" 适用于快速手工添加链接词条 " 词条格式:主词条(已有关键词) 链接词条 链接词条 " 分隔符采用4个及以上的空格 " 可以添加注释行,以 " 开头 " 可以添加空行 " 自主添加个性化词条 OGBACCov_0001 OGBAC Oxford Guide to British and American Culture 牛津英美文化词典 " 多种表达方式 the British Empire British Empire " P1-100 由 dictionaryfan 提交 Alcoholics Anonymous AA the AA Amateur Athletic Association AAA American Automobile Association the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company A and P Amateur Atheletic Union AAU Abbott and Costello Bud Abbott Lou Costello the American Broadcasting Company ABC Association of British Travel Agents ABTA abstract expressionism abstract expressionist the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service ACAS acid house acid house parties American College Test ACT Agricultural Development and Advisory Service ADAS the Adirondack Mountains the Adirondacks Adirondack Forest Preserve adult education continuing education evening classes audlt education institutes mature students equivalency exam Advent Advent Sunday advertising promote market ads adverts commercials situations vacant small ads commercial break slogans infomercial hoardings billoards Flyers ad agencies special offers coupons the Advertising Standards Authority ASA Atomic Energy Commission AEC the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union the AEEU Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDC the American Federation of Labor and Congress Industrial Organizations the AFL-CIO the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists AFTRA the Agency for International Development AID the Age of Enlightenment Age of Reason the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service ADAS aid aid money development projects non-governmental organizations(NGOs) developing countries Commonwealth Development Corporation USAID Voluntary Service Overseas Peace Corps Aid to Families with Dependent Children AFDC American Kennel Club AKC Alaska Alaska Highway the Albert Hall Royal Albert Hall the Aldwych Theatre Aldwych farces Advanced level A level the Allegheny Mountains the Alleghenies the All England Club the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club the Alliance Party the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland all points bulletin APB All Saints Day All Hallows alma mater Alma Mater amateur dramatics am-dram America United States of America the USA the Americas North America Central America Latin America New World Americans United States the American Association of Retired Persons AARP the American Automobile Association AAA Triple A the American Bar Association ABA the American Broadcasting Company ABC the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU American College Test ACT American Express AmEx the American Football Conference AFC the American Football League AFL the American Forces Network AFN the American Kennel Club AKC the American Medical Association AMA the American National Standards Institute ANSI the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ASPCA the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ASCAP the American Standard Version ASV the American Stock Exchange AMEX Prince Andrew York Anfield Anfield Road angel dust PCP angel food cake angel cake Anglo-Catholicism Anglo-Catholic Anglo-Catholics angry young man angry young men annual percentage rate APR antiques antique letter of provenance collectables antique shops junk shops second-hand shops Antiques fairs Auction houses dealers flea markets antique hunting Shaker furniture Associated Press AP Apache Apaches all points bulletin APB Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff APEX advance purchase excursion Apex Army Post Office APO April Fool's Day April Fools' Day April Fool Aran jumper Aran sweater Arapaho Arapahos the aristocracy royal family peerage baronets orders of knighthood Knights Sir Dame coat of arms order of chivalry Order of the Garter knights bachelor the county set old money new money Boston Brahmins the Armada the Spanish Armada art deco deco art galleries and art museums art collections art museums gallery mount exhibitions old masters Turner prize Arundel Arundel Castle the Advertising Standards Authority ASA the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ASCAP Ascension Day Holy Thursday American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII Action on Smoking and Health ASH the Ashmolean Museum the Ashmolean the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen ASLEF Advanced Subsidiary level AS level the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ASPCA Associated Press AP the Association of British Travel Agents ABTA the Association of Recognized English Language Schools ARELS American Telephone and Telegraph AT&T automated teller machine ATM the Atomic Energy Commission AEC the Auxiliary Territorial Service the ATS August Bank Holiday Summer Bank Holiday the Authorized Version AV the King James Version the Automobile Association AA2 airborne warning and control system AWACS the Axis powers the Axis azidothymidine AZT British Airways BA British Airports Authority