" 词条格式:一行页码 + 多行关键词(每行一个关键词),如: " 0001 " a " b " c " 0002 " x " y " z " 页码位数不足4位,请以0补全 " 可以添加注释行,以 " 开头 " 可以添加空行 " P1-100 由 dictionaryfan 提交 0001 A2(Level) Alcoholics Anonymous Amateur Athletic Association the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company Hank Aaron Amateur Atheletic Union the Abbey National Abbey Road the Abbey Theatre Abbotsbury 0002 Abbotsford George Abbott Abbott and Costello the American Broadcasting Company the abdication crisis Paula Abdul Aberdeen Aberdeen Angus 0003 Aberdonian Aberfan Abide With Me Abilene abolitionism Harold Abrahams absentee landlord Absolutely Fabulous abstract expressionism Association of British Travel Agents 0004 academic freedom Academy Award the Academy of Ancient Music the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences the Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service access course accumulator 0005 Accent and dialect Dialect or standard Accent and social status 0007 Ace Ace Ventura Pet de tective Dean Acheson the acid bath murders acid drop acid house acid jazz 0008 acid rock Kathy Acker American College Test Action Man Action on Smoking and Health action painting act of God the Act of Settlement 0009 Act of Parliament Statute law Bills The pregress of a bill 0010 the Act of Supremacy the Act of Union Lord Acton the Actors' Studio Roy Acuff 0011 Red Adair Robert Adam Adam Adam Bede Ansel Adams Douglas Adams Gerry Adams John Quincy Adams 0012 Richard Adams the Adam Smith Institute Agricultural Development and Advisory Service Jane Addams the Addams Family Cannonball Adderley Richard Addinsell Joseph Addison 0013 The Adelphi Aben Adeste Fideles Adidas the Adirondack Mountains Larry Adler the Admiral's Cup the Admiralty Admiralty Arch 0014 Adrian IV adult education Advent 0015 Advent calendar Adventist advertising 0016 the Advertising Standards Authority the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service advocate Atomic Energy Commission the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union Aelfric Aesop's Fables 0017 the Aesthetic Movement Aid to Families with Dependent Children affirmative action affluent society the Afghan Wars the American Federation of Labor and Congress Industrial Organizations African American 0018 African-American The African Queen African violet Afro-Caribbean the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists Aga Andre Agassi Aga saga Age Concern the Agency for International Development Agent Orange 0019 the age of consent the age of discretion the Age of Enlightenment the age of steam Agincourt Gnaeus Julius Agricola the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service Sir Andrew Aguecheek 0020 Agricultural and fishing Agriculture in Britain Agriculture in US 0021 Fishing 0022 Captain Ahab Janet and Allan Ahlberg aid 0023 St Aidan Aid to Families with Dependent Children Alisa Craig Aintree Airbus 0024 Airedale Airedale terrier air force Air Force One Air Miles air quality index Ajax American Kennel Club Akron Alabama Aladdin 0025 Alamein the Alamo Lord Alanbrooke Alaska the Alaska pipeline St Alban Albany albatross 0026 Edward Albee Prince Albert Albert Dock the Albert Hall Albert Medal the Albert Memorial Albert Square Albion 0027 Madeleine Albright Albuquerque Alcatraz The Alchemist John Alcock Alcoholics Anonymous alcopop Louisa May Alcott Alcuin 0028 the Aldeburgh Festival John Alden Aldergrove Airport alderman Aldermaston Alderney Aldershot Brian Aldiss Buzz Aldrin the Aldwych Theatre the Aleutian Islands Advanced level 0029 Lord Alexander Alexander's Ragtime Band the Alexander technique Princess Alexandra Alexandra Palace The Alexandra Park The Alexandria Quartet Mohamed Al-Fayed Alfred the Great 0030 Horatio Alger the Algonquin Round Table Muhammad Ali Ali Baba Alice in Wonderland Alka-Seltzer all-American 0031 Allan-a-Dale All-Bran the Allegheny Mountains Gracie Allen Thomas Allen Woody Allen Lord Allenby the All England Club Allen screw Edward Alleyn All Hallows Eve the Alliance 0032 the Alliance and Leicester the Alliance for Progress the Alliance Party Allied-Lyons the Allies allotment all points bulletin All Saints All Saints Day all-singing all-dancing 0033 All Souls' Day all-star game All's Well That Ends Well All the world's a stage All Things Bright and Beautiful Ally Pally alma mater Lawrence Alma-Tadema almshouse the Aloha State 0034 Herb Alpert Robert Altman Alton Towers alumni association the Amadeus Quartet the Amateur Athletic Association the Amateur Athletic Union amateur dramatics Amazing Grace Ambridge amendment 0035 Amerasian America 0036 the American Academy of Dramatic Arts the American Association of Retired Persons the American Automobile Association American Bandstand the American Bar Association American breakfast the American Broadcasting Company American cheese the American Civil Liberties Union 0037 American College Test the American dream the American eagle American Express the American Football Conference the American Football League the American Forces Network American Gothic 0038 the War of American Independence American Indian An American in Paris the American Kennel Club the American League the American Legion the American Medical Association the American National Standards Institute the American plan the American Revolution 0039 the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers the American Standard Version the American Stock Exchange the American Way the America's Cup America the Beautiful AmeriCorps Amerindian Hardy Amies Kingsley Amis 0040 American English The development of American English Spelling,grammar and pronunciation Regional differences 0041 An official language 0042 Martin Amis the Amish Amnesty International The Amoco Cadiz 0043 The American Revolution The causes of revolution The Revolution War 0044 Modern American attitudes to the Revolution 0046 Amos 'n' Andy Ampleforth College Amstrad Amtrak Amway Anabaptist 0047 Anacin Anadin Anaheim Anchorage ancient lights The Ancient Mariner The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ancient monument Clive Anderson Elizabeth Garrett Anderson 0048 Leroy Anderson Lindsay Anderson Marian Anderson Pamela Anderson Sherwood Anderson Anderson shelter Mario Andretti Prince Andrew St Andrew 0049 Eamonn Andrews Julie Andrews The Andrews Sisters Andrex Androcles and the Lion The Andromeda Strain Andy Capp Andy Pandy Anfield The Angel, Islington 0050 angel dust Angeleno angel food cake Maya Angelou angels-on-hourseback Anglepoise the Angles Anglesey Anglia TV Anglican the Anglican Communion angling 0051 Anglo-American Anglo-Catholicism the Anglo-Dutch Wars Anglo-Indian the Anglo-Irish Agreement the Anglo-Irish Treaty the Anglo-Irish War Anglo-Saxon The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 0052 Angostura Bitters angry young man Anguilla Anheuser-Busch animal crackers Animal Farm the Animal Liberation Front the Animals aniseed ball Annapolis 0053 Animals Animal welfare Protecting wild animals Animal rights 0054 Factory farming 0055 Princess Anne Queen Anne Anne of Cleves Annie Get Your Gun 0056 Annie Hall Annie Laurie Annie Oakley Pietro Annigoni annual percentage rate annus horribilis annus mirabilis A N other another place St Anselm antebellum 0057 Susan B Anthony Susan Brownell Anthony Anthony dollar the Anti-Corn Law League Antigua and Barbuda Antiguan Barbudan antiques 0058 The Antiques Roadshow antitrust legislation the Antonine Wall Antony and Cleopatra Any Questions? 0059 Anzio Associated Press Apache all points bulletin Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff advance purchase excursion Army Post Office the Apollo program Appalachia the Appalachian Mountains 0060 Appaloosa appeasement Apple Apple Mac Mac applejack apple pie apple pie bed Johnny Appleseed Edward Appleton 0061 Appomattox Court House apportionment the Apprentice Boys' Parade Approved school annual percentage rate April Fool's Day Apsley House 0062 Aquascutum The Arabian Nights Araldite the Aran Islands Aran jumper Aran sweater Arapaho Arbor Day Arbroath smokie archbishop the Archbishop of Canterbury 0063 the Archbishop of Westminster the Archbishop of York Jeffrey Archer The Archers Archie the Forest of Arden Mary Arden the Ardennes Edward Ardizzone 0064 area code ARELS Hannah Arendt Argos the Argyll Group Ariane Ariel the aristocracy orders of knighthood Dame coat of arms knights bachelor the county set old money new money 0065 Arizona Arkansas 0066 Arkle the Ark Royal Richard Arkwright Arky Harold Arlen Arlington National Cemetery John Arlott 0067 the Armada Armageddon Armagh the armed forces Armistice Day Arms and the Man Louis Armstrong Neil Armstrong 0068 The armed forces in Britain The Army The Royal Navy The Royal Air Force 0069 Public attitudes to the service 0070 army Thomas Arne James Arness Arnhem Benedict Arnold Malcolm Arnold 0071 The armed forces in the US The US Army The US Navy 0072 The US Air Force The US Marine Corps 0073 Matthew Arnold Thomas Arnold Arsenal Arsenic and Old Lace art deco 0074 art for art's sake the Artful Dodger art galleries and art museums 0075 art house King Arthur Arthurian Legend Arthur's Seat the Articles of Confederation Art Nouveau 0076 Arthurian legend Historical origins King Arthur and his knights 0077 In search of Arthur 0078 the Arts and Crafts Movement Arts Council Arundel the Advertising Standards Authority ASCAP Ascension Day Ascension Ascension Island American Standard Code for Information Interchange 0079 Ascot Asda Action on Smoking and Health the Ashcan School Paddy Ashcroft Paddy Ashdown Arthur Ashe the Ashes Daisy Ashford The Ash Grove Laura Ashley the Ashmolean Museum 0080 Frederick Ashton Ash Wednesday Asian American Asian-American Asian Dub Foundation Asian Times Isaac Asimov Arthur Askey the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen Advanced Subsidiary level 0081 ASPCA Michael Aspel Aspen Herbert Henry Asquith Assay Office Assemblies of God Assembly rooms assisted area the Assisted Places Scheme the assizes 0082 the Associated British Foods Associated Press the Association of British Travel Agents the Association of Recognized English Language Schools Fred Astaire Francis William Aston Aston Martin Aston University Aston Villa Nancy Astor Astra Astronomer Royal 0083 Astroturf the ASV As You Like It American Telephone and Telegraph the Athenaeum Atholl brose Chet Atkins Tommy Atkins Rowan Atkinson Atlanta 0084 the Atlantic Charter Atlantic City The Atlantic Monthly Charles Atlas automated teller machine the Atomic Energy Commission the Auxiliary Territorial Service David Attenborough 0085 Richard Attenborough attendance centre Attica Clement Attlee Attorney General Mabel Lucie Attwell John Aubrey Field Marshal Claude Auchinleck 0086 W H Auden Wystan Hugh Auden John James Audubon the Audubon Society the Augustan Age August Bank Holiday St Augustine 0087 Auld Lang Syne Auld Reekie Aunt Jemima Aunt Sally Jane Austen Austin Austin Reed 0088 Australia Australian the ware of the Austrian Succession the Authorized Version automated teller machine the Automobile Association Gene Autry the autumn double 0089 autumn statement AV Avalon Frankie Avalon Avebury Richard Avedon The Avengers Tex Avery Avis Avon 0090 Avon airborne warning and control system Away in a Manger Rev W Awdry Wilbert Awdry the Axis powers Axminster Alan Ayckbourn A J Ayer Aylesbury 0091 Ayot St Lawrence Ayrshire azidothymidine 0092 British Airways British Airports Authority Baa, Baa, Black Sheep the Baa-baas Charles Babbage Babbitt Babes in the Wood the Baby Boom Baby Boomers Babycham 0093 Baby Ruth Lauren Bacall Burt Bacharach the Bach Choir bachelor's buttons bachelor's degree Back Bay backbencher the Backs back-to-back back to basics 0094 Back to the Future Francis Bacon Roger Bacon bacon and eggs Bactine 0095 Lord Baden-Powell Douglas Bader badlands Badlands National Park the Badminton Horse Trials Baedeker Joan Baez BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts Walter Bagehot bagel 0096 Baggies Bilbo Baggins bagpipes the Bahamas Bahamian David Bailey F Lee Bailey Bailey bridge Bailey's bailiff 0097 Beryl Bainbridge John Logie Baird baked Alaska baked beans Bakelite Janet Baker Josephine Baker Richard Baker Samuel White Baker Baker's Chocolate a baker's dozen 0098 Baker Street Robert Bakewell Bakewell tart Bakke decision Jim Bakker the Battle of Balaclava balaclava helmet George Balanchine Michael Balcon 0099 bald eagle James Baldwin Stanley Baldwin A J Balfour Arthur James Balfour the Balfour Declaration Lucille Ball The Ballad of Reading Gaol R M Ballantyne J G Ballard James Graham Ballard the Ballet Rambert Balliol College Balmoral 0100 Balti Baltimore Bambi Banbury The Band Band Aid Band-Aid bangers and mash Bangladesh Bangladeshi bank holiday Bank of Credit and Commerce International " P101-150 由 weshor 提交 0101 the Bank of England the Bank of Scotland Jeff Banks Joseph Banks Bankside Roger Bannister bannock the Battle of Bannockburn banoffee pie the Banqueting House 0102 Banks and banking 0104 Banquo Baptist B & Q the Bar Theda Bara 0105 bara brith Barbados Barbadian the Barbarians Samuel Barber the Barber Institute of Fine Arts barbershop barber-shop barbershop quartets barber-shop quartets the Barbican Centre Barbican Barbie doll bar billiards John Barbirolli 0106 Barbour Barbuda Barchester Towers Barclaycard Barclays Bank Barclays the Bar Council bard Bard of Avon Bardsey Baring brothers Clive Barker Kate 'Ma' Barker 0107 Ronnie Barker Sue Barker barley wine Barlow Clowes barmaid Barnardo's P T Barnum baron baroness baronet baroque 0108 baroque Roseanne Barr barrage balloon Barrett Elizabeth Barrett Browning J M Barrie James Matthew Barrie barrister Clyde Barrow barrow Charles Barry Barrymore Barsetshire bar snack BART 0109 Lionel Bart John Barth Bartholomew Fair Bartlett's Familiar Quotations Clara Barton Bart's base rate the Bash Street Kids basic English basic rate 0110 Baseball 0112 basic rate Basil Brush Kim Basinger Basin Street basketball 0113 basketball basmati rice Bass Sam Bass basset-hound Shirley Bassey 0114 BAT batch loaf H M Bateman Alan Bates H E Bates Bath the Bath and West Bath bun bathing machine Bath Oliver 0115 Batman Batmobile Battenberg Battenberg cake Battersea Dog's Home Battersea Power Station Battery Park Battle Creek The Battle Hymn of the Republic the Battle of Britain Battle of Britain Day 0116 the Battle of Flowers the Battle of the Atlantic the Battle of the Boyne the Battle of the Bulge battles Nora Batty Bay City the Bay City Rollers 0117 the Bayeux Tapestry Lilian Baylis the Bay of Biscay the Bay of Pigs Bayswater Baywatch Joseph Bazalgette Bazooka the BBC 0118 BBC English BBC1 the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra the BBC Symphony Orchestra BBC2 BBC World the BBC World Service BB gun BCCI the Beach Boys Beachcomber 0119 Beachy Head Beacon Hill Jeremy Beadle HMS Beagle beagling Beaker Folk Beale Street Beamish Beam me up, Scotty Judge Roy Bean 0120 the Beano Bean Town James Beard Aubrey Beardsley bear market the Beastie Boys the Beast of Bodmin the beat generation beating the bounds 0121 Beatlemania the Beatles Cecil Beaton Warren Beatty the Beaufort scale Beaujolais Nouveau Beaulieu Francis Beaumont 0122 Francis Beaumont beautiful people Beauty and the Beast Lord Beaverbrook William Maxwell Aitken Beaver Scout Beaver Beavis and Butt-head bebop bop Becher's Brook Sidney Bechet St Thomas Becket 0123 Margaret Beckett Samuel Beckett William Beckford Bedales bed and breakfast Beddgelert Thomas Beddoes 0124 Bede the Venerable Bede Bedford Bedford cord Bedfordshire Beds Bedlam bedsit bedsitter bedsit-land bedsitter-land the Beeb Thomas Beecham Beecham's pills Beecham's powders Reginald Beeching 0125 beefeater beef olives the beef war the Bee Gees beer bitter on draught keg barrel bottled ale Lager Stout Mild Shandy pints half-pints low-alcohol drink-driving real ale breweries real-ale pubs homebrew beer kit beer brewing microbreweries liquor stores bottle shops 0126 Max Beerbohm beer garden 0127 Beer Nuts beer tent Beetle bug Mrs Beeton Isabella Mary Mayson Beeton The Beggar's Opera Brendan Behan Aphra Behn 'Bix' Beiderbecke Harry Belafonte 0128 Sir Toby Belch Belfast the General Belgrano Belgravia Belisha beacon Belize British Honduras Belizean Alexander Graham Bell Martin Bell Bella 0129 David Bellamy La Belle Dame Sans Merci Belle Vue Hilaire Belloc Saul Bellow bells and bell-ringing belfry bell-ringers clapper change-ringing changes chimes 0130 carillon bells the Belmont Stakes Beltane beltway John Belushi the Bench 0131 Bendicks Benedicite Benedictus the Benefits Agency Stephen Vincent Benét BenGay Ben-Hur Tony Benn Alan Bennett 0132 Arnold Bennett Richard Rodney Bennett Tony Bennett Jack Benny Benson and Hedges Jeremy Bentham Benthamism Benthamite Bentley Edmund Clerihew Bentley 0133 Bentley and Craig Benzedrine benny Beowulf Beretta Edgar Bergen John Berger Ingrid Bergman the Bering Strait Bering Sea 0134 Berkeley Busby Berkeley George Berkeley Lennox Berkeley Berkeley Square the Berkshires the Berkshire Hills Milton Berle Irving Berlin Isaiah Berlin Bermondsey 0135 Bermuda Bermudian Bermuda shorts Bermudas the Bermuda Triangle Berni Inn Elmer Bernstein Leonard Bernstein Bertram Mills Berwickshire Beryl the Peril Annie Besant Henry Bessemer 0136 Bess of Hardwick Best George Best Bethnal Green John Betjeman Better Homes and Gardens betting and gambling 0137 betting and gambling 0138 betting and gambling Betty Boop Betty Crocker Aneurin Bevan the Beveridge Report The Beverly Sisters The Beverly Hillbillies Beverly Hills 0139 Ernest Bevin Bevin boys Thomas Bewick Beyond the Fringe the BFI bhaji bhindi BhS the Bible 0140 the Bible Belt bicycle shed Ambrose Bierce BIG the Big Apple the Big Bad Wolf big band big band sound 0141 Big Bang Big Ben the big board the Big Breakfast Big Brother the big C big daddy the Big Dipper Big Easy 0142 Biggin Hill Biggles The Big Issue Big Mac Big Man on Campus Big Muddy the Big Smoke big stick Big Sur the Big Three Acker Bilk 0143 Sergeant Bilko The Bill bill Billboard billiards Billingsgate the Bill of Rights amendments free speech 0144 I take the Fifth Billy Liar Billy the Kid 0145 bingo bingo halls Bird's Birdseye biriani biryani Birkbeck College Lord Birkenhead Frederick Edwin Smith Birmingham 0146 The Birmingham Post the Birmingham Six Birnam Wood John Birt Birthday Honours birthdays 0147 The Birth of a Nation Harrison Birtwistle 0148 bishop Bisley Bisquick Bisto Bisto kids bitter Cilla Black Blackadder black and tan the Black and Tans 0149 black-and-white the Black and White Minstrels Blackbeard Black Beauty blackberrying black bottom Tony Blackburn black cap the Black Country 0150 the Black Death Black Dyke Mills Black English " P151-200 由 zhyli 提交 0151 black-eyed pea Blackfoot 0152 Black Forest gateau Blackheath the Black Hills the Black Hole of Calcutta Black is beautiful Black Magic Black Monday R. D. Blackmore the Black Mountains 0153 Black Muslim Black Panther Blackpool black power the Black Prince black pudding 0154 Black Rod Black Sabbath blackshirt Black Tuesday black velvet the Black Watch Black Wednesday Tony Blair 0155 Euubie Blake George Blake Peter Blake William Blake The Blair Witch Project Blair Witch Art Blakey Blandings Castle the Blarney Stone Bleak House 0156 Alan Bleasdale Blenheim Captain William Bligh Blighty Colonel Blimp 0157 Blind Date blind man's buff Arthur Bliss the Blitz block grant Joe Bloggs Blondel Blondie 0158 blood, toil, tears and sweat the Bloodless Revolution blood sausage the Bloody Assizes Bloody Mary Bloody Sunday the Bloody Tower 0159 bloomer Bloomingdale's Bloomsbury the Bloomsbury Group BLT The Blue Angel the Bluebell Railway Bluebird blue book The Blue Boy Bluecoat schools Blue Cross 0160 blue ensign bluegrass blue law Blue Peter blue plaque Blue Riband blue rinse the blues the Blues and Royals Blue Tail Fly 0161 David Blunkett Anthony Blunt Blur Enid Blyton the BMA BMJ BMW BMX B'nai B'rith BNFL 0162 BNP Boadicea Chris Boardman the Boat Race the Boat Show Bob-a-job Lorena Bobbitt Bobby Shafto the Bodleian Library Bodmin Moor bodyline 0163 the Body Shop Boeing the Boer War Dirk Bogarde Humphrey Bogart Bognor Regis Bogside 0164 Bold Anne Boleyn nick Bolletieri Robert Bolt Bomber Command Bonanza Andrew Bonar Law Edward Bond James Bond 0165 Bond Street Bonfire Night Chris Bonington Jon Bon Jovi 0166 Bonnie and Clyde Bonnie Parker Clyde Barrow Bonny Prince Charlie Sonny Bono boogie the Booker Prize the Book of Common Prayer the Book of Kells 0167 the Book of the Month Club Book Trust George Boole Daniel Boone Pat Boone John Boorman booster seat John Wilkes Booth William Booth 0168 Boot Hill Betty Boothroyd Boots Bo-peep Lizzy Borden Borders Border Television borough the Borscht Belt Borstal 0169 Boscobel Boston Boston baked beans Boston Brahmin the Boston Massacre the Boston Pops the Boston Strangler the Boston Stump 0170 the Boston Tea Party James Boswell the Battle of Bosworth Field Botany Bay Ian Botham the Earl of Bothwell Botswana Bottom Virginia Bottomley 0171 Boudicca Pierre Boulez Adrian Boult the Boulting brothers the Boundary Commissions HMS Bounty Bount bourbon biscuit Bournemouth 0172 Bournville Bovril Clara Bow Bow Bells the Bowery Bowes Museum the Bow Group David Bowie 0173 James Bowie bowl game bowls James Bowman Bow Street Box and Cox 0174 Boxing Day Chrles Boycott Geoffrey Boycott The Boy Friend Boy George The Boyhood of Raleigh Robert BoyleBoyle's Law the Boys' Brigade Boys' Clubs 0175 Boy Scouts of America boysenberry Boy's Own Paper Boyzone Boz BP Jack Brabham Lady Bracknell 0176 Malcolm Bradbury Ray Bradbury Bradford Barbara Taylor Bradford Omar Bradley Bradshaw Anne Bradstreet the Breamar Gathering Melvyn Bragg Dennis Brain 0177 John Braine Brain of Britain The Brains Trust Bramley Kenneth Branagh Branch Davidians Max Brand Marlon Brando Brand's Hatch 0178 Bill Brandt Brand X brandy butter Richard Branson Branston Pickle brass band Brasso brass-rubbing John Bratby the brat pack Wernher von Braun Brave New World 0179 Angela Brazil bread 0180 bread-and-butter pudding bread sauce breakfast television breaking and entering Julian Bream the Brecon Beacons Rory Bremner St Brendan 0181 Bren gun William J Brennan Brent Brent Walker Brer Rabbit the Brethren Bretton Woods Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Fanny Brice Brideshead Revisited 0182 Brides in the Bath Frank Bridge the Bridge of Sighs Jim Bridger Jeff Bridges Robert Bridges Carl Bridgewater 0183 Brief Encounter Brief Lives Richard Briers Raymond Briggs John Bright Brighton the Brighton car rally 0184 Brighton Pavilion Brighton Rock bright young things Brillo pad Christie Brinkley David Brinkley Brink's Mat 0185 Bristol the Bristol Channel Bristol Cream Bristol Old Vic Britain and the US 0186 Britannia Britannia the Britannia Royal Naval