court. 法庭拒绝受理此案。[OBJ] bill, case, proposals NOTE Often used in the passive.常 用于被动语态。3 to mention sth, usually with- out thinking carefully, for people to think about 随口提出:She threw out a few ideas for us to consider. 她随口说出几个想法供我们考 虑。 ◊ We are throwing out a challenge to residents to help clean up our neighbourhood. 我们正在倡议居民帮助清扫附近社区。[OBJ] idea, challenge ◊ note at turn sb/sth down 4 to produce sth such as heat, light, smoke, etc. 散 出 (热);发 (光);冒 (烟):The fire throws out a lot of heat. 火散发出很多热量。◊ The lamp threw out just enough light to read by.这 盏灯的光刚够读书:,[OBJ] heat, light SYN emit sth 5 to move a hand or arm suddenly away from your body 突然伸出 (手或臂):She threw her arm out to protect herself as she felL 摔倒时 她急忙伸出胳膊保护自己。[OBJ] hand, arm ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv IDM throw the baby out with the bathwater (informal) to lose sth that you want at the same time as you are trying to get rid of sth that you do not want 把婴儿和洗澡水一起泼 掉;不分精华糟粕全部抛弃 throw sb over (old-fashioned) to end a rela- tionship with sb 同某人绝交;抛弃某人:His girlfriend threw him over for somebody else. 他 的女友为了新欢抛弃了他。 SYN chuck sb (BrE, slang), dump sb (informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n throw sb/sth/yourself over; .throw sb/sth/yourself over sth to move or push sb/sth so that they move over the top of sth and land on the other side of it; to move yourself violently in this way 使翻过;越过: Throw a rope over and I'll catch it. 扔一条绳子 过来,我在这边接着。◊ The neighbours have been throwing rubbish over our wall. 街坊四邻 一直隔墙把垃圾扔进我们家的院子里。◊ I threw myself over the wall to escape from the dog. 我 翻过点去甩掉了那条狗。◊ Jay took off his coat and threw it over a chair (= so it rested on the back of a chair). 杰伊脱下外套,扔到了椅子靠 背上。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n {less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth over (to sb) (informal) to pass sth to sb in a careless or rough way 将…随手 扔出 (给某人):He threw the paper over to me. 他把报纸扔给了我。◊ Will you throw over those keys? 你把那些钥匙扔过来好吗? NOTE You can also use throw sb over sth and throw sb sth over 也可用 throw sb over sth 和 throw sb sth over: Will you throw me over the paper? 把报纸扔过来好吗? ◊ Will you throw me the paper over? 把报赤扔过来好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n throw sth over sb/sth to quickly place sth so that it covers sb/sth 迅速把...盖在…上:I threw a blanket over the baby to keep him warm. 我给孩子搭了条毯子,让他暖和些。◊ He threw a coat over his pyjamas and ran out into the street. 他在睡衣外面披了件大衣就跑到 了街上。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep throw sth round, etc. -> THROW STH AROUND, ETC. throw sb together to bring people into contact with each other, often unexpectedly 使意外相聚;使不期而遇:Fate had thrown them together. 命运使他们聚在一起。◊ We were strangers, thrown together by circumstance. 我 们平水相逢。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n throw sth together to make or produce sth roughly or quickly, often with things that you can find easily 匆忙拼凑;仓促做出:I'll just throw together a quick supper. 我马上弄份简单 的晚饭吧。 ◊ Can you throw a report together by tomorrow morning? 你到明天上午能弄出一 份报告吗? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv throw up; .throw sth 'up (informal) to bring food you have eaten back out of your mouth 呕吐;呕出:The smell made me want to throw up. 这种气味令我作呕。◊ He ate the meal and immediately threw it all up. 他吃了饭,但 马上全吐了。 SYN bring sth up; vomit, vomit sth (up) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv throw sb/sth up to lift sb/sth and make them move upwards into the air by moving your hand quickly (猛地) 举高,举起,抬起: The baby loved being thrown up into the air. 那 孩子喜欢被一下子举到空中。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv throw sth up 1 to produce sth; to show or make people notice sth 产生;使显眼; 使引起 注意:Her research has thrown up some inter- esting facts. 她的研究有些很有意思的发现。◊ The competition threw up some promising players. 这次比赛让一批有潜力的运动员崭露头 角。[OBJ] problems, questions, ideas, facts 2 (BrE, informal) to leave your job suddenly and often unexpectedly (出人意料地) 突然放弃 (工作):He threw up a highly paid job to travel round the world. 他突然辞掉高薪工作去 周游世界。[OBJ] job SYN chuck sth in/up (BrE, informal), give sth up (informal) 3 to build sth suddenly or quickly, and often carelessly 仓促 建造;匆忙建起:These buildings were thrown up hurriedly after the war. 这些楼房是战后仓促 逢造的。[OBJ] buildings 4 if you throw up your arms or hands, you raise them quickly in the air 猛地举起 (臂或手):He threw up his hands to protect his face as he fell. 摔倒时他连 忙举起双手护着脸。◊ She threw her arms up in horror. 她惊恐地举起了双臂。[OBJ] hand, arm 5 to make sth such as dust or water rise up into the air 扬起,激起 (灰尘、水等):The wheels threw up a shower of mud and water. 车轮溅起 一片泥水。[OBJ] dust, mud ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv throw sth upon sb/sth -> THROW STH ON SB/STH thrust /θrʌst/ (thrust, thrust) thrust sth a side to refuse to listen to sb's complaints, comments, etc. 对…置若罔闻:All our objections were thrust aside. 我们所有的异 议都被置之不理。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n thrust sb/sth on sb (also 'thrust sb/sth upon sb more formal) to force sb to accept sb/ sth or do sth that they do not want to 把...强 加于某人;强迫某人接受:Responsibility for the family was thrust upon him at an early age. 他 很小的时候就不得不担负起家庭的责任。◊ She was annoyed at having three extra guests sud- denly thrust upon her. 突然又来了三位不速之客 要她接待,她感到很恼火。 [OBJ] role, responsibility, change NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep thumb/θʌm/ thumb through sth to turn the pages of a book, a magazine, etc. looking at them quickly 快速翻阅;一翻而过:She thumbed through her diary. 她迅速翻阅她的日记。 [OBJ] book, pages SYN flick through sth ♦ v + prep tick/tɪk/ tick away; .tick sth a'way if a clock ticks away or ticks the minutes or seconds away, it makes continuous short light regular sounds to mark time passing (钟表) 发出嘀嗒声,嘀 嗒地走:The clock ticked away in the silence. 那只钟在寂静中嘀嗒作响。◊ We waited as the clock ticked away the last few seconds of the old millennium. 我们静候着时钟嘀嗒走过旧千年的 最后几秒钟。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tick away/by/past (of time 时间) to pass, especially when you feel it is passing too quickly or too slowly 过去,流逝 (尤指使人感 觉太快或太慢):The seconds ticked by as I tried to think of something to say. 时间一秒一秒地过 去, 我搜肠刮肚想找话说。 ◊ Two long minutes ticked past. 漫长的两分钟过去了。[SUBJ] min- utes, seconds, time -> note at GO BY ♦ v + adv tick sb off 1 (for sth/for doing sth) (BrE, informal) to speak angrily to sb, especially a child, because they have done sth wrong 斥 责,贪备,责骂 (尤指儿童):I was ticked off for forgetting my books. 我因忘记带书挨了一顿 骂。SYN tell sb off; scold sb (more formal) -> note at TELL SB OFF 2 (informal, especially AmE) to annoy sb 使生气;使烦恼:This type of thing really ticks me off. 这种事着实让我恼火。 SYN hack sb off (BrE) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► ticked off adj ^informal, especially AmE) annoyed 生气的;烦恼的:I was really ticked off about it. 我对这事十分恼火。 ► ticking off (for sth/for doing sth) n [sing.] (old-fashioned, BrE, informaF) the act of speak- ing to sb angrily because they have done sth wrong 斥责;责备;责骂:He gave me a ticking off for being late. 因为迟到他把我训斥了一通。 tick sb/sth 'off (BrE) check sb/sth off) to put a mark next to sth on a list to show that it has been dealt with 在…上画勾;给…打核对 号:Alex ticked off the names of the people who had replied. 亚力克斯在已回复者的姓名旁打上 勾。◊ Everything on the list had been ticked off. 单子上的东西都做了记号。◊ She ticked the points off on her fingers. 她扳着手指核对分数。 [OBJ] points, items ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tick over (especially BrE) (usually used in the progressive tenses ii 常用于进行时)1 if an engine is ticking over, it is running slowly but the vehicle is not moving (发动机) 空 转,挂空挡,慢速运转:Don't leave the engine ticking over while you are in the shop. 你去商店 的时候别让引擎空转。◊ (figurative) Learning Japanese keeps my brain ticking over! 我学日语 总是不开窍! [SUBJ] engine SYN idle 2 to con- tinue slowly without producing or achieving much ( 没有太大进展地 ) 缓慢运作:Try and keep things ticking over while I'm away. 我外出 期间,维持现状就行。[SUBJ] things ♦ v + adv tick 'past -> TICK AWAY/BY/PAST tide /taɪd]/ tide sb over; .tide sb over sth to help sb through a difficult period by providing what they need 帮助某人渡过 (难关);协助 某人克服 (困难):We've got enough money to tide us over until next month. 我们有足够的钱 凑合到下个月。◊ Our savings should tide us over the next couple of months. 我们的积蓄应该 够我们挺过以后几个月。[SUBJ] money, loan NOTE Tide sb over is usually used in the infini- tive form. It cannot be used in the passive. ♦ tide sb over 通常作不定式。不用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep tidy /ˈtaɪdi/ (tidies, tidying, tidied) tidy sth a way (BrE) to put things in a par- ticular place where they cannot be seen so that a room, etc. appears tidy 收拾起来;拾掇 走:Harry was busy tidying away his papers in the office. 哈里在办公室忙着整理他的文件。 SYN clear away, clear sth away ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ticly sth 'out (BrE) to make a room, a cup- board, etc. tidy by removing things you do not want and arranging the rest neatly 清理,整 理 (房间、橱柜等):Ifs time to tidy out the kitchen cupboards. 该清理厨房里的橱柜了。 [OBJ] cupboard, drawer, room SYN clear sth out ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tidy up; ,tidy sth 'up (especially BrE) to make a room, a group of things, etc. tidy by arranging things neatly in the correct places 收拾妥当;整理好;使有条不紊: Don't forget to tidy up when you've finished. 你干完后别忘了收 拾好。 ◊ The whole place needs tidying up. 这个 地方需要彻底整理。◊ I've just got a bit of tidy- ing up to do. 我还要稍微整理一下。◊ I'd better tidy my desk up. 我得把书桌收拾整理好。 [OBJ] room, mess, house SYN clear up, dear sth up ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tidy sb up; ,tidy yourself up (especially BrE) to make sb/yourself look cleaner and neater 使更整洁帅气;梳理打扮:How about tidying yourself up before we go out? 我们出去 前你倒饬一下好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tidy sth up (BrE) 1 to finish sth such as a piece of written work by dealing with the last details well or correctly 修饰,润色 (书面材料 等):My lecture still needs tidying up. 我的讲稿 还需要最后加工一下。2 to make sure that things are dealt with correctly 妥善处理;料理: He had to go to Boston to tidy up his brother's affairs (= after his brother died). 他得去波士 顿料理他哥哥的后事。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYNONYMS同义词辨析 tidy (sth) up dear (sth) up ♦ pick (sth) up ♦ sort sth out ♦ tidy (sth) up These verbs all mean to make sth look neat by putting things away in the place where they belong. 这些动词都表示收拾、整理、清理。 dear (sth) up to make sth clean and neat, especially by putting things in the place where they belong 收拾;清理;归置:It's time to clear up. 该收拾一下了。◊ Just give me a few moments to dear up my things. 给我一 点时间来收拾一下我的东西。 pick (sth) up (AmE) to put things away and make a room neat 收拾,整理 (房间):to pick up a room 收拾房间。◊ Will you pick up your toys now? 现在把你的玩具收起来好吗? sort sth out to organize the contents of sth; to tidy sth 归置;理顺;清理: I've got to sort out all my cupboards, 我得清理一下所有的橱 柜。◊ She spent the afternoon sorting out her office. 她一下午都在收拾办公室。 tidy (sth) up (especially BrE) to make sth look neat by putting things in the place where they belong 收拾妥当;整理好;使有条不紊: I spent all morning tidying up my room. 我花 了整个上午的时间整理房间。◊ She was always tidying up. 她总是在拾掇。NOTE Tidy can be used on its own ◊ * tidy 可单独使用: He spent a few minutes tidying his desk. 他用 了几分钟把桌子收拾整洁。 WHICH WORD? tidy up, pick up and dear up can be used without an object * tidy up、pick up 和 clear up 可不接宾语: I spend all my time tidying up. 我所 有时间都用来收拾整理了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to tidy (up)/dear up/sort out/pick up your room/apartment/bedroom ■ to tidy (up)/sort out a cupboard/closet/desk/drawer ■ to tidy (up)/clear up/sort out the mess ■ to tidy (up)/dear up/pick up after sb tie /taɪ/ (ties, tying, tied, tied) tie sb 'down 1 (also .tie yourself down) (to sth/to doing sth) to restrict sb's activities or freedom, for example by making them accept particular conditions or by keeping them busy 限制;束缚;牵累:We managed to tie him down to a date for the meeting. 我们总算让他敲 定了会议日期。◊ She didn't want to be tied down by a full-time job. 她不想被全职工作拴 住。◊ I don't want to be tied down to coming back at a particular time. 我不想限定自己回来 的时间。◊ Do you really want to tie yourself down at 18 with a husband, a home and a baby? 你真的想在18岁就被丈夫、家庭和孩子捆 住手脚吗? 2 to do sth so that an enemy force is kept busy and has to stay in a particular area 牵制,钳制 (敌人):Guerrilla activity kept the army tied down in the mountains. 游 击队的袭扰把该部队钳制在山区。[OBJ] troops, police ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tie 'in (with sth) to fit or be in agreement with sth (与...) 相配,相符:This new evidence ties in with the witness's statement. 这一新证据和目 击者的证词相吻合。◊ That doesn't tie in with what you said yesterday. 这个跟你昨天说的有 出入。 ♦ v + adv tie in (with sth), tie sth in (with sth) to link sth or be linked to sth; to happen or to arrange for sth to happen at the same time as sth else (使)(与…) 连接在一起;(使)同 时进行:The book was intended to tie in with the TV series. 这本书是为配合这部电视系列剧的 播出而出版的。◊ Jack couldn't be tied in with the murder. 杰克不可能与这起谋杀案有关联。◊ The release of their new album will be tied in with the tour. 他们的新专辑将在巡演时发行。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► tie-in n 1 (BrE) a product such as a book or a toy that is sold in close connection with a film/movie, television programme, etc. (与 电影、电视节目等密切关联的书籍、玩具等) 衍 生产品,搭配商品,周边产品:television/film tie-ins 电视 / 电影的关联产品 ◊ tie-in books/ toys/sales 搭配书籍;周边玩具;捆绑销售 2 (especially AmE) a link or a relationship with sth 关联;关系:a tie-in to the main subject 与 主题的联系 tie sb 'into sb/sth to restrict sb to a par- ticular situation, person, organization, etc. 限 制;束缚;约束:They were tied into an agree- ment to buy from particular suppliers, 他们受 协议约束,必须从特定供应商处进货。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep tie sth off to put a knot in the end of sth; to close sth with string, thread, etc. 结扎;(用 绳索等) 封口: to de ojf a rope/an artery 在绳 子头上打结 / 结扎动脉 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tie up; tie sth up 1 to attach a boat to a fixed point with a rope (使船只) 系泊,停靠: The barge tied up at the quay. 驳船停靠在码头 边上。◊ Ben tied the boat up and jumped ashore. 本把船停泊妥当,然后跳到岸上。2 to close or fasten sth with a knot; to be dosed or fastened in this way (把…) 束紧, 捆牢, 拴住: Pm so fat my bathrobe won't tie up! 我胖得连浴 衣都系不上了。◊ to tie up a garbage bag 扎紧 垃圾袋 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tie sb 'up 1 to tie sb's arms and legs tightly so that they cannot move or escape 把...捆统 起来:The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth. 那伙歹徒把那名保安捆 绑起来,然后把他的嘴堵住。2 to keep sb so busy that they have no time for other things 把...缠住;使不能分身:I'm tied up in a meeting until three. 我开会到三点钟才能脱身。◊ Sorry Pm late—I was tied up at the office. 抱歉,我来 晚了—— 在办公室忙得走不开。NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tie sth up 1 to make sth secure by putting string, rope, etc. around it, or attaching it to s± else (用绳索等) 把…系好,绑住,拴上: He tied the parcel up with a ribbon. 他用丝带把包 裹扎好。◊ He tied the dog up outside. 他把狗拴 在外面。2 (with sth) to connect or link sth to sth else 把… (与…) 联系起来;使与...有关系: Her behaviour is tied up with her feelings of guilt. 她的行为出于内疚。◊ Do you think these two incidents are tied up? 你认为这两件事有联 系吗? NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常 用于被动语态。3 (in sth) to invest money so that it is not easily available for use 搁死,套 牢 (资金):Most of our capital is tied up in property. 我们大部分资金都套牢在房地产上。 [OBJ] money, capital, resources, assets SYN lock sth up NOTE Often used in the passive.常 用于被动语态。4 to deal with all the remain- ing details of sth 完成;处理完:t。tie up a deal 达成交易。We're hoping to tie up all the loose ends as quickly as possible. 我们希望尽快把未 了结的琐碎事情全部处理完。[OBJ] deal, loose ends 5 to bring sth to a stop; to prevent sb from doing sth or using sth 使停滞;阻止… 做某事 (或使用某物):The strike tied up pro- duction for a week. 罢工使生产停顿了一周。◊ You've been tying up the phone for hours! 你占 用电话好几个小时了! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► tie-up n 1 (with sb/sth) an agreement between two companies to join together (两 家公司之间的) 联合,合作:They're negotiating q tie-up with Ford 他们正与福特公司商谈合作 事宜。2 (between A and B) (BrE) a connec- tion between two or more things 联系;关 系;关联;纽带:a tie-up between politics and economics 政治与经济之间的联系 3 (especially AmE) a situation in which sth, especially traffic, stops moving 停滞不前;停质;(尤 指) 交通阻塞:A tie-up on the highway caused major delays. 公路上的交通拥堵造成重大延误。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 tie (sth) up anchor (sth) ♦ beach (sth)♦ dock (sth) ♦ moor (sth) ♦ tie (sth) up These verbs all mean to attach a boat, ship, etc. to a fixed object or to the land to stop it from floating away. 这些动词都表示船只停 靠、停泊、系泊。 anchor (sth) to lower an anchor from a boat or ship to prevent it from floating away 抛锚 泊 (船):We anchored off the coast of Spain. 我们靠近西班牙海岸抛锚停了船。◊ larger boats were anchored further up the quay. 较大 的船只锚停在离码头更远一些的地方。 beach (sth) to bring a boat out of the water and onto the shore 使 (船) 冲上岸滩;把 (船) 拖上岸滩;使 (船) 靠岸:He beached the boat and lifted the boy onto the shore. 他 把船拖上岸,然后抱起男孩放到岸上。 dock (sth) to bring a ship into a harbour and stay there 使 (船) 停靠码头;领 (船) 入港: The ferry is expected to dock at about six. 渡轮 预计大约六点停靠码头。◊ They docked at Liverpool on the way back from India. 自印度 返航时,他们中途在利物浦停靠。 moor (sth) (often passive) to attach a boat, ship, etc. to a fixed object or to the land with a rope, chain, or anchor 系泊;(以绳、链、 锚) 泊 (船):We moored off the north coast of the island. 我们在该岛北部海岸停船。◊ I walked down to where the boat was moored. 我走到了船的系泊点。 tie (sth) up to attach a boat to a fixed object with a rope to stop it from floating away 系 泊;(以绳) 泊 (船): We tied up alongside the quay. 我们沿码卖泊了船。◊ They tried to find a sheltered spot where they could tie the boat up. 他们试图找个有遮蔽的地方停船。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to moor/dock/tie up/beach/anchor safely/securely ■ to moor/dock/tie up/anchor off/in/at... ■ to moor/dock/tie up/beach/anchor on/alongside/beside sth tighten / ˈtaɪtn/ tighten up; .tighten sth up 1 to become or to make sth tight or tighter (使) 变紧,变 得更牢固:His face muscles tightened up in anger. 他生气地紧绷着脸。◊ to tighten up a screw/wheel/muscle 旋紧螺钉 / 拧紧轮子 / 绷紧 肌肉 NOTE Tighten and tighten sth can also be used on their own with this meaning. * tighten 和tighten sth 单独使用也作此义。2 to become more careful or strict about sth; to make sth more strict 变得更仔细 (或严格);使更严格: Laws on gambling have tightened up recently. 有关赌博的法律最近变得更加严厉。◊ The police are tightening up on drink-driving.警方正在 采取更加严厉的措施对付酒驾。◊ to tighten up laws/rules/legislation/security 加强法律 / 规定 / 法规 / 安全措施 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) time /taɪm/ time 'out if sth times out, it goes beyond a particular time limit and stops working, is no longer valid, etc. 超时中止;过期失效:Your Internet session will time out after a few minutes if there is no activity. 如果几分钟无操 作,互联网访问将中止。◊ The demo will time out after three weeks. 体验版将在三周后到期。 ♦ v + adv tinker /ˈtɪŋkə(r)/ tinker a round (also .tinker a1 bout espe- cially BrE) (with sth) to make small changes to sth in order to repair or improve it, especially in a way that may not be helpful 作 (不起作 用的) 小修小补:He's outside tinkering around with his bike. 他在外面捣鼓他的自行车。◊ They haven't made any real changes to the system— they've just been tinkering around a bit. 他们对 系统没有作任何真正的改进——只不过是一点小 修小补。 ♦ v + adv tinker with sth to make small changes to sth in order to repair or improve it, especially in a way that may not be helpful 对…作 (不 起作用的) 小修小补:The government should stop tinkering with the education system. 政府 必须停止对教育制度瞎调整。 ♦ v + prep tip /tɪp/ (-pp-) tip down (BrE, informal) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to rain very heavily 下暴雨;大雨倾盆:It was absolutely tip- ping down outside. 外面正下着瓢泼大雨。 SYN pour down (BrE, more formal) ♦ v + adv tip sb off (about sth) (informal) to give sb a warning about sth which they should know about, especially sth illegal 暗中警告,密报, 泄露 (尤z指非法的事情):The police were tipped off about the bank robbery. 警方获得了抢劫银 行的密报。 [OBJ] police ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ► tip-off n (informal) a piece of useful or secret information that sb gives, for example to the police, to warn them about an illegal or unexpected activity 情报;密告;举报:The police received an anonymous tip-off about the attack 警方接到了关于这次袭击的匿名举报。 tip over; .tip sth over to become no longer stable and fall over; to make sth do this (使) 跌倒,翻倒:The bottle tipped over and all the water spilled out, 瓶子倒了,水全洒了。 ◊ Watch you don't tip the jug over. 小心点,别 打翻罐子。 SYN overturn, overturn sth (more format) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tip 'up; tip sth up to become unsteady and fall forwards, backwards or sideways; to make sth do this (使) 翻倒,倾覆:One after another the canoes tipped up. 划艇一艘接一艘 地翻了。◊ The pile of books on the end of the table nearly tipped it up. 桌子一头的一摞书几乎 把桌子压翻。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tip sth 'up to change the angle of sth so that it leans to one side 使倾斜;使倾侧:She tipped her glass up and drained it. 她倾斜玻璃杯把水 倒掉。◊ He tipped his face up towards the light. 他朝灯光侧过脸。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tire /ˈtaɪə(r)/ tire of sb/sth; tire of doing sth to become bored with sb/sth or begin to enjoy them/it less 对...感到厌倦;对...腻烦:They soon tired of the beach and went for a walk. 他 们很快就觉得海滩腻味了,便去散步。 ♦ v + prep IDM never tire of doing sth to do sth a lot, especially in a way that annoys people 没完没 了地做某事:Jack travelled all over the world when he was a student, as he never tires of tell- ing us. 杰克在学生时代就周游了世界,他总是不 厌其烦地跟我们说起这事儿。 tire sb out; ,tire yourself out to make sb/yourself feel very tired (使) 筋疲力尽,疲 惫不堪:I took the children to the beach to tire them out. 我把孩子们带到海滩去让他们玩 到累。◊ Try not to tire yourself out too soon in the race, 赛跑时尽量不要过早地把力气用光。 SYN wear sb/yourself out (with sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► tired out adj very tired 筋疲力尽的;疲乏 不堪的:We finally reached home tired out 我们 终于回到家了,疲惫不堪。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 tire sb/yourself out exhaust sb/yourself ♦ poop sb out♦ tire sb/yourself out ♦ wear sb/yourself out These verbs all mean to make sb/yourself feel tired and want to sleep or rest. 这些动词都表 示使筋疲力尽、使疲惫不堪、使极度疲劳。 exhaust sb/yourself to make sb/yourself feel very tired 徐筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪: Even a short walk exhausted her. 即便走一小段路也 把她累得不行。◊ There's no need to exhaust yourself cleaning up—we'll do it. 你没必要受 累去打扫-----我们来干。 poop sb out (AmE, informal) to make sb feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪:That walk really pooped me out! 走那段路确实累得我 够呛! tire sb/yourself out to make sb/yourself feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪:Working twelve hour shifts would really tire me out 十 二小时一个班次会把我累垮的。NOTE Tire can be used on its own, but is more formal * tire 可单独使用,但更正式:Long conver- sations tired her. 长时间的交谈令她非常疲倦。 wear sb/yourself out to make yourself/sb feel very tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪:The kids have totally worn me out 孩子们把我累 环了。◊ You'll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard. 一直这样拼命工作你会累 垮的。 WHICH WORD? There is very little difference in meaning between these verbs. Exhaust is the most frequent, and the most suitable for use in formal writing, but it can be used in less formal contexts too. Tire sb/yourself out is less formal, and is used mostly in spoken English. 这组动词意义差别甚微。exhaust 最常见,并且 最适合用于正式书面语,但也可用于不太正式的 语境。 tire sb / yourself out 不太正式,多用于英 语口语。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to tire/exhaust yourself; to wear/tire yourself out ■ to quickly tire sb/yourself (out) ■ to completely/totally exhaust sb/wear sb out toddle /ˈtɒdl; AmE ˈtɑːdl/ toddle off (BrE, informal, humorous) to leave 离开;走开:It's late一it's time you tod- dled off to bed. 不早了—----你该去睡觉了。 ♦ v + adv tog /tɒɡ; AmE tɑːɡ, to:g/ (-gg-) be/get .togged out/'up (in sth) (BrE, in- formal) to be wearing clothes for a particular activity or occasion 穿着 (适合某场合的) 服 装;专门穿戴:He got togged up in a suit and tie for the interview. 他穿着西装打着领带去面试。◊ We were all togged out in our best clothes. 我们 都穿上了最漂亮的衣服。 ♦ be/get + v + adv toil /tɔɪl/ toil away (at sth) to work extremely hard at sth difficult or boring 辛苦地做 (困难或乏味的 事):He toiled away at his homework all the evening. 他一晚上都是费劲地做作业。 ♦ v + adv tone /təʊn; AmE toʊn/ tone sth 'down 1 to make sth such as a speech, an opinion, etc. less offensive, critical or unkind than it was originally 降低 (语气、 调子等);使 (讲话、意见等) 缓和;使温和: He had to tone down his article before it was published. 他得在文章发表前把措辞改缓和 一些。2 to make sth, especially your clothes, less bright and noticeable 使 (衣服等) 暗淡 些;使不太艳丽;使不太扎眼:She toned down her style of dress when she started her new job. 她干上新工作后穿得庄重了些。3 to make a colour less bright 使 (颜色) 柔和:We toned down the yellow paint with a little white. 我们 掺了一点白色,使黄漆显得柔和些。◊ Petra used powder to tone down her rosy cheeks. 佩特拉在 红红的面颊上搽了些粉遮盖一下。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) tone 'in (with sth) (BrE) to match or fit with the colour or style of sth else (与…) 相配, 协调:The cushions tone in well with the carpet. 这些垫子和地毯的颜色很协调。◊ The new bridge doesn't tone in with the buildings around it. 新桥和周围的建筑物不协调。 ♦ v + adv tone 'up; .tone sth up to make your muscles or a part of your body firmer, stronger, and healthier 使 ( 肌肉或身体 ) 更结 实;使更强壮;便更健康:It's time I toned up and slimmed down. 我应该把身体练得更壮更 瘦。◊ This exercise will tone up your stomach muscles. 这项运动有助于增强腹肌。 [OBJ] body, muscles ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) tool /tuːl/ tool around; .tool a1 round sth (AmE) to drive a car around an area 驾车兜风;开车 闲逛:We tooled around Canada in his VW van. 我们开着他的大众牌面包车在加拿大兜了一圈。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep tool 'up; .tool sth 'up (for sth/to do sth) (BrE, technical) to get or provide sb/sth with the equipment, machines, etc. necessary to do or produce sth 获得 (或提供) 必要的设备: 给…配置装备:It took several months to tool up to produce the new model. 配置生产新型产 品的设备用了几个月的时间。◊ A new plant in Scotland is being tooled up to produce these screws. 苏格兰的一家新工厂正在购置生产这些 螺钉的设备。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► tooled up adj 1 having the equipment necessary for a particular job (做某项工作) 设备齐全的;全套装备的:The factory is not tooled up to do this particular job. 工厂设备不 全,没法干这个活儿。2 (BrE, slang) carrying a gun 佩带枪支的 top /tɒp; AmE tɑːp/ (-pp-) top sth 'off (with sth) to complete sth in a successful or pleasant way, especially by adding one final thing (以…) 圆满结束; (用…) 完成:Jane was wearing a very colour- ful outfit, topped off with a dramatic hat. 简穿 了一身色彩鲜艳的套装,头戴一顶引人注目的帽 子,十分好看。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n top 'out (at sth) to stop increasing after reaching a high level 达到顶点;到最高点: Your annual salary will top out at seventy thou- sand dollars. 你的年薪最高是七万元。 ♦ v + adv top sb up (BrE) to fill sb's glass or cup by adding some more liquid 给某人的杯子斟满; 满上某人的杯子;给某入续满杯:Can I top you up? 给你把杯子加满好吗? ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► top-up n (BrE) an amount of liquid that you add to some already in a glass, cup or other container (斟满容器的) 添加液体: Can I give you a top-up? 给你把杯子加满好吗? top sth 'up (especially BrE) 1 (with sth) to add some more liquid to some already in a glass, cup or other container in order to fill it 斟满,注满,装满 (未满的容器):Can I top your glass up? 给你把杯子加满好吗? ◊ We should top the car up with oil before we set off. 我们出发前应该给车子加满汽油。[OBJ] glass, cup 2 to increase the amount of sth to the level you want or need 补足 (数额等);将 增加到所需的量:She relies on tips to top up her wages. 她靠小费补贴工资收入。◊ I need to top up my mobile (= pay money in advance to be able to make mobile phone/cellphone calls). 我得给手机充值了。[OBJ] income, pension ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► top-up n (BrE) a sum of money, etc. that is added to what you already have in order to increase it to the amount that you need 补 助;津贴;注资;充值;追加资金: a salary top- up 工资外的补贴◊ a top-up loan 追加的贷款 ◊ university top-up fees (= fees that are above the basic level) 加收的大学学费 ◊ a top-up card (= a card that you buy for a mobile phone/ cellphone which enables you to make calls to the value of the card) 手机充值卡 topple /ˈtɒp(ə)l; AmE ˈtɑːpl/ topple over to become unsteady and fall over 倾斜翻倒;倒下:The vase wobbled and then toppled over. 花瓶摇晃了几下就倒了。 -> note at FALL DOWN ♦ v + adv toss /tɒs; AmE tɔːs/ toss sth a round (also .toss sth about espe- cially BrE) to discuss ideas in a casual or general way 漫不经心地讨论;对…泛泛而谈: We sat: and tossed around a few suggestions. 我 们坐着随意讨论了几项提议。◊ This is q problem that has been tossed around for more than a century. 这个问题议而未决已有一个多世纪了。 SYN throw sth around ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n toss sth a'side 1 to put sth quickly to one side because you are angry or in a hurry (因 生气或匆忙) 把...丢到一边:He tossed aside the newspaper angrily and stood up. 他生气地把报 纸往旁边一扔, 站起身来。◊ (figurative) When he's bored with people he just tosses them aside. 他要是对别人感到厌烦了就把他们晾在一边。 SYN cast sth aside (formaI); throw sth aside 2 to reject sth such as an attitude, an idea, a way of life, etc. 拒绝接受,摒弃,排除 (态 度、想法、生活方式等):The idea of buying a new car was quickly tossed aside. 买新车的念 头很快就被抛到一边。SYN cast sth aside (formal) ; throw sth aside ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n toss sth a'way to throw sth away carelessly (随意) 扔掉,丢掉: She finished her drink and tossed the can away. 她喝完饮料就随手把罐子 扔了。◊ (figurative) He's tossed away so many opportunities. 他丢掉了这么多机会。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv toss sth back 1 (also .toss sth down less fre- quent) to drink sth very quickly, especially alcohol 很快喝下 (尤指酒); 灌下: She tossed back glass after glass of champagne. 她一杯接 一杯地灌香槟酒。◊ He tossed back the rest of his drink and walked our. 他把残酒一饮而尽, 然后走了出去。[OBJ] drink, whisky, wine, etc. 2 to move sth, especially your head, quickly backwards, especially when you are angry or impatient (表示不高兴或不耐烦) 朝后仰起, 扬起 (头):Sam tossed back his head in defi- ance. 萨姆轻蔑地扬起头。◊ She tossed back her hair and smiled. 她向后甩了甩头发,笑了。[OBJ] hair, head ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv toss for sth; 'toss sb for sth (especially BrE) (BrE also .toss up (for sth)) (AmE also flip for sth, 'flip sb for sth) to make a deci- sion about sth by spinning a coin in the air and seeing which side is on top when it lands (给某人) 掷硬币决定:We can't both go, so why don't we toss for it? 