BAA the Baa-baas Barbarians backbencher backbenches the Badminton Horse Trials Badminton British Academy of Film and Television Arts BAFTA Bilbo Baggins Hobbit Baker Street Baker Street irregulars the Battle of Balaclava Balaclava balaclava helmet balaclava bald eagle American Eagle Bank of Credit and Commerce International BCCI 过水面包圈 白吉饼 " P201-250 由 zky030600 提交 "---- 关键词汇(子词条) Brooklyn Brooklyn Heights Brooke Bond Brooke Bond PG Tips Brownie Brownie Guide Brownie Girl Scouts BSA Birmingham Small Arms BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy mad cow disease BSI the British Standards Institution Kitemark BSkyB British Sky Broadcasting Sky the BTA the British Tourist Authority BTEC the Business and Technology Education Council BTU Btu British Thermal Unit Buckinghamshire Bucks Buck rabbit buck rarebit Budweiser Bud bull market bulls the Battles of Bull Run Manassaa bullying bullies bumping races bumps BUPA British United Provident Association Burghley House Burghley Horse Trials burlesque burlesk the Burrell Collection Burrell Gallery Matt Busby Busby babes busking buskers bussing busing by-law bye-law Richard E Byrd Richard Evelyn Byrd Cable and Wireless Cable and Wireless Communications CAFOD Catholic Fund for Overseas Developnent the Cairngorms cairngorm cairn terrier cairn Cambridgeshire Cambs Camden Camden Town Camp David Camp David Agreement CAMRA the Campaign for Real Ale Canary Wharf Canary Wharf tower Canute Cnut Cape Canaveral Cape Kennedy Capital Radio Capital Gold Capitol Hill the Hill Caractacus Caradoc CARE the Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere CARE packages the Caribbean Caribbean Sea West Indians Afro-Caribbeans Carlsbad Caverns Carlsbad Caverns National Park Carmel Carmel-by-the-Sea car tax road tax tax disc road fund license "---- 内容较长的词条(前后有黑体线的词条) the budget Chancellor of the Exchequer taxation and public spending Budget Day autumn statement pre-budget report Treasury pork-barrel politics pork line-item veto Office of Management and Budget revenues spending imcome tax building societies and savings and loan associations mortgages savings accounts mutual organizations branches windfalls S & Ls or thrifts bugget deficit the Cabinet collective responsibility reshuffles a shadow cabinet of shadow ministers Cabinet Office executive branch secretaries the calendar leap year calendar year BC BCE AD CE academic year financial year tax year canals narrow boats barges towpath aqueducts locks flight lock-keepers worked houseboats death penalty execution lethal injection hanging firing squad gas chamber death sentence on death row stay of execution pardon capital offences gallows gibbet hanged, drawn and quartered castles tower houses fortifications ramparts stockade motte and bailey motte palisade bailey keeps great hall dungeon curtain walls battlements gatehouse moat drawbridge portcullis battering rams siege engines slit windows cannon besiege carols and carol singing carol singers wassailing carol services "---- 正文中无中文解释的超链接词条 Robert the Bruce Robert the Bruce British Summer Time BST Claus von Bulow Claus von Bulow BTEC the Business and Technology Education Council Civil Aviation Authority the CAA Citizens Advice Bureau the CAB CNN Cable News Network Julius Caesar Julius Caesar CND the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament CAMRA the Campaign for Real Ale Common Agricultural Policy CAP Batman the caped crusader Captain Kidd Captain Kidd " P301-350 由 碧落黄泉 提交 "---- 关键词汇(子词条) the Civil Service civil servants Crown Permanent Secretary Civil Service Exam Clans chief Clansmen tartan kilt Class in Britain snobbery inverted snobbery social climbing The classes upper class upper middle class lower middle class white-collar workers meritocracy lower class working class blue-collar workers social mobility underclass The breakdown of the class system class-conscious classless society Class in the USA—no class at all? American dream self-made men self-made women WASPs Old money social register debutantes coming-out parties clearing bank merchant bank clearing house clog clog dancing Clubs and societies branches subscription membership fee Social clubs gentlemen's club services clubs working men's clubs Nightclubs clubs admission fees Sports clubs clubhouse sports and social clubs country clubs Alumni clubs alumni club Greek societies Fraternities sororities old boys' associations old girls' associations Special interest societies youth club coal mining coalfields collieries pits pithead slag heaps pit closures comics and comic strips comic strip strip cartoon frames annuals The Commonwealth British Commonwealth of Nations Commonwealth Commonwealth Conference Commonwealth Secretariat Secretary-General Commonwealth Institute Commonwealth Day community service community service order companies chartered company corporation statutory company registered companies private companies public companies shareholders limited company limited liability company joint-stock company Ltd public limited company (plc) corporations close corporations partnerships