项脊轩志 Xiangjixuan 归有光 Gui Youguang 项脊轩,旧南阁子也。 My study Xiangjixuan used to be called South Chamber. 室仅方丈,可容一人居。 It was only ten feet by ten, large enough for one person to live in. 百年老屋,尘泥渗漉,雨泽下注,每移案,顾视无可置者。 As it was nearly one hundred years old, dust and flakes of plaster fell and the roof let in rain. When I moved my desk, I could find no place to keep it off the rain. 又北向,不能得日,日过午已昏。 It faced the north and the sun could not get inside. Soon after noon it turned dusky. 余稍为修葺,使不上漏。前辟四窗,垣墙周庭,以当南日,日影反照,室始洞然。 I did some repairs to the roof to stop it leaking, opened four windows in front and built a wall around. When the sun was reflected from the wall, the room brightened up. 又杂植兰桂竹木于庭,旧时栏楯亦遂增胜。 I planted orchids, laurels, bamboos and trees about and, therefore, the old railings looked brighter with colors. 积书满架,偃仰啸歌,冥然兀坐,万籁有声。 The bookself was filled with books on loan. I read and chanted aloud, beating time by swaying back forth. Sitting in it I could hear various sounds emanating from outside. 而庭阶寂寂,小鸟时来啄食,人至不去。 It was so quiet round the steps that small birds often came looking for food there, not scared of men's presence. 三五之夜,明月半墙,桂影斑驳,风移影动,珊珊可爱。 On the fifteenth night of the lunar month the bright moon flooded half of the wall. When a gentle breeze arose, laurel leaves shimmered flecks of moonlight on the wall and it was pleasing to see the shadows dancing and hear the leaves rustling in the wind. 然余居于此,多可喜,亦多可悲。 I lived in this room, happy in some ways and sad in others. 先是,庭中通南北为一。 Previously the courtyard was all the way through from south to north. 迨诸父异爨,内外多置小门,墙往往而是。 When my uncles began to live separately, they put up low walls here and there with small doors in them. 东犬西吠,客逾庖而宴,鸡栖于厅。 Dogs in the east barked toward the west. Guests had to go through the kitchen to wine and dine. Sometimes chickens roosted in the hall. 庭中始为篱,已为墙,凡再变矣。 The courtyard was first partitioned by fences and later by walls. Such changes had taken place several times. 家有老妪,尝居于此。 We had an old maid who once lived in this room. 妪,先大母婢也,乳二世,先妣抚之甚厚。 She was the maid of my late grandma. She had nursed two generations of my family. My late mother had been very kind to her. 室西连于中闺,先妣尝一至。 The room was connected with my mother's bedroom on the west and she once came over. 妪每谓余曰:“某所,而母立于兹。” "That's where your mum stood when she came," she would tell me. 妪又曰:“汝姊在吾怀,呱呱而泣;娘以指叩门扉曰:‘儿寒乎?欲食乎?’ "I was holding your elder sister in my arms when she cried. Your mum tapped on the door with her fingers, asking: 'Is the child cold or is she hungry?' 吾从板外相为应答。” I answered her from this side…" 语未毕,余泣,妪亦泣。 Before she was finished I wept and so did she. 余自束发读书轩中,一日,大母过余曰:“吾儿,久不见若影,何竟日默默在此,大类女郎也?” Since I was fifteen I had been reading in this study. One day Grandma came and said: “I haven't seen you for ages, my child. Why do you shut yourself up in here like a girl?" 比去,以手阖门,自语曰:“吾家读书久不效,儿之成,则可待乎?” When she left she closed the door behind her, mumbling to herself: "Since long none of my family have got anywhere with their studies. Hopefully, this child will be of some promise." 顷之,持一象笏至,曰:“此吾祖太常公宣德间执此以朝,他日汝当用之。” In a few moments she returned with an ivory tablet in her hand, saying: "This is the tablet with which my grandfather Duke Taichang attended court sessions during the years of Xuande. You may have use for it some day." 瞻顾遗迹,如在昨日,令人长号不自禁。 Looking at it today I felt as if it had occured just the day before. I couldn't help bursting into tears. 轩东,故尝为厨,人往,从轩前过。 On the east of my study there used to be the kitchen. To get to the kitchen one had to pass my study. 余扃牖而居,久之,能以足音辨人。 Though I lived in it with the windows closed, gradually I learned to tell by the tread who was passing by. 轩凡四遭火,得不焚,殆有神护者。 The room got fired for several times, but it didn't break down. Maybe it had been protected by gods. 项脊生曰:蜀清守丹穴,利甲天下,其后秦皇帝筑女怀清台。 The occupant of Xiangjixuan comments: Window Qing of Sichuan made so much profits from her mining of cinnabar that she topped the whole country and the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty built a terrace in her honor. 刘玄德与曹操争天下,诸葛孔明起陇中。 When Liu Bei and Cao Cao were fighting each other for the rule of China, Zhuge Liang emerged from Longzhong. 方二人之昧昧于一隅也,世何足以知之? When Widow Qing and Zhuge Liang lived in obscurity in far-off corners, how did they become know to the outside world? 余区区处败屋中,方扬眉瞬目,谓有奇景。 This humble man is now living in this shabby room, but when I raised my brows and look up, I claim to see magnificent prospects in it. 人知之者,其谓与坎井之蛙何异! People who get to know about it will think I am no more than a frog at the bottom of the well. 余既为此志,后五年,吾妻来归,时至轩中,从余问古事,或凭几学书。 Five years after I wrote the above article, I got married. My wife often came to my study, asking about things of old or learning calligraphy at my desk. 吾妻归宁,述诸小妹语曰:“闻姊家有阁子,且何谓阁子也?” When she returned from her visit to her parents she told me what her sisters had asked: "We hear there is a chamber in your home, but what is a chamber really?" 其后六年,吾妻死,室坏不修。 Six years later my wife died. The condition of the room worsened and I left it as it was. 其后二年,余久卧病无聊,乃使人复葺南阁子,其制稍异于前。然自后余多在外,不常居。 Another two years later I fell ill and was laid up in bed for a long time. Feeling bored, I had South Chamber renovated and it looked a bit different from before. Since then I had been away from home most of the time and seldom lived in it. 庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣。 In the courtyard there was the loquat my wife planted the year she died. It stood there with graceful poise, its top spread out with exuberant foliage. 夜间来客——“名人”被访实录 A night Visitor—A true Story a ‘Celebrity’ Being Interviewed 楼适夷 By Lou Shiyi 老黄老了,人称“黄老”。 Mr. Huang was old. People addressed him as “Respected Mr. Huang”. 老啦,没办法,吃过晚饭,看了点电视新闻,有些迷糊了,打算洗个脸、泡泡脚,上床寻梦去。 Being old, he easily got tired and could not help it. After supper, having watched News Today on the TV, he began to feel sleepy, so he went about washing his face and feet before going to bed. 门铃一响,来了客人。 Suddenly the door-bell rang, announcing the arrival of a visitor. 从不谢客,礼当接待。 As Mr. Huang had never refused any visit before, this one should be received with courtesy too. 忙把袜子穿上,整冠而出。来客红光满面,一开口就知道是远客。 Quickly putting his socks back on and smoothing his hair, he hurried to the door, and there he was confronted by a man with a glowing face. By the first word he uttered Mr. Huang knew that this man was from a far-off place. 他拿出一张名片:“我是S文艺报记者,由X同志介绍来的。 The man took out a calling card from his pocket and said: “I’m a reporter of the Literature and Arts Gazette of S city, and I’m here to see you on Mr. X’s recommendation. 来京开会,兼带访问在京名人的使命。 I’ve come to attend a symposium in Beijing and in the meantime I’m visiting some celebrities here. 已拜访过Z老、J老。” I’ve had the honor of visiting with Respected Mr. Z and Mr. J.” “我算什么名人,哪能比他们两老。 “I’m not much of a celebrity though. How can I be lined up with them. 既来之,则安之。那就请坐,不知要谈点什么,请提吧?” However, since you’ve come, come on in and take a seat. Whatever you want to talk about please go ahead.” “您叫什么名字?” “What’s your name?” 老黄吓了一跳,访问名人,居然连名字还没搞清。 Mr. Huang was shocked. How come he is here visiting me as a “celebrity” and doesn’t even know my name? “嗯嗯,我叫……” “Well, my name is…” “不,请教黄老的原名。” “No, but I’m asking about your original name.” “小时候妈妈叫我的吗? “You mean the one my mother gave me when I was small? 八十年啦,自己也忘掉了,真抱歉。” But it was eighty years ago and I’ve clean forgotten it myself. I’m sorry about that.” “常用的笔名呢?” “What about the pen name you use regularly?” “乱七八糟地写了那么些年,东换西换的,一时也排不出队来了 “For so many years I’ve written all sorts of stuff under all sorts of pen names. I’m not sure I can sort them out at the moment.” 于是,第二个问题: Then came the second question. “黄老哪里人,南方的?” “Where are you from? From the south?” “不错,也不太南,就是你们那边一律叫‘上海人’的那种地方。” “Yes, quite, but not too far south. In fact I’m from a place where people are known to your area as ‘Shanghainese’.” “在哪工作,多少工资?” “Where do you work and how much do you earn?” “老啦,干不了啦,也没什么工资,拿些退休金,就是外国人叫‘养老金领取者’ “I’m too old to work any more. I’m not drawing any salary except some pension-I’m a ‘pensioner’ as the Westerners call it.” “啊,离休了,每月多少,不少吧?”向会客室打量了一下。 “I see. You’re retired. How much pension do you receive each month? Not too small a sum, I guess?” he said, running his eyes around the sitting-room. “还可以就是了!” “Enough to keep me going, that’s all.” 见回答太简单,另换题目了。 Thinking that the answers given were too curt and brief, he came up with a new idea. “咱们合照一个相。” “Shall we have a photo taken together?” 从手提包中拿出摄影机来:“请刚才那位倒茶的,按一下就行!” He produced a camera from his bag and went on: “Let’s ask the old woman to help us, the one who’s just brought us tea. Give a push to the button. Just as simple as that.” 老黄心里对太太抱歉了,连忙声明:“对不起,刚才没介绍,那是我老伴,她不会照相,免了吧,还是谈问题。” Feeling terribly sorry for his wife, Mr. Huang protested: “I’m sorry I forgot to introduce her to you. ‘The old woman is my wife. She knows nothing about the camera, so forget about the photo. Let’s go on with your questions.” 不免暗暗地反感了,是查户口还是什么,看他一边问,一边还记录。 Mr. Huang was kind of irritated to find that the visitor, while asking questions, kept jotting down notes like a security policeman checking household registrations. “在家做什么,写自传吗?” “What do you do at home? Writing an autobiography?” “哪有这种资格,坐家呗,好久拿不起笔了,没作什么!” “Not qualified to do that. Just sitting idle at home. I haven’t touched the pen for ages, as a matter of fact.” “那我们谈谈文艺问题!” “Shall we talk about literature and arts?” “请说具体些可以吗?” “Could you make it more specific, please?” “比方说,现在大家正讨论P诗人的朦胧诗,您老是个什么看法。” “For example, these days people are discussing Poet P’s mystic poetry. What do you think of it?” “对不起,没读过,也读不懂,落后了;报刊少看,讨论也没关心过。” “I’m sorry I haven’t read any of his poetry and I don’t think I can understand it. I have yet to catch up. I seldom read newspapers and magazines and never concern myself with the discussion of his poetry.” “那谈谈文学的通俗问题,这次我来京就参加这问题的讨论会,请黄老谈谈。” “Would you like to talk about literature going pop, then? This is the theme of the symposium this time. Could you air some views on that?” “通俗嘛,好啊,人人看得懂,这就是我的意见。”老黄两眼皮又迷糊起来了。 “Literature going pop? Very Well. Make it understandable to all. This is my view, if you like?” Mr. Huang began to feel drowsy again. “那谈谈对目前文艺形势的感想,好吗?” “Could you please tell me how you feel about the general trend of literature and arts at the moment?” “也没多少感想。至于目前,我‘感到’有些困,‘想’睡觉了!” “I don’t ‘feel’ much about that but, ‘ at the moment’, I ‘feel’ sleepy. I ‘feel’ like going to bed.” 这一下,可大扫了远客的兴头,“啊吆,对不起,打搅了,下次再拜访!”站起来了。 This was terribly disappointing to the visitor. “Well, well, I must apologize for having disturbed you. I’ll visit you again next time I am in Beijing.” With this he stood up. “是我对不起您啦,远道而来,无可奉告,恕不远送了!欢迎下次再光临。” “I must apologize to you, sir. You’ve come from afar but I haven’t got much to offer. Pardon me for not seeing you off. You are welcome to drop in next time.” 珍禽血雉 China's Native Pheasant 在陕西省西部,有一山高林密、生物资源丰富的太白山,海拔3, 767米,是秦岭山脉的主峰。我国特有的秦岭血雉就主要出产在这里,故又称太白鸡。 The Qinling blood pheasant, also known as the Taibai chicken, lives mostly in the dense forests of the 3,767-meter-high Taibai Mountain—the main peak of the Qinling Mountain Range. 秦岭血雉,形似家鸡而略小。 雄鸟头部褐中杂灰,部分羽毛向后延伸成羽冠;下胸是鲜草绿色,尾羽因部位而异,有褐灰、绯红、灰_ 白、褐黑等多种色彩。 The bird is a bit smaller than a chicken. The head of the male bird is covered with brown and gray feathers, which extend backwards to form a crest. Its chest is grass-green and its tail varies from brown to crimson, grayish white, and black. 雌鸟则以褐色为主。 The female bird’s plumage is predominantly brown. 它们生活在高寒山区,常分布于海拔1,800-3,200米的针阔-混交林和针叶林中;结群性较强,少时6-8只,人冬则结成40-50只的大群;见人不惧,常在林间羊肠小道上昂首阔步。 Qinling blood pheasants are usually found in the pine forests of the frigid alpine belt 1,800 to 3,200 meters above sea level. They move in groups of at least six or eight birds, and in winter a flock may have as many as 40 or 50 pheasants. They are not afraid of people, and sometimes they can be found strolling along forest trails. 每年四月底至七月初是繁殖期,这时秦岭血雉筑巢于高山草丛或石洞中,每窝产卵6-8枚,孵化期29天。 Mating season runs from late April to early July. The pheasants build their nests in alpine meadows or in caves, and after laying six to eight eggs, the female bird begins to brood for 29 days. 雏鸟出壳后,跟随亲鸟生活,直到冬天。血雉活动范围随季节变化而做有规律的迁移,不善飞行但奔跑疾速,夜间在树上过夜。它们的食物在夏秋是莎草科和禾本科的草叶、种子,忍冬的花朵,金背杜鹃的花以及蘑菇和少量昆虫等;冬春二季因冰雪覆 盖,以苔藓为主。 The young birds live with their parents until winter, then the family makes its seasonal migration. The bird does not fly well, but it runs very fast. It sleeps in trees and feeds during summer and autumn on leaves and sedge or grass seeds, honeysuckle and azalea flowers, mushrooms, and a few insects. In winter and spring, when the alpine belt is icebound, it mostly eats moss. 秦岭血雉是我国珍贵的保护鸟类之一,羽毛美丽,可供观赏。 由于数量稀少,环境适应性差,目前国内外动物园中还未见饲养展出。 The Qinling blood pheasant is listed as a rare bird under special protection. Despite its beautiful plumage, the bird has never been displayed in zoos because of its scarcity and inability to adapt to new environments. 常胜的歌手 A Singer Who Always Wins 王蒙 Wang Meng 有一位歌手,有一次她唱完了歌,竟没有一个人鼓掌。 Once a singer finished her performance without receiving any applause from the audience. 