aback abandon abandonment abbreviate abbreviation abduct abductee abduction abductor abhor abhorrence abide abiding ability ablaze able able-bodied abnormal abnormally aboard abolish abort abortion about above above board abrasive abrasively abreast abridge abridged abridgement abroad abrupt abruptness absent absent-minded absent-mindedly absent-mindedness absolute absolutely absorb absorbing abstain abstract absurd absurdity abundance abundant abuse abuser abusive abusively abusiveness abyss academic academically accede accelerate accent accentuate accentuation accept acceptability acceptable acceptably access accessibility accessible accessibly accident accidental acclaimed acclimatization acclimatize accommodate accommodating accommodation accompanist accompany accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplishment according to account accumulate accumulation accurate accurately accusation accuse accused accuser accusing accusingly accustomed ache achievable achieve achievement achiever achy acid rain acknowledge acknowledgement acoustic acoustically acquaintance acquainted acquire acquit acrid across act acting action action-packed activate activation active activist activity actor actress actual actually acute acuteness ad adamant adamantly adapt adaptability adaptable adaptation adapted add added addict addicted addiction addictive addition additional additive add-on address adept adeptly adequacy adequate adhere adhesive adjacent adjoin adjoining adjourn adjournment adjudicate adjudication adjudicator adjust adjustment ad-lib administration admirable admirably admiration admire admirer admission admit admittedly ad nauseam adolescence adolescent adopt adoptee adopter adorable adore adorn adulation adulatory adult adult education adulterous adultery adulthood advance advanced advancement advantage adventure adventurous adversary adverse adversely adversity advertise advertisement advertising advice advisability advisable advise adviser advocate aerobics affability affable affably affair affect affected affection affectionate affectionately affiliation affinity affirmative affluence affluent afford affront afield afloat afoot afraid afresh after afternoon afters aftertaste afterwards again against age aged age group ageing agenda agent age-old aggravate aggravating aggravatingly aggravation aggression aggressive aggressively aggressiveness aggressor aghast aging agitate agitator agnostic agnosticism ago agonizing agonizingly agony agree agreement ahead aid aide ailment aim aimless aimlessly aimlessness air airhead airless airman ajar akin alarm alarming alarmingly alarmist alcohol alcoholic aleck alert alertness alias alien alienate alienated alike alimony alive all allay allegation allege allegiance allegorical allegorically allegory all-embracing alleviate alleviation alley all go alliance allocate allocation allot allotted allow allowance all-powerful all-purpose all right all-rounder all-time allude allure allurement alluring almost alone along alongside aloof aloofness aloud already alright also alter alteration altercation alternate alternation alternative although altitude altogether altruistic altruistically always amalgamate amalgamation amass amateur amateurism amaze amazed amazement amazing amazingly ambassador ambassadorial ambience ambiguous ambiguously ambition ambitious ambitiously ambitiousness amble ambush amend amended amendment amenity American amiability amiable amiably amicable amicably ammunition amnesia amnesiac amnesty among amorphous amount amphibious ample amply amputate amputation amuse amused amusement amusing amusingly anachronism anachronistic anaesthetize analogy analyse analysis analyst analyze ancestor ancestral ancestry anchor ancient and anecdote anger angle angrily angry angst animate animated animatedly animosity annihilate annihilation announce announcement announcer annoy annoyance annoyed annoying annoyingly anonymous anonymously another answer antagonism antagonistic antagonistically antagonize anti- anticipate anticipation anticipatory anticlimax antics antidote antiquated antique antithesis anxiety anxious anxiously any anyone anything anywhere apart apart from apartheid apartment apathetic apathetically ape aperture apologetic apologetically apologize apology appalled appalling appallingly apparatus apparent apparently apparition appeal appealing appealingly appear appearance appetite appetizing applaud applause appliance applicant application apply appoint appointee apportion apportionment appreciate appreciation appreciative appreciatively apprehensive apprehensively apprentice approach approachable appropriate appropriateness approval approve approximate approximation apt aptitude aptness aquaplane aquatic arbitrarily arbitrariness arbitrary arbitrate arbitration arbitrator archaic archetypal archetype architect architectural architecturally architecture ardent ardently arduous arduously area argue argument argumentative arid aridity arise aristocracy ark arm armchair armed army aroma aromatic around arouse arrange arranged marriage arrangement arrears arrest arrival arrive arrogance arrogant arrogantly arsenal arson art artefact article articulate articulately artifact artificial artificiality artificially artist artistic artistically arty as ascend ascent ascertain ascertainable ashamed ashore aside ask asleep aspect aspiration aspire aspiring ass assassin assassinate assassination assault assemble assert assertive assertively assertiveness assess assessment asset assign assignment assimilate assist assistance assistant associate association assorted assortment assume assuming assumption assurance assure assured astonish astonished astonishing astonishingly astonishment astound astounded astounding astoundingly astray astride astronomical astronomically astute astutely astuteness asylum asymmetrical asymmetrically asymmetry at atheism atheist atheistic athlete athletic atmosphere atmospheric atrocious atrociously atrocity attach attachment attack attacker attain attainable attempt attend attendance attention attention span attentive attentively attentiveness attitude attitudinal attract attraction attractive attractively attractiveness attribute attribution atypical auction audibility audible audibly audience audition augment augmentation au pair auspicious auspiciously austere austerely authentic authentically author authorial authoritarian authoritarianism authority authorization authorize autobiographical autobiography autograph automatic automatically autonomous autonomously autopsy available avalanche avant-garde avenge avenger avenue average averse aversion avert avid avoid avoidable await awake awakening award aware awash away awe-inspiring awful awfully awfulness awkward awkwardly awkwardness AWOL babble babbler babe baby babysit babysitter babysitting bachelor back backache backbreaking backdrop backer backfire background backhander backing backlash backpack backstreet backtalk backtrack backup backwards backyard bad badly badly off badness bad-tempered baffle baffled bafflement baffling bag baggy bail bake bakery baking balance balanced ball ball game ballistic ballot ballot box ban banal banality bananas band bandwagon bang banish banishment bank bankroll bankrupt banned banner ad banner advertising banning banquet bar barbaric barbecue bare barely bareness bargain bargainer bargaining barge bargepole barmy barrack barren barrier barring barter basal base based bash -basher bashful bashfully bashfulness basic basically basics basis bask bass bat batch bath bathroom batter battered battle battlefield bawl be beach beam bear bearable bearably bearing beat beaten beating beautiful beautifully beauty beauty spot beaver because beckon become bed bed and breakfast bedraggled bedtime beefy beeline beep beer beery before beforehand befriend beg beggar begin beginner beginning behalf behave behaviour behavioural behaviourally behind being belabour belated belatedly belief believable believe believer belittle bell belligerence, belligerency belligerent bellow belong belonging belongings below belt bemuse bemused bemusedly bemusement benchmark bend beneath benefactor beneficial beneficially benefit bent bequeath bereaved berserk beside besides besiege besotted best best man best-seller best-selling bet betray betrayer better better off between beverage beware bewildered bewildering bewilderingly beyond biased bibliographer bibliography bicker bickering bid big big deal big money big name bigot bigoted bigotry bike bilingual bill bimbo bind biographical biography birth birthday birthmark birthplace birthright bisexual bisexuality bit bitch bitchily bitchiness bitchy bite bitter bitterly bitterness bizarre bizarrely blab black black and white blacklist black magic blackmail blackmailer black market blackness blackout blame blameless blamelessly bland blandly blandness blank blank cheque blanket blankness blare blast blasé blatant blatantly blaze blazing bleach bleak bleakly bleakness bleed blemish blend blessed blessedly blessedness blessing blind blinding blindingly blindness blind spot blink bliss blissful blissfully blizzard bloated blob block blockade blockbuster blockbusting blood blot blotch blotched blotchy blow blow-by-blow blue blue-collar blueness blueprint blunder blunt bluntness blur blurred blurry blurt blush blushingly board boarding house boast boaster boastful boastfully boastfulness boat bode bodily body bodyguard boffin bog bogus boil boiling boisterous bold boldly boldness bollock bolt bomb bombard bombardment bombed bomber bombshell bona fide bond bone bonfire bonk bonus bony boo boob book booking bookworm boom booming boon boondocks boost boot booze booze-up boozy border borderline bore bored boredom boring born borrow borrowing boss bossily bossiness bossy botch both bother bothered bottle bottleneck bottom bottomless bottom-line bottom line boulevard bounce bound boundary boundless boundlessly boundlessness bourgeois bourgeoisie bout bow bowl box boxing boy boycott boyfriend brace bracing bracket brag brain brainchild brainless brainlessly brainwash brainwashing brainwave brainy brake branch brand brandish brand name brand-new brash brashly brashness brat bratty brave bravely bravery brawl brawn brawny brazen breach breadwinner break breakable breakdown breakfast break-in breaking and entering breakneck breakout breakthrough breath breathe breather breathing breathing space breathless breathlessly breathlessness breathtaking breathtakingly breed breeze brew bribe bribery bridal bride bridegroom bridesmaid bride-to-be brief brigade bright brighten brightly brightness brilliance brilliant brilliantly brim bring brink brittle broach broad broadcast broaden broadsheet broil broiling broke broken brood browbeat brown-nose brown-noser brown-nosing browse browser bruise bruised brunch brush brush-off brusque brusquely brusqueness brutal brutality brutally brute bubble buck bucket buckle bud buddy budge budget budgeting buff buffet bug bugger build building build-up bulge bulgy bulk bulkiness bulky bull bullet bully bullying bully-off bum bummer bump bumpy bunch bundle bung bungalow bungle bungled bungler burden bureau bureaucracy bureaucratic bureaucratically burglar burglary burgle burly burn burning burnout burrow burst bury bush bushed business businesslike businessman bust busted bustle bustling bust-up busy busybody but butcher butt butter butterfly button buy buyer buzz buzzword by bye bygones bylaw by-product cabinet cache cackle cadge cagey cagily caginess cahoots cajole cake calamitous calamity calculate calculated calculatedly calculating calculation call caller calloused calm calmly calmness camouflage camp campaign campfire campground can cancel candid candidate candidly candour candy cannily cannot canny can't cantankerous canvass canvasser cap capability capable capably capacity capital capitalization capitalize capital punishment capsize captain captive captivity capture car carbonated care career carefree careful carefully carefulness careless carelessly carelessness carer caress caricature caring carnage carpet carpool carpooling carrot carry cart carte blanche cartoon carve cascade case cash cashable cast caste cast-offs casual casually casualness casualty cat catalogue catapult catastrophe catch catching catchphrase catchword categorization categorize category cater caught cause caustic caustically caution cautionary cautious cautiousness cave cease ceasefire ceiling celebrate celebrated celebration celebrity celibacy celibate cell censor censorship center central centrality centrally centre ceremonial ceremony cert certain certainly certainty certify chafe chain chain reaction chain-smoke chain-smoker chain store chair chairman chalk challenge challenging challengingly champion championship chance change changeable changed channel chaos chaotic chapter character characteristic characteristically characterize charade charge charged charity charlatan charm charmed charming charmingly charred chart charter chase chasm chat chat room chatter chatterbox chatterer chatty chauffeur chauvinist cheap cheaply cheapness cheapskate cheat check checklist cheekily cheekiness cheeky cheer cheerful cheerfully cheerfulness cheerily cheering cheers cheery cheese chef chemist chemistry cheque chest chew chic chicken chief chiefly child childbirth childcare childhood childish childishly childishness childminder childminding children child support chill chilliness chilling chillingly chilly chime chimney chip chipped chivvy chock-a-block choice choir choke choose choosy chop choral chore choreograph choreographer choreography chorus chosen