一…就… 一…就…
1.as soon as, no sooner than,均为时间连词,表示一个动作刚完成,另一个动作就马上发生。两词有异,as soon as用于口语,no sooner than用于书面。请比较下面两种用法:
 ☞ 她一听到敲门声,就把门打开了。
 ☞ She opened the door as soon as she heard the knock.
 ☞ 或She had no sooner heard the knock than she opened the door.
 ☞ 我一敲门,她就把门开了。
 ☞ As soon as I knocked she opened the door.成No sooner had I knocked than she opened the door.
  ■ 从上面两句译文可以看出,两词放在主句之中或主句之前均无不可,但no sooner than 放在句首时,句子要倒装。此外,用as soon as时,时态为过去时;用no sooner than时,时态为过去完成时。
 ☞ 我们一到家就可以吃点东西。
 ☞ We may have something to eat as soon as we get home.
 ☞ 我们一到家,他们就出去了。
 ☞ As soon as we got home they went out.
 ☞ 他一干完这事就知道是个错误。
 ☞ As soon as he had done it he knew it was a mistake.
  ■ 由上面各例可见,as soon as还可用在一般现在时,一般过去时,过去完成时等,但不能用现在进行时和一般将来时。
2.hardly... when,scarcely... when,也是用于书面的时间连词。指一个动作刚开始,另一动作就随之发生。一般也只用于过去完成时;但他们又与no sooner than不同,因为hardly和scarcely都是准否定词,因此意义上有细微差别。意即一个动作还没完全完成时,另一动作就发生了。因此下面的句子最好不用as soon as, 但可用no sooner than,因为no sooner than的原义是“离…多久”,与hardly (scarcely)... when的意思更接近一些。
 ☞ 我刚要睡着就觉得有东西轻轻碰了一下我的胳膊肘。
 ☞ I had hardly (scarcely) fallen asleep when I felt a soft touch on my elbow.(意即将睡未睡时)
 ☞ 我刚合上眼,电话铃就响了。
 ☞ I had scarcely (hardly) closed my eyes when the telephone rang.(意即还没完全合上眼)
  ■ 此外,hardly,scarcely与no sooner than一样,放在句首时要用倒装句。
 ☞ 病人一合上眼,眼前就会想像出一幅幅最为奇形怪状的图像。
 ☞ Hardly had the sick closed his eyes when he began to imagine the most fantastic shapes.
 ☞ 她刚同意与他结婚就产生了严重的疑虑。
 ☞ Scarcely had she agreed to marry him when she began to have serious doubts.
3.the moment, 连词,指前一动作开始的一瞬间,另一动作也就发生,故用来引入从句。
 ☞ 她一见到他就哭了起来。
 ☞ The moment she saw him she began to cry.
 ☞ 她一上台就响起了暴风雨般的掌声。
 ☞ Stormy applause broke forth the moment she appeared on the stage.
4.once,j萑词,意思与the moment犬致相同,有from the moment that的意思。
 ☞ 他一说那事我就知道他是在说谎。
 ☞ Once he said that, I knew he was lying.
 ☞ 一干完你就去睡觉。
 ☞ Once you're finished, go to bed.
5.every time,连词,指每次一个动作一开始,另一个动作就产生,因此带有重复性,也用来引入从句。
 ☞ 她一见他朝她瞧的样子,她心就咚咚地直跳。
 ☞ Every time she saw the way he looked at her, her heart started pounding.
 ☞ 我一着凉就背疼。
 ☞ Every time I catch cold, I have pain in my back.
 ☞ 你一按电钮机器就开动了。
 ☞ The machine will start instantly you press the button.
 ☞ 他一说这些话大家就一声不吭了。
 ☞ Directly he uttered these words there was a dead silence.
 ☞ 工作一结束,我们就开会总结经验。
 ☞ We held a meeting to sum up our experience immediately the work finished.
7.at the sight of(后接宾语),at a glance(后不接宾语),均用作状语,指“一见到…就…”。
 ☞ 他一见她就笑成了一朵花。
 ☞ He smiled into a flower at the sight of her.
 ☞ 小偷一见警察就逃走了。
 ☞ The thief ran away at the sight of the police.
 ☞ 这情况她一看就明白了。
 ☞ She took in the situation at a glance.
 ☞ 这小姑娘的样子长得甜,他一眼就看中了。
 ☞ The little girl looked very sweet. He took a fancy to her at a glance.
一下 一下
 ☞ 这一下她和她的男朋友完了。
 ☞ She is finished with her boyfriend this time.
 ☞ 让我亲一下,只一下!
 ☞ Let me kiss you, only one time!
 ☞ 我一下不知说什么好,不过马上就有了主意。
 ☞ I didn't know what to say for a time, then an idea occurred to me.
 ☞ 好多人试过都没成功,但我一下就做成了。
 ☞ Many people tried and failed, but I've done it once.
2.a bit, 指程度或时间上的一点点。
 ☞ 咱们休息一下。
 ☞ Let's rest for a bit.
 ☞ 要是你有时间,我想请你等一下。
 ☞ I should like you to wait a bit if you have time.
3.at one go,指一下把事做好,at the first go,指一次把事做好。
 ☞ 他一下就把蛋糕上所有的蜡烛都吹灭了。
 ☞ He blew out all the candles on his birthday cake at one go.
 ☞ 她的体检一下就通过了。
 ☞ She passed her physical examination at the first go.
4.at (with) one+带有动作的名词,表示一下就做成某事,是特指;而at one go是泛指。
 ☞ 老鹰一下就把小鸡叼走了。
 ☞ The hawk snatched away the chick at one swoop.
 ☞ 我儿子一下打死了两个苍蝇,高兴得叫起来。
 ☞ My son cried out with pride when he killed two flies with one swat.
 ☞ 拳王一下就把他击倒在地。
 ☞ The boxing champion knocked him down with one blow.
5.a moment, a while, 指时间上的一会儿。
 ☞ 请等一下,我马上回来。
 ☞ Wait a moment, please. I'll be back soon.
 ☞ 灯一下又亮了。
 ☞ After a while the lights went on again.
6.all of a sudden, suddenly,指“一下就…”,表示变化的突然。
 ☞ 天一下就阴云密布。
 ☞ It became overcast all of a sudden.
 ☞ 她眼里一下就布满了泪水。
 ☞ Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.
 ☞ 金矿勘探队员要是能打到一条富矿脉,就能一下暴富。
 ☞ Prospectors for gold could make a fortune overnight if they hit a rich vein.
 ☞ 不要指望人们的旧观念一下都清除掉。
 ☞ One cannot expect people to get rid of their old ideas overnight.
8.one moment… the next, now…now…,指两种情况或动作一下一下地交替出现。
 ☞ 瞧,这天气一下冷,一下热。
 ☞ Look at this weather. It's cold one moment and hot the next.
 ☞ 她的情绪变化不定,一下哭,一下笑。
 ☞ Her moods were changeable, now laughing now crying.
一向 一向
 ☞ 我这一向不是很好。
 ☞ I have not been very well lately.
 ☞ 你一向在干什么?
 ☞ What have you been doing lately?
2.earlier on, 也指近一段时间以来,但强调从不久前的某一点到说话时为止的这一段时间。
 ☞ 前一向雨水多。
 ☞ There was quite a lot of rain earlier on.
 ☞ 他前一向是在国外。
 ☞ He has been abroad earlier on.
 ☞ 这件事一向令人头痛。
 ☞ This matter has been a headache.
 ☞ 我一向在这儿教书,都快10年了。
 ☞ I've been teaching here almost for ten years.
4.如果要加强语气,可在此基础上加用带有延续意义的状语、介词,如:always,consistently, all along,since等。
 ☞ 她对工作一向认真负责。
 ☞ She's always been conscientious in her work.
 ☞ 他在长期的战争年代,一向过着艰苦朴素的生活。
 ☞ He was always leading a hard and plain life through the long wartime.
 ☞ 我国一向主张根据五项原则,通过和平共处和相互协商,同各国发展友好关系。
 ☞ China has consistently maintained to develop the friendly relations among countries in accordance with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and through mutual negotiations.
 ☞ 我国一向支持世界各国人民的正义斗争。
 ☞ China has consistently supported the just struggle of the peoples of the world.
 ☞ 我们一向同情她的不幸。
 ☞ We have all along sympathized with her misfortune.
 ☞ 他回来后身体一向不好。
 ☞ He's been ill since he came back.
一定 一定
 ☞ 工人们每个月都有一定的生产指标。
 ☞ The workers have fixed monthly production quotas.
 ☞ 勘探队员成天在野外作业,没有一定的住处。
 ☞ The prospectors are always out in the field and never settle down in a fixed place.
 ☞ 他需要一个一定尺寸的箱子。
 ☞ He wanted a box of specified measurement.
 ☞ 客户要求一定的木材来做家具。
 ☞ The customer demanded specified lumber for making furniture.
 ☞ 她真忙起来,吃饭、睡觉都没有一定的时间。
 ☞ When she gets really busy, she doesn't keep regular hours for eating and sleeping.
 ☞ 后来,这样的年会成了一定的制度。
 ☞ Later such annual meetings became a regular institution.
 ☞ 他对这一学科是有一定想法的。
 ☞ He has definite ideas on this subject.
 ☞ 固体都有一定的体积和形状。
 ☞ Solids have definite volume and shape.
5.imperative,指带有强制性的,非常必要的。常用于it is imperative to (that)的句型,to后接动词不定式,that接从句。
 ☞ 一定要搞好同志之间的团结。
 ☞ It is imperative to achieve unity among comrades.
 ☞ 病重的孩子一定要卧床休息。
 ☞ It is imperative that a very sick child should stay in bed.
6.fairly,due, 指适当、应有等。
 ☞ 他的写作已经达到一定的水平。
 ☞ His writing has reached a fairly high level.
 ☞ 党委对工人的合理化建议应给予一定的重视。
 ☞ The Party Committee should attach due importance to the workers' rationalization proposals.
7.must, 作“一定”解时,有两种用法。
1) 指必要性时,没有过去时和将来时。
 ☞ 戏8点开演,你们一定得在6点吃饭。
 ☞ The play begins at eight, so you must dine at six.
 ☞ 我们的目的一定要达到,我们的目的一定能够达到。
 ☞ Our goal must be attained. Our goal can unquestionably be attained.
2) 指可能性时,现在时为must+原形动词;过去时为must+have+过去分词。但无将来时。
 ☞ 根据香味判断,这东西一定好吃。
 ☞ Judged by the smell, the food must be good.
 ☞ 他一定是被什么急事拖住了。
 ☞ He must have been held up by some urgent business.
8.be determined, 指下定决心。
 ☞ 我们一定要建成一个布局合理,相互配套的科研体系。
 ☞ We are determined to set up a complete rationally distributed scientific and technological research system.
 ☞ 我妈一定要我嫁给他。
 ☞ My mother is determined that I shall marry him.
9.insist on,指坚持一定要,后常接某种观点。
 ☞ 如果帝国主义一定要发动战争,我们也不要害怕。
 ☞ If the imperialists insist on unleashing another war, we would not be afraid of it.
 ☞ 你干嘛一定要惹她生气?
 ☞ Why do you insist on annoying her?
  ■ 如insist后接从句,谓语通常用虚拟语气。
 ☞ 她一定要他给一张收条。
 ☞ She insisted that he (should) give her a receipt.
 ☞ 我一定要他跟我们一起去。
 ☞ I insist that he go with us.
10.press, 指逼着一定要。
 ☞ 他对苏格兰威士忌的优点赞不绝口,并且一定要我尝尝。
 ☞ He was extolling the virtues of Scottish whisky and pressed me to take it.
 ☞ 她一定要我跟她一起来。
 ☞ She pressed me to come with her.
1) 表示肯定。可用certainly,be sure,surely,necessarily(后一词常用于否定)等。
 ☞ 6点以前我一定回家。
 ☞ I shall certainly be home by six.
 ☞ 星期天一定来啊。
 ☞ Be sure to come on Sunday.
 ☞ 他一定成不了。
 ☞ He will surely fail.
 ☞ 有钱人不一定幸福。
 ☞ Rich people are not necessarily happy.
2) 表示模糊概念的一定,可用given,some,certain等。
 ☞ 一定的文化是一定社会的政治和经济的反映。
 ☞ Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society.
 ☞ 心理学家们也都意识到语言和学习在一定意义上都是社会现象。
 ☞ Psychologists are also aware that both language and learning are in some sense social phenomena.
 ☞ 这东西在一定程度上对他有用。
 ☞ To a certain degree, it serves his purpose.
12.under no circumstances, by no means, 表 示强烈否定时,在一定情况下有“一定不要”的意思,不过要用倒装句。
 ☞ 告诉他一定不能说出去。
 ☞ Tell him that under no circumstances is he to let it out.
 ☞ 一定得有人陪着他。
 ☞ By no means should he be left alone.
一律 一律
1.same,指一样。一般用作定语,如用作状语应为in the same way。
 ☞ 他小说的格调都千篇一律。
 ☞ His novels follow the same style.
 ☞ 所有的企业,无论中资还是外资,都一律对待。
 ☞ All enterprises are treated in the same way whether they are Chinese or foreign.
 ☞ 这里的舆论一律,听不到不同的声音。
 ☞ The public opinion here is alike and no different voice can be heard.
 ☞ 他们的穿着一律是红色的运动衫和灯笼裤。
 ☞ They were alike in red jerseys and knickers.(如果改用same,则应为in the same red jerseys and knickers.)
 ☞ 我们一贯主张国家不分大小,一律平等。
 ☞ We've always held that all nations, big or small, are equal.
 ☞ 值勤人员一律佩戴臂章。
 ☞ All personnel on duty are to wear an armband.
4.without exception,指无一例外。
 ☞ 事发时在场的人一律都受到盘问。
 ☞ Everybody present was questioned without exception when the plot was disclosed.
 ☞ 战时,18至45岁的男子一律都要参军。
 ☞ All men between 18 and 45 without exception are expected to serve in the army during a war.
一旦 一旦
 ☞ 他一旦知道了这一切是怎么回事,他会暴跳如雷的。
 ☞ Once he realizes what is meant, he would be furious.
 ☞ 你一旦同意,那就上了他的圈套。
 ☞ Once you consent you are trapped.
 ☞ 青春一旦失去,无法复得。
 ☞ Once youth is gone, you'll never get it back.
 ☞ 你一旦开始就无法停止。
 ☞ Once you begin you can't stop.
  ■ once之后可以直接用分词短语。
 ☞ 理论一旦被群众所掌握,就会产生巨大的物质力量。
 ☞ Once grasped by the masses, theory will generate a tremendous material force.
 ☞ 大脑一旦缺氧,就会死去。
 ☞ Once deprived of oxygen, the brain dies.
2.in case,表示一旦需要就可以行动,强调防范意识。
 ☞ 这里是1,000元钱,一旦需要时可以应急。
 ☞ Here is one thousand yuan in case you should meet an urgent need.
 ☞ 多带点衣服,一旦天冷时可以穿。
 ☞ Take more clothes in case the weather is cold.
 ☞ 他们相处多年,一旦分离,不免依依不舍。
 ☞ After being together for years, they can't bear to part from each other.
 ☞ 他经营多年的工厂在敌人猛烈的熄火下毁于一旦。
 ☞ The factory that he had built up for years was destroyed in a moment by the enemy's heavy artillery bombardment.
一时 一时
 ☞ 这就叫做“此一时,彼一时”。
 ☞ That is what we call "Time makes all the difference."
 ☞ 这么多钱,我一时上哪去找啊?
 ☞ Where can I find so much money in so short time?
2.a period of,指短时期,是特指。
 ☞ 看人不要光凭一时一事。
 ☞ Don't judge a person only by a single act or a short period of his life.
 ☞ 一时苟安会带来百年灾难。
 ☞ A short period of false security will bring a century of calamities.
 ☞ 你做事不能光凭一时的热情。
 ☞ Whatever you do never rely only on your moment's enthusiasm.
 ☞ 对不起,我一时想不起他的名字了。
 ☞ I'm sorry. I can't recall his name for the moment.
4.a while, 指一会儿。
 ☞ 他一时还回不来。
 ☞ He won't be back for a little while.
 ☞ 他的病一时好,一时坏。
 ☞ He'd be better for a while and then have a relapse.
 ☞ 居民当中一时的抢购风保证不了经济繁荣。
 ☞ The temporary panic purchasing among residents can never keep economy prosperous.
 ☞ 一时的荣华富贵只不过是过眼烟云而已。
 ☞ Temporary wealth and honor were no more than floating smoke and passing clouds.
6.transient, in an instant, 指短时的,瞬间的。
 ☞ 不要为一时的表面现象所迷惑,要透过现象看本质。
 ☞ Don't be misled by transient phenomena. You must see through the appearance into the essence.
 ☞ 王太太脸上的歉意只在她听话时一时出现,马上就消失了。
 ☞ The regret in Mrs. Wang's face was transient as she listened and cleared away in an instant.
一样 一样
1.same, 作“一样”解时,仅指在数量、质量、种类、外 观上相同,而实质是有区别的。前面常带定冠词the。
 ☞ 他家和我家的房间号一样。
 ☞ His house and my house have the same number of rooms.
 ☞ 这两根针一样粗。
 ☞ The two needles are of the same thickness.
 ☞ 我们大家的意见都一样。
 ☞ We are all of the same opinion.
 ☞ 我要一件和我朋友一样的衬衫。
 ☞ I want the same shirt as my friend's.
 ☞ 她衣服的颜色和她母亲的一样。
 ☞ Her dress is the same color as her mother's.
 ☞ 这两幢办公大楼大小、形状都一样。
 ☞ The two office buildings are alike in size and shape.
 ☞ 他们的外貌不同,性格一样。
 ☞ They are different in appearance but alike in character.
 ☞ 希腊人和意大利人一样,多用橄榄油做菜。
 ☞ In Greece, as in Italy, people use a lot of olive oil in cooking.
 ☞ 跟预期的一样,植树造林运动迅速地扩展开来。
 ☞ As expected, the affore station movement rapidly spread.
 ☞ 跟你想的一样,我缺钱用。
 ☞ I'm short of money as you imagine.
 ☞ 她是个出色的歌唱家,跟她母亲当年一样。
 ☞ She is a fine singer, as her mother used to be.
  ■ as... as, 是连词as的扩大,表示两个不同的人或物的相同性质。
 ☞ 她跟老处女一样的怪。
 ☞ She is as peevish as an old maid.
 ☞ 中国有些省份跟法国和英国加起来一样大。
 ☞ Some provinces of China are as big as France and England put together.
4.it's all one (to),指两种方式都一样。
 ☞ 你去那里,可以坐船也可坐车,都一样。
 ☞ You can get there by ship or by bus. It's all one.
 ☞ 你愿怎么干就怎么干,对我都一样。
 ☞ Do as you like. It's all one to me.
 ☞ 我们是星期六还是星期天碰头,对我都一样。
 ☞ It's all one to me whether we meet on Saturday or on Sunday.
5.not make difference, make no difference,指没有区别,因而一样。
 ☞ 谁去都一样。
 ☞ It won't make any difference whoever goes.
 ☞ 早一天晚一天都一样。
 ☞ A day later or sooner makes no difference.
一直 一直
1) straight,指径直。
 ☞ 一直往前走,别拐弯。
 ☞ Go straight ahead. Don't turn.
 ☞ 在第一个拐弯处往左拐,然后一直往前走。
 ☞ Take the first turning on the left and keep straight on.
 ☞ 从窗口一直望出去,然后告诉我你看见了什么。
 ☞ Look straight ahead out of the window and tell me what you've seen.
2) all the way to right up,指沿着路一直走。
 ☞ 一直往西走,就到天安门广场了。
 ☞ Go all the way right up to the west. You'll get to the Tian'anmen Square.
 ☞ 她一直把我送到火车站。
 ☞ She went with me all the way right up to the railway station.
1) 用完成时或进行时和相应的状语表示不间断。
 ☞ 这些年来,我们一直在做科研工作。
 ☞ We are doing scientific research work these years.
 ☞ 从5点半起,电视就一直开着。
 ☞ The television has been on since half past five.
 ☞ 她一直在裟饰她的房间。
 ☞ She has been decorating her room all the time.
 ☞ 我们一直配合得很好。
 ☞ We have cooperated very well all along.
 ☞ 她从年初一直病到现在。
 ☞ She has been ill from the beginning of the year right up to now.
2) keep后接动名词表示动作的不间断。
 ☞ 他一直希望有机会访问中国。
 ☞ He kept hoping that he would have a chance to visit China.
 ☞ 远处的飞机一直响个不停。
 ☞ Airplanes kept droning in the distance.
 ☞ 我整个上午一直都在等他,但他没有来。
 ☞ I waited for him a whole morning but he never showed up.
 ☞ 在一个超级大国插手之前,谈判一直很顺利。
 ☞ The negotiations were going smoothly until a superpower took a hand in them.
一致 一致
1.identify, identity, identical,指等同后取得一致。
 ☞ 一个好的领导人必须把老百姓的利益与地区的繁荣一致起来。
 ☞ A good leader must identify the interests of the ordinary people with the prosperity of the district.
 ☞ 作家的工作就是要使语言与事物一致,感情与思想一致。
 ☞ It is a writer's business to identify words with things, emotions with thoughts.
 ☞ 凶器上的指纹与他的一致,证明他就是凶手。
 ☞ Identity of the fingerprints on the lethal weapon proved that he was the killer.
 ☞ 讨论就不必了,我们的观点一致。
 ☞ There is no need to discuss. We hold (have) identical views.
2.agree with, agreement,指物体对比时的一致。
 ☞ 他对事故的描述应当与其他目击者的说法一致。
 ☞ His version of the accident should agree with those of the other witnesses.
 ☞ 这份账单与你原来估计的不一致。
 ☞ This bill does not agree with your original estimate.
 ☞ 理论与实际一致以后留下的改进余地就很少了。
 ☞ The agreement of theory and practice leaves little room for improvement.
3.concert, 指通过协商、协调达成一致。
 ☞ 我们承担的职责是使联军行动一致。
 ☞ The obligation we undertook was to concert actions of the allied forces.
 ☞ 秘书长的呼吁来得正是时候,因为伊拉克事件要求联合国各成员国一致合作以争取和平。
 ☞ The Secretary-General's appeal came none too soon, for the event in Iraq demanded concerted cooperation for peace by the members of the U.N.
 ☞ 我们要一致努力,为实现科学技术现代化而奋斗。
 ☞ We are going to exert ourselves in concert in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology.
 ☞ 团员应与党员一致行动。
 ☞ The League members should act in concert with the Communists.
4.accord (with),accordance,指本质上的一致。
 ☞ 自由党与工党对新税法案的观点是一致的。
 ☞ The views of the Liberal and Labor Parties accorded on the new tax bill.
 ☞ 他们是不会阻止她的,因为她的行为与他们希望的是一致的。
 ☞ They won't stop her, for her actions accord with their wishes.
 ☞ 这一决定与普遍的民意不一致。
 ☞ The decision was not in accord with popular will of the people.
 ☞ 他的声明是跟我们一致的。
 ☞ His statement is in accordance with ours.
5.coincide with, coincident, coincidence,指意见、爱好、判断、愿望或利害上的碰巧一致。一般不用于人。
 ☞ 令她感到安慰的是丈夫的意见和她是一致的。
 ☞ It soothed her that her husband's opinion coincided with hers.
 ☞ 跟一个在各方面都和我的情趣不一致的男人在一起我是不会幸福的。
 ☞ I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own.
 ☞ 他对海难的描述与事实是一致的。
 ☞ His account of the perils of the sea was coincident with the facts.
 ☞ 社会利益与经济利益一致的问题依然存在。
 ☞ There remains the question of the coincidence of social and economic interests.
6.conform to,conformity,指符合某种标准而达到一致。
 ☞ 妇女即使得到雇用,其报酬也不总是与“同工同酬”原则一致。
 ☞ Even if a woman is hired, her pay does not always conform to the standard of "equal pay for equal work".
 ☞ 今天的左撇子仍然感到不便,不过已不再被逼得要与右撇子王国一致了。
 ☞ The left-handed person is still inconvenient, but he is no longer forced to conform to the right-handed kingdom.
 ☞ 和平共处五项原则是与万隆会议精神相一致的。
 ☞ The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are in conformity with the spirit of the Bandung Conference.
 ☞ 我的观点与你的一致,而他们的则不同。
 ☞ My views are the same as yours while theirs are different.
 ☞ 他们做的事的确不同,但性质是一致的。
 ☞ What they did were different, indeed, but they are of the same nature.
8.unanimous, unanimously, unanimity, 指一致同意。
 ☞ 举国上下一致支持政府的政策。
 ☞ The whole country is unanimous in support of the government's policy.
 ☞ 提案得到了一致通过。
 ☞ The resolution was adopted unanimously.
 ☞ 法院在决定判决时取得了一致。
 ☞ The court has reached unanimity in deciding its verdict.
9.consistent, consistency,指前后一致。
 ☞ 他在不同场合讲话的思想是一致的。
 ☞ The idea in his various speeches is consistent.
 ☞ 纵然他不能时时都前后一致,但他想写的东西自有一套理论。
 ☞ Even if he is not always consistent, he provides theories for all that he has tried to write.
 ☞ 认识一致是知识、思想和信念之间的一致。
 ☞ Cognitive consonance is a consistency between the knowledge, ideas and beliefs.
10.consonant with, consonance.指与一定的环境或条件一致。
 ☞ 他的行为与他的性格是一致的。
 ☞ His behavior is consonant with his character.
 ☞ 当地人具有耐力是与他们高大的身材一致的。
 ☞ The local people possess a physical endurance consonant with their great stature.
 ☞ 她用一种愤怒的、激烈的情绪说话,这与她平时安详的举止不一致。
 ☞ She spoke with an angry vehemence that was out of consonance with her ordinary serenity of demeanor.
11.of (with) one mind,指思想一致。
 ☞ 专家们在评估第10个5年计划时意见都很一致。
 ☞ The experts were of one mind in their evaluation of our Tenth Five-Year Plan.
 ☞ 举国上下,一致努力抗击“非典”。
 ☞ The whole nation is working together with one mind to combat SARS.
12.in unison, 指完全一致。
 ☞ 第三世界国家应当步调一致地面对新殖民主义。
 ☞ The countries of the Third World should move in unison in facing neocolonialism.
 ☞ 我们只要4个组一起行动就能取得胜利。
 ☞ We would certainly succeed if only we the four groups could act in unison.
13.at one,指像一个人那样一致。
 ☞ 丈夫和妻子除了钱样样都一致。
 ☞ Husband and wife are at one on everything but money.
 ☞ 在那件事上我和他的意见一致。
 ☞ He and I are at one in our opinion on that matter.
14.in line with, 指齐刷刷地一致。
 ☞ 在伊拉克战争期间,华盛顿各报的宣传与总统的讲话异乎寻常地一致。
 ☞ All the propaganda in the newspapers in Washington was in line with the President's speech out of the ordinary during the war on Iraq.
 ☞ 政府最近的一些行动是与对外贸易政策一致的。
 ☞ Some of the recent actions of the government are in line with the policy of the foreign trade.
15.in keeping with,指“与…保持一致”。
 ☞ 这本书在情趣上与作者以前的著作是一致的。
 ☞ In sentiment this book is in keeping with the author's former works.
 ☞ 我得说她的举动与她个人的职业操守不一致。
 ☞ I should say that her behavior is not in keeping with her personal integrity of the profession.
一连 一连
1.in a row,指一个连着一个成为一串。可用来修饰同类的事物或动作。
 ☞ 她在晚会上一连唱了四五支歌。
 ☞ In the evening party she sang four or five songs in a row.
 ☞ 那电影真叫好,我一连去看了两次。
 ☞ That movie is just wonderful. I went to see it twice in a row.
 ☞ 我省的农民一连3年获得丰收。
 ☞ The peasants of our province have reaped good harvests for three years in a row.
2.in succession,与in a row同义,也指一个接着一个没有中断。
 ☞ 你一连错过了4个饭局,真可惜!
 ☞ What a pity it was that you had missed four dinners in succession.
 ☞ 她由于工作出色一连3年获得一等奖。
 ☞ She has been awarded first prize for her excellent work three years in succession.
 ☞ 事情巧得我们一连几天都是在街上遇见的。
 ☞ It so happened that we met in the streets several days running.
 ☞ 你一连3次拜访她是什么意思?
 ☞ What do you mean by calling on her three times running?
4.on end,指时间或距离上的连续不断。
 ☞ 他一连几个小时坐在那里等待手术的结果。
 ☞ He sat there for hours on end, awaiting the result of the operation.
 ☞ 公路一连5公里都夹在果园中间。
 ☞ For five kilometers on end the road was sandwiched between fruit orchards.
5.at a stretch,指某个动作或状态一口气持续某段时间。
 ☞ 他失眠一连几个星期了。
 ☞ He has suffered, for weeks at a stretch, from insomnia.
 ☞ 尽管不太舒服,她还是一连5天都坚持工作。
 ☞ She kept to her work for five days at a stretch though she was not very well.
 ☞ 一连下了3天雨,今天早晨才放晴。
 ☞ It had been raining continuously for three days, and it only cleared up this morning.
 ☞ 他的身体好,所以才能一连干上10个多小时。
 ☞ He is in good health, so he can work continuously for more than ten hours.
万一 万一
1.in case of,指万一发生某种情况,为复合介词,后接名词。in case为连词,后接从句。
 ☞ 万一有疑问我该问谁呢?
 ☞ Whom should I turn to for advice in case of doubt?
 ☞ 万一发生火灾就按警报。
 ☞ In case of fire sound the alarm.
 ☞ 万一我忘了,就提醒我一下。
 ☞ In case I forget, please remind me of it.
 ☞ 带把雨伞去,万一下雨。
 ☞ Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain.
  ■ in case of和in case的区别可从下列译文中看出。
 ☞ 万一下雨,就不要等我。
 ☞ In case of rain don't expect me.或:In case it rains, don't expect me.
2.in the event (of),与in case of, in case同义。
 ☞ 万一发生火灾,就拉警铃。
 ☞ In the event of fire, ring the alarm-bell.
 ☞ 万一他不在,请告诉他母亲。
 ☞ Please tell his mother in the event that he is absent.
 ☞ 或:Please tell his mother in the event of his absence.
3.if by any chance,连词,指带有偶然的假设。
 ☞ 万一有人找我,就请他留个条。
 ☞ If by any chance somebody comes to see me, ask him to leave a message.
 ☞ 万一我病了,请告诉我的家人。
 ☞ Please let my family know if by any chance I'm ill.
 ☞ 万一你父亲看见了,你怎么说呢?
 ☞ Suppose your father saw you, what would you say?
 ☞ 万一他们不信他,会对他怎么样?
 ☞ Suppose they did not believe him, what would they do to him?
  ■ 此外,suppose还可以表示担心。
  "Let's go swimming." "Suppose there are sharks."
5.what if,what是省略句,if是连词,用来引入假设的从句。若动词用过去时,其作用与suppose一样。
 ☞ 万一我今天下午不来,明天来呢?
 ☞ What if I came tomorrow instead of this afternoon?
 ☞ 万一这传闻是真的呢?
 ☞ What if the rumor is true?
  ■ 与suppose一样,what if也可用来表示担心。
 "I'm going to climb up there." "No, what if you slipped?"
 ☞ 这美景难以形容其万一。
 ☞ The beautiful scene beggars description.
 ☞ 老百姓纷纷购买食品,以防万一。
 ☞ Ordinary people bought food one after another to prepare for the worst.
 ☞ 根据预报明晚要发生地震,我们要防备万一。
 ☞ According to the forecast there will be an earthquake tomorrow evening. We must be ready for all eventualities.
万能 万能
1.omnipotent, omnipotence,指在超自然力作用下的万能。
 ☞ 你可以默念万能的上帝来帮助你,以鼓舞你的精神。
 ☞ You can lift up your mind in contemplation of the aid of the Omnipotent Deity.
 ☞ 我不认同一般人认为教育是万能的信念。
 ☞ I could not share the popular faith in the omnipotence of education.
 ☞ 近来,美国大多数银行都已采用万能出纳机。
 ☞ Most US banks have recently employed universal tellers.
 ☞ 这车床上装有万能夹具。
 ☞ A universal chuck is installed in this lathe.
3.multipurpose, all-purpose,指多种用途。
 ☞ 万能拖拉机是个体农民的好帮手。
 ☞ The multipurpose tractor is a great help to an individual peasant.
 ☞ 你可以把打碎的花瓶用万能胶粘起来。
 ☞ You can stick the broken vase with all-purpose adhesive.

1.go, 指去。
 ☞ 党指向东,我上东;党指向西,我向西。
 ☞ If the Party points east, I go east; if the Party points west, I go west.
 ☞ 你上哪儿?
 ☞ Where are you going?
 ☞ 我上医务室。
 ☞ I'm going to the clinic.
 ☞ 我6岁上学。
 ☞ I went to school at the age of six.
  ■ go后面接不同的词,具有不同含义的“上”。
 ☞ 该上船(车,飞机)了。
 ☞ It's time to go aboard.
 ☞ 他上完一道坡就汗流浃背,气喘吁吁。
 ☞ He was sweating and panting after going up a slope.
 ☞ 他吃完晚饭就上楼了。
 ☞ He went upstairs after finishing his supper.
 ☞ 我们的船逆流而上,在暮色中到达一个叫宜昌的城市。
 ☞ Our ship went upstream and at dusk reached a city called Yichang.
 ☞ 有条件要上,没有条件创造条件也要上。
 ☞ When the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don't, create them and go ahead.
 ☞ 想吃果子就得上树。
 ☞ He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
 ☞ 我们现在出发上山。
 ☞ We now set out to climb the hill.
 ☞ 老太太上楼已很困难。
 ☞ The old lady climbs up the stairs with great difficulty.
3.get on,指上车、船、马等。
 ☞ 她上了自行车,踩着离开了。
 ☞ She got on her bicycle and cycled off.
 ☞ 他上公共汽车时,一个年轻人给他让位。
 ☞ A young man offered him his seat when he got on the bus.
 ☞ 他们是在开罗上的飞机。
 ☞ They got on the plane at Cairo.
 ☞ 我抓住你的马,你再上。
 ☞ I'll hold your horse while you get on.
 ☞ 这一场你上。
 ☞ You play this game.
 ☞ 下半场他替你上。
 ☞ He plays this second half in your place.
 ☞ 今天该谁上?
 ☞ Who is playing today?
 ☞ 已经上了好几道菜了。
 ☞ Several courses were already served.
 ☞ 与中餐相反,西餐里的汤先上。
 ☞ Contrary to the Chinese food, soup is first served in the Western-style food.
 ☞ 一定要上热咖啡。
 ☞ Be sure to serve the coffee hot.
 ☞ 我正在上螺丝呢。
 ☞ I'm fixing the screw in place.
 ☞ 步枪都上了刺刀。
 ☞ All the rifles have bayonets fixed on them.
 ☞ 她在给新做的衣服上领子。
 ☞ She was fixing the collar on dress being made.
 ☞ 护士在伤口上上药膏。
 ☞ The nurse applied the ointment to the wound.
 ☞ 你得在木头上上一层清漆。
 ☞ You have to apply a coat of varnish to the wood.
 ☞ 我看见一个农民在地里上肥。
 ☞ I saw a peasant applying fertilizer to the field.
 ☞ 我吩咐部下上子弹。
 ☞ I ordered my men to have their guns loaded.
 ☞ 他忘了给相机上胶卷。
 ☞ He forgot to load the film into the camera.
 ☞ 把米袋上到大车上。
 ☞ Load the bags of rice on to the cart.
9.up, upper, upward,指向上。
 ☞ 往上看那扇窗户,发现什么东西没有?
 ☞ Look up at the window. Do you find anything?
 ☞ 放的时候这面朝上。
 ☞ This side up when you put it down.
 ☞ 我把那东西往上一拉,飞机就开始下降了。
 ☞ The plane began to descend when I pulled it up.
 ☞ 他的上嘴唇有个疤。
 ☞ He has a scar on his upper lip.
 ☞ 我们有两排牙齿,上一排,下一排。
 ☞ We have two sets of teeth, the upper set and the lower set.
 ☞ 往上瞧!
 ☞ Look upward!
 ☞ 往上伸胳膊。
 ☞ Stretch your arms upward.
10.on, in, 指处在某种工作或学习的岗位上。
 ☞ 我今天上夜班。
 ☞ I'm on the night shift today.
 ☞ 新产品什么时候上市?
 ☞ When will the new products be on sale?
 ☞ 她在上大学。
 ☞ She is now in college.
 ☞ 孩子们都上一个学校。
 ☞ Children are in the same school.
11.up to, as many (much) as,指数量够得上。
 ☞ 你可以在这个帐篷里睡上10个小时。
 ☞ You can sleep in this tent up to ten hours.
 ☞ 他是个弱智儿童,还数不上10。
 ☞ He is a retarded child and can't count up to ten.
 ☞ 有上万人出席。
 ☞ There are as many as ten thousand present.
 ☞ 他每月能挣上万块钱。
 ☞ He can earn as much as ten thousand yuan a month.
12.leadership, superior, higher-up, above,均指上级。
 ☞ 上下一条心。
 ☞ The leadership and rank and file are of one mind.
 ☞ 你是在犯上。
 ☞ You're going against your superior.
 ☞ 这个情况你们得向上反映。
 ☞ You have to report the situation to the higher-ups.
 ☞ 你的任务是下情上达。
 ☞ Your task is to make the situation below known to those above.
13.last, previous,指最近的、前面的。
 ☞ 代表团于上周安全抵达北京。
 ☞ The delegation arrived safely in Beijing last week.
 ☞ 上个月我们见过面。
 ☞ We met last month.
 ☞ 我们的习惯是每星期六晚上复习上周的内容。
 ☞ Every Saturday evening it is our custom to review the previous week's content.
 ☞ 上一页有张画。
 ☞ There is a picture on the previous page.
  ■ 应该注意一点:last与时间名词连用修饰动词时无需加介词。如:
 ☞ They arrived last Monday. I saw him last May.但如果last放在该名词之后,则要用相应的介词。如:They arrived on Monday last. I saw him in May last.
 ☞ 这部词典分上下两集。
 ☞ The dictionary is in two volumes, first and second.
 ☞ 我在上半学期就跟每位同学交换了意见。
 ☞ I had a conference with each student during the first half of the term.
 ☞ 他的手稿放在书架最上一层。
 ☞ His manuscripts lay on the top shelf.
 ☞ 她的功课在学校里是中上水平。
 ☞ Her work at school is better than average.
 ☞ 共产党员应该是见困难就上。
 ☞ A communist should advance where there are difficulties to overcome.
 ☞ 该上表了。
 ☞ The watch needs winding.
 ☞ 明天的语文课还上不上?
 ☞ Shall we have our Chinese lesson tomorrow or not?
 ☞ 他终于飞上了蓝天。
 ☞ Finally, he flew into the blue sky.
 ☞ 我们一踏上非洲的土地就受到热烈的欢迎。
 ☞ We received a warm welcome when we set foot on the African soil.
 ☞ 你跟他接上头了吗?
 ☞ Have you got in touch with him?
 ☞ 一定要锁上门。
 ☞ Be sure to lock the door.
 ☞ 村子里家家都买上了电视。
 ☞ Every household in the village has bought a TV set.
 ☞ 她当上了会计。
 ☞ She's become an accountant.
 ☞ 他们俩已聊上了。
 ☞ The two of them are having a good chat.
 ☞ 会还没开,大家就议论上了。
 ☞ The meeting has not begun yet, but they are already talking about the matter.
 ☞ 我要能在北京多住上几天才好呢。
 ☞ If only I could stay a few more days in Beijing.
 ☞ 近来我每天只能睡上三四个小时。
 ☞ I get only three or four hours of sleep daily these days.
上下 上下
1.up and down,指上上下下。
 ☞ 风变得更大了,船身在波浪里上下颠簸。
 ☞ As the wind grew stronger, the boat was tossed up and down by the waves.
 ☞ 他停顿了一下,上下打量着她。
 ☞ He paused for a while and looked at her up and down.
 ☞ 山上修了公路,汽车上下很方便。
 ☞ With the completion of the highway up the mountain, a car can easily go up and down.
2.high and low,由高低而指上下。
 ☞ 上下级之间,我们必须做到通气。
 ☞ We must get into full communication between the higher and lower levels.
 ☞ 他们是上下串通好的,才不会告诉你真相呢。
 ☞ They won't tell you the truth, for they have made contacts high and low.
 ☞ 上下一条心。
 ☞ The leadership and the rank and file are of one mind.
 ☞ 全军上下奋不顾身地抢救决口的河堤。
 ☞ Officers and men alike rushed to rescue the river bank which was breached, completely disregarding their own safety.
 ☞ 公司里的上下关系很和睦。
 ☞ The superiors and the inferiors are on good terms in our company.
 ☞ 你们的工作上下脱节。
 ☞ There is a dislocation in your work between higher and lower organizations.
 ☞ 该塑像上下有10公尺。
 ☞ The height of the statue is 10 meters.
 ☞ 水塔上下有50米。
 ☞ The water tower is fifty meters high.
5.about, or so表示大约,用于数词或数量词之后。
 ☞ 这位老大娘的年纪在70上下。
 ☞ The granny is about seventy years old.
 ☞ 剩下的袜子不多了,只有一打上下。
 ☞ There are not many socks left, only a dozen or so.
 ☞ 或犯法当讯,执事者上下其手。
 ☞ When a man was to be tried for his crime the executive would work hand in glove with someone concerned.
 ☞ 这些字母是上下颠倒的。
 ☞ These letters are upside-down.
 ☞ 两者不相上下。
 ☞ There is little to choose between the two.
上升 上升
1.go up,仅指上去。是最无特色与色彩的常用词。
 ☞ 我们的生产在稳步上升。
 ☞ Our production goes steadily up.
 ☞ 这几天气温一直在上升。
 ☞ The temperature has been going up these days.
 ☞ 生产持续上升。
 ☞ Production is rising steadily.
 ☞ 气压计在上升,看来要变天。
 ☞ The barometer is rising. The weather seems to change soon.
3.climb to,指爬升。
 ☞ 他的学习成绩上升到全班第一。
 ☞ He has climbed to the head of his class in study.
 ☞ 这栋建筑上升到了二十层楼的高度。
 ☞ The building climbs to a height of 20 stories.
 ☞ 我们看着这团火球高速上升。
 ☞ We watched the fireball ascending with great rapidity.
 ☞ 乘着气球上升真是一次惊心动魄的经历。
 ☞ It was really a thrilling experience to ascend in a balloon.
  ■ ascendant还可用来修饰事物上升的本质。
 ☞ 当时资本主义还处在上升时期。
 ☞ At that time capitalism was still in the ascendant.
 ☞ 水位上升到了我的腰部。
 ☞ The level of the water mounted until it reached my waist.
 ☞ 气温持续上升到了摄氏40度。
 ☞ The temperature kept mounting to 40 degrees centigrade.
 ☞ 大学生的人数大幅度上升。
 ☞ The number of students in universities has jumped.
 ☞ 1988年的物价急剧上升。
 ☞ Price jumped sharply in 1988.
 ☞ 自产业结构调整以来,纺织行业中的下岗人数直线上升。
 ☞ Unemployment in the textile industry has rocketed since the adjustment of industrial structure.
 ☞ 她几乎是在一夜之间一跃而成为明星的。
 ☞ She rocketed to stardom almost overnight.
 ☞ 她受欢迎的程度大幅度上升,现在几乎拥有上百万的观众。
 ☞ Her ratings has soared and now almost has an audience of a million.
 ☞ 公寓的租金大幅度上升,许多房客只好另找住房。
 ☞ Apartment rents soared, and many tenants had to relocate.
 ☞ 魔术师碰都没碰那位躺着的姑娘,就让她上升到了空中。
 ☞ The magician levitated the lying girl into the air without touching her.
 ☞ 他在梦里感到自己上升到了天花板,在那里飘来飘去,然后终于飞到了窗外。
 ☞ In the dream he felt himself levitating to the ceiling, floating about there, and finally flying out by the window.
10.move up,指上浮。
 ☞ 生产上升到了一个新水平。
 ☞ Production moved up to a new level.
 ☞ 美元的兑换率上升到8.7元人民币。
 ☞ The exchange rate of the American dollar moved up to 8.7 yuan RMB.
上来 上来
1.come up,指从低到高或从远到近。
 ☞ 当我们谈话时,上来了一个人。
 ☞ While we were talking, a man came up.
 ☞ 你什么时候上北京来玩玩?
 ☞ When will you come up to Beijing for a trip?
2.come out,指从里到外。
 ☞ 你游了半天泳,上来歇会儿。
 ☞ You've been swimming for a long time now. Come out and have a rest.
 ☞ 黑夜一定会过去,太阳一定会上来。
 ☞ The dark night shall end and the sun will certainly come out.
3.come from,指从基层到上层。
 ☞ 他是刚从基层上来的。
 ☞ He's come from a grass-roots unit.
 ☞ 我是从连队上来的。
 ☞ I came from the company.
4.get to (on),指上到某处。
 ☞ 山高了些,恐怕她上不来。
 ☞ The hill is rather high. I'm afraid she won't be able to get to the top.
 ☞ 火车上尽管挤,我逐是把她们弄上来了。
 ☞ I managed to get them on the train though it was crowded.
  ■ get后接形容词比较级,有“慢慢变得”的意思。这里的“上来”用作动词get的补语。
 ☞ 暖气片慢慢热上来了。
 ☞ Little by little the radiators got warmer.
 ☞ 地下水位涨上来了。
 ☞ The groundwater level is getting higher and higher.
5.reach, arrive,均指到达,其区别是前者指由下到上,后者指由一处到另一处。
 ☞ 下面的意见已经上来了。
 ☞ All the opinions from below have reached us.
 ☞ 增援部队是分两路上来的。
 ☞ Reinforcements arrived by two routes.
6.at the beginning,from the start,均指“从一开始就…。
 ☞ 我们一上来就感到败兴。
 ☞ We felt disappointed at the beginning.
 ☞ 他一上来就没说话。
 ☞ He didn't say anything at the beginning.
 ☞ 晚会节目一上来就没劲。
 ☞ The program for the evening party was boring right from the start.
 ☞ 他是刚从基层提拔上来的干部。
 ☞ He is a cadre newly promoted from a grass-roots unit.
 ☞ 把箱子抬上来。
 ☞ Bring the trunk up.
 ☞ 外国朋友围上来要他签名留念。
 ☞ The foreign friends gathered around him and asked for his autographs.
 ☞ 这个问题你答得上来吗?
 ☞ Can you answer this question?
 ☞ 看他面熟,可名字叫不上来。
 ☞ I know his face but I can't recall his name.
 ☞ 等我爬到山顶,连气都喘不上来了。
 ☞ By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was quite out of breath.
上瘾 上瘾
1.addict oneself to, be addicted to,指吸毒、酗 酒、赌博等上瘾。
 ☞ 政府应该关心吸毒上瘾的青少年。
 ☞ The government should be concerned about the teenagers who addict themselves to drugs.
 ☞ 他赌博上瘾,毁了全家。
 ☞ He was addicted to gambling and ruined his family.
 ☞ 他爱喝两盅,但从来不上瘾。
 ☞ He is fond of drinking a bit, but never addicted himself to it.
2.get into the habit of,指养成某种好的或坏的习惯。
 ☞ 你钓鱼上瘾了,是不是?
 ☞ You've got into the habit of fishing, haven't you?
 ☞ 我们小时候集邮都上了瘾。
 ☞ We all got into the habit of collecting stamps when we were young.
 ☞ 他抽烟上瘾了。
 ☞ He's got into the habit of smoking.
  ■ habit与其他词连用,有时也有“上瘾”的意思。
 ☞ 这种药吃久了会上瘾。
 ☞ This medicine is habit-forming.
 ☞ 他喝酒上瘾了。
 ☞ He has developed the habit of drinking.
 ☞ 我是从外国人那儿染上赌瘾的。
 ☞ I caught the habit of gambling from foreigners.
3.yen, 原指强烈的嗜好,有时也有“上瘾”的意思。
 ☞ 他看侦探小说看上瘾了。
 ☞ He's developed a yen for detective stories.
 ☞ 你对电脑已上瘾了。
 ☞ You mounted a yen for computers.

1) 使用运动动词,如go to, alight, dismount, descend等。
 ☞ 领导干部应该经常下乡下厂,了解下情。
 ☞ Leading cadres must often go to villages and factories to know what is going on at the lower levels.
 ☞ 师长下连队了。
 ☞ The division commander has gone to the company.
 ☞ 厂长下车间了。
 ☞ The factory director has gone to workshops.
 ☞ 她开始把东西归到一起,准各下车。
 ☞ She began to gather her things together to alight the carriage.
 ☞ 下马观花,总比走马看花好。
 ☞ To view flowers by dismounting is always better than to look at flowers while riding a horse.
2) 动词+ down。
 ☞ 我儿子从来不下楼梯,而是顺着楼梯的扶手滑下来的。
 ☞ My son never descends by the stairs. He slides down the handrail.
 ☞ 看到客人下车,他立即下台阶相迎。
 ☞ Seeing that the guest got off the car, he hurried down the steps as quickly as possible.
 ☞ 她坐下来瞥了他一眼。
 ☞ She cast a glance at him when she sat down.
 ☞ 你躺下,我来替你检查。
 ☞ Lie down, and I'll have you checked.
 ☞ 下山容易上山难。
 ☞ It is easier to walk downhill than uphill.
 ☞ 我们顺流而下,朝发夕至。
 ☞ We started at dawn and arrived at dusk by sailing downstream.
  ■ 不过,某些动词与down搭配时不仅表示自上而下的运动,还表示某个动作的完成。
 ☞ 他一时生气,扯下了那张布告。
 ☞ He tore down the notice in a fit of anger.
 ☞ 他感到暖和多了,就翻下了大衣领子。
 ☞ He turned down the collar of his overcoat when he felt much warm.
 ☞ 等一下,让我记下你的地址。
 ☞ Wait a moment. Let me write down your address.
 ☞ 没有水我怎么吞得下这药呢?
 ☞ How can I take down the medicine without water?
3) get off, get out of。
 ☞ 我们看着他从车里下来,进了那幢大楼。
 ☞ We watched him getting off the car and going into the building.
 ☞ 她下了飞机,开始往四面东张西望,不见有人来接她。
 ☞ She got off the plane and began to look round in all directions, but no one had come to meet her.
 ☞ 他下了床,然后伸了个懒腰。
 ☞ He got out of bed, and then he stretched himself.
2.用具体的动词指下雨、下雪、下冰雹,如rain, snow, hail等。
 ☞ 雪下得很大。
 ☞ It's snowing hard.或The snow is falling heavily.或 The snow came down thick and fast.
 ☞ 下起了倾盆大雨。
 ☞ It was raining hard.或The rain came down in bucketful.或It was raining cats and dogs.或The rain was pelting down.
 ☞ 下的冰雹猛得打碎了玻璃窗。
 ☞ It hailed so hard that windows were broken. 或The hail fell with such violence that it broke windows.
 ☞ 为适应战争的需要,已经下了总动员令。
 ☞ The general mobilization order was issued to meet the need of war.(动员令是大事,用issue表示正式)
 ☞ 警察局长向他们下了监视他的指令。
 ☞ The police chief gave them instructions to watch him.
 ☞ 已给他下了一个月后离职的通知。
 ☞ He was given a month's notice of leaving office.
 ☞ 任务已经下了,我们要做的是如何完成。
 ☞ The task has been assigned. What we have to do is how to accomplish it.
 ☞ 至于就业问题,应向有关部门下个文件。
 ☞ As to employment, deliver a document to the departments concerned.(下文件要签发,签收,归档,比较正式,故用deliver)
 ☞ 他向拳王下了战书。
 ☞ He sent the boxing champion a letter of challenge.
5.put (in),指投放。
 ☞ 米已下锅,准备烧饭了。
 ☞ The rice is put in the pot and ready to be cooked.
 ☞ 通知全村,井水已被下了毒。
 ☞ Warn everybody in the village that the well water was put in poison.
 ☞ 发面已经下了作料,准备上烤炉了。
 ☞ The dough put in condiments is to be baked in oven.
 ☞ 想好了再下笔。
 ☞ Think it out before you put pen to paper.
 ☞ 该下多少力气就下多少力气。
 ☞ Apply as much force as is necessary.
 ☞ 对这个难题他是下了心思的。
 ☞ He applied his mind to the difficult problem.
 ☞ 我们下肥料是要使庄稼茁壮成长。
 ☞ We apply manure to improve crops.
7.go with,指下饭、下酒。
 ☞ 这两个菜你都不喜欢,拿什么下饭?
 ☞ If you don't like either of the two dishes, what are you going to have with your rice?
 ☞ 弄点花生米下酒。
 ☞ Get some peanuts to go with wine.
8.lay egg,指下蛋;lay hand,指下手。
 ☞ 这只黑母鸡一季能下一百多个蛋。
 ☞ This black hen lays more than a hundred eggs a time.
 ☞ 想不到他竟会对自己的妻子下毒手。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should lay murderous hands on his wife?
9.get off,come off,指下班;take off指取下。
 ☞ 我们每天下午6点下班。
 ☞ We get off work at six p.m. every weekday.
 ☞ 她下夜班时他都来接她。
 ☞ He came to meet her when she came off night duty.
 ☞ 把门下了修一修。
 ☞ Take the door off and have it repaired.
10.can accommodate (seat, eat),指容(坐、吃)得下。
 ☞ 旅馆容得下500位客人。
 ☞ The hotel can accommodate 500 guests.
 ☞ 我们的餐厅坐得下200人。
 ☞ Our dining room can seat 200 persons.
 ☞ 我吃不下那么多。
 ☞ I can't eat that much.
 ☞ 这场戏你从右门下。
 ☞ In this scene you are to exit from the right-hand door.
 ☞ 换人,四号下,三号上。
 ☞ Substitution, No.3 for No.4.
 ☞ 他们在下围棋。
 ☞ They are playing go.
 ☞ 该你下了。
 ☞ It's your turn to make a move.
 ☞ 把俘虏的枪下了。
 ☞ Disarm the captured soldier.
 ☞ 船上的货还没下完。
 ☞ The cargo hasn't all been unloaded yet.
 ☞ 警方根据证据下了结论,认为他是过失犯罪。
 ☞ The police drew from evidence the conclusion that he was guilty of unpremeditated crime.
 ☞ 现在我的决心已下,已无人能改变了。
 ☞ Now my mind was made up and no one will change it.
 ☞ 她家的母猪昨天下了一窝小猪。
 ☞ Her sow dropped a litter of piglets last night.
 ☞ 双方相持不下,几天来会谈陷入了僵局。
 ☞ Neither side was ready to yield and the negotiation reached deadlock for days.
 ☞ 下什么样的定义已无关紧要。
 ☞ It doesn't matter what a definition is given.
 ☞ 早下课了。
 ☞ The class has long been dismissed.
 ☞ 培养合格人才要舍得下工夫,下本钱。
 ☞ Don't begrudge time and money in training qualified personnel.
 ☞ 参加大会的不下3,000人。
 ☞ No less than 3000 people attended the conference.

1) below(介词),与above相对,指方位上低于另一物体的位置。
 ☞ 我们在地表以下约5米处找到了水。
 ☞ We found water about five meters below the surface.
 ☞ 昨天晚上的温度是零下5度。
 ☞ The temperature was 5 degrees below zero last night.
  ■ below用作定语、状语时一般都后置。
 ☞ 我上有父母,下有儿女,都要照顾。
 ☞ I have parents above and children below to take care of.
 ☞ 详细叙述如下。
 ☞ A detailed description is given below.
2) under(介词),与over相对,指垂直位置上低于另一物体。
 ☞ 我看见她静静地坐在树下。
 ☞ I saw her sitting still under the tree.
 ☞ 她摸了摸枕头下的手表,发现不见了。
 ☞ She felt under the pillow for her watch and found it missing.
  ■ under与below虽有区别,但在下列情况下可以换用。
 ☞ 一位姑娘撞到我的左眼下面。
 ☞ A girl burned into me under (below) the left eye.
 ☞ 我们坐在群星下又说又笑。
 ☞ We sat under (below) the stars, talking and laughing.
3) down,与up相对,指向下,往下。
 ☞ 伤员们互相扶着走下楼梯。
 ☞ The wounded walked down the stairs, leaning on each other for support.
 ☞ 我们坐火车南下。
 ☞ We went down south by train.
1) from... down to... (复合介词),指“上至…下至…”。
 ☞ 上至国家主席下至普通干部,大家都去植树了。
 ☞ Everybody went planting trees, from the Chinese President down to the ordinary cadres.
 ☞ 他的讲话,土至市长,下至市民,无不为之感动。
 ☞ None were unmoved by his speech, from the mayor down to the townspeople.
2) lower,与upper相对,可指等级、层次等。
 ☞ 产品分为上、中、下三等。
 ☞ The products are divided into three grades: the upper, the middle and the lower.
 ☞ 你是我们中间年纪最大的,睡下铺方便一点。
 ☞ You are the oldest among us. The lower berth is more convenient.
1) next,指序列中的下一个。
 ☞ 下次我再告诉你。
 ☞ I'll tell you next time.
 ☞ 他下个星期五来。
 ☞ He is coming next Friday.
2) second,指两个中的第二个,the second half,指 整体中的后一半。
 ☞ 他的诗集分上下两册。
 ☞ His collection of poems is in two volumes, first and second.
 ☞ 2002年下半年的国际贸易额达到了200亿美元。
 ☞ International trade reached 20 billion US dollars during the second half of 2002.
3) third,指三个中的第三;the last of three,指三个中的最后一个。
 ☞ 这部词典有上、中、下三册。
 ☞ The dictionary has three volumes, that is, first, second and third.
 ☞ 你拿错了,这是三集词典中的下册。
 ☞ You've taken it by mistake. This is the last of the three-volume dictionary.
下去 下去
1.down, 与运动动词连用,指由高处到低处的运动。
 ☞ 你跳不下去,就爬下去。
 ☞ If you can't jump down, climb down.
 ☞ 下去100米左右就到井底了。
 ☞ Go down 100 meters or so and you'll reach the bottom of the well.
 ☞ 这几天她的体温下去了。
 ☞ Her temperature has gone down these days.
  ■ go down还可用于转义。
 ☞ 你应该下去了解那儿的情况。
 ☞ You should go down there to seize up the situation 我手上的泡全下去了。
 ☞ All the blisters on my hands have gone down.
  ■ go downstairs,表示下楼。
 ☞ 下去看看是谁敲门?
 ☞ Go downstairs and see who's knocking at the door.
2.get off,指从车、船、飞机上下去;fall off,指跌下去。
 ☞ 到站了,咱们快下去。
 ☞ Here we are. Let's get off at once.
 ☞ 公共汽车停了下来,门开了,父亲下去了。
 ☞ The bus stopped, the door opened and Father got off.
 ☞ 他一滑,从梯子上摔了下去。
 ☞ He slipped and fell off the ladder.
 ☞ 把这喝下去,对你有好处。
 ☞ Drink it down. It'll do you good.
 ☞ 大批粮食运到了重灾区,把米价压了下去。
 ☞ Large amounts of grain that had arrived at the severely afflicted area beat down the price of rice.
 ☞ 你的气还没消下去吗?
 ☞ Haven't you calmed down yet?
 ☞ 长青树被大雪压了下去。
 ☞ The evergreens were weighed down by the heavy snow.
 ☞ 要不是妈妈叫爸爸吃午饭,他会一直在园子里干下去的。
 ☞ Father would have worked away in his garden if Mother hadn't called him for lunch.
 ☞ 要不是子弹打完,他们会一直打下去的。
 ☞ They would have fired away if there had been no ammunition left.
 ☞ 我不来开门,难道你就一直敲下去?
 ☞ Are you going to batter away at the door if I don't answer it?
 ☞ 我们嘻嘻哈哈地笑下去一直到她爸回来。
 ☞ We laughed away till her father came back.
 ☞ 把战俘都带下去。
 ☞ Take the prisoners of war away.
5.go on (with),无论单独使用还是后接代词,名词或动名词,都表示动作的延续。
 ☞ 她激动得说不下去。
 ☞ She was so excited that she couldn't go on.
 ☞ 再这么搞下去,你就等着麻烦吧。
 ☞ If you go on like that you must expect trouble.
 ☞ 我们不应当这么生活下去。
 ☞ We oughtn't to go on living this way.
 ☞ 她点着头,叹着气,还一针针缝下去。
 ☞ She nodded, sighed, and went on stitching.
 ☞ 请问,我可以干下去吗?
 ☞ May I go on with my work, please?
 ☞ 他示意我继续画下去。
 ☞ He motioned to me to go on with painting.
 ☞ 她一天天地瘦下去。
 ☞ She's getting thinner every day.
 ☞ 情况甚至可能坏下去。
 ☞ The situation may grow even worse.
 ☞ 看来天气还会冷下去。
 ☞ It seems that it will turn even colder.
 ☞ 连长受了重伤,不得不下去。
 ☞ The company commander was seriously wounded and had to leave the battlefront.
 ☞ 我不饿,中午饭还没下去呢。
 ☞ I'm not hungry at all. I haven't finished digesting my lunch yet.
 ☞ 洪水下去了。
 ☞ The flood has receded.
 ☞ 把敌人的火力压下去。
 ☞ Silence the enemy's fire.
 ☞ 希望两国人民世世代代友好下去。
 ☞ We hope the people of the two countries will remain friendly from generation to generation.
 ☞ 做早操,你应该坚持下去。
 ☞ You must persevere in doing morning exercise.
下台 下台
1) fall,指倒台,是比较形象的说法。
 ☞ 意大利内阁因预算问题于昨晚下台。
 ☞ The Italian Cabinet fell last night on the question of the budget.
2) go out of power,指自愿或不自愿地下台。
 ☞ 北洋军政府在一片反对声中下台。
 ☞ The military government ruled by the Northern Warlords went out of power with a chorus of opposition.
3) leave office,指自愿或不自愿地卸下公职。
 ☞ 尼克松总统因水门事件丑闻而被迫下台。
 ☞ President Nixon was forced to leave office because of Watergate Scandal.
4) drive out of office,指赶下台。
 ☞ 一年前刚被安在总统位置上的黎元洪于1923年5 月被赶下了台。
 ☞ General Li Yuan Hong, who had been installed in presidency only a year earlier, was driven out of office in May, 1923.
5) force out of office,指逼下台。
 ☞ 他真正的目的是要让总统下不了台,再逼他下台。
 ☞ His real aim was to humiliate the president and force him out of office.
1) put on the spot,指当场下不了台。
 ☞ 她的问题弄得我下不来台。我既不能推脱,也不能撒谎。
 ☞ Her question put me on the spot. I couldn't make an excuse or lie。
2) embarrass sb. ,指使人陷入窘境而下不了台。
 ☞ 他怕我下不了台,替我回答了那个令人尴尬的问题。
 ☞ He answered the awkward question instead, being afraid of embarrassing me.
3) back down with good grace,指事情发展到这一步要设法体面地下台。
 ☞ 你再这样搞下去就无法下台了。
 ☞ If you go on like that, you will be unable to back down with good grace.
 ☞ 见领导过来调解,他也趁势下台。
 ☞ Seeing his boss come to mediate, he took the opportunity to back down with good grace.
  ■ with good grace有时还可与swallow搭配,也有“下不来台”的意思。
 ☞ 你的话说得太重,弄得他下不来台。
 ☞ Your remarks were much too harsh for him to swallow with good grace.
下工夫 下工夫
1.make effort, put in effort, without effort,均指做出或不做出努力。
 ☞ 还要再下工夫来加强团结。
 ☞ More efforts should be made to strengthen unity.
 ☞ 要想学习好,就得下工夫。
 ☞ If you want to study well, you must put in a lot of effort.
 ☞ 不下工夫就什么也得不着。
 ☞ Nothing can be obtained without efforts.
2.devote time, take time,均指花时间。
 ☞ 他在帮助学生记单词上是下了好多工夫的。
 ☞ He devoted much time to helping the students memorize new words.
 ☞ 他下了3天的工夫就学会了溜冰。
 ☞ It took him only three days to learn to skate.
  ■ 不过有时为了强调起见,time还以与energy,effort连用。
 ☞ 你应当在技术革新上再下工夫。
 ☞ You should devote more time and energy to technical innovation.
 ☞ 改造世界观要在理论联系实际上下工夫。
 ☞ In remolding one's world outlook, one must concentrate one's time and effort on integrating theory with practice.
 ☞ 教育小学生要舍得下工夫。
 ☞ Don't begrudge time and effort in educating pupils.
 ☞ 他学习很下工夫。
 ☞ He works really hard.
 ☞ 要想成功就得下工夫。
 ☞ You have to go all out if you want to be a success.
下手 下手
1.where to start,指从哪里开始,强调下手的起始点。
 ☞ 开头,我们甚至不知从何下手。
 ☞ In the beginning we even didn't know where to start.
 ☞ 我们甚至连他的代号都不知道,又从何下手?
 ☞ We don't even know his code name. So where to start?
2.set to,指动手干。强调下手后的结果。
 ☞ 我们一下手,十分钟就干完。
 ☞ If we set to we had the job finished in ten minutes.
 ☞ 他一下手就把那拳王一拳击倒在地。
 ☞ When he set to he knocked the boxing champion down with one blow。
3.set about,指着手,强调下手后的过程。
 ☞ 像这样的事,你怎么下手?
 ☞ How do you set about a thing like that?
 ☞ 这事我不知如何下手。
 ☞ I don't know how to set about it.
4.lay (one's) hand on,指动手。
 ☞ 要是我对你下手,你后悔都来不及。
 ☞ If I ever lay my hands on you, you'll be overcome with regret.
 ☞ 你怎敢对一个孩子下手?
 ☞ How dare you lay hands on a child?
  ■ lay hands on还可带定语。
 ☞ 谁想得到他会对他妻子下毒手呢?
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should lay murderous hands on his wife?
5.bring oneself to,指事态发展使自己做了某种意外之举。
 ☞ 他竟敢下手谋杀妻子。
 ☞ He went so far as to bring himself to murder his wife.
 ☞ 让我宰鸡,我怎么也下不了手。
 ☞ I can never bring myself to kill a chicken.
6.strike (out) at,指动手打击,一次打击。
 ☞ 眼看敌人随时就要对我们下手,我们怎能高枕无忧?
 ☞ How can we sleep peacefully without anxiety when the enemy is going to strike out at us at any moment?
 ☞ 他竟会操起手杖朝我下手。
 ☞ He should have struck at me by seizing his stick.
下来 下来
1.come down,指一般情况下从高处下来。
 ☞ 梯子不稳,快下来!
 ☞ Come down at once! The ladder isn't steady.
 ☞ 昨天从北京下来了两位领导。
 ☞ Two leading cadres came down from Beijing yesterday.
 ☞ 她的体温一直下不来。
 ☞ Her temperature has not come down.
2.get down,也指从高处下来,但更强调要想办法才下得来。
 ☞ 他们爬上了岩壁,但他们下得来吗?
 ☞ They have climbed up the precipice, but will they get down?
 ☞ 那人从消防车的云梯上下来,逃出了那幢着火的大楼。
 ☞ The man escaped from the burning building by getting down a ladder of the fire engine.
 ☞ 不扶你,你能从陡坡上下来吗?
 ☞ Can you get down the steep slope without propping you?
3.descend,也指从高处下来,但比come down 说法正式,庄重。
 ☞ 菩萨似乎是从天上下来帮她的。
 ☞ It seemed that a Buddha had descended from Heaven to aid her.
 ☞ 登山运动员正从顶峰附近的宿营地下来。
 ☞ The mountaineers are descending from their overnight camp near the summit.
4.finalize, 指最后确定下来。
 ☞ 婚礼日期一定下来就宣布。
 ☞ The date of wedding will be announced as soon as it is finalized.
 ☞ 概算3天内定得下来吗?
 ☞ Will the budgetary estimate be finalized in three days?
5.be over,指某个活动结束以后取得的结果;after,指经过一定时间后取得的结果。
 ☞ 他在一家中学实习3个月下来,教学大有长进。
 ☞ When the three months' practice at a middle school was over he made good progress in his teaching.
 ☞ 一年工作下来,他的技术大有提高。
 ☞ After one year's work, his skills have improved a lot.
1) 表示由上面运动着下来。
 ☞ 溪水是从山上流下来的。
 ☞ The stream flows down from the mountain.
 ☞ 扔点吃的下来。
 ☞ Throw down something eatable.
2) 表示继承下来。
 ☞ 古代流传下来的寓言都是有教育意义的。
 ☞ Fables handed down from ancient times are all instructive.
 ☞ 这些规定是以鲜血和生命的代价制定下来的。
 ☞ The rules were laid down at the cost of blood and life.
3) 表示动作的完成或结束。
 ☞ 教室刚刚安静下来,她就突然尖叫起来。
 ☞ The classroom had just quieted down when she screamed out.
 ☞ 是她把我们的开支节省下来的。
 ☞ It is she who has put down our expenditure.
1) 表示从上面稳定的位置上下来。
 ☞ 她从马上跌了下来,好在伤势不重。
 ☞ She fell off her horse; luckily she was not very seriously injured.
 ☞ 我从火车上一下来,就看见她在向我挥手。
 ☞ As soon as I got off the train I saw her waving to me.
2) 表示离开原来的位置。
 ☞ 他咬下来一大块苹果。
 ☞ He bit off a large piece of the apple.
 ☞ 士兵们是从前线撤下来的。
 ☞ The soldiers drew off from the frontline.
8.to the end, 指把某事进行到底。
 ☞ 所有上夜校的人都坚持下来了。
 ☞ All those who joined the evening classes persisted to the end.
 ☞ 尽管演出不是那么好,但她还是留下来了。
 ☞ She stayed to the end all the same though the performance was not so good.
 ☞ 天色渐渐黑下来了。
 ☞ It was getting darker and darker.
 ☞ 由于经济效益不好,生活福利也糟下来了。
 ☞ The welfare became worse and worse due to bad economic benefits.
 ☞ 大家都回家了,只有他一个人留了下来。
 ☞ All had gone home, so he remained alone.
 ☞ 他一听这话,脸就马上拉了下来。
 ☞ When he heard this, his expression became stem immediately.
 ☞ 用点外交手腕,我想是可以把他谈下来的。
 ☞ With some diplomatic fitness I think we can talk him round.
 ☞ 连着四堂课上下来,老师的嗓子都哑了。
 ☞ Four classes in a row made the teacher's voice hoarse.
 ☞ 汽车及时停了下来,刚好避免了一场车祸。
 ☞ The car came to a halt just in time to prevent an accident.
下沉 下沉
1.sink(正式用语),go down(日常用语),指物体因事故而在水中下沉。
 ☞ 交火中敌舰起火下沉。
 ☞ In fight the enemy warship caught fire and sank.
 ☞ 等我们赶到出事地点,船已下沉。
 ☞ When we got to the site of the accident the ship had sunk.
 ☞ 轮船触礁下沉。
 ☞ The ship struck a hidden reef and went down.
 ☞ 我们饶有兴趣地注视着潜艇慢慢下沉。
 ☞ We watched the submarine gradually submerging with great interest.
 ☞ 工程师们把旧船装上石头,下沉到湖底。
 ☞ The engineers weighed the old boat with rocks to keep it submerged at the bottom of the lake.
 ☞ 建筑物下沉时,墙上一般会出现裂缝。
 ☞ When the building starts to subside, cracks usually appear in the walls.
 ☞ 有什么补救办法来阻止地基下沉?
 ☞ Is there any remedial measure to stop the foundation from subsiding?
下降 下降
1.go down,come down,常用语,指价格、温度、压 力、标准等下降。一般可以换用。
 ☞ 股票又下降了10点。
 ☞ Shares have gone (come) down again by ten points.
 ☞ 孩子的体温今天早晨倒是下降了。
 ☞ The child's temperature came (went) down this morning.
 ☞ 汽阀打开时,压力会自动下降。
 ☞ Pressure goes down automatically when the steam valve opens.
 ☞ 近来质量标准下降了,你做何解释?
 ☞ The qualitative standard has gone down recently.
 ☞ How do you account for it?
 ☞ 米价马上要下降。
 ☞ The price of rice will drop soon.
 ☞ 工业产值由700亿美元下降至300亿。
 ☞ The value of the industrial output dropped from 70 billion US dollars to 30 billion.
 ☞ 去年,生产成本下降了5. 5%。
 ☞ Production cost dropped 5.5 percent last year.
 ☞ 伪军的士气下降到了新低。
 ☞ The morale of the puppet troops has dropped to a new low.
 ☞ 今天的温度下降了10度。
 ☞ The temperature has fallen by 10 degrees today.
 ☞ 由于当时供过于求,生产急剧下降。
 ☞ Production fell sharply because supply exceeded demand at the time.
 ☞ 到2001年,我市人口下降至45万。
 ☞ By 2001 the population of our city had fallen to 450,000.
 ☞ 由于政治丑闻,他的知名度正在下降。
 ☞ His popularity is falling due to the political scandal.
 ☞ 美元在黑市上的价格在下降。
 ☞ The American dollar is declining on the black market.
 ☞ 经济危机那几年,工业产量下降了41. 7%。
 ☞ During the years of the economic crisis the production declined by 41.7 percent.
 ☞ 俱乐部面临破产,其成员数量也在急剧下降。
 ☞ The club faced with bankruptcy and its membership is declining sharply.
 ☞ 法国的生育率近年来一直在下降,已形成严重的问题。
 ☞ The birthrate in France has been declining in recent years, which presents a serious problem.
 ☞ 随着暮年的到来,他的精力也日益下降。
 ☞ With old age creeping on his energy is declining daily.
 ☞ 我们看着一架直升机下降着陆。
 ☞ We watched a helicopter descending for a landing.
 ☞ 电梯慢慢地下降到了底层。
 ☞ The elevator descended slowly to the ground floor.
下陷 下陷
 ☞ 地基下陷了3英寸。
 ☞ The foundations have sunk three inches.
 ☞ 门廊的左角有点下陷。
 ☞ The porch sinks a bit in the left corner.
  ■ sunken是sink的过去分词,可以用作定语。
 ☞ 这时候来了一个男人,眼眶下陷,披头散发,衣冠不整。
 ☞ Meanwhile came a man, with sunken eyes, hair disheveled and dress all disordered.
 ☞ 山区的道路容易下陷。
 ☞ The road tends to subside in the mountains.
 ☞ 随着陆地的下陷,海洋也随之推进。
 ☞ As the land subsides, the sea advances.
 ☞ 那男孩骨架瘦瘦的,双颊是下陷的。
 ☞ The boy has a thin frame and hollow cheeks.
 ☞ 我看得出她两只下陷的眼睛正盯着我看。
 ☞ I could see her hollow eyes fixed upon me.
 ☞ 地面下陷处盖有一层肥沃的黑土,故植物都枝繁叶茂。
 ☞ The depression of the ground is covered with black and fertile soil, where the vegetation is luxuriant.
 ☞ 天一下雨,地面下陷处就成了积水坑。
 ☞ Rain formed puddles in the depression on the ground.
下面 下面
 ☞ 警察怀疑那人大衣下面藏着什么东西。
 ☞ The policeman suspected that the man had something under his overcoat.
 ☞ 轮船经过大桥下面时撞到了桥墩上。
 ☞ The ship struck the pier when passing under the bridge.
 ☞ 我们3人在一把雨伞下面躲雨。
 ☞ Three of us sheltered from rain under an umbrella.
 ☞ 电话一响,他就从车子下爬了出来。
 ☞ He got out from under the car as the telephone rang.
  ■ under也有“水下面”的意思。
 ☞ 那个游泳的浮到水面上又钻到水下面。
 ☞ The swimmer surfaced and went under again.
 ☞ 他能在水下面待好长一段时间呢。
 ☞ He can stay under water for quite a while.
 ☞ 一楼窗台下面有个小花坛。
 ☞ There is a small flowerbed below the first-floor window.
 ☞ 图表下面的解释是用中英两种文字说明的。
 ☞ The caption below the chart is expressed both in Chinese and English.
 ☞ 我应把名字写在横线的上面还是下面?
 ☞ Shall I write my name on, above or below the line?
  ■ below还可用作形容词或副词。
 ☞ 盯住下面那辆车,查查车子的主人。
 ☞ Watch the car below to find out its owner 请把你的名字签在下面。
 ☞ Please affix your signature below.
  ■ below与under的区别,请看 下面的译文。
 ☞ 整个看得见的景色都在下面,但直接在气球下面的只是景色的一小部分。
 ☞ The whole visible landscape is below, but only a small portion of it is under the balloon.
  ■ 由于below的外延比under广,而内涵又比under模糊,因此在分不清是不是在直接垂直下面时,两词可以混用。
 ☞ 请在文件上签上你的名字,签在我的下面。
 ☞ Please sign your name below (under) mine on this document.(用below泛指在我下面,用under特指在我下面)
1) 也指垂直下的层面,但又与under不同。beneath是指紧贴着的上下两个层面,而under则指上下两个层面间有一定的空间,两者不能换用。
 ☞ 他的衬衣下面穿了件羊毛衫。
 ☞ He wears a woolen vest beneath his shirt.
  ■ 试比较下面两例译文里beneath和under的区别:
 ☞ 我们在黑夜里行军,感到脚下面的土软软的。
 ☞ We marched in the dark and the earth felt soft beneath our feet.
 ☞ 桥下面的土从来没被人踩过,走起来感到软软的。
 ☞ The earth under the bridge has never been trodden by people, so it feels soft.
2) beneath的词义与under相同,可以换用,但比较正式。
 ☞ 我们3人在一把伞下躲雨。
 ☞ Three of us sheltered from rain beneath (under) an umbrella。
 ☞ 有些植物长在大树下面。
 ☞ Some plants grow beneath (under) trees.
3) beneath的词义与below相同,可以换用,但比较正式。
 ☞ 太阳已经在地平线下面了。
 ☞ The sun is now beneath (below) the horizon.
 ☞ 村子的位置在山的下面。
 ☞ The village is situated beneath (below) the hill.
4.underneath,其词义接近beneath l)和beneath 2)。
 ☞ 地毯下面是木地板。
 ☞ Underneath the carpet is a wooden floor. (义同beneath 1),故不能与under换用)
 ☞ 我故意找了一个在楼厅下面后排的座位。
 ☞ I chose a seat deliberately in a back row underneath (under) the balcony.(义同beneath 2),故可与under换用)
  ■ 但underneath有时可用于比喻。
 ☞ 如果情况需要,她大部分时间都显得文静庄重,但在她镇静的外表下面,却洋溢着受到压抑的青春活力。
 ☞ She could be demure when the occasion demanded, which was most of time, but underneath her composed exterior she was bursting with youthful vigor.
  ■ underneath还可用作副词。
 ☞ 她拿起枕头,看了看下面。
 ☞ She picked up the pillow and looked underneath.
 ☞ 她用一张报纸把虫子盖了起来,但那虫子还继续在下面爬。
 ☞ With a piece of newspaper she covered the bug that crept further underneath.
 ☞ 请问下面一站是昆明吗?
 ☞ Excuse me, is the next station Kunming?
 ☞ 下面一个是谁?
 ☞ Who's next?
 ☞ 中华全国总工会劳工办公室公布了下面的统计资料。
 ☞ The labor office of All-China Federation of Trade Unions published the following statistical data.
 ☞ 下面几点必须记住。
 ☞ The following points must be borne in mind.
  ■ following还可用作名词,表示人或物。
 ☞ 下面这些人都是挑选来进行明天的比赛的。
 ☞ The following have been chosen to play in tomorrow's match.
 ☞ 下面这些都是我们讨论过的替代方案。
 ☞ The following are the alternatives we discussed.
7.subordinate, 指下级。
 ☞ 一个领导干部应该倾听下面的意见。
 ☞ A leading cadre should listen carefully to the views of his subordinates.
 ☞ 领导的责任之一是出主意,再叫下面去办。
 ☞ One of the responsibilities of leadership is to work out ideas and make subordinates put them into practice.
8.lower level,指下层。
 ☞ 你作为县长应当了解下面的情况。
 ☞ As the head of the county you must find out about how things are at the lower levels.
 ☞ 你可以多问问下面工作的同志。
 ☞ You may make more inquiries of comrades working at the lower levels.
不免 不免
1.表示“不得不”,可译have to。
 ☞ 为了赶上你,我不免得走快点。
 ☞ I had to walk fast to overtake you.
 ☞ 为了使他表现好一点,我们不免说了他几句。
 ☞ We had to scold him a little to educate him so he would behave well.
2.表示“情不自禁”,可译cannot help doing。
 ☞ 人的看法有时不免带有片面性。
 ☞ Sometimes people cannot help being one-sided in their views.
 ☞ 每次看到这幅画,我不免要欣赏一阵子。
 ☞ I can't help admiring the picture for a while whenever I look at it.
3.表示难以避免,可译hard to avoid, unavoidable。
 ☞ 人到伤心处不免要掉泪。
 ☞ Tears are hard to avoid when one is at the summit of one's sorrow.
 ☞ 人不免要犯错误。
 ☞ It is unavoidable for one to err.
4.表示必然发生的情况,可译be bound to。
 ☞ 这段路太窄,交通有时不免要堵塞。
 ☞ The section of the road is so narrow that it is bound to cause traffic jams now and then.
 ☞ 我知道这人是你过去的同学,你不免会支持他。
 ☞ I know that this man was your classmate, and that you feel bound to stand by him.
不单 不单
1.“不单”常与“而且”、“还”连用,表示意思进了一层,重点在后一分句。这时可译not only... but (also), not merely... but, but... as well等。
 ☞ 我们在生产中不单要求数量多,而且要求质量好。
 ☞ In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality.
 ☞ 鲁迅不单在中国有名,在世界上也一样有名。
 ☞ Lu Xun is famous not only in China, but also all over the world.
 ☞ 人民解放军不单是战斗队,也是工作队和生产队。
 ☞ The PLA is not merely a fighting force, but a working force and production corps as well.
2.“不单”也可表示不只是,这时可译成not the only。
 ☞ 超产的不单是这几个工厂。
 ☞ These are not the only factories that have overfulfilled the output quota.
 ☞ 要参观展览会的不单是我校学生。
 ☞ Those who want to visit the exhibition are not the only students of our college.
不可 不可
1.表示“不应”、“不能”、“不准”,可用should not,cannot,must not,它们的语气由轻至重。
 ☞ 不可仓促做出这样的决定。
 ☞ Such a decision should not be made in haste.
 ☞ 在这种场合下你不可随便说话。
 ☞ You cannot say whatever you wish on such an occasion.
 ☞ 我们不可一概而论。
 ☞ We must not make sweeping generalizations.
 ☞ 生存、自由和追求幸福的权利是不可剥夺的人权。
 ☞ Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the inalienable human rights.
 ☞ 民族独立是不可抗拒的历史潮流。
 ☞ National independence is an irresistible historical trend.
 ☞ 今天这个会很重要,我非去不可。
 ☞ Today's meeting is very important, I simply must go.
 ☞ 你去玩以前非把这个吃掉不可。
 ☞ You simply must eat it up before you go to play.
 ☞ 交友不可不慎。
 ☞ You must be very careful to make friends.
 ☞ 长辈的话不可不听。
 ☞ You must not ignore senior's advice.
5.“非…不可”,表示条件时可用not... unless来译,表示“非…不行”。
 ☞ 我们要施加影响非得有个国家机关不可。
 ☞ We cannot exercise our influence unless we have a state organ.
 ☞ 这次非你去不可。
 ☞ It won't do this time unless you go.
不同 不同
 ☞ 这辆车同我昨天开的那辆不同。
 ☞ This is a different car from the one I drove yesterday 他们来自全国不同地区。
 ☞ They have come from different parts of the country.
 ☞ 今天的生活已跟50年前不同了。
 ☞ Life today is different from life fifty years ago.
  ■ different后一般接from,但英国用法也有接to的,如:
 ☞ 他的意见与我的不同。
 ☞ His opinion is different to mine.
  ■ 在美国也有用than的,特别是当名词性对比成分与different分隔时,一般都用than代替from。
 ☞ 今天的生活跟50年前多么不同呀!
 ☞ How different life today is than what it was fifty years ago!
  ■ 如果different后的对比成分不是名词,而是状语从句(或它的省略形式),一般也用than而不用from。
 ☞ 他用这个词意思上跟昨天用的完全不同。
 ☞ He is using the word in quite a different sense than he did yesterday.
 ☞ 今天中国出现的情况跟20世纪70年代是多么不同呀!
 ☞ How different things appear in China now than they did in the 1970's.
 ☞ 我们把这件衣服做成几种不同的颜色。
 ☞ We make this dress in various colors.
 ☞ 蛋有种种不同的烹调法,我最喜欢煮的。
 ☞ Of all the various ways of cooking an egg, I like boiling best.
 ☞ 不同背景的人都在申请这一工作。
 ☞ People of various backgrounds applied for the job.
 ☞ 人的口味是不同的。
 ☞ Men's tastes are various.
 ☞ 它们都是现代化建筑,但具有不同的民族风格。
 ☞ They are modem buildings, but with distinct national styles.
 ☞ 啤酒的气味很有特点,完全不同于葡萄酒。
 ☞ Beer has a very distinctive smell, it's quite distinct from that of wine.
4.强调某种类比,用dissimilar in。
 ☞ 黄金颜色上不同于白银。
 ☞ Gold is dissimilar in color to silver.
 ☞ 他们在性格上迥然不同。
 ☞ They are wildly dissimilar in character to each other.
5.“不同”也可译成动词differ, vary,其区别与different,various相同。
1) differ作“与…不同”解时,句型是differ from (in)。
 ☞ 人的相貌各不相同。
 ☞ Men differ from each other in appearance.
 ☞ 日本人在很多方面都与中国人不同。
 ☞ The Japanese differ from the Chinese in many respects.
 ☞ 我的表跟你的不同。
 ☞ My watch differs from yours.
  ■ 但“在某个问题上与…不同”的句型是differ with (from)... on。
 ☞ 在这一问题上,他的意见与其他党员不同。
 ☞ He differed with other Party members on that issue.
 ☞ 在那个问题上,我们的意见互不相同。
 ☞ We differ from each other on that question.
 ☞ 有一点,我和你的意见不同。
 ☞ On one point, I differ with you.
2) vary的句型是vary in,表示一定程度内的变化。
 ☞ 人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。
 ☞ All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.
 ☞ 虽然如此,他们中间的积极性,由于种种原因,程度还是不同的。
 ☞ Nevertheless, for one reason or another, their enthusiasm vanes in degree.
1) 表示不一致可用disparity。
 ☞ 不同的人叙述同一件事也会有不同。
 ☞ There will be a disparity in the accounts of the same event given by different people.
 ☞ 他们之间年龄(地位、环境、爱好、级别)不同。
 ☞ There is a disparity in age (position, circumstances, tastes, rank) between them.
2) 表示不同的程度可用to a greater or lesser degree;表示对比后的不同可用带contrast的惊叹句。
 ☞ 条约在不同程度上已遭到破坏。
 ☞ The treaty has been violated to a greater or lesser degree.
 ☞ 他们之间是多么不同呀!
 ☞ What a contrast between them!
不善 不善
1.not good at,指不擅长。
 ☞ 他不善管理这样一个大商店。
 ☞ He is not good at managing such a large business.
 ☞ 这小男孩不善计算。
 ☞ The boy is not good at figures.
2.ill, bad, not properly,指不好,不当。
 ☞ 他来意不善。
 ☞ He comes with ill intent.
 ☞ 对儿童不善者,应受到惩处。
 ☞ People who ill-treat children deserve to be punished.
 ☞ 这叫做来者不善。
 ☞ That is what we call he who is coming surely has bad intentions.
 ☞ 该店因管理不善而停业。
 ☞ The shop closed down because of bad management.
 ☞ 想不到请来了客人,却招待不善。
 ☞ Fancy inviting guests and not treating them properly.
 ☞ 政府因处理待业问题不善而受到批评。
 ☞ The government was criticized for not handling the problem of unemployment properly.
 ☞ He doesn't look quite strong, but he does remarkable farm work.
 ☞ 这工作不善。
 ☞ The job is a remarkable one.
不堪 不堪
1.“不堪”用在动词或形容词前,表示不能忍受或承受,译not bear, unbearable, intolerable, not withstand。
 ☞ 你讲得那么刻薄,实在不堪入耳。
 ☞ I really can't bear to hear you speaking so unkindly.
 ☞ 往事如烟,不堪回首。
 ☞ The past is as transient as a fleeting cloud and we find it unbearable to recall.
 ☞ 有些流行歌曲庸俗到不堪入耳。
 ☞ Some popular songs are so vulgar that they are intolerable to the ear.
 ☞ 他的5万军队不堪一击。
 ☞ His army of 50.000 could not withstand a single blow.
2.“不堪”用在动词、形容词之后,表示非常、完全等。可译completely, extremely, utterly。
 ☞ 我到家已疲惫不堪。
 ☞ When I reached home, I was completely exhausted.
 ☞ 敌军逃跑时狼狈不堪。
 ☞ The enemy troops fled in an extremely awkward position.
 ☞ 他打了10年零工之后,已潦倒不堪。
 ☞ After ten years of casual work, he is utterly down and out.
3.“不堪设想”的译法有dreadful to contemplate, inconceivable。
 ☞ 处理这一问题的方法会引起不堪设想的严重后果。
 ☞ The approach to the problem will cause grave consequence that is dreadful to contemplate.
 ☞ 要设法抛弃这一恶习,否则你今后就不堪设想。
 ☞ Try and drop the bad habit, otherwise your future will be inconceivable.
不好意思 不好意思
1) 性格上害羞,译shy。
 ☞ 她在生人面前感到不好意思。
 ☞ She feels shy in the company of strangers.
 ☞ 我不好意思请她跳舞。
 ☞ I was too shy to ask her to dance.
2) 表示因事而害羞,译ashamed。
 ☞ 他考试不及格,感到不好意思。
 ☞ He felt ashamed of failing in the exam.
 ☞ 我答不出来,不好意思。
 ☞ I am ashamed at being unable to give an answer.
 ☞ 她被夸得不好意思了。
 ☞ She felt embarrassed by so much praise.
 ☞ 他的不老实态度暴露以后,感到不好意思。
 ☞ He was embarrassed when his dishonesty was discovered。
 ☞ 打听别人的私事,你没感到不好意思?
 ☞ Don't you find it embarrassing to inquire about private affairs of other people?
 ☞ 我不爱在众人面前讲话,太不好意思了。
 ☞ I don't like making speeches in public, it's so embarrassing.
 ☞ 问几个问题没什么不好意思的。
 ☞ Asking questions is not shameful.
 ☞ 考试不及格真不好意思。
 ☞ Failing in an examination is shameful indeed.
 ☞ 你怎么能承认偷你母亲东西而又不感到不好意思?
 ☞ How can you admit to stealing from your own mother without feeling ashamed?
4.表示碍于情面或踌躇不前,可译rind it difficult to, hesitate to等。
 ☞ 他求我帮助,我不好意思推辞。
 ☞ I found it difficult to refuse when he asked me for help.
 ☞ 见他累成这样,我不好意思再问了。
 ☞ Seeing that he was so tired, I hesitated to ask again.
不如 不如
1.有“较差”的意思,可译not as (so)... as, not equal, inferior to。
 ☞ 你学习不如他刻苦。
 ☞ You don't study as hard as he does.
 ☞ 我的身体不如以前了。
 ☞ My health is not as good as before.
 ☞ 看来,她不如她妹妹动人。
 ☞ She doesn't look so attractive as her younger sister.
 ☞ 你不如去年用功了。
 ☞ You don't study so hard as you did last year.
 ☞ 论手巧,一般人都不如她。
 ☞ Few people can equal her in manual dexterity.
 ☞ 你的技术连我都不如。
 ☞ Your skill cannot equal even mine.
 ☞ 她总感到不如她姐姐。
 ☞ She always feels inferior to her elder sister.
 ☞ 进口羊肉的香味不如国产的。
 ☞ Imported mutton is inferior to the home-grown in flavor.
2.有“还是”的意思,表示建议,译better, had better。
 ☞ 困时看书,不如睡醒后再看。
 ☞ It would be better to read after nap when you are sleepy in reading.
 ☞ 我看不如派老王去。
 ☞ I think it would be better to send Wang instead.
 ☞ 我想你不如把真相告诉他。
 ☞ I think you had better tell him what has happened.
3.“与其…不如“连用时,表示两件事物中选择一件,可译better... than,rather than。
 ☞ 与其坐车,不如坐船。
 ☞ It's better to go by boat than bus.
 ☞ 与其多说,不如多吃。
 ☞ It's better to eat more than to say more.
 ☞ 与其用这种办法要钱,我不如沿街乞讨。
 ☞ I would beg in the street rather than get money in such a way.
 ☞ 你与其让人关怀备至,不如多尝点那样的艰难困苦。
 ☞ You would rather have more trouble and hardship like that than be taken care of by others.
  ■ rather than后接动词原形仅表某种愿望,并不是事实,如以上两例。但如果要表示客观已发生的事,则要根据情况决定动词的时态。
 ☞ 他对我说“谢谢你”这句话,与其说是讲出来的倒不如说是喊出来的。
 ☞ He called rather than said to me "Thank you."(不用say而用said,表示话已说了出来这一事实)
 ☞ 我与其是在睡觉,不如说在思考问题。
 ☞ I was pondering a problem rather than sleeping.(不用sleep而用sleeping表示动作正在进行)
4.“倒不如”连用,表示事情不可能实现,可用might as well... as。
 ☞ 你盼我改变主意,倒不如盼西边日出。
 ☞ You might as well expect the sun to rise in the west as expect me to change my mind.
 ☞ 你劝我放弃争论,倒不如劝我放弃生命。
 ☞ You might as well advise me to give up my life as advise me to give up my argument.
不妥 不妥
1.not proper, inappropriate,指不恰当。
 ☞ 这样处理恐怕不妥。
 ☞ I'm afraid this isn't the proper way to handle the case.
 ☞ 半夜三更的去敲她的房门,我认为不妥。
 ☞ I don't think it proper to knock at the door of her room in the depth of night.
 ☞ 你穿着短裤参加晚会恐怕不妥罢。
 ☞ I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to attend an evening party in shorts.
2.not right,指不正确。
 ☞ 不作调查研究就作决定是不妥的。
 ☞ It's not right to make a decision without investigation and study.
 ☞ 人们为钱财而婚嫁,我认为不妥。
 ☞ I don't think it right for people to marry for money.
 ☞ 我觉得有些不妥。
 ☞ I feel that something is amiss.
 ☞ 你对死亡的判断不妥。
 ☞ Your judgment on death was amiss.
不妨 不妨
1.表示这样做也可以时,可译为may (might) as well,常用于非正式文体,两者实际上没有差别。
 ☞ 工作既已做到了这一步,我们不妨把它做完。
 ☞ We may as well finish the work, now that we've got so far with it.
 ☞ 你出去时不妨锁上门。
 ☞ You might as well lock the door when you go out.
 ☞ 你不妨现在就告诉她。
 ☞ You might as well tell her right now.
2.表示这样做无害时,可译为no harm,harmless。
 ☞ 没有做过的事,不妨试试。
 ☞ There is no harm in trying what you haven't tried.
 ☞ 你好多了,不妨出去走走。
 ☞ You are getting much better, and there is no harm in going out for a stroll.
 ☞ 我们不妨跟他联系一下。
 ☞ It is harmless for us to get in touch with him.
不定 不定
1.not know,指不知道,后常接关系代词或关系副词。
 ☞ 这伙歹徒不定会干出什么事来。
 ☞ What the gang will do I don't know.
 ☞ 他一天不定来几次。
 ☞ He comes I don't know how many times a day.
2.hard to say,指难说。
 ☞ 罢工还不定会拖多久。
 ☞ It's hard to say how long the strike will last.
 ☞ 这事不定是真的还是假的。
 ☞ It's hard to say whether this is true or not.
3.hard to predict,指难以预料。
 ☞ 战争不定明天就爆发呢。
 ☞ It's hard to predict whether the war will break out tomorrow.
 ☞ 事情还不定怎么样呢。
 ☞ It's hard to predict how things will turn out.
4.not certain,指拿不准。
 ☞ 我明天还不定去不去呢。
 ☞ It's not at all certain whether I will go tomorrow.
 ☞ 他还不定会不会当选为市长呢。
 ☞ It's not certain at all whether he'll be elected mayor of the city.
 ☞ 她对是否参加探险考察还在犹豫不定。
 ☞ She is still hesitating about joining the expedition.
 ☞ 他们在同意还是拒绝之间动摇不定。
 ☞ They are wavering between agreeing and refusing.
 ☞ 你的心神不定,对不?
 ☞ You are unsteady in mind, aren't you?
 ☞ 他一生漂?白不定。
 ☞ He roamed from place to place all his life.
 ☞ 我们可以画一条长度不定的线来表示两城市之间的距离。
 ☞ We can draw a line of indefinite length to stand for the distance between the two cities.
 ☞ 我们的帆船在风向不定的风中行驶,真是糟糕。
 ☞ It was too bad for our sailboat to sail in this fitful wind.
不容 不容
1.表示不能容忍,译not tolerate。
 ☞ 我国内政不容干涉。
 ☞ We will not tolerate intervention in the internal affairs of our country.
 ☞ 你的所作所为为国法所不容。
 ☞ No law will tolerate your behavior.
2.表示不能容许,译not allow, brook no。
 ☞ 中国的领土主权绝对不容外人侵犯。
 ☞ We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
 ☞ 关税不容削减。
 ☞ Customs duty allows no reduction.
 ☞ 事实不容歪曲。
 ☞ The facts brook no distortion.
 ☞ 她的自尊心不容侮辱。
 ☞ Her self-respect brooks no insult.
3.如语气较轻,译allow of no, admit of no。
 ☞ 形势不容耽搁。
 ☞ The situation allows of no delay.
 ☞ 我的收入不容挥霍。
 ☞ My income allows of no extravagance.
 ☞ 规章制度不容例外。
 ☞ The regulations admit of no exception.
 ☞ 这一设计方案不容更动。
 ☞ The design admits of no alteration.
4.表示没有可能性,可译above, beyond。
 ☞ 他的品行向来不容置疑。
 ☞ His conduct has always been above suspicion.
 ☞ 他任职期间对政府资金的管理完全不容指责。
 ☞ His handling of government money during his term of office was entirely above (beyond) reproach.
 ☞ 他是壮烈牺牲的,这不容怀疑。
 ☞ It was beyond all doubt that he died a heroic death.
不对 不对
 ☞ 这明细账的数目不对。
 ☞ The subsidiary ledger is incorrect in figures.
 ☞ 你的计算不对。
 ☞ Your calculation is incorrect.
 ☞ 你说得不对。
 ☞ What you said is wrong.
 ☞ 你那样做是不对的。
 ☞ It’s wrong of you to act like that.
 ☞ 他没有什么不对。
 ☞ He is not in the wrong.
 ☞ 这饼味道不对,先是有点甜,后来有点苦。
 ☞ The cake has a queer flavor, rather sweet at first, then slightly bitter.
 ☞ 这机器发出的声响不对。
 ☞ The machine makes a queer noise.
 ☞ 机场上一片寂静,我马上感到不对头。
 ☞ Stillness reigned over the airport, I felt it abnormal at once.
 ☞ 这孩子有点不对头。
 ☞ The child is abnormal in some way.
5.look sick (unhealthy, queer, abnormal), 表示不同情况的神色。
 ☞ 她今天神气不对。
 ☞ She looks sick (unhealthy)today.(即看来有病)
 ☞ She looks queer (abnormal) today.(即看来怪异或不正常)
6.in disagreement (with),指不和。
 ☞ 他们俩素来不对。
 ☞ The two of them have always been in disagreement.
 ☞ 妻子在生儿子以前,丈夫跟她一直不对。
 ☞ The husband was in disagreement with his wife before she gave birth to a son.
不得 不得
1.must not,指不准。
 ☞ 你可以使用我的房间,但不得搬动家具。
 ☞ You can use my room, but you mustn't move the furniture.
 ☞ 他不得离开他居住的城市。
 ☞ He mustn't leave the city where he dwells.
 ☞ 这件事,你马虎不得。
 ☞ You mustn't be careless about it.
 ☞ 告诉你,你去不得。
 ☞ You mustn't go, I tell you.
2.may not,指不可。
 ☞ 不得将参考书携带出阅览室。
 ☞ Reference books may not be taken out of the reading room.
 ☞ 游人不得采摘公园内花朵。
 ☞ People may not pick flowers in the park.
3.cannot,指不能,unable to,指无能为力,cannot与may not同义,但更口语化,比较随便,而may not比较正式,有公事公办的语气。
 ☞ 他讲了半天,我还是不得要领。
 ☞ He talked at great length' but I just couldn't see what he was driving at.
 ☞ 我看见了那座庄园,却木得其门而入。
 ☞ I saw the manor, but I couldn't find my way m.
 ☞ 情况如何,不得而知。
 ☞ We are unable to find out how things stand.
4.be not allowed,指不许。
 ☞ 任何人都不得迟到。
 ☞ Nobody is allowed to be late.
 ☞ 不得在这里停车。
 ☞ Parking is not allowed here.
5.have to,用于“不得不”。
 ☞ 铁证如山,那坏家伙不得不低头认罪。
 ☞ Confronted with ironclad evidence the scoundrel had to plead guilty.
 ☞ 我们当中有一个不得不去,要么是你,要么是我。
 ☞ One of us will have to go, either you or I.
不必 不必
1.There is no need, not need, need not,指没有必要或不需要。
 ☞ 不必惊慌。
 ☞ There is no need to panic.
 ☞ 其实这种担心大可不必。
 ☞ As a matter of fact there's no need to worry about it.
 ☞ 这件事大家都明白,就不必说了。
 ☞ It is needless to say the matter, which is plain to everybody.
  ■ not need后接动名词,含有被动的意思。
 ☞ 我不必要人照顾。
 ☞ I do not need looking after.
 ☞ 那事不必解释。
 ☞ That does not need accounting for.
  ■ 但not need接动词不定式却带有主动意义。
 ☞ 你昨天是不必去的。
 ☞ You did not need to go yesterday 我说的话你们就不必记了。
 ☞ You don't need to take notes of what I say.
  ■ 不过,need not…to却作“不必…才…”解。如:
 ☞ 你不必等有了钱才帮人。
 ☞ You need not be rich to help others.
 ☞ 人不必等成了艺术家才能欣赏艺术品。
 ☞ One need not be an artist oneself to appreciate a work of art.
2.not have to,指不必要。
 ☞ 你不必去了
 ☞ You don't have to go.
 ☞ 我们不必再等了,航班已因天气不好延期。
 ☞ We don't have to wait. The flight was put off on account of bad weather.
3.dispense with,指免去。
 ☞ 大办酒席的做法,实在大可不必。
 ☞ The practice of giving lavish feasts can well be dispensed with.
 ☞ 我建议立刻开始非正式会谈,而形式就不必了。
 ☞ I suggest we proceed with our talk at once on an informal basis, and with formalities dispensed with.
不惜 不惜
1.表示不可惜,不吝惜,译spare no。
 ☞ 许多解放军战士为了保卫自己的祖国不惜牺牲自己的生命。
 ☞ Many PLA fighters spare no sacrifice of their personal lives in defending their own country.
 ☞ 不少公司企业不惜工本为各自的产品大做广告。
 ☞ A number of companies and enterprises spare no expense to advertise respectively the products of their own in a large way.
 ☞ 里根不惜工本想二次当选总统。
 ☞ Reagan spared neither labor nor money to get elected as president for the second term.
2.表示舍得付一切代价,译at all costs, at any cost。
 ☞ 他决心不惜一切代价来挽救儿子的生命。
 ☞ He was determined to save his son's life at all costs.
 ☞ 我们要不惜一切代价达到目的。
 ☞ We must accomplish our purpose at all costs.
 ☞ 要害是要不惜一切代价来取得胜利。
 ☞ The point is to win at any cost.
3.表示肆无忌惮,译have no scruples in。
 ☞ 政府不惜采取极端手段。
 ☞ The government had no scruples in using extreme measures.
 ☞ 塔里班领导的阿富汗政府不惜侵犯基本人权。
 ☞ The Afghanistan government led by Taliban had no scruples in encroaching upon the elementary human rights.
4.表示毫不犹豫,译not hesitate。
 ☞ 他为革命不惜牺牲自己的一切。
 ☞ He did not hesitate to sacrifice his all for the revolution.
 ☞ 为了真理,我不惜丢官。
 ☞ I never hesitate to lose my official position for the defense of the truth.
不愧 不愧
1.worthy of,指配得上。
 ☞ 他的表演表明他不愧为京剧的真正继承者。
 ☞ His play is showing that he is worthy of true successor of Beijing opera.
 ☞ 她默默工作,不求名利,真不愧为建设社会主义的积极分子。
 ☞ She worked quietly and sought neither fame nor gain.
 ☞ She was really worthy of the title of activist in socialist construction.
2.prove oneself (to be),指证明是。
 ☞ 他们为革命事业献出了生命。他们不愧为中国人民的好儿女。
 ☞ They gave their lives for the cause of the revolution.
 ☞ They proved themselves to be fine sons and daughters of the Chinese people.
 ☞ 白求恩不愧为中国人民的忠实朋友。
 ☞ Norman Bethune has proved himself a faithful friend of the Chinese people.
3.not…for nothing,指没有白白成为。
 ☞ 你不愧是律师的女儿。
 ☞ You are not the daughter of an attorney for nothing.
 ☞ 他一毛不拔,真不愧是铁公鸡的儿子。
 ☞ He was so stingy that he was not the son of a skinflint for nothing.
不断 不断
 ☞ 大脑需要不断供血。
 ☞ The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.
 ☞ 如果没有不间断的空中掩护,第二次世界大战中盟军大多数的登陆战就不可能成功。
 ☞ Most allied landing in World War II would not have been possible without a continuous air cover.
  ■ 这种无间歇的不断也可用相应的分词表示。
 ☞ 我们革命的目的是促进生产力的不断发展。
 ☞ Our revolution aims at promoting the uninterrupted (continuous) growth of the productive forces.
 ☞ 人类社会总是要不断进步的。
 ☞ Human society makes unceasing (continuous) progress.
 ☞ 经过全体村民的不断努力,我们已完成了荒地开垦任务。
 ☞ We have accomplished the land reclamation through the unremitting (continuous) efforts of all the village.
 ☞ 电话不断,他对这种干扰十分恼火。
 ☞ He was annoyed at being interrupted by continual telephone calls.
 ☞ 晚会不断,我们都烦了。
 ☞ We are tired of continual evening parties.
 ☞ 先进单位不断涌现。
 ☞ Advanced units are constantly emerging.
 ☞ 她不断唠叨,都把我逼疯了。
 ☞ Her constant nagging drives me crazy.
 ☞ 医生的实践使针刺麻醉不断完善。
 ☞ The practice on the part of the doctors has been bringing about steady improvement of acupuncture anesthesia.
4.表示动作的反复,可用keep doing something。
 ☞ 前几天朋友们不断问我在北京的见闻。
 ☞ Several days ago, my friends kept asking me about what I had seen and heard in Beijing.
 ☞ 坐在我前面的一个男人不断地咳嗽。
 ☞ A man seated in front of me kept coughing.
 ☞ 一年来,他不断给他的儿子写信。
 ☞ He has kept writing to his son for a year.
不明 不明
 ☞ 失踪的渔船至今下落不明。
 ☞ The whereabouts of the missing fishing boat is still unknown.
 ☞ 拖延的原因至今不明。
 ☞ The cause of delay is as yet unknown.
 ☞ 据报道,有一架国籍不明的飞机侵犯了我国领空。
 ☞ It is reported that a plane of unidentified nationality violated our country's territorial air space.
 ☞ 昨晚,我们好多人都亲眼目睹了那个不明飞行物。
 ☞ Many of us witnessed that unidentified flying object last night.
3.ignorant (ignorance) of,指不明了。
 ☞ 他不明底细才上了当。
 ☞ He was taken in because he was ignorant of the inside story.
 ☞ 我们不明真相才说了错话。
 ☞ We said the wrong thing because of ignorance of the truth.
4.not clear, unclear,指不明白。
 ☞ 我们该干什么,至今不明。
 ☞ We have not been clear yet just what we ought to do.
 ☞ 他们吃亏是由于对党的政策不明。
 ☞ They suffered losses because they were unclear about the Party's policy.
不服 不服
1.表示拒绝,译作refuse to do something。
 ☞ 他们在比赛中动作粗野,还不服裁判的判决。
 ☞ They played rough in the game and refused to accept the referee's ruling.
 ☞ 他的确是个汉子,从来不服软。
 ☞ He is man enough and refuses to bend all the time.
 ☞ 你不该不服他指导。
 ☞ You shouldn't have refused to obey his instruction.
 ☞ 他已66岁了,还不服老。
 ☞ He is already sixty-six and refuses to give in to old age.
2.表示生气不服,译作take amiss。
 ☞ 我哥哥教训了我一顿,我很是不服。
 ☞ My brother gave me a lecture, which I took extremely amiss.
 ☞ 他批评得对,你不要不服。
 ☞ His criticism is justified. You shouldn't take amiss.
3.表示不同意,译作express one's disagreement。
 ☞ 他对同志们的批评表示不服。
 ☞ He expressed his disagreement with the criticism of his comrades.
 ☞ 赛后,我队教练对裁判的判决表示不服。
 ☞ After the game, the coach of our team expressed his disagreement with ruling of the referee.
4.表示不由得被说服,信服,译cannot help being persuaded (convinced)。
 ☞ 你说得那么有道理,他不得不服。
 ☞ What you said is so reasonable that he cannot help being persuaded.
 ☞ 他说得那么透彻,不由你不服。
 ☞ He spoke so cogently that you couldn't help being persuaded.
 ☞ 你摆出那么多事实,我不由得不服。
 ☞ You have presented so many facts that I cannot help being convinced.
5.表示不由得不佩服,译cannot help admiring。
 ☞ 你那么机智勇敢,不由我们不服。
 ☞ You are so resourceful and courageous that we cannot help admiring.
 ☞ 连长那么身先士卒,他部下不得不服。
 ☞ The company commander led his men in such a charge that they could not help admiring.
 ☞ 他对判决不服,上诉到中级人民法院。
 ☞ He appealed to the intermediate people's court against the sentence.
 ☞ 她不服处分,决定向党委告状。
 ☞ She decided to complain to the Party committee against the punishment.
7.表示水土不服,译not accustomed to the climate。
 ☞ 她到了一个新地方,从此就水土不服。
 ☞ Since she came to the new place, she's not been accustomed to the climate.
不止 不止
1.keep on doing,表示动作连续不停。
 ☞ 愚公毫不动摇,每天挖山不止。
 ☞ Unshaken in his conviction, the Foolish Old Man kept on digging at the mountain every day.
 ☞ 他手指头上小小的一个口子流血不止,连医生都束手无策。
 ☞ The small cut on his finger kept on bleeding and even doctors were at a loss to know what to do.
2.not be limited to,表示不限于。
 ☞ 这水库带来的好处不止是在农业方面。
 ☞ The benefit that the reservoir brings is not limited to agriculture.
 ☞ 她吃的不止是面包和水吧。
 ☞ Her food isn't limited to bread and water.
3.more than,表示超过某个数量或程度。
 ☞ 我来这地方不止一次了。
 ☞ I visited the place more than once.
 ☞ 听说他病治好了,我们不止是高兴。
 ☞ We were more than happy to hear of that he was cured。
 ☞ 树欲静而风不止。
 ☞ The tree craves calm but the wind will not drop.
 ☞ 不止不行。
 ☞ There is no motion without rest.
不然 不然
 ☞ 我得早点去,不然就赶不上火车。
 ☞ I've got to leave a bit early, otherwise I'll miss the train.
 ☞ 他是昨天来镇上的,不然我就不会碰上他。
 ☞ He came to town yesterday, otherwise I should not have met him.
 ☞ 屋顶该修了,不然要漏。
 ☞ The roof must be fixed. or it will leak.
 ☞ 要去就得准时,不然就甭去。
 ☞ Either be there on time, or don't go at all.
 ☞ 快点走,不然要迟到了。
 ☞ Hurry up, or we'll be late.
2.“要”与“不然”连用,用if not表示后面的假设与前面问句的意思相反,用if so表示与前面的问句相同。
 ☞ 你感到冷吗?要不然(即要是不冷)把暖气关了。
 ☞ Are you feeling cold? If not, let's put the central heating off.
 ☞ 你感到热吗?要不然(即要是热)把暖气关了。
 ☞ Are you feeling warm? If so, let's put the central heating off.
3.表示否定,可译not so,no。
 ☞ 人人都说我发了财,其实不然。
 ☞ Everybody says that I've got rich, but actually it is not so.
 ☞ 不然,事情没那么简单。
 ☞ No, it's not as simple as that.
不理 不理
 ☞ 对这种挑衅,我们不能不理。
 ☞ We cannot ignore such a provocation.
 ☞ 对犯了错误的同志,不要不理,而要帮助。
 ☞ Don't ignore those comrades who made mistakes, but help them instead.
2.take no notice of,强调看到、听到、想到后不理。
 ☞ 我认为对他的话,我们还是不理的好。
 ☞ I think we'd better take no notice of what he has said.
 ☞ 虽然司机早已看见路标上的警告,但他置之不理。
 ☞ The driver took no notice of the warning on the road sign, though he had already noticed it.
3.强调注意到后不理,用pay no attention,cease to pay attention。
 ☞ 不要理这些鸡毛蒜皮的事。
 ☞ Pay no attention to such trifles.
 ☞ 我从来不理这样的闲话。
 ☞ I never paid attention to gossip like this.
 ☞ 现在他们都不理他。
 ☞ Now they ceased to pay attention to him.
4.turn a deaf ear to,强调装作听不见不理。
 ☞ 他对所有的警告都置之不理。
 ☞ He turned a deaf ear to all warnings.
 ☞ 校方对他们的要求置之不理。
 ☞ The school authorities turned a deaf ear to their demands.
 ☞ 该国宁愿独立自主而对可能提供的援助置之不理。
 ☞ The country spurned the possible help, preferring to be independent.
 ☞ 公司的总裁对专家的意见置之不理。
 ☞ The president of the company spurned the advice of the experts.
 ☞ 一连几天,她一直这样一声不响,人也不理。
 ☞ She's been like that for days, silent and unapproachable.
 ☞ 她不理人的态度给我印象深刻。
 ☞ She impressed me with her unapproachable manner.
不符 不符
1.not agree with,指不一致。
 ☞ 你讲的跟我们听到的不符。
 ☞ Your story does not agree with what we have heard.
 ☞ 他的解释与实际情况不符。
 ☞ His explanation did not agree with the actual facts.
2.not conform to,指不相符。
 ☞ 她做的衣服与我给的式样不符。
 ☞ The dress she made did not conform to the pattern I gave her.
 ☞ 你的行为与校规不符。
 ☞ Your behavior doesn't conform to the school rules.
3.not match,指不相配。
 ☞ 他的供词与证人的证词不符。
 ☞ His confession did not match the testimony made by the witnesses.
 ☞ 你的言行不符。
 ☞ Your deeds do not match your words.
4.inconsistent with,指前后不连贯。
 ☞ 你说的与做的不符。
 ☞ What you say is inconsistent with what you do.
 ☞ 他的行为与入党的誓言不符。
 ☞ His conduct is inconsistent with the oath on being admitted to the Party.
 ☞ 这饭店名实不符。
 ☞ This restaurant has an undeserved reputation.
 ☞ 他说话前后不符。
 ☞ What he said was self-contradictory.
 ☞ 他们的报告与客观实际不符。
 ☞ Their report is at variance with the objective reality.
不管 不管
1.与任指性疑问代词结合,表示强调性的假设。可译no matter who (what,how)等或whatever (whoever, however)等。
 ☞ 不管什么人都可指出我们的错误。
 ☞ Anyone, no matter who, may point out our shortcoming.
 ☞ 不管什么时候,有了问题只管来找我好了。
 ☞ In case of difficulty, just call on me, no matter when.
 ☞ 不管谁反对,只要我们认为对的都要坚持。
 ☞ Whoever may object, we will hold to what we think to be right.
 ☞ 不管什么衣服,你穿着都好看。
 ☞ You look pretty, whatever you wear.
2.与“还是”、“是否”等词结合,表示在两种情况中任选一种,可译whether... or,or(是whether... or的简略形式),either... or。
 ☞ 不管自行车是新的还是旧的,都与我无关。
 ☞ Whether the bicycle is old or new, it doesn't matter to me.
 ☞ 不管我们喜欢不喜欢,事物总是要变的。
 ☞ Things will change, whether we like it or not.
 ☞ 不管赞成还是反对,发言应力求简短中肯。
 ☞ For or against, let the speaker be brief and to the point.
 ☞ 不管对还是错,他都有坚持自己意见的勇气。
 ☞ Right or wrong, he had the courage to hold on to his own view.
 ☞ 不管是由于成见还是由于其他原因,对人不可怀有恶意。
 ☞ Bear no one ill will, either from prejudice or any other cause.
3.如果是指两种情况的综合,则译as well as,both... and, and... alike。
 ☞ 那里的交通不管是工作日还是周末,一向拥挤不堪。
 ☞ Traffic over there is always heavy, on workdays as well as weekends.
 ☞ 一切情报不管是官方的还是非官方的,都是宝贵的研究资料。
 ☞ All information, off the record as well as on, will be valued material for study.
 ☞ 不管工作还是学习,我们都应充分利用时间。
 ☞ In both work and study we ought to make full use of the time.
 ☞ 不管赢家还是输家,我们都一样玩得痛快,玩得称心。
 ☞ Winners and losers alike, we always had a good time and enjoyed it.
 ☞ 不管别人感觉如何,他相信自己是正确的。
 ☞ Independent of how others felt, he felt sure he was right.
 ☞ 不管怎么限制,事物总是要变的。
 ☞ Things will change regardless of imposed restrictions.
 ☞ 只讲动机好,不管效果坏,这可不行。
 ☞ It won't do just to have good intentions, without regard to bad effect.
 ☞ 不管年龄性别,人人都可参加。
 ☞ All men may join without reference to age or sex.
 ☞ 因此不管有什么问题,新型武器必须发展。
 ☞ Therefore, in spite of all problems, new weapons must be developed.
 ☞ 不管发生什么事情,我们认为对的都要坚持。
 ☞ Come what may, we will stick to what we think right.
 ☞ 不管我们怎么说,他就是装作听不见。
 ☞ Say what we would, he turned a deaf ear.
不胜 不胜
1.incapable of,表示不能承担。
 ☞ 铁桥不胜重负,突然坍塌了。
 ☞ Suddenly collapsed the iron bridge incapable of heavy load.
 ☞ 他体力不胜,晕倒在他的办公室里。
 ☞ Physically incapable, he fell in a faint in his office.
2.overwhelmed by(with),表示不能克服。
 ☞ 他不胜酒力,醉倒在酒桌旁了。
 ☞ Overwhelmed by liquor, he was lying paralyzed over the feasting table.
 ☞ 对他的死,全家不胜悲痛。
 ☞ The whole family is overwhelmed with the sorrow caused by his death.
3.cannot help feeling,表示不能自已。
 ☞ 追古思今,我不胜今昔。
 ☞ Recalling the past and thinking of the present, I cannot help feeling touched deeply.
 ☞ 他想到人去楼空,就不胜惆怅。
 ☞ He could not help feeling melancholy at the thought of her departure and empty chamber.
 ☞ 我不胜荣幸地宣布这次国际原子能代表大会开幕。
 ☞ I am extremely honored to declare open this international conference on atomic energy.
 ☞ 我们对令尊独自返乡而你及子女都留在城里,不胜惊诧。
 ☞ We were extremely surprised at your father going back alone to the countryside while you and your sons and daughters staying in the city.
5.“不胜”夹在两个相同的动词之间使用时,表示无法完成。这时可用impossible,too... to。
 ☞ 漏洞多得堵不胜堵。
 ☞ It is impossible to stop up so many loopholes.或The loopholes are too numerous to stop up.
 ☞ 这么多书,读不胜读。
 ☞ It is impossible to read so many books.或The books are too numerous to read.
不行 不行
1.not do, not work,指行不通。
 ☞ 这不行,太危险了。
 ☞ No, that won't do, it's too risky.
 ☞ 我们没你不行。
 ☞ We can't do without you.
 ☞ 拒绝他的请求怕不行吧。
 ☞ It wouldn't have done to turn down his request.
 ☞ 这个方法不行。
 ☞ This method doesn't work.
2.too... to allow of,指不容许。
 ☞ 树丛太密,打猎不行。
 ☞ The underbrush was too dense to allow of hunting.
 ☞ 溪水太浅,行船不行。
 ☞ The stream is too shallow to allow of boating.
3.not good (at),指不擅长。
 ☞ 他教书不大行。
 ☞ He is not much good as a teacher.
 ☞ 这男孩计算不行。
 ☞ The boy is not good at figures.
4.no good,指不中用。
 ☞ 我的脑子不行,还弄不太懂。
 ☞ My brain is no good; I still don't quite understand.
 ☞ 错的是他,不行的也是他。
 ☞ It was he that was wrong, and that he was no good.
 ☞ 这家客栈里的饭菜差得不行。
 ☞ The food at this inn is very poor.
 ☞ 料子不错,手工不行。
 ☞ The material is fine, but the workmanship is poor.
 ☞ 大街上热闹得不行。
 ☞ The streets are awfully busy.
 ☞ 我困得不行。
 ☞ I'm terribly sleepy.
 ☞ 我个人倒是满意得不行。
 ☞ Personally, I'm extremely well satisfied.
7.用can't you的否定问句,带有不满的反问语气。
 ☞ 你干吗嚷嚷,小点声不行吗?
 ☞ Why shout? Can't you speak a little lower?
 ☞ 你走快点不行?
 ☞ Can't you walk a bit faster?
 ☞ 这本书今天非还不行。
 ☞ This book must be returned today.
 ☞ 这次会议很重要,你非参加不行。
 ☞ The meeting is very important and you must be present.
不论 不论
 ☞ 不论年龄大小,你们都可以参加。
 ☞ You may join us irrespective (regardless) of age.
 ☞ 有些人做事不论后果。
 ☞ Some people act regardless (irrespective) of the consequences.
2.常与“都”、“总”等连用,表示在任何条件下都要达到目的,语气强烈,可用no matter who(what,how等)。
 ☞ 不论是谁都不能违反劳动纪律。
 ☞ Nobody is supposed to break labor discipline, no matter who he is.
 ☞ 她不论会遇到什么困难,都要到国外深造。
 ☞ She is going abroad for advanced study no matter what difficulties she meets.
3.whether... or not,后面带任指性选择词语。
 ☞ 不论他来不来,我们都得做。
 ☞ Whether he comes or not, we'll have to do it.
 ☞ 不论他走不走,结果都一样。
 ☞ Whether he goes or not, the result is the same.
 ☞ 不论是谁,我们一定要找出干这事的人。
 ☞ We'll find the person who did this, whoever he is.
 ☞ 不论你遇到什么困难,都要坚持。
 ☞ You have to go on, whatever difficulties you meet.
 ☞ 全体村民,不论男女老少,都参加了抗旱斗争。
 ☞ All the villagers, men and women, old and young, took part in the battle against the drought.
 ☞ 国不论大小,都各有长处和短处。
 ☞ Every nation, big or small, has her strong and weak points.
不足 不足
1.not enough, insufficient, inadequate,表示不充足。
 ☞ 我们的勇气不足以坚持原则。
 ☞ We have not enough courage to adhere to principles.
 ☞ 你发表的声明还不足以引起人们的注意。
 ☞ The statement you made is not enough to attract people's attention.
 ☞ 他的资金不足以使他建立一个商业机构。
 ☞ He had insufficient fund to set up a business.
 ☞ 由于电力不足,我们只好在暗淡的灯光下工作。
 ☞ We had to work in the dim light because of insufficient power.
 ☞ 孩子们的衣服不足以过冬。
 ☞ The children's clothing is inadequate (insufficient) for the winter.
 ☞ 这辆老爷车动力不足,难以爬山。
 ☞ The old car has inadequate (insufficient) power to get up the hill.
2.short of,表示短缺。
 ☞ 我说过公司的人手不足。
 ☞ I said that the firm was short of men.
 ☞ 我们最近因为资金不足没有大量购办货物。
 ☞ We haven't bought goods in large quantities recently because we are short of funds.
3.lack, lack of,表示缺乏。
 ☞ 干这件事,我信心不足。
 ☞ I lack confidence in doing it.
 ☞ 他们国家仍然是日用品不足。
 ☞ Their country still lacks necessities of life.
 ☞ 这是我们经验不足的又一个例子。
 ☞ That was another example of our lack of experience.
 ☞ 因为睡眠不足,我眼圈都黑了。
 ☞ I've got dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep.
 ☞ 关税对进口量的影响可能是估计不足。
 ☞ The effect of tariffs on imported volume may have been underestimated.
 ☞ 这胶卷可能是显影不足,我们看不见上面的画面。
 ☞ The film must have been underdeveloped, we couldn't see any picture on it.
 ☞ 不对,这是曝光不足。
 ☞ No, it was underexposed.
 ☞ 公司的人员配备一直不足,所以大家都忙得团团转。
 ☞ The corporation has been understaffed and we are all up to our ears in work.
5.less than,表示少于。
 ☞ 人口减至不足5,000人。
 ☞ The population has decreased to less than five thousand.
 ☞ 我们建了一座化工厂,投资不足百万。
 ☞ We've built a chemical plant with investment less than one million.
6.not... unless,用双重否定表示“非…不能”,语气坚决。
 ☞ 非团结不足以图存。
 ☞ We cannot survive unless we unite.
 ☞ 这问题非你亲自去不足以解决。
 ☞ The problem won't be solved unless you go yourself.
7.not worth,表示不值得。
 ☞ 区区小事,不足挂齿。
 ☞ Such paltry service is not worth mentioning.
 ☞ 这点成绩不足为外人道。
 ☞ Such an insignificant achievement is not worth to be told to outsiders.
8.not take... as,表示不足取。
 ☞ 书本上讲的也有不足为训的。
 ☞ What is stated in books should not be always taken as instructions.
 ☞ 光有供词尚不足为凭。
 ☞ Only confession cannot be taken as evidence yet.
 ☞ 不足之处欢迎大家批评。
 ☞ Criticisms of our shortcoming are cordially welcomed.
 ☞ 这样的大骗局现在已不足为奇。
 ☞ Nowadays, such a grand deception is not at all surprising.
 ☞ 他的话不足为信。
 ☞ His words do not merit belief.
不过 不过
1.用在动词前,表示“仅仅”,“只”,可译only,mere, merely, no more than等。
 ☞ 他参军时,不过17岁。
 ☞ He was only seventeen when he joined the army.
 ☞ 我在北京不过呆了3天。
 ☞ I stayed in Beijing only three days.
 ☞ 我相信他不过是跟你逗乐罢了。
 ☞ I believed that he was merely teasing you.
 ☞ 他们那个协议不过是一张废纸。
 ☞ That treaty of theirs is a mere scrap.
 ☞ 来上他课的不过3个学生。
 ☞ No more than three students come to his class.
 ☞ 那不过是空谈。
 ☞ It is no more than empty talk.
2.用在“再…不过了”词组中,表示最高程度,可译couldn't be... +比较级,as... as... can be。
 ☞ 这样的安排再好不过了。
 ☞ Such arrangement couldn't be better.
 ☞ 娟娟这样的姑娘,真是再聪明不过了。
 ☞ A girl like Juan Juan couldn't be cleverer indeed.
 ☞ 老乡都来欢迎我,他们都是再好不过的了。
 ☞ The fellow-villagers came to welcome me, they were as kind as they could be.
 ☞ 问题是再明显不过的了。
 ☞ The problem is as plain as it can be.
 ☞ 他说事情倒是这样的,不过他搞错了。
 ☞ He said that it was so; he was mistaken however.
 ☞ 这一切你都知道,不过我也同样知道。
 ☞ You know all this as well as I do however.
 ☞ 病人精神还不错,不过胃口不大好。
 ☞ The patient feels pretty well, but he hadn't much of an appetite.
 ☞ 到他30岁,也不过是当地警察局的一个警官。
 ☞ By the time he was thirty, he had risen no higher than an officer in the police station of his native town.
 ☞ 你真的50岁了?看起来不过35。
 ☞ Are you really fifty? You look no older than thirty-five.
5.“不过如此”的译法用only just so so。
 ☞ 大家都说好,我看不过如此。
 ☞ Everybody says it's good. In my opinion, it's only just so so.
不通 不通
1.表示道路、河流、沟渠、管道堵塞,用block (up),clog, stop up。
 ☞ 雪大得路都不通了。
 ☞ The snow was so heavy that all the roads were blocked up.
 ☞ 出了车祸,前面的路不通了。
 ☞ There is a car accident. The road ahead is blocked.
 ☞ 这条河就要不通了。
 ☞ The river is to be blocked up.
 ☞ 管子不通了。
 ☞ The pipe is blocked (clogged).
 ☞ 水槽不通了。
 ☞ The sink stopped up.
2.如果是由于某种原因而使交通不畅,可用close to traffic。
 ☞ 前面的路翻修,不通了。
 ☞ The road ahead is closed to traffic as it is being rebuilt.
 ☞ 前面的河流由于冰冻而不通了。
 ☞ The river ahead is closed to traffic because of freezing.
3.如果指的是无路可通,应译not a through road。
 ☞ 此路不通。
 ☞ Not a through road.
 ☞ 我鼻子不通。
 ☞ I have a stuffy nose.
 ☞ 文章写得不通。
 ☞ The article is ungrammatically written.(语法不通)
 ☞ The article is not idiomatically written.(用词不通)
 ☞ The article is illogically written.(逻辑不通)
 ☞ The article written doesn't make sense.(文理不通)
6.电话不通,译be dead, be engaged。
 ☞ 我打了半天电话,没想到线路不通。
 ☞ I made a telephone call for long, but who would have thought the line was dead?
 ☞ 他回答说线路不通。
 ☞ He replied that the line was engaged.
7.如果指迷惑不解,译cannot figure out;如果指另有想法,译think otherwise;如果思想不通,译remain unconvinced。
 ☞ 我怎么成了挨整的对象,真想不通。
 ☞ I couldn't figure out indeed why I became the target of attack.
 ☞ 我说了他一顿,他想不通。
 ☞ I gave him a scolding; but he thought otherwise.
 ☞ 甚至在批判会后,他还是想不通。
 ☞ He remained unconvinced even after the criticism meeting.
8.说不通、讲不通,译not talk into。
 ☞ 他这个人难处,永远跟他说不通。
 ☞ He is a difficult man and you can never talk him into doing anything.
不问 不问
 ☞ 同志们有困难,我们不能不问。
 ☞ We cannot be indifferent when a comrade is in difficulty.
 ☞ 事关重大原则问题,我们能不问吗?
 ☞ How can we remain indifferent when things involve major matters of principle?
2.irrespective, regardless,指不论。
 ☞ 不问男女老少,人人都可参加。
 ☞ Everybody can join us irrespective (regardless) of sex and age.
 ☞ 他们不问后果,鲁莽行事。
 ☞ They acted rashly, regardless (irrespective) of the consequences.
3.without any attention to,指不去注意。
 ☞ 做事不能只凭动机,不问效果。
 ☞ Actions shouldn't be guided solely by motives without any attention to effect.
 ☞ 我们总不能像以前那样不问情由,把他一棍子打死吧。
 ☞ We cannot at all finish him off with a single blow without any attention to circumstances and causes as we did before.
4.make no distinction between,指不区分。
 ☞ 他不问是非曲直,就劈头盖脑打了过来。
 ☞ Making no distinction between right and wrong, he gave a blow direct to the face.
 ☞ 我们需要稿件,不问诗歌散文。
 ☞ We need whatever contributions, making no distinction between poetry and prose.
5.turn a blind eye to,指不去看。
 ☞ 我们作父母官的怎能不问民间疾苦呢?
 ☞ How can we turn a blind eye to people's sufferings, being officials of grass-roots level?
 ☞ 如果你不问事实真相,永远也查不清此事。
 ☞ You'll never find out about it if you turn a blind eye to the facts.
6.go unpunished,指不追究。
 ☞ 首恶必办,胁从不问。
 ☞ The chief criminals shall be punished without fail and those who acted under duress shall go unpunished.
 ☞ 除了聚众赌博的主犯以外余众不问。
 ☞ The rest went unpunished except the principals who organized gambling parties.
不顾 不顾
1.表示不考虑,可译show no consideration, take no account of。
 ☞ 他从来不顾妻子的感情。
 ☞ He has never shown any consideration for his wife's feelings.
 ☞ 我们怎么能不顾实际条件乱来呢?
 ☞ How can we act recklessly, taking no account of actual conditions?
2.表示没想到,译not give a thought to, unmindful, forget。
 ☞ 他不顾个人安危,跳入水中,抢救落水儿童。
 ☞ He plunged into the water to rescue the drowning child, not giving a thought to his safety.
 ☞ 有些议员不顾公众利益,反对通过这一决议。
 ☞ Some congressmen, unmindful of public interests, objected to the adoption of that resolution.
 ☞ 他不论做什么,总是顾前不顾后。
 ☞ Whatever he does, he often considers only the present and forgets the future.
3.表示不去管,译disregard, in disregard of, with disregard to, regardless。
 ☞ 这一措施表明傀儡政权是不顾人民的死活的。
 ☞ This measure showed the puppet government disregarded the people's livelihood.
 ☞ 他奋不顾身地抢救遇险的同志。
 ☞ Completely disregarding his own safety, he rushed to rescue the comrades in danger.
 ☞ 他不顾历史事实,企图颠倒黑白。
 ☞ He is trying to turn black into white in disregard of historical facts.
 ☞ 他们不顾后果,违背人民的愿望。
 ☞ They go against the wishes of the people with disregard to the consequences.
 ☞ 他不顾别人的意见,坚持错误。
 ☞ He insisted in his mistakes regardless of other people's opinions.
4.表示不顾忌,译in spite of, in the teeth of, in the face of。
 ☞ 他不顾狂风暴雨,按时送报。
 ☞ In spite of the bad storm he delivered papers on time.
 ☞ 我们不顾大众指责,决心继续支持这一方案。
 ☞ We are determined to maintain our support for the proposal in the teeth of popular condemnation.
 ☞ 他不顾这种露骨的威胁,依然从容镇静。
 ☞ He remained calm in the face of such undisguised threats.
 ☞ 我不会不顾她的,这点你是知道的。
 ☞ I won't neglect her, you know that.
 ☞ 他不顾身体,日夜工作。
 ☞ Neglecting his health, he works day and night.
 ☞ 他不顾身体不好,同我们一起为教育事业奔走呼号。
 ☞ Ignoring his poor health, he went with us around campaigning for the educational cause.
 ☞ 他不顾交通规则,开着车横冲直撞。
 ☞ Ignoring traffic regulations, he drove his car madly.
7.表示蔑视、挑战,语气更强,译defy或in defiance of。
 ☞ 他不顾陈规陋习,同他相爱的寡妇结了婚。
 ☞ Defying outmoded conventions and bad customs, he got married to a widow he loved.
 ☞ 他不顾警告到海里游泳去了。
 ☞ He went swimming in the sea in defiance of the warning.
8.表示不照顾,不关心,可译not look after,not take care of。
 ☞ 你不顾自己,现在熬坏了身体。
 ☞ You didn't look after yourself and now have spoilt your health.
 ☞ 他只顾自己,不顾别人。
 ☞ He takes care of himself only, and not any of the others.
1) 不顾死活,译in desperation。
 ☞ 我看见一个小偷不顾死活,从一列疾驰的火车里跳了出来。
 ☞ I saw a thief jumping in desperation from a fast moving train.
2) 不顾前后,译recklessly。
 ☞ 他做事总是不顾前后。
 ☞ He is always doing things recklessly.