College the Brit Awards the British Academy the British Academy of Film and Television Arts British Aerospace British Airports Authority British Airways 0187 the British Army of the Rhine the British Association the British Athletic Federation the British Board of Film Classification the British Broadcasting Corporation British Caledonian British Coal the British Constitution 0188 the British Council the British Empire Medal the British Expeditionary Force the British Film Institute British Gas the British Grand Prix British Home Stores the British Isles the British Legion 0189 the British Empire the building of the Empire Expansion 0190 Independence The legacy of the Empire 0191 0192 British Leyland the British Library 0193 the British Lions the British Medical Association The British Medical Journal British Midland the British Museum the British National Party British Nuclear Fuels the British Open the British Philatelic Bureau 0194 British Racing Green British Rail the British Raj British Sky Broadcasting the British Standards Institution British Steel British Summer Time the British Technology Grop British Telecom British Thermal Unit the British Tourist Authority British United Provident Association Briton Britpop Leon Brittan 0195 Benjamin Britten Brixton Brixton Academy BRM the Broadcasting Complaints Commission Broadcasting House the Broadcasting Standards Council Broadmoor 0196 the Broads broadsheet Broadwater Farm Estate Broadway 0197 Broadwood Brobdingnag brogues Tom Brokaw broker Brompton Oratory 0198 the Brontë sisters the Bronx Bronx cheer Bronze Age Britain 0199 British English Standard English Regional English 0200 The changing language " P201-250 由 zky030600 提交 0201 Peter Brook Brook Advisory Centre Rupert Brooke 0202 Brooke Bond Brooklands Brooklyn the Brooklyn Bridge Brooklynese Anita Brookner Garth Brooks Mel Brooks 0203 Brookside David Broome brothel-,creepers Arthur Whitten Brown Capability Brown Charlie Brown Ford Madox Brown 0204 Gorge Brown Gordon Brown Helen Gurley Brown James Brown Jim Brown John Brown Ron Brown 0205 the Brown Bomber Thomas Browne Brownie Robert Browning Brown v Board of Education Dave Brubeck Lenny Bruce the Bruges Group 0206 Brum Beau Brummel Brummie Brummie Brunei Bruneian Isambard Kingdom Brunel Frank Bruno Brussels William Jennings Bryan 0207 Bear Bryant Bryant and May Brylcreem Yul Brynner Bill Bryson BSA BSE BSI 0208 BSkyB BT the BTA BTEC BTU bubble and squeak bubblegum Bubbles 0209 John Buchan Pearl S Buck Buck House Buckingham Palace Buckinghamshire Buck rabbit Buck's Fizz the budget 0211 Budweiser Buffalo Bill Buggins' turn Bugs Bunny Buick building societies and savings and loan associations 0212 James Bulger the bulldog breed Bulldog Drummond 0213 bull market the Bull Ring the Battles of Bull Run bully beef bullying bumping races Natty Bumppo Bundt pan 0214 bungalow Archie Bunker the Battle of Bunker Hill Billy Bunter Ned Buntline Bunty John Bunyan Paul Bunyan 0215 BUPA Richard Burbage Burberry Julie Burchill the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Warren Burger Burger King Anthony Burgess 0216 Guy Burgess Lord Burghley Burghley House The Burial of Sir John Moore Edmund Burke Burke and Hare Burke's Landed Gentry Burke's Peerage 0217 burlesque Burlington Bertie Burlington House the Burma railway Burma Shave Edward Burne-Jones Frances Hodgson Burnett 0218 Fanny Burney George Burns Robert Burns Burns Night Aaron Burr the Burrell Collection Edgar Rice Burroughs 0219 William Burroughs Burton Richard Burton Richard Burton bus Matt Busby Bush 0220 Gorge Bush Kate Bush Bush House business college busking bus pass Darcey Bussell bussing Busy Lizzie 0221 R A ('Rab') Butler Rhett Butler Samuel Butler Butlin's Butskellism Clara Butt butternut Buttons 0222 A S Byatt by-election Max Bygraves by-law John Byng Richard E Byrd William Byrd the Byrds Lord Byron 0223 Byronic 0224 cabal Cabbage Patch doll the Cabinet 0225 the Cabinet Office cabinet pudding Cable and Wireless John Cabot Mother Cabrini Cadbury Schweppes Jack Cade Cader Idris 0226 Cadillac Cadwallader Caedmon Caerleon Caernarfon Caerphilly Sid Caesar Caesar salad the Café Royal CAFOD 0227 John Cage Nicolas Cage James Cagney Cagney and Lacey Sammy Cahn Michael Caine the Cairngorms cairn terrier Cajun 0228 Cajun Calais Calamity Jane the Calcutta Cup Alexander Calder Caledonia the Caledonian Canal the calendar 0229 John C Calhoun California 0230 James Callaghan Callanetics Maria Callas call waiting Camay Camberwick Green Cambria Cambrian Cambridge the Cambridge Certificate 0231 the Cambridge Footlights the Cambridge mafia Cambridgeshire the Cambridge spies Cambridge University 0232 Cambridge University Press Camden the Camden Town Group Camel Camelot Camillagate Donald Campbell Glen Campbell 0233 Malcolm Campbell Mrs Patrick Campbell Naomi Campbell Henry Campbell-Bannerman Campbell's soups Camp David Edmund Campion Thomas Campion Camptown Races 0234 CAMRA Canada Canadian Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement Canaletto canals 0235 Canary Wharf C&A Candid Camera 0236 Candlemas George Canning Canterbury The Canterbury Tales Eddie Cantor Canute Cape Canaveral 0237 Cape Cod Cape Hatteras Cape Wrath capital gains tax capital punishment 0237 Capital Radio capital transfer tax the Capitol Capitol Hill AI Capone Truman Capote 0239 Frank Capra Jennifer Capriati Captain Beefheart Captain Bob Captain Hook Captain Kangaroo Captain Marvel Caractacus car boot sale 0240 cardboard city Cardiff Cardiff Arms Park Lord Cardigan Neville Cardus CARE Care Bears care in the community 0241 George Carey Mariah Carey Cargoes the Caribbean Caribbean Times Carisbrooke Castle Will Carling Carling Black Label 0242 Carlisle the Carl Rosa Opera Company Carlsbad Caverns the Carlton Club Carlton House Terrace Carlton TV Thomas Carlyle Carmel 0243 Hoagy Carmichael Stokely Carmichael Carnaby Street Andrew Carnegie Dale Carnegie Carnegie Hall 0244 the Carnegie Medal Anthony Caro Caroline of Brunswick carols and carol singing 0245 Harry Carpenter the Carpenters carpet-bagger Jim Carrey Lord Carrington 0246 Lewis Carroll Jasper Carrott Carry On film Edward Carson Johnny Carson Kit Carson Rachel Carson Willie Carson car tax 0247 Angela Carter Howard Carter Jimmy Carter Nick Carter the Carter Family Barbara Cartland George Washington Carver 0248 Raymond Carver Casablanca Cascades Roger Casement Casey at the Bat Casey Jones Johnny Cash 0249 cash for questions Cassandra Mary Cassatt Butch Cassidy Hopalong Cassidy Hugh Casson Barbara Castle Vernon and Irene Castle 0250 Castle Howard Castlemaine XXXX Lord Castlereagh castles " P251-300 由 dqg 提交 0251 Castrol Casualty Catcher in the Rye Catch-22 0252 Willa Cather Catherine of Aragon Catholic the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development the Catholic Herald Cathy Come Home Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Cats the Catskill Mountains the Catskills catsup Bruce Catton CATV Community Antenna Television 0253 caucus Holden Caulfield Steve Cauthen Cavalier cavalry twill Edith Cavell the Cavendish Laboratory 0254 the Cavern Club William Caxton the Cayman Islands CB the CBI CBS the CBSO CDT Robert Cecil Ceefax 0255 CEGB Cellnet Celtic Celtic cross the Celtic fringe Celtic twilight Celts and Celtic culture the Cenotaph census 0256 Celts and Celtic culture 0257 Celts and Celtic culture 0258 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Central the Central Criminal Court Central Daylight Time the Central Electricity Generating Board the Central Intelligence Agency the Central Office of Information Central Park the Central School of Speech and Drama Central Standard Time the Central Statistical Office Central Television 0259 Central Time centre court Centre Point CEO the Ceremony of the Keys the Cerne Giant Celyon James Chadwick chain gang Challenger Austen Chamberlain 0260 Joseph Chamberlain Neville Chamberlain Wilt Chamberlain Chamberlain's Men chamber of commerce the Chamber of Horrors Chambers 0261 Harry Champion champion jockey Charlie Chan the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster the Chancellor of the Exchequer the Chancellor the Battle of Chancellorsville Chancery Division Chancery Raymond Chandler Lon Chaney 0262 change ringing Changing the Guard the Channel Channel Five Channel Four the Channel Islands the Channel Tunnel 0263 Character and characteristics 0264 Character and characteristics 0265 chapati chapel chapel of rest chapel royal Charlie Chaplin Chapman's Homer Chappaquiddick 0266 Chap Stick Character and characteristics the Charge of the Light Brigade Charing Cross Charing Cross Hospital Charing Cross Road Chariots of Fire 0267 Charities the Charity Commission Prince Charles Ray Charles Charles I Charles II Charleston 0268 Charities 0269 Charities 0270 Charley's Aunt Charlie Brown Charlie's Angels Bobby Charlton Jack Charton Charmin 0271 Charter 88 Charterhouse Charterhouse School Chartist Chartwell Chevy Chase Chase Manhattan Bank Chasen's Chat 0272 Chatham the Earl of Chatham chat show Chatsworth Chattanooga Lady Chatterley Thomas Chatterton 0273 Geoffrey Chaucer the Chautauqua movement César Chávez Checkers Checkers speech Checkpoint Charlie checks and balances Cheddar Cheddar cheese Cheddar Gorge 0274 Cheerios Cheers Cheese 0275 John Cheever Cheeze Whiz chef's salad Chelsea Chelsea Arts Club Chelsea Arts Ball Chelsea bun the Chelsea Flower Show Chelsea Hospital Chelsea Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner 0276 Chelsea Pensioner Chelsea Physic Garden Cheltenham Cheltenham Festivals the Cheltenham Gold Cup Cheltenham Ladies' College The Chemical Brothers Chequers Cher Cherokee Cherokee Nation 0277 Cheshire Ches Leonard Cheshire Cheshire Homes the Cheshire Cat Cheshire cheese Cheshire Chesil Bank Chester Lord Chesterfield G K Chesterton Gilbert Keith Chesterton Albert Chevalier the Cheviots the Cheviot Hills Cheviot sheep 0278 the Cheviots the Cheviot Hills Chevrolet Chevy Chex Cheyenne Cheyennes Chiantishire Chicago the Chicago Seven 0279 the Chicago Seven Chicana Chicano Chichester Chichester Festival Francis Chichester a chicken in every pot chief cook and bottle-washer Chief Executive chief executive officer CEO Chief Joseph Chief of Air Staff Chief of Defence Staff Chief of Naval Staff Chief Rabbi 0280 Children A child's life Education and discipline Childcare 0281 Children Childcare Growing up 0282 Children Growing up Chief Secretary to the Treasury Chief Whip child benefit Childe Harold's Pilgrimage Erskine Childers ChildLine Children Children in Need 0283 Children in Need Children's Hour Children's literature the Child Support Agency the Chiltern Hundreds the Chilterns the Chiltern Hills Chinatown the Chindits Chinese chequers Chinese checkers Chinese whispers 0284 Chinese whispers chinoiserie Chippawa Chippaway Chippendale Thomas Chippendale the Chippendales Chips Ahoy! the Chisholm Trail chitterlings Choctaw Choctaws 0285 Choctaw Choctaws choir school Noam Chomsky Chopsticks A Chorus Line chowder Christadelphian christening christening robe christening presents 0286 christening christening robe christening presents Christian Fletcher Christian Christian Aid Christian Science Monitor Christian Scientist Christian Science Christian Science Practitioner Agatha Christie Julie Christie 0287 Julie Christie Linford Christie Christie's Christmas bonus Christmas bonuses A Christmas Carol Warren Christopher Christopher Robin Christ's Hospital Chrysler 0288 Churches and cathedrals Church architecture Churches in the US Inside a church 0289 Churches and cathedrals Inside a church 0290 Chrysler the Chrysler Building Chubb Chu Chin Chow chuck wagon Chum the Chunnel the Church Army the Church Commissioners Churches and cathedrals Church House Winston Churchill 0291 the Church of England Church services Membership of the Church The Anglican Communion 0292 the Church of England Winston Churchill 0293 Winston Churchill the Church in Wales church key the Church Missionary Society The Church of England The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints The Church of Scotland churchwarden the CIA the Central Intelligence Agency 0294 the CIA the Central Intelligence Agency the CID the Criminal Investigation Department Cider with Rosie Cinderella the Cinque Ports circle the wagons circuit judge 0295 circuit judge circuits circuit judges Recorders assistant recorders assizes quarter sessions Court of Appeals circuit court panels district superior courts courts of original jurisdiction the Cisco Kid the Citadel 0296 the Citadel Citizen Kane the Citizens Advice Bureau CAB Citizen's Band CB the Citizen's Charter the City the City of London the Square Mile stockbrokers 0297 the City commute City gent the City and Guilds Institute City Challenge the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra CBSO City Technology College CTC the Civic Trust 0298 The Civil War Causes of the war Four years of fighting Reconstruction 0299 Reconstruction Effects of the Civil War 0300 the Civic Trust the Civil Aviation Authority CAA the Civil List the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the civil rights movement " P301-350 由 碧落黄泉 提交 0301 the Civil Service The Civil War The Civil War clambake 0302 Tom Clancy Clans 0303 Clapham Junction the man on the Clapham omnibus Eric Clapton Anthony Clare John Clare Clarence House the Earl of Clarendon 0304 Class Class in Britain The classes 0305 Social grading The breakdown of the class system Class in the USA—no class at all? 0306 Old money 0307 Claridge's 0308 Alan Clark Jim Clark Kenneth Clark Michael Clark Petula Clark Arthur C Clarke Kenneth Clarke Clarks The Clash Classic FM 0309 Clause 4 Clause 28 Cassius Clay Henry Clay the Clean Air Act the Clearances clear and present danger clearing bank Eldridge Cleaver 0310 John Cleese John Cleland Samuel Clemens Clementine Cleopatra Cleopatra's Needle clerihew the Clerk of the House Cleveland 0311 Grover Cleveland Van Cliburn the Clifton Suspension Bridge Patsy Cline Bill Clinton George Clinton 0312 Hillary Rodham Clinton Robert Clive A Clockwork Orange clog George Clooney Glenn Close 0313 Clubs and societies Social clubs Sports clubs Alumni clubs 0314 Special interest societies 0315 closed shop close season closed season closing price clotted cream cloture 0316 Brian Clough Inspector Clouseau Cluedo Clue Clwyd the Clyde Clydesdale the Clydesdale Bank CND the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament CNN Cable News Network Coalite coal mining 0317 Coalport porcelain Coalport Kurt Cobain 0318 John Cobb Ty Cobb William Cobbett cobbler Richard Cobden Coca-Cola Coke Cochise 0319 C B Cochran Eddie Cochran cock-a-leekie Joe Cocker cocker spaniel cocker cockney cockney John Cockroft the cod wars William Cody 0320 Sebastian Coe Coeur de Lion coffeecake George M Cohan COHSE Confederation of Health Service Employees the COI Coke Claudette Colbert colcannon Colchester Cold Comfort Farm cold duck the Coldstream Guards 0321 cold turkey the Cold War Nat ‘King’ Cole David Coleman Colemanballs Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0322 Colgate-Palmolive the Coliseum the College of Arms the College of Heralds college of further education CFE college of higher education Jackie Collins Joan Collins Judy Collins Michael Collins Phil Collins 0323 Colours Skin colour Emotions Clothes Traditions and superstitions 0324 0325 Wilkie Collins Colonel Bogey Colonel Sanders Colorado the Colorado River 0326 colour supplement Samuel Colt John Coltrane St Columba Columbia the Columbia Broadcasting System Columbia Pictures 0327 Columbia University Columbo Christopher Columbus Columbus Day Comanche Comanches Come Dancing The Comedy of Errors Comet 0328 Comet Comic Relief the comics comics and comic strips 0329 coming of age Coming through the Rye the Commandos the Commission for Racial Equality the Commission on Civil Rights 0330 The Commonwealth Members of the Commonwealth 0331 committal proceedings committee stage the Common Agricultural Policy the CAP 0332 Common Entrance common land common law case law the Common Market Common Sense The Commonwealth the Commonwealth Conference Commonwealth Day 0333 the Commonwealth Games the Commonwealth Institute the Communist Party of Great Britain the Communist Party of the United States the community charge poll tax community college community home community policing community service 0334 commuting Perry Como 0335 companies Companies House Companion of Honour Companions of Honour The Company comprehensive school comprehensive Denis Compton Ivy Compton-Burnett Anthony Comstock Arthur Conan Doyle 0337 Concord Concorde Conestoga wagon Conestoga Coney Island the Confederate States the Confederacy the Confederation of British Industry 0338 Conference pear confirmation Congregationalist the Congress Congress House the Congressional Gold Medal the Congressional Medal of Honor Medal of Honor 0339 the Congressional Record the Congress of Racial Equality CORE William Congreve Coniston Water Connecticut A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Sean Connery 0340 Harry Connick Jr Billy Connolly Cyril Connolly Maureen Connolly Jimmy Connors the Conqueror the Conquest Joseph Conrad 0341 The Constitution The history of the Constitution What does the Constitution say? Amendments to the Constitution Interpreting the Constitution 0342 0343 Shirley Conran Terence Conran Consequences conservation area the Conservative Party the Conservatives the Tories Conservative Tory Conservative Tory consistory court the Consolidated Fund John Constable 0344 constituency USS Constitution constitutional monarchy Consumer Reports the Consumers' Association Con-Tact continental breakfast 0345 the Continental Congress the Continental Divide the Great Divide Continental Trailways Trailways continuing education continued education contributory negligence Beryl Cook Captain Cook Peter Cook 0346 Robin Cook Thomas Cook Alistair Cooke Sam Cooke Cookham Catherine Cookson Cool Britannia Calvin Coolidge 0347 coonskin the Co-op Cooper Alice Cooper Gary Cooper Henry Cooper James Fenimore Cooper Tommy Cooper the Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere the Cooperative Movement 0348 the Co-operative Wholesale Society Co-op CWS Coopers and Lybrand Coors the Battle of Copenhagen Aaron Copland David Copperfield Francis Ford Coppola 0349 copyright library The Coral Island ‘Gentleman Jim’ Corbett Ronnie Corbett CORE co-respondent's shoes co-respondents Corfe Castle corgi corgis 0350 Coriolanus Roger Corman the Corn Belt corn circle crop circle corn dolly corner shop convenience store Cornetto Corning Ware Cornish the Corn Laws " P351-300 由 天钧日记 提交 0351 corn pone Cornwall Duke of Cornwall Lord Charles Cornwallis the Coronation the Coronation Chair corporation chicken Coronation Street 0352 corporate hospitality corporate raider corporation tax the Corrective Party correspondence college the Battle of Corunna the Corus Group Corvette 0353 Cosa Nostra Bill Cosby Cosmopolitan the Costa del Crime Elvis Costello Lou Costello Kevin Costner the Cotswolds cottage loaf cottage pie 0354 Henry Cotton cotton the Cotton Belt the Cotton Club cougar Charles Coughlin council 0355 the Council for the Protection of Rural England council house the Council of Europe the Council of Ministers council tax Countdown counties 0356 the Country Code Country Life 0357 country music country park the countryside 0358 the Countryside Commission the county championship county court County Durham County Hall county school 0359 county town Courage the Courtauld Institute Courtaulds court circular courtesy title courtly love the Court of Appeal Court of law the Court of Session the Court of St James's Coutts Covenanter 0360 Covenants Covent Garden Coventry covered wagon Cow and Gate Noel Coward cowboy 0361 cowboys and Indians Cowdray Park Colin Cowdrey Cowes Abraham Cowley William Cowper Cox's orange pippin the CPRE the CPS George Crabbe 0362 cracker-barrel philosophy Cracker Jack crackerjack Fanny Cradock Craft, Design and Technology Steve Cram Cranmer Ichabod Crane walter Crane Thomas Cranmer 0363 Cranwell Richard Crashaw Cindy Crawford Joan Crawford Michael Crawford Crayola the Crazy Gang Crazy Horse Cream 0364 Cream of Wheat cream puff cream soda cream tea the Battle of Crécy credit cards 0365 cricket 0367 Crime 0369 credit union Cree Creedence Clearwater Revival Creek Creole Crewe Michael Crichton Francis Crick cricket Crime 0370 the Crimean War Crimewatch the Criminal Investigation Department the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act Dr Crippen Stafford Cripps Crisco Crisis 0371 Ouentin Crisp St Crispin Davy Crockett Crockford's Crockpot Richmal Crompton Samuel Crompton Oliver Cromwell 0372 Thomas Cromwell Cromwell Road Cromwell Street A.J.Cronin 0373 Walter Cronkite William Crookes crop circle croquet Bing Crosby Crosby Stills Nash and young Crosse and Blackwell crosswords 0374 cross the floor crosswords Crow Sheryl Crow 0375 the Crown Crown Agent Crown Colony Crown Court Crown Dependency Crown Derby the Crown Estate Crown Estate Commissioners crown green bowls the Crown Jewels 0376 the Crown Prosecution Service crown roast the Crucible Theatre Crufts George Cruickshank Tom Cruise cruller Crumlin Road the Crusades Crusaders Crusaid 0377 Cruse Crystal Palace 1 the Crystal Palace CST CTC the Cuban missile crisis Cub Scout George Cukor the Cullinan diamond the Battle of Culloden 0378 Nicholas Culpeper Cumberland the Duke of Cumberland the Cumberland Gap Cumberland sausage Cumbria cum laude E E Cummings Samuel Cunard 0379 Jack Cunningham cupcake the Cup Final curate's egg Edwina Currie Currier and Ives Currys 0380 Tony Curtis the Curtis Cup Lord Curzon Peter Cushing custard custard cream General George Custer Customs and Excise 0381 the Cutty Sark the CWU the Cybermen cyberpunk cyberspace Cyclone Cymbeline Cymru Cyprus Cypriot 0382 DA Dacron Dad's Army daffodil Daffodils Daffy Duck Dagwood Roald Dahl 0383 the Dail daily double the Daily Express the Daily Mail the Daily Mirror the Daily News the Daily Sport the Daily Star the Daily Telegraph Telegraph the Daily Worker Daimler 0384 daiquiri Dairy Queen Daisy Ashford Dakota the Dakotas Dalek Arthur Daley 0385 Richard J Daley Kenny Dalglish Dallas Dallas Hugh Dalton John Dalton the Dalton Plan Cahal Daly the Dam Busters 0386 dame Dame Dame Edna Dame Grand Cross William Dampier dancehall reggae dance of the seven veils the Dance Theater of Harlem A Dance to the Music of Time Dan Dare 0387 Dandie Dinmont The Dandy Danegeld Danelaw the Danes Paul Daniels Danish pastry Danish sweet roll John Dankworth Danny Boy Darby and Joan Mr Darcy 0388 the Dardanelles the Dark Ages the Dark Continent the dark lady of the sonnets dark meat Grace Darling The Darling Buds of May Lord Darnley 0389 Clarence Darrow Darth Vader Dartington Dartmoor