chow christen Christian name chronic chronically chronicle chubbiness chubby chuck chuckle chunk chunky church churn cinch cinema circa circle circular circularity circulate circulation cite citizen citizenship city civic civil civil rights claim claimant clairvoyance clairvoyant clam clamber clammily clamminess clammy clamorous clamour clamp clandestine clang clank clanking clap clapped-out clapping clarify clash clasp class classic classifiable classified classify classwork classy clatter clause clean clean-cut cleaner cleanness cleanse clear clearance clearing clearly clearness clever cleverly cleverness cliché clichéd click client clientele climate climatic climax climb climber climbing clinch cling clinic clinical clinically clink clip clique cliquey cloak-and-dagger clobber clock clockwork clone close closed close-fitting closely closeness closet close-up closing closure clot cloth clothes clothing cloud cloudy clout club clue clump clumsily clumsiness clumsy cluster clutch clutter cluttered Co. coach coarse coarsely coarseness coast coastline coat coating coax coaxing coaxingly cobble cockily cockiness cocky code code name code-name coed coerce cohabit cohabitation coherent coherently coil coiled coin coincide coincidence cold cold-blooded cold-bloodedly cold-bloodedness cold shoulder cold snap cold spell collaborate collaboration collaborative collaborator collapse collapsible colleague collect collection collective collectively collector college collide collision colloquial colloquially collude collusion colony colossal colossally colour coloured colourful colourfully colouring colourless colourlessly column columnist coma comb combat combination combine combined come comeback comedian comedy comeuppance comfort comfortable comfortably comforting comfortingly comfy comic comical comically coming command commandeer commemorate commemorative commendable commendably commendation comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commiserate commission commit commitment committed committee common commonplace common sense commotion communal communicate communication community commute commuter compact compactly compactness companion companionship company comparability comparable comparative compare comparison compassion compassionate compassionately compatible compel compelling compellingly compensate compensation compete competence competent competently competition competitive competitively competitor compile complain complaint complement complete completely completeness complex compliant complicate complicated complication compliment complimentary comply component compose composed composer composition compositional compound comprehend comprehensibility comprehensible comprehension comprehensive comprehensively comprehensiveness comprehensive school compress compressible compression comprise compromise compulsion compulsive compulsively compulsiveness compulsorily compulsory compunction computer con conceal concealment concede conceit conceited conceitedly conceitedness conceivable conceivably conceive concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concerning concert concession conciliatory concise concisely conciseness conclude concluding conclusion conclusive conclusively concoct concrete concretely concur condemn condemned condense condition conditional conditionally condominium condone conduct confer conference conferment confess confession confide confidence confident confidential confidentiality confidentially confidently confine confinement confines confirm confiscate confiscation conflict conform conformist confront confrontation confrontational confuse confused confusedly confusing confusingly confusion congeal conglomerate congratulate congratulatory congregate congressman conjectural conjecture conjunction connect connected connection connoisseur connotation connotative connote conquer conquering conqueror conquest conscience conscientious conscientiously conscientiousness conscious consciousness conscript conscription consecutive consecutively consensus consent consequence consequent consequently conservation conservative conservatively conserve consider considerable considerate considerately consideration considered consist consistent consistently consolation console conspicuous conspiracy conspire constant constantly constituent constitute constitution constitutional constitutionally constrained constraint construct construction constructional construe consult consultant consume consumer consumption contact contactable contagious contagiousness contain contaminate contaminated contamination contemplate contemporary contempt content contented contentedly contention contentious contentiously contentment contest contestant contingent continual continually continue continuous continuously contour contraception contract contradict contraption contrary contrast contravene contravention contribute contribution contributory contrive contrived control controversial controversially controversy convalesce convenience store convenient convention conventional conventionality conventionally converge convergent conversation converse conversion convert convey convict convince convinced convincing convincingly convivial conviviality convivially convoluted convulsion cook cookbook cookery cookie cooking cool coolly coolness cooped up cooperate cooperative cooperatively cope copy cordial cordiality core corner corner shop cornerstone corollary Corp. corporal punishment corporate corporately corporation corpse correct correction correctly correctness correlation correspond correspondence correspondent corresponding correspondingly corroborate corroboration corroborative corrode corrosion corrupt corruptibility corruptible corruption corruptly corruptness cosily cosiness cosmopolitan cost co-star costliness costly costume cosy cottage cotton cotton wool couch potato cough could council counselling counsellor count counterbalance counter-espionage counterfeit counterpart counterproductive countersign countless country countryside coup couple courage courageous courageously courier course coursework court courteous courtesy courtroom Coventry cover coverage covered covering covert cover-up coward cowardly co-worker coy coyly coyness crack cracked cracking crackle crackly cradle craftily craftiness craftsmanship crafty cram crammed cramped crank crap crash crash course crater crave craving crawl craze crazily craziness crazy creak cream creamy crease creased create creation creative creatively creativeness creator credible credibly credit creditor creed creep creepy crescent crest crestfallen crew crime criminal criminality criminally cripple crippled crisis crisp crisply crispness criterion critic critical criticism criticize critique crony crook crooked crookedly crookedness croon crooner crop cross cross-examination cross-examine crossfire crossing cross-legged crossly cross-purposes crotchety crouch crow crowd crowded crucial crucially crude crudely crudeness crudity cruel cruelly cruelty cruise crumb crumble crumple crumpled crunch crunchiness crunchy crusade crush crux cry cube cuddle cue cuisine cul-de-sac culinary cull culpability culpable culpably culprit cult cultivate cultural culture cultured cumbersome cunning cunningly cup cupboard curb cure curiosity curious curl currency current currently curriculum curt curtly curtness curve curved cushy cuss custody custom customarily customary customer customize cut cut and dried cute cutely cuteness cut-off cut-price cutting cyber- cycle cyclist cylindrical cynical cynically D.A. dab dabble dad daddy daft daftness daily daintily daintiness dainty damage damaging damn damp dampen damper damply dampness dance dancer dancing danger dangerous dangle dank dankness dapper dare daredevil daring daringly dark Dark Ages darken darkness darling dart dash dashing dashingly data database date dated daughter daunting dawdle dawdler dawn day daydream daydreamer daylight day-to-day day trip day tripper dazed dazzle dazzling dead deaden dead end deadline deadlock deadlocked deadly deadness deadpan deaf deafening deafness deal dealer dear dearly death deathbed death penalty death row death sentence death trap debatable debate debilitate debilitating debt debtor debunk debunker debut decadent decadently decay deceased deceit deceitful deceitfully deceitfulness deceive deceiver decency decent decently deception deceptive deceptively decide decided decidedly decimate decimation decision decisive decisively decisiveness deck declaration declare decline declining decompose decomposition decor decorate decorating decoration decorative decoratively decorator decoy decrease decree decriminalization decriminalize dedicated deduce deducible deduct deductible deed deep deepen deeply deface defacement default defaulter defeat defeated defect defence defenceless defend defendant defender defensive defensively defensiveness defiant defiantly deficiency deficient definable define definite definitely definition definitive definitively deflate deforest deforestation deformed defraud defy degenerate degeneration degrading degree dehydrate dehydrated dehydration dejected dejectedly dejection delay delayed delegate delegation delete deliberate deliberately deliberateness delicacy delicate delicately delicatessen delicious deliciously delight delighted delightedly delightful delightfully delinquency delinquent deliver deliverer delivery delude deluge delusion delusional delusive deluxe demand demanding demeanour democracy democratic democratically demolish demonstrate demonstration demonstrative demonstratively demonstrator demoralization demoralize demoralized demoralizing demystification demystify denotation denotative denote denounce dent dentist deny depart department departmental department store departure depend dependence dependent depict depiction deplete depletion deplorable deplorably deplore deport deportation depose deposit depraved depravity depreciate depress depressed depressing depressingly depression deprive deprived depth deputation deputize deputy derelict derisory derivative derive derogatory descend descendant describe description descriptive descriptively desecrate desecration desert deserted deserts deserve design designate designer desirability desirable desirably desire desolate desolately desolation despair despatch desperate despise despite despondency despondent despondently dessert destination destined destiny destitute destitution destroy destruction destructive destructively destructiveness detach detached detail detailed detain detainee detect detectable detective detention detention centre deter deteriorate deterioration determination determine determined deterrence deterrent detest detestation detonate detonation detour detract detrimental detrimentally devaluation devalue devastate devastated devastating devastatingly devastation develop developed developing development deviant device devil devious deviously deviousness devise devote devoted devotedly devotee devotion devour devout devoutly diagnose dialect diametrically diary dice dicey Dickensian dictate dictatorial dictatorially dictatorship die diehard diet differ difference different differentiate differentiation differently difficult difficulty diffidence diffident diffidently dig digest digit dignified dignitary dignity digress digression dilapidated dilapidation dilemma dilute dilution dim dimension diminutive dimly dimness din dine dinginess dingy dinner dinner party dinosaur dip diploma diplomat diplomatic diplomatically direct direction directive direct mail director dirt dirtily dirt road dirty dirty old man disability disable disabled disablement disabling disadvantage disadvantaged disagree disagreeable disagreeably disagreement disappear disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointingly disappointment disapproval disapprove disapproving disapprovingly disarray disaster disastrous disastrously disbelief disbelieve disbelieving discard discerning discharge disciplinarian disciplinary discipline disciplined disclose disco discomfort disconnect disconnected disconnection discontinuance discontinuation discontinue discord discount discourage discouraged discouraging discouragingly discourteous discourteously discover discoverer discovery discredit discreet discreetly discrepancy discretion discriminate discriminating discrimination discriminatory discuss discussion disease diseased disembark disembarkation disenchanted disenchantment disenfranchise disenfranchisement disentangle disgrace disgruntled disguise disgust disgusted disgusting disgustingly dish dishevelled dishonest dishonestly dishonesty disillusioned disillusionment disincentive disinfect disinformation disintegrate disintegration disinterested disinterestedly disk dislike dislocate dislocated dislocation disloyal disloyalty dismal dismally dismantle dismayed dismiss dismissive dismissively dismount disobedience disobedient disobey disorder disorganized disparity dispatch dispel disperse display displease displeased displeasing disposable disposal dispose disposition disproof disproportionate disproportionately disprove dispute disqualification disqualify disregard disrepair disrepute disrespect disrespectful disrespectfully disrupt diss dissect dissection disseminate dissemination dissent dissipate dissolve distance distant distantly distaste distinct distinction distinctive distinctively distinctiveness distinctly distinguish distort distorted distortion distract distracting distraught distress distressed distressing distressingly distribute district distrust distrustful disturb disturbance disuse disused ditch dither