1) 用作标题中的连词。
 ☞ 你读过托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》吗?
 ☞ Have you read War and Peace by Lev Tolstoy?
2) 用作口号中的连词。
 ☞ 全世界人民联合起来,争取世界和平与安全!
 ☞ People all over the world, unite to fight for the world peace and safety!
3) 用作书面语的连词。
 ☞ 我们应当开展批评与自我批评。
 ☞ We ought to practice criticism and self-criticism.
1) 不用介词而用动宾结构。
 ☞ 要勇于与困难做斗争。
 ☞ Be brave in overcoming difficulties.
 ☞ 与人方便就是与自己方便。
 ☞ To help others is to help yourself.
 ☞ 丢失钱财,与己消灾。
 ☞ Your losing money means saving yourself from disaster.
 ☞ 批评应当与人为善。
 ☞ Criticism should be aimed at helping those criticized.
 ☞ 他的学习与日俱进。
 ☞ He has made progress with his study daily.
 ☞ 求助于他无异于与虎谋皮。
 ☞ To ask him for help was like asking a tiger for its skin.
2) 根据不同的搭配用不同的介词。
 ☞ 与人民为敌的人决没有好下场。
 ☞ Those who are hostile to the people will certainly come to no good end.(周to)
 ☞ 他与此事有关。
 ☞ He has something to do with the matter.(用with)
 ☞ 我初来乍到,不想与人为敌。
 ☞ I'm a newcomer and have no intention to make enemy of anybody.(用of)
 ☞ 与天斗,其乐无穷。
 ☞ It is 8 great joy to battle against nature.(用against)
 ☞ 他过着与世无争的隐居生活。
 ☞ He lived in seclusion, holding himself aloof from the world.(用from)
 ☞ 他们决定与阵地共存亡。
 ☞ They were determined to die in the last ditch. (用in)
与其 与其
  ■ “与其”常与“不如”、“宁可”、“宁肯”等词搭配,表示两件事中选一件,“与其”引起的分句在前,并指出不选的那件事。
1.用比较级+ than,表示两件事比较起来更愿意某一件,注意选取的在前,不选的在后。其词序正好与汉语相反。
 ☞ 与其说他老实,不如说他聪明。
 ☞ He is more clever than honest.
 ☞ 与其这样痛苦地活下去,不如早点死。
 ☞ I would sooner die than live in this agony.
 ☞ 与其说南唐的李后主李煜是位国君,不如说是位诗人。
 ☞ Li Yu, the last sovereign of the Southern Tang Dynasty, was more of a poet than a king.
 ☞ 你与其坐车,不如坐船。
 ☞ It is better for you to go by boat than by train.
  ■ 但是如果比较级不是more 而是less,则不选的在前,选的在后。
 ☞ 我与其把他当作老师,不如当作朋友。
 ☞ I regard him less as my teacher than as my friend.
2.rather than,表示两件事中宁愿其中的某一件,注意选取的词序与汉语也正好相反。
 ☞ 这鞋子与其说漂亮不如说舒服。
 ☞ Those shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.
 ☞ 与其修改决议草案,不如予以撤回。
 ☞ We would rather withdraw the draft resolution than a.
 ☞ mend it.
 ☞ 这工作与其让你干不如让我来。
 ☞ I would rather do the work than you.
 ☞ 与其做瞎子,不如做聋子。
 ☞ I would rather be deaf than blind.
专业 专业
 ☞ 农村专业户是指专门从事某种种植或养殖的农家。
 ☞ A rural family that goes in for a special kind of production is referred to as a peasant household specializing in some kind of growing or breeding.
 ☞ 报纸和电视台都把专业记者派到发生大事的世界各地。
 ☞ Newspapers and TV stations send special correspondents to places of the world where important events take place.
 ☞ 中国银行是中国的外汇专业银行。
 ☞ Bank of China is the specialized foreign exchange bank of China.
 ☞ 电信业各专业部门之间已实行了广泛的协作服务。
 ☞ Telecommunication service has already carried out extensive cooperation among specialized departments.
 ☞ 该大学有15个系,55个专业。
 ☞ The university has 15 departments with 55 specialties.
 ☞ 刺绣是她的专业。
 ☞ Embroidery is her specialty.
 ☞ 干这一工作还需要专业知识。
 ☞ Professional knowledge is needed to do this work.
 ☞ 我们要根据形势发展的需要来提供各种专业服务。
 ☞ We must adapt ourselves to the need of the developing conditions to offer various kinds of professional service.
5.specific field,指某个专业领域。
 ☞ 尽管他是个学者,但对我的专业却一无所知。
 ☞ He is in the dark about my specific field, though he is a scholar.
 ☞ 我们急需这一专业的人员。
 ☞ We are badly in need of personnel in this specific field.

1.“且”有“暂且”、“暂时”的意思,表示在短时间内先做某事,别的暂且放下。这时可用for the time being或just后接表示时间的名词。
 ☞ 这事且放一下。
 ☞ Let the matter rest for the time being.
 ☞ 你且和另一位同志共用这个房间吧。
 ☞ For the time being you will have to share this room with another comrade.
 ☞ 且把书堆到这个角落里,我们以后再放到书架上。
 ☞ Dump the books in the corner for the time being, we'll put them on the shelves later.
 ☞ 你且等一下。
 ☞ Just wait a little while.
 ☞ 今晚且不出去。
 ☞ We'll just stay in tonight.
 ☞ 我们死且不惧,况困难乎。
 ☞ Even death holds no fear for us, to say nothing of difficulties.
 ☞ 她站且站不起未,更何况走路。
 ☞ She can't even stand on her feet, let alone walk.
 ☞ 费用问题且不谈,要在一年内完成这项工程是不可能的。
 ☞ Even leaving aside the question of cost, it will be impossible to complete the project in a year.
3.“且”有“姑且”的意思,表示某种程度的让步,常与“不说”、“不谈”、“不讲”等连用,这时可用not to mention, to say nothing of, let alone。
 ☞ 且不说中文期刊,外文期刊也订了不少。
 ☞ Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese.
 ☞ 且不谈付你报酬,他连谢都不会谢你。
 ☞ He won't even thank you, let alone pay you.
 ☞ 且不说大楼毁了,连人都死了3个。
 ☞ Three men were killed, to say nothing of damage to the building.
 ☞ 她干得既快且好。
 ☞ She works quickly and well.
 ☞ 我相信这种看法是错误的,且会引起一大堆不必要的困难。
 ☞ I believe that this view is mistaken and that it leads to a host of entirely unnecessary difficulties.
 ☞ 他们一路且谈且走。
 ☞ All the way they talked as they walked.
 ☞ 我们几个且看且记。
 ☞ Some of us took notes while reading.
世界 世界
1.universe, universal,universally,指自然界或宇宙中一切物质存在的世界,因此这个世界可以大到无边无际。
 ☞ 他们相信上帝创造世界。
 ☞ They believe that God made the universe.
 ☞ 几个战争狂人表现得好像他们支配着世界。
 ☞ A few war maniacs behaved as if they owned the universe.
 ☞ 大千世界,无奇不有。
 ☞ Nothing is too strange in the boundless universe.
  ■ 但是,universe转义时也可以是个人或众人的世界。
 ☞ 他从记事起就明白这些事情,并作为他世界的组成部分而接受了。
 ☞ He has been aware of these things since he could remember, and had accepted them as part of the structure of his universe.
 ☞ 自1952年起,格林威治时间就被称之为世界时。
 ☞ Since 1952 the Greenwich Time has been called Universal Time.
 ☞ 爱因斯坦是世界公认的我们时代最伟大的科学家。
 ☞ Albert Einstein is universally recognized as one of the greatest scientists of our time.
 ☞ 太阳是我们这个世界的中心。
 ☞ The sun is the center of our world.
 ☞ 世界就是这样的一个辩证关系,既运动又静止。
 ☞ All things are at once in motion and not in motion, such is the dialectics of our world.
  ■ 但在多数情况下是指生活在地球上的 人类世界。
 ☞ 我们总要相信,中国也好,世界各地也好,大多数人是好人。
 ☞ We must believe that in China, as everywhere else in the world, the majority of the people are good.
 ☞ 我们相信只要依靠人民,世界上就没有攻不破的 “法宝”。
 ☞ We believe that so long as we rely on the people there is no invincible "magic weapon" in this world.
 ☞ 英语是世界性语言。
 ☞ English is a world language.
 ☞ 全世界都在期待这次谈判的结果。
 ☞ The whole world is waiting for the result of these talks.
  ■ world也可用来指世界的某个部分或某一类人。
 ☞ 旧世界是指欧洲、亚洲和非洲,而新世界则指南、北美洲。
 ☞ The Old World is referred to Europe, Asia and Africa while the New World is North America and South America.
 ☞ 大海是鱼的世界。
 ☞ The sea is the fishes' world.
 ☞ 他一生都生活在工人阶级的世界里。
 ☞ He had lived all his life in the working class world.
 ☞ 全世界都在欢欣鼓舞。
 ☞ The whole earth rejoiced.
 ☞ 世界分为7大洲。
 ☞ The earth is divided into seven continents.
 ☞ 密西西比河是世界上最长的河流。
 ☞ The Mississippi River is the longest river on earth.
 ☞ 美国和苏联当时是世界上最大的两个帝国。
 ☞ The United States and the Soviet Union were the two greatest empires on the face of the earth.
  ■ 有时,earth还有现实世界的意思。
 ☞ 我重重地跌回了现实世界。
 ☞ I came back to earth with a thud.
 ☞ 她的声音把我带回了现实世界。
 ☞ Her voice brought me back to earth.
 ☞ 全世界无产者联合起来!
 ☞ Workers of all countries, unite!
 ☞ 热力学理论把宏观世界与微观世界联系了起来。
 ☞ The theory of thermodynamics links the macroscopic and submicroscopic domains.
 ☞ 神仙只存在于人们的幻想世界里。
 ☞ Fairies exist only in the realms of imagination.
 ☞ 过去人们常说女人的世界是在家里。
 ☞ People used to say that women's sphere was the home.
 ☞ 没有矛盾,就没有世界。
 ☞ Without contradiction nothing would exist.
 ☞ 说基本完成,是谨慎的说法,世界上的事情总是谨慎一些好。
 ☞ To say it is basically accomplished is a prudent way of speaking, it is always better to be prudent in everything we do.
 ☞ 实际上世界上只有具体的自由和具体的民主,而没有抽象的自由和抽象的民主。
 ☞ As a matter of fact, freedom and democracy exist not in the abstract, but only in the concrete.
 ☞ 又要母鸡生蛋,又不给它米吃;又要马儿跑得好, 又要马儿不吃草。世界上哪有这样的道理?
 ☞ You want the hen to lay more eggs and yet you don't feed; you want the horse to run fast and yet you don't let it graze, what kind of logic is that?
 ☞ 她在婚后才有了两人世界的真实感。
 ☞ She experienced a genuine feeling of conjugal life only after marriage.
业余 业余
 ☞ 业余运动员是不准参加职业联赛的。
 ☞ Amateurs are not allowed to play in professional tournaments.
 ☞ 职业作曲家准备与一位业余小提琴手合作。
 ☞ The professional composer is ready to give his cooperation with an amateur violinist.
 ☞ 我们的演员都是业余文艺工作者。
 ☞ Our actors were all amateur literary and art workers.
  ■ 有时,amateur还带有贬义。用来指技术低劣。
 ☞ 哇,你真业余!
 ☞ Oh, well, you're just an amateur!
 ☞ 歌咏比赛时,业余选手绝对无法与专业选手相比。
 ☞ Nonprofessionals can never match professionals in singing competition.
 ☞ 他是搞工程的,不过我们都叫他业余政治家。
 ☞ He is engaged in engineering. However, we call him nonprofessional politician.
3.spare time,指业余时间。
 ☞ 他利用业余时间给邻居们修理电视机。
 ☞ He repairs TV sets for his neighbors during his spare time.
 ☞ 我不会因为私事耽误工作,我在业余时间搞。
 ☞ I'll never allow my private affairs to interfere with the work. I shall do it in my spare time.
4.after work hours, after-hours,指工作之余。
 ☞ 一定要抓紧业余理论学习。
 ☞ Be sure to grasp firmly the theoretical study after work hours.
 ☞ 业余活动由你自己掌握。
 ☞ After-hours activities are at your disposal.
业务 业务
 ☞ 随着改革开放的深入发展,我们的业务肯定会好转。
 ☞ Our business is sure to turn for the better with the reform and opening to the outside world developing in depth.
 ☞ 中国国际信托投资公司是经营信托投资业务的。
 ☞ China International Trust and Investment Corporation handles trust and investment business.
 ☞ 我来这里以前,一些业务让我在上海耽搁了几天。
 ☞ Some business had detained me for some days in Shanghai before I came here.
 ☞ 我们的业务时间是上午9点到下午5点。
 ☞ Our business hour is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
 ☞ 他钻研起自己的业务来,那是没有说的。
 ☞ His studying the profession of his own is beyond question.
 ☞ 我很高兴你们能参加我们的业务。
 ☞ I'm glad that you are going in for our profession.
 ☞ 这一聚会只限于出版业的业务人员。
 ☞ The party was restricted to professional people in the publishing industry only.
 ☞ 你这个问题超出了我的业务知识范围。
 ☞ Your question is beyond my professional knowledge.
3.vocation,vocational, 指某一职业或行业的业务或业务能力。
 ☞ 他办了一所学校,于是教学成了他具有挑战性而又有回报的业务。
 ☞ He runs a school and thus the teaching becomes his challenging and rewarding vocation.
 ☞ 她是个好护士,因为她真有看护病人的业务能力。
 ☞ She is a good nurse because she has a real vocation for looking after the sick.
 ☞ 你认为他的业务水平如何?
 ☞ What do you think of his vocational level?
 ☞ 你的业务学习抓而不紧,等于不抓。
 ☞ Not to grasp your vocational study firmly is not to grasp it at all.

 ☞ 劳动人民的本色不能丢。
 ☞ We mustn't lose the quality of the working people.
 ☞ 我希望别丢了这东西。
 ☞ I hope it is not lost.
 ☞ 这套书丢了一本。
 ☞ There is a book missing from the set.
 ☞ 她发现胸针丢了。
 ☞ She noticed the brooch was missing.
 ☞ 他把帽子丢在火车上了。
 ☞ He left his hat on the train.
 ☞ 我把钳子丢哪儿啦?
 ☞ Where have I left my pliers?
 ☞ 你经常把这些危险药品四处乱丢吗?
 ☞ Do you often mislay these dangerous drugs?
 ☞ 你怎么能为了追求成功而丢了原则呢?
 ☞ How could you have mislaid your principles in the drive for success?
5.put aside,指丢到一边。
 ☞ 他离开学校,丢下书本后就再也没打开过。
 ☞ He put aside his textbooks and never reopened them again, after leaving school.
 ☞ 他们丢下枪支和背包,又过起了和平生活。
 ☞ They put aside their rifles and packs and resumed a peaceful life.
6.cast away,指丢弃。
 ☞ 敌人丢下辎重,纷纷逃命。
 ☞ The enemy fled pell-mell, casting away their heavy baggage.
 ☞ 我们被丢在荒岛上,既没有吃的也没有喝的。
 ☞ We were cast away on a desert island without food and water.
 ☞ 直升飞机正往地上丢食品。
 ☞ The helicopter is dropping food to the ground.
 ☞ 她最恨见到有人在街上丢垃圾。
 ☞ She hates most to see anybody dropping rubbish in the streets.
 ☞ 父亲把邻居们丢掉的玩具修好了。
 ☞ Father repaired the toys that neighbors had discarded.
 ☞ 姨太太是一种仰人鼻息的二奶,可以随便娶随便丢。
 ☞ A concubine was a kind of institutionized mistresses acquired and discarded at will.
9.keep worrying,指长期使人担忧。
 ☞ 我只有这件事丢不开。
 ☞ That's the only thing that keeps worrying me.
 ☞ 她丢不下她的独生子。
 ☞ Her only son keeps worrying her.
 ☞ 他就会乱丢东西,而且从来都找不着。
 ☞ He just litters his stuff and can never find anything.
 ☞ 房间内,报纸、杂志丢得到处都是。
 ☞ Papers, magazines were littered about the room.
11.not use,指不再使用。
 ☞ 我的英语丢了好多年,也忘得差不多了。
 ☞ I haven't used my English for years and have forgot almost all of it.

1.two, 单纯表示“二”这个数。
 ☞ 两堂课之间有10分钟的间歇。
 ☞ There is an interval of ten minutes between the two classes.
 ☞ 1元钱可以买两支这种铅笔。
 ☞ You can get two of these pencils for one yuan.
 ☞ 我不知道哪本书好,我两本都读。
 ☞ I don't know which book is the better, I shall read both.
 ☞ 为什么不两个都用?
 ☞ Why not use both?
 ☞ 两人一起消失在街道的拐角处。
 ☞ The couple disappeared together at the comer of the street.
 ☞ 我发现在卧室里有两只袜子,但不配对。
 ☞ I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they don't make a pair.
  ■ 此外,couple还可表示数的模糊概念。
 ☞ 我们在天鹅酒店停下来喝了两杯。
 ☞ We stopped at the Swan Hotel for drinking a couple.
 ☞ 这事过两天再说。
 ☞ Let's leave it for a couple of days.
 ☞ 这两个计划都同样危险。
 ☞ Either of the plans is equally dangerous.
 ☞ 马路两旁都种着树。
 ☞ There are trees on either side of the road.
5.a few或few表示两个三个这样的不定数。
 ☞ 对这件事,我倒想说两句。
 ☞ I'd like to say a few words about this matter.
 ☞ 那么多的事情,这么两个人干不了。
 ☞ There is so much to do that these few people can hardly cope with it.
 ☞ 躺椅可以坐卧两用。
 ☞ A couch performs a double service.
 ☞ 他常耍两面派。
 ☞ He often resorts to double-dealing.
 ☞ 成不成还在两可之间。
 ☞ Whether it succeeds or not goes either way.
 ☞ 去也不好,不去也不好,真是两难。
 ☞ I'm in a dilemma as to whether to go or not.
 ☞ 他把苹果切成两半。
 ☞ He cuts the apple in half.
 ☞ 有什么两样?
 ☞ What's the difference?
 ☞ 他多喝了两盅。
 ☞ He has had a drop too much.
 ☞ 她干活又快又好,真有两下子。
 ☞ She works fast and well. she obviously knows her stuff.
严厉 严厉
 ☞ 我迟到时老师总是变得十分严厉。
 ☞ My teacher always becomes very severe when I am late.
 ☞ 军官的严厉目光弄得士兵们都不好意思相互拉家常了。
 ☞ The officer's severe look discouraged the chitchat among soldiers.
  ■ severe后接人时可用介词with,接物时用in。
 ☞ 我认为你对你儿子太严厉了。
 ☞ I think you are too severe with your son.
 ☞ 对这类事情,军管法是很严厉的。
 ☞ Martial law is very severe in such things.
 ☞ 虽然她走近了他的肖像,但她甚至连看一眼他严厉的眼睛都不敢。
 ☞ Though she came close to his portrait yet she did not dare even have a look at his stem eyes.
 ☞ 他受到过严厉的处分。
 ☞ He has had a stem punishment.
  ■ stern后接人用with,接物用in。
 ☞ 对新手不要太严厉,不会的地方要教他们。
 ☞ Don't be too stem with the new hands and teach them when they don't know.
 ☞ 今天他可能出什么事了,态度那么严厉。
 ☞ Something must have happened to him. He was so stem in manner.
严密 严密
 ☞ 这衣料织得很严密。
 ☞ The dress material has a tight weave.
 ☞ 严密的封锁切断了敌人的补给线。
 ☞ A tight blockade cut off the enemy's supply line.
2.close, 指仔细周密,因而不放过任何事物。
 ☞ 警方把不同政见者置于严密监视之下。
 ☞ The police put the dissidents under close surveillance.
 ☞ 在那次越狱事件之后,我们奉命严密看守囚犯。
 ☞ We have been ordered to keep close watch on the prisoners since the jail break.
 ☞ 我们采取了严密的防范措施来防止交通事故。
 ☞ We have taken strict precautions against traffic accidents.
 ☞ 在“非典”流行期间,政府对流动人口实施了严密的控制。
 ☞ The government exercised strict control over floating population when SARS was spreading around.
4.well, 与过去分词组成复合词,表示完善而无瑕疵。
 ☞ 这篇小说的结构十分严密。
 ☞ The novel has a well-knit plot.
 ☞ 政党是组织严密的政治实体。
 ☞ A political party is a well-organized political entity.
严格 严格
 ☞ 本班需要一位严格的老师。
 ☞ This class needs a strict teacher.
 ☞ 学校的纪律和规则都是非常严格的。
 ☞ Discipline and rules at school are very strict.
  ■ 如果对人严格,接介词with,对事严格接介词about或on。
 ☞ 要是老板对你严格,你千万别放在心上。
 ☞ You must not mind if the boss is strict with you.
 ☞ 我们有指令对透支要十分严格。
 ☞ We have had orders to be very strict about overdrafts.
 ☞ 她的老师对遵守时间十分严格。
 ☞ Her teacher is very strict on punctuality.
 ☞ 协定条款必须严格履行。
 ☞ The terms of the agreement must be implemented strictly.
 ☞ 她什么事都按照严格的标准办事。
 ☞ She brings everything she does into conformity with rigid standards.
 ☞ 你太严格,得学会折衷。
 ☞ You are too rigid. You have to learn to compromise.
  ■ 接人时用with,接物时用in。
 ☞ 他对几个儿子都很严格,对独生女例外。
 ☞ He is rigid with his sons except his only daughter.
 ☞ 她执行任务向来十分严格。
 ☞ She has been very rigid in her performance of the tasks.
3.severe, 指严厉的严格。
 ☞ 改革以来中国的出生率向来有严格的限制。
 ☞ A severe limitation of birth-rate has been made in China since the reform.
 ☞ 该国的新闻书刊检查制度特别严格。
 ☞ The censorship of the press in that country is exceedingly severe.
  ■ 此外,severe后接人时可用介词on或with,接物时用in。
 ☞ 他对自己和对别人都一样严格。
 ☞ He is as severe with himself as with others.
 ☞ 工头对外来工人特别严格。
 ☞ The foreman is especially severe on the nonnative workers.
 ☞ 你在学校里应严格遵守纪律。
 ☞ You should be severe in discipline at school.
 ☞ 谢天谢地,我们总算有了一位严格的校长。
 ☞ Thank Goodness, we have a stem headmaster at last.
 ☞ 必须采取严格措施来对一切用具消毒。
 ☞ Stern measures must be taken to sterilize all instruments.
  ■ 同时,stern后接人用with,接物用in。
 ☞ 他对儿子太严格,引起了他的逆反心理。
 ☞ He was too stern with his son, which caused in him antagonistic psychology.
 ☞ 他们在军校的训练十分严格。
 ☞ They were very stem in their training at military academy.
 ☞ 军事训练包括严格的操练。
 ☞ The military training involves rigorous exercises.
 ☞ 这种严格的综合处理方法需要做一些准备。
 ☞ The rigorous and comprehensive approach requires some preparatory work.
 ☞ 为保护消费者必须要有严格的规章制度。
 ☞ Stringent rules and regulations are needed to protect the consumer.
 ☞ 你们必须采取严格的措施来检查患有“非典”的旅客。
 ☞ You must take stringent measures to check passengers suffering from SARS.
 ☞ 我们得严格控制公用事业。
 ☞ We have to keep tight control on public utilities.
 ☞ 她应当严格驾驭自己的感情。
 ☞ She should keep tight rein on her emotions.
严肃 严肃
 ☞ 他人和气、讲感情,但十分严肃。
 ☞ He was kind and affectionate, but very serious.
 ☞ 见他脸上严肃的表情,我知道坏事了。
 ☞ I came to know something bad had happened when I saw a serious expression on his face.
  ■ 不过,serious带有贬意时则有“一本正经”的意思。
 ☞ I can't bear people who are so serious all the time.(我见不得老是一本正经的人)
 ☞ 总统就职典礼是件严肃的大事。
 ☞ A president inauguration is a solemn event.
 ☞ 记者们见到了矿工妻儿们严肃的脸,他们在等待矿难的最终结果。
 ☞ The reporters saw the solemn faces of miners' wives and children awaiting the final results of the mining disaster.
 ☞ 他发现灾民一张张苍白、严肃的脸,个个都在盯着他看。
 ☞ He perceived pale and earnest countenances of victims of natural calamity, gazing upon him one after another.
 ☞ 他对她严肃认真的态度印象很好。
 ☞ H毒was favorably impressed with her earnest manner.
 ☞ 我严肃地指出这是违反党的政策的。
 ☞ I pointed out in all earnestness that it ran counter to the Party's policy.
 ☞ 为严肃党纪,我厂党委书记已被开除党籍。
 ☞ The Party's secretary of our factory was expelled from the Party in order to enforce Party's discipline.
 ☞ 只有开除他公职才能严肃政纪法纪。
 ☞ Only by discharging him from public employment can we enforce laws and regulations.
严重 严重
 ☞ 最严重的问题或许是出在肠胃里。
 ☞ Perhaps the most serious problems occur in the stomach and intestines.
 ☞ 非洲受到粮食短缺的严重威胁。
 ☞ Africa is threatened with a serious food shortage.
2.grave,指非常严重,等于extremely serious,并暗示不可能期望恢复原来的状态。
 ☞ 严重的危险是当时的纳粹德国想要生产原子弹, 而且又确实想征服世界。
 ☞ The grave danger was that the then Nazi Germany would produce atomic bombs and literally conquer the world.
 ☞ 国际局势正变成全世界严重关注的大事。
 ☞ The international situation is becoming a cardinal matter of grave concern by the whole world.
 ☞ 情况十分严重。如果高烧不退,就有可能夺去这个年轻人的生命。
 ☞ The case was very critical. The high fever, if not stopped, would deprive the young fellow of his life.
 ☞ 我没意识到这里的失业问题竟如此严重,以至不满导致了对地方当局的信任危机。
 ☞ I didn't realize the unemployment problem was all so critical here that the discontent created a crisis of confidence to the local authorities.
丧失 丧失
1.lose, loss, 指因丢失引起的丧失。
 ☞ 他在一次车祸中几乎丧失了记忆。
 ☞ He nearly lost his memory in an automobile accident.
 ☞ 重要的是不要丧失信心,失败了可以重来。
 ☞ What is important is not to lose your confidence. We can try again when we fail.
 ☞ 她在工伤事故中丧失了劳动能力。
 ☞ During the industrial accident she lost the ability to work.
 ☞ 睡眠和休息丧失了时间,却取得了明天工作的精力。
 ☞ Sleep and rest involve loss of time, but they provide energy for next day's work.
 ☞ 他被判有罪而丧失了自由。
 ☞ He forfeited his freedom when he was convicted of the crime.
 ☞ 他因谋取私利而丧失人心。
 ☞ He forfeited popular support by seeking personal gain.
3.depart from,指偏离原来的立场、原则等。
 ☞ 他们经不起糖衣炮弹的攻击,丧失了立场。
 ☞ Unable to withstand the sugarcoated bullets, they departed from the correct stand.
 ☞ 丧失原则就是因为个人利益而牺牲原则。
 ☞ To depart from principle means to sacrifice principle for the sake of personal interests.
 ☞ 战争使他丧失了3个儿子。
 ☞ The war bereaved him of three sons.
 ☞ 他丧失了一切希望。
 ☞ He was bereft of all hope.
 ☞ 由于刚才的犹豫,他丧失了博得她欢心的机会。
 ☞ By his hesitation a while ago he had missed all chance of winning her favor.
 ☞ 这次事故使他丧失了生命。
 ☞ The accident deprived him of his life.
 ☞ 你丧失了一个挣钱的机会。
 ☞ You've let slip a money-making opportunity.
 ☞ 丧失警惕常会引起事故。
 ☞ Lowering one's guard is liable to cause an accident.
个人 个人
 ☞ 马克思主义并不否定个人。
 ☞ Marxism does not deny the individual.
 ☞ 领导班子应把集体领导与个人负责结合起来。
 ☞ A leading body must combine collective leadership with individual responsibility.
2.personal, personally,指与个人有关。
 ☞ 我很有兴趣听取你对那儿情况的个人意见。
 ☞ I'm most interested to hear your personal views on the situation there.
 ☞ 她是没有个人野心的。
 ☞ She has no personal ambition.
 ☞ 我个人并不反对你这样干。
 ☞ Personally, I see no objection to your doing so.
 ☞ 他的死表明他关心集体比关心个人为重。
 ☞ His death shows that he was more concerned about the collective than about himself.
 ☞ 人不能为了个人自己去做这种事情。
 ☞ One can't do such a thing for oneself.
4.one's own,指属于个人。
 ☞ 他以个人名义捐资办学。
 ☞ He made a donation to set up a school in his own name.
 ☞ 小学生们把个人积攒的零用钱寄给了失学的小朋友。
 ☞ Primary school pupils sent their own pocket money they saved to the children unable to go to school.
个别 个别
 ☞ 如果班太大,教师就无法给每个同学作个别辅导。
 ☞ A teacher cannot give individual coaching to each pupil if his class is large.
 ☞ 伤残人员都各自得到特殊的个别照顾。
 ☞ The injured and disabled have had special consideration for individual cases respectively.
 ☞ 我把这看作是对我的个别优待。
 ☞ I regard this as a particular favor to me.
 ☞ 我们用一般号召和个别指导相结合的办法把群众发动起来了。
 ☞ We have mobilized the masses by combining the general call with particular guidance.
 ☞ 领导已找她个别谈话。
 ☞ The leading comrade had a private talk with her.
 ☞ 她们个别交换了意见之后才召开会议。
 ☞ They did not convene the conference before they had their private exchanges of views.
 ☞ 这些是极其个别的事例。
 ☞ Such instances are very rare.
 ☞ 世上的大诗人极为个别。
 ☞ Great poets in the world are extremely rare.
5.one or two, only a few,指极少数。
 ☞ 只有个别人请假。
 ☞ Only one or two people asked for leave.
 ☞ 只有个别苹果烂了。
 ☞ Only a few apples are rotten.
 ☞ 这些是个别情况。
 ☞ These are isolated cases.
 ☞ 接着,乐声慢慢减弱,变成了个别的音符。
 ☞ Then, the note subsided slowly into isolated sound.
中心 中心
1.center,central, 原指几何学上的中心点,进而扩大为围绕该点的圈,由此转而指对任何事物的存在起重大作用或重大影响的人物或地点。
 ☞ 北京是我国的政治和文化中心。
 ☞ Beijing is the political and cultural center of China.
 ☞ 她一登台便成了全场注意的中心。
 ☞ Mounting the platform, she became the center of attention of all those present.
 ☞ 农业结构调整是我们当前压倒一切的中心任务。
 ☞ At present the structural readjustment of agriculture is our overriding central task.
 ☞ 显然,伊拉克问题是联合国面临的中心问题。
 ☞ Evidently the issue of Iraq is the central issue now the United Nations is facing.
 ☞ 讨论问题要抓住问题的中心。
 ☞ When discussing a problem you must get to the heart of the matter.
 ☞ 所有的银行和保险公司都占据着市中心的高楼大厦。
 ☞ All banks and insurance companies occupy high buildings and large mansions in the heart of the city.
 ☞ 台湾问题成了中美之间所有悬而未决的中心问题。
 ☞ Taiwan issue forms the core of all the questions pending between China and the United States.
 ☞ 装有无线电设备和记录仪的滑翔机曾经飞进过雷暴的中心。
 ☞ Gliders equipped with radio and recording instruments have been flown into the core of thunderstorms.
 ☞ 目前高速公路正逐渐成为陆路交通的中心。
 ☞ At present the expressway is beginning to become the hub of overland communications.
 ☞ 什么是我们的宇宙中心,太阳还是地球?
 ☞ What is the hub of our universe, the sun or the earth?
 ☞ 近来,伊拉克一直是世界注意的中心。
 ☞ Recently Iraq has been the focus of world attention.
 ☞ 各大行星的轨道均呈椭圆形,而且都以太阳为中心。
 ☞ The orbits of the planets are ellipses, and with the sun at the focus.
 ☞ 上海是长江三角洲的中心城市。
 ☞ Shanghai is the key city of the Changjiang River Delta.
 ☞ 他发现他研究的中心环节出了问题。
 ☞ He found something wrong with the key links of his researches.
中意 中意
1.to one's liking,指由喜欢而申意。
 ☞ 这些花瓶我一个都不中意。
 ☞ None of these vases is to my liking.
 ☞ 要是你有什么不中意的事情,就马上告诉我好吗?
 ☞ If you find anything not to your liking, will you tell me at once?
2.take (catch) one's fancy,指由看中而中意。
 ☞ 她花了1,000元买了件她中意的西服连衣裙。
 ☞ She paid 1,000 yuan for a coatdress that had taken her fancy.
 ☞ 她看到橱窗里的一顶帽子,很是中意。
 ☞ She saw a hat in a shop window, which caught her fancy.
3.be to one's taste,指因符合某种口味而中意。
 ☞ 现代家具比起旧式家具更中他的意。
 ☞ Modern furniture is more to his taste than antiques.
 ☞ 这件大衣我不中意。
 ☞ The overcoat is not to my taste.
中断 中断
1.break off,指带有突然性的中断。
 ☞ 两国间的谈判由于一次边境冲突而中断了。
 ☞ The negotiation between the two countries broke off because of a border clash.
 ☞ 有人进了房间,从而中断了他们的谈话。
 ☞ Someone went into the room, which broke off their conversation.
 ☞ 两国关系中断了多年。
 ☞ Relations between the two countries were suspended for many years.
 ☞ 由于法国人卖给台湾潜艇,中国的几家公司中断了法国设备的采购。
 ☞ Some companies of China suspended purchases of French equipment for their selling submarines to Taiwan.
 ☞ 地震后,铁路运输中断了。
 ☞ After the earthquake the railway service discontinued.
 ☞ 工人们决定中断生产以示抗议。
 ☞ The workers decided to discontinue production in protest.
4.hold up,指由于某种客观情况而中断。
 ☞ 交通由于事故而中断了几个小时。
 ☞ Traffic was held up by an accident for a few hours.
 ☞ 大雾使北京的空运中断了3个小时。
 ☞ Thick fog held up the air transport of Beijing for three hours.
中等 中等
 ☞ 一个中等规模的城市就是叱大城市小,比小城市大的城市。
 ☞ A medium-sized city is smaller than a big one and bigger than a small one.
 ☞ 这男孩在他的年龄段里是个中等个。
 ☞ The boy is of medium height for his age.
 ☞ 价格中等就是既不高也不低。
 ☞ A moderate price is one that is neither high nor low.
 ☞ 老师认为该生的能力中等。
 ☞ The teacher thinks that the student has moderate ability.
 ☞ 他这个人体格魁梧,但身材中等。
 ☞ He is a large-framed man, but of average height.
 ☞ 他的实验高于中等水平。
 ☞ His experiments are higher than average level.
 ☞ 她在中等职业学校学习。
 ☞ She studies in a secondary vocational school 这事的重要性属于中等。
 ☞ The matter is of secondary importance.
中肯 中肯
 ☞ 我认为他说得很中肯。
 ☞ I thought he spoke very apropos.
 ☞ 你的讲话对我们的讨论无疑是很中肯的。
 ☞ Your remark is undoubtedly apropos to what we are discussing.
 ☞ 我们的确需要这样中肯的评论。
 ☞ We do need such pertinent comments.
 ☞ 此书今天给人的启示仍像它在刚写作时一样中肯。
 ☞ The message of the book is as pertinent today as at the time it was written.
3.to the point,指说在点子上,因而中肯。
 ☞ 他的回答简短而中肯。
 ☞ His reply was brief and to the point.
 ☞ 你的发言很中肯。
 ☞ You spoke very much to the point.
4.hit the nail (on the head),与to the point 义,可以换用。
 ☞ 他的话说得简短,但很中肯。
 ☞ What he said was very brief, but it hit the nail very much.
 ☞ 市长对有关种族关系的谈话十分中肯。
 ☞ The mayor's talk on race relation hit the nail on the head.
 ☞ 他给了我一个中肯、实用的忠告。
 ☞ He gave me sound and practical advice.
 ☞ 该报对政治形势作了中肯的分析。
 ☞ The newspaper has a very sound analysis of the political situation.
中间 中间
1.among, 表示在三个或三个以上的人或物之间。
 ☞ 你作为领导人不应当高高在上,而应当生活在人民群众中间。
 ☞ As a leader you must live among the masses of the people instead of setting yourself high above them.
 ☞ 生活在这样一个大家庭里,他不知道妻子在那么多的姑嫂妯娌中间是否幸福。
 ☞ He wondered whether his wife was happy among so many sisters-in-law, living in such a large family.
2.between, 表示在两个人或物的中间。
 ☞ 你没认出她来?她当时就坐在他们中间。
 ☞ You didn't recognize her, did you? She just sat between them.
 ☞ 每两棵树中间要留5米的距离。
 ☞ Leave a space of 5 meters between each of the two trees.
  ■ 有时,between也可用于三个或更多 的事物,但这时表示的不是事物的位置,而是事物个体的关系。
 ☞ 她就这样在烹调、清扫、洗涤、缝纫及写作中间奔忙。
 ☞ In this way she was busy rushing between cooking, cleaning, washing, sewing and writing.
 ☞ 他是我们3人中最年轻的。
 ☞ He is the youngest of us three.
 ☞ 那么多申请人中间只有5人考试过关。
 ☞ Only 5 of so many applicants have passed the examination.
4.center, 指某物的中心。
 ☞ 尝尝这糖果,中间有巧克力。
 ☞ Taste the candies that have chocolate centers.
 ☞ 我军由中间突破,接着向纵深发展。
 ☞ Our troops made a breakthrough at the center, and then developed in deep.
 ☞ 李明从中场得球,从中间突破,连过3人,射门成功!
 ☞ Li Ming gains possession of the ball at midfield, thrusts down the middle, dribbling past three opponents in succession, and scores!
 ☞ 当时有不少人持观望态度,都想走中间道路。
 ☞ At that time a number of people preferred to take the middle road, adopting a wait-and-see attitude.
 ☞ 游击队主要在敌后活动,有时也在中间地带活动。
 ☞ The guerrilla forces were mainly operating behind the enemy lines, sometimes within the intermediate zones.
 ☞ 我们要团结一切可以团结的中间分子。
 ☞ We must unite all of the intermediate elements that can be united.
 ☞ 他是个好足球运动员,不过中间一点。
 ☞ He is a middling good football player.
 ☞ 这学生在班上表现还不错,中间一点。
 ☞ This pupil behaves middling well in class.
 ☞ 这中间定有奥妙。
 ☞ There must be more to it than meets the eye.
 ☞ 从我家到工厂,中间要换车。
 ☞ I have to change buses on the way from home to the factory.
丰富 丰富
1.enrich, rich (in),指内容上丰富。
 ☞ 你到国外旅行可以丰富你的生活经历。
 ☞ You may enrich your experience of life with foreign travel.
 ☞ 科学家的发明和发现丰富了科学的宝库。
 ☞ The inventions and discoveries of the scientists enrich the treasury of science.
 ☞ 细致的阅读丰富了我的词汇。
 ☞ My vocabulary is enriched by careful reading.
 ☞ 欧洲移民丰富了美洲文化。
 ☞ American culture has been enriched by European immigrants.
 ☞ 他是个老工程师,经验丰富。
 ☞ He is an old engineer rich in experience.
 ☞ 我校图书馆藏有丰富的历史著作。
 ☞ The library of our university is rich in historical works.
 ☞ 我国拥有丰富的矿产资源。
 ☞ Our country possesses rich mineral deposits.
 ☞ 我国资源丰富。
 ☞ Our country is rich in natural resources.
2.add variety to, varied,指花样丰富。
 ☞ 这不仅是必要的,而且还丰富了我们的教学。
 ☞ This is not only necessary, it also adds variety to our teaching.
 ☞ 霓红灯丰富了夜景。
 ☞ Neon lights add variety to the view at night.
 ☞ 外来语丰富了汉语的词意。
 ☞ Words of foreign origin add variety to the Chinese language.
 ☞ 我们有了个导游,他的讲解丰富了我们旅途的乐趣。
 ☞ We were given a guide, whose explanations added variety to our travel.
 ☞ 我们的主要任务是在节日期间组织丰富多彩的活动。
 ☞ Our main task is to organize varied and colorful activities during the festival.
 ☞ 我校学生会在五四青年节演出了丰富有趣的节目。
 ☞ The student union of our university presented a varied and interesting program on May the Fourth - Youth Day.
3.a wealth, an abundance, abundant in, abound in,指数量上的丰富。
 ☞ 他积累了丰富的资料后就开始写作。
 ☞ Having accumulated a wealth of data, he took up writing.
 ☞ 他对中国具有丰富的知识。
 ☞ He has a wealth of knowledge of China.
 ☞ 他的报告提供了丰富的细节。
 ☞ A wealth of details was provided in his report.
 ☞ 四川是个天府之国,粮食丰富。
 ☞ Sichuan Province is the land of plenty, with food in abundance.
 ☞ 云南省拥有丰富的水力资源。
 ☞ There is an abundance of water power resources in Yunnan Province.
 ☞ 该地区优点之一是煤炭丰富、价格低廉。
 ☞ One advantage in that district is that it always has an abundance of cheap coal.
 ☞ 我国资源丰富。
 ☞ Our country is abundant in natural resources.
 ☞ 这一地区石油蕴藏量丰富。
 ☞ This area is abundant in petroleum deposits.
 ☞ 我国自然资源丰富。
 ☞ Our country abounds in natural resources.或Natural resources abound in our country.
 ☞ 如果患者高兴,或者有钱,医生出诊往往会获得丰富的报酬。
 ☞ If the patient was willing, or rich, the doctor who paid a home visit would often be given handsome rewards.
 ☞ 他们在金婚纪念日收到子女丰富的礼物。
 ☞ On the occasion of their golden wedding they received handsome gifts from their children.

 ☞ 帝国主义为所欲为的日子一去不复返了。
 ☞ Gone forever are the days when the imperialists did whatever they pleased.
 ☞ 他为非作歹,欺压百姓。
 ☞ He did all sorts of evil and rid roughshod over the people.
 ☞ 彼为而不有,乃真君子也。
 ☞ He is a genuine gentleman who did so much but claimed no possession.
 ☞ 教师应为人师表。
 ☞ Teachers should be models that their students must follow.
 ☞ 他为人风趣。
 ☞ He is a man having a high sense of humor.
 ☞ 建设一个小康社会的日子已为期不远。
 ☞ The day to build a society of relatively comfortable life is not far off.
3.act, action,指行为的为。
 ☞ 你竟敢蔑视法律如此胡作非为!
 ☞ How dare you act so wildly in defiance of the law!
 ☞ 做一个敢想、敢说、敢为的人。
 ☞ Be a man brave enough to think, to speak and to act.
 ☞ 他男子气十足,敢做敢为。
 ☞ He is man enough to be bold and decisive in action.
 ☞ 恐后无凭,立此为据。
 ☞ This serves as a proof lest there shouldn't be any certificate.
 ☞ 她视其夫为饱学之士。
 ☞ She looks on her husband as a man of learning.
 ☞ 他们把这次会谈描绘为伟大的胜利。
 ☞ They described the negotiation as a great victory.
 ☞ 哲学家往往视人为社会的产物。
 ☞ Philosophers often see man as the product of society.
 ☞ 他把我介绍为从昆明来的专家。
 ☞ He introduced me as an expert from Kunming.
 ☞ 咱们以王小姐的案子为例。
 ☞ Let's take Miss Wang's case as an example.
 ☞ 为师不严,误人子弟。
 ☞ If one acts as a tutor without being properly strict one thus wrongs one's pupils.
  ■ 有时,不用as也有“作为”的意思。如:
 ☞ 班上大家都举手选他为班长。
 ☞ Everybody in the class elected him monitor by a show of hands.
 ☞ 时应根据不同情况选择相应的动词与into搭配。
 ☞ 他种了20年的树,硬是变沙漠为良田。
 ☞ He kept planting trees for twenty years and literally turned the desert into arable land.
 ☞ 凡事都有好坏两面,因此看问题要一分为二。
 ☞ Everything has its good and bad sides, so you have to divide one into two when approaching a problem.
 ☞ 大烟鬼生生地把钱烧为灰烬。
 ☞ Opium addicts literally burn their money into ashes.
 ☞ 坏消息把他的希望化为一缕青烟。
 ☞ The bad news changed his hope into a puff of smoke.
 ☞ 他得知落选后,雄心壮志都立刻化为乌有。
 ☞ Having learned that he failed to be elected, all his lofty aspirations and high ideas disappeared into air in a moment.
 ☞ 他不为表面现象所迷惑实在是难能可贵。
 ☞ It is really commendable that he is not confused by superficial phenomena.
 ☞ 周恩来总理向来为人民所爱戴。
 ☞ Premier Zhou En-lai has always been loved and respected by the people.
7.“为”有时有“是”的意思,也应根据上下文来译。如:be, be equivalent, in name, in fact, mean等。
 ☞ 三十六计走为上计。
 ☞ Of all the stratagems, retreat is the best.
 ☞ 1公里为2华里。
 ☞ One kilometer is equivalent to two阢口他名为部长,实为闲职。
 ☞ He held a post of minister in name but a sinecure in fact.
 ☞ 他说是星期六,实为星期天。
 ☞ He said Saturday, but he meant Sunday.
为主 为主
1.give priority (to),指给予优先。
 ☞ 会上将以解决需要马上解决的问题为主。
 ☞ The problems that require immediate solution will be given priority at the meeting.
 ☞ 我们的基金会以帮助残疾人为主。
 ☞ Our foundation gives priority to helping the disabled.
 ☞ 国内和国际的努力应以人口和发展相协调的行动规划为主。
 ☞ National and international efforts should give priority to action programs integrating population and development.
 ☞ 我们建设社会主义应以自力更生为主,外来援助为辅。
 ☞ In building socialism we must rely mainly on our own efforts while making external assistance subsidiary.
 ☞ 老北京的房屋特色是以四合院为主。
 ☞ The houses of old Beijing were mainly characteristic of quadrangles.
 ☞ 我们的方针是要把精神鼓励与物质奖励结合起来,而以精神鼓励为主。
 ☞ Our policy is to combine moral encouragement with material reward, with stress on the former.
 ☞ 我们从事副业生产,以提高生活水平为主。
 ☞ We engage in the sideline production with an improvement of our living conditions as the key.
 ☞ 你作为校长,无论做什么都应当做的是以管好学校为主。
 ☞ As a headmaster you should do whatever you ought to do with the well-running school playing the leading role.
 "Put prevention first in medical work" is only a policy. There is no way to prevent diseases without funds.
为止 为止
1.till, until,两词同义,均指“时间上到…为止”。前者多用于口语,后者则在口语及书面语中均用。
 ☞ 我一直等到她回来为止。
 ☞ I waited till she returned.
 ☞ 到那时为止,他都没正二八经地想过跟她结婚。
 ☞ Till then he had not thought seriously of marrying her.
 ☞ 吃饱为止。
 ☞ Eat until you're full.
 ☞ 我们将继续干到下星期为止。
 ☞ We shall go on working until next week.
2.由于until只指时间上“到…为止”,囡此距离上“到…为止”要用as far as。
 ☞ 我们每次散步都到河边为止。
 ☞ Every time we walk as far as the edge of the river.
 ☞ 他们走到桥头为止,没再往前去了。
 ☞ They went as far as the bridge, no further.
3.up to,则既可指时间上“到…为止”(一般用完成时),也可指数量、水平上的“到…为止”。
 ☞ 到上个月为止,你是一分钱未挣。
 ☞ You had not earned one cent up to last month.
 ☞ 到现在为止,工作还是相当艰苦的。
 ☞ Up to now, the work has been rather hard.
 ☞ 烧杯里满上水,到第一条红线为止。
 ☞ Fill the beaker with water up to the first red line.
 ☞ 她走到水没到膝盖为止。
 ☞ She walked along up to the knees in water.
 ☞ 今天的讨论到此为止。
 ☞ That's all for today's discussion.
 ☞ 这件事就到此为止。
 ☞ Leave it at that.
 ☞ 咱们到此为止吧。
 ☞ Let's stop here.
为重 为重
1.attach most importance to,指重视。
 ☞ 我希望你们要以人民的生计为重。
 ☞ I hope you'll attach most importance to people's means of livelihood.
 ☞ 运动员在比赛中要以友谊、团结、风格为重。
 ☞ The athletes must attach most importance to friendship, unity and sportsmanship throughout the competition.
2.put above, put first,均指高于或先于。
 ☞ 我们考虑利润时要以工人的福利为重。
 ☞ We should put the welfare of the workers above the profits.
 ☞ 我们做什么事都要以大局为重。
 ☞ Whatever we do we must put the overall situation first.
3.value above everything,指重于一切。
 ☞ 以人民的利益为重时就可以牺牲个人利益。
 ☞ One's personal interests can be sacrificed when one values the interests of the people above everything.
 ☞ 要是你们以爱情为重,就一定能互敬互爱。
 ☞ You will certainly love and respect each other if you value your love above everything.
为难 为难
1.embarrass, 指使之尴尬。
 ☞ 显然,他提出这么尴尬的问题是要为难对手。
 ☞ It was evident that he tried to embarrass his opponent by raising such awkward questions.
 ☞ 她对邀请她参加明天的招待会感到为难。
 ☞ She felt embarrassed by the invitation for tomorrow's reception.
 ☞ 要是你处在我的地位,你会感到为难吗?
 ☞ If you were in my position, would you feel awkward?
 ☞ 你这么干会叫他为难的。
 ☞ You'll put him in an awkward position by so doing.
3.make things difficult for sb.指使人处于困难的处境。
 ☞ 你是在故意为难我。
 ☞ You are deliberately making things difficult for me.
 ☞ 她在为难谁呢?
 ☞ Whom did she make things difficult for?
4.set oneself against,指“使自己与…为难”。
 ☞ 他早已怀恨在心,无缘无故地为难我。
 ☞ Having harbored evil thought, he set himself against me for no reason.
 ☞ 你们干的事是与改革为难,不是吗?
 ☞ What you've done set yourselves against the reform, haven't you?
为(为了) 为(为了)
1) for,表示动作的目的。
 ☞ 为什么人的问题是一个根本的问题、原则的问题。
 ☞ The question of "for whom7" is fundamental; it is a question of principle.
 ☞ 人只为自己活着,活得不值。
 ☞ One is unworthy to live who lives only for oneself.
 ☞ 他忙了一辈子,做的都是为他人做嫁衣裳。
 ☞ He was busy all his life, doing work for others with no benefit to himself.
  ■ 此外,for有一系列的成语表示目的。如:for one's good, for the purpose of, for the sake of 等。
 ☞ 我跟你说是为了你好。
 ☞ I spoke to you for your good.
 ☞ 要是我今后去那里,那也不是为了看你。
 ☞ If I go there, it will not be for the purpose of seeing you.
 ☞ 为了我的工作,我可以忍受这样的生活。
 ☞ I can bear with such a life for the sake of my work.
2) to,表示动作的方向。
 ☞ 他为祖国而献身的情形难以用语言来形容。
 ☞ His devotion to his motherland was beyond words.
 ☞ 他们为革命忠心耿耿。
 ☞ They were dedicated heart and soul to the revolution.
 ☞ 他为这本书写的序言怎么样?
 ☞ How is his introduction to the book?
 ☞ 有时候一个人的忠心不是为国家,而是为阶级。
 ☞ Sometimes one's sense of loyalty is not to one's country,but to one's class.
 ☞ 为我们的友谊干杯!
 ☞ A toast to our friendship!
3) in,表示动作的方式。
 ☞ 他这样做是为了取笑。
 ☞ He did so only in fun.
 ☞ 我们来到大会是为民请命的。
 ☞ We came to the congress to plead in the name of people.
 ☞ 我们党是为大多数人谋利益的。
 ☞ Our Party works in the interests of the vast majority of people.
  ■ 此外,in也有不少成语,但表示目的。如:in payment of, in memory of, in opposition to, in response to, in preparation for等。
 ☞ 为了支付学费,我给儿子汇去5,000元。
 ☞ I sent 5,000 yuan to my son in payment of his tuition.
 ☞ 我们为纪念白求恩医生召开了全院职工大会。
 ☞ We held a meeting of staff and workers of our hospital in memory of Dr. Bethune.
 ☞ 为反对该党,卡尔·马克思领导了一个社会党人小组。
 ☞ In opposition to this party Karl Marx led a socialist group.
 ☞ 解放前夕,为响应党中央的急电民主人士北上北京。
 ☞ On the eve of liberation the democratic personages went up to Beijing in response to the urgent telegram of the Central Committee of CPC.
 ☞ 为筹备这次大会,我们翻修了会议厅。
 ☞ We have the conference hall renovated in preparation for the congress.
4) 用动词不定式或从句表示目的,最常见的导入词有to,in order to,so as to(均接动词不定式);in order that,so that(均接从句)。
 ☞ 让我们为实现这一宏伟目标而共同努力。
 ☞ Let us strive together to attain this splendid goal.
 ☞ 为了达到目的,他做出了不小的牺牲。
 ☞ He sacrificed much to achieve his aims.
 ☞ 为了还债,全家都尽可能地存钱。
 ☞ In order to repay the debt the whole family saved money as much as possible.
 ☞ 动物学家们为跟踪野马不得不在渺无人迹的荒漠上迁移营地。
 ☞ The zoologists had to move their camps on the uninhabited wilderness in order to follow the wild horses.
 ☞ 我们取道马街是为了避免堵车。
 ☞ We went via Majie so as to miss the traffic jam.
 ☞ 他们现在学英语是为了以后学习工程。
 ☞ They are learning English in order that they can study engineering later.
 ☞ 我来看你是为了让你知道全部真相。
 ☞ I came to see you so that you would know the whole truth.
1) 用单宾语动词。
 ☞ 国家机关的工作人员应当为人民服务。
 ☞ The personnel of the organs of state must serve the people.
 ☞ 他不为名,不为利,默默无闻地工作了数十年。
 ☞ He has worked quietly and never showed off for decades, seeking neither fame nor gain.
 ☞ 连小学生都知道周处为民除三害的故事。
 ☞ Even pupils know the story about Zhou Chu, who rid people of Three Evils.
2) 译成带双宾语的动宾结构。
 ☞ 他为我送来一份请帖。
 ☞ He has sent me an invitation.
 ☞ 说来话长,我姑且为诸君言之。
 ☞ It's a long story to tell and I'll inform you about it.
 ☞ 医生为她打了一针青霉素。
 ☞ The doctor gave her an injection of penicillin.
 ☞ 我希望你能为他们做件好事。
 ☞ I hope you'll do them a favor.
主动 主动
 ☞ 现在你惟一的办法就是主动向党委做检讨。
 ☞ Now the only way for you is to take the initiative by making a self-criticism to the Party committee.
 ☞ 班长主动清扫垃圾,其他同学也就跟着做了。
 ☞ The monitor took the initiative in clearing up the rubbish, and the other classmates followed the example.
 ☞ 在人前她怕羞怕生,结交上显得不够主动。
 ☞ She is shy in the presence of strangers and does not show enough initiative in making acquaintance.
 ☞ 既然你对她说的都错了,你就应该争取主动。
 ☞ Since you're mistaken in what you told her you have to try to gain the initiative.
 ☞ 我们应该主动派人去支援。
 ☞ We ought to send people to help on our own initiative.
2.of one's own accord, 着重表示带有自愿性的主动。
 ☞ 是玛丽主动帮他的。
 ☞ It was Mary who helped him of her own accord.
 ☞ 主动作自我批评比人家批评你好。
 ☞ It is better to make a self-criticism of your own accord than you're criticized.
 ☞ 我们都主动抢着干重活。
 ☞ We all vied with each other for the hardest job of our own accord.
 ☞ 他主动借我一些书。
 ☞ He offered to lend me some books.
 ☞ 他主动要开车送姑娘上火车站,但她谢绝了。
 ☞ He offered to drive the girl to the railway station, but she declined.
主宰 主宰
1.be master of,指自己做主来主宰。
 ☞ 我们喜欢自己主宰自己。
 ☞ We like to be our own masters.
 ☞ 在激烈的战斗之后,守军仍主宰着该市。
 ☞ After fierce fighting, the defenders were still masters of the city.
 ☞ 超级大国主宰世界的时代一去不复返了。
 ☞ Cone forever are the days when superpowers could dominate the world.
 ☞ 他的悲剧在于他的个性已经主宰了党委的其他成员。
 ☞ His tragedy lay in that his personality had dominated the other members of the Party committee.
 ☞ 人应该主宰自己的命运。
 ☞ One must decide one's own destiny.
 ☞ 想不到新证据竟主宰了这场审判。
 ☞ Who would have thought that the new evidence should decide the trial?
 ☞ 人的行动是由思想主宰的。
 ☞ A man's action is determined by his thought.
 ☞ 植物的生长是由阳光、水分、养料等综合因素主宰的。
 ☞ The growth of plants is determined by the compound factors such as sunshine. moisture, nutrient, etc.
主导 主导
 ☞ 工业是国民经济的主导。
 ☞ Industry is the leading factor in the national economy.
 ☞ 国营企业在我国的社会主义经济中应当起主导作用。
 ☞ The state-run enterprises should play a leading role in our country's socialist economy.
 ☞ 该饭店在饮食行业占有主导地位。
 ☞ This restaurant occupies a leading position in the catering trade.
 ☞ 共和党在参议院占主导地位。
 ☞ The Republican Party occupies a dominant position in the senate.
 ☞ 他的主导思想是挣钱养家。
 ☞ It is his dominant idea to earn money to support his family.
主张 主张
 ☞ 我们主张自力更生,但也不反对外援。
 ☞ We advocate self-reliance but are not opposed to foreign aid.
 ☞ 我们主张用和平方式解决国际争端。
 ☞ We advocate a peaceful settlement of international disputes.
 ☞ 为了提高教师的教学水平,委员会的报告主张成立教师进修学院。
 ☞ The report of the committee advocated setting up a teachers' college for vocational studies in order to improve their teaching level.
2.maintain, 指面对反对仍然坚持的主张。
 ☞ 我们主张文艺为工农兵服务。
 ☞ We maintain that literature and art should serve the workers, peasants and soldiers.
 ☞ 我国政府主张国不分大小应该一律平等。
 ☞ Our government maintains that all countries, big or small, should be equal.
 ☞ 越来越多的国家主张中国应该加入世贸组织。
 ☞ More and more countries favored that China ought to accede to WTO.
 ☞ 我们主张改革,尽管在改革过程中肯定会有许多困难。
 ☞ We favor reforms though difficulties are certain to arise.
 ☞ 他在生意上的主张受到上司的欢迎。
 ☞ His business proposition was well received by the boss.
 ☞ 听起来两种主张都有理。
 ☞ Both propositions sound reasonable.
 ☞ 这是我们一贯的主张。
 ☞ That has been our consistent stand.
 ☞ 党委听取了他的陈述之后,同意了他的主张。
 ☞ The Party committee agreed with his stand after hearing his statement.
6.be keen on,后加动名词,表示有强烈的兴趣做某事,但一般都用于否定句。
 ☞ 尽管他自己是医生,但他不主张吃药,而认为健康之道是有一个健全的体魄。
 ☞ Although he was a doctor himself, he was not keen on taking medicine, insisting that the way to good health was a sound body.
 ☞ 父亲不主张买汽车,我们把他说服了。
 ☞ Father wasn't keen on buying a car, but we talked him into it。
 ☞ 他不主张在众人面前谈论这类事。
 ☞ He isn't keen on talking things like that in public.
主意 主意
1.idea, 指由思想活动产生的主意。
 ☞ 人多主意多。
 ☞ More people mean a greater ferment of ideas.
 ☞ 领导者的责任主要是出主意、用干部两件事。
 ☞ Leadership involves two main responsibilities: to work out ideas and to make good use of cadres.
 ☞ 他果然是足智多谋,竞想出这么一个恢复自己荣誉的主意。
 ☞ As expected he was wise and resourceful and should have formed such a plan to recover his own laurels.
 ☞ 我有一个克服困难的主意。
 ☞ I have a plan for overcoming the difficulties.
 ☞ 无论发生什么情况,我都已打定主意辞职。
 ☞ I've made a decision to resign, come what way.
 ☞ 等调查完这件事之后,我们自有主意。
 ☞ We'll have our decision after looking into the matter.
 ☞ 她常常拿不定主意。
 ☞ She is always in two minds.
 ☞ 她人小主意大。
 ☞ She is young enough but knows her own mind.
主持 主持
1.take charge,日常用语,指负责主持,强调在动态上负责主持。
 ☞ 是秘书长负责主持协会的日常事务。
 ☞ It is the secretary of general who takes charge of routine of the society.
 ☞ 我得去上海找一位内科大夫来主持业务。
 ☞ I have to go to Shanghai for a physician to take charge of the practice.
2.be in charge of,指某人主持某事,be in the charge of,指某事由某人主持,但都强调在静态上负责主持。
 ☞ 1927年,中国共产党主持过工会工作。
 ☞ In 1927 CPC was in charge of the trade union work.
 ☞ 试比较:1927年的工会工作是中国共产党主持的。
 ☞ The trade union work was in the charge of CPC in 1927.
 ☞ 他为他的家族主持一家大厂。
 ☞ He manages a large factory for his family.
 ☞ 她主持家务很能干。
 ☞ She manages the household ably.
 ☞ 当时是由周总理亲自主持国家的外交政策。
 ☞ At that time it was Premier Zhou Enlai who personally directed the nation's foreign policy.
 ☞ 我认为还是由你来主持俱乐部的活动为好。
 ☞ I think you'd better direct the activities of the club.
5.preside over (at),chair,指以主持人或主席身份主持会议、业务等,但chair 一般只指以主席身份主持会议。
 ☞ 今天谁来主持委员会的会议?
 ☞ Who will preside over the committee meeting today?
 ☞ 我们局长主持了昨天晚上的宴会。
 ☞ Our director presided at the banquet yesterday evening.
 ☞ 商店的业务一般由经理主持。
 ☞ The manager presides over the business of the store.
 ☞ 这次会议是由你还是由我来主持?
 ☞ Will you chair the meeting or shall I?
 ☞ 这一委员会是由总理主持的。
 ☞ The committee was chaired by the prime minister.
主流 主流
1.main stream,mainstream,前者主要指水流,后者则指潮流。
 ☞ 河口有个三角洲,故河水的主流偏离了河心。
 ☞ There is a delta at the river mouth and the main stream of the river drifts off the middle of the river.
 ☞ 本文的主题仅限于西方民主传统的主流。
 ☞ The subject matter of this article is only limited to the mainstream of the Western democratic tradition.
2.main current,指与某个时期与地点有密切关系的思想或言论的主要倾向。
 ☞ 就在美国发布公告的当天,世界舆论的两大主流开始冲突起来。
 ☞ Conflicts between the two main currents of the world public opinion began on the very day of the proclamation of the United States.
 ☞ 和平与繁荣仍然是世界人民心中的两大主流。
 ☞ Peace and prosperity remain to be the two main currents among the people of the world.
3.main trend, 通常指在某个范围内(如思想界、文 学界,政治界等)占主导地位的思想倾向或活动倾向。
 ☞ 现代思潮的主流偏离了唯物主义。
 ☞ The main trend of modem thought is away from materialism.
 ☞ 女式时装的主流是暴露身体的部分越来越多。
 ☞ The main trend of fashions for females is exposing more and more the body.
4.main aspect,指人感觉到的外观恰好与事物的固有本质一致的主流。
 ☞ 分析形势,要看清主流与支流。
 ☞ In analyzing a situation, it's essential to distinguish the main aspect from the minor ones.
 ☞ 证券市场的主流是市场变化的突然性。
 ☞ The main aspect of the stock market is the suddenness with which it develops.
5.general direction,指总方向上的主流。
 ☞ 该地区改革的主流是好的。
 ☞ The general direction of reform in that area is correct.
主管 主管
1.be in charge of,指管理。
 ☞ 谁主管这项工作?
 ☞ Who is in charge of this job?
 ☞ 1984年- 1985年,我主管英语教学工作。
 ☞ I was in charge of the English teaching work from 1984 to 1985.
 ☞ 他是主管这项工程的工程师。
 ☞ He is the engineer in charge of the project.
 ☞ 外宾由主管外事的副市长陪同观看了演出。
 ☞ The foreign guests, accompanied by the vice-mayor in charge of external relations, attended a performance.
2.responsible (for),指负责。
 ☞ 上级机关让他来主管我校的奖学金。
 ☞ The higher authorities made him responsible for the scholarship of our university.
 ☞ 这项工作的主管部门应该过问此事。
 ☞ The department responsible for the work should take up the matter.
 ☞ 主管机关对这次事故也应承担部分责任。
 ☞ The responsible institution must undertake part of the responsibility for the accident.
主要 主要
 ☞ 他的主要问题是不认识政要。
 ☞ His chief trouble was that he did not know any VIP in the political circles.
 ☞ 该委员会的主要任务是起草宪法。
 ☞ The committee's chief work is the making of a draft of the constitution.
 ☞ 这次考察的主要目的是什么?
 ☞ What is the main purpose of this expedition?
 ☞ 主要的理由是她不相信他。
 ☞ The main reason is that she disbelieves him.
 ☞ 在复杂事物的发展过程中,有许多的矛盾存在,其中必有一种是主要矛盾,由于它的存在和发展,规定或影响着其他矛盾的存在和发展。
 ☞ There are many contradictions in the process of development of a complex thing, and one of them is necessarily the principal contradiction, whose existence and development determines or influences the existence and development of the other contradictions.
 ☞ 长江是亚洲的一条主要河流。
 ☞ The Changjiang River is one of the principal rivers in Asia.
 ☞ 两家主要公司都迫切要求立即调查此事。
 ☞ The two major firms are pressing for an immediate inquiry into the matter.
 ☞ 普及教育是我国政府的主要目的之一。
 ☞ Universal education is one of our government's major objectives.
 ☞ 我主要关心的是你的安全。
 ☞ My primary concern is your safety.
 ☞ 老年人主要是身体要好。
 ☞ Good health is primary for the old people.
 ☞ 东方人的主要食物是大米。
 ☞ The staple diet of the Orientals is rice.
 ☞ 棉花是新疆的主要农作物。
 ☞ Cotton is the staple crop of Xinjiang Autonomous Region.
主见 主见
1.definite opinion (view) of one's own,指本身确定了的意见或倾向性的看法。
 ☞ 她对什么都没有主见,一切都听她男人的。
 ☞ She has no definite opinion (views) of her own and is obedient to her husband in everything.
 ☞ 她这人很有主见。
 ☞ She knows her own mind.
 ☞ 在这样的关键时刻,你要拿出主见来。
 ☞ You must show your thought at this critical moment.
 ☞ 即使你有自己的主见,也要经常听取群众的意见。
 ☞ You ought to constantly hear the opinions of the masses even if you have ideas of your own.
主题 主题
 ☞ 这一新剧的主题是什么?我真糊涂了。
 ☞ What is the subject of this new play? I really wonder.
 ☞ 他得意的是这段乐曲为戏剧性的主题引出了戏剧性的结局。
 ☞ This passage of composition, of which he was so proud, leads to a theatrical ending for his theatrical subject.
 ☞ 爱国主义是这部小说的主题。
 ☞ Patriotism is the theme of this novel.
 ☞ 各部门会议的主题是“增加销售的方法”。
 ☞ The theme of the departmental meeting was "methods of increasing sales".
3.motif, 指音乐或艺术作品的主题。
 ☞ 反封建的主题贯穿着《红楼梦》全书。
 ☞ The anti-feudal motif runs through the book A Dream of Red Mansions.
 ☞ 活泼可爱的孩子是全书的主题。
 ☞ The lovely and lively child is the motif through the book.
4.leitmotiv, 指反复出现的主题。
 ☞ 相信艺术拯救灵魂,这个信念一直是整个自传的主题。
 ☞ Faith in the saving grace of art has been the leitmotiv of the entire autobiography.
 ☞ 爱情是好莱坞电影反复做文章的主题。
 ☞ Love is the leitmotiv dealt with repeatedly in Hollywood movies.

 ☞ 请进来坐坐。
 ☞ Please come in and sit for a while.
 ☞ 我愿意站着,你坐。
 ☞ I like to stand, and you sit down.
 ☞ 病人突然坐了起来,吓了我一跳。
 ☞ The patient sat up suddenly, which gave me a start.
  ■ 但是,如果sit后接补语,则可以表示状态。
 ☞ 我们一听说有新任务,就再也坐不住了。
 ☞ When we learnt that we'd been given a new task, we just couldn't sit still any longer.
 ☞ 你会坐吃山空的。
 ☞ If you sit idle and eat, your whole fortune will be used up in time.
 ☞ 招待员让我们坐到了前排。
 ☞ The usher seated us in the front bench row.
 ☞ 他们坐在湖边的长凳上。
 ☞ They seated themselves upon a bench beside the verge of the lake.
 ☞ 车子坐不下这么多人。
 ☞ The car can't seat so many people.
3.go by,take,ride,均指乘坐。
 ☞ 我坐飞机走。
 ☞ I'll go by plane.
 ☞ 我们最好坐电梯上去。
 ☞ We'd better go up by lift.
 ☞ 接着我走到街上,坐出租车回家。
 ☞ Then I went into the street and took a taxi home.
 ☞ 你可以坐那把椅子。
 ☞ You may take that chair.
 ☞ 我们是坐着农场的货车进城的。
 ☞ We rode in the farm wagon to the town.
 ☞ 这房子坐北朝南。
 ☞ The house faces south.
 ☞ 他们听他讲了3个小时,都坐不住了。
 ☞ After listening to him for three hours they became restless.
 ☞ 她坐得住,当编辑挺合适。
 ☞ She has sedentary habits. She is fit to be an editor.
 ☞ 大楼向后坐了。
 ☞ The building is beginning to slope backwards.
 ☞ 我的车坐6个人绰绰有余。
 ☞ My car accommodates six people quite comfortably.
 ☞ 这个戏院只能坐I, 000人。
 ☞ The theater only admits 1,000 persons.
举办 举办
 ☞ 为迎接新技术的挑战,许多学校现在都举办计算机课。
 ☞ To meet the challenge of the new technology, many schools are now conducting; computer courses.
 ☞ 这里的共青团举办有学生之家。
 ☞ The Communist Youth League here conducts a home for students.
 ☞ 我们把举办邓小平理论学习班比作及时雨。
 ☞ We compare the running of the class for the study of Deng Xiaoping Theory to timely rain.
 ☞ 我们为当地教师的业务进修举办了一个进修班。
 ☞ We've run a course for the local teachers' vocational studies.
 ☞ 她将举办一次画展并出售其作品。
 ☞ She will hold an exhibition of her pictures and sell her own productions.
 ☞ 青年团为男女青年开展社交活动不时举办舞会。
 ☞ The Youth League holds a dance from time to time for social intercourse between young men and women.
 ☞ 市管弦乐队举办了一场两小时的音乐会。
 ☞ The city orchestra gave a concert that lasted two hours.
 ☞ 学校将为家长举办学生作业展览。
 ☞ The school will give an exhibition of the pupils' work for their parents.
 ☞ 展览会是由中国人民对外文化协会举办的。
 ☞ The exhibition is sponsored by the Chinese People's Association of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries.
 ☞ 就是这家体育用品公司举办了这次体育竞赛。
 ☞ It was this sports goods company that sponsored the sports contest.
举行 举行
 ☞ 过了一段时候,他母亲决定再举行一次舞会,希望那位不知姓名的年轻小姐会再次光临。
 ☞ After a while, his mother decided to hold another dance ball, in the hope that the unknown young lady would once more appear.
 ☞ 我们每5年举行一次普选。
 ☞ We hold a general election every five years.
2.take place,强调按计划进行。
 ☞ 大会按期在人民大会堂举行。
 ☞ The Congress took place in the Great Hall of the People as scheduled。
 ☞ 揭幕仪式将于明晚举行。
 ☞ The opening ceremony will take place tomorrow evening.
 ☞ 中国驻美大使馆为他举行了告别宴会。
 ☞ The Chinese Embassy in the U.S.A. gave him a farewell banquet.
 ☞ 反正他要经常举行大型聚会。
 ☞ Anyhow he gives large parties.
 ☞ 他们的结婚仪式是在教堂举行的。
 ☞ Their marriage ceremony was performed in the church.
 ☞ 市长举行了开幕仪式。
 ☞ The mayor performed the opening ceremony.
 ☞ 你们几时举行婚礼?
 ☞ When are you going to have your wedding?
 ☞ 双方举行过几次会谈,都以失败告终。
 ☞ Both sides had several talks which ended in failure.
义务 义务
 ☞ 纳税是每个公民应尽的义务。
 ☞ Taxes are an obligation which may fall on every citizen.
 ☞ 你有赡养父母的义务。
 ☞ You are under obligation of supporting your parents.
 ☞ 每个国家都应忠实遵守其国际义务。
 ☞ Every state must be faithful to her international obligation.
 ☞ 你有义务帮助你的小妹妹完成学业。
 ☞ You have an obligation to help your little sister finish her studies.
 ☞ 我似乎觉得你只重权利而忽视了义务。
 ☞ It seems to me that you lay stress on the rights by neglecting your duties.
 ☞ 人大代表们都感到以身作则是他们的义务。
 ☞ Deputies to the National People's Congress felt that it was their duty to set an example with their own conduct.
 ☞ 他们会获胜,但我们也有义务支援。
 ☞ They do triumph, but we have the duty to help as well.
 ☞ 遵守法律是每个公民的义务。
 ☞ To obey the laws is every citizen's duty.
 ☞ 丘吉尔感到没必要向戴高乐承担这样的义务。
 ☞ Churchill felt he did not have to make such a commitment to de Caulle.
 ☞ 中国应当履行对小国承担的义务。
 ☞ China must carry out commitments to small nations.
 ☞ 既然你已经签了租约,你就有义务承担每月800 元的房租。
 ☞ By signing the lease you have to make a commitment to pay 800 yuan a month.
 ☞ 我是来尽义务的。
 ☞ I've come to volunteer my service.
 ☞ 学生们去建筑工地参加义务劳动。
 ☞ The students went to the construction site to do voluntary labor.
 ☞ 义务兵役制的年龄应包括年满18岁的所有男子。
 ☞ The age of compulsory military service should include all men over 18.
 ☞ 中国推行九年义务教育。
 ☞ Nine-year compulsory education is carried out in China.

1) 用物主代词表示所属。
 ☞ 以子之矛攻子之盾如何?
 ☞ What will happen if you try to pierce your wonderful shield with your marvelous spear?
 ☞ 如以己之长攻人之短则稳操胜券。
 ☞ We are bound to win if we utilize our strong points to attack other's weak points.
2) 用所有格表示所属。
 ☞ 今日之中国已今非昔比。
 ☞ Today's China is no longer as she was.
 ☞ 此为吾党之立场。
 ☞ That is our Party's stand.
3) 用介词表示所属。
 ☞ 心之官则思。
 ☞ The function of the mind is to think.
 ☞ 君子之言信而可证。
 ☞ The words of a gentleman are true and verifiable.
1) 用前置定语表示修饰。
 ☞ 千里之行始于足下。
 ☞ A thousand-li journey starts with the first step.
 ☞ 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。
 ☞ It takes more than one cold day for the icicles to freeze three feet thick.
2) 用后置定语表示修饰关系。
 ☞ 巧妇难为无米之炊。
 ☞ Even a clever woman cannot cook a meal without rice.
 ☞ 世人所难得者唯趣。趣如山上之色,水中之味,花中之光,女中之态。
 ☞ I find that zest is a rare gift in life. Zest is like hues on mountains, taste in water, brilliance in flowers, and charm in women.
3) 用定语从句表示修饰关系。
 ☞ 现在你是英雄有了用武之地。
 ☞ Now you have found a place where you can give full play to your talents.
 ☞ 粮食平均亩产量达到了1,500斤,为解放前之10 倍。
 ☞ Average grain output per mu has reached 1,500 jin, which is ten times the pre-liberation figure.
 ☞ 天下事有难易乎,为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。
 ☞ There is nothing difficult for us to do in the world. If we do it, the difficult thing will be easy; if we don't, the easy thing will be difficult.
 ☞ 芸大窘,上下哗笑之。
 ☞ Yun was greatly embarrassed and everybody, old and young, laughed at her.
  ■ 但这类用法在被动句中宾语则成主语。
 ☞ 影片的情节十分悲惨,观众无不为之感动。
 ☞ The film was so sad that none was unmoved.
 ☞ 如因势利导,则如水之就下,极为自然。
 ☞ If we guide the matter along its course of development, it will proceed as naturally as water flows downward.
 ☞ 世界之大,无奇不有。
 ☞ The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at.
 ☞ 战斗之激烈,实难预料。
 ☞ It is unthinkable that the fight is terribly fierce.
 ☞ 皮之不存,毛将焉附?
 ☞ With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach it.
 ☞ self?
 ☞ 他赢得了一等奖,得意之极。
 ☞ He won the first prize and was very much pleased with himself.
 ☞ 我们接到了市长的宴会邀请,荣幸之至。
 ☞ We were greatly honored to be invited to dinner by the mayor.
 ☞ 我之所以讨厌他是因为他的嘴太唠叨。
 ☞ The reason why I dislike him is that he is too garrulous.
 ☞ 我们之所以没有去,是因为通知得太晚了。
 ☞ The reason why we didn't go was that we were notified too late.
 ☞ 中国之历史长达5,000年之久。
 ☞ China has a history as long as five thousand years.
 ☞ 西湖的风景如诗之丽,如画之美。
 ☞ The West Lake is as charming as a poem and as beautiful as a painting.
 ☞ 汉口与武昌仅一水之隔。
 ☞ Hankou and Wuchang are separated only by a river.
 ☞ 弦乐器是指琵琶、二胡、小提琴之类。
 ☞ Stringed instruments refer to pipa, erhu, violin, etc.
 ☞ 共产党员应想人之所想,急人之所急。
 ☞ A communist must think what people think and be anxious about what people are anxious about.
 ☞ 中国的人口9/10以上是汉族。
 ☞ Over nine-tenth of China's inhabitants belong to the Han nationality.
 ☞ 中国的少数民族占总人口的10%。
 ☞ China's national minorities constitute ten percent of the general population.

 ☞ 我们在改造自然的斗争中,也在改造自己。
 ☞ In the struggle to transform nature, we are also reforming ourselves.
 ☞ 那里的生活充满了艰辛,也充满了欢乐和愉快。
 ☞ Life there was full of hardships and also full of joy and pleasure。
  ■ 当然,也可忽略前面相同之处不作对比,而仍然用also。
 ☞ 他们也同意我们的意见。
 ☞ They also agreed with us.
 ☞ 旧车买起来便宜,但往往耗油多,出事的危险性也大。
 ☞ Old cars are cheaper to buy, but they tend to use more petrol. Also, there is a greater risk of accidents.
 ☞ 他参加了聚会,她也在场。
 ☞ He was at the party, and she was also there.
 ☞ 我也要一点咖啡。
 ☞ I also want some coffee.
  ■ 但类似例子大多数情况下,also是指主语后面的部分。
 ☞ 马克思主义也是从斗争中发展起来的。
 ☞ Marxism, too, has developed through struggle.
 ☞ 他知道她也在竖起耳朵听他们在说些什么。
 ☞ He knows that she is too straining an ear to hear what they are talking about.
 ☞ 当前的国际形势也是一片大好。
 ☞ The current international situation is excellent, too.
  ■ 应当指出,also和too都不用于否定句,因此否定句要用either。
 ☞ 这对他们不会有好处,但也不会有坏处。
 ☞ It won't do them any good, but it won't do them any harm either.
 ☞ 从此以后,我没见过她这个人,也没有收到过她的信。
 ☞ Since then I have never seen her. I haven't heard from her either.
  ■ 此外,not either 也可用于简略句。
 ☞ 你没读过莎士比亚,我也没读过。
 ☞ You haven't read Shakespeare. I haven't either.
  ■ 不过这样的结构也可用neither或nor来替代,但要倒装。
 ☞ You haven't read Shakespeare. Neither (Nor) have I.
3.as well,副词;as well as, 连词,它们的被修饰语在类比中居主要地位。两者均从相同的角度来类比。
 ☞ 这些人,马克思主义是有的,但自由主义也是有的。
 ☞ Those people have their Marxism, but they have their liberalism as well.
 ☞ 中国是个社会主义国家,也是一个发展中国家。
 ☞ China is a socialist country, and a developing country as well.
  ■ 应注意的是在用as well as进行类比时,强调的重点在后一类比项上。
 ☞ 社会主义革命不仅要求变革经济基础,也要求变革上层建筑。
 ☞ The Socialist Revolution requires a change of the superstructure as well as a change of the economic basis.
 ☞ 我们必须学会全面地看问题,不但要看到事物的正面,也要看到它的反面。
 ☞ We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side of things.
4.also,too, as well的区别如下:
1) also常用于书面英语,在非正式文件里不如too, as well用得多。同时不用于句末,而too和as well则常用于句末。
2) also可以修饰句子的任何部分。
 ☞ 她参加了晚会,他也在场。
 ☞ She was at the evening party, and he was also there.(修饰状语)
 ☞ 她常常唱歌,有时也画画。
 ☞ She sings,and also paints sometimes.(修饰谓语)
  ■ also还可放在句首,后加逗号,用来修饰整个句子。
 ☞ 买旧车便宜,但耗油多。出事的危险性也大。
 ☞ It is cheaper to buy old cars, but they tend to use more petrol. Also, there is a greater risk of accident.
  ■ 但在大多数情况下,also用来修饰主语后面的部分。因此“他也弹吉他”这句话如果指的是“他除了弹别的乐器还弹吉他”,就要用also。(He also plays the guitar.)但如果指的是“别人弹吉他,他也弹了”,则往往用too或as well(He played the guitar, too)。
5.like, 介词,一般用来修饰名词;likewise,副词,一般修饰动词。均有“同样也”的意思。
 ☞ 有些书也跟有些人一样,会一下子就向你和盘托出。
 ☞ Some books, like some people, reveal everything on their minds at a single sitting.
 ☞ 她也和成千上万的其他人一样,被这位青年作家的文学才华所倾倒。
 ☞ She, like thousands of others, is fascinated by the literary talent of the young writer.
 ☞ 我们同样也不能一方治百病。
 ☞ Likewise, we cannot use one prescription for all ills.
 ☞ 一切化合物都是不同性质的对立统一。世上的万物也同样如此。
 ☞ All compounds are united of opposites differing in nature. Likewise with things in the world.
 ☞ 人学得快,也忘得快。
 ☞ Man is a fast learner and an equally speedy forgetter.
 ☞ 如果中药对你行,那对我也行。
 ☞ If the traditional Chinese medicines are good for you, they must be equally good for me.
 ☞ 他盯着我的脸看,我也照样这么干。
 ☞ He looked hard into my face and I did the same to him.
 ☞ 他升官成功,你也照样可以这么干。
 ☞ He succeeded in winning a promotion, and you can do the same.
7.as, 连词;so,副词,进行对比时,有“也”的意思。
 ☞ 时间也和流水一样,一去而永不复返。
 ☞ It is with time as with the current of water. Once it goes, it never comes back again.
 ☞ 数学里直线最短,道德上直来直去也应如此。
 ☞ A straight line is the shortest in moral as in mathematics.
 ☞ 下棋是这样,打仗也是这样。
 ☞ As it is in chess, so is in war.
 ☞ 爷爷的爷爷和爷爷都生在上海,我爸爸也是。
 ☞ Granddad's granddad and granddad had both been born in Shanghai, and so had Dad himself.
  ■ 但是这类句子在否定时,so应改用neither。
 ☞ 他(不)会游泳,他弟弟也(不)会。
 ☞ He can (cannot) swim, and so (neither) can his brother.
 ☞ 第一个(不)坏,第二个也(不)坏。
 ☞ The first one was (not) bad, and so (neither) was the second.
  ■ 除此之外,so... that...后接否定可以表示“连…也不…”的意思。
 ☞ 他病得连东西也不想吃。
 ☞ He is so ill that he doesn't feel like eating anything.
 ☞ 我忙得连睡觉也顾不上了。
 ☞ I was so busy that I couldn't even stop for a sleep.
 ☞ 你可以在躺椅上睡,也可以跟我合睡一张床。
 ☞ You can sleep on the couch or you can share a bed with me.
 ☞ 大海可以是蓝色的,也可以是灰色的。
 ☞ The sea can be blue or grey.
  ■ 在强调这种两者选其一的时候,也可用either... or 表示强调。
 ☞ 他可能是喝醉了,也可能是疯了。
 ☞ He must be either drunk or mad.
 ☞ 来和我们吃顿饭吧,可以在星期六,也可以在星期天。
 ☞ Come and have dinner with us, either on Saturday or on Sunday.
  ■ 但这种结构的否定可用not... or; neither... nor; not.. nor 等形式。
 ☞ 他不抽烟也不喝酒。
 ☞ He does not smoke or drink.或He does not smoke nor drink.或He neither smokes nor drinks.
  ■ 此外,还有下列形式可在否定结构中表示“也”。
1) 用neither成none做主语,表示哪个…也不…。区别是neither表示两个中哪个也不,而none表示三个中哪个也不。
 ☞ 他们哪个都不满意。
 ☞ Neither of them was satisfied.(指两个中哪个也不满意)
 ☞ None of them was satisfied.(指三个以上中的哪个也不满意)
  ■ 但如果逐个否定,即三个以上,也要用nor。
 ☞ 他看不懂这本书,我也看不懂,你也看不懂,谁也看不懂。
 ☞ He can't understand the book. Nor can I. nor can you,nor can anybody.(因为人数已超过三个以上)
2) nor除了与not…nor;neither…nor等搭配外(见以上各例),还有no…nor,区别是前者用来否定动词,后者用来否定名词。
 ☞ 我没有父母,也没有亲戚。
 ☞ I have no parents nor any relatives.
 ☞ 他没有朋友,也没有熟人。
 ☞ He has no friends nor acquaintances.
  ■ or的另外几种用法简述如下:
1) 在否定句的两个状语之间可以用or表示“也”。
 ☞ 他讲话的声音不高,也不清楚。
 ☞ He did not talk loudly or clearly.
  ■ 但是这样的结构也可用and also not来替代。
 ☞ He did not talk loudly and also not clearly.
2) or还可用来表示让步性选择,其结构是把or放在两个意思截然相反的名词,即反义词之间,然后再作让步性的选择。
 ☞ 愿也好,不愿也好,这件事你得干。
 ☞ Willing or unwilling, you shall do it.
 ☞ 胜也罢,败也罢,我们要苦战到底。
 ☞ Victory or defeat. we shall fight to the bitter end.
  ■ 如果让步性选择的是个句子,则可以提前到句首,再在后面接whether it... or...这样的结构。
 ☞ 中国人也好,外国人也好;死人也好,活人也好,对的就是对的,不对的就是不对的。
 ☞ What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong, whether it concerns the Chinese or foreigners, whether it concerns the dead or the living.
9.not more than, not any more than, no more, no less, no less than等进行等同性比较。
 ☞ 小马也不过就十二三岁,脸瘦瘦的。
 ☞ Ma was not more than twelve or thirteen years old, with a very lean face.
 ☞ 这件事我不怪你,也不怪他。
 ☞ For this I do not blame him any more than I blame you.
 ☞ 你不想去,我也不想去。
 ☞ lf you don't care to go, no more do I.
 ☞ 个人是这样,工厂也不过是这样。
 ☞ This is true of individuals. and no less true of factories.
 ☞ 植物也和人一样,具有惊人的适应能力。
 ☞ Plants, no less than human beings, possess wonderful powers of adaptation.
 ☞ 这在中国是这样,在全世界也是这样。
 ☞ This is true of China, and of the entire world.
 ☞ 这种事应该避免,只要小心也可以避免。
 ☞ That ought to be, and with care, may be avoided.
 ☞ 社会没有法制和秩序就不能存在,也无法进步。
 ☞ Society cannot exist, without law and order, and cannot advance.
11.“也”在表示“程度”时,可用相应的表示各种程度的状语,如下列中的actually, quite, rather, sort of, kind of, somewhat等。
 ☞ 袭人说:“论理宝二爷也得老爷教训教训才好呢。”
  "Actually, Master Pao does need to be taught a lesson, ”Said Hsiren.
 ☞ 生不带来,死不带去,倒也公平。
 ☞ It's quite fair that we brought nothing with us when we were born and take nothing with us when we die.
 ☞ 她怎么好好的就投井了?这也奇了!
 ☞ Why should she drown herself in the well for no reason? It's rather odd!
 ☞ 有时我也想,我是不是也该找个工作什么的。
 ☞ Sometimes I sort of wonder whether I should sort of get a job or something.
 ☞ 我看这张画也拿得出去。
 ☞ It seems to me this picture is kind of presentable.
 ☞ 他对考试成绩也有点失望。
 ☞ He was somewhat disappointed with his exam results.
1) 用否定表示含蓄、委婉,常与“倒”连用。
 ☞ 他故意找他堂客的茬道:“你倒也泡碗茶来嘛。”
 ☞ He pointedly found fault with his wife: "Make some tea for us,won't you?”
 ☞ 论相貌,她倒也平常。
 ☞ As far as looks are concerned, she isn't anything special.
 ☞ 每个人都犯错误,伟大领袖也不例外。
 ☞ Everybody makes mistakes, and the great leader was no exception.
 ☞ 小宝对那姑娘倒不大在意。
 ☞ Xiaobao didn't mind the girl so much.
2) 用虚拟语气表示含蓄、委婉。
 ☞ 凤姐三步两步上炕去替宝玉收拾着,一面说:“这老三还是这么毛脚鸡似的,我说你上不得台盘!赵姨娘不时也该教导教导他。”
 ☞ Hsifeng scrambled on to the kang to attend Paoyu, "Huan's not fit to mix in decent company. His mother might bring him up better."
 ☞ 要是有时间我也一定去。
 ☞ I would certainly go if I had the time.
 ☞ 有一天你也能成为一名作家。
 ☞ You could be a writer one day.
 ☞ 这袋米最多(也)就50公斤吧。
 ☞ This sack of rice weighs fifty kilos at most.
 ☞ 他的英语(也)还可以。
 ☞ His English is passable.
 ☞ 我们(也)只好这样丁。
 ☞ We'll have to leave "at that.
 ☞ 操场上有打球的,(也)有跑步的。
 ☞ Some of the people on the sports ground are playing games; some are running.
习惯 习惯
1.habit, habitude,habituate,指不断重复而形成的习惯。
 ☞ 他思考时有抓头皮的习惯。
 ☞ He has a habit of scratching his head when thinking.
 ☞ 工作的习惯一旦养成,我认为任何工作都是令人愉快的。
 ☞ I think any work is pleasant when the habit of working is formed.
  ■ habitude是habit的同根词,但不同处是habit指具体的习惯,而habitude不指具体的行为,而指习惯的心态。
 ☞ 这种感觉是从她多年艺术实践的习惯中得到的。
 ☞ The sense comes from years of habitude in her practice of the art.
  ■ habituate 是habit的动词。
 ☞ 指挥的职责使他习惯于当机立断。
 ☞ The responsibility of command habituated him to making a quick decision.
 ☞ 他已习惯于离群索居。
 ☞ He has habituated himself to the solitary life.
2.accustom oneself to,指经常应用或体验而变得习惯。
 ☞ 我得习惯北方的冷天。
 ☞ I have to accustom myself to the cold weather of the north.
 ☞ 要是你参军,一定要习惯于早起。
 ☞ You must accustom yourself to getting up early if you join the army.
  ■ 不过要注意habituate oneself to和accustom oneself to的细微差别。如:
 ☞ 我已养成了长时间工作的习惯。
 ☞ I've habituated myself to working long hours.(重点在养成习惯上)
 ☞ 我习惯于长时间工作。
 ☞ I've accustomed myself to working long hours.(重点在习惯于长时间工作)
  ■ 又如:
 ☞ 我已养成了唠叨的习惯。
 ☞ I've habituated myself to nagging.
 ☞ 我已习惯了她的唠叨。
 ☞ I've accustomed myself to her nagging.
  ■ 此外,be (get) accustomed to 的意思与be (get) used to相同。
 ☞ 他显然还不习惯这类事情。
 ☞ He was evidently not accustomed to this kind of thing.
 ☞ 你会很快习惯与他们那样的人打交道的。
 ☞ You'll soon get accustomed to dealing with people like them.
 ☞ 每逢星期六晚上,我们都要回顾一下上周的工作, 这已是我们的习惯。
 ☞ Every Saturday evening it is our custom (habit) to review the previous week's work.
 ☞ 他在工作时有哼小曲的习惯。
 ☞ He has the custom (habit) of humming while he works.
  ■ 但在更多的情况下是指具有某种约束力的习俗。
 ☞ 我们要努力破除旧习惯,树立新风尚。
 ☞ We must strive to break down outmoded customs and establish new ones.
 ☞ 感恩节吃火鸡是美国人的习惯。
 ☞ Eating turkey on Thanksgiving is an American custom.
 ☞ 这一次,钱我可以借给你,但我不想养成这种习惯。
 ☞ I'll lend you the money this time, but I don't intend to make a practice of it.
 ☞ 黎明撞钟是该寺的习惯。
 ☞ It is the practice in the temple to toll bells at dawn.
 ☞ 西方国家的毕业生戴学士帽、穿学士袍,通常是一种习惯。
 ☞ It is a common usage for graduates to wear caps and gowns in the Western countries.
 ☞ 每逢生日、毕业日都要送礼,这是一种习惯。
 ☞ It is the common usage to give presents on birthdays and on graduation.
 ☞ 早起是他的习惯。
 ☞ It was his use to get up early.
 ☞ 你看,我已习惯如此,而习惯就是一切。
 ☞ You see, I'm used to it, and use is everything.
  ■ use在古英语里还可用做动词来表示习惯,但在现代英语里只保留有be used to, get used to, used to这几个固定词组。
 ☞ 我长在农村,艰苦的劳动早已习惯了。
 ☞ I've been grown up in the countryside and has been used to hard labor.
 ☞ 我可能会睡过头,因为不习惯起这么早。
 ☞ I can probably oversleep, as I'm not used to getting up so early.
 ☞ 你做夜班习惯了吗?
 ☞ Have you got used to the night shift?
 ☞ 我过去习惯走路。
 ☞ I used to walk.
 ☞ 天一亮我就起床,习惯了。
 ☞ I'm wont to rise at dawn.
 ☞ 他一反往常的习惯,常来教堂了。
 ☞ He comes oftener to church than was his wont.
  ■ 有时,use和wont可以合用,表示强调。
 ☞ 生活是属于习惯与习俗范畴内的事。
 ☞ Life is an affair of use and wont.
  ■ be wont to为美语,等于be used to。
 ☞ 羊群已习惯于圈养。
 ☞ The sheep are wont (used) to the fold.
 ☞ 我已习惯吃素了。
 ☞ I've been wont (used) to a vegetable diet.

