张培基 《英译中国现代散文选(3)》  目录:  我和商务印书馆   什么事不可能   说开卷有益   狗   记萨镇冰先生   当教师的快乐   春的消息   我差点被狼吃了!   无题   龙   一千三百圆   再忆萧珊   彭德怀速写   初恋   樱之家   别了,贺年片   长江轮上   悼高尔基   画鸟的猎人   长寿之道   “伟大的空话”   我的第一位美国老师   上海街头   绿衣姑娘   蟋蟀   生命   最后一圈   书房   美国编辑的基本常识   西欧的夏天   多一只碟子   书与人   一座长桥   我喜欢   高处何处有   富人区   不死鸟   今夜,我是你的新娘   欣赏自己   搪瓷茶缸   我和商务印书馆   The Commercial Press and I   叶圣陶   Ye Shengtao   如果有人问起我的职业,我就告诉他:我当过教员,又当过编辑,当编辑的年月比当教员多得多。   If I’m asked what profession I’ve been following, I say I’ve been a teacher and editor with a much longer experience in editing than teaching.   Q:「当编辑的年月比当教员多得多」该怎么翻译?   这一句可以直译为I’ve spent more time editing than teaching.但译作...with a much longer experience in editing than teaching则更为简练,其中a much longer experience代替much more time。   现在眼睛坏了,连笔划也分辨不清了,有时候免不了还要改一些短稿,自己没法看,只能听别人念。   Now, because of my failing eyesight, I even have difficulty in identifying Chinese characters. Nevertheless, occasionally I’m still called upon to revise some short articles. Unable to see the manuscripts well, I have to rely on someone to read them out for me.   Q:「只能听别人念」该怎么翻译?   这里的意思是「只能靠别人把稿子朗读给我听」,译作I have to rely on someone to read them out for me.其中read out是成语,意为「朗读」。   「现在眼睛坏了」是指「我现在视力不断衰退」,译作because of my failing eyesight,充当原因状语。   做编辑工作是进了商务印书馆才学的。   It was not until I entered The Commercial Press that I learned how to go about editorial work.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「直到我进了商务印书馆才开始学做编辑工作」,可译作It was not until I entered The Commercial Press that I learned how to go about editorial work.其中It was not until ...that ...是一个对时间进行强调的强调结构。   记得第一次校对,我把校样读了一遍,不曾对原稿,校样上漏了一大段,我竟没有发现。   I remember how I bungled the job when I did proofreading for the first time. It happened that I read the proof sheet without checking it against the original text. Consequently I missed out a whole paragraph in proof.   Q:「记得第一次校对」这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句按照字面可译作I remember how I did proofreading for the first time,但译作I remember how I bungled the job when I did proofreading for the first time.则更符合原意。其中I bungled the job意为「把工作搞糟」,是译文中的增益成分,是为了配合上下文的需要。   一位专职校对看出来了,他用红笔在校样上批了几个字退回给我,弄得我很不好意思。   A full-time proofreader discovered it and sent the proof back to me with a comment scribbled in red ink about my mistake. I felt deeply embarrassed.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「他用红笔在校样上批了几个字退回给我」译作sent the proof back to me with a comment scribbled in red ink about my mistake,其中「批了几个字」是指指出我的错误,即with a comment ... about my mistake.   我才知道编辑不好当,丝毫马虎不得,必须认认真真一边干一边学。   I then realized that it was no easy job to be an editor and that I had to be very careful and train on the job earnestly.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我才知道编辑不好当」意即「编辑这份工作并不好做」,因此译作it was no easy job to be an editor。   「丝毫马虎不得」译作I had to be very careful,运用了「反话正译」的翻译手法。   我进商务是1923年春天,朱经农先生介绍的。朱先生当时在编辑所当国文部和史地部的主任。   I entered The Commercial Press in the spring of 1923 on the recommendation of Zhu Jingnong, who was then in charge of the Chinese as well as History and Geography Section under the Editing and Translating Department.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「朱先生当时在编辑所当国文部和史地部的主任」是对上文所提到的「朱经农先生」进行简单介绍,在翻译时可以处理为由who引导的非限制性定语从句,对前面提到的人进行补充说明,即...Zhu Jingnong, who was then in charge of the Chinese as well as History and Geography Section under the Editing and Translating Department.   我在国文部,跟顾颉刚兄一同编《新学制中学国文课本》。   At the Chinese Section where I belonged I co-compiled with Gu Xiegang New Chinese Textbook for Middle Schools.   Q:「顾颉刚兄」该怎么翻译?   此处是原文作者对于他人的尊称,翻译时为了便于国外读者理解,直接翻译人名即可,译作Gu Xiegang。   这套课本的第一册是另外几位编的,其中有周予同兄。我参与了那时候颁发的“新学制中学国文课程标准”的拟定工作。   Its first volume was jointly compiled by several other editors, among them Zhou Yutong. I took part in drafting guidelines for compiling the textbook.   Q:among them Zhou Yutong在整句话中做什么成分?   从全句来看,这一句是一个独立主格结构,其完整形式应该为Zhou Yutong was among them.这一独立主格结构是由名词+副词的形式构成的。   1927年6月,郑振铎兄去欧洲游历,我代他编《小说月报》,跟徐调孚兄合作。   In June 1927, When Zheng Zhenduo was on leave touring Europe, I acted on his behalf as editor of the magazine Fiction Monthly, with Xu Diaofu as my collaborator.   Q:「郑振铎兄去欧洲游历」这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可译作Zheng Zhenduo was on leave touring Europe,可以译作Zheng Zhenduo was absent in Europe on a tour或Zheng Zhenduo was on his European tour。   商务办了十几种杂志,除了大型的综合性的《东方杂志》人比较多,有十好几位,其余的每种杂志只有四位。   The Commercial Press then published more than ten different periodicals, of which the biggest was Eastern Magazine, a comprehensive publication with a staff of more than ten. The other magazines were each run by a staff of only four.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文中所提到的「...人比较多」和「..只有四位」都是指杂志编辑的人数,因此要译作...with a staff of more than ten,..each run by a staff of only four。   《小说月报》除了调孚兄和我,还有两位管杂务的先生。他们偶尔也看看校样,但是不能让人放心。   In addition to Xu and me, Fiction Monthly had on its staff two men in charge of sundry matters. Occasionally they also did some proofreading, but we didn’t have enough confidence in them.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   Fiction Monthly had on its staff two men in charge of sundry matters中two men in charge of sundry matters是前面的its staff的同位语,起到补充说明的作用。   「看看校样」在这里是指「做校对工作」,译作did some proofreading。   那时正是大革命之后,时代的激荡当然会在文学的领域里反映出来。   It was the post-Great Revolution days when the stirring times found expression in literature.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「那时正是大革命之后」是指「大革命之后的一段时间」,因此要译作the post-Great Revolution days,days在这里表示一段时间。   注意「时代的激荡」这一偏正短语在翻译时要译作the stirring times,重心落在「时代」二字上。   那两年里,《小说月报》上出现了许多有新意的作品,也出现了许多新的名字,最惹人注意的是茅盾、巴金和丁玲。   For two consecutive years, there appeared in Fiction Monthly a great many works full of new ideas and also a great many new names, of which the most conspicuous were Mao Dun, Ba Jin and Ding Ling.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「最惹人注意的是茅盾、巴金和丁玲」处理为前面内容的非限制性定语从句,进行补充说明,译作of which the most conspicuous were Mao Dun, Ba Jin and Ding Ling,还原为一般形式则为Of a great many new names, the most conspicuous were Mao Dun, Ba Jin and Ding Ling.   当时大家不知道茅盾就是沈雁冰兄。他过去不写小说,只介绍国外的作品和理论。   People at that time did not know that Mao Dun was the pseudonym for Shen Yanbing. He had up to then written no fiction, but articles introducing foreign literary works and theories.   Q:「当时大家不知道茅盾就是沈雁冰兄」该怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「当时大家不知道茅盾就是沈雁冰的笔名」,译作People at that time did not know that Mao Dun was the pseudonym for Shen Yanbing.   「只介绍国外的作品和理论」是指「只写介绍国外的作品和理论的文章」,译作...but articles introducing foreign literary works and theories。   巴金和丁玲两位都不相识,是以后才见面的。   I was not acquainted with Ba Jin and Ding Ling. I met them later.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文省略了主语「我」,在翻译时要将其补充出来,如「巴金和丁玲两位都不相识」意为「我当时不认识巴金和丁玲」,译作I was not acquainted with Ba Jin and Ding Ling.   等振铎兄从欧洲回来,休息了一些日子,我就把《小说月报》的工作交回给他,回到国文部编《学生国学丛书》,时间记不太准,总在1929年上半年。   After Zheng Zhenduo had taken a short rest upon his return from Europe, I gave him back my duties at Fiction Monthly and resumed my work at the Chinese Department, this time compiling Chinese National Culture Series for Students. I’m not able to recall the exact date, but I’m sure it was in the first half of 1929.   Q:「总在1929年上半年」该怎么翻译?   结合上文,这一句的意思是「我确定这个时间一定是在1929年的上半年」,译作but I’m sure it was in the first half of 1929。   到第二年下半年,我又去编《妇女杂志》,跟金仲华兄合作。   In the second half of the next year, I co-edited Women’s Magazine with Jin Zhonghua.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我又去编《妇女杂志》,跟金仲华兄合作」的意思是「我和金仲华兄合作编写《妇女杂志》」,译作I co-edited Women’s Magazine with Jin Zhonghua.这样翻译要比按照原文字面直译更为简洁地道。   1931年初,开明书店创办《中学生》杂志,过了不久,夏丏尊先生章锡琛先生要我去帮忙,我就离开了商务。我在商务当编辑一共八个年头。   Early in 1931, soon after Kaiming Bookstore started its publication of the magazine Middle School Students, Xia Mianzun and Zhang Xichen asked me to help them with editing the new magazine. So I quit The Commercial Press after being with it for eight years.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「夏丏尊先生章锡琛先生要我去帮忙」是指要我去帮他们编辑新杂志,译作asked me to help them with editing the new magazine。   商务创办于1898年,老板是几位印《圣经》发家的工人;When The Commercial Press was established in 1898, its proprietors were some ex-workers who had become rich by printing The Bible.   Q:「老板是几位印《圣经》发家的工人」该怎么翻译?   这一句译作its proprietors were some ex-workers who had become rich by printing The Bible,ex-workers是指老板曾经的身份是工人,而现在已经不是了。此外,「发家」译作become rich,即「变得富有」两年以后,维新派的知识分子参加进去,成立了编译所,一个编译、印刷、发行三者联合的文化企业就初具规模了。   Two years later, when the Editing and Translating Department was set up with the participation of reformist intellectuals, a cultural enterprise with the triple function of editing and translating, printing and publishing began to take shape.   Q:「一个编译、印刷、发行三者联合的文化企业就初具规模了」该怎么翻译?   「编译、印刷、发行三者联合的」是指这一企业具备了这三种职能,因此译作a cultural enterprise with the triple function of editing and translating, printing and publishing began to take shape,其中began to take shape对应原文中的「初具规模」,意为「开始成型」。   后来业务逐渐发展,就编译和出版的书籍杂志来说,文史哲理工医音体美,无所不包;有专门的,有通俗的,甚至有特地供家庭妇女和学前儿童阅读的。   As its business developed gradually, books and periodicals edited, translated and published by it covered all fields, such as literature, history, philosophy, science, engineering, medicine, music, physical culture, fine arts, etc. Some were specialized and some intended for general readership, and even for housewives and pre-school children.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「文史哲理工医音体美,无所不包」是指编译和出版的书籍杂志囊括了各个领域,在翻译时要交代清楚,译作books and periodicals edited, translated and published by it covered all fields, such as literature, history, philosophy, science, engineering, medicine, music, physical culture, fine arts, etc.   「有通俗的」这里是指大众都可以阅读的图书杂志,译作some intended for general readership。   此外还贩卖国外的书刊、贩卖各种文具和体育器械,还制造仪器标本和教学用品供应各级学校,甚至还摄制影片,包括科教片和故事片。   It also sold foreign books and periodicals, and various stationery and sports requisites. It also manufactured instruments, specimens and teaching aids for schools. It even produced films, including popular science and feature films.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文小句较多,在翻译时可以根据意思来断句处理,将其切分为三个句子,干脆利落,表达内容清晰,便于读者理解。   业务方面之广和服务对象之广,现在的任何一家出版社都不能和商务相比。商务的这个特点,现在不大有人说起了。   None of the present-day publishing houses can compare with it in the scope of business and number of customers. Yet people today seldom mention its outstanding features.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「业务方面之广和服务对象之广」是用来形容其业务范围和服务对象的数量,在翻译时可直接译作the scope of business and number of customers。   「商务的这个特点,现在不大有人说起了」译作Yet people today seldom mention its outstanding features.此外,还可译作Yet people today seem to have forgotten its outstanding features.这样翻译是取其深层内涵。   商务的编译所是个知识分子汇集的地方,人员最多的时候有三百多位。   The Editing and Translating Department of The Commercial Press boasted a galaxy of talent, sometimes topping 300.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以有几种不同的译法:The Editing and Translating Department of The Commercial Press was staffed by a large number of intellectuals, sometimes reaching the peak of 300./ The Editing and Translating Department of The Commercial Press had a large number of scholars in its employ, sometimes as many as 300./ The Editing and Translating Department of The Commercial Press boasted a galaxy of talent, sometimes topping 300. 其中第三种中的boast不仅有「拥有」之意,还带有「自豪」的含义;a galaxy of talent表示「人才济济」的同时,还突出人才「出色」「杰出」的意思。此外,talent也可改用复数talents,topping的意思等同于exceeding。   早期留美回来的任鸿隽、竺可桢、朱经农、吴致觉诸先生,留日回来的郑贞文、周昌寿、李石岑、何公敢诸先生,都在商务的编译所工作过。   Scholars who came to work there at different times included returned student from the US like Ren Hongjuan, Zhu Kezhen, Zhu Jingnong, Wu Zhijue, etc. and those from Japan like Zheng Zhenwen, Zhou Changshou, Li Shicen, He Gonggan, etc.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   根据上文所提到的「商务的编译所是个知识分子汇集的地方」,这里是对不同时期的在这里工作过的一些人员进行介绍,所以在翻译时可以先进行一个总体性的交代,即Scholars who came to work there at different times included...,这样可以使上下文衔接更为紧密,便于读者理解文意。   稍后创办的几家出版业如中华、世界、大东、开明,骨干大多是从商务出来的;还有许多印刷厂装订厂,情形也大多相同。   The core members of the later-established publishing houses, such as Zhonghua, Shijie, Dadong and Kaiming, were mostly former employees of The Commercial Press. The same was true of many printing houses and bookbinderies.   Q:「大多是从商务出来的」该怎么翻译?   这里的意思是「这些人大多都是商务编译所之前的员工」,译作were mostly former employees of The Commercial Press,如此翻译简洁地道,且符合原意。   可以这样说,商务为我国的出版事业,从各方面培养了大批技术力量。   It can be fitly concluded that The Commercial Press has trained a huge army of technical personnel for China’s publishing industry.   Q:「可以这样说」该怎么翻译?   「可以这样说」一般可译作It can be said that...,so to speak,you can say等等,在这里译作It can be fitly concluded that,其中conclude含有「得出结论」的意味,用在此处是对上文所述内容进行一个总结性的评价,因此比其他表达更符合原文语意。   有趣的是1949年10月新中国成立,政务院有个管出版事业的直属机构叫出版总署,胡愈老任署长,周建老和我任副署长,二十多年前在商务编译所共事的老朋友又聚在一起了。   Interestingly enough, when the General Administration of Publication was established following the birth of New China to take charge of publication directly under the Government Administration Council, Hu Yuzhi was appointed as its director and Zhou Jianren and I as its deputy directors. So the three old friends who had been colleagues over 20 years before at the Editing and Translating Department the The Commercial Press met again.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   根据原文内容,「二十多年前在商务编译所共事的老朋友又聚在一起了」之前将一件事情交代完毕,因此翻译时可以在这里进行断句,干脆利落。   根据上下文,「政务院有个管出版事业的直属机构叫出版总署」是为了强调出版总署是在当时建立的,翻译时要将这一信息呈现出来,即the General Administration of Publication was established following the birth of New China to take charge of publication directly under the Government Administration Council。   后来人民教育出版社成立,我兼任社长。   Later, I became currently director of the People’s Education Publishing House.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作Later, I became currently director of the People’s Education Publishing House.其中指示现在的时间点的currently用在过去时态中,是说明在过去的「当下」发生的事情。   1954年9月,出版总署撤销,这一摊工作并入文化部。胡愈老调到文化部,出版工作仍旧由他主管;我调到教育部,主要还是在人民教育出版社做编辑工作。   In September 1954, when the General Administration of Publication was dissolved, Hu Yuzhi was transferred to the Ministry of Culture to take charge of publication, and I was transferred to the Ministry of Education while still doing editing at the People’s Education Publishing House.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「这一摊工作并入文化部」与后面的「出版工作仍旧由他主管」语意相同,因此可以进行整合翻译,即Hu Yuzhi was transferred to the Ministry of Culture to take charge of publication。   这一二十年来,老朋友过世的不少,周建老、胡愈老和我还健在。有人说,做出版工作的人就是长寿。   During the past 20 years or so, many old friends have passed away. Zhou, Hu and I, however, are still living and enjoy good health. It is said that people in the publishing trade live longer.   Q:「健在」怎么翻译?   「健在」一词包含有两层意思,首先是「活着」,其次是「健康地」,因此在翻译时这两层语意都要体现出来,即are still living and enjoy good health。   必背词汇   bungle v.笨拙地做;失败   英义   to do sth. badly or without skill; to fail at sth.   例句   Don't let him mend your bike. He's sure to bungle the job.   别让他修理你的自行车. 他肯定会弄得一团糟的.   earnest adj.非常认真的;诚实的;真诚的英义very serious and sincere例句Despite her earnest efforts, she could not find a job.   尽管她已尽心竭力,但是仍然找不到工作。   sundry adj.杂项的   英义   (formal) various; not important enough to be named separately例句She could ring for food and drink, laundry and sundry services.   她可以打电话点餐,叫人来取要洗的衣服以及叫其他各种服务。   stirring adj.令人激情澎湃的;激动人心的英义causing strong feelings; exciting例句I doubt if his deeds would match his stirring words.   我怀疑他的行动是否会与他那激动人心的话是一致的.   conspicuous adj.易见的;明显的;惹人注意的英义easy to see or notice; likely to attract attention例句The advertisements were all posted in a conspicuous place.   广告都贴在了显眼的地方。   pseudonym n.假名;化名;笔名   英义   a name used by sb., especially a writer, instead of their real name例句She writes under a pseudonym.   她用笔名写作。   proprietor n.业主;所有人   英义   (formal) the owner of a business, a hotel, etc.   例句   He was the sole proprietor with total management control.   他是唯一业主,掌握全部管理权。   dissolve v.解除(婚姻关系);终止(商业协议);解散(议会)英义to officially end a marriage, business agreement or parliament例句The election was announced and parliament was dissolved.   宣布选举后,议会解散了。   重点表达   做编辑工作 go about editorial work   校对 do proofreading   认认真真一边干一边学 train on the job earnestly...介绍的 on the recommendation of去...游历 be on leave touring...   管杂务的 in charge of sundry matters   不能让人放心 don’t have enough confidence in时代的激荡 the stirring times不相识 be not acquainted with发家 become rich初具规模 begin to take shape知识分子汇集的地方 a galaxy of talent   大批技术力量 a huge army of technical personnel有趣的是 Interestingly enough,共事 have been colleagues over...   健在 be still living and enjoy good health??复盘测试做编辑工作校对认认真真一边干一边学...介绍的   去...游历   管杂务的   不能让人放心   时代的激荡   不相识   发家   初具规模   知识分子汇集的地方   大批技术力量   有趣的是   共事   健在   表达对比   有关「创办,开办」的不同说法   父亲30岁到40岁,领头创办县级国营黄土坡、老虎沟、马匹凹煤矿,曾任总经理...   In his 30s, he with others initiated the construction of the state-run coal mines at Huangtupo, Laohugou and Mapiwa of our county, and worked as the general manager.   商务创办于1898年,老板是几位印《圣经》发家的工人;When The Commercial Press was established in 1898, its proprietors were some ex-workers who had become rich by printing The Bible.   1931年初,开明书店创办《中学生》杂志,过了不久,...   Early in 1931, soon after Kaiming Bookstore started its publication of the magazine Middle School Students...   他创办的公司联想控股是目前中国资本主义的主要力量。   The company he founded, Legend, is now a leading force in Chinese capitalism.   李克强总理已在鼓励人们承担风险,创办企业。   Li Keqiang, the prime minister, has been trying to encourage people to take risks and start companies.   什么事不可能   Nothing Is Impossible to a Willing Mind   邹韬奋   Zou Taofen   驾雾腾云,在从前哪一个人不视为“封神传”里的“瞎三话四”?   Nobody in the past ever believed that man could fly in the air like “gods and spirits” in classical Chinese mythology.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   通读原文可知,「驾雾腾云」在这里是指「人类飞上天」,因此这一句话可以理解为「过去没有人相信有人可以像‘封神传’里的神仙一样在天上飞」,译作Nobody in the past ever believed that man could fly in the air like “gods and spirits” in classical Chinese mythology.其中like “gods and spirits” in classical Chinese mythology是根据原文内容进行的意译,《封神传》本可译作Canonization of the Gods,但在这里避而不用,改译作classical Chinese mythology(中国古代神话),便于外国读者领会。   不但在中国,就是在西洋,他们原来也有一句俗谚,遇着你说出不可能的事情,往往揶揄地说道:“你不如尝试去飞上天吧。”可见他们原来也是把“飞”视为不可能的事情。   In the West, people would say mockingly to anyone attempting the impossible, “You might just as well try to fly.” Evidently, they also disbelieved that man was capable of “flying”.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「揶揄地说道」即「带着嘲讽的语气说」,译作say mockingly。   「把‘飞’视为不可能的事情」意即「不相信人能够飞上天」,译作disbelieved that man was capable of ‘flying’。   我们试一考这件由不可能而变为可能的事情所经过的大略情形,便觉得很饶趣味。   It is very interesting to make a brief study of how man changed the impossible into the possible in the matter of flying.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「便觉得很饶趣味」属评价性的内容,翻译时可放置到开头部分,即It is very interesting to...,如此更符合英文表达习惯。   「试一考...的大略情形」意即「对...进行简要分析」,译作make a brief study of。   「这件由不可能而变为可能的事情」是指「人类将飞上天这件事情由不可能变为可能」,译作how man changed the impossible into the possible in the matter of flying。   在西洋一百二十年前已经有人在那里实验这件“瞎三话四”的事情,他们看见鸟有翼膀能飞,所以实验的时候,总在那里用尽心力于构造人工的翼膀。   Westerners began to make aviation experiments as early as 120 years ago. Ascribing a bird's flight to its wings, they concentrated their efforts on making artificial wings for man.   Q:「他们看见鸟有翼膀能飞」该怎么翻译?   这句话的意思为「他们认为鸟能飞是因为它们有翅膀」,译作Ascribing a bird's flight to its wings,若按照字面进行直译,则不符合原文语意。   「在西洋一百二十年前已经有人在那里实验这件‘瞎三话四’的事情」译作Westerners began to make aviation experiments as early as 120 years ago.其中「实验这件“瞎三话四”的事情」就是指进行飞行实验,因此译作make aviation experiments。此外,「在西洋有人...」直接译作Westerners...,简洁地道。   最初不但在实验方面屡次失败,而且被人笑为发痴,这是所谓“意中事”。   But they failed again and again in the attempt and, as was to be expected, ended up as targets of public ridicule.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「被人笑为发痴」意即「成为众人耻笑的对象」,可译作ended up as targets of public ridicule。   「这是所谓‘意中事’」意即「意料之中」,译作as was to be expected。   这几个“痴子”里面有一位叫做凯雷,在一八〇九年做一篇文章登在一家杂志上,大发挥他的精密的“痴想”,据说现在飞机里的许多机件和原理,没有一件不被他猜着的,所以现在说起飞机的发明家,有许多人推他做“鼻祖”。   Among them was a man named George Cayley, who in 1809 published an article in a journal to enlarge on his dream, reportedly foreseeing a modern aircraft in terms of its mechanism and theories. He is, therefore, today popularly known as the father of aviation.   Q:「大发挥他的精密的‘痴想’」该怎么翻译?   这一句可译作to enlarge on his dream,其中to enlarge on意为「细说」,可概括「大发挥」和「精密」的含义。   「据说现在飞机里的许多机件和原理,没有一件不被他猜着的」意思是「他当初已经预见到许多现在飞机里的机件和原理」,译作reportedly foreseeing a modern aircraft in terms of its mechanism and theories,其中reportedly以副词形式表达了动词的内涵,简洁地道,值得我们在翻译中学习借鉴。   他原是英国一位有名的哲学家,不知怎地会跳出哲学的范围,想起什么飞上天的把戏来。   Originally a famous philosopher in England, he later suddenly quit his special field to pursue his dream of flight.   Q:Originally a famous philosopher in England在译文中充当什么成分?   根据原文可知,这一句是对主语进行补充说明,因此在翻译时处理为同位于成分,在译文中被提前到开头部分,是为了强调突出,符合原文的表达意图。   他不但实行“痴想”,而且就在发表该文的第二年,竟造了一个飞机实验起来,起先上面没有什么原动机,后来竟给他配上了一个原动机。   A year afterwards, he went so far as to build a craft for experiment, which he later fitted with a motor.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「他不但实行“痴想”,而且就在发表该文的第二年,竟造了一个飞机实验起来」中许多信息在上文已经提及,在这里就不需要赘述,译作A year afterwards, he went so far as to build a craft for experiment,简洁明了交代清楚原文内容。其中went so far as to有「竟然」之意。   「起先上面没有什么原动机,后来竟给他配上了一个原动机」的语意重点在后半句,直接译出这一句即可which he later fitted with a motor。   但是他发明的飞机在实验的时候,非但飞不起来,而且炸毁得一塌糊涂,算是失败了。   Unfortunately, instead of rising into the air, it was completely wrecked by explosion.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「算是失败了」在译文中没有明确译出,但开头的Unfortunately可体现这一层语意,表达对失败的惋惜之情。   但是从此以后,便唤起若干人的注意,有的研究机件,有的研究机身,慢慢地比以前较有端倪,不可能的程度已渐渐减少。   Nevertheless, his failed venture attracted the attention of some followers. They started researches on the working parts of an aircraft and its fuselage, indicating man's slow but steady progress towards making the impossible possible.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「便唤起若干人的注意」其主语为前文提及的失败尝试,可译作his failed venture attracted the attention of some followers,与上文衔接紧密。   「慢慢地比以前较有端倪,不可能的程度已渐渐减少」意思是「将不可能变为可能的进程虽然缓慢但却在稳步推进」,译作indicating man's slow but steady progress towards making the impossible possible。   不过这还是极少数“痴子”的信心,一般人还是嗤之以鼻。   Yet the handful of “dreamers” of those days were subjected to jeers and laughter.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这句话意译为Yet the handful of “dreamers” of those days were subjected to jeers and laughter.意为「当时那些心怀飞行梦想的人饱受他人的嘲讽」,其中dreamers对应原文中的「痴子」许多“痴子”虽仍在那里继续的研究来,研究去,但是总飞不起来,一点距离都未曾飞过。   Many “dreamers” persisted in the flight research without getting their flying machines off the ground.   Q:「一点距离都未曾飞过」怎么翻译?   「一点距离都未曾飞过」意即「没有非离地面」,可译作without getting their flying machines off the ground,因这时进行试验的还不是真正意义上的飞机,译作flying machines要比直接译作airplane更为恰当。   一直到了一八九六年,有位美国物理学家叫蓝格雷造了一个飞机,才算第一次有些效验,不过这个飞机还不能在空中飞,不过在波陀马克河旁,沿着地飞了半英里左右的距离。   It was not until 1896 that a little relevant progress was made for the first time in history by an American physicist named Samuel Pierpont Langley. However, instead of rising into the air, his flying model barely moved close to the ground along the Potomac River for only about half a mile.   Q:「才算第一次有些效验」怎么翻译?   这句的意思为「取得一点与飞行相关的进步」,可译作a little relevant progress was made for the first time in history...。   同时有一位由学徒出身的在美国的英国发明家,叫做麦克沁,和还有一位发明家叫做爱德,也在那里“痴干”,改良了许多地方,但弄来弄去,还是飞不起来。   Meanwhile, an English apprentice- turned- inventor in the USA named Hiram Maxim and another inventor by the name of N. C. Ader were also obsessed with aerial experimentation and made quite a few relevant modifications. But, in spite of their repeated tries, they never got their models to take off.   Q:「由学徒出身的在美国的英国发明家」该怎么翻译?   「由学徒出身的在美国的英国发明家」译作an English apprentice- turned- inventor in the USA,其中apprentice- turned- inventor中的turned不及物动词的过去分析,在这里用作形容词。   文中的「痴干」意即「沉迷于飞行试验」,译作were also obsessed with aerial experimentation。   「弄来弄去」是指「进行反复多次试验」,译作their repeated tries。   后来爱德也在一八九六年总算造成一个飞机,能稍微离开地面飞过三百五十码的距离。   However, Ader finally built in 1896 a craft that was capable of flying at a low altitude over a distance of 350 meters.   Q:「能稍微离开地面飞过三百五十码的距离」怎么翻译?   这一句译作was capable of flying at a low altitude over a distance of 350 meters,其中「三百五十码的距离」是指垂直距离,因此要使用介词over,意为「垂直在上」同时在德国柏林也有一位工程师名叫李令索对飞机的研究也有些成绩,他实验了二千次,最后一次由十七米之高跌下来,把头颈跌断,做了科学界的“烈士”。   Then, in Berlin, Germany, an engineer named Otto Lilienthal also got some good results in aviation research. He made as many as 2,000 experiments, but, unfortunately, he died later when he fell from a height of 17 meters, breaking his spine.   Q:「把头颈跌断」该怎么翻译?   「把头颈跌断」据查证应该是指「把脊椎跌断」,译作breaking his spine,在句中作结果状语。   以上所说的实验,都还不够真正说得上一个“飞”字,可是没有先锋队的牺牲,真正的“飞”当然也无从达到。   Without the above-mentioned early trailblazers, there would be no human flight to speak of today.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   以上所说的实验,都还不够真正说得上一个‘飞’字”在上文已经多次表明,在这里可以不再译出,直接省略。   「真正的‘飞’当然也无从达到」译作there would be no human flight to speak of today,其中speak of意为「称得上」到了一九〇三年的十二月十七日,美国有一位叫赖奥维和他的弟弟赖威柏,他们不过受过中等教育,后来做机匠,不过做做寻常的脚踏车,竟对于飞机大饶兴趣,尽心研究,一跃而为发明家,At the turn of the century, an American named Orville Wright and his brother Wilbur, enamored of the flying machine, made a name for themselves overnight as aviation inventors. They were originally two bicycle mechanics with only high school education.   Q:原文中信息点众多,翻译时该怎么处理?   结合全文内容,这一句所要强调的重点是两兄弟潜心飞机研究并成为发明家,因此可以将这部分信息先译出,再将其他内容作为人物背景介绍后译出。   根据他们研究所得,算是第一次乘着飞机飞了起来,但是只飞了二百六十米的距离。   On December 17, 1903, they made the world's first flight in an engined airplane, covering a distance of no more than 260 metres.   Q:「算是第一次乘着飞机飞了起来」该怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「第一次在世界上乘机动飞机飞了起来」,译作made the world's first flight in an engined airplane或made the first flight in human history in a power-driven airplane。   一九二七年美国人林德白第一次一口气从美国纽约飞越大西洋而达法国巴黎,三十二小时飞过三千六百三十三哩,距今不到两年。   Less than two years ago, in 1927, an American named Charles A. Lindbergh made the first transatlantic solo nonstop flight from New York to Paris, covering a distance of 3,633 miles in 32 hours.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「第一次一口气从美国纽约飞越大西洋而达法国巴黎」译作made the first transatlantic solo nonstop flight from New York to Paris,其中nonstop对应原文中的「一口气」,即「不停的,不断的」赖奥维一九〇三年的飞机也还不是一蹴而成的,他们弟兄在一九〇〇年最初制成的飞机格式,原是想照放纸鸢办法,上面本预备坐一个人,但因为气力不足,只得让飞机独自飞翔,他们弟兄在一九〇一年实验用的第二个飞机,要载人上飞还是不行,若在地上沿地拖着飞,可以一口气飞二十七哩,在水面可一口气驶三百呎,Orville's 1903 plane was something he accomplished after going through numerous setbacks.In 1900, the Wright brothers made their first glider patterned after a paper kite, but it lacked the power to carry a person. Their second glider, made in 1901, also failed, but the manned machine could move nonstop for 27 miles on the ground, and for 300 feet on the surface of water.   Q:「不是一蹴而成」该怎么翻译?   在遇到成语翻译时,我们首先要考虑在英文中有没有相对应的表达,若没有,那就需要采取意译,将其核心意思译出。如这里的「一蹴而成」的否定形式可译作accomplished after going through numerous setbacks。   「上面本预备坐一个人,但因为气力不足,只得让飞机独自飞翔」译作it lacked the power to carry a person,直接译出其核心意思,即「这一飞机因气力不足无法载人」他们弟兄在一九〇三年,替航空事业开新纪元用的飞机,上面装有汽油原动机,其构造比之现在的飞机当然粗率得很,在当时则已经是空前的完备(该机现在英国伦敦科学博物院陈列)。   However, their airplane of 1903, fitted with a gasoline engine, was a success ushering in a new era for aeronautics. Compared with today's plane, it was of course very crude, but regarded then as a perfect model. And it is now on exhibition at the Science Museum in London, England.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「他们弟兄在一九〇三年,替航空事业开新纪元用的飞机,上面装有汽油原动机」中较为重点的信息点为「替航空事业开新纪元」,而「上面装有汽油原动机」是重点信息,在翻译时要处理为不同主次成分。译作their airplane of 1903, fitted with a gasoline engine, was a success ushering in a new era for aeronautics.其中was a success...是根据原文语意进行的补充。   赖威柏已于一九一二年逝世,赖奥维尚健在,已经五十八岁了。自他成功以后,从前似乎不可能的“飞”,已成为无疑的可能的事情了。   Wilbur died in 1912. Orville is now 58. Their success indicates that human flying, impossible in the past, has now become perfectly possible.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「自他成功以后,从前似乎不可能的“飞”,已成为无疑的可能的事情了」意思是「他们的成功证明了以前不可能的人类飞行,现在完全可能实现了」译作Their success indicates that human flying, impossible in the past, has now become perfectly possible.   天下事只要人努力去干,什么事不可能?但是我们对此问题至少还有下列两个更为明确的要点。   Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. Now, however, I would like to call your attention to two vital points as follows:   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「天下事只要人努力去干,什么事不可能?」译作Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.这一句的意思等同于Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成),是英语谚语,因酷似原文,故不妨借用在此处。   「但是我们对此问题至少还有下列两个更为明确的要点」意思是「对此我还有两点需要提醒你注意」,译作I would like to call your attention to two vital points as follows。   事业愈大则困难亦愈甚,抵抗困难的时期也随之俱长,有的尽我们的一生尚不能目见其成者,我们若能尽其中一段的工夫,替后人开辟一段道路,或长或短,即是贡献。   The greater an undertaking, the more difficult it is, and the longer it will take to accomplish it. Sometimes it can't be accomplished even after a lifetime of effort. But it will nevertheless be a contribution of ours if we can devote part of our lifetime to opening up a way, long or short, for the future generations.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「事业愈大则困难亦愈甚,抵抗困难的时期也随之俱长」含有明显的「越...,就越...」的语意,可译作The greater an undertaking, the more difficult it is, and the longer it will take to accomplish it.其中「抵抗困难的时期也随之俱长」意为「实现这一事业所需的时间就越长」??「我们若能尽其中一段的工夫,替后人开辟一段道路,或长或短,即是贡献」的意思是「如果我们可以用我们一生中的一段时间为后人开辟一段道路,那么这也算是一种贡献」,译作But it will nevertheless be a contribution of ours if we can devote part of our lifetime to opening up a way, long or short, for the future generations.其中nevertheless是增益成分,有加强语气的效果。   有所成功以备后人参考,固是贡献;即因尝试而失败,使后人有所借镜,亦是贡献。所以能向前努力者,无论成败,都有贡献。   The same is true if what little we have done serves as a good example to them, or if our fruitless efforts serve as a useful lesson to them. Therefore, succeed or fail, one is considered to have made a contribution so long as he has tried his utmost.   Q:原文中出现与上文「即是贡献」语意相同的「固是贡献」和「亦是贡献」该怎么处理?   因上文已经提到it will nevertheless be a contribution of ours,在这一句中为避免重复,尽量不要再次使用同样的方式来表达,可译作The same is true if...,即「...也是如此」,如此表达既可避免重复,也显地道。   「尝试而失败」译作fruitless efforts,也可译作failed ventures/endeavors/tries。   「所以能向前努力者,无论成败,都有贡献。」译作Therefore, succeed or fail, one is considered to have made a contribution so long as he has tried his utmost.其中so long as he has tried his utmost是根据原文语意进行的内容补充。此外,「无论成败」在这里译作succeed or fail,也可译作succeed or not,在句中作状语。   最无丝毫贡献者是不干,怕失败而不敢干,或半途遇着困难即不愿干。   Those who refuse to act, those who are afraid to act for fear of failure and those who stop half way in the face of obstacles will have nothing to their credit at all.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句在翻译时进行了意译,「最无丝毫贡献」理解为「没有什么可值得赞扬的」,译作will have nothing to their credit at all,其中习语to one’s credit意为「使值得赞扬,使受尊重」??「半途遇着困难即不愿干」意为「遇到困难后就半途而废」,译作stop half way in the face of obstacles。   林德白可以三十二小时一直不停的飞渡万余里,在最初发明者横弄竖弄,竟飞不起来,至赖奥维算是成功了,也不过飞渡二百六十米。   Before Lindberg made the solo nonstop transatlantic flight of 32 hours, early aviation experimenters had failed again and again to get their flying models off the ground until the Wright brothers succeeded in building a piloted airplane that could fly over a distance of no more than 260 meters.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句中的信息间暗含着时间逻辑关系,在翻译时需要增加必要的介词来体现其关系,如「林德白可以三十二小时一直不停的飞渡万余里,在最初发明者横弄竖弄,竟飞不起来」可以理解为「在林德白可以三十二小时一直不停的飞渡万余里之前,最初发明者横弄竖弄,竟飞不起来」,译作Before Lindberg made the solo nonstop transatlantic flight of 32 hours, early aviation experimenters had failed again and again to get their flying models off the ground。   可见从不可能达到可能的境域,不是由这一点到那一点的那样简单。   It is thus clear that changing the impossible into the possible is no simple or easy matter.   Q:「不是由这一点到那一点的那样简单」该怎么翻译?   这一句在翻译时提取其核心意思即可,「不简单、不轻松」,译作...is no simple or easy matter。   必须经过许多麻烦,经过许多失败,经过许多时间,经过许多筹划,经过许多手续,经过许多改进,若是性急朋友,老早丢了哪有成功的可能?   To attain it, you need to endure numerous troubles and frustrations. You need to take much time, do a lot of planning, go through countless procedures and carry out many improvements. And you'll never make it unless you show the utmost patience.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   结合上文可知,这一句暗含一个条件状语「要想实现从不可能到可能」,译作To attain it,其中it指代上文的changing the impossible into the possible。   「若是性急朋友,老早丢了哪有成功的可能」意为「要想成功就必须要有耐心」,译作you'll never make it unless you show the utmost patience。   所以昔贤告诉我们说“欲速则不达”。   As the ancient Chinese saying goes, “Haste does not bring success.”   Q:「欲速则不达」该怎么翻译?   「欲速则不达」是中国谚语,可直译为Haste does not bring success.如果借用英国谚语More haste, less speed.也并为不可,但既然原文说这句话是出自我国「昔贤」,还是直译可取,这是出于照顾民族色彩的考虑。   必背词汇   ascribe v.认为是…的特点;认为…具有   英义   If you ascribe a quality to someone, you consider that they possess it.   例句   We do not ascribe a superior wisdom to government or the state.   我们并不认为政府或是国家有超凡的智慧。   ridicule v.嘲笑;奚落;讥笑   英义   unkind comments that make fun of sb/sth or make them look silly例句She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers.   她是小报讥笑讽刺的对象。   wreck v.破坏;损坏;毁坏   英义   to damage or destroy sth   例句   The building had been wrecked by the explosion.   那座楼房被炸毁了。   fuselage n.(飞机的)机身   英义   the main part of an aircraft in which passengers and goods are carried例句Some oscillation of the fuselage had been noticed on early flights.   在之前的几次飞行中,就已经察觉到机身有些摇晃。   jeers v.嘲笑,嘲弄,讥讽,奚落(的言语)英义a rude remark that sb shouts at sb else to show that they do not respect or like them例句He walked on to the stage to be greeted with jeers and whistles.   他登上舞台,结果迎来阵阵嘲笑和口哨嘘声。   trailblazer n.创始人;先驱;拓荒者;开路先锋英义a person who is the first to do or discover sth and so makes it possible for others to follow例句He has been the trailblazer and given British sprinters the belief that we are able to take on and beat the world's best.   他一直是开路先锋,让英国短跑选手相信我们能与世界上最好的运动员一决高下,并且击败他们。   enamor v.使倾心;使迷恋   英义   to inspire with love; captive; charm   例句   I became totally enamored of the wildflowers there.   我特别喜欢那里的野花。   重点表达   揶揄地说 say mockingly   对于...大饶兴趣 be enamored of   一跃而为 made a name for oneself overnight as中等教育 high school education开新纪元 usher in a new era for使...有所借镜 serve as a useful lesson to欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success.   驾雾腾云 fly in the air   一考...的大略情形 make a brief study of   用尽心力于 concentrate one’s efforts on   大发挥 enlarge on   被嗤之以鼻 be subjected to jeers and laughter??复盘测试驾雾腾云一考...的大略情形用尽心力于大发挥   被嗤之以鼻   揶揄地说   对于...大饶兴趣   一跃而为   中等教育   开新纪元   使...有所借镜   欲速则不达   表达对比   有关「嗤之以鼻」的不同说法   这条路对那些站在中国“左派”的人来说太过了,他们对西方嗤之以鼻,并坚持党对垄断统治的所有权。   Such a path would be too much for those on the Chinese “left”, who look scornfully at the West and insist on the Communist Party’s claim...   因此,在美国大选巡回宣传途中,左派攻击米特?罗姆尼,认为他是一个敛财大亨;而右派对巴拉克?奥巴马嗤之以鼻,认为他是一个阶级斗士。   Thus, on America’s campaign trail, the left attacks Mitt Romney as a robber baron and the right derides Barack Obama as a class warrior.   但19世纪前,所有教派人士都对他的观点嗤之以鼻。直到十九世纪后,美国新教摩门教接受了这一观点。   But the idea was abhorrent to all denominations until the 19th century, when the new American religion of Mormonism adopted it.   有观点认为“云”将令整个商用软件行业受制于甲骨文以及该公司位于德国的服务器访问点。长期以来,埃里森对此说法一直嗤之以鼻。   For a long time, Oracle’s Mr Ellison pooh-poohed the notion that the cloud would transform the industry dominated by his firm and SAP of Germany.   那些对“转基因”食物嗤之以鼻的人很少想到,其实所有的农作物都是经过基因改造的。   Those who turn their noses up at “genetically modified” food seldom seem to consider that all crops are genetically modified.   他回忆,2009 年金融危机发生前不久,一位俄罗斯官员对中国所谓的现代化嗤之以鼻,斥之为弄虚作假的面子工程,认为中国庞大的 GDP 反映出「成百上千万的穷人愿为一碗饭出卖劳动力」。   He recalls a Russian official, just before the financial crisis in 2009, scoffing at China’s supposed modernity, calling it a Potemkin village whose big GDP reflected “millions of poor people who will work for a bowl of rice”.   不过这还是极少数“痴子”的信心,一般人还是嗤之以鼻。   Yet the handful of “dreamers” of those days were subjected to jeers and laughter.   说开卷有益   On "Reading Is Always Beneficial"   郁达夫   Yu Dafu   开卷有益,是古人奖励读书的一句成语。   "Reading is always beneficial" is an old idiom first used by our ancients to urge people to do more reading.   Q:「开卷有益」该怎么翻译?   「开卷有益」可按照原文字面直译为Open a book, and you will be benefited.但不如Reading is always beneficial.更为简洁明快。   「奖励读书」实际是指「鼓励读书」,译作to urge people to do more reading。   从前读到一册坏书,读后每觉得为古人所欺;现在多了一点智识,反过来又觉得古人的不欺我了。   I used to blame the ancients for misleading me whenever I finished reading a bad book. Now I know better than to do that.   Q:「为古人所欺」该怎么翻译?   「为古人所欺」意即「被古人愚弄或欺骗」,在这里按照「被古人误导」理解,意译作misleading me。   「现在多了一点智识,反过来又觉得古人的不欺我了」译作Now I know better than to do that.其中know better than是英语习惯搭配,意为「明事理而不至于...」,或「有头脑而不至于...」。此外,to do that是指to blame the ancients for misleading me。   总之,好书读了,原有所得,就是可以知道它的好处在哪里。   Of course we profit from a good book because, by reading it, we know why it is good.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句的意思为「好书读了让我们觉得有所收获的原因是我们知道它的好处在哪里」,其中「有所得」译作profit from。   可是坏书读了,而知道它的坏的原因与地方,岂不也是一得?   But, on the other hand, after reading a bad book, we know all the whys and wherefores of its being bad. Isn't that something of benefit to us too?   Q:「知道它的坏的原因与地方」该怎么翻译?   这一句可译作to know why it is bad and what makes it so bad,但却不如know all the whys and wherefores of its being bad晓达可诵,其中the whys and wherefores是成语,作「原因和理由」解。   从前孔子说的“三人行,必有我师”之意,也不一定是从正的一方面着想,反过来在负的一方面,也何尝不可以为鉴戒。   Confucius says, "When three walk together, there must be one who can be my teacher." However, it doesn't necessarily follow that one of the three is always a teacher by positive example; on the contrary, he could be a teacher by negative example for us to take warning from.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「也不一定是从正的一方面着想,反过来在负的一方面」的意思是「不一定只能做好的榜样,也可以做反面教材」,因此译作it doesn't necessarily follow that one of the three is always a teacher by positive example; on the contrary, he could be a teacher by negative example。   「可以为鉴戒」意为「可作为教训」或「可以使人警惕」,在这里译作for us to take warning from,也可译作to serve as a warning。   因此,从前是非有定评之书不读的,现在却马勃牛溲了,一例的都想看看了,这大约总也是一种进步的现象。   Therefore, that people nowadays have taken to reading whatever books they like, trashy or not, including those already generally judged to be good or bad, is probably an indication of social progress.   Q:「马勃牛溲」该怎么翻译?   「马勃牛溲」的「马勃」是一种菌类,「牛溲」则意同「牛尿」,比喻无用之物。因此,「现在却马勃牛溲了,一例的都想看看了」可以理解为「现在不管书的好歹,什么都想读了」,译作have taken to reading whatever books they like, trashy or not...。   「一种进步的现象」并未按照字面译作a phenomenon of progress,在这里按照「表示一种社会进步」来进行意译,即an indication of social progress。   必背词汇   trashy adj.蹩脚的;无价值的   英义   (informal) of poor quality; with no value例句I was reading some trashy romance novel.   我正在读一本写得很烂的言情小说。   重点表达   开卷有益 Reading is always beneficial.   有所得 profit from   ...的原因 all the whys and wherefores of   以...为鉴戒 take warning from   复盘测试   开卷有益   有所得   ...的原因   以...为鉴戒   表达对比   有关「有所收获、受益」的不同说法   凡事从好处想,这种能耐,在现实生活中,确能使人受益无穷。   The attitude of always looking on the bright side of things will definitely be of inestimable benefit to us in our real life.   这也符合政府的意愿。银行和保险公司占了市值的15%,股市的小幅上扬,都将使他们受益匪浅。   It wants to. Banks and insurance firms own 15% of the market by value; giving the market a lift would be a big fillip for them.   今天,几乎所有美国人都因当年的移民政策而受益...   Almost all Americans today are beneficiaries of a policy that...   但它让大学更好了,这让学生受益匪浅...   but it has improved the university, much to our students’ benefit...   总之,好书读了,原有所得,就是可以知道它的好处在哪里。   Of course we profit from a good book because, by reading it, we know why it is good.   狗   The Dog   老舍   Lao She   中国狗恐怕是世界上最可怜最难看的狗。   Of all dogs in the world, those in China are perhaps the most pitiful and ugly-looking.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「狗」在原文中出现两次,在翻译时无需重复译出,理解为「中国狗恐怕在世界上是最可怜最难看的」,在它第二次出现时直接用those替代即可。   此处之“难看”并不指狗种而言,而是与“可怜”密切相关。   But it is their wretched life rather than their breed that is to blame for their ugliness.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   为加强语气,这一句翻译时用到了强调句型It is ... that ...。去掉这一句型后,这一句可以表达为rather than their breed,their wretched life is to blame for their ugliness.其中原文的「可怜」理解为「悲惨的生活」,译作their wretched life。   无论狗的模样身材如何,只要喂养得好,它便会长得肥肥胖胖的,看着顺眼。   All dogs, if well-fed, will be plump and nice-looking irrespective of their bodily form.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「只要喂养得好」在这里可以视为一个条件,翻译时处理为条件状语,即if well-fed,完整形式为if they are well-fed。   「看着顺眼」理解为「相貌好看的」,译作nice-looking,与上文的ugly-looking相对。   中国人穷。人且吃不饱,狗就更提不到了。   In poverty-stricken China, people don’t even have enough to feed themselves, let alone dogs.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「在贫穷的中国,人都吃不饱,更别提狗了」,译作In poverty-stricken China, people don’t even have enough to feed themselves, let alone dogs.其中let alone是成语,意为「更别提」「更不必说」,意思等同于much less。   因此,中国狗最难看;不是因为它长得不体面,而是因为它骨瘦如柴,终年夹着尾巴。   Chinese dogs are ugly-looking not because they are born like that, but because they’ve been reduced to skin and bones by hunger, with tails between their legs all the year round.   Q:「因为它骨瘦如柴,终年夹着尾巴」怎么翻译?   「因为它骨瘦如柴,终年夹着尾巴」译作but because they’ve been reduced to skin and bones by hunger, with tails between their legs all the year round,也可以译作but because they’ve been reduced to skin and bones by hunger, dragging out a miserable existence with tails between their legs,其中by hunger和dragging out a miserable existence是译文中的增益成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。   每逢我看见被遗弃的小野狗在街上寻找粪吃,我便要落泪。   I always feel like crying whenever I see a homeless little dog roaming about the street in search of human excrement.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我便要落泪」译作I always feel like crying,意为「想要哭」,表达一种倾向。   我并非是爱作伤感的人,动不动就要哭一鼻子。   It doesn’t mean that I’m a sentimental, lachrymose sort.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作It doesn’t mean that I’m a sentimental, lachrymose sort.其中lachrymose意为「爱哭的」;sort的意思是「一类人」,等于sort of person。此句也可译作It doesn’t mean that I’m a sentimental sort easily moved to tears.   我看见小狗的可怜,也就是感到人民的贫穷。   It’s because I associate the misery of the little dog with the poverty of our people.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「我将小狗的可怜与人民的贫穷联系了起来」,译作It’s because I associate the misery of the little dog with the poverty of our people.其中「It’s because...」是为了与上文进行衔接,解释上文的「我并非是爱作伤感的人,动不动就要哭一鼻子」民富而后猫狗肥。   Our cats and dogs will never get nice fat unless our people are well-off.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作Our cats and dogs will never get nice fat unless our people are well-off.用到了「正话反译」的翻译手法,要比直接翻译更具表达效果。   此外,译文中的nice在这里作副词,修饰fat,作「讨人喜欢」pleasingly解,是译文中的增益成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。   中国人动不动就说:我们地大物博。那也就是说,我们不用着急呀,我们有的是东西,永远吃不完喝不尽哪!   We are apt to declare that ours is a big country with rich natural resources, meaning that there is no need for us to worry because we have plenty of everything to last us forever and ever.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我们地大物博」意思是「我们国家地大物博」,译作ours is a big country with rich natural resources,其中ours指代our country。   「永远吃不完喝不尽哪」意思是「够我们永远用下去」,译作last us forever and ever,其中forever and ever意为「永远地」哼,请看看你们的狗吧!   Well, why not take a look at our dogs!   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以与上文联系起来理解,即「既然说我们地大物博,那怎么不看看我们的狗呢」,译作Well, why not take a look at our dogs!。   还有:狗虽那么摸不着吃,那么随便就被人踢两脚,打两棍,可是它们还照旧的替人们服务。   Dogs always remain man’s faithful servants though they are underfed and kicked and beaten without any reason.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「狗虽那么摸不着吃,那么随便就被人踢两脚,打两棍」译作though they are underfed and kicked and beaten without any reason,以让步状语从句的形式呈现,有加强语气的效果。   「它们还照旧的替人们服务」译作Dogs always remain man’s faithful servants,用名词形式来表达动词含意。   尽管它们饿成皮包着骨,尽管它们刚被主人踹了两脚,它们还是极忠诚的去尽看门守夜的责任。狗永远不嫌主人穷。   A dog continues to perform with loyal devotion the duty of guarding the door and keeping watch at night though he has been starved to a skeleton and kicked at by his master. He never minds how poor his master is.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「饿成皮包着骨」译作starved to a skeleton,和reduced to skin and bones by hunger同义。   「狗永远不嫌主人穷」译作He never minds how poor his master is.使用How+adj.+主语+be动词有增强语气的效果。还可译作He never complains of his master being so poor.   这样的动物理应得到人们的赞美,而忠诚、义气、安贫、勇敢,等等好字眼都该归之于狗。   Such an animal deserves our high praise. We should attribute to them such laudatory epithets as “devotion”, “loyalty”, “content with poverty”, “courage”, etc.   Q:「这样的动物理应得到人们的赞美」该怎么翻译?   这句话可译作Such an animal deserves our high praise.或An animal like this ought to earn out high commendation.   「安贫」意为「甘于贫穷」,译作content with poverty可是,我不晓得为什么中国人不分黑白的把汉奸与小人叫作走狗,倒仿佛狗是不忠诚不义气的动物。   But I wonder why we have been undiscriminatingly calling traitors and villains “running dogs”, as if dogs were disloyal and unfaithful animals.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「不分黑白」在这里译作undiscriminatingly,是由动词discriminate添加前缀和后缀变形而来的,意为「不加区别地」我为狗喊冤叫屈!   I should voice grievances for them!   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可译作I should voice grievances for them!,或译作I should cry out against such injustice on behalf of them.   猫才是好吃懒作,有肉即来,无食即去的东西。   Cats, however, are greedy and lazy. They come to you when you have meat to offer, but otherwise leave you.   Q:「有肉即来,无食即去的东西」该怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「当你有肉给它们吃的时候,猫才来到你的身边,否则就离你而去」,可译作They come to you when you have meat to offer, but otherwise leave you.   洋奴与小人理应被叫作“走猫”。   Flunkeys of imperialism and mean persons should have been called “running cats”.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作Flunkeys of imperialism and mean persons should have been called “running cats”.其中should have been done表达了「本应该...事实上却未...」,带有虚拟语气。此外「洋奴」译作Flunkeys of imperialism,意为「帝国主义的走狗、奴才」或者是因为狗的脾气好,不像猫那样傲慢,所以中国人不说“走猫”而说“走狗”?   Perhaps the reason why we prefer to say “running dogs” rather than “running cats” is that dogs are good-tempered while cats are supercilious.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句原文是以问句形式呈现的,其实际含义为「中国人之所以不说‘走猫’而说‘走狗’,是因为...」,因此译作the reason why we prefer to say “running dogs” rather than “running cats” is that dogs are good-tempered while cats are supercilious.   假若真是那样,我就又觉得人们未免有点“软的欺,硬的怕”了!   If so, I would think that people are perhaps inclined to bully the weak and fear the strong.   Q:「人们未免有点‘软的欺,硬的怕’了」怎么翻译?   这一句可译作people are perhaps inclined to bully the weak and fear the strong,也可译作people are perhaps prejudiced against the weak but in favor of the strong。   不过,也许有一种狗,学名叫作“走狗”;那我还不大清楚。   Maybe there is a kind of dog whose scientific name is “running dog”. I’m not quite sure.   Q:「学名」怎么翻译?   「学名」是指科学上的专门名称,译作scientific name。   必背词汇   wretched adj.可怜的;悲惨的   英义   (formal) making you feel sympathy or pity例句She finally agreed to have the wretched animal put down.   她最后同意用药结束这头可怜的动物的生命。   lachrymose adj.爱哭的;爱流泪的   英义   (formal) having a tendency to cry easily   例句   the tears of lachrymose mourners.   送葬者那止不住的泪水   underfed adj.食物不足的;没吃饱的   英义   having had too little food to eat   例句   Kate still looks pale and underfed.   凯特看上去仍旧面色苍白、营养不良。   laudatory adj.称赞的;赞美的;颂扬的英义(formal) expressing praise or admiration例句Beth spoke of Dr. Hammer in laudatory terms.   贝丝谈及哈默医生时赞不绝口。   epithet n.(尤用于褒贬人或事物特征或性质的)表述形容词,修饰语英义an adjective or phrase that is used to describe sb./sth's character or most important quality, especially in order to give praise or criticism例句The film is long and dramatic but does not quite earn the epithet ‘epic ’.   这部影片篇幅长,戏剧性强,不过还不能誉为“史诗”。   traitor n.背叛者;叛徒;卖国贼   英义   a person who gives away secrets about their friends, their country, etc.   例句   He was seen as a traitor to the socialist cause.   他被视为社会主义事业的叛徒。   voice v.表示,表达,吐露(感情或意见)英义to tell people your feelings or opinions about sth.   例句   A number of parents have voiced concern about their children's safety.   一些家长对他们子女的安全表示了担心。   flunkey n. 阿谀奉承者;势利小人;马屁精英义a person who tries to please sb. who is important and powerful by doing small jobs for them例句Flunkeys of imperialism and mean persons should have been called “running cats”.   洋奴与小人理应被叫作“走猫”。   supercilious adj.傲慢的;高傲的   英义   behaving towards other people as if you think you are better than they are例句His manner is supercilious and arrogant.   他非常傲慢自大。   重点表达   无论irrespective of   难看 ugly-looking   看着顺眼 nice-looking   更提不到 let alone   穷 poverty-stricken   骨瘦如柴 reduced to skin and bones by hunger夹着尾巴 with tails between their legs动不动就要哭一鼻子 be a lachrymose sort/easily moved to tears地大物博 a big ... with rich natural resources...永远吃不完喝不尽 have plenty of everything to last sb. forever and ever摸不着吃 be underfed饿成皮包着骨 starved to a skeleton极忠诚的 with loyal devotion尽...的责任 perform the duty of安贫 content with poverty   好字眼 laudatory epithets   得到赞美 earn out high commendation   不分黑白的 undiscriminatingly   走狗 running dogs   喊冤叫屈 voice grievances for/cry out against the injustice on behalf of洋奴 flunkeys of imperialism软的欺,硬的怕 bully the weak and fear the strong/be prejudiced against the weak but in favor of the strong学名 scientific name复盘测试无论难看看着顺眼   更提不到   穷   骨瘦如柴   夹着尾巴   动不动就要哭一鼻子   地大物博   ...永远吃不完喝不尽   摸不着吃   饿成皮包着骨   极忠诚的   尽...的责任   安贫   好字眼   得到赞美   不分黑白的   走狗   喊冤叫屈   洋奴   软的欺,硬的怕   学名   表达对比   有关「无论」的不同说法   无论狗的模样身材如何,只要喂养得好,它便会长得肥肥胖胖的,看着顺眼。   All dogs, if well-fed, will be plump and nice-looking irrespective of their bodily form.   无论天意也好,人意也罢,总是有缘。   Be it heavenly or human, the arrangement is a welcome one.   人无论多么复杂,都是一个有限系统,而认识的对象——世界,却是一个无线系统,No matter how complicated a human is as a system, it is a limited one compared with the unlimited world that he tries to understand.   我无论在上课,吃饭,行坐,睡眠的时候,总是想着他。   Whether in class or at table, walking or sitting, asleep or awake, I can never banish him from my mind.   记萨镇冰先生   A Profile of Sa Zhenbing   冰心   Bing Xin   萨镇冰先生,永远是我崇拜的对象,从六七岁的时候,我就常常听见父亲说:“中国海军的模范军人,萨镇冰一人而已。”   I'll always hold Mr. Sa Zhenbing in high esteem. When I was six or seven, I often heard my father say, “Of all personnel in the Chinese Navy, Sa Zhenbing is the only one deserving the title of model officer.”   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「中国海军的模范军人,萨镇冰一人而已」可以理解为「在中国海军中,只有萨镇冰称得上是模范军人」,译作Of all personnel in the Chinese Navy, Sa Zhenbing is the only one deserving the title of model officer.   「是我崇拜的对象」译作hold Mr. Sa Zhenbing in high esteem,要比直接译作the people I admire most所表达的语意更加丰富。   从那时起,我总是注意听受他的一言一行,我所耳闻目见的关于他的一切,无不加增我对他的敬慕。   Since then, whatever Mr. Sa says or does has held my respectful attention and added to my admiration for him.   Q:「我总是注意听受他的一言一行」怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「萨先生的一言一行都可以引起我的关注」,译作whatever Mr. Sa says or does has held my respectful attention,其中respectful用在此处是表达「恭敬」的内涵,比译作...has held much of my attention更为确切。   时至今日,虽然有许多儿时敬仰的人物,使我灰心,使我失望,而每一想到他,就保留了我对于人类的信心,鼓励了我向上生活的勇气。   Many people whom I used to look up to in my childhood have turned out to be very disappointing. Now the thought of Mr. Sa, however, has enabled me to retain confidence in mankind and forge ahead with renewed courage.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「虽然有许多儿时敬仰的人物,使我灰心,使我失望」的意思是「许多我儿时敬仰的人物到后来都让我失望了」,译作Many people whom I used to look up to in my childhood have turned out to be very disappointing.其中turned out to be含有「结果是...」的意味。   根据前文,「鼓励了我向上生活的勇气」含有「使我重拾勇气」之意,译作forge ahead with renewed courage。   底下所记的关于萨先生的嘉言懿行,大半是从父亲谈话中得来的。   Here I'm going to write about his fine words and deeds as I've mostly learned from my father.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「底下所记的」意即「即将要写到的」,译作I'm going to write about...   「大半是从父亲谈话中得来的」是对前面内容的补充说明,翻译时可处理为定语从句,译作as I've mostly learned from my father。   事实的年月,我只约略推算,将来对于他的生平材料搜集得比较完全时,我想再详细的替他写一本传记。   I'm unable to recall the exact dates. I intend some day to write a biography of him when I've collected sufficient material about his life.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「事实的年月,我只约略推算」意即「事件发生的确切日期我并不记得了」,译作I'm unable to recall the exact dates.   「将来对于他的生平材料搜集得比较完全时」译作when I've collected sufficient material about his life,这里使用现在完成时态来表达将来的语意。   在此我感谢我的父亲,他知道往青年人脑里灌注的,应当是哪一种的印象。   Now gratitude is due to my father, who has tried to inculcate only the best example into a young mind.   Q:「他知道往青年人脑里灌注的,应当是哪一种的印象」该怎么翻译?   这一句可以不按照原文字面翻译,可以灵活处理为...my father, who has tried to inculcate only the best example into a young mind(父亲总用最好的榜样教育年轻的我),其中to inculcate意为「谆谆教诲」「灌输」海军上将萨镇冰先生,大名是鼎铭,福建闽侯人,一八六〇年生,十二岁入福州马尾船政学校,作第二班学生。十七八岁出洋,入英国格林海军大学,回国后在天津管轮学堂任正教习。   Admiral Sa Zhenbing, whose formal name is Ding Ming, was born in Minhou County, Fujian Province, in 1860. He enrolled at Fuzhou Mawei Naval Academy at the age of 12, among its second batch of cadets, and then entered Greenwich College in England at the age of 18. After he came back from abroad, he served as an instructor at the Academy of Marine Engineering in Tianjin.   Q:「大名」怎么翻译?   「大名」属于一种通俗说法,意为「正式名字」,译作formal name。   「作第二班学生」意即「是第二批学员中的一员」,译作among its second batch of cadets,其中cadets意为「陆海军官学校的学员」,要比直接译作students更为具体准确。   「任正教习」意即「担任教员」,译作served as an instructor。   那时父亲是天津水师学堂驾驶班的学生,自此和他相识。   It happened that my father was then receiving training in navigation at Tianjin Naval Academy. That's how they got acquainted.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「那时父亲是天津水师学堂驾驶班的学生」意思是「那是我父亲刚好在天津水师学堂驾驶班学习」,译作It happened that my father was then receiving training in navigation at Tianjin Naval Academy.其中It happened that有「碰巧,刚好」之意,符合原文语意。   在管轮学堂时候,他的卧室里用的是特制的一张又仄又小的木床,和船上的床铺相似,他的理由是,“军人是不能贪图安逸的,在岸上也应当和在海上一样。”   While at the Academy of Marine Engineering, Mr. Sa slept on a specially made narrow, small plank bed like in a ship. He said, “We soldiers shouldn't seek ease and comfort. Our life on sea or shore should be alike.”   Q:「特制的一张又仄又小的木床,和船上的床铺相似」怎么翻译?   在这里名词「木床」有多个限定成分,译作a specially made narrow, small plank bed like in a ship,其中后半句的「和船上的床铺相似」直接译作状语形式,要比译作从句形式更显简洁。   他授课最认真,对于功课好的学生,常以私物奖赏,如时表之类,有的时候,小的贵重点的物品用完了,连自己屋里的藤椅,也搬了去。   He worked conscientiously as an instructor. He would often award to good cadets his personal belongings, such as his watch, or even his cane chair when he had nothing valuable to spare.   Q:「有的时候」该怎么翻译?   结合原文内容,「有的时候」在这里是为了提示一种极端情况,因此在翻译时可不按照原文字面译出。   课外常常教学生用锹铲在操场上挖筑炮台。那时管轮学堂在南边,水师学堂在北边,当中隔个操场。   Outside class, he would often teach cadets how to dig out gun emplacements on the drill ground with spades and shovels. The Marine Engineering Academy was situated on the south and the Navel Academy on the north, with the drill ground in-between.   Q:译文中出现两次with结构,它们的用法有何不同?   在with spades and shovels中,with做介词,表示「使用」;在with the drill ground in-between中,with仍然是介词,但这里是一个由with引导的独立主格结构,with可省略。   学堂总办吴中翔住在水师学堂。吴总办是文人,不大喜欢学生做“粗事”。   President of the Marine Engineering Academy Wu Zhongxiang, who happened to live in the Navel Academy, disapproved of cadets doing rough work, being himself a bookish type.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「学堂总办」即为现在的校长,译作president。   「吴总办是文人」译作being himself a bookish type,其中type理解为「具有某种特点的人」,所以a bookish type的意思是「书生气十足的人」「斯斯文文的人」所以在学生们踊跃动手,锹铲齐下的时候,萨先生总在操场边替他们巡风,以备吴总办的突来视察。   So, when the cadets were in the middle of wielding their spades and shovels, Mr. Sa would stand at the side of the drill ground to keep watch lest President Wu should crop up making his rounds.   Q:「以备吴总办的突来视察」怎么翻译?   这一句可译作lest President Wu should crop up making his rounds,需要注意lest引导的从句中通常使用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。此外,making his rounds意为「巡视」父亲和萨先生相熟,是从同在“海圻”军舰服务时起,那时他是海军副统领,兼“海圻”船主,父亲是副船主。   Father and Mr. Sa began to know each other better when they both served on the warship Hai Yin around 1900. Mr. Sa was then Deputy Navy Commander and concurrently captain of the ship while father was its second in command.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「相熟」译作know each other better,与上文的「相识」相比更进一层语意,better可以表达这一语意。   「父亲是副船主」译作father was its second in command,其中in command有「领导」「负责」之意,its second in command意为船上的第二负责人,即「副船主」庚子之变,海军正统领叶祖珪,驻海容舰,被困于大沽口。鱼雷艇海龙、海犀、海青、海华四艘,已被联军舰队所掳。   During the 1900 Boxer War[2], the warship Hai Rong directly under the personal command of Navy Commander Ye Zugui was pinned down at Dagu by the eight-power allied forces, and the torpedo boats the Hai Long, Hai Xi, Hai Qing and Hai Hua were captured by them.   Q:「驻海容舰」怎么翻译?   根据原文内容可知,这里的「驻海容舰」并非字面上的「驻扎」之意,而是指「指挥海容舰」,因此译作under the personal command of...。   结合下一句的内容,这里的「被困于大沽口」是指「被八国联军围堵于此地」,译作was pinned down at Dagu by the eight-power allied forces。   那时北洋舰队中的海圻、海琛、海筹、海天等舰,都泊山东庙岛,山东巡抚袁世凯,移书请各舰驶入长江,以避敌锋,于是各船纷纷南下,只海圻坚泊不动。   Meanwhile, Governor of Shandong Yuan Shikai sent out a letter suggesting that the Hai Yin, Hai Chen, Hai Chou and Hai Tian, ships of the Northern Fleet then anchored at Miao Island, Shandong Province, all move to the Yangtze River so as to steer clear of the formidable foe. Thereupon all the ships retreated southward except the Hai Yin.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「那时北洋舰队中的海圻、海琛、海筹、海天等舰,都泊山东庙岛」在原文中相当于一个背景知识介绍的内容,在后面的「移书请各舰驶入长江」再次出现,因此翻译时可以整合处理,译作sent out a letter suggesting that the Hai Yin, Hai Chen, Hai Chou and Hai Tian, ships of the Northern Fleet then anchored at Miao Island, Shandong Province, ...。   在山东义和团杀害侨民的时候,萨先生请蓬莱一带的教士侨民悉数下船,殷勤招待,乱事过后,方送上岸。   When Yihetuan threatened the lives of foreign residents in China, Mr. Sa let all foreign missionaries and nationals take shelter in his ship and be well taken care of until the uprising was over.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   根据原文内容可知,这里的「下船」是指「到他的船上去」,译作take shelter in his ship。   「殷勤招待,乱事过后,方送上岸」译作be well taken care of until the uprising was over,并未拘泥于原文字面,但却准确表达出了原文的语意。   那时正有美国大巡洋舰阿利干号在庙岛附近触礁,海圻又驶往救护,美国国会闻讯,立即驰函道谢,阿利干舰长申谢之余,也恳劝萨先生南下,于是海圻才开入江阴。   When the US cruiser Oregon struck a reef near Miao Island, the Hai Yin rushed to the scene for its rescue, for which American Congress immediately sent a message of thanks. And the captain of the US ship, while expressing gratitude to Mr. Sa, also advised him to move his ship to the south. Consequently the Hai Yin sailed into Jiangyin near the mouth of the Yangtze River.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文中包含众多小句,翻译时不宜直接按照字面进行翻译,应当先根据内容理清句与句之间的逻辑关系,然后划分不同的意群,之后再进行翻译。在这里,原文的小句可划分为三个意群,翻译时可处理为三句。   在他舰南开,海圻孤泊的时候,军心很摇动,许多士兵称病上岸就医,乘间逃走,最后是群情惶遽,聚众请愿,要南下避敌。   The departure of the other ships had shaken the morale of the men on the lone vessel. Many deserted after going ashore under pretext of seeing a doctor. All were in a state of alarm and together petitioned for the ship to seek shelter in the south.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「在他舰南开,海圻孤泊的时候,军心很摇动」译作The departure of the other ships had shaken the morale of the men on the lone vessel.伊文没有拘泥于原文形式,将「在他舰南开,海圻孤泊的时候」分别处理为名词形式和状语结构,表达灵活地道。   「许多士兵称病上岸就医,乘间逃走」中「逃走」为主要动词,因此次要动词可以其他形式来呈现,译作Many deserted after going ashore under pretext of seeing a doctor.   舱面上万声嘈杂,不可制止,在父亲竭力向大家劝说的时候,萨先生忽然拿把军刀,从舱里走出,喝说着:“有再说要南下的,就杀却!”   There was a horrible hubbub of voices on the deck. Father was making every effort to pacify the men when suddenly Mr. Sa emerged from the cabin sword in hand, shouting sternly, “Stop the racket, or you die!”   Q:「有再说要南下的,就杀却!」怎么翻译?   这一句可译作Stop the racket, or you die!,或Any more racket, and you die!,并未逐字直译「有再说要南下的」,而用Stop the racket来表达其中的语意,因口头下达命令,所以用词应当尽量简短。此外you die比you’ll die可取,因前者有「必杀无疑」之意。   他素来慈蔼,忽发威怒,大家无不失色惊散,海圻卒以泊定。   Shocked by the great anger on the otherwise benevolent face, the ship crew rapidly dispersed, and the Hai Yin remained moored at the same old place until the American captain offered his advice.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「他素来慈蔼,忽发威怒,大家无不失色惊散」译作Shocked by the great anger on the otherwise benevolent face, the ship crew rapidly dispersed,其中on the otherwise benevolent face对应原文中的「他素来慈蔼」,表达简洁地道。   until the American captain offered his advice是为与上文内容保持紧密联系而进行的补充,便于读者理解。   萨先生所在的兵舰上,纪律清洁,总是全军之冠。   Discipline was exemplary on Mr. Sa's ship.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作Discipline was exemplary on Mr. Sa's ship.此处用墨不多,却能概括原文语意。其中exemplary意为「堪称楷模」他常常捐款修理公物,常笑对父亲说,“人家做船主,都打金镯子送太太戴,我的金镯子是戴在我的船上。”   He often donated money from his personal purse for repairs of public property, saying jokingly to father, “Other captains make gold bracelets for their wives, I make them to deck out my ship.”   Q:「我的金镯子是戴在我的船上」怎么翻译?   这是一句形象的幽默表达,在翻译时译出其核心意思即可,I make them to deck out my ship。其中deck out意为「装扮」??「他常常捐款修理公物」译作He often donated money from his personal purse for repairs of public property,其中from his personal purse是根据原文内容所做的补充。   有一次船上练习打靶,枪炮副不慎,将一尊船边炮的炮膛,划伤一痕。炮值二万余元,萨先生自己捐出月饷,分期赔偿。   Once, during a shooting practice on the ship, a gun officer through carelessness damaged the bore of a light gun worth more than 20,000 yuan. Mr. Sa gave away his monthly salaries to pay for the damaged gun by installments.   Q:「枪炮副」怎么翻译?   为便于外国读者理解,「枪炮副」直接译作a gun officer更合适。此外,「一尊船边炮的炮膛」也不宜直译,译作the bore of a light gun即可。   后来事闻于叶祖珪,又传于直隶总督袁世凯,袁立即寄款代偿,所以如今海圻船上有一尊船边炮是袁世凯购换的。   When the news later reached Navy Commander Ye Zugui and Yuan Shikai, then Governor-General of Hebei Province, the latter immediately remitted money to pay for the damaged gun. Hence, one of the light guns on the Hai Yin has since been known as Yuan's gift.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「后来事闻于叶祖珪,又传于直隶总督袁世凯」这两句表达的意思相同,翻译时可整合处理,即When the news later reached Navy Commander Ye Zugui and Yuan Shikai。   「直隶总督」译作Governor-General of Hebei Province,其中「直隶」为中国旧省名,特指现在的河北省。   他在船上,特别是在练船上,如威远、康济、通济等舰常常教学生荡舢舨,泅水,打靶,以此为日课,也以此为娱乐。   Often on his ship, especially on a drill ship like the Wei Yuan, Kang Ji or Tong Ji, Mr. Sa would teach the cadets how to row a sampan, swim across the water or practise shooting—not only as daily military training, but also as recreational activities.   Q:「以此为日课,也以此为娱乐」怎么翻译?   这两句是对前文的课程内容进行解释说明,译作—not only as daily military training, but also as recreational activities,使用破折号比译作从句形式更加简洁。   驾驶时也专用学生,不请船户。   In navigating, he would let the cadets do the piloting instead of hiring a boatman to do it.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这里的意思是「在驾驶时萨先生也只用学生来驾驶」,译作In navigating, he would let the cadets do the piloting,其中navigating和do the piloting都表达「驾驶」之意,在这里换用不同的表达来避免重复。   叶统领常常皱眉说:“鼎铭太肯冒险了,专爱用些年轻人!”   That made Navy Commander Ye complain with a frown, “Sa is too reckless, always trusting the young chaps!”   Q:「专爱用些年轻人」怎么翻译?   结合上下文,这里的「专爱用些年轻人」的意思是「信得过年轻人」,译作always trusting the young chaps,这一句在译文中充当原因状语。   而海上的数十年,他所在的军舰,从来没有失事过。   Yet, for several decades no mishap has ever befallen the ship under Mr. Sa's command.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以转换视角理解为「事故从来没有发生在他指挥的军舰上」,译作no mishap has ever befallen the ship under Mr. Sa's command,要比按照原文字面直译更加地道。   他又爱才如命,对于官员士兵的体恤爱护,无微不至。上岸公出,有风时舢舨上就使帆,以省兵力。   Mr. Sa is very fond of talent and shows deep sympathy and care for officers and men. When he went ashore on business by sampan, he would have the sails unfurled on a windy day so as to save labor on the part of the sailors.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「爱才如命」是指「十分爱惜人才」,译作is very fond of talent。   「有风时舢舨上就使帆」的意思是「有风的时候就打开船帆来推动船前行」,译作he would have the sails unfurled on a windy day,其中have the sails unfurled是将原文中的「使帆」具体化。   上岸拜会,也不带船上仆役,必要时就向岸上的朋友借用。   He had no orderly with him when making visits on land, but would, when necessary, borrow a servant from a land-based friend of his.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「上岸拜会,也不带船上仆役」译作He had no orderly with him when making visits on land,其中orderly在这里不作副词,而是作名词,意为「仆役」「勤杂工」历任要职数十年,如海军副大臣、海军总长、福建省长等,也不曾用过一个亲戚。   He never tried to find a job for any of his relatives during the several decades when he was in a position of power as Naval Vice-Minister, Naval Minister or Governor of Fujian Province.   Q:「也不曾用过一个亲戚」怎么翻译?   结合上下文,这里是指「不曾任用过一个自己的亲戚」,译作never tried to find a job for any of his relatives。   亲戚远道来投,必酌给川资,或作买卖的本钱,劝他们回去,说:“你们没有受过海上训练,不能占海军人员的位置。”   When relatives came from distant places to seek his patronage, he would persuade them to return home after giving them traveling expenses or some money with which to go into business, saying, “To hold down a post in the navy without naval training, you would be a real dog in the manger.”   Q:「你们没有受过海上训练,不能占海军人员的位置」怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「没有受过海上训练,勉强担任海军职务,就会占着茅坑不拉屎」,译作To hold down a post in the navy without naval training, you would be a real dog in the manger.或译作Holding a post in the navy without naval training means usurping the position of a naval officer or man without ability to do your duties.   「酌给川资」的意思是「给...出路费」,译作giving them traveling expenses。   萨先生和他的太太陈夫人,伉俪甚笃。   Mr. Sa and his wife Chen were deeply in love with each other.   Q:「伉俪甚笃」怎么翻译?   「伉俪甚笃」意为「夫妻感情甚好」,译作deeply in love with each other。   有一次他在烟台卧病,陈夫人从威海卫赶来视疾,被他辞了回去,人都说他不近人情。   Once, when Mr. Sa was bedridden in Yantai, his wife came hurriedly from Weihaiwei to visit him, but he immediately sent her away. People, however, looked on it disapprovingly.   Q:「人都说他不近人情」怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「人们都对他所做的这件事表示不赞同」,译作People, however, looked on it disapprovingly.其中however有增强语气的作用。   而自他三十六岁,夫人去世后,就将子女寄养岳家,鳏居终身。   When he became widowed at the age of 36, he entrusted his children to the care of his in-laws. He has since been wifeless.   Q:「鳏居终身」怎么翻译?   结合文意,「鳏居终身」可以理解为「从那以后他再没有娶妻,独自生活」,译作He has since been wifeless.其中wifeless对应原文中的「鳏居」,since则用来提示时间。   人问他为何不续弦,他说:“天下若再有一个女子,和我太太一样的我就娶。”   When people asked him why he didn't remarry, he said, “Not unless I can find a woman precisely like my late wife.”   Q:译文中Not unless...是什么意思?   Not unless I can find a woman precisely like my late wife.中Not unless...的完整形式为I won’t remarry unless....。此外,「我太太」是指「已故妻子」,因此译作my late wife。   他的个人生活,尤其清简,洋服从来没有上过身,也从未穿过皮棉衣服,平常总是布鞋布袜,呢袍呢马褂。   He lives a simple life. He never wears a Western suit, nor fur or cotton-padded clothes. Generally, he wears cloth shoes and socks, and a woolen mandarin jacket and long gown.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   根据内容,原文可以分为三个意群,呈总-分结构。其中开头两个小句「他的个人生活,尤其清简」,起到总体概括的作用,译作He lives a simple life.   自奉极薄,一生没有做过寿,也不受人的礼。   He denies himself every luxury in life. He has never held a birthday party for himself, nor has he accepted any birthday present.   Q:「自奉极薄」怎么翻译?   「自奉极薄」的意思是「日常生活极其勤俭节约」,译作He denies himself every luxury in life.   没有一切的嗜好,打牌是千载难逢的事,万不得已坐下时,输赢也都用铜子。   He has no hobby except mah-jong which he plays for fun once in a long, long while—and that with copper coins only.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   「打牌是千载难逢的事」译作mah-jong which he plays for fun once in a long, long while,其中once in a while意为「有时」,连续加上两个形容词long,则意为「千载难逢」,有加重语气的效果。   他住屋子,总是租那很破敝的,自己替房东来修理,栽花草,铺双重砖地,开门辟户。   He lives in a very humble house. He did all the repairs for the landlord. He grew flowers and plants, paved the ground with bricks and renovated the gate and doors.   Q:「开门辟户」怎么翻译?   「开门辟户」在这里的意思是「重新整修大门和屋门」,译作renovated the gate and doors符合文意。   屋中陈设也极简单,环堵萧然。他做海军副大臣时,在北平西城曾买了一所小房,南下后就把这所小房送给了一位同学。   His rooms with bare walls are simply furnished. When he was Naval Vice-Minister, he bought a house in the western part of Peiping, which was later given to a former classmate of his after he moved to the south.   Q:「屋中陈设也极简单,环堵萧然」怎么翻译?   这一句译作His rooms with bare walls are simply furnished.其中His rooms with bare walls是形容房间内装饰极少。「环堵萧然」则是指「屋内陈设极少」,译作simply furnished。   在福建省长任内,任前清总督衙门,地方极大,他只留下几间办公室,其余的连箭道一并拆掉,通成一条大街,至今人称肃威路,因为他是肃威将军。   When he was Governor of Fujian, he worked in the huge compound which used to be the yamen of the former Qing-Dynasty governor-general. He had most of the yamen buildings, together with the surrounding walls, pulled down except a few rooms where he held office. The nearby street has to this day been generally referred to as “Su Wei Street” in honor of Mr. Sa , the “su wei” Admiral.