Below is the full Chinese text of the Great Learning (大學). The sources for the text are: 四書五經, 宋元人注, 北京: 中國書店, 1990. "The Chinese Classics with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copius Indexes," James Legge, trans., Taipei: Southern Materials Center Publishing, Inc., 1991. (Chinese text with English translation) John H. Jenkins 井作恆 5 January 1993 -------------------------------------------------------------- I have added the English translation for the first few chapters only, from The Chinese-English Bilingual Series of Chinese Classics, 湖南出版社, 1992 (ISBN 7-5438-031207); it is a revision of Legge's translation. The original file (without English translation) was found on the Unicode FTP site ( Tom Bishop Wenlin Institute, Inc. October 1998 =============================================================== 大學章句 子程子曰:「大學孔氏之遺書。而初學入德之門也。於今可見古人為學次第者,獨賴此篇之存,而論孟次之。學者必由是而學焉,則庶乎其不差矣。」 My master, the philosopher Cheng, says -- "The Great Learning is a book left by Confucius, and forms the gate by which first learners enter into virtue. That we can now perceive the order in which the ancients pursued their learning, is solely owing to the preservation of this work, the Analects and Mencius coming after it. Learners must commence their course with this and then it may be hoped they will be kept from error." 『1』大學之道在明明德,在親民,在止於至善。 What the Great Learning teaches is -- to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence. 『2』知止而后有定;定而后能靜;靜而后能安;安而后能慮;慮而后能得。 The point where to rest being known, the object of pursuit is then determined; and, that being determined, a calm unpertubedness may be attained. To that calmness there will succeed a tranquil repose. In that repose there may be careful deliberation, and that deliberation will be followed by the attainment [of the desired end]. 『3』物有本末;事有終始。知所先後則近道矣。 Things have their root and their completion. Affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will lead near to what is taught in the Great Learning. 『4』古之欲明明德於天下者先治其國。欲治其國者先齊其家。欲齊其家者先脩其身。欲脩其身者先正其心。欲正其心者先誠其意。欲誠其意者先致其知。致知在格物。 The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the empire, first ordered well their own States. Wishing to order well their States, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons. Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts. Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things. 『5』物格而后知至。知至而后意誠。意誠而后心正。心正而后身脩。身脩而后家齊。家齊而后國治。國治而后天下平。 Things being investigated, knowledge became complete. Their knowledge being complete, their thoughts were sincere. Their thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then rectified. Their hearts being rectified, their persons were cultivated. Their persons being cultivated, their families were regulated. Their families being regulated, their States were rightly governed. Their States being rightly governed, the whole empire was made tranquil and happy. 『6』自天子以至於庶人,壹是皆以修身為本。 From the emperor down to the mass of the people, all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of [every thing besides]. 『7』其本亂而末治者,否矣。其所厚者薄而其所薄者厚,未之有也。 