于是她在开会的时候说道:“掌声究竟能说明什么问题呢? Afterwards she remarked at a meeting, “What does applause mean? 是艺术?是黄金? Is it beauty, art, or gold? 掌声到底卖几分钱一斤? How much is it worth after all? 难道掌声是美?被观众鼓了几声掌就飘飘然,就忘乎所以,就选成了歌星,就坐飞机,就灌唱片,这简直是胡闹! Once one gets some applause, one’s head will swell. And one will be treated like a star, given free plane trips and invited to have one’s voice recorded everywhere. It’s ridiculous! 是对灵魂的腐蚀! It is nothing but corruption of the mind! 你不信,如果我扭起屁股唱黄歌儿,比她得到的掌声还多!” Believe it or not, if I had swayed my hips and sung obscene songs, I would’ve got more applause than the stars.” 她还建议,对观众进行一次调查分析,分类排队,以证明掌声的无价值或反价值。 Then the singer came up with a suggestion that the audience should be investigated, analysed, and classified in order to prove their applause being worthless or even worse for its negative effects. 后来她又唱了一次歌,全场掌声雷动。 Later, she gave another performance which won thunderous applause from the audience. 她在会上又说开了:“歌曲是让人听的,如果人家不爱听,内容再好,曲调再好又有什么用? She spoke at another meeting, “Songs are to be appreciated by the audience. What’s the use of songs with good content and nice melody if no one likes them? 群众的眼睛是雪亮的,群众的心里是有一杆秤的,离开了群众的喜闻乐见,就是不搞大众化,只搞小众化,就是出了方向性差错,就是孤家寡人,自我欣赏。 The audience is the best judge who knows how to strike a balance in the heart. Without the masses’ appreciation, one will only be serving the few instead of many. And one will be taking the wrong direction by keeping aloof from the masses and indulging in self-admiration. 我听到的不只是掌声,而是一颗颗火热的心在跳动!” What I heard from the audience was not only warm applause, but the beatings of their warm hearts!” 过了一阵子,音乐工作者又开会,谈到歌曲演唱中的一种不健康的倾向和群众的趣味需要疏导,欣赏水平需要提高。 Some time later, members of the musical circles held a symposium and suggested that an unhealthy tendency should be stopped in singing performances, that appreciation levels be raised and good taste be cultivated. 她便举出了那一次唱歌无人鼓掌作为例子,她宣称: The singer then cited her first performance that had drawn no applause from the audience and claimed, “我顶住了!我顶住了!我顶住了!” “See, I dared it! The unhealthy tendency! I dared it indeed!” 又过了一阵子,音乐工作者又开会,谈到受欢迎的群众歌曲还是创作、演唱得太少。 After a period of time, there was another symposium among the musical circles. This time it was proposed that more popular songs be composed and sung. 她又举出了另一次掌声如雷的例子宣称: And the singer took her second performance as an example to prove her claim, “我早就做了,我早就做了,我早就做了!” “See, I did it! The popular songs! I did it indeed!” 健忘的画眉 The Forgetful Song Thrush 蓝曼 Lan man 那天,我刚刚走进滨河公园,便听到从小树林中传出了画眉的叫声。 The other day when I went into Riverside Park, I was greeted by the chirrup of a song thrush from a grove. 顺声走去,我看见一只画眉正在花坛里跳来跳去。 Walking towards the sound I saw the thrush hopping about in a flower bed. 我仔细观察,寻找它腿上应该有的细索,结果没有看到。 I looked carefully trying to spot a tiny piece of string that should have been fastened to its leg, but in vain. 啊,这是一只跳出樊笼自由的鸟儿。 Ah, it must have escaped from its cage. 它自由自在地,一会儿跳上月季的花枝,扬起头来歌唱一阵,一会儿又跳进草丛里,尾巴一翘一翘,向我张望。 It was a free bird! One moment it jumped onto a rose spray and sang with its head high, the next it plunged into the grass and looked at me with its tail waving up and down. 它那得意的神态,确实招人喜爱。 Its proud and self-satisfied manner was really enchanting. 在离它不远的草地上,有一只鸟笼。 Not far from the bird on the grass was a bird cage. 涂了漆的竹篾儿,根根洁净、整齐。 It was made of painted bamboo strips and looked neat and clean. 笼顶上的那个大笼钩儿,锃明瓦亮。 On top of the cage stood a big gleaming metal hook. 笼门上还挂着一个大红绒穗子,好看极了。 From the cage-door hung a fiery red tassel, which added to the magnificence of the cage. 若与住房比拟,这可算是一幢相当豪华的住宅了。 As birdhouses go, this was certainly a luxurious residence. 在附近的马缨花树下,一位老人正坐着打瞌睡。 An old man was dozing under a nearby hibiscus tree. 看来,他就是鸟笼的主人。他听到我的脚步声,睁开了睡眼。 He seemed to be the owner of the cage. Hearing my approaching steps he opened his eyes. 我主动向他打招呼: I began the dialogue. “老师傅,你的画眉逃出了笼子!” "Hello. You bird has got out." “是的,让它散散步。” "Yeah. Let it go for a stroll." “不怕它飞走了么?”我说。 "Aren't you afraid it might fly away?" 老人望了望我,又冷冷一笑:“飞走,往哪儿飞!它舍不得那个食罐儿!” The old man cast a glance at me and gave an uncaring smile. "Fly away? But why should it? It can't leave the food bowl." 我望望食罐儿,并没有什么特殊之处,只不过是细瓷印有一枝梅花罢了。 Examining the bowl carefully, I found nothing special about it. It was no more than a small fine china bowl with a plum design on the side. 罐中的鸟食是些黄澄澄的颗粒,有一缕野草的清香散发出来。 The bird food in it was some yellow grains which gave off the refreshing smell of wild grass. 这不外乎把泡软了的小米拌上煮熟了的蛋黄,也许又加了一点什么香料之类,没有什么稀奇。 I thought it must be a mixture of soaked millet and the yolk of boiled eggs, perhaps with some condiments added to it. There was nothing special about it. 我把我的看法向老人说了。他摇了摇头,没有说什么,只冲着我微笑。 I told the old man what was on my mind, but he just shook his head and smiled at me without saying a word. 我不好再追问他,也许在养鸟这门学问里面,各有各的绝招儿,其中奥秘不愿告人。 I knew better than to keep on inquiring, for each has his own tricks in raising birds and such secrets must never be given away. 这里我瞧见那只自由的鸟儿,从从容容地走进了笼门儿。啪的一声,老人随后把笼门关上。 Just at that moment I saw the carefree bird walk into the cage at a leisurely pace. Seeing that his bird was re-encaged, the old man slid down the cage-door with a click. 画眉得意洋洋,立在食罐上正啄食那黄澄澄的颗粒。 Standing on the rim of the bowl complacently, the thrush had already begun to peck at its food. 我走出公园想着,那食罐里放了什么样的“迷魂药”,竟使一只美丽的画眉,只会唱歌而忘却了自己的一双翅膀?! As I left the park, I turned over in my mind a recurring question—what was the magic in the food that had made this beautiful bird sing so happily but forget about its wings? 可爱的南京 Nanjing the Beloved City 南京,她有层出不穷的风流人物,和彪炳千秋的不朽业绩。 Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noble hearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. 大都会特有的凝聚力,吸引了无数风云人物、仁人志士在这里角逐争雄,一逞豪彦。 Attracted by her special appeal, a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideals have stayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead or to give play to their genius and virtues. 从孙权、谢安到洪秀全、孙中山,从祖冲之、葛洪到李时珍、郑和,从刘勰、萧统到曹雪芹、吴敬梓,从王羲之、顾恺之到徐悲鸿、傅抱石,还有陶行知、杨廷宝等等,中国历史上一批杰出的政治家、军事家、科学家、文学家、艺术家、教育家、建筑家等荟萃于此,在这块钟灵毓秀的土地上一圆他们的辉煌之梦。 Military commanders such as Sun Quan and Xie An; political leaders such as Hong Xiuquan and Dr. Sun Yat-sen; scientists like Zu Chongzhi, Ge Hong, Li Shizhen and Zhenghe; men of letters such as Liu Xie, Xiao Tong, Cao Xueqin and Wu Jingzi; artists like Wang Xizhi, Gu Kaizhi, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi; educators such as Tao Xingzhi; and architects like Yang Tingbao—all these renowned historical figures used to settle on this blessed land to have their splendid dreams fulfilled. 他们是中华民族的优秀儿女,巍巍钟山、滚滚长江养育了他们,为他们提供了施展抱负的舞台,他们也以自己的雄才大略、聪明智慧为中华民族的灿烂文明增添了流光溢彩的新篇章。 The towering Purple Mountains and billowing Yangtze River nurtured them and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of their genius, vision, and sagacity, these best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation made spectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization. 南京,她自新中国建立以来发生的巨大而深刻的变化更加使人欢欣鼓舞。虎踞龙盘今胜昔,天翻地覆慨而慷。从1949年4月23日始,人民真正成为这座古老城市的主人。 The tremendous changes that have taken place in Nanjing since New China was founded are even more inspiring, just as the much quoted couplet from a poem written by the late Chairman Mao Zedong on the occasion of the liberation of the city on April 23, 1949 has it: The city, a tiger crouching, a dragon curling, outshines its ancient glories; In heroic triumph heaven and earth have been overturned. 金陵回春,古城新生,昔日饱尝的屈辱和灾难,至此如同梦魇终被摆脱。 Balmy spring winds returned to bring new life to this historic city, of which the common people came to be the genuine masters. The night marish sufferings and humiliations of the past were left behind once and for all. 人民在自己的土地上辛勤劳作,把古老南京装扮得面貌一新。 The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-old town a new appearance. 特别是近十年几来,改革开放又给这座美丽的名城注入了新的活力,崭新的工业、通达的运输、如画的城市建设、兴盛的第三产业、多姿的文化生活,都使这个具有古都特色的现代都市焕发出勃勃英姿。 Especially for the past ten years or more, the country’s reform and opening-up policy has infused new vigor into this beautiful and famous city. Newly built industries, an efficient transportation network extending in all directions, picturesque urban construction, a booming tertiary industry, a varied and colorful cultural life, all these and more added charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains somehow the ambiance and features of an ancient capital. 孙中山先生所预言的:“南京将来之发展未可限量也”,正在逐步成为现实。 The prophecy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen father of modern China that “Nanjing will have a future that knows no bounds” is becoming true. 南京,这座古老而年轻的历史文化名城,是多么的可爱! Nanjing, an old city with a rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous in her new youth-how lovely she is! 鲁迅先生记 A Few Memories of Mr. Lu Xun 萧红 Xiao Hong 鲁迅先生家里的花瓶,好像画上所见的西洋女子用以取水的瓶子,灰蓝色,有点从瓷釉而自然堆起的纹痕,瓶口的两边,还有两个瓶耳,瓶里种的是几棵万年青。 Mr. Lu Xun had a plant pot in his sitting-room. It looked like the jar European women fetched water with, as shown in paintings. It was of a bluish-gray, with a few ripples naturally embossed with its own glaze and, on either side of it, there was a handle close to the top. Planted in it was some evergreen. 我第一次看到这花的时候,我就问过: The first time I visited Mr. Lu Xun I asked: “这叫什么名字?屋中既不生火炉,也不冻死?” “What is the name of this plant? There is no fire in the room, but it is not frozen.” 每一次,走进鲁迅家里去,那是快近黄昏的时节,而且是个冬天,所以那楼下室稍微有一点暗,同时鲁迅先生的纸烟,当它离开嘴边而停在桌角的地方,那烟纹的卷痕一直升腾到他有一些白丝的发梢那么高。而且再升腾就看不见了。 It was toward evening one winter day. The sitting-room downstairs was dim. Mr. Lu Xun was smoking a cigarette. When he took it away from his lips, holding it between his fingers at the corner of his desk, small puffs rose as high as the top of his grayish hair and, further up, they were no longer visible. “这花,叫‘万年青’,永久这样!” “This plant is called evergreen. It’s always like that.” 他在花瓶旁边的烟灰盒中,抖掉了纸烟上的灰烬,那红的烟火,就越红了,好像一朵小花似的,和他的袖口相距离着。 He flicked the cigarette ash to the ashtray next to the pot and the cigarette grew redder still like a small flower glimmering two or three inches from the cuff of his sleeve. “这花不怕冻?”以后,我又问过,记不得是在什么时候了。 “It is not affected by the cold, is it?” I asked another time, not remembering exactly when. 许先生说:“不怕的,最耐久!” “No, it is not.” said Mrs. Lu. “It’s a very tough plant.” 而且她还拿着瓶口给我摇着。 She held the pot by the top, shaking it for me to see. 我还看到了那花瓶的底边是一些圆石子,以后,因为熟识了的缘故,我就自己动手看过一两次,又加上这花瓶是常常摆在客厅的黑色长桌上,又加上自己是来自寒带的北方,对于这在四季里都不凋零的植物,总带着一点惊奇。 I noticed there were some pebbles around the bottom. Later, as I got to know them better, went up to the black table once or twice for a closer look at the plant. As I came from the cold north I always wondered why this plant did not wither even in winter. 而现在这“万年青”依旧活着,每次到许先生家去,看到那束花,有时仍站在那黑色的长桌上,有时站在鲁迅先生照像的前面。 The plant was now still alive. Sometimes it was placed on the black table, other times in front of Mr. Lu Xun’s photograph. 花瓶是换了,用一个玻璃瓶装着,看得到淡黄色的须根,站在瓶底。 But it had been transplanted into a glass pot through which their yellowish roots could be seen at the bottom. 有时候许先生一面和我们谈论着,一面检查房中所有的花草。看一看叶子是不是黄了?该剪掉的剪掉,该洒水的洒水,因为不停地动作是她的习惯。 Mrs. Lu would chat with us while moving from one plant to another, checking if any of them had turned yellow or needed clipping or watering. She would keep herself busy in her room. 有时候就检查着这“万年青”,有时候就谈着鲁迅先生,就在他的照像前面谈着,但那感觉,却像谈着古人那么悠远了。 Sometimes she examined the evergreen, sometimes she talked of Mr. Lu Xun, in front of his photograph, as if of someone of remote past. 至于那花瓶呢? But where was the pot now? 站在墓地的青草上面去了,而且瓶底已经丢失,虽然丢失了也就让它空空地站在墓边。我所看到的是从春天一直站到秋天;它一直站到邻旁墓头的石榴树开了花而后结成了石榴。 It was standing in the graveyard, in the grass, its bottom missing. The bottomless, empty pot had been there spring through autumn until the pomegranate at the head of the neighboring tomb had blossomed and borne fruit. 从开炮以后,只有许先生绕道去过一次,别人就没有去过。 Since the Japanese bombardment of Shanghai only Mrs. Lu has made a detour to visit the tomb, but no others have ever been there. 当然那墓草是长得很高了,而且荒了,还说什么花瓶,恐怕鲁迅先生的瓷半身像也要被荒了的草埋没到他的胸口。 The tomb must have been overgrown with wild grass and the porcelain bust of Mr. Lu Xun buried up to the chest, not to mention what would have happened to the pot. 我们在这边,只能写纪念鲁迅先生的文章,而谁去努力剪齐墓上的荒草? As for us over here, there is not much we can do but write some memorial articles. But who will go and trim the grass on his tomb? 我们是越来越远了,但无论多么远,那荒草是总要记在心上的。 We are getting further and further away from him, but no matter how far away we are, we must remember the grass on his tomb. 苗族龙船节 The Miao Dragon-Boat Festival 龙船节,是黔东南清水江上苗族人民最盛大的节日。节日里,聚会的苗族同胞,每年有三四万人。 The Dragon-Boat Festival is the most important celebration of the Miao people, who live along the Qingshui River southeastern Guizhou Province. Every year between 30,000 and 40,000 Miaos participate in the festivities. 龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征。 In the eyes of the Miaos, the dragon is a symbol of good luck. 苗家姑娘最爱将龙的变形图案打制成银饰装点在头上,或刺绣在衣裙中,编织于围腰上。 Girls like to adorn their hair with silver ornaments shaped like dragons and wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragon patterns. 苗族人民制作的龙船,十分精巧、美观。龙身由一只母船和两只子船捆扎而成,叫做“子母船”。 The Miaos build exquisite "dragon boats," which are in reality a body formed from three canoes-one large and two small-that are strung together. 