既然咱俩不能都去, 为什么不投硬币决定去留呢? ◊ There's only one ticket left—III toss you for it. 只剩一张票------ 我和你掷硬币决定给谁。 ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep toss off; ,toss sb off; ,toss yourself off (BrE, △, slang) to give yourself sexual pleasure by rubbing your sex organs; to give sb else sexual pleasure in this way (对某人) 行手淫 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n toss sth 'off (especially BrE) to do sth quick- ly, easily and often with little care or effort (粗枝大叶或不费力气地) 很快做好;轻而易举 地完成:He tossed this novel off in two months. 他用了两个月就把小说轻松写完了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n toss 'up (for sth): (BrE) They tossed up for the best seat. 他们掷硬币决定谁坐最好的位子。 -> TOSS FOR STH, TOSS SB FOR STH ♦ v + adv ► toss-up n [sing.] (informal) a situation where it is difficult to decide between two things, or where there are two possible results 进退两难的局面;难以定夺的事:It was a toss- up between spending the night in the van and walking ten miles for help. 在客货车里睡一晚还 是走上十英里求援. 实在是不好选择。 tot /tɒt; AmE tɑːt/ (-tt-) tot sth 'up (informal, especially BrE) to add together several numbers or amounts in order to get a total 把...加起来;计算...的总和:Can you tot up how much I owe you? 你能算一下我 总共欠你多少钱吗? [OBJ] figures, the number of sth SYN add sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) total /ˈtəʊt; AmE ˈtoʊtl/ (-ll-, AmE also -l- ) total up (to sth) to reach a particular total 总 数达到;总共是:The costs total up to over a million. 费用总计超过一百万。 ♦ v + adv total sth 'up to add amounts together to get a total 把...加起来;计算...的总和:Let's total up what we've spent. 咱们算一算总共花了多少钱。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv touch /tʌtʃ]/ touch 'down 1 (of a plane, a spacecraft, etc. 飞机、航天器等) to land 着陆;降落:The plane touched down safely. 飞机安全降落。◊ (figura- tive) A tornado touched down in Colorado. 一股 龙卷风在科罗拉多登陆。[SUBJ] plane, aircraft, helicopter SYN land OPP take off -> note at COME DOWN 2 (in rugby 英式橄榄球) to score points by putting the ball on the ground behind the other team's goal line (在对方 球门线后) 持球触地得分,底线得分:Williams touched down in the first: few minutes of the game. 威廉斯在比赛刚开始几分钟就持球触 地得分。 ♦ v + adv ► touchdown n 1 the moment when a plane or a spacecraft lands (飞机或航天器的)着 陆,降落 2 (in rugby 英式橄榄球)an act of scoring points by touching down (在对方 球门线后的)持球触地得分,底线得分 3 (in American football 美式橄榄球)an act of scor- ing points by crossing the other team's goal line while carrying the ball, or receiving the ball when you have crossed it 持球越过对方球 门线得分;越过对方球门线接球得分 touch sb for sth (BrE, informal) to persuade sb to give or lend you money 向...讨要, 劝… 借出(钱):He tried to touch me for twenty pounds, 他想让我给他二十英镑。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep touch sth off to make sth begin, especially an explosion or a violent or difficult situation 触发,激起,引发(爆炸、暴力或困难局面): The explosion was touched off by a single spark. 爆炸是由一个火星引起的。◊ His arrest touched off a riot. 他被逮捕触发了一场暴乱。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) touch on/upon sth to mention or deal briefly with a topic, a problem, etc.(简略 地)珞及,谈及,提及:He touched on the need for increased funding. 他提到有必要增加资金。 ◊ Some of these issues were touched on in Chapter 7. 这些问题有的曾在第7章谈过。 [OBJ] subject, point, issue ♦ v + prep touch sb up (BrE, informal) to touch sb in an unpleasant sexual way (猥亵地)触摸 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv touch sth up to improve sth by making small changes or additions (稍加)修饰,润 色,修改,增补:He had to touch up the paint- work to cover the scratches. 他只好稍稍涂了点 漆, 把漆面上的划痕遮盖上。◊ The photo had been touched up. 照片被修饰过。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) touch upon sth -> TOUCH ON/UPON STH tough /tʌf/ tough sth out to stay firm and determined in a difficult situation 坚持;熬过:He decided not to resign, but to stay and tough it out. 他决 定不辞职,而是留下来撑到底。 SYN gut it out (AmE, informal) ♦ v + n + adv ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) toughen /ˈtʌfn/ toughen up; .toughen sb up to become stronger and better able to deal with dif- ficult situations; to make sb stronger in this way (使) 变健壮,变顽强. 变坚韧:He had toughened up during military service. 他服役期 间变得坚强起来。◊ His parents sent him away to boarding school to toughen him up. 父母把 他送到寄宿学校经受磨炼。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n toughen sth up to make sth such as a law or a rule more strict 加强,强化(法律、规定 等):The legislation on this trade needs to be toughened up. 这一行业的法规需要更加严格。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv tout /taʊt/ tout sth a'round; .tout sth a round sth (BrE also .tout sth round, .tout sth round sth) to take sth to many different places or companies in the hope of selling it 兜 售;兜销:He's been touting his novel around publishers for years. 他几年来一直到处找出版商 兜售自己的小说。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep tout for sth (especially BrE) to try to get busi- ness, work, etc. by asking people directly 招徕,招揽,兜揽(生意、工作等):cab drivers touting for business at the airport 在机场拉客 的出租车司机 [[OBJ] business, trade, custom ♦ v + prep tow /təʊ; AmE toʊ/ tow sth a way (from sth) to remove sth, especially a vehicle, from a place, by pulling it behind another one 拖走,拉走(尤指车辆): They'll tow your car away if you park it here. 你 要是在这里停车会被拖走。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n towel /ˈtaʊəl/ ( -ll- , AmE -ll-- ) towel off (AmE) to dry your body with a towel after a shower, swim, etc. 用毛巾擦干 (身体):OK, kids, time to get out of the pool and towel off. 好了,孩子们,到时间了,从游 泳池出来用毛巾揩干身体。 ♦ v + adv tower /ˈtaʊə(r)/ tower above/'over sb/sth 1 to be much higher or taller than other things or people that are near 高于,超过(周边的人或物): The new offices tower above the rest of the town. 新 的办公楼耸立于城中。◊ Amy cowers over her mother. 埃米个子比母亲高一大截。2 to be much better, more famous, etc. than other people or things 比(其他人或事物)优越;胜 过:He towers above all other poets of his gener- ation. 他在同时代诗人中出类拔萃。 ♦ v + prep toy /tɔɪ/ toy with sth 1 to consider sth but not very seriously or for very long 漫不经心地想;不太 认真地考虑;把...当作儿戏:He had toyed with the idea of living in Germany. 他曾经动过定居 德国的念头。[OBJ] the idea of 2 to play with trace sth; to move sth around carelessly without really thinking about it 戏弄;摆弄: Stop toying with your food! 别瞎拨弄食物! ◊ (figurative) He accused the young man of toying with his daughter's affections. 他指责那个年轻人玩弄他 女儿的感情。◊ The possibility had been toyed with but rejected. 这种可能性曾经想到过,但被 排除了。 SYN dally with sth/sb ♦ v + prep trace /treɪs/ trace sth 'back (to sth) to find the origin or cause of sth by following evidence backwards from the present time 探究事物的本源;追溯 (到…): Many different childhood illnesses can be traced back to certain foods. 众多儿童疾病的 起因都可溯源到某种食物。◊ Boston has a large population, that traces its roots back to Ireland. 波士顿有大量人口祖籍在爱尔兰。◊ She can trace her family back as far as the 13th century. 她能 把自己的家族上溯到久远的13世纪。 [OBJ] roots, origins, history ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n trace sth 'out to draw a shape or a mark clearly (清晰地) 勾画,标出:I traced out our route on the map. 我在地图上描出我们的路线。 ◊ (figurative') She traced out how working patterns had changed in the last 50 years. 她勾 勒了在过去50年间工作模式的变迁。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n track /træk/ track sb/sth down (to sth) to find sb/sth after a long and difficult search (在某处) 搜 寻到,追踪到,追查到:We finally tracked Sam down to his parents' house. 我们终于在他父母 家中找到了萨姆。◊ It has taken ten years to track down the wreckage of the plane. 用了十年 时间才搜寻到飞机的残骸。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n trade /treɪd/ trade 'down (to sth) 1 to spend less money on things than you used to 降低消费:People are trading down and buying cheaper food. 人 们都减少开销,购买廉价食品。2 to seU sth large or expensive and buy sth smaller or less expensive 卖好买次;卖大买小;卖高价的买低 价的:They traded down to a house with fewer bedrooms. 他们卖掉房子,买了个卧室少些的。 OPP trade up (to sth) ♦ v + adv trade sth in (for sth) to give sth that you have used to sb you are buying sth new from as pan of your payment 以旧换新:折价贴换: He traded his motorbike in for a new van. 他把 摩托车折价卖掉,添钱买了辆新客货车。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► trade-in n a method of buying sth by giving a used item as part of the payment for a new one; the used item that you give 以旧换 新;折价贴换:折价旧物: the trade-in value of a car 一辆车的折价价值 ◊ Do you have a trade-in? 你有折价贴换的东西吗? trade sth 'off (against sth) to balance two things or situations that are opposed to each other 权衡;平衡;调和:The government were attempting to trade off inflation against unemployment. 政府力求在通货膨胀和失业之间 取得平衡。◊ They were willing to trade off information to keep the hostages alive. 为了保 住人质性命,他们愿意交出信息。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) ► trade-off (between sth and sth) n the act of balancing two things that you need or want but which are opposed to each other ( 在 需要而又对立的两者间的) 权衡,平衡,协调:a trade-off between inflation and unemployment 通货膨胀和失业之间的平衡 ◊ There is a trade-off between the benefits of the drug and the risk of side effects. 药物的疗效和副作用风险之间的矛盾 需要调和。 trade on sth (also trade upon sth more formal, less frequent) (disapproving) to unfairly make use of sth for your own advantage 利 用… (谋私利):He traded on his/bMer's name to get himself a job. 他倚仗父亲的名望为自己谋 了份差事。 SYN exploit sth ♦ v+ prep trade 'up (to sth) to sell sth small or not expensive in order to buy sth larger or more expensive 卖次买好;卖小买大;卖低价的买高 价的:He traded up to a larger car. 他卖掉了汽 车,买了辆更大的。 OPP trade down (to sth) ♦ v + adv trade upon sth -> TRADE ON STH traffic /ˈtræfɪk/ (-ck-) traffic in sth to buy and sell sth, especially drugs or weapons, illegally (非法) 进行...交 易,做...买卖:He was accused of trafficking in stolen works of art. 他被控买卖以偷盗手段获得 的艺术品。 [OBJ] drugs, weapons ♦ v + prep trail /treɪl/ trail a'way/'off if sb's speech trails away/off, it gradually becomes quieter and then stops (话语) 逐渐减弱到停止,逐渐消失: Mark's voice trailed away to a whisper. 马克的 声音越来越低,最后听不到了。◊ ’ I only hope...' She trailed off. “ 我只希望…” 她的声音渐渐低 了下去。[SUBJ] voice ♦ v + adv train /treɪn/ train sth on/upon sb/sth (formal) to point sth such as a gun, a camera, a light, etc. at sb/sth 把 (枪口) 瞄准;把 (相机) 对准; 把 (灯光) 指向:The police marksmen trained their weapons on the building. 警方的神枪手用 武器瞄准那座楼房。◊ She trained the camera on the bride. 她把照相机对准了新娘。◊ He kept his eyes trained on the road ahead. 他的眼睛一 直盯着前方的路。 [OBJ] gun, camera, eyes ♦ v + n/pron + prep train sb up to make sb ready to do a job or an activity by teaching them the skills they need 培养;训练:We need to train up extra staff for Christmas. 我们得培训额外职员,为圣 诞节作准备。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv traipse /treɪps/ traipse a round; .traipse a round sth (BrE also .traipse 'round, .traipse round sth) (informal) to walk from place to place slowly because you are tired and unwilling 疲惫地到 处走;拖着脚步走:I've been traipsing around all day with Jenny trying to buy a coat for her, 我一整天都疲乏地陪着珍妮四处转悠,想给她买 件外套。◊ We spent the afternoon traipsing around the town. 我们拖着疲惫的身子在城里转 了一下午。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep trample /ˈtræmpl/ trample on/over sb/sth to ignore sb's feelings or rights and treat them as if they are not important 践踏,蹂蹒,摧残(情感、权利 等):The government is trampling on the views of ordinary people. 政府在践踏民意。◊ Don't let Jack trample all over you! 不要让杰克肆意伤 害你! ♦ v + prep trawl /trɔːl/ trawl 'through sth (for sth/sb) to search through a large amount of information or a large number of people, places, etc., looking for a particular thing or person 在…中搜找; 搜寻;查阅:The police are trawling through their files for similar cases. 警方正在档案中搜寻 类似的案例。 -> note at search for sb/sth ♦ v + prep treat /triːt/ treat sb to sth to entertain sb with sth spe- cial 用...招待;以...款待:Visitors will be treated to a spectacular show. 届时会让参观者观看一场 精彩绝伦的演出。◊ We were treated to (= we had to suffer) a two-hour lecture. 我们不得不 忍受折磨,听了两小时的讲座。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep trespass /ˈtrespəs/ 'trespass on sth (formal) to make unfair use of sb's time, help, etc. 占用,滥用(某人的时 间、帮助等);侵害:I mustn't trespass on. your time any longer. 我不能再占用你的时间了。 SYN encroach on sth ♦ v + prep trick /trɪk/ trick sb into sth; .trick sb into doing sth to manage to get sb to do sth by tricking them 诱使某人做某事:She felt she'd been tricked into marriage. 她觉得自己结婚是上当受 骗了。◊ He tricked me into lending him £100. 他骗我借给了他100英镑。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep trick sb 'out of sth to take sth away from sb by tricking them 从某人处骗取某物:An 80- year old woman was tricked out of her life sav- ings. 一位80岁老妇一辈子的积蓄都被骗走了。 ♦ v+ n/pron + adv + prep trickle /ˈtrɪkl/ trickle 'down (especially of money 尤指钱财) to spread from rich to poor people through the economic system of a country (经国家经 济体制由富人向穷人)滴流, 涓滴: If the wealthy pay less tax, the benefits should trickle down to poorer people. 如果富人减少纳税,应可通过涓 滴效应惠及贫困阶层。 ♦ v + adv ► trickle-down n [U] the theory that if the richest people in society become richer this will have a good effect on poorer people as well, for example by creating more jobs 涓滴 论,垂滴说(富者愈富应能惠及贫者,如创造更 多就业机会):the trickle-down effect 涓滴效应 trifle / ˈtraɪfl/ trifle with sb/sth (used especially in negative sentences 尤用于否定句)to treat sb/sth without respect as if they are not very important 怠 慢;轻视;小看:He is not a man to be trifled with, 他这个人小觑不得。◊ He was a man who trifled with women's affections. 他是个玩弄女性 感情的人。 ♦ v + prep trigger/ˈtrɪɡə(r)/ trigger sth 'off to make sth happen sudden- ly 使爆发;引发;促发;激发:Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction. 坚果会引起严重 的过敏反应。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) trim /trɪm/ (-mm-) trim sth a way/off to cut off a small part of sth because it is not needed 切去,修剪(不 需要的部分):My hair is too long now. Can you trim off about two centimeters? 我的头发太长 了. 你给我剪掉大约两厘米好吗? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv trim down; .trim sth down to become, or to make sth, smaller in size 减少; 缩减: He's trimmed down from 90 kilos to 70. 他的体重从 90 公斤减到了 70 公斤。◊ The movie was trimmed down to two and a half hours. 电影经 过剪辑时长减为两个半小时。 SYN slim down; slim down, slim sth down ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv trip /trɪp/ (-pp-) trip out 1 (of an electrical device, system, etc.) to stop working because the electricity stops flowing (电器、电气系统等)停机,跳闸: The device can operate at low temperatures without tripping out. 此装置可在低温下运行, 不会断电停机。2 (informal) to be under the influence of a drug that makes you see, hear, etc. things that are not real (因药物作用)出 现幻觉(或幻听等) 3 {informal} to feel amazed or excited by sth, especially sth you have not seen or done before (尤指因初次体 验)感到惊奇,觉得激动:The first time I saw the ocean I totally tripped out. 初次看到大海令 我备受震撼。4 (AmE informal) to get very angry 勃然大怒;大发雷霆:I'm sorry I tripped out that night. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you. 很抱歉, 那天晚上我发脾气了。我不该对你 发火的。 ♦ v + adv trip sb out (AmE, informal) 1 to make sb laugh 使大笑;使开怀:That movie really tripped me out, 那部电影让我捧腹大笑。2 to make sb feel surprised, shocked, or nervous 使 意外;使震惊;成紧张:Girl, you're tripping me outl Are you OK? 小姑娘,你吓了我一跳!你没 事吧? ◊ I think it tripped him out that our family was so close, 我想我们家庭这么和睦让他 大为吃惊。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv trip over; .trip over sb/sth to fall or almost fall because you have accidentally hit your foot against sth while you are walking or running 绊倒;绊趔趄: I tripped over the rug and fell heavily. 我给小地毯绊了一下,重重地 摔了个跟头。◊ He kept tripping over. 他不断地 绊倒。◊ (figurative) He tripped over his words in his excitement, 激动得语无伦次。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep trip up; .trip sb up 1 (especially BrE) to fall or almost fall because you have acciden- tally hit your foot against sth while walking or running; to make sb fall or almost fall by catching their foot while they are walking or running (将某人)绊倒;(使)跌倒,失足:I tripped up as I ran across the room. 我跑过房间 时绊倒了。◊ She tripped him up with her stick. 她用拐杖把他绊了一跤。 2 to make a mistake; to deliberately make sb do this (故意使)犯 错误,出差错:I knew I had to think carefully in the interview or I might trip up. 我知道面试时 我必须思路清晰,否则就会出错。 ◊ She was trying to trip me up with her questions. 她试图 把我问倒。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n trot /trɒt; AmE trɑːt/ (-tt-) trot 'off to go somewhere, walking quite quickly 快步走,小跑(去某处):She trotted off to school happily with her new lunch box. 她带 着新午饭盒高高兴兴地跑去上学了。 ♦ v + adv trot sth out (informal, disapproving) to say or repeat sth such as an excuse, an explan- ation, etc. without thinking about it or being sincere about it 随口说出,假意重提(惯用的 托词、解释等):The airline trotted out the same old excuses to explain the delays. 航空公 司又用那老—套的借口来解释延误。◊ He's just trotting out the party line again (= in politics). 他又老调重弹重提该党的方针。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv (less frequent) trump/trʌmp/ trump sth up to make up a false story about sb/sth, especially accusing them of doing sth wrong 捏造(罪名);编造(谣 言);制造(借口): Several of his colleagues trumped up a complaint to get him removed from the job. 他的几位同事诬陷他,使他丢掉了 工作。◊ She was arrested on trumped-up charges. 她因受诬告被捕。 [OBJ] charge(s) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) trundle/ˈtrʌndl/ trundle sth 'out {disapproving, especially BrE) to mention sb/sth or do sth that you have often mentioned or done before 重提(旧 事);重弹(老调);重施(故伎):The gov ernment trundled out the same old cliches to justify their actions, 政府搬出一堆老掉牙的理由 为自己的做法辩护。 ♦ v + adv + n ・v + n/pron + adv truss /trʌs/ truss sb/sth up (old-fashioned) to tie a person or an animal up very tightly so that they cannot move or escape 将(人或动物)捆 紧;绑牢:The victims had been trussed up with rope and beaten. 受害者被人用绳子捆绑起来进 行殴打。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n trust /trʌst/ trust in sb/sth (formal) to have confidence in sb/sth; to rely on sb completely 相信;信 任; 信赖:I was scared before the operation, but I trusted in the skill of the doctors. 手术前我很 害怕,但我相信医生的医术。◊ He urged them to trust in God 他力劝他们相信上帝。 [OBJ] God ♦ v + prep trust to sb/sth to leave the result or pro- gress of events to be decided by luck, chance, etc., because there is nothing or no one else to help you 依靠, 倚赖,倚仗 (运气、机会等):I stumbled along in the dark, trusting to luck to find the right door. 我摸黑跌跌撞撞地往前走: 全凭运气去找对门。 [OBJ] luck ♦ v + prep trust sb with sb/sth to give sb/sth to a person to take care of because you believe they will be careful with them/it 把…委托 给…照管;托付;托交:Would you trust her with the children? 你把孩子们交给她照看好吗? ◊ I'd trust him with my life. 他是我可以托付终 身的人。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep try /traɪ/ (tries, trying, tried) try back; .try sb back (AmE) to tele- phone sb again when you have already tele- phoned them but have not managed to speak to them ( 因未通上话 ) 再打电话 (给某 人):Can you try back later? 你过会儿再打过 来好吗? ◊ She's not there. I'll have to try her back after lunch. 她不在。我只好等午饭过后再 给她打电话。 SYN phone back, phone sb back (especially BrE) call back, call sb back ♦v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n try for sth (especially BrE) to make an attempt to get or win sth 试图获得;力争赢得: Are you going to try for that job? 你打算争取那 份工作吗? ◊ They've been trying for a baby (= the woman has been trying to become pregnant). 他们一直想怀上个孩子。 FobjI a baby ♦ v + prep try it on (with sb) (informal, disapproving, especially BrE) to behave badly towards sb or try to get sth from them just to see what you can do before they become angry or stop you 摸 (某人的) 脾气;探底细;探虚实:The kids sometimes try it on with a new babysitter. 孩子 们有时会摸摸新保姆的脾气。 ♦ v + it + adv a 'try-on n (BrE) an act of trying to behave badly and hoping that no one will stop you (对别人脾气的) 摸底,试探 try sth on to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks 试穿 (衣物): Can I try on the blue one? 我能试试那件蓝色的 吗? ◊ If you like it, why don't you try it on? 你 要是喜欢为什么不试穿一下呢? ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv try 'out (for sth) (especially AmE) to compete for a place in a sports team, a part in a play, etc. 参加 (…的) 选拔;参加 (…的) 试演:He tried out for the school band. 他参加了学校乐队 的遴选。◊ It's a pretty good team. I think Hl try out. 那个队很不错。我想去参加选拔。 ♦ v + adv ► tryout n (AmE) a test, etc. to choose play- ers for a team, actors for a play, etc. 选拔;试 演:The team is holding tryouts this Thursday. 该队将于本周四进行选拔。◊ Did you have a tryout for the school play? 你参加学校戏剧演员 遴选了吗? ?,try sb/sth out (on sb) to test sb/sth to see how good and useful they are or how suitable for a particular task or purpose before you decide to use them/it 试用;试验;测试: We've been trying out some new musicians for our band. 我们一直在为我们的乐队试找一些新乐 手。 ◊ He couldn't wait to try out his new invention. 他迫不及待地想试验一下自己的新发 明。◊ I've got an idea I'd like to try out on you. 我有个设想,想在你身上试验一下。◊ The drug has not been tried out on humans yet. 这种药尚 未进行人体临床试验。 SYN test sth out (on sb/sth) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► tryout n an act of testing how good or suit- able sb/sth is before you decide to use them/it 试用;试验;测试: The play had an out-of-town tryout in Oxford. 该剧在牛津进行了跨区预演。 tuck/tʌk/ tuck sth a'way 1 be .tucked a way to be in a quiet or hidden place where not many people go 位于,坐落在 (僻静之处):The house is tucked away right at the end of a rough track. 房子就坐落在一条崎岖小路的尽头。SYN hide sth away NOTE Be tucked away is usually followed by a phrase with a preposition * be tucked away 通常后接介词短语:The cafe was tucked away in the basement. 小餐馆设在地下 室。2 (in sth) to put sth in a safe place, espe- cially sth valuable 把 (珍贵物品等) 收藏起来 (存放在妥善之处):She tucked the photos away in her wallet. 她把那些照片收藏在皮夹子 里。 ◊ We've got some money tucked away for emergencies. 我们存了些钱,以备急用。 SYN stash sth away 3 (BrE, informal) to eat a lot of food 大吃;拼命吃;暴食: He can certainly tuck it away! 他真能吃! SYN put sth away ♦ 1 be + v + adv ♦ 2,3 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tuck in; .tuck 'into sth informal, espe- cially BrE) to eat food, especially quickly or with enthusiasm 酣畅淋漓地吃;狼吞虎咽地吃: We tucked in hungrily. 我们如饿虎扑食般大吃 一通。◊ He was tucking into a huge plateful of pasta. 他在狼吞虎咽地吃一大盘意大利面。◊ Tuck in, everybody! 大家痛痛快快地吃吧! SYN dig in; dig into sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep tuck sb in/ up to cover sb, especially a child, comfortably in bed by pulling the covers around them 把 (孩子等) 的被褥掖好;给…盖 好被子:Will you come and tuck me in, Mummy? 妈妈,来给我掖掖被子好吗? ◊ The children were all tucked up in bed by eight o'clock. 孩子们到晚上八点钟就全给塞进被窝了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tuck sth 'in; ,tuck sth into sth 1 to push or fold the loose end of a piece of cloth- ing, a sheet, rope, hair, etc., in sth, to make it tidy or hold it in position 把 (衣服、床单、绳 索、头发等)的松散末端收拢好;把..掖在...里: Tom, tuck your shirt in! 汤姆,掖好你的衬衣! ◊ Why don't you tuck your trousers into your socks? 你为什么不把裤脚塞到袜子里呢? ◊ Tuck the flap of the envelope in. 把信封的封盖折好。 [OBJ] shirt 2 to pull a part of your body towards the centre 向内收,收缩(身体部位):Keep your chin tucked in. 收拢下巴。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep tuck sb up -> TUCK SB 1N/UP tuck sth up to move or put sth in a small space, especially to hide it or keep it safe or comfortable 将...收起:把...塞进(安全或舒适 的狭小空间):She kicked off her shoes and tucked her feet up under her. 她踢掉鞋子,盘起 双腿。◊ She sat with her legs tucked up under her. 她盘腿坐着。 [OBJ] legs, feet NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tug /tʌɡ/ (-gg-) tug at sth to give sth a quick, strong pull 使劲拉;用力扯;猛拽:Daniel tugged at my sleeve. 丹尼尔拽了拽我的衣袖。 [OBJ] sb's arm, sb's hair, sb,s sleeve SYN pull at sth ♦ v + prep tumble /ˈtʌmbl/ tumble 'down to fall suddenly to the ground in a dramatic way 突然倒塌:轰然坍塌: One push and the wall came tumbling down. 那堵虹一推就倒塌了。◊ Her long dark hair tumbled down around her face. 她那乌黑的长 发垂在她的脸庞周围。◊ (figurative) She felt herself tumbling down into the hole. 她感觉自 己掉进了洞里。 ♦ v + adv ► tumbledown adj [usually before noun] a tumbledown building is old and in a very bad condition, with parts falling down (建 筑物)摇摇欲坠的,破烂不堪的:He lived in a small, tumbledown Mt. 他住在一个逼仄破败的 棚屋里。 tumble 'over to fall to the ground 倒下;落 下:She knocked the statue and it tumbled over. 她碰到塑像上,塑像就翻倒了。 ♦ v + adv tumble to sb/sth (BrE, informal) to sud- denly realize, understand, or become aware of what sb/sth is really like 恍然大悟;顿悟;突 然意识到:I've tumbled to Isabel now. 我现在 突然看清了伊莎贝尔的为人。◊ I've tumbled to what he is trying to do. 我一下子看破了他的 意图。 ♦ v + prep tune /tjuːn; AmE tuːn/ tune in (to sth), tune into sth 1 to turn on the radio or television in order to listen or watch a programme or channel 收听(广播节 目);收看(电视节目):We tuned in to watch the football. 我们打开电视看了那场足球比赛。◊ Tune into next week's exciting episode! 下周 剧集精彩,敬请收看! 2 to be aware of, or understand other people's thoughts feelings or needs 明白,理解、体谅(他人的思想、感情或 需要):You must tune into the needs of the people you love. 你必须体察你所爱的人的需要。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep tune sth 'in 1 to adjust the controls on a radio or television so that you can hear or see a programme or channel clearly 给(收音机或 电视)微调:调...的频道:The radio isn't prop- erly tuned in. 收音机没有调好台。◊ I keep the radio tuned in to the BBC. 我把收音机调定在英 国广播公司的频道。2 (AmE) to turn on the radio or television in order to listen to or watch a programme 收听(广播节目);收看 (电视节目):Tune in our TV special tonight at nine. 今晚九点敬请收看我们的电视特别节目。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv be .tuned in (to sth), be .tuned into sth to be aware of or understand sth, espe- cially other people's feelings 明白,理解,体 谅(尤指他人的感情):Parents should be tuned in to the needs of their child. 父母应该理解孩子 的需要。◊ Pm tuned in to what I have to do. 我 知道我该做什么。 ♦ be + v + adv ♦ be + v + prep tune out; .tune sb/sth out to stop listening to sb/sth; to ignore sb/sth (对…) 不用心听,不予理睬,听而不闻: When Lee started talking about her job, Tim just tuned out. 当李开始谈她的工作时,蒂姆就走神了。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n tune sth to sth to adjust the controls of a radio or television so that you can listen to or watch a particular programme 把(收音机或 电视机)调到(某个频道)All the TVs in the store were tuned to the same channel. 店里所有 的电视机都调在同一频道。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep tune 'up; tune sth 'up when musicians tune up or tune up their instruments, they adjust them so that they can play together (为乐器)调音,定弦:We could hear the orchestra tuning up. 我们听到管弦乐队在试音。 ◊ The quartet tuned up and began to play. 四重 奏乐队调音之后就开始了演奏。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turf /tɜːf; AmE tɜːrf/ turf sb/sth out; turf sb/sth out of sth (also ,turf sb off, ,turf sb off sth) (BrE, informal to force sb/sth to leave a particular place or an organization 把...赶出,把...驱逐 出(地点、组织等):We need to turf the gov- erning party out. 我们应该把执政党撵下台。◊ Severed families have been turfed out of their homes. 有几户人家被逐出了家园。◊ The boys should have been turfed off the bus. 这些男孩早 就应该被赶下公共汽车的。 SYN kick sb out, kick sb out of sth; throw sb/ sth out, throw sb/sth out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep turf sth out (BrE, informal) to get rid of sth you do not want 丢弃,扔掉 (不需要的东西): The shop is full of beautiful clothes that people have turfed out. 这家商店里全是人们处理掉的 漂亮衣服。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv turn /tɜːn; AmE tɜːrn/ turn about (especially BrE) to turn around quickly so as to face in the opposite direction 急向后转;飞快转身:回头:She turned about and went: into the kitchen. 她一转身进了厨房。 -> see also TURN AROUND, ETC. ♦ v + adv ► about-turn n (BrE) 1 an act of turning around quickly so as to face in the opposite direction 向后转,急转身;回头:He did a rapid about-turn when he saw me and went back inside. 一见到我,他就连忙转身回到里面去了。 2 a complete change of opinion, plan or behaviour (观点、计划或行为的) 彻底转变: Hours later the management did an about-turn and agreed to our demands. 几个小时后,资方 彻底转变了态度,同意了我们的要求。◊ a dra- matic about-turn in government policy 政府政 策戏剧性的彻底改变 ► turnabout n [sing.] 1 an act of turning around quickly so as to face in the opposite direction 向后转;急转身;回头 2 a sudden and complete change in attitude or opinion (态度或观点的) 彻底转变;突变;变卦: turn against sb/sth; .turn sb against sb/sth to stop, or to make sb stop, being friendly towards sb; to stop, or to make sb stop, supporting sb/sth (使) 与...反目成仇, 不再支持:Her old friends were turning against her. 她的老朋友都跟她翻脸了。◊ He's trying to turn his family against me. 他试图让他的家人 与我作对。◊ What has made them turn against the government? 是什么使他们转而反对政府 了呢? ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep tturn a round (BrE also .turn 'round) if sb turns around and does sth, they do sth un- expectedly and often unfairly 突然变卦:What will we do if he turns around and says it was all our fault? 要是他突然反咬一口说全是我们的 错,我们该怎么办呢? ♦ v + adv turn around; .turn sb/sth a round (BrE also .turn 'round, turn sb/sth 'round) to move your head and shoulders or your whole body so that you face in the opposite direc- tion; to make sb/sth change position in this way (使) 翻身,转身,翻转:She turned around to stare at the man behind her. 她转身 盯着后面的男子。◊ He walked away without turning round. 他头也不回地走了。◊ I turned the bottle round to look at the label. 我把瓶子 转过来查看标签。◊ The nurse turned him around to face the window. 护士帮他转过身去 面对着窗户。 -> see also TURN ABOUT ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) ► turnaround (BrE also 'turnround) n [usu- ally sing.] 1 the amount of time it takes to unload a plane or ship at the end of a journey and load it ready for the next one (飞机或船 只的) 终点装卸时间 2 the amount of time that it takes to do a piece of work that you have been given and return it (接活到交活之间 的) 周转期,时限 3 a complete change in sb's opinion, plans, behaviour, etc. (观点、计划、 行为等的) 彻底转变 turn around; .turn sth a1 round (BrE also .turn round, .turn sth 'round) if a busi- ness or an economy turns around, or sb turns it around, it becomes successful after it has been unsuccessful (使企业或经济) 好 转,扭转,有起色:The economy is slowly turn- ing around. 经济正缓慢复苏。◊ His job is to turn the company around. 他的任务是使公司扭 亏为盈。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► turnaround (BrE also 'turnround) n [C, usually sing.] a sudden improvement in a business, an economy, etc. (企业、经济等 的) 好转,转机,起色:The predicted economic turnaround failed to happen. 预期的经济复苏并 未出现。 turn sth a round (BrE also .turn sth round) to deliberately understand sth that sb says in the wrong way, especially for your own advantage 故意误解,曲解,歪曲 (某人的话): You turn everything I say around to make me look stupid. 你成心曲解我的话,让我看上去像 个傻瓜。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn aside to change direction and go to one side, especially in order to avoid sb/sth 转向一边;避开;让开:He turned aside in em- barrassment. 