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「他只留下几间办公室,其余的连箭道一并拆掉」译作He had most of the yamen buildings, together with the surrounding walls, pulled down except a few rooms where he held office.其中had most of the yamen buildings...pulled down是根据原文内容进行的补充,有助于读者理解。   “肃威”两字,不足为萨先生的考语,他实是一个极风趣极洒脱的人。   “Su wei”, however, is not an adequate epithet for him, for he is in fact a very witty and outgoing man.   Q:「考语」怎么翻译?   「考语」是旧时对公职人员的工作或其他方面的表现所做的评语,在这里可以理解为对萨先生个人的评价,使用epithet符合原意。   生平喜欢小宴会,三五个朋友吃便饭,他最高兴。   He is fond of giving a dinner for just a small number of friends.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   根据下文可知,此处的「吃便饭」主要是指萨先生设宴款待他人,因此译作giving a dinner for just a small number of friends符合文意。   所以遇有任何团体公请他,他总是零碎的还礼,他说:“客人太多时,主人不容易应酬得周到,不如小宴会,倒能宾主尽欢。”   After attending a banquet collectively hosted by some people, he will give a return dinner for them in small batches. He said, “When there are too many guests, it's hard to take very good care of everyone. On the contrary, at a small dinner everybody can thoroughly enjoy themselves.”   Q:「零碎的还礼」怎么翻译?   根据上下文内容可知,「零碎的还礼」在这里是指萨先生分拨宴请那些请他吃过饭的人,译作he will give a return dinner for them in small batches.其中in small batches对应原文中的「零碎的」请客时一切肴馔设备,总是自己检点,务要整齐清洁。   In preparing a dinner, he will personally check up every dish and see to it that everything is neat and clean.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文中的「务要」的意思是「必须要...」,译作see to it that everything is neat and clean,其中see to it that意为「注意」「留心」也喜欢宴请西国朋友。屋中陈设虽然简单,却常常改换式样。   He also likes to entertain foreign friends at a dinner. He likes personally to rearrange from time to time the simple furnishings in his house.   Q:原文怎么翻译?   「屋中陈设虽然简单,却常常改换式样」译作He likes personally to rearrange from time to time the simple furnishings in his house.比按照原文字面译为「让步状语从句+主句」的形式更加简洁。   自己的一切用物文玩,知道别人喜欢,立刻就送了人,送礼的时候,也是自己登门去送,从来不用仆役。   If any article of daily use or ornamental object happens to catch the fancy of a guest, he will immediately give it to him, usually by calling at the latter's house in person instead of by sending a servant.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「自己的一切用物文玩,知道别人喜欢」在原文中充当条件,因此译作If any article of daily use or ornamental object happens to catch the fancy of a guest,其中happens to含有「恰巧」的语意。   instead of by sending a servant中省略了与前文重复的giving it to him。   他写信极其详细周到,月日地址,每信都有,字迹秀楷,也喜作诗,与父亲常有唱和之作。   He writes letters in a beautiful hand, always paying attention to small details, such as dates and addresses. He also likes to write poems, and he and father often write poetry in response to each other.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   「他写信极其详细周到」可理解为「他写信时会关注许多细节内容」,译作always paying attention to small details...。   「字迹秀楷」译作writes letters in a beautiful hand表达生动地道。   他平常主张海军学校不请汉文教员,理由是文人颓放,不可使青年军人沾染上腐败的习气。   He disapproves of naval academies employing scholars to teach Chinese on the ground that decadent literati may taint young cadets with unhealthy habits.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「他平常主张海军学校不请汉文教员,理由是文人颓放」译作He disapproves of naval academies employing scholars to teach Chinese,使用了「正话反译」的翻译手法,将原文中的否定含义用disapprove表达出来。   同理,「文人颓放,不可使青年军人沾染上腐败的习气」理解为「颓放的文人会使青年军人沾染上腐败的习气」,译作decadent literati may taint young cadets with unhealthy habits。   他说:“我从十二岁就入军校,可是汉文也彀用的,文字贵有自修,不在乎学作八股式的无性灵的文章。”   He said, “Though I entered the naval academy at an early age of 12, my Chinese is passable. Language can be mastered through self-study, not by learning to write empty stereotyped essays.”   Q:「彀用的」怎么翻译?   结合上下文,这里是指「过得去的」「尚可的」,译作my Chinese is passable。   「八股式的无性灵的文章」译作empty stereotyped essays,其中stereotyped对应原文中的「八股式的」我有二十多年没有看见他了,至今记忆中还有几件不能磨灭的事:   Though it is more than twenty years since I last saw Mr. Sa, several things have left an indelible impression on my memory.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   通读原文,这一句中暗含有让步意味,在翻译时需要通过添加必要的连接词来体现这一层逻辑关系,译作Though it is more than twenty years since...。   「我有二十多年没有看见他了」可以理解为「距离我最后一次见他,已经过去二十多年了」,译作it is more than twenty years since I last saw Mr. Sa。   在我五六岁时候,他到烟台视察,住海军练营,一天下午父亲请他来家吃晚饭,约定是七时,到六时五十五分,父亲便带我到门口去等,说:“萨军门是谨守时刻的,他常是早几分钟到主人门口,到时候才进来,我们不可使他久候。”   Once, when I was about six, he came to Yantai on an inspection tour and put up at the local naval training camp. One afternoon, at the invitation of father, he was to have dinner at our home at 7 pm. At 6:55 pm, father went with me to the gate to wait for him, saying, “The Admiral is punctual to the minute. He always comes to a host's gate several minutes earlier and refuses to come in until exactly the appointed time. Now we shouldn't let him wait too long.”   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文小句众多,首先要根据内容划分为三个意群。其中「在我五六岁时候,他到烟台视察,住海军练营」是对时间背景进行交代,译作Once, when I was about six, he came to Yantai on an inspection tour and put up at the local naval training camp.此后的内容便是对事件的细节进行描述。   我们走了出去,果然看见他穿着青呢袍,笑容满面的站在门口。   As soon as we stepped out, we saw him already standing at the gate as expected. Dressed in a black woollen gown, he was all smiles.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「果然看见他...」译作we saw him already standing at the gate as expected,其中as expected对应原文中的「果然」,意为「不出所料」他又非常的温恭周到,有一次到我们家里来谈公事,里面端出点心来,是母亲自己做的,父亲无意中告诉了他。谈完公事,走到门口,又回来殷勤地说:“请你谢谢你的太太,今天的点心真是好吃。”   He was very courteous and considerate. Once, when he was in our home to discuss official business with father, he was treated to some pastries, which, as father told him inadvertently, had been prepared by mother. Then as he was about to leave us at the gate, he suddenly turned back to say to father thoughtfully, “Thanks a lot to your wife for the real delicious pastries.”   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   结合上文的「他又非常的温恭周到」,「殷勤地」在这里是褒义,意为「考虑周到地」,译作thoughtfully符合文意。   「里面端出点心来,是母亲自己做的,父亲无意中告诉了他」译作...some pastries, which, as father told him inadvertently, had been prepared by mother,其中as father told him inadvertently作方式状语。   父亲的客厅里,字画向来很少,因为他不是鉴赏家,相片也很少,因为他的朋友不多。   Father's drawing room has always been decorated with few pieces of calligraphy and paintings because he himself is not a connoisseur of art. The same with photos because he has not too many friends.   Q:The same with photos because he has not too many friends是什么意思?   译文中的这一句是为了避免重复,省略了前文已经提及的内容,用the same进行替代,the same with意为「同...一样」而南下北上搬了几次家,客厅总挂有萨先生的相片,和他写赠的一副对联,是“穷达尽为身外事,升沉不改故人情”。   But, although he has moved several times, from north to south or vice versa, his drawing room is always hung with Mr. Sa's portrait and written couplet given to him as a gift, which reads as follows:Ups and downs, old friends remain true.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「南下北上搬了几次家」译作moved several times, from north to south or vice versa,其中vice versa本意为「反之亦然」,在这里意为「南下北上、北上南下地反复搬家」,表达简洁。   「穷达尽为身外事,升沉不改故人情」译作Ups and downs, old friends remain true.译出了原文对联的核心意思,简洁准确。   听说他老人家现在福州居住,卖字作公益事业。灾区的放赈,总是他的事。   I hear that he now lives in Fuzhou, selling the calligraphy he writes to subsidize public welfare undertakings and providing relief to people in disaster areas.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「卖字作公益事业。灾区的放赈,总是他的事」可以看作是对萨先生现在生活状态的补充说明,因此翻译时可以处理为状语成分,译作selling the calligraphy he writes to subsidize public welfare undertakings and providing relief to people in disaster areas,是以现在分词的形式作伴随状语。   在福州下渡,他用海军界的捐款,办了一个模范村,村民爱他如父母,为他建了一亭,逢时过节,都来拜访,腊八节,大家也给他熬些腊八粥,送到家去。   In Xiadu, Fuzhou, a model village has been set up with donations he collected from the naval circles. The villagers love him deeply. They have erected a pavilion to pay tribute to him. They visit him on New Year's Day and other festivals. On laba Festival, they call on him to present him with laba porridge—a kind of rice porridge they make, as a tradition, with nuts and dried fruit.   Q:「腊八粥」怎么翻译?   “腊八粥”在这里译作“laba porridge—a kind of rice porridge they make, as a tradition, with nuts and dried fruit”,其中laba porridge后面的释义词是译文中的增益成分,有助于外国读者对腊八粥这一中国特色表达的了解。   此外还有许多从朋友处听来的关于萨先生的事,都是极可珍贵的材料。夜深人倦,恕我不再记述了,横竖我是想写他的传记的,许多事不妨留在后来写。   Numerous other things I've heard about him will make valuable material too. But pardon me for leaving off now, for it is deep night and I'm tired. Anyway, I might as well put the rest in the biography I'm going to write about him in the future.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「夜深人倦,恕我不再记述了」中的「夜深人倦」是下文内容的原因,翻译时处理为原因状语会使二者之间的逻辑关系更加明了,译作But pardon me for leaving off now, for it is deep night and I'm tired.   「横竖我是想写他的传记的,许多事不妨留在后来写」译作Anyway, I might as well put the rest in the biography I'm going to write about him in the future.其中「横竖」译作Anyway,意为「不管怎样」在此我只要说我的感想:前些日子看到行政院“澄清贪污”的命令,使我矍然的觉出今日的贪污官吏之多,擅用公物,虽贤者不免。   Now I would like to speak my mind about the present situation in our country. Some time ago, an order issued by the Executive Yuan to “stamp out corruption” shocked me to realize how the country is being plagued by countless corrupt officials and how they have even been joined by some otherwise honest officials in seizing public property at will.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「在此我只要说我的感想」译作Now I would like to speak my mind about the present situation in our country.其中about the present situation in our country是根据下文内容进行的补充,有开启下文内容的作用,使行文不显突兀。   「今日的贪污官吏之多,擅用公物,虽贤者不免」译作how the country is being plagued by countless corrupt officials and how they have even been joined by some otherwise honest officials in seizing public property at will,其中how有加强语气的作用。   我不愿提出我所耳闻目击的无数种种的贪污事实,我只愿高捧出一个清廉高峻的人格,使我们那些与贪污奋斗的朋友们,抬头望时,不生寂寞之感......   Now, rather than enumerating the many cases of corruption I've seen or heard of, I hold aloft the noble image of an honest and upright man so that our friends now fighting corruption may look up at it and feel they are not isolated...   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我只愿高捧出一个清廉高峻的人格,使我们那些与贪污奋斗的朋友们,抬头望时,不生寂寞之感......」可以理解为「我只愿高捧出一个清廉高峻的人格,为的是让我们那些与贪污奋斗的朋友们,抬头望时,不生寂寞之感......」,译作I hold aloft the noble image of an honest and upright man so that our friends now fighting corruption may look up at it and feel they are not isolated...   在此我敬谨遥祝他老人家长寿安康。   Let me from afar wish the venerable old man to enjoy good health and longevity.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「他老人家」译作the venerable old man,venerable意为「因年高而令人尊重的」,用在此处符合文意。   必背词汇   inculcate v.反复灌输;谆谆教诲   英义   (formal) to cause sb. to learn and remember ideas, moral principles, etc., especially by repeating them often例句We failed to inculcate students with love of knowledge.   我们未能通过谆谆教诲使学生们热爱知识.   wield v.挥,操,使用(武器、工具等)   英义   to hold sth., ready to use it as a weapon or tool例句He was wielding a large knife.   他挥舞着一把大刀。   formidable adj.可怕的;令人敬畏的;难对付的英义if people, things or situations are formidable , you feel fear and/or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult例句In debate he was a formidable opponent.   在辩论中他是位难应付的对手。   hubbub n.喧闹声;嘈杂声   英义   the loud sound made by a lot of people talking at the same time例句It was difficult to hear what he was saying over the hubbub.   声音太嘈杂,难以听清楚他的讲话。   pacify v.使平静;平息;抚慰   英义   to make sb. who is angry or upset become calm and quiet例句The baby could not be pacified.   怎么也止不住婴儿的哭声。   bedridden adj.长期卧床的   英义   having to stay in bed all the time because you are sick, injured or old例句He had to spend two years bedridden with an injury.   他因伤不得不卧床两年。   humble adj.不大的;没有特别之处的   英义   not large or special in any way   例句   Let me take you to my humble abode!   让我带你们到鄙人的寒舍去吧!   decadent adj.堕落的;颓废的;贪图享乐的英义having or showing low standards, especially moral ones, and an interest only in pleasure and enjoyment rather than serious things例句Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves.   别让颓废的思想侵蚀你们.   indelible adj.无法忘记的;不可磨灭的英义impossible to forget or remove例句The experience made an indelible impression on me.   那次经历使我难以忘怀。   重点表达   记... a profile of   ...是崇拜的对象 hold ... in high esteem   敬仰 look up to   嘉言懿行 fine words and deeds   在此感谢... Now gratitude is due to...   相识 get acquainted   贪图安逸 seek ease and comfort   文人 a bookish type   突来视察 crop up making one’s rounds   相熟 know each other better   副... be its second in command   庚子之变 the 1900 Boxer War   被困于 be pinned down at   联军 the eight-power allied forces   触礁 strike a reef   喝说着 shout sternly   爱才如命 be very fond of talent   体恤爱护,无微不至 show deep sympathy and care for历任要职 in a position of power酌给川资 give sb. traveling expenses伉俪甚笃 deeply in love with each other鳏居 be wifeless自奉极薄 deny oneself every luxury in life千载难逢的 once in a long, long while环堵萧然 simply furnished字迹秀楷 write ... in a beautiful hand使...沾染上腐败的习气 taint ... with unhealthy habits谨守时刻 be punctual to the minute笑容满面的 be all smiles放赈 provide relief to矍然的觉出 shock sb. to realize擅用公物 seize public property at will   高捧出 hold aloft   遥祝 from afar wish   长寿安康 enjoy good health and longevity   复盘测试   记...   ...是崇拜的对象   敬仰   嘉言懿行   在此感谢...   相识   贪图安逸   文人   突来视察   相熟   副...   庚子之变   被困于   联军   触礁   喝说着   爱才如命   体恤爱护,无微不至   历任要职   酌给川资   伉俪甚笃   鳏居   自奉极薄   千载难逢的   环堵萧然   字迹秀楷   使...沾染上腐败的习气   谨守时刻   笑容满面的   放赈   矍然的觉出   擅用公物   高捧出   遥祝   长寿安康   表达对比   有关「果然...」的不同说法   他赶紧接过来,打开纸包一看,是四本小小的书。啊!人面兽,九头蛇,......果然都在里面了。   There were four small volumes and, sure enough, the man-faced beast, the nine-headed snake... all of them were there.   这张琴弹起来果然非常好听。   This musical instrument, when played, turned out to be extremely pleasant to the ear.   我们走了出去,果然看见他穿着青呢袍,笑容满面的站在门口。   As soon as we stepped out, we saw him already standing at the gate as expected. Dressed in a black woollen gown, he was all smiles.   果然,后山的老虎,出没悲号了好多天,   Surely, we heard the mother tiger crying sadly that night and several nights afterwards.   当教师的快乐   Joys of the Teaching Career   我只当过十年的教师。那是一九二六年我从美国留学回来,在母校燕京大学国文系当了一名教师。   I was a teacher for only ten years. In 1926, on my return to China after finishing studies in the United States, I began to teach at my alma mater Yenching University, Peiping, as a lecturer in Chinese.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「在母校燕京大学国文系当了一名教师」译作teach at my alma mater Yenching University, Peiping, as a lecturer in Chinese,其中my alma mater意为「母校」。「燕京大学」译作Yenching University,这是该校的固定译名,国际上一直通用,因此不宜按拼音译成Yanjing University。   那时系里的主任和教师大半是我的老师。校内其他科、系里也有我的老师。   The deans and teachers of the Department of Chinese then were mostly my former teachers.Other faculties and departments also had no lack of my former teachers.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「大半是我的老师」和「也有我的老师」若都译作were my former teachers,则略显表达重复单调。因此,「校内其他科、系里也有我的老师」。还可译作Other faculties and departments also had no lack of my former teachers.其中had no lack of意为「不乏...」总之,全校的教师都是我的师辈!因此在开教授会的时候,我总是挑个极边极角的座位,惶恐地缩在一旁。   I may well say that practically all the teaching staff of the University were my seniors. Therefore, at a faculty meeting, I always chose a seat at an unobservable corner of the room.   Q:「我总是挑个极边极角的座位,惶恐地缩在一旁」怎么翻译?   「我总是挑个极边极角的座位,惶恐地缩在一旁」译作I always chose a seat at an unobservable corner of the room.其中unobservable对应原文中的「极边极角的」,意为「注意不到的」。此外,「惶恐地缩在一旁」是原文作者对于自己心理状态的夸张描写,但在翻译时直接译出可能会导致读者的困惑,因此在这里选择省译。   大家都笑着称我为Faulty Baby(教授会的婴儿)。   Everybody jokingly called me “faculty baby”.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   这里的「笑着称」是强调「大家开着玩笑得称呼我为...」,译作jokingly called me...   那一学期我还不满二十六岁。   I was then on the right side of 26.   Q:「不满二十六岁」怎么翻译?   「不满二十六岁」译作on the right side of 26,属于口语,意思等同于younger than 26。   在学生群中就大不一样了。他们是我的好朋友。   It was, however, a different story when I was with my students. They and I were good friends.   Q:「在学生群中就大不一样了」怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「当我和学生在一起的时候,情况就不相同了」。译作It was, however, a different story when I was with my students.   结合全文内容,「他们是我的好朋友」译作They and I were good friends.更能体现出原作者对于师生间关系的观点。   我教一年级必修科的国文,用的是古文课本。   When I taught freshman Chinese as a required course, I used a textbook of classical prose.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我教一年级必修科的国文」译作I taught freshman Chinese as a required course,其中「必修科」译作a required course,也可译作a requirement大学一年级的男女学生很多,年纪又都不大,大概在十七到二十岁之间。   The freshmen were mostly young boys and girls aged between 17 and 20.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「大学一年级很多都是年龄在十七到二十之间的年轻男女学生」,译作The freshmen were mostly young boys and girls aged between 17 and 20。其中「大概在十七到二十岁之间」译作aged between 17 and 20,表达简洁。   国文课分成五个班,每班有三四十名,因为他们来自全国各地,闽粤的学生,听不大懂马鉴主任、周作人、沈尹默、顾随、郭绍虞等几位老先生的江南口音,于是教务处就把这一部分学生分到我的班上。   Freshman Chinese was taught in five classes, each consisting of 30 to 40 students hailing from various places of China. Those from Fujian and Guangdong had difficulty in understanding the heavily accented speech of teachers like Ma Jian (Dean), Zhou Zuoren, Shen Yinmo, Gu Shui and Guo Shaoyu who all came from places south of the Yangtse River. Consequently, some of these students were transferred to my class through the arrangements of the Dean’s Office.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「国文课分成五个班」的意思是「国文可在五个班开设」,译作Freshman Chinese was taught in five classes,其中Freshman Chinese是根据上文所做的补充,此处的国文课是指大学一年级的国文课。   「听不大懂...等几位老先生的江南口音」译作had difficulty in understanding the heavily accented speech of teachers like ... who all came from places south of the Yangtse River,这里的「听不懂...口音」是指听不懂他们用江南口音所讲的内容,因此译作the heavily accented speech。   从讲台上望去,一个个红扑扑的稚气未退的脸,嬉笑地好奇地望着我这个“小先生”——那时一般称教师为“先生”。   Looking down from the rostrum, I was delighted by a multitude of rosy-faced naive young students smiling and staring curiously at me — the little teacher.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「一个个红扑扑的稚气未退的脸,嬉笑地好奇地望着我这个‘小先生’」是从原文作者视角出发描述的内容,可以译作I was delighted by a multitude of rosy-faced naive young students smiling and staring curiously at me — the little teacher,其中I was delighted by是根据原文语意进行的补充。   「那时一般称教师为‘先生’」中的「教师」和「先生」只在中文里有叫法上的区别,但在英文当中对应的表达只有teacher,因此这一句在翻译时可以省略。   这些笑容对我并不陌生,和我的弟弟们和表妹们的笑容一模一样。   Their smiles were by no means unfamiliar to me, being similar to those I often saw on the faces of my younger brothers and younger female cousins.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「和我的弟弟们和表妹们的笑容一模一样」译作being similar to those I often saw on the faces of my younger brothers and younger female cousins,现在分词充当非限制性定语,对主句进行补充说明,其中those指代前文提及的smiles。   打开点名簿请他们自己报名,我又逐一纠正了他们的口音,Often, when I opened the roll-call book and asked them each to give their own names, I corrected their accents one by one.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文的两句话在时间上几乎是同时发生的,因此可译作when I opened the roll-call book and asked them each to give their own names, I corrected their accents one by one。   笑语纷纭之中,我们一下子就很熟悉很亲热了!   Thus, between laughter and chat, we came to know each other better and were soon on friendly terms.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「笑语纷纭之中」意思「边谈边笑之际」,译作between laughter and chat,其中between的意思是「由于...和...的共同作用(because of ... and ... combined)」,是一种常见用法。   我给他们出的第一道作文题目,就是自传,一来因为在这题目下人人都有话可写,二来通过这篇自传,我可以了解到每个学生的家庭背景、习惯、性情等等。   The first composition they did was “My Autobiography”. I let them write on this subject because, firstly, everybody always had got something to say on it and, secondly, it would afford me a good opportunity to understand each student’s family background, habit, disposition, etc.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我给他们出的第一道作文题目,就是自传」译作The first composition they did was “My Autobiography”.表达简洁,不拘泥于原文字面。   「在这题目下人人都有话可写」译作everybody always had got something to say on it,其中「有话可写」在翻译时要注意动词的搭配,译作got something to say。   我看完文卷,从来只打下分数,不写批语,而注重在和每个人做半小时以内的课外谈话上。   I only put marks but never gave comments on the papers after reading them. Instead I laid emphasis on holding outside-class individual talks with them lasting not more than 30 minutes.   Q:「和每个人做半小时以内的课外谈话」怎么翻译?   「和每个人做半小时以内的课外谈话」译作outside-class individual talks with them lasting not more than 30 minutes,这种「前置定语+后置定语」形式的修饰手法要比直接译作定语从句更为简洁。   这样,他们可以告诉我:他们是怎么写的,我也可告诉他们我对这篇文字的意见,思想沟通了,我们彼此也比较满意。   They would tell me how they had done the composition, and I would express my opinion on it. And we would both feel pleased with the frank exchange of views.   Q:「思想沟通了,我们彼此也比较满意」怎么翻译?   这里的意思是「我么彼此都很满意这样的交流沟通」,译作we would both feel pleased with the frank exchange of views,其中frank意为「坦率的」,是根据原文语意做所的补充。   我还开了一班习作的课,是为一年级以上的学生选修的。   I also offered a course on advanced writing, which was an elective for students above the freshman level.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我还开了一班习作的课」译作I also offered a course on advanced writing,其中「习作的课」译作advanced writing,这是根据下文的「为一年级以上的学生选修的」这一信息而来。   我要学生们练习写各种文学形式的文字,如小说、诗、书信,有时也有翻译——我发现汉文基础好的学生,译文也会更通顺——It gave them trailing in different genres of literary writing, such as fiction, poetry, correspondence and sometimes translations. I found that students with a solid foundation in Chinese often did good translations.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   「我要学生们练习写各种文学形式的文字」译作It gave them trailing in different genres of literary writing,其中it是指上文的advanced writing,「各种文学形式的文字」译作different genres of literary writing,意为「不同体裁的文学写作」期末考试是让他们每人交一本刊物,什么种类的都行,如美术、体育等等。但必须有封面图案、本刊宗旨、文章、相片等等,同班同学之间可以互相组稿。也可以向班外的同学索稿或相片。   For the end-of-term examination, I had them each hand in a self-edited magazine specializing in any subjects, such as fine arts, sports, etc. and complete with well designed from cover, aim of its publication, photos, etc. Students of the same class could solicit contributions or photos from each other, or from students of other classes.   Q:「让他们每人交一本刊物」怎么翻译?   根据下文可知,这里的意思是「让他们每人交一本自己编写的刊物」,译作I had them each hand in a self-edited magazine。   「同班同学之间可以互相组稿」意即「同班同学间可以相互向对方征集文稿」,译作Students of the same class could solicit contributions or photos from each other。   学生们都觉得这很新鲜有趣,他们期末交来的“刊物”,内容和刊名都很一致,又很活泼可喜。   They called it an interesting try. The magazines they handed it by the end of the term were very lively and encouraging, each having its content quite in line with its title.   Q:「学生们都觉得这很新鲜有趣」怎么翻译?   「学生们都觉得这很新鲜有趣」可以理解为「他们都对这样的尝试感到新鲜」,译作They called it an interesting try.其中try是名词,意为「尝试」「努力」回忆起那几年的教学生涯,最使我眷恋的是:学生们和我成了知心朋友。   In recalling my past career as a teacher, I always think fondly of the intimate friendship between the students and me.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「最使我眷恋的是:学生们和我成了知心朋友」可以理解为「最使我眷恋的是我和学生之间友谊」,译作I always think fondly of the intimate friendship between the students and me.   那时教师和男女学生都住在校内,课外的接触十分频繁。   In those days, teachers and students all lived on campus, which greatly facilitated our after-school contact.   Q:「课外的接触十分频繁」怎么翻译?   根据上文内容,「课外的接触十分频繁」可以理解为「便于我们的课外接触」,译作greatly facilitated our after-school contact。   我们常常在未名湖上划船,在水中央的岛边石舫上开种种的讨论会,或者作个别谈话。这种个别谈话就更深入了!有个人的择业与择婚问题等等!   We often went boating on the Weiming Lake, or had discussions about various things on the marble boat by the island in the middle of the Lake, or had heart-to-heart private talks about, for instance, job selections or marriage.   Q:「这种个别谈话就更深入了!有个人的择业与择婚问题等等!」怎么翻译?   这里可以理解为「还会进行亲切的私人谈话,内容有关于择业和婚姻」,译作or had heart-to-heart private talks about, for instance, job selections or marriage,其中heart-to-heart对应原文中的「这种个别谈话就更深入了」这时我眼前忽然涌现出好几对美满的夫妻,如郑林庄和吴瑞梧,林耀华和饶毓苏,等等。   At this moment the images of quite a few couples, such as Zheng Linzhuang and Wu Ruiwu, Lin Yaohua and Rao Yusu, etc. suddenly appear in my mind’s eye.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   在翻译时要注意,「这时我眼前忽然涌现出好几对美满的夫妻」中真正的主语应当是「好几对夫妻的形象」,译作the images of quite a few couples...suddenly appear in my mind’s eye。   有的是我以大媒的身份去参加他们的完婚仪式,有的是由我出面宴请双方的家长,为他们撮合。   I attended some of their wedding ceremonies in my capacity as a go-between. Sometimes, preparatory to making a match, I had the parents of both parties meet each other at a dinner I gave.   Q:「以大媒的身份」怎么翻译?   「以大媒的身份」译作in my capacity as a go-between,其中go-between本意为「中间人」,在这里是指「媒人」说起来是半个世纪以前的事了。他们中有过半数的人已先我而进入另一个世界,写到这里,我心里有说不出的一种滋味!   All that took place over half a century ago, and now, alas, more than half of them have gone to another world before me. I feel very bad about it indeed.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   「他们中有过半数的人已先我而进入另一个世界」译作and now, alas, more than half of them have gone to another world before me,其中alas意同unfortunately,是译文中的添加词,原文虽无其词但有其意。   「我心里有说不出的一种滋味」意即「我心中感到很难过」,译作I feel very bad about it indeed.   我应该停笔了,我说的既不是“尊师”也不是“爱生”,我只觉得“师”和“生”应当是互相尊重互相亲爱的朋友。   It’s time for me to stop writing now. I’ve not been talking solely about “students respecting teachers” or “teachers cherishing students” because, to my mind, teachers and students should be friends with mutual respect and love.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我只觉得‘师’和‘生’应当是互相尊重互相亲爱的朋友」对上文观点的解释,因此译作because, to my mind, teachers and students should be friends with mutual respect and love。   必背词汇   hail v.(人)生于,来自   英义   someone who hails from a particular place was born there or lives there.   例句   He hails from an affluent background.   他出身于一个富有的家庭。   facilitate v.促进;促使;使便利   英义   (formal) to make an action or a process possible or easier例句The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth.   新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。   capacity n.职位;职责   英义   the official position or function that sb. has例句We are simply involved in an advisory capacity on the project.   我们只不过是以顾问身份参与这个项目。   重点表达   当了一名教师 teach at ... as a lecturer in ...   也有... have no lack of   不满 on the right side of/younger than   ... 大不一样了 It is a different story when...   必修科 a required course   笑语纷纭之中 between laughter and chat   很亲热 be on friendly terms   为...选修的 an elective for   组稿 solicit contributions   以大媒的身份 in one’s capacity as a go-between撮合 make a match复盘测试当了一名教师也有...   不满   ... 大不一样了   必修科   笑语纷纭之中   很亲热   为...选修的   组稿   以大媒的身份   撮合   表达对比   有关「注重」的不同说法   日本人很注重礼物的包装,因为这代表了对收礼人的尊敬。   Also, packing is much valued by the Japanese as showing respect to the recipient.   这与中国人不同,中国人更注重礼物本身的价值。   In contrast, the Chinese probably regard the gift itselfas more valuable .   一副玩弄学识的假把式,不注重向书本学。   They are nothing but fake academic masters who never attach any importance to reading but are good at playing tricks.   在这里作学问也只能算是粗涉藩篱,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习。   But even there you get only the first taste of learning and the emphasis is on research methodology and practice.   注重增进美国的繁荣也自然而然地意味着更高度地注重太平洋地区的贸易和经济开放。   And naturally, a focus on promoting American prosperity means a greater focus on trade and economic openness in the Asia-Pacific.   我看完文卷,从来只打下分数,不写批语,而注重在和每个人做半小时以内的课外谈话上。   I only put marks but never gave comments on the papers after reading them. Instead I laid emphasis on holding outside-class individual talks with them lasting not more than 30 minutes.   春的消息   Tidings of Spring   坐在书桌旁往外看,我的窗外周围只是一座一座的长长方方的宿舍楼,楼与楼之间没有一棵树木!   Whenever I looked out of the window sitting at my desk, what stuck my eye at once would be a cluster of rectangular dormitory buildings standing side by side without a single tree in-between.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文所描述的是作者的一种生活常态,因此,这里的「坐在书桌旁往外看」含有「无论何时...」的意味,译作Whenever I looked out of the window sitting at my desk,其中sitting at my desk在这一分句中充当时间状语。   窗前一大片的空地上,历年来堆放着许多长长的生了锈的钢筋——这是为建筑附近几座新宿舍楼用的——真是一片荒凉沉寂。   The wide open ground beyond my window, which had been for years piled with rusty long steel bars—building materials for some new dormitories to be put up nearby, was a scene of desolation.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「历年来堆放着许多长长的生了锈的钢筋」是对前文内容的补充说明,译作which had been for years piled with rusty long steel bars,是一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句。   「这是为建筑附近几座新宿舍楼用的」译作building materials for some new dormitories to be put up nearby,其中building materials是根据原文内容进行的补充。   外边看不到什么颜色,我只好在屋子里“创造”些颜色。   Disappointed at the drab surroundings, I had to turn to “creating” colour under my roof.   Q:「外边看不到什么颜色」怎么翻译?   根据上文描述,这里的「外边看不到什么颜色」可以理解为「窗外的环境颜色暗淡」,译作Disappointed at the drab surroundings,其中Disappointed at是根据原文内容做出的增益,原文虽无其词但有其意。drab surroundings意为「色调灰暗的环境」,与「外边看不到什么颜色」内涵一致。   「我只好在屋子里‘创造’些颜色」译作I had to turn to “creating” colour under my roof.其中turn to是成语,意为「致力于(to apply oneself to)」我在堂屋里挂上绿色的窗帘,铺上绿色的桌布,窗台上摆些朋友送的一品红、仙客来,和孩子们自己种的吊兰。   I decorated my room with green-coloured window curtains, spread a green cloth on the table, placed on the windowsills some poinsettias and, cyclamens given by a friend and some diaolan planted by my children.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文中的动词「挂上」「铺上」和「摆」之间并无明显的主次关系,在翻译时可以直接译作并列成分,即I decorated..., spread..., placed...。   在墙上挂的总理油画前,供上一瓶玫瑰花、菊花、石竹花或十姊妹。那是北方玫瑰花公司应我之请,按着时节,每星期送来的。   A vase filled with roses, chrysanthemums, carnations or multiflora roses was placed before an oil portrait of Zhou Enlai hanging on the wall. These flowers, when in season, were sent me weekly by Northern Rose Company at my request.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「在墙上挂的总理油画前,供上一瓶玫瑰花、菊花、石竹花或十姊妹」译作A vase filled with roses, chrysanthemums, carnations or multiflora roses was placed before an oil portrait of Zhou Enlai hanging on the wall.此处在翻译时转换了表达视角,以花瓶为主语。   「那是北方玫瑰花公司应我之请」中的主语是上文提及的各种鲜花,译作These flowers...   我的书桌旁边的窗台上摆着一盆朋友送的还没有开过花的君子兰。有时也放上一瓶玫瑰。   On the windowsill beside my desk was a potted tender kaffir lily given me by a friend or sometimes a vase of roses.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「有时也放上一瓶玫瑰」的谓语与前面一致,因此翻译时可以省略,直接译作...or sometimes a vase of roses??「一盆朋友送的还没有开过花的君子兰」译作a potted tender kaffir lily given me by a friend,其中tender对应原文中的「还没有开过花的」,意为「年幼的」,potted则意为「盆装的」这一丝丝的绿意,或是说春意吧,都是“慰情聊胜无”的。   The consolation I derive from things green or from the vague hint of spring, though very small, is better than none.   Q:「慰情聊胜无」怎么翻译?   这里是指「从这些绿意或春意中获得的慰藉虽然很少,但却总比完全没有要强。」译作The consolation I derive from things green or from the vague hint of spring, though very small, is better than none.   我想起我窗前的那片空地,从前堆放钢筋的地方,每到春来,从钢筋的空隙中总会长出十分翠绿的草。   Every year, I remember, when spring came, emerald-green grass would start shooting up from among the steel bars.   Q:「长出十分翠绿的草」怎么翻译?   「长出十分翠绿的草」译作emerald-green grass would start shooting up,其中shooting up是成语,意思等同于growing rapidly。   夏雨来时,它便怒长起来,蔓延到钢条周围。那勃勃的生机,是钢铁也压不住的。   It grew still faster under the summer rain until it enveloped all the steel bars, which were unable to arrest its exuberance.   Q:「蔓延到钢条周围」怎么翻译?   「蔓延到钢条周围」译作it enveloped all the steel bars,其中动词envelop意为「包住」「裹住」,用在此处形象准确。   「那勃勃的生机,是钢铁也压不住的」可以理解为「钢铁也阻挡不了它的勃勃生机」,译作...all the steel bars, which were unable to arrest its exuberance如今,这些钢条都搬走了,又听说我们楼前这一块空地将要种上花草。   Now the steel bars have been removed and I hear that the vacant lot will be planted with flowers.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   根据开头的时间提示词「如今」可知,原文作者从上文的回忆又再次回到了对当前状况的描述,因此在翻译时要注意时态切换。其中「这些钢条都搬走了」译作the steel bars have been removed,使用现在完成时态。   前几天,窗外一阵阵的喧哗笑声,惊动了我。往外看时,原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢!   Several days ago, I was suddenly disturbed by a joyous din from outside the window. Looking out of it, I saw scores of boy and girl students in the middle of tidying up the open ground.   Q:「原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢」怎么翻译?   「原来是好几十个男女同学,正在整理这片空地呢」译作scores of boy and girl students in the middle of tidying up the open ground,其中in the middle of是成语,意为「正在」「正忙于」女学生穿的羽绒衣、毛衣,红红绿绿的;男学生有的穿绿军装,有的穿深色的衣服。   The girls were in colourful down jackets or woolen sweaters, and the boys were in green army uniforms or dark-coloured jackets.   Q:「女学生穿的羽绒衣、毛衣,红红绿绿的」怎么翻译?   此处可以理解为「女学生穿着颜色多样的羽绒服、毛衣」,译作The girls were in colourful down jackets or woolen sweaters,将后置定语「红红绿绿的」提前译出。   他们拿着种种工具,锄土的锄土,铲土的铲土,安放矮栏的就在场地边上安插下小铁栏杆。   They worked with hoes or shovels. Some were busy fencing off the land with iron-bar railings.   Q:「他们拿着种种工具,锄土的锄土,铲土的铲土」怎么翻译?   这里的意思是「他们在用锄头和铁铲劳动」,译作They worked with hoes or shovels.不拘泥于原文字面,但却表达出了原文语意。   看来我们楼前这一大片土地,将会被这群青年人整治成一座绿草成茵、繁花似锦的公园......   Evidently, they were trying to turn the wide open ground in front of our building into a garden bright with lush green grass and blooming flowers.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作they were trying to turn the wide open ground in front of our building into a garden...,其中原文中的「整治」在这里译作turn...into...,符合原文语意。   窗外是微阴的天,这群年轻人仍在忙忙地劳动着。   It became somewhat gloomy, but the young people didn’t slack off their efforts.   Q:「这群年轻人仍在忙忙地劳动着」怎么翻译?   这一句可译作the young people didn’t slack off their efforts,意思等同于the young people kept on working hard。   今天暖气停了,我脱下毛衣换上棉袄,但我的心里却是暖烘烘的,因为我得到了春的消息!   Today I took off my woolen sweater and put on a cotton-padded jacket instead because the central heating in our dormitory buildings had stopped as scheduled. Nevertheless, thanks to the tidings of spring, I’m warm at heart.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   「但我的心里却是暖烘烘的,因为我得到了春的消息」译作Nevertheless, thanks to the tidings of spring, I’m warm at heart.其中Nevertheless有加强语气的效果。   必背词汇   tidings n.消息;音讯;音信   英义   (old-fashioned,or humorous) news   例句   I am the bearer of good tidings .   我带来了好消息。   desolation n.废墟;荒芜;凄凉   英义   the state of a place that is ruined or destroyed and offers no joy or hope to people例句We looked out upon a scene of desolation and ruin.   我们放眼望去,眼前是一片荒凉的废墟。   drab adj.单调乏味的;无光彩的;无生气的英义without interest or colour; dull and boring例句Flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room.   鲜花给单调沉闷的房间增添了一丝愉快的气氛。   portrait n.肖像;半身画像;半身照   英义   a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders例句He had his portrait painted in uniform.   他让人画了一幅身着制服的画像。   tender adj.易损坏的;纤弱的;脆弱的   英义   easily hurt or damaged   例句   Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour.   嫩菜豆口感细腻,味道清香、淡雅。   slack n.懈怠;怠惰;偷懒   英义   to work less hard than you usually do or should do例句He had never let a foreman see him slacking.   他从未在哪个工头面前表现出丝毫懈怠。   重点表达   一片荒凉沉寂 a scene of desolation   应...之请 at one’s request   春意 the hint of spring   翠绿的 emerald-green   长出 shoot up   绿草成茵、繁花似锦的 with lush green grass and blooming flowers春的消息 the tidings of spring复盘测试一片荒凉沉寂应...之请春意   翠绿的   长出   绿草成茵、繁花似锦的   春的消息   表达对比   有关「想起...」的不同说法   今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,This evening, as I sat in my courtyard enjoying the cool night air, I suddenly thought of the lotus pond along which I was used to taking daily walks,忽然想起采莲的事情来了。   All of a sudden, I was reminded of lotus gathering.   到徐州见着父亲,看见满院狼藉的东西,又想起祖母,不禁簌簌地流下眼泪。   When I joined him in Xuzhou I found the courtyard strewn with things and could not help shedding tears at the thought of granny.   有时夜深,我会突然想起那些高原上的原住民...   Sometimes in the depth of night the images of the aboriginal inhabitants of the highlands would pop into my head...   冬夜的晚上,从爆白果的馨香里,我有一句没一句的想起来了。   I often try to recall them on many a winter night, and they flash in my mind amidst the crackling of gingko seeds being roasted in a pan.   你想起一个普通而平凡的女性。   Now your mind turns to an ordinary woman...   我想起我窗前的那片空地,从前堆放钢筋的地方,每到春来,从钢筋的空隙中总会长出十分翠绿的草。   Every year, I remember, when spring came, emerald-green grass would start shooting up from among the steel bars.   我差点被狼吃了!   My Narrow Escape from a Wolf’s Jaws   冰心   Bing Xin   《儿童时代》的编辑们叫我给小朋友写一篇《我的童年》。   The editors of the Childhood asked me to write for kids an article entitled My Childhood.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「写一篇《我的童年》」意为「写一篇名为《我的童年》的文章」,译作an article entitled My Childhood。   关于“童年”,我写过不止一篇了。现在不妨讲一段惊险的故事,给小朋友们听。   Since I have written more than once on the same subject, now I might as well tell you a thrilling story instead.   Q:「关于‘童年’,我写过不止一篇了」怎么翻译?   这一句的完整说法为「我已经不止一次写过有关‘童年’这一主题的文章了」,译作I have written more than once on the same subject,上文已经提到My Childhood,在这里直接以the same subject来替代。   这大概是一九六〇年的事了,那时我的父亲是烟台海军练营的营长,我们的家就住在练营对面的一个职工家属的四合院里,这个四合院是盖在从山坡上挖出来的一块平地上。   It was probably in 1906. My father was then in charge of a Yantai naval training camp. We lived just opposite in an old-style quadrangle for naval officers’ family members. It stood on a piece of level land dug out of the mountain slope.   Q:「我们的家就住在练营对面的一个职工家属的四合院里」怎么翻译?   这一句译作We lived just opposite in an old-style quadrangle for naval officers’ family members.其中「就住在练营对面」译作lived just opposite,其中opposite是副词,比译作We lived opposite the naval training camp...更加简洁。   我总记得每天我母亲替我梳小辫的时候,我从后窗望去,外面是一堵高高的土墙,在每一个锄头挖过的凹孔里,都长着一小丛的蒲公英,她是我一生中所结交的“花”的朋友中的第一个!   Every day, I remember, when mother was busy plaiting my hair, I would look out of the back window to set my eyes on a tall earthen wall and small clusters of dandelions growing out of the holes in theground left by digging. They were the first flowers I have ever been friends with in my life!   Q:「我从后窗望去,外面是一堵高高的土墙,在每一个锄头挖过的凹孔里...」怎么翻译?   「外面是一堵高高的土墙,在每一个锄头挖过的凹孔里...”是作者“从后窗望去」所看到的景色,译作I would look out of the back window to set my eyes on a tall earthen wall and small clusters of dandelions growing out of the holes in the ground left by digging,set my eyes on在此用来衔接看到的事物。   此外,「在每一个锄头挖过的凹孔里,都长着一小丛的蒲公英」中强调的是看到了蒲公英,译作small clusters of dandelions growing out of the holes in the ground left by digging,「在每一个锄头挖过的凹孔里」翻译时处理为「一小丛的蒲公英」修饰成分。   在我家后面的山坡上,有一座和海上兵舰通旗语的旗台,我父亲常常带着一块石板——就是我们小时候上学时用的做算术的那种石板——和一个带着两面彩旗的水兵,上旗台去跟海港里的军舰通话。   On the slope behind our house was a platform for exchanging flag signals with warships at sea. Often, armed with a slate – the kind of slate as used by schoolchildren for learning arithmetic, father would mount the platform to communicate with warships in harbor, together with a seaman carrying two coloured flags.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「通旗语」是指「用旗语进行交流」,译作exchanging flag signals。   「我父亲常常带着一块石板...和一个带着两面彩旗的水兵,上旗台去跟海港里的军舰通话」译作Often, armed with a slate...father would mount the platform to communicate with warships in harbor, together with a seaman carrying two coloured flags.其中「带着一块石板」和「和一个带着两面彩旗的水兵」被处理为with引导的状语成分,表伴随。   那时候的烟台东山,还是荒凉得很,时常有狼在夜里出来觅食。   Dongshan in Yantai was then a bleak and desolate place, often haunted by wolves at night hunting for food.   Q:「时常有狼在夜里出来觅食」怎么翻译?   「时常有狼在夜里出来觅食」译作often haunted by wolves at night hunting for food,其中haunt有「经常出没」之意,且含有「困扰已久」的意味,用在此处符合原文语意。   我们的厨师父常抱怨说:昨天夜里盖在大鸡笼下,上面还压着一块大石头的鸡笼,又被狼顶开,把小鸡吃了。不如砌一个砖头的鸡舍好。   Our cook often complained about wolves eating up our chicks the previous night after pushing off the heavy stone on top of the big bamboo coop. He suggested that a brick hen house be built to replace the bamboo coop.   Q:「昨天夜里盖在大鸡笼下,上面还压着一块大石头的鸡笼,又被狼顶开,把小鸡吃了」怎么翻译?   这一句译作wolves eating up our chicks the previous night after pushing off the heavy stone on top of the big bamboo coop,根据上文的「厨师父常抱怨」可知,这一句是经常发生的状况,因此「昨天夜里」译作the previous night更显普遍性。此外,「上面还压着一块大石头的鸡笼」可以理解为「在鸡笼上压了大石头之后」,译作after pushing off the heavy stone on top of the big bamboo coop。   「不如砌一个砖头的鸡舍好」译作He suggested that a brick hen house be built to replace the bamboo coop.其中suggest表「建议」时,从句要使用虚拟语气「(should)+动词原形」我从来没看见过狼,也就没把这话往心里去。   I had never seen a wolf, so didn’t take his words too much to heart.   Q:「没把这话往心里去」怎么翻译?   「没把这话往心里去」意即「没有认真对待这话」,译作didn’t take his words too much to heart,其中take...to heart是成语,意为「认真对待」(take seriously)。这一句还可译作didn’t take too much care about what he said。   有一天傍晚,父亲又带一个打旗语的水兵,上旗台去了。水兵下来半天了,父亲还在台上,我就跑上旗台去找父亲。   One evening, father went up the platform again with a signal man, but he remained there long after the seaman came back. So I started running up to meet him.   Q:「水兵下来半天了,父亲还在台上」怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「水兵下来很久之后,父亲还一直呆在台上」,译作he remained there long after the seaman came back。   「我就跑上旗台去找父亲」译作I started running up to meet him,其中meet有「会面」之意,符合原文语意。   夜色苍茫里,我听见身后仿佛有一只大狗在跟着我,忽然听见父亲一声断喝:“你快上来!”   Then, in the midst of the deepening dusk, I became aware of something like a big dog following at my heels. All of a sudden, father gave a loud shout, “Come on! Quick!”   Q:「夜色苍茫里」怎么翻译?   「夜色苍茫里」可以译作in the midst of the deepening dusk,其中in the midst of可以用amidst或in替换。deepening dusk也可以改为gathering dusk。   「你快上来!」可译作Come on! Quick!或Come up quick!,其中quick等于quickly,常用于口语。   我回头看时,只见一双亮得又凉得透骨的、灰蓝的眼睛,同时旗台上砰地一声巨响,是石板摔在地上的碎声,那大狗似的,有一双可怕的灰蓝眼睛的东西,拖着一条长长的尾巴,转身就跑了。   I looked back and saw a pair of grayish blue eyes glittering piercingly. Meanwhile, there was a terrific bang as father’s slate was smashed to pieces on the ground. The dog-like big beast, with its fearful grayish blue eyes, immediately turned to scurry away with its long tail between its legs.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我回头看时,只见一双亮得又凉得透骨的、灰蓝的眼睛」译作I looked back and saw a pair of grayish blue eyes glittering piercingly.其中「回头看」是两个连续发生的动作,译作looked back and saw。此外「一双亮得又凉得透骨的、灰蓝的眼睛」意即「锐利的灰蓝色双眼,寒光闪闪」,译作a pair of grayish blue eyes glittering piercingly,其中piercingly兼有「锐利」和「彻骨寒冷」之意。   「那大狗似的」意即「形似大狗一样的动物」,译作dog-like big beast。   这一切只发生在几秒钟的时间!   All that lasted but a few seconds!   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可译作All that lasted but a few seconds!或All that lasted for a matter of seconds!其中,a matter of是成语,意为「仅仅」。此外,「只发生在几秒钟的时间」可以理解为「只持续了仅仅几秒钟」,译作lasted but a few seconds。   我跑上了旗台,父亲把我紧紧地搂在怀里说:“刚才追在你后面的是一只狼!   Up on the platform, father hugged me closely in his arms and said, “It was a wolf that pursued you just now!   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「刚才追在你后面的是一只狼!」译作It was a wolf that pursued you just now!,比直接译作A wolf pursued you just now,语气更重。   不是我砸了石板把它吓跑了,你早就让它吃了。   Had I not frightened it away by smashing the slate, it would have eaten you up.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「如果不是我...,狼早就把你吃了」,译作Had I not frightened it away by smashing the slate, it would have eaten you up.是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气表达,条件从句的谓语动词形式为过去完成式,主句的谓语动词形式为would/should/could/might+have done。   以后在这么晚的时候千万不要自己一个人出来,听见没有?”   From now on, don’t come out by yourself after dark. Understand?”   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   「在这么晚的时候千万不要自己一个人出来,听见没有?」译作don’t come out by yourself after dark. Understand?其中after dark意为「天黑之后」。「听见没有?」译作Understand?,符合口语表达习惯。   那时我在父亲怀里只是嘻嘻地笑着,我想象不出被狼咬着吃了是什么感觉。   I giggled in his arms, not knowing what it was like to be eaten up by a wolf.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我想象不出被狼咬着吃了是什么感觉」与前文几乎同时发生,译作not knowing what it was like to be eaten up by a wolf,是现在分词短语充当时间状语,其从句形式为at that time I didn’t know what it was like to be eaten up by a wolf。   现在回想起来却有一种“后怕”。   Today, nevertheless, the small incident never fails to strike fear in me whenever I recall it.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   这一句不便按照字面直译,意译作Today, nevertheless, the small incident never fails to strike fear in me whenever I recall it.其中,nevertheless和the small incident都是根据原文语意添加的内容。   必背词汇   escape v.(未受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱,幸免于难英义to suffer no harm or less harm than you would expect例句I was lucky to escape with minor injuries.   我只受了一点轻伤逃出来真是万幸。   thrilling adj.惊险的;紧张的;扣人心弦的;令人兴奋不已的英义exciting and enjoyable例句Jon featured in one of the show's most thrilling episodes.   乔恩主演剧中最引人入胜的剧集之一。   plait v.将(头发、绳子等)编成辫   英义   to twist three or more long pieces of hair, rope, etc. together to make one long piece例句Joanna parted her hair, and then began to plait it into two thick braids.   乔安娜将头发分开,然后开始把它编成两条粗辫子。   haunt v.(鬼魂)出没   英义   if the ghost of a dead person haunts a place, people say that they have seen it there例句A headless rider haunts the country lanes.   一个无头骑士常出没于乡间的小路上。   giggle v.(因感到有趣、窘迫或紧张而)咯咯地笑;傻笑英义to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous例句They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn.   他们排队等候时紧张地傻笑着。   重点表达   差点... have a narrow escape from...   住在...对面 live just opposite   梳小辫 plait one’s hair   通旗语 exchange flag signals   往心里去 take ...to heart   夜色苍茫里 in the midst of/amidst the deepening/gathering dusk??复盘测试差点...   住在...对面   梳小辫   通旗语   往心里去   夜色苍茫里   表达对比   有关「差点...」的不同说法   2010 年之后的几年,主权债务危机席卷欧洲,弗里德曼的预测似乎差点就要应验。   For years the sovereign-debt crisis that engulfed Europe after 2010 seemed close to fulfilling Friedman’s prediction.   他们对“免费”的痴迷曾差点摧毁音乐产业,如今仍在危害媒体。   The obsession with “free” nearly destroyed the music industry and continues to wreak havoc on the media.   我差点被狼吃了!   My Narrow Escape from a Wolf’s Jaws   母亲身子一歪,还差点摔了一跤。   Mother hen forward and almost fell down.   无题   No Title   夏衍   Xia Yan   静下来想想,我这样一个出身贫寒,经历坎坷的人,居然能活到92岁,实在有点奇怪。   Often, in my calm moment of contemplation, I find it amazing that a man like me who was born of a poor family and has suffered a lifetime of frustrations should have lived to the age of 92.   Q:「静下来想想」怎么翻译?   「静下来想想」可以直译作When I calm down and think,在这里译作in my calm moment of contemplation,其中often是添加词,表示作者的有关思想活动是经常性的。   「居然能活到92岁」译作should have lived to the age of 92,此处使用虚拟语气should have done表达「竟然」之意。   过了80岁,经常有人问我,有什么养生之道。   When I was in my eighties, people often asked me for advice on how to keep in good health.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   根据上文可知,这一句所描述的内容发生在过去,因此翻译时使用一般过去时态。   「过了80岁」可以理解为「在我八十多岁的时候」,译作When I was in my eighties。   我不仅不懂得养生,而且还有一些不好的习惯。   But the fact is, instead of a recipe for healthy living, I have some very bad habits.   Q:「我不仅不懂得养生」怎么翻译?   「我不仅不懂得养生」译作But the fact is, instead of a recipe for healthy living,其中the fact is等同于the fact is that,是译文中的添加成分,用在此处可以加强语气。   我性急图快,走路快,下笔快,吃饭更快,简直是狼吞虎咽,因此,得了胃病、十二指肠溃疡。   I’m impetuous and tend to rush all things. I walk quickly, I write quickly, I eat even more quickly or, so to speak, just wolf down my food. As a result I became ill with duodenitis.   Q:「简直是狼吞虎咽」怎么翻译?   「简直是狼吞虎咽」译作or, so to speak, just wolf down my food,其中使用插入语so to speak(可以这么说)表达原文的「简直是」。   医生治好了我的病,但没有治好我的习惯。   The doctor at last cured me of my stomach trouble, but not of my bad habit of eating quickly.   Q:「但没有治好我的习惯」怎么翻译?   「但没有治好我的习惯」译作but not of my bad habit of eating quickly,此处省略了与前文相同的谓语动词cured。此外,根据上文可知,此处「我的习惯」是指「我吃东西过快的坏习惯」,因此翻译时要具体化,译作my bad habit of eating quickly。   我偏食。   I’m a picky eater.   Q:「偏食」怎么翻译?   根据下文内容可知,这里的「偏食」是指原文作者吃东西挑剔讲究,因此译作I’m a picky eater.其中picky意为「过分讲究的」「吹毛求疵的」“史无前例”的那十年之前,我不吃瓜,很少吃蔬菜和水果。   Prior to the outbreak of the 10-year domestic political turmoil in 1966, I refused to eat melon, and seldom took vegetables and fruit.   Q:「‘史无前例’的那十年之前」怎么翻译?   「‘史无前例’的那十年之前」是指「‘文化大革命’那十年之前」,译作Prior to the outbreak of the 10-year domestic political turmoil in 1966(1966年开始的国内政治动乱之前),未按原文直译,也未按「所谓‘文化大革命’那十年之前」加以意译,均为了便于国外读者理解。   70年代进了秦城监狱,天天窝窝头,顿顿萝卜白菜,这样才勉强改造过来,但一旦出狱,依旧我行我素,少吃苹果如故。   During the seventies, when I was confined in jail in Qincheng, my daily three meals consisted of nothing but corn buns plus turnip and Chinese cabbage. That, however, cured me of my being choosy about food. But, once out of prison, I slipped back to my old self, taking little vegetable and fruit.   Q:「依旧我行我素」怎么翻译?   「依旧我行我素」可以灵活译作I slipped back to my old self(故态复萌),或I relapsed into my old habit of...。   「少吃苹果如故」主要是指「少吃水果和蔬菜」,译作taking little vegetable and fruit。   我不喝酒,但从30岁那年开始抽烟,先是偶尔为之,后来上了瘾。   I’m a teetotaler, but I began to smoke at the age of 30. At first I did it only occasionally, but later I became addicted to it.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我不喝酒」译作I’m a teetotaler,其中teetotaler意为「从不饮酒的人」「滴酒不沾的人」。此处的译法与上文的「我偏食」保持一致,简洁地道。   在文化部工作那十年,每天两包(40支),连手指也熏黄了,到晚上唇干舌燥,也毫无戒意。   During the ten years when I was with the Ministry of Culture, I used to consume two packs a day, containing 40 cigarettes, till my fingers were yellowed and my lips and tongue parched. But I still couldn’t get out of the tobacco habit.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「连手指也熏黄了,到晚上唇干舌燥」在原文中表示一种结果,因此译作till my fingers were yellowed and my lips and tongue parched,表「直到...」的语意。   「毫无戒意」意即「还是戒不掉吸烟的习惯」,译作I still couldn’t get out of the tobacco habit。   当然,这中间也有曲折,进秦城之后,被强制戒了,但回家后,第一件事就是向家人要烟。   Smoking was banned in prison, but as soon as I was released the first thing I did was to ask my folks for a cigarette.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「进秦城之后,被强制戒了」可以理解为「监狱里禁止吸烟」,译作Smoking was banned in prison。   「回家后」译作I was released,与上文的「进秦城(监狱)」保持语意上的一致。   为了检验自己的意志力,主动戒了几个月,没有事,又抽上了。   Once, by way of testing my willpower, I stopped smoking for several months, but only to end up in a relapse.   Q:「没有事,又抽上了」怎么翻译?   「没有事,又抽上了」的意思是「最后还是故态复萌」,译作but only to end up in a relapse。   有人在报刊上写文章讲吸烟有害,我认为,这是危言耸听,有逆反心理。   Some people dwelled on the harmfulness of smoking in articles published in newspaper or magazines. To me, however, they were exaggerating things just to scare people and sort of manifesting a rebellious mentality.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「有人在报刊上写文章讲吸烟有害」的意思是「有人在报刊上写文章谈吸烟的危害」,译作Some people dwelled on the harmfulness of smoking in articles published in newspaper or magazines.其中dwell on意为「详细讲述」。   「这是危言耸听,有逆反心理」译作they were exaggerating things just to scare people and sort of manifesting a rebellious mentality,其中they指代上文提到的Some people。此外,「危言耸听」结合具体语境译作exaggerating things just to scare people,这一成语还可以译作say frightening things just to raise an alarm。   歪道理的理由是,我烟龄几十年还活到这把年纪。   I reasoned lamely that decades of heavy smoking hadn’t shortened my life at all.   Q:「歪道理的理由是」怎么翻译?   「站不住脚的理由是...」,灵活译作I reasoned lamely that...。   「我烟龄几十年还活到这把年纪」译作decades of heavy smoking hadn’t shortened my life at all”,“hadn’t shortened my life at all是根据原文语意的意译,有「正话反译」的意味。   奇怪的是,两年前的一个早上,点上第一支烟,觉得不是滋味,掐灭了,从此,不戒自戒。在我的吸烟史上画了一个句号。   Strange to say, early on a certain morning two years ago, my first cigarette of the day happened to be so sickening that I stubbed it out immediately and from then on smoked no more. That marked the beginning of my clean break with cigarettes.   Q:「觉得不是滋味」怎么翻译?   「觉得不是滋味」意即「觉得厌恶」,译作be so sickening。   「掐灭了,从此,不戒自戒」是上文「觉得不是滋味」的结果,译作my first cigarette of the day happened to be so sickening that I stubbed it out immediately and from then on smoked no more,其中so...that...有加强语气的效果。   「在我的吸烟史上画了一个句号」可以理解为「从此我和卷烟彻底断绝关系」,译作That marked the beginning of my clean break with cigarettes.   话说回来,一个人的健康,要从生理、心理、适应能力这三方面来决定。   Three things, however, have much to do with one’s health, namely, physiology, psychology and adaptability.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「一个人的健康,要从生理、心理、适应能力这三方面来决定」可以理解为「一个人的健康,与生理、心理、适应能力有很大的关系」,译作Three things, however, have much to do with one’s health, namely, physiology, psychology and adaptability.其中Three things,...namely, physiology, psychology and adaptability的处理方式是出于避免句子头重脚轻的考虑。   我能活到现在,大概是总结了过去几十年的经验教训,卸下了思想包袱,不生气、不悲观。   That I’ve lived to this age is probably due to my effort to sum up my personal experience of the past decades and draw a lesson from it. I’ve never been weighed down by cares. I never get angry or become pessimistic.   Q:「总结了过去几十年的经验教训」怎么翻译?   「总结了过去几十年的经验教训」的意思是「总结了过去几十年的经验并从中吸取教训」,译作sum up my personal experience of the past decades and draw a lesson from it。   我这个人还有一个好处,就是求知欲强,趣味广泛。   Another strong point of mine is that I’m always thirsting for knowledge and have many-sided interests.   Q:「求知欲强」怎么翻译?   「求知欲强」可以理解为「求知若渴」,译作I’m always thirsting for knowledge,简洁地道。   上至天下大事,小至草木鱼虫,我都有兴趣爱好。   My interests range over a wide field, from major events at home and abroad to plants and trees, and fish and worms.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「我的兴趣爱好范围上至天下大事,下至草木鱼虫」,译作My interests range over a wide field, from major events at home and abroad to plants and trees, and fish and worms.其中range over a wide field是根据原文语意补充的内容。   我养过鸟,养过狗,现在还养猫;集邮、搜集书画我都着过迷;看电视、听广播,除新闻之外,主要是看球,特别是足球。   I used to raise birds and dogs, and now I keep cats. I was once crazy about philately and collecting books and paintings. I watch TV or listen in to the radio, not only for news but mainly for ball games, soccer in particular.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文中既提到作者现在的兴趣爱好,也提到了他过去的一些爱好,翻译时可以通过时态上的变化来加以区分。如「集邮、搜集书画我都着过迷」译作I was once crazy about philately and collecting books and paintings.   意大利甲级联赛的录像,我每场必看,只是我好胜心强,中国队在国际比赛中受挫,我就生气。   I watch each and every Italian Serie A Match without fail. Only, due to my eagerness for national honor, it always makes me mad to see the Chinese Team lose out in international matches.   Q:「中国队在国际比赛中受挫,我就生气」怎么翻译?   「中国队在国际比赛中受挫,我就生气」译作it always makes me mad to see the Chinese Team lose out in international matches.其中lose out是动词短语,意为「输掉」「失败」??「只是我好胜心强」是指「民族荣誉感强」,结合具体语境译作due to my eagerness for national honor。   近年来,朋友写信和来访总要说“祝你健康长寿”。   In recent years, when friends write or call on me, they have often greeted me by saying, “May you have good health and a long life!”   Q:「朋友写信和来访总要说」怎么翻译?   「朋友写信和来访总要说」译作when friends write or call on me, they have often greeted me by saying,其中「总要说」意即「总要祝贺我说」,若直译作they have often said,则不够确切,故译作they have often greeted me by saying更为贴切。   我说:寿不能太长,有生有死,这是常道,人人长寿,生而不死,试想,孔老夫子、秦始皇、袁世凯、蒋介石都还活着,这将是怎样一个世界!   Well, I think life shouldn’t be excessively long. Some come into this world while some depart from it, that’s the way of all flesh. What if everybody should live an undying life? What would become of this world if Confucius, Qinshihuang, Yuan Shikai and Chiang Kai-shek were still alive today!   Q:「这是常道」怎么翻译?   「这是常道」结合上下文理解为「此乃众生之道」,译作that’s the way of all flesh,其中all flesh意为「所有人类」??「人人长寿,生而不死」译作What if everybody should live an undying life?,其中What if是根据原文语意进行的增益,原文虽无其词但有其意。   人世间,万物万事,都有一定的规律,掌握了这个规律,才能够改革和创造。   In this human world, things all go by certain rules. Only by grasping these rules can we make reforms and create.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「掌握了这个规律,才能够改革和创造」含有「只有...,才能...」的语意,因此译作Only by grasping these rules can we make reforms and create.   我认为,习惯不属于意识形态范围,它有一种“惯性”。   I think habits do not come under the category of ideology, but have something to do with inertia.   Q:「它有一种‘惯性’」怎么翻译?   「它有一种‘惯性’」意即「它与‘惯性’存在一定的关系」,译作have something to do with inertia。   所以,古人说:习之难改也甚矣。   That’s why the ancients say, “Old habits die hard.”   Q:「习之难改也甚矣」怎么翻译?   「习之难改也甚矣」可以按照字面直译作Old habits are not easily changed.或It is difficult to get rid of old habits.不过在此处不妨借用英语同义谚语Old habits die hard.更有助于国外读者理解。   当然,这是说难改,不是说不能改。只要下了决心,持之以恒,习惯也还是可以改。   Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that habits are impossible of being broken. With strong resolution and perseverance, we can certainly break ourselves of old habits.   Q:「这是说难改,不是说不能改」怎么翻译?   「这是说难改,不是说不能改」的核心意思是「习惯不是不能改掉」,译作it doesn’t mean that habits are impossible of being broken.翻译时不必拘泥于原文字面,否则会有啰嗦之嫌。   必背词汇   contemplation n.深思;沉思   英义   the act of thinking deeply about sth.   He sat there deep in contemplation.   他坐在那里沉思着。   impetuous adj.鲁莽的;冲动的;轻率的英义acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the resultsShe revealed her feelings in impetuous displays of spending.   她冲动地任意挥霍显露了她的感情.   picky adj.挑剔的;难伺候的   英义   (informal) (of a person ) liking only particular things and difficult to please例句Everyone knows children are picky eaters.   众所周知,小孩子吃东西挑食。   teetotaler n.绝对禁酒者,禁酒主义者英义a total abstainer例句I’m a teetotaler, but I began to smoke at the age of 30. At first I did it only occasionally, but later I became addicted to it.   我不喝酒,但从30岁那年开始抽烟,先是偶尔为之,后来上了瘾。   parched adj.干渴的;极渴的   英义   (informal) very thirsty   例句   Let's get a drink─I'm parched.   咱们喝点饮料吧,我嗓子都干得冒烟儿了。   relapse v.旧病复发   英义   the fact of becoming ill/sick again after making an improvement例句A wide range of emotionally stressful events may trigger a relapse. 多种令人情绪紧张的事情都可能引起旧病复发.   dwell v. 沉湎于,唠叨,赘述(尤指令人不快的事)英义If you dwell on something, especially something unpleasant, you think, speak, or write about it a lot or for quite a long time.   例句   I'd rather not dwell on the past.   我不想再沉湎于过去了。   lamely adv.(听起来)信心不足地,不具说服力地,站不住脚地英义in a way that does not sound very confident, or that does not persuade other people例句These conclusions were lamely inferred.   这是牵强地推演出来的结论。   inertia n.缺乏活力;惰性;保守   英义   (usually disapproving) lack of energy; lack of desire or ability to move or change例句I can't seem to throw off this feeling of inertia.   我好像无法摆脱这种无力的感觉。   重点表达   静下来想想 in one’s calm moment of contemplation出身贫寒 be born of a poor family经历坎坷 suffer a lifetime of frustrations活到 have lived to the age of养生之道 advice on how to keep in good health懂得养生 have a recipe for healthy living性急图快 be impetuous and tend to rush all things狼吞虎咽 wolf down food简直是 so to speak得了...病 become ill with偏食 be a picky eater/be choosy about food不吃... refuse to eat...   窝窝头 corn buns   出狱 out of prison   依旧我行我素 slip back to one’s old self/relapse into/end up in a relapse不喝酒 be a teetotaler危言耸听 exaggerate things just to scare people有逆反心理 manifest a rebellious mentality歪道理的理由是 reason lamely that奇怪的是 Strange to say卸下思想包袱 never be weighed down by cares求知欲强 be thirsting for knowledge受挫 lose out常道 the way of all flesh生而不死 live an undying life下了决心,持之以恒 with strong resolution and perseverance改掉习惯 break oneself of old habits复盘测试静下来想想出身贫寒经历坎坷   活到   养生之道   懂得养生   性急图快   狼吞虎咽   简直是   得了...病   偏食   不吃...   窝窝头   出狱   依旧我行我素   不喝酒   危言耸听   有逆反心理   歪道理的理由是   奇怪的是   卸下思想包袱   求知欲强   受挫   常道   生而不死   下了决心,持之以恒   改掉习惯   表达对比   有关「简直...」的不同说法   简直不知道他们在想什么!   You have absolutely no idea of what’s going on in their mind”.   那时她生下了一个女儿,她简直如死去一般卧在床上。   she was lying on her bed more dead than alive after giving birth to a baby girl.   而那老妇人,却简直没有顾到他底说话,也向她问:   His wife, completely ignoring what he was saying,现在新作家中写小说的多,写剧本的也较多,写杂文的简直就没有。   Most young writers today go in for fiction or drama, but practically none engage in essay writing.   那个胎儿简直小得带不活,而他们还在等着向她要船钱!”   The baby is just too undersized to survive. And yet they insist on charging the steamer fare.”   我性急图快,走路快,下笔快,吃饭更快,简直是狼吞虎咽,I’m impetuous and tend to rush all things. I walk quickly, I write quickly, I eat even more quickly or, so to speak, just wolf down my food.   龙   The Dragon   巴金   Ba Jin   我常常做梦。无月无星的黑夜里我的梦最多。有一次我梦见了龙。   I often have dreams, especially on a moonless and starless dark night. Once I dreamed of a dragon.   Q:「无月无星的黑夜里我的梦最多」怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「特别是在无月无星的黑夜里我常做梦」,译作...especially on a moonless and starless dark night。   我走入深山大泽,仅有一根手杖作我的护身武器,我用它披荆棘,打豺狼,它还帮助我登高山,踏泥沼。   I traveled across a remote mountain and a large swamp, armed with only a stick, with which I cleared away brambles and thorns and fought jackals and wolves. It also helped me in climbing the high mountain and crossing the marshland.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「仅有一根手杖作我的护身武器,我用它披荆棘,打豺狼」译作armed with only a stick, with which I cleared away brambles and thorns and fought jackals and wolves,其中「我用它披荆棘,打豺狼」处理成with引导的方式状语。   「踏泥沼」意为「过沼泽地」,译作crossing the marshland。   我脚穿草鞋,可以走过水面而不沉溺。   And the straw sandals I wore enabled me to wade through the mud without getting my feet stuck in it.   Q:「走过水面而不沉溺」怎么翻译?   「走过水面而不沉溺」是指「可以走过沼泽地而不让自己的脚陷在其中」,译作wade through the mud without getting my feet stuck in it,其中without getting my feet stuck in it是由without引导的伴随状语成分。   在一片大的泥沼中我看见一个怪物,头上有角,唇上有髭,两眼圆睁,红亮亮像两个灯笼。   On a vast expanse of marsh, I came across a monster. He had two horns on his head, a moustache on his upper lip and two wide open round eyes glowing like two lanterns.   Q:「头上有角,唇上有髭,两眼圆睁,红亮亮像两个灯笼」怎么翻译?   「头上有角,唇上有髭,两眼圆睁,红亮亮像两个灯笼」是对「怪物」形象的描述,翻译时若直接处理为with+名词,则显得句子冗长,因此不妨以「怪物」为主语单独成句,译作He had two horns on his head, a moustache on his upper lip and two wide open round eyes glowing like two lanterns.。   身子完全陷在泥中,只有这个比人头大过两三倍的头颅浮出污泥之上。   Being sunk deep in the mire, he had only his head exposed above the surface, a head at least thrice the size of that of a human.   Q:「这个比人头大过两三倍的头颅」怎么翻译?   「这个比人头大过两三倍的头颅」是一处夸张描述,翻译时为保留原文表达的夸张效果,可译作a head at least thrice the size of that of a human,单独译出可以起到强调作用。   我走近泥沼,用惊奇的眼光看这个怪物。它忽然口吐人言,阻止我前进:   “你是什么?要去什么地方?为什么来到这里?”   As I walked near to the marsh to view the monster with curiosity, he suddenly uttered in the human language to prevent me from proceeding, “What’s your name? Where are you going? Why did you come here?”   Q:「口吐人言」怎么翻译?   「口吐人言」的意思是「用人类的语言讲话」,译作uttered in the human language。   「你是什么?」本应该译作What are you?,根据上下文,在这里原句的意思应该是「你叫什么?」,译作What’s your name?   “我是一个无名者,我寻求一样东西。我只知道披开荆棘,找寻我的道路,”我昂然回答,对着怪物我不需要礼貌。   “I’m a nameless person,” I replied proudly, thinking it unnecessary to treat a monster with courtesy.   “I’m seeking for one thing. All I do is to break through brambles and briers in search of my way.”   Q:「对着怪物我不需要礼貌」怎么翻译?   「对着怪物我不需要礼貌」是原文作者内心的想法,因此译作thinking it unnecessary to treat a monster with courtesy符合原文语意。   「我只知道披开荆棘,找寻我的道路」中「找寻我的道路」是前文的目的,译作All I do is to break through brambles and briers in search of my way.其中,in search of my way是介词短语作目的状语。   “你不能前进,前面有火焰山,喷火数十里,伤人无数。”“我不怕火。为了得到我所追求的东西,我甘愿在火中走过。”   “No, you shouldn’t because a fiery mountain ahead is spurting flames far and wide and killing lots of people.”   “I don’t care. I’m ready to go through the fire for my objective.”   Q:「为了得到我所追求的东西,我甘愿在火中走过」怎么翻译?   这一句译作I’m ready to go through the fire for my objective,这样翻译是为了忠实于原文。这一句还可以灵活译作I’m ready to go through fire and water for my objective.其中go through fire and water是英语成语,意为「赴汤蹈火」??No, you shouldn’t because...,此处省略了上文的break through brambles and briers。   「我不怕火」译作I don’t care,表示对上文所说情况不在意、不害怕,可不直译出原文的「火」,如此说法更符合英文对话表达习惯。   “你仍不能前进,前面有大海,没有船只载你渡过白茫茫一片海水。”   “我不怕水,我有草鞋可以走过水面。为了得到我所追求的东西,甚至溺死,我也毫无怨言。”   “No, you shouldn’t. There’s an ocean ahead of you. You can’t cross the vast expanse of its foamy waters without a ship.”   “I’m not afraid. I can go through the waters in my straw sandals. To achieve my aim, I’m willing to run the risk of getting drowned.”   Q:「甚至溺死,我也毫无怨言」怎么翻译?   「甚至溺死,我也毫无怨言」译作I’m willing to run the risk of getting drowned,意为「我愿意冒着被溺死的危险去...」,符合原文语意。   「没有船只载你渡过白茫茫一片海水」在这里的意思是「没有船的话,你无法渡过这片海水」,译作You can’t cross the vast expanse of its foamy waters without a ship.   “你仍不能前进,前面有猛兽食人。”   “我有手杖可以打击猛兽。为了得到我所追求的东西,我愿与猛兽搏斗。”   “No, you can’t go forward because you’ll run into man-eating wild beasts.”“I’ll use my stick to strike at them. To achieve my aim, I’m ready to engage in a desperate struggle with them.”   Q:原文怎么翻译?   「前面有猛兽食人」除使用there be句型表达「有」的意思外,还可以理解为「你会遇到食人的猛兽」,译作you’ll run into man-eating wild beasts.其中,run into意为「撞上」「偶然遇到」等。   「我有手杖可以打击猛兽」可以理解为「我可以用自己的手账攻打怪兽」,译作I’ll use my stick to strike at them.   怪物的两只灯笼眼射出火光,从鼻孔中突然伸出两根长的触须,口大张开,露出一嘴钢似的亮牙。   The monster’s lantern-like eyes gave out a fiery light. Two long tentacles suddenly stretched out of his nostrils. With his mouth wide open, he showed a complete set of steely gleaming teeth.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文描述了怪物不同的面部动作,为了便于表达,可以在翻译前进行意群划分。如「怪物的两只灯笼眼射出火光」可译作The monster’s lantern-like eyes gave out a fiery light.   它大叫一声,使得附近的树木马上落下大堆绿叶,泥水也立刻沸腾起泡。   Then a sudden howl he gave sent the green leaves falling off the nearby trees and the muddy water bubbling and foaming.   Q:「使得附近的树木马上落下大堆绿叶,泥水也立刻沸腾起泡」怎么翻译?   「使得附近的树木马上落下大堆绿叶,泥水也立刻沸腾起泡」译作sent the green leaves falling off the nearby trees and the muddy water bubbling and foaming,其中动词sent在这里的意思是「使作出(某种反应)」,形式为send+名词/形容词,在此处现在分词falling off the nearby trees和bubbling and foaming相当于形容词。   “你这顽固的人,你究竟追求什么东西?”它厉声问道。   “我追求生命。”   “You mulish guy, what the hell are you seeking?” The monster demanded in a stern voice.“ I’m seeking life.”   Q:「你这顽固的人,你究竟追求什么东西?」怎么翻译?   「你这顽固的人,你究竟追求什么东西?」译作You mulish guy, what the hell are you seeking?其中mulish意为「执拗的」「顽固的」,the hell表达「究竟、到底」之意,常见于口语表达中。   “生命?你不是已经有了生命?”   “我要的是丰富的、充实的生命。”   “Life? Haven’t you already got your life?”   “I want a life that is full and substantial.”   Q:「你不是已经有了生命?」怎么翻译?   「你不是已经有了生命?」译作反问句Haven’t you already got your life?,其一般形式为You have already got your life, haven’t you?。   「我要的是丰富的、充实的生命」译作I want a life that is full and substantial.此处的定语从句起强调作用。   “我不明白你的意思,”它摇摇头。   “我活着不能够做一件有益的事情。   “I don’t understand what you mean,” he shook his head.   “I’m living a worthless life.   Q:「我活着不能够做一件有益的事情」怎么翻译?   「我活着不能够做一件有益的事情」可以理解为「我过着毫无意义的生活」,译作I’m living a worthless life.   我成天空谈理想,却束手看着别人受苦。我不能给饥饿的人一点饮食,给受冻的人一件衣服;我不能揩干哭泣的人脸上的眼泪。   I engage in empty talk all day long, not knowing what to do to help the wretched of the earth. I don’t give food to those who are going hungry. I don’t give clothing to those who are suffering from cold. I don’t dry tears on the faces of those who are weeping.   Q:「却束手看着别人受苦」怎么翻译?   「却束手看着别人受苦」可以理解为「不知道如何帮助其他受苦的人」,译作not knowing what to do to help the wretched of the earth,以现在分词作伴随状语的形式呈现。   我吃着,谈着,睡着,在无聊的空闲中浪费我的光阴——像这样的一个人怎么能说是有生命。在我,若得不到丰富的、充实的生命,那么活着与死亡又有什么区别?”   I eat, I talk, I sleep. I’m idling away my time listlessly. Do you think that, being a man like this, I still have life? To me, one is as good as dead if his life isn’t full and substantial.”   Q:「像这样的一个人怎么能说是有生命」怎么翻译?   「像这样的一个人怎么能说是有生命」译作Do you think that, being a man like this, I still have life?其中Do you think that的补充增添了译文的对话感。   「若得不到丰富的、充实的生命,那么活着与死亡又有什么区别」的意思是「若一个人不能过着丰富充实的生活,那他就和死了一样」,译作one is as good as dead if his life isn’t full and substantial.其中as good as意为「和...几乎一样」怪物想了想,仍然摇头说:“我怕你会永远得不到你所追求的东西。或许世界上根本就没有这样的东西。”   The monster, after a moment of pondering, continued shaking his head, “I’m afraid you’ll never get what you’re chasing after. Most probably what you’re seeking for doesn’t exist in this world at all.”   Q:「我怕你会永远得不到你所追求的东西」怎么翻译?   「我怕你会永远得不到你所追求的东西」表达「恐怕...」之意,译作I’m afraid you’ll never get what you’re chasing after.   「或许世界上根本就没有这样的东西」译作Most probably what you’re seeking for doesn’t exist in this world at all. Most probably意为「极有可能」,表示可能性极大。   我在它那张难看的脸上见到一丝同情了。我说:“不会没有,我在书上见过。”   Noticing a trace of sympathy in his ugly face, I replied,“It does exist. I’ve read about it in books.”   Q:「不会没有,我在书上见过。」怎么翻译?   「不会没有」是对上文「或许世界上根本就没有这样的东西」的回应,可以理解为「它一定存在」,译作It does exist.「我在书上见过」译作I’ve read about it in books.”意为“我在书上读到过有关于它的内容。   “你这傻子,你居然相信书?”“我相信,因为书上写得明白,讲得有道理。”   “You idiot! Fancy you believing books!”   “Yes, I believe them. They tell the truth in clear terms.”   Q:「你居然相信书?」怎么翻译?   「你居然相信书?」译作Fancy you believing books!其中fancy表惊奇或震惊,意为「真想不到」「竟然」??「书上写得明白,讲得有道理」可以理解为「书上可以把道理讲清楚」,译作They tell the truth in clear terms.   怪物叹息地摇摆着头:“你这顽强的人,我劝你立刻回头走。你不知道前面路上还有些什么东西等着你。”“我知道,但是我还要往前走。”   The monster sighed shaking his head, “You mule, I advise you to turn back immediately. You don’t know what is waiting in ambush for you ahead.”   “Yes, I know, but I still want to go ahead.”   Q:「你不知道前面路上还有些什么东西等着你。」怎么翻译?   「你不知道前面路上还有些什么东西等着你」译作You don’t know what is waiting in ambush for you ahead.其中in ambush意为「埋伏」,原文虽无其词但有其意。   “你应该仔细想一下。”“你为什么这样不惮烦地阻止我?我同你并不相识。我甚至不知道你的名字。告诉我,你究竟叫什么名字!”   “You should think it over.”“Why are you going to all lengths to stop me from going ahead?   We’re not acquainted with each other. I don’t even know your name. Now, what name, please!”   Q:「你为什么这样不惮烦地阻止我?」怎么翻译?   「你为什么这样不惮烦地阻止我?」译作Why are you going to all lengths to stop me from going ahead?其中go to all lengths意为「全力以赴」「竭尽全力」,对应原文中的「不惮烦地」“已经有很久没有人提起我的名字了,我自己也差不多忘记了它。现在我告诉你:我是龙,我就是龙。”   “I haven’t been called by my name for a long time. I’ve almost forgotten my own name. Now, let me tell you, I’m a dragon. I sure am.”   Q:「我是龙,我就是龙」怎么翻译?   「我是龙,我就是龙」译作I’m a dragon. I sure am.其中sure是副词,意思等同于certainly。   「已经有很久没有人提起我的名字了」译作I haven’t been called by my name for a long time.转换表达视角,以「龙」为主语。   我吃了一惊。我望着那张古怪的脸。“你是龙,怎么会躺在泥沼中?据我所知,龙是水中之王,应该住在大海里。你为什么又不能乘雷上天?”我疑惑地问道。   I stared at his bizarre face in astonishment.“As a dragon, how come you’re stuck in the mire?” I asked with puzzlement.“As far as I know, being king of the water, a dragon should live in the sea. And why don’t you go up to the heaven by taking advantage of a thunder-storm?”   