无论子船还是母船,皆为独木镂空。两米多长的龙头,用水柳木雕刻,装有一对一米多长的龙角。龙头以主色不同,分为赤龙、青龙、黄龙。 A carved head, painted red, blue, or yellow, is made from the trunk of a weeping willow tree. It is 2 meters long and sports a pair of horns. 从施秉县的平兆到台江县的六河,每个苗族寨子都建有“龙篷”,用来保护龙船。因龙船身长25米,“龙篷”建成七格,每格将近四米长,当地又称之为“七间房”。 A special shelter in seven parts, extending 28 meters, to house dragon boats has been built in every Miao village along the Qingshui River from Pingzhao in Shibing county to Liuhe in Taijiang county. 每年农历5月24日至27日,几十个村寨相继举行龙船节。当地习惯,从16日开始,只要全寨薅完秧,本寨的龙船便可下水。 The Miao Dragon-Boat Festival is celebrated from the 24th to the 27th of the fifth lunar month. But according to local custom, people are allowed to send their dragon boats down the river after the 16th, provided that they have finished weeding their fields. 因此,从龙船下水的早晚,可以看出各寨的农事生产进度,在勤劳的苗家人民心中,龙船节到了,地里的秧还未薅完,这是莫大的耻辱。 The earlier appearance of the boats on the river testifies to the villagers' efficiency, and conscientious peasants consider it a shame not to finish weeding before the festivities begin. 节日期间,家家户户酿米酒,包粽粑,走亲访友,宴请宾朋。出嫁的姑娘必须携带粽粑、鹅鸭等礼物回娘家,同父母兄妹团聚。 During the festival, each family makes r:ice wine and zongba (a kind of dump-ling made of glutinous rice) and calls on friends and relatives. Married women visit their parents' homes bearing gifts-zongba, geese, and ducks. 龙船出发之前,一位歌师唱首吉祥歌,祝愿船只平安。 Before a dragon-boat sets out, somebody sings an auspicious song to the boatmen, wishing them a good voyage. 每只龙船都有一位鼓头。他是一切活动的主持者,由全寨推选出来的德高望重的老人担任。 In each boat, an old man rides straddling the dragon's neck. He is the most respected man in the village, chosen by the villagers to be the coxswain. 鼓头身着长袍马褂,坐在龙颈上击鼓发令,男扮女装的鼓锣手,由十岁左右的孩童充任。 Wearing a gown and a mandarin jacket, the old man beats a drum to set the pace for the oarsmen, and several boys about 10 years of age, wearing dresses, beat drums and gongs. 40位水手,身着青布上衣、士林蓝裤子,腰系银饰花带,手握五尺木桨,整齐划一,甚是威武。 The oarsmen, 40 in all, wield 5-foot-long wooden oars. These powerful-looking men wear horsetail-shaped hats, blue jackets and trousers, and embroidered waistbands pinned with silver ornaments. 水手头上的那特制的马尾斗笠,原是清水江上游苗族姑娘出嫁时的陪嫁品,却成了龙船节水手们必备的一件装饰物。 The hats, traditionally dowry gifts for girls from the upper reaches of the Qingshui River, have become an essential feature of the costumes worn by the dragon-boat oarsmen. 苗族龙船节,与汉族的端午节不同。龙船过寨,鸣放铁炮传告亲友,岸上以鞭炮声相呼应。亲友们上前,向船上的人各敬两杯米酒,并将礼品——鹅鸭、彩绸挂于龙头。如系女婿、姑舅等至亲,送上的礼物则是猪羊。 The Miao Dragon-Boat Festival differs from the Han celebration. 除时间不同外,一般不举行竞赛,主要活动是串寨子,走亲访友。 They are not celebrated on the same date (the Hans' takes place on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month), and they follow different traditions. While the Hans only hold dragon-boat races during the festival, the Miaos take the opportunity to visit friends and relatives. 清晨,龙船开始在江水中游动,所到之处,亲友们纷纷到岸边“接龙”。 Young men set out in boats early in the morning. 龙船过寨,鸣放铁炮传告亲友,岸上以鞭炮声相呼应。亲友们上前,向船上的人各敬两杯米酒,并将礼品——鹅鸭、彩绸挂于龙头。如系女婿、姑舅等至亲,送上的礼物则是猪羊。 When they approach a village, they fire guns to announce their arrival. The villagers set off firecrackers in response and then go to meet them. The hosts present two cups of rice wine to each oarsman and then tie gifts for their relatives—ducks, geese, and colored silks-onto the heads of the dragons. The traditional gifts for sons-in-law, uncles, and nephews are pigs or sheep. 下午四时左右,龙船靠岸休息,水手们将糯米饭团和肉类放置船帮上就餐。不用碗筷,双手捏出的糯米饭团格外清香可口。 At 4 p.m. the boats stop alongside the riverbank. The drummers and oarsmen on the boats eat glutinous rice balls and meat with their fingers. 岸上的妇女和小孩纷纷前来“讨路边饭”。 Women and children on the shore ask the boatmen to share their food. 传说,吃了龙船上的食品,能消灾免难,百事如愿。后来,这就成为传统的风俗习惯。 It is said that eating food from a dragon-boat protects one from disaster and gives good luck. 岸上,还有苗家传统的赛马、斗牛、踩鼓等活动。姑娘们身着节日盛装,应着木鼓鼓点翩翩起舞。 Horse races and bullfights are held during the festival. Girls in holiday dress dance to the accompaniment of drums. 飞歌往来,昼夜不绝,青年男女通过对歌,互相了解,建立感情,增进团结和友谊,以致结成幸福家庭。 It is not unusual for young people to meet their future spouses at the songfests held on festival nights. 秋天的怀念 Fond Memories of Autumn 史铁生 Shi Tiesheng 双腿瘫痪后,我的脾气变得暴怒无常。 When my legs were first paralyzed, my temper became terrible. 望着天上北归的雁阵,我会突然把面前的玻璃砸碎;听着听着李谷一甜美的歌声,我会猛的把手边的东西摔向四周的墙壁。 Looking at the lines of wild geese flying back north, I would suddenly smash the window pane in front of me. Listening to the sweet songs sung by the famous singer Li Guyi, I would throw whatever happened to be on hand at the wall. 母亲就悄悄地躲出去,在我看不见的地方偷偷地听着我的动静。 On these occasions Mother would steal out quietly, watching me from a place where I could not see her. 当一切恢复沉寂,她又悄悄地进来,眼边红红的,看着我。 When I calmed down, she would come back softly and gaze at me with sad eyes. “听说北海的花儿都开了,我推着你去走走。”她总是这么说。 “They say that the flowers in Beihai Park are in bloom now. Let me wheel you there,” she used to say. 母亲喜欢花,可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花都死了。 Mother loved flowers dearly, but ever since my legs became paralyzed, all her flowers had died. “不,我不去!”我狠命地捶打这两条可恨的腿,喊着,“我活着有什么劲!” “No, I won’t go!” I shouted, while beating my cursed legs as hard as I could. “What am I still living for?” 母亲扑过来抓住我的手,忍住哭声说:“咱娘儿俩在一块儿,好好儿活,好好儿活……” Mother would then rush up to me, holding my hands in hers and saying between subdued sobs, “The two of us should live together happily, happily…” 可我却一直都不知道,她的病已经到了那步田地。 Although I did not know it, she had been seriously ill herself all the time. 后来妹妹告诉我,她常常肝疼得整宿翻来覆去地睡不了觉。 It was my younger sister who told me later that mother had often been kept awake the whole night with pains in the liver. 那天我又独自坐在屋里,看着窗外的树叶唰唰啦啦地飘落。母亲进来了,挡住窗前:“北海的菊花开了,我推着你去看看吧。” One day I was alone in the room, watching the rustling fall of autumn leaves through the window when Mother came in. She stood between me and the window and said, “The chrysanthemums in Beihai are blossoming. Do let me take you there for a visit.” 她憔悴的脸上现出央求般的神色。 Her sad eyes in her haggard face silently implored me. “什么时候?” “When?” I asked. “你要是愿意,就明天?”她说。我的回答已经让她喜出望外了。 “Tomorrow, if it suits you,” she replied, pleasantly surprised at my interest. “好吧,就明天。”我说。 “Okay, tomorrow then,” I agreed. 她高兴得一会儿坐下,一会站起:“那就赶紧准备准备。” She was so delighted that she did not know whether to sit or to stand. “Let’s get ready right now,” she suggested. “哎呀,烦不烦? “Oh, what a bore! 几步路,有什么好准备的!” Do we need to get ready for a park just a few steps away?” I said. 她也笑了,坐在我身边,絮絮叨叨地说着:“看完菊花,咱们就去‘仿膳’,你小时候最爱吃那儿的豌豆黄儿。 She burst out laughing herself, sat down beside me and murmured, “After we’ve seen the chrysanthemums, we’ll dine at Fang Shan Restaurant. You used to love their puree of peas best when you were a little boy. 还记得那回我带你去北海吗? Still remember our last tour to Beihai? 你偏说那杨树花是毛毛虫,跑着,一脚踩扁一个……” You insisted that the poplar flowers be worms and ran to stamp on them one by one…” 她忽然不说了。对于“跑”和“踩”一类的字眼儿,她比我还敏感。她又悄悄地出去了。 Here she broke off abruptly, more sensitive to words like “run” than I ever was. She went out again gently. 她出去了,就再也没有回来。 Yes, she went out, never to come back. 邻居们把她抬上车时,她还在大口大口地吐着鲜血。 When the neighbors carried her onto the tricycle flatcart, she was still vomiting mouthfuls of blood. 我没想到她已经病成那样。 I had never thought she could have been so seriously ill. 看着三轮车远去,她绝没有想到那竟是永远的诀别。 Watching the three-wheeler go, I had not expected it would be her departure to eternity. 邻居的小伙子背着我去看她的时候,她正艰难地呼吸着,像她那一生艰难的生活。 The young man next door carried me on his back to the hospital to see her. She was gasping her last, in just the same way as she had lived her entire hard life. 别人告诉我,她昏迷前的最后一句话是:“我那个有病的儿子和我那个还未成年的女儿……” I was told later that her last words before passing away were: “I have an invalid son and an unmarried daughter…” 又是秋天,妹妹推我去北海看了菊花。 It was another autumn when my sister wheeled me to Beihai park to see the chrysanthemums. 黄色的花淡雅,白色的花高洁,紫红色的花热烈而深沉,泼泼洒洒,秋风中正开得烂漫。 The yellow ones were simple and elegant; the white ones, pure and noble; and the purple ones, warm and deep; all were in full bloom, dancing in the autumn breeze. 我懂得母亲没有说完的话。妹妹也懂,我俩在一块儿,要好好儿活…… I came to know what mother hadn’t had time to finish, and so did my sister. We should live together happily… 献你一束花 A Bouquet of Flowers for You 冯骥才 Feng Jicai 鲜花,理应呈送给凯旋归来的英雄。 Flowers should be presented to winners who have returned home with flying colors after competitions. 难道献给这黯淡无关的失败者? Why should they be given to this disgraced loser? 她一直垂着头。前四天,她从平衡木上打着旋儿跌在垫子上时,就把美丽而神气的头垂下来。 Since she fell on the mattress from the horizontal bar four days before while doing a somersault, she had kept her beautiful and once proud head bent. 现在她回国了,走入首都机场的大厅,简直要把脑袋藏进领口里去。 Now she was back at the Capital Airport from abroad. Upon entering the lobby, she wished she could hide her head under her collar. 她怕见前来欢迎的人们,怕记者问什么,怕姐姐和姐夫来迎接她,甚至怕见到机场那个热情的女服务员——她的崇拜者,每次出国经过这里,都跑来帮着她提包儿…… She was ashamed to face the people who had come to welcome her right at the airport, to be interviewed by the reporters, or to meet her sister and brother-in-law. She was even afraid to see the warm-hearted stewardess—one of her admirers. Each time she went abroad from the airport, this stewardess would rush up to help her with her luggage. 有什么脸来见人,大败而归! What a shame that she had absolutely failed! 这次世界性比赛,她完全有把握登上平衡木和高低杠“女王”的宝座,国内外的行家都这么估计,但她的表演把这些希望的灯全都关上了。 Before she set off for the International Gymnastics Championships, she was fully confident of winning the World Titles for horizontal bar and uneven bars, and gym experts both at home and abroad had so expected. But her poor performance had shamefully shattered all of their expectations. 两年前,她第一次出国参加比赛,夹在许多名扬海外的姑娘们中间,不受人注意,心里反而没负担,出人意料拿了两项冠军。 Two years before, she had gone abroad to take part in an international competition for the first time. Among so many girls who had already won fame abroad, she attracted little attention. Yet because her mind was kept free of her anxiety about failure, she unexpectedly won two World Titles. 回国时,就在这机场大厅里,她受到空前热烈的迎接。 When she returned home that year, she was given an enthusiastic welcome in the same lobby. 许多只手朝她伸来,许多摄影机镜头对准她,一个戴眼镜的记者死死纠缠着问:“你最喜欢什么?” Many hands stretched out to her, many camera lenses focused on her. A reporter in glasses kept pestering her with the question: “What do you like best?” 她不知如何作答,抬眼看见一束花,便说:“花!” She was wondering how to respond when she caught sight of a bouquet of flowers. Then she said, “Flowers!” 于是就有几十束花朝她塞来,多得抱不住。 Following her remarks, bunches of flowers were at once presented out to her, too many for her to hold. 两年来多次出国比赛,她胸前挂着一个又一个亮晃晃的奖牌回来,迎接她的是笑脸、花和摄影机雪亮的闪光。 During the past two years, she had participated in many international competitions and brought back one shining medal after another. What she got in return was all smiles, flowers and camera flashes. 是不是这就加重她的思想负担? Was it because of this that she became preoccupied with winning? 愈赢就愈怕输,成绩的包袱比失败的包袱更重。 The more she won, the more obsessed she was with the fear of losing. 精神可以克服肉体的痛苦,肉体无法摆脱开精神的压力。 So her mind was in fact more burdened with success than with failure. The mind could control physical pains but could not free itself from mental strain easily. 这次她在平衡木上稍稍感觉自己有些不稳,内心立刻变得慌乱而不能自制。她失败了,并且跟着在下面其他项目的比赛中一塌糊涂地垮下来…… This time when she was a little off balance on the horizontal bar, she became so worried that she lost self-control and fell off. This failure was followed by several more in other events. 本来她怕见人,走在队伍最后,可是当她发现很少有人招呼她,摄影记者也好像有意避开她时,她感到冷落,加重了心中的沮丧和愧疚,纵使她有回天之力,一时也难补偿,她茫然了。 Afterwards in order to avoid people at the airport, she trailed along behind the team. When she found that very few people greeted her and reporters seemed to shun her, she felt hurt and deserted and became more humiliated and shamed of herself. However hard she tried, she couldn’t turn the tide; she was a complete failure. 是呵,谁愿意与失败者站在一起? Indeed, who would side with a failure? 忽然她发现一双脚停在她眼前。 All of a sudden, she saw a pair of shoes in front of her. 谁? Who could it be? 她一点点向上看,深蓝色的服装,长长的腿,铜衣扣,无檐帽下一张洁白娴静的脸儿。 She raised her bent head slowly and saw a navy blue suit, long legs, brass buttons and then a clear fair face under a brimless cap. 原来是机场那女服务员,正背着双手,含笑对她说:“我在电视里看见了你们比赛,知道你今天回来,特意来迎接你。” Before her stood the stewardess with her hands behind her back, speaking with a smile, “I watched your performance on the television. I knew you would come home today. So I am here especially to welcome you.” “我真糟!”她赶紧垂下头。 “I did very poorly.” She lowered her head again. “不,你同样用尽汗水和力量。” “No. You did your best.” “我是失败者。” “But I failed.” “谁都不能避免失败。 “Nobody can avoid failure. 我相信,失败和胜利对于你同样重要。 I believe failure is as important to you as success. 让失败属于过去,胜利才属于未来。” Failure belongs to the past, and victory is the future.” 女服务员的声音柔和又肯定。 The stewardess’s voice came gentle but firm. 她听了这话,重新抬起头来。 Hearing these words, the girl raised her head. 只见女服务员把背在身后的手向前一伸,一大束五彩缤纷的花捧到她的面前。 The stewardess held out her hands from behind her back with a big bouquet of colorful flowers, and presented it to the girl. 浓郁的香气竟化作一股奇异的力量注入她的身体。 The strong fragrance seemed to turn into a magic, powerful current that went through her body. 她顿时热泪满面。 She was moved to tears. 怎么?花,理应呈送给凯旋归来的英雄,难道也要献给这黯淡无光的失败者? Flowers are usually given to victorious heroes. Why to this disgraced loser? 