ditherer dive diverse diversely diversification diversify diversion divert divide divided divine divinely division divorce divorced divulge DIY dizzily dizziness dizzy DJ do doable docent dock doctor doctorate document documentary documentation doddle dodge dodgy dog dog-eared dogged doggedly doggedness do-gooder dogsbody dole doll dollop domain domestic domestically dominant dominate dominating domineer domineering domino donate donation done donkey donor don't doodle doom doomed door doormat doornail doorstep door-to-door dope dork dorky dosh doss dot dotage dote doting dotingly dotted line double double-check double cross double-cross double-crosser doubt doubter doubtful doubtfully dough down downbeat downcast downer downgrade downhill download down payment downplay downside downsize downsizing down-to-earth downtown downward downwards doze drab drabness draconian draft drag drain drained drama dramatic dramatics draughty draw drawback drawing drawn dread dreadful dreadfully dream dreariness dreary drench drenched drenching dress dressed dribs and drabs dried drift drifter drill drink drinker drinking drip drive driver driving drizzle droop droopy drop dropout drought drove drown drowsily drowsiness drowsy drubbing drudge drudgery drug drum drunk drunken drunkenly drunkenness dry dry-clean dry cleaner's dry cleaning dryness dry run dual duality dub dubious dubiously dubiousness duck due due to DUI dull dullness dully dumb dumbfound dumbfounded dumbly dumbness dummy dump dumpy dunk duo dupe duplicate durability durable durably duration duress during dust dusty dutiful duty dwarf dwell DWI dwindle dwindling dye dyed dying dynamic dynamically e- each eager eagerly eagerness eagle-eyed ear earliest early earmark earn earnest earnestly earnestness earnings earshot ear-splitting earth earthward earthwards ease easily easy easy-going eat eater eavesdrop eavesdropper ebb eccentric eccentrically echo eclipse eco- ecological ecologically ecology e-commerce economic economical economics economize economy ecosystem ecstasy ecstatic ecstatically edge edible edit editor editorial educate educated education educational educationally educator eerie eerily effect effective effectively effectiveness effeminacy effeminate effeminately efficiency efficient efficiently effort effortless effortlessly e.g. egg ego egocentric egocentricity either eject ejection eke elaborate elaborately elaboration elapse elated elation elbow elder elderly eldest elect election electioneering electoral electorally electorate elegance elegant elegantly element elementary elementary school elevated eligibility eligible eliminate elite elliptical elongated elope elopement eloquence eloquent eloquently else elsewhere elude elusive elusively elusiveness emaciated emaciation email emanate emanation embargo embark embarkation embarrass embarrassed embarrassing embarrassingly embarrassment embassy embezzle embezzlement embezzler emblem embrace embroil embryo embryonic emerge emergency emerging emigrate emigration eminent emit emotion emotional emotionally emotive emotively emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empties emptily empty emulate emulation enable enabler enchilada encircle encirclement enclose encompass encounter encourage encouraged encouragement encouraging encouragingly encrustation encrusted encyclopedia end endanger endangerment endear endearing endearingly endeavour ending endless endlessly endorse endow end result endurance endure enduring enduringly enemy energetic energetically energy enfranchise enfranchised enfranchisement engage engaged engagement engaging engagingly engine engineer English engross engrossed engrossing enhance enhancement enhancer enigma enigmatic enigmatically enjoy enjoyable enjoyably enjoyment enlarge enlighten enlightening enlist enlistment enormous enough enquiry enrich enriched enrichment enrol en route ensue ensuing ensure entail entangle entangled enter enterprise entertain entertainment enthral enthralled enthralling enthuse enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic enthusiastically entice enticement enticing enticingly entire entirely entirety entitle entitlement entrance entrant entrench entrenched entrepreneur entrepreneurial entrust entry entryway envelop envious enviously environment environmental environmentally environmentally friendly envisage envoy envy ephemeral epic epidemic episode epitome epitomize equal equality equalize equally equilibrium equip equipment equivalence equivalent era eradicate eradication erase erect erode erotic erotically errand erratic erratically erroneous erroneously error erupt eruption escalate escalation escape escaped escort especially espionage essence essential essentially establish estate estimate estimated estimator estranged estrangement eternal ethical ethically ethnic ethnically etiquette euphoria euthanasia evacuate evacuation evade evaluate evasive evasively evasiveness eve even even-handed evening evenly evenness event eventful eventually ever everlasting every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evict eviction evidence evident evil evilly evocation evocative evoke evolution evolve ex- exacerbate exacerbation exact exacting exactly exactness exaggerate exaggerated exaggeratedly exaggeration exam examination examine examiner example exasperation excavate excavation exceed excel excellent excellently except excepted exception exceptional exceptionally excerpt excess excessive excessively exchange exchangeable excitability excitable excite excited excitedly excitement exciting excitingly exclaim exclude exclusive exclusively exclusivity excruciating excruciatingly excursion excuse execute executive exemplification exemplify exempt exercise exhalation exhale exhaust exhausted exhausting exhaustion exhaustive exhaustively exhibit exhibition exhibitionist exhilarated exhilarating exhilaration exile exist existence existing exodus exonerate exoneration exorbitant exorbitantly expand expanse expatriate expect expectant expectantly expectation expedition expel expend expenditure expense expensive expensively experience experienced experiment experimenter expert expertise expertly expertness expire explain explanation explicit explicitly explicitness explode exploit exploitable exploiter explore explosion explosive export exportation expose express expression expressionless expressionlessly expressive expressively expressiveness expressly expressway exquisite exquisitely exquisiteness extend extension extensive extensively extent exterior exterminate extermination exterminator external externally extinct extinction extinguish extort extortion extortionate extortionately extortionist extra extract extraction extradite extradition extraordinary extravagance extravagant extravagantly extreme extremely extremist extricate extrovert eye eye-catching eyesight eyesore fable fabric fabricate fabrication face facetious facetiously facetiousness face value facilitate facilitation facsimile fact faction factional factor faculty fad faddish faddishness fade fade-in fade-out fail failing failure faint faintly faintness fair fairly fair-minded fairness fair play fairy faith faithful faithfully faithfulness fake fall fallacy fall guy falling-out false falsehood false start falsification falsify fame familiar familiarization familiarize family family name family planning famine famished famous fan fanatic fanatical fanatically fancy fantasize fantastic fantastically fantasy far faraway fare farewell far-fetched far-flung far-off far-reaching fascinate fascinated fascinating fascinatingly fascination fashion fashionable fashionably fashion victim fast fasten fat fatal fatality fate fated father fatherhood fatherly fatigue fatness fatten fattening fatty fault faultless faultlessly faux pas favour favourable favourably favourite favouritism fax fear fearful fearfulness fearless fearlessly fearlessness feasibility feasible feasibly feast feat feature featureless fed federal federation fee feeble feed feedback feel feel-good feeling feet feisty fell fellow felon felony female feminine feminism feminist fend ferocious ferociously ferocity fertile fervent fervently fess festival festoon fetch fetish fetus feud fever feverish feverishly few fiancé fiancée fiasco fib fibber fickle fickleness fiction fiddle fiddly fidget field fierce fierceness fiery fifty-fifty fight fighting figment figure figurehead figure of speech file fill filling film film star filthy final finale finalization finalize finally finance financial financially financing find finding fine fine art fine-tune fine tuning finger fingerprint finish finished finite fire fire brigade firefighter fireman fireproof firing line firm firmly firmness first first class first-class first-generation first generation first-hand first language firstly first name fiscal fiscally fish fishy fist fit five fix fixation fixed fizz fizzle flabbergasted flabbiness flabby flag flagrant flagrantly flair flak flake flakiness flaky flamboyance flamboyant flamboyantly flame flameproof flammable flare flared flash flashy flat flatmate flatness flatten flatter flatterer flattering flattery flaunt flavour flavoured flaw flawed flawless flawlessly fleck flee fleece flesh flexible flexibly flick flicker flies flight flimsily flimsiness flimsy fling flip flippancy flippant flippantly flirt float flog flood flooding floor flop floppy flounce flourish flout flow flowing fluctuate fluency fluent fluently fluff fluffy fluid fluke fluky, flukey flunk fluorescence fluorescent flush flutter flux fly flyer flying fob focus focus group fodder foe foetus fog foil foist fold folding folk folklore follow follower following follow-up fondle food food chain foodie fool foolhardiness foolhardy foolish foolishly foolishness foolproof foot footing footpath footprint footstep for forbid forbidden forbidding forbiddingly force forced forceful forcefully forcefulness foreboding forecast forefather foregone conclusion foreground foreign foreigner foreignness foreman foremost forerunner foresee foreseeable foretell forever forewarn forewarning foreword forge forgery forget forgetful forgetfully forgetfulness forgive forgo fork form formal formality formalization formalize formation former formerly formulate formulation forte forth forthcoming forthright fortuitous fortuitously fortunate fortunately fortune forum forward forward-looking foster foul foully foul mouth foul-mouthed foulness foul play found foundation founding four-letter word fraction fracture fractured fragile fragility fragment fragrance fragrant fragrantly frail frame framework franchise frank frankly frankness frantic frantically fraud fraught fray frayed freak freckle free -free freebie freedom freedom fighter free enterprise free-for-all freelance freeload freeloader freely free will freeze freezing frenzy frequency frequent frequently fresco fresh freshen fresher freshly freshman freshness fret friction friend friendliness friendly friendship fright frighten frightened frightening frighteningly fringe fringe benefit frisk fritter from front frontier front-line front line frost frosted frostily frosty frown frozen frugal frugality frugally fruit fruitful fruitfully fruitfulness fruitless fruitlessly frustrated frustrating frustration fry fuel fugitive fulfil fulfilled fulfilling fulfilment full full-bodied full-grown fully fumble fumbling fun function fund fundamental fundamentalism fundamentalist fundamentals funding funny furious furiously furore furrow further furthermore furtive furtively furtiveness fuse fusion fuss fussily fussiness fussy futile futility future futuristic fuzzily fuzziness fuzzy gadget gaffe gag gain gait gale gall gallery galore gamble gambler gambling game gamely game plan gamut gang gangling gangly gap gape gaping garbage garble garbled garden centre garish garishly garishness garment garnish gasbag gash gasp gatecrash gatecrasher gather gathering gaudily gaudiness gaudy gauge gaunt gauntness gawk gay gayness gaze gear gender general generalize generally general public generate generation generosity generous generously genial geniality genially genius genocidal genocide genre gent gentle gentleman gentleness genuine genuineness geriatric gestation gestural gesture get getaway get-together get-up-and-go ghetto ghost ghostly ghost town giant giddily giddiness giddy gift gifted gig gigantic gigantically giggle girl girlfriend gist give giveaway given glad gladly gladness glamorous glance glare glaring gleam gleaming gleeful gleefully glide glimmer glimpse glisten glitch glitter gloat global globalization globally global warming globe gloom gloomily gloomy glorification glorify glorious gloriously gloss glossiness glossy glove glow glowing glowingly glue glum glumly glumness glut glutton gluttonous gluttony gnaw go go-ahead goal gobble gobbledygook go-between gobsmacked go-getter go-getting going goings-on golden goldmine gone good goodbye good-looker good-looking good looks good-natured good-naturedly goodness goods gooey goof gorge gorgeous gorgeously gormless gormlessly gory go-slow gospel gossip gouge gourmet govern government GP GPA grab grace graceful gracefully gracefulness grade grade point average gradual gradually graduate graffiti graft grain grand grandly grant granted grapevine grapple grasp grasping grass grass roots grate grateful gratefully grating gratingly gratis gratitude gratuitous gratuitously graze greasily greasiness greasy great greatly greatness greed greedily greediness greedy green greenhouse greenness greet greeting grey greyness grief grievance grieve grill grim grime grimly grimness grimy grin grind grip gripe gripping