general partnerships limited partnership sole proprietorship d.b.a. doing business as Companion of Honour CH Congregationalist Congregational Church the Congress legislative branch bicameral houses Senate House of Representatives checks and balances executive branch The history of the Constitution Constitutional Convention What does the Constitution say? three branches of government separation of powers checks and balances amended Amendments to the Constitution amendments Bill of Rights passed repealed Interpreting the Constitution constitutionality unconstitutional constitutional coonskin coonskin cap the Co-operative Wholesale Society Co-operative Bank " 由 天钧日记 提交 P351-400 the Cotswolds Cotswold stone cotton cotton gin council councillor the Council for the Protection of Rural England CPRE council house council flats council estates counties hundreds ridings shire counties county county set boroughs country music country and western music the countryside green belt the Countryside Commission Scottish Natural Heritage Countryside Commission for Wales the county championship County cricket county town county seat cowboy cowpoke cowpuncher Cowes Cowes Week Cox's orange pippin Cox Crazy Horse Crazy Horse Memorial credit cards cardholder swiped Visa MasterCard credit ratings gold card credit limit statement charge cards American Express affinity card store cards Debit cards banker's cards Switch Delta plastic money Diner's Club annual percentage rate APR annual fee incentives cricket The game pitch bats innings runs bowl field batsmen out in boundary bowler one-day single-innings limited-over Competitions 'Not cricket' Crime Crime in Britain Burglary Theft Car theft Criminal damage Murders assault rape Robbery mugging Crime in the US carjacking Crime prevention on the beat petty crime shoplifting arson drug-dealing joyriding ram-raiding Fear and fascination credit union co-operative credit union crosswords crossword puzzles do crosswords solution Solving clues diagram across down quick crosswords cryptic crosswords anagram Cub Scout Cub Samuel Cunard Cunard Line General George Custer Custer's last stand Customs and Excise Her Majesty's Customs and Excise customs duties excise duties the CWU the Communication Workers Union Dagwood Dagwood sandwich the Dail the Dail Eireann the Dakotas Dakota Territory dame pantomime dame Dame Darby and Joan Darby and Joan clubs darts darts dartboard bull's-eye dart teams leagues Humphrey Davy Davy lamp the Dayton Agreement the Dayton Accord Dear John letter Dear John Death Valley Death Valley National Monument Debrett Debrett's Attitudes to death bereaved commits suicide terminal illnesses right to die Dr Jack Kevorkain assisted suicide euthanasia Funerals death certificate funeral body buried cremated Funeral directors undertakers the deceased coffin casket viewing The funeral service mourners funeral home wreaths grieve pall-bearers eulogy hearse cemetery grave headstone Family plots mausoleum ashes urn wake will memorial service funeral plan Expressing sympathy condolences pay their lastrespects the Defence of the Realm Act DORA " 由 alexpeng 提交 P401-450 the Democratic Party the Democrats Democratic Republican Party Lord Denning Alfred Denning Denning Report the Department for Education and Employment the DFEE the Department of Defense the DOD the Department of Health and Human Services the HHS the Department of Housing and Urban Development the HUD the Department of Social Security the DSS the Department of Trade and Industry the DTI the Department of Veterans Affairs the VA departments of government Her Majesty's Government ministers Prime Minister departments Ministers of the Crown Secretary of State Foreign and Commonwealth Office Foreign Secretary Home Secretary Home Office Chancellor of the Exchequer Treasury Minister without Portfolio Ministers of State Parliamentary Under-Secretaries of State junior ministers civil servants Scottish Office Welsh Office shadow cabinet shadow ministers federal government agencies executive branch Secretaries State Department Secretary of State the Derby Derby Day detective story detective novel devolution nationalist devolved political assemblies Scottish Office Scottish Grand Committee home rule Welsh Office Welsh Assembly referendum Scottish Parliament MSPs Members of the Scottish Parliament First Minister First Secretary Devon Devonshire dhal dal Diana, Princess of Wales Princess Diana The Dictionary of National Biography the DNB Diners Club Diners Club cards Diners cards Dinky Toy Dinky dinner dinner party Director of Public Prosecutions the DPP the Distinguished Flying Cross the DFC the Distinguished Flying Medal the DFM the Distinguished Service Cross the DSC the Distinguished Service Order the DSO district attorney DA District of Columbia DC the Divine Light Mission DLM Dixie Dixieland Dixieland Dixieland jazz DIY do-it-yourself Dobermann Pinscher Doberman Doc Martens DMs Doctor Dr Dr Scholl's Dr Seuss dodgems dodgem cars bumper cars dog's nose dogs' noses domino dominoes domino effect the domino theory DOS disc