 ☞ 听到我喜欢看电影,他出去买了电影票。
 ☞ On hearing that I was fond of movie, he went out and bought the tickets.
 ☞ 3块钱买两个。
 ☞ Three dollars will buy two.
 ☞ 给我买10块钱的茶叶。
 ☞ Give me ten yuan's worth of tea.
 ☞ 再给我儿子买块表。
 ☞ And give my son a watch.
 ☞ 我买这一个吧。
 ☞ I'll take this one, please.
 ☞ 这草莓样子好,我买5公斤。
 ☞ These strawberries look nice. I'll take five kilos.
 ☞ 他们刚在乡下买了新居。
 ☞ They have just purchased a new house in the countryside.
 ☞ 医院买了一批所需的这种药材。
 ☞ The hospital has purchased its requirements of this drug.
 ☞ 这是人家送的,不是买的。
 ☞ It is a present, not a purchase.
 ☞ 趁她买东西的时候,他走到书报亭边坐着看起书来。
 ☞ While she did some shopping he went to a kiosk and sat down to read.
 ☞ 她刚出去买点东西。
 ☞ She's just out to do a bit of shopping.
  ■ shopping和buy things的区别可从下列译文中看出。
 ☞ 大多数妇女爱买东西。
 ☞ Most women enjoy shopping.(shopping虽为单数, 但有复数的概念,即一次买好多东西)
 ☞ Most women enjoy buying things.(things虽为单数, 但有复数的概念,即一次可能买一种东西)
 ☞ 太贵了,我买不起。
 ☞ It's too expensive. I can't afford it.
 ☞ 他们没有考虑买不买得起。
 ☞ They did not consider whether they could afford it or not.
 ☞ 如果我们省下每一分钱,就买得起这幢房子。
 ☞ We can afford the house if we save every cent.
买卖 买卖
1.buy and sell,指买和卖两笔交易。
 ☞ 你买卖要公平。
 ☞ You must be fair in buying and selling.
 ☞ 他贱买贵卖,赚了不少钱。
 ☞ He made a lot of money by buying cheap and selling dear.
 ☞ 咱们停止争斗,互相做买卖吧。
 ☞ Let's stop fighting and make (do)a deal with each other.
 ☞ 如果你把名字和地址留在这张卡片上,我们这笔交易就算敲定了。
 ☞ If you leave your name and address of your residence on this card we'll close the deal.
 ☞ 越来越多的人都去做买卖了。
 ☞ More and more people are going to do business.
  "How was business today?" "Sometimes it was brisk, sometimes slack."
 ☞ 他原先在城里有个买卖。
 ☞ He used to have a shop in the city.
了解 了解
  "You begin to comprehend me, do you?" "Oh, yes. I understand you perfectly."
 ☞ 艺术家的思考十分精细,因此普通人对这些思考的了解至多也不过就是蜀犬吠月时对月亮的了解。
 ☞ The artist had thoughts so subtle that the average man could comprehend them no more than a mongrel could understand the moon he bayed at.
  ■ 尽管如此,两词在大多数情况下仍有差别。understand侧重了解结果,而comprehend侧重了解过程。
 ☞ 当我们知道了计划的内容时,即使并不了解计划得以成立的论证过程,我们也算是了解了这一计划。
 ☞ We understand a plan when we know what it involves even though we fail to comprehend the reasoning process on which it was based.
 ☞ 由于西方世界的大学已存在了1,000多年,因此我们要了解现在的这些机构,就得了解它们的一点历史。
 ☞ For well over a thousand years there have been universities in the western world, to understand the present institutions we must therefore comprehend something of their history.
  ■ 这两个词用作名词时的差别也同样存在。如:
 ☞ 他对工人的生活和工作情况有深入的了解。
 ☞ He has an intimate understanding of how workers live and work.
 ☞ 老师一般不了解学生在家里的问题。
 ☞ Teachers usually have no comprehension of pupils'
 ☞ problems at home.
 ☞ 我马上了解到我犯了个错误。
 ☞ I saw at once that I made a mistake.
 ☞ 她当时并不了解他需要什么。
 ☞ She did not see what he wanted.
 ☞ 他们都很有经验,对乳牛十分了解。
 ☞ They are much experienced, and know cows very well.
 ☞ 他们少年时虽然是密友,可他对他了解实在很少。
 ☞ Though as boys they had been intimate associates, yet he really knew little of him.
 ☞ 据我了解,你学习尚不够努力。
 ☞ It has come to my knowledge that you have not studied hard enough.
  ■ 此外,know of及know about有时也作“了解”解,其无别是know是指直接了解,know of指间接了解,know about指到处了解因而了解不多。如:
 ☞ 警方了解他的活动,而且正在监视他。
 ☞ The police know of his activities and are watching him.
 ☞ 深入了解一件事比了解万事的皮毛要好。
 ☞ It is better to know one thing than to know about ten thousands of things.
4.acquaint with,acquaintance,指由于结识、认识而了解。
 ☞ 他了解历史。
 ☞ He acquainted himself with history.
 ☞ 我们让他了解了我们的计划。
 ☞ We acquainted him with our plan.
 ☞ 你了解这些事实吗?
 ☞ Are you acquainted with the facts?
 ☞ 我对此事了解有限。
 ☞ I have a limited acquaintance with the matter.
5.find out, 指由于打听、调查而了解。
 ☞ 做决定前你想法去了解一下他们的想法。
 ☞ Try to find out their views before making a decision.
 ☞ 我们必须了解事实真相。
 ☞ We must find out the truth of the matter.
 ☞ 一个外交使团已在去莫斯科的路上,去了解那里的情况。
 ☞ A diplomatic mission is already on its way to Moscow, to find out the situation there.
6.have access to, 指通过某些渠道接触资料、事实等而了解。
 ☞ 只有少数人了解此案的全部事实。
 ☞ Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.
 ☞ 你可以把了解报告的12个人都叫进来。
 ☞ You could call in the twelve guys who had access to the report.
争取 争取
 ☞ 你要在破案前争取主动。
 ☞ You must try to gain the initiative before the case is cleared up.
 ☞ 我争取在3天内读完这本小说。
 ☞ I'll try to finish reading this novel in three days.
 ☞ 咱们争取使他们的粮食问题缓和一点。
 ☞ Let us try and ease their food problem a little.
 ☞ 我认为我干不了这事,不过我愿意争取。
 ☞ I don't think I can do it, but I will try.
2.strive (for),指努力争取。
 ☞ 尽管我们没有立即达成协议,但我们还要争取。
 ☞ Though we haven't come to an agreement yet we shall still strive.
 ☞ 他在争取条件入党。
 ☞ He is striving to qualify for Party membership.
 ☞ 中国人民为争取民族独立作出了巨大的牺牲。
 ☞ The Chinese people made great sacrifices striving for national independence.
3.win over, 指争取过来。
 ☞ 我们要争取一切可以争取的人,团结一切可以团结的人。
 ☞ We must win over all people who can be won over, unite with all people who can be united with.
 ☞ 当前的中心任务是要把群众争取过来。
 ☞ The central task at present is to win over the masses to our side.
4.fight for,指通过斗争争取。
 ☞ 他告诉工人,他们的权利是争取来的,不是恩赐的。
 ☞ He told the workers that their rights are fought for, not bestowed as a favor.
 ☞ 任何国家在赢得独立后必须争取发展经济的自由。
 ☞ Any country must fight for the freedom to develop its economy after it has won its independence.
5.go for,指争取的倾向,是一种比较随便的说法。
 ☞ 人们投资是为了争取更多的利润。
 ☞ In investing money people go for a more dividend.
 ☞ 这是个好机会,你应当争取。
 ☞ This is a good opportunity. You should go for it.
争吵 争吵
 ☞ 为这事跟我争吵没用。
 ☞ It's no use quarreling about it with me.
 ☞ 如果我们之间老是争吵,那我们还能干什么?
 ☞ How can we ever do anything if we keep quarreling among ourselves?
 ☞ 美国报刊报道了不少有关陆军和空军为拨款而争吵的细节。
 ☞ Reports from the American press disclosed many details about the wrangling between the Army and the Air Force over the appropriations.
 ☞ 丈夫和妻子又掀起了一场如何安排他们的工资的争吵。
 ☞ Husband and wife were involved in another wrangle with the arrangement over their pay.
 ☞ 西方的国会往往成为政治上无谓争吵的中心场所。
 ☞ In the West the parliament often becomes the center of a political senseless squabble.
 ☞ 孩子们常常为玩具争吵。
 ☞ Children often have squabble over their toys.
争夺 争夺
1.contend for,指在竞赛中争夺,故着重点在“争”。
 ☞ 在申请人当中只有3位有资格争夺那惟一的一份奖学金。
 ☞ Of the applicants only three have the qualifications to contend for the sole scholarship.
 ☞ 今年有多少个队要争夺奖杯?
 ☞ How many teams are contending for the Cup this year?
2.fight for, 指战斗中争夺,故着重点在“夺”。
 ☞ 敌我双方都想争夺该制高点来争取主动。
 ☞ Both the enemy and our troops were trying to fight for the possession of the commanding height in order to gain the initiative.
 ☞ 两只狗正在为一块骨头争夺的时候,另一只却衔着骨头跑了。
 ☞ While two dogs were fighting for a bone a third one ran away with it.
3.scramble for,原义指struggle or compete for something,故可谓“争”与“夺”并重。
 ☞ 欧美列强正在已开放的领域内争夺市场。
 ☞ The European and American powers are scrambling for markets in the areas that have already been opened up.
 ☞ 他们不遗余力地争夺权和利。
 ☞ They scrambled for power and money, sparing no pains.
4.compete for,指通过竞争来争夺。
 ☞ 荷兰曾一度与英国争夺过对公海的控制权。
 ☞ Holland once competed with England for the mastery of the high seas.
 ☞ 两位姑娘想尽办法互相争夺高分。
 ☞ The two girls tried every possible way to compete with each other for the highest mark.
5.vie for,义同compete,但竞争的意味较弱,有时甚至可以降格为一场游戏。
 ☞ 两个大国在争夺核优势。
 ☞ The two powers were vying for nuclear superiority.
 ☞ 孩子们在争夺领先地位。
 ☞ The children vie for the lead.
争执 争执
1.disagree, disagreement,指分歧引起的争执。
 ☞ 在下一步怎么办的问题上,我跟他有过争执。
 ☞ I disagreed with him over what we ought to do next.
 ☞ 经济危机会朝什么方向发展,当时有过争执。
 ☞ There was disagreement as to what course to take in the development of the economic crisis.
2.dispute, 指争论引起的争执。
 ☞ 为这样的小事争执,真是荒谬。
 ☞ It is ridiculous to dispute about such trifle things.
 ☞ 国际边界的争执公开化了。
 ☞ The dispute over the international boundary broke into the open.
3.stick to one's stand,指坚持某种立场引起的争执。
 ☞ 双方争执不下,互不相让。
 ☞ Each stuck to his stand and neither would make mutual concession.
 ☞ 要是你们互相争执不下,我们退出。
 ☞ We'll quit if you stick to each other's stand.
争气 争气
1.bring credit, win credit (honor),指争光。
 ☞ 我们决心要为祖国争气,把工业上的这项空白填补上。
 ☞ We are determined to bring credit to our country by filling this gap in our industry.
 ☞ 为了给咱们中国人争气,哪怕再大的困难我们也能克服。
 ☞ To win credit for the Chinese people we can overcome the difficulties however great they may be.
 ☞ 我们修理好了连日本专家也无法对付的机器,总算为咱们工人阶级争了口气。
 ☞ We had the machine repaired, which even the Japanese experts were unable to cope with. So we have managed to win honor for the Chinese workers.
2.make a good showing, show,指表现。
 ☞ 争口气给他们看看,咱们个个都是好样的。
 ☞ Try to make a good showing to them that each one of us is man enough.
 ☞ 你通过了入学考试,总算给你父母争了气。
 ☞ You have passed the entrance examination and managed to make a good showing to your parents.
 ☞ 有人说妇女干不了这种工作,我们要争这口气。
 ☞ Some people say women can't do this job, but we'll show them.
争端 争端
 ☞ 劳资双方有时会发生争端。
 ☞ Disputes occasionally occur between labor and capital.
 ☞ 是否向伊拉克派兵的国际争端在安理会上变得公开化了。
 ☞ The international dispute over whether to send troops to Iraq broke into the open in the UN Security Council.
 ☞ 不少阿拉伯人认为只让美国来调解巴以争端是不公平的。
 ☞ Not a few Arabs think it unfair to allow only the United States to act as mediator in a conflict between Palestine and Israel.
 ☞ 大家都不希望这次边境冲突成为两国之间的争端。
 ☞ No one expected the border clash to be the conflict between the two countries.
 ☞ 发生政教争端在历史上是常有的事。
 ☞ Conflicts between church and state are common occurrences in history.
 ☞ 是他们挑起了裁军问题的争端。
 ☞ It was they who provoked the controversy over disarmament.
争论 争论
 ☞ 我们有过争论,不过我们仍然是朋友。
 ☞ We had a dispute, but we remain friends.
 ☞ 争论是有关体罚的。
 ☞ The dispute concerns corporal punishment.
 ☞ 他们在争论是马上开始还是等上一阵子。
 ☞ They are disputing whether to start at once or wait for a while.
 ☞ 我们俩只要碰上,就要争论。
 ☞ Whenever both of us meet there is an argument.
 ☞ 他们进去时,妻子在跟丈夫进行争论。
 ☞ When they went in husband was engaged in an argument with wife.
3.controversy,着重在团体之间的争论,如派别、政 党、国家间的争论。
 ☞ 对该地区的自治问题曾经有过一场争论。
 ☞ There was a controversy over the question of self-government of that region.
 ☞ 罢工解决后,公司与工会间的争论也随之结束。
 ☞ The controversy between the company and the trade union ended after the strike was settled.
 ☞ 在一次无休止的争论后,国会批准了国务院的对华政策。
 ☞ After an endless debate the Congress approved the policy of the Department of State towards China.
 ☞ 关于外长的声明有过许多争论。
 ☞ There was much debate concerning the statement of the foreign minister.
 ☞ 我们应当鼓励科学上不同学派的自由争论。
 ☞ We should encourage free contention among different schools in science.
 ☞ 我们的确有过一场自由贸易集团与关税集团之间的争论。
 ☞ We did have a contention between free trade and tariff groups.
事业 事业
 ☞ 他为革命事业献出了生命。
 ☞ He gave his life for the cause of revolution.
 ☞ 我们为正义的事业而奋斗。
 ☞ We fight for the cause of justice.
2.career, 指经过专门训练并准备终生从事的事业。
 ☞ 他决心在政界创出一番事业来。
 ☞ He is determined to make a career for himself in politics.
 ☞ 在他事业的巅峰时,成了中华全国总工会主席。
 ☞ At the peak of his career he was made chairman of All-China Federation of Trade Union.
 ☞ 科学是人类的事业。
 ☞ Science is a human undertaking.
 ☞ 我们都参加了文化教育事业。
 ☞ We all took part in the cultural and educational undertakings.
 ☞ 我们已经开始改革我国的卫生事业。
 ☞ We have already begun reform of the health service in our country.
 ☞ 人民要求更多的集体福利事业。
 ☞ The people demand more collective welfare facilities.
 ☞ 有些城市经营自己的公共事业。
 ☞ Some municipalities operate their own public utilities.
事实 事实
1.fact, in fact, as a matter of fact,指实实在在存在的事实。
 ☞ 事实胜于雄辩。
 ☞ Facts speak louder than eloquent speeches.
 ☞ 事实俱在,不容抵赖。
 ☞ The facts are all there and cannot be denied.
 ☞ 起诉人所说的与事实不符。
 ☞ What the prosecutor said did not tally with the facts.
 ☞ 事实是你可以做更多的工作。
 ☞ The fact remains that you might do more work.
 ☞ 他一向很帮我们的忙,事实上没有他我们不知道该怎么办了。
 ☞ He has been most helpful to us; in fact we don't know what we should have done without him.
 ☞ 尽管他们口口声声喊穷,事实上他们是财源滚滚。
 ☞ As a matter of fact they are rolling in wealth though they claim to be poor.
 ☞ 他的报道里有许多重要事实。
 ☞ His report contains many important truths.
 ☞ 这是歪曲事实。
 ☞ It is a distortion of the truth.
 ☞ 事实就是事实。
 ☞ The truth is the truth.
 ☞ 事实真相迟早会大白于天下。
 ☞ Sooner or later the truth will come out.
3.de facto, 法律用语,指没有合法手续或未得到承认的事实。
 ☞ 他们终于使他们的事实婚姻合法化了。
 ☞ They finally legalized their de facto marriage.
 ☞ 这是事实合同,公证后才能在法律上生效。
 ☞ This is a de facto contract which must be notarized before it becomes legally effective.
 ☞ 该国军队跨过了事实上的停火线。
 ☞ The troops of that country crossed the de facto ceasefire line.
 ☞ 事实如此。
 ☞ This is how things are (or stand).
 ☞ 人不能事事直接经历,事实上多数知识都来自于间接经验。
 ☞ One cannot have direct experience of everything. Actually, most knowledge comes from indirect experience.
 ☞ 事实上黑色不是颜色,而是没有颜色。
 ☞ Black, in reality, is not a color, but the absence of color.
事(事情) 事(事情)
 ☞ 发生了一件奇怪的事。
 ☞ A strange thing happened.
 ☞ 你总是事不关己,高高挂起。
 ☞ You always let things drift if they do not affect you personally.
 ☞ 他说事情将来会好起来的。
 ☞ He said that things would be better in the future.
 ☞ 我刚才想起了另外一件他没有讲到的事情。
 ☞ I've just thought of another thing that he didn't talk about.
  ■ 由thing一词派生出来的everything, anything, something等均属于这类模糊概念。
 ☞ 作为领导有必要事必躬亲吗?
 ☞ Is it necessary for a leader to attend to everything?
 ☞ 你如果对可能发生的事没有思想准备,事到临头就会抓瞎。
 ☞ If you don't anticipate what may happen, you'll find yourself at a loss when something crops up.
 ☞ 有什么我能做的事?
 ☞ Anything I can do?
 ☞ 般指要考虑或要做的事。
 ☞ 这事我得想想。
 ☞ I should like to think over the matter.
 ☞ 要是你愿意,我可以为你办这件事。
 ☞ I could do the matter for you if you wish.
 ☞ 她对待整个事情相当冷静。
 ☞ She was rather calm about the whole matter.
 ☞ 他说事情相当紧急。
 ☞ He says the matter is rather urgent.
 ☞ 关你什么事?
 ☞ What concern is it of yours?
 ☞ 那是我的事情,我想怎么干就怎么干。
 ☞ That's my concern, so I'll do as I like about it.
 ☞ 信不信是你的事情。
 ☞ It is your own concern whether you believe me or not.
 ☞ 大家的事就是谁也不管的事。
 ☞ Everybody's business is nobody's business.
 ☞ 我站了一会儿想了一下我要做的事。
 ☞ I stood for a while thinking over the business I had to do.
 ☞ 别管别人的事。
 ☞ Mind your own business.
 ☞ 投谁的票那是我的事情。
 ☞ It's my own business whom I'm to vote for.
 ☞ 要把一切安排妥当是一件很难的事情。
 ☞ It is a difficult business getting everything ready.
 ☞ 别管我,管好你自己的事。
 ☞ Leave me alone; mind your own affairs.
 ☞ 来了个代表团调查这件事。
 ☞ A delegation came to investigate the affair.
 ☞ 校对样书是件吃力费时的事。
 ☞ Seeing a book through the press is a laborious and time-wasting affair.
 ☞ 你为什么对我的事那么感兴趣?
 ☞ Why should you be so interested in my affairs?
  ■ 应该指出affair的复数一般指国家、政府、商务中的事务。
 ☞ 国家大事应按宪法处理。
 ☞ State affairs should be conducted in conformity with the constitution.
 ☞ 我的曾祖母从来没有出过远门,因此这次出门就成了她的大事。
 ☞ My great grandmother had never traveled before, so the journey was a major undertaking for her.
 ☞ 对每个农民来说,盖一座自己的房子就成了一件大事。
 ☞ For every peasant building his own house is a tremendous undertaking.
 ☞ 我不知道这项工作会是什么样的大事。
 ☞ I don't realize what a large undertaking this job would be.
7.“事”一词作为模糊概念的一般用语,上面的有些词可以换用。例如:他自己的事his own affair (business, concern);公(私)事public (private) affairs (concern,matters,business);一件遗憾的事a sorry affair (business, matter, thing)。
 ☞ 遇事要和群众商量。
 ☞ Consult the masses when problems arise.(指问题)
 ☞ 这件案子里还有他的事。
 ☞ He was involved in the case too.(指牵连进去)
 ☞ 有我什么事,干吗怪我?
 ☞ Why put the blame on me? It has nothing to do with me.(指与事无关)
 ☞ 有事大家做。
 ☞ We should all share the work.(指工作)
 ☞ 她找到事了。
 ☞ She's got a job.(指职业)
 ☞ 这就叫做事半功倍。
 ☞ That is what we call "get twice the result with half the effort."(指做出的努力)
 ☞ 事非经过不知难。
 ☞ You never know how hard a task is until you have done it yourself.(指工作任务)
 ☞ 不要老是事后批评。
 ☞ Don't get into the habit of criticizing after the event.

1) in,on,at,均表示地点。
 ☞ 他生于北京。
 ☞ He was born in Beijing.(in表示在内)
 ☞ 我们来回徜徉于林间小路之上。
 ☞ We strolled backwards and forwards on the path among trees.(on表示在上)
 ☞ 他就学于北京的清华大学。
 ☞ He studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
 (at... in Beijing表示在北京地区内)
2) in,on,at,均表示时间。
 ☞ 他生于1903年。
 ☞ He was born in 1903.(in表示年份)
 ☞ 中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。
 ☞ The People's Republic of China was founded on October 1st,1949.(on表示日期)
 ☞ 他死于8月28日下午8点。
 ☞ He died at eight P.M. on August 28th.(at表示钟点)
  ■ 表示时间、地点还有其他译法。
 ☞ 这项工程将于3年内完成。
 ☞ This engineering project is to be completed within three years.(用within表示在某个时间之内)
 ☞ 云南的普洱茶驰名于全世界。
 ☞ The Puerh Tea is famous all over the world.(用over 表示遍及)
1) to,通常用于没有对比的场合。
 ☞ 我们要全心全意为人民服务,做一个有益于人民的人。
 ☞ We must serve the people heart and soul and be beneficial to the people.(指人人均应如此,故无对比)
 ☞ 经常锻炼身体于健康有益。
 ☞ Doing physical training constantly is helpful to the health.(说的是常规,也无对比)
2) for,一般用于有对比的场合。
 ☞ 有些词适用于诗歌,而有些词则不适合。
 ☞ Some words are suitable for use in verse and others are not.(经过对比才有这样的结论)
 ☞ 情况十分有利于实施这一计划。
 ☞ The conditions are most favorable for the execution of the plan。(显然也经过对比)
  ■ 我们可以从下列对比中看出to和for的区别。
 ☞ Everybody knows that milk is good to children.(人人都知道的事,自然无需对比)
 ☞ Milk is bad for my son, for he always has loose bowels every time he drinks it.(经过对比知道儿子喝了牛奶要拉肚子)
3) 有些动词的宾语可以表示动作的对象,故无需介词。
 ☞ 这样于你自己不利。
 ☞ It won't do you any good.
 ☞ 这于我无益。
 ☞ It does not benefit me.
4) on,into,onto等介词可表示方向、目标。
 ☞ 他热衷于集邮。
 ☞ He is keen on stamp collection.(on表示目标)
 ☞ 经过大家的努力,困难局面终于让位于顺利局面。
 ☞ As a result of collective effort, the difficult situation changed into a favorable situation.(into表示转变)
 ☞ 你在嫁祸于人。
 ☞ You are shifting the misfortune onto others.(onto表示方向)
1) from,表示来自。
 ☞ 天才源于勤奋。
 ☞ Talent comes from diligence.
 ☞ 他毕业于北京大学。
 ☞ He graduated from Peking University.
2) in,表示起源于。
 ☞ 黄河发源于青海。
 ☞ The Yellow River rises in Qinghai Province.
 ☞ 认识来源于实践。
 ☞ Knowledge originates in practice.
3) out of,表示出处。
 ☞ 她这么干是出于同情。
 ☞ She did it out of sympathy.
 ☞ 他来这里是出于自愿。
 ☞ He has come here out of his own accord.
4.表示比较,一般用比较级+ than。
 ☞ 人民的利益高于一切。
 ☞ The interests of the people are higher than anything else.
 ☞ 每班选出的代表不得少于3个。
 ☞ The number of the representatives from every class must not be less than three.
 ☞ 主队败于客队。
 ☞ The home team was defeated by the visiting team.
 ☞ 这里有过一座古塔,明末时毁于战火。
 ☞ Here had been an ancient pagoda, which was destroyed by war at the end of the Ming Dynasty.
 ☞ 操之过急,于事无补。
 ☞ It would be of no avail to act with undue haste.
 ☞ 延安一别,于今10年。
 ☞ It is ten years since we parted in Yan'an.
 ☞ 你这样走了,我于心不安呀。
 ☞ My conscience will not be at ease if you leave this way.
 ☞ 你于心何忍?
 ☞ How can you bear it in your heart?
于是 于是
  ■ “于是”有“因此”的意思,一般用在后一分句的句首,表示前后两件事密切相连。前一分句说明原因或理由,后一分句得出结果或结论。翻译时大致有以下几种处理方式。
1.result, as the (a) result,表示由于上文中的原因从而只强调后面的结果。
 ☞ 他不相信别人干的活,于是累垮了自己。
 ☞ He didn't trust anyone to work on the job. The result was that he tired himself out with backbreaking.
 ☞ 太阳的辐射能照射到地球上变成了热能,于是地球就暖和了。
 ☞ When the radiant energy of the sun falls on the earth it is changed into heat energy, and as a result the earth is warmed.
 ☞ 我的手开始抖得厉害,于是他问我怎么了。
 ☞ My hands began shaking so much that he asked me what was the matter.
 ☞ 他篮球打得那么好,于是在比赛结束时大家都向他欢呼。
 ☞ He played basketball so well that everybody cheered him at the end of the game.
  ■ so还可以单独使用,但只说明后面的结果,而且语气比较随便。
 ☞ 那天天气晴朗,于是我们就出发了。
 ☞ The day was fine and so we set out.
 ☞ 周围似乎没人,于是我就进去了。
 ☞ Nobody seemed about, so I went in.
 ☞ 几个月来一直没有下雨,于是庄稼有可能遭灾。
 ☞ There has been no rain for months. Thus the crops are likely to suffer.
 ☞ 成本上升,于是物价也得上涨。
 ☞ Costs are up. Thus prices must rise.
 ☞ 由于城市建在汉水的河口,于是就有了汉口这个名字。
 ☞ The city was built at the mouth of the Hanshui River, hence the name of Hankou.
 ☞ 我3岁的儿子找到了一桶漆,于是墙上都是各式各样的符号。
 ☞ My three-year-old son found a pot of paint, hence all the marks on the wall.
5.then, 常用来表示逻辑推理的结果,主谓往往颠倒。
 ☞ 他很不注意身体,于是有一天病倒了。
 ☞ He paid poor attention to health. Then came the day when he was down with illness.
 ☞ 阶级矛盾转化成对抗性矛盾,于是开创了革命的新纪元。
 ☞ The class contradictions turned into antagonistic ones. Then opened a new epoch of revolution.
 ☞ 1971年联合国大会以压倒多数通过了要求恢复我国在联合国的一切合法权利的议案。于是蒋介石集团的代表就从联合国及其所属机构中被驱逐出来。
 ☞ The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted in 1971 by an overwhelming majority the resolution demanding the restoration of all the lawful rights of China in the United Nations. Accordingly the representatives of the Chiang Kai-shek Clique were expelled from the United Nations and all the organizations related to it。
 ☞ 他病得无法工作,于是我们把他送进了医院。
 ☞ He was too sick to work. Accordingly we sent him to hospital.
 ☞ 赃物在其家中寻获,于是他被捕入狱。
 ☞ The stolen goods were found in his room, thereupon he was arrested and put in jail.
 ☞ 国家领导人在台上坐定后,全场掌声雷动。
 ☞ The state leaders sat down on the rostrum. Thereupon the applause was deafening.
 ☞ 由于那里的矿产资源十分丰富,于是当地人民就把该地建成了一个重要的能源基地。
 ☞ The local people have built the place into an important base of energy resources because the mineral resources are very rich there.
 ☞ 我们听说西安有许多景点和古迹,于是就乘火车去了那里。
 ☞ Having heard that there are many scenic spots and historic sites in Xi'an, we took a train there.

1.hand over,指移交。
 ☞ 你去上海前把工作交了。
 ☞ Hand over your work before you leave for Shanghai 这些材料都交到法院了。
 ☞ These materials are handed over to the law court.
2.hand in,指上交。
 ☞ 每个学生每周都要交一次作文。
 ☞ Each student has to hand in a composition once a week.
 ☞ 我已向雇主交了辞职信。
 ☞ I handed in my resignation to my employer.
3.give up,指交出。
 ☞ 交枪不杀!
 ☞ Give up your arms and live!
 ☞ 他甚至在压力下也拒绝交文件。
 ☞ He refused to give up the document even under pressure.
 ☞ 农民纷纷向国家交公粮。
 ☞ The peasants delivered tax grain to the state one after another.
 ☞ 我们要求他在一小时内交货。
 ☞ We demanded that he should deliver goods in an hour.
 ☞ 我该交多少房租?
 ☞ How much rent shall I pay?
 ☞ 我们每月都向工会交会费。
 ☞ We pay membership dues to the trade union every month.
 ☞ 具体的计划部署要交给执行计划的部委。
 ☞ Specific planning is assigned to the departments which would execute the plans.
 ☞ 这一任务已交实验室。
 ☞ The task was assigned to the laboratory.
 ☞ 井冈山位于四县之交。
 ☞ The Jinggang Mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet.
 ☞ 两军战于黄河渭河之交。
 ☞ The two armies fought with each other at the point where the Yellow River and the Wei River meet.
8.befriend, make friend, friend, acquaintance,指交友。
 ☞ 当时的秦王推行远交近攻的政策。
 ☞ The then King of Qin carried out a policy of befriending distant states while attacking those nearby.
 ☞ 我在那里交了不少朋友。
 ☞ I made many friends there.
 ☞ 我们是故交。
 ☞ We are old friends.
 ☞ 他只是个点头之交。
 ☞ He is merely a nodding acquaintance.
交代 交代
1.hand over,指移交。
 ☞ 我交代了工作才离开。
 ☞ I didn't leave till I handed over the work.
 ☞ 既然你已辞职,就应交代你的职务。
 ☞ Since you have resigned you should hand over charge of your office.
 ☞ 政委一再交代我们要保护群众的利益。
 ☞ The political commissar repeatedly told us to protect the interests of the masses.
 ☞ 你只要交代他每天早上送一束玫瑰花给她。
 ☞ Just tell him to send her a bouquet of roses each morning.
 ☞ 执行政策之前应向农民交代清楚。
 ☞ The policy must be explained to the peasants before it is carried out.
 ☞ 分派任务之后还应交代任务。
 ☞ The task should be explained after it is assigned.
 ☞ 你的粗暴行为作何交代?
 ☞ How can you justify your rude behavior?
 ☞ 这样的举动你是交代不过去的。
 ☞ You can hardly justify such conduct.
5.account for,指说明原因。
 ☞ 这事,你怎么交代?
 ☞ How are you going to account for this?
 ☞ 作为会计,他无法交代公司在银行账户中的亏空。
 ☞ A8 a accountant, he was unable to account for the deficit in the firm's bank balance.
 ☞ 他交代了他过去干过的一切。
 ☞ He confessed what he had done in the past.
 ☞ 交代罪行后,他感到松了一口气。
 ☞ Having confessed his crime, he felt relieved.
 ☞ 作者对此未做进一步交代。
 ☞ The author makes no further reference to this.
 ☞ 在他的书里对文化界名人都有交代。
 ☞ In his book there is a reference to the celebrities in cultural circles.
8.give notice,指带有警告性的通知。
 ☞ 我们现在交代清楚,明年初再开一次会来检查工作。
 ☞ We now give clear notice that early next year another meeting will be called to check up on the work.
 ☞ 政府要镇压罢工,事前已有交代。
 ☞ Notice was given that the government meant to crack down on strike.
交加 交加
  ■ “交加”常用于名词之后,指两种事物同时出现或同时施加在一个人身上。可见“同时”是翻译此词的关键。表现“同时”的方法不外乎有以下几种。
 ☞ 他到的那天雨雪交加。
 ☞ He arrived on the day when rain and snow fell simultaneously.
 ☞ 昨晚雷电交加,却没有下雨。
 ☞ Last night thunder and lightning happened simultaneously,but with no rain.
2.如果同时出现的事物是感觉得刊的,可用both... and... 。
 ☞ 他死时贫病交加。
 ☞ He was beset by both poverty and illness when he died.
 ☞ 饥寒交加真不好受。
 ☞ It was really bad to suffer both hunger and cold.
3.如果同时出现的事物是情感的交融,可用mingle with。
 ☞ 他得到消息时惊喜交加。
 ☞ He received the news with joy mingled with surprise.
 ☞ 我感到悔恨交加。
 ☞ I felt regret mingled with self-reproach.
 ☞ 昨夜风雪交加。
 ☞ The snowstorm was ranging last night.(snowstorm一词风雪均在其中)
 ☞ 我们拳脚交加,痛打了他一顿。
 ☞ We beat him up by punches and kicks.(拳先还是脚先无关紧要)
交换 交换
 ☞ 我们有过一次交换观点的机会。
 ☞ We had an opportunity to exchange views.
 ☞ 猎人用皮毛交换粮食和火药。
 ☞ The hunter exchanged furs for grain and gun-power.
 ☞ 她和我交换了座位。
 ☞ She exchanged seats with me.
 ☞ 战时交换战俘并不常见。
 ☞ Exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual.
 ☞ 孩子们常交换生日卡。
 ☞ The children often swap cards on the birthday.
 ☞ 我愿用3张旧邮票交换1张新的。
 ☞ I will swap three old stamps for a new one.
 ☞ 农民过去都在集市上交换农产品。
 ☞ The peasants bartered farm products at country fairs in the past.
 ☞ 藏民常用皮毛交换茶叶。
 ☞ The Tibetans often barter furs for tea.
 ☞ 美国打算生产更多的计算机并向德国出口以交换汽车。
 ☞ The United States is going to produce more computers and trade them for German automobiles.
 ☞ 权钱竟然可以交换,谁想得到?
 ☞ Who could have thought that power should be traded for money?
 ☞ 早期移民用盐巴交换粮食。
 ☞ The early settlers traded salt for grain.
交流 交流
 ☞ 我们趁机与他们交流了经验。
 ☞ We took the opportunity to exchange experience with them.
 ☞ 我发现与你父亲交流思想令人振奋。
 ☞ I found it refreshing to exchange ideas with your father.
 ☞ 世界各地的代表团到达北京进行国际文化交流。
 ☞ Delegations all over the world arrived in Beijing for the international cultural exchange.
2.communicate, communication,特指人际间的交流。
 ☞ 我们学语言是为了交流。
 ☞ We learn a language in order to communicate.
 ☞ 现在人们可以通过互联网与世界上的任何人交流。
 ☞ Nowadays people can communicate with anyone in the world through the Internet.
 ☞ 语言与文字是人类最重要的交流工具。
 ☞ Speech and writing are man's most important tools of communication.
 ☞ 城乡商品交流促进了工农业生产的大发展。
 ☞ The interflow of commodities between town and country has brought about a great advance in industrial and agricultural production.
 ☞ 经济文化交流可以增进两国人民之间的了解。
 ☞ Economical and cultural interflow can promote understanding between the two peoples.
交通 交通
 ☞ 该桥承担着东西向的交通。
 ☞ The bridge deck carries both eastbound and westbound traffic.
 ☞ 大城市里的警察要指挥交通。
 ☞ The police control the traffic in large cities.
 ☞ 既然马路已经拓宽,交通就不会太拥挤。
 ☞ Now that the streets have widened, there won't be so much traffic congestion.
 ☞ 铁路的竣工将大大促进西北与华中的交通联系。
 ☞ The completion of the railway will greatly facilitate communication between northwest and central China.
 ☞ 当时,党中央所在地延安及敌后根据地的交通变得十分困难。
 ☞ Communication between the Party Central Committee in Yan'an and the base areas behind enemy lines became very difficult.
3.transport, transportation,着重运输方面的交通。
 ☞ 莫斯科的公共交通系统属于世界优秀之列。
 ☞ Moscow's public transport system is among the finest in the world.
 ☞ 我倒是很想跟你去,但是交通有问题。
 ☞ I'd like very much to go with you, but there's the problem of transportation.
 ☞ 旅馆还为旅客免费提供交通工具的停放场地。
 ☞ The hotel also provides free space for the traveler's means of transportation (transport).
4.access, get to,指去某地的交通。
 ☞ 我的家乡是个交通便利、经济发达的小镇。
 ☞ My native place is a small town, easy of access and having a thriving economy.
 ☞ 解放前,这一边远地区交通闭塞。
 ☞ Before liberation this distant area was very hard to get to.
 ☞ 解放前他当过地下交通。
 ☞ Before liberation he served as an underground messenger.
产生 产生
1.表示生出新事物、新想法,用be born of。这时要注意汉英句子结构的区别。
 ☞ 她想帮助病人的愿望产生了要当医生的想法。
 ☞ Her wish to become a doctor was born of a desire to help sick people.
 ☞ 帝国主义产生现代战争。
 ☞ Modem war is born of imperialism.
2.give birth to,意思与be born of相同,但结构与汉语相同。
 ☞ 南昌起义产生了我党领导的革命军队。
 ☞ The Nanchang Uprising gave birth to the revolutionary army led by our Party.
 ☞ 中华民族数千年的历史产生了许多民族英雄和革命领袖。
 ☞ During thousands of years of recorded history, the Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders.
 ☞ 煤气可由煤产生。
 ☞ Gas can be produced from coal.
 ☞ 伟大的革命斗争产生伟大的人物。
 ☞ Great revolutionary struggle produces great persons.
 ☞ 他们讨论了30多次,但没有产生具体的计划。
 ☞ They held more than thirty discussions without producing a definite plan.
 ☞ 不过,我们的努力没有产生预期的结果。
 ☞ However, our efforts failed to produce the desired result.
 ☞ 这一仗产生了深远的影响。
 ☞ The battle produced far-reaching effects.
 ☞ 总统的声明在内阁成员中产生了混乱。
 ☞ The statement of the president produced confusion among the members of the cabinet.
4.表示带来,可译bring (about, forth)。
 ☞ 以马克思列宁主义的理论思想武装起来的中国共产党,在中国人民中产生了新的工作作风。
 ☞ Armed with Marxism-Leninism theory and ideology the Communist Party of China has brought a new style of work to the Chinese people.
 ☞ 技术革新产生了预期的效果。
 ☞ The technical innovation has brought about its desired effect.
 ☞ 实践使我们的认识产生了新的飞跃。
 ☞ Practice brings about a new leap in our knowledge.
 ☞ 这些努力必将产生好的结果。
 ☞ These efforts will surely bring forth good fruit.
 ☞ 接着又产生了一个问题,即一旦我们有了新设备又该怎么办?
 ☞ The question then arises as to what we are going to do once we get the equipment.
 ☞ 混乱是由同一物质用了不同名字产生的。
 ☞ The confusion arose from various names that had been given to the same substance.
 ☞ 正确路线是在斗争中产生发展起来的。
 ☞ A correct line emerges and develops in the course of struggle.
 ☞ 会谈时产生了新的想法。
 ☞ New ideas emerged during the talk.
6.表示首次出现,可译come into being。
 ☞ 第一次大革命以后产生了红军。
 ☞ The Red Army came into being after the First Great Revolution.
 ☞ 这种习俗产生于南北朝末期。
 ☞ The practice came into being at the end of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.
 ☞ 水沸腾时产生蒸汽。
 ☞ Steam forms when water boils.
 ☞ 氢氧结合产生水。
 ☞ Oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water.
 ☞ 罗马尼亚产生了新政府。
 ☞ A new government is formed in Romania.
8.表示引起,可译give rise to。
 ☞ 只有社会实践才能产生人的认识。
 ☞ Only social practice alone gives rise to human knowledge.
 ☞ 流言蜚语往往产生误解。
 ☞ Gossip often gives rise to misunderstanding.
9.表示产生影响,可用exert influence on,exercise influence over, have bearing on。
 ☞ 他的写作风格对19世纪英国文学产生深远影响。
 ☞ His writing style exerted a profound influence on the nineteenth-century English literature.
 ☞ 底特律的罢工对工会运动产生了强烈的影响。
 ☞ The strike in Detroit exercised a strong influence over the trade union movement.
 ☞ 该国的战争政策立刻对国民经济产生了影响。
 ☞ The war policy of that country has immediate bearing on its national economy.
10.表示产生怀疑可用arise, cast (throw)。
 ☞ 他心里产生了一丝怀疑。
 ☞ A tiny bit of doubt has arisen in him.
 ☞ 没有理由对他的动机产生怀疑。
 ☞ There is no reason to cast (throw) suspicion on his motive.
享受 享受
 ☞ 这里所有的工人都享受免费医疗。
 ☞ All the workers here enjoy free medical care.
 ☞ 我们一起写了第一部短篇小说,并一起享受第一次成功的喜悦。
 ☞ We had written our first stories together, and together enjoyed the first sweets of success.
 ☞ 解放后他们开始贪图安逸和享受,害怕艰苦。
 ☞ After liberation they began to seek comfort and enjoyment and fear hardship.
 ☞ 他喜欢尘世间的享受。
 ☞ He is fond of worldly enjoyment.
 ☞ 能到安静平和的乡间来是多大的享受呀!
 ☞ What a treat to get into the peace and quiet of the country!
 ☞ 看这样的好戏是一种艺术享受。
 ☞ A good play like this is an artistic treat.
3.comfort, 指使人安逸舒适的享受。
 ☞ 生活改善以后,人们都兴物质享受。
 ☞ People go in for material comfort after the livelihood is improved.
 ☞ 他从小娇生惯养,大了以后越来越喜欢享受。
 ☞ He's been spoiled since childhood, so he becomes more and more fond of comfort as he's got older.
享有 享有
 ☞ 我国妇女享有与男子平等的权利。
 ☞ Women in China enjoy equal rights with men.
 ☞ 自我担任程序设计员这一工作以来,我享有优厚待遇。
 ☞ I have enjoyed a good income since I held the job as a programmer.
 ☞ 县委书记谷文昌死后还享有崇高的威望。老百姓每年都要上坟来纪念他。
 ☞ County Party Secretary Cu Wenchang enjoys high prestige even after his death. People visit his grave in his memory every year.
 ☞ 王教授在学生中间享有相当高的声望。
 ☞ Professor Wang had considerable popularity among students.
 ☞ 他在决定政策上享有发言权。
 ☞ He has a say in determining policy.
 ☞ 该伯爵的孙子现在享有其爵位及土地。
 ☞ The earl's grandson now holds the title and the lands.
 ☞ 奴隶主享有对其奴隶生杀予夺的权力。
 ☞ Slave owners held the power of life and death over their slaves.
亲自 亲自
1.personal, personally,指本人亲自。
 ☞ 首次公演时由著名男女演员亲自登场。
 ☞ Well-known actors and actresses will make a personal appearance at the premiere.
 ☞ 这两个文件是在他的亲自指导下起草的。
 ☞ These two documents were drawn up under his personal guidance.
 ☞ 旅馆主人亲自来迎接我们。
 ☞ The owner of the hotel welcomed us personally.
 ☞ 我得把这个亲自交给他。
 ☞ I have to hand it to him personally.
2.in person,指当面亲自。
 ☞ 我要亲自见他。
 ☞ I want to see him in person.
 ☞ 他决定亲自出席大会。
 ☞ He decided to attend the congress in person.
 ☞ 他亲自带领我们参观博物馆。
 ☞ He showed us around the museum himself.
 ☞ 你愿亲自去看看吗?
 ☞ Would you like to go and see for yourself?
  ■ 上述三词一般情况都可以换用。如:
 ☞ 我无法亲自出席会议,但我会派人去代表我讲话的。
 ☞ I can't attend the meeting personally (in person, myself), but I'm sending someone to speak for me.

 ☞ 人能思考、说话,而动物却不能。
 ☞ A human can think and speak, but an animal cannot.
 ☞ 狼一般是不会攻击人的。
 ☞ Wolves will not usually attack humans.
1) 相同的一面。
 ☞ 这种药人畜皆宜。
 ☞ This medicine is 6t both for man (human) and beast.
 ☞ 人都是要死的。
 ☞ All men f humans) must die.
 ☞ 这超过了人的能力。
 ☞ It's beyond man's (human) power.
 ☞ 以人的模样出现的上帝,是人类文学中一再出现的主题。
 ☞ God appearing as man has been a recurrent theme in human literature.
2) 不同的一面。
 ☞ 她有个儿子,现在已长大成人。
 ☞ She has a son. He is a man now 人人都会追求自己的理想。
 ☞ Every man follows his own ideal.
 ☞ 女人)
 ☞ 你总是不给人以机会。
 (泛指一切男人和 You don't give a man a chance. (指任何一个人,因此常加不定冠词)
 ☞ 我找了一个你一直在找的人。
 ☞ I've found the (very) man you have been looking for.
 ☞ 游击队有7,000多人。
 ☞ The guerrillas had upward 7,000 men.(指军人)
 ☞ 此人是谁?
 ☞ Who is this person?
 ☞ 有位陌生人要见你。
 ☞ There is a strange person to see you.
  ■ person一般用单数,表示复数时多用people,但如有数词修饰时也可用persons或people。
 ☞ 参加会议的人超过了100。
 ☞ More than a hundred persons (people) were present at the meeting.
 ☞ 有两个人等着要见法官。
 ☞ Two persons (people) were waiting to see the judge.
 ☞ 昨天有3个人来找你。
 ☞ Three people came to see you yesterday.
 ☞ 他待人诚恳。
 ☞ He is sincere in his dealing with people.
 ☞ 向人要东西可不是他的习惯。
 ☞ It was not his habit to ask people for things.
  ■ 有时people和person为避免重复,可以换用。
 ☞ 大概有40万人需要移出库区,其中大多数是年轻人。
 ☞ Some 400,000 persons are to be moved out of the reservoir region, most of them are young people.
  ■ 但如果要用单数,则应用person来代替people。与此同时,people不能与a people(一个民族),the people(人民)混淆。
 ☞ 人应该保养自己的身体。
 ☞ One should take care of one's (his) health. (one's 为英国用法,his为美国用法)
 ☞ 人有时对自己不喜欢的事也得做。
 ☞ One must occasionally do things one (he) dislikes. (用法同上)
  ■ 此外,one 还可与every, any, some, no等连用。
 ☞ 人有时是会出错的。
 ☞ Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
 ☞ 超过18岁的人可以入内。
 ☞ Anyone who is over eighteen is allowed in.
 ☞ 我需要有人照顾她。
 ☞ I want someone to look after her.
 ☞ 房间里没人。
 ☞ There is no one in the room.
 ☞ 一个人留了下来,另一个人走掉了。
 ☞ One stayed and the other went away.
 ☞ 己所不欲,勿施于人。
 ☞ Don't do to others what you would not have others do to you.
 ☞ 自己做错了事不应该怪别人。
 ☞ When one has done something wrong one should not blame it on others.
 ☞ 马克思主义并不否定个人。
 ☞ Marxism does not deny the individual.
 ☞ 我们的整个制度是建立在尊重每个人的特殊才能之上的。
 ☞ Our entire system is founded on an appreciation of the special genius of each individual.
  ■ 不过有时individual在失去个体特征之后,可以man换用。
 ☞ 穿蓝衬衣的那人是谁?
 ☞ Who is that individual (man) wearing a blue shirt?
 ☞ 你这人脾气太坏!
 ☞ What a bad-tempered individual (man) you are!
 ☞ 他是人小鬼大。
 ☞ He is only a child daring to do great mischief.(译成小孩)
 ☞ 现在是人浮于事。
 ☞ Now there are more hands than needed.(译成人手)
 ☞ 人微言轻。
 ☞ The words of the lowly carry little weight.(译成地位低的人)
 ☞ 这人肚子里藏不住东西。
 ☞ This chap can't keep anything to himself. (译成家伙)
 ☞ 别小看人!
 ☞ Don't look down on me! (译成我)
 ☞ 相反,我们应当成为对国家有用的人。
 ☞ Instead, we should become useful citizens to the state.(译成公民)
 ☞ 这个座位有人吗?
 ☞ Is this seat occupied?
 ☞ 我听人说你结婚了。
 ☞ I hear that you've got married.
 ☞ 你一个人行吗?
 ☞ Can you manage on your own?
 ☞ 她身体不错,人也能干。
 ☞ She's healthy, and capable as well.
 ☞ 这两天我人不太舒服。
 ☞ I haven't been feeling very well lately.
 ☞ 她发烧烧得人都糊涂了。
 ☞ Her fever was so high that she got delirious.
 ☞ 他人在那儿,心里可想着别的事。
 ☞ He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere.
人事 人事
 ☞ 宗派活动使得这一人事调动有了必要。
 ☞ Factional activities necessitate this transfer of personnel.
 ☞ 人事安排是保密的。
 ☞ The arrangement of personnel was kept secret.
 ☞ 至于这次人事更迭,有人热烈欢呼,也有人咬牙切齿。
 ☞ As for the change of personnel, some hailed with delight and others ground their teeth.
2.ways of the world,指处理世间事物的方式。
 ☞ 他老奸巨滑,洞悉人事。
 ☞ He is a wily old fox and has thorough understanding of the ways of the world.
 ☞ 儿子还年轻,不懂人事。
 ☞ My son is too young to know the ways of the world.
3.consciousness,指人的意识;sex conscious,指性意识。
 ☞ 他昏迷过去,不省人事。
 ☞ He fainted and lost consciousness.
 ☞ 我母亲在晚间8点摔了一跤以后就人事不知,在夜里12点去世。
 ☞ My mother lost consciousness at 8 o'clock in the evening after fall and died at 12 in the night.
 ☞ 她已渐省人事。
 ☞ She is growing to be sex-conscious.
4.do one's human best, do what is humanly possible,指尽量做到人力所能做到的事情。
 ☞ 至于她的病,我们会尽人事的。
 ☞ As for her illness, we'll do our human best.
 ☞ 文天祥所做的事只是在尽人事,听天命而已。
 ☞ What had been done by Wen Tian-xiang was only humanly possible and the rest was left to God.
人员 人员
 ☞ 技术人员对这些变动都不高兴。
 ☞ The technical personnel are unhappy about these changes.
 ☞ 全体工作人员都已获得为期一周的额外休假。
 ☞ All personnel have received an extra week's vacation.
  ■ 由于这个特点,personnel也可用于一个个的成员,前面可以跟数字,但personnel后不加s。
 ☞ 5位党政工作人员死于这次坠机事件。
 ☞ Five Patty and government personnel died in the plane crash.
 ☞ 公司调了5名骨干工作人员去西北。
 ☞ The company transferred 5 of its key personnel to Northwest China.
 ☞ 学校的全体教学人员都出席了开学典礼。
 ☞ The whole teaching staff (entire teaching personnel) was (were) present at the opening ceremony.
 ☞ 公司大约有40名职员。
 ☞ The company has got a staff (personnel) of about 40.
  ■ 同样,staff也可用作一个个的人员,前面可接数字,staff仍保持单数形式。
 ☞ 他管理着大约20名工作人员。
 ☞ He is in charge of 20 staff.
 ☞ 我们经常收到工作人员对劳动条件的投诉。
 ☞ We often receive complaints by staff about working conditions.
  ■ 但是与personnel不同的是staff可以用作动词。
 ☞ 我没有足够的资金把所有学校的教职人员配齐。
 ☞ We have not enough funds to staff all over our school.
  ■ 此外,staff还可与under,over等前缀结合,组成复合动词,表示“人员不足”或“人员过多”。
 ☞ 财务科人员不足,而伙食科人员过多。
 ☞ The financial section is understaffed whereas the catering section - overstaffed.
3.man, 义同用作动词的staff。
 ☞ 他会选用什么样的人员组阁呢?
 ☞ What sort of people would he elect to man his cabinet?
 ☞ 上校从我们团抽调士兵为大炮配备人员。
 ☞ The colonel manned the guns with soldiers from our regiment.
  ■ man也可与over,under等前缀组成复合动词。
 ☞ 船上的人员配备过多。
 ☞ The ship was overmanned.
 ☞ 我们应想尽办法把剩余劳动力吸引到人员不足的企业里去。
 ☞ We must try every possible way to attract surplus labor to undermanned industries.
 ☞ 机关工作人员的人数要精简一半。
 ☞ The number of the office workers must be reduced by half.
 ☞ 改革初期,人员一度青黄不接。
 ☞ There was a gap between the old and the young once in the early days of the reform.
人家 人家
 ☞ 这个村子有百十来户人家。
 ☞ There are a hundred or so families in this village.
 ☞ 他出身于富贵人家。
 ☞ He comes from a rich and politically influential family.
 ☞ 那条路上见不到一户人家。
 ☞ No house can be seen on that way.
 ☞ 整户人家都得了麻风病。
 ☞ The whole house was ill with leprosy.
 ☞ 我想你是这户人家的惟一成员了吧。
 ☞ I think you're the only member of this household.
 ☞ 两户人家应该和平共处。
 ☞ Two households should live in peace.
3.“人家”可以用来泛指说话人以外的任何人,翻译时应根据上下文选用no one,other people,other,everybody等酌情处理。
 ☞ 人家都不怕,就你怕。
 ☞ No one else is afraid. It's only you who are afraid.
 ☞ 人家能做到的,我们也能做到。
 ☞ What other people can do we can do, too.
 ☞ 别叫人家笑话你。
 ☞ Don't make the other laugh at you.
 ☞ 人家的事,咱们不用管。
 ☞ We needn't bother about other's affairs.
 ☞ 人家都这么说。
 ☞ That's what everybody says.
 ☞ 把信给人家送去。
 ☞ Take the letter to him (her, them).
 ☞ 我问过好几个医生,人家都说这个病不要紧。
 ☞ I've consulted several doctors, and they all say that this illness is nothing to worry about.
 ☞ 你把人家吓了一大跳。
 ☞ You gave me quite a fright.
 ☞ 人家等你半天了。
 ☞ I've been waiting for you quite a while.
 ☞ 人家小王年纪也不大呀,学习总是全班第一。
 ☞ That Xiaowang is really young, but he's always the best student in his class.
 ☞ 说干活咱们可比不上人家年轻人。
 ☞ As for work, we can't compare with those young people.
 ☞ 女儿大了,该给她找个合适的人家了。
 ☞ Our daughter has grown up. It's time to choose a prospective husband for her.
 ☞ 她已经有了人家了。
 ☞ She is engaged to be married.
8.your elderly self,用作尊称,指您老人家自己。
 ☞ 父亲,我们求你想想你的全家,尤其是您老人家自己。
 ☞ Father, we beg you to think of your entire family and, above all, your elderly self.
人工 人工
 ☞ 水库中有个人工岛,岛上建有佛寺以吸引游客。
 ☞ In the center of the reservoir there is an artificial island where a Buddhist temple is built to attract tourists.
 ☞ 地震勘探就是采用人工地震的方法来勘探矿藏。
 ☞ Seismic prospecting is to prospect mineral deposits by means of producing artificial earthquake.
 ☞ 人们在旱季往往求助于人工灌溉。
 ☞ People often resort to artificial irrigation during dry seasons.
 ☞ 我们一般都用人工呼吸来抢救溺水者。
 ☞ Usually we use artificial respiration to save a drowning man.
 ☞ 这是一个人工湖。以前这里是河谷,后来他们筑了座水坝。
 ☞ This is a man-made (an artificial) lake, there used to be a valley here until they built a dam.
 ☞ 森林公园里的工人为啄木鸟设置了不少人工鸟巢。
 ☞ The workers of the forest park have set up a lot of man-made nests for wood peckers.
 ☞ 我们的暖房都配有人工降雨机。
 ☞ Our greenhouses are equipped with man-made rain deices.
 ☞ 大多数人工合成的聚合物都是有机材料。
 ☞ Most synthetic polymers are organic.
 ☞ 糖尿病患者都用人工合成结晶胰岛素治疗。
 ☞ Diabetics are treated with synthetic crystalline insulin.
 ☞ 我们厂都用杌器来代替人工。
 ☞ In our factory machines are installed to replace manual labor.
 ☞ 在产品包装上,我们目前还是用人工来处理的。
 ☞ We have resorted to manual handling so far to pack products.
 ☞ 修建这条渠道不需要很多人工。
 ☞ It won't take a lot of manpower to construct this irrigation canal.
 ☞ 修这所房子用了多少人工?
 ☞ How many man-days were put in on repairing the house?
 ☞ 抽水机坏了,只好用人工车水。
 ☞ We had to move water by a chain pump because the electric pump had broken down.
 ☞ 人工取样总会丢失一些有用的信息。
 ☞ Hand sampling always misses some helpful information.
 ☞ 你在计算总成本前先得核算人工成本。
 ☞ You have to work out the labor cost before you count the total cost.
 ☞ 她不想要孩子,所以做了人工流产。
 ☞ She didn't want to have any baby, so she had an induced abortion.
人造 人造
1.artificial, 使用范围最广,对任何仿天然的东西都可以修饰,强调非天然。
 ☞ 我们买不起什么昂贵的宝石项链,只好买条人造的。
 ☞ We couldn't afford to buy any expensive jewel necklace, so we bought an artificial one.
 ☞ 夏天,我们一般用人造冰来冷冻食物。
 ☞ We usually use artificial ice to freeze food in summer.
 ☞ 这件毛衣是用人造羊毛织的。
 ☞ The sweater is made of artificial wool.
 ☞ 太空里也遨游着中国造的人造卫星。
 ☞ Through space travel as well the man-made satellites made in China。
 ☞ 人造纤维的纺织品一度在中国很流行。
 ☞ Textiles of man-made fiber was very popular for a time in China.
 ☞ 塑料可用来制造人造革。
 ☞ Plastic materials are used to make imitation leather.
 ☞ 人造珍珠可以做成漂亮的项链。
 ☞ Imitation pearls make a beautiful necklace.
介绍 介绍
 ☞ 我一定得把她介绍给你。
 ☞ I must certainly introduce her to you.
 ☞ 让我介绍一下王教授。
 ☞ Allow me to introduce Professor Wang.
 ☞ 这种灭虫方法是去年才介绍到我们县来的。
 ☞ This method of pest control was introduced into our county only last year.
 ☞ 烟草产自美洲,但却是由菲律宾介绍到中国来的。
 ☞ Tobacco originated in America but it was introduced into China from the Philippines.
 ☞ 阁下,我可以介绍勃朗先生吗?
 ☞ Your Excellency, may I present Mr. Brown?
 ☞ 我荣幸地被介绍给总统先生。
 ☞ I had the honor of being presented to Mr. President.
 ☞ 他介绍了他的观点以后就坐下了。
 ☞ He presented his views and then sat down.
 ☞ 情况差别很大,因此不可能介绍一个理想的对策。
 ☞ Since situations vary widely, it is impossible to present an ideal strategy.
 ☞ 申请入党,必须有两位正式党员介绍。
 ☞ An applicant for Party membership must be recommended by two full Party members.
 ☞ 他给我介绍了一位好医生。
 ☞ He recommended me a good physician.
 ☞ 也许你能给我再介绍一个旅馆。
 ☞ Perhaps you can recommend me another hotel.
 ☞ 我给你介绍一本书。
 ☞ I'll recommend you a book.
 ☞ 董事长将向董事会介绍最近的进展。
 ☞ The Chairman will brief the Board on the most recent developments.
 ☞ 负责公关的女同志会给你介绍工厂的情况的。
 ☞ The PR girl will give you a briefing on the factory.
 ☞ 法律杂志刊载了案情介绍。
 ☞ The law journal printed the briefing of the case.
仍(仍旧,仍然) 仍(仍旧,仍然)
  ■ “仍”、“仍旧”、“仍然”是三个同义词,有“还”、“还是”的意思,表示情况持续不变。“仍”用于书面,后面接单音词;“仍旧”多用于口语;“仍然”一般也用于书面。
 ☞ 台风已经过去,海浪仍然很高。
 ☞ The typhoon was gone, but the waves were still high.
 ☞ 你的论点很有意思,不过我仍旧认为你是错的。
 ☞ Your arguments are very interesting, but I still think you're wrong.
 ☞ 这衣服补一补仍然能穿。
 ☞ You can still wear the clothes if you have them mended.
  ■ 与be连用时,可用于疑问句。
 ☞ 你还在这里?我以为你早走了。
 ☞ Are you still here7I thought you'd gone ages ago.
  ■ 不过,still与瞬间动词连用时,也可用于否定句。
 ☞ 我想了好几个小时,仍不能决定。
 ☞ I've been thinking for hours. but I still can't decide.
 ☞ 他讲啊讲啊,我仍然不懂。
 ☞ He explained and explained, but I still didn't understand.
2.yet, 用来说明预计要发生的事情,一般用于疑问句和否定句。
 ☞ 他仍旧没来?
 ☞ Hasn't he come yet?
 ☞ 这事我仍不清楚。
 ☞ I'm not clear yet about it.
  ■ 但是,如果yet用在肯定句中,则表示情况或行动的延续。
 ☞ 他仍是个孩子。
 ☞ He is yet a child.
 ☞ 父亲老早就起来了,而且仍在于活。
 ☞ Father rose early and is working yet.
 ☞ 他们4个人中有3人仍是单身。
 ☞ Three out of four of them remained single.
 ☞ 敌人方面仍然没有动静。
 ☞ The enemy remained inactive.
 ☞ 有些问题仍旧有待解决。
 ☞ Some problems remained to be solved.
 ☞ 大门仍然关着。
 ☞ The gate remained closed.
 ☞ 就在这时候,我仍然做我的调查。
 ☞ Meanwhile I continued my investigation.
 ☞ 尽管发出了警告,他们仍然天天见面。
 ☞ They continued to meet every day though a warning had been given.
从事 从事
1.侧重投身于某种事业的整个过程时,可译engage in,be engaged in。
 ☞ 那时我们没有从事爱国活动的自由。
 ☞ In those days we were not free to engage in patriotic activity.
 ☞ 除了农业,我们从事各种副业生产。
 ☞ Besides agriculture we also engage in various kinds of sideline production.
 ☞ 间谍从狭义上讲是从事谍报活动的人。
 ☞ In a narrow sense, a spy is one who is engaged in espionage.
2.侧重投身于某种事业的开始阶段,有着手从事的意思,这时一般译为take up。
 ☞ 现在他决心从事生产劳动。
 ☞ Now he resolved to take up productive labor.
 ☞ 他们被派去从事副业生产。
 ☞ They were assigned to take up sideline production.
 ☞ 刘绍棠13岁就从事专业创作。
 ☞ Liu Shaotang took up writing as a profession at the age of thirteen.(从13岁开始从事)
 ☞ 刘绍棠从13岁便从事文学创作。
 ☞ Liu Shaotang has been engaged in literary work since he was thirteen.(从13岁开始直到生命终止)
3.侧重下工夫钻研某项工作时,可译work at,work on。
 ☞ 他正从事一项新的发明创造。
 ☞ He is working at a new invention.
 ☞ 多年来,他们一直从事这门学科。
 ☞ They have worked at this subject for many years.
 ☞ 自从我调本厂以来一直在从事技术革新工作。
 ☞ I have been working on technical innovations since I was transferred to the factory.
4.侧重某种爱好时,可译go in for。
 ☞ 当时我们当中许多人都从事写作、绘画、音乐、演剧及其他类似的活动。
 ☞ Many of us went in for writing, painting, music, dramatics and other similar activities.
 ☞ 工作之余,我们也从事体育活动。
 ☞ We also go in for sports after working hours.
 ☞ 学校要我从事教学,而我却对工程感兴趣。
 ☞ The college wanted me to go in for teaching, but I am interested in engineering.
 ☞ 他从事群众工作多年,有丰富的工作经验。
 ☞ He did mass work for years and had rich experience.
 ☞ 我去延安前是从事翻译工作的。
 ☞ I did translation work before I went to Yan'an.
 ☞ 对待思想上的毛病,不能鲁莽从事。
 ☞ In treating an ideological malady, one must never act rashly.
 ☞ 那里情况复杂,你得谨慎从事。
 ☞ The situation there is complicated and you have to act cautiously.
7.表示处理,可译deal with。
 ☞ 违令者军法从事。
 ☞ Those who disobey orders will be dealt with according to military law.
 ☞ 警方对少年犯一般都谨慎从事。
 ☞ Usually the police are cautious in dealing with juvenile offenders.
代替 代替
 ☞ 体力劳动正逐步为机器所代替。
 ☞ The manual work is being replaced by the machine.
 ☞ 还有什么东西能代替母爱的呢?
 ☞ Can anything replace a mother's love and care?
 ☞ 他们正企图以新殖民主义代替旧殖民主义。
 ☞ They are trying to replace old colonialism with neocolonialism.
2.take the place of,只指替代,可与replace换用。
 ☞ 我国电气机车已逐渐代替了蒸汽机车。
 ☞ Electric locomotives are now taking the place of steam locomotives in our country.
 ☞ 谁来代替詹姆斯先生?
 ☞ Who will take the place of Mr. James?
 ☞ 他的触觉逐渐代替了视觉。
 ☞ His sense of touch gradually took the place of sight.
 ☞ 你不在时我来代替你。
 ☞ I'll take your place in your absence.
 ☞ 我们用复制件代替手稿原件以避免字迹的磨损。
 ☞ We have substituted the copies for the original manuscripts to save wear and tear on the letter.
 ☞ 生产中常用低价材料来代替价格较高的那类原材料。
 ☞ In manufacturing, cheaper materials are constantly being substituted for the more expensive kind.
 ☞ 如果你自己不去,请找一个人代替。
 ☞ If you don't go yourself, please find someone to substitute (replace) you.
 ☞ 老师要我们用课文中的词代替句子里划线的词。
 ☞ The teacher wanted us to substitute words from the text for the underlined words in the sentences.成The teacher wanted us to replace the underlined words in the sentences with words from the text.
 ☞ 他们不爱吃洋芋,所以我们用大米代替。
 ☞ They don't like potatoes, so we substitute rice.
 ☞ 食谱上要求用黄油,我却用人造黄油代替。
 ☞ The recipe called for butter, but I substituted margarine.
4.如果代替的动作与其他动作并立,并处于次要地位时,可译in place of,instead of,in lieu of。
 ☞ 你在中国吃饭得用筷子代替刀叉。
 ☞ In China you have to use chopsticks in place of knives and forks at meals.
 ☞ 现代资产阶级只是确立了新的阶级、新的压迫条件、新的斗争形式来代替那些旧的。
 ☞ The modem bourgeoisie has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, and new forms of struggle in place of the old ones.
 ☞ 我写了一篇短文来代替长篇大论。
 ☞ I wrote a short article instead of the lengthy one.
 ☞ 我来代替我弟弟,他病了。
 ☞ I have come instead of my brother. He is ill.
 ☞ 以前好些外科手术一度都用针麻代替药麻。
 ☞ In many surgical operations, acupuncture anesthesia was used instead of medicinal anesthesia once before.
  "Guns instead of butter" was Hitler's slogan.
 ☞ 银行发行纸币代替银币。
 ☞ Banks issued notes in lieu of silvery coins.
 ☞ 我们同意接受实物来代替工资。
 ☞ We agreed to accept payment in kind in lieu of wages.
 ☞ 大多数的乡村都是电灯代替丁煤油灯。
 ☞ Electric light has superseded kerosene light in most villages.
 ☞ 我国大多数航线都是喷气机代替了螺旋桨飞机。
 ☞ Jets have superseded prop planes on most airlines in our country.
 ☞ 随着解放,和平与秩序代替了战争与混乱。
 ☞ With the liberation, peace and order succeeded war and disorder.
 ☞ 凄风苦雨代替了风和日丽。
 ☞ The wailing wind and weeping rain succeeded the bright sunshine and gentle breeze.
代表 代表
1) 表示代替或象征,主语或宾语可以是人或物。
 ☞ 他们决不能代表工农和革命的知识分子。
 ☞ They can in no way represent the workers, peasants and revolutionary intellectuals.
 ☞ 校长不能来参加会议,因此由我来代表他。
 ☞ The headmaster could not come to the meeting, so I represented him.
 ☞ 这3个人代表不同类型的性格。
 ☞ These three persons represent different types of characters.
 ☞ 我们的人民政府是真正代表人民利益的政府。
 ☞ Our People's Government is one that genuinely represents the people's interests.
 ☞ 他的意见代表大多数人的意见。
 ☞ His opinion represents that of the majority.
2) 表示用符号代表,主语或谓语一般都是物。
 ☞ 地图上的红线代表铁路。
 ☞ The red lines on the map represent railways.
 ☞ 莫尔斯电码里的点和线都代表字母。
 ☞ In Morse code, dots and dashes represent letters.
2.act for,用得较狭,只表示代理,因此一般可以同represent的第一义换用。
 ☞ 我的律师代表我处理这件事。
 ☞ My lawyer will act for (represent) me in this matter.
 ☞ 他因为忙,要我代表他出席会议。
 ☞ As he was busy, he asked me to act for him at the meeting.
 ☞ 史密斯生病期间由他代表。
 ☞ He acted for Smith while he was ill.
3.stand for,词义也较窄,只表示用符号表示,因此可与represent的第二义换用。主语与宾语一般都为物。
 ☞ 这个方程式中T代表温度。
 ☞ In this equation, T stands for (represents) temperature.
 ☞ PLA这几个字母代表人民解放军。
 ☞ The letters PLA stand for the People's Liberation Army.
 ☞ 五星红旗代表我们国家。
 ☞ The five-star red flag stands for our country 他们跟我们不一样,是代表资本主义的。
 ☞ They differ from us and they stand for capitalism.
 ☞ 语言代表思想。
 ☞ Words embody thought.
 ☞ 青年中这种潮流代表了时代的精神。
 ☞ Such a trend among the youth embodies the spirit of the era.
5.on behalf of, in the name of,表示代表某人或某机构。
 ☞ 我们人大代表的一举一动都应代表人民群众。
 ☞ We the deputies of the National People's Congress should act on behalf of the masses.
 ☞ 请允许我代表我国政府向美国人民表示衷心感谢。
 ☞ On behalf of our government allow me to express heart-felt gratitude to the American people.
 ☞ 我代表中国人民向您表示热烈欢迎。
 ☞ In the name of the Chinese people I extend an enthusiastic welcome to you.
 ☞ 他代表全厂工人在会上讲了话。
 ☞ He spoke at the meeting in the name of the workers of the factory.
以上 以上
1.more than,指多于。
 ☞ 他当时的年龄在50以上。
 ☞ By then he was more than fifty years old.
 ☞ 个以上的大国在安理会上卷入了是否应向伊拉克派兵的争吵。
 ☞ More than 6 powers were involved in the dispute in the Security Council about whether to send troops to Iraq.
 ☞ 中国是世界上人口最多的国家,在13亿以上。
 ☞ China is the world's most populous country with a population over l.3 billion.
 ☞ 气温每天在上升,今天在摄氏40度以上。
 ☞ The temperature goes up every day. It's already over 40。centigrade today.
1) 表示数字上超过,可和more than或over换用。
 ☞ 参加会议的人在200人以上。
 ☞ Above (More than, Over) 200 people were present at the meeting.
2) 表示次序上在前。
 ☞ 从以上各个例子可以看出above的用法。
 ☞ In the examples above you can see the usage of "above".
3) 表示位置、职位或级别上高于…。
 ☞ 昆明的海拔在1,900米以上。
 ☞ Kunming is 1,900 meters above sea level.
 ☞ 他受到尊重是其职位在大多数人以上。
 ☞ He was esteemed above most people in his position.
 ☞ 县和县以上的人民代表大会每4年召开一次。
 ☞ People's congress at county level and above convenes every four years.
 ☞ 半山以上的石阶更陡。
 ☞ From halfway up the mountain, the stone steps become even steeper.
 ☞ 以上是我的几点建议。
 ☞ Those are a few of my suggestions.
 ☞ 我完全同意以上几位代表的发言。
 ☞ I fully agree with the delegates who have already spoken.
以下 以下
 ☞ 开封市在黄河河床以下20米。
 ☞ City Kaifeng is 20 meters below the riverbed of the Yellow River.
 ☞ 今天的温度在零度以下。
 ☞ Today's temperature is below zero.
 ☞ 他的身材在平均身高以下。
 ☞ He is below the standard height.
 ☞ 拳击时,击打腰带以下的部位为犯规。
 ☞ In boxing it is a foul to hit below the belt.
 ☞ 整个工程的费用在200万以下。
 ☞ The cost of the whole project was below two millions.
 ☞ 大桥以下的河段在涨大水。
 ☞ The river below the bridge is in flood.
2.under,与over相对,指垂直以下,等于directly below。试比较under与below的区别。
 ☞ 桥下的水深为3米。
 ☞ The river under the bridge is three meters deep.(直接指桥的下面水深)
 ☞ The river below the bridge is three meters deep.(指桥下游的河段水深)
  ■ 但有时分不清垂直以下还是相对以下,这时under与below可以换用。
 ☞ 18岁以下的运动员不予接受。
 ☞ Players under (below) 18 years old are not admitted.
 ☞ 他的大衣拖到了膝盖以下。
 ☞ His overcoat came under (below) his knees.
3.from down,指某人或某处以下。
 ☞ 这一仗,俘获了敌师长张辉瓒以下9,000人。
 ☞ In the battle 9,000 of the enemy, from their divisional commander Zhang Huizan down, were taken prisoners.
 ☞ 我的左膝盖以下都麻木了。
 ☞ My left leg has gone numb from the knee down.
4.follow, 指“以下紧跟着是…”。
 ☞ 以下都是他的经验叙述。
 ☞ What follows is the narrative of his experience.
 ☞ 以下是代表的名单。
 ☞ The following is a list of the delegates.
5.hereafter, 正式用语,常在合同、协议里使用。
 ☞ 以下将详细叙述该校舍的建筑结构。
 ☞ The structure of the school buildings will be reviewed in detail hereafter.
 ☞ 中国东方研究所(以下简称甲方)与德克萨斯仪器公司(以下简称乙方)就建立工程实验室一事达成协议。
 ☞ An agreement is hereby concluded between China Dongfang Research Institute (hereafter to be called the first party) and Texas Instrument Inc. (hereafter to be called the second party) for the establishing of an engineering laboratory.
以为 以为
 ☞ 原来是你呀,我还以为是她呢。
 ☞ So it's you. I thought it was she.
 ☞ 我以为你最好还是走。
 ☞ I think you'd better be going.
 ☞ 尽管发出了警报,但村民们仍以为洪水不会来。
 ☞ The villagers still did not think that the flood would come though a warning was given.
 ☞ 我不以为外交是私人可以经营的领域。
 ☞ I don't think diplomacy is a field for private enterprise.
  ■ 应注意的是汉语“以为”在否定时的两种译法。一是实事求是地谈自己的看法。意思是Some people may think so, but I don't think so.上面的几句译文就属这类用法。二 是“不以为”用于修辞时可使语气委婉。例如某个父亲对别人说:“我儿子是个懒骨头。”可以直接说:My son is a lazy-bone.但别人对这个父亲说他的儿子时就不会那么露骨。他会说:“你儿子不是个勤快的孩子。” 可译为:Your son is not a diligent boy.但如果还要进一步委婉,就要说:“我以为你儿子不是个勤快的孩子。”译为:I don't think your son is a diligent boy.这就是我们常在英语中讲的“否定转移”。下面是几个这样的例子。
 ☞ 在这件事情上,我以为我不必再浪费时间了。
 ☞ I don't think we need waste time on this matter any longer.
 ☞ 我以为我走不了了。
 ☞ I don't think I can get away.
 ☞ 共产党员们以为国家应拥有生产资料。
 ☞ Communists believe that the state should own the means of production.
 ☞ 我以为果树今年会结果。
 ☞ I believe the fruit trees are going to bear fruit this year.
 ☞ 她不以为这个过错是他的责任。
 ☞ She didn't believe that the fault lay with him.
 ☞ 我们不以为这样的事情有多大的关系。
 ☞ We did not believe that such things mattered much.
  ■ believe与think一样,用否定转移来表示委婉。
 ☞ 我以为你诊断得不对。
 ☞ I don't believe that your diagnosis is right.
 ☞ 我以为她不在家,不过你可以去看看。
 ☞ I don't believe she's at home, but you can go and see.
 ☞ 我们以为那样做比较好。
 ☞ We consider it better to do that way.
 ☞ 父母都以为儿子现在的工作更适合他的兴趣。
 ☞ The parents consider that the present job of their son is far better suited to his interest.
 ☞ 科学家都以为火星上没有生命。
 ☞ Scientists assume that there is no life on Mars.
 ☞ 我们不要以为自己不了解的东西,广大群众也不了解。
 ☞ We must not assume that things we ourselves cannot understand are not understood by the masses.
 ☞ 共产党人应该以兴利除弊为己任。
 ☞ Communists should regard promotion of what is beneficial and abolishment of what is harmful as their own responsibility.
 ☞ 他终日以吟诗作画为乐。
 ☞ He took pleasure in chanting poetry and painting pictures all day long.
 ☞ 你认敌为友,不以为耻,反以为荣。
 ☞ Instead of being ashamed, you glory in the fact that you take the foe for your friend.
 ☞ 朋友之间应以友情为重。
 ☞ One should put friendship above everything else among friends.
 ☞ 医务工作要以防为主,防治结合。
 ☞ In medical care we must put prevention first and combine prevention with treatment.
 ☞ 不要意气用事,做事都要以和为贵。
 ☞ Don't be swayed by your feelings and the best policy is to conciliate your opponents in dealing with everything.
 ☞ 有时以退为进可以取得主动。
 ☞ One can gain the initiative by retreating for the sake of advance.
 ☞ 不要以邻为壑,要时刻为别人着想。
 ☞ Don't use the neighbor's field as an outlet of your overflow and always think about the interests of others.
 ☞ 你们要以学为主,兼学别样。
 ☞ Your main task is to study and at the same time you may learn other things.
以便 以便
 ☞ 丈夫要妻子去医院,以便检查身体。
 ☞ Husband made wife go to the hospital for a health check.
 ☞ 今天做好准备,以便明天一早动身。
 ☞ Make preparations today for an early start tomorrow.
 ☞ 我兄弟找了个工作以便挣钱度假。
 ☞ My brother got a job to earn money for his holiday.
 ☞ 我早早起来,以便有时间打点行装。
 ☞ I got up early to have time to pack.
3.in order to, 目的副词,后接动词,与to表示同样的概念。但用在正式场合,语气也较重。
 ☞ 他日夜辛勤地工作,以便改善工人的劳动条件。
 ☞ He labored day and night in order to improve the working conditions of the workers.
 ☞ 他尽量存钱,以便替他父亲还债。
 ☞ He was saving as much as possible in order to repay his father's debt.
 ☞ 植物需要氮,以便制造蛋白质。
 ☞ The plant requires nitrogen in order to make proteins.
4.so as to,与in order to是一对相应的状语词组,但前者用于口语,后者用于书面。
 ☞ 她决定加紧学习,以便赶上别人。
 ☞ She decided to study harder so as to (in order to) catch up with the others.
 ☞ 她找了个借口上洗手间,以便让我们俩单独待着。
 ☞ She made an excuse to go to the lavatory, so as to leave us both alone.
5.so that, in order that, 是一对相应的连词,但前者常用于口语。如果主句是现在时,它后面的谓语则具有将来的含义,而不管其动词是现在时还是将来时。
 ☞ 我们要早点动身,以便错开交通的高峰时间。
 ☞ We're going to make an early start so that we (will) stagger the rush hour.
 ☞ 我们应该给他去信,以便他能及时赶来。
 ☞ We ought to write to him in order that he can come in time.
  ■ 如果主句是过去时,则从句的谓语动词前应用should,could,would,might等动词。
 ☞ 我随身带着钓鱼竿以便在周末去钓鱼。
 ☞ I took my fishing rod with me so that I could go fishing at the weekend.
 ☞ 他悄悄地进来,以便不吵醒妻子。
 ☞ He came in quietly in order that he shouldn't wake his wife.
 ☞ 她是有意和她儿子的女朋友闲聊的,以便不让她感到无聊。
 ☞ She purposely chatted with her son's girl friend so that she wouldn't feel bored.
 ☞ 他们飞往那里以便能及时参加开幕典礼。
 ☞ They flew there in order that they might be in time to attend the opening ceremony.
6.with the aim of,目的性比for明确。
 ☞ 我们要集中兵力,以便围而歼之。
 ☞ We must encircle the enemy with a concentrated force with the aim of annihilating them.
 ☞ 他们改革了工具,以便一年干两年的活。
 ☞ They have improved their tools with the aim of doing two year's work in one.
以免 以免
1.avoid,指有意避免。不过由于需要做一件事才能避免另一件事,因此在句中常以to avoid这样带有明确目的的不定式出现。
 ☞ 你要仔细检查这些数字,以免出错。
 ☞ You have to check these figures carefully to avoid mistakes.
 ☞ 我们要充分准备,以免开会讨论时毫无结果。
 ☞ We must be fully prepared to avoid fruitless discussion at the meeting.
 ☞ 我们都要他冷静,以免从一个极端走向另一个极端。
 ☞ We all made him sober-minded to avoid going from one extreme to the other.
2.in order not to,用来引入动词不定式,表示避免的不是事情而是行为,也带有明确的目的性。
 ☞ 我们要早点动身,以免错过火车。
 ☞ We're going to star earlier in order not to miss the train.
 ☞ 解放前贫苦的农民常常逃壮丁,以免被抓去当兵。
 ☞ Before liberation the poor peasants often ran away from being press-ganged in order not to be grabbed for military service.
  ■ 不过,如果动词本身已带有否定意义时,则要去掉not而用in order to。
 ☞ 她关上窗子,以免虫子进来。
 ☞ She shut the window in order to keep the insects out.
3.so as not to,与in order not to同义,不过在口语里更为常用。
 ☞ 自行车要放在存车处,以免影响交通。
 ☞ Bicycles should be left at parking lots so as not to block the traffic.
 ☞ 他找了个借口要去医院,以免同我见面。
 ☞ He made an excuse to go to hospital, so as not to meet me.
  ■ 与in order not to相同,如果动词带有否定意义,也要去掉not,只用so as to。
 ☞ 考试题是保密的,以免作弊。
 ☞ The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating.
4.so that, in order that,是一对意义和用法相同的连词,由于它们都不带not, 故从句应为否定句。
 ☞ 我们要早点动身,以免堵车。
 ☞ We're going to make an early start so that we don't get stuck in the traffic.
 ☞ 我们应当给他去信,以免他以为我们有事瞒着他。
 ☞ We ought to write to him, in order that he doesn't feel we're hiding things from him.
以前 以前
 ☞ 他是20年前死的。
 ☞ He died 20 years ago,或It was 20 years ago that he died.
 ☞ 我这次感冒是两个星期以前得的。
 ☞ I caught this cold two weeks ago.
  ■ 但是在下列情况下,ago可以与现在时连用。
1) must(may等助词)+have+过去分词。
 ☞ 她一周以前可能见过他。
 ☞ She must have seen him a week ago. (must have seen是现在形态的过去时故可以用ago)
2) having+过去分词。
 ☞ 她在一周前见他之后一直在想他。
 ☞ Having seen him a week ago, she is always thinking of him.(ago用在分词结构的完成时态里与主句里的现在时无关)
 ☞ 她常常讲起她在一周以前见过他的事。
 ☞ She always speaks of having seen him a week ago.
3) have+过去分词。
 ☞ 她似乎在一周以前见过他。
 ☞ She seems to have seen him a week ago.(ago用在动词不定式的完成时态里,也与主句里的现在时无关)
4) 用在非正式的口语里。
 ☞ 他回家已有5年了。
 ☞ It is five years ago that he returned home.(着重点在“现已有5年”)
 ☞ 我的英语在老早以前就全忘了。
 ☞ I have forgotten all my English long ago.(等于long before)
 ☞ 这铺子老早老早以前就关门了。
 ☞ The shop was closed down a long time ago.(等于 long long before)
2.before, 做副词、介词或连词,各有不同的用法。
1) before表示“以前”时,有两种用法。
 ☞ 我们以前见过很多次。
 ☞ We have met many times before,试比较:We met three years ago.
 ☞ 他以前没去过中国。
 ☞ He has never been to China before.试比较:He was in China a week ago.
 ☞ 这姑娘有点紧张,好像以前从来没有在那么多的人面前唱过歌。
 ☞ The girl was a little nervous as she had never sung in front of so many people before.试比较:It was three days ago that she had sung in front of as many people as today.
 ☞ 今天的客机比以前任何时候都飞得更高更快。
 ☞ Today's airliner can fly much higher and faster than ever before.斌比较:Twenty years ago the airliner flew much lower and slower than that of today.
 ☞ 他是拜访过我,不过我在3天以前去了上海。
 ☞ He did call on me, but I had left for Shanghai three days before.(指从拜访那天算起的3天以前)试比较:3天以前我去了上海。I left for Shanghai three days ago.(指从现在算起的3天以前)
 ☞ 去年我离开了那家公司,我是在3年以前加入该公司的。
 ☞ Last year I left the company that I joined three years before.(指从加入的那天算起的3年以前)试比较:
 ☞ 我是3年以前开始在那家公司工作的。
 ☞ I started working for the company three years ago.(指从现在算起的3年以前)
  ■ 由于before有可以追溯到某个时间以前的这种特性,因此在谈到未来某个时期以前时也可用before。
 ☞ 要是你明天上午去他家,他夫人大概会告诉你他于两天前出国了。
 ☞ If you go to his house tomorrow morning you will probably be told by his wife that he has gone abroad two days before.
 ☞ 几分钟以前刚刚听到的东西,他都常常会把它忘了。
 ☞ He often forgets what he has heard only a few minutes before.
 ☞ 一两个小时以前刚刚学到的单词或片语,他也常想把它们用起来。
 ☞ He often tries to use a word or phrase that he has learned only an hour or two before.
2) before,用作介词,一般接名词或动名词。
 ☞ 第二次世界大战爆发以前,我去过欧洲。
 ☞ I had been to Europe before the outbreak of World War Ⅱ.
 ☞ 我们得在天亮以前赶到那里。
 ☞ We have to get there before daybreak.
 ☞ 跨越马路以前你要先看看两边的车道。
 ☞ Before crossing the road, you should have a look at both ways.
 ☞ 一切法律生效以前都应提交全国人民代表大会批准。
 ☞ All laws are to be submitted to the National People's Congress for ratification before being put into force.
3) before用作连词时,句中的动词用一般现在时代替将来时。
 ☞ 我回家以前先得做完作业。
 ☞ I must finish my assignment before I go home.
 ☞ 她动身以前他一定来。
 ☞ He will certainly come before she starts.
 ☞ 他想起了20年以前那个寒冷多风的傍晚。
 ☞ He recalled that cold windy evening twenty years earlier (before)。
 ☞ 我是两天以前离开北京的。
 ☞ I left Beijing two days earlier (before).
 ☞ 4天以前,他的脚被一条毒蛇咬了一口。
 ☞ Four days earlier (before) his foot had been bitten by a poisonous snake.
 ☞ 几天以前我才看过这部电影。
 ☞ I had seen the film only a few days earlier (before).
4.prior to,与介词before大致相同,但为书面语,更强调事先。
 ☞ 我母亲结婚以前是个护士。
 ☞ Prior to (Before) her marriage my mother was a nurse.
 ☞ 美国在独立战争以前是英国的殖民地。
 ☞ Prior to (Before) the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.
 ☞ 每次故事开始以前都要来段开场白,有必要吗?
 ☞ Is it necessary to make an introductory remark preceding the opening of the story every time?
 ☞ 我记得那场战争,但再以前的岁月却什么都记不得了。
 ☞ I remember the war but nothing of the preceding years.
 ☞ 他以前的同学是代表团的成员。
 ☞ His former classmate was a member of the delegation.
 ☞ 他整个晚上都把我们逗得哈哈大笑,他似乎更像以前的他了。
 ☞ He made us laughing all the evening. He seemed more like his former self.
 ☞ 我们尚无以前的资料可资借鉴。
 ☞ We have not yet any previous information to guide us.
 ☞ 你对姑娘以前有过经验吗?
 ☞ Do you have any previous experience with a girl?
  ■ 不过,previous to和previously却失去了这种含义。
 ☞ 我对那次事故一无所知,它发生在我到达这里以前。
 ☞ I know nothing about the accident. It happened previous to my arrival here.
 ☞ 他们现在是朋友,但以前是死敌。
 ☞ They are now friends, but were previously bitter enemies.
8.used to,指以前往往如此,现在已不这样。
 ☞ 教育局长以前是位教师。
 ☞ The director the bureau education of used to be a teacher.
 ☞ 现在我跟他搞得不错,比以前好多了。
 ☞ I get on well with him nowadays. Much better than I used to.
以后 以后
1) after,用在某个时间之后。
 ☞ 我十点以后有空。
 ☞ I shall be free after ten o'clock.
 ☞ 两年以后他回到了家乡。
 ☞ He returned to his hometown after two years.
  ■ 计算时间时,通常不把after后的那个时刻计算在内。
 ☞ I had been in Shanghai twenty days after May l.(即从5月2日算起的20天里)
2) after也可用于某一事件或事件某一时刻之后。
 ☞ 解放以后他去了国外。
 ☞ He went abroad after liberation.
 ☞ 他到达两小时以后,我舞访了他。
 ☞ Two hours after his arrival I called on him.
3) after除用作介词以外,还用作连词。从句中的谓语用现在时代替将来时。
 ☞ 他回来以后,我们将继续讨论。
 ☞ After he comes back, we shall continue the discussion.
4) after用作状语时,可以与afterwards换用或与(not)long连用。
 ☞ 我们一家在餐馆一起用了餐,以后就回家了。
 ☞ We had dinner together at a restaurant and went home after (afterwards).
 ☞ 她走了很久以后我才发现了那封信。
 ☞ I found the letter long after she had gone away.
 ☞ 果然,不久以后从前线传来了胜利的消息。
 ☞ Sure enough, not long after news of victory came from the front.
2.in, 也可表示“在…以后”,但必须与瞬间动词come,see,stop,arrive或be动词等连用,表示将来的动作,即使用于现在时或过去时也不例外。
 ☞ 她将在一两天以后来这里。
 ☞ She'll come here in a day or two.
 ☞ 火车两小时以后到。
 ☞ The train will arrive in two hours.
 ☞ 60天以后到期偿还。
 ☞ Repayment is due in sixty days.
 ☞ 足球赛20分钟以后开始。
 ☞ The football game was to commence in twenty minutes.
  ■ 但如果in与延续动词连用,则作“以内”解时可与within换用。
 ☞ 她会在3年以内学会另一门外语。
 ☞ She will learn another foreign language in (within) three years.
 ☞ 他答应两天以内修好屋顶。
 ☞ He promised that roof should be repaired in (within) two days.
  ■ 同样,如果两个瞬间动词构成一个连续的动作过程,火一个瞬间动词连续多次动作时(等于一个延续动词的功能),故in也作“以内”解,并也可与within换用。
 ☞ 会议今天开始,大概一星期以后结束。
 ☞ The conference begins today and will probably close in (within)a week's time.(两个瞬间动词构成一个连续动作)
 ☞ 我一个星期以后再去看他。
 ☞ I shall see him again in a week.(看一次作“以后”解)
 ☞ 我要在一个星期以内去看他几次。
 ☞ I shall see him several times in (within)a week.(看几次作“以内”解)
  ■ 再请注意in 和after 的区别。
 ☞ 医生劝他说:“如果你练一套气功,你身上的毛病大概会在3个月以后消失。”
 ☞ The doctor advised him: "If you do a course of the system of breathing exercise, your physical trouble will probably disappear in three months.(指从说话时间算起的3个月以后,是向将来顺算3个月)
 ☞ 他从1月份起开始练气功,身上的毛病3个月以后消失了。
 ☞ He began to do a course of the system of breathing exercise in January and his physical trouble disappeared three months after.(指3个月的时间已经结束,故要向过去倒算3个月)
 ☞ 他将于4个星期以后到达。
 ☞ He will arrive in four weeks.(指从现在起向前推算 4个星期以后)
 ☞ 他4个星期以后到达。
 ☞ He arrived after four weeks.(指从到达那时起向后推算4个星期以后)
  ■ 请再看:
 ☞ 他到达以后两小时,我拜访了他。
 ☞ Two hours after his arrival I called on him.或In two hours after his arrival I called on him.
 ☞ 他到达以后的两小时我拜访了他。
 ☞ Within two hours after his arrival I called on him.
 ☞ 在他到达以后两小时的这段时间里,上百人拜访了他。
 ☞ During the two hours after his arrival nearly a hundred people called on him.
 ☞ 示过去某个动作或状态后一直延续到现在。故谓语都用完成时。
 ☞ 古希腊时期以后的舞台剧都配有音乐。
 ☞ Stage plays have been set to music since the era of the ancient Greece.
 ☞ 解放以后一直都在做全国性的犯罪统计。
 ☞ National statistics on crime have been kept since liberation.
  ■ 由此再来看since和after的区别。
 ☞ 毕业以后他一直在国外。
 ☞ He has been abroad since his graduation 毕业以后他去了国外。
 ☞ He went abroad after his graduation.
  ■ 如果把上述两词由介词改为连词,结果也是一样。
 ☞ 他毕业后一直在国外。
 ☞ He has been abroad since he graduated.
 ☞ 他毕业后去了国外。
 ☞ He went abroad after he graduated.
 ☞ 他们第一次会面以后她似乎就对他没有好感。
 ☞ She seemed to have taken no fancy to him from the time of their first meeting.
 ☞ 从今以后你要更加努力地工作。
 ☞ From now on you have to work still harder.
  ■ 要注意from now on与from then on的时态区别。
 ☞ 从今以后你就是一个人了。
 ☞ From now on you will be alone.(用将来时态)
 ☞ 打那以后,你就是一个人了。
 ☞ From then on you would be alone.(用过去时态)
5.later (on),是个比较级,强调要与以前比较。
 ☞ 我于5月1日拜访了他,并于一周以后再次造访。
 ☞ I called on him on I May, and called again a week later.(同为过去时,但两个动作一前一后,故可比较)
 ☞ 我将于10月1日拜访他,并将于一周后再次造访。
 ☞ I shall call on him on I October and shall call again a week later.(同为将来时,但两个动作一前一后,故可比较)
 ☞ 你第一次见他的时候,你可能认为他很难接近,但等你一周以后再次见他的时候,你可能已发现他相当讨人喜欢。
 ☞ When you see him for the first time, you may think him rather inaccessible, but when you see him again a week later you are likely to find him quite likable.
  ■ 有时,尽管句中没有比较对象,但仍隐含有前后对比。
 ☞ 委员会开始由9人组成,以后改为13人。
 ☞ The committee consisted of nine, later of thirteen members.
 ☞ 这次谡会我们以后也就解释清楚了。
 ☞ We thrashed this misunderstanding out later on.
  ■ 因此,later 不能用于没有比较的句子里,如不能说:I shall call again a week later. 而要把a week later改成in a week。再看later 和later on的区别:
 ☞ 虽然以后我知道了,但当时我的确不知道那件事。
 ☞ I did not know that then indeed, though I learned it later.(指后来那一瞬间才知道,故要用later和瞬间动词learn)
 ☞ 至于以后怎么样我就不知道了。
 ☞ I don't know what happened later on.(指在以后一段时间都不知道,故要用later on和延续性动词 know)
 ☞ 爱因斯坦在最伟大的著作完成以后,他才有了机会会见他那个时代的任何一位科学巨人。
 ☞ Einstein's greatest work was done before he had the opportunity of meeting any of the great men of science of his day.
 ☞ 要几个月以后他才会适应工作。
 ☞ It would be months before he was fit for work.
 ☞ 这次去国外深造的名单中没有你,你也不要放在心土。以后还会有机会去的。
 ☞ Don't mind that you're not among in the list of those who are going abroad for advanced study. You'll have a chance to go.
 ☞ 她以后还会每天来看你的。
 ☞ She will come to see you every day.
以外 以外
 ☞ 除汉族以外,中国还有55个少数民族。
 ☞ There are 55 minorities in China besides Hans.
 ☞ 他除了教课以外,还搞学校里的共青团工作。
 ☞ Besides teaching, he is in charge of the school's Youth League work.
 ☞ 除了这个房间以外,所有的屋子都打扫了。
 ☞ All the rooms have been cleaned except this one.
 ☞ 除了到办公室以外,她很少去哪儿。
 ☞ She rarely went anywhere except to her office.
3.other than,指经过选择众多事物之后的以外。
 ☞ 除了窗子以外,房子的各个部分的情况都不错。
 ☞ All parts of the house other than windows were in good condition.
 ☞ 除铁以外的其他成分的存在都会影响钢的物理性质。
 ☞ The presence of elements other than iron affects the physical properties of steel.
4.beyond, 指在某个界线以外。
 ☞ 我在山区长大,对大山以外的事情什么都不知道。
 ☞ I was grown up in a mountain area and had no idea of anything beyond the mountains.
 ☞ 他看见树林以外有幢房子。
 ☞ He saw a house beyond the wood.
 ☞ 营房以外的拥军优属运动搞得热火朝天。
 ☞ Outside the barracks the campaign to support the army and give preferential treatment to families of revolutionary army-men and martyrs was building with activity.
 ☞ 除了家人以外无人知道。
 ☞ No one knows outside the family.
6.further than, 指某个距离以外。
 ☞ 雾太大,5米以外就看不见了。
 ☞ There was such a heavy fog that one could not see further than five meters.
 ☞ 鼻子以外的东西她就看不见了。
 ☞ She sees no further than her nose.
7.another thing,有时有“除此之外的一件事情”的意思。常用来开始另一件事的叙述。
 ☞ 除此之外,我还有一封信要寄。
 ☞ There's another letter I have to send.
 ☞ 除此之外,我还有一件事麻烦你。
 ☞ There's another thing I have to trouble you about.
以致 以致
 ☞ 他平时综习不刻苦,以致考核不及格。
 ☞ He didn't practice hard, so he failed in the test.
 ☞ 他们告诉我店铺要9点才开门,以致我不得不等。
 ☞ They told me the shop opened at nine, so I had to wait.
 ☞ 雨很大,以致淹了土地。
 ☞ The rain was heavy and consequently the land was flooded.
 ☞ 文件没有准备好,以致我们没签成字。
 ☞ The documents were not ready, consequently we could not sign them.
3.with the result that, 强调一事带来的结果,后接结果从句。as a result后接独立句。
 ☞ 有些人不认真学习,以致思想落后于形势。
 ☞ Some people don't study hard, with the result that their thinking lags behind events.
 ☞ 我睡过了头,以致上班迟到。
 ☞ I overslept with the result that I was late for work.
 ☞ 他跌断了腿,以致两三个月不能上学。
 ☞ He fell and broke his leg. As a result he will have to be away from school for two or three months.
4.so that, so…that, 也接结果从句。但用来说明前面的原因。
 ☞ 李明老说假话,以致没人相信他说校园里来了辆高级轿车。
 ☞ Li Ming often told untrue stories, so that no one believed when he told about a first class car in the school yard.
 ☞ 她又年轻又矮小,以致我们都不认为她是老师。
 ☞ She was so young and so small that we all didn't take her for our teacher.
任(任凭) 任(任凭)
  ■ “任”和“任凭”是两个同义的虚词。“任”常用于口语;而“任凭”则用于书面。
1.no matter what (who, how等), whatever,whoever,however等让步连词,有“无论”的意思。表示在任何惰况下结果和结论都一样。
 ☞ 任(凭)我们怎么劝说,他就是不听。
 ☞ No matter how hard we tried to persuade him, he wouldn't listen.
 ☞ 任(凭)你说什么我都不信。
 ☞ No matter what you say, I won't believe you.
 ☞ 任(凭)谁来电话,都说我不在。
 ☞ No matter who telephones, say I'm out.
 ☞ 任(凭)你走到哪里都可以见到可口可乐。
 ☞ No matter where you go, you'll find Coca-Cola.
 ☞ 任(凭)她走到哪里,都会受到欢迎的。
 ☞ No matter where she goes, she'll be welcome.
  ■ whoever,whatever等一般可与no matter who,what等换用。如上句“任凭你说什么,我也不信。”也可译作 "Whatever you say, I won't believe you."不过两者之间也有一点细微差别,即no matter what等的短语用来连接两个分句,并在分句中起主语或宾语的作用。但whatever等短语在没有让步的情况下却能单独用作主语或宾语。例如:I'll eat whatever you give me.你给啥我吃啥。(不能说I'll eat no matter what you give me.)I don't care whoever you are.你是谁我管不着。(不能说I don't care no matter who you are.)
2.even if(though),也是让步连词。有“尽管”的意思。
 ☞ 任凭她男人催着她去睡觉,她还是不愿离开电视机。
 ☞ She wouldn't leave the TV set even if her husband was urging her to go to bed.
 ☞ 任凭老板对她怎么抱怨,她依然是个可爱的小东西。
 ☞ She remained a lovely little thing even if the boss kept on complaining of her.
 ☞ 任凭好多人都反对,我还是说他是个老实人。
 ☞ I said that he was an honest man even though many were opposed to him.
 ☞ 任凭江水冷得刺骨,工人们依然坚持下水工作。
 ☞ The workers kept on working in the river even though the water was icily cold.
3.in spite of,despite,让步介词,有“不管”,“不顾”的意思,只是后者比前者更为书卷气。
 ☞ 任凭男人在外面拈花惹草,她还是对他忠心耿耿。
 ☞ She remained royal to her husband in spite of his philandering.
 ☞ 任凭狂风暴雨,她照样上班。
 ☞ She went to work as usual in spite of the heavy storm.
 ☞ 任凭刮风下雨他都坚持锻炼。
 ☞ He never stops physical training despite the change of the weather.
 ☞ 任凭天气多么恶劣,我们也要出航。
 ☞ We will set sail despite the bad weather.
4.(do as) one likes (pleases),有“听凭”的意思。
 ☞ 要去要留,任凭你自己。
 ☞ You may go or stay as you like (please).
 ☞ 要去哪任凭你。
 ☞ You can go anywhere as you please (like).
 ☞ 任你拿哪一个都可以。
 ☞ Take whichever you like.
 ☞ 任你挑选。
 ☞ Choose anyone you like.
 ☞ 任凭是谁都不能违反这些规定。
 ☞ No one is allowed to break the regulations.
 ☞ 任凭什么酷刑都无法使他屈服。
 ☞ No torture could make him yield.
 ☞ 任凭什么艰难困苦也阻挡不了这些青年勇往直前。
 ☞ No difficulties or hardships can stop the courageous advance of these young people.
 ☞ 任凭什么挫折都不能使他动摇。
 ☞ No setbacks can make him waver.
  ■ “任”用作宾语时也是个多义词。有下面几种处理方式。
 ☞ 我们没有其他办法,只能任其自生自灭。
 ☞ We have no choice but to let it emerge and perish of itself.
 ☞ 书店里有那么多的黄色书刊,你们决不能任其泛滥。
 ☞ There are so many Pornographic books and periodicals in bookstores. You never let them spread unchecked.
 ☞ 我在联合国工作时他任驻美大使。
 ☞ He was appointed as ambassador to the United States when I was working at the United Nations.
 ☞ 新任市长也参加了我们的会议。
 ☞ The newly appointed mayor attended our conference as well.
 ☞ 他连任10年大使。
 ☞ He took up office as ambassador for ten years continuously.
 ☞ 他在内阁中任过许多重要职务。
 ☞ He had held may important offices in the cabinet.
 ☞ 大使休假一个月期满后返任。
 ☞ The ambassador returned to his post after having a month's holiday.
 ☞ 他被任命为军长后就去赴任了。
 ☞ He proceeded to take up his post as soon as he had been appointed army commander.
 ☞ 东西放在家里,任怎么也丢不了。
 ☞ As long as we leave these things in the house, they can't possibly get lost.
 ☞ 衣服的花色品种很多,任你选择。
 ☞ There are clothes of different designs and colors for you to choose from.
 ☞ 这事不能任他一人处理。
 ☞ This shouldn't be left entirely to his discretion.
 ☞ 他做过两任大使。
 ☞ He has twice been ambassador.
任务 任务
 ☞ 新政府的首要任务就是降低通货膨胀率。
 ☞ The new government's prime task is to reduce the rate of inflation.
 ☞ 规划的任务是在利用机会的同时尽可能把风险降到最低限度。
 ☞ It is the task of planning to minimize risk while taking advantage of opportunities.
 ☞ 尽管任务重、时间紧,我们也照样完成。
 ☞ We'll fulfill the task as before though it is hard and time is pressing.
 ☞ 一位外交官被派去执行一项秘密任务。
 ☞ A diplomat was sent to carry out a secret mission.
 ☞ 一队士兵晚间秘密在敌国海岸登陆,他们的任务是炸毁无线电台。
 ☞ A party of soldiers was landed secretly at night on the enemy coast, their mission was to blow up the radio station.
 ☞ 你的任务是在夜里照顾孩子。
 ☞ Your mission is to care for the children at night.
 ☞ 我担任记者后第一次重要任务是采访一起大规模的骚乱事件。
 ☞ My first major assignment as a reporter was to cover a large-scale riot.
 ☞ 她不久将去美国执行一项特殊任务。
 ☞ She is going to the United States on a special assignment.
 ☞ 他说他的任务是分捡和分发信件。
 ☞ He said his duties were to sort and deliver letters.
 ☞ 自从老爷娶了姨太太以后,使我讨厌的惟一的新任务就是每天得跟着姨太太提菜篮子。
 ☞ The only new duty I hated was having to carry the shopping basket for the concubine since my master had been married to her.
 ☞ 我妈妈当时给一家地主当老妈子,任务之一是每天早晨上街买菜。
 ☞ My mother worked as a maidservant for a landlord.
 ☞ One of her jobs was to go to the market to buy food in the morning.
 ☞ 当时给了我一项筹措资金的任务。
 ☞ I was given the job of raising funds.
企图 企图
 ☞ 囚犯企图组织越狱,但以失败告终。
 ☞ The prisoners attempted to organize a jailbreak but ended in failure.
 ☞ 他企图做几乎不可能的事,不过他做成了。
 ☞ He attempted to do the almost impossible and brought it off.
 ☞ 那位歇斯底里的妇女几次企图结束自己的生命以引起别人注意。
 ☞ The hysterical woman attempted to kill herself several times in order to get attention.
 ☞ 一开始我们以为这次企图可能会失败,但最后我们还是成功了。
 ☞ At first we felt that the attempt must have failed, but we finally succeeded.
 ☞ 敌军企图突围,但未得逞。
 ☞ The enemy failed in his attempt to effect a breakthrough.
 ☞ 永远也别企图过河拆桥。
 ☞ Never try to pull down the bridge after crossing the river.
 ☞ 她总是企图把他捏在手心里。
 ☞ She always tries to get him in the palm of her hand.
 ☞ 你掩盖事实的企图是愚蠢的。
 ☞ It is foolish for you to try to conceal the facts.
 ☞ 大获全胜的共和党企图跟民主党搞联合。
 ☞ The Republican Party, now completely victorious, sought to consolidate the Democratic Party.
 ☞ 罪犯企图谋杀同伙灭口,但没有成功。
 ☞ The criminal sought to kill his accomplice to keep his mouth shut but he failed.
 ☞ 在这部著作里,作者企图表现的主题并不突出。
 ☞ The theme which the author has intended to bring forth in the book does not stand out.
 ☞ 本节的讨论并不企图对这个题目作无所不包的评述。
 ☞ The discussion in this section is not intended to be an all-inclusive review of the subject.
 ☞ 我怀疑他是不是别有企图。
 ☞ I doubt whether he has an ulterior motive.
 ☞ 审问他时,他隐瞒了作案的动机。
 ☞ Being questioned, he concealed his motive for committing the crime.
优先 优先
 ☞ 这个工程应优先于其他一切工程。
 ☞ This project has priority over all others.
 ☞ 买票时军人往往比平民优先。
 ☞ Military personnel often have priority over civilians when buying tickets.
 ☞ 生产资料的生产必须优先。
 ☞ The production of the means of production must be given priority.
 ☞ 你可以优先考虑。
 ☞ You're going to get top-priority consideration.
 ☞ 这个任务应该比其他一切任务优先。
 ☞ This task must be given precedence over all others.
 ☞ 你们对首先申请专利的人也给予优先吗?
 ☞ Do you give precedence as well to the one who applies first for a patent?
 ☞ 付账优先,买电视机放后。
 ☞ Paying our bills must take precedence over buying a TV set.
优势 优势
1.superiority, superior to,与inferiority, inferior to相对的优势,强调经过比较后的优势。
 ☞ 主动与战争力量的优势不能分离,而被动则与战争力量的劣势分不开。
 ☞ Initiative is inseparable from superiority in capacity to wage war, while passivity is inseparable from inferiority in capacity to wage war.
 ☞ 我军的力量与敌军相比占压倒的优势。
 ☞ Our forces are overwhelmingly superior to those of the enemy.
 ☞ 我们要在机动性上发挥我军的优势,以抵消装备上的劣势。
 ☞ We must give full play of advantages of our troops in maneuverability in order to offset our disadvantages in equipment.
 ☞ 对伊拉克一战,美国在军力和财力上都占压倒优势。
 ☞ In the war against Iraq the United States took overwhelming preponderance of its power and wealth.
 ☞ 对伊战争中的美军占有压倒性的空中优势。
 ☞ In the war against Iraq the U.S army had predominance in the air.
优待 优待
1) favored treatment,指有优惠的待遇。
 ☞ 我们应该优待军属。
 ☞ We must give favored treatment to servicemen's families.
2) preferential treatment,指有偏爱的待遇。
 ☞ 贵宾们都受到了优待。
 ☞ The distinguished guests were accorded preferential treatment.
3) good treatment,指好好对待、不予虐待的优待。
 ☞ 我们一贯优待俘虏。
 ☞ We have always offered good treatment to captives.
4) lenient treatment,指宽大对待的优待。
 ☞ 对认罪好的战犯也要优待。
 ☞ We also give lenient treatment to those war criminals who admitted their guilt.
1) special consideration,指予以特殊考虑的优待。
 ☞ 外宾应该优待。
 ☞ Special consideration should be given to foreign guests.
2) special care,指予以特殊照顾的优待。
 ☞ 烈士们为革命献出了生命;对其家属,国家应予以优待。
 ☞ Special care for the families of martyrs who have sacrificed their lives in the revolution is given in our country.
3) special favor,指予以特殊优惠的优待。
 ☞ 我们都是普通老百姓,不需要优待。
 ☞ We are all ordinary people and do not want special favors.
4) special half-price ticket,指半价优待票。
 ☞ 这些都是学生的半价优待票。
 ☞ These are special half-price tickets for students.
优点 优点
1.strong point,与weak point相对的优点,常用复数。
 ☞ 每个人都有自己的优点,也有自己的弱点。
 ☞ Each person has his own strong points and weak points as well.
 ☞ 毫无疑问,她有她自己的优点,但缺点也很抢眼。
 ☞ She, no doubt, has her merits, and her demerits are striking as well.
 ☞ 他的优点和缺点都一样突出。
 ☞ His virtues are as conspicuous as his defects.
 ☞ 这个办法有许多优点,不道缺点也自不待言。
 ☞ This method has many advantages, however, its disadvantages are also self-evident.

 ☞ 这孩子刚会走路,还不大会说话。
 ☞ The baby has just learned to walk but hasn't learned to speak yet.
 ☞ 他会表演许多绝技。
 ☞ He has learned to perform a number of feats.
 ☞ 你会抽烟吗?
 ☞ Do you smoke?
 ☞ 我会说英语。
 ☞ I speak English.
3.can, able to,指能力。
 ☞ 你会打字吗?
 ☞ Can you type?
 ☞ 他会唱几出京戏。
 ☞ He is able to sing a few Beijing Operas.
4.good at, skilled in, a past master of,指擅长于。
 ☞ 她会讲故事。
 ☞ She is good at telling stories.
 ☞ 他会修各种钟表。
 ☞ He is skilled in repairing all kinds of clocks and watches.
 ☞ 他很会这一套。
 ☞ He is a past master of this sort of game.
5.likely to,指可能会。
 ☞ 他会在家吗?
 ☞ Is he likely to be at home?
 ☞ 这位可爱的姑娘会嫁给怎么样的一个人呢?
 ☞ What sort of man is this lovely girl likely to marry?
6.sure to,指肯定会。
 ☞ 他会搞到的。
 ☞ He is sure to get it.
 ☞ 无论如何真相是会水落石出的。
 ☞ In any case the truth will be sure to come out.
7.prepared to,指会有某种思想准备。
 ☞ 除了傻瓜,没有人会相信的。
 ☞ None but fools are prepared to believe that.
 ☞ 这就是我为什么会承担责任的原因。
 ☞ That's why I'm prepared to undertake the responsibility.
 ☞ 一个高等学府会干出这等事来!
 ☞ An institution of higher learning would have done a thing like this!
 ☞ 她会对你说那样的事真叫人吃惊。
 ☞ It is really astonishing that she should say that sort of things to you.
会合 会合
 ☞ 两军会合后继续前进。
 ☞ The two armies joined forces and marched on.
 ☞ 这两条河在哪儿会合?
 ☞ Where do the two rivers join?
 ☞ 你先走,到了那里我们再和你会合。
 ☞ You go first and we'll join you there.
 ☞ 在那里小溪与大河会合。
 ☞ The brook meets the river there.
 ☞ 两支隧道掘进队在地T深处会合了。
 ☞ The two tunnel-driving teams met deep in the ground.
 ☞ 成千上万的村民在水坝工地会合。
 ☞ Thousands of villagers assembled at the dam site.
 ☞ 分散的革命力量于1928年秋天就是在这里会合的。
 ☞ It was here that the scattered forces of the revolution assembled in the autumn of 1928.
 ☞ 游行队伍从四面八方会合到天安门广场上。
 ☞ The parades converged on Tian An Men Square from all directions.
 ☞ 街上行驶的许多卡车和轿车都向公路会合。
 ☞ Many trucks and cars going through the streets are converging on the highway.
传播 传播
 ☞ 十月革命后,中国先进的知识分子开始传播马列主义。
 ☞ After the October Revolution the advanced intellectuals of China started to propagate Marxism-Leninism.
 ☞ 科普读物的目的在于传播知识。
 ☞ Popular science books aim at propagating knowledge.
 ☞ 不要传播不怀好意的报道。
 ☞ Don't propagate unkind reports.
 ☞ 电视是传播信息十分有力的媒体。
 ☞ Television is a very efficient medium for spreading information.
 ☞ 苍蝇传播疾病。
 ☞ Flies spread disease.
 ☞ 不要传播不怀好意的报道。
 ☞ Don't spread unkind reports.
 ☞ 预防接种防止了细菌的传播。
 ☞ Preventive inoculation checked the spread of germs.
3.侧重流传时,可译为circulate(书面用语),put... about(口头用语)。
 ☞ 传播谣言的人应受到指责。
 ☞ People who circulate rumors are to be blamed.
 ☞ 可是这类报道已由报界传播出来了。
 ☞ Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers.
 ☞ 我倒想知道是谁在传播谣言。
 ☞ I should like to know who put that rumor about?
 ☞ 有人已传播一种说法,认为我们公司要倒闭。
 ☞ Someone has put the story about that our company is being closed down.
 ☞ 就这样声波由一端传播到另一端。
 ☞ Thus the sound waves are transferred from one end to another.
 ☞ 这些情况促成了病人间接触性传染病的传播。
 ☞ These circumstances facilitate the transfer of contagious diseases among the patients.
传染 传染
 ☞ 水痘是一种传染病。
 ☞ Chicken pox is a contagious disease.
 ☞ 这病不传染。
 ☞ This disease is not contagious.
 ☞ 派了医生来扑灭传染病。
 ☞ Doctors were sent to stop the contagion.
2.infectious, infection, infect,指非接触性传染。
 ☞ 感冒很容易传染。
 ☞ Colds are highly infectious.
 ☞ 霍乱是一种传染病。
 ☞ Cholera is an infectious disease.
 ☞ 你可以戴上一个口罩来防止传染。
 ☞ You can guard against infection by wearing a mask over your face.
 ☞ 得了重感冒的人可能会传染给他周围的人。
 ☞ Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him.
 ☞ 他的病传染给了全家。
 ☞ He communicated the disease to the rest of his family.
 ☞ 老鼠身上的跳蚤常常会把病传染给人。
 ☞ Rat-fleas often communicate a disease to man.
 ☞ 学校里的孩子常常互相传染感冒。
 ☞ School children often communicate colds to each other.
伤(伤害) 伤(伤害)
 ☞ 她被汽车撞伤了。
 ☞ She was knocked down and injured by a car.
 ☞ 好在男孩只伤了一条腿。
 ☞ Fortunately the boy injured only one of his legs.
 ☞ 这种艰苦生活最终会伤害你的身体。
 ☞ This rough life will injure your health in the end.
 ☞ 我希望我没有伤到你的感情。
 ☞ I hope I didn't injure your feelings.
 ☞ 你的内伤好点没有?
 ☞ Have you got better from your internal injuries?
 ☞ 他摔倒时伤了腿。
 ☞ He hurt (injured) his leg when he fell.
 ☞ 你现在没危险了,没伤着吧?
 ☞ You are safe now, you're not hurt (injured), are you?
 ☞ 骑自行车如果不小心,既会伤害自己也会伤害别人。
 ☞ You might hurt yourself and others if you are not careful when you ride your bike.
 ☞ 一位绅士在任何情况下都没有权力去伤害一位女士。
 ☞ A gentleman has no right to hurt a woman under any circumstances.
 ☞ 刀伤使这个战士昏迷了几天。
 ☞ The knife wound left the soldier unconscious for days.
 ☞ 他的枪伤好了。
 ☞ His bullet wound has healed.
  ■ 但wound也可用来指心灵、情感的伤害,这时与hurt,injure没有多少区别。
 ☞ 她恶毒的用词真的伤了他。
 ☞ Her nasty remark really wounded him.
 ☞ 你说这样的话,伤(害)了他的自尊心。
 ☞ You have wounded his pride by saying things like that.
 ☞ 每句话都伤到了我心里。
 ☞ Every word wounded me to the soul.
 ☞ 他们没有伤害任何人,因此伤害他们是错误的。
 ☞ They do no harm to anyone, and it is wrong to hurt them.
 ☞ 你在这么暗的灯下看书会伤眼睛的。
 ☞ Reading in such dim light will harm your eyes.
 ☞ 医生说吸烟伤身体。
 ☞ Doctors say smoking harms our health.

 ☞ 我提请法庭注意证人有意在作伪证这一事实。
 ☞ I call the court attention to the fact that the witness is intentionally giving false testimony.
 ☞ 对于他说的话,我是真伪难辨。
 ☞ As to his words, I cannot tell the difference between true and false.
 ☞ 伪币骗过好多顾客。
 ☞ The counterfeit money fooled many customers.
 ☞ 一位乘警在火车的行李架上发现了满满一旅行包 100元的伪币。
 ☞ A railway policeman spotted a traveling bag full of counterfeit one-hundred-yuan bank notes on the baggage rack.
 ☞ 警方很快就找到了那个想使用伪币的家伙。
 ☞ The police quickly found the man who attempted to pass bogus currency.
 ☞ 伪国王坐在那儿跟朝臣们讨议国家大事呢。
 ☞ The bogus king was discussing state affairs with his courtiers sitting there.
 ☞ 研究星座对人命运的影响是一种伪科学。
 ☞ The study of the stars as an influence on man's fate is a pseudo-science.
 ☞ 真伪人道主义是有区别的。
 ☞ There is a distinction between true and pseudo humanism.
 ☞ 八路军攻城时,城里的伪政权惊恐万状。
 ☞ The puppet regime was in great panic when the Eighth Route Army attacked the city.
 ☞ 伪军知道大势已去,故对我们游击队也就睁一只眼闭一只眼。
 ☞ Aware of that game was as good as lost, the puppet soldiers began to turn a blind eye to our guerrillas.
伪装 伪装
1.pretend, 指为骗人而伪装。
 ☞ 他伪装进步,在解放前夕入了党。
 ☞ He joined the Party on the eve of liberation, pretending to be progressive.
 ☞ 她没真哭,只是伪装。
 ☞ She wasn't really crying. She was only pretending.
 ☞ 他伪装中立,企图从中为双方调解。
 ☞ He attempted to act as an intermediary between the two sides by feigning neutrality.
 ☞ 他向她问候,语调谨慎,既不伪装热情,也不假装亲切。
 ☞ He greeted her with his voice pitched carefully to avoid either feigned enthusiasm or cordiality.
 ☞ 我们在那里发现了几名伪装成老百姓的敌军士兵。
 ☞ There we found some enemy soldiers disguised as civilians.
 ☞ 几个骗子伪装成上级机关派出的检查人员混进了一家国家机构。
 ☞ Some swindlers gained entry to a state institution under the disguise of inspectors from higher authorities.
 ☞ 假的就是假的,伪装应当剥去。
 ☞ Sham is sham, and the mask must be stripped off.
 ☞ 撕去这个耍两面派的伪君子的伪装。
 ☞ Tear the mask from this double-dealing hypocrite.
 ☞ 高射炮已经用树枝伪装起来。
 ☞ The antiaircraft guns have been camouflaged with boughs of trees.
 ☞ 要欺骗敌人就必须伪装。
 ☞ Camouflage is necessary if we are to deceive the enemy.
  ■ 不过有时也用于天然的伪装。
 ☞ 许多昆虫生来就有伪装,用来躲避天敌。
 ☞ Many insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from their natural enemy.
伪造 伪造
 ☞ 他伪造他父亲的签名骗得了这笔钱。
 ☞ He got the money dishonestly by forging his father's signature.
 ☞ 一伙罪犯因伪造发票而被捕。
 ☞ A gang of criminals were arrested for forging invoices.
 ☞ 他伪造了一批能骗过集邮专家的稀有邮票。
 ☞ He forged a series of rare postage stamps that fooled expert philatelists.
 ☞ 这是一张伪造的支票。
 ☞ This is a forged check.
 ☞ 他因伪造百元美钞而被投入监狱。
 ☞ He was sent to prison for counterfeiting one-hundred-dollar bill.
 ☞ 他们因伪造货币而被拘押。
 ☞ They were held on charge of counterfeiting money.
 ☞ 这是一张伪造的邮票。
 ☞ This is a counterfeit stamp.
 ☞ 这些统计数字都是伪造的,以显示出口形势好转的假象。
 ☞ These statistical data were faked to show an improvement in export that didn't exist.
 ☞ 这个外交护照可能是伪造的。
 ☞ This diplomatic passport could be faked.
 ☞ 印制数以万计的伪造的银行信用卡是这位经理的主意。
 ☞ It had been the manager's idea to manufacture thousands of fake bank credit cards.
 ☞ 他在国外的见闻听起来不大可能,故很多人都认为他的经历是伪造的。
 ☞ What he saw and heard abroad sounded so improbable that many people consider his experience fabricated.
 ☞ 他伪造历史,混进了党内。
 ☞ He sneaked into our Party, fabricating his history.
 ☞ 他伪造账目,想欺骗那些不明真相的股东。
 ☞ He tried to deceive those shareholders, who do not know the truth, by falsifying accounts.
 ☞ 伪造出生证以获得绿卡的就是此人。
 ☞ It is the man who falsified his birth certificate to get a green card.
  ■ 如果这类作假是指性质上的,则可用其同根形容词false。
 ☞ 他来此地有秘密任务,用的是伪造的护照。
 ☞ He was here on some secret errand, with a false passport.
6.其他尚有bogus, spurious, pseudo等均可指性质上的伪造。如:
 ☞ 这是伪造的文件。
 ☞ This is a bogus (spurious) document.或This is a pseudo-graph.
估计 估计
 ☞ 你订计划一定要估计财力物力。
 ☞ When you make a plan, you must estimate financial and material resources.
 ☞ 我估计造一条渔船要3个月的时间。
 ☞ I estimate it will take three months to build a fishing boat.
 ☞ 该工程估计已耗资300万元。
 ☞ The project is estimated to have cost three million yuan.
 ☞ 据粗略估计,这项工作可在两年内完成。
 ☞ It is roughly estimated that the work can be finished in two years.
  ■ 过高估计或过低估计可在estimate前加前缀over或under。如:
 ☞ 过高估计敌人的力量是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong to overestimate the strength of the enemy.
 ☞ 不过,近年来我们对内地工业的发展在一定程度上估计过低。
 ☞ However, in recent years we have underestimated the development of inland industry to some extent.
2.an appraisal of,指由专家、内行精确评价做出的估计。
 ☞ 他对当前的国际形势做了清醒的估计。
 ☞ He made a clear-headed appraisal of the present international situation.
 ☞ 我完全承认这种估计的正确性。
 ☞ I fully admit the soundness of this appraisal.
 ☞ 你对他的理论怎么估计?
 ☞ What is your appraisal of his theory?
 ☞ 她估计该工程将耗资500万元。
 ☞ She calculated that the project would cost five million yuan.
 ☞ 我估计我们下午6时到达该市。
 ☞ I calculated that we'd arrive in the city at six p.m.
 ☞ 全国人口估计约13亿。
 ☞ The population of China is calculated roughly at 1.3 billion.
  ■ 错误估计,可在calculate前加前缀mis。
 ☞ 我爸对他的小艇的载重量估计错误,我们都上小艇以后,艇就沉没了。
 ☞ Dad miscalculated the load his boat would carry, so when we all got in, it sank.
 ☞ 你估计她赚了多少钱?
 ☞ How much do you reckon she has earned?
 ☞ 他估计我们离目的地只有几公里了。
 ☞ He reckoned that we were only a few kilometers from our destination.
 ☞ 我估计她会来。
 ☞ I reckon she'll come.
 ☞ 不过,你们要估计到还会有麻烦的。
 ☞ However, you should anticipate some trouble yet.
 ☞ 他没估计到反对意见竟出自自己党内。
 ☞ He didn't anticipate that the opposition should have come from within his own party.
 ☞ 我们估计敌人会企图抢占这座桥过河。
 ☞ We anticipated that the enemy would try to seize the bridge to cross the river.
 ☞ 显然,他对最坏的结果已经估计到了。
 ☞ Evidently, he has expected the worst.
 ☞ 我没估计到会在这里遇到你。
 ☞ I didn't expect to have met you here.
 ☞ 我们没估计到,对教学大纲会有那么多分歧。
 ☞ We didn't expect there was so much disagreement about the teaching program.
7.take into account(consideration),指通过把某种因素考虑在内后的估计。
 ☞ 这种可能性我们必须估计到。
 ☞ We must take that possibility into account.
 ☞ 这一切,你是应该充分估计到的。
 ☞ You ought to take all this fully into account.
 ☞ 这些都是应该估计到的因素。
 ☞ These were all factors which had to be taken into consideration.
 ☞ 我们没有估计到另外一些复杂性。
 ☞ We failed to take into consideration some additional complexities.
8.look as if, seem,指视觉、感觉上的估计。
 ☞ 今年估计又是一个丰收年。
 ☞ It looks as if there will be another good harvest this year.
 ☞ 估计不久还会有乱子。
 ☞ It looks as if there will be another trouble.
 ☞ 不久的将来,估计可能会加大国营企业的改革力度。
 ☞ Now, it seems likely that there will be an enhancement of the reform in the state-run enterprises.
 ☞ 估计正在刮风,因为树枝被刮得直摇晃。
 ☞ It seems to be getting windy, the branches are being blown about.
伴随 伴随
1.表示结伴而来,用be accompanied by。
 ☞ 伴随战争的是疾病与饥荒。
 ☞ War came, accompanied by disease and famine.
 ☞ 伴随着垄断资本增长的是工人运动的高涨。
 ☞ The growth of monopoly capital was accompanied by the rise of a working-class movement.
2.表示紧跟而来,用follow, in the wake of。
 ☞ 伴随着生产大发展,必将出现一个文化高潮。
 ☞ An upsurge in culture is bound to follow a rapid advance in production.
 ☞ 机械化一定伴随着集体化而来。
 ☞ Collectivization will certainly be followed by mechanization.
 ☞ 商人总是伴随征服的军队而来。
 ☞ Traders came always in the wake of the conquering armies.
 ☞ 发明与发现往往是伴随着发展的需要而来。
 ☞ Invention and discovery often come in the wake of a need for development.
3.表示两侧护卫,用flanked by。
 ☞ 总统走向飞机时两侧都伴随着保安人员。
 ☞ The president was flanked by his security personnel when he was walking towards the plane.
 ☞ 车队两侧由摩托车伴随,隆隆驶过大街。
 ☞ The caravan of limousines flanked by motorcycles rolled through the streets.