他尴尬地转过脸去。 ♦ v adv turn sb/sth aside to make sb/sth move to one side, especially in order to avoid sth dif- ficult or dangerous 使转向一边;使躲开;使闪 开: As he bent to kiss her, she turned her head aside. 他弯腰想去亲吻她,她把头扭了过去。◊ (figurative) He cleverly turned all her questions aside (- he did not answer them). 他巧妙地回 避了她的所有提问。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) turn a way; .turn sth a'way (from sb/sth) to move or to move your head in a different direction, often to avoid sth difficult or dan- gerous 转身,转头 (以避开困难或危险);转 (头):Will turned away and walked out of the door. 威尔掉头走出门去。◊ He turned away from her with a sigh. 他叹了口气,转身离开了 她。◊ Tina turned her head away and looked out of the window. 蒂娜扭头望着窗外。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn sb a'way 1 (from sth) to refuse to allow sb to enter a place 不准某入进入;把某人拒之 (于…) 门外:We had to turn hundreds of fans away from the game (= because the place was fuU). 我们不得不把几百名球迷阻挡在赛场之外。 2 to refuse to help sb 拒绝帮助某人:They had nowhere to stay so I couldn't just turn them away. 他们无处投宿,所以我不能就这么把他们 打发走。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn a way from sth; .turn sb a way from sth to stop, or to make sb stop, sup- porting sb/sth or being interested in sth (使) 不再支持,对...失去兴趣:Younger voters are turning away from the party. 年轻选民渐渐 不支持该党了。◊ The recent scandals have turned many people away from politics. 最近的 丑闻使很多人不愿再过问政治。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep turn back; turn sb/sth back to return in the direction that you have come from; to make sb/sth do this (使) 原路返回,往回走: The weather got so bad that we turned back. 天 气变得非常恶劣,我们不得不折返。 ◊ We were turned back at the border. 我们在边境被挡了回 来。◊ (figurative') There'll be no turning back (= you can't change your mind) once you sign the agreement. 你一签订协议就不能反悔了。 → note at COME BACK ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM turn the clock back to return to a situ- ation that existed in the past; to return to old-fashioned methods or ideas 倒退;复旧; 开倒车:This new law is an attempt to turn the clock back. 这项新法律旨在恢复旧秩序。 turn sth back to fold sth back on itself 折 转;翻开:She straightened the bedclothes and turned back the top sheet. 她整理了盖被,然后 把床罩掀开。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn down (rare) if your mouth turns down, it forms a line with the ends curved down- wards, because you are sad or annoyed (因 悲伤或恼怒) 撇嘴, 闭紧嘴: ' Don't be cross with me,' she said, her mouth turning down at the comers. " 别生我的气。" 她说着撇了撇嘴角。 OPP turn up ♦ v + adv turn sb/sth down to reject or refuse sb/sth 回绝;拒绝:Why did Clare turn down your invi- tation? 克莱尔为什么谢绝你的邀请? ◊ He asked her to marry him, but she turned him down. 他 向她求婚,但她回绝了。◊ They turned down my offer of help. 我提出帮忙,但他们没有理会。 ◊ She turned the job down because it paid too little. 她没有接受那份工作,因为薪水太少。◊ My book was turned down by eight publishers. 我的书稿被八家出版商拒之门外。 [OBJ] offer, application, invitation, request, job, proposal SYN reject sb/sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv turn sth down 1 to adjust the controls on a piece of equipment in order to reduce the amount of heat, noise, light, etc. produced 调低. 关小(暖气、音量、灯光等):Turn that radio down, I can't sleep. 把收音机音量调小 点,我没法人睡。◊ It's warmer today. I'll turn down the heating. 今天暖和了些。我要把暖气 热度调低些。◊ She turned the lights down low. 她把灯光调得暗了一些。[OBJ] volume, heating, sound, television OPP turn sth up 2 to fold sth so that one part is covering another 折叠;揭开:The comer of the page had been turned down. 这一页的角被折了起来。 ◊ He turned down the blankets and the children climbed into bed. 他掀开毯子,孩子们 爬上了床。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► downturn n [C, usually sing.] a fall in economic activity or profits (经济的)衰退; (利润的)减少:a downturn in sales 销售额的 下滑 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 turn sb/sth down refuse sb/sth ♦ reject sb/sth ♦ throw sth out ♦ turn sb/sth down These verbs all mean to say that you do not want sth that has been offered to you or that you will not give sb sth that they want. 这些动 词都表示拒绝、拒收、拒给。 refuse sb/sth to say that you do not want sth that has been offered to you; to say that you will not give sb sth that they want or need 拒 绝;回绝;拒给: I politely refused their invitation. 我蜿言由绝了他们的邀请。◊ They refused him a visa. 他们拒绝给予他签证。 reject sb/sth to refuse to accept or consider sth; to refuse to accept sb for a job, position, etc 拒绝;抵制;不录用;拒绝接纳:the proposal they put forward was firmly rejected. 他们提出的议案遭到断然否决。◊ I've been rejected by all the universities I applied to, 我 申请的所有大学都没有录取我。 throw sth out to decide not to accept a proposal, an idea, etc. 拒绝接受,否决 (建 议、想法等): All my suggestions for improvements were thrown out 我的所有改进 提议均未被采纳。 turn sb/sth down to reject or refuse to consider an offer, a proposal, etc. or the person who makes it 回绝;拒绝:Why did she turn down your invitation? 她为什么回绝 了你的邀请?◊ He has been turned down for ten jobs so far. 到目前为止,他已经十次求职 遭拒了。◊ He asked her to marry him but she turned him down. 他向她求婚,但她没有 答应。 WHICH WORD? Refuse sth and turn sb/sth down imply a more polite or sympathetic attitude than reject sb/sth and throw sth out. 与 reject sb / sth 和 throw sth out 相比,refuse sth 而 turn sb / sth down 暗含较为礼貌或同情的态度。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to refuse/reject/throw out/turn down an application/a request ■ to refuse/reject/turn down an invitation/offer ■ to reject/throw out/turn down an proposal/suggestion ■ to politely refuse sth/turn sth down turn in (old-fashioned, informal) to go to bed 上成睡觉:It's time for me to turn in. 我该去睡 觉了。 SYN retire (formal) ♦ v + adv turn in; .turn sth in to place or fold sth so that it bends or faces towards the centre; to be placed or folded in this way (使)面朝 内,向里拐,内倾:Her feet turn in as she walks. 她走路时满脚呈内八字。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn in sth to achieve a good result, per- formance, profit, etc. 取得(佳绩);表现(优 异);获得(高利润):The champion turned in a brilliant performance. 冠军表现得十分出色。◊ The company turned in $150000 last month. 公 司上月的盈利达 15 万元。 [OBJ] performance, profit ♦ v + adv + n turn sb in (to sb), turn yourself in (to sb)(informal) to give sb or yourself to sb in authority because they/you have done sth wrong 把...扭送(当局);自首:He turned his own brother in to the police. 他把自己的亲兄弟 交给了警方。◊ Things will be better for you if you turn yourself in. 如果你自首,情况会好一 些的。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn sth 'in 1 to give back sth that you no longer need or should have 交还,退还,返还 (不再需要或不应留着的东西):Turn in your pass before you leave. 你离开时要交还通行证。 2 (especially AmE) to give sth such as a piece of written work to the person who asked you to do it 呈交;递交;上交:Have you turned in your assignment yet? 你作业交了吗? SYN hand sth in (to sb) 3 to give sth to the police or sb in authority 交给(警方或当局):Only a few guns have been turned in so far. 到目前为 止只交出了几支枪。SYN hand sth in (to sb); give sth in ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv turn 'in on yourself to become very con- cerned with your own problems and stop com- municating with others 只关注自己而不与人交 往;闭门谢客;离群索居:He completely turned in on himself after his wife left him. 妻子离开 后,他完全把自己封闭起来。 ♦ v + adv + prep turn inside out; turn sth inside out to make the inside of sth face out 把(…的) 内部翻到外面;翻出:It was so windy my umbrella turned inside out. 风很大,把我的伞 吹翻了。◊ She pulled off her jumper, turning the sleeves inside out. 她脱下套衫,把袖子翻了 过来。 ♦ v + adv + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv turn sb/sth inside out to make great changes in sb's life 使(某人的生活)发生巨变: The shock turned her world inside out. 这次打 击改变了她的一切。 SYN turn sb/sth upside down ♦ v + n/pron + adv turn into sth; .turn sb/sth 'into sth to change, or to make sth change, into sth dif- ferent (把…)变成;(使)成为:We need to stop this problem from turning into a crisis. 我们应该防止这个问题演化成一场危机。◊ The house had been turned into three apartments. 房子被改建成了三套公寓。◊ As the fruit ripens, the starch turns into sugar. 水果成熟时,淀粉 就变成了糖。◊ The director turned her into a star. 导演把她打造成了明星。◊ In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student. 一年之间,她从一个问题儿童转变成为 模范学生。 SYN change into sth, change sb/sth into sth ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep turn off (informal) to stop listening to or thinking about sb/sth 不再听;不再想:I couldn't understand the lecture so I just turned off. 我听不懂讲课,所以也就不去听了。 SYN switch off ♦ v + adv turn off; .turn off sth to leave one road in order to travel on another 拐弯(离 开…);转入另一条路:She turned off onto a side street. 她拐进一条小巷。◊ The car turned off the main road. 那辆车驶离了主干道。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep a turn-off n a place where one road leads off a larger or more important road (主路通往支 路的)分叉路口;岔道口;支路口: the turn-off for the airport 通往机场的岔道路口 turn off; .turn itself off if a machine or a piece of equipment turns off, or turns itself off, it stops operating (机器或设备)停止运 转,关掉:The heating turns off automatically at 9.30. 供暖系统在 9:30 自动关闭。◊ The com- puter will cum itself off if you leave it. 如果长时 间不用,计算机会自动关机。 SYN switch off, switch itself off OPP turn on, turn itself on ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv turn sb off; .turn sb 'off sb/sth 1 (in- formal) to make sb lose interest or become bored 使(对…)失去兴趣;使厌烦: People had been turned off by both candidates in the elec- tion. 大选中的两名候选人都让人觉得扫兴。◊ His political views turned her off him. 他的政见 使她对他产生了反感。2 (informal) to stop sb feeling attracted to sb/sth; to make sb feel dis- gusted 使 (对…) 失去欲望;使厌恶:If I tell her I'm only 17 it might turn her off. 如果我告 诉她我才17岁,她也许会扫兴。◊ The sight of all that raw meat turned me off. —看到那些星 肉我就觉得恶心。◊ The smell turned me off my food. 那种气味让我失去了食欲。 OPP turn sb on; turn sb on to sb/sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► turn-off n [C, usually sing.] (informal) a person or thing that people do not find inter- esting or attractive 扫兴的人 (或事物);讨厌 的人 (或事物):Unlike many other women she found his beard a real turn-off. 与其他众多女性 不同,她觉得他的胡须实在难看。 turn sth 'off to stop the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch or a button 关掉,切断 (电流、煤气、水等):to turn the radio/television off 关掉收音机 / 电视机 ◊ I forgot to turn the tap off. 我忘了关水龙头。 ◊ Turn all the lights off when you leave. 走时把 灯都关掉。◊ You'll need to turn off the water to mend the pipe. 修理水管时得关上水阀。 [OBJ] light, television, tap, water, gas SYN switch sth off OPP turn sth on -> see also TURN STH OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn on sb to attack sb suddenly and un- expectedly 突然攻击:The dog turned on him and bit his finger. 那条狗突然扑过去咬伤了他的 手指。◊ She suddenly turned on me and started shouting. 她突然冲着我喊叫起来。 ♦ v + prep turn on sth (also 'turn upon sth more formal) 1 (BrE) to depend on sth in order to have a successful result 依靠:视乎;取决于:Her future career turns on this interview. 她的事业 前途就押在这次面试上了。◊ The case aims on whether the police can prove that the driver knew he had hit something. 这件案子取决于 警方能否证明司机知道他撞到了东西。◊ Much turns on the outcome of the peace talks. 事情主 要取决于和谈的结果。SYN hinge on sth 2 if a conversation, an argument, etc. turns on sth, it has that as its main subject 以…为议题: Their talk turned on the likelihood of his return (= if he was likely to return or not). 他们谈的 主要是他是否有可能回来。 ♦ v + prep turn on; .turn itself on if a machine or a piece of equipment turns on, or turns itself on, it starts operating (机器或设备) 开始运 转,启动:I've set the oven to turn on at 5 p.m. 我把烤箱设定在下午 5 点启动。◊ I don't know why the radio suddenly turned itself on. 我搞不 懂收音机为什么会突然自动开了。 SYN switch on, switch itself on OPP turn off, turn itself off ♦ v + adv ♦ v + pron + adv turn sb 'on (informal) 1 to make sb enthusi- astic about sth 使兴奋;使感兴趣:What really turns him on is motorbikes. 他真正感兴趣的是 摩托车。◊ if live theatre turns you on., there is plenty to choose from. 如果你喜爱舞台剧,选择 余地很大。2 to make sb feel sexually excited 使产生性冲动:That's not the kind of thing that turns me on. 那种事不能激起我的情欲。◊ I get turned on by men in uniform. 我一见到穿制服 的男人就欲火攻心。 OPP turn sb off ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► turn-on n [C, usually sing.] (informal) a person, a thing, a situation, etc. that sb finds sexually exciting 引起性欲的人(或事物、环境 等): Being the centre of attention for four or five guys was a real turn-on. 成为四五个小伙子 的关注焦点实在令人脸红心跳。 turn sth on to start the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch or a button 打开,接通 (电流、煤气、水等):Did you turn the central heating on? 你把中央暖气 打开了吗? ◊ Turn the tap on slowly. 慢慢打开 水龙头。◊ I checked the fuses and turned the electricity back on. 我检查保险丝后,重新接通 了电源。◊ I didn't know you were in the room until I turned the light on. 我开灯才发现你在屋 里。◊ Leo turns the television on as soon as he comes home from school. 利奥放学一回到家就 打开电视。 [OBJ] light, tap, television, water, gas, etc. SYN switch sth on OPP turn sth off ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM turn on the 'charm to be very pleasant and polite to sb in order to gain sth for your- self 施展魅力;献媚:She's turning on the charm to get what she wants, 她善于施展个人魅力达到 目的。 turn sth on sb/sth (also 'turn sth upon sb/ sth more formal) to point sth such as gun, a camera, a light, etc. at sb/sth 把 (枪口、相 机、灯光等) 瞄准 (或指向):Officers turned hoses on the demonstrators. 警察用水龙带对准 示威者。 SYN train sth on sb/sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep turn sb on to sb/sth (informal) to make sb interested in sb/sth or use sth for the first time 使对…产生兴趣;使初尝: What was it that first turned you on to jazz? 是什么激发了你对 爵士乐的兴趣? OPP turn sb off sb/sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep turn out 1 to be present at an event; to attend sth or to go somewhere 在场;出席;去: The whole village turned out to welcome us. 全 村人都出来欢迎我们。◊ Only half the team turned out for the practice. 只有一半队员参加了 训练。◊ I'm not going to turn out to meet you in this weather. 这种天气我可不打算去见你。 2 (used with an adverb, an adjective or in questions with how 与副词或形容词连用,或 用于以 how 引导的疑问句) to take place or happen in the way mentioned; to develop or end in a particular way (以所提及方式) 开展,发生;(以特定方式) 发展,结束:The article she wrote had turned out well. 她的文章 反响不错。◊ The day turned out fine again. 天 气又转好了。◊ You never know how things will turn out. 你永远不知道情况会变成什么样。◊ I couldn't have gone anyway, as it turned out. 结 果证明,我无论如何就是走不掉。◊ The children have turned out well. 这些孩子结果都还不错。 3 to be discovered to be; to prove to be 原来 是;证明是;结果是: It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. 她原来是我姐姐的朋友。◊ My decision turned out to have been a mistake. 结果发现我的决定是个错误。。Ruth's illness turned out not to be serious after all. 最后查出 鲁思的病并不严重。 ♦ v + adv ► turnout n [C, usually sing.] [U] 1 the number of people who come to take part in or watch an activity 参加人数;到场人数:There was a good turnout for the concert. 来听音乐会 的人很多。2 the number of people who vote in a particular election 投票人数:a high/ low/poor turnout 很多 / 很少 / 少得可怜的投票 人数 turn out; .turn sth out to point, or to make sth point, towards the outside (使) 向 外,外倾:His feet turn out as he walks. 他是外 八字脚。◊ She turns her toes out when she walks. 她走路时脚耻向外撇。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn sb out (from sth), .turn sb out of sth to force sb to leave or go out of a place (从…) 赶走,撵走,逐出:The landlord turned them out of their house just before the New Year. 就在新年之前,房东把他们赶出了房 门。◊ You can't turn us out in this storm! 暴风 雨这么大,你不能赶我们走! SYN chuck sb out, chuck sb out of sth; kick sb out, kick sb out of sth; turf sb out, turf sb out of sth (BrE, informal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep turn sth/sb 'out to produce sth/sb 制造;培 育:The factory turns out 900 cars a week. 这家 工厂每周生产 900 辆汽车。◊ This school has turned out several well-known engineers. 这所 学校培养了几位赫赫有名的工程师。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv (less frequent) turn sth out 1 to switch off sth such as a light or a source of heat 关掉,关闭 (灯光、热 源等):Remember to turn out the lights. 记着 关灯。[OBJ] only light, gas SYN switch sth off OPP turn sth on -> see also TURN STH OFF 2 (BrE) to clean a room, a cupboard, etc. thor- oughly by removing the contents and organ- izing them again 彻底清理;拾掇干净:She turned the kitchen cupboards out at the begin- ning of the year. 她在年初彻底清理了橱柜。◊ I'm going to turn out my bedroom during the holidays. 假期时我打算把卧室彻底打扫一下。 SYN clear sth out 3 to remove the contents of sth; to empty sth completely 腾空;清空;掏净: I turned out all the drawers looking for my keys. 为找钥匙我倒空了所有抽屉。◊ Turn out your pockets. 把你衣兜里的东西全掏出来。◊ she turned the rice out of the packet into a bowL 她 把小包里的米全倒进碗里。SYN empty sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv be turned out [+ adv/prep] to dress sb/ yourself with special care or effort 精心穿戴; 仔细打扮:The children were always beautifully turned out 这些孩子总是打扮得漂漂亮亮。◊ She was fashionably turned out in a red sweater. 她穿着红套衫,打扮得很入时。 NOTE Always used in the passive, 总是用于被 动语态。 ♦ be + v + adv turn 'oven .turn sb/sth 'over to change your position, or the position of sb/sth, so that the other side is facing out or up (使) 翻 身,翻转:He turned over onto his back, 他翻了 个身仰躺着。◊ The van skidded and turned over. 客货车打滑侧翻了。◊ Jack was driving too fast and turned the car over on. the bend. 杰克 开得太快,拐弯时翻车了。◊ The nurse turned Adam over onto his back. 护士给亚当翻了个 身,让他仰卧着。◊ Turn the pancake over when one side is cooked. 烙饼的一面烤好后就把 它翻过来。◊ (figurative) The smell made my stomach turn over. 这种气味让我反胃。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (less frequent) turn 'over .turn sth 'over 1 (of an engine 发动机) to run steadily at a low speed; to start 慢速运转;转动;发动:I turned the key and the engine turned over quietly. 我转动钥 匙, 引擎随之轻声启动起来。◊ The engine was turning over too fast. 发动机运转得太快。SYN tick over 2 (to sth) (BrE) to change to a different channel when watching television 变换,转换 (电视频道):Can I turn over to Channel 4? 我可以换到第四频道吗?◊ This is boring. Let's turn it over. 这个没意思。我们换 换频道吧。SYN change over (to sth); switch over (to sth), switch sth over (to sth) 3 to move a page or a piece of paper so that you can see the other side 翻动,翻转 (到书页或纸 张的背面):Turn over (the page) for more details. 欲知详情,请见 (此页) 背面。 NOTE Turn and turn sth are used more frequently on their own * turn 和 turn sth 单独使用更常见: I turned the page quickly. 我很快地翻过这一 页。◊ Turn to page 23. 翻到第 23 页。4 to sell goods and replace them; to be sold and replaced 售出并补进 (货物);周转:Large supermarkets turn over their stock very rapidly. 大超市的库存周转很快。 ◊ This brand turns over twice as fast as the others. 这个牌子的周转速度 是其他牌子的两倍。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM turn over a new 'leaf to change your way of life to become a better, more responsible person 改过自新;改邪归正;重新做人 ► turnover n [sing.] 1 the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by others (公司的)人事变更率,人员调整率: a high turnover of staff 员工的高流动率 2 the rate at which goods are sold in a shop/store and are replaced by others (商店的)货品周 转率' 销售比率:a fast turnover of stockV存货的 快速周转率 turn sb/sth 'over (to sb/sth) to deliver sb/ sth to the control and care of sb in authority, especially the police 移交,送交(当局,尤指 警方):He was turned over to the Belgian police at the border. 他在边境被移交给了比利时警方。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n turn sth over 1 (to sb) to give the responsi- bility for sth important to sb else 交托(重 任)(给某人):He had to turn over some of his duties to his assistant 他不得不把自己的一 些职责交给助手。◊ She's planning to turn the business over to her daughter. 她打算把这家企 业交予女儿接手。SYN hand over to sb, hand sth over to sb 2 if a business turns over a par- ticular amount of money, it deals with that amount in a particular period of time 营业额为: The company turned over a million pounds in its first year. 这家公司第一年的营业额为一百万 英镑。 3 to think about sth carefully 仔细思 考;深思熟虑:Diana turned over what James had said in her mind. 黛安娜脑子里仔细琢磨了 詹姆斯的话。◊ He lay in the dark, turning over the day's extraordinary events. 他躺在黑暗中, 反复思索着那天不寻常的事。SYN chew sth over; mull sth over 4 (BrE, slang) to enter a place illegally and steal valuable things from it 盗窃(某处):The burglars had turned the house over. 盗贼把房子洗劫一空。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。5 (BrE) to search a place very thoroughly, making it very untidy 彻底搜查;把某处翻得凌乱不堪: His room had been turned over by the police. 他的 房间被警察翻了个底朝天。NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。6 (AmE) (in American football and basketball 美式橄榄球 和篮球)if you turn the ball over, you make a mistake or break a rule resulting in lost pos- session of the badl (因失误或犯规)失去控球权 ♦ 1,3,4, 5, 6 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ► turnover n 1 [C, usually sing.] [U] the total amount of goods and services sold by a company during a particular period of time 营 业额;交易额;成交量:an annual turnover of twenty million 两千万的年营业额 2 [C] (AmE) (in American football and basketball 美式橄榄 球和篮球)the loss of possession of the ball by a team, because players have made a mistake or broken a rule (因失误或犯规造成的)控球 权丢失:After the third turnover, the coach started yelling. 第三次失去控球权后,教练开始 大喊大叫。 turn over to sth; ,turn sth over to sth if an area, a factory, etc. turns over or sb turns it over to sth, it starts to be used for sth different 改变(土地、工厂等)的用途:The whole area has turned over to rice production. 整个地区已改种大米。◊ The factory was turned over to the production of aircraft parts. 这家工 厂转产飞机零部件。 ♦ v + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep turn 'rounds etc. (BrE) -> TURN AROUND, ETC. turn to sb to move your head or body so as to face sb 把脸转向,转身朝向(某人):He turned to me and smiled. 他转过身对我笑了。 ♦ v + prep turn to sb/sth to go to sb/sth for help or information; to ask sb for sympathy or advice 向…求助(或获取信息、博取同情、寻求建议 等): Sue turns to her friends for support rather than her family. 休向朋友而非家人求援。◊ You're the only person I can. turn to for advice. 你是我唯一能求教的人。◊ I always turn to my dictionary when I come across a word I don't know. 遇到生词,我总是查词典。 SYN go to sb/sth ♦ v + prep turn to sth to start to become involved in sth or start to do sth, especially sth illegal or harmful, often because you are in a difficult situation 诉诸(违法行为或有害处的事);落 到做...的田地:He was forced to turn to crime to pay off his debts. 为了还债,他迫不得已走向了 犯罪。◊ I cope with stress by turning to food for comfort. 我用食物来安慰自己,应对压力。 ♦ v + prep turn to sth; turn sth to sth to rum your attention, your thoughts, etc. to a new subject 将(注意力、思路等)转至(新课题):Our con- versation soon turned to the kind of music that we liked. 我们的谈话很快就转到我们喜欢的音乐 类型上。◊ Let's turn our attention to next week's conference. 大家关注一下下周的会议吧。 [OBJ] attention ♦ v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep turn up 1 (of a person A) to arrive 来到;到 达;露面:He finally turned up at three o'clock. 三点钟时他终于到了。◊ The taxi didn't turn up so we walked. 出租车没来,于是我们只好步行。 SYN show up (informal) 2 to be found, espe- cially by chance, after being lost (丢失的东 西)碰巧找到:The missing letter turned up in the waste basket. 丢失的信在废纸篓里找到了。 3 (of an opportunity 机会)to happen, espe- cially unexpectedly 意外出现;偶然到来:I haven't got a job at the moment, but I'm sure that something will turn up. 我眼下还没工作, 但我确信会有机会找到的。◊ References to Irina turn up in many of his poems. 他在很多诗作中 提到艾里娜。 ♦ v + adv IDM turn up/come up trumps to do more than people expect and so make a situation very successful 有令人喜出望外的表现(或结 果);出人意料地成功:The team's new player turned up trumps and scored three goals. 该新 队员发挥异常出色,出人意料地进了三球。◊ That was a wonderful meal! You've turned up trumps again, 这顿饭棒极了 !你又露了一手。 ► turn-up n [sing.] informal, humorous) sth surprising or unexpected that happens 使 人惊奇的事;始料未及的事:Nick's handed his work in on time? That's a turn-up for the books! 尼克按时交了作业?真是难以置信啊! ► upturn n an improvement or an increase in sth 改进:增长:an upturn in the economy 经济 上的好转 turn up; .turn sth up to point, or to make sth point, upwards (使)指向上方:Her nose turns up at the end. 她是个翘鼻子。◊ She turned her face up towards him. 她冲着他仰 起脸。 OPP turn down; turn sth down ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► turned up adj pointing upwards 向上翘 的;朝上的:a turned-up nose 翘鼻子 ► upturned adj [only before noun] pointing or facing upwards 向上翘的;面朝上的: an upturned nose 翘鼻子 ◊ upturned faces 仰起的脸 turn sth up 1 to adjust the controls of a piece of electrical equipment in order to increase the heat, noise, etc. 开大,调高(音 量、暖气等):Turn the TV up, I can't hear what she's saying. 把电视机的音塞调大,我听不 见她说的话。◊ Let's turn the heating up, I'm freezing. 把暖气开大些吧,我冻僵了。◊ The music was turned up loud. 音乐的音量开大了。 [OBJ] heating, music, radio/television OPP turn sth down 2 to make a piece of clothing, or part of a piece of clothing, shorter by folding it back and sewing it 将(衣服)折起缝好;改 短:The sleeves were too long and had to be turned up. 袖子太长了,只好折起来缝上。◊ Will you turn the hem up for me? 帮我把下摆改 短好吗? [OBJ]hem OPP let sth down 3 to discover sth, such as information or sth hidden 找到;发现:Their enquiries turned up a number of interesting /bets. 他们的调查揭示了 一些有趣的事实。◊ Our efforts to trace him turned up nothing. 我们费劲儿跟踪他,却无功 而返。 ♦ 1,2 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ 3 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► turn-up n (BrEJ the bottom of the leg of a pair of trousers/pants that has been folded over on the outside (裤脚的)外翻边,反折边: Turn-ups seem to be coming back into fashion. 裤脚外翻边似乎又时兴起来了。 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 turn up appear ♦ arrive ♦ get here/there ♦ show up ♦ turn up These verbs all mean to get to a place. 这些动 词都表示来到、到达。 appear to arrive at a place 出现;来到;露面: By ten o'clock Lee still hadn't appeared. 到十 点李还没来。◊ One day a note appeared on my desk. 一天, 一张便条出现在我的桌子上。 arrive to get to a place, especially at the end of a journey (尤指在旅程结束时)来到,抵 达:They all arrived home safely. 他们都安全 到家了。◊ I arrived late. 我来晚了。◊ The train is due to arrive any time now. 火车现在 随时可能到站。◊ A pile of letters arrived on my desk. 一摞信放到了我桌上。 get here/thereto arrive somewhere 到来; 到达:Why did it take you so long to get here? 你为什么这么久才到?◊ Make sure you get there early. 一定要早点到那儿。 show up (informal) to arrive somewhere 赶 到;出现;露面:He showed up at my door late one night —天深夜他出现在我门口。◊ An ambulance showed up about an hour later. 大约一小时后一辆救护车到了。◊ Jeff usually showed up drunk. 杰夫平常总是醉醺醺的就来 了。NOTE Show can be used on its own * show 可单独使用:I waited till ten o'clock but she didn't show. 我等到十点,她也没个影儿。 turn upto arrive somewhere 来到;到达;露 面:She turned up late, as usual. 跟往常一样, 她迟到了。◊ What time should we turn up? 我 们得几点钟到?◊ If you don't turn up to work, you won't get paid. 不来工作就没工钱。 WHICH WORD? All of these can be used with people or things as the subject. Things like letters or emails arrive or get here/there . Show up and turn up can also be used with things like buses, cars, etc. 这组动词的主语可以是人或物。信件、电子 邮件等可用 arrive 或 get here / there 。 show up 和 turn up 也可用于指公共汽车、轿车等。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to arrive/get here/get there/turn up/show up/appear/show late/early/on time ■ to arrive/get here/get there safely ■ to finally/eventually arrive/get here/get there/turn up/show up/appear/show ■ to be due to/scheduled to/about to arrive/get here/get there/appear ■ to arrive/turn up/show up/appear at/in/on ... ■ to arrive/get home turn upon sth, etc. -> TURN ON STH, ETC. turn upside down .turn sth upside down to move sth so that the bottom is facing upwards (把…)上下翻转,颠倒:The car hit a wall, turned upside down, and ended up in a field. 车子撞到墙上,翻了过来,最后冲 走一块田里。◊ I turned the box upside down and everything fell out, 我把盒子反扣过来,东 西全掉出来了。' ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv turn sth upside down 1 to make a place very untidy while you are searching for sth 把…翻得乱七八糟:把...翻个底朝天:The burg- lars turned the flat upside down. 窃贼把这套公 寓翻得一片狼藉。2 to make large changes and confusion in sb's life 打乱, 扰乱(某人的 生活):The divorce turned his whole world upside down. 离婚把他的一切都搞得颠三倒四。 [SYN] turn sb/sth inside out ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► upturned adj [only before noun] turned upside down 颠倒的;翻转的;倒着的:up- turned chairs 翻过来的椅子。We sat on an upturned box. 我们坐在倒扣着的箱子上。 twist /twɪst/ twist sth off; .twist sth off sth to remove sth or break sth off by turning and pulling it with your hand (从…上)拧开,扭 脱,拗断:He twisted off the lid and looked inside. 他扭开盖子往里面看。◊ She twisted the cap off the bottle and took a mouthful of water. 她拧开瓶盖,喝了一口水。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep type /taɪp/ type sth 'in; type sth into sth to put data into a document using a computer, etc. 将(数据)输入(计算机等):Type in the file name then press return. 输入文件名,然后按回 车键。◊ Type the relevant details into the boxes provided. 把相关细节键入预设的方框内。 SYN key sth in, key sth into sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep type sth * out/1 up to produce a copy of stii on a computer, etc.(用计算机等)打出, 敲出(文字):I'm typing up the report this morning. 我今天上午就把报告打出来。◊ It took me ages to type my notes out. 我花了很长时间 打笔记。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv urge /ɜːdʒ; AmE ɜːrdʒ/ urge sb/sth on (to sth/to do sth) to encour- age sb; to support sb so that they can do sth better 鼓励,激励 (做某事);为...加油:The supporters were urging the team on. 支持者在 为这个队助威。◊ Urged on by the Prime Minis- ter, the police tried to end the strike. 在首相的 敦促下,警方力图终止罢工。 ◊ The driver urged the horses on. 车夫策马前行。 SYN encourage sb/sth → note at cheer sb on ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n use /ju:z/ (used, used /juːzd/) use sth 'up to use all of sth until no more is left 耗尽;用尽;用光: I've used up all the milk. 我把牛奶全用完了。◊ These eggs need co be used up quickly. 这些鸡蛋得赶快吃完。◊ This program will use up a lot of memory on the hard disk, 这个程序会占用大量硬盘内存。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n usher/ˈʌʃə(r)/ usher sth in (formal) to mark or be the start of sth new 开创;开始;开启:The elections ushered in a new period of change in the coun- try. 这些选举使该国进入了一个新的变革期。◊ Firework displays ushered in the New Year. 焰 火表演标志着新年的开始。 [OBJ] period, era HX] herald sth (forma。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv veer /vɪə(r); AmE vɪr/ veer off; veer off sth (also ,veer a way (from sth)) 1 to suddenly change direction (从…) 突然改变方向,猛然转向: The car sud- denly veered off to the left. 汽车突然拐向左边。 ◊ The truck veered off the road and crashed into a tree. 卡车突然驶离公路撞上了一棵树。◊ The plane was going straight towards the mountain, but veered away at the last minute.飞机直冲着 那座山飞去,但在最后一刻猛然掉转了航向。2 (of a conversation or a way of behaving or thinking 谈话、行为或思想) to change 转换; 转变:The conversation veered off into more personal matters. 谈话转到了更私人的话题。◊ Throughout his career, he's veered away from jazz into other areas. 在整个职业生涯中,他从 爵士乐转入了其他领域。