鸭巢围之夜 A Night at Mallard-Nest Village 沈从文 Shen Congwen 天快黄昏时落了一阵雪子,不久就停了。 Towards dusk it started snowing, but soon the snow stopped. 天气真冷,在寒气中一切都仿佛结了冰。便是空气,也像快要冻结的样子。 It was bitterly cold. In that glacial atmosphere everything seemed turned to ice, the air itself as if on the point of freezing. 我包定的那一只小船,在天空大把撒着雪子时已泊了岸,从桃源县沿河而上这已是第五个夜晚。 The small boat I had hired moored after the first flurries of snow fell. This was the fifth night of my trip upstream from Taoyuan. 看情形晚上还会有风有雪,故船泊岸边时便从各处挑选好地方。 Because it looked as if we were in for a blizzard, the boatmen had searched for a good anchorage. 沿岸除了某一处有片沙嘴宜于泊船以外,其余地方全是黛色如屋的大岩石。 But apart from a suitable beach, the bank was a mass of black boulders the size of houses. 石头既然那么大,船又那么小,我们都希望寻觅得到一个能作小船风雪屏障,同时要上岸又还方便的处所。 Since they were so big and our boat was so small, we wanted to find some shelter from the wind in a place where we could easily go ashore. 凡是可以泊船的地方早已被当地渔船占去了。 However, all the best moorings wore occupied by local fishing-boats. 小船上的水手,把船上下各处撑去,钢钻头敲打着沿岸大石头,发出好听的声音,结果这只小船,还是不能不同许多大小船只一样,在正当泊船处插了篙子,把当作锚头用的石碇抛到沙上去,尽那行将来到的风雪,摊派到这只船上。 The crew punted our little craft up and down, the steel tips of the punting-poles clinking melodiously on the rocks; but in the end we had to draw alongside the other vessels large and small in the regular anchorage, dropping the rock which served us as an anchor on to the sand and leaving our little craft exposed to the coming blizzard. 这地方是个长潭的转折处,两岸是高大壁立千丈的山,山头上长着小小竹子,长年翠色逼人。 This place, at a bend in a long lake, was flanked by high cliffs on the peaks of which grew small bamboos, an enchanting emerald the whole year round. 这时节两山只剩余一抹深黑,赖天空微明为画出一个轮廓。 Now that darkness was falling, only their silhouettes were outlined against the faintly glimmering sky. 但在黄昏里看来如一种奇迹的,却是两岸高处去水已三十丈上下的吊脚楼。 What we could make out in the dusk, though, was amazing—about three hundred feet up the cliff, high above the water, was a cluster of houses on stilts. 这些房子莫不俨然悬挂在半空中,借着黄昏的金光,还可以把这些希奇的楼房形体,看得出个大略。 There they hung majestically in mid air, and in the fading light we could still see the outline of these extraordinary buildings. 这些房子同沿河一切房子有个共通相似处,便是从结构上说来,处处显出对于木材的浪费。 In common with all the houses along the river, their construction was characterized by a wasteful use of timber. 房屋既在半山上,不用那么多木料,便不能成为房子吗? Why was so much timber needed for houses halfway up a hill? 半山上也用吊脚楼形式,这形式是必须的吗? Yet they were built on stilts, quite needlessly. 然而这条河水的大宗出口是木料,木材比石块还不值价。因此,即或是河水永远长不到处,吊脚楼房子依然存在,似乎也不应当有何惹眼惊奇了。 Well, timber was the main product shipped out from this river, costing less than stone; and so, though there was no danger at all of flooding, it was really not astonishing that these houses were still built on stilts. 但沿河因为有了这些楼房,长年与流水斗争的水手,寄身船中枯闷成疾的旅行者,以及其他过路人,却有了落脚处了。 And because they were there, the boatmen who grappled year in year out with the current, their passengers nearly bored to death, and other travellers too had somewhere to rest. 这些人的疲劳与寂寞是从这些房子中可以一律解除的。 They could shake off their weariness and loneliness in these houses. 地方既好看,也好玩。 So the place, besides being attractive, provided distractions. 河面大小船只泊定后,莫不点了小小的油灯,拉了篷。 After the boats large and small had moored, all lit tiny oil lamps and fixed up mat canopies. 各个船上皆在后舱烧了火,用铁鼎罐煮红米饭。 饭焖熟后,又换锅子熬油,哗的把菜蔬倒进热锅里去。 Rice was boiled in iron cauldrons over fires in the stem, and once this was cooked the vegetables were fried in another pan of sizzling oil. 一切齐全了,各人蹲在舱板上三碗五碗把腹中填满后,天已夜了。 When the meal was ready, everyone aboard could wolf down three or five bowls. By then it was dark. 水手们怕冷怕动的。收拾碗盏后,就莫不在舱板上摊开了被盖,把身体钻进那个预先卷成一筒又冷又湿的硬棉被里去休息。 When the bowls had been cleared away, the boatmen who felt cold or tired out spread their bedding on the deck and burrowed into their stiff, clammy quilts which they had laid out like tubing. 至于那些想喝一杯的,发了烟瘾得靠靠灯,船上烟灰又翻尽了的,或一无所为,只是不甘寂寞,好事好玩想到岸上去烤烤火谈谈天的,便莫不提了桅灯,或燃一段废缆子,摇晃着从船头跳上了岸,从一堆石头间的小路径,爬到半山上吊脚楼房子那边去,找寻自己的熟人,找寻自己的熟地。 Those who wanted to drank or smoked by the lamp, and when the fire on the boat had burned to ashes or there was nothing to do, if lonely or eager for a bit of fun they would go ashore to sit by a fire and chat, taking the lantern from the mast or lighting a strip of old hawser with which they jumped unsteadily ashore to take the path through rocks to the stilt-houses halfway up the cliff, in search of an old friend or familiar house. 陌生人自然也有来到这条河中来到这种吊脚楼房子里的时节,但一到地,在火堆旁小板凳上一坐,便是陌生人,即刻也就可以称为熟人乡亲了。 Strangers naturally travelled along the river too, but once inside these stilt-houses, sitting on low stools by the fire, in no time they would feel not strangers but friends. 玫瑰色的月亮 The Rosy Moon 李秀鲁 Li Xiulu 就像半天空里掉下个金元宝一样,罗君的一幅条幅竟然在全省书法比赛中得了奖,整个世界立刻在23岁的罗君眼里变成了令人心荡神驰的玫瑰色。 When he won a prize in the Province's calligraphy contest, Mr. Luo felt elated as if a gold ingot had fallen on him from the sky. The world instantly became ecstatically rosy in the eyes of the 23-year-old winner. 此刻,他吸着烟,以一个书法家的眼光望着镜框里的B姑娘,这个差点成为自己妻子的她,原来一点也不漂亮,瞧那嘴唇,厚得多厉害,简直可以说,丑死了。 At the moment, he was smoking a cigarette while judging Miss B's photograph in a glass frame with a calligrapher's eye. He found that she was by no means pretty and she was the one who almost became his wife! Look at her lips, he thought. How thick they are! Ugly beyond words! 以后人家会说--年轻的书法家,怎么找一个卖冷饮的? People would ask, then, how come a young calligrapher should choose to marry a cold drink peddler? 配得上吗?…… It isn't a good match! 哎,幸亏这奖状来得是时候,不然等结了婚可就不好办了。 Well, fortunately, the prize came in time, or it would be too late if we had gotten married. 把她扔掉! I must shake her off me! 不过肯定会有人指责这件事儿,有人就爱管闲事儿! But some other people would certainly gossip about it, those who like to poke their noses into everything! 罗君可不怕这个:虽然自己曾和她信誓旦旦,但此一时彼一时也,现在我已是书法家了,搞艺术的,一个卖冷饮的懂什么艺术? I won't be scared. Times have changed. To hell with all those solemn vows I've made to her! I am now a calligrapher engaged in art. 再说……比如有一个粗瓷盘子,本来一直和许多普通盘子混在一起当餐具,可有一天考古学家发它竟是一件珍贵文物,那么以后呢,当梦就跟那些珍贵文物摆到一起去啦。那些普通盘子呢,只有仰望的份! After all, I am like a coarse china plate that used to be put together with those common plates for daily use until one day an archeologist discovered that it was an antique. Well, then, when it's placed with other precious antiques in the museum, all the common plates will have to bow low to it. 当然,羡慕和嫉妒是少不了的,人之常情嘛。 Jealousy, naturally, will come with admiration. For that's the way things are. 想到这里罗君正气凛然地扳倒镜框,取出B姑娘的照片扔到一边,把A姑娘的彩色剧照装进去。 Thus Mr. Luo took the picture of Miss B from the frame and threw it away, feeling well justified. In its place he put in a color stage photo of Miss A, and went on dreaming. 瞧,只有千娇百媚的A,才能配得上我! See? With her charm and grace this woman must be the one that makes a match for me now. (原先,罗君觉得A就是女神,自己只有望望的份儿,而现在呢?他感到自己已成了艺术的王子,王子和女神……那还用说?!) To Mr. Luo, the woman used to be a fairy queen whom he could only look up to and admire at a distance. but now that he felt himself to be the prince of art....A fairy queen and a prince, what a perfect match! 于是,他提起毛笔开始写信。 He took up a writing brush and began to write. 第一封信写给美丽的A:“我现在是一位书法家了…,” "I am now a calligrapher...." It was a letter of fire to pretty Miss A. 第二封信写给厚嘴唇的B:“我现在是一位书法家了……” The second letter was to Miss B the thick-lipped: "I am now a calligrapher...." It was a letter of ice. 他把冰和火一起投进了邮筒。 He then dropped both the fire and the ice into the mailbox. 河边凉棚下,B姑娘哭了一场,把信揉成一团,扔进了河里,转身继续工作。 In a shed by the river, Miss B wept bitterly. She crumpled the letter, threw it into the river, and then went on with her work. 河边小楼上,A姑娘笑了一场,把信揉成一团,扔进了河里,转身继续研究剧本。 In a small house on the river bank, Miss A let out a contemptuous laugh after reading the letter, crumpled it and threw it into the river. She then turned to her study of a script. 两封揉成一团的信随着河水慢慢地漂下来。 The two crumpled letters floated slowly down the river and disappeared. 晚上,罗君坐在河边上吸着烟,以一个艺术家的眼光望着河水--河水里有一轮玫瑰色的月亮,月亮里有一座金碧辉煌的宫殿,宫殿里走出千娇百媚的嫦娥… There reflected a rosy moon in the water. In the moon there was a golden palace, and out of the palace flew the charming and elegant Chang Er, the moon goddess.... 内画壶《百子图》 Snuff Bottles with Pictures Inside 鄢钢 Yan Gang 内画壶是鼻烟壶的一种。内画技艺起源于北京。 The art of decorating snuff bottles from the inside originated in Beijing. 相传清朝道光年间(1821-1850年),北京有一个破落文人,嗜好鼻烟,无钱购买时就用竹签刮烟壶壁上的烟油代替,久而久之,烟壶壁上一道道纹痕纵横交错,俨然如画,引起了民间艺人的兴趣,他们开始在烟壶的内壁上作画。 The story goes that in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Dao Guang (1821-1850), an impoverished scholar was addicted to snuff. To relieve his craving for the powdered tobacco, he scraped his snuff bottle from the inside with a bamboo slip. Gradually the marks left on the inner wall of the bottle made a picture, catching the fancy of folk artists. The art of drawing pictures inside snuff bottles was thus created and popularized. 最早的内画壶,画面简单粗糙。 In the beginning the pictures were simple and roughly drawn. 到了光绪年间(1875-1908年),技艺日趋成熟,烟壶的内壁先经过磨砂,然后再将竹签或毛笔伸入壶内,采用反画技法,把图案画在壶壁上,奇异又雅致。 But by the reign of Guang Xu (1875-1908),the art had been perfected: Artists made delicate drawings with bamboo slips or calligraphy brushes on the bottles' polished inner walls. 我国的内画技艺主要分为京派、冀派、鲁派三大派。 Today, snuff-bottle pictures fall into three different categories-the Jing(Beijing), Ji (Hebei) and Lu (Shandong). 工艺美术家王习三是冀派的代表人物。 Wang Xisan's art is representative of the Ji school. 1957年,他向著名内画艺术家叶晓峰和叶小三学艺,在师承的基础上,兼收各家之长,将传统的勾竹、木笔和勾毛笔结合并用,形成自己的风格。 In 1957 Wang studied under the famous artists Ye Xiaofeng and Ye Xiaosan. He further developed the art by absorbing the good points of different schools and using the traditional tools, bamboo and wood slips, as well as writing brushes. Finally he created a style of his own. Traditionally, snuff-bottle themes were confined to characters from folktales or flowers and grasses. 他突破内画壶只表现传说故事中的人物和花草的局限,创作出《猫蝶图》,描绘一只小猫和落在尾巴上的蝴蝶嬉戏的逗人情景,形象自然,妙趣横生,他还把绘画和书法融为一体,打破了内画艺术的呆板形式。 Wang Xisan made a breakthrough by portraying a kitten playing with a butterfly on its tail, a picture full of wit and humour. Wang Xisan was also the first to use calligraphy on snuff bottle pictures. 近年来,他又吸收西洋画法。运用油画技法在内画壶上创作人物肖像,达到相当完美的境界。他的作品赢得国内外的赞赏。 In recent years his bottle drawings, using techniques borrowed from Western oil painting, have been praised in China and abroad. 内画壶《双猿图》曾获1980年第12届国际烟壶协会优秀奖;《溥仪和婉容肖像》被第13届国际烟壶协会评为最优秀奖;《美国历届总统像》荣获1985年中国工艺美术珍品奖。 His picture Two Monkeys was awarded a prize for excellence by the 12th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association in 1980. Pu Yi and Wan Rong was appraised as the best work by the 13th International Snuff Bottle Artists' Association and in 1985 American Presidents won recognition as a unique piece of Chinese art. 内画壶《百子图》是王习三的代表作之一。作品以河北南皮县出土的清代水晶壶作胎,壶高八厘米,直径七厘米。 A Hundred Children, another masterpiece by Wang Xisan was painted on a bottle 8cm high and 7cm in diameter, which was modeled on a crystal bottle from the Qing Dynasty unearthed in Nanpi County, Hebei Province. 他运用彩墨画和油画技法,刻画100个天真活泼的儿童,在天高气爽的秋日,三五成群地聚集在屋前树下,或聚精会神地研究地震仪,或兴致勃勃地下棋,或神采飞扬地探讨诗艺画法,或攀树嬉闹。 By using a combination of Chinese ink styles and western oil, Wang vividly portrayed one hundred innocent and lively children, some clustered under a tree, others studying a seismograph or playing chess, and yet others discussing poems and painting or climbing trees. 作品优美生动,细致入微,被国家列为工艺美术佳品珍藏。 This snuff bottle has been listed as one of the state's best works of art. 维护团结的人 A Man Upholding Unity 王蒙 Wang Meng 艾团结悄没声息的走进老王的家,他压低了声音,对老王说:“老王,不要理他。 Ai Tuanjie stole into Lao Wang’s home quietly and whispered surreptitiously to him, “Lao Wang, just ignore him. 宰相肚里撑大船,不跟他一般见识。” As the saying goes, a Prime Minister's heart is big enough for a boat to sail. So you needn’t bother to reason with him.” 老王莫名其妙,眨了眨眼睛,由于他正忙着打家具,顾不上回答老艾的话。 Lao Wang blinked his eyes in bewilderment. He was busy making furniture and so he didn’t have the time to make any response. “其实我也早知道了,你不会计较的,你的水平不一样嘛。” “In fact, you must have heard about it,” he continued. “But you didn't pay any heed to it, I am sure. You are above all gossip.” 老王低下头,拾起刨刀。 Lao Wang stooped to fix the plane. 艾团结弯下腰,凑过身去说:“你知道,老朱说你的鼻子是假的。” Ai Tuanjie bent closer and went on, “You know, Lao Zhou said your nose is artificial. 老王鼻子哼一下,没言语。 Lao Wang let out a snort through his nose but kept silent. 艾团结把脸凑的更近一些,哈出来的热气冲到老王的耳朵上,“老朱说你的鼻子是从他家的垃圾堆里找出来的,用猪皮胶粘在脸上的。” Ai Tuanjie moved still closer, breathing hot air into Lao Wang’s ear, “Lao Zhou said your nose was picked up from among the rubbish heap in front of his house and stuck on to your face by the adhesive made of pig skin " 老王抬起了头。 This remark finally made Lao Wang look up at him. “老朱还说,你把你原来的鼻子卖给走私商了,没有交纳负税。” He then added, "Lao Zhou also said that you have sold your own nose to a profiteer without paying tax." 老王皱起了眉。 Lao Wang knit his brows. 艾团结:“不必生气,我们都知道吗,你的鼻子是一等品是真品,是原作他那样说只能证明他的无知。 “Don't get upset. Don’t, please! Ai Tuanjie hastened to console him. “We all know that your nose is first-rate. It is a rarity, an original one. What Lao Zhou said only proves his utter ignorance. 你是不会计较的,你是不会计较的……” You wouldn't mind, would you? 老王又低下了头,同时开始琢磨:“老朱背后讲我的坏话,究竟是什么意思呢?” Lao Wang lowered his head again and began to wonder, “What on earth prompted Lao Zhou to talk behind my back like that?” 