grit groggy groom groomsman groove gross grossed out grossly grossness grotesque grotesquely grouch grouchiness grouchy ground groundless groundwork group grovel grovelling grow growl grown grown-up growth grub grubbiness grubby grudge grudging grudgingly gruelling gruff gruffly gruffness grumble grumpily grumpiness grumpy grunt guarantee guard guarded guardedly guardian guerrilla guess guesswork guest guesthouse guidance guide guilt guiltily guilty guinea pig gulf gullibility gullible gun gunfire gunman gunshot gurgle guru gush gut gutted guy gym habit habitable habitat habitation habitual habitually hack hacked off hacker hacking hackneyed had haggle haggling hail hair haircut hair-raising half half-hearted half-heartedly half-light half-sister half-term half-truth halfway hallmark hallucinate hallucination halt halve halves hammer hamper hand handbook handful handicap handicapped handle handmade hand-me-down handout handpicked handsome handsomely hands-on handwash handwriting handwritten handy hang hangout hangover hang-up hanker haphazard haphazardly happen happening happiness happy harbour hard hardback hardball hard-bitten harden hardened hard-hearted hardiness hardliner hardly hardness hardship hard up hardware hardy hare-brained harm harmful harmless harmlessly harmlessness harmony harp harrowing harsh harshly harshness harvest hassle haste hasty hatchet hate hate crime hated hatred haughtily haughtiness haughty haul haulage haunt haunted have haven have-nots haves havoc hawk hay hazard hazardous hazily haziness hazy head headache headachy headline head office head of state head start headstrong headway heady heal health healthful healthily healthiness healthy heap hear hearing hearsay heart heartache heartbreaking heartbreakingly heartbroken hearten heartening hearteningly heartfelt heartless heartlessly heartlessness heart-to-heart heartwarming heartwarmingly heat heated heatedly heave heaven heaviness heavy heavy-duty heavyweight heckle heckler heckling hectic heel hefty height heighten hell hello help helper helpful helpfully helpfulness helping helpless helplessly helplessness hen hen party herald here heritage hero heroic heroically heroine hero worship hero-worship hesitant hesitantly hesitate hesitatingly heterosexual het up hi hiccup hidden hide hidebound hideous hideously hideousness hideout hiding hiding place hierarchy high highbrow higher education highlight highlighting highly high-pitched high profile high-profile high-ranking high rise high-rise high-risk high school high-speed high street high tech high-tech highway hike hiker hilarious hilariously hill hilly hinder hindrance hinge hinged hint hip hire hiss historic history hit hitch hitchhike hitchhiker hi-tech hoard hoarder hoarding hoarse hoarsely hoarseness hoax hobble hobby hobbyist hoist hold hold-up hole holiday holiday camp holiday home holidaymaker holier-than-thou hollow holy home homecoming homeless homelessness homely homemade homepage homesick homesickness home town homework homicide homogeneous homogeneously homophobia homophobic homosexual homosexuality honest honestly honesty honeymoon honeymooner honk honour honourable honourably hook hooked hooker hooligan hooliganism hoot hop hope hopeful hopefully hopefulness hopeless hopelessness horde horizon horizontal horizontally horny horrendous horrendously horrible horribly horrific horrifically horrify horror hospice hospitable hospitably hospital host hostage hostel hostess hostile hostility hot hotbed hot cake hot potato hound hour hourly house household householder houseproud housework housing how however howl howler hubbub huddle hue huff hug huge hugeness hum human humane humanely humanity humankind human race humble humbly humdrum humid humiliate humiliated humiliating humiliatingly humiliation humility humorous humorously humour humourless humourlessly hunch hundred hundredth hunger hunger strike hunger striker hungry hunk hunky hunt hunting hurdle hurl hurricane hurried hurriedly hurry hurt husband hush hushed hush-hush huskily husky hustle hybrid hygiene hygienic hygienically hype hyper hyperactive hyperactivity hyperlink hypochondriac hypocritical hypothesis hysteria hysterical hysterically hysterics ice ice-cold iciness icy idea ideal idealization idealize ideally identical identically identify identity idiom idiot idiotic idiotically idle idleness idly idol idolize idyllic idyllically if iffy ignite ignorance ignorant ignorantly ignore ilk ill ill-advised ill-advisedly illegal illegality illegally illegibility illegible illegibly ill-equipped illicit illicitly ill-informed illiteracy illiterate ill-mannered illness illogical illogicality illogically ill-suited ill-timed ill-treat ill-treatment illuminate illusion illustrate illustration IM image imaginary imagination imaginative imaginatively imagine imbalance imbalanced imitate imitation imitator immaculate immaculately immature immaturity immediate immediately immemorial immense immerse immersed immigrant immigrate immigration imminence imminent imminently immobile immobility immobilization immobilize immoral immorality immorally immortal impact impair impaired impartial impartiality impartially impasse impassioned impassive impassively impassivity impatient impatiently impeach impeachment impeccable impeccably impede impel impending imperfect imperfection imperfectly impersonal impersonally impersonate impersonation impertinence impertinent impertinently impetuosity impetuous impetuously impetuousness impetus implausibility implausible implausibly implement implementation implicate implication imply impolite impolitely import importance important imported impose imposing impossibility impossible impossibly impostor impound impoverish impoverished impoverishment impractical impracticality impractically imprecise imprecisely imprecision impress impression impressionable impressive impressively impressiveness imprison imprisonment improbability improbable improbably impromptu improve improved improvement improvisation improvise impudence impudent impulse impulsive impulsively impulsiveness impunity impure impurity in inability inaccessibility inaccessible inaccessibly inaccurate inaccurately inactive inadequate inadequately inadvertence inadvertent inadvertently inane inanely inanimate inanity inappropriacy inappropriate inappropriately inappropriateness inarticulacy inarticulate inarticulately inarticulateness inattentive inattentively inattentiveness inaudibility inaudible inaudibly inaugural incapability incapable incarcerate incarceration incensed incentive inception incessant incessantly inch incidence incident incidental incidentally incinerate incineration incision incite incitement inclined include included including inclusive incognito incoherence incoherent incoherently income incoming incompatibility incompatible incompetent incompetently incomplete incompletely incompleteness incomprehensibility incomprehensible incomprehensibly inconceivable inconceivably incongruous incongruously inconsiderate inconsiderately inconsistent inconsolable inconsolably inconspicuous inconspicuously inconvenience inconvenient inconveniently incorporate incorporation incorrect incorrectly increase increased increasing increasingly incredible incredibly incredulous incredulously increment incriminate incriminating incrimination in-crowd incurable incurably indecent indecently indecipherable indecisive indecisively indecisiveness indentation independence independent independently in-depth indescribable indescribably indestructibility indestructible index indicate indication indicative indict indictment indifferent indifferently indignant indignantly indignity indirect indirectly indiscreet indiscretion indispensable indisputable indisputably indistinct indistinctly indistinguishable individual individuality indoctrinate indoctrination indoor indoors induce inducement indulge industrial industrial action industrially industrious industriously industry inedible ineffective ineffectively ineffectiveness ineffectual ineffectually inefficiency inefficient inefficiently ineligibility ineligible inequality inevitable inexcusable inexcusably inexhaustible inexorability inexorable inexorably inexpensive inexpensively inexperience inexperienced inexpressible inexpressibly infallibility infallible infallibly infamous infamously infancy infant infatuated infatuation infected infection infectious infectiously infer inferior inferno infertile infidelity infiltrate infiltration infiltrator infinite infinitesimal infinitesimally infirm inflate inflated inflexibility inflexible inflexibly inflict infliction influence influential influx info infomercial inform informal informality informally informant information informational informative informatively informed informer infrequency infrequent infringe infringement infuriate infuriating infuriatingly ingenious ingeniously ingratitude ingredient inhabit inhabitable inhabitant inhalation inhale inherent inherently inherit inhibited inhibition inhospitable in-house inhuman inhumane inhumanely inhumanity inhumanly initial initially initiate initiative inject injection injunction injure injured injury injustice in-laws inmate inner inner city inner-city innermost innocence innocent innocently innocuous innocuously innovation innovative innuendo innumerable inopportune inordinate inordinately input inquest inquire inquirer inquiry inquisitive inquisitively inquisitiveness ins and outs insane insanely insanitary insanity insatiable insatiably inscription inscrutability inscrutable inscrutably insecure insecurely insecurity insensitive insensitively insensitivity inseparability inseparable inseparably insert inside insider insight insignia insignificance insignificant insignificantly insincere insincerely insincerity insist insistence insistent insistently insolence insolent insolently insoluble insolvency insolvent insomnia inspect inspection inspiration inspire inspired install instalment instance instant instantaneous instantaneously instantly instead instil instinct instinctive instinctively institute institution instruct instruction instructive instructor instrument instrumental instrumentally insufficiency insufficient insufficiently insult insulting insultingly insure insurrection insurrectionist intact integration integrity intellect intellectual intellectualism intellectually intelligence intelligent intelligently intelligentsia intelligibility intelligible intelligibly intend intense intensely intensification intensify intensive intensively intent intention intentional intentionally interactive interactively interactivity intercept interception interchange intercourse interest interested interestedly interesting interfere interim interior interior design interior designer interlude interminable interminably intermission intermittent intermittently intern internal internally international interpret interpretation interpreter interracial interrogate interrogator interrupt interruption intersection intervene interview interviewer interviewing intimate intimately intimidate intimidation into intolerable intolerably intolerance intolerant intoxicate intoxicated intoxication intractability intractable intransigence intransigent intricate intricately intrigue intrigued intriguing intriguingly intro introduce introduction introductory introversion introverted intrude intuition intuitive intuitively inundate inundation invade invalid invalidate invaluable invasion invent invention inventive inventively inventiveness inventor inventory invert invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invisibility invisible invisibly invitation invite invoice involuntarily involuntary involve involved inward inwardly inwards IOU IQ iron ironic irony irrational irrationality irrationally irreconcilable irregular irregularity irregularly irrelevant irrelevantly irreparable irreparably irresistible irresistibly irrespective irresponsibility irresponsible irresponsibly irreversible irreversibly irrevocable irrevocably irrigate irrigation irritability irritable irritably irritate irritated irritating irritatingly irritation isolate isolated issue IT it itch itchiness itchy item itemize jab jack jackpot jaded jagged jaggedly jail jam jammed jammy jargon jazz jealous jealousy jeer jeering jeopardize jeopardy jerk Jesus jet set jet-setter jingle jinx jinxed jittery job jobless jog join joint jointly joke joker jokingly jolly jolt jostle jot journal journalist journalistic journey joy joyful joyfully joyfulness joyride joyrider joyriding jubilant jubilantly judder judge judgment juggle juiciness juicy jumble jump jumpy junction junior junior high school junk junkie junk mail junta jurisdiction jury just justice justifiable justifiably justification justified justify justly jut jutting juvenile keel keen keenly keenness keep keep fit keep-fit keeping kept key keyboard kick kickback kid kidding kidnap kidnapper kidnapping kidney kill killer killing killjoy kilo kind kindergarten kind-hearted kind-heartedly kind-heartedness kindly kindness king kink kinkily kinkiness kinky kiosk kip kiss kit kitsch kitty kleptomaniac klutz klutzy knack knackered knead knee knee-jerk kneel knock knock-on knot know know-how knowing knowingly know-it-all knowledge knowledgeable knowledgeably known label labour labyrinth labyrinthine lack lackey lacklustre ladder laddish lady lag laid-back lamb lame lameness land landlord landmark landscape landslide lane language lankiness lanky lap lapping laptop larceny large largely large-scale lash last lasting lastly last name late latecomer lately lateness late-night later latest latter latter-day laudable