Dartmouth darts 0390 Charles Darwin Darwinian Darwinism Datapost the Data Protection Act dating agency 0391 Daughters of the American Revolution Elizabeth David St David David Copperfield Lynn Davies Sharron Davies Andrew Davis Bette Davis 0392 Colin Davis Jefferson Davis Joe Davis Miles Davis Sammy Davis Jr Steve Davis the Davis Cup Emily Davison 0393 Humphrey Davy Davy Jones's locker Charles Gates Dawes Richard Dawkins dawn raid Les Dawson Doris Day Robin Day daycare 0394 Cecil Day-Lewis Daniel Day-Lewis the Day of Atonement Days of Our Lives Daytona 500 the Dayton Agreement Daz D-Day DEA the dead parrot sketch 0395 Dizzy Dean the Forest of Dean James Dean dean's list Dear Abby the Dearing Report Dear John letter Death and funerals Death of a Salesman Death on the Rock 0396 death row Death Valley Death Wish Michael DeBakey Debenhams debit card Edward de Bono Debrett Eugene V Debs 0397 Death and funerals Attitudes to death Funerals 0398 Expressing sympathy 0399 Eugene Victor Debs Decca decimalization the Declaration of Independence Decline and Fall The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Decorated style 0400 Dedham Vale Deep Blue Deep Purple the Deep South Deep Throat The Deer Hunter the Defence of the Realm Act Defender of the Faith " P401-450 由 alexpeng 提交 0401 deficit spending Def Leppard Daniel Defoe Geoffrey de Havilland Olivia de Havilland Len Deighton Willem de Kooning Walter de la Mare 0402 Delaware Del Boy Don De Lillo Frederick Delius Alfred Deller Delmonicos Del Monte De Lorean 0403 Delta Delta Force Agnes De Mille Cecil B De Mille Democrat the Democratic Party demolition derby Jack Dempsey 0404 Denali Judi Dench Robert De Niro Lord Denning Dennis the Menace Denny's Denver 0405 John Denver Denver boot deoch an doris the Department for Education and Employment the Department for International Development the Department of Agriculture the Department of Commerce the Department of Defense 0406 the Department of Education the Department of Energy the Department of Health the Department of Health and Human Services the Department of Housing and Urban Development the Department of Justice the Department of Labor the Department of Social Security the Department of the Interior the Department of the Treasury 0407 the Department of Trade and Industry the Department of Transportation the Department of Veterans Affairs departments of government 0408 Depends Johnny Depp 0409 De Profundis Deputy Lieutenant Thomas De Quincey Derby the Derby Lord Derby Derby Day Derbyshire derringer Derry 0410 Derwentwater Desdemona Desert Island Discs Desert Orchid Desert Rat Operation Desert Shield Operation Desert Storm the Design Council designer drug Des Moines Hernando De Soto 0411 Desperate Dan detective story Detroit Dettol Eamon de Valera 0412 Ninette de Valois devil's food cake devils on horseback George Devine Danny DeVito devolution 0413 Devon Devonshire cream Donald Dewar 0414 John Dewey the Dewey decimal system Ted Dexter dhal Jack 'Legs' Diamond Neil Diamond the Diamond Sculls Diana, Princess of Wales 0415 The Diary of a Country Parson The Diary of a Nobody Charles Dibdin Leonardo DiCaprio Philip K Dick 0416 Dick and Jane Dick Barton Charles Dickens Emily Dickinson Dick Tracy Dictaphone A Dictionary of Modern English Usage The Dictionary of National Biography 0417 Bo Diddley Dido and Aeneas Marlene Dietrich Dieu et mon droit Dilbert John Dillinger dill pickle Joe DiMaggio 0418 David Dimbleby Jonathan Dimbleby Richard Dimbleby dime novel Jim Dine Diners Club David Dinkins Dinky Toy 0419 dinner dinner dance dinner lady Diplock court Diploma of Higher Education the Diplomatic Service Director of Public Prosecutions direct rule Dire Straits Dirty Den The Dirty Dozen 0420 Dirty Harry Thmas M Disch the Disciples of Christ Discover the Discovery the Discovery Channel disc parking Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells 0421 Walt Disney Disneyland Disney World dispatch box 0422 Disprin Benjamin Disraeli Dissenter the Dissolution of the Monasteries distance learning the Distinguished Flying Cross the Distinguished Flying Medal the Distinguished Service Cross the Distinguished Service Order 0423 district attorney district council District of Columbia district visitor the Divine Light Mission the divine right of kings Dorothea Dix Dixie Dixie 0424 the Dixiecrats Dixie Cup Dixieland Dixon of Dock Green Dixons DIY D-notice Dobermann Pinscher 0425 Frank Dobson Dockers Docklands Doc Martens Doctor doctorate Doctor Dolittle 0426 Doctor Faustus Doctor Foster E L Doctorow Doctor Who docudrama Ken Dodd Dodge Dodge City dodgems Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 0427 Samuel Dodsworth Dog Chow Dogger Bank Doggett's Coat and Badge doggy bag dog's nose Dolby Bob Dole Anton Dolin dollar diplomacy 0428 Dolly dolly mixture the Domesday Book Dominica Dominican 'Fats' Domino domino domino effect Domino's Pizza 0429 Donald Duck Doncaster Lonnie Donegan The Dong with a Luminous Nose donkey derby John Donne donor card doodle-bug Eliza Doolittle 0430 Hilda Doolittle Doonesbury Val Doonican The Doors doo-wop Dorchester The Dorchester Doritos Dorothy Perkins Diana Dors 0431 Dorset Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey DOS John Dos Passos Abner Doubleday double-dipper double Gloucester double-header double jeopardy 0432 doublethink doublewide Douglas Kirk Douglas Lord Alfred Douglas Michael Douglas Stephen Douglas Alec Douglas-Home 0433 Frederick Douglass Dounreay Dove Cottage Dover Lord Dowding Anthony Dowell 0434 the Dow-Jones Average John Dowland Downing Street the Downing Street Declaration Down in the Valley the Downs Downside School 0435 Downtown downtown Down Your Way Roddy Doyle Richard D'Oyly Carte Margaret Drabble Dracula 0436 the draft Dragnet Francis Drake Dramamine Drambuie Drano draught beer 0437 The Dream of Gerontius DreamWorks SKG the Dred Scott Case Dreft Theodore Dreiser the Dresden bombing Nancy Drew Richard Dreyfuss 0438 Dr Finlay's Casebook the Drifters Drink to me only with thine eyes drive-in drive-in Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre driving 0439 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Dr Kildare 0440 the Drones Club drop scone Dr Pepper Dr Ruth Dr Scholl's Dr Seuss Dr Strangelove the Drug Enforcement Administration drugs 0441 0442 Druid drum 'n' bass Drury Lane John Dryden dub Dublin Blanche Du Bois 0443 W E B Du Bois Dubuque Marcel Duchamp duchesse potatoes The Duchess of Malfi the Duchy of Cornwall the Duchy of Lancaster ducking-stool 0444 duct tape dude ranch due process of law Duesenberg Michael Dukakis Geoff Duke duke the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme 0445 Allen Dulles John Foster Dulles Dulux Dulwich College Daphne du Maurier George du Maurier Dumbarton Oaks dumb Dora Dumbo 0446 Dumfries Dumpster Dun and Bradstreet Faye Dunaway Paul Laurence Dunbar Dunblane Duncan I Isadora Duncan Duncan Hines 0447 The Dunciad Dundee Dundee cake Dungeness Dungeons and Dragons Dunhill Dunkin' Donuts Dunkirk Dun Laoghaire 0448 Dunlop the Dunmow Flitch Dunnet Head Dunsinane St Dunstan DuPont Jacqueline du Pre Duracell Duran Duran Jimmy Durante 0449 Durex Durham the Durham Miners' Gala Gerald Durrell Lawrence Durrell the Dust Bowl Dustbuster 0450 Dutch elm disease Robert Duvall DVLA Andrea Dworkin Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck D'ye Ken John Peel? Dyfed Bob Dylan " P451-500 由 abs 提交 0451 Dynasty 0452 E111 Eagle the Eagles Eagle Scout the Ealing comedies Amelia Earhart earl Earl Grey the Earl Marshal 0453 Earl's Court Early English the Early Learning Centre Wyatt Earp Earth, Wind and Fire Earth Summit East Anglia the East End 0454 East Ender East Enders Easter 0455 Easter bonnet Eastern Daylight Time the Eastern Establishment Eastern Standard Time EST Eastern Time the Easter Rising the East India Company East is East, and West is West East Lynne 0456 George Eastman East of Eden the East Side East Sussex Clint Eastwood Easy Rider Eazy-E 0457 Ebonics Ebony Eccles cake Bernie Ecclestone Billy Eckstine E coli Economic and Monetary Union European Monetary Union EMU 0458 The Economist Ecstasy Ecu Eddle the Eagle Paul Eddington Mary Baker Eddy Nelson Eddy the Eddystone lighthouse Anthony Eden 0459 Edgbaston the Battle of Edgehill The Edge of Night Edinburgh the Duke of Edinburgh the Edinburgh Academy the Edinburgh Festival 0460 Edinburgh rock Noel Edmonds St Edmund Edmund Ironside Edsel Prince Edward Edward I 0461 Edward II Edward III Edward IV Edward V Edward VI 0462 Edward VII Edward VIII Edwardian Blake Edwards Gareth Edwards Jonathan Edwards 0463 Education in Britain The education system Standards in education Further and higher education 0464 0465 Edward the Confessor Eeny Meeny Miney Mo Eeyore EFFIE 0466 Education in the US The government and education The school system The quality of education Public or private education 0467 Points of conflict 0468 EFTA egg-and-spoon race egg-nog egg-flip egg-rolling eggs Benedict 18-wheeler the Eighth Army 0469 800 number 888 number the Elghts Albert Einstein Eire Dwight D Eisenhower 0470 Alfred Eisenstaedt eIsteddfod The El El Alamein Eleanor of Aquitaine Eleanor of Castile The Electoral College 0471 the Electoral Reform Society electoral register electoral roll the electric chair the Electric Light Orchestra Electrolux Elementary, my dear Watson elementary school primary school grammar school grade school the Elephant and Castle the eleven-plus Edward Elgar 0472 the Elgin marbles Elia the Elim, Pentecostal Church George Eliot T S Eliot Elizabeth I 0473 Elections in the US Running for office Electing the President Voting procedures 0475 Elizabeth II Elizabethan 0476 Elections to Parliament The electoral system General elections By-elections Voting 0478 Elizabethan the Elks Elle Ellen Havelock Ellis Ruth Ellis Ellis Island 0479 Ralph Ellison Elmer Gantry Elmer's glue El Paso Elsinore Elstree Studios Ben Elton Ely the Emancipation Act the Emancipation Proclamation 0480 David and Elizabeth Emanuel the Embankment the Victoria Embankment the Embassy World Professional Champlonships emblems 0481 the Emerald Isle Ralph Waldo Emerson EMI Electric and Musical Industries eminent domain Eminent Victorians Emma 0482 Emmerdale Emmy The Emperor's New Clothes Empire Day the Empire State the Empire State Building The Employment Service 0483 William Empson Encounter the Encyclopaedia Britannica The Encyclopedia Americana Endeavor The Endeavour end run enemies list Harry Enfield Friedrich Engels 0484 the England and Wales Cricket Board England expects the English Bach English breakfast the English Chamber Orchestra the English Channel the English Civil War 0485 Employment Going to work The labour market Pay and conditions 0486 Job security 0487 the English disease English Heritage the English National Ballet the English National Opera ENO English Nature the Nature Conservancy Council for England English-Only Movement 0488 The English Patient English rose English setter the English-Speaking Union the English Stage Company the English Tourist Board The Enigma Variations Enniskillen 0489 Brian Eno Enola Gay ENSA the Entertainments National Service Association the Entente Cordiale enterprise zone The Entertainer Environmental Health Officer the Environmental Protection Agency 0490 the EPCOT Center the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow Center the Episcopal Church the Protestant Episcopal Church the Episcopal Church in Scotland e pluribus unum Epping Forest Epsom Jacob Epstein the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 0491 The English language The roots of English The development of Modern English 20th-century English 0493 the Equality State the Equal Opportunities Commission the Equal Pay Act the Equal Rights Amendment ERA 0494 equal time Equity ER ERA Erewhon Leif Ericsson Lake Erie the Erie Canal the ERM the exchange-rate mechanism 0495 Ermine Street Ernie Eros Julius Erving Eskimo pie ESPN Esq Esquire Esquire Essex the Earl of Essex 0496 Essex girl Essex man Essex men Esso the Establishment the Establishment Clause Estuary English ET Eternal Father, Strong to Save 0497 Ethelred the Unready Melissa Etheridge Eton E-type euro euros Eurofighter 2000 Euro-MP The European the European Atomic Energy Commission EURATOM 0498 the European Coal and Steel Community the European Commission European Commissioner the European Community the European Court of Human Rights the European Court of Justice the Court of Justice of the European Communities the European Cup the European Cup-Winners Cup the European Economic Community EEC 0499 the European Monetary System the European Parliament European plan the European Space Agency Euro-sceptic Eurostar Eurotunnel the Eurovision Song Contest 0500 Eurythmics Euston evangelical evangelist Arthur Evans Chris Evans Edith Evans Geraint Evans Mary Ann Evans Walker Evans 0503 John Evelyn the Evening Standard Edna Everage Eveready the Everglades Everglades National Park the Evers brothers Medgar Evers Charles Evers Chris Evert Everton exams National Curriculum Tests standard assessment tasks SATs examination boards continuous assessment Standard Grade Highers Advanced Highers degree finals honours degree classes pass degree grade assessment midterms standardized tests bar exam Excalibur Exchange and Mart the exchange-rate mechanism the Exchequer the executive branch executive privilege Exeter Exmoor Exmoor pony expat Explorer I the Export Credits Guarantee Department the Express expressway ExxonMobil Exxon Valdez Richard Eyre F-1 visa FA the FAA the Fabian Society Face The Nation the Factory Acts the FA Cup the Football Association Challenge Cup The Faerie Queene Fagin Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 9/11 War on Terrorism Palme d'Or Cannes Film Festival Douglas Fairbanks the Fair Deal Thomas Fairfax Fair Isle fairs mechanical rides amusements fairgrounds theme parks State county fairs blue ribbon village horticultural shows agricultural shows midway amusement parks merry-go-rounds carousels shooting galleries candy floss cotton candy toffee apples candy apples hot dogs Ferris wheel big wheel bumper cars dodgems helter-skelter roller coaster big dipper ghost train craft fairs arts and crafts fairs trade fairs Fairy Liquid Nick Faldo the Falkland Islands the Falklands the Falklands War the Falls Road falsely shouting fire in a crowded theatre Sir John Falstaff Jerry Falwell the Family Division the Family Law Act the Famous Five Faneuil Hall Fanny Hill Fantasia FAO F A O Schwarz Michael Faraday Faraday's Laws the Farewell Address Far from the Madding Crowd Farley's Rusks Fannie Farmer Farmer George the Farnborough Air Show the Farne Islands Louis Farrakhan James T Farrell James Thomas Farrell Mia Farrow The Far Side the Far West fast food the Fastnet Race Father Brown Father Christmas father of the chapel Father of the Constitution the Father of the House Father's Day William Faulkner Guy Fawkes Fawlty Towers the FBI the FCC the FDA FDIC FDR the Fed the Federal Aviation Administration the Federal Bureau of Investigation the Federal Communications Commission the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Express federal government executive legislative judicial districts justices Chief Justice the Federal Housing Administration the Federal Insurance Contributions Act The Federalist Papers the Federalist Party Federalists Federal Reserve Bank the Federal Reserve System the Federal Trade Commission FedEx feelings expressing feelings let it all out Bottling it up inside British reserve Keeping a stiff upper lip Felix the Cat Fellow of the Royal Society feminism equality gender gap feminists discriminate glass ceiling second shift he/she (s)he Ms Fenian the Fens Edna Ferber Fermanagh Geraldine Ferraro Kathleen Ferrier the Festival Hall the Festival of Britain Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols festivals the arts festival-goers Rock Fests Hollywood Film Festival Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival Utah Arts Festival fête Fettes College feudalism barons lords peasants manor Villeins serfs dues yeomen Richard Feynman the Ffestiniog Railway the FHA Fianna Fáil FICA FID DEF FD Fiddler on the Roof The Field field hockey Henry Fielding the Field of Cloth of Gold W C Fields William Claude Fields field sports shooting fishing blood sports Foxhunting foxhounds pinks horns hunts Staghunting Hare coursing hare game birds beaters clay-pigeon shooting coarse fishing sea fishing rod and line hunting rifles outdoor sports hunting and fishing Bird hunting trapping US Fish and Wildlife Service Fife the Fifteen the '15 Rebellion the Fifth Amendment Fifth Avenue the Fifth of November 50 Cent Curtis Jackson The Fighting Téméraire Fiji Fijian film certificate Filofax The Financial Times Financial Times Indices Financial Times Ordinary Share Index FT Index FT-Actuaries All-Share Index Fine Gael Fingal's Cave Huckleberry Finn Finnegans Wake the Fire of London the Great Fire fireside chats the First Amendment first-class cricket the First Folio first-footing the First Lady First Family First Minister first past the post first reading first school Bobby Fischer fish and chips fish and chip shop Fishbourne Fisherman's Friends Mrs Fitzherbert Maria Anne Fitzherbert Five five-and-ten five-and-ten-cent store five-and-dime dime store the Five Civilized Tribes the Five Nations fives the Five Towns Flag Day Bud Flanagan Flanagan and Allen Flanders and Swann Michael Flanders Donald Swann Flanders fields flapper Harry Flashman the Flat Earth Society flat-earthers Flatford Mill the Flatiron Building the Fleet Air Arm Fleet Street Fleetwood Mac John Fletcher flexible friend Russell Flint The Flintstones Flodden Flo-Jo floor leader Flora Florida the Florida Keys flower children flower people flower girl The Flower of Scotland flower power 'Pretty Boy' Floyd Charles Arthur Floyd fly-fishing the Flying Scotsman the Flying Squad Errol Flynn Michael Foale Foggy Bottom the FOIA folk dancing steps sets caller calls country dancing barn dances Floral Dance ceilidh Scottish dancing sword dance Eightsome Reel Irish dancing square dancing Virginia Reel folk museum folk music and songs ballads folk songs folk clubs Folk festivals folk rock follow-my-leader follow-the-leader Margot Fonteyn the Food and Drug Administration The Food Programme food stamp the Food Standards Agency Michael Foot the Football Association the Football League football – American style American football helmets pads cheerleaders halves defense offense kicks gridiron end zone goal post pigskin goal line touchdown point after touchdown PAT downs linemen quarterback center passes huddle punt interception fumble bowl games football – British style minor league spectator sport at home away matches goal headed goalkeepers association football soccer clubs divisions promoted relegated League Cup the Double transferred football hooliganism terraces stands all-seater stadiums fanzine strip MLS Cup Foot Guards the Footsie the Ford Foundation the Ford Motor Company the Foreign and Commonwealth Office the Foreign Relations Committee Senate Committee on Foreign Relations the Foreign Secretary Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs the Foreign Service George Foreman George Foreman Grill C S Forester Cecil Scott Forester Forest Lawn the Forest of Arden the Forest of Dean forest park the Forestry Commission For He's a Jolly Good Fellow formal and informal dress casual clothes cords dress up putting on their glad rags their Sunday best dressed to the nines lounge suits pinstripe suits morning dress evening dress white tie black tie/tuxedo Milos Forman George Formby Formula Forrest Gump E M Forster Edward Morgan Forster The Forsyte Saga Forth Firth of Forth the Forth Bridge Fort Knox Fortnum and Mason Fort Sumter Fort Ticonderoga the Fortune 500 Fortune 500 company Fort William Fort Worth the Forty-Five the '45 Rebellion forty-niner 42nd Street the Fosbury flop Bob Fosse Fosse Way the Founding Fathers the Fountain of Youth Fountains Abbey the Four Freedoms Four Quartets the Fourteen Points the Fourteenth Amendment the Fourth of July Four Weddings and a Funeral John Fowles Foxe's Book of Martyrs Acts and Monuments of these Latter and Perilous Days Fox News Channel Foyle's A J Foyt Anthony Joseph Foyt fpa the Family Planning Association FPO Fleet Post Office John Francome franglais Al Franken Frankenstein Felix Frankfurter Frankie and Johnny Frasier fraternity the Fraud Squad Michael Frayn James Frazer Free Church the Free Church of Scotland Wee Frees freedom of assembly freedom of association freedom of information the Freedom of Information Act freedom of religion freedom of speech the freedom of the city the keys to the city freedom of the press freedom riders Freefone free house Freemasonry Freemasons Masons Free and Accepted Masons Masonry guilds masons apprentices fellowcraft journeyman master mason master Grand Master initiation handshake Shriners fraternal organizations free paper Freepost free trade freeway Dawn French the French and Indian War French and Saunders the French Quarter Fresno Lucien Freud Friars Club Friar Tuck Friday Betty Friedan Milton Friedman Friendly Society Friends Friends' Meeting House meeting house the Friends of the Earth Frigidaire the Fringe Elisabeth Frink Frito-Lay From Here to Eternity frontiersman Frosties FRS Fruit and Nut fruit gum Fruit of the Loom the FSA The FT the FTC FT-SE 100-Share Index The Fugitive Francis Fukuyama Fulbright scholarship Fulbright scholars Fulham Fulham Palace R Buckminster Fuller Richard Buckminster Fuller The Full Monty Dr Fu Manchu fundamentalism Fundamentalists funk the funnies the funny papers the funny pages the Furry Dance further education sixth-form college Work-related courses placements internships sandwich courses day release fusion Clark Gable Peter Gabriel the Gadsden Purchase Gaelic Gaelic football the Gaiety Girls Thomas Gainsborough Galahad Sir Galahad Galaxy John Kenneth Galbraith John Galliano Gallipoli George Galloway Gallup poll John Galsworthy James Galway Gambia Gambian Michael Gambon Game Boy the Gaming Board for Great Britain g and t gangs gangsters gangland killings triads human trafficking street gang inner city tagging gang members drive-by shootings skinheads The Gap garage garage sale Greta Garbo garden city Letchworth Welwyn Garden City Sir Ebenezer Howard Gardeners' Question Time Gardeners' World the garden of England John Eliot Gardiner Art Garfunkel Garibaldi Garibaldi biscuit Judy Garland Alf Garnett Pat Garrett David Garrick the Garrick Club Marcus Garvey Paul Gascoigne Mrs Gaskell Elizabeth Gaskell Bill Gates Gatorade Gatwick gaudy Sir Gawain and the Green Knight John Gay Marvin Gaye the Gay Gordons Gay Times Gazza GB plate GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education GE the