L,l ★L, l / el; Zl/ (pl L's, l's / elz; Zlz/) n the twelfth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第十二个字母: `London' begins with (an) L/`L'. London一字以L字母开始. ★L abbr 缩写 = 1 Lake: L Windermere, eg on a map 温德米尔湖(如标於地图上的字样). 2 / el; Zl/ (Brit) (on a motor vehicle) learner-driver (机动车辆上的标志). Cf 参看 L-plate. 3 (esp on clothing, etc) large (size) (尤作衣物上尺码的标志). 4 (Brit politics 政) Liberal (party). Cf 参看 Lib. 5 lira: L6000 6000里拉. 6 (esp on electric plugs) live (connection) (尤作电器插头上的标志). ★L (also l) symb (符号) Roman numeral for 50 (罗马数字)50. ★l abbr 缩写 = 1 left. Cf 参看 r 2. 2 (pl ll) line: p (ie page) 2, l 19 第2页第19行 * verse 6, ll 8-10 第6节第8-10行. 3 litre(s). ★L-plate / 5el pleIt; `Zl plet/ n (in Britain) sign with a large red letter L, fixed to a motor vehicle that is being driven by a learner-driver (英国)L字牌(机动车所附红色L字牌, 以示该车为见习驾驶员驾驶者). Cf 参看 L abbr 缩写 2. ★a la carte / 9B: lB: 5kB:t; 9BlE`kBrt/ (of a restaurant meal) ordered as separate items from a menu, not at a fixed price for the complete meal (指饭馆的饭菜)按菜单分别点菜的(而非定价套餐): We only have an a la carte menu. 我们只有分类菜单. Cf 参看 table d'hote. ★a la mode / 9B: lB: 5mEUd; 9BlE`mod/ 1 fashionable 时髦的; 流行的. 2 (US) (of food) served with ice-cream (指食物)加上冰激凌的: apple pie a la mode 苹果饼加冰激凌. ★creme de la creme / 9krem dE lB: 5krem; 9krZmdEla`krZm/ n the creme de la creme (French 法) = cream 4. ★la = lah. ★LA / 9el 5eI; 9Zl `e/ abbr 缩写 = Los Angeles (California) 洛杉矶(加里福尼亚州). ★la-di-da / 9lB:dI5dB:; 9lBdI`dB/ adj (infml usu derog 口, 通常作贬义) having an affected manner or pronunciation; pretentious 做作的; 拿腔拿调的; 装模作样的: I can't stand her or her la-di-da friends. 我受不了她或她那些惺惺作态的朋友. ★laager / 5lB:gE(r); `lB^L/ n (S African 南非) 1 (formerly) camp inside a circle of wagons (旧时) 大车围成的营地. 2 (fig 比喻) defensive position 防御阵地: retreat into the laager 退至防御阵地. ★lab / lAb; lAb/ n (infml 口) laboratory 实验室: I'll meet you outside the science lab. 我在科学实验室外面见你. * [attrib 作定语] a lab coat, ie one worn to protect clothes in a laboratory 实验室用罩衫. ★Lab / lAb; lAb/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit politics 政) Labour (party): Tom Green (Lab) 汤姆·格林(工党党员). ★label / 5leIbl; `lebl/ n 1 piece of paper, cloth, metal, etc on or beside an object and describing its nature, name, owner, destination, etc 标签; 标记: put a label on a piece of clothing, a specimen, one's luggage 在衣物、 样品、 自己的行李上加标记 * I read the information on the label before deciding which jam to buy. 我先看果酱标签上的说明再决定买哪种. 2 (fig 比喻) descriptive word or phrase applied to a person, group, etc (用以描述人、 组织等的)称号, 外号, 绰号: hang, stick, slap, etc a label on sb/sth 给某人[某事物]加称号、 取别名、 起外号 * A reviewer called her first novel `super-romantic' and the label has stuck. 有个评论家把她的处女作称为`超级浪漫小说', 这个美称就叫开了. ★label v (-ll-; US -l-) 1 [Tn] put a label or labels on (sth) 给(某事物)加标签或标记: a machine for labelling wine bottles 给酒瓶加标签的机器. 2 [Tn, Cn.n, Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth (fig 比喻) describe or classify sb/sth 描述某人[某事物]; 将某人[某事物]归类: His work is difficult to label accurately. 他的工作很难准确归类. * She is usually labelled (as) an Impressionist. 人们通常把她称为印象派艺术家. ★labia / 5leIbIE; `lebIE/ n [pl] lip-shaped folds of the female genitals 阴唇. ★labial / 5leIbIEl; `lebIEl/ adj 1 of the lips 唇的. 2 (phonetics 语音) made with the lips 唇音的: labial sounds, eg / m, p, v/ 唇音(如 / m/、 /p/、 /v/). ★labial n (phonetics 语音) sound made with the lips 唇音. ★labiate / 5leIbIeIt; `lebI9et/ n, adj (botany 植) (plant) with a corolla or calyx divided into two parts that look like lips 唇形科的(植物). ★laboratory / lE5bCrEtrI; 5lAbrEtR:rI; `lAbrE9tRrI/ n room or building used for (esp scientific) research, experiments, testing, etc 实验室. ★laborious / lE5bR:rIEs; lE`bRrIEs/ adj 1 (of work, etc) needing much effort (指工作等)艰苦的, 费力的: a laborious task 艰苦的工作. 2 showing signs of greateffort; not fluent or natural 吃力的; 不流畅的; 不自然的: a laborious style of writing 艰涩的文体. Cf 参看 laboured (labour2). ★laboriously adv. ★laboriousness n [U]. ★labour (US labor) / 5leIbE(r); `lebL/ n 1 [U] physicalor mental work (体力或脑力)劳动: manual labour 手工劳动 * Workers are paid for their labour. 工作的人按劳获得报酬. 2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] task; piece of work 任务; 工作: tired after one's labours 工作後感到疲劳. =>Usage at work1 用法见work1. 3 [U] workers as a group or class, esp as contrasted with capital, management, etc 劳动阶级; 劳工: skilled/unskilled labour 熟练工人[非熟练工人] * [attrib 作定语] labour relations, ie between workers and employers 劳资关系 * labour leaders, ie trade union leaders 工会领导人. 4 [U, sing] contractions of the womb during the process of childbirth (分娩时的)阵痛, 阵痛期: begin, go into, be in labour 开始、 进入、 处於阵痛期 * She had a difficult labour. 她难产. * [attrib 作定语] a labour ward, ie a set of rooms in a hospital for childbirth 产房. 5 Labour (abbr 缩写 Lab) (Brit politics 政) [Gp] the Labour Party 工党: [attrib 作定语] the Labour vote 工党选票 * Labour supporters 工党拥护者. 6 (idm 习语) a ,labour of `Hercules task needing great strength or effort 极艰巨的工作. a ,labour of `love task done out of enthusiasm or devotion, not from necessity or for profit 为爱好而做的工作. ★labor union (US) = trade union (trade). ★labour camp prison camp with physical labour as a punishment 劳动营; 劳改营. ★Labour Day (US Labor Day) public holiday in honour of workers (1 May; in US the first Monday in September) 劳动节(五月一日); 劳工节(在美国为九月的第一个星期一). ★Labour Exchange (dated 旧 Brit) = jobcentre (job). ★labour-intensive adj (of an industrial process, etc) needing to employ many people (指工业生产方法等)劳动密集型的. Cf 参看 the capital-intensive (capital2). ★the Labour Party (Brit politics 政) one of the major political parties in Britain, representing esp the interests of workers 工党(英国主要政党之一, 主要代表工人利益). Cf 参看 the Conservative Party (conservative), the Liberal Democrats (liberal). ★labour-saving adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] designed to reduce the amount of work or effort needed to do sth 省力的; 节省劳力的: labour-saving devices, eg a lawn-mower, a washing-machine 节省劳力的机械(如刈草机、 洗衣机). ★labour (US labor) / 5leIbE(r); `lebL/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, It] work or try hard 劳动; 工作; 努力: labour on/at a task 努力做某项工作 * I've been labouring (away) over a hot stove all morning. 我一上午都在热炉前忙个不停. * He laboured to finish the job on time. 他努力按时完成了任务. 2 (a) [I, Ipr, It] do sth only with difficulty and effort 吃力地做某事物: The old man laboured up the hillside. 老人吃力地登山. * The ship laboured through the rough seas. 船在波涛汹涌的海上挣扎前行. * labouring to breathe 吃力地呼吸. (b) [I] (of an engine) work slowly and with difficulty (指发动机)工作缓慢而费力: You should change gear the engine's starting to labour. 你该换挡了--发动机有些吃不住劲了. 3 (idm 习语) `labour the point continue to repeat or explain sth that has already been said and understood 一再重复或解释已经说过的或已为人明白的事情: Your argument was clear to us from the start there's no need to labour the point. 你的论点一开头我们就清楚了--没必要一再重复. 4 (phr v) labour under sth (fml 文) (a) suffer because of (a disadvantage or difficulty) 因(不利或困难)而苦恼; 苦於: people labouring under the handicaps of ignorance and superstition 为愚昧和迷信所苦的人们. (b) be deceived or misled by sth 被某事物蒙蔽或误导: He labours under the delusion that he's a fine actor. 他有个错觉, 以为自己是个好演员. ★laboured (US labored) adj 1 slow and difficult 缓慢而困难的: laboured breathing 艰难的呼吸. 2 showing signs of too much effort; not natural or spontaneous 吃力的; 不流畅的; 不自然的: a laboured style of writing 矫 揉造作的文体. Cf 参看 laborious 2. ★labourer (US laborer) / 5leIbErE(r); `lebErL/ n person who does heavy unskilled work 劳工; 工人: a farm labourer 农场工人. ★laburnum / lE5b\:nEm; lE`b[nEm/ n [C, U] small ornamental tree with hanging clusters of yellow flowers 金链花(观赏植物, 株小, 总状花序下垂, 呈黄色). ★labyrinth / 5lAbErInW; `lAbE9rInW/ n complicated network of winding passages, paths, etc through which it is difficult to find one's way 迷宫: The old building was a labyrinth of dark corridors. 那古老建筑是一座长廊纵横光线昏暗的迷宫. * (fig 比喻) go through a real labyrinth of procedures to get a residence permit 为获得居住许可证履行繁琐的手续. Cf 参看 maze. ★labyrinthine / 9lbE5rInWaIn; US -WIn; 9lAbE`rInWIn/ adj. ★lace / leIs; les/ n 1 [U] delicate fabric with an ornamental openwork design of threads 透孔织品; 网眼花边: a wedding dress made of lace 透孔婚纱礼服 * [attrib 作定语] lace curtains 网眼纱帘. =>illus 见插图. 2 [C] string or cord threaded through holes or hooks in shoes, etc to pull and hold two edges together 鞋带; 系带: a pair of `shoe-laces 一副鞋带 * a broken lace 一条断的带子. =>illus at shoe 见shoe插图. ★lace v 1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) fasten (sth) with laces 用系带系牢(某物): a blouse that laces (up) at the front 前襟系带的女衬衫 * lace (up) one's shoes 系鞋带. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) flavour or strengthen (a drink) with a small amount of spirits 在(饮料)中加入少量烈性酒: a glass of milk laced with rum 一杯掺了朗姆酒的奶 * My drink has been laced. 我的饮料中已加过酒了. 3 (phr v) lace into sb (infml 口) attack sb physically or with words 打、 攻击或抨击某人. ★lace-ups n [pl] shoes that are fastened with laces 系带的鞋: She has to wear lace-ups at school. 她上学得穿系带的鞋. ★lacerate / 5lAsEreIt; `lAsE9ret/ v [Tn] 1 injure (flesh) by tearing 撕伤(肌肉): The sharp stones lacerated his feet. 尖石把他的脚划伤了. 2 (fig fml 比喻, 文) hurt (the feelings) 伤害(感情). ★laceration / 9lAsE5reIFn; 9lAsE`reFEn/ n (a) [U] tearing of the flesh (肌肉的)撕裂, 划破. (b) [C] injury caused by this 破口; 裂伤: facial lacerations 脸部撕裂的伤口. ★lachrymal / 5lAkrIml; `lAkrEml/ adj [attrib 作定语] (anatomy 解) producing or concerned with tears or weeping 生泪的; 眼泪的; 哭泣的: lachrymal glands, ducts, etc 泪腺, 泪管. ★lachrymose / 5lAkrImEUs; `lAkrE9mos/ adj (fml 文) in the habit of weeping; tearful; mournful 爱哭的; 含泪的; 哀痛的: a lachrymose disposition 生性爱哭. ★lack / lAk; lAk/ v 1 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] be without (sth); have less than enough of 没有(某事物); 缺乏; 缺少; 不足: lack creativity, self-discipline, courage 缺乏创造性、 自制力、 勇气 * They lacked the money to send him to university. 他们没钱送他上大学. * What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. 他热心工作以弥补其经验的不足. 2 [Ipr no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ for sth (fml 文) need sth 需耍某事物: They lacked for nothing, ie had everything they wanted. 他们无所需求(已应有尽有). 3 (idm 习语) be `lacking not be available when needed 不敷所需: Money for the project is still lacking. 进行这个项目的钱还没有著落. be lacking in sth not have enough of sth 不足; 不够: be lacking in warmth, courage, strength 缺乏温暖、 勇气、 力气 * The film was lacking in pace. 这部影片不紧凑. have/lack the courage of one's convictions => courage. ★lack n [U, sing] absence or shortage (of sth that is needed) (所需事物的)缺乏, 短缺: a lack of care, money, water 缺乏关心、 金钱、 水 * The project had to be abandoned for (ie because of) lack of funds. 工程因资金匮乏只得放弃. ★lack-lustre adj dull; uninspiring; lifeless 无光泽的; 死气沉沉的; 无生气的: lack-lustre eyes 暗无光泽的眼睛 * They gave a lack-lustre performance. 他们的演出死气沉沉. ★lackadaisical / 9lAkE5deIzIkl; 9lAkE`dezIkl/ adj lacking vigour and determination; unenthusiastic 无精打采的;无决断的; 不热心的: a lackadaisical approach to his studies他在学习方面的懒散态度. ★lackadaisically / -klI; -klI/ adv. ★lackey / 5lAkI; `lAkI/ n 1 (formerly) footman or manservant, usu in special uniform (旧时)听差, 男仆(通常穿制服). 2 (fig derog 比喻, 贬) person who acts or is treated like a servant 卑躬屈膝的人; 被待如奴仆的人: The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on. 那个歌手让那帮总是溜须拍马、 前呼後拥的人给围住了. ★laconic / lE5kCnIk; lE`kBnIk/ adj using few words; terse 简洁的; 简明的: a laconic person, remark, style 说话简洁的人、 言简意赅的话、 简练质朴的文体. ★laconically /-klI; -klI/ adv: `Too bad,' she replied laconically. `那可没办法,'她回答得很乾脆. ★lacquer / 5lAkE(r); `lAkL/ n [U] 1 varnish used on metal or wood to give a hard glossy surface 漆. 2 (becoming dated 渐旧) liquid sprayed on the hair to keep it in place 喷发胶(使头发定型的喷剂). ★lacquer v [Tn] coat (sth) with lacquer 给(某物)涂漆; 给(头发)喷喷发胶: a lacquered table 上过漆的桌子 * lacquered hair 喷过发胶的头发. ★lacrosse / lE5krCs; -5krR:s; lE`krRs/ n [U] game like hockey, played by two teams of 10 players each who use rackets to catch, carry and throw the ball 兜网球(类似曲棍球的游戏, 由两队各10人参赛, 以带网兜的球棒接球、 带球、 传球). ★lactation / lAk5teIFn; lAk`teFEn/ n [U] (medical or biology 医或生) 1 production of milk in the breasts of women or the udders of female animals 泌乳. 2 time during which this happens 泌乳期. ★lactic / 5lAktIk; `lAktIk/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] of or from milk 乳的; 来自乳汁的. ★lactic acid (chemistry 化) acid that forms in sour milk 乳酸. ★lactose / 5lAktEUs, -EUz; `lAktos, -oz/ n [U] (chemistry 化) form of sugar found in milk and used in some baby foods 乳糖. ★lacuna / lE5kju:nE; lE`kjunE/ n (pl -nae / -ni:; -ni/ or ~s) (fml 文) section missing from a book, an argument, etc; gap (书籍、 论据等中的)脱漏, 阙文, 缺漏, 空白: a lacuna in the manuscript 原稿中的脱漏. ★lacy / 5leIsI; `lesI/ adj (-ier, -iest) of or like lace 透孔织物的; 网眼状的; 系带的: the lacy pattern of a spider's web 蜘蛛网的形状. ★lad / lAd; lAd/ n 1 boy; young man 男孩儿; 男青年; 小伙子: The town's changed a lot since I was a lad. 从我幼时至今, 这小城市已有了很大变化. 2 (infml 口) (esp in N England 尤用於英格兰北部) fellow; chap 伙伴; 家伙: The lads at the office have sent you a get-well card. 办公室的哥儿们给你寄慰问卡来了. 3 (Brit infml approv 口, 褒) lively, daring or reckless man (used esp in the expressions shown) 活泼、 大胆或鲁莽的男子(尤用於以下示例): He's quite a lad/a bit of a lad. 他可是个莽撞家伙. ★ladder / 5lAdE(r); `lAdL/ n 1 structure for climbing up and down sth, consisting of two upright lengths of wood, metal or rope joined to each other by crossbars (rungs) used as steps 梯子. =>illus 见插图. 2 (US run) fault in a stocking, etc where some stitches have come undone, causing a vertical ladder-like flaw (长统袜等的)梯形裂缝, 抽丝. 3 (fig 比喻) series of stages by which a person may advance in his career, etc (事业等发迹、 进身、 晋升等的)阶梯, 途径, 门路: climbing the ladder of success 攀登成功的阶梯 * He is still on the bottom rung of the political ladder. 他尚处於政治阶梯的最低一级. ★ladder v (a) [I] (of stockings, etc) develop a ladder(2)(指长统袜等)出现梯形裂缝, 抽丝: Have you any tights that won't ladder? 有没有不易抽丝的裤袜? (b) [Tn] cause (stockings, etc) to develop a ladder 使(长统袜等)出现梯形裂缝, 抽丝: She laddered her new tights climbing the fence. 她爬越篱笆时把她的裤袜给勾得抽了丝. ★laddie / 5lAdI; `lAdI/ n (infml esp Scot 口, 尤用於苏格兰) boy; young man 男孩儿; 男青年; 小伙子. Cf 参看 lass. ★laden / 5leIdn; `ledn/ adj [usu pred 通常作表语] 1 ~ (with sth) loaded or weighted 装满的; 满载的: trees laden with apples 果实满枝的苹果树 * a lorry laden with supplies 满载供应品的卡车 * shoppers with their baskets fully laden 篮子装得满满的那些买东西的人. 2 ~ with sth (fig 比喻) (of a person) troubled or burdened with sth (指人)因某事而苦恼的, 负担沉重的: laden with guilt, grief, remorse, etc 负咎沉重的、 被悲哀压抑著的、 无限懊恼的. ★ladle / 5leIdl; `ledl/ n long-handled cup-shaped spoon for serving or transferring liquids 长把杓: a `soup ladle 长柄汤杓. =>illus at kitchen 见kitchen插图. ★ladle v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) serve (food) with a ladle or in large quantities (用杓)舀或盛很多(食物): She ladled cream over her pudding. 她在布丁上浇了一大杓奶油. * ladling out the stew 把炖菜舀出来. 2 (phr v) ladle sth out (infml 口) distribute sth (too) lavishly (过分)慷慨地施予某物: He isn't one to ladle out praise, so when he says `Good', he means it. 他可不轻易夸奖人, 所以他要是说`好', 他一定认为真好. ★lady / 5leIdI; `ledI/ n 1 [C] woman of good manners and dignified behaviour 举止文雅的女子; 淑女: She's a real lady never loses her temper. 她是个有教养的女子--从来不发脾气. Cf 参看 gentleman. 2 [C] (esp formerly) woman of good family and social position (尤指旧时)出身高贵有地位的女子: She was a lady by birth. 她出身高贵. 3 [C] (esp in polite use) woman (尤作礼貌用语)女士, 夫人, 小姐: Ask that lady to help you. 请那位小姐帮你忙吧. * The lady at the tourist office told me it opened at 1 pm. 旅行社的那位小姐告诉我下午一点开门. * the old lady next door 隔壁那位老太太 * the `tea-lady 女勤杂工 * [attrib 作定语] a lady doctor 女医师. 4 [C] (US infml 口) (used as a term of address 用作称呼) woman 女士; 太太; 夫人; 小姐: Hey lady you can't park there! 嘿, 小姐--那儿不能停车! 5 Lady (a) (esp in the UK) title used with the surname of the wives of some nobles (尤指在英国)夫人(某些贵族妻子的尊称, 用时带姓): Lady (Randolph) Churchill (伦道夫·)邱吉尔夫人. (b) (esp in the UK) title used with the first name of the daughters of some nobles (尤指在英国)小姐(某些贵族女儿的尊称, 用时带名): Lady Philippa (Stewart) 菲利帕(·斯图尔特)小姐. (c) part of an official title of respect 官衔敬称的一部分:Lady `Mayoress (女)市长阁下 * Lady `President (女)总统阁下. 6 Ladies [sing v](Brit) women's public lavatory 女厕所: Is there a Ladies near here? 附近有女厕所吗?7 (idm 习语) the ,lady of the `house woman with authority in a household 女主人; 主妇: Might I speak to the lady of the house? 我可以和府上女主人说句话吗? one's young lady/young man => young. ★Lady Chapel chapel in a large church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary (大教堂中的)圣母堂. ★Lady Day the Feast of the Annunciation, 25 March 圣母领报节(3月25日). ★lady-in-waiting n (pl ladies-in-waiting) lady attending a queen or princess (伺候女王或公主的)宫女. ★lady-killer n (infml often derog 口, 常作贬义) man with the reputation of being very popular and successful with women 使女子倾心的男子. ★ladylike adj (approv 褒) like or suitable for a lady; polite; dignified; delicate 淑女的; 适合淑女身分的; 端庄的; 文雅的: ladylike behaviour, speech 淑女般高雅的举止、 谈吐 * She drank her wine with small ladylike sips. 她文雅地一小口一小口喝著葡萄酒. ★ladyship (also Ladyship) n title used in speaking to or about a titled lady 夫人, 小姐(称呼或提及有头衔的女子时用作尊称): their ladyships 夫人 * If your ladyship will step this way, please. 小姐, 请这边走. * (ironic or joc 反语或谑) Watch out, Jill her ladyship is in one of her moods! 吉尔, 小心为妙--小姐大人可有点不高兴了! ★lady's man (also ladies man) man who is fond of the company of women 好与女子相处的男子. ★lady 1 POLITE ADDRESS Ladies and gentlemen are used as the plural forms of sir and madam. 称谓敬辞: ladies 和 gentlemen sir madam 的复数. 2 REFERRING TO PEOPLE Lady and gentleman are used instead of woman and man to show politeness. 间接敬称: 要用 lady gentleman, woman man. ★ladybird / 5leIdIb\:d; `ledI9b[d/ (US ladybug / 5leIdI5bQg;`ledI9bQ^/) n small flying beetle, reddish-brown or yellow with black spots 瓢虫. ★lag / lAg; lA^/ v (-gg-) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (behind sb/sth); ~ (behind) go too slow; fail to keep pace with others 走得极慢; 落後: The small boy soon became tired and lagged far behind (the rest of the walkers). 那小男孩儿不 久就走不动了, 远远落在(其他人的)後面. * (fig 比喻) Prices are rising sharply, while incomes are lagging far behind. 物价飞涨而收入却远远落後. ★lag (also time-lag) n period of time separating two events, esp an action and its effect; delay (两事件之间的)时间间隔; (尤指行动与效果之间的)时间差, 迟缓, 延搁: a lag of several seconds between the lightning and the thunder 闪电与打雷先後相差的几秒钟. ★lag / lAg; lA^/ v (-gg-) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) cover (pipes, boilers, etc) with insulating material to prevent freezing of water or loss of heat 给(管道、 锅炉等)包扎或安装绝缘材料(以防冻或保温). ★lagging n [U] material used for this 绝缘材料. ★lager / 5lB:gE(r); `lB^L/ n 1 [U] type of light pale beer 贮藏啤酒. 2 [C] glass or bottle of this 盛贮藏啤酒的玻璃杯或瓶. ★laggard / 5lAgEd; `lA^Ld/ n person who lags behind 迟到者; 落後者: He's no laggard when it comes to asking for more money, ie He is very quick to do this. 到多要钱时他可不甘後人. ★lagoon / lE5gu:n; lE`^un/ n 1 salt-water lake separated from the open sea by sandbanks or coral reefs 泻湖. 2 (US or Austral or NZ 美或澳或新西兰) small shallow freshwater lake near a larger lake or river (大湖或江河附近的)小而浅的淡水湖. ★lah (also la) / lB:; lB/ n (music 音) sixth note in the sol-fa scale 全音阶唱名的第六音. ★laid pt, pp of lay. ★laid-back / 9leId5bAk; `led`bAk/ adj (infml 口) (of a person or his behaviour) calm and relaxed (指人或人的行为)安详的, 轻松的: She always seems so laid-back. 她总是显得那麽优哉游哉. a ,laid-back `style, `manner, etc 闲适的风格、 举止等. ★lain pp of lie. ★lair / leE(r); lZr/ n 1 sheltered place where a wild animal regularly sleeps or rests; den (野兽的)巢穴, 窝. 2 (fig 比喻) person's hiding place (人的)藏身处: The kidnappers' lair was an old farm in the hills. 绑架者的藏身处是山里的一座旧农场. ★laird / leEd; lZrd/ n (Scot 苏格兰) landowner 地主. ★laisser-faire (also laissez-faire) / 9leIseI 5feE(r); 9lese`fZr/ n [U] (French 法) policy of freedom from government control, esp for private commercial interests 自由放任政策(尤指政府不干涉私人商业利益者): [attrib 作定语] a ,laisser-faire economy 自由放任的经济. ★laity / 5leIEtI; `leEtI/ n the laity [Gp] 1 all the members of a Church who are not ordained clergymen; laymen (别於神职人员的)俗人; 普通信徒. Cf 参看 clergy. 2 people outside a particular profession (contrasted with those inside it) 门外汉; 外行. ★lake / leIk; lek/ n 1 large area of water surrounded by land 湖: We sail on the lake in summer. 夏天我们在湖上泛舟. * Lake Victoria 维多利亚湖 * the Great Lakes 五大湖. 2 (idm 习语) jump in the/a lake => jump 2. ★the Lake District (also the Lakes) region of lakes and mountains in NW England 湖区(位於英格兰西北部). =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, pages xiv, xv. ★Lake Poets English romantic poets, esp Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, who lived in the Lake District 湖畔诗人(英国浪漫主义诗人, 尤指住在湖区的华兹华斯、 柯尔律治和骚塞). ★lake / leIk; lek/ n (also ,crimson `lake) [U] dark red colouring material 深红色颜料. ★lakh / lAk, lB:k; lAk, lBk/ n (in India and Pakistan) one hundred thousand (印度和巴基斯坦的)十万: 50 lakhs of rupees 500万卢比. ★lam / lAm; lAm/ v (-mm-) (sl 俚) 1 [Tn] hit (sb/sth) hard; thrash 狠打(某人[其物]); 鞭打. 2 (phr v) lam into sb attack sb, physically or verbally 打、 攻击或抨击某人: My father really lammed into me for damaging his car. 因为我把父亲的汽车弄坏了, 他把我狠狠打了一顿. ★lam / lAm; lAm/ n (US sl 俚) 1 sudden escape 突然逃走. 2 (idm 习语) on the lam escaping or hiding, esp from the police 在逃, 逃匿(尤指逃避警方追缉). ★lama / 5lB:mE; `lBmE/ n Buddhist priest or monk in Tibet or Mongolia 喇嘛(西藏或蒙古的佛教僧侣). ★lamasery / 5lB:mEsErI; -serI; `lBmE9sZrI/ n building or group of buildings where lamas live together; monastery 喇嘛寺院. ★lamb / lAm; lAm/ n 1 (a) [C] young sheep 羔羊; 小羊. =>illus at sheep 见sheep插图. Cf 参看 ewe. (b) [U] its flesh as food 小羊肉; 羔羊肉: a leg of lamb 羔羊腿肉 * [attrib 作定语] lamb chops 小羊排. Cf 参看 mutton. 2 (infml 口) gentle or dear person 温顺的人; 亲爱的人. 3 (idm 习语) one may/might as well be hanged/hung for a sheep as a lamb => hang1. like a lamb (to the slaughter) without resisting or protesting 不加反抗; 驯服地: She surprised us all on her first day of school by going off like a lamb. 我们感到惊奇的是开学第一天她就乖乖地上学去了. mutton dressed as lamb => mutton. ★lamb v [I] 1 (of a ewe) give birth to lambs (指母羊)产羔羊: lambing ewes 产羔羊的母羊. 2 (of a farmer) tend ewes doing this (指农民)照料母羊产羔: the lambing season, ie when lambs are born 产羔羊的季节. ★lambskin n 1 [C] skin of a lamb with its wool on (used to make coats, gloves, etc) 羔羊皮毛(用以制外套、 手套等). 2 [U] leather made from this 羔羊皮革. ★lamb's-wool n [U] soft fine fluffy wool from lambs, used for making knitted clothes 羔羊毛纱: a scarf made of lamb's-wool 细羊毛围巾 * [attrib 作定语] a lamb's-wool cardigan 细羊毛对襟毛衣. ★lambaste / lAm5beIst; lAm`best/ v [Tn] (infml 口) 1 hit (sb) hard and repeatedly; thrash 不断地狠打(某人); 鞭打. 2 reprimand (sb) severely 严厉斥责(某人). ★lambent / 5lAmbEnt; `lAmbEnt/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] 1 (of a flame) moving over a surface with soft flickering radiance (指火焰)轻轻摇曳的, 闪烁的. 2 (of the eyes, sky, etc) shining or glowing softly (指眼睛、 天空等)微微发光的. 3 (of humour, style, etc) witty in a brilliant but gentle way (指幽默风格等)诙谐的. ★lambency / -EnsI; -EnsI/ n [U]. ★lame / leIm; lem/ adj 1 unable to walk normally because of an injury or defect 瘸的; 跛的: The accident made him lame in the left leg. 出事後他的左腿瘸了. * Halfway through the race the horse went lame. 那匹马赛跑中途跛了腿. 2 (of an excuse or argument) weak and unconvincing (指藉口或论据)蹩脚的, 软弱无力的, 无说服力的. 3 (idm 习语) help a lame dog over a stile => help1. a ,lame `duck (a) person, organization or thing that is in difficulties and unable to manage without help 处於困境无法自理的人、 组织或事物: The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks. 政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业. (b) (esp US) elected official in his final period of office (任期将满的)官员: [attrib 作定语] a ,lame duck `President 即将卸任的总统. ★lame v [Tn] make (a person or an animal) lame; disable 使(人或动物)跛, 瘸; 使残废: lamed in a riding accident 骑马摔瘸了腿. ★lamely adv. ★lameness n [U]. ★lame / 5lB:meI; lB:5meI; lB`me/ n [U] fabric in which gold or silver thread is interwoven with silk, wool or cotton (丝、 毛、 棉与金线或银线的)交织锦缎: [attrib 作定语] a silver lame evening gown 银光缎女装晚礼服. ★lament / lE5ment; lE`mZnt/ v (a) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (for/over sb/sth) feel or express great sorrow or regret for (sb/sth) 为(某人[某事物])感到悲痛; 哀悼; 痛惜: lament loudly 哀嚎 * lament (for) a dead friend 哀悼亡友 * lament (over) one's misfortunes 悲叹自己的不幸 * lament the passing of old ways 浩叹古风的沉沦. (b) [I, Tn] complain (about sth) 抱怨(某事): She's always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town. 她总是抱怨伦敦缺少体育设施. ★lament n 1 strong expression of grief 悲恸. 2 song or poem expressing grief; dirge 挽歌; 哀诗: a funeral lament 挽歌. ★lamentable / 5lAmEntEbl; `lAmEntEbl/ adj regrettable; deplorable 惋惜的; 可悲的: a lamentable loss of life, lack of foresight 令人悲叹的生命损失、 缺乏远见. ★lamentably / -EblI; -EblI/ adv. ★lamentation / 9lAmen5teIFn; 9lAmEn`teFEn/ n 1 [U] lamenting 悲痛; 哀悼; 痛惜; 抱怨: Much lamentation followed the death of the old king. 老国王晏驾, 人们悲恸不已. 2 [C] expression of grief; lament 悲叹; 挽歌; 哀诗. ★lamented adj (rhet or joc 修辞或谑) mourned for; regretted 悲叹的; 痛惜的: the much lamented pound note 那张令人痛惜的一镑的钞票 * our late lamented friend 令我们惋惜的故友. ★laminate / 5lAmIneIt; `lAmE9net/ v [Tn] 1 make (material) by bonding thin layers together (将薄片砌合在一起)制成(材料): laminated plastic 层积塑材. 2 beat or roll (metal) into thin sheets 将(金属)锻压成薄片. ★laminate / 5lAmInEt; `lAmIn9Et/ n [U] laminated material 层压材料. ★lamp / lAmp; lAmp/ n 1 device for giving light, either by the use of electricity or (esp formerly) by burning gas or oil 电灯; (尤指旧时的)煤气灯, 油灯: a street, table, bicycle lamp 街灯、 台灯、 自行车车灯. 2 electrical device producing radiation (for medical, etc purposes) 发出热射线的电器装置(供医疗等用者): an infra-red/ultraviolet lamp 红外线[紫外线]灯. ★lampblack n [U] black colouring matter made from soot 灯黑(从煤烟中制取, 作颜料用). ★lamplight n [U] light from a lamp 灯光. ★lamplighter n (formerly) person whose job was to light and extinguish gas street lamps (旧时)(专事点熄路灯的)灯夫. ★lamp-post n tall post supporting a street lamp 路灯柱. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page vi. ★lampshade n cover (made of glass, cloth, etc) placed over a lamp to soften or screen its light 灯罩. ★lampoon / lAm5pu:n; lAm`pun/ n piece of writing that attacks and ridicules a person, a book, an institution, etc 讽刺文章. ★lampoon v [Tn] publicly ridicule (sb/sth) in a lampoon, etc 用作品等讽刺或嘲笑(某人[某事物]): His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the leading politicians of the day. 他的讽刺漫画无情地挖苦了当今的政界要人. ★lamprey / 5lAmprI; `lAmprI/ n eel-like water animal with a round sucking mouth which it uses to attach itself to other creatures 七鳃鳗(亦称八目鳗). ★lance / lB:ns; lAns; lAns/ n 1 weapon used for catching fish, etc with a long wooden shaft and a pointed steel head 鱼叉. 2 (formerly) similar weapon used by mounted knights, cavalry, etc (旧时)骑士、 骑兵等的长矛. ★lancer n soldier of a cavalry regiment formerly armed with lances 枪骑兵(旧时执矛). ★lance-corporal n (in the British army or US Marines) non-commissioned officer of the lowest rank (英国陆军或美国海军陆战队中的)一等兵. =>App 9 见附录9. ★lance / lB:ns; lAns; lAns/ v [Tn] prick or cut open (sth) with a lancet (用外科手术刀)刺或切开(某物): lance an abscess, a boil, a swelling, etc 切开脓肿、 疖子、 肿胀处等. ★lancet / 5lB:nsIt; 5lAn-; `lAnsIt/ n 1 (medical 医) sharp pointed two-edged surgical instrument used for opening abscesses, etc 柳叶刀(外科手术用的). 2 (architecture 建) tall narrow pointed arch or window 尖拱; 尖窗. ★land / lAnd; lAnd/ n 1 [U] solid part of the earth's surface (contrasted with sea or water) 陆地; 大地: travel over land 陆路旅行 * be on, reach, come to land 在陆地上、 抵达陆地、 到陆地上 * The journey to the far side of the island is quicker by land than by sea, ie by car, train, etc than by boat. 走陆路至海岛的另一端比从海路走快捷. * On land the turtle is ungainly, but in the water it isvery agile. 龟在陆地上行动笨拙, 在水里则很灵活. 2 [U]expanse of country 地域: The land west of the mountains stretched as far as the eye could see. 群山以西的地域一望无际. 3 [U] (a) ground or soil of the same type (同一类型的)地带: rich, stony, forest land 肥沃、 多岩、 森林地带. (b) ground or soil as used for a particular purpose (作某种用途的)地, 土地: farming land 农业用地 * arable land 可耕地 * The city suffers from a shortage of building land, ie land on which to build houses. 该市极缺乏建筑用地. 4 the land [U] (a) ground or soil used for farming 田地; 耕地: working the land 种地. (b) rural areas as contrasted with cities and towns 农村; 农业地区: Many farmers are leaving the land to work in industry. 很多农民离开农村转事工业劳动. 5 (a) [U] property in the form of land 地产; 田产: How far does your land extend? 你的地产远至何处? * a house with a hundred acres of land adjoining it 方圆带有一百英亩土地的住宅 * land for sale 地皮出让. (b) lands [pl] estates 私有土地. 6 [C] (rhet 修辞) country, state or nation 国家: my native land 我的祖国 * the finest orchestra in the land 国家最优秀的管弦乐队 * (fig 比喻) the land of dreams 梦乡. =>Usage at country 用法见country. 7 (idm 习语) in the ,land of the `living (joc 谑) alive 在世; 活著. the ,land of `Nod (joc 谑) sleep 睡乡. the lie of the land => lie?P2. live off/on the fat of the land => live2. live off the land => live2. make `land (nautical 海) see or reach the shore 看到陆地; 抵达海岸. (be/go) on the `land work as a farmer 种庄稼; 务农: He left his office job to try to make a living on the land. 他辞去了办公室的工作, 改以务农为生. the promised land => promise2. see, etc how the `land lies learn what the situation is, how matters stand, etc 了解情况; 知悉现状等: We'd better find out how the land lies before taking any action. 我们最好把情况弄清楚再采取行动. spy out the land => spy v. ★landed adj [attrib 作定语] owning much land 有大量土地的: the landed classes/gentry 地主阶级[有大量土地的绅士]. ★landless adj not owning land 没有土地的. ★land-agent n (esp Brit) person employed to manage an estate 地产管理人. ★land-breeze n light wind blowing from the land towards the sea, usu after sunset 陆风(通常为日落後从陆地吹向海面的轻风). ★landfall n (a) first sight of or approach to land after a journey by sea (航海中)初见或接近陆地: We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. 在海上航行三周後的一个黄昏, 我们看到了陆地. (b) land sighted or reached 望见或抵达的陆地: Our next landfall should be Jamaica. 我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加. ★land-form n (geology 地质) natural feature of the surface of the earth 地貌. ★landholder n owner or (esp) tenant of land 土地所有者; (尤指)土地租赁者. ★land-locked adj almost or entirely surrounded by land 几乎或完全为陆地包围的; 陆围的; 内陆的: a land-locked harbour, bay, inlet, etc 内陆港、 海湾、 小水湾等 * Switzerland is completely land-locked. 瑞士完全是个内陆国. ★landlubber n (derog or joc 贬或谑) person who is not accustomed to ships or to being at sea 不习惯坐船或航海的人. ★landmark n 1object, etc easily seen and recognized from a distance (自远处易辨识的)陆标, 地标: The Empire State Building is a famous landmark on the New York skyline. 帝国大厦是纽约高楼大厦中著名的地面标志物. 2 (fig 比喻) event, discovery, invention, etc that marks an important stage or turning-point 里程碑; 分水岭: a landmark in the history of modern art 当代艺术史上的里程碑 * [attrib 作定语] a landmark decision, victory, speech 划时代的决定、 胜利、 演说. ★land mass large area of land 地块; 陆块: several small islands separated from the main land mass by a deep channel 与大陆之间有一条很深的水道相隔的几个小岛. ★land-mine n explosive charge laid in or on the ground, detonated by vehicles, etc passing over it 地雷. ★land office (US) office that records sales of public land 土地管理局. land-office business (US infml 口) fast and active business 生意兴隆. ★landowner n person who owns (esp a large area of) land 地主; (尤指大片的)土地所有者: one of the biggest single landowners (ie individual people owning the most land) in England 英格兰最大的个体土地所有者. ★Land-rover n (propr 专利名) strongly-built motor vehicle designed for use over rough ground or farm land 越野车(供在崎岖路面或农田上行驶的机动车). ★landslide n 1 (also `landslip) sliding of a mass of earth, rock, etc down the side of a mountain, cliff, etc (山坡、 崖壁等的)崩塌, 滑坡. 2 (fig 比喻) overwhelming majority of votes for one side in an election 选举中一方选票占的压倒性多数: Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide. 民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可能. * [attrib 作定语] a landslide victory 获压倒性多数票的胜利. ★landsman / -mEn; -mEn/ n (pl -men / -mEn; -mEn/) person who is not a sailor 陆上工作的人(以别於海员). ★landward adj / 5lAndwEd; `lAndwLd/ towards the land 朝陆地的; 向岸的: on the landward side of the island 岛的向陆一侧. ★landwards adv going or facing towards the land 朝陆地; 向岸. ★land / lAnd; lAnd/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb/sth) (at...) (cause sb/sth to) go on land from a ship; disembark (使某人[某物])登岸, 下船: We landed at Dover. 我们在多佛上岸. * Troops have been landed at several points. 部队已在几个地点登陆. 2 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] bring (an aircraft) down to the ground, etc 使(飞行器)著陆等: The pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely. 飞行员设法让受到破坏的飞机安全著陆. (b) [I, Ipr] come down in this way 著陆: We shall be landing (at Gatwick airport) shortly please fasten your seat-belts. 我们马上就要(在盖特威克机场)著陆--请大家系好座位上的安全带. 3 [I, Ipr] reach the ground after a jump or fall 跳落或跌落地面: Try to catch the ball before it lands. 要把球接住, 不要让它落地. * He fell down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom. 他从楼梯上摔下来, 直跌到楼梯底部滚成一团. 4 [Tn] bring (a fish) to land 将(鱼)拉上岸: Fewer herring than usual have been landed this year. 今年鲱鱼捕获量比往年少. 5 [Tn] (infml 口) succeed in obtaining (sth), esp against strong competition 获得某物(尤指经激烈竞争): land a good job, a big contract, the prize 获得一份好工作、 大项目的合同、 奖. 6 [Tn] (sl 俚) strike (a blow) 打(一记): unable to land any good punches in the early rounds 在最初的几个回合里未能击出好拳. 7 (idm 习语) fall/land on one's feet => foot1. land sb one (sl 俚) hit or punch sb 揍某人: She landed him one in the eye. 她一拳打在他的眼睛上. 8 (phr v) land sb/oneself in sth (infml 口) get sb/oneself into difficulties, etc 使某人[自己]陷入困境等: This is a fine mess you've landed us in! 这是你给我们惹的一大堆麻烦! * He's really landed himself in it this time. 这一回他可是自讨苦吃了. land up (in...) (infml 口) reach a final position or situation 最终到达某处或达到某状况: Her hat flew off and landed up in the river. 她的帽子让风刮跑落到河里了. * You'll land up in prison at this rate, ie if you continue to act in this way. 你一个劲儿这样做, 早晚得入狱. land up doing sth (infml 口) do sth in the end, esp reluctantly 终於做某事(尤指勉强地): They landed up not only having to apologize but also offering to pay. 他们最後不但同意道歉, 而且还要付款. * Why is it that I always land up cleaning the bath? 为什麽总是该我来洗刷浴缸? land sb with sth/sb (infml 口) give sb (a task or burden) to deal with 要某人处理(某事)或承担(重责): I found myself landed with three extra guests for dinner. 我到时候才知道我得多招待三个客人吃饭. * Don't try and land me with your responsibilities! 你休想把你的责任推到我身上! ★landing / 5lAndIN; `lAndIN/ n 1 act of coming or bringing to land 登陆; 著陆: during the Queen's landing from the Royal Yacht 在女王从皇家游艇上下来时 * Because of engine trouble the plane had to make an emergency landing, ie come to land suddenly to avoid further danger or damage. 由於发动机出现故障, 飞机不得不紧急著陆. * She slipped and fell, but had a soft landing on some cushions. 她滑倒了, 好在是跌在一些垫子上了. 2 (also `landing-place) place where people and goods may be landed from a boat or ship (船只)卸货处, 登陆处: There is no safe landing on that coast. 那一带海岸没有安全的登陆处. * a convenient landing-place in a nearby sheltered cove 附近避风雨的小海湾里一个便於卸货的地方. 3 level area at the top of a flight of stairs, or between one flight and another 楼梯平台: Your room opens off the top landing. 你的房门朝向顶层楼梯平台. =>illus at stair 见stair插图. ★landing-craft n flat-bottomed naval craft designed for putting ashore troops and equipment 登陆艇. ★landing-field (also `landing-strip) n = airstrip (air). ★landing-gear n [U] = undercarriage. ★landing-net n (in angling) long-handled net used for landing a fish caught on a hook (垂钓术)抄网. ★landing-stage n (usu floating) platform on which people and goods are landed from a boat 码头; (通常指)浮动码头, 栈桥. ★landlady / 5lAndleIdI; `lAnd9ledI/ n 1 woman who lets rooms, etc to tenants 女房东. 2 woman who keeps a public house or a boarding-house (酒店或寄宿舍的)女店主, 女主人. Cf 参看 landlord. ★landlord / 5lAndlR:d; `lAnd9lRrd/ n 1 person who lets land, a house, a room, etc to a tenant 地主; 房东. 2 person who keeps a public house or a boarding-house (酒店或寄宿舍的)店主, 主人: It's a nice pub, except for the landlord. 酒店挺不错, 可是那店主却不怎麽样. Cf 参看 landlady. =>Usage at tenant 用法见tenant. ★landscape / 5lAndskeIp; `lAndskep/ n 1 [C] scenery of an area of land (陆上)风景, 景色: a bleak urban landscape 单调的市区景色 * Mountains dominate the Welsh landscape. 重峦叠嶂构成威尔士的主要景色. 2 (a) [C] picture showing a view of the countryside 野外风景画: an exhibition of landscapes by local artists 本地画家的野外风景画展. (b) [U] this type of art 风景绘画. Cf 参看 portrait 1. 3 (idm 习语) a blot on the landscape => blot1. ★landscape v [Tn] improve the appearance of (a garden, park, etc) by means of landscape gardening 用园林艺术美化(花园、 公园等). ★landscape gardening laying out a garden, etc in a way that imitates natural scenery 造园术; 园林艺术. ★lane / leIn; len/ n 1 narrow country road or track, usu between hedges or banks 乡间小路(通常两边有树篱或斜坡). 2 (esp in place names) narrow street or alley between buildings (尤用作路名)小巷, 胡同: ,Drury `Lane 德鲁里巷. =>Usage at road 用法见road. 3 strip of road marked out for a single line of traffic (有标志的)单行车道: the inside/near side lane 内车道 * the outside/off side lane 外车道 * the slow/fast/overtaking lane of a motorway 高速公路上的慢行[快行/超车]车道. 4 route intended for or regularly used by ships or aircraft (船或飞机预定或定期的)航道, 航路, 航线: `shipping lanes 大洋航线 * `ocean lanes 远洋航线. 5 marked strip of track, water, etc for a competitor in a race (比赛用的有标志的)跑道, 泳道: The world champion is in lane four. 那个世界冠军在第四跑道. =>Usage at path 用法见path. ★auld lang syne / 9R:ld lN 5saIn; 9Rld lAN `saIn/ (Scot 苏格兰) (title of a popular song sung esp at the beginning of each new year and expressing feelings of friendship for the sake of) good times long ago 美好的往日(歌曲名, 尤於新年时及抒发对往日友谊之情时唱的). ★language / 5lANgwIdV; `lAN^wIdV/ n 1 [U] system of sounds, words, patterns, etc used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings 语言: the origins of language 语言的起源 * [attrib 作定语] the development of language skills in young children 儿童语言技能的形成. 2 [C] form of language used by a particular group, nation, etc (集团, 国家等的)集团语, 地方语, 部落语, 某国语: the Bantu group of languages 班图语系 * one's native language 母语 * a second, a foreign, an acquired language 第二语言、 外国语言、 後天学得的语言. 3 [U] manner of expressing oneself 表达方式: His language was uncompromising: he told them their work must improve or they would be fired. 他的话说一不二; 他告欣他们必须改进工作, 否则就予解雇. * bad/strong/foul language, ie words considered improper, eg those marked in this dictionary 坏话, 骂人话, 下流话(粗鄙的词语, 如在本词典中标示者 * everyday language, ie not specialized or technical 普通语言(非专门或技术用语). 4 [U] words, phrases, etc used by a particular group of people 术语; 行话: the language of science, drug users, the courtroom 科学术语、 嗜毒者切口、 法庭用语 * medical language 医学用语. 5 [C, U] system of signs, symbols, gestures, etc used for conveying information 传达信息的手势、 符号、 姿势等: Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言. * the language of flowers 用花表达的信息 * body, sign language 身势语、 手势语 * This theory can only be expressed in mathematical language. 这个理论只能用数学语言来表达. 6 [C, U] (computing 计) system of coded instructions used in programming 语言: BASIC is the language most programmers learn first. BASIC是大多数程序编制者首先学习的语言. 7 (idm 习语) speak the same language => speak. ★language laboratory room equipped with a special tape-recording system for language learning 语言实验室. ★languid / 5lANgwId; `lAN^wId/ adj lacking vigour or energy; slow-moving 不活泼的; 无精打采的; 迟缓的: languid movements 懒洋洋的动作 * speak with a languid drawl 慢吞吞拉著长调说话. ★languidly adv. ★languish / 5lANgwIF; `lAN^wIF/ v [I] (fml 文) 1 lack or lose vitality 缺乏活力; 失去活力: Since the war the industry has gradually languished. 开战以来, 这一工业的生产每况愈下. * The children soon began to languish in the heat. 孩子们很快就热得懒洋洋的了. 2 ~ (for sb/sth) be or become weak and miserable because of unfulfilled longings; pine2(1) (因求之不得)变得衰弱而难过: languish for love, company, sympathy 渴望得到爱、 相伴、 同情而憔悴. 3 ~ (in/under sth) live wretchedly 受苦; 受煎熬: He languished in poverty for years. 他多年挣扎在贫困之中. * languishing under foreign domination 在外国统治下受煎熬. ★languishing adj (of looks, etc) trying to win sympathy or affection (指表情等)可望同情的, 含情脉脉的: a languishing sigh 博人同情的叹息. ★languor / 5lANgE(r); `lAN^L/ n 1 [U] tiredness or laziness of mind and body; listlessness 倦怠; 慵悃; 无精打采. 2 [sing] feeling of dreamy peacefulness 恬静; 平静: music that induces a delightful languor 使人心旷神怡的音乐. 3 [U] oppressive stillness (of the air, etc) (空气等的)沉闷: the hazy languor of a summer's afternoon 夏日午後那种令人迷离恍惚的沉闷. ★languorous / 5lNgErEs; `lAN^ErEs/ adj. ★languorously adv. ★lanky / 5lANkI; `lANkI/ adj (-ier, -iest) (of a person) ungracefully tall and thin (指人)细长难看的, 又高又瘦的: a lanky teenager 瘦长的少年. ★lankiness n [U]. ★lank / lANk; lANk/ adj 1 (of hair) straight and limp (指毛发)平直的, 柔软的. 2 (of a person) tall and thin (指人)瘦长的. ★lanolin (also lanoline) / 5lAnElIn; `lAnElIn/ n [U] fat extracted from sheep's wool and used in making skin creams 羊毛脂(用以制护肤霜). ★lantern / 5lAntEn; `lAntLn/ n 1 (usu portable) light for use outdoors in a transparent case that protects it fromthe wind, etc (通常指手提的)灯笼; 提灯. 2 (architecture建) structure with windows or openings to admit light or air at the top of a dome or room 天窗; 屋顶气窗. ★lantern jaws long thin jaws that give the face a hollow look 瘦削而外翅的下巴(使脸部显得凹陷). ★lantern-jawed adj. ★lanthanide / 5lAnWEnaId; `lAnWE9naId/ n (chemistry 化) any of the 15 elements in the lanthanide series, with atomic numbers from 57 (lanthanum) to 71 (lutetium) 镧系元素中之任何一种(从原子序数为57的镧到71的镥). ★lanthanum / 5lAnWEnEm; `lAnWE9nEm/ n [U] (chemistry 化) silver-white metallic element, used in certain alloys and in glass-making 镧. =>App 10 见附录10. ★lanyard / 5lAnjEd; `lAnjLd/ n 1 cord worn round the neck to hold a knife, whistle, etc (套在脖子上以悬小刀或哨子等的)项带, 颈带. 2 (nautical 海) short rope or line attached to sth to secure it 系带, 短绳, 短索. ★lap / lAp; lAp/ n 1 area formed by the upper part of a seated person's thighs (人坐著时)大腿的上方: Come and sit on Grandpa's lap! 来, 坐在爷爷的腿上! * She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡著了, 腿上还摊开著一本书. 2 part of a dress, etc covering this 连衣裙等盖住大腿的部分: She gathered the fallen apples and carried them in her lap. 她捡起掉落的苹果, 用衣服下摆兜著. 3 (idm 习语) drop/dump sth in sb's lap (infml 口) make sth the responsibility of sb else 将某事推给他人负责: You've got to deal with this don't try and dump it in my lap. 这事你得去处理--别想往我身上推. in the lap of the `gods (of future events) uncertain (指未来的事)难以预料. in the lap of `luxury in conditions of great luxury 在奢侈的环境里. ★lap-dog n small pampered pet dog 娇养的小狗. ★lap / lAp; lAp/ v (-pp-) 1 [Tn.pr] ~ A round B/~ B in A wrap or fold (cloth, etc) round sth 用(布等)包扎或包裹某物: lap a bandage round the wrist/the wrist in a bandage 用绷带包扎手腕[将手腕用绷带包扎住]. 2 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) overlap (使某物)重叠: Each row of tiles laps the one below. 每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上. 3 [Tn] be one or more laps ahead of (another competitor) in a race (在跑道上)比(另一竞赛者)领先一圈或数圈: She's lapped all the other runners. 她领先於所有赛跑者至少一圈. ★lap n 1 part that overlaps or amount by which it overlaps 重叠部分; 重叠的量或程度. 2 single circuit of a track or racecourse 跑道的一圈: The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap. 领先的那辆赛车在第十圈的中途撞毁了. * do a lap of honour, ie make a ceremonial circuit of a race-track, etc after winning a contest (比赛胜利者)绕场一周. 3 one section of a journey 一段旅程: The next lap of our trip takes us into the mountains. 下一段行程我们就要进山区了. 4 (idm 习语) the last lap => last1. ★lap / lAp; lAp/ v (-pp-) 1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (esp of animals) drink sth by taking it up with the tongue (尤指动物)舔著喝某物: a dog noisily lapping water 舔著喝水发出啧啧声的狗. 2 [I, Ipr] (of water) make gentle splashing sounds (指水)发出轻轻的拍打声: waves lapping on a beach, against the side of a boat, etc 轻拍海滩, 船舷等的波浪. 3 (phr v) lap sth up (infml 口) receive (praise, news, good fortune, etc) eagerly, uncritically or greedily (热切地、 不加区别地或贪婪地)接受(夸奖、 新情况、 好运气等): He tells her all those lies and she just laps them up. 他对她说的是一派谎言, 可她却全部接受. * The film got terrible reviews but the public are lapping it up, ie going to see it in great numbers. 影片尽管受到猛烈的批评, 但公众却趋之若骛. * lap up sunshine, knowledge, company 热切地渴望阳光、 知识、 伴侣. ★lapping n [U]: the gentle lapping of the waves 波浪轻柔的拍打. ★lapel / lE5pel; lE`pZl/ n front part of the collar of a coat or jacket that is folded back over the chest (大衣或夹克的)翻领: What is that badge on your lapel? 你翻领上的是什麽徽章? =>illus at jacket 见jacket插图. ★lapidary / 5lApIdErI; -derI; `lApE9dZrI/ adj (fml 文) 1 [attrib 作定语] of gems or stones, esp of their cutting, polishing or engraving 宝石的; 玉石的; (尤指)宝石或玉石切割、 琢磨或雕刻的. 2 (approv 褒) dignified and concise 优雅简洁的: a lapidary inscription, proverb, speech, etc 精确的铭文、 谚语、 演讲等. ★lapidary n person who cuts, polishes, sets or engraves gems 宝石匠. ★lapis lazuli / 9lApIs 5lAzjUlI; 5lAzElI; `lApIs`lAzElI/ n (a) [U, C] bright-blue semi-precious stone 天青石; 青金石. (b) [U] colour of this 天蓝色: [attrib 作定语] a sea of ,lapis lazuli `blue 天蓝色的大海. ★lapse / lAps; lAps/ n 1 small error, esp one caused by forgetfulness or inattention 小错; (尤指)记错, 疏忽:A brief lapse in the final set cost her the match. 她在最後一盘稍有失误而致比赛失败. * It was a superb performance, despite occasional lapses of intonation. 演出非常成功, 唯偶有音调失误. 2 ~ (from sth) (into sth) fall or departure from correct or usual standards; backsliding 堕落; 失足: Wives were expected to forgive their husbands' lapses, ie forgive them when they were unfaithful. 希望做妻子的原谅丈夫一时行为失检(不忠). * The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name-calling. 因出现几句谩骂, 辩论会不欢而散. * a lapse from grace, ie becoming out of favour 失宠. 3 passing of a period of time (时间的)流逝, 过去: after a lapse of six months 相隔六个月之後. 4 (law 律) ending of a right, etc because of disuse (权利等的)失效, 中止, 结束, 消失(因不行使所致). ★lapse v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (from sth) (into sth) fail to maintain one's position or standard 未能保持自己的立场或标准: lapse back into bad habits 重又沾染坏习惯 * a lapsed Catholic 叛教的天主教徒. 2 [Ipr] ~ into sth sink or pass gradually into sth 陷入或进入某状态: She lapsed into a coma. 她逐渐陷入昏迷状态. 3 [I] (law 律) (of rights and privileges) be lost or invalid because not used, claimed or renewed (指权利、 特权)(因未行使、 无要求或未延期)丧失, 失效: He didn't get any compensation because his insurance policy had lapsed. 他因保险单失效未得任何补偿. ★lapse rate rate at which the temperature of the air falls in relation to its height above the earth 温度垂直递减率. ★lapwing / 5lApwIN; `lAp9wIN/ (also peewit, pewit) n type of small black and white wading bird 麦鸡. ★larceny / 5lB:sEnI; `lBrsnI/ n [C, U] (law 律) (instance of) theft of personal goods 盗窃; 盗窃罪. ★larcenous / 5lB:sEnEs; `lBrsEnEs/ adj. ★larch / lB:tF; lBrtF/ n (a) [C] tall deciduous tree of the pine family, with small cones and needle-like leaves 落叶松. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page i. (b) [U] its wood 落叶松木. ★lard / lB:d; lBrd/ n [U] white greasy substance made from the melted fat of pigs and used in cooking 荤油. ★lard v 1 [Tn] prepare (meat) for roasting by putting strips of bacon in or on it 加腌肉片烤(肉): Lean meat can be larded to keep it moist in the oven. 瘦肉上可加咸肉片烤制以保持水分. 2 [Tn.pr] ~ sth with sth (often derog 常作贬义) embellish (speech or writing) with sth 在(说话或写作)中夹杂某内容: a lecture larded with obscure quotations 夹杂著晦涩引文的讲演. ★larder / 5lB:dE(r); `lBrdL/ n (esp formerly) cupboard or small room used for storing food (尤指旧时)食橱, 食物贮藏室. Cf 参看 pantry. ★large / lB:dV; lBrdV/ adj (-r, -st) 1 of considerable size, extent or capacity (大小、 程度或容量)大的: A large family needs a large house. 大家庭需要大的房子. * She inherited a large fortune. 她继承了一大笔财产. * He has a large appetite, ie eats a lot. 他胃口很大. * (euph 婉) a large (ie fat) lady 胖女人. 2 wide in range, scope or scale; broad (范围或规模)大的, 广的: an official with large powers 权力很大的官员 * take the large view 持豁达的观点 * a book dealing with large themes 涉及广泛内容的书 * large and small farmers 大农场主和小农. =>Usage at big 用法见big. 3 (idm 习语) (as) large as `life (joc 谑) seen or appearing in person, with no possibility of error or doubt 本人; 本身: And there she was as large as life! 那就是她本人! bulk large => bulk v. by and `large taking everything into consideration 大体上; 一般而论; 总的来说: By and large, the company's been pretty good to me. 总的来说, 公司对我一直很好. larger than `life exaggerated in size, so as to seem more impressive (为感人)夸大的: [attrib 作定语] The hero appears as a larger-than-life character. 男主角的表现是高於生活的. writ large => writ. ★large n (idm 习语) at `large (a) (of a criminal, animal, etc) free; not confined (指罪犯、 动物等)自由的, 未关管的, 未缚住的: The escaped prisoner is still at large. 越狱犯依然在逃. (b) at full length; thoroughly and in great detail 详细地; 充分地; 透彻地: The question is discussed at large in my report. 我在报告中对该问题作了详细的探讨. (c) (used after a n 用於名词後) as a whole; in general 整个地; 一般地; 总地: the opinion of students, voters, society, etc at large 学生、 选民、 社会等总的意见. ★largely adv to a great extent; chiefly 在很大程度上; 主要地: His success was largely due to luck. 他的成功主要靠运气. ★largeness n [U]. ★largish adj fairly large 相当大的. ★large-scale adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] 1 extensive 大规模的: a large-scale police search 警方的大规模搜查. 2 (of a map, model, etc) drawn or made to a large scale so that many details can be shown (指地图、 模型等)大比例尺的. ★largess (also largesse) / lB:5dVes; `lBrdVZs/ n [U] 1 generous giving of money or gifts, esp to sb of lower rank or status 慷慨的赠与; (尤指)赏赐. 2 money or gifts given in this way 赏金; 赠物. ★largo / 5lB:gEU; `lBr^o/ n (pl ~s), adv (music 音) (piece or movement) played in slow and solemn time 缓慢的乐曲或乐章; 广板; 缓慢地: The second movement is a largo. 第二乐章是广板乐章. ★lariat / 5lArIEt; `lArIEt/ n (esp US) length of rope for catching or tethering a horse; lasso (套马或拴马用的)系绳, 套索. ★lark / lB:k; lBrk/ n 1 any of several small songbirds, esp the skylark 百灵科鸣禽; (尤指)云雀. 2 (idm 习语) be/get ,up with the `lark get up early in the morning 早起. ★lark / lB:k; lBrk/ n (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml 口) 1 bit of adventurous fun 戏谑; 玩笑: The boys didn't mean any harm they were only having a lark. 那些男孩子无意作恶--他们不过在闹著玩罢了. * They stole the car for a lark, but now they're in trouble. 他们偷了汽车原以为好玩, 现在可惹祸了. * What a lark! ie How amusing! 真有趣! 2 (Brit ironic 反语) (esp) unpleasant or irritating type of activity (尤指)不愉快的或令人恼怒的活动: I don't much like this queuing lark. 我可不太喜欢排队的事. ★lark v [I, Ip] ~ (about/around) behave playfully or irresponsibly 胡闹; 行为不负责任: Stop larking about and get on with your work. 别到处胡闹了, 干活儿去吧. ★larkspur / 5lB:ksp\:(r); `lBrk9sp[/ n tall garden plant with blue, pink or white flowers 燕草(株高的园艺植物, 开蓝色、 粉红色或白色花). ★larva / 5lB:vE; `lBrvE/ n (pl larvae / 5lB:vi:; `lBrvi/) insect in the first stage of its life, after coming out of the egg 幼虫: A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体. =>illus at butterfly 见butterfly插图. ★larval / 5lB:vl; `lBrvl/ adj [attrib 作定语]: in a larval state 幼虫的状态. ★larynx / 5lArINks; `lArINks/ n (pl larynges / lA5rIndVi:z; lE`rIndViz/) (anatomy 解) (also `voice-box) boxlike space at the top of the windpipe, containing the vocal cords which produce the voice 喉. =>illus at throat 见throat插图. ★laryngitis / 9lArIn5dVaItIs; 9lArIn`dVaItIs/ n [U] (medical 医) inflammation of the larynx 喉炎. ★lasagne (also lasagna) / lE5zAnjE; lE`zBnjE/ n [U] (a) pasta made in broad flat strips 宽面(宽而扁的乾面条). (b) dish made from layers of this with meat sauce, tomatoes and cheese, baked in the oven 卤汁宽面(加肉汁、 蕃茄和乾酪烹制的). ★Lascar / 5lAskE(r); `lAskL/ n seaman from the E Indies 东印度水手. ★lascivious / lE5sIvIEs; lE`sIvIEs/ adj feeling, expressing or causing sexual desire 好色的; 猥亵的; 挑动情欲的. ★lasciviously adv. ★lasciviousness n [U]. ★laser / 5leIzE(r); `lezL/ n device that generates an intense and highly controlled beam of light 激光器: [attrib 作定语] laser beams, radiation, physics 激光束、 激光辐射、 激光物理学 * a laser-guided missile 激光制导导弹. ★lash / lAF; lAF/ n 1 [C] flexible part of a whip 鞭子的皮条部分. 2 [C] blow given with or as with a whip, etc 鞭打; 抽打; 鞭挞: (fig 比喻) feel the lash of sb's tongue, ie be spoken to harshly or cruelly by sb 领教某人利口如刀的厉害. 3 the lash [sing] (formerly) punishment by flogging (旧时)笞刑: sailors sentenced to the lash 被处笞刑的水手. 4 [C] = eyelash (eye1). ★lash / lAF; lAF/ v 1 [Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr] strike (sb/sth) with or as with a whip 鞭打, 抽打(某人[某物]): rain lashing (down) on the roof, against the windows, etc 猛烈敲打著屋顶、 窗户等的雨点 * waves lashing the shore 拍打海岸的波浪 * lashed the horses with a stick 用棍棒打马 * (fig 比喻) politicians regularly lashed (ie strongly criticized) in the popular press 经常遭广大新闻界抨击的政客. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] move (a limb, etc) like a whip 摆动(肢体等): a tiger lashing its tail angrily to and fro/from side to side 愤怒地摆动著尾巴的老虎. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (into sth) rouse or incite sb 激励或煽动某人: a speech cleverly designed to lash the audience into a frenzy 巧妙策划煽动众怒的演说. 4 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ A to B/A and B together fasten things together securely with ropes, etc (用绳索等)将物品捆在一起. 5 (phr v) lash sth down tie sth securely in position with ropes, etc (用绳索等)将某物系牢: lash down the cargo on the deck 把甲板上的货物缚牢. lash out (at/against sb/sth) make a sudden violent attack with blows or words 突然猛击; 猛烈抨击: The horse lashed out with its back legs. 那匹马尥蹶子了. * He lashed out at the opposition's policies. 他猛烈抨击反对派的政策. lash out (on sth) (infml 口) spend money freely or extravagantly 花钱大手大脚: Let's lash out and have champagne. 咱们挥霍一下, 喝香槟吧. * This is no time to lash out on a new stereo. 现在不是奢侈花钱买新立体音响的时候. ★lashing / 5lAFIN; `lAFIN/ n 1 [C] whipping or beating鞭打; 击打: He gave the poor donkey a terrible lashing. 他狠命地抽打那头可怜的驴. 2 [C] rope, etc used to fasten things together or in position 捆绑用的绳索等. 