艾团结临走的时候强调说:“一定要以团结为重,一定要以团结为重!” Ai tuanjie emphasized, “We must first of all uphold unity. Unity comes anything else.” 艾团结离开了老王,又去找老朱维护“团结”去了。 With these remarks, Ai Tuanjie left Lao Wang and went to “uphold unity” at Lao Zhou’s. 我有一个志愿 I Have a Dream 老舍 Lao She 我是个没有什么大志愿的人。 I am not an amb’s profession as superior or inferior. 我向来没说过自己有如何了不起的学问与天才,也没觉得谁的职业比我自己的高贵或低贱。我只希望吃的饱,穿的暖,而尽心尽力的写些文章。 I merely hope to have enough to eat and enough to wear so that I can dedicate myself to writing. 在写文章中我可是有个志愿——希望能写出一本好的剧本来。 Talking about writing, I have a dream to realize. I hope I can write a good play some day. 虽然我是没有什么远大志愿的人,这个志愿——写个好剧本——可的确不算很小。 This dream, however, is not a small one. 要达到这个志愿,我须第一,去读很多很多的书——顶好是能上外国去读几年书。 To realize my dream, firstly I need to read a lot or, better still, spend a couple of years studying abroad. 第二,我须有戏必看,去“养”我的眼睛。 Secondly, I must go to the theater and see as many plays as possible to cultivate my eyes. 第三,我想我应当到什么剧团中作二年职员,天天和导演、演员、与其他的专门的技术人员有亲密的接触。 Thirdly, I should get a job at the theater for a year or two to be in everyday contact with directors, actors and all kinds of technicians. 第四,或者我还应当学学演戏,常扮个什么不重要的角色。 Fourthly, perhaps, I should also learn some acting, getting a minor role to play from time to time. 把上述四项都作到,我还不知道我是否有写剧的天才。 Even with all these prerequisites fulfilled, I am still not sure that I have the aptitude of a playwright. 假若没有,我的工夫虽然下到了,可还是难以如愿。这个志愿真的不算小! If not, my dream cannot come true even if I have worked the hardest. So you see, in this sense, my dream is really not a small one. 恐怕有人以为我不很实诚吧——写个剧本也值得发这么大的愿? You might think I am not telling the truth一making such a fuss over the mere writing of a play. 好,让咱们往远里说说吧。 Very well. Let us look at the matter in a broader perspective. 第一,即使在没有用文字写出来的小说的民族中,他们也必定有口传的诗歌与故事,人,从一个意义来说,是活在记忆中的。 Even in a nation without written fiction, there must be ballads and folk-tales passed down orally. Man, in a sense, lives in memory. 他记得过去,才关切将来。 As he remembers the past, he cares for the future. 否则他们活在虚无飘渺中,不知自己从何而来,和要往哪里去。 Otherwise he loses his sense of continuity not knowing where he comes from and where he is going. 因此,文艺——不管是写出来的还是口传的一一老不会死亡。 Therefore, literature and arts, either in written form or oral, will never die. 文艺出丧的日子,也就是文化死亡的时候。 If they did, culture would die too. 你看,文艺有多么重要! You see how important literature and arts are! 第二,等到文化较高了,人们——受宗教的或社会行动的带动——才发明了戏剧。 And then, it was not until culture was further developed that man, stimulated by religious and social activities, invented drama. 戏剧比诗歌与故事年轻,而在服装上,动作上,谈吐上,都比它的哥哥们更漂亮、活泼、文雅的多。 Drama is a genre much younger than poetry and fiction, but more beautiful and lively and more refined in costume, acting and monologue or dialogue. 戏剧把当时的文化整个的活现在人的眼前。 Drama presents to the audience the culture of the day in a vivid manner. 文化有多么高,多么大,它也就有多么高,多么大。 It develops along with culture. 有了戏剧的民族,不会再返归野蛮,它需要好的故事,好的思想,好言语,好的音乐、服装、跳舞,与好的舞台。它还需要受过特别训练的演员与有教养的观众。 When a nation is developed in drama, it can never be barbarized again because drama requires good stories with good ideas, refined language and good music, graceful dancing and a good stage; it also requires well-trained actors and actresses and well-mannered audiences. 它不但要包括艺术,也要包括文化! It is integrated with arts and culture as well. 戏剧,从一个意义来说,是文化的发言人。 To a certain degree drama is the spokesman of culture. 假如你还不大看起戏剧,就请想想看吧,有没有第二个东西足以代替它? If by now you still held drama in contempt, I’d like you to think about one question: Is there anything else that can substitute for drama? 准保没有! I can assure you there is none. 再看看,哪一个野蛮民族“有”真正的戏剧?和哪个文化高的民族,“没有”戏剧? Here is another question for you to think about: Is there any barbarous tribe that is developed in real drama or any civilized country that is without drama? 你看,戏剧有多么重要! You see how important drama is! 戏剧既是这么大的东西,我怎能不为要写个剧本而下个很大的志愿呢?它的根子虽然生长在文艺的园地里,它所吸取的却是艺术全部的养分啊! Since drama is so important, don't you think I should make a resolution to write one? Drama is rooted in the soil of literature and arts, but it absorbs nourishment All arts. 好吧,虽然我是个没有什么远志的人,我却要在今天——戏剧节一一定下这么一个大志愿。 I don’t mean to add to the clamor but to write some plays that are indispensable to the growth of culture. 这并不是要凑凑热闹,而是想在文化的建设中写写少不得的戏剧呀! Well, though I am not an ambitious person, I want to make a resolution on the occasion of this Drama Festival. 文化滋养艺术,艺术又翻回头来领导文化,建设文化。 Literature and arts take nourishment from culture and at the same time guide and promote culture. 在艺术中,能综合艺术各部门而求其总效果的,只有戏剧。 Of all the genres of literature and arts, drama is the only one that integrates other arts with their artistic effects. 抗战与文化建设须携手而行。 The construction of culture has an important role to play in the War against Japanese Aggression. 那么,我要立志写个好剧本,大概并不能算作无聊。 So when I say I want to write a good play, I am not talking nonsense. 至于我能否如愿以偿,那就看我的努力如何了。愿与戏剧同仁共勉之。 As for whether I will be able to realize my dream, it all depends on how hard I work. I am willing to work in this field together with my friends and colleagues to achieve this goal. 运动员的情操 Sportsmen's Values 亦云 Yi Yun 在世界锦标赛决赛时,一位跳板跳水名将被他的同胞战友击败,却热烈拥抱胜利者,满含热泪向观众挥手告别。 A veteran springboard diver, defeated by his compatriot in the finals of a world championship, offering congratulations to the victor in a warm embrace and waving a tearful farewell to the audience. 一位优秀的女击剑手在决胜的一局倒下了,不是倒在敌手的剑下,而是因为自己突然肌肉痉挛。 An outstanding female fencer falling in a decisive set not under the attack of her rival’s sword but as a result of a muscular spasm of her own. 这类事情在体坛司空见惯,但是这些英雄的悲剧场景不仅使失败的英雄热泪盈眶,而且使观众为之落泪。 Those are common occurrences in the athletic world but they are scenes of tragic heroism bringing tears to the eyes of the outgoing heroes as well as the audience. 运动员把一生最美好的时光贡献出来,艰苦训练,激烈拼搏,希望成绩蒸蒸日上。 Sportsmen spend the best part of their lives in tough training and fierce competitions fighting for ever better records. 如今他们过了巅峰走下坡路,仍然奋力发挥,力争为自己光辉的运动生涯划上一个完美的句号。 When it becomes evident they are on the decline they still make strenuous efforts to give their best so as to bring a satisfactory end to their brilliant career. 人生能有几回搏! Chances to compete for championship are few and far between. 生命有限,竞技生命更是短暂的。 Life is short. Still shorter is the time for an athlete trying to win games. 运动员比任何人更深刻地认识到时光易逝机会难得。 None other than an athletic contestant feels so keenly about the rarity of opportunity and the fleeting of time. 他会珍惜并利用每—分钟,抓住任何一个机会。 He cherishes every minute, makes full use of it and tries to grasp any chance coming his way. 他付出许多,也得到许多,不仅为自己也为袓国贏得荣誉。 He gets as much as he gives, winning honours not only for himself but also for his country. 参与并取胜,这就是奥林匹克精神。 To participate and to win—that is the Olympic spirit. 它表现于弱者敢于向强者挑战,也表现于强者力争取得更好的成绩。 It finds expression in the weak daring to defy the strong, and the strong striving for ever better performance. 胜而又胜,优而更优,这种理想一直鼓舞着运动员奋力前进。 Ever better—the ideal always luring a sportsman forward. 他会尽其所能,永不松懈,永不罢休。 He will do everything he can for it, never relax, never give up. 有人说竞技者终究会是失败者,即使是最佳运动员也终将被更强者淘汰。 It is said that none of the competitors can avoid being defeated—even the best is bound to be surpassed by someone still stronger. 成千上万个失败者才涌现一个胜利者,这个胜利者最终仍将被取代,挤出光荣榜——这就是竞技运动的规律。 This is the rule of sports—thousands of losers to set off one victor who in turn will eventually be replaced by someone on the honour list. 然而运动员却从不为这种不可避免的失败结局所沮丧,仍然力争最佳发挥。 However, undaunted by the inevitable failure, he is always striving to do the best he can. 实在到了自知技穷之时,他会愉快地退下来,让位给年轻的优胜者,并对自己在奥林匹克运动中争取更好成绩尽了一份力而心满意足。 When the time comes and he knows he can’t, he will step down happily to give place to the younger winner, aware contentedly of the fact that he has done his bit for the “ever better” records of the Olympic Games. 他会自豪地说他的靑春没有虚度。 He will say proudly that he has not lived his youth in vain. 神话世界九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou, China's Fairyland 蜀中山水,不知迷醉了多少古人和今人…… Sichuan Province in southwest China is renowned for its many fascinating natural wonders which have attracted millions of travelers over the centuries. 近年来,在四川北部南坪县境内,闪现出一颗五光十色的风光“宝石”,这就是人们赞不绝口的“神话世界”九寨沟。它镶嵌在松潘、南坪、平武三县接壤的群山之中,面积约6万公顷,距成都约400公里。 The recent discovery of the scenic beauty of Jiuzhaigou (Nine-village Ravine) has added charm to the picturesque landscape. Known as “China's Fairyland”, Jiuzhaigou is located in the hills along the borders of Nanping, Pingwu and Songpan counties, some 400 kilometers from Chengdu, the provincial capital. 九寨沟,由树正群海沟、则查洼沟、日则沟三条主沟组成,海拔平均在2,500米左右。 Three scenic areas—Shuzheng qunhaigou, Zechawagou and Rizegou—combine to make up the 60, 000 hectares of fairyland, which is nearly 2, 500 meters above sea level. 过去,沟中有九个藏族村寨,因此得名。 Its name “Nine-village Ravine” is supposed to be because Tibetans once inhabited nine villages in the ravine. 《南坪县志-翠海》对九寨沟风光曾有过粗略的记载:“羊崛番内,海狭长数里。水光浮翠,倒映林岚。” Here is a brief record in “Green Lakes”, a chapter in the Annals of Nanping County: "In Jiuzhaigou, lakes meander for miles, with wooded hills mirrored in the clear water." 九寨沟风光之美,实际上百倍于这样的描绘。 The scene, actually, is much more beautiful than can be put into words. 就四川的名山秀水而论,总是有它们各自的独特风格和个性的。如峨嵋山的“秀”,青城山的“幽”,剑门关的“险”,夔门的“雄”。 Sichuan Province is rich in scenic wonders, each with its own distinctive features—the elegance of Mount Emei, the serenity of Mount Qingcheng, the sharp precipice of Jianmen Pass, and the grandeur of Kuimen. 九寨沟的风光,因它的内涵丰富,很难以一字穷述,还须继续探幽发微。 But to depict the diverse natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou in one or two words is not nearly enough. 说它宛若“神话世界”,恐怕也只是见重于外在的美吧。 "Fairyland", however inadequate, is perhaps the only word to choose. 论山品水,古今时尚。或以诗,或以画,或以游记,或以摄影,运用各种不同的艺术手段,表现出山水风光的风格和个性。九寨沟风光的风格和个性,还在不断探索和认识的过程中。 Intrigued by this fairyland, true lovers of nature have tried recording its unique beauty in poems, paintings, photographs and travel notes. 这里,得感谢一位长居山中的藏族老人,他讲述了九寨山水来源的一则神话故事。他说:在很古很古的时候,九寨沟万山丛中,有个男神仙达戈,和美丽的女神仙沃诺色嫫自由恋爱, An old local Tibetan tells the story of Jiuzhaigou: "Once upon a time, there lived deep in the mountains an immortal named Dage and a fairy maiden named Wonuosemo. They fell in love. 男神仙用风云磨了一面镜子,送给女神仙作梳妆打扮用; One day, Dage presented Wonuosemo with a bright mirror which he had polished with the wind and the clouds. 女神仙接镜时失手,摔成108块碎片,散落山中,变成了108个“翠海”。 Unfortunately, the mirror slipped from the maiden's hand and broke into 108 pieces, each turning into a lake of emerald green.'' 古老的传说启发了我们:九寨沟的奇美风光,就在于它有这天然生成的108个“翠海”;从风光的结构上讲,它是以水为主体的,这就有别于其他山水的特色了。 It is no wonder why scenic Jiuzhaigou is so entertaining, with so many distinctive “Green Lakes” reigning over the whole area. 祖国山水,风格多样;多样的风格,相对应而存在,相比较而多姿。杭州西湖,水榭歌台,人工赋予它典雅美。蜀中仙山峨嵋,飘浮于云涛雾海,呈秀色于烟雨浸漫的山林。誉满中华的桂林山水,水秀山奇,山水平分秋色。 China is a land of scenic contrasts, each uniquely representing its own area: West Lake in Hangzhou with enchanting pavilions set in quiet surroundings, Mount Emei in Sichuan with peaks peeping through mist and clouds, Guilin in Guangxi with panoramic views of mountains and rivers. 九寨沟风光,却又是另一番景象了。 And Jiuzhaigou presents another view. 在那里,古树摇曳春秋,山花自谢自开,植被茸茸生烟,海子和瀑布随着季节的推移而变幻多姿; Aged trees wave the seasons by, amid carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation. Sparkling lakes and waterfalls vary with every season. 在那里,冰河时期遗留下来的星叶草、独叶草、先花后叶的领春树,以及熊猫、金丝猴、扭角羚、白马鸡、獐、鹿……组合成了奇异的“动植物王国”。 Some rare trees and grasses, survivors of the glacial epoch, still thrive here in harmony with a host of creatures which make this ravine their home, for the land teems with such animals as giant pandas, golden monkeys, takins, white-eared pheasants, deer and river deer. All of this unfolds into a panorama of beautifully balanced fauna and flora. 据南坪县对九寨风光有独到见解者讲:“九寨沟的山水风光,纵有万丽千奇,一旦离开原始的自然美,就一切都没有了。”他们的见解是精辟的。 As observers from Nanping County have justly put it, "All the beauty of Jiuzhaigou is endowed by nature. If the natural charm were removed, there would be no more of Jiuzhaigou." 当你步入沟中,便可见树正群海淡荡生辉,瀑布舒洒碧玉。 Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. 一到金秋,满山枫叶降红。盛夏,湖山幽翠。仲春,树绿花艳…… The trees are their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lakelands. As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing color through the thickly forested hills. 四时都呈现出它的天然原始,宁静幽深。日则沟里的镜湖、五花海,则查洼沟里的五彩池,虽缤纷艳丽,但令人迷醉的却是绚丽的和谐景色。 Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year, particularly at places around Mirror Lake and Five-flower Lake at Rizegou, and Multi-colored Lake at Zechawagou, where a profusion of colors is brought into full harmony with nature. 这种独特的景观,只有在这个自然保护区才能见到。 This singular spectacle can only be seen in Jiuzhaigou—a natural preserve. 因此说,天然原始是九寨沟风光的个性和风格,是比较得当的。当然,这并不排除九寨沟风光的其他特点,它的风景点集中,它的三条主沟,各具特色而又富多种魅力。 In addition to this natural beauty Jiuzhaigou, again, is noted for its three scenic areas which are so concentrated in the region and yet so strikingly contrasted with each other that tourists cannot believe their eyes even when they see them. 一位经验丰富纵览过世界风光的国际旅游企业家,曾在九寨沟风光最妩媚的秋天做了一次短游,他说:“像九寨沟这样美妙的景色,世界上是少有的。” After visiting this fairyland in autumn, a tourist entrepreneur from abroad exclaimed, "Of all the scenic spots the world has ever produced, nothing compares with this.” 