Geffrye Museum Lou Gehrig Lou Gehrig's disease Bob Geldof the Gemini program General American English dialects accents the General Assembly the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland General Electric the General Electric Company General Hospital the General Medical Council General Motors General National Vocational Qualification the General Post Office general practitioner the General Strike the General Synod Generation X Generation Xers Genesis gentleman Gentleman Jim gentleman's gentleman gentlemen's clubs gentlemen's club seconds blackballing Geoffrey of Monmouth Geordie St George George I George II George III George IV George V George VI the George Cross the George Medal Georgetown the George Washington Bridge Georgia Georgian the Georgian poets Georgie Porgie Richard Gere Geronimo George Gershwin Ricky Gervais J Paul Getty Jean Paul Getty John Paul Getty Junior the Battle of Gettysburg the Gettysburg Address Stan Getz Ghana Ghanaian the Ghost Dance GI the Giant's Causeway Edward Gibbon the GI Bill of Rights the GI Bill Gibraltar Mel Gibson Gideon Bible Gideons John Gielgud Ryan Giggs GI Joe W S Gilbert William Schwenk Gilbert Gilbert and Sullivan Gilbert and George Gilbert Proesch George Passmore Giles Carl Ronald Giles Eric Gill 'Dizzy' Gillespie James Gillray Gary Gilmore Gingerbread Newt Gingrich Gin Lane Allen Ginsberg gin sling the Girl Guides Girl Scout Lillian Gish Rudolph Giuliani the GLA Gladiators William Gladstone Glamis Castle Glamorgan Glamour Glasgow Glasgow City the Glasgow Boys the Glasgow Herald the Glasgow School Philip Glass Glastonbury Glastonbury Festival Glaswegian GlaxoSmithKline Glaxo the GLC Glencoe Glencoe Massacre Owen Glendower Gleneagles Gleneagles Principle Glenfiddich glengarry John Glenn the Globe the Glorious Revolution the Glorious Twelfth Gloucester Gloucestershire Glyndebourne Glyndebourne Touring Opera GM G-man GMAT the GMB the General, Municipal and Boilermakers Union the GMC GMT GMTV GNT GNVQ gobstopper God Bless America The Godfather Lady Godiva God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen God Save the Queen God's country Bernard Goetz the Gogmagog Hills Gold Blend the Golden Gate Bridge Golden Globe Award the Golden Hind The Golden Treasury Golden Wonder Goldilocks and the Three Bears William Golding the Gold Rush Oliver Goldsmith Samuel Goldwyn golf tee green shots golf courses holes rough fairway club woods irons putter caddie par birdie eagle albatross hole in one bogey handicap round strokeplay matchplay golf clubs majors US PGA Championship US Women's Open LPGA Women's Championship crazy golf miniature golf putting E H Gombrich Ernst Hans Gombrich The Gondoliers Gone with the Wind Jane Goodall Goodbye Mr Chips Goodbye to All That The Good Companions The Good Food Guide Good Friday the Good Friday Agreement Good Housekeeping Good King Wenceslas The Good Life Benny Goodman Good Neighbor Policy The Good News Bible good old boy The Good Old Days Goodwill Industries Goodwin Sands Goodwood House Goodyear the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company Google The Goon Show Goons Goosebumps GOP Grand Old Party the Gorbals General Gordon Charles George Gordon Gordon Bennett! the Gordon riots Gordon's Gordonstoun Al Gore Antony Gormley gospel music gospel Gotcha! Gotham Gothic Gothic novel the Gothic Revival neo-Gothic Stephen Jay Gould government health warning the Gower Peninsula GP family doctor GPA the GPMU the Graphical, Paper and Media Union the GPO GQ W G Grace William Gilbert Grace Grace and Favour residence Graceland Michael Grade grade point average The Graduate Graduate Management Admission Test the Graduate Record Examination graduate school graham cracker Kenneth Grahame the Grail Percy Grainger grammar school Grammy the Grampians the Grampian Mountains the Grand Canyon Grand Canyon National Park Grand Central Station Grand Central Terminal Grand Coulee Dam the Grand Lodge Grandma Moses the Grand National The Grand Old Duke of York Grand Old Man The Grand Ole Opry The Opry the Grand Order of Water Rats grand slam grand slam events Grandstand the Grand Tour the Grand Union Canal the Grand Wizard Grange Hill Granita Granny Smith granola Granta Grantchester Grant's Tomb Grape Nuts The Grapes of Wrath Grasmere The Grateful Dead Grauman's Chinese Theater Robert Graves Thomas Gray Gray's Anatomy Gray's Elegy GRE Grease the Great American Desert the great American novel the Great Depression the Great Divide Greater London the Greater London Authority the Greater London Council Greater Manchester the Great Exhibition Great Expectations the Great Fire of London The Great Gatsby the Great Glen Glen More the Great Lakes the Great North Road Great Ormond Street the Great Plague the Great Plains Greats the Great Salt Lake the Great Seal the Great Smoky Mountains the Great Smokies Great Smoky Mountains National Park the Great Society the Great Spirit Great Universal Stores the Great War the Great White Fleet great white hope the Great White Way green belt the Green Berets green card the Green Cross Code Graham Greene Greene King Greene King IPA Abbot Ale Old Speckled Hen Ruddles County Susan Greenfield Green Giant green goddess Green Grow the Rushes O Greenham Common Green Man the Green Party the Green Party of the United States Greenpeace Greensleeves Alan Greenspan the green welly brigade wellie Greenwich Greenwich Mean Time Greenwich Village The Village Germaine Greer greetings cards charity cards Grandparents' Day Grenada Grenadian the Grenadier Guards Joyce Grenfell Gretna Green Greyhound bus the Greyhound Derby greyhound racing D W Griffith David Wark Griffith Joseph Grimaldi gringo John Grisham Virgil Grissom grits George and Weedon Grossmith Grosvenor Square Groundhog Day Ground Zero Grove The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Growmore Grub Street grunge grunge rock the G8 the Group of Eight G7 GSK Guam Guantánamo Bay The Guardian the Guardian Angels Guardian reader the Guards Division Guards regiment Guernsey Guernsey cattle the Guggenheim Museum Guide Guides Association Guiders Guide Dogs for the Blind Association The Guiding Light the Guildford Four the Guildhall Guinevere The Guinness Book of Records the Gulf of Mexico Gulf States Gulf Stream the Gulf War Gulf War Syndrome Gulliver's Travels gumbo Gunga Din gun laws Sally Gunnell the Gunpowder Plot Gunsmoke Guns N'Roses GUS Woody Guthrie Guyana Guyanese Guy Fawkes Night Guys and Dolls Guy's Hospital Guy's Gwent Nell Gwyn Gwynedd gypsies Roma Romanies travellers fortune-telling Gypsy Rose Lee Häagen-Dazs habeas corpus Habitat Hadrian's Wall Rider Haggard haggis William Hague Earl Haig born Douglas Haig Haight-Ashbury Hail to the Chief Hair Bill Haley half-and-half half-timbered Halifax the Hallelujah Chorus the Hallé Orchestra Edmond Halley Edmund Halley Halley's comet Hallmark card The Hallmark Hall of Fame hallmarks hallmarked sponsor's mark standard mark Assay Office mark date letter sterling silver duty mark sterling standard Hall of Fame Halloween William Halsey Hamlet Hamley's Oscar Hammerstein Dashiell Hammett John Hampden Hampden Park Hampshire Hampstead Hampstead Heath Hampton Court George Frideric Handel W C Handy William Christopher Handy hangman Tom Hanks Hanna and Barbera Bill Hanna Joe Barbera the House of Hanover Hanoverian Hansard Happy Birthday to You Happy Families hardcore Keir Hardie Warren G Harding Warren Gamaliel Harding hard rock Hard Rock Café Hard Times the Hardy Boys David Hare Lord Harewood George Lascelles Harewood House James Hargreaves Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Harlech Harlem the Harlem Globetrotters the Harlem Renaissance Renaissance Harlequin Romance Harlequins NEC Harlequins Harley-Davidson Harley Street Jean Harlow Harriet Harman Harmsworth Harold II harp Harper's Harpers (and Queen) Harpers Ferry Harrier Harrier jump jet The Harris poll Harris tweed Harrods Harrogate Harrow Harrow School Harry Potter Lorenz Hart the Harvard classics Harvard University harvest festival William Harvey Harvey's Harwell Laboratory hash browns Hatchard's Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway's Cottage Hatton Garden hat-trick Hawaii Hawaiian Punch Stephen Hawking Howard Hawks Nicholas Hawksmoor Goldie Hawn Haworth Nathaniel Hawthorne Joseph Haydn Rutherford B Hayes Rutherford Birchard Hayes the Hay Festival Haymarket The Hay Wain the Hayward Gallery Rita Hayworth William Hazlitt H-block HBO Home Box Office HBOS Head and Shoulders Headingley Heal's the Health and Safety at Work Act the Health and Safety Executive health maintenance organization Seamus Heaney The Heart of Darkness Heart of Oak Edward Heath Heathcliff William Heath Robinson Heathrow heavy metal the Hebrides Uriah Heep Hugh Hefner Hefty Heineken Heinz H J Heinz Joseph Heller Lillian Hellman Hello! Hell's Angel Help the Aged Ernest Hemingway the Hemlock Society Jimi Hendrix Stephen Hendry Henley Henley Regatta Tim Henman Henmania Henry I Henry II Henry III Henry VII Jim Henson George Hepplewhite Barbara Hepworth heraldry heraldic devices Court of the Lord Lyon impale dexter sinister tincture charges pale fess quartered quarters gules passant or rampant tressure azure argent quarterings supporters Herald-Tribune Here Comes the Bride hereditary peer Hereford Herefordshire Hereward the Wake Here We Go Heriot-Watt University heritage centre heritage coast Heritage Open Days Robert Herrick James Herriot William Herschel Hershey bar Hertfordshire Hertz Charlton Heston Hever Castle HGTV the HHS Hiawatha 'Wild Bill' Hickok Hickory, Dickory, Dock Hickstead hide-and-seek hide-and-go-seek High Church High Commissioner High Commission the High Court of Justice the High Court the High Court of Justiciary higher degree higher education offers first degree first second 2.1 2.2 third Graduates BSc graduates master's degree (MA) doctorate (PhD) tuition fees student loans terms electives lectures seminars practicals professor lecturers colleges undergraduate associate's degree Universities graduate students standardized test tuition room and board financial aid financial aid package grants scholarship student loan work-study semesters liberal arts sophomore major minor course catalog discussion sections lab sessions grade Full professors associate professors assistant professors instructors Highgate Cemetery Highgrove House Highland Highland cattle the Highland Clearances Highland dress Highland fling Highland Gathering Highland Games the Highlands the Highlands and Islands High Noon high school High Sheriff high street high tea the Highway Code Hilary term hillbilly Hillbilly music Nicholas Hilliard the Hilton the Hilton Hotel hip hop hippie hippy the Hippodrome Damien Hirst Ian Hislop His Master's Voice Hispanic Alfred Hitchcock The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy HMCE HM Coastguard Her/His Majesty's Coastguard HM Customs and Excise Her/His Majesty's Customs and Excise HMO HMSO HM Stationery Office Her/His Majesty's Stationery Office HMT HM Treasury Her/His Majesty's Treasury HMV HMV Group plc Thomas Hobbes The Hobbit Hobson's choice hockey forwards half-backs full-backs goalkeeper hockey pitch hockey field hockey sticks pass-back indoor centre wingers skates gloves sticks puck rink periods face-off Defenders check penalty box sin bin National Hockey League David Hockney William Hodges Dorothy Hodgkin Jimmy Hoffa Dustin Hoffman Gerard Hoffnung Ben Hogan William Hogarth Hogmanay Hans Holbein Hans Holbein the Younger Holborn the Hole-in-the-Wall Gang Billie Holiday Holiday Inn holidays and vacations public holidays vacation leave go on holiday off-season holidaymakers package holidays travel agents activity holidays holiday village short break sightseeing Jools Holland Doc Holliday Holloway Holloway prison Buddy Holly holly The Holly and the Ivy Hollywood film industry film movie stars silent films talkie movies Cinerama CinemaScope movie theaters the Hollywood Bowl Eleanor Holmes Norton Gustav Holst Victoria Holt the Holy Grail Holy Island Holyrood House Holyroodhouse Home, Sweet Home Home Alone Home and Garden television homecoming homecoming game homecoming parade homecoming dance homecoming queen homecoming king the Home Counties Home Depot the Home Guard homelessness homeless sleep on the streets sleep rough rough sleeper tramps vagrants bag ladies live in a squat Squatters evicted bed-and-breakfast accommodation hostels night shelters soup kitchens begging the Home Office Home on the Range Winslow Homer home rule home run Homes and Gardens the Home Secretary the Homestead Act homesteader hominy hominy grits the Hon Hong Kong Honi soit qui mal y pense honky-tonk Honolulu honor roll honor society Honourable Honorable the Honourable Artillery Company honours honours lists the New Year Honours the Birthday Honours Dissolution Honours orders of chivalry CBE Hooray Henry Hooray Henrietta Hoover Dam Hooverville Hopalong Cassidy Bob Hope HOPE Health Opportunity for People Everywhere Project HOPE Hopi Edward Hopper Horizon Horlicks Horatio Hornblower Horse and Hound the Horse Guards the Royal Horse Guards Horse Guards Parade the Horse of the Year Show the hospice movement Dame Cicely Saunders the Hospital for Sick Children hospital trust foundation trust foundation hospital foundation status two-tier health system the hostage crisis hot cross bun hot dog Hotpoint Harry Houdini hound dog house house music the Household Cavalry the Household Division the Household Troops the House of Commons the House the Commons the House of Lords the Lords the House of Representatives the US House of Representatives the House of Windsor the Houses of Parliament The House that Jack Built the House Un-American Activities Committee housing association housing authorities housing benefit the Housing Corporation A E Housman Alfred Edward Housman Houyhnhnm Hovis Howard Johnson's the Howard League for Penal Reform Howards End Howard University Julia Ward Howe Frankie Howerd Hoxton Fred Hoyle HOYS HP Sauce HSBC HSE HUAC L Ron Hubbard Lafayette Ronald Hubbard Edwin Hubble the Hubble Space Telescope Huckleberry Finn HUD the Hudson River the Hudson River School Hudson's Bay Company Huguenot Hull the Humber Humber Bridge Humberside humbug Barry Humphries John Humphrys Humpty Dumpty hundreds and thousands sprinkles the Hundred Years War Holly Hunter hunting The Hunting of the Snark hurling the Hurlingham the Hurlingham Polo Association Hurlingham Club Lake Huron Hush-a-bye, Baby Hush Puppies hush puppy John Huston Hutterite the Hutton Inquiry Lord Hutton Dr David Kelly Gavyn Davies Greg Dyke Huxley Thomas Henry Huxley Leonard Huxley Julian Huxley Aldous Huxley Andrew Huxley Mr Hyde Hyde Park Hyde Park Corner Hymns Ancient and Modern Nicholas Hytner IBM International Business Machines Ibrox Stadium the ICA ice hockey the Iceni Ich dien ICI the Icknield Way Idaho Ideal Home the Ideal Home Exhibition Idylls of the King If IHT IKEA Ilkley Ilkley Moor Illinois the Illustrated London News I Love Lucy the ILP IMF impeachment Imperial Chemical Industries Imperial College London Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine the imperial system Customary measure mile customary units standard units yards feet inches ounces stones hundredweight tons gallons Celsius Centigrade Fahrenheit the Imperial War Museum The Importance of Being Earnest Inauguration Day Inaugural Address In Cold Blood income support income tax The Incredible Hulk Independence Independence Day Independence Hall Independence National Historic Park The Independent the Independent Labour Party independent school India Indian Indiana Indiana Jones Indianapolis the Indianapolis 500 the Indian Mutiny Indian reservation Indian Territory the Indian wars indie music indie Individual Retirement Account individual savings account the Industrial Revolution industrial tribunal the Indy 500 IndyCar racing infant school the Information Commissioner's Office the INF Treaty the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty inheritance tax death duties I-9 form INLA the Inland Revenue In Memoriam Innogy the Inns of Court the INS the Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector Morse the Institute for Advanced Study the Institute of Contemporary Arts the Institute of Directors InStyle Intercity Intercity 225 Intercity 125 the Internal Revenue Service the International Herald Tribune the International Monetary Fund the Internet the Net interstate interstate highway In the Bleak Midwinter Inuits Eskimos Aleuts Tlingits Haida igloos kayak sledge sled snowmobile Invisible Man IOM Iona IOW Iowa iPod Ipswich the Iran-Contra affair Irangate the Irish Free State the Irish Guards the Irish National Liberation Army the Irish Republican Army the Irish Sea Irish whiskey Iron Age Britain Hill forts ancient Britons Ironbridge the Iron Lady Jeremy Irons the Iroquois League the Iroquois Confederacy the IRS ISA Christopher Isherwood Kasuo Ishiguro the Isis the Isle of Dogs the Isle of Man the Isle of Wight isolationism isolationist I-spy Alec Issigonis It Happened One Night It's a Long Way to Tipperary It's a Wonderful Life iTunes ITV Independent Television ITV plc ITV2 ITV news Ivanhoe Charles Ives James Ivory Ivory soap the Ivy League conferences scholarships the IWW the Industrial Workers of the World Eddie Izzard Jabberwocky Jack and Jill Jack and the Beanstalk Jack Daniels Jack Russell Jacksonian democracy Jacksonville Jack Sprat Jack the Giant Killer Jack the Ripper Jacobean Derek Jacobi Jacobite the Jacobite rebellions jacuzzi Jaeger Jaffa cake Mick Jagger Jaguar Jag Jamaica Jamaican James I James II Jamesian Jamestown Jane Doe Jane Eyre Derek Jarman Jarrow David Jason Jaws Jaycee jazz big band era progressive jazz Cool jazz jazz clubs combos trad the Jazz Age jazz funk The Jazz Singer JCB J C Penney J Crew jeans denim stonewashed bell-bottoms flares bootleg cut straight-leg Designer jeans Jeep Jeeves Thomas Jefferson the Jefferson Memorial Judge Jeffreys George Jeffreys Jehovah's Witness Gertrude Jekyll Jekyll and Hyde jello Jell-O jelly baby jelly bean Roy Jenkins Edward Jenner Peter Jennings Jeopardy Jerome K Jerome Jerome Klapka Jerome Jersey Jersey cow Jersey City Jerusalem Jesus Christ Superstar The Jewel in the Crown JFK Ruth Prawer Jhabvala Jiffy bag Jim Crow Jim Crowism Jingle Bells the jitterbug jive Jobcentre Plus Jobseeker's Allowance Jock the Jockey Club Jodrell Bank the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories Joe Bloggs Joe Blow Joe Schmo Joe Sixpack John Brown's Body John Bull John Deere John Doe John Hancock the John Hancock Building John Hancock Center John Henry John Lewis The John Lewis Partnership Johnnie Walker Johnny Reb Johnny John of Gaunt John o'Groats John Q Public Jasper Johns Johns Hopkins University Johns Hopkins Johnson & Johnson Jennifer Johnston Joint Chiefs of Staff joint resolution Jolly Roger Al Jolson Jonestown Erica Jong Ben Jonson Michael Jordan Chief Joseph St Joseph of Arimathea Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho James Joyce Joy Division Florence Griffith Joyner Jackie Joyner-Kersee JP JSC Judge Dredd judicial activism the Judicial Committee judicial restraint judicial review the Juilliard School of Music jungle The Jungle Book junior college junior high school junior high junior school junior varsity juries tried jurors sit on called for jury service discharged retires jury room return their verdict guilty not guilty not proven foreman majority verdict jury duty challenge for cause peremptory challenges innocent Justice of the Peace Just Say No Just So Stories juvenile court JV kaffeeklatsch Sarah Kane Kansas Kansas City the Kansas-Nebraska Act Kaopectate Boris Karloff Casey Kasem Elia Kazan Edmund Kean John Keats Keds Keebler Cagney and Lacey Alexander Calder Cambria Cambrian Keep Britain Tidy Garrison Keillor Helen Keller the Kellogg Pact the Kellogg-Briand Pact Kellogg's James Kelman the Kelmscott Press Fanny Kemble Kendal mint cake Kenilworth Castle Kenmore the Kennedy Center the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts the Kennel Club Kensington Kensington Gardens Kensington Palace Kent State University Kent State Kentucky Kentucky Derby Kentucky Fried Chicken Kenwood House Kenya Kenyan Kermit Kermit the Frog Jerome Kern Jack Kerouac John F Kerry John Forbes Kerry ketchup tomato ketchup, Jack Kevorkian Kew Gardens Kewpie doll Kewpie Key lime pie John Maynard Keynes Keynesian the Keystone Kops Key West KFC KG Captain Kidd William Kidd Kidderminster Nicole Kidman Kidnapped Kilner jar Kilroy was here kilt Francis Kilvert Kim the King James Version King Kong King Lear king of the castle the King's Bench King's College, Cambridge King's College Hospital King's Counsel King's Cross the King's English Charles Kingsley King's Lynn King's Road Kingston-upon-Hull Neil Kinnock Glenys Kinnock Alfred Kinsey Kinsey Reports Rudyard Kipling kipper Kiribati Captain Kirk KISS Henry Kissinger the KISS principle Keep it simple, stupid Lord Kitchener Horatio Herbert Kitchener kitchen-sink drama Kit-E-Kat Kitemark KitKat the Kit Kat Club Kiwanis KKK Kleenex Calvin Klein the Klondike Klondike gold rush Kmart Knickerbocker Knickerbockers knickers Knickerbocker Glory knight knight bachelor Knight Commander Knight Grand Commander Knight Grand Cross Knightsbridge the Knights of Columbus the Knights of the Round Table the Knights Templars the Knights of the Temple of Solomon knock-knock joke the Knowledge the Know-Nothing Party the Know-Nothings John Knox Robin Knox-Johnston Kodak Arthur Koestler the Kohinoor the Kohinoor diamond Kool-Aid Ted Koppel the Korean War escalating Peace talks David Koresh KP kitchen police Kraft Judith Krantz K rations the Kray twins Ronnie Kray Reggie Kray Kriss Kringle Ray Kroc Kroger Krypton The Krypton Factor kryptonite Kt K-12 Kubla Khan Stanley Kubrick the Ku Klux Klan Kwanzaa Kwik-Fit Kwik Save KY jelly LA the Laban Centre Labor Day labor union the Labour Party Labour Labrador Labrador retriever lacrosse Ladbrokes Ladies' Day Ladies Home Journal Ladybird Lady Bountiful Lady Chatterley's Lover ladyfinger The Lady of Shalott the Lady of the Lake the Lady of the Lamp Marquis de Lafayette Fiorello La Guardia La Guardia Airport the Lake District Lakeland terrier the Lake Poets the Lake School Lake Pontchartrain Causeway the Lakes Lake Wobegon Lallans the Lambeth Conference Lambeth Palace the Lambeth Walk LAMDA the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art Louis L'Amour Lancashire Lancashire cheese Lancashire hotpot Sir Lancelot The Lancet landlady the Landmark Trust Land of Hope and Glory Land of My Fathers the Land Registry Land Rover Land-Rover landscape gardening landscape gardener Edwin Landseer Land's End Lois Lane Fritz Lang Jessica Lange William Langland Lillie Langtry LAPD lardy cake Philip Larkin Lark Rise to Candleford Gary Larson