It cannot be, when the root is neglected, that what should spring from it will be well ordered. It never has been the case that what was of great importance has been slightly cared for, and at the same time, that what was of slight importance has been greatly cared for. 右經一章,蓋孔子之言,而曾子述之;其傳十章,則曾子之意,而門人記之也。舊本頗有錯簡,今因程子所定,而更考經文,別為序次如左。 The preceding chapter of classical text is in the words of Confucius, handed down by the philosopher Zeng. The ten chapters of explanation which follow contain the views of Zeng and were recorded by his disciples. In the old copies of the work, there appeared considerable confusion in these, from the disarrangement of the tablets. But now availing myself of the decisions of the philosopher Cheng, and having examined anew the classical text, I have arranged it in order, as follows: -- 第一章 Chapter I. 『1』康誥曰,「克明德。」 In the Announcement to Kang, it is said, "He was able to make his virtue illustrious." 『2』大甲曰,「顧諟天之明命。」 In the Tai Jia it is said, "He contemplated and studied the illustrious decrees of Heaven." 『3』帝典曰:「克明峻德。」 In the Canon of the Emperor Yao, it is said, "He was able to make illustrious his lofty virtue." 『4』皆自明也。 These [passages all show how those soveriegns] made themselves illustrious. 右傳之首章,釋明明德。 The above first chapter of commentary explains the illustration of illustrious virtue. 第二章 Chapter II. 『1』湯之盤銘曰:「茍日新,日日新,又日新。」 On the bathing-tub of Tang, the following words were engraved: -- "If you can one day renovate yourself, do so from day to day. Yea, let there be daily renovation." 『2』康誥曰,「作新民。」 In the Announcement to Kang, it is said, "To stir up the new people." 『3』詩曰:「周雖舊邦,其命維新。」 In the Book of Poetry, it is said, "Although Zhou was an ancient state, the ordinance which lighted on it was new." 『4』是故君子無所不用其極。 Therefore, the superior man in every thing uses his utmost endeavours. 右傳之二章,釋新民。 The above second chapter of commentary explains the renovating of the people. 第三章 Chapter III. 『1』詩云,「邦畿千里,惟民所止。」 In the Book of Poetry, it is said, "The imperial domain of a thousand li is where the people rest." 『2』詩云,「緡蠻黃鳥,止于丘隅。」子曰:「於止,知其所止,可以人而不如鳥乎?」 In the Book of Poetry, it is said, "The twittering yellow bird rests on a corner of the mound." The Master said, "When it rests, it knows where to rest. Is it possible that a man should not be equal to this bird?" 『3』詩云,「穆穆文王,於緝熙敬止。」為人君,止於仁;為人臣,止於敬;為人子,止於孝;為人父,止於慈;與國人交,止於信。 In the Book of Poetry, it is said, "Profound was King Wen. With how bright and unceasing a feeling of reverence did he regard his resting place!" As a sovereign, he rested in benevolence. As a minister, he rested in reverence. As a son, he rested in filial piety. As a father, he rested in kindness. In communication with his subjects, he rested in good faith. 『4』詩云,「瞻彼淇澳,菉竹猗猗。有斐君子。如切如磋,如琢如磨。瑟兮僩兮,赫兮喧兮。有斐君子,終不可諠兮。」「如切如磋」者,道學也;「如琢如磨」者,自脩也;「瑟兮僩兮」者,恂慄也;「赫兮喧兮」者,威儀也;「有斐君子,終不可諠兮」者,道盛德至善,民之不能忘也。 