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep veg /vedʒ/ (vegges, vegging, vegged, vegged) NOTE Although these forms are spelt with they are all pronounced /vedʒ-/. 虽然拼作 -gg- ,读音仍为 /vedʒ/ 不变。 veg out ^informal) to relax and do very little 消闲;休闲:All she does is veg out in front of the telly. 她成天泡在电视机前混日子。 SYN laze about/around; lounge about/around ♦ v + adv venture/ˈventʃə(r)/ venture into/on sth (also venture upon sth more formal) to dare to do sth that could involve risk 敢于做;冒险做:As soon as he arrived, he ventured on a trip up the Amazon. 他一到这里,就沿亚马孙河溯流而上冒险旅行去 了。◊ This is the first time the company has ventured into movie production. 这是该公司首 次涉足电影制作。 ♦ v + prep verge /vɜːdʒ; AmE vɜːrdʒ/ verge on sth (also verge upon sth more formal) to be very close or similar to an extreme state or condition 极接近; 濒于:I was treated with suspicion that verged on hostility. 我受到了几近敌意的猜疑。◊ Her hair was dark brown, verging on black. 她的头发是深棕色, 近乎黑色。 SYN border on sth ♦ v + prep vest /vest/ vest in sb/sth (law) (of power, property, etc. 权利、财产等) to belong to sb/sth legally (依法) 归于,属于: In the case of bankruptcy, the property shall vest in the trustee. 如果破 产,财产归受托人。 ♦ v + prep vest sth in sb/sth; vest sb with sth (formal) 1 to officially or legally give sb the power or authority to do sth 授予,赋予,给 予 (正式或合法权力):It is unwise to vest abso- lute power in a single institution. 将绝对权力赋 予单一机构是不明智的。◊ The court is vested with certain rights. 法庭拥有某些权力。2 to make sb the legal owner of land or property 使合法拥有 (土地或财产) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep vie /vaɪ/ (vies, vying /ˈvaɪɪŋ/, vied, vied) vie with sb/sth (for sth/to do sth), vie for sth (formal) (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to compete strongly with sb/sth (为某事物) 与...激烈竞争:There'll be a lot of people vying for those posts. 会有很多人 争夺这些职位。◊ The children were vying for the teacher's attention. 孩子们都摽着劲儿想得 到老师的注意。◊ The boys were vying with each other to impress her. 小伙子们争着想给她留下 好印象。 ◊ There were several restaurants vying with each other for customers. 有几家餐馆在相 互竞争招揽顾客。 SYN compete (with sb/sth) (for sth) NOTE You can also use vie to do sth 也可用 vie to do sth: The boys were vying to impress her. 小 伙子们争着想给她留下好印象。 ♦ v + prep visit/ˈvɪzɪt/ be visited on sb/sth (q/so be visited upon sb/sth) (old-fashioned, formal) to be punished with sth 遭到...的惩罚:He listed the horrors visited upon the region during the con- flict. 他列举了冲突期间这个地区的一幕幕惨况。 ◊ Each new indignity visited on her was worse than the previous one. 施加于她的侮辱一次比一 次严重。 ♦ be + v + prep 1 visit with sb (AmE, informal') to spend time with sb talking in an informal and casual way (与…) 聊天,闲谈:I visited with my neigh- bour yesterday. 昨天我和邻居闲聊了一会儿。 ♦ v + prep vomit /ˈvɒmɪt; AmE ˈvɑːmɪt/ vomit sth up to bring food you have eaten back out of your mouth 呕吐;吐出: He vomit- ed up his breakfast. 他把早饭吐了。 SYN bring sth up; throw sth up (informal) ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv vote /vəʊt; AmE voʊt/ vote sb/sth 'down to reject or defeat a can- didate or a proposal by voting 投票否决;投票 击败:The Senate has voted down efforts to raise taxes. 参议院投票否决了试图增税的议案。◊ If he demands too much, the unions will vote him down. 如果他要求过分,工会将不投他的票。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n vote sb 'in; .vote sb into/ onto sth to choose sb for a particular position by voting 投票选出某人 (任职):I was voted in as treasurer. 我当选为财务主管。◊ When was this government voted into office? 这届政府是什么 时候获选上台的? ◊ Who voted her onto the Board of Governors? 谁投票把她选进理事会的? SYN elect sb (to sth) (more formal) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ♦ v + n/pron + prep vote sb off sth -> VOTE SB OUT, ETC. vote on sth to make a decision about sth by voting 就…投票表决:The committee is voting on the proposal tonight. 今晚委员会将投票表决 该议案。◊ Workers have begun voting on whether to hold a series of one-day strikes. 工人 已经开始投票,决定是否举行一连串的持续一天 的罢工。◊ The proposal was voted on and agreed. 这个议案经投票通过了。 [OBJ] proposal, resolution, issue ♦ v + prep vote sb onto sth -> VOTE SB IN, VOTE SB INTO/ONTO STH vote sb out; .vote sb out of/'off sth to decide as a group to remove sb from a par- ticular position by voting 投票免去某人职务; 投票使某人落选:The government may be voted out of office at the next election. 这届政府在下 次大选时可能被选下台。◊ What will he do if he gets voted out? 如果落选他会做什么呢? ◊ Parsons was voted off the Board. 经投票帕森斯 被免去了委员一职。 [OBJ] government, party NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep ♦ v + n/pron + prep vote sth 'through to approve sth or bring a proposal, etc. into force by voting for it 投票 同意,表决通过 (提议等):Congress voted the bill through without a debate. 国会未经辩论就 投票通过了该法案。 [OBJ] bilL proposal NOTE Often used in the passive, 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n SYNONYMS同义词辨析 visit with sb call by, round, etc. ♦ drop by, in, etc. ♦ look in ♦ pop in, over, etc. ♦ stop by ♦ visit with sb These verbs all mean to go to see a person for a short period of time. 这些动词都表示短暂拜 访、看望。 call by, round, etc. (BrE) to visit sb 拜访,探 访 (某人):Call by any time! 随时来坐坐!◊ Last time she called round she only stayed for a few minutes. 她上次过来时只呆字几分钟。◊ She called on Keith while she was in town. 她 进城时去看望了基思。 drop by, in, etc. to pay an informal visit to a person or place 顺便来访;看望: Drop by whenever you feel like it 你什么时候想来就来 吧。◊ We dropped in to see Ellie on the way. 我们顺路看望了一下埃利。◊ Don't forget to drop in on Harry. 别忘了去看望一下哈里。◊ You should drop over some time. 你什么时候 该去看看了。 look in (BrE) to make a short visit to a place, especially the place where sb lives 短暂拜 访,顺便看望 (尤指某人家): I'll try to look in on my way home. 我尽量回家路上顺便去看 看 。 ◊ Could you look in on Dad some time? 你找时间去看看爸爸好吗? pop in, over, etc, (BrE, informal) to visit sb 拜 访 ,探访,(某人): I popped in to see Jill on the way home. 回家途中我去看望了吉尔。◊ She often pops over in the afternoons. 她经常 下午过去看看。 ◊ Pop by next time you're around. 下次来的时候,过来看看吧。◊ I'll pop round later if I get time. 如果有空,我呆 会儿过来看看。 stop by to visit a place for a short time 短暂拜 访 (某处):I'll stop by later. 我呆会儿过去坐 坐。 ◊ Perhaps you'd like to stop by for a chat? 你想不想过来聊聊?◊ HI stop by at your place. 我去你那儿看看你吧。 visit with sb (AmE) to go to see a person or place fora short period of time 短暂拜访: Come and visit with me some time. 有时间就 来看看我。NOTE Visit is used more often on its own * visit 常单独使用:He visits his children regularly. 他定期探望孩子们。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to regularly/often/occasionally visit/call by, etc/pop in, etc./stop by/look in/drop in ■ to call/pop in/look in/drop in on sb ■ to promise to/decide to/plan to/invite sb to visit/call by, etc./pop in, etc./stop by/look in/drop in vouch /vaʊtʃ/ vouch for sb/sth 1 to say that you know sb, that you believe they have a good character and that you are prepared to be responsible for their actions (替…)担保、保证:They asked whether I was prepared to vouch for him. 他们问我是否愿意为他作担保。◊ You should give the names of two people who can vouch for your honesty and reliability. 你应该提供两个能 担保你诚实可信的人的名字。◊ I can vouch for the fact that he is a good worker. 我保证他是 名好员工。SYN answer for sth 2 to say that you know sth is true because you have seen it yourself (因亲眼所见而)为...作证;见证:I was in bed with flu. My wife can vouch for that/ me. 当时我患流感卧床休息。我妻子可为此 / 为 我作证。◊ I can't vouch for this hotel (= I have no personal experience of it) but it looked wonderful from the brochure. 我没住过这家旅 馆,可从宣传册上看它很捧。 ♦ v + prep wad /wɒd; AmE [wɑːd/ (-dd-) (wad sth up (especially AmE) to fold or press sth into a tight mass 和...卷为一卷;将...压成 一叠:She wadded up the first draft and threw it away. 她把初稿揉成一团扔了。 SYN ball sth up (AmE), crumple sth up; scrunch sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wade /weɪd]/ (wade in; ,wade 'into sth (informal) to get involved in a discussion, an argument, a difficult situation, etc. in a determined and not very sensitive way 介入,插手,干预 (讨 论、争论、困局等):She waded in with an attack on company policy. 她横插一杠,抨击公 司的政策。◊ The Senator waded into a new argument over defence spending. 这名参议员强 行加入了关于国防开支的新一轮争论。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep wade 'into sb (informal) to attack sb physically or with words 猛烈攻击;抨击: Marty was terrific― he just waded into the skinheads without a thought. 马蒂太棒了- 他毫不含糊地猛揍了一顿那些光头仔。◊ She waded straight into her critics. 她直截了当地驳 斥了批评她的人。 SYN launch into sb; attack sb (more formal) ♦ v + prep wade 'through sth to spend a lot of time and effort reading sth or dealing with sth 费 时费力地阅读;艰难地处理:I had to wade through pages and pages of statistics. 我不得不 硬着头皮啃一页页的统计数字。 [OBJ] pages SYN plough through sth ♦ v + prep waffle /ˈwɒfl; AmE ˈwɑːfl/ waffle 'on (about sth) (informal, especially BrE) to talk or write a lot about sth without giving any useful information 喋喋不休;胡 扯;絮叨:He waffled on for ages about his garden. 他东拉西扯没完没了地唠叨他的花园。 SYN go on (about sth); rattle on (about sth) ♦ v + adv wait /weɪt/ wait around (BrE also .wait about) (for sb/sth) to stay in a place without doing any- thing, waiting for sth to happen or for sb to arrive (在某处) 等待,等候: I wouldn't bother waiting around for him. 我不介意留下来等他。 ◊ She didn't wait about to hear his reply. 她没 留下来等他答复。 SYN hang around ♦ v + adv wait behind (especially BrE) to stay after other people have gone, especially in order to speak to sb privately (尤指为和某人私下交 谈) 等他人走后留下:He asked her to wait behind after the meeting. 他要她会议结束后留 下来。 ♦ v + adv wait for sb/sth 1 to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens 等待;等候:Wait for me! 等等我! ◊ We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out, 我们在等雨停再出去。2 to hope or watch for sth to happen, especially for a long time 长 久期盼;梦寐以求:Leeds United had waited for success for eighteen years. 利兹联队盼望胜利已 经十八年了。◊ This is just the opportunity I've been waiting for. 这正夏我期盼已久的时机。 ♦ v + prep wait In (for sb/sth) (BrE) to stay at home because you are expecting sb to arrive or telephone 在家等候 (人或电话):I've got to wait in for the TV repair man. 我必须在家等维 修电视的人来。◊ She waited in all day in case he called. 她一整天都守在家里,因为他可能打 电话来。 ♦ v + adv wait on sb 1 (also wait on sth especially AmE) to bring food and drink to people at a table, usually in a restaurant (通常指在餐馆) 服 务,招待进餐:My daughter will wait on us this evening! 今天的晚饭我女儿将为我们端菜上饭! ◊ When I started, I didn't know anything about waiting on tables. 刚开始时,我跟本不知道如 何招待客人进餐。◊ We were waited on by a very polite young man. 我们是由一位彬彬有礼 的小依子接待的。2 (also wait upon sb more formal) to bring sb everything they want or need 伺候:服侍:She spoiled the children, always waiting on them hand and foot (= doing everything for them, like a servant). 她太娇惯孩子,总是像用人一样为他们打点一 切。 3 (AmE) to serve customers in a shop/store 接待,招呼 (商店里的顾客):Is anybody waiting on you? 有人在为你服务吗?◊ There is no one in the furniture department to wait on me. 家具部没人接待我。 ♦ v + prep wait on sb/sth (informal, especially AmE, ScotE) to wait until sb arrives or until sth is available 等待;等到:Judd was late and she was sick of waiting on him. 贾德迟到了,她讨 厌一直等着他。◊ I'm still waiting on the result of the blood test. 我还在等验血结果。◊ She was waiting on my decision. 她等着我拿主意。 NOTE In British English, wait for sb/sth is usually used. 英国英语通帝用 wait for sb / stho ♦ v + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 wait for sb/sth await sb/sth ♦ expect sb/sth ♦ wait for sb/sth These verbs all mean to stay where you are or not act until sth happens. 些动词都表示等 待、等候、期待。 await sb/sth (formal) to wait for sb/sth; to be going to happen to sb 等候;等待;即将降 临到 (某人) 身上:He is in custody awaiting trial. 他被羁押候审。◊ Her latest novel is eagerly awaited. 她最新的小说很受期待。◊ A warm welcome awaits all our guests. 我们所有 的客人都将受到热烈欢迎。 expect sb/sth to be waiting for sb/sth to arrive, as this has been arranged; to think or believe that sth will happen or that sb will do sth 期待;预期;期盼: to expect a visit/call/letterform sb 期待某人来访 /来电 / 来信。 ◊ Are you expecting visitors? 你在等客人 吗? ◊ We are expecting a rise in food prices this month. 我们预计这个月食品价格会上涨。 wait for sb/sth to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens 等待;等候: Are you waiting for a bus? 你在等 公共汽车吗? WHICH WORD? Await sb/sth is more formal than wait for sb/sth, and is generally used for events, news, etc. rather than an actual person or thing. * await sb/sth 比 wait for sb / sth 更正式,一般用于指 事件、消息等,而非确指人或事物。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to wait for a bus/taxi ■ to wait for/await sth anxiously/patiently ■ to wait for/await the outcome/result of sth ■ to confidently/fully expect sth wait on sth (especially AmE, ScotE) -> WAIT ON SB 1 wait sth out to stay in a place until sth difficult or unpleasant has passed or finished 等待 (困难或令人不快的事) 结束;挨过 (难 关):We sheltered in a doorway to wait out the storm. 我们躲在门口等候暴风雨过去。◊ It was difficult to wait out the hours until I could phone her to hear the news. 我能给她打电 话听取消息之前的那几个小时真难熬。◊ Their strategy has always been to wait the recession out. 他们的策略一直是等着经济衰退结束。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wait up 1 (for sb) to not go to bed until sb comes home or arrives 等着不睡;熬夜等待: Don't wait up (for me), I may be late. 不要熬夜 等我,我可能要晚回来。SYN stay up 2 (AmE, informal) used to tell sb to wait for you (用 于表示请求) 等一下,等等:Wait up! I'll be right there. 等一等!我马上就过去。◊ Hey you guys, wait up! 喂,伙计们,先别走! SYN hang on; hold on ♦ v + adv wait upon sb t wait on sb 2 wake /weɪk/ (woke /wəʊk/, woken /ˈwəʊkən/ or waked, waked) wake up to become conscious again 苏醒; 恢复知觉: When she woke up after the operation, her sister was sitting beside her bed. 她手术后醒来时,妹妹正坐在她床边。-> note at COME ROUND ♦ v + adv wake up; ,wake sb up; ,wake your- self up 1 to stop sleeping; to make sb stop sleeping 睡醒;醒来;唤醒;弄醒:How many times does the baby wake up in the night? 宝宝 夜里醒几次? ◊ I usually wake up early in the summer. 我夏天通常醒得早。◊ You look as if you've only just woken up! 你看上去睡眼惺松! ◊ Can you wake me up at eight? 你能在八点钟 叫醒我吗?◊ He was woken up by the sound of breaking glass. 他被砸碎玻璃的声音吵醒了。2 to become, or to make sb, more lively and interested (使) 活跃,清醒, 提起兴趣:You need to wake up and start paying attention. 你 得清醒清醒集中注意力了。◊ Wake up! I don't want to have to repeat all this.打起褚神!我不 想从头到尾重说一遍。◊ The class needs waking up. 应该让这个班活跃起来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n IDM wake ,up and smell the coffee informal) used to tell sb to become aware of what is really happening in a situation, especially when this is sth unpleasant (用于提醒他人) 醒悟过来面对现实 ► wake-up adj [only before noun] that is intended to wake you up 叫醒的;唤醒的: What time would you like your wake-up call (= for example, in a hotel)? 你希望几点钟给 你打叫醒电话? wake 'up to sth to become aware of sth; to realize sth 意识到;认识到:People are finally waking up to the fact that the natural world must be conserved. 人们终于意识到一定要保护 自然界。◊ The hospitals have woken up to the value of experienced nurses. 医院已经意识到资 深护士的价值。◊ He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation. 他还没有认识到形 势有多严峻。 ♦ v + adv + prep SYNONYMS同义词辨析 wake up awake ♦ get up ♦ wake up These verbs all mean to stop sleeping. 这些动 词都表示醒、睡醒、醒来。 awake (formal) to wake up 醒;睡醒;醒来: She awoke to the sound of birds singing. 她醒 来听见鸟儿在歌唱。NOTE Awaken can also be used, but it is more formal and is found mainly in literature. 也可使用 awaken, 但更 正式且主要见于文学作品。 get up to get out of bed after sleeping 起床: What time do you get up in the morning? 早晨 你几点起床?◊ She always gets up early. 她总 是很早起床。◊ We'll have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow. 我们明天必须六点起床。 wake up to stop sleeping 醒; 睡醒;醒来: What time did you wake up this morning? 今 天早晨你几点床的? ◊ I woke up in the middle of the night 我半夜醒了。 ◊ Wake up! It's ten o'clock! 醒醒! 十点了 ! NOTE Wake can be used on its own, but is more formal * wake 可单独使用,但更正式:When he woke, the sun was already shining. 他醒来时,已是艳阳 高照。◊ She woke from a deep sleep. 她从沉 睡中醒来。 WHICH WORD? awake, awaken and wake are mostly used in written English, especially literary English. In everyday spoken English, use wake up . * awake、awaken 和 wake 多用于书面英语,尤 其是文学作品。日常英语口语中用 wake up。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to wake up/wake/awake/awaken from sth ■ to wake up/get up/wake/awake/awaken late/early/in the morning/at seven o'clock ■ to wake up/wake/awake/awaken suddenly walk /wɔːk/ walk a way (from sb/sth) 1 to leave a difficult or unpleasant situation in order to avoid it, instead of staying to deal with it 丢下 (某人);(从困难或令人不快的处境中)走 开,脱身:to walk away from a situation/deal 脱离某种境况 / 放弃一项协议。◊ You can't just walk away from the problem. 你不能就这么 甩手不管这个问题了。◊ He just walked away from everything—his job, his home and his family. 他就那么一走了之放弃了一切 —— 他的 工作、家以及家人。2 if you walk away from an accident, etc., you are not seriously injured (在事故等中)免受重伤,平安脱身: Both drivers walked away with minor cuts and bruises. 两名司机伤势都不重.只有轻微的划伤 和瘀伤。◊ He walked away unhurt. 他毫发未 损地平安脱险了。 ♦ v + adv walk away/1 off with sth 1 to win sth very easily 轻易取胜;轻松赢得:The team walked away with the championship. 该队轻而 易举地获得了冠军。2 to steal sth; to take sth without the owner's permission 顺手牵羊;顺 便偷走:The thief walked away with jewellery worth £24000. 窃贼偷走了价值 24000 英镑的 珠宝。 ♦ v + adv + prep walk in on sb/sth to go into a room and see what sb is doing when they did not expect you and did not want anyone to see them 冷 不丁进屋撞见;不经意撞上:Sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on you. 对不起,我没想到你在这儿。 ◊ I'd obviously walked in on a very serious conversation. 我的闯入显然很突然,打断了一场 十分严肃的谈话。 ♦ v + adv + prep walk 'into sb/sth to crash into sb/sth while you are walking 走路时撞到:Look where you're going! You walked straight into me. 看着点路! 你把我撞了个正着。◊ He keeps bumping into things and walking into walls. 他不断地碰到东 西撞到墙。 ♦ v + prep walk into sth (informal 1 to become caught in sth that you are not expecting, especially because you are not careful 意外落入,不小心陷入(令人不快的境地):He realized he'd walked into a trap. 他意识到自己 稀里糊涂落入了陷阱。 2 to succeed in getting a job without having to make an effort 轻易获 得(工作):She walked straight: into a job in publishing. 她不费吹灰之力谋得了一份出版行业 的工作。 ♦ v+ prep walk 'off; .walk off sth to leave a place or a person suddenly because you are angry or upset 愤然离去;拂袖而去:She turned and walked off without a word. 她二话没说,转身 离去。◊ The rest of the team walked off the field in protest. 其他队员愤然退场表示抗议。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep walk sth off to go for a walk in order to get rid of the feeling that you have eaten too much or an emotion such as anger 散步消食 (或消气等):I need to walk off that lunch. 我 要散散步把午饭消化一下。◊ It'll do her good to walk some of her temper off. 散个步消消气会对 她有好处。 NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv walk off with sth (informal) 1 -> WALK AWAY/OFF WITH STH 1: They've walked off with most of the film awards. 他们轻松获得了大部分 电影奖项。2 (humorous) -> WALK AWAY/OFF WITH STH 2: Who's walked off with my pen? 谁 顺手牵羊拿走了我的钢笔? ◊ That dog's just walked off with our ball! 那只狗刚刚叼走了我 们的球! walk 'out 1 (also .walk out of sth) to leave a meeting, a performance, etc. suddenly before the end, because you do not like it or are angry (因不喜欢或生气)突然离去,退场,退 席:Several students walked out of the debate before the vote. 几名学生在投票前退出了辩论 会。◊ Some of the audience walked out in disgust. 一些观众愤然退场。2 (of workers工人) to stop working and go on strike 罢工:The cameramen have walked out over working conditions. 摄影师们因不满意工作条件而罢工。 3 (on sb/sth) (informal) to leave sb you have a close relationship with and a responsibility for 遗弃;抛弃;舍弃;离开:He walked out on his wife/marriage after 35 years. 结婚 35 年之后, 他抛弃了妻子/放弃了婚姻。 ♦ v + adv 1 also v + adv + prep ► walkout n 1 a sudden strike by workers 突 然罢工:The staff staged a one-day walkout. 职 员突然罢工一天。2 a protest in which you leave a meeting, a performance, etc. to show your anger or disapproval (表示愤怒或异议 的)退席,退场,离开 walk 'over sb informal) 1 to treat sb badly and not consider their wishes or feelings 苛刻 对待;欺负;无视...的愿望(或感情): We're not prepared to let the management: walk all over us. 我们可不愿意让资方任意欺凌。2 to defeat sb easily in a competition 轻易打败; 一 举击败:They'll walk all over you on Saturday. 他们星期六将一举击败你们。◊ Don't let your selves be walked over. 不要一下子被打败。 ♦ v + prep ► walkover n (informal) an easy victory in a game or competition; a situation in which you are considered to have won a game although you did not in fact play 轻易取胜:不战而胜: The race was no walkover (= it was not easy to win). 这场比赛的胜利得来不易。◊ The other team didn't turn up so we had a walkover into the finaL 对手没有出场,因此我队不战而胜, 进入了决赛。 walk through sth 1 to practise or perform a play in a simple way, just using basic moves and positions 简单地排练,初排(戏剧)2 to practise a television programme without the cameras 无拍摄排练(电视节目) ♦ v + prep ► walk-through n [usually sing.] 1 a practice of a play without the clothes, objects, etc. that are used for a real performance (戏剧的)排练走台,初排 2 a practice of a television programme without the cameras (电视节目的)无拍摄排练,初拍 walk sb through sth to show or tell sb how to do sth by carefully explaining or showing each part separately 给...详细解释, 为…分步演示(操作方法等):She walked me through the complicated document. 她给我详细 讲解了那份复杂的文件。◊ He'll walk^ you through the procedure. 他将给你分步演示整个 程序。 SYN talk sb through sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► walk-through n [usually sing.] a careful explanation of the details of a process 详细讲 解;分步演示 walk 'up (to sb/sth) to approach sb/sth in a confident way (自信地)走向,走近:She walked straight up to the desk and asked to see the manager. 她信步直接走到前台,要求面见 经理。 ♦ v + adv wall /wɔːl/ wall sth 'in to put a wall or a barrier around sth (用墙或屏障)围住,圈起,环绕: Apartment blocks walled in the playground completely. 公寓楼群把操场围得严严实实。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wall sth 'off to build a wall or a barrier around an area to separate it from another area (用墙或屏障)把…隔开,分隔:Part of the yard had been walled off, 院子的一部分已经 隔起来了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wall sb up to keep sb as a prisoner in a place surrounded by walls 把...关在大墙内; 监禁:a story of a woman who was walled up in a small room and left to die 一个被关在小屋里 等死的女子的故事 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wall sth up to block a space with bricks or a wall so that it can no longer be used (用砖或 墙)堵塞. 封死:The entrance had been walled up in the 17th century. 入口在 17 世纪时 封上了。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wallow /ˈwɒləʊ; AmE ˈwɑːloʊ/ wallow in sth (often disapproving) to enjoy sth that gives you pleasure, especially when it is sth unpleasant and you do it in a way that makes other people think you enjoy being unhappy or want sympathy from them 纵乐 于,沉迷于(尤指令人不快或博人同情的事): Stop wallowing in self-pity. 不要一味地自怜了。 ◊ She wallows in nostalgia for the past 她沉湎 于对过往的怀恋。 [OBJ] self-pity, nostalgia ♦ v + prep waltz /wɔːls; AmE wɔːlts/ waltz 'off (with sth) ^informal) to leave a person or place in an annoying way, often taking sth without the owners permission 令 人讨厌地离开(常擅自带走东西):The tenants waltzed off with half our possessions. 房客 顺手牵羊把我们的东西带走了一半。◊ He just waltzed off and left me! 他甩掉了我,自己 溜了! SYN walk away/off (with sth) ♦ v + adv wander /ˈwɒndə(r); AmE ˈwɑːn-/ wander off/away; .wander from/'off sth to leave the place where you ought to be, or the person or group of people you are with without thinking about it 走散;走失:Don't wander off and get lost. 别乱走迷了路。◊ The child had wandered away from her mother. 那 孩子和她妈妈走散了。◊ We had wandered off the path. 我们偏离了道路。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep Want /wnnt; AmE woznt, w□:nt/ want for sth (formal) (usually used with a negative word 通常与否定词连用)to suffer because you do not have sth 因缺少(某物) 而受苦:I work hard so that my children want for nothing. 我努力工作为的是让我的孩子一无 所缺。 [OBJ] little, nothing ♦ v + prep want 'In (on sth) 1 (also .want 'into sth) (informal, especially AmE) to want to be involved in sth, especially a business deal 想要参与,希望涉足(尤指商业交易):Do you want in (on this project) ? 你想参与(这个项 目)吗? ◊ Does Jack want into the club? 杰克 想加入俱乐部吗? 2 (AmE, ScotE, informal) to want to come inside a place 想要进来:The cat wants in. Can you open the door? 猫要进来。 你开一下门好吗? OPP want out, want out of sth ♦ v + adv 1 also v + prep want out; .want out of sth 1 (informal) to no longer want to be involved in sth, especially a business deal 想要退出(尤指商 业交易):I want out before we get into difficulties. 我想在我们遇到麻烦之前退出。◊ I want out of this mess. 我不想再理这个烂摊子 了。OPP want in (on sth), want into sth 2 (AmE, ScotE, informal) to want to go out of a place 想要出去:I want out of here, 我想离开这 里。OPP want in ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep ward /wɔːd; AmE wɔːrd/ ward sb/sth 'off to prevent sb/sth dangerous or unpleasant from affecting or harming you 防止,挡住,避开(危险或不快之 事):She put up a hand to ward off the blows. 她抬起手阻挡打击。◊ I'm taking vitamin C to ward off a cold. 我在服用维生素C预防感冒。◊ He keeps dogs to ward off unwanted visitors. 他 养了狗,防止有不速之客上门。 [OBJ] evil, blows, criticism, danger ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv warm /wɔːm; AmE wɔːrm/ warm down to do gentle exercises to help your body relax after doing a particular sport or activity (体育运动或活动之后)做放松操, 做舒缓运动 ► warm-down n [usually sing.]: Remember to do your warm-down when you've finished your work-out. 锻炼结束后,要记着做放松 运动。 warm to sb to start to like a person 喜欢 上;对…产生好感:I warmed to the teacher immediately. 我立即喜欢上了那位老师。 ♦ v + prep warm to sth to become more interested in or enthusiastic about sth 对…更感兴趣:更热 衷于:The speaker was warming to his theme now. 演讲者就他的主题越讲越起劲。 [OBJ] theme, task, idea ♦ v + prep warm up 1 (of the weather, the earth, etc. 天气、地球等)to become warmer 变暖: Research shows that the sea is warming up. 研 究显示海洋在变暖。◊ When spring comes, the earth begins to warm up. 春天来临时,大地开 始回暖。2 to do gentle exercise or practice to prepare for exercise, a performance, etc.(锻 炼、表演等之前)做准备活动,做适应性练习, 热身:always careful to warm up before I go jogging, 我慢跑之前总是注意热身。◊ Peter was warming up with a few scales. 彼得正在做音阶 练习。SYN limber up (for sth) 3 (of a machine, an engine, etc. 机器、发动机等)to run for a short time in order to reach the temperature at which it will operate well 暖 机;预热:This computer takes a long time to warm up. 这台计算机预热时间很长。 ♦ v + adv ► warm-up n [usually sing.] a series of gentle exercises or a short practice to prepare for exercise, a performance, etc.(锻练、表演 等之前的)准备活动,适应性练习,热身:What do you do as a warm-up? 你准备活动做什么? ◊ warm-up exercises 热身练习 warm up; .warm sb/sth up 1 to become, or to make sb or a part of sb's body, feel warmer (使)(某人或身体部位)暖和, 变暖:Come and warm up by the fire. 过来烤火 取取暖吧。◊ They stamped their feet to warm them up. 他们跺脚取暖。2 to become, or to make sb/sth, more lively or enthusiastic (使)活跃起来,热烈起来:By midnight the party was only just warming up, 聚会到半夜时 才刚刚开始热闹起来。◊ His role is to warm up the audience before the main event. 他的任务是 在正式演出之前调动观众情绪活跃气氛。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n warm sth 'up 1 to make sth become warmer 使暖和;使变暖: The fire had begun to warm the room up. 炉火让屋子开始暖和了起来。2 to heat cooked food again before you eat it 再次 加热(冷饭菜):The soup just needs warming up. 汤只需再热一热就行了。 SYN heat sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n warn /wɔːn; AmE wɔːrn/ warn sb/sth a way to tell a person, a ship, an aircraft, etc. not to come near a place because it is dangerous 警告(人、船、飞机 等)不要靠近:The male birds sing to warn other males away. 雄鸟鸣叫着警告其他雄鸟 走开。◊ An electric fence warned away anyone who came too close. 电子围栏提醒人们不得 靠近。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n warn sb off; warn sb off sb/sth; warn sb off doing sth 1 to tell sb to leave or not to come near a place, often in a threatening way (常指威胁着)让某人离开, 叫某人不得靠近:The farmer warned us off his land when we tried to camp there. 我们想在那 里露营,可是农场主警告我们不得靠近他的土 地。2 to advise sb not to do sth or to stop doing sth 劝告某人不要,建议某人停止(做某 事):He was warned off smoking after his first heart attack.他心脏病新次发作后,别人就劝他 戒烟。◊ She warned him off a career in acting. 她建议他放弃在演艺圈发展。◊ We were warned off renting the apartment. 有人劝我们不要租这 套公寓。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep wash /wɒʃ; AmE wɑːʃ, wɔ:J/ wash sb/sth a way if water, a wave, etc. washes sb/sth away, it removes or carries them/it away to another place (水、波浪 等)把…冲掉,冲走:A freak wave washed the two children away. 突如其来的浪头把两个孩子 卷走了。◊ The bridge was washed away by the floods. 桥被洪水冲垮了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wash sth a way to use water to remove a mark, din, etc. from sth 洗掉,洗去(痕迹、 灰尘等):She tried to wash away some of the dirt and blood from the boy's face. 她试着洗掉 男孩脸上的一些尘土和血迹。 ◊ (figurative) A hot bath soon washed my tiredness away. 我洗了个 热水澡,很快就解乏了。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wash sth down 1 (with sth) to clean sth by using a large quantity of water (用水)冲 洗,洗刷:I washed the car down with a hose. 我用水龙带冲洗了汽车。2 (with sth) to drink sth after, or at the same time as, eating food 就着(食物)喝(饮料):We washed our lunch down, with iced tea. 我们喝着冰茶吃了午板。◊ He had a huge plate of pasta washed down with several bottles of beer. 他吃了一大盘通心粉. 喝 了几瓶啤酒。3 (of a river, a flood, etc. 河、洪 水等)to carry sth downwards away from its original position 将…冲到下方;冲走;冲积: Tons of earth had been washed down by the storm. 暴风雨冲走了大量泥土。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wash off; wash sth off; wash sth 'off sth to be removed from clothes, etc. by washing; to remove sth in this way (被) 冲刷掉,洗掉:(从衣服等上)洗掉:However hard, you rub, an ink stain won't wash off. 无论 怎样用劲揉搓,墨水渍就是洗不掉。◊ Wash off the dirt with soap and water. 用肥皂和水把污 垢洗刷掉。 ◊ Wash the mud off your boots before you go in. 把靴子上的泥冲掉再进来。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep wash out .wash sth out .wash sth out of sth to be removed from a fabric, hair, etc. by washing; to remove sth in this way (被)洗掉;(从织物、头发等上)把…洗 去:The hair colour will wash out in a few weeks. 这种染发剂过几个星期就会洗掉。◊ Take care to wash all the shampoo out of your hair. 注意把头发上的洗发水都冲干净。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep a washed out adj (of fabric, clothes or colours 织物、衣服或颜色)no longer brightly coloured, often as a result of frequent washing 洗得褪色的;洗得不再鲜艳的: Washed-out jeans were very fashionable at that time. 那时褪色牛 仔裤很时髦。 wash sb out to make sb very tired 使筋疲力 尽;使十分疲乏:That long walk has washed me out. 走那么长的路把我累得疲惫不堪。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► washed out adj (of a person 人)tired and pale 疲乏苍白的:You look washed out—go and rest. 你看上去苍白无力-----去休息吧。 wash sth out 1 (with sth) to wash the inside of a container in order to remove dirt, etc. 洗 净,清洗(容器内部):He carefully washed the bottles out with disinfectant. 而用消毒剂把瓶子 里面仔细清洗干净。2 if rain washes out a sports game, an event, etc., it makes it end early or prevents it from starting (雨)使 (体育比赛、活动等)提前结束,阻止…的举行: The game was washed out. 