Q:「你为什么又不能乘雷上天?」怎么翻译?   「你为什么又不能乘雷上天?」意即「你为什么不在打雷时趁机上天?」或「你为什么不利用打雷上天?」,译作And why don’t you go up to the heaven by taking advantage of a thunder-storm?   「你是龙,怎么会躺在泥沼中?」译作As a dragon, how come you’re stuck in the mire?其中how come意同why,意为「为什么...」这时天空响起一声巨雷,因此我才有后一句话。我看看它的身子,黄黑色的污泥盖住了它的胸腹和尾巴。泥水沸腾似地在发泡,从水面不断地冒起来难闻的臭气。   A loud crash of thunder had just prompted the last question. The dragon’s chest, belly and tail were covered in dark brown mud. The muddy water was bubbling like it was boiling and emitting an awful smell all the time.   Q:「这时天空响起一声巨雷,因此我才有后一句话。」怎么翻译?   「这时天空响起一声巨雷,因此我才有后一句话」译作A loud crash of thunder had just prompted the last question.,意即「天空中的一声巨雷促使我说出了后来的那一句话」??「泥水沸腾似地在发泡」译作The muddy water was bubbling like it was boiling,其中like在此处作连词,意为「像...一样」龙沉默着,它似乎努力在移动身子。但是身子被污泥粘着,盖着,压着,不能够动弹。   The dragon was silent and seemed to be trying desperately to extricate himself, but to no avail because the heavy mud had his whole body glued, buried under and weighed down.   Q:「它似乎努力在移动身子」怎么翻译?   结合上下文,「它似乎努力在移动身子」在这里是指「它似乎努力地从污泥中挣脱出来」,因此译作seemed to be trying desperately to extricate himself。   「但是身子被污泥粘着,盖着,压着,不能够动弹」译作but to no avail because the heavy mud had his whole body glued, buried under and weighed down。其中「不能够动弹」灵活译作but to no avail,意为「完全没用的」它张开嘴哀叫一声,两颗大的泪珠从眼里掉下来。   He opened his mouth to utter a woeful howl, two big teardrops rolling down his cheeks.   Q:「两颗大的泪珠从眼里掉下来」怎么翻译?   「两颗大的泪珠从眼里掉下来」译作two big teardrops rolling down his cheeks是一个独立主格结构,相当于一个伴随状语成分。   它哭了!我惶恐地望着它的头,我想,这和我在图画上看见的龙头完全不像,它一定对我说了假话,它不是龙。   He was crying! As I fearfully looked at his head, I found it didn’t look like that of a dragon at all, and therefore suspected him to be a fake.   Q:「它一定对我说了假话,它不是龙」怎么翻译?   「它一定对我说了假话,它不是龙」的意思是「我怀疑它是冒充的,不是真的龙」,译作suspected him to be a fake。   “我也是为了追求丰富的生命才到这里来的,”它止了泪开始叙述它的故事。   “Like you, I’ve come here to seek a full and substantial life,” he restrained his tears and began to tell his own story.   Q:「我也是为了追求丰富的生命才到这里来的」怎么翻译?   「我也是为了追求丰富的生命才到这里来的」是与原文作者进行比较而得出的结论,因此译作Like you, I’ve come here to seek a full and substantial life...。其中Like you表达了原文中「也是...」的语意。   它的话是我完全料不到的。这对我是多大的惊奇!   That was totally beyond my expectation. What a big surprise!   Q:「这对我是多大的惊奇!」怎么翻译?   「这对我是多大的惊奇!」可以理解为「这太令我惊奇了」,译作What a big surprise!。   “我和你一样,也不愿意在无聊的空闲中浪费我的光阴。我不愿意在别的水族的痛苦上面安放我的幸福宝座,我才抛弃龙宫,离开大海,去追求你所说的那个丰富的、充实的生命。   “Like you, I hate to idle away my time listlessly. I hate to pursue my personal happiness at the expense of other aquatic animals. That’s why I’ve abandoned my Dragon King’s Palace and quit the seas so as to pursue what you call a full and substantial life.   Q:「我不愿意在别的水族的痛苦上面安放我的幸福宝座」怎么翻译?   这一句是形象说法,可以理解为「我不愿将自己的幸福建立在其他水族动物的痛苦之上」,译作I hate to pursue my personal happiness at the expense of other aquatic animals.   「龙宫」即「龙王宫」,故译作Dragon King’s Palace,不宜译作the dragon’s palace 。   我不愿意活着只为自己,我立志要做一些帮助同类的事情。   I hate to live solely for my own benefit. I’ve made up my mind to do something for the benefit of my own kind.   Q:「我立志要做一些帮助同类的事情」怎么翻译?   「我立志要做一些帮助同类的事情」译作I’ve made up my mind to do something for the benefit of my own kind.其中「帮助同类」译作for the benefit of my own kind,是对上文for my own benefit照应。   我飞上天空,我又不愿终日与那些飘浮变化的云彩为伍,也不愿高居在别的水族之上。   Up in the skies, I don’t like to keep company with the drifting colorful clouds all day long. Nor do I like to rule over other aquatic animals.   Q:「也不愿高居在别的水族之上」怎么翻译?   「也不愿高居在别的水族之上」与上一句「又不愿终日与那些飘浮变化的云彩为伍」同样表达否定含义,译作Nor do I like to rule over other aquatic animals.在这里以nor开头,因此要采用倒装结构。   我便落下地来。我要访遍深山大泽,去追寻我在梦里见到的东西。在梦中我的确见过充实的、有光彩的生命。   Now that I’ve fallen on earth, I want to travel across remote mountains and swamps in search of what I’ve seen in my dreams, that is, a full and bright life.   Q:「去追寻我在梦里见到的东西。在梦中我的确见过充实的、有光彩的生命」怎么翻译?   这一句译作in search of what I’ve seen in my dreams, that is, a full and bright life,其中that is意为「即」,起到解释说明的作用。   结果我却落在污泥里,不能自拔。”它闭了嘴,从灯笼眼里流出几滴泪珠,颜色鲜红,跟血一样。   But I’ve ended up being bogged down in a quagmire and unable to extricate myself.” He kept his mouth shut, several blood-red teardrops starting from his lantern-like eyes.   Q:「结果我却落在污泥里,不能自拔」怎么翻译?   这一句译作I’ve ended up being bogged down in a quagmire and unable to extricate myself.其中end up doing表达「结果是...」的意思,常接不好的结果,符合原文语意。   “你看,现在污泥粘住了我的身子,我要动一下也不能够。我过不了这种日子,我宁愿死!”   “You see, I’m stuck in the mud and immovable. I can no longer endure it. I would rather die!”   Q:「现在污泥粘住了我的身子,我要动一下也不能够」怎么翻译?   「现在污泥粘住了我的身子,我要动一下也不能够」译作I’m stuck in the mud and immovable.其中「我要动一下也不能够」直接译作形容词immovable,不仅简洁地道,还与前文保持结构一致。   它回过头去看它的身子,但是眼前仍然只是那一片污泥。它痛苦地哀叫一声,血一样的眼泪又流了下来。   Turning round his head, he saw nothing but a vast expanse of mud. Then, as he cried piteously, blood-like tears again coursed down his face.   Q:「眼前仍然只是那一片污泥」怎么翻译?   「眼前仍然只是那一片污泥」译作he saw nothing but a vast expanse of mud.其中nothing but有加强语气的作用。   「血一样的眼泪又流了下来」译作blood-like tears again coursed down his face,「流泪」除了上文的start from,在这里还可以译作course down。   它说:“可是我不能死,而且我也不应该死。我躺在这里已经过了多少万年了。”   He said, “But I mustn’t die. No, I shouldn’t. I’ve been lying here for tens of thousands of years.”   Q:「可是我不能死,而且我也不应该死」怎么翻译?   「可是我不能死,而且我也不应该死」译作But I mustn’t die. No, I shouldn’t.其中I shouldn’t.省略了与前文相同的谓语die。   我的心因同情而痛苦,因恐惧而猛跳。多少万年!这样长的岁月!   My heart ached with sympathy and throbbed with fright. Tens of thousands of years! What a long time!   Q:「多少万年!这样长的岁月!」怎么翻译?   「多少万年!这样长的岁月!」的意思是「几万年!多么漫长的时间啊!」译作Tens of thousands of years! What a long time!   它怎么能够熬过这么些日子?我打了一个冷噤。   How did he manage to drag out the miserable existence? A shiver came upon me.   Q:「它怎么能够熬过这么些日子?」怎么翻译?   这一句译作How did he manage to drag out the miserable existence? 其中manage to和the miserable existence是根据原文语意补充出来的,强化了译文的表达效果。   但是我还能够勉强地再问它一句:“你是怎样陷到污泥里来的?”   Nevertheless, I put to him one more question, “How did you get stuck in the mire?”   Q:「我还能够勉强地再问它一句」怎么翻译?   「我还能够勉强地再问它一句」译作I put to him one more question,其中put to+sb.表达「向某人提问」之意。   “你不用问我这个。你自己不久就会知道,你这顽固的年轻人。”它忽然用怜悯的眼光望我,好像它已经预料着,不幸的遭遇就会降临到我身上来似的。   “Don’t ask me. You’ll soon understand, young mule.” He suddenly looked at me with pity as if he had predicted that a misfortune was befalling me.   Q:「好像它已经预料着,不幸的遭遇就会降临到我身上来似的」怎么翻译?   这里表达了一种虚拟语气,因此译作as if he had predicted that a misfortune was befalling me,其中had predicted that表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。此外,was befalling me则为过去将来时态的表达形式。   我没有回答。它又说:“我想打破上帝定下的秩序,我想改变上帝的安排,我去追求上帝不给我们的东西,我要创造一个新的条件。   I gave no reply. He continued, “I wanted to break up the old order established by God. I wanted to change the arrangement made by God. I tried to strive for things denied me by God. I wanted to create a new condition.   Q:「我想打破上帝定下的秩序,我想改变上帝的安排,我去追求上帝不给我们的东西,我要创造一个新的条件」怎么翻译?   原文使用了一系列「我想...」,在翻译时可以保留这种句式结构,译作I wanted to break up the old order established by God. I wanted to change the arrangement made by God. I tried to strive for things denied me by God. I wanted to create a new condition.在此处不仅不会有表达重复之嫌,反而会有增强语势的效果。   所以我受到上帝的惩罚。为了追求充实的生命,我飞过火焰山,我斗过猛兽,我抛弃了水中之王的尊荣,历尽了千辛万难。   That’s why I was punished by God. To seek a full and substantial life, I flew over fiery mountains, fought wild beasts, abandoned the honorary title of King of the Water and experienced untold hardships.   Q:「我抛弃了水中之王的尊荣」怎么翻译?   「我抛弃了水中之王的尊荣」可以理解为「我抛弃了水中之王这一尊贵的头衔」,译作abandoned the honorary title of King of the Water。   但是我终于逃不掉上帝的掌握,被打落在污泥里,受着日晒、雨淋、风吹、雷打。   But I’m still under God’s thumb. I’ve been banished to this swamp to be exposed to the sun, rain, wind and thunder.   Q:「我终于逃不掉上帝的掌握」怎么翻译?   「我终于逃不掉上帝的掌握」的意思是「我依旧在上帝的掌控之下」,译作I’m still under God’s thumb.”其中under one’s thumb意为“受...控制,「在...的控制之下」我的头、我的脸都变了模样,我成了一个怪物。只是我的心还是从前的那一颗,并没有丝毫的改变。”   My head and face are weather-beaten and I look like a freak. But I still have the same heart as before. It’s not a bit changed.”   Q:「我的头、我的脸都变了模样」怎么翻译?   「我的头、我的脸都变了模样」本可以译作My face and head have changed beyond recognition,在这里灵活翻译为My head and face are weather-beaten,意即「我的头和脸都饱经风霜」??「并没有丝毫的改变」译作It’s not a bit changed.其中changed是形容词,意为「与以前截然不同的」,「变化大的」“那么,你为什么阻止我前进,不让我去追寻生命?”   “顽固的人,我不愿意你也得着恶运。   “Then why do you stop me from going ahead to seek life?”   “Young mule, I don’t want to see you get into trouble too.   Q:「我不愿意你也得着恶运」怎么翻译?   「我不愿意你也得着恶运」的意思是「我不愿你也陷入困境中」,译作I don’t want to see you get into trouble too.   「你为什么阻止我前进」译作why do you stop me from going ahead to seek life?其中to seek life是对译文语意的具体化,与上文内容进行照应。   你是人,你不能活到万年。你会死,你会很快地死去,你甚至会毫无所获而失掉你现在有的一切。”   You’re a mortal. You can’t live to ten thousand. You’ll die, you’ll die very soon. You’ll gain nothing and even lose all that you have now.”   Q:「你是人」怎么翻译?   「你是人」的意思是「你只是一个凡人」,译作You’re a mortal.其中mortal是指普通人、凡人,不能永生,用在此处符合原意。   “我不怕死。得不到丰富的生命我宁愿死去。   “I’m not afraid of death. Without a full and substantial life, I would rather die.   Q:「得不到丰富的生命我宁愿死去」怎么翻译?   这一句可译作Without a full and substantial life, I would rather die.其中「丰富的生命」在全文属于主题性的词语,因此翻译时可以与上文统一译法,译作a full and substantial life,有强调文章主题的作用。   我不能够像你这样,居然在污泥中熬了多少万年。我奇怪像你这样的生活还有什么值得留恋?”   I don’t want to follow your example by enduring the torment in the mire for tens of thousands of years. I wonder what it is that has made you so reluctant to part with the kind of life you’re living.”   Q:「我奇怪像你这样的生活还有什么值得留恋?」怎么翻译?   这一句译作I wonder what it is that has made you so reluctant to part with the kind of life you’re living.原文是以问句形式呈现,翻译时为了突出原文作者对于原因的好奇,使用了强调句型what it is that has made...。   “年轻人,你不明白。我要活,我要长久活下去。   “Young man, you don’t understand. I don’t want to die. I want to live long.   Q:「我要活,我要长久活下去」怎么翻译?   这一句译作I don’t want to die. I want to live long.其中don’t want与want to形成对比,有强化语气的效果。   我还盼望着总有那么一天,我可以从污泥中拔出我的身子,我要乘雷飞上天空。然后我要继续追寻丰富的、充实的生命。   I’m looking forward to a day when I can extricate myself from the mire and fly to the skies by taking advantage of a thunder-storm. Then I can continue to seek a full and substantial life.   Q:「我还盼望着总有那么一天,我可以从污泥中拔出我的身子,我要乘雷飞上天空」怎么翻译?   这一句译作I’m looking forward to a day when I can extricate myself from the mire and fly to the skies by taking advantage of a thunder-storm.其中when引导的定语从句修饰前面的a day。   我的心在跳动,我的意志就不会消灭。我的追求也将继续下去,直到我的志愿完成。”   As long as my heart beats, there is my aspiration. I’ll keep seeking until I’ve fulfilled my expectations.”   Q:「我的心在跳动,我的意志就不会消灭」怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「只要我的心还在跳动,那么我的意志就一直都在」,译作As long as my heart beats, there is my aspiration.   「我的追求也将继续下去,直到我的志愿完成」意即「我会一直准求下去,直到我完成自己的志愿」,译作I’ll keep seeking until I’ve fulfilled my expectations.   它说着,泪水早已干了,脸上也没有了痛苦的表情,如今有的却是勇敢和兴奋。   As he was talking, tears had stopped flowing and pain on his face had given place to courage and excitement.   Q:「脸上也没有了痛苦的表情,如今有的却是勇敢和兴奋」怎么翻译?   这里灵活译作pain on his face had given place to courage and excitement,意即「脸上的痛苦表情被勇敢和兴奋所取代」它还带着信心似地问我一句:“你现在还要往前面走?”   “我要走,就是火山、大海、猛兽在前面等我,我也要去!”我坚决地甚至热情地回答。   He asked me with self-assurance,“Do you still want to go ahead?”   “Yes, I do,” I answered resolutely and yet enthusiastically. “Fiery mountains, rolling seas and wild beasts may be awaiting me out there, but I don’t care.”   Q:「就是火山、大海、猛兽在前面等我,我也要去!」怎么翻译?   「就是火山、大海、猛兽在前面等我,我也要去!」可以理解为「火山、大海、猛兽可能在前面等我,但是我不在乎」,译作Fiery mountains, rolling seas and wild beasts may be awaiting me out there, but I don’t care.   龙忽然哈哈地笑起来。它的笑声还未停止,一个晴空霹雳突然降下,把四周变成漆黑。   The dragon burst out laughing. But hardly had his peal of laughter died away when a thunderbolt from the clear sky plunged all around me into darkness.   Q:「一个晴空霹雳突然降下,把四周变成漆黑」怎么翻译?   「一个晴空霹雳突然降下,把四周变成漆黑」译作a thunderbolt from the clear sky plunged all around me into darkness,其中plunge sth. into sth.意为「使经历、使陷入不愉快的事情」,符合原意。   我伸出手也看不见五根指头。就在这样的黑暗中,我听见一声巨响自下冲上天空。泥水跟着响声四溅。   And I even could not see the fingers when I stretched out my hand. Just then I heard a terrific noise shooting up into the sky from the ground and, meanwhile, the splashing of muddy water.   Q:原文怎么翻译?   「一声巨响自下冲上天空」和「泥水跟着响声四溅」都是「我」听到的内容,翻译时可以整合,译作I heard a terrific noise shooting up into the sky from the ground and, meanwhile, the splashing of muddy water.   我觉得我站的土地在摇动了。我的头发昏。   I felt the earth under my feet quaking and my head swimming.   Q:原文怎么翻译?   原文译作I felt the earth under my feet quaking and my head swimming.其中现在分词quaking和swimming分别修饰the earth under my feet和my head。   天渐渐地亮开来。我的眼前异常明亮。泥沼没有了。   The day was dawning. My eyes were extremely bright. The swamp was nowhere to be found.   Q:「天渐渐地亮开来」怎么翻译?   「天渐渐地亮开来」可以理解为「天开始破晓」,译作The day was dawning.   「泥沼没有了」译作The swamp was nowhere to be found.意为「泥沼也无处可寻」我前面横着一片草原,新绿中点缀了红白色的花朵。   Lying in front of me was a vast expanse of grassland with its fresh green studded with reddish white flowers.   Q:「新绿中点缀了红白色的花朵」怎么翻译?   「新绿中点缀了红白色的花朵」译作with its fresh green studded with reddish white flowers,是一个with引导的复合结构,对a vast expanse of grassland进行补充说明。   我仰头望天。蔚蓝色的天幕上隐约地现出淡墨色的龙影,一身鳞甲还是乌亮乌亮的。   Looking up at the sky, I caught a glimpse of the blackish dragon silhouetted dimly against the azure sky, his scales and shell being as jet-black as ever.   Q:「蔚蓝色的天幕上隐约地现出淡墨色的龙影」怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「我看到淡墨色的龙影隐约出现在蔚蓝色的天空中」,译作I caught a glimpse of the blackish dragon silhouetted dimly against the azure sky。   「一身鳞甲还是乌亮乌亮的」译作his scales and shell being as jet-black as ever,是一个独立主格结构,相当于伴随状语成分。   必背词汇   wade v.跋涉,涉,蹚(水或淤泥等)   英义   to walk with an effort through sth., especially water or mud例句He waded into the water to push the boat out.   他蹚进水里把船推出来。   listless adj.没有活力的;无精打采的;不热情的英义having no energy or enthusiasm例句The illness left her feeling listless and depressed.   那场病使她感到虚弱无力,提不起精神。   ambush v.伏击;埋伏   英义   the act of hiding and waiting for sb. and then making a surprise attack on them例句Two soldiers were killed in a terrorist ambush.   两名士兵遭到恐怖分子伏击而死亡。   extricate v.(使)摆脱,脱离,脱出   英义   to escape or enable sb. to escape from a difficult situation例句He had managed to extricate himself from most of his official duties.   他终于摆脱了大部分公务。   course v. 快速地流动;奔流   英义   (of liquid) to move or flow quickly   例句   When you're sitting still, you need less blood coursing through your arteries.   静坐时动脉血液流动较缓。   mortal n.人;凡人;普通人   英义   (often humorous) a human, especially an ordinary person with little power or influence例句When self-esteem is high, we lose our mortal fear of jealousy.   自信心很强时,我们不再对妒忌感到极度惧怕。   swim v.眩晕;感觉天旋地转   英义   to feel confused and/or as if everything is spinning around例句His head swam and he swayed dizzily.   他感觉天旋地转,摇晃起来。   azure adj.天蓝色的;蔚蓝色的   英义   bright blue in colour like the sky   例句   They were like bright pearls and stars in azure sky.   正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星.   重点表达   无月无星的黑夜 a moonless and starless dark night深山大泽 a remote mountain and a large swamp披荆棘 clear away brambles and thorns口吐人言 utter in the human language溺死 get drowned与猛兽...搏斗 engage in a desperate struggle with一嘴钢似的亮牙 a complete set of steely gleaming teeth厉声问道 demand in a stern voice空谈理想 engage in empty talk在无聊的空闲中浪费光阴 idle away one’s time listlessly一丝同情 a trace of sympathy不惮烦地 go to all lengths to乘雷上天 go up to the heaven by taking advantage of a thunder-storm哀叫一声 utter a woeful howl完全料不到的 beyond my expectation只为自己 for my own benefit不能自拔 unable to extricate oneself千辛万难 untold hardships   逃不掉...的掌握 still under one’s thumb   没有丝毫的改变 not a bit changed   晴空霹雳 a thunderbolt from the clear sky头发昏 feel one’s head swimming...没有了 be nowhere to be found隐约地显现 be silhouetted dimly against乌亮乌亮的 jet-black复盘测试   无月无星的黑夜   深山大泽   披荆棘   口吐人言   溺死   与猛兽...搏斗   一嘴钢似的亮牙   厉声问道   空谈理想   在无聊的空闲中浪费光阴   一丝同情   不惮烦地   乘雷上天   哀叫一声   完全料不到的   只为自己   不能自拔   千辛万难   逃不掉...的掌握   没有丝毫的改变   晴空霹雳   头发昏   ...没有了   隐约地显现   乌亮乌亮的   表达对比   有关「不愿意...」的不同说法   许多同学被抓进捕房去了,许多同学搬了家,也有些回去了的,厨房不肯赊账,他再不愿意开饭给我们吃了。   Many students had been arrested and taken to the police station. Some students had moved house and some had gone home. The school canteen was closed because it refused to serve meals on credit.   中年的人,不愿意再说些情感的话...   As a middle-aged woman, I try to keep from being sentimental again in writing about the old days.   我很难勉强我自己做些不愿意做的事,见些不愿意见的人,吃些不愿意吃的饭!母亲常说这是“任性”之一种,不能成为“伟大”的人格。   I never force myself to do what I’m unwilling to do, meet people I don’t want to meet or eat meals I dislike. Hence my mother said I was sort of a wilful child destined to get nowhere.   在那种苦痛的心情之下,我却绝不愿意流露丝毫给对方知道...   I managed, however, to refrain from revealing to him my troubled state of mind.   我不愿意活着只为自己,我立志要做一些帮助同类的事情。   I hate to live solely for my own benefit. I’ve made up my mind to do something for the benefit of my own kind.   一千三百圆   1,300 Yuan   一个朋友在西关宴客邀了我去。同去的连主人一共是七位。   I was asked to a dinner party in Xiguan given by a friend of mine. There were seven of us going together, including the host.   Q:「一个朋友在西关宴客邀了我去」怎么翻译?   「一个朋友在西关宴客邀了我去」译作I was asked to a dinner party in Xiguan given by a friend of mine.也可以译作A friend of mine invited me to dinner at a restaurant in Xiguan,其中a restaurant是添加词。   「同去的连主人一共是七位」译作There were seven of us going together, including the host.其中现在分词短语going together相当于一个定语从句,修饰seven of us。   我早就听说西关是一个很热闹的地方。那里还是许多旧式大家庭的根据地。   As has long been known to me, Xiguan is a busy downtown area in Guangzhou — a place inhabited by many old-fashioned big families.   Q:「那里还是许多旧式大家庭的根据地」怎么翻译?   「那里还是许多旧式大家庭的根据地」可以理解为「许多旧式大家庭都住在那里」,译作a place inhabited by many old-fashioned big families。   As has long been known to me是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰全句。   马路宽阔,但也有不少的窄巷和石板铺的小路。在那些密集的房屋里面隐藏着种种神秘的事情。   The streets are wide, but there are quite a few narrow lanes and flagstones too. Hidden in the tightly packed dwellings were unfathomable mysteries of all sorts.   Q:「石板铺的小路」怎么翻译?   「石板铺的小路」译作narrow flagstones,flagstones本指铺路用的石板,复数flagstones指石板路。   「在那些密集的房屋里面隐藏着种种神秘的事情」译作Hidden in the tightly packed dwellings were unfathomable mysteries of all sorts.对「种种神秘的事情」进行强调,同时也有开启下文内容的作用。此外,「种种神秘的事情」译作unfathomable mysteries of all sorts,其中unfathomable是译文中的添加词,用来强调神秘感。   每天下午马路上出现了许多服饰华丽的年轻女人,后面还跟着女佣。   Every afternoon many gaudily dressed young women will be seen parading through the streets, escorted by their maid servants.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句本来可译作Every afternoon there will appear on the streets many young women in their gaudy dresses, followed by their maid servants,在这里译作Every afternoon many gaudily dressed young women will be seen parading through the streets, escorted by their maid servants.其中parading through有「招摇」和「自我展示」的含义。「服饰华丽」在此有「艳丽而俗气」的含义,因此译作gaudily dressed。此外,escorted除「陪伴」外,还有「护送」的意思。   据说这些女人都是大家庭里的姨太太。她们的主人因为害怕她们逃走,专门雇了女佣来监视她们。   It is said that they are concubines of big families and that the maid servants have been hired by their masters specially to keep watch on the young women in case they should run away.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「她们的主人因为害怕她们逃走,专门雇了女佣来监视她们」译作the maid servants have been hired by their masters specially to keep watch on the young women in case they should run away,为了避免指代不清,「监视她们」中的「她们」译作the young women。   「姨太太」即旧时某些社会里的妾,译作concubines。   我们的汽车停在大马路上。我们下了车,走进一条窄巷,路是石板铺砌的,两旁是些矮小的房屋。   After parking our car by the side of a big street, we alighted and walked into a narrow flagged lane lined with small houses.   Q:「一条窄巷,路是石板铺砌的,两旁是些矮小的房屋」怎么翻译?   「一条窄巷,路是石板铺砌的,两旁是些矮小的房屋」译作a narrow flagged lane lined with small houses,其中「两旁是些矮小的房屋」译作过去分词短语lined with small houses,其作用相当于定语从句。   我们转了一个弯,走到一座大酒楼的门前。这样漂亮的酒楼立在这条街上就像一个奇迹,实在叫人不能相信。   We came to a big restaurant after taking a turning. The gorgeous restaurant, standing in such a lowly place, struck us as unusual and fantastic.   Q:「在这条街上」怎么翻译?   「在这条街上」并没有按照字面直译,而是根据上下文译作in such a lowly place(在这低下的地方)。   酒楼里面很宽敞,是旧式的建筑,有楼,有阁,有廊,有厅,有天井,有树木,又像一个大公馆。   It was quite roomy inside. An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees, it also looked like a VIP private mansion.   Q:An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees在译文句子中充当什么成分?   结合上下文,在An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees, it also looked like a VIP private mansion中,An old-style multi-storeyed building, with corridors, halls, courtyards and trees是下文的it的同位语成分,被放置在了句子开头处。   我们在里面走了一转,就登楼,在一个名称很美的房间里坐了下来。主人点了菜。我们嗑着瓜子饮茶谈话。   After walking about for a while, we went upstairs and took our seats at table in a beautifully-named room. The host having ordered food, we sat chatting and cracking melon seeds.   Q:「在里面走了一转」怎么翻译?   「在里面走了一转」意即「在里边走了一会儿」,译作walking about for a while。   「我们嗑着瓜子饮茶谈话」译作we sat chatting and cracking melon seeds,其中现在分词短语chatting and cracking melon seeds充当伴随状语。   楼房很大,还开着电风扇。露台上摆了好几盆鲜花。   The room was quite spacious. The electric fan kept rotating. The balcony was decorated with potted flowers.   Q:「露台上摆了好几盆鲜花」怎么翻译?   「露台上摆了好几盆鲜花」除了使用there be句型表示「存在」以外,还可译作The balcony was decorated with potted flowers.表达更为具体。   檐下垂着竹帘,遮住了阳光。从外面不时送来鸟声。这个地方倒还清静。   A bamboo shade under the eaves kept off the sun. Birds were heard again and again singing outside. The whole place was nice and quiet.   Q:「从外面不时送来鸟声」怎么翻译?   「从外面不时送来鸟声」可以理解为「鸟叫声不断被听到」,译作Birds were heard again and again singing outside.   「这个地方倒还清静」译作The whole place was nice and quiet.其中nice是添加词,符合原文语意。   一个五十多岁的黄脸女人拿着一把伞在楼房门口出现了。她起先在门外徘徊了一阵,然后走进来,对我们说了几句话。   A sallow-faced woman in her early fifties appeared at the door of our room, umbrella in hand. She paced about for a while before she came in and said a few words to all of us.   Q:「一个五十多岁的黄脸女人拿着一把伞在楼房门口出现了」怎么翻译?   「一个五十多岁的黄脸女人拿着一把伞在楼房门口出现了」译作A sallow-faced woman in her early fifties appeared at the door of our room, umbrella in hand.其中umbrella in hand是「名词+介词短语」形式的独立主格结构,表伴随。   「她起先在门外徘徊了一阵,然后走进来」译作She paced about for a while before she came in,使用时间连词before提示动作发生的先后次序。   我不懂她的意思。一个本地的客人和她问答了几句,她便走了。   I couldn't make out what she said. Then she left after exchanging a few words with one of us, who was a native of Guangzhou.   Q:「一个本地的客人」怎么翻译?   「一个本地的客人」意即「一个广州籍的客人」或「一个广州人」,译作a native of Guangzhou。   「我不懂她的意思」是指「我没明白她所说的话」,译作I couldn't make out what she said.   他们在笑,我想我懂得他们笑的原因。等一会儿那个女人又来了。在她后面跟着一个年轻姑娘和一个中年妇人。   My friends laughed and I thought I knew why they laughed. The woman reappeared shortly, with a young girl and a middle-aged woman following after her.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「在她后面跟着一个年轻姑娘和一个中年妇人」译作with a young girl and a middle-aged woman following after her,是由with引导的独立主格结构,表伴随。   姑娘相貌平常,却打扮得很漂亮。   The young girl, though nicely dressed, was plain-looking.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文含有明显的让步语气,因此译作The young girl, though nicely dressed, was plain-looking.其中plain-looking对应原文中的「相貌平常」,表达简洁地道。   她坐下来,并不说一句话。她垂下眼皮,手里拿着一把折扇不停地挥着。她在众人的陌生的眼光下有点害羞。   She sat down without saying a word, and having her eyes dropped, kept waving a folding fan. She looked embarrassed with all eyes centered on her.   Q:原文怎么翻译?   and having her eyes dropped, kept waving a folding fan中,现在分词短语having her eyes dropped是kept waving a folding fan的伴随状语成分。   「在众人的陌生的眼光下」译作with all eyes centered on her,意为「所有人的目光聚焦在她的身上」。   没有人讲话,主人也显得不好意思了。后来还是那个本地的客人和那个老妇人问答了几句。他们的谈话我也懂得一点。   The silence among all made the host feel rather uncomfortable until the Guangzhou man and the old woman exchanged a few words which, however, I could understood a bit.   Q:「没有人讲话,主人也显得不好意思了」怎么翻译?   「没有人讲话,主人也显得不好意思了」译作The silence among all made the host feel rather uncomfortable,其中The silence among all对应原文中的「没有人讲话」??「他们的谈话我也懂得一点」译作which, however, I could understood a bit,「他们的谈话」即上文的「问答了几句」,因此这一句可以直接处理为定语从句形式。   他问她多少价钱,老妇人回答说,一千三百圆。我现在才知道这是怎么一回事情。   He wanted to know what price she was asking and the answer was, “1,300 yuan.” It was not until then that I realized what it was all about.   Q:「他问她多少价钱」怎么翻译?   「他问她多少价钱」意即「他问她要价是多少钱」,译作He wanted to know what price she was asking,其中ask有「要价」「索价」的意思。   「我现在才知道这是怎么一回事情」译作It was not until then that I realized what it was all about.意为「直到那时候我才知道这是怎么一回事情」姑娘不过是一个候补姨太太,等待合意的主顾来把她买去。   The young girl was a potential concubine, waiting for a prospective buyer.   Q:「候补姨太太」怎么翻译?   「候补姨太太」可以理解为「未来的姨太太」,译作a potential concubine或a would-be concubine。   大家没有话说了。于是那个老妇人接了两毫银角,把姑娘带走了。   All kept silent. The old woman accepted a 20-cent silver coin and then left with the young girl.   Q:「两毫银角」怎么翻译?   「两毫银角」即「二十分钱」,译作a 20-cent silver coin。   走出房门,姑娘还回转身向我们微微鞠躬。   On leaving the room, the latter turned round to make a slight bow to us.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「走出房门」译作On leaving the room,是介词短语作状语,其从句形式为When she left the room。   过了一会儿,我们正在吃菜的时候,那个老妇人又来了。这次她带了两个姑娘进来。   A moment later, while we were eating, the old woman came again, this time bringing with her two young girls.   Q:「这次她带了两个姑娘进来」怎么翻译?   「这次她带了两个姑娘进来」是对上文「那个老妇人又来了」的补充说明,可以处理为伴随状语成分,译作this time bringing with her two young girls。   一个年纪很轻,据她说只有十六岁,颈后拖着一根辫子。一个年纪大一点,头发剪短了,据说只有十八岁,实际的年龄恐怕已经超过二十了。   One, wearing a braid at the back of her head, was very young, said to be only 16. The other, with bobbed hair, was older and said to be only 18, but her real age was probably over 20.   Q:「颈后拖着一根辫子」怎么翻译?   「颈后拖着一根辫子」可以理解为「在背后留着一根辫子」,译作wearing a braid at the back of her head。   「头发剪短了」即「留着短头发」,译作with bobbed hair。   这两个姑娘就在旁边的靠背椅上坐下。两个人都不停地摇着折扇,大概因为手闲着没有事情做的缘故吧,或者是被人看得有些不好意思了。   The girls both sat down in a chair, waving a folding fan all the time, probably because they wanted to keep their idle hands occupied or because they were fidgety beneath the gaze of so many eyes.   Q:「大概因为手闲着没有事情做的缘故吧」怎么翻译?   「大概因为手闲着没有事情做的缘故吧」译作probably because they wanted to keep their idle hands occupied,有「反话正译」的意味,意即「大概因为向让自己的手有事可做」??「或者是被人看得有些不好意思了」译作or because they were fidgety beneath the gaze of so many eyes,其中beneath the gaze of so many eyes对应原文中的「被人看」她们也不说话,只有那个本地客人直接问起她们的姓名时,她们才开了口。   They kept quiet until the Guangzhou man asked them their names.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句的意思是「直到那个本地客人问起她们的姓名,她们才开口」,译作They kept quiet until the Guangzhou man asked them their names.其中They kept quiet与They didn’t say a word同意。   她们的相貌显然比先前的一个漂亮,身价也就贵了许多。年纪小的一个要价一千五百圆,年纪较大的索价到一千八百圆。   The two girls were more nice-looking than the previous one, hence their higher selling prices. 1,500 and 1,800 yuan were the prices asked for the two girls respectively.   Q:「身价也就贵了许多」怎么翻译?   「身价也就贵了许多」译作hence their higher selling prices,「hence+名词短语」表「结果」之意。   「年纪小的一个要价一千五百圆,年纪较大的索价到一千八百圆」前后两句的意义相同,因此整合译作1,500 and 1,800 yuan were the prices asked for the two girls respectively,简洁地道。   一个朋友嫌身价太高,老妇人就得意地说她们两个都读过书认识字。   When one of my friends said the old woman was asking too much, she replied complacently that the two girls had got some schooling and knew how to read and write.   Q:「一个朋友嫌身价太高」怎么翻译?   「一个朋友嫌身价太高」译作one of my friends said the old woman was asking too much,还可以译作one of my friends called(considered) the prices too high,但并不如前者干脆利落,并表示是直接对老妇人说的话。   「她们两个都读过书认识字」译作the two girls had got some schooling and knew how to read and write,其中「认识字」译作knew how to read and write,意即「识字和会写字」她还到外面去找了纸笔来,放在茶几上。年纪较大的姑娘便侧着身子拿起笔写出自己的姓氏。她写完就把笔递给垂着辫子的姑娘,那个少女也写了自己的姓名。   Then she fetched from outside the room two slips of paper and a pen and put them on a tea table. Thereupon, the older girl turned sideways to pick up the pen and write down her name, and then handed the pen to the girl with the braid, who also wrote down her name.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「她写完就把笔递给垂着辫子的姑娘,那个少女也写了自己的姓名」译作and then handed the pen to the girl with the braid, who also wrote down her name,要比直接译作单独小句更为简洁。   译文中的Thereupon是添加词,使上下文语意连贯,不显突兀。   老妇人把两张纸条都送到我们的席上来。我们依次传观。第一张纸上的字比较好一点,是“黄旭贞”三个端端正正的字。   The old woman brought the two slips of paper to our table and we took a look at them in turn. The three neatly written characters Huang Xu Zhen on one slip showed that the older girl wrote a slightly better hand.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「第一张纸上的字比较好一点,是“黄旭贞”三个端端正正的字」并未按照字面直译,而是根据下文内容译作The three neatly written characters Huang Xu Zhen on one slip showed that the older girl wrote a slightly better hand.向读者表明「第一张纸上的字」是年纪稍大一点的姑娘写的。   另一张是那个十六岁的姑娘写的,她的姓名是“李盼好”。虽然两个姑娘都会写自己的姓名,结果依旧是各人拿了两毫银角走了。   The other slip was written by the 16-year-old girl, whose name was Li Pan Hao. However, despite their ability to write their own names, the two girls were turned down and left after each receiving a 20-cent silver coin.   Q:「结果依旧是各人拿了两毫银角走了」怎么翻译?   「结果依旧是各人拿了两毫银角走了」译作the two girls were turned down and left after each receiving a 20-cent silver coin,其中were turned down意为「被拒绝」,原文虽无其词但有其意。   走出楼房门口,她们也回转身给我们行礼。客人们继续在谈笑。   They also turned about to bow to us. My friends continued to chat and laugh.   Q:「她们也回转身给我们行礼」怎么翻译?   「她们也回转身给我们行礼」译作They also turned about to bow to us.其中turned about意为「转过头」客人们继续在谈笑。他们还说,他们选定在西关吃饭,是为了给我找小说材料。   My friends continued to chat and laugh. They said the reason why they had chosen to eat at Xiguan was to find me some materials for writing fiction.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「他们选定在西关吃饭,是为了给我找小说材料」译作the reason why they had chosen to eat at Xiguan was to find me some materials for writing fiction,因「选定在西关吃饭」发生在当时说话之前,因此要使用过去完成时态。此外,「找小说材料」意即「寻找写小说的材料」,译作find me some materials for writing fiction。   他们的话也许是真的。他们都是研究自然科学的人,对于文学并没有兴趣。   They may have told the truth. But, being students of natural science, they had little interest in literature.   Q:「他们都是研究自然科学的人,对于文学并没有兴趣」怎么翻译?   这一句译作But, being students of natural science, they had little interest in literature.其中But是对原文暗含语意的显化。   他们只知道我会写小说,却不曾读过我的作品,即使有机会读到它们,也未必会赞美。   They knew I was a novelist, but they had never read any of my works, and even if they had, they probably wouldn't have appreciated them.   Q:「他们只知道我会写小说」怎么翻译?   「他们只知道我会写小说」译作They knew I was a novelist,不拘泥于原文字面。   「即使有机会读到它们」译作and even if they had,其完整形式为and even if they had read my works。   我自然感激他们。但是他们完全不了解我。我的心里并不快乐。   Nevertheless I was grateful to them. But they didn't know how sorry I felt.   Q:「我自然感激他们」怎么翻译?   结合上文,这一句可以理解为「尽管如此,我还是感激他们」,译作Nevertheless I was grateful to them.   「他们完全不了解我。我的心里并不快乐」译作they didn't know how sorry I felt,意即「他们并不知道我心里不快乐」方才见到的一切似乎放了一块石头在我的心上。   What I had just seen seemed to weigh heavily on my mind like a solid stone.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「似乎放了一块石头在我的心上」可以理解为「使我的心情变得沉重」,译作seemed to weigh heavily on my mind like a solid stone。   我不敢想象那三个少女离开房间时行礼的一瞬间的心情。难道她们已经习惯了这种事情?   I couldn't imagine how the three girls had felt the moment they bowed to us on leaving the room. Had they accustomed themselves to such dealings?   Q:「难道她们已经习惯了这种事情」怎么翻译?   「难道她们已经习惯了这种事情」译作Had they accustomed themselves to such dealings?其中原文中的「这种事情」即上文所述的交易,因此译作such dealings。   「那三个少女离开房间时行礼的一瞬间的心情」译作how the three girls had felt the moment they bowed to us on leaving the room,其中how the three girls had felt对应原文中的「心情」自然买卖人口并不是一件新奇的事情。我知道它也是我们的畸形的社会制度的一个产物。   Human trafficking is nothing new. I know it is one of the outcomes of our morbid social system.   Q:「我们的畸形的社会制度」怎么翻译?   「我们的畸形的社会制度」本可译作our abnormal social system,在这里译作our morbid social system,其中morbid意为「病态的」??「并不是一件新奇的事情」译作is nothing new,用否定代词表达否定含义。   每天每天在各个地方都有许多这样的被称为“女人”的生物让人们当作商品来买卖。   From day to day, a great many living things named “women” are being bought and sold across the land as commodities.   Q:「许多这样的被称为‘女人’的生物」怎么翻译?   「许多这样的被称为‘女人’的生物」在原文中带有一定的讽刺意味,在翻译时为了与原作风格保持一致,不妨进行直译a great many living things named “women”。   我的祖父买过姨太太,我的叔父买过姨太太,我的舅父也买过姨太太,我的一些同辈还准备学他们长辈的“榜样”。   My grandpa bought a concubine, so did my father's brother and my mother's brother. And some of my generation are going to follow the example of their elders.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   为避免表达重复,「我的祖父买过姨太太,我的叔父买过姨太太,我的舅父也买过姨太太」可译作My grandpa bought a concubine, so did my father's brother and my mother's brother.其中so did my father's brother and my mother's brother意为「我的叔父和舅父也...」关于这件事我知道得很多,很多。   I know of just too many instances of concubinage.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「我知道很多有关蓄妾的事例」,译作I know of just too many instances of concubinage.将原文的「这件事」具体化。   但是公开地在茶馆酒楼把女人当一件商品来招揽主顾,当面讲价钱(而且据说讲定身价付了定钱以后,还得由主顾把她的全身自习检查一遍),这在我还是第一次看见。   But it was the first time for me to see women openly offered for sale at a restaurant like they were commodities, and prices negotiated in their presence. It was said that after the bargain was struck and the deposit paid, the customer would go so far as to scrutinize the woman he had bought physically from top to toe.   Q:「还得由主顾把她的全身自习检查一遍」怎么翻译?   go so far as to意为「竟然」,是译文中的添加词,原文虽无其词但有其意。   scrutinize作「细看」解,意思等同于to examine closely;from top to toe本意为「从头到脚」,在这里用以表达「全身」??「公开地在茶馆酒楼把女人当一件商品来招揽主顾,当面讲价钱,...,这在我还是第一次看见」译作it was the first time for me to see women openly offered for sale at a restaurant like they were commodities, and prices negotiated in their presence.其中过去分词短语openly offered for sale和negotiated in their presence分别修饰women和prices。   对这样的事情我不能没有愤怒!   I could not help feeling most indignant about all that.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一双重否定句可以理解为「这样的事情使我极为愤怒」,译作I could not help feeling most indignant about all that.其中most在这里是副词,修饰indignant,意为「非常地」??必背词汇unfathomable adj.难以理解的;莫测高深的英义too strange or difficult to be understood例句His feeling was confused and drifting, but deep unfathomable.   这思绪是散乱而飘浮的, 又是幽深而莫测的。   gaudy adj.俗艳的;花哨的   英义   (disapproving) too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste例句She was tricked out in gaudy dress.   她穿得华丽而俗气。   concubine n.(尤指旧时某些社会里的)妾,姨太太,小老婆英义(especially in some societies in the past) a woman who lives with a man, often in addition to his wife or wives, but who is less important than they are例句She is an imperial concubine and one of the emperor's favorites.   她是皇帝的倢伃,十分受皇帝宠信。   alight v.下(火车、公共汽车等)   英义   When you alight from a train, bus, or other vehicle, you get out of it after a journey.   例句   Two men alighted from the vehicle.   两个男人从车上下来。   fidgety adj.坐立不安的   英义   (informal) (of a person) unable to remain still or quiet, usually because of being bored or nervous例句He felt fidgety and immersed his head in the cold water.   他觉得很烦躁,把头伸进了冷水中。   morbid adj.病态的;不正常的   英义   having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or death例句He had a morbid fascination with blood.   他对血有着一种病态的喜好。   indignant adj.愤慨的;愤怒的;义愤的英义feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated unfairly例句She didn't know whether to feel flattered or indignant.   她不知道应该感到高兴还是愤怒。   重点表达   种种... ...of all sorts   服饰华丽的 gaudily dressed   转了一个弯 take a turning   徘徊了一阵 pace about for a while   和...问答了几句 exchange a few words with相貌平常 plain-looking垂下眼皮 have one’s eyes dropped在众人的陌生的眼光下 with all eyes centered on微微鞠躬 make a slight bow to头发剪短了 with bobbed hair被人看 beneath the gaze of many eyes读过书 have got some schooling侧着身子 turn sideways   端端正正的字 neatly written characters   买卖人口 human trafficking   畸形的社会制度 morbid social system   复盘测试   种种...   服饰华丽的   转了一个弯   徘徊了一阵   和...问答了几句   相貌平常   垂下眼皮   在众人的陌生的眼光下   微微鞠躬   头发剪短了   被人看   读过书   侧着身子   端端正正的字   买卖人口   畸形的社会制度   表达对比   有关「懂得」的不同说法   不过,不求甚解,总该懂得大意。   But on the other hand, you should catch the general drift.   石榴花,你个小精灵,我可是读懂了你!   Pomegranate flowers, you adorable little spirits, it's me who knows you well!   一条的路你来往走了几万遍,凑成了万里这个数目,只要你真用了你的眼睛,你就可以算是懂得人生的人了。   You can notch up you ten thousand miles by travelling the same stretch of road ten thousand times, and as long as you really use your eyes, I guarantee you will equally count as someone who has seen the world.   我还没有修持到能听懂书的语言的水平。   I'm sorry I haven't cultivated myself long enough to understand the language of the book world.   我不懂她的意思。   I couldn't make out what she said.   彭德怀速写   A Brief Sketch of Peng Dehuai   丁玲   Ding Ling   “一到战场上,我们便只有一个信心,几十个人的精神注在他一个人身上,谁也不敢乱动;“Once on the battlefield, we begin to trust only one man. Scores of us will focus our attention on him and none dare to slack off.   Q:「我们便只有一个信心」怎么翻译?   「我们便只有一个信心」的意思是「我们便只信任他一个人」,译作we begin to trust only one man.   「谁也不敢乱动」意即「谁也不敢懈怠」,译作none dare to slack off,其中slack off「懈怠」「偷懒」就是刚上火线的,也因为有了他的存在而不懂得害怕。   Even newcomers to the battlefront will throw aside all fears so long as he is present.   Q:「就是刚上火线的」怎么翻译?   「就是刚上火线的」译作Even newcomers to the battlefront,要比译作Even those who come to the battlefield for the first time更为简练。   「因为有了他的存在而不懂得害怕」译作throw aside all fears so long as he is present,意即「只要他在,就不会觉得害怕」只要他一声命令‘去死!’我们就找不到一个人不高兴去迎着看不见的死而勇猛地冲上去!   When he gives orders, all will charge ahead unhesitatingly to defy the invisible presence of certain death.   Q:「只要他一声命令‘去死!’」怎么翻译?   「只要他一声命令‘去死!’」译作When he gives orders,其中原文里的‘去死’不必直译。   「迎着看不见的死」译作to defy the invisible presence of certain death,其中defy(不顾)表达「迎着」;certain作「必然发生的」「不可避免的」解,是译文中的增译词,用以加强death。   我们是怕他的,但我们更爱他!”   Yes we fear him, but we love him more.”   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作Yes we fear him, but we love him more.其中句首的Yes有加强肯定语气的作用。   这是一个二十四岁的青年政治委员告诉我的。当他述说这一段话的时候,发红的脸上隐藏不住他的兴奋。   That’s what I heard from a 24-year-old young political commissar. While making these remarks, he flushed with excitement.   Q:「发红的脸上隐藏不住他的兴奋」怎么翻译?   「发红的脸上隐藏不住他的兴奋」译作he flushed with excitement,其中flush意为「脸红」他说的是谁呢?就是现在我所要粗粗画几笔的彭德怀同志,他现在正在前方担任红军的前敌副总指挥。   Whom did he refer to? It’s Comrade Peng Dehuai, of whom I’m now making a brief sketch. At this moment he is our front-line Deputy Commander-in-Chief.   Q:「前敌副总指挥」怎么翻译?   「前敌副总指挥」意即「前线副总指挥」,译作front-line Deputy Commander-in-Chief,其中头衔Deputy Commander-in-Chief,在翻译时首字母需要大写,可以作为专有名词表达来积累。   「粗粗画几笔」是指「画速写」,译作making a brief sketch。   穿的是最普通的红军装束,但在灰色布的表面上,簿薄浮着一层黄的泥灰和黑色的油,显得很旧,而且不大适宜,不过他似乎从来都没有感觉到。   He is attired in the common grey uniform of a Red Army man, which, covered with a thin layer of yellowish dust and black greasy dirt, looks very shabby and, moreover, very unbecoming to him. But he doesn’t seem to care.   Q:「黑色的油」怎么翻译?   「黑色的油」意即「黑色的油渍」,译作black greasy dirt或black oil stains。   「而且不大适宜」意即「和他本人不太相称」,译作and, moreover, very unbecoming to him或and, what’s more, very unsuitable for him。   脸色是看不清的,因为常常有许多被寒风所摧裂的小口布满着,但在这不能成为漂亮的脸上有两个黑的、活泼的眼珠转动,看得见有在成人的脸上找不到的天真和天真的顽皮。   His facial features are somewhat blurry because they are often chapped all over by the cold wind. From the pair of lively black eyes rolling about on a face short on handsomeness, one detects naivety and mischief seldom seen on the face of an adult.   Q:「不能成为漂亮的脸上」怎么翻译?   「不能成为漂亮的脸上」意即「谈不上是漂亮的脸」,译作a face short on handsomeness,其中short on是成语,意为「缺乏」「不够」??根据下文内容,「脸色是看不清的」可以理解为「他的面部特征是看不清的」,译作His facial features are somewhat blurry。   「看得见有在成人的脸上找不到的天真和天真的顽皮」译作one detects naivety and mischief seldom seen on the face of an adult,其中detect有「发现不易察觉的事情」的意思,符合原文意义。   还有一张颇大的嘴,充分表示着顽强,这是属于革命的无产阶级的顽强的神情。   And his big mouth is fully expressive of tenacity—the tenacity of a proletarian revolutionary.   Q:「还有一张颇大的嘴,充分表示着顽强」怎么翻译?   「还有一张颇大的嘴,充分表示着顽强」译作his big mouth is fully expressively of tenacity,其中is fully expressive of对应原文中的「充分表示着」,以be+形容词表达动词意义。   「这是属于革命的无产阶级的顽强的神情」译作the tenacity of a proletarian revolutionary,意即「这是属于无产阶级革命者的顽强神情」每一遇到一些青年干部或是什么下级同志的时候,看得出那些昂昂的心都在他那种最自然诚恳的握手里温柔了起来。   Whenever young cadres or junior comrades meet him, they will have their militant hearts mollified by his most natural and sincere handshakes.   Q:「昂昂的心」怎么翻译?   「昂昂的心」可以理解为「富于战斗性的」或「激进的」,译作militant hearts或high-spirited hearts。   「温柔了起来」意即「使平静下来」,译作mollified by,不宜译作softened by。   他有时也同这些人开玩笑,说着一些粗鲁无伤的笑话,但更多的时候是耐烦地向他们解释许多政治上工作上的问题,恳切地显着对一个同志的勉励。   Sometimes he also enjoys bantering with them, cracking jokes that are coarse but harmless. Much more often he will patiently explain to them various problems concerning politics or work, offering comradely encouragement in all sincerity.   Q:「恳切地显着对一个同志的勉励」怎么翻译?   「恳切地显着对一个同志的勉励」译作offering comradely encouragement in all sincerity,意即「真诚地给予他们同志式的鼓励」这些听着的人便望着他,心在沉静了,然而同时又更奋起了。   His listeners will have their hearts calmed down by his words and meanwhile feel pepped up.   Q:「心在沉静了,然而同时又更奋起了」怎么翻译?   「心在沉静了,然而同时又更奋起了」译作have their hearts calmed down by his words and meanwhile feel pepped up,其中补充出了「心在沉静」的逻辑主语his words,有助于读者理解。   但一当他不说话沉思着什么的时候,周围便安静了,谁也惟恐惊扰了他。   When he is silently absorbed in thought, everybody around him will keep quiet lest they should disturb him.   Q:「周围便安静了」怎么翻译?   「周围便安静了」即指「他周围的人都安静了下来」,译作everybody around him will keep quiet。   有些时候他的确使人怕的,因为他对工作是严格的,虽说在生活上是马马虎虎;不过这些受了严厉批评的同志却会更爱他的。   Sometimes he is really stern and forbidding because, though lax about things in his own personal life, he is very strict with work. Those who have been harshly criticized by him will nevertheless love him all the more.   Q:「在生活上是马马虎虎」怎么翻译?   「在生活上是马马虎虎」可译作lax about things in his own personal life,或按照「生活清苦,不修边幅」来理解,译作living an austere way of life and caring little for his appearance。   拥着一些老百姓的背,揉着它们,听老百姓讲家里事,举着大拇指在那些朴素的脸上摇晃着说:“呱呱叫,你老乡好得很......”   He often engages in small talk with villagers while holding them by the shoulder or stroking their backs. He will give the thumbs-up to the simple and honest peasants, saying, “Hi, you buddies are real nice guys...”   Q:「举着大拇指在那些朴素的脸上摇晃着」怎么翻译?   「举着大拇指在那些朴素的脸上摇晃着」译作give the thumbs-up to the simple and honest peasants,其中give the thumbs-up to意为「向...翘拇指表示赞赏」。这一句也可译作He will hold up his thumb and wave it to the face of the simple and honest peasants。   那些嘴上长得有长胡的也会拍着他,或是将烟杆送到他的嘴边,哪怕他总是笑着推着拒绝了。   They will in turn pat him on the shoulder or try to put their long-stemmed Chinese pipes to his mouth which he always declines with a smile.   Q:「将烟杆送到他的嘴边,哪怕他总是笑着推着拒绝了」怎么翻译?   「将烟杆送到他的嘴边,哪怕他总是笑着推着拒绝了」译作try to put their long-stemmed Chinese pipes to his mouth which he always declines with a smile,其中「烟杆」译作long-stemmed Chinese pipes,有助于国外读者理解。此外,「哪怕他总是笑着推着拒绝了」处理为定语从句对前文的「烟杆」进行补充说明。   后来他走了,但他的印象却永远留在那些简单的纯洁的脑子中。   When he leaves them, he will always leave behind a permanent impression on the simple and honest country folks.   Q:「那些简单的纯洁的脑子中」怎么翻译?   「那些简单的纯洁的脑子中」即指「那些简单朴素的老百姓们」,译作the simple and honest country folks。   必背词汇   slack v.懈怠;怠惰;偷懒   英义   to work less hard than you usually do or should do例句He had never let a foreman see him slacking.   他从未在哪个工头面前表现出丝毫懈怠。   charge v.猛攻;猛冲;冲锋   英义   to rush forward and attack sb./sth.   例句   The bull put its head down and charged.   公牛低下头猛冲过来。   flush v.发红;脸红   英义   (of a person or their face) to become red, especially because you are embarrassed, angry or hot例句Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?   你常出汗或是脸上常发烫吗?   attired v.穿着…衣服   英义   (formal,or literary) dressed in a particular way例句He was faultlessly attired in black coat and striped trousers.   他穿着黑色上衣和条纹裤子,简直无可挑剔。   shabby adj.破旧的;破败的;破烂的   英义   (of buildings, clothes, objects, etc.) in poor condition because they have been used a lot例句She wore shabby old jeans and a T-shirt.   她穿着一条破旧的牛仔裤和一件T恤衫。   unbecoming adj.不合适的;不相称的   英义   not suiting a particular person   例句   She was wearing an unbecoming shade of purple.   她穿着一身不相配的紫色衣服。   chapped adj.(尤指因风吹或天冷而)皲裂的,开裂的英义(of the skin or lips) rough, dry and sore, especially because of wind or cold weather例句Skin is easily irritated, chapped, chafed, and sensitized.   皮肤很容易受到刺激、发生皴裂、擦得红肿和出现过敏。   tenacity n.坚韧;坚毅   英义   If you have tenacity, you are very determined and do not give up easily.   例句   Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.   事业要成功,才能、勤奋和顽强的意志都至关重要。   militant adj.动武的;好战的;有战斗性的英义using, or willing to use, force or strong pressure to achieve your aims, especially to achieve social or political change例句Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals.   一些好斗的领导人要和白人中的激进派联合。   banter v.(和某人)开玩笑;逗乐   英义   to joke with sb.   例句   He bantered with reporters and posed for photographers.   他和记者们打趣,并摆姿势让摄影师拍照。   重点表达   速写 a brief sketch of...   刚上火线的 newcomers to the battlefront   不懂得害怕 throw aside all fears   穿的是... be attired in   不大适宜 be very unbecoming to   不能成为漂亮的脸 a face short on handsomeness充分表示着 be fully expressive of昂昂的心 militant/high-spirited hearts粗鲁无伤的笑话 jokes that are coarse but harmless恳切地 in all sincerity奋起 feel pepped up不说话沉思着 be silently absorbed in thought马马虎虎 be lax about更... ...all the more受了严厉批评 be harshly criticized by笑着推着拒绝 decline with a smile烟杆 long-stemmed Chinese pipes   复盘测试   速写   刚上火线的   不懂得害怕   穿的是...   不大适宜   不能成为漂亮的脸   充分表示着   昂昂的心   粗鲁无伤的笑话   恳切地   奋起   不说话沉思着   马马虎虎   更...   受了严厉批评   笑着推着拒绝   烟杆   表达对比   有关「表示」的不同说法   赤裸裸,可以表示天真朴素。   Nakedness may show innocence and simplicity.   老实的骂人,往往只为表示自己如何贤德,并无多少恶意。   When a man honestly gives you a piece of his mind, he actually reveals his virtues, there is no malice.   逢到笨拙的馅媚,至少可以知道,他在表示要好。   If we come across a clumsy flatterer, at least we know he means well.   但是当我的眼光无意地触到他的眼光时,我就大大地吃惊了。这个世界里存在着的一切,在他的眼里都是不存在的。在那一对眼睛里,我找不到承认任何权威的表示。   I was, however, surprised when I met his eyes — eyes which looked down upon everything of this world and showed no indication of regard for authority.   还有一张颇大的嘴,充分表示着顽强,这是属于革命的无产阶级的顽强的神情。   And his big mouth is fully expressively of tenacity—the tenacity of a proletarian revolutionary.   初恋   First Love   节录日记中的断片   —Fragments from My Diary   一九二六年九月七日下午二时   September 7, 1926, 2:00 pm   我真太自苦了,太自寻烦恼了!   I’m being too hard on myself! I’m suffering a self-inflicted torment!   Q:「太自寻烦恼了」怎么翻译?   「太自寻烦恼了」中的「烦恼」在此指「精神上的痛苦」,因此译作I’m suffering a self-inflicted torment,而未译作I’m just asking for trouble。   脑海中为什么只有他的影了呢?   How come his is the only image rising in my mind?   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作How come his is the only image rising in my mind?,其中his指代「他的影」,因后文出现了the only image,故此处省略了image。此外,rising与appearing同义,但rising含有「浮现」的意思,较为生动。   眼睛所看到的,好像尽是他的笑容;耳中所听到的,好像尽是他的声音。   It seems that I see nothing but his smile and hear nothing but his voice.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   原文两个分句所表达的意思相同,可以理解为「眼睛除了他的笑容什么都看不到,耳朵也除了他的声音什么都听不到」,整合译作It seems that I see nothing but his smile and hear nothing but his voice.   别人写来的信,也当做是他的,看了一遍又是一遍,整个的心完全被他占有了!   I take the sender of any letter I receive for him and then read it over again and again. I'm completely preoccupied with thoughts of him.   Q:「别人写来的信,也当做是他的」怎么翻译?   「别人写来的信,也当做是他的」译作I take the sender of any letter I receive for him,意即「我把其他寄信人也当做是他」,其中take...for...有「以为」「当做」之意。   「整个的心完全被他占有了」译作I'm completely preoccupied with thoughts of him,意即「我总在想着他」唉,这怎么好呢?我一点事也不想做,而且也不能做;我无论在上课,吃饭,行坐,睡眠的时候,总是想着他。   Oh, my! I'm not in a mood to do anything, nor am I able to. Whether in class or at table, walking or sitting, asleep or awake, I can never banish him from my mind.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「唉,这怎么好呢?」译作Oh, my!,表达感叹语气,符合原文语意。   「我一点事也不想做」意即「我没有心情做事」,译作I'm not in a mood to do anything,其中in a mood to意为「有心情做...」??「我无论在上课,吃饭,行坐,睡眠的时候」译作Whether in class or at table, walking or sitting, asleep or awake,其中asleep or awake既与前文结构保持一致,也符合原文语意。   听讲,一句也听不进,看书,一个字也看不懂;总之,什么事都不能做,除了静坐着想他而外。   I fail to concentrate when I listen to a talk or read a book. In short, I just sit about thinking of him.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「听讲,一句也听不进,看书,一个字也看不懂」意即「在听讲和看书时我都无法集中精力」,译作I fail to concentrate when I listen to a talk or read a book.   「总之,什么事都不能做,除了静坐着想他而外」译作In short, I just sit about thinking of him.这里并未将「什么事都不能做」译出,这是因为sit about的意思就是sit doing nothing或lounge idly,即「懒洋洋闲坐着」的意思。   同年九月十五夜   September 15, 1926, evening   我真不知道,“爱”是什么东西,它是什么组织成的?我没有尝过爱的滋味——除了父母之爱——不知爱的味道是苦,是甜,是酸还是辣?   I really don’t know what love is and what it is made up of. I don't know what love is like, except parental love. I don't know whether it tastes bitter or sweet, sour or pungent.   Q:「我没有尝过爱的滋味」怎么翻译?   「我没有尝过爱的滋味」不宜按照字面直译,译作I don't know what love is like更为贴切,意即「我不知道爱是什么样子的」我只知道对他发生了一种很神秘很深刻的情感,难道这种情感就是爱吗?   But I know I've developed a very mysterious and deep feeling for him. Isn’t that feeling named love?   Q:「我只知道对他发生了一种很神秘很深刻的情感」怎么翻译?   「我只知道对他发生了一种很神秘很深刻的情感」译作I know I've developed a very mysterious and deep feeling for him.原文所表达的是已发生的事情,因此翻译时要使用现在完成时态。   在我第一次和他见面的时候,他的视线和我的视线互相接触的一刹那,他便撒下了爱的种子在我的心田;同时像磁吸引铁似的,把我的心和灵魂,都吸进他的心内去了。   During my first encounter with him, the moment we had an eye contact, he instantly sowed a seed of love in my heart and magnetically attracted my heart and soul.   Q:「他的视线和我的视线互相接触的一刹那」怎么翻译?   「他的视线和我的视线互相接触的一刹那」译作the moment we had an eye contact,也可译作the moment our eyes met或the moment I met his eyes。   「同时像磁吸引铁似的,把我的心和灵魂,都吸进他的心内去了」译作magnetically attracted my heart and soul,意即「像磁铁一般吸引着我的心和灵魂」从这时起,我开始对于异性发生了情感。   From then on, I began to have a soft spot in my heart for the opposite sex.   Q:「我开始对于异性发生了情感」怎么翻译?   「我开始对于异性发生了情感」译作I began to have a soft spot in my heart for the opposite sex,其中to have a soft spot for是成语,意为「喜欢某人」「对某人产生好感」,相当于to become especially fond of...或to feel attracted by...。   以前,我真是个天真烂漫的孩子,每逢同学们谈到恋爱问题的时候,我便“呸”的一声跑开了。   Formerly, I was so naive as to run away from my schoolmates with a loud “Bah!” whenever they chatted about the question of love.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我真是个天真烂漫的孩子,每逢...」,译作I was so naive as to run away from my schoolmates with a loud “Bah!” whenever they chatted about the question of love.其中was so naive as to有加强语气的效果,同时也便于与后文衔接。   她们都说我是个未谙世故的小孩,我希望我永远不谙世故;然而现在有一种不知名的痛苦居然降临到我身上来了,天呵,这是怎么一回事呢?   They called me simple-minded, but I would rather be always like this. Now I’m experiencing a nameless agony. Oh, my goodness! I really don't know why!   Q:「然而现在有一种不知名的痛苦居然降临到我身上来了」怎么翻译?   「然而现在有一种不知名的痛苦居然降临到我身上来了」可以理解为「我现在正在体验一种不知名的痛苦」,译作Now I’m experiencing a nameless agony.   我不知道这是一种什么心理,爱他而绝不让他知道。   I can’t explain psychologically why I love him and yet completely keep him in the dark about it.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作I can’t explain psychologically why I love him and yet completely keep him in the dark about it.其中I can’t explain psychologically对应原文中的「我不知道这是一种什么心理」,意即「我不知道从心理学角度该怎么解释」。此外,keep him in the dark about it,意为「不让某人知道」,是一种形象说法。   我要保守着秘密,一直到永远!不使对方知道自己在热烈地爱着他,这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀!   I want to keep it secret forever and ever. What a mysterious and inconceivable behaviour!   Q:「不使对方知道自己在热烈地爱着他,这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀!」怎么翻译?   「不使对方知道自己在热烈地爱着他,这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀!」译作What a mysterious and inconceivable behaviour!,这是因为上文已经提及I love him and yet completely keep him in the dark about it,因此这里就不再重复。   此外,「这是多么神秘而不可思议的心理呀」译作感叹句What a mysterious and inconceivable behaviour!,意即「这是一种多么神秘而不可思议的行为啊!」,符合原文语意。   痛苦,痛苦,我欢迎你,绝不躲避你,人生只有在痛苦的时候才有意义!   Pain, pain, I welcome you. I’ll never shy away from you. Life will be insignificant without pain.   Q:「人生只有在痛苦的时候才有意义」怎么翻译?   「人生只有在痛苦的时候才有意义」译作Life will be insignificant without pain,此处用到了「正话反译」的翻译手法,有加强语气的效果。   厨川白村说得好:“恋爱在痛苦与流泪的时候,才有价值;等到结婚,便成为恋爱的坟墓了。”   Kuriyagawa Hakuson says aptly, "Anguish and tears make love worthwhile. Marriage is the grave of love.”   Q:「恋爱在痛苦与流泪的时候,才有价值」怎么翻译?   「恋爱在痛苦与流泪的时候,才有价值」译作Anguish and tears make love worthwhile.意即「痛苦和眼泪让恋爱变得有意义」??「厨川白村」译作Kuriyagawa Hakuson。此人(1880-1923)原名辰夫,毕业于日本东京帝国大学,留学美国,回国后任京都帝国大学教授,是著名日本文艺评论家。   该死,我为什么要引他的话呢?一个天真纯洁的女孩子,不应该尝到爱的苦味的。   Damn it, why should I quote him? An innocent and artless girl like me shouldn’t get a foretaste of bitter love.   Q:「一个天真纯洁的女孩子,不应该尝到爱的苦味的」怎么翻译?   「一个天真纯洁的女孩子,不应该尝到爱的苦味的」译作An innocent and artless girl like me shouldn’t get a foretaste of bitter love.其中like me是根据原文语意做出的补充,便于国外读者理解。   当我生平第一次遇到有一个异性的影子,闯进我的脑海里来时,简直痛苦得想要自杀!   When for the first time in my life my mind was haunted by the image of a member of the other sex, I was so much distressed that I felt like committing suicide.   Q:「当我生平第一次遇到有一个异性的影子,闯进我的脑海里来时」怎么翻译?   「当我生平第一次遇到有一个异性的影子,闯进我的脑海里来时」译作When for the first time in my life my mind was haunted by the image of a member of the other sex,其中haunted有「萦绕于脑际」「难以忘却」之意,符合原文作者所要表达的心情。   我恨他,也恨介绍我和他认识的三哥,我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能;我常在半夜三更,从凄凉可怕的梦境里惊醒来时,就用力捶着自己的脑袋骂着:——你这无用的东西,赶快去死掉吧!   I hated him. And I also hated my third brother who had introduced him to me. I tried to destroy the image, but in vain. Often in the depth of night, on waking up from a dreadful nightmare, I would thump my head with my fist and curse: - You good-for-nothing, go to hell!   Q:「我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能」怎么翻译?   「我想毁灭他的影子,然而不可能」译作I tried to destroy the image, but in vain.其中in vain对应原文中的「不可能」,意为「徒劳的」??「你这无用的东西」译作You good-for-nothing,其中good-for-nothing意为「无用的人」高洁的少女心里,为什么要藏着一个异性的影子呢?那是多么不幸的事呀!   Why should the unsullied mind of a young girl be haunted by a member of the opposite sex? O what a misfortune!   Q:「高洁的少女心里,为什么要藏着一个异性的影子呢」怎么翻译?   「高洁的少女心里,为什么要藏着一个异性的影子呢」译作Why should the unsullied mind of a young girl be haunted by a member of the opposite sex?其中unsullied意为「纯洁的」「未被玷污的」你的前途,将要被那个影子,像旋风似的卷去了,你的生命,将要被那个影子,像猛兽似的吞没了,多么危险呀!......   The image, like a whirlwind, will sweep away your future, and, like a beast of prey, will devour your life. Ah, you’re in great danger!   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作The image, like a whirlwind, will sweep away your future, and, like a beast of prey, will devour your life. Ah, you’re in great danger!将原文的被动语态转换为主动语态表达,自然顺畅。   苦海茫茫,回头是岸;再不觉悟,你的一生就这样完了!   It is, however, never too late to mend your way. You’ll be done for unless you become awakened to the danger facing you.   Q:「苦海茫茫,回头是岸」怎么翻译?   「苦海茫茫,回头是岸」在此无须逐字直译,现按照「改过不嫌晚」用谚语It is never too late to mend your way.来表达。   「你的一生就这样完了」译作You’ll be done for,其中be done for是成语,意为「完蛋了」,相当于be ruined。   尽管理智怎样责备情感,但情感还是得着了胜利。   Much as emotion was condemned by reason, the former, nevertheless, got the upper hand.   Q:「但情感还是得着了胜利」怎么翻译?   「但情感还是得着了胜利」译作the former, nevertheless, got the upper hand,其中got the upper hand本意为「占上风」,用在此处符合原文语意。   那影子不但没有消灭,反而一天比一天更活鲜鲜地在脑海里跳跃起来。   Instead of disappearing, the image of the young man became with each passing day even more vigorous in my mind's eye.   Q:「一天比一天更活鲜鲜地在脑海里跳跃起来」怎么翻译?   「一天比一天更活鲜鲜地在脑海里跳跃起来」译作the image of the young man became with each passing day even more vigorous in my mind's eye,其中with each passing day意为「日渐」「日益」,对应原文中的「一天比一天...」在那种苦痛的心情之下,我却绝不愿意流露丝毫给对方知道,和他通了一年多的信,从没有把我爱他、思念他的情感流露过。   I managed, however, to refrain from revealing to him my troubled state of mind. For over a year when I exchanged correspondence with him l never let him know how much I loved and thought fondly of him.   Q:「在那种苦痛的心情之下,我却绝不愿意流露丝毫给对方知道」怎么翻译?   「在那种苦痛的心情之下,我却绝不愿意流露丝毫给对方知道」译作I managed, however, to refrain from revealing to him my troubled state of mind.其中managed to有「设法完成(有困难的事情)」的意思,用在此处符合原文语意。   「从没有把我爱他、思念他的情感流露过」译作l never let him know how much I loved and thought fondly of him,其中「我爱他、思念他的情感」译作how much I loved and thought fondly of him要比直接译作名词形式更加生动。   我天天写日记和白话诗,有时偷偷地买了烧酒来喝个烂醉,有时想约几个同性朋友,住到深山古庙里修行去。   Every day I wrote an entry in my diary as well as some free verse in vernacular Chinese.Sometimes I got dead drunk with the strong liquor I had bought on the sly. Sometimes I even thought of asking some friends of the same sex to go with me to an ancient temple in the remote mountains to become Buddhist nuns.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我天天写日记和白话诗」译作Every day I wrote an entry in my diary as well as some free verse in vernacular Chinese.其中「白话诗」译作some free verse in vernacular Chinese,即「用地方方言写成的诗歌」??「住到深山古庙里修行去」译作go with me to an ancient temple in the remote mountains to become Buddhist nuns,其中nuns是指修女。   她们都不知道我的秘密,唉!多么圣洁的值得回忆的初恋呵!   They of course had no idea of what had happened to me. Oh, first love, how unblemished and unforgettable it is!   Q:「唉!多么圣洁的值得回忆的初恋呵!」怎么翻译?   「唉!多么圣洁的值得回忆的初恋呵!」译作Oh, first love, how unblemished and unforgettable it is!此处将first love提前单独译出,起到强调的作用。   时代的警钟响了,一九二六年的北伐爆发了!   The alarm bell began to ring in a new era. The Northern Expedition started.   Q:这一句怎么翻译?   「一九二六年的北伐爆发了」译作The Northern Expedition started.其中「北伐」即「第一次国内革命战争」,指1924-1927年中国人民在中国共产党领导下进行的反帝、反封建国内革命战争,现译作The Northern Expedition。   勇敢的青年男女们,一个个拋弃了书本,脱下了长衫,参加革命去了!陷在苦海中的我,也在这时得到苦闷的解脱。   Courageous young men and women threw away their books, took off their long gowns and joined the revolutionary army. It was then that I succeeded in freeing myself from the deep distress I was in.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「参加革命去了」意即「加入革命的队伍中」,译作joined the revolutionary army。   「陷在苦海中的我,也在这时得到苦闷的解脱」意即「我将自己从苦海之中解脱出来」,译作I succeeded in freeing myself from the deep distress I was in。   那个可爱的影子,突然有一天出现在我的面前;这是真正的影子,两只眼睛充满了热情,紧紧地盯着我。“信收到了吧?我要找个机会和你深谈一次。”   One day the lovely image suddenly appeared before me. It was none other than the young man. He fixed his passionate eyes on me and said, “You must have received my letter. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to have a serious talk with you.”   Q:「这是真正的影子」怎么翻译?   「这是真正的影子」可以理解为「这个影子不是别人正是他」,译作It was none other than the young man.   「我要找个机会和你深谈一次」译作have a serious talk with you,其中serious意为「认真的」温柔的声调里,藏着无限的希望与欢愉。   The tender voice was charged with immeasurable hidden hope and joy.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作The tender voice was charged with immeasurable hidden hope and joy,也可译作Hidden behind the tender voice was very much hope and joy.   “你相不相信?我要从军去了”我的微笑中夹着严肃,他开始惊讶起来。   “Don’t you believe it? I’m going to join up.” A smile, accompanied by sternness, passed over my face. He looked astonished.   Q:「我要从军去了」怎么翻译?   「我要从军去了」译作I’m going to join up.其中join up是成语,意为「入伍」「参军」,意思等同于to enlist in the army。   “我不相信,你说来好玩的吧?”   “不!真的!”   “No, I don’t. You’re joking, aren’t you?”   “No. I mean what I said.”   Q:「你说来好玩的吧?」怎么翻译?   「你说来好玩的吧?」意即「你在开玩笑吧」,译作You’re joking, aren’t you?使用反义疑问句有增强语气的效果。   「真的!」译作I mean what I said,意为「我就是这个意思」“你的身体吃不了那种苦。”   “我要锻炼。”   “真的这样决心了吗?”   “Physically, you won’t be able to go through the hardships!”   “I need to be toughened up by the army life.”   “So you’ve really made up your mind?”   Q:「我要锻炼」怎么翻译?   「我要锻炼」译作I need to be toughened up by the army life,其中by the army life是增译成分,有助于读者理解文意。   「你的身体吃不了那种苦」译作Physically, you won’t be able to go through the hardships!Physically可以理解为「从身体因素而言」阴沉的忧郁,代替他的微笑了。   “已经报名了!”   “考虑一下再决定吧,我希望和你详细谈谈。”   “无须考虑,你应当无条件地赞成我去的!”   The smile on his face was replaced by deep gloom.   “I’ve already signed up!”   “Why not think it over again before you make the final decision? Let’s talk it over thoroughly.”   “No need to think it over. You should unconditionally agree to let me go!”   Q:「考虑一下再决定吧」怎么翻译?   「考虑一下再决定吧」译作Why not think it over again before you make the final decision?处理为反问句形式,符合原文所要表达的语意。   「无须考虑,你应当无条件地赞成我去的」译作No need to think it over. You should unconditionally agree to let me go!其中No need to think it over.的完整形式为There is no need to...,符合口语表达习惯。   他低下头来沉默着,我知道有一种说不出的痛苦,压在他的心头;但是奇怪,我一点也不难受,好像一个被判决了死罪的犯人,突然得到特赦一般,我很骄傲地坐在他的对面微笑着。   He hung his head in silence. I knew he was suffering untold mental agonies. But, strange to say, I didn’t feel bad at all. On the contrary, I sat before him smiling a proud smile like a prisoner under death sentence being suddenly granted a special pardon.   Q:「我一点也不难受」怎么翻译?   「我一点也不难受」意即「我一点也不感到愧疚和伤心」,因此译作I didn’t feel bad at all.其中feel bad与feel sorry and sad意思相同。   「我知道有一种说不出的痛苦,压在他的心头」译作I knew he was suffering untold mental agonies.意为「我知道他正饱受一种无法言说的痛苦」“明天我要回去了,告诉我,我们还能见面吗?”   “I go back home tomorrow. Tell me if we can ever meet again.”   Q:「告诉我,我们还能见面吗?」怎么翻译?   「告诉我,我们还能见面吗?」译作Tell me if we can ever meet again.将原文的疑问句以肯定句的形式译出,用if来表疑问。   不知怎的,这声音像一曲悲哀的凋子,弹动了我的心弦,我突然感到凄凉起来。   His voice, like a melancholy tune, unexpectedly touched me to the heart. And a feeling of sadness suddenly came over me.   Q:「我突然感到凄凉起来」怎么翻译?   「我突然感到凄凉起来」译作a feeling of sadness suddenly came over me,其中came over有「(某种感觉)突然影响(某人)」的意思。   “到前方见吧!我也希望你去从军。”他没有回答,眼里闪烁着晶莹的泪光。   “Let’s meet at the front! I hope you’ll join up too.” He gave no reply, his eyes glittering with tears.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   「我也希望你去从军」意即「我希望你也从军」,译作I hope you’ll join up too.   「他没有回答,眼里闪烁着晶莹的泪光」译作He gave no reply, his eyes glittering with tears.其中his eyes glittering with tears是独立主格结构,表伴随。   别了!就这样默默地什么都没有说,我送他走出了学校的大门,只是含着满眶的热泪转来。   So we parted silently without saying a word. I saw him to the school gate and then turned round with warm tears in my eyes.   Q:「只是含着满眶的热泪转来」怎么翻译?   「只是含着满眶的热泪转来」译作then turned round with warm tears in my eyes,意即「我含着满眶的热泪转身」??必背词汇torment n.(尤指精神上的)折磨,痛苦;苦难之源英义(formal) extreme suffering, especially mental suffering; a person or thing that causes this例句She suffered years of mental torment after her son's death.   儿子去世后,她多年悲痛欲绝。   pungent adj.味道(或气味)强烈的;刺激性的英义having a strong taste or smell例句The more herbs you use, the more pungent the sauce will be.   用的香草越多,调味汁的味道就越浓烈。   agony n.(精神或肉体的)极度痛苦   英义   extreme physical or mental pain   例句   Jack collapsed in agony on the floor.   杰克十分痛苦地瘫倒在地板上。   inconceivable adj.难以想象的;无法相信的英义impossible to imagine or believe例句It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem. 令人难以置信的是那位大臣竟然没有意识到这个问题。   foretaste n.预先的体验;预示;征象   英义   a small amount of a particular experience or situation that shows you what it will be like when the same thing happens on a larger scale in the future例句They were unaware that the street violence was just a foretaste of what was to come.   他们没有意识到,这起街头暴力预示着未来大规模的暴力行为。   unsullied adj.未被玷污的;保持洁净的;纯洁的英义(literary) not spoiled by anything; still pure or in the original state例句He spoke of the honour of the family : the unsullied reputation of the Crawleys.   他谈到家门的体面和克劳莱家里洁白无瑕的名声。   devour v.吞没;吞噬;毁灭   英义   to destroy sb./sth.   例句   Nor could she devour them by any escapade of a less legitimate description.   她也不能通过任何不大合法的自由放荡行为来吞没他们。   vernacular n.方言;土语   英义   the language spoken in a particular area or by a particular group, especially one that is not the official or written language例句He speaks an incomprehensible vernacular.   他说的是一种无法听得懂的方言。   unblemished adj.完好的;无损的;无污点的英义(formal) not spoiled, damaged or marked in any way例句He had an unblemished reputation.   他的名声白璧无瑕。   重点表达   太自苦了 be too hard on oneself   自寻烦恼 suffer a self-inflicted torment   ...也不想做 not in a mood to do...   总是想着... never banish ... from one’s mind静坐 sit about视线互相接触 have an eye contact对于...发生了情感 have a soft spot in my heart for未谙世故的 simple-minded不知名的痛苦 a nameless agony不让...知道 keep ... in the dark天真纯洁的 innocent and artless尝到爱的苦味 get a foretaste of bitter love自杀 commit suicide无用的东西 good-for-nothing白话诗 free verse in vernacular Chinese喝个烂醉 get dead drunk修行 become Buddhist nuns   偷偷地 on the sly   北伐 The Northern Expedition   得到苦闷的解脱 free oneself from the deep distress深谈 have a serious talk with从军 join up锻炼 be toughened up被判决了死罪的 under death sentence得到特赦 be granted a special pardon   复盘测试   太自苦了   自寻烦恼   ...也不想做   总是想着...   静坐   视线互相接触   对于...发生了情感   未谙世故的   不知名的痛苦   不让...知道   天真纯洁的   尝到爱的苦味   自杀   无用的东西   白话诗   喝个烂醉   修行   偷偷地   北伐   得到苦闷的解脱   深谈   从军   锻炼   被判决了死罪的   得到特赦   表达对比   有关「震惊、惊讶」的不同表达   我的微笑中夹着严肃,他开始惊讶起来。   A smile, accompanied by sternness, passed over my face. He looked astonished.   我这美国朋友惊讶地看着我,说:“嫉妒他们?为什么?”   He looked at me in astonishment and said, Jealous? Why?   也许由于长期的患难困顿,中国神话对天地的解释常是令人惊讶的。   Maybe due to the long-standing tribulations and adversities experienced by the people, the portrayals of Heaven and Earth in Chinese mythology are often quite amazing.   第一次意识到自己在同事的眼中是老人时,奇平·康利(Chip Conley)大感惊讶。   Chip Conley was surprised when he first realized his colleagues saw him as old.   许多参与者说,年齿日增让他们感到震惊。   Many of the attendees said they felt shocked that age had crept up on them.   樱之家   Sakura Apartment   谢冰莹   Xie Bingying   为了找房子,不知花费我多少时间,受过多少闲气。   In my long seeking for lodgings, I often met with a snub.   Q:「受过多少闲气」怎么翻译?   「受过多少闲气」译作I often met with a snub,是参照文章内容而作的灵活处理。Snub的意思是「冷落」「怠慢」记得在特没有来之前,我和雪影去找房子,老太婆出来回答的,不是说不租给中国人,便是说不租给独身的女人。   I remember how, before Te arrived, when Xue Ying and I went out hunting for a room to let, we would often encounter an elderly woman emerging from a house to announce her curt refusal to rent out a room to a Chinese or a single woman.   Q:「不是说不租给中国人,便是说不租给独身的女人」怎么翻译?   「不是说不租给中国人,便是说不租给独身的女人」译作to announce her curt refusal to rent out a room to a Chinese or a single woman,文字结构与原文不尽相同,因此也属于灵活处理,其中curt作「简慢」「三言两语」解,是译文中的添加词,原文虽无其词而有其意。   这些话不知引起我们发过多少牢骚,有时就气得啼笑皆非。   That incurred our great displeasure and we sometimes found it both laughable as well as irritating.   Q:「气得啼笑皆非」怎么翻译?   「气得啼笑皆非」译作found it both laughable as well as irritating,意为「令人发笑又令人生气」你如果要质问她为什么不租给中国人,那才倒天下之大霉,她会乱七八糟地说中国人如何爱闹爱吵,不讲卫生......   If we had asked her for the reason why, she would probably have, to our even greater displeasure, cooked up stories of how noisy and messy the Chinese were...   Q:「那才倒天下之大霉」怎么翻译?   根据原文语意,「那才倒天下之大霉」可以理解为「让我们更加不悦」,译作to our even greater displeasure。   「乱七八糟地说」可以按「捏造」「想出」之意译作cooked up,为英语中的成语。   好容易和两个朋友一同找着了樱“阿怕拖”。   It was with great difficulty that I finally, together with two friends, managed to find a living place called Sakura Apartment.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「费了好大的劲,我才和两个朋友一同找到了樱‘阿怕拖’」,译作It was with great difficulty that I finally, together with two friends, managed to find a living place called Sakura Apartment.其中强调结构It was with great difficulty that和managed to都可以表达原文「好容易」的语意。   这是一座精巧玲珑的小房子,外面漆的粉红色,完全和樱花的颜色一般。   It was an exquisite small house with its exterior painted pink—of exactly the same colour as cherry blossoms.   Q:「完全和樱花的颜色一般」怎么翻译?   「完全和樱花的颜色一般」译作—of exactly the same colour as cherry blossoms,相当于定语从句which is of exactly the same colour as cherry blossoms。   我最初望到它时,脑筋里立刻受了一个大大的刺激,呵,住在粉红色的房子里,该是多么有诗意的生活!   I was very much struck by it at first sight. Oh, how poetic it would be to be domiciled in a pink house!   Q:「脑筋里立刻受了一个大大的刺激」怎么翻译?   「脑筋里立刻受了一个大大的刺激」可以理解为「我被它吸引住了」,译作I was very much struck by it。   我一面这样想着,一面念着这房子的名字:“沙枯拉阿怕拖”,太美了!   Meditatively, I kept muttering the name of the house “Sakura”. Beautiful!   Q:「我一面这样想着」怎么翻译?   「我一面这样想着」译作Meditatively,意思等同于While meditating。   这名字太美了!如果有房子,我非住在这里不可!   What a beautiful name! I'd sure take up my lodgings here if only there was a room available!   Q:「我非住在这里不可」怎么翻译?   「我非住在这里不可」译作I'd sure take up my lodgings here,其中sure是副词,用在此处有加强语气的效果。   他们听了我自言自语的话,都哈哈大笑起来,房主人告诉我还有一间楼下的房子空着,于是我看了后立刻就放下定钱,决定第二天搬来。   Hearing me talk to myself, my friends burst out laughing. When the landlord told me there was a flat available downstairs, I immediately paid some earnest money and decided to move in the next day.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「房主人告诉我还有一间楼下的房子空着」译作the landlord told me there was a flat available downstairs,其中downstairs作副词,意为「在楼下」??「立刻就放下定钱」译作I immediately paid some earnest money,其中earnest money意为「定金」「保证金」,是固定说法。   下了电车,走过铁路,就是一条有相当热闹的乡村的街。   After alighting from a street car and crossing a railway track, I came to a busy village street.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句原文暗含时间先后逻辑顺序,在翻译时要通过添加时间连词来体现,译作After alighting from a street car and crossing a railway track...。   走到一间卖花店的面前,你会突然发现一个奇迹,摆在你眼前的原来是一座高耸入云的松林。树是那样高,笔直,而又整齐得特别可爱!因为是松树和杉树的原故,所以四时都是绿油油的。   Near a florist's shop, a wonderful scene suddenly came into view.Standing tall and erect before me in neat array was a forest of evergreen pines and firs.   Q:原文该怎么翻译?   根据原文内容,「你会突然发现一个奇迹」之后的内容都是对松林进行描述,因此可以在这里进行断句。   「因为是松树和杉树的原故,所以四时都是绿油油的」译作a forest of evergreen pines and firs,其中evergreen对应原文的「四时都是绿油油的」你如果要到“樱之家”去,最经济,最美丽的道路自然是穿过森林。   The shortcut to Sakura Apartment was by a beautiful track through this forest.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句可以理解为「如果你要抄近路去‘樱之家’,那最美丽的道路便是从森林穿过去」,译作The shortcut to Sakura Apartment was by a beautiful track through this forest.   自己在树底下行走,如果把风景看得太严重了,倒反没有什么趣味。   While walking in the shade of the trees, I preferred not to focus my attention exclusively on the scenery.   Q:「把风景看得太严重了」怎么翻译?   