laudably laugh laughable laughably laughing stock laughter launch laundry lavatory lavish law law-abiding lawful lawfully lawfulness law school lawyer lax laxity lay layabout layaway layer layman layout layperson laze lazily laziness lazy lazybones lead leader leadership lead-in leading lead story leaf league leak leaky lean leanness leap learn learned learnedly learner learning learning difficulties lease least leave lecherous lecherously lecture lecturer leer left leftover left wing left-wing left-winger leg legal legality legalization legalize legal system legend legendary leggy legibility legible legibly legislate legislation legislative legitimacy legitimate legitimately legitimize legless leg room leisure leisure centre leisurely lend lender length lengthen lengthy leniency, lenient leniently lesbian lesbianism less lessen lesson let letdown lethal lethargic lethargically lethargy let's letter level level-headed lewd lewdly lewdness liability liar liberal liberate liberation liberator liberty libidinous libido licence lick lid lie lieu life life cycle life expectancy life form lifeless lifelessly lifelessness lifelike lifeline lifelong lifespan life story lifestyle lifetime lift light lighten lighter light-hearted light-heartedly light-heartedness lightness lightning lightweight like likeable likelihood likely like-minded like-mindedness liken liking limb limelight limit limitation limited limiting limp line line manager linger lingering lingeringly lingo linguistic linguistically link lion liquid liquor lisp list listen listener listless listlessly listlessness lit literacy literal literalness literate literature lithe lithely litter little live livelihood liveliness lively liven livid living load loaded loan loath loathe loathing lob local locality locate location lock lockable lodge lodger log loggerheads logic logical logically logo lone loneliness lonely loner long long-awaited long-distance long-drawn-out longevity long-haul longing long-range long-running long-sighted long-standing long-winded loo look lookout loom loony loop loophole loose loose-fitting loosen looseness loot looter looting lop lopsided Lord lose loser loss lost lot loud loudly loudness lounge lousy lout loutish loutishly loutishness lovable love loveliness lovely lover lovesick lovey-dovey loving lovingly low low-down lower lower class lower-class lowered low-lying lowness low-paid low-rise low-tech loyal loyally loyalty Ltd luck luckily lucky lucrative ludicrous ludicrously ludicrousness lug lukewarm lull luminosity luminous luminously lump lumpy lunacy lunatic lunch luncheon lurch lure lurid luridly lurk lurker lush lust lustre luvvie luxurious luxuriously ma'am machine machinery macho mad madam made madness magazine magic magician magnate magnificence magnificent magnificently magnify magnitude maiden maiden name maid of honour mailing list maim main mainly mainstream maintain maintenance majestic majestically major majority make make-believe maker makeshift make-up making male malfunction malicious maliciously maliciousness malinger malingerer mall malnourished malnutrition man manage management manager managerial managing director mandatory manhandle mania maniac manifestation manipulate manipulation mankind manliness manly man-made manner mannerism manpower mansion manslaughter manual manufacture manufacturer manufacturing manuscript many map mar march marcher margin marginal Marine marital mark market marketing marking marksman marriage married marry martyr marvellous marvellously masculine mash mashed masher mask masochism masochist masochistic masochistically masquerade mass massacre massive massively mass murderer mass-produce mass-produced master mastermind masterpiece master's match matching mate material materialistic materialistically materialization materialize maternal maternally maternity matrimonial matrimony matron of honour matt matter matter-of-fact matter-of-factly mature maturely maturity maximization maximize maximum may maybe maze McCoy meal mean meaning meaningless meaninglessness meanly meanness means meant meantime meanwhile measurable measurably measure measurement mechanical mechanically mechanism medal meddle meddler meddlesome meddling media mediate mediation medical medically medical school medicine medieval mediocre mediocrity medium term meet meeting melancholy mellow mellowness melodramatic melodramatically melody melt member membership memo memorable memorably memorial memorize memory menace menacing menacingly mend mental mental hospital mentality mentally mention merchandise merchant mercy mercy killing mere merely merge merit merriness merry mesmerize mesmerizing mess message messenger messily messiness messy met metallic meteoric meteorically meteorological meteorologist meteorology meter method methodical methodically meticulous meticulously metropolis metropolitan mickey microscopic microscopically mid- midday middle middle-aged middle-class middle ground middle name middle-of-the-road middle school midpoint midterm midway might migrant migrate mild mildness mile milestone militancy militant militantly militarily militarism militarist militaristic military military service mill million millionaire millionth mimic mimicry mince mind mind-boggling minder mindset mine minefield mingle miniature minimal minimally minimum minor minority mint minus minuscule minute minutely minutiae miracle miraculous miraculously mirage mirror misappropriate misappropriation misbehave miscalculate miscalculation miscarriage miscarriage of justice miscellaneous mischievous mischievously mischievousness misconception misconduct miscount miser miserable miserably misery misfit misfortune misgiving misguided misguidedly mishap misinform misinformation misinterpret misinterpretation mislay mislead misleading misleadingly mismanage mismanagement misnomer misogynist misogyny misplaced misprint misread misreading misrepresent misrepresentation miss misshapen missing mission mist mistake mistaken mistakenly mister mistreat mistreatment mistress mistrust misunderstand misunderstanding misuse mix mixed mixed marriage mixed up mixture mix-up moan moaner mob mobile mobility mobilization mobilize mock mocker mockery mocking mockingly model modeller moderate moderately moderation modern modern-day modernization modernize modernizer modest modestly modesty modification modify moist moisten moistness moisture mole molehill molest molestation molester molten moment momentarily momentous momentum monarchy monetary money moneybags money-spinner monitor monochromatic monochrome monopolist monopolize monopoly monotonous monotonously monotony monster monstrosity month monthly mooch mood moodily moodiness moody moon moonlight moonlighter moonlighting moot mop mope moral morale moralistic morality morally more moreover morning morning sickness moron moronic morose morosely moroseness morsel mortal mortgage mortification mortified most mostly mother motherhood mother-in-law motherliness motherly mother-to-be mother tongue motif motion motionless motionlessly motivate motivation motivational motive motiveless motley motor motorcycle motorcycling motorcyclist motorist motorway motto mould mouldy mound mount mountain mountaineer mountaineering mountainous mounting mourn mournful mournfully mourning mouth mouthpiece mouth-watering move movement movie moving movingly mow MP Mr Mrs Ms much muchness muck mucky mud muddle muddled muddy muffle muffled mug mugger mugging muggy mugshot mull multicoloured multicultural multilateral multilingual multilingualism multimedia multinational multiple multiply multiracial mumble munch munchies mundane municipal municipally murder murderer murmur murmuring muscle muscular muscularity museum music musical musician must mustn't musty mute muted mutely mutiny mutter muttering mutton mutual muzzle my myself mysterious mysteriously mystery mystify mystifying myth naff nag nagging nail naive naively naivety naked nakedly nakedness name name-drop name-dropper name-dropping nameless nanny nap narcotic nark narrate narrator narrow narrowly narrowness nastily nastiness nasty nation national nationalist nationalistic nationality nationalization nationalize nationwide native native speaker natter natural naturally naturalness nature naturism naturist naughtily naughtiness naughty nausea nauseous naval navy near nearby nearly nearness neat neatly neatness necessary necessitate necessity neck necking need needless needlessly needn't needy negate negative negatively neglect negligence negligible negotiable negotiate negotiation neighbourhood neighbouring neither nepotism nepotistic nerve nervous nervously nervousness nest egg net netiquette network neurotic neurotically neutral neutralization neutralize neutrally never never-ending nevertheless new newbie newborn newcomer newly newlywed newlyweds newness news newsagent news bulletin newsflash newspaper newsreader newsstand next next door next of kin next to nibble nice nice-looking niceness nick nickname niggling night nightmare nightmarish night owl nil nine nip nippy nitpicker nitpicking nit-picking nitty-gritty no nobble nobody nod no-frills noise noisily noisy nomad nominal nominate non-alcoholic nonchalance nonchalant nonchalantly nonconformist nonconformity nondescript none nonentity nonetheless non-event non-existence nonexistent non-fiction no-nonsense nonsense non-smoker non-smoking non-violent no one no place nor norm normal normality normally nose nosedive nosily nosiness no-smoking nostalgia nosy not notably note noted nothing notice noticeable noticeably notify notion notoriety notorious notoriously nought nourishing nourishment novel novelist novelty novice now nowadays nowhere no-win noxious nude nudge nudism nudist null numb number number one numbly numbness numeral numerous nurse nursery school nurture nut nutcase nutritious nuts nutshell nutter nutty nymphomania nymphomaniac oar oasis oath obedience obedient obediently obese obesity obey object objection objectionable objectionably objective objectivity obligation obligatory oblige obliging obligingly obliterate obliteration oblivious obliviousness obnoxious obnoxiously obnoxiousness obscene obscenely obscenity obscure obscurely obsequious obsequiously obsequiousness observant observation observational observe observer obsess obsession obsessional obsessive obsessively obsolete obstacle obstinacy obstinate obstinately obstruct obtain obvious obviously obviousness occasion occasional occasionally occult occultist occupant occupation occupational occupationally occupied occupier occur occurrence ocean o'clock OD odd oddball oddness odds odds and ends odour of of course off offbeat off-colour offence offend offended offender offensive offensively offensiveness offer offhand offhandedly offhandedness office officer official officially officious officiously officiousness offing off-licence offload off-peak off-season offset offspring off-the-cuff often ogle OK old old age olde old-fashioned old fogey old man old timer omen ominous ominously omit on once one one another one-liner one-off one-sided one-sidedly one-sidedness online onlooker only on-message onset onto onus onward ooze opaque opaqueness open open-air open-ended opening openly openness operate operation operational operationally opinion opponent opportune opportunely opportunist opportunistic opportunity oppose opposed opposing opposite opposition oppress oppressive oppressively opt optimism optimist optimistic optimum option optional or oral orally orator orbit orchestrate orchestration ordeal order orderliness orderly ordinariness ordinary organ organic organically organism organization organizational organize organized organized crime orgiastic orgy origin original originally originate originator ornament ornamental ornate ornately orphan orthodox ostentatious ostentatiously ostracism ostracize other otherwise ought to oust out outbreak outburst outclass outcome outcry outdated outdo outdoor outdoors outer outfit outgoing outgoings outing outlandish outlaw outlay outlet outline outlive outlook outmoded outnumber out-of-date out-of-town outpatient outplay output outrage outrageous outrageously outrank outright outsell outset outshine outside outsider outskirts outsmart outstanding outstay outstrip outwardly outwards outwit oval ovation oven over overall overawe overawed overbearing overcast overcharge overcome overcrowded overdo overdone overdose overdraft overdrawn overdue overeat overemphasis overemphasize overestimate overexcited overflow overhang overhaul overhead overhear overheat overindulge overindulgence overjoyed overkill overland overload overlook overpaid overprotective overrate overrated overreact overreaction override overriding overrule overrun overseas oversee oversensitive oversight oversimplification oversimplify oversleep overstate overstatement overstay overtake over-the-top overthrow overtime overturn overview overweight overwhelm overworked owe owing owing to own owner ozone layer pace pacifist pacify pack packed pact pad paddle page paid pain painful painless painlessly painstaking painstakingly paint painter painting pair pal palatial pale palm paltry pamper pan panacea panache pane panel panic panicky panic-stricken panorama panoramic pant pants paper paperback paper-thin par parable parade paradox paradoxical parallel paralyse paralysed paralytic paralytically paramount paramountcy paranoid paraphernalia parasite parched pardon pare pared-down parent Parisian parity parking parliament parody part partial partially partially sighted participant participate particular particularly partly partner partnership party party pooper