3 lashings [pl] ~s (of sth) (Brit infml 口) a lot 大量: lashings of cream on one's fruit salad 自己那份水果色拉上大量的奶油. ★lass / lAs; lAs/ (also lassie / 5lAsI; `lAsI/) n (esp in Scotland and N England) girl; young woman (尤用於苏格兰和英格兰北部)女孩儿, 少女, 姑娘. Cf 参看 laddie. ★lassitude / 5lAsItju:d; -tu:d; `lAsE9tud/ n [U] (fml 文) tiredness of mind or body 厌倦; 疲乏. ★lasso / lA5su:; lA`su/ n (pl ~s or ~es) long rope with a noose at one end, used for catching horses and cattle (套捕马、 牛等用的一头有活结的)套索. ★lasso v [Tn] catch (esp an animal) using a lasso 用套索捕捉(尤指动物): lassoing wild horses 用套索捕捉野马. ★last / lB:st; lAst; lAst/ adj 1 coming after all others in time or order 最後的; 末尾的: December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年的最後一个月份. * the last Sunday in June 六月的最後一个星期日 * the last time I saw her 我上次看见她的时候 * the last two/the two last people to arrive 最後到达的两个人. Cf 参看 first1 1. 2 [attrib 作定语] latest; most recent (指过去)最近的, 上一个的; 刚过去的: last night, week, month, summer, year, etc 昨晚、 上周、 上月、 刚过去的夏季、 去年 * last Tuesday/on Tuesday last 刚过去的星期二 * in/for/during the last fortnight, few weeks, two decades, etc 在过去的两周、 几星期、 二十年等 * I thought her last book was one of her best. 我认为她最近出版的那本书是她的最佳著作之一. =>Usage at late1 用法见late1. 3 [esp attrib 尤作定语] only remaining; final 唯一剩下的; 最终的: This is our last bottle of wine. 这是我们最後的一瓶葡萄酒了. * He knew this was his last hope of winning. 他知道这是他获胜的唯一希望了. * I wouldn't marry you if you were the last person on earth. 即使世上就剩下你一个人, 我也不会和你结婚. 4 least likely or suitable 最不可能的; 最不适合的: the last thing I'd expect him to do 我最不希望他做的事 * She's the last person to trust with a secret. 她是最不可能保密的人. 5 (idm 习语) at one's last `gasp making one's final effort or attempt before exhaustion or death 垂死挣扎; 最後拚搏: The team were at their last gasp when the whistle went. 球队正作最後拚搏, 这时哨声响了. be on one's/its last `legs be weak or in poor condition 危殆; 糟糕: My car's on its last legs -it keeps breaking down. 我的汽车快不行了--总出毛病. the day,week, month, etc before last the day, etc immediately before the most recent one; two days, etc ago 两天、 两星期、 两月等之前: I haven't seen him since the Christmas before last. 前年圣诞节过後我一直没见过他. draw one's first/last breath => draw2. every last/single `one, etc every person or thing (in a group) included (一群人或物中的)每一个, 全部: We spent every last penny we had on the house. 我们的钱全部用在房子上了. famous last words => famous. first/last/next but one, two, three, etc => first1. first/last thing => thing. have the last `laugh triumph over one's rivals, critics, etc in the end (对竞争者、 批评者等)取得最後胜利. have, etc the last `word make, etc the final and decisive contribution to an argument, a dispute, etc (辩论等中)作最後一次发言, 最终决定, 最後裁决, 定论等: We can all make suggestions, but the manager has the last word. 我们谁都可以提建议, 但经理最後说了算. in the last/final analysis => analysis. in the last re`sort; (as) a/one's last re`sort (person or thing one turns to) when everything else has failed 最後手段; 最後的凭藉: In the last resort we can always walk home. 大不了我们走回家就是了. * I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort. 别人我都试过了, 现在就看你的了. one's last/dying breath => breath. the ,last `ditch the last effort one can make to ensure one's safety, avoid defeat, etc (为确保安全或避免失败等所能做的)最後拚搏: [attrib 作定语] a ,last-ditch `stand 背水一战的立场. the last `minute/`moment the latest possible time before an important event, etc (重大事件等前的)最後一刻: change one's plans at the last minute 事到临头改变计画 * We always leave our packing to/till the last moment. 我们总是到临行前才收拾行李. * [attrib 作定语] a last-minute dash for the train 为赶火车的奔忙. the last `lap final stage of a journey, contest,project, etc (旅行、 比赛、 工程等)最後阶段: We're on the last lap, so don't slacken! 我们已处最後阶段, 可不要松劲啊! the last/final straw => straw. the last `word (in sth) most recent, fashionable, advanced, etc thing 最新、 最时髦、 最先进等的事物: Ten years ago this dress was considered the last word in elegance. 十年前这种连衣裙还算是最高雅的款式呢. the last `word (on sth) definitive statement, account, etc 权威性的言论、 说法等: a book which may fairly claim to be the last word on the subject 堪称该课题权威性的书. say/be one's last `word (on sth) give/be one's final opinion or decision 做出[成为]决定: I've said my last word -take it or leave it. 我的意见已经说过了--听不听请便. * I hope that's not your last word on the subject. 我希望这不是你对该问题的最後决定. to a man/to the last man => man. a week last Monday, etc => week. ★last n 1 the ~ (of sb/sth) (pl unchanged 复数不变) person or thing that is last or mentioned last 最後的或最後提到的人或事物: These are the last of our apples. 我们就剩下这些苹果了. * We invited Bill, Tom and Sue -the last being Bill's sister. 我们请了比尔、 汤姆和休--最後提到的这位是比尔的妹妹. 2 (idm 习语) at (long) `last after (much) delay, effort, etc; in the end 经过(种种)延误、 努力等; 终於: At last we were home! 我们终於到家了! * At long last a compromise was agreed on. 通过互让最终达成折衷协议. breathe one's last => breathe. from first to last => first3. hear/see the last of sb/sth (a) hear/see sb/sth for the last time 最後一次听到[见到]某人[某事物]: That was the last I ever saw of her. 那是我最後一次见到她. (b) not have to deal with or think about sb/sth again 不必再与某人[某事物]打交道; 不必再考虑某人[某事物]: It would be a mistake to assume we've heard the last of this issue. 别以为我们不再过问这事. to/till the `last consistently, until the last possible moment (esp death) 坚持到底, 直到最後一刻(尤指直到死): He died protesting his innocence to the last. 他至死都坚称自己无罪. ★lastly adv in the last place; finally 最後一点; 最後: Lastly, we're going to visit Athens, and fly home from there. 最後我们将访问雅典, 然後从那儿乘飞机回国. the Last Judgement = Judgement Day (judgement). ★last name surname 姓. the last post military bugle-call sounded at sunset, military funerals, etc (军队的)熄灯号, 葬礼号. the last rites religious ceremony for a person near death 为临终者举行的宗教仪式: administer the last rites to sb 为某人行临终圣礼. the Last Supper (religion 宗) meal eaten by Christ and his disciples on the day before the Crucifixion (耶苏被钉在十字架前夕与门徒共进的)最後晚餐. ★last / lB:st; lAst; lAst/ adv 1 after all others 在最後: He came last in the race. 他赛跑落得了最後. * This country ranks last in industrial output. 这个国家的工业生产排名最後. Cf 参看 first2. 2 on the occasion before the present time; most recently 最近一次; 上次: I saw him last/last saw him in New York two years ago. 我上次见到他是两年前在纽约. * They last defeated England in 1972. 他们最近一次战胜英格兰队是在1972年. 3 (idm 习语) first and last => first2. he who laughs last laughs longest => laugh. ,last but not `least (used before the final item in a list 列举时用於最後一项之前) last but no less important(ly) than the others 最後的但同样重要的: And last but not least there is the question of adequate funding. 最後同样重要的是要有足够的资金的问题. ,last `in, ,first `out those most recently employed, included, etc will be the first to be dismissed, excluded, etc if such action should become necessary 後来者先走(必要时首先解雇、 排除新来者): The firm will apply the principle of `last in, first out'. 公司将实行`後来者先走'的原则. ★last / lB:st; lAst; lAst/ v 1 [I, In/pr] ~ (for) sth continue for a period of time; endure 延续; 持续; 维持; 持久: The pyramids were really built to last. 建造金字塔为的是要与日月齐光. * How long do you think this fine weather will last? 你看这样的好天气能持续多久? * She won't last long in that job it's too tough. 她做那件工作坚持不了多久--那工作太困难. * The war lasted (for) five years. 战争持续了五年. 2 [I, Ip, In/pr] ~ (out); ~ (for) sth be adequate or enough 足够维持: Will the petrol last (out) till we reach London? 我们的汽油够开到伦敦的吗? * enough food to last (us) three days 足够我们维持三天的食物. =>Usage at take1 用法见take1. 3 [no passive 不用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) be strong enough to survive or endure sth 活下来; 忍受得住; 支撑得了: He's very ill and probably won't last (out) the night, ie will probably die before the morning. 他病得很厉害, 可能活不过今晚. ★lasting adj continuing for a long time 持续很长一段时间的: a lasting effect, interest, relationship 持久的效力、 兴趣、 关系 * a work of lasting significance 有长远意义的工作. ★last / lB:st; lAst; lAst/ n 1 block of wood or metal shaped like a foot, used in making and repairing shoes 鞋楦. 2 (idm 习语) stick to one's last => stick2. ★lat abbr 缩写 = latitude: lat 70N/S, ie North/South 北[南]纬70度. Cf 参看 long abbr 缩写. ★latch / lAtF; lAtF/ n 1 fastening for a gate or door, consisting of a bar that is lifted from its catch, groove, hole, etc by a lever 门闩. 2 spring lock on a door that catches when the door is closed, and that needs a key to open it from the outside 碰锁; 弹簧锁. =>illus 见插图. 3 (idm 习语) on the `latch (esp of a door) closed but not locked (尤指门)关著但没上锁. ★latch v 1 [I, Tn] be fastened or fasten (sth) with a latch 用门闩闩牢或用弹簧锁锁住(某物): This door won't latch properly. 这门闩不牢. * Please latch the front gate when you leave. 走时请把大门的碰锁锁好. 2 (phr v) latch on (to sth) (infml 口) understand an idea, sth said, etc 理解某想法、 说的话等: He's a bit slow but in the end he latches on. 他有点迟钝, 但毕竟还能理解. * I haven't really latched on to what you mean could you explain it again? 我没有真正明白你的意思--能不能再解释一下? latch on to sb (infml 口) become sb's constant (and often unwelcome) companion 总与某人在一起(常为不受欢迎者); 纠缠住某人: He always latches on to me when he sees me at a party. 他在聚会上一看见我就总是缠著我. ★latchkey n key of an outer door, esp the front door of a house or flat 钥匙. ★latchkey child (becoming dated 渐旧) child who has to let himself into his house or flat and look after himself, esp after returning from school, because both parents are out at work 挂钥匙的儿童(尤指因父母外出工作, 故放学回家需自行进屋的). ★late / leIt; let/ adj (-r, -st) 1 [esp pred 尤作表语] after the proper or usual time 晚; 迟: My flight was an hour late. 我那趟航班晚了一小时. * Because of the cold weather the crops are late this year. 因天气寒冷, 今年的作物成熟得晚. * It's never too late to stop smoking. 戒烟何时都不算晚. * a late marriage 晚婚 * a late riser, ie sb who gets out of bed late in the morning 起得晚的人. Cf 参看 early 2. 2 far on in the day or night, a period of time, a series, etc (日夜、 时间、 系列等)近末尾的, 将尽的, 末期的: till a late hour 直到深夜 * in the late afternoon 傍晚 * in late summer 在夏末 * She married in her late twenties, eg when she was 28. 她快30岁才结婚. * the late nineteenth century 十九世纪末叶 * a late Victorian house 维多利亚晚期的房子 * Beethoven's late quartets, ie the last ones he wrote 贝多芬最後创作的四重奏乐曲. Cf 参看 early 1. 3 [attrib 作定语] (esp in the superlative 尤用於最高级) recent 最新的; 最近的: the latest news 最新消息 * There were several clashes before this latest incident. 在这次事件发生之前已有过几次冲突. * the latest craze, fashion, vogue, etc 最新时尚、 式样、 样式等 * her latest novel 她最近出版的小说 * (fml 文) during the late political unrest 在最近这次政治动乱时期. 4 [attrib 作定语] (a) no longer alive 已故的: her late husband 已故丈夫. (b) no longer holding a certain position; former 已卸任的; 前任的: The late prime minister attended the ceremony. 前任首相出席了典礼. 5 (idm 习语) at the `latest no later than 至迟; 最晚: Passengers should check in one hour before their flight time at the latest. 乘客至迟应在班机起飞前一小时办理登机手续. an early/late night => night. it's ,never too ,late to `mend (saying 谚) it is always possible to improve one's character, habits, etc 改过不嫌晚. of `late lately; recently 最近以来; 近来. ★latish / 5leItIF; `letIF/ adj, adv fairly late 稍迟(的); 稍後(的). ★latecomer n person who arrives late 迟到者; 後来人: Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval. 迟到者在休息时间方可入场. ★late NOTE ON USAGE 用法: The last may indicate the final item in a sequence, after which there are no more *the last可指一系列事物中最後一个: The last bus leaves at 11.15 pm. 末班公共汽车晚上11时15分开出. * That was the last novel he wrote before he died. 那是他生前写的最後一部小说. It may also refer to the item before the one being discussed *the last也可指正在谈及的事物之前的一个: I much prefer this job to my last one/the last one I had. 这份工作比我原先那份工作好得多. * The last time we met you had a beard. 上次我们见面, 你还留著胡子呢. The latest means `the most recent' *the latest意为`最近的': She always dressed in the latest fashion. 她总是穿最新款的时装. * His latest novel is a great success. 他最近出版的小说十分成功. The latter refers to the second of two items already mentioned and is rather more formal *the latter指已提及的两个事物中的第二个, 多用於书面语中: One can travel there by ship or plane. Most people choose the latter. 乘船或乘飞机去均可, 人们多取後者. ★late / leIt; let/ adv 1 after the proper or usual time 晚; 迟: get up, go to bed, arrive home late 很晚才起床、 睡觉、 到家 * I sat (ie stayed) up late last night. 昨晚我一直呆到深夜. * She married late. 她结婚晚. Cf 参看 early 2. 2 far on in a period of time 接近末期: It happened late last century in 1895, to be exact. 事情发生在上个世纪末--准确地说, 在1895年. * As late as the 1950s tuberculosis was still a threat. 直到二十世纪五十年代, 结核病仍然使人不寒而栗. * He became an author quite late in life, ie when he was quite old. 他晚年才成为作家. Cf 参看 early 1. 3 (idm 习语) better late than never => better2. ,late in the `day later than is proper or desirable 比适当的或恰当的时间晚: It's rather late in the day to say you're sorry the harm's done now. 现在才说对不起太晚了--危害已成事实. later `on at a later time or stage 後来; 以後; 其後: a few days later on 几天後 * At first things went well, but later on we ran into trouble. 起初事情进展得很顺利, 但後来我们遇到了困难. sooner or later => soon. ★lately / 5leItlI; `letlI/ adv in recent times; recently 近来; 不久前: Have you seen her lately? 你最近见过她吗? * It's only lately that she's been well enough to go out. 她最近才好多了, 可以出去走走了. * We've been doing a lot of gardening lately. 近来我们做了很多园艺工作. =>Usage at recent 用法见recent. ★latent / 5leItnt; `letnt/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] existing but not yet active, developed or visible 潜在的; 不活跃的; 未发展的; 不明显的: latent abilities 潜在的才能 * a latent infection 潜伏性传染病. ★latency / 5leItnsI; `letnsI/ n [U]. latency period (psychology 心) stage of personal development from the age of about five to the start of puberty (人的)性潜伏期(从四五岁至青春期间). ★latent heat heat lost or gained when a substance changes state (from solid to liquid, liquid to vapour, etc) without a change of temperature 潜热. ★latent image (in photography) image on a film that is not visible until the film has been developed (摄影术)潜影. ★latent period period between catching a disease and the appearance of symptoms (疾病的)潜伏期. ★lateral / 5lAtErEl; `lAtErEl/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] of, at, from or towards the side(s) 侧面的; 从侧面的; 向侧面的: a lateral vein, artery, limb, etc 侧静脉、 侧动脉、 侧肢 * lateral buds, shoots, branches, etc 侧芽、 侧条、 侧枝. ★lateral thinking way of solving problems by letting the mind consider unusual and apparently illogical approaches to them 横向思维(解决问题的方法, 以异乎寻常而显然不合逻辑的方法思考). ★laterite / 5lAtEraIt; `lAtE9raIt/ n [U] type of red soil occurring in tropical regions and widely used there for making roads 砖红壤(热带地区广泛用以筑路的). ★latex / 5leIteks; `letZks/ n [U] 1 milky fluid produced by (esp rubber) plants 胶乳; (尤指)橡浆. 2 synthetic product resembling this, used in paints, adhesives, etc 合成胶乳(用於油漆粘合剂等). ★lath / lB:W; lAW; lAW/ n (pl ~s / lB:Tz; lTz; lATz/) 1 [C] thin narrow strip of wood 木板条. 2 [U] (esp formerly) building material consisting of such strips used as a support for plaster (尤指旧时)挂瓦条, 抹灰板条: [attrib 作定语] a lath-and-plaster wall 板条抹灰的墙. ★lathe / leIT; leT/ n machine that shapes pieces of wood, metal, etc by holding and turning them against a fixed cutting tool 车床. ★lather / 5lB:TE(r), also 5lAT-; 5lAT-; `lATL/ n 1 [U] white foam or froth produced by soap or detergent mixed with water (皂液或洗涤液的)泡沫: work up a lather on one's chin, ie before shaving 在下巴上涂皂沫(然後再刮胡子). 2 [U] frothy sweat, esp on a horse 汗沫(尤指马的). 3 (idm 习语) be in/get into a `lather (infml 口) (a) be/become excited and nervous 激动; 紧张: She's in a lather about having to speak to such a large crowd. 她须在这麽多人面前讲话, 心情十分紧张. (b) be/become angry, agitated and upset 气愤; 烦乱; 烦恼: Calm down there's no need to get into a lather about it! 冷静些--没有必要为这件事动肝火! ★lather v 1 [I, Ip] ~ (up) form lather 起泡沫: Soap will not lather in sea-water. 肥皂在海水里不起泡沫. 2 [Tn] cover (sth) with lather 给(某物)涂皂沫: lather one's chin before shaving 刮胡子前先在下巴上涂皂沫. 3 [Tn] (dated infml 旧, 口) thrash (a person or an animal) 抽打(人或动物). ★Latin / 5lAtIn; 5lAtn; `lAtn/ n [U] language of ancient Rome and the official language of its empire 拉丁语. ★Latin adj 1 of or in Latin 拉丁语的; 用拉丁语的: Latin poetry 拉丁语诗歌. 2 of the countries or peoples using languages developed from Latin, eg France, Italy, Portugal, Spain 拉丁语系国家或民族的(如法兰西、 意大利、 葡萄牙、 西班牙): the Latin temperament, landscape 拉丁人的气质、 拉丁地区的景色. Cf 参看 Romance. ★Latinist n scholar of Latin 拉丁语学者. ★Latin America parts of Central and South America in which Spanish or Portuguese is the official language 拉丁美洲. ,Latin-A`merican n, adj (native) of these parts 拉丁美洲的; 拉丁美洲人. ★the Latin Church the Roman Catholic Church 拉丁教会(即天主教会). ★Latin cross plain cross with the lowest arm longer than the other three 拉丁式十字架. =>illus at cross 见cross插图. ★the Latin Quarter area of Paris on the south bank of the Seine, traditionally frequented by students and artists 拉丁区(巴黎塞纳河南岸, 传统上为大学生及艺术家荟萃地). ★latitude / 5lAtItju:d; -tu:d; `lAtE9tud/ n 1 (abbr 缩写 lat) [U] distance of a place north or south of the equator, measured in degrees 纬度. =>illus at globe见globe插图. Cf 参看 longitude. 2 latitudes [pl] region, esp with reference to climate 纬度地区(尤指与气候有关者): high/low latitudes, ie regions far from/near to the equator 高[低]纬度地区(指离赤道远近而言). 3 [U] freedom to behave and hold opinions without restriction (行动、 意见的)自由: They allow their children too much latitude, in my view; they should be stricter. 我认为他们太纵容孩子了, 他们应当严厉一些. ★latitudinal / 9lAtI5tju:dInl; -5tu:dEnl; 9lAtE`tudEnl/adj [attrib 作定语]: latitudinal variation 纬度的变化. ★latitudinarian / 9lAtItju:dI5neErIEn; -9tu:dn5eEr-;9lAtE9tudn`ZrIEn/ n, adj (fml 文) (person who is) tolerant and broad-minded, esp in religious matters 宽宏大度的(人)(尤指对宗教事务). ★latrine / lE5tri:n; lE`trin/ n lavatory in a camp, barracks, etc, esp one made by digging a trench or hole in the earth (营地、 兵营、 工地等的)厕所(尤指在地面上挖坑、 渠而成的). ★latter / 5lAtE(r); `lAtL/ adj (fml 文) [attrib 作定语] near to the end of a period 後期的; 末期的: the latter half of the year 後半年 * in the latter part of her life 在她的後半生. ★the latter pron the second of two things or people already mentioned  已提及的两者中之)後者: Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter (one). 很多人都赞成前一种办法, 但我个人喜欢後一种. =>Usage at late1 用法见late1. ★latterly adv lately; nowadays 近来; 现时. Cf 参看 former. ★latter-day adj [attrib 作定语] modern; recent 近代的; 当今的: latter-day technology 当今的技术 * They see themselves as latter-day crusading knights. 他们把自己看成是当今改革运动的急先锋. ,Latter-day `Saints Mormons' name for themselves 末世圣徒(摩门教徒自称). ★lattice / 5lAtIs; `lAtIs/ (also `lattice-work) n [U, sing] 1 framework of crossed laths or bars with spaces between, used as a screen, fence, support for climbing plants, etc 格子框架(用作屏障、 篱笆、 供植物攀附等的): (a) steel lattice-work placed around dangerous machinery 在有危险的机器周围设置的铁格栅. 2 structure or design resembling this 类似格子的结构或设计: peering through the lattice of tall reeds 透过高高的芦苇丛窥探. ★lattice window window with small diamond-shaped panes set in a framework of lead strips 斜条格构窗. ★laud / lR:d; lRd/ v [Tn] (fml or rhet 文或修辞) praise (sb/sth); glorify 称赞(某人[某事物]); 赞美; 赞扬: a much-lauded production 大受赞扬的产品. ★laudable / 5lR:dEbl; `lRdEbl/ adj (fml 文) deserving praise; praiseworthy 应受称赞的; 值得夸奖的: a laudable ambition, endeavour, enterprise, etc 值得夸赞的抱负、 事业、 进取心等 * Her work for charity is highly laudable. 她的慈善工作值得高度赞扬. ★laudably / -EblI; -EblI/ adv. ★laudanum / 5lR:dEnEm; `lRdEnEm/ n [U] (esp formerly) opium prepared for use as a sedative (尤指旧时)鸦片酊(用作镇静剂). ★laudatory / 5lR:dEtErI; -tR:rI; `lRdE9tRrI/ adj (fml 文) expressing or giving praise 表示称赞的; 赞赏的. ★laugh / lB:f; lAf; lAf/ v 1 [I] make the sounds and movements of the face and body that express lively amusement, joy, contempt, etc 笑; 发笑: laugh aloud/out loud 出声笑、 大声笑 * He's so funny he always makes me laugh. 他真滑稽--总是引得我笑. * Don't laugh (ie think me ridiculous), but I've decided to teach myself Chinese. 别笑话我, 我已决定自学汉语了. 2 [I] have these emotions 感到好笑: a man who laughs in the face of danger 面临危险而付之一笑的男子 * She hasn't got much to laugh about, poor woman. 她难得开心笑笑, 真可怜. 3 (idm 习语) he who laughs last laughs `longest (saying 谚) (used as a warning against expressing joy or triumph too soon 用以提醒人不要过早高兴或庆幸胜利). laugh in sb's `face openly show one's contempt for sb 公开表示蔑视某人. laugh like a `drain (infml 口) laugh loudly 放声大笑. laugh on the other side of one's face (infml 口) be forced to change from joy or triumph to disappointment or regret 转喜为忧: He'll be laughing on the other side of his face when he reads this letter. 他看到这封信就要转喜为悲了. laugh sb/sth out of `court (infml 口) dismiss sb/sth scornfully 对某人[某事物]藐视而不予理会: Their allegations were simply laughed out of court. 他们提出的指责均不屑一顾. laugh oneself `silly/`sick become hysterical or ill by laughing excessively 笑得发狂或难受. laugh till/until one `cries laugh so long or hard that one's eyes water 笑得流眼泪. laugh sb/sth to scorn (fml 文) mock or ridicule sb/sth 取笑或讥笑某人[某事物]. laugh up one's `sleeve (at sb/sth) (infml 口) be secretly amused 暗笑; 窃喜: She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us. 她早就知道真相, 却一直在暗中笑话我们. 4 (phr v) laugh at sb/sth (a) show that one is amused by sb/sth 因某人[某事物]而发笑: laugh at a comedian, a joke 被喜剧演员、 被笑话逗笑. (b) mock or ridicule sb/sth 取笑或讥笑某人[某事物]: We all laughed at Jane when she said she believed in ghosts. 简说?嘈庞泄? 大家都笑话她. (c) disregard sb/sth; treat sb/sth with indifference 不在乎某人[某事物]; 对某人[某事物]不以为意: laugh at danger 对危险等闲视之. laugh sth away dismiss (an unpleasant feeling, etc) by laughing 以笑消除(不快等): He tried without success to laugh her fears away. 他想以笑声来驱除她的恐惧, 但无济於事. laugh sb/sth down silence or reject sb/sth by laughing scornfully 用轻藐的笑止住某人[某事物]的声音或驳斥某人[某事物]: laugh down a speaker, a proposal 用讪笑声止住演讲者的话、 推翻一建议. laugh sth off (infml 口) show that one does not care about sth 一笑置之; 付之一笑: An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews. 演员需学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本事. * There was an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she was able to laugh it off. 她出言不慎把大家窘得哑然无声, 她却有本事一笑置之. laugh sb out of sth cause sb to forget their problems, etc by making them laugh 使某人发笑以忘掉其问题等: He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it. 他看出她心情不好, 想逗她笑好让她不再想烦恼的事. ★laugh n 1 act, sound or manner of laughing 笑; 笑声; 笑的样子: give, let out, break into, utter, etc a (loud) laugh (大声)笑、 (大)笑起来、 突然(大)笑、 (朗声)一笑 * a cynical, gentle, polite, hearty, etc laugh 愤世嫉俗的、 斯斯文文的、 彬彬有礼的、 开怀的...笑 * I recognized him by his raucous, penetrating laugh. 我听到他那沙哑而又刺耳的笑声就能认出是他. 2 (infml 口) amusing incident or person 引人发笑的事或人; 笑料; 笑柄: And he didn't realize it was you? What a laugh! 他竟没认出那是你? 真可笑! * (ironic 反语) Her, offer to help? That's a laugh! 她, 主动帮她忙? 简直是笑话! * He's a real laugh such fun to be with. 他真是个活宝--跟他在一起真开心. 3 (idm 习语) have the last laugh => last1. raise a laugh/smile => raise. ★laughable / -Ebl; -Ebl/ adj (derog 贬) causing people to laugh; ridiculous 可笑的; 荒谬的: a laughable attempt to discredit the Government 给政府抹黑的可笑企图. ★laughably / -EblI; -EblI/ adv. ★laughing / 5lB:fIN; 5lAfIN; `lAfIN/ adj 1 showing amusement, happiness, etc 笑的; 带笑的: laughing faces 笑脸. 2 (idm 习语) be `laughing (sl 俚) be in a satisfactory or enviable situation 满意; 满足; 令人羡慕: It's all right for you, with a good job and a nice house you're laughing. 你行啊, 有份好工作又有好房子--称心如意了. be no laughing matter be sth serious, not to be joked about 不是开玩笑的事. die laughing => die2. ★laughingly adv 1 in an amused manner 笑著; 带笑地. 2 (often derog 常作贬义) in an amusing manner; ridiculously 引人发笑地; 可笑地: They're fond of holding what are laughingly known as literary soirees. 他们爱举行戏称之为文学晚会的活动. ★laughing-gas n [U] = nitrous oxide (nitrous). ★laughing-stock n (esp sing 尤作单数) person or thing that is ridiculed 笑柄: His constant blunders made him the laughing-stock of the whole class. 他总是出错, 成了全班的笑柄. ★laughter / 5lB:ftE(r); 5lAf-; `lAftL/ n [U] act, sound or manner of laughing 笑; 笑声; 笑的样子: roar with laughter 放声大笑 * tears of laughter 笑出的眼泪 * ahouse full of laughter, ie with a happy relaxed atmosphere充满笑声的家. ★launch / lR:ntF; lRntF/ v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] put (sth) into motion; send on its course 使(某事物)运动; 送上轨道: launch a blow, a missile, a torpedo, a satellite 发出一击、 发射导弹、 发射鱼雷、 发射卫星 * (fig 比喻) launch threats, insults, gibes, etc at sb 威胁、 侮辱、 奚落...某人. 2 [Tn] cause (a ship, esp one newly built) to move into the water 使(船, 尤指新船)下水: The Queen is to launch a new warship today. 今天女王要主持新军舰下水仪式. * The lifeboat was launched immediately to rescue the four men. 立刻放下了救生船救那四个人. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] put (sth/sb) into action; set going 使(某人[某事物])行动; 使开始: launch an attack/offensive (against the enemy) (向敌人)发起攻击[攻势] * The company is launching a new model next month. 下月公司将推出新型号产品. * He's launching his son on a career in banking. 他让儿子从事银行业. 4 (phr v) launch (out) into sth enter boldly or freely into (a course of action) 勇於采取(某行动); 任意进行(某活动): He launched into a long series of excuses for his behaviour. 他一五一十地提出很多藉口为自己的行为辩解. * She wants to be more than just a singer and is launching out into films, ie starting a career as a film actress. 她不甘心只当歌手, 於是开始投身影界. launch out at sb attack sb, physically or verbally 攻击或抨击某人: He suddenly launched out at me for no reason at all. 他突然无端攻击我. ★launch n (esp sing 尤作单数) process of putting into motion a ship, spacecraft or new product (船的)下水; (航天器的)发射; (新产品的)投产或投放: The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage. 他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道. ★launching pad (also `launch pad) base or platform from which spacecraft, etc are launched (航天器等的)发射台. ★launch / lR:ntF; lRntF/ n large motor boat 大汽艇. ★launder / 5lR:ndE(r); `lRndL/ v 1 [Tn] (fml 文) wash and iron (clothes, etc) 洗熨(衣物等): Send these shirts to be laundered. 把这些衬衣送去洗熨. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] (fig 比喻) transfer (money obtained from crime) to foreign banks, legitimate businesses, etc so as to disguise its source 洗(赃款)(转移到外国银行、 合法公司等以掩蔽其来路): The gang laundered the stolen money through their chain of restaurants. 这帮匪徒通过他们的 连锁饭店洗赃款. ★laundress / 5lR:ndrIs; `lRndrIs/ n woman who earns money by laundering 洗熨女工; 洗衣妇. ★launderette (also laundrette) / 9lR:ndE5ret, lR:n5dret; lRn`dErZt/ n business where the public may wash and dry their clothes, etc in coin-operated machines 自助洗衣店(有投币洗衣机设备). ★laundromat / 5lR:ndrEmAt; `lRndrE9mAt/ n (propr 专利名 esp US) launderette 自助洗衣店. ★laundry / 5lR:ndrI; `lRndrI/ n 1 [C] (a) business where clothes, sheets, etc are laundered 洗衣店: sent to the laundry 送往洗衣店 * [attrib 作定语] a laundry van 洗衣店货车. (b) room in a house, hotel, etc where clothes, sheets, etc are laundered (家庭、 旅馆等的)洗衣房. 2 [U] clothes, sheets, etc that have been or need to be laundered 洗熨好的或需洗熨的衣物: There's not much laundry this week. 本星期的洗熨衣物不多. * Did you do the laundry today? 你今天洗熨过衣物吗? * [attrib 作定语] a laundry basket 供盛洗熨衣物的篮子. ★Laureate / 5lCrIEt; 5lR:r-; `lRrIIt/ n = Poet Laureate (poet). ★laurel / 5lCrEl; 5lR:rEl; `lRrEl/ n 1 [C] evergreen shrub with smooth glossy leaves 月桂类; 月桂树. 2 (also laurels [pl]) wreath of laurel leaves, used by the ancient Greeks and Romans as an emblem of victory or honour 桂冠(月桂树叶编成的花环, 古希腊人与罗马人用作胜利或荣誉的象徵). 3 (idm 习语) gain/win one's `laurels win fame or honour 赢得荣誉. look to one's `laurels beware of losing one's position of superiority 意识到可能丧失优越的或优势的地位: There are so many good new actors around that the older ones will soon have to look to their laurels. 新演员人才辈出, 老演员不久就地位难保了. rest on one's laurels => rest1. ★lav / lAv; lAv/ n (infml 口) lavatory 厕所. ★lava / 5lB:vE; `lBvE/ n [U] 1 hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano (火山喷出的)熔岩: a stream of lava 熔岩流. =>illus at volcano 见volcano插图. 2 type of rock formed from this when it has cooled and hardened 火山岩. ★lavatory / 5lAvEtrI; -tR:rI; `lAvE9tRrI/ n 1 (also dated 旧亦作 `water-closet) device, usu consisting of a bowl connected to a drain, used for disposing of waste matter from the body 抽水马桶. 2 room, building, etc equipped with this device (有抽水马桶的)厕所. =>Usage at toilet 用法见toilet. ★lavender / 5lAvEndE(r); `lAvEndL/ n [U] 1 (a) plant with sweet-smelling pale purple flowers 薰衣草(开淡紫色花, 味香). (b) its dried flowers and stalks used to give linen, etc a pleasant smell 乾薰衣草的花及茎(用以薰香衣物等). 2 pale purple colour 淡紫色. ★lavender-water n [U] delicate perfume made from lavender 薰衣草香水. ★lavish / 5lAvIF; `lAvIF/ adj 1 ~ (in/of/with sth); ~ (in doing sth) giving or producing generously or in large quantities 慷慨的; 大方的: He was lavish with his praise for/lavish in praising the project. 他对那计画赞不绝口. 2 plentiful; abundant 丰富的; 大量的: a lavish display, meal, reception 铺张的展示、 饭菜、 招待. ★lavish v (phr v) lavish sth on/upon sb/sth give sth to sb/sth abundantly and generously 慷慨而大量地给某人[某事物]: lavish care on an only child 对独生子女关怀备至. ★lavishly adv. ★law / lR:; lR/ n 1 [C] rule established by authority or custom, regulating the behaviour of members of a community, country, etc (具体的)法, 法律, 法规, 法令: The new law comes into force next month. 新法规下月实施. 2 [U] (also the law) body of such rules (整体的)法, 法律, 法规, 法令: respect for tribal law 遵守部落的法规 * observe/obey the law 守法[遵法] * Stealing is against the law. 盗窃是违法的. * Children not admitted by law. 儿童不准进入--有法律规定. * I didn't know I was breaking the law, ie doing sth illegal. 我并不知道自己已违法. * be within/outside the law 在法律许可之内[之外] * She acts as if she's above the law, ie as if the law does not apply to her. 她自以为可以凌驾法律之上. * The law is on our side, ie We are right according to the law. 我们是有法律依据的. 3 [U] such rules as a science or subject of study 法律学; 法学: read (ie study) law at university 在大学攻读法律学 * He gave up law to become a writer. 他放弃学法律而从事写作. * [attrib 作定语] a law student 法律系学生. 4 [C] rule of action or procedure, esp in the arts or a game 规则(尤指艺术或比赛中的): the laws of perspective, harmony 透视法、 和声法 * the laws of tennis 网球规则. 5 [C] factual statement of what always happens in certain circumstances; scientific principle 规律; 法则; 定律; 原理: the law of gravity 引力定律 * the laws of motion 运动定律. 6 the law [sing] (infml 口) the police 警方; 警察: Watch out here comes the law! 注意--警察来了! 7 (idm 习语) the arm of the law => arm1. be a law unto one`self/it`self behave in an unconventional or unpredictable fashion 以反常规的或不可预料的方式行事: My car's a law unto itself I can't rely on it. 我的汽车自行其是--靠不住了. go to `law (against sb) ask the lawcourts to decide about a problem, claim, etc 提起诉讼; 打官司. have the `law on sb (infml 口) report sb to the police; start legal proceedings against sb 向警方告发某人; 对某人提出起诉: If you do that again I'll have the law on you. 你要是再那样做, 我就报警. law and `order situation in which the law is obeyed 法治: a breakdown in/of law and order 法治的衰败 * establish, maintain, uphold, etc law and order 建立、 维护、 坚持...法治 * [attrib 作定语] a law-and-order policy 法治方针. the law of `averages principle according to which one believes that if one extreme occurs it will be matched by the other extreme occurring, so that a normal average is maintained 平均律. the law of the `jungle the survival or success of the strongest or the most unscrupulous 丛林法则; 弱肉强食. lay down the `law say with (real or assumed) authority what should be done 以(真的或假的)权威资格说话: He's always laying down the law about gardening but he really doesn't know much about it. 他总是对园艺工作发号施令, 其实他只是一知半解. the letter of the law => letter. possession is nine points of the law => possession. take the law into one's own `hands disregard the law and take independent (and usu forceful) action to correct sth believed to be wrong 无视法律而私行(通常用武力)惩治. there's no law against sth (infml 口) (doing) sth is allowed (做)某事是许可的: I'll stay in bed as long as I like there's no law against it. 我在床上爱呆多久就呆多久--谁也管不著. an unwritten law/rule => unwritten. ★lawful / -fl; -fEl/ adj 1 allowed by law; legal 合法的; 法定的: take power by lawful means 用合法的手段取得权力. 2 [esp attrib 尤作定语] recognized by law 法律承认的: his lawful heir 合法继承人. ★lawfully / -fElI; -fElI/ adv. ★lawless adj (a) (of a country or area) where laws do not exist or are not enforced (指国家或地区)没有法律的, 未实施法律的. (b) (of people or actions) without respect for the law (指人或行为)不法的, 不遵守法律的: a lawless mob looting and destroying shops 洗劫和破坏商店的一群无法无天的暴民. ★lawlessly adv. ★lawlessness n [U]. ★law-abiding adj obeying the law 遵守法律的: law-abiding citizens 安分守己的公民. ★law agent (Scot 苏格兰) solicitor 律师. ★law-breaker n person who disobeys the law; criminal 犯法的人; 罪犯. lawcourt (also court of law) n room or building in which legal cases are heard and judged 法庭; 法院. Cf 参看 court1 1. ★Law Lord (in Britain) member of the House of Lords who is qualified to perform its legal work (英国)上议院执掌司法工作的议员. ★lawmaker n person who makes laws; legislator 立法者; 立法机关成员. ★lawsuit (also suit) n process of bringing a dispute, claim, etc before a court of law for settlement 诉讼. ★Parkinson's law / 5pB:kInsnz lR:; 9pBrkInsEnz `lR/ (joc 谑) idea that work will always take as long as the time available for it 帕金森定律(只要时间许可, 工作总得拖拉到最後). ★lawn / lR:n; lRn/ n [C, U] area of closely-cut grass in the garden of a house or a public park, or used for a game 草坪; 草地: In summer we mow our lawn once a week. 夏天我们一周给草坪刈草一次. * The house has half an acre of lawn. 这座房子有半英亩草坪. * a `croquet lawn 槌球场. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page vii. ★lawn-mower n machine for cutting the grass on lawns 割草机. ★lawn tennis (fml 文) = tennis. ★lawn / lR:n; lRn/ n [U] type of fine linen used for dresses, etc 上等细麻布. ★lawyer / 5lR:jE(r); `lRjL/ n person who is trained and qualified in legal matters, esp a solicitor 律师; (尤指)事务律师: Don't sign anything until you've consulted a lawyer. 未请教律师, 不要随便签字. Cf 参看 advocate n 2, attorney 2, barrister. ★lax / lAks; lAks/ adj not sufficiently strict or severe; negligent 不严格的; 不严厉的; 疏忽的: lax security, behaviour, regulations 不严谨的保安措施、 行为、 规则 * He's too lax with his pupils. 他对小学生管教太松. ★laxity / 5lAksEtI; `lAksEtI/ n [U]. ★laxly adv. ★laxative / 5lAksEtIv; `lAksEtIv/ n, adj (medicine, food or drink) causing or helping the bowels to empty 缓泻的; 通便的; 泻药; 有通便作用的饮食: If you're constipated you may need a laxative. 便秘时可服用泻剂. ★lay / leI; le/ v (pt, pp laid / leId; led/) ★lay * PLACING SOMETHING IN A CERTAIN POSITION OR ON A SURFACE 将某物置於某位置或某物表面 1 (a) [Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a] put (sth/sb) in a certain position or on a surface 将(某物[某人])置於某位置或某物表面: lay the book on the table 把书放在桌上 * lay the blanket over the sleeping child 给睡著的孩子盖毯子 * lay oneself down to sleep 躺下睡觉 * He laid his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上. * The horse laid back its ears. 那匹马将耳朵竖到後面. * The storm laid the crops flat. 暴风雨把庄稼刮倒了. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] put (sth) in the correct position for a particular purpose (为某目的)将(某物)摆放於适当位置: lay a carpet, cable, pipe 铺地毯、 架电缆、 敷管道 * lay the foundations of a house 给房子打地基 * lay the table, ie put plates, cutlery, etc on it for a meal 摆设餐具准备吃饭 * A bricklayer lays bricks to make a wall. 砖瓦匠是砌砖垒墙的. * They are laying new sewers along the road. 他们正在沿路敷设新的排水管道. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ A (on/over B); ~ B with A spread sth (on sth); cover or coat sth with sth (在某物上)摊开某物; 用某物覆盖或附加一层某物: lay the paint evenly 均匀地涂上颜料 * lay straw everywhere 四处铺上稻草 * lay carpeting on the floor/lay the floor with carpeting 铺地毯. =>Usage at lie2 用法见lie2. ★lay * CAUSING SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING TO BE IN A CERTAIN STATE 使某人或某物处於某状态 3 [Tn.pr] (fml 文) cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain state or situation 使(某人[某事物])处於某状态或情况: lay sb under an obligation (ie oblige sb) to do sth 使某人承担做某事的义务 * lay new laws before parliament 向议会提交新法令供审议. 4 [Tn] cause (sth) to settle 使(某物)沉降, 安顿: sprinkle water to lay the dust 洒水使尘土落下. 5 [Tn] make (sth) smooth or flat 使(某物)平顺或伏贴: using hair cream to lay the hair sticking up at the back 用发乳把後面竖起的头发弄服帖. 6 [Tn] (fml 文) cause (sth) to be less strong; allay 使(某事物)减轻, 平息, 缓解: lay sb's fears, doubts, suspicions, etc 消除某人的恐惧、 疑虑、 怀疑等. ★lay * OTHER MEANINGS 其他意义 7 [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n, Dn.f no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ sth (on sth) bet (money) on sth; place (a bet) 就某事赌(钱); 压(赌注): gamblers laying their stakes in roulette 在轮盘赌上压赌注的赌徒 * How much did you lay on that race? 那场赛马你下了多少赌注? * I'll lay you 5 that she won't come. 我看她不来了, 我愿跟你赌5英镑. 8 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ( sl 讳, 俚) (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman) (指男子)与(某女子)性交;  : get laid 挨 . 9 [I, Tn] (of birds, insects, etc) produce (eggs) (指鸟、 虫等)产(卵): The hens are not laying well (ie not producing many eggs) at the moment. 现在那些母鸡不爱下蛋. * The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵. * new-laid eggs at 90p a dozen 90便士一打的鲜蛋. 10 (in some combinations of lay + n + prep/infinitive, having the same meaning as a v related in form to the n 某些lay + n + prep/infinitive的组合, 其意义与该名词形式相关的动词相同, 如 lay the emphasis on certain points = emphasize certain points): lay stress on neatness, ie stress it 强调整齐 * Who should we lay the blame on? ie Who should we blame? 我们该责备谁? * lay (one's) plans (ie plan) to do sth 计画做某事 * lay a trap for (ie prepare to trap) sb 将某人诱入圈套. 11 (idm 习语) lay it `on (`thick/with a `trowel) (infml 口) use exaggerated praise, flattery, etc 夸大地赞扬、 恭维等: To call him a genius is laying it on a bit (too thick)! 把他称为天才是有点过分了. (For other idioms containing lay, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 与lay搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 lay one's hands on sb/sth => hand1; lay sth bare => bare1.) 12 (phr v) lay a`bout one (with sth) hit out in all directions 向四周挥打: As we approached her, she laid about her with a stick. 我们接近她时, 她就挥棒乱打. lay about sb/sth (with sth) attack sb/sth with words or blows 用言语或拳、 棒等攻击某人[某事物]: She laid about him, calling him a liar and a cheat. 她攻击他, 说他说谎、 是个骗子. ★lay sth aside (fml 文) (a) put sth aside 把某事物放在一边: I laid my book aside, turned off the light and went to sleep. 我把书放在一边, 关了灯睡觉. (b) abandon sth; give sth up 抛弃或放弃某事物: lay aside one's studies, one's responsibilities 放弃学业、 责任. (c) (also lay sth by) keep sth for future use; save sth 留存某物以备将来之用; 储存某物: lay some money aside for one's old age 积钱防老. ★lay sth away (US) pay a deposit on sth to reserve it until full payment is made 付定钱购某物, 俟货款付齐再行交货. ★lay sth down (a) store (wine) in a cellar, etc 将(酒)贮存於地窖等: lay down claret 贮存乾红葡萄酒. (b) (begin to) build sth (开始)建造某物: lay down a new ship, railway track 建造新船、 新铁路. (c) (fml 文) cease to perform sth; give sth up 停止行使某事物; 放弃某事物: lay down one's office, duties 放弃职务、 中止义务. lay sth down; lay it `down that... give sth as a rule, principle, etc; establish 制定规则、 原则等: You can't lay down hard and fast rules. 规则不能定得太严太死. * It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam. 根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试. ★lay sth in provide oneself with a stock of sth 储备某物: lay in food, coal, supplies, etc 储存食物、 煤、 供应品等. ★lay into sb/sth (infml 口) attack sb/sth violently, with words or blows 用言语或拳、 棒等猛烈攻击某人[某事物]: He really laid into her, saying she was arrogant and unfeeling. 他痛斥她, 说她傲慢又无情. ★lay off (sb) (infml 口) stop doing sth that irritates, annoys, etc 不再做打扰人、 讨人厌等的事: Lay off! You're messing up my hair! 住手!你把我的头发都弄乱了! * Lay off him! Can't you see he's badly hurt? 别碰他! 你没看见他伤得很厉害吗? lay `off (sth) (infml 口) stop doing or using sth harmful, etc 不再做或使用有害的事物等: I've smoked cigarettes for years, but now I'm going to lay off (them). 我抽烟很多年了, 现在打算戒了. * You must lay off alcohol for a while. 在一段时期内你必须禁酒. lay sb `off dismiss (workers), usu for a short time 解雇(工人)(通常为短期): They were laid off because of the lack of new orders. 由於没有新的定货, 他们遭暂时解雇. ★lay sth on (a) supply (gas, water, etc) for a house, etc (给住房等)供应(煤气、 水等): We can't move in until the electricity has been laid on. 我们得等电源接通後才能搬进去. (b) (infml 口) provide sth; arrange sth 提供某事物; 安排某事物: lay on a party, show, trip 组织娱乐会、 展览会、 出游 * lay on food and drink 提供食物和饮料 * Sightseeing tours are laid on for visitors. 已为来访者安排了观光活动. ★lay sb out knock sb unconscious 打昏(某人): The boxer was laid out in the fifth round. 那个拳击手在第五回合中被击昏在地. lay sth `out (a) spread sth out ready for use or to be seen easily 展开某物(为备用或易见): beautiful jewellery laid out in the shop window 陈列在橱窗里的漂亮珠宝 * Please lay out all the clothes you want to take on holiday. 请把你想带去度假的衣服摊开看看. (b) (often passive 常用於被动语态) arrange sth in a planned way 有计划地安排某事物: lay out a town, garden 设计城市、 布置花园 * a well laid out magazine 设计得精美的杂志. (c) (infml 口) spend (money) 花 (钱): I had to lay out a fortune on that car. 我得为那辆汽车花上一大笔钱. (d) prepare (a corpse) for burial 给(尸体)作敛葬准备. ★lay over (US) stop at a place on a journey 旅途中停留: We laid over in Arizona on the way to California. 我们在赴加利福尼亚州途中曾在亚利桑那州停留. Cf 参看 stopover (<(stop||stop>>1). ★lay sb up (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) cause sb to stay in bed, not be able to work, etc 使某人卧床、 不能工作等: She's laid up with a broken leg. 她因腿伤卧床. * I've been laid up with flu for a week. 我患流感已在家休息一个星期了. lay sth up (a) save sth; store sth 保留某物; 储存某物: lay up supplies, fuel, etc 储备供应品、 燃料等. (b) put (a vehicle, ship, etc) out of use 将(车、 船等)搁置不用: lay a ship up for repairs 让船进坞修理 * My car's laid up at the moment. 我的汽车闲著没用. lay sth up (for oneself) ensure by what one does or fails to do that one will have trouble in the future (自)找麻烦: You're only laying up trouble (for yourself) by not mending that roof now. 你不趁现在修理房顶将来给自己找麻烦. ★lay n ( sl esp sexist 讳, 俚, 尤含性别偏见) partner in sexual intercourse (esp a woman) 性交的对方(尤指女方): an easy lay, ie a person who is ready and willing to have sexual intercourse 性关系随便的人. ★layaway n [U] (US) system of reserving goods by putting a deposit on them until full payment is made 预约购货法(预付定金留货, 付足供款後始予交货的制度): She buys her Xmas presents on layaway. 她用预约购货法购买圣诞礼物. ★lay-off n (a) dismissal of a worker, usu for a short time 解雇工人(通常为短期): many lay-offs among factory workers 工人中许多暂遭解雇的人. (b) period of this 暂时解雇期: a long lay-off over the winter 长达一冬的暂时解雇. ★layout n way in which the parts of sth are arranged according to a plan 安排; 设计; 布局; 编排: the layout of rooms in a building 建筑物内房间的布局 * a magazine'sattractive new page layout 某杂志醒目而新颖的版面编排. ★lay-over n (US) short stop on a journey 旅途中的短期停留. Cf 参看 stopover (stop1). ★lay / leI; le/ adj [attrib 作定语] 1 not belonging to the clergy 非神职的: a lay preacher 非神职的讲道者. 2 (a) not having expert knowledge of a subject 非专业的; 外行的: lay opinion 外行的竟见 * speaking as a lay person 说外行话. (b) not professionally qualified, esp in law or medicine 不合职业资格的(尤指在法律或医学方面). ★layman / -mEn; -mEn/ n (pl -men / -mEn; -mEn/) 1 person who does not have an expert knowledge of a subject 外行; 门外汉: a book written for professionals and laymen alike 为专业人员和外行人写的书. 2 Church member who is not a clergyman or priest 普通教徒(有别於神职人员). ★lay / leI; le/ n (arch 古) poem that was written to be sung; ballad 供吟唱的诗; 民歌; 民谣. ★lay pt of lie. ★lay figure / 9leI 5fIgE(r); 9le`fI^L/ wooden figure of the human body with jointed movable limbs, used as a model by artists (艺术家用的四肢可活动的)木制人体模型. ★lay-by / 5leI baI; `le9baI/ n (pl lay-bys) (Brit) (US rest stop) area at the side of a road where vehicles may stop without obstructing the flow of traffic 路侧停车处. ★layabout / 5leIEbaUt; `leE9baJt/ n (Brit infml 口) lazy person who avoids work 懒人; 不务正业的人. ★Heaviside layer / 9hevIsaId 5leIE(r); `hZvI9saId `leL/ (physics 物) part of the earth's atmosphere that reflects medium-frequency waves 亥维赛层, 海氏层, E电离层(地球大气中反射中频电波的大气层). Cf 参看 ionosphere (ion). ★layer / 5leIE(r); `leL/ n 1 thickness of material (esp one of several) laid over a surface or forming a horizontal division 层(尤指数层中之一): Several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one thick one. 穿几层薄的衣服总比穿一层厚的衣服暖. * a layer of dust on the furniture 家具上的一层尘土 * a layer of clay in the earth 地下的一层黏土 * remove layers of old paint 去除层层旧颜料. =>illus 见插图. 2 (preceded by an adj 用於形容词之後) hen that lays eggs 产卵鸡; 卵用鸡: apoor, good, etc layer 产卵少、 多...的鸡. 3 (in gardening) shoot2(1) fastened down for layering (园艺)压条. ★layer v [Tn] 1 arrange (sth) in layers 将某物积成层: layer lime and garden clippings to make compost 把石灰和修剪下的枝叶分层堆积做堆肥 * layered hair, ie cut to several differing lengths 分层削短的头发. 2 (in gardening) cause (a shoot2(1)) to take root while still attached to the parent plant (园艺)用压条法使(嫩枝)生根. ★layer cake cake consisting of layers with fillings of cream, etc between 夹层蛋糕. ★layette / leI5et; le`Zt/ n set of clothes, nappies, rugs, etc for a new-born baby 新生儿全套用品(婴儿服、 尿布、 毯子等). ★layman => lay2. ★laze / leIz; lez/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (about/around) be lazy; rest; relax 懒散; 闲散; 松散: lazing by the river all day 整天在河边闲荡 * spend the afternoon lazing around (the house) (在家里)闲散地度过一下午. 2 (phr v) laze sth away spend (time) idly 懒散地打发(时光): You can't go on lazing your life away. 你可不能一直懒散地过一辈子. ★lapis lazuli / 9lApIs 5lAzjUlI; 5lAzElI; `lApIs`lAzElI/ n (a) [U, C] bright-blue semi-precious stone 天青石; 青金石. (b) [U] colour of this 天蓝色: [attrib 作定语] a sea of ,lapis lazuli `blue 天蓝色的大海. ★lazy / 5leIzI; `lezI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 unwilling to work; doing little work 不愿工作的; 懒惰的; 懒散的: He's not stupid, just lazy. 他倒不笨, 就是懒. 2 showing or causing a lack of energy or activity 懒洋洋的; 无精打采的; 令人发懒的: a lazy yawn 懒洋洋的呵欠 * a lazy summer evening 令人发懒的夏日黄昏 * We spent a lazy day at the beach. 我们在海滩上度过了闲散的一天. ★lazily adv: a river flowing lazily beside the meadow 在草泽旁缓缓流著的河. ★laziness n [U]. ★lazy-bones n (infml 口) lazy person 懒骨头; 懒虫; 懒人. ★lazy Susan (US) = dumb waiter (dumb). ★lb abbr 缩写 = (pl unchanged or lbs 复数或不变或作lbs) pound (weight) (Latin libra) (源自拉丁文libra): apples 20p (ie 20 pence) per lb 苹果每磅20便士 * Add 2lb sugar. 加两磅糖. Cf 参看 oz. ★lbw / 9el bi: 5dQblju:; 9Zl bi `dQblju/ abbr 缩写 = (in cricket) leg before wicket. ★LCD / 9el si: 5di:; 9Zl si `di/ abbr 缩写 = (electronics 电子) liquid crystal display 液晶显示. ★Sqn Ldr abbr 缩写 = Squadron Leader 空军少校: Sqn Ldr (Philip) Jones 皇家空军少校(菲利普·)琼斯. ★lea / li:; li/ n (arch 古) area of open grassland; meadow 草原; 草地. ★LEA / 9el i: 5eI; 9Zl i `e/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit) Local Education Authority 地方教育局: an ,LEA `study grant 地方教育局助学金. ★leach / li:tF; litF/ v 1 [Tn] make (liquid) percolatethrough soil, ore, ash, etc 使(液体)过滤. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p]~ sth from sth; ~ sth out/away remove (soluble matter) from sth by the action of a percolating fluid 滤去某物中的(可溶物质): leach minerals from the soil 滤去土壤中的矿物质. ★lead / led; lZd/ n 1 [U] (chemistry 化) heavy soft metal of dull greyish colour, used for water pipes, in roofing, as a radiation shield, etc and which is mixed with other metals to form alloys 铅. =>App 10 见附录10. 2 [C, U] (thin stick of) graphite used as the part of a pencil that makes a mark 铅笔心. 3 [C] (nautical 海) lump of lead fastened to a cord, used for measuring the depth of water beneath a ship 测深锤. 4 leads/ ledz; lZdz/ [pl] (a) strips of lead used to cover a roof (铺屋顶用的)铅皮, 长条铅板. (b) area of roof (esp flat) covered with these 铅皮铺的屋顶. (c) framework of lead strips holding glass panes, eg in a lattice window 固定玻璃的铅框(如格子窗上的). 5 (idm 习语) swing the lead => swing1. ★leaded / 5ledId; `lZdId/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] covered or framed with lead 铅皮覆盖的; 铅框的: leaded windows, glass 铅框窗户、 镶有铅框的玻璃. ,leaded `light small panel of leaded glass, esp coloured, forming part of a larger window 花饰铅条窗(尤指彩色的, 为大窗的一部分). ★leaden / 5ledn; `lZdn/ adj 1 dull, heavy or slow 沉闷的; 沉重的; 缓慢的: the leaden atmosphere of the museum 博物馆里那沉滞的气氛 * a leaden heart 沉重的心 * moving at a leaden pace 沉重而缓慢地移动. 2 lead-coloured; dull grey 铅灰色的; 暗灰色的: leaden clouds promising rain 预示有雨的铅灰色的云. 3 [attrib 作定语] (dated 旧) made of lead 铅制的: leaden pipes 铅管. ★leading / 5ledIN; `lZdIN/ n [U] (in printing) space between lines of print (印刷术中的)行间距. ★lead pencil stick of graphite enclosed in a wooden or metal holder, used for writing or drawing 铅笔. ★lead-poisoning n diseased condition caused by taking lead into the body 铅中毒. ★lead / li:d; lid/ n 1 [U, sing] guidance given by going first or in front; example 带领; 领头; 榜样: He's the chief trouble-maker; the others just follow his lead. 他是首要的捣乱分子, 其余的人只是跟著学的. 2 [sing] distance by which one competitor, etc is in front 领先的距离: have a lead of three metres, two lengths, half a lap, etc 领先三米、 两个自首至尾的距离、 半圈等 * The company has built up a substantial lead in laser technology. 该公司在激光技术方面已大大领先. 3 the lead [sing] first place or position 首位; 最先的地位: move/go into the lead 进入领先地位 * take (over) the lead (from sb)/lose the lead (to sb) (从某人处)夺得领先地位; 将领导地位丧失(给某人). 4 [C] principal part in a play, etc; person who plays this part 剧中的主角; 扮演主角的演员: play the lead in the new West End hit 在伦敦西区群众喜闻乐见的新戏中担任主角 * [attrib 作定语] the lead guitarist of the group 队中第一吉他手. 5 [C] (in card-games) act or right of playing first (纸牌戏中)首先出牌, 首先出牌权: Whose lead is it? 谁先出牌? 6 [C] piece of information or evidence that might provide the solution to a problem; clue 线索: The police are investigating an important new lead. 警方正在调查一条重要的新线索. 7 [C] (also leash) strap or cord for leading or controlling a dog 系狗用的带子或绳索: You must keep your dog on a lead in the park. 在公园里要牵著你的狗. 8 [C] length of wire conveying electrical current from a source to a place of use 导线; 引线. 9 (idm 习语) follow sb's example/lead => follow. give (sb) a `lead (a) encourage others by doing sth first 带头做某事以鼓励他人: The Church should give more of a lead on basic moral issues. 教会应当就基本道德问题多做出些榜样. (b) provide a hint towards the solution of a problem 提示解决问题的线索. take the `lead (in doing sth) set an example for others to follow 为他人树立榜样. ★lead story (journalism 新闻) item of news made to appear most prominent in a newspaper or coming first in a news broadcast (报纸或新闻广播的)头条新闻. ★lead / li:d; lid/ v (pt, pp led / led; lZd/) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (a) show (sb) the way, esp by going in front 给(某人)指路; (尤指)领路: lead a guest to his room 领客人到他自己的房间 * He led the group out into the garden. 他把那些人领出去进了花园. (b) guide or take (sb/sth) by holding, pulling, etc 带领(某人[某物])(扶著、 牵著等): lead a blind man across the road 领著一盲人过马路 * She grasped the reins and led the horse back. 她抓住 绳把马牵了回去. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.t] ~ sb (to sth) influence the actions or opinions of sb 引导某人; 影响某人的言行: He's too easily led. 他太容易受人左右了. * What led you to this conclusion? 你是怎样得出这个结论的? * Don't be led astray (ie tempted to do wrong) by him. 不要被他引入歧途. * Her constant lying led me to distrust everything she said. 她总撤谎, 我完全不相信她的话了. 3 [Ipr, Ip] be a route or means of access 通; 达: This door leads into the garden. 此门通往花园. 4 [Ipr] ~ to sth have sth as its result 导致某种结果: This misprint led to great confusion. 这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆. * Your work seems to be leading nowhere, ie achieving nothing. 你的工作似乎不会有什麽结果. 5 [Tn] have a certain kind of life (used esp with the ns shown) 过某种生活(尤与所示名词连用): lead a miserable existence, a life of luxury, a double life, etc 过悲惨的生活、 豪华的生活、 双重人格的生活等 * decide to lead a new life 决定过新生活. 6 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb/sth) (in sth) be in first place or ahead of (sb/sth) 处於首位或领先於(某人[某事物]): The champion is leading by eighteen seconds. 该冠军领先十八秒. * lead the world in cancer research 在癌症研究方面走在世界前列. 7 [I, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb/sth) (into sth) be the leader or head of (sb/sth); direct; control 为(某人[某事物])的领袖或首脑; 率领; 指挥: I'll take part, but I won't want to lead. 我参加, 但不想当领导. * lead an army, an expedition, a strike 领导军队、 探险、 罢工 * lead a discussion, the singing, the proceedings 引导讨论、 指挥唱歌、 主持程序 * Who is to lead the party into the next election? 谁率领该党参加下次选举? 8 [Tn] (in card games) play (sth) as one's first card (纸牌戏中)首先出(某牌): lead trumps, the two of clubs, etc 先出王牌、 梅花2等. 9 [Ipr] ~ with sth (a) (journalism 新闻) have sth as the main news item 以(某事物)作主要新闻: We'll lead with the dock strike. 我们把码头工人罢工当作头条新闻. (b) (in boxing) use (a particular punch) to begin an attack (拳击)以(某一拳法)出击: lead with one's left/right 以左[右]拳出击. 10 (idm 习语) all roads lead to Rome => road. the blind leading the blind => blind1. lead sb by the `nose make sb do everything one wishes; control sb completely 牵著某人的鼻子走; 完全控制某人. lead sb a (merry) `dance cause sb a lot of trouble, esp by making him follow from place to place 给某人造成极大麻烦(尤指令其跟著东奔西跑). lead a `dog's life be constantly worried, troubled or miserable 过狗一般的生活(长期忧虑、 痛苦或悲伤). lead sb a `dog's life make sb's life wretched 使某人生活痛苦不堪. lead sb to the `altar (dated or joc 旧或谑) marry sb 与某人结婚. lead sb to believe (that)... cause sb to believe (sth that is false or uncertain) 使某人相信(某假事或不确之事). lead sb up the garden `path deceive sb 欺骗某人. lead the `way (to sth) go first; show the way 先行; 带路: Our scientists are leading the way in space research. 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位. 11 (phr v) lead (sth) off start (sth) 开始(某事): Her recital led off/She led off her recital with a Haydn sonata. 她在独奏会上首先演出的是海顿的奏鸣曲. lead sb on (infml 口) persuade sb to believe or do sth by making false promises or claims 劝诱某人相信或做某事: The salesman tried to lead me on with talk of amazing savings on heating bills. 推销员竭力怂恿我, 说可以节省一大笔取暖费用. lead up to sth prepare, introduce or go before sth 於某事之先作准备、 引进或进行: the events leading up to the outbreak of war 导致战争爆发的事件. ★lead-in n 1 introduction to a subject, etc 引子; 引言; 引论: He told an amusing story as a lead-in to the serious part of his speech. 他讲了一个有趣的故事作他演说中重要内容的引子. 2 wire connecting an aerial to a radio or television set (收音机或电视机天线的)引入线. ★leader / 5li:dE(r); `lidL/ n 1 person or thing that leads 领导者; 领袖; 首领; 指挥者; 起引导作用的事物: the leader of an expedition, a gang, the Opposition, etc 考察队领队、 团伙头目、 反对党领袖等 * He is well up with the leaders (ie the leading competitors) at the half-way stage of the race. 