「把风景看得太严重了」可以理解为「将注意力集中于风景」,译作focus my attention exclusively on the scenery。   最有意思的是自己慢慢地在后面走,看着人家一个个地从树荫下经过。   I found it most interesting to watch, by slowing down my pace, other people walking ahead of me one after another.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「自己慢慢地在后面走,看着人家一个个地从树荫下经过」并没有按照字面进行直译,而是译作...watch, by slowing down my pace, other people walking ahead of me one after another,并未改变原文语意。   若遇着晴天,人的影子迅速地在路上移动着,好像看电影似的,非常有趣;雨天,路太坏了,不但感不到什么好处,而且非常恨这块地方。   On a fine day, I enjoyed watching them like on television. On a rainy day, however, the bad condition of the track was abominable.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   为保持行文结构一致,「若遇着晴天」和「雨天」分别译作On a fine day和On a rainy day。   「人的影子迅速地在路上移动着,好像看电影似的,非常有趣」译作I enjoyed watching them like on television,并未按照原文翻译,「人的影子迅速地在路上移动着」在上文已经体现,在这里不必赘述。   「路太坏了,不但感不到什么好处,而且非常恨这块地方」译作the bad condition of the track was abominable,意即「雨天的路况很糟糕,让人讨厌」下雪天,不待说,这儿是最令人留连的了!雪景,白茫茫的一片,亮晶晶的冰条,挂在屋檐上、树枝上,再加上一眼望过去的白皑皑的冰山,简直令你忘记了此身还在人间。   The place was, however, very charming on a snowy day when all was white. Glittering icicles hanging from eaves of houses and branches of trees plus the snow-capped mountains in sight would make you feel like living in an earthly paradise.   Q:「简直令你忘记了此身还在人间」怎么翻译?   「简直令你忘记了此身还在人间」可以理解为「使你感觉似乎身在人间乐土」,译作make you feel like living in an earthly paradise,其中feel like意为「感到好像...」??「再加上一眼望过去的白皑皑的冰山」译作plus the snow-capped mountains in sight,其中介词结构in sight对应原文中的「一眼望过去的」其实这些景致并不算稀奇,最妙的还是堆积在松枝上的白雪,当着行人从底下经过时,它突然轻轻地打了下来,弄得你满头满身都是雪。   Snow falling off branches of pines and firs would land all over on pedestrians.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句并未按照原文字面进行直译,而是选择译出其核心语意,即「堆积在松枝上的白雪会飘落在从底下经过的行人头上身上」,译作Snow falling off branches of pines and firs would land all over on pedestrians.   有时恰好落在日本的少女头上,或者粉颈上,她们那娇滴滴的叫笑声,和泛着桃红色的两颊,真有描写不出的美丽。   When it happened to land on young girls' heads or their delicate necks, their sweet giggles and rosy cheeks would form a picture of indescribable beauty.   Q:「粉颈」怎么翻译?   「粉颈」意即「白嫩的脖子」,译作delicate necks、white necks、fair necks符合原文语意,但不宜按照字面直译作powdered necks。   「她们那娇滴滴的叫笑声,和泛着桃红色的两颊,真有描写不出的美丽」意即「她们那娇滴滴的叫笑声和泛着桃红色的两颊组成了一幅描写不出的美好画面」,译作their sweet giggles and rosy cheeks would form a picture of indescribable beauty。   是第二次下了春雪的第二天,我们从森林中经过,走到半途,雪块忽然掉下来,差一点打在特的头上,他连忙把帽子取下来给我戴上,自己光着头在前面打先锋。   Once, on the second day after the second fall of snow in spring, when we were halfway through the track, a lump of snow falling from the trees almost hit Te on the head. He immediately put his own hat on my head and walked ahead of me bareheaded.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「我们从森林中经过,走到半途」译作we were halfway through the track,其中halfway是副词,意为「在中途」??「自己光着头在前面打先锋」译作walked ahead of me bareheaded,其中bareheaded是副词,意为「光着头地」「不戴帽子地」后面两个日本男学生,看我戴着男人的帽子,笑得一塌糊涂,我并不觉得女人戴男人的帽子好笑,而觉得他们的笑才真是好笑,于是自己也笑了起来。   Two nearby Japanese boy students, seeing me wearing a man's hat, began to laugh out loud. I didn't see anything funny about a woman wearing a man's hat. I rather thought it funny for them to laugh. So I also laughed.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「后面两个日本男学生...笑得一塌糊涂」译作Two nearby Japanese boy students...began to laugh out loud.其中「后面」可译作nearby,要比译作walking behind us更为简洁;「笑得一塌糊涂」意即「大笑不已」,译作laugh out loud。laugh out loud是习语,意同laugh loudly,往往是指由于「有趣的」「滑稽的」事物所引起的大笑。   是的,这里是这样一个有趣味的地方,路的右边是神社,去邮局常常要经过这里。   Yes, this was a very interesting place. On the right side of the track stood a Japanese Shinto shrine, which we often passed by on our way to the post office.   Q:「去邮局常常要经过这里」怎么翻译?   「去邮局常常要经过这里」是对前面的「神社」的补充说明,译作非限制性定语从句which we often passed by on our way to the post office。   寂静、清洁自不待言,最令人怀恋的是黄昏时晚风吹动的松涛和在清晨听到的一声声告春鸟的歌唱。   All was quiet and clean. The most memorable thing was the soughing of the wind in the pines at dusk and the singing of spring birds at dawn.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「黄昏时晚风吹动的松涛和在清晨听到的一声声告春鸟的歌唱」译作the soughing of the wind in the pines at dusk and the singing of spring birds at dawn,其中「黄昏时晚风吹动的松涛」译作the soughing of the wind in the pines at dusk,意为「黄昏时松林里像波涛般风声」有月亮的晚上,你经过这里,一定会不知不觉地念出“明月松间照,清泉石上流”的诗句,而且理解那是怎样一个情境。   On a moonlit night, when you passed through this place, you would better understand the following two lines escaping from your lips:The bright moon peeps through pine trees,Crystal-clear spring water flows over stones.   Q:「会不知不觉地念出」怎么翻译?   「会不知不觉地念出」意即「......会脱口而出」,译作escaping from your lips。   古诗句「明月松间照,清泉石上流」在翻译时应当找到其已有的权威译法,不建议个人直接按照字面翻译。   森林的旁边有一湾溪水,这溪水永远在潺潺地流着,经过深邃的森林,也经过粉红色的房子。   Beside the forest lay a brook, which kept babbling along, through the thick forest and by the pink house.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「经过深邃的森林,也经过粉红色的房子」虽然都有「经过」之意,但前者为「从内部经过」,后者则为「从旁边经过」,因此翻译时要加以区别,译作through the thick forest and by the pink house。   “樱之家”,就在山水清幽的地方建筑起来的。   Sakura Apartment was tucked away in a natural environment of peace and quiet.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句翻译时并未按照字面直译,而是译作Sakura Apartment was tucked away in a natural environment of peace and quiet.其中tucked away有「藏在(隐蔽之处)」的意思,符合原文语意。   里面虽没有外面的美丽,然而只花十二元一月,有精巧的书斋、睡房、厨房给你享受,在东京,这样便宜的地方是再也找不到的。   Though the interior of the house was not so beautiful as its exterior, I paid only 12 yen a month for my flat complete with study, bedroom and kitchen. An accommodation renting so cheaply was hard to come by in Tokyo.   Q:「在东京,这样便宜的地方是再也找不到的」怎么翻译?   「在东京,这样便宜的地方是再也找不到的」灵活译作An accommodation renting so cheaply was hard to come by in Tokyo.其中accommodation renting意为「房租」;come by意为「得到」「获得」??「只花十二元一月,有精巧的书斋、睡房、厨房给你享受」译作I paid only 12 yen a month for my flat complete with study, bedroom and kitchen,其中complete with study, bedroom and kitchen对应原文中的「有精巧的书斋、睡房、厨房给你享受」何况早晨有太阳唤醒你起床,晚间有清朗的月亮陪伴你写作,只这两点也值得我们留恋了。   Moreover, I could rise at the call of the early morning sun and enjoy the company of the bright moon every night. These were but two of the things I didn't want to miss.   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   「何况早晨有太阳唤醒你起床,晚间有清朗的月亮陪伴你写作」译作I could rise at the call of the early morning sun and enjoy the company of the bright moon every night,意即「我可以伴着早晨的太阳起床,每晚也有月亮的陪伴」然而,这样幽静、这样美丽的地方,我们终于离开它了!   Yet I had to leave this quiet and enchanting place!   Q:这一句该怎么翻译?   这一句译作Yet I had to leave this quiet and enchanting place,其中had to含有「不得不...」之意,符合原文作者所要表达的心情。   一直到搬运夫来搬行李为止,我还在犹豫地对特说:“不要搬了吧,这里太好了!”   “Let's stay on...in this nice place!”I kept saying falteringly to Te until the porter came.   Q:「不要搬了吧,这里太好了!」怎么翻译?   「不要搬了吧,这里太好了!」译作Let's stay on...in this nice place!,意即「我们继续留在这里吧」,用到了「反话正译」的翻译手法。   当汽车走了半个多钟头之后,我好似在梦里似的,仍然回过头来,从玻璃窗里寻找那在森林深处的“樱之家”。   Thirty minutes after the car left, I, in a dreamy state, still turned back to look out of the glass window in search of Sakura Apartment hidden in the depths of the forest.   Q:「好似在梦里似的」怎么翻译?   「好似在梦里似的」译作in a dreamy state,其中dreamy意为「似在梦中的」,要比译作从句形式更为简洁地道。   必背词汇   snub v.冷落;怠慢的言辞(或行为)   英义   an action or a comment that is deliberately rude in order to show sb. that you do not like or respect them例句Her refusal to attend the dinner is being seen as a deliberate snub to the President.   在人们看来,她拒不出席宴会是有意让总统难堪。   let v.出租(房屋、房间等)   英义   to allow sb. to use a house, room, etc. in return for regular payments例句They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents.   他们决定以低租金把那些较小的办公室租出去。   curt adj.简短而失礼的;唐突无礼的   英义   (of a person's manner or behaviour) appearing rude because very few words are used, or because sth. is done in a very quick way例句He gave me an extremely curt answer.   他对我作了极为草率的答复。   mutter v.嘀咕;嘟囔   英义   to speak or say sth. in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth.   例句   I muttered something about needing to get back to work.   我嘀咕着说要接着干活了。   abominable adj.令人憎恶的;令人厌恶的;极其讨厌的英义extremely unpleasant and causing disgust例句The judge described the attack as an abominable crime.   法官称那次袭击为令人发指的罪行。   peep v.(尤指通过小孔)窥视,偷看   英义   to look quickly and secretly at sth., especially through a small opening例句We caught her peeping through the keyhole.   她从锁孔偷看时,被我们撞着了。   babble v.(水流过石块)潺潺作响   英义   to make the sound of water flowing over rocks, like a streamHave you heard the babble of running water?   你听到那潺潺流水声了吗?   tuck v.把…塞进狭窄的空间;把…藏入;收藏英义to put sth. into a small space, especially to hide it or keep it safe or comfortable例句She tucked her hair (up) under her cap.   她把头发拢起来塞进帽子里。   soughing n.作沙沙声;作飒飒声   英义   (literary) (especially of the wind 尤指风) to make a soft whistling sound例句The wind was dropping , but its soughing made men shiver.   风小了, 可是利飕有劲,使人颤抖。   重点表达   找房子 the seeking for lodgings   受气 meet with a snub   啼笑皆非 both laughable as well as irritating乱七八糟地说 cook up好容易 with great difficulty樱花的颜色一般 the same colour as cherry blossoms自言自语 talk to oneself哈哈大笑 burst out laughing定钱 earnest money亮晶晶的冰条 glittering icicles白皑皑的冰山 the snow-capped mountains   一眼望过去的 in sight   粉颈 delicate/white/fair necks   娇滴滴的叫笑声 sweet giggles   泛着桃红色的两颊 rosy checks   描写不出的美丽 indescribable beauty   走到半途 be halfway   笑得一塌糊涂 laugh out loud   黄昏时晚风吹动的松涛 the soughing of the wind in the pines at dusk不知不觉地念出 ...escape from your lips潺潺地流着 babble along犹豫地说 say falteringly好似在梦里似的 in a dreamy state在森林深处 in the depths of the forest   复盘测试   找房子   受气   啼笑皆非   乱七八糟地说   好容易   樱花的颜色一般   自言自语   哈哈大笑   定钱   亮晶晶的冰条   白皑皑的冰山   一眼望过去的   粉颈   娇滴滴的叫笑声   泛着桃红色的两颊   描写不出的美丽   走到半途   笑得一塌糊涂   黄昏时晚风吹动的松涛   不知不觉地念出   潺潺地流着   犹豫地说   好似在梦里似的   在森林深处   表达对比   有关「犹豫」的不同说法   他一定觉察到了我的犹豫不定,因为几周后他来向我陈述他的理由。   He must have sensed my uncertainty, because a few weeks later he showed up to plead his case.   “如果只看间接证据,这些已经足以让你犹豫了,不是吗?”斯坦格尔说。   “If you’re simply looking at circumstantial evidence, that gives you pause, doesn’t it?” Stengel said.   四条线索的交织起初可能看似混沌的犹豫不决,但对我来说,这些诗意、梦幻的纪录片一起构成了一幅难以磨灭的美国当下组合肖像。   A four-way tie for first place may look like wanton indecisiveness, but to me these lyrical, visionary documentaries add up to an indelible composite portrait of America right now.   我理解你们的犹豫不决。   I understand your reluctance.   然而稍微犹豫之后他即决定坐在第7车厢   Then, after hesitating, he finally chooses to sit in the number 7 car.   它说明,我国的整整一代人都开始为要不要为人父母而犹豫不决。   A whole generation of our country is hesitant about whether to become parents or not.   一直到搬运夫来搬行李为止,我还在犹豫地对特说:“不要搬了吧,这里太好了!”   “Let's stay on...in this nice place!”I kept saying falteringly to Te until the porter came.   别了,贺年片——柯灵   Goodbye to New Year Cards! ——Ke Ling   背景知识:柯灵(1909-2000),浙江绍兴人,是著名散文家、剧作家。他1930 年发表小品散文《巷》、《雨》等,初步显示了文学才能;1931年到上海,深受鲁迅影响,全面开展文学创作。他有丰富的社会阅历和深刻的人生体验,抗战时期,两度被日本宪兵逮捕入狱,备受酷刑,在十年动乱中被囚禁三年。他的散文含蓄深挚,语言优美洗练,简要明快。《別了,贺年片》是他写于1996年12月16日的一篇散文。译者最近偶尔在他1997年出版的散文集《燕居闲话》中看到此文,颇有感触,恰逢岁末,欣然为之英译,以飨读者。   「别了,贺年片」译为Goodbye to New Year Cards,其中Goodbye to有「不再需要」和「坚决放弃」的内涵。如译Goodbye, New Year Cards也无不可,只是Goodbye在此仅指「告别」(把New Year Cards加以人格化)。   我出生于1909年元月,混迹人间,荏苒八十八年。   I was born in January 1909. Time slipped by and I've been muddling along in this world for eighty-eight years.   「混迹人间」本意是「平庸地混杂人间」,这里可按「在世间混日子」「苟且生活」之意译为 muddling along in this world。   去秋一病, 病后颓唐,至今没有恢复到原来的健康水平。长寿非福之感,不觉油然而生。   My illness in the autumn of last year left me in poor shape and so far I've not yet restored my former state of health. I cannot help feeling that longevity doesn't necessarily mean happiness.   「去秋」指「去年秋天」,故译in the autumn of last year。文章写于年底,如指的是同年之秋,即「今秋」,则应译为last autumn。   「颓唐」本作「精神委靡」解,现不妨笼统地按「健康状况不佳」译为in poor shape。   「原来的健康水平」不宜直译为my former health level,现译my former state of health。   退离工作岗位,淡岀社会活动,倏忽十有余年。   More than ten years has quickly passed away since I retired and began to stay away from public activities.   「倏忽十有余年」和上文提到的“荏苒八十八年”均选用时间作主语。   自喜晩景静好,无虑饥寒,还赶上了百年难遇的太平岁月。   I congratulate myself, however, on spending my declining years in peace and comfort, free from hunger and cold, and on happening to live in time of peace and tranquility, which is hard to come by even once in a century.   「自喜晚景静好」译为 I congratulate myself on spending my declining years in peace and comfort,其中「自喜」如直译为I'm glad就欠确切,congratulate oneself on/for sth.表示「为(自己所做的或所经历的)感到高兴(自豪)」。又,「晚景」除my declining years外,也可用old age或my remaining years等表达。   「百年难遇」也可表示为once-in-a-lifetime。   例句   The stormy once-in-a-lifetime Florida recount battle that polarized the nation in 2000 and left the Supreme Court to decide the presidency2000年,百年难遇的佛罗里达重新计票风波让整个美国都陷入了水火不容之势,最终,不得不由最高法院来决定总统人选,虽然许多现象不免使人牵愁惹恨,总算免了提心吊胆,唯恐什么时候会来一阵防不胜防的人造风暴。   Though I still cannot help feeling concerned about many aspects of the status quo, I am, nevertheless, spared from having to live in constant fear of being overtaken unawares by an unpredictable man-made storm.   「牵愁惹恨」的意思是引发缠绕心头的愁绪与遗憾,译作feel concerned about即可。   现状the status quo   「总算免了提心吊胆,(唯恐)……」即「免受……忧虑」,译为spared from having to live in constant fear of…。又,「唯恐什么时候…(防不胜防)…」译为being overtaken unawares by(突如其来……),颇具文学气息。   坐食之余,积习难除,不免干些灾梨祸枣的闲人之业。这本来也是消磨余年的一法,犹如老农冬闲,负暄闲话,乐在其中。但现在也渐感到后难为继。   In my retirement, I keep the old habit of wielding my clumsy pen. I regard it as one way of whiling away my remaining years, and also find pleasure in it, similar to an old farmer enjoying a chat while taking the sun during the slack winter season. But now I feel I'm not quite up to even this because of age.   「坐食」本作「不劳而食」解,文中「坐食之余」的意思是「退休后」,故译为 In my retirement 或 As a retiree。不应译为 While getting food without working for it。   「积习难除」即仍保留旧习惯,故译作keep the old habit of??「灾梨祸枣」是成语。旧时多用梨木、枣木刻版印书,故以「梨枣」为书版代称。「干些灾梨祸枣……之业」意即「拿起笨拙的笔」,是作者自谦,可译为 wielding my clumsy pen。   「负喧」作「晒太阳取暖」解,因此把「负暄闲话」译为enjoying a chat while taking the sun,作farmer的后置定语。   从事,做be up to   例句   What have you been up to recently?   你最近在忙什么?   矛盾的焦点,在于来日苦短,精神体力日见不济,世故困人,而又不能抽刀断水,毅然割弃文字因缘,顾此失彼,难以周全。   The main problem is that my days are numbered and I'm going from bad to worse both physically and mentally. While busy attending to social relations, I'm meanwhile loath to cut off my devotion to writing. But I find it difficult to take care of both at the same time.   「矛盾的焦点」不宜按字面直译为The focal point of the contradiction,应按「主要问题」译为The main problem。   寿命不长,时日无多 someone’s/something’s days are numbered??每况愈下,越来越坏from bad to worse陆文夫《快乐的死亡》「当一个作家的体力和脑力还能胜任创作的时候……」:「体力和脑力」译为in mind and body,也可译为mentally and physically。   「文字因缘」可按「对写作的执著或热爱」的意思译为my devotion to writing。   在人际关系中,久已无力做到有信必复,有求必应,一面又不能释然于怀,洒脱得无牵无挂。   As to interpersonal correspondence, I've long been unable to write letters in reply though it doesn't mean I've clean forgotten the sender or I don't feel apologetic for my silence.   通信来往 interpersonal correspondence   「一面又不能释然于怀,洒脱得无牵无挂」可按「但仍然惦记对方,感到歉疚」译为 though it doesn't mean I've clean forgotten the sender or I don't feel apologetic for my silence。其中,though it doesn't mean为增译成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。   岁尾年头,向亲朋好友发个贺年片,兼代通候,原是一件使人感到温暖和愉快的事,也渐觉力不从心。   It certainly gives rise to a feeling of warmth and pleasure to send new year cards to relatives or friends at the end or beginning of a year, which not only offer messages of greetings but also serve as a substitute for correspondence. But much as I want to, it is now beyond my power to keep doing it.   引发 gives rise to   例句   His speech gave rise to a heated discussion.   他的演说引发热烈的讨论。   「通候」即通讯和问候,现译为greetings,correspondence??「力不从心」指心里想做,但力量或能力办不到。故译为much as I want to, it is now beyond my power to。其中,as引导让步状语从句,much as I want to相当于much as I want to keep doing it。   因为一来一往,为数可观,操作需时,不免手忙脚乱。暮年行动不便,购卡,投邮,又须求人代劳。   The exchange of a considerable number of such cards will take up much of my time and send me bustling around. Having difficulty getting about because of age, I have to ask somebody else to buy the cards or mail them out for me.   将「一来一往」「为数可观」合并译为The exchange of a considerable number of such cards??使进入(某种状态)send sb. into…send sb. V-ingsend sb. adj.   手忙脚乱,奔忙,忙碌bustling around   四处走动,出行get about   市上行销的时髦贺卡,多是金碧辉煌的豪华版,代价不菲,姑置不论,流行歌曲式的新潮贺词,也很不合老人身份。   The trendy cards in the market appear mostly in glittering deluxe editions and are very expensive. What is worse, the stylish new year messages printed therein in popular song fashion are incompatible with the status of an old man like me.   更糟糕的是 What is worse   「流行歌曲式的新潮贺词」译为the stylish new year messages printed therein in popular song fashion,其中therein为副词,表示「在那里,在其中」, printed therein in popular song fashion作后置定语。   an old man like me中like me是增译成分。   诸多烦扰,不一而足。曾经几次想自己设计,印制一些素朴大方,既能表情达意,又堪供清赏的贺卡,也难以实现。   Due to numerous frustrations, I many times even thought of having cards of my own design printed — cards which would be both simple and unaffected, and both expressive of my true feelings and in good taste, but unfortunately it never materialized.   「诸多烦扰,不一而足。曾经几次想自己设计,印制……」包含因果逻辑关系,故增译due to和even(强调被烦扰的程度之深)。   (would be) both expressive of my true feelings and (would be) in good taste省略了would be。其中,in good taste对应「堪供清赏」不得已狠一狠心,向贺年片挥手告别,从此不再发寄,也不再裁答。失礼之愆,只好请求多多体谅了。   So all I have to do is wave goodbye to new year cards. From now on I no longer send them, either on my own initiative or in reply. Pray forgive me for lack of manners on my part.   告别wave goodbye to   「不再发寄,也不再裁答」意即「不再主动向他人寄贺卡,也不回复他人寄来的贺卡」,故译no longer send them, either on my own initiative or in reply。   on my part 表示(动作)由我发出。   例句   Pray forgive me for lack of manners on my part.   原谅我礼数欠周。   This was wrong on my part.   错在我。   在大公无私的时间前面,谁也不能不低头认输。一年容易,又是腊尽春回时节,Time is impartial and nobody can fail to bow to it and admit defeat. Another year has gone by and spring has returned after winter is over.   「在大公无私的时间前面」既可处理成文中的并列句,也可直译处理成状语。   「腊尽春回」译作Another year has gone by and spring has returned after winter is over。其中,译作return比come更贴切。   谨布心曲,向海内外旧雨新知,识与不识的读者,表达我的惓惓之意。   Let me avail myself of this opportunity to tell what is on my mind and make known my sincere intentions to all my friends at home and abroad, old and new, and to all my readers, acquainted and unacquainted.   利用(机会等)avail oneself of (the opportunity…)??「谨布心曲」意即「谈谈我的苦衷」「(借此机会)澄清」,故译to tell what is on my mind。   「惓惓之意」意即「恳切的意图」(指停止寄发或回复贺年片),故my sincere intentions。   海内外(旧雨新知),识与不识(的读者):old and new和acquainted and unacquainted作后置定语。某些成对的形容词作定语时,可以后置也可以前置,比如old and young,simple and beautiful等等。   必背词汇   impartial adj.不偏不倚的;公正的;无偏见的英义Someone who is impartial is not directly involved in a particular situation, and is therefore able to give a fair opinion or decision about it.   例句   Careers officers offer impartial advice to all pupils.   就业指导员向所有学生提供公正无私的建议。   materialize v.变为现实;实现;发生;出现英义If a possible or expected event does not materialize, it does not happen.   例句   None of the anticipated difficulties materialized.   预想中的困难全都没有出现。   unaffected adj.不矫揉造作的;自然的;率真的英义If you describe someone as unaffected, you mean that they are natural and genuine in their behaviour, and do not act as though they are more important than other people.   例句   Many Americans viewed the war in Vietnam with unaffected revulsion.   许多美国人对越战有一种出自内心的厌恶。   trendy adj.时髦的,时尚的,现代的   英义   If you say that something or someone is trendy, you mean that they are very fashionable and modern.   例句   women who want to look trendy   追求外表时尚的女人   glittering adj.辉煌的;成功的   英义   You use glittering to indicate that something is very impressive or successful.   例句   Rain chilled the glittering pageant.   雨使华丽的庆典大为逊色。   correspondence un.往来书信   英义   Some-one's correspondence is the letters that they receive or send.   例句   She virtually never mentions him in her correspondence or notebooks.   她在书信和笔记中几乎从不提及他。   tranquility n.宁静;平静   例句   This atmosphere of relative tranquility irated rather eased us.   这种相对的宁静让我们感到紧张而不是放松。   重点表达   混迹人间muddling along in this world   健康状况不佳in poor shape   原来的健康水平my former state of health   淡岀社会活动stay away from public activities太平岁月time of peace and tranquility百年难遇的is hard to come by even once in a century现状the status quo为(自己所做的或所经历的)感到高兴congratulate oneself on/for sth.   从事,做be up to   寿命不长,时日无多 someone’s/something’s days are numbered每况愈下,越来越坏from bad to worse岁尾年头at the end or beginning of a year亲朋好友relatives or friends引发 gives rise to使进入(某种状态) send sb. into…/send sb. V-ing/send sb. adj.   手忙脚乱,奔忙,忙碌bustling around   四处走动,出行get about   更糟糕的是 What is worse   告别wave goodbye to   低头认输bow to it and admit defeat   利用(机会等)avail oneself of (the opportunity…)消磨(时光)while away复盘测试混迹人间健康状况不佳原来的健康水平   淡岀社会活动   太平岁月   百年难遇的   现状   为(自己所做的或所经历的)感到高兴   从事,做   寿命不长,时日无多   每况愈下,越来越坏   岁尾年头   亲朋好友   引发   使进入(某种状态)   手忙脚乱,奔忙,忙碌   四处走动,出行   更糟糕的是   告别   低头认输   利用(机会等)   消磨(时光)   表达对比   「告别」有几种译法   不得已狠一狠心,向贺年片(挥手告别)。   So all I have to do is wave goodbye to new year cards.   听着鞭炮劈劈拍拍的响着,水兵们高呼着向岸上的同伴告别。   Firecrackers were crackling and spluttering, and sailors shouting goodbye to their buddies on the shore.   ……(互祝着好话),从两两三三的灯笼光影中,走散了。   …… bidding one another farewell, they dispersed in twos and threes, carrying lighted lanterns in their hands.   到了(告别)的时刻,那些我不曾看过,不曾与你分享的国度,现在我可以去寻访。   Time to say goodbye to countries I never saw and shared with you, now, I can go search.   长江轮上 ——叶紫   On a Yangtse River Steamer ——YeZi   背景知识:叶紫(1910-1939)是二十世纪三十年代在中国文坛脱颖而出的一位年青作家。原名余鹤林,湖南益阳人。他少年时代被迫流亡,当过兵、小学教员、报馆编辑。1932年加入中国共产党,并开始文学创作。1939 年10月5日因肺病去世,年仅二十九岁。他的散文,就内容而言,和他的小说一样,大多记述他的经历和使他感到愤慨的不合理社会现象。《长江轮上》于1935年8月发表在《申报》副刊《自由谈》上,取材于真人真事,写一个买不起船票的乡下孕妇,遭到茶房的毒打,当场早产,被迫将婴儿扔入江中,文章蕴含丰富,发人深思。   深夜,我睡得正浓的时候,母亲突然将我叫醒:“汉生,你看!什么东西在叫?……我刚刚从船后的女茅房里回来……”我拖着鞋子。   Late at night, mother suddenly woke me up from my sound sleep, “Han Sheng, listen! ... What's that noise? ... I've just been to the women's lavatory…”I shuffled out of the cabin.   「我睡得正浓」即「睡得正香」,现译作my sound sleep,其中sound用以形容「(睡觉)酣畅的,深沉的」,例如wake sb. out of a sound sleep表示「把某人从酣睡中叫醒」。此外,sound还可作副词,如He was lying in bed, sound asleep. 他躺在床上,睡得正香。   「你看」意即「你听」,故译listen,未译look。   「我拖着鞋子」可按「我拖着鞋子走出船舱」译shuffled out of the cabin,其中out of the cabin是译文中的增添成分。   茶房们死猪似地气横七横八地倒在地上,打着沉浊的鼾声。连守夜的一个都靠着舱门睡着了。别的乘客们也都睡了,只有两个还在抽鸦片,交谈着一些令人听不分明的,琐细的话语。   The stewards were lying higgledy-piggledy on the floor like butchered pigs, snoring loudly. Even the one on duty, leaning himself against the cabin door, had dozed off to sleep. The passengers were all asleep too except two chatting unintelligibly over their opium pipes.   「茶房」是旧时用语,指过去在旅馆、茶馆、轮船、火车、剧场等处从事供应茶水等杂务的人,与当今的「服务员」「乘务员」有所不同,在找不到确切对应词的情况下,不妨把它译为steward、waiter、 attendant等。   「死猪似地」译为like butchered pigs,比like dead pigs富于感情色彩,憎恶情绪,溢于言表。   「打着沉浊的鼾声」即「鼾声很重」,故译为snoring loudly,作伴随状语。   复习duty相关表达   ①应尽的义务bounden duty   例句   (萧红《当铺》)本来手就应该给我服务。   It was their bounden duty to wait on me.   ②当作…用、用作…的代用品、充当…do duty for例句(顾均正《耳闻不如一见》)以耳代目。   “Let the ear do duty for the eye”.   ③尽职、尽本分do one's duty   ④值班,当班on duty   「(都靠着舱门)睡着了」按「(都靠着舱门)打着瞌睡睡熟了」之意译为had dozed off to sleep,其中doze off意为「打瞌睡,打盹儿」,是译文中的增译成分,更加确切。   「只有两个还在抽鸦片,交谈着一些令人听不分明的,琐细的话语」译作except two chatting unintelligibly over their opium pipes,十分简练。其中,「一些令人听不分明的,琐细的话语」仅译成一副词unintelligibly,意为「听不确切」。翻译时注意词性的灵活选用。   江风呼啸着。天上的繁星穿钻着一片片的浓厚的乌云。浪涛疯狂地打到甲板上,拼命似地,随同泡沫的飞贱,发出一种沉锐的,创痛的呼号!   The wind was howling. The stars were sparkling from behind patches of dark clouds. The waves kept lashing violently across the deck, splashing foam into the air and giving out a piercing cry of pain.   「天上的繁星穿钻着一片片的浓厚的乌云」意为「繁星在乌云后一闪一闪亮晶晶」,故译作The stars were sparkling from behind patches of dark clouds.   piercing常用来形容刺耳、尖厉的声音   例句   A piercing scream split the air.   刺耳的尖叫声划破长空。   母亲畏缩着身子,走到船后时,她指着女厕所的黑暗的角落说:“那里!就在那里……那里角落里!有点什么声音的……” “去叫一个茶房来?”我说。“不!你去看看,不会有鬼的……是一个人也不一定……”   Mother went crouching to the back part of the ship and, pointing at the women's lavatory in the dingy corner, said, “There! Over there ... in that corner! A kind of noise ...” “Shall I go get a steward?” “No! You go and take a look first. It can't be a ghost ... Perhaps somebody …”   「母亲畏缩着身子」译为Mother went crouching to…,其中crouching一词非常生动贴切,「畏缩」实则指「蹲伏着(前进)」,crouch恰为此意。   A kind of noise中,a kind of表示「一种;有几分;有点」??Shall I go get a steward?中go get sth.是口语中的常见用法。如:I'll go fetch some water.我去打些水回来。此外,go-getting作形容词,意同ambitious。   我靠着甲板的铁栏杆,将头伸过去,就有一阵断续的凄苦的呜咽声,从下方,从浪花的飞溅里,飘传过来:“啊哟……啊啊哟……”“过去呀!你再过去一点听听看!”母亲推着我的身子,关心地说。“是一个人,一个女人!”我断然回答着。“她大概是用绳子吊在那里的,那根横着的铁棍子下面……”   Leaning over the railing, I heard from down below intermittent moaning amidst the spray of breaking waves, “Aiyo ... Aiyo ...” “Go ahead! Go nearer so you can hear better!” mother nudged me and urged with concern. “There is somebody. A woman!” I affirmed. “She’s probably hanging down there by fastening herself to a rope, under a horizontal iron bar ...”   down below表示「在下面」,如:The link is in the description box down below. 链接就在下方的描述栏中。   「过去呀!你再过去一点听听看!」不宜按字面直译,而是按其实际意义译为Go ahead! Go nearer so you can hear better!,其中so you can hear better是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   「是一个人」译为There is somebody,其中is为斜体字,须重读,以加强语气。   一十五分钟之后,我遵着母亲的命令,单独地,秘密而且冒险地救起了那一个受难的女人。她是一个大肚子,一个四十岁上下的乡下妇人。她的两腋和胸部都差不多给带子吊肿了。   About fifteen minutes later, I, by order of mother, managed to secretly rescue the distressed woman from danger. I did it single-handed and despite the risk. She, a country woman of about forty, was big with child. Her arm pits and chest looked swollen from having been fastened to the rope.   by order of表示「按……的命令」,其中by意为「根据,按照某种标准」??distressed除去「沮丧、焦虑(upset and anxious)」外,还可指「遭受苦难、身体状况不佳(suffering pain; in a poor physical condition)」??「单独地,秘密而且冒险地(救起了)……」译为did it single-handed and despite the risk。其中,single-handed是副词(也可作形容词),意为「单枪匹马地、无人帮助地、独自地」;增译despite表明逻辑关系。自己译时把“秘密地”译出也是正确的,臣妾真的做不到敢随便省译啊!   「一个大肚子」译作was big with child。其中,with child是增益成分,使译文更确切。又,big在形容人时,意为the people have a lot of muscles, or they are fat,如:I’m getting too big for these jeans。   腋窝 arm pits,怪形象的哈。腋窝确实是胳膊的凹面。   当母亲将她拉到女厕所门前的昏暗的灯光下,去盘问她的时候,她便??着一双小眼,惶惧地,幽幽地哭了起来。“不要哭呢!蠢人!给茶房听见了该死的……”母亲安慰地,告诫地说。   Mother began to question her under a dim light in front of the women's lavatory. The woman blinked her small eyes nervously and sobbed. “Stop crying, you silly!” said mother consolingly, trying to dissuade her from sobbing. “The stewards will give you hell if they hear you …”   you silly!是口语常见用法,表示「你这傻瓜!」??give you hell:give sb. hell意为①伤害某人(to make life unpleasant for somebody),如My new shoes are giving me hell.   ②朝某人怒吼(to shout at or speak angrily to somebody)。「给茶房听见了该死了」中「该死了」为粗话,用hell一词较为可取。   她开始了诉述她的身世,悲切而且简单:因为乡下闹灾荒,她拖着大肚子,想同丈夫和孩子们从汉口再逃到芜湖去,那里有她的什么亲戚。   The woman gave a brief account of her miserable life: There had been a famine in the countryside. She, despite her pregnancy, had to flee from the disaster with her husband and child. They intended to go from Hankou to Wuhu to seek shelter with some relatives.   「诉述她的身世,悲切而且简单」译作gave a brief account of her miserable life,注意对修饰词「悲切」「简单」的位置摆放:悲切是针对身世而言,而简单则是指诉述简单。   翻译时要注意对逻辑词的把握,有时需增,有时可省,根据具体语境灵活处理即可。如此处「因为(乡下闹灾荒)」的「因为」就不必译出,因为后文had to (flee from…)包含了隐藏的因果关系。   「同丈夫和孩子们从汉口再逃到芜湖去,那里有她的什么亲戚。」译作They intended to go from Hankou to Wuhu to seek shelter with some relatives.。其中,to seek shelter是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   Wuhu — A river port and rice market on the southern bank of the lower reaches of the Yangtse River in southeastern Anhui Province.   没有船票,丈夫孩子们在开船时都给茶房赶上岸了,她偷偷地吊在那里,因为是夜晚,才不曾被人发觉……They attempted to steal a ride on the steamer, but were discovered by the stewards at sailing time. Her husband and child were expelled from the ship right away while she succeeded in hiding herself outside the ship under cover of night...   「没有船票」可按「打算不买票乘船」或「打算逃票搭乘轮船」译为They attempted to steal a ride on the steamer或They attempted to get a free-ride on the steamer。   「都给茶房赶上岸了」译作were expelled from the ship right away,其中right away意为「立刻,马上」,是增译成分,给读者一种紧迫感,情感色彩更浓重。   「因为是夜晚」译作under cover of night(在夜色的掩护下),更加生动。   朝我,母亲悠长地叹了一口气说:“两条性命啊!几乎……只要带子一断……”回头再对着她:“你暂时在这茅房里藏一藏吧,天就要亮了。我们可以替你给账房去说说好话,也许能把你带到芜湖的……” 我们仍旧回到舱中去睡了。   Mother turned to me and said with a long sigh, “Two lives! How dangerous! What if the rope had snapped…” Then she turned to address the woman, “It’s getting light! You'd better hide yourself in the lavatory for a while. We’ll see the accountant and put in a good word for you. Maybe he'll let you stay on the ship until it reaches Wuhu ...” We returned to our cabin to sleep.   「两条性命啊!几乎……只要带子一断……」译作Two lives! How dangerous! What if the rope had snapped…。其中,How dangerous!是增益成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   「也许能把你带到芜湖的」不宜按字面直译,而是按「他或许能准许你在船上待着,直到芜湖」译为Maybe he'll let you stay on the ship until it reaches Wuhu。   母亲好久还在叹气呢!……但是,天刚刚一发白,茶房们就哇啦哇啦地闹了起来!“汉生!你起来!他们要将她打死哩!……”母亲急急地跺着脚,扯着我的耳朵。她不知道在什么时候爬起来了。“谁呀?”我睡意朦胧地,含糊地说。   Mother kept sighing for a long while... Then, when it was dawning, the stewards kicked up a row. “Han Sheng! Get up! They're beating her to death ...” Mother stamped her feet with anxiety and pulled me by the ear. Nobody knew when she had got out of bed. “Who is it?” I mumbled, eyes heavy with sleep.   「就哇啦哇啦地闹了起来」译作kicked up a row,该表达意为「开始喧闹」。其中kick up表示「开始大吵大闹」例句They kick up a rumpus and throw things at each other.   他们吵了起来并互相朝对方扔东西。   a row意为喧哗、吵闹,   例句   A row! arrah a row! The Virgin be blessed, a row! Plunge in with ye!   吵架啦! 唉, 又吵架啦! 天呀, 又吵架啦! 你们吵吧!。   …to death表示「……而亡」,   饿死starve to death   流血而亡is bleeding to death   被打死be beaten to death   跺脚 stamp one’s feet   站起来 rise to one’s feet   跳起来spring to one’s feet   一跃而起jump to one’s feet   「扯着我的耳朵」译为pulled me by the ear,其中by表示「抓住身体某部位或握住物体某部分」??eyes heavy with sleep是独立主格结构。   “那个大肚子女人!昨晩救起来的那个!……茶房在打哩!……”我们急急地赶到船后,那里已经给一大群早起的客人围住着。一个架着眼镜披睡衣的瘦削的账房先生站在中央,安闲地咬着烟卷,指挥着茶房们的拷问。   “That pregnant woman! The one we rescued last night! ... The stewards are beating her! ...”We went hastily to the back part of the ship where there was already a big crowd of early risers from among the passengers. The accountant, a bespectacled thin man in pyjamas, was standing in the middle of the crowd directing the torture, a cigarette dangling leisurely from his lips.   to the back part of the ship中back既可作形容词,也可作名词,如a room at the back of the shop商店后部的一个房间。   早起的人early risers   早起的鸟儿有虫吃!   The early bird gets the worm!   a cigarette dangling leisurely from his lips是独立主格结构。   大肚子女人弯着腰,战栗地缩成一团,从散披着的头发间晶晶地溢出血液。旁观者的搭客,大抵都像看着把戏似的,觉得颇为开心;只有很少数表示了“爱莫能助”似的同情,在摇头,吁气!   The woman huddled herself up and shivered, blood oozing out glisteningly from among her dishevelled hair. The onlookers, for the most part, enjoyed themselves as if they were watching an acrobatic show. Only a handful of them shook their heads and sighed out of sympathy.   huddle up表示   ①蜷缩   例句   蜷缩在一间小饭厅里   Huddled up in a small dining room   ②集合   例句   大家先过来。   Everybody, huddle up.   blood oozing out glisteningly from among her dishevelled hair是独立主格结构。其中,dishevelled表示头发的散乱,我们曾在散文选第一册中见过两次这个词。   一是柯灵的《巷》中:「头发乱似临风飞舞的秋蓬,眼睛里网满红丝…… 」…their hair disheveled like windblown withered grass in autumn, their eyes blood-shot...   二是柔石的《为奴隶的母亲》中:穿着褴褛的衣服,头发蓬乱的……的孩子是她底春宝。   …that the shabbily dressed child with disheveled hair standing before her was Chun Bao.”。   大部分;大体上;很大程度上for the most part??少量的 a handful of。类似的表达还有a mouthful of一口。在后面的学习中,我们还会碰到不少a xx-ful of的表达,注意积累。   我们挤到人丛中了,母亲牢牢地跟在我的后面。一个拿着棍子的歪眼的茶房,向我们装出了不耐烦的脸相。别的一个,麻脸的,凶恶的家伙,睁着狗一般的黄眼睛,请示似地,向账房先生看了一眼,便冲到大肚子的战栗的身子旁边,狠狠地一脚——I elbowed my way through the crowd, followed closely by mother. A squint-eyed steward, stick in hand, eyed us with an assumed air of impatience. Another steward, with a ferocious pock-marked face and wide-open dog-like yellow eyes, after giving a wink to the accountant as if requesting his instructions, dashed to the shivering pregnant woman and gave her a hard kick.   「挤到人丛中」译作elbowed my way through the crowd,其中elbow一词非常形象生动,画面感十足,刻画出了「我」用胳膊肘开出一条路的场景。又,此处「我们挤到人丛中了」实为「‘我’开路+母亲跟在我身后」,故主语选用I而不是we。   stick in hand是独立主格结构。   「向我们装出了不耐烦的脸相」译作eyed us with an assumed air of impatience。其中,eye作动词,意为「打量」。又,air作单数名词,意为「神态,感觉,总体印象,氛围」,常用搭配为with an air of…或者with a(n) … air,如Jennifer regarded him with an air of amusement.珍妮弗觉得他很风趣。   那女人尖锐地叫了一声,打了一个滚,四肢立刻伸开来,挺直在地上!“不买票敢坐我们外国人的船,你这烂污货!……”他赶上前来加骂着,俨然自己原就是外国人似的。   Letting out a shriek, she rolled over and lay flat on her back, with her limbs stretched out. “How dare you take this foreigner-owned ship without buying a ticket, shameless bitch! …”He came up nearer to heap more insults on her as if he himself were a foreigner.   「挺直在地上」即「躺平在地上」,现译作lay flat on her back。   「你这烂污货」可译为shameless bitch或you slut等。   「加骂」按「对其施以更多辱骂」之意,译作heap more insults on her。   as if he himself were a foreigner   as if从句的两种用法   一、 as if 从句用陈述语气(相对于虚拟语气而言),即你所表达的句子是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。设想语境:比方说你现在屋里看不到外面的情况,却听到了雨滴声,表达如下:It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。   二、as if 从句用虚拟语气,当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下:   (1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。   (2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。   (3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形母亲急了!她挤出去拉住着麻子,怕她踢第二脚,一面却抗议似地责问道:“你为什么打她呢?这样凶!……你不曾看见她的怀着小孩的肚子吗?” “不出钱好坐我们外国人的船吗?”麻子满面红星地反问母亲;一面瞅着他的账房先生的脸相。   Mother anxiously squeezed forward to stop him from kicking the woman again, protesting, “Why did you kick her? Why! ... Don't you see that she's pregnant?” “How can she travel by our foreigner-owned ship without paying for it?” the pock-marked steward retorted and gave the accountant a stare.   「满面红星」意同「满面猩红」,意指麻子脸的气急败坏与凶横,retort(反驳)英义为to reply angrily,含angry之意,故译文未明确译出「满面红星」“那么,不过是——钱喽……”“嗯!钱!……”另外一个茶房加重地说。母亲沉思了一下,没有来得及想出来对付的办法,那个女人便在地上大声地呻吟了起来!一部分的看客,也立时开始了惊疑的,紧急的议论。但那个拿棍子的茶房却高高地举起了棍子,企图继续地扑打下来。   “After all, it's — money only, eh?…” “Yes, money!” said the other steward by way of stressing. Mother pondered for a while without finding a way out. The women then started groaning loudly on the deck, which alerted some of the onlookers and sent them speaking in urgent whispers. The steward with the stick, however, was about to thwack the woman by holding it aloft.   「那个女人便在地上大声地呻吟了起来!(这使得)一部分的看客,也立时开始了惊疑的,紧急的议论」,译文用which引导的定语从句结构,很好地起到了「承上启下」的作用。   母亲横冲去将茶房拦着,并且走近那个女人的身边,用了绝大的怜悯的眼光,看定她的大肚子。突然地,她停住了呻吟,浑身痉挛地缩成一团,眼睛突出,牙齿紧咬着下唇,喊起肚子痛来了!   Mother dashed forward to stop him and approached the woman to examine her belly with great compassion. The woman suddenly stopped groaning and huddled up convulsively, rolling her eyes and biting her lower lip. She complained loudly of a pain in the belly.   rolling her eyes and biting her lower lip作伴随状语。   complained loudly of a pain in the belly:complain不只有「投诉、抱怨」之意,还可指「诉说有…病痛(complain of pain or illness)」,如He complained of a headache.他说头痛。   母亲慌张地弯着腰,蹲了下去,用手替她在肚子上慢慢地,一阵阵地,抚摸起来。并且,因了过度的愤怒的缘故,大声地骂詈着残暴的茶房,替她喊出了危险的、临盆的征候!看客们都纷纷地退后了。账房先生嫌恶地,狠狠地唾了一口,也赶紧走开了。   Mother hurriedly bent over and crouched down to stroke the woman's belly gently over and over again. And, excited by great anger, she loudly cursed the stewards for being so brutal. Meanwhile, she warned that the woman had shown symptoms of an imminent delivery. The crowd backed away. The accountant, spitting in disgust, also walked away quickly.   cursed the stewards for being so brutal中,curse sb. for…意为「(因)……咒骂某人」??「替她喊出了危险的、临盆的征候」译作warned that the woman had shown symptoms of an imminent delivery。其中,warn一词含「警示危险情况」之意,故未重复翻译「危险的」;临盆指即将生产,译作imminent delivery。   (常因害怕等)后退、退缩 back away   茶房们因为不得要领,狗一般地跟着,回骂着一些污秽的恶语,一直退进到自己的舱房。我也转身要走了,但母亲将我叫住,吩咐着立即到自己的铺位子上去,扯下那床黄色的毯子来;并且借一把剪刀和一根细麻绳子。   The stewards listlessly followed at his heels like dogs until they disappeared into their cabins, hurling back filthy abuse as they walked along. I was turning to leave when mother stopped me and told me to fetch the yellow blanket from my berth plus a flaxen string and a pair of scissors to be borrowed from somebody.   「茶房们因为不得要领,狗一般地跟着」译为The stewards listlessly followed at his heels like dogs,其中「不得要领」可按「没精打釆」译为listlessly 或 in low spirits 等。   「回骂着一些污秽的恶语,一直退进到自己的舱房」按「边走边回骂」之意译作hurling back filthy abuse as they walked along,其中hurling back filthy abuse(将污言秽语投掷回去)意为「回骂」??was/were doing +when…结构中,when意为「就在这时,正在这时」??a flaxen string and a pair of scissors to be borrowed from somebody中to be borrowed from somebody是不定式作后置定语:不定式修饰sth时,表示sth要……。此处不定式表示(亚麻细绳和剪刀)将被借来。   我去了,匆忙地穿过那些探奇的,纷纷议论的人群,拿着东西回来的时候,母亲已经解下那个女人的下身了。地上横流着一大滩秽水。   I left, passing through a crowd of nosy onlookers whispering to each other. When I returned bringing with me everything as mother had told me, she had already taken off the woman's trousers and the floor was wet with a pool of dirty water.   「解下那个女人的下身」按「脱下那个女人的裤子」之意译为had already taken off the woman's trousers。   她的嘴唇被牙齿咬得出血,额角上冒出着豆大的汗珠,全身痛苦地,艰难地挣扎着!她一看见我,就羞惭地将脸转过去,两手乱摇!   The woman's lips were bloodstained through biting. Her forehead was dripping with beads of sweat. Her whole body was writhing in great pain. As soon as she saw me, she shyly turned her face away and shook her hand vigorously.   「被牙齿咬得出血」即「咬出了血印子」,现译为lips were bloodstained through biting,其中bloodstained意为「布满血污的、沾满血迹的」??「全身痛苦地,艰难地挣扎着」译作Her whole body was writhing in great pain。其中,writhe常指「(由于剧痛或不适而)扭动、翻滚」,对应此处 「挣扎」的动作。   但是,立时间,一个细小的红色的婴儿,秽血淋漓地钻出来了!在地上跌了一个翻身,哇哇地哭诉着她那不可知的命运!我连忙转过身去。母亲费力地喘着气,约有五六分钟久,才将一个血淋淋的胎衣接了出来,从我的左侧方抛到江心底深处。   Just then, a tiny, ruddy baby came out instantly dripping with blood. It turned over on the floor and burst out crying — probably to complain of its unknown destiny. I quickly turned away. Mother was panting with exertion. It took her five or six minutes to remove the bloody afterbirth from the woman before tossing it from my left side into the depth of the river.   a tiny, ruddy baby:   虽然高中英语老师一直强调and的重要性,但是实际上,在英语中,修饰同一名词的两个形容词之间不用and的情况非常常见。   胎衣afterbirth:亦称胞衣,为健康产妇娩出之胎盘。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为胎衣,入药时叫紫河车。   before tossing it…:   在视译中碰到before,根据顺句驱动原则,常常把before、 A be followed by B翻译成「然后、之后」“完全打下来的!”母亲气愤地举着一双血污的手对我说,“他们都是一些凶恶的强盗!……那个胎儿简直小得带不活,而他们还在等着向她要船钱!”“那么怎么办呢?”“救人要救彻!……”母亲用了毅然地,慈善家似地口吻说。“你去替我要一盆水来,让我先将小孩洗好了再想办法……”   “The beating is to blame for the premature birth," said mother furiously, raising her two blood-smeared hands. “Damn ruthless gangsters! ... The baby is just too undersized to survive. And yet they insist on charging the steamer fare.” “What shall we do then?” “We shouldn't give up halfway,” said she firmly in the tone of a philanthropist. “You go and bring me a basin of water. I've got to wash the baby first before ...”   「完全打下来的」可按「早产完全是被打造成的」译为The beating is to blame for the premature birth。   「举着一双血污的手」译作raising her two blood-smeared hands,其中,blood-smeared和前文提到的bloodstained同义。   Damn是粗话,(表示愤怒或不耐烦)该死,可恶,他妈的。如Damn it!该死!   「那个胎儿简直小得带不活」译为The baby is just too undersized to survive,其中undersized 显然比 small 确切。   「救人要救彻!”即“救人不能半途放弃」,现译为shouldn't give up halfway,正话反说,增强表达效果。   「让我先将小孩洗好了再想办法……」→让我先将小孩洗好了,然后再……,译文中before…指「未明确表示的内容」太阳已经从江左的山岸中爬上来一丈多高了。江风缓和地吹着, 完全失掉了它那夜间的狂暴的力量。从遥远的,江流的右岸的尖端,缓缓地爬过来了一条大城市的尾巴的轮廓。   The sun had just risen above the mountains on the left bank of the river. The wind, devoid of its previous night's vehemence, was blowing softly. Beyond the distant right bank, the contour of the small end of a sprawling town gradually came into sight.   rise是不及物动词&不规则动词(rise--rose-risen),表示「向上运动」。raise是及物动词&规则动词(raise-raised-raised),表示「提起或举起某物」??Beyond the distant right bank中beyond是介词,表示「在…的另一边;在…那一边」,如:On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of apple trees.他右边是一个生机勃勃的菜园,菜园的另一边是一个小小的苹果园。   「缓缓地爬过来了一条大城市的尾巴的轮廓」意即「大城市的邻近地区慢慢隐约可见」,译为the contour of the small end of a sprawling town gradually came into sight,其中the small end的意思是「城市的外围或周边地区」。又,「大城市」译为a sprawling town,其中sprawling本作「向外延伸」解。   母亲慈悲相地将孩子包好,送到产妇的身边,一边用毯子盖着,一边对她说:“快到九江了,你好好地看着这孩子……恭喜你啊!是一个好看的小姑娘哩!……我们就去替你想办法的。……”产妇似乎清醒了一些,睁开着眼睛,感激地流岀了两行眼泪。   After fondly swathing the newborn baby and covering it with the blanket, mother showed it to the woman, saying, “We’re nearing Jiujiang now. Take good care of the baby ... Congratulations! What a pretty baby girl! ... We'll see what we can do to help you ...” The woman seemed to have regained consciousness and opened her eyes, tears of gratitude trickling down her cheeks.   「母亲慈悲相地将孩子包好」按「怜爱地将孩子包好」之意译为fondly swathing the newborn baby。其中,fondly意为「慈爱地、温情地」??Jiujiang — A river port on the southern bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtse River in northern Jiangxi Province.   男/女婴 baby boy/girl   新生儿 newborn baby/infant   tears of gratitude trickling down her cheeks是独立主格结构。   在统舱和房舱里,母亲用了真正的慈善家似的脸相,叫我端着一个盘子,同着她向搭客们普遍地募起捐来。然而,结果是大失所望。除了一两个人肯丢下一张当一角或两角的钞票以外,剩下来的仅仅是一些铜元;Taking on the look of a real philanthropist, mother had me accompany her with a tray in my hand visiting both steerage and cabin passengers to solicit donations from them. But the outcome was very disappointing. Except one or two who gave a 10 or 20-cent banknote each, all gave but a few copper coins each.   Taking on the look of中take on表示「呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点)」Q: mother had me accompany her with a tray in my hand visiting both steerage and cabin passengers to solicit donations from them的结构分析。   本句难点集中在前半段,had me accompany her (with a tray in my hand) visiting…(to do)①had me accompany her涉及have sb. do sth.(要/让某人做某事)的结构②accompany her visiting…涉及accompany sb. doing sth. (正在陪某人做某事)的结构。   Except one or two who gave…:   one or two(+名词复数),谓语动词用复数形式例句One or two girls are needed for the group dance.   a +名词单数+or two,谓语动词用单数形式   例句   A boy or two is playing in the garden now.   一数,不少不多,刚刚合得上大洋一元三角。母亲深沉地叹着气说:“做好事的人怎么这样少啊!”从几层的纸包里,找出自己仅仅多余的一元钱来,凑了上去。   Altogether, the contributions added up to only exactly one dollar and thirty cents. Mother sighed deeply, “Good-hearted people are hard to come by.” She decided to contribute the only dollar coin she had on her. She produced it meticulously after removing several paper wrappings.   总计为,合计达add up to   「不少不多」按「恰好」之意,处理为exactly。   弄到、得到、找到 come by   In rural France, English language magazines are rather hard to come by.   在法国乡村,很难找到英语杂志。   She produced it meticulously中produce一词表示「出示;拿出;亮出」,并不是我们熟知的「生产」之意。   “快到九江了!”母亲再次走到船后,将铜板、角票和洋钱捏在手中,对产妇说:“这里是二元多钱,你可以收藏一点,等等账房先生来时你自己再对他说,给他少一点,求他将你带到芜湖!……当然,”母亲又补上去一句:“我也可以替你帮忙说一说的……”   Mother again went to the back part of the ship to see the woman, with coppers, banknotes and silver coins in hand, saying, “We’re pretty close to Jiujiang now! Here is more than two dollars. Talk to the accountant when he comes and ask him to let you travel to Wuhu at a reduced fare, so that you can keep some of the money for yourself... Of course I'll try to put in a word for you too …”   「你可以收藏一点」译作了so that you can keep some of the money for yourself,其中so that是添加成分,注意对原文语序的调整。   put in a word for you中put in取「插话、作补充」之意。   产妇勉强地挣起半边身子,流着眼泪,伸手战栗地接着钱钞,放在毯子下。但是,母亲却突然地望着那掀起的毯子角落,大声地呼叫了起来:“怎么!你的孩子?……”   The woman barely managed to prop herself up with tears in her eyes and reached out her tremulous hand for the money. As she was putting away the money under the blanket, mother exclaimed as her eyes fell on the lifted corner of the blanket, “Hey, where is your baby?”   支撑、维持 prop up…/prop…up   「伸手战栗地接着钱钞」译为reached out her tremulous hand for the money,其中副词「战栗地」转化为形容词tremulous。   把…收起、放好 put away   那女人慌张而且惶惧地一言不发,让眼泪一滴赶一滴地顺着腮边跑将下来,沉重地打落在毯子上。“你不是将她抛了吗?你这狠心的女人!”“我,我,我……”她嚅嚅地,悲伤地低着头,终于什么都说不出。   Flurried and uneasy, the woman didn't say a word, tears rolling down her cheeks to plop on the blanket. “So you've thrown her away? You heartless woman!” “I, I, I …” she faltered and then hung her head in grief and utter silence.   Flurried and uneasy形容词(组)作伴随状语。   tears rolling down her cheeks to plop on the blanket是独立主格结构。   「嚅嚅地」即吞吞吐吐,故选用falter(支支吾吾)一词。   「悲伤地低着头,终于什么都说不出」中的「悲伤地」和「什么都说不出」合并处理为in grief and utter silence。   母亲好久好久地站立着,眼睛盯着江岸,盯着那缓缓地爬过来的、九江的繁华的街市而不作声。浪花在船底哭泣着,翻腾着!——不知道从哪一个泡沫里,卷去了那一个无辜的,纤弱的灵魂!   Mother stood for a long while staring at the river bank and the busy streets of Jiujiang approaching slowly and quietly from afar. The spray of the breaking water under the ship was weeping — weeping over the innocent feeble life carried away by the whirling current.   approaching slowly and quietly from afar中from afar是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   浪花在船底哭泣着,翻腾着!——不知道……译作The spray of the breaking water under the ship was weeping — weeping over…,其中weep over表示「因……而哭泣、流泪」。又,浪花翻腾的声音即在哭泣,故只译出weep。   茶房们又跑来了,这一回是奉了账房先生的命令,要将她赶上岸去的。他们两个人不说情由地将她拖着,一个人替她卷着我们给她的那条弄满血污的毯子。   The two stewards showed up again, this time to drive the woman ashore by order of the accountant. They dragged her roughly. One of the two rolled up the blood-stained blanket we had given her.   ashore到岸上、在岸上:前缀a-表示「向着、至」之义。   「不说情由地将她拖着」译作dragged her roughly,其中roughly表示using force or not being careful and gentle,描写茶房们动作的粗暴。   船停了。母亲的全部慈善事业完全落了空。当她望着茶房们一面拖着那产妇抛上岸去,一面拾着地上流落的铜板和洋钱的时候,她几乎哭了起来。   The ship anchored. Mother's act of benevolence had come to nothing. Watching the stewards dragging the woman ashore and picking up the coppers and silver coins from the ground, she could hardly keep back her tears.   「船停了」译作The ship anchored,anchor专指「船只抛锚停泊」,比stop更确切。   「她几乎哭了起来」译作she could hardly keep back her tears,「几乎哭了起来」处理为「几乎不能逼回眼泪」,正话反说,增强表达效果。   必背词汇   bespectacled adj.人戴眼镜的   英义   Someone who is bespectacled is wearing glasses.   例句   a bespectacled grandmother   戴着眼镜的老奶奶   light adj.清晨或黄昏天色亮的   英义   If it is light, the sun is providing light at the beginning or end of the day.   例句   It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek.   我们到达拉隆溪时天还没黑。   shriek n.(因惊讶或疼痛等)尖叫   英义   a loud high shout, for example one that you make when you are excited, frightened or in pain.   例句   shrieks of fiendish laughter   刺耳的尖声狂笑   aloft adv.(因惊讶或疼痛等)尖叫   英义   Something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground.   例句   He held the trophy proudly aloft.   他自豪地高举起奖杯。   berth n.(因惊讶或疼痛等)尖叫   英义   A berth is a bed on a boat, train, or caravan.   例句   Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could.   戈德林订了他能订到的最早一班船的铺位。   philanthropist n.慈善家;乐善好施者   英义   A philanthropist is someone who freely gives money and help to people who need it.   例句   a rich philanthropist   富有的慈善家   solicit v.请求给予(金钱、帮助、支持等);征求(意见)英义If you solicit money, help, support, or an opinion from someone, you ask them for it.   例句   He's already solicited their support on health care reform.   他已就医疗改革问题请求他们的支持。   prop v.架;搁;靠   英义   If you prop an object on or against something, you support it by putting something underneath it or by resting it somewhere.   例句   He propped his bike against the bus.   他把自行车靠在公共汽车上。   重点表达   把某人从酣睡中叫醒wake sb. out of a sound sleep值班,当班on duty按……的命令by order of腋窝 arm pits你这傻瓜!you silly!   在夜色的掩护下under cover of night   替你说说好话put in a good word for you   哇啦哇啦地闹了起来kick up a row   跺脚 stamp one’s feet   早起的人early risers   蜷缩huddle up   大部分;大体上;很大程度上for the most part少量的 a handful of(常因害怕等)后退、退缩 back away临盆imminent delivery(因)……咒骂某人curse sb. for…半途放弃、半途而废give up halfway   男/女婴 baby boy/girl   新生儿 newborn baby/infant   总计为,合计达add up to   弄到、得到、找到 come by   支撑、维持 prop up…/prop…up   把…收起、放好 put away   完全落了空come to nothing   复盘测试   把某人从酣睡中叫醒   值班,当班   按……的命令   腋窝   你这傻瓜!   在夜色的掩护下   替你说说好话   哇啦哇啦地闹了起来   跺脚   早起的人   蜷缩   大部分;大体上;很大程度上   少量的   (常因害怕等)后退、退缩   临盆   (因)……咒骂某人   半途放弃、半途而废   男/女婴   新生儿   总计为,合计达   弄到、得到、找到   支撑、维持   把…收起、放好   完全落了空   表达对比   「流」有几种表达?   手腕上的伤口还在「渗血」   From the cut on his wrist the blood was still oozing.   小溪和沟渠「流水潺潺」   The streams and ditches bubbled and chattered with rushing water.   地上「横流」着一大滩秽水。   The floor was wet with a pool of dirty water.   额角上「冒出」着豆大的汗珠。   Her forehead was dripping with beads of sweat.   产妇似乎清醒了一些,睁开着眼睛,感激地「流岀了」两行眼泪。   The woman seemed to have regained consciousness and opened her eyes, tears of gratitude trickling down her cheeks.   悼高尔基——叶紫   Mourning the Death of Maxim Gorky ——YeZi??背景知识:《悼高尔基》是二十世纪三十年代我国杰出青年作家叶紫为纪念苏联作家高尔基逝世而写的一篇唁词,发表在1936年7月10日的《文学家》杂志上。   高尔基是我受影响最大,得益最多,而且最敬爱的一个作家。   Maxim Gorky has exerted enormous influence on me and benefited me a lot. He is my most beloved writer.   「高尔基是我受影响最大,得益最多,而且最敬爱的一个作家」译为 Maxim Gorky has exerted enormous influence on me and benefited me a lot. He is my most beloved writer,变原文一句为两句,是译文造句的需要,也是逻辑的需要。又,汉语形容词和副词的最高级往往只是为加强语气,英译时不必照搬,上述译文就是一例。五十年代我国《人民日报》为纪念斯大林逝世曾发表社论,题为《最伟大的友谊》,当时苏联英文刊物上发表的有关译文是Great Friendship,而非The Greatest Friendship,可供参考。   当从报纸上得到他的病讯的时候,我正应一个朋友的邀约,准备到杭州去作一个短时间的旅行,I learned of his illness from newspapers when I was about to leave for Hangzhou for a short visit at the invitation of a friend.   英文长句多,中文短句多。句子的长短是翻译质量的影响因素之一。   获悉、得知learn of   动身去某地leave for sp.   为了挂念这病着的大作家,我带了两本最心爱的他底著作:一本是《短篇创作选集》,一本是《草原故事》。因为从这两本书里,我可以看到这个作家的伟大的灵魂,也可以学到一些“怎样去生活”的方法。   Deeply concerned about the ailing literary giant, I took with me two books that were my favourites among his works: Selected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky and Stories of the Grassland, believing they would afford me an insight into his great soul and teach me how to “live on”.   汉语往往不忌讳在一篇文章中词的多次重复,例如人名等。英语则习惯于用代名词或其他办法避免重复。在这篇仅约500字的唁词中,「伟大」一词竟重复出现了五、六次之多,译文大多设法避免。   「病着的伟大作家」译为the ailing literary giant「他的伟大还不仅仅是这两木书」译为it is not these two books alone that have contributed to his eminence「我不能找出一句适当的话来形容我底心中的悲哀和纪念他的人格的伟大」译为Words failed me as to how grieved I was and how inspired I was with respect for him「再看不到他的新的伟大的作品了」译为no longer can we read his new remarkable works。   「为了挂念这病着的大作家」中「为了」意同「由于、因为」,翻译时处理为Deeply concerned about the ailing literary giant,作原因状语。   「两本最心爱的他底著作」译作two books that were my favourites among his works,其中favourite(s)是可数名词,指 「受宠的、最喜爱的(人或物)」当然,他的伟大还不仅仅是这两本书,我爱他的也不仅仅是这三数篇作品。   Of course, it is not these two books alone that have contributed to his eminence, nor have I come to love him by reading only one or two of his works.   it is not these two books alone that have contributed to his eminence是强调句。   对比   It wasn’t I that made fun of him.   侧重「不是我(而是别人)取笑他」   It was I that didn’t make fun of him.   就是单纯指「我没有取笑他」   「我爱他的也不仅仅是这三数篇作品」按「我也不是因为仅仅读了他的几部作品才喜欢他」之意译作nor have I come to love him by reading only one or two of his works。其中,「三数」指为数不多,译作one or two。又,nor倒装句的结构为nor+ be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语动词+其他部分。   然而我所得到的关于这两本书的益处,也就不少了。   Yet it has certainly done me much good to read exclusively the two books in question.   ……(对我)益处颇多   do me much good to…   …benefit me a lot   in question是添加成分,作being talked about(正在讨论的)解,指上文所涉及的作者最爱的两本书籍。   虽然在旅行中,我是每天都在挂念着他的消息。   On my way to Hangzhou, I was daily on the lookout for news about him.   在我去……的路上On my way to   寻找be on the lookout for。其中,lookout由look out演变而来,look out同look。   我看到他体热降低,我觉得欢喜,看到他体热增高,我觉得忧虑,而且也更能从那两本书里看出他的伟大处来。   I felt relieved whenever his body temperature dropped, and otherwise I felt worried. And the two books I was reading made me impressed with his greatness all the more.   「看到他体热增高,我觉得忧虑」译为and otherwise I felt worried。其中otherwise一词非常巧妙,简洁精炼。又,「体热」同「体温」,译作body temperature。   对…印象深刻 (be) impressed with/by   Q: all the more的用法   (摘自英语常用词疑难用法手册)中国人不习惯使用这个词组,因为译成中文是「更加」,似乎同英文的more或even more差不多。但其实all the more表示的「更加」,是前后文说出了原因或隐含不明言原因的,而简单的more或even more则不涉及原因。   例句   For this very reason, their recklessness is all the harder to forgive. 正是由于这个原因,他们的鲁莽就更难原谅。   他的死讯,是我重回上海的第二天才得到的,我的心里当时觉得一下子沉下去了!   When I learned of his death on the second day after my return to Shanghai, my heart sank.   sink的时态变化:sink-sank-sunk   此句也可译为I learned of his death on the second day after my return to Shanghai. At the moment my heart sank.但衔接度不比参考译文。   我不能找出一句适当的话来形容我底心中的悲哀和纪念他的人格的伟大!   Words failed me as to how grieved I was and how inspired I was with respect for him.   (在……地方/情况下)说不出话Words failed me……:   复习   老舍《想北平》中:言语是不够表现我的心情的,只有独自微笑或落泪才足以把内心揭露在外面一些来。   Words fail me where silent smiles and tears well express my innermost feelings.   他的死,不但是苏联的损失,而且是全世界文学青年的损失。   His death is a loss not only to the Soviet Union, but also to all young devotees to literature the world over.   not only... but also属于并列连词。如果用来并列主语,则放在句子的前面;如果并列谓语动词,则跟在主语的后面;如果并列宾语或表语,则跟在(谓语)动词的后面。此外还可以并列定语或状语,具体位置则就视不同情况而定。   「全世界文学青年」译为all young devotees to literature the world over。其中,「文学青年」按「热爱文学的青年」译为young devotees to literature。又,the world over表示「世界各地的」Q: people the world over是不是写错了啊?应该是people all over the world吧?   两个都没错,都是common idiom,并且都可以找到例句。   例句   With the enormous success of their second album, the band suddenly became known the world over.   我们在学过的文章里也曾多次见到the world over的身影。   ①聂绀弩《我若为王》:“万岁,万岁,万万岁!”我将和全世界的真的人们一同三呼。   I would join true people all the world over in giving three cheers for myself.   ②顾均正《耳闻不如一见》:……从古到今,无论是什么人,无论在什么地方,都一直在受着眼睛的骗?   …people the world over should have been fooled by their own eyes ever since time immemorial?   因为我们将再得不到他的新的指示,再看不到他的新的伟大的作品了。   No longer can we receive new instruction from him; no longer can we read his new remarkable works.   no longer(否定词及含有否定意义的副词或词组)位于句首,句子要部分倒装。   纪念他和哀痛他,只能由他遗留下来的作品里去找寻我们“怎样去生活”的路。   What we can do while commemorating and mourning for the great writer is to search among the works he has left behind for guidance as to how to “live on”.   What we can do (is to…)是补充成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   留下、余留leave behind   这“路”是非常的长的,黑暗而且艰难的,他的作品将永远像一盏明灯那样地照耀我们前进!   The way before us is very long, and dark and arduous. His works, however, will shine permanently like a beacon to guide our advance.   before us和however是添加成分,更加符合语境和逻辑关系。   「将永远像一盏明灯那样地照耀我们前进」按「永远像一盏明灯那样发光以指引我们前行」之意译作will shine permanently like a beacon to guide our advance。其中,beacon指「指路明灯」,同时兼具「灯塔」之意,结合「照耀我们前进」的语境,较为可取。   必背词汇   mourn v.悼念,哀悼,向…致哀   英义   If you mourn someone who has died or mourn for them, you are very sad that they have died and show your sorrow in the way that you behave.   例句   The whole nation had mourned the death of their great leader.   举国上下向去世的伟大领袖表示了深深的哀悼。   ailing adj.生病的,抱恙的,体衰的   英义   If someone is ailing, they are ill and are not getting better.   例句   He is said to be ailing at his home in Washington.   据说他身体欠佳,正呆在华盛顿的家中。   exclusively adv.排他地,独占地,专有地,完全地英义Exclusively is used to refer to situations or activities that involve only the thing or things mentioned, and nothing else.   例句   This sample room is exclusively for women.   这试衣室仅供妇女使用。   devotee n.狂热的爱好者,热衷者   英义   Someone who is a devotee of a subject or activity is very enthusiastic about it.   例句   But for the world's growing band of board-game devotees, it is paradise.   但它却是全球不断增长的棋盘游戏爱好者的天堂。   commemorate v.纪念   英义   To commemorate an important event or person means to remember them by means of a special action, ceremony, or specially created object.   例句   a stone to commemorate the fallen   纪念阵亡将士的纪念碑   重点表达   对某人影响巨大exert enormous influence on sb.   获悉、得知learn of   动身去某地leave for sp.   应朋友邀约at the invitation of a friend   继续活着live on   ……(对我)益处颇多 do me much good to…、…benefit me a lot在我去……的路上On my way to寻找be on the lookout for世界各地的the world over留下、余留leave behind将永远像一盏明灯那样地照耀我们前进will shine permanently like a beacon to guide our advance??复盘测试对某人影响巨大获悉、得知动身去某地应朋友邀约   继续活着   ……(对我)益处颇多   在我去……的路上   寻找   世界各地的   留下、余留   将永远像一盏明灯那样地照耀我们前进   表达对比   「受益」有几种表达?   然而我所得到的关于这两本书的益处,也就不少了。   Yet it has certainly done me much good to read exclusively the two books in question.   高尔基是我受影响最大,得益最多的一个作家。   Maxim Gorky has exerted enormous influence on me and benefited me a lot. He is my most beloved writer.   但是该贷款利率有可能会继续受益,因为市场预测,英格兰银行可能会在再度降息。   Tracker rates are likely to continue to gain in popularity amid speculation that the Bank of England may have to cut rates a lot further.   收到我方开具的以你方为受益人的信用证后,请尽可能减少延误发货。   Please effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the letter of credit in your favour established by us.   许多人听到忠告,唯智者始能受益。   Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it.   画鸟的猎人   艾青   The Hunter and Bird Painting   Ai Qing   背景知识:艾青(1910-1996)是诗人,同时也是散文家。《画鸟的猎人》是他的寓言作品,选自人民出版社1979年出版的《艾青诗选》。文章讽刺人们常借空想安慰自己,虚而无实,无济于事,自欺欺人,不仅使读者想起那脍炙人口的典故「画饼充饥」和「望梅止渴」??题目「画鸟的猎人」未直译为The Hunter (Who) Paints Birds,而按「猎人与画鸟的故事」之意译为The Hunter and Bird Painting。   一个人想学打猎,找到一个打猎的人,拜他做老师。他向那打猎的人说:“人必须有一技之长,在许多职业里面,我所选中的是打猎,我很想持枪到树林里去,打到那我想打的鸟。”   A man wanted to learn hunting and offered to apprentice himself to a hunter, to whom he said, “One’s got to have a speciality. Of all the different trades, I like hunting best. I hope I can go inside a woods with a shotgun and shoot down any bird I want to.”   「找到一个打猎的人,拜他做老师」意即「拜一个猎人为师」,故译 and offered to apprentice himself to a hunter,也可译为and volunteered to become a pupil to a master hunter。   「人必须有一技之长」译为One’s got to have a speciality,也可译为One must have a particular skill。   「树林」译为a woods或a wood皆可,也可译为a forest,但通常指较大的树林,或未开垦的森林,如virgin forest (原始森林)。   shoot down   ①枪杀,开枪射击   ②击落(飞机、直升机、导弹等)   ③反驳;彻底推翻(传闻、谣言等)   于是打猎的人检查了那个徒弟的枪,枪是一支好枪,徒弟也是一个有决心的徒弟,就告诉他各种鸟的性格,和有关瞄准与射击的一些知识,并且嘱咐他必须寻找各种鸟去练习。   The hunter checked on the quality of the would-be hunter's shotgun and saw it was all right. He also found the man to be quite determined to learn hunting. So he told him the different characteristics of various birds as well as how to aim and shoot. He also advised him to practise shooting on various kinds of birds.   检查check on sb./sth.   英义   to make sure that there is nothing wrong with somebody/something??「那个徒弟的枪」可译为the pupil’s shotgun,现译the would-be hunter's shotgun,其中would-be作「想要成为的」解。   found the man to be quite determined to…是「find+宾语+宾补(可以是adj.、to be adj.、n.等)」结构。   「寻找各种鸟去练习」译为 to practise shooting on various kinds of birds, 其中to practise ... on ...是习惯搭配,意为「以……作为实习对象」或「利用……作某种实习」??原文中暗藏在句子之间的逻辑关系,在翻译成英文时需要指明,故译文添加so。又,中英文的标点符号不是一一对应的,学会在恰当的位置断句。   那个人听了猎人的话,以为只要知道如何打猎就已经能打猎了,于是他持枪到树林。   Thereupon, the man believed that the hunter’s words had already made a good hunter of himself. So he went inside a woods, shotgun in hand.   「那个人听了猎人的话」译作thereupon一词,简洁明了,表意完整,上下文衔接更自然。   made a good hunter of himself是make something of oneself的结构,意为「使某人成为……」补充(摘自葛传槼英语惯用法词典)make X of Y,不要误以为X of Y是「Y的X」。其实意思是:「把Y变为X」。   例句   make a friend of an enemy   化敌为友   We want to make an engineer of our son.   我们想让儿子成为工程师。   Don't make a habit of it.   别养成这样的习惯。   A mess had been made of the house.   房子被弄得乱七八糟。   但当他一进入树林,走到那里,还没有举起枪,鸟就飞起了。   However, to his great dismay, wherever he went, all the birds just flew away even before he raised his shotgun.   to his great dismay(令他沮丧的是)是添加成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   「还没有举起枪,鸟就飞走了」译为all the birds just flew away even before he raised his shotgun。其中,even一词表示强调,使译文情感语气更鲜明。删去后,「还」「就」表意欠缺。   补充   (摘自网易云评论)推荐一首歌曲《shotgun》,曲调很轻快,歌词里有riding shotgun(坐在副驾驶)的表达,其中,shotgun表示「副驾驶」。riding shotgun起源美国西部历史,那时驾马车的人坐在右边,路上会经常有劫匪,所以,总要有一个人坐在左边副驾驶位置手里拿一杆枪,以防万一。从此以后,坐在车的副驾驶位子是就叫做ride shotgun。   于是他又来找猎人,他说:“鸟是机灵的,我没有看见它们,它们先看见我,等我一举起枪,鸟早已飞走了。”   So he went to call on the hunter again, saying, “Birds are clever. They discover me before I see them. They're gone before I raise my shotgun.”   (短暂)拜访,探访,看望call on   猎人说:“你是想打那不会飞的鸟么?”   “Do you mean you want to shoot at only birds that can’t fly?” asked the hunter.   Do you mean是添加成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   他说:“说实在的,在我想打鸟的时候,要是鸟能不飞该多好呀!”   “Honestly,” the man replied, “how nice it would be if birds couldn’t fly when I go hunting!”   honestly和to be honest同义。   how nice it would be if birds couldn’t fly中涉及if非真实条件句的用法。   猎人说:“你回去,找一张硬纸,在上面画一只鸟,把硬纸挂在树上,朝那鸟打——你一定会成功。”   “Go home and look for a piece of cardboard,” said the hunter. “Hang it up on a tree after you paint a bird on it. Then shoot at this bird, and you'll make it.”   「一张硬纸」译为 a piece of cardboard或a sheet of thick paper皆可,cardboard本指一种厚纸板。   复习   a piece of、a sheet of也常会和颜色词连用。   例句   郭沫若《水墨画》中「天空一片灰暗」译为The sky was a sheet of murky grey。   「朝那鸟打——你一定会成功」译为Then shoot at this bird, and you'll make it,其中成语to make it作「成功」解。   补充   记得某次电影颁奖典礼上,姜文让主持人现场口译颁奖词。颁奖词说道:“……(评选)非常艰难,13个电影都很好,几乎是一个不可完成的任务,但是我们完成了”,主持人当时给出的译文版本是…it’s a hard job because all the thirteen films are great. It’s almost a mission impossible, but we made it.主持人表现真的圈粉,发音用词完全没问题,场子也hold住,感兴趣的可以自行搜索视频观看。   那个人回家,照猎人所说的做了,试验着打了几枪,却没有一枪能打中,他只好再去找猎人。他说:“我照你说的做了,但我还是打不中画中的鸟。”   The man, after arriving home, did what the hunter had told him to do. But, alas, he fired several times without hitting the painted bird. He had no choice but to go and see the hunter again, saying, “I’ve done everything the way you suggested, but without success.”   「试验着打了几枪,却没有一枪能打中」译为But, alas, he fired several times without hitting the painted bird,其中alas等于unfortunately,是译文中的增译成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。   「他只好再去找猎人。他说:……」翻译时没有按照中文里的句号造句,而是处理为了saying……??done everything the way you suggested中the way意同as,the way可以独立引导方式状语从句,跟as用法一样。   例句   ①Please do it the way I’ve told you.   请按照我告诉你的那样做。   ②Plants need water the way they need sun light.   植物需要水就像它们需要阳光一样。   「但我还是打不中画中的鸟」为避免重复,译作but without success,而不是without hitting the painted bird。此种译法也更加简洁。其中,success意同hitting the painted bird。   猎人问他是什么原因,他说:“可能是鸟画得太小,也可能是距离太远。”   The hunter asked him why and the man replied. “Maybe I’ve painted the bird too small, or fired from a place not close enough.”   「也可能是距离太远」译作fired from a place not close enough,其中,fire是补充成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。fire作动词表示「开(枪或炮);射出(子弹)」;作名词时可表示「枪击,炮火,火力」。例如《穿越火线》里扔手雷常听到fire in the hole,意为「当心手雷、大家小心,快闪开」等,提醒周围的战友远离,避免误伤自己人。   那猎人沉思了一阵向他说:“对你的决心,我很感动,你回去,把一张大一些的纸挂在树上,朝那纸打——这一次你一定会成功。”   The hunter went on after pondering for a moment, “I’ve been deeply touched by your strong will. Now you go home and hang up on the tree a larger sheet of cardboard for you to shoot at. You‘ll make it this time, I’m sure.”   「对你的决心,我很感动」意即「你的坚强意志使我感动」,故译为 I've been deeply touched by your strong will。如按字面直译为I've been deeply touched by your determination,就欠确切。   I’m sure(我保证)是增译成分,更符合对话习惯。   那个人很担忧地问:“还是那个距离么?”   猎人说:“由你自己去决定。”   The man asked apprehensively, “Shoot from the same distance?”   “It's up to you to decide.”   由你定,看你自己It's up to you   那人又问:“那纸上还是画着鸟么?”   猎人说:“不。”   “There'll also be a bird painted on the cardboard?”   “No.”   翻译对话时,说话人不必次次译出。   那人苦笑了,说:“那不是打纸么?”   The man asked with a forced smile, "You mean I'm to target the cardboard only?”   苦笑、强颜欢笑 a forced smile   复习   聂绀弩《我若为王》中:不快乐的时候不敢不笑译作…a forced smile when there was no joy at all to justify a smile。   「那不是打纸么?」意即「那不是把纸当作射击对象么?」,故译You mean I'm to target the cardboard?,其中target作「把……作为目标」解。   猎人很严肃地告诉他说:“我的意思是,你先朝着纸只管打,打完了,就在有孔的地方画上鸟,打了几个孔,就画几只鸟——这对你来说,是最有把握的了。”   The hunter explained in good earnest, “What I mean is this: Keep firing at the cardboard as many times as you like. Then paint a bird wherever there is a hole. As a result, there will be as many birds as your holes. That’s the way for you to be absolutely certain about your success.”   「猎人很严肃地告诉他说」可按「猎人一本正经地告诉他说」译为The hunter explained in good earnest。如把「严肃地」译为solemnly, sternly等,均欠确切。   「打完了,就在有孔的地方画上鸟,打了几个孔,就画几只鸟」译作Then paint a bird wherever there is a hole. As a result, there will be as many birds as your holes,乍一看:哎?和中文讲的不一样啊?此处译文其实恰恰表达出了原文真正的意思。翻译首先要对原语理解到位。   由wherever there is a hole想到Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)。那么,以此类推,有几个孔就有几只鸟可译作Where there is a hole, there is a bird.   必背词汇   apprentice v.使拜师于;使当…的学徒英义If a young person is apprenticed to someone, they go to work for them in order to learn their skill.   例句   I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen.   14岁时,我拜一个建筑工人为师当学徒。   speciality n.专业,专长   英义   Someone's speciality is a particular type of work that they do most or do best, or a subject that they know a lot about.(in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 specialty)例句Conjuring up portable, waterproof fires was a speciality of Hermione's.   用魔法变出可携带的防水的火,这是赫敏的拿手好戏。   woods n.树林   英义   a fairly large area of trees growing near each other.   例句   To go to the farm, you'll have to pass through a woods.   要去农场,你必须经过一片树林。   shotgun n.猎枪,火枪   英义   A shotgun is a gun used for shooting birds and animals which fires a lot of small metal balls at one time.   例句   It's like a shotgun aiming at a target.   这就象用散弹枪瞄准一个目标。   ponder v.思索,考虑   英义   If you ponder something, you think about it carefully.   例句   Now the government is pondering another first.   如今政府正考虑开创另一个第一。   apprehensively adv.担心地,忧虑地   英义   in a worried or frightened way because you think something unpleasant may happen.   例句   All day she felt nervous and apprehensive.   她一整天都焦虑不安。   重点表达   拜某人做老师apprentice oneself to sb.   人必须有一技之长One’s got to have a speciality./ One must have a particular skill.   枪杀,开枪射击shoot down   检查 check on sb./sth.   把Y变为X make X of Y   (短暂)拜访,探访,看望call on   坐在副驾驶ride shotgun   成功 make it   由你定,看你自己It's up to you   苦笑、强颜欢笑 a forced smile   复盘测试   拜某人做老师   人必须有一技之长   枪杀,开枪射击   检查   把Y变为X   (短暂)拜访,探访,看望   坐在副驾驶   成功   由你定,看你自己   苦笑、强颜欢笑   表达对比   「担忧」有几种不同表达?   那个人很担忧地问:“还是那个距离么?”   The man asked apprehensively, “Shoot from the same distance?”   你似乎不再在乎,这令我担忧。   It concerns me that you no longer seem to care.   那一刻,就在演唱会才进行了一半的时候,担忧爬上了我的心头,我害怕着因为这样的坏天气,大家都会提早离开。   And at this point in the show, about halfway through our set, this fear came over me that everyone was going to leave the concert.   如果人均产量持续增长,那么国民生产总值的下降本身并不太值得担忧。   Declining GDP would not, in itself, be much of a worry, provided that output per person continued to rise.   凡人可能会有种种担忧,但是他也坚信这种焦虑担忧总会消逝。   Secular man may be anxious, but he is also convinced that anxiety can be explained away.   长寿之道 ——季羡林   The Secret of Longevity ——Ji Xianlin   背景知识:《长寿之道》是我国著名教育家、印度学家、散文家李羡林(1911- ) 写于1997年10月的一篇随笔。   题目「长寿之道」本可译为The Way to Live a Long Life,现译The Secret of Longevity (其中Secret作「秘诀」「诀窍」解),意思基本相同,但较醒目简练,便于上口。   我已经到了望九之年,可谓长寿矣。因此经常有人向我询问长寿之道,养生之术。   Approaching ninety, I’m really old. People often ask me for advice on how to keep fit and live a long life.   「望九之年」意即「接近九十岁」「年近九十」,可译为Approaching ninety 或 Close to ninety。   「养生之术」可译为 the way to keep fit或the way to keep in good health。   我敬谨答曰:“养生无术是有术。”   The answer I would give is, “The best way to keep fit is by making no efforts towards it.”   「我敬谨答曰……」如译为The answer I beg to give is… ,嫌如正式客套语,故译The answer I would give is… ,其中would有「愿意」的含义,常见于表达、劝告、意见的句中。   这话看似深奥,其实极为简单明了。   That sounds profound, but is in fact very simple.   「看似深奥」译作sounds profound(听似深奥),更符合情境。   我有两个朋友,十分重视养生之道。每天锻炼身体,至少要上两个钟头。   Two friends of mine put in great efforts to keep in good health. They spent at least two hours per day doing physical exercise.   「十分重视养生之道」按 「在养生上下了大功夫」之意译作put in great efforts to keep in good health。   锻炼身体do physical exercise   曹操诗曰:“对酒当歌,人生几何?”   Cao Cao says in one of his poems like this:   Cup to cup calls for song,   Man’s life — how long?   Cao Cao (formerly translated as Ts’ao Ts’ao. 155-220), military strategist, statesman and writer during the Three Kingdoms.   「哥」与「何」押韵,song和long押韵。耳熟能详的《山行》(杜牧)中「远上寒山石径斜,白云生处有人家」,我们在读诗时,常把「斜」发成「xiá」的音,就是为了和下句中的「家(jiā)」押韵。   人生不过百年,每天费上两个钟头,统计起来,要有多少钟头啊!   Few people live to be 100. Two hours per day during one's lifetime — what a tremendous amount of time it would add up to!   「人生不过百年」按「很少有人活到一百岁」之意译为Few people live to be 100。   合计达,总计为add up to   利用这些钟头,能做多少事情呀!   And what a lot could be done with that much time!   what a lot could be done是what引导的感叹句,其中a lot作代词。a lot是否用作代词可根据其词性判断。   如果真有用,也还罢了。   It would have been all right though if my two friends' physical exercise had really helped.   本句涉及if引导的非真实条件句,对过去事实进行假设,条件从句谓语动词形式为「had+过去分」,主句谓语动词形式为「should/would/could/might + have+过去分词」Q: It would have been all right though中though是什么意思?   此处,though作副词,译为 「不过」。   例句   I’m a little nervous about the trip, though.   不过,关于这次旅行,我还是感到有些不安。   其功能为:to add a fact or an opinion that makes the previous statement less strong or less important他们二人,一个先我而走,一个卧病在家,不能出门。   