这场比赛因下雨无法 举行了。3 (AmE) (of a flood or heavy rains) to destroy a road (洪水或暴雨)冲毁, 毁坏 (道路): The storm surge washed out a huge chunk of the highway. 风暴潮冲垮了一大段公 路。 4 (AmE, formal) to end sth 结束;终止: Baltimore washed out the Indians' six-game win streak with an 8-3 win. 巴尔的摩队以 8:3 终结 了印第安人队的六连胜。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► washed out adj [only before noun] flooded; damaged by floods 发洪水的;遭洪水 破环的:Washed-out towns are appealing for help. 遭受洪灾的城镇正在吁请援助。 ► washout n (informal) 1 an event that stops early or does not happen, because of rain 因 雨中止(或取消)的赛事:The game was a washout. 比赛因雨提前结束。2 an event that is a complete failure 彻底失败的事:The party was a total washout. 那场聚会彻头彻尾是个失 败。3 (AmE) a part of a road that has been destroyed by a flood or heavy rains (洪水或 暴雨)冲毁的一段路:a hundred-foot washout * 100 英尺长的被冲毁道路 wash over sb 1 (also .wash 'through sb) to suddenly affect sb very strongly 突然强烈影 响;使受到震动:A wave of guilt washed over her. 她突然感到一阵强烈的内疚。2 (informal) to happen all around sb without affecting them (周围发生的事情)对…毫无影响:All their criticism seems to wash over him. 他们所 有的批评对他似乎都是耳边风。 ♦ v + prep wash up (AmE) to wash your hands and face 洗手洗脸:I went to the men's room to wash up. 我到男卫生间去洗了洗手和脸。 ♦ v + adv wash up; .wash sth up 1 (BrE) to wash dirty plates, glasses, etc. after a meal (餐后) 洗刷餐具: It's your turn to wash up. 轮到你洗碗 了。 ◊ Don't forget to wash up the glasses as well. 别忘了捎带洗洗玻璃杯。2 to be carried along in the water and then left on land; to carry sth along and leave it in this way 被冲上 岸;把…冲上岸:A number of dead dolphins have washed up on the shore. 一些死海豚被冲 到了岸上。◊ His body was washed up on the beach two days later. 两天后,他的尸体被冲上 了海滩。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► washed up adj (informal, especially AmE) to be no longer successful and unlikely to succeed again in the future (很可能)不再成 功的:a washed-up cabaret singer 过气的卡巴莱 歌手 ► washing- up n [U] (BrE) 1 the act of washing dirty dishes, glasses, etc. after a meal (餐后的)餐具洗刷:Don't forget to do the washing-up before you go out. 你出去前别忘了 洗碗。◊ washing-up liquid 餐具洗涤液 2 the dirty dishes, glasses, etc. that have to be washed after a meal (餐后的)待洗餐具:a sink full of washing-up 堆满脏碗碟的洗涤槽 waste /weɪst/ i waste a way (of a person, part of the body, etc.人、身体部位等)to grow thin or weak because you are not in good health 变得瘦弱: He was clearly wasting away. 他明显消瘦了。◊ The muscles in her arm had wasted away. 她的 手臂越来越瘦。 ♦ v + adv watch /wɒtʃ; AmE wɑːtʃ, wɔːtʃ/ watch for sb/sth 1 to look and wait for sth to happen or for sb to come 观察等待,守候 (某事发生或某人出现):My parents were watching for me coming off the plane. 父母翘首 等候着我下飞机。◊ Watch for the sign. 注意观 察信号。2 t watch our for sb/sth 1: There are several points to watch for. 有几点需要 留意。 ♦ v + prep watch out used to warn sb about sth dangerous (用于表示警告)小心,留神,注意: Watch out, there's a car coming! 当心,有车! ◊ Hell get in a terrible mess if he doesn't watch out. 他如果不小心点儿就会搞得一团糟。 SYN look out o note at look out ♦ v + adv watch out for sb/sth 1 (also watch for sb/sth) to be quick to notice or be aware of sb/sth, especially sb/sth that might cause you trouble 留心观察,密切注意(尤指可能带来麻 烦的人或事物):The staff were asked to watch out for forged banknotes. 员工被告知要提防伪 钞。◊ Watch out for their striker; he could cause us all sorts of problems. 盯住他们的前 锋,他会给我们带来种种麻烦的。→ note at LOOK OUT 2 to be ready to see sb/sth new or interesting 留意,等着看(新的或有趣的人或事 物): Watch out for a new feature in next month's magazine. 敬请关注下月杂志中的新 特写。 SYN look out for sb/sth ♦ v + adv + prep watch 'over sb/sth (formal) 1 to take care of sb/sth, by being near them; to protect or guard sb/sth 照管;守卫;保护:The child needed to be watched over 24 hours a day. 那个 孩子需要每天 24 小时看护。◊ He believed his mother was still watching over him, even though she had died when he was very young. 尽管母亲在他很小的时候就去世了,他相信她依 然在守护着他。SYN protect sb/sth (more formal) 2 to watch sb/sth carefully to make sure that everything is done or happens correctly 监督;监视:There is a committee to watch over government policy. 政府政策有委员 会监督。SYN supervise sb/sth (more formal) ♦ v + prep water /ˈwɔːtə(r); AmE also 'wɑ:t-/ water sth 'down 1 to make a liquid weaker by adding water 加水冲淡:掺水稀释(液体): The beer had been watered down. 啤酒掺水了。 [OBJ] beer SYN dilute sth (more formal) 2 to change sth such as a speech, a piece of writing, etc. to make it less strong and less likely to offend people 减弱(语气、调子 等);使(讲话、文章等)缓和:The criticisms had been watered down to avoid giving offence. 批评的语气已经缓和了,以免冒犯别人。◊ The government has watered down its policy to make it more acceptable. 政府已经缓和了政 策,使之更易被接受。[OBJ] proposal SYN dilute sth (more formal) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv [rare) ► watered 'down adj 1 made weaker because water has been added 加水冲淡的; 掺水稀释的:watered-down beer 兑水的啤酒 2 made less strong or critical in order not to offend people 语气减弱的;不再激烈的: watered-down language 变得温和些了的语言 ◊ It's a watered-down version of the original proposal. 这份提案比最初的语气缓和了些。 wave /weɪv/ wave sth a1 round (BrE also .wave sth a bout) if you wave your arms, hands, etc. around, you move them violently, often to attract attention 挥舞,晃动(手臂等):She ran out into the yard, waving her arms about, 她挥舞着双臂跑到院子里。◊ Stop waving that knife around! 不要总动那把刀子! ♦ v + n/pron + adv wave sth a side/a way to not accept sth because you think it is not important or necessary 对…不屑一顾;对…不予理会:Their protests were waved aside. 他们的抗议未被理 睬。◊ He waved away my question without trying to answer it. 他对我的问题根本不屑 回答。 [OBJ] objection, protest SYN brush sth aside; dismiss sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wave sb/sth down to signal to sb/sth to stop, by waving your hand 对...挥手示意停 下;挥手叫停:We waited while Richard waved down a taxi 我们等着,理查德招手叫来一辆出 租车。◊ The police had set up a roadblock and waved several drivers down. 警察设立路障并挥 手示意几位司机停车。 [OBJ] driver, taxi, vehicle SYN flag sb/sth down ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wave sb 'off to wave goodbye to sb as they leave 挥手送别:I waved the children off to school and went back inside. 我挥手与上学的孩 子们告别,然后回到屋里。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wave sb/sth on to signal to sb/sth to go forwards, by waving your hand or arm 对...挥 手示意前行:The police waved the traffic on. 警 察招手让年辆向前开。◊ We stopped, but the cab driver waved us on. 我们停下了,但出租车司机 招手叫我们往前走。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wave sb/sth through; wave sb/sth through sth to signal to sb to continue forwards through a gate or a barrier, by waving your hand or arm 挥手让...通过(门 或障碍物):The soldier gave us back our passports and waved us through. 士兵把护照还 给我们,然后挥手示意我们通过。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep wean /wiːn/ wean sb/yourself off/from sth to make sb/ yourself gradually stop doing sth or using sth that is bad or harmful 使逐渐戒 除(恶习);使渐渐脱离(对…的依赖):The hospital managed to wean her off the drug. 医 院已使她逐步戒除了毒瘾。◊ The patch enables smokers to wean themselves off cigarettes gradually. 这种膏药能使吸烟者慢慢地把烟戒 掉。◊ It can be extremely difficult to wean children off junk food. 让儿童改掉吃垃圾食品的 习惯有时十分困难。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep be weaned on sth to have learned about or experienced sth from an early age (自幼年 开始)了解、经历:I weaned on a regular diet of Hollywood fantasy. 我从小就时常看好莱 坞奇幻电影。 ♦ be + v + prep wear /weə(r)); AmE wer/ (past wore /wɔːr/, worn /wɔːn; AmE wɔːrn/) wear a*way if time wears away, it passes very slowly (时间)慢慢流逝:The afternoon was wearing away. 那个下午的时间过得很慢。 SYN pass by ♦ v + adv wear a1 way; .wear sth a way to become, or to make sth become thinner, smoother, etc. by using or rubbing it over a long period of time (因长期使用而)变薄,变光滑,磨薄、 磨光滑:The picture on the coin had worn away. 硬币上的图秦已经磨没了。◊ The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors. 成千上万的游客把台阶踏得很光滑。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) wear away at sb/sth to slowly and gradually make sth thinner or smoother (逐 渐)磨薄,磨光滑:a drop of water wearing away at a stone 滴水穿石。(figurative) Stress can wear away at your ability to think straight. 压力会逐步破坏你的逻辑思维能力。 [OBJ] stone SYN erode sth (more formal) ♦ v + adv + prep wear down; .wear sth down to become or to make sth become, gradually smaller, thinner, etc. by continuously using or rubbing it (因重复使用而)变小,变薄,磨短,磨薄: The tyres had worn right down. 轮胎完全磨损 了。 ◊ The path has been worn down in places to bare rock. 这条小路有些地方已经磨得露出了 的石头。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wear sb/sth down to make sb/sth weaker or less determined, especially by continuously attacking or putting pressure on them/it over a period of time (尤指通过不断攻击或施加压 力)使衰弱,使意志薄弱:Constantly being criticized was wearing her down. 她因为不断受 到指责而意志消沉。◊ to wear down sb's patience/resistance 消磨耐心;削弱抵抗力 SYN grind sb down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) wear sth 'in (BrE) to wear boots or shoes for a short period of time until they become comfortable 把(新靴子或鞋子)穿得合脚;使 穿得舒适:These boots were so comfortable they didn't need to be worn in at all. 这双靴子很舒 服,一穿上就合脚。 [OBJ] boots, shoes SYN break sth in ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wear 'off if a feeling or an effect wears off, it gradually disappears (感觉或效果) 逐渐消 失, 消逝:The effects of the medicine slowly wore off. 药效慢慢过去了。◊ Children love new toys, but the novelty soon wears off. 小孩喜欢新 玩具,但新鲜感很快就会消失。 ♦ v + adv wear on when time wears on, it passes in a way that seems slow (时间) 慢慢流逝:As the evening wore on, she became more and more nervous. 随着夜色渐深,她越来越紧张。→ note at GO BY ♦ v + adv wear out; .wear sth out to become, or to make sth become, thin or no longer able to be used, usually because it has been used too much 磨薄;磨损;用旧;用坏:Our carpets always seem to wear out quickly. 我们的地毯似 乎总是很快就磨坏了。◊ I wore out two pairs of boots on the walking trip. 我这次徒步旅行穿脚 了两双靴子。◊ (figurative) Her patience finally wore out. 她终于失去了耐心。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► worn 'out adj badly damaged and no longer useful because it has been used a lot 彻底损坏的;破旧不堪的:worn-out clothes/equipment 褴褛的衣服/老化的设备 wear sb/yourself 'out (with sth) to make sb/yourself extremely tired 使筋疲力尽;使疲 惫不堪:It's no good wearing yourself out by working so late. 熬夜把自己累角是不可取的。◊ The kids have worn me out today. 孩子们今天 把我累环了。 SYN tire sb out; exhaust sb (more formal) → note at TIRE SB OUT ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► worn out adj [not usually before noun] extremely tired 麻疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的:I went to bed feeling worn out after the busy week. 忙了一周,我上床睡觉时觉得浑身像散了 架。◊ You look worn out! 你看上去累得够呛! ◊ He died a worn-out man overcome by the injustices of life. 他饱尝生活的不公,身心俱疲 而死。 weary /ˈwɪəri; AmE ˈwɪri/ (wearies, wearying, wearied) weary of sb/sth; weary of doing sth (literary) to lose your interest in or enthusiasm for sb/sth 对…失去兴趣 (或热情);厌倦:As the day went on, we wearied of the long journey. 随着那一天的过去,我们对长途旅行失 去了兴趣。 SYN tire of sb/sth, etc. (less formal) ♦ v + prep weasel /ˈwiːzl/(-ll-, AmE -l-) weasel out; .weasel 'out of sth (informal, disapproving, especially AmE) to avoid keeping a promise, doing your duty, etc. 背弃 (承诺);逃避,推诿 (责任等):I should be punished. I'm not going to try and weasel out. 我该受惩罚。我不会设法逃避的。◊ He's trying to weasel out of the deal. 他正设法退出 这笔交易。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + prep weed /wiːd/ weed sb/sth out to remove or get rid of sb/sth that you do not want from a group of people or things 清除;剔出;淘汰:a plan intended to weed out poor teachers 淘汰不称职 教师的计划 ◊ Weak or sick animals were weeded out. 病弱的动物遭到淘汰。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv weigh /weɪ/ weigh a'gainst sb/sth {formal) to make sb less likely to achieve sth or to be successful 妨 碍,阻碍 (某人做成某事);对...不利:The fact that he's had five jobs in two years will weigh against his application. 他两年里做过五份工 作,这将不利于他的申请。 SYN count against sb ♦ v + prep weigh sth against sth to consider the importance or the advantages of sth compared to sth else 将…和…进行对比; 权衡:Potential benefits need to be weighed against the obvious risks. 需要权衡潜在的利益和明显的风险。 SYN set sth against sth ♦ v + n/pron + prep weigh sb down (with sth) to make sb feel anxious or depressed 使焦虑;使沮丧:The responsibilities of the job are weighing her down. 工作上的责任压得她喘不过气来。◊ He was weighed down with grief, 他悲痛欲绝。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n・v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) weigh sb/sth 'down (with sth) to put a heavy weight on sb/sth so that: it is difficult for them to move easily 把…压得动弹不得;重 压:We were weighed down with bags of shopping. 一袋袋买来的东西把我们压得走不动 路。◊ The snow was weighing down the branches of the fir trees. 雪压弯了冷杉树枝。 SYN burden sb (with sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) weigh in 1 (at sth) to have your weight measured, especially before a race, a competition, etc. (尤指比赛前) 测体重:Both boxers weighed in at several pounds below their limit. 两名拳击手赛前称的体重都比规定的上限 值少几磅。◊ Baby Sam weighed in at four kilos. 婴儿萨姆体重四公斤。2 (with sth) (informal) to join in a discussion, an argument, etc. by saying sth important or doing sth to help (在讨论、辩论等中) 发表有分量的意见,做有 助益的事:We all weighed in with helpful suggestions. 我们纷纷献计献策。 ♦ 1 v + adv ♦ 2 v + adv ♦ v + adv + speech ► weigh-in n the occasion when the weight of a person who is taking part in a sports event is measured just before the start (比赛 前对选手的) 称重:The champion arrived five minutes late for the weigh-in 冠军在赛前称体重 时迟到了五分钟。 weigh on sb/sth (also 'weigh upon sb/sth more format} to make sb feel worried or depressed; to be a difficult duty or task for sb/sth 使担忧;使沮丧;加重...的思想负担; 对...是艰巨的任务:The responsibilities are clearly weighing heavily on his shoulders. 他显 然肩负重任,忧心忡忡。◊ The debt burden weighs heavily on the government. 政府债务负 担沉重。 SYN burden sb/sth ♦ v+ prep weigh sth out to measure a quantity of sth by weight 量出,称出 (一定重量的东西): Weigh out all the ingredients before you start making the cake. 做蛋糕之前要先把配料都 称好。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) weigh sb up to form an opinion of sb by watching them or talking to them (通过观 察或交谈) 形成对…的看法,品评,判断:She stared at him, weighing him up. 她一边注视一 边揣摩着他。◊ The two women weighed each other up for a few moments. 两个女人相互打量 了一会儿。◊ He's certainly got Jeff weighed up. 他确实看透了杰夫。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) weigh sth 'up (against sth) to think carefully about a situation before you decide what to do 仔细考虑,斟酌,估量 (情形):I weighed up the pros and cons of giving up my job. 我认 真权衡了辞职的利弊。 ◊ We have to weigh up whether we can afford a trip to Italy this year. 我们得认真考虑一下今年去意大利旅行我们能否 负担得起。◊ It's important to weigh up all possible courses of action. 对所有可能的行动方 案进行斟酌很重要。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) weigh upon sb/sth weigh on sb/sth weight /weɪt/ weight sth down (with sth) to add a weight to sth so that it feels very heavy, bends down, sinks, etc. 加重...的负荷 (以致其下弯、 下沉等):The canvas sheet was weighted down to stop it blowing away. 帆布用重物压住了,防 止被凤刮走。◊ My pockets were weighted down with lots of small coins. 我的衣兜里装了很多小 硬币,沉甸甸的。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) welch /weltʃ, welʃ/ welch on sb/sth -> WELSH ON SB/STH weld /weld/ weld sb/sth into sth; ,weld sb/sth to gether to unite sb/sth into an effective whole 将...有效结合起来:The manager has welded the players into a strong team. 主教练把 运动员组织成了一支强大的队伍。◊ The crisis helped to weld the community together. 这场危 机促使整个社区紧密团结起来。 ♦ v + n/pron 十 prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv well /wel/ well up 1 if a liquid wells up, it rises to the surface and starts to flow (液体) 溢出,冒 出,涌出:Tears welled up in his eyes. 他热泪盈 眶。◊ Spots of blood began to well up on her skin. 她的皮肤上开始渗出血滴。2 (in/inside sb) if an emotion wells up, you start to feel it very strongly (情感) 进发:,勃发,涌上心头: She felt anger welling up inside her. 她感到怒火 中烧。 ♦ v + adv welsh /welʃ/ (also welch) welsh on sb/sth (informal, disapproving) to not do sth that you have promised to do, for example to not pay money that you owe a person 对...食言;失信于:I'm not in the habit of welshing on deals/ said Don. “我没有违约的 习惯。” 唐说道。 ♦ v + prep whack /wæk/ whack off (△, slang) if a man whacks off, he gives himself sexual pleasure by rubbing his sexual organs (男子) 手淫,自慰 ♦ v + adv whack sb out (informal, especially AmE) to murder sb 谋杀;杀掉:They never found, out who whacked out that old tramp. 他们一直没查 出是谁杀死了那个老流浪汉。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► whacked out adj 1 (informal under the influence of drugs, so that you are not aware of what is happening around you (因吸毒) 神志不清,疯疯癫癫:Those guys must be whacked out on something. 那些家伙一定是嗑 了什么药。2 (BrE, informal) very tired 十分疲 劳;精疲力竭:I was whacked out by the time I reached home. 我到家时累坏了。 whale /weɪl/ whale at/into/on sb (AmEt informal to attack sb by hitting them repeatedly with force 不断猛打;接连狠揍:We came in the room and found him whaling on his brother. 我 们进了屋发现他在狠揍他弟弟。 ◊ I was so angry, I simply whaled into him. 我气愤极了, 就那么猛揍了他一通。 ♦ v + prep wheel /wiːl/ wheel around; .wheel sb/sth around (BrE also .wheel 'round, wheel sb/sth 'round) (literary) to turn around very quickly to face the opposite direction; to make sb/sth do this (使)迅速转身:I wheeled around to scream at Miles. 我猛地转过身来对着迈尔斯尖叫。◊ He wheeled his horse around and started for home. 他掉转马头策马回家。 SYN spin around, spin sb/sth around ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv wheel sb/sth 'out (BrE, informal to produce sb/sth to help you do sth, even though they have often been used before 重施(故伎);重弹(老调):He wheels out the same old arguments every time he makes a speech. 他每次讲话都是旧调重弹。◊ The company wheeled out some big guns (= very important people) to launch the new car. 公司 故伎重演,又请来了一些大人物推出这款新车。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n while /waɪl/ while sth a'way if you while away a period of time, you spend it in a pleasant, lazy way 逍遥自在地度过,消磨(时间):There were plenty of cafes in which to while away a pleasant evening. 这里有很多小咖啡馆,可以让 人度过一个愉快的夜晚。◊ We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines. 我们在 机场看杂志消磨时间。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) whip /wɪp/ (-pp-) whip sth out; .whip sth 'out of sth to take sth out quickly and suddenly (从…)迅 速取出:He whipped out his camera and started taking photos. 他突然拿出相机开始拍照。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep whip 'through sth (informal) to do sth very quickly 匆匆做(某事):She whipped through the paperwork. 她迅速处理了案头工作。 ♦ v + prep whip sb/sth 'up to deliberately make sb feel strong emotions or get excited about or interested in sth 鼓动,煽动(某人、情绪 等);激发,激起(热情、兴趣等):The studio audience was whipped up into a frenzy. 录制现 场的观众受到鼓动,热情高涨。◊ They're trying to whip up support for their candidate. 他们正 竭力鼓动大家支持他们的候选人。 [OBJ] crowd, support, resistance SYN stir sb/sth up; rouse sb/sth (more formal) ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n whip sth 'up 1 to prepare a meal or some food very quickly 匆匆做(饭食):I can easily whip up an omelette. 我马上就能做好煎蛋卷。 SYN put sth together; throw sth together (informal) 2 if the wind whips up dust, waves, etc., it makes it/them rise quickly (风)迅速掀起,激起(灰尘、波浪等): The wind whipped up the sand in gusts. 大风卷起了 阵阵沙尘。[SUBJ] wind ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (less frequent) whisk/wɪsk/ whisk sb/sth away/off to remove sb/sth from a place very quickly 迅速挪走;匆匆带走: The president was whisked away by his bodyguards. 总统立刻由保镖护送走了。◊ The food was whisked away before we had finished. 还没等我们吃完,食物就被匆忙端走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n white /waɪt/ white sth 'out (especially AmE) 1 to cover a mistake that you make when you are writing or typing, by covering it with a white liquid (correction fluid)(用白色修正液)涂盖,遮 掩(书写或打印错误):I noticed that my name had been whited out. 我发现自己的名字被修正 液涂掉了。2 (of weather conditions 天气获况) to make it difficult to enter, leave or move round a place, or to stop an event from taking place, because there is so much snow that it is impossible to see anything 大雪封 住(道路、地区等);因大雪取消(活动等): Blizzards had whited out the whole county. 暴 风雪使全郡被大雪覆盖。◊ Snowstorms almost whited out the final day of the tournament. 锦 标赛最后一天的赛事差点因暴风雪取消。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + pron + adv ♦ v + n + adv (rare) ► white-out n weather conditions in which there is so much snow or cloud that it is impossible to see anything 乳白天空 whittle /ˈwɪtl/ whittle sth a'way (.also .whittle a way at sth) to gradually reduce the size, importance or value of sth 削减,降低,减少(大小、重要 性或价值):Inflation has been whittling away their savings. 通货膨胀使他们的积蓄不断贬值。 ◊ Our lead (= in a sports competition, for example) was being gradually whittled away. 我们的领先优势在逐渐缩小。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv whittle sb/sth 'down to reduce the size or number of sb/sth gradually 逐渐减少,逐渐缩 减(大小或数目):The government's majority has been whittled down to eight. 政府多数票逐 渐减少到了八票。 SYN reduce sb/sth ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv whizz (especially BrE) (AmE usually whiz) /wɪz/ whizz through sth to do, read sth, etc. very quickly 飞快地做(或读等):She whizzed through the work and was finished before lunch. 她麻利地赶在午饭前把活儿干完了。 ♦ v + prep whoop /wuːp; AmE wʊp/ whoop it 'up (informal) 1 to enjoy yourself in a noisy and excited way 狂欢;欢闹:I've been working hard while you've been whooping it up in Berlin. 我一直在埋头工作,你却在柏林 狂欢作乐。2 (AmE) to try to make people excited or enthusiastic about sb/sth 设法激起 兴趣(或热情) SYN live it up NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + it + adv wig/wɪɡ/ wig 'out; ,wig sb out (AmE, slang) to become, or to make sb, very excited or very anxious about sth; to go, or to make sb, crazy, often as a result of the effect of drugs (使) 激动不已,焦虑不安;(常指因吸毒)使亢奋, 发狂 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv wimp/wɪmp/ wimp out (on sb/sth) (informal, disapproving) to decide not to do sth you had intended to do because you are too frightened 因恐惧而 变卦;畏缩不前:Did you wimp out on any of the tests? 你有没有因害怕而放弃过哪门考试? ◊ Dave wimped out and refused to dive off the top board. 戴夫胆怯了,不肯从顶层跳板跳水。 [OBJ] bottle out, etc.; chicken out, etc. ♦ v + adv win /wɪn/ (winning, won, won /wʌn/) win sb/sth 'back to get again by your own efforts sb/sth that you had before 重新获得; 把...争取回来:I'm hoping to win back my place in the team soon. 我希望很快夺回我在队里的位 置。◊ Jack had tried everything to win Martha back. 杰克千方百计要让马莎回心转意。◊ You do have a chance to win your money back. 你确 实有机会赢回你的钱。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n win 'out (over sb/sth) (informal) if sb/sth wins out, they are/it is stronger or more successful than other things (比…)更强,更 成功;胜出: It is not clear if the archaeologists will win out over the builders and save the temple. 还不清楚考古学家能否斗过建筑商以挽 救庙宇。 SYN prevail (more formal) ♦ v + adv win sb 'over (BrE also .win sb 'round) (to sth) to gain sb's support or approval, especially by persuading them that you are right (尤指通过劝说)获得某人的支持(或认 可):My dad's against the idea, but Tm sure I can win him over. 我爸爸反对这个主意,但我 相信我能说服他。◊ My parents were won over by Anthony's charm. 我父母被安东尼的魅力征 服了。 SYN bring sb round/around (to sth) ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n win 'through to finally succeed after trying very hard 摆脱困境;终获成功:We are faced with a lot of problems but we'll win through in the end. 我们面临很多问题,但我们终将成功。◊ United won through to the final in an exciting game. 联队通过一场扣人心弦的比赛赢得了决 赛权。 ♦ v + adv wind /wɪnd/ (wound, wound /wuːnd/) wind 'down 1 to relax, after a period of stress or excitement 休息一下;喘口气: It takes a while for me to wind down after work. 我下班 后要过一会儿才能放松下来。SYN unwind 2 if a machine winds down, it goes slowly and then stops (机器)慢下来后停住:The old clock had wound right down. 旧钟完全停住不走时 了。 3 if a business winds down, it gradually reduces the amount of work it does until it closes completely (企业)逐渐减少业务直到 关闭:Next week the mill winds down for a summer break. 下个星期工厂将逐步减产,然后 休暑期短假。 ♦ v + adv wind sth 'down 1 to bring a business or an activity gradually to an end over a period of time 使(业务、活动等)逐步结束:The government is winding down its nuclear programme. 政府正在逐步放弃核计划。[OBJ] business, programme SYN reduce sth OPP expand sth 2 to make a car window open and go downwards by moving a handle, pushing a button, etc. 把(车窗玻璃)摇下:She wound down the drivefs window and called to him. 她 摇下驾驶座的窗户玻璃和他打了个招呼。 [OBJ] car window SYN open sth OPP wind sth up ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wind 'up; .wind 'up doing sth (informal) to find yourself after a long time in a particular place or situation (以…)告终,终 结:I always said she would wind up in jaiL 我 以前一直说她迟早要坐牢的。◊ Bill wound up marrying the girl next door! 比尔最后娶了这个 朴实可靠的女孩! ◊ if he isn't careful, hell wind up dead. 他要是不当心就会把命搭上。 SYN end up, etc.; finish up, etc. ♦ v + adv wind 'up; .wind sth 'up 1 to make a machine, etc. work by turning a handle several times (给机械装置)上弦,上发条; (通过转动把手)操作:Does the clock have a battery or does it wind up? 这只钟用电池还是 靠上弦? ◊ This is a great little toy. You just wind it up and off it goes!这个小玩具很棒。只 要上一下发条,它就动起来! 2 to bring sth such as a speech, a meeting or a discussion to an end 结束,了结(讲话、会议、讨论等): Before I wind up, Vd like to make one final point 讲话结束之前,我想说明最后一点。◊ If we all agree, let's wind up the discussion. 如果 大家都同意,咱们就讨论到这里吧。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► wind-up adj [only before noun] a wind-up device is one that you operate by turning a handle several rimes (机械装置)装有发条 的,用手柄操作的:a wind-up clock/toy 上发条 的时钟 / 玩具 wind sb up (BrE, informal) 1 to deliberately make sb very angry or annoyed (蓄意)惹 … 生气(或厌烦):Are you deliberately winding me up? 你是不是在有意气我? ◊ Ignore them. They're just trying to wind you up. 别睬他们: 他们只不过是想激怒你。SYN annoy sb (more formal) 2 to tell sb sth that is not true in order to make a joke 戏弄;开玩笑:Come off it, you're winding me up! 别胡扯了,你在骗我! SYN tease sb ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► wind-up n (BrE, informal) sth that sb says or does in order to annoy sb or to make a joke 故意气人的话(或做法);戏弄人的话(或 做法): It sounded so crazy I thought it was a wind-up. 那听上去十分荒唐,我觉得是捉弄 人的。 wind sth 'up 1 to close a business, a company, etc. 关闭(企业、公司等);使停业: The company was wound up last year. 这家公 司去年关门了。[OBJ] business, company 2 to close a car window by turning a handle, pressing a button, etc. 把(车窗玻璃)摇上:I wound up the window and locked the door. 我 摇上车窗并锁了车门。[OBJ] car window OPP wind sth down ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► winding」up n the act of officially closing a business, a company, etc.(企业、公司等的) 正式关闭,停业:a voluntary winding-up of the company 公司的自愿正式停业 ◊ a winding-up order/petition 停业指令 / 申请 wink/wɪŋk/ wink at sth to pretend that you have not noticed sth, especially sth bad or illegal (尤指对环事)佯装没看见,对...视而不见:The authorities have chosen to wink at the illegal trade. 当局决定对这种非法贸易睁一只眼 闭一只眼。 ♦ v + prep winkle/wɪŋkl/ winkle sb/sth out; .winkle sb/sth out of sth (BrE) to get sb/sth out of somewhere slowly and with difficulty (从…)挖出,掏 出,逐出;逼使(从…)离开:The bird uses its beak to winkle insects out of tree trunks. 这种 鸟用尖喙从树干里啄出虫子。◊ The terrorists have been winkled out of their hiding place. 恐 怖分子被迫从藏身地跑了出来。◊ Leila was working in the library, so we sent Tim to winkle her out. 利拉正在图书馆工作,所以我们派蒂姆 去把她拉出来。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep winkle sth out; winkle sth out of sb (BrE) to get sth such as information, money, etc. from sb with difficulty (从某人处)套出 (实情等),索取(金钱等):She's very good at winkling out: secrets. 她很善于打探秘密。◊ He wouldn't tell you? Don't worry, Hl winkle it out of him. 他不肯告诉你?别担心,我会让他开 口的。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v 牛 n/pron + adv + prep wipe /waɪp/ wipe sth away to remove sth, such as dirt or tears, with a cloth or your hand 擦去,抹掉 (污渍、眼泪等):Wipe away mud splashes with a wet cloth. 用湿布把溅到的泥水擦干净。◊ He wiped away a tear. 他抹去了一滴泪水。 [OBJ] stain, tear ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wipe sth 'down to clean a surface with a cloth 揩擦,擦拭(物体表面):I'll just wipe the table down before you put your books there. 我 这就把桌面擦干净,然后你再把书放到桌上。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wipe sth off; .wipe sth 'off sth 1 to remove sth from a surface with a cloth (从… 上)擦掉,抹去:Wipe off any surplus glue with a rag before it dries. 用抹布把少余的胶水 擦掉,以免干结。◊ Tom had carefully wiped his fingerprints off the glass. 汤姆小心翼翼地 擦去了自己留在玻璃杯上的指纹。 [OBJ] stain, fingerprints 2 to remove sth that has been recorded on a tape or a video tape (从磁带或 录像带上)抹掉,清除:He wiped the conver- sation off the tape. 他把磁带上的谈话录音抹掉 了。3 to reduce the value of sth, especially shares 降低(尤指股票)的价值: Over £5 billion was wiped off share values worldwide today. 今 天全球股票价格下挫了 50 多亿英镑。4 to get rid of sth 消除;除掉:Wipe that smile off your face! 别笑了! ◊ Our secret plan will wipe the smile off her face (= will stop her from being so confident). 我们的秘密计划将会让她笑不出 来。[OBJ] smile ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep wipe 'out (on sth) (in surfing and other sports 冲浪等体育运动)to fall or crash in a sport, especially to fall from a board (a surfboard)(尤指从冲浪板上)翻跌下来,栽倒: I caught a huge wave but then wiped out on the next. 我冲上一个巨浪,但下一个浪头把我打 翻了。 ♦ v + adv ► wipeout n (in surfing and other sports 冲 浪等体育运动)a fall or a crash, especially a fall from a board (a surfboard)(尤指冲浪时的) 翻跌,跌倒, 栽倒:I had so many bad wipeouts while 1 was learning to surf. 我学习冲浪时很多 次栽得很惨。 wipe sb out 1 informal) to defeat sb easily in a sports competition (体育比赛中) 轻松打败,轻易战胜:The Welsh side was wiped out 24-3. 威尔士队被对方以 24:3 轻松击 败。2 (informal) to make sb very tired 使累得 要死;使十分疲劳: All that travelling wiped her out. 那么多的旅行让她累得要死。3 (slang) to murder sb 杀死;干掉 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► wiped out adj [not before noun] (informal) very tired 累得要死:十分疲劳 ► wipeout n (especially AmE) a situation where one team easily defeats another team in a sports competition 轻而易举的胜利: Dallas's wipeout of the Giants 达拉斯队轻松击 溃巨人队 wipe sb/sth out to kill large numbers of people or animals 大量杀死;成批杀掉:The whole village was wiped out by the flood. 人都死于那场洪水。◊ Pollution has wiped out half the species of fish in the river. 污染已使河 中半数鱼种灭绝。 NOTE Often used in the passive, 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wipe sth 'out 1 to destroy sth completely 彻底消灭;完全摧毁:The disease has been virtually wiped out. 这一疾病实际上已经被消灭 了。◊ The government is trying to wipe out drug trafficking. 政府正竭力铲除贩毒活动。[OBJ] disease 2 to remove information from a computer, writing from a board, etc. 清除,删 掉(计算机信息等);抹去,擦掉(写字板上的 内容):The virus could wipe out your hard disk. 