operating system double-dipper double-dip Dover Strait of Dover the Dow-Jones Average the Dow-Jones Index the Dow Downtown downtown the draft draft list draft dodgers draught beer draft beer the Dred Scott Case the Dred Scott decision driving drive-in road tax personalized number plate license plates tags driving licence driving test Highway Code Learner drivers provisional driving licence L-plate driver's license juvenile licenses road rage traffic accidents Drink-driving Speeding highway patrols drop scone Scotch pancake the Drug Enforcement Administration the DEA drugs drug abuse pushers amphetamines uppers speed barbiturates barbs downers cannabis marijuana dope grass pot weed cocaine coke crack ice snow heroin junk smack LSD acid benzodiazepines tranquillizers mescaline methadone morphine nitrates poppers phencyclidine angel dust PCP glue-sniffing MDMA Ecstasy E addiction drugs barons Addicts rehabilitation centres Drug-taking addicts War on Drugs drugs czar soft drugs hard drugs duke duchess royal dukes duchy the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme Congressional Award Dumbarton Oaks Dumbarton Oaks Conference Dumfries Dumfries and Galloway Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master Durham Dur County Durham Durham City DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre 0151-200 black-eyed pea cowpea black-eyed bean hopping John Blackfoot Blackfeet Black Forest gateau gateau Blackpool Blackpool Tower Blackpool Illuminations black power black power salute black pudding blood sausage Black Rod Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod Art Blakey Abdulla Ibn Buhaina Blenheim the Battle of Blenheim Blenheim Palace blind man's buff blindman's bluff the Bloodless Revolution Glorious Revolution blood sausage black pudding Bloody Mary bloody mary Blue Cross the Blue Cross the BMA the British Medical Association BMJ British Medical Journal BMX bicycle moto-cross BNFL British Nuclear Fuels BNP British National Party Boadicea Boudicca the Boer War the South African War Bonfire Night Gunpowder Plot Guy Fawkes Night guy bonfire fireworks bonfire parties sparklers boogie boogie-woogie the Borscht Belt the Borscht circuit Boston Boston Marathon Boston baked beans baked beans Boudicca Boadicea the Boulting brothers John Boulting Roy Boulting HMS Bounty The Bounty James Bowie bowie knife bowl game bowl bowls bowling green Bow Street Bow Street Runners Boxing Day Christmas boxes BP British Petroleum Jack Brabham Brabham Bramley Bramley apple Bramley’s seedling bread wholemeal bread Granary bread loaves tin loaves French sticks baguettes bloomers farmhouse loaves cottage loaves Sliced loaves rolls baps bakeries whole wheat rye Bagels raisin bread muffins sandwiches sandwich bar snack bar toasted sandwiches sarnies butties cucumber sadwiches toast toaster beans on toast egg on toast bread sauce breadcrumbs bread-and-butter pudding the Brethren Plymouth Brethren Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Brewer Carl Bridgewater Bridgewater Three Brighton Brighton bombing the Brighton car rally the Brighton run the London to Brighton veteran Car Run Britain and the US special relationship the Britannia Royal Naval College the Royal Naval College the British Acedemy of Film and Television Arts BAFTA British Aerospace BAe British Airways BA the British Army of the Rhine BAOR the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC British Caledonian Caledonian Airways British Coal National Coal Board the British Constitution constiutional monarchy Parliament parliamentary democracy statute law common law conventions the British Empire Medal BEM the British Expeditionary Force the BEF the British Film Institute BFI British Home Stores BHS the British Legion Royal British Legion British Legion Club The British Empire colonies mother country penal colonies Newfoundland Plymouth Colony Pilgrim Fathers West indies india Governor-General Australia New zealand Colonial Office imperial conferences Hong Kong viceroy Raj Cape of Good Hope the scramble for Africa spheres of influence protectorates dominions Common-wealth the British Lions Lions the British Medical Association BMA The British Medical Journal The BMJ the British National Party the BNP British Nuclear Fuels BNFL the British Open the Open the British Raj Raj British Sky Broadcasting BSkyB the British Standards Institution BSI British Summer Time BST British Thermal Unit BTU the British Tourist Authority BTA British United Provident Association BUPA Briton Brit Ancient Briton Brixton Brixton riots BRM British Racing Motors the Broads the Norfolk Broads Broadway Theater District off-Broadway off-off-Broadway revivals review lofts broker stock-broker the Brontë sisters Charlotte Brontë Emily Brontë Anne Brontë Bronze Age Britain settlements smiths stone circles Stonhenge standing stones stone rows pounds barrows British English Dialects standard English Queen's/king's English BBC English accent Recelved Pronunciation non-standard Cockney Geordie Scouse slur Brummie burred Estuary English plain English