 ☞ 他打了个哈欠,伸了伸懒腰。
 ☞ He yawned and stretched himself.
 ☞ 她伸出手来要我看手相。
 ☞ She stretched her hand and asked me to practice palmistry.
 ☞ 我坐进一把扶手椅,把脚伸到炉火跟前。
 ☞ I sat into an armchair and stretched my feet to the fire.
 ☞ 不要把身子伸到桌子对面去拿果酱,你应当请人递给你。
 ☞ Don't stretch across the table for the jam. You should ask someone to pass it to you.
 ☞ 早在19世纪,帝国主义的魔爪就伸进了中国。
 ☞ The imperialists stretched their claws into China as early as the nineteenth century.
 ☞ 她朝他伸出双手乞食。
 ☞ She extended (stretched) both hands towards him, begging for food.
 ☞ 两臂平伸。
 ☞ Extend (stretch) your arms horizontally.
 ☞ 舞蹈教师伸出一条腿,要求我们照着做。
 ☞ The dancing teacher extended (stretched) her leg and asked us to do as she did.
 ☞ 在人的一生中,手指关节至少要伸屈2,500万次。
 ☞ During one's life time one will extend and flex finger joints at least 25 million times.
  ■ extend还可用于转义。
 ☞ 他的手伸得太长了。
 ☞ He has overextended himself.
3.straighten,keep straight,与前两词的区别是:不仅要伸而且要直。
 ☞ 他正弓着身子干活,不过一看见我他就伸直了身子。
 ☞ He was bending over his work, but straightening up when he saw me.
 ☞ 老太太想伸腰,尽管这样做有点困难。
 ☞ The old lady tried to straighten her back though she had some difficulty in doing so.
 ☞ 跳水时腿要伸直。
 ☞ When you dive you must keep your legs straight.
4.stick out, 指原本在里面的东西伸到了外面。
 ☞ 他朝我伸伸舌头,表示侥幸获胜。
 ☞ He stuck out tongue at me to show that he won by a fluke.
 ☞ 房间变得暖和起来,我把头伸到被子外面。
 ☞ The room became warmer and I stuck my head out of the quilt.
 ☞ 我们只看见伸到毯子外面的一双脚。
 ☞ We could only see a pair of feet sticking out at the end of the blanket.
5.hold out (up),hold后接不同的副词,表示伸向不同的方向。
 ☞ 他伸出手来欢迎。
 ☞ He held out his hand in welcome.
 ☞ 他们不准备向敌人伸出橄榄枝。
 ☞ They were not prepared to hold out the olive branch to their enemy.
 ☞ 他们一个个都伸出大拇指赞扬。
 ☞ Everyone of them held up thumb in praise.
 ☞ 他伸手也够不到顶层的架子。
 ☞ He could not reach the top shelf.
 ☞ 我伸手去拿碗,却掉到了地上。
 ☞ I reached for the bowel, but dropped it to the floor.
 ☞ 他总是一见美差就伸手。
 ☞ He always tries to seize any cushy job that comes along.
 ☞ 尽管遭受了水灾,他们却没有向国家伸手要一分钱。
 ☞ Although hit by the flood, they did not ask for a single copper from the state.
似乎 似乎
 ☞ 她似乎很累,但仍然是兴高采烈的。
 ☞ She looked very tired but was still in high spirits.
 ☞ 他似乎有点紧张,而且有点歉意。
 ☞ He looked a bit nervous and apologetic.
2.look like,look as if,不仅指视觉上似乎,而且还表示语气上的委婉。
 ☞ 天似乎要下雨。
 ☞ It looks like it's going to rain.
 ☞ 你似乎不在乎。
 ☞ You look as if you don't care.
3.seem, seemingly,指感觉上似乎。
 ☞ 他似乎看上这房子了。
 ☞ He seems to have taken fancy to the house.
 ☞ 明年送你出国似乎是可能的。
 ☞ It seems probable that you'll be sent abroad next year.
 ☞ 这山在周围这儿似乎是最高的。
 ☞ The hill is , seemingly, the highest around here.
4.由as if (though)引起的虚拟语气。
 ☞ 他说他们看着他似乎他是动物园的一头野兽。
 ☞ He said that they had looked at him as if he were a beast in a zoo.
 ☞ 他讲得漫不经心,似乎这件事无足轻重。
 ☞ He spoke so casually as though the matter was of little consequence.
但是 但是
 ☞ 他是个用功的孩子,但是不怎么聪明。
 ☞ He is a hardworking but not very intelligent boy.
 ☞ 这一切他都做了,但是没有效果。
 ☞ All this he did. but it had no effect.
 ☞ 虽然他工作很努力,但是还是失败了。
 ☞ Though he worked hard yet he failed.
 ☞ 他说他是我们的朋友,但是又不愿帮我们。
 ☞ He said he was our friend, yet he wouldn't help us.
 ☞ 我有一部老爷车,但是总比没有好。
 ☞ I have an old car; still it's better than nothing.
 ☞ 这是件极不愉快的事,但是我们无法改变。
 ☞ It is a very unpleasant affair and still we can't change it.
 ☞ 虽然他一动不动地站在那里,但是她还是相信他已经看见了她。
 ☞ Although he stood there motionless she was nevertheless convinced that he had seen her.
 ☞ 尽管他很生气,但是他还是在听我讲。
 ☞ He was very angry, nonetheless (however), he listened to me.
 ☞ 但是这种药似乎没有多少效果。
 ☞ However, this medicine did not seem to have much effect.
位置 位置
 ☞ 囚犯逃跑以后,狱警才发现地道的位置。
 ☞ The prison guards did not discover the location of the tunnel until the prisoners escaped.
 ☞ 厂房的位置靠近公路。
 ☞ The location of the factory building is close to the highway.
 ☞ 拐角处建个超级市场,位置好。
 ☞ This comer would make a good location for a supermarket.
  ■ locate是location的动词,有“确定位置”的意思。
 ☞ 公司希望把我们这个销售门市的位置定在大学附近。
 ☞ The company hopes to locate our sales department near the university.
 ☞ 警方得先确定失踪的孩子的位置才能搜索。
 ☞ The police have to locate the missing child before searching.
 ☞ 他在地图上移动着手指,然后告诉我他找到了革命纪念馆的位置。
 ☞ Moving his finger on the map, he told me that he had located the revolutionary museum.
 ☞ 不仅指物也可指人,而且还指可以移动的位置。
 ☞ 他的水果摊到哪儿去了?过去一直是在这个位置。
 ☞ Where is his fruit stall, which used to be in this position?
 ☞ 你能指给我看学校在地图上的位置吗?
 ☞ Can you show me the position of the school on the map?
 ☞ 她跪下来所处的位置正好露出了她乳房的一部分。
 ☞ The position in which she was kneeling happened to reveal part of her breasts.
 ☞ 把娃娃放到一个舒适的位置上。
 ☞ Put the baby in a comfortable position.
  ■ position也可用做动词,表示安排到某个位置。
 ☞ 你们应把侦察员放到能随时观察嫌疑人的位置上。
 ☞ You must position the detectives so that they can watch the suspect at all times.
 ☞ 我们坐到了能看见黑板的位置。
 ☞ We positioned ourselves where we could see the blackboard.
 ☞ 班上的每个人未经允许不得离开其位置。
 ☞ Nobody in the class may leave his place without permission.
 ☞ 每本书都在书架上原来的位置。
 ☞ Each book is in its original place on the shelf.
 ☞ 要是你先到图书馆,帮我占个位置。
 ☞ Keep a place for me if you reach the library first.
 ☞ A Dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature.
  ■ place也可用做动词,表示放到某个应该放的位置上。
 ☞ 他安排的位置正好让我跟她坐在一起。
 ☞ He planned so well that he placed me next to her.
 ☞ 那张画在墙上的位置是不是太高了?
 ☞ Isn't that picture placed too high on the wall?
4.seat, 指位子,与位置同义。
 ☞ 他在国会里有个席位就像我在饭桌上有个位置一样。
 ☞ He has a seat in Parliament just as I have a seat at my dinner table.
 ☞ 幸亏我周围的位置都坐满了,否则她一定不会挨着我坐。
 ☞ Fortunately there were no seats vacant in my vicinity otherwise she would not definitely come and sit very next to me.
 ☞ 大家请按指定的位置就座。
 ☞ Will everybody please take his proper seat?
 ☞ 车里还有一个人的位置。
 ☞ There is room for one more in the car.
 ☞ 我几乎连插脚的位置都没有了。
 ☞ I had scarcely enough room to put my feet in.
体会 体会
 ☞ 他第一次体会到了什么是妒忌。
 ☞ He experienced what jealousy was for the first time.
 ☞ 我才来几天就体会到了这个革命集体的温暖。
 ☞ I've been here only a few days and I've already experienced the warmth of this revolutionary collective.
 ☞ 我永远不会忘记新婚之夜的体会。
 ☞ I shall never forget the wedding night's experience.
2.know, knowledge,指由熟悉而来的体会。
 ☞ 不付出辛勤的劳动就无法体会真正的幸福。
 ☞ You won't know real happiness if you don't put in a lot of hard work.
 ☞ 没有体会过饥饿的人绝对无法想像那种感觉。
 ☞ Those who have not known hunger can never imagine how it feels.
 ☞ 他在极端贫困中成长,故对贫民窟的生活深有体会。
 ☞ He grew up in pinching poverty and had an intimate knowledge of slum life.
 ☞ 我深深地体会到友情的温暖。
 ☞ I deeply felt the warmth of the friendship.
 ☞ 大厅里鸦雀无声,但他仍能体会到阿拉伯人对西方历来的敌意。
 ☞ All was quite in the hall, but he still could feel the traditional Arabic hostility toward the West.
 ☞ 随着岁月的流逝,这种体会只会加深。
 ☞ This kind of feeling has but deepened with the passing of the years.
4.understand, understanding,指由理解而来的体会。
 ☞ 作为一个艺术家,你首先要体会它、爱它,然后你才能画它。
 ☞ As an artist, you must understand“, love it first of all, and then you can paint it.
 ☞ 他的这种轻蔑并不理直气壮,他自己对此也有些体会。
 ☞ There is an uneasy basis to his scorn which he partially understands.
 ☞ 我来谈谈我的个人体会。
 ☞ I'll say a few words about my personal understanding.
 ☞ 没有处在我的位置上的人不会体会到我此刻的惜别之情。
 ☞ No one not in my situation can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting.
 ☞ 无论是我还是他都没有完全体会到当时总统的权威已由于这一事件而被削弱到何种程度。
 ☞ Neither he nor I appreciated quite how far Presidential authority had been eroded by the event.
 ☞ 你应当深入体会词义的细微差别。
 ☞ You must deepen your appreciation of the shades of meaning.
 ☞ 这次科学研讨会给了我两点体会。
 ☞ The symposium enlightened me on two points.
 ☞ 他的报告使我们对民主的工作方式有了体会。
 ☞ His report enlightened us on the workings of democracy.
体现 体现
1.embody, 指以具体的形式体现抽象的事物。
 ☞ 一部真正的宪法应该体现自由、平等的理想。
 ☞ A genuine constitution must embody the ideals of freedom and equality.
 ☞ 作为领导干部,你应该在行动中体现自己的原则。
 ☞ As a leading cadre, you should embody your principles in your actions.
 ☞ 这位雕塑家把他的想像体现在美丽的雕像之中。
 ☞ The sculptor incarnated his vision in a beautiful statue.
 ☞ 在她身上体现了女性的一切美德。
 ☞ She incarnates all womanly virtues in her own self.
 ☞ 中国政府对工农业结构调整的作用已体现在经济的迅速增长上。
 ☞ The role of the Chinese government in restructuring of industry and agriculture reflects the rapid economic growth.
 ☞ 中国人的衣着穿戴的变化体现了国内日益提高的生活水平。
 ☞ The changes in clothing, headgear and footwear of the Chinese people reflect a rising standard of living in China.
4.give expression to,指表现出来的体现。
 ☞ 这次中国农民画展体现了党的文艺指导方针。
 ☞ The exhibition of paintings by the Chinese peasants gave expression to the Party's guiding principles for literature and art.
 ☞ 少数民族干部的健康成长充分体现了党的民族自治政策。
 ☞ The healthy growth of minority nationality cadres gives full expression to the Party's policy of autonomy of national minorities.
体育 体育
1.physical education,指体育课;physical training,指体育锻炼。
 ☞ 今天下午有一节体育课。
 ☞ We'll have an hour of PE (physical education) this afternoon.
 ☞ 化们的体育训练包括做体操、练跑步、搞比赛等。
 ☞ Their physical training consists of exercises, running practice,games,etc.
 ☞ 由于流感猖獗,体育活动暂停。
 ☞ Sports activities were suspended owing to the prevalence of influenza.
 ☞ 我校的体育器械装备齐全。
 ☞ Our school is fully equipped with sports apparatuses.
 ☞ 体育记者是报道体育的记者。
 ☞ An athletics reporter is the one who writes about athletics.
体质 体质
 ☞ 只有体质强壮的人才能攀登喜马拉雅山。
 ☞ Only people with strong constrictions should climb the Himalayas.
 ☞ 各人的体质不同,对疾病的抵抗力也不同。
 ☞ People's constitutions differ, so does their resistance to disease+
 ☞ 劳动与遗传给了我一个强健的体质。
 ☞ Labor and heredity gave me a husky physique.
 ☞ 他们的体质都很好。
 ☞ They all have good physique.
 ☞ 我们要锻炼身体,增强体质。
 ☞ We must train our body and build up health.
 ☞ 到了6月中旬,他的体质有了明显的改善。
 ☞ There had been marked improvement in his health by the middle of June.
何况 何况
1) much more(用于肯定句)much less(用于否定句),其后可接名词或不带to的动词不定式。如果接从句应主谓颠倒。
 ☞ 他对我很好,更何况是我哥哥。
 ☞ He is very kind to me, much more my elder brother.
 ☞ 他连机器都会修,更何况是拆。
 ☞ He repairs the machine. much more does he take it apart.
 ☞ 他走路几乎都受不了,何况是跑步呢。
 ☞ He can hardly bear to walk, much less run.
 ☞ 他英语都不会读,更何况是教。
 ☞ He can't read English; much less can he teach it.
2) let alone,肯定、否定都可用,后接名词或不带to的动词不定式,但不接从句。
 ☞ 我们死都不怕,何况是困难。
 ☞ We fear no death, let alone difficulties.
 ☞ 那样的房子我租都租不起,何况是买。
 ☞ I can't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buy it.
 ☞ 车里早已坐了5个人,何况还有行李和两条狗。
 ☞ There were five people in the car, let alone the luggage and the two dogs.
 ☞ 她的脾气是够坏的,何况还有她的铺张浪费。
 ☞ Her temper is bad enough, let alone her extravagance.
3) to say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention,肯定、否定都用,后接名词或动名词,可以互相换用。
 ☞ 我们连法语课都上,何况是英语。
 ☞ We take even French class, to say nothing of (not to speak of, not to mention) English class.
 ☞ 我连这种机器的工作原理都不懂,何况是设计呢。
 ☞ I do not understand the principles of work of the machine, to say nothing of (not to speak of, not to mention) designing it.
4) not to say,该词除了强调不必再提以外,还表示某种素质尚未达到,因此一般不与to say nothing of等词换用。
 ☞ 旧中国几乎没有机器制造业,何况是航空工业。
 ☞ In Old China there was hardly any machine-building industry, not to say an aviation industry.
 ☞ 他连大学都没考上,更何况到国外进修。
 ☞ He was not admitted even to a university, not to say going abroad for advanced study.
1) besides,in addition,表示附加上去的补充说明。
 ☞ 这鞋太贵,何况尺码又小。
 ☞ These shoes are expensive, besides, they are too small.
 ☞ 他似乎不想去赴宴,何况他的衣服也不适合这种场合。
 ☞ He seemed to have no desire to attend the banquet;
 ☞ besides, his clothes were not appropriate for the occasion。
 ☞ 何况,原油提炼和合成氨生产都有大幅度增加。
 ☞ In addition, there have been big increases in refining crude oil and the manufacture of synthetic ammonia.
2)(and) moreover,语气比besides更强,暗示两个情况中更有分量的一个即将提出。
 ☞ 房价太高,何况地段也不适中。
 ☞ The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable location.
 ☞ 我们的实力占优势,何况敌人已大大削弱。
 ☞ We have superior force, and moreover, the enemy is seriously weakened.
 ☞ 骑自行车是很好的锻炼,何况还不会污染空气。
 ☞ Bicycling is a good exercise, moreover, it doesn't pollute the air.
3) and与介词结合,也可表示补充,但语气较弱。
 ☞ 挑这么重的担子已不容易,何况是在三伏天呢。
 ☞ It was not easy to carry such a heavy load, and during the dog days.
 ☞ 他已经不满意了,何况问题仍未解决。
 ☞ He was already dissatisfied, and with problems still unsettled.
何妨 何妨
1.why not,表示建议,有“干嘛不”的意思。常用于反问句。
 ☞ 没做过的事,何妨一试?
 ☞ Why not have a try if you didn't try before?
 ☞ 一个方案没法比较,何妨多拟几个?
 ☞ We cannot make a comparison with one plan. Why not draw up more ones?
 ☞ 试着训练你的性格又有何妨?
 ☞ Why not try to train your character?
2.might as well,表示在没有其他办法下的选择,有“不妨做一做”的意思。常用陈述句。
 ☞ 既然失败了,何妨再试一次。
 ☞ Now that you failed, you might as well have a try once more.
 ☞ 你何妨等到星期二坐飞机走呢。
 ☞ You might as well wait till Tuesday and go by plane.
 ☞ 这个假日不怎么好玩,再跳场舞又何妨。
 ☞ This holiday isn't much fun. We might as well go dancing again.
3.no harm in,表示没有害处,含有“鼓励”的意思。
 ☞ 我看何妨让她多读点书。
 ☞ I see no harm in letting her read more books.
 ☞ 偶尔熬个夜何妨。
 ☞ There is no harm in staying up late occasionally.
 ☞ 稍微开开心又有何妨?
 ☞ What's the harm in having a little fun?
何尝 何尝
1.“何尝”是个否定词,因此如果句子是肯定句,要译成否定句。这时要用never (little) do的倒装句,表示从来不曾或几乎不曾。
 ☞ 即使在战争年代,他何尝动摇过。
 ☞ Never did he waver even in the years of war.
 ☞ 你说你的钱被偷了,我何尝见过一分钱。
 ☞ You said your money had been stolen. Never did I see a cent.
 ☞ 虽然我们是弟兄,他何尝关心过我的死活。
 ☞ Little does he care whether I live or die though we are brothers.
2.如果带“何尝”的句子是否定句,则应译成肯定句。这时可用not that…but that的双重否定句,表示原因不是前者而是后者。
 ☞ 我何尝不想去,只是没有时间罢了。
 ☞ Not that I don't want to go but that I just haven't got the time.
 ☞ 她何尝不喜欢那工作,只是眼下没时间去做罢了。
 ☞ Not that she dislikes the work, but that she has no time to do it for the time being.
 ☞ 我何尝不想帮忙,只是心有余而力不足罢了。
 ☞ Not that I don't want to help but that my spirit is willing while the flesh is weak.
 ☞ 他何尝不爱呓,只是吃不下罢了。
 ☞ Not that he doesn't like them but that he can't eat anything more.
  ■ 有时,也可用其他双重否定的形式来译。
 ☞ 子女对父母依赖固然令人不安,过分独立又何尝不是。
 ☞ Dependence of children on their parents, no doubt, is disquieting, and excessive independence is, too.
 ☞ 锈能蚀铁,忧何尝不能伤神。
 ☞ As rust eats iron. so care eats the heart.
 ☞ 你这样待我,我何尝不可以这样待你。
 ☞ As you treat me, so I will treat you.
 ☞ 人体要靠食物营养,国家何尝不靠工农业营养。
 ☞ As the human body is nourished by food, so is a nation nourished by its industry and agriculture.
4.“何尝”用于问句时,往往是无需回答的反问语气,以表示没有(肯定句)或表示有(否定句),这时可用how can,do (don't) you think的反问句。
 ☞ 他何尝说过这样的胡话?
 ☞ How could he talk such nonsense?
 ☞ 我军何尝有过这么多清规戒律?
 ☞ How could there be so many taboos in our army?
 ☞ 他这样的态度何尝有解决问题的诚意?
 ☞ If he keeps an attitude like this, do you think he is sincere enough in having the problem settled?
 ☞ 我知道你心里难受,我何尝又不是呢?
 ☞ I know you feel bad, don't you think I feel any better?
何必 何必
1.there is no need (necessity),表示没有必要。
 ☞ 何必惊慌。
 ☞ There is no need for alarm.
 ☞ 何必大惊小怪。
 ☞ There is no need for fuss.
 ☞ 你何必干那种事。
 ☞ There is no necessity for you to do that.
 ☞ 何必着忙嘛。
 ☞ There is no necessity to hurry.
  ■ 有时,也常用于反问语气。
 ☞ 去问他,又何必呢?
 ☞ What's the need to ask him?
 ☞ 急成这样,何必呢?
 ☞ Is there any need for all this hurry?
 ☞ 何必杞人忧天呢?
 ☞ What's the necessity to worry about the sky falling when we can catch larks?
 ☞ 都是好朋友,何必客气呢?
 ☞ We are good friends, why stand on ceremony?
 ☞ 何必到别的店里去花更多的钱?我们有最便宜的好布。
 ☞ Why pay more at other shops? We have the cheapest quality cloth.
 ☞ 既有今日,何必当初呢?
 ☞ If there must be today, then why should there have been other days?
 ☞ 青年就是青年,不然,何必搞青年团呢?
 ☞ After all, youth is youth, or else why bother to have a youth league?
何苦 何苦
1.why bother,表示何必找麻烦,常用反问语气。
 ☞ 你何苦在这些小事上操心呢?
 ☞ Why bother your head about such trifles?
 ☞ 何苦自寻烦恼?
 ☞ Why bother yourself sick?
 ☞ 学这些文章又是何苦呢?
 ☞ Why bother learning all these articles?
 ☞ 你让自己这么痛苦,这是何苦呢?
 ☞ Why are you making yourself suffer this way?
 ☞ 何苦冒这个险呢?
 ☞ Why run this risk?
 ☞ 我的天哪!旧事重提又是何苦?
 ☞ For Cod's sake! Why rake the old stories up again?
3.is it worth,表示不值得,也常用反问语气。
 ☞ 这么大的雨去看电影,这是何苦?
 ☞ Is it worth going to the movie in such heavy rain?
 ☞ 跟她这样的小女孩生气,何苦呢?
 ☞ Is it worth getting angry with a little girl like her?
 ☞ 她有时候问自己,使这么大的劲又何苦。
 ☞ She sometimes would ask herself the question whether it was worth all the effort.
余地 余地
 ☞ 只要中国白色政权内部的分裂、火并不断,红军总会有足够的回旋余地。
 ☞ As long as splits and wars never cease within the White regime in China, the Red Army always has enough space for maneuver.
 ☞ 石油产品容器的内部都留有余地以防温度变化时产品膨胀。
 ☞ Space is left in a petroleum product container to allow for expansion during temperature changes.
2.room, 指活动的余地。由于room原指房间,故这类余地比较小。
 ☞ 街上挤得连汽车都没有活动余地了。
 ☞ The street was so crowded that the cars did not have room to move.
 ☞ 你的计划还有改进的余地。
 ☞ There is still room for improvement of your plan.
 ☞ 中央预算要留有足够的余地。
 ☞ Leave enough leeway in the central budget.
 ☞ 在确定哪些因素构成公共安全威胁的问题上,警方要求给予一定的余地。
 ☞ The police asked to be given certain leeway in deciding what factors constituted a threat to public safety.
 ☞ 你的计划没有超支的余地。
 ☞ There is no margin for overspending in your plan.
 ☞ 小国没有中国拥有的那种回旋余地。
 ☞ Small countries have no margin for maneuver available to China.
5.latitude, 指可以自己解决的余地。
 ☞ 产品的花色品种太少,我没有多少选择的余地。
 ☞ The colors and designs of the products are too scant and I have little latitude to make choice.
 ☞ 他们的级别低,没有多少决定的余地。
 ☞ They are of low ranks and given little latitude to make decisions.
作为 作为
 ☞ 你作为领导,就要以身作则。
 ☞ As a leader, you should set a good example to the others.
 ☞ 作为意识形态的文艺作品都是某种社会生活在人的头脑中反映的产物。
 ☞ As ideology literary and artistic works are products of the certain social life reflected in human mind.
  ■ 此外,as还可与其他动词连用,有“当作”的意思。
 ☞ 他似乎把这件事作为一次小小的胜利。
 ☞ He seemed to regard it as a small triumph.
 ☞ 他们只是想把他作为垫脚石而已。
 ☞ They only want to use him as a stepping stone.
 ☞ 显然,他是把你作为他的靠山了。
 ☞ Evidently he looks on you as a prop.
 ☞ 第一批的6本教科书可以作为整个工作的样板。
 ☞ The first six textbooks can be taken as the pattern of the whole work.
2.deed,conduct, action,指行为、行动。
 ☞ 从他的作为可以看出他的态度。
 ☞ From his deeds we can discern his attitude.
 ☞ 知识青年在广大农村会大有作为。
 ☞ School graduates are able to accomplish great deeds in the vast countryside.
 ☞ 我们对他们最近的作为感到十分气愤。
 ☞ We were very indignant with them over their recent conduct.
 ☞ 有作为的人都是做实事的。
 ☞ A man of action does things.
作用 作用
 ☞ 曲柄的作用是带动轮子。
 ☞ The action of the crank turns the wheel.
 ☞ 经过一段时间,就能看出酸与铜的作用。
 ☞ After a period of time the action of the acid and the copper should be observed.
 ☞ 光作用于胶卷就能成像。
 ☞ Formation of images is made possible by the action of light on films.
  ■ act on是action 的动词。
 ☞ 热作用于物体并使之膨胀。
 ☞ Heat acts on bodies and causes them to expand.
 ☞ 飞机飞行时,有四种力通过空气作用于机体。
 ☞ There are four forces which act on an aircraft as it flies through the air.
 ☞ 外界事物作用于我们的感官,在我们的头脑中形成印象。
 ☞ External things act on our sense organs and give rise to impressions in our brains.
 ☞ 青霉素同磺胺一样,有副作用。
 ☞ Penicillin. like sulfa, has its harmful side effects.
 ☞ 吗啡会产生催眠作用。
 ☞ Morphine produces the effect of sleep.
 ☞ 她的声音像银铃一样响起来,具有一种安慰作用。
 ☞ Her voice sounds like a silvery bell, which has a soothing effect.
  ■ effective,ineffective,均为effect的同根形容词。
 ☞ 青霉素对肺炎特别起作用。
 ☞ Penicillin is particularly effective against pneumonia.
 ☞ 这药原来不起作用。
 ☞ The medicine turned out ineffective.
 ☞ 教育的真正作用是什么?
 ☞ What is the true function of education?
 ☞ 肾脏的主要作用是洁净血液。
 ☞ The main function of the kidneys is to purify the blood.
 ☞ 大脑起着十分重要的作用,支配着人体的神经系统。
 ☞ The brain performs a very important function; it controls the nervous system of the body.
 ☞ 管好一个学校,校长起着十分重要的作用。
 ☞ The headmaster plays an important role in the good running of a school.
 ☞ 尽管他是代表团成员,但起着译员的作用。
 ☞ He assumes the role of interpreter for the delegation though he is one of its members.
 ☞ 他们的长兄在父母双亡后起着父亲的作用。
 ☞ Their eldest brother fulfilled his role as a father after their parents' death.
 ☞ 他喝不惯烈酒,酒精很快就起了作用。
 ☞ He was unused to strong drink and it affected him quickly.
 ☞ 早晚的潮汐是受到月球引力的作用。
 ☞ The morning and evening tides are affected by the gravitation of the moon.
使 使
 ☞ 自我从部队复员后,曾使人打听过战友的消息。
 ☞ I have sent somebody to inquire about my comrades-in-arms since I was demobilized from the army.
 ☞ 他使人与地下党联系过,但没联系上。
 ☞ He sent somebody to get contact with the underground Party organization but failed.
  ■ 但是,send除支使别人做某事外,还可表示某事使人或物处于某种运动或状态之中。
 ☞ 她丈夫死去的消息几乎使她精神错乱。
 ☞ The news of her husband's death sent her almost out of mind.
 ☞ 这次爆炸使各种东西到处乱飞。
 ☞ The explosion sent things flying in all directions.
 ☞ 我们早就使上电脑了。
 ☞ We've been using computers for quite a long time.
 ☞ 把你的聪明才智使出来。
 ☞ Use your intelligence.
 ☞ 我使不惯刀叉。
 ☞ I'm not used to using a knife and fork.
3.write, work, obey等是动词use这一动作的具体化。
 ☞ 这支笔好使。
 ☞ This pen writes well.
 ☞ 这支汽筒使着还行。
 ☞ The pump works all right.
 ☞ 这马有时不听使。
 ☞ This horse sometimes won't obey.
  ■ 有时在具体的上下文里,如果这样的“使”处于从属地位时,甚至可以不译。
 ☞ 请把词典借我使使。
 ☞ Please lend me your dictionary.
 ☞ 甭想使钱买我。
 ☞ Don't think you can buy me over.
4.make, cause,enable等役使动词有“使某人如何”的意思。
 ☞ 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
 ☞ Modesty helps one to make progress while conceit makes one lag behind.
 ☞ 是“左”倾机会主义使革命遭受了巨大的损失。
 ☞ It was "Left" opportunism that caused enormous losses to the revolution.
 ☞ 我们的教育方针应该使受教育者在德、智、体几个方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者。
 ☞ Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture.
5.get sb. to do sth. ,也具有役使动词的功能,也有“使某人如何”的意思。
 ☞ 调解人竭力使双方改变立场。
 ☞ The mediator tried hard to get both sides to modify their positions.
 ☞ 你一定要使他们尽快结束。
 ☞ You must get them to finish up as quick as possible.
6.must be helped后加动词不定式往往有“务必使”的意思。
 ☞ 务必使同志们继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
 ☞ The comrades must be helped to keep up the style of plain living and hard struggle.
 ☞ 务必使后进的同志们学习别人的长处。
 ☞ Those comrades who lag behind must be helped to emulate other's strong points.
7.see to it that,指通过关心、照顾而务必使别人做到。
 ☞ 务必使同学们做好考试的充分准备。
 ☞ See to it that the students are fully prepared for the examination.
 ☞ 我们务必使党的政策得到贯彻。
 ☞ We must see to it that the Party's policies are implemented.
 ☞ 养老院里的护士什么都干,务必使老人得到适当的照顾。
 ☞ The nurses of the rest home do everything to ensure that old people are properly cared for.
 ☞ 医生给患儿打了针抗生素,务必使之早日康复。
 ☞ The doctor gave the sick baby an antibiotic to ensure its quick recovery.
9.so as to(后接动词不定式),so that(后接从句),表示目的,均有“使某人(某事)如何”的意思。
 ☞ 我们修改了原有计划,使之适合新情况的需要。
 ☞ We've revised the original plan so as to gear it to the needs of the new situation.
 ☞ 我对她什么也没说,使她不至于难过。
 ☞ I didn't say anything to her so as not to grieve her.
 ☞ 我雇了条船,使我能去钓鱼。
 ☞ I hired a boat so that I could go fishing.
 ☞ 她有意识地去与那位姑娘谈话,使她不至于感到没人理她。
 ☞ She talked to the girl purposely so that she wouldn't feel left alone.
 ☞ 他的话使大家惊讶不已。
 ☞ His words astonished all.
 ☞ 这张便条的确使我失望。
 ☞ Indeed the note had disappointed me.
 ☞ 他的行为使在场的人都受到感动。
 ☞ His deed moved everyone present.
 ☞ 突然的暴雨使山洪暴发。
 ☞ Sudden rainstorms brought the mountain torrents rushing down。
 ☞ 这件丑闻使他的处境尴尬。
 ☞ The scandal put him in a very awkward position.
 ☞ 他的死使她心碎。
 ☞ His death almost broke her heart.
 ☞ 过度紧张的工作使她更瘦了。
 ☞ She became even thinner because of overwork.
 ☞ 南宋的建立使南部的经济繁荣起来。
 ☞ After the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, the economy in the south was booming.
 ☞ 琳达这次来到中国后使她更了解中国了。
 ☞ Linda has a better understanding of China after this trip.
 ☞ 得知丈夫获救使她放了心。
 ☞ She was set at ease by learning that her husband had been saved.
使用 使用
 ☞ 我们使用汉语作为民族的共同语言。
 ☞ We use Chinese as a common national language.
 ☞ 作家往往使用笔名,而不使用真名实姓。
 ☞ A writer often uses a pen name instead of his real name.
 ☞ 筑路工人使用推土机清理树林。
 ☞ The roadmen are using bulldozers to clear the woods.
 ☞ 一个人大概只使用他所认识的词汇中的1/3。
 ☞ A person probably uses only about a third as many words as he recognizes.
 ☞ 世界各国人民都要求禁止使用核武器。
 ☞ The people all over the world demand to ban the use of nuclear weapons.
 ☞ 教师应当训练学生使用参考书。
 ☞ The teacher should train students to make use of reference books.
  ■ 如果接人往往作“利用”解,只有下面这样的句子例外。
 ☞ 你竟敢把人当作工具使用!
 ☞ How dare you use people as tools!
 ☞ 她经常使用空闲时间来阅读她手头的每一本书。
 ☞ She often employs her leisure in reading every book that comes in her way.
 ☞ 这个学生死记硬背的知识倒是蛮多的,可就是不会使用。
 ☞ This student is crammed full of knowledge which he cannot employ.
 ☞ 警方不得不使用武为来驱散人群。
 ☞ The police had to employ force to disperse the crowd.
 ☞ 一个作家应该善于使用词汇,而且知道在具体的上下文里该使用哪些词汇。
 ☞ A writer should be good at using words and knows what words he should employ in a given context.
 ☞ 用兵巧妙就是灵活地使用兵力。
 ☞ Deployment of troops with great skill is flexible employment of force.
 ☞ 你的意思是要把这一规定使用到所有人的身上?
 ☞ Do you mean to apply this rule to everyone?
 ☞ 他把他渊博的知识使用到教学工作中去了。
 ☞ He applied his immense knowledge to his teaching work.
  ■ 但是由于apply强调一物与另一物的“联系”,同时也减弱了“使用”的词义。请看下面的例子:The word "virtue" is applied only to moral qualities.(美德一词只用于道德品质方面)。而下面的例子又进了一步,The nurse applied the ointment to the wound.(护士把药敷到伤口上)。硬译应为:护士在伤口上用药膏。请比较下列句子:The nurse used the ointment to relieve the wound.由此可以得出结论,在强调“使用”这一词义时,一般不用apply,除非符合上面的定义。
4.resort to,指使用不是办法的办法,往往带有贬义。
 ☞ 使用体罚来使儿童服从的方法不足为训。
 ☞ The method of resorting to physical punishment to make the child obey is not an example to be followed.
 ☞ 如果说服工作不能奏效,我们就得使用武力。
 ☞ If persuasion won't work, we have to resort to force.
 ☞ 他们使用种种手段来迫使她就范。
 ☞ They resorted to every possible means to compel her to submit.
5.have access to,指有某种可能或渠道来使用,强调一般人没法获得的可能或渠道。
 ☞ 学生在假期也可使用图书馆。
 ☞ Students also have access to the library during the vacation.
 ☞ 我们使用了他的私人档案。
 ☞ We had access to his private files.
 ☞ 医生应有一部可以在任何时候都能使用的电话。
 ☞ A doctor should have a telephone accessible at any time.
供应 供应
 ☞ 公用事业局向全市供应水电。
 ☞ The Public Utilities Board supplies water and electricity for the whole city.
 ☞ 现在有些城市牛奶已供应到每家每户。
 ☞ Now in some cities milk is supplied to each house in bottles.
 ☞ 为了供应菜篮子,菜场每天一大早就开市了。
 ☞ In order to supply the kitchen and table, markets are held every early morning.
 ☞ 我们农场每年向国家供应2亿4,000万斤蔬菜。
 ☞ Our farm supplies the state with 240 million jin of vegetables annually.
 ☞ 红十字会向地震后的灾民供应衣食。
 ☞ The Red Cross provided clothing and food for the disaster victims after earthquake.
 ☞ 每逢星期天,我们的房东太太都要供应早餐。
 ☞ Our landlady provides breakfast on Sundays.
 ☞ 许多解放军部队现在都已自己供应副食品。
 ☞ Now many units of PLA provide themselves with foodstuffs.
 ☞ 本店供应一切钻探用品。
 ☞ Our shop furnishes everything that is needed for drilling.
 ☞ 新华书店定期向我校图书馆供应图书。
 ☞ Xinhua Bookstore furnishes the library of our college with books at regular intervals.
 ☞ 总后勤部供应全军给养。
 ☞ The General Logistic Department furnishes the whole army with provisions.
 ☞ 这家餐馆以供应北京烤鸭而闻名。
 ☞ The restaurant serves roast Beijing ducks and is known thereby.
 ☞ 他们半夜里还向我们供应有汤的热饭热菜,这使我们十分感动。
 ☞ We were so touched by the fact that they even served us hot meal with soup at midnight.
 ☞ 你们供应什么饭菜?
 ☞ What dishes do you serve?
依据 依据
 ☞ 这种狂热的信念没有依据。
 ☞ There is no basis for this fanatic belief.
 ☞ 不要听信没有依据的谣言。
 ☞ Don't believe the rumors that have no basis.
 ☞ 你在会上要对你的判断提供科学依据。
 ☞ You have to provide scientific basis for your judgment at the conference.
 ☞ 这些遗址成了我们研究殷代文化的重要依据。
 ☞ These sites form an important basis for our study of the culture of the Yin Dynasty.
 ☞ 依据第一印象做出判断是危险的。
 ☞ It is dangerous to judge on the basis of the first impression.
 ☞ 应了解过去和当前的需水量,以便为估算未来的用水提供依据。
 ☞ Knowledge of historical and present water demand is needed to provide a base for predicting future water demand.
 ☞ 他辩论的依据是社会主义市场体系应有别于资本主义市场体系。
 ☞ The base of his argument is that the socialist market system should differ from the capitalist one.
  ■ base的同根形容词baseless可指“毫无根据”。
 ☞ 最后发现警方对他的指控毫无依据,他也因此而获得释放。
 ☞ The charges made against him by the police were finally found to be baseless, so he was freed.
 ☞ 你开除他有什么依据?
 ☞ What grounds do you have for dismissing him?
 ☞ 这件事你干得没有依据。
 ☞ You have no grounds for doing it.
 ☞ 他们没向我提供多少投诉的依据。
 ☞ They didn't give me much ground for complaints.
  ■ 同样,groundless是ground的同根形容词,也作“毫无根据”解。
 ☞ 对我们的指责是毫无依据的,因为无法用事实来证实。
 ☞ The accusation against us is groundless and can't be backed up by facts.
4.go by,指“依据…行事”。
 ☞ 不要依据我的话行事,我的判断不一定靠得住。
 ☞ Don't go by what I say! My judgment is not very reliable.
 ☞ 我们当时没有蓝图作为依据。
 ☞ We didn't have any blueprints to go by at that time.
5.according to和in accordance with,均指有权威性的依据,可以换用。前者说法随便,后者比较正式。一般说来,according to的使用面要大于in accordance with。
 ☞ 社会是依据某种规律发展的。
 ☞ Society develops according to (in accordance with) certain laws.
 ☞ 一切都是依据规章制度办事的。
 ☞ Everything is done according to (in accordance with) rules and regulations.
  ■ 但若依据的是某种学说、报道、个别的说法等,一般只用according to。
 ☞ 依据马克思主义理论,物质是第一性的,思维是第二性的。
 ☞ According to Marxist Theory matter is primary and thought is secondary.
6.according as,也指依据,但不同于according to。前者是连词,后接从句,表示两种以上的选择;后者是介词,后接名词,不表示选择。
 ☞ 他们升级要依据考试是否及格。
 ☞ They move into the next class according as they pass or fail the examination.
 ☞ 你是受表扬还是受批评要依据你的工作的好坏。
 ☞ You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad.
7.in the light of,指以某种见解作依据。
 ☞ 我们是依据这些考虑来定设计标准的。
 ☞ We selected design criteria in the light of these considerations.
 ☞ 一切战术都应依据具体情况灵活应用。
 ☞ All tactics should be employed flexibly in the light of specific conditions.
依靠(依赖) 依靠(依赖)
  ■ “依靠”、“依赖”是两个同义词,前者的重点在“靠”;后者的重点在“赖”,因此主动性差于前者。
 ☞ 俄国人一度打算依赖美援,结果美援没有来;现在他们依靠自己,结果却好多了。
 ☞ Russians at one time had planned to rely on American aids, which did not arrive. Now they rely on themselves, which is much better.
 ☞ 现在已经证明中国在经济危机中是能够依靠的。
 ☞ It has been proved that China can be relied on in any economic crisis.
 ☞ 小王答应做的事我们是可以依靠的。
 ☞ We can rely on Wang to do whatever he promises.
 ☞ 要是她对你好,你是可以依靠她的。
 ☞ You can rely on her if she is really kind to you.
 ☞ 依赖好记性不如依靠烂笔头。
 ☞ Relying on good memory is not as good as relying on bad notes.
 ☞ 美国的大多数老年人都依靠社会保险金生活。
 ☞ A large majority of elderly Americans depend for their livelihood upon social security income.
  ■ 不过下列情况,一般都用depend而不用rely。因为depend on后可以接what,where,whether等,有“依靠…而定”的意思。
 ☞ 这要依靠你采取什么立场而定。
 ☞ It depends on what stand you take.
 ☞ 我们能不能突围要依靠你们到哪里去搬救兵。
 ☞ Whether we can break out of the encirclement depends on where you call in reinforcement.
 ☞ 会议的成功大都要依靠主席的干练与否。
 ☞ The success of the conference depends largely on whether the chairman is efficient.
  ■ 除此之外,两者可以换用。
 ☞ 这个国家的石油供应完全依靠(赖)进口。
 ☞ This country relies (depends) on imports for all its oil supplies.
 ☞ 工业和农业是互相依靠(赖),互相支援的。
 ☞ Industry and agriculture depend (rely) on and support each other.
 ☞ 现在太多的年轻人要依赖父母生活。
 ☞ Nowadays too many young people are dependent on their parents.
 ☞ 我决心不再依靠任何人。
 ☞ I'll never be dependent on anyone again.
 ☞ 依赖思想要不得,要依靠自力更生。
 ☞ Dependent mentality is no good. Rely on yourself.
 ☞ 博茨瓦纳的主要问题是对南非的依赖,因为南非是其外贸进出口的惟一通道。
 ☞ Botswana's major problem is its dependence on South Africa as the only way in and out for its foreign trade.
 ☞ 这一政策部分说明了美国对进口石油的依赖性在持续增长。
 ☞ This policy explains part of the continued growth of U.S. dependence on imported oil.
3.lean on, 指后倾或偏向一方的依靠。
 ☞ 墓地所处的位置表示了一种愿望,那就是盾面有靠山可以依靠,前面有小溪映出一轮朝阳象征欣欣向荣的景象。
 ☞ The location of the tomb expressed the desire to have mountains behind, on which to lean, and a stream that reflects the rising sun, symbolizing thriving prosperity,in front.
  ■ 但lean on在大多数情况下用作比喻。
 ☞ 她开着一家铺子,但出主意要依靠她先生。
 ☞ She runs a shop but leans on her husband for advice.
 ☞ 紧要关头,我作为校长还要依靠老教师。
 ☞ As a headmaster I tend to lean on senior members of teaching staff at the critical moment.
 ☞ 有人可以依靠一下总要把稳点。
 ☞ It is always reassuring to have someone to lean on for a while.
 ☞ 军火商依靠战争发财。
 ☞ Arms dealers look to war for profits.
 ☞ 自从养老金制度推行以后,我村老年人的生活有了依靠。
 ☞ The aged of our village have their livelihood assured since the old-age pension system was introduced.
 ☞ 这些不同政见者不断在美国寻求政治依靠,可是毕竟掀不起大浪。
 ☞ These dissidents keep seeking political support in the United States but they cannot stir up huge waves after.
侵占 侵占
1.invade and occupy,指侵入后占领。
 ☞ 1938年,纳粹德国侵占了捷克斯洛伐克的苏台德地区。
 ☞ Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Sudeten of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
 ☞ 1937午七七事变后日军侵占了华北。
 ☞ The Japanese troops invaded and occupied North China after the July 7 Incident of 1937.
2.encroach on,指逐步侵占。
 ☞ 当时不少日本报纸鼓吹日本的生存空间在于侵占中国。
 ☞ The then Japanese newspapers preached that the Japanese's living space lay in encroaching on China.
 ☞ 他利用职权侵占大量的国有土地。
 ☞ He encroached on a great deal of state land by exploiting his office.
 ☞ 1937年12月,日军侵占了南京并开始了长达六周的血腥大屠杀。
 ☞ The Japanese troops seized Nanjing in December of 1937 and began the bloody massacre, which lasted 6 weeks.
 ☞ 要是他不利用职权又如何能侵占那么多的土地呢?
 ☞ How could he have seized so much land if he hadn't take advantage of his position and power?
 ☞ 他们结成一伙,侵占国家税收。
 ☞ They ganged up to embezzle the state revenue.
 ☞ 他因侵占公司资金而被撤职。
 ☞ He was removed from office for embezzling the company funds.
侵吞 侵吞
 ☞ 我听说出纳侵吞了数百万美元,得手后逃走了。
 ☞ I heard that the cashier succeeded in embezzling several million US dollars and ran away.
 ☞ 即使发现部分货物遭到侵吞,我们也无法为此与该公司理论。
 ☞ Even if it had been discovered that part of goods was embezzled, we could have made no challenge upon the company for it.
 ☞ 他因侵吞公款而被起诉。
 ☞ He was indicted for misappropriating public funds.
 ☞ 她利用职权多年来一直在侵吞社会财富。
 ☞ She had been misappropriating social property for years by taking advantage of her position and power.
 ☞ 侵吞别国领土的事过去见得多了。
 ☞ It was a common sight in the past to annex another country's territory.
 ☞ 1938年,纳粹德国侵吞了捷克斯洛伐克的苏台德地区。
 ☞ Nazi Germany annexed the Sudeten of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
侵害 侵害
1.encroach, encroachment,指逐步侵害。
 ☞ 好在肿瘤还没有侵害到重要器官。
 ☞ Fortunately the tumor has not encroached on important organs yet.
 ☞ 应该建立防护林来减少风沙的侵害。
 ☞ Shelterbelts must be built to reduce encroachment by sandstorm.
2.infringe, infringement,指违法侵害。
 ☞ 盗印书籍侵害了作者的版权。
 ☞ Pirating books infringed the author's copyrights.
 ☞ 同侵害公民权利的行为进行斗争大有必要。
 ☞ It is highly necessary to fight against any infringement of the rights of citizens.
3.inroad, 指动物,害虫等的侵害。
 ☞ 已采取了预防措施来防止蝗虫对农作物的侵害。
 ☞ Preventive measures have been adopted to prevent the inroads of locusts on the crops.
 ☞ 如何保护水稻不受麻雀侵害的问题依然没有解决。
 ☞ The problem remains unsolved of how to protect crops of rice from the inroads of sparrows.
侵犯 侵犯
1.trespass on,指未经许可而擅自侵入或侵犯。
 ☞ 我们必须警告猎人不得侵犯我们的土地。
 ☞ We must warn hunters against trespassing on our land.
 ☞ 侵犯人权在现代社会是不可容忍的。
 ☞ It is intolerable to trespass human rights in modem society.
 ☞ 是谁指控你侵犯我的著作权?
 ☞ Who accused you of infringing my copyright?
 ☞ 这样的入侵是侵犯了国家的主权。
 ☞ Such an invasion infringed a nation's sovereignty.
3.encroach on, encroachment,指逐步或偷偷地侵犯。
 ☞ 人们普遍认为政府在侵犯公民的自由。
 ☞ I is universally accepted by people that the government is encroaching on the liberties of the citizens.
 ☞ 窃听电话侵犯了个人的隐私权。
 ☞ Wiretapping encroached on a person's right to privacy.
 ☞ 决不允许侵犯集体的利益。
 ☞ No encroachment on the interests of the collective is allowed.
4.violate, violation, inviolable,指违背条约、协议议、规定而明目张胆的侵犯。
 ☞ 侵犯基本人权可耻。
 ☞ It is shameful to violate basic human rights.
 ☞ 中国的领土和主权不容侵犯。
 ☞ We tolerate no violation of China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
 ☞ 公共财产不容侵犯。
 ☞ Public property shall be inviolable.
 ☞ 他因侵犯国家财产罪而被起诉。
 ☞ He was prosecuted for the crime against the state property.
 ☞ 警方的行为因侵犯公民人身权利而受到指责。
 ☞ The police were accused for their action against the personal rights of a citizen.
侵蚀 侵蚀
1.encroach on,encroachment,指逐步侵蚀,强调过程。
 ☞ 每年春天,这条河都要侵蚀更多的土地。
 ☞ Every spring the river encroaches more on the land.
 ☞ 大海在侵蚀海岸。
 ☞ The sea is encroaching on the coast.
 ☞ 沙漠地区的流沙过去总是要侵蚀耕地。
 ☞ In desert areas shifting sand used to encroach on the cultivated land.
 ☞ 海洋对陆地的侵蚀在那一带十分明显。
 ☞ Encroachment made by the sea upon the land was quite evident in that area.
2.erode, erosion,指风、水、酸的自然侵蚀,强调原因。
 ☞ 海水会侵蚀岩石。
 ☞ The sea erodes the rock.
 ☞ 风侵蚀了松散的表土。
 ☞ Wind eroded the loose topsoil.
 ☞ 由于风雨的作用引起岩屑的松动及搬运称之为侵蚀。
 ☞ The loosing and transporting away of rock debris by moving action of wind and rain is called erosion.
3.corrode, corrosion,指能起腐蚀作用的侵蚀,强调化学作用。
 ☞ 已知硫酸和硫酸盐能侵蚀金属。
 ☞ Sulfuric acid and sulfates are known to corrode metal.
 ☞ 铁锈可以侵蚀钢铁。
 ☞ Rust corrodes iron and steel.
 ☞ 车身的侵蚀说明车子的保养很差。
 ☞ The corrosion on the car's body showed it had been badly maintained.
  ■ 不过,corrode有时也用于引申。
 ☞ 贿赂会侵蚀买卖双方应有的信任。
 ☞ Bribery corrodes the confidence that must exist between buyer and seller.
侵袭 侵袭
 ☞ 病菌会侵袭人体。
 ☞ Germs invade the human body.
 ☞ 流感侵袭了全市。
 ☞ Influenza invaded the whole city.
 ☞ 台风侵袭沿海地区。
 ☞ The typhoon hit the coastal areas 该地区受到了强烈地震的侵袭。
 ☞ The district was hit by a violent earthquake.
 ☞ 这些庄稼容易受到害虫的侵袭。
 ☞ These crops are liable to be attacked by pests.
 ☞ 小儿麻痹是一种侵袭儿童的疾病。
 ☞ Infantile paralysis is a disease that attacks children.
4.make inroads into (on),指突然入侵。
 ☞ 纳粹德国侵袭波兰导致了第二次世界大战。
 ☞ The inroads into Poland made by Nazi Germany led to World War II.
 ☞ 农民想尽办法来保护玉米不受猴子的侵袭。
 ☞ Peasants tried every possible way to protect their crops of corn from the inroads of monkeys.
便 便
 ☞ 如果他来,我们便可以谈一谈。
 ☞ If he comes, we shall then have a talk.
 ☞ 如果他不能来,我们便得推迟会议。
 ☞ I he cannot come, then we must postpone the meeting.
  ■ then也可以放在句首,意为“于是便”。句中的主谓要颠倒,表示上文谈到的情况已有了转折。
 ☞ 于是便来了一位拿警棍的警察。
 ☞ Then appeared the policeman with a club.
 ☞ 于是便开辟了社会革命的新纪元。
 ☞ Then opens a new epoch of social revolution.
 ☞ 那便是我的感觉。
 ☞ That's just how I feel.
 ☞ 这便是你想知道的。
 ☞ It's just what you want to know.
 ☞ 我们担心的便是她的无知。
 ☞ What we are worrying about is just her ignorance.
3.even if,用于让步句,意为“即便是”,表示说话人对这种假设的态度。
 ☞ 即便是累了,我也要来。
 ☞ I'll come even if I'm tired.
 ☞ 困难即便是再多,我们也能克服。
 ☞ Even if more difficulties remain, we can overcome them.
 ☞ 日夜服务,顾客称便。
 ☞ Customers find the 24-hour service very convenient.
 ☞ 在这样的地点,不便回答这样的问题。
 ☞ It is inconvenient to answer such a question in such a place.
促使 促使
 ☞ 对人民群众的信念促使我坚持真理。
 ☞ The confidence in the mass spurred me to hold firmly to the truth.
 ☞ 对祖国的爱促使我们在众寡悬殊的情况下坚持战斗。
 ☞ The love for our motherland spurred us to fight in great disparity in numerical strength.
 ☞ 革命斗争的需要促使我们刻苦学习马列主义。
 ☞ The demands of revolutionary struggle spur us on to study Marxism-Leninism diligently.
 ☞ 生产的发展促使我们不断钻研技术。
 ☞ The development of production impels us continuously to study technique.
 ☞ 饥饿促使他铤而走险。
 ☞ Hunger impelled him to resort to adventurism.
 ☞ 是什么促使你去那里的?
 ☞ What impelled you to go there?
 ☞ 母乳是促使婴儿健康生长的最佳食物。
 ☞ Mother's milk is the best food for babies to promote healthy growth.
 ☞ 有些食物会促使龋齿的产生。
 ☞ Certain foods promote tooth decay.
 ☞ 为促使进一步发展,政府决定干预证券市场。
 ☞ The government decided to intervene in the stock market in the interests of furthering development.
 ☞ 经济危机促使谣言的传播。
 ☞ The economic crisis furthered the spread of rumors.
 ☞ 营养不良会促使百病丛生。
 ☞ Malnutrition advances the progress of diseases.
 ☞ 我们采取一切可能措施来促使和平利用原子能。
 ☞ We've taken every possible measure to advance peaceful utilization of atomic energy.
促成 促成
1.help to bring about,指帮助实现。
 ☞ 我们促成了这对情人的美满结合。
 ☞ We helped to bring about a happy union of the lovers.
 ☞ 我国外长从中斡旋,促成了双方达成协议。
 ☞ The mediation of the foreign minister of China helped to bring about an agreement between the two parties.
2.bring... into...,指“使进入…状态”。
 ☞ 这笔生意是他大力促成的。
 ☞ It was he who brought the business into success.
 ☞ 这场运动促成了她同这位革命作家的接触。
 ☞ This movement has brought her into contact with the revolutionary writer.
 ☞ 这些情况促成了病人间接触性传染病的传播。
 ☞ These circumstances facilitate the transfer of contagious diseases among the patients.
 ☞ 你们的支持促成了这一新戏的上演。
 ☞ Your supports facilitated the performing of the new play.
 ☞ 无论她想要什么,她母亲总是努力促成。
 ☞ Whatever she was desirous of, her mother would be eager to promote.
 ☞ 她可能产生了错误想法,以为她父亲会促成她与基姆的婚事。
 ☞ She could have generated the false idea that her father would promote her marriage with Jim.
5.see that... come off,指“见到…成功”。
 ☞ 这桩生意希望你大力促成。
 ☞ We hope you'll do your best to see that this deal comes off.
 ☞ 我们想尽办法促成这对分居的夫妻重归于好。
 ☞ We tried every possible way to see that the bringing of the separated couple together came off again.
促进 促进
 ☞ 只有促进安定团结才能进行改革。
 ☞ Only by promoting stability and unity can we carry out reform.
 ☞ 所有这些活动都有助于促进两国之间的相互了解。
 ☞ All these activities have helped to promote mutual understanding between the two countries.
 ☞ 牛奶促进健康。
 ☞ Milk promotes health.
 ☞ 这次大会制定了一个22点计划来促进我国的工业化。
 ☞ The conference laid down a 22-point program to advance the industrialization of our country.
 ☞ 无私的爱国人士促进了解放事业。
 ☞ Selfless patriots advanced the cause of liberation.
 ☞ 他的研究工作促进了微生物学的发展。
 ☞ His research work advanced the progress of microbiology.
 ☞ 那里正兴建一条运河来促进这两个城市间的贸易。
 ☞ There a canal is being built to facilitate commerce between these two cities.
 ☞ 邮政编码是用来促进邮递服务的。
 ☞ Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service.
 ☞ 各国人民的友好接触促进了文化交流。
 ☞ Friendly contacts between different peoples facilitate the cultural interchange.
 ☞ 环境保护会进一步促进爱国卫生运动。
 ☞ The environmental protection will further the patriotic public health campaign.
 ☞ 他写这篇文章显然是要进一步促进这一活动。
 ☞ It was apparent to further this activity that he wrote the essay.
 ☞ 这些试样和数据正用于进一步促进我们对这一地区的了解。
 ☞ These samples and data are being used to further our understanding of this region.
5.从带来的角度来译,可用bring about。
 ☞ 正是改革促进了工农业生产的大发展。
 ☞ It is reform that brings about a great advance in industrial and agricultural production.
 ☞ 我们愿尽最大的努力来促进生产的增长。
 ☞ We will do our utmost to bring about an increase of production.
 ☞ 你们采取的措施促进了质量的普遍提高。
 ☞ The measure you have taken has brought about a general rise in quality.
6.从施加一个外力推动的角度来译,可用give an impetus to。
 ☞ 艺术家的访问和回访将促进文化交流。
 ☞ Visits and return visits of artists will give an impetus to cultural exchange.
 ☞ 这次大罢工促进了整个中国的劳工运动。
 ☞ The great strike gave an impetus to the whole labor movement of China.
7.从帮助前进的角度来译,可用help forward。
 ☞ 我们在工作学习上都互相促进。
 ☞ We help each other forward both in work and study.
 ☞ 如果我对你有所促进,我就十分高兴了。
 ☞ If I can help you forward in any way I should be delighted.
8.从提出挑战的角度使之促进,可译be a challenge。
 ☞ 向我们学习的人反倒超过了我们,这真是一个促进。
 ☞ That those who had learned from us now excelled us was a real challenge.
 ☞ 我欣赏工作给我带来的促进、激励和上进的机会。
 ☞ I appreciate the challenge, the excitement and the opportunity of growth that my work provides.
保存 保存
 ☞ 我给你的书还保存着吗?
 ☞ Do you keep the book I gave you?
 ☞ 他至今还保存着他获得的奖杯。
 ☞ He has so far kept the cup he won as a prize.
 ☞ 母亲还保存着烈士的血衣。
 ☞ Mother still keeps the bloodstained shirt of the martyr.
 ☞ 鲜奶保存不了多长时间,但奶粉可以长期保存。
 ☞ Fresh milk will not keep long, but dried milk will.
 ☞ 市政府要求市民在旱季保存用水。
 ☞ The city government requested the citizens to conserve water during the drought.
 ☞ 在含油层结构探明前我们要尽量保存石油储量。
 ☞ We must conserve oil reserve before the oil-bearing structure is verified.
 ☞ 手稿发现时仍保存完好。
 ☞ The manuscript was still well preserved when it was found.
 ☞ 他早期的作品很少有保存下来的。
 ☞ Few of his early works are preserved.
 ☞ 我们的战术是保存自己,消灭敌人。
 ☞ Our tactics are to preserve ourselves and annihilate the enemy.
 ☞ 人民政府对保存艺术珍品十分关心。
 ☞ The people's government takes good care to preserve artistic treasures.
 ☞ 在这样大的地震后,这座建筑竟能保存下来,真是奇迹。
 ☞ That building managed to survive miraculously after such a strong earthquake like this.
 ☞ 这座纪念碑经历了这么多的战火,竞能保存下来,真是难以想像。
 ☞ It is inconceivable that this monument has survived at all after so many wars and fires it has gone through.
 ☞ 八角亭初建于公元550年的北齐,以后虽经历多次重建,仍保存着原来的模样。
 ☞ The octagonal pavilions were first built in 550 A.D.
 ☞ during the Northern Qi Dynasty and still have retained their original style after the many reconstructions of the ensuing years.
 ☞ 老虽老,老太太却仍然保存着对生活的一切乐趣。
 ☞ Old as she is. the old lady has still retained all interest in life.
保护 保护
1.由于保护而不受损害,可译protect... from (against),safeguard。后者为书面用语。
 ☞ 我们目前要做的是保护环境,防止污染。
 ☞ What we are to do now is to protect the environments against pollution.
 ☞ 他带着一副黑色眼镜,保护眼部,遮挡阳光。
 ☞ He wore dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.
 ☞ 我们已采取必要的防空措施来保护城市。
 ☞ We have taken necessary measures to safeguard our city against air attack.
 ☞ 要保护人民的利益就要同盗贼作斗争。
 ☞ The struggle against robbers and bandits is to safeguard the people's interests.
2.用某种物体来保护,译shield... from。
 ☞ 他的贴身警卫用自己的身子挡住掉下来的石头来保护他。
 ☞ His bodyguard shielded him from falling stones with his own body.
 ☞ 太阳镜遮挡阳光保护眼睛。
 ☞ Sunglasses shield your eyes from the sun.
 ☞ 世界各国都在尽力保护森林。
 ☞ All countries of the world are trying their best to preserve their forests.
 ☞ 我们要像保护眼珠那样保护各民族的团结。
 ☞ We must preserve the unity of all nationalities as we do the apple of our eye.
 ☞ 由于战士的抢救,终于保护了这批物资。
 ☞ Thanks to the soldiers' rescue operation, the supplies were finally saved.
 ☞ 在这次事故中,她保护了孩子,他们都没有受伤。
 ☞ In the accident she saved the children from being hurt.
 ☞ 路面保护得不错。
 ☞ The road surface is well maintained.
 ☞ 他们手把着手教农民如何保护抽水机。
 ☞ They took the peasants by the hand and taught them how to maintain the pumps.
6.如果保护是指保持原样,应译keep intact。
 ☞ 保护现场是每个公民的职责。
 ☞ It is a duty for every citizen to keep intact the scene of a crime.
 ☞ 你的责任就是把文物保护好直到移交给国家为止。
 ☞ Your duty is to keep the culture relics intact till their hand-over to the state.
保持 保持
 ☞ 我国同一切爱好和平的国家保持友好关系。
 ☞ Our country preserves friendly relations with all peace-loving countries.
 ☞ 务必使同志们继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
 ☞ The comrades must be helped to preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle.
 ☞ 鲁迅故居内的一切保持着他生前的原样。
 ☞ Everything in Lu Xun's former residence is preserved as it was during his lifetime.
 ☞ 为了保持她富有青春气息的身材,她一直节制饮食。
 ☞ She has dieted constantly in order to preserve her youthful figure.
 ☞ 我国西北地区保持水土十分重要。
 ☞ It is very important to conserve water and soil in the northwest area of China.
 ☞ 他正为最后20米的冲刺保持精力。
 ☞ He is conserving his energy for the last twenty-meter dash.
 ☞ 一日三餐并得到充分的休息和锻炼,就能保持身体健康。
 ☞ Eating three meals a day and getting plenty of rest and exercise will maintain a person's health.
 ☞ 我们要保持过去革命战争时期的那么一股劲,那么一股革命热情,那么一种拼命精神。
 ☞ We should maintain the same vigor, the same revolutionary enthusiasm and the death-defying spirit we displayed in the years of the revolutionary war.
 ☞ 第一次世界大战后,德国已无法保持其殖民地。
 ☞ Germany was unable to retain her colonies after the First World War.
 ☞ 朱建华现在仍保持着全国跳高记录。
 ☞ In China, Zhu Jianhua has so far retained the high jump record.
 ☞ 我们都希望保持劳动人民的本色。
 ☞ We all hope to retain the characteristics of the working people.
5.keep (up),常用语,不带感情色彩,因此常用来替换preserve,conserve,maintain等词。
 ☞ 务必使同志们继续保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
 ☞ The comrades must be helped to keep up (preserve) the style of plain living and hard struggle.
 ☞ 船舱内的空气不断循环以保持室温。
 ☞ The air is recirculated in the cabin in order to keep up (conserve) heat.
 ☞ 多年来,他同他的老战友一直保持通讯联系。
 ☞ He keeps up (maintains)a steady correspondence with his old comrade-in-arms for years.
 ☞ 我们能去掉不良作风,保持优良作风。
 ☞ We can get rid of a bad style and keep the good.
  ■ keep (up)除了能接宾语外,还能接补语及用作自动词。
1) 接补语。
 ☞ 我们无论干什么,都应该和群众保持密切的联系。
 ☞ Whatever we do, we must keep close to the masses.
 ☞ 同学们,响铃了。请保持安静。
 ☞ Boys and girls, the bell has rung. Keep quiet, please.
2) 用作自动词。
 ☞ 我希望这种天气能保持不变。
 ☞ I hope the weather will keep up.
 ☞ 他们虽遭受挫折,但精神仍保持不变。
 ☞ Their spirits are keeping up although they have suffered setbacks.
  ■ keep一词尚有一些与“保持”意思有关的习惯用语。
1) 保持原样,keep intact。
 ☞ 鲁迅纪念馆的一切都保持原样。
 ☞ Everything in the Lu Xun Museum is kept intact.
2) 保持联系,keep in touch (contact) with。
 ☞ 这两位业余无线电爱好者通过无线电来保持联系。
 ☞ These two amateur radio enthusiasts keep in touch (contact) with each other over the radio.
3) 保持一致,keep in step with。
 ☞ 他们干什么总是互相保持一致。
 ☞ Whatever they do, they always keep in step with each other.
 ☞ 我们要经常保持谦虚谨慎。
 ☞ We must always remain modest and prudent.
 ☞ 在目前的大好形势下,我们要保持清醒的头脑。
 ☞ In the present excellent situation, we must remain sober-minded.
 ☞ 大殿建于900年前,至今仍巍然屹立,保持原样。
 ☞ The main building was built nine hundred years ago and remains standing intact.
  ■ 注意:remain同keep的区别。
 ☞ 对这个问题,我们难以保持沉默。
 ☞ We can hardly remain silent on this question.(在大声疾呼之前,沉默是过程。)
 ☞ 同学们,保持安静。
 ☞ Boys and girls,keep silent.(由吵闹到安静只是一瞬间的动作,而不是过程。)
 ☞ 我校建造闻一多塑像,是为了保持对这位伟大诗人和爱国者的纪念。
 ☞ The Wen Yi-duo Monument was built in our university to perpetuate the memory of this great poet and patriot.
 ☞ 独裁者想尽办法企图保持对局势的控制。
 ☞ The dictator tried every possible means to perpetuate his domination over the situation.
 ☞ 摄影师要她把这个姿势再保持几分钟。
 ☞ The photographer asked her to hold the pose for a few minutes longer.
 ☞ 给你素描时身子要保持不动。
 ☞ Hold yourself still when I sketch you.
 ☞ 恐怕好天气保持不了多久的。
 ☞ I fear fine weather won't hold much longer.
 ☞ 谁保持着跳高记录?
 ☞ Who holds the record of the high jump?
9.range from... to...,强调保持在一定的可变范围之内。
 ☞ 我国入学儿童的年龄保持在六至七岁之间。
 ☞ In China, the age of children who start school ranges from six to seven years old.
 ☞ 据《泰晤士报》透露,英国今年12月份的储备总额保持在1,000,000,000和1,005,000,000英磅之间。
 ☞ The Times revealed that the total reserve of Britain ranged from 1,000 to 1,005 million pounds in December this year.
保留 保留
 ☞ 世代居住国外的华侨仍保留着他们的风俗习惯。
 ☞ The overseas Chinese who have lived abroad for generations still retain their habits and customs.
 ☞ 他还保留着战争年代的革命朝气。
 ☞ He still retains the revolutionary fervor of the war years.
2.表示保持原样,可译be what it is like。
 ☞ 遵义会议会址一直保留着原样。
 ☞ The site of the Zunyi Meeting is still what it has always been like.
 ☞ 许多房屋遭到日机的轰炸,但这幢建筑物仍保留着原来的面貌。
 ☞ The appearance of this building is still what it was like while many of the houses were bombed by the Japanese planes.
 ☞ 他赞成保留这一地区作为野生动物禁猎区。
 ☞ He was in favor of preserving the area as a wildlife sanctuary.
 ☞ 所有这些变异都是在“生存竞争”中保留下来的。
 ☞ All these variants have been preserved in the "struggle for existence".
4.表示暂时保留不处理,等以后再说,可译reserve, reservation, reservedly。
 ☞ 中国代表对该提议没有提出反对,但声明保留以后对此发表评论的权利。
 ☞ The Chinese delegate didn't object to the proposal but stated that he would reserve the right to comment on it at a later stage.
 ☞ 我们应该允许少数人保留他们的意见。
 ☞ We must allow the minority to reserve their views.
 ☞ 我毫无保留地接受你的意见。
 ☞ I accept your view without any reservation(或unreservedly).
 ☞ 航空公司为你保留了两张机票。
 ☞ The airline is holding two tickets for you.
 ☞ 请你给我留两个座位好吗?
 ☞ Will you please save two seats for me?
 ☞ 他在家乡还保留着一幢房屋。
 ☞ He has still kept a house in his hometown.
 ☞ 他们不应违反人民意志而保留这些基地。
 ☞ They mustn't keep these bases against the people's will.
7.表示保留了某种意见或观点而不愿说出来,可译hold back。
 ☞ 有意见都讲出来,不要保留。
 ☞ Don't hold back anything you want to say.
 ☞ 我们相信他还有什么事对我们有所保留。
 ☞ We were sure that he was holding something back from us.
8.请发表意见的委婉语,可译not spare。
 ☞ 请不要保留意见。
 ☞ Please don't spare your opinion.
 ☞ 我们希望读者不要保留意见。
 ☞ We hope that readers will not spare their comments.
保管 保管
1.强调保护时,译take care of, care for。
 ☞ 我会好好保管这些东西并会尽早还给你的。
 ☞ I will take good care of these things and return them as soon as possible.
 ☞ 鲁迅的手稿都是由鲁迅纪念馆保管的。
 ☞ Lu Xun's manuscripts are cared for by the Lu Xun's Museum.
 ☞ 这些蔬菜在摄氏20度以下很好保管。
 ☞ These vegetables store well at temperatures below 20 degrees centigrade.
 ☞ 他去美国时家具保管在这里。
 ☞ He stored his furniture here when he went to America.
3.强调安全时,译be held in safe-keeping, keep in a safe place。
 ☞ 文件已由党务秘书保管。
 ☞ The documents are held in safe-keeping by the secretary in charge of the Party's affairs.
 ☞ 首饰要保管好。
 ☞ The jewels must be kept in a safe place.
 ☞ 他是我们的老保管。
 ☞ He is our veteran store-keeper.
 ☞ 他保管不知道。
 ☞ He certainly doesn't know.
 ☞ 只要肯努力,保管你能学会。
 ☞ You'll surely learn it if you try hard.
保证 保证
 ☞ 我们保证提前完成任务。
 ☞ We guarantee to fulfill the task ahead of schedule.
 ☞ 有关单位已保证不再发生类似事件。
 ☞ The department concerned has guaranteed against the occurrence of similar incidents.
 ☞ 8小时睡眠必须保证。
 ☞ Eight hours' sleep must be guaranteed.
 ☞ 坚守该山24小时就能保证我方对敌的胜利。
 ☞ Holding this hill for twenty-four hours will ensure our victory over the enemy.
 ☞ 要保证妇女在产前产后有充分的休息。
 ☞ Adequate rest must be ensured for women during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  ■ guarantee和ensure的区别可以从翻译下面的一句话时体现出来。
 ☞ 我们不能保证火车在大雾里按时到达。
 ☞ We can't guarantee the punctual arrival of the train in such foggy weather.(说话的可能是车站负责人而且不肯提出保证)
 ☞ We can't ensure the punctual arrival of the train in such foggy weather.(说话的可能是局外人,只是安慰别人)
3.法律用语,指具有法律意义或类似法律意义的保证,译pledge oneself。
 ☞ 两国都根据条约保证在战时互相支持。
 ☞ By the treaty both countries pledged themselves to assist each other in case of war.
 ☞ 他们保证不经过他允许决不向别人提起这件事。
 ☞ They pledge themselves not to mention it to others without his permission.
 ☞ 我向你保证这药对你无害。
 ☞ I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you.
 ☞ 船长向乘客保证没有危险。
 ☞ The captain of the ship assured the passengers that there was no danger.
 ☞ 只有如此,我们才能保证大家都有工作、休息和受教育的权利。
 ☞ Only thus can we secure the right of work, rest and education for all.
 ☞ 我们巩固了河堤,保证了我市不受洪水的侵袭。
 ☞ By strengthening the embankments, we secured our city from floods.
 ☞ 他们的支持将保证我的成功。
 ☞ Their support will insure my success.
 ☞ 风调雨顺保证了我县的丰收。
 ☞ The favorable climatic weather insured our county good harvest.
7.从落实措施来提出保证,可译make sure。
 ☞ 现在要保证大家身体好,保证工人、农民、战士、学生、干部都要身体好。
 ☞ Now we must make sure that everybody, including workers, peasants, soldiers, students, and cadres, can keep fit.
 ☞ 我们保证你在一周内收到我们的答复。
 ☞ We make sure that you get our reply in a week's time.
 ☞ 在移交一切前,我们保证他们已有足够的经验和实际知识。
 ☞ Before handing over everything, we make sure that they have sufficient experience and know-how.
8.从承担义务的角度来提出保证,可译commit oneself to doing (do) sth。
 ☞ 农民保证增加肉类生产。
 ☞ Peasants have committed themselves to stepping (step) up meat production.
 ☞ 埃及政府要求以色列保证巴勒斯坦自治。
 ☞ The Egyptian government wanted Israel to commit itself to Palestinian autonomy.
9.保证作状语用时可译without fail。
 ☞ 这件活3天完成,保证没问题。
 ☞ We'll finish the job in three days without fail.
 ☞ 你得保证8点正到达这里。
 ☞ You must be here at eight sharp without fail.
保险 保险
 ☞ 你的房子保了火险了吗?
 ☞ Did you have your house insured against fire?
 ☞ 本公司将为你的财产保10万元的险。
 ☞ Our company will insure your property for 100,000 yuan.
 ☞ 意外事故时,受保人可从保险公司获得一笔总数为10万元的现金。
 ☞ In case of accident the insured person will receive a sum of money totaling 100,000 yuan in cash from the insurance company.
2.safe,to be on the safe side,指稳妥安全。
 ☞ 绳子保险吗?肯定不会断?
 ☞ Is the rope safe? Are you sure it won't break?
 ☞ 把钱存到银行里最保险。
 ☞ It is safest to deposit one's money in a bank.
 ☞ 为了保险起见,你至少应该等上半年再起诉。
 ☞ To be on the safe side you should wait at least half a year before bringing a suit.
 ☞ 我最好还是带把雨伞,这样保险一点。
 ☞ I'd better take an umbrella to be on the safe side.
3.be sure,指肯定如此。
 ☞ 你心里保险有什么秘密。
 ☞ There is sure to be something secret in your mind.
 ☞ 她保险马上回来。
 ☞ She's sure to be back soon.
4.be bound to,指必然如此。
 ☞ 这玩意儿保险能行。
 ☞ That stuff is bound to work.
 ☞ 他保险要去,什么都挡不住他。
 ☞ He is bound to go, and nothing can stop him.

 ☞ 你说句话我就信是不可能的。
 ☞ It is impossible for me to believe a single word you say.
 ☞ 我不信我们队会赢。
 ☞ I don't believe that our team will win.
 ☞ 我们不由得半信半疑。
 ☞ We could not help half believing and half doubting.
 ☞ 信不信由你。
 ☞ Whether you believe it or not is up to you.
2.believe in,指信仰上的信奉。
 ☞ 老太太信佛,每天都吃素念佛。
 ☞ The old lady believes in Buddhism, she is a reverent Buddhist and practices vegetarianism every day.
 ☞ 尽管整个世界都在谴责他,但还是有不少人信他。
 ☞ Though the whole world condemns him, not a few people believe in him.
 ☞ 你要是信得过我,就让我替你办。
 ☞ If you trust me, let me do it for you.
 ☞ 她是群众信得过的好干部。
 ☞ She's a good cadre trusted by the masses.
 ☞ 言必信,行必果。
 ☞ Be always true in word and resolute in deed.
 ☞ 信言不美,美言不信。
 ☞ True words are not beautiful while beautiful words are not true.
 ☞ 国家在国际交往中失信就不会受到尊重。
 ☞ A country isn't respected if it breaks a promise in international relations.
 ☞ 我希望你能守信。
 ☞ I hope you'll keep your promise.
 ☞ 想不到他竟会失信。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should have broken his word (promise)?
 ☞ 你既然答应了,就该守信。
 ☞ Now that you have given the promise, you have to keep your word.
  ■ 但如果实质上word是“来信”的意思,就不能与promise替换。
 ☞ 你到了那里给我来信。
 ☞ Please send me word of your arrival.
 ☞ 到了12点还是没信。
 ☞ By twelve o'clock there was still no news.
 ☞ 你有我儿子的信吗?
 ☞ Do you have any news from my son?
 ☞ 湖边信步,不亦乐乎?
 ☞ Isn't it pleasant to take a leisurely walk along the lake?
 ☞ 别让他信口开河。
 ☞ Stop him talking at random without restraint.
 ☞ 我闲来无事,常常信马由缰。
 ☞ When I have nothing to d0 I would ride aimlessly and let my horse carry me where it pleases.
 ☞ 她抱起琵琶信手弹来,竟十分动听。
 ☞ She took up the pipa and began to play, effortlessly and melodiously.
 ☞ 不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步。
 ☞ Let the wind blow and waves swill. To me, it's better than having a stroll in a courtyard at will.
信任 信任
 ☞ 他是群众信任的好干部。
 ☞ He is a good cadre trusted by the masses.
 ☞ 你反正可以信任他。
 ☞ You can trust him anyway.
 ☞ 忘性大的人不能信任自己的记忆,而要把事情记在笔记本上。
 ☞ A forgetful man should not trust his memory, but should write things down in a note-book.
 ☞ 人民对政府的信任已经动摇。
 ☞ The people's trust in the government has been shaken.
 ☞ 我信任他能度过这次危机,依据是他过去有过多次这样的死里逃生。
 ☞ My confidence in his ability to survive the crisis is based on his many narrow escapes in the past.
 ☞ 他在这里工作多年,得到了人民的信任。
 ☞ He works here for years and enjoys the confidence of the people.
  ■ 由于confidence是一个名词,要用作谓语时 ,常与have,put等词搭配。
 ☞ 尽管你连遭挫折,但我仍然信任你。
 ☞ I still have confidence in you though you have suffered repeated setbacks.
 ☞ 不要信任此人。
 ☞ Don't put any confidence in this man.
 ☞ 孩子总是信任母亲的 A child always has reliance on his mother.
 ☞ 她接受了他的忠告,因为她很信任他的判断。
 ☞ She took his advice because she placed great reliance on his judgment.
 ☞ 他们陷入这样一种被动地位是因为盲目信任武器。
 ☞ They fell into such a passive position because they placed blind faith in weapons.
 ☞ 我劝你不要信任这样的补救办法。
 ☞ I advise you not to put your faith in such a remedy.
修复 修复
 ☞ 这段铁路已修复通车。
 ☞ This section of the railway has been repaired and reopened to traffic.
 ☞ 房屋损毁不大,马上可以修复。
 ☞ The damage to the house is of a minor character and it could readily be repaired.
 ☞ 打碎的花瓶修复得那么光滑平整,原来那么熟悉的裂缝都看不出来了。
 ☞ The broken vase was so neatly repaired that no trace of once familiar rents could be seen.
  ■ 此外,repair还可用来指生物的自我修复。
 ☞ 不用着急,人体本身就有修复表皮组织的能力。
 ☞ Don't worry! Human body itself is able to repair the skin tissue.
 ☞ 专家们修复了千年古刹及庙内的佛像。
 ☞ The experts have restored the thousand-year-old temple and its Buddhist images.
 ☞ 医生们修复、整补了脸上天生就有,却被战争夺去了的各个部位。
 ☞ The doctors restored and repaired every part of the face which Nature has given but which War has taken.
 ☞ 我市几处具有历史意义的建筑都被修复得焕然一新。
 ☞ Several historic buildings have been renovated in our city.
 ☞ 我们修复灯塔就是为了导航。
 ☞ It is for guidance that we renovate the beacon.
修建 修建
 ☞ 那里正在修建一条运河来促进商业。
 ☞ There a canal is being built to facilitate commerce.
 ☞ 我们山村里的房子大都是用石块修建的。
 ☞ Houses in our mountain villages are mostly built of stone.
 ☞ 为这样一些情况修建的飞机必须易于操纵、易于保养。
 ☞ Aircraft built for these conditions must be easy to operate and to maintain.
 ☞ 果是指物质的修建,则可与build换用。
 ☞ 我们花了两年的时间修建了这座大桥。
 ☞ It took us two years to construct (build) the bridge.
 ☞ 我市修建了一座大型水族馆。
 ☞ A great aquarium has been constructed (built) in our city.
  ■ 但如果指精神上的构思,则不能换用。
 ☞ 他在心里修建了一个自己的世界。
 ☞ He constructed a world of his own in his mind.
3.erect, 强调修建又高又细的建筑。
 ☞ 工人们正日以继夜地修建蒸馏塔。
 ☞ The workers are erecting distilling columns day and night.
 ☞ 20世纪50年代末,天安门广场上修建了人民英雄纪念碑。
 ☞ At the end of the 1950's the Monument of the People's Heroes was erected on the Tiananmen Square.
 ☞ 这是一幢用松木修建,杉木包面的小木屋。
 ☞ This is a little cottage framed of pine and sheathed with cedar.
 ☞ 我们修建了一个自行车棚,就在后院。
 ☞ We have framed a shelter for bicycles, which is at the backyard.
修改 修改
 ☞ 我们的老师花了好多时间来修改我们的作文。
 ☞ Our teacher spends much time correcting our compositions.
 ☞ 他来看我时,我正在办公室里修改校样。
 ☞ I was correcting my proof sheets in my office when he came to see me.
 ☞ 全国人民代表大会正在举行如何修改宪法的讨论。
 ☞ The National People's Congress is holding a discussion of how to amend the constitution.
 ☞ 立法机构有权修改法律。
 ☞ The legislative body has the right to amend the law.
3.emend, 指在编辑、出版过程中校订性的修改。
 ☞ 学者们在认为莎士比亚现有文本有误或有所歪曲时会着手修改之。
 ☞ Scholars would emend Shakespeare when they decided that the existing texts were unsound or garbled.
 ☞ 懒于思考的人往往会脱离上下文来曲解伟大作家的话并进而做一番修改,使之适合自己的口味。
 ☞ Lazy minds wrench a great writer's words out of context and then further emend them to suit their own taste.
 ☞ 他每天都在翻译报告、修改报告。
 ☞ He translates reports and revises reports everyday.
 ☞ 据说莎士比亚从来不修改手稿。
 ☞ It is said that Shakespeare never had to revise his manuscripts.
 ☞ 在现实实践中,这一程序略有修改。
 ☞ In actual practice this procedure is modified somewhat.
 ☞ 这一方案要想成功实现,就应稍作修改。
 ☞ This plan must be modified if it is to be carried out successfully.
修理 修理
 ☞ 他几乎花了一个小时来修理我的自行车。
 ☞ It took him nearly an hour to fix my bicycle.
 ☞ 我把你的收音机修理好了。
 ☞ I have your radio fixed.
 ☞ 你能修理我女儿的洋娃娃吗?
 ☞ Can you fix my daughter's doll?
 ☞ 屋顶漏雨,需要修理。
 ☞ The leak of the roof has to be fixed.
 ☞ 要是你想修理窗户,我可以弄到低价玻璃。
 ☞ If you want to mend the windows, I can get glass cheap·
 ☞ 他是来修理收音机的。
 ☞ He came to mend the wireless set.
3.repair,正规用语,大都用于部件大量损坏的修理。如果用于日用小件的修理时,可与fix, mend换用。
 ☞ 你请他来修理一下我的表好吗?
 ☞ Will you please ask him to repair (fix, mend) my watch?
 ☞ 他们拖着一艘严重损坏的轮船去上海修理。
 ☞ They were taking a badly damaged ship to Shanghai to have it repaired.
 ☞ 他善于做类似修理发动机这样的实际工作。
 ☞ He is good at anything practical like repairing engines.
  ■ 此外,repair还可用作名词。
 ☞ 修理道路时,交通改道。
 ☞ Traffic is diverted while the road is under repair.
 ☞ 当场修理,立等可取。
 ☞ Repairs done while you wait.
 ☞ 校园里的灌木需要定期修理。
 ☞ Bushes in the campus need regular trimming.
 ☞ 是我看着园丁把枯枝修理掉的。
 ☞ It was I who watched the gardener trimming dead branches.
修补 修补
 ☞ 我看见几个老年妇女在修补渔网。
 ☞ I saw a few old women mending fishing nets.
 ☞ 他要母亲修补一下牛仔裤口袋上的洞。
 ☞ He asked his mother to mend the hole in the pocket of his jeans.
 ☞ 你衣服上修补过的地方几乎看不出来。
 ☞ The mends on your dress were almost invisible.
  ■ 此外,mend还可表示广泛意义上的修补。
 ☞ 双方都急于修补两个派系之间的裂痕。
 ☞ Both sides were anxious to mend the rift between the two factions.
 ☞ 修补关系是从来不嫌晚的。
 ☞ It is never too late for one to mend one's fence.
 ☞ 他的鞋子总是自己修补。
 ☞ He is always patching his shoes by himself.
 ☞ 你的上衣肘部都磨薄了,我得修补修补。
 ☞ The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must have them patched.
 ☞ 他的破洗脸盆是用橡皮膏修补过的。
 ☞ His broken washbowl was patched up with adhesive plaster.
 ☞ 他把我的鞋子修补好了。
 ☞ He had my shoes repaired (mended).
 ☞ 我们在修补一堵墙。
 ☞ We're repairing (mending)a wall.
  ■ 但在大多数情况下,repair大都指大部件损坏或大量、严重损坏后的修补。
 ☞ 我们的左邻右舍都来帮忙修补部分烧毁的厨房。
 ☞ Our neighbors came to assist at repairing our partly burned kitchen.
 ☞ 这屋顶要是修补修补,房子还能住人。
 ☞ The house will be serviceable if the roof is repaired.
 ☞ 他的这次欧洲之行是去修补他破碎的婚姻。
 ☞ The trip he made to Europe was to repair his broken marriage.

1) 表示前后事实相反,可译on the contrary,相反的意思比较强烈。
 ☞ 你的样子很累,我感觉倒很好。
 ☞ You look tired, on the contrary, I feel fine.
 ☞ 你不爱足球,我倒非常喜欢。
 ☞ You don't like football, on the contrary, I like it very much.
 ☞ 他才9岁,知道的倒不少。
 ☞ He is only nine years old but on the contrary he knows quite a lot.
 ☞ 你没叫我讨厌,倒叫我喜欢。
 ☞ You aren't boring me, on the contrary, you're interesting me.
2) 强调前后事实相反,而且有点意外,可用but,后接it is...的强调句型来表示。
 ☞ 他不肯出钱,他太太倒拿出来了。
 ☞ He refused. but it was his wife who offered' the money.
 ☞ 我没见到你妹妹,小杨昨天在动物园倒碰上她了。
 ☞ I didn't see your sister, but it was Yang who met her in the zoo yesterday.
3) 表示与事实有出入时,可译actually,as a matter of fact,因此这种相反的意思就比鞍轻。
 ☞ 本想省事,没想倒费事了。
 ☞ We wanted to save ourselves trouble but actually we gave ourselves more.
 ☞ 外祖父倒没我变化大。
 ☞ Actually, Grandpa had altered much less than I.
 ☞ 不过,倒只有少数人拥有私人汽车。
 ☞ Actually, however, only a small number of people own their private cars.
 ☞ 刘姥姥道:“我倒替你们想出一个机会来。”
  "As a matter of fact, I have thought of a chance for you,”said Cranny Liu.
 ☞ 他倒是没有真正的信仰。
 ☞ He had, as a matter of fact, no real convictions.
4) 如果事实本来就是这样,可译as it is。
 ☞ 事情这样倒简单多了。
 ☞ The matter is so much simpler as it is.
 ☞ 情况倒越来越糟了。
 ☞ As it is, things are getting worse.
 ☞ 他们倒是同意买这幢房子的。
 ☞ They agreed to buy the house as it was.
5) 由于谓语动词的重叠,所谠的事情与事实没有多少出入,因此可在语气中表达出来,这时可以不译。
 ☞ 说说倒容易,做起来可不简单。
 ☞ It is easy to say that, but it is not so easy to do it.
 ☞ 我跟他认识倒认识,就是不太熟。
 ☞ I know him, but not very well.
6) 表示某种委婉的说法时,可译虚拟语气或用情态动词should, would。
 ☞ 你要是还能够的话,倒应该帮助他。
 ☞ You should help him if you could.
 ☞ 我倒喜欢住在一座古老的乡间别墅里而不喜欢一套豪华的公寓。
 ☞ I should like to live in an old country house rather than an expensive flat.
 ☞ 你还有什么说的,我倒想听听。
 ☞ I would like to hear what else you've got to say.
 ☞ 我倒不如死了干净。
 ☞ I would rather die.
 ☞ 我们倒真想留在家里。
 ☞ We should like to stay at home.
7) hope, think, suppose, wonder, pretend等词的现在进行时也可表示这种委婉的愿望或看法。
 ☞ 我倒希望你来跟我聊天的。
 ☞ I'm hoping that you will come and have a chat with me。
 ☞ 我倒想知道你们有什么问题。
 ☞ I'm wondering if you have any questions.
 ☞ 你倒以为我会带你出去吗?
 ☞ Are you supposing I'm going to take you out?
 ☞ 注意,这是一种假设。我倒没有硬说有这种事情。
 ☞ Understand, this is an imaginary case; I am not pretending that it has happened.
8) 表示不肯定语气时,可译英语反意疑问句(question tags)。
 ☞ 倒也不会有麻烦吧?
 ☞ There won't be any trouble, will there?
 ☞ 你倒去不去?
 ☞ You want to go, don't you?
 ☞ 他们倒不会来吧?
 ☞ They won't come, will they?
1) 表示上下颠倒,可译upside down。
 ☞ 这头朝上,别放倒了。
 ☞ This is the top; don't put it upside down.
 ☞ 他假装识字,可手里的书却倒拿着。
 ☞ He pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down.
2) 表示次序或方向的颠倒,可译reverse。
 ☞ 次序倒了。
 ☞ The order is reversed.
 ☞ 主次倒了。
 ☞ The order of importance is reversed.
 ☞ 按这个按钮就可以把机器转动的方向倒过来。
 ☞ The direction of movement of this machine can be reversed by pressing this button.
 ☞ 我们得把车倒回到大路上去。
 ☞ We have to reverse the car and go back to the main road.
3) 表示倾倒液体,可译pour。
 ☞ 请再倒一杯茶。
 ☞ Please pour another cup of tea.
 ☞ 他把牛奶从瓶里倒进杯里。
 ☞ He poured the milk from the bottle into the cup.
4) 表示倾诉某种感受,可译pour out。
 ☞ 他把一肚子冤屈都倒了出来。
 ☞ He poured out his entire grievance.
 ☞ 如果这样会轻松一点,那就把你的痛苦都倒出来吧。
 ☞ Pour your pain out if it will make you a little easier.
5) 表示倒退回去,可译back up。
 ☞ 你得先倒回去,再掉头。
 ☞ You'll have to back up and turn around 火车倒回去了。
 ☞ The train backed up.
倘若 倘若
  ■ “倘若”作“如果”解时可用if,in case (of),supposing,suppose等。
 ☞ 你们倘若有空,请到我那里来谈谈。
 ☞ Please come to my place for a chat if you have time.
 ☞ 倘若工夫深,铁杵磨成针。
 ☞ lf you are determined to do constant grinding you can turn an iron rod into a needle.
2.in case (of),引入某种情况。
 ☞ 倘若发现情况异常,立即报告。
 ☞ In case you find anything unusual, report immediately.
 ☞ 倘若无处投递,退回邮寄者。
 ☞ In case of non-delivery, return to the sender.
3.supposing, suppose,引入假设。
 ☞ 倘若对计划存有异议,可向委员会提出。
 ☞ Objections to the plan, supposing there should be any, should be reported to the committee.
 ☞ 倘若尔父见之,彼将作何说?
 ☞ Suppose your father saw you, what would he say?

 ☞ 他老是向人借钱。
 ☞ He is always borrowing money from others.
 ☞ 有人好借不好还。
 ☞ Some people are good at borrowing but bad at giving back.
 ☞ 他主动借我一些书。
 ☞ He offered to lend me some books.
 ☞ 你能借我点钱吗?
 ☞ Could you lend me some money?
 ☞ 隔壁的邻居要借我们的望远镜。
 ☞ The neighbor asked for the loan of our binoculars.
 ☞ 我已把我的钢笔借给他了。
 ☞ I gave him the loan of my pen.
  ■ 但是,loan用作动词时只作“借出”解。
 ☞ 银行借给我50,000元来开始我的买卖。
 ☞ The bank loaned me 50,000 yuan to start my business.
 ☞ 他把他的藏画借给了画廊。
 ☞ He loaned his collection of pictures to the gallery 我可以借你的打字机吗?
 ☞ May I have the loan of your typewriter?
 ☞ 他们借“援助”之名,行掠夺之实。
 ☞ They used "aid" as a pretext for plunder.
  ■ 另外,have the loan有“借用”的意思,可以与use换用。
 ☞ 我可以借你的电话吗?
 ☞ May I use your telephone?
 ☞ 这本书我能借多久?
 ☞ How long can I keep the book?
 ☞ 你可以借两个星期。
 ☞ You can keep it for two weeks.
 ☞ 我愿借此机会向大家表示感谢。
 ☞ I wish to take this opportunity to thank you all.
 ☞ 这一术语借自心理学。
 ☞ This term is taken from psychology.
 ☞ 火借风势,越烧越旺。
 ☞ Fanned by the wind, the fire burned more and more furiously.
 ☞ 部队借着月光急速前进。
 ☞ The troops marched swiftly forward by the light of the moon.
值(值得) 值(值得)
1.worth, worthy,worthwhile,形容词,指价值的值或值得的值。具体用法简述如下:
1) 指价值的值。
 ☞ 这本词典至少值150元。
 ☞ The dictionary is worth at least 150 yuan.
 ☞ 这只戒指值多少钱?
 ☞ How much is the ring worth?
 ☞ 那台电视机值不了多少钱。
 ☞ That TV set is worth little.
 ☞ 我看不值那么多。
 ☞ I don't think it's worth that much.
2) 措值得的值。
 ☞ 他们认为这本书值得出版。
 ☞ They think the book worth publication.
  "You must see a doctor." "Oh, it is not worth a fuss."
 ☞ 是呀,这可是一次艰苦的攀登,但山顶上的风景值得一试。
 ☞ Well, it was a hard climb, but the view from the top is worth it.
 ☞ 李贺的诗值得一读。
 ☞ Li He's poems are worth reading.
 ☞ 这事不值一提。
 ☞ It was not worth mentioning.
  ■ 应该指出worth后的动名词形式上主动,但意义上被动,因此在翻译类似下列句子时应该注意:我认为医生值得一做。不应译作I think a doctor is worth becoming.而应译作I think it (is) worth while to become a doctor.(用动词不定式to become为主动意义) 值得再次讨论这一问题。不应译作It is worth discussing the question again.而应译作下面的任何一种:It is worth while to discuss the question again.或It is worth while discussing the question again.或The question is worth discussing again.由以上三个译例可以得出以下结论:worth后接动名词具有被动意义,但worth while后接动词不定式或动名词却具有主动意义。worthy of一般只作“值得”解,而且其后只接名词。
 ☞ 他值得你崇拜。
 ☞ He is worthy of your adoration.
 ☞ 她的行为值得表扬。
 ☞ Her behavior is worthy of praise.
  ■ 如果worthy of后接动名词表示被动意义,则要用动名词的被动式。如:这件事值得做。This is worthy of being done.(不用of)或This is worthy to be done.或This is worth doing.上面提到worth while之后接动词不定式都表示主动意义。因此,当worthwhile成为一个词,这种特性仍然不变。
 ☞ 我认为要他参加我们的党不值。
 ☞ I wouldn't think it worthwhile to ask him to join our Party.
  ■ 除此之外,worthwhile可以单独用作定语,而worth和worthy一般都 不单独用作定语。
 ☞ 跑这一趟不值。
 ☞ It is not a worthwhile trip.
 ☞ 去趟巴黎值得。
 ☞ It is a worthwhile visit to Paris.
  ■ 注意worth和worthwhile作表语时的用法区别。
 ☞ 这个报酬值得。
 ☞ The reward is worth it,或:The reward is worthwhile.
  ■ 再请注意下面译文中三字的用法区别。
 ☞ 这一计划值得继续讨论。
 ☞ The plan is worth discussing further.
 ☞ The plan is worthy of further discussion.
 ☞ The plan is worthy to be further discussed.
 ☞ It is worthwhile to discuss the plan further.
 ☞ It is worthwhile discussing the plan further.
  ■ 最后两句不用worth或worthy,因为句中的动名词与不定式和it同格,是句子的主语。
 ☞ 这一建议值得好好考虑。
 ☞ This suggestion merits serious consideration.
 ☞ 历史的经验值得注意。
 ☞ Historical experience merits attention.
 ☞ 他值得表扬。
 ☞ He merited the praise.
 ☞ 他的英勇行为值得更高的奖励。
 ☞ His brave deed merited a better reward.
 ☞ 他对教育事业的献身精神值得赞许。
 ☞ His devotion to the education cause deserves commendation.
 ☞ 做作出来的好意不值得感谢。
 ☞ A forced kindness deserves no thanks.
 ☞ 他的心里总是装着别人,惟独没有自己。真是值得表扬。
 ☞ His thoughts always turn to other people, and hardly ever does he think of himself. So he deserves the praise indeed.
 ☞ 我们到广州时正值雨季。
 ☞ We happened to arrive in Guangzhou in the rainy season.
 ☞ 你上次来访,适值我外出。
 ☞ I happened to be out when you called.
5.on the occasion of,指适逢某个场合。
 ☞ 值此贵国50周年国庆之际,我谨代表我国政府表示衷心的祝贺。
 ☞ On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of your National Day I express heartfelt congratulation on behalf of our government.
 ☞ 我们收到你的礼物时,正值我们的金婚纪念日。
 ☞ We received your gift just on the occasion of our golden wedding.

 ☞ 病妇的声音变得越来越微弱,她儿子向前倾着身子想听清她的遗言。
 ☞ The sick lady's voice grew weaker and weaker, her son inclined forward in an attempt to catch her last words.
 ☞ 姑娘向他倾着身子,近得他都听得到她的鼻息了。
 ☞ The girl inclined towards him so closely that he heard her breathing.
 ☞ 那位半聋的老人向左倾了倾身子想听清谈话。
 ☞ The partly deaf old man inclined to the left to hear the conversation more clearly.
 ☞ 地面微微南倾。
 ☞ The land inclines gently to the south.
2.lean, 指向一边倾斜,一般只指垂直倾斜。
 ☞ 他朝前倾着身子听她说话。
 ☞ He leaned forward to hear what she said.
 ☞ 这根电线杆往左边倾了。
 ☞ The telephone pole leans to the left.
 ☞ 这栋老房子在翻修前倾得利害。
 ☞ The old house leaned sharply before renovation.
 ☞ 那古宅的墙是向外倾的。
 ☞ The walls of the old mansion lean outward.
 ☞ 身子立直了,别往后倾。
 ☞ Stand upright and don't lean backward.
 ☞ 她前倾时,她优美的头发盖住了她的一边脸。
 ☞ As she bent forward her fine hair fell over her cheek.
 ☞ 左倾和右倾都是错误的。
  "Left" and "Right" deviations are both wrong.
 ☞ 大厦将倾,就连老鼠也会搬家。
 ☞ Even a mouse will move its home when a great mansion is on the point of collapse.
 ☞ 他倾其所有支持了希望工程。
 ☞ He gave away all he had to support Projects of Hope.
 ☞ 我们会倾全力来做好工作的。
 ☞ We'll exert ourselves to the utmost to do the work well.
倾向 倾向
1.incline, inclination,指思想、感情上的倾向。
 ☞ 大多数与会者多多少少都倾向于第一种观点。
 ☞ Most conference participants, to a greater or lesser degree, inclined to the first view.
 ☞ 20世纪50年代,某些极端的共产党人倾向于立即在中国建立共产主义。
 ☞ In the 1950's some of the extreme communists inclined to build a communist society in China right away.
 ☞ 我倾向同意。
 ☞ My inclination is to agree.
 ☞ 他从一开始就有走自己路的倾向。
 ☞ He has an inclination, from the first, to go his own way.
2.be disposed,正式用语。指对已看到的情况形成倾向。
 ☞ 由于工资高、工时短,我倾向于接受这项新工作。
 ☞ I'm disposed to take the new job because of the good pay and short hours.
 ☞ 执行委员会似乎没有召开另一次会的倾向。
 ☞ The executive committee did not seem disposed to hold another meeting.
 ☞ 这两种方案,我倾向于第一种。
 ☞ Of the two plans, I prefer the first.
 ☞ 我们倾向于再在北京待上几天。
 ☞ We prefer to stay in Beijing for another couple of days.
4.tend to,tendency,指倾向于某种趋势。
 ☞ 在那件事上,我倾向于你的意见。
 ☞ On that matter I tend to your opinions.
 ☞ 他早年倾向于无政府主义。
 ☞ In his early years he tended to anarchism.
 ☞ 要注意一种倾向掩盖另一种倾向。
 ☞ One must be alive of the possibility that one tendency may conceal another.
 ☞ 中产阶级的政治倾向是保守。
 ☞ The political tendency of the middle class is conservative.
 ☞ 他的声明是有明显倾向性的。
 ☞ His statement was frankly tendentious.
 ☞ 我们对“左”的和右的两种倾向都持反对态度。
 ☞ We are opposed to both "Left" and "Right" deviations.
 ☞ 盖世太保被纳粹德国用来对付任何怀疑有政治倾向的人。
 ☞ Gestapo was used by Nazi Germany against anyone suspected of political deviation.
倾斜 倾斜
 ☞ 司机在开车前先把后视镜倾斜成一个更好的角度。
 ☞ The driver inclined the rear mirror at a better angle before starting the car.
 ☞ 我发现柱子稍微向左倾斜。
 ☞ I found that the post inclines slightly to the left.
 ☞ 地面是向河岸倾斜的。
 ☞ The land inclines towards the bank of the river.
 ☞ 这两颗卫星的轨道平面是相当倾斜的。
 ☞ The planes of the orbits of these two satellites are considerably inclined.
 ☞ 这根轴几乎是倾斜30度。
 ☞ The shaft inclines almost 30 degrees.
 ☞ 这幢大楼朝西倾斜,偏离中心线足足有1公尺。
 ☞ The building leans a good meter out of center line to the west.
 ☞ 处于倾斜位置的东西就不是垂直的。
 ☞ Anything in a leaning position is not upright.
 ☞ 这棵大树是往房子那边倾斜的。
 ☞ The big tree leans towards the house.
 ☞ 我发现用脚尖向前跳跃时身子也朝那个方向倾斜。
 ☞ I found myself springing on my toes, and my body was leaning in that direction as well.
3.slope, 指平面带有坡度的倾斜,而且往往是静态的倾斜。
 ☞ 中国的地势大致由西北向东南倾斜。
 ☞ Generally speaking, the terrain of China slopes from northwest to southeast.
 ☞ 街道一般都向路的两边倾斜。
 ☞ Usually streets slope towards the curbs.
 ☞ 我家的花园向湖边倾斜。
 ☞ Our garden slopes down to the lake.
 ☞ 因此这些曲线一定向右下角倾斜。
 ☞ The curves must therefore slope downward to the right.
 ☞ 屋顶总是倾斜的。
 ☞ The roof of the house always slants.
 ☞ 英语书写大都向右倾斜。
 ☞ Most English handwriting slants to the right.
 ☞ 这里的路都向河边倾斜。
 ☞ The paths here all slant down to the river.
 ☞ 盖房时一定要使屋顶倾斜,好让雨水流走。
 ☞ Be sure to slant the roof to allow water to run off when a house is built.
 ☞ 货船向右舷倾斜了10度。
 ☞ The freighter listed 10 degrees to starboard.
 ☞ 风吹得帆船向一边倾斜。
 ☞ The wind made the sailboat list.
  ■ 不过有时list也可用来指其他事物的倾斜。
 ☞ 树木都向背风一侧倾斜。
 ☞ All trees listed to leeward.
 ☞ 他走路时身子略略向前倾斜。
 ☞ There was a faint forward list to his body as he walked.
 ☞ 省政府增加拨款向教育倾斜。
 ☞ The government of the province favored education by appropriating funds.
 ☞ 我市采取了各种措施来向投资倾斜。
 ☞ Various measures have been taken in our city to favor investment.

 ☞ 假作真来真亦假。
 ☞ When false is taken for true. what's true is false.
 ☞ 他来这里有秘密任务,用的是假护照。
 ☞ He was here on some secret errand, with a false passport.
 ☞ 这金币是真的还是假的?
 ☞ Is the gold coin genuine or counterfeit?
 ☞ 这颗假钻石瞒过许多珠宝商的眼睛。
 ☞ The counterfeit diamond fooled many jewelers.
 ☞ 假牙无法跟真牙比。
 ☞ Artificial teeth can by no means match natural ones.
 ☞ 那船长装着一条木制的假腿。
 ☞ The captain had an artificial leg, made of wood.
 ☞ 那些钻石是真的还是假的?
 ☞ Are those diamonds real or sham?
 ☞ 她的假哭谁也没骗过去。
 ☞ Her sham weeping fooled no one.
 ☞ 你对发展重工业是真想还是假想,想得厉害一点还是差一点?
 ☞ Is your desire to develop heavy industry genuine or feigned, strong or weak?
 ☞ 你能用假声演唱吗?
 ☞ Can you sing in a feigned voice?
 ☞ 他以假乱真的企图以失败而告终。
 ☞ His attempt to pass off the spurious as genuine ended in failure.
 ☞ 他靠卖假画发了财。
 ☞ He made a fortune by selling spurious paintings.
 ☞ 你去年卖给了他一些假药,对不对?
 ☞ You sold him some fake medicine last year, didn't you?
 ☞ 他戴着假胡子去参加晚会。
 ☞ He went to the evening party, wearing a fake mustache.
 ☞ 可即使是这样的革命,假洋鬼子也还是不准。
 ☞ But even this kind of revolution is denied by the bogus foreign devil.
 ☞ 警察很快就抓住那个卖假文凭的家伙。
 ☞ The police quickly caught the seller of the bogus diplomas.
 ☞ 他们都是假民主主义者,实行的是假民主。
 ☞ They are all pseudo-democrats and practice bogus democracy.
 ☞ 他的摆设似乎都是附庸风雅之物,一切都显得那么的假。
 ☞ His decorations seem arty ones and everything looks so pseudo.
 ☞ 识别真假马列主义并不容易。
 ☞ It's not easy to distinguish between genuine and phony Marxism.
 ☞ 那张20美元的钞票是假的。
 ☞ That twenty-dollar bill is a phony one.
 ☞ 他认为那个加拿大人有点假,也就没信任他。
 ☞ He thought the Canadian was a bit insincere and did not trust him.
 ☞ 为了过关,我只好做假检讨。
 ☞ I had to practice insincere self-criticism in order to get by.
 ☞ 不要假正经,去跟她说你喜欢她。
 ☞ Stop pretending to be a saint! Go to her and say you like her.
 ☞ 假醉佯狂是愤世嫉俗者的一种生活方式。
 ☞ It is a way of life for the cynic to pretend to be drunk and like a lunatic.
 ☞ 他假扮伙夫,总算进了伪军的碉堡.
 ☞ He managed to enter the blockhouse of the puppet army, assuming the disguise of a mess cook.
 ☞ 日本统治时期,他狐假虎威,干了不少坏事。
 ☞ During the Japanese rule he assumed the majesty of the aggressors and did a lot of evil.
 ☞ 假公济私的人决不会有好下场。
 ☞ Those who use public office for private gain will certainly come to no good end.
 ☞ 他假手于人才报了仇,雪了恨。
 ☞ It was by using the hand of others that he took revenge.
 ☞ 我这是假将军虎威,说服他率部来归。
 ☞ I just borrowed the power of the general to persuade him to come over to our side with his troops.
 ☞ 这是假途伐虢的现代翻版。
 ☞ This is a contemporary reproduction of borrowing a road to attack the enemy by passing through a common neighbor's territory.
16.in name, in words,前者指名义上,后者指口头上。
 ☞ 他们的所作所为是假团结,真分裂。
 ☞ What they did was unity in name, splitting in reality.
 ☞ 他们唱的调子是假和平,真备战。
 ☞ The tune they sang was peace in words, war preparation in deeds.
假如(假若,假使) 假如(假若,假使)
  ■ “假如”,“假使”,“假若”为同义词,前者是日常用语,后两者为书面用语,常与“那”、“就”、“那么”连用,还常用于省略句型。
1) 表示事实的假设。
 ☞ 假如情况真是那样,那我就得走。
 ☞ I must leave if that's the case.
 ☞ 假如有必要,就这么干。
 ☞ Do so,if necessary.
2) 表示虚拟的假设(省略if时要颠倒词序)。
 ☞ 假如你的眼界开阔一点,就不会这样看问题。
 ☞ If you should take a wider view, you would not look upon it in that light.
 ☞ 假如没有植物,就没有动物。
 ☞ Were there no plants, there would be no animals.
2.supposing(suppose),也表示假设,用法与if 同,可以换用。
 ☞ 假如明天开会,准备工作来得及吗?
 ☞ Supposing we hold a meeting tomorrow, will there be enough time to prepare?(事实的假设)
 ☞ 假如黑的能是白的,那你就是对的。
 ☞ Suppose white were black, you would be right.(虚拟的假设)
 ☞ 假如人人都是个人物,那么也就没有人是人物了。
 ☞ When everybody is somebody, then nobody is anybody.
 ☞ 假如画比词更能说清楚,我们就用画。
 ☞ We use pictures when pictures can illustrate meanings better than words.
 ☞ 假如不能有所发明,至少也可改进。
 ☞ Where we cannot invent, we may at least improve.
 ☞ 假如可能,所有转动的部件都应检验。
 ☞ Where possible, all moving parts should be tested.
 ☞ 假如有人来访,就说我一会儿就来。
 ☞ Should anyone call, say I'll be back in a minute.
 ☞ 假如必要,我可以说服她。
 ☞ I could persuade her, should this be necessary.
 ☞ 假如没有重力,就不会有空气,不会有水,不会有一切。
 ☞ Without gravity there would be no air, no water, no nothing.
 ☞ 假如没有你的救助,他早就淹死了。
 ☞ Without your help he would have been drowned.
7.in case of,in case,表示条件,前者接名词,后者接从句。有“如遇…情况”的意思。in case为美国英语,英国英语仍要用if。
 ☞ 假如必要,我可以去一次上海。
 ☞ In case of need I can make a trip to Shanghai.
 ☞ 假如我不在那里,找我弟弟帮你。
 ☞ In case of my not being there, ask my brother to help you.
 ☞ 假如你不能来,一定要告诉我。
 ☞ In case you can't come, be sure to let me know.
 ☞ 假如他在我回来之前到,请他等我。
 ☞ In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.
8.provided或provided that,均接从句,也表示条件,有“只要”的意思。
 ☞ 假如她的男朋友也去,她就愿意去。
 ☞ She will go provided her boyfriend goes.
 ☞ 假如他按时赶到,是可以和我们一起来的。
 ☞ He may come with us provided that he arrives in time.
9.on condition that,同样表示条件,有“条件是”的意思。
 ☞ 假如你们负担一部分费用,我们可以同意。
 ☞ We will consent on condition that you bear part of the expense.
 ☞ 假如她也受到邀请,我是愿意来的。
 ☞ I will come on condition that she is invited. too.
10.in the event of,接名词,in the event that, 接从句,均表示条件,有“在这种情况下”的意思。
 ☞ 假如遇到火警,请使用楼梯平台上的灭火器。
 ☞ In the event of fire, use the extinguishers on the landing.
 ☞ 假如我队赢了,就要庆祝一番。
 ☞ In the event that our team wins, there will be a celebration.
 ☞ 假如不依靠群众,就不能做好工作。
 ☞ It is impossible to get our work well done unless we rely on the masses.
 ☞ 假如不更加努力学习,就会考试不及格。
 ☞ Unless you study harder, you will not pass the examination.
假装 假装
 ☞ 她假装头痛,这样就用不着去了。
 ☞ She pretended a headache so she wouldn't have to go.
 ☞ 她不过是假装对我友好而已。
 ☞ She pretends to be friendly with me. That's all.
 ☞ 他们假装不懂英语,好让我给他们做翻译。
 ☞ They pretended that they did not understand English so as to make me translate for them.
 ☞ 他假装癫痫来逃避兵役。
 ☞ He evaded conscription by feigning epilepsy.
 ☞ 他们俩在两情相悦时他总假装出强烈的激情,到后来连他自己都信以为真。
 ☞ In their coupling he would feign strong passion until he began to believe it himself.
 ☞ 有时会发生这样的情况,当我们假装出一副欢乐模样的同时也真的获得了欢乐。
 ☞ It sometimes happens that by assuming an air of cheerfulness we become cheerful in reality.
 ☞ 被告方面的辩护律师假装出一副非常友好的样子,而那位毫无经验的目击证人也就以为这种友好出于真心。
 ☞ The defense counsel assumes great friendliness and the inexperienced witness assumes that this friendliness may be genuine.
 ☞ 她来自伦敦,却假装出一口美国腔。
 ☞ She is from London but she affects an American accent.
 ☞ 尽管我们非常害怕,但还是假装得十分勇敢。
 ☞ We affected great boldness although frightened very much.
5.pose as,指装腔作势的假装。
 ☞ 尽管他资不抵债,还要假装是百万富翁。
 ☞ He posed as a millionaire though he owed more than he owned.
 ☞ 红灯区的女警察巡逻时往往假装成妓女。
 ☞ The policewomen in red-light districts often pose as prostitutes, when going on patrol.
 ☞ 游击队员假装成小贩,去了敌占区。
 ☞ The partisan disguised himself as a peddler and went into the area occupied by the enemy.
 ☞ 他15岁时假装成女孩,替姐姐去相亲。
 ☞ At the age of fifteen he was disguised as a girl and went to the prospective-mate meeting instead of his sister.
假设 假设
 ☞ 假设没有地心引力这样的力,苹果还会掉到地上吗?
 ☞ Suppose there were no such force as gravitation, would an apple fall to the ground?
 ☞ 假设X等于Y,Y等于Z,那么X也等于z。
 ☞ Suppose X is equal to Y and Y to Z, then X to Z.
 ☞ 我们在上例中假设这些条件都已满足。
 ☞ We assumed in the example above that the conditions were satisfied.
 ☞ 我们的出发点是假设这一设计是可行的。
 ☞ Our starting point is to assume that the design is feasible.
 ☞ 剧本的情节完全是假设的。
 ☞ The play has a very fictitious plot.
 ☞ 实施独立作战之假设应尽可能持久。
 ☞ The fiction of an independent operation would be preserved as long as possible.
 ☞ 假设根据事实提出,经过实践证明正确后就成为理论。
 ☞ A hypothesis turns into a theory when it is advanced on the basis of facts and proved correct through practice.
 ☞ 纤维缺陷的假设是根据机械测试推导出来的。
 ☞ The hypothesis of fiber flaws is based on a deduction from mechanical experiments.
5.given (that),指特定条件下的假设。
 ☞ 这是假设条件下建立的价格。
 ☞ This is the price established in given conditions.
 ☞ 假设a等于b,b等于c,那么a也就等于c。
 ☞ Given (that)a is equal to b and b is equal to c, then a is equal to c.
偏(偏偏) 偏(偏偏)
1) will,不表示时态,有“任性”、“执拗”的意思,故可作“偏偏”解。这时的will,would无将来时的概念。
 ☞ 我正忙着写东西,可我的小女儿偏偏要问我各种各样的问题。
 ☞ My little daughter will ask me all sorts of questions when I'm busy writing.
 ☞ 滑雪板很难控制,我们要它向东,它偏要向西。
 ☞ The skis were hard to manage. When we wanted them to go east, they would go west.
 ☞ 我们一再警告孩子们别在这么薄的冰上滑冰,可他们偏偏要这么干。
 ☞ Again and again we have warned the children not to go skating on such thin ice, but they will do it.
2) must,有“偏要”、“定要”的意思。
 ☞ 我刚要睡着,偏偏门砰砰碰碰地响了起来。
 ☞ Just as I was dropping off a door must bang.
 ☞ 当时正是我忙的时候,他偏要来纠缠。
 ☞ Just as I was busiest, he must come pestering.
 ☞ 那天我本打算出门,我先生偏偏要请客人来吃饭。
 ☞ My husband must invite someone to dinner just when I had arranged to go out for the day.
  ■ 有时must needs也有“偏偏”的意思。
 ☞ 他偏偏在她不想谈的时候跟她谈话。
 ☞ He must needs talk to her when she doesn't care to talk.
3) very,有“悖于常理”的意思。
 ☞ 不过世界上有这样的人,偏要做这样的事。
 ☞ However, there are such people in the world who do this very thing.
 ☞ 但偏偏就是反对侵略这一关键之处在上述修正草案中却不见了。
 ☞ However, it is this very key point of opposing aggression that is missing in the above-mentioned draft amendment.
 ☞ 真是的!我偏偏干了那桩不该干的事。
 ☞ There! I've done the very thing I oughtn't to do.
4) of all things,用来指物;of all others,of all people两者都用来指人,均指在所有事物中、其他所有情况中、所有人当中有“偏偏会”的意思,表示奇怪得纳闷。
 ☞ 老天爷呀老天爷!想不到我偏偏在今天这个特殊的早晨迟到。
 ☞ Dear, dear I To think that I should be late on this particular morning, of all others.
 ☞ 世上的事情千千万,你却偏偏于这种事。
 ☞ Of all things in the world, that you should do such a thing.
 ☞ 那么多人,他们为什么偏要挑中你呢?
 ☞ Why did they pick you, of all people?
5) anything but, everything but, anybody but,everywhere but,有“什么事都偏偏不…”、“每样事都偏偏不…”、“什么人都…偏偏不…”、“到处都…偏偏不…”等意思。
 ☞ 他们要工人相信官僚、相信工会、相信单位,总之, 要他们相信一切,偏偏不要他们相信斗争。
 ☞ They ask the workers to put faith in the bureaucrat, in the trade union, in the administrative unit—in short, in everything but in struggle.
 ☞ 不少的人都愿为自己的信仰而争、而斗、而死,却偏偏不愿为信仰身体力行。
 ☞ Not a few people will wrangle for their belief, fight for it, die for“, anything but practice what they believe in.
 ☞ 什么人的事他都愿干,偏偏不干他自己的事。
 ☞ He was ready to attend to anybody's business but his own.
 ☞ 他到处都在,偏偏不在他该在的地方。
 ☞ He is everywhere but in the right place.
6) who... but,what... but,有“不是别人偏偏是”、“不是别的偏偏是”的意思,表示出现的情况出乎意料之外。
 ☞ 我下公共汽车时见到的不是别人,偏偏是布朗先生。
 ☞ When I got off the bus whom should I see but Mr.
 ☞ Brown?
 ☞ 进来的不是别人,而偏偏是他的第一任妻子。
 ☞ Who should come in but his first wife?
 ☞ 我钓到的不是别的,偏偏是只烂鞋子。
 ☞ What should I fish but a worn shoe?
7) why should,对悖于常理因而对不能理解的事提出疑问。
 ☞ 你干啥不坐,偏偏要站在这里呢?
 ☞ Why should you stand here, when you can take a seat?
 ☞ 她为什么偏把信烧了?
 ☞ Why should she have burnt the letter?
 ☞ 她这些年都没来过,为什么偏偏要在今晚来?
 ☞ Why should she come on this night, when she had never come through all these years?
8) 当某种行为的内涵达到了极致,就带有了“偏执”的意思,如动词choose,insist,refuse,prefer等就是一例。
 ☞ 打个比喻,就跟房门开着他偏要挑太平梯离开房间一样。
 ☞ Tb use a metaphor, he chose to get out of the room by the fire-escape when the door was open.
 ☞ 不该她去,她偏偏要去。
 ☞ She was not supposed to go but she insisted on going.
 ☞ 我急着生火,擦了一根又一根的火柴,偏偏擦不着。
 ☞ I struck one match after another, anxious to have the fire made' but the matches just refused to get ignited.
 ☞ 但是有人偏要忽视这些事实。
 ☞ But there are people who prefer to ignore these facts.
9) 利用某些形容词的最高级也可使性质达到极致,从而达到偏执。
 ☞ 我们最缺时间,许多人偏偏不会利用时间。
 ☞ Time is what we want most, but what many people use worst.
 ☞ 屋漏偏遭大雨。
 ☞ The heaviest rain falls on the leaky house.
 ☞ 具有讽刺意味的是:对该问题的某个方面,即对公共卫生构成最大危害的那个方面,我们偏偏了解得最少。
 ☞ It is ironic that we should know the least about that aspect of the problem which poses greatest public health hazard.
 ☞ 他来找我,我偏偏出差了。
 ☞ I happened to be away on business when he came to see me.
 ☞ 事情的发展偏偏同他的愿望相反。
 ☞ Things turned out just the opposite to what he wanted.
 ☞ 越是小人物,偏偏越是骄傲。
 ☞ The infinitely little have a pride infinitely great.
 ☞ 她偏不答应。
 ☞ She stubbornly refused.
 ☞ 你以为他不会,他偏会。
 ☞ You think he cannot do it but he can.
 ☞ 该建筑物朝南偏东。
 ☞ The building faces south by east.
 ☞ 这一枪偏了。
 ☞ That shot misses.
 ☞ 他偏过头去。
 ☞ He turned his head.
 ☞ 太阳偏西了。
 ☞ The sun inclined toward the west.