这种病毒能删除硬盘上的信息。◊(figura- tive) I'll never be able to wipe out the memory of that day. 我永远也忘不了月那一天。[OBJ] memory 3 to remove or deal with a debt completely 了 结,勾销(债务):He secured a loan to wipe out the club's debts. 他获得了一笔贷款用来清偿 俱乐部的债务。◊ Their lead was wiped out by four goals in ten minutes. 他们十分钟内连丢四 球,领先优势荡然无存。◊ This year's losses have wiped out last year's profits. 今年的亏损抵 消了去年的利润。[OBJ] profits, debts ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv SYNONYMS同义词辨析 wipe sb/sth out annihilate sb ♦ destroy sb/sth ♦ devastate sth ♦ exterminate sb/sth ♦ wipe sb/sth out These verbs all mean to damage, remove or kill sb/sth so that they no longer exist. 这些动 词都表示毁灭、摧毁、消灭。 annihilate sb to destroy or defeat sb completely 彻底毁灭;彻底击溃:The human race has enough weapons to annihilate itself. 人类拥有的武器足以自我毁灭。 ► annihilation n [U]: the annihilation of the whole human race 整个人类的灭绝 destroy sb/sth to kill sb; to damage sth so badly that it no longer exists or works 杀 死;毁坏;摧毁: The building was completely destroyed by fire. 那幢建筑物完全毁于大火。 ◊ They've destroyed all the evidence. 他们已销 毁了味有证据。◊(figurative): Failure was slowly destroying him (= making him less confident and happy). 失败正慢慢将他毁 灭。► destruction n [U]: the destruction of the rainforests 雨林的毁环 devastate sth to completely destroy a place, area or building 完全毁环,摧毁(场所, 地 区或建筑物):The bomb devastated much of the old part of the city. 炸弹摧毁了该市大部分 的旧城区。 ► devastation n [U]: The bomb caused widespread devastation. 炸弹造成了大 范围的破坏。 exterminate sb/sth to deliberately kill all the members of a group of people or animals (蓄意)灭绝,灭杀,全部消灭,根除:They used poison to exterminate the rats. 他们使用 毒药灭鼠。 wipe sb/sth out to destroy or remove sb/sth completely 彻底消灭;完全摧毁:whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake. 整 座整座的村庄毁于地震。◊ a campaign to wipe out malaria 一场消灭疟疾的运动 WHICH WORD? Devastate is stronger than destroy, but is only used about places or buildings. When used about people, it has a different meaning * devastate比destroy 语气更强烈,但仅用于指 场所或建筑物。devastate 用于指人时,含义不同: I was devastated (= very upset) to hear I'd failed my exams. 得知考试不及格, 我很难过。If people exterminate animals or people, they deliberately kill all of them. With the other expressions the cause can be natural, although annihilate is usually used to talk about the effects of war. * exterminate 指人对动物或他人 蓄意斩尽杀绝。其他动词可指出于自然原因,但 annihilate 通常用于指战争的后果。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to destroy/wipe out/devastate a village/town/city ■ a bomb/blast destroys/devastates buildings ■ to destroy/wipe out/annihilate/exterminate the enemy ■ an earthquake/a flood/a fire destroys/devastates sth wipe up; wipe sth up (BrE, informal) to dry dishes with a cloth 抹干(盘子):You wash and Hl wipe up. 你洗碗,我来擦干。 SYN dry up, dry sth up; dry, dry sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wipe sth up to dean a substance, especially a liquid, from a surface with a cloth 揩干(尤 指液体):Keep a cloth handy to wipe up any mess. 备好抹布,随时擦掉脏东西。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wire /ˈwaɪə(r)/ wire sb/sth up (to sth) to connect sb/sth to a piece of electrical equipment by using electrical wires 用导线将…连接到 (电气设备): You will be wired up to a machine which will record your heartbeat. 你身上会连接电线, 与记录心搏的仪器连通。◊ The police suggested I should be wired up (= to record the conver- sation) before I met the dealer. 警察建议我 去见毒贩前应该接好录音设备。◊ The band's instruments were all wired up for sound. 乐 队的乐器都接通了电源以增加音响效果。◊ The microphone hadn't been wired up properly. 话 筒没接好。 NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wise /waɪz/ wise up (to sth) (informal, especially AmE) to become aware of the unpleasant truth about a situation 意识到,觉察,发觉 (令人不快的实 情):Employees should wise up about how the industry works. 雇员应当对本行业如何运作有所 了解。◊ You need to wise up to the fact that he's never coming back. 你得明白他永远不会回来 了。◊ Wise up! Try and see her for what she really is. 清醒点!看清她到底是个什么样的人。 ◊ You need to wise up to how serious this situ- ation is. 你必须意识到局势的严重性。 ♦ v + adv wish /wɪʃ/ wish sb/sth a way to try to get rid of sth by wishing it did not exist; to wish that sb was somewhere else 从心里竭力摆脱; 希望 (某事物) 消失;希望 (某人) 走开:These complications can't just be wished away, you know. 你知道,这些麻烦事儿并不是想让它们消 失就能消失的。◊ Don't wish your life away (= said to sb who spends a lot of time looking forward to the future). 不要靠憧憬将来过 日子。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wish sb/sth on sb (also 'wish sb/sth upon sb more formal) (used in negative sentences, especially with wouldn't 用于否定句,尤与 wouldn't 连用) to hope very much that sth unpleasant will happen to sb or that they will have to deal with sb unpleasant 期盼某人遭遇 (不愉快的事情); 希望让某人应付 (讨厌的 人):I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy, 即便是我的死对头,我也不愿他承受这 种痛苦。 ◊ I wouldn't wish my daughter on anyone at the moment---she's very difficult! 我 现在不想把女儿推给任何人——她很难伺候! ♦ v + n/pron + prep wither /ˈwɪðə(r)/ wither a way to become less or weaker, especially before disappearing completely (尤指消亡前) 萎缩,变弱:All our hopes just withered away. 我们的一切希望就这样渐渐破 灭了。◊ They predicted that the bad schools would wither away. 他们预言差学校将逐步 消失。 ♦ v + adv wolf/wʊlf/ wolf sth 'down (informal) to eat sth very quickly, especially in large quantities 快速大 吃; 狼吞虎咽地吃:He wolfed down his break- fast and rushed out of the house. 他狼吞虎咽地 吃了早餐,然后就匆匆出了门。 SYN gobble sth down/up SYN scarf sth down (AmE, informal), scarf sth up (AmE, informal), scoff sth wolf sth down (informal) NOTE Wolf sth is also sometimes used on its own with this meaning * wolf sth 有时单独使 用也作此义:wolfing tea and cakes 狼吞虎咽地 喝茶吃糕饼 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv wonder /ˈwʌndə(r)/ wonder at sth to be very surprised by sth 对…感到诧异; 对…觉得惊讶: He wondered at her beauty. 他对她的美貌赞叹不已。◊ She wondered at her own stupidity. 她没想到自己会 这么笨。◊ It's hardly to be wondered at that he behaves as he does, considering his family background. 考虑一下他的出身背景,他的所作 所为就不足为怪了。 SYN marvel at sth ♦ v + prep work /wɜːk; AmE wɜːrk/ work a gainst sb/sth if sth works against sb/sth, it has the effect of making it harder for sb to do or achieve sth 妨碍,阻碍 (某人做成 某事);对...造成不便:The engineering career structure works against women. 工程行业的职 业结构不利于女性。◊ The new policy has worked against the interests of farmers. 新政策 损害了农民的利益。 ♦ v + prep work a round sth (BrE also .work round sth) to find a way of doing what you want to in spite of situations, rules, etc. that could prevent you doing it 绕开, 规避 (造成妨碍的 状况、规则等);绕道走:If we can't get rid of the problem, we'll just have to work round it. 如 果我们不能解决这个问题,就只好绕过它了。◊ He urged the two sides to work around their disputes and reach an agreement. 他敦促双方求 同存异,达成协议。◊ My uncle couldn't read, but he'd found ways to work around it because he was too embarrassed to tell anyone. 我叔叔 不识字,但他设法回避这一点,因为他羞于让人 知道。 ♦ v + prep ► work-around n a way of dealing with a problem which allows you achieve the result you want, without actually getting rid of the problem (未真正处理问题的)变通办法,权宜 之计:a work-around solution 临时性解决方案 work a round to sth (BrE also .work round to sth) to gradually turn a conver- sation towards a particular topic 逐渐转移 (话 题):I wondered when he would work around to the subject of money. 我不知道他何时会绕到 钱的问题上来。 ♦ v + adv + prep work at sth; work at doing sth to make great efforts to achieve sth or do sth well 努 力;致力于: She worked hard at her French and passed the exam. 她刻苦学习法语,通过了考 试。◊ You've got to work at losing weight. 你必 须花力气减肥。◊ You've got to work at it. 你必 须下功夫。◊ Marriage has to be worked at. 婚 姻需要悉心维系。 ♦ v + prep work a way (at sth) (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时)to continue to work hard for a period of time 继续努力(做 某事):I've been working away in the gym, trying to get fit. 我一直在健身房锻炼以保持健 康。◊ Ruth spends hours in the library, working away at Japanese. 鲁思在图书馆一呆就是好几 个小时,苦学日语。 ♦ v + adv work sth in; .work sth into sth 1 to add one substance to another and mix them together 掺入;将...搅拌进:Work the butter in with your fingers. 用手指把黄油掺进去。◊ Use plenty of polish and work it well into the wood. 涂上足量的光蜡并使它充分渗入木料。2 to try to include sth in a piece of writing, a speech, etc. 设法把..加进(文章、讲话等)中;尽量包 括:Try and work in. something about your own experience. 尽量穿插讲点你本人的经验。◊ He usually manages to work something topical into his act 他通常会设法在他的节目中加插些热门 话题。 ♦ 1 v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep ♦ 2 v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep work yourself 'into sth to become very angry, excited, etc. 变得十分气愤(或非常激动 等):She's working herself into a state about the exams. 她因为考试而精神紧张起来。◊ He was working himself into a rage. 他开始暴跳 如雷。 → see also WORK SB UP, WORK YOURSELF UP ♦ v + pron + prep work off sth (of a machine, a piece of electrical equipment, etc. 机器、电气设备等) to use a supply of power or another machine in order to operate 靠电源(或其他机器)运行: The lighter works off the car battery. 点火器利 用车载蓄电池打火。 ♦ v + prep work sth off 1 to get rid of sth by physical effort (通过消耗体力)宣泄,消除:He went for a run to work off some calories. 他去跑步以 消耗部分热量。◊ By the time she had finished cleaning, she had worked off her anger. 她打扫 完卫生之后气就消了。2 to earn money to pay off a debt 挣钱还清(债务):They worked off their huge bank loan over five years. 他们工作 了五年多才还清了那一大笔银行贷款。3 if you work off a punishment, etc., you do what you have been told to do because you have done sth wrong or committed a crime 服从,接受 (处罚等):Keane has started to work off his eight-match suspension. 基恩开始接受停赛八场 的处罚。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv work on sb to try to persuade sb to agree to sth or to do sth 努力劝说…同意(或去做某 事);尽力说服:My father hasn't said he will lend me the car yet, but I'm working on him. 父 亲还没说他会把汽车借给我,但我正在竭力说 服他。 ♦ v + prep work on sth 1 to be busy with a particular activity, project, piece of research, etc. 忙于, 从事(某个活动、项目、研究等):What are you working on at the moment? 你现在忙什么 呢? ◊ The committee worked on ways to raise money. 委员会忙于找路子筹措资金。◊ Tara is currently working on a solo album. 塔拉眼下正 忙着制作个人演唱专辑。2 to practise or work hard in order to improve sth 刻苦练习,努力 工作(以改进某事物):Your designs are great, but you need to work on them a bit more. 你的 设计很棒,但还需要下点功夫完善一下。◊ You need to work on your technique (= for example, in a sport). 你得下功夫提高技术。◊ Jack's been working on building up his confidence, 杰克一直在努力增强自信。◊ 'Have you sorted things out with your parents yet?' No, but I'm working on it (= I'm trying hard to do this)' “ 你和父母之间的事解决了吗?” “ 没有,但我正在继续努力。" 3 to consider that sth is true when you are saying or doing sth, planning sth, etc. 以…为前提;以…为出发 点; 基于:We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will come. 我们的前提是 假设受邀者都会出席。◊ The police are working on the theory that she was attacked by some- body she knew. 警方认为袭击她的人是她认识的 人并展开追查。 ♦ v + prep work out 1 to happen or develop in a particular way, especially a successful way 进 展;(尤指)成功地发展:I'm glad my plan worked out (= was successful). 我很高兴我的 计划成功了。◊ Their marriage didn't work out (= was not successful). 他们的婚姻不美满。◊ It is all working out very well. 一切都进展得很 顺利。◊ Don't worry now, everything will work out all right in the end. 别操心了,所有事情最 终都会有个好结果的。2 (at sth) if sth works out at sth, you calculate that it will be a particular amount 计算;算出:The rent works out at £50 a week each. 租金算下来是每人每周 50 英镑。◊ It'll work out cheaper to go by bus. 算来还是乘公共汽车便宜些。NOTE Work out is often used with cheaper, more expensive, etc. * work out 常与 cheaper、more expensive 等连 用。3 to train the body by physical exercise 锻炼身体;做运动:I try and work out three times a week. 我尽量每周锻炼三次。4 if a sum, a maths problem, etc. works out, it gives a result (总数、数学题等) 等于,解出:The equation won't work out if x is negative. 如果 x 为负数,这个等式就不成立。 ♦ v 十 adv ► workout n a period of physical exercise 锻 炼: I did a two-hour workout in the gym. 我在 健身房锻炼了两个小时。 work sb 'out (especially BrE) to understand sbJs character 了解, 理解,弄懂 (某人的性格): I've never been able to work my mother out. 我 一直摸不准母亲的脾气。 SYN figure sb out NOTE Not used in the passive. 不用于被动 语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n (rare) work sth 'out i to calculate sth 计算; 算出: You'll have to work out the costs involved. 你得 计算出所需费用。 ◊ Can you work out the answer to number 2? 你能算出第 2 题的答案 吗? ◊ I worked out that we owe him £30. 我计 算了一下,我们欠他30英镑。◊ Let me pay for now and well work it out later. 由我先付吧, 我们以后再算清楚。[OBJ] cost, answer SYN figure sth out 2 to find the answer to a question or sth that is difficult to understand or explain 找到…的答案;处理;解决:I couldn't work out how Jack had got there so quickly. 我弄不清杰克怎么这么快就到了那儿。◊ We worked out that we were second cousins. 我 们搞清楚了我们原来是远房堂兄弟。◊ Can you work out what's going on? 你能弄明白目前的情 况吗? ◊ The game was fairly simple once we'd worked out the rules. 我们搞清楚规则,这个游 戏就很简单了。SYN figure sth out NOTE Work sth out is often used with how, where, why, etc. * work sth out 常与 how、where、why 等连 用。3 to plan sth; to think of sth 计划;思考: I've worked out a better way of doing it. 我想到 一个做这件事的更好的办法。◊ The details still SYNONYMS同义词辨析 work sth out clear sth up ♦ crack sth ♦ figure sb/sth out ♦ solve sth ♦ unravel sth ♦ work sth out These verbs all mean to find the correct answer or explanation for sth. 这些动词都表示 解答、解释、解决。 dear sth up (not formal) to solve or explain sth that is mysterious or confusing 解决 (难 题);解释 (谜团):Police are desperate to have this murder cleared up. 警方正竭力侦破 这桩谋杀案。 crack sth (not formal) to find the solution to sth such as a crime or problem 破获 (案 件);解开 (难题):We need some more solid evidence if we're going to crack the case. 要想 侦破此案我们需要一些更确凿的证据。◊ I think we've cracked it 我想我们已经解开谜 团了。 figure sb/sth out (not formal) to think about sth until you understand it, especially how to do sth, what has happened, etc. 明白; 领会 到:I can't figure out how to do this. 我搞不清 楚这个怎么做才好。◊ I've never been able to figure her out 我一直没能摸透她。 solve sth to find the solution to a problem or explanation for sth that is difficult to understand or explain 解答;解决:We were given clues to help us solve the puzzle. 我们已 经得到了有助于解开这道难题的线索。◊ The mystery has not yet been completely solved. 这 个谜团仍未完全破解。 unravel sth to explain sth that is mysterious or difficult to understand 解释;澄清:The discovery will help us unravel the secrets of the Ice Age. 这一发现将有助于我们解开冰河时期 的秘密。 work sth out (not formal) to think about sth until you understand it, especially how to do sth, what has happened, etc. 找到…的答 案;处理;解决:I'm trying to work how I could possibly have spent $750 last night. 我正 想弄明白昨晚我怎么会花了 150元。 WHICH WORD? Work sth out is used more in British English and figure sb/sth out is used more in American English. However, if you are talking about understanding sb's character and behaviour figure sb out is used in both British and American English. * work sth out 多用于英国英 语,而 figure sb / sth out 多用于美国英语。但如 果指摸透某人的个性和行为,英国和美国英语均 用 figure sb out。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to work out/figure out how/what/where/who/why... ■ to solve/work out a puzzle/an equation ■ to solve/dear up/crack/unravel a case/mystery ■ to solve/dear up a crime/murder/question/problem ■ to work out/figure out the answer/solution have to be worked out. 细节还需进一步斟酌。 [OBJ] details, plan, way 4 to organize sth or deal with problems in an acceptable way 妥善 安排(或处理):Ed and Jane seem to have worked things out between them. 埃德和简似乎 已妥善解决了他们之间的问题。SYN sort sth out 5 to continue to work at your job until the end of the period of time mentioned 持续工作 到(某期限):They didn't make me work out my notice (= the period of time that is officially fixed before you can leave your job). 他们没有让我工作到期满。◊ He didn't want to work out the rest of his years in an office. 他不 想把余生消耗在办公室里。6 to remove all the coal or metal from a mine 把(煤或金属)挖 尽;采掘完(煤或金属矿):Most of the mines had been worked out. 大多数矿井都已开采光 了。SYN exhaust sth NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n work itself 'out if a problem works itself out, it gradually stops being a problem without anyone having to do anything (问 题)逐步自行解决,逐渐自动化解:Did you think everything would just work itself out? 你 是不是以为所有事情都会自动了结? SYN sort itself out ♦ v + pron + adv work sb 'over to attack sb physically and injure them, either as a punishment or to get information from them 拷打;逼供:They sent the boys round to work him over. 他们派出了几 个小兄弟去拷问他。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n work round sth, etc. (BrE) → WORK AROUND STH, ETC. work 'through to work without stopping for a particular period of time (一段时间内)连 续工作,不停干活:At harvest time we work through until it gets dark. 在收获季节,我们一 直干到天黑。 ♦ v + adv work through; .work through sth 1 to start to have an effect somewhere 开始影 响;对…发挥作用:These pressures have worked through to the staff. 这些压力影响到了员工。◊ The full effects of the change will take time to work through the system. 这项改革对整个体系 产生全面影响尚需时日。2 to move or pass through sth gradually until you reach a particular point 逐渐移动到;慢慢过渡到:I started at page one and slowly worked my way through to the end. 我从第一页慢慢读到结尾。◊ You shouldn't try to work through the course too fast. 你不该过快地完成这门课程。◊ Allow time for the drug to work through your body. 药 效要过一段时间才会扩展到你全身。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + prep work 'through sth 1 to experience a problem, a difficult situation, etc., and deal with it until you eventually find a solution 处理好(问题);熬过,挨过(困境):1 ◊ work through grief/emotions 消除悲伤 / 克服感情问 题。◊ Counselling is helping him work through this trauma. 心理辅导正帮助他摆脱精神创伤。◊ The situation was difficult for the family, but they were able to work through it and come out the other side. 这个家庭那时处境困难,但他们 终于挺过来并熬出了头。2 (also work sth through less frequent) to think or talk about sth carefully until you can find a solution 仔细 想出(解决办法);交流清楚;谈妥:If you are having problems in your relationship, take time to work through it with your partner. 如果你们 的感情有问题,花点时间和你的伴侣沟通解决。 ◊ Work the problem through together. 共同想办 法解决这个问题。 ♦ 1 v + prep ♦ 2 v + prep ♦ v + n/pron + adv (less frequent) work to sth to follow a plan, etc. 遵照(计划 等);根据…行事:We're working to a very tight schedule. 我们的日程安排很满。◊ They have to work to a budget. 他们必须按照预算 办事。 ♦ v + prep work to wards sth (also .work to*ward sth especially AmE) to try to reach or achieve a goal 努力达到,设法完成(目标):She's working towards her PhD. 她在攻读博士学位。◊ The two groups are working towards the same end. 这两个组正向同一目标迈进。◊ Jo's working towards obtaining a Master's degree. 乔 正为获得硕士学位而努力。 ♦ v + prep work sb up; .work yourself up (into sth) to gradually make sb/yourself become very upset, angry or excited about sth (使)开始苦恼,变得愤怒,兴奋起来:She had worked herself up into a rage. 她把自己搞得怒 气冲冲。◊ He worked the crowd up into a frenzy. 他把人群煽动得疯狂起来。◊ You've worked yourself up into a state again. Try and relax 你又激动起来了。尽量放松些。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n A worked up (about sth) adj (not used before a noun) (informal) very excited, upset or angry about sth (对某事)非常兴奋,心烦 意乱,非常生气:What was Ben so worked up about? 本对什么事这么激动? ◊ I can't get at all worked up about cars (= I am not interested in or excited by cars). 我对汽车根本不感兴趣。◊ She gets terribly worked up (= nervous) about exams. 她对考试紧张得要死。 work sth 'up 1 to gradually develop or increase sth until you have enough 逐步发 展;逐渐增加(到足量: We jogged up the hill to work up an appetite. 我们为增加食欲慢跑上 山。◊ I can't work up much enthusiasm for this subject. 我对这个话题提不起多大热情。 ◊ She soon worked up a sweat, 她不一会儿就满身大汗 了。2 (into sth) to spend time and effort on a piece of work in order to improve or complete it 努力使改善;精心使完成:The idea needs a lot of working up. 这个创意需要下一番工夫加以完 善。 ◊ You could work up this idea into a story. 你可以用这个构思创作出一个故事。◊ Some of the sketches were worked up into paintings. 有 些速写加工成了油画。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv work up to sth 1 to gradually prepare for and move towards sth that is more exciting or extreme 逐步发展到,逐渐达到 (更高或更深的 程度):He started slowly and worked up to running ten miles a day. 他开始时慢跑,后来逐 渐发展到一天跑十英里。◊ The tension works up to a climax towards the end of the film. 电影快 结束时,紧张气氛达到了高潮。2 to prepare yourself to do sth difficult or unpleasant 为 (困难或令人不快的事情) 作准备: I haven't told him yet but Tm working up to it. 我还没告诉他 呢,但我正准备说。SYN build up (to sth) ♦ v + adv + prep worm /wɜːm; AmE wɜːrm/ worm your way/yourself 'into sth (informal, disapproving) to gradually make sb like or trust you, especially in order to gain an advantage for yourself 逐渐赢得欢心,渐渐骗 取信任 (以获利):Somehow he managed to worm his way into her confidence. 他不知用什 么手段设法骗取了她的信任。 [OBJ] confidence, affections, heart ♦ v + n/pron + prep worm sth 'out of sb (informal) to manage to obtain information from sb, often by asking them questions in a clever way for a long period of time (慢慢地) 从某人处套出话来, 巧妙地套问出:It took me days to worm the truth out of my daughter. 我用了好几天时间才 从女儿口中探听出真相。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep worry /ˈwʌri; AmE ˈwɜːri/ (worries, worrying, worried) worry at sth (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) 1 if an animal such as a dog worries at sth, it holds it in its teeth and shakes it about (动物用牙) 撕扯,撕咬:a dog worrying at a bone 啃着骨头的狗。◊ (figurative) She worried at the knot in the string (= with her fingers). 她解着绳结。2 to think or talk a lot about a problem and try to find a solution 冥思苦想,反复谈论 (以寻求解决办法):He lay awake all night worrying at the problem. 他躺 了一夜没睡着,盘算这个问题。 ♦ v + prep wrap /ræp/ (-pp-) wrap sth a round sb/sth (BrE also .wrap sth 'round sb/sth) to put sth firmly around sth/sb 用...裹住;用...围紧:He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. 他双臂紧紧搂住 了我的腰。◊ A long scarf was wrapped round her neck, 她脖子上围了一条长领巾。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep ► wrap-around adj [only before noun] going all or most of the way around sth (几乎) 环 绕的,围绕的:The balcony has a wrap-around view of the sea (= a very wide view). 阳台可饱 览海景。◊ wrap-around sunglasses (= that fit closely and curve round the sides of the head) 弧线型太阳镜 ◊ a wrap-around skirt (= that is closed by passing one part over another) 围裙 wrap up; .wrap it up (slang) used to tell sb rudely to stop talking and be quiet (粗鲁 的说法) 住口,闭嘴, 安静点:Oh wrap up and let somebody else say something! 喂、闭上嘴让 别人说两句吧! ♦ v + adv ♦ v + it + adv wrap up (in sth), wrap sb up (in sth), wrap yourself up (in sth) to put warm clothes, etc. on yourself/sb (使) 穿得暖和: Wrap up warm一it's really cold outside. 穿暖和 点-----外面非常冷。◊ I wrapped the twins up before letting them go out. 我给这对双胞胎穿底 和了才让他们出去。◊ We were all well wrapped up against the weather. 我们都穿得厚厚的才能 抵御寒冷天气。◊ I wrapped myself up against the cold. 我穿上了厚衣服御寒。 SYN bundle up, bundle sb up (in sth) ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n wrap sth up 1 (in sth) to cover sth in paper or other material, to protect it or because you are giving it to sb as a present 包,裹 (礼物 等):I wrapped the vase up in tissue paper. 我 用绵纸把花瓶包好。◊ It took all the evening to wrap up the kids' presents. 为孩子们包圣诞礼物 用了整整一晚上。◊ (figurative) There's a simple explanation wrapped up in all those long words. 繁言絮语中暗含一句简单的解释。SYN do sth up (in sth) NOTE Wrap sth is often used on its own with this meaning. * wrap sth 单独使用常 常也作此义。2 to complete s± in an accept- able way 圆满完成;顺利结束:The discussions should be wrapped up by Friday. 讨论到星期五 应可圆满结束。◊ Well, I think that just about wraps it up for today. 好了,我想这差不多给今 天画了个圆满的句号。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► wrap-up n (especially AmE) 1 a short summary of what has gone before, especially at the end of a news broadcast 简要回顾; 摘要;概述;(尤指新闻节目后的) 新闻提要: And to close, here is a wrap-up of today's developments. 最后,简要回顾一下今天的进展。 2 the final actions that complete sth 最后阶段 的行动:the wrap-up of the campaign 这场活动 的尾声 be wrapped up in sb/sth to be so involved in a person or an activity that you do not notice other people or what is happening around you 聚精会神于;全神贯注于;专心致 志于:He was so wrapped up in his book that he didn't notice me leaving, 埋头看书,居然没注 意到我离开。◊ Julia is completely wrapped up in her children. 朱莉娅把全部精力都倾注在孩子 们身上。 ♦ be + v + adv + prep wrench /rent;/ wrench sth off; .wrench sth 'off sth to remove sth from sth by force with a strong twisting movement (从..上)猛扭下, 用力拧 掉:The tug of the rope nearly wrenched my arm off. 绳子差点把我的胳膊拽脱臼。◊ He wrenched the picture off the wall and threw it to the ground. 他从墙上一把撕下那张画扔到地上。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep wrest /rest/ wrest sth from sb/sth (formal) 1 to take sth such as power or control from sb/sth with great effort (从…)攫取,抢夺(权力等): The rebels tried to wrest control of the town from government forces. 反叛者企图从政府军手 中夺取这座小镇的控制权。2 to take sth from sb that they do not want to give, suddenly or violently (从…)强行取走,强夺:The officer managed to wrest the gun from his grasp. 警官 最终把枪从他手中夺走了。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep wrestle /ˈresl/ wrestle with sth to struggle to deal with sth difficult 与...斗争;抵抗:Farmers are wrestling with the problem of the wet weather. 农民们正 在努力应对多雨天气。◊ He spent several more weeks wrestling with his conscience and then finally decided to resign. 他和自己的良心又搏斗 了几个星期,最终决定辞职。◊ He wrestled with the reins as the horse galloped towards the cliff edge. 马向悬崖边飞奔,他拼命勒紧缰绳。 SYN grapple with sth ♦ v + prep wriggle /ˈrɪɡl/ wriggle out of sth; wriggle out of doing sth (informal) to avoid doing sth unpleasant or sth that you do not want to do by making clever excuses 耍滑不做,借故逃避 (令人不快或不想去做的事):to wriggle out of your responsibilities 找借口逃避责任。◊ I've got an appointment I can't wriggle out of. 我有个推 脱不掉的约会。◊ Don't let Tom wriggle out of helping you. 别让汤姆借故不帮你。 ♦ v + adv + prep wring /rɪŋ/ (wrung, wrung /rʌŋ/) wring sth from sb -> WRING STH OUT OF/FROM SB wring sth 'out to remove water or other liquid from a cloth, etc. by twisting it tightly and squeezing it 拧,绞(布等);拧出,绞出 (水等液体):Rinse the cloth and wring it out well. 把布冲洗一下并拧干。◊ My clothes got so wet I could wring the water out! 我的衣服湿得 能拧出水来! ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n be/get .wrung out (AmE) to feel extremely tired and in poor health 极度疲劳;健康状况 不佳:David and I had had a big fight, and I was feeling completely wrung out. 我和戴维大打了 一架,感到累极了。 ♦ be/get + v + adv wring sth out of/from sb to obtain sth from sb with difficulty, especially by putting pressure on them 从…费力弄到; 从…施压逼出: She eventually wrung an apology out of him. 她 最终逼他道歉了。◊ A few concessions were wrung from the government. 政府被迫作出了一 些让步。 ♦ v + n/pron + prep write /raɪt/ (wrote /rəʊt/, written /ˈrɪtn/) write away (to sb) (for sth): I wrote away to the company for a free sample. 我向公司函索免 费样品。-> WRITE OFF/AWAY write 'back (to sb) to write in reply to sb*s letter (给某人)写回信,复信:I wrote and apologized, but he never wrote back, 我写了信 我歉,可他一直未回复。◊ The school wrote back to me saying that all the courses were full, 学校给我复信说所有的课程报名人数已满。 ♦ v + adv write sth down (in/on sth) 1 to write sth on paper so that you do not forget it 写下; 记录:I wrote her address down in my notebook. 我把她的住址记在我的笔记本上。◊ There is a handout so you needn't write all this down. 有讲义发给你们,不必把这些全记下来。 SYN take sth down 2 (business) to reduce the value of what a company owns when stating it in the company's accounts 减记,划减(公司 资产账面值):All stock over six months old was written down to 50%. 所有超过六个月的存货价 值都减记50%。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n a write-down n (business) a reduction in the value of what a company owns, etc.(公司资 产账面值的)减记,划减 write in (to sb/sth) to write a letter to an organization to state an opinion or to ask a question (向某机构)致函,致信(以表达意 见或咨询问题):Write in to the programme and tell us your own opinion on this. 欢迎给 节目组来信,告诉我们您对这个问题的见解。◊ 500 viewers wrote in to complain about the advertisement. * 500 名电视血众写信投诉这个 广告。 ♦ v + adv write sb/sth 'in (AmE) to add an extra name to a list of candidates in an election so that you can vote for them (在选票上)写 上,补写(非原定候选人姓名):She wrote Carrasco in on the ballot paper. 她在选票上加 写了卡拉斯科。◊ Workers were handing out sample ballots with their candidate's name written in. 工人们正在散发选票样本,上面加了 他们选的非原定候选人的名字。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► write-in adj (AmE) a vote for sb who is not an official candidate in an election, in which you write their name on your voting paper 投 给非原定候选人的票:He qualified as a write-in in 15 states. 他在15个州获得了非原定候选人的 资格。◊ a write-in candidate/vote 非原定候选 人/投给非原定候选人的选票 SYNONYMS同义词辨析 write sth down note sth down ♦ pencil sth in ♦ put sth down ♦ take sth down ♦ write sth down note sth down to write down sth important so that you do not forget it 记下;记录:He carefully noted down all their names and addresses. 他把他们的名字和住址全都仔细记 了下来。 pencil sth in to write down sb's name or details of an arrangement with them that you know might have to be changed later 暂 时记下(约见的人名或细节安排): I'll pencil in the meeting for Friday. 我看暂定星期五开会 吧。NOTE Pencil in does not necessarily mean that a pencil is used. * pencil in 不一 定指用铅笔。 put sth down to write sth on paper, especially in order to remember or record it 写下;记录:The meeting's on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary. 会议是在22号。记在记 事簿上吧。◊ One day I'm going to put it all down in writing. 早晚有一天我要把这一切都 付诸笔墨。 take sth down to write sth down, especially what sb is saying, at the time that they are saying it 写下,记录(尤指发言):reporters were taking down every word he said. 记者对 他说的话有闻必录。NOTE Take can be used on its own when the object is notes 宾语是 notes 时,take 可单独使用:Did you take notes at the lecture? 那次讲座你记笔记了吗? write sth down to write sth on paper, especially to in order to remember or record it 写下;记录:Write down the name and address before you forget it. 把名字和地址记下 来,免得忘了。 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS ■ to write sth down/put sth down/note sth down/take sth down in sth/ with sth ■ to write sth down/put sth down/note sth down on sth ■ to write down/put down your name ■ to write down/put down/take (down) some notes write sb/sth in; .write sb/sth into sth to add a character or a scene to a play, a film/movie, a regular series, etc. 把 (人物或情 节)加进,写进(戏剧、电影、电视剧等中): Why did you write the plane crash in? 你为什么 要加上坠机这一情节?◊ It was the first time a disabled child had been written into a TV soap. 这是电视肥皂剧中首次出现残障儿童这一 角色。◊ He wrote himself into the history books by becoming the first player to win the championship five times. 他因首创五度夺冠的纪 录而名载史册。 OPP write sb/sth out, write sb/sth out of sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep write sth in; write sth into sth to include sth such as a special rule or a condition in a document, a contract, an agree- ment, etc. 把...写入(文件、合同、协议等):A get-out clause was written into the contract. 免 责条款已写进合同。