比赛进行到一半时他已和最先的几名赛者并驾齐驱了. 2 (music 音) (US `concert-master) principal first violinist of an orchestra (管弦乐队中的)首席小提琴手. 3 (law 律) principal counsel in a court case 居主导地位的讼务律师. 4 = leading article (leading). 5 blank strip at the beginning of a tape, film, etc used to help when threading into a machine (磁带、 胶卷等前端的)空白段. 6 (botany 植) long thin shoot growing from a stem or branch, esp of fruit trees, usu cut back in pruning (茎或枝上的)顶枝(尤指果树的). ★leaderless adj: a leaderless rabble 无领导的暴民. ★leadership n 1 [U] being a leader 作为领导者; 领导: the responsibilities of leadership 领导的责任 * [attrib 作定语] a leadership crisis 领导者地位的危机. 2 [U] ability to be a leader 领导能力: qualities of leadership necessary in a team captain 任领队的领导素质 * [attrib 作定语] leadership potential 领导潜力. 3 [CGp] group of leaders 领导人员; 领导层: calling for firm action by the union leadership 工会领导人号召采取坚决行动. ★Leader of the House (in Britain) member of the government in the House of Commons or Lords who arranges and announces the business of the House (英国)下议院或上议院的议长. ★leading / 5li:dIN; `lidIN/ adj [attrib 作定语] 1 most important; chief 最重要的; 主要的: one of the leading writers of her day 她那个时代最重要的作家之一 * play a leading role in sth 在某事中起主要作用. 2 in first position(s) 首位的; 前列的: the leading runners 跑在前面的人. ★leading article (also leader) (Brit journalism 新闻) principal newspaper article by the editor, giving opinions on events, policies, etc; editorial (报纸的)社论. ★leading edge forward edge of an aircraft's wing (飞机机翼的)前缘. ★leading lady, leading man actor taking the chief part in a play, etc (戏剧等中)演主角的演员. ★leading light (infml approv 口, 褒) prominent member of a group (一组织中的)重要人物: one of the leading lights of our club 我们俱乐部的重要人物. ★leading question question that is worded so as to prompt the desired answer 诱导性询问(希望按询问者的意思回答的). ★leading-rein n (a) long rein used for leading a horse 缰绳. (b) (also `walking rein) strap attached to a lightweight harness worn by a young child who has just learnt to walk 缚住学行幼儿的带子. ★leaf / li:f; lif/ n (pl leaves / li:vz; livz/) 1 [C] one of the (usu green and flat) parts of a plant, growing from a stem or branch or directly from the root 叶子: lettuce, cabbage, etc leaves 苣、 洋白菜等的叶子 * sweep up the dead leaves 扫枯叶. 2 [C] sheet of paper (esp forming two pages of a book) 叶; 页; (尤指书或本中有两个印刷面的)张: carefully turn over the leaves of the precious volume 小心翻动珍本书的书页 * a loose leaf of paper lying on the desk 脱落在书桌上的一页纸. 3 [U] metal, esp gold or silver, in the form of very thin sheets 金属薄片; (尤指)金箔, 银箔: gold leaf 金箔. 4 [C] hinged flap or detachable section used to extend a table-top (延长桌面的)折面或活面. 5 (idm 习语) come into/be in `leaf grow/be covered with leaves 长出[长满]叶子. shake like a leaf => shake1. take a leaf out of sb's `book copy sb; act or behave in a similar way to sb 模仿某人; 行为或举止学某人. turn over a new leaf => new. ★leaf v (phr v) leaf through sth turn over the pages of (a book, etc) quickly; glance through sth 快速翻(书页等); 浏览某物: leaf idly through a magazine while waiting 等候时无聊地浏览杂志. ★leafage / 5li:fIdV; `lifIdV/ n [U] leaves collectively; foliage 叶子(总称). ★leafless adj having no leaves 无叶的. ★leafy adj (-ier, -iest) (a) covered in or having many leaves 多叶的; 长满叶子的: a leafy forest, branch, bush 树叶茂密的森林、 树枝、 灌木. (b) consisting of leaves 由叶子构成的: leafy vegetables 叶状蔬菜. (c) made or caused by leaves 叶子制的; 由叶子造成的: a leafy shade 叶子形成的荫. ★leaf-mould n [U] soil or compost consisting mostly of decayed leaves (主要由腐叶组成的)腐叶土. ★leaflet / 5li:flIt; `liflIt/ n 1 printed sheet of paper, usu folded and free of charge, containing information 散页印刷品; (通常指)传单: pick up a leaflet about care of the teeth 拿起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单. 2 (botany 植) small leaf 小叶. ★league / li:g; li^/ n 1 group of people or countries combined for a particular purpose 联盟; 同盟: the League of Nations 国际联盟. 2 group of sports clubs competing against each other for a championship (参赛运动队的)联盟: the local darts league 地方掷镖俱乐部联盟 * [attrib 作定语] the league champions 联赛冠军 * bottom of the league table 联赛成绩名次表上的末尾. 3 (infml 口) class or category of excellence (好坏的)等级, 范畴: They're not in the same league. 他们不属同一级别. * I'm not in his league. 我不是他那一类人. * be out of one's league, ie outclassed 不如与自己同类的人. 4 (idm 习语) in league (with sb) conspiring together; allied 共谋; 联合: He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league (together). 他装著不认识她, 其实他们暗中勾结(在一起). ★league v (phr v) league together form a league; unite 组成联盟; 联合: We must league together against this threat. 面对这种威胁我们必须联合起来. ★league / li:g; li^/ n (arch 古) former measure of distance (about 3 miles or 4.8 km) 里格(旧时长度单位, 约3英里或4.8公里). =>App 5 见附录5. ★leak / li:k; lik/ n 1 (a) hole, crack, etc through which liquid or gas may wrongly get in or out 漏洞; 裂隙: a leak in the roof, ie allowing rain to enter 屋顶的裂隙 * a leak in the gas pipe, ie allowing gas to escape 煤气管上的裂缝 * a slow leak in a bicycle tyre 自行车内胎上的细孔. (b) liquid or gas that passes through this 泄出的液体或气体: smell a gas leak 闻出有泄出的煤气味. 2 similar escape of an electric charge, caused by faulty insulation, etc 漏电(因绝缘不良等). 3 (fig 比喻) accidental or deliberate disclosure of secret or confidential information 泄露或透露的秘密或情报: the latest in a series of damaging leaks 一系列危害性泄密事件中最新的一椿. 4 ( sl 讳, 俚) act of urination 撒尿: have/take/go for a leak 撒尿. 5 (idm 习语) spring a leak => spring3. ★leak v 1 (a) [I] (of a container) allow liquid or gas to get in or out wrongly (指容器)漏: This boat leaks like a sieve, ie very badly. 这条船漏得像个筛子. (b) [I, Ipr, Ip] (of liquid or gas) get in or out in this way (指液体或气体)渗入或逸出: The rain's leaking in. 雨水在往里渗. * Air leaked out of the balloon. 空气自气球中逸出. =>Usage at drip1 用法见drip1. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) reveal (information) 透露或泄露(情报): Who leaked this to the press? 这件事是谁泄露给新闻界的? 3 (phr v) leak out (of information) become known (指情报)泄露, 透露: The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out. 这些细节原属秘密, 可是不知怎麽给泄露出去了. ★leakage / 5li:kIdV; `likIdV/ n 1 [C, U] (instance of) leaking 渗漏; 泄露: a leakage of toxic waste 有毒废物的渗漏 * (fig 比喻) The leakage of technological secrets is reaching alarming proportions. 技术秘密的泄露已达到惊人的程度. 2 [C] thing that has leaked 渗漏物. ★leaky adj ?ihaving holes or cracks that leak 漏的; 有漏隙的; 有裂缝的: a leaky ship, kettle, roof 漏的船、 壶、 屋顶. ★lean / li:n; lin/ adj (-er, -est) 1 (of people and animals) without much flesh; thin and healthy (指人或动物)瘦的: a lean athletic body 瘦而矫健的身体. 2 (of meat) containing little or no fat (指肉)脂肪少的, 无脂肪的: lean beef 瘦牛肉. 3 [esp attrib 尤作定语] (a) small in amount or quality; meagre 少量的; 质量低的; 贫乏的: a lean diet, harvest 量少的饮食、 收获. (b) (of a period of time) not productive (指一段时间)产量低的: lean years 歉岁 * a lean season for good films 好影片不多的一段时期. ★lean n [U] lean part of meat 瘦肉: a lot of fat but not much lean 肥肉多瘦肉少. ★leanness / 5li:nnIs; `linnIs/ n [U]. ★lean / li:n; lin/ v (pt, pp leant / lent; lZnt/ or leaned /li:nd; lind/) =>Usage at dream2 用法见dream2. 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] be in a sloping position; bend 倾斜; 弯曲; 屈身: lean out of the window, back in one's chair, over to one side, etc 探身窗外、 仰靠椅背、 俯向一侧等 * Just lean forward for a moment, please. 请稍稍向前弓一下身. 2 [Ipr] ~ against/(up)on sth rest on sth in a sloping position for support 倚靠在某物上: a ladder leaning against the wall 倚著墙的梯子 * The old man leant upon his stick. 那个老先生拄著个手杖. * lean on sb's arm, one's elbows, etc 靠在某人的手臂上、 支撑在两肘上. 3 [Tn.pr] ~ sth against/on sth cause sth to rest against sth 使某物靠在另一物上: The workmen leant their shovels against the fence and went to lunch. 那些工人把 铁 往篱笆上一靠就吃午饭去了. 4 (idm 习语) bend/lean over backwards => backwards (backward). 5 (phr v) lean on sb (infml 口 esp US) try to influence sb by threats 威胁或恐吓某人: If they don't pay soon we'll have to lean on them a little. 要是他们不马上付款, 我们就得给他们加点压力了. lean (up)on sb/sth (for sth) depend on sb/sth 依靠某人[某事物]: lean upon others for guidance 依靠别人的指导 * lean on his friends' advice (他)听信朋友们的意见. lean towards sth have a tendency towards sth 倾向: He leans towards more lighthearted subjects in his later works. 他在後期的创作中倾向於比较轻松的主题. ★leaning n tendency; inclination 倾向; 爱好: have a leaning towards socialism/have socialist leanings 有社会主义倾向. ★lean-to n small building or shed with its roof resting against the side of a larger building, wall or fence 披屋; 单坡棚: They keep hens in a lean-to at the end of the garden. 他们在园子尽头处的单坡棚里养母鸡. * [attrib 作定语] a lean-to greenhouse 单斜面温室. ★leap / li:p; lip/ v (pt, pp leapt / lept; lZpt/ or leaped /li:pt; lipt/) =>Usage at dream2 用法见dream2. 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] jump vigorously 跳; 跳跃: The cat leapt from the chair. 猫从椅子上跳开了. * (fig 比喻) My heart leapt for joy at the news. 我听到这个消息心情万分激动. * A frog leapt out. 一只青蛙一跃而出. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] move quickly in the specified direction; rush 迅速向某方向运动; 冲; 窜: leap to the telephone, into one's car, upstairs 冲过去抓电话、 一头钻进汽车里、 冲上楼去 * (fig 比喻) They leapt to stardom with their first record. 他们录制了第一张唱片, 一跃而入明星行列. 3 (a) [Tn] jump over (an obstacle) 跳过(障碍): leap a gate, puddle, ditch, etc 跳过大门、 水洼、 壕沟等. (b) [Tn.pr] ~ sth over sth cause (a horse, etc) to jump over (an obstacle) 使(马等)跃过(障碍): leap a horse over a fence 策马跃过篱笆. =>Usage at jump2 用法见jump2. 4 (idm 习语) jump/leap to con`clusions => conclusion. ,look before you `leap (saying 谚) consider the possible consequences before taking action 慎思而後行. 5 (phr v) leap at sth accept sth eagerly, without hesitation 迫不及待地接受某事物: She leapt at the chance to go to America. 她立刻抓住时机赴美. * leap at an opportunity, offer, invitation, etc 立刻抓住机会、 接受提议、 接受邀请等. ★leap n 1 vigorous jump 跳; 跳跃: He crossed the garden in three leaps. 他跳三步就跨过了花园. 2 (fig 比喻) rapid increase or change 激增; 骤变: a leap in prices, oil production, the number of people out of work 价格、 石油产量、 失业人数激增. 3 (idm 习语) by/in ,leaps and `bounds very rapidly 非常迅速: Her health is improving by leaps and bounds. 她的健康迅速好转. a leap/shot in the dark => dark1. leaping adj [attrib 作定语] moving up and down quickly and irregularly 跃动的; 跳跃的: leaping waves, flames, etc 翻腾的波浪、 跳动的火焰. ★leap-frog n [U] game in which each player in turn leaps with parted legs over another who is bending down 跳背游戏. v (-gg-) [Tn] leap over (sb) in this way 跳过(某人)(作跳背游戏). ★leap year one year in every four years, with an extra day (29 February) 闰年. ★learn / l\:n; l[n/ v (pt, pp learnt / l\:nt; l[nt/ or learned / l\:nd; l[nd/) =>Usage at dream2 用法见dream2. 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tw, Tt] ~ (sth) (from sb/sth) gain knowledge or skill by study, experience or being taught 学; 学习: I can't drive yet I'm still learning. 我还不会开车--我仍在学. * learn from one's mistakes 从错误中学 * learn a poem by heart, ie memorize it 背熟一首诗 * She learns languages with ease. 她学语言不费劲. * learn (how) to swim, to walk, to fly, etc 学习游泳、 走路、 飞行等. 2 [Ipr, Tn, Tf, Tw] ~ (of/about) sth become aware of (sth) through information or observation; realize 获悉; 得知; 认识到: I'm sorry to learn of/about your illness. 听说你病了, 我十分难过. * I never learned his name. 我从未听说过他的名字. * learn (that) it's no use blaming other people 认识到埋怨别人是没有用的 * learn what it means to be poor 领悟贫困的含义. 3 (idm 习语) learn one's `lesson learn what to do or not to do in future by noting the results of one's actions 汲取教训: I'll never do that again; I've learned my lesson! 我再也不做那种事了, 我已有了教训! show sb/know/learn the ropes => rope. you/we live and learn => live2. ★learned / 5l\:nId; `l[nId/ adj 1 having much knowledge acquired by study 有学问的; 博学的: learned men 学者 * He's very learned but rather absent-minded. 他很有学问, 可是好忘事. 2 of or for learned people 学术性的; 为学者的: learned journals, societies, language 学术刊物、 团体、 语言 * the learned professions, eg law, medicine 有学识的职业(如法律、 医学) * (law 律) my learned friend, ie legal colleague (a term of courtesy) (法律界同行之间的敬称). ★learnedly adv: speak learnedly and at length 讲话有学问又很详尽. ★learner n person who is gaining knowledge or skill 学习者: I'm still only a learner, so don't expect perfection! 我还在学习, 别指望我十全十美! * a quick/slow learner 聪明的[迟钝的]学习者 * That car's being driven by a learner, ie a learner driver. 那辆汽车正由见习司机驾驶. ★learning n [U] knowledge obtained by study 学问; 学识; 知识: a man of great learning 学识渊博的人. ★learner driver person who is learning to drive but has not yet passed the driving test 见习司机. ★lease / li:s; lis/ n 1 contract by which the owner of land, a building, etc allows another person to use it for a specified time, usu in return for rent (土地、 房屋等的)租约, 租契: take out a lease on a holiday home 租妥一所度假住宅 * When does the lease expire? 租约什麽时候期满? * The lease has four years left to run. 租约还有四年到期. * (esp Brit) have a flat on a 99-year lease 有一套租期为99年的单元. =>Usage at tenant 用法见tenant. 2 (idm 习语) a new lease of life => new. ★lease v [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth (to/from sb) grant or obtain the use of (sth) in this way 出租; 租得: lease a car, building, field 租汽车、 房子、 土地 * The firm leases an office with views over the river. 公司租一个带临河风景的办事处. ★leasehold n ~ (of/on sth) (esp Brit) holding of property by means of a lease 租赁; 租赁权; 租赁期: have the leasehold on a house, etc 租得一所房子等. adj, adv: a leasehold property 租赁的房地产 * own a flat leasehold 对一套住房有租赁权. ★leaseholder n. Cf 参看 freehold (free1). ★leash / li:F; liF/ n 1 = lead2 7. 2 (idm 习语) hold sth in `leash restrain sth 抑制某事物: I managed to hold my anger in leash until she had gone. 我压住火儿她在场时没有发作. strain at the leash => strain1. ★least / li:st; list/ indef det, indef pron (used as the superlative of little2 用作little2的最高级) smallest in size, amount, extent, etc 最小的; 最少的; 最小; 最少. (a) (det): He's the best teacher even though he has the least experience. 他尽管经验最少, 但教得最好. * The least worry we have is about the weather. 我们最不担心的就是天气. * If you had only the least thought for others you would not have spoken out in that way. 你若稍为他人著想, 必不会那样说话. =>Usage at much 用法见much. (b) (pron): That's the least of my anxieties. 那是我最不担心的. * It's the least I can do to help. 这是我能帮忙做的最起码的事了. * She gave (the) least of all towards the wedding-present. 她给的结婚礼物最少. ★least adv 1 to the smallest extent 最少; 最小: just when we least expected it 偏偏在我们最想不到的时候 * He disliked many of his teachers and Miss Smith he liked (the) least. 很多老师他都不喜欢, 最不喜欢的是那个女教师史密斯. * She chose the least expensive of the hotels. 她选了一家最便宜的旅馆. * one of the least performed of Shakespeare's plays 莎士比亚戏剧中演得最少的一出. 2 (idm 习语) at least (a) if nothing else is true; at any rate 反正; 无论如何: She may be slow but at least she's reliable. 她迟钝是迟钝, 但无论如何她很可靠. (b) not less than 至少: at least 3 months, 3, 10 inches 至少3个月、 3英镑、 10英寸. ,least of `all to an insignificant degree 最不; 尤其: Nobody need worry, you least of all/least of all you. 谁也不必担心, 尤其是你. * Least of all would I lie to you. 我最犯不上对你撒谎了. ,not in the `least absolutely not; not at all 绝对不; 一点也不: It doesn't matter in the least. 那绝对不要紧. * `Would you mind if I put the television on?' `No, not in the least.' `我开电视机影响你吗?'`一点都不影响.' not least especially; in particular 尤其是; 特别是: The film caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described. 那影片招致许多人的反感, 尤其是工人不满其中对工人生活的描写. last but not least => last2. ★leastways, leastwise advs (dialect or infml 方或口) or at least 或至少: There's no pub round here, leastways not that I know of. 附近没有酒店, 至少据我所知没有. ★leather / 5leTE(r); `lZTL/ n [U] 1 material made by tanning animal skins 皮革: This sofa is covered in real leather. 这沙发是真皮的. * [attrib 作定语] leather shoes, gloves, belts, etc 皮鞋、 皮手套、 皮带. 2 (idm 习语) hell for leather => hell. ★leatherette / 9leTE5ret; 9lZTE`rZt/ n [U] imitation leather 人造革; 人造皮. ★leathery / 5leTErI; `lZTErI/ adj as tough as leather 坚韧如皮革的: leathery skin, meat 粗而硬的皮肤、 嚼不动的肉. ★leather-jacket n grub of the crane-fly 大蚊的幼虫. ★leave / li:v; liv/ v (pt, pp left / left; lZft/) 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] go away from (a person or place) 离开(某人或某处): It's time for us to leave/time we left. 我们该走了. * The plane leaves Heathrow for Orly at 12.35. 飞机於12时35分自希思罗机场起飞前往奥利. 2 [I, Tn] cease to live at (a place), belong to (a group), work for (an employer), etc 不再居於(某地)、 不再归属(某团体)、 不再为(某雇主)工作等: He left England in 1964 and never returned. 他於1964年离开英国, 一去不返. * Many children leave school at 16. 很多学生16岁就毕业了. * My secretary has threatened to leave. 我的秘书威胁说要辞职. 3 [Cn.a, Cn.g] cause or allow (sb/sth) to remain in a certain condition, place, etc 使或让(某人[某事物])处某状态、 某地等: Leave the door open, please. 让门开著吧. * Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain. 别让她在外边雨中等著. 4 [Tn, Tn.pr] neglect or fail to take or bring (sth) 忽略或未拿或未带(某物): I've left my gloves on the bus. 我把手套落在公共汽车上了. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr] cause (sth) to remain as a result 使(某事物)留下而造成某结果: Red wine leaves a stain. 红葡萄酒能留下痕迹. * The accident left a scar on her leg. 那次事故後她的腿上留下了伤疤. 6 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for sb) hand over (sth) and then go away 留下, 交待下(某物): Did the postman leave anything? 邮递员什麽也没有留下吗? * Someone left you this note/left this note for you. 有人给你留下这张条子. 7 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth to sb give sth as a legacy to sb 将某物遗赠给某人: How much did he leave? 他遗留下多少钱? * She left you 500. 她遗留给你500英镑. * leave all one's money to charity 把所有的钱遗赠给慈善事业. 8 [Tn.pr] entrust (sth) to another person 将(某事物)托付给他人: You can leave the cooking to me. 做饭的事你尽可以交给我. * leave an assistant in charge of the shop/leave the shop in an assistant's charge 留下一店员照管店铺[把店铺交付给一店员照料]. 9 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (till/until sth) delay doing or having sth 暂时不做或不用某事物: Let's leave the washing-up till the morning. 餐具留到明天上午再洗吧. * I like to leave the best bits till last. 我喜欢把最好的留到最後. 10 [Tn] (mathematics 数) have (a certain amount) remaining 剩下(某量): Seven from ten/Ten minus seven leaves three, ie 107 = 3. 10减7得3. * There are six days left before we go. 离我们出发还剩下六天. 11 [Tn] have (sb) remaining alive 留下(某人)活在世上: He leaves a widow and two children. 他身後留下一个寡妇和两个孩子. 12 (idm 习语) be left at the `post be left far behind from the start (of a contest, etc) (比赛等)一开始就被远抛在後. keep/leave one's options open => option. leave/let sb/sth a`lone/`be not disturb or interfere with sb/sth 不打扰或不干预某人[某事物]: Leave me be! Go away! 别打扰我! 走开! * I've told you to leave my things alone. 我已经告诉过你不要动我的东西. leave a bad/nasty `taste in the mouth (of experiences) be followed by feelings of disgust, anger or shame (指经历)留下令人厌恶、 气愤或羞耻的感觉. leave sb `cold fail to move, interest or impress sb 未打动某人; 引不起某人的兴趣; 未使某人产生好感: Her emotional appeal left him completely cold. 她虽动情, 他却无动於衷. * Jellied eels leave me cold! 我可不喜欢吃鳗鱼冻! leave the `door open allow for the possibility of further discussion, negotiation, etc 门仍开著(有进一步讨论、 谈判等的可能): Although talks have broken down the door has beenleft open. 谈判虽中断, 但谈判的大门却未关. leave `go/`hold (of sth) release (sth) 松开(某物): Leave go of my arm you're hurting! 松开我的胳膊--你把我弄疼了! Cf 参看 let sb/sth go (let1). leave sb holding the `baby (infml 口) give sb unwanted responsibilities ?W把讨厌的事推给别人. leave sb in the `lurch (infml 口) abandon sb in an awkward situation 弃某人於困境. leave/make one's, its, etc, mark => mark1. leave it at `that (infml 口) say or do nothing more 就这样算了; 到此为止: We'll never agree, so let's just leave it at that. 我们绝不能取得一致意见, 还是到此为止吧. leave a lot, much, something, nothing, etc to be de`sired be very, etc (un)satisfactory 令人极(不)满意: Your conduct leaves a lot to be desired, ie is extremely unsatisfactory. 你的品行极须改进. leave the `room (euph 婉) go to the lavatory to relieve oneself 上厕所. leave no stone un`turned (to do sth) try every possible means 千方百计; 想方设法: They left no stone unturned in their search for the child's mother. 他们千方百计寻找孩子的母亲. leave sth out of ac`count/conside`ration fail to allow for sth; treat sth as unimportant 忽略某事; 不重视某事物. leave sb/be/go out on a limb => limb. leave sb to his own de`vices/to him`self allow or force sb to deal with problems unaided; not try to control sb 让某人独立处理问题; 不支配某人: He leaves his staff to their own devices as long as the work gets done he's happy. 他让手下人自行处理--只要工作能完成, 他就满意了. leave sb/sth to the tender mercy/mercies of sb/sth (ironic 反语) expose sb/sth to cruel or rough treatment by sb/sth 任某人[某事物]受他人[他事物]的粗暴对待: Never leave a silk shirt to the tender mercies of an automatic washing-machine. 切勿用自动洗衣机洗绸衬衫. leave/let well alone => well3. leave word (with sb) give a message (to sb) (给某人)留信息: Please leave word with my secretary if you can't come. 你要是不能来, 请给我的秘书留话. 13 (phr v) leave sth aside not consider sth; disregard 不考虑某事物; 忽视: Leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car? 费用多少不说, 且问我们真的需要再来一辆汽车吗? leave sb/sth behind (a) fail or forget to bring or take sb/sth 未能或忘记带某人[某物]: Wait don't leave me behind! 等等--别把我丢下! * It won't rain: you can leave your umbrella behind. 不会下雨, 你不必带伞了. (b) (fml 文) cause (signs of one's actions, an event, etc) to remain 留下(行为、 事件等的痕迹): a ruler who left behind a legacy of bitterness 使後人痛苦的统治者 * The storm left a trail of destruction behind. 暴风雨过後留下满目疮痍的景象. leave sb/sth for sb/sth abandon sb/sth in favour of sb/sth else 抛弃某人[某事物]而追求他人[他事物]: He left his wife for one of his students. 他抛弃妻子去追求他的一个学生. * leave advertising for a job in publishing 离开广告业到出版界觅职. leave `off stop 停止: Hasn't the rain left off yet? 雨还没停吗? leave off sth/doing sth (infml 口) stop sth/doing sth 停止某事[做某事]: It's time to leave off work. 是下班的时候了. * I wish you'd leave off whistling like that. 请你不要那样吹口哨了. leave sth off no longer wear sth 不再穿某物: Pullovers can be left off in this warm weather. 天气这麽暖和, 可以不穿套头毛衣了. leave sb/sth out (of sth) not include or mention; exclude; omit 不包括或不提及; 排除在外; 忽略掉: Leave me out of this quarrel, please I don't want to get involved. 请别把我拉入这场争吵中--我可不想牵连进去. * This word is wrongly spelt; you've left out a letter. 这字拼错了, 你漏了一个字母. leave sth over postpone sth 推迟某事: These matters will have to be left over until the next meeting. 这些事情只好留到下次会议再讨论了. ★leave / li:v; liv/ n 1 [U] time absent from duty or work 假; 假期: sick, shore, annual leave 病假、 离船上岸假、 年假 * a fortnight's leave 两周的假期. 2 [U] ~ to do sth (fml 文) (a) official permission to be absent from duty or work 准予做某事的假: be given leave to visit one's mother 获假探母. (b) permission 许可; 准许: She has my leave to see him. 她得到我的许可去看他. =>Usage at holiday 用法见holiday. 3 (idm 习语) beg leave to do sth => beg. ,by/,with your `leave (fml 文) with your permission 承蒙俯允. take French leave => French. ,leave of `absence permission to be absent (esp from an official or a military post) 准假(尤指准予离开公职或军务者): ask for leave of absence to attend a wedding 请假参加婚礼. on `leave absent with permission 休假中: He's just gone on leave. 他刚请假走了. take (one's) leave (of sb) (fml 文) say goodbye (向某人)告别; 离别. take ,leave of one's `senses (rhet or joc 修辞或谑) go mad 发疯: Have you all taken leave of your senses? 你们都疯了吗? without as/so much as a ,by your `leave (infml 口) without asking permission; rudely 擅自; 未经许可; 粗暴地. ★leave-taking n (fml 文) act of saying goodbye 告辞; 告别: a tearful leave-taking 洒泪而别. ★-leaved (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) having leaves of the specified type or number 有某种类型的叶的; 有若干叶片的: a broad-leaved plant * a three-leaved clover. ★leaven / 5levn; `lZvEn/ n [U] 1 substance (eg yeast) used to make dough rise before it is baked to make bread 酵母; 面肥. 2 (fig 比喻) quality or influence that makes people, an atmosphere, etc less serious, more lively, etc 使人、 气氛等轻松、 活跃等的因素: a lively artistic community, acting as the leaven in society 给社会增加生气的活跃的艺术团体. ★leaven v [Tn] 1 add leaven to (sth) 在(某物)中加酵母: leavened bread 发酵面包. 2 (fig 比喻) enliven (sth) 使(某事物)活跃. ★leaf / li:f; lif/ n (pl leaves / li:vz; livz/) 1 [C] one of the (usu green and flat) parts of a plant, growing from a stem or branch or directly from the root 叶子: lettuce, cabbage, etc leaves 苣、 洋白菜等的叶子 * sweep up the dead leaves 扫枯叶. 2 [C] sheet of paper (esp forming two pages of a book) 叶; 页; (尤指书或本中有两个印刷面的)张: carefully turn over the leaves of the precious volume 小心翻动珍本书的书页 * a loose leaf of paper lying on the desk 脱落在书桌上的一页纸. 3 [U] metal, esp gold or silver, in the form of very thin sheets 金属薄片; (尤指)金箔, 银箔: gold leaf 金箔. 4 [C] hinged flap or detachable section used to extend a table-top (延长桌面的)折面或活面. 5 (idm 习语) come into/be in `leaf grow/be covered with leaves 长出[长满]叶子. shake like a leaf => shake1. take a leaf out of sb's `book copy sb; act or behave in a similar way to sb 模仿某人; 行为或举止学某人. turn over a new leaf => new. ★leaf v (phr v) leaf through sth turn over the pages of (a book, etc) quickly; glance through sth 快速翻(书页等); 浏览某物: leaf idly through a magazine while waiting 等候时无聊地浏览杂志. ★leafage / 5li:fIdV; `lifIdV/ n [U] leaves collectively; foliage 叶子(总称). ★leafless adj having no leaves 无叶的. ★leafy adj (-ier, -iest) (a) covered in or having many leaves 多叶的; 长满叶子的: a leafy forest, branch, bush 树叶茂密的森林、 树枝、 灌木. (b) consisting of leaves 由叶子构成的: leafy vegetables 叶状蔬菜. (c) made or caused by leaves 叶子制的; 由叶子造成的: a leafy shade 叶子形成的荫. ★leaf-mould n [U] soil or compost consisting mostly of decayed leaves (主要由腐叶组成的)腐叶土. ★leaves pl of leaf. ★leavings / 5li:vINz; `livINz/ n [pl] what is left, esp sth unwanted or of little value; left-overs 剩余物; 残存物: Give our leavings (ie unwanted food) to the dog. 把我们吃剩的东西喂狗吧. ★lechery / 5letFErI; `lZtFErI/ n [C, U] (instance of) excessive interest in sexual pleasure 色欲; 淫荡. ★lecher / 5letFE(r); `lZtFL/ n (derog 贬) man who is always thinking about and looking for sexual pleasure 纵欲的人; 好色之徒. ★lecherous / 5letFErEs; `lZtFErEs/ adj having or showing an excessive interest in and desire for sexual pleasure 纵欲的; 好色的. ★lecherously adv. ★lectern / 5lektEn; `lZktLn/ n high sloping desk made to hold a lecturer's notes, a Bible in church, etc (台面倾斜供放讲稿的)讲台; (教堂中的)读经台. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page viii. ★lecture / 5lektFE(r); `lZktFL/ n 1 ~ (to sb) (on sth) talk giving information about a subject to an audience or a class, often as part of a teaching programme 演讲; 讲课: give/deliver/read a lecture 讲课[上课/讲学] * a course of lectures on Greek philosophy 希腊哲学系列讲演 * [attrib 作定语] a lecture tour 巡回讲演. 2 long reproach or scolding 冗长的训斥或谴责: The policeman let me off with a lecture about speeding. 那警察给我讲了一大顿注意车速的道理之後才让我走. * give sb a lecture, ie scold sb 训斥某人. ★lecture v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) give a lecture or series of lectures 作演讲; 讲课: Professor Jones is not lecturing this term. 琼斯教授这学期没课. * He is lecturing on Russian literature. 他正讲俄罗斯文学. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (for/about sth) scold or warn sb (about sth) (就某事)斥责或告诫某人: Do stop lecturing me! 别教训我了! * lecture one's children for being untidy/about the virtues of tidiness 训斥子女不讲整洁[训示子女注意整洁的美德]. ★lecturer / 5lektFErE(r); `lZktFErL/ n person who gives lectures, esp at a college or university 讲师. ★lectureship n post of lecturer (the lowest teaching grade at a British college or university) 讲师的职位. ★led pt, pp of lead. ★LED / 9el i: 5di:; 9Zl i `di/ abbr 缩写 = (electronics 电子) light-emitting diode 发光二极管. ★ledge / ledV; lZdV/ n 1 narrow horizontal shelf coming out from a wall, cliff, etc 水平的窄长架状突出物; 壁架; 岩石架: a window-ledge 窗台 * The climbers rested on a sheltered ledge jutting out from the cliff. 登山者在突出於峭壁处有遮挡的岩石架上休息. * a ledge for chalk beneath the blackboard 黑板下方的粉笔槽. 2 ridge of rocks under water, esp near the shore 暗礁, 岩礁(尤指近岸的). ★ledger / 5ledVE(r); `lZdVL/ n 1 book in which a bank, business firm, etc records its financial accounts 分类帐. 2 (music 音) =leger. ★lee / li:; li/ n [SING] 1 part or side of sth providing shelter against the wind 背风处: shelter in/under the lee of a hedge 躲避在树篱的背风处. 2 [attrib 作定语] (nautical 海) of or on the part or side away from the wind 背风面的; 下风的: the lee side of the ship 船的下风舷. Cf 参看 windward (wind1). ★lee shore (nautical 海) shore towards which the wind is blowing from the sea 下风岸. ★leech / li:tF; litF/ n 1 small blood-sucking worm usu living in water and formerly used by doctors to remove blood from sick people 水蛭; 蚂蟥. 2 (fig derog 比喻, 贬) person who hangs about other people hoping to obtain money, food, alcohol, etc 依附於他人希望获得钱、 食物、 酒等的人. 3 (arch or joc 古或谑) doctor 医生. 4 (idm 习语) cling/stick to sb like a `leech stay very close to sb; be difficult for sb to get rid of 依附於某人; 纠缠某人不放. ★leek / li:k; lik/ n vegetable related to the onion but with wider green leaves above a long white bulb 韭葱. =>illus at onion 见onion插图. ★leer / lIE(r); lIr/ n (usu sing 通常作单数) sly unpleasant look suggesting lust or ill will 挑逗性的或不怀好意的目光: He has a most unpleasant leer. 他目光猥亵, 十分讨厌. ★leer v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (at sb) look with a leer 用挑逗性的或含敌意的目光看: Go away; I don't enjoy being leered at. 走开, 我讨厌让人不怀好意地看著. ★leery / 5lIErI; `lIrI/ adj [pred 作表语] ~ (of sb/sth) (infml 口) wary; suspicious 机警; 怀疑: I tend to be a bit leery of cut-price `bargains'. 我对减价商品有点戒心. ★lees / li:z; liz/ n [pl] sediment at the bottom of a bottle of wine, etc; dregs (酒瓶等中的)沉淀物, 渣滓: Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees. 别摇晃瓶子, 要不沉淀就都搅起来了. ★leeward / 5li:wEd; `liwLd or, in nautical use, 作航海用语时读作 5lu:Ed; `luLd/ adj, adv on or to the side sheltered from the wind 背风(的); 下风(的); 在下风; 向下风: sandhills on the leeward side of the island 该岛下风处的沙丘. Cf 参看 windward (wind1). ★leeward n [U] (nautical 海) side or direction towards which the wind blows 背风面; 下风: steer to leeward 驶向背风面. Cf 参看 windward n (wind1). ★leeway / 5li:weI; `li9we/ n [U] 1 amount of freedom to move, change, etc that is left to sb (可供某人活动、 更动等的)余地: This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway. 这个旅行计划给我们留有很多自由活动的余地. * The parking space was big enough, but there wasn't much leeway, ie margin for error. 停车处大是够大, 但并没有什麽回旋余地. 2 sideways drift of a ship or aircraft, due to the wind (船或飞行器因风而致的)偏航, 漂移. 3 (idm 习语) make up `leeway recover lost time; get back into position 补偿失去的时间; 恢复原位: She's been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up. 她一个月没上学了, 有许多课业要补上. ★left pt, pp of leave. ★left-luggage office (Brit) (US `baggage room) place (at railway stations, etc) where luggage may be temporarily deposited (火车站等的)行李寄存处. ★left-overs n [pl] things remaining when the rest is finished, esp food at the end of a meal; leavings 残存物;剩余物; (尤指)残羹剩饭. =>Usage at rest3 用法见rest3. ★left / left; lZft/ adj, adv 1 of, on or towards the side of the body which is towards the west when a person faces north 在左边(的); 在左侧(的); 在左面(的); 向左方(的): Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right. 用左手写字的人比用右手的少. * Turn left here. 由此往左. * [attrib 作定语] (sport 体) left half, back, wing(er), etc 左前锋、 左後卫、 左翼(队员)等. Cf 参看 right5. 2 (idm 习语) about/left/right face =>face2. about/left/right turn => turn1. eyes right/left/front => eye1. have two left `feet (infml 口) be very clumsy 非常笨拙. ,left, right and `centre (infml 口) everywhere 处处: I've been looking for it left, right and centre where did you find it? 我前後左右都找遍了--你是在哪儿找到的呢? right and left => right5. ★left n 1 [U] left side or region 左边; 左侧; 左部: In Britain cars are driven on the left. 在英国汽车靠左侧行驶. * She was sitting immediately to my left. 她挨著我坐在我的左边. 2 [C] (in boxing and fist-fighting) (blow given with the) left hand (拳击中)左手, 左手拳: He knocked down his opponent with a powerful left. 他一记有力的左手拳将对手击倒. 3 the Left [Gp] (politics 政) (a) the left wing of a party or other group (党团的)左翼. (b) supporters of socialism in general (泛指)社会主义拥护者: a history of the Left in Europe/of the European Left 欧洲左翼政党史. ★leftist n, adj (politics 政) (supporter) of socialism 社会主义的; 社会主义拥护者. ★lefty (also leftie) n (infml 口) 1 (derog 贬) leftist 左派; 左派分子. 2 (esp US) left-handed person 左撇子. ★left bank bank of a river on the left side of a person facing downstream (河的)左岸(面向下游而言). ★left-hand adj [attrib 作定语?w] of or on the left 左边的; 左侧的; 在左面的: the left-hand side of the street 街的左侧 * a left-hand drive car, ie one with the steering wheel and other controls on the left-hand side 左侧驾驶的汽车. ,left-`handed adj 1 (of a person) using the left hand more easily or usually than the right (指人)惯用左手的, 左撇子的. 2 (of a blow) delivered with the left hand (指出击)用左手的. 3 (of a tool) designed for use with the left hand (指工具)为左手使用的: ,left-handed `scissors 左手用的剪刀. 4 (of a screw) to be tightened by turning towards the left (指螺丝钉)向左旋的. 5 (idm 习语) a ,left-handed `compliment compliment that is ambiguous in meaning and possibly ironic 暖昧的恭维(意思含混, 可能为反语). adv with the left hand 用左手: Do you always write left-handed? 你一向用左手写字吗? ★left-handedness n [U]. ,left-hander left-handed person or blow 惯用左手的人; 左撇子; 左手的一击; 左手拳. ★left wing (politics 政) supporters of a more extreme form of socialism than others in their party, group, etc 左翼; 左派: the left wing of the Labour Party 工党中的左翼. ★left-wing adj: ,left-wing ideas, intellectuals, `policies左翼思想、 左翼知识分子、 左倾政策. ★left-winger n supporter of the left wing 左翼分子. ★leg / leg; lZ^/ n 1 [C] one of the limbs of an animal's or person's body used for standing and walking 腿: have long, short, straight, crooked, skinny, sturdy, bandy, shapely, etc legs 有长、 短、 直、 曲、 皮包骨、 敦实、 罗圈、 匀称等的腿 * the powerful back legs of a frog 青蛙强有力的後腿 * the long thin legs of a spider 蜘蛛细长的腿 * a gammy (ie lame) leg 跛腿. =>illus at human 见human插图. 2 [C, U] this part of an animal used as food 动物的腿(用作食物): a leg of lamb 羊腿 * Would you like some leg or some breast (eg of turkey)? 你要腿肉还是胸脯肉(如火鸡)? 3 [C] part of a garment covering this limb 裤腿: The leg of my tights has torn. 我的裤袜的裤腿破了. * a trouser leg 一条裤腿. 4 [C] one of the supports of a chair, table, etc (桌椅等的)腿: a chair with one leg missing 缺一条腿的椅子. 5 [C] (a) section of a journey 一段行程: The last leg of our trip was the most tiring. 我们旅行的最後一段行程最累人. (b) (sport 体) one of a series of matches between the same opponents (一连串比赛中的)一局, 一场, 一项. 6 [U] (in cricket) part of the field to the left of the wicket-keeper and behind the batsman (板球)三柱门守门员左方与击球员後方之间的场地: long, short, square leg, ie fieldsmen at various positions there 在此场地远离击球员的、 靠近击球员的、 靠近三柱门的外场员 * [attrib 作定语] a leg break, ie a ball bowled so as to move away from this side 在此场地反弹後离开此场地的球 * a leg glance, ie a stroke by batsman that sends the ball there 击球员将球击入此场地的一击 * the leg stump, ie the stump nearest this 三柱门中最靠近此场地的一柱. 7 (idm 习语) as fast as one's legs can carry one => fast1 adv. be all `legs (derog 贬) have legs that are disproportionately long and thin 腿过分瘦长. be on one's/its last legs => last1. be on one's `legs (joc 谑) (a) be standing, esp to make a speech 站著(尤指演说). (b) (infml 口) (after an illness) be well enough to walk about (病後)康复至可以走动. Cf 参看 on one's hind legs (hind1). give sb a `leg up (infml 口) (a) help sb to mount a horse, climb a wall, etc 帮助某人上马、 登墙等. (b) (fig 比喻) use money or influence to help sb 用钱或影响力帮助某人. have hollow legs => hollow. have, etc one's tail between one's legs => tail. ,leg before `wicket (abbr 缩写 lbw) (in cricket) way in which a batsman may be out because of illegally obstructing, with a leg or some other part of the body, a ball that would otherwise have hit the wicket (板球中)击球员用腿或其他部位对可能击中三柱门的好球作违例阻挡而犯规出局. not have a ,leg to `stand on (infml 口) have nothing to support one's opinion, justify one's actions, etc (论点等)站不住脚; (对行为)无合理解释等. pull sb's leg=> pull2. shake a leg => shake1. show a leg => show2.stretch one's legs => stretch. talk the hind legsoff a donkey => talk2. walk one's legs off => walk1.walk sb off his feet/legs => walk1. ★leg v (idm 习语) `leg it (infml 口) go on foot 步行: It's no use, the car won't start we'll have to leg it. 没用了, 汽车发动不起来了--我们只好走著去了. ★leg-pull n (infml 口) hoax 欺骗; 戏弄. ★leg-pulling n [U]. ★leg-rest n support for a seated person's leg (病人坐时)搁腿的凳或架. ★leg-room n [U] space available for a seated person's legs (坐时)腿的活动空间: There's not much leg-room in these aircraft. 这些飞机的坐位没有什麽伸腿的空间. ★leg-warmers n [pl] outer coverings, usu woollen, for each leg from knee to ankle 暖腿套(通常为毛织品, 长自膝及於踝). ★leg work (infml 口) work involving much walking or travelling about to collect information, deliver messages, etc 跑腿活儿; 外勤: Being a detective involves a lot of leg work. 当侦探少不了跑腿的活儿. ★legacy / 5legEsI; `lZ^EsI/ n 1 money or property left to sb in a will 遗赠产; 遗赠的财物. 2 (fig 比喻) thing passed to sb by predecessors or from earlier events, etc 先人或过去遗留下来的东西: the cultural legacy of the Renaissance 文艺复兴时期的文化遗产 * His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的後遗症. Cf 参看 inheritance (inherit). ★legal / 5li:gl; `li^l/ adj 1 [attrib 作定语] of or based on the law 法律的; 依照法律的; 法定的: my legal adviser/representative, eg a solicitor 我的法律顾问[代表](如律师) * seek legal advice, ie consult a solicitor 找律师谘询 * take legal action, ie sue or prosecute 采取法律行动(提出诉讼或告发) * the legal age for drinking, driving, voting, etc, ie the minimum age for doing these things legally 喝酒、 驾驶、 选举等的法定年龄. 2 allowed or required by the law 法律许可的; 法律要求的; 合法的: Should euthanasia be made legal? 是否应将安乐死合法化? * (joc 谑) Why shouldn't I take a holiday? It's perfectly legal. 为什麽我就不该放假? 那是完全合法的嘛. ★legalism / 5li:gElIzEm; `li^l9IzEm/ n [U] (usu derog 通常作贬义) strict adherence to or excessive respect for the law 拘泥於法律条文; 墨守法规; 条文主义. ★legalistic adj. ★legally / 5li:gElI; `li^lI/ adv: be legally responsible for sth 对某事负法律责任 * a legally witnessed will 经合法签名作证的遗嘱. ★legal aid payment from public funds for or towards the cost of legal advice or representation 法律援助(由公共基金提供的法律服务费用). ★legal proceedings lawsuit 法定程序; 法律诉讼: take, begin, threaten, etc legal proceedings (against sb) (对某人)起诉, 提起诉讼, 以起诉相威胁. ★legal tender form of money that must be accepted if offered in payment 合法货币, 法定货币(用於偿付时必须接受的货币): The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了. ★legalize, legalise / 5li:gElaIz; `li^l9aIz/ v [Tn] make (sth) legal 使(某事物)合法化: Some people want to legalize the possession of cannabis. 有些人想将私有大麻合法化. ★legality / li:5gAlEtI; lI`^AlEtI/ n [U] state of being legal 合法: the legality of this action will be decided by the courts 这一行动的合法性将由法院裁定. ★legate / 5legIt; `lZ^It/ n ambassador of the Pope to a foreign country 罗马教皇的使节. ★legatee / 9legE5ti:; 9lZ^E`ti/ n (law 律) person who receives a legacy 遗产继承人. ★legation / lI5geIFn; lI`^eFEn/ n 1 [CGp] minister below the rank of ambassador, and his staff, representing his government in a foreign country 公使馆全体人员. 2 [C] this minister's official residence 公使馆. ★legato / lE5gB:tEU; lI`^Bto/ adj, adv (music 音) (to be played) in a smooth even manner 连奏(的). ★legend / 5ledVEnd; `lZdVEnd/ n 1 [C] story handed down from the past, esp one that may not be true 传奇; 传说: the legend of Robin Hood 罗宾汉传奇. 2 [U] such stories gathered together 民间传说; 稗史; 野史: exploits famous in legend and song 民间传说和歌谣中为人熟知的英雄事迹 * the heroes of Greek legend 希腊民间传说的英雄. 3 [C] (infml 口) famous event or person 传奇事件或人物: Her daring work behind the enemy lines is now legend. 她在敌後的英勇斗争业迹现在已是传奇美谈. * one of the great legends of pop music, Elvis Presley 流行摇滚乐伟大的传奇人物之一, 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利. 4 [C] (a) inscription on a coin or medal 硬币上的或奖章上的刻字. (b) (fml 文) words accompanying and explaining a map, picture, etc (地图、 图片等的)图例, 说明, 题词. 5 (infml 口) person who achieves great fame while still alive (在世的)当代名人: a legend in one's (own) lifetime 一生为人传颂的活伟人. 6 (idm 习语) a ,living `legend => living1. ★legendary / 5ledVEndrI; -derI; `lZdVEnd9ZrI/ adj 1 of or mentioned in legend 传奇的; 传说的; 传奇式的: legendary heroes 传奇英雄. 2 (infml 口) very well known; famous 有名的; 著名的: a legendary recording 著名的录音 * Her patience and tact were legendary. 她的耐心和机智是出名的. ★leger / 5ledVE(r); `lZdVL/ n (also `leger line, ledger, ledger line) (music 音) short line added above or below the staff to take notes which are outside its range 加线. =>illus at music 见music插图. ★legerdemain / 9ledVEdE5meIn; 9lZdVLdI`men/ n [U] (fml 文) 1 skilful performance of tricks using the hands; juggling; conjuring 花招; 戏法; 障眼法. 2 cunning or deceitful way of arguing 诡辩; 狡辩. ★-legged (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) having legs of the specified number or type 有若干条腿的; 有某类型的腿的: a ,three-legged `stool *,bare-legged * ,long-legged * ,cross-legged. ★leggings / 5legINz; `lZ^INz/ n [pl] protective outer coverings for the legs 绑腿; 裹腿: a pair of leggings 一副绑腿. ★leggy / 5legI; `lZ^I/ adj 1 having noticeably long legs 腿长的: a tall leggy girl in a short dress 穿著短连衣裙双腿修长的高个子姑娘 * a leggy newborn foal 新出生的细腿小马驹. 2 (of a plant) having a long thin stem (指植物)茎细而长的. ★legible / 5ledVEbl; `lZdVEbl/ adj (of print or handwriting) clear enough to be read easily (指印刷或字迹)清楚的, 易读的: The inscription was still legible. 铭文仍清晰可辨. Cf 参看 readable (read). ★legibility / 9ledVE5bIlEtI; 9lZdVE`bIlEtI/ n [U]. ★legibly / -EblI; -EblI/ adv: Please write more legibly. 请写清楚些. ★legion / 5li:dVEn; `lidVEn/ n 1 (a) battle unit of the ancient Roman army 古罗马军团: Caesar's legions 凯撒军团. (b) special military unit, esp of volunteers serving in the army of another country 特殊军团; (尤指志愿服务於他国军队中的)外籍军团: the French Foreign Legion 法国军队中的外籍军团. 2 large number of people 大批的人: This new film will please his legions of admirers. 这部新电影将得到他的广大影迷的欢迎. ★legion adj [pred 作表语] (rhet 修辞) very many; numerous 极多; 大批: Their crimes are legion. 他们的罪行罄竹难书. ★legionary / 5li:dVEnErI; -nerI; `lidVEn9ZrI/ n, adj (member) of a legion(1) 古罗马军团的(成员). ★legionnaire / 9li:dVE5neE(r); 9lidVE`nZr/ n member of a legion, esp of the French Foreign Legion 外籍军团成员(尤指法国的外籍军团中的). ★legionnaires disease (medical 医) form of bacterial pneumonia 退伍军人协会会员病(一种细菌性肺炎). ★legislate / 5ledVIsleIt; `lZdVIs9let/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (for/against sth) make laws 立法; 制定法律: It is the jobof Parliament to legislate. 立法是议会的工作. * It's impossible to legislate for every contingency. 为每一偶发事件都立法是不可能的. * legislate against racial discrimination 制定法律禁止种族歧视. ★legislation / 9ledVIs5leIFn; 9lZdVIs`leFEn/ n [U] (a) action of making laws 立法; 法律的制定: Legislation will be difficult and take time. 立法难且费时. (b) the laws made 法律; 法规: New legislation is to be introduced to help single-parent families. 新法规即将实施以匡助单亲家庭. ★legislative / 5ledVIslEtIv; -leItIv; `lZdVIs9letIv/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] law-making 立法的; 制定法律的: a legislative assembly, chamber, body, etc 立法会议、 会议厅、 机关等 * Legislative reform is long overdue. 立法方面的改革早该进行. ★legislator / 5ledVIsleItE(r); `lZdVIs9letL/ n (fml 文) member of a legislature 立法机关成员; 立法者. ★legislature / 5ledVIsleItFE(r); `lZdVIs9letFL/ n [CGp] (fml 文) body of people with the power to make and change laws 立法机关; 立法团体. ★legit / lI5dVIt; lI`dVIt/ adj (sl 俚) legitimate(1) 合法的: all legit and above-board 一切合法的和光明正大的 * a legit excuse 合法的解释. ★legitimate / lI5dVItImEt; lI`dVItEmEt/ adj 1 in accordance with the law or rules; lawful 法定的; 依法的; 合法的: the legitimate heir 法定继承人 * I'm not sure that his business is strictly legitimate, ie is legal. 我说不好他的生意是否绝对合法. 2 that can be defended; reasonable 正当的; 合理的: a legitimate argument, reason, case, etc 合乎情理的论据、 理由、 例子等 * Politicians are legitimate targets for satire. 政治家理所当然是讽刺的靶子. 3 (of a child) born to parents who are legally married to each other (指孩子)婚生的, 合法婚姻所生的. Cf 参看 illegitimate. 4 genuine 正统的: legitimate theatre, ie serious drama, not musicals, revues, etc 正统戏剧(非歌舞喜剧、 时事讽刺剧等). ★legitimacy / lI5dVItImEsI; lI`dVItEmEsI/ n [U] (fml 文): question the legitimacy of his actions 对他行为的合法性置疑. ★legitimately adv. ★legitimize, legitimise / lI5dVItImaIz; lI`dVItE9maIz/ v (fml 文) [Tn] make (sth) lawful or regular 使(某事物)合法, 正当或有合法地位: a court ruling that legitimized the position taken by the protestors 宣布抗议者采取的立场为合法的法庭裁决. ★legless / 5leglIs; `lZ^lIs/ adj 1 without legs 没有腿的. 2 [pred 作表语] (sl 俚) very drunk 大醉. ★legume / 5legju:m, lI5gju:m; `lZgjum, lI`^jum/ n 1 type of plant that has its seeds in pods, eg the pea and bean 豆科植物. 2 edible pod or seed of this (可食的)豆荚或豆. ★leguminous / lI5gju:mInEs; lI`^jumInEs/ adj of this family of plants 豆科植物的. ★lei / 5leIi:; `leI/ n (esp in Polynesian countries) garland of flowers worn around the neck (尤指波利尼西亚地区诸国人戴於颈上的)花环. ★leisure / 5leVE(r); 5li:VEr; `liVL/ n [U] 1 time free from work or other duties; spare time 空暇; 闲暇: We've been working all week without a moment's leisure. 我们整星期一直工作, 没有片刻空闲. * [attrib 作定语] leisure activities, eg sport, hobbies 康乐活动(如体育运动、 业余爱好) * leisure wear, ie casual clothing 便装. 2 (idm 习语) at leisure (a) (fml 文) not occupied 有空; 清闲: They're seldom at leisure. 他们难得清闲. (b) without hurrying 从容不迫; 不慌不忙: I'll take the report home and read it at leisure. 我把报告带回家去慢慢看. at one's `leisure when one has free time 有空时; 方便时. marry in haste, repent at leisure => marry. ★leisured / 5leVEd; `liVLd/ adj [attrib 作定语] having plenty of leisure 有空闲的: the leisured classes 有闲阶级. ★leisurely adj, adv without hurry 不慌不忙(的): walk at a leisurely pace 步态悠闲地走 * work leisurely 从容地工作. ★leisure centre public building with facilities for sports and recreational activities 业余活动中心. ★leitmotiv (also leitmotif) / 5laItmEUti:f; `laItmo9tif/ n 1 (music 音) short, constantly repeated, theme in an opera, symphony, etc associated with a particular person, thing or idea 主导主题; 主旋律. 2 (fig 比喻) any recurring feature 反覆出现的特徵: The leitmotiv of her speech was the need to reduce expenditure. 她讲话中一再强调的就是需要削减开支. ★lemming / 5lemIN; `lZmIN/ n small mouse-like rodent of the arctic regions which migrates in large numbers, often with many of the animals drowning in the sea 旅鼠(栖居极地一带的小型啮齿动物, 定期集体迁徙, 常径直入海溺亡): a lemming-like readiness to follow their leaders into certain disaster 象旅鼠一样盲目追随领袖赴汤蹈火. ★lemon / 5lemEn; `lZmEn/ n 1 (a) [C, U] oval yellow fruit with acidic juice used for drinks and flavouring 柠檬. =>illus at fruit 见fruit插图. (b) [C] (also `lemon tree) tree with glossy green leaves on which this fruit grows 柠檬树. 2 (also ,lemon `yellow) [U] pale yellow colour 柠檬黄; 淡黄色. 3 [C] (sl 俚) unsatisfactory or defective thing, esp a car 差的或有毛病的东西(尤指汽车). ★lemon curd (also lemon cheese) thick smooth jam made from lemons, sugar, eggs and butter 柠檬酪(由柠檬、 糖、 鸡蛋、 黄油制的果酱). ★lemon sole type of edible flatfish 柠檬鳎(可食用). ★lemon squash (Brit) sweet lemon-flavoured drink that is diluted with water 柠檬汁. ★lemon-squeezer n device for pressing the juice out of a lemon 柠檬榨汁器. ★lemonade / 9lemE5neId; 9lZmEn`ed/ n [U, C] (a) sweet fizzy drink 汽水. (b) drink made from lemon juice, sugar and water 柠檬水(柠檬汁加糖和水的饮料). ★lemur / 5li:mE(r); `limL/ n monkey-like animal of Madagascar that lives in trees and is active at night 狐猴(马达加斯加岛的树栖夜行动物). ★lend / lend; lZnd/ v (pt, pp lent / lent; lZnt/) 1 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (a) give or allow the use of sth temporarily, on the understanding that it will be returned 借出某物; 将某物借与(某人): Can you lend me 5? I'll pay you back tomorrow. 可以借我5英镑吗? 我明天还你. * I lent that record to John but never got it back. 我把那张唱片借给约翰了, 可是他再也没有还给我. (b) provide (money) for a period of time in return for payment of interest 贷(款): The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest. 银行竞相以低利率贷款. Cf 参看 borrow. 2 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sth) contribute or add sth to sth 提供或增添某事物: lend one's services 提供服务 * lend the occasion a little glamour 给这一场合增添一点光彩 * His presence lent dignity to the occasion. 有他出席这一场合就更形庄严. * A little garlic lends flavour to a sauce. 调味汁中加点蒜, 其味益增. 3 [Tn.pr] ~ sth to sth (fml 文) make an event, development, report, etc more believable, significant, etc (used esp with the ns shown) 使事情、 发展、 报道等更加可信、 意义更大等(尤与所示名词连用): lend credibility, credence, plausibility, etc to a report 使报道增加可信度、 可靠性、 接近真实的程度等 * This news lends some support to earlier reports of a ceasefire. 这一消息印证了先前有关停火的报道. 4 (idm 习语) give/lend colour to sth => colour1. lend an `ear (to sb/sth) listen patiently and sympathetically (to sb/sth) 耐心而同情地听著(某人的话[某事物]). lend (sb) a (helping) hand (with sth) give (sb) help (with sth) (在某事上)帮助(某人). lend oneself/one's name to sth (fml 文) allow oneself to be associated with sth 参与某事物: a man who would never lend himself to violence 决不参与暴力活动的人 * She lent her name to many worthy causes. 她参与了许多有意义的事情. 5 (phr v) lend itself to sth be suitable for sth 适合於某事物: a novel which lends itself well to dramatization for television 适合於拍成电视剧的小说. ★lender n person who lends 出借人; 贷方. Cf 参看 borrower (borrow). ★length / leNW; lZNW/ n 1 [U] measurement or extent from end to end 长度; 长: a river 300 miles in length 长300英里的河 * This room is twice the length of the other, but much narrower. 这个房间的长度是那个房间的两倍, 但窄得多. * a book the length of (ie as long as) `War and Peace' 像《战争与和平》篇幅那样长的书 * He jogged the length of the beach. 他沿海滩慢跑了一段距离. =>App 5, 11 见附录5、 11. =>illus at dimension 见dimension插图. 2 [U] amount of time occupied by sth 某事所用的时间: You spend a ridiculous length of time in the bath. 你洗澡用那麽长时间, 真不像话. * Size of pension depends on length of service with the company. 养老金的多少取决於为公司服务年限的长短. * a speech, symphony, ceremony, etc of considerable length 相当长的演说、 交响曲、 仪式等. 3 [C] extent of a thing used as a unit of measurement 作量度单位用之物的长度: This car will turn in its own length. 这种汽车可以在自身长度范围内掉头. * The horse/boat won the race by two lengths, ie by a distance equal to twice its own length. 那马[船]以两个自首至尾的距离领先赢得该场比赛. 4 [C] piece (of sth) (某物的)一段: timber sold in lengths of 5, 10 or 20 metres 圆木分别以5、 10或20米三种长度规格出售 * I need a length of wire or string to tie it with. 我需要一根铁丝或绳子来捆它. * a `dress length, ie a piece of cloth long enough to make a dress 一块连衣裙料. 5 (idm 习语) at arm's length => arm1. at length (a) (fml 文) after a long time; eventually; at last 经过一段长时间之後; 终於; 最後: At length the bus arrived, forty minutes late. 公共汽车终於来了, 晚了四十分钟. (b) taking a long time; in great detail; fully 长时间地; 详尽地; 充分地: discuss sth at some, great, excessive, etc length 比较、 极为、 过分等详细地讨论某事 * He went on at tedious length about his favourite hobby. 他仍不厌其详地讲他的业余爱好. (at) full length => full. go to any, some, great, etc `lengths (to do sth) be prepared to do anything, something, a lot, etc (to achieve sth) (为达到某目的)不顾一切, 不遗余力: They went to absurd lengths to keep the affair secret. 他们为了保密无所不用其极. * There are no lengths to which an addict will not go to obtain his drug. 瘾君子为了得到毒品什麽事都做得出来. * She even went to the length of driving me home. 她甚至不嫌麻烦开车把我送回家. keep sb at arm's length => arm1. the length and breadth of sth in or to all parts of sth 处处; 到处: travel the length and breadth of the British Isles 走遍不列颠群岛. measure one's length => measure1. ★-length (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词): a ,knee-length `dress * ,floor-length `curtains * a ,feature-length `film, ie about two hours long. ★lengthen v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become longer (使某物)变长: The days start to lengthen in March. 三月份白昼开始变长. * lengthen a skirt 把裙子放长. Cf 参看 shorten. ★lengthways (also lengthwise, longways, longwise) adv, adj with the shortest sides placed together; end toend 纵长(的); 纵向(的): The tables were laid lengthways.这些餐桌是纵向摆设的. ★lengthy / 5leNWI; `lZNWI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 very long 很长的: Lengthy negotiations must take place before any agreement can be reached. 要进行多次长时间谈判才能达成协议. 2 (derog 贬) tiresomely long; long and boring 冗长的; 长而乏味的: lengthy explanations, speeches, etc 冗长的解释、 讲话等. ★lengthily adv. ★lenient / 5li:nIEnt; `linIEnt/ adj not severe (esp in punishing people); merciful 宽大的(尤指惩罚人); 仁慈的: a lenient fine, law, view 不严苛的罚款、 法律、 意见 * I hope the judge will be lenient. 我希望法官宽大为怀. ★lenience / -Ens; -Ens/ (also leniency / -EnsI; -EnsI/)n [U] being lenient 宽大; 仁慈: a magistrate known for her leniency with first-time offenders 因对初犯宽宏大量而知名的女法官. ★leniently adv: treat sb leniently 宽待某人. ★lens / lenz; lZnz/ n (pl ~es) 1 piece of glass or other transparent material with one or more curved surfaces used to make things appear clearer, larger or smaller when viewed through it, and used in spectacles, cameras, telescopes, etc 透镜; 镜片. =>illus at camera, glasses (glass) 见camera、 glasses (glass) 插图. 2 (anatomy 解) transparent part of the eye, behind the pupil, that focuses light (眼球的)晶状体. =>illus at eye 见eye插图. ★Lent / lent; lZnt/ n (in the Christian religion) period from Ash Wednesday to Easter Eve, the forty weekdays observed as a time of fasting and penitence (基督教的)大斋期, 四旬斋(从大斋首日到复活节前夕为期四十天的斋戒和忏悔): give up chocolates, smoking, meat for Lent 在大斋期戒巧克力、 烟、 肉. ★Lenten / 5lentEn; `lZntEn/ adj [attrib 作定语] of Lent 大斋期的; 四旬斋的: Lenten services 大斋期的礼拜. ★lent pt, pp of lend. ★lentil / 5lentl; `lZntl/ n (a) plant grown for its small bean-like seeds 小扁豆. (b) its seed, usu dried, prepared as food 小扁豆(常指用作食物的乾豆): [attrib 作定语] lentil soup 小扁豆汤. ★lento / 5lentEU; `lZnto/ adj, adv (music 音) (played or to be played slowly) (指演奏)缓慢(的). ★Leo / 5li:EU; `lio/ n 1 [U] the fifth sign of the zodiac, the Lion 狮子宫(黄道第五宫). 2 [C] (pl ~s) person born under the influence of this sign 属狮子宫星座的人. =>Usage at zodiac 用法见zodiac. =>illus at zodiac 见zodiac插图. ★leonine / 5lIEnaIn; `liE9naIn/ adj (fml 文) of or like a lion 狮子的; 狮子般的: leonine dignity 狮子般的尊严. ★leopard / 5lepEd; `lZpLd/ n large African and S Asian flesh-eating animal of the cat family with a yellowish coat and dark spots 豹. =>illus at cat 见cat插图. ★leopardess / 5lepEdes; `lZpLdIs/ n female leopard 母豹. ★leotard / 5li:EtB:d; `liE9tBrd/ n close-fitting one-piece garment worn by acrobats, dancers, etc (杂技、 舞蹈等演员穿的)紧身连衣裤. ★leper / 5lepE(r); `lZpL/ n 1 person suffering from leprosy 麻疯病患者. 2 (fig 比喻) person who is rejected and avoided by others; outcast 被排斥或摈弃的人: His unpopular views made him a social leper. 