他情不自禁地对陪同他的藏族副县长说:“你真幸福啊!你是世界上最美丽的县的县长。” He then turned to his companion, the deputy head of Nanping County, and said, "You are lucky to govern the most beautiful place in the world." 九寨沟风光,不愧是蜀中又一幅新的山水画卷。 Scenic Jiuzhaigou is indeed one of nature's most extravagant splendors anywhere and the crowning glory of Sichuan Province. 生命的三分之一 One Third of Our Lifetime 邓拓 Deng Tuo 一个人的生命究竟有多大的意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗? What is the significance of life? Is there any gauge to measure it? 提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。 It would be very difficult, of course, trying to advance an absolute standard. However, the significance of one's existence can more or less be rated by examining his attitude toward life and work. 古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃的对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白的浪费掉。 Since ancient times all people of accomplishment are very serious about their lives. While they are alive, even if there is only one day left to live, they try to work as hard as they can and learn as much as possible, never letting a single day slip by without any gain. 我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。 This is true of the working people as well as of the great statesmen and great thinkers in our history. 班固写的《汉书·食货志》上有下面的记载:“冬,民既人;妇人同巷相从夜绩,女工一月得四十五日。” In the chapter “Foods and Goods" of The Chronicles of the Han Dynasty, the great historian Ban Gu states: "In winter people stay indoors. Women get together to spin hemp threads at night. They manage to work forty-five days in a month." 这几句读起来很奇怪,怎么一月能有四十五天呢? It sounds strange. How come there are forty-five days in a month? 再看原文底下颜师古做了注解,他说:“一月之中,又得夜半为十五日,共四十五日。 Let us look at its annotations given by Yanshigu:"They gain half a day 's time every night and, they have forty-five days in a month." 这就很清楚了。 Now it’s clear. 原来我国的古人不但比西方各国的人更早地懂得科学地、合理地计算劳动日;而且我们的古人老早就知道对于日班和夜班的计算方法。 Our ancestors had, earlier than the westerners, learned how to calculate workdays accurately and reasonably. They had also learned how calculate day shift and night shift as well. 一个月本来只有三十天,古人把每个夜晚的时间算作半天,就多了十五天。 It is common knowledge that there are only thirty days in a month. Counting the time of one night for half a day, our forefathers managed to expend the month by fifteen days. 从这个意义张说来,夜晚的时间实际上不就等于生命的三分之一吗? In this sense the night time gained amounts to one third of our lives, doesn't it? 对于这三分之一的生命,不但历代的劳动者如此重视,而且有许多大政治家也十分重视。 This one third of life is not only treasured by the working people but also by the great statesmen in our history. 班固在《汉书 刑法志》里还写道: In the chapter "Criminal Law" of The Chronicles of the Han Dynasty, Ban Gu also states: “秦始皇躬操文墨,昼断狱,夜理书。” "The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty set a good example in being industrious, disposing of lawsuits during the day and reading at night ,"This is about how he tried to find time to read at night. 有的人一听说秦始皇就不喜欢他,其实秦始皇毕竟是中国历史上的一个伟大的人物,班固对他也还有一些公平的评价。这里写的是秦始皇在夜间看书学习的情形。 To some people the The First Emperor of the Qin isn’t a pleasant name to recall but there is no denying that he was a great figure in the history of China. Even BanGu has an impartial opinion of him. 据刘向的《说苑》所载,春秋战国时有许多国君都很注意学习。 Liu Xiang, the great scholar of the Han Dynasty ,cites in his historical Anecdotes many princes of the Spring and Autumn period and Warring States period who paid great attention to learning. 为什么古人对于夜晚的时间都这样重视,不肯轻易放过呢? Why did the people in the set such great store by the night time? 我认为这就是他们对待自己生命的三分之一的严肃认真的态度,这正是我们所应该学习的。 I think this is positive proof of their attitude toward the one third of their lives. This is exactly what we should learn from them. 我之所以想利用夜晚的时间,向读者同志们做这样的谈话,目的也不过是要大家引起注意珍惜这三分之一的生命,是大家在整天的劳动,工作以后,以轻松的心情,领略一些古今有用的知识而已。 My intention of writing this little essay tonight is to call the readers’ attention to the one third of his lifetime so that , after working for a whole day, he can sit relaxed at home, browsing through and appreciating the useful knowledge of the past and of the present. 我可能是天津人 I Might Have Come from Tianjin 侯宝林 Hou Baolin 还是从火车上说起吧!大约在我四岁多的时候,我坐过火车。 Let me begin with my trip on the train. When I was about four years old I had traveled by train. 当时带我坐车的人,是我的舅舅,叫张全斌。 The man I traveled with was my uncle Zhang Quanbin. 我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽的,穿着蓝布大褂、小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。 I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed—in a blue cloth gown with a short sleeveless jacket over it and a scull cap on the head. 那时候,小孩儿打扮成那个样子,够不错了。 In those days it was decent enough for small kids to be dressed like that. 在我的童年中,也就只有过这么一次。 However, it was my only experience to boast about in my childhood. 在火车上,因为小,没坐过火车,也很少见过家里以外的人,觉得挺新鲜。 As I had never traveled by train or met anyone outside my family before, I felt everything on the train was new to me. 也许人在幼年时代终归想要些温暖吧! Probably in childhood, one always needs some comfort. 那时舅舅抱着我,哄着我,我觉得很温暖。 Sitting in my uncle's lap, being humored all the way, I was very happy. —路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一会儿觉,就到了北京。 We ate half a jin of roast chestnuts, had a nap and soon arrived in Beijing. 根据这个情况,现在估计起来,我可能是从天津来的。 With the hints mentioned above I assume I might have come from Tianjin. 我现在对我原来的父母还有个模糊不清的印象,父亲、母亲的形象还能回忆起一点儿,但很模糊。 Even today I can recollect what my own parents looked like but, of course, my impression is already very vague. 究竟家里姓什么?哪里人?不知道。 As for what my family name was and where my parents came from, I really don't know. 我只知道自己的生日和乳名。 I only remember my birthday and my infant name. 生日是自己长大以后听家里大人说的,是农历10月15酉时生人。 I was told about my birthday by my foster parents when I grew up. I was born in the "you" period (between 5—7 pm), 15th of the tenth lunar month. 所以我的乳名叫“酉”,北京人的习惯爱用儿化韵,前面加个小,后面加“儿”,就叫“小酉儿”。 So I was named You. Prefixed with xiao—young, and suffixed with a diminutive er—an intimate way of addressing young and small things by Beijingers, my name, therefore, became Xiao You'r. 关于我个人的历史情况,我就知道这一些,再多一点都记不起来了。 This is all I know about my childhood and beyond that I do not remember much else. 五台名刹画沧桑 The Famous Monastery Witnesses Vicissitudes 常书鸿 李承仙 Chang Shuhong & Li Chengxian 1985年7月24日至10月30日,我和李承仙为完成日本东京枣寺前住持菅原惠庆长老之遗愿,应邀为该寺绘制《玄中寺组画》。 At the invitation of the Buddhist abbot of the Date Monastery in Tokyo, Japan, Li Chengxian and I did a set of mural paintings of the Xuanzhong Monastery—Monastery of Mystery for the Date Monastery from July 24 to October 30, 1985, thus carrying out the behest of Keikyo Sugehara, the late abbot of the well-known Japanese Buddhist temple. 玄中寺位于距山西省太原市60公里的吕梁山脉的石壁山中。 The Mystery Monastery is located in the Lüliang Mountains, 60km from Taiyuan in Shanxi Province, China. 据记载,寺为北魏延兴二年(公元472年)由高僧昙鸾大师所建。 Records show that the temple was built by an eminent monk named Tanluan in the 2nd year of Yanxing(472) of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386— 534). 昙鸾研究佛学,专修净土,先后撰写了《净土十二偈》、《续龙树偈》、《调气论》、《往生论注》等著作,得到北魏孝文帝的尊重,赐号《神昙》,故常推为净土教的始祖。 Master Tanluan was a Buddhist scholar, specializing in the Sukhavati Sect. He wrote The Twelve Gathas of the Sukhavati and some other important works. He won the respect of Emperor Xiaowen, who granted him the title of "Tan,the Immortal". That is why Master Tanluan is commonly regarded as the founder of the Sukhavati Sect. 至隋唐时代,高僧道绰、善导都先后在玄中寺住持,探讨、研究净土佛学,讲经说法。 In the Sui (581-618)and Tang (618-907) Dynasties, eminent monks like Daochuo and Shandao became abbots of the temple successively, where they distinguished themselves in the study of the doctrine of the Sukhavati Sect. 玄中寺成为我国佛教净土宗的祖庙和中国北方的主要道场,在中国佛教史上有十分重要的地位。 The Mystery Monastery is the first temple of the Sukhavati Sect and a principal Buddhist temple in Northern China. Obviously, the Monastery occupies an important position in the history of Buddhism in China. 因此,唐代之后,虽迭遭兵燹,但屡毁屡建,以至保存到现在。 Although it was destroyed many times during dynastic wars, it was rebuilt time and again so that it is now preserved as before. 从唐代以来,以昙鸾、道绰、善导所创立的净土法门体系传到日本后,日本高僧法然和亲鸾,先后以三位大师著作为依据,立教开宗,建立了日本佛教净土宗和净土真宗。 Since the Tang Dynasty, the doctrine of the Sukhavati Sect originated by Tanluan, Daochuo and Shandao has been passed on to Japan, where Japanese eminent monks like Horan and Qinluan founded the Sukhavati Sect in Japan on the basis of the Buddhist works by the above-mentioned three Chinese masters. 自此,与玄中寺一脉相承的净土宗教义在日本广为流传。 That is how the doctrine of the Sukhavati Sect, which originated in the Mystery Monastery in China, has been wide spread in Japan. 1920年12月27日,日本常盤大定博士历尽千辛万苦寻访了山西玄中寺,并著书立说,玄中寺即被尊为日本佛教净土宗的祖庭。 On December 27, 1920, Dr. Daitei Tokiwa, having gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties, reached the Mystery Monastery in Shanxi Province. He wrote many books to confirm the fact that the Japanese Sukhavati Sect of Buddhism originated in the Mystery Monastery of China. 1942年秋,日本佛教界著名人士常盤大定博士、菅原惠庆长老等专程前来玄中寺举行了纪念昙鸾大师圆寂1,400年奉赞会。 In the fall of 1942, Dr. Daitei Tokiwa and Master Keikyo Sugehara made a special trip to the Mystery Monastery and held a ceremony there in commemoration of the 1,400th anniversary of the death of Master Tanluan. 当时菅原惠庆长老怀着对祖师庭的崇高敬意,从寺中摘了一把枣子带回日本,经过精心培育,长成了一棵枣树。 Having a deep respect for the founder, Master Sugehara picked a handful of dates from the date tree in the Monastery and took them to Japan. He planted the seed in his monastery, where, with the meticulous care, it has grown into a big date tree. 长老遂把自己住持的寺院更名为枣寺。 So Master Sugehara named his temple "The Date Monastery". 日本佛教界朋友们在战后非常困难的情况下,为促进中日友谊做了大量工作。 After World War II, friends in the Japanese Buddhist world did a lot to promote the friendship between Japan and China under most difficult conditions. 1953年大谷莹润、菅原惠庆等收集了战争中在日本殉难的七千余中国烈士之遗骨送还中国。 In 1953, Eijun Otani, Keikyo Sugehara and others gathered remains of over 7,000 Chinese prisoners of war who died in Japan during the war, and sent them back to China. 周恩来总理生前曾以“饮水不忘掘井人”来赞扬日本朋友们,肯定了他们对中日关系正常化所起的作用。 In high praise of the Japanese friends for their contributions to the normalization of relationship between the two countries, the late Premier Zhou Enlai said: "Don't forget the well-diggers when you drink from the well." 1977年日本佛教界朋友成立了“日中友好净土宗协会”。 In 1977, friends in the Japanese Buddhist world set up the Japan-China Friendship Association of the Sukhavati Sect. 菅原惠庆长老不遗余力,在他84岁高龄时,还创办了《玄中一派》的期刊,致力于日本中国友好的宣传。 Master Keikyo Sugehara in spite of his advanced age of 84, started the publication of the magazine True Disciples of the Mystery Monastery, thus making fresh efforts to promote the friendship between the Japanese and Chinese peoples. 早在1958年我们第一次在日本举办敦煌艺术展览时,菅原惠庆长老曾邀请我们为他的寺院绘制五台山壁画。 As early as 1958, the year when the Dunhuang Murals Exhibition was held for the first time in Japan, Master Keikyo Sugehara invited Li Chengxian and me to do paintings of Wutai Mountain for his monastery. 但因为当时敦煌百废待举,工作繁重,无法承担。 As that was the time when we were busy restoring the Dunhuang Murals, we could find no time for that task. 菅原惠庆长老于1982年2月仙逝。 In February, 1982, Master Sugehara passed away. 枣寺继承人为完成菅原惠庆长老热心中日友好和文化交流的遗愿,正式邀请我和李承仙东渡日本在新落成的枣寺正殿绘制壁画。 To carry out his last wish and promote the friendship and cultural exchange between Japan and China, the present abbot of the Date Monastery sent us an official invitation to paint murals in the newly constructed Main Hall of his monastery. 我们受文化部和中国佛教协会的委派,于1985年绘制了《玄中寺组画》。 In 1985, the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the China Buddhist Association entrusted us with the responsibility for the work. 《玄中寺组画》的创作构思和绘制技法,是我们本着对敦煌艺术临摩和研究四十多年的经验,主要继承中华民族遗产的风度,吸取了敦煌唐宋时代壁画法华经《化城喻品》等艺术风格形成的。 As Li Chengxian and I had engaged in the study and copying of the Dunhuang Murals for 40-odd years, we did the set of mural paintings of the Mystery Monastery after the techniques and style of the Dunhuang art. 我们在画幅中按照其地理环境和内容,标出15个榜题,即:山西五台山、挂山古松、太原双塔、文水之渡、玄津石桥、秋容胜境、永宁禅寺、大玄中之寺、象离大和尚之塔、菅原惠庆长老之塔、中日友谊之树、大祖师之殿、俱会一处之冢、西方圣境、大千佛之阁。在画幅上部七身奏乐飞天配以随风飘动的七种乐器,以表现天上、人间、中日深厚的友情。 The murals are composed of 15 paintings, each presenting a different location or content: Wutai Mountain in Shanxi, Old Pines on Gua Hill, Twin Pagodas in Taiyuan, China-Japan Friendship trees, the Pure Land, to name just a few. 这是我们在日本东京100个日日夜夜劳苦工作的结晶,用心血谱写出来的中日友情。 We worked hard day and night for over three months. The paintings symbolize our efforts to contribute to the friendship between the Chinese and Japanese peoples. 愿中日两国人民像飞翔在天上的香音神那样,世世代代友好,愿中日友好文化交流万古长青! May the cultural exchange be everlasting between China and Japan. 1986年8月15日写于北京 Beijing, August 15, 1986 爱梦想的羞怯女孩 A Shy Dreamer 在美 Zaimei 我们宿舍里没有穿衣镜,饭厅门口倒是有一面。 Our bedroom has no full-length mirror. There is one at the canteen entrance. 每当我穿上一件漂亮的新连衣裙,我就禁不住暗暗地想往镜子里瞧瞧自己。 I always cherish a secret desire to take a peep before it at myself in a beautiful new dress. 但总是在要去瞧的时候就感到特别不自在而踉跄离去——总是在关键时刻打了退堂鼓。 However, each time when it comes to the fulfillment, I get seized with such an uneasiness that I literally stagger away—backing out at the critical moment. 想到这个,我忽然的很难过。 Suddenly I was seized with sadness. 