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + prep write off/away (to sb) (for sth) to write to an organization or a company, asking them to send you sth (向某机构或公司)致函,致信 (索取资料等);函索:She wrote off to an agency for advice. 她写信给代理行咨询。 SYN send off (for sth), send away (for sth) ♦ v + adv write sb/sth 'off (as sth) to consider that sb/sth is a failure or not important 认定...失败 (或无关紧要):Don't write John off too soon— he may surprise you! 不要过早认定约翰成不了 事------他会令你大吃一惊!◊ I wrote off my symptoms as tiredness. 我以为我的症状是疲劳 所致。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► write-off n [sing.] (informal) a failure; a time when you do not achieve anything 失 败;无所作为;一事无成:Today has been a write-off as far as work is concerned. 今天的工 作毫无进展。 write sth off 1 (business) to cancel a debt; to recognize that sth is a failure, has no value, etc. 注销,销记(负债);认定…失败(或毫无 价值等):All outstanding Third World debts should now be written off. 第三世界所有未偿 清的债务现在都应该勾销了。 2 (BrE) to damage a vehicle so badly that it is not worth spending money to repair it 把(车辆等)全 毁; 报废:That's the third car he's written off this year. 这是他今年报废的第三辆车。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► write-off n 1 (business) an act of cancelling a debt and accepting that it will never be paid (负债的)注销,销记:a £4.9 billion debt write-off * 49 亿英镑债务的注销 2 (BrE, informal) a vehicle that is so badly damaged that it is not considered worth repairing 报废 车辆:They escaped with minor injuries but the van was a write-off. 他们轻伤脱险,可是客货车 却报废了。 write sb/sth out; .write sb/sth out of sth to remove a character, a scene, etc. from a play, a film/movie, a regular series, etc.(从 戏剧、电影、电视剧等中)去掉,删除(人物、 情节等): He got bored and asked to be written out of the series. 他厌烦了,于是要求删去他在 电视剧中的戏份。◊ The censor demanded that the scene be written out. 审查员要求删除这 场戏。 OPP write sb/sth in, write sb/sth into sth ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep write sth out to write sth on paper dearly, including all the details 把…详细写清楚;全部 写出:Use symbols and abbreviations instead of writing things out in full. 用符号和缩写,不用 全写。◊ I wrote out the poem in my best handwriting. 我尽可能把这首诗写得工工整整。 ◊ I watched him write out a cheque for her. 我 看着他开了一张支票给她。 NOTE In informal spoken language write sb out sth is also used 费正式口语也用 write sb out sth: He wrote her out a cheque. 他给她开了一张 支票。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv write sb up (AmE) to make an official report or complaint about sb in writing (以书面形式正式地)记录,控告(某人):He wrote me up for illegal parking. 他控告我违章 停车。◊ The principal wrote him up for talking back to his teachers. 校长将他与老师顶嘴一事记 入档案。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► write-up n (AmE) an official report or complaint 正式记录;控告 write sth 'up i to write sth in a complete and final form, especially from notes that you have made (尤指借助笔记)详细写出:She writes her lecture notes up every night before going out. 她每晚外出前都把讲课笔记整理成 文。 [OBJ] notes, research, experiment 2 to write a review of a play, a concert, a book, etc. for a newspaper or magazine 为(戏剧、 音乐会、书等)写评述:She wrote the movie up in glowing terms. 她在影评中对这部影片极尽溢 美之辞。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► write-up n a review of a concert, a play, a book, etc. in a newspaper or magazine (报章 对音乐会、戏剧、书琴的)评述: The concert got a good write-up in all the papers. 音乐会博得报 章的一致好评。 X /eks/ (x'es, x'ing, x'ed) x sth out (AmE, informal) to put an 'x' through a written word, etc. to show that it is a mistake (打叉)画去,删除(错误的词语): She x'ed out the final word in the sentence. 她 打叉删去句末的那个单词。 SYN cross sb/sth out ♦ v+ n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n yank/jæŋk/ yank at sth to pull at sth hard and quickly 猛 拉;猛拽:Someone yanked at my hair. 有人使 劲扯我的头发。 ♦ v + prep yank sth off; yank sth off sth to remove sth by pulling it quickly and hard (从…)猛地拉掉,猛力拽下: He yanked off his shoes. 他猛地扒下了鞋子。◊ She yanked the lid off the tin. 她用力拉掉了罐头的盖子。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + prep yank sb/sth out; .yank sb/sth out of sth (informal) to remove sb/sth from some- where by pulling hard and quickly (从…) 把 猛力拉走:He was yanked out of the house and bundled into a car. 他被人从房子里拽出 来,然后被塞进了一辆汽车。 ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv + prep yearn /jɜːn; AmE jɜːrn/ yearn for sb/sth (literary) to want sb/sth very much, especially when this is difficult to get 切望,向往,思慕(尤指难以企及的人或事 物):Mira yearned for a child. 米拉渴望有个 孩子。 SYN long for sb/sth ♦ v + prep yell /jel/ yell out; ,yell sth out to suddenly shout sth in a loud voice 突然大喊; 号叫:She was yelling out in terror. 她吓得惊叫起来。◊ He yelled out the names of the winners. 他高声报 出获胜者的名字。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + speech yield /jiːld/ yield to sth (formal) to be replaced by sth 被...替代;为...取代:Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods. 在货运方面,驳 船让位于公路车辆。 ♦ v + prep yield sth up (formal) 1 to allow sb else to take sth that you own and feel is very import- ant for you 让出,放弃,让渡(自己看重的所 有物):He swore he would never yield up the castle to the English. 他发誓永远不会把城堡交 给英格兰人。2 to reveal sth that has been hidden 暴露;揭露;展现:A thorough search of the site yielded up only a few ancient coins. 在 这个遗址中进行了彻底搜索之后,只找到了几枚 古钱币。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv zero /ˈzɪərəʊ; AmE ˈzɪroʊ, 'zi:-/ (zeroes, zero- ing, zeroed, zeroed) zero 'in on sb/sth 1 to aim weapons at sb/sth (用武器) 瞄准,对准:They zeroed in on the target. 他们瞄准了目标。◊ (figurative) Clare zeroed in on Craig (= went to talk to him) as soon as he entered the room. 克雷格一 进房间,克莱尔就径直去和他说话。2 to fix all your attention on sb/sth 全神贯注于;聚精会 神于;专心致志于:Wasting no time, she zeroed in on the main topic. 她直截了当地切入主题。 ♦ v + adv + prep zhoozh /zuiz/ (also zhush /zol/) zhoozh sth up (informal) to make sth more attractive or exciting 使更有吸引力;增加...的 魅力;使更令人兴奋:Colin and Justin will be showing us some ideas to zhoozh up your Christmas decorations. 科林和贾斯廷会给我们 出些主意,让你的圣诞装饰更添魅力。◊ Zhoozh up a salad with a little chilli oil. 加入些许辣椒 油给色拉提味。 SYN jazz sth up; juice sth up (especially AmE), liven sth up; spice sth up ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv zip /zip/(-pp-) NOTE A zip is a device consisting of two rows of metal or plastic teeth that you can pull together or pull apart. * zip 指拉链。 zip through sth to do, read, etc. sth very quickly 很快地做;快速浏览:Could you zip through my report and check it's OK? 你能不能 瞅一眼我的报告,看看是否可以? ♦ v + prep zip up; ,zip sb/sth up to be fastened with a zip; to fasten sth with a zip 拉上 (…的) 拉 链:The skirt zips up at the side. 这条裙子的拉 链在侧面。◊ Will you zip me up (= my dress), please? 请帮我拉上拉链好吗? ◊ I can't zip my jacket up! 我夹克衫的拉链拉不上! OPP unzip sth ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ♦ v + adv + n ► rip-up adj [only before noun] fastened with a zip用拉弟的:q zip-up jacket 拉链式夹 克衫 zone /zəʊn; AmE zoʊn/ zone sth off (for sth) to keep an area of land to be used for a particular purpose (为 某目的) 留出,划出 (一片地):The city centre has been zoned off for pedestrians. 市中心已划 为行人区。 ♦ v + adv + n ♦ v + n/pron + adv zone out (AmE, slang) to fall asleep, become unconscious or stop paying attention 睡去; 失 去知觉;走神:Relax, take a deep breath, and zone out for a while. 放松,深吸一口气,然后 什么都不要想。 SYN space out, space sb out (slang) ♦ v + adv ► zone-out n a time when you stop thinking or noticing what is going on around you 走神 ► zoned 'out adj (AmEt informal) unable to think or to notice what is going on around you because of the effects of drugs or alcohol (服 药或饮酒后) 精神恍惚的,神志不清的 zonk /zɒŋk; AmE zɑːŋk/ zonk out .zonk sb 'out (s/ong, especially AmE) to fall asleep, become unconscious or unable to think, either because you are very tired or because of the effects of drugs or alcohol; to make sb do this (因劳累、药物 或酒精作用) 睡着,失去知觉,精神恍惚: He zonked out after the big exam. 大考结束后他倒 头就睡。◊ I usually zonk out about 11 p.m. 我 通常在晚上11点左右睡觉。 ♦ v + adv ♦ v + n/pron + adv ► zonked 'out adj (slang, especially AmE) sleeping, unconscious, or unable to think, especially from the effects of drugs or alcohol (尤指因药物或酒精作用) 睡着的,失去知觉 的,精神恍惚的:I feel totally zonked out after the day's work. 工作一天后我觉得头昏脑胀。 zoom /zuːm/ CEEBA zoom lens is one that you use to make the thing that you are photographing appear nearer to you or further away from you than it really is. * zoom lens 指变焦镜头。 zoom 'in/1 out (on sb/sth) if a camera zooms in/out, it shows the object that is being photographed from closer/further away, by using a zoom lens (摄像机的变焦镜头) 推近 / 拉远,移向 / 移离 (被摄体):The camera zoomed in on her beautiful eyes. 照相机镜头推 近她那美丽的双眸。 ♦ v + adv zoom ' off (informal) to hurry away 匆忙离去: He jumped into his car and zoomed off. 他跳进 车里开车跑了。 ♦ v + adv ABOUT About is often used to show the connection between the verb and its object, for example, talk about something, worry about something. In some of the meanings, the particles around and, especially in British English, round can be used instead. * about常用于显示动词与其宾语之间的关 系,如 talk about something、worry about something。 在某些用法含义中,尤其在英国 英语中,可用小品词 around 和 round 代替 about Moving in different directions 四处移动:She got angry and started throwing things about. 她发火了,开始到处乱扔东西。 About can be used to indicate that you are moving in different directions or making rough or violent movements. The verb shows what kind of movement it is. * about 可用来表示四处移动,或动作粗暴猛 烈。动词表明具体动作。 run about ♦ crash about ♦ throw about Around and round can usually be used with the same meaning. About is used with a variety of other verbs to make a similar meaning, for example jump about, scatter about. * around 和 round 通常可用于表达相 同含义。about 可与很多其他动词连用,意义 相似,如 jump about, scatter about。 Doing nothing 无所事事:Groups of youths were hanging about with nothing to do. 一群群年轻人在东游西荡,无所事事。 About is used with many verbs that suggest you are spending your time in a lazy way. Other verbs refer to a silly way of behaving. * about 与很多动词连用,表示懒散地打发时 间。其他动词含有糊里糊涂的意思。 hang about ♦ wander about ♦ mess about Around and round can usually be used with the same meaning. You can also add about to a variety of other verbs to make a similar meaning: for example, faff about, muck about, potter about. * around 和 round 通常 可用于表达相同含义。about 可与很多其他 动词连用,意义相似,如 faff about, muck about, potter about。 Making something happen 促使某事发生: What has brought about this change in public opinion? 是什么引起舆论的这种转变? About is used with some verbs to indicate something happening or somebody making something happen. * about 与某些动词连用 表示某事发生或某人促使某事发生: come about bring about set about Surrounding and enclosing 环绕或包围: She threw her arms about me and hugged me. 她张开双臂搂住了我。 About can be used with some verbs to give the idea of something going around something and surrounding or enclosing it. * about 可与某些动词连用,表示某物绕另一 物延伸并环绕或围住它: throw about ♦ hedge about Around and round are more common with this meaning.用 around 或 round 表达此义 更常见。 AROUND The basic meaning of around is of movement in a circle or curve to face in the opposite direction or to arrive at the other side of something, for example, spin around, turn around, go around. Round is often used instead of around, especially in British English. About is also sometimes used. * around 的本义指转到反方向,或转到另 一边,如 spin around、turn around, go around。 round 常用来代替 around,尤其用 于英国英语。有时也可用 about。 Moving in different directions 四处移动: The park was full of children running around. 公园里到处是四处跑动的孩子。 Around is used with some verbs to indicate movement in different directions or to many different places. * around 与某些动词连用表 示朝各方向或各处移动: run around ♦ bustle around ♦ shop around Round and about can be used in these verbs (shop around is an exception). Around can be used with many other verbs: dance around, rush around, crash around, etc. * round 和 about 可与上述动词连用 (shop around 例外)。around 可与很多其他动词 连用:dance around, rush around, crash around 等。 Doing nothing 无所事事: Stop messing around and find something useful to do. 别胡闹了,干点正经事吧。 Around can be used in verbs that suggest that you are spending your time in a lazy way. Other verbs refer to a silly way of behaving. * around 可与动词连用表示懒散地 打发时间。其他动词含有糊里糊涂的意思。 hang around fool around About can also be used with these verbs. * about 也可与此类动词连用。 Surrounding and enclosing 环绕或包围: She threw her arms around his neck. 她搂住 他的脖子。 Around can be used with some verbs to suggest surrounding someone or something. * around 可与某些动词连用表示围绕人或物: crowd around ♦ throw around ♦ cluster around Round can also be used with these verbs. * round 也可与此类动词连用。 Being centred on something 以某事物为中 心: Their life revolves around going to parties. 他们的生活以参加聚会为主要内容。 Around is used as a preposition with some verbs to suggest the idea of something having a particular idea, object, etc. as its centre or focus. * around 作为介词与某些动词连用, 表示以某种想法、对象等为核心或焦点: centre around ♦ revolve around Avoiding 回避:We'll have to find a way of getting around the problem. 我们得想个法子绕 开这一问题。 Around with verbs can be used to indicate that you are avoiding something. * around 可与某些动词连用表示避开某事物: skirt around ♦ get around ♦ skate around ♦ work around AT At is a common word in English and is often used to show where something or somebody is in space or time. * at 是英语的常见词, 常用于表示物或人在空间或时间上的位置。 Aiming and directing 瞄准或指向:Stop staring at me! 别盯着我! At is used with many verbs to give the idea of aiming or directing something at someone or something. * at 可与很多动词连 用,表示将某物瞄准或指向某人或某物: laugh at ♦ look at ♦ stare at talk at ♦ aim a ♦ nag at Attacking, striking and holding 攻击、击打 或抓住:He struck at me several times with a knife. 他几次拿刀剌向我。 At can be used with verbs to give the idea of trying to attack, hit or hold someone or something. * at 可与某些动词连用,表示试图 攻击、击打或抓住某人或某物: strike at ♦ fly at ♦ grab at ♦ get at AWAY The basic meaning of away indicates movement to a different place and it can be used with most verbs of movement, for example, go away, run away, hurry away, drive away. Off can be used instead of away with a similar meaning. Away often combines with another particle, particularly from, for example, run away from, walk away from, do away with. * away 的本义指 离开,可与绝大多数表示位移的动词连用, 如 go away, run away、hurry away、drive away。 off 可用于代替 away 表达相似含义。 away 常与其他小品词,特别是 from 连用, 如 run away from, walk away from, do away with。 Avoiding and not doing something 回避或 不做某事:Keep away from the edge of the water. 别靠近水边。 Away is used with some verbs to show that somebody is avoiding a person, a place or a situation or is stopping being involved in something. * away与某些动词连用,表示 躲避某人、回避某处或某情况,或从某事中 抽身: keep away ♦ look away ♦ back away ♦ walk away from Separating 分离: They broke away from the rest of the group. 他们与小组的其他人分开了。 Away is used with some verbs giving the meaning of becoming separated from something or from a group of people or of making this happen. * away 与某些动词连 用,表示(使)与某物或某群体分离: come away ♦ break away ♦ call away peel away ♦ sheer away ♦ strip away Removing 去除:This is rubbish. Throw it away! 这是垃圾。扔掉! Away is used with some verbs to give the idea of removing something from a particular place because you no longer want or need it, or of destroying something. * away 与某些动词连用,表示把不再想要或 需要的东西从某处移走或销毁: throw away ♦ frighten away do away with ♦ blast away Disappearing 消失:The shouts and cheers died away. 喊声和欢呼声渐渐平息了。 Away is used with some verbs to give the idea of something disappearing gradually. * away 与某些动词连用,表示某事物逐渐 消失: die away ♦ fade away ♦ waste away wear away ♦ pass away ♦ pine away Storing and hiding 贮存或藏匿:Put away your books now. 现在把书都收起来吧。 Away can be used with some verbs to convey the idea of putting something in a place either to keep it safe or to stop people finding it. * away 可与某些动词连用,表示把 某物安全存放或藏在某处: put away ♦ file away ♦ tidy away ♦ hide away ♦ clear away ♦ lock away Working hard or continuously 努力或持续 工作:She spent hours working away at the problem. 她花了几个小时钻研这个问题。 Away can be used to indicate that you are doing something, especially working hard or doing something difficult or boring, for a long period of time. * away 可用来表示长 时间做某事,尤指努力工作或做困难乏味 的事: slog away ♦ work away ♦ slave away bang away ♦ beaver away ♦ plod away BACK The basic meaning of back is returning to the place where you were before or to an earlier time. Many verbs of movement use back with this meaning, for example walk back, drive back * back 的本义指回到先 前的地方或时间。很多表示位移的动词使 用 back 的这一含义,如 walk back、drive back。 Returning something 归还某物: I need to take the books back to the library. 我必须把书 还回图书馆。 Back can be used to convey the idea of giving or taking something back to the place it came from. It can also mean reacting or replying to someone in a similar way to the way they have acted or spoken. * back 可用 来表示将某物归还或送回原处,也可表示按照 他人的言行方式作出相似的回应或回复。 take back ♦ give back ♦ write back ♦ call/ring back ♦ fight back Moving backwards; being behind or at a distance 后退;在房面或一定距离之外: Stand back and let the ambulance through. 靠后站, 让救护车过去。 Back can be used with verbs to give the idea of moving away from the front or edge of something or of being at a distance from something. * back 可与动词连用,表示离开 某物的前部或边缘,或离某物有一定距离: fall back ♦ stand back ♦ keep back pull back ♦ push back Not making progress 停顿:The fire has set the project back a few months. 火灾使这个项 目延误了几个月。 Back in some combinations suggests being kept or held in a position without making any progress. * back 在某些词组中表示受到 阻碍,停滞不前: hold back ♦ set back ♦ keep back Repeating 重复: He wasn't there, so I phoned back later. 他当时不在,于是我后来又打了一 次电话。 Back can be used in verbs that express the idea of doing something again. * back 可与 动词连用,表示再次做某事: play back ♦ go back over read back ♦ call/phone back Regaining 重新获得:We hope to win the cup back next year. 我们希望来年赢回奖杯。 Back in combinations can be used with the idea of getting again something that was lost or of recovering from something. * back 在词组中可用来表示重新得到失去的 东西,或从某状况中恢复过来: win back ♦ get back ♦ bounce back claw back ♦ ease back ♦ grow back Being under control 控制住: He tried to force back his tears. 他竭力忍住泪水。 Back in combinations often means reducing something or keeping something such as an emotion under control. * back 在词组中常表 示减少某事物或控制情绪等: cut back on ♦ force back ♦ choke back bite back ♦ hold back Looking at the past 回顾过去: This music takes me back to when I lived in Paris. 这首曲 子让我回忆起在巴黎生活的岁月。 Back can be used to talk about the past. * back 可用来谈论过去: date back ♦ go back ♦ take back ♦ look back ♦ think back DOWN Down often has meanings that are the opposite of up. The literal meaning is movement in a downwards direction, moving from a higher to a lower position, for example, climb down, bend down, fall down. Many combinations of a verb and down refer to somebody putting something on a surface, for example, bang down, lay down. It is also used to express figurative ideas related to downward movement, such as decreasing, being reduced or failing. * down 的含义常与 up 相反,其字面意思指向 下移动,从高处移到低处,如 climb down, bend down、fall down。 动词和 down 构成 的很多词组,指某人把某物放在表面上,如 bang down, lay down。 down 也用于表示 与向下移动相关的比喻义,如减少、缩减或 失败。 Falling and destroying 倒下或毁坏:That old building should be knocked down. 那幢老房子 该拆了。 This use of the particle is most closely connected to the literal meaning of down, and suggests something or somebody falling to the ground and being destroyed or suffering damage. 小品词 down 的这一用法 与其字面意思密切相关,表示某物或某人倒向 地面,被毁或遭受伤害: pull down ♦ burn down ♦ tear down ♦ knock down ♦ run down ♦ beat down Reducing 减少:Please turn down the music. 请把音乐声关小。 Down is used in many verbs that express the idea of something decreasing in amount, strength, speed, cost, importance, etc., or of somebody making something do this. * down 与很多动词连用,表示某事物在数 量、,力量、速度、成本、重要性等方面下降, 夹某人促使其下降: turn down ♦ bring down ♦ calm down come down ♦ play down ♦ cut down Suppressing 压制:The streets were sprayed to keep down disease. 为控制疾病传播街道上喷洒 了药物。 Down can be used with verbs to express the idea of keeping somebody or something under control or ending something, often using authority or force. * down 可与某些动 词连用,常指利用权威或武力控制某人或某事 物,或制止某事物: keep down ♦ clamp down ♦ come down on ♦ break down Defeating 打败: The scandal brought down the government. 丑闻令政府垮台了。 Down can be used to express the idea of defeating someone or something or being defeated in an argument, a competition, etc. * down 可用来表示在辩论、比赛等中打败某人 或某物,或表示被对手打败: bring down ♦ put down ♦ vote down back down ♦ shout down ♦ stare down Failing 失败: My car has broken down again. 我的车又抛锚了。 Down can be used to express the idea of something stopping, failing or not working properly. * down 可用来表示某事停止、失败 或某物出故障: break down ♦ close down ♦ turn down ♦ let down ♦ wind down Fixing 固定:We tied down the chairs to stop them from being blown away. 我们把椅子捆 牢,免得被风吹走。 Down can be used with the idea of fixing something firmly to something else. * down 可用来表示将某物牢牢地固定在另一物上: tie down ♦ nail down ♦ strap down batten down ♦ screw down ♦ stick down Recording in writing 书面记录:I tried to write down all the relevant points. 我尽量记下 所有相关要点。 Down is used with verbs meaning writing or copying to give the idea of recording something in writing. * down 与表示写或抄 的动词连用,意思是书面记录某事: write down ♦ get down ♦ note down ♦ jot down ♦ copy down ♦ put down Eating 吃:He gulped down a sandwich between lessons. 他在课间狼吞虎咽地吃了一 块三明治。 Down is used with some verbs to describe ways of eating or drinking. * down 与某些动 词连用,描述吃或喝的样子: gulp down ♦ gobble down ♦ bolt down keep down ♦ stay down ♦ wash down FOR For is one of the most common words in English. It often combines with verbs to link the verb and its object, for example ask for something, pay for something. * for 是英语 最常见词汇之一,常与动词搭配,连接动词 及其宾语,如 ask for something, pay for somethingo Aims and goals 目标或目的:It was sunny, so we headed for the coast. 阳光明媚,于是我们 前往海滩。 For can be used to refer to the aim or purpose of an action or to where you are going. * for 可用于指行动的目标、目的或 目的地: apply for ♦ press for ♦ live for ♦ make for ♦ head for Feelings towards other people 对他人的 感觉:After all these years, I still care for you. 这么些年过去了,我仍喜欢你。 For can be used with some verbs to show how you feel about somebody or something, or to show how you are dealing with a person or a situation. * for 可与某些动词连 用,表示对某人或某事物的感觉,或如何与某 人打交道、处置某状况: feel for ♦ fall for ♦ fear for ♦ root for ♦ care for ♦ stand up for The basic meaning of in is 'contained inside something or somewhere, or ,movement from outside to inside1. It is often the opposite of out The preposition into can also be used with verbs of movement. *in的本义指容纳在某物或某处之内,或从外 到里的移动,常作 out 的反义。介词 into 也 可与表示位移的动词连用。 Entering 进入:I would ask you in, but the house is a mess. 我本想请你进来,但是屋里一 团糟。 In is used with many verbs with the literal meaning of entering somewhere, for example go in, come in, walk in, invite in. * in 与很多动词连用,其字面含义为进入某 处,如 go in、come in, walk in. invite in: break in ♦ get in ♦ let in ♦ ask in ♦ breeze in ♦ drop in Arriving 到达:What time did you get in last night? 你昨夜几点钟到的? Incan be used in verb plus particle combinations that refer to a person, a vehicle, etc. arriving at a particular place. * in 可用于动词加小品词的词组,指人、车等 抵达某处: get in ♦ clock in ♦ check in ♦ pull in ♦ draw in ♦ flood in Absorbing 吸收:I couldn't take in so much information at one time. 我一下子消化不了这 么多信息。 In can be used with certain verbs to give the idea of absorbing something. * in 可与某些 动词连用,表示吸收某物: take in ♦ sink in ♦ drink in ♦ breathe in ♦ soak in Including 包括:You can stir in some cream if you like. 喜欢的话,你可以拌入一些奶油。 In can be used with some verbs that give the idea of adding or mixing something in something else, or of including something with something else. * in 可与某些动词连 用,表示将某物添加或调和到另一物中,或将 某物包括在另一物中: add in ♦ stir in ♦ throw in ♦ take in ♦ blend in ♦ fold in Putting inside or between 放到里面或中间: I put my hand in my pocket and took out some money. 我把手伸进口袋,掏出一些钱。 In can be used with some verbs, giving the idea of one thing being put into or going into another. * in 可与某些动词连用,表示某 物被放进或进入另一物: plug in ♦ put in ♦ key in ♦ lay in ♦ pump in ♦ punch in Beginning; introducing something new 开始;引进新事物: The government has brought in a new tax. 政府增设了一个新税种。 Incan be used in verbs that give the idea of something starting or of somebody introducing something new. * in 可与动词连 用表示某事开始或某人引进新事物: set in ♦ bring in ♦ phase in ♦ creep in ♦ usher in Collecting 收集:Can you get the chairs in before it starts raining? 下雨前把椅子收进来 好吗? In can be used in combinations that refer to collecting things. * in 可用于表示收集东西的 词组: gather in ♦ get in ♦ pull in fetch in pack in Filling and completing 填入并完成:Draw a circle, then colour it in. 画个圆,然后在里面涂 上色。 In is used in some combinations that refer to filling a drawing, a shape, a hole, etc. with something and completing it. Other similar verbs refer to writing something somewhere. * in 用于某些词组,指用某物填 满图画、形状、洞穴等。其他近义动词指在某 处填写。 colour in ♦ fill in ♦ pencil in block in ♦ ink in ♦ shade in Taking part 参加:I started singing and everyone joined in. 我唱了起来,然后大家一起 唱了起来。 In is used with many verbs to suggest the idea of joining an activity and being involved in something. Sometimes the involvement of the person is not welcome. * in 可与很多动词连用,表示参加某活动及参 与某事。有时这种参与不受欢迎: join in ♦ go in for ♦ call in ♦ interfere in ♦ jump in ♦ pitch in Interrupting 打断:Don't barge in without knocking. 别不敲门就闯进来。 In can be used with verbs to express the idea of someone interrupting a conversation or a meeting when the interruption is not wanted or welcome. * in 可与动词连用,表 示擅自打断别人的谈话或会议: cut in ♦ barge in ♦ break in Limiting 限制:My car was boxed in, so I couldn't drive away. 我的车被困住了,没法 开走。 In can be used in combinations that refer to somebody being prevented from leaving a place, or being free to do something. * in可用于某些词组,表示某人受阻,不能离 开某处或不能自由做某事: snow in ♦ block in ♦ lock in ♦ box in ♦ fence in ♦ hem in Staying inside 呆在里面: I'm tired - I think I'll stay in tonight. 我累了----我想今晚就呆在 家里。 In can be used in combinations that mean remaining inside or at home instead of going out somewhere. The particle out can be used with the same verbs with the opposite meaning. In is also used with the meaning 'in bed*. * in可用于某些词组,表示 留在屋内或家里不外出。小品词 out 可与同样 的动词连用,意义相反。in 也用于表示 “卧床 不起”。 stay in ♦ eat in ♦ stop in ♦ sleep in ♦ lie in Damaging, destroying> falling 损坏、毁坏、 倒下:The intruders tried to kick the door in. 入侵者试图踹开门。 In is used in combinations that mean damaging or destroying things, especially by making them fall inwards. Other verbs refer to things falling inwards. * in 可用于某些词 组,表示损坏或毁坏东西,尤指向内倾倒。 其他动词指物体向内倒塌。 smash in ♦ kick in ♦ cave in Stopping doing something 停止做某事: I tried my best but in the end I gave in. 我尽了 全力,但最终还是放弃了。 In is used in combination with some verbs that mean stopping trying to resist something or giving up something such as your job. * in 与某些动词连用,表示不再努力 抵制某事物或放弃工作等: give in ♦ throw in ♦ cave in ♦ jack in INTO The literal meaning of into is movement from the outside of something to the inside, so it is used with many verbs that give the idea of entering something. It is often used in the same verbs and with the same meanings as the adverb in, for example, burst in, burst into... The particle can also be used in verbs that express metaphorical meanings, for example changing or being transformed. * into 的字面意思指从外到里的 移动,可与很多动词连用表示进入。和副词 in 一样,into 常与同样的动词连用,意义相同, 如 burst in、burst into ...该小品词也可与动 词连用,表示改变、转化等比喻义。 Entering 进入:Thieves broke into the bank at night 窃贼夜里闯入银行。 Into is used in many combinations meaning to enter somewhere. * into 用于很多词组, 表示进入某处: break into ♦ get into ♦ check into ♦ crowd into ♦ invite into Out of is often used with similar verbs as an opposite, for example, get out of, check out of. * out of 常与类似动词连用,意义相 反,如 get out of、check out of。 Putting in, going in 放入、进入:I dipped my spoon into the sauce. 我把汤匙放到汤里。 Into is used in many combinations referring to putting or going in or inside something. *into 用于很多词组,指放入或进入某物中: plug into ♦ tuck into ♦ pay into ♦ bore into ♦ dip into Combining 结合:The houses blend into the background. 这些房子融入了背景。 Into is used in combinations that mean mixing one colour, substance, etc. into another so that they become one. * into 用 于某些词组,表示将一种颜色、物质等渗入另 一种,使二者合而为一: blend into ♦ shade into ♦ mix into ♦ fade into ♦ fold into Transforming and changing 转变或改变: How can a child turn into such a monster? 小孩子怎么会变成这样一个怪物? Into can be used to describe things that change or are transformed. * into 可用于描 述变化或转变的事物: turn into ♦ grow into ♦ make into ♦ change into Persuading and forcing 劝说或逼迫:They pressed me into accepting the offer. 他们迫使 我接受了提议。 Into is used with some verbs to convey the idea of persuading or making someone do something that they do not really want to do. The verb describes the way you try to persuade somebody. * into 与某些动词连 用,表示劝说或勉强某人做不愿意做的事。 动词描述试图说服的方式。 talk into ♦ press into ♦ frighten into ♦ force into ♦ shame into ♦ starve into Out of is often used with these verbs with the opposite meaning: talk somebody out of something. * out of 常与上述动词连用,意义 相反:talk somebody out of something。 Hitting and meeting 撞上或遇见: I bumped into the table in the dark. 黑暗中我撞上了桌 子。 Into can be used with verbs that describe objects hitting one another, and to describe people meeting by accident. * into 与动词连 用,可用于描述物体相互碰撞,或人们不期而 遇: bang into ♦ run into ♦ bump into Investigating 调查: Police are looking into the incident. 警方正在调查这一事件。 Into can be used with some verbs that give the idea of investigating something in detail in order to discover the truth. * into 可与某 些动词连用,表示为寻找真相详细调查某事: go into ♦ look into ♦ delve into ♦ dig into Starting 开始:The car burst into flames. 车子 猛地烧了起来。 Many combinations with into suggest starting doing something, often suddenly. 很多带 into 的词组含有开始做某事的意思, 常指行动很突然: burst into ♦ plunge into ♦ rush into ♦ get into OF When of is used in verb plus particle combinations it shows the relationship between the verb and somebody or something that is involved in the action. 在动词加小品词的词组中,of 表示动词与动作 涉及的人或事之间的关系。 Communicating and interpreting 传达或 解释:Do you know of a shop that sells Italian food? 你知道有卖意大利食品的商店吗? Of with some verbs shows that a particular piece of information or knowledge is being communicated to or interpreted by somebody. * of 与某些动词连用,表示某信息 或知识的传达或解释: hear of ♦ know of ♦ make of ♦ remind of ♦ speak of Characteristics and qualities 特征或特性: This shampoo smells of apples. 这种洗发水有 苹果味。 Of can be used with verbs to show the characteristics or qualities of someone or something, or what something contains. * of可与某些动词连用,表示某人或某事物的 特点或特性,或某事物的内容: smell of ♦ remind of ♦ make of ♦ consist of Removing, lacking 去除、欠缺:The prince was stripped of his title. 王子被剥夺了头衔。 