他因见解不受欢迎而见弃於社会. ★leprechaun / 5leprEkR:n; `lZprE9kRn/ n (in Irish folklore) fairy in the shape of a little old man (爱尔兰民间传说中的)精灵(貌似矮小老人). ★leprosy / 5leprEsI; `lZprEsI/ n [U] infectious disease affecting the skin and nerves, causing disfigurement and deformity 麻疯病. ★lesbian / 5lezbIEn; `lZzbIEn/ n homosexual woman 同性恋女子. ★lesbian adj of or concerning lesbians 女性同性恋的: a lesbian relationship 女性同性恋关系. ★lesbianism n [U]. ★lese-majeste (also lese-majesty) / 9leIz5mVesteI; 9li:z5mdVIstI; `liz`mAdVIstI/ n [U] (French 法) 1 (law 律) crime or offence against a sovereign or government; treason 欺君罪; 犯上罪; 反政府罪; 叛逆罪. 2 (joc 谑) presumptuous behaviour from a junior person 僭越行为; 犯上行为: Firing senior staff without reference to the boss comes pretty close to lese-majeste. 不请示老板而解雇高级职员, 罪近欺君. ★lesion / 5li:Vn; `liVEn/ n (medical 医) 1 wound; injury 损害; 损伤: painful lesions on his arms and legs 使他四肢疼痛的损伤. 2 harmful change in the tissue of a bodily organ, caused by injury or disease (因伤、 病)身体器官组织的损伤: a lesion of the left lung 左肺的损伤. ★less / les; lZs/ indef det, indef pron ~ (sth) (than...) (used with [U] ns as the comparative of little2 作little2, ) not as much (as...); a smaller amount (of) 较少的; 更少的. (a) (det): less butter, sugar, time, significance 较少的黄油、 较少的糖、 较少的时间、 不太重要 * less coffee than tea 咖啡比茶少 * I received less money than the others did. 我比别人收到的钱少. * You ought to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer. 你应当少抽烟, 少喝啤酒. =>Usage at much 用法见much. (b) (pron): It seems less of a threat than I'd expected. 威胁性似比我预料的要小. * There's less to do in this job than the last. 这份工作没有上份工作量大. * `You must have paid 3000 for your car.' `No, (it was) less.' `你买的汽车得花3000英镑吧.'`不, 没那麽多.' * It's not far it'll take less than an hour to get there. 不远--到那儿用不了一个钟头. * The receptionist was less than (ie not at all) helpful when we arrived. 我们到达的时候接待员什麽忙也不帮. * It took less than no (ie very little) time to write a reply. 立即写好了回信. ★less adv ~ (than...) 1 to a smaller extent; not so much (as) 较少; 更少; 少: I read much less now than I did at school. 我现在看书远比我上学时少. * It rains less in London than in Manchester. 伦敦的降雨量比曼彻斯特少. * less colourful, expensive, hungry, intelligent, tired, etc 色彩不太丰富的、 价钱较便宜的、 不太饿的、 悟性较差的、 不那麽疲劳的 * less awkwardly, enthusiastically, often 不太笨拙地、 不热情地、 不常. 2 (idm 习语) any (the) less (used after not 用於not之後) to a smaller extent 较小; 更小; 少: She wasn't any (the) less happy for being on her own. 她并不因独自一人而稍有不悦. even/much/still less and certainly not 更不用说; 更何况: He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, still less speak to a room full of people. 他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思, 更不用说向一屋子人讲话了. less and less at a continually decreasing rate 越来越小地; 越来越少地: She found the job less and less attractive. 她发觉那工作越来越缺乏吸引力. * He played the piano less and less as he grew older. 他随著年龄的增长, 弹钢琴的次数越来越少了. the less, more, etc... the less, more etc... => the. more or less => more. no less (than...) as much as 不少於; 多达: We won 500, no less, in a competition. 我们在一场竞赛中赢了足足500英镑. * We won no less than 500 in a competition. 我们在一场比赛中赢了多达500英镑. ★less prep before subtracting (sth); minus 未扣除(某量); 减除: a monthly salary of 450, less tax and national insurance 月薪450英镑, 未扣除所得税和国民保险费 * send a cheque for the catalogue price, less 10% discount 按目录价格9折寄一张支票. ★less NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Less, instead of fewer, is now commonly and increasingly used with plural nouns 与复数名词连用时, 用less而不用fewer现很常见, 且日益普遍: There have been less accidents on this road since the speed limit was introduced. 自从实施速度限制, 这条路上的交通事故已经少些了. However, this is still thought to be incorrect English, and careful speakers prefer fewer 但是, 此用法仍视为误用, 言词谨慎者愿用fewer: fewer accidents 事故少些. ★-less / -lIs; -lIs/ suff 後缀 (used widely with ns to form adjs 可与许多名词结合构成形容词) without 无; 没有: treeless * hopeless. > -lessly (forming advs 用以构成副词): meaninglessly. -lessness (forming uncountable ns 用以构成不可数名词): helplessness. ★lessee / le5si:; lZs`i/ n (law 律) person who holds a building, land, etc on a lease 承租人; 租户. Cf 参看 lessor. =>Usage at tenant 用法见 tenant. ★lessen / 5lesn; `lZsn/ v 1 [I] become less 变少: The pain was already lessening. 疼痛正在减轻. 2 [Tn] reduce (sth) 减少(某事物): lessen the impact, likelihood, risk of sth 减少某事物的影响、 可能性、 冒险性. ★lesser / 5lesE(r); `lZsL/ adj [attrib 作定语] 1 not as great as the other(s) 较小的; 较少的; 次要的: one of the author's lesser works 该作者的一部次要的著作 * He's stubborn, and so is she, but to a lesser degree, ie not as much. 他很固执, 她也是, 只是程度差些. * one of the lesser lights (ie less prominent members) of his profession 他那一行的一个次要人物. 2 (idm 习语) the ,lesser of two `evils the less harmful of two bad choices 两害相权其中之轻者. ★lesson / 5lesn; `lZsn/ n 1 thing to be learnt by a pupil 课; 功课; 课业: The first lesson in driving is how to start the car. 学驾驶汽车的第一课是启动. 2 period of time given to learning or teaching 一节课: My yoga lesson begins in five minutes. 我五分钟後上瑜伽课. * She gives piano lessons. 她教授钢琴课. 3 ~ (to sb) experience from which one can learn; example 经验; 教训; 榜样: Let this be a lesson to you never to play with matches!把这件事当作你的教训, 再也不要玩火柴了! * His courage is a lesson to us all. 他很有勇气, 是我们大家的榜样. * We are still absorbing the lessons of this disaster. 我们从这场灾难中仍不断汲取教训. 4 (religion 宗) passage from the Bible read aloud during a church service (教堂礼拜中诵读的)圣经选段: The first lesson is taken from St John's Gospel. 第一段圣经选自《约翰福音》. 5 (idm 习语) learn one's lesson => learn. ★lessor / 5lesR:(r); `lZsRr/ n (law 律) person who lets a property on lease 出租人. Cf 参看 lessee. =>Usage at tenant 用法见tenant. ★lest / lest; lZst/ conj (fml 文) 1 for fear that; in order that...not 唯恐; 以免; 为不使: He ran away lest he (should/might) be seen. 他怕人家看见他而跑开了. * Lest anyone should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true. 我向你们保证那是真事, 以免有人觉得奇怪. 2 (used after fear, be afraid, be anxious, etc 用於fear、 be afraid、 be anxious等之後): She was afraid lest he might drown. 她担心他会淹死. ★let / let; lZt/ v (-tt-, pt, pp let) 1 [Cn.i no passive 不用於被动语态] (often with the infinitive omitted when the context is clear 连用的动词不定式在上下文清楚时常省略) allow (sb/sth) to 允许, 让(某人[某事物])...: Don't let your child play with matches. 别让孩子玩火柴. * My father's only just had his operation and they won't let me see him yet. 我父亲刚动过手术, 医生还不允许我去看他. * She asked me if she could leave but I wouldn't let her (leave). 她问我她是否可以走, 可我不让她走. 2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] allow (sb/oneself/sth) to go or pass in, etc 允许(某人[自己/某事物])进入, 通过: let sb into the house 允许某人进屋 * I'll give you a key to the flat so that you can let yourself in. 我把房门钥匙交给你, 你可以自己进去. * You've let all the air out of the tyres. 你让车胎的气都跑光了. * Let her past (you). 让她(从你身旁)过去吧. * Don't let the dog out (of the room). 别让狗跑到(房间)外面去. * The roof lets water through. 屋顶漏雨. * Windows let in light and air. 窗户可透光及通风. 3 [Cn.i no passive 不用於被动语态] (used as an imperative 用於祈使语气) (a) (with the first person plural to make a suggestion 与复数第一人称连用, 用以提出建议): Let's go to the cinema. 咱们看电影去吧. * I don't think we'll succeed but let's try anyway. 我想我们不一定能成功, 但是不管怎样还是试试吧. (b) (in requests and commands 用於要求与命令): Let the work be done immediately. 工作要马上完成. * Let there be no mistake about it, ie Don't misunderstand me. 不要误解我的意思. (c) (used to express an assumption, eg in mathematics 用以表示假设, 如於数学中): Let line AB be equal to line CD. 设AB线与CD线等长. * Let ABC be an angle of 90. 设ABC为一90角. (d) (used to express defiance 用以表示违抗或蔑视): Let them do their worst. 让他们蛮干好啦. * Let them attack: we'll defeat them anyway. 让他们进攻吧, 反正我们必胜. 4 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (out/off) (to sb) allow sb to use (a house, room, etc) in return for regular payments 出租(房子、 房间等): I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers). 我把多余的房间出租(给房客). * They decided to let (off) the smaller flats at lower rents. 他们决定把小单元廉价出租. 5 (idm 习语) ,let sb/sth `be not disturb or interfere with sb/sth 不打扰或不干涉某人[某事物]: Let me be, I want a rest. 别打扰我, 我要休息. * Let the poor dog be, ie Don't tease it. 别逗那条可怜的狗吧. let it `go (at `that) say or do no more about sth 不再多说; 不再多做; 就那样吧: I don't agree with all you say, but I'll let it go at that. 我并不完全同意你说的话, 但我不再多说了. * I thought she was hinting at something but I let it go. 我想她是有所指, 不过我没有理会. ,let oneself `go (a) no longer restrain one's feelings, desires, etc 尽情发泄感情、 放纵欲望等: Go on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go. 继续玩, 尽情地玩个痛快吧. (b) stop being careful, tidy, conscientious, etc 不再谨慎、 整齐、 认真等: He has let himself go a bit since he lost his job. 他自从失业以来变得有点邋遢了. let sb/sth go; let go of sb/sth release (one's hold of) sb/sth 松开或释放某人[某事物]: let the rope go/let go of the rope 松开绳子 * Let me go! 让我走! * Will they let the hostages go? 他们会释放人质吗? let sb `have it (sl 俚) shoot, punish, etc sb 射击或惩罚某人: Hold this bucket of water, and when he comes round the corner let him have it, ie throw the water at him. 提著这桶水, 等他从拐角那边过来就泼他. let me `see I'm thinking or trying to remember 让我想想: Let me see where did I leave my hat? 让我想想看--我把帽子落在哪儿了? let us `say for example 比如; 例如; 譬如: If the price is 500, let us say, is that too much? 价钱嘛, 比如说500英镑吧, 是不是太贵了? to `let available for renting 待租; 出租: Rooms to let, eg on a sign outside a house 房间出租(如房屋外的招贴). (For other idioms containing let, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 查阅与let搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 let alone => alone; let rip => rip.) 6 (phr v) let sb down fail to help sb; disappoint sb 不帮助某人; 使某人失望: Please come and support me. Don't let me down. 请来支持我. 可别不帮忙. * This machine won't let you down, ie is very reliable. 这部机器不会出毛病, 你尽管放心. let sth down (a) lower sth 放下; 降下: We let the bucket down by a rope. 我们用绳子把桶吊下去. * This skirt needs letting down, ie lengthening by lowering the hem-line. 这条裙子需要放长. (b) deflate sth 放掉某物的气: let sb's tyres down 把某人车胎的气放掉. ★let sth in make (a garment, etc) narrower 将(衣物等)改窄, 改瘦: This skirt needs letting in at the waist. 这裙子的腰部需要改瘦. let sb/oneself in for sth (infml 口) cause sb/oneself to suffer (sth unpleasant) 使某人[自已]惹上(不愉快的事): You're letting yourself in for trouble by buying that rusty old car. 你买那辆生了 的旧汽车是自找麻烦. let sb in on/into sth (infml 口) allow sb to share (a secret, etc) 让某人知道(秘密等): Are you going to let them in on the plans? 你是否打算让他们知道这些计划? ★let sth into sth put sth into the surface of sth 将某物置入另物的表面: window let into a wall 嵌进墙壁的窗户. ★let sb off (with sth) not punish sb (severely) 不(严厉)惩罚某人: She was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 没让她入狱, 而是罚款了事. * Don't let these criminals off lightly, ie Punish them severely. 不要轻易放过这些罪犯. let sb off (sth) not compel sb to do (sth) 不强迫某人做(某事物): We've been let off school today because our teacher is ill. 今天学校放假, 因为我们的老师病了. let sth off fire sth off; explode sth 放枪炮、 烟火等: The boys were letting off fireworks. 男孩子在放烟火. ★let on (about sth/that...) (to sb) (infml 口) reveal a secret 泄露秘密: I'm getting married next week, but please don't let on (to anyone) (about it), will you? 下星期我就要结婚了, 但(这事)请不要泄露(给任何人), 行吗? ★let sb out release sb from sth, esp sth unpleasant 放过某人免受某事之累(尤指不愉快事): The teacher said only Janet, George and Sue were to be punished, so that let me out. 老师说只惩罚珍妮特、 乔治和休, 因而饶了我. let sth out (a) make (a garment, etc) looser or larger 放宽, 放大(衣服等): He's getting so fat that his trousers have to be let out round the waist. 他越来越胖, 裤腰都得放宽了. (b) utter (a cry, etc) 发出(叫喊等): She let out a scream of terror. 她发出恐怖的叫喊. (c) reveal (a secret, etc) 泄露(秘密等): Don't let it out about me losing my job, will you? 别把我丢了工作一事泄露出去, 行吗? ★let sb through allow sb to pass an exam or a test 评定某人及格: I'm a hopeless driver, but the examiner let me through. 我开车的技术糟透了, 但考官让我及格了. ★let up become less strong, intense, etc; relax one's efforts 减弱; 缓和; 减少; 减小; 放松: Will the rain ever let up? 雨什麽时候才能小些? * We mustn't let up, even though we're winning. 我们即使快赢了也决不可松劲. ★let-down n disappointment 失望; 沮丧: The party was a big let-down. 这个聚会令人大失所望. ★let-up n reduction in strength, intensity, etc; relaxation of efforts 减弱; 缓和; 减少; 减小; 放松: There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象. ★let / let; lZt/ n (Brit) letting of property; lease 出租; 租出: I can't get a let for my house, ie find anyone to rent it from me. 我的房子租不出去. ★letting n (Brit) property that is let or to be let 出租或招租的建筑物或土地: a furnished letting, ie a furnished house or flat that is let 带家具的房屋出租 * a holiday letting 度假房屋出租. ★let NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Compare let, rent and hire. 试比较let、 rent、 hire这三个词. In British English these three verbs indicate a person giving permission for someone else to use something in return for money 在英式英语中这三个动词均作出租解: X lets (out)/rents(out)/hires (out) Z to Y. *X把Z租给Y. *Additionally, the user (Y) can be the subject of rent and hire 此外, 承租人Y亦可作rent和hire的主语: Y rents/hires Z from X. *Y从X处租用Z. *We usually let (out) accommodation, buildings or land 通常let (out)者为住处、 建筑物或土地: He lets (out) his house to touristsduring the summer. 他夏天把房子租给游客. * The biggest factory in town is to let. 伦敦最大厂房待租. We rent (out) houses, cars, etc, usually for fairly long periods of time *rent (out)房屋、 汽车等通常为期较长: She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间. * I don't own my video. I rent it from a shop. 我没有录像机, 我是从商店里租来的. We hire (out) a building, car, suit, etc, usually for a short period and for a particular purpose *hire (out)建筑物、 汽车、 服装等通常是为某种用途短期使用: They hire out boats by the hour. 他们按小时出租小船. * The Labour party hired a concert hall for the election meeting. 工党租用音乐厅作选举会场. In US English rent (out) is used in all the above meanings and hire can mean `employ' 在美式英语中rent (out)用於上述各义, 而hire可指employ(雇用): The company's hiring more men next week. 该公司下周要再雇些男工. This use is less common in British English. 这种用法在英式英语中不多见. ★let / let; lZt/ n 1 (in tennis) ball which, when it is served, hits the top of the net and drops into the opponent's court (网球)(发出的)擦网球. 2 (idm 习语) without ,let or `hindrance (fml or law 文或律) unimpeded; without obstruction 毫无阻碍; 顺畅地: Please allow the bearer of this passport to pass freely without let or hindrance. 请予护照持有人顺利通行. ★-let suff 後缀 (with ns forming ns 用以与名词结合构成名词) 1 little 小: booklet * piglet. 2 unimportant; minor 不重要; 细小; 次: starlet. ★let's contracted form 缩约式 let us => let1 3a. ★lethal / 5li:Wl; `liWEl/ adj 1 causing or able to cause death 致死的; 能致命的: a lethal dose of poison 毒药的致命剂量 * lethal weapons 致命武器. 2 damaging; harmful 破坏性的; 有害的: (fig 比喻) The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town. 那座工厂关闭是对该镇的致命打击. * (joc 谑) This wine's pretty lethal! ie very strong. 这酒的劲儿真要命! ★lethally / 5li:WElI; `liWElI/ adv. ★lethargy / 5leWEdVI; `lZWLdVI/ n [U] extreme lack of energy or vitality; inactivity; apathy 无生气; 死气沉沉; 呆滞; 冷漠: She suffers from bouts of lethargy and depression. 她一阵阵无精打彩、 情绪低落. * government lethargy on this issue 政府对这一问题的软弱无力. ★lethargic / lE5WB:dVIk; lI`WBrdVIk/ adj: Hot weather makesme lethargic. 天气炎热我觉得委靡不振. ★lethargically /-klI; -klI/ adv. ★letter / 5letE(r); `lZtL/ n 1 [C] written or printed sign representing a sound used in speech 字母: `B' is the second letter of the alphabet. B是字母表中的第二个字母. * Fill in your answers in capital letters, not small letters. 答案用大写字母填写, 不要用小写字母. 2 [C] written message addressed to a person or an organization, usu in an envelope, and sent by post 信: Are there any letters for me? 有我的信吗? * Please inform me by letter of your plans. 请来信把你的计划告诉我. =>App 3 见附录3. 3 letters [pl] (dated or fml 旧或文) literature as a profession or an academic study 文学; 文学研究: the profession of letters 文学家的职业 * a man/woman of letters 男[女]文学家. 4 (idm 习语) a bread-and-butter letter => bread. a dead letter => dead. the ,letter of the `law the exact requirements or form of words of a law, rule, etc (as opposed to its general meaning or spirit) 法律、 规则等的字面意义(与其整体意义或精神相对). to the `letter paying strict attention to every detail 严密周详地; 一丝不苟地: carry out an order to the letter 严格执行命令 * keep to the letter of an agreement, a contract, etc 严格遵照协议、 合同等的条文办事. ★lettering / 5letErIN; `lZtErIN/ n [U] letters or words, esp with reference to their visual appearance 字母, 字(尤指其形状): The lettering on the poster is very eye-catching. 海报上的字体非常醒目. ★letter-bomb n terrorist explosive device disguised as a letter and sent by post 信件炸弹(恐怖分子投寄的似信件的爆炸物). ★letter-box n (a) (Brit) opening in a door, covered by a movable flap, through which letters are delivered 投信口. (b) (US `mailbox) box near or at the entrance to or inside a building, in which letters and other articles brought by the postman are placed 信箱. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page vi. (c) = post-box box (post3). ★letterhead n (a) [C] name and address of a person or an organization printed as a heading on stationery 信头(印於信笺上端的姓名或机关名称及地址). (b) [U] stationery printed with such a heading 印有信头的信笺. ★letter of credit (finance 财) letter from a bank authorizing the bearer to draw money from another bank 信用证. ★letterpress n [U] 1 printed text in a book, etc (as opposed to illustrations) 书中的印刷文字(以别於插图). 2 method of printing from raised type 凸版印刷. ★lettuce / 5letIs; `lZtIs/ n 1 [C] garden plant with crisp green leaves 莴苣; 生菜. 2 [U] its leaves used as food (esp in salads) 生菜叶: [attrib 作定语] a lettuce and tomato salad 生菜蕃茄色拉. =>illus at salad 见 salad 插图. ★leucocyte (US leukocyte) / 5lu:kEsaIt; `lukE9saIt/ n (medical 医) white blood cell 白细胞; 白血球. ★leucotomy / lu:5kCtEmI; lu`kBtEmI/ n (Brit) = lobotomy. ★leukaemia (US leukemia) / lu:5ki:mIE; lu`kimIE/ n [U] disease in which there is an uncontrollable increase in the numbers of white corpuscles 白血病. ★levee / 5levI; `lZvI/ n (arch 古) assembly of visitors, esp at a formal reception 集体接见; (尤指正式的)招待会. ★levee / 5levI; `lZvI/ n (esp US) embankment built to prevent a flooded river from overflowing 防洪堤: the levees along the Mississippi 密西西比河大堤. ★A level / 5eI levl; `e lZvl/ (infml 口) = advanced level (advance): When are you taking A level/your A levels? 你什麽时候参加(英国普通教育文凭的)高级考试? * How many A levels have you got? 你在(英国普通教育文凭的)高级考试中有几项及格? Cf 参看 O level, GCSE. ★A/S level / eI 5es levl; e 9Zs lZvl/ (in Britain) GCE examination of a standard between GCSE and Advanced level, allowing students to study more subjects than at Advanced level (英国)程度在普通中等教育证书与高级程度之间的一种普通教育证书考试, 及格者所学科目多於高级程度者. ★level / 5levl; `lZvl/ adj 1 having a horizontal surface; flat; not sloping 水平的; 平的; 平坦的: Find level ground for the picnic table. 找一处平坦的地面放野餐的餐桌. * Add one level (ie not heaped) tablespoon of sugar. 加一平餐匙糖. 2 of the same height, standard or position on a scale 等高的; 同等标准的; 同一水准的: The two pictures are not quite level that one is higher than the other. 这两幅画挂得不一般高, 这幅比那幅高. * France took an early lead but Wales drew level (ie equalized the score) before half-time. 法国队开始时领先, 但中场休息前威尔士队已与之拉平. 3 (of voices, looks, etc) steady (指声音, 目光等)平稳的, 坚定的: a level stare 逼人的凝视. 4 (idm 习语) have a level head be able to judge well 头脑清醒; 冷静. ,level `pegging making progress at the same rate 并驾齐驱. ★level-crossing n (US `grade crossing) place where a road and a railway cross each other at the same level (公路和铁路的)平面交叉处, 平交道口. Cf 参看 crossing 2. ★level-headed adj able to judge well; sensible; calm 头脑清醒的; 明智的; 冷静的. ★level / 5levl; `lZvl/ n 1 [C] line or surface parallel to the horizon, esp with reference to its height 水平线; 水平面; (尤指)水平高度: 1000 metres above sea-level 海拔1000米 * a multi-level car-park, ie one with two or more storeys 多层停车场 * The controls are at eye-level. 控制仪表盘为视平高度. 2 [C] position on a scale of quantity, strength, value, etc (测量的)数量, 强度, 数值等: the level of alcohol in the blood 血液中酒精的含量 * Levels of unemployment vary from region to region. 失业情形各地不同. * (fig 比喻) I could use threats too, but I refuse to sink to your level, ie behave as badly as you. 我也会使用威胁手段, 但我不肯堕落到你那个地步. 3 [U] relative position in rank, class or authority (官阶、 等级、 权威等的)级别, 水平: discussions at Cabinet level, ie involving members of the Cabinet 内阁阁员的磋商 * high-/low-level negotiations 高级别[低级别]的谈判. 4 [C] (a) more or less flat surface, layer or area 较平坦的表面、 层面或区域: The archaeologists found gold coins and pottery in the lowest level of the site. 考古学家在发掘地最下层找到一些金币和陶器. (b) levels [pl] (Brit) wide area of flat open country 平原. 5 [C] = spirit-level (spirit). 6 (idm 习语) find one's/its level => find1. on a level (with sb/sth) at the same level 在同等的水平上; 处於同等地位: Technically, both players are on a level, ie of the same standard. 双方运动员在技术方面不相上下. * The water rose until it was on a level with the river banks. 河水上涨至与堤岸相平. on the `level (infml 口) honest(ly) 诚实(地); 真诚(地): Are you sure this deal is on the level? 你确信这笔交易诚实无欺吗? * I'd like to help, but I can't on the level! 我倒是愿意帮忙, 但是无能为力--说老实话! ★level / 5levl; `lZvl/ v (-ll-; US -l-) 1 [Tn] make (sth) level, equal or uniform 使(某事物)平坦, 平等或一致: The ground should be levelled before you plant a lawn. 先把地平整好再植草坪. * She needs to win this point to level the score. 她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平. * level social differences 消除社会差异. 2 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] demolish (a building, etc) 夷平, 摧毁(建筑物等): a town levelled by an earthquake 被地震夷为平地的城市. 3 [Tn] ~ sth (at sb) aim (a gun, etc) 以(枪炮等)瞄准, 对准: The hostage had a rifle levelled at his head. 一枝步枪瞄准著人质的头. 4 (phr v) level sth at sb bring (a charge or an accusation) against sb 向某人提出(责难或控告): level criticism at the council 向理事会提出批评 * accusations levelled at the directors 对董事会提出的指责. level sth down/up make (surfaces, scores, incomes, etc) equal by lowering the higher/raising the lower 将(表面、 分数、 收入等)弄平, 拉平: Marks at the lower end need to be levelled up. 低分的一端分数需往上提. level off/out (a) (of an aircraft, etc or its pilot) fly horizontally after a climb or dive (指飞行器等或其驾驶员)(爬升或俯冲後)水平飞行: level off at 20000 feet 飞到20000英尺高度时转入平飞. (b) (fig 比喻) become level after rising or falling (升或跌之後)呈平稳状态: House prices show no sign of levelling off, ie are continuing to rise or fall. 房价没有趋向平稳的迹象(继续升或跌). * Share values have levelled off after yesterday's steep rise. 股票价格经昨天急剧上扬後已趋平稳. level with sb (infml 口) speak or deal with sb in an honest and frank way 坦诚待人. ★leveller (US leveler) / 5levElE(r); `lZvlL/ n person who wants to abolish social distinctions 平等主义者: (fig 比喻) death, the great leveller 死亡, 这伟大的平等主义者. ★O level / 5EU levl; `o 9lZvl/ (infml 口) = ordinary level (ordinary). Cf 参看 A level. ★lever / 5li:vE(r); 5levEr; `lZvL/ n 1 bar or other device turning on a fixed point (the fulcrum) which lifts or opens sth with one end when pressure is applied to the other end 杠杆; 杠杆装置. 2 handle used to operate or control machinery (机器的)控制杆, 操作杆: Move this lever to change gear. 换挡时扳动这根操作杆. =>illus 见插图. 3 (fig 比喻) means of exerting moral pressure (施加道德压力的)手段, 方法: This latest incident may be the lever needed to change government policy. 最近的事件或可作为迫使政府改变其政策所需的手段. ★lever v [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.a] move (sth) with a lever (用杠杆)撬动(某物): They levered the rock into the hole. 他们用杠子把大石撬进洞里. * lever a crate open 把板条箱撬开. ★leverage / -ErIdV; -ErIdV/ n [U] 1 action or power of a lever 杠杆作用; 杠杆的力量. 2 (fig 比喻) power; influence 力量; 影响: Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles. 她有财富便於她在社会各界造成巨大影响. ★leveret / 5levErIt; `lZvErIt/ n young hare 幼小的野兔. ★leviathan / lI5vaIEWn; lE`vaIEWEn/ n 1 (Bible 圣经) sea-monster 海怪. 2 thing of enormous size and power 庞然大物. ★Levis / 5li:vaIz; `livaIz/ n [pl] (propr 专利名) jeans 牛仔裤. ★levitate / 5levIteIt; `lZvE9tet/ v [I, Tn, Tn.pr] (cause sb/sth to) rise and float in the air, esp by means of supernatural powers (使某人[某物])升空飘荡(尤指藉超自然力). ★levitation / 9levI5teIFn; 9lZvE`teFEn/ n [U]: powers of levitation 升空飘荡之力(尤指超自然力). ★levity / 5levEtI; `lZvEtI/ n [U] (fml 文) lack of proper seriousness or respect 轻率; 轻浮. ★levy / 5levI; `lZvI/ v (pt, pp levied) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sb) collect (a payment, etc) by authority or force; impose sth 徵收, 徵集(款额等); 强加某事物: a departure tax levied on all travellers 向所有旅客徵收的离境税. 2 (phr v) levy on sth (law 律) seize sth in order to force payment of a debt 扣押某物(迫使还债): levy on sb's property, estate, etc 扣押某人财产、 地产等. ★levy n 1 act of levying 徵收; 扣押. 2 money, etc so obtained 徵收或扣押的钱等. ★lewd / lju:d; lu:d; lud/ adj 1 treating sexual matters in a vulgar or indecent way 淫荡的; 猥亵的: a story full of lewd innuendos 充满淫秽影射的故事. 2 lustful 好色的: a lewd expression, glance, gesture, etc 显露色欲的表情、 目光、 姿势等. ★lewdly adv. ★lewdness n [U]. ★lexical / 5leksIkl; `lZksIkl/ adj (linguistics 语言) of the vocabulary of a language 词汇的: lexical items, ie words and phrases 词项(词或词组). ★lexically / -klI; -klI/ adv. ★lexis / 5leksIs; `lZksIs/ n [U] vocabulary 词汇. ★lexicography / 9leksI5kCgrEfI; 9lZksE`kB^rEfI/ n [U] theory and practice of compiling dictionaries 词典编纂学; 词典的编纂. ★lexicographer / 9leksI5kCgrEfE(r); 9lZksE`kB^rEfL/ n person who compiles dictionaries 词典编纂者. ★lexicographical / 9leksIkE5grfIkl; 9lZksEko`^rAfIkEl/ adj. ★lexicon / 5leksIkEn; -kCn; `lZksIkBn/ n 1 dictionary, esp of an ancient language (eg Greek or Hebrew) 词典, 字典(尤指古代语言的辞书, 如希腊语或希伯来语). 2 (linguistics 语言) vocabulary (contrasted with grammar) 词汇(与语法相对). ★ley / leI; le/ n land that is temporarily sown with grass 短期轮作的草地. ★ley / leI; le/ n (also `ley line) supposed straight line of a prehistoric track connecting prominent features of the landscape, usu hilltops 史前地貌(通常为山顶)的假想线. ★LF / 9el 5ef; 9Zl `Zf/ abbr 缩写 = (radio 无) low frequency. Cf 参看 HF. ★lh abbr 缩写 = left hand. Cf 参看 rh. ★liability / 9laIE5bIlEtI; 9laIE`bIlEtI/ n 1 [U] ~(for sth) state of being liable (对某事物)有责任或义务: liability for military service 服兵役的义务 * Don't admit liability for the accident. 不要承认对事故有责任. 2 [C] (infml 口) handicap 妨碍; 不利: Because of his injury Jones was just a liability to the team. 琼斯负了伤, 成为全队的累赘. Cf 参看 asset. 3 liabilities [pl] debts; financial obligations 债; 债务. ★liable / 5laIEbl; `laIEbl/ adj [pred 作表语] 1 ~ (for sth) responsible by law 负法律责任: Is a wife liable for her husband's debts? 妻子对丈夫的债务负法律责任吗? * Be careful if you have an accident I'll be liable. 小心--你要是出事故, 我要负责的. 2 ~ to sth subject to sth 可能遭到某事: a road liable to subsidence 可能塌陷的公路 * Offenders are liable to fines of up to 100. 触犯者可予罚款达100英镑. 3 ~ to do sth likely to do sth 有做某事物倾向: We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired. 人若疲劳谁都可能出差错. ★liaise / lI5eIz; lI`ez/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb); ~ (between A and B) (infml 口) act as a link or go-between 做联络人; 联络. ★liaison / lI5eIzn; 5lIEzCn; `lIE9zBn/ n 1 [U] communicationand co-operation between units of an organization 组织内单位间的交流与合作: excellent liaison between our two departments 我们两部门间出色的合作 * [attrib 作 定语] a liaison officer 联络官. 2 [C] (often derog 常作贬义) person who liaises 联络人; 掮客. 3 [C] (often derog 常作贬义) illicit sexual relationship 私通; 通奸: a brief liaison 短暂的姘居. ★liana / lI5B:nE; lI`BnE/ n tropical climbing plant 热带藤本植物. ★liar / 5laIE(r); `laIL/ n person who tells lies, esp habitually 说谎者(尤指经常性的): a good/bad liar, ie sb who can/cannot easily deceive others by telling lies 高明的[拙劣的]撒谎者. ★ad lib / 9Ad 5lIb; Ad`lIb/ adj (infml 口) (esp of speaking and performing in public) without preparation; spontaneous (尤指当众讲话及表演)未经事先准备的, 即兴的, 即席的: give an ad lib (ie improvised) performance 作即兴表演. ★ad lib adv (infml 口) 1 without preparation; spontaneously 即兴地; 即席地; 临时地: I had forgotten to bring my notes and had to speak ad lib. 我忘记带讲稿了, 只好临时讲几句. 2 as one pleases; without restraint; freely 随便地; 无拘束地; 自由地: We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib. 这些食物让我们随便吃. ★ad lib v (-bb-) [I] (infml 口) speak or act without preparation, esp when performing in public; improvise 临时讲话或表演(尤指当众); 即席表演: The actress often forgot her lines but was very good at ad libbing. 那个女演员常忘台词, 却极擅长临时拼凑. ★lib / lIb; lIb/ n [U] (infml 口) (in compounds 用以构成复合词) liberation 解放: gay, women's, animal, etc lib 同性恋、 妇女、 动物等的解放运动. ★libber n (in compounds 用以构成复合词): Is she a women's libber? 她是妇女解放运动成员吗? ★Lib / lIb; lIb/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit politics 政) Liberal (Party): Joan Wells (Lib) 琼·韦尔斯(自由党) * a Lib-Lab pact, ie between the Liberal and Labour Parties 自由党--工党协定. Cf 参看 L 4. ★libation / laI5beIFn; laI`beFEn/ n 1 (pouring out of an) offering of wine, etc to a god in former times (旧时向神的)祭酒, 奠酒. 2 (joc 谑) alcoholic drink 酒. ★libel / 5laIbl; `laIbl/ n 1 [C] false written or printed statement that damages sb's reputation 诽谤性文字. 2 [U] (law 律) act of publishing such a statement 发表诽谤性文字: sue a newspaper for libel 控告某报刊登诽谤性文字 * [attrib 作定语] libel proceedings 诽谤文字的诉讼. 3 [C] ~ (on sb) (infml 口) thing that tends to harm the reputation of sb/sth 有损某人[某事物]名誉的事物: That interview was an absolute libel on a honest man. 那篇采访报道完全是对一诚实人的诽谤. Cf 参看 slander. ★libel v (-ll-; US -l-) [Tn] harm the reputation of (sb) by publishing a false statement (发表文字等)诽谤, 中伤, 诋毁(某人的)声誉. ★libellous (US libelous) / 5laIbElEs; `laIblEs/ adj being or containing a libel 诽谤性的; 含有诽谤性文字的: a libellous statement 诽谤性的说法. 2 in the habit of publishing libels 惯於发表诽谤性文字的: a libellous magazine 爱刊登诽谤内容的杂志. ★liberal / 5lIbErEl; `lIbErEl/ adj 1 tolerant and open-minded; free from prejudice 宽容忍耐的; 心胸宽 的; 无偏见的: a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage 对?牖楹驮倩?吹每? 2 giving or given generously 慷慨的; 大方的: She's very liberal with promises but much less so with money. 她轻诺而手紧. * a liberal sprinkling of sugar 撒上厚厚的糖. 3 (of education) concerned chiefly with broadening the mind, not simply with technical or professional training (指教育)扩展心智的, 德育的(不单纯作职业或技术的训练). 4 not strict, literal or exact 不严格的; 自由的; 不讲究准确性的: a liberal translation giving a general idea of the writer's intentions 对作者总体意思的意译. 5 Liberal (politics 政) of the Liberal Party 自由党的: Liberal housing policy 自由党的住房政策. ★liberal n 1 tolerant and open-minded person 宽容大度的人. 2 Liberal (Brit politics 政) (abbr 缩写 Lib) member of the Liberal Party 自由党人. ★liberalism / -IzEm; -9IzEm/ n [U] liberal opinions and principles 自由主义. ★liberally / -rElI; -rElI/ adv: rolls spread liberally with butter 涂有很多黄油的面包 * interpret the ruling liberally 任意解释裁决. ★the Liberal Democrats (Brit politics 政) political party in Britain (formly called the Liberal Party) favouring moderate political and social reform 自由民主党(旧称自由党). Cf 参看 the Conservative Party (conservative), the Labour Party (labour). ★liberalize, liberalise / 5lIbrElaIz; `lIbErEl9aIz/ v [Tn] free (sb/sth) from political or moral restrictions 使(某人[某事物])自由化(脱离政治或道德的约束): There is a move to liberalize literature and the Arts. 文学与艺术有自由化的动向. ★liberallization, liberallisation / 9lIbrElaI5zeIFn; -lI5z-; 9lIbErElE`zeFEn/ n [U]. ★liberality / 9lIbE5rlEtI; 9lIbE`rAlEtI/ n [U] 1 free giving; generosity 慷慨; 大方; 大度. 2 quality of beingtolerant and open-minded 宽容; 开明: a period remarkablefor its liberality 以开明著称的时期. ★liberate / 5lIbEreIt; `lIbE9ret/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (from sth) set (sb/sth) free 解放, 释放(某人[某事物]): liberate prisoners, an occupied country 释放监犯、 解放被占领的国家. ★liberated showing freedom from traditional ideas in social and sexual matters (在社会事务与性方面)解放的, 不受传统思想束缚的: a liberated male, mother, lifestyle 不受传统思想束缚的男性、 母亲、 生活方式. ★liberation / 9lIbE5reIFn; 9lIbE`reFEn/ n [U]: the liberation of Europe by Allied troops 盟军解放欧洲 * The break-up of their marriage was an enormous liberation for her. 她离婚一事对她是一大解脱. ★liberator n: hailing the soldiers as liberators 把士兵当作解放者来欢迎. ★libertine / 5lIbEti:n; `lIbL9tin/ n man who lives an irresponsible and immoral life 放荡的人; 浪子. ★liberty / 5lIbEtI; `lIbLtI/ n 1 [U] freedom from captivity, slavery, or oppressive control 自由; 自主. 2 [C, U] right or power to do as one chooses 自由权: Liberties enjoyed by all citizens 公民皆享的自由权 * They give their children a great deal of liberty. 他们给孩子很大自由.3 [C esp pl 尤作复数] right or privilege granted by authority 当局授予的权利或特权: liberties enjoyed by all citizens 公民皆享的权利. 4 (idm 习语) at liberty (to do sth) (a) (of a person) free; allowed (指人)自由的, 获许可的: You are at liberty to leave. 你可以走. (b) free from restrictions or control 不受限制或支配: You're at liberty to say what you like. 你尽可畅所欲言. ,Liberty `Hall place or condition of complete freedom 自由自在的地方或状态: Wear what you like for the party it's Liberty Hall. 参加这聚会你爱穿什麽穿什麽--那是逍遥宫. set sb free/at liberty => free. take liberties (with sb/sth) behave in a presumptuous disrespectful way 放肆: She told him to stop taking liberties, ie treating her with too much familiarity. 她告诉他不要太随便了(对她过分亲昵). * The film takes considerable liberties with the novel on which it is based, eg by shortening or changing it. 影片与原作颇有距离. take the liberty of doing sth do sth without permission 擅自或冒昧做某事物: I took the liberty of borrowing your lawn-mower while you were away. 你不在的时候我擅自借用了你的割草机. ★libidinous / lI5bIdInEs; lI`bIdnEs/ adj (fml 文) having or showing strong sexual feelings; lustful 性欲强的; 好色的. ★libido / lI5bi:dEU, also 5lIbIdEU; lI`bido/ n (pl ~s) [U, C] (psychology 心) emotional energy or urge, esp sexual 感情冲动; 情欲; (尤指)性欲. ★Libra / 5li:brE; `librE/ n 1 [U] the seventh sign of the zodiac, the Scales 天平宫(黄道第七宫). 2 [C] person born under the influence of this sign 属天平宫星座的人. ★Libran n, adj. =>Usage at zodiac 用法见 zodiac. =>illus at zodiac 见 zodiac 插图. ★library / 5laIbrErI; -brerI; `laI9brZrI/ n 1 (a) collection of books for reading or borrowing 藏书: a public, reference, university, etc library 公共图书馆、 图书参考室、 大学图书馆的藏书 * He has many foreign books in his library. 他的藏书中有许多外国书. * [attrib 作定语] When is that library book due back? ie When must it be returned to the public library? 那本公共图书什麽时候到期归还? (b) room or building where these are kept 藏书室; 图书馆; 书库: Let's meet outside the library. 我们在图书馆外边见面. 2 similar collection of records, films, etc (唱片、 影片等的)收藏: a recording to add to your library 在你收藏的录音资料中加进的一段录音 * a photographic library 摄影资料集. ★librarian / laI5breErIEn; laI`brZrIEn/ n person in charge of or assisting in a library 图书馆管理员; 资料收藏管理员. librarianship n [U] work of being a librarian 图书馆管理(员)或资料收藏管理(员)的工作. ★libretto / lI5bretEU; lI`brZto/ n (pl ~s or -retti / -ti:; -ti/) words that are sung and spoken in an opera or musical play (歌剧或音乐剧的)剧本. ★librettist / lI5bretIst; lI`brZtIst/ n author of a libretto (歌剧或音乐剧的)歌词作者. ★lice pl of louse. ★licence (US license) / 5laIsns; `laIsns/ n 1 [C] official document showing that permission has been given to own, use or do sth 执照; 许可证: a driving licence 驾驶执照 * a licence to practise as a doctor 医生开业执照 * This used to be a pub but the landlord has lost his licence, ie is no longer permitted to sell alcoholic drinks. 这 子原是酒店, 但店主已丧失营业执照(再不允许卖酒了). 2 [U] (fml 文) permission 准许; 许可: Why give these people licence to enter the place at will? 为什麽允许这些人随意进入该地? 3 [U] (a) irresponsible use of freedom, esp to behave in an offensive way 放纵; 放任; (尤指)放肆. (b) freedom to rearrange or exaggerate words or images (文字或形象的)破格: artistic/poetic licence 艺术[诗]的破格. 4 (idm 习语) a ,licence to print `money (infml 口) scheme, etc that has been officially approved but is likely to be excessively costly, with little or no control over the money spent 无底洞开支(正式批准但无法控制开销的计画等). ★licence plate (US license plate) n (esp US) = number-plate (number). ★license (also licence) / 5laIsns; `laIsns/ v [Tn, Cn.t] give a licence to (sb/sth) 给(某人[某事物])执照或许可证; 准许: shops licensed to sell tobacco 准许经销烟草的商店 * licensed premises, ie where the sale of alcoholic drinks is permitted 许可出售酒类的场所. ★licensee / 9laIsEn5si:; 9laIsn`si/ n person who has a licence, esp to sell alcoholic drinks 执照持有者(尤指出售酒类). ★licensing laws (Brit) laws limiting the places and times at which alcoholic drinks may be sold 售酒法(限定酒类销售的地点与时间的法规). ★licentiate / laI5senFIEt; laI`sZnFIIt/ n person who has a certificate showing that he is competent to practise a certain profession 持有从事某职业合格证件者: a licentiate in dental surgery 领有牙外科开业执照的医生. ★licentious / laI5senFEs; laI`sZnFEs/ adj (fml 文) disregardingthe rules of behaviour, esp in sexual matters 漠视行为规范的; (尤指)放荡的, 淫乱的. ★licentiously adv. ★licentiousness n [U]. ★lich-gate (also lych-gate) / 5lItFgeIt; `lItF9^et/ n roofed gateway to a churchyard 教堂墓地前有顶盖的门. ★lichen / 5laIkEn; `laIkEn/ n [U] dry-looking plant, usu yellow, grey or green, that grows on rocks, walls, tree-trunks, etc 地衣. Cf 参看 moss. ★lick / lIk; lIk/ v 1 [Tn, Cn.a] pass the tongue over (sb/sth) 舔(某人[某物]): He licked his fingers. 他舔手指. * The cat was licking its fur. 猫在舔自己的毛. * lick the back of a postage stamp, ie to moisten the glue 舔邮票的反面(弄湿该处的胶水) * He licked the spoon clean. 他把小勺舔乾净了. 2 [Tn] (of waves or flames) touch (sth) lightly (指波浪或火焰)触及某物: flames beginning to lick the furniture 开始燃著家具的火焰. 3 [Tn] (sl 俚) defeat (sb) 打败(某人). 4 (idm 习语) lick sb's `boots (infml 口); lick sb's `arse ( sl 讳, 俚) be servile towards sb 舔屁股. lick sb/sth into `shape (infml 口) make sb/sth efficient or presentable 使某人[某事物]成器或像样: The new recruits will be fine once they've been licked into shape. 新兵一经训练就是好样儿的. lick/smack one's `lips/`chops (infml 口) show eager enjoyment or anticipation of sth 舔嘴唇(自喜或期待某事): The children licked their lips as the cake was cut. 蛋糕一切开, 孩子们就垂涎三尺了. * (fig 比喻) She's licking her chops at the thought of spending all that money! 她一想到能花那一大笔钱不觉心花怒放. lick one's `wounds try to restore one's strength or spirits after a defeat 自舐伤口(失败後以求恢复元气): The disappointed losers crawled home to lick their wounds. 输者废然而返以重整旗鼓. 5 (phr v) lick sth from/off sth remove sth by licking 舔掉某物: lick blood from a cut, honey off a spoon 舔掉伤口上的血、  上的蜜. lick sth up take sth into the mouth by licking 将某物舔进嘴里: The cat licked up its milk. 猫把奶舔乾净了. ★lick n 1 [C] stroke of the tongue in licking 舔: One last lick and the milk was gone. 剩奶最後一舔而光. * a lick of ice-cream 舔一下冰激 . 2 [sing] slight application (of paint, etc) (颜料等的)略施: The boat would look better with a lick of paint. 这小船稍加颜色就好看了. 3 [sing] (sl 俚) speed 速度: going at quite a, a fair old, a full, etc lick, ie quite, fairly, extremely fast 走得很快、 颇快、 极快等. 4 = salt-lick (salt). 5 (idm 习语) a ,lick and a `promise (infml 口) quick and careless attempt to clean or wash sth 迅速而马虎地弄乾净或清洗某物. ★licking n (esp sing 尤作单数) (sl 俚) 1 defeat 打败: give sb/get a (right) licking (狠狠)挫败某人[遭到(惨重)失败]. 2 beating 痛打: If your father hears about this he'll give you such a licking! 你父亲若是知道这事非狠狠揍你一顿不可! ★licorice = liquorice. ★lid / lId; lId/ n 1 hinged or removable cover for a box, pot, etc 盖子. =>illus at pan 见pan插图. 2 = eyelid (eye). 3 (idm 习语) flip one's lid => flip. put the (tin) lid on sth/things (infml 口) be the final event that provokes an outburst 成为导致某事爆发的最後一件事. take, lift, blow, etc the lid off sth reveal unpleasant secrets concerning sth 揭露丑闻: an article that lifts the lid off the world of professional gambling 揭露职业赌博界内幕的文章. ★lidded adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 (of a box, pot, etc) having a lid (指箱子、 锅等)有盖的. 2 (of eyes) having lids of a particular type (指眼睛)有某种眼睑的: heavily lidded eyes 长著厚眼皮的眼睛. ★lidless adj. ★lido / 5li:dEU; `lido/ n (pl ~s) public bathing beach or open air swimming-pool 海滨浴场; 露天游泳池. ★lie / laI; laI/ v (pt, pp lied, pres p lying) 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (to sb) (about sth) make a statement one knows to be untrue 说谎: He's lying. 他在说谎. * Don't you dare lie to me! 你胆敢跟我撒谎! * She lies about her age. 她谎报年龄. 2 [I] give a false impression; be deceptive 给人以假象; 不可信: The camera cannot lie. 照相机不会造假. * lying smiles 假笑. 3 (idm 习语) lie in one's `teeth/`throat (infml 口) lie grossly and shamelessly 扯弥天大谎; 睁著眼睛说瞎话. lie one's way into/out of sth get (oneself) into or out of a situation by lying 撒谎以求一逞或摆脱困境: He's lied his way into a really plum job. 他靠撒谎骗得一份好工作. =>Usage at lie2 用法见lie2. ★lie n 1 statement one knows to be untrue 谎言; 假话: His story is nothing but a pack of lies. 他说的纯粹是一派鬼话. Cf 参看 fib. 2 (idm 习语) give the lie to sth show sth to be untrue 证明某事不实: These figures give the lie to reports that business is declining. 这些数字表明报告所谓业务正在滑坡的说法不实. live a lie => live2. nail a lie => nail. Cf 参看 white lie (white1). ★lie-detector n instrument that can detect changes in the pulse-rate, breathing, etc, thought to result from the stress caused by lying in response to questions 测谎器. ★lie / laI; laI/ v (pt lay / leI; le/, pp lain / leIn; len/, pres p lying) 1 [Ipr] have or put one's body in a flat or resting position on a horizontal surface 躺; 平卧: The corpse lay face down in a pool of blood. 尸体俯卧在血泊中. * lie on one's back/side/front 仰卧[侧卧/俯卧] * Don't lie in bed all morning! 别一上午都躺在床上! * a dog lying at his master's feet 卧在主人脚旁的狗. 2 [La, Ipr] (of a thing) be at rest on a surface (指物)平放: The letter lay open on his desk. 那信摊开在他的书桌上. =>Usage 见所附用法. 3 [La, Ipr] be, remain or be kept in a certain state 在、 留在或保持在某种状态: snow lying thick on the ground 地面上厚厚的雪 * These machines have lain idle since the factory closed. 这些机器自工厂关闭以来一直闲置著. * I'd rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. 我宁可把钱花了也不想存在银行里. 4 [Ipr] be spread out to view; extend 展现; 伸展: The valley lay at our feet. 峡谷展现在我们的脚下. * (fig 比喻) You're still young your whole life lies before you! 你还年轻--整个人生还长著呢! 5 [Ipr] be situated 位於: The town lies on the coast. 该城位於海边. * a ship lying at anchor, at its moorings, alongside, etc 锚泊的、 系泊的、 横泊的船. 6 [Ipr] (of abstract things) exist or be found (指抽象事物)存在, 在於: I only wish it lay within my power to (ie that I could) help you. 我但愿能够帮助你. * The cure for stress lies in learning to relax. 消除紧张的方法在於学会放松. * It's obvious where our interest lies, ie which option, development, etc would be to our advantage. 我们的利益所在是明摆著的事情. 7 [I] (law 律) be admissible or able to be upheld 可受理或立案: an action, appeal that will not lie 不能受理的诉讼、 上诉. 8 (idm 习语) as/so far as in me lies => far2. as one makes one's bed so one must lie in it => bed1. keep/lie close => close1. let sleeping dogs lie => sleep2. lie at sb's `door be attributable to sb (责 任)归於某人; 某事为某人的责任: I accept that the responsibility for this lies squarely at my door. 我承认这事的责任完全由我承担. lie doggo (infml 口) lie without moving or making a sign 隐伏不动. lie heavy on sth cause sth to feel uncomfortable 使某事物感不适, 不安: The rich meal lay heavy on my stomach. 这顿美餐塞得我的胃很胀. * a crime lying heavy on one's conscience 使良心负咎的罪行. lie in `state (of a corpse) be placed on view in a public place before burial (指遗体)安葬前停放公共地点供瞻仰. lie in `wait (for sb) be hidden waiting to surprise sb 隐蔽静候以出人不意: arrested by the police who had been lying in wait 被隐蔽埋伏的警察捕获. lie `low (infml 口) keep quiet or hidden 不出声; 隐藏: He's been lying low ever since I asked him for the money he owes me. 自从我催他还钱, 他就不露面了. see, etc how the land lies => land1. take sth lying `down accept an insult, etc without protest; submit meekly 甘受侮辱等; 俯首屈服; 逆来顺受. time hangs/lies heavy on one's hands => time1. 9 (phr v) lie behind sth be the explanation for sth 是某事的原因或理由: What lay behind this strange outburst? 这莫名其妙的发作究竟是为什麽? lie back get into or be in a resting position; relax 休息; 放松; 松弛: You don't have to do anything just lie back and enjoy the journey. 你什麽也不用做--只管轻松愉快地享受旅游的乐趣. lie down be in or move into a horizontal position on a bed, etc in order to sleep or rest 躺著; 躺下: Go and lie down for a while. 去躺一会儿. * He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 她躺在沙发上很快就睡著了. lie down under sth (infml 口) accept (an insult etc) without protest; submit to sth meekly 甘受(侮辱等); 逆来顺受: We have no intention of lying down under these absurd allegations. 对这些荒谬的指控我们是不甘受辱的. lie `in (a) (Brit) (US sleep in) (infml 口) stay in bed after the normal time for getting up 睡懒觉: It's a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in. 明天是假日, 你可以睡懒觉了. (b) (dated 旧) stay in bed to await the birth of a child 卧床待产: a lying-`in hospital 待产医院. lie over (of problems, business, etc) await attention or action at a later date (指问题、 事务等)留待以後处理: These items can lie over till our next meeting. 这些问题可留待我们下次开会再处理. lie `to (nautical 海) (of a vessel) come to a stop facing the wind; be anchored or moored (指船)逆风滞航, 抛锚, 停泊. lie up stay in bed to rest during an illness 卧床休养. lie with sb (to do sth) (fml 文) be sb's duty or responsibility 是某人的义务或责任: The decision on whether to proceed lies with the Minister. 是否进行取决於部长. * It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal. 对该建议是接受还是拒绝由你作主. ★lie n 1 [sing] way or position in which sth lies 某物所处的状态或位置. 2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (in golf) where the ball comes to rest after a shot (高尔夫球)被击後球停的位置: a good, poor, etc lie 好落位、 差落位. 3 (idm 习语) the ,lie of the `land (US the ,lay of the `land) (a) the natural features (esp rivers, mountains, etc) of an area 地形地貌(尤指河流、 山脉等). (b) (infml fig 口, 比喻) assessment of the state of a situation 情势; 事态: I'll need several weeks to discover the lie of the land before I can make any decisions about the future of the business. 我需要几周的时间了解情况後才能对公司的未来做出决定. ★lie-down n (usu sing 通常作单数) (Brit infml 口) a short rest, usu in bed 躺一会儿. ★lie-in n (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml 口esp Brit) act of staying in bed longer than usual, esp in the morning 懒觉(尤指早晨起得晚): look forward to a nice long lie-in on Sunday 盼著星期天好好睡个懒觉. ★lie NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Note the difference between the intransitive verb lie (lying, lay, lain), meaning `be in a resting position' 注意不及物动词lie (lying、 lay、 lain)意为`处於休息的位置': I was feeling ill, so I lay down on the bed for a while 我身体不舒服, 所以在床上躺一会儿 and the transitive verb lay (laying, laid, laid), meaning `put on a surface' 但是及物动词lay (laying、 laid、 laid)意为`放在某个面上': She laid her dress on the bed to keep it neat. 她把连衣裙放在床上以保持平整. There is another intransitive verb lie (lying, lied, lied), meaning `say something untrue' 另有一不及物动词lie (lying、 lied、 lied)意为`说谎': He lied about his age to join the army. 他为了参军谎报了年龄. ★lied / li:t; lit/ n (pl lieder / 5li:dE(r); `lidL/) (German music 德, 音) German song for solo voice and piano, esp of the Romantic period (独唱的和钢琴独奏的)德国歌曲(尤指浪漫主义时期的). ★liege / li:dV; lidV/ n 1 (also `liege lord) (in feudal times) sovereign or lord, entitled to loyal service (封建时期)君主, 王侯. 2 (also `liegeman / -mEn; -mEn/) man or servant bound to give loyal service to such a sovereign or lord (君主或王侯的)臣仆. ★lien / lIEn; liEn/ n [C] (law 律) ~ (on/upon sth) right to keep sb's property until a debt owed in connection with it (for repair, transport, etc) is paid 留置权, 扣押权(扣押某人财产直至债务, 如修理费、 运输费等清偿方予放还者). ★lieu / lu:; lu or, in British use, 英式英语读作 lju:; lIu/ n (idm 习语) in lieu (of sth) instead 代替: accept a cheque in lieu of cash 接受支票替代现金. ★Lieut (also Lt) abbr 缩写 = Lieutenant: Lieut (James) Brown (詹姆士·)布朗中尉. ★lieutenant / lef5tenEnt; lu:5t-; lu`tZnEnt/ n 1 army officer next below a captain 陆军中尉. =>App 9 见附录9. 2 navy officer next below a lieutenant-commander 海军上尉. =>App 9 见附录9. 3 (in compounds) officer ranking next below the one specified (在复合词中)仅低於某一官阶的官员: lieutenant-general 陆军中将 * lieutenant-governor, ie official next below a governor-general 副总督. 4 deputy; chief assistant 副职官员; 助理官员. ★lieutenancy / -EnsI; -EnsI/ n rank of a lieutenant 陆军中尉、 海军上尉、 副职官员的军衔或职位. ★life / laIf; laIf/ n (pl lives / laIvz; laIvz/) 1 [U] ability to function and grow that distinguishes living animals and plants from dead ones and from rocks, metals, etc 生命: the origins of life on earth 地球上生命的起源 * The motionless body showed no signs of life. 纹丝不动的躯体显示不出有生命的迹象. 2 [U] living things 生物; 活物: Is there life on Mars? 火星上有生物吗? * animal and plant life 动植物. 3 [U] state of being alive as a human being 人生; 人的生存: The riot was brought under control without loss of life, ie without anyone being killed. 骚乱得到控制, 无人死亡. 4 [U] qualities, events and experiences that characterize existence as a human being 生活: He does not want much from life. 他对生活所求无多. * What do you expect? That's life! ie These things happen and must be expected and accepted. 你期待什麽呢? 这就是生活(这些事常有, 必须想到并承受)! 5 [C] existence of an individual human being 人命; (人的)性命: Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man. 医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命. * Three lives were lost (ie Three people died) in the accident. 事故中三人丧生. 6 (a) [C] period between birth and death 一生; 终身; 终生: She lived her whole life in the country. 她在农村度过一生. * He spent his adult life in Canada. 他成年时期是在加拿大度过的. (b) [C] period between birth and the present 有生以来: I've lived here all my life. 我一生都住在这里. 7 [U] (a) period between the present and death 从今到死; 终此一生: a friend, job, membership for life. 终身的朋友、 工作、 成员资格. (b) (infml 口) (also life sentence) sentence of imprisonment for the rest of one's life made by a court of law 终身监禁; 无期徒刑: be given/get/do life 被判[落得/服]无期徒刑. 8 [U] (a) business, pleasure and social activities of the world 事业; 欢乐; 社交: As a taxi-driver you really see life. 你开计程车, 可真是见多识广了. (b) activity; movement 活动: There are few signs of life here in the evenings. 这里晚间没有什麽活动的迹象. 9 [U] liveliness; interest 生命力; 活力; 兴趣: Children are always so full of life. 儿童总是那麽朝气蓬勃的. * Put more life into your work. 你的工作多增加些活力吧. 10 [U, C] way of living 生活方式: private/public life 私人[大众]的生活方式 * Village life is too dull for me. 我觉得乡村的生活方式太单调乏味了. * have an easy/hard life 过闲适[艰苦]的生活 * Singing is her life, ie the most important thing in her existence. 唱歌是她的人生大事. * That's the life (for me)! ie the best way to live. 这就是(我)最好的生活方式! * He's decided to emigrate and start a new life in America. 他决定移居美国, 开始新的生活. 11 [C] biography 传记: He's writing a life of Newton. 他在写牛顿的传记. 12 [U] living model 真人模特儿; 生物模型: a portrait drawn/taken from life 以真人作模特儿的画像 * [attrib 作定语] a `life class, ie one in which art students draw, etc from living models 真人模特儿写生课. 13 [C] period during which sth continues to exist or function 寿命; 有效期; 存在期: throughout the life of the present government 现政府任期期间 * [attrib 作定语] a long-life battery 长寿电池. 14 [C] (a) fresh start or opportunity after a narrow escape (脱险後的)新开端, 新机会: The batsman was given a life (eg because a fielder missed an easy catch) when his score was 24. 那击球员积分到24分时获一新机会(如外场员未接住一易接的球). (b) (in children's games) one of a set number of chances before a player is out of the game (儿童游戏中)参加者的一次机会(若干失误则出局). 15 (idm 习语) at one's time of life => time1. the bane of sb's existence/life => bane. the breath of life => breath. bring sb/sth to `life give sb/sth vitality 给某人[某事物]的活力: Let's invite Ted -he knows how to bring a party to life. 我们邀请特德吧--有他到会就热闹了. a cat-and-dog life => cat1. the change of life => change2. come to `life become animated 变活泼: You're very cool with your brother, but with your friends you really come to life. 你对你弟弟冷冰冰的, 但跟朋友在一起倒很活跃. * Sunrise -and the farm comes to life again. 太阳一升起, 农场就又活了. depart this life => depart. end one's days/life => end2. expectation of life => expectation. a fact of life => fact. the facts of life => fact. for dear `life/one's `life (as if) in order to escape death (彷佛)逃命般, 拚命地: Run for your life! 拚命跑吧! for the `life of one (infml 口) however hard one tries 无论怎样努力: I cannot for the life of me remember her name. 我怎麽也想不起她的名字. frighten the life out of sb => frighten. full of beans/life => full. have the time of one's life => time1. in fear of one's life => fear1. in peril of one's life => peril. large as life => large. larger than life => large. lay down one's life (for sb/sth) (rhet 修辞) sacrifice one's life 献身; 牺牲生命: He laid down his life for the cause of freedom. 他为自由的事业献出了生命. lead a dog's life => lead3. lead sb a dog's life => lead3. ,life and `limb one's survival from accident or injury 幸免於难: Fire-fighters risk life and limb every day in their work. 消防队员的工作每天都是出生入死的. the life and soul of sth (infml 口) the most lively and amusing person present at a party, etc (聚会等中的)最活跃和最风趣的人物. the love of sb's life => love1. make (sb's) life a `misery cause sb to be unhappy or suffer pain in daily life 使某人日子不好过: Having unpleasant neighbours can make one's life an absolute misery. 邻居不好也能叫人度日如年. make one's way in life => way2. a matter of life and death => matter1. a new lease of life => new. not on your (sweet) `life! (infml 口) certainly not 当然不. put an end to one's life/oneself => end1. sell one's life dearly => sell. spring to life => spring3. the staff of life => staff. take one's (own) `life commit suicide 自杀. take one's life in one's hands risk being killed 冒生命危险: You take your life in your hands simply crossing the road these days! 近来就连过马路也得豁出命才行! take sb's `life kill sb 取某人性命. to the `life exactly like the original 逼真: draw, imitate, resemble sb to the life 画某人画得逼真、 仿某人仿得维妙维肖、 酷似某人. true to life => true. walk of life => walk2. a/sb's way of life => way1. ★lifeless adj 1 never having had life 无生命的: lifeless stones 无生命的石头 * a lifeless planet 没有生物的行星. 2 dead 死的: the lifeless bodies of the slaughtered animals 宰杀後的动物尸体. 3 lacking vitality; dull 没有生气的; 沉闷的: a lifeless performance 死气沉沉的演出. ★lifelessly adv. ★lifelessness n [U]. ★lifer / 5laIfE(r); `laIfL/ n (sl 俚) person sentenced to life imprisonment 被判终身监禁的人. ★life-and-death (also life-or-death) adj [attrib 作定语] serious; crucial; deciding between life and death 严重的; 关系重大的; 生死攸关的: desert animals locked in a life-and-death struggle with the elements 囿於沙漠中与自然环境作生死搏斗的动物 * (fig 比喻) a life-or-death attempt to reach the grand final 为进入大决赛而作殊死拚搏的尝试. ★life annuity (finance 财) annuity paid for the rest of a person's life 终身年金. ★life assurance, life insurance type of insurance policy providing a specified payment on the death of the holder 人寿保险. ★lifebelt (also lifebuoy) n ring of buoyant or inflatable material used to keep afloat a person who has fallen into water 救生圈. ★life-blood n [U] 1 blood necessary to life 生命必需的血液. 