我就是这么羞怯,简直羞怯得不可救药! Shy I am, so helplessly! 我从小就对自己没有信心,这是问题的根子。 At the root of it is my diffidence by which I have been enslaved since childhood. 这种情绪使我受到一点点表扬都会难为情,使我怎么也说不出一个“不”字,也使我不敢向父母多要一分钱。 It embarrasses me at the mildest flattery, crushes my utmost efforts to say "no", and prevents me from asking my parents for one cent more than necessary. 此外,这种缺乏信心的情况也影响了我对钢琴的热爱。 Among other things, diffidence has wormed its way into my love of piano. 那是我14岁的时候,有一个星期天的早晨,我被一阵唱赞美诗的响亮歌声唤醒。 At the age of 14, one Sunday morning, I was woken up by a resounding hymn. 我循着这上帝的召唤来到附近的一所教堂,一进教堂我就被那钢琴的乐音吸引住了,简直不能自拔。可是我父母哪儿买得起钢琴呀。 Tracing that call of God into a neighbouring church, I found myself inexorably attracted by the melody of a piano—something beyond the means of my parents. 更糟糕的是,据说钢琴家都有音乐细胞,是遗传的;我想我父亲是工程师,母亲是技术员,哪会遗传什么音乐细胞呀。 To make it worse, people say a pianist is supposed to have music in the blood, but I believe I had none from my engineer father and technician mother. 可是好多天我脑子里尽想这些,我是在梦想了。 For days on end, I kept thinking of nothing else. I had a dream. 我不是做发财的梦。为了发财我的几个好朋友都下海了,当了个体商贩。 It wasn't a dream after gold, which enticed some of my close friends to engage in business as a self-employed trader or a street pedlar. 她们手指上戴的金戒指脖子上戴的精美项链有时也让我看得眼花缭乱,但是透过这些东西我仿佛看见她们也有难言之隐,使我对这种发财狂望而生畏退避三舍。 I was sometimes dazzled by their gold rings or elegant necklaces behind which, however, I seemed to catch sight of skeletons in their cupboards and was frightened away from the craze for fortune. 失望之余,我孤独自处,被缺乏自信的情绪沉重地笼罩着,什么也干不了,只好转向梦想求得安慰,求得勇气来好高鸯远地希冀那得不到的东西。 Out of despair, I retreated into seclusion, diffidence weighing heavy on me. I could do nothing but turn to my dream for comfort, for courage to aim high and wish for the impossible. 我深信我要想买得起昂贵物品(对我来说,那就是钢琴),首先必须在学业上求上进,力求学历尽量高些。 I was convinced that before I could afford anything expensive (to me, it was a piano), I should climb up the academic ladder as high as possible. 这以后的九个年头,为了保持求学(尤其是英语学习)的高昂斗志,我压抑着对音乐的朦胧向往。 For the next nine years I carefully smothered my hazy aspiration for music to keep aflame my quest for learning, especially in English studies. 我的这番努力取得了丰硕成果,我在家乡读完了中学和大学,都很顺利。 My efforts were so rewarding that I went successfully through high school and college in my hometown. 我还考上了首都北京的一家名牌大学读第二学位。当我接到通知书时我真感动得热泪盈眶了。 When I received the admission notice for a second degree course at a prestigious university in Beijing, the national capital, tears welled up in my eyes. 我懂英语,我知道这就是我的本钱,我可以和有钢琴的人进行互助,我教他英语他让我弹琴。 I knew my command of English was my asset, for I might make a deal with a pianist who would give me access to his piano in exchange for English lessons. 这个愿望实现了! And that has come true! 时至今日,每当我手指触及雪白的琴键,准备弹一曲时,仍然感到羞怯。 To this day whenever I lay my fingers on the snow-white keyboard, ready for a melody, I still feel shy. 我深知自己音乐天赋有限,但我这个爱梦想的羞怯女孩却找到了一条成功之路,那就是竭尽一切努力务使梦想成真。 I am quite aware of my limited music talent, but as a shy dreamer I have found my way to success—making every effort to tum a dream into reality. 永远的憧憬和追求 My Longing and Yearning 萧红 Xiao Hong 1991年,在一个小县城里边,我生在一个小地主的家里。那县城差不多就是中国的最东最北部——黑龙江省——所以一年之中,倒有四个月飘着白雪。 In 1911 I was born into a small landlord family in a small county town in Heilongjiang—China’s far northeastern province where it snowed for four months of the year. 父亲常常为着贪婪而失掉了人性。 Father was almost inhumanly avaricious. 他对待仆人,对待自己的儿女,以及对待我的祖父都是同样的吝啬而疏远,甚至于无情。 To his servants, his children and even his own father, he was just as miserly and indifferent, or heartless for that matter. 有一次,为着房屋租金的事情,父亲把房客的全套的马车赶了过来。 Once: because a tenant failed to pay his rent, Father detained his cart and horses. 房客的家属们哭着诉说着,向我的祖父跪了下来,于是祖父把两匹棕色的马从车上解下来还了回去。 The tenant’s family knelt in front of Grandpa, pleading for mercy with tears in their eyes. Grandpa unharnessed the two brown horses from the cart and gave them back to the tenant. 为着这匹马,父亲向祖父起着终夜的争吵。 Over this Father wrangled with him far the whole night. “两匹马,咱们是算不了什么的,穷人,这匹马就是命根。”祖父这样说着,而父亲还是争吵。 “Two horses don’t mean much to us,” said Grandpa, “but they are the life-blood to the poor.” Father bickered on. 九岁时,母亲死去。父亲也就更变了样,偶然打碎了一只杯子,他就要骂到使人发抖的程度。 When I was nine years old Mother died and Father became worse. If you accidentally broke a small thing like a cup, he would keep throwing curses at you until you shivered all over. 后来就连父亲的眼睛也转了弯,每从他的身边经过,我就象自己的身上生了针刺一样;他斜视着你,他那高傲的眼光从鼻梁经过嘴角而后往下流着。 Later even his eyes could cast crooked glances. Whenever I passed by him, he would eye me sideways with his arrogant look streaming down the bridge of his nose and then off the comer of his mouth, making me feel as if pricked on needles. 所以每每在大雪中的黄昏里,围着暖炉,围着祖父,听着祖父读着诗篇,看着祖父读着诗篇时微红的嘴唇。 ln snowy evenings I would sit with Grandpa by the stove, listening to him leading poems, watching his pink lips while he was reading. 父亲打了我的时候,我就在祖父的房里,一直面向着窗子,从黄昏到深夜——窗外的白雪,好象白棉花一样飘着;而暖炉上水壶的盖子,则象伴奏的乐器似的振动着。 When Father beat me, I would go to Grandpa’s room and stood by the window from evening till late into the night, watching the white snow falling like cotton, while the lid of the kettle over the stove clinked like a musical Instrument playing accompaniment. 祖父时时把多纹的两手放在我的肩上,而后又放在我的头上,我的耳边便响着这样的声音: Grandpa would put his wrinkled hand on my shoulder and then my head, saying into my ear: “快快长吧!长大就好了。” “Grow quickly, my child. When you are grown, things will be better.” 二十岁那年,我就逃出了父亲的家庭。 At the age of twenty I fled home. 直到现在还是过着流浪的生活。 Even today I am still wandering around like a hobo. “长大”是“长大”了,而没有“好”。 “Grown” as I am, but things are not any “better ”. 可是从祖父那里,知道了人生除掉了冰冷和憎恶而外,还有温暖和爱。 However, from Grandpa I have learned that in life there is not only coldness and hatred, but also warmth and love. 所以我就向这“温暖”和“爱”的方面,怀着永久的憧憬和追求。 For that “warmth and love I will keep longing and yearning. 老人和他的三个儿子 The Old Man and His Three Sons 冯雪峰 Feng Xuefeng 一位老人有三个儿子。大儿子是一个非凡的水手:坚强、勇敢、尽职,而且富于冒险精神。 An old man had three sons. The eldest was an extraordinary sailor—tough, brave, dutiful and adventurous. 老人真的爱他,认为这是一个做父亲的值得骄傲的光荣。 The old man loved him indeed, thinking he was the kind of son for a father to be proud of. 可是,在一次暴风雨中,这个儿子以他的大胆和勇猛气葬身于大海的狂涛骇浪里了。 But caught in a tempest on the sea this tough and brave son of his was engulfed in the stormy waves. 二儿子是一个不知道辛苦和疲劳的、力气比一般伙伴都更大的壮健的矿工,又很诚实和守信义,乐意帮助伙伴和朋友,所以矿工们,尤其是青年们,都和他做朋友,以得到他的友谊为快乐。 His second son was a strong coal miner, stronger than the other miners. No hard work could ever fatigue him. Besides, he was honest and trustworthy, willing to help others. Therefore, his fellow miners, especially the young ones, sought for his friendship and took pleasure in being friends with him. 那父亲也真爱他,尤其是在大儿子死了以后,更认为这是上天给他的最大的弥补。 His father cherished him as a godsend—a great compensation for the loss of his eldest son. 可是,不久,二儿子也殉身于自己的勇敢和自我牺牲的行为了, But unfortunately he also lost his life in a brave act of self-sacrifice. 因为这一天他在煤矿中工作,矿坑因为支柱损坏而崩坍,他英勇地撑住一根支柱,救出了许多伙伴,而他自己却被压死了。 One day when he was working down the pit, the props, damaged, gave way and the pit caved in. He grasped one prop that was about to fall and held fast to it. Many of the miners got out of danger, but he was crushed in the pit. 老人的伤痛是不用说的,他马上变成一个非常衰败的软弱的人了。 There were no words to describe how grieved the old man was. Soon he became weak and flabby. 不过, 还剩下一个小儿子,是做父亲的唯一的安慰。 However, he had another son—the youngest one—to fall back on. 老人改变了主意,决心不让小儿子成为一个出众的英雄好汉的人物,因为他实在不能再忍受那种折损儿子的痛苦。 This time he changed his mind. He did not encourage him to become a hero, because he could no longer stand the poignancy of losing his last child. 他叹着气说:“唉,与其因为他有才能而被夺,我宁愿他是一个一无所长的没出息的人呵。” He said with a sigh, "I would rather he be a mediocrity than be a talented person and lose his life.” 这样,老人就亲自教育这个小儿子,釆取了一种连那些老婆婆们教育女娃娃都很少釆用的教育方法。 He set about educating him in such a way that even old women would not adopt in educating their granddaughters. 而这个小儿子,也真孝顺,果然没有叫父亲失望。 And this son of his turned out to be very obedient—he did not let him down. 就是说,他让自己成为一个又懦弱又自私而真的一无用处的人了。 In other words he became a weak, selfish and worthless person. 可是,真没有想到,到了这时候,这个老人感到从来没有过的悲哀和不幸了。 It was not until then that the old man found himself a sad and most unfortunate man he had never been. 他一边痛悔自己的错误,一边憎恨而又可怜自己的小儿子说:“这就叫做废物,这就叫做脓包,是我一向所痛恨的。 He was full of remorse for the mistake he had made. He said in a tone filled with anger and pity for his son, "This is what is called good-for-nothing. He has now become the very kind of person I dislike. 现在因为我自私,亲手把他制造出来了! I am to blame though, for I've made him like this with my own doing. 嗳,嗳,这样的一个海淹不死、山压不死的人,他活着到底做什么的?” Ai, I wonder if life has any meaning to such a creature, though he is not drowned in the sea, nor buried in the pit." 这个老人实在无法爱他的小儿子,因为他只能爱波澜壮阔的海和巍峨坚实的山以及像他大儿子二儿子那样的人的。 The old man could not bring himself to love his son any more, for he could only love stormy seas, lofty mountains and heroic people like his first two sons. 因此,他现在做父亲的心,不得不无限地痛苦,这是他一度错误的想法和他亲手毁坏了小儿子这件事情的一个惩罚。 Being a father, he was now suffering from a broken heart—-a punishment brought on himself for ruining his youngest son as a result of his own mistake. 乐山龙舟会多姿多彩 Dragon-Boat Festival at Leshan 何志范 He Zhifiin 乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有“绿扬夹岸水平铺”之称,举行龙舟竞渡得天独厚。 Famous for its “tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation”, Leshan in Sichuan Province has the ideal setting for its Dragon-Boat Festival. 乐山龙舟会融文化、艺术、经济、旅游、体育为一体,规模宏大,更具地方特色。 The traditional Dragon-Boat Festival, a scene of bustling activity, blends Leshan's culture, arts, economy, tourism and athletics into a wealth of features. 每年农历五月初五,数十万乐山人民欢庆端午佳节,观赏嘉州风釆。 On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (early in June) each year, thousands upon thousands of Leshan people gather together along with tourists to celebrate the festival and enjoy the scenic splendor of Jiazhou, Leshan's ancient name. 江岸上彩楼林立,彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇,呈现出一派喜气洋洋的节日场面。 High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stand out along the river banks. 千姿百态的各式彩龙在江面游弋,舒展着优美的身姿,有的摇头摆尾,风采奕奕;有的喷火吐水,威风八面。 On the river itself, gaily decorated dragon-shaped boats await their challenge, displaying their individual charms to their hearts’ content. One boat wags its head and tail; another spits fire and sprays water. 信号弹划过上空,龙舟夺标开始了。 As the starter's gun booms, the boats spring into action. 各色各状造型的“蛟龙”如箭离弦,顺流而下,欲争群龙首。 Rows of dragons pull downstream, each striving to take the lead. 此时,乐曲响彻江面,皮鼓冬冬,铜锣当当,号子高亢。 In rhythm with the competition, wild music clangs across the river, as drums, gongs and horns sound enthusiastically. 每只龙舟上,身着一色的14名健儿分列两舷。健儿们激浪高歌,狠劲猛划,奋力冲刺; Seven pairs of athletes on each boat, bright in their team colors, row with tremendous outbursts of strength and chant in unison over the crest of every wave. 两岸山呼海啸,滚起阵阵“加油”声。 The river rings with fervent cheers of "Go! Row! Go! Row!" from the banks, to the rhythm of the athletes’ oars. “千顷水面琉璃滑,百艘龙舟竞争先。” "The river extends as far as your eyes can see; Hundreds of dragon boats compete in a race for the winner." 传统的抢鸭子竞赛也是龙舟会上精彩纷呈的项目之一,是白天活动的高潮。 A highlight during this festive occasion is the customary chasing of ducks on the river, the climax of the daytime activity. 一只只鸭子抛向空中,嘎嘎叫着扑腾到水面。 Quacking ducks are tossed up over the water one after another. 龙舟上敲着急促的锣鼓,划桨奋力击水,围追堵截,鸭子扑打着翅膀纷纷逃避。 Immediately from the dragon boats, drums and gongs beat furiously as oarsmen strain their muscles to chase the floating ducks. 只见抢鸭子勇士跪蹲船头,双眼凝视着猎物,一旦接近目标,便眼疾手快地跃入水中,眼看鸭子在劫难逃,不料它们狡黠异常,然悄悄地潜水遁去,消逝得无影无踪。 The chasers crouch near the bow, their eyes fixed on the prey. On approaching the ducks, they plunge into the river. But the ducks are tricky, they quickly dive underwater and vanish. 然后,暂停鼓锣,船上岸边的人们聚精会神扫视着水面, For a moment, drums and gongs stop. Both participants and onlookers hold their breath in anticipation, eyes wide open, sweeping the river in search of the targets. 一当鸭子露面,立刻喊声乍起,各船迅速拨转船头重新“围剿”,水面立时锣鼓喧天。就在小伙子跃入水中一刹那,鸭子再度潜入水中逃出重围。 No sooner does a duck appear than shouts of excitement echo from bank to bank again, accompanied by thunderous rolls from the drums and the gongs. The young rowers warm to their work and continue the chase, but when they jump into the river, the ducks once again dive underwater. 观众中响起一片掌声,为抢鸭手鼓劲加油。 Spectators break into applause to cheer the chasers on. 那些抢到鸭子的勇士们,激情满怀地把捕获物高高举起,贏来了船上和岸上的阵阵欢呼声和热烈的掌声。 Those who catch the clucks lift their catch high in the air to show their courage. A storm of applause and cheers rises everywhere. 据说,抢到鸭子的小伙子可博得姑娘的青睐。 It has been said that those who succeed in the game of chasing ducks can also win the love of the girls! 晚上的夜游活动堪称压轴节目。 Evening activity brings another exciting moment to the festival. 夜幕降临,乐山上空礼炮轰隆,彩灯光芒四溢。 As night falls, salutes from the city cannon thunder across the sky, a signal for countless bright lights to flash alive on all the dragon boats up and down the river. 河面各只彩船上无数五颜六色的霓虹灯、日光灯齐放光华,闪烁迷离,和水中倒影连成一片。 Those myriad-lighted boats become a riot of color which blends most subtly with colors from the river's reflected surface. 票灯点缀河面,似万点繁星坠落人间。在奇光异彩交相辉映中,众多的龙舟如银河流星,顺河而下,千姿百态,令人叫绝。在探照灯的扫射下,河面激起变幻莫测的五彩霞光。一时间,呈现出一幅光的天地一色的世界。 