Lassie the Last Night of the Proms The Last of England The Last of the Mohicans Last of the Summer Wine Las Vegas Hugh Latimer Latino The Laughing Cavalier Charles Laughton Laura Ashley Laurel and Hardy Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy Ralph Lauren laver bread Law and Order the Law Commission the Law Courts law enforcement police forces law and order Met constables special constables detectives Criminal Record Office Traffic Control bobby on the beat truncheon patrolling police car law enforcement agencies special agents state police departments sheriff deputies uniformed officers plain clothes Sue Lawley the Law Lords lawn tennis law school Law School Admission Test the Law Society layaway Lays of Ancient Rome LBC LBJ LCY L-driver L-plates LEA Lea and Perrins 'Leadbelly' the Leader of the House the Leader of the Opposition the League Against Cruel Sports the League of Women Voters Leamington Spa David Lean leap year Edward Lear learner driver the Learning and Skills Council National Council for Education and Training for Wales the Leatherstocking Tales Leaves of Grass F R Leavis Frank Raymond Leavis John Le Carré Huddie Ledbetter Led Zeppelin Leeds leek the Left Book Club legal aid the legal system case law precedents case innocent until proven guilty prosecution prove beyond reasonable doubt defendant charge acquitted civil law criminal law breaking the law plaintiff brings an action damages injunction procurators fiscal judge jury District Courts lay justices sheriff courts jurisdiction trial courts court of appeals family courts small claims courts superior courts district courts supreme court criminal code federal offences federal jurisdiction lawyers attorneys-at-law defense attorney public defender Assistant District Attorney federal attorney Legoland Lego Simon Legree Leicestershire Leicester Square Jack Lemmon Lend-Lease John Lennon Annie Lennox Jay Leno Lent Leopold and Loeb Nathan Leopold Junior Richard Loeb Lerner and Loewe Alan Jay Lerner Frederick Loewe Lerwick Doris Lessing Letter from America David Letterman Lord Leverhulme William Hesketh Lever Leviathan James Levine Levi's Levittown Lewis and Clark Lewis and Clark Expedition Meriwether Lewis William Clark the Battles of Lexington and Concord Liberace the Liberal Democratic Party the Liberal Democrats the Lib Dems Liberal Democrat Lib Dem the Liberal Party the Liberals Liberal Liberty Liberty's the Liberty Bell Liberty Bonds Lib-Lab Lib-Lab pact libraries public library Librarians fiction non-fiction catalogue reference section lending section library card due date fine Travelling libraries bookmobiles legal deposit libraries the Library of Congress licensing laws licence licensee on or off the premises off-licence opening hours late licence dry drinking age Roy Lichtenstein Life the Life Guards Life on Earth life peer Life peerages Life Savers Lift Every Voice and Sing light ale The Light of the World Li'l Abner Lili Marlene Lilliburlero Lillibulero Lilliput Lilliputians Lilliputian Rush Limbaugh limerick Limey the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts the Lincoln Center Lincoln green Lincoln Logs the Lincoln Memorial Lincoln's Birthday Lincolnshire Charles Lindbergh Lindisfarne the Lindisfarne Gospels Lindow Man line dancing Gary Lineker linen Irish linen the Linnean Society Linus Linus blanket the lion and the unicorn the Lions the Lions Club Lion Walter Lippmann Lipton Liquid Paper liquorice allsorts listed building Listen with Mother Joseph Lister Listerine the Battle of Little Bighorn Little Bo-Peep Little Boy Blue Little Britain Little Chef Little Dorrit Little House on the Prairie Little Italy Little Jack Horner Little John Little Lord Fauntleroy Little Miss Muffet Little Nell Little Orphan Annie Little Red Riding Hood Little Richard Little Rock Little Women Joan Littlewood Littlewoods Littlewoods Pools Live Aid Penelope Lively liver bird Liverpool the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Liverpool Street Liverpudlian livery company the Lizard Lizard Point Llangollen L L Bean David Lloyd George Lloyd's of London Lloyd's Lloyd's Register Lloyd's Register Book Lloyds TSB Lloyds Andrew Lloyd Webber Ken Loach Loaded lobbying lobbyists liaison officers consultants Register of Members' Interests Local Education Authority local government county council unitary authorities metropolitan districts Assembly counties and county boroughs councillors council leader cabinet directly-elected mayor council chamber town hall county hall local government officers Local authorities State government County government state constitution governor legislature Board of Commissioners Board of Supervisors sheriff's department sheriff's deputies municipalities city council ordinances municipal government local radio Loch Lomond Loch Ness Loch Ness monster John Locke Lockerbie Lockheed Martin David Lodge log cabin logrolling Lolita Vince Lombardi Lombard Street the London Assembly London Bridge London Bridge is Falling Down London Broadcasting Company London Central Mosque London City Airport Londonderry the Londonderry Air Londoner the London Eye the London Film Festival The London Gazette the London Library London Lighthouse the London marathon the London Palladium the London Philharmonic Orchestra The London Review of Books the London School of Economics the London Stock Exchange the London Symphony Orchestra the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run London Underground the Underground the Tube London University the University of London London Zoo the Lone Ranger Huey Long Long Beach Long Day's Journey into Night long-distance paths and national trails rambling hiking rights of way long-distance footpaths national trails national scenic trails national historic trails long-distance routes Henry Wadsworth Longfellow longhorn Texas longhorns Long Island Long John Silver Longleat House the Long Parliament Parliamentarians Royalists Studs Lonigan Lonsdale Belt Look Back in Anger Looney Tunes the Loop Jennifer Lopez J Lo Lord the Lord Advocate the Lord Chamberlain the Lord Chamberlain of the Household the Lord Chancellor the Lord Chief Justice the Lord High Chancellor Lord Jim the Lord Lieutenant the Lord Mayor the Lord Mayor's Banquet the Lord Mayor's Show Lord of the Flies The Lord of the Rings the Lord President of the Council the Lord Privy Seal Lord Protector Protector Lord Protector of the Commonwealth Lord Provost Lord's the Lord's Prayer the Lords Spiritual the Lord's Taverners Lady Taverners the Lords Temporal Lorna Doone Los Alamos Los Angeles the Los Angeles Police Department the Los Angeles Times the Lost Gardens of Heligan Tim Smit the lost generation lotteries National Lottery Commission tickets lucky dip draw bonus ball jackpot roll-over Instants distributors good causes Heritage Lottery Fund UK Sport Lough Neagh Louisiana the Louisiana Purchase Louisville Richard Lovelace Bernard Lovell Love's Labour's Lost Low Church Robert Lowell the Lower East Side the lower middle class the lower middle classes lower-middle-class lower school the Lowlands Lowland Scots L S Lowry Laurence Stephen Lowry lox Loyalist the loyal toast loyalty card LPO LSAT LSE LSO Clare Booth Luce 'Lucky' Luciano Lucky Jim Lucky Strike Lucozade Luddite Robert Ludlum ludo Lundy the Lutheran Church the Lutine bell Edwin Lutyens LWV Lycra Lyme Regis David Lynch the Lyndon B Johnson Space Center Lyonesse Lyrical Ballads Humphrey Lyttleton Maastricht Maastricht Treaty Mac- Douglas MacArthur Thomas Macaulay Macbeth Hugh MacDiarmid Ramsay MacDonald the mace Charles Macintosh Compton Mackenzie Charles Mackerras Charles Rennie Mackintosh Shirley MacLaine Harold Macmillan Kenneth MacMillan Louis MacNeice Macy's MAD MAD Magazine Madame Tussaud's the Mad Hatter James Madison Madison Avenue Madison Square Garden the Garden Madonna Mafia the Magic Circle The Magic Roundabout magistrate magistrates' court Magna Carta the Magna Carta magna cum laude The Magnificent Seven Magnus Magnusson Maiden Castle Maid Marian maid of honour honor matron of honor the Mail Norman Mailer the Mail on Sunday Maine main street John Major majority leader Major League Baseball Major League Soccer United States Soccer Federation the Majors Bernard Malamud Mrs Malaprop malapropism Malawi Malawian Malaysia Malaysian Malcolm X The Maldives Maldivian Malibu The Mall the National Mall mall Mallard Mallory and Irvine George Mallory Andrew Irvine Thomas Malory Malta Maltese The Maltese Falcon Maltesers Thomas Malthus Malthusian the Maltings the Malverns Malvern Hills Malvern water David Mamet the Man Booker Prize Manchester Manchester City Man City Manchester Evening News the Manchester Ship Canal Manchester United Man United Henry Mancini Mancunian Peter Mandelson M&M's M & S Man Friday girl Friday Manhattan Manhattan Island the Manhattan Project Manic Street Preachers manifest destiny Barry Manilow Man of Kent man of the match Nigel Mansell Katherine Mansfield Mansfield Park Mansion House Charles Manson Manx the Mappa Mundi Robert Mapplethorpe Marble Arch Marbury v Madison marching season Marching Through Georgia the March of Dimes The March of Time Herbert Marcuse Mardi Gras Princess Margaret the Marianas the Mariana Islands Marie Claire the Marine Corps Mariner markets supermarkets farmers' markets produce home-made market places market day market towns market cross market hall hypermarket Marks & Spencer Marks and Sparks Marks Marlboro Marlboro Man the Duke of Marlborough John Churchill Marlborough House Bob Marley marmalade Marmite the Battles of the Marne Miss Marple marquess marquis marchioness Andrew Marr Neville Marriner Wynton Marsalis Mars Bar Mars the Marsden Thurgood Marshall Marshall Field's the Marshall Plan Marshalsea Mars Rover Mars Exploration Rover Missions Marston Moor Martello tower Martha's Vineyard John Martyn Andrew Marvell Lee Marvin Karl Marx the Marx Brothers Queen Mary Mary of Teck Mary I Mary Tudor Mary II the Mary Celeste Mary Had a Little Lamb Maryland Marylebone Marylebone Cricket Club Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary Mary Poppins Mary, Queen of Scots Mary Stuart the Mary Rose John Masefield M*A*S*H Perry Mason the Mason-Dixon line Masonite Mason jar masque Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massive Attack Mastermind Master of the Queen's Music Master of the King's Music Master of the Rolls Masterpiece Theater Masters and Johnson William Masters Virginia Johnson master's degree master's the Masters Tournament the Masters the US Masters Match of the Day Cotton Mather Matilda The Matrix bullet time Matrix Churchill Stanley Matthews the Maudsley Hospital Somerset Maugham Maundy money Maundy Thursday Armistead Maupin Mauritius Mauritian Max Factor Peter Maxwell Davies Maxwell House May Day Louis B Mayer Louis Burt Mayer Mayfair Curtis Mayfield The Mayflower the Mayo Clinic mayor mayoress the Mayor of London maypole May Queen Queen of the May the Maze MBE Member of the Order of the British Empire MC Bernadette McAliskey the MCAT MCC Alexander McCall Smith Paul McCartney Liz McColgan Jack McConnell Tony McCoy Carson McCullers Martin McDonagh Trevor McDonald McDonald's John McEnroe Ian McEwan Donald McGill William McGonagall Ewan McGregor McGuffey's Readers Mark McGwire Ian McKellen Chris McManus Robert McNamara Steve McQueen McVitie's MDT Margaret Mead Meadowbank Stadium meals breakfast full English breakfast brunch Lunch lunch hour school lunch school dinner packed lunch Sunday lunch supper snacks coffee time coffee break elevenses tea break afternoon tea meals on wheels Mean Streets Measure for Measure meat and two veg Meat Loaf Meccano Medal of Honor medals decoration posthumously GC MH PH Medicaid the Medical College Admission Test the Medical Research Council Medicare medieval mediaeval the Medway Meet the Press the me generation Lord Melbourne William Lamb Victor Meldrew Andrew Mellon Melody Maker the melting pot Melton Mowbray pie Herman Melville Member of Parliament Member of the European Parliament Member of the Scottish Parliament Memorial Day Decoration Day Confederate Memorial Day Memphis the Menai Strait Menai Bridge Men Behaving Badly Mencap the Royal Mencap Society Sam Mendes Mennonite Mensa Mensa International Yehudi Menuhin MEP MER-A MER-B Johnny Mercer Ismail Merchant merchant navy merchant marine The Merchant of Venice Mercia Freddie Mercury the Mercury program Project Mercury the Mercury Music Prize the Nationwide Mercury Prize Mercury prize merit badge Merlin Merry England Merry Men The Merry Wives of Windsor the Mersey the Mersey beat the Mersey sound Merseyside Mesa Verde National Park Messiah Metallica metaphysical poets the Meteorological Office the Met Office method acting Methodist Methodist Church Methodism the metric system International System Système International SI units metre gram litre Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer metropolitan county the Metropolitan Museum of Art the Metropolitan Opera the Metropolitan Police mews the Mexican War MG MGM MGN Miami Miami Beach the Miami Herald Mr Micawber George Michael Michaelmas Michaelmas term James Michener Mickey Mouse Microsoft the Mid-Atlantic states the Middle Ages Middle America the middle class middle-class Middle England Middle English great vowel shift Middlemarch the middle passage middle school Middlesex the Middlesex Hospital the Middle West the Midlands Bette Midler Midnight Cowboy A Midsummer Night's Dream Midtown the Midwest Ludwig Mies van der Rohe MI5 The Mikado mild Milford Haven the Militant Tendency the Military Cross the Military Medal milkman milk floats Milk of Magnesia Milky Way John Stuart Mill John Everett Millais Edna St Vincent Millay Millbank Millbank Tower the Millennium Commission the Millennium Dome the Millennium Stadium Kate Millett Spike Milligan The Mill on the Floss Mills & Boon A A Milne Alan Alexander Milne John Milton Milton Keynes Milwaukee MIND miners' strikes Anthony Minghella Charles Mingus Mini the Ministry of Defence the Ministry of Sound the Ministry of Transport test Minneapolis Liza Minnelli Minnesota Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Minnie Mouse Kylie Minogue minority leader mint julep julep Minton Minuteman miracle play Miramax the Miranda decision Helen Mirren the Mirror Mirror Group Newspapers MI6 the Miss America pageant Mission Control Mississippi Mississippi mud pie the Mississippi River Miss Lonelyhearts Missouri the Missouri Compromise MIT Warren Mitchell Robert Mitchum Mitford Nancy Mitford Jessica Mitford Diana Mitford Unity Mitford Walter Mitty Tom Mix MLB MLS M'lud MM the Battle of Mobile Bay Moby-Dick mockingbird MOD the Model Parliament Model T Moderator of the Church of Scotland Modern Times Mohawk the Mojave Desert Mohave Desert Adrian Mole Moll Flanders MOMA mom-and-pop The Monarch of the Glen the Monday Club Monday morning quarterback Monday Night Football M-1 visa Monitor and Merrimack Thelonious Monk The Monkees the Duke of Monmouth born James Scott Monopoly the Monroe Doctrine the Battle of Mons Monterey Simon de Montfort Monticello Montserrat Monty Python's Flying Circus the Monument Helen Wills Moody Moonie The Moonstone Moorfields the Moors murders The Moral Maze Moral Re-Armament Thomas More Morecambe and Wise Eric Morecambe Ernie Wise MORI Market and Opinion Research International Professor Moriarty Mormon Morning Edition the Morning Star morris dance morris dancer morris dancing Morris Minor Morris Minor Traveller Morrissey Steven Morrissey Le Morte d'Arthur mortgages take out a mortgage bank put down a deposit interest security keep up payments repossessed fixed-rate mortgage variable-rate mortgages adjustable-rate mortgages endowment mortgage second mortgage remortgaging refinancing negative equity 'Jelly Roll' Morton Grandma Moses Oswald Mosley Stirling Moss Moss Bros most valuable player MOT Mothercare Mother Goose Mother Hubbard Mother's Day Mothering Sunday the Mothers' Union Andrew Motion motor inn motor lodge motor court the Motor Show motorway motorway junctions motorway service areas Motown Motown sound the Moundbuilders Mountain Daylight Time mountain man Mountain Standard Time Mountain Time the Mountain States Lord Mountbatten Louis Mountbatten Mount Vernon The Mousetrap movie rating Mowgli Mo Mowlam Marjorie Mowlam moxie MP MRA Mr Bean MRC Mr Chad Mr Charlie Mr Chips Mr Clean Mr Fixit Mr Kipling Mr Magoo Mr Rogers' Neighborhood Mrs O'Leary's cow MSP MST MTV the M25 Much Ado About Nothing muckraker muffin English muffin mugwump Muhammad Ali Muirfield the Mulberry harbours Mull mummer Mummerset the Munich Agreement the Munich Pact Alfred Munnings the Munros The Muppet Show Murder, Inc Eddie Murphy Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor Murphy's law Edward Murphy Murrayfield Edward R Murrow Edward Roscoe Murrow the Museum of Childhood the Museum of Modern Art museums galleries rooms keeper curators exhibits docents musical musical comedy musical chairs music-hall Mutiny on the Bounty Eadweard Muybridge Muzak MVP My country, 'tis of thee My Fair Lady the My Lai massacre My Old Kentucky Home mystery play the NAACP the NAAFI the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes Nabisco Vladimir Nabokov Ralph Nader NAFTA Nagasaki NAGTY V S Naipaul Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul Nam names first name middle name given middle initial sign their name full name junior senior Namibia Namibian Nancy Drew Nantucket Nantucket Sound NAO Napa Valley the Napoleonic Wars Napster Napster 2.0 NARA Narnia Narnia Chronicles NASA the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASCAR the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing the Battle of Naseby Nashville NASS the NASUWT the National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers Natchez Natchez Trace National Parkway the National National Academy National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering Institute of Medicine the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth the National Air and Space Museum National Air Traffic Services national anthems the National Archives the National Archives and Records Administration the National Art Collections Fund the National Assembly for Wales the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Association of Clubs for Young People the National Asylum Support Service the National Audit Office the National Basketball Association the National Book Award the National Book Critics Circle National Book Critics Circle Awards the National Broadcasting Company the National Childbirth Trust the National Collegiate Athletic Association the National Consumer Council National Consumers League the National Curriculum key stages programmes of study Attainment targets NCTs statemented special educational needs school league tables National Curriculum Test the National Cycle Network the national debt the National Education Association The National Enquirer the National Executive Committee the National Exhibition Centre the National Farmers' Union the National Film Theatre the National Football Conference the National Football League the National Front the National Gallery the National Gallery of Art the National Gallery of Scotland National Geographic the national grid the National Grid for Learning the National Guard National Guardsmen the National Health Service the National Heritage Memorial Fund the National Hunt National Insurance National Insurance contributions National Insurance number the National Labor Relations Board the National League the National Lottery the National Maritime Museum the National Motor Museum the National Motto the National Museum and Gallery the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television National Nature Reserve the National Organization for Women national parks and protected areas national parks National Park Service National recreation areas National preserves wilderness areas areas of outstanding natural beauty AONBs the National Portrait Gallery National Public Radio the National Railway Museum the National Research Council the National Rifle Association National Savings National Savings and Investments National Savings Certificate national scenic area the National Security Council national service Conscription called up reserved occupation Conscientious objectors volunteers Officers' Training Corps selective service the draft draft riots exemption Draft dodgers draft cards the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children the Royal National Theatre the National Trust the National Urban League National Vocational Qualification the National War College the National Youth Orchestra the Nationwide Native American Indians tribes Bureau of Indian Affairs reservations Native Son NATO NATS the Natural History Museum nature reserves conservation areas national nature reserves local nature reserves marine nature reserves sites of special scientific interest SSSIs endangered nature preserves wildlife refuge national monuments NatWest Naugahyde Nauru Nauruan Navajo Navaho Martina Navratilova navy the NBA NBC NBCC NBC Universal the NCAA NCL NCT the NEA Lough Neagh Nebraska NEC the Needles Neighbourhood Watch Neighbours Neiman Marcus Neiman's Nelson's Column neoclassicism neoclassical neoconservative neocon War on Terror E Nesbit Edith Nesbit Nescafé Eliot Ness Nessie Nestlé netball Network Rail Nevada the Never Never Land the New Age materialist New Age people holistic earth mysteries occult parapsychology Crystals Meditation New Age music Incense psychedelic drugs health foods vegetarians New Amsterdam Newark the Newbery Medal Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcastle New Covent Garden Market New Covent Garden New Deal New England New Englanders the New English Bible the New Forest New Forest ponies the New Frontier Newgate Newgate prison Newgate gaol New Hampshire New Jersey New Labour the New Left Newmarket New Mexico the New Model Army New Musical Express New Orleans Newport The New Republic the New Right The New Scientist News Corp New Scotland Yard the Yard Newsnight the News of the World The New Statesman Newsweek Isaac Newton Newton's Laws new town New Year New Year's Eve New Year's Day the New Year Honours New York New York City Police Department Transit Bureau the New York Daily News the New York Drama Critics Circle Award The New Yorker the New York Herald-Tribune the New York Philharmonic the New York Public Library The New York Review of Books New York State the New York Stock Exchange the New York Times New York University New Zealand New Zealander Next Nez Percé NFC NFL NFT the NFU NFU Scotland NGfL NHS NI Niagara Falls Nicholas Nickleby Nickelodeon Jack Nicklaus Harold Nicolson Nielsen rating Nielsen TV ratings Nielsen Media Nigeria Nigerian The Night Before Christmas Florence Nightingale nightlife night out Pub