2 (fig 比喻) thing that gives strength and vitality活力的来源; 元气: Credit is the life-blood of the consumer society. 信誉是消费界的生命线. ★lifeboat n (a) small boat carried on a ship for use if the ship has to be abandoned at sea (船上的)救生艇. (b) boat specially built for going to the help of people in danger in the sea along a coast (海岸的)救生船. ★life cycle (biology 生) series of forms into which a living thing changes as it develops 生活周期(生物发展过程的系列变形); 生活史: the life cycle of the butterfly 蝴蝶的生活周期. ★life expectancy (a) number of years that a person is likely to live, esp as statistically determined for insurance purposes 预期寿命(尤指人寿保险估计): Women have a higher life expectancy than men. 女人比男人的预期寿命长. (b) length of time sth is likely to exist or function (某事物的)预期存在的期限: the life expectancy of the average car, the present government 一般汽车使用的、 现政府执政的预期年限. ★life-giving adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] that restores life or vitality 恢复生机的. ★life-guard n expert swimmer employed to rescue bathers in difficulty or danger (游泳场的)救生员. ★Life Guards cavalry regiment in the British army (英国陆军中的)近卫骑兵团. ★life history (biology 生) record of the life cycle of an organism (生物的)生活史. ★life interest (law 律) benefit (from property, etc) valid during sb's life (财产等的)终身权益. ★life-jacket n sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable material used to keep afloat a person in danger of drowning 救生衣. =>illus 见插图. ★lifelike adj exactly like a real person or thing 栩栩如生的; 逼真的: a lifelike statue, drawing, toy 栩栩如生的雕像、 绘画、 玩具. ★lifeline n 1 (nautical 海) (a) line or rope for saving life such as that attached to a lifebelt, or fastened along the deck of a ship in a storm for sailors to hold on to 救生索. (b) line attached to a deep-sea diver (深海潜水员的)信号绳. 2 (fig 比喻) anything on which sb/sth depends for continued existence 生命线; 命脉: Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities. 公共交通对许多农村居民来说是不可或缺的. ★lifelong adj [attrib 作定语] extending throughout one's life 毕生的; 终身的: a lifelong interest, friendship, wish 终身权益、 友谊、 愿望. ★life peer peer whose title is granted only to himself, and is not inherited by his heirs (爵位不能世袭的)终身贵族. ★life-preserver n (US) life-jacket 救生衣. ★life-raft n raft (esp inflatable) for emergency use at sea 救生筏; (尤指)充气救生船. ★life-saver n (a) (Austral or NZ 澳或新西兰) life-guard 救生员. (b) thing that restores, benefits or is of great assistance 有助恢复、 有好处或大有助益的事: The clothes-dryer was a life-saver during the wet weather. 天气潮湿时乾衣机可帮了大忙了. ★life sciences biology and related subjects 生命科学(生物学及相关学科). ★life-size, life-sized adj of the same size as the person or thing represented 与真人实物一样大小的: The statue is twice life-size. 该雕像大小为实体的两倍. ★life-span n length of time that sth is likely to live, continue or function 寿命; 生命期限; 使用期; 有效期: Some insects have a life-span of no more than a few hours. 有些昆虫寿命只有几小时. ★life story biography 生活史: She told me her life story. 她向我讲述了她的生活史. ★life-style n way of life of an individual or group 生活方式: He and his brother have quite different life-styles. 他和他弟弟生活方式截然不同. ★life-support adj [attrib 作定语] (of equipment) enabling sb to live in a hostile environment (eg a spacecraft) or when natural bodily functions have failed (eg following an accident) (指设备)维持生命的; 保障生命的. ,life-support system such equipment used to keep a person alive 生命维持系统; 生命保障装置. ★lifetime n 1 duration of sb's life or sth's existence (人的)一生; (事物的)存在期: a lifetime of service 使用年限 * In your lifetime you must have seen many changes. 人的一生中一定目睹很多变革. * [attrib 作定语] a lifetime subscription (to a magazine, etc) 长期订阅(某杂志等). 2 (idm 习语) the chance, etc of a `lifetime an exceptional opportunity, etc 千载难逢的好机会等: Book now for the holiday of a lifetime! 为机会难再的假日现在立即预订! ★life-work n (usu sing 通常作单数) (also life's `work) activity that occupies one's whole life 毕生的工作; 终身的事业. ★lift / lIft; lIft/ v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (up) raise sb/sth to a higher level or position 将某人[某物]抬起、 举起: Lift me up, mummy I can't see. 妈妈, 把我抱起来--我看不见. * Three men were lifted by helicopter from the burning ship. 直升飞机把三个男人从燃烧著的船上吊起. * (fig 比喻) This piece of luck lifted his spirits. 这一好运振奋了他的情绪. 2 [Tn.pr] take (sth) from its resting-place in order to move it 将(某物)从原地移开: lift a box into a lorry, out of a train, down from a shelf, etc 把箱子抬上卡车、 抬出火车、 从架子上抬下来等. 3 [I] (of clouds, fog, etc) rise; disperse (指云、 雾等)消失, 消散: The mist began to lift. 雾开始消散. * (fig 比喻) Her heart lifted at the sight of him. 她一看见他心里就高兴. 4 [Tn] dig up (vegetables); remove (plants) from the ground 挖掘(蔬菜); 拔去(植物): lift potatoes, turnips, etc 刨土豆、 拔萝卜. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sb/sth) (infml 口) (a) steal sth 偷窃某物: She was caught lifting make-up from the supermarket. 她在超级市场偷窃化妆品时被捉住了. (b) copy (material) from another source without permission or acknowledgement 剽窃, 抄袭(资料): Many of his ideas were lifted from other authors. 他的很多意念都是剽窃别的作者的. 6 [Tn] remove or abolish (restrictions) 解除或撤销(限制): lift a ban, embargo, curfew, etc 解除禁令、 封锁、 戒严等. 7 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] transport (goods, livestock, people) esp by air 运送(货物、 牲畜、 人)(尤指空运): fresh tomatoes lifted in from the Canary Islands 从加那利群岛空运的新鲜番茄. 8 (idm 习语) have one's face lifted => face1. lift/raise a finger/hand (to do sth) (infml 口) (usu negative 通常用於否定句) give help (with sth) 帮助(做某事): He never lifts a finger round the house, ie never helps with the housework. 家里的事他从不帮忙. lift/raise a hand/one's hand against sb => hand1. lift (up) one's eyes (to sth) (rhet 修辞) look up 抬眼看. 9 (phr v) lift off (of a rocket or spacecraft) rise from the launching site (指火箭或航天器)发射, 升空, 起飞. ★lift n 1 [sing] lifting; being lifted 抬; 举: Give him a lift: he's too small to see anything. 把他抱起来; 他人矮, 什麽也看不见. 2 [C] (Brit) (US elevator) box-like device for moving people or goods from one floor of a building to another 电梯; 升降机: It's on the sixth floor let's take the lift. 在第六层--我们乘电梯吧. 3 [C] free ride in a private vehicle 免费搭私人车; 坐他人的顺路车: I'll give you a lift to the station. 我用车顺便送你到车站去吧. * thumb/hitch a lift, ie hitch-hike 用拇指示意求搭便车[免费搭他人车]. 4 [U] upward pressure that air exerts on an aircraft in flight (空气作用於飞行器的)上升力. Cf 参看 drag1 2. 5 [sing] feeling of elation 鼓舞; 振奋: Winning the scholarship gave her a tremendous lift. 她获得奖学金後受到极大的鼓舞. ★lift-off n vertical take-off of a rocket or spacecraft (火箭或航天器的)发射, 升空, 起飞: We have lift-off. 我们已发射升空. ★lift-attendant n (US elevator operator) person who operates a lift(2) 电梯或升降机操纵员. ★ligament / 5lIgEmEnt; `lI^EmEnt/ n tough flexible tissue in a person's or an animal's body that connects bones and holds organs in position 韧带: tear/pull a ligament 撕裂[拉伤]韧带. ★ligature / 5lIgEtFE(r); `lI^E9tFL/ n 1 thread, bandage, etc used for tying, esp in surgical operations (用作绑缚的)线, 绷带; (尤指外科的)结扎线, 缚线. 2 (music 音) smooth combination of two or more notes of different pitch, or mark indicating this; slur; tie 连音; 连结线. 3 (in printing) two or more joined letters, such as or (印刷的)连字(如或). ★light / laIt; laIt/ n 1 [U] (a) kind of natural radiation that makes things visible 光; 光线; 光亮: the light of the sun, a lamp, the fire, etc 阳光、 灯光、 火光. (b) amount or quality of this 光亮的程度: The light was beginning to fail, ie It was getting dark. 天色渐暗. * This light is too poor to read by. 这光线太暗不能看书. * the flickering light of candles 摇曳的烛光 * (fig 比喻) A soft light (ie expression) came into her eyes as she looked at him. 她望著他, 眼中闪露出柔情. Cf 参看 dark1. 2 [C] source of light, esp an electric lamp 光源; (尤指)电灯: turn/switch the lights on/off 开[关]灯 * Far below the plane we could see the lights of London. 从飞机上俯视远处可以看到伦敦的万家灯火. * A light was still burning in his study. 他的书房里仍有孤灯独燃. * That car hasn't got its lights (ie headlights) on. 那辆汽车的前灯没有打开. * Keep going, the lights (ie traffic lights) are green. 继续开吧, 是绿灯. 3 [C] (thing used to produce a) flame or spark 火焰; 火花; 点火物: Have you got a light? eg for acigarette. 你有火儿吗? (如为点香烟). 4 [U] understanding; enlightenment 了解; 领悟; 启发: I wrestled with the crossword clue for ages before light finally dawned, ie I understood the solution. 那纵横字谜的提示, 我琢磨了很长时间才恍然大悟. 5 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) (architecture 建) window or opening to admit light 采光的窗或孔: skylight * leaded light. 6 [U, C usu sing 作不可数名词或可数名词, 後者通常作单数] (art 美术) part of a picture shown as lighted up (图画的)亮部: light and shade 亮部和阴暗部. 7 (idm 习语) according to one's `lights (fml 文) in conformity with one's beliefs, attitudes or abilities 按照自己的信念、 态度或能力: We can't blame him: he did his best according to his lights. 我们不能责怪他, 他已尽力而为了. at first light => first. be/stand in sb's `light be placed between sb and a source of light 挡住某人的光线: Can you move? You're in my light and I can't read. 借个光行吗? 你挡住亮我没法看书了. the bright lights => bright. bring sth to `light reveal sth; make sth known 揭露或暴露某事物: New facts have been brought to light. 已揭露出新的情况. by the light of nature without special guidance or teaching 天生的; 自然而然地. cast/shed/throw light on sth make sth clearer 使某事物清楚些: Recent research has shed new light on the causes of the disease. 最近的研究结果对该病的病因已有新的了解. come to light be revealed; become known 显露; 为人所知: New evidence has recently come to light. 新证据最近才为人知. give sb/get the green light => green1. go out like a `light (infml 口) faint or fall asleep suddenly 突然昏厥或入睡. hide one's light under a bushel => hide1. in a good, bad, favourably, etc `light (a) (of a picture, etc) so as to be seen well, badly, etc (指画等)看得清楚, 看不清楚: Two pictures have been hung in a bad light. 两幅画都挂在看不清的地方. (b) (fig 比喻) well, badly, favourably, etc 好; 坏; 有利地: Press reports make his actions appear in the worst possible light. 新闻报道极力丑化他的举动. * It is hard to view his conduct in a favourable light. 他的行为实难恭维. in the light of sth (US in light of sth) in view of sth; considering sth 鉴於某事物; 考虑到某事物: review the proposals in the light of past experience 照老经验来评论那些建议. jump the lights => jump2. light at the end of the tunnel success, happiness, etc after a long period of difficulty or hardship 历尽艰辛後的成功、 愉快、 幸福等; 苦尽甘来. lights out (in barracks, dormitories, etc) time when lights are (to be) turned out (军营、 宿舍等的)熄灯时间: Lights out! 熄灯! * No talking after lights out. 熄灯後不许说话. see the `light (a) understand or accept sth after much difficulty or doubt (几经困难或怀疑後)明白或赞同某事物. (b) be converted to religious belief 皈依某宗教. see the light (of `day) (a) (rhet 修辞) be born 降生. (b) (of abstract things) be conceived or made public (指抽象事物)构想出或公开: The notion of a Channel Tunnel first saw the light of day more than a century ago. 海峡隧道的构想在一百多年前就已提出. set light to sth cause sth to start burning 引火烧某物. strike a light => strike2. sweetness and light => sweetness (sweet1). ★light adj. Cf 参看 dark2. 1 full of light; not in darkness 光线充足的; 明亮的: a light airy room 明亮通风的房间 * In spring the evenings start to get lighter. 春天天渐渐黑得晚了. 2 pale 淡色的; 浅色的: Light colours suit you best. 你最适於穿浅色衣服. * light-green eyes 淡绿色的眼睛. `light-coloured adj: I prefer light-coloured fabrics. 我比较喜欢浅色的织物. ★light bulb = bulb2. ★lighthouse n tower or other structure containing a beacon light to warn or guide ships 灯塔. ★light meter = exposure meter (exposure). ★light pen (computing 计) (also wand) photoelectric device, shaped like a pen, that can communicate with a computer either by making marks on the screen of a visual display unit or by reading the pattern of a bar code 光笔(人机通信光电装置, 呈笔形, 可用以在屏幕上作记号或读条形码). ★lightship n moored or anchored ship with a beacon light, serving the same purpose as a lighthouse 灯塔船(系泊或碇泊的起灯塔作用的船). ★light-year n 1 (astronomy 天) distance that light travels in one year (about 6 million million miles) 光年. 2 light-years [pl] (infml fig 口, 比喻) a very long time 极长的时期: Genuine racial equality still seems light-years away. 真正的种族平等似乎仍遥遥无期. ★light / laIt; laIt/ v (pt, pp lit / lIt; lIt/ or lighted) (Lighted is used esp as an attributive adj, as in a lighted candle, but Cf He lit the candle and The candles were lit. lighted一字尤用作定语形容词, 如在lighted candle`点著的蜡烛'词组中, 试比较He lit the candle`他点著了蜡烛'和The candles were lit`蜡烛都点著了'. ) 1 [I, Tn, Tn.pr] (cause sth to) begin burning (使某物)开始燃烧: This wood is so damp it won't light. 这木头湿点不著. * light a cigarette 点香烟 * Let's light a fire in the living-room tonight. 今晚我们在起居室生火吧. 2 [Tn] turn on (an electric lamp, etc) 开(电灯等): Light the torch I can't see the path. 打开电筒吧--我看不见道儿. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] provide (sth) with light 给(某物)提供光源: These streets are very poorly lit. 这些街道的照明很差. * Nowadays, houses are mostly lit by electricity. 现在房屋大多用电照明. 4 [Tn.pr] guide (sb) with a light 用光引导(某人): a candle to light your way 为你照路的蜡烛. 5 (phr v) light (sth) up (infml 口) begin to smoke (a cigarette, etc) 点上(烟等)吸起来: light up a pipe 点上烟斗. light up (with sth) (of a person's face, etc) become bright or animated (指人的脸等)放光彩, 容光焕发: Her eyes lit up with joy. 她因喜悦而目光炯炯. light sth up (a) illuminate sth 照亮某物: a castle lit up with floodlights 泛光灯照亮的城堡 * flashes of lightning lit up the sky 照亮天空的道道闪电. (b) make (a person's face, etc) bright or animated 使(人的脸等)放光彩, 容光焕发: A rare smile lit up his stern features. 他那难得一见的微笑在他死板的脸上平添一些生气. ★lighting n [U] 1 equipment for providing light for a room, building, etc 照明设备: street lighting 街道照明设备. 2 the light itself 光; 光线: Subtle lighting helps people relax. 光线暗淡有助於人们松弛精神. ,lighting-up time time when road vehicle lights must be turned on (路上车辆的)开灯时间. ★lit up / 5lIt 5Qp; 9lIt`Qp/ (sl 俚) drunk 醉. ★light / laIt; laIt/ adj (-er, -est) 1 easy to lift or move; not heavy 轻的; 不重的: He's lost a lot of weight: he's three kilos lighter than he used to be. 他体重减了很多, 比以前轻了三公斤. * Carry this bag it's the lightest. 拿这个袋子吧--这个最轻. 2 [esp attrib 尤作定语] of less than average weight (比平均重量)轻的: This coat is light but very warm. 这件大衣很轻但非常暖和. * light shoes, clothing, ie for summer wear 轻便的鞋、 衣物(夏季穿用的) * The old bridge can only be used by light vehicles. 那座旧桥只能通行轻型车辆. * a light aircraft 轻型飞机. 3 (following ns 用於名词之後) less than the expected weight (比预期的)轻的, 分量不足的: This sack of potatoes is five kilos light. 这袋土豆少五公斤. 4 [esp attrib 尤作定语] gentle; delicate 轻柔的; 轻巧的: a light tap on the shoulder, a light patter of rain on the window 在肩上轻轻的一拍、 雨点在窗户上的轻柔拍打声 * a light knock on the door, ie not loud 轻轻的敲门声 * be light on one's feet, ie agile or nimble 步履轻快. 5 [esp attrib 尤作定语] (a) easy to carry out or perform 容易做的; 易为的: Since her accident she can only do light work. 她出事以後只能做轻活儿了. * take a little light exercise 做轻微的运动. (b) easy to understand 易懂的: I took some light reading (eg a thriller) for the train journey. 我带上一些轻松的读物乘火车时消遣. * light music, comedy, entertainment, ie not serious or difficult 轻音乐、 轻喜剧、 轻松的娱乐活动. 6 easy to bear; not severe 容易承受的; 不严厉的: The company was fined 1000, which critics said was too light. 公司被罚1000英镑, 论者称惩处过轻. * a light attack of flu 轻度流感. 7 not intense 不猛烈的: The wind is very light. 风很小. * Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today. 证券交易所今日交投平平. * light showers of rain 小阵雨. 8 [esp attrib 尤作定语] not dense 稀少的: light traffic 来往车辆稀少 * The river was visible through a light mist. 透过薄雾那河隐约可见. * This plant will only grow in light (ie sandy) soil. 这种植物在轻质土壤中才能生长. 9 (a) (of meals) small in quantity (指饭食)少量的: a light snack, supper, etc 小吃、 少量的晚餐. (b) (of food) that is easy to digest (指食物)易消化的, 清淡的: a light pudding 易消化的布丁 * Her souffles are always so light. 她烤的蛋奶酥总是这麽清淡. 10 [attrib 作定语] (of sleep) not deep (指睡眠)不沉的, 不熟的: Please don't make any noise my mother's a very light sleeper, ie wakes easily. 请安静--我母亲睡觉睡不实. 11 [esp attrib 尤作定语] (of drinks) low in alcohol (指饮料)酒精含量低的, 淡的: light ale 淡味麦芽啤酒 * a light white wine 低度白葡萄酒. 12 [esp attrib 尤作定语] cheerful; free from worry 愉快的; 无忧无虑的: with a light heart 轻松愉快地. 13 (idm 习语) (as) ,light as `air/as a `feather very light 很轻. light re`lief words or actions that relax tension or relieve concentration 使人轻松或松弛的言语或行动: His humour provided some welcome light relief. 他的幽默可使人松了一口气. make light of sth treat sth as unimportant 对某事物等闲视之: He made light of his injury, ie said it was not serious. 他对自己的伤不以为意. make light work of sth do sth with little effort 不费力做某事: We made light work of the tidying up. 我们做整理工作轻而易举. many hands make light `work => hand1. ★light adv with little luggage or possessions (used esp in the expression shown) 轻装地(尤用於以下示例): travel light 轻装旅行. ★lightly adv 1 in a light manner 轻轻地; 轻巧地. 2 without serious consideration 轻率地; 不严肃地: Marriage is not something to be undertaken lightly. 婚姻大事不可掉以轻心. 3 (idm 习语) get off `lightly/`cheaply (infml 口) escape serious punishment or inconvenience 逃过重罚或麻烦事. ★lightness n [U]: great lightness of touch, eg when playing the piano 极轻的一触(如弹奏钢琴). ★light-fingered adj (infml 口) in the habit of stealing (esp small) things 惯行扒窃的; (尤指)小偷小 摸的. ★light-headed adj feeling slightly faint or dizzy 眩晕的. ,light-`headedly adv. ,light-`headedness n [U]. ★light-hearted adj (a) without cares; cheerful 无忧无虑的; 轻松愉快的. (b) (derog 贬) not serious or sensible enough; casual 漫不经心的; 随便的. ★light-heartedly adv. ★light-heartedness n [U]. ★light-heavyweight n boxer weighing between 72.5 and 79.5 kg, next above middleweight 次重量级拳击手(体重为72.5和79.5公斤之间者, 在中量级之上). ★light industry industry producing small consumer goods or components 轻工业. ★lightweight n, adj 1 (boxer) weighing between 57 and 61 kg, next above featherweight 轻量级的(拳击手)(体重在57和61公斤之间, 在次轻量级之上): the European lightweight champion 欧洲轻量级拳击冠军. 2 (infml 口) (person or thing) of little influence or importance 无足轻重的(人或物): a political lightweight 政治上的无名之辈 * a lightweight news item 不重要的消息. ★light / laIt; laIt/ v (pt, pp lit / lIt; lIt/ or lighted) (phr v) light into sb (sl 俚) attack sb (physically or verbally) 打、 打击或抨击某人. light on/upon sb/sth find sb/sth by chance 偶遇某人[某事物]: Luckily, I lit on a secondhand copy of the book. 真运气, 我无意中见到了那本书, 是本旧的. light out (US sl 俚) leave quickly 迅速离去: I lit out for home. 我马上回家了. ★Very light / 5verI laIt; `vZrI 9laIt/ coloured signal flare fired at night, eg as a sign of distress from a ship 维里信号弹(有彩色光, 夜间发射, 如用作船的遇难信号). ★lighten / 5laItn; `laItn/ v [I, Tn] 1 (cause sth to) become lighter in weight (使某物)变轻: lighten a burden, cargo, pack, etc 使负担、 货物、 包装等变轻. 2 (cause sth to) be relieved of care or worry (使某事物)令人放心, 解除忧虑: My mood gradually lightened. 我的心情慢慢轻松起来. * lighten sb's duties 减轻某人的责任. ★lighter / 5laItE(r); `laItL/ n = cigarette lighter (cigarette): a cigar lighter 打火机. ★lighter / 5laItE(r); `laItL/ n flat-bottomed boat used for loading and unloading ships not brought to a quay or in transporting goods for short distances 驳船. Cf 参看 pinnace. ★lighterage / 5laItErIdV; `laItErIdV/ n [U] (a) transport of goods by lighter 驳运. (b) charge for this 驳运费. ★lighterman / -mEn; -mEn/ n (pl `lightermen / -mEn; -mEn/) person who works on a lighter 驳船船员. ★lightning / 5laItnIN; `laItnIN/ n 1 [U] flash of brilliant light in the sky produced by natural electricity passing between clouds or from clouds to the ground, usu followed by thunder 闪电: be struck by lightning 遭雷电击中 * a flash of lightning 一道闪电. 2 (idm 习语) lightning never strikes in the same place twice (saying 谚) an unusual event, or one that happens by chance, is not likely to occur again in exactly the same circumstances or to the same people 偶发的事不会在同一环境或同一人身上重演. like (greased) `lightning; like a streak of lightning; (as) quick as `lightning very fast 很快. ★lightning-bug n (US) firefly 萤火虫. ★lightning conductor (Brit) (US lightning rod) metal rod or wire fixed to an exposed part of a building, etc to prevent damage by lightning 避雷针. ★lightning / 5laItnIN; `laItnIN/ adj [attrib 作定语] 1 rapid, brief or sudden 闪电般的; 快速的; 短暂的; 突然的: Police made a lightning raid on the house. 警方突然查抄了那座房子. 2 (idm 习语) with lightning `speed very fast 很快. ★lightning strike sudden industrial stoppage taken without warning 闪电式罢工: a lightning strike called to protest about the dismissal of a workmate 为抗议解雇一名工友而进行的闪电式罢工. ★light adj. Cf 参看 dark2. 1 full of light; not in darkness 光线充足的; 明亮的: a light airy room 明亮通风的房间 * In spring the evenings start to get lighter. 春天天渐渐黑得晚了. 2 pale 淡色的; 浅色的: Light colours suit you best. 你最适於穿浅色衣服. * light-green eyes 淡绿色的眼睛. ★light-coloured adj: I prefer light-coloured fabrics. 我比较喜欢浅色的织物. ★light bulb = bulb2. ★light meter = exposure meter (exposure). ★light pen (computing 计) (also wand) photoelectric device, shaped like a pen, that can communicate with a computer either by making marks on the screen of a visual display unit or by reading the pattern of a bar code 光笔(人机通信光电装置, 呈笔形, 可用以在屏幕上作记号或读条形码). ★light-year n 1 (astronomy 天) distance that light travels in one year (about 6 million million miles) 光年. 2 light-years [pl] (infml fig 口, 比喻) a very long time 极长的时期: Genuine racial equality still seems light-years away. 真正的种族平等似乎仍遥遥无期. ★ligneous / 5lIgnIEs; `lI^nIEs/ adj (of plants) woody (指植物)木的, 木质的. ★lignite / 5lIgnaIt; `lI^naIt/ n [U] soft brownish coal 褐煤. ★like / laIk; laIk/ v 1 (a) [Tn, Tg, Tsg] find (sb/sth) pleasant or satisfactory; enjoy 喜欢, 喜爱(某人[某事物]): Do you like fish? 你喜欢鱼吗? * She likes him (ie is fond of him) but doesn't love him. 她喜欢他, 但并非爱他. * She's never liked swimming. 她从不爱游泳. * I didn't like him/his taking all the credit. 我讨厌他把全部功劳归於自己. (b) [Tt, Tnt, Cn.a] regularly choose (to do sth); prefer (to do sth) 喜好(做某事): On Sundays I like to sleep late. 星期天我爱睡懒觉. * He likes his guests to be punctual. 他喜欢客人守时. * `How do you like your tea?' `I like it rather weak.' `你喝茶有什麽喜好?'`我喜欢淡一些的.' 2 [Tt, Tg] (in negative sentences 用於否定句) be unwilling or reluctant to do sth 不愿做某事: I didn't like (ie felt reluctant) to disturb you. 我本不想打搅你. * He doesn't like asking for help. 他不愿意求助. 3 [Tn, Tt, Tnt] (used with should/would/'d to express a wish or preference at a particular time 与should/would/'d连用表示愿望或喜爱): Would you like something to eat? 想吃点东西吗? * I'd like to think it over before deciding. 我还是想想再决定吧. * We would like you to come and visit us. 我们希望你到我们这里来作客. * (ironic 反语) So he thinks it's easy, does he? I'd like to see him try! ie He would find it difficult. 那麽说他认为很容易, 是吗? 我倒想让他试一试! (他就知道难了.) =>Usage at want1 用法见want1. 4 [Tn] (infml 口) (of food) not suit sb's health (指食物)对某人的健康不宜: I like lobster but it doesn't like me. 我喜欢吃龙虾, 但吃了身体不适. 5 (idm 习语) if you `like (used as a polite form of agreement or suggestion 作表示同意或建议的礼貌用语): `Shall we stop now?' `If you like.' `我们现在停下来吧?'`听你的.' * If you like, we could go out this evening. 你要是愿意的话, 咱们今天晚上出去. I like his `nerve, `cheek, etc (ironic 反语) (used as an exclamation to complain that sb's behaviour is too impudent 作对某人行为卤莽无礼的感叹语): `She has written to demand an apology.' `I like her nerve!' `她已写信要求给她道歉.'`她还真做得出来!' I like `that! (ironic 反语) (used to protest that sth that has been said is untrue or unfair 用以表示对言语不实或不当的反感): `She called you a cheat.' `Well, I like that!' `她说你是骗子.'` , 亏她说得出口!' like the look/sound of sb/sth be favourably impressed by what one has seen of/heard about sb/sth 对有关某人[某事物]的所见所闻有好印象: I like the look of your new assistant she should do very well. 我看你的新助手不错--她看样子很能干. * I don't like the sound of that cough oughtn't you to see a doctor? 我觉得你的咳嗽声有问题--是不是该找医生看看? that's what `I'd like to know (infml 口) (used to express disbelief, suspicion, etc 用以表示不相信、 怀疑等): Where's all the money coming from? That's what I'd like to know. 这些钱都是从哪儿来的? 真叫人纳闷儿. ★likeable (also likable) / 5laIkEbl; `laIkEbl/ adj easy to like; pleasant 可爱的; 讨人喜欢的: He's likeable enough, but a bit boring. 他挺讨人喜欢, 就是有点无聊. ★likes n [pl] (idm 习语) ,likes and `dislikes things one does and does not like 好恶; 爱憎: He has so many likes and dislikes that it's impossible to please him. 他好恶爱憎这麽多, 要讨他欢心是不可能的. ★like NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Note these ways of using Would you like? 注意Would you like?的下列用法: 1 `Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow?' `Yes, thank you.' (invitation) `您明天来吃饭好吗?'`好哇, 谢谢您.'(表示邀请). 2 `Would you like to clear the table?' `Okay.' (request) `请你收拾桌子行吗?'`行.'(表示请求). Sometimes the speaker uses pattern 2 in order to make a complaint 有时用上述第2种方式表示不满: `Would you like to turn that music down?' `Yes, sorry.' `请把音乐声放小些行吗?'`可以, 对不起.' ★like / laIk; laIk/ prep 1 similar to (sb/sth); resembling 像(某人[某事物]); 类似; 相似: wearing a hat like mine 戴著与我那顶一样的帽子 * a house built like an Indian palace 建造得像印度宫殿一样的宅邸 * I've always wanted a garden like theirs. 我总想有一座像他们那样的花园. * I'm going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson. 我要当像迈克尔·杰克逊那样的流行歌星. * He's like his father, ie in character or looks. 他像他的父亲. * She looks a bit like the Queen. 她长得有点像女王. * That sounds like (ie I think I can hear) the postman. 听声音像是邮递员. 2 characteristic of (sb/sth) 有(某人[某事物])的特点: It's just like her to tell everyone about it. 只有她才会把那件事见谁就告诉谁. 3 in the manner of (sb/sth); to the same degree as 像(某人[某事物])一样: chatter like monkeys 像猴子那样吵叫 * behave like children 表现像孩子 * run like the wind, ie very fast 跑得快如风. =>Usage at as 用法见as. 4 for example 例如; 比方: We could look at some modern poets, like Eliot and Hughes. 我们可以考虑一下现代诗人, 例如艾略特和休斯. * Practical lessons, like woodwork and cookery, are not considered as important as maths. 一般认为像木工和烹饪之类的实用课程不如数学重要. 5 (idm 习语) like `anything (infml 口) very fast, hard, much, etc 很快; 很努力; 很; 非常: I had to run like anything to catch the bus. 我只好拚命跑去赶公共汽车. * We must work like anything to finish on time. 我们必须全力以赴按时完成. ★like conj (infml 口) 1 in the same manner as 像...那样: No one sings the blues like she did. 唱布鲁斯歌谁也比不上她. * Don't think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn multiplication tables. 不能像记乘法表那样记语法规则. 2 (esp US) as if 彷佛; 好像: She acts like she owns the place, ie is very bossy. 她很霸道, 就好像那地方都是她的. ★-like suff 後缀 (forming adjs 用以构成形容词) in the manner of; similar to 类似; 像: childlike * ladylike * snake-like. ★like / laIk; laIk/ adj 1 having some or all of the qualities or features of; similar 相似的; 相同的: They're not twins, but they're very like. 他们俩虽非双胞胎, 却十分相像. * Like causes tend to produce like results. 类似的原因往往产生类似的结果. * mice, rats and like creatures 小家鼠、 大老鼠之类的动物. 2 (idm 习语) (as) ,like as two `peas/as ,peas in a `pod virtually identical 一模一样; 酷似. ★like adv (idm 习语) (as) ,like as `not; ,like enough; most/very `like (dated 旧) (quite/very) probably 大概; 很可能: It'll rain this afternoon, as like as not. 今天下午很可能要下雨. ★like n 1 [sing] person or thing that is like another 相似的人或事物: You should only compare like with like. 只应在同类事物中作比较. * jazz, rock and the like, ie similar kinds of music 爵士乐、 摇滚乐之类的乐曲 * a man whose like we shall not see again 我们再也不想看到的那种男人 * I've never seen the like of it! ie anything so strange, etc. 我从未见过这种事! 2 (idm 习语) the likes of sb/sth (infml 口) a similar person or thing 类似的人或物: He's a bit of a snob won't speak to the likes of me. 他这个人有点势利--不会和我这样的人说话. ★like-minded adj having similar tastes or opinions 情趣或想法相同的: I have complained to my MP, and urge all ,like-minded `people to do the same. 我已向议员提出不满的意见, 并努力敦促抱有共识的人采取同样行动. ★-like suff 後缀 (used widely with ns to form adjs 可与许多名词结合构成形容词) similar to; resembling 像...的; 类似...的; ...般的; ...样的: childlike * shell-like. ★likely / 5laIklI; `laIklI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 ~ (to do sth/that...) that is expected; probable 预期的; 可能的: the likely outcome, winner 预料的结果、 胜者 * It isn't likely to rain. 不大像要下雨. * She's very likely to ring me tonight. 她今晚很可能给我打电话. * It's very likely that she'll ring me tonight. 很可能今晚她给我打电话. 2 that seems suitable for a purpose 似适合於某用途的: This looks a likely field for mushrooms. 这地看来适合长蘑菇. * a likely-looking candidate, ie one expected to succeed 很可能当选的候选人. 3 (idm 习语) a `likely story (ironic 反语) (used to express scorn and disbelief about what sb has said 用以表示对某人的话不屑一听和不相信): He says he just forgot about it a likely story! 他说他仅仅是忘了--像煞有介事! ★likelihood / 5laIklIhUd; `laIklI9hJd/ n [U] probability 可能; 可能性: There's no likelihood of that happening. 没有发生那种事情的可能. * In all likelihood (ie Very probably) the meeting will be cancelled. 会议十之八九要取消. ★likely adv (idm 习语) as ,likely as `not; most/very `likely (very) probably (很)可能: As likely as not she's forgotten all about it. 很可能她把这事忘得一乾二净. not (bloody, etc) `likely! (infml 口) certainly not 决不可能; 当然不会: Me? Join the army? Not likely! 我? 参军? 没门儿! ★liken / 5laIkEn; `laIkEn/ v [Tn.pr] ~ sth to sth (fml 文) show the resemblance between one thing and another 显示两事物的相像: Life has often been likened to a journey. 生活常常比作旅行. ★likeness / 5laIknIs; `laIknIs/ n 1 (a) [U] being alike; resemblance 相像; 相似: I can't see much likeness between him and his father. 我看不出他和他父亲有多少相像处. (b) [C usu sing 通常作单数] instance of this 相像; 相似: All my children share a strong family likeness. 我的孩子都有明显的家族特徵. 2 [sing] (following an adj 用於形容词之後) extent to which a portrait, photograph, etc resembles the person portrayed 肖像、 照片等酷似本人的程度: That photo is a good likeness of David. 戴维那张相片照得很像. ★likewise / 5laIkwaIz; `laIk9waIz/ adv (fml 文) 1 similarly 同样地; 照样地: I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise. 我要睡觉了, 你最好也睡吧. 2 also 也; 亦: The food was excellent, (and) likewise the wine. 菜好极了, 酒也是. ★liking / 5laIkIN; `laIkIN/ n (idm 习语) have a liking for sth be fond of sth 喜爱某事物: I've always had a liking for the sea. 我一向喜爱大海. to sb's liking (fml 文) giving sb satisfaction; pleasing sb 合某人意; 讨某人喜欢: I trust the meal was to your liking. 我相信那饭菜对你的胃口. ★lilac / 5laIlEk; `laIlEk/ n 1 (a) [C] shrub with sweet-smellingpale purple or white blossom 丁香: The lilacs are in flower. 丁香开花了. (b) [U] its blossom 丁香花: a bunch of lilac 一束丁香. 2 [U] pale purple colour 淡紫色. ★lilac adj of a pale purple colour 淡紫色的. ★lilliputian / 9lIlI5pju:Fn; 9lIlE`pjuFEn/ adj (fml 文) on a small scale; tiny 微型的; 极小的: a model railway layout peopled with lilliputian figures 带小人儿的模型铁路网. ★lilo / 5laIlEU; `laI9lo/ n (pl ~s) (Brit propr 专利名) type of lightweight inflatable mattress for lying on, eg at the beach 充气垫(如於海滨供躺卧用的). ★lilt / lIlt; lIlt/ n [sing] 1 rise and fall of the voice while speaking (说话时声音的)抑扬顿挫: She has a faint Irish lilt. 她有点爱尔兰口音. 2 regular rising and falling pattern in music, usu accompanied by a lively rhythm (音乐的)轻快旋律. ★lilting adj having a lilt 抑扬顿挫的; 节奏欢快的. ★arum lily / 9eErEm 5lIlI; 9ZrEm `lIlI/ type of tall cultivated lily with a long white funnel-shaped flower 白星海芋. ★lily / 5lIlI; `lIlI/ n 1 (a) any of various types of plant growing from a bulb, with large white or reddish flowers 百合; 百合花: `water lilies 睡莲. (b) type of lily with white flowers 白百合: daffodils and lilies flowering in the spring 春天开花的黄水仙和白百合. 2 (idm 习语) gild the lily => gild. ★lily-livered / 5lIlI lIvEd; `lIlI`lIvLd/ adj (dated 旧) cowardly 胆小的; 懦弱的. ★lily of the valley plant with small sweet-smelling bell-shaped white flowers 铃兰. ★limb / lIm; lIm/ n 1 leg, arm or wing 肢(腿、 臂或翼): I need to sit down and rest my weary limbs. 我要坐下歇歇腿. 2 main branch of a tree 树的主枝. 3 (idm 习语) life and limb => life. out on a `limb (infml 口) isolated and vulnerable; without supporters (used esp in the expressions shown) 孤立而脆弱, 没有支持者(尤用於以下示例): leave sb/be/go out on a limb 弃某人於[处於/陷於]孤立无援的境地. sound in wind and limb => sound1. tear sb limb from limb => tear2. ★-limbed / lImd; lImd/ (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) having limbs of the kind specified 有某种肢体的: ,long-limbed * ,weary-limbed * ,loose-limbed, ie supple. ★limber / 5lImbE(r); `lImbL/ adj (dated 旧) supple; flexible 柔软的; 灵活的. ★limber v (phr v) ,limber `up exercise in preparationfor sport, etc; warm up (warm2) (运动等前)做准备活动, 活动肢体: I always do a few easy exercises to limber up before a match. 我在比赛前总要做些简单的准备活动. ★limbo / 5lImbEU; `lImbo/ n (idm 习语) in limbo in an intermediate or uncertain state; neglected 处於中间的或不定的状态; 受忽略; 被遗忘: The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision. 该工程必须搁置, 等待委员会做决定. ★limbo / 5lImbEU; `lImbo/ n (pl ~s / -bEUz; -boz/) West Indian dance in which the dancer bends back and passes under a bar that is gradually lowered 林波舞(西印度群岛的舞蹈, 舞者向後弯腰钻过逐渐降低的横竿). ★lime / laIm; laIm/ n [U] 1 (also `quicklime) whitesubstance (calcium oxide) obtained by heating limestone,used in making cement and mortar and as a fertilizer 石灰. 2 = birdlime (bird). ★lime v [Tn] treat (fields, etc) with lime to improve the soil 给(田地等)施石灰(以改进土壤). ★lime-kiln n kiln in which lime is produced 石灰窑. ★limestone n [U] type of rock, eg chalk, composed esp of the remains of prehistoric plants and animals 石灰岩. ★lime / laIm; laIm/ (also `lime-tree, linden) n tree with smooth heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow flowers 椴树(乔木, 叶光滑呈心形, 花黄, 有香味). ★lime / laIm; laIm/ n 1 [C] (tree bearing) round fruit like a lemon but smaller and more acid 酸橙树, 酸橙(比柠檬小但更酸). 2 [U] (also lime green) yellowish-green colour of this fruit 酸橙绿色; 淡黄绿色. ★lime-juice n [U] juice of limes used for flavouring or as a drink 酸橙汁(用作调味或饮料). ★limelight / 5laImlaIt; `laIm9laIt/ n [U] publicity or attention 众人注意的中心: She claims she never sought the limelight. 她说她从不爱出风头. * When I was President, I was always in the limelight there was no privacy. 我当总统时一直为公众瞩目--谈不上私人的生活. ★limerick / 5lImErIk; `lImErIk/ n type of humorous poem with five lines, the first two rhyming with the last 五行幽默诗. ★limey / 5laImI; `laImI/ n (pl ~s) (US sl usu derog 俚, 通常作贬义) British person, usu male 英国人; (通常指)英国佬. ★limit / 5lImIt; `lImIt/ n [C] 1 point or line beyond which sth does not extend; boundary 限度; 极限; 界线; 限界: within the city limits 在该城范围内 * (fig 比喻) He tried my patience to its limits. 他把我逼得忍无可忍了. * No fishing is allowed within a twenty-mile limit. 二十英里范围内不准垂钓. 2 greatest amount allowed or possible 允许的或可能的最大限度; 限量: The speed limit on this road is 70 mph. 这条路的车速限制是每小时70英里. * There's a limit to how much I'm prepared to spend. 我准备花多少钱是有限度的. 3 (idm 习语) (be) the limit (sl 俚) as much or more than one can tolerate 所能忍受的或无法再忍受的极限: You really are the (absolute) limit! 你真让人忍无可忍! ,off `limits (US) = out of bounds (bounds). the sky's the limit => sky. within `limits in moderation; up to a point 适度地; 有限度地: I'm willing to help, within limits. 我愿适当予以帮助. without `limit to any extent or degree 无限地; 无限制地. ★limitless adj without limit 无限制的; 无限度的; 无界限的; 无止境的: limitless ambition, greed, wealth 无限度的野心、 贪欲、 财富. ★limit / 5lImIt; `lImIt/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (to sth) set a limit or limits to sb/sth; restrict sb/sth 给某人[某事物]定界限; 限定某人[某事物]: We must try and limit our expenditure. 我们必须设法限制我们的开支. * I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject. 我仅探讨这一问题的三个方面. ★limited adj restricted; few or small 有限的; 少的;小的: Only a limited number of places is available. 只有少数地方可供使用. * His intelligence is rather limited. 他的智力相当有限. ,limited edition (production of only a) fixed, usu small, number of copies 限数版(印数固定、 通常很少); 限数版本的出版. ,limited liability company (abbr 缩写 Ltd) business company whose members are liable for its debts only to the extent of the capital sum they have provided 有限责任公司: Acme Interiors Ltd 爱克米室内装饰有限公司. ★limiting adj imposing limits; restrictive 限制的; 限制性的: Time is the limiting factor. 时间是限制性的因素. ★limitation / 9lImI5teIFn; 9lImE`teFEn/ n 1 [U] limiting; being limited 限制; 限定: resist any limitation of their powers 反对限制他们的权力. 2 [C] condition, fact or circumstance that limits 起限制作用的条件、 事或环境; 局限; 限制: impose limitations on imports, expenditure, reporting 对进口、 开销、 报道加以限制. 3 [C] lack of ability 能力上的不足; 无能: He knows his limitations, ie knows what he can and cannot achieve. 他知道自己能力有限. ★limousine / 5lImEzi:n, 9lImE5zi:n; `lImE9zin, 9lImE`zin/ n large luxurious car, esp with a glass partition separating driver and passengers 豪华轿车(尤指有玻璃将司机座位隔开的). ★limp / lImp; lImp/ adj 1 not stiff or firm 柔软的: a limp edition, ie a book with a flexible binding 软皮书. 2 lacking strength or energy 无力的; 无精神的: a limp handshake, gesture, response 无力的握手、 姿势、 反应 * The flowers looked limp in the heat. 花在热天发蔫. ★limply adv. ★limpness n [U]. ★limp / lImp; lImp/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] walk unevenly, as when one foot or leg is hurt or stiff 跛行; 一拐一拐地走: That dog must be hurt he's limping. 那条狗准是受了伤--一拐一拐的. * The injured footballer limped slowly off the field. 受伤的足球队员跛著脚慢慢走出埸地. * limp about, along, away, off 一拐一拐地到处走、 前行、 走开、 走去 * (fig 比喻) The third act limps badly. 第三幕演得拖拖拉拉. =>Usage at shuffle 用法见shuffle. 2 [Ipr] (of a ship, etc) proceed with difficulty in a specified direction, esp after an accident (指船等)困难地航行(尤指出事之後): After the collision both vessels managed to limp into harbour. 两船相撞之後都挣扎著驶进海港. ★limp n [sing] limping walk 跛行: walk with/have a bad, slight, etc limp 跛得厉害、 有点跛. ★limpet / 5lImpIt; `lImpIt/ n small shellfish that sticks tightly to rocks 帽贝: cling, hold on, etc (to sb/sth) like a limpet, ie very tenaciously 紧紧依附、 缠住(某人[某事物])不放. ★limpid / 5lImpId; `lImpId/ adj (of liquids, etc) clear; transparent (指液体等)清彻的, 透明的: limpid eyes 晶莹的眼睛. ★limpidity / lIm5pIdEtI; lIm`pIdEtI/ n [U]. ★limpidly adv. ★linchpin / 5lIntFpIn; `lIntF9pIn/ n 1 pin passed through the end of an axle to keep the wheel in position 轮辖; 制轮楔. 2 (fig 比喻) person or thing that is vital to an organization, plan, etc (组织、 计画等中)关键性的人或事物: Controlling wages is the linchpin of the Government'spolicies. 控制工资是政府政策的关键. ★linctus / 5lINktEs; `lINktEs/ n [U] (Brit) syrupy medicine to soothe coughs 止咳糖浆. ★linden / 5lIndEn; `lIndEn/ n = lime. ★line / laIn; laIn/ n 1 [C] (a) long narrow mark, either straight or curved, traced on a surface 线; 线条: a straight line 直线 * Sign your name on the dotted line. 请在虚线上签名. * Don't park on the double yellow lines, ie those painted at the side of a road in Britain. 不要把车停在双黄线处(在英国, 标於路边的). * Draw a line from A to B. 从A到B画一条线. (b) mark like a line on the skin 皮肤上的纹: The old man's face was covered in lines and wrinkles. 那老人的脸上布满皱纹和褶子. 2 [U] use of lines in art 艺术中线条的运用: Line and colour are both important in portrait painting. 线条和色彩在肖像绘画中都很重要. 3 lines [pl] overall shape; outline 轮廓; 外形: the graceful lines of the ship 船的优美轮廓. 4 (a) [C] (usu 通常作 the line) (in sport) mark on the ground to show the limits of a pitch, court, race-track, etc (运动的)场地线, 终点线: first across the line, ie in a race 第一个通过终点线 * If the ball crosses the line it is out. 球越线即为出界. (b) [C] boundary 界线; 边界: cross the line (ie border) from Mexico into the US 从墨西哥越过边界进入美国. (c) the Line [sing] the equator 赤道. 5 [C] series of connected defence posts, trenches, etc (碉堡、 战壕等连成的)防线: the front line, ie that nearest to the enemy 前线 * a safe position well behind the lines 远离前线的一处安全阵地. 6 [C] row of people or things (人或事物的)行, 排, 列: a line of customers queuing 顾客排的队 * lines of trees in an orchard 果园里成行的树 * a long line of low hills 一长列小山. 7 [C usu sing 通常作单数] series of people following one another in time, esp generations of the same family 按时间顺序排列的人; (尤指)家族的世代, 家系: a line of kings 历代帝王 * the Stuart line 斯图亚特 家族 * in the male/female line 父系[母系] * descended from King David in a direct line 大卫王的嫡系. 8 (a) [C] row of words on a page of writing or in print 字行: page 5, line 13 第5页第13行 * The last two lines (ie of verse) rhyme. 诗的最後两行押韵. (b) [C] (infml 口) letter 信; 便条: Just a short line to say thanks. 只言片语聊表谢忱. (c) lines [pl] words spoken by a particular actor 台词: Have you learnt your lines yet? 你的台词背熟了吗? (d) lines [pl] (in schools) punishment in which a pupil is required to write out a specified number of lines (学校中)罚学生抄书: The maths teacher was furious and gave me 50 lines. 数学老师气坏了, 罚我抄书50行. 9 [C] (a) piece or length of thread, rope, etc used for a particular purpose 线; 索; 绳: a `fishing-line 钓鱼线 * Hang (out) the clothes on the line. 把衣服晾到绳子上去. (b) (esp nautical 尤用於航海) rope 绳索; 缆索. 10 [C] (equipment providing a) telephone connection 电话线(路): Our firm has twenty lines. 我们公司有二十条电话线路. * I'm sorry, the line is engaged. 对不起, 占线. * a bad (eg noisy) line 不良的通话线路(如杂音多). 11 [C] (a) single track of a railway (铁路的)铁轨, 轨道, 轨线, 线路: The train was delayed because of ice on the line. 火车因铁轨结冰而误点. (b) one section of a railway system (铁路的)段, 线: a `branch line 支线 * the main `line 干线 * the second stop from Oxford on the Worcester line 在伍斯特线上自牛津开出之第二站. 12 [sing] course of action, behaviour or thought (行动、 行为或思想的)方向, 路线, 方针: Don't take that line with me. 不要对我采取那种方式. * I absolutely reject the management's line on this. 我断然否绝经理部门处理此事的方法. * She always takes a Marxist line. 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线. 13 [sing] ~ (of sth) direction or course 方向或路线: the line of `march (of an army, etc) (军队等的)行军路线 * the line of `fire, ie direction in which guns, etc are fired 射向. 14 [C] system of ships, buses, aircraft, etc regularly moving passengers or goods between certain places (轮船、 公共汽车、 飞机等的)运输公司: a `shipping line 航运公司 * an `air line 航空公司. 15 the lines [pl] (esp in the army) row of tents, huts, etc (尤指军队中的)营地. 16 the line [sing] (a) (Brit) (in the army) regular infantry regiments (excluding the Guards) (军队中的)战列步兵(不包括禁卫军). (b) (US) (in the army) regular regiments of all kinds (军队中的)战斗部队(包括各兵种). 17 [sing] (in the army) double row of soldiers standing side by side (军队中的)二列横队: attack in extended line 以展开的二列横队队形进攻. 18 [sing] (a) department of activity; type of business 活动的范围; 行业: He's something in the `banking line. 他在银行工作. * Her line is more selling than production. 她搞销售而不搞生产. * That's not (much in) my line, ie not one of my skills or interests. 那我可不(大)在行. (b) type of product (产品的)类型, 种别: This shop has a nice line in winter coats. 这家商店的冬装大衣很好. 19 (idm 习语) all along the `line (infml 口) in every way; at every point 全部地; 到处; 全面地: I've trusted you all along the line and now you've let me down. 我一直信任你, 可是现在你却让我失望. along/on the same, etc `lines in the way specified 以某种方式: Could you write another programme on the same lines? 你能否以同样的方式再编写一个程序? * The novel develops along traditional lines. 这小说的情节按传统方式展开. be in the firing line => fire2. bring sth, come, fall, get, move, etc into `line (with sb/sth) (cause sth to) conform (使某事物)按规范, 一致, 符合: He'll have to fall into line with the others. 他早晚得和别人一致起来. draw the line at sth/doing sth => draw?2. drop sb a line => drop2. the end of the line/road => end1. get, have, etc one's `lines crossed (a) be unable to contact sb by telephone because of a technical fault (因技术故障)电话线路不通: I can't get through the lines must be crossed. 我打不通电话--线路一定出故障了. (b) (infml 口) fail to communicate with or understand sb else correctly 未与某人联系好; 误解某人. give sb/get/have a line on sth (infml 口) give sb/get/have information about sth 把某事的消息告诉某人; 获取某事的消息. hard lines => hard1. hold the `line keep a telephone connection open 不挂断电话: Hold the line while I see if she's here. 请别挂断电话, 我去看她在不在. hook, line and sinker => hook1. in (a) line (with sth) so as to form a straight line with sth; level with sth else 与某物成一直线; 与某事物取平: Place your right toe in line with your left heel. 把右脚趾与左脚跟排在一直线上. (stand) in/on line (US) in a queue 站队; 排队. in line for sth likely to get sth 有可能获得某事物: She's in line for promotion. 她有可能获得晋升. in the ,line of `duty while doing one's duty在执行任务时. in line with sth similar to sth; in accordance with sth 与某事物类似或一致: in line with the others/with the latest research 与其他的一致[根据最新的研究成果]. ,lay it on the `line (infml 口) talk frankly and openly 实话实说: Let me lay it on the line I think you're cheating. 坦率地说, 我认为你在搞鬼. (choose, follow, take, etc) the line of least re`sistance the easiest way of doing sth 最省事的办法. (put sth) on the `line (infml 口) at risk 冒风险: If this goes wrong your job's on the line. 这件事要是有个一差二错, 你就有丢饭碗的危险. out of `line (with sb/sth) (a) not forming a straight line 不成一直线: One of thesoldiers is out of line. 有一名士兵没站齐. (b) unacceptably different 出格; 越轨: Our prices are out of line with those of our competitors. 我们的价格和竞争者的相差悬殊. read between the lines => read. shoot a line=> shoot1. sign on the dotted line => sign2. somewhere, etc along the `line at a certain stage during a process 过程中的某阶段: He started off enthusiastically but at some point along the line boredom set in. 开始时他很热情, 但干著干著就产生了厌倦情绪. step out of line => step1. take a firm, etc line (on/over sth) deal with a problem or an issue in a firm, etc way 采取坚定...路线处理某事. take a hard line => hard1. toe the line => toe v. ★line-drawing n drawing done with a pen, pencil, etc 线条画(用钢笔、 铅笔等). ★line printer (computing 计) high-speed printer producing a complete line of text at a time 行式打印机. ★line / laIn; laIn/ v 1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] mark (sth) with lines 以线条标示(某物); 画线於(某物): lined paper, ie with lines printed on it 印有横格的纸 * a face lined with age and worry 因经年忧虑而多皱纹的脸. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] form a line along (sth) 沿(某物)排成行: a road lined with trees 树木成行的路 * Crowds of people lined the route of the procession. 人群在行进线路沿途站成一排. 3 (phr v) line up (for sth) (US) form a queue 形成一排. line (sb) up (cause people to) form a line (让人)站成一排: line up the suspects/get the suspects to line up 让嫌疑犯站成一排. line sth up (infml 口) arrange or organize sth 安排或组织某事物: I've got rather a lot lined up (ie I'm very busy) this week. 我这星期有很多事要做. * He's lined up a live band for the party. 他已为聚会安排了一个伴奏乐队. ★line-out n (in Rugby football) two parallel lines of opposing forwards jumping for the ball when it is thrown in from the touchline (英式橄榄球的)对阵争球. ★line-up n 1 line of people formed for inspection, etc (等候检查等的)一排人: a line-up of men in an identification parade 嫌疑犯辨认程序中的一排男子. 2 any set of people, items, etc arranged for a purpose 为某目的而安排的一批人、 项目等: Jones will be missing from the team line-up. 球队阵容中将没有琼斯. * A film completes this evening's TV line-up. 今晚电视节目最後播映一部影片. ★line / laIn; laIn/ v 1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) cover the inside surface of sth with a layer of different material 给某物安衬里; 做内衬: an overcoat lined with silk 衬有绸里儿的大衣 * fur-lined gloves 毛皮里儿的手套 * Line the drawers with paper before you use them. 抽屉用纸垫好再用. * The walls of the room were lined with books. 室内四壁摆满了书. 2 (idm 习语) line one's (own)/sb's `pocket(s) (cause sb to) make a lot of money, esp by dishonest or corrupt methods (使某人)发财(尤指来路不正). ★Plimsoll line / 5plImsEl laIn; `plImsEl 9laIn/ (also `Plimsoll mark / mB:k; 9mBrk/) line marked on a ship's side to show how far it may legally go down in the water when loaded (船的)载货吃水线. ★lineage / 5lInIIdV; `lInIIdV/ n [U] (fml 文) line of descent from an ancestor; ancestry 宗系; 世系; 血统: trace one's lineage back many centuries 回溯许多世纪以探求自己的宗谱 * be of humble lineage 出身寒微. ★lineal / 5lInIEl; `lInIEl/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 (fml 文) in the direct line of descent 直系的; 嫡系的: a lineal heir to the title 该头衔的直系承袭人. 2 = linear. ★lineally / -IElI; -IElI/ adv: lineally descended from sb 为某人嫡系的. ★lineaments / 5lInIEmEnts; `lInIEmEnts/ n [pl] (fml 文) features of the face, etc (面部等的)特徵, 轮廓: (fig 比喻) the lineaments (ie main factors) of the situation 情况的关键因素. ★linear / 5lInIE(r); `lInIL/ adj 1 of or in lines 线的; 线状的: a linear design 线条图案. 2 of length 长度的: linear measure, eg metres, feet, inches 长度(如米、 英尺、 英寸). =>App 5 见附录5. ★linearity / 9lInI5rEtI; 9lInI`ArEtI/ n [U]. ★lineman (esp US) = linesman. ★linen / 5lInIn; `lInIn/ n [U] 1 cloth made of flax 亚麻布: [attrib 作定语] linen handkerchiefs 亚麻手绢. 2 household articles (eg sheets, table-cloths, clothing) formerly made of this 日用织品(如床单、 桌布、 衣物等, 旧时多用亚麻制造): [attrib 作定语] a linen cupboard 日用织品柜. 3 (idm 习语) wash one's dirty linen in public => wash2. ★liner / 5laInE(r); `laInL/ n 1 large passenger or cargo ship travelling on a regular route 班轮; 邮轮: a transatlantic cruise liner 横渡大西洋的邮轮. 2 = freightliner (freight). 3 = eye-liner (eye1). ★liner / 5laInE(r); `laInL/ n removable lining 活衬里; 活动衬垫: `nappy-liners 尿布衬巾 * `bin-liners, ie plastic bags used to line a rubbish bin 垃圾塑料袋(衬在垃圾桶内的). ★linesman / 5laInzmEn; `laInzmEn/ (also esp US lineman / 5laInmEn; `laInmEn/) n (pl -men / -mEn;-mEn/) 1 official helping the referee in certain games, esp in deciding whether or where a ball crosses one of the lines 边线裁判员; 巡边员; 司线员. 2 person whose job is to repair and maintain electrical or telephone lines 线务员, 架线工(维修供电或电话线路者). ★ling / lIN; lIN/ n [U] type of heather 石楠. ★ling / lIN; lIN/ n sea-fish of N Europe used (usu salted) for food 鳕鱼(产於北欧, 通常腌制食用). ★-ling suff 後缀 1 (with ns forming ns 与名词结合构成名词) little 幼小: duckling. 2 (with vs forming ns 与动词结合构成名词) (usu derog 通常作贬义) person or thing connected with 与某事物有关的人或物: hireling * nursling. ★linger / 5lINgE(r); `lIN^L/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] 1 stay for a long time; be unwilling to leave 逗留; 徘徊: She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star. 音乐会後她徘徊不去, 希望能一见明星. * linger about/around/on 在附近[在周围/不断]徘徊. 2 be slow; dawdle 动作迟缓; 磨蹭; 拖沓: There's no time to linger it'll soon be dark. 没时间拖延了--天快黑了. * linger (long) over one's meal 慢腾腾吃饭. 3 remain in existence althoughbecoming weaker 苟延残喘; 奄奄一息: Though desperately ill he could linger on (ie not die) for months. 他虽病入膏肓, 却尚能苟延数月. * The custom still lingers (on) in some villages. 此风俗在有些村里至今犹存. * The smell of her perfume lingered in the empty house. 空屋里仍然飘溢著她的香水味. ★lingerer n person who lingers 逗留者; 徘徊者. ★lingering adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] (a) long; protracted 逗留的; 拖延的: a lingering illness 缠绵的疾病 * a last lingering look 依依不舍的最後一瞥. (b) remaining 继续存在的: a few lingering doubts 萦绕脑际的几点疑问 * a lingering sense of guilt 耿耿於怀的愧疚感. ★lingeringly adv. ★lingerie / 5lAnVEri:; 9lB:ndVE5reI; 9lBndVE`re/ n [U] (in shops, etc) women's underwear (商店等用语)女内衣. ★lingo / 5lINgEU; `lIN^o/ n (pl ~es) (infml joc or derog 口, 谑或贬) 1 foreign language 外国语言: If you live abroad it helps to know the local lingo. 住在国外, 学一点当地的语言自有好处. 2 special words or expressions used by a particular group; jargon 行话; 术语: Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English. 别尽用那种专门术语--用普通的词语解释吧. ★lingua franca / 9lINgwE 5frANkE; `lIN^wE`frANkE/ language used for communicating between the people of an area in which several languages are spoken 混合语, 交际语(在使用几种语言的地区的人们进行交际的混合语言): Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa. 东非的主要交际语是斯瓦希里语. ★linguist / 5lINgwIst; `lIN^wIst/ n 1 person who knows several foreign languages well 通晓数国语言的人: She's an excellent linguist. 她精通数国语言. * I'm afraid I'm no linguist, ie I am poor at foreign languages. 我不懂外国语. 2 person who studies language(s) scientifically 语言学家. ★linguistic / lIN5gwIstIk; lIN`^wIstIk/ adj of language or linguistics 语言的; 语言学的. ★linguistics n [sing v] scientific study of language or of particular languages 语言学. Cf 参看 philology. ★liniment / 5lInImEnt; `lInEmEnt/ n [C, U] liquid, esp one made with oil, for rubbing on the body to relieve aches or bruises 搽剂(尤指油质去痛剂). ★lining / 5laInIN; `laInIN/ n 1 (a) [C] layer of material used to cover the inside surface of sth 衬里; 里子: a coat with a fur lining 毛皮里大衣. (b) [U] material used for this 衬料; 内衬. 2 [U] tissue covering the inner surface of an organ of the body (器官内壁的)组织, 膜: the stomach lining 胃黏膜. 3 (idm 习语) every cloud has a silver lining => cloud1. ★link / lINk; lINk/ n 1 one ring or loop of a chain (链的)环, 圈. 2 person or thing that connects two others 联系两者的人或事物; 关系; 联系: Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. 警方怀疑这两起谋杀案可能有关联. * commercial, cultural, diplomatic, etc links (between two countries) (两国间的)商业、 文化、 外交等的往来. 3 (formerly) measure of length, one hundredth of a chain, equal to 7.92 inches or about 20 centimetres (旧时)令(长度单位, 一链的百分之一, 合7.92英寸或约20厘米). 4 (idm 习语) the missing link => miss3. ★link v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ A with B/~ A and B (together); ~ sth (up) make or suggest a connection between people or things 将人或物连接或联系起来: The crowd linked arms to form a barrier. 群众臂挽著臂组成人墙. * Television stations around the world are linked by satellite. 全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起. * The newspapers have linked his name with hers, ie implied that they are having an affair. 报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起(暗指他们有染). * a new road to link (up) the two motorways 连接两条高速公路的新路. 2 (phr v) link up (with sb/sth) form a connection 连接; 结合: The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit. 两艘宇宙飞船将於轨道上(互相)连接. ★linkman / -mn; -mEn/ n (pl -men / -men; -mEn/) person providing connecting links between parts of a radio or television programme or between programmes (广播或电视节目间作衔接工作的)节目主持人. ★link-up n connection or joining 联系; 连接: the first link-up of two satellites in space 首次两卫星在太空中连接. ★linkage / 5lINkIdV; `lINkIdV/ n 1 [U, C] action or manner of linking or being linked 连接; 结合; 联系. 2 [C] device, etc that links 联动装置. ★links / lINks; lINks/ n 1 = golf-links (golf). 2 [pl] (esp Scot 尤用於苏格兰) grassy sand-hills near the sea 海边长草的沙丘. ★linnet / 5lInIt; `lInIt/ n small brown songbird, common in Europe 赤胸朱顶雀(棕色小鸣禽, 常见於欧洲). ★lino / 5laInEU; `laIno/ n [U] (infml 口) = linoleum. ★linocut n (a) design cut into the surface of a piece of thick linoleum as a form of art 麻胶版画. (b) print made from this 麻胶版画印刷品. ★linoleum / lI5nEUlIEm; lI`nolIEm/ (also infml 口语亦作 lino) n [U] type of tough floor-covering made of canvas coated with powdered cork and linseed oil, etc 油地毡. ★linseed / 5lInsi:d; `lIn9sid/ n [U] seed of flax 亚麻籽. ★linseed oil oil pressed from this, used in paint, varnish, etc 亚麻籽油. ★lint / lInt; lInt/ n [U] 1 soft material used for dressing wounds (裹伤用的)纱布: [attrib 作定语] a lint bandage 绷带. 2 fluff 绒毛. ★lintel / 5lIntl; `lIntl/ n horizontal piece of wood or stone over a door or window, forming part of the frame (门或窗的)过梁, 楣. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page vi. ★lion / 5laIEn; `laIEn/ n 1 large powerful flesh-eating animal of the cat family, found in Africa and parts of southern Asia 狮. =>illus at cat 见cat插图. 2 (becoming dated 渐旧) brave or famous person 勇猛或有名气的人: a literary lion, ie a celebrated author 文学泰斗. 3 (idm 习语) beard the lion in his den => beard2. the `lion's share (of sth) the largest or best part of sth when it is divided 最大或最好的一份: As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for defence. 预算中的最大一项照例是国防费用. ★lioness / -es; -Is/ n female lion 母狮. ★lionize, lionise / -aIz; -9aIz/ v [Tn] treat (sb) as a celebrity 将(某人)当作名人对待: Marilyn wanted to be loved, not lionized. 玛里琳要的是爱而不是崇拜. ★lion-hearted adj very brave 勇猛的. ★lip / lIp; lIp/ n 1 [C] either of the fleshy edges of the opening of the mouth 一片嘴唇: the lower/upper lip 下[上]嘴唇 * kiss sb on the lips 吻某人的嘴唇 * She had a cigarette between her lips. 她叼著一枝香烟. * He put the bottle to his lips and drank deeply. 他拿著瓶子对嘴儿大口喝. =>illus at head 见head插图. => Usage at body 用法见body. 2 [C] edge of a hollow container or opening (容器或洞的)边, 口: the lip of a cup, saucer, crater 杯口、 碟边、 火山口. 3 [U] (sl 俚) impudence 唐突; 放肆: Less of your lip! ie Don't be so cheeky! 别那麽放肆! 4 (idm 习语) bite one's lip => bite1. button one's lip => button. curl one's lip => curl2. hang on sb's lips => hang1. lick/smack one's lips/chops => lick. one's lips are sealed one will not or must not discuss or reveal sth 闭口不谈; 绝口不道: I'd like to tell you what I know but my lips are sealed. 我何尝不想把我知道的都告诉你, 只是有口难言. a stiff upper lip => stiff. there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip => slip1. ★-lipped (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) having lips of the specified kind 有某种唇的: thin-lipped * tight-lipped. ★lip-read v (pt, pp lip-read / -red; -rZd/) [I, Tn] understand (what sb is saying) by watching his lip movements, not by hearing (eg because one is deaf) 唇读, 观唇辨意(如因耳聋). ★lip-reading n [U]. ★lipsalve n [C, U] ointment for sore lips 护唇油膏. ★lip-service n (idm 习语) give/pay lip-service to sth say that one approves of or supports sth while not doing so in practice 口惠而实不至: He pays lip-service to feminism but his wife still does all the housework. 他口口声声支持女权主义, 但全部家务仍然是妻子的事. ★lipstick n [C, U] (stick of) cosmetic for colouring the lips 口红; 唇膏. ★liquefy / 5lIkwIfaI; `lIkwE9faI/ v (pt, pp -fied) [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become liquid (使某物)液化: liquefied wax 液化的蜡. ★liquefaction / 9lIkwI5fkFn; 9lIkwI`fAkFEn/ n [U]: the liquefaction of gases 气体的液化. ★liquescent / lI5kwesnt; lI`kwZsnt/ adj (of a gas or solid) becoming or apt to become liquid; melting (指气体或固体)液化的, 易液化的, 熔化的. ★liqueur / lI5kjUE(r); -5k\:r; lI`k[/ n strong (usu sweet) alcoholic spirit, drunk in small quantities esp after a meal (通常指甜的)烈性酒(尤作餐後少量饮用的): [attrib 作定语] liqueur `brandy, ie one of special quality for drinking as a liqueur 白兰地甜酒 * a liqueur glass, ie a small one for liqueurs 小酒杯. ★liquid / 5lIkwId; `lIkwId/ n 1 [C, U] substance that flows freely but is not a gas, eg water or oil 液体: Air is a fluid but not a liquid, while water is both a fluid and a liquid. 空气是流体不是液体, 水是流体也是液体. * If you add too much liquid the mixture will not be thick enough. 加入的液体太多, 混合液的浓度就不够. 2 [C] (phonetics 语音) either of the consonants / r/ or / l/ 流音(即 /r/或 /l/). ★liquid adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 in the form of a liquid; not gaseous or solid 液体的; 液态的; 流质的: liquid food/nourishment, ie easily swallowed, eg by sick people 流质食物[营养品] * (joc 谑) a liquid lunch, ie beer, etc rather than food 液体午餐(啤酒等). 2 clear and clean, like water 清澈的; 晶莹的: eyes of liquid blue 蓝莹莹的眼睛. 3 (of sounds) clear, pure and flowing (指声音)清脆的, 纯正的, 流畅的: the liquid song of a blackbird 黑鹂清脆的叫声. 4 (finance 财) easily converted into cash 易转换成现款的: one's liquid assets 流动资产. ★liquid gas gas reduced to liquid form by intense cold 液化的气体. ★liquidate / 5lIkwIdeIt; `lIkwI9det/ v [Tn] 1 pay or settle (a debt) 清偿或结算(债务). 2 close down (a business) and divide up the proceeds to pay its debts 清算(公司)(清理资产以偿还债务). 3 get rid of (sb), esp by killing 清除(某人)(尤指杀掉): liquidated his political opponents 肃清政敌. ★liquidation / 9lIkwI5deIFn; 9lIkwI`deFEn/ n [U] 1 liquidating or being liquidated 清偿; 结算; 清算; 清除. 2 (idm 习语) ,go into liqui`dation (of a business) be closed down, esp because of bankruptcy (指公司)关闭; (尤指)倒闭, 破产. ★liquidator n person responsible for liquidating a business 公司债务清算人. ★liquidize, liquidise / 5lIkwIdaIz; `lIkwE9daIz/ v [Tn] (a) cause (sth) to become liquid 使(某物)变为液体. (b) crush (vegetables, fruit, etc) into a thick liquid 将(蔬菜、 水果等)榨成汁. ★liquidizer, liquidiser (also esp US blender) n (usu electric) device for liquidizing food (通常指电动的)果汁机. ★liquidity / lI5kwIdEtI; lI`kwIdEtI/ n [U] 1 (finance 财) state of having assets that can easily be changed into cash 资产折现力; 资产流动性: The company has good liquidity. 该公司的资产流动性好. 2 state of being liquid 流动性. ★liquor / 5lIkE(r); `lIkL/ n [U] 1 (a) (Brit) any alcoholic drink 酒: under the influence of liquor, ie drunk 已醉. (b) (esp US) any distilled alcoholic drink; spirits (蒸馏法制的)酒; 烈性酒: hard liquor 烈性酒 * She drinks wine and beer but no liquor. 她喝葡萄酒和啤酒, 但不喝烈性酒. 2 liquid produced by cooking food 烹调食物而出的汁. ★liquorice (US licorice) / 5lIkErIs; `lIkErIs/ n 1 [U] (a) black substance used in medicine and as a sweet (用於制药或糖果的)甘草. (b) sweet made with this 甘草糖. 2 [U] plant from whose root this is obtained 欧甘草. ★lira / 5lIErE; `lIrE/ n (pl lire / 5lIErE; `lIre/ or liras) (abbr 缩写 L) unit of money in Italy and Turkey 里拉(意大利和土耳其的货币单位). ★lisle / laIl; laIl/ n [U] fine smooth cotton thread, used esp for stockings and gloves 莱尔棉线(尤用以织长袜和手套). ★lisp / lIsp; lIsp/ n speech defect in which / s/ is pronounced as / W/ and / z/ as / T/ 咬舌(言语缺陷, 发 /s/、 /z/ 音时发成 /W/、 /T/): speak with a lisp 用咬舌音说话 * have a bad, pronounced, slight, etc lisp 有很重的、 明显的、 轻微的...咬舌音. ★lisp v [I, Tn] speak or say (sth) with a lisp 用咬舌音说(话). ★lispingly adv. ★lissom (also lissome) / 5lIsEm; `lIsEm/ adj quick and graceful in movement; lithe (动作)轻快而优雅的; 柔软的. ★lissomness n [U]. ★list / lIst; lIst/ n 1 series of names, items, figures, etc written or printed 一览表; 清单: a shopping list 购物单 * make a list of things one must do 把要做的事列出清单 * put sb/sth on the list 将某人[某事物]列在单子上 * take sb/sth off the list 将某人[某事物]从单子上除掉. 2 (idm 习语) on the danger list => danger. ★list v [Tn] (a) make a list of (things) 将(事物)列於表上; 造表; 列单子: list one's engagements for the week 把一周要做的事列成表. (b) put (things) on a list 编(事物)的目录: The books are listed alphabetically. 这些书是按字母顺序编入目录的. ★listed building (Brit) building officially registered as being of architectural or historical importance (and therefore protected from demolition, etc) 注册的文物保护建筑物. ★list price (commerce 商) published or advertised price of goods (价目单上的)定价: selling sth for less than the list price 以低於定价的价格出售某物. ★list / lIst; lIst/ v [I, Ipr] (of a ship) lean over to one side (指船)倾侧: The damaged vessel was listing badly. 受损坏的船倾斜得很厉害. * The ship lists to port. 那船向左舷倾斜. ★list n [sing] listing position; tilt 倾侧; 倾斜: develop a heavy list 逐渐形成严重的倾侧. ★listen / 5lIsn; `lIsn/ v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (to sb/sth) try to hear sb/sth; pay attention 听; 倾听: We listened carefully but heard nothing. 我们仔细地听, 但什麽也没听见. * You're not listening to what I'm saying! 你没注意听我说 话! 2 [Ipr] ~ to sb/sth allow oneself to be persuaded by (a suggestion, request, etc) 听从; 听信: I never listen to (ie believe) what salesmen tell me. 我从不听信推销员的话. 3 (idm 习语) listen to/hear reason => reason. 4 (phr v) listen (out) for sth wait alertly in order to hear (a sound) 留神等著听(某声音): Please listen out for the phone while I'm in the bath. 我洗澡时请你留心听著有没有电话来. listen `in (to sth) (a) listen to a radio broadcast 收听电台广播: listening in to the BBC World Service 收听英国广播公司国际新闻节目. (b) overhear (a conversation, etc) 偷听(谈话等): She loves listening in to other people's gossip. 她爱偷听别人闲谈. * The criminals did not know the police were listening in, eg by tapping their telephone. 罪犯不知道他们一直受著警方的监听(如窃听其电话). ★listen n (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml 口) act of listening 听: Have a listen and see if you can hear anything I can't. 你听有声音吗--我听不见. ★listener n (a) person who listens 听者: a good listener, ie one who can be relied on to listen attentively or sympathetically 认真听的人. (b) person listening to a radio programme 收听电台广播的人: Good evening to all our listeners! 各位听众, 晚上好! ★listless / 5lIstlIs; `lIstlIs/ adj having no energy, vitality or enthusiasm 倦怠的; 无精打采的; 冷淡的: She was very listless after her illness. 她病後懒洋洋的. ★listlessly adv. ★listlessness n [U]. ★lists / lIsts; lIsts/ n [pl] 1 (formerly) area used for contests between men on horseback armed with lances (旧时)(骑马执矛比武的)竞技场地. 2 (idm 习语) enter the lists => enter. ★lit pt, pp of light2, 4. ★litany / 5lItEnI; `lItnI/ n 1 (a) [C] series of prayers to God for use in church services, spoken by a priest with set responses by the congregation 连祷; 启应式祈祷. (b) the Litany [sing] that in the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England (英国国教公祷书中的)连祷文. 2 [C] (fig 比喻) ~ (of sth) long boring recital 枯燥冗长的述说: a litany of complaints 唠唠叨叨的抱怨. ★litchi = lychee. ★liter (US) = litre. ★literacy / 5lItErEsI; `lItErEsI/ n [U] ability to read and write 读写能力. ★literal / 5lItErEl; `lItErEl/ adj 1 [esp attrib 尤作定语] (a) corresponding exactly to the original 完全按照原文的: a literal transcript of a speech 讲话的全文抄本 * a literal (ie word-for-word) translation 直译(逐字翻译). Cf 参看 free1 11. (b) concerned with the basic or usual meaning of a word or phrase 照字面本义的: His story is incredible in the literal sense of the word, ie It is impossible to believe him, so he must be lying. 他说的情况令人难以置信, 是真的难以相信(他说的一定是谎话). Cf 参看 figurative, metaphorical (metaphor). 2 (esp derog 尤作贬义) unimaginative; prosaic 无想像力的; 刻板的; 平淡无奇的: His interpretation of the music was rather too literal. 那音乐他演奏得未免太乏味了. * Don't be so literal-minded you know what I meant! 别那麽死心眼嘛--你知道我是什麽意思! ★literal n (also literal error) misprint 印刷错误. ★literally / 5lItErElI; `lItErElI/ adv 1 in a literal manner; exactly 照原文; 精确地: Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language. 成语通常不能照字面译成另一种语言. * When he said he never wanted to see you again I'm sure he didn't mean it literally. 他说他再也不想见你了, 我肯定他言不由衷. 2 (infml 口) (used loosely, to intensify meaning 用以加强语气): I was literally bored to death! 我真的腻烦死了! ★literalness n. ★literary / 5lItErErI; 5lItErerI; `lItE9rZrI/ adj of or concerned with literature 文学的; 文学上的: literary criticism 文学批评 * a literary agent, ie one acting on behalf of writers 作者代理人 * His style is a bit too literary (ie formal or rhetorical) for my taste. 依我看他的文笔书卷气重了一点. ★literate / 5lItErEt; `lItErEt/ adj 1 able to read and write 有读写能力的: Though nearly twenty he was barely literate. 他都快二十了, 还是睁眼瞎子. Cf 参看 numerate. 2 cultured; well-read 有文化的; 博学的: Every literate person should read this book. 凡有文化的人都该一读此书. ★literati / 9lItE5rB:tI; 9lItE`rBtI/ n [pl] (fml 文) educated and intelligent people who have learned much from literature and books 文人; 知识界. ★literature / 5lItrEtFE(r); -tFUEr; `lItErE9tFJr/ n [U] 1 (a) writings that are valued as works of art, esp fiction, drama and poetry (as contrasted with technical books and journalism) 文学; 文学作品. (b) activity of writing or studying these 文学著述或研究: a degree in American literature 美国文学学位. (c) writings of this kind from a particular country or period (某国或某时期的)文学作品: French literature 法国文学 * 18th century (English) literature 18世纪(英国)文学. 2 writings on a particular subject 某学科的著述或文献: I've read all the available literature on poultry-farming. 我把现有的家禽饲养方面的资料全都读过了. * There is now an extensive literature on the use of computers in the home. 现在有许多关於家庭计算机的使用资料. 3 (infml 口) pamphlets or leaflets 小册子; 传单: Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain. 请惠寄贵处有关在西班牙野营度假的宣传材料. ★-lith comb form 构词成分 (forming ns 用以构成名词) of stone or rock 石的; 岩石的: monolith * megalith. ★-lithic (forming adjs 用以构成形容词): palaeolithic. ★lithe / laIT; laIT/ adj (of a person, the body, etc) bending or turning easily; supple (指人、 身体等)柔软的, 易弯曲的: the lithe grace of a gymnast 体操运动员轻盈而优美的体态. ★lithium / 5lIWIEm; `lIWIEm/ n [U] chemical element, a soft silver-white metal similar to sodium and used in alloys and certain fuels 锂. =>App 10 见附录10. ★litho / 5laIWEU; `laIWo/ n [U] (infml 口) lithography 平版印刷术. ★lithograph / 5lIWEgrB:f; -grAf; lI`WE^rAf/ n picture, etc printed by lithography 平版印刷画等. ★lithograph v [Tn] print (sth) by lithography 用平版印刷术印刷(某物). ★lithography / lI5WCgrEfI; `lIWB9^rEfI/ (also infml 口语亦作 litho / 5laIWEU; laIWo/) n [U] process of printing from a smooth surface (eg a metal plate) treated so that ink adheres only to the design to be printed 平版印刷术: a book printed by offset litho 用平版胶印法印刷的书. ★lithographic / 9lIWE5grAfIk; 9lIWE`^rAfIk/ adj. ★litigant / 5lItIgEnt; `lItE^Ent/ n (law 律) person involved in a lawsuit 诉讼当事人. ★litigate / 5lItIgeIt; `lItE9^et/ v (law 律) (a) [I] engage in a lawsuit; go to law 诉讼; 诉诸法律. (b) [Tn] contest (a claim, etc) in a lawsuit 在法庭上争辩(某事). ★litigation / 9lItI5geIFn; 9lItE`^eFEn/ n (law 律) (a) [U] process of going to law 打官司. (b) [C] lawsuit 诉讼. ★litigious / lI5tIdVEs; lI`tIdVEs/ adj (esp law 尤用於法律) 1 of lawsuits 诉讼的; 关於诉讼的. 2 that can result in a lawsuit 可诉讼的. 3 (often derog 常作贬义) fond of going to law; disputatious 好诉讼的; 好打官司的. ★litmus / 5lItmEs; `lItmEs/ n [U] blue colouring-matter that is turned red by acid and can be turned blue again by alkali 石蕊(蓝色物质, 遇酸变红, 再遇硷则还原变蓝). ★litmus paper paper stained with litmus, used to test if a solution is acid or alkaline 石蕊试纸. ★litotes / 5laItEUti:z; `laIto9tiz/ n [U] ironical understatement,esp using a negative to emphasize the contrary 曲言(尤指用否定的词语, 强调其反义的修辞法, 如 It wasn't easy `此事不易'意为It was very difficult`此事很难'). ★litre (US liter) / 5li:tE(r); `litL/ n (abbr 缩写 l) unit of capacity in the metric system, equal to about 1 pints, used for measuring liquids 升(液量单位, 约为1品脱). =>App 5 见附录5. ★B Litt / 9bi: 5lIt; 9bi `lIt/ abbr 缩写 = Bachelor of Letters 文学士: have/be a B Litt in English 有英国文学士学位[为英国文学士] * Sue Hill B Litt 休·希尔文学士. ★Litt D / 9lIt 5di:; 9lIt `di/ abbr 缩写 = D Litt. ★litter / 5lItE(r); `lItL/ n 1 (a) [U] light rubbish (eg bits of paper, wrappings, bottles) left lying about, esp in a public place 乱扔的杂物(如纸屑、 包装纸、 瓶子); (尤指在公共场所乱扔的)垃圾: Please do not leave litter. 请勿乱扔垃圾. (b) [sing] state of untidiness 杂乱; 凌乱: Her desk was covered in a litter of books and papers. 她的书桌上都是乱七八糟的书和纸. * His room was a litter of old clothes, dirty crockery and broken furniture. 他的屋子里到处都是旧衣物、 脏陶器和破家具. 2 [U] straw, etc used as bedding for animals 动物铺窝的草等. 3 [CGp] all the young born to an animal at one time (一胎所生的)小动物, 一窝: a litter of puppies 一窝小狗. 4 [C] (a) type of stretcher(1) 担架. (b) (formerly) couch carried on men's shoulders or by animals as a means of transport (旧时)轿, 舆. ★litter v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (with sth) make (a place) untidy with scattered rubbish 乱扔垃圾使(某处)凌乱: Newspapers littered the floor. 报纸扔了一地. * He's always littering up the room with his old magazines. 他老是乱扔旧杂志, 弄得房间凌乱不堪. 2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (down) supply straw, etc as bedding for (an animal) 给(动物)的窝铺草等. 3 [I] (of animals) bring forth young (指动物)下崽, 产仔: The sow's about to litter. 这母猪要下崽儿了. ★litter-bin, litter-basket ns container for rubbish 废物箱. ★litter-lout (Brit) (also esp US `litter-bug) n (infml derog 口, 贬) person who leaves litter untidily in public places (在公共场所)乱扔废物的人. ★little / 5lItl; `lItl/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (Thecomparative and superlative forms, littler / 5lItlE(r); `lItlL/ and littlest / 5lItlIst; `lItlIst/ are rare. It is more common to use smaller, smallest. 此词的比较级和最高级罕用littler和littlest而常用smaller和smallest. ) 1 not big; small 小的: six little puppies 六只小狗 * a little coffee-table 小咖啡桌 * a little movement of impatience 不耐烦的小动作 * a little group of tourists 一小批游客 * There's a little mark on your sleeve. 你的袖子上有一小块污迹. * a house with a little garden 带小花园的房子 * little holes to let air in 通气的小孔. 2 (of distance or time) short (指距离或时间)短的: It's only a little way now. 现在没多远了. * You may have to wait a little while. 你可能得等上一小会儿. * Shall we go for a little walk? 散会儿步好吗? 3 (used usu after nice, pretty, sweet, nasty, etc to express the speaker's feeling of affection, pleasure, annoyance, etc 通常用於nice、 pretty、 sweet、 nasty等之後表示亲切、 快乐、 嫌恶等): a nice little room 玲珑的房间 * a sweet little child 长得很甜的孩子 * a funny little restaurant 古里古怪的餐厅 * What a nasty little man! 多麽讨人厌的家伙! * A (dear) little old lady helped me find my way. 有位(可亲)可敬的老太太帮我找到路了. * There's a little shop on the corner that sells bread. 街角上有那麽个卖面包的 子. 4 not important; insignificant 不重要的; 不足道的: a little mistake 小错 * We only had a little snack at lunchtime. 我们午饭只吃了一点小吃. 5 young 幼小的: I had curly hair when I was little. 我小时候是鬈发. * My little (ie younger) brother is 18. 我弟弟18岁. 6 small when compared with others (相比之下)小的: one's little finger 小指 * the little hand of the clock 钟的短针 * `Which packet would you prefer?' `I'll take the little one.' `你喜欢哪一包?'`我要小包.' =>Usage at small 用法见small. 7 (idm 习语) big, etc oaks from little acorns grow => oak. in little (fml 文) on a small scale 小规模地. a little bird told me (that...) (joc 谑) I know but will not tell you how, or from whom, I know 我知道, 但我不告诉你我是怎麽知道的. twist sb round one's little finger => twist. ★the Little Bear small constellation near the north pole 小熊星座(在北极附近). Cf 参看 the Great Bear (great). ★the little people, the little folk small people with supernatural powers; fairies or elves 小仙子; 小精灵. ★little / 5lItl; `lItl/ indef det (used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) a small amount (of sth); not enough 小量的; 不足的; 不多的: I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书. * We had little rain all summer. 一夏天几乎没下雨. * There's little point in telling her now. 现在告诉她已没有什麽意义了. =>Usage at much1 用法见much1. ★little indef pron (used as a n when preceded by the 在the之後, 用作名词) a small amount 些少; 少量: Little of the music was recognizable. 那音乐差不多都难於辨识. * I understood little of what he said. 他说的我只听懂一点儿. * We read a lot of poetry at school I remember very little now. 我们上学时念过不少诗--现在我记得的所剩无几. * The little that I have seen of his work is satisfactory. 他的工作就我所见的那一小部分而言是令人满意的. ★little adv 1 not much; only slightly 些少; 稍许: He is little known as an artist. 他是个不出名的艺术家. * She left little more than an hour ago. 她离开一个多钟头了. * I slept very little last night. 昨晚我睡得很少. * Little does he know (ie He doesn't know) what trouble he's in. 他对自己所处何种地步茫无所知. 2 (idm 习语) ,little by `little making progress slowly, gradually 一点一点地; 逐渐地: Little by little the snow disappeared. 雪渐渐消失. * His English is improving little by little. 他的英语渐有提高. ,little or `nothing hardly anything 几乎无: She said little or nothing about her experience. 她对自己的经历没怎麽透露. make little of sth (a) = make light of sth (light3). (b) understand or read hardly anything of sth 不明白; 看不懂: It's in Chinese I can make little of it. 这是中文--我一点儿都不懂. Cf 参看 less. ★little / 5lItl; `lItl/ a little indef det (used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) a small amount (of sth); some but not much 少量; 些微; 稍许: a little milk, sugar, tea, etc 少许牛奶、 糖、 茶等 * Could you give a little more attention to spelling? 你稍微多注意一下拼写好吗? * I need a little help to move these books. 我需要人来帮点忙搬这些书. * It caused not a little (ie a great deal of) confusion. 这事引起很大混乱. ★a little indef pron 1 a small amount of sth; some but not much 少量; 些微; 稍许. (a) (referring back 用以复指前文): There was a lot of food but I only ate a little. 食物很多, 但我只吃了一点儿. * If you've got any spare milk, could you give me a little? 你要是有多余的牛奶, 能不能给我一些? (b) (referring forward 用以预指後文): I've only read a little of the book. 这书我只读过一点儿. * A little of the conversation was about politics. 谈话中只涉及少许政治问题. 2 (idm 习语) after/for a `little after/for a short distance or time 经过很短距离或时间: After a little he got up and left. 过了一会儿他站起来走了. * We left the car and walked for a little. 我们下了汽车走了一小段路. ★a little adv to some extent 有些; 有几分: She seemed a little afraid of going inside. 她好像有点怕往里走. * These shoes are a little too big for me. 这鞋我穿著有点大. * She was not a little (ie very) worried about the expense. 她对那笔开支相当苦恼. ★littoral / 5lItErEl; `lItErEl/ n, adj (fml 文) (part of a country that is) along the coast 沿海岸的; 沿海地区. ★liturgy / 5lItEdVI; `lItLdVI/ n fixed form of public worship used in churches 礼拜仪式. ★liturgical / lI5t\:dVIkl; lI`t[dVIkl/ adj. ★liturgically / -5klI; -klI/ adv. ★live / laIv; laIv/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 having life 有生命的; 活的: live fish 活鱼. 2 (used esp of surprising or unusual experiences, etc 尤用於指惊人的或异常的经历等) actual; not pretended 真正的; 不是假装的: We saw a real live rattlesnake! 我们看到一条真的响尾蛇! 3 glowing or burning 发著光的; 点燃著的: live coals 燃烧著的煤. 4 not yet exploded or lit; ready for use 还未爆炸或点火的; 随时可用的: a live bomb 未爆炸的炸弹 * several rounds of live ammunition 几发待用的炮弹 * a live match 未用过的火柴. 5 (of a wire, etc) charged with or carrying electricity (指电线等)带电的, 通著电的: That terminal is live. 那个接头有电. * the live rail, eg on an electric railway 带电的铁轨(如在电气铁路上). 6 of interest or importance at the present time 当前令人关切的; 当前重要的: Pollution is still very much a live issue. 污染现象仍然是当前的大问题. 7 (a) (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, not recorded or edited (指广播)现场直播的, 实况转播的: live coverage of the World Cup 世界杯实况报道. (b) (of a musical performance or recording) given or made during a concert, not in a studio (指音乐演奏或录音)音乐会现场播出或录制的: a live recording made at Covent Garden in 1962 1962年在考文特公园的现场录音. Cf 参看 pre-record. 8 (idm 习语) a live `wire lively and energetic person 活跃而精力充沛的人. ★live adv broadcast, played or recorded at an actual performance, etc without being edited 实地; 从现场; 以直播方式: This show is going out live. 这场演出正在进行实况转播. ★live birth baby born alive 出生时活著的婴儿. Cf 参看 stillbirth (still1). ★live / lIv; lIv/ v 1 [I] (less common than be alive in this sense 用於本义时, 不如be alive通俗) have life; be alive 有生命; 活著. 2 [I, Ipr, It] remain alive 活; 生存: live to be old/to a great age 活到老[高龄] * The doctors don't think he will live through the night. 医生认为他活不过今晚了. * Some trees can live for hundreds of years. 有些树可以活上百年. * How long do elephants live? 象能活多久? * live to see many changes 活著看到很多人事的变化. 3 [I, Ipr] make one's home; reside 居住; 住: Where do you live? 你住在哪儿? * live at home, in London, in a flat, abroad 住在家中、 伦敦、 单元房、 国外. 4 [Ln, I, Tn] conduct one's life in a specified way 以某种方式生活: live and die a bachelor 过一辈子独身生活 * live honestly, happily 活得清白、 幸福 * He lives well, ie enjoys the luxuries of life. 他过得很好. * live like a saint 像圣徒般生活 * live a peaceful life 过平静的生活. 5 [I] (fig 比喻) (of things without life) remain in existence; survive (指无生命的事物)继续存在, 留存: The memory will live in my heart for ever, ie I will never forget it. 这记忆将永远留在我的心中. 6 [I] enjoy life fully 充分享受生活的乐趣: I don't call that living. 我认为那不叫生活. * I don't want to work in an office all my life I want to live! 我不想一辈子坐办公室--我要享受人生的乐趣! 7 (idm 习语) how the other half lives => half1. live and `let live (saying 谚) be tolerant of others so that they will be tolerant in turn 自己活, 也让别人活; 容让别人, 别人也容让你. live be,yond/with,in one's `means spend more/less than one earns or can afford 入不敷出[量入为出]. ,live by one's `wits earn money by clever and sometimes dishonest means 靠小聪明, 有时用不诚实手段捞钱. live from hand to mouth => hand1. live in hope(s) (of sth) remain hopeful 满怀希望: live in hopes of better times to come 生活在憧憬更好的未来中 * The future looks rather gloomy, but we live in hope. 前景似颇暗淡, 但我们仍满怀希望. live in the `past behave as though circumstances,values, etc have not changed from what they were earlier 在回忆过去的环境中生活. live in `sin (dated or joc 旧或谑) live together as if married 姘居; 同居. live it `up (infml 口) live in a lively and extravagant way 享乐: Now you've been left some money you can afford to live it up a bit. 既然留有这些钱, 你就可以痛快享受一番了. live a `lie suggest by one's way of living that sth untrue is true 过骗人的生活; 虚伪做人: She lived a lie for 20 years by pretending to be his wife. 她假扮他的妻子已经20年了. live like `fighting cocks enjoy the best possible food 吃得好. live like a `lord enjoy a luxurious style of living 过豪华生活. live off/on the ,fat of the `land enjoy the best food, drink, lodging, entertainment, etc 锦衣玉食. live off the `land use agricultural products for one's food needs 靠农产品生活. live `rough live without comforts or amenities, esp out of doors 过艰苦生活; (尤指)餐风宿露: He's a tramp and used to living rough. 他是流浪汉, 惯於风餐雨卧. you/we ,live and `learn (used to express surprise at some new or unexpected information, etc 用以表示对新事物或意外信息的惊讶). 8 (phr v) live by doing sth earn one's living by doing sth 靠做某事物为生. live sth `down live in such a way that (a past embarrassment, scandal, crime, etc) is forgotten 以某种方式生活使(往日的难堪、 丑闻、 罪行等)淡忘: Beaten by the worst team in the league? They'll never live it down! 让联赛中最差劲的队打败了? 这是永远也忘不了的事! live for sth regard sth as the aim of one's life 以某事物为生活目标: She lives for her work. 她为工作献身. * After she died he had nothing to live for. 她去世後, 他便没有了生活目标. live in/out (of an employee) live on/off the premises where one works (指雇员)居住在受雇处内[外]: They both go out to work and have a nanny living in. 他们俩都外出工作, 雇了个保姆看家. live on continue to live or exist 继续生活或存在: She lived on for many years after her husband died. 丈夫死後她继续活了多年. * Mozart is dead but his music lives on. 莫扎特人已作古, 但他的音乐作品却万世流传. live on sth (a) have sth as one's food 以某物为食: live on (a diet of) fruit and vegetables 靠吃水果和蔬菜(的规定食谱)生活 * You can't live on 200 calories a day. 一天200大卡是维持不了生命的. (b) depend on sth for financial support 靠某种经济来源生活: live on one's salary, on 8000 a year, on charity 靠自己的工资、 年收入8000英镑、 救济金过活. live through sth experience sth and survive 经历某事物而幸存: He lived through both world wars. 他经历过两次世界大战. live together (a) live in the same house, etc 在一起生活. (b) live as if married 姘居; 同居. live up to sth behave in accordance with sth 依照某事物行事; 表现出符合某事物的标准: failed to live up to his principles, his reputation, his parents' expectations 没有遵守自己的原则、 不符个人的声誉、 辜负父母的期待. live with sb = live together. live with sth accept or tolerate sth 接受或容忍某现象: You'll have to learn to live with it, I'm afraid. 我看, 你得学会容忍这种现实. ★liveable / 5lIvEbl; `lIvEbl/ adj (of life) worth living; tolerable (指生活)有价值的, 可忍受的, 过得去的. ★liveable-in adj [pred 作表语] (infml 口) (of a house, etc) fit to live in (指房屋等)适於居住. ★liveable-with adj [pred 作表语] (infml 口) (of a person, etc) easy to live with (指人等)易於共同生活. ★livelihood / 5laIvlIhUd; `laIvlI9hJd/ n (usu sing 通常作单数) (a) means of living; income 生活的手段; 生计; 收入: earn one's livelihood by teaching 靠教书为生 * deprive sb of his livelihood 剥夺某人的生计. (b) way of earning a living; occupation 谋生之道; 职业: Farming is his sole livelihood. 他唯一的谋生之道就是务农. ★livelong / 5lIvlCN; 5laIvlR:N; `laIv9lRN/ adj (idm 习语) the livelong `day/`night (dated or rhet 旧或修辞) the whole length of the day/night 一整天[夜]. ★lively / 5laIvlI; `laIvlI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 full of life and energy; high-spirited; vigorous 有生气的; 精力充沛的; 活跃的: She's a lively child and popular with everyone. 她是个活泼的孩子, 大家都喜欢她. * The patient seems a little livelier/more lively this morning. 那病人今晨好像精神些了. * one of the liveliest parties I've been to 我参加过的最热闹的一次聚会 * a lively melody 活泼的旋律 * She has a lively interest in everything around her. 她对周围的一切都有浓厚的兴趣. 2 vivid or striking 生动的; 醒目的: a lively imagination 生动的想像 * a lively shade of pink 鲜艳的粉红色调 * She gave a lively account of her adventures. 她生动叙述了自己惊险刺激的事. 3 moving vigorously or roughly 剧烈的; 狂暴的: The sea is quite lively today. 今天海面风浪很大. * We batted on a lively pitch, ie a cricket pitch that caused the ball to move sharply. 我们击中了对方快速投来的球. 4 (idm 习语) ,look `lively move, etc more quickly; show more energy 行动敏捷些; 干劲足些: We'd better look lively if we're to finish in time. 我们要按时完成, 动作就得快些. make it/things lively for sb (esp ironic 尤作反语) make things exciting and perhaps dangerous for sb 使某人兴奋或许担惊受怕. ★liveliness n [U]. ★liven / 5laIvn; `laIvEn/ v (phr v) ,liven (sb/sth) `up (cause sb/sth to) become lively (使某人[某事物])有生气, 活跃: Put on some music to liven things up. 放些音乐, 让气氛愉快起来. * Do liven up a bit! 活跃些吧! ★liver / 5lIvE(r); `lIvL/ n 1 [C] large organ in the abdomen that produces bile and purifies the blood 肝脏. =>illus at digestive 见digestive插图. 2 [U, C] liver of certain animals, used as food (供食用的)肝: pig's liver 猪肝 * chicken livers 鸡肝. ★liverish (also livery) adj 1 suffering from a disorder of the liver 患肝病的. 2 irritable; peevish 易怒的; 脾气坏的. ★liver sausage (also esp US liverwurst / 5lIvEw\:st;`lIvL9w[st/) sausage containing cooked and finely chopped liver, usu eaten cold on bread 肝香肠. ★liver / 5lIvE(r); `lIvL/ n person who lives in a specified way 过著某种生活的人: a fast, quiet, loose, etc liver 过淫乱、 安静、 放荡等生活的人. ★livery / 5lIvErI; `lIvErI/ n 1 [U, C] special uniform such as that worn by male servants in a great household or by members of the London trade guilds (大户人家的男仆或伦敦同业公会的)制服: in/out of (ie wearing/not wearing) livery 穿[不穿]制服. 2 [U] (rhet 修辞) covering 装束: trees in their spring livery, ie with new leaves 披上春装的树木. ★liveried / 5lIvErId; `lIvErId/ adj wearing livery 穿制服的: a liveried chauffeur 穿制服的汽车司机. ★livery company any of the London trade guilds with their own special uniforms (伦敦市有制服的)同业公会. ★liveryman / -mEn; -mEn/ n (pl -men / -mEn; mEn/) 1 member of a livery company (穿制服的)同业公会会员. 2 person who works in a livery stable (马房的)马夫. ★livery stable stable where horses are kept for their owners in return for payment, or where horses may be hired (代客喂马或租马的)马房. ★lives pl of life. ★livestock / 5laIvstCk; `laIv9stBk/ n [U] animals kept on a farm for use or profit, eg cattle or sheep 家畜, 牲畜(如牛羊). ★livid / 5lIvId; `lIvId/ adj 1 [usu attrib 通常作定语] of the colour of lead; bluish-grey 铅色的; 青灰色的: a livid bruise 青肿. 2 [usu pred 通常作表语] (infml 口) furiously angry 大怒: livid with rage 狂怒 * He'd be livid if he found out what you're doing. 要是他知道了你干的事, 他准得大发雷霆. ★lividly adv. ★living / 5lIvIN; `lIvIN/ adj 1 alive, esp now 活的; 活著的: all living things 所有生物 * the finest living pianist 在世的最好的钢琴家 * No man living could have done better. 当今的人没有一个能做得更好. 2 used or practised; active 在使用的; 实施著的; 活动中的: living languages, ie those still spoken 现用的语言 * a living hope, faith, reality 现存的希望、 仍在信奉的信仰、 活生生的现实. 3 (idm 习语) a ,living `legend person who has achieved great fame during his lifetime and is still alive 活著的名人. be living proof of sth show sth by the fact that one is alive 活证明: He is living proof of the wonders of modern medicine. 他是当代医学奇迹的活证明. within/in ,living `memory at a time, or during the time, remembered by people still alive 在当今人的记忆中: Wages were sixpence a week within living memory. 周工资为六便士的年代, 人们记忆犹新. * the coldest winter in living memory 人们记忆中最寒冷的冬天. ★the living n [pl v] 1 people who are now alive 活著的人: the living and the dead 生者与死者. 2 (idm 习语) in the land of the living => land1. ★living death time of continuous misery 活地狱: Exile was for him a living death. 他遭流放是进了活地狱. ★living / 5lIvIN; `lIvIN/ n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (a) means of keeping alive or of living in a certain style; income 生存之道; 生计; 收入: earn one's living as a journalist, by/from writing 做记者、 靠写作谋生 * make a good, an adequate, a meagre, etc living 过优裕的、 小康的、 贫困的...生活. (b) way of earning this 谋生之道: It may not be the best job in the world, but it's a living. 尽管这不是世界上最好的工作, 但不失为生活的出路. 2 [U] manner of life 生活方式: Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war. 战前生活费用和生活水准都比较低. * understand the art of living, ie how to live a worthwhile, satisfying life 懂得生活的艺术. 3 [C] (religion 宗) clergyman's position, providing his income; benefice 牧师的俸金. 4 (idm 习语) scrape a living => scrape1. ★living-room (also esp Brit sitting-room) n room in a private house for general use during the daytime 起居室. Cf 参看 drawing-room. ★living wage lowest wage on which sb can afford a reasonable standard of living 生活工资(可维持最低生活水准者). ★lizard / 5lIzEd; `lIzLd/ n (usu small) reptile with a rough skin, four legs and a long tail 蜥蜴. ★ll pl of l 2. ★LL B, LL D, LL M abbrs 缩写 = Bachelor, Doctor, Master of Laws 法学学士、 博士、 硕士: have/be an LL B 有法学学士学位[为法学学士] * David Grafton LL B 戴维·格拉夫顿法学学士. ★llama / 5lB:mE; `lBmE/ n S American animal with soft woolly hair, used for carrying loads 美洲驼(产於南美, 用作驮兽). ★lo / lEU; lo/ interj 1 (arch 古) look; see 看; 瞧. 2 (idm 习语) ,lo and be`hold (esp joc or ironic 尤作戏谑语或作反语) (used to indicate surprise 用以表示惊讶): As soon as we went out, lo and behold, it began to rain. 我们刚一出门, 你瞧, 就下起雨来了. ★load / lEUd; lod/ n 1 [C] thing that is being carried or to be carried, esp if heavy 负荷物, 载荷物(尤指沉重的): a load of sand 运载的一批沙子. 2 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) quantity that can be carried, eg by a vehicle 运载的量: coach-loads of tourists 一车车的游客 * a boat-load of survivors 一船生还的人. 3 [C] (a) amount of work that a dynamo, a motor, an engine, etc is required to do (发电机、 电动机、 发动机等的)负载, 负荷. (b) amount of electric current supplied by a dynamo or generating station (发电机或发电站的)发电量. 4 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (fig 比喻) weight of responsibility, worry, grief, etc (责任、 忧虑、 悲哀等的)沉重感: a heavy load of guilt 沉重的负疚感. 5 loads (of sth) [pl] (infml 口) plenty (of sth) 大量; 许多: loads of friends, money, time 很多朋友、 金钱、 时间 * `Have you got any change?' `Loads!' `你有零钱吗?'`有的是!' 6 (idm 习语) be/take a ,load/,weight off sb's `mind => mind1. a ,load of (old) `rubbish, etc (infml 口) nonsense 胡说八道: I've never heard such a load of garbage! 这麽胡说八道我还从来没听说过! get a load of sb/sth (infml 口) take notice of sb/sth 注意某人[某事物]: Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat! 你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙! ★load-shedding n [U] cutting off the supply of electric current on certain lines when the general demand is greater than the available supply 甩负荷(电源过载时切断某些线路的电源). ★load / lEUd; lod/ v 1 (a) [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (up)/~ (up with sth); ~ sth/sb (down/up) (with sth); ~ sth (into/onto sth/sb) put a load in or on (sth/sb) 装载; 使(某事物[某人])负荷: We're still loading. 我们仍在装货. * load a lorry (up) with bricks/load bricks onto a lorry 把砖装进卡车里 * loaded down with shopping 拿著很多买来的东西 * (fig 比喻) load sb with honours 给某人许多荣誉. (b) [I] receive a load 接受负荷: The boat is still loading. 船仍在上货. 2 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] weight (sth) with lead, etc 用铅等加重(某物): a loaded cane, stick, etc, ie for use as a weapon 加铅的手杖、 棒等(用作武器) * loaded dice, ie one weighted so as to fall in a certain way, eg with the six uppermost 灌铅色子(掷出後总以某面朝上, 如6点). 3 (a) [I, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) put film into (a camera) or ammunition into (a gun) 将胶卷装入(照相机); 将弹药装入(枪炮): Be careful, that gun's loaded. 小心, 那枪是上了膛的. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) place (film or ammunition) thus 装(胶卷或弹药): load a new film into the camera 把新胶卷装进照相机里. 4 [Tn] (computing 计) transfer (data or a program) from a storage medium into the memory of a computer 装入, 写入, 寄存(数据或程序). 5 (idm 习语) load the dice (against sb) (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) put sb at a disadvantage 使某人处不利地位: Having lost both his parents when he was a child he always felt that the dice were loaded against him. 他因自小失去双亲, 总觉得处处受人欺负. ★loaded adj 1 carrying a load 带负载的. 2 [pred 作表语] (sl 俚) very rich 富有; 阔绰. 3 (idm 习语) a ,loaded `question question intended to trap sb into saying sth which he does not want to say or which could harm him 有圈套的问题(诱人说出其不愿说或对其不利之事者). ★loadstar = lodestar (lode). ★loadstone (also lodestone) / 5lEUdstEUn; `lod9ston/ n (a) [U] magnetic oxide of iron 磁性氧化铁. (b) [C] piece of this used as a magnet 磁铁: (fig 比喻) She seems to be a loadstone for people in trouble, ie They come to her regularly for help. 对於患难中的人, 她彷佛是一块磁铁(人们常来求助). ★loaf / lEUf; lof/ n (pl loaves / lEUvz; lovz/) 1 mass of bread shaped and baked in one piece 大面包: Two brown loaves and one large white one, please. 请拿两个黑面包和一个大的白面包. 2 (idm 习语) half a loaf is better than none/than no bread (saying 谚) having to accept less than one expects, or feels that one deserves, is better than having nothing 接受半块面包总比没有好; 聊胜於无. use one's loaf => use1. ★loaf sugar sugar in small lumps or cubes 块糖; 方糖. ★loaf / lEUf; lof/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] (infml 口) spend time idly 虚度光阴: Don't stand there loafing there's work to be done. 别站在那儿呆著--有事要干呢. * loaf around (the house all day) (成天在家)闲混. ★loafer n 1 idler 虚度光阴者; 游手好闲者. 2 (esp US) flat shoe, similar to a moccasin, for casual wear 平底便鞋. ★loam / lEUm; lom/ n [U] rich soil containing clay, sand and decayed vegetable matter 壤土. ★loamy adj: loamy land 壤土地. ★loan / lEUn; lon/ n 1 [C] thing that is lent, esp a sum of money 借出物; (尤指)借款: I'm only asking for a loan I'll pay you back. 我只要求借款--日後一定奉还. * a bank loan, ie money lent by a bank 银行贷款. 2 [U] lending or being lent (used esp as in the expressions shown) 借出(尤用於下列示例): May I have the loan of (ie borrow) your bicycle? 可以借你的自行车用用吗? * Can we ask your father for the loan of his car? 我们可以向你父亲借用他的汽车吗? * It's not my book I've got it on loan from the library. 那不是我的书--是从图书馆借来的. ★loan v [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (esp US) (Brit fml 文) lend sth 借出某物: a painting graciously loaned by Her Majesty the Queen 女王陛下惠借的画. ★loan-collection n several works of art, etc lent by their owners for exhibition 收藏者借出供展览的一批艺术品等. ★loan-word n word taken into one language from another 借词; 外来词. ★loath (also loth) / lEUW; loW/ adj [pred 作表语] (fml 文) 1 ~ to do sth unwilling; reluctant 不愿意; 不情愿: He seemed somewhat loath to depart. 他似有不愿离去之意. 2 (idm 习语) ,nothing `loath quite willing; eager 很乐意; 心甘情愿; 巴不得. ★loathe / lEUT; loT/ v (a) [Tn] feel great hatred or disgust for (sb/sth) 憎恨; 厌恶(某人[某事物]): loathe the smell of fried fish 厌恶煎鱼的味. (b) [Tn, Tg] (infml 口) dislike (sth) greatly 极不喜欢(某事物): I loathe having to go to these conferences. 我最讨厌的是得参加这些会议. ★loathing n [U] disgust 厌恶; 憎恨: have a loathing of sth 厌恶某事物 * feel intense loathing for sb/sth 对某人[某事物]极为反感. ★loathsome / -sEm; -sEm/ adj causing one to feel disgusted or shocked; repulsive 讨厌的; 令人震惊的; 令人厌恶的: a loathsome disease 讨厌的疾病 * What a loathsome creature he is! 他是个多麽讨厌的家伙! ★loaves pl of loaf1. ★lob / lCb; lBb/ v (-bb-) [I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (in tennis, cricket, etc) send or strike (a ball) in a high arc (网球、 板球等)发或击高(球): She lobbed the ball over her opponent's head to the back of the court. 她把球挑高越过对方的头向後场落去. ★lob n (a) lobbed ball 高球. (b) slow underarm delivery in cricket (板球的)缓慢低手球. ★lobby / 5lCbI; `lBbI/ n 1 [C] porch, entrance-hall or ante-room 门厅; (入口的)厅堂; 前厅: the lobby of a hotel, theatre, etc 旅馆、 戏院等的大厅. 2 [C] (in the House of Commons, etc) large hall open to the public and used for interviews with Members of Parliament (下议院等内之)民众接待厅. 3 [CGp] group of people who try to influence politicians, esp to support or oppose proposed legislation 游说议员的团体: The anti-nuclear lobby is/are becoming stronger. 向议员游说的反核群众声势渐强. 4 [C] = division lobby (division). ★lobby v (pt, pp lobbied) 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb)(for sth) try to persuade (a politician, etc) to support or oppose proposed legislation 游说(政治家等)支持或反对某立法议案: lobby (MPs) for higher farm subsidies 游说(议员)以提高农业补贴. 2 (phr v) lobby sth through (sth) get (a bill, etc) passed or rejected by lobbying 通过游说使(一法案等)通过或不通过: lobby a bill through Parliament/the Senate 运动议员使国会[参议院]通过一法案. ★lobbyist / -Ist; -Ist/ n person who lobbies 游说议员者. ★lobe / lEUb; lob/ n 1 lower soft part of the outer ear 耳垂. =>illus at head 见head插图. 2 rounded flattish part or projection of a body organ, esp the lungs or brain (器官的)叶; (尤指)肺叶, 脑叶. ★lobed adj having lobes 有耳垂的; 有(器官的)叶的. ★lobotomy / lEU5bCtEmI; lo`bBtEmI/ (also Brit leucotomy) n (medical 医) [C, U] (operation involving) cutting into the brain tissue to treat severe mental disorders 脑白质切断(术); 脑叶纤维切断(术). ★lobster / 5lCbstE(r); `lBbstL/ n (a) [C] large bluish-black shellfish with eight legs and two long claws that turns scarlet when it is boiled 龙虾. =>illus at shellfish 见shellfish插图. (b) [U] its flesh as food (作食物的)龙虾肉. ★lobster-pot n device for trapping lobsters, esp one like a basket 诱捕龙虾的装置; (尤指)捕龙虾的笼. ★loc cit / 9lCk 5sIt; 9lBk `sIt/ abbr 缩写 = in the passage, etc already quoted (Latin loco citato) 在上述引文中(源自拉丁文loco citato). Cf 参看 op cit. ★local / 5lEUkl; `lokl/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] 1 belonging to a particular place or district 地方的; 本地的; 地区的: Following the national news we have the local news and weather. 国内新闻之後是本地新闻和天气报告. * the local farmer, doctor, shopkeeper, etc 当地的农民、 医生、 店主等 * local knowledge, ie detailed knowledge of an area that one gets esp by living there 地方知识(尤指居住当地而知其详者) * She's a local girl, ie from this area. 她是本地姑娘. * a local train/bus, ie not long-distance 本地的火车[公共汽车]. 2 (esp medical 尤用於医学) affecting a particular place; not general 局部的; 非全身的: local inflammation 局部炎症 * Is the pain local? 是局部疼痛吗? ★local n 1 (usu pl 通常作复数) inhabitant of a particular place or district 本地人; 当地人: The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 当地人对陌生人往往有戒心. 2 (Brit infml 口) public house, esp near one's home 当地酒店(尤指住处附近的): pop into the local for a pint 进附近酒店喝一品脱啤酒 * Which is your local? 你们邻近的酒店是哪一家? 3 (US) branch of a trade union, etc (工会等的)地方分会. 4 (esp US) local train or bus 地区的火车或公共汽车. ★locally / -kElI; -kElI/ adv. ★local anaesthetic (medical 医) anaesthetic that affects only a specific part of the body 局部麻醉. ★local authority (Brit) group of people responsible for the administration of local government 地方当局; 地方政权. ★local call telephone call to a nearby place, charged at a low rate 本地电话. ★local colour details that are typical of the place and time in which a novel, etc is set, used to make the story seem more real (文艺作品的)地方色彩, 地方特色. ★local government system of administration of a district, county, etc by elected representatives of the people who live there 地方政府. ★local option (esp in Scotland, New Zealand and the US) right of local residents to decide sth (eg whether alcohol should be sold there) by voting (尤指苏格兰、 新西兰、 美国)地方人民抉择权(如是否准予销售酒类). ★local time (according to the) system of time being used in a given part of the world 当地时间; 本地时: We reach Delhi at 1400 hours local time. 我们於当地时间14时到达德里. ★locale / lEU5kB:l; -5kAl; lo`kAl/ n scene of events, operations, etc (事情发生的)现场, 场地: The director is looking for a suitable locale for his new film. 导演在为新片物色合适的拍摄场地. ★localize, localise / 5lEUkElaIz; `lokl9aIz/ v [Tn] restrict (sth) to a particular area or part; make local 使(某事物)局部化; 使具有地方色彩: try to localize an outbreak of disease, violence, unrest 尽力把疾病、 暴力、 暴乱的爆发限制在局部范围以内 * a localized infection 局部感染. ★localization, localisation / 9lEUkElaI5zeIFn; -lI5z-;9loklE`zeFEn/ n [U]. ★locality / lEU5kAlEtI; lo`kAlEtI/ n position of sth; place or district in which sth happens 位置; 地点; 现场: trying to pinpoint the ship's exact locality 设法确定轮船的确切位置 * The entire locality has been affected by the new motorway. 新建的高速公路影响了整个地区. ★locate / lEU5keIt; 5lEUkeIt; `loket/ v 1 [Tn] discover the exact position or place of (sb/sth) 找出, 指出(某人[某事物])的准确位置或地点: locate an electrical fault 查明电路出故障的地方 * locate a town on a map 在地图上找出一城市的位置 * I'm trying to locate Mr Smith. Do you know where he is? 我要找史密斯先生. 你知道他在哪里吗? 2 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] establish (sth) in a place; situate 将(某物)设置在某处; 使座落於: A new factory is to be located on this site. 新厂拟建於此. * The information office is located in the city centre. 咨询处设在市中心. 3 [Ipr] (US) settle in a place; establish oneself 定居某处; 安顿: The company has located on the West Coast. 公司设在西海岸. ★location / lEU5keIFn; lo`keFEn/ n 1 [C] place or position 地方; 位置: a suitable location for new houses 适合建筑新房屋的地点. 2 [U] finding the position of sb/sth 发现、 找出某人[某物]的位置或地点: responsible for the location of the missing yacht 负责查明失踪游艇的下落. 3 [C] (computing 计) basic unit of a computer's memory, able to store a single item of data 存储单元. 4 (idm 习语) on location (cinema 影) being filmed in suitable surroundings instead of in a film studio 外景拍摄. ★loch / lCk, lCx; lBk, lBx/ n (Scot 苏格兰) (often in names 常用於地名) 1 lake 湖: Loch Ness 尼斯湖. 2 long narrow inlet of the sea 狭长的海湾. Cf 参看 lough. ★loci pl of locus. ★lock / lCk; lBk/ n 1 [C] portion of hair that hangs or lies together 一绺或一缕毛发: He kept a lock of her hair as a memento. 他保留著她的一束头发作纪念. 2 locks [pl] (esp rhet or joc 尤作修辞或作戏谑语) hair of the head 头发: He gazed ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks. 他凝视著镜中自己日见花白的头发, 感慨岁月不待人. ★lock / lCk; lBk/ n 1 [C] device for fastening a door, lid, etc, with a bolt that needs a key to work it 锁. 2 [C] section of a canal or river where the water level changes, enclosed by gates fitted with sluices so that water can be let in or out to raise or lower boats from one level to another (河流的)船闸, 水闸. 3 [C] (in wrestling) hold that keeps an opponent's arm, leg, etc from moving (摔交中的)抱, 夹(对於对方的臂、 腿等): have sb's arm in a lock 夹住某人的胳膊. 4 [U] condition in which parts are jammed or fixed together so that movement is impossible 塞住、 卡住的状态. 5 [U] (maximum extent of the) turning of a motor vehicle's front wheels by use of the steering-wheel (机动车方向盘旋转时)前轮转向(的最大程度): on full lock, ie with the steering-wheel turned as far as it will go one way or the other 前轮最大限度转向(方向盘转到头) * My car has a good lock, ie can turn within a short distance. 我的汽车前轮转向很好(转弯用地小). 6 [C] mechanism for exploding the charge in a gun 枪机. 7 (idm 习语) ,lock, stock and `barrel including everything; completely 全部; 完全. (keep sth/put sth/be) under ,lock and `key locked up 锁起: The criminals are now safely under lock and key. 这些罪犯现在都已经牢牢关押起来. ★lock-gate n gate on a canal or river lock (河流的)闸门. ★lockjaw n [U] form of tetanus in which the jaws become rigidly closed 牙关紧闭; 破伤风. ★lock-keeper n person in charge of a canal or river lock 河流的水闸管理人. ★lock-nut n extra nut screwed over another to prevent it becoming loose 防松螺母. ★locksmith n person who makes and mends locks 锁匠. ★lock-stitch n [U] sewing-machine stitch that locks threads firmly together 连锁缝纫(针迹). ★lock / lCk; lBk/ v 1 (a) [Tn] fasten (a door, lid, etc) with a lock 锁(门、 盖等): Is the gate locked? 大门锁了吗? (b) [Tn] make (a house, box, etc) secure in this way 锁住, 锁牢(房子、 箱子等): Be sure to lock your bicycle. 自行车务必上锁. (c) [I] be able to be fastened or secured with a lock 能锁: This suitcase doesn't lock, ie has no lock or has a lock that is broken. 这衣箱不能锁(无锁或锁已坏). =>Usage at close4 用法见close4. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth/sb) (in/into sth); ~ (sb/sth) (together) (cause sb/sth to) become rigidly fixed; jam (使某人[某事物])卡住, 挤住: The brakes locked, causing the car to skid. 汽车因车轮刹住而打滑. * The pieces of the puzzle lock into each other/lock together, ie interlock. 拼图各块拼合时都卡在一起. * (fig 比喻) two nations locked in mortal combat, ie at war 处於殊死战斗中的两国 * two lovers locked in each other's arms, ie embracing 拥抱著的一对情侣. 3 (idm 习语) lock, etc the stable door after the horse has bolted => stable2. 4 (phr v) lock sth away store sth securely and safely 将某物妥善锁起: lock away one's jewellery 把珠宝锁好. lock onto sth (of a missile, etc) automatically find and follow (a target) (指导弹等)追踪(目标). lock sb/oneself out (of sth)/in prevent sb/oneself from entering or leaving by locking a door, etc (intentionally or unintentionally) (有意或无意地)将某人[自己]锁於某处不得进出: At 9 pm the prisoners are locked in for the night. 晚9时把犯人锁进牢房过夜. * I've lost my key and I'm locked out! 我丢了钥匙, 进不去了! * lock oneself out of the house 把自己锁在门外. lock (sth) up make (a house, etc) secure by locking the doors and windows 上锁(锁好门窗): Don't forget to lock up before leaving home. 离家之前别忘上锁. lock sb up put sb in prison, a mental institution, etc 将某人监禁起来或送进精神病院等. lock sth up (a) = lock sth away. (b) invest (money) so that it cannot easily be converted into cash 将(资本)搁死: All their capital is locked up in land. 他们把全部资金都搁死在地产投资上了. ★lockable adj that can be locked 能锁的: a lockable steering-wheel 可锁的方向盘. ★lock-out n refusal by an employer to let workers enter a factory, etc until they agree to certain conditions (资方的)闭厂, 停工(除非工人答应某些条件, 否则不得进厂). ★lock-up n (a) place where prisoners can be kept temporarily 拘留所. (b) (infml 口) prison 监狱. (c) (Brit) (usu small) shop whose owner does not live in it (通常指小的)商店(店主不住在内). adj [attrib 作定语] that can be locked up 可上锁的: a lock-up garage 可上锁的车库. ★Davy Jones's locker (infml often joc 口, 常作戏谑语) the bottom of the sea 海底: Their ship was sent to Davy Jones's locker, ie was sunk. 他们的轮船去见龙王爷了(沉没了). ★locker / 5lCkE(r); `lBkL/ n 1 (a) small cupboard, esp one of several where clothes can be kept, eg at a swimming-pool 小厨柜(尤指供存放衣物的, 如在游泳池处): left-`luggage lockers, ie for depositing luggage in, eg at a railway station 行李寄存柜(如在火车站中的). (b) (nautical 海) box or compartment for storing clothes, ammunition, etc in a ship (船上贮藏衣物、 弹药等的)箱, 室, 库. 2 (idm 习语) be in/go to ,Davy Jones's `locker be drowned at sea 葬身大海. ★locker-room n (esp US) room at a sports club, etc for changing in, with lockers for clothes, etc (体育俱乐部等的)衣物间. ★locket / 5lCkIt; `lBkIt/ n small ornamental case, usu of gold or silver, holding a portrait, lock of hair, etc and worn on a chain round the neck 盒式项链坠(通常为金银制的, 用以藏照片、 头发等). ★in loco parentis / In 9lEUkEU pE5rentIs; In9lokopE`rZntIs/ (Latin 拉) acting for or instead of a parent; having the responsibility of a parent 代替父或母; 代尽人父或人母之责: I stand towards her in loco parentis. 我对她代尽其父母亲的责任. ★loco / 5lEUkEU; `loko/ n (pl ~s) (infml 口) locomotive engine 火车头; 机车: [attrib 作定语] loco-spotting, ie as a hobby 观察火车头(一种爱好). ★loco / 5lEUkEU; `loko/ adj [pred 作表语] (sl 俚 esp US) mad 发疯. ★locomotion / 9lEUkE5mEUFn; 9lokE`moFEn/ n [U] (fml or joc 文或谑) moving, or the ability to move, from place to place 运动; 移动; 运动力; 移动力. ★locomotive / 5lEUkEmEUtIv; 9lokE`motIv/ adj of, having or causing locomotion 移动的; 有移动力的; 产生运动的: locomotive power 移动力. n = engine 2: electric, diesel, steam, etc locomotives 电气、 柴油、 蒸汽等机车. ★locum / 5lEUkEm; `lokEm/ n (also fml 正规作 ,locum `tenens / 5ti:nenz, 5tenenz; `tinZnz/) deputy acting for a doctor or priest in his absence (医生或牧师的)临时代理人: When they are on holiday the work of doctors is often done by locums. 医生度假时, 他们的工作常由代理医生负责. ★locus / 5lEUkEs; `lokEs/ n (pl loci / 5lEUsaI; `losaI/) exact place of sth 所在地; 场所. ★locus classicus / 5klAsIkEs; `klAsIkEs/ (Latin 拉) best known or most authoritative passage on a subject 某问题的最著名或最具权威性的章节. ★locust / 5lEUkEst; `lokEst/ n type of African and Asian winged insect that migrates in huge swarms which destroy all the vegetation of a district 飞蝗. ★locution / lE5kju:Fn; lo`kjuFEn/ n 1 [U] (fml 文) style of speech; way of using words 语言风格; 用词的方法. 2 [C] (esp linguistics 尤用於语言学) phrase or idiom 短语; 惯用语; 成语. ★lode / lEUd; lod/ n vein of metal ore 矿脉. ★lodestar (also loadstar) n (a) star used as a guide in navigation, esp the pole-star 用以指示航向的星; (尤指)北极星. (b) (fig 比喻) principle that guides one's behaviour and actions (行为和行动的)指导原则. ★lodestone n = loadstone. ★lodge / lCdV; lBdV/ n 1 small house at the gates of a park or in the grounds of a large house, occupied by a gate-keeper or other employee (公园或大宅第中看门人的)房子; 下房. 2 country house or cabin for use in certain seasons (某季节中使用的)乡间小舍: a `hunting /`fishing/ `skiing lodge 打猎[钓鱼/滑雪]时用的小屋. 3 porter's room at the main entrance to a block of flats, college, factory, etc (公寓、 学院、 工厂等的)门房. 4 members or meeting-place of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons 会社(如共济会)支部的全体会员; 支部会员集会处. 5 beaver's or otter's lair (海狸或水獭的)巢穴. 6 N American Indian dwelling or household (北美印第安人的)住处, 住家. ★lodge / lCdV; lBdV/ v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] provide (sb) with a place to sleep or live in for a time 供(某人)以临时住宿处: The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp. 难民暂时安置在一座旧军营里. 2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb/at...) live for payment in sb's house 租住某人的房屋: Where are you lodging? 你在哪里寄宿? * I'm lodging at Mrs Brown's (house)/with Mrs Brown. 我在布朗太太家寄宿. 3 [Ipr, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) in sth (cause sth to) enter and become fixed in sth (使某物)进入并固定於某处: The bullet (was) lodged in his brain. 子弹射入他的脑内. 4 [Tn.pr] ~ sth with sb/in sth leave (money, etc) with sb/in sth for safety 将(钱等)交付某人保管, 寄存某处: lodge one's valuables in the bank 把贵重物品存放在银行里. 5 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sb) (against sb) present (a statement, etc) to the proper authorities for attention 向负责部门提出(某事): lodge a complaint with the police against one's neighbours 向警方告邻居的状 * lodge an appeal, a protest, an objection, etc 提出上诉、 抗议、 反对意见等. ★lodger n person who pays to live in (part of) sb's house 房客; 租住者: She makes a living by taking in lodgers. 她靠收房客租金为生. ★lodgement (also lodgment) / 5lCdVmEnt; `lBdVmEnt/ n (fml 文) 1 [U] action or process of lodging (lodge2 5) 向负责部门提出: the lodgement of a complaint 投诉的提出. 2 [C] mass of material that collects in or blocks sth 积聚物; 堵塞物: a lodgement of dirt in a pipe 烟斗中积存的烟垢. ★lodging / 5lCdVIN; `lBdVIN/ n 1 [U, C] temporary accommodation 临时寄宿; 借宿: full board and lodging, ie a room to stay in and all meals provided 一应膳宿 * find a lodging for the night 找地方借宿一夜. 2 lodgings [pl] room or rooms (not in a hotel) rented for living in 寄宿舍(非指旅馆中的): It's cheaper to live in lodgings than in a hotel. 