In the Book of Poetry, it is said, "Look at that winding course of the Qi, with the green bamboos so luxuriant! Here is our elegant and accomplished prince! As we cut and then file; as we chisel and then grind: [so has he cultivated himself]. How grave is he and dignified! How majestic and distinguished! Our elegant and accomplished prince never can be forgotten. [That expression -- ] "as we cut and then file," indicates the work of learning. "As we chisel and then grind," indicates that of self-culture. "How grave is he and dignified!" indicates the feeling of cautious reverence. "How majestic and distinguished," indicates an awe-inspiring deportment. "Our elegant and accomplished prince never can be forgotten," indicates how, when virtue is complete and excellence extreme, the people cannot forget them. 『5』詩云,「於戲前王不忘!」君子賢其賢,而親其親。小人樂其樂,而利其利。此以沒世不忘也。 In the Book of Poetry, it is said, "Ah! the former kings are not forgotten." [Future] princes deem worthy what they deemed worthy, and love what they loved. The common people delight in what they delighted, and are benefited by their beneficial arrangements. It is on this accound that the former kings, after they have quitted the world, are not forgotten. 右傳之三章,釋止於至善。 The above third chapter of commentary explains resting in the highest excellence. 第四章 子曰:「聽訟,吾猶人也。必也,使無訟乎?」無情者,不得盡其辭,大畏民志。此謂知本。 右傳之四章,釋本末。 第五章 『1』此謂知本。 『2』此謂知之至也。 右傳之五章,蓋釋格物致知之義,而今亡矣。閒嘗竊取程子之意,以補之曰:「所謂致知在格物者:言欲至吾之知,在即物,而窮其理也,蓋人心之靈,莫不有知,而天下之物,莫不有理。惟於理有未窮,故其知有不盡也。是以大學始教,必使學者即凡天下之物。莫不因其已知之理,而益窮之,以求至乎其極。至於用力之久,而一旦豁然貫通焉。則眾物之表裡精粗,無不到,而吾心之全體大用,無不明矣。此謂物格。此謂知之至也。 第六章 『1』所謂誠其意者:毋自欺也,如惡惡臭,如好好色。此之謂自謙。故君子必慎其獨也。 『2』小人閒居為不善,無所不至,見君子,而后厭然。揜其不善,而著其善。人之視己,如見其肺肝然,則何益矣。此謂誠於中,形於外。故君子必慎其獨也。 『3』曾子曰,「十目所視,十手所指,其嚴乎。」 『4』富潤屋,德潤身。心廣,體胖。故君子必誠其意。 右傳之六章,釋誠意。 第七章 『1』所謂脩身在正其心者:身有所忿懥,則不得其正。有所恐懼,則不得其正。有所好樂,則不得其正。有所憂患,則不得其正。 『2』心不在焉,視而不見,聽而不聞,食而不知其味。 『3』此謂脩身在正其心。 右傳之七章,釋正心脩身。 第八章 『1』所謂齊其家在脩其身者:人之其所親愛,而辟焉。之其所賤惡,而辟焉。之其所畏敬,而辟焉。之其所哀矜,而辟焉。之其所敖惰,而辟焉。故好而知其惡,惡而知其美者,天下鮮矣。 『2』故諺有之曰,「人莫知其子之惡,莫知其苗之碩。」 『3』此謂身不脩,不可以齊其家。 右傳之八章,釋脩身齊家。 第九章 『1』所謂治國必先齊其家者:其家不可教,而能教人者,無之。故君子不出家,而成教於國。孝者,所以事君也;弟者,所以事長也;慈者,所以使眾也。 『2』康誥曰,「如保赤子,心誠求之。」雖不中、不遠矣,未有學養子,而后嫁者也。 『3』一家仁,一國興仁;一家讓,一國興讓;一人貪戾,一國作亂。其機如此,此謂一言僨事,一人定國。 『4』堯舜帥天下以仁,而民從之。桀紂帥天下以暴,而民從之。其所令反其所好,而民不從。是故君子,有諸己,而后求諸人。無諸己,而后非諸人。所藏乎身不怒而能喻諸人者,未之有也。 『5』故治國在齊其家。 『6』詩云,「桃之夭夭,其葉蓁蓁,之子于歸,宜其家人。」宜其家人,而后可以教國人。 『7』詩云,「宜兄宜弟。」宜兄宜弟,而后可以教國人。 『8』詩云,「其儀不忒,正是四國。」其為父子兄弟足法,而后民法之也。 『9』此謂治國,在齊其家。 右傳之九章,釋齊家治國。 第十章 『1』所謂平天下在治其國者:上老老,而民興孝;上長長,而民興弟;上恤孤,而民不倍。是以君子有絜矩之道也。 『2』所惡於上,毋以使下。所惡於下,毋以事上。所惡於前,毋以先後。所惡於後,毋以從前。所惡於右,毋以交於左。所惡於左,毋以交於右。此之謂絜矩之道。 『3』詩云:「樂只君子,民之父母。」民之所好好之;民之所惡惡之。此之謂民之父母。 『4』詩云:「節彼南山,維石巖巖。赫赫師尹,民具爾瞻。」有國者不可以不慎。辟則為天下僇矣。 『5』詩云,「殷之未喪師,克配上帝。儀監于殷,峻命不易。」道德眾,則得國;失眾,則失國。 『6』是故君子先慎乎德。有德,此有人;有人,此有土;有土,此有財;有財,此有用。 『7』德者本也。財者末也。 『8』外本內末,爭民施奪。 『9』是故財聚,則民散。財散,則民聚。 『10』是故言悖而出者亦悖而入;貨悖而入者亦悖而出。 『11』康誥曰,「惟命不于常。」道善則得之,不善則失之矣。 『12』楚書曰,「楚國無以為寶;惟善以為寶。」 『13』舅犯曰,「亡人,無以為寶;仁親以為寶。」 『14』秦誓曰,「若有一個臣,斷斷兮,無他技,其心休休焉,其如有容焉,人之有技,若己有之,人之彥聖,其心好之,不啻若自其口出,實能容之:以能保我子孫黎民,尚亦有利哉。人之有技娼疾以惡之,人之彥聖而違之,俾不通,實不能容:以不能保我子孫黎民,亦曰殆哉。 『15』唯仁人,放流之,迸諸四夷,不與同中國。此謂唯仁人,為能愛人,能惡人。 『16』見賢而不能舉,舉而不能先,命也。見不善而不能退,退而不能遠,過也。 『17』好人之所惡,惡人之所好:是謂拂人之性。菑必逮夫身。 『18』是故君子,有大道必忠信以得之;驕泰以失之。 『19』生財有大道,生之者眾,食之者寡。為之者疾,用之者舒。則財恆足矣。 『20』仁者,以財發身。不仁者,以身發財。 『21』未有上好仁,而下不好義者也。未有好義其事不終者也。未有府庫財,非其財者也。 『22』孟獻子曰,「畜馬乘,不察於雞豚。伐冰之家不畜牛羊。百乘之家不畜聚歛之臣,與其有聚歛之臣。寕有盜臣。此謂國不以利為利,以義為利也。 『23』長國家而務財用者,必自小人矣。彼為善之,小人之使為國家,菑害竝至,雖有善者,亦無如之何矣。此謂國不以利為利,以義為利也。 右傳之十章,釋治國平天下。 凡傳十章:前四章統論綱領指趣;後六章細論條目工夫。其第五章乃明善之要。第六章乃誠身之本,在初學;尤為當務之急。讀者不可以其近而忽之也。