crawls Wine bars cocktail bars bars Bartenders run a tab happy hour go clubbing cinema movie theater theatre dinner theater Gambling party Bill Nighy Nike the Battle of the Nile " P1101-1350 由 weshor 提交 1101 Chester Nimitz Derek Nimmo 900 number Nine Inch Nails 999 the Nine O'clock News the nine o'clock watershed 911 Nineteen Eighty-Four 1102 the 1922 Committee the Conservative and Unionist Members' Committee the nineteenth hole Nirex Nirvana Nissen hut Nivea David Niven Richard Nixon 1103 Nobel Prize Nobel laureates Nob Hill Adrian Noble noble savage Noddy 1104 no-fault divorce the Nolan Committee Nonconformist non-U Denis Norden 1105 Nordstrom's Norfolk Norfolk jacket Norman Norman Barry Norman Jessye Norman Marsha Norman 1106 the Normandy landings Lord North Oliver North the North American Air Defense Command Northampton Northamptonshire Northanger Abbey 1107 North Carolina the North Circular Lord Northcliffe Alfred Charles William Harmsworth North Dakota the Northern Ballet Theatre the Northern Ireland Assembly 1108 Northern Ireland 1109 Northern Ireland 1110 the Northern Ireland Office the North Sea North Sea gas 1111 North Sea oil the North-South Divide Northumberland Northumbria the Northwest Ordinance the North-west Passage the North York Moors North Yorkshire 1112 Norton Norwich the Norwich School Nostromo the University of Notre Dame Nottingham Nottingham Forest Nottinghamshire Notting Hill Notting Hill Carnival Notts County Kim Novak 1113 Ivor Novello Nowheresville the NSPCC Nuclear Electric nuclear power 1114 nuclear power 1115 the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Lord Nuffield William Richard Morris the NUJ the National Union of Journalists the NUM the National Union of Mineworkers Number Ten the Nunc Dimittis 1116 Trevor Nunn the NUR the Nuremberg trials Rudolf Nureyev nursery rhymes 1117 nursery rhymes nursery school the NUS the National Union of Students the NUT the National Union of Teachers 1118 the NUT the National Union of Teachers NutraSweet NVQ NWA nylons Michael Nyman NYPD Blue 1119 Oak-apple Day Oakland Annie Oakley Oak Ridge the Oaks Oasis oast house 1120 oast house oatcake oater Captain Oates Titus Oates OBE Officer of the Order of the British Empire Oberon Obie The Observer 1121 Sean O'Casey the Occupational Safety and Health Administration William of Ockham Daniel O'Connell Des O'Connor Donald O'Connor Flannery O'Connor Sandra Day O'Connor 1122 Sandra Day O'Connor the ODA the Overseas Development Administration Odeon Ode on a Grecian Urn Ode to a Nightingale Ode to the West Wind Offa's Dyke OFFER the Office of Electricity Regulation Martin Offiah the Office of Fair Trading the Office of Management and Budget 1123 the Office of Public Service office party the Official Birthday the Official Secrets Act the Official Unionist Party Ofgas the Office of Gas Supply Oflot the Office of the National Lottery OFSTED the Office for Standards in Education Oftel the Office of Telecommunications Ofwat the Office of Water Services Maureen O'Hara 1124 Maureen O'Hara Scarlett O'Hara O'Hare O'Hare International Airport Ohio the Ohio River OHMS On Her Majesty's Service On His Majesty's Service On Her (or His) Majesty's Service Oh! Susanna Ojibwa Ojibway Chippawa Chippaway 1125 the OK Corral Lake Okeechobee Georgia O'Keeffe the Okefenokee Swamp Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge Okie Okinawa Oklahoma 1126 Oklahoma! the Oklahoma City bombing old age senior citizens assisted living retirement community nursing home 1127 home help pensioners' clubs day centre sheltered accommodation warden housing old people's home old age pensioners OAPs old age pensioner OAP the Old Bailey 1128 the old boy network the Old Bull and Bush the Old Contemptibles Claes Oldenburg Old English runes runic letters 1129 Old English sheepdog Old Faithful 1130 Mike Oldfield Old Folks at Home Old Glory Old Ironsides Old King Cole the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street Old Macdonald Had a Farm Old Moore's Almanack Old Mother Hubbard the Old North Church 1131 the Old North Church Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats the Old Pretender old school tie Oldsmobile Old Trafford the Old Vic 1132 the Old Vic the Old West The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe O Little Town of Bethlehem Oliver Twist Laurence Olivier Ol' Man River Olympia 1133 Olympia Omaha Omnibus Once in Royal David's City Ryan O'Neal Tatum O'Neal one-day cricket One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1134 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Eugene O'Neill one-upmanship Only Fools and Horses Yoko Ono Lake Ontario On Top of Old Smoky 1135 On Top of Old Smoky Onward, Christian Soldiers the Oomph Girl 007 op-ed page open learning 1136 open shop the Open University Opera North Operation Drake 1137 Operation Drake the Opium Wars J Robert Oppenheimer Julius Robert Oppenheimer Opportunity Knocks opting out Optrex Orange orange badge Orangeman Orange Society Orange Order 1138 Orangeman Orange Society Orange Order the Orange Prize Oranges and Lemons Roy Orbison Orchard Street Baroness Orczy 1139 order of chivalry the Order of Merit OM the Order of the Bath the Most Honourable Order of the Bath the Order of the British Empire the Order of the Garter 1140 the Order of the Garter the Order of the Thistle the ordination of women the Ordnance Survey OS Oregon the Oregon Trail 1141 the Oregon Trail the Oregon National Historic Trail Oreo the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD the Organization of American States OAS The Origin of Species the Orkneys the Orkney Islands Orlando Eugene Ormandy 1142 Eugene Ormandy Joe Orton George Orwell Orwellian Osage John Osborne Osborne House 1143 Osborne House Ozzy Osbourne Oscar Kitty O'Shea Oshkosh b'Gosh the Osmonds Ossian Maureen O'Sullivan 1144 Maureen O'Sullivan Lee Harvey Oswald Othello Peter O'Toole the Battle of Oudenaarde Oulton Park Our Gang Our Mutual Friend 1145 Our Mutual Friend Our Town Ouse the Outlaw OutRage! the Outward Bound Trust Outward Bound the Oval the Oval Office 1146 Ovaltine the Overland Trail Overlord overseas territory dependent territory Crown Colony Over There Steve Ovett David Owen Robert Owen 1147 Robert Owen Wilfred Owen Jesse Owens The Owl and the Pussy-Cat Oxbridge 1148 Oxfam 1149 Oxford Oxford bags The Oxford Book of English Verse Oxford Circus Oxford English the Oxford English Dictionary OED the Oxford Movement 1150 Oxfordshire Oxford Street Oxford University Oxford University Press Oxo Oxon Oxonian oyez! 1151 oyez! Oz the Ozark Mountains the Ozarks Ozymandias Ozzie and Harriet 1152 Jack Paar Pacific Daylight Time PDT Pacific Standard Time PST Pacific Time Al Pacino Paddington Paddington Bear Frederick Handley Page 1153 James Paget page-three girl Thomas Paine the Painted Desert pairing Paisley 1154 Bob Paisley Ian Paisley Paiute Paki Pakistan Pakistani Pal 1155 Pal the Palace the Palace of Westminster the New Palace of Westminster the Old Palace of Westminster pale ale Francis Palgrave palimony Michael Palin Pal Joey Palladianism 1156 Palladianism Palladian the Palladium the London Palladium Pall Mall Palm Beach Arnold Palmer Lord Palmerston Palmolive Palm Springs 1157 Palm Sunday Mount Palomar palomino Joe Palooka Pampers the Panama Canal Panama Canal Zone the Pan Am Building the Pan American Games Pan American World Airways Pan Am 1158 pancake Pancake Day Pancake Tuesday pancake race P & O pandowdy apple pandowdy 1159 panhandle panhandle panhandler Emmeline Pankhurst Panorama pantomime pantos boo 1160 panty raid Andrzej Panufnik Eduardo Paolozzi paper towel Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinean Papworth Hospital the Parachute Regiment the Paras Paradise Lost Paramount Pictures paratha 1161 Parcelforce parish parish church parish register civil parish parish council parish pump Merle Park Mungo Park Park Avenue Charlie Bird Parker Dorothy Parker 1162 Camilla Parker-Bowles Parkhurst Cecil Parkinson Michael Parkinson Norman Parkinson Parkinson's law Park Lane Rosa Parks 1163 parks the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration Parliamentary Private Secretary 1164 Parliament 1165 Parliament 1166 Parliament 1167 Parliamentary Private Secretary PPS parliamentary privilege parliamentary secretary 1168 parliamentary under-secretary of state Charles Stewart Parnell Catherine Parr Hubert Parry Louella Parsons Parson's Pleasure Partition Dolly Parton 1169 the Partridge Family party conference party political broadcast paid political broadcasts A Passage to India Passchendaele Passion Sunday the Patent and Trademark Office the Patent Office Pathfinder Patience 1170 the Patient's Charter Coventry Patmore patrial St Patrick Christopher Patten George Patton Linus Pauling Paul Jones 1171 Paul Jones Paul Revere's Ride Pawnee pax Britannica Jeremy Paxman Paxo Joseph Paxton pay bed PAYE the Paymaster General 1172 the Paymaster General Cynthia Payne payola PBS Public Broadcasting Service PCC parochial church council PC Plod the Peace Corps peace in our time 1173 peace pipe Thomas Love Peacock the Peak District Mervyn Peake Norman Vincent Peale Peanuts pear drop 1174 Pearl Harbor pearly king pearly queen Pears Peter Pears Pears Cyclopaedia Pearson Robert E Peary Robert Edwin Peary the Peasants' Revolt pea-souper Pebble Mill 1175 Gregory Peck Sam Peckinpah Pecos Bill John Peel Robert Peel peel tower pele tower Peeping Tom 1176 the peerage Peers of the realm the peerage hereditary peers titles countess viscountess Lords of Appeal in Ordinary given a peerage disclaimed elevated to the peerage taking their seat 1177 the Pembrokeshire Coast penalty points Penguin Penguin Books the Peninsular War 1178 Sean Penn William Penn William Penney the Pennines the Pennine Way Penn Station Pennsylvania Station Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Avenue 1179 Pennsylvania Avenue Pennsylvania Dutch Penny Black penny dreadful penny-farthing pensions 1180 the Pentagon 1181 the Pentagon Papers Pentecostalist Pentecostal Pentecostalism Penthouse Pentonville Penzance People The People the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals PDSA Peoria 1182 Peoria Pepsi-Cola Pepsi Pepto-Bismol Samuel Pepys Spencer Perceval S J Perelman Sidney Joseph Perelman Pericles, Prince of Tyre The Perils of Pauline 1183 The Perils of Pauline Carl Perkins Permanent Secretary permissive society H Ross Perot Henry Ross Perot Perpendicular Fred Perry John Pershing 1184 John Pershing Pershing missile Persil Personal Equity Plan PEP personal pension plan personal space 1185 Persuasion Peter Grimes Peter Jones Peterloo the Peterloo Massacre Peter Pan 1186 Peter Pan Peter, Paul and Mary Peter Rabbit Ellis Peters Mary Peters the Petition of Right Flinders Petrie the Petrified Forest pets 1187 pets 1188 pets the Pet Shop Boys Petticoat Lane Petworth House Nikolaus Pevsner Peyton Place Michelle Pfeiffer PG parental guidance the PGA the Professional Golfers' Association PGA Tournament Phi Beta Kappa Philadelphia Philadelphia Kim Philby the Philharmonia the Philharmonia Orchestra 1190 Philip Morris Mark Phillips Phillips Exeter Academy Phillips screwdriver Phillips screw Phiz Phoenix River Phoenix 1191 phony war phoney war Piccadilly Piccadilly Circus piccalilli Wilson Pickett Mary Pickford 1192 Mary Pickford Pickford's Wilfred Pickles The Pickwick Papers pick your own PYO Pict The Picture of Dorian Gray Picture Post 1193 The Pied Piper of Hamelin pier Piers Plowman pigeon fancier Lester Piggott Piggy Piglet Pike's Peak 1194 the Pilgrim Fathers the Pilgrims The Pilgrim's Progress The Pilgrim's Way Pilkington the Pilkington Cup pillar box pillory Pillsbury 1195 Piltdown man Pima Pimm's Pimm's Number One Cup Courtney Pine Pineapple Poll Arthur Wing Pinero Pinewood Studios Allan Pinkerton 1196 Pink Floyd The Pink Panther Pinky and Perky Pinocchio Harold Pinter Pinteresque Pip John Piper 1197 Piper Alpha The Pirates of Penzance Camille Pissarro pit bull terrier pit bull the Pitcairn Islands Isaac Pitman Gene Pitney Brad Pitt William Pitt 1198 Augustus Pitt Rivers Pittsburgh Pizza Hut Plaid Cymru Jean Plaidy the Plains Indians 1199 Place names 1200 Place names 1201 the Plains Indians the Plains States Planet Hollywood 1202 Planet of the Apes The Planets Planned Parenthood Federation of America Planned Parenthood Plantagenet Planter's Punch the Battle of Plassey Sylvia Plath 1203 Playboy play dough Play-Doh Play it again, Sam Playtex the Pledge of Allegiance Plessy v Ferguson 1204 Plexiglas Plimsoll line Roy Plomley ploughman's lunch ploughman's the Plowden Report Joan Plowright plum duff plum pudding PLUTO Pipe Line Under The Ocean Plymouth 1205 the Plymouth Brethren the Brethren Plymouth Colony Plymouth Rock the Pobble Pocahontas pocket borough Podunk 1206 Edgar Allan Poe Poet Laureate Poets' Corner The Pogues point-to-point 1207 Hercule Poirot Sidney Poitier Polack Polaris Polaroid the Policea political action committee PAC political correctness 1208 political correctness 1209 James K Polk James Knox Polk Jackson Pollock Pollyanna Polly Peck Polo Pomp and Circumstance 1210 Polictical parties in Britain 1211 Polictical parties in Britain 1212 Polictical parties in Britain Pomp and Circumstance Juan Ponce de León Pond's Pontefract-cake Pontiac Pontin's the Pony Club 1213 Polictical parties in the US 1214 Polictical parties in the US 1215 Polictical parties in the US the Pony Club the Pony Express Pony Express National Historic Trail Charles Ponzi Pooh Winnie-the-Pooh Pooh Bear Poohsticks 1216 Politics and politicians 1217 Politics and politicians 1218 Politics and politicians 1219 Politics and politicians 1220 Politics and politicians 1221 Poohsticks the pools the football pools pools coupons pooper-scooper poop-scoop the Poor Laws Poor Richard's Almanack poor white trash white trash Mr Pooter Pooterish Iggy Pop 1222 Iggy Pop pop art pop artists Alexander Pope Popeye Pop Goes the Weasel Karl Popper Poppy Day 1223 Popsicle Pop-Tarts population 1224 population the Populist Party the People's Party Porgy and Bess pork barrel pork-pie hat porkpie 1225 Porky Pig porridge Porridge Cole Porter Katherine Anne Porter porterhouse porterhouse steak Portishead Portland 1226 Portland cement Portland stone the Portland Vase Portmeirion Portnoy's Complaint Portobello Road the Port of London Authority the PLA 1227 Porton Down Portsmouth Port Sunlight Posh and Becks Emily Post Wiley Post postal district postal services 1228 postal services posted Parcelforce post offices first class second class postboxes letter boxes collections letter box US Postal Service USPS Postmaster General Mail carriers mailmen mailboxes rural mailbox couriers express Post-it 1229 Post-it Postman Pat postman's knock post office postmaster general the Post Office sub-post offices Post Office Counters the potato famine Pot Black poteen potlatch 1230 Pot Noodle the Potomac River the Potsdam Conference Beatrix Potter Dennis Potter Stephen Potter the Potteries Ezra Pound 1231 pound cake the pound in your pocket Anthony Powell Colin Powell Enoch Powell Michael Powell 1232 Tyrone Power The Power and the Glory PowerGen Powhatan Powys PPS prairie dog prairie oyster mountain oyster prairie schooner Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition 1233 Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition Terry Pratchett Pre-Columbian North America nomads archaic period hunting and gathering Woodland tradition 1234 preferred provider organization the Premier Division 1235 the Premier League Premium Bond Premium Savings Bond preparatory school prep school preppy preppie preppy Pre-Raphaelite Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Pre-Raphaelite Presbyterian elders presbyters 1236 Presbyterian Presbyterianism John Prescott prescription charge president head of state commander-in-chief directly elected impeach 1237 the Presidential Medal of Freedom Presidents' Day presiding officer Elvis Presley the Press Association the PA the Press Complaints Commission the Press Council 1238 pressure groups interest groups promotional groups labor unions Professional bodies charities Prestel Preston North End 1239 the Battle of Prestonpans Prestwick the Prevention of Terrorism Act André Previn Leontyne Price Vincent Price The Price is Right 1240 Price Waterhouse Pride and Prejudice Pride's Purge J B Priestley John Boynton Priestley Joseph Priestley priest's hole Prima primary primary election 1241 primary school the Primate of All England the Primate of All Ireland the Primate of England prime minister 1242 Prime Minister's Questions The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie the Primrose League Prince Prince Charming Prince Consort Prince of Wales Prince Regent 1243 the Princes in the Tower Princess of Wales Princess Royal Princes Street the Prince's Trust Princeton University principal boy Principia Mathematica 1244 Prinny Printing House Square Miss Prism The Prisoner prisons imprisonment cell serve their sentence category solitary confinement open prisons on remand remand centres warders custodial sentences 1245 penitentiaries correctional facilities jails inmates work release halfway house make bail on parole mandatory sentencing 1246 John Pitchard V S Pritchett Victor Sawdon Pritchett privacy private life invasion of privacy 1247 private bill Private Eye private hotel private limited company Private Lives private member's bill 1248 private patient private road private treaty privatization 1249 the Privy Council Privy Councillor Privy Counsellor the Privy Purse pro-choice Procter & Gamble The Prodigy 1250 John Profumo Profumo Affair progressive education the Progressive Party Progressivists Prohibition promenader 1251 Promise Keepers the Proms Marjorie Proops proportional representation prorogation prorogue the Prospect of Whitby Prospero the Protectorate 1252 Protestant Protestantism Mrs Proudie Providence the Provisionals the Provos Prozac Prudential 1253 the Pru Richard Pryor PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test Psycho PT boat patrol torpedo boat public access channel public bill public defender 1254 Public Enemy Public Enemy No 1 public footpath Public Lending Right PLR public limited company plc PLC the Public Order Act the Public Record Office 1255 public school public schools 1256 the Public Sector Borrowing Requirement PSBR public service broadcasting public spending round publish and be damned 1257 publish or perish Puck Robin Goodfellow puckish Pudding Lane Pudsey Bear Pueblo Puerto Rico Puerto Ricans puffed wheat Puffin Books 1258 Pubs and pub names 1259 Pubs and pub names 1260 Puffin Books Puffing Billy Puget Sound Augustus Pugin puisne judge Pulitzer Prize Pullman Pulp Pulp Fiction 1261 Punch Punch and Judy Punch and Judy show Mr Punch punctuality 1262 punishment 1263 punk punk rock punk rocker punting pupillage Henry Purcell the Purcell Room purchase tax 1264 the Pure Food and Drug Act puri Puritan purple heart the Purple Heart Edward Pusey Puss in Boots Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where Have You Been? David Puttnam 1265 PX post exchange BX commissary Pygmalion Barbara Pym John Pym Thomas Pynchon Pythonesque 1266 Qatar Qatari the QE2 Q-ship Q-Tip Quaalude lude Quadrophenia Quaker Quaker Oats quango 1267 Mary Quant the Quantocks the Quantock hills Quantrill's Raiders quarter days quarter Lady Day Midsummer Day Michaelmas Day Christmas Day term days Candlemas Whit Sunday Lammas Day Martinmas 1268 Quatermass Dan Quayle Captain Queeg Queen Ellery Queen Queen Anne the Queen Elizabeth 1269 Queen for a day Queen Mab the Queen Mary Queen Mother The Queen of Hearts 1270 queen of puddings queen's pudding Queens Queen's Award the Queen's Bench the Queen's Bench Division King's Bench King's Bench Division the Queensberry Rules the Queen's Birthday Queen's Club Queen's Counsel QC King's Counsel KC the Queen's English the King's English 1271 the Queen's Gallantry Medal the Queen's Gallery Queen's Park Rangers QPR the Queen's Regulations the King's Regulations the Queen's Speech King's Speech Queen's University, Belfast A Question of Sport Question Time the Questors Arthur Quiller-Couch 1272 Anthony Quinn Quonset hut Quorn the Quorn QVC 1273 Racal the Race Relations Acts Peter Rachman Rachmanism racing 1274 racing 1275 rackets Arthur Rackham rack of lamb racquetball Anne Radcliffe the Radcliffe Camera radical chic radio 1276 the Radio Authority 1277 Radio Caroline Radio City Music Hall Radio 5 Live Radio 4 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Radiohead Radio 1 Radio Shack 1278 Radio 3 the Radio Times Radio 2 Radley College Henry Raeburn Raffles Stamford Raffles George Raft 1279 ragga The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists from rags to riches ragtime rags Railcard Railtrack railways and railroads 1280 railways and railroads 1281 Rainbow Bridge Rainbow Guide Rainbow Warrior rain dance Mount Rainier Mount Rainier National Park Rain Man Rain, Steam and Speed 1282 raita the Raj the British Raj The Raj Quartet A Rake's Progress Raleigh Walter Raleigh Walter Ralegh Raleigh International Ralston Purina 1283 Ramadan Marie Rambert the Rambert Dance Company the Rambler's Association Rambo the Battle Ramillies Rampton Hospital Alf Ramsey 1284 Michael Ramsey ranch house R and R Range Rover Rangers J Arthur Rank Rank Hovis McDougall the Rank Organization 1285 Jeanette Rankin Arthur Ransome Esther Rantzen rap rap The Rape of the Lock Rapid Deployment Force Rapunzel Rastafarian Rasta Rastafarianism 1286 the rates Basil Rathbone Dan Rather rationing Ratners Terence Rattigan Simon Rattle 1287 Robert Rauschenberg rave The Raven Ravenscraig Rawlplug Man Ray Ray-Bans Claire Rayner RCA Radio Corporation of America 1288 Reader's Digest Reading Ronald Reagan Reaganomics real tennis 1289 Ray Reardon Rebecca the Rebecca Riots Rebel Without a Cause Received Pronunciation RP Reckitt and Colman recommended retail price RRP Reconstruction 1291 recorder Recorder recreational vehicle RV Red Arrow the Red Arrows the Red Berets redcoat the Red Cross Red Crescent the Red Devils Otis Redding red ensign red duster 1292 red-eye The Red Flag Robert Redford Michael Redgrave Steve Redgrave Vanessa Redgrave the Red Hand of Ulster Brian Redhead Red Hot Organization RHO 1293 redneck Red Nose Day Red or Dead Red River Valley Red Rum the Red Scare John Redwood redwood sequoia giant redwood giant sequoia Redwood National Park Sequoia National Park 1294 Reebok Carol Reed Lou Reed Oliver Reed Reed International Martin Rees Christopher Reeve Jim Reeves Keanu Reeves 1295 Keanu Reeves the Referendum Party the Reform Acts the Reformation the Reform Club Reform Judaism 1296 the Regency Regency Regent's Park Regent Street reggae Regina region 1297 Regional Crime Squad Registered General Nurse RGN Regius professor regulation and deregulation 