pass passable passage passenger passing passion passionate passionately passive passively passivity password past paste pastel pastime pat patch patchiness patchy patently paternal paternally path pathetic pathetically patient patiently patriotic patriotism patron patronize patter pattern patterning paunch paunchy pause pave pavement paw pawn pay payment payroll PC peace peaceful peacefully peacefulness peace-loving peacetime peak peck peckish peculiar pedantic pedantically peddle peddler pedestal pedestrian peek peel peep peer peer group pejorative pejoratively pelt penalize penalty pencil penetrate penitentiary pen name penny-pinching penny pinching pensioner pensive pensively penultimate people per perceive percentage perceptible perceptibly perceptive perceptively perceptiveness perennial perennially perfect perfection perfectionism perfectionist perfectly perforated perform performance performer perfume perfumed perhaps peril perilous perimeter period periodic periodically peripheral peripherally perish perjury perk permanence permanent permanently permeate permission permissive permissiveness permit perpendicular perpendicularly perpetual perpetually perpetuate perpetuation perplex perplexed perplexedly perplexing persecute persecutor perseverance persevere persevering persist persistent persistently person personal personality personally personify personnel perspective perspiration perspire persuade persuasion persuasive persuasively persuasiveness pertinence pertinent pertinently pervasive pervasiveness pervert perverted pessimist pessimistic pessimistically pester pet peter petite petition pet name petrified petrify pettiness petty phantom pharmacy phase PhD phenomenon philanthropist philistine philistinism phobia phobic phone phone call phoney phoniness photo photocopy photocopying photo finish photograph photography phrase physical physicality physician physique pick pickpocket picky picnic picture picturesque pie piece pierce piercing piercingly pig pigeon pigeonhole pigsty pile pileup pilfer pilferer pilfering pillory pilot pimple pimply pin pinch pine pinpoint pioneer pioneering pious piously pipeline piping pirate piratical piss pissed pissed off pit pitch pitch-black pitch-dark pitiful pitifully pittance pity place place name placid placidity placidly plagiarize plague plain plainness plan plane planet planetary planner planning plant plastered plate platitude platitudinous platonic plausibility plausible plausibly play player playful playfully playfulness plc plea plead pleasant pleasantly please pleased pleasurable pleasurably pleasure pledge plentiful plentifully plenty pliability pliable plight plod plonk plop plot plough ploy plug plummet plump plumpness plunge plus plush pocket pocket money podgy poignancy poignant poignantly point point-blank pointed pointedly pointless pointlessly pointlessness point of view poise poison poisoner poisonous poisonously poke poker face poker-faced pokey poky police police state policy polish polished polishing polite politely politeness political politician politics poll polling pollute polluted pollution poltergeist pomposity pompous pompously pong pool pooped poor poorly pop popular popularization popularize populate population pore pornographer pornographic pornography porous portability portable portion portly portrait portray portrayal pose poser posh position positive positively possess possession possessive possessively possessiveness possibility possible possibly post poster postgraduate posthumous posthumously post-mortem postpone postponement pot potbellied potbelly potent potential potently pothole potholed pounce pound pour pouring poverty poverty-stricken POW powder power powerful powerfully powerless powerlessly powerlessness practical practical joke practical joker practically practice practise practised practising pragmatic pragmatically praise praiseworthiness praiseworthy prank pray prayer pre- preachy preamble precarious precariously precariousness precaution precede precedence preceding precinct precious preciously preciousness precipitate precise precisely preclude precondition precursor predate predecessor predestined predict predictability predictable predictably prediction predominant predominantly predominate pre-emptive preface prefer preferable preferably preference preferential preferentially pregnancy pregnant prejudice prejudiced preliminary prelude premature prematurely premeditated premiere premise premonition prenatal prenatally preoccupation preoccupied preparation prepare prepared preponderance preposterous preposterously preposterousness prerequisite prerogative preschool presence presence of mind present presentable presentably presentation presentational present-day presenter presently preservable preserve preserver preside President press pressure pressurize prestige prestigious presumably presume pretence pretend pretentious pretentiously pretentiousness pretext prettily prettiness pretty prevail prevalent prevent preventable preventative preventatively preventive preventively previous previously prey price priceless pricey prick prickliness prickly pride primarily primary primary school prime Prime Minister primitive primitively primitiveness principal principally principle print prior priority prise prison prisoner privacy private private detective private enterprise private investigator privately private sector privatize privilege privileged prize pro pro- probability probable probably probe problem problematic procedure proceed proceeds processed procession procrastinate procrastination prod prodding produce producer product production productive productively profession professional professionalization professionalize professor proficient proficiently profile profit profitable profitably profiteer profiteering profound prognosis program programme programmer progress progression progressive progressiveness progressivism prohibit prohibitive prohibitively project proliferate prolific prolifically prologue prolong prolonged prom prominent prominently promiscuity promiscuous promiscuously promise promising promisingly promote promotion prompt promptly promptness prone proneness pronounce pronunciation proof prop propaganda propagandist propagandize propel proper properly proper noun property prophecy prophesy proportion proposal propose proposition propositional proprietor prosecute prosecution prosecutor prospect prospective prosper prosperous prostitute prostitution protect protection protective protectively protectiveness protector protest protester protocol prototype protracted protrude proud proudly provable prove proverb provide provided provider providing provisional provisionally proviso provocative provocatively provoke prowl proximity prude prune pry PS pseudonym pseudonymous pseudonymously psych psyche psychiatric psychiatrically psychiatrist psychic psychically psychological psychologically psychologist psychopath psychopathic psychopathically public publicity publicize publicly public opinion publish pudginess pudgy puff puke pull pulse pump pun punch punchline punch-up punctual punctuality punctually puncture pundit pungency pungent pungently punish punishing punishment punitive puny pupil puppet purchasable purchase purchaser pure purely purge purification purify purpose purposeful purposefully purposefulness pursue pursuit push pusher pushiness pushing pushover pushy put put-down put out put-up job puzzle puzzled puzzling quack quadruple quaint qualification qualify quality qualm quandary quantifiable quantify quantity quarantine quarrel quarrelsome quarter queasy queen quell quench query question questionable questionnaire queue quibble quick quicken quickly quickness quick-tempered quick-witted quiet quieten quietness quirk quit quite quiver quiz quota quotation quote race racial racially racism racist rack racket radiant radiantly radiate radio raft rage ragged raggedly raggedness raid rain rain check rainless rainy raise raised rake rally ram ramble ramification rampant rampantly ramshackle random randomly randomness range rank rank-and-file rank and file ranking ransack ransom rap rape rapid rapidity rapport rare rarely raring rarity rash rashly rashness rat rate rather ratification ratify ratio rational rationale rationality rationalization rationalize rationally rat race rattle raucous raucously raunchy ravage rave ravenous ravenously ravishing ravishingly raw rawness ray razor-sharp re reach react reaction reactionary read readability readable reader readership readily readiness reading ready real realism realistic reality realize really realm reappear reappearance rear rearm rearmament rearrange rearrangement reason reasonable reasonableness reasonably reasoned reasoning reassure reassuring reassuringly rebate rebel rebellion rebellious rebelliously rebelliousness reboot rebound rebuff rebuke recall recant recantation recap recapture recede receipt receive recent recently reception recess recession recipe reciprocal reciprocally reciprocate reciprocation reckless recklessly recklessness reckon reclaim reclamation recline recluse reclusive recognition recognizable recognizably recognize recoil recollect recollection recommend recommendation reconciliation record record-breaker record-breaking recoup recover recoverable recovery recreation recreational recrimination recruit recruiter rectangular recuperate recuperation recur recurrent recurrently recycle recycling red redecorate redecoration red-handed red herring redirect redirection redistribute redness redo redress red tape reduce reduction redundancy redundant reek re-elect re-election refer referee reference reference book referendum refill refillable refine reflect reflection reflective reflectively reflectiveness reflex reform refrain refresh refreshed refrigerate refrigeration refuge refugee refund refusal refuse refutable refutation refute regain regard regarding regardless regime region register regret regretfully regrettable regrettably regular regularity regularly regulate regulation regurgitate regurgitation rehab rehearsal rehearse reign reimburse reimbursement rein reinforce reintroduce reintroduction reiterate reiteration reject rekindle relapse relate related relation relationship relative relax relaxation relaxed relaxing release relegate relegation relent relevant relevantly reliability reliable reliably relic relief relieve relieved religion religiosity religious religiously relinquish relish relive relocate relocation reluctant reluctantly remain remainder remains remark remarkable remarkably remarriage remarry remedy remember remind reminder reminisce remnant remorse remorseful remorsefully remorseless remorselessly remote remotely remoteness removal remove remover rename render renege renew renewable renovate renovation renown renowned rent rental rent boy reopen reorganization reorganize repair repairer repatriate repay repeat repeated repeatedly repercussion repetition repetitive repetitively rephrase replace replaceable replacement replay replenish replenishment replica reply report reporter represent representative repress repressed reprieve reprimand reprisal reproach reproduce reproducible reproduction republic repulsive repulsively repulsiveness reputable reputation request require requirement rerun rescue rescuer research resemblance resemble resentful resentfully resentfulness resentment reservation reserve reserved reside residence residency resident residential resign resignation resilient resiliently resist resistance resit resolute resolutely resolve resonant resonantly resonate resort resound resourceful resourcefully resourcefulness respect respectability respectable respectably respected respectful respectfully respectfulness respite respond response responsibility responsible respray rest restful restfully restless restlessly restlessness restore restrain restraint restrict restricted restriction restructure restructuring result resume resurrect retail retailer retain retake retaliate retaliation retch reticence reticent retire retired retort retract retreat retribution retrievable retrieve return reunite reusable reuse reveal revel revenge revengeful reverberate revere reverie reversal reverse revert review revise revision revisit revival revive revolt revolting revoltingly revolution revolutionary revolutionize revolve revolving revulsion reward rewarding rewrite re‧cap re‧sit rhythm rich riches rickety ricochet rid riddle riddled ride rider ridiculous ridiculously ridiculousness rife rift rig right right-hand man rightly rightness rightsize rightsizing right wing right-wing right-winger rigid rigidity rigidly rigorous rigorously rim rimless ring ring road rinse riot rioter rioting rip ripe ripeness rip-off rise rising risk riskiness risk-taker risk-taking risky risqué rite ritual rival rivalry river rivet riveting road roam roar roaring roast roasting rob robber robbery robot robust robustly robustness rock rock bottom rock-bottom rocket role role model roll rolling romance romantic romantically romp roof rookie room roomy root rope roster rot rotate rotten rottenness rough roughen roughly roughness round roundabout rounded roundness round trip round-trip rouse rousing rout route routine routinely routinize row rowdily rowdiness rowdy rowdyism RSVP rub rubber-stamp rubbish rubble rude rudely rudeness rudimentary rugged ruggedly ruggedness ruin rule ruler ruling rumble rummage rumour rumoured rumple rumpled run runaway run-down rundown runner-up running runny run-through run-up rural ruse rush rushed rush hour rust rustic rusticity rustle rusty rut ruthless ruthlessly ruthlessness sabotage sack sacred sacredness