But fact is, one of the two has passed away before me and the other now never shows up, being confined to bed with illness.   「他们二人、一个先我而走……」译为But fact is, one of the two has passed away before me,其中But, fact is是译文中的增译成分,fact is等于 the fact is that。   「一个卧病在家,不能出门」译为the other now never shows up, being confined to bed with illness,其中用never shows up 表达「不能岀门」,为灵活处理。又,confined to bed with illness的意思是「卧病不起」因此,我首创了三“不”主义:不锻炼,不挑食,不嘀咕,名闻全国。   I’m known to all for having initiated three Nos, namely, no exercising, no picky eating, no grumbling.   此处将句子整合,按「我以 ‘首创三不主义’闻名于世」之意译为I’m known to all for ……句型。   我这个三不主义,容易招误会,我现在利用这个机会解释一下。   My three Nos, however, are apt to be misunderstood. So I need to take this opportunity to make an explanation.   易于、倾向于 be apt to do   利用这个机会/凭借这个优势 take this opportunity/advantage to??注意misunderstand属不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词均为misunderstood。   我并不绝对反对适当的体育锻炼。但不要过头。   Exercise, if moderate, is all right, but I disapprove of overdoing it.   「适当的体育锻炼」中的「适当的」意即「不过分的」「适度的」,故用moderate一词表达。   「过头」即「(做的)过火,过度」,译为overdo。前缀over-常表示此意,如overachieve超额完成。   一个人如果天天望长寿如大旱之望云霓,而又绝对相信体育锻炼,则此人心态恐怕有点失常,反不如顺其自然为佳。   One who overrates physical training while dreaming of living a long life must be mentally unbalanced. He should learn to let things take their own course.   「一个人如果……则……」除去译作if句型,此处one who…is…句型也是很好的选择。   「天天望长寿如大旱之望云霓」中「如大旱之望云霓」强调(此人)对长寿的渴望程度,可对应译出,也可学习此处,译为dream of,意为「梦想、渴望」??「绝对相信体育锻炼」译作overrates physical training,其中overrate意为「对……评价过高、高估」,由前缀over-和动词rate构成,手机应用中常见的「给app评价」就用的rate一词。   心态不稳、精神失常be mentally unbalanced??顺其自然 let things take their own course至于不挑食,常见有人年才逾不惑,就开始挑食,蛋黄不吃,动物内脏不吃,As to picky eating, I often find people barely over forty becoming very choosy about food. They abstain from eating egg yolks and tripe.   「常见有人……」即「常发现有人……」,故译作find。   「才逾不惑」意即「还不到四十岁」,译为barely over forty。   「动物内脏」本可按字面直译为the internal organs of animals或animal entrails,均不理想,今译tripe,本指牛、羊、猪肚(俗称杂碎),且为熟食,切合上下文,故选用之。   「开始挑食」译作becoming very choosy about food。其中become包含了be动词所不包含的「状态转变」的意思,即「开始」之意。   每到吃饭,战战兢兢,如履薄冰,窘态可掬,看了令人失笑。   They behave gingerly at table as if treading on thin ice. The embarrassment they show cannot but evoke laughter from all.   此处由gingerly(小心谨慎地、战战兢兢地),可以联系到和它长的很像的单词ginger(生姜),而由ginger又可以扩展出许多单词,比如gingerbread(姜饼)、gingernut(姜汁饼干)等等。扩充词汇量有多种方法,比如图片法、联想法、词根词缀等等。我个人觉得,每个人在记忆单词时有自己专属的脑回路和记忆点,不用盲目崇拜某一种方法,背单词唯有多见+重复。   如履薄冰as if treading on thin ice   「令人失笑」即「引众人大笑」,故译为evoke laughter from all。   以这种心态而欲求长寿,岂非南辕而北辙!   Acting with such a mentality, they can only end up in defeating their own purpose of increased longevity.   以……结尾、告终end up in   Acting with such a mentality作条件状语。   「岂非南辕而北辙」此处意同「长寿计划落空」,故译为defeating their own purpose of increased longevity。   补充   廖承志《致蒋经国信》中提到了poles apart的表达,其作widely separated解,译成中文可为「南辕北撤、大相径庭、海天相隔」等。   例句   Their body language was icy, their opinions poles apart. It was a sign of the tough talks that lie ahead.   他们的身体语言很冰冷,他们的观点大相径庭。   我个人认为,第三点最为重要。对什么事情都不嘀嘀咕咕,To my mind, the last of the three Nos, i.e., avoid grumbling under any circumstances, is the most important.   在我看来,我个人认为To my mind   「第三点」译作the third也可。   i.e.意为「亦即;也就是」,avoid grumbling under any circumstances是同位语成分。   虽然此处是the most important,复习最高级前不加the的情况:   ①形容词最高级前有物主代词时,不再加the。   例句   Wu Fen is my best friend.   吴芬是我最要好的朋友。   ②形容词最高级在句中作表语而比较范围又不明确时,最高级前不用the。例句They are happiest on Saturdays.   他们在星期六最快乐。   ③如果两个形容词最高级并列修饰同一个名词时,第二个形容词最高级前不加the。   例句   He is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.   他是班上年龄最小、个子最高的男孩。   ④如果形容词最高级用来加强语气,作「十分,非常」之意时,前面不加the,但形容词最高级作单数名词的定语时,可用不定冠词a/an。   例句   It is a most beautiful picture.   它是一张十分漂亮的画。   ⑤作宾语补足语的形容词最高级前不加the。   例句   I found it most difficult to get to sleep.   我发现入睡最难.   ⑥在一些固定用法中,最高级前通常省略the。   例句   With best wishes for you.   向你致以最美好的祝愿。   心胸开朗,乐观愉快,吃也吃得下,睡也睡得着,Be broad-minded, optimistic and cheerful, and you will be able to eat with a good appetite and enjoy a sound sleep.   要补充出中文句与句之间藏着的逻辑关系。此处Be broad-minded, optimistic and cheerful祈使句相当于if引导的条件状语从句。   「吃也吃得下,睡也睡得着」即「胃口好,睡得香」,故译为eat with a good appetite and enjoy a sound sleep。   有问题则设法解决之,有困难则努力克服之,   When you are faced with problems, try every means to solve them. When you meet with difficulties, do your best to overcome them.   「有问题」「有困难」即「遇到问题」「遇到困难」,译作be faced with、meet with即可。   注意动宾搭配问题,如:解决问题solve problems、克服困难overcome difficulties。   决不视芝麻绿豆大的窘境如苏迷卢山般大,也决不毫无原则地随遇而安,决不玩世不恭。   Neither fret over trifles, nor take an attitude of cynical indifference towards life.   「决不视芝麻绿豆大的窘境如苏迷卢山般大」不宜按字而直译,今用意译法处理之:Never fret over (或 worry over) trifles(为……担忧、烦恼)。   「也决不毫无原则地随遇而安,决不玩世不恭」的译文把原作上下两句的意思合并在一起:nor take an attitude of cynical indifference towards life,其中cynical指「玩世不恭」,indifference指「对一切都不在乎」有这样的心境,焉能不健康长寿?   That's the way to be long-lived.   变反问句为陈述句。   long-lived属合成形容词,构词法为:形容词+现在/过去分词,E.g. easy-going随和的、 ready-made现成的。   我现在还想补充一点,很重要的一点。根据我个人七八十年的经验,一个人决不能让自己的脑筋投闲置散,要经常让脑筋活动着。   One more important point: According to my personal experience of the past eighty years or so, one should put his brain to frequent use instead of letting it stay idle.   「我现在还想补充一点,很重要的一点」译作One more important point:,更显简洁。   or so表示「大约、左右」之意。   辨析instead of 和rather than   都有「而不是」的意思   instead of:「代替,而不是」,重点词是of,它是介词,所以后接名词,代词和v-ing形式,尤其需注意的是动词该用动名词形式,即v-ingrather than:「(是……)而不是……」,它是连词,前后成分在形式上必须保持一致,所以后面的结构应该与前面一样,就有可能出现代词主格,动词的各种形式等,不一而足,但关键是要和与它对比的结构形式一致!   例句   I’ll go there instead of him.   I rather than he(与I一致)will go there.   Yesterday he walked here instead of driving here.   Yesterday he walked here rather than drove(与walked一致)here.   根据外国一些科学家实验结果,“用脑伤神”的旧说法已经不能成立,应改为“用脑长寿”。   The result of experiments made by some foreign scientists has shown that frequent use of the brain leads to longevity instead of doing harm to it as people used to believe.   「根据外国一些科学家实验结果」即「外国一些科学家实验结果显示……」,现译为The result of experiments made by some foreign scientists has shown that…??…doing harm to it as people used to believe中,as引导方式状语从句,表示「按照、依照、像」,例如You must do the work as I have told you.。   此外,as还可以引导定语从句,有“正如、正像”的意思,例如:   As is known to all, China is a developing country.   He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.   John, as you know, is a famous writer.   人的衰老主要是脑细胞的死亡。   Man's aging is mainly caused by the death of cerebral cells.   is caused by是补充成分,使译文更合理。我们不能说「人的衰老is脑细胞的死亡」中老年人的脑细胞虽然天天死亡,但人一生中所启用的脑细胞只占细胞总量的四分之一,而且在活动的情况下,每天还有新的脑细胞产生。   However, though the cerebral cells of middle-aged and elderly people keep dying every day, man uses up in his lifetime only one fourth of the total cerebral cells, and new cerebral cells will, under normal conditions, keep growing up daily.   「人一生中所启用的脑细胞只占细胞总量的四分之一」译作man uses up in his lifetime only one fourth of the total cerebral cells,其中use up表示「用尽、用光」。而原句中的「启用」其实就是「把这四分之一的脑细胞用到死」,故译use up而非use。   只要脑筋的活动不停止,新生细胞比死亡细胞数目还要多。   As long as you use your head regularly, dead cerebral cells will always be outnumbered by new ones.   outnumber中out-前缀构成动词表示「超过」「胜过」,比如outperform(比某人出色)、outspend(支出超过)勤于动脑筋,则能经常保持脑中血液的流通状态,而且能通过脑筋协调控制全身的功能。   Regular use of the head will ensure the normal circulation of cerebral blood and our control of the whole bodily function through its coordination.   勤于动脑筋译为Regular use of the head,其中Regular一词和上文的「脑筋的活动不停止」use your head regularly对应。   「保持脑中血液的流通状态」即 「保证正常状态」(流通不畅则为异常),故译作ensure the normal circulation of cerebral blood。   我过去经常说:“不要让脑筋闲着。”我就是这样做的,I used to urge, "Never have an idle head!” And I myself have acted accordingly.   过去经常…… used to do   对于文章有些地方,我个人倾向于选用brain一词。head指头、头颅,而brain侧重思维、脑力等。   结果是有人说我“身轻如燕,健步如飞”。   Some people have consequently saddled me with the epithets: “agile like a swallow'' and "walking as if on wings."??「结果是有人说我……」译为Some people have consequently saddled me with the epithets…,其中 to saddle one with...意即「把……强加给某人」,epithets作「表述词语」「称号」解。   身轻如燕agile like a swallow   健步如飞walking as if on wings   这话有点过了头,反正我比同年龄人要好些,这都是真的。   They are exaggerating to be sure, but it's true that I'm in better health than people of the same age.   「比同年龄人要好些」即「身体状况(健康状态)要好些」,现译作in better health。   同龄人people of the same age。   原来我并没有什么科学根据,只能算是一种朴素的直觉。   The above has come of plain intuition, without any scientific basis.   出身于、由...引起、起源于come of   例句   Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade.   回收利用是上个十年中被英国民众广泛认可的观念。   base和basis的区别   base 当名词时更强物理意义的基础 同时可以当动词:以……为基础basis 更强调抽象意义的基础和原则,只能是名词。   这就是我的“长寿之道”。   So much for my “secret of longevity ”.   so much for的用法:   这个词组最原本的意义是“到此为止,不再多”。【例如】So much for today. 今天就讲到这里为止。词义进一步又朝着两个方向发展:   1. “某事到此为止讲过(处理过)了,(下面转入另一件事)”。【例如】So much for the producers, what of the consumers? 生产者讲过了,消费者又怎么的啦?   2. “某事物也就是这么一回事(不怎么的,没什么了不起)”。【例如】So much for his help! 他就是帮这样的忙!/ So much for their promises! 他们的诺言也就是这么一回事!/ So much for his learning. 他也就这一点学问。   必背词汇   profound adj.深刻的,深奥的,知识渊博的英义A profound idea, work, or person shows great intellectual depth and understanding.   例句   This is a book full of profound, original and challenging insights.   这本书充满了深刻、新颖、令人深思的见解。   initiate v.开始,创始,发起   英义   If you initiate something, you start it or cause it to happen.   例句   The trip was initiated by the manager of the community centre.   这次旅行由社区活动中心的经理发起。   overrate v.对…评价过高,高估   英义   If you say that something or someone is overrated, you mean that people have a higher opinion of them than they deserve.   例句   If you consider him a miracle man, you're overrating him.   如果你认为他能创造奇迹,那你是高估他了。   choosy adj.挑剔的,过分讲究的   英义   Someone who is choosy is difficult to please because they will only accept something if it is exactly what they want or if it is of very high quality.   例句   Skiers should be particularly choosy about the insurance policy they buy.   滑雪者在选择购买保险的问题上应该尤其慎重。   重点表达   养生之术the way to keep fit或the way to keep in good health锻炼身体do physical exercise对酒当歌,人生几何?Cup to cup calls for song, Man’s life — how long?   合计达,总计为add up to   易于、倾向于 be apt to do   利用这个机会/凭借这个优势 take this opportunity/advantage to梦想,渴望dream of心态不稳、精神失常be mentally unbalanced顺其自然 let things take their own course挑食be choosy about food如履薄冰as if treading on thin ice令人失笑evoke laughter from all以……结尾、告终end up in在我看来,我个人认为To my mind   为……担忧、烦恼fret over 或worry over) trifles大约、左右 or so用尽、用光use up过去经常…… used to do身轻如燕agile like a swallow健步如飞walking as if on wings   同龄人people of the same age   ……也就是这么一回事So much for…   复盘测试   养生之术   锻炼身体   对酒当歌,人生几何?   合计达,总计为   易于、倾向于   利用这个机会/凭借这个优势   梦想,渴望   心态不稳、精神失常   顺其自然   挑食   如履薄冰   令人失笑   以……结尾、告终   在我看来,我个人认为   为……担忧、烦恼   大约、左右   用尽、用光   过去经常……   身轻如燕   健步如飞   同龄人   ……也就是这么一回事   表达对比   「顺其自然」有几种表达?   反不如顺其自然为佳。   He should learn to let things take their own course.   永不期待,永不假设,永不强求。顺其自然,若是注定发生,必会如你所愿。   Never expect, never assume, and never demand. Just let it be, because if it's meant to be, it will happen the way you want it to.   我现在不想谈结婚生仔,只想顺其自然发展这段感情。   I don't like to think about marriage and having kids right now, I just want us to go with the flow.   “伟大的空话”——邓拓   “Great Empty Verbiage” ——Deng Tuo   背景知识:邓拓(1912-1966),福建福州人,杰出的新闻工作者、政论家、历史学家、杂文家。聂荣臻元帅曾称赞他「光明磊落,博学多才」。1966 年,「文化大革命」初起时,他惨遭迫害而死,年仅54岁。《伟大的空话》是他于1961年发表在《前线》杂志第21期上的一篇著名杂文。文章以事实为证,针砭当时上行下效的说大话歪风,文笔生动直率、深入浅出,亦庄亦谐。   「伟大的空活」译为 Great Empty Verbiage或Great Empty Talk 皆可,但因 Verbiage 有「夸夸其谈」「唠叨」之意,Great Empty Verbiage比Great Empty Talk更确切。   有的人擅长于说话,可以在任何场合,嘴里说个不停,真好比悬河之口,滔滔不绝,Some people have a facile tongue. They talk on and on regardless of the occasion, words pouring out of their mouths incessantly, as it were, in a torrent.   「有的人擅长于说话」译为Some people have a facile tongue,其中 facile作「流畅的」解,因此a facile tongue的意思是「能说会道」(略含贬义)。此句也可译为Some people are good at speech。同时,「在任何场合」未直译,而是按「不顾场合」之意译作了regardless of the occasion,也传达了贬义色彩。   「好比悬河之口,滔滔不绝」译为words pouring out of their mouths incessantly, as it were, in a torrent,其中words pouring out of…是独立主格结构。又,成语as it were作「似乎」「可以说」等解,用以表达原文的「好比」但是,听完他的说话以后,稍一回想,都不记得他说的是什么了。   But, when we try to do a bit of recalling soon after listening to them, we find we have clean forgotten what they said.   努力……try do to   尝试……try doing   不记得、彻底忘记、忘得一干二净have clean forgotten…这样的例子可以举出不少。如果你随时留心,到处都可以发现。   Like examples abound. Keep your eyes open, and you will find them here and there.   处处、到处here and there   「随时留心」也可译作be attentive to、keep your eyes on等。   说这种话的人,有的自鸣得意,并且向别人介绍他的经验说:“我遵守古人语不惊人死不休的遗训,非用尽人类最伟大的语言不可。”   Some of those given to verbiage feel very pleased with themselves and are more than willing to share their experience with others, saying, “Our ancients say one shouldn't say anything but can cause great sensation. I therefore ought to follow their teachings by using nothing short of the greatest of human language.”   「说这种话的人,有的自鸣得意」译为Some of those given to verbiage feel very pleased with themselves,其中 feel very pleased with themselves 作「沾沾自喜」解,意同feel very self-satisfied (或smug),都略带贬义。又,「说这种话的人」指「说大话的人」,故译those given to verbiage,其中given to 作「喜爱」「倾向于……」解。   「并且向别人介绍他的经验」译为and are more than willing io share their experience with others,其中are more than willing作「乐于」「愿意」等解,是译文中的增译成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。又,此句也可译为and are ready to pass on their experience to others。   「我遵守古人语不惊人死不休的遗训,非用尽人类最伟大的语言不可」→(我)通过(用尽人类最伟大的语言)的方式来(遵守古人语不惊人死不休的遗训)。其中「人类最伟大的语言」译作nothing short of the greatest of human language,正话反说,增强表达效果。   你听,这是多么大的口气啊!   See, what a baloney!   「这是多么大的口气啊!」意同「这可是废话!」,译为what a baloney!,其中baloney是口语。此句也可译为how boastful they are!。   可是,许多人一听他说话,就讥笑他在做“八股”。   Many listeners will laugh off what they are boasting about as bagu.   「许多人一听他说话,就讥笑他在做‘八股’」译为Many listeners will laugh off what they are boasting about as bagu,其中用 Many listeners 代替 Many, the moment they listen to them talk,较简练。又laugh off... as bagu意同 sneeringly call their speech bagu。   bagu — eight-part essay prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations (known as a stereotyped essay for its rigidity of form and paucity of ideas).   我却以为把这种话叫做“八股”并不确切,还是叫它做“伟大的空话”更恰当一些。   Personally, however, I think it more appropriate to call it “great empty verbiage” than bagu.   personally、to my mind等可用于引出个人观点。   I think it more appropriate to…,其中it是形式宾语,to do为真正宾语。   当然,它同八股是有密切关系的,也许只有从八股文中才能找到它的渊源。   Nevertheless, since it is closely related to bagu, the only way to trace its origin is perhaps from bagu.   留心看,「当然,它同八股是有密切关系的」的译文并没有出现of course的字眼,反而用了Nevertheless和since,将中文脉络中的逻辑关系挖出表面,呈现在读者面前。   举一个典型的例子吧,有一篇八股文写道:夫天地者,六合宇宙之乾坤,大哉久矣,数千万年而非一日也。   Here is a typical example. A bagu essay begins with something like this: O heaven and earth — the all-embracing, the cosmos, the universe! How great and everlasting it is, in existence for millions upon millions of years instead of one day!   有一篇文章这样写道 an essay begins with something like this: ……??「六合」指「天地东南西北」或「天地四方」,即「宇宙」。现按「无所不包」(all within the universe)之含义译为the all-embracing。如直译为 the six directions,则须加注,否则外国读者看不懂。   你看,这作为一篇八股文的“破题”,读起来不是也很顺口吗?   See, the two sentences, known as poti, read quite smoothly, don't they?   本文出现两次「你看」,均译为see。   poti — first two sentences of an essay giving the theme (originally said of a bagu or stereotyped essay).   …,don't they? 是反意疑问句,也叫附加疑问句(Tag Question),主要由「陈述部分+附加疑问部分」构成。   其中不但有“天地”、“六合”、“宇宙”、“乾坤”等等大字眼,而且音调铿锵,煞是好听。   Not only are they composed of big words like "heaven and earth”, “all-embracing”, “cosmos”, “universe”, etc., but also sound deep and clear, hence pleasant to the ear.   Not only are they composed of……否定词及含有否定意义的词在句首,句子要部分倒装(只将助动词置于主语前,谓语其余部分置于主语后)。   音调铿锵:声音有力且响亮,现译作sound deep and clear。   如果用标准的八股调子去念,可以使人摇头摆尾,忘其所以。   If you read them aloud according to the tone peculiar to a bagu essay, you may be so carried away as to start wagging your head with pleasure in spite of yourself.   peculiar to a bagu essay是tone的后置定语。   「可以使人摇头摆尾,忘其所以」实则为「人忘乎所以,所以/以至于摇头摆尾」,故译作you may be so carried away as to start wagging your head with pleasure in spite of yourself.其中,「摇头摆尾」描写的是「读书摇头晃脑」的情形,常见于幼儿或小学生身上。   但是,可惜得很,这里所用的许多大字眼,都是重复的同义语,Unfortunately, these big words are nothing but redundant synonyms.   「都是重复的同义语」译作are nothing but redundant synonyms,其中are nothing but增强了表达效果。   因此,说了半天还是不知所云,越解释越糊涂,或者等于没有解释。   As you read, you don't know what the writer is driving at with all his verbosity. And the more he talks, the more unintelligible his words become. Or you find him talking for nothing at all.   「不知所云」译作don't know what (the writer) is driving at…,其中be driving at意为「(某人)要说」例句But what I’m driving at here is this.   不过,我在这里要说的却是这样。   「越解释越糊涂」意即「越讲越不知所云」,故译The more he talks, the more unintelligible his words become。   这就是伟大的空话的特点。   All that is characteristic of great empty verbiage.   All that指上文提到的内容,是一个小总结。   B的特点是A A is characteristic of B   不能否认,这种伟大的空话在某些特殊的场合是不可避免的,因而在一定的意义上有其存在的必要。   Undoubtedly, as empty verbiage is unavoidable on some specific occasions, there is need for its existence in a sense.   occasion要用介词on。   在一定/某种意义上in a sense   可是,如果把它普遍化起来,到处搬弄,甚至于以此为专长,那就相当可怕了。   But it would be extremely terrible to popularize it, flaunt it everywhere, or even regard it as one's special skill.   此处「到处」译作everywhere。(上文提到的「到处」译作了here and there)??专长special skill假若再把这种说空话的本领教给我们的后代,培养岀这么一批专家,那就更糟糕了。   And even worse it is to educate our younger generation in the art of empty verbiage so as to develop a large number of relevant experts.   even worse it is to…:英语中,有些倒装是出于语法上的需要,非用倒装语序不可,具有强制性;有些则是为了达到某种修辞效果,如强调、平衡、衔接等。   因此,遇有这样的事情,就必须加以劝阻。   We should therefore do our best to dissuade people from following such a trend whenever it happens.   劝阻某人…… dissuade sb. from doing sth??「这样的事情」指上文even worse的情形,此处表达不重复。今天在网上看到了一句话:「现在愁的不是机翻不准确,而是它有什么翻什么」。一般体裁皆如此,更何况文学,大家自行体会。   凑巧得很,我的邻居有个孩子近来常常模仿大诗人的口气,编写了许多“伟大的空话”,形式以新诗为最多,Quite incidentally, a kid of my neighbour's recently wrote a great many things in the manner of great poets, mostly in the form of modem poetry, but all were nothing but empty verbiage.   Q: 由a kid of my neighbour's谈到of后加mine/his…的情况??如果表示所有关系,通常要用of+形容词性物主代词,如an old friend of mine(我的一位老朋友)。如果不是表示所有关系,可以根据句式得需要使用of+人称代词的宾格形式。   「模仿大诗人的口气」译为in the manner of great poets,其中成语in the manner of作「模仿……的样式」解。   编写了许多「伟大的空话」译时,补充but,译作but all were nothing but empty verbiage且置于句尾的位置。大家学习时也要留心句子强调的重心是什么。   并且他常常写完一首就自己朗诵,十分得意。   Often, on finishing a new piece, he would read it aloud smugly.   aloud和loudly的区别:   aloud强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为「出声地」「大声地」,常与read、call等连用。   loudly意为「响亮地」,基本意义与loud相同,常与ring、knock等连用。loudly可位于修饰的动词前或后。   不久以前,他写了一首《野草颂》,通篇都是空话。他写的是:   老天是我们的父亲,   大地是我们的母亲,   太阳是我们的保姆   东风是我们的恩人   西风是我们的敌人。   我们是一丛野草,   有人喜欢我们,   有人讨厌我们,   但是不管怎样,   我们还要生长。   The other day, he wrote the following poem entitled Ode to Wild Grass, likewise packed with empty words:   The sky is our father,   The earth is our mother,   The sun is our nurse,   The east wind is our benefactor,   The west wind is our foe.   We are a tuft of wild grass,   Some people love us,   Some people hate us,   But, come what may.   We'll keep growing.   ode表示「……颂」,例如雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)的《西风颂》就译作Ode to the West Wind。   likewise是增译成分,使上下文更为衔接。   你说这叫做什么诗?我真为他担忧,成天写这类东西,将来会变成什么样子!   Does it read like a poem? How I worry about the future of this kid who does nothing but write trash like that all the time!   Does it read like a poem?:反问句是极为普遍的言谈策略,在结构上是疑问句的形式,但其语言作用却是强烈的断言。一般来说,并不期待听话者的回应。一个肯定的问句却表示一个强烈的否定断言,而一个否定的问句则表示肯定的断言。   How I worry about……:   复习   how引导的感叹句类型:   ①How+形容词+主语+谓语!   ②How+副词+主语+谓语!   ③How+主语+动词+(…)!   ④How+ many/much/few/little+ 名词+主语+谓语!   如果不看题目,谁能知道他写的是野草颂呢?   Without looking at the title, one would never know that it was a poem eulogizing wild grass.   Without looking at the title:without介词短语表示虚拟条件,其虚拟形式与if引导的非真实条件状语从句类似。   「(那)写的是野草颂」按「(那)是一首赞美野草的诗」之意译作was a poem eulogizing wild grass。   但是这个孩子写的诗居然有人予以夸奖,我不了解那是什么用意。   Yet, to my great surprise, the kid has been given a high compliment for the so-called poem! I wonder what has motivated the flattery.   「但是这个孩子写的诗居然有人予以夸奖」译为Yet, to my great surprise, the kid has been given a high compliment for the so-called poem!,其中用to my great surprise表达「居然」(意同「真想不到」),又,so-called是译文中的添加成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。此句也可译为Fancy someone speaking highly of the poem!   「我不了解那是什么用意」→(我就不知道那些人为什么会夸奖?)→我想知道那些人的出发点是什么,现译作I wonder what has motivated the flattery。   这首诗里尽管也有天地、父母、太阳、保姆、东风、西风、恩人、敌人等等引人注目的字眼,然而这些都被他滥用了,变成了陈词滥调。   There are in the poem eye-catching terms like "sky", "earth", "father", "mother", “sun”, "nurse", "east wind", “west wind”, "benefactor”, “foe”, etc., which have become hackneyed through abuse.   「都被他滥用了,变成了陈词滥调」译作have become hackneyed through abuse,使用through一词将两个短句连接起来。   问他本人,他认为这样写才显得内容新鲜。实际上,他这么搞一点也不新鲜。   The kid may regard his way of writing as a means to novelty while in fact he achieves nothing novel at all.   while表示对比,具有转折关系。   novel除去「(长篇)小说」之意,「新奇的」也是一个常考释义。   任何语言,包括诗的语言在内,都应该力求用最经济的方式,表达最丰富的内容。   In all language, including poetic diction, we should strive for economy of expression, i.e., using as few words as possible to express the maximum amount of content.   In all language限定一个范围。   力求strive for +n. (即make a great effort to do sth.)到了有话非说不可的时候,说出的话才能动人。   The language you use will be most effective only when you have an idea that you simply must put across.   此处「动人」按「起作用、产生预期效果」之意译作effective。   描述、解释清楚put across/over   例句   He really enjoys putting across a technical argument.   他很喜欢向别人解释技术上的问题。   This is actually a very entertaining book putting over serious health messages.   这实际上是一本非常有趣的书,讲述了大量的健康知识。   否则内容空虚,即便用了最伟大的字眼和词汇,也将无济于事,甚至越说得多,反而越糟糕。   Otherwise, your speech will be empty of matter no matter how high-sounding the words and expressions you use. And the more you talk, the worse it is.   为避免用词重复,此处「伟大」译作high-sounding,而非great。   因此,我想奉劝爱说伟大的空话的朋友,还是多读,多想,少说一些,I, therefore, advise all friends indulging in empty talk to do more reading and thinking, but less talking.   indulging in empty talk是friends的后置定语。   遇到要说话的时候,就去休息,不要浪费你自己和别人的时间和精力吧!   Resist the urge of empty talk so that you can take a rest and meanwhile avoid wasting the time and energies of yourself and others.   此句的理解因人而异,比如我自己会理解成Resist the urge of empty talk and then take a rest so that you can avoid wasting the time and energies of yourself and others。翻译练习时选择自己认可的译法。   必背词汇   verbiage un.冗词,赘语,废话   英义   If you refer to someone's speech or writing as verbiage, you are critical of them because they use too many words, which makes their speech or writing difficult to understand.   例句   Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.   说实话,这段啰嗦的大杂烩变得无比冗长。   facile adj.信口开河的   例句   a facile talker   信口开河的人   eulogize v.称赞,颂扬   英义   If you eulogize someone or something, you praise them very highly.   例句   They decided they are going to eulogize love.   他们决定歌颂爱情。   flaunt v.炫耀,夸耀,卖弄   英义   If you say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, you mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other people's admiration.   例句   One secret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.   他很早就学到的一个秘诀就是不要夸耀自己的成功。   baloney un.胡说,瞎扯   英义   If you say that an idea or statement is baloney, you disapprove of it and think it is foolish or wrong.   例句   That's a load of baloney.   鬼话连篇。   compose v.组成,构成   英义   The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.   例句   The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.   这支军队将由来自北约国家的部队组成。   重点表达   好比悬河之口,滔滔不绝words pouring out of their mouths incessantly, as it were, in a torrent不记得、彻底忘记、忘得一干二净have clean forgotten…喜爱、倾向于……given to处处、到处here and there有一篇文章这样写道 an essay begins with something like this: ……(某人)要说 be driving atB的特点是A A is characteristic of B在一定/某种意义上in a sense专长special skill劝阻某人…… dissuade sb. from doing   力求strive for   描述、解释清楚put across   复盘测试   好比悬河之口,滔滔不绝   不记得、彻底忘记、忘得一干二净   喜爱、倾向于……   处处、到处   有一篇文章这样写道   (某人)要说   B的特点是A   在一定/某种意义上   专长   劝阻某人……   力求   描述、解释清楚   表达对比   「充满」有几种表达?   这样的例子可以举出不少。   Like examples abound.   这条河以产鱼著称。   This stream abounds in fish.   这条河盛产鱼。   This stream abounds with fish.   abound in、abound with意思略有差别,前者包含「以……著称」之意,后者只是单单指「盛产」不久以前,他写了一首《野草颂》,通篇都是空话。   The other day, he wrote the following poem entitled Ode to Wild Grass, likewise packed with empty words.   一年中大部分时间里,这个地区游人如织。   For most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists.   我的第一位美国老师 ——冯亦代   My First American Teacher ——Feng Yidai   背景知识:冯亦代(1913-2005),浙江杭州人,中国翻译协会常务理事及北京市翻译协会副会长,是我国著名作家、翻译家、报人。《我的第一位美国老师》是他写于1990年10月2日的一篇叙谈师生情的佳作。   如今,每逢我打开一本英文书时,眼前马上会浮起我那第一位美国老师的神态。   Whenever I open an English book, the image of my first American teacher will immediately appear before my eyes.   「如今」隐藏在了时态里,故未译出。   「眼前马上会浮起……的神态」与「眼前马上会浮起……的身影」同义,是中文说法的变换,故译作the image of … will immediately appear before my eyes。   一九二九年我从初中毕业,考进了杭州闻名的美国浸礼会学校——蕙兰中学。这个学校以学风端正见称,而特别引人注意的是,它请美国老师直接教授英语。   In 1929, on finishing junior middle school, I was admitted after an examination to Huilan Middle School in Hangzhou. Established by the American Baptist Church, it was known for its good academic atmosphere. Strikingly enough, it had English lessons taught solely by American teachers.   on finishing junior middle school是时间状语。   复习   老舍《养花》里的「送牛奶的同志,进门就夸………」whenever the milkman exclaims on entering our gate…”   萧红《当铺》里的「又摸一摸当票才走进院子去」On entering the courtyard, I touched the pawn ticket again.   注意译文对「美国浸礼会学校」的处理,Established by the American Baptist Church使得两个中文句子的衔接更加自然。同时,「而特别引人注意的是,它请美国老师直接教授英语」中虽有「而」,却并没有转折关系,反而是另一个意群的开始,故独立成句。   被……录取be admitted to…   以……见称 be known for   教课teach lessons   得到教训learn a/one’s lesson   我初中是在杭州安定中学毕业的,这个学校也以英语教学岀名,不过它只是一所初中,没有高中,所以我不得不去投考蕙兰中学的高中了。   Anding, my junior middle school, was also known for its English language teaching, but, to complete my entire middle school education, I had to get transferred to Huilan, a senior middle school.   my junior middle school是Anding的同位语。   补充   在汉英翻译中如果遇到陌生的人名、地名等,可以采取音译并加括号标注英文名称的方法,但一些著名的人的名字还是建议熟练背诵。   「不过它只是一所初中,没有高中,所以我不得不去投考蕙兰中学的高中了」即「为了完成我的中学教育阶段,我不得不去投考蕙兰中学的高中」,故译to complete my entire middle school education……。   在蕙兰,英文开始读的书,读本是英国作家查理·兰姆的《莎士比亚故事集》,和商务印书馆的《泰西五十轶事》,以后则是厚厚的一本《现代世界》。最后一本书我们读了三个学期,是本世界地理书,At Huilan, my English lessons began with the following as textbooks: Charles Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, 50 Famous Stories from the West, published by the Commercial Press and finally the thick-volumed Modern World, which, actually a book on world geography, took us three semesters to finish learning.   「在蕙兰,英文开始读的书,读本是……」可按「在蕙兰,英文课一开始就用以下教科书:……」译为 At Huilan, my English lessons began with the following as textbooks: ...   「以后则是厚厚的一本《现代世界》。最后一本书我们读了三个学期,是本世界地理书」译作finally the thick-volumed Modern World, which, actually a book on world geography, took us three semesters to finish learning。两句合并翻译,其中「以后」同「最后」,译作finally。thick-volumed因以volume构词,故专指书籍厚实。又,a book on world geography中的on是介词,表示「书、讨论或观点关于,涉及」。   例句   the ambassador's comments on the US decision大使就美国的这一决定所发表的评论。   这除了读英语,还培养了我关心世界大事的习惯。   It helped me not only improve my English but also build up the habit of caring for world affairs.   not only和but also后所接的成分形式上应该对等。   中文中常说「提高英文水平」,但译作英文时,水平一词不宜译出,直接译作improve one’s English即可。   培养/养成……的习惯 build up the habit of??词义辨析affair、event、incident、matteraffair的意思是「有关的事,事务,活动等」,如foreign affairs(外事),也常指婚外恋(a passionate affair不正当的恋爱)event指「每日里发生的事件,事或活动,比赛项目」incident同event意思相近,指「事件」,尤指较重大的、有影响的政治事件等文法书则读《纳氏文法》第三册。   The English grammar book we learned was Nesfield's Grammar, Book Ⅲ.   The English grammar book we learned 相当于The English grammar book that we learned。that引导定语从句时,若在从句中作宾语,可省略。   这几本书除了《现代世界》,都是英国人编写的,水平比当时一般中学读的较为高深。   All the above-mentioned textbooks, except Modern World, were authored by Englishmen and hence of a higher level than those used in ordinary middle schools at that time.   except for和except的区别   1、except for,这个带介词小尾巴的词组有2个“except”没有的特征:①except for 通常引述了一个相反的原因或细节,因而部分地修正了句子的主要意思。   ②句中前后没有相称的同类词。   例句   He was fully dressed except for a tie.   他衣冠楚楚,只是没打领带。   这句话的主体意思是「衣冠楚楚」,而「没有打领带」正是修正了「衣冠楚楚」,此为特征①;「衣冠楚楚」和「领带」不是相称的同类词,此为特征②。这句话里的整体是every day,而Wednesday是「部分」,被减去了。   2、except该词只是表达「除了...没有外,有...」,except 后面所跟的词(无论人还是事)被排除在外,意味着从整体里「减去了」一部分。   例句   You can find me in the office every day except Wednesday.   除了周三,你可以每天在办公室找到我。   「英国人」译为 Englishmen。如译native speakers of English 并非完全不可,只是与原意略有出入。   「水平比当时一般中学读的较为高深」译为and hence of a higher level than those used in ordinary middle schools at that time。也可译为and hence more advanced than those used in ordinary middle schools at that time。   我对查理·兰姆的《莎士比亚故事集》特别感到兴趣,老师还没有讲完,可是我自己却念完了,所以每次老师测验,我总名列前茅,因此受到老师的注意。   I was particularly interested in Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, so much so that I finished reading each tale before the American teacher had explained it. I attracted her attention by always coming out on top in an exam.   对……特别感兴趣 be particularly interested in…??so much…that和so much so that比so…that和so that在语气上更强。   例句   I was so much tired that I couldn’t walk on.   我极度疲倦,走不动了。   She is hungry, so much so that she had to go begging.   她很饿,饿到不得不去乞讨。   「每次老师测验,我总名列前茅,因此受到老师的注意」译为I attracted her attention by always coming out on top in an exam。也可译为I attracted her attention by always coming out ahead of others in exams (或by my excellent performance in exams)。   我们的美国老师姓埃德加,名字则现在已记不清。   Her last name was Edgar, but I'm unable now to recall her first name.   中文姓名的姓和名,放在英文体系中需要颠倒过来。即full name全名last name/family name/surname姓first name/given name名   她那时已有三四十岁了,身材不高,而体型已经开始发胖了。   She was then in her late thirties, short of stature and already beginning to be on the plump side.   在某人三十多岁的时候in one’s thirties。「已有三四十岁了」是一种估测的说法,意思偏向于「年龄三十多,将近四十」,故译为in her late thirties。   身材不高be short of stature   「体型已经开始发胖了」译为already beginning to be on the plump side或already on the plump side,其中on the ... side是成语,作「倾向于」「过于」「相当」等解。   她性格十分和善,即使对着我们这批毛孩子,她也是十分腼腆的。   She was very kind and gentle, and shy even with kids like us.   kind和gentle均有「和善」之意,kind侧重心地善良、gentle则与polite接近,指礼节上的表现。   但是她教书很严格,每逢学生没有准备好功课,或是测验的成绩不好,她总涨红着脸,数说学生们不用功。   But she was very strict about teaching. Whenever students failed to perform well in doing lessons or in exams, she would, with a flush in her face, criticize them for not studying hard enough.   在……上非常严格 be very strict about   fail to表示否定意义。   with a flush in her face是with复合结构作伴随状语。   她的口头禅:“祷告上帝,饶恕这批孩子们。”   The pet phrase she often used was, “God forgive you, my children!”   口头禅pet phrase,其中pet作形容词,表示“很喜欢的;钟爱的”。   她是美国浸礼会派来教书的,兼带着传教的任务,She was sent to China by the American Baptist Church to do teaching and meanwhile missionary work.   美国浸礼会,又称浸信会(Baptist Churches),基督教新教主要宗派之一。十七世纪上半叶产生于英国以及在荷兰的英国流亡者中。当时属清教徒中的独立派。反对给儿童行洗礼,主张教徒成年后方可受洗,且受洗者须全身浸入水中(象征重生),称为「浸礼」,故名。浸礼会抵制抽烟、酗酒、跳舞等行为,并主张独立自主,反对国教和政府对地方教会的干涉。   所以每逢礼拜日下午,她组成了一个查经班(Bible class),选了一批英语较为用功的学生去参加;因为她自己不会讲中国话,所以班里都要用英语对话。   On Sunday afternoons, she would pick some students diligent in English studies to join her Bible class, in which all members had to converse in English because she herself couldn't speak Chinese.   would pick…:would + 动词原形可以表过去经常做的事情。   …to join her Bible class, in which all members had to…:先行词是时间、地点、原因,且在从句中作状语时,分别用关系副词(Relative Adverb)when、where、why引导。when和where可以用「介词+which」替换;why的先行词只能是reason,why可用「for which」代替。   我在查经班里曾经闹过一个笑话,这个笑话对于我以后学英语应注意的地方,是十分有用的。   A ridiculous error I made in the class turned out to be of great help to me in my later studies.   结合上下文,「闹过一个笑话」确切来说,指的是「犯了一个荒谬的错误」,故译作A ridiculous error I made。   turn out to be意为「原来是、结果是、事实证明等」??of + great + 抽象名词= very+形容词。如此处的of great help就相当于very helpful。   那天我们上班时,天忽然乌云四合,不久便下了瓢泼大雨。   One day, when I was in class, it suddenly clouded over and rained heavily.   cloud over   ①阴云密布、乌云翻滚   例句   After a fine day, the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows.   晴了一天后,天空又乌云密布,顷刻间便雨打窗棂。   ②[引申]大失所望   例句   His face clouded over when I showed him the empty box.   我给他看了空箱子,他大失所望。   我当时正在学副词,只记了个副词可以形容动词。于是我说:It's raining hardly。   I was then learning English adverbs. Thinking that an adverb could modify a verb, I said, 'It's raining hardly.'   Thinking that an adverb could modify a verb作伴随状语,也可理解为原因状语。   这时埃德加小姐便说:It’s raining hard。   Miss Edgar responded by saying, “It's raining hard.”   responded是增译成分,表示埃德加女士对「我」(错误)的纠正、指导。   可是第一次我还没有听明白,再说一句It’s raining hardly。   But I failed to understand it and repeated my own sentence, “It’s raining hardly.”   英语中「……(地)说」的表达是很丰富的,比如除了最基本的say、reply等,还有repeat、respond、sigh、echo等等。   埃德加小姐严肃地看了我一眼,又说一句It’s raining hard。   She gave me a stern glance and said once more, 'It’s raining hard.”   严肃地看了某人一眼gave sb. a stern glance偷偷看了某人一眼 steal a glance/look at sb.   我猛然感觉到自己一定把hardly这个字用错了,但还不知道错在哪里。   Then I suddenly realized that there must be something wrong with the word “hardly” though I didn't know why.   something wrong   补充   形容词作定语修饰名词时,一般被放在被修饰的名词前。但下列情况,形容词通常位于被修饰的名词后,作后置定语。   ①形容词修饰以-thing、-one、-body等结尾的复合代词,如something、anything、somebody等时;②由前缀a-构成的形容词作定语时要求后置,这些形容词包括:afraid、alone、alike、ashamed、asleep、afloat、awake等;③有两个(以上)的词构成的形容词词组修饰名词时。E.g. She bought a bookcase, simple and beautiful.   当时我没有再说话,可是心里很不安。   I kept quiet and felt very uneasy.   思考一点:虽然原文中说了「可是」,但真的要字对字译成but吗?符合语境吗?   下课后埃德加温和地对我说,读书时要勤查字典,明白各个字的不同变化。   After class, she told me very gently that in order to know the different functions of a word, I should frequently look up a dictionary.   Q:直接引语如何转换成间接引语?   1、标点符号的转换:   直接引语转换成间接引语,标点符号遵循「两去两改」的原则,去掉冒号和引号,感叹号、问号都改成句号。   例句   他笑着问小姑娘:“小朋友,拾到什么好东西?”   改为:他笑着问小姑娘拾到什么好东西。   2、人称的转换:   a、直接引语中出现了第三人称,改写为间接引语时,人称代词不用改变,直接将句子整理通顺即可。   例句   妈妈说:“小明到外婆家去了。”   改为:妈妈说小明到外婆家去了。   b、直接引语中出现了第一人称的时候,改写为间接引语时,要将第一人称改为第三人称。   例句   小云说:“我不玩了。”   改为:小云说他不玩了。   c、直接引语中出现的是第二人称的时候,要将句中的第二人称改为第一人称。   例句   妈妈这样说:“是啊,现在你是强者,是勇敢的人啦!”   改为:妈妈说我现在是强者,是勇敢的人了,   d、直接引语中同时出现了不同人称的时候,就应该根据以上的各项进行改写。   例句   老师十分和蔼地对她说:“我们为该剧设计了一个旁白,你的口齿清楚,音色柔美,希望你担任这个叙述者的角色。”   改为:老师十分和蔼地对她说他们为该剧设计了一个旁白,她的口齿清楚,音色柔美,希望她担任这个叙述者的角色。   此处in order to know the different functions of a word, I should frequently look up a dictionary为间接引语,那么其对应的直接引语为in order to know the different functions of a word, you should frequently look up a dictionary。   她不是在班上直接指出我的错误,如果这样做,肯定我下不了台。   To avoid embarrassing me, she had chosen not to directly point out my error in the classroom.   「如果这样做,肯定我下不了台」是另一种做法的后果,而翻译时从「此种做法」的原因入手处理,灵活译为To avoid embarrassing me。   但是她要我自己发现错误,并由自己改正。   She wanted me to discover and correct the error by myself.   by myself用作副词,表示「我自己……」,具有两层含义:   ①独自一人( = alone),例如:She used to sit by herself and read.她从前常常独自坐着看书。   ②独立地,单独地,自动地,例如:He finished it by himself.他独立完成那件事。   这个故事给我的教训颇为深刻,导致我以后勤查字典的习惯。   The small incident, however, gave me a deep lesson. It has resulted in my habit of consulting a dictionary frequently.   查字典 consult a dictionary、look in/up a dictionary等事情已经过去半个多世纪,但这个教训还深深埋在我的记忆里。   This lesson I learned more than half a century ago is today still deeply engraved in my memory.   「事情已经过去半个多世纪」即「半个多世纪前发生的事情」,译文将「已经过去半个多世纪」和「教训」以一个省略that的定从结合了起来,译作This lesson I learned more than half a century ago,句子更紧凑。   ……深深埋在我的记忆里/刻在我的脑海里 …deeply engraved in my memory每逢我读书不求甚解时,便提醒自己快去查字典,Whenever I do reading without understanding it thoroughly, I will remind myself to look up a dictionary quickly.   不求甚解:只求知道个大概,不求彻底了解。常指学习或研究不认真、不深入。出自陶渊明《五柳先生传》。现译为without understanding it thoroughly。   remind sb. of sth.意思是提醒某人(做过的)某件事情remind sb. to do sth.意思是提醒某人做(还未发生的)某事不但对英语如此,就是对汉语也是如此。   That applies to Chinese as well as English learning.   此种译法简洁明了,其中,that指代前文「我」对自己的提醒;apply to有「适用于」之意。   从此我和她的感情极为融洽。   From then on, she and I were on very friendly terms.   从此 From then on   关系融洽、友好相处on good/friendly terms高中二三年级时,正是中国的“九一八”和“一二八”,学生大都投入爱国救亡运动,During the time when I was in the second and third grade of the senior middle school, most students joined the patriotic national salvation movement at the outbreak of the September 18th Incident and the January 28th Incident.   During the time when I was…:when引导时间宾语从句。   September 18th Incident refers to the seizure of Shenyang on September 18, 1931 by the Japanese aggressors, as a step towards their occupation of the entire northeastern China.   January 28th Incident refers to the invasion of Shanghai by the aggressor troops of Japan on January 28, 1932. The local Chinese troops put up a stiff resistance to the invaders and anti-Japanese sentiment ran high throughout China. The hostilities lasted until May 5 of the same year when Chiang Kai-shek, who had persistently followed a policy of non-resistance, signed a truce with Japan.   我则更是忙碌,担任着杭州学生联合会的宣传工作,但我对于学习英语还是不放松,当然查经班是没有时间去了。   I got very busy doing propaganda work for Hangzhou Student Association and had no time to attend the Bible class, but I didn't slacken my efforts in English studies.   注意此句翻译时对语序的细微调整。   attend的常见搭配   上课attend class   听讲座attend a lecture   去教堂attend church   参加典礼attend a ceremony   上幼儿园attend kindergarten   「对于学习英语还是不放松」即「在英语学习上不懈怠、不减少在英语学习上的努力」,现译为didn't slacken my efforts in English studies。   有次课后她要回宿舍,我陪她走了一程。 她说:“我知道你很忙,但我希望你不要把英语荒废掉。   One day, when after class I accompanied Miss Edgar on her way to her home, she said, “I know you're very busy, but I hope you keep your English from getting rusty.   「但我希望你不要把英语荒废掉」可译为but I hope you keep your English from getting rusty或but I hope you won't let your English get rusty,其中rusty常用来指技能、语言等的「荒废」对于一种第二国语言,你不用,便很容易忘掉。   A second language, if not often used, will soon be forgotten.   第二语言 second language(可数名词)。   (小声bb:这句话是真理!不用真的会忘得像没学过一样!只能说在下次重新开始学习时对这种语言有了一定的熟悉度。)不过我也觉得你参加学生运动,是应该的。我只有为你祈祷上帝,降福于你。”   However, I don't think it's wrong for you to take part in the student movement. Let me pray to God for blessings on you!”   参加 take part in/ participate in   「为你祈祷上帝,降福于你」按「愿上帝保佑你」之意译为pray to God for blessings on you。   她曾经希望我做个基督徒,但那时我已接受了一些新思想,因此认为并无必要,She hoped I would become a Christian, but I, having embraced new ideas, chose to remain a non-convert.   「接受了一些新思想」译为having embraced new ideas,其中embraced意同accepted或started believing。   「因此认为并无必要」即「因此并未(改变信仰)转向基督教」,译为remain a non-convert。其中,convert可指宗教信仰的改变,例如He converted to Catholicism in 1917.(他于1917年皈依天主教。)她也只能长叹一声,自责她的祈祷不诚,所以我还不是个基督徒。   She felt regretful and blamed impiety on her own part for failing to convert me.   「长叹一声」指埃德加女士的遗憾心情,故译为felt regretful。   一九二三年她回国,我到码头送行,   In 1932, when she was leaving China for home, I went to the wharf to bid her farewell.   向某人告别 bid sb. farewell / bid farewell to sb.   告别bid farewell   欢迎某人 bid sb. welcome   辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new她含着眼泪对我说:我将天天给你祈祷,愿上帝降福于你。   She said to me with tears in her eyes, “I’ll pray for you every day. May the blessings of God be on you! ”   with tears in her eyes是with复合结构,作伴随状语。   我和她一直通信到一九三六年,这以后我各地奔波,便断了音讯。   Then we corresponded regularly until 1936 when I began to live an unsettled life.   「……到一九三六年,这以后我各地奔波,便断了音讯」灵活处理为一个when引导的时间宾语从句:1936 when I began to live an unsettled life。其中,用begin一词巧妙地表示了「这以后」之意。   但我始终怀念着她。   Nevertheless, I always cherished her memory.   「怀念着她」译作cherished her memory。其中,cherish有「怀有,抱有(希望),怀念(过去)」之意。又,memory是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意,怀念的只能是已经发生过的事情,即memory。   一九八〇年我去美国,曾向浸礼会探询她的消息,他们给我去查,最后告诉我她已于一九四六年去世。   In 1980, on my visit to the United States, I contacted the American Baptist Church with inquiries about Miss Edgar. They told me, after checking up, that she passed away in 1946.   了解、查清check up   去世、逝世 pass away/on   她是我第一个美国教师,但使我永远不忘的,是她对于我的一番情谊。   Miss Edgar was my first American teacher. Her friendly feelings towards me will always remain in my memory.   永远不忘…… …will always remain in my memory现在我老了,我总觉得我欠了她些什么,Now that I'm old, I often feel I’ve treated her somewhat unfairly.   「总觉得我欠了她些什么」按「待其不公」之意译为I’ve treated her somewhat unfairly。   也许就是我不同意她的信仰吧!   Perhaps I shouldn't have kept myself aloof from her belief.   「也许就是我不同意她的信仰吧」可按「也许我不应该对她的信仰表示冷淡吧」译为 Perhaps I shouldn't have kept myself aloof from her belief,其中aloof作「表示冷淡」解,belief意同religious faith (belief)。此句也可译为I shouldn’t have disapproved of her Christian faith或I shouldn’t have been so standoffish toward her religious faith。   必背词汇   image cn.图景   英义   a mental picture that you have of what somebody/something is like or looks like例句images of the past过去的景象   Baptist adj.浸礼会教派的;浸礼会教友的英义Baptist means belonging or relating to Baptists.   例句   a Baptist church.   浸礼教会   stern adj.严厉的,严正的   英义   Stern words or actions are very severe.   例句   Michael gave the dog a stern look.   迈克尔狠狠瞪了那只狗一眼。   author v.创作,撰写   英义   To author something means to be the author of it.   例句   Then he opened a restaurant, authored a book, and landed his own radio show.   后来他开了个餐馆,写了本书,还制作了自己的广播剧。   flush n.脸红,脸发烫,发红   英义   a red colour that appears on your face or body because you are embarrassed, excited or hot例句There was a slight flush on his cheeks.   他脸上泛起一丝红晕。   missionary adj.传教的,布道的   英义   Missionary is used to describe the activities of missionaries.   例句   You should be in missionary work.   你应该从事传教工作。   重点表达   眼前马上会浮起……的身影the image of … will immediately appear before my eyes被……录取be admitted to…以……见称 be known for培养了关心世界大事的习惯build up the habit of caring for world affairs对……特别感兴趣 be particularly interested in…在测验中名列前茅coming out on top in an exam/ coming out ahead of others in exams全名full name姓last name/family name/surname名first name/given name   在某人三十多岁的时候in one’s thirties   身材不高be short of stature   开始发胖begin to be on the plump side   在……上非常严格 be very strict about   口头禅pet phrase   美国浸礼会the American Baptist Church   原来是、结果是、事实证明turn out to be   阴云密布、乌云翻滚cloud over   严肃地看了某人一眼gave sb. a stern glance我自己…… by myself查字典 consult a dictionary、look in/up a dictionary等……深深埋在我的记忆里/刻在我的脑海里 …deeply engraved in my memory适用于apply to从此 From then on关系融洽、友好相处on good/friendly terms   投入爱国救亡运动joined the patriotic national salvation movement第二语言 second language参加 take part in/ participate in向某人告别 bid sb. farewell / bid farewell to sb.   辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new了解、查清check up去世、逝世 pass away/on永远不忘…… …will always remain in my memory??复盘测试眼前马上会浮起……的身影被……录取   以……见称   培养了关心世界大事的习惯   对……特别感兴趣   在测验中名列前茅   全名   姓   名   在某人三十多岁的时候   身材不高   开始发胖   在……上非常严格   口头禅   美国浸礼会   原来是、结果是、事实证明   阴云密布、乌云翻滚   严肃地看了某人一眼   我自己……   查字典   ……深深埋在我的记忆里/刻在我的脑海里   适用于   从此   关系融洽、友好相处   投入爱国救亡运动   第二语言   参加   向某人告别   辞旧迎新   了解、查清   去世、逝世   永远不忘……   表达对比   「名列前茅」有几种表达?   每次老师测验,我总名列前茅,因此受到老师的注意。   I attracted her attention by always coming out on top in an exam.   或I attracted her attention by always (coming out ahead of others) in exams.   一位在科学和能力方面名列前茅的交易者——他卓越的预测和交易记录。   An Operator Whose Science and Ability Place Him in the Front Rank--His Remarkable Predictions and Trading Record.   由于凯恩在各大民意调查中都名列前茅,所以其他的一些候选人可能将会把他的税收计划和他缺乏政府工作经验的弱点作为抨击对象。   With Cain now high up in most polls, other candidates will likely attack his tax plan, as well as his lack of government experience.   我对某些课程的喜爱,我要在各方面都出人头地的愿望都在催我奋进。   A fondness for some of my studies, and a desire to excel in all urged me on.   上海街头 ——吴冠中   Shanghai as I See It ——Wu Guanzhong   背景知识:吴冠中(1919- ),江苏宜兴人,著名画家、绘画理论家。在挥毫作画之余,他常提笔为文,其散文得到文艺界高度赞誉,并受广大读者喜爱。在《上海街头》一文中,作者用画家的眼光审视上海的方方面面,感觉敏锐,笔带感情,色彩鲜明。但因文章写于1983年,距今二十余载,所涉及的个别情况,如市政建设,已面目一新,与当年迥然不同了。   题目「上海街头」英译时应参考文章内容予以处理。如按字面直译为Streets of Shanghai反而与文章内容不符,故译Shanghai as I See It,或Shanghai也可。   我每次过上海,多半是匆匆三五天,只有很少几次是超过一星期的。   Whenever I passed through Shanghai, I would stay there for only three or four days, seldom more than a week.   匆匆路过 pass through (指在一个地方做短暂停留)??Whenever I passed through…:引导让步状语从句时,「疑问词+ever」可与「no matter +疑问词」互换;引导名词性状语从句时,只能用「疑问词+ever」像一个虽常见面但无深交的熟人,不很了解,而其音容笑貌却是难忘的。   So the city, like a person who is more of a nodding acquaintance than a close friend of mine, is still rather unfamiliar to me. But its look and voice are unforgettable.   「常见面但无深交的熟人」可译为a nodding acquaintance(点头之交)或a mere acquaintance(仅仅是认识)。   对……(不)熟悉 sth. is (un)familiar to sb. / sb. is (un)familiar with sth.   更多的是A/与其说B不如说A   more of A (than B)   例句   I'm more of a glorified secretary.   其实我更多的是一个名誉上的秘书。   上海是一个神秘的地方!我在宜兴农村的童年时代,每见到上海人回乡,也总爱挤在人丛中听他们讲讲花花世界的见闻,Shanghai is a mysterious place! When I was a child living in the countryside of Yixing, I used to elbow my way into a big crowd so as to listen to someone lately returned from Shanghai chatting about things he had seen and heard in the dazzling city.   living in the countryside of Yixing作child的后置定语。   过去常常…… used to do   习惯于…… be used to doing   被用来、将用于 be used to do   「上海人回乡」译为someone lately returned from Shanghai,其中returned是不及物动词return的过去分词,用作形容词。   挤在人群中elbow my way into a big crowd,见过好几次这个用法了。   复习   叶紫《长江轮上》:「挤到人丛中了」译作elbowed my way through the crowd,其中elbow一词非常形象生动,画面感十足,刻画出了「我」用胳膊肘开出一条路的场景。   chatting about things he had seen and heard in the dazzling city是定语从句的省略。先行词在从句中作宾语时可省略。此处相当于chatting about things that/which he had seen and heard in the dazzling city。   「花花世界」译作the dazzling city,常说「花花世界迷人眼」, dazzling一词选用贴切,形象生动。   夏天,他们穿着黑色的香云纱,我以为香云纱就是上海人的标志。   To me, their summer wear of dark-coloured xiangyunsha was characteristic of a Shanghailander.   「夏天,他们穿着黑色的香云纱」译为their summer wear of dark-coloured xiangyunsha,其中名词wear作「服装」解。此句也可译为The xiangyunsha clothes they wear in summer。   A是B的特征,B以A为特点   A be characteristic of B   在上海做事的人显然比乡下人高贵多了,   Evidently, those who had been working in Shanghai enjoyed a much higher status than their fellow villagers.   「做事」按「工作work」理解。   「高贵」即「享有社会地位更高、身份更高贵等」,故译为enjoyed a much higher status。其中,much可修饰比较级。   「乡下人」按「同乡人」理解更为确切,故译作their fellow villagers。   他们似乎很有钱,带回来的整筒饼干和美女月份牌就够令人羡慕了,They seemed to be quite rich. The tins of biscuits and wall calendars with pinup girls on them they had brought home were the envy of all country folks.   「美女月份牌」即「印有美女的墙历」译作wall calendars with pinup girls,其中pinup girls/boys指招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女(an attractive man or woman who appears on posters, often wearing very few clothes)??folk和people:一般可以换用,但某些情况下 folk 不是指人群、人们,而指亲人(父母、乡亲)在强调有这层亲缘关系的时候是不可以换的。比如说 my old folks一般是说我的老父母...换了就不对了。此处all country folks乡亲们同理。   后来我才知道他们都是当女工、小工和保姆的,挣钱并不那么容易。   Later, I learned, however, that they had been earning money the hard way by becoming factory workers, old jobbers or housemaids.   以艰苦的方式the hard way,作状语,是惯用表达。   小工(在工地现场的杂工)旧指城镇中的重体力劳动者,如车站、码头等处的搬运工人,现译作old jobbers。女工,泛指女性工人。又,此处「女工、小工」笼统概括从事体力劳动的人,译时无需刻意强调性别。   和百分之九十九的乡亲们一样,我的父母也从未见过上海,Like 99 percent of our fellow villagers, my parents had never been to Shanghai.   「从未见过上海」按「从未到过上海之意」译为had never been to Shanghai。   状语的具体细分主要看表意功能,介词短语like…,意为「像……那样」,用在句中修饰动词,一般作方式状语。例如Like other fans she was curious to meet him.(像其他歌迷一样,她急切与他会面)。   虽然相距并不算远,但上海对他们永远是一个遥远的天国。   Though living not remote from Shanghai, they had to regard it as an inaccessible paradise on earth.   Though living:though引导让步状语从句,因为主从句主语一致,且从句谓语中有be动词,故从句省略主语和be动词。   had to含有「只能、不得不」的无奈之意。又,「永远是一个遥远的天国」可按「无法到达的人间天堂」译为an inaccessible paradise on earth。其中,on earth具有两层含义,此处取in the world之意。   复习   夏衍《野草》:「世界上什么东西的气力最大」译为What has the greatest strength on earth,其中on earth和in the world同义,但此句用on earth较为合适,因它通常用于疑问词或最高级词后加强语气。   近几年我每到北站候车,总听到地道的乡音,   In recent years, often in the waiting room of Shanghai Northern Railway Station, I have overheard some travelers speaking with a pure accent of my native place.   the waiting room of XX station指候车厅。   the changing room更衣室   the fitting room试衣间   the dining room餐厅   the guest room客厅   「总听到」译为overheard,指无意中听到(想象你正在车站里,耳朵是不是在无意识接受嘈杂的背景音呢?),比heard更贴切。   地道的乡音a pure accent of (my) native place年迈的乡亲们常来上海观光了,他们的子女在工厂、大学及科研单位工作,他们有福气了。   They are apparently elderly villagers from my home town who, thanks to their children working in local factories, universities or research institutes, can now well afford to visit the city on sight-seeing tours.   注意对中文的理解,此句紧接上一句,是衔接,也是进一步解释。即「操着一口地道乡音的人是年迈的乡亲们,他们来上海观光了……」。因为公众号需要排版,所以呈现形式只能是这种断句,保证了每组句子简短的同时,又无可避免地遗失了一些关键的逻辑信息。希望大家学习时自己留心。   家乡、故乡home town   thanks to是增译成分,补充出逻辑关系。   afford to(能负担得起)也是添加成分,表意更准确。   外滩是大上海的面貌特征吧,南京路一带的高楼大厦曾是上海人向乡下佬描述的骄傲。   The Bund is a marked feature of Greater Shanghai. Shanghailanders used to describe to country folks with pride how Nanjing Road is lined with high-rises.   「外滩」译为The Bund,是旧时专用的英文地名;bund原意是「沿江马路」「堤岸」等。   明显特征 a marked feature,其中marked是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   Shanghailanders是合成名词,构词法为compounding(合成法),形式为「名词+名词」,如bottleneck瓶颈、handrail扶手等。   is lined with   复习   柯灵《巷》:「两旁还排列着错落的粪缸。……lined here and there with manure vats.」其中,衬有,镶有be lined with(可用于描述街道等的布置)例句Major commercial corridors were lined with brightly painted storefronts that competed for black consumer dollars.   主要的商业街区两旁排列着色彩鲜艳的店面,竞相招揽黑人消费者。   后来当我在伦敦过了一个暑假,发现那文艺复兴时代式样的古代楼房、那狭窄的街道,与南京路一带何其相似!   Later, while I was in London for a summer vacation, I noticed the remarkable resemblance between some of the narrow streets there with their renaissance-style ancient buildings and Nanjing Road.   暑假 a summer vacation   「发现那文艺复兴时代式样的古代楼房、那狭窄的街道,与南京路一带何其相似!」也可译作I noticed how resemblant/similar some of the narrow streets there with their renaissance-style ancient buildings and Nanjing Road are或I noticed how some of the narrow streets there with their renaissance-style ancient buildings resemble Nanjing Road。   不是伦敦像南京路,而是按照伦敦的某些模式捏造了南京路,让人们回忆上海滩形成的史迹吧!   But I would rather say that it is Nanjing Road that has been modelled after London. Well, let's review the history of Shanghai!   (it is) Nanjing Road(that) has been modelled after London是强调句。其中model A after/on B表示A模仿B,A与B相似。   「让人们回忆上海滩形成的史迹吧」译为Well, let's review the history of Shanghai!,其中Well是译文中的增译成份,除承上启下外,并有「规劝」的含意。   然而南京路还是有自己的特色的:人多。   Nevertheless, Nanjing Road has a characteristic of its own, that is, street congestion.   也就是(说) that is (to say)   「人多」并非强调人口多,而是按「拥挤」之意译作street congestion,更确切、画面感更强。   这可与北京的王府井争冠军,争世界冠军去!   In this respect, it can vie with Wangfujing of Beijing for championship, or world championship.   In this respect(从这点、这个角度、这方面来看)是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   Wangfujing — the busiest downtown street in Beijing.前段日子,「王府井的狗不理包子难吃」不是还引起了广大网民讨论么。   同某人争冠军 vie with sb. for championship有人说上海人滑头,有人说上海人聪明灵活,我同意后一种看法。   Some say Shanghailanders are shrewd, some say they are smart. I agree with the latter.   此句中,和smart相比,shrewd含有贬义色彩。   辨析smart、bright、clever、intelligent、shrewd、wise。   其中,smart指聪颖机灵(头脑敏捷、办事巧妙)例句Bobby is so smart that he will jump at this opportunity.   波比很有头脑,他会迫不及待接受这个机会的。   shrewd侧重精明(善于判断情况或洞察他人心思)例句My boss is a shrewd businessman.   我的老板是个精明的生意人。   从饮食烹调到糖果点心,从轻工产品到服装样式,都体现了聪明灵活。   The delicacies they cook and the sweets and pastries they make, as well as their light industry products and dress fashions, all speak well for their cleverness.   轻工业(light industry)与重工业相对,也互有交叉,主要是指生产生活资料的工业部门。轻工业与日常生活息息相关,是城乡居民生活消费品的主要来源,如:食品、烟酒、家电、家具、五金、玩具、乐器、陶瓷、纺织、造纸、印刷、生活用品、办公用品、文化用品、体育用品等工业部门。   「都体现了聪明灵活」可按「都说明上海人是多么聪明灵活」译为all speak well for their cleverness,其中 speak for 是成语,作「表明」「证明」解。   最近我看到上海一家毛纺厂生产的虎皮腈纶毯,很美,虎虎有生气,Recently I was very much struck by the robust beauty of an acrylic blanket made in imitation of tiger skin, which was the product of a Shanghai Woolen Mill.   「看到」译作was very much struck by,体现「我」深深为之震撼的心情,从而衬托毯子的精美绝伦。   「很美,虎虎有生气」→刚劲中的美丽,现译作the robust beauty。   是一件艺术品,在众多老式呆板花色的毛毯中,它应被评为毯中之王,It was a real work of art standing head and shoulders above other blankets with old-fashioned dull patterns and colours.   「应被评为毯中之王」即在一众毯子中赢得头筹,现译为standing head and shoulders above other blankets。其中,stand head and shoulders above…意为「鹤立鸡群、胜于、显眼等」例句One policy stands head and shoulders above all others.   有一个政策尤其值得注意。   我希望接着岀现乱真的豹皮毛毯!   I hope they will follow up with blankets patterned to perfection on leopard skin.   「以假乱真」即「模仿到了完美的地步」,现译作patterned to perfection。   我也见过滑头的上海人,白相人。   Shanghai is not without its sly fellows or even rogues of course.   此句按「当然,上海并非没有滑头的人、白相人」之意译作Shanghai is not without……of course。其中,白相人在很多地方都含贬义的意思,跟花花公子意思一样,多指无所事事的人,现译作rogues。   我也曾以为上海人吃不了苦。   And I used to presume that Shanghailanders as a whole are not used to hardship and toil.   as a whole是增益成分,文中虽无其词而有其意,同时避免了「一笔杆不分青红皂白地打死一群人」??「吃不了苦」译作are not used to hardship and toil。其中hardship侧重「生活的困苦、苦难」,toil则侧重「高强度劳动」,语义并未重复。   然而我在井冈山中、在西双版纳的橡胶林中,在新疆阿尔太的边境,遇到过不少刻苦耐劳的青年人,But I have come across a great many hardworking youth hailing from Shanghai in the Jinggang Mountains, on the rubber plantations of Xi-shuang-ban-na, or in Altai on the frontier of Xinjiang.   偶遇 come across   hailing from作youth的后置定语。   复习   柔石《为奴隶的母亲》:「主人骇异地迎上前去,问他是哪里人……Greatly astonished and puzzled, the host went up to inquire where he hailed from.」其中,来自……hail from……例句The artists families hail from all over the world.   艺术家来自世界各地。   只当他们暴露了“阿拉,阿拉”之后,才知原来是上海人。   It was not until they revealed their Shanghai accent that I knew where they were from.   It was not until … that…是not until的强调句型。   三十年代的上海高楼大厦,与香港差不多,   In the thirties, Shanghai used to compare well with Hong Kong for skyscrapers and high-rises.   「与香港差不多」即「可与香港比肩、媲美」,现译作compare well with Hong Kong。   此后高楼没有再生高楼,如今比不上香港了,也比不上北京了,But later, when it ceased to erect more, it began to lag behind Hong Kong and even Beijing.   But是增译成分,补充逻辑关系,在转折中暗含今昔对比。   停止做某事cease to do   停下来做某事stop to do(停下来去做另一件事情)停止做某事stop doing sth.(停止手上正在做的事情)??落后于lag behind在上海的我的老师和同学仍大都住在拥挤不堪的里弄里,仍可体验产生三十年代文学的环境。   Most of my former teachers and schoolmates there are still living in the close quarters of lanes and alleys, experiencing the same environment that had produced literature of the thirties.   former是增译成分,人物指代更明确。   quarters此处指a district or part of a town(居民区)。   the thirties指三十年代。   我去年十月下旬经上海,出站时遇大雨,   In the latter part of last October, when I made a stopover in Shanghai, I happened to be caught by a heavy rain outside the railway station.   十月下旬 In the latter part of last October??遇到,陷入,淋雨be caught by。又,happened to be含有「意料之外」的意思。   提着行李包,撑着雨伞排进等岀租汽车的长队,没希望,I joined a long queue for taxis with luggage and umbrella in hand, but to no avail.   with luggage and umbrella in hand是with复合结构,作伴随状语。   无济于事、徒劳 to no avail   转入排三轮的长队,也没希望,   I joined another long queue for pedicabs, but also to no avail.   another指三者(以上)中的另一个。   暂找个避雨的立足之地,没有,   Then I tried to seek a shelter from the rain, but also to no avail.   句式与上两句保持一致。   前后左右能容人的只是马路,大雨在横扫所有的马路。   All travelers had to stand in the open totally exposed to the storm.   注意灵活选用主语。就我自己来说,翻译的时候,句子会自动分成几部分,然后等我去进行组合或者paraphrase,就很神奇。   open作名词,指室外、开阔地等,常用搭配为in the open。   “鬼上海”!旅客们骂了。“鬼上海”!我也跟着骂。   “Damnable Shanghai!” they cursed. "Damnable Shanghai!'' I echoed.   「也跟着骂」译作echo,除「回响」之意,还可指「重复、附和」我未曾碰到过上海的大阔佬,只在《子夜》、《陈毅市长》等文艺作品中见到资本家的豪华排场,见到老爷、太太、少爷、小姐们 的神情风致。   I've never come to know any wealthy guys in Shanghai except in the novel Midnight, the stage play, Mayor Chen Yi, etc., depicting moneyed capitalists and their families leading a lavish life.   Midnight和Mayor Chen Yi分别是novel、stage play的同位语成分。又,按照传统语法,depicting……是「文艺作品」的后置定语。   复习   现代语法把这种对某个词、短语或句子作解释补充的成分,称为补充语(supplement)。补充语包括插入语在内,但不限于插入语。非限制性定语、非限制性同位语、分词作状语等都囊括在补充语的项下。其特征是有逗号与句子隔开,其功能是对句子中的某个词、短语或整个句子做补充解释。补充语本身可以是名词词组、形容词词组,也可以是一个分句。   最近一次到上海,见到许多大饭店的门口排开成群西装革履、烫头发擦口红的青年男女,有的胸前佩戴着大红花,他们在等待频频到来的小汽车里的贵客。   On my last trip to Shanghai, I happened to see many young men dressed in Western suits and leather shoes and women with perm and rouged lips, some sporting big red flowers on their chests, lining up in front of many luxury hotels to await the arrival of cars carrying distinguished guests.   「西装革履、烫头发擦口红的青年男女」实则为「西装革履的男性」+「烫头擦口红的女性」,且将修饰成分均处理成了后置定语。又,perm(noun)指烫发、rouged lips指涂过口红的唇。   「有的胸前佩戴着大红花」译为some sporting big red flowers on their chests,其中sporting意即wearing,但带有「引人注目」「醒目」的含义。又,some sporting big red flowers on their chests是独立主格结构,对信息进行进一步补充说明。   lining up in front of many luxury hotels to await…要与前面的see合起来看,其实就是see sb. doing的结构。   满是一番灯红酒绿夜都市的气氛,这不真有点像少爷小姐们的阔绰气派了吗!   Wasn't that a night scene of colour and bustle typical of a metropolis — a scene of children from rich families flaunting an ostentatious life-style?   结构划分:a night scene (of colour and bustle)/ typical of a metropolis。其中typical of a metropolis是scene的后置定语。又,破折号后是同位语成分,起进一步补充说明的作用。   「少爷小姐们的阔绰气派」译为children from rich fancies flaunting an ostentatious life-style,其中flaunting意同showing off (炫耀),ostentatious意同extravagant (铺张浪费的)。因此此句也可译为children from rich families showing off their extravagant life-style。   我好奇了,人们告诉我这个北京来的乡下佬,说这是结婚。   While I was utterly puzzled, people told me that I was too much of a country bumpkin to recognize a wedding ceremony.   乡巴佬、土包子 a country bumpkin,也可只写a bumpkin(指a person from the countryside who seems stupid)那迎宾的队伍从大门口一直引至宴会厅,The guest-welcoming line extended all the way from the gate to the banquet hall.   guest-welcoming是「名词+现在/过去分词」形式的合成形容词,类似的还有:epoch-making划时代的、state-owned国有的。   而且几家大饭店的喜宴日程已登记到八三年很晚的月份了。   And several big hotels had already been booked up for wedding banquets till the end of 1983.   预定book up   例句   (一个非常灵活的句子) I 'm pretty booked up this week.   这星期我的安排很满了。   任伯年和吴昌硕鬻画于上海。   Ren Bonian and Wu Changshuo used to sell their paintings for a living in Shanghai.   Ren Bonian — 1840-1896, born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, a famous traditional Chinese painter.   Wu Changshuo — 1844-1927, born in Anji, Zhejiang, a famous traditional Chinese painter and seal cutter.   「鬻画维生」即「卖画维生」形容家庭贫困的才子以买卖字画赚取钱财为生。   刘海粟先生在上海创办了中国第一所现代化雏形的美术学校。   And Liu Haisu established China's first school of fine arts in the city.   Liu Haisu — 1896-1994, born in Changzhou, Jiangsu, a famous art educator well versed in traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, calligraphy and poetry.   根据柯林斯高阶释义,fine art表示美艺术(指绘画和雕塑)、美艺术品,可写为fine art或fine arts。   今天许多重要省市都有了较完整的美术学院,而上海没有,但上海拥有众多的画家,人才济济。   Today, many provinces and cities in China boast their own standardized art schools with the exception of Shanghai although it is home to a galaxy of painters.   「都有了较完整的美术学院」译作boast their own standardized art schools,其中boast是一种相当地道的表达,指「有,拥有(值得骄傲的成就或财产)」,is home to也是一种地道表达法。   凡是重要的美展,国内的和国外的,北京展完便到上海,All art exhibitions, foreign or Chinese, were first held in Beijing and next in Shanghai.   foreign or Chinese是个非限制性定语。   上海的展厅与上海不相称,一如那个火车站。   But the exhibition hall in Shanghai, like its railway station, doesn't go well with the status of such a metropolis.   「上海的展厅与上海之不相称」译为the exhibition hall in Shanghai ... doesn't go well with the status of such a metropolis,其中go with是成语,作「相符」「相配」(match with)等解。   没有吸引我的美术活动,   It therefore holds little attraction for me as a painter.   此句采用意译法,处理为It therefore holds little attraction for me as a painter(对我这个画家没有吸引力)。其中,little表否定义。又,增译therefore增强了与上文的连接性。   这大概是我每过上海多半只是匆匆三五天的原由吧!   That probably accounts for the fact that every time in passing through the city, I usually stayed there for only three or four days!   导致,解释accounts for   the fact that…是同位语从句。引导同位语从句的词常有连词that、whether,连接副词how、when、where、why等。that引导同位语从句时通常不可省略;if和which不能引导引导同位语从句。   必背词汇   acquaintance cn.认识的人;泛泛之交   英义   An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well.   例句   The proprietor was an old acquaintance of his.   业主是他的一位旧相识。   elbow v.用肘推挤   英义   If you elbow people aside or elbow your way somewhere, you push people with your elbows in order to move somewhere. [V n with aside]   例句   Brand elbowed his way to the centre of the group of bystanders.   布兰德挤到看热闹的人群中央。   dazzling adj.光炫目的,耀眼的   英义   A dazzling light is very bright and makes you unable to see properly for a short time.   例句   Well, yes, they are kind of... dazzling.   好吧,它们有点… … 让人眼花缭乱。   pinup cn.招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女   英义   A pin-up is an attractive man or woman who appears on posters, often wearing very few clothes.   例句   pin-up boys   招贴画上的潇洒男孩   status un.(在公众或某一团体中的)威望,地位,身份英义Status is the importance and respect that someone has among the public or a particular group.   例句   Nurses are undervalued, and they never enjoy the same status as doctors...   护士的作用被人们低估了,她们从未享有和医生同样的地位。   resemblance n. 相似之处,类似之处   英义   If there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar to each other.   例句   The resemblance between you is uncanny.   你们两人相像得可怕。   robust adj.强健的,健壮的,坚固的,结实的英义Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy.   例句   We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery.   我们一直专注于制造极为结实耐用而且设计简单的机器。   rogue n.无赖,流氓,恶棍   英义   A rogue is a man who behaves in a dishonest or criminal way.   例句   Mr Ward wasn't a rogue at all.   沃德先生根本不是恶棍。   重点表达   匆匆路过 pass through   常见面但无深交的熟人、点头之交a nodding/mere acquaintance对……(不)熟悉 sth. is (un)familiar to sb. / sb. is (un)familiar with sth.   过去常常…… used to do   挤在人群中elbow my way into a big crowd   A是B的特征;B以A为特点 A be characteristic of B招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女pinup girls/boys以艰苦的方式the hard way候车厅the waiting room of XX station地道的乡音a pure accent of (my) native place衬有,镶有be lined withA模仿B,A与B相似model A after/on B有自己的特色has a characteristic of its own也就是(说) that is (to say)同某人争冠军 vie with sb. for championship表明、证明speak for偶遇 come across来自……hail from……停止做某事cease to do落后于lag behind   十月下旬 In the latter part of last October遇到,陷入;淋雨be caught by无济于事、徒劳 to no avail乡巴佬、土包子 a country bumpkin/a bumpkin预定book up导致、解释accounts for复盘测试匆匆路过常见面但无深交的熟人、点头之交   对……(不)熟悉   过去常常……   挤在人群中   A是B的特征,B以A为特点   招贴画上的性感帅哥或美女   以艰苦的方式   候车厅   地道的乡音   衬有,镶有   A模仿B,A与B相似   有自己的特色   也就是(说)   同某人争冠军   表明、证明   偶遇   来自……   停止做某事   落后于   十月下旬   遇到,陷入,淋雨   无济于事,徒劳   乡巴佬,土包子   预定   导致,解释   表达对比   「拥有」有几种表达?   今天许多重要省市都有了较完整的美术学院   Today, many provinces and cities in China boast their own standardized art schools…但上海拥有众多的画家,人才济济。   … although it is home to a galaxy of painters.   汤姆现在拥有的公司曾经是他叔叔的。   The company Tom is in possession of was once in the possession of his uncle.   我们拥有多个目标。   We hold multiple goals.   现在,公司应该拥有自己的个性。   It is now time that the company acquires a personality of its own.   绿衣姑娘 ——吴冠中   The Green-Uniformed Girl ——Wu Guanzhong??背景知识:《绿衣姑娘》是著名画家兼散文家吴冠中写于1981年5月的一篇热情颂扬邮递员的佳作。邮递员风里来雨里去,日复一日为人们「送来了未知的情况和消息,有情和无情的真实」。作者敬爱他们,觉得「那些穿着绿色制服的邮递员姑娘」的喊声是「音乐」,她们个个「都一样的美」。   「绿衣姑娘」指「邮递员姑娘」,本可译为The Postgirl,现直译为 The Green-Uniformed Girl,是为了保留原文的形象,读起来较生动。   我住的会仙(贤)堂,曾是清末北京鼎鼎有名的大饭馆。   The place where I live, known as Hui-xian-tang, used to be a well-known big restaurant in Beijing during the last years of the Qing Dynasty.   「清末」译作during the last years of the Qing Dynasty,其中last指「最后的、最末的」,可与thing、person、event、period of time等搭配。   想当年,画栋雕窗,面临什刹海,   With painted pillars and carved windows, it was then a splendid mansion facing the Shi-sha-hai Lake.   有个词语是画栋雕梁,指有彩绘装饰的十分华丽的房屋。此处「画栋雕窗」也含有此意,故译作With painted pillars and carved windows, it was then a splendid mansion…楼上楼下,文士雅集,商贾交易,歌女卖唱,The rooms downstairs and upstairs would be packed with literati enjoying a get-together, tradesmen negotiating business affairs, and singsong girls performing for a living.   downstairs and upstairs是形容词组作状语。downstairs是副词,表示「在楼下」,例如The telephone was downstairs in the entrance hall.电话在楼下的门厅里。upstairs是其反义词,用法同理。   「文士雅集」意即「文人聚会」,译为literati enjoying a get-together,其中literati意同men of letters。   「楼上楼下,文士雅集,……」实为「各个屋子里满是……的人」,故译为the rooms would be packed with……。又,「文士雅集,商贾交易,歌女卖唱」的结构处理一致,均译作「sb.+现在分词作后置定语」多少豪富人家在此举办过婚嫁喜筵!   And it also witnessed numerous wedding feasts held by rich and influential families.   注意句式it witnessed……,非常高级:未俗套地选用「富豪人家」作主语,而是灵活处理为(the mansion) it witnessed……。我们在翻译类似「xx时间/xx地点(发生了什么事)」就可套用此表达,译作:「时间/地点+witness/see等……」。   例句   The year 1949 saw the founding of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国于1949年成立.   梁园日暮,如今已成为六、七个单位数十户职工宿舍的大杂院,But now, like a run-down royal palace, it has become a residential compound occupied by dozens of households with some of its members working at six or seven different organizations.   「梁园日暮」可按「破败的王室园囿」译为a run-down royal palace (或 garden )。   「六、七个单位数十户职工宿舍的大杂院」即「大杂院里住着数十户职工,他们分散在六七个工作单位」,译作a residential compound [occupied /by dozens of households (with some of its members working at six or seven different organizations)。   院内地震棚歪歪倒倒,小径曲折,乱石成堆,房檐碰头,不堪回首。   Piled high with rubble here and there, the whole place is in a terrible mess with makeshift shacks, a narrow path running zigzag across it, and eaves so low as to hit the head of passers-by.   Piled high with rubble here and there:过去分词(短语)作状语时,其逻辑主语通常就是句子的主语。过去分词(短语)作状语一般都用逗号同其它成分隔开。   be piled high with…表示……堆的老高   here and there 到处,处处   every nook and corner 每个角落   a narrow path(is) running zigzag across it, and eaves (is)so low as to hit the head of passers-by是并列句的省略现象。   比如Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minutes surgical procedure.本句中用两个逗号连接了三个并列分句,中间的and都被省略,完整的句子应为Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression can be controlled, and cataracts can be removed in a 30-minutes surgical procedure.   「不堪回首」此处有「不堪入眼、没眼看」的含义,即指院内杂乱无比,故译作is in a terrible mess。   我住的是最后院的最后两间平房,后墙外是一条小小的胡同,I live in a one-story two-room house in the rearmost backyard backed by a small lane.   one-story、two-room是合成形容词,由「数词+名词(+形容词)」构成。   one-way(单行道的)   two-year-old(两岁的)。   「两间平房」指「两厅式」的平房,平房即只有一层,故译作a one-story two-room house。   「后墙外是一条小小的胡同」译作(backyard) backed by a small lane,其中back作动词,取be behind之意,也可理解成「胡同‘支撑’着后墙」。又,「最后院」和「后墙外」合并翻译。   后墙窗高,在室内看不到胡同,但可听到胡同里磨剪刀的叫唤声、汽车喇叭声、妇女吵嚷声……As the window is high up in the wall, I can't see anything in the lane, but I can hear a lot of noises therefrom, such as the cries of itinerant knife sharpeners, the blaring of car horns and the shouting and screaming of women.   后墙窗高,(所以)在室内看不到胡同:中文是意合语言,句子间的逻辑关系即使没有逻辑关系词也十分明显,但英语则不同。故译时要补充出逻辑词,选择选取相应结构表示出逻辑关系。如此处选用As引导的原因状语从句来表示两个短句之间的因果关系。   therefrom=from outside the wall。therefrom是副词,指(from the thing mentioned)由此;从那里。复习一下,我们之前见过的therein(在其中)也是同样系列的词语哦。   「磨剪刀的叫唤声」译为the cries of itinerant knife sharpeners。由于磨刀者大多穿街走巷,从事流动职业,故必须在译文中加上itinerant (流动的)一词,才能充分表达原意。   这些混杂的声音不时搅乱我的构思。   The mixed noises often disturb me in my work.   「这些混杂的声音不时搅乱我的构思」可译为The mixed noises often disturbed me in my work或The mixed noises often disturbed me while I was absorbed in thinking。   但终于我发现其中有一种声音是我所喜欢的:“信——,拿报纸——”   Exceptionally, however, I find one voice so very pleasing, “Letters, and newspapers! —”   Exceptionally(only in unusual circumstances只有在特殊情况下)是增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   显然,那是一位姑娘清脆嚎亮的声音,她将尾音拉得长长的,It's the clear, ringing voice of a young girl, uttered with a much prolonged last syllabic sound.   the clear, ringing voice: 虽然高中英语老师一直强调and的重要性,但是实际上,在英语中,修饰同一名词的两个形容词之间不用and的情况非常常见。   a much prolonged last syllabic sound中prolonged是过去分词作形容词。   补充   一种说法:形容词化的过去分词,通常失去被动的含义,表示一种存在的状态,可以是表语、定语、状语。补语,如:be interested in。英语中这样的词很多,有些还能用被动的意思理解,比如此处的prolonged,再比如be absorbed in……等。(ps.康康就好,不用细究)那音浪在胡同里家家庭院的上空久久荡漾,由我听来,那是音乐!   It seems to keep echoing over the courtyard of each and every household in the neighborhood. To me, it's music!   家家户户each and every household,其中,each and every仍指「每一」。我们不妨从each和every着手,看下这个词组的侧重点:each侧重「每个」,有「各自」的含义,并不强调整体概念;而every则强调「全体」,所以大家可以把each and every理解成一个既侧重「个体」又侧重「全体」的表达。   这句话有没有使大家想起一个中文词语「余音绕梁」(The tune lingered in the room.)幸运的人们在等待喜讯,分离的亲人在盼望音信。   People who have fortune on their side will look forward to good news; people separated from their dear ones will long to hear from them.   此处「等待」「盼望」都是「期待」之意。   「幸运的人们」译作People who have fortune on their side。其中,have sth. on one’s side指「有…的优势」人,总生活在希望中,个人的命运,国家的前景,世界的风云……一切未来的和未知的在引人关注,谁知明天将发生什么事情!   Man always lives in hopes. The personal fate, the prospects of the nation, the fast changing world — in short, all variables and uncertainties in the future —are causing great concern. Nobody knows what tomorrow has got in store for us!   