1298 regulo William H Rehnquist William Hubbs Rehnquist Steve Reich Beryl Reid Lord Reith John Reith the Reith lectures Relate 1299 REM Remembrance Sunday Frederic Remington remittance man remittance men remix Remploy Ren and Stimpy Ruth Rendell 1300 Relationships 1301 Relationships 1302 Relationships Ruth Rendell John Rennie Reno Janet Reno renta renta- the Rent Act Rentokil repertory theatre repertory rep 1303 Religion 1304 Religion 1305 Religion 1306 Religion repertory theatre repertory rep report stage Representative Republican the Republican Party the Republic of Ireland Republic Pictures research council Restart 1307 the Restoration Restoration comedy the Retail Price Index the RPI Retirement retirement age take early retirement fixed income 1308 retriever returning officer Reuben sandwich Reuters HMS Revenge Paul Revere 1309 reverse discrimination Don Revie the Revised Standard Version the RSV the Revised Version the RV revue review Rex Burt Reynolds Debbie Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 1310 Rhapsody in Blue Rhode Island Cecil Rhodes Wilfred Rhodes Zandra Rhodes Rhodes scholar the Rhondda Valley the Rhondda 1311 the Rhondda Valley the Rhondda rhyming slang rhymes rhythm and blues R and B Anne Rice Anneka Rice 1312 Anneka Rice Tim Rice Mandy Rice-Davies Rice Krispies rice pudding Buddy Rich Richard I Richard the Lionheart Richard, Coeur de Lion Cliff Richard 1313 Richard II Richard II Richard III Richard III Frank Richards Gordon Richards I A Richards Ivor Armstrong Richards 1314 I A Richards Ivor Armstrong Richards Ralph Richardson Samuel Richardson Tony Richardson Lionel Richie Richmond 1315 Richmond Richmond Great Park Richmond-upon-Thames Rich Tea the Richter scale Alan Rickman Sally Ride Ride a Cock-horse to Banbury Cross the Ridgeway riding East Riding North Riding West Riding Malcolm Rifkind 1316 Diana Rigg the Right Honourable Rt Hon the Right Reverend the Rt Rev the Rt Revd Right Said Fred The Rights of Man the right to buy Bridget Riley Rillington Place 1317 Rin Tin Tin Ring a Ring o' Roses Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey the Rio Grande the Riot Act Rio Tinto Zinc RTZ RIP 1318 RIP Ripley's Believe It or Not Ripon Angela Rippon Rip Van Winkle the Ritz the Ritz Hotel Ritz Crackers The Rivals the River Café Riverdance 1319 Joan Rivers Brian Rix RKO the RMT the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Hal Roach road movie roads and road signs 1320 roads and road signs lanes superhighways freeways expressways thruways parkways arterial roads feeder roads farm roads tollways turnpikes A-roads dual carriageways bypass B-roads white lines catseyes signposts 1321 the Roanoke Colony the Lost Colony the Roaring Forties the Roaring Twenties O the Roast Beef of Old England robber baron Harold Robbins 1322 Jerome Robbins the Robbins Report the Robe Earl Roberts Julia Roberts Oral Roberts George Robertson Pat Robertson 1323 Robert's Rules of Order Robert the Bruce Robert Bruce Robert I Paul Robeson George Robey Robin Hood 1324 Robin Hood Bill Bojangles Robinson Eddie Robinson Edward G Robinson Jackie Robinson Robert Robinson 1325 Smokey Robinson Sugar Ray Robinson Robinson Crusoe Rob Roy Bobby Robson Flora Robson the Earl of Rochester 1326 the Earl of Rochester rock rock and roll rockabilly Rock-a-bye, Baby rock and roll rock 'n' roll the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame rock cake rock candy John D Rockefeller John Davison Rockefeller 1327 Nelson Rockefeller Rockefeller Center Rockefeller Foundation rocker rockery Rocket the Rockettes 1328 Knute Rockne Rock of Ages the Rock of Gibraltar rock salmon Norman Rockwell Rocky The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1329 The Rocky Horror Picture Show the Rocky Mountains the Rockies the Rocky Mountain States Anita Roddick rodeo Rodeo Drive Jimmie Rodgers Richard Rodgers 1330 Richard Rodgers Roedean School Nicolas Roeg Roe v Wade Rogaine Rogation Days Rogation Sunday Sir Roger de Coverley Buck Rogers Ginger Rogers 1331 Ginger Rogers Kenny Rogers Richard Rogers Roy Rogers Will Rogers Roget's Thesaurus Roget 1332 Sax Rohmer the Rokeby Venus Rolex Roller Derby Rolling Stone The Rolling Stones The Stones Sonny Rollins 1333 rollmop Rolls-Royce Rolls Roller roly-poly pudding Roman Catholic Catholic Roman Catholicism Catholicism Romanesque 1334 Roman Britan 1335 Roman Britan 1336 Roman Britan Romanesque Romanticism the Romantic Movement Romantic Romany 1337 Sigmund Romberg Romeo and Juliet George Romney Egon Ronay Jean Rook Room at the Top A Room with a View 1338 Mickey Rooney Eleanor Roosevelt Franklin D Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt 1339 root beer Roots the Battle of Rorke's Drift Pete Rose Roseanne the Rose Bowl Rosemary's Baby Rosenberg Isaac Rosenberg 1340 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern the Rose Theatre the Rosetta Stone Rosh Hashanah Rosie the Riveter Betsy Ross Diana Ross James Clark Ross 1341 Jonathan Ross Christina Rossetti Dante Gabriel Rossetti Rotarian Rotary Club Rotary International ROTC Reserve Officers' Training Corps Philip Roth Lord Rothermere Harold Sydney Harmsworth 1342 Mark Rothko Rothmans Rothschild Nathan Mayer Rothschild Lionel Nathan Rothschild Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild Miriam Rothschild roti rotis Johnny Rotten rotten borough Rotten Row Rottweiler 1343 the Rough Riders Round Britain Quiz rounders Roundhead the Round House the Round Pond the Round Table Route 128 Route 66 1344 Route 66 Rover the Rovers Return Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In Laugh-In Tiny Rowland Thomas Rowlandson J K Rowling Rowntree Mackintosh 1345 A L Rowse Alfred Leslie Rowse Roxy Music the Royal Academy the Royal Academy of Arts the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art RADA the Royal Academy of Music the Royal and Ancient the Royal Armoured Corps the RAC the royal arms 1346 the Royal Artillery the RA Royal Ascot Ascot the royal assent the Royal Automobile Club the RAC the Royal Ballet the Royal Bank of Scotland royal charter 1347 the Royal College of Art the Royal College of Music the Royal College of Nursing the Royal College of Physicians the Royal College of Surgeons of England Royal Commission the Royal Court Theatre the Royal Crescent 1348 Royal Doulton the Royal Enclosure the Royal Engineers the RE the Royal Exchange the Royal Festival Hall the Festival Hall the Royal Film Performance the Royal Flying Corps the RFC the Royal Free Hospital the Royal Geographical Society 1349 The royal family 1350 The royal family the Royal Greenwich Observatory the Royal Highland Regiment the Royal Horticultural Society the royal household the Royal Institute of British Architects the Royal Institution the Royal International Agricultural Show the Royal International Horse Show the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra the Royal Mail the Royal Marines the Royal Marsden Hospital the Royal Mile the Royal Military Academy the Royal Mint the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales the Royal National Institute for Deaf People the Royal National Institute of the Blind the Royal National Lifeboat Institution the Royal National Theatre the Royal Naval College the Royal Naval Reserve the Royal Navy Royal Neighbors of America the Royal Observatory the Royal Opera House royal park the Royal Pavilion the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra royal salute the Royal Scots the Royal Scottish Academy the Royal Shakespeare Company the Royal Shakespeare Theatre the Royal Show the Royal Society the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds the Royal Society of Arts the Royal Tournament the Royal Ulster Constabulary Royal United Services Institute the Royal Variety Performance royal warrant the royal we the Royal Welsh Show Royal Worcester royal yacht the Royal Yacht Squadron RP RPI RPIX retail price index excluding mortgage interest payments RRP RSA RSC RSPB RSPCA RSV Rt Hon Rt Rev Rt Revd Rube Goldberg Rick Rubin Frederick Jay Rubin Def Jam Jack Ruby the RUC Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer Rugby codes Rugby Union Rugby League win possession goalposts touched down try converted penalty goals free kicks drop goals tackling scrum rugger Rugby School Rule, Britannia! Rumpole the Rump Parliament Donald Rumsfeld US Secretary of Defense Runnymede Damon Runyon Prince Rupert Rupert the Bear Rupert Bear Rural Rides Greg Rusedski Salman Rushdie Mount Rushmore RUSI John Ruskin the Rust Belt Rutgers University 'Babe' Ruth Rutland RV Nolan Ryan Ryanair Sue Ryder the Ryder Cup Martin Ryle S2P contracted out Saatchi & Saatchi Charles Saatchi Maurice Saatchi Sacajawea Sacco and Vanzetti Nicola Sacco Bartolomeo Vanzetti Oliver Sacks Vita Sackville-West Sadie Hawkins Day Sadie Hawkins Day dance Sadler's Wells Safeway SAG saguaro Saguaro National Park Sainsbury's Saint Saki the Salem witch trials J D Salinger Jerome David Salinger Salisbury Plain Salisbury steak the Salk vaccine Salop Salopian salsa SALT Saltaire Salts Mill Salt Lake City the Salvation Army the Sally Army Salvationist the Samaritans sambo Sam Browne Sam Browne belt Pete Sampras Samuel French San Andreas Fault San Antonio Carl Sandburg Colonel Sanders Sandhurst San Diego San Diego Bay S & L Sandringham House Sandwich sandwich bars sandwich board sandwich man San Francisco San Francisco Bay Frederick Sanger the Battle of San Jacinto San Joaquin Valley San Joaquin River San Jose Sanka San Quentin San Simeon Antonio López de Santa Anna Santa Claus Santa St Nick grotto stockings sleigh reindeer mince pie Santa Fe Santa Fe Trail Sante Fe National Historic Trail Sara Lee Saran Wrap Saratoga Saratoga National Historical Park Saratoga Springs Sark sarnie William Saroyan the SAS Sasquatch Siegfried Sassoon SAT The Satanic Verses Satchmo The Saturday Evening Post Saturday Night Live Saturn Jennifer Saunders Lily Savage Save the Children Jimmy Savile Savile Row savings and loan association the Savoy Hotel the Savoy Operas Tom Sawyer Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Saxon Dorothy L Sayers Scafell Pike Prunella Scales Scapa Flow Scarborough Scarface Arthur Scargill The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Pimpernel scepter'd isle Simon Schama the Schengen agreement Schengen area Schindler's List John Schlesinger Schlitz Scholastic Aptitude Test school district school board The School for Scandal Charles Schulz Arnold Schwarzenegger Schweppes the Science Museum Scientific American Scientology Scientologist the Scilly Isles the Scillies the Isles of Scilly SCLC scone Scooby Doo SCOPE the Scopes trial Martin Scorsese Scot Scotch Scottish Scots Scotch egg Scotchgard Scotch pancake Scotch tape Scotch terrier Scottie dog the Scotland Office Scotland the Brave Scotland Yard Scots, wha hae the Scots Guards The Scotsman Scottie Scottish Borders the Scottish Certificate of Education the Scottish Colourists Scottish country dancing reels jigs hornpipes strathspreys the Scottish Executive the Scottish FA Cup Scottish law the Scottish National Party the Scottish National Portrait Gallery Scottish Opera the Scottish Parliament the Scottish play the Scottish Premier League Scottish TV Scott v Sandford Scouse Scouser the Scouts the Scout Association Scrabble scratchcard Screen Actors Guild Scrooge the Scrubs scrumpy Peter Scudamore Sean Scully SDI the SDLP the SDP SDS the Sealed Knot Society Sea Lord Sealy SEAQ Ronald Searle Sears, Roebuck and Company Sears Sears and Roebuck the Sears Tower seaside and beach seaside Bathing seaside resorts Promenades beach huts chalets deckchairs beach resorts ocean beach surfing windsurfing volleyball frisbee tan sunbathing nudist beaches bathing suits bathing costumes bikinis trunks shorts sun cream sun block barbecue seaside postcard the Season Seattle SEC Harry Secombe the Second Amendment the right to bear arms secondary modern second reading the Second World War the Secretary of State the Secret Service the United States Secret Service Section Eight the Sector Skills Development Agency Skills for Business Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) secure training centre Securicor the Securities and Exchange Commission Neil Sedaka the Battle of Sedgemoor Pete Seeger segregation desegregation Seinfeld Hubert Selby Hubert Selby Jr select committee the Selective Service System Monica Seles Will Self Selfridges Sellafield Peter Sellers David O Selznick David Oliver Selznick Seminole the Senate Senator Seneca senior citizen the senior service Mack Sennett Sense and Sensibility separate but equal the separation of church and state the separation of powers September 11 September 11th Sequoyah Sequoya Sergeant Pepper Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band the Serious Fraud Office the Serpentine Sesame Street Vikram Seth the SETI Institute the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Center for SETI Center for the Study of Life in the Universe the seven ages of man Boeing 747 The 700 Club Seven Pillars of Wisdom the Seven Sisters Seventh-Day Adventist Boeing 737 7UP the Seven Years War the Severn Severn Bore the Severn Bridge the Severn Tunnel William H Seward William Henry Seward Seward's Folly Sex and the City the Sex Discrimination Act the Sex Pistols the Seychelles Seychellois Jane Seymour SFO S4C SHA Ernest Shackleton the Shadow Cabinet Peter Shaffer Shaftesbury Avenue the Shakers William Shakespeare comedies tragedies history plays Tupac Shakur shamrock Shane the Shankhill Road sharecropper sharecropping Helen Sharman Sharon and Tracy Tom Sharpe the Reverend Al Sharpton Alfred Charles Sharpton, Jr Shavian Shawnee She Alan Shearer George Shearing Martin Sheen Sheffield Sheffield steel Sheffield plate Sheffield Wednesday Sidney Sheldon the Sheldonian Theatre the Sheldonian Shell shell game thimblerig Shelter sheltered housing the Shenandoah Valley Shenandoah River Shenandoah National Park Shepherd's Bush shepherd's pie Shepperton Studios Antony Sher Shergar sheriff court the Sheriff of Nottingham William Tecumseh Sherman Sherwood Forest She Stoops to Conquer the Shetland Islands Shetland Shetland wool Shetland pony Carol Shields the Battle of Shiloh Peter Shilton shinty shinties Harold Shipman ship money the shipping forecast the shires Shirley Temple Willie Shoemaker shoofly pie shopping centre shopping mall shopping days to Christmas shopping precinct shortbread shortcake Shortnin' Bread short-order cook the Short Parliament Shoshone Show Boat showboat Shredded Wheat Shrewsbury Shrewsbury School Shropshire A Shropshire Lad Shrove Tuesday shuttle M Night Shyamalan Manoj Nelliyattu Shyamalan Shylock Sianel Pedwar Cymru Walter Sickert Mrs Siddons Sarah Siddons sidewinder Philip Sidney the Sidney Street siege the Siegfried Line Sierra Leone Sierra Leonean the Sierra Nevada the Sierras Silbury Hill Silchester The Silence of the Lambs the silent majority Silent Night Silicon Valley Beverly Sills Phil Silvers Silverstone Victor Silvester Posy Simmonds Rosemary Elizabeth Simmonds Lambert Simnel simnel cake Neil Simon Simon and Garfunkel Paul Simon Nina Simone Simon Legree Simon Says Simple Simon The Simpsons Frank Sinatra Sinbad the Sailor Sindbad Singapore Singaporean Sing a Song of Sixpence Singin' in the Rain Sing Sing Sinn Fein Sioux Sir Sirhan Sirhan site of special scientific interest Sitting Bull Sitwell Edith Sitwell Osbert Sitwell Sacheverell Sitwell the Six Counties Six Feet Under the Six Nations Tournament sixth form upper sixth lower sixth The $64 000 Question 60 Minutes Sizewell Sizewell A Sizewell B ska Skara Brae 'Red' Skelton skiffle skinhead B F Skinner Burrhus Frederic Skinner Skinner Box Sky The Sky at Night Skye the Skye Boat Song Skye terrier Skylab skyscrapers Manhattan skyline Tower 42 high-rises tower blocks the Slade School of Fine Art slang street language euphemisms jargon slavery slaves abolitionist movement uprising free state triangular trade slave trade slave state Wayne Sleep The Sleeping Beauty Slimbridge Sloane Ranger Sloane Sloane Square Sloane Street the Slough of Despond small claims court Smarties Samuel Smiles Carol Smillie Smith & Wesson Smithfield Market Smith's The Smiths the Smithsonian Institution the Smithsonian Smith Square Smokey the Bear Smokey Bear Smokey the Smoky Mountains the Smokies Tobias Smollett the Smothers Brothers Tom Smothers Dick Smothers snakes and ladders snap SNCC Sam Snead snooker Snoop (Doggy) Dogg Snoopy C P Snow Charles Percy Snow the Snow Belt the Snowbelt Snowdon Snowdonia The Snowman Snow White SNP John Soane Sir John Soane's Museum soap operas soaps episodes omnibus characters storylines daytime dramas instalments the Social Chapter the Social Democratic and Labour Party the Social Democratic Party the Socialist Worker Socialist Workers Party social security Social Security Administration social security number the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge the Society of Friends softball Soho the Soil Association Sojourner the Solent solicitor advocate the Solicitor General the Solomon Islands Georg Solti the Solway Firth Somerset Somerset House the Battles of the Somme Stephen Sondheim Songs of Innocence and of Experience Songs of Praise The Sonnets Sons and Lovers the Sons of Liberty The Sopranos sorority sorority house SOS pad Sotheby's soul soul music The Sound of Music sourdough John Philip Sousa the South the southern states South Africa South African Southampton the South Bank The South Bank Show the South Beach Diet Arthur Agatsan South Carolina the South Circular South Dakota the South Downs the South-East Southend Southend-on-Sea southern belle the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Southern Comfort Robert Southey South Kensington South Ken South Pacific Southwark Southwest Airlines South Yorkshire sovereignty the space race space shuttle Kevin Spacey Kevin Spacey Fowler Sam Spade spaghetti junction spaghetti western Spam Spamtown the Spanish-American War the Spanish Armada the Spanish Main the War of the Spanish Succession Muriel Spark the SPCK the Speaker the Speaker of the House Speakers' Corner the speaking clock Britney Spears the Special Air Service the Special Branch special prosecutor the special relationship The Spectator Phil Spector Stanley Spencer Stephen Spender Edmund Spenser Spenserian stanza the Spey the Spice Girls Spider-Man Steven Spielberg Mickey Spillane spinning jenny Spirit the Spirit of St Louis spiritual Spitalfields Spitfire Spitting Image Mark Spitz split ticket Spode the spoils system William Spooner spoonerism sport and fitness exercise sports club gym sports centre leisure centre aerobics step keep-fit work out weight training circuit training martial arts go running jogging Evening classes couch potatoes body-building video workouts wave aerobics cardio kick-boxing personal trainer fitness centre The Sporting Life Sports Council sports day field day Sports Illustrated spotted dick spotted dog Spring Bank Holiday Jerry Springer Bruce Springsteen Spurs Spycatcher Squanto square dance the Square Deal the Square Mile squash squash rackets squashed fly biscuit Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara Gurdwara Singh Sabha Movement Sri Lanka Ceylon Ceylon tea Sri Lankan SSDA SSP SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSSI St St Abb's Head Staffa Stafford Staffordshire Staffordshire bull terrier Staffordshire figure Staffordshire pottery stagecoach stage stakeholder pension St Albans Sylvester Stallone Stamford Bridge the Stamp Act stamp duty Stamp Duty Land Tax the Standard Standard and Poor's Standard Assessment Task Standard Oil standards of living quality of life Disposable income consumer society discretionary incomes standing stone St Andrews St Andrew's Cross St Andrew's Day Stanford-Binet test Stanford University Henry Morton Stanley the Stanley Cup Stanley Gibbons Stanley Kaplan Stansted Airport Stansted Barbara Stanwyck the Star Starbucks the Star Chamber the Court of Star Chamber A Star is Born Freya Stark Belle Starr the Stars and Bars the Stars and Stripes at half staff Starship Enterprise The Star-Spangled Banner START Star Trek Start the Week Star Wars the State Department the Department of State stately homes country houses park manor houses palaces courtyard admission fee Staten Island Staten Island Ferry the State of the Union Address the State Opening of Parliament state school State Second Pension states' rights state trooper state university the State University of New York the Stationery Office the Statue of Liberty statutory sick pay St Bartholomew's Hospital STC St Clement Danes St David's St David's Day St Dunstan's steak and kidney pie steak and kidney pudding David Steel William Steig Rod Steiger John Steinbeck George Steinbrenner The Boss Gloria Steinem Stephen Steptoe and Son Isaac Stern Laurence Sterne Stetson Wallace Stevens St George's Cross St George's Day Cross of Saint George St Helena Mount St Helens Alfred Stieglitz Stilton Joseph Warren Stilwell Sting St Ives St James's Palace St James's Park St John Ambulance Brigade St Kilda St Kitts-Nevis St Christopher and Nevis St Lawrence Seaway the St Leger St Louis St Lucia St Lucian St Martin-in-the-Fields the stockbroker belt stock company Summer stock Stock Exchange Automated Quotations the stocks the Stockton and Darlington Railway Stoke Mandeville Stoke-on-Trent Leopold Stokowski Stone Age Britain archaeological remains Henges stone circle megaliths prehistoric monument Stonehenge the Stone of Scone The Stones Stonewall stop and search Marie Stopes Tom Stoppard Stork Stormont Stormont Castle Stornoway stout Rex Stout Harriet Beecher Stowe St Pancras St Patrick's Cathedral St Patrick's Day St Paul St Paul's Cathedral St Paul's Lytton Strachey straight glass straight ticket the Strand the Strangers' Gallery Strangeways Lee Strasberg the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks the Strategic Defense Initiative Strategic Health Authority Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford Igor Stravinsky Jack Straw Strawberry Hill Meryl Streep The Street A Streetcar Named Desire street names grid streets avenues blocks the drag the strip suburb subdivision Janet Street-Porter Barbra Streisand the Strip strip-farming open field system strip mining opencast mining The Strokes St Swithin's Day St Thomas's Hospital St Trinian's George Stubbs student life grant loan hall of residence digs on campus off campus housemates student's union rag week alumni skip lectures cut class take incompletes drop out flunk out Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Students for a Democratic Society STV St Valentine's Day Valentine's Day Valentine cards Valentines the St Valentine's Day Massacre St Vincent and the Grenadines Styrofoam William Styron subscription television subscription TV suburbia