sacrifice sad sadden saddening saddle sadism sadist sadistic sadistically sadly sadness safe safeguard safety saga sail sailor saint saintliness saintly salary sale sales assistant salesman salt salty salvage salve same sample sanctimonious sanctimoniously sanctimoniousness sanction sanctuary sand sandwich sane sanely sanity sap sarcasm sarcastic sarcastically sassy satire satiric satirical satirically satisfaction satisfactorily satisfactory satisfied satisfy satisfying saturate saturated saunter savage savagely savageness savagery save saving savoury say saying say-so scald scalding scale scaly scam scamper scan scandal scandalize scandalous scandalously scapegoat scar scarce scarcely scare scared scary scathing scathingly scatter scattered scenario scene scenery scenic scenically scent sceptical sceptically schedule scheme schemer scholarly scholarship school schoolboy schoolkid school-leaver schoolwork science science fiction scoff scold scolding scoop scope scorch scorched scorching score scorn scour scowl scrap scrape scratch scrawl scrawny scream screech screen screw screwy scribble scrimp scroll scrounge scrounger scrub scruffily scruffiness scruffy scruple scrupulous scrupulously scrutinize scrutiny scuffle scurry scuttle sea seal sealed search search engine searcher seaside season seasoned seat seated secluded second secondarily secondary secondary school second-guess second-hand second-in-command second-rate secrecy secret secrete secretive secretively secretiveness sect section sector secure securely security sedentary sedition seditious seduce seductive seductively see seeing seek seem seeming seemingly seep see-through segment segregate segregation seize seldom select selection selective selectively selectivity self-assurance self-assured self-centred self-centredness self-confidence self-confident self-confidently self-conscious self-consciously self-consciousness self-control self-controlled self-defeating self-defence self-discipline self-disciplined self-effacement self-effacing self-employed self-employment self-esteem self-evident self-governing self-government self-importance self-important self-importantly self-interest self-interested selfish selfishly selfishness selfless selflessly selflessness self-made self-pity self-pitying self-reliance self-reliant self-respect self-righteous self-righteously self-righteousness selfsame self-satisfaction self-satisfied self-starter self-styled self-sufficiency self-sufficient sell seller sell-out semblance semester semicircle semicircular seminar senator senatorial send send-up senile senility senior senior citizen sensation sense senseless senselessly senselessness sensible sensibly sensitive sensitively sensual sensuality sensually sensuous sensuously sensuousness sentence sentiment sentimental sentimentality sentimentally separate separated separately separation sequel sequence serial series serious seriously seriousness serve service serviceman servicewoman servile servility serving session set setback settle settlement settler set-up sever several severe severity sew sex sex appeal sex drive sexily sexiness sexism sexist sexless sex maniac sexual sexual harassment sexuality sexually sexy shabbily shabbiness shabby shack shackle shade shadow shadowy shady shag shake shaken shakily shakiness shaky shallow shallowly shallowness sham shamble shambles shame shamefaced shamefacedly shameless shamelessly shamelessness shampoo shape shapeless shapelessly share sharing sharp sharpen sharpness shatter shattered shattering shave sheaf shebang shed sheen sheepish sheepishly sheer sheet shell shelling shelter shelve shepherd shh shield shift shiftily shifty shimmer shin shine shininess shiny ship shirk shirker shiver shock shocked shocking shockingly shoddily shoddiness shoddy shoestring shoo-in shoot shooting shop shop assistant shopkeeper shoplift shoplifter shoplifting shopper shopping shopping centre shore short shortage shortcoming short cut shorten shortfall short-haul short-list short-lived shortly shortness short-range short-sighted short-sightedly short-sightedness short-staffed short story short temper short-tempered short-term shot should shoulder shout shove show showdown shower show-off show of hands shred shrewd shrewdly shrewdness shriek shrill shrillness shrilly shrink shrivel shrivelled shudder shuffle shun shunt shut shy shyly shyness shyster sick sicken sickening sickeningly sickly sicko side side effect side issue sidekick sideline sidestep side street sidetrack sideways sidle sieve sigh sight sightseeing sign signal signature signer significance significant significantly silence silent silently silhouette silhouetted silkily silkiness silky silliness silly silvery similar similarity similarly simmer simple simplicity simplification simplify simplistic simplistically simply simulated simultaneous simultaneously sin since sincere sincerely sincerity sing singe singer singing single single file single-handed single-handedly single-minded single-mindedly single-mindedness sinister sink sip sir sister sit sitcom sit-down site sit-in sitting duck situated situation sixth form college sixth sense sizable size sizeable sizzle skeleton sketch sketchy skid skilful skilfully skill skilled skim skimp skin skinflint skinny skint skip skirmish skive skiver skulk sky skyscraper slab slack slacken slackly slackness slag slam slang slangy slanted slap slapdash slap-up slash slasher slate slaughter slave slave driver slave labour slavish slavishly slavishness sleek sleekly sleekness sleep sleeper sleepily sleepiness sleepless sleeplessly sleeplessness sleepy sleet sleety slender slenderness slice slick slickly slickness slide slight slightly slim sliminess slimmed-down slimmer slimy sling slink slip slipperiness slippery slipshod slip-up slit slither slob slog slogan slope sloppily sloppiness sloppy slot slouch slovenliness slovenly slow slowcoach slowly slowness sluggish sluggishly sluggishness slum slumber slump slur slurp slut sluttish slutty sly slyly slyness smack small small fry smallness small print small screen small talk smarmy smart smart alec smarten smartly smartness smash smashed smattering smear smear campaign smell smelliness smelly smile smirk smoke smoke-free smoker smokescreen smoking smooch smooth smoothly smoothness smother smoulder smudge smudgy smug smugly smugness smut snack snag snail snap snarl snatch snazzily snazziness snazzy sneak sneakily sneakiness sneaking sneaky sneer sneering sneeringly snide snidely sniff sniffle snigger snip sniper snitch snivel snob snobbish snobbishly snobbishness snog snoop snooper snooze snore snorer snort snotty snow snowball snub snug snugly snugness so soak soaked soaking so-and-so soap soar sob sober soberly sob story so-called sociability sociable sociably social social climber society sodden soft soft drink soften softly softness software soggy soil soiled soldier sole solemn solemnly solid solidarity solidification solidify solidly solidness solitarily solitariness solitary solitude solo soloist solubility soluble solution solvable solve solvency solvent sombre sombrely sombreness some somehow someone someplace something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song songwriter son-in-law soon soothe soothing soothingly sophisticated sophistication sophomore sopping soppy sore sorrow sorry sort so-so soul soul-destroying sound soundly soundness sour source sourly sourness sovereign sow sower space spacious spaciously spaciousness spade spam span spank spanner spare spare tyre spark sparkle sparkling sparse sparsely sparseness spartan spasm spat spate speak -speak speaker special specialist speciality specialize specially special needs special offer species specific specifically specify speck spectacle spectacular spectacularly spectator spectre spectrum speculate speculation speculative speculatively speech speechless speechlessly speechlessness speed speedily speedy spell spellbinding spellbound spelling spend spender spending spendthrift sphere spherical spick and span spicy spiky spill spin spin doctor spine spine-chiller spine-chilling spineless spin-off spinster spiral spiralling spirit spiritual spiritually spit spite spiteful spitefully splash splendid splendidly splinter splinter group splintery split spoil spoiled spoiler spoilsport spoken spokesman spokesperson spokeswoman sponginess spongy sponsor sponsorship spontaneity spontaneous spontaneously spoof spooky sporadic sporadically sport sporting sportingly sportsman spot spotlight spousal spouse sprain sprawl sprawled sprawling spread spreadeagled spring spring-clean spring-cleaning springily springiness springy sprinkle sprinkling sprint spruce spurt spy spying squabble squad squalid squander square squareness squash squashed squashy squat squatter squeak squeakily squeakiness squeaky squeal squeeze squelch squint squirm squirt squishy stab stable stably stack stacked stadium staff stage stage-manage stage name stagger staggering staggeringly stagnate stagnation stag night stain stake stale stalemate staleness stalk stalker stall stamina stammer stammerer stamp stance stand standard standardization standardize standby stand-in standing stand-offish stand-offishly stand-offishness standpoint standstill star stardom stare stark starkly starkness start starter starting point startle startled startling startlingly start-up starvation starve stash state statement state-of-the-art statesman statesmanship station stationary stature status statute statute book statutorily statutory staunch staunchly staunchness stay staying power steadfast steadfastly steadfastness steadiness steady steal steam steaming steamy steel steep steeply steepness steer stem stench step stepmother stepping-stone stereotype stereotyped stereotypical stereotypically stereotyping sterile sterility sterilization sterilize sterilizer stern sternly sternness stick stickiness stickler sticky stiff stiffen stiffly stiffness stifle stifling stigma still stillborn stillness stimulating stimulus sting stingily stinginess stingy stink stinking stint stipulation stir stir-fry stock stockily stockiness stocky stodginess stodgy stolen stomach stomp stone stoned stooge stool stoop stop stopgap stoppage storage store storm stormy story storyteller stout stoutly stoutness stow straddle straggler straight straighten straightfaced straightfacedly straightforward straightforwardly straightforwardness strain strained straitlaced stranded strange strangely strangeness stranger strangle stranglehold strangler strapped strapping strategic strategically strategy stray streak stream streamline streamlined street streetwise strength strengthen strenuous strenuously stress stressed stressful stretch strew strict strictly strictness stride strike striking string stringency stringent stringently strip stripe striped strip mall stripper strip search strive striving stroke stroll strong strongly strong-willed stroppiness stroppy struck structure structured struggle strut stub stubborn stubbornly stubbornness stubby stuck stuck-up stud student studious studiously studiousness study stuff stuffed stuffiness stuffy stumble stumbling block stump stumpy stun stunned stunning stunningly stupid stupidly sturdily sturdiness sturdy stutter style stylish stylishly stylishness suave suavely suavity, suaveness sub subconscious subconsciously subdue subject subject matter subliminal submerge submerged submergence submissive submissively submissiveness submit subordinate subpoena subscribe subsequent subsequently subservience subservient subserviently subside subsidiary subsidization subsidize subsidized subsidy subsist substance substandard substantial substantiate substantiation substitute subterranean subtle subtly subtotal subtract suburb suburban subversion subversive subversiveness succeed succeeding success successful successfully succession successive successively successor succinct succinctly succinctness succulence succulent such suchlike suck sucker sudden suddenly suddenness suffer sufferer suffering suffice sufficient sufficiently suffocate suffocation suffrage sugary suggest suggestion suggestive suggestively suggestiveness suicidal suicide suit suitable sulk sulkily sulkiness sulky sullen sullenly sullenness sum summarize summary summit summon sun sundry sunlight sunny sunset sunshine superb superbly superficial superficiality superficially superior supermarket supernatural superpower supersede supersonic superstar superstition superstore supervise supervisor supervisory supper supplant supplement supplementary supplementation supplier supply supply teacher support supporter supportive suppose supposedly suppress suppressible suppression sure surefire surely sureness surf surface surge surgeon surgery surliness surly surname surplus surprise surprised surprising surreal surrender surreptitious surreptitiously surreptitiousness surround surrounding surroundings surveillance survey survive survivor suspect suspected suspend suspense suspicion suspicious sustainability sustainable swagger swallow swamp swap swarm sway swear swearing swear word sweat sweaty sweep sweet sweeten sweetener sweetly sweet-talk sweet talk swell sweltering swerve swift swiftly swiftness swig swim swimming swindle swindler swing swipe swirl swish switch swivel swot swotty syllabus symbol symbolize symmetrical symmetrically sympathetic sympathetically sympathize sympathizer sympathy symptom symptomatic symptomatically sync syndicate synopsis synthetic synthetically system systematic systematically systems analysis systems analyst ta tab table tabloid taboo taciturn taciturnity tack tackily tackiness tackle tackler