 ☞ 他是大事做不来,小事又不做。
 ☞ He is unable to do big jobs but looks down upon small ones.
 ☞ 你做好本职工作就行了。
 ☞ It will be all right if you do your best at your job.
 ☞ 我们共做了20,000多个劳动日。
 ☞ We did a total of more than 20,000 workdays.
 ☞ 他进来时我和同学正在我家一起做作业。
 ☞ My classmates and I were doing our homework together at my home when he came in.
 ☞ 他做了个镜框,把我的画装在里面,然后挂到了墙上。
 ☞ He made a frame, put my picture into it and then hung it on the wall.
 ☞ 这些玩具真是你做的?
 ☞ Did you really make these toys yourself?
 ☞ 鸟儿们在忙着做窝。
 ☞ The birds are busy making their nests.
  ■ 此外,be made of及be made from均指由某种材料做成,但用of只表示物理变化,而用from则表示化学变化。
 ☞ 书桌都是用木头做的。
 ☞ All desks are made of wood.
 ☞ 这酒是葡萄做的。
 ☞ The wine is made from grapes.
  ■ 还有,make与表示动作的名词连用,有“进行”的意思。
 ☞ 两位地质学家对该地区的地质构造做了初步调查。
 ☞ Two geologists made a preliminary investigation of the geological structures of that area.
 ☞ 人大代表对两个计划做了充分的研究。
 ☞ The deputies to the National People's Congress made a thorough examination of the two programs.
3.但是do和make两词远远不能覆盖汉语“做” 词义。因此在很多情况下,“做”一词的处理要根据上下文来具体化。
1) prepare,cook,指做饭菜。
 ☞ 我们会按时回来给你做晚饭的。
 ☞ We'll return in time to prepare supper for you.(包括一切准备工作在内)
 ☞ 我们是在煤气炉上做饭的。
 ☞ We cook our meals on a gas stove.(只指做饭这一动作)
2) act (upon),be engaged in,指行事,从事。
 ☞ 我认为我爸做得不完全对。
 ☞ I don't think Dad acted quite right.
 ☞ 我们应当虚心听取别人的批评,但一定要按正确的意见去做。
 ☞ We ought to listen to people's criticism with an open mind, but we must act upon correct views.
 ☞ 我们正在做我们前人从来没有做过的极其光荣伟大的事业。
 ☞ We are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause never undertaken by our forefathers.
 ☞ 对这一问题,我们是做过充分研究的。
 ☞ We were engaged in a thorough study of the problem.
3) be,become,指成为。
 ☞ 今天的会议由你来做主席。
 ☞ You'll be chairman at today's meeting.
 ☞ 我现在就把她带走,去做我的妻子。
 ☞ Now I'm going to take her away to be my wife.
 ☞ 她原来是护士,现在做了医生。
 ☞ She used to be a nurse. Now she's become a doctor.
 ☞ 我猜想她已跟你谈了做教师的事。
 ☞ I suppose she has talked to you about becoming a teacher.
4) write,compose,指写作,创作。
 ☞ 这首诗是文天祥被俘后过伶仃洋时做的。
 ☞ The poem was written by Wen Tianxiang after he was taken war prisoner when he was crossing the Lingding Ocean.
 ☞ 他的业余时间都用来做诗了。
 ☞ He spent his spare time composing poetry.
5) be used as,指用作。
 ☞ 这些文章可以做教学材料。
 ☞ These articles can be used as teaching materials.
 ☞ 树皮可以做造纸的原料。
 ☞ Bark may be used as the raw materials for paper.
 ☞ 这工作不是一天两天能做完的,你得做长期打算。
 ☞ The work can't be done in a couple of days. You have to plan on a long-term basis.
 ☞ 咱们对这部分研究暂时不做结论。
 ☞ Let's leave the conclusion of this part of research in abeyance.
 ☞ 给群众做好事就是要从点滴做起。
 ☞ Tb do people good turns means to start with little things.
 ☞ 活到了90岁,我才第一次做寿。
 ☞ It is the first time for me to celebrate my birthday at the age of ninety.
 ☞ 昨晚我做了个怪梦。
 ☞ I dreamed a strange dream last night.
做主(作主) 做主(作主)
 ☞ 我做不了主。
 ☞ I am not in the position to decide.
 ☞ 你要请谁,你自己作主。
 ☞ You yourself must decide whom to invite.
 ☞ 这件事我们不能作主,得请示。
 ☞ We can't decide this for ourselves. We must ask for instructions.
2.be master of,指通过做某事的主人来做主。
 ☞ 国内的事,我们可以做主。
 ☞ In internal affairs we are masters of our house.
 ☞ 各人的命运各人作主。
 ☞ Every man is the master of his own fortune.
3.act on one's own,指按自己的意思行事。
 ☞ 婚姻问题上,我父母让我自己做主。
 ☞ My parents allow me to act on my own in marriage.
 ☞ 即使你自己作主,也不一定会好受。
 ☞ It is not necessary for you to feel better even if you act on your own.
4.do sth. on one's own responsibility,指由自己负责来办。
 ☞ 这件事是由他自己作的主。
 ☞ He did it on his own responsibility.
 ☞ 他们的婚姻由他们自己做主。
 ☞ Their marriage is arranged on their own responsibility.
5.have only half the say,指只能有一半的发言权。
 ☞ 这场战争是否打下去,我们只能作一半的主。
 ☞ On the question of whether the war will continue, we have only half the say.
 ☞ 结不结婚,你和我只能各自做一半的主。
 ☞ You and I have only half the say respectively on the question whether to get married.
做作 做作
 ☞ 他真有那么一种幽默感,但到了别人那里就成了做作。
 ☞ He has really that taste for humor, which others affect.
 ☞ 她老是那么做作。
 ☞ She's always affected.
 ☞ 她唱得还可以,就是表演太做作。
 ☞ Her singing is all right, but her acting is overdone.
 ☞ 他的感激相当做作。
 ☞ He rather overdid his gratitude.
3.never natural, unnatural,指不自然的做作。
 ☞ 她老是那么做作。
 ☞ She's never natural.
 ☞ 他来了之后,她讲话就做作了。
 ☞ Since his coming she has an unnatural way of talking.
 ☞ 他说话的样子,要么是夸张要么是做作。
 ☞ His way of speaking was either exaggerative or pretentious.
 ☞ 游击队员都安顿在老乡家里。他们似乎又老实又不做作,常对村里后生们说的一句话是:“你可以参加我们的队伍,成为我们当中的一员。”
 ☞ The guerrilla fighters were billeted in the houses of the villagers. They seemed honest and unpretentious and what they used to say to the young men in the village was: "You can join us and become one of us."
做到 做到
 ☞ 我们应当做到增产不增人。
 ☞ We should manage to increase production without taking on new hands.
 ☞ 我不知他是如何做到月挣5,000元的。
 ☞ I don't know how he could manage to earn five thousand yuan a month.
 ☞ 外国科学家能做到的,中国科学家也一定能做到, 而且会做得更好。
 ☞ What foreign scientists have accomplished Chinese scientists can also accomplish, and even can do a better job of it.
 ☞ 事实上,这就是句型练习准备要做到的。
 ☞ In fact this is what the pattern drills are supposed to accomplish.
 ☞ 他经过25年来坚持不懈的劳动才做到这一点的。
 ☞ He achieved this only after 25 years' ceaseless labor.
 ☞ 我们希望做的事情才做到了一半。
 ☞ We have achieved only half of what we hoped to do.
4.see to it that,指务必做到。
 ☞ 我们要做到政务公开。
 ☞ We'll see to it that government affairs should be made public.
 ☞ 注意做到下次不要再迟到。
 ☞ See to it that you are not late again next time.

 ☞ 这列火车在上海至南京之间的任何车站都不停。
 ☞ This train does not stop at any stations between Shanghai and Nanjing.
 ☞ 他把车子停在我家门口。
 ☞ He stopped the car at our door.
  ■ stop除了作“停止”解外,还有“停留”的意思。
 ☞ 我在上海要停两天。
 ☞ I'll stop over at Shanghai for a couple of days.
 ☞ 我在宿营地停了两星期。
 ☞ We stopped for a fortnight at the camping site.
 ☞ 联合国出面调停两国的边境冲突,双方同意立即停火。
 ☞ The UN mediated between the two countries and both sides agreed on immediate cease-fire.
 ☞ 作为宣传员,他的活动从来没停止。
 ☞ He never ceases from his activities as a propagandist.
  ■ 请看cease与stop在词义上的 差别。
 ☞ 就在几周前,那家杂志停刊了。
 ☞ Just a few weeks ago, the magazine ceased publication.(停刊后可能不再出版)
 ☞ 警察向我做了个手势,要我停车。
 ☞ The policeman signed to me to stop my car.(停车后还可以再开)
 ☞ 那车到了悬崖边上才停下来。
 ☞ The car was halted only at the edge of the cliff.
 ☞ 徒步旅行者在溪边停下来给水壶灌水。
 ☞ The hikers halted at the stream to refill their flasks.
 ☞ 我们决定停产几种电视机。
 ☞ We decided to discontinue production of several kinds of TV sets.
 ☞ 由于缺乏资金,工程停了。
 ☞ The project discontinued because of lack of funds.
 ☞ 我想写点东西,试了两次,可是手发颤,只好停了下来。
 ☞ I made two attempts to write something but my hand had so shivered that I had to desist.
 ☞ 我告诉他不要再干了,于是他就停了下来。
 ☞ I told him not to do it any more, and he desisted.
 ☞ 门口停着的是一辆奔驰牌轿车。
 ☞ Parked in front of the gate was a Benz sedan.
 ☞ 人行道上不准停自行车。
 ☞ Don't park bicycles on the pavement.
 ☞ 这个码头可以停20多艘船。
 ☞ The docks can berth more than twenty vessels.
 ☞ 你们的货船停在15号码头。
 ☞ Your freighter is berthed at No. 15 wharf.
 ☞ 班机因为天气恶劣而停飞。
 ☞ The regular flight is suspended on account of bad weather.
 ☞ 运输工人罢工后,货运几乎全停了。
 ☞ The goods transportation was almost entirely suspended after the strike of haulage men.
 ☞ 她等掌声停了以后,继续发言。
 ☞ She continued her address after waiting for applause to subside.
 ☞ 暴风雨停了。
 ☞ The storm has subsided.
 ☞ 他锐利的目光停在她漂亮的脸上,观察着她的表情。
 ☞ His keen glance rested on her pretty face, observing her expression.
 ☞ 她没有再说下去,只有轻蔑的微笑停在她的嘴唇上。
 ☞ She didn't say any more. Only a contemptuous smile rested on her lips.
11.standstill, 指由动到静的状态。
 ☞ 他把车子滑到她家门口停了下来。
 ☞ He slid the car to a standstill outside her house.
 ☞ 特别令人鼓舞的是不少长期停产的企业迅速改变了面貌。
 ☞ It is particularly inspiring that a number of enterprises, where production came to a standstill for a long time, have changed rapidly.
 ☞ 她停了一会儿,又接着讲故事。
 ☞ She paused for a while before going on with the story.
 ☞ 他不停地写着。
 ☞ He kept on writing.
 ☞ 灵柩停在中央大厅里。
 ☞ The coffin was placed in the central hall.
 ☞ 工地停工待料了。
 ☞ The work at the construction site was held up for lack of materials.
 ☞ 明天上午8点至下午3点停水。
 ☞ There will be no water tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
 ☞ 暂停营业,内部整修。
 ☞ Closed temporarily for repair.
偶尔 偶尔
1.once in a while,指时不时有一次。
 ☞ 这类游戏只能偶尔为之。
 ☞ Such kind of game can only be played once in a while.
 ☞ 我们偶尔上次餐馆,但不经常。
 ☞ We visit the restaurant once in a while but not very often.
 ☞ 一般我不喝酒,不过偶尔来一杯我也不反对。
 ☞ I don't drink wine as a rule, but I don't mind a glass once in a while.
 ☞ 昆明偶尔下次雪,而且还不够堆雪人的。
 ☞ It snows occasionally in Kunming and not enough to make a snowman.
 ☞ 她擅长山水画,偶尔也画画油画。
 ☞ She is especially good at traditional Chinese landscape painting, but occasionally she does oils too.
 ☞ 我喜欢踢足球,偶尔也打打乒乓球。
 ☞ I like playing football best, but occasionally I play table tennis.

 ☞ 有人偷了博物馆里的几幅古画。
 ☞ Someone stole several old paintings from the museum.
 ☞ 一个小偷在偷书时当场被抓。
 ☞ A thief was caught in the act when he was stealing books.
  ■ steal除了偷窃以外,还有“偷着干”的意思。
 ☞ 我偷看了一下母亲,看看她是否还在生气。
 ☞ I stole a glance at my mother to see if she was still angry.
 ☞ 他乘表妹不备,偷吻了她。
 ☞ He stole a kiss catching his cousin off guard.
 ☞ 我忙里偷闲,跟夫人共度了这个周末。
 ☞ I stole a little leisure from the rush of business and spent the weekend with my wife.
 ☞ 工作人员经常会从办公室里偷点像铅笔、橡皮之类的东西。
 ☞ Working personnel constantly pilfer something like pencils and erasers from the office.
 ☞ 我的同学偷了他室友的邮票寄信。
 ☞ My classmate pilfered his roommate's stamps to send his letter.
 ☞ 小孩子难免会在饭前饭后偷饼干吃。
 ☞ Little children are hard to avoid snitching biscuits between meals.
 ☞ 我9岁的儿子总是要偷我的发夹送给他的女朋友。
 ☞ My nine-year-old son always snitches my hair pins to give them to his girl-friends.
4.make off with,指顺手牵羊式的偷。
 ☞ 有人偷了我的雨衣。
 ☞ Someone has made off with my raincoat.
 ☞ 我们在喝咖啡,一个男孩把我的包偷了。
 ☞ While we were having coffee a small boy made off with my bag.
 ☞ 她不断地从厨房里给我偷来鸡蛋和面包。
 ☞ She kept sneaking me eggs and bread from the kitchen.
 ☞ 我8岁时就在车库里偷着吸烟。
 ☞ I sneaked cigarettes in the garage when I was eight.
  ■ sneak用做不及物动词时,有“偷着走”、“偷着跑”的意思。
 ☞ 她趁着黑夜偷越边境。
 ☞ She sneaked across the border in the dark of night.
 ☞ 他没跟人说就偷着跑了。
 ☞ He sneaked off without telling anyone.
 ☞ 你能从我的口袋里偷走我的表而又不让我察觉吗?
 ☞ Can you abstract the watch from my pocket without my knowing it?
 ☞ 男孩从我的钱包里偷走了10块钱。
 ☞ The small boy abstracted 10 yuan from my wallet.
 ☞ 小偷偷偷地进入了大厦。
 ☞ The thief stealthily entered the building.
 ☞ 他偷偷地离开了小镇。
 ☞ He secretly left the small town.
 ☞ 他朝我偷偷地眨了眨眼。
 ☞ He gave me a sly wink.

1.叫人赶快行动,可用hurry (up)。
 ☞ 我们得催她快点,否则肯定赶不上火车。
 ☞ We have to hurry her along or we'll surely miss the train.
 ☞ 不要去催厨子,不然她会把这顿饭弄糟的。
 ☞ Don't hurry the cook or she'll spoil the dinner.
 ☞ 去催他一下。
 ☞ Go and hurry him up.
 ☞ 他们催我跟他们一起去。
 ☞ They urged me to go with them.
 ☞ 我们催她赶快来成都。
 ☞ We urged her to come to Chengdu as soon as possible.
 ☞ 老师催我们交练习。
 ☞ The teacher urged us to hand in our exercises.
 ☞ 他催她同他一起去。
 ☞ He pressed her to go with him.
 ☞ 你得催他抓紧时间。
 ☞ You have to press him to make the best use of his time.
 ☞ 催他没用,他不喜欢别人催他。
 ☞ It's no use pressing him; he doesn't like to be hurried.

1.like, 作“像”解时有几种用法。
1) 指形象上相像。
 ☞ 我很像我哥哥。
 ☞ I'm much like my elder brother.
 ☞ 她妹妹不太像她母亲。
 ☞ Her sister isn't much like her mother.
2) 指比拟时相像。
 ☞ 她像一枝在风中摇曳的水仙。
 ☞ She is like a narcissus trembling in the wind 我们像兄弟姐妹。
 ☞ We were like brothers and sisters.
3) 指好像。
 ☞ 他像是赢了比赛。
 ☞ He looks like winning the race.
 ☞ 这才像一顿饭!
 ☞ This is something like a dinner!
 ☞ 姐妹俩长得很像。
 ☞ The two sisters are very much alike (like).
 ☞ 双胞胎像得我无法分清谁是谁。
 ☞ The twins are so alike that I can't tell which is which.
3.as, 作“像”解时也有几种用法。
1) 用作连词。
 ☞ 我不像你那样能言善辩。
 ☞ I am no orator as you are.
 ☞ 她像她妈当年那样,是位出色的歌手。
 ☞ She's a fine singer, as her mother used to be.
  ■ 有时在美国英语里,like也可用来代替as作连词。
 ☞ 谁都没像我这样疼你,我的孩子。
 ☞ Nobody loves you as (like)I do, my boy.
2) 叠加使用as,中间再加上一个性质形容词,可用来指两样东西在某一方面相像。
 ☞ 水像冰一样冷。
 ☞ The water is as cold as ice.
 ☞ 她像百灵鸟一样快乐。
 ☞ She is as happy as a lark.
  ■ not as... as...,也可用作not so... as...。
 ☞ 她不像她姐姐那样好。
 ☞ She is not as (so) nice as her sister.
3) 在正式的书面用语中,as后面有时要接倒装句的词序和结构。
 ☞ 他像他全家人一样,都以为国王是至高无上的君主。
 ☞ He believed, as did all his family, that the King was their supreme lord.
 ☞ 她像她大多数的朋友那样到处旅行。
 ☞ She traveled a great deal, as did most of her friends.
4) as后接if或though,表示虚拟,故常用过去时。
 ☞ 我爱你就像你是我儿子一样。
 ☞ I've loved you as if you were my son.
 ☞ 她为什么那么看我?像是认识我似的。
 ☞ Why is she looking at me as though she knew me?
  ■ 但在表示真实情况时,也可用陈述句。
 ☞ 你们像是互相认识。
 ☞ You look as if you know each other.
5) such as,用于举例。
 ☞ 像黄继光那样的英雄人物将永远活在人民的心中。
 ☞ Heroes such as Huang Jigging will always live in the hearts of the people.
 ☞ 用牙齿啃咬的动物像鼠、兔、鼬等都称为啮齿类动物。
 ☞ Animals that gnaw, such as mice, rats, rabbits and weasels. are called rodents.
  ■ 用于列举时,like可与such as换用。
 ☞ 我喜欢吃像西红柿、莴苣这样的新鲜蔬菜。
 ☞ I prefer eating fresh things like (such as) tomatoes and lettuce.
4.resemble, 也指相像,与look like, be like同义。
 ☞ 她长得不漂亮,不像她母亲。
 ☞ She isn't pretty. She doesn't resemble her mother.
 ☞ 这幢建筑像座城堡。
 ☞ The building resembles a castle.
5.take after, 不仅指面貌,也可指性格、才能上的酷似。
 ☞ 她的样子、性情都活像她母亲。
 ☞ She takes very much after her mother in looks and disposition.
 ☞ 他在数学才能上像他的父亲。
 ☞ He took after his father in mathematical ability.
偶然 偶然
1.指某种动作或情况不一定发生却发生了。做定语、表语、状语时,一般可用accidental, accidentally,by accident。
 ☞ 晚会上与一位女青年偶然邂逅促成了我这次婚姻。
 ☞ An accidental encounter with a young girl in an evening party has brought my marriage.
 ☞ 他打碎你的手表纯属偶然,可不是故意的。
 ☞ Breaking your watch was purely accidental. He didn't mean to do it.
 ☞ 她偶然打翻了水罐。
 ☞ She accidentally upset the water jug.
 ☞ 这东西是我偶然发现的。
 ☞ I found it by accident.
 ☞ 我在回家的路上偶然遇见了一位老朋友。
 ☞ I had a casual meeting with an old friend on my way home.
 ☞ 这绝不是偶然邂逅,她是被引到那个地方去的。
 ☞ It was no casual encounter. She had been enticed into that place.
 ☞ 一次偶然的计划改变阻止了我们登船。而该船在驶往上海的途中,毁于暴风雨。
 ☞ A fortuitous change of plan kept us from going aboard the ship, which was wrecked in a storm on the wav to Shanghai.
 ☞ 发生这样的事绝不是偶然的。
 ☞ The occurrence of such things is by no means fortuitous.
 ☞ 我偶然在北京遇见了一位老朋友。
 ☞ I came across one of my old friends in Beijing.
 ☞ 今天早上我在公共汽车站偶然遇见一位老同学。
 ☞ I ran into an old classmate at the bus stop this morning.
 ☞ 我在上海一家小店里偶然发现那件古董。
 ☞ I struck upon that antique in a small shop in Shanghai.
 ☞ 她偶然想到了一个好主意。
 ☞ She hit on a good idea.
4.“偶然”有时也有“偶尔”的意思,这时可译为once in a while.
 ☞ 他不经常来,偶然也来一次。
 ☞ He doesn't come very often, he comes once in a while.
允许 允许
1.permit,指同意后的允许,等于give permission,因此往往是当权者的主观允许。
 ☞ 校长允许学生在考试前开夜车。
 ☞ The principal permitted the students to stay up late before the examination.
 ☞ 他是第一位被红军允许在陕甘宁边区旅行的外国记者。
 ☞ He was the first foreign journalist permitted by the Red Army to travel about the Shaanxi-Cansu-Ningxia Border Region.
  ■ 此外,permit 还可用事物做主语,这时表示的仅仅是客观上的允许,而且大都用于否定句或条件句。
 ☞ 当时情况不允许我们撤退。
 ☞ Circumstances did not permit us to retreat.
 ☞ 规则不允许运动员踩线。
 ☞ The rules do not permit players to step out of bounds.
 ☞ 要是时间允许,我们将举行一次友谊赛。
 ☞ If time permits we shall have a friendly match.
2.allow, 所指的允许强调不干涉、不阻止。等于not prevent,因此这种允许是消极被动的。
 ☞ 尽管校规不允许在教室里抽烟,但老师还是允许他抽了。
 ☞ The teacher allowed him to smoke in the classroom though school rules didn't permit it.
 ☞ 虽然医院的探访时间早就过了,但护士还是允许探望者留在病房里。
 ☞ The nurse allowed the visitors to remain beyond the hospital visiting hours.
 ☞ 考试时老师允许学生查英汉词典。
 ☞ The teacher allowed the students to consult the English-Chinese dictionary in the examination.
  ■ 以上是permit,allow两词的不同之处。但如果这种区别并不明显时,则两词可以换用。
 ☞ 父母亲允许孩子们玩到天黑。
 ☞ The parents allowed (permitted) their children to play until dark.
 ☞ 谁允许你把他将参加我们演出的消息讲出来的?
 ☞ Who permitted (allowed) you to tell the news that he would take part in our performance?
3.brook no,指不容许,语气强硬。
 ☞ 这是我国的内政,不允许任何外来干涉。
 ☞ This is our internal affair, which brooks no outside interference.
 ☞ 国家主席的讲话不允许有任何歪曲。
 ☞ The remarks of the state president brook no distortion.
充分 充分
1.full,fully,to the full,由完全引申为充分。
 ☞ 候选人的名单是经过充分协商之后才定的。
 ☞ A list of candidates was worked out after full consultation.
 ☞ 工会给了我们充分的支持。
 ☞ The trade union gave us its full support.
 ☞ 我们应当充分依靠群众。
 ☞ We must rely on the masses to the fullest degree.
 ☞ 要充分报道他的工作并不容易。
 ☞ It is not easy to report fully his work.
 ☞ 我们充分享受了野营的乐趣。
 ☞ We enjoyed our camping to the full.
 ☞ 我们有充足的资金来办这家工厂的。
 ☞ We have ample money to run that factory.
 ☞ 你呆在外国会有充分的机会去学一门外语的。
 ☞ Your stay abroad will give you ample opportunity to learn a foreign language.
 ☞ 准备工作做得很充分。
 ☞ Ample preparation was made.
 ☞ 我们这里有充分的水域可以养鱼。
 ☞ We have abundant water areas here to breed fish.
 ☞ 农场向我们充分供应鸡蛋和牛奶。
 ☞ The farm furnished us abundant supply of eggs and milk.
充实 充实
 ☞ 你的论据还有待充实。
 ☞ Your argument has yet to be substantiated.
 ☞ 需要更多的数据来充实你的结论。
 ☞ More data are needed to substantiate your conclusion.
 ☞ 这篇文章的内容充实,论据充分。
 ☞ The article is substantial in content and full of arguments.
2.enrich, enrichment,指使之丰富。
 ☞ 税收充实了国库。
 ☞ Revenue from taxes enriched the national treasury.
 ☞ 教育通过知识来充实人的头脑。
 ☞ An education enriches the mind with knowledge.
 ☞ 我感到充实。
 ☞ I feel myself enriched.
 ☞ 书籍乃充实人生之物。
 ☞ Books are an enrichment of life.
 ☞ 各级干部派到农村地区以充实领导班子。
 ☞ Cadres at all levels were sent to rural areas to strengthen the leading bodies.
 ☞ 本章所举实例都是为了充实这一理论。
 ☞ The examples given in this chapter are to strengthen the theory.
 ☞ 我们不断充实库存以满足不断增长的需要。
 ☞ We kept replenishing the stocks in order to meet the increasing needs.
 ☞ 她空荡荡的心由于一个孩子而得到了充实。
 ☞ Her vacant heart is replenished with a child.
充满 充满
1.be full of,常用词组,表示性质。
 ☞ 生活充满了曲折、起伏。
 ☞ Life is full of ups and downs.
 ☞ 在她温柔的声音里充满了慈爱。
 ☞ Her soft voice was full of kindness and affection.
 ☞ 五四运动充满了反抗旧社会的造反精神。
 ☞ The May 4th Movement was full of the spirit of revolt against the old society.
 ☞ 屋子里充满了阳光。
 ☞ The room was full of sunshine.
2.fill with,表示动作产生的结果。
 ☞ 所有这些都使他充满了对剥削阶级的仇恨。
 ☞ All this filled him with hatred for the exploiting classes.
 ☞ 一想到可能见到她使他充满了恐惧与内疚。
 ☞ The thought of the possibility of an encounter with her filled him with dread and compunction.
  ■ 但是be filled with则与full of基本相同。
 ☞ 在他的岁月里充满了激动人心的重大事件。
 ☞ His days were filled with important and exciting events.
 ☞ 房间里充满了杜鹃花怒放时的甜香。
 ☞ The room was filled with a sweet scent of flowering azaleas.
 ☞ 她心里充满了感激之情。
 ☞ Her heart was filled with gratitude.
3.be fraught with与full of的区别是前者一般只与表示不愉快的宾语搭配。
 ☞ 任何新生事物的成长都充满矛盾与斗争。
 ☞ The growth of any newborn things is fraught with contradiction and struggle.
 ☞ 到丛林里探险充满着危险。
 ☞ The expedition into the jungle is fraught with danger.
 ☞ 穿越森林的长途旅行充满了各种困难和危险。
 ☞ The long journey through the forest was fraught with difficulties and dangers.
 ☞ 战场上充满了恐怖。
 ☞ The battlefield was fraught with horror.
4.表示充满了某种强烈的感情和意见,一般都译为be imbued with。
 ☞ 这首诗充满了革命乐观主义。
 ☞ This poem is imbued with revolutionary optimism.
 ☞ 他的发言充满了自我批评精神。
 ☞ His speech is imbued with the spirit of self-criticism 新的一代充满了新的理想。
 ☞ The new generation is imbued with new ideals.
 ☞ 他充满了信心。
 ☞ He was imbued with confidence.
  ■ 有时也可用作及物动词。
 ☞ 是丘吉尔使英国人民在反法西斯战争中充满了强烈的爱国主义精神。
 ☞ It was Churchill who imbued Englishmen with strong patriotism during the war against fascism.
5.表示修辞上的夸张,可用be brimming with(因充满而溢出),be crowded with(因拥挤而充满)。
 ☞ 他的讲话充满了热情。
 ☞ His speech was brimming with warmth.
 ☞ 20世纪50年代的青年充满了革命热情。
 ☞ The youth in the 1950's were brimming with revolutionary enthusiasm.
 ☞ 当我写这几行字的时候,内心充满了对过去的回忆。
 ☞ My mind is crowded with memories of the past as I write these lines.
 ☞ 最近几年充满了由改革带来的变化。
 ☞ The recent years have been crowded with changes brought about by the reform.
6.表示声音充满,可译resound with,ring with。
 ☞ 大厅里充满了代表们的笑声。
 ☞ The hall resounded with the laughter of delegates.
 ☞ 房间里充满了孩子的叫喊声。
 ☞ The room resounded with the children's shouts.
 ☞ 电影院里充满了孩子们的笑声。
 ☞ The cinema rang with the children's laughter.
 ☞ 房间里充满了他们的哭喊声。
 ☞ The room rang with their cries.
7.“充满”后接含贬义的宾语时,可译be riddled with。
 ☞ 这一报告充满了谎言。
 ☞ The report is riddled with untruths.
 ☞ 这一制度充满了不可克服的内部矛盾。
 ☞ This system is riddled with insuperable internal contradiction.
 ☞ 两个大国充满了对抗与冲突。
 ☞ The two powers are riddled with antagonism and conflicts.
 ☞ 在全国运动会期间,首都充满了节日气氛。
 ☞ During the national games an atmosphere of festivity prevailed in the capital.
 ☞ 招待会充满了热情友好的气氛。
 ☞ An atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed at the reception.

1) 作连词。
 ☞ 先三思而后行。
 ☞ Measure thrice before you cut once.或Look before you leap.
 ☞ 先拟个提纲再写。
 ☞ Make an outline before you start writing.
2) 作介词。
 ☞ 还是先礼后兵的好。
 ☞ It's better to try peaceful means before resorting to force.
 ☞ 共产党员应该先人后己。
 ☞ A communist should put others before himself.
3) 作副词。
 ☞ 一切结论产生于调查之后,而决不是调查之先。
 ☞ Conclusions invariably come after investigation, and not before.
 ☞ 你怎么不先告诉我?
 ☞ Why didn't you tell me before?
2.beforehand, in advance,指预先。
 ☞ 我得先警告你,我要把这一切向董事会汇报。
 ☞ I must warn you beforehand that I shall make a report to the board of directors on everything.
 ☞ 我知道她会需要什么,所以我先做了准备。
 ☞ I knew what she would need, so I made preparations beforehand.
 ☞ 如果你同意他的条件,他先付你10万美元。
 ☞ He will pay you a hundred thousand US dollars in advance if you agree to his terms.
 ☞ 我的去留,你没有理由先告诉他。
 ☞ There is no reason why you should tell him in advance that I'm going.
 ☞ 你当然该知道捷足先登的道理,所以要先找工作。
 ☞ Of course you know that the early bird catches the worm, so you have to look for a job earlier.
 ☞ 他比我先到。
 ☞ He arrived earlier than I did.
  ■ early与late连用,可作“先后”解。
 ☞ 革命不分先后,照样欢迎。
 ☞ Whether one makes revolution early or late, one is equally welcome.
 ☞ 让我先说几句。
 ☞ Let me say a few words first.
 ☞ 请按先后次序排队,先到先吃。
 ☞ Please line up in order of arrival: First come, first served.
 ☞ 要做人民的老师,先做人民的学生。
 ☞ To be a teacher of the people, one must first be their pupil.
  ■ first可以与late,last,afterwards搭配,表示“先…后…”。
 ☞ 他先说不去,后又改变了主意。
 ☞ At first he refused to go, but later on he changed his mind.
 ☞ 先下手为强,后下手遭殃。
 ☞ He who strikes first prevails, he who strikes late fails.
 ☞ 共产党员应先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。
 ☞ A communist should be the first to become concerned about the world's troubles and the last to rejoice in its happiness.
 ☞ 代表团先到北京、后到上海等地参观访问。
 ☞ The delegation first went to Beijing and afterwards to Shanghai and other places.
 ☞ 来不及办手续了,咱们来个先斩后奏。
 ☞ There is no time for us to go through formalities. Let's act first and report afterwards.
5.prior (to),priority,指早先,优先。
 ☞ 我先已有约,所以不能跟你去了。
 ☞ I have a prior engagement and so I can't go with you.
 ☞ 没有什么先于经验的知识。
 ☞ There's no knowledge prior to experience.
 ☞ 重伤员要先护理,轻伤员后护理。
 ☞ The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.
 ☞ 会上先讨论需要立即解决的问题。
 ☞ The problems requiring immediate solution will be given priority at the meeting.
 ☞ 这些事都该办,可也得有个先后。
 ☞ All these matters should be tackled, but they should be taken up in order of priority.
 ☞ 谈生意前,咱们先小人后君子。
 ☞ Let's allow impoliteness to precede courtesy before we start to discuss the terms of the deal.
 ☞ 会议开始前,先奏国歌。
 ☞ The playing of the national anthem precedes the meeting.
 ☞ 这个问题暂时先不谈。
 ☞ Let's put aside this problem for the time being.
 ☞ 你先别走,我有话跟你说。
 ☞ Don't leave yet, I want to have a word with you.
 ☞ 在慈善机构做事,我们要先公共福利,后个人利益。
 ☞ Working in the charitable organization, we should prefer public welfare to personal gain.
 ☞ 代表们先后就座。
 ☞ One after another the deputies took their seats.
 ☞ 他是先天不足,后天失调。
 ☞ He was born weak and ill cared for after birth.
 ☞ 她已先后来过两次。
 ☞ She's been here twice already.
 ☞ 可以说先有鸡后有蛋,也可以说先有蛋后有鸡。
 ☞ One may as well say the egg is the mother of the hen as say the hen is the mother of the egg.
 ☞ 对不起,我先走一步。
 ☞ Excuse me a minute.
 ☞ 您先请。(让别人先走)
 ☞ After you.

 ☞ 植物在阳光下长得快。
 ☞ Plants grow rapidly when exposed to the light of the sun.
 ☞ 你不应就着烛光看书啊。
 ☞ You shouldn't have read by the light of a candle.
 ☞ 这纸不够光。
 ☞ This paper is not smooth enough.
 ☞ 这桌面很光。
 ☞ The surface of this table is smooth.
 ☞ 正面是光的,反面不是。
 ☞ The face is polished, the other side is not.
 ☞ 家具表面光吗?
 ☞ Is the surface of the furniture polished?
4.bare,指不穿戴衣帽鞋袜等,stripped to,指脱光到某种程度,naked,指光身。
 ☞ 在这么冷的早晨看见他光着脑袋,我感到惊讶。
 ☞ I was shocked to see him bareheaded in such a cold morning.
 ☞ 他光着上身走了进来。
 ☞ He walked in bare (stripped) to the waist.
 ☞ 他像他出生时那样光着身子。
 ☞ He was as naked as the day he was born.
 ☞ 她光笑不说话。
 ☞ She just smiled and said nothing.
 ☞ 光有一件事要做。
 ☞ There is just one thing to be done.
 ☞ 不光是我这样想。
 ☞ I'm not the only one who thinks this way.
 ☞ 光是老五看见他呆在办公室里。
 ☞ Only Laowu saw him stay in the office.
 ☞ 光你怎么搬钢琴?
 ☞ How could you carry the piano alone?
 ☞ 干革命光凭热情是不够的。
 ☞ It's not enough to rely on enthusiasm alone in waging revolution.
8.up, out等副词表示全部耗尽。
 ☞ 墨水用光了。
 ☞ The ink's used up.
 ☞ 一定要把敌人消灭光。
 ☞ We must wipe out the enemy.
9.honor, glory,指光荣、荣耀。
 ☞ 他为国争光了。
 ☞ He has won honor for our motherland.
 ☞ 现在你倒是光宗耀祖了。
 ☞ Now, you really have brought honor on your ancestors.
 ☞ 我们把我国世界著名地质学家李四光称之为“地质之光”。
 ☞ China's world-known geologist Li Si-guang was called "the Glory of Geology".
 ☞ 你所做的一切都是光耀门庭的事。
 ☞ What you have done is demonstrating the glory of our family.
光景 光景
 ☞ 咱俩初次见面的光景我还记得很清楚。
 ☞ I still remember very clearly the scene of our first meeting.
 ☞ 我们童年时代的光景依然历历在目。
 ☞ Scenes from our childhood still appear vividly before us.
 ☞ 好一派草原的光景!
 ☞ What a wonderful sight of grasslands.
 ☞ 这光景使他愤怒万分。
 ☞ The sight infuriated him.
 ☞ 她的光景从来也没好过。
 ☞ Her circumstances have never been good.
 ☞ 这位老大妈的光景如何?
 ☞ What sort of circumstances is this granny in?
 ☞ 我们做梦也想不到有今天这么好的光景。
 ☞ We never dreamed of such a happy life as we enjoy today.
 ☞ 光景是越来越好。
 ☞ The life is becoming better and better.
5.about, around,指大概。
 ☞ 半夜光景就起了风。
 ☞ It was about (around) midnight when a wind rose.
 ☞ 他父亲有60岁光景。
 ☞ His father is about 60 years old.
 ☞ 凌晨4点光景他才去睡觉。
 ☞ He didn't go to bed till around 4 O'clock next morning.
6.look like, look as if,指样子,常与“看”搭配使用,前者的语气比较有把握,而后者的语气较弱。
 ☞ 看光景,天要下雨。
 ☞ It looks like rain.
 ☞ 看光景天气不会转晴。
 ☞ The weather does not look like clearing up 看光景,你并不在乎。
 ☞ You look as if you didn't care.
 ☞ 看光景要发生罢工。
 ☞ It looks as if there will be a strike.
光荣 光荣
 ☞ 卫星上天是我们国家的光荣。
 ☞ The satellite launching into space was the glory of our country.
 ☞ 我国著名科学家李四光是地质界的光荣。
 ☞ China's well-known scientist Li Si-guang was the glory among the geologists.
 ☞ 纳西族的光荣历史似乎在这支歌中得到了反映。
 ☞ The glorious history of the Naxi nationality seems to be reflected in this song.
 ☞ 我们日复一日地战斗直到获得光荣的胜利。
 ☞ We fought day after day till the glorious victory was gained.
2.honor, honorable,指荣誉,语气较glory弱。
 ☞ 光荣归于祖国。
 ☞ The honor goes to the motherland.
 ☞ 每年的光荣榜上都有他的名字。
 ☞ His name is found in the honor roll every year.
 ☞ 小李评上了劳动模范,全组都感到光荣。
 ☞ The whole group felt honored to have Li named as model worker.
 ☞ An inscribed board with characters "An Honorable Family" usually is hung on the door of the family of a PLA man on active service.
  ■ glory与honor两词的区别可从下面的例句中看出:
 ☞ The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory (士兵的勇敢之举给他带来了荣誉与荣耀)
 ☞ 这样的学生是全班的光荣。
 ☞ Such a student is a credit to his class.
 ☞ 他得了第一名,感到很光荣。
 ☞ Greatly to his credit he came out first.
  ■ credit一词是上面三词中词义最弱的一个,这可从下面例句中看出。
  "It is to your credit" means that you may rightly be proud of it.
 ☞ 母亲对她儿子做的事情感到光荣。
 ☞ Mother is proud of what her son has done.
 ☞ 做你的朋友我很光荣。
 ☞ I'm proud to be your friend.
克服 克服
 ☞ 他克服了恐高症,登上了顶峰。
 ☞ He reached the summit by overcoming his fear of height.
 ☞ 我努力克服自己的致命弱点,并取得了成功。
 ☞ I succeeded in my efforts to overcome my fatal weakness.
 ☞ 没有我们克服不了的困难。
 ☞ There is no difficulty that we can't overcome.
 ☞ 我们希望你们能发扬成绩,克服缺点。
 ☞ We hope that you will enhance achievements and overcome shortcomings.
 ☞ 红军克服千难万险,终于到达了陕北。
 ☞ Surmounting numerous difficulties and dangers, the Red Army finally reached the northern Shaanxi.
 ☞ 你在登机前先得克服对飞行的厌恶情绪。
 ☞ You have to surmount your aversion to flying before boarding the plane.
 ☞ 他克服了不利条件,并取得了巨大的成功。
 ☞ He surmounted his handicap and achieved great success.
3.prevail over,比surmount更进一步,指压过或压倒性克服。
 ☞ 只有充分发扬先进的东西,克服落后的东西,社会才会进步。
 ☞ Society can progress only if what is advanced is given full play to and prevails over what is backward.
 ☞ 这些考虑都没能克服他的偏见。
 ☞ None of these considerations prevailed over his prejudice.
4.triumph over,比prevail over更进一步,指战胜。
 ☞ 我们克服了种种障碍,获得了成功。
 ☞ We triumphed over various obstacles and achieved success.
 ☞ 他结束了第一年的工作,相信一切艰难困苦都是可以克服的。
 ☞ He ended his first year of work, confident that all hardships could be triumphed over.
 ☞ 每个建筑工人都应克服恐高症。
 ☞ Every building worker must conquer acrophobia.
 ☞ 我们要学会通过辩论和说理来克服错误倾向。
 ☞ We must learn to conquer erroneous trends through debate and reasoning.
6.get rid of,指摆脱。
 ☞ 要使文学得到发展,必须克服矫揉造作的文风。
 ☞ To develop literature it is necessary to get rid of pretentious literary style.
 ☞ 市场经济有利于克服官僚主义。
 ☞ Market economy helps to get rid of bureaucracy.
7.break down,比get rid of进了一步,指摧毁。
 ☞ 好在两国间的疑惧心理已经克服。
 ☞ Fortunately suspicion and fear have been broken down between the two countries.
 ☞ 老师以善意的帮助克服了小男生的害羞情绪。
 ☞ By helpful kindness the teacher broke down the little boy's shyness.
8.eliminate,比break down更进一步,指消灭。
 ☞ 为克服片面性,我们决定进行一次全面的调查。
 ☞ To eliminate one-sidedness we decided to make an all-sided investigation.
 ☞ 科学的进展既有赖于发现真理,也有赖于克服谬误。
 ☞ Science advances both by finding out what is true and by eliminating what is false.
9.put up with,指容忍、忍受。
 ☞ 这儿的生活条件不大好,咱们先克服一阵子吧。
 ☞ The living conditions here are not very good. Let's put up with them for a while.
 ☞ 长征时得克服多大的艰难困苦我们是可以想像的。
 ☞ We can imagine what hardships had to be put up with during the Long March.
10.avert, 指阻止发生。
 ☞ 同样,共产党在全国范围内越发展,则克服投降危险的可能性越增加。
 ☞ Similarly, the more the communist Party grows throughout the country, the greater will be the possibility of averting the danger of capitulation.
 ☞ 可以用来克服危机的时间余地正在逐渐逝去。
 ☞ The margin of time for averting crisis was melting away.

1.exempt from, exemption from,指豁免。
 ☞ 得高分的学生可以免期终考。
 ☞ Students who get very high marks will be exempt from the final examination.
 ☞ 由于他做了诚恳的自我批评,将免于处分。
 ☞ As he has made a sincere self-criticism, he'll be exempt from punishment.
 ☞ 有些货物的进口税可以免。
 ☞ Some goods are exempt from import duty.
 ☞ 如果你有医生证明,我可以免你上体育课。
 ☞ If you have a doctor's note, I can exempt you from physical education.
 ☞ 双方达成互免签证的协议。
 ☞ Both sides have reached an agreement for mutual exemption of visas.
2.free of,也指豁免,但应用面没有exempt大,一般只限于豁免费用,如free of charge (cost, lent)等。
 ☞ 有人告诉他有一座免费的夜校。
 ☞ Someone told him that there was a night school that was free.
 ☞ 你不用付钱,是免费的。
 ☞ You need not pay; it's free.
 ☞ 他们可以住我的房子,房租就免了。
 ☞ They may live in my house free of rent.
 ☞ 你可以免费获得这些小册子。
 ☞ You can get these booklets free of charge (cost).
  ■ 在口语里free也可用作副词或名词。如:
 ☞ You can get these booklets for free. 或The dictionary will be sent to you free.
3.relieve of,指以补救的办法免去负担。
 ☞ 他工作太多,得给他免几项。
 ☞ He's got too much to do. He should be relieved of some of his jobs.
 ☞ 由于他的残疾,政府免去了他教育女儿的责任。
 ☞ The government relieved him of the responsibility of his daughter's education because of his disability.
4.excuse from,指免去任务、义务、处分等。
 ☞ 他爸免了他今晚的家庭作业。
 ☞ His father excused him from homework for this evening.
 ☞ 你身体不好,可以免值夜班。
 ☞ You can be excused from night duty for your ill health.
5.remit, 常指免除债务、税款、罚款、处分等。
 ☞ 你的债不能免。
 ☞ Your debt cannot be remitted.
 ☞ 他们的主子既然纵容他们的种种愚蠢做法,自然也会免去对他们的处分。
 ☞ Their master was indulgent to their follies and sure to remit their punishment.
6.absolve from,常指免除指责、罪过、处分、职责、责任等。
 ☞ 军官们会得到一张免于追究责任的证书。
 ☞ The officers would be given a certificate absolving them from any responsibility.
 ☞ 他由于年幼无知而免于处分。
 ☞ He was absolved from punishment by virtue of youth and ignorance.
7.dispense with,指“没有…也可对付”。
 ☞ 结婚大办宴席这种做法实在可以免掉。
 ☞ The practice of giving lavish feasts at wedding can be dispensed with.
 ☞ 这里的冬天用炉子是不可免的。
 ☞ You can't dispense with a stove in winter here.
8.remove (dismiss, relieve) from post (office),均指免去职务。
 ☞ 他已被免去了教育部长的职务。
 ☞ He has been removed (relieved) from his office as minister of education.
 ☞ 由于他销售记录不佳,公司免去了他的经理职务。
 ☞ The company dismissed him from his post as manager for his bad sales record.
9.avoid, avoidable, unavoidable, 指可以(不可)避免。
 ☞ 免受影响是不可能的。
 ☞ It is impossible to avoid being affected.
 ☞ 他过去一贯瞧不起我们,他这种人我们免见。
 ☞ He used to look down upon us. We should avoid seeing him.
 ☞ 这样的缺点是难免的。
 ☞ Such shortcomings are hardly avoidable.
 ☞ 这件事如果处理不当,免不了大家会有意见。
 ☞ If it is not handled properly, popular complaints will be unavoidable.
入侵 入侵
1.invade, invasion,指军事入侵。
 ☞ 消灭敢于入侵之敌是军人的天职。
 ☞ Wiping out all enemies who dare to invade the country is a soldier's bounden duty.
 ☞ 拿破仑对俄国的军事入侵以失败告终。
 ☞ Napoleon's military invasion of Russia ended in failure.
  ■ invasion有时也指大批不受欢迎的事物入侵。
 ☞ 火似乎是阻止木本植物入侵草地的关键因素。
 ☞ Fire seems to have been the critical factor in preventing invasion of the grassland by woody plants.
 ☞ 最近,以色列借口反恐屡次入侵巴勒斯坦。
 ☞ Recently Israel made repeated incursions of Palestine on the pretext of anti-terrorism.
  ■ 有时也指不受欢迎的事物入侵。
 ☞ 建造堤坝是为了保护低地不受海水入侵。
 ☞ Dikes are built to protect lowland from incursion of the sea.
 ☞ 伊拉克突然入侵科威特是说不过去的。
 ☞ Iraq had no excuse to make inroads into Kuwait.
  ■ 有时也指不受欢迎的事物入侵。
 ☞ 我们必须防止腐朽思想的入侵。
 ☞ We must guard against the inroads of decadent ideology.
4.intrude, intrusion,指擅自进入,这种进入可以是有意的也可以是无意的。
 ☞ 一架不明国籍的军用飞机入侵了我国领空。
 ☞ An unidentified military plane intruded into the airspace of our country.
 ☞ 我们对入侵的岩浆和被侵入的岩层的性质作了调查。
 ☞ We made an investigation into the properties of the intruding magma and of the intruded strata.
 ☞ 以色列再次武装入侵黎巴嫩。
 ☞ Israel made another armed intrusion into Lebanon.
入手 入手
1.start with,指“从…开始”。
 ☞ 解决问题要从调查研究入手。
 ☞ To solve a problem, one has to start with investigation.
 ☞ 我们从处理群众来信入手,对官僚主义做了一次调查。
 ☞ Starting with the handling of letters from the masses, we made an investigation into bureaucracy.
 ☞ 要踢足球,就要从基本训练入手。
 ☞ Start with the basic training, if you want to play football.
2.begin (with),也指“从…开始”,但是个书面用语。
 ☞ 学习外语,先要从语音入手。
 ☞ One begins a foreign language by learning the speech sounds.
 ☞ 我简直不知从何入手。
 ☞ I simply have no idea where to begin.
 ☞ 科学研究正是从这些事实开始的。
 ☞ h is with such facts that a scientific research must begin.
3.take…as the point of departure,指作为新的起点。
 ☞ 解放初期的知识分子都是从改造世界观入手的。
 ☞ The intellectuals right after liberation took the remolding of their world outlook as the point of departure.
 ☞ 要了解下岗工人的生活、工作情况,我们得从调查研究入手。
 ☞ In order to understand how the laid-off workers live and work we have to take an investigation as the point of departure.

 ☞ 与单数名词连用,必须有定冠词。
 ☞ 全世界都在期待着这次谈判的结果。
 ☞ The whole world is waiting for the results of the negotiation。
 ☞ 全家都急于改变现状。
 ☞ The whole family is anxious to change the status quo.
 ☞ 他们听到消息后,激动得全场沸腾。
 ☞ The whole place was bubbled over with excitement when they heard the news.
 ☞ 全线已于国庆节通车。
 ☞ The whole line was open to traffic on the National Day.
 ☞ 全国都反对这场战争。
 ☞ The entire (whole) country was opposed to the war.
 ☞ 全系都到齐了。
 ☞ The entire (whole) faculty was present.
 ☞ 他全家都死了。
 ☞ His entire (whole) family had died.
 ☞ 七巧板丢了两块,所以不全了。
 ☞ Two pieces of the seven-piece puzzle are missing, so it is not complete.
 ☞ 这套邮票全不全?
 ☞ Is this set of stamps complete?
 ☞ 火车在全速前进。
 ☞ The train is going at its full speed.
 ☞ 写下你的全名和地址。
 ☞ Write down your full name and address.
5.all,有与whole相同的一面,也有不同的一面。但 相同的一面在词序上还是有差别的。
 ☞ 敌机轰炸后,全市都在燃烧。
 ☞ All the city was burning after the bombing by the enemy's planes.(冠词在all之后)
 ☞ The whole city was burning after the bombing by the enemy's planes.(冠词在whole之前)
 ☞ 这些我全要了。
 ☞ I will take all of it.(all前没有冠词)
 ☞ I will take the whole of it.(whole前有冠词)
  ■ all of后还可接复数名词,但whole一般只与单数名词连用。
 ☞ 他把馅饼全吃了。
 ☞ He ate all the pies.
 ☞ 他把整个馅饼全吃了。
 ☞ He ate the whole pie.
  ■ 当然,有时whole 也可与复数名词搭配,但从翻译的角度看,它已无“全”的意思。如:Whole Indian tribes were killed off.(多个印第安部落被整个整个地杀光了)此外,whole一般不与不可数名词连用。如:
 ☞ 他把馅饼全吃了,茶水也全喝了。
 ☞ He ate the whole pie and drank all the tea.(不说 drank the whole tea,但可说drank the whole of the tea.因为这里的whole己成了名词)
 ☞ 我把钱全给他了。
 ☞ I gave him all the money.(不说gave him the whole money,但可说gave him whole of the money)
  ■ all与whole 也有其不同的一面。
1) all还可以放在代词或名词之后。
 ☞ 我们全都喜欢吃你做的饭。
 ☞ We all like your cooking.
 ☞ 工人全都罢工了。
 ☞ The workers all went on strike.
2) all还可以用做句子的主语、宾语或补语。
 ☞ 大家全都同意这些条件。
 ☞ All agreed on the terms.
 ☞ 我把我知道的全都告诉你了。
 ☞ I've told you all I know.
3) all和all of都可用于名词之前,this,that之前,所有格之前。
 ☞ 你借给我的书我全看了。
 ☞ I've read all (of) the books you lent me.(名词前可带定冠词)
 ☞ 这些孩子全是贫血。
 ☞ All of these children are anemic.(名词前可带指示代词these)
 ☞ 我的朋友全喜欢游泳。
 ☞ All (of) my friends like swimming.(名词前可带物主代词)
  ■ 但是如果名词前没有定冠词、各种限定词,则一般不用all of,而只用all。
 ☞ 孩子全都淘气。
 ☞ All children are mischievous 希望全落空了。
 ☞ All hope has gone.
  ■ 与此相反,在人称代词前,却只能用all of。
 ☞ 你们全错了。
 ☞ All of you are wrong.
 ☞ 他们请了100人,但他们没有全来。
 ☞ They invited 100 people, but not all of them came.
 ☞ 他们全都结婚了。
 ☞ All of them got married.
4) 此外还应注意all在句中的位置。
 ☞ 我的朋友全都喜欢音乐。
 ☞ My friends all like music.(放在简单动词构成的谓语之前)
 ☞ 要是有地方,本来是会请他们全来的。
 ☞ They would all have been invited if there had been room,(放在第一个助动词之后)
 ☞ 他们全去了。
 ☞ They are all gone.(放在动词be之后)
5) all用作主语、宾语、补语时,一般可以跟一个从句。
 ☞ 我的东西全给你。
 ☞ All that I own is yours.
 ☞ 你要的东西全给你。
 ☞ I'll give you all you want.
6) 在现代英语里,单独使用all已不常见,但还留有古英语的痕迹。
 ☞ 把情况全告诉我。
 ☞ Tell me all.
 ☞ 全完了。
 ☞ All is lost.
 ☞ 全死了。
 ☞ All are dead.
7) all用作副词时,还可与entirely换用。
 ☞ 这事全怪我。
 ☞ It's all (entirely) my fault.
 ☞ 你全错了。
 ☞ You are all (entirely) wrong.
6.none, not any,表示全盘否定。
 ☞ 他们全都不是南方人。
 ☞ None of them are southerners.
 ☞ 你今年晦气全无。
 ☞ You have none of rotten luck this year.
 ☞ 我全都不要。
 ☞ I don't want anything.
7.not all, 表示部分否定。
 ☞ 他们不全是南方人。
 ☞ Not all of them are southerners.
 ☞ 我记不全这些条款。
 ☞ I don't remember all these articles.
 ☞ 这家铺子的货物品种很全。
 ☞ This store has a wide assortment of goods.
 ☞ 资料收集得相当全。
 ☞ The data collected are quite comprehensive.
 ☞ 不论是古典音乐还是现代音乐我全都爱听。
 ☞ I like listening to every kind of music, classic or modem.
 ☞ 他到达时已全湿透了。
 ☞ He had been wet from head to toe when he arrived.
 ☞ 该中药店是全国闻名的老字号。
 ☞ The pharmacy of traditional Chinese drug is of an old name of business, well-known throughout the country.
 ☞ 他对全家而言就是全智全能的上帝。
 ☞ For the whole family he was the omniscient and omnipotent deity.
全体 全体
 ☞ 全体工作人员都出席了会议。
 ☞ The whole staff was present at the meeting.
 ☞ 全体失业工人都在市政厅前参加静坐示威。
 ☞ The whole body of unemployed workers joined the sitting in front of the Town Hall.
 ☞ 看问题不但要看到部分,而且要看到全体。
 ☞ In approaching a problem one should see the whole as well as the parts.
 ☞ 他的全体家人都遭到了杀害。
 ☞ The whole of his family was killed.
 ☞ 剧中的全体演员都已确定。
 ☞ The entire cast in the play has been decided on.
 ☞ 外语系的全体员工都围着我劝酒。
 ☞ The entire faculty of the foreign languages department gathered about me now, urging me to drink.
 ☞ 全体与会者都能感到那种压抑气氛。
 ☞ All present could feel that depressing atmosphere.
 ☞ 他们全体一年只能享受一次休假。
 ☞ All of them can enjoy but one holiday in the year.
 ☞ 主席出席时,全体起立并长时间鼓掌欢呼。
 ☞ All stood up and there was a long standing ovation when the chairman appeared.
 ☞ 全体大会延期至星期一。
 ☞ General meeting has been put off till Monday.
 ☞ 内阁已全体辞职。
 ☞ The cabinet resigned en bloc.
 ☞ 这项任命在国会遭到议员的全体反对。
 ☞ The appointment aroused unanimous opposition on the part of congressmen.
 ☞ 全体外交官出席了这次葬礼。
 ☞ The diplomatic service attended the funeral.
全部 全部
1.total, totality,指合计起来的全部。
 ☞ 去午我厂的全部产量上升了37%。
 ☞ The total output of our factory rose by 37% last year.
 ☞ 这些书籍的全部成本是多少?
 ☞ What is the total cost of these books?
 ☞ 你根本无法想象失去全部劳动能力意味着什么。
 ☞ You can never imagine what total disability means.
 ☞ 只有看到事物的全部,才能避免片面性。
 ☞ Only by viewing things in their totality can we avoid being one-sided.
 ☞ 买这幢房子会花掉你的全部积蓄。
 ☞ Buying the house will take your whole saving.
 ☞ 这些条款组成了合同的全部。
 ☞ These terms make up the whole of the contract.
 ☞ 你必须把你的全部注意力放到这个问题上。
 ☞ You must give your whole attention to the problem.
 ☞ 他把全部款项捐献给了慈善事业。
 ☞ He donated the entire (whole) sum to charity.
 ☞ 解放后人民政府没收了他的全部财产。
 ☞ The people's government confiscated the entirety (whole) of his property.
 ☞ 这些刊物中没有一家发表过他的全部诗作。
 ☞ None of these publications gives his complete poems.
 ☞ 对于该村的粮食全部自给,我们仍有疑问。
 ☞ As to the complete self-sufficiency of the village in food grain, we still have a question.
 ☞ 我公司已提出赔偿全部损失的要求。
 ☞ Our company has demanded full compensation for the loss incurred.
 ☞ 我们在懂得了问题的全部复杂性之后,决定进行社会调查。
 ☞ Having realized the full complexity of the problem, we decided to make a social investigation.
 ☞ 他把全部时间都花在汽车上了。
 ☞ He spends all the time (the whole time) on the car.
 ☞ 他们全部都是学生。
 ☞ All of them are students.(不能换用,详见词条 “全”)
 ☞ 他全部否认他所做的一切。
 ☞ He made an utter denial of what he had done 所有的旅馆全部客满。
 ☞ The hotels were booked solid.
 ☞ 告诉我这件事情的全部经过。
 ☞ Tell me everything about it.
全面 全面
 ☞ 全面深化改革已是一个刻不容缓的任务。
 ☞ Deepening the overall reform has already been a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 在全面削减核武器方面显示出了新的动向。
 ☞ Fresh tendency was exhibited in the overall reduction of nuclear weapons.
2.all-round, 指包含各个方面的全面。
 ☞ 全面看来,他是我们最好的运动员。
 ☞ He is our best athlete, if taken all-round.
 ☞ 党在农村的各项政策必须全面落实。
 ☞ The Party's policies for the countryside must be implemented in an all-round way.
3.all aspects,也指各个方面,但与all-round不同的是前者为名词,后者为形容词或副词。
 ☞ 年轻人要德智体全面发展。
 ☞ Young people should develop all aspects of themselves: moral, intellectual and physical.
 ☞ 史密斯先生关于访问中国的报道很全面。
 ☞ Mr. Smith's report of his visit to China covered all aspects.
4.all fields,指包含各个领域的全面。
 ☞ 改革开放以来,我们全面开创了社会主义现代化建设的新局面。
 ☞ We have created a new situation in all fields of socialist modernization since the reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 中国的改革开放获得了全面成功。
 ☞ China's reform and opening to the outside world has achieved success in all fields.
5.all-sided, all-sidedly,也指各个方面的全面。
 ☞ 两国间的全面谈判已在进行。
 ☞ The all-sided negotiation between the two counties is already under way.
 ☞ 你要学会全面地看问题。
 ☞ You have to learn to look at problems all-sidedly.
 ☞ 学期结束时,我们对工作做了全面的回顾。
 ☞ When the term ended we had a comprehensive review of the work.
 ☞ 我国政府对经济发展计划作出了全面的解释。
 ☞ The Chinese government gave a comprehensive explanation of its plan for economic development.
 ☞ 世界人民要求全面禁止并销毁核武器。
 ☞ The people all over the world call for a complete prohibition and destruction of nuclear weapons.
 ☞ 政治和经济体制都需要全面改革。
 ☞ The political and economical systems are in need of complete reform.
 ☞ 这奉医学书在论述儿科疾病方面很全面。
 ☞ This medical book is very full on the subject of children's diseases.
 ☞ 最近,国务院宣布第九个五年计划已全面实现。
 ☞ Recently the State Council has declared that the ninth Five-Year-Plan was carried out to the full.
9.total, 指叠加起来的全面。
 ☞ 在取得对日作战全面胜利之后,日本军国主义的罪行并未得到清算。
 ☞ After the total victory over Japan its militarism was not exposed and criticized.
 ☞ 相反在第三帝国全面崩溃之后,德国人民却清算了法西斯主义的血债。
 ☞ However, the German people have evened up the blood debts with fascism after the total collapse of the Third Reich.
10.all out,指全体出动的全面。
 ☞ 我军对敌人的阵地发动了全面攻势。
 ☞ Our troops have launched an all-out offensive against the enemy position.
 ☞ 他们处于全面戒备状态,以防突然袭击。
 ☞ They were on the all-out alert not to be taken by surprise.
公开 公开
1.open, openly, out into the open, bring into the open,指不加隐蔽的公开。
 ☞ 他跟他朋友的妹妹搞对象,这已是公开的秘密。
 ☞ It's an open secret that he's going steady with his friend's sister.
 ☞ 工会在《工人周报》上发表了一封公开信。
 ☞ The trade union published an open letter in The Workers' Weekly.
 ☞ 他公开宣布这种说法靠不住。
 ☞ He openly declared that the story couldn't be relied upon.
 ☞ 他们的结婚计划已经公开。
 ☞ Their plans to get married are out into the open.
 ☞ 不久,斗争就公开化了。
 ☞ The struggle soon came out into the open.
 ☞ 要是你不让他发表那次讲话,这件事就永远不会公开。
 ☞ If you had not allowed him to make that speech, this matter would never have been brought into the open.
 ☞ 账目要公开,好让大家检查。
 ☞ The accounts should be open for all to inspect.
2.public, publicly, make public, make known to the public,指向公众公开。
 ☞ 审判是公开的,欢迎各界人士参加。
 ☞ The trial is public, and all sorts of persons are encouraged to come.
 ☞ 他在公开场合多次提到这一计划。
 ☞ He mentioned the plan many times on public occasions.
 ☞ 我们要做到政务公开。
 ☞ We'll see to it that government affairs are public.
 ☞ 他公开嘲笑这一想法。
 ☞ He publicly sneered at the idea.
 ☞ 建议的细节尚未公开。
 ☞ Details of the proposal have not yet been made public.
 ☞ 事情已经公开出去。
 ☞ The matter has been made known to the public.
 ☞ 20世纪50年代,我们不得不与公开和隐蔽的敌人进行斗争。
 ☞ We had to combat the overt and covert enemies in the 1950s.
 ☞ 他的统治是靠某种形式的公开或隐蔽的高压手段来维持的。
 ☞ His rule is maintained by some form of coercion, overt or covert.
 ☞ 他们两人之间没有公开的敌意。
 ☞ There was no overt hostility between the two men.

1.in common,表示共同。
 ☞ 让他们去共享荣华富贵吧!我倒是能安于粗茶淡饭。
 ☞ Let them go ahead and enjoy their wealth and honor in common! I'm much satisfied with plain food and weak tea.
 ☞ 我们3人当时共用一个洗脸盆。
 ☞ The three of us used one washbowl in common.
 ☞ 我们要团结一切可以团结的力量,共对强敌。
 ☞ We must unite with all the forces that can be united to oppose the formidable enemy together.
 ☞ 会谈结束后,两国外长共进午餐。
 ☞ The foreign ministers of the two countries had a luncheon together after the talks.
3.each other,表示相互。
 ☞ 老朋友见面共叙友情。
 ☞ The old friends exchanged sentiments of friends with each other after their meeting.
 ☞ 咱们共勉吧!
 ☞ Let's encourage each other in our endeavors.
 ☞ 共性就寓于个性之中。
 ☞ It is precisely in the individual character that the general character resides.
 ☞ 他卷入这桩政治丑闻的事已为人所共知。
 ☞ It is general knowledge that he was involved in the political scandal.
 ☞ 各族人民的代表共聚一堂,商讨国家大事。
 ☞ The representatives of different nationalities gather in the same hall to discuss affairs of state.
 ☞ 我们在困难时应该同舟共济。
 ☞ In time of trouble we should cooperate for the same aim.
6.altogether, in all, all in all, all told,分别表示“共计”、“总共”、“据说共有”。
 ☞ 该农户全年共打粮食20万斤。
 ☞ This peasant household harvested altogether 200,000 jin of grain the whole year.
 ☞ 参观展览的共有30万人。
 ☞ Altogether 300,000 people visited the exhibition.
 ☞ 那里共有多少人?
 ☞ How many people were there in all?
 ☞ 到场的共有17人。
 ☞ All in all there were 17 people present.
 ☞ 改革开放后,共约20万中国人移居美国。
 ☞ All told, some 200,000 Chinese have immigrated to the United States since the reform and opening up policy began.
 ☞ 共产党员应该与人民群众同甘共苦。
 ☞ A communist ought to share comforts and hardships of the masses.
 ☞ 我们3人共用一个洗澡间。
 ☞ We three share a bathroom.
共同 共同
 ☞ 虽然这些国家和人民都各不相同,但却有着发展经济的共同目标。
 ☞ Although these states and their people are diverse, they share the common goal of economic development.
 ☞ 我们应当为了共同的要求在共同的战线上战斗。
 ☞ We must fight along common lines for common demands.
 ☞ 我们之间总是意见分歧,无法采取共同行动。
 ☞ We were always too divided among ourselves to take any joint action.
 ☞ 他们共同努力,总算把汽车推回到路上。
 ☞ By their joint efforts they managed to push the car 10ack on the road.
3.join forces to,指联合力量共做某事。
 ☞ 第二次世界大战期间,中苏美英法共同对付法西斯主义。
 ☞ China, USSR, USA, Britain and France joined forces to oppose Fascism during World War II.
 ☞ 工、农、兵、学、商共同建设社会主义。
 ☞ Workers, peasants, soldiers, students and businessmen join forces to build socialism.
4.side by side,指肩并肩。
 ☞ 世界各国人民曾经在各地共同打击过法西斯。
 ☞ The peoples of the world fought Fascists side by side.
 ☞ 夫妇俩一生都为了正义而共同斗争。
 ☞ Both husband and wife have been struggling side by side for justice all their life.
5.in concert,指互相配合。
 ☞ 各行各业决定对此事共同行动。
 ☞ All trades and professions decided to act in concert over this matter.
 ☞ 观众共同高呼“滚回家去!”。
 ☞ The audience shouted in concert "Go home! ”.
共计 共计
1.add up to,指加起来共计。
 ☞ 这家医院的女医生女护士共计205人。
 ☞ The women doctors and women nurses in the hospital add up to two hundred and five.
 ☞ 他花的钱共计为1万多元。
 ☞ The money he spent added up to more than ten thousand yuan.
2.come to,指合起来共计。
 ☞ 两项开支共计3,000元。
 ☞ These two items of expenditure come to three thousand yuan.
 ☞ 我们的账单共计多少钱?
 ☞ How much does our bill come to?
3.amount to,指达到某个数字。
 ☞ 我那年的收入共计15,000元。
 ☞ My income for that year amounted to fifteen thousand yuan.
 ☞ 日本1977年的出超共计175亿美元。
 ☞ In 1977, Japan's export surplus amounted to 17.5 billion US dollars.
 ☞ 我们一家的开销每月共计800元。
 ☞ The monthly expenditure of our family is eight hundred yuan altogether.
 ☞ 参观展览的共计20万人。
 ☞ Altogether 200,000 people visited the exhibition.
5.total, in total,指总计。
 ☞ 我写的访问录共计约有20万字。
 ☞ My written interviews totaled about 200,000 words.
 ☞ 年收入共计为15,000美元。
 ☞ The year's income totals fifteen thousand US dollars.
 ☞ 那里共计可能有20,000人。
 ☞ In total, there must have been 20,000 people there.

 ☞ 请随手关门。
 ☞ Please close the door behind you.
 ☞ 因为关着窗,房间里很闷。
 ☞ The room was stuffy with the window closed.
 ☞ 我去了他的办公室,发现那地方关着。
 ☞ I went to his office, but found the place closed.
 ☞ 店铺都关了。
 ☞ All the shops were shut.
2.close down,指关闭后不再开启。
 ☞ 生意不好,镇上关了好几家铺子。
 ☞ Business was so bad that quite a few shops in the town closed down.
 ☞ 因无人订货只好关厂。
 ☞ The factory had to close down through lack of order.
3.shut in, keep in,coop up in,指为了某一目的而把人或动物关起来。shut in的语气最重,keep in只指不让出去,而coop up in则强调关在像笼子一样的东西里。
 ☞ 把猫关在厨房里过夜。
 ☞ Shut the cat in the kitchen for the night.
 ☞ 星期天他总是把自己关在屋里学英语。
 ☞ He always shuts himself in the room to learn English on Sundays.
 ☞ 医生要把我关一个星期。
 ☞ The doctor will keep me in for a week.
 ☞ 别把孩子整天关在屋里。
 ☞ Don't keep the children inside all day.
 ☞ 他昨天一天都关在书房里。
 ☞ He was cooped up in his study all day yesterday.
4.turn off, switch off,指水电等设备的关闭。
 ☞ 请把收音机关了。
 ☞ Please turn off the radio.
 ☞ 我忘记关水了。
 ☞ I forgot to turn off the water.
 ☞ 要我把灯关了吗?
 ☞ Shall I switch off the light?
 ☞ 请把机器关了。
 ☞ Switch the machine off, please.
 ☞ 大考是个必须过的关。
 ☞ The final examination is a barrier to be passed.
 ☞ 贫穷和无知可能是人类进步的两个大关。
 ☞ Poverty and ignorance may both be barriers to human progress.
 ☞ 只要突破这一关就好办了。
 ☞ Once we have got over this difficulty, it will be plain sailing.
 ☞ 这个关得过。
 ☞ This difficulty has to be overcome.
 ☞ 这关你什么事?
 ☞ Does it concern you?
 ☞ 这不关他的事。
 ☞ That doesn't concern him.
 ☞ 一夫当关,万夫莫开。
 ☞ If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through.
 ☞ 西出阳关无故人。
 ☞ West of Yang pass, no more friends will be seen.
9.locked up, put behind bars,指囚禁。
 ☞ 难道他被关在监狱里?
 ☞ Can he be locked up in the prison?
 ☞ 他违反了保密法被关在监狱里。
 ☞ He was put behind bars for breaking Secrets Act.
关于 关于
 ☞ 他跟校长谈过两次,都是关于他孩子的。
 ☞ He had two talks with the headmaster both about his boy.
 ☞ 关于你写书有了进展的消息,我已在报上读到了。
 ☞ I've read the news about progress of your book in the newspaper.
 ☞ 关于你的情况,她曾对我说起过一次。
 ☞ She spoke once to me about you.
 ☞ 关于这3本书,王教授没有提供任何情况。
 ☞ Professor Wang supplied no information about the three books.
 ☞ 关于彭德怀元帅的业绩一直在民间广为流传。
 ☞ Stories about Marshal Peng De-huai's exploits have been spreading far and wide among the people.
 ☞ On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People is a speech made by Chairman Mao at the Supreme State Conference.
 ☞ 他的第一部著作是关于《红楼梦》研究的书。
 ☞ His first work was a book on studies of A Dream of Red Mansions.
 ☞ 我们班听了一堂关于文字改革的课。
 ☞ Our class heard a lecture on reform of writing system.
 ☞ 有一次,关于公理与强权的问题他们发生了争论。
 ☞ They once disputed concerning (about) right and might.
 ☞ 关于中国土地革命战争问题,这部书都谈到了。
 ☞ This book deals with questions concerning (on) China's Agrarian Revolutionary War.
 ☞ 关于如何发展生产,他提了一个很好的建议。
 ☞ He offered a very good proposal concerning how to develop production.
 ☞ 关于保护森林的规定经讨论后一致通过。
 ☞ The regulations concerning the protection of forests were passed unanimously through discussion.
 ☞ 关于委员会的工作,领导同志都表示十分满意。
 ☞ The leading comrades expressed great satisfaction concerning the work of the commission.
4.as to,其意与about相同,但只能用作状语,而且其后可接名词、短语或从句。
 ☞ 关于他们的意图已毫无疑问。
 ☞ There has been not the slightest doubt as to their intention.
 ☞ 关于工作条件,他什么也没说。
 ☞ He said nothing as to the working conditions.
 ☞ 关于做什么的问题,她征求了我的意见。
 ☞ She asked my advice as to what to do.
 ☞ 关于如何处理这批人,我没有了主见。
 ☞ I had no idea at all as to how to deal with these people.
 ☞ 关于国内发生的情况,我们有内部资料。
 ☞ We have inside information as to what is going on in the country.
 ☞ 关于情况会改进到什么程度,我倒想听听你的意见。
 ☞ I should like to have your advice as to what extent things are to improve.
5.regarding, as regards, in (with) regard to,用法基本上与about相同,但为正式文体。
 ☞ 关于这桩公案,他一无所知。
 ☞ He knew nothing regarding (about) this much discussed issue.
 ☞ 关于手术费用,你不必担心。
 ☞ You needn't worry as regards (about) the cost of operation.
 ☞ 关于计划供水,市政当局发出过严格的指令。
 ☞ The municipal council gave the strict instruction regarding the planned water supply.
 ☞ 关于这件事,你最好见见我们经理。
 ☞ As regards this matter you had better see our manager.
 ☞ 关于修改联合公报初稿的具体建议需要得到双方的同意。
 ☞ The specific proposals in regard to the rewording of the draft joint communiqu6 are subject to the approval of the both parties.
 ☞ 关于你要求退还多收税款一事,我们已转至总公司处理。
 ☞ With regard to your request for the refund of the excess on tax, we have referred the matter to our own main office.
6.respecting, in (with) respect to,同上,均属正式文体。
 ☞ 关于你的工资,我们以后再定。
 ☞ Respecting your salary we shall come to a decision later.
 ☞ 关于你来访一事,我们希望你能于9月前到达。
 ☞ In respect to your visit we hope you can come before September.
 ☞ 关于总统对此事的看法,尚未见诸报端。
 ☞ With respect to the President's view on the matter nothing has yet been published in the press.
7.referring to, in (with) reference to,同属正式文体,可与上两节中的各词换用。
 ☞ 关于反对党提出的批评,他在声明中避而不答。
 ☞ Referring to the remarks made by the Opposition his statement avoided making a reply.
 ☞ 关于这一问题,我们已做了尽可能的质询。
 ☞ We have made all possible inquiries in reference to this question.
 ☞ 关于校刊编辑一事,校长已向我们提了几项极有价值的建议。
 ☞ With reference to editing a school journal, the headmaster has given us several valuable suggestions.
8.in connection with,指与之有关的,亦属正式文体。
 ☞ 关于这次会晤的准备工作,我们同法国外长有过一次非正式的会议。
 ☞ We had an informal talk with the foreign minister of France in connection with the preparations for this meeting.
 ☞ 关于10月5日的建议,我愉快地通知阁下,本公司准备与贵公司互相合作。
 ☞ In connection with your offer of October Sth, I am pleased to tell you that our firm is ready to cooperate each other with your company.
关心 关心
1.be concerned about (with, for),concern oneself with (about), show (display, express) concern for,侧重政治上、思想上的关心。
 ☞ 共产党员关心他人应该比关心自己为重。
 ☞ A communist should be more concerned about others than about himself.
 ☞ 我们党十分关心年轻一代的成长。
 ☞ Our Party is much concerned about the growth of the younger generation.
 ☞ 她对妇女的健康问题非常关心。
 ☞ She is much concerned about women's health problem.
 ☞ 我们关心的只是群众的利益。
 ☞ It is only the interests of the masses with which we are concerned.
 ☞ 邓小平生前十分关心科学技术的发展。
 ☞ Deng Xiaoping had been much concerned for the development of science and technology before his death.
 ☞ 我们当时都非常关心他的安全。
 ☞ We were much concerned for his safety.
 ☞ 我们应当关心国家大事。
 ☞ We must concern ourselves with state affairs.
 ☞ 他不关心这样的小事。
 ☞ He doesn't concern himself about such trifles.
 ☞ 我们的干部应当关心每个战士。
 ☞ Our officers must show concern for every soldier.
 ☞ 中央政府对我国工业的发展十分关心。
 ☞ The central government displays great concern for the development of our industry.
 ☞ 总理对地震灾民深表关心。
 ☞ The prime minister expressed his deep concern for the victims of the earthquake.
2.care for (about), take care for,侧重在具体、细致的关心。
 ☞ 一切革命队伍的人都要互相关心。
 ☞ All people in the revolutionary ranks must care for (about) each other.
 ☞ 读书、学习成了他在监狱中惟一关心的事情。
 ☞ Reading and learning became the only thing that he cared about in prison.
 ☞ 她只关心她自己。
 ☞ She cares only for (about) herself.
 ☞ 她对幼儿园里的每个孩子都很关心。
 ☞ She takes good care of every child in the kindergarten.
 ☞ 出门在外,一切都得自己关心。
 ☞ Being far away from home, you have to take good care of everything.
3.have sth. at heart,侧重在放在心上。
 ☞ 我要你戒烟是关心你的身体。
 ☞ When I ask you to give up smoking I have your health at heart.
 ☞ 共产党员总是关心大多数人的利益。
 ☞ Communists always have the interests of the vast majority of the people at heart.
4.think of, have a thought for,侧重在经常想到,而thoughtful侧重于生来会关心。
 ☞ 你有一颗多么善良的心呀,总是关心别人。
 ☞ What a good heart you have! You are always thinking of others.
 ☞ 做个好孩子,要关心你妈妈。
 ☞ Be a good boy and think of your Mama.
 ☞ 不管他有多忙,他总是关心我、教育我。
 ☞ No matter how busy he was, he always had a thought for me and taught me.
 ☞ 他总是关心青年的成长。
 ☞ He always has a thought for the growth of the youth.
 ☞ 给了我这么一个美好的假期,你臭好,真关心人。
 ☞ It is very kind and thoughtful of you to offer me this lovely holiday.
 ☞ 她非常关心她母亲。
 ☞ She is very thoughtful for her mother.
5.be interested in, interest sb. in,侧重在使人发生兴趣因而关心。
 ☞ 领导同志应关心群众的生活福利。
 ☞ Leading comrades should be interested in the well-being and livelihood of the masses.
 ☞ 我们更关心的是防止犯罪,而不是惩办罪犯。
 ☞ We are more interested in the prevention of crime than in the punishment of criminals.
 ☞ 我们想尽办法来使学生关心时事。
 ☞ We tried every possible way to interest the students in current events.
 ☞ 如果你能关心别人,就不会感到那么孤单了。
 ☞ If you could interest yourself in other people, you wouldn't feel so lonely.
6.pay attention to,侧重在注意关心。
 ☞ 各级领导都应关心精神文明。
 ☞ Leading cadres at all levels should pay attention to cultural and ideological progress.
 ☞ 他不再关心计划的细节。
 ☞ He no longer paid any attention to the details of the plan.
 ☞ 现在学生都不太关心国家大事。
 ☞ Nowadays students pay little attention to state affairs.
7.indifferent to, callous to,侧重在漠不关心。
 ☞ 一个记者能不关心国家大事吗?
 ☞ Can a journalist remain indifferent to affairs of state?
 ☞ 作为一个作家,我对评论的好坏概不关心。
 ☞ As a writer I'm indifferent to comments, good or bad.
 ☞ 我们反对不关心群众疾苦的官僚主义。
 ☞ We oppose bureaucracy which is callous to the wellbeing of the masses.
 ☞ 他对父母的痛苦毫不关心,是不能原谅的。
 ☞ He is unpardonably callous to the sufferings of his parents.
关怀 关怀
 ☞ 这次考试在老师的关怀下,我取得了良好的成绩。
 ☞ Thanks to my teacher's concern I got a good result in the exam.
 ☞ 不会再有无私的关怀,得出这样的结论是错误的。
 ☞ It would be a mistake to conclude that unselfish concern no longer existed.
 ☞ 新中国的儿童受到无微不至的关怀。
 ☞ The children have the best of care in new China.
 ☞ 国家主席视察了地震灾区并对灾民表示了亲切的关怀。
 ☞ The Chinese president inspected the earthquake stricken area and showed his loving care for the victims.
3.pay attention to,指关注。
 ☞ 党和国家非常关怀青少年的健康成长。
 ☞ The Party and the state pay great attention to the healthy growth of children.
 ☞ 国家领导人首先关怀国计民生。
 ☞ First of all state leaders must pay attention to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood.
4.show solicitude for,指关切。
 ☞ 海外侨胞对地震灾民关怀备至。
 ☞ The overseas compatriots showed the utmost solicitude for the earthquake victims.
 ☞ 医生和护士对病人表现出最热情的关怀。
 ☞ The doctors and nurses showed the warmest solicitude for the sick.
关注 关注
 ☞ 我们对该地区的局势十分关注。
 ☞ We're paying a good deal of attention to what's going on in that area.
 ☞ 报上的这一报道引起了很大的关注。
 ☞ The report attracted much attention in the newspaper.
 ☞ 希望你对此给予关注。
 ☞ I hope you give attention to this problem.
 ☞ 物价问题引起了大家的关注。
 ☞ The question of prices aroused general concern.
 ☞ 政府对局势的发展表示了极大的关注。
 ☞ The government showed the greatest concern over the development of the situation.
 ☞ 多蒙关注。
 ☞ Thanks for so much concern.
3.follow with interest,指带有兴趣的注视。
 ☞ 海外赤子都异常关注祖国的现代化建设。
 ☞ Overseas Chinese follow the modernization of their motherland with great interest.
 ☞ 国际社会都在十分关注中国1997年后对香港的政策。
 ☞ The international community is following China's policy towards Hong Kong after 1997 with great interest.
关照 关照
1.look after,指照顾。
 ☞ 我走后,这里的工作就靠你多关照了。
 ☞ When I'm gone, you'll have to look after the work here.
 ☞ 我儿子在那儿做事,请你多关照。
 ☞ My son is working there, please look after him a bit.
2.take care,指照应。
 ☞ 火车上的乘务员对旅客都关照得很好。
 ☞ The attendants on the train took good care of the passengers.
 ☞ 你放心,我会好好关照的。
 ☞ You can rest assured that I shall take good care.
3.take trouble,指费心。
 ☞ 你真好,对我那么关照。
 ☞ It's very kind of you to take so much trouble with you.
 ☞ 谢谢你的关照。
 ☞ Thank you for the trouble you've taken on my behalf.
4.tell, let sb. know, order,指口头通知。
 ☞ 关照他一声,我出去了。
 ☞ Tell him I'm out.
 ☞ 你走的时候请关照一声。
 ☞ Please let me know when you're ready to go.
 ☞ 医生再三关照不许再抽烟。
 ☞ The doctor ordered again and again to stop smoking.
关系 关系
1) 表示人与人之间的关系。
 ☞ 军民关系犹如鱼与水那样密切。
 ☞ The relation between the army and the people is as close as fish to water.
 ☞ 现在,同世界人民更加密切的关系已经建立起来。
 ☞ Now a closer relationship with the people of the world has been established.
2) 表示事物间的关系。
 ☞ 事实上,这里存在着因果关系。
 ☞ In fact here exists a relation between cause and effect.
 ☞ 难道我们不能进一步说明气候与农作物的关系吗?
 ☞ Can't we further illustrate the relation between weather and crops?
3) 表示两性关系。
 ☞ 他因为和另一个女人有两性关系而受到指控。
 ☞ He was charged with having sexual relations with another woman.
 ☞ 他承认他与苏珊的恋爱不可能发展成永久性关系。
 ☞ He admitted his courtship with Susan could never develop into a lasting relationship.
4) 表示亲属关系时只用relationship,而relation则指亲属。
 ☞ 你跟他什么关系?
 ☞ What is his relationship to you?
 ☞ 突然来了一位陌生人,宣称他与死者有血缘关系。
 ☞ Suddenly came a stranger, claiming blood relationship with the deceased.
 ☞ 他是我的一位亲戚。
 ☞ He is a relation of mine.
 ☞ 由于薛将军的关系,她父亲被提升为当地警察局的副局长。
 ☞ Her father was promoted to deputy chief of the local police because of his connection to General Xue.
 ☞ 他在外交部有关系。
 ☞ He has connections in the Foreign Ministry.
  ■ connection还可表示其他关系。
 ☞ 吸烟和一些疾病有某种关系。
 ☞ There is a certain connection between cigarette smoking and some diseases.
 ☞ 她要和你终止一切关系。
 ☞ She wants to finish any connection with you.
 ☞ 谣传他跟她有不正当的男女关系。
 ☞ It is rumored that he is having an affair with her.
 ☞ 两位影星间的不正当关系引起了一场丑闻。
 ☞ The affair between the two film stars caused a scandal.
 ☞ 你的组织关系带来了吗?
 ☞ Have you brought your membership credentials with you?
 ☞ 党员调动工作时要转组织关系。
 ☞ When a Party member is transferred to another place of work his Party credentials are sent there.
5.of... consequence,常与great,little,no等连用,表示引起的后果是否严重。
 ☞ 此事对我们大家关系重大。
 ☞ This matter is of great consequence to all of us.
 ☞ 一时的疏忽没有关系。
 ☞ A casual slip is of no consequence.
 ☞ 只要你尽了力,至于人们怎么看那没有关系。
 ☞ It doesn't matter what people think of you, if you do your best.
 ☞ 你去不去对我没关系。
 ☞ It doesn't matter to me whether you go or not.
 ☞ 所有这些事现在都没有关系了。
 ☞ All these things do not matter now.
 ☞ 这对你有什么关系?
 ☞ What can it matter to you?
 ☞ 那事真的有关系吗?
 ☞ Does that really matter?
  ■ 不过,在定语从句中也有用肯定句的。如:
 ☞ 文章探讨了真正有关系的人与事。
 ☞ The essay deals with persons and things that really matter.
 ☞ 错误多少关系到你考试的分数。
 ☞ The number of mistakes determines the mark you receive in the examination.
 ☞ 这着棋很关键,关系全局的胜负。
 ☞ This is a decisive move which will determine the outcome of the game.
8.make… difference,常与no, little, much等连用,表示分不出多少区别。
 ☞ 你晚一点来没有关系。
 ☞ It makes no difference if you come late.
 ☞ 你上午去还是下午去关系不大。
 ☞ It won't make much difference whether you go in the morning or in the afternoon.
9.play an important part, be of importance,表示所起的重要作用或所具有的重要关系。
 ☞ 交通运输关系到工农业的生产。
 ☞ Transport and communications play a very important part in industrial and agricultural production.
 ☞ 这类罢工对工会运动的发展关系极大。
 ☞ Such strikes have played an important part in the development of the trade union movement.
 ☞ 农业极大地关系到国计民生。
 ☞ Agriculture is of vital importance to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood.
10.bear on, have a bearing on,表示产生或具有的影响。
 ☞ 这一消息关系到我们当前面临的问题。
 ☞ This news bore on the problem facing us.
 ☞ 你说的情况与本案有什么关系?
 ☞ How does your story bear on this case?
 ☞ 1996年的工作与今后5年的形势关系极大。
 ☞ The work in 1996 has a vital bearing on the situation of the subsequent 5 years.
 ☞ 这是关系到3,000万人民的大问题。
 ☞ This is a big problem which concerns 30 million people.
 ☞ 这件事关系到我们大家。
 ☞ The matter concerns all of us.
12.have something to do with,指与某事有牵连。
 ☞ 该地区适合种棉花,这可能与天气有关系。
 ☞ That area is suitable for growing cotton, it must have something to do with the weather.
 ☞ 我认为他与计划爆炸那家工厂有关系。
 ☞ I think he has something to do with a plan to blow up the factory.
 ☞ 由于时间关系,就谈到这里吧。
 ☞ Since time is limited, I'll have to stop here.
 ☞ 由于健康关系,我就不送你了。
 ☞ I'm not going to see you off on grounds of ill health.
 ☞ 因为业务关系,我见过他一面。
 ☞ As business demanded, I met him once.
 ☞ 因为年龄关系,他没有到达山顶。
 ☞ Because of his advanced age he failed to reach the mountain top.
 ☞ 如果他有事,我在这里多等一会儿没关系。
 ☞ If he's busy, I don't mind waiting here a while longer.
  "Excuse me for getting in the way." "That's all right."
关节 关节
 ☞ 人老了,关节也硬化了。
 ☞ When a man is getting old his joints become stiff.
 ☞ 他跌跤时一个膝关节脱臼了。
 ☞ He dislocated one of his knee joints in fall.
 ☞ 应该注意那些涉及全局的重要关节。
 ☞ Attention should be centered on the links that have a bearing on the situation as a whole.
 ☞ 我们应当认真研究并找出与过去有关的关节。
 ☞ We should make a serious study and try to find the links with the past.
3.key man, key authorities,指关键性的人物或单位。
 ☞ 现在不打通关节,什么事也干不成。
 ☞ We couldn't do anything nowadays, without giving preference to key authorities.
 ☞ 他暗通关节,才得以获得那个职位。
 ☞ He got the post by making a secret deal with the key man.
4.crucial point,指有决定意义的关键点。
 ☞ 黛玉因识得宝钗后方吐真情,宝钗亦因识得黛玉后方肯戏她,此是大关节大章法,非细心看不出。
 ☞ Daiyu begins to reveal her real feelings only because she has now come to know Baochai, and Baochai too begins to show willingness to tease Daiyu only after having come to know her. This is a crucial point and very good writing. Unless we are careful, we won't notice this.
关键 关键
 ☞ 相互理解是世界和平的关键。
 ☞ Mutual understanding is the key to the world peace.
 ☞ 个性是演员成功的关键。
 ☞ Personality is the key to an actor's success.
 ☞ 他是个关键人物。
 ☞ He is a key man.
 ☞ 我们赢得最后胜利的关键即在于此。
 ☞ Here was the hinge on which our ultimate victory turned.
 ☞ 辩论的关键就在这一点。
 ☞ The argument hinges on this point.
 ☞ 问题的关键是植物怎样才能在混合液中生长良好。
 ☞ The crux of the question is how the plant grows well in the mixture.
 ☞ 中东局势的关键取决于美国的态度。
 ☞ The crux of the situation in the Middle East is on the position of the United States.
 ☞ 援军在关键时刻到达。
 ☞ The reinforcements arrived at the critical moment.
 ☞ 温度可能高达7000C,于是表面氧化成了关键。
 ☞ Temperature may reach 7000C and therefore surface oxidation becomes critical.
5.decisive, crucial,指带有决定性的关键。
 ☞ 这一着很关键,关系全局的胜负。
 ☞ This is a decisive move which will determine the outcome of the game.
 ☞ 我们以一比零赢得这场球赛,关键的一球是小郭踢进的。
 ☞ We won the match by one goal to nil, the decisive goal being scored by Guo.
 ☞ 这关键性的决定尚未做出。
 ☞ The crucial decision has not yet been made.
 ☞ 1997年是我国政治生活关键的一年。
 ☞ The year 1997 was the crucial year of China's political life.
 ☞ 关键在于要有决心和行动。
 ☞ What counts is determination and action.
 ☞ 关键不在于你读多少书,而在于你读什么。
 ☞ It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

1.go in for,指群众性地兴起。
 ☞ 生活改善以后,人们都兴物质享受。
 ☞ People go in for material comfort after the livelihood is improved.
 ☞ 我们这里不兴这一套。
 ☞ We don't go in for that sort of things here.
2.come into fashion,指兴起某种流行的式样。
 ☞ 现在又兴超短裙了。
 ☞ Miniskirts are coming into fashion again.
 ☞ 现在年轻人当中兴剃光头。
 ☞ Having their heads shaved has come into fashion among the young people.
 ☞ 整个地区还兴这些陈规陋习吗?
 ☞ Do these outdated conventions and bad customs prevail over the whole area?
 ☞ 有些少数民族的部落里还兴封建迷信。
 ☞ Feudal superstition still prevails among some tribes of the national minorities.
 ☞ 家和万事兴。
 ☞ If there is peace in the home everything will prosper.
 ☞ 只有立业才能兴家。
 ☞ Only by starting your career can you make your family prosper.
5.popular, 指由于受人欢迎而兴起。
 ☞ 现在男人兴留胡子。
 ☞ Nowadays beards are popular among men.
 ☞ 有钱人正兴玩高尔夫球。
 ☞ Golfing is becoming popular among the rich.
6.promote, 指由于某种措施的促进而兴起。
 ☞ 文艺界人士在会上纷纷捐资兴学。
 ☞ At the meeting people of literary and art circles made donations for promoting schooling one after another.
 ☞ 改革兴利除弊,促进了工农业生产的大发展。
 ☞ Promoting what is beneficial and abolishing what is harmful, the reform has brought about a great advance in industrial and agricultural production.
 ☞ 我们应当大兴调查研究之风。
 ☞ We should energetically encourage the practice of investigation and study.
 ☞ 粮食高价可以兴农。
 ☞ High prices for grain can encourage farming.
8.raise, 指经过扰动后兴起。
 ☞ 你兴妖作怪,意欲何为?
 ☞ What do you attempt to do by raising the devil?
 ☞ 我们不能容忍任何人兴风作浪,制造麻烦。
 ☞ We cannot tolerate anyone to make trouble by raising winds and waves.
9.rise, 指兴衰的兴。
 ☞ 国家兴亡,匹夫有责。
 ☞ The rise and fall of the nation is the concern of every citizen.
 ☞ 朝代的兴替是自然规律,不以人的意志为转移。
 ☞ The rise and fall of a dynasty is the law of nature, independent of man's will.
 ☞ 怀王怒,兴师伐秦。
 ☞ The King of Haul raged and sent a punitive expedition against the State of Qin.
 ☞ 战后,百废待兴。
 ☞ All neglected tasks are to be undertaken after the war.
 ☞ 清风徐来,水波不兴。
 ☞ Fresh breezes come in slowly and there is not a ripple on the water.
 ☞ 这点小事用不着兴师动众的。
 ☞ It's only a small matter. You needn't make a fuss about it and draw in a lot of people.
 ☞ 他还一动不动地站在那里,望洋兴叹。
 ☞ He stood still there, gazing at the ocean and complaining of its infinite.
 ☞ 不兴胡说!
 ☞ None of your nonsense!
 ☞ 明天他兴(许)来,也兴(许)不来。
 ☞ He may or may not come tomorrow.
兴旺 兴旺
 ☞ 美国的农业发达兴旺,是世界上效率最高的。
 ☞ American agriculture has developed and prospered and is the most efficient in the world.
 ☞ 他告诉我改革后的国营企业也开始兴旺发达起来。
 ☞ He tells me that the businesses run by the state are beginning to prosper after the reform.
 ☞ 他的银行兴旺着呢,今年又开了3家分行。
 ☞ His bank is flourishing. He has opened three more branches this year.
 ☞ 老太太有福气,家里人丁兴旺。
 ☞ The old lady is fortunate in having a family with flourishing population.
3.thrive, 指买卖兴隆或人畜兴旺。
 ☞ 期货市场要兴旺需要一个稳定的金融环境。
 ☞ A stable financial environment is needed if futures markets are to thrive.
 ☞ 托您的福,有了您的帮助,现在家里六畜兴旺。
 ☞ Thank you for your help. Now the domestic animals in my house are all thriving.
 ☞ 我们的队伍一定会兴旺起来。
 ☞ Our ranks will certainly grow.
 ☞ 我国的科学技术一定会兴旺发达起来。
 ☞ China's science and technology will surely grow and flourish.
 ☞ 青年人朝气蓬勃,正在兴旺时期。
 ☞ Young people, full of vitality, are in the heyday of life.

 ☞ 翁植其杖而去。
 ☞ The old man planted his staff and went away.(其为 his)
 ☞ 鸟之将死,其鸣也哀。
 ☞ When a bird is dying, its cry is pitiful.(其为its)
 ☞ 吾视其辙乱,望其旗靡,故逐之。
 ☞ I looked therefore at the traces of their wheels, and found them all-confused; I looked after their flags, and they were drooping; then I gave the order to pursue them.(其为their)
 ☞ 众皆劝其戒烟。
 ☞ Everybody advised him (her) to give up smoking.
 ☞ 才难,不其然乎。
 ☞ Talent is rare to come by, isn't it so indeed?(其为 it)
 ☞ 其奈我何?
 ☞ What can they do to me?(其为they)
 ☞ 报告上说查无其事。
 ☞ The report says the investigation shows that nothing of this sort has happened.(其为this)
 ☞ 其何以堪?
 ☞ Can one stand that?(其为that)
 ☞ 他们之中不乏其人。
 ☞ Such people are not rare among them.(其为such)
 ☞ 子其勉之。
 ☞ Exert yourself to the utmost.(其为yourself)
其中 其中
 ☞ 720多个工人遭到解雇,我父亲就在其中。
 ☞ More than twenty workers were discharged, my father was among them.
 ☞ 中国有许多风景优美的城市,其中苏杭两地是最美的。
 ☞ In China there are many cities with beautiful scenery and among them Suzhou and Hangzhou are the most beautiful.
 ☞ 不难看出其中的奥妙。
 ☞ It's not difficult to see what's behind it.
 ☞ 其中必有问题。
 ☞ There must be something behind it.
 ☞ 我们车间有500人,其中妇女占60%。
 ☞ There are five hundred workers in our shop, and 60 percent of them are women.
 ☞ 我们班有20个学生,其中一半来自华东。
 ☞ We have twenty students in our class, half of whom come from the eastern part of China.
 ☞ 这是其中的一个错误。
 ☞ This is one of the mistakes.
 ☞ 破字当头,立也就在其中了。
 ☞ Put destruction first, and in the process you have construction。
 ☞ 读!读!读!乐也就在其中了。
 ☞ In reading, reading and reading, joy is to be found.
 ☞ 其中定有奥妙。
 ☞ There must be more to it than meets the eye.
其他 其他
1.others,作“其他”解时可指人也可指物,但一般只用复数。用单数时应译作“另一个”。如:One of my brothers is named Li Qing, the other named Li Ming.(我的一个兄弟叫李清,另一个叫李明)。因此other代表的都是可数名词。
 ☞ 你在这里,可其他的人呢?
 ☞ You're here. But where are the others?
 ☞ 我们6点到家,其他的人大概8点才到。
 ☞ We got home by 6 o'clock, but the others didn't get back until about by 8 o'clock.
 ☞ 请给我看看其他的好吗?
 ☞ Will you please show me some others?
 ☞ 她只想别人的好处。
 ☞ She only thinks of others' good.
  ■ other可以和than (but)结合,表示“除…之外还有其他…”。(用but是美国英语)
 ☞ 你只好坐这把椅子了,除此之外别无其他。
 ☞ You have to use this chair, there is no other than (but) this.
 ☞ 除你以外还有其他人会来吗?
 ☞ Is anyone other than (but) you coming?
  ■ other除了作代词外还可用作形容词,修饰复数名词。
 ☞ 还有其他的方法可解这个题。
 ☞ There are other ways of solving the problem.
 ☞ 他发现大厅里除了他之外已有许多其他的客人。
 ☞ He found there were many other guests in the hall besides himself.
2.else,指其他地点、其他人物,常与nobody,no one, anybody, somebody, who, what, where, somewhere, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, much等词连用。
 ☞ 没有其他人像你这样了解我。
 ☞ Nobody else understands me as well as you do.
 ☞ 其他还有谁订了牛奶?
 ☞ Who else ordered milk?
 ☞ 那老头要不是在愚弄其他别的什么人,那他就是在愚弄自己。
 ☞ The old man was fooling himself, if he wasn't fooling anybody else.
 ☞ 这纯属家事,与其他人无关。
 ☞ It was a purely family matter, and concerned no one else.
 ☞ 你得借其他人的汽车,我的车要用。
 ☞ You'll have to borrow somebody else's car. I'm using mine.
 ☞ 你还要喝点其他的吗?
 ☞ Would you like anything else to drink?
 ☞ 咱们来试试其他别的。
 ☞ Let's try something else.
 ☞ 他除了回去,没有其他事可做。
 ☞ He had nothing else to do except to return.
 ☞ 其他所有的事都取决于那事了。
 ☞ Everything else depends on that.
 ☞ 这里太挤,咱们去其他地方吧。
 ☞ It's too crowded here. Let's go somewhere else.
 ☞ 除了昆明你还去过其他地方吗?
 ☞ Where else did you go besides Kunming?
  ■ 此外,else还可与little,much等连用。
 ☞ 关于他的生平,其他的就知道很少了。
 ☞ Little else is known of his life.
 ☞ 现在除了请医生,也没有其他太多的办法了。
 ☞ There isn't much else to do except sending for the doctor.
其余 其余
 ☞ 为“其余”的余在汉语里是个复数概念。
 ☞ 我们要等到其余的人回来。
 ☞ We shall wait until the others come back.
 ☞ 8本书是你的,其余的都是我的。
 ☞ Eight of the books are yours, the others are mine.
  ■ other还可用作定语,一般修饰复数名词。
 ☞ 其余的练习本都在家里。
 ☞ The other exercise-books are at home.
 ☞ 其余的苹果都贮藏在地窖里。
 ☞ The other apples were in storage in the cellar.
 ☞ rest之前一般都有定冠词the。在rest做主语时谓语动词的单复数取决于rest所指的内容。一般说来,如把rest看作整体,谓语动词用单数;如看作一个个的个休,则应用复数。此外,rest不用作定语,除了上述区别之外rest可以与others换用。
 ☞ 那些是我的,其余的是你的。
 ☞ Those are mine, the rest (others) are yours.
 ☞ 把好苹果挑出来,其余的扔掉。
 ☞ Pick out the good apples and throw away the rest (others).
  ■ 但在下列情况下不可换用。
1) rest之后接不可数名词时:
 ☞ 我们怎么来打发其余的时间?
 ☞ How shall we while away the rest of time?
 ☞ 把其余的奶油拿走。
 ☞ Take away the rest of butter.
2) rest被看成是一个整体时:
 ☞ 其余的无需再说。
 ☞ The rest needs no telling.
 ☞ 我已读了这本英语小说的大部分。其余部分则比较难。
 ☞ I've read a large part of the novel in English, the rest is more difficult.
3.remainder, 与rest同义,一般可与rest互换,但不如rest普通。
 ☞ 家里其余的人和我一起表达了我们的谢意。
 ☞ The remainder (rest) of the family join me in expressing our gratitude.
 ☞ 铃响过了,20个学生进了教室,其余的还在外面。
 ☞ The bell has rung. Twenty pupils came into the classroom and the remainder (rest) stayed outside.
其实 其实
1.in fact,表示事实上是这样,有进一步说明、修正或补充上文的意思。
 ☞ 他英语写得很漂亮,大家都以为他已学了英语多年,其实他只学了几个月的英语。
 ☞ He writes English so well that we all think he has learned English for years, but in fact he has only learned for a few months.
 ☞ 其实他变得一天比一天保守。
 ☞ In fact he became more and more conservative daily.
  ■ in fact除了进行补充、修正之外,还可用于强调。
 ☞ 他没放在心上,其实他是蛮高兴的。
 ☞ He doesn't mind. In fact, he is very pleased.
 ☞ 我认为是这样,其实肯定是这样。
 ☞ I think so. In fact, I'm pretty sure.
2.as a matter of fact,意思与in fact相同,也可用来修正、补充上文所说的,可以互换,但语气比in fact重。
 ☞ 你们只知道她会说英语,其实她的日语也挺好。
 ☞ You only know that she speaks English. As a matter of fact, her Japanese is pretty good, too.
 ☞ 他们都叫穷,其实他们是财源滚滚。
 ☞ They all claimed to be poor, when as a matter of fact their wealth is rolling in.
 ☞ 你直接飞上海,其实我也是。
 ☞ You fly straight to Shanghai. As a matter of fact, so do I.
3.actually,表示真实存在,不用于抽象事物,故语气比in fact,as a matter of fact都重。
 ☞ 长江,别人都说很大,其实大并不可怕。
 ☞ People say that the Yangtze is a big river, actually, bigness is nothing to be afraid of.
 ☞ 他看起来蛮老实,其实是最不老实。
 ☞ He looks honest, but actually he's a rogue.
 ☞ 你说的挺有意思,其窦我倒不认为事情有那么严重。
 ☞ What you have said is quite interesting. Actually, I don't think it is so serious.
4.as it is,意思大致等同as a matter of fact, 不 过常用在虚拟语气之后。表示虚拟和真实的前后对比。
 ☞ 我们本来希望情况会有所好转,其实是更糟了。
 ☞ We hoped things would go better, but as it is they are getting worse.
 ☞ 如果我是个大学毕业生,我就出国,其实我出不去。
 ☞ If I were a college graduate, I would go abroad. As it is, I can't go.
  ■ as it is用于陈述句,这种对比不变。
 ☞ 他一直装穷,其实他很富裕。
 ☞ He has pretended to be poor, but as it is he is quite well-off.
 ☞ 他们高喊团结,其实他们没有团结的意识。
 ☞ They shouted unity loudly. As it was they had no sense of it.
  ■ 应注意的是as it is一般都放在句首,如放在句尾则意思完全不同。如:I take the world as it is.(我认为世界就是这个样子)。
 ☞ 你这样爱你的儿子,其实是害了他。
 ☞ You love your son so much that you are doing him harm.
 ☞ 她没说话,其实是说了很多。
 ☞ She was silent. She was saying a lot.
其次 其次
 ☞ 会上老王首先发言,其次是小李。
 ☞ Wang spoke first at the meeting, and Xiaoli was the next.
 ☞ 我们是双胞胎,我哥先来到这个世界,其次是我。
 ☞ We are twins. My elder brother came first to this world and I came next.
 ☞ 那是最好的,这是其次。
 ☞ That is the best item and this is the next best.
 ☞ 咱们先看生产车间,其次再参观托儿所。
 ☞ Let's see the workshop first and then the nursery.
 ☞ 先思考,其次才是发言。
 ☞ First think and then speak.
 ☞ 老板身边站着老王,其次是小李,再其次才是小孙。
 ☞ Standing beside the boss is Wang, then Xiaoli, then Xiaosun.
 ☞ 妈先唱,其次才是我唱。
 ☞ Mother sang first, followed by me.
 ☞ 先是工人请愿,其次才是几个星期的动乱。
 ☞ There was a petition first from the workers, followed by weeks of unrest.
 ☞ 首要的问题解决了,其次的问题就比较好办了。
 ☞ The secondary problem will be taken care of easily now that the main problem has been solved.
 ☞ 这个目的的重要性还在其次。
 ☞ This purpose is of secondary importance.
 ☞ 首先,我问你昨天晚上你在哪里?其次,你跟谁待在一起?
 ☞ First, let me ask you, where were you last night? Second, whom did you stay with?
 ☞ 内容是主要的,形式还在其次。
 ☞ Content comes first, form second.
具体 具体
 ☞ 不要仓促下结论,具体情况要具体分析。
 ☞ Don't jump to a conclusion. We'll make a concrete analysis of concrete conditions.
 ☞ 他对发展的情况谈得十分具体。
 ☞ He talked about the developing circumstances in very concrete terms.
 ☞ 这本书对如何制作船模,指导得很具体。
 ☞ The book gives very specific instructions on how to make ship models.
 ☞ 你知道他到达的具体时间吗?
 ☞ Do you know the specific time of his arrival?
 ☞ 听起来倒是个好主意,不过还是有些具体困难。
 ☞ It sounds a good idea, but there are some practical difficulties+
 ☞ 那么咱们就坐下来具体讨论一下。
 ☞ Then let's sit down and have a practical discussion.
 ☞ 很难说出他的具体年龄。
 ☞ It was difficult to tell his exact age.
 ☞ 具体日期未定。
 ☞ No exact date has been set.
 ☞ 关于这次事故,我们明天会向委员会具体讲的。
 ☞ We will give the committee details of the accident.
 ☞ 具体方案尚有待制定。
 ☞ Details of the plan have yet to be worked out.
 ☞ 他的政治观点在这篇报告中已具体化了。
 ☞ His political views were epitomized in this report.
 ☞ 这一化学作用可以具体化作公式如下。
 ☞ This chemical reaction can be epitomized into the following formula.
具备 具备
 ☞ 你作为厂长应当具备组织生产的能力。
 ☞ As director of a factory you should possess the ability to organize production.
 ☞ 青年人必须具备建设祖国和保卫祖国的双重本领。
 ☞ Young people must possess double skills in building and defending their motherland.
 ☞ 你具备周游世界的一切必需条件。
 ☞ You have every requisite for travel round the world.
 ☞ 我们当中只有你具备申请资格。
 ☞ Only you among us have qualifications for application.
 ☞ 申请贷款者应具备上述条件。
 ☞ Those who ask for loans should satisfy the conditions listed above.
 ☞ 你具备进入该校的入学条件吗?
 ☞ Do you satisfy the entry requirements for that college?
 ☞ 他受到的训练使他具备做英语教师的资格。
 ☞ His training qualifies him as a teacher of English.
 ☞ 你得学习5年医学知识并考试合格才具备做医生的资格。
 ☞ You have to study medicine for five years and pass exams to qualify as a doctor.
5.be provided with,指冥冥中有某种力量使之具备,故常用被动式。
 ☞ 我们都应具备这样的艺术修养。
 ☞ All of us must be provided with such artistic accomplishments.
 ☞ 具备公民身份的人称之为公民。
 ☞ He who is provided with citizenship is called a citizen.