我们常说「风云变幻」,意思是像风云那样变化不定。比喻时局变化迅速,动向难以预料。故此处「世界的风云」的「风云」译作the fast changing。   in short(总之)是增译成分,使层次更清楚。   「谁知明天将发生什么事情」译作Nobody knows what tomorrow has got in store for us!其中,in store for sb.是惯用表达,表示「就要出现在…身上、即将发生在…身上」,例如Who knows what lies in store for the President?谁知道总统将要面临什么?   邮递员,她送来了未知的情况和消息,有情和无情的真实!   The postgirl delivers to us news about the unknown future and about the real state of affairs, pleasant or unpleasant.   「有情和无情的真实」意即「或好或坏的实际情况」,故译为the real state of affairs, pleasant or unpleasant。   犹如别人,我天天盼信,墙外胡同里那位邮递员姑娘的呼喊多亲切啊,Like others, I'm eager for mail every day. How heart-warming is the cry of the postgirl coming from the small lane back of my house!   heart-warming是合成形容词,形式为「名词+现在/过去分词」,例如state-owned/backed(国有的)、epoch-making(划时代的)。   「墙外胡同里」译为from the small lane back of my house,其中back of和at the back of 同义。   日子久了,似乎我早已熟识她。   As the years go by, I seem to have known her for a long time.   描述「时光流逝、岁月走过」类似的意思,可处理为As the years go by等表达。   后来,我走在偏僻的小街小胡同里,便经常不自觉地留心那些骑着绿色自行车,穿着绿色制服的邮递员姑娘们,不知哪一位是我天天听着她呼喊的老相识,她们都一样的美!   Later, whenever I took a stroll along the secluded small lane, I would unconsciously turn my eyes towards the green-uniformed postgirls riding green-coloured bikes, wondering which of them was the one whose familiar voice I had heard calling every day. These girls were equally beautiful!   「不自觉地留心」按「不自觉看向」之意译作unconsciously turn my eyes towards。   中文中的「不知……」有时会指「想知wonder」之意。   the one whose familiar voice…:(定语从句)先行词是人或物,且在从句中作定语时,用whose引导,相当于先行词的所有格,whose也可以替换成of which(指物)或of whom(指人)。   我青年时期曾害目疾,住在昆明一家医院里动手术,When I was young, I once entered a hospital in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, to undergo an operation for eye trouble.   capital of Yunnan Province是Kunming的同位语,同时也是增益成分,对背景知识进行补充说明,方便国外读者理解。   经历一场手术undergo an operation   双目全被包扎了,一切生活听护士安排照料。   With both eyes bandaged, I left myself entirely in the care of a nurse.   With both eyes bandaged作原因状语,作什么状语要看其具体表意。   每日早晚,一位护士姑娘清亮柔和的声音叫我:“考体温(测体温)。”   Every morning and evening, I would hear her calling me in a clear, soft voice, “Let's take your temperature!”   Every morning and evening:在平时的学习中,我们注意到一般的时间状语前都有介词in/on/at或for等,而实际上在英语中,有不少表示时间的状语前是不加介词的:   ①在today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday等表示时间概念的名词前一般不用介词,例如We have had six lessons today.我们今天上了六节课。   ②由this, that ,these, those 等用于表示时间概念的名词前,前面往往不加介词,例如What are you busy with these days?这几天你在忙些什么?   ③由next, last, the next, the last 等用于表示时间概念的名词前时,前面不用介词修饰,例如We planted many trees last spring.去年春天我们栽了许多树。   ④在each, any, every, some, all 等用于表示时间概念的名词前,一般不用介词来修饰,例如We have to get up very early every day.每天我们都必须早早起来。(有时候加on等,是因为是具体的某天上午或下午前)我渐渐熟悉这声音,感激这声音,爱这声音,偷偷地爱她了,虽然全不知她是什么模样啊!   Gradually I became familiar with the voice. I felt grateful and well disposed towards it. In short, I fell in love with her on the sly though I didn't even know what she looked like.   「爱这声音」应按「对此有好感」的意思译为I felt well disposed towards it,比I loved it 确切。   此处in short同上文中刚刚出现的同理,均使结构更清晰。   偷偷地on the sly   例句   Was she meeting some guy on the sly?   她是不是偷偷地在见什么人?   当我病愈打开双目,想在许多护士姑娘中发现谁是她,但匆匆要出院了,偏偏没有再听到她的声音,The day when I had my eye bandage removed after recovery, I was eager to find out from among the many nurses the one who had attended to me, but in vain because leaving in a flurry, I failed to hear her voice again.   had my eye bandage removed是have sth. done的结构,见过很多次。   attend to   ①attend to sb. 照料某人   ②attend to sth. 处理某事   枉费心机、徒劳无益、白费力气in vain   例句   All our efforts were in vain.   我们的所有努力都付诸东流了。   徒劳无功、毫无用处、没效果to no avail/little avail例句I apologized repeatedly, but to little avail.   我一再道歉,但丝毫没有奏效。   fail to表否定意义。   我从此同样敬爱都穿着白衣服的她们!   Nevertheless, I've since held all white-robed nurses in high esteem.   Nevertheless是增译成分,补充出逻辑关系。   对……心怀崇敬、敬爱……held sb. in high esteem白衣战上,洁白是美吧!绿衣的邮递员,和平的绿色也是美啊!   O white-robed nurses, how beautiful is the spotlessly white colour! O green-uniformed postmen and postwomen, how beautiful is the green colour signifying peace!   how beautiful is…结构上是问句,但表意和形式上却是感叹句,理解成「多美!」即可。   how引导的感叹句类型:   ①How+形容词+主语+谓语!   ②How+副词+主语+谓语!   ③How+主语+动词!   ④How+ many/much/few/little+名词+主语+谓语!   一个下雪天,我正在家作画,突然前院一个姑娘的熟悉的声音在遥唤:“吴冠中,打戳——”   One snowy afternoon, when I was doing painting, I heard the familiar voice of a girl calling at a distance from the front courtyard, “Wu Guanzhong, your seal, please —!”   at a distance表示「离一段距离,从远处,遥远地,久远地」补充翻译很灵活很巧妙,一个例句:She had loved him at a distance for years.   她曾经暗暗爱了他好多年。   邮递员来了!我放下画具,急急忙忙地 从地震棚的夹道间冲到前院去。   Yes, that was the postgirl! I put down the painting brush and hurried to the front courtyard through the passageway between the makeshift shacks.   「邮递员来了!」更确切来讲,是「那个(我寻找好久的)邮递员姑娘来了!」,现译作the post girl!   put down   ①写下;记录;键入   例句   Never put anything down on paper.   一定不要写下任何书面的东西   ②搁在(桌子上等);放下   例句   It's a great book. I couldn't put it down.   这本书棒极了。我是爱不释手啊。   ③镇压暴乱或叛乱   例句   Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.   军队出动镇压叛乱。   待我赶到大门口,看到邮递姑娘的绿色自行车上挂着一个不小的邮袋,邮袋里还装着满满的信件。   Arriving at the gate, I saw hanging on the postgirl's green bike a big postbag bulging with mail.   Arriving at the gate作时间状语。   saw hanging on the postgirl's green bike a big postbag bulging with mail即(saw) a big postbag (bulging with mail) hanging on the postgirl's green bike。大家自己翻译时按正常语序。其中bulging with mail是postbag的后置定语。   她如何能离开邮袋呢!   Of course that was the last thing for her to leave behind under any circumstances.   「她如何能离开邮袋呢」→邮袋是她离开的最后一件东西,译作was the last thing for her to leave behind。   复习   之前提到last可表否定意义,有同学表示不理解,这次又见到了。再比如:过聂绀弩《我若为王》中,「我根本不想为王」译为being a king is the last thing I aspire to,其中last一词作least likely 或most unlikely(最不可能的)解。   我才明白她为什么不能亲自送信入院,只能像草原牧羊女一般用高嗓门遥遥呼唤!   I immediately realized why, instead of going to the rearmost courtyard to deliver the letter to me in person, she had had to call me from afar at the top of her voice like a shepherdess on the grassland.   亲自,亲身in person   had had to:第一个had表时态,第二个had与to连用是have to结构。   本文的第二个「从远处」from afar   at the top of her voice:   复习   ①谢逸《下蛋·唱鸡·及其它》「大喊大叫」译为shouting and yelling her head off,意同shouting noisily或shouting (at the top of her voice),但稍较强调。   ②柔石《为奴隶的母亲》「大喊;放一嗓子」cry at the top of her lungs天寒,她穿着厚厚的棉袄,套不上绿色的使者之衣了,It was cold and she was dressed in a cumbersome cotton-padded jacket, which was so big that she could no longer wear the green uniform over it.   cumbersome   复习   后缀-some表示「充满……、有……的倾向」,例如troublesome??棉袄、棉袍等用cotton-padde表示,例如萧红《当铺》里「新做起来的我的棉袍 my newly-made cotton-padded gown」,又比如此处的「棉袄cotton-padded jacket」??which was so big that是增益成分,交代「套不上/不穿使者之衣」的原因,文中虽无其词而有其意。   宽大的围脖裹住了头,遮掩了一半脸面,我看不清她的真面目。   The big scarf round her neck concealed half of her face so that I was unable to see what she really looked like.   round her neck介词短语作scarf的后置定语。   遮掩了一半脸面,(导致)我看不清她的真面目,故增译出其逻辑关系,译作so that……,便于读者理解。   待交过信,她没有意识到我还想说话,便敏捷地跨上了自行车,Not knowing that I was eager to talk a few words to her, she quickly mounted her bike and left.   「没有意识到我还想说话」即「没有意识到我还想对她说几句话」,现译作Not knowing that I was eager to talk a few words to her。   mount有「爬上、登上、骑上」之意,那么由sur-(表示beyond、above、over)+mount构成的surmount则表示「克服」。比如「攻艰克难」就可以译作surmount the difficulties。   结合情景,「敏捷地跨上了自行车」中的「敏捷」更侧重其动作的迅速,而非灵活,故译作quickly(英义with rapid movements)衬着耀眼的白雪,人和车的颜色显得格外深暗,Against the blinding white snow, both rider and bike looked especially dark.   against此处为介词,表示「以…为背景」,同时,又因为against兼具「和…对比,对照」之意,此处又可同时表达「雪的白色」和「邮递的绿色」的对比,增强读者感官上的体验。   她迅速飞去的背影仿佛是一只展翅的乌鸦,不,是喜鹊!   Her quickly receding figure brought to mind a raven on the wing, or rather a magpie!   「迅速飞去的背影」即「迅速离开的身影」,现译作Her quickly receding figure。其中,receding一词表示「渐渐远离、远去」复习郑振铎《离别》中有句话:两岸是黄土和青草,再过去是两条的青痕,再过去是地平线上的几座小岛山……The banks with their yellowish soil and green grass (receded into) two greenish strips until they became some mere islets on the horizon.   …让人想到某物 …bring to mind sth.   例句   The painting brings to mind some of Picasso's early works.   这幅油画使人想起了毕加索早期的作品。   on the wing 指(鸟、昆虫等)飞行中的、飞着的??严格来说、更精确地说、倒不如说or rather例句After our date... or rather, non-date...   在我们的约会之后...应该说,不算是约会...   必背词汇   magpie n.喜鹊,鹊   英义   A magpie is a large black and white bird with a long tail.   例句   And now its been observed for the first time in a bird called the Australian magpie.   现在,人们首次在澳洲喜鹊身上发现了这种行为。   recede v.退回,后退,远离   英义   If something recedes from you, it moves away.   例句   the receding lights of the car   越来越远的汽车灯光   conceal v.掩盖,遮住   英义   If something conceals something else, it covers it and prevents it from being seen.   例句   The hat concealed her hair.   帽子遮住了她的头发。   itinerant adj. (工人)巡回的,流动的英义An itinerant worker travels around a region, working for short periods in different places.   例句   itinerant workers/musicians   流动工人;巡回乐师   shepherdess cn.牧羊女,女牧羊人   英义   A shepherdess is a woman whose job is to look after sheep.   例句   The Shepherdess plumped down to the ground with fear.   牧羊女很害怕扑通一声倒在地上。   makeshift adj.权宜的,临时凑合的   英义   Makeshift things are temporary and usually of poor quality, but they are used because there is nothing better available.   例句   The accommodation for the press was makeshift at best.   迁就新闻界充其量只是个权宜之计。   shack cn.简陋的小屋,棚屋   英义   A shack is a simple hut built from tin, wood, or other materials.   例句   They live in shacks which they made out of wood.   他们住在用木头搭成的简陋的小屋里。   secluded adj.僻静的,隐蔽的   英义   A secluded place is quiet and private.   例句   a delightful secluded garden   迷人而僻静的花园   重点表达   清末during the last years of the Qing Dynasty文士雅集literati enjoying a get-together……堆的老高be piled high with…到处,处处here and there杂乱无比is in a terrible mess磨剪刀的叫唤声the cries of itinerant knife sharpeners汽车喇叭声the blaring of car horn妇女吵嚷声the shouting and screaming of women只有在特殊情况下Exceptionally,家家户户each and every household有…的优势have sth. on one’s side幸运的人们People who have fortune on their side世界的风云the fast changing world总之in short就要出现在…身上、即将发生在…身上in store for sb.   日子久了As the years go by   经历一场手术undergo an operation   偷偷地on the sly   对……有好感felt well disposed towards   照料某人attend to sb.   处理某事attend to sth.   枉费心机、徒劳无益、白费力气in vain   对……心怀崇敬、敬爱……held sb. in high esteem搁在(桌子上等);放下put down亲自;亲身in person从远处from afar高声at the top of her voice(鸟、昆虫等)飞行中的、飞着的on the wing   …让人想到某物 …bring to mind sth.   严格来说、更精确地说、倒不如说or rather   复盘测试   清末   文士雅集   ……堆的老高   到处,处处   杂乱无比   磨剪刀的叫唤声   汽车喇叭声   妇女吵嚷声   只有在特殊情况下   家家户户   有…的优势   幸运的人们   世界的风云   总之   就要出现在…身上、即将发生在…身上   日子久了   经历一场手术   偷偷地   对……有好感   照料某人   处理某事   枉费心机、徒劳无益、白费力气   对……心怀崇敬、敬爱……   搁在(桌子上等);放下   亲自;亲身   从远处   高声   (鸟、昆虫等)飞行中的、飞着的   …让人想到某物   严格来说、更精确地说、倒不如说   表达对比   「一样、同样」有几种表达?   她们都(一样的)美!   These girls were equally beautiful!   我从此(同样)敬爱都穿着白衣服的她们!   I've since held all white-robed nurses in high esteem.   姬猪的大小和兔子(不相上下)。   Pygmy hogs are no bigger than rabbits.   (同样的)夜晚,漂白了(同样的)树林。   The same night whitening the same trees.   酒瓶碎片上(同样)也有指痕。   A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints.   蟋蟀 ——吴冠中   The Cricket ——Wu Guanzhong   背景知识:《蟋蟀》是著名画家兼散文家吴冠中写于1987年8月的一篇随笔。作者从寓所内的蟋蟀「不由得回忆起……当年住在农村老家的日子」。文章质朴真挚,表现了作者对一方乡井的眷恋,堪称乡情精品。   鬓发斑斑,仍总是忙碌,   Grey-templed as I'm, I still always keep myself occupied.   「鬓发斑斑」可译为grey-templed或grey-haired。(temple指太阳穴处)??总是忙碌→忙碌是常态→即保持忙碌的状态,现译作keep myself occupied。其中,occupy取「使忙碌、使全神贯注」之意。   城中天天忙于无穷事,未有余闲品味童年捉蟋蟀的回忆。   Everyday I bustle about town having little time to indulge in pleasant reminiscences of how I used to catch crickets in my childhood.   东奔西跑、忙碌bustle about。此处用词多样化,符合英文中「不重复出现某同一表达」的习惯,与中文有别。   「未有余闲品味童年捉蟋蟀的回忆」译作having little time to indulge in pleasant reminiscences of...,处理为结果状语,且颇具文学气息。其中,indulge in意为「沉湎于、沉溺于」然而居室里突然听到了蟋蟀的叫声,我和老伴都感惊喜,高楼里哪来的蟋蟀?   One day, however, my wife and I were pleasantly surprised by the sudden chirping of a cricket in our apartment. How did it get into this tall building?   「然而……」可译为One day, however ...或The other day, however…,其中One day与The other day均为译文中的增益成分,把译文上下两句的内容更好地连贯起来,有承上启下作用。   「居室」在此指「一套公寓房间」,故译our apartment,也可笼统译为our house或our home。   「我和老伴都感惊喜」译作my wife and I were pleasantly surprised by the sudden chirping of a cricket in our apartment。「惊喜」一词包括两层含义:惊+喜,故译作were pleasantly surprised by。又,the sudden chirping of a cricket in our apartment是增译成分,蟋蟀叫声只是表层原因,并不确切,实际上(我和老伴感到)惊喜的是「高楼里出现的蟋蟀叫声」,故适当补充,使文章表意更明确。   那声音似乎发自厨房的一角,我想可能是老伴买蔬菜时挟带回来的。   As the sound seemed to come from a corner of our kitchen, I guessed it had probably come with the vegetables my wife bought from the food market.   the vegetables my wife bought from the food market相当于the vegetables that my wife bought from the food market,是省略that的定语从句。   星期天,小孙女小曲来家,吃晚饭的时候,蟋蟀又高叫起来,一声高于一声,清脆响亮,仿佛是鸣奏。   On Sunday, when our youngest granddaughter Xiao Qu was with us, the cricket started chirping again at supper time with a rising clear and loud sound like in a performance.   Xiao Qu 是our youngest granddaughter的同位语。   「一声高于一声」译作with a rising … sound。一个tip:遇到含比较级含义的语句,不是只有比较级一种处理方法,此处的rising就是一个合适的例子,rising不仅体现了声音的动态变化,而且更为简洁。那么,同理,我们在翻译「人口日渐增多」时,也可以处理成with increasing population…。   小曲高兴极了,饭也不吃了,要捉蟋蟀。   Xiao Qu was overjoyed and stopped eating as she was eager to catch the insect.   「高兴极了」译作overjoyed,其中前缀over-用于形容词或动词后表示「过分」「过度」??as she was eager to catch the insect作结果状语,其中the insect就指代前文提到的cricket。   我找来手电,顺着叫声到厨房角落里拨开扫帚、残菜、 剩羹、废纸、旧瓶……一直清理到自来水管道周围湿漉漉的水泥地面,果然一只肥大的蟋蟀伏在那里。   Torch in hand, I found my way to a corner of the kitchen by tracing the sound and then cleared away everything in the way, like brooms, discarded outer leaves of vegetables, leftovers, waste paper, used empty bottles, etc. until my eyes fell on a big cricket on the damp cement floor near a water pipe.   Torch in hand是独立主格结构。   「顺着叫声」按「通过追寻叫声」之意译作by tracing the sound。   「拨开」在此作「清除」「拿走」等解,可译为cleared away或removed,前者是成语。   「残菜」指「丢弃了的菜帮或菜叶」,故译discarded outer leaves of vegetables。   until my eyes fell on(看到)是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意。   用手电照准它,它一动也不动,我轻易地将它捉住了。   It stayed still as I lit it up with the torch. So I got it easily.   「我轻易地将它捉住了」译为So I got it easily,其中got作「抓住」「捕获」等解,意同caught,但较通俗。   全家欢腾起来,   The whole family was wild with joy.   狂喜wild with joy   例句   Her heart beat wildly with joy.   她的心欢喜得一阵狂跳。   我将蟋蟀放进装颜料用的硬纸匣里,交给小曲。   I put it into an empty colour-tube cardboard box and handed it to my granddaughter.   把……交给某人 hand sth. to sb.。其中hand作动词讲,还可有hand sth. sp.(把某物放在某地)的搭配。   小曲说她要看着蟋蟀叫,她自己找了一个半透明的小塑料瓶,将蟋蟀装入瓶里,观赏这可怜的小俘虏团团转。   But she said she wanted to have it kept in a transparent container so that she could see it chirp. Then she found a plastic bottle and happily watched the pitiable little captive therein moving about in panic.   have it kept in a transparent container是have sth. done的结构。have在这个搭配里是使役动词,意为使...让...,比如have my bicycle repaired意思是使我的自行车被修理,其实就是说修我的自行车。又,此处「半透明」译作了「transparent(透明的)」,而非translucent(半透明的),是因为专门找此种性质的瓶子就是为了观察蟋蟀,故不选用translucent(指光能投过去,但影像不一定清晰)。   她奶奶怕蟋蟀窒死,用剪刀将塑料瓶戮了几个透气的小洞。   Her grandma, however, fearing that the cricket might suffocate, punctured a few holes in the plastic bottle with a pair of scissors.   fearing that the cricket might suffocate作原因状语。   「几个透气的小洞」中「透气」省译,只译作a few holes,因根据常识可判断出小洞用途,而且「透气」和「怕蟋蟀窒死」有重合的含义。但译出也可以。   小曲将蟋蟀带回去了。   Xiao Qu left for home with the cricket.   动身去 leave for   夜晚屋里特别寂静,   That night a complete silence reigned in our house.   That night是时间状语。   此处「屋里特别寂静」译作a complete silence reigned in our house,和「新中国1949年成立」译作The year 1949 saw the founding of the People's Republic of China.有异曲同工之处。   孩子们也都关门睡觉了,   Our children had already gone to bed behind the closed door.   睡觉go to bed   睡前故事bedtime story   我和老伴两人在自己卧室里感到分外孤独。似乎是前所未有的孤独。   My wife and I felt unusually lonesome in our bedroom.   lonesome中后缀-some表形容词,意为「充满的、具有倾向的」,例如:frolicsome快活的(frolic嬉戏)、meddlesome爱管闲事的(meddle干涉)等等。   老伴埋怨我不该捉掉了蟋蟀!   She blamed it on my having got rid of the cricket.   「老伴埋怨我不该捉掉了蟋蟀」可译为She blamed it on my having got rid of the cricket 或She blamed me for having removed the cricket或She complained that I had removed the cricket等。其中get rid of意为「摆脱、处理」例句Frank got rid of your car.   弗兰克把你的车处理掉了。   夜半,蟋蟀又叫起来了,呵,原来不止一只!   Late at night, we heard the chirping of a cricket again. Ah, that must be another one!   夜半、在深夜 Late at night   must be表示肯定的推测。   我和老伴都高兴得不想入睡了。   My wife and I were too excited to sleep.   「高兴得不想入睡」按「太高兴以至于无法入睡」之意译作were too excited to sleep。   我们不由得回忆起我们当年住在农村老家的日子:古老窗外的星空、萤火虫星星的亮光、夜莺的歌喉、自然总有蟋蟀的伴奏……We were lost in memories of our child life in our rural home with the starry sky outside the antique window, the glowing of fireflies, the warbling of nightingales, the ever-present accompaniment of crickets’ chirrups...   「不由得回忆起」译作were lost in memories of。be lost in可表示「陷入……」,如陷入沉思、想得出神 be lost in thought。   「夜莺的歌喉」译作the warbling of nightingales,其中warbling专指鸟儿的啁啾、啭鸣。   我们的谈话没完没了:父老、乡亲、谁家和谁家的孩子……We chatted on and on recalling elders at home, fellow villagers, kids in the neighbourhood, and so on and so forth.   持续不停地on and on   举一个看起来很鬼畜的例子:It goes on and on and on and on and on and on.一直不停地叫啊叫啊叫啊叫啊叫啊叫啊……??关于chat这个词,微信的官方英文名就用到了,译为WeChat??recalling elders…作伴随状语。   季羡林《文学批评无用论》)and so on and so forth、and so on和and so forth用法上没什么区别,均表示「诸如此类,如此等等」。只不过在美国英语中,so on更口语化,so forth 更书面化一些。   例句   …And so forth and so on. …   一直继续下去。   There are many novels, magazines, periodicals, and so forth.   那里有很多小说、杂志和期刊等等。   Cinderella, The Sleeping Beauty, and so on.   辛德瑞拉,睡美人啦,等等。   这一夜我们似乎远离了北京。   All the while, we were transported by nostalgia to our old home remote from Beijing.   「这一夜我们似乎远离了北京」的意思是「夜中思乡之情似乎把我们带到远离北京的故乡去了」,可译为Throughout the night, we fell as if we were in a place far away from Beijing。现用意译法处理:All the while, we were transported by nostalgia to our old home remote from Beijing,其中 be transported的意思是「在想象中被带入……地方」;nostalgia也可改用ardent feeling等,都是译文中的增益成分,原文虽无其词而有其意,作「思乡之情」解。   愿蟋蟀就在我家定居吧!   May the cricket settle down permanently under our roof!   「愿蟋蟀就在我家定居吧」译为May the cricket settle down permanently under our roof,其中permanently是译文中的增益成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。又,「我家」可译为in our home或under our roof。   某年四六级翻译题中出现了「四世同堂」,该怎么翻译?好多人可能会翻成four generations live together,其实我们完全可以用到此处under a roof的表达,译成four generations under one/the same roof。再比如,This couple live under the same roof可以翻成「住在同一屋檐下的夫妻」。under the same roof就是「同堂、同住」的意思。   必背词汇   bustle v.忙碌   英义   If someone bustles somewhere, they move there in a hurried way, often because they are very busy.   例句   My mother bustled around the kitchen.   我母亲在厨房忙得团团转。   reminiscence n.回忆;旧事;追忆的往事英义Someone's reminiscences are things that they remember from the past, and which they talk or write about. Reminiscence is the process of remembering these things and talking or writing about them.   例句   A faint smile of reminiscence appeared on her face..   一丝怀旧的微笑浮现在她的脸上。   nostalgia un.(尤指对极幸福时光的)怀念,怀旧,念旧英义Nostalgia is an affectionate feeling you have for the past, especially for a particularly happy time.   例句   He might be influenced by nostalgia for his happy youth...   也许是对年轻时幸福时光的怀恋影响了他。   cricket cn.蟋蟀,蛐蛐   英义   A cricket is a small jumping insect that produces short, loud sounds by rubbing its wings together.   例句   Tree crickets use sound to attract mates.   树蟋用声音来吸引配偶。   transport v.使身处他境   英义   If you say that you are transported to another place or time, you mean that something causes you to feel that you are living in the other place or at the other time.   例句   In a dream you can be transported back in time.   在梦里你可以回到过去。   therein adv.在那里;在其中   英义   Therein means contained in the place that has been mentioned.   例句   By burning tree branches, pine needles, and pine cones, many not only warm their houses but improve the smell therein.   许多人在家里烧树枝、松针和松果,不但给房子取暖,还改善了屋里的气味。   重点表达   总是忙碌keep myself occupied   东奔西跑、忙碌bustle about   沉湎于、沉溺于indulge in   吃晚饭的时候at supper time   清除、拿走clear away   残菜discarded outer leaves of vegetables   湿漉漉的水泥地面the damp cement floor   一动也不动stay still   把……交给某人 hand sth. to sb.   动身去 leave for   睡觉go to bed   夜半、在深夜 Late at night   摆脱、处理get rid of   星空the starry sky   在我家定居settle down permanently under our roof??复盘测试总是忙碌东奔西跑、忙碌沉湎于、沉溺于吃晚饭的时候   清除、拿走   残菜   湿漉漉的水泥地面   一动也不动   把……交给某人   动身去   睡觉   夜半、在深夜   摆脱、处理   星空   在我家定居   表达对比   「身临其境」有几种表达?   使用这款应用,你可以做到(身临其境)。   Through the app you actually scan the set and it really comes alive.   你看的时候会有(身临其境)的感觉。   When you watch a programme, it's like you're really there.   对,可能这是个(让人身临其境的)手机应用程序。   Yeah, maybe it's an immersive smartphone app.   生命 ——何为   Life ——He Wei   背景知识:何为(1922- ),散文家,原名何振业,浙江定海人。二十世纪四十年代初先后就读于上海大同大学和圣约翰大学,1937年开始发表文学作品,在上海历任报纸记者、刊物编辑和电影文学编辑。1959年调至福建电影制片厂任故事片编辑负责人,1964年转任福建省作家协会专业作家。现为中国作家协会全国委员会名誉会员。何为的散文以其独特的情节著称。《生命》一文是新作,选自他2003年出版的散文集《近景与远景》。文章短隽有味,意境清新,富有诗情与哲理。   如果回归自然,各有不同的方式,后人总是尊重前辈的人生最后一次选择。   There are various ways of returning to nature, but people generally respect the last wish made by their parents towards their journey's end.   「如果回归自然,各有不同的方式」虽嵌有「如果」,但我们不能一见「如果」就条件反射搬出if。这里意思就是「回归自然有不同的方式」,译成there be句型完全可行,也更恰当。   「前辈的人生最后一次选择」按「父母亲的临终愿望」之意译为the last wish made by their parents towards their journey’s end,其中one's journey's end是成语,意为「临终」「生命的尽头」。此句也可译为the last wish made by their parents towards the end of their life journey一位朋友偶然讲起一件事,有如一篇小小说,听者动容。   A friend of mine incidentally related to me the following occurrence which, like a little story, is very touching:   「一位朋友偶然讲起一件事」译为A friend of mine incidentally related to me the following occurrence,其中related意为「讲述」,等于recounted、spoke of、talked about 等。此句也可译成A friend of mine by chance spoke of the following。   story确实可以指「小说」;我们一提「小说」就想掏出来的novel其实更侧重「长篇小说」在新开发的丛林里,一条蜿蜒的小径上,一个衣着素色的女人踽踽独行,径直走向林子里的一棵树。   In a newly opened-up forest, a quietly dressed woman walked all by herself on a winding path straight towards one of the trees.   「新开发的」可理解成「新开放的」。opened-up由open up转变而来。   「衣着素色的女人」译为a quietly dressed woman,其中quiet一词的意思是指颜色「素净」「不显眼」等。此短语也可译为a woman in quiet clothing、a woman wearing a dress in quiet colours等。   踽踽独行:孤零零地独自走着。现译作(all) by oneself(某人)独自,单独。   这里许多树大小参差不一,有的移植不久,不过都长得很快。在一个时期内,都挺直有神。新生的树叶嫩绿有生机。   There were many trees of varying sizes, and some had just been transplanted, but all were shooting up fast, standing straight and stout and covered with light green young leaves.   迅速成长、迅速增加shoot up   「(在一个时期内)都挺直有神。新生的树叶嫩绿有生机」处理为伴随状语standing straight and stout and covered with light green young leaves。其中「有神」同「挺直」一样,都是对树木茂盛长势&健康外形的表述,现译作stout(结实、粗壮)。又,light与颜色词连用时,表示浅色。   当然,有人专门护理这些纪念树。   Evidently, some people had been put in charge of these memorial trees.   「当然,有人专门护理这些纪念树」译成Evidently, some people had been put in charge of these memorial trees,其中未把「当然」译为Of course,因Evidently的内涵更切合上下文。此句也可译为Evidently, some persons had been specially assigned to take good care of the memorial trees。   不知多少年,这个女人总是带着一束鲜花默默地置于树根旁,As she had been doing for we don't know how many years, the woman stood silently beside the tree with a bunch of fresh flowers in her hand.   「不知多少年」译为As she had been doing for we don't know how many years,其中we don't know how是插入语,用以表达原文的「不知」。此从句也可译为As had always been the case for many years或As she had been doing for many years。   「带着一束鲜花」处理为with复合结构表示伴随,译为with a bunch of fresh flowers in her hand。   然后仰起头来,对着树身凝视,翕动着她独有的小小嘴唇,既像独语,又像倾诉。   She raised her head to fix her eyes on the tree and kept moving her unique small lips as if she were soliloquizing or sharing her innermost feelings with someone.   rise是不及物动词&不规则动词(rise--rose-risen),表「向上运动」raise是及物动词&规则动词(raise-raised-raised),表示「提起或举起某物」??凝视、盯着看fix one’s eyes on「翕动」的意思是「一张一合」,故译为kept moving,未译为moved。   她退后一步,打量她这树高了多少,细心地除去树下斑斑驳驳的落叶,She took a step back to assess how much the tree had grown in height and softly removed the mottled fallen leaves under it.   「打量」理解有「估测」之意,现译作assess。   「这树高了多少」译作how much the tree had grown in height。那么,同理,如果要说「一个人重了多少」,就是how much a person had grown in weight。   向这棵移植多年的树倾身拥抱,亲了一下,轻轻摩挲树皮的皱纹,如同面对一个有生命的躯体。   She bent forward to hug and kiss the tree that had been transplanted many years before, and gently stroked its wrinkled bark as if it were something alive.   「倾身拥抱」即「身体前倾去拥抱」,现译作bent forward to hug。   「移植多年」即「多年前移植」,故译作that had been transplanted many years before。其中,many years before表示「很多年以前」。同样的例子,「这件事过去四十年了」,我们可以将其转化为「这件事是四十年前发生的」,译作It happened 40 years ago。   ago和before的区别(重点看第三条)   ①词性的不同   ago一般只作副词;而before除作副词外,还可用作连词、介词。   ②词汇搭配不同   ago总是与表示时间的名词或形容词连用,不单独使用;而before可以单独使用。   ③表达意思的侧重点不同   ago用于从现在算起的某段时间从前,和一般过去时连用,不用现在完成时。而before用于从过去某时起若干时间以前的场合,动词需用过去完成时。   不久,她依依不舍地转身离去,消失在暮色渐浓的秋天最后一抹余晖里。   Then she reluctantly turned round and left, vanishing into the last rays of an autumn day in the deepening dusk.   「依依不舍地转身离去」译作reluctantly turned round and left。其中,「依依不舍」就是「不愿意、不情愿」,所以选用reluctantly一词。又,「转身」和「离去」是两个动作,所以译作turned round and left。   本句(主语)的主体动作是「转身离去」,而「消失在暮色渐浓的秋天最后一抹余晖里」是对情景的描写补充,处理为伴随状语,译作vanishing into the last rays of an autumn day in the deepening dusk。又,按照中文,「暮色渐浓」修饰的是「秋天」,显然有点牵强,确切来说应是修饰「(这一个)秋日」,译文将其处理为时间状语in the deepening dusk。从散文的角度来看嘛,如果直接写「秋日最后一抹余晖」,意境没有「秋天最后一抹余晖」有美感。   一阵秋风吹过,树叶沙沙地响动,仿佛隐秘的私语。女人顿时回过身来,惟有她才能听懂私语的全部含意。   At a sudden gust of the autumn wind, the tree rustled like it was whispering secretly and the woman, being the only person capable of understanding the full implications of the whisper, immediately turned round.   「一阵秋风吹过」根据上下文应指「起了一阵秋风」,故译At a sudden gust of the autumn wind,其中At的含义是「作为对……的反应」或「由于」??「树叶沙沙地响动,仿佛隐秘的私语」译成the tree rustled like it was whispering secretly, 等于the tree rustled as if it were whispering secretly。译文中的like意同as if,这用法常见于通俗语中。   别小看了the tree rustled like it was whispering secretly and the woman中的and,有人可能认为and就是把句子并列起来,但,其实结合句子的顺序,and是隐含潜在的时间顺序的。   于是喃喃自语向大树告诉。含着泪,走向她的归途。   Then, after mumbling a few words to the tree, she said goodbye to it and set out on her way home with tears in her eyes.   喃喃自语:小声地自己跟自己说话。现译作muddle,本身就含有speak quietly的意思。   said goodbye to it是增益成分。结合上文「转身离去」的情景,此处增译使得句子表意更连贯,不会让读者觉得「(女人)向大树喃喃自语」之后的动作马上就是「走向归途」,而是增加了「(想大树)说再见(转身离开)」的过渡成分,增强画面感。   年复一年,小径上的女人孤独的背影,显得越来越苍老了。   As the years went by, the woman, a regular solitary visitor on the path, became older and older.   「小径上的女人孤独的背影,显得越来越苍老了」不宜直译,现按「常见于小径上的那个孤独女人,显得越来越苍老了」译成the woman, a regular solitary visitor on the path, became older and older。   若干年后,这棵树长得更高大了,树冠缀满葱茏的树叶。   Several years later, the tree became even taller and was crowned with verdant foliage.   从根颈到第一主枝(没有主枝则以第一个分枝)的部分叫主干,主干以上的部分叫树冠。「树冠缀满葱茏的树叶」译作was crowned with verdant foliage,crown一词可真是太形象了。   它屹立在这片土地上,风吹来,满树充满生命的绿色更繁茂了。   It stood erect and became more and more luxuriantly green in the wind.   屹立:高耸挺立。现译作stood erect,其中,erect形容词作状语。   形容词用作状语的三种类型:   类型一:说明性状语   形容词的主要功能是用作定语和表语,但有时也可用作状语(有人也称之为主语补足语,因为它们是补充说明主语的)。   例句   He lay in bed, awake.   他躺在床上,没有睡着。(表伴随)   He arrived home, hungry and tired.   他回到家里,又饿又累。(表结果)   Unable to afford the time, I had to give up the plan.   由于抽不出时间,我不得不放弃这个计划。(表原因)形容词用作状语的特点是,该形容词的逻辑主语就是句子主语,并且通常可以用并列句或主从复合句来改写。如以上各句可改写为:   He lay in bed and he was awake.   He arrived home and he was hungry and tired.   Because I was unable to afford the time, I had to give up the plan.   类型二:程度状语   有少数形容词,如red, boiling, freezing, icy, bitter等,它们在某些搭配中可以起副词,用作状语,表示程度,意为「很」「非常」等。   例句   The stove was red hot.   火炉是炽热的。   It’s boiling hot.   它是滚烫的。   His face was bright red.   他的脸是鲜红的。   The weather is freezing bitter cold.   天气冷极了。   但这样的用法非常有限,并往往只用于某些特定搭配中,如可说 bitter cold(冰冷),bitter wind(寒风)等,但习惯上却不说 bitter hot(炽热),bitter busy(极忙)等。   类型三:承上启下性状语   有些形容词在某些固定结构中可用作独立成分,起承上启下的作用(也可视为一种状语)。   例句   Sure enough, she was there.   果然她在那里。   Strange to say, he did pass his exam after all.   说也奇怪,考试他竟然通过了。   He may be late. Worse still, he may not come at all.   他可能会迟到。更糟的是,他可能根本不来。   More important, he’s got a steady job.   更重要的是他得到了一个稳定的工作。   Most remarkable of all, he never suffers from nerves on the stage.   最了不起的是他从不怯场。   它对着苍穹,仰望太阳、月亮和星星的运行,与大自然亲密无间连成一片。   It looked up at the firmament to watch the motions of the sun, moon and stars and thus merged itself with Mother Nature.   Q:晚上看到的星星都是恒星(star)吗?   说在前面,star一般情况下译作星星就可以,但一和天体挂钩,star指的就是恒星了。而人们晚上看到的星星几乎都是恒星,而且是比太阳大很多的恒星。天上有且仅有几颗行星(planet)(在特定时间和地点)肉眼可见。行星之所以能与恒星区分开来,是因为它们的位置随着背景恒星(太阳)的变化而略有变化。   大自然Mother Nature   又过了些时候,靠近大树旁出现了一棵新移植的小树。小树很壮硕,也很安静。   Another period of time afterwards, there appeared close to it a newly transplanted small tree. It was robust and quiet.   there appeared close to it a newly transplanted small tree→a newly transplanted small tree appeared there close to it,其中there close to it可以联系例句Here in Shanghai, I …进行理解。   随着岁月递增,年长日久,大树和小树埋在泥土下的根茎错节,相互交织。   With the passage of time, the roots of the two trees had become twined together.   「根茎错节,相互交织」可按「树根相互盘绕」之意译为the roots of the two trees had become twined together。   两棵树下各埋着一个精致的小木盒,小木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为树根下的有机肥,融入树身内。   They each had a delicate small wooden cinerary casket buried underneath them. The ashes in the caskets had gradually turned into organic fertilizer passing into the trees trunks by way of the roots.   「一个精致的小木盒」直接译作a delicate small wooden cinerary casket,表明了「骨灰盒」的用途。   「木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为树根下的有机肥,融入树身内」可按「木盒里的骨灰,逐渐化为有机肥,通过树根,进入树身」译成The ashes in the caskets had gradually turned into organic fertilizer passing into the trees trunks by way of the roots,其中by way of意同through。   两个老者相继以这样的方式回归自然,在大自然的怀抱中,生命得以延续。   The two elderly persons had successively chosen the same way of returning to nature so as to have life prolonged in the bosom of nature.   「这样的方式」即指上文提到的「骨灰化为树根下的有机肥」??so as to补充出中文语句间的逻辑关系。   have life prolonged…是have sth. done的结构。   树上每一片小绿叶都孕含着绿色的希望。   Each tender leaf in the trees was pregnant with green hope.   pregnant的妙用   他讲完话后意味深长地停了一下。   His words were followed by a pregnant pause.   这是真的,是一首歌颂树葬的诗篇。   It's a true story. It's a poem singing the praises of tree burial.   story   ①夏衍《野草》   有这样一个故事   There is a story which goes like this   这儿又是一个故事   Here goes another story   ②庐隐《恋爱不是游戏》   哀哉 O what a sad story!   颂赞sing the praises of   不用问他们是谁,是谁,就是谁。   No need to identify the two elderly people though. It could be any person.   「他们」译作the two elderly,指代明确。   英语句尾加个though是作副词,表达一下让步的意思,可译作「不过」。   例句   I expect you’re right—I’ll ask him, though.   我认为你说得对——我去问问他也好。   「是谁,就是谁」可理解成「你觉得是谁,就是谁」,故译作It could be any person(可以是任何人)。   必背词汇   stout adj.结实的,厚实的,粗壮的   英义   Stout shoes, branches, or other objects are thick and strong.   例句   The old man picked up a stout stick that lay by his feet.   老头捡起脚边的一根粗棍子。   solitary adj.孤单的,孤零零的   英义   A solitary person or object is alone, with no others near them.   例句   the occasional solitary figure making a study of wildflowers or grasses偶尔出现的研究野花野草的孤单身影vanish v.消失,失踪,突然不见英义If someone or something vanishes, they disappear suddenly or in a way that cannot be explained.   例句   The aircraft vanished without trace...   飞机消失得无影无踪。   implication cn.暗示,暗指,含意   英义   The implication of a statement, event, or situation is what it implies or suggests is the case.   例句   The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.   弦外之音很明显:投票给我们,否则你会非常难堪。   verdant adj.草木覆盖的,长满绿色植物的英义If you describe a place as verdant, you mean that it is covered with green grass, trees, and plants.   例句   a small verdant garden with a view out over Paris能够俯瞰巴黎的郁郁葱葱的小花园重点表达临终、生命的尽头one's journey's end(某人)独自,单独(all) by oneself迅速成长、迅速增加shoot up   不知多少年for we don't know how many years带着一束鲜花with a bunch of fresh flowers in her hand默默地置于树根旁stood silently beside the tree凝视、盯着看fix one’s eyes on退后一步took a step back倾身拥抱bent forward to hug依依不舍地转身离去reluctantly turned round and left秋天最后一抹余晖the last rays of an autumn day树冠缀满葱茏的树叶was crowned with verdant foliage屹立stood erect大自然Mother Nature对着苍穹looked up at the firmament随着岁月递增With the passage of time颂赞sing the praises of   复盘测试   临终、生命的尽头   (某人)独自,单独   迅速成长、迅速增加   不知多少年   带着一束鲜花   默默地置于树根旁   凝视、盯着看   退后一步   倾身拥抱   依依不舍地转身离去   秋天最后一抹余晖   树冠缀满葱茏的树叶   屹立   大自然   对着苍穹   随着岁月递增   颂赞   重点表达   「孕育着」有几种表达?   树上每一片小绿叶都(孕含着)绿色的希望。   Each tender leaf in the trees was pregnant with green hope.   雅典是哲学的(摇篮)。   Athens was the cradle of philosophy.   那里(孕育着)情况的发生。   That is sitting there for things to happen to.   这是我们的行星(孕育)的时刻。   This was the moment of conception for our planet.   在一些监狱中,需求(孕育了)创新,   But in some counties necessity mothered invention.   最后一圈 ——何为   The Last lap ——He Weiguo   背景知识:《最后一圏》是著名散文家何为写于1993年的一篇随笔。作者引用作家萧乾的话,把人生的晚年比作马拉松长跑的最后一圈,鼓励老年人保持晚节,跑好最后一圈,力求老有所为,发挥余热。   结合文章内容,题目中的「圈」更贴近于比赛、竞争中的圈,故译为lap,而非circle、ring、loop等等。   70年代后期,收阅萧乾同志的一封信,他说“要跑好人生的最后一圈”。   Back in the late 1970s, I received a letter from Xiao Qian, in which he said, I shouldn't slacken off on this last lap of my life."??Xiao Qian (1910-1999) — famous writer, journalist and translator of literary works.   Marathon — village of ancient Greece, on the east coast of Attica, some 25 miles northeast of Athens.   「要跑好人生的最后一圈」译为I shouldn't slacken off on this last lap of my life,是从反面叙述,其中slacken off是成语,作「松劲」「懈怠」解。此句也可译为I should make a success of this last lap of my life或I should acquit myself well on this last lap of my life等。   当时怦然有所触动,一直记得这句话。   I was deeply touched and have remembered his words to this day.   「一直记得」即「记得」的状态延续到了「如今」,故选用现在完成时,译为have remembered …to this day.   年前读他的《八十自省》一文,自谓“这一圈跑了大半,离终点不会太远了”。更是令人感慨万千,不胜惆怅。   Last year, when I read his I'm an Octogenarian, in which he said, “Having covered more than half of this lap, I’m now close to the finishing line,” I was even more touched and seized with a feeling of sadness.   「年前」有一年前和过年前的意思。此处取第一种释义,译为Last year。   《八十自省》除译I'm an Octogenarian外,也可译为I've Completed My 80th Birthday。   这一圈跑了大半→「跑了大半圈」译作Having covered more than half of this lap,其中cover用词非常灵活精巧。cover除了「覆盖」的基本义,还可以表示「行走(一段路程)」,例如It would not be easy to cover ten miles on that amount of petrol.就那么点儿汽油很难开10英里。此处同理。当然了,cover还有很多其他的释义,比如表示「钱足以支付,够付」的意思也非常常见,例如Those figures might not even cover the cost of breakages.那笔钱甚至都不够赔偿破损费。   不胜惆怅→「惆怅啊,它追上我了/惆怅啊它围绕着我」译作was seized with a feeling of sadness。同理,如果用同样的结构表示「孤独感」,那么我们可以说was seized with a feeling of loneliness。   算一下他的最后一圈,长达十余年,很长,也很有成绩,殊堪庆幸。   To my great delight, however, his last lap, having lasted, as I figure out, for more than a decade now, is very long and fruitful.   however承接上文,引领下文,表示两种相反情绪「不胜惆怅」「殊堪庆幸」的对比。   as I figure out是插入语,其中figure out表示「弄懂、想出、理解」以他的坚毅顽强和旷达,其“终点”线设在21世纪,是完全可预期的。   Judging by his strong will and broad-mindedness, the finishing line should undoubtedly be somewhere in the coming 21st century.   Judging by/from 是现在分词作状语,这是固定用法,属于可允许的分词垂悬现象。再如Generally speaking,其逻辑主语均是说话人。   垂悬分词(hanging participle)指的是在句子中做状语,但其逻辑主语不是句子的主语,又没有构成独立主格的动词现在分词或过去分词结构。目前,对这一语法现象的说法不一。   是完全可预期的→毫无疑问会在(未来)实现/看到,现译作should undoubtedly be somewhere in the coming 21st century。其中coming一词还可与days/weeks…等搭配,表示未来(……的)日子里。   从人生道路上的最后一圈,想到马拉松超长距赛跑。   Meanwhile, the last lap of human life has reminded me of the marathon race.   使某人想起某事remind sb. of sth.   马拉松比赛the marathon race。其中,「马拉松」是由marathon一词音译过来的。   古希腊人在马拉松地方战胜敌军,一名士兵为了迅速传递捷报,一鼓作气跑毕四万二千一百九十五米的路程,到了雅典后就力竭死去。   According to legend, when the ancient Greeks defeated the invaders at Marathon, a Greek soldier is believed to have run non-stop from Marathon to Athens, a distance of 42,195 metres, to announce the Athenian victory at the battlefield. Unfortunately, after making the announcement, he dropped dead from exhaustion.   「古希腊人在马拉松地方战胜敌军……」译为According to legend, when the ancient Greeks defeated the invaders at Marathon ...,其中According to legend(据传说)是译文中的増译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   non-stop   ①陆文夫《快乐的死亡》:   ……为这为那地频频举杯。   ……drinking nonstop to this and that   ②柔石《为奴隶的母亲》中   两村的相隔有三十里路,可是轿夫的第二次将轿子放下肩,就到了。   The two villages were thirty li apart, but the chair carriers reached their destination without making a single stop on the way.   「四万二千一百九十五米」可译为42,195 meters或42.195 kilometers。   「到了雅典(向人们传递消息)力竭死去」,故增译after making the announcement,也可将其看作实“到达雅典”的替换表达,即另一种说法。   「力竭死去」译作dropped dead from exhaustion,其中from引导原因;drop dead强调「暴毙、突然死去、猝死」,比dead更为贴切。   他带去胜利的信息,他又是长途跋涉的胜利者,He was not only the courier carrying news of the Greek victory, but also the winner of the record journey.   句子中含「不仅……又/而且」的意思,可用表达not only……but also。   「长途跋涉」译作the record journey。「长途跋涉」强调的是「路途遥远」,而record一词可作形容词表示「创纪录的」,结合语境,前所未有的距离必定称得上遥远。   后人将这一距离的竞赛项目称为马拉松赛跑,作为纪念。   Now the long-distance foot race of the same distance has been named after the Battle of Marathon to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier.   以……命名 name after…   「作为纪念」意即「纪念该希腊士兵的传奇功绩」,故译to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier。   马拉松赛跑是考验人的意志和力量的竞技运动。   The marathon race is a sports event testing man's endurance and strength.   「人的意志」本可译为man's will,今根据上下文,按「人的耐力」译为man's endurance,似更确切。   长跑者在同一起跑线出发。一眼望不到尽头的跑道上,强者与弱者的差距逐渐拉开。   Runners start from the same starting line and on the seemingly endless track the gap gradually widens between the strong and the weak.   起跑线the starting line(可以和「终点线」一起记忆)??强者与弱者the strong and the weak:the + adj.表示一类人。   最后一圈是拼搏的时刻。   The last lap always witnesses the runners going all out to win success.   「最后一圈是拼搏的时刻」可译为The last lap always witnesses the runners going all out to win success或The last lap is always when the athletes exert themselves to the utmost to win the race。(建议大家积累witness在此处的用法)第一个到达终点的优胜者,迎来阵阵掌声和热烈欢呼,屏幕上闪耀着他创造的纪录。   The first to reach the finishing line is showered with warm applause and acclamation while the new record he or she has created is flashing across the screen.   「迎来阵阵掌声和热烈欢呼」译作is showered with warm applause and acclamation。其中,be showered with意为「(向…)抛撒、撒落…」。不得不说,shower一词用的绝妙!shower作动词的一种引申义「抛撒、撒落」,大家可以将其和「淋浴」联想在一起,真的是喷洒而下,奔涌而来,极具画面感。此处完美地体现了氛围的「热烈」然而,跑道上也有这样的场面:拖着疲惫不堪的双腿,苦苦挣扎着,摇摇欲坠几乎昏厥的身子,终于奋力冲过封锁线,那是多么激动人心的时刻!   Nevertheless, we also see this moving scene: An exhausted runner, dragging a pair of weary feet and staggering as though about to fall into a faint, barely manages at long last to hit the finishing line after a desperate struggle. Oh, what a stirring moment!   「跑道上也有这样的场面」一句将主语直接译作「跑道the track」也可以,那么译文的用法就类似于sth. witness(es) 某事发生。   似乎,好像,仿佛 as if/though。He behaved as if nothing had happened.他表现得若无其事。   给大家把长句的主干揪出来:An exhausted runner barely manages at long last to hit the finishing line。其中,barely manages表示勉强地努力着,非常形象地表达了「苦苦挣扎、奋力」之意。   纵或是最后一名,也是一位胜利者,同样赢得热情的鼓励和赞许的掌声。   He may be the last, yet he is also a winner. He likewise deserves spectators’ warm encouragement and approving applause.   从表意来看,「也是一位胜利者」的强调重点不是「也」,而是「胜利者」。所以此处若译作also就大错特错了。又,yet作连词,用于引出颇令人惊讶的事实,意为「可是却,却又」人们为长跑者坚韧不拔的精神深深感动了。   People are deeply moved by his tenacity.   还记得上处「怦然有所触」译作了I was deeply touched吗?读文章不能边读边忘哦。   人的一生好比马拉松赛跑。   Human life can be likened to the marathon race.   把A比作/比拟为B liken A to B   人人都有最后一圈,这一圈通常属于人生道路漫长的老人。   All people, especially the aged who have already seen much of life, have the last lap.   季羡林《文学批评无用论》   一切文学作品,特别是像《红楼梦》这样伟大的作品,内容异常地丰富…。All literary works, especially a monumental one like A Dream of Red Mansions, are extremely rich in content ...”关于「especially…」:此处其不是同位语,也不是并列句的省略,传统语法会认为这是插入语,是对前面说的话中的某个词、短语或句子的补充解释;现代语法则把这种对某个词、短语或句子作解释补充的成分,称为补充语(supplement)。   补充语包括插入语在内,但不限于插入语。非限制性定语、非限制性同位语、分词作状语等都囊括在补充语的项下。其特征是有逗号与句子隔开,其功能是对句子中的某个词、短语或整个句子做补充解释。补充语本身可以是名次词组、形容词词组,也可以是一个分句。补充语可以有标记词,如namely, such as, for example, especially等。   七老八十的人,穿过艰难的世途,穿过芸芸众生,穿过重重障碍,于是到了人生的最后一圈。   Septuagenarians and octogenarians are on the last lap of their lives after experiencing the twists and turns of life's journey, meeting human beings of all descriptions and going through one obstacle after another.   「艰难的世途」译为the twists and turns of life's journey,其中twists and turns是成语,意为「曲折变化」「艰难」等。此句也可译为the difficult journey of life。   芸芸众生human beings of all descriptions这一圈路程有长有短,跑得有快有慢。   The last lap may be long or short; the runners may be fast or slow.   此句处理为两个由分号连接的并列关系的句子,且译文may be long or short、may be fast or slow在格式上和原文「有长有短、有快有慢」保持对应。   有的人稳健有力,从容不迫;有的人歪歪扭扭,步子不正;有的人拖拖沓沓,蹒跚不前。   Some may run with firm and steady steps and self-possession; some may run very unsteadily and out of step; some may be sluggish and run with faltering steps.   同理,积累「分号」的用法(通常涉及某一成分的重复,比如,此处「有的人……有的人……」等也有跑入歪道的人,或跑不快还要挡道的人,或不按竞赛规则乱跑的人,都是注定要失败的。   What is worse, some may resort to dishonest practices; some, being slow themselves, may purposely stand in the way of others; some may run without adhering to the rules of the competition. Such people are doomed to failure.   What is worse是增译成分,文中虽无其词而有其意,补充出来文章衔接会更自然。此外,注意对句子结构的把握:有……的人x3//他们都是注定要失败的。后半部分另起一句,进行总结是非常合理恰当的。   遵守(规则、协议等)adhere to sth.   诉诸、求助于、依靠resort to   例句   They felt obliged to resort to violence.   他们觉得有必要诉诸暴力。   注定、命定(通常接不好的事情)be doomed to例句Their plans seemed doomed to failure.   他们的计划好像注定要失败。   谁能跑好这最后一圈,谁就是胜利者。   Whoever acquits himself well on the last lap is a winner.   whoever引导名词性从句,不可与no matter who换用。   表现好(或坏等)acquit oneself well/badly, etc.   例句   He acquitted himself brilliantly in the exams.   他在考试中表现出色。   必背词汇   lap cn.比赛中的一圈   英义   In a race, a competitor completes a lap when they have gone round a course once.   例句   On lap two, Baker edged forward.   第二圈时,贝克悄然赶了上去。   seize v.(通过暴力突然迅速地)夺取,攻占,控制英义When a group of people seize a place or seize control of it, they take control of it quickly and suddenly, using force.   例句   Troops have seized the airport and railroad terminals.   军队已控制了机场和火车站。   marathon cn.马拉松赛跑(全程26英里,约合42公里)英义A marathon is a race in which people run a distance of 26 miles, which is about 42 km.   例句   But, a women running a marathon is crazy.   但,曾参与马拉松的女人称之疯狂。   Athenian adj.雅典(人)的   例句   It's an ancient Athenian random-selection device.   它是古雅典的一种随机选择策略。   tenacity un.坚韧,坚毅   英义   If you have tenacity, you are very determined and do not give up easily.   例句   Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.   事业要成功,才能、勤奋和顽强的意志都至关重要。   重点表达   松劲、懈怠slacken off   最后一圈the last lap   怦然有所触动I was deeply touched   一直记得这句话have remembered his words to this day终点线the finishing line起跑线the starting line不胜惆怅was seized with a feeling of sadness弄懂、想出、理解figure out坚毅顽强和旷达strong will and broad-mindedness使某人想起某事remind sb. of sth.   马拉松比赛the marathon race   力竭死去dropped dead from exhaustion   长途跋涉the record journey   以……命名 name after…   竞技运动a sports event   强者与弱者the strong and the weak   向…抛撒、撒落…sb. be showered with sth.   把A比作/比拟为B liken A to B   曲折变化、艰难twists and turns   芸芸众生human beings of all descriptions   遵守(规则、协议等)adhere to sth.   诉诸、求助于、依靠resort to   注定、命定(通常接不好的事情)be doomed to表现好(或坏等)acquit oneself well/badly, etc.   复盘测试   松劲、懈怠   最后一圈   怦然有所触动   一直记得这句话   终点线   起跑线   不胜惆怅   弄懂、想出、理解   坚毅顽强和旷达   使某人想起某事   马拉松比赛   力竭死去   长途跋涉   以……命名   竞技运动   强者与弱者   向…抛撒、撒落…   把A比作/比拟为B   曲折变化、艰难   芸芸众生   遵守(规则、协议等)   诉诸、求助于、依靠   注定、命定(通常接不好的事情)   表现好(或坏等)   表达对比   「注定」有几种表达?   ……都是(注定)要失败的。   Such people are doomed to failure.   这个女孩是(注定)要有成就的。   That little girl is destined for greatness.   有些婚姻(注定要)终结的。   Some marriages are meant to be annulled.   有些人相信命运(是被注定的)。   Some people believe that man's destiny is predetermined.   我们的孩子(注定)相遇。   Well, our kids were bound to meet.   书房 ——何为   My Study ——He Wei   背景知识:《书房》是散文家何为写于1999年6月21日的一篇佳作,选自他于2003年出版的散文集《近景与远景》。文章语言锤炼,简洁明了,内容真切感人,自然流露,从读书人爱书(在颠沛流离的生活中,「书最累人,也最难舍弃」)谈到自己一辈子没有一个真正的书房,曾多年躲在一间局促不堪的储藏室里伏案笔耕,佳作累累,不禁使人想起旧时上海「亭子间作家」的潦倒情景和中国文人的坎坷遭遇。   书房,是读书人心目中的一个私人领地,一个精神家园,一个智慧的世界。   The study is to a scholar his private domain, his spiritual home and his intellectual world.   study作名词当「书房」讲是很常见的用法。   to a scholar位置灵活,也可放置句首,写成To a scholar, the study is his…到过几位朋友家的书房,尽管大小各不相同,陈设各异,但四壁书橱架上,层层叠叠的书籍,或排成整齐的行列,或纵横交错如阡陌丛林,满屋子到处是书,则大体相同。   I’ve been to the studies of several friends. Though of different sizes and with different furnishings, they are nevertheless about the same in boasting a roomful of books. Books shelved in bookcases lining the four walls. Books either piled up one upon another, or displayed in neat rows, or laid out in disorder like fields with crisscross footpaths or a jungle.   Though of different sizes:though引导让步状语从句,因为主从句主语一致,且从句谓语中有be动词,故从句省略主语和be动词。其中,of+抽象名词=形容词。   though为连词,表示转折关系,译为「但是」。nevertheless则是副词,意为「尽管如此」。but和though不能连用的情况下,二者均为连词,不符合语法。   「满屋子到处是书,则大体相同」译为about the same in boasting a roomful of books,其中boasting虽与having同义,但却具有「自豪」的内涵。又,a roomful of books意即a room full of books,所以上述句子也可译为about the same in being filled with books,但不如上译利落,且缺内涵。   新时期以来,各种多卷本全套硬面精装的文集,形形色色的选集,足以令书房生辉。   In recent years, the appearance of various multivolume collected works in deluxe editions as well as selected works of every description has added to the splendour of a study.   形形色色的选集selected works of every description,其中of every description表示「各种各样/形形色色」。又,此句的「各种」用various表示。   使…增加 add to sth   例句   The bad weather only added to our difficulties.   恶劣的天气只是再增加了我们的困难。   其间不乏名著佳作,可作为文化积累,但也难免混杂一些文化垃圾。   Among them there is no lack of great classics and master writings. On the other hand, some trash is inevitably mixed with them too.   此句的「但」(转折)之意用on the other hand译出,说明两面性。   当然,这些都无碍于书房主人坐拥书城之乐。   But that doesn't hinder the owner of the study from enjoying the company of his library.   阻碍某人… hinder … from(doing) sth   例句   An injury was hindering him from playing his best.   受伤后他无法发挥出最高水平。   「坐拥书城之乐」未按字面直译,现按「享受以私人藏书为伴的乐趣」译为enjoying the company of his library。   书房永远是令人向往的去处。   A study is always a place of enormous appeal to us.   always常用来表示「永远」之意。   of enormous appeal to us是place的后置定语。其中,appeal为不可数名词,表示「吸引力、感染力」。   例句   Johnson's appeal is to people in all walks of life.   约翰逊广受各界人士欢迎。   我从事笔耕数十年,从来没有一间自己的书房,一间独立的、完整的、名副其实的书房。   I've been engaged in writing for several decades, but I've never had a study of my own — a study that is independent, intact and true to its name, that is.   engage in或be engaged in均表示「从事…」??「一间独立的、完整的、名副其实的书房」译为a study that is independent, intact and true to its name, that is,其中that is是成语,和that is to say同义,作「换言之」「亦即」等解。   我多次迁居,从大城市直至外省人烟稀少的小山村。   I've moved many times, once even away from a big city to a remote small mountain village in another province.   once even表示「曾经」   例句   Have you even once asked if I was dating someone?   你有问过我是不是约会吗?   They'd once even ridden on an elephant together on a trip to India.他们曾经一起去印度旅行一起骑大象。   每次搬家时,惟有书籍最累人,也最难舍弃。   Whenever I moved, my books, cumbersome as they were, turned out to be the last thing for me to part with.   cumbersome as they were:as引导让步状语从句,句子倒装。   (事实证明)是turn out to be   例句   (冰心《祖父和灯火管制》)到了福州,在大家庭里住了下来,我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。   After settling down in the big family in Fuzhou, however, I found that my previous worries on the way turned out to be unfounded.   「最难舍弃」按「是我最后才会舍弃的物件」之意译作了be the last thing for me to part with。   last既可以有「最后」的意义,也可以有否定的「最不」的意义(正面来说,是最末一个;反面来说,就是倒数的第一个,也就是「最不」了)。如何辨别呢?如果涉及的事物是客观已经存在的或已经发生的,就是「最后」;而如果涉及的事物是尚未存在或尚未发生的,只是存在于人的主观愿望好恶或者主观估量之中的,就是「最不」(中文否定词在这里用「不」,不用「没有」)。   例句   The last, it must be said, was a reasonable point.   最末一点应该说是有点道理。   The last on the list was Potter.   名单上最末一个是波特。   The last thing he wants is a public scandal.   他最不想发生的,就是一场公众丑闻。   You are the last person I'd want to talk to about this.   你是我最不愿意谈这件事的人。   我爱书,说不上藏书丰富,日积月累倒也可观,I’m a bibliophile. My collection of books is far from being a big private library, but it keeps growing from day to day.   夏丏尊的《我之于书》提到过bibliomania一词(专指藏书癖,其形容词为bibliomaniacal。补充一个小小的点,biblio-通常和书籍有关,德语、法语里的「图书馆」分别是Bibliothek,bibliothèque。)此句的bibliophile与之类似,后缀-phile用于构成名词和形容词表示「有…癖好者」,「亲…的」,比如Yankophile亲美派。   说不上、远非far from…   例句   It is far from clear (= it is not clear) what he intends to do.   他打算怎样做一点都不清楚。   几经迁移,不但没有损失,反而日益增多,因为居处的局限,每每有书满为患之感。   Several times of house moving did not disperse my collection. On the contrary, it has become larger with each passing day until my small dwelling is overcrowded with them.   搬家house moving   反而、相反On the contrary   「因为居处的局限,每每有书满为患之感」译作(until) my small dwelling is overcrowded with them,其中,「居处的局限」和「(书满)为患」之感用small dwelling(住所之小)和is overcrowded with them(挤满了书)的反差译出。   现在我的卧室就是书房,群书延伸到小卫生间的大书架上,无法腾出一室作书房。   Now the shelves of books in my study-cum-bedroom extend as far as the tiny toilet. No room is available to serve specifically as a study.   「我的卧室就是书房」可按「我的卧室兼书房」译为my study-cum-bedroom或my bedroom-cum-study,其中cum 是介词,作「兼作」解,如:a kitchen-cum-dining room (就餐做饭两用室,餐室兼厨房)然而,在我的文学生涯中,一度也有一间自己的书房。所谓书房,其实是一间贮藏室。   However, in the course of my career as a writer, I did once own a study, or, to be exact, a storeroom turned study.   在……进程/进展中 in the course/development/progress of例句(李大钊《艰难的国运与雄健的国民》)民族生命的进展,其经历亦复如是。   A nation, in the course of its development, fares likewise.   「所谓书房,其实是一间贮藏室」译为to be exact, a storeroom turned study,其中turned作「变成」解,是不及物动词的过去分词,用作形容词。   例句   He is a soldier turned musician   他是军人出身的音乐家。   那幢在本世纪初期落成的陈旧宅第,开间很大,楼下一间屋子就可作为街道办的托儿所。   I was then living in an old house built at the turn of the century. It was quite roomy, so much so that the ground floor served even as a neighbourhood nursery.   built at the turn of the century是house的后置定语。   roomy一词可表示(空间)敞亮宽敞,也可指(衣服)宽松。   so much…that和so much so that比so…that和so that在语气上更强。   例句   I was so much tired that I couldn’t walk on.   我极度疲倦,走不动了。   She is hungry, so much so that she had to go begging.   她很饿,饿到不得不去乞讨。   我的一家住在三楼一大间,按今日标准,至少可分成三间,真是大而无当。   I and family lived in a room on the third floor, which was really big but impractical because, according to today's standard, it could have been divided into at least three rooms.   「按今日标准」译作according to today's standard,亦可用by today's standard。   「大而无当」的意思是虽然大,却无底。原指大得无边际。后多用作表示大得不切合实际、不合用。出自《庄子·逍遥游》。现译作was really big but impractical。   不过房门外,紧靠楼梯,有一间贮藏室,倒是极为难得的。门一关,可与全家的生活区完全隔绝,避免尚在幼年的孩子们往来干扰。   Fortunately, close to the staircase just outside my room, there was a storeroom, which I regarded as something of great rarity to me because sitting inside it behind the closed door I could cut myself off from my family and work without any disturbance from my small kids.   「不过」未想当然地译作however,而是译作Fortunately,在表意上与「极为难得」更相呼应,使行文更生动、准确。   something of great rarity:of great rarity意同very rare。   (我)与…(完全)隔绝cut myself off from…这贮藏室于是成了我一生中惟一的书房,也许称之为小作坊更为贴切。   The storeroom was the only study I've ever had in my life. Perhaps it could be aptly called a workshop.   the only study I've ever had in my life相当于the only study that I've ever had in my life,是定语从句的省略。   aptly表示「恰当地、适宜地」   例句   the aptly named Grand Hotel   名副其实的大饭店   狭长逼仄的一小间,北窗下靠墙置一旧书桌,进门处兀立两只叠起来的玻璃书柜,都是原先住户废弃的家具。   It was long, narrow and small. An old desk stood against a wall under the northern window. Two piled-up glass bookcases rose erect near the entrance. They were the furniture abandoned by a former resident.   这一小段翻译基本和原文相对应,主要介绍两部分:书房的特点+家具。需要注意的一点是:「狭长逼仄的一小间」省译了「一间」,将「小」字一并融入「狭长逼仄」,直接译成了It was long, narrow and small来表明房间特点。   除了窗下书桌前可容纳我的一把旧藤椅,就没有多余的空间了。   There was no room for anything else besides my old cane chair placed before the desk under the window.   这句话的意思即「空间除了能放下我的一把旧藤椅,再也放不下其他了」,现译为There was no room for anything else besides my old cane chair…不过,这样的一间书房,一个人躲在里面写作,思想很集中。   However, enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration.   「这样的间书房,一个人躲在里面写作,思想很集中」的译文为…enjoying the privacy of a so-called study like this, I could do writing with high concentration。为了避免死抠原文字面,把「一个人躲在里面」译为…enjoying the privacy of...,并把「这样一间书房」译为a so-called study like this。   我利用一切节假日、下班后的全部业余时间,独处斗室,创作的思维和想象空间都很广阔。   All festivals and holidays as well as all after-hours sparetime would find me confined in solitude to the tiny room to experience the delight of giving free rein to my literary thought and imagination.   中文中主语多为人,即「有灵主语」,而英文多「无灵主语」。欣赏译文All festivals and holidays as well as all after-hours sparetime would find me…的处理方式。与之类似的还有:1949 saw the founding of the People’s Republic of China.中华人民共和国成立于1949年。   「创作的思维和想象空间都很广阔」不宜按字面直译,现按「任凭自己的创作思维和想象力自由驰骋」加以意译:giving free rein to my literary thought and imagination。   五十年代的上海寒冬腊月,气候比现在冷得多。   In the fifties, Shanghai was much colder in winter than now.   五十年代 In the fifties   20世纪50年代 In the nineteen fifties   寒夜,窗上玻璃结满冰凌,呵气如雾。   The window panes would ice up and one's breath would freeze in the cold air.   结上一层冰,覆盖着冰ice up/over   window panes指窗玻璃。   英义:pieces of glass in the window of a building??「呵气如雾」中的「雾」不是真的雾,此处说的是一种物理现象,初中物理老师都讲过,不过多解释了。现译作one's breath would freeze in the cold air。   我拉上窗帘,以炭盆烤火取暖,让身边的小水壶在炭火上嘶嘶作响,伴随我逐渐投入创作境界。   I would, with the window curtains drawn together, warm myself by a charcoal brazier over which a small kettle was sizzling away, and gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing.   以炭盆烤火取暖 warm myself by a charcoal brazier??「让身边的小水壶在炭火上嘶嘶作响」处理为了定语从句。(摘自华研专四语法:先行词是时间、地点、原因,且在从句中作状语时,分别用关系词when、where、why引导。when和where可以用「介词+which」替换。   例句   She remembered the day when(或on which) Paul had first walked into her office.   「逐渐投入创作境界」可按「逐渐进入创作的最佳状态」译为gradually move into the best state of readiness for creative writing,其中the best state of readiness的意思是「最佳的准备就绪状态」室内四壁都伸手可及,我在墙钉上挂着几条绳索,以便挂上大小纸片。   On the four walls, which I could easily reach by holding out my hand, I had several strings with scraps of paper hung on them stretched between nails.   On the four walls, which I could easily reach by holding out my hand:which引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是walls。   划分结构:I had several strings (with scraps of paper hung on them) stretched between nails。其中had several strings stretched between nails是have…done结构;with scraps of paper hung on them复合结构表伴随。   纸片上有创作素材的零星记录,有词海语林偶得的一鳞半爪,也有已成篇尚待修改的原稿。   On these scraps of paper, I kept jottings of fragmentary materials for creative work, some linguistic gems and my original manuscripts awaiting revision.   jottings指「便条、简短的笔记」。其对应的动词为jot,常与down搭配,表示「(匆匆)写下、(草草)记下…」??「词海语林偶得的一鳞半爪」意即「可供学习参考的只言片语」,可译为 some useful words and expressions,现意译为some linguistic gems。   (3)some linguistic gems and my original manuscripts awaiting revision是jottings的同位语成分,其中awaiting revision是manuscripts的后置定语。   短短几年,我在这作坊里,写了不少长短文章,其中有些小文,至今还受到读者的青睐,这是我想不到的。   In this workshop, I turned out in a few years a large number of articles, both long and short, and, to my great surprise, some of the short essays I then wrote are today still to the liking of the reading public.   生产、制造 turn out   例句   The factory turns out 900 cars a week.   这家工厂每周生产 900 辆汽车。   合某人的意、对某人的胃口 to the liking of sb/to sb’s liking。   例句   London was more to his liking than Rome.   伦敦比罗马更称他的心。   广大读者 the reading public。   例句   I suspect that most of them ascribe these books' unexpected success to unpredictable and deplorable lapses into good taste on the part of the reading public.   我猜这些家伙大都将这几本书的意外成功归功于广大读者出人意料又令人叹惋的品位骤升。   我很想念那间小书房。   How I cherish the memory of the small study!   此句以how引导的感叹句译出,更凸显「我」对小书房的想念。   cherish the memory   例句   He cherished the memory of his youth.   他缅怀他的青春年华。   有几次偕孩子们路过其地,孩子们如今都到了中年,每次我总要指点方位,告诉他们,那儿乎不复可辨的三层楼上,过去是我们一家住过的地方。   Whenever I passed by the former residence with my children, who have now reached middle age, I never failed to show them the location of our old home and tell them that the third floor of the building which had changed beyond recognition had once been our home.   「偕孩子们」即「和孩子们」   「每次我总要」译作I never failed to,属正话反说,增强文章战斗力。(补充:从未have neglected/failed to do…)??这个句子略长,但译文用一个时间状语从句Whenever I passed by和两个定语从句who have now…+which had changed将句子衔接在了一起。英文句子是树形结构:一是句子有一个基本的主干;二是所有的枝丫都是从主干分出去的;三是句子的复杂化不影响主干。   昨日偶经该处,发现旧屋原址上屹立着耸天高楼,旧居了无痕迹。   Yesterday, when passing by the same place, I found that the old building was nowhere to be found and that a high-rise had been erected on its site.   the old building was nowhere to be found复习(郭沫若《墓》)但我已经走遍了这莽莽的松原,(也没寻到坟墓)我的坟墓究竟往哪儿去了呢?   But the grave was nowhere to be found though I searched every nook and corner of the dense forest. Where was it gone to?   我在夜色中频频回首仰望,怅然重温我的那个书房旧梦。   In the deepening dusk, I repeatedly turned round to look up at the towering structure and wistfully relived the old days I had spent in the small study.   夜色/暮色苍茫In the deepening dusk   at the towering structure是增益成分,指明「(仰)望」的对象,使后文的「怅然重温」衔接自然,有理可依。   必背词汇   study cn.书房   英义   A study is a room in a house which is used for reading, writing, and studying.   例句   a study-cum-bedroom   一间兼作卧室的书房   furnishings n.家具陈设,室内陈设   英义   The furnishings of a room or house are the furniture, curtains, carpets, and decorations such as pictures.   例句   The wallpaper should match the furnishings.   墙纸应和家具陈设谐调。   crisscross adj.纵横交错的,十字交叉的英义A criss-cross pattern or design consists of lines crossing each other.   例句   Slash the tops of the loaves with a sharp serrated knife in a criss-cross pattern.   把烤面包顶部用锋利的锯齿刀交错切开。   jungle n.热带丛林,密林   英义   A jungle is a forest in a tropical country where large numbers of tall trees and plants grow very close together.   例句   The mountain area is covered entirely in dense jungle.   山区完全掩映在茂密的丛林中。   description cn.类型   英义   of some, all, every, etc. ~ of some, etc. type例句boats of every description / all descriptions各种类型的船cumbersome adj.大而笨重的,难以携带的英义Something that is cumbersome is large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry, wear, or handle.   例句   Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.   尽管这台机器看上去很笨重,操作起来却很容易。   重点表达   私人领地private domain   形形色色的选集selected works of every description其间不乏Among them there is no lack of名著佳作great classics and master writings阻碍某人… hinder … from(doing) sth从事笔耕数十年have been engaged in writing for several decades(事实证明)是turn out to be说不上、远非far from…除了可容纳…,就没有多余的空间了There was no room for anything else besides…思想很集中with high concentration五十年代 In the fifties以炭盆烤火取暖 warm myself by a charcoal brazier最佳的准备就绪状态the best state of readiness伸手可及I could easily reach… by holding out my hand词海语林偶得的一鳞半爪some linguistic gems生产、制造 turn out到了中年have reached middle age合某人的意、对某人的胃口to the liking of sb/to sb’s liking广大读者 the reading public夜色/暮色苍茫In the deepening dusk频频回首仰望repeatedly turned round to look up??复盘测试私人领地形形色色的选集其间不乏名著佳作   阻碍某人…   从事笔耕数十年   (事实证明)是   说不上、远非   除了可容纳…,就没有多余的空间了   思想很集中   五十年代   以炭盆烤火取暖   最佳的准备就绪状态   伸手可及   词海语林偶得的一鳞半爪   生产、制造   到了中年   合某人的意、对某人的胃口   广大读者   夜色/暮色苍茫   频频回首仰望   表达对比   「永远」有几种表达?   书房(永远)是令人向往的去处。   A study is always a place of enormous appeal to us.   他含着泪说他爱她,想(永远)和她生活在一起。   He said with tears in his eyes that he loved her and wanted to live forever with her.   后来,又有人同样言之凿凿地预言,美国注定(永远)是世界超级强国。   More recently , there were equally certain forecasts that the US was destined in perpetuity to be the world's hyper- puissance .   另一方面,多丽与宏远再发生激烈争吵,决定(永远)不再跟他复合。   Meanwhile, Duoli has a bitter quarrel with Hongyuan and decides to break up with him for good.   美国编辑的基本常识——董鼎山   Ill-Informed US Newsmen ——Dong Dingshan??背景知识:董鼎山(1922- ),浙江宁波人,1945年毕业于上海圣约翰大学,1947年赴美,获密苏里大学新闻学硕士学位,曾任报刊编辑、纽约市立大学教授,为著名美籍华裔作家。《美国编辑的基本常识》是他写于1989 年4月的一篇随笔,选自他的散文集《温馨上海 悲情纽约》(2002年5月由上海辞书出版社出版)。   题目「美国编辑的基本常识」可译为US Editors Lacking in General Knowledge,但不如 Ill-Informed US Newsmen简练、确切婉转,其中Ill- informed的意思是「不了解情况的」《纽约时报》一位编辑日前来了电话,叫我将一篇文章中的“延安窑洞”(The Yan’an caves) 一词解释一下。   The other day, an editor of The New York Times called me to inquire about “the Yan'an caves”, a phrase he had come across in one of my articles.   the other day/morning/evening/week那天,那天早上,那天晚上,那个星期(用于指说话前不久的日子)??a phrase he had come across in one of my articles是the Yan'an caves的同位语,起补充说明的作用。其中,he had come across in one of my是增译成分,表意更明确,清楚地指出是编辑对我所投稿件中的‘某一表达’不甚理解。   这个电话立时引起我一阵感慨:美国编辑的年轻(及其对时事历史知识的简陋)反映了我自己的老年。   It struck me immediately, for the young American editor with his ignorance of current affairs and historical events was a reflection of my own old age.   struck的原形是strike,此处表示「突然想到,猛地意识到,一下子想起(想法或念头)」,搭配为… strikes sb。此外,occur也有类似的用法,例如:Did it occur to you last week?上星期你就产生这想法了?   反映了was a reflection of   (对……的)无知ignorance of   我的文中所讨论的是市上一本新出版的埃德加-斯诺传记。   The article I had written was about a recently published biography of Edgar Snow.   Edgar Snow (1905-1972), US journalist and writer known for his book Red Star over China.   中文里几乎百分之八九十的定语都是前置,而英文里前置和后置则都很常见,如此句「我的文中」处理为后置定语,译作The article I had written。又,「所讨论的是」意同「是关于」,现译作was about。   我曾指出,斯诺的《西行漫记》在1938年出版时,曾驱动了无数理想主义的知识青年前往“延安窑洞朝圣”(Make pilgrimages to the Yan’an caves),帮助了毛泽东革命的成功。   I pointed out therein that Snow's Red Star over China, published in 1938, served to spur innumerable aspiring young Chinese intellectuals to make pilgrimages to the Yan'an caves, thus contributing to the success of the Chinese revolution.   therein为副词,表示「在那里,在其中」,此处意同in my articles。   「理想主义的」意即「渴望崇高目标的」「有理想的」,译为aspiring。   thus是增译成分,补充中文未明确写在纸上的逻辑关系。   那位青年编辑的不解此词用意,令我憾惜那份大报资深老编辑的逐一消逝。   The young American editor's failure to understand the said phrase made me lament the fading out of elderly senior members on the editorial staff of the renowned newspaper.   failure to或fail to可表否定意义,大家注意积累。   the said phrase意为「上述词语」,其中said是形容词。   「……令我憾惜那份大报资深编辑的逐一消逝」译为…make me lament the fading out of elderly senior members on the editorial staff of the renowned newspaper,其中fading out作「逐渐离去」解,含有「逐一」的意思,不必另在前面加gradual等。又「大报纸」可按「知名报纸」「有声望的报纸」译为renowned newspaper,或按「主要报纸」译为major newspaper。   美国新一代编辑对中国现代史的生疏并不是近年来的事。   That the new generation of American newsmen are unfamiliar with modern Chinese history is by no means something new.   决不;一点也不by no means,暗含强调的意味。   「近年来的事」译作了something new,和something that happened in recent years相比较更为简单直当。   十年之前,我替该报专论版(OP-ED page)写了一篇有关我初返祖国的经历。编辑打电话来问我文中“法租界 (French Concession)一词是什么意思。   Ten years ago, after I sent in an article for the OP-ED page of The New York Times recounting experiences of my first visit to my motherland, the editor phoned me to ask about the meaning of “the French Concession”.   of The New York Times是增译成分,补充知识背景,方便读者理解。   recounting experiences of my first visit to my motherland作an article的后置定语。   拓展   英语句子中的定语分前置定语和后置定语两种。……但在很多情况下,这些后置定语与其所修饰的中心词之间却插入了谓语,状语,同位语,插入语或另一个定语等,使两者割裂开来。造成这种分隔的原因是多种多样的,但主要是为了使句子结构保持匀称平衡,避免头重脚轻,另一方面为了表达的主题思想更加突出醒目,读起来更加舒展流畅。   我的解释不能说服他的犹疑。   My explanation, however, failed to bring him round.   「我的解释不能说服他的犹疑」译为My explanation, however, failed to bring him round,其中to bring ... round作「说服」解,是习语。   他说读者不会了解,为了安全起见,他要把“法租界”改为“法侨区”(French Quarter),我勉强的同意。   He said readers had difficulty understanding it and therefore suggested, for safety’s sake, “the French Quarter” as a substitute for “the French Concession”. I agreed, but with reluctance.   「他说读者不会了解」译为 He said readers had difficulty understanding it,在difficulty后面也可加介词in。   「法租界」英语称为the French Concession,其中Concession指从前列强强迫旧中国在通商都市内「租借」给他们作进一步侵略的据点。   Quarter作「地区」解,因此the French Quarter的意思是「法国人居住区」??为了……for…’s sake/for the sake of补充(梁实秋《学问与趣味》)只是‘无所为而为’solely for its own sake形式主义 the practice of formalities for formalities’ sake又有一次,该报书评周刊一篇讨论海伦·福斯特·斯诺的《我在中国的年头》的书评中把张学良称呼为“共党少帅”(The Communist Young Marshal)。   Another time, in the newspaper's weekly book review, an article on Helen Foster Snow’s My China Years addressed Zhang Xueliang as “Communist Young Marshal.”   Helen Foster Snow (1907 1997), better known by her journalistic pen-name Nym Wales, was the former wife of Edgar Snow. She moved from Utah to China in her twenties to become an author and journalist.   「一篇讨论…的文章」译作 an article on…。on或of是介词,可表示「书、讨论或观点关于,涉及」。如弗朗西斯·培根著作《论学习》,其标题译为Of Studies;老舍的《养花》译为On Growing Flowers。   张学良怎是共产党?我去信更正。他们把我的更正信发表。   How could he be a Communist? So I wrote them to rectify the mistake and they had my letter published.   怎么会,怎能,怎么能够; 怎么可能 how could,带有惊讶、无法相信的感情色彩。   So是增译成分,补充出逻辑关系。   had my letter published是have …done的结构。   该报的认真态度是名闻世界的,但是编辑的缺乏常识是不是我们所可谅解?   The New York Times is world-famous for its conscientiousness, but a lack of general knowledge on the part of its editors is nevertheless unpardonable.   常识general knowledge、common sense   on the part of 就……而言;对……而言;由……所作出。   例句   This bill is not a compromise but a full-fledged capitulation on the part of the legislative branch to executive claims of power.   这个法案,并不是个妥协的产物,而是立法部门对行政部门抓权要求的全面投降。(on the part of后的名词如果该名词是不定指的,或是这个所有主或主体在文字上比较长,或者虽然短但需要突出,则可以采取on the part of的形式。)??此句最后的部分为问句,处理时变反问句为陈述句,交代作者的真正意图。梁实秋《学问与趣味》一文中也有相似的处理:「在学问上焉能不有收获?」,「焉能」即「怎能」,这句话为反问句。转换成陈述句为:It’s but natural for a man of such devotion to have great scholarly achievements.   美国一般报刊当事者对中国情况(即使是现在,到处多的是“中国通”)的无知是相当普遍的,Those in charge of the American press are often found ignorant of things in China although the country is said to abound in “China hands”.   take charge of与in charge of:   一、含义不同   take charge of照管;监理;担任   in charge of负责;主管二、侧重不同   take charge of 是「开始 管理,接管」的意思,侧重动作。   in charge of表示「某人负责或照管某人/物」,侧重状态。   those后接定语的六种情况:   1、+形容词(短语),此时通常可视为一个省略的定语从句(即定语从句省略了“用作主语的关系代词+系动词be)。   例句   There was public outcry from those opposed to abortion.   反堕胎人士公开大声抗议。   2、+现在分词(短语),此时those与其后动词是主谓关系。   例句   All those appearing on the register must notify the authorities of any change of address.   登记簿上的地址变更必须通知相关机构。   3、+过去分词,此时those与其后动词是被动关系。   例句   The church service is a memorial to those killed in the war.   教堂里举行的仪式是为纪念战争中牺牲的人们。   4、+不定式短语,此时those后动词表示将要发生的情况。   例句   I’m going to sort these old books into those to be kept and those to be thrown away.   我打算把这些旧书分成要留下的和要扔掉的两类。   5、+介词短语,此时通常可视为一个省略的定语从句(即定语从句省略了“用作主语的关系代词+系动词be)。   例句   There is no alternative for those with no car of their own.   没有私家车的人就没有选择余地。   6、+定语从句,此时分人(who)、物(which),有时也可用that、whose、in which等引导。   例句   The disease is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par.   这种病更容易对那些免疫系统低于正常水平的人构成威胁。   前文提到「对……的无知」ignorance of…,此处译作be ignorant of。   China hands中国通:This term originally referred to 19th-century merchants in the treaty ports of China, but came to be used for anyone with expert knowledge of the language, culture, and people of China. In 1940s America, the term "China Hands" came to refer to a group of American diplomats, journalists, and soldiers who were known for their knowledge of China and influence on American policy before, during, and after World War II.   例如他们常把中国人的姓氏名字前后倒置,至于电视新闻广播员更是缺乏时事修养,For instance, they often don't know how to put Chinese surnames and given names in the right order. TV news broadcasters are even more ill- informed about the current affairs.   「例如」除了for example还有很多种表达,比如此处的for instance。注意替换使用。   「全名」是full name,「姓」可以表达为surname或family name或last name,「名」可以表达为first name或given name.   ill-(用于形容词和过去分词等前)表示「坏」「差」「不够…」,如ill-disciplined children.   欠管教的孩子。此外,could ill afford to wait any longer中,can ill afford to do表示「承受不起,负担不起」,是惯用搭配。   不止一次,我听到他们把“中华人民共和国”与“中华民国”混为一谈。   I’ve more than once found them mix up “the People's Republic of China” with “The Republic of China”.   混淆,弄混,弄错 mix up A (with B)   例句   People often mix me up with other actors.   人们常常把我同其他演员弄混。   Depressed people may mix up their words.   心情抑郁的人可能会前言不搭后语。   虽然某种意义上,「中华人民共和国」与「中华民国」皆可称中国,但其政治象征、时代意义是完全不一样的。(补充一个小点,翻译时碰见国家名,在同一语境下,不能在把「美国」译成the United States of America时,却只把中国译成China。正式程度要相对应,America对China, USA对PRC。)当然,1949年以后出生的人现在也有四十岁了。   US editors born after 1949, the year when the People's Republic of China was founded, are now in their forties.   「1949年以后出生的人现在也有四十岁了」译为US editors born after 1949, the year when the People's Republic of China was founded, are now in their forties,其中the year when the People's Republic of China was founded是增译成分,以便和后面「上海在解放前」相配合。   在某人四十多岁的时候in one’s forties   全盛时期 at the height of;in one’s prime/heyday有的则根本不能体会上海在解放前的情况。   Some of them have little knowledge of what Shanghai was like in China's pre-liberation days.   them指代前文提到的「1949年以后出生的人」。又,little表示否定意义。   有一个杂志编辑与我争论“外滩” 一词的英文字。   