tacky tact tactful tactfully tactic tactless tactlessly tactlessness tag tail tailor-made take takeaway taken take-off takeover tale talent talented talk talkative talking-to tall tallness tally tamper tang tangibility tangible tangibly tangled tangy tantrum tap taper tapering target tariff tart tartly tartness task taste tasteful tastefully tastefulness tasteless tasty tattered tattily tattiness tatty taunt tauntingly taut tax taxing taxpayer tea teach teacher teacher's pet teaching team tear tearjerker tease techie technicality technique tedious tediously teeming teen teenage teenager teeter teeth teethe teetotaller telephone televise television tell telling telltale telly temper temperament temperamental temperamentally temperature temporarily temporary tempt temptation tempting ten tenacious tenaciously tenacity tenant tend tendency tender tenderly tenderness tense tensely tenseness tension tenterhooks tepid term terminal terminally terminate terminological terminology terrain terrible terribly terrific terrifically terrified terrify terrifying terrifyingly territorial territory terror terrorize terse tersely terseness test testament testamentary testify testing tether text textbook textile texting textural texturally texture than thank thankful thankfulness thanks thank-you thank you that thaw the theatre theft theme then theory therapist therapy there thereabouts thereafter therefore thermal thick thicken thickness thief thin thing thingamajig think thinking thinner thinness third degree third-rate thirst thirstily thirsty this thorough thoroughness though thought thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtfulness thoughtless thoughtlessly thoughtlessness thrash threadbare threat threaten threatening threateningly threshold thriftily thriftiness thrifty thrill thrilled thriller thrilling thrillingly thrive thriving throat throatily throatiness throaty throb throes throng through throughout throw thrust thud thug thumb thump thunder thunderous thunderously thunderstorm thwart tick ticket tickle tidily tidiness tidy tie tier tiff tight tighten tight-fisted tight-fistedness tight-fitting tightness till time time-consuming timeless timelessly timelessness timely time off time out times timescale timeshare timetable timid timidity timidly timing tinkle tinny tint tinted tiny tip tip-off tipsily tipsiness tipsy tiptoe tire tired tiredly tiredness tireless tirelessly tiring tit for tat titillate titillating titillation title titter to today toddler toe together toil toilet told tolerable tolerance tolerant tolerate toll tomorrow ton tone tongue tongue-in-cheek tongue-tied tons too tool tooth toothache top topic topical topicality topically topmost topple torch torment torn tornado torrent torso tortuous tortuously toss toss-up total totalitarian totalitarianism totally tote totter touch touchiness touching touchingly touchy tough toughly toughness tour tourism tourist tourist trap tournament tout tow towards tower towering town townhouse toxic toxicity toy trace traceable track tract trade trader trading tradition traditional traditionalist trafficking tragedy tragic trail train trainee trainer training traipse trait traitor tramp tranquil tranquillity tranquilly trans- transaction transcribe transfer transferability transferable transform transformation transient transit transition translatable translate translation translator transparent transparently transpire transport transportable trap trash trashed trauma traumatic traumatically traumatize traumatized travel travel agency traveller travelling travesty trawl treacherous treacherously treachery treason treasonable, treasure treat treatment treaty trek tremble tremendous tremendously trend trendiness trendy trespass trespasser trial trial run tribute trick trickery trickle tricky tried trigger trim trip triple trite tritely triteness triumph trivia trivial trivialization trivialize troop trophy trot trouble troublemaker troublesome trouser trousers truant truce trudge true truly trump trumped-up trumpet trundle trust trusting trustworthiness trustworthy truth truthful truthfully truthfulness try tubby tubular tuck tug tuition tumble tumbledown tune tune-up tunnel turf turkey turn turnaround turn-off turn-on turnout turnover tutor tutorial twice twiddle twig twin twinge twinkle twirl twirly twist twisted twisty twitch two two-faced twofold two-man two-way type typhoon typical typically typify typo tyrannical tyranny tyrant ugliness ugly ulterior ultimate ultimatum umpire unabashed unable unacceptable unacceptably unaccompanied unaccustomed unadulterated unaffected unaffectedly unaided unambiguous unambiguously unanimous unanimously unannounced unappetizing unapproachable unarmed unashamed unashamedly unassuming unattainable unattractive unattractively unavailable unaware unawares unbearable unbearably unbeknown unbelievable unbelievably unbiased unblemished unborn unbreakable unbutton uncertain uncertainly uncertainty unchanging uncharacteristic uncharacteristically uncharted unchecked unclear uncomfortable uncomfortably uncommon uncompromising uncompromisingly unconcerned unconcernedly unconditional unconditionally unconnected unconscious unconsciously unconsciousness uncontrollable unconventional uncooked uncool uncooperative uncoordinated uncork uncover undaunted undecided undecidedly undemonstrative undeniable undeniably under underclass undercover underdone underestimate underfed undergo undergraduate underground underhand underline underlying undermine underneath underprivileged underscore underside understaffed understand understandable understandably understanding understate undertaking undertone underwater underweight underworld underwrite undeserved undesirable undivided undo undress undressed unearth uneasily uneasiness uneasy uneconomic unemotional unemployed unending unequal unequally unequivocal unequivocally uneven unevenly unevenness unexpected unexpectedly unexplained unfailing unfailingly unfair unfairly unfairness unfaithful unfaithfully unfaithfulness unfamiliar unfamiliarity unfashionable unfasten unfavourable unfavourably unfazed unfilled unfinished unfit unfold unforeseeable unforeseen unforgettable unforgettably unforgivable unforgivably unfortunate unfortunately unfounded unfriendly ungainliness ungainly ungrateful unhappiness unhappy unharmed unhealthily unhealthy unheard of unhelpful unhelpfully unhelpfulness unhurried unhurriedly unhurt unidentified uniform uniformly unimportant unimpressive uninformed uninhabitable uninhabited uninhibited uninhibitedly uninitiated uninspiring unintelligible unintelligibly unintentional unintentionally uninterested uninterrupted uninterruptedly uninvited union unique uniqueness unisex unit unite united unity universal universality university unjust unjustifiable unjustifiably unjustified unjustly unkempt unkind unkindly unkindness unknown unlawful unlawfully unless unlike unlikely unlimited unlit unlock unloved unluckily unlucky unmarried unmistakable unmistakably unmoved unnamed unnatural unnaturally unnecessarily unnecessary unnerve unnerving unnoticed unobtainable unobtrusive unobtrusively unoccupied unofficial unofficially unorthodox unpaid unplanned unpleasant unpleasantly unplug unpopular unpopularity unprecedented unprecedentedly unpredictability unpredictable unpredictably unprepared unpretentious unprintable unproductive unprofitable unprovoked unpunished unputdownable unquestionable unquestionably unravel unreadable unrealistic unrealistically unreasonable unreasonably unrecognizable unrelated unrelenting unreliable unremarkable unrepentant unrepentantly unresolved unrest unrestricted unripe unroll unsatisfactory unscathed unscrew unscrupulous unscrupulously unseen unselfish unselfishly unselfishness unsettle unsettled unsettling unsightly unsolved unsophisticated unspoiled unstable unsteadily unsteadiness unsteady unstoppable unsuccessful unsuccessfully unsuitable unsuited unsure unsurpassed unsympathetic unsympathetically untamed untapped unthinkable untidily untidiness untidy untie until untimely untouched untrained untrue untypical untypically unusual unveil unveiling unwanted unwarranted unwelcome unwell unwilling unwillingly unwillingness unwind unwise unwisely unwrap unwritten unzip up up-and-coming upbeat upcoming update upgrade upheaval uphill uphold upholder upkeep upload upmarket upon upper upper class upper-class uppermost upright uprightness uprising uproar upset upsetting upshot upside down upstairs uptake uptight up-to-date up-to-the-minute upturn upwardly mobile upward mobility upwards urban urban sprawl urge urgent urgently usable use used used to useful usefully usefulness useless uselessly uselessness user user-friendliness user-friendly usher usual usually utensil utility utilizable utilization utilize utmost utopia utopian utopianism utter utterly U-turn vacancy vacant vacantly vacate vacation vacillate vacillation vacuum vagrant vague vaguely vagueness vain vainly valid validate validation validity valuable valuables value valued vandalize vanish vanity variability variable variably variant variation varied variety various vary vast vastness vault veejay veer vehicle veiled velocity velvety vendetta vendor vengeance venture venue verbal verbally verbatim verdict verge verifiable verification verify versatile versatility versed version versus vertical vertically vertigo very vested vet veteran veto viability viable viably vibrancy vibrant vibrantly vibrate vicarious vicariously vice-president vice versa vicinity vicious vicious circle viciously viciousness victim victimization victimize victor victorious victoriously victory vie view viewer viewpoint vigilant vigilantly vigorous vigour village villain vindictive vindictively vindictiveness vintage violate violation violator violence violent VIP virgin virginity virile virtually virtuous virtuously virus visibility visible vision visit visitor visual visualization visualize visually vital vitality vivacious vivaciously vivaciousness vivacity vivid vividly vividness vivisection vivisectionist VJ vocabulary vocal vocalist vocally vocation vocational vogue voice void volatile volatility volley volume voluntarily voluntary volunteer voluptuous voluptuously voluptuousness vomit voodoo voracious voraciously voracity vote voter vow voyage vs. vulgar vulgarly vulnerability vulnerable vulnerably vulture wad wade waffle wag wage wage-earner waggle wagon wait waive wake walk walker walking walkover wall wallow wally wander wanderlust wane wangle want wanted war ward wardrobe warfare warily wariness warm warmness warmonger warmongering warn warning warp warpath warped warrant warring wartime war-torn wary war zone wash washable washed-out washing washroom waste wasted wasteful wastefully wastefulness wasteland waste paper watch watchful watchfully watchfulness water waterlogged waterlogging waterproof waterproofed watertight waterworks watery wave wavelength waver wavy way way of life way out WC weak weaken weakling weakly weakness wealthy weapon weaponry wear wearable wearily weariness wearing weary weather weave web webpage website wedding wedge weed weeding weedy weekly weep weigh weight weightless weightlessness weird weirdly weirdness weirdo welcome welcoming welfare well well-behaved well-built well-connected well-dressed well-earned well-groomed well-informed well-intentioned well-kept well-known well-mannered well-meaning well-meant wellness well-off well-oiled well-paid well-read well-run well-thought-out well-timed well-to-do well-turned-out western wet wet blanket wetly wetness whack whale what whatchamacallit whatever wheel wheeze when whenever where whereabouts whereas wherever whether which whichever whiff while whim whimper whine whinge whinger whip whip-round whirl whirr whisk whisper whistle white white-collar white lie whiteness white supremacist white supremacy whitewash whittle whizz who whoever whole whole-hearted whole-heartedly wholeness wholesale wholesaler wholesome wholesomeness wholly whoop whopper whopping whore why wicked wickedly wickedness wide widely widen wide-ranging widespread widow widowed widower width wield wife wiggle wiggly wild wild goose chase wildlife wildness wilful wilfully wilfulness wiliness will willing willingly willowy willpower wilt wily wimp wimpish, wimpy win wind windbag window window-shopper window-shopping windy wing wink winner winning winnings wintry wipe wired wiry wisdom wise wisecrack wisely wish wishful thinking wistful wistfully wistfulness wit witch witchcraft with withdraw withdrawn withhold within without witness witter wittily wittiness witty wives wizard wizened wobble wobbly wolf woman womanliness womanly wonder wonderful won't wood wool word worded word-perfect work workable workaholic worker workforce working working group workmate work of art workout workstation work-to-rule world worldliness worldly world power world view worldwide worm worn worn out worried worriedly worrier worry worrying worryingly worrywart worse worsen worsening worship worshipper worst worth worthless worthlessness would would-be wouldn't wound wounded wrap wrapper wrapping wreak wreck wreckage wrench wrestle wrestling wretched wretchedly wretchedness wriggle wriggly wring wrinkle wrinkled wrinkly wrist write write-off writer write-up writhe writing written wrong wrongdoer wrongdoing wrongheaded wrongheadedly wrongheadedness xenophobia xenophobic yank yardstick yeah year yearn yearning yell yelp yes yes-man yesterday yet yield yob you young younger you're yourself youth youthful youthfully youthfulness youth hostel zealot zealotry zealous zealously zero zigzag zilch zip zone zoom