 ☞ 他说他一个月得用800元钱来养老婆和3个孩子。
 ☞ He said that he had to raise a wife and three children on eight hundred yuan a month.
 ☞ 每个母亲在养孩子时都是十分注意的。
 ☞ Every mother is very careful in rearing her children.
 ☞ 她喜欢养花。
 ☞ She enjoys raising (growing) flowers.
 ☞ 农民们在院子里养鸡,在地里种庄稼。
 ☞ The peasants rear (raise) chicken on the courtyard and grow crops in the yields.
 ☞ 这里的农民都养牛。
 ☞ The peasants here keep cows.
 ☞ 养蝎子是赚钱的买卖。
 ☞ Keeping scorpions is a profitable business.
  ■ 但是如果不作为一个行业的饲养,则可与raise等词换用。
 ☞ 他有1个妻子和3个孩子要养。
 ☞ He has a wife and three children to keep (raise).
 ☞ 男人得养家。
 ☞ A man has to support his family.
 ☞ 有些机关人浮于事,养了不少闲人。
 ☞ Some institutions have more staff than needed and support a number of idlers.
 ☞ 有些国营企业一直由当地政府养着。
 ☞ Some state-run enterprises have been supported by the local government.
4.maintain, 指用金钱来支持。
 ☞ 这就叫“养兵千日,用兵一时”。
 ☞ That is what we call "maintain an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour".
 ☞ 为了养这条路,国家每年得花好多钱。
 ☞ It must cost the state a great deal of money to maintain this road every year.
  ■ 但如果指的是花钱来支持个人的生活,则可与support换用。
 ☞ 她得按时往家里寄钱养家。
 ☞ She has to send money home regularly to maintain (support) her family.
5.bring up,指养大,侧重童年时的教养。
 ☞ 我从小没了爹娘,是姑妈把我养大的。
 ☞ I lost my parents when I was a child, and was brought up by my aunt.
 ☞ 我把他养大是要他成为好人。
 ☞ I have brought him up to be a good man.
6.give birth to,指生养。
 ☞ 她昨天晚上养了个女儿。
 ☞ She gave birth to a daughter last night.
 ☞ 我妹妹养了对双胞胎。
 ☞ My sister gave birth to twins.
7.engage in,指从事养殖业。
 ☞ 他们是来这里养蜂的。
 ☞ They came here to engage in apiculture.
 ☞ 这里的农民养蚕吗?
 ☞ Are the peasants here engaged in sericulture?
 ☞ 他在家养病。
 ☞ He's recuperating at home.
 ☞ 你这回病得不轻,应该好好养养。
 ☞ You've been seriously ill and should take a good rest.
 ☞ 是养母把姑娘养大,后来成了她的养女。
 ☞ It was her foster mother who brought up the girl who later became her adopted daughter.
 ☞ 我认为高薪养廉的说法不对。
 ☞ I don't think it right to nourish honesty by raising one's salary.
 ☞ 我去他那里,总见他在闭目养神。
 ☞ Whenever I go to him I always see him conserving his energy by closing the eyes.
 ☞ 养痈成患,这是个教训。
 ☞ When a boil is neglected it will become the bane of one's life. So it is a lesson.
养成 养成
 ☞ 他干革命几十年,养成了艰苦奋斗的作风。
 ☞ His working for the revolution for decades has cultivated the style of hard struggle and plain living.
 ☞ 她生于音乐世家,耳濡目染,养成了对音乐的审美情趣。
 ☞ Born in a family of musicians, she was imperceptibly influenced by what she saw and heard, and thus cultivated a taste for music.
 ☞ 他在牛津什么都没学到,却养成了一副英国绅士的派头。
 ☞ He learned nothing at Oxford but cultivated the air of an English gentleman.
 ☞ 他们俩一起读书看报,养成了记笔记的习惯。
 ☞ Hand in hand with reading they both have developed the habit of making notes.
 ☞ 她与一位大科学家一起工作,也养成了对科学的兴趣。
 ☞ Working together with a great scientist, she develops an interest in science as well.
3.take up,指养成某种习惯或嗜好;form,指形成,可以是有意识的也可以是无意识的养成。
 ☞ 她男人怂恿她也养成这种习惯,但她没听他的。
 ☞ Her husband encouraged her to take up the habit as well, but she ignored him.
 ☞ 后来他变得比较有钱了,也买了些地,还养成了抽鸦片的习惯。
 ☞ He became relatively rich later and bought some land and took up smoking opium.
 ☞ 我还没养成用英语思维的习惯。
 ☞ I have not yet formed the habit of thinking in English.
 ☞ 他从小就养成了少爷脾气。
 ☞ He has formed temper of a spoiled boy since childhood.
 ☞ 她写作以来养成了吸烟的习惯。
 ☞ She has fallen into the habit of smoking since she started writing.
 ☞ 他病好后养成了每天早上做操锻炼的习惯。
 ☞ He has got into the habit of doing exercise every morning since his recovery.
 ☞ 我一直在努力养成说英语的习惯。
 ☞ I have been trying hard to build up the habit of speaking English.
 ☞ 恶习一旦养成,需要很长时间才能根除。
 ☞ A bad habit once contracted takes a very long time to be eradicated.
内部 内部
 ☞ 我们穿过一个院子,进入宫殿内部。
 ☞ We crossed a courtyard and entered the inner part of the palace.
 ☞ 海岛内部地区至今无人居住。
 ☞ The inner regions of the island have been uninhabited so far.
 ☞ 内部的隐患会来自党内。
 ☞ The hidden dangers inward would come from within the Party.
 ☞ 探险家们发现了一条内部通道。
 ☞ The explorers discovered an inward passage.
 ☞ 我想看看房屋内部。
 ☞ I want to see the inside of the house.
 ☞ 小偷利用工厂内部人员进行偷盗。
 ☞ The thief used an inside man at the factory to steal.
 ☞ 他们做了内部调查,以查明该谁负责。
 ☞ They held an internal inquiry to find out who was responsible.
 ☞ 机器内部的运转状况相当复杂。
 ☞ The internal workings of the machine are quite complicated.
 ☞ 我们几乎把整个春节都花在房屋的内部装修上了。
 ☞ We spent almost the whole Spring Festival on the interior decoration of the house.
 ☞ 建筑物内部的墙壁都已刷成天蓝色。
 ☞ The interior walls of the building were painted sky blue.
 ☞ 如果你有足够的细心和耐心,是可以找出事物内部的规律性的。
 ☞ If you are careful and patient enough you can discover the inherent laws of a thing.
 ☞ 这种情况会造成电池的内部故障。
 ☞ This condition creates an inherent defect in the battery.
 ☞ 国家内部事务不容外国干涉。
 ☞ The domestic affairs tolerate no foreign interference.
 ☞ 要获得国家内部贷款,对我们这样的私营企业家来说是很难的。
 ☞ It is very difficult for private enterprisers like us to get domestic loans.
8.restricted, 指受到严格限制,不对外公开。
 ☞ 普通老百姓是不能接触内部刊物的。
 ☞ Ordinary people have no access to the restricted publications.
 ☞ 这些规则只适用于内部。
 ☞ The rules have a restricted application only.
 ☞ 工人阶级内部也有矛盾。
 ☞ There are contradictions within the working class as well.
 ☞ 堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。
 ☞ The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.
 ☞ 人民内部的团结是我们事业胜利的保证。
 ☞ The unity among the people themselves is the basic guarantee of the triumph of our cause.
 ☞ 这件事,你们必须自己在内部解决。
 ☞ You must settle the matter among yourselves.

 ☞ 我叫他别再来,可他又来了。
 ☞ I told him not to come again, but here he is again.
 ☞ 要是再下雨,还得改日期。
 ☞ If it rains again, the date will have to be changed once more.
 ☞ 咱们再来试一次。
 ☞ Let's try once again.
 ☞ 有关此事,我们到时候再谈一次。
 ☞ And then we'll have another talk about it.
 ☞ 再喝杯牛奶吧。
 ☞ Drink another glass of milk.
  ■ another一般用来修饰单数名词,但也可与数字或few后的复数名词连用。
 ☞ 请再来3杯啤酒。
 ☞ Another three cups of beer, please.
 ☞ 我要在这里再待上几周。
 ☞ I'll be here for another few weeks.
 ☞ 我再给你一个例子。
 ☞ Let me give you one more example,试比较:Let me give you another example.
 ☞ 请再来3杯酒。
 ☞ Three more cups of wine,please,试比较:Another three cups of wine, please.
  ■ more与any连用,还可用于否定句中。
 ☞ 我不能再喝了。
 ☞ I can't drink any more.
  ■ 也可与once连用来替代once again。
 ☞ 我想再见她一次。
 ☞ I want to see her once more.
  ■ 除此之外,more还可扩大到任何形容词的比较级。
 ☞ 还有再大一点的吗?
 ☞ Have you got bigger ones?
 ☞ 声音再大一点。
 ☞ Still louder,please.
 ☞ 比这再冷的天,我也耐得住。
 ☞ I can stand colder weather than this.
 ☞ 再好不过了。
 ☞ It couldn't be any better.
4.and then,表示一个动作发生后,再导人另一个动作。
 ☞ 先想想再说。
 ☞ First think and then speak.
 ☞ 她走到窗子跟前,小心地再朝里面看看。
 ☞ She came to the window and then cautiously looked in.
5.before,表示动作发生的顺序正好与and then 反,即第一个动作没有完成以前,不让第二个动作发生。
 ☞ 你做完了功课再走。
 ☞ Finish your homework before you leave.
 ☞ 多量几次尺寸再动剪子。
 ☞ Measure thrice before you cut once.
6.when, 动作发生的顺序与and then相同,但情况不同。and then是在第一个动作完成后发生的第二个动作,而when则指说话时第一个动作尚未结束。
 ☞ 咱们等雨停了再走。
 ☞ Let's leave when the rain stops.
 ☞ 等我说完你再说。
 ☞ Speak when I finish.
7.till, until,指一件事拖延到某个时候再发生。
 ☞ 这仲事等明年再说。
 ☞ This business can keep till next year.
 ☞ 你可以明天再来。
 ☞ You may come until tomorrow.
8.in, 后接时间名词,表示“再过多少时候就…”。
 ☞ 飞机再过5分钟就着陆了。
 ☞ The plane will land in five minutes.
 ☞ 再过几天,工程即可竣工。
 ☞ The project will be accomplished in a few days.
9.no matter how,表示让步,后面常有“也”与之呼应。
 ☞ 天气再坏,我们也要赶回村里。
 ☞ No matter how bad the weather is, we must hurry back to the village.
 ☞ 一个人的本事再大,离开集体也一事无成。
 ☞ No matter how great one's ability is, one would accomplish nothing, separated from the collective.
10.and also,表示附加。
 ☞ 到会的有教职员工,再就是学生代表。
 ☞ Present at the meeting were teaching and ministrative staff, and also representatives of the students.
 ☞ 他当然会钓鱼,再说他爹就是个打鱼的。
 ☞ Of course he is good at fishing, and also his father is a fisherman.
 ☞ 你现在再不吃,饭就凉了。
 ☞ The food will get cool if you don't eat it now.
 ☞ 再不走,我们就赶不上火车了。
 ☞ We'll miss the train if we delay any longer.
 ☞ 我再爱你不过的了,但你还说我不爱你。
 ☞ I couldn't love you any more, yet you still say that I don't love you.
 ☞ 我是再遗憾不过的了,不过告诉你实情是我的职责。
 ☞ I couldn't be sorrier, but it is my duty to tell you the fact.
 ☞ 这个问题现在解决木了,换个时间再讨论吧。
 ☞ This problem can't be solved right now. Let's discuss it some other time.
 ☞ 星期天再去好吧?我平时不怎么有空。
 ☞ Shall we go on Sunday? I don't have much free time during the week.
14.在某些词类前加前缀re, 再次重复其动作。
 ☞ 累进税制是社会财富再分配的一种方式。
 ☞ The progressive tax system is a way of redistribution of wealth in the society.
 ☞ 你的字太潦草,再抄一遍。
 ☞ Your writing is too illegible. Recopy it.
 ☞ 不要浪费时间,要知道青春不再。
 ☞ Don't waste your time. Your youth never returns, you know.
 ☞ 良机难再,绝对不能放弃。
 ☞ Good opportunity knocks but once. So never let it slip.

1) send up,指排出。
 ☞ 水开时会冒气泡。
 ☞ Water will send up bubbles while boiling.
 ☞ 容器内的压力升高时,阀门会自动打开,冒出水蒸气。
 ☞ The valve opens automatically and sends up steam when the pressure in the container goes up.
2) give off,指放出气体。
 ☞ 开始使用防护过滤器以后,烟囱就不再冒废气了。
 ☞ The chimney is no longer giving off waste gas, as protective filters are being used.
 ☞ 铜浇上硝酸后会冒出一股褐色的蒸气。
 ☞ When nitric acid is poured on copper, a brown vapor is given off.
3) ooze,指慢慢冒出液体。
 ☞ 他的伤口在冒血。
 ☞ Blood is oozing from his wound.
 ☞ 他脑门上一直在冒汗。
 ☞ Sweat kept oozing from his forehead.
4) manifest oneself,指显现,主语常为抽象的事物。
 ☞ 大学生中间冒出一股想与众不同的时尚。
 ☞ A fashion of trying to be out of ordinary has manifested itself among college students.
 ☞ 错误思想总是要冒出来的。
 ☞ Wrong ideas are bound to manifest themselves.
5) appear,指出现。
 ☞ 暮色渐浓的时分,冒出了第一颗星星,接着是第二颗。
 ☞ Twilight deepened, first one, then another star appeared.
 ☞ 女人们正在打谷场上换衣服,这时从一个干草垛下冒出一个男人。
 ☞ Women were changing their clothes on the threshing ground when a man appeared from under a haystack.
6) crop up,指突然出现。
 ☞ 问题一冒出来,就采取了相应的措施。
 ☞ Proper measures were taken as soon as the problem cropped up.
 ☞ 不良倾向一冒出来就要盯着不放并及时处理。
 ☞ Watch out for harmful tendencies and deal with them in time the moment they cropped up.
7) rise,往上升。
 ☞ 烟囱里正冒着白烟。
 ☞ White smoke was rising from the chimney.
 ☞ 他是新冒出来的政治明星,很快就升到了显著位置上。
 ☞ He is a new political star rising quickly to a position of prominence.
1) brave, in the teeth of,常与自然界风霜雨雪等自然现象搭配。
 ☞ 我冒着大风大雨又追了两里地,才终于赶上了小牛。
 ☞ Braving the storm, I ran after the calf for another two li and overtook it in the end.
 ☞ 一听说我们这里有十几个伤病员需要治疗,白求恩大夫立刻冒雨赶来抢救。
 ☞ On hearing that we had more than ten wounded soldiers to be treated, Dr Bethune hurried off to rescue, braving the rain.
 ☞ 他们冒着大雪到机场迎接贵宾。
 ☞ They braved heavy snow to welcome the distinguished guests at the airport.
 ☞ 矿工们冒着余震排去了地下水。
 ☞ The miners, braving aftershock, drained underground water.
  ■ 不过,有时也指冒某种风险。如:
 ☞ 卡车冒着敌机的轰炸扫射向前疾驶。
 ☞ Braving the bombing and strafing of enemy planes, the truck sped ahead。
  ■ in the teeth of,也有“顶着”、“冒着”的意思,可以与brave换用。如:
 ☞ 他虽然很累,还是冒着大风大雨出发了。
 ☞ Though tired, he set off in the teeth of (braving) the storm.
 ☞ 日本有人冒着遭到全世界谴责的危险企图复活军国主义。
 ☞ In Japan someone attempt to revive militarism in the teeth of (braving) universal condemnation.
2) risk, at the risk of, take risks, venture, 指冒险。
 ☞ 他冒着生命危险抢救国家财产。
 ☞ He risked his life to save state property.
 ☞ 你当时有没有想过,你是在拿你的生命冒险?
 ☞ Did you ever think that you were risking your life?
 ☞ 他冒着生命危险从火中救出小孩。
 ☞ He saved the child from fire at the risk of life.
 ☞ 他决心冒着被捕的危险突破封锁线。
 ☞ He made up his mind to run through the blockade at the risk of being arrested.
 ☞ 为了我们共同的事业,就是冒比这更大的危险我也愿意。
 ☞ For our common cause I am willing to take greater risk than this.
 ☞ 我们不应冒险。
 ☞ We ought not to take risks.
 ☞ 小分队冒险穿过敌人的封锁线。
 ☞ The detachment ventured a thrust through the enemy blockade.
 ☞ 没有向导,不要冒险进入丛林。
 ☞ Don't venture into jungle without a guide.
  ■ venture所指的“冒险”,碰运气的成分较大,把握较小,而risk则指比较有把握的冒险。因此下面两个句子就不宜换用。
 ☞ 他冒险吻了新来的女生。
 ☞ He ventured to kiss the girl-student, a new comer.
 ☞ 船长安全驶过航道,而没有冒险登陆。
 ☞ The captain sailed through safely, not risking a landing.
 ☞ 他要冒领那笔钱,连警察局都没有想到。
 ☞ The police would not even consider his false claim for the money.
 ☞ 她企图冒认我捡到的那个钱包。
 ☞ She attempted to make a false claim to the purse I picked up.
 ☞ 那人冒称是部长的亲戚。
 ☞ The man falsely claimed to be a relative of the minister.
 ☞ 他冒领了汇给我的钱。
 ☞ He falsely collected the money remitted to me.
 ☞ 你冒用名牌,该当何罪?
 ☞ What punishment do you think you deserve by falsely using a well-known trademark?
冒充 冒充
1.pass off as... ,指带有欺诈性的冒充,语气较重。
 ☞ 他冒充记者,到处招摇撞骗。
 ☞ He passed himself off as a reporter to go about fooling and cheating people.
 ☞ 我不愿为了让你摆阔而冒充你的财务顾问。
 ☞ I don't like being passed off as your financial advisor, just to make you look important.
 ☞ 你竟敢用次品冒充正品!
 ☞ How dare you pass off defective goods as certified goods!
2.pose as,指以言行、姿态引起别人的注意或为了办事方便而冒充,语气较轻。
 ☞ 还有跟他差不多的,冒充“农民代表”。
 ☞ And there are others like him who pose as "representatives of the peasants".
 ☞ 他冒充百万富翁,其实是资不抵债。
 ☞ He posed as a millionaire though he owed more than he owned.
 ☞ 我们冒充记者混进了会议厅。
 ☞ We posed as journalists to get into the conference hall.
 ☞ 我不想冒充天才。
 ☞ I don't pretend to be a genius.
 ☞ 你可以在这样的小城里冒充内行,到北京就不行啦。
 ☞ You could pretend to be an expert in a town like this, but wouldn't in Beijing.
 ☞ 药品推销商是个冒充的。
 ☞ The traveling medicine man was a fake.
 ☞ 冒充的事的确有,现在就碰到了。
 ☞ Fakes do exist, and now we are coming across them.
 ☞ 他自称是艺术上的行家,但后来证明是个冒充的。
 ☞ He claimed to be an art expert, but later proved to be an imposter。

 ☞ 春节前夕,农民都来请我写对联。
 ☞ On the eve of the Spring Festival villagers came to ask me to write couplets.
 ☞ 我喜欢写钢笔字,不喜欢写毛笔字。
 ☞ I like to write with a pen and not with a writing brush.
  ■ 但同时,write还有“写作”的意思。
 ☞ 你给我们的杂志写篇稿子好吗?
 ☞ Will you write an article for our magazine?
 ☞ 他花了3年的时间才写成了这部小说。
 ☞ It took him three years to write this novel.
 ☞ 他的业余时间都花在写诗上了。
 ☞ He spent his spare time composing poetry.
 ☞ 冼星海在延安时期写了《黄河大合唱》。
 ☞ While in Yana's, Xian Qinghai composed the Yellow River Cantata.
 ☞ 事故发生前的一切要如实写。
 ☞ Try to describe exactly what happened before accident.
 ☞ 有关实验的过程,我没有详细写。
 ☞ I did not describe the course of the experiment in detail.
 ☞ 他善于写人物的心理活动。
 ☞ He was good at depicting the characters' mental activities.
 ☞ 这首歌是写祖国之恋的。
 ☞ The song depicts the love for motherland.
4.portray, portrayal,指如同肖像般的描写。
 ☞ 作者在书中把国王写成了一个暴君。
 ☞ In his book, the writer portrays the king as a tyrant.
 ☞ 这个人物被他写活了。
 ☞ His portrayal of the character is vivid and true to life.
冤枉 冤枉
 ☞ 我们再也无法容忍他冤枉她了。
 ☞ We cannot tolerate his wronging her any more.
 ☞ 你冤枉我。
 ☞ You do me wrong.
 ☞ 我是冤枉的。
 ☞ I was wrongly accused.或: I was put in the wrong.
 ☞ 你们冤枉好人。
 ☞ You're wronging innocent people.
 ☞ 你受了冤枉,只好委屈一下,我们一定为你伸冤。
 ☞ You'll have to put up with what you've wrongly suffered. We'll certainly reverse your unjust verdict.
 ☞ 你冤枉了一个好人。
 ☞ You've done an innocent person an injustice.
 ☞ 多少冤枉事都是以革命的名义干出来的。
 ☞ Many injustices are committed in the name of revolution.
 ☞ 对不起,委屈你受这样的冤枉。
 ☞ Sorry to have put you to such unjust treatment.
 ☞ 一个人什么错事也没干却受到了处分,真是冤枉。
 ☞ It is unjust indeed to punish a person who has done nothing wrong.
3.not worthwhile, not worth,指花费时间、金钱不值得。
 ☞ 那么多的时间花在一件小事上,真冤枉。
 ☞ It was really not worthwhile to spend so much time on such a trifle.
 ☞ 他告诉我,我花了冤枉钱买了个赝品。
 ☞ He told me that I didn't get my money's worth by buying an art forgery.
 ☞ 白跑一趟,什么也没捞到,真冤枉!
 ☞ What bad luck! Nothing came of my trip.
 ☞ 你走冤枉路了,你得折回去。
 ☞ You've taken a roundabout way, so you have to turn back.

1.beg (for),指要人帮助而提出谦卑的恳求。
 ☞ 我求他们为我说句话。
 ☞ I begged them td speak a word for me.
 ☞ 她求我不要向她母亲讲类似这样的事情。
 ☞ She begged me not to say anything like that to her mother.
 ☞ 他求我手下留情。
 ☞ He begged me for mercy.
2.ask (for),指非正式请人帮助的请求,语气没有beg强。
 ☞ 我求你帮个忙,行吗?
 ☞ May I ask you for a favor?
 ☞ 我求他给我拿张晚报。
 ☞ I asked him to fetch me an evening paper.
 ☞ 她写信给她在上海的朋友,求他打听一些情况。
 ☞ She had written to her friend in Shanghai and asked him for some information.
 ☞ 老先生卧床不起,故求她带着他的律师去见他的儿子。
 ☞ The old gentleman was locked in bed, so he requested her to take his lawyer to see his son.
 ☞ 他写信求他父亲为他预先垫付5,000元。
 ☞ He wrote requesting his father to advance 5,000 yuan for him.
 ☞ 对人不要求全责备,人无完人嘛。
 ☞ Don't demand perfection of others, every man has his faults.
 ☞ 我们要加紧生产日用品,现在市面上供不应求。
 ☞ We must step up production of daily necessities. Now supply falls short of demand at the market.
5.strive for,指力求。
 ☞ 在求解放的进程中,农民的贡献应该是最大的。
 ☞ The greatest contribution should be attributed to peasants in the course for the striving for liberation.
 ☞ 有些人活着就是为了求财。
 ☞ Some people live to strive for wealth only.
6.seek, 指寻求。
 ☞ 我们的原则是求大同存小异。
 ☞ Our principle is to seek common ground on major issues while reserving differences on minor ones.
 ☞ 动物都有求生的本能。
 ☞ All animals have an instinct to seek survival.
7.sue for, 常用于某些大事上的请求。
 ☞ 1945年8月14日日本宣布无条件投降并派出特使求和。
 ☞ On the 14th of August, 1945 Japan declared unconditional surrender and sent envoys to sue for peace.
 ☞ 现在连皇帝都求饶了。
 ☞ Now even the emperor sued for pardon.
 ☞ 有些作品由于急于求成而不够成熟。
 ☞ Some works are not mature enough owing to undue haste.
 ☞ 普通老百姓一出事往往求助无门。
 ☞ Ordinary people have nowhere to turn to for help when meeting with a mishap.
 ☞ 遇险船只发出了求救信号。
 ☞ The ship in distress signaled an SOS.
 ☞ 求人不如求己。
 ☞ Self-help is better than help from others.
 ☞ 敌军进入山口,求战不得,只好退却。
 ☞ The enemy troops advanced into the mountain pass and, failing to provoke battle, pulled back.
 ☞ 给王师傅当徒弟,他真是求之不得。
 ☞ He was only too glad to be apprentice to Master Worker Wang.
 ☞ 这是求之不得的好机会。
 ☞ This is a most welcome opportunity.
 ☞ 这对他真是求之不得的事情。
 ☞ This is just what he wants.
 ☞ 足球队求胜心切,反而输掉了这场比赛。
 ☞ The football team were anxious to gain victory. On the contrary they lost the game.
 ☞ 革命精神要与求实精神结合起来。
 ☞ Revolutionary fervor must be combined with a realistic spirit.
冲击 冲击
1.lash (at),指连续不断的冲击。
 ☞ 浪花冲击着礁石,飞起珠子般的水花。
 ☞ The waves lashed at the rocks, sending up pearly spray.
 ☞ 新的社会变革不断地冲击着他的旧道德观念。
 ☞ The new social changes lash his old moral concepts uninterruptedly.
 ☞ 当时,我们得顶住风沙的冲击,以保护机器。
 ☞ We had to stand up to the lash of wind and sand in order to protect our machine.
 ☞ 进口电视机继续冲击着我国的市场。
 ☞ Imports of TV sets continued to impact our markets.
 ☞ 据估计,对股市还会有更大的冲击。
 ☞ It is estimated that there will be a bigger impact on the stock market.
 ☞ 我们在沙滩漫步时,到处冲击我们视线的是半裸的人体。
 ☞ When we walked along the coast what impacted our retina everywhere were almost nude human bodies.
3.pound (at),指重击式的冲击。
 ☞ 水面船只继续向敌人海岸目标冲击。
 ☞ The surface vessels continued to pound the enemy coastal targets.
 ☞ 沉重的拍岸浪不断冲击着多岩的海岸。
 ☞ A heavy surf pounds ceaselessly on its rocky shore.
 ☞ 各国人民的革命斗争冲击着旧世界。
 ☞ The revolutionary struggles of the people of various countries are pounding at the old world.
4.charge (at),指冲锋式冲击。
 ☞ 我军向敌人阵地发起了冲击。
 ☞ Our troops charged the enemy position.
 ☞ 那头野兽突然向我们发起了冲击。
 ☞ Suddenly the wild beast charged at us.
 ☞ 他们跟着连长向山上冲击。
 ☞ They followed the company commander in a charge up the mountain.
5.make an attempt to do sth,指试图做非凡之事。
 ☞ 我国运动员向世界记录发起猛烈的冲击。
 ☞ Our sportsmen made vigorous attempts to break the world records.
 ☞ 只有不怕困难的人才有信心冲击科学的顶点。
 ☞ Only those who do not dread difficulty are full of confidence in making an attempt to reach the summit of.
冲刷 冲刷
1.wash away,指冲走。
 ☞ 河岸正受到洪水的冲刷。
 ☞ The riverbank is being washed away by the floods.
 ☞ 斜坡上的表土不种覆盖作物容易受到冲刷。
 ☞ The topsoil on slopes tends to be washed away without cover crops.
  ■ wash away也可用于转义。
 ☞ 冲刷旧社会遗留下来的污泥浊水有助于精神文明的建设。
 ☞ To wash away the dirt and filth left over from the old society will facilitate the cultural and ideological construction.
2.wash down,指冲洗。
 ☞ 上涂料前先要把墙冲刷干净。
 ☞ Wash the wall down well before putting on the coating.
 ☞ 他把汽车冲刷得干干净净。
 ☞ He had his car washed down.或:He gave his car a thorough wash down.
  ■ 如果冲和刷是两个过程,可用wash and brush,如:
 ☞ 她每天一次来冲刷厕所。
 ☞ She comes once a day to wash and brush the water closets.
3.erode (away),erosion,指侵蚀产生的冲刷。
 ☞ 森林里的土壤一般不会受到冲刷。
 ☞ Soil in forest generally does not erode.
 ☞ 海岸正逐渐受到冲刷。
 ☞ The coast is slowly eroding away.
 ☞ 山坡上垒起石坝,防止雨水冲刷梯田。
 ☞ Stone banks were built on the hill slopes to prevent erosion of the terraced fields.
4.scour (out),指摩擦产生的冲刷。
 ☞ 山洪沿着山坡冲刷出一条水沟。
 ☞ The mountain torrents scoured out a channel down the hillside.
 ☞ 第二天,我们发现渗漏出来的一股涓涓细流在细软的沙里冲刷出了一条通道。
 ☞ The next day we found the seeping trickle of water has scoured a passage in the soft sand.
冲淡 冲淡
 ☞ 请把浓茶用水冲淡了。
 ☞ Please dilute the strong tea with water.
 ☞ 讲话效果由于他的紧张而被冲淡了。
 ☞ The effect of the speech was diluted by his nervousness.
2.water down,指搀水。
 ☞ 这酒太烈,咱们把它冲淡一点。
 ☞ The liquor is too strong. Let's water it down a little.
 ☞ 故事的生动性由于改编而冲淡了。
 ☞ The vividness of the story was watered down because of the adaptation.
3.play down,指有意缩小影响。
 ☞ 官方报纸故意冲淡这次罢工的意义。
 ☞ The government newspapers played down the significance of the strike.
 ☞ 他们竭力要冲淡他在这次发现中的作用,而把一切都归功于他的助手。
 ☞ They tried every possible way to play down his own part in the discovery and gave all the credit to his assistants.
 ☞ 你可以加点水把茶冲淡一点。
 ☞ You can weaken the tea by adding some water.
 ☞ 时间冲淡了她的记忆。现在她已多少乐观一点了。
 ☞ Time has weakened her memory. Now she is more or less optimistic.
冲破 冲破
1.break through,指突破障碍。
 ☞ 红军冲破重重障碍,终于在1936年到达陕北。
 ☞ Breaking through one barrier after another, the Red Army finally reached northern Shaanxi in 1936.
 ☞ 刘邓大军冲破敌军包围,进军大别山。
 ☞ The army led by Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping marched towards Dabieshan mountain areas, breaking through the enemy encirclement.
 ☞ 我村妇女冲破传统观念的束缚,办起了一家农药厂。
 ☞ Smashing the bounds of tradition, women of our village set up an insecticide factory.
 ☞ 自从冲破了极“左”思潮的桎梏以后,中国人民的创造精神得到了大发扬。
 ☞ The Chinese people have been greatly developing their initiative since they smashed the shackles of the ultra-" Left" trend of thought.
3.break down,指摧毁。
 ☞ 不冲破自私的本位主义,我们怎么互相合作呢?
 ☞ How can we cooperate with each other without breaking down selfish departmentalism?
 ☞ 只有冲破僵化的体制才能活跃经济。
 ☞ Only by breaking down the rigid structure can we revitalize the economy.
 ☞ 1938年的大水冲破了黄河大堤。
 ☞ The flood in 1938 breached the Yellow River dykes.
 ☞ 爆发的山洪冲破了拦河坝,淹没了村民的田地。
 ☞ The rushing mountain torrents breached the dam and flooded villagers' fields.
冲突 冲突
 ☞ 两军在边境发生冲突。
 ☞ The two armies clashed along the border.
 ☞ 她的婚礼跟我考试有冲突,所以我没去。
 ☞ Her wedding clashed with my examination, so I didn't go.
 ☞ 代表们从会议第一天起就有冲突。
 ☞ The delegates clashed from the first day of the congress.
2.collide with,指发生在思想、信仰上的冲突。
 ☞ 政府在工业规划上与议会发生冲突。
 ☞ The government collides with the parliament over its industrial plans.
 ☞ 自由、平等、博爱这三个概念与专制和特权是冲突的。
 ☞ Liberty, equality and fraternity, these three ideas collide with monarchy and privilege.
3.conflict (with),指由矛盾、分歧导致的冲突。
 ☞ 警察的说法与被告的有冲突。
 ☞ The policeman's story conflicts with that of the accused.
 ☞ 这两次的考试时间有冲突。
 ☞ The hours of these two examinations conflict.
 ☞ 国家之间不应通过武装冲突来解决分歧。
 ☞ Nations must not settle their differences by armed conflict.
决定 决定
 ☞ 他真希望他父亲会替他决定这件事。
 ☞ He wished that his father would decide the matter for him.
 ☞ 他决定放弃几何及代数。
 ☞ He decided to give up geometry and algebra.
 ☞ 我们作了一些讨论以后,决定把问题提交委员会。
 ☞ After some discussion we decided that the problem should be offered to the committee.
 ☞ 这是应该由金融家们来决定的事。
 ☞ It's the financiers who decide.
  ■ decide还有“起决定性作用”的意思。如:
 ☞ 一拳就决定了这场战斗。
 ☞ One blow decided the fight.
 ☞ 最后的进球决定了这场比赛。
 ☞ The last goal decided the game.
 ☞ 世界上的事是复杂的,是由多方面的因素决定的。
 ☞ In this world, things are complicated and are decided by many factors.
  ■ decision,还可用于做出的决定。
 ☞ 我国支持联大通过的各项决议和决定。
 ☞ China supports the resolutions and decisions adopted by the U.N. General Assembly.
  ■ decisive,有“决定性”的意思。
 ☞ 决定因素是人不是物。
 ☞ It is people, not things that are decisive.
  ■ 此外,decide on也有“决定”的意思,与decide的区别仅在于前者带有更多的选择性。
 ☞ 独立国家的人民有权选择并决定自己国家的社会制度和经济制度。
 ☞ The people of independent countries have the right to choose and decide on their own social and economic systems.
 ☞ 我们得先决定题目才能着手写作。
 ☞ We must decide on a topic before we start to write.
 ☞ 他们决定建造一座戏院。
 ☞ They decided on building a theatre.
 ☞ 哪怕下雪我也决定去。
 ☞ I have determined to go even if it snows.
 ☞ 他决定马上就来。
 ☞ He determined that he would come at once.
  ■ determine on也指多项选择后的决定。
 ☞ 我们决定早点出发。
 ☞ We determined on an early start.
 ☞ 他决定成为一个医生。
 ☞ He determined on becoming a doctor.
  ■ 此外,determine还有“某事成为另一事的先决条件”的意思。这时不能与decide换用。
 ☞ 人们的社会存在决定了人们的思想意识。
 ☞ It is man's social being that determines his thinking.
 ☞ 基因决定人的身高和发色。
 ☞ Genes determine one's stature and hair color.
 ☞ 需求决定供应。
 ☞ Demand determines supply.
 ☞ 我们决定每年至少访问一次中国。
 ☞ We resolve to visit China at least once a year.
 ☞ 他决定要更加努力地工作。
 ☞ He resolved that he would work still harder.
  ■ 同样,resolve on强调决定的这种决定。
 ☞ 政府决定了一个大胆的计划。
 ☞ The government resolved on a bold plan.
 ☞ 将军决定在夜间重新夺回丢失的阵地。
 ☞ The general resolved on recapturing the lost ground by night.
4.make up one's mind,指下决心。
 ☞ 他终于决定要把这件事告诉他母亲。
 ☞ At last he made up his mind to tell his mother about it.
 ☞ 如果你一时决定不了,我们可以等。
 ☞ We can wait if you cannot make up your mind for the moment.
5.up to sb. ,指由某人决定。
 ☞ 取舍由你来决定。
 ☞ Take it or leave it, it's up to you.
 ☞ 他什么时候干这件事由他决定。
 ☞ When he does, it is up to him.
 ☞ 他举行婚礼的日期已经决定。
 ☞ The date of his wedding was settled.
 ☞ 把这些细节都决定下来,可不是儿戏。
 ☞ It's no child's play getting all these details settled.
  ■ settle on作“最后确定”解,但也带有选择、协商等暗示。
 ☞ 他考虑过几种职业,最后才决定从医。
 ☞ He had considered a number of jobs before settling on a career in medicine.
 ☞ 他们最后才决定了租约的条款。
 ☞ They have finally settled on the terms of the lease.
决心 决心
1.determine, determination,指决心做某事或做某事的决心。
 ☞ 不管前进道路上有什么困难,我们决心执行中央的指示。
 ☞ We determine (are determined) to carry out the instructions of the central government no matter what difficulties we may have in our way.
 ☞ 他决心改正错误。
 ☞ He determined to correct his mistakes.
 ☞ 我们有决心、有信心提前完成任务。
 ☞ We have both determination and confidence to accomplish the task ahead of time.
 ☞ 我们决心要把今后的工作做得更好。
 ☞ We resolved to do better work in the future.
 ☞ 我决心把宣讲的一切都付诸实践。
 ☞ What I preach I am resolved to practice.
 ☞ 下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。
 ☞ Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory.
 ☞ 你应该有决心去做你应该做的事。
 ☞ You must be resolute to do what you have to do.
 ☞ 他下决心戒烟。
 ☞ He made a resolution to give up smoking.
4.make up one's mind,指下决心。
 ☞ 他一旦下了决心就不会改变。
 ☞ Once he has made up his mind, he won't change it.
 ☞ 我们下决心到国外进修。
 ☞ We have made our minds to go abroad for advanced study.
 ☞ 我决心戒烟了。
 ☞ I will give up smoking.
 ☞ 我们下定决心不来了。
 ☞ We will not come.
 ☞ 令你失望,很对不起,但我决心不再去那里。
 ☞ I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I will not go there again.
况且 况且
 ☞ 房价太高,况且地点也不适中。
 ☞ The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable location.
 ☞ 这样的风雨之夜你不能出去,况且你还着了凉。
 ☞ You cannot go out in such a stormy night, moreover, you've caught cold.
 ☞ 房子不够大,况且离城太远。
 ☞ The house isn't big enough, and furthermore, it is too far from the town.
 ☞ 她没多少脑子,况且还缺少才气。
 ☞ She hasn't much brain and furthermore she's devoid of talent.
2.besides, in addition,有“再说”的意思,用来作附加说明。
 ☞ 上海地方那么大,况且你又不知道他的地址,一下子怎么能找到他呢?
 ☞ Shanghai is so big. Besides, you don't have his address. How do you expect to find him so quickly?
 ☞ 现在去看足球比赛太晚了,况且老天又下起雨来。
 ☞ It's too late to go to the football match now. Besides, it's beginning to rain.
 ☞ 况且,至此产生的免疫力只能维持三至六个月,故经常接种实有必要。
 ☞ In addition, the immunity produced so far lasts only three to six months, so frequent vaccination would be necessary.
 ☞ 况且,如果国会不增加总统的职权,反过来就无法行使自己的职权。
 ☞ In addition, the Congress cannot exercise its own authority without, in turn, increasing that of the President.

 ☞ 好在公司准假两周,我才有时间来拜访您。
 ☞ Fortunately the firm has granted me two week's leave.
 ☞ I have time to call on you.
 ☞ 你要求调动工作准了没有?
 ☞ Has your request for a transfer been granted?
2.accurate, accurately,指要花费一定功夫才能达到的准确。
 ☞ 他罚球很准。
 ☞ He is very accurate in foul shooting.
 ☞ 他进步够不够快,我倒是说不准。
 ☞ I couldn't tell accurately whether he was progressing fast enough.
3.exact, exactly,指可以测量出来的准确。
 ☞ 你的描述不很准。
 ☞ Your description is not very exact.
 ☞ 你什么时候来,先给我一个准信。
 ☞ Please let me know in advance exactly when you are coming.
 ☞ 我无法告诉你这笔钱的准数。
 ☞ I can hardly tell you the precise sum of money.
 ☞ 我们的火车准时到达。
 ☞ Our train arrived precisely on schedule.
 ☞ 我检查了两遍,准没错。
 ☞ I've checked twice. You can be sure there is no mistake.
 ☞ 她准赢。
 ☞ She will surely win.
6.certain, certainly,指来自客观的,不容置疑的肯定。
 ☞ 本届政府在下届选举中准输。
 ☞ It is certain that the government will lose the next election.
 ☞ 他准出事了。
 ☞ Something was certainly wrong with him.
 ☞ 在监狱里,准能听到脚镣的哐啷声。
 ☞ In prisons you will hear the clank of leg irons.
 ☞ 天一回潮,我准犯关节炎。
 ☞ Anytime damp my rheumatism will be back.
 ☞ 这表走得准。
 ☞ The watch keeps good time.
 ☞ 他不准能来。
 ☞ He'll not possible come.
 ☞ 民兵是准军事组织。
 ☞ The militia is a paramilitary organization.
 ☞ 准科学概念不是以事实为依据的。
 ☞ Quasi-scientific ideas are not based on facts.
准则 准则
1.standard,指事先由官方确定下来以决定质量、数 量、长度、价值等标准的准则。
 ☞ 解放军强化了着装与行为的准则。
 ☞ The PLA enforces standards of dress and conduct.
 ☞ 不配置安全带的新车不符合安全准则。
 ☞ New cars without seat belts do not meet safety standards.
 ☞ 古希腊判断艺术美的准则是对称与平衡。
 ☞ In Ancient Greece, symmetry and balance were the criteria of artistic beauty.
 ☞ 什么是评判交响乐的主要准则?
 ☞ What is the major criterion for judging a symphony?
 ☞ 我们同各国人民的交往应遵循外交准则。
 ☞ Our contact with people of other countries should be in conformity with the diplomatic norms.
 ☞ The principle that "Laws must be followed and enforced strictly" reflects legal norms.
 ☞ 不同的社会都会建立各自不同的道德准则。
 ☞ Different societies set up different moral codes respectively for themselves.
 ☞ 新闻界在思想上尚未形成新闻报道的职业准则。
 ☞ In press circles a code of press ethics has not yet formulated mentally.
 ☞ 这样的做法违背了国际法的起码准则。
 ☞ Such practice goes against the elementary requirements of international law.
 ☞ 廉洁奉公是做一个好干部的基本准则。
 ☞ Having integrity and working in the interests of the public are basic requirements of being a good cadre.
准备 准备
 ☞ 我们会准时回来准备婚礼的。
 ☞ We will return in time to prepare the wedding.
 ☞ 要是他老是这么搞,我们准备要干预了。
 ☞ If he keeps going on like that we are preparing to intervene.
 ☞ 你准备让孩子进医院吗?
 ☞ Are you preparing your child to go to hospital?
  ■ 此外,prepare还可与for搭配,组成prepare sth. for或prepare sb. for这样的句型。
 ☞ 学生们都忙着准备功课,迎接期终考。
 ☞ The students are busy with preparing lessons for the final examination.
 ☞ 我们得为大会准备文件。
 ☞ We have to prepare documents for the conference.
 ☞ 你准备好大吃一惊吧。
 ☞ Prepare yourself for a shock.
  ■ 因此,prepare for是上述结构的简化。
 ☞ 希望有最好的结果,但也要做最坏的准备。
 ☞ Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
 ☞ 你能帮我准备晚会吗?
 ☞ Will you help me prepare for the evening party?
  ■ 正是由于上述原因,翻译时需注意宾语的归属,请比较下面两种译文的区别。
 ☞ 下周我们有一次英语考试,我得准备一下。
 ☞ We are going to have an English exam next week. I have to prepare it.(说话人是教师,准备的是这次考试本身,故用prepare it)
 ☞ We are going to have an English exam next week. I have to prepare for it。(说话人是学生,准备的是这次考试的功课,故用prepare for it,等于prepare my lessons for it)
  ■ 上述各种用法都强调“准备”的动作,但如果强调状态,则要用be prepared。
 ☞ 你准备付多少钱?
 ☞ How much are you prepared to pay?
 ☞ 那么你是准备替我们做事啦?是发传单还是联络同志?
 ☞ So are you prepared to do things for us? Distribute handbills or make liaison with our comrades?
  ■ 为此,请比较prepare与be prepared两种译文的区别。
 ☞ 我准备出差。
 ☞ I'm preparing to go on errands.(指准备出差的种种事宜,如准备计划、决定行程、购买车票等。)
 ☞ I'm prepared to go on errands.(指一切都已有准备。)
2.be ready, 仅指准备的状态,故不同于prepare,而与be prepared大致相同。只是时间上要比be prepared长,暗示时时刻刻准备着。
 ☞ 作为警察,我们随时都准备牺牲自己而救助人民。
 ☞ As policemen, we are ready to give our lives to rescue people.
 ☞ 他是个电影迷,随时都准备上电影院。
 ☞ He is a movie fan and ready to go to cinema at any time.
 ☞ 好人随时都准备帮助别人。
 ☞ A kind man is always ready to help others.
  ■ 不过,如果不强调ready的这种特别之处,则可以与be prepared换用。
 ☞ 可能还会有更糟的洪水,我们必须有所准备。
 ☞ Worse floods are likely, so we must get ready (prepared).
 ☞ 我们准备坐夜车去。
 ☞ We're ready (prepared) to go on the evening train.
 ☞ 要是你想在星期六参加足球比赛,就要好好准备。
 ☞ You need to condition yourself if you are to play in the football match on Saturday.
 ☞ 准备好参加竞赛的马匹。
 ☞ Condition my horses for the race.
 ☞ 她准备去中国学汉语。
 ☞ She intends to go to China to learn Chinese.
 ☞ 那么你是准备在上海长期待下去了?
 ☞ Then you intend to make a long stay in Shanghai?
5.plan, 指某种打算。
 ☞ 你准备什么时候动身去北京?
 ☞ When do you plan to leave for Beijing?
 ☞ 代表团准备在今年夏季访问莫斯科。
 ☞ The delegation is planning to visit Moscow this summer.
6.be supposed,指没有多少把握推测出来的结论。
 ☞ 事实上,这就是句型练习准备要做到的。
 ☞ In fact this is what the pattern drills are supposed to accomplish.
 ☞ 他现在准备干什么?
 ☞ What is he supposed to be doing now?
7.provide for,指应有的准备。
 ☞ 为了旅客的需要和安全,我们应当有所准备。
 ☞ We must provide for the needs and safety of all the passengers.
 ☞ 这是我没有料到的情况,因此没有准备。
 ☞ This is something which I didn't foresee, and therefore I failed to provide for.
减少 减少
 ☞ 协会会员减少至300人。
 ☞ The members of the association have decreased to three hundred.
 ☞ 而且你还可以同时减少生产及管理费用。
 ☞ And, at the same time, you can also decrease the cost of production and running.
 ☞ 那里的教会被怀疑为资本主义的同盟,因而其影响也相应地减少了。
 ☞ The church there is suspected of being an ally of capitalism and that its influence is lessened in consequence.
 ☞ 我们村的人口减少了。
 ☞ The population in our village is lessened.
  ■ 如果指具体数字的减少要用decrease。
 ☞ 我们村的人口由1990年的830人减少到1996年的660人。
 ☞ The population had decreased from 830 in 1990 to 660 in 1996.
 ☞ 随着森林面积的缩减,野味的种类也不可避免地减少了。
 ☞ With the retreat of the forest, the amount of variety of wild game inevitably diminished.
 ☞ 这座城镇由于贸易的减少而逐渐衰落。
 ☞ The town gradually declined because of the diminishing of trade.
 ☞ 我们必须把浪费减少到最低限度。
 ☞ We must reduce the amount of waste to a minimum.
 ☞ 积极分子开会太多,也应减少。
 ☞ Meetings of activists are too frequent and should also be reduced.
5.cut down,大致与reduce相同,也指人为减少,但更为口语化。
 ☞ 这样,你们就会增加就业数量,减少投资费用。
 ☞ That way you increase the number of jobs and cut down the capital cost.
 ☞ 目前中学生上课时间太多,最好能按比例适当减少。
 ☞ At present the classes in middle schools take too much of the students' time, and it would be preferable if they were cut down to a suitable proportion.
 ☞ 经济危机减少了人们的铺张浪费。
 ☞ The economic crisis abated people's extravagance and waste.
 ☞ 他由于错误减少了不少傲气。
 ☞ His pride was abated a lot by his mistake.
 ☞ 这有助于减少难民的艰难状况。
 ☞ This will help to relieve the hardships of the refugees.
 ☞ 请给他减少一些工作。
 ☞ Please relieve him of some of his work.
减弱 减弱
 ☞ 尽管他的病再次好了,但体力已大大减弱。
 ☞ He was much weakened physically though he was well again.
 ☞ 根深蒂固的宗派主义大大减弱了我们工作的效率。
 ☞ The deep-rooted sectarianism greatly weakened the effectiveness of our work.
 ☞ 风势减弱了。
 ☞ The wind has subsided.
 ☞ 洪水一旦宣泄,就会减弱。
 ☞ The floodwaters, once being drained off, are going to subside.
 ☞ 船只在出海前都在等待风势的减弱。
 ☞ The ships waited till the wind abated before sailing out to sea.
 ☞ 一阵狂风暴雨之后,雨势减弱了。
 ☞ The storm, having stormed itself out, abated.
 ☞ 她对他爱的减弱有过许多阶段。
 ☞ There were many stages in the ebbing of her love for him.
 ☞ 随着年龄的增加,他的体力在减弱。
 ☞ With his age advancing his strength is ebbing.
 ☞ 在首次冲动后,人们的兴趣开始减弱了。
 ☞ After the first flush of excitement, the interest of the people began to wane.
 ☞ 退休之后,他的影响减弱了。
 ☞ His influence is waning after his retirement.
 ☞ 思想政治工作一刻也不能减弱。
 ☞ Ideological and political work must never for a moment be relaxed.
 ☞ 醉意使他的领悟能力减弱。
 ☞ The alcoholic effect relaxed his faculty of perception.
减轻 减轻
 ☞ 减轻农民负担是当务之急。
 ☞ It is the most pressing matter of the moment to lighten the burden on the peasants.
 ☞ 机组人员把一切可以搬动的东西扔出了机舱以减轻飞机的重量。
 ☞ The crew threw everything moveable overboard to lighten the plane.
 ☞ 如果不减轻压力,汽缸可能会破裂。
 ☞ If the pressure is not reduced, the cylinder is likely to fracture.
 ☞ 医生嘱咐我节制饮食,减轻体重。
 ☞ The doctor has ordered me to reduce on diet.
 ☞ 她做了一切力所能及的事来减轻伤员的痛苦。
 ☞ She did all in her power to ease the sufferings of the wounded.
 ☞ 有多少次,她坐起来想,如果她告诉他有多么爱他,不知能不能减轻他心灵的痛苦。
 ☞ Many a time she sat up wondering if it would ease his miserable heart if she told him how she loved him.
 ☞ 护士给了一片止痛药,减轻了他的痛苦。
 ☞ The nurse relieved his pain by giving him a painkiller.
 ☞ 研究人员发现了能减轻精神分裂症状的新药。
 ☞ The researchers have found new drugs that may relieve schizophrenic symptoms.
 ☞ 许多世纪以来,人类开发了可以治愈或减轻疾病痛苦的各种药物。
 ☞ Over the centuries man has developed drugs that could cure or alleviate illnesses and sufferings.
 ☞ 是他的同情才减轻了她的悲痛。
 ☞ It was his sympathy that alleviated her sorrow.
 ☞ 作为立法机构的成员我们应尽可能设法减轻刑法的残酷性。
 ☞ As members of the legislative body we must try every possible way to mitigate the cruelty of criminal law.
 ☞ 我们答应她再试一次,从而减轻她的失望情绪。
 ☞ We mitigated her disappointment by allowing her to try again.
 ☞ 她感到他那凉爽、坚定的手的触摸可以减轻一些痛苦。
 ☞ She felt that he could allay certain pains by the touch of his cool, firm hand.
 ☞ 冬季的临近减轻了人们被日本兵袭击的恐惧。
 ☞ The approach of winter allayed the fear of the raids by the Japanese soldiers.
 ☞ 轻轻飘来的微风减轻了酷暑的折磨。
 ☞ The fugitive breeze assuaged the torment of the summer heat.
 ☞ 他的巨著之完成减轻了他的痛苦。
 ☞ The completion of his great work has assuaged his grief.
 ☞ 他委过于人以减轻责任。
 ☞ He shifted the blame onto others in order to diminish responsibility.
 ☞ 到了晚上,白天的炎热只减轻了一点点。
 ☞ The heat of the day has diminished only a little by night.
 ☞ 地板上铺着体操垫以减轻冲击力。
 ☞ The floor is covered with gym mats to lessen the impact.
 ☞ 交换意见以后,室内的紧张气氛减轻了。
 ☞ The tension in the room lessened after the exchange of views.
凑合 凑合
 ☞ 下班后咱们凑合在一起练唱歌。
 ☞ Let's gather after work to practice singing 我们几个凑合在一起计划一次春游。
 ☞ Some of us gathered to plan a spring outing.
 ☞ 小学生把零用钱凑合在一起捐给希望工程。
 ☞ The school pupils collected their pocket money to contribute to the Project Hope.
 ☞ 他们把已有的邮票凑合起来开了一个展览。
 ☞ They collected the stamps they possess and held an exhibition.
 ☞ 尽管她没有糖,还是凑合着做了个饼。
 ☞ She improvised a cake though she had no sugar.
 ☞ 我们到那里时几乎什么都没有,一切都得凑合。
 ☞ When we got there, we almost had nothing. All had to be improvised.
4.make do with,make... do, do,指凑合着吃、穿、用等。
 ☞ 家里没有肉,我们就只好用土豆凑合。
 ☞ There's no meat in the house, so we'll just have to make do with potatoes.
 ☞ 他没有钉锤,只好拿块大石头凑合。
 ☞ He did not have a hammer, and he had to make do with a heavy rock.
 ☞ 我这件棉袄还能凑合一冬。
 ☞ I can make this padded jacket do for another winter.
 ☞ 那块料子给我儿子做件上衣能凑合。
 ☞ That piece of material would do to make a coat for my son.
 ☞ 在这客栈过一夜能凑合。
 ☞ This inn would do to stay for the night.
 ☞ 他没学过会计,但还能凑合着记记账。
 ☞ He isn't a trained accountant, but he manages to keep simple accounts.
 ☞ 战争时期,几乎没有吃的,但他全家凑合着活了下来。
 ☞ During the war, there was almost nothing to eat, but his family managed to survive.
 ☞ 会前要做好准备,发言不要凑合。
 ☞ Be ready for the meeting and don't speak offhand.
 ☞ 这件事,我得花点时间想一想,不能凑合着干。
 ☞ I'll have to take time and think. I can't do it offhand.
 ☞ 样样东西凑合起来就产生了预期的效果。
 ☞ Everything concurred to produce the desired effect.
 ☞ 发生在男孩生活中的种种事情凑合在一起使得他成了现在这个样子。
 ☞ The events of the boy's life concurred to make him what he was.
凝聚 凝聚
 ☞ 这部名著凝聚着他毕生的心血。
 ☞ In this masterpiece is embodied his lifetime of painstaking work.
 ☞ 这些雕刻凝聚着艺术家们对生命的热爱。
 ☞ These sculptures embody the artists' love of human life.
 ☞ 南京长江大桥凝聚着中国工人阶级的高度智慧。
 ☞ The Changjiang River Bridge at Nanjing is an embodiment of the superb wisdom of the Chinese working class。
2.form, 指形成。
 ☞ 荷叶上凝聚着晶莹的露珠。
 ☞ Glistering dewdrops have formed on the lotus leaves.
 ☞ 石油超过某一温度就会凝聚成油气。
 ☞ Petrol forms vapor above a certain temperature.
3.cohesion, 指凝聚力。
 ☞ 人民生活的改善增强了中华民族的凝聚力。
 ☞ The improvement of people's livelihood has increased the cohesion of the Chinese nation.
 ☞ 如果我们有更多的道德凝聚力,这项革新一定能成功。
 ☞ The innovation is bound to be a success if we have more moral cohesion.
凝(凝结、凝固) 凝(凝结、凝固)
 ☞ 血液遇到空气就会凝结。
 ☞ Blood coagulates when it meets air.
 ☞ 乳酸细菌产生的酸足以使乳蛋白质凝固。
 ☞ Acid production of lactic acid bacteria is sufficient to coagulate milk proteins.
 ☞ 他的衬衣都被血凝住了。
 ☞ His shirt was congealed with blood.
 ☞ 把凝结在上面的脂肪撇掉。
 ☞ Discard the fat that congeals at the top.
3.clot, 指凝结成块,尤指血液。
 ☞ 他伤口上的血由于缺乏血小板而尚未凝结。
 ☞ The blood has not yet clotted on his wound because of lack of platelet.
 ☞ 牛奶变酸时就会凝结(凝固)。
 ☞ Milk clots when it turns sour.
 ☞ 牛奶凝结成块了。
 ☞ The milk is curdled.
 ☞ 蛋清加热时会凝固。
 ☞ The whites of eggs are curdled by heating.
 ☞ 她见到他的暴行气得血液都凝固了。
 ☞ Her blood curdled with indignation at the sight of his savage act.
5.set, 指液体或糊状物的凝固。
 ☞ 混凝土凝固了吗?
 ☞ Has the concrete set?
 ☞ 他把两层胶合板压着,直到胶水凝固。
 ☞ He pressed the two layers of veneer till the glue set.
 ☞ 大气中的水汽晚上会凝结成露水。
 ☞ Moisture in the atmosphere condenses into dew during the night.
 ☞ 水蒸气凝结成水滴。
 ☞ Steam condenses into drops of water.
7.become solid,指凝成固体。
 ☞ 在什么样的温度下,酒精会凝固?
 ☞ At what temperature does alcohol become solid?
 ☞ 蛋白质遇热会凝固。
 ☞ Protein becomes solid when heated.
 ☞ 中朝人民的战斗友谊是用鲜血凝成的。
 ☞ The militant friendship between China and Korea is cemented with blood.
 ☞ 我在学习上的每一点进步都凝结着老师的心血。
 ☞ Every bit of the progress I have made in my studies is the result of my teacher's patient guidance.
 ☞ 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。
 ☞ A thin layer of ice formed over the lake.
几乎 几乎
1.almost, nearly,all but,均指差不多,在可以衡量、比较的情况下,如时间和空间的进展,三者一般可以换用。
 ☞ 她几乎看不见了。
 ☞ She is almost (nearly, all but) blind.
 ☞ 我们几乎到达了目的地。
 ☞ We almost (nearly, all but) reached our destination.
 ☞ 几乎每个人都知道这件事。
 ☞ Nearly everyone knows it.
 ☞ 他几乎在一场车祸中丧命。
 ☞ He was nearly killed in an automobile accident.
 ☞ 孩子几乎被汽车碾了。
 ☞ The child was all but run over by the car.
 ☞ 他的技术几乎超过了我。
 ☞ He has all but surpassed me technically.
  ■ 但是这三个词也有不同之处,现分述如下:
1) almost可以用于无法衡量、比较的事物,而nearly,all but则不能。
 ☞ 我家的狗什么都懂,几乎通了人性。
 ☞ Our dog understands everything, he's almost human.
 ☞ 我姑妈住在国外多年,说起话来几乎像个外国人。
 ☞ My aunt lived abroad for years, she almost sounds foreigner.
 ☞ 这几乎不可置信。
 ☞ It's almost incredible.
 ☞ 我几乎相信你是对的。
 ☞ I almost think you are right.
  ■ 上述例句的almost之所以不能用后者替换,是因为例句均不涉及时间或空间的进展,因此无法衡量比较。
2) nearly,all but都不与never, nobody, no one,nothing,nowhere,no,none连用。遇到这种情况,可用almost或hardly,如:almost never或hardly ever; almost nobody或hardly anything; almost no money,或hardly any money等。
 ☞ 几乎无人离开。
 ☞ There is almost none left.
 ☞ 他几乎没有从别人那里得到过帮助。
 ☞ He got almost no help from others.
 ☞ 我们几乎什么也没有说。
 ☞ We said almost nothing.
3) almost与hardly,all but一样,都不与not连用。碰到这样的情况要用具有否定意义的词替代。
 ☞ 几乎每辆车都不停。
 ☞ Hardly did any of the cars stop.(不能说:Almost every car did not stop)
 ☞ 几乎所有的客人都没有准时到达。
 ☞ Few of the guests arrived on time.(不能说:Almost all guests did not arrive on time)
4) almost可以用在more than,too之前,nearly,all but则不能。
 ☞ 这几乎更甚于我们担心的。
 ☞ This is almost more than we feared.
 ☞ 这几乎太多了。
 ☞ This is almost too much.
5) nearly可以用在具体数字之前,almost则不能。
 ☞ 这幢楼比那幢楼几乎高了20米。
 ☞ The building is nearly twenty meters higher than that one.
 ☞ 母亲的年龄比儿子大了1倍。
 ☞ The mother is nearly twice as old as her son.
6) almost,nearly都可与as…as…连用,而all but则不用。
 ☞ 他几乎跟我一样高。
 ☞ He is almost (nearly) as tall as I.
 ☞ 你几乎跟她一样机灵。
 ☞ You are nearly (almost) as clever as she.
 ☞ 你几乎从不惊慌,对吧?
 ☞ You hardly (scarcely, barely, seldom) ever panic, do you?
 ☞ 几乎所有的学生都没考好。
 ☞ Hardly did any of the students do well on the test.
 ☞ 我们几乎不敢想。
 ☞ We scarcely dare to think.
 ☞ 他几乎不识字。
 ☞ He can scarcely read.
 ☞ 老太太虚得几乎站不起来。
 ☞ The old lady was so weak that she could barely stand up.
 ☞ 他几乎没有朋友。
 ☞ He barely had any friends.
 ☞ 昆明几乎不下雪。
 ☞ It seldom, if ever, snows in Kunming.
 ☞ 她伤心得几乎不会笑了。
 ☞ She is so sad that she seldom smiles.
3.practically, virtually,指实际上差不多。
 ☞ 他是我的好朋友,好到几乎成了我家中的一员。
 ☞ He is such a good friend of mine that he is practically a member of my family.
 ☞ 等我们再次有空时,夏季几乎都过去了。
 ☞ When we were free again, the summer season was practically over.
 ☞ 他几乎把什么都告诉我了。
 ☞ He's told me practically everything.
 ☞ 一些密密麻麻的丛林几乎长到了海里。
 ☞ Some of the densest jungle forests virtually grow into the sea.
 ☞ 由于大雪我们几乎与小镇隔绝了。
 ☞ We were virtually cut off from the small town by heavy snow.
4.as good as,用作状语时大致与practically相同。
 ☞ 水电站几乎完工了。
 ☞ The hydroelectric station is as good as completed.
 (等于practically completed.)
 ☞ 我几乎已答应在他们困难时给予支援。
 ☞ I have already as good as promised them that we shall assist them in their difficulties.
 ☞ 他几乎已告诉了我,要是我不加把劲就得离校。
 ☞ He as good as told me that if I didn't work hard I would have to get out of the school.
5.little more than,由于加上了little这个准否定词,使more than的强调语气得到缓和,因而有了“几乎”的意思。
 ☞ 我曾祖父由于过惯了饭来张口衣来伸手的生活, 他14岁结婚时还几乎是个孩子。
 ☞ At fourteen, and having lived a sheltered life, my great-grand-father was little more than a boy at the time of marriage.
 ☞ 他出了车祸之后,几乎成了个病人。
 ☞ After the automobile accident he became little more than a sick man.
 ☞ 要不是你提醒我,我几乎忘了。
 ☞ It would have slipped my mind if you hadn't reminded me of it.
 ☞ 要不是晕船,我几乎坐船走了。
 ☞ I would go by steamer if I were not a poor sailor.

 ☞ 在我国,凡满18岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。
 ☞ In our country every citizen who has reached the age of 18 has the right to vote and stand for election.
 ☞ 凡事都应用脑筋想一想。
 ☞ We should always use our brains and think everything over carefully.
 ☞ 凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西,均应继承。
 ☞ All of our cultural heritage that is useful should be inherited.
 ☞ 凡认识他的人没有不称赞的。
 ☞ All that know him speak highly of him.
2.whoever, whenever, however等,表示让步。
 ☞ 凡过路的人,没有一个不停下来欣赏这儿风景的。
 ☞ Whoever passes here stops to admire the scenery.
 ☞ 凡同志们有困难,他没有不热情帮助的。
 ☞ Whenever a comrade needs help, he is ready to give it.
 ☞ 我们都是凡夫俗子,哪能长生不老?
 ☞ We are all ordinary people. How can we be ever young?
 ☞ 你是非凡人物,人家当然会另眼相待。
 ☞ You are an extraordinary person and will be given special treatment.
 ☞ 全书凡20卷。
 ☞ The set consists of 20 volumes altogether.
 ☞ 卷入此案的凡6家。
 ☞ There are altogether 6 families involved in the case.
 ☞ 女跳伞队员身穿古装像仙女下凡一样从天而降。
 ☞ The woman parachutists dressed in ancient costumes were coming down from the sky like fairies descending to earth.
 ☞ 谁能像你一样超凡脱俗呢?
 ☞ Who could be so free from earthly cares as you are?

 ☞ 地震后,我们凭自己的双手重建自己的家园。
 ☞ We have rebuilt our home town with our hands.
 ☞ 我们无论做什么,都凭党性办事。
 ☞ Whatever we do, we always act with Party spirit.
 ☞ 两老者凭桌相对而坐,畅谈王者以民为天。
 ☞ The two old men sat at the table opposite each other, speaking glowingly of a king whose life depends upon the people.
 ☞ 你不能凭他嘴上说的就算数。
 ☞ You can't take him at his words.
 ☞ 凭此登高远眺,人会感到心旷神怡。
 ☞ Gazing into the distance from such a high place here one may feel complete relaxed and joyful.
 ☞ 5位壮士凭险抵抗了7天7夜。
 ☞ The five warriors had fought back for seven days and seven nights from a strategic advantage point.
 ☞ 凭请柬入场。
 ☞ Admission by invitation only.
 ☞ 判断一个人不应仅凭外表。
 ☞ A man should not be judged by his looks only.
 ☞ 全凭我的三寸不烂之舌我们才说服了他。
 ☞ It is entirely on the strength of my eloquence that we have persuaded him.
 ☞ 你就凭一杯牛奶和一片面包干了一天的活?
 ☞ Did you do a day's work only on a cup of milk and a slice of toast?
6.out of,指出于某种动机或利用某种材料。
 ☞ 他每天来尽义务,全凭对灾民的同情。
 ☞ He comes to do voluntary service out of pure sympathy for the victims.
 ☞ 谁想得到他会凭空造谣?
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should fabricate lies out of thin air?
7.in, 指凭借语言等某些特征。
 ☞ 人类是凭语言思想的。
 ☞ Man thinks in words.
 ☞ 凭良心说,他只能怪自己。
 ☞ In all fairness, he could only blame himself.
8.no matter how(who等代词),指任凭。
 ☞ 凭你跑得多快,我都赶得上。
 ☞ I'll catch up with you no matter how fast you run.
 ☞ 凭你是谁,也不能进。
 ☞ You can't go in no matter who you are.
9.lean on (against),指依靠在某一支撑物上。
 ☞ 独自莫凭栏,无限江山。
 ☞ Never lean on the balustrades alone, to see the vast kingdom of my own.
 ☞ 官兵们在攻击前凭舷痛饮。
 ☞ Before launching the attack the officers and men drank their fill, leaning against the gunwale.
10.rely on,指依据。
 ☞ 我们凭什么?我们凭自己的实力。
 ☞ What do we rely on? We rely on our own strength.
 ☞ 蒋介石是凭着美国军援发动这场内战的。
 ☞ Chiang Kai-shek launched the civil war, relying on the American military aid.
11.base on,指根据。
 ☞ 你是凭什么得出这一结论的?
 ☞ What do you base this conclusion on?
 ☞ 他是凭着这些统计数字做出气象预报的。
 ☞ He based his weather forecast on these statistical figures.
12.draw on,指凭靠。
 ☞ 他无法取得素材,就凭着想像来写他的新闻报道。
 ☞ He couldn't get facts, he would draw on his imagination for his news report.
 ☞ 我凭着自己的实际经验设计了一台风冷马达。
 ☞ Drawing on my practical experience, I designed an air-cooled motor.
 ☞ 口说无凭,立字为据。
 ☞ Verbal statement being no guarantee, a written agreement is hereby made.
 ☞ 此账单可凭票付款。
 ☞ The bill is payable to bearer.
出于 出于
1.proceed from,表示产生于。
 ☞ 所有的猜疑都出于一次误会。
 ☞ All misgivings proceeded from a misunderstanding.
 ☞ 出于帮助别人的愿望她希望成为一个护士。
 ☞ Her ambition to become a nurse proceeds from a desire to help others.
2.stem from,表示起源于。
 ☞ 他的鲁莽行为出于虚荣。
 ☞ His recklessness stems from vanity.
 ☞ 目前的罢工浪潮出于低收入者的不满。
 ☞ The present waves of strike stem from discontent among the lower paid.
3.out of,表示出自,后常接抽象名词。
 ☞ 起先,他调查该案纯粹出于好奇。
 ☞ At first, he investigated the case simply out of curiosity.
 ☞ 我停下来帮她是出于好意。
 ☞ I stopped to help her out of good intention.
 ☞ 病人出院是出于自愿。
 ☞ The patient left hospital of his own accord.
 ☞ 她提出抗辩只是出于自卫。
 ☞ She entered the plea merely of self-defense.
 ☞ 贫困往往出于懈怠。
 ☞ Poverty often comes of idleness.
5.born of,表示产生自某种内在感情。
 ☞ 爱情不出于同情。
 ☞ Love is not born of sympathy.
 ☞ 我想成为医生完全是出于想帮助病人的愿望。
 ☞ My wish to become a doctor was completely born of a desire to help sick people.
6.actuated by,表示受到某种驱使。
 ☞ 他杀她是出于报复。
 ☞ He murdered her, being actuated by revenge.
 ☞ 他在全市散布谣言完全是出于不可告人的目的。
 ☞ Actuated entirely by ulterior motives, he spread the rumor through the city.
出动 出动
1.强调外出行动,可译set off, set out。
 ☞ 小分队提前出动了。
 ☞ The detachment set off ahead of schedule.
 ☞ 连队正待命出动。
 ☞ The companies are awaiting orders to set out.
2.强调全体一起行动,可译turn out。
 ☞ 为了欢迎英国女王全城都出动了。
 ☞ The whole city turned out to welcome the British queen.
 ☞ 全连出动扫雪。
 ☞ The whole company turned out to sweep the snow.
3.强调奉召行动,可译call out。
 ☞ 反动当局出动大批军警镇压罢工。
 ☞ The reactionary authorities called out a large number of troops and police to put down the strike.
 ☞ 昨天,消防队曾两次出动。
 ☞ The fire brigade was called out twice yesterday.
 ☞ 海军出动一艘巡洋舰来恢复该岛秩序。
 ☞ The navy dispatched a cruiser to the island to restore order.
 ☞ 军部出动伞兵协同步兵作战。
 ☞ The army headquarters dispatched the paratroops to fight in coordination with the infantry.
 ☞ 消防队出动3辆救火车灭火。
 ☞ The fire brigade dispatched three fire engines to combat the blaze.
5.出动飞机,应译fly sorties, make sorties。
 ☞ 敌人出动飞机20架次,轰炸我军阵地。
 ☞ The enemy flew 20 sorties to bomb our position.
 ☞ 这两架飞机昨天各出动了3次。
 ☞ The two planes each made three sorties yesterday.
出卖 出卖
1.sell, for sale,指卖出。
 ☞ 他生前用过的那台钢琴以高价出卖。
 ☞ The piano he played before his death was sold at high price.
 ☞ 你有什么画要出卖的吗?
 ☞ Do you have any picture for sale?
 ☞ 他因出卖国家利益而被判死刑。
 ☞ He was sentenced to death for betraying the interests of the country.
 ☞ 是你最要好的朋友出卖了你。
 ☞ It was your dearest friend who betrayed you.
3.sell out,指出卖,可以与betray换用,但较口语化。
 ☞ 他父亲于1935年在上海被叛徒出卖。
 ☞ His father was sold out at Shanghai by a traitor in 1935.
 ☞ 人民谴责他把民族利益出卖给帝国主义。
 ☞ The people denounced him for selling out their national interests to the imperialists.
4.barter away,指不正当或可耻的买卖。
 ☞ 她为钱而出卖了自己的灵魂。
 ☞ She bartered away her soul for money.
 ☞ 签定这样的条约就是出卖民族的权利和主权。
 ☞ Signing such a treaty means bartering away national rights and sovereignty.
出发 出发
1.从离开或分开的角度来译,可用leave,depart, departure。
 ☞ 巡回医疗队今晚就要出发。
 ☞ The mobile medical team is leaving tonight.
 ☞ 你什么时候出发?坐火车还是飞机?
 ☞ When are you leaving? By plane or by train?
 ☞ 几分钟后,王先生就准备出发了。
 ☞ In a few minutes, Mr. Wang was ready to depart.
 ☞ 你出发前,让我进你一言吧。
 ☞ Before your departure, let me give you a word of advice.
2.从动身的角度来译,可用set out, set off, start out, start off。
 ☞ 上午9点,我们吃完早饭就坐车出发了。
 ☞ We finished breakfast at nine a.m. and set out (set off) by bus.
 ☞ 我们出发时天正下着雨。
 ☞ It was raining when we set out (set off).
 ☞ 11钟,我们冒着零下20度的严寒出发了。
 ☞ We started out at 11 o'clock in a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade below zero.
 ☞ 除了病号全体立即出发。
 ☞ Everyone else, the sick excepted, must start out at once.
 ☞ 侦察兵在一个雨夜出发去执行任务。
 ☞ The scouts started off on their mission on a rainy night.
 ☞ 就在当天夜里10点钟,我出发踏上征途。
 ☞ At ten o'clock the same night I started off upon my journey.
3.表示考虑或处理问题是从某一个起点出发时,可用proceed from, proceed from the fact that。
 ☞ 我们无论干什么,一切都应从人民的利益出发。
 ☞ Whatever we do, we must proceed in all cases from the interests of the people.
 ☞ 我们要从中国有10亿人口这一事实出发。
 ☞ We must proceed from the fact that China has 1,000 million people.
出来 出来
  ■ “出来”一词可以用作实词,也可用作虚词。
1) come out,指由里到外的出来。
 ☞ 请你出来我有事跟你谈。
 ☞ Will you please come out7I have something to tell you.
 ☞ 对不起,今天我有事出不来。
 ☞ Sorry, I can't come out today because I'm tied up.
2) turn out,指万人空巷式的出来。
 ☞ 人们成千上万地出来参加她的葬礼。
 ☞ Thousands of people turned out for her funeral.
 ☞ 全村人都出来欢迎外国朋友。
 ☞ The whole village turned out to welcome the foreign friends.
3) emerge,指从隐蔽的地方出来。
 ☞ 云一吹走,太阳就出来了。
 ☞ As the clouds drifted away the sun emerged.
 ☞ 那游泳的从水里出来,爬上了木筏。
 ☞ The swimmer emerged from the water and climbed on the raft.
4) crop up,指出其不意地出现。
 ☞ 我刚认为问题已经解决时,麻烦就出来了。
 ☞ Trouble cropped up just when I thought the problem was solved.
 ☞ 事情出来之后,弄得我的处境很困难。
 ☞ Things have cropped up that make my position rather difficult。
1) out,用在动词之后,表示由里向外的动作。
 ☞ 我的手表不在口袋里,可能掉出来了。
 ☞ My watch isn't in my pocket; it must have fallen out.
 ☞ 他没有办法,只好走出来。
 ☞ He had no alternative but to walk out.
2) 但如果“出来”用在动词后,表示的是动作的完成,一般不用副词,而用相应的动词。
 ☞ 他那篇论文写出来了。
 ☞ He's finished writing his thesis.
 ☞ 他们终于把这种优质钢炼出来了。
 ☞ They finally succeeded in making the high-grade steel.
3) 如果用在动词之后,表示由隐蔽到显露,一般也要用相应的动词。
 ☞ 这几首诗把他的爱国热情充分表达出来了。
 ☞ These poems give full expression of his patriotic feelings.
 ☞ 有什么困难说出来。
 ☞ If you have any difficulty just let me know.
  ■ “出来”有时用在动词之后,可以被宾语分隔。
 ☞ 我一眼就认出他来了。
 ☞ I recognized him the moment I saw him.
 ☞ 生病的时候,你是吃不出味道来的。
 ☞ When you are ill, you can't taste properly.
  ■ 除此之外,out有时也可用于由隐蔽到显露。
 ☞ 雨停了,星星都出来了。
 ☞ The rain stopped and the stars were out 他的话是什么意思,我听不出来。
 ☞ I couldn't make out what he meant.
出没 出没
 ☞ 据说那座老宅夜里有鬼魂出没。
 ☞ People say that ghosts haunt that old house at night.
 ☞ 大熊猫出没于川西山区。
 ☞ The mountainous areas of western Sichuan are the haunt of the giant panda.
 ☞ 马六甲海峡曾经是大批海盗出没的水道。
 ☞ The Strait of Malacca was the waterway infested with pirates.
 ☞ 这里禁止游泳,因为是鲨鱼出没的水域。
 ☞ Swimming is forbidden here, for it is the shark-infested waters.
 ☞ 出没于北满山区的老虎除非受到威胁,否则是绝不伤人的。
 ☞ Tigers, which roamed the mountains of northern Manchuria, would never hurt human beings unless they felt threatened.
 ☞ 饥饿的狼群常在森林里出没,寻找食物。
 ☞ Hungry wolves often roam in the forests in search of food.
4.“出没”常与“无常”结合,表示动作的捉摸不定。时常用come and go unpredictably, appear and disappear unexpectedly.
 ☞ 他是住在这里,但他是个夜猫子,出没无常。
 ☞ He does live here, but he is a night owl and comes and goes unpredictably.
 ☞ 据说这一带有眼镜蛇,但出没无常。
 ☞ It is said that cobras are found around here, but they appear and disappear unexpectedly.
出版 出版
 ☞ 毛泽东著作精装本将于今年秋季出版。
 ☞ The selected works of Mao Zedong will be published in an edition deluxe in autumn this year.
 ☞ An English translation of The Story of the Stone has been published in London.
 ☞ 你这一著作准备在什么时候出版?
 ☞ When are you going to publish this book of yours?
 ☞ 这故事情节不错,但我们无法出版,因为会得罪政府。
 ☞ It's a good story, but we can't publish“, for it would offend the government.
2.bring out,表示出版问世。
 ☞ 工会在罢工期间每天出版一期罢工简讯。
 ☞ During the strike the trade union brought out a daily strike bulletin.
  ■ 如果publish不强调出版、发行的全过程,也可与bring out换用。
 ☞ 云南人民出版社刚出版了几种中国诗选。
 ☞ The Yunnan People's Publishing House has just brought out (published) several selections from Chinese poetry.
 ☞ 本公司打算出版一套新的教育丛书。
 ☞ Our company intends to bring out (publish)a new series of educational books.
3.get out,义同bring out。
 ☞ 商务印书馆本季度要出版两部关于原子能的新著。
 ☞ The Commercial Press is getting out two new books on atomic energy this season.
 ☞ 他们很快就出版了他的小说。
 ☞ They got his novel out quickly.
4.come out,义同get out,但前者为自动词,后者为它动词。
 ☞ The magazine Beijing Review comes out once a week.
 ☞ 这号外是今天上午出版的。
 ☞ The extra edition of papers came out this morning.
5.come off the press,只指排印出版,不指发行。
 ☞ 书一出版就寄给你。
 ☞ We'll send you the book as soon as it comes off the press.
 ☞ 我校校刊第一期将于9月1日出版。
 ☞ The first issue of our college journal will come off the press on September the 1st.
出现 出现
1.appear,turn up,指视觉上、印象上出现。
 ☞ 这种病皮肤上会出现斑点。
 ☞ In this disease spots appear on the skin.
 ☞ 他们出现之处,到处是一片欢呼之声。
 ☞ Wherever they appeared, there were ovations.
 ☞ 暮色渐浓,然后出现了一颗又一颗的星星。
 ☞ Twilight deepened, then stars appeared one after another.
 ☞ 农村出现了一片前所未有的繁荣。
 ☞ A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.
 ☞ 在这期间,党内出现了骄傲自满的情绪。
 ☞ During this stage, a kind of conceit appeared within the Party.
 ☞ 这是一个在你的读物里常常出现的词。
 ☞ This is a word that turns up frequently in your reading.
 ☞ 那口号常出现在标语牌上。
 ☞ That slogan often turned up on placards.
 ☞ 她的名字常出现在报纸上。
 ☞ Her name is often turning up in the newspapers.
2.emerge,come out,指从隐蔽场所出现在显眼之处。
 ☞ 从船上掉下去的男孩出现在水面,接着就爬上了丢给他的救生筏。
 ☞ The boy that had fallen from the ship emerged from the water and climbed onto the life raft thrown to him.
 ☞ 内阁组成后不久又出现了新的危机。
 ☞ A new crisis emerged shortly after the cabinet had been formed.
 ☞ 只要我们一开始生产,肯定会出现意外。
 ☞ Snags are bound to emerge as long as we start production.
 ☞ 数百名儿童手持鲜花,出现在天安门广场上。
 ☞ Several hundred children carrying bouquets came out onto Tian 'An Men Square.
 ☞ 月亮出现后我们才离开树林。
 ☞ We did not leave the woods until the moon came out.
3.loom (up),指隐隐约约的出现,常常带有某种恐怖色彩。
 ☞ 透过灰色的大雾隐隐约约地出现了一大座冰山。
 ☞ A large iceberg loomed through the thick gray fog.
 ☞ 透过大雾出现了另一艘黑洞洞的军舰舰体。
 ☞ The dark outline of another warship loomed (up) through the thick fog.
 ☞ 他躺在检查台上,恐惧地望着出现在他头顶上的那台爱克斯光机。
 ☞ He lay on the examination table and stared terrified at the X-ray apparatus that loomed over him.
4.spring up,指大量、到处、突然地出现。
 ☞ 余粮户已经到处出现。
 ☞ Households with a grain reserve have sprung up everywhere.
 ☞ 农村出现了许多工厂。
 ☞ A great number of factories have sprung up in the countryside.
 ☞ 我想到这一点,脑子里出现了许多想法。
 ☞ So many ideas sprang up within me as I thought of it.
 ☞ 她心里突然出现一个疑团。
 ☞ A suspicion sprang up in her mind.
5.heave in sight,指进入视线。
 ☞ 一想到祖国最大的海港即将在眼前出现时,我怎么能不激动呢?
 ☞ How could I remain calm at the thought that the largest seaport of my motherland would soon heave in sight?
 ☞ 一艘四桅帆船在海平面上出现了。
 ☞ A four-mast schooner heaved in sight.
 ☞ 他恰好在我们谈及他时出现了。
 ☞ We were speaking of him when he heaved in sight.
6.come into being (existence),arise,指开始出现。两者的区别是前者出现后往往长期存在,而后者则不一定。
 ☞ 这种做法在中世纪末期就出现了。
 ☞ Such practice came into being in the late Middle Ages.
 ☞ 第一个工人联盟就这样出现了。
 ☞ Thus the first worker's league came into being.
 ☞ 这种风俗是什么时候出现的,现在已无人知道了。
 ☞ No one knows when such customs came into existence.
 ☞ 他们之间马上就出现了严重分歧。
 ☞ Between them serious disagreement immediately arose.
 ☞ 后期出现了当时看来似乎是无法解决的问题。
 ☞ At a later stage there arose new problems which seemed insoluble.
 ☞ 旧的矛盾解决了,又会出现新的矛盾。
 ☞ New contradictions will arise as old ones are solved.
 ☞ 同一错误在这一段里出现了3次。
 ☞ The same mistake occurs three times in the paragraph.
 ☞ 每页都出现了印刷错误。
 ☞ Misprints occur on every page.
 ☞ 在他的许多作品里都出现同一主题。
 ☞ The same theme occurs in much of his works.
 ☞ 11月份常出现霜冻。
 ☞ Frost often occurs in November.
 ☞ 工地上出现了激动人心的你追我赶的社会主义竞赛场面。
 ☞ The construction site presented an exciting scene of each one vying with the other in the socialist emulation campaign.
 ☞ 在他的书里出现了一幅从根本上遭到歪曲的画面。
 ☞ His book presents a fundamentally distorted picture.
9.be effected,指出现效果,常用于被动句。
 ☞ 这种变化很快就出现了。
 ☞ The change was effected quickly.
 ☞ 由于采用了和平方式而出现了这一问题的解决办法。
 ☞ A solution to the problem was effected by peaceful means.
10.take one's place,指取得地位。
 ☞ 我们将以一个具有高度文化的民族出现于世界。
 ☞ We shall take our place in the world as a nation with an advanced culture.
 ☞ 你的名字终有一日会出现在社会名流之列。
 ☞ Your name will take its place among noted public figures some day.
出路 出路
1.way out,指通向外面的道路。
 ☞ 他们在森林里迷失了方向,找不到出路。
 ☞ They lost their bearings in the forest and couldn't find their way out.
 ☞ 农业的根本出路在于机械化。
 ☞ The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization.
 ☞ 我看不出他的生活有什么出路。
 ☞ I don't see any way out for the life of him.
 ☞ 由于河道淤塞,大水找不到出路。
 ☞ There is no outlet for the floodwater because the riverbed is silted up.
 ☞ 我们终于为滞销品找到了出路。
 ☞ Finally, we've found an outlet for the unsalable products.
 ☞ 他这样下去,我真不知他的出路在哪里。
 ☞ If he goes on like that, I really wonder where his future is.
 ☞ 他的业务大有出路。
 ☞ There is a great future in his business.
 ☞ We must provide the unemployed the opportunities to earn a living.
 ☞ 在这样一个小城里,你是很难找到出路的。
 ☞ You can hardly find an opportunity in a small town like this.
5.go anywhere,指走不远,常用于否定句或疑问句。
 ☞ 坚持错误思想是没有出路的。
 ☞ You won't go anywhere if you cling to your wrong ideas.
 ☞ 你不懂外语,茌外交工作中能有出路吗?
 ☞ Can you go anywhere in the diplomatic service, not knowing a foreign language?
出面 出面
1.oneself, personally,指亲自出面。
 ☞ 这件事,为什么你不出面处理?
 ☞ Why don't you take up the matter yourself?
 ☞ 部长出面向各国大使说明情况。
 ☞ The minister personally explained the matter to the ambassadors.
2.on one's behalf, in one's name,指以…名义出面。
 ☞ 我愿出力,不愿出面。
 ☞ I'm willing to help out but not to act on my behalf.
 ☞ 由你出面,在你银行里开个账户,怎么样?
 ☞ How about opening an account at your bank in your name?
3.act as,指“以…身份出面”。
 ☞ 老黄和小李吵架时由我出面调解。
 ☞ I acted as a mediator when Huang and Li quarreled.
 ☞ 他出面做中,做成了这笔生意。
 ☞ He acted as a go between to have made the deal.
 ☞ 双方由民间团体出面商谈贸易。
 ☞ Trade talks are to be held by nongovernmental organizations of both sides.
 ☞ 今晚由学生会出面,召开迎新晚会。
 ☞ This evening the Student's Union will give a party to welcome the new students.
分别 分别
1.distinguish, differentiate, discriminate, 指分辨,详见分辨第1、第2和第3条。
 ☞ 野兔和家兔有什么分别。
 ☞ What distinguishes the hare from the rabbit?
 ☞ 无论干什么,都要分别轻重缓急。
 ☞ Whatever you do, you have to differentiate the more important from the less important.
2.part, separate, separation,指分手,分开。
 ☞ 我们分别后再也没有见过。
 ☞ We parted, and we haven't met since.
 ☞ 兄弟俩分别已有3年。
 ☞ It is three years since the two brothers parted.
 ☞ 我们到天黑才分别。
 ☞ We didn't separate till nightfall.
 ☞ 我们一起走了1公里才分别。
 ☞ We walked a kilometer together and then separated.
 ☞ 他们分别不久又见面了。
 ☞ They met again after a short separation.
 ☞ 这两个问题咱们分别讨论罢。
 ☞ Let's discuss the two problems separately.
 ☞ 这两套书是分别包装的。
 ☞ The two sets of books were packed separately.
 ☞ 要是我跟他分别行动那就更好。
 ☞ It would be better if he and I were acting separately.
 ☞ 你最好还是分别跟他们谈谈。
 ☞ You'd better have a talk with each of them separately。
 ☞ 他们分别代表本国政府在协定上签了字。
 ☞ They signed the agreement on behalf of their respective governments.
 ☞ 男女住房分别在1楼和2楼。
 ☞ Rooms of men and women are on the first and second floors respectively.
 ☞ 先分别考虑它们的价格,再考虑它们各自的用处。
 ☞ Consider respectively their prices and then the use they can put to.
 ☞ 一、二、三等奖分别由王平、李明、张兴获得。
 ☞ The first, second and third prizes went to Wang Ping, Li Ming and Zhang Xing respectively.
5.difference, different, differ,指不同。
 ☞ 两者之间没有分别。
 ☞ There is no difference between the two.
 ☞ 我看不出他们之间有什么分别。
 ☞ I can't see any difference between them.
 ☞ 县党委干部分别下到基层参加劳动。
 ☞ Cadres of the county Party committee go down to different grass-roots units to take part in manual labor.
 ☞ 我的房子跟你的在几方面都有分别。
 ☞ My house differs from yours in several ways.
6.in order of,指顺序分别进行。
 ☞ 做工作要分别轻重缓急。
 ☞ Work should be done in order of importance and urgency.
 ☞ 面试求职人员,你要分别先来后到。
 ☞ You should interview job applicants in order of arrival.
分割 分割
1.carve up,指宰割。
 ☞ 帝国主义分割我国的日子已一去不复返了。
 ☞ Gone are the days when the imperialists could carve up China.
 ☞ 解放军分割围歼了入侵之敌。
 ☞ The Liberation Army carved up and wiped out the invaders.
 ☞ 民主和集中这两方面在任何时候都是不能分割的。
 ☞ Democracy and centralism can at no time be separated.
 ☞ 说来也怪,你无法把此案的正义和邪恶分割开来。
 ☞ It is strange to say that you can't separate the rights and wrongs of the case.
 ☞ 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
 ☞ Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.
 ☞ 理论与实践是不可分割的。
 ☞ Theory and practice are inseparable.
分化 分化
1.divide (into),从划分的角度表示分化。
 ☞ 他们想尽办法来分化进步学生和工人。
 ☞ They did their best to divide the progressive students and workers.
 ☞ 随着私有制的产生,人类便分化为阶级。
 ☞ With the emergence of private ownership, humanity was divided into classes.
 ☞ 有些汉字加上不同的偏旁,一个字可以分化成几个。
 ☞ Some Chinese characters can be divided into several others by adding different components to them.
 ☞ 这类植物分化为多个亚种。
 ☞ This genus of plants divides into many species.
 ☞ 拉丁语曾分化为多种语言。
 ☞ Latin divided into several vernaculars.
2.split up (off),从分裂出来的角度表示分化,故有时带有贬义。
 ☞ 阶级敌人分化统一战线的阴谋以失败而告终。
 ☞ The class enemy's plot to split up the united front ended in failure.
 ☞ 中间派是容易动摇的,并且不可避免地要发生分化。
 ☞ The middle-of-the-roaders tend to vacillate and are bound to split up.
 ☞ 警惕阶级敌人从革命队伍内部进行分化。
 ☞ Guard against the class enemies who try to split up the revolutionary ranks from within.
 ☞ 一部分人已从敌人营垒中分化出来。
 ☞ A number of people have been split off from the camp of the enemy.
 ☞ 一个持不同意见的少数派分化出去了。
 ☞ A minority which disagreed split off.
 ☞ 难道我们的社会正在分化吗?
 ☞ Is our society beginning to disintegrate?
 ☞ 我们当前的中心任务是分化瓦解被我军包围的敌人。
 ☞ Our central task at present is to disintegrate the enemy forces surrounded by our troops.
 ☞ 世界性日趋严重的富国与穷国的两极分化正越演越烈。
 ☞ A world increasingly serious polarization between rich and poor countries is becoming more and more violent.
 ☞ 我国也出现了贫富的两极分化。
 ☞ In China also appears a polarization between the poor and the rich.
分发 分发
1.hand out,强调亲手发给。
 ☞ 老师把课本分发给同学们。
 ☞ The teacher handed out textbooks to the students.
 ☞ 保育员正给孩子们分发饼干。
 ☞ The nurse is handing out biscuits to the children.
2.give out,强调散发。
 ☞ 老师向学生分发考卷。
 ☞ The teacher gave out the examination papers to the students.
 ☞ 一位迎宾姑娘站在门口分发节目单。
 ☞ An usherette stood at the door giving out programs.
 ☞ 运动会主席向优胜者分发奖品。
 ☞ Chairman of the sports meet distributed prizes to the winners.
 ☞ 红军夺得了土地并分发给了农民。
 ☞ The Red Army seized the land and distributed it to the peasants.
 ☞ 市政当局向水灾灾民分发了食物。
 ☞ The city authorities issued food to the flood victims.
 ☞ 防毒面具都已分发到人。
 ☞ Gas-masks have been issued individually.
分外 分外
 ☞ 雪地上骑车要分外小心。
 ☞ You've got to be especially careful when you cycle on snow.
 ☞ 国庆节天安门显得分外壮丽。
 ☞ Tian An Men looks especially magnificent on National Day.
 ☞ 当时我们心情愉快,花儿也分外清香。
 ☞ We were in a cheerful state of mind and the flowers were especially fragrant.
 ☞ 听说你通过了考试,我们分外高兴。
 ☞ We were particularly happy when we heard you had passed your examination.
 ☞ 他给我的印象不像是个分外能干的人。
 ☞ He doesn't strike me as a particularly able person.
2.more than ever, all the more,强调更进一层。
 ☞ 他变得分外骄横。
 ☞ He has become more arrogant and aggressive than ever.
 ☞ 战友久别重逢,分外投入,分外亲切。
 ☞ Meeting again after a long separation, comrades-in-arms are drawn to each other more closely than ever.
 ☞ 没有人能告坼他或愿意告诉他,这使得他分外恼火。
 ☞ No one could tell or would tell him, and that vexed him all the more.
 ☞ 这一点分外重要,因为会议明天要开幕了。
 ☞ This point is all the more important because the conference begins tomorrow.
3.beyond (not) one's duty (job),强调本分以外。
 ☞ 他从来不干分外事。
 ☞ He never does what is beyond his duty.
 ☞ 如果从思想上关心学生是教师的分外事,那么又是谁的分内事呢?
 ☞ Whose duty then is it if it's beyond a teacher's duty to be concerned about the students' ideology?
 ☞ 他干什么都不分分内分外。
 ☞ Whatever he does he never makes any distinction between what is duty and what is not.
 ☞ 革命工作不分分内分外。
 ☞ In revolutionary work there's no such thing as "that's not my job".
分布 分布
1.be distributed over,侧重有规律的分布。
 ☞ 水力发电站大都分布在山区。
 ☞ Hydro-electric stations are distributed mostly over mountainous regions.
 ☞ 我们的分行及办事处分布全国。
 ☞ Our branches and agencies are distributed all over the country.
 ☞ 彝族主要分布在云南、四川、贵州三省。
 ☞ The Yi nationality is distributed mainly over Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces.
2.be scattered over,侧重不规则零散的分布。
 ☞ 我的亲属分布在全国各地。
 ☞ My relations are scattered all over the country.
 ☞ 吉普赛人是分布在欧洲的一个到处飘泊的民族。
 ☞ The Gypsies are a wandering race scattered over Europe.
 ☞ 气象站分布在广阔的平原和山区。
 ☞ Weather stations are scattered all over the vast plains and the mountain regions.
 ☞ 沿河一带分布着一大片一大片的玉米地。
 ☞ Wide patches of com fields spread along the river.
 ☞ 矿藏分布100多公里,跨越4个县。
 ☞ The deposits spread for more than 100 kilometers across four counties.
 ☞ 犹太人分布在世界各地。
 ☞ The Jewish race is spread all over the world.
4.be dispersed (over),侧重某种力量作用下分布。
 ☞ 长江沿岸已分布有军队。
 ☞ Troops were dispersed along the banks of the Changjiang River.
 ☞ 总统即将经过的街道都分布有一群群的警察。
 ☞ Croups of police were dispersed all along the streets where the President was to pass.
 ☞ 我国石油资源分布范围很广。
 ☞ Oil deposits are widely dispersed over our country.
 ☞ 她十分想他,尽管她知道她只是他分布在全国的众多小老婆中的一个。
 ☞ She missed him very much though she knew that she was only one of his many concubines dotted around the country.
 ☞ 田地像棋盘似的分布在大地上。
 ☞ Fields dotted the landscape like a chessboard.
分开 分开
1.part,(keep) apart,指分离开来。
 ☞ 兄弟俩已分开3年。
 ☞ It is three years since the two brothers parted 他的头发从正中间向两边分开。
 ☞ His hair was parted exactly in the middle.
 ☞ 白令海峡把北美和亚洲分开。
 ☞ The Bering Strait parts North America from Asia.
 ☞ 我们从此再也没有分开.
 ☞ Since then we have never been apart.
 ☞ 如果你们吵架,我就把你们分开。
 ☞ If you quarrel, I shall have to keep you apart.
 ☞ 他们结婚才一年就分开了。
 ☞ They separated after only one year's marriage.
 ☞ 我们把好的跟坏的分开。
 ☞ We separated the good ones from the bad ones.
 ☞ 洋葱和面包要分开放,否则会串味。
 ☞ Keep the onions separated from bread or they'll make it smell.
 ☞ 他们是连着的还是分开的?
 ☞ Are they joined together or separate?
 ☞ 这两个问题咱们分开谈。
 ☞ Let's discuss the two problems separately.
3.sort (out),指分拣开来。
 ☞ 按颜色把这些卡片分开。
 ☞ Sort these cards according to their colors.
 ☞ 我们把好的跟坏的分开。
 ☞ We have sorted out the good ones from bad ones.
4.elbow one's way through the crowd,指分开人群。
 ☞ 老赵分开人群挤到台前。
 ☞ Zhao elbowed his way through the crowd till he got to the front of the stage.
 ☞ 救护人员不得不分开围在被毁车辆周围的人群。
 ☞ The ambulance-men had to elbow their way through the crowd standing round the crashed cars.
分成 分成
1.divide into,指自动分为或使之分为。
 ☞ 这条河从这儿分成两条支流。
 ☞ The river divides here into two branches.
 ☞ 他先把饼子分成两半,再分成4份。
 ☞ First he divided the cake into two, then into four.
 ☞ 我们把利润四六分成。
 ☞ We divided the profits into two shares of four-and-six tenths。
2.separate into,指分隔成。
 ☞ 他把一个大间分成了两个小间。
 ☞ He separated the big room into two sections.
 ☞ 美国可以从地形上分成3个主要地区。
 ☞ Topographically the United States may be separated into three major divisions.
3.fall into,指自动分为,与自动词divide into同义。
 ☞ 这些书籍可以分成几类。
 ☞ These books fall into several categories.
 ☞ 资本主义国家的政客通常分成各种派系。
 ☞ Politicians in capitalist countries usually fall into factions.
4.break up into,指分拆成。
 ☞ 句子可以分成从句,而从句又可以分成短语。
 ☞ Sentences can be broken up into clauses and clauses into phrases.
 ☞ 整体可以分成局部,反过来局部又组成整体。
 ☞ A whole breaks up into parts, while parts in turn compose a whole.
分批 分批
1.in groups, group by group,指一组组。
 ☞ 农村医务人员的培训工作应分期分批地进行。
 ☞ The training of the rural medical workers should be proceeded by stages and in groups.
 ☞ 学生分批进入展览大厅。
 ☞ Students entered the exhibition hall in groups (group by group).
 ☞ 实习医生分批到市医院实习。
 ☞ Interns go group by group to work at the city hospital.
2.in batches,指一批批。
 ☞ 代表团分批出发。
 ☞ The delegation set out in batches.
 ☞ 本厂将向贵公司分批交货。
 ☞ Our factory will deliver goods to your company in batches.
3.in turn,指轮流。
 ☞ 我们将分批参加训练班。
 ☞ We will go to the training course in turn.
 ☞ 他们分批去医生那里作检查。
 ☞ They went in turn to be examined by the doctor.
分担 分担
 ☞ 提倡男女分担家务劳动。
 ☞ Men and women are encouraged to share household duties.
 ☞ 扶养子女的责任应由夫妇双方分担。
 ☞ Both partners should share in rearing the family.
  ■ share与share in的区别,可以比较下列句子。
 ☞ Two families share one kitchen.(分的是厨房本身)
 ☞ Two families share in the use of one kitchen.(分的是厨房职能)
 ☞ 一切费用由我们平均分担。
 ☞ We'll equally shoulder all expenses.
 ☞ 夫妇俩共同努力分担家庭的重担。
 ☞ Both of the couple made joint efforts to shoulder the heavy burden of the family.
3.bear part of,指部分承担。
 ☞ 这根梁分担了上面楼层的部分重量。
 ☞ This beam bears part of the weight of the upper floor.
 ☞ 杨太太分担了部分费用。
 ☞ Madame Yang bore part of the expenses.
4.take charge of a portion of,指部分负责。
 ☞ 你能分担一部分工作吗?
 ☞ Can you take charge of a portion of work?
 ☞ 我可以分担一部分教学工作。
 ☞ I can take charge of a portion of teaching.
分散 分散
1.be scattered,常指带有偶然性的分散,强调状态。
 ☞ 小农经济是分散的。
 ☞ The small-scale peasant economy is scattered.
 ☞ 我的亲属分散在全国各地。
 ☞ My relations are scattered all over the country.
 ☞ 有几幢房屋分散在谷地里。
 ☞ A few houses are scattered in the valley.
 ☞ 我们的政权是分散而又孤立的山地或僻地政权, 没有外界的任何支援。
 ☞ Our political power existed in scattered and isolated mountainous or remote regions and received no outside help whatever.
 ☞ 农业机械化决不能建立在分散落后的个体经济基础之上。
 ☞ Mechanization of agriculture can never be established on the basis of a scattered and backward individual economy.
 ☞ 我们只经过几座分散的村子。
 ☞ We passed only a few scattered villages.
 ☞ 小山上有几座分散的农庄。
 ☞ There are some farms scattered on these hills.
2.disperse,divide (up),常指多少带有目的性的分散,强调动作。
 ☞ 放学后,他们分散回家去了。
 ☞ After school they all dispersed to their homes.
 ☞ 孩子们都分散度假去了。
 ☞ Children dispersed for the holidays.
 ☞ 棱镜能分散光线。
 ☞ A prism disperses light.
 ☞ 世界上所有的船只分散到海上可做到一只瞧不见一只。
 ☞ All the ships in the world might be so dispersed on the sea that no one ship could see another.
 ☞ 兵力的分散与集中之所以必要,是为了改变敌我形势。
 ☞ Dispersion and concentration of forces are necessary for the purpose of reversing the situation between the enemy and ourselves.
 ☞ 红军以集中为原则,赤卫队以分散为原则。
 ☞ The principle for the Red Army is concentration, and that for Red Guards dispersion.
 ☞ 我们应以集中兵力打运动战为主,以分散兵力打游击战为辅。
 ☞ The concentration of our forces for mobile warfare should be primary, and the dispersal of our forces for guerrilla warfare should be supplementary.
 ☞ 人人皆知,以多胜少是最好的办法,然而很多人不能做到,相反地每每分散兵力。
 ☞ Everybody knows that the best way is to use a large force to defeat a small one, and yet many people fail to do so and on the contrary, often divide their forces up.
 ☞ 我们的方针是集中领导,分散经营。
 ☞ Our policy is to unify the leadership and decentralize management.
 ☞ 国家工业的布局应该合理分散。
 ☞ The nation's industry should be rationally decentralized.
 ☞ 分散使用建设资金不是明智之举。
 ☞ It is unwise to decentralize the use of construction funds.
 ☞ 学习时不要分散思想。
 ☞ Don't distract your mind from your study.
 ☞ 一位邻居突然来访,分散了他的思想。
 ☞ The sudden arrival of a neighbor distracted his thought.
 ☞ 外面的吵闹声分散了小学生的注意力。
 ☞ The noise outside distracted the schoolboys' attention.
 ☞ 我们往往在小事上分散精力。
 ☞ We often dissipate our energies in trivial occupations 你不应瞎起劲,分散精力。
 ☞ You should not dissipate your energy in futile efforts.
分期 分期
1.by stages,指分阶段。
 ☞ 我们应当由简单到复杂,分期进行。
 ☞ We must proceed by stages from the simple to the complex.
 ☞ 扶贫济困工作应分期实行。
 ☞ Care for the needy and those with extreme difficulties should be taken by stages.
 ☞ 人们可用分期付款的办法购买贵重物品。
 ☞ People can pay for expensive objects by installments.
 ☞ 去年我在报上读过这个故事的分期连载。
 ☞ I read installment of the story in the newspaper last year.
分歧 分歧
 ☞ 在这些问题上,找和他不会有多少分歧。
 ☞ On these questions he and I would differ little.
 ☞ 这是我们的分歧之处。
 ☞ That's where we differ.
 ☞ 意见分歧引起了剧烈的争论。
 ☞ Differences of opinion led to ferocious arguments.
 ☞ 他当时是想调解他们的分歧。
 ☞ He attempted to mediate their differences.
 ☞ 大家对这个问题的看法还存在分歧。
 ☞ People still have different opinions on this question.
 ☞ 对是否值得一试,专家们意见分歧。
 ☞ Experts are divided as to whether it is worth doing.
 ☞ 对此事的意见分歧很大。
 ☞ Opinion was greatly divided about it.
 ☞ 队员中的意见分歧十分明显。
 ☞ A division of opinions was evident among the members.
 ☞ 领导们顶住了这次挑战,但他们的分歧也产生了。
 ☞ The leaders withstood the challenge, but divisions grew among them.
3.diverge from, divergence, divergent,指偏离引起的分歧。
 ☞ 在这件事情上,他与他的同事看法上有分歧。
 ☞ On this matter he diverged from the views of his colleagues.
 ☞ 她的政见和我的分歧很大。
 ☞ Her politics and mine diverge greatly.
 ☞ 意见分歧很大。
 ☞ There is a wide divergence in opinion.
 ☞ 在这个问题上,我们看法有分歧。
 ☞ Our views are divergent on this question.
 ☞ 中国认为第三世界国家间的分歧有是有非,有曲有直。
 ☞ China believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between the third world countries.
 ☞ 在工会与管理部门之间有时会产生分歧。
 ☞ Disputes occasionally occur between the union and the management.
 ☞ 我们宣传的一个目的是要在敌人中间制造分歧。
 ☞ One aim of our propaganda is to sow discord among the enemy.
 ☞ 对这一问题,校内产生了各种分歧。
 ☞ Various discords have arisen in the university over this question.
分清 分清
 ☞ 他们长得那么相象,我几乎分不清谁是谁。
 ☞ They are so much alike that I can hardly distinguish who is who.
 ☞ 要分清养殖的珍珠和真的珍珠并不容易。
 ☞ It is not easy to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls.
 ☞ 分不清颜色的人都称作是色盲。
 ☞ People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.
2.tell from,指说出区别。
 ☞ 人都应该知道如何去分清好坏。
 ☞ One should know how to tell the good ones from the bad ones.
 ☞ 分清真假,我不加他。
 ☞ I'm less capable than he of telling truth from falsehood.
3.draw (make)a distinction between,指划清。
 ☞ 只有分清敌我友才能建成统一战线。
 ☞ Only by drawing a distinction between ourselves, our friends and the enemy can we forma united front.
 ☞ 他是色盲,分不清红与绿。
 ☞ Being color-blind, he can't make a distinction between red and green.
分离 分离
 ☞ 我们怎么才能从空气里分离出氮气?
 ☞ How can we separate nitrogen from air?
 ☞ 先把肌壁与粘膜分离,再切除盲肠。
 ☞ First separate the lining from the muscular wall, then remove the cecum.
 ☞ 理论与实践是不能分离的。
 ☞ Theory and practice cannot be separated.
 ☞ 医院决定对这对连体婴儿作分离手术。
 ☞ The hospital decided to perform a separation operation on the Siamese twins.
 ☞ 跟她分离了,我没法活。
 ☞ Severed from her, I cannot survive.
 ☞ 集团公司怎么能与下属企业分离?
 ☞ How can a corporation be severed from the businesses to which they attach?
 ☞ 是战争使家庭破碎、骨肉分离。
 ☞ It is wars that break up families, thus severing flesh from blood.
 ☞ 相亲相爱,死不分离。
 ☞ To love and to cherish till death do us part.(婚誓用语)
 ☞ 战争使许多男人与家人分离。
 ☞ The war parted many men from their families.
 ☞ 我们成功地从矿石中分离出许多稀有金属。
 ☞ We succeeded in parting a lot of rare metals from the ore.
分辨(分辩) 分辨(分辩)
1.distinguish (between, from)书面用语,tell (from)口头用语,强调从不同的角度分辨不同的事物。
 ☞ 分辨不出颜色的人被称作色盲。
 ☞ People who cannot distinguish (between) colors are said to be color-blind.
 ☞ 你应该能分辨是非。
 ☞ You should be able to distinguish right from wrong.
 ☞ 你能分辨真假吗?
 ☞ Can you distinguish truth from falsehood?
 ☞ 凡事都要分辨好坏才能去做。
 ☞ One should distinguish good from bad before trying to do something.
 ☞ 在这支劳动大军中,很难分辨谁是千部,谁是群众。
 ☞ In this huge labor force you can hardly tell who are cadres and who are rank-and-filers.
 ☞ 你能分辨哪个是哪个吗?
 ☞ Can you tell which is which?
 ☞ 分辨真假我不大行。
 ☞ I'm less capable of telling truth from falsehood.
 ☞ 凡事都应知道如何分辨好坏。
 ☞ One should know how to tell the good ones from the bad ones.
2.differentiate (between, from),强调从区别的角度分辨相同的事物。
 ☞ 一个植物学家能分辨各种变异后的植物品种。
 ☞ A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.
 ☞ 他就是那位分辨了60种昆虫品种的昆虫学家。
 ☞ He was the entomologist who had differentiated sixty species of insects.
 ☞ 我分辨不出这两种花。
 ☞ I can't differentiate (between) these two flowers.
 ☞ 你能分辨这一种和另外几种玫瑰吗?
 ☞ Can you differentiate this kind of rose from others?
3.discriminate (between, from),从区别的角度区别细微差别的分辨。
 ☞ 文艺评论家应该能分辨文学作品的好坏。
 ☞ A critic must be able to discriminate good literature from bad.
 ☞ 你应该能分辨是非的。
 ☞ You should be able to discriminate between right and wrong.
 ☞ 有时只有专家才能分辨真正的古董和伪造的赝品。
 ☞ Sometimes only experts can discriminate real antiques from fake ones.
 ☞ 你应该学会分辨好坏。
 ☞ You should learn to discriminate good from evil.
 ☞ 那么远的东西我分辨不出来。
 ☞ I cannot distinguish things so far away.
 ☞ 暗处难以分辨事物。
 ☞ It is difficult to distinguish things in the dark.
 ☞ 我能看见走过来3个人,但分辨不出他们的相貌。
 ☞ I could see three men approaching but could not distinguish their faces.
5.defend oneself,从辩护的角度来替自己分辩。
 ☞ 事实俱在,我们何必分辩。
 ☞ There is no need for us to defend ourselves if these are all accomplished facts.
 ☞ 我无意向你分辩。
 ☞ I have no intention of defending myself to you.
6.allow (offer) no explanation,从解释的角度为自己分辩,常用于否定句。
 ☞ 他不容分辩就劈头盖脸地责怪我。
 ☞ He scolded me to my face, allowing no explanation to be offered.
 ☞ 他摇摇头,但没有分辩。
 ☞ He shook his head but offered no explanation.
分配 分配
 ☞ 解放后,土改工作队把土地分配给农民。
 ☞ After liberation the land-reform work-team divided the land among the peasants.
 ☞ 我投资比你多,咱们现在来分配利润。
 ☞ I put up more capital than you. Let's divide the profits between us.
 ☞ 他们同意平均分配。
 ☞ They agreed to divide it evenly.
 ☞ 社员的收入当时是按工分分配的。
 ☞ The commune members' income was distributed according to their work points.
 ☞ 产品应根据“按劳分配”的原则进行分配。
 ☞ The products should be distributed in accordance with the principle "To each according to his work".
 ☞ 今年,公司决定第一次向股东以红利的形式分配利润。
 ☞ This year, the company decided for the first time to distribute the profit among shareholders in the form of dividends。
 ☞ 在陕北的时候,领导上分配他去烧炭。
 ☞ While in northern Shaanxi, the leadership assigned him to make charcoal.
 ☞ 她服从组织分配,到了举目无亲的云南。
 ☞ She accepted the job that the organization assigned to her and went to Yunnan where she was a stranger.
 ☞ 她被分配到镇卫生院工作。
 ☞ She was assigned to work at a town hospital.
 ☞ 队长把各种各样的工作分配给各个生产组。
 ☞ The team leader allotted various jobs to the production groups.
 ☞ 校长向每个年级分配一个圣诞节演出中的角色。
 ☞ The principal allotted each grade a part in the Christmas program.
 ☞ 我校住房是按工龄长短进行分配的。
 ☞ The dwelling houses of our school are allotted according to the length of service.
 ☞ 药物供应已有一半分配给了地震地区的灾民。
 ☞ Half of the medical supplies have already been allocated to the victims of the earthquake.
 ☞ 我们认为食油分配不当。
 ☞ We felt the cooking oil was not allocated properly.
 ☞ 我国的钢铁过去是按计划分配给厂家的。
 ☞ Steel and iron used to be allocated among manufacturers under a plan.
 ☞ 经过每10年1次的人口调查以后,国会就分配给每个州应选众议员的名额。
 ☞ After each decennial census Congress apportioned the number of representatives to be elected by each state.
 ☞ 班长向他们分配了一周内的勤务。
 ☞ The squad leader apportioned them the duties for the week.
 ☞ 大自然在给许许多多鸟类分配歌喉的同时,似乎已有意识地考虑到了它们所处的环境。
 ☞ Nature seems to have apportioned the voices of many of her birds with sensitive regard for their environments.
 ☞ 战时的食物都是按定量分配的。
 ☞ Food was rationed during the war.
 ☞ 由于资金短缺,分配时就应该动一番脑子。
 ☞ Since we are short of funds we have to ration them intelligently.
 ☞ 饮水由于航期延长而不得不定量分配。
 ☞ We were obliged to ration the drinking water because of the prolonged voyage.
 ☞ 整块地都要用来种油料作物,收成则按比例分配给劳动者。
 ☞ The entire field is to be put in oil-bearing crops, and the yield will be prorated to the workers.
 ☞ 红利是股东中分配的利润。
 ☞ Dividends are profits prorated among shareholders.
 ☞ 房地产买卖中的税款一般都由买卖双方按比例分配。
 ☞ In the sale of real estate, the taxes usually are prorated between the seller and the buyer.
 ☞ 药物供应只免费分配给小儿麻痹患者。
 ☞ Medical supplies were dispensed free only to the victim of infantile paralysis.
 ☞ 救济品已分配给了穷苦的平民。
 ☞ The alms were already dispensed to the poor and the needy.
分量 分量
 ☞ 我不知道这筒牛奶的分量够不够。
 ☞ I don't know whether this carton of milk contains full measure.
 ☞ 水灾灾民获得的粮食分量不足。
 ☞ Flood victims received a short measure of grain.
2.weigh, weighty, weight,指重量。
 ☞ 这南瓜的分量不下20斤。
 ☞ This pumpkin weighs no less than twenty jin.
 ☞ 请你称这东西的分量好吗?
 ☞ Will you please weigh it?
 ☞ 他用手掂了掂那块石头的分量。
 ☞ He weighed the stone on his hand.
 ☞ 这箱子没多少分量,我拿得动。
 ☞ This trunk isn't weighty at all, I can manage it.
 ☞ 他这话说得很有分量。
 ☞ What he has said carries a lot of weight.
 ☞ 这本书的分量可不轻。
 ☞ The book is quite heavy.
 ☞ 这铺盖卷分量不重,你拿得动。
 ☞ This bedding roll isn't heavy at all, you can manage it.
 ☞ 他的话对矿工有很大分量,有可能说服他们。
 ☞ His words had great influence with the miners - he might persuade them.
 ☞ 你不知他的分量。
 ☞ You don't know what influence he has!
切断 切断
1.cut off,强调切下后断开,使用最广。
 ☞ 他的两个手指被机器切断了。
 ☞ He had two fingers cut off by the machine.
 ☞ 工人们由于修理一条主管道而临时切断了供水。
 ☞ The workers have cut off the water supply temporarily because they are repairing one of the main pipes.
 ☞ 我军切断了敌人的退路。
 ☞ Our troops cut off the enemy's retreat.
 ☞ 他没交电费,公司切断了他的电源。
 ☞ When he failed to pay the bill, the company cut off his electricity supply.
 ☞ 他用刀切断那条绳子。
 ☞ He severed the rope with a knife.
 ☞ 他的一条胳膊在一次事故中被机器切断了。
 ☞ His arm was severed in the accident by the machine.
刊载 刊载
 ☞ 今天的《中国日报》刊载了两封读者来信。
 ☞ Two letters to the editors were published in today's China Daily.
 ☞ 这是篇好文章,但我们不能刊载,因为会得罪很多人。
 ☞ It's a good article, but we can't publish it because it would offend many people.
2.carry out, 指登载。
 ☞ 如果这篇报道能在贵报刊载,各行各业都会大力支援灾区的。
 ☞ If this report could be carried out in your newspaper, all trades and professions would do their best to aid the disaster area.
 ☞ 我们杂志向来不刊载小说,更何况是带讽刺性的。
 ☞ Our magazine has never carried out any story, let alone sarcastic one.
 ☞ 今天所有的报纸都全文刊载了江泽民总书记的报告。
 ☞ All today's newspapers have printed the general secretary Jiang Zeming's speech in full.
 ☞ 我终于读到了她刊载在报上的小说。
 ☞ I Finally read her story in print in the newspaper.
划分 划分
1.divide into,指分成。
 ☞ 我国划分成7个行政区。
 ☞ Our country is divided into seven administrative areas.
 ☞ 该村把耕地划分为5片,分别由5个小组负责。
 ☞ The village has divided the cultivated land into five stretches, which are in the charge of five groups respectively.
2.carve up,指瓜分。
 ☞ 列强竭力企图把该国划分成各自的势力范围。
 ☞ Powers tried hard to carve up the country into their respective spheres of influence.
 ☞ 这是新殖民主义划分世界市场的斗争。
 ☞ That was a struggle among the new colonialists to carve up the world market.
 ☞ 我们应学会划分是非。
 ☞ We must learn to differentiate between right and wrong.
 ☞ 植物学家能划分各种植物。
 ☞ A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.
 ☞ 中国在土地改革时划分过阶级成分。
 ☞ Class status was determined in the Land Reform in China.
 ☞ 那河划分了地产的界线。
 ☞ The river determines the edge of the property.
划定 划定
 ☞ 两国都派出专业人员来划定捕鱼区。
 ☞ Both of the countries sent their specialized personnel to delimit fishing areas.
 ☞ 我们先后都与相邻国家划定了边界。
 ☞ We have delimited the boundary lines with the neighboring countries one after another.
 ☞ 开发区专门为旅游者划定了一个游泳区。
 ☞ In the development zone a special area is designated for tourists to swim.
 ☞ 建房用地已经有关部门划定。
 ☞ The land for housing construction was designated by the department concerned.
 ☞ 我们已在地图上为代表团划定了要访问的城市。
 ☞ We have marked the cities on the map for the delegation to visit.
 ☞ 课文重点已经划定。
 ☞ The key points were marked in the texts.
 ☞ 早期的化学家们不得不利用间接手段来划定元素的原子量。
 ☞ Early chemists had to use indirect means for determining the atomic weight of an element.
 ☞ 在中国这么一个大国里用一种标准来划定阶级成分是否恰当?
 ☞ Was it appropriate to determine class status with one criterion in a country as large as China?
划归 划归
 ☞ 村长把试验田划归该组管理。
 ☞ The village head assigned the experiment plot to that group.
 ☞ 这些工作必须划归专业人员负责。
 ☞ These jobs must be assigned to the specialized personnel.
2.put under,强调领导或指挥上划归,put in charge of,强调管理上划归。
 ☞ 该企业已划归地方领导。
 ☞ The enterprise has been put under local administration.
 ☞ 这支部队应划归工程兵指挥。
 ☞ The unit ought to be put under command of the engineering troop.
 ☞ 该区厂办小学都已划归教育局管理。
 ☞ All of the factory-run schools in that district have been put in charge of the bureau of education.
3.incorporate into,指归并。
 ☞ 原热河省辖区分别划归河北、辽宁两省及内蒙古自治区。
 ☞ The area previously under the jurisdiction of the former Rehe province was divided and incorporated into the provinces of Hebei and Liaoning and the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region.
 ☞ 委员会建议把他们所募款项划归救济基金。
 ☞ The committee recommended that the sum of money they raised should be incorporated into the fund for relief.
划算 划算
1.pay (off),指合算。
 ☞ 现在买国家公债划算吗?
 ☞ Does it pay to buy government bonds?
 ☞ 划不划算不能只从本单位考虑。
 ☞ One mustn't consider whether or not it pays only from the standpoint of one's own unit.
 ☞ 现在装机器花费是大一点,不过从长远看应该是划算的。
 ☞ It is rather costly to install machinery, but it should pay off in the long run.
 ☞ 这笔投资相当划算。
 ☞ The investment paid off handsomely.
2.worth, worthwhile,指值得。
 ☞ 她有时问自己,这样卖命是否划算。
 ☞ She sometimes asked herself the question whether it was worth such efforts.
 ☞ 这么干划算。
 ☞ It is worthwhile doing so.
 ☞ 下星期我们花多少钱我得划算一下。
 ☞ I must calculate how much money we'll spend next week.
 ☞ 我划算过,这次旅行每人得花2,000元。
 ☞ I have calculated that the trip will cost each two thousand yuan.
 ☞ 她划算来划算去,半夜还没合眼。
 ☞ Weighing the pros and cons, she did not compose herself to sleep till midnight.
 ☞ 他在做出决定之前一直在划算利弊。
 ☞ He kept weighing the advantages and disadvantages before making his decision.