Of can be used with some verbs to indicate something is being removed from someone or something or that they do not have something. * of 可与某些动词连用,表示从某 人或某物处除去某物,或缺少某物: rob of ♦ starve of ♦ deprive of ♦ dispose of ♦ strip of OFF Off has a wide variety of meanings. It is often used with verbs of movement to indicate movement away from a place, for example, run off, dash off, hurry off, march off, where the verb shows how somebody departs. Off can sometimes be replaced by away in this meaning. * off 含义丰富,常与 表示位移的动词连用,表示离开某处,如 run off、dash off、hurry off, march off, 其中 动词表明离开的方式。作此义时,有时可用 away 代替 off。 Departing 离开: We set off on our journey at dawn. 我们拂晓起程。 The particle off can be used to give the idea of somebody starting a journey or leaving a place or of making somebody or something do this. 小品词 off 可用于表示(使)某人起程 或离开某处: set off ♦ take off ♦ see off ♦ make off ♦ clear off ♦ blast off Starting 开始:OK, who wants to start off? 那么,谁想起个头? Off in combinations can also suggest that something is beginning. * off 在词组中也可 表示某事开始: start off ♦ spark off ♦ kick off ♦ lead off ♦ touch off Ending; not happening 结束;不发生: The search was called off after 48 hours. * 48 小时 后,搜索终止。 Some verbs can be used with off to give the idea of something ending or being cancelled. 某些动词可与 off 连用,表示某事 结束或被取消: break off ♦ ring off ♦ put off ♦ call off ♦ cut off ♦ log off Finishing completely 彻底完成:, have finally paid off all my debts. 我最终还清了所有欠债。 Off can be used with some verbs to emphasize that something is completely finished. Often these are verbs that can also be used on their own with a similar, but weaker, meaning. * off 可与某些动词连用, 强调彻底完成某事。此类动词也常常单独使 用,意义相近,但语气稍弱: finish off ♦ pay off ♦ sell off ♦ go off ♦ polish off ♦ round off Becoming less 变少:My headache is starting to wear off. 我开始不那么头疼了。 Off can be used with some verbs to express the idea of something gradually decreasing in strength or effect. * off 可与某些动词连 用,表示程度或效果逐渐减小: wear off ♦ level off ♦ cool off fall off ♦ die off ♦ ease off Rejecting or dismissing 拒绝或不予理会: He tried to brush me off, but I insisted on getting his name. 他试图不理我,但我坚持让他把名字 告诉我。 Off is used with some verbs to suggest the idea of rejecting, dismissing or trying to ignore somebody or something. * off 与某些 动词连用,表示对某人或某事物拒绝接受、 不予考虑或不理不睬: write off ♦ lay off ♦ shrug off ♦ laugh off ♦ brush off ♦ shake off Resisting 抵抗:The home team fought off a strong challenge from the visitors. 主队顶住了 客队的强有力挑战。 Some verbs using the particle off indicate that you are trying to stop something happening or trying to protect somebody or yourself from something harmful or unpleasant. 与小品词 off 连用的某些动词表 示竭力阻止某事发生、使别人或自己避免有害 或不快的事: fight off ♦ hold off ♦ ward off ♦ beat off ♦ fend off ♦ keep off Using 使用:The hairdryer can also work off batteries. 这个吹风机也可以用电池作电源。 Removing 去除: Please cross my name off the list. 请从名单上画掉我的名字。 Off is used with some verbs to give the idea of removing something from somewhere, for example by cutting or chopping. Some combinations of verbs have the idea of removing someone from your responsibility. * off与某些动词连用,表示从某处除掉某物, 如切除或砍掉。有些动词词组表示免除对某人 的责任。 cut off ♦ cross off ♦ take off palm off on ♦ bump off ♦ rub off Dividing and separating 划分或分寓: Police have sealed off the city centre. 警方封锁了 市中心。 In these combinations, off indicates that one area is divided or separated from another, for example with a barrier, to stop somebody or something going into it. 在下 列词组中,off 表示用屏障等把一个区域同另 一个划开或隔开,以阻止某人或某物进入: block off ♦ fence off ♦ seal off ♦ curtain off ♦ divide off ♦ shut off Being absent from work or school 缺勤或 缺课:like to take Thursday off, if that's OK. 如果可以的话,星期四我想请假。 Off can be used with some verbs to talk about not going to work or school or leaving early. * off可与某些动词连用,表示不上班、 不上学或早退: take off ♦ skive off ♦ slip off ♦ bunk off Drawing attention 引起关注:He likes showing off his new sports car. 他喜欢炫耀新买 的跑车。 Off occurs in combination with some verbs that indicate that someone is drawing attention to themselves or their opinions in some way. Other combinations describe how something draws attention to something else or makes it easy to see. * off 用于某些 动词词组中,表示某人以某种方式吸引别人对 其本人或观点的关注。其他词组表示某事物引 人注意另一事物,或使其明显。 show off ♦ set off ♦ sound off ♦ mouth off Using 使用 :the hairdryer can also work off batteries. 这个吹风机也可以用电池作电源。 Off can be used with some verbs to talk about things that are used, such as money, food, etc. * off 与某些动词连用,可用于谈论 钱、食物等可利用的物品: live off ♦ feed off ♦ run off ♦ work off On can also be used with these verbs with a similar meaning. * on 也可与上述动词连用, 意义相近。 Exploding 爆炸: The bomb went off before it could be made safe. 在妥善处置前,炸弹爆 炸了。 This group of verbs is used for things such as weapons, that explode or are fired,下面这 组动词用于武器等物,表示起爆或发射: set off ♦ blast off ♦ go off ♦ let off ♦ fire off Cheating 欺骗 I've been ripped off lots of times by taxi drivers. 我被出租车司机敲过好多 次竹杠。 Off is used with some verbs to indicate that something is done dishonestly or with the intention of cheating someone. * off 与某些 动词连用,表示做事不诚实,或蓄意欺诈: rip off ♦ fob off ♦ palm off ♦ pass off as ON The basic meaning of on describes the position of one thing above or on top of another or resting on something. It is also used in combination with verbs of movement, where the preposition onto is also sometimes used. With some of these verbs it is the opposite of off (for example get on the bus, get off the bus}. * on 的本义 指某物位于另一物上方或上面,或停留在某物 上。on 也可和表示位移的动词组合,这些情 况有时也用介词 onto。对某些动词而言,on 是 off 的反义 (如 get on the bus, get off the bus)o Continuing 继续:I asked him to stop, but he carried on. 我让他停下,但他就是不停。 The particle on can be used with many verbs to show that something continues and does not stop. It can also mean that you stop for a short time and then continue: We spent a few days in Seattle and then flew on to L.A. It can also be used in this way to express the idea of continuing to do something difficult or unpleasant, for example, fight on, struggle on. In other cases it suggests that something is continuing for too long, for example drag on, drone on. 小品词 on 可与很多动词连用, 表示持续不停。on 也可表示短暂停歇后再继 续进行:We spent a few days in Seattle and then flew on to L.A. (我们在西雅图停留了几 天,然后继续旅程飞往洛杉矶。) on 的此类用 法还可表示坚持不断地做困难或不快的事, 如 fight on、struggle on。 在其他情况下, on含有某事持续太久的意思,如 drag on、 drone on。 keep on ♦ stay on ♦ go on ♦ carry on ♦ hurry on ♦ move on Developing and changing 发展或变化: My French is coming on very well. 我的法语很 有起色。 On can be used with some verbs to talk about the way things are progressing or changing. * on 可与某些动词连用,表示事物 进展或变化的状况: get on ♦ come on ♦ move on Encouraging 鼓励: Come on, we're almost there! 加把劲儿,我们就要大功告成了! On in combination with some verbs gives the idea of supporting somebody or encouraging someone to do something. * on 与某些动词 构成的词组表示支持某人或鼓励某人做某事: urge on ♦ come on ♦ egg on spur on Starting 开始 I switched on my computer and started work. 我打开电脑,开始工作。 On can be used in verbs that talk about starting an activity or making a machine begin to work. * on 可用于某些动词,表示开 始活动或开动机器: bring on ♦ sign on ♦ turn on ♦ switch on ♦ put on Off is often used with some of these verbs with the opposite meaning (for example, turn on the radio, turn off the radio). 上述 动词中有一些常与 off 连用,表达相反的意思 (如 turn on the radio, turn off the radio) o Holding and connecting 抓住或连接:I held on to stop myself from falling.我抓得很紧,免 得掉下去。 On can be used in combinations to express the idea of holding something tightly. Other verbs describe how things are connected or attached to each other. * on 可用于某些词 组,表示牢牢抓住某物。其他动词描述事物相 互之间的连接或结合: hang on ♦ hold on ♦ strap on ♦ latch on ♦ cling on ♦ fasten on Dressing 穿戴: Put on you coat before you go out. 出去前穿上外套。 On can be used with different verbs to talk about ways of getting dressed. * on 可与不同 动词连用,表示穿戴的方式: put on ♦ try on ♦ pull on ♦ slip on Attacking 攻击:They pick on people who are smaller than themselves. 他们专找比他们矮小 的人的麻烦。 Some verbs with on indicate that someone is being attacked, either physically or with words. 与 on 连用的某些动词表示某人遭到身 体或言语上的攻击: turn on ♦ pick on ♦ round on jump on ♦ set on ♦ start on Thinking and commenting 思考或评论: I haven't decided on the colour yet. 我还没选好 颜色呢。 On is used with some verbs of thinking or deciding to show what you are thinking or talking about. * on与表示思索或决定的某些 动词连用,说明思考或谈论的内容: reflect on ♦ decide on ♦ touch on ♦ sleep on Finding 找到:I suddenly hit on the solution. 我灵机一动想出了解决办法。 On is used with some verbs that mean finding something or someone suddenly or unexpectedly. * on与某些动词连用,表示突 然或意外地找到某物或某人: hit on ♦ stumble on ♦ chance on Depending 依靠:You can count on Gary to help you. 你尽可放心,加里会帮你的。 On is often used with verbs to indicate that one thing is affected by or decided by something else. On can also indicate the person or thing that you trust or feel sure about. * on 常与动词连用,表示一事物影响 或决定另一事物,也可表示信得过的人或有把 握的事。 depend on ♦ rely on ♦ count on ♦ hinge on OUT The basic meaning of out is of movement from inside to outside, so it combines with many verbs of movement, for example, storm out, rush out, go out. Many verbs that combine with out also combine with the adverb plus preposition out of, for example, storm out, storm out of the room. Out and in can sometimes be used with the same verbs to express opposite meanings (for example, go out, go in). * out 的本义指从内到外的移 动,可与很多表示位移的动词组合,如 storm out, rush out、go out。 与 out 组合的很多 动词也与副词加介词 out of 搭配,如 storm out、storm out of the room。 out 和 in 有时 可与同样的动词连用,意义相反 (如 go out、 go in)。 Leaving 寓开:We set out on our trip early in the morning. 我们一大早就上路了。 Out can be used in verbs that mean starting a journey or going away from a person or a place. * out 可用于某些动词,表示起程或离 开某人、某处: set out ♦ pop out ♦ check out ♦ start out Searching, observing, solving 查找、观察、 解决:Can you find out if there's a train at that time? 你查一下那个时候有没有火车好吗? Out in some combinations gives the idea of searching for something such as a piece of information, the answer to a difficult problem, etc. and then finding it. 在某些词 组中,out 表示查寻并找到某信息、难题的答 案等: find out ♦ dig out ♦ make out ♦ turn out ♦ hunt out ♦ sort out Disappearing; using completely 消失;用尽: Why did the dinosaurs die out? 恐龙为什么灭 绝了? Out can be used in phrasal verbs to suggest that something is gradually disappearing or has been used completely so that there is none left. * out可用于短语动词,表示某事物 逐渐消失或耗尽: die out run out go out phase out Stopping an activity 停止活动 Out is used in some verbs that describe an activity being stopped, often by using force or authority. Some verbs describe people or places being completely destroyed. Other verbs refer to a fire, etc. going out or being put out. *out 用于某些动词,常指使用武力 或权威制止某活动。有些动词指人或地方被完 全毁灭。其他动词指火等熄灭或被扑灭。 stamp out cut out wipe out burn out beat out blow out Stopping being involved 不再参与:The German runner has dropped out of the race. 那名德国赛跑运动员退出了比赛。 Out can be used in combinations that show that you are no longer involved in something or no longer want to be involved. * out 可用于某些词组,表示不再或不想再置 身某事中: fall out pull out bottle out chicken out drop out opt out Producing 生产:We can turn out 200 cars a day.我们可以每天生产200辆车。 Out can used with verbs to talk about things being produced, especially when they are produced quickly and in large quantities. *out可与某些动词连用,表示生产东西,尤 指快速批量生产: turn out ♦ churn out ♦ spill out ♦ pour out Being outside 在外面:They stayed out all night. 他们在外面呆了整整一夜。 Out can be used in combinations that express the idea of somebody going out of a place, such as their home, or doing something outside. * out 可用于某些词组, 表示某人外出,如离家,或在外面做某事: get out ♦ camp out ♦ eat out ♦ stay out ♦ go out ♦ lock out Speaking or shouting loudly 高声说话或 叫喊: I shouted out for help. 我大声呼救。 Out can be used with some verbs that suggest that somebody is speaking loudly or angrily, perhaps to call for help or shout a warning. *out 可与某些动词连用,表示某人大声或愤 怒地说话,可能是为了求助或大声警告: bark out call out scream out shout out ♦ snap out ♦ yell out Sharing 分享:Can you help me to hand out the photocopies? 你能帮我分发一下影印件吗? Out can be used to convey the idea of something being distributed to or shared among people. * out 可用于表示分发或分享 某物: hand out ♦ give out ♦ share out ♦ dish out ♦ dole out ♦ serve out Finishing 结束: That walk has tired me out. 那次走路把我累环了。 Out can be used to convey the idea of something being completely finished or done. * out 可用于表示某事彻底结束或完成: hear out dry out talk out tire out wear out Out is often used to create new verbs that mean you have completely finished doing something and can do no more. For example: I'm all partied out (= I have been to so many parties that I can't go to any more). * out 常用于构成新动词,表示彻底完 成某事,不能再做了。例如,I'm all partied out. (我已经腻味聚会了。) Removing 去除:I'd like to throw out this old coat 我想把这件旧外套扔了。 Out is used with some verbs that mean removing something or somebody from somewhere, or removing yourself from somewhere. * out 与某些动词连用,表示从 某处弄走某物或某人,或自行离开某处: take out ♦ knock out ♦ pull out ♦ push out ♦ throw out ♦ wash out Excluding 排除:If you can't answer a question, just leave it out. 如果一个问题答不上 来,就跳过去。 Out can be used in combinations that express the idea that someone or something is not included in an activity, a list, etc. *out可用于某些词组,表示不把某人或某事 物纳入活动、名单等: leave out ♦ cross out ♦ rule out filter out ♦ keep out ♦ weed out Supporting 支持:Peter said he didn't mind helping out occasionally. 彼得说他不介意偶尔 帮个忙。 Out is used with phrasal verbs that suggest helping or supporting somebody, especially by giving money, advice or encouragement. * out 可用于某些短语动词,表示帮助或支持 某人,尤指提供金钱、意见或给予鼓励: help out ♦ bear out ♦ bring out ♦ draw out ♦ reach out to Choosing 挑选: She asked me to pick out a present for myself. 她让我给自己挑个礼物。 Out can be used to convey the idea of something being chosen from among many others. * out 可用于表示从众多选择中挑选 出来: pick out ♦ single out ♦ pull out ♦ mark out ♦ separate out ♦ sort out Lasting 持续:I don't think I can hold out much longer. 我想我再也坚持不住了。 Out can be used to convey the idea of resisting some kind of pressure or enduring a difficult situation. * out 可用于表示顶住某 种压力或在困境中坚持: hold out ♦ stick out ♦ last out ♦ ride out Attacking; reacting violently 攻击;反应 激烈:She lashed out at her attackers. 她对攻 击她的人大打出手。 Out can be used in verbs that show that someone is attacking somebody or reacting violently to something. * out 可用于动词, 表示攻击某人或以暴力回应某事物: lash out ♦ strike out ♦ fight out ♦ hit out ♦ kick out ♦ shoot out Recording on paper 书面记录:We copied out the words of the song. 我们抄下了歌词。 Out can be used with verbs connected with writing or drawing to give the idea of something being recorded or written down on paper. * out 可与有关写或画的动词连用, 表示记下来或写下来: copy out ♦ sketch out ♦ map out ♦ write out Increasing 增长:You can spread out the map on the floor. 你可以在地板上摊开地图。 Out is used with some verbs that show that something or somebody is increasing in size, shape, extent, etc. * out 可与某些动词连用, 表示某事物或某人在大小、形状、程度等方面 的增长: broaden out ♦ fill out ♦ flesh out ♦ open out ♦ spread out OVER The basic meaning of over indicates movement from one side of something to the other, especially over the top of something (for example, climb over a wall, fly over a city, cross over a road). It can also indicate a position above something (bend over something, lean over someone). * over 的本义指从某物一侧移至另一侧,尤指越过 顶部 (如 climb over a walk fly over a city、 cross over a road) 。 over 也可指位于某物 上方(如 bend over something, lean over someone)。 Having a higher position 位置较高: My son towers over me. 我儿子比我高一大截。 Over can be used to suggest that someone or something is taller or in a higher position than somebody or something else. It can also refer to somebody in a position of greater authority or responsibility. * over 可 用来表示某人或某物高于其他人或物,或位于 更高的位置,也可指某人的权力或职位较高。 tower over ♦ stand over ♦ rule over ♦ preside over ♦ watch over Covering 覆盖: The lake was completely frozen over. 整个湖都结了冰。 Over can be used in combination with verbs to show that something is completely covered with something such as ice or clouds. It is also used in a more figurative way to suggest that a difficulty or the truth is being hidden. * over 可与某些动词组合, 表示某物被冰完全覆盖或被云完全遮蔽等。 over 也用作比喻义,表示掩盖困难或真相。 freeze over ♦ cloud over ♦ gloss over ♦paint over ♦ paper over Moving to the side 移到旁边:The driver pulled over to the side of the road to take a short break. 司机把车停到路边休息片刻。 A few verbs use over to indicate movement to the side of something. 有些动词用 over 表示移动到某物旁边: pull over ♦ move over Visiting 拜访:The neighbours have asked us over for tea. 邻居请我们去家里喝茶。 Over with some verbs suggests going from your house to somebody else's for a visit, ♦ over 与某些动词连用,表示出门去拜访 某人: ask over ♦ drop over ♦ come over ♦ invite over ♦ pop over Considering, thinking about or examining 考虑、思索或检查: rd like to think over your offer. 我愿意考虑你的提议。 Over can be used with verbs that mean thinking about something carefully before you make a decision, or inspecting something to see if it is correct. * over 可与 某些动词连用,表示作出决定前仔细考虑,或 核对某事物: think over ♦ talk over ♦ check over ♦ go over ♦ look over Remaining 留下:She decided to stay over with her parents for a couple of days. 她决定留 下来陪父母几天。 Over can be used to convey the idea of something remaining in the same place or being kept to use at a later date. * over 可用 来表示某物停留在某处,或保留备用: stay over ♦ hold over ♦ be leftover ♦ sleep over Changing position 交换位置:I drove first, then we changed over. 我先开车,然后我们 交换。 Over can be used in combination with verbs suggesting the idea of two people or things changing places, jobs etc., or of a person changing their opinion or ideas. * over 可与 某些动词组合,表示两人或两事物交换位置、 工作等,或表示某人改变意见或想法: take over ♦ swap over ♦ win over ♦ change over ♦ hand over ♦ swap over Falling 倒下: I fell over and hurt my knee. 我摔了一跤,伤了膝盖。 Over can be used with verbs to express the idea of something falling to the ground, usually from an upright position. * over 可 与某些动词连用,表示某物摔倒在地,通常指 直立的东西: fall over ♦ knock over ♦ trip over ♦ keel over ♦ kick over ♦ run over Finishing and recovering 结束或恢复: She's upset now, but she'll soon get over it. 她现在很 难过,但很快就会好起来的。 Over can be used in combinations that mean that something is temporary and will soon end. * over 可用于某些词组,表示某事 是暂时的,很快就会结束: blow over ♦ get over ♦ get over with Communicating 传达:She is very good at putting over her ideas to an audience. 她十分 擅长向听众表达观点。 Over can be used to convey the idea of giving somebody a message or a particular impression. * over 可用于表示给人传达信息 或留下某种印象: put over ♦ get over ♦ come over Across can be used instead of over with these verbs with a very similar meaning. * across 可代替 over 与上述动词连用,意义 相近。 Overflowing 溢出:The crowd spilled over into the neighbouring streets. 人群挤到了旁边的街 道上。 Over can be used in combinations that mean that something such as a liquid flows over the edge of a container. These verbs can also have a figurative meaning referring to very strong feelings. * over 可用于某些词 组,表示液体等从容器边缘漫出。此类动词也 含比喻义,指强烈的感情。 boil over ♦s pill over ♦ brim over ♦ bubble over ROUND The basic meaning of round is of movement in a circle or curve in order to face in the opposite direction or to arrive at the other side of something. It can sometimes be replaced by about and around with very little change of meaning. * round 的本义指转 到相反方向,或转到另一边。有时可用about 和around代替round, 意义基本不变。 Moving 移动:The kids ran round to keep warm. 孩子们跑来跑去来保暖。 Round is used with some verbs to indicate movement in different directions. * round 与某些动词连用,表示四处移动: move round ♦ run round ♦ hand round ♦ phone/call round Lack of activity and purpose 没有活动或 目的:昨 stood round, waiting for something to happen. 我们茫然地站着,等着发生点什 么事。 Round can be used to suggest lack of activity or specific purpose. * round 可用于表示没有 活动或漫无目的: stand round ♦ hang round ♦ sit round Surrounding and enclosing 环绕或包围: He threw his arms round me. 他张开双臂抱住 了我。 Round can be used to indicate that something is surrounded by something. * round可用于表示某物围住另一物: wrap round ♦ throw round ♦ go round ♦ gather round Being centred on something 以某事物为 中心:My whole life revolves round cooking and cleaning. 我一辈子围绕着做饭和打扫卫生 打转。 Round can be used with a few verbs to indicate how something or somebody has a particular person or thing as the focus of their attention. * round 可与一些动词连用, 表示某事物或某人以特定的人或事物为关注的 焦点: revolve round ♦ centre round Turning 旋转: The car spun round several times and then hit a tree. 汽车兜了几圈后,撞 上了一棵树。 Round is sometimes used in combinations with the idea of something turning in circles or turning to face the other way. * round 有时用于表示某物旋转或转到相反方向的 词组: spin round ♦ swing round ♦ wheel round Avoiding 避开:Politicians tend to skate round the issues.政客往往对这些问题避而不谈。 Round can be used with verbs to express the idea that you are avoiding something. * round可与某些动词连用,表示回避某事: talk round ♦ skate round Persuading 劝说:I managed to talk them round and they finally signed the contract. 我设法说服了他们最终同意签订合同。 Round can be used with verbs to express the idea of persuading someone to change their minds about something. * round 可与 某些动词连用,表示劝说某人改变主意: talk round♦get round ♦come round ♦ win round Visiting informally 非正式探望:I'll drop round later and give you that book. 我以后会顺 便过来,把那本书给你。 Round is used with some verbs to indicate going to a particular place to visit a person briefly on an informal basis. Around is used with this meaning only in American English. * round 可与某些动词连用,表示去某处非正 式地短暂拜访某人。around 仅在美国英语中 可用作此义。 call round ♦ drop round ♦ pop round ♦ come round Sharing or distributing 分享或分发:Could you hand round the sandwiches?把三明治分 给大家好吗? Round in combinations can give the idea of sharing or distributing something between people. * round 在词组中可表示分享或分发 某物: hand round ♦ pass round ♦ go round Recovering 恢复:She came round a few hours after the operation. 做完手术几个小时 后,她醒了过来。 Round can be used with the idea of someone becoming conscious again or recovering from an illness. * round 可用于表 示某人苏醒过来或病愈: come round ♦ bring round ♦ pull round THROUGH The basic meaning of through refers to passing from one side of something solid to the other side (for example, go through a hole in a wall, see through a window). It can be used with this meaning with many other verbs such as (slice through, break through). * through 的本义指从固体的一边经过移到另 一边 (如 go through a hole in a walk see through a window) 。 through 可与很多其 他动词连用,用作此义 (如slice through. break through )。 Doing something thoroughly 做某事彻底: Can you look through this letter for me?帮我 看一遍这封信好吗? Through can be used with verbs to give the idea of going from the beginning to the end of something and finishing it. The verb tells you what the activity is and how someone is doing it. It is often used to suggest doing something in a logical and thorough way and completing it. * through 可与动词连用, 表示自始至终参与某事直至完成。动词说明活 动的内容,以及进行的方式。through常用于 表示有条理、彻底地完成某事。 look through ♦ rush through ♦ sit through ♦ read through Surviving, achieving 幸存、完成:She came through the operation and made a rapid recovery. 她手术后活了下来,并且恢复得很快。 Through can be used in combinations to express the idea of surviving a bad situation or getting past something difficult such as a test or a barrier. * through 可用于某些词组, 表示幸免于难,或经受住考验、克服障碍等: live through ♦ come through ♦ get through ♦ pull through Communicating 传达:He won't listen to me. I can't get through to加m 他不肯听我的。 我的话对他是耳旁风。 Through can be used in combinations that express the idea of communicating with somebody, for example by telephone. * through可用于某些词组,表示通过电话等 与某人联络: put through get through fax through Seeing clearly 看清楚:Her qualities shine through in everything she does.她做的每件事 都反映出她的优秀品质。 Through can be used with a few verbs to suggest that you can see or understand something or somebody very clearly. * through可与一些动词连用,表示看透或看 清某事物或某人: see through ♦ shine through ♦ come through TO With verbs of movement, to expresses the idea of direction (for example walk to the office; fall to the ground). 与表示位移的动词 连用时,to 表示移动的方向 (如 walk to the office, fall to the ground)。 Directing or aiming 朝向或瞄准:She devoted herself to her career. 她一心扑在事业上。 To used with verbs shows the direction that somebody or something is going or what is being aimed at. * to 与某些动词连用,表示 某人或某物移动的方向,或瞄准的目标: gravitate to ♦ devote to ♦ gear to ♦ pander to ♦ point to Showing relationships 显示关系:Who does this book belong to? 这本书是谁的? To is used with verbs to indicate the relationship between people or things. *to 与某些动词连用,表示人或事物之间的 关系: belong to ♦ cling to ♦ warm to ♦ resort to ♦ look up to ♦ stick to UP The literal meaning of up is movement upwards, from a lower to a higher position, so it occurs with many verbs describing movement, such as climb up, jump up, look up, and sit up. It is also used with verbs of lifting to express the idea of raising something to a higher level (for example, pick up, lift up, snatch up}. You will also find it used to express the related ideas of Increase* and Improvement*. * up 的字面意 思指从低到高的向上移动。up 用于很多描述 动作的动词中,如 climb up、jump up、 look up、sit up. up 也与表示提起或举起的 动词连用,表示将某物向上挪动 (如pick up、 lift up, snatch up)。up 也用于表达与 “增加" 和 “改善” 相关的意思。 Increasing 增加:Gas is going up next week. 下星期煤气要涨价了。 Up is often used to give the idea of something increasing in volume, speed, price, strength, and reputation. * up 常用于 表示某事物在体积、速度、价格、力量以及声 誉方面的上升: go up ♦ speed up ♦ turn up ♦ grow up ♦ build up ♦ speak up The opposite of the particle up is down, so these particles can be used in verbs that have opposite meanings. For example, the opposite of turn up the heating is turn down the heating. 小品词 up 的反义词是 down, 因此这两个小品词可用于意义相反的短语动 词。例如,turn up the heating 的反义说法是 turn down the heating。 Improving 改善:The year started badly but I think things are starting to look up. 今年开局 不利,但我认为情况开始好转了。 Up can be used to express the idea of things improving, such as the economy, your health or your knowledge. * up 可用来表示 经济、健康状况、知识等的改善或进步: look up ♦ brush up ♦ clear up ♦ smarten up ♦ cheer up ♦ brighten up Supporting 支持:I can back up what I said with figures. 我刚才说的有数据为证。 Up can be used to give the idea of providing support. * up 可用来表示提供支持: back up ♦ shore up ♦ speak up for stand up ♦ for bolster up ♦ stick up for Preparing 准备: You should warm up before exercising. 运动前应先热身。 Up is used with a group of verbs to give the idea of preparing for doing something. * up 与一组动词连用,表示为做某事作准备: draw up ♦ set up ♦ warm up ♦ butter up ♦ fix up ♦ limber up Creating and constructing 创造或构建: She made up an excuse for being late. 她为迟到找 了个借口。 Up is also used to suggest creating, producing, inventing or constructing something, either physically or in your mind. * up 也用于表示在现实环境或脑海中 创造、制造、虚构或构建某事物: make up ♦ dream up ♦ build up ♦ come up ♦ with conjure up ♦ put up Completing and finishing 完成或结束:We will have used up all our coal reserves by the end of the year. 到年底,我们就会用尽我们所 有的储备煤。 With some verbs that can be used on their own, up adds the idea of completing something, 对于可单独使用的某些动词,up 增添了完成某事的意思: end up ♦ use up ♦ wind up ♦ dry up ♦ dummy up ♦ follow up Damaging and destroying 损坏或毁坏: She tore up the letter and threw it in the bin. 她把信撕了,丢进了垃圾箱。 Up can be used to express the idea of something being damaged or spoilt in some way or not working well. * up 可用来表示某 物遭到某种破环或毁坏,或运转不灵: tear up ♦ blow up ♦ mess up ♦ beat up ♦ play up ♦ slip up Stopping, delaying and disrupting 停止、 延迟或打断:The police broke up the demonstration. 警察驱散了示威人群。 Up can be used to give the idea of something stopping, being delayed or prevented from operating normally. * up 可用来表示某事停下来、遭到延误或 受阻不能正常运行: break up ♦ give up ♦ pull up ♦ hold up ♦ slow up Note that slow up and slow down have the same meaning. 注意,slow up 和 slow down含义相同。 Things happening 事情发生:A serious problem has come up. 出现 了严重问题。 Up can be used to convey the idea of something happening or of something/ somebody appearing, sometimes unexpectedly. * up 可用来表示某事发生, 或某事物或某人出现,有时指出乎意外: turn up ♦ come up ♦ bring up ♦ crop up ♦ pop up Approaching and getting closer for comfort 临览或凑拢身体:I crept up behind her to surprise her. 我蹑手蹑脚地走到她身后,想让她 大吃一惊。 Up can be used to give the idea of something or somebody approaching or getting closer to somebody/something, sometimes in a rather secretive way, or for warmth and comfort. * up可用来表示某物或 某人临近或挨近其他人或物,有时指悄悄接近 或为了取暖靠近某人或某物: creep up ♦ loom up ♦ snuggle up ♦ curl up ♦ nuzzle up sneak up Dividing and separating 划分或分离: Slice up the tomatoes and add them to the mixture.切 开西红柿,然后加到混合物里。 Up can be used to give the idea of something being divided in some way, for example by being cut or chopped into small pieces. When it is used in connection with a group of people or a couple, it has the idea of separation. * up 可用来表示以某种方式把 东西分开,如切开或剁碎。用于一群人或两个 人时,up 表示分离。 slice up ♦ divide up ♦ split up ♦ break up ♦ cut up ♦ chop up Gathering and collecting 聚集或收集: Can you collect up the glasses? 你收拾一下 玻璃杯好吗? Up can be used with the idea of collecting things or people together. * up 可用于表示 把物或人聚到一起: collect up ♦ match up ♦ stock up ♦ team up ♦ join up ♦ meet up Fastening 固定:I tied up the parcel with string. 我用带子把包裹捆了起来。 Up can be used to talk about fastening things like clothes or objects. It can be used with the name of an object or a material to show how something is fastened, or with the name of a container to show where things are placed. Related to this is the idea of restricting the movement of somebody/ something. * up 可用来描述系好衣服或绑牢 物品等,可与物品或材料的名称连用表示固定 住的方法,或与容器的名称连用表示物品存放 的位置。相关的含义是限制某人或某物的活 动。 do up ♦ tie up WITH With is generally used to describe the connections and relationships between people, things, facts or situations. * with 一般用来表示人、物、事实或情况之间的联系 和关系。 zip up ♦ parcel up ♦ brick up ♦ lock up Relationships between people 人际关系: My boyfriend wants to finish with me. 我男朋 友想和我分手。 With is used with verbs that describe relationships between people or the ending of a relationship. * with 与动词连用,表示人 们之间的关系,或关系的终止: mess with ♦ reason with ♦ finish with ♦ level with ♦ trifle with ♦ vie with Relationships between things 事物之间的 关系 Verbs plus with often show connections between things, such as comparing, including, involving or separating,动词加 with常表示事物之间的关系,如比较、包括、 涉及或分离: go with ♦ crawl with ♦ do away with ♦ riddle with ♦ square with Relationships between people and things 人和事物之间的关系:It's hard to deal with so many changes. 应付这么多的变化真是不易。 With can be used to convey the idea of somebody taking action and getting involved in something, sometimes when they should not. * with 可用来表示某人采取 行动参与某事,这些事有时是不该做的事: deal with ♦ wrestle with ♦ juggle with land with ♦ lumber with ♦ tamper with Giving support 给予支持:I don't agree with what you're saying. 你说的我不同意。 With is used with verbs that express the idea of agreeing with a person or an idea or providing support. * with 与某些动词连用, 表示赞同某人或某想法,或提供支持: agree with ♦ side with ♦ bear with ♦ hold with