住寄宿舍比住旅馆便宜. ★lodging-house n house in which lodgings are let, usu by the week 出租房间的公寓(通常按周出租). ★loess / 5lEUes; `loIs/ n [U] layer of fine fertile light-coloured soil, found in large areas of Asia, Europe and America 黄土. ★loft / lCft; lR:ft; lRft/ n 1 (a) room or space directly under the roof of a house, used for storing things 阁楼, 顶楼(用以存放东西): [attrib 作定语] a loft conversion, ie one that has been made into a room or rooms for living in (改装的)阁楼居室. (b) space under the roof of a stable or barn, used for storing hay, etc 厩楼(用以贮放乾草等). 2 (US) one of the upper floors of a warehouse, etc (仓库等的)上层楼面, 楼上. 3 gallery or upper level in a church or hall (教堂或大厅内的)楼厢: the `organ-loft 教堂内的风琴台. ★loft / lCft; lR:ft; lRft/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] (esp sport 尤用於体育) hit, kick or throw (a ball) in a high arc 击、 踢、 掷高弧(球): loft the ball over the goalkeeper 踢高弧球越过守门员 * a lofted drive, eg at cricket or golf 击出高球(如板球或高尔夫球). ★lofted adj (of a golf-club) shaped to hit the ball high (指高尔夫球棒)击出高球用的. ★lofty / 5lCftI; 5lR:ftI; `lRftI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of thoughts, aims, etc) noble; exalted (指思想、 目标等)高尚的, 崇高的: lofty sentiments 高尚的情操. 2 (derog 贬) seeming to be proud and superior; haughty 高傲的; 骄傲的; 傲慢的: in a lofty manner 态度傲慢. 3 (rhet 修辞) (not used of people 不用於指人) very tall 极高的: a lofty mountain 高山 * lofty halls 高大的厅堂. ★loftily / -IlI; -IlI/ adv. ★loftiness n [U]. ★log / lCg; lR:g; lR^/ n 1 (a) length of tree-trunk that has fallen or been cut down 原木; 圆材: birds nesting in a hollow log 在空树干里搭巢的鸟. (b) short piece of this, esp one used as firewood 短的木材; (尤指)木柴: Put another log on the fire. 往炉子里再添一段木柴. 2 (idm 习语) easy as falling off a log => easy1. sleep like a log/top => sleep. ★logging n [U] (US) work of cutting down forest trees for timber 伐木工作; 伐木业: [attrib 作定语] a logging camp 伐木营地. ★log cabin hut built of logs 原木小屋. ★log-jam n (esp US) deadlock; standstill 僵局; 停顿. ★log-rolling n [U] (derog 贬 esp US) practice of helping others in return for their help, as when authors review each other's books favourably 相互吹棒, 相互标榜(如作家间互相作好评). ★log / lCg; lR:g; lR^/ n 1 (formerly 旧时用法) floating device pulled behind a ship to measure its speed 测速仪(拖带於船後以测船速者): sail by the log, ie calculate aship's position using this 用测速仪测量船位. 2 log-bookof a ship or an aircraft 航海或飞行日志. ★log v (-gg-) [Tn] 1 enter (facts) in a log-book 将(事情)记载於航行日志中. 2 achieve (a certain speed, distance, number of hours worked, etc) as recorded in a log-book or similar record 达到(某速度、 里程、 工作时数等)记录: The pilot had logged over 200 hours in the air. 这个飞行员的飞行记录在200小时以上. 3 (phr v) log in/on (computing 计) open one's on-line access to a database, etc 注册, 登记(接通数据库等作联机存取). log off/out (computing 计) end one's on-line access to a database, etc 注销(关闭数据库等结束联机存取). ★log-book n 1 detailed record of a ship's voyage or an aircraft's flight; any similar record 航海或飞行日志; 类似的记录. 2 motor vehicle's registration book (机动车辆的)车辆登记证. ★log / lCg; lR:g; lR^/ n (infml mathematics 口, 数) logarithm 对数: [attrib 作定语] log tables 对数表. ★-log US = -logue. ★loganberry / 5lEUgEnbrI; -berI; `lo^En9bZrI/ n large dark-red berry from a plant that is a cross2(7) between a blackberry and a raspberry 洛根莓(为黑莓与悬钩子杂交植物, 结深红色聚合果). ★logarithm / 5lCgErITEm; 5lR:g-; `lR^E9rITEm/ n (mathematics 数) any of a series of numbers set out in tables which make it possible to work out problems in multiplication and division by adding and subtracting 对数. =>App 4 见附录4. ★logarithmic / 9lCgE5rITmIk; 9lR:g-; 9lR^E`rITmIk/ adj: a logarithmic function 对数函数. ★logarithmically / -klI; -klI/ adv. ★loggerheads / 5lCgEhedz; `lR^L9hZdz/ n (idm 习语) at loggerheads (with sb) disagreeing or quarrelling 不和; 相争: He and his wife are always at loggerheads. 他和妻子总是不和. * His father's will has set him at loggerheads with his brother, ie caused them to quarrel. 他父亲的遗嘱导致了他与弟弟争执起来. ★loggia / 5lEUdVE, 5lCdVIE; `lodVE, `lBdVIE/ n open-sided gallery or arcade, esp one that forms part of a house and has one side open to the garden 凉廊(尤指房屋敞向花园的). ★logic / 5lCdVIk; `lBdVIk/ n [U] 1 science of reasoning 逻辑学; 论理学. 2 particular method or system of reasoning 推理的方法或体系. 3 chain of reasoning (regarded as good or bad) 逻辑性, 条理性(合乎逻辑或不合逻辑): You have to accept the logic of his argument. 应该承认他的论据中有逻辑性. 4 ability to reason correctly 正确推理的能力; 逻辑思维的能力. 5 (computing 计) (a) principles used in designing a computer (设计计算机的)逻辑. (b) the circuit(s) involved in this 逻辑电路. ★logician / lE5dVIFn; lo`dVIFEn/ n person who is skilled in logic 逻辑学家. ★logical / 5lCdVIkl; `lBdVIkl/ adj 1 in accordance with the rules of logic; correctly reasoned 合逻辑的; 推理正确的: a logical argument, conclusion 合逻辑的论据、 结论. 2 (of an action, event, etc) in accordance with what seems reasonable or natural (指行为、 事情等)合乎情理的, 合乎常理的: the logical outcome 合情合理的结果 * It seemed the only logical thing to do. 看来那样做才合乎常理. 3 capable of reasoning correctly 有逻辑头脑的; 有推理能力的: a logical mind 善於推理的头脑. ★logicality / 9lCdVI5kAlEtI; 9lBdVI`kAlEtI/ n [U] being logical 合逻辑; 合理. ★logically / -klI; -klI/ adv: argue logically 有条理地辩论. ★logistics / lE5dVIstIks; lE`dVIstIks/ n [sing or pl v] organization of supplies and services, etc for any complex operation 後勤. ★logistic, logistical / lE5dVIstIkl; lE`dVIstIkEl/ adjs: Organizing famine relief presents huge logistical problems. 筹画饥馑救济工作在後勤方面困难极大. ★logistically / -klI; -klI/ adv. ★logo / 5lEUgEU; `lo9^o/ n (pl ~s) printed symbol designed for and used by a business, company, etc as its emblem, eg in advertising (企业、 公司等的)专用标识, 标记, 商标(如用於广告中的). ★-logue (US -log) comb form 构词成分 (forming ns 用以构成名词) talk or speech 话; 谈话: monologue * travelogue. ★-logy comb form 构词成分 (forming ns 用以构成名词) 1 subject of study 论; 学: mineralogy * sociology * theology * zoology. 2 speech or writing 语言; 文字: trilogy * phraseology * tautology. ★-logic(al) comb form 构词成分 (forming adjs 用以构成形容词): physiologic(al) * pathological. ★-logist comb form 构词成分 (forming ns 用以构成名词) person skilled in a subject of study 某学科学者: biologist * geologist. ★loin / lRIn; lRIn/ n 1 [C] (anatomy 解) side and back of the body between the ribs and the hip-bone 腰; 腰部. 2 [C, U] (joint of) meat from this part of an animal (动物的)腰肉, 脊背肉: some loin of pork 猪脊背肉. 3 loins [pl] (dated 旧) (a) lower part of the body on both sides below the waist and above the legs 胯. (b) (euph 婉) reproductive organs 下身. 4 (idm 习语) gird one's loins => gird. ★loincloth n piece of cloth worn around the body at the hips, esp as the only garment worn 缠腰布(尤指仅有的蔽体物). ★loiter / 5lRItE(r); `lRItL/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (about/around) stand about idly 闲站著: loitering at street corners 在街头闲站著. 2 [I] go slowly, with frequent stops 慢走; 边走边停: Don't loiter on the way home! 不要在回家的路上闲逛! ★loiterer n. ★loll / lCl; lBl/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (about/around) rest, sit or stand lazily, often while leaning against sth 懒洋洋地呆著、 坐著或站著(常指倚著某物): loll around the house 在家中呆著. 2 (phr v) loll out (of the tongue) hang loosely (指舌)耷拉, 下垂. ★lollipop / 5lClIpCp; `lBlI9pBp/ n large (usu flat and round) boiled sweet on a small stick, held in the hand and sucked 棒棒糖. ★lollipop man (fem 阴性作 lollipop woman, lollipop lady) (Brit infml 口) person who carries a circular sign marked `Stop! Children Crossing' as a warning to traffic to stop, allowing children to cross a busy road, esp on their way to and from school 儿童过路辅导员(持圆形指示牌, 有`停车! 儿童过路'字样, 尤於上学、 放学时间值勤者). ★lollop / 5lClEp; `lBlEp/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] (infml 口 esp Brit) move in clumsy jumps; flop about 笨拙地跳动; 扑动: lolloping along (the road) (一路)蹦蹦跳跳. ★lolly / 5lClI; `lBlI/ n (Brit) 1 [C] (infml 口) lollipop 棒棒糖. 2 [U] (sl 俚) money 钱. ★lone / lEUn; lon/ adj [attrib 作定语] (usu rhet 通常作修辞) 1 without companions; solitary 孤独的; 孤单的: a lone figure trudging through the snow 在雪地里独自跋涉的人. Cf 参看 alone 1, lonely 3. 2 (idm 习语) a ,lone `wolf person who prefers to be, work, etc alone 好孤独自处、 独自工作等的人. ★loner n (infml 口) person who avoids the company of others 喜独处者; 不合群者: She's been a loner all her life. 她一生离群索居. ★lonely / 5lEUnlI; `lonlI/ adj 1 sad because one lacks friends or companions 孤寂的; 寂寞的: I live all alone but I never feel lonely. 我虽孑然一身, 但从不感孤寂. * a lonely-looking child 形单影只的孩子 * Living in a big city can be (ie make one feel) very lonely. 在大城市里生活还真很孤寂. * Hers is a lonely life. 她的生活很寂寞. 2 [attrib 作定语] (of places) far from inhabited places; not often visited; remote (指地方)偏僻的, 人迹罕至的; 偏远的: Antarctica is the loneliest place on earth. 南极是地球上最偏远的地区. 3 [attrib 作定语] without companions 孤单的; 无伴侣的: a lonely traveller 孤单的旅客. 4 (idm 习语) plough a lonely furrow => plough v. =>Usage at alone 用法见alone. ★loneliness n [U]: suffer from loneliness 备尝孤寂之苦. ★lonely hearts people who are seeking friendship, esp with a view to marriage 徵友者(尤指物色佳偶者): [attrib 作定语] a lonely hearts column, ie a section of a newspaper, etc containing messages from such people (报纸等的)徵友专栏. ★lonesome / 5lEUnsEm; `lonsEm/ adj (esp US) 1 lonely 孤寂的; 寂寞的; 人迹罕至的; 偏僻的; 偏远的: I get lonesome when you're not here. 你不在时我颇感寂寞. * a lonesome mountain village 偏僻的山村. 2 causing loneliness 令人感到孤寂的: a lonesome journey 寂寞的旅途. =>Usage at alone 用法见alone. 3 (idm 习语) by/on one's `lonesome (infml 口) on one's own; alone 独自; 单独. ★long / lCN; lR:N; lRN/ adj (-er / -NgE(r); -N^L/, -est /-NgIst; -NgIst/) 1 having a great or specified extent in space (空间上)长的: How long is the River Nile? 尼罗河有多长? * Your hair is longer than mine. 你的头发比我的长. * Is it a long way (ie far) to your house? 到你家远吗? * These trousers are two inches too long. 这条裤子长出两英寸. Cf 参看 short1 1. 2 having a great or specified duration or extent in time (时间上)长的: He's been ill for a long time. 他病了很长时间了. * How long are the holidays? 假期有多长? * They're six weeks long. 有六周之久. * Don't be too long about it, ie Do it soonor quickly. 时间别太长(早做或快做). =>Usage at long3用法见long3. 3 (phonetics 语音) (of vowel sounds) taking relatively more time to utter than the correspondingshort vowel sound (指元音)长音的: The vowel sound in `caught' is long; in `cot' it is short. caught中的元音是长元音; cot中的是短元音. 4 seeming to be longer than it really is 似乎比实际为长的; 漫长的: ten long years, miles, etc 漫长的十年、 十英里等. 5 (of memory) able to recall events distant in time (指记忆)能回忆久远的. 6 (idm 习语) at the `longest not longer than the specified time (时间上)至多, 最长: He's only away for short periods a week at the longest. 他只是短期外出--至多一周. go `far/go a long `way become very successful 很成功: That girl will go a long way, I'm sure. 我相信那姑娘很有前途. go far/go a long way towards doing sth make a considerable contribution towards sth 对某事物大有裨益: concessions which go a long way towards satisfying his critics 对批评他的人起缓解作用的让步 * The new legislation does not go far enough towards solving the problem. 新的法规对解决该问题并无多大帮助. go a long way (a) (of money, food, etc) last a long time (指钱、 食物等)用很长时间, 经花, 经用: She makes a little money go a long way, ie buys many things by careful spending. 她用很少的钱能买很多东西. * A little of this paint goes a long way, ie covers a large area. 这种颜料用一点可以涂一片. (b) be as much as one can bear 叫人受不了: A little of his company goes a long way, ie One can tolerate his company for a short time only. 跟他呆上一会儿就叫人受不了. happy as the day is long => happy. have come a long way have made much progress 大有进步: We've come a long way since those early days of the project. 这项工作开始以来我们已取得很大进展. have a long `arm be able to make one's power or authority felt even at a distance 有深远的势力或影响力. in long/short pants => pants. in the `long run ultimately; eventually 从长远看; 终究; 最後: In the long run pricesare bound to rise. 从长远看, 物价肯定要涨. in the long/ short term => term. it's as broad as it's long => broad1. (put on, have, wear, etc) a long `face sad expression 拉长脸; 哭丧著脸; 愁眉苦脸. a long `haul long and difficult activity, etc 持久而艰苦的活动等: It's been a long haul but at last this dictionary is published. 经过千辛万苦这部词典才终於得以问世. a `long shot wild guess or attempt 瞎猜; 姑妄一试. ,long in the `tooth (joc 谑) rather old 年齿渐长; 颇老: He's getting a bit long in the tooth to be playing football. 他踢足球未免年齿过长了. long time no `see (infml 口) (used as a greeting 用作招呼语) it's a long time since we last met 好久没见了. not by a `long chalk; Brit not by a `long shot not at all 完全不; 绝不: We're not beaten yet, (not) by a long chalk. 我们还没有败, 远远没败. take a long (cool/hard) `look at sth consider a possibility, problem, etc carefully and at length 谨慎仔细考虑(可能性、 问题等). take the `long view consider events, effects, factors, etc a long time in the future, rather than the immediate situation 从长远考虑事情、 效果、 因素等. to cut a long story short to get to the point of what one is saying quickly 长话短说; 简而言之; 总之. ★longboat n largest boat carried on a sailing-ship (帆船所带的)大艇. ★longbow n bow drawn by hand, equal in length to the height of the archer and used to shoot feathered arrows 长弓; 大弓. Cf 参看 crossbow. ★long-distance adj, adv travelling or operating between distant places 长距离的; 长途的: a ,long-distance `lorry driver, `phone call, `runner 跑长途的卡车司机、 长途电话、 长途跑步者 * to phone long-distance 打长途电话. ★long division (mathematics 数) (process of) dividing one number by another with all the calculations written down 长除, 长除法(做除法运算时把每一步骤都写下来): Can you do long division? 你会长除法吗? * [attrib 作定语] a long-division sum 长除法运算. ★long drink drink that is large in quantity, filling a tall glass, eg beer 大杯饮料(如用高杯盛的啤酒). ★longhand n [U] ordinary writing (contrasted with shorthand, typing, etc) 普通书写(别於速记、 打字等): all written in longhand 全部手写. ★long hop (in cricket) ball that pitches short and is easy to hit (板球中的)(短距触地)长反弹球(易被击中). ★long johns (infml 口) underpants with legs that extend to the ankles 长内裤(及於踝部): a warm pair of long johns 一条暖和的长内裤. ★long jump (US broad jump) athletic contest of jumping as far forward as possible 跳远: competing in the long jump 比赛跳远. ★long-life adj (esp of dairy products) remaining usable for a long time (尤指乳制品)可长久保存的: ,long-life `milk 长期保鲜奶. ★long odds (in betting) very uneven odds, eg 50 to 1 (打赌中)悬殊的机会(如50比1). ★long-range adj [attrib 作定语] (a) of or for a period of time far in the future 长期的; 为长远计的: long-range planning 长远规画 * a long-range weather forecast 远期天气预报. (b) (of vehicles, missiles, etc) that can be used over great distances (指运载工具、 导弹等)长距离的, 远程的, 长程的: a long-range bomber 远程轰炸机. ★long-sighted (also esp US far-sighted) adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (a) only able to see clearly what is at a distance 远视: She's long-sighted and needs glasses to read. 她是远视眼, 看书要戴眼镜. (b) (fig 比喻) having foresight; prudent 有远见; 有远虑. ★longstop n (in cricket) fielder standing directly behind the wicket-keeper (板球)守门员身後的守场员, 外野手. ★long suit 1 many playing-cards of one suit in a hand 长套(一手牌中有多张同花者): Play the highest card in your longest suit. 打你手中最长套的大牌. 2 (fig 比喻) thing at which one excels 特长; 长处: Modesty is not his long suit. 谦虚可不是他的长处. ★long-time adj [attrib 作定语] that has lasted for a long time 为时已久的; 历久的: a long-time friendship 老交情. ★long-term adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of or for a long period of time 长期的: a ,long-term commitment 长期承担的责任. ★long ton measure of weight, equal to 2240 pounds 长吨(等於2240磅). ★long wave (abbr 缩写 LW) radio wave having a wavelength of more than 1000 metres 长波: [attrib 作定语] a long-wave broadcast 长波广播. ★long weekend weekend that is made longer (as a holiday) by an extra day at the beginning or the end of it 长周末(前或後多加一天). ★long-winded adj talking or writing at tedious length 喋喋不休的; 罗嗦的: a ,long-winded `speaker, `speech, `style 说话罗嗦的人、 冗长的讲话、 烦冗的风格. ★long-windedness n [U]. ★long / lCN; lR:N; lRN/ n 1 [U] long time or interval (used esp as in the expressions shown) 长时间, 长间歇(尤用於以下示例): This won't take long. 这要不了多久. * Will you be away for long? 你要离开很长时间吗? * I hope to write to you before long. 我希望不久就能给你写信. =>Usage at long3 用法见long3. 2 [C] long signal (eg in Morse code); long vowel or syllable (esp in Latin verse) 长信号(如摩尔斯电码); 长元音或长音节(尤指拉丁诗文中): a long and two shorts 一长两短. 3 (idm 习语) the ,long and (the) `short of it all that need be said about it; the general effect or result of it 总的意思; 总的结果. ★long / lCN; lR:N; lRN/ adv (-er / -NgE(r); -N^L/, -est /-NgIst; -NgIst/) 1 for a long time 长久; 长期地: Were you in Rome long? 你在罗马呆的时间长吗? * Stay as long as you like. 你愿停留多久皆可. * long into the next century 下一个世纪之後很久 * I shan't be long, ie will come, go, etc soon. 我用不了很长时间(就来、 就去等). 2 at a time distant from a specified point of time (used esp in the expressions shown) (距某一时间)很久地(尤用於以下示例): long ago/before/after/since 很久以前[之前很久/之後很久/很久以来] * He died not long (ie soon) after (that). (那之後)不久他就死了. =>Usage at recent 用法见recent. 3 (with ns indicating duration 与表示延续的名词连用) throughout the specified time 贯穿某时间: all day long 整天 * I've waited for this moment my whole life long. 我一生都在等待这个时刻. 4 (idm 习语) as/so long as (used as a conj 用作连词) (a) on condition that; provided that 只要; 如果: As long as it doesn't rain we can play. 只要不下雨, 我们就能玩. (b) (US) since; inasmuch as 既然; 由於. be not long for this world be likely to die soon 行将谢世; 历日无多. no/any/much `longer after a certain point in time 不再; 已不: I can't wait any/much longer. 我不能再等了. * He no longer lives here. 他已不住在这里. he who laughs last laughs longest => laugh. so long (dated infml 旧, 口) goodbye 再见. ★long-drawn-out adj made to last too long; unnecessarily extended 拖得太长的; 拉得过长的: long-drawn-out negotiations 旷日持久的谈判. ★long-lived adj having a long life; lasting for a long time 长寿的; 长期的; 长久的: My family tend to be quite long-lived. 我家族的人大都相当长寿. ★long-playing record (also dated 旧作 long-player) (abbr 缩写 LP) type of gramophone record that plays for up to about 30 minutes on each side 密纹唱片, 慢转唱片(每一面能持续约30分钟的). ★long-standing adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] that has existed or lasted for a long time 长期存在的; 为时长久的: ,long-standing `grievances 长期存在的不满 * a ,long-standing arrangement 长期安排. ★long-suffering adj patiently bearing problems, troubles, etc, esp those caused by another person 长期忍受的(对困难事、 麻烦事等, 尤指他人引起的): I pity his ,long-suffering `wife. 我可怜他那长期受苦的妻子. ★long NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Both long and a long time are used as adverbial expressions of time. *long和a long time都用作表示时间的状语. 1 Long is not used in positive sentences unless it is modified by another adverb, eg too, enough, ago *long只在受另一副词如too、 enough、 ago修饰时才用於肯定句: You've been sleeping too long/long enough. 你睡得太久了[你睡的时间够长了]. * She waited there (for) a long time. 她在那里等了很长时间. 2 Both can be used in questions 这两者均可用於疑问句: Have you been here long/a long time? 你在这里呆了很久[很长时间]了吗? 3 In negative sentences there can be a difference in meaning. 在否定句中二者意义有别. Compare 试比较: I haven't been here for a long time (ie It is a long time since I was last here) and I haven't been here long (ie I arrived here only a short time ago). `我已很久没到这里来了(即离上次我来此已很长时间了)'和`我到这里没多久(即我刚到不久)'. ★long / lCN; lR:N; lRN/ v [Ipr, It] ~ for sth/~ (for sb) to do sth have an intense desire for sth; want sth very much (对某事物)渴望; 非常想有某事物: The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假. * a (much) longed-for rest 巴望著(已久)的休息 * She longed for him to ask her to dance. 她巴不得他邀请自己跳舞. * I'm longing to see you again. 我盼望再见到你. ★longing / 5lCNIN; 5lR:NIN; `lRNIN/ n [C, U] ~ (for sb/sth) intense desire 渴望; 热望: a longing for home 想家 * a deep sense of longing 深深的渴望. adj [attrib 作定语] having or showing longing 渴望的; 表示渴望的: a longing look 渴望的样子 * gaze with longing eyes 以渴望的目光注视. longingly adv: speak longingly of one's native land 不胜向往地谈自己的家乡 * The children were gazing longingly at the toys in the shop window. 孩子们眼巴巴地望著商店橱窗里的玩具. ★long abbr 缩写 = longitude: long 23E/W, ie East/West 东[西]经23. Cf 参看 lat. ★long-shoreman / 5lCNFR:mEn; 5lR:N-; `lRN9FRrmEn/ n (pl -men / -mEn; -mEn/) (esp US) person employed to work on shore loading and unloading ships 码头工人. ★longevity / lCn5dVevEtI; lBn`dVZvEtI/ n [U] (fml 文) long life 长寿; 长命: a family noted for its longevity 以长寿闻名的家族. ★longitude / 5lCndVItju:d; -tu:d; `lBndVE9tud/ n [U](abbr 缩写 long) distance east or west of the Greenwichmeridian, measured in degrees 经度: lines of longitude marked on a map 标在地图上的经线. =>illus at globe 见globe插图. Cf 参看 latitude 1. ★longitudinal / 9lCndVI5tju:dInl; -5tu:dnl; 9lBndVE`tudnl/ adj 1 of longitude 经度的. 2 of or in length; measured lengthwise 长度的; 纵的: longitudinal stripes, eg on a flag 纵条纹(如旗帜上的). ★longitudinally /-nElI; -nlI/ adv. ★chaise longue / 9FeIz 5lCN; 5lR:N; `Fez `lRN/ (pl chaises longues / 9FeIz 5lCN; 5lR:N; `Fez `lRN/) (French 法) low chair with a long seat on which the person sitting can stretch out his legs 躺椅. ★longways / 5lCNweIz; 5lR:N-; `lRN9wez/ (also longwise / 5lCNwaIz; US 5lR:N-; `lRN9waIz/) adv = lengthwise (length). ★loo / lu:; lu/ n (pl ~s) (Brit infml euph 口, 婉) lavatory 厕所: I need to go to the loo. 我要上厕所. =>Usage at toilet 用法见toilet. ★loofah (also esp US luffa) / 5lu:fE; `lufE/ n [C] rough bath sponge made from the dried pod of a type of gourd (浴用)丝瓜络. ★look / lUk; lJk/ v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (at sb/sth) turn one's eyes in a particular direction (in order to see sb/sth) 看; 瞧; 望: If you look carefully you can just see the church from here. 你仔细看的话, 可以从这里看到那座教堂. * We looked but saw nothing. 我们看了, 但什麽也没看见. * `Has the postman been yet?' `I'll just look and see.' `邮递员来过了吗?'`我这就去看看.' * Look to see whether the road is clear before you cross. 看清没车时再过马路. * I was looking the other way when the goal was scored. 进球时我正看著别处. * She looked at me and smiled. 她望著我微笑. * She looked out of the window and saw the postman coming up the path. 她向窗外望去, 看见邮递员正从小道上过来. * They looked across the room at each other. 他们在房间的两头彼此望著. * She blushed and looked down at the floor. 她脸一红随即低下头看著地板. 2 [Ipr, Tw] ~ at sth (esp imperative 尤用於祈使句) pay attention to sth; observe sth 瞧; 看: Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago. 瞧都什麽时候了! 十分钟前我们就该到戏院了. * Can't you look where you're going? You nearly knocked me over! 看, 你这是往哪里走? 差点儿把我撞倒了! * Look what Denise has given me for Christmas! 看丹尼斯送我什麽圣诞礼物了! * Look who's here! 看谁在这里呢! 3 (a) [La, Ln] seem to be; appear 看起来; 看上去; 像是: look healthy, ill, pale, puzzled, sad, tired 看上去健康、 有病、 苍白、 困惑不解、 忧伤、 疲乏 * That book looks interesting/That looks an interesting book. 那本书好像很有意思[那好像是本有趣的书]. * That pie looks good, ie good to eat. 那馅饼看来很好吃. * The town always looks deserted on Sunday mornings. 星期日早晨这小镇总显得冷冷清清. * `How do I look in this dress?' `You look very nice (in it).' `我穿这件连衣裙怎麽样?'`挺好看.' * You made me look a complete fool! 你叫我大出洋相了! (b) [Ipr] ~ (to sb) like sb/sth; ~ (to sb) as if.../as though... (usu not in the continuous tenses 通常不用於进行时态) have the appearance of sb/sth; suggest by appearance that... 像某人[某事物]的样子; 外表像...: It looks like salt and it is salt. 那看著像盐, 也的确是盐. * That photograph doesn't look like her at all. 那张照片看上去一点都不像她. * This looks to me like the right door. 依我看就是这个门. * It looks like rain/It looks as if it's going to rain. 好像要下雨了. * It looks like being/as if it's going to be a nice day. 看样子是个好天. * You look as if you slept badly. 看你那样子彷佛没睡好觉. * It doesn't look to me as if the Socialists will win the election. 我看不出社会党人能在大选中获胜. =>Usage at feel1 用法见feel1. 4 [I, Ipr] ~ (for sb/sth) search for or try to find sb/sth 寻找或寻求某人[某事物]: `I can't find the papers.' `Well, keep looking!' `我找不到那些文件.'`那就继续找!' * Where have you been? We've been looking for you everywhere. 你到哪里去了? 我们一直到处找你. * Are you still looking for a job? 你仍在找工作吗? * Negotiators are looking for a peaceful settlement to the dispute. 谈判双方正寻求和平解决争端的办法. * The youths were clearly looking for (ie were intending to start) a fight. 显然这些年轻人要寻衅闹事. 5 [Ipr, Ip] face in, or give a view in, a particular direction 面向; 朝向: The house looks east. 这房子朝东. * The hotel looks towards the sea. 该旅馆面向大海. * My bedroom looks onto the garden. 我的卧室对著花园. 6 (idm 习语) be looking to do sth try to do sth 想做某事物: The government will be looking to reduce inflation by a further two per cent this year. 政府力求今年把通货膨胀率再减低百分之二. look `bad; not look `good be not right according to convention, and likely to make others have a bad opinion of one 不合常情; 失礼; 招人非议: It looks bad not going to your own brother's wedding. 连亲兄弟的婚礼都不参加, 这太说不过去了. look `bad (for sb) suggest probable failure, trouble or disaster; be ominous 可能失败、 有麻烦或大祸临头: He's had a severe heart attack; things are looking bad for him, I'm afraid, ie he is probably going to die. 他心脏病严重发作, 我看情况不妙(可能会死). look `good seem to be promising; seem to be making satisfactory progress 似有希望或有满意的进展: This year's sales figures are looking good. 今年的销售数字形势喜人. look `here (used to express protest or to ask sb to pay attention or listen to sth 用以表示抗议或叫某人注意): Now look here, it wasn't my fault that we missed the train. 喂, 咱们误了火车可不是我的错. * Look here, I'm not having you make remarks like that about my sister. 哎, 我不许你们说我妹妹这种话. (not) look one`self (not) have one's normal (healthy) appearance 看起来(不)跟往常一样(健康): You're not looking yourself today, eg You look tired or ill. 今天你看上去气色不大好. look sb ,up and `down examine sb in a careful or contemptuous way 上下仔细地或轻蔑地打量某人: I didn't like the way he looked me up and down before speaking to me. 我不喜欢他在跟我说话之前那样上下打量我. never/not look `back (infml 口) continue to prosper or be successful 一直兴旺或顺利: Her first novel was published three years ago and since then she hasn't looked back. 她的第一部小说是三年前发表的, 从此一帆风顺. to `look at sb/sth judging by the appearance of sb/sth 由外貌判断: To look at him you'd never think he was a successful businessman. 若看他的外貌, 谁也想不到他是个事业有成的商人. not be much to `look at (infml 口) not have an attractive appearance 其貌不扬: The house isn't much to look at but it's quite spacious inside. 别看那房子外表不起眼, 里面相当宽敞. (For other idioms containing look, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 与look搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 look one's age => age; look sharp => sharp.) 7 (phr v) look `after oneself/sb make sure that one/sb is safe and well; take care of oneself/sb 照料、 照顾或照看自己[某人]: He needs to be properly looked after. 他需要好好照顾. * Who will look after the children while their mother is in hospital? 孩子们的母亲住院期间谁照 顾他们呢? * He's good at looking after himself/his own interests. 他很会照顾自己[自己的利益]. look after sth be responsible for sth 负责某事物: Our neighbours are looking after the garden while we are away. 我们不在家的时候, 由邻居照料花园. ★look ahead think about what is going to happen in the future 向前看; 为将来打算: Have you looked ahead to what you'll be doing in five years' time? 你是否想过五年後你要做些什麽? ★look at sth (a) examine sth, esp closely 检查某事物(尤指仔细查): Your ankle is badly swollen; I think the doctor ought to look at it. 你的脚腕子肿得很厉害, 我认为得请医生看看了. * I haven't had time to look at (ie read) your essay yet. 我还未得空仔细地读你的文章. * I'm taking my car to the garage to be looked at. 我要把汽车送到修车厂去检修. (b) think about, consider or study sth 考虑或研究某事物: The implications of the new legislation will need to be looked at. 新法规的含义需研究一下. * The committee wouldn't even look at my proposal. 委员会对我的提议甚至不予考虑. (c) view or regard sth 观察或看待某事物: The Americans look at life differently from the British. 美国人对生活的看法, 与英国人不同. * Looked at from that point of view, the job becomes easy. 从那个观点看, 这工作就容易了. ★look back (on sth) think about (sth in) one's past 回顾自己的过去(的某事物): look back on one's childhood,past, life 回顾童年、 过去、 生活. ★look down on sb/sth (infml 口) regard sb/sth with contempt; consider sb/sth inferior to oneself; despise sb/sth 鄙视或看不起某人[某事物]?i; 认为某人[某事物]不如己: She looks down on people who've never been to university. 她瞧不起没上过大学的人. * He was looked down on because of his humble background. 他因家世寒微而被人看不起. ★look for sth hope for sth; expect sth 盼望或期待某事物: We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term. 我们期待你这学期功课进步. ★look forward to sth/doing sth anticipate sth with pleasure 欣然期待某事物: look forward to one's holidays, the weekend, a trip to the theatre 盼望放假、 周末、 去看戏 * We're so much looking forward to seeing you again. 我们非常盼望再见到你. ★look in (on sb/at...) make a short visit to sb's house/a place 短时间探访某人家或到某处: The doctor will look in again this evening. 今晚医生再来探视. * Why don't you look in (on me) next time you're in town? 你下次进城来顺便来串门儿好吗? * I may look in at the party on my way home. 我回家时可能顺便到聚会处看看. ★look into sth investigate or examine sth 调查或观察某事物: A working party has been set up to look into the problem. 已成立工作组调查该问题. * His disappearance is being looked into by the police. 他失踪一事警方正在调查. ★look on be a spectator at an event or incident; watch sth without taking part in it oneself 观看某事物; 旁观: Passers-by just looked on as a man was viciously attacked. 有一男子遭人毒打, 路人只在一旁观看. look on sb/sth as sb/sth regard or consider sb/sth to be sb/sth 将某人[某事物]看作他人[他事物]: She's looked on as the leading authority on the subject. 她被认为是该问题的主要权威. look on sb/sth with sth regard sb/sth in the specified way 以某种态度看待某人[某事物]: I look on him/his behaviour with contempt. 我对他不屑一顾[瞧不起他的为人]. * She was always looked on with distrust. 人家对她总是不信任. * How do people in general look on her? 人们一般对她怎麽看? ★look out (used in the imperative 用於祈使句) be careful; watch out 小心; 当心: Look out! There's a car coming. 小心! 有辆汽车来了. look out (for sb/sth) be alert or watchful in order to see, find or be aware of sb/sth 警惕或留心某人[某事物]: Will you go to the station and look out for Mr Hill? 你到火车站去迎候希尔先生好吗? * Look out for pickpockets. 小心扒手. * Police will be looking out for trouble-makers at today's match. 今天的比赛有警察防备著捣乱分子. * Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your work. 你检查作业时要当心拼写错误. look sth out (for sb/sth) search for sth and find it 寻出某物: I must look out some bits and pieces for the church jumble sale. 我得找些零碎东西捐给教堂作义卖. ★look over sth inspect or examine sth 检阅或检查某事物: We must look over the house before we decide to rent it. 我们必须先查看一下这所房子再决定租不租. look sth over examine sth one by one or part by part 逐一或逐部分检查某事物: Here's the mail. I've looked it over. 这批邮件都在这儿. 我已逐一查过了. ★look round (a) turn one's head in order to see sb/sth 转过头看某人[某物]: She looked round when she heard the noise behind her. 她听到身後有声响, 就回过头去看. (b) examine various options or possibilities 审察供选择的事物或可能性: We're going to look round a bit before deciding where to buy a house. 我们先到各处查看一下, 再决定买哪里的房子. look round sth visit (a place or building) as a tourist or sightseer 参观, 游览(某地或某建筑): Shall we look round the cathedral this afternoon? 我们今天下午参观大教堂好吗? ★look through sb deliberately ignore sb whom one can see clearly 对某人故意视而不见: She just looked straight through me. 她对我连理都不理. look through sth examine or read sth quickly 快速检查某事物; 快速阅读某物: She looked through her notes before the examination.考试前她匆匆看了一遍笔记. look sth through examine or read sth carefully; examine or read (a number of things) one by one 仔细检查, 逐一审查(某事物): Always look your work through before handing it in. 交作业前一定要仔细检查. * He looked the proposals through before approving them. 他逐一审查了各项建议才予以批准. ★look to sb for sth; look to sb to do sth rely on or expect sb to provide sth or do sth 依赖或指望某人提供或做某事物: We are looking to you for help. 我们指望你的帮助. * She's regularly looked to for advice. 人家经常徵求她的意见. * Many people are looking to the new government to reduce unemployment. 很多人都寄望新政府能减少失业的人. look to sth make sure that sth is safe or in good condition; be careful about sth 注意或留心某事物: The country must look to its defences. 国家必须注意其防御力量. * You should look to your health. 你应当注意健康. ★look up (a) raise one's eyes 仰视: She looked up (from her book) as I entered the room. 我进屋时, 她(放下书)抬眼看了看. (b) (infml 口) (of business, sb's prospects, etc) become better; improve (指商业、 某人的前景等)转好, 改善: Inflation is coming down; unemployment is coming down; things are definitely looking up! 通货膨胀正在缓解, 失业情形正在改善, 形势确实已好转. look sb up (infml 口) visit or contact sb, esp after not having seen him for a long time 看望或接触某人(尤指久别後): Do look me up the next time you're in London. 你下次到伦敦, 务必来找我. look sth up search for (a word or fact) in a dictionary or reference book (在词典或参考书中)查阅(词或资料): If you want to know how a word is used, look the word up in the Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 要想了解某词的用法, 查《进修词典》. * Look up the time of the next train in the timetable. 查一下火车时刻表中下一趟车的时间. look up to sb admire or respect sb 赞赏或尊敬某人: She has always looked up to her father. 她一向崇敬父亲. ★look interj (used to make sb listen to sth important that one is saying 用以唤起某人注意听要说的重要事情): Look, don't you think you're over-reacting slightly? 喂, 你不认为你的反应有点过火吗? ★looker n (infml approv sexist 口, 褒, 性别偏见) attractive girl or woman 漂亮姑娘; 美女: She's a real looker! 她真漂亮! ★looker-on / 9lUkEr5Cn; 9lJkL`Bn/ n (pl lookers-on) / 9lUkEz5Cn; 9lJkLz`Bn/ person who watches sth but does not take part in it; spectator; onlooker 观者; 旁观者. ★-looking (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) having the specified appearance 具有某种外观者: a ,strange-looking `place * She's not ,bad-looking, ie quite attractive. 她容貌不错. ★look-alike n (often used after a person's name 常用於人名之後) person who has a very similar appearance to sb else 与某人极相似的人: the Prime Minister's look-alike 酷似首相的人 * [attrib 作定语] a Marilyn Monroe look-alike contest 模仿玛丽莲·梦露形像的比赛. ★look-in n (idm 习语) (not) give sb/get/have a `look-in (infml 口) (not) give sb/have a chance to participate or succeed in sth (不)给某人[有]参加或完成某事物的机会: She talks so much that the rest of us never get a look-in. 她说话滔滔不绝, 我们都插不上嘴. * He'd love to play for the school team but he never gets a look-in, ie is never chosen. 他倒很愿意参加校队, 可是从未有过机会. ★looking-glass n (dated 旧) mirror 镜子. ★look-out n 1 [C] place from which sb watches carefully in order to see an enemy, intruder, etc 岗哨(指处所); 观察所; 了望台: [attrib 作定语] a look-out tower 了望塔. 2 [C] person who watches from such a place 岗哨(指人); 了望员: We posted several look-outs. 我们部署了几个岗哨. 3 (idm 习语) be a bad, grim, poor, etc look-out (for sb/sth) prospects are bad, etc for sb/sth 某人[某事物]的前景不妙等: It's a bleak look-out for the coal industry as the number of pit closures increases. 煤井关闭的数目日多, 煤炭工业前景暗淡. be `sb's look-out (infml 口) (used to describe an action that is considered irresponsible 用以描述不负责任的行为) be sb's concern or responsibility 为某人的事或责任: If you want to waste your money, that's your `own look-out. 你要乱花钱, 那是你的事. be on the look-out for sb/sth; keep a look-out for sb/sth = look out for sb/sth. ★look-over n [sing] brief examination or inspection (简短的)察看或审阅: Would you give these figures a look-over to check my calculations? 请审阅一下这些数字, 看看我计算得对不对好吗? ★look-through n [sing] act of reading sth quickly 浏览; 粗略看一遍: I gave her article a quick look-through. 她的文章我匆匆读过一遍. ★look NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 Look (at) means to direct one's eyes towards a particular object *look (at)指使视线接触某物体: Just look at this beautiful present. 快来看看这件漂亮的礼物吧. * I looked in the cupboard but I couldn't find a clean shirt. 我看过了衣橱里边, 但找不到乾净的衬衫. 2 Gaze (at) means to keep one's eyes turned in a particular direction for a long time. *gaze (at)指使视线长时间对著某方向. We can gaze at something without looking at it if our eyes are not focussed 假如视线不集中於某目标, 则虽为gaze at却并非look at: He spent hours gazing into the distance. 他半天一直凝视著远方. * She sat gazing unhappily out of the window. 她坐在那儿闷闷不乐地望著窗外. 3 Stare (at) suggests a long, deliberate, fixed look. *stare (at)指长久的、 有意的、 目不转睛的看. Staring is more intense than gazing and the eyes are often wide open. stare比gaze精神集中, 常指张目注视. It can be impolite to stare at somebody *stare at某人有时是不礼貌的: I don't like being stared at. 我不喜欢人家盯著瞧我. * She stared at me in astonishment. 她惊奇地注视著我. 4 Peer (at) means to look very closely and suggests that it is difficult to see well *peer (at)指仔细看, 含很难看清之意: We peered through the fog at the house numbers. 我们透过雾气细看门牌号码. * He peered at me through thick glasses. 他透过厚厚的眼镜片盯看著我. 5 Gawp (at) means to look at someone or something in a foolish way with the mouth open *gawp (at)指傻头傻脑地张著嘴看某人或某物: What are you gawping at? 你在傻盯著什麽? * He just sits there gawping at the television all day! 他整天坐在那儿傻里傻气张著大嘴看电视! ★look / lUk; lJk/ n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] act of looking 看; 瞧; 望: Have/Take a look at this letter. 看一看这封信. 2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] search; inspection 查找; 察看: I've had a good look (for it) but I can't find it anywhere. 我好好找了一遍, 但是哪儿都找不到. 3 [C] way of looking; expression or appearance 样子; 表情; 外貌: a look of pleasure, fear, relief, etc 喜悦、 害怕、 欣慰等的神色 * I knew something was wrong: everyone was giving me funny looks, ie looking at me strangely. 我知道有点不对头, 因为人人都怪模怪样地看著我. * The house has a Mediterranean look. 这所房子有地中海一带的样子. 4 [C] fashion; style 时式; 风格: The broad-shouldered look is in this year. 今年流行宽肩的款式. * They've given the shop a completely new look, ie redesigned it. 他们把商店装修一新. * [attrib 作定语]I like your new-look hair-style. 我喜欢你的新发式.5 looks [pl] person's appearance 相貌; 仪表: She's got her father's good looks. 她有父亲端庄的容貌. * She's starting to lose her looks, ie become less beautiful. 她姿色逐渐衰减. 6 (idm 习语) by/from the look of sb/sth judging by sb's/sth's appearance, etc 据某人[某事物]的外表等判断: Taxes are going to go up, by the look of it. 看样子要加税了. give sb/get a dirty look => dirty1. like the look/sound of sb/sth => like1. take a long look at sth => long1. ★loom / lu:m; lum/ n machine for weaving cloth 织布机. ★loom / lu:m; lum/ v (a) [Ipr, Ip] appear in an indistinct and often threatening way 隐现(常令人生畏): an enormous shape looming (up) in the distance, out of the darkness, through the mist, etc 自远处、 从黑暗中、 透过雾霭等森森然逼临的庞然大物. (b) [La, I] (fig 比喻) appear important or threatening 显得重要或令人生畏: The prospect of war loomed large in everyone's mind. 战事将起的庞大阴影威慑人心. * the looming threat of a strike 非同小可的罢工威胁. ★loony / 5lu:nI; `lunI/ n, adj (sl 俚) (person who is) crazy or eccentric; lunatic 疯狂的; 怪诞的; 疯子; 狂人: He does have some pretty loony ideas. 他的确有些颇为狂妄的想法. ★loony-bin n (sl joc offensive 俚, 谑, 蔑) mental home or hospital 疯人院. ★loop / lu:p; lup/ n 1 (a) shape produced by a curve crossing itself (曲线自绕所成的)环形, 圈: a double loop like a figure eight 像8字的双圈 * handwriting with loops on many of the letters 把很多字母都写得带圈的笔体. (b) any path or pattern shaped roughly like this 环形的轨迹或图案: The plane flew round and round in wideloops. 飞机翻著大圈一圈一圈地飞行. (c) length of string, wire, etc in such a shape, usu fastened at the crossing (绳、 金属线等绕成的)环, 结: a loop of ribbon to carry the package by 包裹上供手提的缎带套. 2 complete circuit for electric current 环形线路. 3 (computing 计) set of instructions carried out repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied 循环. 4 contraceptive coil 避孕环. ★loop v 1 [I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] form or bend (sth) into a loop or loops 使(某物)成环或圈: strings of lanterns looping/looped between the branches of the trees 绕树穿枝回环成串的灯笼 * looped threads 打圈的线 * loop (up) a rope 把绳子挽成圈. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] fasten or join (sth) with a loop or loops 打环扣系住(某物); 缠绕: loop the rope round the post 把绳子缠绕在柱子上 * loop the curtains back 卷起帘子. 3 (idm 习语) ,loop the `loop (of an aircraft) fly in a complete circle vertically; (of a pilot) cause an aircraft to do this (指飞行器或驾驶员)翻圈飞行, 翻跟头飞行. ★loop-line n railway or telegraph line that leaves the main line and then joins it again (铁路的)会车线; (电信的)回线, 环形线路. ★loophole / 5lu:phEUl; `lup9hol/ n 1 way of escaping a rule, the terms of a contract, etc, esp one provided by vague or careless wording (规则、 合同条款等的)漏洞, 空子(尤指措辞含混或不严谨所致者): A good lawyer can always find a loophole. 精明的律师专会找到漏洞. 2 narrow vertical opening in the wall of a fort, etc for looking or shooting through, or to let light and air in (要塞等的)观察孔, 枪眼, 透光孔, 换气孔. ★loopy / 5lu:pI; `lupI/ adj (sl 俚) crazy 疯狂的: It sounds a pretty loopy idea to me. 那个主意我觉得有点异想天开. ★loose / lu:s; lus/ adj (-r, -st) 1 freed from control; not tied up 自由的; 不受束缚的; 松开的: The cows had got out of the field and were (roaming) loose in the road. 牛从牧场窜出, 在公路上自由自在(到处)走动. =>Usage 见所附用法. 2 (that can be) detached from its place; not firmly fixed (能)除下的; 不牢固的: Be careful with that saucepan the handle's loose. 小心那个长把儿锅--把儿可松了. * a rope hanging loose 松垂的绳子 * a loose tooth, thread, screw 松动的牙齿、 线、 螺钉. 3 not fastened together; not held or contained in sth 未系在一起的; 零散的: loose change, ie coins carried eg in a pocket 零钱 * nails sold loose by weight, ie not in a packet 按重量零售的钉子. 4 not organized strictly 组织不严密的: a loose confederation of states 松散的联邦 * a loose symphonic structure 结构松散的交响乐曲. 5 not exact; vague 不精确的; 含混的: a loose translation 不准确的译文 * loose thinking 不严密的思想. 6 (a) physically slack; not tense 松弛的; 不紧张的: loose skin 松弛的皮肤 * have loose bowels, ie suffer from diarrhoea 腹泻. (b) not tight or constricting 不紧的; 未收紧的: a loose collar 宽松的衣领. =>Usage 见所附用法. 7 not compact or dense in texture 不致密的; 疏松的: cloth with a loose weave 织得稀疏的布 * loose soil 松土. 8 [esp attrib 尤作定语] (of talk, behaviour, etc) not sufficiently controlled (指言行等)不严谨的, 放荡的: loose conduct 放荡的行为 * lead a loose and dissolute life 过荒淫放荡的生活 * a loose (ie immoral) woman 放荡的女子. 9 (of play in a game) careless and inaccurate (指比赛中的表现)不经心的, 马虎的: some rather loose bowling, ie in cricket (板球中)漫不经心的投球. 10 (idm 习语) all hell broke/was let loose => hell. at a loose `end; US also at loose ends having nothing to do; not knowing what to do 无事做; 不知做什麽好: Come and see us if you're at a loose end. 闲著的时候到我们这儿来坐坐. break `loose (from sb/sth) escape confinement or restriction 挣脱束缚或限制: The dog has broken loose, ie got free from its chain. 那狗挣脱链子跑了. * break loose from tradition 挣脱传统的束缚. come/work `loose (of a fastening, bolt, etc) become unfastened or insecure (指扣件、 闩等)松开, 不牢固. cut `loose (infml 口) act, speak, etc freely and without restraint (行动、 说话等)自由, 无约束: He really cut loose and told me what he thought of me. 他单刀直入说出对我的看法. cut sth/sb loose (from sth) make sth/sb separate or free 使某事物[某人]分开或摆脱束缚: cut a boat loose 砍断缆索放船行 * cut oneself loose from one's family 摆脱家庭的束缚. have a loose `tongue be in the habit of talking too freely 说话太随便; 嘴不紧. have a screw loose => screw n. let sb/sth loose release sb/sth 释放某人[某物]: Don't let that dog loose among the sheep. 不要放任那条狗在羊群中乱窜. * Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination. 闭上眼睛, 海阔天空地遐想一番吧. let sb loose on sth allow sb to do as he likes with sth 放任某人做某事物: I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers. 我不敢把比尔放到花园去--他会把花全都拔掉的. play fast and `loose (with sb) behave dishonestly or deceitfully 玩弄; 欺诈. ★loose- (in compounds 用以构成复合词) loosely 不受束缚地; 松开地; 不牢固地; 不严密地; 不精确地; 不紧地; 放荡地: loose-fitting clothes. ★loosely adv in a loose manner 不受束缚地; 松开地; 不牢固地; 不严密地; 不精确地; 不紧地; 放荡地: loosely speaking, ie in general 笼统地说 * loosely translated 粗略地翻译. ★looseness n [U]. ★loose box stall in which a horse can move about freely 可供马自由活动的马厩. ★loose covers removable covers for chairs, etc (椅子等的)活套. ★loose-leaf adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] (of a note-book, etc) with pages that can be removed separately and replaced (指笔记本等)活页的. ★loose NOTE ON USAGE 用法: The adjective loose has several senses. 形容词loose有几个义项. Two of these are 1 `not tied up' and 2 `not tight' 其中两项是1未拴住的, 2不紧的: The dogs are loose in the garden. 狗在花园里都没拴著. * a tight/loose shirt, dress, belt, etc 紧身的[宽松的]衬衫、 连衣裙、 皮带等. The verb loose (also unloose) relates to the first sense and means `set free' 动词loose(及unloose)与第一义有关, 意为`使不受约束': The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off. 防盗警报器一响, 警卫就放出了警犬. The verb loosen (also unloosen) relates to the second sense and means `make loose' 动词loosen(及unloosen)与第二义有关, 意为`使松开': After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep. 他饱餐一顿以後就松开腰带睡著了. Note that the verb lose (pt lost, pp lost) is unconnected with loose or loosen. 注意, 动词lose(过去式lost, 过去分词lost)与loose或loosen无关. ★loose / lu:s; lus/ v 1 [Tn] release (an animal, etc) 释放(动物等): loose the dogs 把狗放开. 2 (phr v) loose (sth) off (at sb/sth) fire (a gun or missile) 放(枪); 发射(导弹): Men were loosing off at shadows. 士兵向黑影射击. * loose off a few bullets (at the enemy) (向敌人)射出几发枪弹. =>Usage at loose1 用法见loose1. ★loose / lu:s; lus/ n (idm 习语) (be) on the `loose enjoying oneself freely 放纵; 放荡. ★loosen / 5lu:sn; `lusn/ v 1 [I, Tn] become or make loose or looser 变松; 使松; 放松: Can you loosen the lid of this jar? 你能把这个瓶盖松开吗? * This knot keeps loosening. 这个结老松开. * medicine to loosen a cough, ie help bring up the phlegm 止咳祛痰药. =>Usage at loose1 用法见loose1. 2 (idm 习语) loosen/tighten the purse-strings => purse1. loosen sb's `tongue make sb talk freely 使某人无拘束地谈话: Wine soon loosened his tongue. 他喝过酒话就多了. 3 (phr v) loosen (sth) up (cause sth to) relax (使某事物)放松: You should loosen up (your muscles) before playing any sport. 运动之前应先放松(肌肉). * Don't be so nervous loosen up a bit. 别那麽紧张--放松一点. ★loot / lu:t; lut/ n [U] 1 goods (esp private property) taken from an enemy in war, or stolen by thieves 战利品, 掠夺品(尤指私人财物); 赃物. 2 (infml 口) money; wealth 钱; 财物. ★loot v (a) [I] carry off loot 抢劫; 劫掠: soldiers killing and looting wherever they went 到处屠杀劫掠的士兵. (b) [Tn] take (sth) as loot; take loot from (buildings, etc left unprotected, eg after a violent event) 掠夺(某物); 抢劫(建筑物等): The mob looted many shops in the area. 暴徒在该地抢劫了许多商店. Cf 参看 pillage, plunder. looter n: Looters will be shot on sight. 打劫者格杀勿论. ★lop / lCp; lBp/ v (-pp-) 1 [Tn] cut branches, twigs, etc off (a tree) 剪去, 砍去(树)枝等. 2 (phr v) lop sth off/away remove (branches, twigs, etc) from a tree, etc by cutting (从树上等)剪除, 砍掉(树枝等): He had his arm lopped off by an electric saw. 他让电锯给锯掉了一条胳膊. ★lop-eared / 9lCp 5Ied; `lBp`Ird/ adj having drooping ears 有垂耳的: a ,lop-eared `rabbit 垂耳兔. ★lope / lEUp; lop/ v [I, Ip] run fairly fast with long bounding strides 跳跃著大步跑: The tiger loped off into the jungle. 那老虎跑进丛林中去了. ★lope n (usu sing 通常作单数) long bounding step or stride 大步; 阔步: move at a steady lope 迈著稳健的大步行走. ★lopsided / 9lCp 5saIdId; `lBp`saIdId/ adj with one side lower, smaller, etc than the other; unevenly balanced 一侧比另侧低、 小等的; 两侧不平衡的; 不匀称的: a lopsided `grin 歪著嘴笑. ★loquacious / lE5kweIFEs; lo`kweFEs/ adj (fml 文) fondof talking; talkative 爱说话的; 多话的. ★loquaciously adv. ★loquaciousness, loquacity / lE5kwsEtI; lo`kwAsEtI/ ns [U]. ★loquat / 5lEUkwCt, 5lCkwt; `lokwBt/ n [C] (a) ornamental tree, common in China and Japan, having small yellow edible fruit 枇杷. (b) fruit of this tree 枇杷果. ★lord / lR:d; lRrd/ n 1 [C] master; male ruler 君主; 王: our sovereign lord the king 国王陛下. 2 [sing] (a) the Lord God; Christ 上帝; 耶稣基督. (b) Our Lord Christ 主; 耶稣基督. 3 (a) [C] nobleman (男性)贵族: She married a lord. 她嫁给了一个贵族. (b) the Lords [singor pl v] (Brit) (members of) the House of Lords (house1 4) 上议院; 上议院议员: The Lords is/are debating the issue. 上议院正在辩论这事. 4 Lord [C] (Brit) (a) title of certain high officials 阁下, 大人(对某些高级官员的尊称): the Lords of the Treasury 财政部诸大臣 * the First Lord of the Admiralty 海军大臣 * the Lord Mayor of London 伦敦市长. (b) title prefixed to the names of peers and barons 勋爵(用在贵族和男爵的姓名之前): Lord Derby, ie the title of the Earl of Derby 德比勋爵(德比伯爵的尊称). (c) My Lord respectful form of address to certain noblemen, judges and bishops 大人, 阁下(对某些贵族、 法官、 主教等的直接尊称). 5 (idm 习语) drunk as a lord => drunk. good `Lord interj (expressing surprise, etc 表示惊讶等). live like a lord => live2. one's ,lord and `master (joc 谑) one's husband 丈夫; 夫君. `Lord knows nobody can say 谁也说不好; 天知道: Lord knows where he dug up that dreadful story. 天知道他那讨厌的故事是从哪里找来的. year of our Lord => year. ★lord v (phr v) lord it over sb behave in a superior or domineering way to sb 对某人发威或专横: He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风. ★the lord of the manor (in the Middle Ages) master from whom men held land and to whom they owed service (中世纪时的)庄园领主. ★the Lord's Day Sunday 主日; 星期日. ★the Lord's Prayer the prayer taught by Christ to his disciples, beginning `Our Father' 主祷文. ★Lords spiritual (Brit) bishops and archbishops in the House of Lords 上议院中的神职议员(主教和大主教). ★Lords temporal (Brit) noblemen in the House of Lords who inherit their titles or are given them for life 上议院中的世俗议员(世袭贵族或终身贵族). ★lordly / 5lR:dlI; `lRrdlI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 haughty; insolent in a superior way 傲慢的; 神气活现的: dismiss people with a lordly gesture 颐指气使让大家离去. 2 suitable for a lord; magnificent 贵族气派的; 堂皇的: a lordly mansion 堂皇的宅第. ★lordliness n [U]. ★lordship / 5lR:dFIp; `lRrdFIp/ n 1 [C] title used in speaking to or about a man of the rank of `Lord' 大人, 阁下, 爵爷, 老爷(称呼或提到有爵位身分的人时用的敬称): his/your lordship 爵爷大人 * their lordships 老爷 * (joc 谑) Would your lordship like a cup of tea? 阁下是否用茶? 2 [U] ~ (over sb/sth) (dated fml 旧, 文) authority; rule 权威; 统治. ★lore / lR:(r); lRr/ n [U] knowledge and traditions about a subject or possessed by a particular group of people (某学科的或某部分人的)学问和传统: `bird lore 对鸟类的知识 * `folklore 民俗学 * `gypsy lore 吉卜赛人的学问和传统 * `Celtic lore 凯尔特人的传说. ★lorgnette / lR:5njet; lRrn`jZt/ n pair of eye-glasses held to the eyes on a long handle 长柄眼镜. ★lorn / lR:n; lRrn/ adj (arch or joc 古或谑) lonely and sad 孤寂而凄凉的. ★lorry / 5lCrI; 5lR:rI; `lRrI/ n (Brit) (also esp US truck) large strong motor vehicle for transporting goods, soldiers, etc by road 卡车: an army lorry 军用卡车 * [attrib 作定语] a lorry driver 卡车司机. => illus 见插图. ★lose / lu:z; luz/ v (pt, pp lost / lCst; lR:st; lRst/) 1 [Tn] have (sth/sb) taken away from one by accident, misfortune, old age, death, etc 失去, 丧失, 损失(某事物[某人]): lose all one's money at cards 玩纸牌把钱输光 * lose a leg in an industrial accident 在一次工业事故中失去一条腿 * lose one's hair, teeth, good looks, ie as a result of ageing 失去头发、 牙齿、 美貌(如因年老) * He lost both his sons (ie They were killed) in the war. 他的两个儿子都在战争中死了. * She's just lost her husband, ie He has died recently. 她的丈夫刚去世. * lose one's job 失业. 2 [Tn] no longer have or maintain (esp a moral or mental quality) 不再有(尤指道德或精神的素质): lose one's confidence, composure, etc 失去信心、 稳定的情绪等 * The train was losing speed. 火车渐渐减速. * lose interest in sth/sb, ie cease to be interested or attracted 对某事物[某人]失去兴趣 * He's lost ten pounds in weight. 他体重减了十磅. * lose one's balance/equilibrium 失去平衡[均势] * She's losing colour, ie becoming pale. 她脸色渐渐苍白了. * I warn you, I'm rapidly losing patience, ie becoming impatient. 我警告你, 我可没那麽多耐性了. 3 [Tn] become unable to find 遗失; 失落: I've lost my keys. 我的钥匙丢了. * The books seem to be lost/to have got lost. 那些书好像不见了. * She lost her husband in the crowd. 她和她丈夫在人群中走散了. 4 [Tn] (a) fail to obtain or catch (sth) 得不到或未捉住(某事物): His words were lost (ie could not be heard) in the applause. 他的话让掌声淹没了. (b) (infml 口) be no longer understood by (sb) 使(某人)弄不懂: I'm afraid you've lost me. 对不起, 我不明白了. 5 [Tn] (infml 口) escape from (sb/sth); elude 逃避(某人[某事物]); 躲避: We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness. 我们趁黑摆脱了追踪的人. * You see that car following us? Well, lose it! 看见那辆跟著咱们的汽车了吗? 来, 甩掉它! 6 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (to sb) be defeated; fail to win (a contest, a lawsuit, an argument, etc) 输; 失败; 未赢得(竞赛、 官司、 辩论等): It's only the second time the team has lost (a match) this season. 那仅仅是本赛季该队第二次失利而已. * We lost to a stronger side. 我们输给了实力更强的一方. * They won the battle but lost the war. 他们赢了这次战斗, 但输了这场战争. * lose a motion, ie fail to carry it in a debate 动议未通过. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sth/sb) have sth taken away (by sth/sb) 丧失某事物(由某事物[某人]获得): Railways have lost much of their business to the bus companies. 铁路公司许多生意让汽车公司夺走了. 7 [Tn] have to give up or forfeit (sth) 被迫放弃或失去(某事物): The Labour candidate lost his deposit, ie did not obtain the minimum number of votes necessary in an election. 那个工党候选人失去了老本(未得到最低获选票数). * lose one's no-claim bonus, eg by making an insurance claim following an accident 失去保险金无索偿优惠(如因发生事故後曾索赔). 8 [Tn] waste (time or an opportunity) 浪费(时间或机会): We lost twenty minutes through having to change a tyre. 我们因为换轮胎损失了二十分钟. * There's no time to lose, ie We must hurry. 没有时间了(必须赶快). 9 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (on sth/by doing sth) become poorer (as a result of sth) (由某事物导致)亏损, 变差: We lost (a lot) on that deal. 我们那笔生意受到(很大)损失. * Poetry always loses (something) in translation. 诗歌一经翻译总有所失. * You will lose nothing by telling the truth. 说实话并不吃亏. (b) [Dn.n] cause (sb) to be without or forfeit (sth) 使(某人)失去或丧失(某事物): His carelessness lost him the job. 他因粗心大意而丢了工作. * Such behaviour will lose you everyone's sympathy. 你这种表现大家就不会同情你了. 10 [I, Tn] (of a watch or clock) go too slowly by (an amount of time) (指钟表)慢(若干时间): A good watch neither gains nor loses. 好表不快也不慢. * This clock loses two minutes (ie becomes two minutes behind the correct time) a day. 这钟一天慢两分钟. 11 (idm 习语) fight a losing battle => fight1. find/lose favour with sb/in sb's eyes => favour1. find/lose one's voice/tongue => find1. give/lose ground =>ground1. heads I win, tails you lose => head1. keep/lose one's balance => balance1. keep/lose one's cool => cool1. keep/lose count => count2. keep/lose one's temper => temper1. keep/lose track of sb/sth => track. lose all `reason become irrational or illogical 失去理智; 不讲道理: He lost all reason and started abusing his opponent. 他蛮不讲理, 大骂对手. lose one's `bearings become lost or confused 蒙头转向; 不知所措; 惶惑. lose one's `breath pant for breath, eg after running hard 气喘咻咻; 上气不接下气. lose `caste (with/among sb) lose status or respect 丧失地位; 为人轻视. lose `courage become depressed or fearful; despair 丧失勇气; 沮丧; 害怕; 绝望. lose `face be humiliated; lose credit or reputation 丢脸; 受屈辱; 丧失声誉. lose one's grip (on sth) be unable to understand or control a situation, etc 无法掌握或控制局势等: I think the Prime Minister may be losing his grip. 我认为首相可能控制不住局面了. lose one's `head become confused or over-excited 昏了头; 张皇失措; 冲动: Don't lose your head keep calm! 