One American editor got into a heated argument with me about the English equivalent of Waitan in Shanghai.   heated为译者根据自己理解添加的成分,指出「我」和杂志编辑在此事上的分歧之大。   Waitan, known as the Bund in English, is a stately street and important landmark of Shanghai located along the Huangpu River.   equivalent,也可译作counterpart,即我们常说的「对应表达」,对于在另一种语言中没有counterpart的表达,对其进行翻译是具有相当大的挑战性的。   他不解我为何要用Bund(他说Bund对他而言,是战前美国一个仿德国纳粹团体的取名)。   He wondered why I should insist on using the word “Bund”, saying that as far as he knew, it referred exclusively to a pro-Nazi organization in the pre-war US.   「不解」按「想知道」之意译作wondered why…??… why I should insist on …中,should表示说话人的感情,如惊奇、愤怒、失望等等。   as far as he knew(据他所知)   as far as I’m concerned   in my opinion   for my part(就我而言、对我来说)   to my mind(在我的经验中/在我看来)   殊不知英国经商者早已在印度殖民地用了这个字,后来用在上海的外滩,意谓“沿着江海的河堤”。   He didn't know that the word, first used by British merchants in India during its colonial days to mean “an embanked road along a waterfront”, was later also used to refer to Waitan in Shanghai.   first used by ……to mean an embanked road along a waterfront:现代语法则把这种对某个词、短语或句子作解释补充的成分,称为补充语(supplement)。补充语包括插入语在内,但不限于插入语。非限制性定语、非限制性同位语、分词作状语等都囊括在补充语的项下。其特征是有逗号与句子隔开,其功能是对句子中的某个词、短语或整个句子做补充解释。   这位编辑终把Bund改为Waterfront,把我所要想形容的昔年上海繁华的外滩,一改而予人以冷落零乱印象的“码头”,完全失却了原意。   He finally chose “the Waterfront” in preference to “the Bund”, which was a misrepresentation giving the picture of a desolate and messy dock instead of the erstwhile thriving Shanghai Bund as I had intended to describe.   而不是in preference to…。此处也可换作rather than。   misrepresentation:前缀mis- (用于动词和名词前,构成新的动词和名词)表示「坏的」「错误的」「糟糕地」「不当地」。如misreport报道有误、 the misuse of official funds滥用公款。   凡此种种,只不过表明新闻界也是后浪推前浪,老的退休,新的当家。在此情形下,我们这些上了年纪的撰稿者好似失去了知音。   Evidently the young have replaced the old to play a leading role in the US press, and ageing newspaper contributors like me seem to have lost, much to our regret, our understanding friends.   后浪推前浪the young have replaced the old to play a leading role in…??「……我们这些上了年纪的撰稿者好似失去了知音」译为…and ageing newspaper contributors like me seem to have lost, much to our regret, our understanding friends,其中much to our regret也是増译成分,意即「非常遗憾」,原文虽无其词而有其意。「知音」译为 understanding friends,其中 understanding 的意思是「有识别力的」,也可译为friends who knew our worth,但含义不尽确切。   必背词汇   informed adj.有知识的,了解情况的,见多识广的英义Someone who is informed knows about a subject or what is happening in the world.   例句   Informed people know the company is shaky.   了解情况的人知道该公司状况不佳。   biography cn.人物传记   英义   A biography of someone is an account of their life, written by someone else.   例句   Boswell's biography of Johnson   博斯韦尔写的约翰逊传   therein adv.在那里,在其中   英义   Therein means contained in the place that has been mentioned.   例句   By burning tree branches, pine needles, and pine cones, many not only warm their houses but improve the smell therein.   许多人在家里烧树枝、松针和松果,不但给房子取暖,还改善了屋里的气味。   lament v.为…悲痛,哀叹,痛惜   英义   If you lament something, you express your sadness, regret, or disappointment about it.   例句   Ken began to lament the death of his only son.   肯开始对独子的死悲痛不已。   renowned adj.有名的,有声望的   英义   A person or place that is renowned for something, usually something good, is well known because of it.   例句   James was renowned as a forward thinker.   詹姆斯以其前瞻性的思想而负盛名。   重点表达   延安窑洞The Yan’an caves   其对时事历史知识的简陋his ignorance of current affairs and historical events反映了我自己的老年was a reflection of my own old age.   朝圣Make pilgrimages to   帮助了毛泽东革命的成功contributing to the success of the Chinese revolution不解此词用意failure to understand the said phrase美国新一代编辑the new generation of American newsmen法租界 French Concession说服to bring ... round为了……for…’s sake/for the sake of共党少帅The Communist Young Marshal常识general knowledge、common sense   就……而言;对……而言;由……所作出on the part of负责;主管in charge of姓surname或family name或last name名first name或given name.   把“中华人民共和国”与“中华民国”混为一谈mix up “the People's Republic of China” with “The Republic of China”   在某人四十多岁的时候in one’s forties   上海在解放前的情况what Shanghai was like in China's pre-liberation days后浪推前浪the young have replaced the old to play a leading role in…知音understanding friends复盘测试延安窑洞其对时事历史知识的简陋反映了我自己的老年   朝圣   帮助了毛泽东革命的成功   不解此词用意   美国新一代编辑   法租界   说服   为了……   共党少帅   常识   就……而言,对……而言,由……所作出   负责,主管   姓   名   把“中华人民共和国”与“中华民国”混为一谈在某人四十多岁的时候上海在解放前的情况后浪推前浪知音表达对比   「替代」有几种表达?   他说读者不会了解,为了安全起见,他要把“法租界”(改为)“法侨区”(French Quarter),我勉强的同意。   He said readers had difficulty understanding it and therefore suggested, for safety’s sake, “the French Quarter” as a substitute for “the French Concession”. I agreed, but with reluctance.   凡此种种,只不过表明新闻界也是后浪(推)前浪,老的退休,新的当家。在此情形下,我们这些上了年纪的撰稿者好似失去了知音。   Evidently the young have replaced the old to play a leading role in the US press, and ageing newspaper contributors like me seem to have lost, much to our regret, our understanding friends.   吃饭而不求学问,三年五年后,你们都要被后来少年(淘汰)掉的。   If you give up studies while holding a job, you will in a couple of years have had yourselves replaced by younger people.   它完全可以(替代)医生。   It eliminates a need for a doctor altogether.   他的职位被别人(替代)了。   His position has been superseded by others.   西欧的夏天 ——余光中   Summer in Western Europe ——Yu Guangzhong??背景知识:《西欧的夏天》的作者是台湾著名诗人、散文家、学者余光中(1928- )。他祖籍闽南,生于江苏南京。1947年入金陵大学外语系(后转入厦门大学)。1949年随父母迁香港,次年赴台。1952年毕业于台湾大学外语系。1959年获美国爱荷华大学艺术硕士学位。曾先后任教于台湾若干大学。   旅客似乎是十分轻松的人,实际上却相当辛苦,Light-hearted as he seems, a traveler is in fact under great stress.   「旅客似乎是十分轻松的人,实际上却相当辛苦」译为Light-hearted as he seems, a traveler is in fact under great stress,其中「轻松」也可译为gay and free、joyous、joyful、cheerful 等,但light-hearted 有carefree(无忧无虑)的含义,结合内容,应为首选。「辛苦」应指「处于紧张状态」,故译为under great stress,未按字面译为 worn out、exhausted、tired等。又,as引导让步状语从句,句子必须倒装。   旅客不用上班,却必须受时间的约束;   Though on vacation, he is nevertheless subject to the restraint of time.   「旅客不用上班」意即「旅客在度假」,可译为Though(he is)on vacation或Though(he is)vacationing, 比直译Though he doesn’t go to work确切。   爱做什么就做什么,却必须受钱包的限制;   He can do whatever he likes on the trip, but he has to keep the expenditure within the limits of his pocket.   「爱做什么就做什么,却必须受钱包的限制」译为He can do whatever he likes on the trip, but he has to keep the expenditure within the limits of his pocket,其中within the limits of his pocket等于within his means。此句也可译为He can do whatever he likes on the trip, but it mustn't go beyond his purse(或his means)。   爱去哪里就去哪里,却必须把几件行李蜗牛壳一般带在身上。   Wherever he goes, he has to take with him his cumbersome hand luggage.   「蜗牛売一般」不宜直译,现按「拖累的」「笨重的」之意译为cumbersome。   把某物带在身上take sth with sb/take with sb sth旅客最可怕的噩梦,是钱和证件一起遗失,沦为来历不明的乞丐。   He faces the most horrible possibility of losing his money and credentials, which will reduce himself to a pauper of unknown background.   「沦为来历不明的乞丐」译为which will reduce himself to a pauper of unknown background,其中「乞丐」可译为 pauper 或 beggar, tramp (流浪者) 等。「来历不明的」可译为... of unknown background 或 unidentifiable。   旅客最难把握的东西,便是气候。   And, besides, he can never be sure of the weather.   besides是增译成分,原文虽无其词却有其意,补充出来使文章逻辑更鲜明、衔接更自然。   我现在就是这样的旅客。   That's what I'm like now.   like表示「是…样的人或事物」   例句   Joe still has no concept of what it's like to be the sole parent.   乔对当单亲家长是什么滋味还没有任何概念。   What did she look like?   她长什么样子?   从西班牙南端一直旅行到英国的北端, 我经历了各样的气候,已经到了寒暑不侵的境界。   I've traveled all the way from the southern tip of Spain to the northern tip of England, experiencing a variety of climates until I’ve become apathetic to the elements.   一路上all the way   例句   She didn't speak a word to me all the way back home.   回家的一路上,她没对我说过一句话。   experiencing a variety of climates…作伴随状语。   「已经到了寒暑不侵的境界」可按「对任何天气都不在乎了」译为I’ve become apathetic to the elements或I've become indifferent to the change of weather。   此刻我正坐在中世纪古堡改装的旅馆里,为读者写稿,I’m now sitting in a medieval castle turned hotel, writing an article for my readers.   「中世纪古堡改装的旅馆」译为a medieval castle turned hotel,其中 turned是不及物动词turn的过去分词,用作形容词,作「变成」解。   刚刚黎明,湿灰灰的云下是苏格兰中部荒莽的林木,林外是隐隐的青山。   The day is just dawning. In Central Scotland, there lies under the grey wet clouds a wild wooded region, beyond which a green mountain stands faintly visible.   there lies under the grey wet clouds a wild wooded region: 表示地点的here和there位于句首时,其后用完全倒装形式。还原回去为a wild wooded region lies there under the grey wet clouds。   例句   柔石《为奴隶的母亲》   一个长长的瘦瘦的而面孔圆细的男子就从房里走出来。   There came out from the house a tall and thin elderly man with a round, smooth face.   晓寒袭人,我坐在厚达尺许的石墙里,穿了一件毛衣,In the chilly air of the early morning, I have to be dressed in a woolen sweater while sitting on a stone wall one foot in thickness.   「晓寒」即清早的寒冷、冷空气,现译作the chilly air of the early morning。   I have to be dressed in a woolen sweater中have to理解为「由于天气寒冷,我不得不套件毛衣来御寒」??「坐在厚达尺许的石墙里」中「里」并未译作in,而是译作on。一个人坐在墙里,想想都诡异,记得还原真实场景。   sitting on a stone wall one foot in thickness:one foot in thickness作wall的后置定语,表示「墙的厚度」如果要走下回旋长梯像走下古堡之肠,去坡下的野径漫步寻幽,还得披上一件够厚的外套。   But I need, in addition, an outer garment to keep me warm in case I come down the spiral staircase — the intestines of the castle — to take a stroll along an unfrequented path down the mountain slope in search of secluded places of quiet beauty.   以防、以防万一(just)in case(…)   例句   You'd better take the keys in case I'm out.   你最好带上钥匙以防我不在家。   「野径」可按「人迹稀少的小路」「冷落的小道」译为an unfrequented path。   「寻幽」可按「寻找宁静的美景」译为in search of secluded places of quiet beauty或in search of tranquil scenes。   从台湾的定义讲来,西欧几乎没有夏天。   By Taiwan standards, Western Europe has practically no summer at all.   按…的标准看by… standards   例句   By British standards, the school achieves excellent results.   按英国的标准,学校取得了显著的成果。   practically是副词,表示「简直、几乎」   昼蝉夜蛙,汗流浃背,是台湾的夏天。在西欧的大城,例如巴黎和伦敦,7月中旬走在阳光下,只觉得温暖舒适,并不出汗。   Summer in Taiwan is characterized by man’s copious perspiration as well as daytime chirping of cicadas and nightly croaking of frogs while in big European cities, like Paris and London, the mid-July temperature is so moderate and comfortable that none sweat even in the sun.   A的特征是B A is characterized by B   汗流浃背copious perspiration   昼蝉夜蛙daytime chirping of cicadas and nightly croaking of frogs??原文中,本句描述对象有两个:一个是台湾的夏天,一个是西欧大城的夏天,有将二者进行对比之意,故选用while一词对句子进行衔接。   is so moderate and comfortable that none sweat even in the sun包含so…that…结构,其中,none是代词,表示「没人」,其后谓语动词可用单数也可用复数,如果指不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。   西欧的旅馆和汽车,例皆不备冷气,因为就算天热,也是几天就过去了,值不得为避暑费事。   Hotels and cars in Western Europe are usually not air-conditioned because hot days are so few that people don't bother about having a cooler.   「例皆不备冷气」意即「一般都没有空调」,故译are usually not air-conditioned。   为…烦恼、操心等 bother about   我在西班牙、法国、英国等地租车长途旅行,其车均无冷气,只能扇风。   The cars I hired for long-distance driving in Spain, France and England had fans, but no air-conditioning.   The cars I hired for long-distance driving…是定语从句的省略,先行词在从句中作宾语时可省略。此处相当于The cars that/which I hired for long-distance driving…巴黎的所谓夏天,像是台北的深夜,The climate of Paris in summer is like that of Taipei at night.   climate指一个地区的typical, general weather conditions。   早晚上街,凉风袭肘,一件毛衣还不足御寒。   When you go out on an early morning or late evening, your woolen sweater will be hardly warm enough to keep out the nip in the air.   早晚on an early morning or late evening,注意表示时间时介词的使用情况。   御寒keep out the nip in the air。其中,the nip in the air表示空气中的寒气/寒意例句There was a real nip in the air.   空中有一股刺骨的寒气。   如果你走塞纳河边,风力加上水气,更需要一件风衣才行。   When you walk along the Seine, where it is even chillier due to the strong wind coupled with the cold waters, you have to wear a windcheater.   「如果」不一定译作if,比如此处还可译作when。   it is even chillier due to是增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。指明「风力加上水气」会导致的结果,从而「更需要一件风衣才行」下午日暖,单衣便够,可是一走到楼影或树阴里,便嫌单衣太薄。   Then, all you need is just an unlined garment in the afternoon when it is warm, but you'll feel like putting on more when you are under the shade of buildings or trees.   单衣an unlined garment。其unlined表示(衣服等)无衬里的。   in the afternoon when it is warm:when引导定语从句,先行词为afternoon。   地面如此,地下却又不同。   That's all for things aboveground. Now things underground.   此句为过渡句,起承上启下作用。   巴黎的地车比纽约、伦敦、马德里的都好,却相当闷热,令人穿不住毛衣。   The subway of Paris is better than that of New York, London or Madrid, but it is so hot and stuffy that you feel like taking off your woolen sweater.   「闷热」译作hot+stuffy,hot强调热,stuffy强调闷。(只译出stuffy也可,stuffy一词即可兼具「闷、热」之意,仅为个人观点)??想要某物;想做某事 feel like (doing) sth例句We all felt like celebrating.   我们都想庆祝一番。   所以地上地下,穿穿脱脱,也颇麻烦。   Consequently you'll be annoyed by having to don or doff your clothes now and then, depending on whether you're aboveground or underground.   「所以地上地下,穿穿脱脱,也颇麻烦」译为Consequently you’ll be annoyed by having to don or doff your clothes now and then, depending on whether you're aboveground or underground,其中 now and then和depending on whether you're都为充分表达原意和满足造句需要而在译文中增添的词语。   7月在巴黎的街上,行人的衣装,从少女的背心短裤到老妪的厚大衣,四季都有。   In July, Parisians in the open are seen dressed in the clothes of all seasons, ranging from young girls' vests and short skirts to elderly women's thick overcoats.   in the open   open作名词,指室外、开阔地等,常用搭配为in the open。   学习此处「穿各个季节衣服的人都有」的描述:are seen dressed in the clothes of all seasons, ranging from…to…7月在巴黎,凡乎天天都是晴天,In July, Paris has sunny weather almost every day.   此句译文体现了口笔译之间的不同,口译时会直接将此句译作it’s sunny every day。(一些人认为笔译就应该有笔译的样子,另一些人则认为应使译文遵循简明英语的原则。)有时一连数日碧空无云,入夜后天也不黑下来,只变得深洞洞的暗蓝。   Sometimes the sky is blue and cloudless for days on end and, when night comes, it never turns pitch dark, but remains a deep blue.   Q:「碧、绿、蓝、青」等颜色词,请自行根据具体语境翻译关于中文汉字「碧」的一些搭配??①碧澄 blue and clear (水、天空—)碧蓝而明净,河水清湛碧澄。   ②碧海青天 a blue ocean under a blue sky 形容天水一色,无限辽远。   ③碧汉 the blue sky, the azure sky 碧天银汉的合称,即天空。如:起楼侵碧汉,初日照红妆。——江总《和衡阳殿下高楼看妓》   ④碧海 blue sea 碧蓝色的海。   ⑤碧空 the azure sky; the blue sky 蔚蓝色的天空。如:孤帆远影碧空尽。——唐·李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》诗。   ⑥碧落 the sky 天空。如:上穷碧落下黄泉,两处茫茫皆不见。——唐·白居易《长恨歌》   ⑦碧霄 the blue sky 蓝天   ⑧碧血 blood shed in a just cause 为正义死难而流的血,烈士的血。   ⑨碧玉 jasper一种不透明隐晶质石英,常见有几种颜色(如红色、褐色、绿色、黄色)。   巴黎附近无山,城中少见高楼,城北的蒙马特也只是一个矮丘,There are no mountains in its vicinity and few high-rises in the city proper. Montmartre in the north of the city is a mere hillock.   Q:in the city proper中的proper是什么用法?   proper 用在名词后面作「……的本身」解,如 Greece proper(希腊国的本部),the garden proper(园的本部),the Dictionary proper(本词典正文)和 literature proper(狭义的所谓文学)太阳要到九点半才落到地平线上,更显得昼长夜短,有用不完的下午。   As the sun never sinks below the horizon until 9:30 pm, the days seem even longer and the nights even shorter. And the afternoons seem to last endlessly.   As the sun never sinks below the horizon until 9:30 pm是原因状语从句,其中包含not(否定意义)…until…结构。   不过晴天也会突来霹雳:   Nevertheless, sometimes a thunderbolt also comes from the clear sky.   霹雳thunderbolt:云和地面之间发生的一种强烈雷电现象。响声很大,能对人畜、植物、建筑物等造成很大的危害。也叫落雷。   7月14日法国国庆那天上午,密特朗总统在香热里榭大道主持阅兵盛典,就忽来一阵大雨,On the morning of July 14, French National Day, when President Mitterrand was presiding over the review of a massive military parade on Champs Elysées, it suddenly started raining in torrents.   「香热里榭大道」即巴黎的「香榭丽舍大街」(Champs Elysées),以美丽和讲究时髦著称。   法国国庆是每年的7月14日,1880年被正式确立,法国人每年都要隆重纪念这个象征自由和革命的日子。   主持preside over   例句   The mayor presided over the town meeting.   市长主持镇会议。   淋得总统和军乐队狼狈不堪。   The President and the military band, caught in the downpour, found themselves in a very awkward situation.   军乐队the military band   caught in the downpour作伴随状语。   电视的观众看得见雨气之中,乐队长的指挥杖竟失手落地,连忙俯身拾起。   TV viewers even saw the bandmaster bend down quickly to pick up the baton he had dropped onto the ground in a flurry.   电视的观众TV viewers   拾起pick up   法国北部及中部地势平坦,一望无际,气候却有变化。   In Northern and Central France lie boundless level plains with varying climates.   地点状语置于句首,句子要倒装。   补充   (老舍《想北平》)面向着积水滩,背后是城墙,坐在石上看水中的小蝌蚪或苇叶上嫩蜻蜓I can spend a whole day enjoying myself sitting on a rock to observe tiny tadpoles in the water or tender dragonflies on reeds while facing me lies Ji Shui Tan Pond and right behind me rises the high city wall.   巴黎北行一小时至卢昂,就觉得冷些,西南行二小时至罗瓦河中流,气候就暖得多,Rouen, which is a one-hour ride to the north of Paris, is cooler while the central reaches of the Loire River, which is a two-hour ride to the southwest of Paris, is much warmer.   表示两地之间的距离,可用A is “XX(时长) ride/walk” to B表达。   reaches是复数名词,表示「河段,流域,上、中或下游」。   例句   This year water levels in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze are unusually high.   长江今年中下游的水位都过高。   下午竟颇燠热,不过入夜就凉下来,星月异常皎洁。   The latter becomes very hot in the afternoon, but cooler at night with the bright moon and stars in the sky.   The latter指代「罗瓦河中流」   再往南行入西班牙,气候就变得干暖。   Down in Spain, the climate is arid and warm.   此处「南行」承接上文的「西南行」,用down字译出,。   马德里在高台地的中央,七月的午间并不闷热,入夜甚至得穿毛衣。   Madrid is located in the center of a plateau. Its noontime temperature in July is not sultry, and you have to wear a woolen sweater towards the evening.   到此为止,文中出现两个对「闷热」的译法:stuffy、sultry。   towards the evening中towards是介词,表示「将近(某一时刻)」。   例句   There was a forecast of cooler weather toward the end of the week.预报称这周末天气会凉下来。   我在南部安达露西亚地区及阳光海岸(Costa del Sol)开车,一路又干又热,In Southern Spain, when driving in the Andalucia region and along the Costa del Sol, I found everything dry and hot.   when driving in the…:主从句主语一致,when后省略主语和be。   枯黄的草原,干燥的石堆,大地像一块烙饼,摊在酷蓝的天穹之下,The grass was turning yellow and the rocks were dry. The earth was like a pancake roasting under the deep blue firmament.   「枯黄的草原」「干燥的石堆」未译为名词词组,而是灵活处理为主系表结构,译作The grass was turning yellow and the rocks were dry。   「(烙饼)摊在酷蓝的天穹之下」译作(a pancake) roasting under the deep blue firmament,「摊」字译作roast(烘烤),更突出饼在「烙」路旁的草丛常因干燥而起火,势颇惊人。   Alarmingly, the roadside grass often started burning by itself.   「势颇惊人」译作副词Alarmingly,修饰整个句子。   「因干燥而起火」意即自燃,故译作started burning by itself。   可是那是干热,并不令人出汗,和台湾的湿闷不同。   Unlike Taiwan which is humid, Southern Spain is hot and dry and so people there don’t sweat at all.   Unlike Taiwan which is humid作状语。   sweat是动词,作「流汗」讲。   英国则趋于另一极端,显得阴湿,气温也低。   England is at the other extreme, being overcast and wet with a low temperature.   趋于另一极端at the other extreme   being overcast and wet with a low temperature作伴随状语,进一步解释说明。   我在伦敦的河堤区住了三天,一直是阴天,下着间歇的毛毛雨。   It was gloomy all the time and kept drizzling intermittently during the three days when I stayed in the River Embankment area of London.   始终、一直all the time   此句前半句主语是「我」,后半句的主语是「伦敦(的天气)」。译者讲前半句处理为时间状语during the three days when I …(when引导定语从句,先行词是days),巧妙地将两句连接起来。   即使破晓时露一下朝暾,餐后天色就阴沉下来了。   Sometimes the morning sun made its brief appearance at daybreak, but the sky turned overcast soon after breakfast.   破晓时at daybreak   turn可表示状态的转变   他的脸变得惨白。   His face turned pale.   此处:天色阴沉下来了。   …the sky turned overcast.   与我存走过滑铁卢桥,7月的河风吹来,水气阴阴,令人打一个寒噤,把毛的翻领拉起。   While crossing Waterloo Bridge with Wocun against the July wind blowing from the River Thames, a nip in the air sent shivers down my spine, forcing me to turn up my fur collar.   走过滑铁卢桥cross Waterloo Bridge   我存:即范我存,是诗人余光中的妻子。年少时在乐山念书,是余光中的远方表妹(他们的母亲是堂姐妹),两人相识超过七十年。   仔细读译文,欣赏译文是把这几个短句融在一起的,如「7月的河风吹来」处理为了状语against the July wind blowing from the River Thames、整句采取while...的主从结构等等。   我们开车北行,一路上经过塔尖如梦的牛津,城楼似幻的勒德洛(Ludlow),古桥野渡的蔡斯特(Chester),We drove up north through Oxford with its dreamy spires, Ludlow with its illusory old castles and Chester with its ancient bridge and solitary ferry crossing.   drove up north中up north表示「北上」。(注意积累如何描述行程: up…方向…through…)??「塔尖如梦的牛津,城楼似幻的勒德洛(Ludlow),古桥野渡的蔡斯特(Chester)」中的前置定语均以相同的with复合结构译出,基本与原文保持对应。又,「古桥野渡」意即古桥和荒落之处(或村野的渡口),现译作ancient bridge and solitary ferry crossing。   雨云始终罩在车顶,雨点在车窗上也未干过。   Rain clouds continued to hang over our car and raindrops remained intact on its windows.   此处「始终」指之前是,现在也是,是一种延伸的状态,现译作continued to。   笼罩hang over   例句   Dark clouds hung over the mountain.   进入步布瑞亚的湖区之后,遍地江湖,满空云雨,After entering the Lake District, Cumbria, we found rivers and lakes everywhere and the sky full of rain clouds.   「步布瑞亚的湖区」即位于英格兰西北部的步布瑞亚(Cumbria)郡的湖区,风景优美,可译the Lake District, Cumbria、the Lakes, Cumbria、the Lakeland, Cumbria。   积累类似含义的表达:「遍地」「满空」分别译作everywhere和full of。   偶见天边绽出一角薄蓝,立刻便有更多的灰云挟雨遮掩而来。   Occasionally a speck of light blue would appear over the horizon only to be soon blotted out by dark grey rain clouds.   「天边绽出一角薄蓝」即天际处出现一小片/块浅蓝色,现译作a speck of light blue would appear over the horizon。   遮住/挡住/遮蔽blot out   例句   About the time the three climbers were halfway down, clouds blotted out the sun.   当这3个登山者下到半山腰的时候,云层遮住了太阳。   only (to)往往有「出人意料」「反而」的意思,可译作「却」。   例句   I went to see him, only to learn that he had left the city the night before.   我去看他,却听人家说他已经在前夜离开了这个城市。   真要怪兹华斯的诗魂小气,不肯让我一窥他诗中的晴美湖光。   I could not help complaining against Wordsworth for grudging me a sunny scene of the beautiful Lakeland as described in his poems.   禁不住、忍不住could not help doing sth   「华兹华斯」即William Wordsworth (1770-1850),为英国主要浪漫派诗人(又称湖畔派诗人)之一,居住在the Lake District。1843年被封为桂冠诗人。   …a sunny scene of the beautiful Lakeland as described in his poems中:as可以引导定语从句,修饰a sunny scene,有「正如、正像」的意思。   例句   He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.   在我一夕投宿的鹰头(Hawkshead)小店栈楼窗望出去,沿湖一带,树树含雨,山山带云,In Hawkshead, I put up for one night at a small inn. Looking out of its window, I saw all trees around the lakes wet with rain and all mountains shrouded by clouds.   「鹰头(Hawkshead)」是位于湖区(the Lake District)中心的一个著名村庄。   wet with rain是trees的后置定语;shrouded by clouds是mountains的后置定语。   很想告诉格拉斯米教堂墓地里的诗翁,我国古代有一片云梦大泽,也出过一位水气逼人的诗宗。   How I longed to tell the great poet lying in Grasmere Churchyard that in ancient China there was also a great poet domiciled in a region of rivers and lakes!   “tell the great poet lying in Grasmere Churchyard”中的poet:Referring to the English poet William Wordsworth (1770-1850) of the romantic school, who was buried in Grasmere Church after his death.   “a great poet domiciled in a region of rivers and lakes”中的poet:Referring to Qu Yuan (formerly translated as Ch'u Yuan c.340-277BC), minister of the State of Chu during the Warring States period and one of China's earliest poets. His failure to win the support of the corrupt king of Chu for his honest and progressive proposals made his life a tragic one. Seeing no future for his beloved country, he drowned himself in the Miluo River in Hunan Province.   「云梦大泽」按「湖泽」之意简单理解,译为a region of rivers and lakes。   How I longed to … in a region of rivers and lakes!是how引导的感叹句。   how引导的感叹句类型:   ①How+形容词+主语+谓语!   ②How+副词+主语+谓语!   ③How+主语+动词!   ④How+ many/much/few/little+ 名词+主语+谓语!   必背词汇   cumbersome adj.大而笨重的,难以携带的英义Something that is cumbersome is large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry, wear, or handle.   例句   Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.   尽管这台机器看上去很笨重,操作起来却很容易。   pauper cn.贫民,穷人   英义   A pauper is a very poor person.   例句   He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.   他死的时候一文不名,葬在一处无名墓穴中。   apathetic adj.漠然的,漠不关心的,无动于衷的英义If you describe someone as apathetic, you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about doing anything.   例句   Others feel apathetic about the candidates in both parties.   其他人对两党的候选人都不感兴趣。   medieval adj.中世纪的   英义   Something that is medieval relates to or was made in the period of European history between the end of the Roman Empire in 476 AD and about 1500 AD.   例句   a medieval castle   中世纪城堡   重点表达   受时间的约束is subject to the restraint of time受钱包的限制keep the expenditure within the limits of his pocket把某物带在身上take sth with sb/take with sb sth来历不明的乞丐a pauper of unknown background一路上all the way西班牙南端the southern tip of Spain刚刚黎明The day is just dawning穿了一件毛衣be dressed in a woolen sweater走下回旋长梯come down the spiral staircase去坡下的野径漫步寻幽to take a stroll along an unfrequented path down the mountain slope in search of secluded places of quiet beauty以防、以防万一(just)in case(…)A的特征是B A is characterized by B汗流浃背copious perspiration昼蝉夜蛙daytime chirping of cicadas and nightly croaking of frogs为…烦恼、操心等 bother about单衣an unlined garment御寒keep out the nip in the air想要某物;想做某事 feel like (doing) sth穿穿脱脱to don or doff your clothes   主持preside over   军乐队the military band   狼狈不堪in a very awkward situation   电视的观众TV viewers   拾起pick up   罗瓦河中流the central reaches of the Loire River趋于另一极端at the other extreme始终、一直all the time禁不住、忍不住could not help doing sth复盘测试受时间的约束   受钱包的限制   把某物带在身上   来历不明的乞丐   一路上   西班牙南端   刚刚黎明   穿了一件毛衣   走下回旋长梯   去坡下的野径漫步寻幽   以防、以防万一   A的特征是B   汗流浃背   昼蝉夜蛙   为…烦恼、操心等   单衣   御寒   想要某物;想做某事   穿穿脱脱   主持   军乐队   狼狈不堪   电视的观众   拾起   罗瓦河中流   趋于另一极端   始终、一直   禁不住、忍不住   表达对比   「如果」有几种表达?   (如果)你走塞纳河边,风力加上水气,更需要一件风衣才行。   When you walk along the Seine, where it is even chillier due to the strong wind coupled with the cold waters, you have to wear a windcheater.   (如果)办公室看起来是在走向衰败而且需要来一次升级,这就表明贵公司已经开始在勒紧裤腰带过日子了。   If the office itself is starting to look run down and like its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures.   (如果)电池内的液体溅到你的眼睛,请马上用水清洗,并上医院就医。   In the event of getting battery liquid in the eyes , wash them out with clean water and see a doctor immediately .   (如果)我向别人借那不足之数,债主也许会突然来要债,(万一)我死了,我的家族也许会受连累。   Were I to borrow the balance, the creditor might call it up suddenly, or( in case of )my death my family might be distressed.   多一只碟子 ——金圣华   One Saucer More ——Jin Shenghua   背景知识:金圣华,著名翻译家、散文家,原籍浙江省上虞县,美国华盛顿大学硕士及法国巴黎大学博士。现任香港中文大学翻译系讲座教授,中文大学校董,中国翻译协会理事,著作和译作甚丰。《多一只碟子》选自她1995年出版的杂文集《桥畔闲眺》。文章流畅自如,遣词简明,深入浅出,劝导人们「凡事从好处想」,以达观的态度化解生活中可能遇到的烦恼。   从朋友口中,听到一则轶事。   I've been told the following anecdote by a friend of mine:   「(听到)一则轶事」译作the following anecdote,following一词与下文很好地衔接了起来,引出了这则轶事的具体内容。   电子学教授陈之藩当年自美国来香港中文大学履新,临行之前,与夫人在家中整理行装。   When Chen Chih-fan, professor of electronics, was about to leave the U.S. for Hong Kong to take up his new post at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he did packing at home with his wife.   Chen Chih-fan:   威妥玛式拼音法(Wade-Giles romanization)又称威妥玛-翟理斯式拼音,简称威氏拼音法 。这个方案被普遍用来拼写中国的人名、地名等,一般称为威妥玛式拼音。威妥玛式拼音,虽然保持了接近英文拼法的一些特点,但是并不完全迁就英文的拼写习惯。   清华大学 Tsinghua University   苏州大学 Soochow University   蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek   履新:表示一种状态,意思是过年或者就任新职。现译为take up his new post(接受新任职)。   陈教授夫妇有一套精美的茶具,收拾装箱时,一不小心,打破了一只茶杯。   They owned a beautiful tea set, but while packing up, they had one of the cups broken through carelessness.   「一不小心,打破了一只茶杯」译作had one of the cups broken through carelessness,其中had one of the cups broken是have…done结构,through carelessness可理解为方式状语或原因状语。   一般人的反应,一定是感到十分心疼,好端端的成套茶具,打破一只杯,如何去配?   Ordinary people would have got very upset over it, as it was always troublesome to replace the broken cup to complete the set.   「一般人的反应,一定是感到十分心疼」中的「十分心疼」可按「十分心烦」之意译为very upset或much distressed等。全句可译为Ordinary people would have got very upset about it,其中would have got是虚拟式。此句也可译为To ordinary people, this would have been a matter of much regret。   「好端端的成套茶具,打破一只杯,如何去配?」英译时可按如下肯定句「不易更新茶杯,以便为茶具配套」处理:always troublesome to replace the broken cup to complete the set。   谁知陈教授的反应却不然,他莞尔一笑,坦然说道:“真不错,又多了一只碟子!”   Professor Chen, however, reacted to it differently. He said calmly with a smile, "Wow! Now we've got one saucer more!''   「反应却不然」即有不同的反应,现译作reacted to it differently。   此处「坦然」作「心里平静」解,译作calmly。   凡事从好处想,这种能耐,在现实生活中,确能使人受益无穷。   The attitude of always looking on the bright side of things will definitely be of inestimable benefit to us in our real life.   「能耐」本应按「本领」之意译为ability等,但此处最好按「态度」之意译为 attitude。见原句英译:The attitude of always looking on the bright side of things will definitely be of inestimable benefit to us in our real life。   be of inestimable benefit to us等于be inestimably beneficial to us。   陈之藩教授不但是位杰出的科学家,也是位了不起的散文家,Professor Chen has distinguished himself both as a scientist and an essayist.   大部分人会译作is…and…,欣赏此处has distinguished himself both as…and…的新颖表达,让人眼前一亮。其中,distinguish是动词,distinguish oneself as…表示「以…(身份)出名、受青睐等」他的一些散文集,清新隽永,当年曾使我折服不已。如今回想起来,令我惊叹的,不仅仅是他那优美的文笔,而是字里行间流露出来的睿智与巧思。   His prose writings, which have been published in several collections, are known for their fresh and expressive style. I was struck with admiration when I first read them, and I remember how I marvelled then at the keen insight and wisdom displayed between the lines as well as his beautiful language.   「当年曾使我折服不已」中的「当年」该如何译,颇费思索,现按「从前阅读时」译为 when I first read them。全句的译文是:I was struck with admiration when I first read them。   此句介绍(他的)散文集的特色,和「我」对「散文集」的惊叹。译文先是对散文集特色进行总说His prose writings…are known for their fresh and expressive style,然后在此另起一句交代「我」对其的惊叹这一部分内容。   人生不如意事常八九,这是一句老话,老得几乎令人不想再重复,Things seldom go one’s way. That's a popular saying too old to warrant re-quoting.   「人生不如意事常八九」译为Things seldom go one's way。也可译为Things often do not turn out as one wishes或Ten to one, things do not go the way as one wishes。   「老得几乎令人不想再重复」可直译成so trite that people no longer feel like quoting it。现译为too old to warrant re-quoting,其中warrant一词意为「需要」(to call for)。   可是生命的旅程,行行复行行,在漫长的旅途上,的确会遇上一重又一重的挫折。   But, one will certainly meet with one setback after another on his life's long journey.   行行复行行:即行了又行,走个不停。生命之旅本就向前不止,故省译「行行复行行」每当失意时,人总觉得别人为什么比自己幸运?别人生意兴隆、仕途平坦、财源广进、名成利就;自己为什么如老牛破车,踽踽独行在暮色四合的郊道上?   When frustrated, one is apt to wonder why the more fortunate can fare so well either in business or officialdom, making a pile or enjoying both fame and wealth, while he himself, like an old ox pulling a rickety carts, has to trudge all by himself on a country road thick with dusk.   When frustrated:主从句主语一致,省略when从句中的主语和be。   「人总觉得别人为什么比自己幸运?」译作one is apt to wonder why the more fortunate can fare so well either in…,其中,译文使用in…介词短语与后面的句子进行衔接;one泛指人;the more fortunate为the+adj结构,指一类人,此处指「更幸运的人」;fare为熟词僻义,作「进行、进展」解。又,倾向于、(更)容易…、(更)爱… be apt to…例句Now we are apt to treat it as an art.   如今我们更爱把它看成一门艺术。   「财源广进」可按「发财」之意译为making a pile或amassing a fortune 等。   果真如此吗?杯中只有一半水,   Is that true? Now take for example a cup half filled with water.   (举个例子)take for example…为增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   例句   Take for example public colleges and universities.   以公立学院和大学为例。   half filled with water是cup的后置定语。   有人喜孜孜说:“好呀!还有半杯”,有人愁眉苦脸:“哎呀!只剩下半杯了”,Some, in the face of it, may exclaim with delight, “Great, the cup is half full!” Some may grumble gloomily, “Too bad, the cup is half empty!”   「好呀!还有半杯」和「哎呀!只剩下半杯了」可分别直译成Great, we still have half a cup!和Too bad, only half a cup left!。但均不如分别作以下处理可取:Great, the cup is half full!和 Too bad, the cup is half empty!其优点是简洁、俏皮。   分别就在这里。   You see how the two kinds of people differ.   (作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道You see??因个人理解差异,此句亦可用You see it’s the difference.   必背词汇   anecdote n.轶事,趣闻   英义   An anecdote is a short, amusing account of something that has happened.   例句   Pete was telling them an anecdote about their mother.   皮特正在给他们讲一件他们母亲的趣闻。   set n.一套,一组,一系列   英义   A set of things is a number of things that belong together or that are thought of as a group.   例句   There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country.   整个国家必须要有一套统一的法律。   saucer n.茶碟,茶托   英义   A saucer is a small curved plate on which you stand a cup.   例句   cups and saucers   茶杯和茶碟   inestimable adj.难以计算的,无法估计的英义‘If you describe the value, benefit, or importance of something as inestimable, you mean that it is extremely great and cannot be calculated.   例句   Human life is of inestimable value.   人的生命无价。   重点表达   履新take up his new post   一套精美的茶具a beautiful tea set   一不小心through carelessness   凡事从好处想always looking on the bright side of things不但是位杰出的科学家,也是位了不起的散文家has distinguished himself both as a scientist and an essayist清新隽永fresh and expressive style人生不如意事常八九Things seldom go one’s way.   遇上一重又一重的挫折meet with one setback after another财源广进making a pile或amassing a fortune如老牛破车like an old ox pulling a rickety carts果真如此吗?Is that true?   举个例子take for example…   (作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道You see??复盘测试履新一套精美的茶具一不小心凡事从好处想   不但是位杰出的科学家,也是位了不起的散文家清新隽永人生不如意事常八九遇上一重又一重的挫折财源广进如老牛破车   果真如此吗?   举个例子   (作解释时说)你看,你知道,要知道   表达对比   「有」有几种表达?   陈教授夫妇(有)一套精美的茶具。   They owned a beautiful tea set   其次,人类可以创新并且以更有效率的方式来使用已经(拥有)的土地,动物则无法做到这一点。   Second, humans are able to innovate and can use the land that they already possess in more efficient ways. Animals are unable to do this.   厨房的生活走上原来的轨道,仿佛世界上根本就(没有)那个马车夫似的。   The life of the kitchen went on its accustomed way as though the cabman did not exist.   但是,英国人不大喜欢相互之间太靠近,除非是(有)某种理由。   But English people do not like to be too close to one another unless there is a reason.   书与人 ——金圣华   Books and Man ——Jin Shenghua   背景知识:《书与人》选择香港中文大学教授金圣华著的杂文集《桥畔闲眺》(1995年1月出版。文章简洁精辟,寓庄于谐,权衡「情场」与「书林」的轻重得失,语重心长,堪称劝学佳篇。   文章标题是要与文章内容相一致,看完整篇文章,你就会发现,文章在说「个人可以从书林找到慰藉」,故标题中「书」译为复数形式的books,而人则译为man,而非men。又,man表示泛指时,其前可不加冠词。   有朋友在情场上轰轰烈烈的驰骋了一阵,终于累了,最后,收拾情心,悄悄退回书斋之中,终日与书本为伍。   A friend of mine, having been actively involved in the arena of love for some time, finally became weary of it and, containing himself, quietly retired to his study to spend time with books all day long.   「在情场上轰轰烈烈的驰骋了一阵」译为having been actively involved in the arena of love for some time,其中having been actively involved in的意思是「积极参与……」「沉醉于……」等。也可用直译法处理之:having galloped about vigorously in the arena of love for some time。或意译为:having been engrossed in romance for some time,其中romance意同 love affairs。   「收拾情心」意即「自我克制」,故译containing himself,表示伴随状态。   再不听到他唉声叹气,只觉他心情平和,仿佛一切都豁然开朗,天地广阔了许多。   He was no longer heard sighing deeply. On the contrary, he now had a peaceful mind and felt everything was bright and clear and the world wide and open.   「再不听到他唉声叹气」等可选择「补充主语」,也可选择处理为此处的被动语态。   On the contrary是增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   felt everything was bright and clear and the world wide and open中有省略现象:the world (was) wide and open。   把自己的喜怒哀乐,完全寄托在另外一个人身上,原是一件十分危险的事。   It is very dangerous to let somebody be master of your sentiments, such as joy, anger, pleasure and sorrow.   「把自己的喜怒哀乐,完全寄托在另外一个人身上」意即「让别人控制自己的喜怒哀乐情绪」,故译to let somebody be master of your sentiments, such as joy, anger, pleasure and sorrow。   对方喜则自己心花怒放,对方怒则自己心惊胆战,For example, you are elated simply because the other party looks cheerful, you are jumpy simply because the other party looks put out.   For example为增译成分。此句是从上文提到的「喜怒哀乐」抽出「喜」和「怒」进行阐释,也就是举例说明。   恼怒的、烦乱的put out   例句   I did not blame him for feeling put out.   我没有因为心烦而责备他。   the other party表示另一方。   对方的一笑一颦,完全控制着自己的情绪起落,这又何苦呢?   Consequently, you are completely at the mercy of the other party as regards your own mood. Is it worth it?   Consequently为增译成分。此处看个人理解,也可增译In other words。   任…处置、对…无能为力、任由…摆布、受…支配at the mercy of例句We were at the mercy of the weather.   我们受制于天气。   关于、至于as regards   例句   I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.   至于说她是否适合这个职位,我无可奉告。   面对书本,则完全没有这种麻烦。   As to books, things are entirely different.   关于,至于As to   例句   As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.   至于税款,将从你薪水中扣除。   「则完全没有这种麻烦」即「是另一回事、情况不同」,译作are entirely different,简洁明了,值得借鉴。   择书比择友简单得多。   It is much easier to choose a book than a friend.   much可修饰比较级,表示「…得多」   不擅辞令、厌恶应酬的人,可以自由自在的徜徉于书林之中,游目四顾,俯拾皆友。   One who is poor at speech and shuns socializing will nevertheless feel like being surrounded by friends while sauntering freely in the midst of books.   「厌恶应酬」译为shuns socializing,其中shun (avoids deliberately)替代dislikes;socialize的意思是「参加社交活动」,也可译为dislikes social functions,但social functions指社交集会,如聚会、宴会等,涵盖不如 socialize 广。   nevertheless可表示Conceding a point and making a counter-argument「承认一个观点的正确性,并提出一个对立的观点」。   例句   While the film is undoubtedly too long, it is nevertheless an intriguing piece of cinema.   虽然这部电影的确太长了,但它不失为一部有趣的影片。同理,该句中的nevertheless即表示「虽然这个人不擅辞令、厌恶应酬,但仍可徜徉书海」??觉得feel like例句I actually feel like I`m in my element.   我真正的感觉到这对我来说得心应手。   看书,可以博览,可以细嚼,   Some books are to be read cursorily, and some are to be chewed and digested.   「博览」是与「细嚼」相对的另一种读书方式,此处采取意译法,译为…are to be read cursorily(粗略地读)。   「可以细嚼」本可译为some are to be chewed carefully,现引用英国哲学家弗兰西斯?培根(Francis Bacon)《谈读书》(Of Studies) 一文中的用语,把「细嚼」译为to be chewed and digested (咀嚼消化),无损原意。   没有人会怪你喜新厌旧,也没有人要求你从一而终。   None will ever call you fickle-minded, and none will ever demand that you be constant in your affection.   fickle-minded(善变的)是合成形容词,构词法为:形容词+现在/过去分词,例句easy-going随和的ready-made现成的demand that you be constant:demand表示「要求、需求」时,后面要跟虚拟语气,其中should可以省略。   你大可以从一本换到另一本,喜爱的书,不妨一读再读;You can go from one book to another. And you can read your favourite book over and over again.   多次、反复地、一再over and over again   例句   He did that over and over again.   他总是用这种伎俩。   不耐看的书,又可随手抛下,谁也不会因此而伤心失望。   When you lay aside the book you dislike, none will ever feel hurt or disappointed.   把…放在一边、把…搁置一边lay aside   lay aside the book you dislike= lay aside the book (that/which) you dislike。(摘自华研专四语法:先行词是物,可用关系代词which/that充当从句中的主语和宾语,作宾语时可省略。)人际关系错综复杂,那“书际关系”呢?   While interpersonal relations are most complicated, what about your relations with books?   人际关系interpersonal relations   书际关系your relations with books   are most complicated:   补充   「最高级」前不加the的情况:   ①形容词最高级前有物主代词时,不再加the。   Wu Fen is my best friend.   吴芬是我最要好的朋友。   ②形容词最高级在句中作表语而比较范围又不明确时,最高级前不用the。   They are happiest on Saturdays.   他们在星期六最快乐。   ③如果两个形容词最高级并列修饰同一个名词时,第二个形容词最高级前不加the。   He is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.   他是班上年龄最小、个子最高的男孩。   ④如果形容词最高级用来加强语气,作「十分,非常」之意时,前面不加the,但形容词最高级作单数名词的定语时,可用不定冠词a/an。   It is a most beautiful picture.   它是一张十分漂亮的画。   ⑤作宾语补足语的形容词最高级前不加the。   I found it most difficult to get to sleep.   我发现入睡最难.   ⑥在一些固定用法中,最高级前通常省略the。   With best wishes for you.   向你致以最美好的祝愿。   只要花点时间去了解,再高深的学问也弄得明白。   Devote your time to studies, and you will be able to acquire any knowledge no matter how profound it is.   Devote your time to studies, and you will be…:「祈使句,+ and + 陈述句」。在这里祈使句相当于if 引导的条件状语从句(此时去掉and)。   例句   Give me one more hour, and I’ll get the work finished.→ If you give me one more hour, I’ll get the work finished.   手持一书,吟哦于四壁之中,神游于四海之外,While being confined to your small room with a book in your hand, your mind will be roaming throughout the world.   四海,是一个汉语词汇。指全国各地,指天下、全国;也可指世界各地。现译作throughout the world。   既可以与老庄谈心,又可以跟柏拉图对话。   You will not only have a heart-to-heart chat with Laozi and Zhuangzi, but also converse with Plato.   Laozi (or Lao-tzu, c. 604-531 BC), renowned Chinese philosopher of the late Spring and Autumn Period and founder of Taoism.   Zhuangzi (or Chuang-tzu, c. 369-286 BC), Chinese philosopher and writer of the Warring States Period who advocated Taoism.   谈心have a heart-to-heart chat   面谈a face-to-face conversation   心情烦闷时,济慈、雪莱在你耳畔喁喁细语,巴尔扎克为你搬演“人间喜剧”,When you are in a mood, Keats and Shelley will whisper to you soothingly, and Balzac will amuse you with stories from his La Comédie humaine.   「心情烦闷时」译为When you arc in a mood,其中in a mood是成语, 作「情绪不好」「生气」解。   「在你耳畔喁喁细语」译为will whisper to you soothingly,其中soothingly是根据上下文而添加的成分,作「用抚慰的口气」解。   「巴尔扎克为你搬演’人间喜剧可按“巴尔扎克重述‘人间喜剧’中的故事,为你带来乐趣」译为 Balzac will amuse you with stories from his La Comédie humaine。   还有李白、杜甫、王尔德、莎士比亚……一大堆才华横溢的朋友等着你呼唤前来。   And a galaxy of talented friends like Li Bai, Du Fu, Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare ... will come to you at your call.   Li Bai (701-762), one of China's most famous poets in the Tang Dynasty.   Du Fu (712-770), one of China's most famous poets in the Tang Dynasty.   一群名人、人才荟萃a galaxy of   例句   He is one of a small galaxy of Dutch stars on German television.   出现在德国电视上的荷兰明星为数不多,他是其中一位。   找不到朋友时,为什么不翻翻书?   If you are lonely, why not seek the company of books?   「找不到朋友」即「自己独身一人」,现译作are lonely。   「为什么不翻翻书」译作why not seek the company of books?。其中company是名词,表示「陪伴」,从而使整句译文有了温度,并同时暗含「与书交友」之意,和「找不到朋友时」中「朋友」一词相呼应。   必背词汇   arena cn.活动领域,舞台   英义   You can refer to a field of activity, especially one where there is a lot of conflict or action, as an arena of a particular kind.   例句   He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena.   他清楚地表明他无意退出政治舞台。   weary adj.疲倦的,疲劳的   英义   If you are weary, you are very tired.   例句   Rachel looked pale and weary.   雷切尔看起来脸色苍白,疲惫不堪。   contrary adj.相反的,相对的   英义   Ideas, attitudes, or reactions that are contrary to each other are completely different from each other.   例句   This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.   之所以说此观点违背了批判性社会研究的宗旨,有几点理由。   elated adj.兴高采烈的,得意洋洋的   英义   If you are elated, you are extremely happy and excited because of something that has happened.   例句   I was elated that my second heart bypass had been successful...   第二次心脏搭桥手术成功了,我很高兴   jumpy adj.坐立不安的,胆战心惊的   英义   If you are jumpy, you are nervous or worried about something.   例句   I told myself not to be so jumpy.   我告诉自己别这么提心吊胆的。   重点表达   在情场上轰轰烈烈的驰骋了一阵having been actively involved in the arena of love for some time终日与书本为伍spend time with books all day long相反On the contrary把自己的喜怒哀乐完全寄托在另外一个人身上to let somebody be master of your sentiments, such as joy, anger, pleasure and sorrow恼怒的、烦乱的put out这又何苦呢?Is it worth it?   任…处置、对…无能为力、任由…摆布、受…支配at the mercy of关于、至于as regards关于;至于As to厌恶应酬to shun socializing徜徉于书林之中sauntering freely in the midst of books多次、反复地、一再over and over again人际关系interpersonal relations书际关系your relations with books谈心have a heart-to-heart chat心情烦闷in a mood   一群[名人]、人才荟萃a galaxy of   复盘测试   在情场上轰轰烈烈的驰骋了一阵   终日与书本为伍   相反   把自己的喜怒哀乐完全寄托在另外一个人身上   恼怒的、烦乱的   这又何苦呢?   任…处置、对…无能为力、任由…摆布、受…支配关于、至于关于;至于厌恶应酬徜徉于书林之中多次、反复地、一再   人际关系   书际关系   谈心   心情烦闷   一群[名人]、人才荟萃   表达对比   「相反、反而」有几种表达?   再不听到他唉声叹气,相反只觉他心情平和,仿佛一切都豁然开朗,天地广阔了许多。   He was no longer heard sighing deeply. On the contrary, he now had a peaceful mind and felt everything was bright and clear and the world wide and open.   与此(相反),截止到六月,美国的生产依旧在走下坡路。   In contrast, up to June, America's production continued to fall.   人们通常认为男人坚强,但大多数女人都知道实际的情况往往(相反)。   Men are generally supposed to be strong, but most women know that the reverse is often true.   (相反),他却无助地大笑起来,靠在墙上,酒壶放在膝间。   Instead he began to laugh helplessly, leaning against the wall with the jug between his knees.   一座长桥 ——金圣华   A Long Bridge ——Jin Shenghua   背景知识:《一座长桥》选自香港中文大学教授金圣华著的杂文集《桥畔闲眺》(1995年1月出版)。书中不少杂文谈论翻译,此为其中之一。文章以比喻手法描述翻译工作者的甘苦与奉献,有声有色,切中要害。现用现在时态英译全文,以增加文字的生动性。   翻译就像一座桥,桥两端,气候悬殊,风光迥异。   Translation is like a bridge with a very different climate and landscape at either end of it.   「桥两端,气候悬殊,风光迥异」是对桥的进一步描述,译文并未单独起句,而是以with复合结构将其与前一部分连接起来。   at either end…亦可写作at both ends…。   两端之间,原隔着险峻的山谷,湍急的溪流。   Under the bridge, there lies a valley between steep mountains with a rapid stream flowing through it.   「险峻的山谷」指「位于陡峭的两山之间的狭长地带」,故译为a valley between steep mountains,其中把「险峻」译为steep或dangerously steep皆可。   「湍急的溪流」意即「中间有湍急的溪流」,故译with a rapid stream flowing through it,其中with和flowing through it都是译文中的增译成分。   两旁的人,各忙各的,世代相传,分别发展出一套不同的习俗风尚以及语言文化来。   Before the bridge is built, people on either side of the valley have for generations made no contact with those on the other. Hence, there have developed two different customs and habits, and two different languages and cultures.   「两旁的人,各忙各的,世代相传」意即「两岸的人,世世代代不相往来」,故译people on either side of the valley have for generations made no contact with those on the other。   Hence是增译成分,补充逻辑关系:由于「各忙各的」,所以产生了两种不同的习俗文化。   hence的用法   A: ①hence后面可以直接放上一个名词成分,形成一个没有谓语动词的特殊句型,表示「因为前面说过的缘故,所以有了…」例句Hence my surprise.   所以我感到惊讶。   Hence my letter.   所以我就写这封信。   Hence the fact that...   因此…   ②hence也可以作为一个普通的副词(「因此」「由此」)放在正常的句子中起作用。   例句   These cars have become cheaper, and hence affordable to more people.   这些汽车变得更为便宜,因而为更多的人所买得起。   ③ hence还有「从现在算起」的副词意义。   例句   The property must be vacated 12 days hence.   该不动产应该自现在起12天内腾出。   有一天,这不同文化习俗的人,忽然想起要跟对岸打个招呼。   One day, people of the two sides, each with a different culture and custom, suddenly desire to communicate with each other.   each with a different culture and custom是独立主格结构。   补充   with复合结构可以作后置定语修饰名词,而独立主格结构则不可以作后置定语修饰名词。有趣的是,这两种结构可以结合起来,并表现出独立主格的特色。   例句   The boys are playing with snow,each with a face red with cold.   孩子们在打雪仗,个个脸蛋冻得通红。   「忽然想起要跟对岸打个招呼」意即「忽然想要同对岸的人联系」,故译suddenly desire to communicate with each other。   怎么办?要渡过峡谷,不得不起一座桥,谁来起桥?   What can they do? A bridge of course has to be built in order to cross the valley. But who is to build it?   is to build it:be to do一般表示实现计划好,打算好要去做的事。   终于来了,一群傻里傻气的志愿者。   At last, a group of people naively offer themselves for the job.   「终于来了,一群傻里傻气的志愿者」译为At last, a group of people naively offer themselves for the job,其中offer themselves for the job 作「自荐做这工作」解,全句也可译为 At last a group of volunteers naively offer to do the job。   问他们:“你们可知道,干这份工作,必须吃得起苦,干劲十足?”   Someone asks them, “Don't you know you'll have to go about this job earnestly and fear no hardship?"??原文「问他们」译作Someone asks them,注意补充出主语。   Don't you know意思是「你不知道…吗?」,含奇怪、吃惊的反问意味;而do you know则是普通的疑问语气。   他们点点头,充满信心的说:“我们有的是干劲,我们也不怕吃苦。”   They nod their heads and answer with confidence, "We’re full of drive and not afraid of hardship.''   「有的是干劲」译作are full of drive。其中,drive是不可数名词,指「精力,干劲,冲劲,决心」等。   例句   John will be best remembered for his drive and enthusiasm.   约翰的魄力和热情最令人难忘。   再问道:“这份差事,待遇并不好,赶起工来,日以继夜。说老实话,你们可知道付出的劳力与报酬并不相符?”   The questioner says again, “The profession you're joining pays badly. And often you even have to work round the clock. Frankly, you won't be fairly rewarded according to your labour.”   「这份差事」本可按「这个工作」译为This job,现按「这一行」或「这职业」译为This profession,似更切合原文内涵。   pays badly也可写作is badly paid。   日夜不停、夜以继日地round the clock,在句中作方式状语。   例句   He works round the clock until eventually he creates a beautiful sculpture.   他每天都在雕刻,最终他创造了一个美丽的雕塑。   答道:“我们不是想发财。”   They answer, “We don't want to get rich.”   「想发财」即「想变富」,现译作want to get rich。get与adj连用,表示状态的转变,意思是“变得…”。   例句   From here on, it can only get better.   从此,情况只会越来越好。   再追问:“难道不知道从来没有人是干这一行而发达的吗?做这一行必须默默耕耘,The questioner says again, "Don't you know that none in this profession have ever become prosperous. You have to toil away in obscurity.   「必须默默耕耘」译为You have to toil away in obscurity,其中「耕耘」译为to toil away,意同to work very hard,不可直译为to plough and weed。又「默默」译为in obscurity意为 without being known to people at large(鲜为人知)。   若想抱着沽名钓誉的心,还是趁早别干。   If you want to go after fame and compliments, you had better not choose this profession.   沽名钓誉意思是使用各种不正当手段以谋取好的名声和荣誉。此处强调「追名逐誉」,简化意思译作go after fame and compliments。其中compliment指「赞美、恭维话」??最好(不)要做某事had better/best (not)do sth例句You'd better go to the doctor about your cough.   你最好去找医生看看你的咳嗽。   桥造好了,人在桥上踏,没有谁会为你们立纪念碑的。”   When people walk on the bridge after it is built, none will ever think of putting up a monument to you.”   think单独使用时表示「思考」,接that宾语从句时意为「认为、觉得」。think of意为「考虑到、想到」,后常接代词、名词或动词-ing形式。   为你们立纪念碑putting up a monument to you。其中put up有多重含义,现进行拓展:   ① 举起,抬起,提高   Put up your hands if you have any questions.   如果有问题请举手。   We put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains.   下雨时我们撑开伞来遮挡雨水。   They have put up the rent by $200 a month.   他们把每月的租金提高了200美元。   ② 公布,张贴(布告、相片等)   同义词:display   Posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.   校园中到处张贴着海报,号召我们加入到让地球更环保的行动中来。   ③ 建造(房屋等),搭建   They have put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.   最近他们盖起了很多高楼大厦。   ④ 留宿,住宿   I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days我希望肯尼能让我留宿几天。   ⑤ put up with忍受,容忍   同义词:tolerate bear   I can’t put up with their smoking any longer.   我再也无法忍受他们抽烟了。   又答道:“我们不是想出名。”   They answer again, "We don't care for fame."??「不是想出名」按「不爱名誉」之意译作don't care for fame。其中,care for表示「爱、喜爱」,也可用care about。care about比care for多一层「关心、在乎」的意思。   最后只有叹道:“好吧!既不为名也不为利,可别怪大家没提醒你,这工作可得小心经营,The questioner concludes with a sigh, “OK, so you seek neither fame nor wealth. But mind you, you have to be very careful in doing this job.   「既不为名也不为利」译作seek neither fame nor wealth,学习neither…nor…的用法。   「可别怪大家没提醒你们」不必直译,现按「请注意」或「请听着」译为mind you,既简易达意,又口语化,强调作者想表达的观点。   起桥最要紧的是两端根基扎得实,   A solid foundation must be laid at each end of the bridge.   「最要紧的」当然可以译作what’s most important/the most important thing is…。参考译文直接以must译出「必要性、首要性」,更加简洁。   起石桥得一块块石头砌;起木桥得一块块木头搭,A stone bridge is built with block after block of stone. A wooden bridge is built with piece after piece of wood.   注意量词与其所修饰词的搭配,一块石头a block of、一块木头a piece of wood。   block after block、piece after piece中的after表示「逐一」。   例句   There were scenes of unbelievable destruction. Block after block where only foundations were visible.   令人难以置信的破坏场景。一个接一个街区只有基础设施还存在。   哪怕是座绳桥也马虎不得,须一根根绳子打结,不然人一上桥就摔下深涧,怎么还到得了对岸?”   Even the building of a rope bridge requires great care. Each rope has to be tied tightly lest the foot passengers should fall into the ravine, to say nothing of reaching the opposite side."??lest the foot passengers should fall into the ravine:   补充   lest, in case, for fear that「以防,万一,唯恐」引导目的状语从句常用虚拟语气,谓语动词用「should+动词原形」。lest, for fear that从句中的should可以省去,in case从句中的should通常不省略,但是in case引导的从句也可用陈述语气。   例句   He took the raincoat with him lest it (should) rain.   他带上了雨衣,以防下雨。   I obeyed her for fear that she (should) be angry.   我得顺着她,免得她生气。   In case he comes, let me know.   万一他来了,告诉我一声。   更不用说to say nothing of   例句   It was too expensive, to say nothing of the time it wasted.   这太贵了,更不用说它浪费的时间了。   补充   其他「更不用说」的表达:   ①由于他们一声不响,默默无闻,就很少为人所知,(更不)受重视。   As to those engrossed in “laying eggs”, because they are reserved and content to live in obscurity they gain little public attention, let alone recognition.   ②它的宽大的叶子也是片片向上,几乎没有斜生的,(更不用说)倒垂了;Their leaves are broad and point upwards with very few slanting sideways, much less upside down.   ③他会说德语和法语,(更不用说)英语了。   He can speak German and French, not to speak of English.   ④老人、小孩都不赞成这个建议,更不用说年轻人了。   Old folks and children are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.   ⑤他会说德语和法语,(更不用说)英语了。   He can speak German and French, not to speak of English.   桥还是建了,一座座、一条条。   Bridges are being built one after another.   「一座座」「一条条」所表达的意思相同,译出一处即可,现译为one after another(一个接一个地,陆续地,络绎不绝地)。   补充   多数情况下,one by one可与one after another替换。不过one by one通常强调的是一次一个,而one after another则强调连续性。   知识在传递,文化在交流。可是有谁想起建桥人?   Knowledge spreads and cultures interflow. But who thinks of the bridge builders?   builder:-er后缀加在某些词之后构成名词表示「做…工作的人」「从事…职业的人」。例如:miner矿工。   必背词汇   landscape n.陆上风景,自然景色   英义   The landscape is everything you can see when you look across an area of land, including hills, rivers, buildings, trees, and plants. See usage note at:countryside例句We moved to Northamptonshire and a new landscape of hedges and fields.   我们迁往北安普敦郡,置身于一派树篱和田野的新景致中。   monument cn.纪念碑   英义   A monument is a large structure, usually made of stone, which is built to remind people of an event in history or of a famous person.   例句   A monument to him was erected in St Paul's Cathedral.   在圣保罗大教堂为他修了一座纪念碑。   naively adv.天真地,单纯地   英义   in a naive manner   例句   I naively assumed that I would be paid for the work.   我天真地以为这活儿是有报酬的。   drive un.精力,干劲,冲劲,决心   英义   If you say that someone has drive, you mean they have energy and determination.   例句   John will be best remembered for his drive and enthusiasm.   约翰的魄力和热情最令人难忘。   重点表达   险峻的山谷a valley between steep mountains(中间有)湍急的溪流with a rapid stream (flowing through it)别发展出一套不同的习俗风尚以及语言文化来have developed two different customs and habits, and two different languages and cultures终于At last自荐做这工作offer themselves for the job有的是干劲are full of drive不怕吃苦are not afraid of hardship日夜不停、夜以继日round the clock   付出的劳力与报酬并不相符you won't be fairly rewarded according to your labour想发财want to get rich耕耘(辛苦劳动)to toil away默默in obscurity最好(不)要做某事had better/best (not)do sth为你们立纪念碑putting up a monument to you不是想出名don't care for fame既不为名也不为利seek neither fame nor wealth请注意、请听着mind you绳桥a rope bridge更不用说to say nothing of一个接一个地;陆续地;络绎不绝地one after another??复盘测试险峻的山谷(中间有)湍急的溪流别发展出一套不同的习俗风尚以及语言文化来终于   自荐做这工作   有的是干劲   不怕吃苦   日夜不停、夜以继日   付出的劳力与报酬并不相符   想发财   耕耘(辛苦劳动)   默默   最好(不)要做某事   为你们立纪念碑   不是想出名   既不为名也不为利   请注意、请听着   绳桥   更不用说   一个接一个地;陆续地;络绎不绝地   表达对比   「一个接一个、一个个」有几种表达?   桥还是建了,(一座座、一条条)。   Bridges are being built one after another.   起石桥得(一块块)石头砌;起木桥得(一块块)木头搭,A stone bridge is built with block after block of stone. A wooden bridge is built with (piece after piece) of wood.   须(一根根)绳子打结,不然人一上桥就摔下深涧,怎么还到得了对岸?”   Each rope has to be tied tightly lest the foot passengers should fall into the ravine, to say nothing of reaching the opposite side."于是我们开始(一个接一个)的提问。   So we started asking questions one by one.   我喜欢——张晓风   I Love … ——Zhang Xiaofeng   背景知识:张晓风(1941- ),原籍江苏铜山,台湾著名女作家。她八岁后赴台,毕业于台湾东吴大学中文系,历任教职。《我喜欢》一文选自她的大量散文著作。文章新颖别致,细腻真切,通过一系列细节的生动描述,充分抒发了「热爱生活」的主题。   「我喜欢」译为I Love...,未译为I Like...,因为love比like语气重,更有分量,等于like very much,切合文章内容。   我喜欢冬天的阳光,在迷茫的晨雾中展开。   I love the winter sun spreading out behind the morning haze.   spreading out behind the morning haze作sun的后置定语。其中,behind是根据实际情况选择的用词:早晨起床,周围雾蒙蒙,能见度是比较低的,故译作behind。   我喜欢那份宁静淡远,我喜欢那没有喧哗的光和热。   I love the pervading calm and peace of the moment as well as the light and warmth quietly brought by the sun.   「我喜欢那份宁静淡远」可按「我喜欢当时遍布的宁静淡远」译为I love the pervading calm and peace of the moment,其中pervading和of the moment都是译文中的增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着。   I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns.   「我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的小径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着」译为 I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns,其中「踏过」译为to saunter,指「漫步走过」;「张结」可按「装饰」「点缀」的意思译为bedecked,用来形容「山径」。「殷勤」意即「热情有礼」,译为 graciously。   我喜欢抬头看树梢尖尖的小芽儿,极嫩的黄绿色里透着一派天真的粉红。   I love to look up at treetops to watch tiny buds with their tender yellowish green tinged with an artless pink.   treetop指树梢,根据它的拼写tree+ top,很容易就能记住释义了。   be tinged with表示「带有一丝」「染上」   例句   The sky was now tinged with the faintest trace of pink.   天空现在呈现的是一种淡淡的粉色。   我喜欢夏日的永昼,   I love the long days of summer.   「永昼」作「漫长的白天」解,译为long days即可。   我喜欢在多风的黄昏独坐在傍山的阳台上。小山谷里稻浪推涌,美好的稻香翻腾着。   I love to sit by myself on a hillside balcony on a windy summer afternoon, watching rice rippling in the valley and sending forth its aroma.   独自、单独(all)by myself   例句   老舍《想北平》   一个人夹在苏州上海杭州,或厦门香港广州的市民中间,浑浑沌沌地过去,只能感到一点点清凉…While muddling along all by myself among the urban dwellers of Suzhou, Shanghai, Xianmen, Hong Kong or Guangzhou, I feel nothing but a little chill in the air…巴金《梦》   然而睁开眼睛,我只是一个人,四周就只有滴滴的雨声。   When I opened my eyes, I found that I was all by myself and nothing was heard except the pit-a-pat of rain drops.   郭沫若《夕暮》   我携着三个孩子在屋后草场中嬉戏着的时候…   While my three kids, accompanied by myself, were frolicking about on the meadow behind our house.   虽然原文将「我喜欢…阳台上」和「小山谷里…翻腾着」以句号分割,但二者是有关联的:我坐在阳台上看风景,故译文以伴随状语watching rice rippling…的形式译出。   慢慢地,绚丽的云霞被浣净了,柔和的晚星一一就位。   When the splendid evening clouds are gone, gentle stars will take their places in the sky one after another.   「绚丽的云霞」译作the splendid evening clouds,其中evening是增译成分,因结合后文「晚星」,故而可以判定此处指晚霞。   take their places:take one’s place表示取代某人的位置,此处their指「晚霞」我喜欢看秋风里满山的芒。在山坡上,在水边上,白得那样凄凉,美而孤独。   I love to watch the pretty but forlorn Chinese silvergrass, of a dreary white, growing against the autumn wind all over the hills — on the slopes, by the waterside.   of a dreary white, growing against the autumn wind all over the hills — on the slopes, by the waterside:补充语包括插入语在内,但不限于插入语。非限制性定语、非限制性同位语、分词作状语等都囊括在补充语的项下。其特征是有逗号与句子隔开,其功能是对句子中的某个词、短语或整个句子做补充解释。补充语本身可以是名词词组、形容词词组,也可以是一个分句。   译文对语句顺序进行调整,将原文的「美而孤独」小分句处理为了前置定语pretty but forlorn。   我也喜欢梦,喜欢梦里奇异的享受。   I love dreams, in which I enjoy seeing strange things.   , in which亦可写作where。   「奇异的享受」按「享受观赏奇异之物」之意译作enjoy seeing strange things。   我总是梦见自己能飞,能跃过山丘和小河。   I always dream of myself flying in the air and jumping over small hillocks and rivers.   梦见dream of (doing) sth。又,译文中的myself 用于强调第一人称单数主语,意思是「我本人,我自己」例句I'll speak to her myself.   我要亲自去跟她说。   我梦见棕色的骏马,发亮的鬈毛在风中飞扬。   I dreamed of a chestnut steed tossing its glossy mane in the wind.   「棕色的马」译为chestnut horses。英语常用chestnut指马的棕色,或棕色的马。   复习   萧红《永远的憧憬和追求》   于是祖父把两匹棕色的马从车上解下来还了回去。   Grandpa unharnessed the two chestnut horses and returned them to tenant.   tossing its glossy mane in the wind作chestnut的后置定语,描述马鬃飞舞的场景。   我梦见荷花海,完全没有边际,远远在炫耀着模糊的香红。   I dreamed of a boundless sea of lotus flowers flaunting their faint fragrance and pink colour from afar.   「完全没有边际」和「远远在炫耀着模糊的香红」均为「荷花海」的定语,根据定语长度,同时考虑到句子结构的平衡,将其分别译作前置定语boundless和伴随状语flaunting their faint fragrance and pink colour from afar。   最难忘记那次梦见在一座紫色的山峦前看日出——它原来必定不是紫色的,只是翠岚映着初升的红日,遂在梦中幻出那样奇特的山景。   The most unforgettable dream I have ever had is about myself watching the sunrise in front of a mountain, which, originally emerald, looked bizarre by taking on a purple colour under the rising sun of the early dawn.   呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点) take on   例句   Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity.   由于以为自己只剩一年的活头,他的文字开始变得激情澎湃。   「初升的红日」即旭日、朝阳,现译作 the rising sun of the early dawn。   在现实生活里,我同样喜欢山。   In real life, I love mountains too.   「同样」译作also、too均可。   我喜欢看一块块平平整整、油油亮亮的秧田。那细小的禾苗密密地排在一起,好像一张多绒的毯子,总是激发我想在上面躺一躺的欲望。   I love level and glossy rice fields with seedlings growing so tightly together that they resemble as many hairy blankets, tempting me to lie down on them.   翻译时不能被中文的句号牵着走,要学会适当合并、分离句子。本文给出了很多例子,此句为其中之一。   …growing so tightly together that they resemble as many hairy blankets中含so…that…结构。又,其中的as many表示「毯子数量和秧田一样多(即每块秧田都像一张毯子)」。   冰心《雨雪时候的星辰》   真的,雪花隙里,看不出天空和森林的界限,将繁灯当作繁星,简直是抵得过。   With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars.   此处as many中的as和pass for不连在一起看,而是意同繁灯中的「繁numerous」我还喜欢花,不管是哪一种,I love flowers of all kinds.   「喜欢花,不管是哪一种」即「喜欢所有种类的花」,故译作love flowers of all kinds。   我喜欢清瘦的秋菊,浓郁的玫瑰,孤洁的百合,以及幽闲的素馨。   I love slender chrysanthemums, exuberant roses, untarnished lilies and leisurely jasmine.   「素馨」即「茉莉花」,译为jasmine。   我也喜欢开在深山里不知名的小野花。   I also love unknown little wild flowers tucked away in remote mountains.   tucked away in remote mountains是flowers的后置定语。其中,be tuck away指「坐落在,位于(僻静的地方)」,可引申理解为「藏在…」,符合此处「深山」的语境。   我十分相信上帝在造万花的时候,赋给它们同样的尊荣。   I quite believe that they have been endowed with equal dignity and honour by the Creator.   天生赋有,生来具有(某种特性、品质等)be endowed with例句She was endowed with intelligence and wit.   她天资聪颖。   the Creator是专有名词,指上帝、造物主。   我喜欢另一种花儿,是绽开在人们笑颊上的。   I love another kind of flower — the smile on a human face.   此处破折号后是同位语,对信息进一步补充说明。   当寒冷的早晨我走在巷子里,对门那位清癯的太太笑着说:“早!”我就忽然觉得世界是这样的亲切,我缩在皮手套里的指头不再感觉发僵。   One freezing morning, when I, walking down an alley, was greeted with a smile and “Good morning!” by a thin lady living in a house opposite to mine, I suddenly felt that the world was so warm and my gloved fingers were no longer numb with cold.   问候、打招呼greet with   例句   Nothing. But friends greet with a kiss on each cheek.   没有什么有趣的。但是朋友之间打招呼会互吻双颊。   opposite to mine= opposite to my house。   be numb with cold是固定搭配,表示「冻僵」,with引导「僵」的原因。   到了车站开始等车的时候,我喜欢看见短发齐耳的中学生。   Once, I was delighted to meet some middle school girls with bobbed hair at a bus station.   bobbed专指女子头发齐短式的,蘑菇头的。   此处「中学生」直接译作了school girls,是因为后文用「她们」来代指「中学生」,故而判定是女中学生。   我喜欢她们美好宽阔又明净的额头,以及活泼清澈的眼神。   I loved to see their beautiful, clean and broad foreheads, and their lively, limpid eyes.   lively, limpid eyes:虽然高中英语老师一直强调and的重要性,但是实际上,在英语中,修饰同一名词的两个形容词之间不用and的情况非常常见。   我喜欢读信。我喜欢弟弟妹妹的信,   I love to read letters. I love to hear from my brothers and sisters.   hear from somebody收到某人的来信/邮件/电话等例句I look forward to hearing from you.   期待收到你的来信。   那些幼稚纯朴的句子,总使我在泪光中重新看见南方那燃遍凤凰花的小城。   Their naive and simple sentences make me recall tearfully my old home in the south — a small town aflame with the red flowers of flame trees.   「燃遍凤凰花的小城」意即「小城的凤凰花红似火」,译为a small town aflame with the red flowers of flame trees,其中 aflame with 「火一般红」解。「凤凰花」指「凤凰木(又称火树)的大红花」,多见于我国南方。译文也可简化为a small town bright with red flowers,但稍欠忠实。   最不能忘记那年夏天,他从最高的山上为我寄来一片蕨类植物的叶子。在那样酷暑的气候中,我忽然感到甜蜜而又沁人的清凉。   I’ll never forget how one summer a tree leaf sent by my husband from a remote high mountain made me feel at once happy and refreshed on the sultry day.   「他」指作者的丈夫,故译my husband。   sent by my husband from a remote high mountain是leaf的后置定语。   立刻、马上at once   例句   Come here at once!   马上到这里来!   我特别喜爱读者的来信。   I love, in particular, letters from my readers.   in particular作插入语。   每次捧读这些信件,总让我觉得一种特殊的激动。   It always gives me extraordinary thrill to read their letters.   it是形式主语,不定式是真正主语。   在这世上,也许有人已透过我看见一些东西。   I may have wised up some people to something in this world.   「在这世上,也许有人已透过我看见一些东西」译为I may have wised up some people to something in this world,其中to wise up是成语,作「点拨」「使了解」等解。此句也可译为 Maybe, thanks to me, some people have come to realize something in this world。   我还喜欢看书,特别是在夜晩。   I also love reading books, especially at night.   especially…   (季羡林《文学批评无用论》   一切文学作品,特别是像《红楼梦》这样伟大的作品,内容异常地丰富…All literary works, especially a monumental one like A Dream of Red Mansions, are extremely rich in content …??关于此处「especially…」,其不是同位语,也不是并列句的省略,传统语法会认为这是插入语,是对前面说的话中的某个词、短语或句子的补充解释;现代语法则把这种对某个词、短语或句子作解释补充的成分,称为补充语(supplement)。   在书籍里面,我不能自抑地要喜爱那些泛黄的线装书,握着它就觉得握着一脉优美的传统,那涩黯的纸面蕴含着一种古典的美。   I cherish a deep love for thread-bound Chinese books yellowed with age. They show me our most brilliant traditions as well as a kind of classical beauty.   「泛黄的线装书」译为thread-bound Chinese books yellowed with age,其中「泛黄」译为yellowed with age,意即「日久变黄」??根据句子后半部分的描述:「优美的传统」「古典的美」,我们很容易便能判断此处「线装书」属Chinese books。   历史的兴亡、人物的迭代本是这样虚幻,惟有书中的智慧永远长存。   While the rise and fall of a nation and the vicissitudes of life are all vanity, the wisdom contained in books is everlasting.   「历史的兴亡」按「朝代更迭」之意译作   休戚与共   rise and fall together the rise and fall of a nation??「虚幻」可按「空虚」之意译为all vanity。   我喜欢朋友,喜欢在出其不意的时候去拜访他们,尤其喜欢在雨中去叩湿湿的大门。   I love to have friends. I love to pay them a surprise visit. I love to knock at a friend's wet door on a rainy day.   「在出其不意的时候去拜访他们」译作一个动宾短语pay them a surprise visit。   我们第一次见pay a visit的表达是在郭沫若的《墓》中我今朝回想起来,又一人走来凭吊。   This morning, recalling the grave, I went to pay a visit to it.   「凭吊」在此作「探望」解,译to pay a visit to即可,不必译为to pay homage to或to pay respects to等。   当她连跑带跳地来迎接我,雨云后的阳光就似乎忽然炽燃起来。   When he or she comes out hurriedly to meet me, I feel as if the rain had suddenly stopped and the sun were shining bright.   虽然原文是「她」,但译作he or she泛指朋友更为贴切。   我也喜欢坐在窗前等他回家。   I also love to sit by a window to wait for my husband to come back.   sit by a window   Q: near, by, beside, at都是表达「近处、旁边」,它们有什么不同?   near翻译为「在附近」,实际距离不一定近   例句   A new hospital is being built near our school.   我们学校附近正在兴建一家医院。   beside和by翻译为「在……附近」,实际距离就比较近了,但是略有差别。beside尤指「在……旁边」「在……身边」,一种触手可及的近。   例句   The boy was sitting beside his father.   男孩坐在他父亲旁边。   例句   I planted a tree by the river.   我在河边种了一棵树。   at则表达:有目的地 靠近一个精确的地点。   例句   I’m sitting at the desk reading books.   我正坐在桌边读书。   虽然走过我家门的行人那样多,我总能分辨出他的足音。   I can always distinguish his footfall among those of many pedestrians before our home.   积累词汇:distinguish指能将某事某物区分、辨别出来。   例句   Can you distinguish between butter and margarine?   你能区别黄油和人造黄油吗?   如果有一个脚步声,一入巷子就开始跑,而且听起来是沉重急速的大阔步,那就准是他回来了!   On hearing someone who quickens his steps the moment he enters the lane and walks with heavy rapid strides, I'm sure it's my husband.   「如果有一个脚步声」译作On hearing someone who…,可理解为时间状语或条件状语。   我喜欢他把钥匙放进门锁的声音,我喜欢听他一进门就喘着气喊我的名字。   I love to hear him turning his key in the lock. I love to hear him calling out my name gaspingly as soon as he steps across our threshold.   「他一进门」译为as soon as he steps across our threshold,其中用our threshold代表our home。此句也可译为the moment he enters our home。   我喜欢松散而闲适的生活,我不喜欢精密地分配时间,不喜欢紧张地安排节目。   I love to live a relaxed and leisurely life. I don't like a tight schedule. I don't like an elaborately arranged program.   (过)松散而闲适的生活live a relaxed and leisurely life。live a… life指过一种…(的)生活,例如:生活节俭live a frugal life。   我喜欢许多不实用的东西,我喜欢旧东西,喜欢翻旧相片。我喜欢美丽的小装饰品,像耳环、项链和胸针。   I love many objects of no practical use. I love to leaf through an old photo album. I love small ornaments like ear-rings, necklaces and brooches.   of no practical use:of+抽象名词=形容词。   根据译者个人理解,把「我喜欢旧东西」一句省译。如译出也是完全可以的,可以处理成与后文一致的love…like…结构。又,翻阅、浏览leaf through sth。   例句   Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.   大多数病人都很喜欢翻看旧相册。   我喜欢充足的沉思时间。我喜欢晚饭后坐在客厅里的时分。   I love to have enough time for meditation. I love to enjoy myself sitting in the drawing room after supper.   enjoy后可加任何反身代词。根据情况需要来。enjoy yourself「玩的愉快,高兴」你在别人家吃饭时,主人就可以对你说这句话。以及,你在某地过的很高兴时,可以说I have a good time doing,也可说I enjoy myself doing。   客厅the drawing room   the waiting room of XX station候车厅。   the changing room更衣室   the fitting room试衣间   the dining room餐厅   the guest room客厅   我喜欢听一些协奏曲。一面捧着细瓷的小茶壶暖手。   I love to listen to a concerto while holding a small fine-china teapot to warm my hands.   「一面」说明有两件事在同时发生,选用while一词即可。   fine-china细瓷。china指瓷器,China指中国。   当此之时,我就恍惚能够想象一些田园生活的悠闲。   At a moment like this, I seem to taste of the leisureliness of idyllic life.   尝到、感受到 taste of   give you a taste of your own medicine   以其人之道还治其人之身   我也喜欢和他并排骑着自行车,于星期天在黎明的道上一起赴教堂。   I also love to go cycling to church side by side with my husband on an early Sunday morning.   并排,并肩地side by side   例句   There were two children ahead, walking side by side.   前面有两个孩子肩并肩走着。   朝阳的金波向两旁溅开,我遂觉得那不是一辆脚踏车,而是一艘乘风破浪的飞艇在滑行。   Riding against the sun's golden rays, I feel as if I were gliding along not on a bike, but in a motorboat, braving the wind and waves.   Riding against the sun's golden rays可理解为原因状语或时间状语。   乘风破浪brave the wind and waves。其中,brave作动词,指「通常为达到某目标勇敢面对」。   综艺节目《乘风破浪的姐姐》用英语怎么说?此处给出外媒提到的两个版本供大家参考,其一是Sisters Who Brave Winds and Waves,其二是Sisters Who Makes Waves。   我喜欢活着,而且深深地喜欢能在我心里充满着这样多的喜欢!   I love life. And I'm very glad that my heart is overflowing with so much happiness.   「我喜欢活着」可按「我热爱生活」译为I love life。   充满be overflowing with   例句   If you do not listen, I will weep in secret because of your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly, overflowing with tears, because the Lord's flock will be taken captive.   你们若不听这话,我必因你们的骄傲在暗地哭泣,我必痛哭流泪,因为耶和华的群众被掳去了。   必背词汇   haze n.阴霾,雾霭   英义   Haze is light mist, caused by particles of water or dust in the air, which prevents you from seeing distant objects clearly. Haze often forms in hot weather.   例句   The sun smouldered through a thin summer haze.   太阳透过夏日的薄雾散发着苍白无力的光。   pervade v.贯穿,弥漫,渗透   英义   If something pervades a place or thing, it is a noticeable feature throughout it.   例句   The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory.   工厂里弥漫着锯屑和胶水的气味。   gracious adj.当权者彬彬有礼的,宽厚的   英义   If you describe the behaviour of someone in a position of authority as gracious, you mean that they behave in a polite and considerate way.   例句   She closed with a gracious speech of thanks.   她最后彬彬有礼地致谢,结束了讲话。   bedeck v.装饰,装点   英义   If flags or other ornaments bedeck a place, a lot of them have been hung up to decorate it.   例句   The streets are bedecked with red banners.   街上红旗招展。   treetop cn.树梢   英义   The treetops are the top branches of the trees in a wood or forest.   例句   All they heard was the wind whispering through the treetops.   他们听到的只有风吹过树梢的飒飒声。   artless adj.单纯的,诚实的,不耍手段的英义Someone who is artless is simple and honest, and does not think of deceiving other people.   例句   She was curiously artless.   她单纯得令人难以置信。   重点表达   在迷茫的晨雾中展开spreading out behind the morning haze宁静淡远the calm and peace极嫩的黄绿色tender yellowish green在多风的黄昏on a windy summer afternoon独坐在傍山的阳台上sit by myself on a hillside balcony美而孤独pretty but forlorn秋风the autumn wind跃过山丘和小河jumping over small hillocks and rivers棕色的马chestnut horses山峦前看日出watching the sunrise in front of a mountain呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点) take on初升的红日the rising sun of the early dawn在现实生活里In real life一块块平平整整、油油亮亮的秧田level and glossy rice fields with seedlings多绒的毯子hairy blankets清瘦的秋菊slender chrysanthemums浓郁的玫瑰exuberant roses孤洁的百合untarnished lilies幽闲的素馨leisurely jasmine   开在深山里不知名的小野花unknown little wild flowers tucked away in remote mountains天生赋有,生来具有(某种特性、品质等)be endowed with上帝、造物主the Creator寒冷的早晨One freezing morning冻僵be numb with cold收到某人的来信/邮件/电话等hear from somebody立刻、马上at once点拨、使了解to wise up泛黄的线装书thread-bound books yellowed with age在出其不意的时候去拜访他们pay them a surprise visit(过)松散而闲适的生活live a relaxed and leisurely life翻阅、浏览leaf through sth客厅the drawing room当此之时At a moment like this田园生活的悠闲the leisureliness of idyllic life并排;并肩地side by side乘风破浪brave the wind and waves复盘测试在迷茫的晨雾中展开宁静淡远   极嫩的黄绿色   在多风的黄昏   独坐在傍山的阳台上   美而孤独   秋风   跃过山丘和小河   棕色的马   山峦前看日出   呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点)   初升的红日   在现实生活里   一块块平平整整、油油亮亮的秧田   多绒的毯子   清瘦的秋菊   浓郁的玫瑰   孤洁的百合   幽闲的素馨   开在深山里不知名的小野花   天生赋有,生来具有(某种特性、品质等)   上帝、造物主   寒冷的早晨   冻僵   收到某人的来信/邮件/电话等   立刻、马上   点拨、使了解   泛黄的线装书   在出其不意的时候去拜访他们   (过)松散而闲适的生活   翻阅、浏览   客厅   当此之时   田园生活的悠闲   并排;并肩地   乘风破浪   重点表达   「点缀、缀有」有几种表达?   