As the dragon boats row slowly and silently downstream, search lights along the shore highlight the procession of sparkling beauty. For a moment, before all fades to night, the spectators both afloat and ashore share this beautiful picture of universal brightness and magical color. 撷自那片芳洲的清供 An Offering from His Sweet Homeland 贾宝泉 Jia Baoquan 探家归来,他左手提着旅行包,右手擎着盛了大半清水、插了一束嫩绿柳枝的玻璃瓶,在街上缓缓地走着。这时,轻风拂面,凉雨漫洒,叫人忧伤…… Returning from a visit to his hometown, he walked slowly along the street in a chilly drizzling rain, a travelling bag in his left hand, and in his right hand a half-filled glass water bottle with a bunch of green tender willow twigs stuck in it. A light wind touching his face called for painful memories of the past... 当时,爸爸妈妈深翻土地去了,据说土地挖到五尺深,就能打下万斤粮。 Those were the days when Father and Mother went deep-ploughing in the fields. They were told that when the earth was ploughed five feet deep, the grain yield per mu would reach ten thousand jin. 一尺深就是2,000斤啊! Simply digging one foot down would amount to two thousand jin of grain! 为了这“一本万利”的大事业,他们经常是十多天才回一趟家。 Busy with such a "highly profitable" significant job, they could come back home only once in more than ten days. 这样,照料幼小的他的活务,就落在了14岁小姐姐嫩弱的肩上…… The task of taking care of him thus fell upon the limp shoulders of his 14-year-old sister. 他肚子像着了火,热辣辣地难受,在炕上打滚哭闹:“我饿,我睡不着呀!” His stomach was aching as if catching fire; he rolled back and forth on the kang crying out loud, "I am so hungry. I can't sleep!" 躺在他身边的姐姐连忙坐起来,伸手将他托到自己腿上,小声地唱着: His sister who lay beside him sat up at once. Resting him on her legs, she sang to him softly: 小弟弟,好宝宝,小弟第,快睡觉。 Little Brother, good baby, Little Brother, sleep well. 天大亮了。没有苇席的土炕上,空落落地躺着他一个人,他急得大哭大喊:“妈,姐姐——” It was broad daylight when he woke up to find himself alone on the matless kang. He screamed with fear, “Mum! Sister—” “小弟,我在这儿哩,快来呀!” "Little Brother, I am here. Come over here quickly!" 他循着姐姐的声音,赤脚光腱跑出屋门, Following the voice of his sister, he ran out of the room, his feet and bottom all bare. 只见院子中央的那棵大柳树下,支着一根顶门棍,姐姐正踮起脚跟站在木棍的顶端上,左手抓着一根树杈杈,右手向一簇挂满了柳芽的柳枝伸去。 It was under the big willow tree in the middle of the courtyard that he found his sister standing on her toes on the top end of a door-propping stick being leaned against the tree. Her left hand seized hold of a branch while her right hand was stretching for a cluster of twigs prospering with buds. 由于个子矮,怎么也够不着。 But she was too small to reach them. 她忽然猛地向上一跃,扑向那柳枝。 Then she suddenly jumped up in an attempt to get at them. 倏然间,就跌倒在地上了,手里却还紧紧攥着那簇柳枝。 Before he realized what had happened, she fell on the ground, but with a firm grip of those twigs in her hand. “姐——”,他连滚带爬地扑过去。 "Sister——" he threw himself upon her. 姐姐躺在地上,慢慢睁开了眼睛,朝他笑了。她的右眼角上方在滴血。 Slowly she opened her eyes and smiled at him, when he spotted a bleeding cut above her right eye-comer. 他跑到墙根寻来极细极细的土末末,撒在姐姐的伤口上止住了血。 At the foot of the wall, he swiftly collected a pinch of very fine dust and sprinkled it on the cut. It stopped bleeding. 姐姐两手撑地坐起来,把柳枝上的嫩芽一个个小心摘下,放进一个盛着清水的瓦盆里,然后两只手就在盆里不停地揉捏,不一会儿,清凌凌的水就给染上了浓重的翡翠色。 Sister propped herself up with both hands. She carefully stripped all the buds off the willow twigs and put them in an earthen pot filled with clean water. Then she kept squashing and rubbing them between her fingers; soon the water was dyed a thick emerald green. 姐姐又换了一盆清水,继续揉捏着,直到盆里的水不再变绿,才将柳芽捞出来,捏成一个拳头大小的团子,递到他的手里。 She replaced it with another pot of clean water and repeated her action until the water no longer changed its color. Scooping up the buds and kneading them into a ball no bigger than a fist, she handed it to him. “哈哈哈,好小弟,快吃呀!吃了肚子就不唱大戏了。” "Aha, my good brother. Now eat it and your stomach will not make any noise again. " 他一把夺过来就吃,淡淡的清苦味中,竟有一股甜丝丝的味道。 He grabbed it and gobbled it up. It even tasted somewhat sweet mingled with a slight bitterness. 深挖土地的鏖战还在进行,姐姐就病了。 The deep-ploughing battle was still on when Sister fell ill. 开始只说是脖子疼,后来脖子上暴起了又粗又红的筋,那破了的地方还流出黄粘的汁液。 Initially, she felt a pain on her neck; then reddish thick veins popped out along her neck, with ulcers oozing thick yellow mucus. 那天一早,一辆古老的独轮车推着姐姐和他走上了村头那条弯弯曲曲的蛋黄色小路, That morning saw an ancient one-wheeled pushcart, with both his sister and him sitting on it, rolling along the yolk-yellow winding path stretching away from the end of the village. 中午时分,他们找到了那家全县最大的医院,谁知医生们也都参加中心任务去了, At noon time, they arrived at the biggest hospital in town. Who would have thought that all the doctors were away to participate in the “central tasks” of the time! 值班的小阿姨根本没有见过姐姐得的这种病。 The young nurse on duty had never seen such a case before. 独轮车又顺着来时的路返回了。 The cart rolled back following the same route it came in the morning. 以后,就请乡下的土医生给姐姐治病。 Then some local medical men were called in. 他们不用任何麻醉药,拿一把明晃晃的刀子在姐姐脖子割治。 They performed an operation on Sister's neck with a dazzling knife without using anesthetic. 姐姐不哭,实在忍不住才哼一声。她用手紧紧抓着他的胳臂,指甲抠进他的肉里。 She refused to cry, only uttering a groan at the most unbearable moment, her hand clutching his arm, her nails digging into his flesh. 土医生们吃喝一顿走了,却没有把姐姐的病带走。 The men left after a big dinner, but they did not take away Sister's disease. 他守在姐姐身边,给她端开水,倒便盆。 He stayed close by to look after her, bringing in drinking water and carrying away the bedpan. 她的病越来越重,身子越来越虚,一小碗开水分几次喝,还累得直喘气。 Nevertheless, she was getting weaker and weaker, so feeble that she even had to stop several times to gasp for breath when drinking a small bowl of water. 想睡,脖子疼得不能合眼。 She wanted to sleep, but the pain in the neck was too gnawing to let her close her eyes. 那天,她示意他走过去,摸住了他的手。 One day, she motioned him to come over and held his hand. “人死了……还吃……吃饭吗?”昏昏迷迷中,姐姐像是问他,又像是问自己。 "When... people die, do... they... eat?” she asked half-consciously. It was hard to tell whether she was asking him or herself. 他不点头,也不摇头,四顾茫然地瞪大了眼睛。 He did not nod, nor did he shake his head, his eyes wide open staring around vacantly. 她忽然长了精神,眼睛也亮起来了,脸上有了红晕,说话也不那么气喘了。他想,姐姐这下可好了。 Suddenly, her spirit seemed to come back to her: her eyes shone, her cheeks flushed, and she no longer panted when she spoke. She's getting better now, he thought. “……吃啥呢……” "… what to eat..." 他依旧不点头,不摇头,只是听到说“吃”,忙说:“吃柳芽,我给你摘好多柳芽。” He was still motionless, but upon hearing the word "eat," he answered, "Ha, willow buds. I'll pick up a lot of willow buds for you." 她的眉舒展了,带着一丝不易觉察的笑,慢慢地松开了手,眼睛虽然还看着她,却没有了往日的晶亮的闪耀。 Her brows smoothed, and, with a smile that could hardly be detected, she slowly loosened her hand. Her eyes still watched him, but lacked their usual luster. 她走了,带着小弟无意中的一句安慰,心满意足地永远地去了。 She was gone; she left forever satisfied with a word of comfort uttered unintentionally by her little brother. 他那时虽然年岁还小,却没有忘记自己许诺过的,在姐姐唇边放了几枚枯黄的柳叶。 Though he was young at the time, he did not forget his promise. He put a few withered willow leaves on Sister's lips. 过了些时日,他提得动水桶,也扛得动铁锹了,就在姐姐的坟头上种了棵小柳树,三天两头浇水,施肥,没事就围着它看。 As time advanced, he was old enough to be able to carry a bucket and to use a shovel. He planted a small willow tree on his sister's grave and came almost every day to see it and to take care of it. 不久,他上学了。 Before long, he went to school. 望着瓶里的那束柳枝,他心里默默地诉说着:“姐姐:你百般宝爱的小弟,已经是人民解放军的一名团级指挥员了。 Gazing upon the willow twigs in the bottle, he poured out in his heart silently to his sister: "My dear sister, your dearly beloved little brother is now a P.L.A. regimental officer. 这次回乡省亲,又到你的坟上去了。 I went to your grave again when I returned to our village recently to see our parents. 这束柳枝就是从那树上采来的,它将作为你的照片,你的雕像,供置于我的案头。 This is a bunch of branches I picked up from that willow tree. I’ll take it as your picture, as your statue, and place it as an offering to you on my desk. “姐姐:双亲虽然年逾古稀,体格尚好。 "Dear Sister, our parents are now over 70, in fairly good health for their age. 娘对我说:‘可怜你姐她没有熬过来。这会儿吃啥?别说是啥柳芽子,黄灿灿的玉米面都喂鸡了。’……” Mother said to me, ‘It's a pity that your sister did not drag through those hard years. See what we eat today? We even feed the chickens with golden com flour, not to mention willow buds...’" 前面就是他的住所了。 Ahead of him was his house. 他一边回思着那段回弯曲折的历史,一边极小心地用脚试探着凸凹不平的路面, As his feet carefully probed the uneven surface of the road, his mind kept pondering on that part of history, a tortuous path they had gone by. 他想起曲折的路心里就酸楚得难以自抑,虽然他并不是不知道,世界总是在曲折中前进的…… He could not help feeling grief, even with an awareness that history never followed a straight forward course... 三峡多奇景 妙笔夺天工 The Scenic Three Gorges Captured in Their Essence 李海瑞 Li Hairui 大自然的鬼斧神工,造就了长江三峡绝妙的奇景。 The Yangtze River boasts of the fascinating Three Gorges created by Mother Nature in all her glory. 气势雄伟的瞿塘峡,逶迤曲折的巫峡,礁石纵横的西陵峡,无不风姿绰约,光彩照人; The Three Gorges consist of grandiose Qutang Gorge, meandering Wu Gorge and heavily-shoaled Xiling Gorge, all saturated in splendid colors. 深藏其间的小三峡,更是曲水通幽,楚楚动人,山翠,水清,峰奇,瀑飞,倾倒了天下多少游人。 Tucked away among these are three little gorges. All of them form a veritable wonderland of clear water with plunging waterfalls and velvety hillsides, often rising to fantastic peaks—beckoning travelers from afar. 如今,由于国家建设的需要,正着手筹建三峡大坝水电工程。 Today, as part of China's national development, the massive Three-Gorge-Hydroelectric Project is set to become a reality. “告别三峡游”的旅游广告,拨动了无数中外游客的心弦。 The advertisement of the “Farewell to the Three Gorges” touches the hearts of numerous travelers who know them, both in China and abroad. 三峡旅游的热潮正一浪高似一浪。 Excursionists in increasing numbers are visiting them to participate in this farewell. 尽管将来大坝建成,水位升高,三峡美景也并非单纯的“减”,而是“有减有加”,略有改变而姿色依然。 Raising the water level by building the dam is not expected to decrease the essence of the Gorges' beauty. On the contrary, upon completion of the project, this scenic area will almost be preserved in its entity. 然而,人们传统的恋旧心绪,对眼前的长江三峡总有一种依依惜别之情。 Nevertheless, visitors' fond memories dwell upon past recollections of the traditional gorges. 画家杨和岳正是怀着如此这般的心情,四游长江三峡。 With these thoughts in mind, Mr. Yang Heyue, an artist, cruised through the Three Gorges four times in succession. 他望着滔滔东去的三峡江水,不胜感慨地说:“留住它,这令人迷恋、神往的三峡景色!” As he looked eastward with the current of the water, Mr. Yang exclaimed enthusiastically, "Keep this fabulous scenery as it is!" 于是他摊开纸,握起笔,饱蘸墨汁,酒融入他那艺术家的浓浓深情,将今日之三峡留在了画卷之上。 Then he donned the tools of his trade—parchment, brush and ink. With earnest emotion, the artist captured today's Three Gorges on paper. 杨和岳先生出生在风景佳丽的雁荡山麓,自幼承受大自然熏陶而萌发绘画的志向。60年代,在中国美术大学(原浙江美术学院)完成了学业,奠定了绘画技能的扎实基础。 Yang Heyue was born at the foot of beautiful Yandang Mountain. From his childhood, nature was his inspiration. During the 60s, he completed his studies at the China University of Art (formerly the Zhejiang College of Art), giving him the rudiments of his artistic skills. 早年曾从事木刻创作,后又长期潜心于山水画的研究,探古究今,博釆众长,逐渐形成自己清秀、细腻的独特画风。 In his early years after graduation, he took up wood caning, only to abandon it in later years for a relentless pursuit of depicting mountain and water landscapes. Part of his studies was comparative art illustration, which enabled him to fuse classical and contemporary techniques into his own distinct and elegant style. 他的作品多次参加各地画展获奖,深受国内外观众和美术收藏家的好评。 At many exhibitions, his works received wide acclaim and distinguished awards from art collectors and lovers both at home and abroad. 长江三峡曾是许多画家的创作题材,但多是取其一角,反映某个段落。 The Three Gorges have always been a popular subject matter for painters, most of whom portrayed only a section or passage. 像杨和岳先生那样,西自白帝城,东至葛洲坝,将瞿塘峡、巫峡、西陵峡的三峡全貌,洋洋洒洒地尽收于一纸画卷,实属少见。这或许是作者胸中汹涌浩荡气势的溢露。 Mr. Yang, however, united the panorama of all three gorges contiguously from Baidi Township in the west to Gezhou Dam in the east, onto one scroll. This is rare and representative of his momentous spirit. 杨和岳先生笔下的三峡,不拘形似而强调神韵,外师造化而中得心源。 His "Three Gorges" is painted so exquisitely that the interpretation seems to touch the heart of the gorges. 他运笔若行云流水,渲染烟云尤为独到,勾皴点染,疏密、浓淡、聚散,虚虚实实,笔势奔腾豪放,墨色淋漓酣畅,尽情抒发了作者如涌的情感。 Mr Yang's depiction is very unique and detailed, and light appears to radiate from his smoothly flowing brush strokes. Although the force of his brush is turbulent and unrestrained, Yang Heyue's paintings have the right touch of color and balance. This work fully expresses the painter's profound affection for the area. 这幅三峡长卷的装帧也匠心独运。它釆取中国传统的“折子”样式,启合自如,折叠起浑然一册,抖开来全幅在目。 The highly decorative binding of the scroll is done in an accordion-like traditional paper-folding technique. When folded, it is a book; unfolded, the entire scene can be viewed. 而其大小,恰似西方游客所喜爱的可以随手插在口袋里的Pocket Book。 The book is pocket-size and very portable for western tourists. 画家说:“人家爱出大画册,我却欢喜这精美的袖珍长卷。它小巧玲珑,逗人喜爱,又携带方便,价廉物美。” The painter says, “Many artists like to publish coffee-table books, I prefer the beauty, originality and portability of a small, long and elegant scroll at a reasonable price.” 艺术家的用心和中外旅游者购买旅游纪念品的心理需求是相通的。 Special attention has been paid to current consumer trends in tourism. 他尤其关注当今大多数旅游者的实际消费水平,小折子画卷比大型画册有更广阔的销售市场,从而让高雅的艺术走进芸芸寻常百姓之中。 The artist's intention corresponds with both Chinese and foreign tourists' preference in buying souvenirs. This folding "pocket scroll" has more appeal than a coffee-table book. Thus, beautiful and lofty art is made available to the general public. 愿长江三峡美景与此小小画折长久共存。 As long as this humble "pocket scroll" lives, so shall the beauty of the Three Gorges.