1.but, however,表示两件事情在对比中的转折。前者为连词,语气强;后者为插入语,语气弱。
 ☞ 黔无驴,有好事者,船载以入;至则无用,放之山下。
 ☞ There was no ass in Guizhou, and someone brought in one by boat. But when it arrived, he found he could make no use of it, so he left it at the foot of a mountain.
 ☞ 蜂蜜好吃,而蜜蜂则要螫人。
 ☞ Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
 ☞ 我对打麻将完全不感兴趣,他则全身心地投入。
 ☞ I was not interested in playing mahjong at all, however, he was enjoying himself thoroughly.
 ☞ 我们小的时候但求温饱,如今则不然。
 ☞ What we thought was to have adequate food and clothing when we were young. However, things are quite different today.
2.for one thing…for another, 也用于两者对比,但不表示转折,而表示理由的罗列。
 ☞ 这篇课文不合适,一则太长,二则太难。
 ☞ This text is unsuitable. For one thing it's too long, for another it's too difficult.
 ☞ 他发现军校里有好多事情自己都难以适应,一则纪律太严,二则要求太高。
 ☞ He found it was hard for him to adapt himself to a lot of things in the military academy. For one thing the discipline was too strict, for another the demand was too high.
3.while, whereas,表示对比关系。有“而”的意思。前者为口头语,后者为书面语。
 ☞ 她是从来不于,他则什么都干。
 ☞ She never does anything, while he does everything.
 ☞ 有人在浪费粮食,有人则吃不饱。
 ☞ Some people waste food, while others haven't enough.
 ☞ 东坡为长髯布袍,佛印则着禅衣对坐。
 ☞ Su Tongpo was dressed in flowing robe with a long beard, whereas Fo Ying, the accomplished monk, was wearing a Buddhist gown. Both sat opposite to each other.
 ☞ 有人表扬他,有人则谴责他。
 ☞ Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.
 ☞ 学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。
 ☞ Study is like a boat sailing against the current. It must forge ahead or it will be driven back.
 ☞ 他不疯则醉。
 ☞ He must be either mad or drunk.
 ☞ 物体热则胀,冷则缩。
 ☞ Objects expand when heated and contract when cooled.
 ☞ 穷则变,变则通。
 ☞ When all means are exhausted, changes become necessary; when changes have been made, a solution emerges.
 ☞ 为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。
 ☞ It you do it, the difficult thing will be easy; if you don't, the easy thing will be difficult.
 ☞ 有则改之,无则加勉。
 ☞ Correct mistakes if you have made any and guard against them if you have not.
7.without…no (not),表示双重否定的条件。
 ☞ 没有革命的理论,则不会有革命的运动。
 ☞ Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.
 ☞ 没有通行证则进不去。
 ☞ You couldn't get in without a pass.
 ☞ 不战则已,战则必胜。
 ☞ Fight no battle unless victory is sure.
 ☞ 我要是不出事,则星期四回来。
 ☞ I shall return on Thursday unless something happens to me.
 ☞ 对人有偏见,则什么都见不得。
 ☞ Once you have prejudice against a man, everything he does is wrong.
 ☞ 你学了俄语,学法语则不难。
 ☞ Once you have learned Russian, you will find French easy.
 ☞ 意思,前者比后者用得广。
 ☞ 穷则穷,他们倒是蛮惊慨的。
 ☞ They are generous indeed though they are poor.
 ☞ 房间大则不大,不过由于窗大,采光倒是不错。
 ☞ Though not large, the room is well lit by a large window.
 ☞ 难则难,我相信是能克服的。
 ☞ Although I have great difficulty, yet I am sure I can overcome it.
 ☞ 心之官则思。
 ☞ The office of the mind is to think.
 ☞ 观此则知老年与少年各有所长,各有其用。
 ☞ From this we know that the aged and the young have their own merits and uses.
刚好 刚好
 ☞ 我们总算刚好赶上末班车。
 ☞ We just managed to catch the last bus.
 ☞ 我的体重不多不少刚好50公斤。
 ☞ I weigh just 50 kilograms, no more, no less.
 ☞ 这件事刚好发生在我们住的房子里。
 ☞ It happened exactly in the house we live in.
 ☞ 他做的刚好相反。
 ☞ He did exactly the opposite.
3.by chance,指偶然。
 ☞ 我刚好碰上了他。
 ☞ I met him by chance.
 ☞ 他刚好实现他的目标。
 ☞ He effected his object by chance.
4.by coincidence,指巧合。
 ☞ 我们俩刚好同时到达。
 ☞ We both arrived at the same time by coincidence.
 ☞ 在这个市场里刚好出售同样的伪劣商品。
 ☞ By coincidence, similar counterfeit and poor-quality commodities are being offered in this market.
 ☞ 我们刚好在同一个组里。
 ☞ We happened to be in the same group.
 ☞ 刚好校长在这里,你就跟他谈谈吧。
 ☞ The headmaster happened to be here, you'd better talk it over with him.
刚(刚刚、刚才) 刚(刚刚、刚才)
1.just, exactly,可以换用,表示时间、空间、数量等正好在某一点上。
 ☞ 这双鞋大小刚合适。
 ☞ This pair of shoes is just the right size.
 ☞ 点刚过一刻。
 ☞ It's just a quarter past seven.
 ☞ 这刚刚是我要的东西。
 ☞ This is just what I want.
 ☞ 医生要他别抽烟,他刚刚相反。
 ☞ The doctor told him not to smoke, but he did exactly the opposite.
 ☞ 这刚刚是我们期望的。
 ☞ That's exactly what we expected.
2.a moment ago, a few moments ago, a short time ago, just now(多用于过去时),just, only just, a moment before(多用于完成时),表示事情发生在不久以前。
 ☞ 他刚刚还说要去呢。
 ☞ He was saying a moment ago that he wanted to go.
 ☞ 我们刚吃过午饭。
 ☞ We had lunch a few moments ago.
 ☞ 他们刚出去。
 ☞ They went out a short time ago.
 ☞ 别把刚刚跟你说的事忘了。
 ☞ Don't forget what I told you just now.
 ☞ 她刚来过电话。
 ☞ She rang up just now.
 ☞ 萨拉刚才给你来过电话。
 ☞ You've just had a phone call from Sarah.
 ☞ 噢,我刚才想起一件事
 ☞ Oh, I've just remembered something!
 ☞ 他们刚起床。
 ☞ They've only just got up.
 ☞ 她刚买了这东西。
 ☞ She had bought it a moment before.
3.as soon as, hardly... when, barely... when, scarcely... when, a moment ago when,表示动作一先一后,常与“就”搭配,用作连词。
 ☞ 这件事刚干完,他就感觉错了。
 ☞ As soon as he had done it, he knew it was a mistake.
 ☞ 我刚到家,他就走了。
 ☞ He went as soon as I got home.
 ☞ 我们刚进村子天就下雨了。
 ☞ We'd hardly got into the village when it began to ram.
 ☞ 他们刚到又得回去。
 ☞ Hardly had they arrived when they had to go back.
 ☞ 他刚走他们就来了。
 ☞ Barely was he out of sight when they came.
 ☞ 你刚到又要走了。
 ☞ You had barely arrived when you had to leave.
 ☞ 我刚进屋电话就响了。
 ☞ I had scarcely come in when the phone rang.
 ☞ 粮食刚到手就被洪水冲走了。
 ☞ The grain was in our hands a moment ago when it was carried away by the flood.
 ☞ 我参加八路军时,刚有枪高。
 ☞ When I joined the Eighth Route Army, I was barely the height of a rifle.
 ☞ 我的钱刚够买一杯咖啡。
 ☞ I have barely enough money to buy a cup of coffee.
 ☞ 他身子虚得刚能站起来。
 ☞ He was so weakened that he could barely stand up.
 ☞ 我们的粮食刚够活命。
 ☞ We had barely enough food to sustain life.
 ☞ 刚才那人是谁?
 ☞ Who was that man?
 ☞ 你刚才说他叫什么来着?
 ☞ What did you say his name was?
 ☞ 瞧你衣服上全是粉笔灰,可见你刚才在讲课。
 ☞ Look at your coat covered all over with chalk dust, evidently, you have been lecturing.
 ☞ 我满身大汗,因为我刚才在围着校园跑步。
 ☞ I am all of sweat. I have been running round the campus.
 ☞ 我服了片阿司匹林,比刚才舒服了一点。
 ☞ I took an aspirin and now I feel a little better.
 ☞ 你比刚才好看多了。
 ☞ You look much prettier now.
创造 创造
 ☞ 这就为牲畜的成长创造了有利条件。
 ☞ This created favorable conditions for the growth of livestock.
 ☞ 这种写作方式是由一名著名的小说家创造的。
 ☞ This style of writing was created by a well-known novelist.
 ☞ 我们的目的是创造社会主义新人。
 ☞ Our aim is to create the new socialist man.
 ☞ 是劳动创造了世界。
 ☞ It is labor that creates the world.
 ☞ 诗人创造了美。
 ☞ Poets create beauty.
 ☞ 小说家用日常的语言创造出一幅独一无二的生活画面。
 ☞ The novelist creates a unique view of life by using everyday language.
 ☞ 鲁迅在《阿Q正传》中创造了阿Q这个典型人物。
 ☞ Lu Xun created a typical character, Ah Q, in The True Story of Ah Q.
 ☞ 这些生物学家通过杂交创造了新品种。
 ☞ These biologists made new species through hybridization.
 ☞ 人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力。
 ☞ The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.
 ☞ 人民不仅创造历史,而且创造语言。
 ☞ People not only make history; they make language.
 ☞ 这位工人劳模创造了一套新工具。
 ☞ This model worker has invented a set of new tools.
 ☞ 这是由他创造的新方法。
 ☞ It was a new method invented by him.
 ☞ 他创造了一种新型听诊器。
 ☞ He invented a new type of stethoscope.
 ☞ 这是毛主席创造并已在广泛使用的一句话。
 ☞ This was a phrase that Chairman Mao coined and brought into popular use.
 ☞ 中国人最好不要创造英语的新词汇。
 ☞ It is advisable for the Chinese not to coin English words or expressions.
 ☞ 那词是谁创造的?
 ☞ Who coined that word?
5.表示创造奇迹,一般用work (create,perform, do) wonders (miracles).
 ☞ 解放以来我们创造了许多奇迹。
 ☞ We have worked wonders since liberation.
 ☞ 我们完全相信中国人民一定会克服困难,创造奇迹的。
 ☞ We are fully confident that the Chinese people will overcome all difficulties and work miracles.
 ☞ 这位编辑在节省篇幅方面创造了奇迹。
 ☞ The editor has done wonders of space-saving.
 ☞ 我兄弟在公司管理方面创造了奇迹。
 ☞ My brother performed wonders in the management of the company.
6.表示创造某项记录,可用set (establish) record。
 ☞ 上钢三厂昨天创造了一项全国新记录。
 ☞ Shanghai No.3 Iron and Steel Plant set (established) a new national record yesterday.
 ☞ 不少运动员在1987年第六届全国运动会上创造了世界记录。
 ☞ A number of sportsmen set world records at the 1987 Sixth National Games.

1.cut out,指“砍去一块”的引申,口头用语。
 ☞ 你最好把你文章中的最后两段删掉。
 ☞ You had better cut out the last two paragraphs of your article.
 ☞ 咱们还是把不必要的细节删掉。
 ☞ Let's cut out the unnecessary details.
2.leave out, 指省略,一般可与cut out换用。
 ☞ 这一段可以删去。
 ☞ This paragraph can be left out (cut out).
 ☞ 我可是一点没改,一点没删。
 ☞ I haven't altered or left out a thing, however.
 ☞ 你要是删去50个字,我们就可以把整篇报道安排在一个版面上。
 ☞ If you delete 50 words, we can put the whole story on one page.
 ☞ 要是你把最后一段删了,文章会更清楚。
 ☞ The article will be clearer if you delete the last paragraph.

1.sentence sb. to,指判决。法律用语,为中性词,不带感情色彩,着重点在惩罚。
 ☞ 法庭判他6个月有期徒刑。
 ☞ The court sentenced him to six months' imprisonment.
 ☞ 她被判罚款5,000元。
 ☞ She was sentenced to a fine of 5,000 yuan.
2.convict sb. of,指定罪。也是法律用语,中性词,不带感情色彩,着重点在定罪。
 ☞ 陪审团判他犯有偷窃罪。
 ☞ The jury convicted him of theft.
 ☞ 该团伙被判杀害了15人。
 ☞ The gang was convicted of having killed 15 persons.
  ■ convict与sentence的区别可从下面的译文中看出。
 ☞ 该男子被判犯有谋杀罪并判处死刑。
 ☞ The man was convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
 ☞ 调判决的过分,残酷、故意等。
 ☞ 法庭判拿破仑流放。
 ☞ The court condemned Napoleon to exile.
 ☞ 她被判在监狱中度过余生。
 ☞ She was condemned to spend all her last days in prison.
 ☞ 法官把死刑改判为无期徒刑。
 ☞ The judge commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment.
 ☞ 他的惩处由6个月有期徒刑减判为罚款1,000 元。
 ☞ His punishment was commuted from six months' imprisonment to a fine of 1,000 yuan.
 ☞ 法庭判他无罪。
 ☞ The court declared him innocent.
 ☞ 她被判有罪。
 ☞ She was declared guilty.
 ☞ 真伪难判。
 ☞ It is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.
 ☞ 他判案如神。
 ☞ He decides criminal cases like a god.
 ☞ 明天我们就要判卷子。
 ☞ We are going to mark examination paper tomorrow.
 ☞ 他前后判若两人。
 ☞ He is no longer his old self.
 ☞ 只有经过仔细调查才能判案。
 ☞ Only by careful investigation can we judge criminal cases.
判断 判断
 ☞ 先听取双方的说法,然后再由你自己做出判断。
 ☞ First of all listen to both sides of the story and then judge for yourself.
 ☞ 盲人是无法判断颜色的。
 ☞ A blind man cannot judge colors.
 ☞ 当时我无法判断他是对是错。
 ☞ I couldn't judge whether he was right or wrong.
 ☞ 正确的判断来自周密的调查与研究。
 ☞ Correct judgments stem from thorough investigation and study.
 ☞ 根据衣柜上留下的指纹,我们可以判断小偷是个高个子。
 ☞ From the finger prints on the wardrobe we can judge that the thief was a tall man.
 ☞ 我很难判断她的真实年龄。
 ☞ It was difficult for me to tell her exact age.
 ☞ 我们无法判断其规模。
 ☞ We cannot tell its size.
 ☞ 他是个水手,能根据星星来判断罗盘的方位。
 ☞ As a sailor he can tell the points of compass by the stars.
 ☞ 人要能判断是非。
 ☞ One should tell right from wrong.
 ☞ 你应当能判断什么是对什么是错。
 ☞ You ought to decide what is right and what is wrong.
 ☞ 当时我们无法判断这次延误是好还是坏。
 ☞ We couldn't decide whether the delay was good or bad.
 ☞ 我们团长对形势做了判断并要求支援。
 ☞ Our regimental commander assessed the situation and called for reinforcement.
 ☞ 现在还很难判断这一决定的重要性。
 ☞ It is difficult to assess the importance of the decision.
利害 利害
  ■ “利害”作“利益和损害”或“得失”解时不与“厉害”同义。
 ☞ 上层阶级都有共同利害关系需要保护。
 ☞ All the upper classes have common interests to protect.
 ☞ 两国之间有可能发生利害冲突。
 ☞ There is a possibility of a conflict of interests between the two countries.
2.gain and (or) loss,指得失。(不能用厉害)
 ☞ 既然他们把这场战争强加到我们头上,我们能做的只有不计利害打到底了。
 ☞ Now that they had imposed this war on us, what we could do was to fight to the finish regardless of gain of gain or (and) loss.
 ☞ 做生意怎么能不计利害!
 ☞ How can you do business regardless of gain or loss!
利害(厉害) 利害(厉害)
  ■ “利害”作“难以忍受”解时与“厉害”同义。
 ☞ 大概是贫穷使他们变得那么利害(厉害)。
 ☞ Perhaps it is the poverty that makes them so fierce 老虎比狮子还厉害。
 ☞ Tigers are even fiercer than lions.
 ☞ 肉价涨得利害(厉害)。
 ☞ There is a sharp rise in the price of meat.
 ☞ 他那张嘴可厉害了。
 ☞ He has a sharp tongue.
 ☞ 他对儿子过于利害(厉害)。
 ☞ He's looked too stern with his son.
 ☞ 她的样子很厉害,女孩子们都怕她。
 ☞ She looked very stem and girls were afraid of her.
 ☞ 这些规定不太厉害(利害)。
 ☞ The rules are not too strict.
 ☞ 我们校长很厉害。
 ☞ Our principal is very strict.
 ☞ 有些指责相当厉害(利害),说他不抚养孩子。
 ☞ Some quite harsh attacks went so far as to say that he had not even brought up his child.
 ☞ 叫他尝尝我的厉害。
 ☞ Let him taste my harsh treatment.
 ☞ 这股味太厉害(利害),房间里我待不住。
 ☞ The smell was too strong for me to stay in the room.
 ☞ 外面风刮得厉害。
 ☞ There is a strong wind blowing outside.
 ☞ 这一招很是厉害(利害)。
 ☞ This is a very formidable move.
 ☞ 他逃过了所有的谴责,却难逃自责,而这恰恰是最最厉害的。
 ☞ He escaped all criticism but his own which was much the most formidable.
 ☞ 这着棋真厉害(利害)。
 ☞ That's a devastating move.
 ☞ 我一生也从未见过这么厉害的狂风暴雨。
 ☞ I never saw such a devastating storm in my life.
 ☞ 小孩从梯子上掉下来,伤得厉害(利害)。
 ☞ The little boy has fallen off a ladder and seriously hurt himself.
 ☞ 他病得很厉害。
 ☞ He is seriously ill.
 ☞ 这几天热得厉害(利害)。
 ☞ It's been terribly hot these few days.
 ☞ 他激动得厉害。
 ☞ He was terribly excited.
 ☞ 行动前要权衡利害。
 ☞ Weigh advantages and disadvantages before you act.
 ☞ 他不知道利害。
 ☞ He doesn't realize what the consequences will be.
 ☞ 我要给他点利害。
 ☞ I'll teach him a lesson.
 ☞ 世界的未来对我们都有利害关系。
 ☞ We all have a stake in the future of the world.
利用 利用
 ☞ 中国南方的农民都利用河道种植绿肥。
 ☞ The peasants in the south of China use the waterways to grow plants for green manure.
 ☞ 我们应当利用这一机会发动一场反对贪污浪费的人民战争。
 ☞ We must use the opportunity to make a people's war against corruption and waste.
 ☞ 各人为了各自的目的在相互利用。
 ☞ Each is using the other for his own ends.
 ☞ 突然,他产生一种被人利用的感觉,而且这种感觉超过了他开始时对她产生的同情。
 ☞ His sense of being used rose suddenly above the sympathy he had begun to feel for her.
  ■ 但是make use of往往用于物,偶尔也用于人。
 ☞ 我们利用现有设备,实现了专业部门间的广泛合作。
 ☞ We have made use of the existing equipment and carried out extensive coordination between specialized departments.
 ☞ 这些药厂充分利用当地资源,生产大量品种繁多的药品。
 ☞ Going in for making full use of local resources, these pharmaceutical factories now turn out a wide range of medicines in great quantities.
 ☞ 他是受人利用。
 ☞ He was made use of.
  ■ 此外,put to use则有“加以利用”的意思。
 ☞ 任何东西不加利用就扔掉是很可惜的。
 ☞ It is a pity to throw anything away if it is not put to use.
 ☞ 沿海的工业基地都应充分加以利用。
 ☞ The coastal industrial bases must be put to full use.
 ☞ 他利用空余时间阅读每一本他能找到的书籍。
 ☞ He employed his spare time in reading every book he could find.
 ☞ 太空实验室工程利用了经过改装的阿波罗火箭及宇宙飞船。
 ☞ The Skylab project employed modified Apollo rockets and spacecraft.
 ☞ 工匠们找到了新材料,凭此他们又可以利用其手艺谋生。
 ☞ The craftsmen found new materials on which they could employ their artistry for their living.
 ☞ 在冬季,农民都利用稻草做饲料。
 ☞ In winter peasants utilize rice straw as fodder.
 ☞ 为避免石油短缺,越来越多的装置正在利用太阳能。
 ☞ To avoid an oil shortage more and more devices are utilizing solar energy.
 ☞ 科学家们找到了新方法来利用煤的废料。
 ☞ Scientists have discovered a new means for utilizing coal waste.
 ☞ 有什么办法利用这部旧车做成报摊呢?
 ☞ Is there any way to utilize this old car as a newsstand?
4.avail oneself of,指利用现成的人或事并做出对自己有利的事情。
 ☞ 既然你已在图书馆工作,你应该利用里面的图书。
 ☞ Now that you have worked in the library, you should avail yourself of the books in it.
 ☞ 我们常常利用看美国电影的机会来训练英语口语的听力。
 ☞ We often avail ourselves of the opportunity of seeing American films to practice listening to spoken English.
 ☞ 这样的指导我利用惟恐不及,哪会生气呢?
 ☞ Far from resenting such tutelage I am too glad to avail myself of it.
 ☞ 我们计划利用江水为人民造福。
 ☞ We are planning to harness the river water for the benefit of the people.
 ☞ 中国现在已开始利用原子能发电。
 ☞ Now China has begun to harness nuclear energy to produce electric power.
 ☞ 大家都企图利用一切机会来提高效率。
 ☞ Everyone is seeking to exploit opportunities for improving efficiency.
 ☞ 在这里,你们的才能可以得到充分的利用。
 ☞ Here your talents might be exploited to the full.
 ☞ 你切不可利用职权来满足个人私欲。
 ☞ You must not exploit your authority for the gratification of your selfish desires.
 ☞ 敌人后来就多少利用了我们的这些缺点。
 ☞ Our shortcomings were later exploited to a certain extent by the enemy.
7.apply to,指把某一事物利用到另一事物上。
 ☞ 我们只好利用这笔礼金来还债了。
 ☞ We have to apply this gift of money to the payment of our debt.
 ☞ 我们需要技术人员在工业生产上利用现有的科技发现。
 ☞ We need technical personnel to apply scientific discoverers now available to industrial production.
8.take advantage of,指利用长处。
 ☞ 我们要充分利用出口时出现的难得机会。
 ☞ We should take full advantage of the exceptional opportunities open in exports.
 ☞ 她利用午餐时间做了家庭作业。
 ☞ She took advantage of lunch hour to finish her home work.
 ☞ 他的妻子承认他曾利用他的地位来影响舆论。
 ☞ His wife admitted that he had taken advantage of his position to influence public opinion.
 ☞ 他的确利用了她的弱点。
 ☞ Indeed he took advantage of her weakness.
9.turn to (good) account,指积极方面的利用。
 ☞ 你可以好好利用你的英语知识来翻译英语小说。
 ☞ You can turn your knowledge of English to good account by translating English novels.
 ☞ 他利用在战争中的经历为报纸写文章。
 ☞ He turned his war experiences to good account by writing for the newspapers.
 ☞ 每分钟都可以利用起来。
 ☞ Every minute can be turned to account.
10.presume on (upon),指消极方面的利用。
 ☞ 他竟利用我们的初交,开口向我借贷。
 ☞ He went so far as to presume on our slight acquaintance to ask me for a loan.
 ☞ 你利用他的脾气好,几次三番地打扰他。
 ☞ You presumed upon his good nature by disturbing him again and again.
11.play on,原意为“玩弄”,故也指消极方面的利用。
 ☞ 要警惕利用人们爱国主义情绪的政客。
 ☞ Guard against the politicians who play on the patriotic sentiments of the people.
 ☞ 他竭力想利用她的同情。
 ☞ He tried every possible way to play on her sympathies.
利益 利益
 ☞ 共产党应把人民的利益置于一切利益之上。
 ☞ A communist must put the interests of the people before all else.
 ☞ 为了一时的虚荣竟牺牲国家的长远利益,难道他还是个好领导?
 ☞ Isn't he still a good leader when he went so far as to sacrifice the permanent interests of his country for the gratification of momentary vanity?
 ☞ 说真话,我是为了自身利益才干的。
 ☞ To tell you the truth, I did it to my profit.
 ☞ 只图眼前利益你会失去一位终身有利可图的顾客。
 ☞ In order to make an immediate profit you'll lose a lifelong and profitable customer.
 ☞ 我们主张先公共福利,后个人利益。
 ☞ We prefer the public welfare to personal gain.
 ☞ 谋求物质利益并没有错误。
 ☞ It's not wrong to work for material gains.
 ☞ 我们是为了相互的利益才跟他们发展贸易的。
 ☞ We develop trade with them for mutual benefit.
 ☞ 他并未从这一工作中获得任何利益。
 ☞ He did not derive any benefit from the work.
  ■ benefit尚可用做动词。
 ☞ 经济发展使人民群众得到了利益。
 ☞ The economic growth has benefited the masses of the people.
 ☞ 他把他的终生献给了为人类谋利益的事业。
 ☞ He has devoted his whole life to the cause of benefiting mankind.
到底 到底
1.表示努力取得一定的结果或达到一定的目的,有“终于”的意思,可译at last,finally,eventually,in the end。
 ☞ 我们用了整整一天时间,到底把这架机器修好了。
 ☞ We took the whole day and6xed the machine at last.
 ☞ 医生用了各种办法,到底把那个受重伤的工人抢救过来了。
 ☞ The doctors tried every way possible and saved that severely injured worker at last.
 ☞ 她在度过多少个不眠之夜之后到底得到了他的消息。
 ☞ After spending many a sleepless night she heard from him at last.
 ☞ 那么这个问题到底是解决了。
 ☞ Thus the question was finally settled.
 ☞ 新方法到底证明是成功的。
 ☞ The new method has finally proved to be a success.
 ☞ 他经过了几年的努力,到底掌握了英语。
 ☞ After several years' effort he eventually mastered English.
 ☞ 这是一次长途旅行,不过我们到底还是到了。
 ☞ It was a long journey, but we eventually arrived.
 ☞ 我们到底翻过了一座座山峰,来到了一个谷地。
 ☞ In the end we crossed the mountains and reached a valley.
2.用来提醒别人似乎忘记了的某个重要论据或理由,有“毕竟”的意思,可译after all。
 ☞ 我觉得我们应该让女儿跟她男朋友一起去跳舞,她到底是个大姑娘了。
 ☞ I think we should let our daughter go to the dance with her boyfriend. After all she's a big girl now.
 ☞ 她表现当然不好,不过她到底是你的妹妹呀。
 ☞ Of course she behaved awfully, but after all, she is your sister.
3.表示与预期的情况相反,也有毕竟的意思,故仍可谭after all,不过常放在句末。
 ☞ 我本以为这次考试会不及格,可我到底还是及格了。
 ☞ I thought I was going to fail in the exam, but I passed after all.
 ☞ 他的对手在体力和速度上都超过他,可他到底还是赢了这场比赛。
 ☞ His opponents surpassed him both in strength and speed, but he won the race after all.
4.after all,还可以用于深究、追究来加强语气,有“究竟”的意思。一般都用于问句或不肯定的陈述句。
 ☞ 你到底同不同意我的意见?
 ☞ Do you agree to my opinion after all?
 ☞ 她为什么不该吃?蛋糕到底是她做的!
 ☞ Why shouldn't she eat the cake? After all, she baked it!
 ☞ 我猜不出他到底是什么主意。
 ☞ I couldn't guess what idea he had after all.
5.这类表示深究的问句里的after all,在口语里往往可用who (what,why,where,when) the devil (on earth,in the world)代替。
 ☞ 他到底是谁?
 ☞ Who the devil is he?
 ☞ 你到底在讲些什么?
 ☞ What the devil are you talking about?
 ☞ 我的骆驼到底在哪里?
 ☞ Where the devil is my camel now?
 ☞ 他到底是什么时候走的?
 ☞ When the devil did he go?
 ☞ 你到底是什么意思?
 ☞ What on earth do you mean?
 ☞ 你到底为什么要说谎?
 ☞ Why on earth do you tell a lie?
 ☞ 你到底去过哪里?
 ☞ Where on earth have you been?
 ☞ 他到底是什么时候来的?
 ☞ When on earth did he come?
 ☞ 你那么干到底是为什么?
 ☞ What in the world are you doing that for?
 ☞ 他到底在哪里找到这辆老爷车的?
 ☞ Where in the world did he find this old jalopy?
6.表示通过分析得出结论时,可译in the final analysis。
 ☞ 民族斗争,说到底,是一个阶级斗争问题。
 ☞ In the final analysis, national struggle is a matter of class struggle.
 ☞ 说到底,最可爱的绣花枕头塞的也是稻草。
 ☞ The loveliest pillow with an embroidered case in the final analysis is stuffed with rice straw.
 ☞ 男孩子到底是男孩子,不会小心眼。
 ☞ Boys will be boys. They are broad-minded.
 ☞ 孩子到底是孩子,不会像成人那样专心。
 ☞ Children will be children. They cannot concentrate their attention as grown-ups.
8.“到底”用作实词时,可译to the end, to the finish。
 ☞ 我们必须把革命进行到底。
 ☞ We must carry revolution through to the end.
 ☞ 他们将为民族独立而战斗到底。
 ☞ They will fight to the end for national independence.
 ☞ 我们决心战斗到底。
 ☞ We are determined to fight to the finish.
制定 制定
1.lay down,指规则、章程、纲要等的制定。
 ☞ 会议制定了一个二十二条纲要来推进我国的现代化。
 ☞ The conference has laid down a 22-point program to advance the modernization of our country.
 ☞ 成立了一个专门委员会来制定操作规程。
 ☞ A special committee was set up to lay down operating rules.
2.draw up,指起草制定。
 ☞ 制定宪法是国家大事,必须广泛征求群众意见。
 ☞ It is national affairs to draw up a constitution and we must consult the broad masses.
 ☞ 联合国宪章是1945年制定的。
 ☞ The United Nations Charter was drawn up in 1945.
 ☞ 只有通过调查研究才能制定正确的政策。
 ☞ A correct policy can be formulated only after investigation and study.
 ☞ 制定全国性的规划是项大工程。
 ☞ It is a gigantic project to formulate a nation-wide plan.
 ☞ 领导工作不仅要决定方针政策,还要制定正确的工作方法。
 ☞ To lead means not only to decide general and specific policies but also to devise correct methods of work.
 ☞ 制定法律是立法机关的事情。
 ☞ It is the job of the legislative body to make laws.
 ☞ 法律、法令的制定通常是社会压力和社会问题的结果。
 ☞ Laws and decrees are ordinarily enacted as the result of social pressures and problems.
制度 制度
 ☞ 社会主义制度终究会代替资本主义制度。
 ☞ The socialist system will eventually replace the capitalist system.
 ☞ 革新和改造现行的教育制度刻不容缓。
 ☞ Renovating and transforming the system of education now in existence are the tasks which brook no delay.
 ☞ 西藏的农奴制度已经废除。
 ☞ The serf institution in Tibet was already abolished.(也可用system)
 ☞ 随着时间的变化,各种陈旧的资本主义制度也一直在不断改进之中。
 ☞ With the time changing, the old institutions of capitalism have been improving increasingly.(不宜用 system)
 ☞ 这是违反纪律、违反制度的。
 ☞ This is a violation of discipline and regulations.
 ☞ 未经批准擅离校园是违反制度的。
 ☞ It's against regulations to leave campus without permission.
制止 制止
1.restrain from, 指带有克制性的制止。
 ☞ 他痛得几乎无法制止自己大声叫喊。
 ☞ The pain was so great that he could hardly restrain himself from shouting aloud.
 ☞ 当然,我是无法制止你们各行其是的。
 ☞ Of course, I can't restrain you from going your own way.
 ☞ 风向突然改变,意外地制止了火势。
 ☞ The sudden change of wind unexpectedly checked the fire.
 ☞ 只有世界各国人民的共同立场才能制止侵略,挽救和平。
 ☞ Only the united stand of the peoples of the world can check aggression and save peace.
 ☞ 当务之急是控制流沙。
 ☞ The most pressing matter of the moment is to curb the shifting sand.
 ☞ 政府制止通货膨胀实乃明智之举。
 ☞ It is a wise move for the government to curb inflation.
 ☞ 我做了个手势,制止他再说下去。
 ☞ I made a gesture to stop him from saying any more.
 ☞ 制止他胡说八道是我的职责。
 ☞ It was my duty to stop his nonsense.
 ☞ 应当作出一切努力来制止军备竞赛。
 ☞ Every effort should be made to halt the arms race.
 ☞ 我们正在采取一切必要措施来制止人民币的汇率波动。
 ☞ We're taking all necessary measures to halt the exchange ratio fluctuations of RMB.
 ☞ 补牙可以制止龋齿。
 ☞ Filling a tooth arrests decay.
 ☞ 这种新药可以制止疾病的传播。
 ☞ This kind of new drug can arrest the spread of the disease.
 ☞ 只要我们继续团结一切可以团结的和平与民主力量,新的世界战争是能够制止的。
 ☞ A new world war can be averted, provided we continue to unite all forces for peace and democracy that can be united.
 ☞ 当地的领导人在混乱的现场通过说服示威者,制止了一场动乱。
 ☞ The local leaders averted a riot by persuading demonstrators at the scene of disturbance.
制约 制约
 ☞ 老迈制约了他的行动。
 ☞ Old age restricted his activities.
 ☞ 古人认为天圆地方,那只是因为他们受到了历史条件的制约。
 ☞ The ancients thought that the earth was square while the sky was round only because they were restricted by historical conditions.
2.restrain, 指主客观都有限制的制约。
 ☞ 人民法院和人民检察院相互制约以保证法律的正确执行。
 ☞ The people's courts and the people's procuratorates restrain each other in order to guarantee the accurate enforcement of the law.
 ☞ 人要生活在这个社会里,就要制约自己。
 ☞ One must restrain oneself if living in the society.
3.condition, 指条件上的制约。
 ☞ 人的愿望与行为是受到体格条件与经济情况制约的。
 ☞ Man's desire and actions are conditioned by his physical constitutions and by economic circumstances.
 ☞ 抗生素的相互作用是受到多种因素制约的。
 ☞ The interaction of antibiotics is conditioned by many factors.
制裁 制裁
 ☞ 联合国通过决议对伊拉克实行制裁。
 ☞ The United Nations adopted the resolution of imposing sanctions on Iraq.
 ☞ 有那么一个超级大国动不动就对别的国家进行经济制裁。
 ☞ There is such a superpower that applies economic sanctions against other countries at every move.
 ☞ 违法和失职都应受到制裁。
 ☞ Transgression of laws and neglect of duty must be punished.
 ☞ 对罪犯给予的制裁并未使公众满意。
 ☞ The punishment meted out to the criminal did not satisfy the people.
制造 制造
 ☞ 我们现在的鞋子几乎都是机器制造的。
 ☞ Almost all our shoes are machine-made now.
 ☞ 这飞机是中国制造的。
 ☞ The aircraft is Chinese-made.
 ☞ 我们能制造原子弹,但决不首先使用原子弹。
 ☞ We can make atom bombs but we shall not be the first to use them.
 ☞ 该厂是制造橡胶轮胎的。
 ☞ The factory manufactures rubber tires.
 ☞ 这台设备是我们自己制造的。
 ☞ The equipment is of our own manufacture.
  ■ 由于manufacture可指大批量制造,因此有时也有“捏造”的意思。
 ☞ 他们制造谣言、罗织罪名,随便给别人扣上帽子。
 ☞ They manufactured lies, cooked up charges and unscrupulously put labels on others.
 ☞ 既然我们已经迟到,就得制造一个借口。
 ☞ Since we're late, we have to manufacture a kind of excuse.
 ☞ 他们传播谣言的真正目的是制造紧张局势。
 ☞ Their true aim of spreading rumors was to create tension.
 ☞ 他们的这条政治路线只会破坏各民族的团结,制造民族之间的分裂。
 ☞ Their political line could do nothing but undermine the unity of all nationalities and create splits among them.
 ☞ 他们制造舆论是想把水搅浑。
 ☞ They want to muddy the water by creating public opinion.
 ☞ 历史上的反动统治者曾经在我们各民族之间制造种种隔阂。
 ☞ All through the ages, the reactionary rulers sowed feelings of estrangement among our various nationalities.
 ☞ 我们要识破他们的阴谋,他们在制造纠纷从中渔利。
 ☞ We must see through their conspiracy that they are sowing dissension from which they can benefit.
 ☞ 敌人在制造假象,我们不能上当。
 ☞ The enemy is putting up the false front and we should not be taken in.
 ☞ 他们制造重重障碍以阻碍谈判。
 ☞ They raised one obstacle after another to block the negotiations.
 ☞ 你们制造舆论,到底想干什么?
 ☞ What on earth are you going to do by molding public opinion?
 ☞ 他们制造民族内部冲突的目的是夺权。
 ☞ Their aim was to seize power by stirring up the strife within the nationality.
刺激 刺激
 ☞ 咖啡能刺激神经。
 ☞ Coffee can stimulate one's nerves.
 ☞ 较高的利润刺激了生产。
 ☞ Better profits have stimulated production.
 ☞ 成绩会刺激人们作出更大的努力。
 ☞ Success will stimulate people to make greater efforts.
 ☞ 大脑受到刺激后会变得少有的清晰和敏捷。
 ☞ Given the stimulation, the brain will get curiously clear and swift.
 ☞ 我们不到万不得已是不会再去刺激他的。
 ☞ We won't provoke him any more than necessary.
 ☞ 他们的策略之一是刺激你。
 ☞ As part of their tactics, they try to provoke you.
 ☞ 告诉我是什么东西把你刺激成这样。
 ☞ Tell me what has upset you so.
 ☞ 我的电话刺激她了吗?
 ☞ Was she upset by my telephone call?
 ☞ 这一不幸消息给了她很大的刺激。
 ☞ She was badly upset by the sad news.
 ☞ 他们一直深信关键是物质刺激。
 ☞ They have always believed deeply that incentives are key.
 ☞ 在大多数职业中金钱仍是一种主要物质刺激。
 ☞ Money is still a major incentive in most professions.
 ☞ 他父亲答应给他一辆自行车,是对他更加努力学习的一种刺激。
 ☞ His father's promise of a bicycle is an incentive to his harder study.

 ☞ 在旅游景点的任何地方刻名留念是丑恶的行径。
 ☞ It is disgraceful conduct to cut one's name as a memento anywhere at scenic spots.
 ☞ He hurriedly cut a mark on the edge of the boat, saying to himself: "This is the place where my sword fell into the water."
 ☞ 现在已很少有人刻蜡纸了。
 ☞ Nowadays it is rare to cut stencils.
 ☞ 历史学家长期以来对刻在石壁上的点、线和符号感到迷惑不解。
 ☞ Historians have long been puzzled by dots, lines and symbols which have been engraved on the stone walls.
 ☞ 他在金表上刻了自己的名字。
 ☞ He engraved the gold watch with his name.
 ☞ 他在退休时收到一只金表作为礼物,上面刻有他的名字和他工作的年限。
 ☞ When he retired he was presented with a gold watch in which his name and the date of his service were inscribed.
 ☞ 亚当和夏娃的故事就刻在大教堂的门上。
 ☞ The story of Adam and Eve was inscribed on the door of the Cathedral.
 ☞ 男孩子们都把姓名起首的字母刻在树上。
 ☞ The boys carved their initials in the tree.
 ☞ 橡木胸柜上刻着《圣经》故事中的场面。
 ☞ The oak chest was carved with scenes from the Bible.
  ■ carve不仅可以用于浮雕的雕刻,还可用于立体形象的雕刻。
 ☞ 你能用这块木头给我刻个装饰品吗?
 ☞ Can you carve me an ornament from this piece of wood?
 ☞ 这个雕像是用大理石刻的。
 ☞ The statue was carved out of marble.

 ☞ 他连忙从楼上奔到前门。
 ☞ He ran hastily downstairs to the front door.
 ☞ 她的前院有枝丁香花正在怒放。
 ☞ In her front courtyard there was a lilac in full bloom.
  ■ at the front, in front, in front of, in the front of, 在具体的上下文里都有“前”的意思。
 ☞ 他们的位子在前,我们的在后。这不公平。
 ☞ Their seats are at the front and ours at the back. It's unfair.
 ☞ 你最好走在前面。
 ☞ You had better go in front.
  ■ 要注意in front of及in the front of的区别。
 ☞ 教室前有块黑板。
 ☞ There is a black-board in the front of the classroom.
 ☞ 教室前有棵大白杨树。
 ☞ There is a big white poplar in front of the classroom.
 ☞ 他在晚饭前把他的想法告诉了我。
 ☞ He told me what he was thinking before supper.
 ☞ 母牛和许多其他的雌性动物都恰好是在排卵前发情的。
 ☞ In cows and many other animals the female is in estrus just before ovulation.
  ■ before一般不表示地点。在现代英语中表示地点的“在…之前”一般用in (the) front of。但在下列情况下,也可用before。
1) 表示次序的排列。(如按笔画、职务排列)
 ☞ 你的名字排在我之前。
 ☞ Your name comes before mine.
2) 表示在某个重要人物前面。
 ☞ 那位国民党军队的高级军官被带到陈毅元帅跟前。
 ☞ The high-ranking officer of the Kuomintang troops was brought before Marshal Chen Yi.
 ☞ 战争是3年前结束的。
 ☞ The war ended three years ago.
 ☞ 战争是我出生前3年结束的。
 ☞ The war ended three years before I was born.(指从出生前算起的3年前)
  ■ 但是应该注意的是,如果泛指某个时间以前(不指现在、过去、将来的某个具体时间以前),也可用before。
 ☞ 这样的怪事真是前所未闻。
 ☞ I've never heard of such a strange thing before.
 ☞ 他总是尽量使用一两个小时以前才学会的单词或短语。
 ☞ He often tries to use a word or a phrase that he has learnt only an hour or two before.
 ☞ 将军胸前佩带着所有的勋章。
 ☞ The general was wearing all his medals on the chest.
 ☞ 在事实面前他承认拿了钱。
 ☞ He admitted to having taken the money in the face of the fact.
 ☞ 战前德国在工业生产方面领先。
 ☞ Germany led in industrial production in the prewar period.
 ☞ 她是前一天回来的,没让我知道。
 ☞ She had returned unknown to me, on the previous day.
 ☞ 他担任协会主席是在我之前。
 ☞ He preceded me as chairman of the society.
 ☞ 英国前首相希思先生是我们的老朋友了。
 ☞ Mr. Heath, the former Prime Minister of Britain, is an old friend of ours.
 ☞ 她的前夫是个音乐家。
 ☞ Her former husband was a musician.
7.prior to,指按顺序的“前”。呵与before换用。
 ☞ 房屋在拍卖前就卖掉了。
 ☞ The house was sold prior to (before) auction.
 ☞ 我妈结婚前是个护士。
 ☞ Prior to (Before) her marriage my mother was a nurse.
8.first half,指前一半的“前”。
 ☞ 他写了一本书,叫做《我的前半生》。
 ☞ He wrote a book entitled The First Half of My Life.
 ☞ 前半夜我没睡着。
 ☞ I wasn't asleep during the first half of the night.
 ☞ 我们被困在一个无人区里,前不着村,后不挨店。
 ☞ We were stranded in a depopulated zone, with no village ahead and no inn behind.
 ☞ 这是一个前车之鉴。
 ☞ This is a warning taken from the overturned cart ahead.
前后 前后
1.shortly before and after,与表示事件或时间的名词连用,指出动作行为发生在该事件或该时间的前后。
 ☞ 解放前后我一直在上海工作。
 ☞ I had been working in Shanghai shortly before and after liberation.
 ☞ 地震发生在天亮前后。
 ☞ The earthquake happened shortly before and after daybreak.
2.round, around,指行为动作发生的大致时间,可以换用。
 ☞ 这件事发生在春节前后。
 ☞ This happened round (around) the Spring Festival.
 ☞ 他们是5点钟前后到的。
 ☞ They arrived around (round) five o'clock.
3.front and back (behind, rear),指空间上的前后。
 ☞ 房子前后都有树。
 ☞ There are trees both in front and at the back of the house.
 ☞ 前后的座位都有人了。
 ☞ All seats were occupied both in front and at the back.
  ■ 有时back可以改成behind或rear。
 ☞ 这就叫做“前有大河,后有追兵”。
 ☞ That is what we call "There is a great river in front of us and pursuing troops are closing in from behind.
 ☞ 敌人同时受到前后夹击。
 ☞ The enemy was attacked from the front and the rear simultaneously.
4.from beginning to end,指从开始到结束的前后过程。
 ☞ 这项工程从动工到完成,前后只用了10个月。
 ☞ The entire project, from beginning to end, took only ten months.
 ☞ 我知道这件事的前前后后。
 ☞ I knew the whole story from beginning to end.
 ☞ 她前后来过4次。
 ☞ She has been here four times altogether.
 ☞ 小说从动笔到定稿前后用了3年时间。
 ☞ The novel took three years to write altogether, from start to finish.
 ☞ 他前后所做的一切都未产生效果。
 ☞ All that he did had no effect.
 ☞ 你前后来信都已收到。
 ☞ I've received all your letters.
 ☞ 我们的足球队前后连胜5场。
 ☞ Our football team won five successive matches.
 ☞ 前后两位主席都是我校的校友。
 ☞ The two successive chairmen were the alumni of our school.
8.consecutive, 指前后连贯。
 ☞ 所有文件是前后分两次用航空邮件寄给我们的。
 ☞ All of the documents were forwarded to us by two consecutive airmails.
 ☞ 他讲的故事前后连不起来。
 ☞ He told an inconsecutive story.
前进 前进
 ☞ 部队每天前进30英里。
 ☞ The troops advanced thirty miles per day.
 ☞ 我们沿着社会主义道路前进。
 ☞ We are advancing along the socialist road.
 ☞ 那只是我们前进中的问题。
 ☞ That is only a problem accompanying our advance and development.
 ☞ 火车以和以前一样的速度前进。
 ☞ The train proceeded at the same speed as before.
 ☞ 人群向天安门前进。
 ☞ The crowd proceeded to the Tian An Men Square.
 ☞ 到三点钟时部队已前进到了指定地点。
 ☞ By three o'clock the troops had progressed as far as the designated place.
 ☞ 他们两人继续沿着公路前进。
 ☞ The two of them continued their progress down the road.
 ☞ 大雨阻挡了敌人的前进。
 ☞ Heavy rains hindered the enemy's progress.
 ☞ 他们在大雪中无法前进。
 ☞ They made no progress in the heavy snow.
4.forge ahead,原意为冲刺,作“前进”解时强调的是速度。
 ☞ 我们不能停留在现有的成绩上,要继续前进。
 ☞ We can't rest on our laurels, we must forge ahead.
 ☞ 我们的帆船乘着顺风快速前进。
 ☞ Our sailing boat forged ahead with a favorable wind.
 ☞ 我们在社会主义建设中大踏步前进。
 ☞ We are making big strides in our socialist construction.
 ☞ 我们的船只破浪前进。
 ☞ Our ships break the waves.
 ☞ 向敌舰全速前进。
 ☞ G forward at full speed towards the enemy ship.
 ☞ 我们在漆黑的洞穴里摸索着前进。
 ☞ We felt our way forward along the dark cave.
前面 前面
 ☞ 老师把那个调皮的男生叫出来站到全班的前面。
 ☞ The teacher called out the naughty boy to the front of the class.
 ☞ 咱们坐在前面吧。
 ☞ Let's sit in the front.
 ☞ 司机坐在前面,乘客坐在后面。
 ☞ The driver sits in the front, and the passengers sit behind.
  ■ 注意in front of与in the front of的区别。
 ☞ 汽车前面坐着个孩子。
 ☞ A child sat in front of the car.(在汽车外的前面)
 ☞ 汽车前面坐着司机。
 ☞ A driver sat in the front of the car.(在汽车内的前面)
  ■ 但是at the front of却有两个意思。
 ☞ 教室前面有棵大树。
 ☞ There is a big tree at the front of the classroom.
 ☞ 教室前面有块黑板。
 ☞ There is a blackboard at the front of the classroom.
2.at the head of,指最前头。
 ☞ 最高的那个男生站在队伍的最前面。
 ☞ The tallest boy stood at the head of the line.
 ☞ 乐队走在检阅队任的最前面。
 ☞ The band marched at the head of the parade.
 ☞ 前面的山都不长树木。
 ☞ The hills ahead were not wooded.
 ☞ 她两眼直直地盯着前面。
 ☞ Her eyes stared straight ahead.
 ☞ 我们前面的路又窄又滑。
 ☞ Ahead of us the road was narrow and slippery.
 ☞ 我的寝室是在厨房的前面。
 ☞ My bed-room is forward of the kitchen.(寝室和厨房都是整套住房的局部)
 ☞ 轮船前面的舱房比较凉爽。
 ☞ The forward cabins of a ship are cooler.(前舱也是轮船的一部分)
 ☞ 你的名字在我前面。
 ☞ Your name comes before mine.
 ☞ 她排在我前面。
 ☞ She was before me in the queue.
 ☞ 我看了看名单,看谁在我前面。
 ☞ I looked at the list to see whose name was before mine.
 ☞ 前面提到的原则绝对不能拿来做交易。
 ☞ The above mentioned principles shall never be haggled about.
 ☞ 他在前面引用的两行杜甫的诗我觉得特别好。
 ☞ The two lines of Du Fu he quoted above seemed to me particularly good.
 ☞ 你能肯定劳方的声明是赶在资方声明前面发表的吗?
 ☞ Are you sure that the workers' statement preceded that of the management's?
 ☞ 他进屋时一只小狗走在前面。
 ☞ He came into the room preceded by a small dog.
 ☞ 科学研究工作应当走在经济建设的前面。
 ☞ Scientific research should anticipate economic construction.
 ☞ 我们在报上做了广告,故而抢在了我们竞争对手的前面。
 ☞ We anticipated our competitors by putting advertisements in newspapers.
 ☞ 前面来了一个人。
 ☞ A man was coming towards us.
 ☞ 前面来了一辆公共汽车。
 ☞ Here comes a bus.
剧烈 剧烈
 ☞ 当时在左派和右派之间有过剧烈的斗争。
 ☞ There was a violent struggle between the Left and the Right.
 ☞ 强震是非常剧烈的,因此必须从结构上使之衰减, 但这几乎是不可能的。
 ☞ Strong-motion earthquake is very violent and must be damped structurally, which, however, is a near impossibility.
 ☞ 你不应从事这样剧烈的运动。
 ☞ You shouldn't take such strenuous exercise.
 ☞ 剧烈震动搞得我的骨头好像散了架。
 ☞ The strenuous vibration made me feel as if all my bones were falling apart.
 ☞ 现在的竞争一年比一年剧烈。
 ☞ The competition has been growing fiercer every year.
 ☞ 这是场剧烈的战耳,双方都损失严重。
 ☞ It was a fierce battle in which both sides suffered heavy losses.
 ☞ 经济改革引起了剧烈的社会变革。
 ☞ The economic reform caused radical social changes.
 ☞ 解散国会是相当剧烈的一步。
 ☞ Disbanding the congress was a rather radical step.
 ☞ 轮胎的接触面由于剧烈作用而容易磨损。
 ☞ The wheel-tire interface wears easily because of severe actions.
 ☞ 他刚一动,一阵剧烈的疼痛就攫住了全身。
 ☞ A severe pain had seized him as he moved.
 ☞ 工资冻结引起了劳资间的剧烈对抗。
 ☞ The wage freeze engendered acute antagonism between labor and capital.
 ☞ 这件事以后,党内斗争就变得更加剧烈了。
 ☞ After that the struggle inside the Party grew more acute.

 ☞ 他用斧子劈木头。
 ☞ He split the wood with an axe.
 ☞ 只有熟练工人才能把板岩劈成一片片板材。
 ☞ Only a skilled workman can split slate into layers.
 ☞ 大树遭雷劈了。
 ☞ The big tree was split by lightning.(指纵向劈开)
 ☞ 或The big tree was struck by lightning.(只指遭雷击)。
 ☞ 消防队员在墙上劈了个洞。
 ☞ The firemen chopped a hole in the wall.
 ☞ 他把旧椅子劈了作引火柴。
 ☞ He chopped the old chair for firewood.
  ■ 不过有时chop在某些状语修饰下也可指劈一次。
 ☞ 我把一段木头一下就劈成了两半。
 ☞ I chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.
 ☞ 他最后一击,劈开了对手的头颅。
 ☞ He struck the final blow, cleaving his opponent's skull.
 ☞ 鲸鱼的尾巴一扫,把我们的小船劈成了两半。
 ☞ A blow of the whale's tail cleft our boat in two.
  ■ cleave与chop的区别在于表示“一下劈成两半”时不需要状语修饰。
 ☞ 我把一段木头劈成两半。
 ☞ I cleft the block of wood in two,试比较:I chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.
 ☞ 每一面峭壁似乎比前一面更加陡峭,看上去好像是天上掉下来一把巨斧猛地劈了下来,在两面峭壁之间劈出了一条通道。
 ☞ Every cliff seemed steeper than the last, and they looked as though some mighty axe had smashed down from heaven and cleaved its way through them.
 ☞ 大浪几乎朝着我们头顶劈过来。
 ☞ Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us.
 ☞ 我们的船只劈风斩浪驶向南极。
 ☞ Our ship sails to the South Pole, braving the wind and the wave.
 ☞ 他一巴掌劈到我脸上。
 ☞ He slapped me on the face.
 ☞ 村长带领我们劈山造田。
 ☞ Our village head led us in leveling off hill tops and turning them into flat fields.
力气 力气
 ☞ 你有力气背起这么重的东西吗?
 ☞ Do you have the strength to carry on back such a heavy load?
 ☞ 我有你的力气就好了。
 ☞ I wish I had your strength.
 ☞ 骆驼的力气远不及大象。
 ☞ A camel is much inferior to an elephant in strength.
  ■ strength还可用于转义。
 ☞ 顶住上级的压力是要费很大力气的。
 ☞ It took great strength to resist the pressure of the higher authorities.
2.effort, 指使出来的劲。
 ☞ 不费力气是什么都学不好的。
 ☞ You can't learn anything without making an effort.
 ☞ 登山是要出力气的。
 ☞ Mountaineering takes efforts.
 ☞ 医生花了好大力气,病人才得以康复。
 ☞ The patient, on whom the doctor spent much effort, has recovered.
方法 方法
 ☞ 一个工厂必须建立一套更为经济有效的方法。
 ☞ It is necessary for a factory to establish more economical and effective methods.
 ☞ 他授课的方法是鼓励学生通过讨论来解决问题。
 ☞ His method of teaching is by encouraging the students to solve problems through discussion.
 ☞ 如果你方法得当,说服他也容易。
 ☞ It's easy to persuade him if you go with the right method.
 ☞ 他同意我们的目标,但批评了我们的方法。
 ☞ He agreed with our purpose but criticized our procedure.
 ☞ 你做火腿月饼的方法是什么?
 ☞ What is your procedure in making ham moon-cakes?
 ☞ 我发现他的管理缺少方法。
 ☞ I find that his management lacks system.
 ☞ 他提供信息的新方法蛮管用。
 ☞ His new system for providing information works quite well.
 ☞ 他处理危机的方法防止了一场灾难。
 ☞ His approach to the crisis averted a catastrophe.
 ☞ 学外语最好的方法是学习口语。
 ☞ When you learn a foreign language, the best approach is the study of the spoken language.
 ☞ 摆脱这一困境的方法尚未找到。
 ☞ A way out of the difficulty has not yet been found.
 ☞ 必须用某种方法来完成工作。
 ☞ The work must be finished one way or another.
 ☞ 他突然想出了一个干这活的新方法。
 ☞ He's struck on a novel means of doing the job.
 ☞ 你有什么鉴定的方法吗?
 ☞ Do you have any means of identification?
力量 力量
 ☞ 团结一切可以团结的力量。
 ☞ Unite with all the forces that can be united.
 ☞ 爆炸的力量震碎了所有的窗子。
 ☞ The force of the explosion broke all the windows.
 ☞ 她朋友都学她的样子,这一点就可以看出她的人格力量。
 ☞ The force of her personality can be seen in the way her friends imitate her.
 ☞ 道义上的力量在我们一边。
 ☞ The moral force is on our side.
 ☞ 团结就是力量。
 ☞ In union there is strength.
 ☞ 我们低估了敌人的力量。
 ☞ We underestimated the enemy's strength.
 ☞ 意志的力量是无穷的。
 ☞ The strength of will is infinite.
 ☞ 他们是国家真正的力量和中坚。
 ☞ They constitute the real strength and backbone of the country.
 ☞ 一个国家的力量在于其工农业的发展水平。
 ☞ The might of a country is in its level of industrial and agricultural development.
 ☞ 美国的全部力量无法集中在地中海。
 ☞ The full might of the United States could not possibly be concentrated in the Mediterranean.
 ☞ 坦克战是一场装甲力量的比赛。
 ☞ The tank battle is a test of armored might.
 ☞ 亲眼见到这位小妇人竟有把人呼来喝去的力量, 真是不可思议。
 ☞ It was really strange to witness the power the little woman had over her people.
 ☞ 我想请你对此加以制止。我知道你有这个力量。
 ☞ I would like to ask you to put a stop to it. I know you have the power.
 ☞ 知识就是力量。
 ☞ Knowledge is power.
 ☞ 世界上还没有一种力量可以让我做我不想做的事情。
 ☞ No power on earth can make me do what I don't want to do.
 ☞ 给我印象最深刻的是他那股好像永远用不完的力量。
 ☞ What impressed me most is his seemingly inexhaustible energy.
 ☞ 他的全部力量都用在帮助她的学习上了。
 ☞ He put all his energies into helping her in her study.
 ☞ 她听到这消息,似乎一下就充满了力量。
 ☞ She seemed to be suddenly filled with energy when she heard the news.

 ☞ 我们都劝他戒烟。
 ☞ We all advised him to give up smoking 医生劝他好好休息。
 ☞ The doctor advised him to have a good rest.
 ☞ 她父亲劝她不要忙着结婚。
 ☞ Her father advised her against marrying in haste.
 ☞ 他曾劝我不要那么干。
 ☞ He had advised me against doing so.
 ☞ 大家围着我劝酒。
 ☞ All urged me to drink, gathering about me.
 ☞ 他说我有那么好的中文底子,劝我写个剧本。
 ☞ He urged me to write a play by saying that I have such a good ground in Chinese.
3.try to persuade,指试图说服。
 ☞ 我们劝他参加我们的俱乐部。
 ☞ We tried to persuade him to join our club.
 ☞ 他劝我别去了。
 ☞ He tried to persuade me not to go.
 ☞ 我劝了他半天,他就是不听。
 ☞ I spent a long time trying to talk him round, but he just wouldn't listen.
 ☞ 他心里不好受,你去劝劝他吧。
 ☞ He's feeling bad. Please go and say a few words to comfort him.
 ☞ 经过同志们的劝说,他终于想通了。
 ☞ With the help of his comrades, he has finally straightened things out in his mind.
办到 办到
 ☞ 原来认为办不到的事,现在办到了。
 ☞ What was thought impossible has now been done.
 ☞ 说到办到。
 ☞ No sooner said than done.
 ☞ 时代不同了,男女都一样。男同志能办到的事情,女同志也能办到。
 ☞ Times have changed, and today men and women are equal. Whatever men comrades can accomplish women comrades can too。
 ☞ 实际上,这就是句型练习打算办到的事情。
 ☞ This, in fact, is what the patter drills are supposed to accomplish.
 ☞ 作了种种让步之后,实现和解是办得到的。
 ☞ It is possible to effect reconciliation after all concessions.
 ☞ 要年轻人跟他住在一起是办不到的。
 ☞ It is impossible for young people to live with him.
4.表示可行或不可行,可译be feasible,workable,infeasible。
 ☞ 你这个计划听起来是办得到的。
 ☞ Your plan sounds workable (feasible).
 ☞ 开除他是办不到的。
 ☞ It is infeasible to dismiss him.
办法 办法
 ☞ 学语言的最好办法是多多练习。
 ☞ The best way of learning a language is to practice it as much as possible.
 ☞ 勤勤恳恳地工作是走向成功的可靠办法。
 ☞ To work diligently is the surest way to success.
 ☞ 段落大意的归纳有各种办法。
 ☞ Summaries of paragraphs can be handled in a variety of ways.
 ☞ 她没有其他办法挣钱。
 ☞ She had no other means of obtaining money.
 ☞ 独裁者总是想尽办法企图保持对局势的控制。
 ☞ The dictator always tries every possible means to perpetuate his domination over the situation.
 ☞ 坐飞机是到那里去的最快的办法。
 ☞ Taking a plane is the quickest means of getting there.
 ☞ 他用尽各种办法,但白费心思。
 ☞ He tried every means but bothered his head for nothing.
 ☞ 一切办法都已用尽,但买卖毫无起色。
 ☞ All possible means were up but there was no pick up in business at all.
3.指措施,步骤,译approach (to)。
 ☞ 我们现在发展重工业可以有两种办法。
 ☞ There are two possible approaches to our development of heavy industry.
 ☞ 学习外语的最好办法是学口语。
 ☞ When learning a foreign language the best approach is to learn the spoken language.
 ☞ 他必须离开她,没有其他办法。
 ☞ He must leave her. There was no other alternative.
 ☞ 所有这些考虑促使人们去寻求别的办法。
 ☞ All these considerations encouraged the search for alternatives.
 ☞ 如果他今晚想到北京,除了坐飞机别无办法。
 ☞ If he wants to get to Beijing by tonight he has no alternative but to go by plane.
5.指机智、胜任、熟练,可相应译resourceful in,competent for (in), proficient in (at).
 ☞ 动员组织群众还是他有办法。
 ☞ It is he who is resourceful in mobilizing and organizing the masses.
 ☞ 他教书很有办法。
 ☞ He is competent for (in) teaching.
 ☞ 他在断肢再植上很有办法。
 ☞ He is quite proficient in (at) the reattachment of severed limbs.
 ☞ 他站在那里毫无办法,简直不知怎么办了。
 ☞ He stood there helpless, simply not knowing what to do.
 ☞ 他高度近视,没有眼镜几乎毫无办法。
 ☞ He is very shortsighted, almost helpless without his glasses.
办理 办理
 ☞ 本公司办理进出口业务。
 ☞ Our company handles imports and exports.
 ☞ 这些事情你可以斟酌办理。
 ☞ You may handle these matters as you see fit.
 ☞ 一定要把这件事交给我来办理。
 ☞ Do leave this affair in my hand and I will manage it.
 ☞ 你母亲办理这种事有本事。
 ☞ Your mother has a genius for managing such things.
3.强调进行,可用conduct, in the conduct of。
 ☞ 商人、作家、演员都可请代理人来办理各自的业务。
 ☞ Businessmen, authors and actors all may hire agents to conduct their affairs.
 ☞ 他办理这种事非常起劲。
 ☞ He is extraordinarily eager in the conduct of the matter.
 ☞ 我们暂时还不能办理这项工作。
 ☞ We can't undertake the work for the time being.
 ☞ 安排他们在机场见面一事,他们要我们来办理。
 ☞ They want us to undertake the arrangement for them to meet at the airport.
 ☞ 贵公司办理世界各地商店的批发业务吗?
 ☞ Does your firm transact wholesale business with stores all over the world?
 ☞ 有事要办理,我得见他。
 ☞ There is business to transact, so I am obliged to see him.
6.强调办某种手续,可用go through formalities (procedure)。
 ☞ 我们休息一下就去办理出(入)境手续。
 ☞ Let's have a short rest before going through the exit (entry) formalities.
 ☞ 办理海关手续要多少时间?
 ☞ How long will it take to go through the customs formalities?

1.plus, and,指相加。前者为介词,后者为连词。
 ☞ 22加5为7。
 ☞ Two plus five is seven.
 ☞ 3加3等于6。
 ☞ Three plus three is six.
 ☞ 2加3等于5。
 ☞ Two and three is five.
2.add to (up),也指相加或添加但为动词。
 ☞ 5加5得10。
 ☞ Five added to five makes ten.
 ☞ 把这些数字加起来,看看总数对不对。
 ☞ Add up the figures and see if the sum is correct.
 ☞ 茶太浓,请加点水。
 ☞ The tea is too strong. Please add some water.
 ☞ 把这些加到你已记下来的例子里。
 ☞ Add these examples to those you have already noted.
 ☞ 我们加工资了。
 ☞ We have our pay raised.
 ☞ 食油加价超过100%。
 ☞ The price of cooking oil was raised by more than 10 percent.
4.put in (on),指加放。
 ☞ 他往火里又加了块木头。
 ☞ He put another log on the fire.
 ☞ 往汤里加点盐。
 ☞ Put some salt in the soup.
 ☞ 出门前多加衣服。
 ☞ Put on more clothes before you go out.
 ☞ 在他的反驳文章里加了条按语。
 ☞ A note was appended to his rejoinder.
 ☞ 他往他的报告里加了个总结。
 ☞ He appended a summary to his report.
 ☞ 欲加之罪,何患无词。
 ☞ If you are out to condemn somebody, you can always trump up a charge.
 ☞ 出版商对他的著作大加赞赏。
 ☞ The publishers praised his works highly.
 ☞ 他不加考虑就拒绝了他的建议。
 ☞ He turned down his suggestion without considering it at all.
 ☞ 违法乱纪者要严加处分。
 ☞ Those who break the law and violate discipline shall be punished severely.
加上 加上
1.add (on), in addition,指添加。
 ☞ 火要灭了,你加上点木头好吗?
 ☞ The fire is going out, will you add some wood?
 ☞ 去年,王大爷一家养鸡挣了3万元,加上卖西瓜挣的钱,总收入共为5万元。
 ☞ Last year, Uncle Wang's family earned thirty thousand yuan from raising chicken. Adding on the money they earned from selling watermelons, their income totaled fifty thousand yuan.
 ☞ 我妈给了我们野餐用的三明治,再加上一袋饼干。
 ☞ My mother gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies in addition.
 ☞ 代表团共有12位代表,加上两位翻译,共14人。
 ☞ The delegation includes 12 delegates, plus 2 interpreters, so there are 14 people altogether.
 ☞ 他的工资加上奖金为2,000元。
 ☞ His wages plus bonus are two thousand yuan.
 ☞ 办个企业本来就不容易,加上这些没完没了的烦琐手续,工作就更加困难了。
 ☞ It isn't easy to start a business in the first place, but with all this endless red tape, it is all the more difficult.
 ☞ 她的住处离这里远,加上交通问题,所以很少来。
 ☞ She lives very far away, and what with transport problems, she seldom comes.
4.moreover, what is more,指进一步。
 ☞ 房价太高,再加上房子的地段也不合适。
 ☞ The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable location.
 ☞ 外面在下雨,你不能出去,加上你的家庭作业还没做完。
 ☞ You cannot go out, because it is raining outside. Moreover, your homework hasn't been done.
 ☞ 他半夜才回家,还加上喝醉了酒。
 ☞ He came home at midnight, and what's more, he was drunk.
 ☞ 这种鞋结实耐穿,加上价格便宜,很受欢迎。
 ☞ These shoes are very popular. They are sturdy and, what's more, they're cheap.
 ☞ 他又给自己加上了新头衔。
 ☞ Again he conferred a new title on himself.
 ☞ 他们不择手段给我加上种种罪名。
 ☞ They stopped at nothing to level all sorts of charges against me.
加倍 加倍
1.double (doubly),指数量上的加倍,因此是具体的、准确的。
 ☞ 明年的产量可能加倍。
 ☞ The output may double next year.
 ☞ 上一年公司的赢利加了1倍。
 ☞ The company had doubled its profits the previous year.
 ☞ 我花了100元买了这本旧书,而王教授愿加1倍的钱来买它。
 ☞ I paid one hundred yuan for this old book and Professor Wang offered me double for it.
 ☞ 今天路滑,开车要加倍小心。
 ☞ The roads are slippery today, so you'll have to be doubly careful when driving the car.
 ☞ 我们要加倍努力以按时完成工作。
 ☞ We ought to redouble our efforts to finish the work on time.
 ☞ 我们以加倍的热情来迎接胜利。
 ☞ We met the victory with redoubled zeal.
加剧 加剧
 ☞ 冷天加剧了他的关节炎。
 ☞ The cold weather aggravated his arthritis.
 ☞ 忧郁加剧了她的病情。
 ☞ Grief aggravated her illness.
 ☞ 人口密度的增加及工业技术的发展常会加剧污染问题。
 ☞ The increase in population density and the development in industrial technology often intensify pollution problems.
 ☞ 躺下只会加剧疼痛。
 ☞ Lying down will only intensify the pain.
 ☞ 经济危机大大加剧了群众中的不满。
 ☞ The economic crisis greatly intensified the discontent among the masses.
 ☞ 他的病情由于炎热而加剧了。
 ☞ His illness was exacerbated by the heat.
 ☞ 预料中的罢工必将加剧社会的紧张局势。
 ☞ An anticipated strike will inevitably exacerbate social tension.
 ☞ 年龄上的差异加剧了夫妻间的矛盾。
 ☞ Disparity in age exacerbated the contradiction between husband and wife.
4.worsen, take a turn for the worse,指变坏。
 ☞ 他的病情加剧了。
 ☞ His illness has worsened.
 ☞ 这场雨加剧了我们的困难。
 ☞ The rain has worsened our difficulties.
 ☞ 病人的病情加剧了。
 ☞ The patient's condition worse.
 ☞ 党派的支持加剧了幕后的活动。
 ☞ The support from political parties and groups furthered the behind-the-scene activities.
 ☞ 这种坏死组织的继续存在使创伤加剧。
 ☞ The persistence of this dead tissue furthers the injury.
加固 加固
 ☞ 部队加固了已经占领的阵地。
 ☞ The army consolidated the position which they had captured.
 ☞ 冰冻的淤泥加固了路面。
 ☞ The frozen mud has consolidated the road surface.
 ☞ 我们做了种种准备来加固堤坝。
 ☞ We have made all kinds of preparations to reinforce dykes and dams.
 ☞ 为了防震,这座楼正在加固。
 ☞ As precautions against earthquakes, the building is being reinforced.
 ☞ 部队利用战斗间歇加固工事。
 ☞ The troops improved their defense works between battles.
 ☞ 自从他接任指挥以后,防务已大大加固。
 ☞ The matters pertaining to defense have been improved greatly since he took over command.
 ☞ 木桶通常用金属箍加固。
 ☞ Wooden barrels are usually strengthened with metal bands.
 ☞ 市民倾城而出去加固防御工事。
 ☞ The people in the city turned out to strengthen their defense works.
加强 加强
 ☞ 我们正在采取措施以逐步加强薄弱区段的改造。
 ☞ We are taking measures to strengthen gradually the transformation of the weak sections.
 ☞ 为使青年真正认识到学习的重要性,必须加强对他们的教育。
 ☞ Education must be strengthened among the youth in order that they can truly recognize the importance of study.
 ☞ 我们学生要加强团结,互相帮助。
 ☞ We students should strengthen our unity and help each other.
 ☞ 我们需要别的国家来加强我们在外交上的灵活性。
 ☞ We need other countries to enhance the flexibility of our diplomacy.
 ☞ 只有加强战备才能防止战争。
 ☞ Only by enhancing combat preparedness can we guard against war.
 ☞ 试种水稻成功加强了我们的信心。
 ☞ The success of growing rice on a trial basis enhanced our confidence.
 ☞ 我们必须对部队加强教育工作。
 ☞ We must intensify our educational work among our own troops.
 ☞ 政府很快就加强了对这一运动的镇压。
 ☞ The government soon intensified their suppression of this movement.
 ☞ 为防止毒品渗入我国,我们已经加强了边境的巡逻。
 ☞ We have intensified the patrols along the frontier to guard against the drug penetration into our country.
 ☞ 12名富有经验的矿工加强了营救工作。
 ☞ Twelve experienced miners reinforced the rescue.
 ☞ 超级大国企图以各种办法来加强对该国的控制。
 ☞ The superpowers tried every possible way to reinforce their domination in that country.
 ☞ 他引用了一系列事实来加强他的论据。
 ☞ He reinforced his argument with a series of facts.
 ☞ 看到工作成绩,大家感到信心都加强了。
 ☞ Seeing the results of their work, everyone felt their confidence increase.
 ☞ 他决定加强体育锻炼。
 ☞ He decided to increase physical training.
 ☞ 贸易上的利害冲突加强了美日矛盾。
 ☞ The conflict of interests in trade has increased the contradiction between the USA and Japan.
 ☞ 我们组的信心随着每一次的胜利而加强。
 ☞ Our team's confidence augments with every victory.
 ☞ 他所做的一切都只是为了加强他自己的威信。
 ☞ What he did is only to augment his own prestige.
 ☞ 我们注意到日本正在加强其军事力量。
 ☞ We have noticed that Japan is augmenting her military strength.
 ☞ 你这个同志应该加强敌情观念。
 ☞ You, my comrade, should heighten your awareness of the enemy's activities.
 ☞ 这次演出加强了我对他的倾慕。
 ☞ The performance heightened my admiration for him.
 ☞ 政府加强了大使馆周围的安全措施。
 ☞ The government tightened security around the embassy.
 ☞ 独裁者加强了对人民的控制。
 ☞ The dictator tightened his control of the people.
加速 加速
 ☞ 我们有什么办法可以加速会议的准备工作?
 ☞ Is there any way we can quicken the preparation for the conference?
 ☞ 看见她走到拐角,我的心跳加速了。
 ☞ My heart quickened when I saw her go to the comer.
2.speed (up),指加快速度。
 ☞ 这一事件加速了中国人民的觉醒。
 ☞ The incident has speeded the awakening of the Chinese people.
 ☞ 我国政府正在加速农业的发展。
 ☞ Our government is speeding up the development of agriculture.
 ☞ 肥料会加速植物的生长。
 ☞ Fertilizer will accelerate the growth of plants.
 ☞ 腐烂由于酶而加速。
 ☞ Decay is accelerated by enzymes.
 ☞ 他的死加速了全家的分裂。
 ☞ His death hastened the breaking up of the family.
 ☞ 反动派的垂死挣扎只能加速其灭亡。
 ☞ The deathbed struggle of reactionaries can only hasten their doom.
 ☞ 这次会议制订了一个大纲来加速现代化。
 ☞ The conference laid down a program to advance the modernization.
 ☞ 营养不良只会加速病情的发展。
 ☞ Malnutrition only advances the progress of the disease.
6.step up,指加快节奏。
 ☞ 为了提高生活水准,我们得加速生产。
 ☞ In order to raise our standard of living we've got to step up production.
 ☞ 血管扩张会加速心跳并引起头痛。
 ☞ Vasodilatation may step up the heart rate and cause headaches.
加重 加重
 ☞ 毫无疑问,这一切都大大加重了教师的负担。
 ☞ There is no doubt that all this puts a considerable burden on the teachers.
 ☞ 这次升职大大加重了他的责任。
 ☞ The promotion has put great responsibility on him.
2.add to,指在原来的情况下增加。
 ☞ 你有什么权利来加重她的思想负担?
 ☞ What right do you have to add to her mental burden?
 ☞ 燃煤发电厂大大加重了空气的污染。
 ☞ Power plants that burn coal add greatly to air pollution.
 ☞ 回顾她过去的感情加重了百无聊赖的情景。
 ☞ The feeling glimpse of her past emphasized the scene of aimlessness.
 ☞ 这次车祸加重了后果的严重性。
 ☞ This automobile accident emphasized the gravity of the consequence.
 ☞ 他对我说话时加重了语气。
 ☞ He said to me with emphasis.
 ☞ 旱灾加重了食物的匮乏。
 ☞ The drought aggravated the lack of food.
 ☞ 冷天通常会加重你的关节炎。
 ☞ As a rule, the cold weather aggravates your arthritis.
 ☞ 病人的病情加重了。
 ☞ The patient's condition worsened.
 ☞ 银行收紧银根加重了我们的经济困难。
 ☞ The tightening-up of money by the bank has worsened our economic difficulty.
 ☞ 由于20世纪70年代末期有30%以上的供应依靠进口,结果就加重了国际收支的负担。
 ☞ As a result, the burden on the international balance of payments increased as more than 30 percent of the supplies were imported in the late 1970s.
 ☞ 工人阶级的觉醒加重了他们的惊恐。
 ☞ The awakening of the working class increased their alarm.
 ☞ 奸商往米里掺水来加重分量。
 ☞ Profiteers made rice heavier by adding water to it.
 ☞ 这坏消息更加重了我们对事态的忧虑。
 ☞ The bad news made us more anxious about the state of affairs.
务必 务必
1.must, 指必须,语气强烈。
 ☞ 你务必准时上班。
 ☞ You must try to get to work on time.
 ☞ 我对他说了,他务必做出决定。
 ☞ I told him he must make a decision.
 ☞ 务必使同志们保持艰苦奋斗的作风。
 ☞ The comrades must be helped to preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle.
2.be sure to,指一定,语气较弱,往往用于祈使句。
 ☞ 务必使大家明白这一点。
 ☞ Be sure to make this point clear to everyone.
 ☞ 你务必在本周内去看望他一次。
 ☞ Be sure to go and see him before the week is out.
 ☞ 你一到那里,务必写信给我。
 ☞ Be sure to write to me as soon as you get there.
  ■ make sure也有类似的意思,但后面接从句。
 ☞ 你走时房子务必要锁好。
 ☞ Make sure that the house is properly locked when you leave.
 ☞ 打包时务必不要忘了你需要的东西。
 ☞ Make sure that you haven't forgotten to pack everything you're likely to need.
3.see to it that,指通过关心、照料等务必做到,一般也用于祈使句。
 ☞ 务必使同学们做好考试的充分准备。
 ☞ See to it that the students are fully prepared for the examination.
 ☞ 下次务必不要再迟到。
 ☞ See to it that you are not late again.
  ■ 但如果用于陈述句,因为失去了祈使句的敦促语气,可在see to it that前加must。
 ☞ 我们务必使党的政策得到贯彻。
 ☞ We must see to it that the Party's policies are implemented.
 ☞ 货物的安全务必落实。
 ☞ The security of the goods must be seen to.
 ☞ 养老院里的护士什么都干,务必使老人得到适当的照顾。
 ☞ The nurses of the rest home do everything to ensure that old people are properly cared for.
 ☞ 医生给患儿打了针抗生素,务必使之早日康复。
 ☞ The doctor gave the sick baby an antibiotic to ensure its quick recovery.
 ☞ 请务必光临指导。
 ☞ You are cordially invited to come and give guidance.
 ☞ 参观者务必不要触摸展品。
 ☞ Visitors are requested not to touch items on display.
 ☞ 这封信请你务必带到。
 ☞ Please deliver this letter without fail.
 ☞ 请你务必原谅。
 ☞ Do forgive me.
动员 动员
 ☞ 蒋介石在第五次围剿时期动员了约90万军队来对付红军。
 ☞ In the fifth "encirclement and suppression" campaign Chiang Kai-Shek mobilized about 900,000 troops against the Red Army.
 ☞ 动员了一切人力物力来支援社会主义建设。
 ☞ All manpower and material resources are mobilized for the socialist construction.
 ☞ 军队动员于48小时内完成。
 ☞ The mobilization of the army was completed in 48 hours.
 ☞ 瘟疫的流行把当地人动员起来采取行动。
 ☞ The spread of epidemic diseases aroused the local people to take action.
 ☞ 我们应当动员他们为自己的解放而战斗。
 ☞ We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.
 ☞ 他们动员世界舆论来反对核武器。
 ☞ They rallied world opinion against nuclear weapons.
 ☞ 工人都动员起来完成和超额完成任务。
 ☞ The workers were rallied to fulfill and overfulfill the task.
4.galvanize... into,指受激励后采取行动。
 ☞ 整个医院都动员起来,抢救伤员。
 ☞ The whole hospital was galvanized into action to save the wounded.
 ☞ 人民都动员起来备战。
 ☞ The people were galvanized into preparation for war.
动摇 动摇
 ☞ 我对他的信心大为动摇。
 ☞ My faith in him was severely shaken.
 ☞ 起义成功动摇了反动政府的基础。
 ☞ The success of the uprising shook the foundation of the reactionary government.
 ☞ 威逼利诱动摇不了一个革命战士钢铁般的意志。
 ☞ No coerce and cajolery can shake the iron will of a revolutionary fighter.
 ☞ 人民革命斗争从基础上动摇了反动派的统治。
 ☞ The people's revolutionary struggle shook the rule of the reactionaries to its very foundation.
 ☞ 货币危机动摇了经济。
 ☞ The currency crisis shook the economy.
 ☞ 他的决心是不会因为人们的说三道四而动摇的。
 ☞ His determination will not be shaken by anything people say.
 ☞ 等他下了决心是什么也动摇不了他的。
 ☞ Nothing can sway him after he has made up his mind.
 ☞ 任何艰苦环境也动摇不了这一大批积极分子征服自然的决心。
 ☞ Any tough condition never sways the large number of activists in their determination to conquer nature.
 ☞ 是寒冷的天气使他们动摇的,于是他们决心去南方了。
 ☞ It was the cold weather that swayed them, and they decided to go south.
3.hesitate, falter,均表示行动前的犹豫不决。
 ☞ 他对是否参加探险还在动摇。
 ☞ He is still hesitating about whether to join the expedition.
 ☞ 我对是否接受邀请是动摇的。
 ☞ I hesitated about whether to accept the invitation.
 ☞ 为达到目的,我们干什么都决不动摇。
 ☞ We never hesitate at anything to gain our end.
 ☞ 我们的信心即使在逆境中也决不动摇。
 ☞ Our confidence will not falter even in adversity.
 ☞ 他一旦下了决心,就会对你忠心耿耿,决不动摇。
 ☞ Once his mind was made up, he never faltered in his loyalty to you.
4.waver, vacillate,均表示决定后还在动摇。
 ☞ 原则问题决不能动摇。
 ☞ One should never waver on matters of principles.
 ☞ 中农在开始阶段是动摇的。
 ☞ The middle peasants wavered in the initial stages.
 ☞ 斗争中我们风吹浪打不动摇。
 ☞ We never waver in the storm and stress of struggle.
 ☞ 接受还是不接受,他在动摇之中。
 ☞ He is wavering between accepting and refusing.
 ☞ 他对种种意见分歧动摇不定。
 ☞ He vacillated between different opinions.
 ☞ 你干吗那么动摇不定的?
 ☞ Why do you vacillate so?
动静 动静
 ☞ 屋子里静悄悄的,一点动静也没有。
 ☞ It was quiet in the room; there was not the slightest stir.
 ☞ 一丝风也没有,连树梢都没有动静。
 ☞ There wasn't a breath of air; even the treetops were not stirring.
 ☞ 在敌人阵地上看不出有多少动静。
 ☞ Not much movement could be seen in the enemy's positions.
 ☞ 夕阳西下后,在这个寂静的村子街道上很少有什么动静。
 ☞ There's little movement after sunset in the streets of this quiet village.
 ☞ 警察发现屋里有可疑的动静。
 ☞ The policeman spotted something suspicious in the house.
 ☞ 一有动静就立刻来报告。
 ☞ Rush to report as soon as anything happens.
 ☞ 我们埋伏了一整夜,但是没有动静。
 ☞ We laid in ambush whole night but nothing happened.
 ☞ 这事一直没有动静。
 ☞ There has been no news of it so far.(指消息)
 ☞ 我们要求救助的呼吁没有动静。
 ☞ Our appeal for aid met no response.(指反应)
 ☞ 前线没有动静。
 ☞ No actions happened at the front.(指战斗)
助长 助长
 ☞ 你的话只会助长他们之间的分歧。
 ☞ What you said only encouraged their divisiveness.
  "None of the Party committee's business" attitude only encourages the evil trends.
2.foster, 指带有贬意的培养。
 ☞ 有时,不恰当地宣传边界问题会助长国家间的敌对情绪。
 ☞ Inappropriate propaganda about border issues sometimes fosters hostility between nations.
 ☞ 有关她绯闻的流言蜚语助长了她丈夫的怀疑。
 ☞ The gossip about her sexy news has fostered her husband's suspicion.
3.whet, 指受到某种刺激而助长。
 ☞ 食物奇缺助长了我们的胃口。
 ☞ Great shortage of food whetted our appetite.
 ☞ 一再让步只会助长侵略者的野心。
 ☞ Making one concession after another will only whet the ambitions of the aggressors.
4.make sb. ,后接带贬意的形容词比较级,也有“助长”意思。
 ☞ 恭维只会助长他的骄气。
 ☞ Flattery will make him more arrogant.
 ☞ 自我放纵会助长你的骄纵。
 ☞ Self-indulgence will make you more arrogant and willful.
努力 努力
 ☞ 所有这些努力都以失败告终。
 ☞ All of these efforts have ended in failure.
 ☞ 由于他们共同的努力,两国之间的友谊一定会继续加强。
 ☞ By their joint efforts the friendship between the two countries will surely be further strengthened.
 ☞ 我们为他的获释作了加倍的努力。
 ☞ We redoubled our efforts for his release.
  ■ “做出努力”的动词是make (an) effort。如:
 ☞ 她知道她以前的努力都没有作用,但她还要再做一番努力。
 ☞ She knew that her original efforts were in vain but she would make an effort once more.
 ☞ 为了加强我们的团结,还要做出更多的努力。
 ☞ More efforts should be made to strengthen our unity.
  ■ “需要努力”是take an effort。如:
 ☞ 掌握一门外语需要极大的努力。
 ☞ Mastering a foreign language takes a great effort.或 It takes a great effort to master a foreign language.
 ☞ 对资历浅的工作人员,人们都希望看到他们能在工作中表现出更大的努力。
 ☞ Workers with low qualifications are expected to show greater exertion in their work.
 ☞ 他没能举起石头,尽管他做了最大的努力。
 ☞ He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertion.
  ■ “做出努力”是exert oneself。
 ☞ 现在的小学生日子很苦,他们得整年努力以获得高分。
 ☞ Nowadays, pupils have very hard days. They have to exert themselves all year in earning good marks.
 ☞ 要是你再做一番努力,你就会赢得这场比赛。
 ☞ lf you exert yourself once more you will win the race.
 ☞ 我们大家都应为实现科学技术现代化而努力奋斗。
 ☞ All of us must exert ourselves in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology.
 ☞ 最后,死亡终止了他的努力。
 ☞ At last the death put an end to his endeavor.
 ☞ 画肖像画是我毕生为之努力的目标。
 ☞ Portrait painting is my goal in lifelong endeavor.
  ■ “做出努力”是make an endeavor。如:
 ☞ 多年来我们已做出了种种努力要赢得这场比赛。
 ☞ We've made every endeavor for many years to win this game.
 ☞ 我们希望你能说服你有病的母亲要做出努力使病情好转。
 ☞ We hope you could persuade your sick mother to make an endeavor to get better.
  ■ 此外,endeavor还可用于动词。
 ☞ 我们自然会努力把他争取到我们这一边。
 ☞ We shall naturally endeavor to win him to our side.
 ☞ 不管他怎么努力,目标仍未达到。
 ☞ How much he endeavored, the goal still remained unattained.
 ☞ 没有努力,何来收获。
 ☞ No pains,no gains.
 ☞ 我以极大的努力和耐心,最后总算从他们那里得到了我想要的信息。
 ☞ With great pains and much patience, I at last managed to get from them the information I wanted.
  ■ 但是,pains有另一个微妙的意思是付出的努力与得到的回报并不等值或者表面看来似乎要付出很大的努力,但实际上并不需要这么大的努力。
 ☞ 他付出了努力,得到的却是忘恩负义。
 ☞ All he got for his pains was ingratitude.
 ☞ 5O元!这就是你对我努力的回报?
 ☞ Fifty yuan! Is that all you give me for my pains?
 ☞ 事实上,任何一点努力都可以让你的学生安下心来。
 ☞ In fact any pains could put your students at ease.
  ■ “做出努力”的动词是take pains。如:
 ☞ 要努力做到准确无误。
 ☞ Take pains to be accurate.
 ☞ 她舞台上的化装总是要做一番努力的。
 ☞ She always takes pains with her stage make-up.
5.take trouble over,与take pains相同,也指表面上似乎要做很大努力,但实际上并不需要那么大。
 ☞ 只要他能做点努力按时做好作业,他就会是个好学生。
 ☞ He'd be a good student if he'd only take trouble to get his work done on time.
 ☞ 他在绘画上是做了许多努力的。
 ☞ He has taken a lot of trouble over his painting.
 ☞ 我们加入世贸组织以后,应当努力学习各种各样的新东西。
 ☞ We must take trouble to learn everything new after we joined WTO.
6.make a bid (for),指努力争取。
 ☞ 谈判将为打破僵局而再做一番努力。
 ☞ The negotiations will make another bid to break the deadlock.
 ☞ 我们正为扩大贸易做出努力。
 ☞ We are making a bid for bigger trade.
7.do one's best, do one's utmost,指尽最大努力。
 ☞ 只要你尽了最大的努力,别人如何想并不重要。
 ☞ If you do your best it doesn't matter what people think of.
 ☞ 我会尽最大努力并用各种办法来帮你。
 ☞ I shall do my best to help you in every way.
 ☞ 我们一直为师生的福利而尽最大的努力。
 ☞ We have been doing our utmost for the welfare of teachers and students.
 ☞ 他的教练为把他塑造成一个超级球星而尽了最大的努力。
 ☞ His coach did his utmost to make him into a football game superstar.
势必 势必
1.will certainly, will undoubtedly,指自然的发展趋势必然如此。
 ☞ 要是他们看见我们做的事,听到我们说的话,势必会把我们都杀了。
 ☞ If they have seen what we do and heard what we say, they will certainly kill us all.
 ☞ 敌我力量的对比表明势必有一场恶战。
 ☞ The relative strength of the enemy forces and our own showed that there would certainly be fierce fighting.
 ☞ 饮酒过量势必影响你的健康。
 ☞ Excessive drinking will undoubtedly affect your health.
 ☞ 经济的持续发展势必会改善我们的工作条件。
 ☞ The sustained development of economy will undoubtedly improve our working conditions.
2.be bound to,指由于某种制约而使势态必然如此。
 ☞ 从长远来看,政府采取的措施势必加速经济的崩溃。
 ☞ In the long run the measures adopted by the government are bound to speed up the economical collapse.
 ☞ 他如果这样下去,势必会有人揭发的。
 ☞ If he keeps going on like that, there's bound to be someone who will expose him.
3.threaten to do, 指势必有某种危险、威胁等。
 ☞ 这些新法律势必会剥夺许多人的基本自由。
 ☞ The new laws threaten to deprive many people of the elementary freedoms.
 ☞ 医院工作人员的罢工势必会中断对病人的护理。
 ☞ A strike of hospital workers threatened to disrupt the care of the sick.
勉强 勉强
1) reluctant, reluctantly, reluctance,指不愿意的勉强。
 ☞ 他终于勉强允许在人体上进行药物试验。
 ☞ Finally he gave his reluctant permission to test the drug on human beings.
 ☞ 她勉强答应再也不干那事,但我不大相信她的诺言。
 ☞ She has given her reluctant promise that she would never do that again, but I don't trust her promise.
 ☞ 由于我们坚持上次会上提出的条件,他勉强同意了。
 ☞ Owing to our insistence on the terms put forward at the previous session he reluctantly agreed.
 ☞ 他答应帮忙,但有点勉强。
 ☞ He agreed to help, but with a certain reluctance.
2) grudge, grudging (ly),指有点舍不得的勉强。
 ☞ 不少生意人上税都很勉强。
 ☞ Not a few businessmen grudge paying their taxes.
 ☞ 这事我看你干得很勉强。
 ☞ I can see you grudge doing it.
 ☞ 他很勉强。
 ☞ He is rather grudging.
 ☞ 他对我所做的一切,总是勉强地笑一笑。
 ☞ At what I had done, he would give a grudging smile.
 ☞ 他的设计先是被勉强接受,但后来却获得赞许。
 ☞ His design at first was grudgingly accepted, but later won favor.
2.指能力不够,但还是尽力去做,用with (an) effort, with difficulty。
 ☞ 病人勉强喝了点粥。
 ☞ With an effort the patient ate some gruel.
 ☞ 他勉强说着话,而且说得很慢。
 ☞ He spoke with effort (with difficulty) and very slowly.
 ☞ 要是他不愿意去就不要勉强他。
 ☞ If he doesn't want to go, don't force him to.
 ☞ 我是勉强一同去的。
 ☞ I was forced to go along.
 ☞ 发展关系不能勉强。
 ☞ Development of relations can't be pressed forcibly.
 ☞ 就剩下这一点粮食,14个人吃恐怕有点勉强。
 ☞ This is all the food left. I'm afraid it's a bit inadequate for fourteen people.
 ☞ 他的工资勉强满足全家的需要。
 ☞ His wages are inadequate to the needs of his family.
 ☞ 你提的理由很勉强。
 ☞ The reason you give is rather unconvincing.
 ☞ 他的辩解有点勉强。
 ☞ His explanation is a bit unconvincing.
6.勉强够,用just enough,bare,barely。
 ☞ 草料勉强够牲口吃一天的。
 ☞ There's just enough cattle fodder for one day's feed.
 ☞ 他的身高也许勉强能达到参军的标准。
 ☞ He might be just tall enough to join the army.
 ☞ 他的工作勉强能维持生活。
 ☞ He ekes out a bare living by his work.
 ☞ 她以勉强多数当选。
 ☞ She was elected by a bare majority.
 ☞ 她勉强赶上了火车。
 ☞ She barely caught the train.
 ☞ 我勉强活到了现在。
 ☞ I've managed to exist so far.
 ☞ 他还没完全恢复,不过能勉强走路了。
 ☞ He is not well enough, but can manage to walk.
 ☞ 世界上许多人只是勉强度日而已。
 ☞ Many people are just scrambling along in the world.
 ☞ 3年来老头和他妻子靠他那点微薄的养老金勉强度日。
 ☞ For three years the old man and his wife scraped along on his small pension.
 ☞ 他数学考得不错,但化学只是勉强及格。
 ☞ He did well in mathematics, but scraped through in chemistry.
 ☞ 那不是个什么了不起的工作,但靠它还能勉强度日。
 ☞ It isn't much of a job, but it will keep the wolf from the door.

1) 用做不及物动词,指耍。
 ☞ 孩子们都喜欢玩球。
 ☞ Children like to play with a ball.
 ☞ 她在家里没人跟她玩。
 ☞ She has no one to play with at home.
 ☞ 小学生都在操场上玩。
 ☞ Pupils are playing in the playground.
2) 用作及物动词,指玩游戏。
 ☞ 我从来不玩纸牌。
 ☞ I never play cards.
 ☞ 有时候我们一起玩玩桥牌。
 ☞ Sometimes we play bridge together.
 ☞ 咱们来玩猫捉老鼠。
 ☞ Let's play cat-catching-mouse.
3) play with,除了表示“玩”以外,还有“玩弄”的意思。
 ☞ 你是想说她一直在玩我?
 ☞ Do you mean to say she has been playing with me all the time?
 ☞ 在大街上撒把骑车简直是玩命。
 ☞ To ride a bicycle in the street without holding the handlebars is simply to play with one's life.
 ☞ 他是说着玩的,不要认真。
 ☞ Don't be serious. He said it for fun.
 ☞ 今晚在聚会上好好玩玩。
 ☞ Have fun at the party tonight.
 ☞ 什么也不干地消磨一个晚上,不好玩。
 ☞ There was no fun in spending the evening doing nothing.
3.employ,指玩手段,手段可好可坏;resort to, 玩卑鄙手段。
 ☞ 干这一行不玩技术吃不开。
 ☞ In this profession one won't be popular without employing one's skill.
 ☞ 他对谁都不讲理,而且还玩邪的。
 ☞ He wouldn't reason with anyone, moreover, he employed underhand means.
 ☞ 即使他玩手段,你也不会上当。
 ☞ You won't be taken in even if he resorts to crafty maneuvers.
 ☞ 他说不过我就玩拳头。
 ☞ Unable to out-speak me, he resorted to fist.
 ☞ 我们在青岛玩了几天。
 ☞ We spent a few days enjoying ourselves in Qingdao.
 ☞ 咱们玩盘棋如何?
 ☞ Shall we have a game of chess?
 ☞ 今天晚上来和我们玩桥牌好吗?
 ☞ Will you come and join us at a bridge party this evening?
 ☞ 上星期天我们玩得很开心。
 ☞ We had a good time last Sunday.
包含 包含
 ☞ 没有什么事物不包含矛盾。
 ☞ There is nothing that does not contain contradiction.
 ☞ 他的建议包含不少合理因素。
 ☞ His proposal contains much that is reasonable.
 ☞ Democracy embraces many concepts.
 ☞ 本书包含了许多不同的主题。
 ☞ This book embraced many different subjects.
 ☞ 群众的意见常常包含深刻的道理。
 ☞ The opinions of the masses often embody profound truth.
 ☞ 他的话无疑包含了一条真理。
 ☞ His words undoubtedly embody a truth.
 ☞ 他的话里包含些什么,我不能完全肯定。
 ☞ I am not sure what is implied by his words.
 ☞ 你没有说你当时在场,但你的话里包含有你当时是在场的意思。
 ☞ You do not say you were present, but your words imply you were.
包围 包围
 ☞ 后来,国民党反动派用了7倍的兵力包围了先遣队。
 ☞ Later, the Kuomintang reactionaries surrounded the advance contingent with seven times its strength.
 ☞ 他住在被荒凉包围的一间小屋里。
 ☞ He lived in a cabin surrounded by the wilderness.
 ☞ 我们望着一群野狗包围了受伤的母羊,却毫无办法。
 ☞ We could do nothing but watch the dingoes surround the injured ewe.
 ☞ 于是他派遣了一支部队去包围贵阳东南的龙里。
 ☞ Then he sent a unit to surround Longli, southeast of Guiyang.
  ■ 但应当指出,surround这个词有时也表示怀着好意的包围。
 ☞ 他们一离开旅馆就遭到一群影迷的包围。
 ☞ They were surrounded by a group of film fans as soon as they had left the hotel.
 ☞ 特洛伊城被希腊军包围了10年。
 ☞ Troy was besieged by Greek armies for ten years.
 ☞ 要塞被包围以后,农奴在城墙下偷挖地道。
 ☞ After the fort was besieged, the serfs secretly made a tunnel under the wall.
 ☞ 毛主席的政策是以农村包围城市,最后夺取城市。
 ☞ Chairman Mao's policy was to encircle the cities from the rural areas and then capture them.
 ☞ 周围农村地区的农奴联合起来,包围了城堡。
 ☞ Serfs throughout the surrounding countryside joined together and encircled the castle.
4.be hemmed in,侧重紧紧包围。
 ☞ 敌人已被我军团团包围,绝无逃脱的可能。
 ☞ The enemy was hemmed in by our troops, with no hope of escape.
 ☞ 你们已被我们包围,跑不了啦。
 ☞ You are hemmed in by us; how can you escape?
 ☞ 被大雾包围的飞机迷失了方向。
 ☞ The aircraft enveloped in thick fog lost its direction.
 ☞ 许多人没能从大火包围的大楼里逃出来。
 ☞ Many failed to escape from the building enveloped in flames.
  ■ 由此转义,也可以用于军事上的包围。
 ☞ 我们以绝对优势的兵力包围了敌人。
 ☞ We enveloped the enemy with far superior forces.
6.be beset,专指受到多方面困扰的包围。
 ☞ 国王为权臣所包围。
 ☞ The king was beset on all sides by his influential officials.
 ☞ 这家出售假药的药店为愤怒的顾客所包围。
 ☞ The store selling quack medicine was beset by angry.
包庇 包庇
1.包庇坏人用cover up for,包庇坏事用cover up,有掩盖起来之意。
 ☞ 法官警告证人,不要包庇任何人。
 ☞ The judge warned the witness not to cover up for anyone.
 ☞ 我想包庇他一下,没能成功。
 ☞ I tried to cover up for him, but without success.
 ☞ 现在已经查明,他一直在包庇他儿子的错误。
 ☞ Now it has been found out that he was covering up his son's mistakes.
 ☞ 包庇坏事是犯罪的行为。
 ☞ It is an offence to cover up evil deeds.
 ☞ 你们接受贿赂,还相互包庇。
 ☞ You committed bribery and shielded each other.
 ☞ 她向警察局撒谎,目的是要包庇她的男朋友。
 ☞ She lied to the police to shield her boy friend.
 ☞ 做母亲的企图包庇儿子逃避处分。
 ☞ The mother tried to screen her son from punishment.
 ☞ 他承认了犯罪事实,目的是包庇真正有罪的妻子。
 ☞ He admitted the crime in order to screen his wife. who was the real criminal.
 ☞ 包庇坏人坏事是犯法的。
 ☞ It is an offence to harbor evildoers and cover up their evil deeds.
包扎 包扎
1.如果把包和扎看作两个过程,用wrap and tie。
 ☞ 我得把这个包包扎好。
 ☞ I have to wrap and tie this package.
 ☞ 请你用纸和绳把这包扎好。
 ☞ Please wrap it up in paper and tie it with a string.
 ☞ 把这些书包扎起来,再放在阁楼上。
 ☞ Pack these books together and put them in the attic.
 ☞ 我的东西全部包扎好了,你去包扎你的吧。
 ☞ My things are all packed. You go and pack yours.
3.如果包扎的是指刀口、伤口等,用bind up,be dressed,bandage,其区别是:
1) bind up,be dressed是日常用语。
 ☞ 我用绷带把刀口包扎起来。
 ☞ I bound up the cut with a bandage.
 ☞ 伤口包扎以后,他感到轻松多了。
 ☞ He felt much relieved after his wounds were dressed.
2) bandage是正式用语。
 ☞ 她看见一个士兵挨了一枪,赶忙过去帮他包扎伤口。
 ☞ Seeing that a soldier was hit, she hurried over and bandaged his wound.
包括 包括
1.表示部分具有,用include及其派生词including, included, inclusive of。
 ☞ 他的客人当中显然已不再包括皮尔逊太太。
 ☞ Clearly he no longer included Mrs. Pearson among the guests.
 ☞ 我说两小时,是包括吃饭时间在内。
 ☞ When I say two hours, that includes time of eating.
 ☞ 受伤的至少有50人,其中包括5个警察。
 ☞ At least 50 persons were wounded, including 5 policemen.
 ☞ 我只有4块钱,还包括家里拿来的。
 ☞ I have got only four dollars, including what I've got from home.
 ☞ 大家都笑了,也包括我。
 ☞ Everybody laughed, me included.
 ☞ 他们会寄给你书的,计5. 85美元,包括邮费在内。
 ☞ They will send you the book for $5. 85 postage included.
 ☞ 其价格包括运费在内为100美元。
 ☞ The price, inclusive of transport, is 100 dollars.
 ☞ 有50人到场,包括官员在内。
 ☞ There were fifty people present, inclusive of the officials.
 ☞ 该协议包括下列关键条款。
 ☞ The agreement contained the following key provisions.
 ☞ 该法案包括几项新条款。
 ☞ The bill contains several new clauses.
 ☞ 这一抗议已包括在官方的声明里了。
 ☞ This protest was contained in an official statement.
 ☞ 我们的设计已包括了你的建议。
 ☞ Our design has incorporated your suggestion.
 ☞ 新计划也包括了原来的计划。
 ☞ The new plan incorporated the old one.
4.表示收录,用be embodied in。
 ☞ 这位科学家的试验已包括在报告里了。
 ☞ The experiments of the ten scientists were embodied in the report.
 ☞ 上述不同文章已包括在一篇长文里了。
 ☞ All the different essays mentioned above were embodied in one long article.
5.表示整体由…组成,用consist of, comprise, 二者一般可以换用。
 ☞ 委员会包括老、中、青3部分人。
 ☞ The committee consists of old, middle-aged and young people.
 ☞ 全书包括5章。
 ☞ The whole book consists of five chapters.
 ☞ 该农庄包括一幢农舍,各种户外建筑,3个果园和 300亩土地。
 ☞ The farm comprised a farmhouse, various outbuildings, three orchards and three hundred mu of land.
 ☞ 这两册书包括了他出版的全部诗集。
 ☞ These two books comprised all of his published poetry.
6.表示由部分构成,用be made up of, be composed of。
 ☞ 展览包括3个部分。
 ☞ The exhibition is made up of three parts.
 ☞ 我市包括4区5县。
 ☞ Our city is made up of four districts and rive counties.
 ☞ 该地区西部包括高原和山区。
 ☞ The western part of the area is composed of high plateau and mountainous country.
 ☞ 我们的旅游团包括教师、学生和工人。
 ☞ Our touring party is composed of teachers, students and workers.
 ☞ 这次复习包括我们上学期学过的全部课程。
 ☞ The review covered everything we learned last term.
 ☞ 这本辞典没有把英语的全部词汇包括进去。
 ☞ This dictionary does not cover the whole of the English vocabulary.
 ☞ 这一政策包括联合与斗争两个方面。
 ☞ The policy embraces two aspects, unity and struggle.
 ☞ 今天,厦门大学有16个系,包括39个专业和20个研究所。
 ☞ Today, Xiamen University has 16 departments, embracing 39 specialties and 20 research institutes.
 ☞ 地质学包括矿物学。
 ☞ Geology embraces the science of mineralogy.
 ☞ 猫科动物包括狮子与老虎。
 ☞ The cat family embraces lions and tigers.
9.表示涉及某一范围的包括,用range over。
 ☞ 他们的会谈包括政治与经济问题。
 ☞ Their talks ranged over political and economic problems.
 ☞ 他们的经验包括各个方面,要一一列举是很困难的。
 ☞ It would be difficult to list all the fields over which his experience ranges.
 ☞ 建筑这条道路将包括10座桥梁的建设。
 ☞ To build this road will involve the construction of ten bridges.
 ☞ 家务包括烹调、洗涤、缝纫、打扫等。
 ☞ Housework involves cooking, washing, sewing, sweeping,cleaning,etc.

1.turn... into,change... into,指变化。
 ☞ 我们应开展利用三废运动,化害为利。
 ☞ We should carry on a campaign for utilization of waste gas, waste water and waste materials, turning (changing) waste into value.
 ☞ 纪念我们敬爱的周总理的最好办法是化悲痛为力量。
 ☞ The best way to commemorate our beloved Premier Zhou is to turn grief into strength.
2.dissolve into, melt into,指溶化。
 ☞ 冰受热就会化成水。
 ☞ Ice when heated dissolves (melts) into water.
 ☞ 水可通过电解化成氢和氧。
 ☞ Water can be turned into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis.
1) 形容词或名词+ize或ization;如modernize (modernization); socialize (socialization); commercialize (commercialization);westernize (westernization)等。
 ☞ 农村经济向着专业化、商品化、社会化迅速转变。
 ☞ The rural economy rapidly becomes specialized, commercialized and socialized.
 ☞ 我们不赞成全盘西化。
 ☞ We do not agree to wholesale westernization.
 ☞ 只要我们努力提高质量,优化结构,增进效益,我们就能达到这一目标。
 ☞ If we work hard to improve the quality of products and to optimize the structure of production and to increase economic returns, we should be able to attain this goal.
 ☞ 我们应当尽一切努力来纠正两极分化。
 ☞ We must make every effort to correct the tendency in polarization.
2) 形容词或名词+ify或ificafion,如:purify (purification); simplify (simplification); beautify (beautification)等。
 ☞ 要积极开拓国际市场,促进对外贸易多元化,发展外向型经济。
 ☞ We should open up more international markets, diversify our trading partners and develop an export-oriented economy.
 ☞ 生活水平逐年提高之后,越来越多的人们要求用艺术来美化生活。
 ☞ After the living standards being raised year by year, more and more people demand beautification of life by art.
 ☞ 我国经济要提高效益,加快经济发展,参与国际竞争,就必须继续强化市场机制的作用。
 ☞ T improve economic performances, to accelerate economic development and to take part in international competition, we must continue to intensify the market forces.
3) 形容词+ en, 如:deepen(深化),tighten(强化),sharpen(尖锐化),widen(扩大化),worsen(恶化)等。
 ☞ 我们必须深化分配制度和社会保障制度的改革。
 ☞ We must deepen the reform of the system of distribution and the system of social security.
 ☞ 应进一步努力来改革一些专业部门的管理体制, 同时强化审计和经济监督。
 ☞ Further efforts should be made to reform the management systems of the specialized departments and to tighten auditing and economic supervision.
 ☞ 人口增加往往会使环境问题尖锐化。
 ☞ The increase in population is constantly intensifying environmental problems.
4) 用形容词或其他动词形式意译。
 ☞ 现在有许多人提倡民主化、科学化、大众化。
 ☞ Many people nowadays call for a transformation to a national, scientific and mass style.
 ☞ 对于做出突出贡献的知识分子应给予重奖,并要形成规范化的奖励制度。
 ☞ We should reward handsomely the intellectuals who make outstanding contributions, and introduce a regular reward system.
 ☞ 我们应当求同存异,避免问题复杂化。
 ☞ We should seek common ground while reserving differences to avoid complicating the problem.
5) 用形容词比较级意译。
 ☞ 要形成一种制度确保领导班子年轻化、知识化、专业化。
 ☞ We should institute a system to ensure that younger, better-educated and more professional leadership is maintained.
 ☞ 大家为了追求真理,进行了热烈的争论,有党内外 20位同志讲了话,把问题展开了,并且具体化了。
 ☞ In the pursuit of truth, we have carried out spirited debate, in which a score of Party and non-Party comrades have spoken, laying bare the issues and making them more concrete.
6) 完全意译。
 ☞ 改革是中国现代化的必由之路,僵化停滞是没有出路的。
 ☞ Reform is the only way to modernize China. If we cling to outmoded ideas and remain content with the status quo, we shall accomplish nothing.
 ☞ 同经济体制改革和经济发展相适应,必须按照民主化和法制化紧密结合的要求,积极推进政治体制改革。
 ☞ To keep pace with economic development and the reform of the economic structure, it is imperative to push forward the reform of the political structure, bearing in mind that promotion of democracy must be closely combined with improvement of the legal system.
区别(区分) 区别(区分)
  ■ “区别”和“区分”是两个同义词,前者着重在“有别”,后者着重在“可分”。两者在用作动词时可以互换,但只有“区别”可作名词。
1.differentiate, difference, different,指通过仔细比较事物的特征或特点而作出区别。
 ☞ 这种鸟以其异常的筑巢习惯区别于其他鸟类。
 ☞ Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.
 ☞ 植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。
 ☞ A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.
 ☞ 这两个词在意义上没有区别。
 ☞ There is no difference in meaning between the two words.
 ☞ 你能区分京剧和豫剧吗?
 ☞ Can you tell the difference between Beijing opera and Henan opera?
 ☞ 对不同的人或事都要区别对待。
 ☞ Deal with different people or things in different ways.
 ☞ 人类能说话,故区别于其他动物。
 ☞ Ability to talk distinguishes human beings from other animals。
 ☞ 如何区别家兔与野兔?
 ☞ How do you distinguish the rabbit from the hare?
 ☞ 我对这两个案例作了区分。
 ☞ I made the distinction between the two cases.
 ☞ 区分领导人的政治与老百姓的看法十分重要。
 ☞ It is very important to draw a distinction between the politics of the leaders and the views of ordinary people.
 ☞ 他能对几种同样优质的酒进行区别。
 ☞ He can discriminate among several equally fine wines.
 ☞ 法律区分了过失杀人和故意杀人。
 ☞ The law discriminates accidental and intentional killing.
4.mark off, 指划分出来的区别。
 ☞ 她脸上的黑痣使她跟别的姑娘有所区别。
 ☞ The mole on her face marks her off from other girls.
 ☞ 1949年的解放区分了两个历史时期。
 ☞ Liberation in the year of 1949 marked off two historical epochs.
千万 千万
1.“千万”用于肯定句时,一般都是祈使句。为了突出对嘱咐的强调,可在动词前加do或be sure。
 ☞ 请千万小心啊!
 ☞ Please do be careful!
 ☞ 请千万记住了!
 ☞ Please do remember!
 ☞ 到达后千万给我们来信。
 ☞ Be sure to write us when you get there.
 ☞ 你千万别惹恼了她。
 ☞ Be sure you don't upset her.
  ■ 不过如果事情并不十分重要,也可以不加do或be sure。
 ☞ 在会上千万少说话。
 ☞ Speak less at the meeting.
2.“千万”用于否定句时,一般有“务必”、“一定”的意思。因此常用never,on no account,under no circumstances等否定词,而少用not。
 ☞ 千万别以貌取人。
 ☞ Never judge a man by outward appearance.
 ☞ 千万别向任何人提起我的名字。
 ☞ My name must on no account be mentioned to anyone.
 ☞ 这事千万不可掉以轻心。
 ☞ We must under no circumstances take this lightly.
  ■ 有时候not也可用来译“千万不”,但最好加词以突出对否定的强调。
 ☞ 这种药没有医嘱千万不能用。
 ☞ This kind of medicine can't be taken without doctor's orders. You must be very careful.(后一句用来加强对not的强调)

 ☞ 东方红,太阳升。
 ☞ The sky is red in the east and the sun is rising.
 ☞ 我们看见铁丝网上方升起一股黑烟。
 ☞ We saw black smoke rising over the barbed wire.
 ☞ 气球慢慢升到了天上。
 ☞ The balloon rose up slowly into the sky.
 ☞ 他已由上尉升至上校。
 ☞ He has risen from captain to colonel.
 ☞ 飞机升得越来越高。
 ☞ The airplane ascended higher and higher.
 ☞ 太阳冉冉升起。
 ☞ The sun ascended slowly.
 ☞ 一缕蓝烟升向空中。
 ☞ A thin blue breath of smoke ascended into the air 我们看着薄雾由山谷升起。
 ☞ We watched the mists ascending from the valley.
 ☞ 气温升至摄氏40度。
 ☞ The air temperature mounted into 40 degrees centigrade.
 ☞ 他的债务升至数千美元。
 ☞ His debts mounted up to thousands of US dollars.
 ☞ 胜利的欢呼升上了天空。
 ☞ The cry of victory mounted up to heaven.
 ☞ 老板给我升了工资。
 ☞ The boss raised my pay.
 ☞ 他年薪升至10万元。
 ☞ His annual salary is raised to 100,000 yuan.
 ☞ 我们学校每天都要升旗。
 ☞ The national flag is raised every morning at our school.
 ☞ 把旗子升到旗杆顶上。
 ☞ Hoist the flag to the top of the pole.
 ☞ 海员们升起船帆,向西南方向驶去。
 ☞ The seamen hoisted their sails and set their course towards the southwest.
 ☞ 老板升他为经理。
 ☞ The boss promoted him to be a manager.
 ☞ 他们升到了领导岗位。
 ☞ They were promoted to positions of leadership.
 ☞ 你升了教授了吗?
 ☞ Have you got promoted to professor?
协作 协作
1.cooperate with, cooperation,指合作。
 ☞ 跟一个心胸狭窄的人协作可能吗?
 ☞ Is it possible to cooperate with a narrow-minded person?
 ☞ 撤离海岛一定要跟我们协作。
 ☞ Be sure to cooperate with us in evacuating the island.
 ☞ 卫星上天是实行各行各业大协作的结果。
 ☞ The going up of satellites was the result of organizing extensive cooperation between different trades.
2.coordinate, coordination,指配合。
 ☞ 工作上要尽量协作,泥水工务必要在木工到来之前完工。
 ☞ Try to coordinate the work as much as you can so that the work of the plasterers must be Finished before the carpenters arrive.
 ☞ 各部门之间的工作应当互相协作。
 ☞ It is necessary to coordinate with each other in work between the departments.
 ☞ 我们需要行政、立法、司法三权分立,同时又要充分协作。
 ☞ We need separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers and their perfect coordination at the same time.
 ☞ 协作处理工业和生活污水既有利于工厂,也有利于城市。
 ☞ Combined treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater is beneficial to both industrial firms and municipalities.
 ☞ 这是几个工厂努力协作的产物。
 ☞ This is a product of the combined efforts of several factories.
协同 协同
1.coordinate, coordination,强调相互配合的协同。
 ☞ 只有协同行动我们才能取得好的成效。
 ☞ Only by coordinating our action can we achieve good results.
 ☞ 只要我们协同努力,我们应当能够战胜敌人。
 ☞ If we coordinate our efforts we should be able to defeat the enemy.
 ☞ 抗日战争期间,民兵常与八路军协同作战。
 ☞ The militia often fought in coordination with the Eighth-Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War.
2.cooperate, cooperation,强调相互合作的协同。
 ☞ 委员会受命协同国防部长推动及控制战时生产。
 ☞ The commission was directed to cooperate with the minister of defense in stimulating and controlling war production.
 ☞ 军民协同守卫海岛。
 ☞ The army cooperated with the people in guarding the islands.
 ☞ 此事请您协同办理。
 ☞ Your cooperation is requested in handling this matter.
协调 协调
1.harmonize, harmony, harmonious,指不同事物在保留其本身个性的前提下构成一个和谐的整体,因此强调的是整体性。
 ☞ 其实,他冷静的脾性与他缓慢的生活节奏倒是协调的。
 ☞ As a matter of fact his cold temperament harmonizes with his slow pace of life.
 ☞ 尽管这两个计划不一样,我们必须予以协调。
 ☞ We must harmonize the two plans though they are different.
 ☞ 那些年,国际事务上的协调不够。
 ☞ There had not been much harmony in international affairs during those years.
 ☞ 这个体操运动员的动作协调优美。
 ☞ The gymnast's movements are harmonious and graceful.
 ☞ 游泳时动作要协调。
 ☞ Coordinate your movements when swimming.
 ☞ 大学里的教务长协调各系间的教学工作。
 ☞ In a university, the Dean of Studies coordinates the teaching work among the departments.
 ☞ 短期方案与长期规划应该协调一致。
 ☞ Short-term programs should be coordinated with long-range plans.
 ☞ 即使有了适当有效的协调,制定的计剡对供求关系仍可能不够敏感。
 ☞ Even with proper and effective coordination, planning may still not be sensitive enough to the relation between supply and demand.
 ☞ 我们召开了一个会议来协调两国间的分歧。
 ☞ We held a meeting to concert the differences between the two countries.
 ☞ 两军代表定期会晤以协调联合攻势的措施。
 ☞ The representatives of the two armies meet regularly to concert measures for a united offensive.
 ☞ 各国政府决定对恐怖主义采取协调行动。
 ☞ Various governments decided to act in concert over terrorism.
4.tune to (in),in tune with指机械性的,需要调整的协调。
 ☞ 颜色不完全互相协调。
 ☞ The colors are not perfectly tuned to each other.
 ☞ 马的感觉是十分灵敏的,能立刻知道骑手与它是否协调。
 ☞ A horse's sense is very keen; he knows instantly whether his rider is tuned to him.
 ☞ 他的意见好像与大家的不大协调。
 ☞ His opinion doesn't seem to be in tune with those of the others.
 ☞ 自治应该有的特权和自由是与公民的义务和职责相协调的。
 ☞ The privileges and freedom inherent in self-government are balanced by the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.
 ☞ 出生率与死亡率之比更趋于协调。
 ☞ The ratio of births to deaths is becoming more balanced.
 ☞ 供求关系必须协调。
 ☞ The relation between supply and demand must be balanced.
6.bring... into line,指使之协调一致起来,强调相互一致。
 ☞ 我们先得把各位科学家的科研活动协调起来,然后才能指望他们行动一致。
 ☞ We will have to bring the scientific pursuits of scientists into line before we can expect them to act in union.
 ☞ 两市的物价必须相互协调。
 ☞ The prices of the two cities must be brought into line with each other.