I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns.   我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着。   The starry sky is their auditorium.   繁星点缀的天空,就是他们演奏的大礼堂。   Garnish with a sprig of mint, and enjoy.   用薄荷点缀,尽情享用吧。   Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots .   地球上散落分布着100多个互不相连的小火山活动区,被地质学家称为热点。   高处何处有   赠给毕业同学 ——张晓风   For the Mountaintop   —To Students of the Graduating Class ——Zhang Xiaofeng??背景知识:《高处何处有》是台湾著名女作家张晓风写的一篇「英雄赞」。文章虽短,但含义深远,耐人寻味。作者用一个小故事,描述这样一件事:面对一个崇高目标,有的人原地不动,徘徊不前,有的人不堪艰险,半途而返,一个真正的英雄却坚持到底,终于登上高峰。他不仅有向上进取的精神,特立独行,还有高瞻远瞩的胸襟,心境开阔,念及茫茫宇宙和「千古英雄」而深感自己很「渺小」??题目《高处何处有》未直译为Where to Find the Mountaintop,现按「攀登高峰」之意译为For the Mountaintop。   很久很久以前,在一个很远很远的地方,一位老酋长正病危。   Long, long ago, in a very, very faraway place, a tribal chief found himself terminally ill.   部落tribe→酋长tribal chief。   「正病危」译作found himself terminally ill,其中terminally是副词,其形容词形式terminal我们都很熟悉,指「最终的」,此处指「临终、晚期」例句a hospice for the terminally ill临终病人安养所a terminally ill woman一个病入膏肓的女人乍一看一个单词有十来种释义,其实它的不同释义间多多少少是有联系的,抓住核心意思,算下来也就几种他找来村中最优秀的三个年轻人对他们说:“这是我要离开你们的时候了,我要你们为我做最后一件事。   He summoned three most promising young villagers to his bedside and said, “As I'm leaving you soon, I hope you can do one thing more for me.   「他找来村中最优秀的三个年轻人对他们说……」译为He summoned three most promising young villagers to his bedside and said...,其中把「村中最优秀的三个年轻人」译为three most promising young villagers,比three most promising young men of the village简练。又,to his bedside是译文中的添加词,原文虽无其词而有其意。此句也可译为He called together three most promising young villagers to hear his last words ...   「为我做最后一件事」可直译为to do the last thing for me,但the last thing也可理解为「最不愿意干的事」,有歧义,故译to do one thing more for me或to do one more thing for me。其中,one more表示「再一个」你们三个都是身强体壮而又智慧过人的好孩子,现在,请你们尽其可能的去攀登那座我们一向奉为神圣的大山。   Young men, you three are all unusually strong and resourceful, so I’d like you to strive to climb that high mountain which we've always been worshipping as a sacred place.   unusually有两个含义,一是指「异常地」,二是指「出奇地、不寻常地」,本句中取第二种释义。又,「你们是…的孩子」无需字字对应译出「孩子」一词。   「尽其可能的」未译作as much as possible,而是处理为strive to(竭力、尽力做)结构,将含义蕴含其中。   你们要尽其可能爬到最高的、最凌越的地方,然后,折回头来告诉我你们的见闻。”   Now do your best to reach the topmost and most forbidding part of it and then turn back to tell me about your findings.”   「最凌越的」意即「最难通过的」「最险恶的」,故译为most forbidding。   「见闻」译成what you have seen and heard不算错,但表意不如findings广泛,整体上也不够简洁。   三天后,第一个年轻人回来了,他笑容满面,衣履光鲜:“酋长,我到达山顶了,我看到繁花夹道,流泉淙淙,鸟鸣嘤嘤,那地方真不坏啊。”   Three days later, the first young man returned smartly dressed and said with smiling face, “Lord, I've been to the mountaintop where I saw flowers of all sorts lining both sides of a path, babbling spring water and singing birds. That's a real nice place."??「酋长」未直译为tribal chief,改用Lord,因过去英语中常用它直接尊称拥有权势者或统治者。   「繁花夹道,流泉淙淙,鸟鸣嘤嘤」译为flowers of all sorts lining both sides of a path, babbling spring water and singing birds,将「夹道」「淙淙」「嘤嘤」均处理为了定语,其中,考虑到lining both sides of a path长度略长,故译为后置定语。   「那地方真不坏啊」译作That's a real nice place,运用了反话正译的手法。   Three days later   later 与 after 最大的区别应该是:after 可以做连词,引导时间状语从句,而 later 只是个副词。   (1) 时间段 + later:常用于过去,表示「稍后、......之后」A few minutes later, the boss came in with my bag.   几分钟之后,老板拿着我的包进来了。   later 也可以单独用,表示「从现在开始的以后」I will tell you later. 我以后会告诉你的。   (2)after+时间点、时间段都可以, 多用于过去After 2 o'clock, they started to climb.   两点过后,他们开始攀登。   After so many years in the US, he has changed a lot.   在美国生活多年之后,他变了很多。   You mustn't come home after 10:30.   (3)after 可以引导从句,later 不能。   After she had mixed flour with water, the children came home.   她用水和好面之后,孩子们回来了。   老酋长笑笑说:“孩子,那条路我当年也走过,你说的鸟语花香的地方不是山顶,而是山麓。你回去吧。”   The old tribal chief replied smilingly, “Son, I've been there before. The place with singing birds and fragrant flowers, as you mentioned, is not the mountaintop. It's the foot of the mountain. Now you can leave.”   「孩子」可译为young man,今译Son,因英语中年长者常用它称呼男孩或年轻男子。   「山麓」指的是山坡和周围平地相接的部分,即「山脚」,现译为the foot of the mountain。   一周以后,第二个年轻人也回来了。他神情疲倦,满脸风霜:   A week later, the second young man also returned. He looked terribly weary and his face was weather-beaten.   weather-beaten 专指(人的皮肤、或物体)经风吹日晒的,饱经风霜的。   例句   They would look out through the cracks of their weather-beaten door.   他们会透过那扇经受风吹日晒的老木门的缝隙向外张望。   “酋长,我到达山顶了。我看到高大肃穆的松树林。我看到秃鹰盘旋,那是一个好地方。”   “Lord, I've been to the mountaintop where I saw groves of tall, solemn pine trees and vultures circling in the air. That's a real nice place.”   「我看到…」其实就是「我(在山顶)看到…」,译文用where引导的定从将原文略显琐碎的句子衔接在了一起。   circling in the air是vultures的后置定语。   “可惜呀!孩子,那不是山顶,那是山腰。不过,也难为你了,你回去吧。”   “What a pity!” said the tribal chief. “Son, you've been halfway up the mountain rather than to its summit. But you had a real tough time. Now you can leave.”   「那不是山顶,那是山腰」译为you've been halfway up the mountain rather than to its summit,其中summit表示「顶端」,我们在说xx领导人峰会时,也用这个词,说xx Summit,又,rather than前后的结构应该一致,即halfway up the mountain对应to its summit,up为介词与介词to对应。   halfway up表示「半途、中途」   例句   He was halfway up the ladder.   他梯子上到了一半。   The climbers made camp halfway up the peak.   登山者在半山腰设置营地。   There is the bird, sitting on a twig halfway up the tree.   鸟儿在那里,栖息在树中段的一根细枝上。   「不过,也真难为你了」可译为But you had a real tough time或But you really had a hard time、But you were really hard put to it等。   一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危担心,他却一步一蹭,衣不蔽体地回来了。   A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man. However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rags.   如约赶到、出现、露面show up   例句   It was getting late when she finally showed up.   天色已晚,她终于赶到了。   hobbling along in rags作伴随状语。in rags表示「衣衫褴褛、衣服破破烂烂」他发枯唇燥,只剩下清炯的眼神:   His hair was off-coloured and his lips parched, but his eyes were clear and bright.   「发枯」可按「头发变了色」译为His hair was off-coloured。   “酋长,我终于到达山顶。但是,我该怎么说呢?那里只有高风悲旋,蓝天四垂。”   “Lord, I succeeded in reaching the summit. Well, what shall I say to you about it? There was nothing there but the wailing highland wind and the blue sky hanging over the land.”   「蓝天四垂」可按「蓝天笼罩大地」译为the blue sky hanging over the land,hanging over the land是sky的后置定语。   “你难道在那里一无所见吗?难道连蝴蝶也没有一只吗?”   “So you saw nothing at all? Not even a butterfly?”   否定意义的词+at all:一点也没、丝毫无。   老舍《想北平》   堪司坦丁堡根本没有去过。   I have never visited Constantinople at all。   “是的,酋长,高处一无所有。你所能看到的,只有你自己,只有‘个人’被放在天地间的渺小感,只有想起千古英雄的悲激心情。”   “No, lord, nothing. All you can see is yourself. You feel how insignificant you are in this infinite universe and how sorrowful and agitated you are at the thought of heroes through the ages.”   「渺小感」以insignificant一词译出,强调「个人」的「微不足道」??「千古英雄」可按「历代英雄们」译为heroes through the ages或heroes in history。   想到…at the thought of   “孩子,你到的是真的山顶。按照我们的传统,无疑要立你做新酋长,祝福你。”   “Son, you've reached the real mountaintop. According to our tradition, you'll undoubtedly be made our new tribal chief. My best wishes to you.”   「无疑要立你做新酋长」可译作you'll undoubtedly be made our new tribal chief,也可选择补充出主语I。   表示祝福,可以用Best wishes to…。在会议致辞和书信中常见。   例句   Congratulations and best wishes to you on this special day.   在这个特别的日子里,恭喜您,也祝福您。   Best wishes to your young man. Love from your mother.   代我问候那个年轻人。爱你的妈妈。   真英雄何所遇?他遇到的是全身的伤痕,是孤单的长途,以及愈来愈真切的渺小感。   What makes a real hero? A real hero has cuts and bruises all over his body, he is all alone on a long journey and he feels with increasing sincerity how small he is.   「真英雄何所遇?」可按「怎样才算是真英雄?」译为What makes a real hero?   伤痕cuts and bruises   全身、浑身all over his body   「他遇到的是…」按「他+他发出的动作」结构译成了三个并列句,将「到达山顶」的遭遇按顺序列出,清晰明了。   表示比较级含义,除去「比较级结构」,还可以考虑increasing、declining等词。   必背词汇   faraway adj.远的,遥远的,远方的   英义   A faraway place is a long distance from you or from a particular place.   例句   They have just returned from faraway places with wonderful stories to tell.   他们刚从遥远的地方回来,有很多精彩的故事要讲。   tribal adj.部落的,部族的   英义   Tribal is used to describe things relating to or belonging to tribes and the way that they are organized.   例句   They would go back to their tribal lands.   他们会回到自己部族的地盘上。   terminal adj.(疾病)致命的,不治的,晚期的英义A terminal illness or disease causes death, often slowly, and cannot be cured.   例句   The patient is terminally ill.   那个病人患了不治之症。   summon v.召唤,传唤,召见   英义   If you summon someone, you order them to come to you.   例句   Howe summoned a doctor and hurried over.   豪叫了医生,然后匆忙赶了过来。   bedside n.某人的病床边   英义   If you talk about being at someone's bedside, you are talking about being near them when they are ill in bed.   例句   She was called to her brother's bedside.   她被叫到了哥哥的病榻前。   resourceful adj.足智多谋的,机智的,办法多的英义Someone who is resourceful is good at finding ways of dealing with problems.   例句   He was amazingly inventive and resourceful, and played a major role in my career.   他极具创造力,而且足智多谋,在我的职业生涯中起到了重要的作用。   重点表达   老酋长a tribal chief   村中最优秀的三个年轻人three most promising young villagers我看到繁花夹道,流泉淙淙,鸟鸣嘤嘤I saw flowers of all sorts lining both sides of a path, babbling spring water and singing birds.   山顶mountaintop   山麓the foot of the mountain   神情疲倦(He) looked terribly weary   满脸风霜his face was weather-beaten   秃鹰盘旋vultures circling in the air   如约赶到、出现、露面show up   衣衫褴褛in rags   蓝天四垂the blue sky hanging over the land千古英雄heroes through the ages或heroes in history想到…at the thought of真英雄何所遇?What makes a real hero?   复盘测试   老酋长   村中最优秀的三个年轻人   我看到繁花夹道,流泉淙淙,鸟鸣嘤嘤   山顶   山麓   神情疲倦   满脸风霜   秃鹰盘旋   如约赶到、出现、露面   衣衫褴褛   蓝天四垂   千古英雄   想到…   真英雄何所遇?   表达对比   「尽其可能地、竭力」有几种表达?   你们三个都是身强体壮而又智慧过人的好孩子,现在,请你们(尽其可能的)去攀登那座我们一向奉为神圣的大山。   Young men, you three are all unusually strong and resourceful, so I’d like you to strive to climb that high mountain which we've always been worshipping as a sacred place.   你们要(尽其可能)爬到最高的、最凌越的地方,然后,折回头来告诉我你们的见闻。”   Now do your best to reach the topmost and most forbidding part of it and then turn back to tell me about your findings.”   他(竭力)想在游戏中获胜。   He exerted himself to win the game.   但是共和党人(一直在竭力)解决这个问题。   But Republicans have really been struggling with this.   这是为了(竭力)阻止病毒的传播…   A drastic effort to contain the spreading and deadly coronavirus…富人区 ——冯骥才The Wealthy Quarter ——Feng Jicai背景知识:杂文《富人区》的作者冯骥才(1942- ),浙江宁波人,生于天津,是中国当代著名作家和画家。文章寥寥数语,勾画出面对现实生活的三种不同心态,褒贬得宜,抨击时弊,寓意深刻。   「富人区」可译为 wealthy quarter、affluent quarter、rich quarter等。   在洛杉矶,一位美国朋友开车带我去看富人区。   In Los Angeles, an American friend of mine drove me to an affluent quarter for a visit.   开车带我去 drove me to…。drove原形为drive,本身就具有「驾车送人」的含义。   富人区就是有钱人的聚居地。   It was a place inhabited by the rich.   it指代上句提到的an affluent quarter。英文善用代词,中文则相反。   the rich:the+ adj表示一类人。   美国人最爱陪客人看富人区,好似观光。   Americans like to take their guests to see it as if on a sightseeing tour.   like 后面接不定式和动名词都有,下面几点该注意:   ①说一时的爱好只可用不定式,不可用动名词,如 He would like to dance with us tonight 里的 to dance 不可改作 dancing,I should like to see him at once 里的 to see 不可改作 seeing。   ②说经常的爱好用不定式或动名词都可以,如 He likes to dance 和 He likes dancing。   ③说经常的爱好,对于简单的动作或情况用动名词比用不定式普通,如 He likes dancing 比 He likes to dance 普通,She likes being read to 比 She likes to be read to 普通。但对于复杂些的事,用不定式比用动名词普通,如 He likes to see his children at play 比 He likes seeing his children at play 普通,He likes to work far into the night 比 He likes working far into the night 普通。   as if on a sightseeing tour   as if引导的从句是「主语+系动词」结构,可省略主语和系动词,只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。   例句   She looks as if she were ten years younger.   她看起来好像年轻了十岁。同理,此句就相当于…as if they were on a sightseeing tour。   到那儿一瞧,千姿万态的房子和庭院,优雅、宁静、舒适,真如人间天堂。   Standing before me were houses and courtyards of a great variety of shapes, looking elegant, quiet and comfortable like in an earthly paradise.   Standing before me were houses…:英语中,有些倒装是出于语法上的需要,非用倒装语序不可,具有强制性;有些则是为了达到某种修辞效果,如强调、平衡、衔接等。   「人间天堂」可译为earthly paradise或paradise on earth。   我忽然有个问题问他:“你们看到富人住在这么漂亮的房子里,会不会嫉妒?”   I suddenly put this question to him, “Don't you feel jealous of guys living in beautiful houses like these?”   向某人提问 put a question to sb   嫉妒某人be/feel jealous of sb   jealous和envy   这里只从「褒贬色彩」的角度简单说下。envy相当于中文的「羡慕」「钦羡」,通常是一种良好的心态;jealous则有时是良好的「羡慕」「钦羡」,有时则相当于中文的「妒忌」,此时就是一种不好的心态。   living in beautiful houses是guys的后置定语。   Don’t you…表示反问的语气。   我这美国朋友惊讶地看着我,说:“嫉妒他们?为什么?他们能住在这里,说明他遇上了一个好机会。如果将来我也遇到好机会,我会比他们做得还好!”   He looked at me in astonishment and said, “Jealous? Why? They live here because they've met with a good opportunity. If I should also find a good opportunity in the future, I can do even better."??「遇上了一个好机会」译作have met with a good opportunity。其中,meet with表示「遭遇(某事)、受到某种对待」。比如,我们可以说to meet with success/failure成功/失败。   If I should also find a good opportunityshould可以用在if从句中表示此事发生的可能性不很大。   例句   If you should run into Peter, tell him he owes me a letter.   你万一碰到彼得,告诉他,他还欠了我一封信呢。   If complications should arise, they will almost always occur within the first week following the biopsy.   万一出现并发症,那几乎总是在活检后第一个星期内发生。这个should往往可以提前到主语之前,同时省略掉if。   Should you have an accident, synthetic quilts are quite easy to wash.   万一尿了床,化纤被子是很容易洗的。   Tortoises are able to withdraw their head and limbs should danger threaten.   乌龟一遇到危险,能够把头和腿缩进去。这个作用,是should特有的。   这便是标准的“老美”式的回答。   The answer he gave was typical of Americans.   「这便是标准的‘老美’式的回答」可按「这便是美国人的典型回答」译为The answer he gave was typical of Americans或The answer he gave was typically American、He answered in a typically American way。   他们很看重机会。   Americans set great store by an opportunity.   十分看重、重视…set/put (great) store by sth例句She sets great store by her appearance.   她十分看重自己的外貌。   后来在日本,一位日本朋友说他要陪我看看不远的一处富人区。   Later, when I was in Japan, a Japanese friend of mine said he would take me to a nearby wealthy quarter and show me around.   「不远的一处富人区」即「附近的一处富人区」,译作a nearby wealthy quarter即可。   领(某人)参观;带(某人)巡视show sb around/round (sth)例句Has anyone shown you round yet?   有没有人带你四处走走?   原来日本人也有这种爱好。   So, Japanese and Americans shared the same inclination to visit a wealthy quarter.   「原来日本人也有这种爱好」可译So, Japanese and Americans shared the same inclination to visit a wealthy quarter或So, Japanese were also fond of visiting a wealthy quarter。   日本富人区,小巧、幽静、精致,每座房子都像一个首饰盒,也挺美。   Japanese houses were small, quiet and exquisite, and each was like a beautiful jewellery box.   「每座房子都像一个首饰盒,也挺美」可译为each was like a beautiful jewellery box或 each was as beautiful as a jewellery box、each could be compared to a beautiful jewellery box。   我又想到上次问过美国人的那个问题,便问日本朋友:“你们看到富人们住着这么漂亮的房子,会嫉妒吗?”   I put to him the same question as I had asked the American, “Are you jealous of the rich people living in these beautiful houses?”   I put to him the same question as I had asked the American中as是准关系代词的用法。此时的先决条件是as前必须有先行词(名词)。as作为准关系代词只能用于下列短语:   ①such+ n.+as…   例句   我不喜欢说谎的人。   I don’t like such a man as tells lies.   ②the same +n. +as…   例句   我有一本书,和你昨天买的一样。   I have the same book as you bought yesterday.   ③as +adj.+n.+as…   例句   他是个和约翰一样好的人。   He is as good as John.   这个日本朋友稍稍想了想,摇摇头说:“不会的。”   After pondering for a moment, he shook his head and said, "No, never.”   No是对问句的答复。never则是说话人对信息的强调和补充。   继而他解释道,“如果一个日本人见到别人比自己强,通常会主动接近那个人,和他交朋友,向他学习,把他的长处学到手,再设法超过他。”   Then he explained, “When a Japanese finds somebody superior to himself, he’ll contact him on his own initiative, make friends with him, learn from him, and try to excel him after learning all the strong points from him.”   见到「假如、如果」等字眼,不是只有if这棵独苗苗,还有很多表达可以用,比如when、 with(out)介词短语等等。   主动地on his own initiative   例句   For Titus not only welcomed our appeal, but he is coming to you with much enthusiasm and on his own initiative.   他固然是听了我的劝,但自己更是热心,情愿往你们那里去。   优点 strong points   噢,日本人真厉害。我想。   Ah, the Japanese were a real aggressive sort! I was absorbed in thought.   「噢,日本人真厉害」应理解为「噢,日本人真有进取心」,译为Ah, the Japanese were a real aggressive sort,其中real等于really;aggressive作「积极进取」「有进取心」等解;sort的意思是「某一类人」「某种人」前不久,一位南方朋友来看我,Not long ago, a friend of mine called on me on his arrival from southern China.   (短暂)拜访、探访,看望call on/upon sb   例句   Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts.   索菲娅打算去拜访基茨小姐。   闲谈中说到他们的城市发展得很快,已经出现国外那种“富人区”了。   While chatting together, he told me how, like in foreign countries, wealthy quarters had appeared in his own city in the wake of its fast development.   「(他们的城市)已经出现国外那种“富人区”了」不要一紧张就译成his own city had appeared wealthy quarters,这种译法不对。   随…之后而来、跟随在…后in the wake of   例句   There have been demonstrations on the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.   在近来的轰炸之后,大街上随即出现了示威游行。   我饶有兴趣地打听其中的情形,据说有的院子里还有喷水池,车库,门口还有保安,还养大狼狗。   When I, out of curiosity, demanded to hear more details of them, he mentioned their fountains, garages, security personnel guarding the gates, wolfhounds, etc.   「我饶有兴趣地打听其中的情形」因「饶有兴趣地」在此意同「出于好奇」,故全句译为When I, out of curiosity, demanded to hear more details of them。   out of在不同语境中可以有不同的译法。此处,out of意为「出于」「由于」,后面的名词由具体事物转为某种心态或条件。   例句   out of fear出于害怕   out of habit按照习惯   out of pity出于怜悯心   我无意中再次想到问过美国和日本朋友的那个问题,拿来问他:“有没有人去富人区参观?”   Then I asked him the same question as I had asked my American and Japanese friends, “Do people visit the wealthy quarter?”   注意my American and Japanese friends的friends应用复数形式,指两个朋友。   “有呀,常有人去看。但不能进去,在门口扒一扒头而已。”这位南方朋友说。   “Yes, they often do,” said my friend. “But they can't get into it. They can only watch it from outside the gate.”   from outside the gate:这是介词from的一个特殊用法,就是说,from之后还可以跟一个介词词组。有的语法书称之为双重介词(double preposition)“心理反应怎么样?会不会嫉妒?”   “How do you feel? Aren't you jealous?"   「心理反应怎么样?」按「感觉怎样?」之意译作How do you feel?   “嫉妒?”他眉毛一扬,笑道,“何止嫉妒,恨不得把那小子宰了!”   “Jealous?” he brightened up and said with a smile. "Not only jealous. We're dying to finish off these rich guys.”   积累brighten up在此句语境中的用法。其英义为to start to look happy again(高兴)例句Oh, I know the answer!’ she said, brightening up.   渴望、极想be dying for sth/to do sth   例句   I'm dying to know what happened.   我很想知道发生了什么事儿。   杀死,彻底摧毁、结束、清空finish sb/sth off或finish off sb/sth例句he wanted to finish off my peanuts.   她想把我的花生吃完。   我听了怔住。   I was stunned to hear it.   …时感到震惊be stunned to…   例句   They were stunned to see the former champ get knocked out in the first round.   他们在看到前冠军在第一回合就被淘汰时,都感到非常震惊。   必背词汇   quarter cn.(城镇中某一类人群生活或工作的)区,地区英义A particular quarter of a town is a part of the town where a particular group of people traditionally live or work.   例句   Look for hotels in the French Quarter.   在法国人居住区寻找旅馆。   inhabit v.居住于,栖居在   英义   If a place or region is inhabited by a group of people or a species of animal, those people or animals live there.   例句   The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.   山谷里居住着达尼部落。   courtyard cn.庭院,院子,天井   英义   A courtyard is an open area of ground which is surrounded by buildings or walls.   例句   They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard.   他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。   earthly adj.尘世的,世间的,人世的   英义   Earthly means happening in the material world of our life on earth and not in any spiritual life or life after death.   例句   They lived in an earthly paradise.   他们生活在人间天堂。   重点表达   富人区wealthy quarter、affluent quarter、rich quarter洛杉矶Los Angeles观光on a sightseeing tour人间天堂earthly paradise或paradise on earth向某人提问 put a question to sb遇上了一个好机会have met with a good opportunity这便是标准的“老美”式的回答The answer he gave was typical of Americans.   十分看重、重视…set/put (great) store by sth稍稍想了想pondering for a moment优点 strong points主动地on his own initiative(短暂)拜访、探访,看望call on/upon sb随…之后而来、跟随在…后in the wake of   出于好奇out of curiosity   渴望、极想be dying for sth/to do sth   杀死,彻底摧毁、结束、清空finish sb/sth off或finish off sb/sth…时感到震惊be stunned to…复盘测试富人区洛杉矶观光   人间天堂   向某人提问   遇上了一个好机会   这便是标准的“老美”式的回答。   十分看重、重视…   稍稍想了想   优点   主动地   (短暂)拜访、探访,看望   随…之后而来、跟随在…后   出于好奇   渴望、极想   杀死,彻底摧毁、结束、清空   …时感到震惊   表达对比   「优点」有几种表达?   …把他的(长处)学到手,再设法超过他。   … and try to excel him after learning all the strong points from him.   那是他的(优点)之一。   That's one of the great things about him.   所以这个系统有很多(优点)。   So this system has loads of advantages.   …但是有更多(优点)。   … but with more strengths.   这是你的(优点)之一。   It's one of your best qualities.   不死鸟 ——三毛   The Surviving Bird ——San Mao   背景知识:《不死鸟》的作者三毛本名陈平,女,浙江定海人,1943年生于四川重庆,1949年随父母迁居台湾,1964年入台湾中国文化学院哲学系学习,肄业后游学欧美。1973年她与西班牙男子荷西结婚,婚后到西属撒哈拉沙漠生活,1979年荷西潜水时意外丧生,她随即回台湾定居。1991年她自杀身亡,享年48岁。其作品介于自传性散文与小说之间,描写一个女子在世界各地的所见所闻。本文摘自林非选编《中国当代散文经典》一书(2003年1月出版)。   一年多前,爱书人杂志给我出了一个题目“如果你只有三十天的寿命,你将会做些什么?”   Over a year ago, the Book Enthusiast magazine asked me to write an article in answer to the question, “What would you do suppose you were to live for only 30 more days from now?”   爱书人杂志给我出了一个题目“如果你只有三十天的寿命,你将会做些什么?”也可译为the Book Enthusiast magazine asked me to write an article entitled What Would I Do Suppose I Were to Live for Only 30 More Days from Now?   响应,回答,作为对……的回答 in answer to例句In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.   作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。   我一直没有动笔。   So far I still haven’t set pen to paper.   「我一直没有动笔」译为So far I still haven't set pen to paper或But so far I haven't complied with the request of the magazine。   荷西听我说起这件事情,也曾好奇地问过我,——“你会做些什么呢?”   Hexi, learning of it from me, asked with curiosity, “What would you do?”   Hexi—The author's Spanish husband.   了解、得知learn of   当时,我正在揉面,   I was then kneading dough.   then作副词不止可以表示「然后」,还可以「当时」例句I spent years on the dole trying to get bands together and I never worried about money then.   我多年靠救济金过活,一直在努力组建乐队,那时,我从不为钱发愁。   我举起了沾着白粉的手,温和地摸摸他的头发,慢慢地说:“傻子,我不会死的,因为还得给你做饺子呢!”   Raising my hand caked with white flour to caress his hair with tenderness, I said unhurriedly, “O silly. I’m not going to die. I have to live on to make jiaozi for you!”   Raising my hand caked with white flour to caress his hair with tenderness作伴随状语,其中caked with white flour是hand的后置定语。其中cake熟词僻义,此处为动词,表示「(厚厚一层干后即变硬的软东西)覆盖」,常用搭配是cake sth (in/with sth),常用被动形式,即be caked with。   例句   Her shoes were caked with mud.   她的鞋上粘着污泥。   Jiaozi — Dumplings with meat and vegetable filling.   「因为还得给你做饺子呢!」译为I have to live on to make jiaozi for you,其中to live on是译文中的增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   以后,我们又谈起这份欠着的稿子,我的答案仍是那么的简单而固执——Later when we again mentioned the article I was supposed to write at the request of the magazine, I still took a simple and resolute stand.   「这份欠着的稿子」不宜按字面直译,现译the article I was supposed to write at the request of the magazine。其中at the request指「应…的请求」??stand是名词,表示某种态度或立场。   “我一样的守这个家,有责任的人是没有死亡的权利的。”   “I'll keep watching over the house,” said I, “A person bearing responsibility for a home has no right to die at all.”   照看、照料、看护watch over   「有责任的人」译作A person bearing responsibility for a home,其中bearing responsibility for a home是person的后置定语,bear的用法值得借鉴积累。for a home是结合「我」想表达的态度而增译的成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   「没有死亡的权利的」译作has no right to die没有错,但(no否定意义)at all使语气更为强烈,起强调作用。   虽然预知死亡是我喜欢的一种生命结束的方式,可是我仍然不能死,Although I know my favourite way to end this life is by death, I still don't want to die.   此句注意理解中文,稍微有些绕。真的有人能「预知死亡」吗?无非是主动选择(非自然)死亡罢了,故此处译作by death。三毛的这种观点和其后来的自杀行为不谋而合。   在这个世界上有三个与我个人存亡牢牢相连的人。那便是我的父亲、母亲还有荷西,Three persons in this world have their fate so closely tied up with my life and death. They are my parents and Hexi.   「在这个世界上有三个与我个人存亡牢牢相连的人」译为Three persons in this world have their fate so closely tied up with my life and death,其中 have their fate是按内容而在译文中添加的词。   如果世界上有他们活着一日,我便不可以死,连神也不能将我取去,因为我不肯。   I refuse to die as long as they're alive. Not even a god can take me away when I say no.   「便不可以死」想表达的是「决不选择死亡」,也就是refuse to die(拒绝死亡)??not even的意思是「甚至…(也)不…、即是…(也)无法…」。not even放在主语前,会使主语成为信息焦点,但是not even不是否定主语的,而是否定全句的。   例句   Not even he protested.   连他也没有反对。   让我父母在渐入高年时失去爱女,那么他们一生的幸福和慰藉,会因为这一件事情完全崩溃,The loss of their beloved daughter would deprive my ageing parents of their life-long happiness and consolation.   「那么他们一生的幸福和慰藉,会因为这一件事情完全崩溃」即「他们一生的幸福和慰藉会被剥夺/他们会丧失一生的幸福和慰藉」,现以deprive A of B的表达译出,这个词组的意思是从B剥夺A/使B不能享有A。   例句   They were imprisoned and deprived of their basic rights.   他们遭到监禁并被剥夺了基本权利。   这样尖锐的打击不可以由他们来承受,那是过分残酷也过分不公平了。   It would be cruel and unfair for them to suffer the crushing blow.   承受这样尖锐的打击to suffer the crushing blow。其中,crushing表示「毁灭性的」,the crushing blow指前文提到的The loss of their beloved daughter。此处也可译作to suffer such a crushing blow来强调「打击之尖锐」要荷西半途折翼,失去他相依为命的爱妻,那么在他日后的心灵上会有什么样的伤痕,什么样的烙印?   If Hexi should lose his beloved wife, with whom he had been living for interdependence, what an emotional trauma he would undergo! And what bitterness would be deeply engraved in his mind!   If Hexi should lose…,what… he would undergo! And what bitterness would be …!涉及if引导的非真实条件句,对将来事实进行假设,条件从句谓语动词形式为 「(should)+V原」,主句谓语动词形式为「should/would/could/might +动词原形」??印刻在脑海中/心版上be engraved in my mind许地山《落花生》   所有花生食品虽然没有了,然而父亲底话现在还印在我心版上。   Today, though nothing is left of the goodies made of peanuts, father’s words remain engraved in my mind.   如果因我的消失而使得荷西的余生不再有一丝笑容,那么我便更不能死。   The thought of the complete vanishing of smiles from his face during the rest of his life as a result of his bereavement made me all the more determined against my death.   结构划分(划几个道道大家就明白了):The thought of [the complete vanishing of smiles from his face (during the rest of his life) /as a result of his bereavement] //made me all the more determined against my death。碰到句子,先找主谓宾。   all the more的用法:中国人不习惯使用这个词组,因为译成中文是「更加」,似乎同英文的more或even more差不多。但其实all the more表示的「更加」,是前后文说出了原因或隐含不明言原因的,而简单的more或even more则不涉及原因。   例句   For this very reason, their recklessness is all the harder to forgive. 正是由于这个原因,他们的鲁莽就更难原谅。   这些,又一些,因我的死亡而将使父母及丈夫所遭受到的大劫难,每想起来,便是不忍,不忍,不忍又不忍。   I cannot bear to think of the great adversity to be brought on my parents and husband by my death. No, I can't, absolutely can't.   to be brought on my parents and husband by my death是adversity的后置定语。   无法忍受 cannot bear to do   「不忍」的重复出现就是为了强调作者的态度,译文以absolutely保留对应的语气。   毕竟,先走的是比较幸福的,留下的并不是强者,Yes, those who leave first are happier than those left behind, and the latter are not necessarily the stronger.   这句译文的巧妙之处在于「很顺畅」,因为它在原文的两个短句之间架起了一座桥梁(先走的比留下的幸福),然后很自然地用the latter起句表达下一层含义。   可是想到这彻心切肤的病痛,我仍是要说——为了爱的缘故,这永别的苦杯,还是留给我来喝下吧。   In spite of my painful illness, I reiterate that for the sake of love, let me stay behind to drink down the last bitter cup of parting.   可是想到……我仍是要说:「可是」不是「可是」,而是「尽管、虽然」之意,现译作In spite of。   「仍是要说」译作了reiterate,选词非常棒,准确地体现了「重述、重申」之意。   为了……for…’s sake/for the sake of   梁实秋《学问与趣味》   只是‘无所为而为’solely for its own sake形式主义 the practice of formalities for formalities’ sake??stay behind是增译成分,与上句提到的are happier than those left behind, and the latter are not necessarily the stronger相呼应。   the last bitter cup of parting中last是为和下面一句呼应而增添的成分,指「把最后一杯苦杯留给我吧」(愿父母和荷西都比我先走一步,让我做那个留下的人,独尝苦楚)。   我愿意在父亲、母亲及荷西的生命圆环里,做最后离世的一个,I hope to remain with my parents and Hexi in their lifetime and be the last to pass away.   此句「做最后离世的一个the last to pass away」中的last和上句的the last bitter cup of parting的last相呼应。   last的另一种常见用法:表否定意义,作least likely 或most unlikely(最不可能的)解。分享一下「我不可能嫁给你」的几种译文版本:   I will never marry you.   Never will I will marry you.   You are the last person I am willing to marry.   Under no circumstances will I marry you.   If you were the last man in the world, I would definitely remain single.   译文语气强弱有所不同,根据具体语境斟酌选用。   如果我先去了,而将永远的哀伤留给世上的他们,那么是死不瞑目的,因为我的爱有多深,我的牵挂便有多长。   It would make me turn in my grave if I should be the first to die, thus leaving them with perpetual sorrow. My concern for them is as deep as my love for them.   「如果我先去了……那么是死不瞑目的」译为It would make me turn in my grave if I should be the first to die,其中make me turn in my grave是英语成语,作「使我不能瞑目于地下」「九泉有知当亦不安」等解。句中「那么是死不瞑目的」也可译为I wouldn’t be able to rest in peace in my grave。   所以,我几乎没有选择地做了暂时的不死鸟,   Therefore, I have no choice but to be a temporary surviving bird.   别无选择唯有…have no choice but to   我的羽毛虽然因为荷西的先去,已经完全脱落,无力再飞,可是那颗碎掉的心,仍是父母的珍宝。   Though I can't fly any more, having lost all my feathers due to Hexi’s death, my broken heart is still treasured by my parents.   any more常用于否定句和疑问句末,表示「再也(不),(不)再」。   例句   She doesn't live here any more.   她已经不在这里住了。   having lost all my feathers due to Hexi’s death作原因状语。现代语法把这种对某个词、短语或句子作解释补充的成分,称为补充语(supplement)。补充语包括插入语在内,但不限于插入语。非限制性定语、非限制性同位语、分词作状语等都囊括在补充语的项下。其特征是有逗号与句子隔开,其功能是对句子中的某个词、短语或整个句子做补充解释。   翻译时注意词性转换,如此处的「仍是父母的珍宝」未按主系表结构翻译,而是译作is still treasured by my parents,将「珍宝」从名词转换成了动词「珍视」再痛,再伤,他们也不肯我死去,我也不忍放掉他们啊。   They just won't let me die despite my spiritual agony and wound. And nor can I bear to lose them.   Q: despite (of) 和 in spite of 有什么区别?   1.论语气,despite 比in spite of 谨严,但意思没有分别,都可译做「虽然」或「不顾」例句In spite of/Despite mounting public discontent , the government is determined to push the bill through.   虽然公众不满愈来愈强烈,政府还是执意要通过议案。   2.有时,我们会看到despite of mounting public discontent 之类说法,但despite之后加of ,一般被视为鄙俗甚至不正确,不宜仿效。   3.In spite of或despite 之后必须用名词或动名词(gerund),不能接普通句子(clause),例如不可说Despite the public is getting increasingly discontented,只能说Despite the fact that the public is getting increasingly discontented.   4.in spite of/despite the fact that 这句式虽然正确,却嫌累赘,最好用although一字取代例句Although the public is getting increasingly discontented, the government is determined to push the bill through.   5.英文有in spite of/despite oneself 这说法,意思是「不由自主」或「不禁」例句Her words were so satirical that I lost my temper in spite of myself.   她的话尖酸刻薄得令我忍不住发脾气。   6.留意spite 这个字单独使用时,往往解作「恶意」,和in spite of 不同例句She did it out of spite.   她那样做是出于恶意的。   总有那么一天,在金色的彼岸,会有六只爱的手臂张开了在迎我进入永生,The day will surely come when six loving open arms on the other golden bank will welcome me to eternity.   积累句式:总有那么一天The day will surely come when…。在表达愿景时可以使用。其中,when引导定语从句,先行词是day,之所以将when放在will surely come之后是为了保持句式平衡。   那时,我方肯含笑狂奔而去了。   Then, and only then will I rush forward with a smile.   and only then是增译成分,体现作者的一种心情,就好像作者在你面前摇着头微笑道:那时,也只有那时我能含笑而去了。   这份文字本是为着另一个题目写的,可是我拒绝了只有一月寿命的假想,I originally intended this article to be written under another title. But I rejected the hypothesis that I was going to die in 30 days.   the hypothesis that I was going to die in 30 days中that引导同位语从句。   生的艰难,尘世的苦,死别时一刹的碎心又碎心,还是由我一个人来承担吧。   The trials and tribulations of living, the sufferings of mortal life, the acute sorrow of parting for good — let me bear all that alone.   The trials and tribulations of living, the sufferings of mortal life, the acute sorrow of parting for good:这些不用 and 的并列(包括非谓语动词的并列),属于不完整列举,还有想表达的内容被略去,意犹未尽。典型的文学语言。又,for good= for good and all,表示「永久地」父亲,母亲,荷西,我的亲人,我爱你们胜于自己的生命,那么我便护着你们的幸福,不轻言消失吧!   Dad, Mom and Hexi, my dear ones, I love you more than I do myself. So let me guard your happiness and never unthinkingly speak of my death.   I love you more than I do myself中do是love一词的替代。   「轻言」译为unthinkingly speak of…,意同speak of… without careful consideration。   必背词汇   suppose v.假定,假设,设想   英义   You can use suppose or supposing before mentioning a possible situation or action. You usually then go on to consider the effects that this situation or action might have.   例句   Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside.   假设有人给了你一枚鸡蛋并要你准确描述鸡蛋里面有什么。   dough n.(用于制作面包等的)生面团   英义   Dough is a fairly firm mixture of flour, water, and sometimes also fat and sugar. It can be cooked to make bread, pastry, and biscuits.   例句   Roll out the dough into one large circle.   将面团擀成大的圆形面皮。   knead v.揉,捏面团或其他食物   英义   When you knead dough or other food, you press and squeeze it with your hands so that it becomes smooth and ready to cook.   例句   Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface.   在撒上面粉的台面上轻揉该混合物。   undergo v.经历,接受,遭受,忍受   英义   If you undergo something necessary or unpleasant, it happens to you.   例句   New recruits have been undergoing training in recent weeks.   最近几周,新兵正在接受训练。   trauma n.精神创伤,惊骇(或痛苦)经历   英义   Trauma is a very severe shock or very upsetting experience, which may cause psychological damage.   例句   I'd been through the trauma of losing a house.   我经历过失去房子的痛苦。   reiterate v.通常为了强调重复讲,反复说,重申英义If you reiterate something, you say it again, usually in order to emphasize it.   例句   He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.   他重申了自己反对成立央行的立场。   重点表达   响应; 回答; 作为对……的回答in answer to   动笔set pen to paper   了解、得知learn of   揉面knead dough   应…的请求at the request   照看、照料、看护watch over   有责任的人A person bearing responsibility for…爱女one’s beloved daughter承受这样尖锐的打击to suffer the crushing blow相依为命living for interdependence with sb印刻在脑海中/心版上be engraved in my mind余生during the rest of his life无法忍受 cannot bear to do为了爱的缘故for the sake of love这永别的苦杯the last bitter cup of parting做最后离世的一个be the last to pass away使我不能瞑目于地下、九泉有知当亦不安make me turn in my grave别无选择唯有…have no choice but to暂时的不死鸟a temporary surviving bird总有那么一天The day will surely come when迎我进入永生welcome me to eternity永久地for good= for good and all轻言unthinkingly speak of复盘测试响应; 回答; 作为对……的回答   动笔   了解、得知   揉面   应…的请求   照看、照料、看护   有责任的人   爱女   承受这样尖锐的打击   相依为命   印刻在脑海中/心版上   余生   无法忍受   为了爱的缘故   这永别的苦杯   做最后离世的一个   使我不能瞑目于地下、九泉有知当亦不安   别无选择唯有…   暂时的不死鸟   总有那么一天   迎我进入永生   永久地   轻言   表达对比   「相依为命」有几种表达方式?   要荷西半途折翼,失去他(相依为命)的爱妻,那么在他日后的心灵上会有什么样的伤痕,什么样的烙印?   If Hexi should lose his beloved wife, with whom he had been living for interdependence, what an emotional trauma he would undergo! And what bitterness would be deeply engraved in his mind!   从那时起,只剩我们姊妹(相依为命),我不得不扛起重任。   From that point on, it was just us, so I had to step up.   这些士兵(相依为命)。   These men depend on each other.   我真的很抱歉。我的狗今天死了。我不得不给他安乐死。十四年了,(我们俩相依为命)。   I'm really sorry. My dog died today. I had to put him to sleep. 14 years, he was all I had.   今夜,我是你的新娘 ——叶梦   I’m Your Bride Tonight ——Ye Meng   背景知识:《今夜,我是你的新娘》描述受传统观念束缚的大龄女子面临婚姻时的矛盾心态,细致入微,饶有风趣。作者是当代知名散文家叶梦(1950- ),女,原名熊梦云,湖南益阳人。她著有多部散文集,如《小溪的梦》、《湘西寻梦》、《灵魂的劫数》、《遍地巫风》等等。   昨天你对我说:“我们结婚吧!”十二年来,你第一次说出这句话。   Yesterday you said to me, “Let’s get married!” That's something you've said for the first time in twelve years.   in+一段时间可以表示在一段时间之内也可以表示在一段时间之后。   例句   He learned to drive in three weeks.   他用了三个星期学会了开车。   He will arrive in Beijing in 3 days.   他将在3天后到北京。   结婚get married   不容我回答,你接着说:明天吧!我一天也不能等下去了。明天我们结婚——And you added before I could reply, “How about tomorrow! I can't wait any longer, not even a single day. Let’s get married tomorrow.”   「不容我回答」即「在我回答之前便…」,译作you added before I could reply,借鉴此处before的用法。   已经决定了,没有太多的时间容我考虑,容我犹豫。   So it was all set. There was little time left for me to weigh and consider.   「已经决定了」可译为So it was all set,其中all set常见于口语,作「一切就绪」解。   熟词僻义:weigh表示「斟酌、权衡、考虑」这个不可逆转的事实,只需二十多个小时,就要变成现实。   The irreversible was to become a fait accompli in a little more than twenty hours.   「现实」在此表示「既成事实」,译为fait accompli,原为法语,故用斜体字。   the+ adj作名词用,表示某一类。比如the red可以泛指红色的东西或者特指某一个红色事物。   一切都是很简单的。不需要酒宴和仪式,不需要通知任何亲友,All would be very simple. No wedding banquet or ceremony. No need to notify friends and relatives.   「不需要酒宴和仪式」无需译作No need to hold wedding banquet or ceremony。   只需禀告父母,只需要把床铺换上全新的被褥。   All I had to do was inform my parents, and put on brand-new bed-clothes.   Q: All I had to do was inform my parents是不是漏打了to?不应该是to inform或者informing吗?   句子就是主系表结构 All…(主语) was(系动词)inform…(无to不定式作表语)。另外还有句口诀可以概括这个用法:前有do后省to。   我以为结婚是个人生命史上十分隆重的事件,我完全没有必要把很多相干与不相干的人请来,像召开“新闻发布会”一样在烟酒糖果之间宣布我们的结合,在漫天酒气中让人来祝贺来摆布来评头品足。   To me, marriage is a very solemn matter in one's life and therefore it is absolutely unnecessary to invite a great many people to the wedding, both related and unrelated, and announce to them our matrimony with cigarettes, wine and sweets like at a news briefing, so that they can indulge in wining, expressing good wishes, chatting about the bride's appearance and whatnot.   评头品足:指轻浮地议论妇女的容貌。今泛指对人对事说长道短,多方挑剔。   and/or whatnot表示「这一类的东西;诸如此类的东西」例句The council can send messages or letters or whatnot in Spanish to their constituents.   地方议会可以用西班牙文给其选民寄送通知、信件等类似的东西。   拓展   ①等等、诸如此类and the like。   例句   Many students are also keeping fit through jogging, aerobics, weight training, and the like.   很多学生还通过慢跑、有氧体操、负重训练等方式来健身。   ②像…这样的人或东西the likes of。   例句   Why would somebody like her want to spend an evening with the likes of me?   像她那样的人为什么要跟我这样的人共度一个晚上呢?   我没有虚荣心,我不需要显摆不需要张扬,   I'm not vain. I don't want to go in for pomp and celebrate our nuptials in a big way.   「我不需要显摆不需要张扬」译为I don't want to go in for pomp and celebrate our nuptials in a big way,其中用pomp或show表达「显摆」。「张扬」可按「铺张办喜事」译为to celebrate our nuptials in a big way,其中成语in a big way作「铺张地」「大肆炫耀地」解。   我不需要任何人认可,也不需要贿赂传统的舆论。   I don't seek the approval of anyone, nor do I try to buy over those holding conventional views on marriage.   收买、贿赂 buy over   「传统的舆论」意即「习俗的看法」,故泽conventional views,未译 traditional views。   结婚是我们个人的事,   Marriage is our personal business.   Mind your own business 的意思是「别管他人的闲事」,就是「(我)不用你干涉」,不是「别让他人管你的事」我们完全有权利选择与常规不同的形式。   We are fully entitled to go about it in a way of our own choice, unconventional as it may be.   entitle sb to do表示「使某人享有权利、使符合资格」,常用被动态。   例句   Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.   人人都有权发表自己的意见。   从事、进行go about   例句   We were simply going about our business when we were pounced upon by these police officers.   我们像往常一样正干得好好的,却遭到这些警察的突然袭击。   「选择与常规不同的形式」按「以符合自己意愿的、虽不同常规的方式」之意译作in a way of our own choice, unconventional as it may be,句式灵活,值得学习。   我不需要任何人参加我的婚礼,安谧和神秘的氛围正是我为这种神圣的生命仪式所作的设计。   I don't expect the presence of many guests at my wedding because tranquility plus an air of mystery is what I design for this once-in-a-lifetime sacred ceremony.   「安谧和神秘的氛围」可译作tranquility plus an air of mystery,也可译作an air of tranquility and mystery。   (可能)一生只有一次once in a lifetime   一生只会拥有一次的经历a once-in-a-lifetime experience三十五年的生命将要进入另一种样式,三十五的后面需要打一个句号,需要刻一块里程碑。   My life, at the end of the thirty-five years, is going to take on a new pattern. It will mark the end of the old phase of my life and the beginning of the new.   「进入另一种样式」译作take on a new pattern,其中take on表示「呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点)」??「三十五的后面需要打一个句号,需要刻一块里程碑」不宜按字面直译,现译为It will mark the end of the old phase of my life and the beginning of the new,其中the end of the old phase of my life意即「旧生活告一段落」属于我处女的最后一个白天是我一个人静静地待在房里,我悄悄地布置着我的新房,On the last day of my virginity, I stayed indoors alone, quietly decorating my wedding chamber.   quietly decorating my wedding chamber作伴随状语。   chamber特指(用作某种用途)的房间。如此出的「婚房」译作wedding chamber。又如柔石的《为奴隶的母亲》中「洞房」花烛夜,金榜挂名时。…to spend the first night in the nuptial chamber or to pass a civil service examination.   我用我的双手不停地做这做那,以分散我纷乱的思绪。   I diverted my mind from a medley of thoughts by keeping my hands busy with this and that.   「分散我纷乱的思绪」就是「分散我的注意力,不去胡思乱想」,故译作diverted my mind from a medley of thoughts,其中a medley of thoughts表示「思绪纷乱」喜悦悄悄地在身体里渗透,与之俱来的更多的是恐惧和忧虑,也有一种不可挽冋的悲哀。   A joyful feeling came over me stealthily, together with fear and worry, and helpless sorrow too.   come over尤指(某种感觉)支配/影响某人。   例句   As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.   走进通往我房间的走廊时,那种怪异恐怖的感觉包围了我。   「不可挽回的悲哀」可理解为「因无奈而产生的悲哀」,故译helpless sorrow。又,为保持句式平衡,将「恐惧、忧虑、悲哀」放置在句尾。   我好像是一块苍白的画布,将要被涂上各种颜色的图案,I felt like a pale canvas soon to be daubed with a multicoloured pattern.   觉得feel like sth   例句   God, I feel like surgery hippy creep.   天啊 我觉得真别扭。   soon to be daubed with a multicoloured pattern作canvas的后置定语。   我不无痛惜地感觉,好像面临一种破坏性的灾难。   I felt sad as if I were faced with a big disaster.   面临face/be faced with/be facing   这一个白天真是漫长,让我有足够的时间回顾三十五年的过去。   It was a long day, long enough for me to muse over the past thirty-five years.   沉思、冥想muse+ about/on/over/upon sth   少女时芬芳浪漫的憧憬已经离我模糊而遥远,   The beautiful dreams of romance in early girlhood were vague and far off.   「少女时芬芳浪漫的憧憬」译作The beautiful dreams of romance in early girlhood。这句话满满都是文艺气息,「芬芳」按「美好」之意译作beautiful即可。其中,beautiful和of romance均为dream的定语,一个前置,一个后置。又,后缀-hood可构成名词,表示「…的状态(或性质)」,比如childhood儿童时期、falsehood虚假。本句中girl+ hood就表示「少女时期」。以此类推,womanhood就表示「女子成年期」青年时期追求的苦涩却历历在目,But the bitter experience of courting in later days were still clear before my eyes.   将were改为was。experience作「经历」讲时是不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数。   不管是芬芳还是苦涩,都要在这里打一个句号,我从不后悔。   Beautiful or bitter, both are of another day. And I'll never regret at all.   「不管是芬芳还是苦涩,都要在这里打一个句号」可按「不管是芬芳还是苦涩,一切都已过去」译为Beautiful or bitter, both are of another day。汉语「打一个句号」近年颇为时兴,在英语中未见类似表达法。   不管我的选择是否正确,已不容我再作犹豫,   Correct or not, the decision is made and allows of no hesitation.   此句,译者为与上句句式保持一致,将「我的选择」拆分成两个意思:做出+选择,以the decision做主语,方便后面造句,处理为Correct or not, the decision is…and allows…。又,allow of sth表示「容许」我将面对新的生活义无反顾地走过去。   I'll go ahead resolutely to live a new life.   「面对新的生活」即「过新生活」,现译为live a new life。live a +adj +life表示「过一种…的生活」,比如生活节俭live a frugal life。   不容推却的那个夜终于姗姗来迟。   The unshirkable night came at last.   「终于姗姗来迟」的「终于」「姗姗」之意以at last译出。   新房里有一种难耐的宁静。   An oppressive silence reigned in the wedding chamber.   「难耐」即「难以忍受」,现译作oppressive。   学习reign的用词。   吴冠中《蟋蟀》   夜晚屋里特别寂静。   That night a complete silence reigned in our house.   屋外突然锣鼓喧天,鼓乐齐鸣,   Suddenly, there broke out outside a deafening sound of gongs and drums amidst loud music.   锣鼓喧天,鼓乐齐鸣/锣鼓钲镗a deafening sound of gongs and drums??「屋外」译作「室外outside」即可。   爆竹和焰火把黑夜涂抹得五彩斑斓。   Firecrackers and fireworks sent the dark night blazing with colour.   sent the dark night blazing with colour中,sent(原形为send)表示「是进入某种状态」,常用搭配是send +n+ into或send +n+ V-ing /adj。例句An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.   一味地找寻自我不但不能拯救世界,反而会将我们都逼疯。   这是为我们奏起的鼓乐么?   Was the music for us?   「鼓乐」指上文提到的「锣鼓声」,甚至还包括「烟火声」,以music译出即可。   夜终于静下去,鼓乐沉没了,一切声响都已停歇。   The night finally relapsed into silence. The music was no more. All was quiet.   「静下去」「沉没了」「已停歇」从表意上来讲,含义是相似的,但我们不能处理成三个一模一样的silence或者quiet或者no more,要注意表达的多样性。以及,「一切声响都已停歇」译作All was quiet,尤为简洁。   电灯已经关掉,新房里燃着两支红烛。   The light was switched off, leaving two red candles burning away in the room.   实则是电灯已经(被)关掉,中文里有很多这样的表达,翻译时记得补充完整。   leaving two red candles burning away in the room作伴随状语。   这句写的是屋内光源的变化。   我坐在红烛之下。   I sat by the red candles.   「在红烛之下」不是真的「在蜡烛下」,我们虽经常这样说,但要明白翻译不能就这样字对字进行语言转换,译文应当符合真实场景,译作sat by the red candles(坐在红烛旁)。   你坐在客厅的沙发上。   You sat in an armchair in the drawing room.   客厅the drawing room   the waiting room of XX station候车厅   the changing room更衣室   the fitting room试衣间   the dining room餐厅   the guest room客厅   我突然希望我们之间隔河隔渡似的对峙永远下去。   I suddenly wished we would both remain permanently where we were as if separated by a ravine between us.   「我突然希望我们之间隔河隔渡似的对峙永远下去」意即「我突然希望我们永远可望不可及,就如中间隔着河谷」,译为I suddenly wished we would both remain permanently where we were as if separated by a ravine between us,其中用ravine(沟壑)代替river,能更表达「阻隔」之意。   这时,你向我走过来。   Just then you began to move towards me.   那时;就在那时Just then   例句   Just then, someone knocked at the front door.   就在那时,大门口有人敲门。   你的脚步很重很重,一步一步踏在我紧绷的心弦上。   I listened to your heavy steps with a throbbing heart.   赏析此句译文对「一步一步踏在我紧绷的心弦上」的处理。我们自己译时,十有八九会把原文出现的语言全翻出来,纠结「心弦」怎么翻、「紧绷」怎么翻,「一步一步」甚至也会老老实实地译出。这样造成的后果就是译文过长,且缺乏散文的美感,更像是一堆词语的堆砌。而张培基先生给出的参考译文是有声音的,不止I listened to,读者们都能听到,「一步一步」和heartbeat在上演二重奏,将气氛晕染得非常到位。   你离我越来越近了。   You came nearer and nearer.   表示「越来越……」的意思: 「比较级 + and + 比较级」突然,我感到我的肢体变得冰一样凉,一种被破坏的恐怖突然袭击了我,My limbs went ice-cold when suddenly there came over me the presage of coming ravages.   「一种被破坏的恐怖突然袭击了我」译为suddenly there came over me the presage of coming ravages,其中presage通常指不祥的预感,意同warning,未把「恐怖」译为fear。又came over作「支配」解。   我的心里突然喊出这样一句:这下完了。   I uttered abruptly from my heart. “I'm done for.”   「这下完了」译为I’m done for,其中done for是英语口头常用语,作「完蛋了」解。   我已经无法回避,我将要变成一个真正的女人了。   I could not escape becoming a real woman.   Q:escape还是escape from?   escape (vt) 还是escape (vi) from? 两者往往没有区别(但都是表示瞬时动作的第四类动词,而且表示「逃脱成功」)但是escape from后面多是具体有形的负面场所,escape后面则可以是比较抽象的某种负面处境。   例句   escape from prison越狱   escape prison逃避监禁   escape from a sinking ship逃离沉船   escape punishment逃避了惩罚   escape persecution逃避追究   「避开」某人也要说escape from   例句   He was unable to escape from her.   他无法躲开她。   He escaped from his pursuers.   他逃脱了追踪者。   但是往往后面是具体场所也可以不用from   escape a Nazi concentration camp   逃出纳粹集中营。   你已经走到我的身边来了,我突然觉得你像陌生人一样不敢看你。   As you came to my side, I was afraid to look at you like you were a stranger.   此处As引导时间状语从句。   I was afraid to…: afraid 后面接不定式、of 或以 that 或 lest 引导的从句都可以。从句开首的 that 通常省去。   例句   I am afraid (that) we shall be late.   红烛吐出的烛香和烟气在封闭的新房里弥漫。   The wedding chamber was permeated with the aroma and smoke of the red candles.   此句也可译为The aroma and smoke of the red candles permeated the wedding chamber。   “今夜,我是你的新娘啊!”很久很久,我的心里哀哀地吐出这样一句来。   “I’m your bride tonight!” It took me quite a long while to utter these words from the bottom of my heart, though with a touch of grief.   从我的心底、打心底from the bottom of my heart??though with a touch of grief:a touch of表示「一点、有点」。又,though是增译成分,补充出对比转折之意,即「新婚之夜」本应开心,我却有着些许哀思。   必背词汇   weigh v.认真考虑,权衡,斟酌   英义   If you weigh the facts about a situation, you consider them very carefully before you make a decision, especially by comparing the various facts involved.   例句   She weighed her options.   她在各种选择间权衡斟酌。   notify v.通知,告知   英义   If you notify someone of something, you officially inform them about it.   例句   The skipper notified the coastguard of the tragedy.   船长向海岸警卫队报告了这起灾难。   solemn adj.严肃的,庄严的   英义   Someone or something that is solemn is very serious rather than cheerful or humorous.   例句   His solemn little face broke into smiles.   他严肃的小脸蛋上突然绽放出笑容。   matrimony n.婚姻   英义   Matrimony is marriage.   例句   the bonds of matrimony.   婚姻的纽带   重点表达   结婚get married   第一次for the first time   一切就绪all set   没有太多的时间容我…There was little time left for me to…既成事实fait accompli祝贺expressing good wishes这一类的东西;诸如此类的东西and/or whatnot铺张地、大肆炫耀地in a big way不需要任何人认可don't seek the approval of anyone收买、贿赂 buy over我们完全有权利We are fully entitled to从事、进行go about一生只会拥有一次的经历a once-in-a-lifetime experience进入另一种样式take on a new pattern旧生活告一段落the end of the old phase of my life呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点) take on婚房wedding chamber思绪纷乱a medley of thoughts尤指(某种感觉)支配/影响某人come over面临face/be faced with/be facing   沉思、冥想muse+ about/on/over/upon sth   少女时芬芳浪漫的憧憬The beautiful dreams of romance in early girlhood不容再作犹豫allows of no hesitation锣鼓喧天,鼓乐齐鸣/锣鼓钲镗a deafening sound of gongs and drums夜终于静下去The night finally relapsed into silence客厅the drawing room那时;就在那时Just then完蛋了done for从我的心底、打心底from the bottom of my heart一点、有点a touch of复盘测试结婚第一次一切就绪   没有太多的时间容我…   既成事实   祝贺   这一类的东西;诸如此类的东西   铺张地、大肆炫耀地   不需要任何人认可   收买、贿赂   我们完全有权利   从事、进行   一生只会拥有一次的经历   进入另一种样式   旧生活告一段落   呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点)   婚房   思绪纷乱   尤指(某种感觉)支配/影响某人   面临   沉思、冥想   少女时芬芳浪漫的憧憬   不容再作犹豫   锣鼓喧天,鼓乐齐鸣/锣鼓钲镗   夜终于静下去   那时;就在那时   完蛋了   从我的心底、打心底   一点、有点   表达对比   「结婚」有几种表达?   昨天你对我说:“我们(结婚)吧!”   Yesterday you said to me, “Let’s get married!”   在最近一期的采访中,皮特和朱丽也被追问到了结婚的事情,已经“同居”六年的他们至今还没有(结婚)。   In a recent interview, Brad said he and Angelina, who have been together six years, are considering whether to tie the knot.   对一个自己有足够的生活资料的女人来说,(结婚)是一种不可救药的极端愚蠢的行为。   Marriage is always a hopeless idiocy for a woman who has enough of her own to live upon.   好吧,我已经(结婚)了。   Well I'm already hitched.   欣赏自己 ——英培安   On Self-Appreciation ——Ying Pei’an   背景知识:英培安(1947- )出生于新加坡,祖籍广东新会,曾旅居香港多年,是新加坡著名作家,创作包括诗、散文、小说、戏剧等,尤其擅长杂文,常以敏捷的思路、简洁的语言表达他对世事的看法。杂文《欣赏自己》选自香港1984年出版的《人在江湖》一书。   Q:英文标题中的介词   on/of +…:书、讨论或观点关于,涉及。如弗朗西斯·培根著作《论学习》,其标题译为Of Studies;老舍的《养花》译为On Growing Flowers。   不怕直说,我是相当欣赏自己的。   Frankly, I very much appreciate myself.   「不怕直说」按「坦白说」之意译作Frankly。   我承认自己有许多不如人的地方,但也知道并不老是这样差劲。   Yes, I admit I’m in many respects not as good as other people, but I don’t think I’m always no good.   此处yes是增译成分,用于语气的补充,意思相当于indeed/ture。   所以,我做了一件事,写了一篇文章,只要自觉还不错我可以乐上几天,遇有人赞,更飘飘然得不像话;甚至还会忘其所以,插上几句自夸的话。   When I find what I’ve done or written is okay, I’ll remain pleased with myself for quite a few days, and, in case I receive praise for it, I'll even become so swollen-headed as to add a few words to glorify myself.   「还不错」译为okay,也可译为satisfactory、not bad、pretty good等。   不要被原文「只要自觉还不错我可以乐上几天,遇有人赞,更飘飘然得不像话;甚至还会忘其所以,插上几句自夸的话」的标点所迷惑,这句话可以划成两个意群:自觉不错……、遇有人赞……??in case,in case of,in case that 区别in case万一:是连词,引导条件状语从句,也就是说in case后面是一个完整的句子。   例句   Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot.   倘若太阳很厉害,你就把帽子戴上。   in case of的of是介词,介词后面只能带名词性质的词,比如名词、代词等。意思和in case差不多,「万一」的意思。   例句   In case of rain they can't go.   万一下雨,他们就不能去了.   in the case of,就...来说,关于。意思跟上面两个不一样了,一般表示转而提及另一件事情。   例句   In the case of woman, they have more difficulty in their job.   就女性来说,她们在工作中会遇到更多的困难   真的,我一点也不谦虚。   True, I'm not modest at all.   一点也不not…at all   或者这就是自负吧,恐怕要给人骂了。但有什么不对呢?   People may call me conceited. But I think otherwise.   call在此处的意思是「把…说成,认为…是,将…称为」例句She calls me lazy and selfish...   她说我又懒又自私。   「但有什么不对呢?」意同「但我并不以为然」,故译为But I think otherwise。   我也欣赏别人,凡是好的东西我都欣赏。   I also appreciate other people. I appreciate anything good.   anything good:当被修饰词为复合不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything; somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody; someone, anyone, everyone, no one时,修饰语常位于被修饰的不定代词之后。   只懂得欣赏别人而忘了欣赏自己,岂不是太不公平了?   Isn't it unfair to forget appreciating myself while appreciating others?   积累while的用法,可暗含对比意味。   但是,我们华人总是比较谦虚,而且引以为荣。   We Chinese are generally inclined to be modest, and we take pride in being so.   We Chinese:Chinese是同位语   倾向于be inclined to   以…为荣/傲take pride in   「我们华人总是比较谦虚」可以看作对国民性格的一种描述,用generally(大体上、整体看来)要比always更贴切。   自己的太太叫拙荆,文章曰拙作。   For example, a Chinese will call his own wife zhuojing, meaning “my humble wife”, and his own writings zhuozuo, meaning “my poor writings”.   拙荆:意思是旧时丈夫对自己妻子的谦称。   如果你当真叫他的太太山芭婆,文章如狗屁,他保证勃然大怒,和你拍桌子绝交。   But if you should call his wife a “rustic woman” or his writings “trash”, he would, I’m sure, slap the table in a rage and declare he would make a clean break with you.   「狗屁」即「垃圾」,译作trash或rubbish均可。   I’m sure是插入语。   「他保证勃然大怒,和你拍桌子绝交」可译为he would, I’m sure, fall into a fit of rage and, striking the table, say he would break off relations with you,但不如he would, I’m sure, slap the table in a rage and declare he would make a clean break (或break off) with you简洁。   庐隐《恋爱不是游戏》   但他若不曾了解现世,他又怎能勘破现世,而跳出三界外呢?   But, without a full knowledge of this life, how could they see through the vanity of human society and make a clean break with this mortal world?   其实,你所说的,和他说的,可能并没什么两样。   As a matter of fact, there is probably no difference at all between what is said by him and you respectively.   事实上,实际上As a matter of fact   谢逸《下蛋·唱鸡及其它》   其实,古人早就以鸡喻人了……   As a matter of fact, our forefathers long ago already drew an analogy between the hen and man…我以为,如果你的东西确是好的,直接说它好,没有什么不对。   I don’t think it’s wrong for you to freely praise yourself if you’re really worthy of praise.   I don’t think it’s wrong for you…:   否定转移   否定转移是指否定形式在谓语动词,而否定的信息焦点却在状语和表语,或否定形式在主句,而否定的信息焦点却在从句.这是英语的一种习惯思维方法,与汉语不同,应予注意。分类如下:   1.not+think/believe/suppose/imagine…+that从句2.not…because(of)3.not…+动词不定式或介词短语老王卖瓜,只要卖的是好瓜,为什么不能自卖自夸?   As we know, there is an old Chinese saying disparaging a melon peddler, named Lao Wang, who keeps praising his own goods. Well, why can't he praise his melons if they are really sweet and juicy?   「老王卖瓜」或「老王卖瓜,自卖自夸」可直译为Lao Wang, a melon hawker, boats of his own goods,现译为 As we know, there is an old Chinese saying disparaging a melon peddler, named Lao Wang, who keeps praising his own goods,其中一些增译成分均为了承上启下,并有助于外国读者更好地理解原意。   老兄,老王是靠卖瓜吃饭的,   Friends, Lao Wang sells melons for a living.   「吃饭」即「维持生计」,现译作for a living。   叫他也学我们书生扭扭捏捏,对自己的瓜谦虚一番,生意还用做么?   How could he carry on business if he, by imitating the affectations of us intellectuals, were to show false modesty about his melons?   做生意carry on business   「叫他也学我们书生扭扭捏捏,对自己的瓜谦虚一番,生意还用做么?」译为How could he carry on business if he, by imitating the affectations of us intellectuals, were to show false modesty about his melons?其中「我们书生扭扭捏捏」意即「我们知识分子装模作样」,故译为the affectations of us intellectuals;「对自己的瓜谦虚一番」意即「对自己的瓜故作谦虚」,故译为 to show false modesty about his melons。又,…were to show…涉及if非真实条件句的虚拟语气。   他保证饿死大吉。   He would sure enough die of starvation.   (表示不出所料)果真,果然;势必sure enough??死于die of死于新冠 died of the COVID-19能欣赏自己,才能敬业乐业,Self-appreciation is therefore key to professional dedication and enjoyment of work.   therefore是增译成分,以承接上文。   「敬业乐业」即「投身事业、享受事业」,现译作professional dedication and enjoyment of work。   写文章的人,若老是觉得自己的文章不行,我不相信他有信心涂下去。   One will lose confidence in continuing with writing when he ceases to admire his own essays.   「我不相信他有信心涂下去」并未字对字译出,而是按「他没有信心涂下去」之意直接译作One will lose confidence in…??「如果」不一定译作if,比如此处还可译作when。   卖文的,更不必说了。   Needless to say, the same is true of those who make a living with their pen.   更不必说Needless to say   其他「更不用说」的表达   ①由于他们一声不响,默默无闻,就很少为人所知,(更不)受重视。   As to those engrossed in “laying eggs”, because they are reserved and content to live in obscurity they gain little public attention, let alone recognition.   ②它的宽大的叶子也是片片向上,几乎没有斜生的,(更不用说)倒垂了;Their leaves are broad and point upwards with very few slanting sideways, much less upside down.   ③他会说德语和法语,(更不用说)英语了。   He can speak German and French, not to speak of English.   ④老人、小孩都不赞成这个建议,更不用说年轻人了。   Old folks and children are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.   ⑤他会说德语和法语,(更不用说)英语了。   He can speak German and French, not to speak of English.   …也是如此、…同样适用于…the same is true of…例句The same is true of the political field.   政治领域也一样。   必背词汇   respect n.方面   英义   You use expressions like in this respect and in many respects to indicate that what you are saying applies to the feature you have just mentioned or to many features of something.   例句   The children are not unintelligent—in fact, they seem quite normal in this respect.   这些孩子并非愚钝——事实上,在这个方面他们似乎很正常。   glorify v.赞美,颂扬,吹捧,美化   英义   To glorify something means to praise it or make it seem good or special, usually when it is not.   例句   This magazine in no way glorifies gangs.   这本杂志绝对没有美化混混们。   conceited adj. 自负的,傲慢的,自高自大的英义If you say that someone is conceited, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they are far too proud of their abilities or achievements.   例句   I thought him conceited and arrogant.   我认为他既自负又傲慢。   rustic cn.乡下人,乡巴佬   英义   You can refer to someone who comes from the countryside as a rustic if you find their behaviour amusing or very different from that of people who live in towns and cities.   例句   lots of opera-loving Italian rustics in from the country许多从乡下来的热爱歌剧的意大利乡巴佬trash un.毫无价值的东西,拙劣的作品英义If you say that something such as a book, painting, or film is trash, you mean that it is of very poor quality.   例句   Pop music doesn't have to be trash, it can be art.   流行音乐不必非得是垃圾,也可以是艺术。   重点表达   有许多不如人的地方be not as good as other people in many respects一点也不not…at all倾向于be inclined to以…为荣/傲take pride in事实上,实际上As a matter of fact做生意carry on business   死于die of   (表示不出所料)果真,果然;势必sure enough敬业乐业professional dedication and enjoyment of work更不必说Needless to say…也是如此、…同样适用于…the same is true of…卖文的make a living with their pen复盘测试有许多不如人的地方一点也不倾向于   以…为荣/傲   事实上,实际上   做生意   死于   (表示不出所料)果真,果然;势必   敬业乐业   更不必说   …也是如此、…同样适用于…   卖文的   表达对比   「总是」有几种表达?   我承认自己有许多不如人的地方,但也知道并不(老是)这样差劲。   Yes, I admit I’m in many respects not as good as other people, but I don’t think I’m always no good.   但是,我们华人总是比较谦虚,而且引以为荣。   We Chinese are generally inclined to be modest, and we take pride in being so.   我(总是)来这里。   I come here all the time.   搪瓷茶缸 ——万全   The Enamel Mug ——Wan Quan   背景知识:散文《搪瓷茶缸》出自一个不知名的作者——万全,写作年月也不详,据说最初发表在20世纪50年代《人民日报》副刊上。文章语言朴实无华,语调平和,感情真挚,人情味盎然,内容涉及区区生活小事,但却反映出时代的变迁,读后回味无穷,故乐于为之英译。   每走进百货公司,看到那些洁白的、柔和的、米黄色的和花色诱人的搪瓷茶缸,总感到一种愉快。   Whenever I visit a department store, I always take delight in seeing the enamel mugs which, pure white or creamy, are graceful in pattern and colour.   百货公司、大百货商店a department store   因…欢喜take delight in   「米黄色的」译为creamy。也可译为creamy-coloured、ivory、ivory-coloured等。   上中学的时候,由于少女的洁癖,喜欢使用白色的搪瓷器皿。   In my middle school days, I preferred to use white enamelware because, like most young girls, I was very particular about cleanliness.   「洁癖」本意是「过分讲究清洁的癖好」,这里可按「特别讲究清洁」之意译为was very particular about cleanliness,其中particular about可换用fastidious about,都表示「讲究」,但语气较重。文中「洁癖」也可译为I was very cleanly (我非常爱干净)。   记得那时候要买一只瑞典货的纯白大茶缸,要花五块多光洋,得进“惠罗公司”之类外国铺子。   In those days, I remember, a Swede-made pure white mug would cost five silver dollars, and it was obtainable only at a foreign firm.   当时,在过去的日子里,在那些天 In those days??句中「光洋」指银元,故译作silver dollars1939年在重庆,某商店从滇缅路运进来一批搪瓷茶缸,价钱当然比战前更贵。   In 1939, a certain store in Chongqing offered for sale, at a price of course higher than in prewar days, a stock of enamel mugs they had laid in through the Yunnan-Burma highway.   理清此句结构,先抓主干:In 1939, a store offered for sale a stock of enamel mugs.主干之外的成分无外乎是状语、定语。其中,offer for sale sth表示出售…例句Four were offered for sale, and two were sold.   他拿出其中四个售卖,两个已经出售。   「从滇缅路运进来一批搪瓷茶缸」译为a stock of enamel mugs they had laid in through the Yunnan-Burma highway,其中 had laid in (to lay in)是成语,意为「储存」,to lay in a stock of…作「进一批……货」解。又「滇缅路」是公路,故译the Yunnan-Burma highway。   我凑足了钱,托朋友进城捎了一只;   With the money I had raised, I asked a friend leaving for town to buy an enamel mug for me.   「托朋友进城捎了一只」指「朋友正好进城,顺路帮我捎一只」,故译作asked a friend leaving for town to buy an enamel mug for me。leaving for town作friend的后置定语。   我的朋友也许过于紧张,一出商店门就将茶缸掉在地上,摔脱了一块瓷。   Unfortunately, probably due to nervousness, he dropped it onto the ground the moment he stepped out of the store and had it chipped.   「过于紧张」译为nervousness。也可按「过分小心」之意译为over cautiousness。   he dropped it onto the ground the moment he…:the moment+从句,表示「一……就……」。类似的用法还有the minute/second/instant+从句。需要注意的是,moment和从句之间不能再插入任何成分。   had it chipped是have sth done的结构,chip本身既可作名词,表示「(瓷器上的)缺口,豁口,(家具上的)凹坑,瘪」,也可作动词,表示「削掉,凿落(碎片),剥落」以后,我带着这只有疤痕的茶缸进了抗日根据地。   Afterwards I went to the anti-Japanese base area carrying with me the enamel mug with a chip in it.   抗日根据地the anti-Japanese base area   carrying with me the enamel mug with a chip in it作伴随状语,with a chip in it是mug的后置定语。   「有疤痕的茶缸」译为the enamel mug with a chip in it,也可直译为the enamel mug with a scar或the scarred enamel mug,保持原文的比喻。   它的用途倒意外地多起来了——   Unexpectedly, over there it turned out to be a multipurpose utensil.   over there是增译成分,指明「在抗日根据地」??事实证明是…… turn out to be夏衍《野草》   结果,这一切答案完全不对 All the answers turned out to be wide of the mark.   前缀multi-可用于构成形容词,表示「多…的」,例如multipurpose多用途的、multicoloured多色的。   喝水、盛饭、热菜,给生病的同志煮粥,必要时还可以代行“面盆”、“浴缸”的职责。   It was used for carrying drinking water or cooked rice, for heating up food, cooking congee for sick comrades, and, when necessary, as a substitute for a basin or bathtub.   饮用水drinking water   熟米饭cooked rice   (如果必要的话)when necessary是when it’s necessary的省略。   从此,茶缸和我有了进一步的“战斗的友情”。   Thenceforth, the militant friendship between it and me became even more profound.   thenceforth(从那时起;从此)比 thenceforward 普通。   巴金《木匠老陈》   以后我就没有再看见老陈。   Thenceforth I never saw Lao Chen again.   「战斗的友情」译作the militant friendship。关于militant这个词,我们见过很多次,而且其均与「革命斗争」有关。   方志敏《清贫》   在长期的奋斗中   …During these long militant years…   朱德《母亲的回忆》   这使我在三十多年的军事生活和革命生活中   …so that later during my over 30 years of military and revolutionary life…1946年来到北平,很想买一只新的茶缸,代替那只为我鞠躬尽瘁的旧茶缸。   In 1946, when I came to Peiping, I was eager to buy a new enamel mug to replace the old one which had given me years of devoted service.   Peiping was the pre-Liberation name for Beijing.   「为我鞠躬尽瘁的旧茶缸」译为the old one which had given me years of devoted service,其中years of是增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。   可是当时的北平还不易买到这玩意。   But a new one was hard to come by in the then Peiping.   「可是当时的北平还不易买到这玩意」译为But a new one was hard to come by in the then Peiping,其中to come by是成语,作「得到」「弄到」解,用以表达原文的「买到」有一次,在东单小市上,在一个只有几件售品的地摊上,我发现了一只纯白的瑞典茶缸。   Once, while roaming about a small market in Dongdan, I came across a pure white Swedish enamel mug at a roadside stall displaying only a handful of articles for sale.   Dongdan, a busy street in the southeastern area of downtown Peiping (now Beijing), was known in pre-Liberation days for a host of roadside secondhand stalls frequented by low-income city dwellers.   roaming about:about/around与move、walk、roam等词连用时表示「四处走动」?? 偶然发现,偶然遇见come acrossdisplaying only a handful of articles for sale作stall的后置定语。   少量的 a handful of。类似的表达还有a mouthful of一口。在日常学习中,我们会碰到不少a xx-ful of的表达,注意积累。   这正是我所需要的。   That was just what I needed.   what引导表语从句。   可是地摊女主人的索价超过我的购买力。   But the price asked by the woman owner of the stall was too high for me.   「超过我的购买力」可译作the price was too high for me,也可译作the price was beyond my power。   我希望她降低售价,她竟眼泪盈眶,   When I bargained, I noticed tears brimming in her eyes.   「希望她降低售价」即在讲价,故以bargained一词译出。   眼泪盈眶、充盈泪水eyes are brimming with tears这时我才发觉她是一个知识分子模样的青年妇女。   And then I also realized that she was sort of an educated young woman.   有点,有几分,在一定程度上 sort of   她解释说家有病人等钱吃药,所卖的是自己家用的东西。   She said what she had for sale was her personal belongings because she was badly in need of money to pay for the medical care of someone at home.   出售… have/put/offer… for sale   because是增译成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。又,badly in need of…表示「急需…」我马上尽我所有付了价款。   Thereupon, I gave her all the money I had with me for the mug.   (1) Thereupon也为增译成分。   随身携带bring/take/carry sth with sb。   她劝说我再买一件什么,   She hoped that I would buy one more article from her.   article可指「物品、物件」,是很常见的释义。   我虽然心情沉重,很想帮她的忙,但也实在没有钱了。   But, sympathetic as I was with her, I couldn't buy anything else because I really had no money left in my pocket.   sympathetic as I was with her:as引导让步状语从句,时,句子要倒装,通常是把从句中的表语、状语或谓语动词放在句首。   例句   Much as I like English, I’m going to choose civil engineering as my major.   虽然我很喜欢英语,但我还是打算选土木工程作为自己的专业。   以后,离开了北平,这只茶缸又陪伴我经历了解放战争中的几年,而且,它常常使我清晰地回忆起那位青年妇女的含泪的眼神——在穷困与内战中经受着痛苦的北平人民的眼神。   Later, after leaving Peiping, I went through several years of the War of Liberation in company with the mug which often reminded me vividly of the tearful eyes of the young woman — tearful eyes typical of the common people of Peiping in the throes of hunger and civil war.   解放战争the War of Liberation:亦称第三次国内革命战争,是1946年6月至1949年9月中国人民解放军在中国共产党的领导下,为推翻国民党统治、解放全中国而进行的战争。是一场事关中国前途命运的决战。   经历、经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)go through??与…一起、与…同时、带着 in company with例句She and the children were making the journey to Casterly Rock, in company with her father.   当时她正带着公主王子,陪着她父亲,前往凯岩城。   「在穷困与内战中经受痛苦的」译为in the throes of hunger and civil war,其中in the throes of…是成语,作「经受……的痛苦」解。   1949年又进入城市。   In 1949, I again came to live in Peiping.   The year 1949 saw the founding of the People's Republic of China.   此句「城市」指「北平」,译时建议明确指出。   我的丈夫以他的全部零用钱买了一只米黄色茶缸赠我,作为胜利的纪念。   My husband used all his pocket money to buy me a creamy enamel mug in commemoration of the victory of the War of Liberation.   零用钱pocket money   以纪念、为了纪念in commemoration of   例句   Thousands people in Dresden, Germany joined hands to form a human chain in commemoration of World War II firebombing raids on the city 70 years ago.   德国德累斯顿上千名市民挽起手组成人墙<来纪念>70年前二战对这一城市进行的空袭。   这一只是美国货,当时百货店说:“这种米色搪瓷只有美国货。”   It was of US make. “All creamy ones are US products,” declared the salesman.   of US make中make是名词,表示「制造, 样式, 牌子, 类型」等。   例句   a certain make of wristwatch   某种品牌的手表   可惜,它对于我并不重要了。一来因为年岁增加,已经失去对于某些生活小节的执著,二来和平的城市生活中,茶缸的用途已经回复正常。   But the mug isn't so important to me now because firstly, at my age, I’m no longer so particular about trivial matters in my personal life, and secondly it has resumed its normal uses in peaceful urban life.   「(生活)小节」即一些琐碎、不重要的事,现译作trivial matters。   可是,至今我碰到各种搪瓷茶缸,仍不免要看它们一眼。   Nevertheless, up to now, whenever I come across enamel mugs of any kind, I still cannot help taking a look at them.   至今 up to now   忍不住、不禁 cannot help doing sth   因为像瑞典货一样纯白的也好,“只有美国货”的米黄色的也好,都已经是我们中国的出品;而且品种花色常在增加,价钱也便宜得多了。   It's because both pure white Swede-made and creamy US-made mugs have now given way in the market to Chinese products of ever increasing variety of colours and designs and much lower prices.   「都已经是我们中国的出品了」按「都被国货替代了」译为have now given way to Chinese products,其中have given way to(to give way to)是成语,作「让位于……」解。又,in the market是译文中的增译成分。   当年东单地摊上那位出卖了自用茶缸的主妇,想必早已添置了我国自制的新的茶缸吧。   The woman owner of the roadside stall at Dongdan who sold me her personal mug must have long ago bought a new one of Chinese make for her own use.   很早、早就 long ago   例句   Of course he's long ago passed away.   他当然去世很久了。   必背词汇   enamel n.搪瓷,珐琅,釉   英义   Enamel is a substance like glass which can be heated and put onto metal, glass, or pottery in order to decorate or protect it.   例句   a white enamel saucepan on the oil stove   煤油炉上的白色搪瓷炖锅   mug cn.马克杯(用来喝热饮的有柄大杯子)英义A mug is a large deep cup with straight sides and a handle, used for hot drinks.   例句   He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs.   他用勺子把速溶咖啡舀入两个杯子中。   creamy adj.奶油色的,淡黄色的,米色的英义pale yellowish-white in colour.   例句   creamy skin   淡黄色的皮肤   chip v. 削掉,凿落(碎片),剥落   英义   If you chip something or if it chips, a small piece is broken off it.   例句   The blow chipped the woman's tooth.   那一击把那个女人的一颗牙打掉了一块。   utensil cn.器皿,用具   英义   Utensils are tools or objects that you use in order to help you to cook or to do other tasks in your home.   例句   The best carving utensil is a long, sharp, flexible knife.   最好的雕刻工具是锋利而柔韧的长刻刀。   bathtub cn.浴盆,浴缸   英义   A bathtub is a long, usually rectangular container which you fill with water and sit in to wash your body.   例句   He scrubbed the sink and bathtub.   他把洗涤槽和浴缸都擦洗了。   重点表达   百货公司、大百货商店a department store   因…欢喜take delight in   上中学的时候In my middle school days   当时;在过去的日子里;在那些天In those days出售…offer for sale sth进一批……货to lay in a stock of…滇缅(公)路the Yunnan-Burma highway抗日根据地the anti-Japanese base area事实证明是…… turn out to be   战斗的友情the militant friendship   那只为我鞠躬尽瘁的旧茶缸the old one which had given me years of devoted service得到、弄到to come by偶然发现;偶然遇见come across少量的 a handful of是一个知识分子模样的青年妇女was sort of an educated young woman急需…badly in need of…随身携带bring/take/carry sth with sb。   经历、经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)go through解放战争the War of Liberation经受……的痛苦in the throes of…经历、经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)go through零用钱pocket money以纪念、为了纪念in commemoration of各种搪瓷茶缸enamel mugs of any kind复盘测试百货公司、大百货商店   因…欢喜   上中学的时候   当时,在过去的日子里,在那些天   出售…   进一批……货   滇缅(公)路   抗日根据地   事实证明是……   战斗的友情   那只为我鞠躬尽瘁的旧茶缸   得到、弄到   偶然发现;偶然遇见   少量的   是一个知识分子模样的青年妇女   急需…   随身携带   经历、经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)   解放战争   经受……的痛苦   经历、经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)   零用钱   以纪念、为了纪念   各种搪瓷茶缸   表达对比   「替代」有几种表达?   必要时还可以(代行)“面盆”、“浴缸”的职责。   …… when necessary, as a substitute for a basin or bathtub.   很想买一只新的茶缸,(代替)那只为我鞠躬尽瘁的旧茶缸。   In 1946, when I came to Peiping, I was eager to buy a new enamel mug to replace the old one which had given me years of devoted service.   因为像瑞典货一样纯白的也好,“只有美国货”的米黄色的也好,都(已经是)我们中国的出品;而且品种花色常在增加,价钱也便宜得多了。   It's because both pure white Swede-made and creamy US-made mugs have now given way in the market to Chinese products of ever increasing variety of colours and designs and much lower prices.   他的职位被别人(替代)了。   His position has been superseded by others.