别惊慌失措的--沉住气! lose `heart become discouraged 泄气; 灰心. lose one's `heart (to sb/sth) fall in love 爱上; 锺情於. lose one's `life be killed 丧生; 遇害. lose one's `marbles (sl 俚) go mad; no longer behavesensibly or rationally 发疯; 丧失理智; 行事无理性. lose/waste no time in doing sth => time1. lose one's `place (in a book, etc) be unable to find the point at which one stopped reading (在书中等)忘记上次读到的地方. lose one's `rag (infml 口) express one's anger, impatience, etc in an uncontrolled way 发脾气; 按捺不住. lose one's `seat (a) have the place where one was sitting taken by another person 座位被占. (b) (of a Member of Parliament) fail to be re-elected (指议员)未获连选. lose one's `shirt (infml 口) lose all one's money, esp as a result of gambling or speculation 输光所有的钱, 赔光本钱(尤指赌博或投机): He lost his shirt on the horses. 他赌马把钱输光了. lose sight of sb/sth (a) no longer be able to see sb/sth 看不见某人[某物]: lose sight of land 看不见陆地. (b) overlook sth; fail to consider sth 忽略或未考虑某事物: We must not lose sight of the fact that... 我们不应忽视的事实是... * Our original aims have been lost sight of. 我们原来的目标已无影无踪了. lose the thread (of sth) be unable to follow an argument, story, etc 失去(议论故事等的)头绪. lose one's `touch no longer have the abilities, etc that once made one successful 丧失以前的能力等. lose touch (with sb/sth) no longer be in contact with sb/sth 失去和某人[某事物]的联系: I've lost touch with all my old friends. 我和所有的老朋友都失去了联系. * Let us not lose touch with reality. 我们不要脱离现实. lose one's `way become lost 迷路: We lost our way in the dark. 我们在黑暗中迷了路. lose/take off weight => weight. a losing `battle/`game struggle/contest in which defeat seems certain 不能获胜的争斗[比赛]: It's a losing battle trying to persuade Henry to take more exercise. 要说服亨利多运动纯属徒劳. not lose sleep/lose no sleep over sth not worry unduly about sth 不为某事物操心: It's not worth losing sleep over. 不值得多虑. win/lose by a neck => neck. win or lose => win. a winning/losing streak => streak n. win/lose the toss => toss n. 12 (phr v) lose oneself in sth become totally absorbed in sth 专心致志於某事物: I soon lost myself in the excitement of the film. 影片中的刺激情节很快就把我吸引住了. lose `out (on sth) (infml 口) be unsuccessful; suffer loss 不成功; 受损失: If things go wrong I'm the one who'll lose out, not you. 事情若有差错, 受损的是我, 不是你. lose out to sb/sth (infml 口) be overcome or replaced by sb/sth 被某人[某事物]战胜或取代: Has the cinema lost out to TV? 电影是不是让电视给取代了? =>Usage at loose1 用法见loose1. ★loser n person who loses or is defeated, esp habitually 受损失者, 输者, 失败者(尤指一贯如此者): a good/bad loser, ie one who accepts defeat well/badly 输得起[输不起]的人 * a born loser, ie sb who regularly fails in life 天生的庸才. ★loss / lCs; lR:s; lRs/ n 1 [U] act, instance or process of losing 丧失; 遗失; 损失: loss of blood, health, prestige, money 丧失血液、 健康、 威信、 钱财 * The loss (ie death) of his wife was a great blow to him. 他妻子去世对他打击很大. * without (any) loss of time (毫)不失时 * a temporary loss of power 暂时失势 * The loss of this contract would be very serious. 未能签成这一合同关系重大. 2 [C] (a) person or thing lost 损失的人或物: heat loss 热量损失 * The enemy suffered heavy losses, ie many men killed, etc or much equipment destroyed. 敌军损失惨重. * The car was so badly damaged that it had to be abandoned as a total loss. 汽车损坏严重, 只好彻底报废. (b) money lost in a business deal, etc (生意等的)亏损的钱: made a loss on the deal 这笔交易赔了钱 * sell sth at a loss, ie for less than it cost 亏本出售某物 * suffer losses in the export market 在出口市场中亏损. 3 [sing] suffering caused by losing sb/sth; disadvantage (因失去某人[某事物]而致的)损失, 不利: Her departure is a great loss to the orchestra. 她离去是管弦乐队的一大损失. * It's no loss, ie Its loss does not matter. 那算不上损失. 4 (idm 习语) at a `loss not knowing what to do or say; perplexed or puzzled 不知如何是好; 茫然; 困惑: It left him at a complete loss (for words). 这使他完全茫然(而语塞)了. * I'm at a loss what to do next. 我不知道下一步怎麽办. cut one's `losses abandon a scheme that causes loss before one loses too much 中止某计画以免损失更大. a dead loss => dead. ★loss-leader n (commerce 商) article sold at a loss to attract customers to buy other goods (为招徕顾客)亏本出售的商品. ★lost pt, pp of lose. ★lost / lCst; lR:st; lRst/ adj 1 that cannot be found or recovered 失去的; 丧失的; 遗失的; 无法恢复的: recalling her lost youth 回忆她失去的青春 * The art of good conversation seems lost. 高雅谈吐的艺术似已不复存在. * lost tribes of Africa 非洲消失的部落. 2 [esp pred 尤作表语] (fig 比喻) confused or puzzled 不知所措; 困惑: I got rather lost trying to find the station. 我找车站找得晕头转向. * We would be totally lost without your help. 我们没有你的帮助就一筹莫展. * They spoke so quickly I just got lost. 他们说得那麽快, 我都糊涂了. 3 (idm 习语) ,all is not `lost (saying 谚) there is still some hope of success, recovery, etc 尚有一线(成功、 恢复等的)希望. be lost in sth be absorbed in sth 专注於某事物: lost in thought/wonder/admiration 想得入神[不胜诧异/欣赏入迷]. be lost on sb fail to influence sb 对某人不起作用或无影响: Our hints were not lost on him, ie He noticed them and acted accordingly. 我们给他的暗示他已心领神会. be lost to sth be no longer affected or influenced by sth 不再受某事物的影响; 将某事物置之度外: When he listens to music he's lost to the world, ie unaware of what is happening around him. 他一听音乐便把整个世界忘之脑後. get `lost (sl 俚) go away 滚开: Tell him to get lost. 叫他滚. give sb up for `lost no longer expect sb to be found alive 认为某人无生还的可能. a lost `cause project, ideal, etc that has failed or is certain to fail 已失败的或无法实现的计画、 理想等. make up for lost `time hurry, etc in order to compensate for time wasted earlier 加紧、 加快等以补偿失去的时间: He didn't have a girl-friend till he was 18, but now he's making up for lost time, ie he has had many girl-friends since then. 他18岁才交女友, 现在是在弥补前失了(已经交过很多女友). there's little/no love lost between A and B => love1. ★lost property possessions mislaid in a public place and not yet claimed by their owners 无人认领的失物: [attrib 作定语] a ,lost-property office 失物招领处. ★lot / lCt; lBt/ n [Gp] (infml 口) the `lot, all the `lot, the whole `lot the whole number or amount (of sb/sth) 全体; 全部; 总量: That's the lot! 就这些! * Take all the lot if you want. 你想要就全部拿去. * The whole lot was/were discovered in a field. 那些全是在一田地发现的. * I want the lot (ie all) of you to get out of my house. 我要你们全滚出我家. * He expects a good salary, a company car, first-class air travel the lot. 他想要可观的薪水、 公司的汽车、 头等的机票--一应俱全. ★lot / lCt; lBt/ pron a lot, lots (infml 口) large number or amount 大量; 许多: Have some more pie, there's lots left. 再吃点馅儿饼吧, 还多著呢. * `How many do you want?' `A lot/lots.' `你要多少?'`要很多.' ★a lot of det (also infml 口语亦作 lots of) a large number or amount of (sb/sth) 大量; 许多: What a lot of presents! 多麽多的礼物哇! * I haven't got a lot of time. 我时间不多了. * There was lots of money in the safe. 保险柜里有很多钱. * A lot of people were queuing for the film. 许多人排队等著看那部电影. * I saw quite a lot of her (ie I saw her quite often) during the holidays. 假期中我见过她很多次. =>Usage at much1 用法见much1. ★lot / lCt; lBt/ adv (infml 口) 1 a lot, lots (used with adjs and advs 与形容词和副词连用) considerably 很; 非常: I'm feeling a lot better today. 我今天身体好多了. * I eat lots less than I used to. 我吃得比从前少得多. 2 a lot (used with vs 与动词连用) (a) a great amount 极; 很; 非常: I care about you a lot. 我对你很关心. (b) often 常常: I play tennis quite a lot in the summer. 夏天我经常打网球. Cf 参看 a fat lot (fat1 7). ★lot / lCt; lBt/ n 1 (a) [C] item or number of items sold, esp at an auction sale (出售物品的)项目, 批(尤指拍卖物): Lot 46: six chairs. 第46项: 椅子六把. (b) [CGp] group, collection or set of people or things of the same kind (同类人或物的)组, 批, 套, 群: Nobody in the first lot of applicants was suitable for the job. 在第一批求职者中无人适合做那份工作. * I have several lots of essays to mark this weekend. 本周末我有几份文章要批改. * This next lot of washing is the last. 下一批是最後要洗的东西了. 2 [C] (a) piece of land 地皮; 土地. (b) (esp US) area used for a particular purpose (作某用途的)场地: a `parking lot, ie a car-park 停车场 * a vacant `lot, ie a building site 一块空地皮(建筑场地) * a `film lot, ie a film studio and the land around it 电影摄影场. 3 [sing] person's fortune, destiny or share 命运; 运气: Her lot has been a hard one. 她命苦. * I would not want to share his lot. 我可不愿和他同甘共苦. 4 [U] method of deciding sth or selecting sb/sth by chance 抽签法; 抓阄儿法: She was chosen by lot to represent us. 她抽中签当我们的代表. 5 (idm 习语) a bad egg/lot => egg. cast/draw `lots (for sth) make a selection by lot 抽签, 抓阄儿(决定某事物): They drew lots for the right to go first. 他们抓阄儿决定谁先走. fall to sb's lot to do sth (fml 文) become sb's task or responsibility 成为某人的任务或责任. throw in one's lot with sb decide to join sb and share his fortunes 决心与某人共命运. ★loth = loath. ★lotion / 5lEUFn; `loFEn/ n [C, U] liquid medicine or cosmetic for use on the skin (外用的)药液; (化妆用的)润肤液: soothing lotions for insect bites 虫咬止痛药水 * a bottle of cleansing lotion for the face 一瓶洁面液. ★lottery / 5lCtErI; `lBtErI/ n 1 [C] way of raising money by selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to the holders of numbers selected at random (发行彩票)抽彩给奖(筹款法): [attrib 作定语] a `lottery ticket 彩票. Cf 参看 draw1 1, raffle. 2 [sing] (fig 比喻) thing whose success, outcome, etc is determined by luck 碰运气的事: Some people think that marriage is a lottery. 有些人认为婚姻是缘分. ★lotto / 5lCtEU; `lBto/ n [U] game of chance similar to bingo but with the numbers drawn by the players instead of being called 洛托(一种赌博游戏). ★lotus / 5lEUtEs; `lotEs/ n (pl ~es) 1 type of tropical water-lily 莲: [attrib 作定语] lotus flowers/blooms 莲花 * lotus blossom 莲花开花期. 2 (in Greek legends) fruit that makes those who eat it lazily and dreamily contented (希腊神话中的)落柘枣(食後产生懒怠与梦幻的满足感). ★lotus position way of sitting cross-legged, used when meditating, in yoga, etc 打坐(瑜伽等盘膝端坐的姿势). ★loud / laUd; laJd/ adj (-er, -est) 1 producing much noise; easily heard 喧闹的; 响亮的: loud voices, screams, laughs, etc 宏亮的嗓音、 喊声、 笑声等 * That music's too loud; please turn it down. 那音乐太吵人了; 请把音量调低些. 2 (derog 贬) (of colours, behaviour, etc) forcing people to notice them/it (指颜色、 行为等)引人注目的, 刺眼的: That dress is a bit loud (ie gaudy), isn't it? 那件连衣裙有点花哨吧? * His manner is too loud.他那样子太招摇. 3 (idm 习语) be loud in one's praise(s) (of sb/sth) praise sb/sth very highly 盛赞某人[某事物]. ★loud adv (-er, -est) 1 (used esp with talk, sing, laugh, etc 尤与talk、 sing、 laugh等动词连用) in a loud manner 喧闹地; 响亮地: laugh loud and long 大笑不已 * Speak louder I can't hear you. 大点声说--我听不见. * Their baby screamed loudest of all. 他们的孩子哭叫起来声音最大. 2 (idm 习语) actions speak louder than words => action. for crying out loud => cry1. ,out `loud aloud 出声地; 大声地: Don't whisper; if you've got something to say, say it out loud. 别叽咕了, 有什麽要说的大声说吧. ★loudly adv: a dog barking loudly 大声吠叫的狗 * loudly dressed 穿得花哨的. ★loudness n [U] ★loudhailer n (US bullhorn) portable electronic device for amplifying the sound of sb's voice so that it can be heard at a great distance 便携式扩音器; 电子喇叭: use a loudhailer to address the crowd 用电子喇叭向人群讲话. ★loud-mouth n (infml 口) person who talks too loudly or too much, esp boastingly 大声说话的人; 多嘴的人; (尤指)爱吹牛的人. ★loud-mouthed adj. ★loudspeaker (also speaker) n part of a radio, record-player, etc that changes electrical impulses into audible sounds 扩音器; 扬声器. ★lough / lCk, lCx; lBk, lBx/ n (Irish 爱尔兰) lake or long inlet of the sea 湖; 海湾. Cf 参看 loch. ★lounge / laUndV; laJndV/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] sit or stand in a lazy way, esp leaning against sth; loll 懒洋洋地坐或立(尤指倚靠某物): lounge about/around (the house) (在家里)发懒 * lounging at street corners 在街头闲荡. ★lounge n 1 waiting-room at an airport, etc (机场等的)等候室: the departure lounge 候机室. 2 public sitting-room in a hotel, club, etc (旅馆、 俱乐部等的)休息室. 3 (Brit) sitting-room, with comfortable chairs, in a private house (私宅中有沙发等的)起居室. 4 = lounge bar. ★lounger n lazy or idle person 懒惰闲散的人; 游手好闲者. ★lounge bar (Brit) (US saloon bar) smarter, and usu more expensive, bar in a pub, hotel, etc 豪华酒吧. Cf 参看 public bar (public). ★lounge-suit n (Brit) man's suit with matching jacket and trousers, worn esp in offices and on more formal occasions (男子的)成套西服(尤指在办公室和较正式场合中穿的). ★lour (also lower) / 5laUE(r); laJr/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (at/on sb/sth) (a) look threatening; frown 作怒相; 皱眉: louring looks 怫然不悦的神情. (b) (of the sky, clouds, etc) look dark, as if threatening a storm (指天气、 云等)变阴暗(似预示暴风雨). ★louse / laUs; laJs/ n 1 (pl lice/ laIs; laIs/) (a) small insect living on the bodies of animals and human beings, esp in dirty conditions 虱. (b) similar insect living on plants (靠植物生活的)小昆虫. 2 (pl ~s) (sl 俚) contemptible person 可鄙的人. ★louse v (phr v) louse sth up (infml 口) spoil sth; ruin sth 搞糟或弄坏某事物: You've really loused things up this time. 这回你可真把事情搞糟了. ★lousy / 5laUzI; `laJzI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 infested with lice 多虱的. 2 (infml 口) very bad or ill 极坏的; 极不适的: a lousy holiday 极糟的假日 * I feel lousy. 我觉得很不舒服. 3 [pred 作表语] ~ with sth/sb (sl 俚) having more than enough of sth/sb 大量; 多: In August the place is lousy with tourists. 八月里这地方游客多如牛毛. ★lout / laUt; laJt/ n clumsy vulgar man or youth with bad manners 粗鄙的男子或青年. ★loutish adj of or like a lout (似)粗鄙之人的: loutish behaviour 粗鄙的行为. ★louvre (also louver) / 5lu:vE(r); `luvL/ n (a) one of a set of fixed or movable strips of wood, metal, etc arranged to let air in while keeping light or rain out (一条)百叶窗板. (b) set of such strips inside a supporting frame (一套)百叶窗板. ★louvred (also louvered) adj: a louvred door 百叶门. ★lovable / 5lQvEbl; `lQvEbl/ adj easy to love; worthy of love 可爱的; 惹人爱的; 值得爱的: a lovable puppy 可爱的小狗 * He's such a lovable rascal! 他真是个讨人喜欢的小坏蛋! ★love / lQv; lQv/ n 1 [U] warm liking or affection; affectionatedevotion 喜爱; 热爱; 锺爱: a mother's love for her children 母亲对其子女的爱 * love of (one's) country, ie patriotism 对祖国的热爱 * She has a great love for animals. 她酷爱动物. * He shows little love towards her. 他没怎麽表现出喜爱她. 2 [U] sexual affection or passion 性爱; 恋爱; 爱情: marry for love, not money 为爱情而非为金钱结婚 * Their love has cooled, ie is no longer strong. 他们的爱情冷却了. 3 [U] (religion 宗) (in Christianity) God's benevolence towards mankind (基督教中)(上帝的)博爱, 慈爱. 4 [U, sing] strong liking for sth 酷爱某事物: a love of learning, adventure, music 酷爱学习、 冒险、 音乐. 5 [C] person who is loved; sweetheart 恋人; 情人; 爱人: Take care, my love. 小心, 亲爱的. * one of my former loves 我从前的一个情人 * (joc 谑) with his lady love, ie his girlfriend or wife 带著他的爱人(女友或妻). 6 [C] (infml 口) delightful person or thing 招人喜爱的人或物: What a love her daughter is! 她女儿多麽可爱呀! * Isn't this hat a perfect love? 这顶帽子挺可爱吧? 7 [C] (Brit infml 口) (form of address used by a man to a woman or child (not necessarily a friend), or by a woman to a person of either sex 男人用以称呼(不一定相识的)女子或儿童; 女子用以称呼他人(男女均可)): Mind your head, love! 喂, 小心你的头! 8 [U] (in tennis) no score; nil (网球)零分: love all, ie neither player or pair has scored 零比零 * The score in the game on Court One is thirty-love. 一号球场上的比分是三十比零. 9 (idm 习语) be in love (with sb) feel affection and desire (for sb) 热恋著(某人): They're very much in love (with each other). 他们(彼此)在热恋中. * I'm madly in love with her. 我爱她爱得发狂. be in love with sth be very fond of sth 喜爱某事物: a city in love with its own past ?W热爱自身传统的城市 * He's in love with the sound of his own voice, ie talks too much. 他就喜欢自己的声音(太爱说话). cupboard love => cupboard. fall in love (with sb) feel a sudden strong attraction for sb 突然爱上某人. (just) for `love/for the `love of sth without payment or other reward 出於爱好(不计报酬): They're all volunteers, doing it just for the love of the thing. 他们都是自愿的, 完全是因为喜欢做而做的. for the ,love of `God, etc (a) (expressing surprise, dismay, etc 用以表示惊奇、 惊慌等): For the love of God, not another bill! 看在上帝的份上, 别再来账单了! (b) (used when urging sb to do sth 用於催促某人做某事物): For the love of Mike let's get out of here! 看在上帝的份上, 咱们离开这鬼地方吧! ,give/,send sb one's `love give/send an affectionate greeting to sb 向某人致意: Please give your sister my love. 请代我向令妹致意. * My parents send their love. 我父母问您好. a labour of love => labour1. the ,love of sb's `life (a) person's most dearly loved sweetheart 最理想的爱人: I think I've met the love of my life. 我认为我已找到理想的爱人了. (b) person's favourite possession, activity, etc 最喜爱的东西、 活动等: Sailing is the love of his life. 帆船运动是他最喜爱的活动. make love (to sb) (a) have sexual intercourse 做爱; 性交: He refused to make love before they were married. 他决不在婚前发生性行为. (b) (dated 旧) behave amorously (towards sb), esp by being specially attentive (向某人)表示爱情; (尤指)献殷勤. not for ,love or `money not by any means 无论如何; 不管怎样: We couldn't find a hotel room for love or money. 我们怎麽也找不到一间旅馆客房. there's little/no `love lost between A and B they dislike each other 他们彼此厌恶: There's never been much love lost between her and her sister. 她和妹妹一向互相嫌恶. ★loveless adj without love 没有爱的: a loveless marriage 没有爱情的婚姻. ★love-affair n romantic or sexual relationship between two people who are in love (两人相爱的)风流韵事, 性关系. ★love-bird n 1 small brightly-coloured parrot that seems to show great affection for its mate 情鸟; 情侣鹦鹉. 2 (usu pl 通常作复数) (infml 口) person who is very much in love 热恋中的人: Come along, you two love-birds! 快点吧, 你们这一对恩爱情侣! ★love-child n (euph 婉) child of unmarried parents 私生子. ★love-hate relationship intense emotional relationship involving feelings of both love and hate 爱恨交加的强烈感情关系. ★love-letter n letter between two people expressing the love of one for the other 情书. ★lovelorn / -lR:n; -9lRrn/ adj unhappy because one's love is not returned 失恋的. ★love-making n [U] sexual play between two lovers, esp including sexual intercourse 做爱; (尤指)性交. ★love-match n marriage made because the two people are in love with each other 爱情的结合; 恋爱结婚. ★love-potion (also love-philtre) n (in stories) magic drink supposed to make the person who drinks it fall in love (故事中)(饮後可产生爱情的)春药. ★love-seat n small sofa in the shape of an S, with two seats facing in opposite directions 情人椅(供两人对坐的S形小沙发). ★lovesick adj weak or ill because of being in love 受爱情折磨而憔悴的; 害相思病的. ★love-song n song expressing or describing love 情歌; 恋歌. ★love-story n story or novel in which the main theme is romantic love 爱情小说; 恋爱故事. ★love / lQv; lQv/ v 1 [Tn] have a strong affection or deep tender feelings for (sb/sth) 爱, 热爱(某人[某事物]): love one's parents, country, wife 爱父母、 国家、 妻子 * love God, ie worship Him 崇拜上帝. 2 [Tn, Tt, Tnt, Tg, Tsg] like (sb/sth) greatly; take pleasure in 喜欢(某人[某事物]); 喜好: She's always loved horses. 她一向喜爱马匹. * He loves his pipe, ie smoking it. 他爱抽烟斗. * Children love to play/playing. 儿童喜欢玩要. * `Will you come?' `I'd love to!' `你来吗?'`我很乐意!' * We'd love you to come to dinner. 我们很愿意请你来吃饭. * I love him reading to me in bed. 我喜欢在床上听他给我读点什麽. 3 (idm 习语) ,love `me, ,love my `dog (saying 谚) if one loves sb, one will or should love everyone and everything associated with him 爱吾及犬; 爱屋及乌. ★lovely / 5lQvlI; `lQvlI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 beautiful; attractive 可爱的; 美丽的; 动人的: a lovely view, voice, woman 可爱的景色、 嗓音、 女子 * lovely hair, weather, music 秀发、 可爱的天气、 动人的音乐. 2 (infml 口) enjoyable; pleasant 令人愉快的; 快乐的: a lovely dinner, time, story 可口的饭菜、 过得愉快、 有趣的故事 * It's lovely and warm (ie pleasant because warm) in here. 这儿的天气温暖宜人. 3 (idm 习语) everything in the garden is lovely => garden. ★loveliness n [U]. ★lovely n (infml 口) pretty woman 美女: a couple of television lovelies 电视中的两个美女. ★lover / 5lQvE(r); `lQvL/ n 1 [C] partner (usu a man) in a sexual relationship outside marriage (婚外恋的)伴侣, 情人(通常指男性): They say he used to be her lover. 据说他曾是她的婚外情人. * She's taken a new lover. 她有了新的外遇情人. Cf 参看 mistress 4. 2 lovers [pl] two people who are in love or having a sexual relationship though not married 一对情侣(恋爱中的或未婚而有性关系的): young lovers strolling in the park 在公园漫步的年轻情侣 * They met on holiday and soon became lovers. 他们在度假时结识, 不久便成了情侣. 3 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) person who likes or enjoys sth specified 爱好者; 热爱者: a lover of music, horses, good wine 爱好音乐、 马匹、 美酒的人 * art-lovers 艺术爱好者. ★loving / 5lQvIN; `lQvIN/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] feeling or showing love 爱的; 表示爱意的; 亲爱的: a loving friend 亲爱的朋友 * loving words 体贴的话. ★lovingly adv. ★loving-cup n large wine-cup passed from person to person at a banquet, etc, so that everyone may drink from it 爱杯(宴席上供轮流饮酒的大杯). ★loving-kindness n [U] (arch 古) tender consideration or care 慈爱; 爱护. ★low / lEU; lo/ adj (-er, -est) 1 not high or tall; not extending far upwards 低的; 矮的: a low wall, ceiling, tree 矮的墙、 天花板、 树 * a low range of hills 低矮的冈峦 * flying at a low altitude 在低空飞行 * The sun is low in the sky. 太阳很低. * a low brow, ie with hair-line and eyebrows close together 低前额(发线与眼眉靠得近者) * a dress low in the neck/a low-necked dress, ie one leaving the upper part of the breasts and much of the shoulders bare 领口低的连衣裙(袒胸露臂的). 2 below the usual or normal level, amount, intensity, etc 低於通常或正常水平、 数量、 强度等的: low wages, taxes, prices, etc 低的工资、 税率、 价格等 * low temperature 低温 * low pressure, eg of the atmosphere, of gas or water piped to houses, of blood 低压(如气压、 煤气或自来水压、 血压) * low cloud 低云 * The surrounding land is low (ie not far above sea-level) and marshy. 周围的地低洼而多沼泽. * a low-density housing estate, ie one with comparatively few houses in the space available 低密度的住宅区(房屋较少) * The reservoir was very low after the long drought. 久旱之後水库的水位很低了. 3 ranking below others in importance or quality (在重要性或质量上)低於或劣於其他的: upper and lower classes of society 社会的上下阶层 * of low birth 出身低贱的 * low forms of life, ie creatures having a relatively simple structure 低等的生物 * low-grade fuel 低级燃料. 4 vulgar or coarse 鄙俗的; 粗俗的: low manners, tastes, etc 粗俗的举止、 低级趣味 * He keeps low company. 他结交庸俗的朋友. * low comedy, ie a crude form of farce 低级的喜剧 * low cunning, ie immoral and selfish cleverness 下流的诡计. 5 (of sound or a voice) not high in pitch; deep (指声音)不尖的, 深沉的: A man's voice is usually lower than a woman's. 男子的嗓音通常比女子的低. 6 not loud 小声的; 低沉的: a low rumble of thunder 低沉的隆隆雷声 * Keep your voice low. 要小声说话. 7 lacking in vigour; feeble or depressed 无生气的; 衰弱的; 情绪低的: in a low state of health 身体虚弱 * feel low/in low spirits/low-spirited 觉得情绪低落. 8 (of a gear) allowing a slower speed of a vehicle in relation to its engine speed (指变速器)低挡的: You'll need to change into a lower gear when going up this hill. 上这座山时得换低挡. 9 (idm 习语) at a low `ebb in a poor state; worse than usual 处於低潮; 情况不佳; 比平时差: Her spirits were at a very low ebb, ie She was very depressed. 她的情绪极度低落. be/run `low (on sth) (of supplies) be/become almost exhausted; have almost exhausted the supplies (of sth) (指供应品)几乎耗尽:The petrol's running low. 汽油快用完了. * We're (running) low on petrol. 我们的汽油不多了. a high/low profile => profile. lay sb/sth `low (a) bring sb/sth into a flat or horizontal position 使某人[某物]倒下或平卧: He laid his opponent low with a single punch. 他一拳就把对手打倒在地. (b) weaken or destroy 使衰弱或毁灭: The whole family was laid low by/with (ie was ill and in bed with) flu. 全家都因流感病倒在床上. ★lowermost adj lowest 最低的; 最下的. ★lowness n [U]. ★Low Church section of the Church of England that gives little importance to ritual and the authority of bishops and priests 低教会派(英国国教的一支, 不注重仪式及主教、 牧师的权威地位): My family is Low Church. 我家属低教会派. ★Low-Churchman n member or supporter of this 低教会派成员. ★low-class adj of poor quality or low social class 低级的; 低等的; 质量低劣的; 社会地位卑下的: ,low-class `merchandise 低级的商品. ★lower case (in printing) small letters, not capitals (印刷)小楷字母, 小写字体: [attrib 作定语] ,lower-case `lettering 小写体字. ★Lower Chamber (also Lower House) larger, usu elected, branch of a legislative assembly (eg the House of Commons in Britain, the House of Representatives in the US) 下议院(如英国的下议院, 美国的众议院). ★the lower deck (in the Navy) petty officers and lower ranks (not the officers) (海军中)水兵和低级军官. ★low frequency (abbr 缩写 LF) radio frequency of 30 to 300 kilohertz 低频(无线电波段中30-300千赫范围内的频率). ★low-key (also low-keyed) adj not intense or emotional; restrained 低调的; 不强烈的; 克制的; 有节制的: The wedding was a very ,low-key affair. 婚礼办得毫不招摇. ★lowland / 5lEUlEnd; `lolEnd/ n (usu pl 通常作复数) low-lying land 低地. ★lowlander / -lEndE(r); -lEndL/ n (a) person who lives in a lowland area 低地人. (b) (also `Lowlander) native of the Scottish Lowlands 苏格兰低地人. ★low-level language computer language using instructions that correspond closely to the operations which the computer will perform 低级语言(近於计算机作业指令的). ★low-pitched adj (of sounds) low in pitch3(3a) (指声音)低调的, 轻的, 低沉的: a ,low-pitched `voice 低沉的嗓音. ★low season time of year when fewest visitors come to a resort, etc (旅游胜地等的)淡季. ★low tide (also low water) (a) tide when at its lowest level 低潮; 低水位. (b) time when this occurs 低潮期; 低水位期. ,low-`water mark (a) lowest point reached by the water at low tide 低潮线; 低水位线. (b) (fig 比喻) lowest or worst point 最低点; 最坏程度: the low-water mark of the company's fortunes 公司业绩的最低点. ★low / lEU; lo/ adv (-er, -est) 1 in, at or to a low level or position 在或向低的水平或位置: aim, shoot, throw, etc low 向低处瞄准、 射击、 投掷等 * bow low to the Queen 向女王深深鞠躬 * play low, ie play a card with a low value 打出低点数的牌 * The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low (ie at low prices) and sell high. 做生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖. 2 not at a high pitch; quietly 低调地; 低声地; 悄声地: I can't sing as low as that. 我唱不了那麽低的调. * Speak lower or she'll hear you! 低点声说, 要不她就听见了! 3 (idm 习语) lie low => lie2. be brought `low be reduced in health, wealth or position (健康、 财富或地位等的)下降, 恶化: Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis. 很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落. high and low => high3. stoop so low => stoop. ★low-born adj of humble birth 出身低微的: a low-born `leader 出身卑贱的领袖. ★low-lying adj near to the ground or to sea-level 接近地面或海平面的; 低洼的: fog in ,low-lying `areas 低洼地区的雾. ★low-paid adj paid low wages 工资低的: They are among the ,lowest-paid (,workers) in the `country. 他们在该国是属於低工资的(工作人员). ★low-rise adj [attrib 作定语] (of a building) having fewstoreys (指建筑物)低的, 层数少的: ,low-rise developments 低矮的新建住宅区. ★low / lEU; lo/ n 1 low level or figure 低水平; 低数目: The (value of the) pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar, ie is worth less in exchange for dollars than ever before. 英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的低点. 2 area of low barometric pressure 低气压区: another low moving in from the Atlantic 从大西洋西移的另一个低气压区. ★low / lEU; lo/ n deep sound made by cattle 牛叫声; 哞. ★low v [I] make this sound; moo 作牛叫声; 发哞声. ★low-down / 5lEUdaUn; `lo`daJn/ adj [attrib 作定语] (infml 口) dishonourable; underhand 卑鄙的; 不名誉的; 偷偷摸摸的: That was a pretty low-down trick to play! 玩弄那套伎俩真可耻! ★low-down n (idm 习语) give sb/get the low-down (on sb/sth) (infml 口) tell sb/be told the true facts (about sb/sth) 告诉某人[获悉](有关某人[某事物]的)真相: Give me the low-down on her divorce. 把她离婚的实情告诉我吧. ★lowbrow / 5lEUbraU; `lo9braJ/ adj (esp derog 尤作贬义) not cultured or intellectual 无文化修养的; 无知识的; 智力低的: a lowbrow programme, discussion, person 粗俗的节目、 议论、 人. ★lowbrow n lowbrow person 无文化修养的人. Cf 参看 highbrow, middle-brow (middle). ★lower / 5lEUE(r); `loL/ v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) let or bring (sb/sth) down 让, 使(某人[某事物])降低, 降下: lower supplies to the stranded men, eg from a helicopter 把给受困者的救济品放下去(如从直升飞机上) * lower the sails, a flag, a window 落帆、 降旗、 放下窗 * He lowered his gun slowly. 他慢慢把枪放下. * lower one's eyes (to the ground), ie look down 垂下眼睛(看地面) * (infml 口) He lowered (ie drank) four pints of beer in an hour. 他一小时喝下四品脱啤酒. (b) make less high 使减低; 放低: lower the roof of a house 把房子的屋顶改低 * lower (the height of) the ceiling 把天花板(的高度)降低. 2 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] (cause sth to) become less in amount or quantity (使某事物)减少: Stocks generally lowered in value. 股票普遍下跌. * lower one's voice to a whisper 把声音降到耳语那麽低 * A poor diet lowers one's resistance to illness. 饮食不佳会减低对疾病的抵抗力. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ oneself (by doing sth) (infml 口) reduce one's dignity or self-respect 降低身分或自尊: Don't lower yourself by asking `him for help. 不要向他求助以免降低身分. * Speak to her? I'd never lower myself. 跟她说话? 我可不自贬人格. 4 (idm 习语) raise/lower one's sights => sight1. 5 (phr v) lower (sth) away (nautical 海) lower (a boat, sail, etc) 放下(小船); 降下(船帆). ★lower = lour. ★lowly / 5lEUlI; `lolI/ adj (-ier, -iest) (dated 旧) of humble rank or condition 地位低的; 卑微的. ★lowliness n [U]. ★loyal / 5lRIEl; `lRIEl/ adj ~ (to sb/sth) true and faithful 忠诚的; 忠贞的: remain loyal to one's principles 信守自己的原则 * a loyal supporter of the Labour Party 工党的忠实拥护者. ★loyalist n person who is loyal, esp to the established ruler or government during a revolt 忠诚分子(尤指在叛乱中忠於原统治者或政府者): [attrib 作定语] loyalist troops 忠於政府的部队. ★loyally / 5lRIElI; `lRIElI/ adv. ★loyalty / 5lRIEltI; `lRIEltI/ n (a) [U] being true and faithful; loyal behaviour 忠诚; 忠诚行为: swear an oath of loyalty to the King 向国王宣誓效忠 * Can I count on your loyalty? 你对我的忠诚能让我信得过吗? (b) [C often pl 常作复数] bond that makes a person faithful to sb/sth 向某人[某事物]效忠的义务或约束: We all have a loyalty to the company. 我们对公司都有效忠的义务. * a case of divided loyalties, ie of being loyal to two different and often conflicting causes, etc 两面效忠(对常为对立双方皆效忠). ★lozenge / 5lCzIndV; `lBzIndV/ n 1 four-sided figure in the shape of a diamond 菱形; 菱形物. 2 small tablet of flavoured sugar, esp one containing medicine, which is dissolved in the mouth 糖锭; (尤指口含的)锭剂: a throat lozenge, ie for a sore throat 润喉片. ★LP / 9el 5pi:; 9Zl `pi/ abbr 缩写 = long-playing (record): a collection of LPs 一批密纹唱片. Cf 参看 EP, single n 5. ★LSD / 9el es 5di:; 9Zl Zs `di/ abbr 缩写 = 1 (also sl 俚语作 acid) lysergic acid diethylamide, a powerful drug that produces hallucinations 麦角 二乙基酸胺(一种迷幻药). 2 (also sd) (dated Brit infml 旧, 口) (in former British currency) pounds, shillings and pence (Latin librae, solidi, denarii); money (旧时英国货币)镑, 先令, 便士(源自拉丁文librae、 solidi、 denarii); 钱: I'm rather short of LSD can you lend me some? 我缺点儿钱, 你能借给我一些吗? ★LST / 9el es 5ti:; 9Zl Zs `ti/ abbr 缩写 = (US) Local Standard Time 地方标准时. ★Flt Lt abbr 缩写 = Flight Lieutenant: Flt Lt (Robert) Bell (罗伯特·)贝尔空军上尉. ★Lt abbr 缩写 = Lieutenant: Lt-Cdr/-Col/-Gen/-Gov 海军少校[陆军或海军陆战队中校/陆军或海军陆战队中将/副总督]. ★LTA / 9el ti: 5eI; 9Zl ti `e/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit) Lawn Tennis Association 草地网球协会. ★Ltd abbr 缩写 = (Brit) Limited (ie `limited liability company', now used only by private companies): Canning Bros Ltd 坎宁·布罗斯有限公司 * Pearce and Co Ltd 皮尔斯股份有限公司. Cf 参看 Inc, PLC. ★lubber / 5lQbE(r); `lQbL/ n (dated 旧) big clumsy stupid boy or man 高大而蠢笨的男子. ★lubberly adj. ★lubricate / 5lu:brIkeIt; `lubrI9ket/ v [Tn] put oil or grease on or in (machinery, etc) so that it moves easily 给(机械等)加润滑油: lubricate the wheels, bearings, hinges, etc 给轮子、 轴承、 合叶等加润滑油 * (fig 比喻) My throat needs lubricating, ie with a drink. 我需要润润嗓子了. ★lubricant / 5lu:brIkEnt; `lubrIkEnt/ n [U, C] substancethat lubricates 润滑剂. ★lubrication / 9lu:brI5keIFn; 9lubrI`keFEn/ n [C, U] (action of) lubricating or being lubricated 加润滑油; 润滑. ★lubricious / lu:5brIFEs; lu`brIFEs/ adj (fml 文) showing an unpleasant enjoyment of sexual matters; lewd 淫荡的; 猥亵的; 下流的. ★lucerne / lu:5s\:n; lu`s[n/ n (US alfalfa) plant similar to clover, used for feeding animals 苜蓿. ★lucid / 5lu:sId; `lusId/ adj 1 clearly expressed; easy to understand 表达清楚的; 易懂的: a lucid explanation 明白的解释 * His style is very lucid. 他的文体很明畅. 2 clear in one's mind; sane 头脑清晰的; 清醒的: lucid intervals, ie periods of sanity during mental illness 清醒期(精神病发作的间歇期). ★lucidity / lu:5sIdEtI; lu`sIdEtI/ n [U]. ★lucidly adv: lucidly explained 解释得清楚. ★luck / lQk; lQk/ n [U] 1 chance, esp thought of as a force that brings good or bad fortune 运气; 造化: have good, poor, hard (ie bad), little, bad, etc luck 运气好、 不好、 背、 欠佳、 坏等. 2 good fortune 好运; 幸运: I hope this charm will bring you luck. 希望这个符咒会给你带来好运. * I always carry one for luck. 为讨吉利我老是带著一个. * I had the luck to find him at home. 我真幸运, 找他时他正在家. * Any luck with (ie Did you manage to get) the job? 找工作的事运气好吗? * Our luck has run out, ie has ended. 我们的运气到头了. 3 (idm 习语) as(good/ill) luck would have it fortunately/unfortunately幸而[不幸]; 碰巧[不巧]. (what) bad, rotten, etc`luck! (used to show sympathy 用以表示同情). be bad/hard `luck (on sb) be unfortunate 不幸; 倒霉: It was very hard luck (on you) to get ill on your holiday. (你)假期得病真倒霉. be ,down on one's `luck (infml 口) have a period of misfortune 倒霉的时候; 背运之时. beginner's luck => beginner (begin). be in/out of `luck be fortunate/unfortunate 走运[不走运]. better luck next time => better1. the devil's own luck => devil1. ,good `luck (to sb) may sb be fortunate and successful 祝某人好运和顺利: Good luck in your exams! 祝你考得好! ,just one's `luck (indicating that sth unfortunate or inconvenient has happened to one, as usual 用以表示运气总是那麽坏): It was just my luck to go to the play on the day the star was ill. 我总是这麽倒霉, 去看戏那天偏巧明星病了. one's `luck is in one is lucky 走运; 交好运. the luck of the draw the way in which chance decides what some people become, do, get, etc and others not 一个人一个命(有的人有运气, 有的人没有运气). the luck of the game the element of luck, as opposed to skill, that operates in a game, an activity, etc 手气(支配游戏、 活动等的运气, 并非技巧). ,no such `luck unfortunately not 没有那份儿运气. push one's luck => push2. take pot luck => pot1. ,tough `luck (a) (used to show sympathy 用以表示同情). (b) (ironic 反语) (used to show that one does not really care about sb's misfortune 用以表示对某人的不幸并不真正关心). try one's luck/fortune => try1. worse luck => worse. ★luck v (phr v) luck out (US infml 口) be lucky or successful 走运; 交好运; 侥幸成功. ★luckless adj unlucky 运气不好的; 不幸的. ★lucky / 5lQkI; `lQkI/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 having, bringing or resulting from good luck 幸运的; 有好运的; 带来好运的: You're very lucky to be alive after that accident. 你大难不死可真幸运. * It's lucky she's still here. 她还在这里, 真是万幸. * a lucky charm 吉符 * Seven is my lucky number. 七是我的幸运数字. * a lucky guess 侥幸猜中 * a lucky break, ie a piece of good fortune 一次好运 * It's my, your, etc lucky day, ie one on which I am, you are, etc having good fortune. 这一天是我的、 你的...幸运日子. 2 (idm 习语) strike lucky => strike2. thank one's lucky stars => thank. you'll be lucky; you should be so lucky (ironic catchphrase 反语, 警语) what you expect, wish for, etc is very unlikely to happen 你有那份儿运气. ★luckily / 5lQkIlI; `lQkIlI/ adv: I arrived late but luckily the meeting had been delayed. 我迟到了, 幸而会议推迟了. ★lucky dip (Brit) barrel, etc containing small prizes of various values which people pick out at random for a payment, hoping to get sth that is worth more than they have paid 幸运袋, 摸彩袋(袋中装有价值不等的奖品, 付钱即可模取). ★lucrative / 5lu:krEtIv; `lukrEtIv/ adj producing much money; profitable 赚钱的; 可获利的: a lucrative business 赚钱的买卖. ★lucratively adv. ★lucrativeness n [U]. ★lucre / 5lu:kE(r); `lukL/ n [U] 1 (derog 贬) profit or money-making, as a motive for doing sth 利益; 利润; 赚钱: the lure of lucre 利益的诱惑. 2 (idm 习语) filthy lucre => filthy (filth). ★Luddite / 5lQdaIt; `lQdaIt/ n, adj (derog 贬) (person) opposed to change or improvement in working methods, machines, etc in industry 在工业中反对改进操作方法、 改进机器等的(人). ★ludicrous / 5lu:dIkrEs; `ludIkrEs/ adj causing laughter; ridiculous; absurd 可笑的; 荒唐的; 愚蠢的: a ludicrousidea 荒谬的想法. ★ludicrously adv: His trousers wereludicrously short. 他的裤子短得可笑. ★ludicrousness n [U]. ★ludo / 5lu:dEU; `ludo/ n [U] simple game played with dice and counters on a special board 卢多(在特制板上用色子及筹码玩的简单游戏). ★luff / lQf; lQf/ v [I, Tn] (nautical 海) steer (a sailing boat or ship) so that its front moves nearer to the direction from which the wind is blowing 转动(船)使船首抢风航行. ★luffa = loofah. ★lug / lQg; lQ^/ v (-gg-) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] drag or carry (sth) with great effort 用力拉或拖(某物): lugging a heavy suitcase up the stairs 拖著沉重的衣箱上楼 * (fig infml 比喻, 口) She had to lug the kids around/about/along all day. 她得整天带著孩子. =>Usage at carry 用法见carry. ★lug / lQg; lQ^/ n 1 projecting part of an object, by which it may be carried or fixed in place 把柄; 把手. 2 (also `lug-hole) (Brit sl 俚) ear 耳朵. ★luge / lu:V; luV/ n small toboggan for one person 单人雪橇. ★luggage / 5lQgIdV; `lQ^IdV/ (US baggage) n [U] bags, suitcases, etc containing sb's belongings and taken on a journey 行李: six pieces of luggage 六件行李 * clear one's luggage through customs 把行李交海关查验通过 * Have you any hand-luggage? 你有手提的行李吗? => illus 见插图. ★luggage-rack n (a) shelf for luggage above the seats in a railway carriage, coach, etc (火车或长途汽车等的)行李架. (b) = roof-rack (roof). ★luggage-van n (US baggage car) carriage for passengers' luggage on a railway train (火车的)行李车. ★lugger / 5lQgE(r); `lQ^L/ n (nautical 海) small ship with one or more four-cornered sails (有四角纵帆的)小帆船. ★lugubrious / lE5gu:brIEs; lu`^ubrIEs/ adj dismal; mournful阴郁的; 悲哀的: Why are you looking so lugubrious?你怎麽看上去这样忧郁? ★lugubriously adv. ★lugubriousness n [U]. ★lugworm / 5lQgw\:m; `lQ^9w[m/ n large worm living in the sand on the sea-shore, used as bait by fishermen 沙虫(用作钓饵). ★lukewarm / 9lu:k5wR:m; `luk`wRrm/ adj 1 (of liquids) only slightly warm; tepid (指液体)不冷不热的, 微温的: Heat the milk until it is just lukewarm. 把奶热一下, 温温就行. 2 ~ (about sb/sth) (fig 比喻) not eager or enthusiastic 不热烈的; 冷淡的: get a ,lukewarm re`ception 受冷漠的接待 * Her love had grown lukewarm. 她的爱情已淡薄. ★lull / lQl; lQl/ v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) ~ sb/sth (to sth) make (a person or an animal) quiet or less active; soothe sb/sth 使(人或动物)安静, 活动减弱; 抚慰某人; 缓和某事物: lull a baby to sleep, ie by rocking it or singing to it 哄孩子睡觉. (b) ~ sb/sth (into sth) calm (sb, sb's fears, etc), esp by deception 使(某人)镇静, 消除(某人的恐惧感等)(尤指藉哄骗): lull his suspicions 哄他释疑 * lulled us into a false sense of security 哄骗我们使我们以为很安全. 2 [I] (of a storm or noise) become quiet; lessen (指风暴或噪音)平息, 停息, 减弱: By dawn the wind had lulled. 到黎明时风已停了. ★lull n (usu sing 通常作单数) interval of quiet or inactivity 间歇; 稍息; 稍止: a lull before the storm, in the conversation, during the battle 暴风雨前、 谈话中、 战斗期间的沉寂. ★lullaby / 5lQlEbaI; `lQlE9baI/ n soft gentle song sung to make a child go to sleep 催眠曲. ★lumbago / lQm5beIgEU; lQm`be^o/ n [U] pain in the muscles of the lower part of the back, caused by rheumatism 腰痛(风湿所致的). ★lumbar / 5lQmbE(r); `lQmbL/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of the lower part of the back 腰的; 腰部的: lumbar pains 腰痛 * the lumbar regions 腰部. ★lumbar puncture (medical 医) removing fluid from the base of the spine by means of a hollow needle 腰椎穿刺. ★lumber / 5lQmbE(r); `lQmbL/ n [U] 1 (esp Brit) unwanted pieces of furniture, etc that are stored away or take up space (无用的)旧家具等. 2 (esp US) = timber 1. ★lumber v 1 (a) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sb/sth) give as a burden or aninconvenience to sb 给某人负担或不便: He got lumberedwith the job of finding accommodation for the whole team. 他有个苦差事, 是要为全队物色食宿的处所. * It looks as though we're going to be lumbered with Uncle Bill for the whole weekend. 看来我们整个周末都得陪著比尔大叔了. (b) [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p]~ sth (up) (with sth) fill up (space) inconveniently 零乱堆满(空间): a room lumbered up with junk 堆满了无用之物的房间 * a mind lumbered with useless facts 充满无用资料的头脑. 2 [I, Tn] (esp US) cut and prepare (timber) for use 伐木制材. ★lumberjack (also lumberman / -mEn; -mEn/) n (esp in the US and Canada) man whose job is felling trees or cutting or transporting timber (尤指美国和加拿大的)伐木工人、 木材加工或运输工人. ★lumber-jacket n hip-length jacket fastening up to the neck, usu of thick checked material 夹克(通常为厚格子呢的). ★lumber-room n (esp Brit) room in which lumber1(1) is kept 堆放无用家具的房间. ★lumber / 5lQmbE(r); `lQmbL/ v [Ipr, Ip] move in a heavy clumsy way 笨重地移动: elephants lumbering along, past, by, etc 缓慢地走著的象群 * Look where you're going, you lumbering great oaf! 看著点道儿, 你这个马大哈! ★son et lumiere / 9sCn eI lu:5mjeE(r); 9sonelum`jZr/(French 法) night-time entertainment at a famous building or place, where its history is told and acted with special lighting and sound effects 名胜掌故晚会(在著名的建筑物或场所就地举行, 以讲述和表演的形式再现该处历史, 并配以灯光和音响效果): son et lumiere in the grounds of a ruined abbey 在一座大修道院的废墟上举行的该处名胜掌故晚会. ★luminary / 5lu:mInErI; -nerI; `lumE9nZrI/ n 1 person who inspires or influences others 鼓舞或影响他人的人; 名人; 杰出人物: leading/lesser luminaries 大[小]有名气的人. 2 (fml 文) heavenly body that gives light, esp the sun or the moon 发光的天体; (尤指)日, 月. ★luminous / 5lu:mInEs; `lumEnEs/ adj 1 giving out light; bright 发光的; 光亮的: luminous paint, ie paint that glows in the dark, used on watches, clocks, etc 发光涂料(在暗中可见, 用於钟表等). 2 (fig 比喻) easily understood; clear 易懂的; 清楚的: a luminous speaker, explanation 语意明晰的演说者、 解释. ★luminosity / 9lu:mI5nCsEtI; 9lumE`nBsEtI/ n [U] quality of being luminous 发光; 光辉. ★luminously adv. ★lumme (also lummy) / 5lQmI; `lQmI/ interj (dated Brit sl 旧, 俚) (expressing surprise 用以表示惊讶). ★lump / lQmp; lQmp/ n 1 hard or compact mass, usu without a regular shape 堆, 块, 团(通常无定形): a lump of clay 一团黏土 * a sugar lump 一块方糖 * break a piece of coal into small lumps 把一块煤砸成小块 * How many lumps (ie of sugar) do you take in your tea? 你喝茶加几块方糖? 2 swelling, bump or bruise 肿; 隆起; 挫伤: a nasty lump on her neck 她颈上的大肿块. 3 (infml 口) heavy, clumsy or stupid person 大块头; 粗大笨拙的人; 傻大个儿: Do hurry up, you great lump! 快点, 你这笨蛋! 4 (idm 习语) have, etc a lump in one's/the throat feel pressure in the throat as a result of strong emotion caused by love, sadness, etc 喉咙哽住, 哽咽(因激动所致). ★lump v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (together) put or consider people or things together; treat people or things as alike or under the same heading 将人或物归并一起或合并考虑; 将人或物同等对待或分类: We've lumped all the advanced students into a single class. 我们把程度高的学生都编在一个班里. * Can we lump all these items together as `incidental expenses'? 我们可否把这些项目都归在`杂费'项内? 2 [I] form lumps 结块: Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping. 把沙司搅拌一下以免结块. ★lumpish / -IF; -IF/ adj (of a person) heavy; clumsy; stupid (指人)粗大的, 笨拙的, 愚蠢的. ★lumpy adj (-ier, -iest) full of lumps; covered in lumps 多块状物的; 多隆起物的: lumpy gravy 有颗粒的肉汁 * a lumpy mattress 有疙瘩的褥垫. ★lump sugar sugar in the form of small lumps or cubes 方糖. ★lump sum one payment for a number of separate items; one sum paid all at once rather than in several smaller amounts 一次总付的钱. ★lump / lQmp; lQmp/ v (idm 习语) `lump it (infml 口) reluctantly accept sth unpleasant or unwanted 勉强地接受讨厌的或不想要的事物: If you don't like the decision you'll just have to lump it. 你不喜欢那决定, 也只好勉为其难了. ★lunacy / 5lu:nEsI; `lunEsI/ n [U] 1 unsoundness of mind; insanity; madness 精神错乱; 精神失常; 疯狂. 2 very foolish behaviour 极愚蠢的行为: It's sheer lunacy driving in this weather. 天气这麽坏还开车, 简直是疯了. 3 [C usu pl 通常作复数] mad or foolish act 疯狂的或愚蠢的行动. ★lunar / 5lu:nE(r); `lunL/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of the moon 月球的; 月亮的: lunar rocks 月岩 * a lunar eclipse 月蚀. ★lunar module (also lunar excursion module) part of a spacecraft circling the moon that can be detached to make a journey to the moon's surface and back 登月舱. ★lunar month average time between one new moon and the next (about 29 days) 朔望月; 阴历月. =>App 5 见附录5. Cf 参看 calendar month (calendar). ★lunar / 5lu:nE(r); `lunL/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of the moon 月球的; 月亮的: lunar rocks 月岩 * a lunar eclipse 月蚀. ★lunatic / 5lu:nEtIk; `lunE9tIk/ n 1 (dated 旧) insane person 精神失常者; 疯子. 2 wildly foolish person 极愚蠢的人: You're driving on the wrong side of the road, you lunatic! 你现在是逆行开车, 你这个蠢材! ★lunatic adj 1 (dated 旧) insane 精神失常的; 疯的. 2 wildly foolish 极愚蠢的: a lunatic proposal 极愚蠢的建议. 3 (idm 习语) the ,lunatic `fringe (derog 贬) those members of a political or some other group whose views are regarded as wildly extreme or eccentric 极端分子: The lunatic fringe is/are ignored by most members of the party. 绝大部分党员对极端分子不予理睬. ★lunatic asylum (dated 旧) home for the mentally ill; mental hospital 疯人院; 精神病院. ★lunch / lQntF; lQntF/ n [C, U] 1 meal taken in the middle of the day 午餐; 午饭; 中饭: We serve hot and cold lunches. 我处供应冷热午餐. * He's gone to/for lunch. 他吃午饭去了. * [attrib 作定语] a one-hour lunch break 一小时的午餐时间. 2 (US) light meal taken at any time 便餐; 小吃: We'll have a lunch after the show. 散了电影, 咱们去吃便餐吧. =>Usage at dinner 用法见dinner. ★lunch v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip] eat lunch 吃午饭; 进午餐: Where do you usually lunch? 您平时在哪儿吃午饭? * We lunched (out) on cold meat and salad. 我们午饭(在外面)吃的是凉肉和色拉. 2 [Tn] entertain (sb) to lunch 请(某人)吃午饭. ★lunch-room n (esp US) place where light meals are served or eaten 快餐店; 小吃店. ★lunch-time n [C, U] time around the middle of the day when lunch is normally eaten 午餐时间. ★luncheon / 5lQntFEn; `lQntFEn/ n [C, U] (fml 文) lunch 午餐; 午宴. ★luncheon meat tinned cooked meat made from pork, ham, etc and usu eaten cold (罐头)午餐肉. ★luncheon voucher (abbr 缩写 LV) (Brit) (US `meal ticket) ticket, given to an employee as part of his pay, that can be exchanged for food at certain restaurants 就餐券(作为工资的一部分发给雇员, 可在某些餐馆用餐). ★lung / lQN; lQN/ n either of the two breathing-organs in the chest of man and other animals 肺: [attrib 作定语] lung cancer 肺癌 * a singer with good lungs, ie a powerful voice 中气足的歌手. =>illus at respire 见respire插图. ★lung-power n [U] ability to shout, sing, etc strongly 发声力; 中气. ★lunge / lQndV; lQndV/ n sudden forward movement of the body (eg when trying to attack sb); thrust (身体的)前冲(如攻击某人时的); 刺; 戳. ★lunge v [I, Ipr, Ip] make a lunge 前冲; 刺; 戳: He lunged wildly at his opponent. 他疯狂地扑向对手. * She lunged out with a knife. 她持刀猛冲过去. =>illus at fencing (fence2) 见fencing插图. ★lupin (US lupine) / 5lu:pIn; `lupIn/ n garden plant with tall spikes of flowers, bearing seeds in pods 羽扇豆. ★lurch / l\:tF; l[tF/ n (idm 习语) leave sb in the lurch => leave1. ★lurch / l\:tF; l[tF/ n 1 [C] sudden lean or roll to one side 突然倾斜; 倾侧: The ship gave a lurch to starboard. 船突然向右侧倾斜. 2 [sing] unsteady swaying movement; stagger 摇晃; 蹒跚. ★lurch v [I, Ipr, Ip] lean or roll suddenly; stagger 跌跌撞撞; 蹒跚: a drunken man lurching along the street 沿街踉跄而行的醉汉. ★lure / lUE(r); lJr/ n 1 (a) thing that attracts or invites 诱惑物: She used all her lures to attract his attention. 她使尽浑身解数以吸引他的注意. (b) (usu sing 通常作单数) power of attracting 诱惑力; 吸引力; 魅力: the lure of adventure 探险的吸引力. 2 (a) bait or decoy used to attract wild animals (引诱动物的)饵. (b) device used to make a trained hawk return to its trainer or master 唤回猎鹰的装置. ★lure v [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] attract or tempt (a person or an animal) 吸引, 诱惑(人或动物): lure sb into a trap 引诱某人上圈套 * Greed lured him on. 他受了贪心的诱惑. ★lurid / 5lUErId; `lJrId/ adj 1 having bright glaring colours or combinations of colour 光彩耀眼的; 斑烂的: a lurid sky, sunset 火红的天空、 夕照 * the lurid glow of the blazing warehouse 燃烧的仓库上耀眼的火光. 2 violent and shocking; sensational 暴烈而惊人的; 耸人听闻的: the lurid details of the murder 凶杀案耸人听闻的细节 * a lurid tale 骇人的故事. ★luridly adv. ★luridness n [U]. ★lurk / l\:k; l[k/ v [Ipr, Ip] 1 (a) be or stay hidden, esp when waiting to attack 埋伏; 潜伏: a suspicious-looking man lurking in the shadows 潜伏在暗处的一个形迹可疑的人. (b) wait near a place trying not to attract attention 隐藏; 隐匿: He's usually lurking somewhere near the bar. 他通常出没在酒吧附近. 2 (fig 比喻) linger (esp in the mind) without being clearly shown 潜藏(尤指心中): a lurking suspicion 潜藏於心的怀疑. =>Usage at prowl 用法见 prowl. ★luscious / 5lQFEs; `lQFEs/ adj 1 rich and sweet in taste or smell 味道或气味香甜的: the luscious taste of ripe peaches 熟桃的香甜味. 2 (of art, music, etc) very rich and suggesting sensual pleasures (指艺术, 音乐等)华丽的, 引起快感的: the luscious tones of the horns 铜管乐器悦耳的声调. 3 sensually attractive; voluptuous 肉感的; 性感的; 勾起情欲的: a luscious blonde 性感的金发女郎. ★lusciously adv. ★lusciousness n [U]. ★lush / lQF; lQF/ adj 1 growing thickly and strongly; luxuriant 繁密的; 茂盛的: lush pastures, vegetation, etc 茂盛的牧场、 草木等. 2 (fig 比喻) luxurious 豪华的: lush carpets 华美的地毯. ★lush / lQF; lQF/ n (US sl 俚) person who is often drunk 酒鬼; 经常醉醺醺的人. ★lust / lQst; lQst/ n (often derog 常作贬义) 1 [C, U] ~ (for sb) strong sexual desire 强烈的性欲: curb one's lust 抑制情欲 * gratify one's lusts 满足情欲. 2 [C, U] ~ (for/of sth) intense desire for sth or enjoyment of sth 对某事物的强烈欲望; 物欲; 爱好: a lust for power, gold, adventure 对权力、 黄金、 冒险的强烈欲望 * filled with the lust of battle 渴望战斗的. ★lust v [Ipr] ~ after/for sb/sth (often derog 常作贬义) feel a strong desire for sb/sth 对某人[某事物]有强烈的欲望: lust after women 贪恋女色 * He lusted for revenge. 他渴望复仇. ★lustful / -fl; -fEl/ adj (often derog 常作贬义) filled with lust 好色的; 充满情欲的; 贪婪的: lustful glances 色迷迷的目光. ★lustfully / -fElI; -fElI/ adv. ★lustre (US luster) / 5lQstE(r); `lQstL/ n [U] 1 soft brightness of a smooth or shining surface; sheen (光滑表面的)柔和光泽, 光彩: the deep lustre of pearls 珍珠浑厚的光泽. 2 (fig 比喻) glory; distinction 光荣; 出色: brave deeds adding lustre to one's name 使自己扬名增光的英勇业绩. ★lustrous / 5lQstrEs; `lQstrEs/ adj having lustre 有光泽的; 光辉的: lustrous eyes, hair 有光泽的眼睛、 头发. ★lustrously adv. ★lusty / 5lQstI; `lQstI/ adj healthy, vigorous and full ofvitality 健康的; 精力充沛的; 充满活力的: lusty youngstersat play 玩耍中的生气勃勃的儿童 * give a lusty cheer 高声欢呼. ★lustily / -IlI; -ElI/ adv: sing lustily 起劲地唱. ★lute / lu:t; lut/ n stringed musical instrument with a pear-shaped body, used mainly from the 14th to the 18th centuries and played by plucking with the fingers 诗琴(主要在14-18世纪使用的梨形拨弦乐器). ★lute / lu:t; lut/ n [U] type of clay or cement used for filling holes, sealing joints, etc 封泥(封堵洞穴接缝等的黏土或水泥). ★lute v [Tn] treat (sth) with lute2 用封泥封(某物). ★lutenist (also lutanist) / 5lu:tEnIst; `lutnIst/ n person who plays the lute1 诗琴弹奏者. ★Lutheran / 5lu:WErEn; `luWErEn/ n, adj (member) of theProtestant Church named after Martin Luther (1483-1546) 路德(1483-1546)会教友; 路德教的. ★de luxe / dE5lQks, also -5lUks; dI`lQks, -`lJks/ adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] of a very high quality, high standard of comfort, etc 高质量的; 豪华的: a de luxe hotel, car, bed 舒适的旅馆、 汽车、 床 * the de luxe edition of a book, eg with a special leather binding 书的精装本. ★luxuriant / lQg5VUErIEnt; lQ^`VJrIEnt/ adj growing thickly and strongly; lush 繁密的; 茂盛的: luxuriant tropical vegetation 葱郁的热带植物 * (fig 比喻) the poem's luxuriant imagery 诗中的丰富意象. Cf 参看 luxurious. ★luxuriance / -Ens; -Ens/ n [U] luxuriant growth 丰富; 茂盛. ★luxuriantly adv. ★luxuriate / lQg5VUErIeIt; lQ^`VJrI9et/ v [Ipr] ~ in sth take great pleasure in sth; enjoy sth as a luxury 纵情享乐; 享受某事物: a cat luxuriating in the warm sunshine 在温暖阳光下很舒适的猫 * luxuriate in a hot bath 在热浴缸里优哉游哉. ★luxurious / lQg5VUErIEs; lQ^`VJrIEs/ adj 1 supplied with luxuries; very comfortable 奢侈的; 极舒适的: live in luxurious surroundings 生活在奢侈的环境中 * This car is our most luxurious model. 这种汽车是我们最豪华的型号了. 2 [usu attrib 通常作定语] fond of luxury; self-indulgent 爱好奢侈的; 放纵的: luxurious habits 奢侈的习惯. Cf 参看 luxuriant. ★luxuriously adv. ★luxury / 5lQkFErI; `lQkFErI/ n 1 [U] (regular use and enjoyment of) the best and most expensive food and drink, clothes, surroundings, etc 豪华; 奢华; 奢侈: live in luxury 生活奢侈 * lead/live a life of luxury 过奢侈的生活 * [attrib 作定语] a luxury hotel, flat, liner 豪华旅馆、 公寓、 邮轮. 2 [C] thing that is expensive and enjoyable, but not essential 奢侈品: caviar, champagne and other luxuries 鱼子酱、 香槟以及其他奢侈品 * We can't afford many luxuries. 很多的奢侈品我们都买不起. 3 (idm 习语) in the lap of luxury => lap1. ★LV / 9el 5vi:; 9Zl `vi/ abbr 缩写 = (Brit) luncheon voucher. ★LW abbr 缩写 = (radio 无) long wave. ★-ly / -lI; -lI/ suff 後缀 1 (used fairly widely with ns to form adjs 可与很多名词结合构成形容词) having the qualities of 具有某性质的: cowardly * scholarly. 2 (with ns forming adjs and advs 与名词结合构成形容词和副词) occurring at intervals of 每隔某时间发生: hourly * daily. 3 (used widely with adjs to form advs 可与大量形容词结合构成副词) in the specified manner 以某方式: happily * stupidly. ★lycee / 5li:seI; li:5seI; 9li`se/ n (French 法) state secondary school in France 法国公立中学. ★lych-gate = lich-gate. ★lychee (also litchi) / 9laI5tFi:, 5laItFi:; `laItFi/ n (a) fruit with a sweetish white pulp and a single seed in a thin brown shell 荔枝. (b) tree (originally from China) that bears this 荔枝树. ★lymph / lImf; lImf/ n [U] 1 (anatomy 解) colourless fluid from the tissues or organs of the body, containing white blood-cells 淋巴. 2 (medical 医) this fluid taken from cows and used in vaccination against smallpox 痘苗. ★lymphatic / lIm5ftIk; lIm`fAtIk/ adj 1 (anatomy 解) of or carrying lymph 淋巴的; 输送淋巴的: the lymphatic vessels, ie those that carry lymph from the tissues with any waste matter 淋巴管. 2 (fml 文) (of people) slow in thought and action; sluggish (指人)迟钝的, 萎顿的. ★lye / laI; laI/ n [U] alkaline solution, esp one obtained by passing water through wood ashes and used for washing things 咸液(尤指从木灰中滤出, 供洗涤用的). ★lying pres p of lie1, lie2. ★lynch / lIntF; lIntF/ v [Tn] put to death or punish violently (sb believed to be guilty of a crime) without a lawful trial 用私刑处死或严惩(被认为有罪的人): innocent men lynched by the angry mob 被狂怒的暴民以私刑杀害的无辜男子. ★lynch law procedure followed when sb is lynched 私刑. ★lynx / lINks; lINks/ n wild animal of the cat family with spotted fur and a short tail, noted for its keen sight 猞猁. ★lynx-eyed adj having keen eyesight 目光锐利的. ★lyre / 5laIE(r); laIr/ n ancient musical instrument with strings fixed in a U-shaped frame, played by plucking with the fingers 里拉琴(古代拨弦乐器, 琴弦固定在U型框架内). ★lyre-bird n Australian bird, the male having a long tail shaped like a lyre when spread out 琴鸟(产於澳洲). ★lyric / 5lIrIk; `lIrIk/ adj 1 (of poetry) expressing direct personal feelings (指诗)抒情的. 2 of or composed for singing 吟唱的; 供吟唱的. ★lyric n 1 lyric poem 抒情诗. 2 (esp pl 尤作复数) words of a song, eg in a musical play 歌词(如在歌舞喜剧中的): [attrib 作定语] a fine lyric-writer/writer of lyrics 优秀的抒情歌词作家. ★lyrical / 5lIrIkl; `lIrIkl/ adj 1 = lyric. 2 eagerly enthusiastic 极热情的; 狂热的: She started to become/wax lyrical about health food. 她对保健食品极为讲究了. ★lyrically / -klI; -klI/ adv. ★lyricism / 5lIrIsIzEm; `lIrE9sIzEm/ n 1 [U] quality of being lyric, esp in poetry 抒情性; (尤指诗歌的)抒情风格. 2 [C] expression of strong emotion or enthusiasm 感情冲动; 热情奔放. ★lyricist / 5lIrIsIst; `lIrEsIst/ n person who writes the words of (esp popular) songs (尤指流行歌曲的)歌词作者. ★LL B, LL D, LL M abbrs 缩写 = Bachelor, Doctor, Master of Laws 法学学士、 博士、 硕士: have/be an LL B 有法学学士学位[为法学学士] * David Grafton LL B 戴维·格拉夫顿法学学士.