succotash the Suez Crisis Suffolk Suffolk Punch suffragettes suffrage suffragists Nineteenth Amendment Anthony Amendment Cat and Mouse Act Sugar Puffs Sullom Voe summa cum laude Summer Bank Holiday summer camp summer pudding the Sun Sun readers the Sunbelt Sun City the Sundance Film Festival the Sundance Kid the Sunday Express the Sunday Mirror the Sunday papers the Sunday Post Sunday roast Sunday joint Sunday school Sabbath schools the Sunday Sport the Sunday Telegraph the Sunday Times Sunday trading Sunderland Sunset Boulevard SUNY the Super Bowl Superglue superhighway Lake Superior Superliner Superman the Supreme Court nine old men Chief Justice of the United States unconstitutional precedent the Supreme Court Building The Supremes Surgeon General surnames last names family names maiden name double-barrelled hyphenated name deed poll Mr Mrs Miss General Colonel Surrey Survival Sussex Sustrans Sustainable transport Rosemary Sutcliff Peter Sutcliffe Graham Sutherland Sutton Hoo Svengali Jimmy Swaggert Swallows and Amazons Swanee Swanee River Donald Swann the Swan of Avon Swansea the Swan Theatre swan-upping Swarfega Swaziland swear words swearing four-letter words bad language dirty language obscene language oaths cursing cursing and swearing effing and blinding bleeped out Sweeney Todd Sweet 'N Low Algernon Swinburne swing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Tilda Swinton the Swiss Re Tower Swiss Reinsurance Company the Gherkin the sword in the stone Eric Sykes Sylvester J M Synge John Millington Synge TA Tabasco Tabasco sauce The Tablet table tennis ping-pong tabloid tabloid journalism tabloid press Taco Bell William Howard Taft the Taft-Hartley Act take the Fifth A Tale of Two Cities Talking Heads talk show Thomas Tallis the Tamar The Taming of the Shrew Tammany Hall Tam o' Shanter T and G TANF Tanglewood Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) Tanglewood Music Center Tanglewood Jazz Festival Tanzania Tanzanian the Taoiseach Quentin Tarantino the Tardis Target Tarka the Otter Tarmac tartan plaid Tarzan TASIS the American School in England Tate and Lyle Tate Britain Tate Gallery the Tate Collection Tate Modern The Tatler Tattersall's Art Tatum Taunton John Tavener tax disc taxi dancer Taxi Driver the Tay Firth of Tay the Tay Bridge Tayside T-bill T-Bird TBS tea teaching hospital the Teamsters the Teamsters Union Teapot Dome Norman Tebbit techno Tecumseh teddy bear teddy boy ted Te Deum the Tees Teesside TEFL the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Teflon the Telecom Tower the Telegraph Teletext Teletubbies televangelist televangelism television licence licence fee Thomas Telford Edward Teller the temperance movement The Tempest Temporary Assistance to Needy Families The Ten Commandments Tender is the Night 1040 form ten-gallon hat Ten Green Bottles Tennessee Tennessee Valley Authority John Tenniel tennis Lord Tennyson Alfred Tennyson 1066 1066 And All That Bryn Terfel 'Studs' Terkel the Terrence Higgins Trust terrier the Territorial Army Terriers the Terrorism Act Ellen Terry TES Tesco Tesco's TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Teaching English as a Second or Other Language Tess of the D'Urbervilles the Test Act Test Match Special Texaco Texas the Texas Rangers Tex-Mex TfL the TGWU the Transport and General Workers' Union William Makepeace Thackeray Irving Thalberg the Thames the Thames Barrier Thanksgiving turkey sweet potatoes yams cranberries stuffing dressing pumpkin Twyla Tharp Margaret Thatcher Mrs Thatcher Maggie Lady Thatcher Thatcherism Thatcherite That Was The Week That Was TW3 the Theatre Royal Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru There is a green hill far away There was an old woman THES The Thin Man The Third Man third reading the thirteen colonies Thirty days hath September the 38th parallel the Thirty-nine Articles the thirty-year rule This Is Your Life This little pig went to market thistle Dylan Thomas Thomas à Becket Thomas Cook Thomas, the Tank Engine The Thomson Directory Henry David Thoreau Sybil Thorndike the Thousand Guineas Thousand Island dressing Threadneedle Street 3-D three-D the Three As Three Blind Mice the Three Choirs Festival three-day event three-line whip Three Little Pigs 3M Three Men in a Boat Three Mile Island the Three Stooges Thriller Through the Looking Glass Thrust SSC Thunderbird Thunderbirds James Thurber J Strom Thurmond James Strom Thurmond ticker-tape parade tic-tac man tic-tac tied house tied cottage Tiffany's Bill Tilden Till Death Us Do Part Vesta Tilley Time Time Out The Times the Times Educational Supplement the Times Ed the Times Higher Educational Supplement the Times Literary Supplement Times Square Time Warner Tinker, tailor, … Tinkertoy Tin Lizzie Tin Pan Alley Tinseltown Tintagel Tintern Abbey Tiny Tim Dimitri Tiomkin Michael Tippett Tipp-Ex Titania the Titanic Titus Andronicus Tlingit TLS Toad Toad of Toad Hall To a Skylark To Autumn toby jug Toc H Today Sweeney Todd TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language Alvin Toffler To Kill a Mockingbird Tokyo Rose J R R Tolkien John Ronald Reuel Tolkien toll-free tollhouse cookie tollroad toll road, tollway turnpike the Tolpuddle Martyrs Tom and Jerry tomato ketchup tomato sauce the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Tom Brown's Schooldays Tombstone Tom Collins Tom Jones Ricky Tomlinson Tom Sawyer Tom Thumb Tonga Tongan The Tonight Show Tonka Tonto Tony tooth fairy Tootsie Roll Top Gun Topman Top of the Pops Topshop Topsy Tornado Torquay The Tortoise and the Hare Torvill and Dean Jayne Torvill Christopher Dean Tory Total the Tote TOTP Tottenham Court Road Tottenham Hotspur the Tottenham Three tourist office tourist information office the Tourist Trophy the Tour of Britain Tower Bridge Tower Hamlets Tower Hill the Tower of London town and gown Townswomen's Guild toys and games dolls rattles cuddly toys Action figures board games card games word games playgrounds executive toys Toys 'R' Us Toy Story the Trade Descriptions Act the Trades Union Congress trade union trade union movement trade industrial relations strikes secondary picketing secret ballot affiliated collective bargaining the Battle of Trafalgar Trafalgar Square traffic warden the Trail of Tears Trailways Trainspotting trainspotter Traitor's Gate trance Transcash transcendentalism Transcendental Meditation Transit Ford Transit Transit van transport public transport public transportation coach traffic congestion pollution cycle routes cycle lanes Transport for London Trans World Airlines Travelcard traveller Ben Travers John Travolta Treasure Island Treasure of the Sierra Madre treasure trove the Treasury the Treasury bench treasury bill Treaty of Amsterdam the Treaty of Utrecht the Treaty of Versailles Trekkie Trent Bridge G M Trevelyan George Macaulay Trevelyan Richard Trevithick Tribune trick or treat Trident David Trimble Trinidad and Tobago Trinidadians Tobagans Tobagonians Trinity House Trinity Sunday Trinity term triple crown tripos Tristan da Cunha Tristram Shandy Triumph Trog Troilus and Cressida Anthony Trollope Trooping the Colour the Trooping of the Colour the Trossachs trouble at t' mill the Troubles True Confessions Fred Trueman Harry S Truman the Truman Doctrine Donald Trump the Trumpet Voluntary Truro Lynne Truss Sojourner Truth TT the Tube Harriet Tubman the TUC Tudor Tudor rose Jethro Tull Tulsa Tunbridge Wells Gene Tunney Tupperware Tupperware parties the Turner Broadcasting System the Turner Prize Dick Turpin Turtle Wax Tuskegee University Marie Tussaud Tuvalu Tuvaluan TVA TV Guide TV licence TV Times TWA Mark Twain William Marcy Tweed Tweedledum and Tweedledee Tweety Pie The Twelve Days of Christmas 20th Century Fox Twickenham Twiggy The Twilight Zone the Twin Cities Twinkie Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Oliver Twist Conway Twitty the two cultures The Two Gentlemen of Verona Cy Twombly two-minute silence 2001: A Space Odyssey the Two Thousand Guineas the 2 000 Guineas Tyburn Tylenol Kenneth Tynan William Tyndale the Tyne Tyne and Wear Tyneside the Tynwald Typhoid Mary Typhoo Mike Tyson U Universal U3A UA UAW United Automobile Workers United Auto Workers UCAS UCATT the Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians UCH UCL UCLA UDA the UDM the Union of Democratic Mineworkers UDR the UEFA Cup UFF Uganda Ugandan the Ugly Sisters UK UKAEA the UK Film Council UKIP Ullswater Ulster the Ulster Defence Association the Ulster Defence Regiment the Ulster Democratic Unionist Party the Ulster Freedom Fighters the Ulster Unionist Party the Ulster Volunteer Force Ulysses UMIST UN the Unabomber Uncle Ben's Uncle Remus Uncle Sam Uncle Tom Cobbleigh Uncle Tom's Cabin the Underground the Underground Railroad Under Milk Wood unicorn the Unification Church Unilever the Union Union Carbide Unionist the Union Jack Union Flag Union Pacific Railroad Union Square Unison unitary authority unitary council United United Artists the United Kingdom the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority United Kingdom Independence Party the United Kingdom Unionist Party the United Nations the United Nations Organization the United Nations Security Council the UN Security Council the United Negro College Fund United Press International the United Reformed Church the United States Agency for International Development the United States Air Force Academy United States Central Command the United States Coast Guard the United States Forest Service the United States Information Agency the United States Marine Corps the United States Marines the United States Military Academy the United States Naval Academy the United States Senate Senators the United Way of America Universal Pictures Universal City The Universe the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service University Challenge University College, London University College Hospital the University of California at Los Angeles the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology University of the Third Age The Third Age Trust the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Tomb of the Unknowns UNO Unser Bobby Unser Al Unser Al Unser Junior the Untouchables John Updike Up-Helly-Aa UPI the upper class the upper classes upper-class the upper middle class the upper middle classes upper-middle-class upper school Upstairs, Downstairs Uptown Urban Development Corporation the Urban League USAFC USA Freedom Corps USAID the US Agency for International Development USA Network USA Today the USDA Forest Service United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service USDAW the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers used-car salesman US English USIA the US Masters Tournament US News and World Report the US Open Peter Ustinov USWA USW the United Steelworkers of America Utah Ute Utilitarianism Utopia Utopian U2 the U-2 incident UUP UVF VA Vail valedictorian Rudolph Valentino Valley Forge Valley girl Frankie Valli Value Added Tax John Vanbrugh Cyrus Vance Van Cliburn the V and A Anthony van Dyck Dick Van Dyke Vanity Fair Vanuatu Variety the Variety Club varsity Vaseline Vassar College Vassar VAT vaudeville Sarah Vaughan Ralph Vaughan Williams Vauxhall VC V-chip V-E Day Vegas V8 Velveeta the Velvet Underground Veni, vidi, vici Robert Venturi Vermont the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge the Very Rev the Very Revd the Very Reverend Amerigo Vespucci Veterans Day the Veterans of Foreign Wars Jack Vettriano VFW Viagra the Vicar of Bray The Vicar of Wakefield le vice anglais vice chancellor vice squad Vickers Alvis Vickers Vicks Vicksburg Vicksburg National Military Park the Victoria and Albert Museum Victoria Cross the Victoria Memorial Victorian Victorian values Victoriana the Victory Victory at Sea Gore Vidal Video Nation Video Nation Online the Vietnam Veterans Memorial the Vietnam War Communism Geneva Accords Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Marines National Liberation Front Viet Cong Tet Offensive escalated ceasefire conscientious objectors veterans the Vieux Carré Pancho Villa the Village The Village Blacksmith village green The Village Voice The Voice vindaloo Barbara Vine Vinland Virago Press Virgin Virginia The Virginian Virginia Slims the Virgin Islands US Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands the Virgin Queen Visa Visa card viscount VisitBritain Vitagraph Viyella Viz V-J Day VOA vocational school Vocational education vocational training National Vocational Qualifications General National Vocational Qualifications proprietary schools magnet schools Vodafone Vogue the Voice of America Volpone the Volstead Act the Voluntary Euthanasia Society voluntary school Voluntary Service Overseas voluntary work charity Volunteering the Volunteer Reserve Forces the Volvo Ocean Race Wernher von Braun Kurt Vonnegut Kurt Vonnegut Jr Carol Vorderman Vorticism the Voting Rights Act of 1965 Voyager V-sign VSO W-2 form Wac wagon train Waikiki Alfred Wainwright Waiting for Godot Waitrose Tom Waits Walden the Waldorf-Astoria Waldorf salad Wales Millennium Centre the Wales Office Alice Walker the Walker Art Gallery the Walker Cup Wallace and Gromit the Wallace Collection 'Fats' Waller Barnes Wallis Wall's Wall Street The Wall Street Journal Wal-Mart Walmart The Walrus and the Carpenter Francis Walsingham The Walt Disney Company Walt Disney Pictures Walter Reed Army Medical Center William Walton The Waltons Sam Wanamaker Wapping Perkin Warbeck Wardour Street the War Graves Commission Andy Warhol Warner Brothers Harry Warner Albert Warner Sam Warner Jack Warner the War of 1812 the War Office War of the Worlds the War on Drugs War on Want the War Powers Act the Wars of the Roses Warwick Warwick Castle Warwickshire the Wash Washington, DC Washington, District of Columbia the Washington Monument The Washington Post Wasp white Anglo-Saxon Protestant Waspy The Waste Land watchdog The Watchtower The Water-Babies Watergate Water Music the watershed Watership Down Waterstone's Watford Watling Street James Watt Evelyn Waugh Lord Wavell Archibald Percival Wavell Waverley the Waverley novels Ruby Wax John Wayne the Ways and Means Committee The Weakest Link chain breaks the chain weakest link the Weald The Wealth of Nations weather shower weather forecasts weathermen Heatwaves hard frosts cold snap climates storm doors and windows snow belt snow days snow ploughs global warming greenhouse gases climatic changes Webb Sidney Webb Beatrice Webb wedding march Wedgwood weekends TGIF long weekend At the weekend On the weekend lie-in the Weekly Worker Weetabix Wee Willie Winkie Weight Watchers Kurt Weill Johnny Weissmuller Jack Welch Fay Weldon the welfare state Welfare to Work the Wellcome Trust well-dressing Orson Welles the Duke of Wellington Arthur Wellesley We'll Meet Again Wells Fargo the Welsh Assembly the Welsh dragon the Welsh Guards the Welsh Language Board Welsh National Opera Welsh rabbit Welsh rarebit the Welsh valleys the valleys Eudora Welty Wembley Wembley Stadium Wembley National Stadium Wembley Arena Wendy Wendy's Wensleydale Wentworth Timberlake Wertenbaker We Shall Overcome Arnold Wesker the West Coast the West Country the West End western the Western Isles Western Samoa Samoan Western Union West Ham West Ham United the West Indies West Indian Westinghouse the West Lothian Question the West Midlands Westminster Westminster Abbey Westminster Bridge Westminster Cathedral the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Westminster School Westmorland West Point the West Side West Side Story West Sussex West Virginia The West Wing Vivienne Westwood West Yorkshire wet wetback Mr W H Wham! Edith Wharton What the Papers Say the Wheat Belt Wheaties Charles Wheatstone Wheatstone bridge Wheel of Fortune whelk-stall When Johnny Comes Marching Home When the Saints Go Marching In Which? Whig While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night Whip Whipsnade whisky whiskey the Whispering Gallery James McNeill Whistler Whistler's Mother whistle-stop campaign Whit Whitsun Whitaker's Almanack Whitbread Whitbread Book of the Year Whitechapel the Whitechapel Art Gallery White Christmas White City the white cliffs of Dover white ensign white flight Whitehall the Whitehall Theatre White Hart Lane white horse Mary Whitehouse the White House Paul Whiteman the white man's burden White Paper the White Rabbit White's the White Tower the Whitewater affair Walt Whitman Whit Monday the Whitney Museum of American Art Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney John Greenleaf Whittier Dick Whittington Frank Whittle The Who Who Killed Cock Robin? Whoppers Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Who's Who Who Wants to be a Millionaire WI Widdicombe Fair the Wife of Bath Wife of Bath's Tale Wigan Wigan Pier the Wightman Cup the Wigmore Hall William Wilberforce Oscar Wilde Wildean the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust the Wild West Wild West show William I William II William Rufus William III William of Orange William IV William and Mary William of Ockham Occam William of Wykeham Will and Grace Williamsburg William the Conqueror Bruce Willis willow pattern Helen Wills Wilton Wiltshire Wimbledon Lord Peter Wimsey Walter Winchell Windermere The Wind in the Willows the Windmill Theatre Windows window tax Windsor Castle the Windy City Oprah Winfrey Winnebago Winnie-the-Pooh winter of discontent The Winter's Tale the Wirrall Wisconsin Wisden Wisden Cricketers' Almanack Ernie Wise Wisley witch Withnail and I Ludwig Wittgenstein The Wizard of Oz the Wobblies Lake Wobegon Woburn Abbey P G Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Wodehouse Terry Wogan the Wolds Yorkshire Wolds Lincolnshire Wolds the Wolfenden Report Paul Wolfowitz Mary Wollstonecraft Cardinal Wolsey Thomas Wolsey WOMAD World of Music, Arts and Dance Woman and Home Woman's Hour Woman's Own Woman's Realm Woman's Weekly Womble the Women's Army Corps Women's Institute National Federation of Women's Institutes women's lib women's liberation women's libbers the Women's Royal Air Force the Women's Royal Army Corps the Women's Royal Voluntary Service Stevie Wonder Wonderbra Wonder Bread Woodcraft Folk John Wooden Parson Woodforde James Woodforde Tiger Woods Eldrick Tiger Woods Woodstock Wookey Hole Virginia Woolf Woolite the Woolsack F W Woolworth Frank Winfield Woolworth the Woolworth Building Woolworth's Woollie's Bertie Wooster Worcester sauce Worcestershire Sauce Worcestershire William Wordsworth the Work Foundation The Industrial Society workhouse the working class working men's club workmen's compensation workmen's comp the Works Progress Administration The World Almanac The World at One World English first language mother tongue second language foreign language global language international language native languages lingua franca English Language Teaching ELT World Heritage Site World in Action the World Series the World Service the World Trade Center the Twin Towers World War I the First World War World War II Wormwood Scrubs the Scrubs Worship Wounded Knee WPA WRAC the WRAF Wranglers The Wreck of the Hesperus wrestling the Wright brothers Wilbur Wright Orville Wright Wrigley's write-in candidate write-in vote write-in the WRNS the Women's Royal Naval Service the Wrens WRVS Wuthering Heights William Wycherley John Wycliffe the Wye Andrew Wyeth Wykehamist William Wyler John Wyndham Tammy Wynette Wyoming X-Acto X certificate Xerox The X-Files the Y Yahoo Yahoo! Yale University Yalta Yalta Conference Yankee Yank Yankee Doodle Yankee Doodle Dandy the Yankees Yankee Stadium The Yard W B Yeats William Butler Yeats the Yellow Brick Road yellow journalism yellow press the Yellow Pages yellow ribbon Yellowstone National Park ye olde Yeoman Warder Yerkes Observatory Yes, Minister YHA the YMCA Yogi Bear yoof Yorick Yorkist York Minster Yorkshire the Yorkshire Dales the Yorkshire Moors Yorkshire pudding the Yorkshire Ripper Yorkshire terrier Yorkshire TV Yorktown Yosemite National Park Yosemite River Yosemite Falls Yosemite Sam The Young and the Restless the Younger brothers Cole Younger Jim Younger the Young Men's Christian Association young offender institution the Young Pretender Young Women's Christian Association youth court the Youth Hostels Association youth hostels Ypres the YWCA Zagat Survey 'Babe' Didrikson Zaharias Zambia Zambian Darryl F Zanuck Darryl Francis Zanuck Frank Zappa Z Cars zebra crossing Renée Zellweger Robert Zemeckis Zenith Benjamin Zephaniah Catherine Zeta-Jones Florenz Ziegfeld Ziegfeld Follies Zimbabwe Zimbabwean Fred Zinnemann Zion National Park ZIP code Ziploc zoning zones Zorro Adolph Zukor the Zulu War Zuni Zuñi 1739 zwieback " 纯页码 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0184 0185 0186 0187 0188 0189 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 0220 0221 0222 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 0228 0229 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 0238 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0248 0249 0250 0251 0252 0253 0254 0255 0256 0257 0258 0259 0260 0261 0262 0263 0264 0265 0266 0267 0268 0269 0270 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0278 0279 0280 0281 0282 0283 0284 0285 0286 0287 0288 0289 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 0296 0297 0298 0299 0300 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 0307 0308 0309 0310 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0318 0319 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0336 0337 0338 0339 0340 0341 0342 0343 0344 0345 0346 0347 0348 0349 0350 0351 0352 0353 0354 0355 0356 0357 0358 0359 0360 0361 0362 0363 0364 0365 0366 0367 0368 0369 0370 0371 0372 0373 0374 0375 0376 0377 0378 0379 0380 0381 0382 0383 0384 0385 0386 0387 0388 0389 0390 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 0398 0399 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 0407 0408 0409 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0416 0417 0418 0419 0420 0421 0422 0423 0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 0435 0436 0437 0438 0439 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0448 0449 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 0460 0461 0462 0463 0464 0465 0466 0467 0468 0469 0470 0471 0472 0473 0474 0475 0476 0477 0478 0479 0480 0481 0482 0483 0484 0485 0486 0487 0488 0489 0490 0491 0492 0493 0494 0495 0496 0497 0498 0499 0500 0501 0502 0503 0504 0505 0506 0507 0508 0509 0510 0511 0512 0513 0514 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519 0520 0521 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 0528 0529 0530 0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 0544 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0550 0551 0552 0553 0554 0555 0556 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