 ☞ 把余粮卖给国家是农民的光荣。
 ☞ It is an honor for the peasants to sell surplus grain to the state.
 ☞ 热天的西瓜好卖。
 ☞ Watermelons sell well during hot days.
2.sell for,指卖多少钱。
 ☞ 这套剪纸卖多少钱?
 ☞ What does this set of paper-cut sell for?
 ☞ 我记不得那套邮票卖了多少钱。
 ☞ I can't remember what I sold the set of stamps for.
3.sell off,指贱卖。
 ☞ 其余的货物可以削价卖掉。
 ☞ The rest of goods will be sold off at reduced prices.
 ☞ 商号纷纷贱卖夏季存货,准备进冬季用品。
 ☞ Firms sell off their summer stock one after another to be ready for the new winter goods.
4.do sth. for a living,指以出卖某些活动为生。
 ☞ 解放前不少文人靠卖文为生。
 ☞ Before liberation not a few scholars wrote for a living.
 ☞ 她以卖唱为生。
 ☞ She sings for a living.
5.give away,指背弃性出卖。
 ☞ 这件事我只跟你说,你可别把我给卖了。
 ☞ I'm telling this only to you. Don't give me away.
 ☞ 他被他的一个同伙给卖了。
 ☞ He was given away by one of his accomplices.
卖力 卖力
1.work hard,指努力工作。
 ☞ 你不必太卖力,要注意身体。
 ☞ Don't work too hard. Take good care of yourself.
 ☞ 他无论干啥都很卖力。
 ☞ Whatever he does. he is always working hard.
 ☞ 你何必替这些人卖力?
 ☞ Why should you work so hard for these people?
2.go all out,指全力以赴。
 ☞ 姑娘们干活真卖力。
 ☞ Girls are really going all out in their work.
 ☞ 我们要赢得这场比赛,大家都得卖力。
 ☞ All will have to go all out if we are to win the race.
3.exert oneself,指努力使劲。
 ☞ 他很卖力,就是不知道如何思考。
 ☞ He exerted himself to the utmost, but he didn't know how to think.
 ☞ 对帮助别人,他从来不卖力。
 ☞ He never exerts himself to help anyone.
4.spare no effort,指不遗余力。
 ☞ 他工作很卖力。
 ☞ He spared no effort in his work.
 ☞ 下基层的干部对帮助贫困户尽快脱贫十分卖力。
 ☞ The cadres going down to the grass-root units spare no effort to the utmost in helping poor households to shake off poverty as soon as possible.
5.do one's best, 指尽最大努力。
 ☞ 他做事总是很卖力的。
 ☞ He always does his very best.
 ☞ 我们卖了力,但效果不大。
 ☞ We did our best, which produced little effect.
实现 实现
 ☞ 这些成就本应导致更大的政治自由,但这一希望并没有实现。
 ☞ These achievements should have led to greater political freedom, the hope of which was not realized.
 ☞ 她实现了成为电影明星的愿望。
 ☞ She realized her wish of becoming a film star.
 ☞ 他到50多岁才实现了他的抱负。
 ☞ He didn't realize his ambition until he was in his fifties.
 ☞ 他获得了诺贝尔奖,实现了自己的梦想。
 ☞ He realized his dream when he won the Nobel Prize.
 ☞ 但是在农村,共产党应依靠谁去实现社会主义改造呢?
 ☞ But on whom must the Communist Party rely in the countryside to realize the socialist transformation?
 ☞ 实现四个现代化,这是我们今后相当长时期的中心工作。
 ☞ For a relatively long period ahead, the focus of our work is to realize the four modernizations.
2.fulfill, 指实现事先的计划、要求、期望等,强调圆满地实现。
 ☞ 毛主席、周总理留给我们建设社会主义现代化强国的遗愿一定要实现,也一定能够实现。
 ☞ The behest of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou that we should make China a modem powerful socialist country must be fulfilled and can certainly be fulfilled.
 ☞ 矿工们实现了他们日产万吨的誓言。
 ☞ The miners fulfilled their pledge to produce 10,000 tons a day.
 ☞ 这表明他已实现了自己的意图。
 ☞ It shows that he has fulfilled his intention.
 ☞ 实现父亲的意愿将是她最大的幸福。
 ☞ It will be the greatest happiness to her to fulfill her father's desire.
 ☞ 我已实现了许多抱负。
 ☞ I have fulfilled many of my ambitions.
 ☞ 形势要求尽早实现农业、工业、国防和科学技术现代化。
 ☞ The situation demands to accomplish the modernizations of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology as early as possible.
 ☞ 他没有实现预定目标,我对此感到遗憾。
 ☞ I feel sorry that they didn't accomplish the purpose as desired.
 ☞ 事实上,这就是句型练习预期要实现的。
 ☞ This, in fact, was what the pattern drills were supposed to accomplish.
 ☞ 这个预言确实实现了。
 ☞ The prediction was literally accomplished.
 ☞ 有些力能够实现转变,有些力则不能。这就是力与力之间的差别,也是功这个概念的核心。
 ☞ It is the distinction between forces that accomplish change and forces that do not that is kernel of the idea of work.
 ☞ 这个目标最好分阶段实现。
 ☞ This goal is best achieved in stages.
 ☞ 世界和平是不能只靠脱离群众斗争的谈判来实现的。
 ☞ World peace cannot be achieved by negotiations alone divorced from the struggle of the masses.
 ☞ 我们努力削减开支以实现预算平衡。
 ☞ We tried hard to cut spending and achieve a balanced budget.
 ☞ 这类电视机通过生产厂家的广告,已实现了大众化。
 ☞ This kind of TV set has achieved its popularity through advertising on the part of the factories which produced it.
 ☞ 所有这一切都不是在一夜之间就能实现的。
 ☞ All this cannot be achieved overnight.
 ☞ 秦始皇运用了高超的政治技巧及武力实现了中国的统一。
 ☞ It was the first Emperor of Qin who, with superb political skills and armed force, effected the unification of China.
 ☞ 我决心实现自己的目标,无人能够阻挡。
 ☞ I will effect my purpose, no one shall stop me.
 ☞ 经过3周的焦虑不安,和解终于得以实现。
 ☞ After three weeks' anxiety a reconciliation was effected at last.
6.bring about,指通过努力促使实现。
 ☞ 中国政府愿同美国政府共同合作,实现我们时代的持久和平。
 ☞ The Chinese government is willing to work together with the American government to bring about a durable peace in our time.
 ☞ 双方都做出了努力,以实现边界冲突的和平解决。
 ☞ The both sides made efforts to bring about a peaceful solution to the border conflicts.
 ☞ 经过调解,朋友之间的和解得以实现。
 ☞ A reconciliation between friends was brought about through mediation.
7.come about, 指自动实现而不强调曾经付出的努力。
 ☞ 既然独立已经实现,他们正准备成立自己的政府。
 ☞ Now that their independence has come about, they are setting up their own government.
 ☞ 我相信紧张局势的缓和总有一天会实现。
 ☞ I believe that the relaxations of tensions will come a.
 ☞ bout someday.
 ☞ 这真是一个令人瞠目结舌的变化。是怎么实现的?
 ☞ It is truly a wide-eyed and tongue-tied change. How has it come about?
8.come true, 指成为现实的实现。
 ☞ 中国人民长期的梦想终于实现了。
 ☞ The long-cherished dreams of the Chinese people have come true at last.
 ☞ 你将会看到我今天说的话一定会实现。
 ☞ You will see that what I am saying today will certainly come true.
 ☞ 他想活到100岁的愿望没能实现。
 ☞ His hope of living to 100 did not come true.
9.go in for,指支持、赞成后实现。
 ☞ 我们打破行业界限,实现了大协作。
 ☞ We have broken the bounds of different trades and gone in for extensive coordination.
 ☞ 真正的改革者应实现政治改革。
 ☞ All genuine reformers should go in for a political reform.
10.carry out (through),仅指执行后实现,因此是一个使用最广、说法随便、色彩全无的词。
 ☞ 我会让他安排好一切,以实现她所有的想法。
 ☞ I would let him arrange everything and carry out all her notions.
 ☞ 我们期待着你来实现诺言。
 ☞ We expect you to carry out your promise.
 ☞ 李登辉是绝不可能实现“两个中国”的阴谋的。
 ☞ It is absolutely impossible for Li Denghui to carry through his plot of "Two Chinas".
 ☞ 实现祖国统一刻不容缓。
 ☞ The reunification of the motherland is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 要不了几年,我就有机会实现我的想法了.
 ☞ Within a couple of years, I would have the opportunity to put these ideas into practice.

1) 占领。
 ☞ 他们拒绝从被占领土上撤军。
 ☞ They refused to withdraw their troops from the occupied territory.
2) 占用。
 ☞ 你的书占了我好多地方。
 ☞ Your books occupy a lot of my space.
3) 占有。
 ☞ 他们说农民在各个行业中占的位置最低。
 ☞ They say that peasants occupy the lowest position in all trades and professions.
4) 占据。
 ☞ 整天占着他头脑的都是生意经。
 ☞ Business sense occupies his mind all the time.
 ☞ 1931年,日军占了中国东北。
 ☞ The Japanese troops seized Northeast China in 1931.
 ☞ 一伙恐怖分子占了总统府,并把几位部长扣为人质。
 ☞ A terrorist group seized the presidential palace and took several ministers hostage.
3.take up, 指占用时间或空间。
 ☞ 对不起,占了你那么多时间。
 ☞ Sorry, we've taken up so much of your time.
 ☞ 新疆约占我国国土面积的1/6。
 ☞ Xingjiang Autonomous Region takes up about one sixth of China's territory.
 ☞ 1948年洛阳解放时,全城仅占地4.5平方公里。
 ☞ When Luoyang was liberated in 1948 it covered only 4.5 square kilometers.
 ☞ 海洋几乎占地球面积的3/4。
 ☞ The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the earth's surface.
 ☞ 该店的股份他占一半。
 ☞ He holds a half share in the business.
 ☞ 自由党在议会中占有9个席位。
 ☞ The Liberal Party holds nine seats in Parliament.
 ☞ 他们绝不代表占绝大多数的工人、农民及革命知识分子。
 ☞ They can in no way represent the workers, peasants, revolutionary intellectuals who comprise the overwhelming majority.
 ☞ 汉族占中国总人口的94%。
 ☞ The Han people comprise 94% of the total population of China.
7.constitute, 与comprise同义,但更为正式。
 ☞ 工农兵代表占绝大多数。
 ☞ The representatives from among the workers, peasants and soldiers constitute the overwhelming majority.
 ☞ 虽然我党有6,000多万党员,但在全国人口中仍占少数。
 ☞ Although there are over 60 million members in our Party, they still constitute a very small minority of the country's population.
8.make up,也指构成。与comprise, constitute同义,但为日常用语,常用于数字、比例。
 ☞ 注解几乎占全书的1/3。
 ☞ The notes make up almost a third of the book.
 ☞ 穆斯林占欧洲共同市场外国劳动力的40%。
 ☞ Moslems make up 40 percent of the European Common Market foreign work force.
9.account for, 与make up同义,但或多或少带有“共达到”的意思。
 ☞ 新疆棉花占全国棉花作物的大半。
 ☞ The cotton crop of Xingjiang Autonomous Region accounts for more than half the country's.
 ☞ 西方工业国家在世界产值中所占的比例大到其政策所起的作用可以决定世界经济会取得什么样的业绩。
 ☞ The Western industrial countries account for so large a share of the world output that their policies will play a principal role in determining how the world economy performs.
10.get (gain) the upper hand,指占上风。
 ☞ 拳王在与对手的第三个回合就占了上风。
 ☞ In the third round the boxing champion got the upper hand over his opponent.
 ☞ 在与自然灾害的斗争中,人类占了上风。
 ☞ Man gains the upper hand over nature in the struggle against natural calamities.
 ☞ 与敌人相比,我军占了绝对优势。
 ☞ Our troops enjoy vast superiority over the enemy.
 ☞ 中国人口占世界人口的1/5。
 ☞ The population of China embraces one-fifth of the population of the world.
 ☞ 是光明占优势还是黑暗占优势呢?
 ☞ Which is predominant - the bright side or the dark side?
 ☞ 别老想着占我的便宜。
 ☞ Don't always try to take advantage of me.
 ☞ 他是占着茅坑不拉屎。
 ☞ He is a dog in the manger.
 ☞ 她的话占理,我们按她说的办。
 ☞ She is right. We'll do as what she says.
占有 占有
1.own, 指拥有,强调合法拥有。
 ☞ 美国1%的人却占有50%以上的财富。
 ☞ In the United States one percent of people own more than fifty percent of the wealth.
 ☞ 过去是国家占有生产资料,如今则完全不同了。
 ☞ The means of production used to be owned by the state. However, things are quite different today.
 ☞ 封建社会只有贵族才占有政权。
 ☞ In feudal society only the nobility possessed political power.
 ☞ 夫妻拥有的共同财产可能被丈夫所占有。
 ☞ The property owned by husband and wife may be possessed by the husband.
 ☞ 你毕竟不能占有一切。
 ☞ You could not have everything, after all.
 ☞ 好在我们占有第一手资料。
 ☞ Fortunately, we have firsthand data.
 ☞ 商业在国民经济中占有重要地位。
 ☞ Commerce occupies an important place in the national economy.
 ☞ 民主党在国会中占有25个议席。
 ☞ The Democratic Party occupies 25 seats in Parliament.
 ☞ 重力在航天学里占有特殊地位。
 ☞ Gravity holds a privileged position in aeronautics.
 ☞ 解放前,他占有500亩土地。
 ☞ He held 500 mu of land before liberation.
占领 占领
 ☞ 占领该市花了我们3个月的时间。
 ☞ I'll took us three months to capture the city.
 ☞ 据报道,先头部队已占领了机场。
 ☞ It is reported that the advancing forces have captured the airfield.
2.seize, seizure, 指用武力抢占。重点在抢占的突然性。
 ☞ 我军出敌不意,占领了制高点。
 ☞ Our troops seized the commanding height, catching the enemy unprepared.
 ☞ 游击队在夜色的掩护下,神不知鬼不觉地占领了伪军盘距的碉堡。
 ☞ Under the cover of darkness the guerrilla force seized the blockhouse entrenched by the puppet army without a soul knowing anything about it.
 ☞ 1931年9月18日,日本侵略者占领了沈阳,这是其占领东北全境的第一步。
 ☞ The seizure of Shenyang on the 18th of September, 1931 by the Japanese invaders was the first step towards their occupation of the entire Northeast China.
3.occupy, occupation,指攻而占之,两者兼重。
 ☞ 九一八事变后,日本人占领了东北全境。
 ☞ The Japanese occupied entire Northeast China after the September 18th Incident.
 ☞ 现在,伊拉克实际上已被美国军队占领。
 ☞ Iraq is now practically occupied by the armed forces of the United States.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战之前,日本占领中国东北长达14 年之久。
 ☞ Before World War II the Japanese occupation of northeast China lasted fourteen years.
 ☞ dominate(指支配市场)。
 ☞ 不加批评,看着错误思想到处泛滥,任凭它们去占领市场当然不行。
 ☞ It certainly would not be right to retain from criticism, look on while wrong ideas spread unchecked and allow them to monopolize the field.
 ☞ 我厂的新产品几乎占领了北京市场。
 ☞ The new products of our factory almost dominate the market of Beijing.

1.stick, 指卡在中间无法活动。
 ☞ 一根鱼刺卡在我的喉咙里了。
 ☞ A fish bone stuck in my throat.
 ☞ 碗柜门卡住了,打不开。
 ☞ The cupboard door stuck and I couldn't open it.
 ☞ 我把花瓶四周的空隙用包装材料卡住,免得破碎。
 ☞ I wedged packing material into the space round the vase so that it wouldn't be broken.
 ☞ 把木料扶好,不要让锯子卡住。
 ☞ Hold the wood properly so that the saw will not wedge.
  ■ 不过有时wedge也可用于无意中的“卡住”。这时可与stick换用。
 ☞ 抽屉拉不出来,有东西卡在里面。
 ☞ Something has got wedged inside the drawer, so I can't pull it out.
 ☞ 他的脚卡在裂缝里了。
 ☞ His foot wedged in the crack.
 ☞ 他正要叫喊,那歹徒猛扑过来,卡住了他的脖子。
 ☞ He was about to call out when that ruffian darted at him and gripped his throat.
 ☞ 刹车没能卡住车轮,于是汽车冲进了河里。
 ☞ The brake failed to grip the wheels and the car ran into the river.
4.hold up,指由于某种原因而停顿、耽误。
 ☞ 由于塞车我们被卡在隧道里大约有半个小时。
 ☞ We were held up in the tunnel for about half an hour because of a traffic jam.
 ☞ 这件事在他那里卡住了。
 ☞ The matter was held up when it passed to him.
卫生 卫生
 ☞ 环境保护已经证明对公共卫生有着重大贡献。
 ☞ Environmental protection has proved an important contribution towards the public health.
 ☞ 喝生水不卫生。
 ☞ Drinking unboiled water is bad for the health.
 ☞ 新婚夫妇应当受到性卫生的教育。
 ☞ Newly married couples must be taught sexual hygiene.
 ☞ 你要每天洗澡,注意个人卫生。
 ☞ Take bath every day and heed personal hygiene.
 ☞ 她的屋子总是保持整洁、卫生。
 ☞ Her room is kept tidy and hygienic at all times.
3.sanitation, sanitary, 指采取防止污染,传染等措施后的卫生。
 ☞ 许多植物受病虫害的影响可以依靠环境卫生而有不同程度的减轻。
 ☞ The impact of a number of plant diseases and insect pests can be lessened by environmental sanitation to various degrees.
 ☞ 警务、消防及卫生均为地方政府的职责。
 ☞ Police, fire protection and sanitation are the responsibility of local governments.
 ☞ 当时,我们正坐在扬州一家不太卫生的小饭馆里谈天。
 ☞ At that time we were sitting and chatting in a small and not very sanitary restaurant in Yangzhou.

 ☞ 这机器每分钟可印60页。
 ☞ The machine can print 60 pages in a minute.
 ☞ 这照片印得不清楚。
 ☞ This photo is not well printed.
 ☞ 布上印有花样。
 ☞ The design was imprinted on the cloth.
 ☞ 床上的竹席有个黑黑的人形,这是在我之前在上面睡觉的那些人的汗水印上去的。
 ☞ The bamboo mat on the bed had a dark human figure imprinted on it by the sweat of those who had slept there before me.
 ☞ 烧制以前艺术家在他设计的陶罐上印上他的印记。
 ☞ The artist impressed the pots he designed with his seal before baking.
 ☞ 他的话深深地印在了我的记忆里。
 ☞ His words are strongly impressed on my memory.
 ☞ 他的遗言深深地印在我脑子里。
 ☞ His last words were engraved on my mind.
 ☞ 这一幕将永远印留在我的记忆里。
 ☞ The scene will remain forever engraved on my memory.
危害 危害
 ☞ 不消灭病虫害就会危害农作物。
 ☞ Plant pests and diseases will harm crops if they are not wiped out.
 ☞ 医生说,吸烟危害健康。
 ☞ Doctors say smoking harms our health.
 ☞ 一切不愿危害和平事业的人士联合起来!
 ☞ All those who don't want to harm the cause of peace, unite!
 ☞ 流氓行为一定会危害公共利益。
 ☞ Hooliganism will certainly harm the public interest.
 ☞ 某超级大国的所作所为正在危害别国的主权和领土完整。
 ☞ The behavior of a certain superpower is endangering the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states.
 ☞ 要是恐怖活动不予以遏制,就一定会危害国际和平及安全。
 ☞ Terrorist activities will surely endanger international peace and security if they are not arrested.
 ☞ 酒后开车是会危害他人生命的。
 ☞ Drunk drivers endanger the lives of others.
 ☞ 是黑帮分子在危害社会治安。
 ☞ It is the members of the sinister gang who jeopardize public security of the society.
 ☞ 任何法律都不应危害言论自由。
 ☞ Any law should not jeopardize freedom of speech.
 ☞ 相互敌视和无端的攻击已危害了两国之间的和平。
 ☞ Mutual hostility and groundless charges have already jeopardized peace between the two countries.
4.detriment to, detrimental to,指损害。
 ☞ 他的工作十分辛苦,幸亏没有危害到他的健康。
 ☞ Fortunately, he did very hard work without detriment to his health.
 ☞ 无论你做什么,都不应危害你的将来。
 ☞ Whatever you do should not be detrimental to your future.
5.offense, offence, 指冒犯。
 ☞ 这是他第一次危害社会秩序,法官只判了他轻刑。
 ☞ That was his first offense against social order and the judge only gave him a light sentence.
 ☞ 任何酷刑都危害人的尊严。
 ☞ Any act of torture is an offence to human dignity.
危险 危险
 ☞ 两位外长举行会谈,以减少两国间军事对抗的危险。
 ☞ The two foreign ministers held negotiations to reduce the danger of a military confrontation between the two nations.
 ☞ 他感到她已处于极端危险的边缘。
 ☞ He felt that she was on the brink of a terrible danger.
  ■ danger所指的危险还暗示如果事先有准备,这种危险是可以避免的。因此道路标志及成语中都用该词。
 ☞ 危险,前方有弯道。
 ☞ Danger, winding road ahead.
 ☞ 对危险有所预见便避免了一半。
 ☞ A danger foreseen is half avoided.
2.peril, 所指的危险较danger严重,常暗示无法预测或避免。
 ☞ 恐怖主义是当前世界面临的最大危险。
 ☞ Terrorism is the greatest peril now facing the world.
 ☞ 人是不能提防所有的危险的。
 ☞ One cannot guard against every peril.
  ■ 有时,peril还暗示危险的局面越来越糟。
 ☞ 许多物种由于我们破坏了其天然栖息地,已有灭绝的危险。
 ☞ Many species are already in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural habitat.
 ☞ 他是冒着被炸死或炸残的危险去拆卸起爆装置的。
 ☞ He was dismantling the detonator at the risk of life or limb.
 ☞ 在这么薄的冰面上滑冰,你有掉进去的危险。
 ☞ There is a risk of your falling through if you skate on such thin ice.
 ☞ 潜水员在水下充满了危险。
 ☞ A diver's life under water is full of hazard.
 ☞ 不用说,脑外科手术是有危险的。
 ☞ Needless to say, there are hazards connected with brain surgery.
 ☞ 得罪了像他那样的人,你就危险了。
 ☞ You'll put yourself in jeopardy by offending a man like him.
 ☞ 树倒下时你很危险的。
 ☞ You were in jeopardy as the tree fell.
  ■ in jeopardy与in peril两者的区别可从下列译文中比较出来。
 ☞ 她和她女儿今后的处境已很危险,可能是有送命的危险。
 ☞ Her future and that of her daughter were in jeopardy, possible in mortal peril.
即使 即使
  ■ 可以分别表示假设、让步或强调,有“就算是”的意思。
1) if,指即使(先假设或虚拟),再用“也”,“还”等词转入正题。
 ☞ 你即使失败了也没有关系。
 ☞ It doesn't matter if you fail.
 ☞ 这件事,即使要我的命也要干。
 ☞ I will do it if it kills me.
 ☞ 即使太阳从西边出来,我也不会那么干。
 ☞ If the sun were to rise in the west, I would not do so.
 ☞ 即使把我毙了,我也不能。
 ☞ If I were to be shot for it, I wouldn't.
2) few (little) if any,指即使有其人其事,也不会多,few用于可数名词;little用于不可数名词。
 ☞ 即使有树也很少。
 ☞ There are very few trees, if any.
 ☞ 即使有这样的人也为数不多。
 ☞ There are few, if any, such people.
 ☞ 即使有希望也微乎其微。
 ☞ There is very little, if any, hope.
 ☞ 他即使有钱也所剩无几。
 ☞ He has little money, if any left.
3) seldom…if ever,指即使有某种情况也不会多。
 ☞ 昆明即使下雪,也很难得。
 ☞ It seldom snows in Kunming, if ever.
 ☞ 即使确有其事,也不会多。
 ☞ It occurred seldom, if ever.
 ☞ 她即使去看电影,次数也很少。
 ☞ She seldom, if ever, goes to the movies.
4) 用grant,admit,assume等动词的分词表示假设。
 ☞ 即使这是真的,又能得出什么结论呢?
 ☞ Granting this to be true, what is to be inferred from it?
 ☞ 他们的做法即使不对,你大包大揽也不对呀。
 ☞ Granted that they weren't doing it the right way, you weren't right in taking everything upon yourself.
 ☞ 即使他有能力做这件事,也得努力工作才能完成.
 ☞ Admitting that he has the ability to do that, he has to work hard to carry it out.
 ☞ 即使事已如此,你也该对他说真话。
 ☞ Assuming that it is so, you ought to have told him the truth.
1) though,因为是假设下的让步,故不用although。
 ☞ 即使全国都反对他,他还是敢说他想说的话。
 ☞ He is not afraid to say his say, though the whole country is against him.
 ☞ 即使土地丢了又怎么样,并不是一切都没有了。
 ☞ What though the field is lost, all is not lost.
2) no matter what (how),表示的“即使”比though表示的更强烈。
 ☞ 这样的人即使活得长,也不过是行尸走肉。
 ☞ Such men, no matter to what extent their life may be prolonged, are merely walking corpses.
 ☞ 即使出了事,他也不会说一个字的。
 ☞ No matter what happens, he would not say a word.
 ☞ 即使所有的人都来攻击我,你也会保护我的。
 ☞ You would defend me no matter how all the people attack me.
3) when,while,whereas,先退一步,再转入正题,以此进行让步情况下的对比。
 ☞ 即使全丢光,还有未来嘛。
 ☞ When all is lost. the future still remains.
 ☞ 好说谎的人即使说了真话,也无人相信。
 ☞ A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
 ☞ 即使不一致,我们还是朋友嘛。
 ☞ While we don't agree we continue to be friends.
 ☞ 你说的我即使理解,也不能同意。
 ☞ While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you.
 ☞ 即使承认这些问题有困难,我也不是说就不能解决。
 ☞ Whereas I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't suggest that they cannot be solved.
 ☞ 即使同情,我也帮不了多少忙。
 ☞ Whereas I sympathize, I can't really do very much to help.
4) 用动词不定式表示让步。
 ☞ 即使为救我的命,我也不干这种事。
 ☞ I will never do that, to save my life.
 ☞ 即使把他们都杀了,也不足以泄恨。
 ☞ To have had them all killed would not have vented our wrath.
5) 用祈使句表示让步。
 ☞ 即使找遍天涯海角你也不会找到第二个这样的东西。
 ☞ Seek through the world, you may not find another like it.
 ☞ 即使再穷,也不会有人卖国。
 ☞ Let it be over so poor, there is nobody but betrays his country.
1) even,除了单独使用外,常与if,though连用,分别强调假设或让步。
 ☞ 他呀,你即使用3头牛也拉不回来。
 ☞ You couldn't pull him back even with three bulls.
 ☞ 他即使在晚上也很少放松。
 ☞ Even at night he seldom relaxed.
 ☞ 即使我想生他的气,也办不到呀。
 ☞ I couldn't be angry with him even if I tried.
 ☞ 我们相信,他们凭借种种造谣和欺骗的手段即使得逞一时,也终究难逃失败。
 ☞ We believe that they will fail in the end even if they can have their own way at the moment by means of cheating and making rumors.
 ☞ 即使他肯定这一点,我也不会相信。
 ☞ Even though he affirmed it, I wouldn't believe it.
 ☞ 即使你给钱,我也不干。
 ☞ I won't do it, even if you pay me money.
2) very,强调所修饰的名词。
 ☞ 即使是北洋军阀,在走这一步以前也得三思而行。
 ☞ The very Northern Warlords would have to think twice before taking such a step.
 ☞ 随着科学技术的进步,即使是星球也已进入了人类探索范围之内。
 ☞ With science and technology advancing, the very stars have come within the range of human exploration.
3) 反身代词,有时也可强调所修饰的名词。
 ☞ 大和小是相对的字眼,与原子核相比,即使一个小小的原子也是巨大的宇宙。
 ☞ Large and small are relative terms. Compared with its nucleus, the tiny atom itself is a vast universe.
 ☞ 千得漂亮!即使成吉思汗亲自驭马也不过如此。
 ☞ Well done! Genghis Khan himself could not have mastered a horse in better order.
4) 形容词最高级有时也可强调所修饰的名词。
 ☞ 只要真理在握,人数即使再少,也比千军万马强大。
 ☞ The smallest number, with truth in hand, are mightier than thousands.
 ☞ 对于知识来说,最长的寿命也嫌太短。
 ☞ The longest life is too short for knowledge.
5) do,可用来强调动词。
 ☞ 他们即使有干预,这种干预也是软弱无力和犹豫不决的。
 ☞ Where they did interfere, their interference was feeble and irresolute.
 ☞ 那几个即使活了下来,也受到严重烧伤。
 ☞ Those who did survive got terrible burns.

 ☞ 我本来应当帮他,却从来没能做到。
 ☞ I ought to have helped him, but I never could.
 ☞ 这一切他都做了,但却毫无效果。
 ☞ All this he did, but it had no effect.
 ☞ 还会有困难,却是能克服的。
 ☞ There will still be difficulties. But they can be over.
1) 表示转折。
 ☞ 舌头不是刀,却能杀人。
 ☞ The tongue is not knife yet it cuts.
 ☞ 她要的一切我都给了,她却依然不满意。
 ☞ I gave her what she asked for, yet she is still not satisfied.
 ☞ 这样的推理很周全,却说服不了我。
 ☞ The logic is sound, and yet it does not convince me.
2) 表示让步。
 ☞ 我心里最恨的就是他,我却不知道是什么原因。
 ☞ My soul, yet I know not why, hates nothing more than him.
 ☞ 我失败了,却还要再试一试。
 ☞ I have failed, yet I shall try again.
 ☞ 伤口虽然会好,却会留下伤疤。
 ☞ Though the wound would be healed, yet a scar may.
 ☞ 乘车到那里要半小时,走路却要两个多小时。
 ☞ It will take you half an hour to get there by bus and over two hours on foot.
 ☞ 老板那么有钱,却这么小气。
 ☞ The boss is so rich and so miserly.
 ☞ 汉语没有冠词,我们却也可以像英国人那样把思想表达得清楚、准确。
 ☞ There are no articles in Chinese and we can express our thought as clearly and definitely as Englishmen do.
 ☞ 你说我没帮他,我却是帮了他的。
 ☞ You said that I didn't help him. I did help.
 ☞ 过去她只关心她自己,现在却也关心别人了。
 ☞ She cared only for herself in the past. She does care for others as well now.
 ☞ 一般我不大和家里人联系,我却时不时地去看看母亲。
 ☞ Usually I don't have much contact with my family. I do see my mother occasionally.
历史 历史
1.history, 指自然界和人类社会发展的过程。
 ☞ 人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的动力。
 ☞ The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.
 ☞ 人民群众是历史的创造者。
 ☞ The masses of the people are the makers of history.
 ☞ 新的艺术向来是在人类历史进程中发生发展的。
 ☞ New arts have been born and developed in the course of the history of man.
  ■ history也可指某一事物发展的一段过程。这是一般要用不定冠词a。
 ☞ 我们看到没有一个活着的人敢真实地写下上一个星期才发生的历史,那么又如何能有真实的历史呢?
 ☞ How can there be a true history when we see no man living dares to write truly the history of last week.
 ☞ 我镇在抗日战争中有过一段光荣历史。
 ☞ Our town has a glorious history in the Anti-Japanese War.
  ■ 此外,还可用来指个人的经历。
 ☞ 他因个人历史的政治问题很受了些“苦”。
 ☞ He suffered a great deal from his political involvement in his personal history.
  ■ history还可表示研究的一门学问。
 ☞ 他是研究历史的。
 ☞ His field is history.
2.historical, 指与历史有关的;historic,指有悠久历史的。两词不能换用。
 ☞ 她喜欢读历史小说。
 ☞ She likes reading historical novels.
 ☞ 这一意义深远的历史变迁的速度依然有增无减。
 ☞ The speed of this profound historical change is ever on the increase.
 ☞ 我要请你们参观几处历史名胜。
 ☞ I shall be asking you to see some places of historic interest.
 ☞ 五四运动具有重大的历史意义。
 ☞ The May Fourth Movement was of historic significance.
 ☞ 至于历史人物,我们要历史地看问题。
 ☞ As to a historical figure we should look at the problem historically.
  ■ 以上两词都是性质形容词,用作定语来修饰名词。但有时名词需用history这个名词来作修饰语。如:
 ☞ 如果你无事可做,干吗不去参观历史博物馆?
 ☞ If you have nothing to do, why don't you visit the history museum?
  ■ 类似的情况还有:a history book, a history lesson, a history teacher等。
 ☞ 伟大的中华民族有过光荣的历史,只是近代落后了。
 ☞ The great Chinese nation had a glorious past; it is only in modem times that she has fallen behind.
 ☞ 光辉历史的传统不仅要保持,而且要发扬。
 ☞ The traditions of a splendid past should be not only maintained but also carried forward.
 ☞ 边界争端是历史上遗留下来的问题。
 ☞ The boundary issues are a legacy from the past.
  ■ 此外,past还可表示个人的历史经历,尤指不光彩的经历。
 ☞ 据说他隐瞒了自己的历史。
 ☞ It is said that he has concealed his past record.
 ☞ 他拒绝向我们提供他的历史。
 ☞ He refused to give us the facts about his past.
 ☞ 传说她是个有过一段不光彩历史的女同志。
 ☞ Stories were told that she was a woman with a past.
 ☞ 你历史清白,急什么?
 ☞ What are you worried about when you have a clear personal record?
 ☞ 历史上的反动统治者曾经在我们各民族之间制造种种隔阂。
 ☞ All through the ages, the reactionary rulers sowed feelings of estrangement among our various nationalities.

 ☞ 和好的面团蒸煮前要压扁、压薄。
 ☞ Pastry is pressed flat and thin before cooking.
 ☞ 妈妈把腌黄瓜放进瓦罐里,再用石头压好,说是若不这样就不好保存。
 ☞ Mother put the pickled cucumbers into an earthen jar and pressed them under stones, saying that they wouldn't keep long other way.
 ☞ 箱盖都让放在上面的书压扁了。
 ☞ The lid of the box was pressed in by the weight of the books on top.
 ☞ 解放前,沉重的税收一直压在老百姓身上。
 ☞ Before liberation heavy taxes had been pressing down heavily on the people.
 ☞ 先遣部队一定要向前压,以确保与敌人保持接触。
 ☞ The advance troops must press forward to maintain contact with the enemy.
 ☞ 老太太一声不响地坐着,好像心里压着什么心事。
 ☞ The old lady sat silent, as if care were pressing on her mind.
 ☞ 葡萄汁是从葡萄里压出来的。
 ☞ The juice is pressed out of the grapes.
 ☞ 她在播下的种子上轻轻地压了压土。
 ☞ She finished with a light press of the earth over the sown seeds.
 ☞ 据说政府在竭尽全力压游击队放弃军事斗争。
 ☞ It was said that the government was doing its utmost to pressure the guerrilla force into giving up armed struggle.
 ☞ 据报纸报道有人在压法院尽早放人。
 ☞ It is reported in the newspaper that someone is pressuring the court into freeing the arrested as soon as possible.
 ☞ 我们既不吃捧,也不怕压。
 ☞ We do withstand both flattery and pressure.
3.weigh down (on),指由于重量或类似于重量的东西把物体压弯、压住等。
 ☞ 果子把树枝都压弯了。
 ☞ The fruit weighed the branches down.
 ☞ 我们需要一些人来压住船的另一侧。
 ☞ We need someone else to weigh down the boat on the other side.
 ☞ 压在我肩上的任务使我寝食难安。
 ☞ The task weighing on my shoulders leaves me no desire to eat or sleep.
 ☞ 跟你说真话,这次考试失败一直压在我心里。
 ☞ Tb tell you the truth, the failure in the examination has been weighing on my mind.
 ☞ 这个箱子怕压。
 ☞ This box won't stand much weight.
 ☞ 解放前,三座大山压在中国人民的头上。
 ☞ Before liberation the three big mountains (imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitaliim had lain like a dead weight on the back of the Chinese People.
4.hold down,指压住后不让起来。
 ☞ 军长用石头压住地图的四角,开始研究起来。
 ☞ The army commander put stones on the each comer of the map to hold it down and began to study it.
 ☞ 压住气球,等我们准备好了再放。
 ☞ Hold the balloon down till we are ready to let it go.
 ☞ 你生气的时候能不能压一压?
 ☞ Can you hold yourself down when you get angry?
5.pin down,指压得无法动弹。
 ☞ 那沉重的箱子压得他无法动弹。
 ☞ The heavy box pinned him down in such a way that he could not move.
 ☞ 事故中他被压在车子底下。
 ☞ In the accident he was pinned down under the car.
 ☞ 战场上子弹横飞,敌兵被压在战壕里动弹不得。
 ☞ Bullets were flying over the battlefield and the enemy soldiers were pinned down in the trenches.
 ☞ 你要是不压,他是不会同意的。
 ☞ He won't agree if you don't force him to.
 ☞ 资方代理人扬言关厂来压工人复工。
 ☞ The agents of the capital forced the workers to end the strike by threatening to close down the factory.
 ☞ 我们一定得压价5%。
 ☞ We must force the price down by 5 percent.
 ☞ 有人想逃出火灾现场时被压死了。
 ☞ Some people were crushed to death as they tried to escape from the scene of the fire.
 ☞ 汽车碾过去,手表给压碎了。
 ☞ The car ran over a watch and crushed it to pieces.
 ☞ 剩下的几处抵抗也终于被压下去了。
 ☞ The few remaining pockets of resistance were finally crushed into submission.
 ☞ 喝点热水,压一压咳嗽。
 ☞ Drink some hot water to ease your cough.
 "Lie down! There is someone coming." He said, lowering his voice.
 ☞ 我们的重机枪压住了敌人的火力。
 ☞ Our heavy machine guns stilled the enemy's fire.
 ☞ 你别拿大帽子压人。
 ☞ Don't try to intimidate people by pinning labels on them.
 ☞ 这份公文压了不少时间。
 ☞ This document was pigeonholed for quite some time.
 ☞ 这案子先压几天再讨论。
 ☞ Shelve the case for a few days before we discuss it.
压倒 压倒
 ☞ 我们不仅赢了这场比赛,而且以10比0的比分压倒了对手。
 ☞ We not only won the match, but also overwhelmed our opponents by 10 goals to nil.
 ☞ 康德与黑格尔发展了唯心主义,而且一度压倒了唯物主义。
 ☞ Kant and Hegel developed idealism, which overwhelmed at one time the materialist.
 ☞ 党代会上以压倒多数通过了一项决议。
 ☞ A resolution was passed at the Party congress by an overwhelming majority.
 ☞ 美国空军在数量和质量上都压倒了伊拉克的空防。
 ☞ The American Air Force has the numbers and quality to overpower the air defense of Iraq.
 ☞ 她本来不想在那么多的人面前睡觉的,但极度的疲劳压倒了她,她竞在车间的一个角落里睡着了。
 ☞ She would not have permitted herself to sleep in front of so many people but undue fatigue overpowered her, and she fell asleep in the comer of the workshop.
 ☞ 防治非典必须作为一项压倒一切的中心任务。
 ☞ The prevention and cure of SARS must be taken as a central task overriding everything else.
 ☞ 她精神上的极度痛苦压倒了对死亡的恐惧。
 ☞ Her spiritual agony overrode the terror of death.
 ☞ 我们要联合力量来压倒共同的敌人。
 ☞ We must unite our forces to overcome our common enemy.
 ☞ 没有困难能压倒我们。
 ☞ No difficulty will overcome us.
  ■ 不过有时,overcome也指情绪上非人力能控制的压倒。
 ☞ 绝望的情绪把她压倒了,于是她不断地扯着头发。
 ☞ Despair overcame her and she kept tearing her hair.
5.prevail over,指占上风后压倒。
 ☞ 真实一定会压倒虚伪,正确一定会压倒错误。
 ☞ Truth will certainly prevail over falsehood, and right over wrong.
 ☞ 有时候,偏见会压倒理智。
 ☞ Sometimes prejudice prevails over reason.
 ☞ 危险压不倒英雄汉。
 ☞ Danger does not daunt the hero.
 ☞ 他似乎没有被面前的困难所压倒。
 ☞ He didn't seem daunted by the difficulties facing him.
7.press down,指压紧或压倒。
 ☞ 房屋倒塌压倒好几根电线杆子。
 ☞ The collapse of the house has pressed down several wire poles.
 ☞ 瞧!人躺过的地方草都被压倒了。
 ☞ Look! The grass has been pressed down where people were lying.
压制 压制
 ☞ 当时我们生活在压制一切言论自由的军管之下。
 ☞ At that time we lived under the military control, which suppressed all free speech.
 ☞ 现在公开压制民主的事已很少见了。
 ☞ Nowadays it is rare to suppress democracy openly.
 ☞ 你无权压制来自群众的批评。
 ☞ You have no right to suppress any criticism from the masses.
 ☞ 群众集会遭到了警方的压制。
 ☞ The mass rally was suppressed by the police.
 ☞ 多年来一直有人在压制他的创造才能。
 ☞ Someone has been repressing his creative talents for years.
 ☞ 警方压制工人,不许他们罢工。
 ☞ The police repressed the workers to prevent them from strikes.
 ☞ 你越是压制你的欲望,欲望就会变得越是强烈。
 ☞ The more you repress your desire the stronger it becomes.
 ☞ 是一种责任感使他压制了跳槽的冲动。
 ☞ It was the sense of duty that inhibited the impulse to throw up his job and take on another.
 ☞ 这种惯常的做法除了压制群众的积极性之外不会有什么结果。
 ☞ Such usual practice will do nothing but inhibit the initiative of the masses.
 ☞ 铁饭碗和大锅饭一度压制了个人的创造性。
 ☞ The iron rice bowl and the one big pot stifled at one time individual initiative.
 ☞ 生机勃勃的艺术多年来一直受到“左倾”教条主义的压制。
 ☞ Vital art has been stifled by the Left dogmatism for many years.
5.make…by pressing, compress into,指机器压制产品。
 ☞ 我们专门压制砖坯。
 ☞ We specialize in making unfired bricks by pressing.
 ☞ 锯末可以压制成板材。
 ☞ Sawdust can be compressed into boards.
压抑 压抑
 ☞ 会议气氛沉重、压抑。
 ☞ The conference atmosphere is heavy and oppressive.
 ☞ 天气闷热、压抑。
 ☞ It was hot, suffocating and oppressive.
 ☞ 想到当前的麻烦使我精神压抑。
 ☞ A sense of trouble ahead oppressed my spirits.
 ☞ 她因多灾多难而感到压抑。
 ☞ She felt oppressed by her many woes.
 ☞ 她儿子的坏消息使她整天都感到压抑。
 ☞ Her son's bad news depressed her all day.
 ☞ 这部电影的气氛比较压抑。
 ☞ The film is rather depressing.
 ☞ 我们在忧郁、压抑的气氛中过日子。
 ☞ We spend days in the atmosphere of grief and depression.
 ☞ 值班守大门总使我的心情压抑。
 ☞ Being on duty of guarding the gates always constrains me.
 ☞ 我做了我不愿意做的事,感到压抑。
 ☞ I felt constrained to have done what I didn't want to do.
 ☞ 没有对象的批评会压抑群众的积极性。
 ☞ Criticism without any objects will inhibit the initiative of the masses.
 ☞ 他是个从不受清规戒律压抑的佛教徒。
 ☞ He is a Buddhist never constrained by the taboos and commandments.
 ☞ 随着岁月的流逝,你越是压抑你的感情,感情就变得越深厚。
 ☞ The more you inhibit your feeling the more it deepens with the passing of the years.
压缩 压缩
1.compress, compression,指加压后使体积变小的压缩。
 ☞ 自行车车胎里的空气是经过压缩的。
 ☞ The air in your bicycle tires has been compressed.
 ☞ 液体不像气体,很难压缩。因为液体的分子之间实际上没有空隙。
 ☞ Unlike gases, liquids are difficult to compress because there is practically no free space between molecules.
 ☞ 削下的木屑和锯下的锯末都可以压缩成板材。
 ☞ Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards.
 ☞ 气体膨胀时冷却,压缩时发热。
 ☞ A gas is cooled by expansion and heated by compression.
2.condense, 指精简、提炼后的压缩。
 ☞ 把你的申请书压缩在1页之内。
 ☞ Condense your letter of application to one page.
 ☞ 编辑部要求他把文章由5,000字压缩到2,500 字。
 ☞ The editorial department demanded that his essay should be condensed from 5,000 to 2,500 words.
3.cut down,指削减后的压缩。
 ☞ 我们都赞成压缩费用,降低成本。
 ☞ We are all for cutting down expenses and reducing costs.
 ☞ 如果你能把你的小说压缩1/3,我们就可能接受。
 ☞ If you could cut down your novel one third, we would take it.
压迫 压迫
 ☞ 劳资关系不应是一方压迫另一方,而是双方互利。
 ☞ The relationship between labor and capital should be of benefit to both sides instead of one oppressing the other.
 ☞ 压迫其他民族的民族是不可能自由的。
 ☞ No nation can be free if it oppresses other nations.
 ☞ 我们的理想是建立一个没有人压迫人,人剥削人的世界。
 ☞ It is our ideal to build a world without the oppression and exploitation of man by man.
 ☞ 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。
 ☞ Where there is oppression there is resistance.
 ☞ oppress则指通过强迫要人们做他们不愿做的事。
 ☞ 白人社会要么帮助黑人获得这一均等的机会,要么压迫他们。
 ☞ Either the white community helps the blacks get this equal chance or it represses them.
 ☞ 独裁者多年来一直在压迫人民。
 ☞ The dictator has repressed his people for years.
 ☞ 我国的经济成就正在形成新的政治现实,这是不能用压迫手段来对付的。
 ☞ The economic successes of our country are creating new political realities, which could not be dealt with by repression.
 ☞ 肿瘤压迫神经,引起疼痛。
 ☞ The tumor constricts the nerves and causes pain.
 ☞ 你得压迫血管来止血。
 ☞ You have to constrict the blood vessel to stop bleeding.
 ☞ 病人的胸部有压迫感。
 ☞ The patient feels a constriction in the chest.
 ☞ 肿瘤可能已长到压迫周围的脏器了。
 ☞ The tumor may grow so large as to compress adjacent viscera.
 ☞ 爱克斯光照片显示有个包块在压迫大脑。
 ☞ The roentgenogram shows that there is an enclosed mass compressing the brain.
原因 原因
 ☞ 感染是许多疾病发生的原因。
 ☞ Infection is a cause of many diseases.
 ☞ 误会是这次吵架的原因。
 ☞ Misunderstanding is the cause of the quarrel.
 ☞ 马克思和恩格斯在《共产党宣言》里揭露了文化生活衰落的真正原因。
 ☞ In the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels have exposed the real cause of the decline in cultural life.
  ■ 但如果cause之后接for往往用来解释理由。如:We have no cause for complaint.(我们没有理由埋怨。)有如:There is no cause for anxiety.(没有理由焦急。)除此之外,cause之后不接due to, on account of, because 等词,因为cause本身已含有这些词的含义。
 ☞ 他考试不及格的原因是由于他病了。
 ☞ The cause of his failure in the examination was his illness.(不说was due to his illness,也不说was on account of his illness)
 ☞ 普遍不满的原因是因为老百姓产生了绝望情绪。
 ☞ The cause of popular discontent was that people had feelings of despair.(最好不说was because people had feelings of despair)
2.reason, 指人们对发生的事情做出主观解释时的原因,由于这种原因需要解释,故其后接介词for。
 ☞ 请告诉我砍这棵树的原因。
 ☞ Please tell me the reason for the tree being cut down.
 ☞ 试比较:Please tell me the cause of the tree being cut down.
 ☞ 你如何解释你改变计划的原因?
 ☞ How will you explain the reason for changing the plan?试比较:How will you explain the cause of changing the plan?
  ■ reason之后接从句要用连词why,其作用与for接名词一样,都起解释作用。不过口语里往往可以省略。
 ☞ 他迟到的原因是因为天下雨。
 ☞ The reason why he was late was that it rained.
 ☞ 我们不能这么干有几个原因。
 ☞ There are several reasons why we can't do that.
  ■ 但也有例外用of的,这时表示的是所属,而不是解释。
 ☞ 他是由于健康原因退休的。
 ☞ He was retired for reason of health.
 ☞ 日本军国主义的失败原因是多方面的、复杂的。
 ☞ The reasons of Japanese militarists' defeat were many and complex.
  ■ 和cause一样,在reason之后也不接due to, on account of, because等词。
 ☞ 我爱她的原因是由于她的性格开朗。
 ☞ The reason why I love her is her bright and cheerful disposition.(不说is due to或all account of her bright and cheerful disposition)
 ☞ 或:The reason why I love her is that she has a bright and cheerful disposition.(最好也不要说is because she has a bright and cheerful disposition)
  ■ 注:reason后接表语从句一般都用that引导,但现在也有用because的,不过在正式文字里还是用that为好。
原始 原始
 ☞ 原始记录保存完好。
 ☞ The original records are well preserved.
 ☞ 在钻井和采矿过程中,原始的天然地热场受到了干扰。
 ☞ In the course of drilling and mining, the original natural geothermal field was disturbed.
 ☞ 我们就是想取得原始数据。
 ☞ We simply wish to obtain first-hand data.
 ☞ 记者们都说自己从法院那里搞到了原始资料,我不知该信谁的。
 ☞ Every journalist says that he has got the information first-hand from the court. I wonder whom to believe.
 ☞ 北京人属于原始人类。
 ☞ Beijing Man belonged to primeval man.
 ☞ 该国由于连年不断的战争几乎陷入了原始的蛮荒状态。
 ☞ That country has lapsed into nearly its primeval state of wildness because of successive years of war.
 ☞ 原始人类利用尖利的石块和兽骨为自己制造原始工具。
 ☞ Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones.
 ☞ 人们都说资本的原始积累都是血淋淋的。
 ☞ People say that the primitive accumulation of capital is bloody.
原来(原先) 原来(原先)
  ■ “原来”、“原先”是一对同义词,一般情况下可以换用。
 ☞ 他原来(原先)打算成为一个医生。
 ☞ His original intention was to become a doctor.
 ☞ 我也在想你原来的句子不完全对。
 ☞ I'm also thinking your original sentence is not quite right.
 ☞ 他的家人原来是福建的。
 ☞ Originally his family came from Fujian.
2.former, formerly,指先前。
 ☞ 明朝原来(原先)的首都在南京。
 ☞ The former capital of the Ming Dynasty was in NanJing.
 ☞ 他原来的同学是国务院的顾问。
 ☞ His former classmate is an adviser to the State Council.
 ☞ 他原来是工人,现在在大学学习。
 ☞ Formerly he was a worker, now he is studying in a college.
3.used to do (be)指过去做过或过去是。
 ☞ 我原来(原先)抽烟,现在不抽了。
 ☞ I used to smoke, but not now.
 ☞ 他原来是个工程师,现在成部长了。
 ☞ He used to be an engineer, but now he's become a minister.
 ☞ 我原来(原先)以为他不会同意,没想到他居然答应了。
 ☞ I thought that he would not agree, but to my surprise he said: "Yes".
 ☞ 她原来没谈过恋爱,因此也从来没有过那种感觉。
 ☞ She was never in love before. so she had never before had that feeling.
  ■ 但before有时还可用现在时和过去作对比。
 ☞ 这个学校原来只有500学生,现在已经有了2,000 多。
 ☞ There were 500 students before in this school, but there are more than 2,000 now.
 ☞ 他还住在原来的地方。
 ☞ He lives in the same place as before.
 ☞ 那事你原来告诉过我。
 ☞ You've told me that before.
1) turn out,表示意外中发现了真实情况。
 ☞ 原来这是一个骗局。
 ☞ It turned out to be a fraud.
 ☞ 这两天我没看见他,原来他有事到上海去了。
 ☞ I haven't seen him these days, it turns out that he has gone to Shanghai for business.
2) no wonder,与“难怪”合用,表示在情理之中的某种发现。
 ☞ 原来他在美国住了3年,难怪他的英语那么好。
 ☞ He lived for three years in the USA, no wonder his English is so good.
 ☞ 原来夜里下雪了,难怪那么冷。
 ☞ It snowed during the night, no wonder it's so cold.
3) so,表示意外发现某种结论。但如果用附加疑问句(tag question),则表示对结论的置疑。
 ☞ 原来你是这样的朋友!
 ☞ So that is the kind of friend you are!
 ☞ 原来你杀了自己的男人,还蛮无辜的,是吧?
 ☞ So you killed your husband quite innocently, didn't you?
4) why,表示意想不到的发现。
 ☞ 奶奶,原来你的眼镜就戴在你的鼻梁上。
 ☞ Why, grandma, your glasses are right on your nose.
 ☞ 爸爸,原来钥匙就插在锁上。
 ☞ Why, dad, the key is inserted right in the lock.
原谅 原谅
 ☞ 我们原谅了他的疏忽,因为我们知道他处于高度紧张之中。
 ☞ We excused his carelessness because we knew he was under a severe strain.
 ☞ 我来晚了,请原谅。
 ☞ Please excuse me for being late.
 ☞ 妻子往往原谅不忠的丈夫。
 ☞ A wife often forgives an unfaithful husband.
 ☞ 我决不原谅你昨天晚上对我说的话。
 ☞ I'll never forgive you for what you said to me last night.
 ☞ 我不请自来,请你原谅。
 ☞ I beg you will pardon me for coming in without being invited.
 ☞ 她打碎了我的花瓶,跪下来请我原谅。
 ☞ She broke my vase and begged my pardon on her knees.
4.make allowance for,指考虑到某种因素而原谅。
 ☞ 要是你们有什么冲突,应当互相原谅。
 ☞ If there is confliction between you, you should make allowances for each other.
 ☞ 孩子肯定是做错了事,不过你应当原谅他的年幼无知。
 ☞ The boy had certainly done wrong, but you should make allowances for his youth and ignorance.

1.go,单纯强调“去”这个动作,使用范围最广。大 致可以分为以下几类。
1) 用脚走着去或乘交通工具去。
 ☞ 学校离这里不远,我走着去。
 ☞ The school is not far from here. I'll go on foot.
 ☞ 你可以坐船去那里。
 ☞ You can go there by ship.
 ☞ 我要去车站接人。
 ☞ I'm going to the station to meet someone.
2) 后接动词不定式表示去的目的。
 ☞ 咱们去看电影。
 ☞ Let's go to see the movie.
 ☞ 他跟他的同学去打乒乓球了。
 ☞ He went to play ping-pong with his classmates.
3) 后接and do sth,等于go to do sth,多用于口语。
 ☞ 去替我寄封信。
 ☞ Go and post the letter for me.
 ☞ 这件事我们决定去研究研究,看该怎么办最好。
 ☞ We decided to go and make a study of it, and let's see what is the best thing to do.
4) 后接副词补语,表示已离开了说话地点。
 ☞ 他回家去了。
 ☞ He went home.
 ☞ 咱们上楼去吧。
 ☞ Let's go upstairs.
2.be away,off,指“去”的状态。
 ☞ 他去了3天还没回来。
 ☞ He's been away for three days, and hasn't come back yet.
 ☞ 不知道他会去多久。
 ☞ There was no knowing how long he might be away.
 ☞ 你星期一去上海吗?
 ☞ Are you off for Shanghai on Monday?
 ☞ 我明天去旅行。
 ☞ I'm off on a trip tomorrow.
3.take (make)a trip,指带有旅行色彩的更为正式的说法。
 ☞ 我想去一趟国外。
 ☞ I think I'll take a trip abroad.
 ☞ 王教授专门去了一趟北京,继续他的研究工作。
 ☞ Professor Wang had made a special trip to Beijing to pursue his research.
 ☞ 我给他去过两封信。
 ☞ I sent him two letters.
 ☞ 我们只去了个代表团。
 ☞ We only sent a delegation.
5.remove, 指去掉。
 ☞ 汽油可以去油迹。
 ☞ Gasoline can remove grease stains.
 ☞ 把我的名字从你的通讯录上去掉。
 ☞ Remove my name from your mailing list.
6.take out, 指除去。
 ☞ 汽油能去油迹。
 ☞ Gas is good for taking out oil stains.
 ☞ 这句话去掉一两个字就更简洁了。
 ☞ Take out one or two words and the sentence will be more concise。
7.get rid of,指去掉某种麻烦、痛苦等。
 ☞ 这种生发水可以去头皮屑。
 ☞ This hair lotion can get rid of dandruff.
 ☞ 服一片药,可以去痛。
 ☞ Take a tablet, and that will get rid of your pain.
 ☞ 谁把我的笔拿去了?
 ☞ Who's taken my pen away?
 ☞ 她厌恶地转过脸去。
 ☞ She turned away in disgust.
 ☞ 信寄去了没有?
 ☞ Have you sent the letter off yet?
 ☞ 园丁把多余的枝叶剪去了。
 ☞ The gardener cut off the unnecessary twigs and branches.
 ☞ 我发现苹果被咬去了一大块。
 ☞ I found a large piece of the apple was bit off.
 ☞ 这些琐碎事情占去了他不少时间。
 ☞ Such small things take up a lot of his time.
 ☞ 我们花去了所有的钱。
 ☞ We used up all the money.
参与 参与
1.participate, participation,指主动参与。
 ☞ 中国也参与了第一次世界大战,但没有派军队去欧洲。
 ☞ China also participated in the 1st World War but did not send her army to Europe.
 ☞ 我们都曾参与黄河治理的规划制定工作。
 ☞ We all have participated in the drawing up of the plan of how to bring the Yellow River under control.
 ☞ 他对直接参与政治向来是前怕狼后怕虎的。
 ☞ He has been shrinking from any direct participation in politics.
2.involve, involvement,指由于卷入而被动参与。
 ☞ 大约2,000名妇女参与了那次静坐抗议活动。
 ☞ About two thousand women were involved in that sitting.
 ☞ 两个团的兵力参与战斗。
 ☞ Two regiments were involved in the action.
 ☞ 世界事务需要中国参与。
 ☞ The world affairs need the involvement of China.
3.have a hand in,指部分参与。
 ☞ 她的同学都尊重她,因此学生会的每个重要决定她都参与。
 ☞ Her classmates respect her and she has a hand in every important decision made by the student union.
 ☞ 你可以肯定他是参与其事的。
 ☞ You may be sure that he has a hand in it.
 ☞ 囚犯矢口否认参与了反对政府的阴谋。
 ☞ The prisoner disavowed any share in plot against the government.
 ☞ 这件事,我们是共同参与计划的。
 ☞ We shared in the planning of it.
参加 参加
1.表示参加某种组织,可用join或be admitted (accepted) into,后者为正式用语。
 ☞ 1925年他参加了毛泽东领导的革命组织。
 ☞ In 1925 he joined the revolutionary organization headed by Mao Zedong.
 ☞ 谁劝你参加这个协会的?
 ☞ Who persuaded you to join this society?
 ☞ 他20岁就参加了波士顿交响乐团。
 ☞ He joined the Boston Symphony Orchestra at the age of twenty.
 ☞ 他在解放前就参加了中国共产党。
 ☞ He joined (was admitted, accepted into) the Communist Party of China before liberation.
  ■ “跟…一起参加做…”可用join sb. in。
 ☞ 我希望你跟我们一起参加讨论。
 ☞ I hope you'll join us in the discussion.
 ☞ 我兄弟昨天没跟他的同学一起参加足球赛。
 ☞ My brother didn't join his classmates in the football match yesterday.
 ☞ 王教授跟他的同事们一起参加了国际经济问题讨论会。
 ☞ Professor Wang joined his colleagues in the conference on international economic problems.
  ■ 但如果只说一起参加,而不强调做什么,则译成join sb.或sth.如:
 ☞ 我晚一点来参加你们。
 ☞ I'll join you later.
 ☞ 赶快来参加球赛吧。
 ☞ Come along and join the ball game.
2.表示参加某项活动,可用join in,take part in, come in on, participate in。
1) join in是join sb. in的简化,因此其内涵仍有“跟…一起参加做…”的意思,只是相对弱化了sb.这个宾语,而强化了in后面的活动。
 ☞ 接着,一个女职员也参加了讨论。
 ☞ Then a girl clerk also joined in the discussion.
 ☞ 他们参加了联欢会,而且玩得很痛快。
 ☞ They joined in the get-together and had a good time.
 ☞ 你来参加我们的合唱吗?
 ☞ Are you going to join in our group singing?
  ■ join in有时可以不接宾语,但上述内涵依然不变。
 ☞ 一个救护队组织起来了,我和老李一起参加抬担架。
 ☞ An ambulance service was organized and I joined in with Li as a stretcher-bearer.
 ☞ 他们出来做早操,我也参加。
 ☞ They came out for their morning exercises. I also joined in.
2) take part in,一般可以与join in换用,但较为正式。
 ☞ 10多万矿工参加了罢工,要求提高工资。
 ☞ More than 100,000 miners took part in (joined in) the strike for better pay.
 ☞ 你去参加讨论吗?
 ☞ Are you going to take part in (join in) the discussion?
  ■ 但take part in与join in不同点在于前者是正式用语,而且part前可以加修饰语。
 ☞ 所有党委成员都直接参加生产劳动。
 ☞ All members of the Party Committee take a direct part in production labor.
 ☞ 她们都积极参加了争取妇女平等权利的斗争。
 ☞ They took an active part in fighting for equal rights for women.
3) come in on,有主动要求参加的意思。
 ☞ 我厂正在试制一种新光源,几所大学的实验室主动提出参加试制。
 ☞ Our factory was trial-making a new electric light source, and some of the university laboratories offered to come in on it.
 ☞ 只有等到中农看清了革命将要胜利的时候,才会参加到革命方面来。
 ☞ It is only after the middle peasants clearly see the approaching triumph of the revolution that they will come in on the side of the revolution.
4) participate in,为书面语,显得庄重。
 ☞ 非职业选手可以参加业余网球邀请赛。
 ☞ Non-professionals may participate in the amateur tennis tournaments.
 ☞ 解放后不少妇女参加管理国家大事。
 ☞ After liberation, not a few women participated in the management of state affairs.
1) attend,指出席。
 ☞ 他决定亲自参加会议。
 ☞ He decided to attend the conference in person.
 ☞ 这是我曾经参加过的最大的婚礼。
 ☞ It is the grandest wedding I've ever attended.
 ☞ 昨天我在人民大会堂参加了一次社交性集会。
 ☞ I attended a social gathering in the Great Hall of the People yesterday.
 ☞ 她没有参加葬礼,怕触目伤心。
 ☞ She did not attend the funeral for fear that "would grieve her.
2) be present,指在场。
 ☞ 有多少人参加会议?
 ☞ How many people were present at the meeting?
 ☞ 我参加了葬礼。
 ☞ I was present at the funeral.
 ☞ 见到那么多人参加,他很高兴。
 ☞ He was pleased at seeing so many people present.
3) go to,指到场。
 ☞ 你参加了昨天的会议了吗?
 ☞ Did you go to the meeting yesterday?
 ☞ 她爱好音乐,所以常常参加音乐会。
 ☞ She loves music and often goes to the concert.
4.报名参加某种活动,可译enter for。
 ☞ 他参加了自行车比赛。
 ☞ He entered for the bicycle race.
 ☞ 我每年都要参加歌咏比赛。
 ☞ Every year I enter for the singing competition.
 ☞ 我参加了1978年7月的大学入学考试,但名落孙山。
 ☞ In July 1978, I took the college entrance examination but failed.
6.参加某种课程的学习,可译enroll in a course。
 ☞ 参加英语学习班是我多年的愿望。
 ☞ It has been my wish for years to enroll in an English course.
7.参加发表意见,可译give one's view (advice,suggestion等)。
 ☞ 这件事你也来参加点意见好吗?
 ☞ Come and give us your view on the matter, won't you?
8.笼统的“参如”,可译get into。
 ☞ 参加容易脱离难呀。
 ☞ It is easier to get into them than to get out 你什么时候参加这个足球队的?
 ☞ When did you get into this football team?
参考 参考
1.从“查”的角度来译,可用consult, refer to。
 ☞ 他参考了不少有关的书刊。
 ☞ He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals.
 ☞ 作者参考了100多种原始资料才写成这本传记。
 ☞ The author did not complete the biography till he consulted more than one hundred source books.
 ☞ 我记不清楚时,总是参考有关书籍。
 ☞ When I can't remember clearly, I always refer to relevant books.
 ☞ 如果你不懂这个意思,可以参考词典。
 ☞ If you don't know what this means, refer to the dictionary.
2.从“阅”的角度来译,可用read for reference。
 ☞ 学习时事,可以参考这篇文章。
 ☞ In studying current affairs you might read this article for reference.
 ☞ 讨论下一步怎么做时,我们参考了总工程师的总结报告。
 ☞ We read the summary report of the chief engineer for reference while discussing what to do next.
3.“仅供参考”,可译for reference only。
 ☞ 这些历史文献仅供参考。
 ☞ These historical documents are for reference only.
参观 参观
 ☞ 北京有许多名胜古迹可供参观。
 ☞ In Beijing there are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty to visit.
 ☞ 秋天是参观苏杭的最好季节。
 ☞ Autumn is the best season to visit Suzhou and Hangzhou.
  ■ 但如果访问与参观并用时,可译成visit and view。
 ☞ 尼克松总统及其一行访问了北京,参观了文化、工业和农业项目。
 ☞ President Nixon and his party visited Beijing and viewed cultural, industrial, and agricultural sites.
 ☞ 有几位买主已经来参观过房子了。
 ☞ Several possible buyers come to view the house.
 ☞ 我带着他参观了这个古色古香的小镇。
 ☞ I took him to view this little antique town.
 ☞ 你参观了博物馆新收藏的钱币了吗?
 ☞ Have you viewed the museum's new coin collection?
3.带着参观,应译为show around (round)。
 ☞ 队长带我们参观了实验田。
 ☞ The team leader showed us around the experimental plot.
 ☞ 厂长带着外宾参观了工厂。
 ☞ The director showed the foreign guests round the factory.
4.如果参观强调的是游览,也可译go on sight-seeing (trip)。
 ☞ 俄罗斯代表团会谈后参观了北京的名胜古迹。
 ☞ The Russian delegation went on sightseeing trip to scenic spots and historical monuments after negotiation.
5.路标上的“欢迎参观”可译作:Visitors are welcome。

  ■ “又”是个虚词,汉语里大致有以下几种用法。
1) again,用于动作的重复,用来修饰动词。
 ☞ 我在5点钟又给了她药。
 ☞ I gave her medicine again at five.
 ☞ 他把信读了又读。
 ☞ He read the letter through again and again.
 ☞ 这件事她说了又说。
 ☞ She said it over and over again.
2) another,用于情况的重复,用来修饰名词。
 ☞ 可怜的娟子又动了一次手术。
 ☞ The poor Juanzi has had another operation.
 ☞ 3天以后又来了一场暴风雪。
 ☞ Three days later there came another snowstorm.
  ■ 一般情况下,another后的名词只用单数,但却可以跟带有数词或few的复数名词。
 ☞ 我又有了3天假。
 ☞ I've got another three days' holiday.
 ☞ 你受伤后又有几个工人受了伤。
 ☞ Another few workers were injured after your injury.
3) more,也用来修饰名词,由于another只用于单数名词,故用more来修饰复数名词。
 ☞ 又有6名军官被捕,其中包括3名将军。
 ☞ Six more officers were arrested, including three generals.
 ☞ 又将有3个步兵师被派往伊拉克。
 ☞ Three more infantry divisions will be sent to Iraq.
  ■ again,another,one more的区别可在下列译文中进行比较。
 ☞ 他的作文里又有一个错。
 ☞ There is a mistake again in his composition. (强;调出错的重复)
 ☞ There is another mistake in his composition. (强调又是一个错)
 ☞ There is one more mistake in his composition.(强调从数的概念上又是一个错)
1) both... and... ,用来连接相同的词类,有“既…又…”,“又…又…”的意思。
 ☞ 这房间既宽敞又明亮。
 ☞ The room is both spacious and bright.
 ☞ 她将在今晚的节目里又唱又跳。
 ☞ She will both sing and dance in the program tonight.
2) at once... and... ,也可连接相同的词类,但比both... and... 更强调同时的存在或发生。
 ☞ 世界就是这样一个辩证法:又动又不动。
 ☞ All things are at once in motion and not in motion;
 ☞ such is the dialectics of our world.
 ☞ 王林既弹钢琴又指挥乐队。
 ☞ Wang Lin plays the piano at once and leads his orchestra.
1) and,连接叠加起来的两个相同的动作。
 ☞ 他想了又想,终于想出了一个好办法。
 ☞ He thought and thought, and finally he got a good idea.
 ☞ 他说了又说,但大家对他的话不感兴趣。
 ☞ He talked and talked, but nobody was interested in what he said.
2) also,too,as well,连接一个动作之外又加上另一个动作或表示几种情况同时存在。
 ☞ 他要买肉又要买鱼。
 ☞ He wants to buy meat and also fish.
 ☞ 流行性感冒又叫流感。
 ☞ Influenza is also called flu.
 ☞ 这个很好,又便宜。
 ☞ This is very good, and inexpensive too.
 ☞ 昨天我们跟踪了这辆黑色福特车,今天又跟。
 ☞ We followed the black Ford yesterday and we follow it today as well.
1) but,指在对比中进行转拆。
 ☞ 我想去又怕没时间。
 ☞ I'd like to go, but I'm not sure if I can find the time.
 ☞ 我本来应当帮他,却又没帮他。
 ☞ I ought to have helped him, but I didn't.
2) and yet,常用来进一步说明前面的事实以突出转折。
 ☞ 又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草。
 ☞ You want the horse to run fast, and yet you don't let it graze.
 ☞ 她是个滑稽可笑的姑娘,而你又由不得地喜欢她。
 ☞ She is a funny girl, and yet you can't help liking her.
1) not only... but... as well,指在前面的基础上又进了一步。
 ☞ 这套家具既美观,又大方,你的朋友一定很喜欢。
 ☞ This set of furniture is not only beautiful but graceful as well. Your friend will like it very much.
 ☞ 这房间又宽敞,又明亮。
 ☞ The room is not only spacious but bright as well.
2) in turn,指做了一件事,反过来又做了另一件事。
 ☞ 土壤滋养了植物,反过来植物又保护了土壤。
 ☞ The soil feeds plants; the plants in turn protect the soil.
 ☞ 我把这消息告诉了他,他又把消息告诉了她。
 ☞ I told him the news, and he in turn told it to her.
3) in one's turn,by turns,指轮流做一件事。
 ☞ 一个复杂的东西分成了比较简单的局部,而这些简单的局部又分成更加简单的细部。
 ☞ What is compound is split up into more simple parts and these, in their turn, into still simpler ones.
 ☞ 她一会儿笑,又一会儿哭。
 ☞ She laughed and cried by turns.
 ☞ 我没说你不对,你又何必那么生气呢?
 ☞ I didn't say you were wrong. Why should you be so angry?
 ☞ 这活又不重,我一介人肯定能对付。
 ☞ That's not a hard job. I'm sure I can manage it alone.
 ☞ 这样做又有什么好处呢?
 ☞ What good is there in doing that?
及时 及时
 ☞ 这场雨下得真及时。
 ☞ This is a timely rain indeed.
 ☞ 是你及时警告才救了我们的命。
 ☞ It is your timely warning that saved our lives.
2.in time,指准时。
 ☞ 我们及时赶到景洪,正好赶上傣族的泼水节。
 ☞ We got to Jinghong in time for the Dai Water-Splashing Festival.
 ☞ 我因为没有及时寄出申请书而失去了上大学的机会。
 ☞ I missed my chance to get a university place because I didn't send my application in time.
 ☞ 医务人员向发生车祸的人们做出了及时的救助。
 ☞ The doctors and nurses gave seasonable aid to men to whom an automobile accident happened.
 ☞ 他及时的忠告救我于破产之中。
 ☞ His seasonable advice saved me from going bankrupt.
4.in good time,指正是时候。
 ☞ 要及时解决交通拥挤问题。
 ☞ The problem of traffic congestion must be dealt with in good time.
 ☞ 消防队及时赶到现场扑灭火灾。
 ☞ The fire brigade rushed to the spot in good time to put out the fire.
5.at the right time,指就在此时。
 ☞ 春播要及时。
 ☞ Spring sowing must be done at the right time.
 ☞ 这场雪下得及时。
 ☞ This snow has come at the right time.
 ☞ 他平时总要及时发表一点批评意见。
 ☞ He is always prompt to voice some criticism.
 ☞ 有病要及时治疗。
 ☞ Get prompt treatment when you are ill.
7.without delay,指不耽误。
 ☞ 今晚有暴风雨,要及时通知渔民。
 ☞ Tonight there will be a storm. We must notify the fishermen without delay.
 ☞ 任何调查结果都要及时汇报。
 ☞ The findings of any investigation must be reported without delay.
发展 发展
 ☞ 在一切国民党区域,党的基本方针同样是发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固势力。
 ☞ In all the KMT areas the Party's basic policy is to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces.
 ☞ 该书的其余部分只是发展了第一章里的思想。
 ☞ The rest of the book merely developed the ideas of the first chapter.
 ☞ 他们在发展拉美联合上起过重大作用。
 ☞ They played an important part in developing Latin America unionism.
 ☞ 上海已发展成为世界最大海港中的一个。
 ☞ Shanghai has developed into one of the greatest ports in the world.
 ☞ 我们发展核武器是为了消灭核武器。
 ☞ We are developing nuclear weapons to do away with such weapons.
 ☞ 列宁进一步发展了马克思主义的国家学说。
 ☞ Lenin further developed the Marxist doctrine of the state.
 ☞ 农、林、牧、副、渔应同时发展。
 ☞ Agriculture, forestry, livestock-breeding, fishery and side occupations should be developed simultaneously.
 ☞ 他说他的国家愿同中国发展传统友谊。
 ☞ He says his country wishes to develop its traditional friendship with China.
 ☞ 坚持发展经济,保障供给是我们的任务。
 ☞ Our task is to develop the economy persistency and ensure supplies.
 ☞ 辩证唯物主义的观点是要用发展的眼光看人。
 ☞ It is dialectical materialist point of view to look at a person with an eye on the course of his development.
 ☞ 当时盛行一种说法,即资本主义自发势力一直在发展。
 ☞ A formulation prevailed at that time that the spontaneous forces of capitalism had been steadily growing.
 ☞ 城市的迅速发展,也发展了大批劳动阶级。
 ☞ Cities grow rapidly, and a large laboring class develops.
 ☞ 同样,共产党在全国范围内越发展,则克服投降危险的可能性越增加。
 ☞ Similarly, the more the Communist Party grows throughout the country, the greater will be the possibility of averting the danger of capitulation.
 ☞ 民权运动在世界许多地方都在迅速发展。
 ☞ Movement for civil rights is growing rapidly in many parts of the world.
 ☞ 这种思想随着岁月的消逝而发展了。
 ☞ This thought grew as the years passed.
3.(make) advance, carry forward,强调推进的发展过程。
 ☞ 马克思主义一定要向前发展,要随着实践的发展而发展。
 ☞ Marxism must certainly advance; it must develop along with the development of practice.
 ☞ 我们不应自满,还应继续发展大好形势。
 ☞ We should not be self-satisfied and must make further advances on the already very good situation.
 ☞ 最近50年来,科学有了长足的发展。
 ☞ Science has made great advances in the last fifty years.
 ☞ 没有重工业就不可能有经济的发展。
 ☞ Without heavy industry there can be no economic advance.
 ☞ 找出癌症的治疗方法将是医学的一大发展。
 ☞ Discovering a cure for cancer would be a major medical advance.
 ☞ 我们必须乘胜前进,发展大好形势。
 ☞ We must continue our triumphant advance and carry forward the excellent situation.
4.go ahead,forge ahead,head,强调具有一定前进方向的自动发展过程。
 ☞ 第三世界国家的力量在迅速发展壮大。
 ☞ The third world countries are rapidly going ahead from strength to strength.
 ☞ 革命在发展。
 ☞ The revolution is going ahead.
 ☞ 我国社会主义建设在蓬勃发展。
 ☞ China's socialist construction is forging vigorously ahead.
 ☞ 激光技术已在迅速发展。
 ☞ Laser technology has gone ahead rapidly.
 ☞ 中国的改革正向着新的目标和更大的胜利发展。
 ☞ The reform in China is forging ahead to new goals and still greater victories.
 ☞ 1933年后,德国政局变本加厉地向着公开的法西斯独裁统治发展。
 ☞ From 1933, the German political situation increasingly headed toward an open fascist dictatorship.
 ☞ 他们这种政策是向着破产方向发展的。
 ☞ This policy of theirs is headed for bankruptcy.
 ☞ 他们是在向资本主义方向发展。
 ☞ They are heading in the capitalist direction.
 ☞ 毛主席于1940年发出“发展抗日力量”的号召。
 ☞ Chairman Mao issued the call: "Freely expand the anti-Japanese forces" in 1940.
 ☞ 即是说,江北越胜利,越发展,则顾祝同在江南越不敢轻举妄动。
 ☞ That is to say, the more victories we win and the more we expand north of the Changjiang River, the more will Gu Zhutong be afraid to act rashly South of the Changjiang River.
 ☞ 这个反革命集团,在解放以后是发展了,如果不加以制止,还会发展下去。
 ☞ After liberation, this counter-revolutionary clique expanded, and if unchecked, would go on expanding.
 ☞ 否则生产就不能发展。
 ☞ Otherwise, production cannot be expanded.
6.build up,强调建立的发展过程。
 ☞ 国家决定发展自己的武装力量。
 ☞ The country is determined to build up its armed forces.
 ☞ 许多重大的企业一开始都是由小企业发展起来的。
 ☞ Many large and important enterprises have been built up from small beginnings.
 ☞ 他们努力工作,以发展两国人民之间的友谊。
 ☞ They worked hard to build up the friendship between the two peoples.
 ☞ 我们希望两国共同努力,发展现有的关系。
 ☞ We hope the two countries will make joint efforts to further existing relations.
 ☞ 这反过来又引导政府来发展科学。
 ☞ This in turn led the government to further the science.
 ☞ 这一组织正被用来发展两国间的友好联系。
 ☞ The organization is being used to further the friendly ties between the countries.
 ☞ 英国的政治制度已发展了几个世纪。
 ☞ The British political system has evolved over several centuries.
 ☞ 整个设想是由一次偶然的谈论而发展起来的。
 ☞ The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.
 ☞ 我们希望这次首脑聚会最终会发展为非洲国家联盟。
 ☞ We hope that the summit conference will evolve eventually into a union of African States.
9.admit, recruit,强调组织发展的过程。
 ☞ 这样的人不能发展为中国共产党党员。
 ☞ Such people should not be admitted to the Communist Party of China.
 ☞ 他们发展他参加这一组织。
 ☞ They admitted him into the organization.
 ☞ 你不能多发展些成员参加音乐家协会吗?
 ☞ Can't you recruit more members to the musicians' society?

 ☞ 我们看见他被反绑着朝我们走来。
 ☞ We saw him walking toward us with his hands tied behind his back.
 ☞ 这就叫做“义无反顾”。
 ☞ That is called "There can be no turning back when doing what is righteous."
 ☞ 他的话滔滔不绝,根本不让她反驳。
 ☞ He poured out words and left her no room to talk back.
 ☞ 她对同志们的批评不但置之不理,甚至反唇相讥.
 ☞ She not only ignored the criticism of her comrades but went so far as to answer back sarcastically.
3.inside out,指反面。
 ☞ 你袜子穿反了。
 ☞ You have put your socks on inside out.
 ☞ 天气暖和的时候,老乡的皮衣都反着穿。
 ☞ When it was getting warm, the villagers wore their fur coats inside out.
4.turn over, turn…into, turn… on,指翻过来。
 ☞ 做这件事易如反掌。
 ☞ To do this is as easy as turning over one's palm.
 ☞ 我可以给你举个反败为胜的例子。
 ☞ I can give you an example of turning defeat into victory.
 ☞ 现在该我们反守为攻了。
 ☞ Now it's time for us to turn the tables on us.
5.be opposed to,指态度上反对。
 ☞ 人民都是反战的。
 ☞ All peoples are opposed to war.
 ☞ 我们之所以要去,是因为我们是反侵略的。
 ☞ The reason why we went was that we were opposed to aggression.
 ☞ 在公共场所乱丢垃圾是违反社会公德的。
 ☞ It is antisocial to leave litter in public places.
 ☞ 我军于拂晓向敌人发动猛烈反攻。
 ☞ Our troops launched a fierce counterattack against the enemy at dawn.
7.opposite, on the contrary,指相反。
 ☞ 我们非常想赢这场比赛,结果适得其反。
 ☞ We wanted very much to win the game, but the result was just the opposite.
 ☞ 现在咱们要反其道而行之。
 ☞ Now let's do exactly the opposite.
 ☞ 这样做不但于事无补,反会把事情弄糟。
 ☞ This won't do any good; on the contrary, it will make things even worse.
 ☞ 结果反而不美。
 ☞ On the contrary the result turned out disagreeable.
 ☞ 他不但不支持我,反把我批评了一顿。
 ☞ Instead of supporting me he criticized me.
 ☞ 她没给他钱,反给了我。
 ☞ Instead of giving him money, she gave it to me.
反之 反之
 ☞ 如果你们练球真的刻苦,就会赢,反之他们要赢。
 ☞ If you really apply yourselves to practicing ball games, you will win; otherwise they will win.
 ☞ 按照正确政策办事,我们就胜利,反之就失败。
 ☞ Whenever we followed a correct policy we were successful; otherwise we failed.
 ☞ 愿为人民服务的人,人民就欢迎他,反之,只为自己打算的人,就不欢迎他。
 ☞ Those who have the welfare of the people at heart are popular, whereas those who think only of themselves are unpopular.
 ☞ 为了自己的子女她什么都干,反之,为别人她则什么都不干。
 ☞ She does everything for her children, whereas she does nothing for others.
3.vice versa,表示在同一条件下正反双方都一样。
 ☞ 现在男女平等,男人可以与妻子离婚,反之也一样。
 ☞ Now man and woman are equal. A man divorces his wife, or vice versa.
 ☞ 投资超过储蓄,物价就会上升,反之亦然。
 ☞ An excess of investment over saving means rising prices,and vice versa.
反复 反复
1.repeated, repeatedly,表示一再重复。
 ☞ 这计划是经过反复讨论而产生的。
 ☞ The plan was born out of repeated discussion.
 ☞ 他反复尝试,但都无用。
 ☞ He made repeated attempts, but to no avail.
 ☞ 他不顾我们的反复要求,拒绝一切采访。
 ☞ In spite of our repeated requests, he refused all interviews.
 ☞ 两个计划都反复尝试过,但没有一次是成功的。
 ☞ Both plans have been tried repeatedly, but never with success.
 ☞ 他在会上反复强调思想工作的重要性。
 ☞ At the meeting he repeatedly stressed the importance of ideological work.
2.again and again, over and over again, time and again,表示一次又一次。
 ☞ 比赛过程中,观众对两国运动员的精湛球艺反复报以热烈的掌声。
 ☞ Throughout the match, the spectators applauded again and again for the fine skill of the players of the two countries.
 ☞ 我反复讲解以后他才弄懂了这一表达方式的意义。
 ☞ He didn't understand the meaning of this expression until I explained it over and over again.
 ☞ 他要我反复念同一个词。
 ☞ He made me pronounce the same word over and over again.
 ☞ 我们老师反复强调课外活动的重要性。
 ☞ Our teacher have time and again stressed the importance of extracurricular activities.
3.have a relapse,表示疾病或恶习的复发。
 ☞ 你的病现在虽然好了,不过要防止反复。
 ☞ You are well now, but mind you don't have a relapse.
 ☞ 病人有过一次大反复。
 ☞ The patient had a major relapse.
 ☞ 你思想有点反复也难怪。
 ☞ It is understandable that you should have some ideological relapse.
 ☞ 他发誓再也不偷东西了,但马上又出现了反复。
 ☞ He swore that he would never steal again, but soon he had a relapse.
4.up and down, have setback,表示胜利与挫折,好与坏等起起伏伏的反复。
 ☞ 不管战争有多少反复,侵略者的命运是注定了的。
 ☞ No matter how many ups and downs there are in the war, the fate of the aggressors is sealed.
 ☞ 最近我的身体状况老是反复,我想我得休假了。
 ☞ I've been rather up and down recently. I think I need a holiday.
 ☞ 我们的革命由于左倾机会主义的错误有过几次令人气馁的反复。
 ☞ Our revolution had several nasty setbacks due to the errors of the Left opportunism.
 ☞ 病人在康复过程中出现了反复。
 ☞ The patient had a setback in his recovery.
反对 反对
1.oppose (with),be opposed to,可指任何程度的反对,从温和的不赞成、不同意,到积极的对抗。两 者的区别在于oppose to表示反对的行动,而be opposed to仅表示反对的态度。
 ☞ 要提倡唯物辩证法,反对行而上学和烦琐哲学。
 ☞ We must promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.
 ☞ 凡是敌人反对的,我们就要拥护,凡是敌人拥护的,我们就要反对。
 ☞ We should support whatever the enemy oppose and oppose whatever the enemy support.
 ☞ 我党的方针是坚决反对内战,阻止内战。
 ☞ Our Party's policy is to resolutely oppose civil war and prevent civil war.
 ☞ 我们坚决反对大国沙文主义。
 ☞ We resolutely oppose great power chauvinism.
 ☞ 他们不敢反对人民明确希望得到的东西。
 ☞ They didn't dare to oppose what the people so plainly desired.
 ☞ 即使我反对他,但我得说他是个老实人。
 ☞ He is an honest man; I say it, even though I have opposed him.
 ☞ 我们用人民战争反对侵略战争。
 ☞ We oppose the war of aggression with the people's war.
 ☞ 这件事他开始时是激烈反对的。
 ☞ He was violently opposed to it at first.
 ☞ 中国人民是反对这场战争的。
 ☞ The Chinese people are opposed to the war.
 ☞ 当时他们是坚决反对农业搞单干的。
 ☞ They were resolutely opposed to individual farming.
2.object to,常指瞬间,突然反映出来的反对,未经过深思熟虑,因而反对的往往是日常生活中的小事。
 ☞ 有些人往往反对一切。
 ☞ Some people always object to everything.
 ☞ 他们是个人之间的原因才反对他的。
 ☞ They objected to him on personal grounds.
 ☞ 我们反对弃学经商。
 ☞ We object to leaving school and going into business.
 ☞ 他妻子反对他出国。
 ☞ His wife objects to his going abroad.
 ☞ 因此我想,如果我把它们换了,你也不会反对的。
 ☞ And so I thought you wouldn't object if I change them.
 ☞ 我是根据原则反对这一点的,而不是因为影响了我个人。
 ☞ I object to this on principle, not because it affects me personally.
3.fight against,词义较窄,只指通过某种战斗、斗争等手段而表现出来的反对。
 ☞ 只有反对贪污浪费才能使整个社会风气好转。
 ☞ Only by fighting against corruption and waste can we make the general mood of society take a favorable turn.
 ☞ 他坚决反对歪曲马克思主义理论的一切企图。
 ☞ He fought stubbornly against all attempts to distort Marxist theory.
 ☞ 独立战争中英国反对过美国。
 ☞ Britain fought against the U.S. in the War of Independence.
 ☞ 他领导工人们反对压迫和剥削。
 ☞ He led the workers in fighting against oppression and exploitation.
 ☞ 这增加了他们反对这场肮脏战争的决心。
 ☞ This increased their determination to fight against that dirty war.
 ☞ 我们反对主观主义和宗派主义,如果不连党八股也给以清除,那它们就有一个藏身的地方。
 ☞ We are fighting against subjectivism and sectarianism, but they will still have a hiding place to lurk in if at the same time we do not get rid of stereotyped Party writing.
4.combat与fight against相比进取性较弱,其含义往往强调反对的迫切性,常与某些表示抽象概念的名词搭配。
 ☞ 反对官僚主义、反对命令主义、反对违法乱纪这件事,应当引起我们各级领导机关的注意。
 ☞ Task of combating bureaucracy, commandism and violation of law and discipline should arouse the attention of our leading bodies at all levels.
 ☞ 现在我们必须反对主观主义,既反对盲目冒进的主观主义,也反对保守的主观主义。
 ☞ At present we must combat subjectivism, not only in the form of rash advance but also in the form of conservatism.
 ☞ 第三世界是一支反对霸权主义的重要力量。
 ☞ The Third World is an important force in combating hegemony.
 ☞ 毛主席于1937年发出了“反对自由主义”的号召。
 ☞ In 1937, Chairman Mao issued the call "Combat liberalism".
5.be attacked,由于是被动式,其进取性也弱。
 ☞ 党八股也是一种洋八股,这洋八股,鲁迅早就反对过。
 ☞ Stereotyped Party Writing is, moreover, one brand of the" foreign stereotype" which was attacked by Lu Xun a long time ago.
 ☞ 被敌人反对是好事,而不是坏事。
 ☞ To be attacked by the enemy is a good thing, not a bad thing.
 ☞ 反对贪污和浪费的斗争有了一些成绩,以后还应努力。
 ☞ Our campaigns against corruption and waste have already achieved results, but further efforts are required.
 ☞ 罢工委员会成员都投票反对复工。
 ☞ Every member of the Strike Committee voted against going back to work.
  ■ 但偶尔也有用作谓语的,这时可用be opposed to换用。
 ☞ 我们对世界大战的态度是:第一,反对;第二,不怕。
 ☞ Our attitude on the question of world war is: first, we are against; second, we are not afraid of it.
反应 反应
1.受到外界刺激后产生的反应,用react to,reaction,respond to,response,可互换。
 ☞ 狗对主人善待的反应是报之以爱。
 ☞ A dog reacts (responds) to kind treatment by loving its master.
 ☞ 如果你碰一下刺猬,它的反应是缩成一团。
 ☞ If you touch a hedgehog, it will react (respond) by curling into a ball.
 ☞ 新闻界对要求新闻检查的反应报之以一连串愤怒的社论。
 ☞ The press reacted to the demand of censorship with a series of angry editorials.
 ☞ 华盛顿的反应迅速而激烈。
 ☞ Washington reacted swiftly and violently.
 ☞ 对他建议的反应不一。
 ☞ The reactions to his proposal varied.
 ☞ 她对强光的反应是手搭凉棚遮住眼睛。
 ☞ She responded to the strong light by shading her eyes with her hand.
 ☞ 对这类讲授,班上的反应不好。
 ☞ To this kind of teaching, the class responded badly.
 ☞ 根据听众的反应判断,我认为我作了一次成功的讲话。
 ☞ I thought that, judging by the response of the audience, I had made a successful speech.
 ☞ 小男孩对药物的反应很快,没几天就好了。
 ☞ The little boy responded quickly to the medicine and was well in a few days.
 ☞ 病人对新疗法的反应很好。
 ☞ The response of the patient was good to the new therapy.
 ☞ 你的病人对新疗程的反应如何?
 ☞ How is your patient reacting to the new course of treatment?
 ☞ 他对医生的治疗反应是满意的。
 ☞ His reaction to the doctor's treatment was satisfactory.
 ☞ 他打了一针青霉素,产生了过敏反应。
 ☞ The injection of penicillin produced an allergic reaction in him.
 ☞ 我向他提议喝点什么东西,但他没有反应。
 ☞ I offered him to drink something but he didn't respond.
 ☞ 他对我建议的反应只是笑一笑。
 ☞ He responded to my suggestion by laughing.
 ☞ 我问他是否饿了,但他没有反应。
 ☞ I asked her if she was hungry but she made no response.
 ☞ 酸与碱相互反应会产生盐。
 ☞ An acid can react with a base to forma salt.
 ☞ 氨反应于硫酸产生硫酸铵。
 ☞ Ammonia reacts with sulfuric acid to form ammonium sulfate.
 ☞ 氢氧反应产生水。
 ☞ The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen gives water.
 ☞ 仔细观察正在发生的化学反应。
 ☞ Observe carefully the chemical reaction which is taking place.
反映 反映
 ☞ 反映于旧制度中的旧思想残余将长期留在人们的头脑里。
 ☞ Remnants of old ideas reflecting in the old system will remain in people's mind for a long time.
 ☞ 艺术应该反映人民的生活和愿望。
 ☞ Art must reflect the life and aspirations of the people.
 ☞ 他的声明反映了他在这件事情上的态度。
 ☞ His statement reflected his attitude to this matter.
 ☞ 他们的行动是反映他们思想的。
 ☞ Their action reflects their thought.
 ☞ 他的一举一动都反映了他的教养。
 ☞ His behavior reflects his upbringing.
 ☞ 人民币在世界货币市场上继续增值就反映了这些事实。
 ☞ Reflecting these facts, the RMB continued to appreciate in the world's money market.
 ☞ 这些戏剧从不同的角度反映了我们的革命斗争。
 ☞ These plays mirror our revolutionary struggles from various angles.
 ☞ 展览反映了社会主义革命和社会主义建设的巨大成就。
 ☞ The exhibition mirrors the magnificent achievements made in the socialist revolution and socialist construction.
 ☞ 他的痛苦都反映在他脸上了。
 ☞ His suffering was mirrored in his face.
 ☞ 我市不大,却反映出我国的发展及特征。
 ☞ Our city is not a large one, but it mirrors the development and character of our nation.
3.find expression in, give expression to,从表现的角度反映。
 ☞ 社会上的阶级斗争必然要反映到党内来的。
 ☞ Class struggle in society will inevitably find expression in the Party.
 ☞ 这些原则充分反映在两国间的友好关系之中了。
 ☞ These principles have found full expression in the friendly relations between the two countries.
 ☞ 他们的个人主义反映在寻欢作乐上。
 ☞ Their individualism finds expression in pleasure seeking.
 ☞ 资产阶级、小资产阶级,他们的思想意识是一定要反映出来的。
 ☞ Inevitably, the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie will give expression to their own ideologies.
 ☞ 这一声明充分反映了巴勒斯坦人民的决心。
 ☞ The statement gave full expression to the determination of the Palestinian people.
 ☞ 罢工反映了工人阶级对雇主的不满。
 ☞ Strikes give expression to the discontent of the working class with their employers.
 ☞ 中国人相信笔迹可以直接反映一个人的内在性格。
 ☞ In handwriting the Chinese believe that the inner personality of the writer is directly manifested.
 ☞ 据说,一个人种的整个历史可以反映这一人种在智力和感情上固有的同一特点。
 ☞ It is said that a race manifests in all its history the same innate mental and emotional characteristics.
 ☞ 囚犯的罪行很快就反映出来了。
 ☞ The prisoner's guilt soon manifested itself.
 ☞ 这些新出土的文物反映了古代中国劳动人民的聪明才智。
 ☞ These newly unearthed cultural objects manifested the intelligence of the working people of ancient China.
 ☞ 他的话反映了这一说法的真实性。
 ☞ His speech manifested the truth of the story.
 ☞ 报纸批评该作家没有在他作品里真实地反映生活。
 ☞ Newspapers criticized the author because he failed to present a true picture of life in his works.
 ☞ 最近这一发展反映了人民能否承受这种压力的问题。
 ☞ This latest development presents a problem of whether the people can bear such pressure.
 ☞ 这一案件反映了某些令人感兴趣的特点。
 ☞ The case presents some interesting features.
6.represent, depict,从描述、描绘某一事物的角度反映。
 ☞ 他常用传统国画手法反映祖国的新面貌。
 ☞ He often uses the traditional style of painting to represent the new face of our country.
 ☞ 这个决定反映了广大人民的根本利益。
 ☞ This decision represents the fundamental interests of the people.
 ☞ 这不过反映了统治方式有了变化。
 ☞ This merely represented a change in the form of the rule.
 ☞ 我国新宪法反映了我国政治制度的进步。
 ☞ Our country's new constitution represents an improvement in our political system.
 ☞ 这一决议反映了全世界大多数人的意愿。
 ☞ This resolution represents the opinion of the vast majority of the whole world.
 ☞ 该书反映了工农兵的战斗生活。
 ☞ The book depicts the struggle of the workers, peasants and soldiers.
 ☞ 影片反映了淮海战役。
 ☞ The film depicts the Huaihai Campaign.
 ☞ 你们这些意见都将向上级反映。
 ☞ All of your opinions will be reported to the higher levels.
 ☞ 你表现不好,我必须向校长反映。
 ☞ I must report your bad behavior to the headmaster.
 ☞ 那家伙这样鬼鬼祟祟的想干什么?得向派出所反映。
 ☞ What's that fellow up to, sneaking around like that?
 ☞ I'll have to report him to the local police station.
 ☞ 你这种傲慢的说法是要反映给经理的。
 ☞ Your imperilment remarks will be reported to the manager.
8.let sb. know, inform, keep informed of, 从告知、通知的角度反映。
 ☞ 向他反映同志们的意见。
 ☞ Let him know the comrades' opinions.
 ☞ 我一有结论就会向你反映这件事的。
 ☞ I will let you know about it as soon as I come to any conclusion.
 ☞ 明天我反正要向杨太太反映的。
 ☞ Anyway, I have to let Mrs. Yang know tomorrow.
 ☞ 有几个新生向校长反映他们没有住处。
 ☞ Some freshmen informed the president that they were without lodging.
 ☞ 有人向我反映逃犯的巢穴在镇北两公里处。
 ☞ I was informed that the outlaws' hide-out was two kilometers north of the town.
 ☞ 我会经常向你反映进度的。
 ☞ I'll keep you informed of the progress.
 ☞ 要经常向我反映时局的新发展。
 ☞ Keep me informed of fresh development of the situation.
9.respond to,从反应的角度反映。
 ☞ 学生对那种教学方法反映不好。
 ☞ The students responded negatively to that teaching method.
 ☞ 他的同事对他的工作反映如何?
 ☞ How do his co-workers respond to his work?
 ☞ 全世界都对这一声明反映良好。
 ☞ The whole world responded magnificently to the statement.
 ☞ 音乐会反映很好。
 ☞ The concert was well received.
 ☞ 对这计划的反映,其热情程度各不相同。
 ☞ The plan was received with enthusiasm of various degrees.
反正 反正
 ☞ 他可能不喜欢我去,不过我反正要去看他。
 ☞ He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyhow.
 ☞ 天可能要下雨,不过我反正要出去。
 ☞ It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out.
 ☞ 你反正不会迟到。
 ☞ You won't be late anyhow.
 ☞ 他是什么时候生的,我记不清了。可能是1926或是1927,反正我知道就在那前后。
 ☞ I can't remember when he was born. Perhaps it was in 1926 0r 1927 - anyway, I know it was around then.
 ☞ 他知道这屋子以前曾用作学校的图书馆,反正现在早被人遗忘了。
 ☞ He knew that the house had once been used as school's library; anyway, it was now quite forgotten.
 ☞ 天可能要下雨,不过我反正要走。
 ☞ It may rain, but I shall go anyway.
 ☞ 他们反正没有得到他们想要的便宜货。
 ☞ Anyway, they didn't get what they bargained for.
3.in any case, in any event,有在任何情况下部不改变的意思,语气比上两词都重,也常与“不过”连用。
 ☞ 你反正得听他把话说完。
 ☞ In any case, you should hear what he was to say.
 ☞ 明天可能下雨,不过我们反正得回家。
 ☞ It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case.
 ☞ 我反正是不会反对的。
 ☞ I won't object it in any case.
 ☞ 我可能不去上海,不过我反正是要拜访你的。
 ☞ I may not go to Shanghai but, in any event, I will visit you.
 ☞ 最后决定以前,我反正是要打电话给你的。
 ☞ In any event, I'll telephone you before I make a decision.
4.come what may,有不管出什么事都不顾的意思,语气更重,常与“不管”连用。
 ☞ 不管怎么样,反正工作不能停。
 ☞ Come what may, the work must go on.
 ☞ 校刊不管怎么样反正得在一周内印出来。
 ☞ The college journal must be published in a week, come what may.
 ☞ 他反正决定要对刚才的拜访作一次回访。
 ☞ He determined, come what may, to return the visit he had received。
 ☞ 我们反正已经决定行动。
 ☞ Nevertheless. we have decided to act.
 ☞ 你们反正得支持计划生育。
 ☞ Nevertheless, you should support birth control.
 ☞ 反正撒切尔夫人是决心坚持下去的。
 ☞ Nevertheless, Mrs. Thatcher was determined to persevere.
6.at any rate,表示重要的是后面的话。
 ☞ 愿不愿意,他反正还得再呆半年。
 ☞ Willing or unwilling, he has to stay for the next six months at any rate.
 ☞ 下个月雨水多,反正天气预报是这么讲的。
 ☞ We are going to have a good deal of rain during the next month, at any rate, so the weather forecasts say.
 ☞ 我们反正决定按他的建议办。
 ☞ At any rate, we decided to follow his suggestion.
 ☞ 车子倒不怎么样,反正不贵。
 ☞ It isn't much of a car, but at any rate it was not expensive.
 ☞ 反正得去一个人,就让我去罢。
 ☞ Since someone has to go anyway, let me go.
 ☞ 反正你要去,我就跟你一起去。
 ☞ Since you are going, I will go with you.
 ☞ 反正你说你考虑过了,这件事就该交给他来决定。
 ☞ Since you say you have considered it, it must be left to him to decide.
8.all the same,有反正都一样的意思。
 ☞ 你去不去,我反正一样。
 ☞ It's all the same to me whether you go there or not.
 ☞ 我们没有人愿意你受到伤害,但他们反正一样要打倒你。
 ☞ Nobody of us wishes you to come to harm, but they down you all the same.
反而 反而
1.more... than, far more, the more... the more..., all the more, rather等,用比较的方式衬托出语意前后的相反。
 ☞ 寓言里的乌龟反而比腿快的兔子先到终点,这是怎么一回事呢?
 ☞ How is it that the tortoise in the fable got to the goal more quickly than the swift-footed hare?
 ☞ 这样的鳃释不能说明问题,反而使人产生理解上的错误。
 ☞ The explanation, as it is, is more misleading than illuminating.
 ☞ 碰到反面意见我们无需害怕,但对言过其实的表扬反而有足够的理由加以提防。
 ☞ We need not fear to encounter adverse opinions; we have far greater reason to be in the alert for undue praise.
 ☞ 我越练反而演得越糟。
 ☞ The more I practice, the worse I play.
 ☞ 人多反而坏事。
 ☞ The more cooks, the worse pottage.
 ☞ 由于他的寡言少语,我反而更喜欢他。
 ☞ I like him all the more for his reticence.
 ☞ 冷天反而使我起得更早。
 ☞ The cold weather causes me to get up all the earlier.
 ☞ 对他们要求严格一点,反而更好。
 ☞ Make stricter demands on them. They'll be all the better.
 ☞ 这段路程自从开辟了这条铁路不再是旅客的畏途,反而成了件快事。
 ☞ With the opening of the railway, the journey is no longer a traveler's nightmare, rather a joy.
 ☞ 你不是帮忙,反而是帮倒忙。
 ☞ You are not a help, rather a hindrance.
 ☞ 咬人的反而被人咬。
 ☞ The biter is bitten.
 ☞ 随着事态的发展,围攻的反而被围攻。
 ☞ As things developed, the besiegers became the besieged.
 ☞ 战争结束时,打胜仗的反而成了打败仗的。
 ☞ At the end of the battle, the victors became the vanquished。
 ☞ 子弹反弹回来,反而打中了开枪的。
 ☞ The bullet rebounded and struck the gunman himself.
 ☞ 围攻的反而成了被围攻的。
 ☞ The besiegers were themselves besieged.
 ☞ 他本想出风头,反而出了洋相。
 ☞ In trying to be smart he made himself foolish.
3.too much,excess,most,用事态发展过分的方式衬托出语意前后相反。
 ☞ 好天气过多反而不好。
 ☞ Fine weather has been too much of a good thing.
 ☞ 休息太多,反而难过。
 ☞ Too much rest becomes a pain.
 ☞ 过分平等反而造成不平等。
 ☞ The excess of equality makes the excess of inequality.
 ☞ 有些草本植物踩得多,反而长得好。
 ☞ Some herbs flourish most when most trodden on.
4.instead of,far from,用先否定后肯定的方式衬托出语意前后相反,常与“不但不”搭配。
 ☞ 他们不但不谴责自己的侵略行为,反而想给我们扣上侵略者的帽子。
 ☞ Instead of accusing themselves of aggression they seek to label us aggressors.
 ☞ 革命运动的烈火不但没有被朴灭,反而越烧越旺。
 ☞ The revolutionary movement, instead of being extinguished, blazed up with increasing fervor.
 ☞ 这场雨不但没有给庄稼带来好处,反而造成了不少灾害。
 ☞ The rain, instead of bringing any good, caused a lot of harm to the crop.
 ☞ 他的话不但没给我们鼓气,反而让我们泄气。
 ☞ His words decreased instead of increasing our courage.
 ☞ 高温不但不增加反应速度,反而会降低反应速度。
 ☞ Far from increasing the reaction rate, high temperatures will decrease it,或High temperatures decrease the reaction rate instead of increasing it.
 ☞ 我们不但没有因失败而气馁,反而从中吸取了力量。
 ☞ Far from being discouraged, we took added strength from our defeat.
 ☞ 不是他们取代了我们,反而是我们取代了他们。
 ☞ Far from superseding us, they were superseded by us.
 ☞ 在生产中执行劳动纪律,不但不会减弱战斗纪律和军人生活纪律,反而会增强。
 ☞ Far from weakening discipline in the battle and army life, labor discipline in production actually strengthens it.
 ☞ 正因为银行业的性质,我们反而不能用像对待制造商那样的完全相同的方式而对待之。
 ☞ Owing to the very nature of banking, we cannot treat it in exactly the same way as a manufacturing firm.
 ☞ 正因为他们的攻击十分恶毒,反而不攻自破。
 ☞ Their attacks defeated themselves by their very viciousness.
 ☞ 正因为他们性情各异反而会产生和谐的结合。
 ☞ The very difference in their character produced a harmonious combination+
 ☞ 往往正因为孩子早熟反而阻碍他们的充分发展。
 ☞ Often the very precocity of a child hampers his fullest development.
6.on the contrary,表示上下文意思相反来衬托出语意前后相反。
 ☞ 这样做不但于事无补,反而会把事情弄糟。
 ☞ This won't do any good, on the contrary, it will make things worse.
 ☞ 困难吓不倒我们,反而激起我们更大的革命干劲。
 ☞ We were not cowed by difficulties. On the contrary, they inspired us to greater efforts for the revolution.
 ☞ 从长远的观点看,这件事反而一定会加剧经济的最终崩溃。
 ☞ On the contrary, in the long run it is bound to deepen the eventual economic collapse.
 ☞ 你没叫我厌烦,反而叫我感兴趣。
 ☞ You weren't boring me. On the contrary, you were interesting me.
 ☞ 你说他没一点用处,我反而觉得他大有用处。
 ☞ You say he is no use at all. On the contrary, I find him a great deal of use.
 ☞ 他弟弟反而比他高了。
 ☞ On the contrary, his brother is taller than he.
 ☞ 我没想到事情反而更糟了。
 ☞ I didn't expect that the matter would get worse instead.
 ☞ 他没把钱交给他儿子,反而交给了我。
 ☞ He didn't give his son the money, but he gave it to me instead.
 ☞ 他没有进去,反而往前走了。
 ☞ She didn't go in, but walked on instead.
 ☞ 我爸没替我说话,反而骂了我一顿。
 ☞ Dad didn't speak for me, but gave me a good scolding instead.
 ☞ 她从不学习,反而整天打篮球。
 ☞ She never studies. Instead she plays basketball all day.
 ☞ 他本想害人,反而害己。
 ☞ He attempted to harm some people, only to ruin himself.
 ☞ 他去看她,反而给她说了一顿。
 ☞ He went to see her, only to be scolded by her.
 ☞ 我给他钱,反而得罪了他。
 ☞ I gave him money, only to offend him.
 ☞ 他爱她,反而害了她。
 ☞ He loves her and is only spoiling her.
 ☞ 失败反而增强了我们的决心。
 ☞ Failure only strengthened our determination.
 ☞ 具有危险性反而增加了吸引力。
 ☞ The danger involved only added strength to the appeal.
 ☞ 他搞到了钱,反而弄得他更想钱。
 ☞ The money he got only served to make him want more.
 ☞ 别抓了,你反而抓得我更痒了。
 ☞ Don't scratch. You'll only aggravate the itch.
反过来 反过来
1.the other way round,用来表示事情是按所说的顺序倒过来发生。
 ☞ 不是哨兵向军官开枪,而是军官反过来向哨兵开枪。
 ☞ The sentry guard didn't shoot the officer. It was the other way round that the officer shot the sentry guard.
 ☞ 这是给地板打蜡用的,这是给家具上光用的,哦, 不对,我想应该反过来才对。
 ☞ This one is for waxing and this for polishing - oh no, I think the other way round.
 ☞ 有时名词派生动词,有时又反过来。
 ☞ Sometimes a verb is derived from a noun and sometimes it is the other way round.
 ☞ 反过来也一样。
 ☞ It's the same the other way round.
 ☞ 这话反过来说不一定对。
 ☞ The converse of this statement may not be true.
  "Rich but not happy" is the converse of "happy but not rich".
 ☞ 苏格拉底虽然说过,真正的悲剧作家同时也是喜剧艺术家,但他没有反过来断言真正的喜剧作家同时也是悲剧艺术家。
 ☞ Socrates, while he said that the true tragic writer was also an artist in comedy, did not lay down the converse proposition that the true comic writer is also an artist in tragedy.
 ☞ 认为物质是第一性,意识是第二性的,是唯物主义;反过来,认为意识是第一性,物质是第二性的,则是唯心主义。
 ☞ To take matter as primary, and consciousness as secondary is materialism; conversely, to take consciousness as primary and matter as secondary is idealism.
3.in turn,用来表示把受之于别人的某种对待又施加于别人。
 ☞ 外长向总理提出了抗议,总理又反过来向总统提出抗议。
 ☞ The foreign minister protested to the premier, and he in turn to the president.
 ☞ 他早就料到他弟弟会告诉他妈,而他妈反过来会告诉他爸。
 ☞ He had already expected that his brother would tell his mother and she would in turn tell his father.
 ☞ 这反过来又引导政府发展农业。
 ☞ This in turn led the government to expand agriculture.
 ☞ 书面写下来的词是某个声音的符号,而这声音反过来又是某一思想的符号。
 ☞ A written word is the sign of a certain sound and that sound is in turn the sign of an idea.
 ☞ 经济基础决定上层建筑,反过来上层建筑又作用于经济基础。
 ☞ The superstructure is determined by the economic base and in turn reacts on it.
4.vice versa,表示事物发展的方式与刚用过的方式相反。
 ☞ 书读得越多,知识也越丰富,反过来也一样。
 ☞ The more you read, the richer knowledge you acquire, or vice versa.
 ☞ 不仅一天当中会碰到几种不同的天气,而且很可能夏天会过上一阵子冬天,反过来冬天也会过上一阵子夏天。
 ☞ Not only do we get several different sorts of weather in one day, but we may very well get a spell of winter in summer and vice versa.
反面 反面
1.reverse side,指与obverse side相对的反面。
 ☞ 咱们来放放唱片的反面吧。
 ☞ Let's play the reverse side of the disc.
 ☞ 硬币的反面是两个麦穗。
 ☞ On the reverse side of the coin are two ears of wheat.
  ■ 试比较下面的句子:
 ☞ 瞧,这布料的反面似乎与正面一样好看。
 ☞ Look, the reverse side of cloth seems as good as the obverse one.
2.wrong side,指与right side相对的反面。
 ☞ 熨衣服要从反面熨。
 ☞ Iron the clothes on the wrong side.
 ☞ 这是布料的反面,而你把它当作正面了。
 ☞ This is the wrong side of the cloth and you took it as the right side.
 ☞ 唱片的反面有一支好歌。
 ☞ There is a good song on the back of the record.
 ☞ 信的反面有一张图表。
 ☞ On the back of the letter was a diagram.
 ☞ To say "No news is good news." is a negative sort of comfort.
 ☞ 他可以做反面教员。
 ☞ He can serve as a teacher of negative example.
 ☞ 你是个善良的人,而他则是你的反面。
 ☞ You are a kind person and he is just your opposite.
  "High" is the opposite of "low".

 ☞ 政府当局向灾民发食物。
 ☞ The authorities issued food to the victims of the natural calamity.
 ☞ 新来的都发了制服。
 ☞ The new arrivals were issued uniforms.
 ☞ 每个士兵都发了枪。
 ☞ Guns are issued to every soldier.
 ☞ 发票时要小心一点。
 ☞ You have to be careful in distributing tickets.
 ☞ 他站在戏院门口发传单。
 ☞ He was standing at the door of the theatre distributing leaflets.
 ☞ 老师向全班发了考卷。
 ☞ The teacher distributed the examination papers to the class.
 ☞ 给上海发了一封电报。
 ☞ A telegram was sent to Shanghai.
 ☞ 临出国前他发了一封信向我告别。
 ☞ Just before going abroad he sent (posted) me a letter to say good-bye.
 ☞ 你的稿发给出版社了。
 ☞ Your manuscripts were sent to the press.
4.发出,send out, give。
 ☞ 太阳发光发热。
 ☞ The sun sends out light and heat.
 ☞ 天线收发各种讯息。
 ☞ Antennas send out and receive all kinds of messages.
 ☞ 转弯前应该用手发个信号。
 ☞ You ought to give a signal by putting out your hand before you intend to turn.
 ☞ 我们可以把货物发到你家门口。
 ☞ We can deliver goods to your door.
 ☞ 这东西我们会按时发的。
 ☞ We will get it delivered on time.
6.发钱,pay out。
 ☞ 我们已发了几千元奖金。
 ☞ We've paid out thousands of yuan in prizes.
 ☞ 我们的工资每月17日发。
 ☞ We have our wages paid out on the 17th every month.
7.发言,speak, make a speech,不发言,in silence。
 ☞ 有5个同志在会上发了言。
 ☞ Five comrades spoke at the meeting.
 ☞ 他的发言精彩。
 ☞ He made a brilliant speech.
 ☞ 你于吗坐着一言不发?
 ☞ Why do you sit in silence?
8.发射,shoot, fire。
 ☞ 曹营中万箭齐发,顿时河面上箭如雨下。
 ☞ From Cao Cao's camp tens of thousands of arrows were shot at once and in an instant they fell on the river like rain.
 ☞ 我军万炮齐发,敌人的阵地顿时成了一片火海。
 ☞ All the batteries of our army fired at once and the enemy's position immediately turned into a sea of fire.
 ☞ 和的面发了。
 ☞ The dough has risen.
 ☞ 面包没发好。
 ☞ The bread didn't rise properly.
10.发病,have attack (of)。
 ☞ 他的旧病又发了。
 ☞ He has another attack of his old illness.
 ☞ 你的心脏病又发了吗?
 ☞ Have you had another heart attack?
11.发迹,make good, build up fortune。
 ☞ 这一下他可发了。
 ☞ This time he has made good.
 ☞ 他家发了。
 ☞ He has built up the family fortune.
 ☞ 她英语单词知道得不少,可音发得不准。
 ☞ She knows a lot of English words but pronounces them incorrectly.
 ☞ 这个音怎么发?
 ☞ How do you pronounce this word?
13.出发,start off, set off。
 ☞ 车船齐发,向前线运粮。
 ☞ All the boats and carts started off at the same time to transport food to the front.
 ☞ 我们顺流而下,朝发夕至。
 ☞ We sailed downward at such a speed that we set off in the morning and arrived in the evening.
14.发案,be found out and brought to justice。
 ☞ 他的案发了。
 ☞ He was found out and brought to justice.
发作 发作
1.have an attack (of),一般只指疾病的发作。
 ☞ 他没想到半路上病会急性发作,昏了过去。
 ☞ On the way he unexpectedly had a severe attack and fainted away.
 ☞ 昨天,他的心脏病又发作了。
 ☞ He had another heart attack yesterday.
 ☞ 他的疟疾经常发作。
 ☞ He has frequent attacks of malaria.
 ☞ 他经常这样发作吗?
 ☞ Does he often have attacks like this?
2.have a fit,除指疾病,还可指精神、情绪上的某种发作。
 ☞ 他的癫痫病时不时地发作。
 ☞ He had epileptic fits off and on.
 ☞ 昨天他的疯病发作了。
 ☞ He had a fit of madness yesterday.
 ☞ 他是在脾气发作时干这件事的。
 ☞ He did it in a fit of temper.
 ☞ 她怒气一阵发作,就把发生的事情对他讲了。
 ☞ In a fit of anger she told him what had happened.
 ☞ 她歇斯底里大发作。
 ☞ She had a bad fit of hysterics.
3.have a relapse,relapse into,可指疾病重新发作,也可指重犯某种恶习。
 ☞ 病人正日益好转,可接着又老毛病发作,只好再回到医院。
 ☞ The patient was getting better; then he had a relapse and had to go back into hospital.
 ☞ 热情了一阵以后,他平时的冷热病又发作了。
 ☞ After a short burst of enthusiasm, he relapsed into his usual apathy.
 ☞ 那个吸毒者搬到弄不到麻醉品的地方以免老毛病发作。
 ☞ To avoid a relapse, the addict migrated to a place where drugs were unavailable.
4.show (take) effect,只指酒性、毒性等发作。
 ☞ 酒性开始发作,他一会儿哭,一会儿笑。
 ☞ He was now weeping, now laughing as the liquor began to show its effect.
 ☞ 氰化物毒性发作时,有哭的、有叫的、有喘的。
 ☞ There was weeping, screaming and gasping as the cyanide took effect.
5.keep one's temper under control,指脾气的不发作。
 ☞ 他有些生气,但当着大家的面又不好发作。
 ☞ He was angry, but with everybody present, he kept his temper under control.
发出 发出
 ☞ 毛主席于1943年发出“组织起来”的号召。
 ☞ In 1943, Chairman Mao issued the call "Get organized".
 ☞ 他向士兵发出命令。
 ☞ He issued orders to his men.
2.utter,let out,特定用语,前者为正式用语,后者为日常用语,只指通过口腔发出的某种声音。
 ☞ 他发出一阵痛苦的叫喊。
 ☞ He uttered a cry of pain.
 ☞ 她擦干眼泪,抬起头来,发出一声叹息。
 ☞ She wiped out her tears, raised her head and uttered a sigh.
 ☞ 他在床上翻了个身,发出一阵梦呓。
 ☞ He turned over in bed and uttered some words in his sleep.
 ☞ 蜜蜂螫了他一下,他发出一声大叫就跑回家去了。
 ☞ A bee stung him and he let out a yell and ran home.
 ☞ 他受伤倒地,发出一阵呻吟。
 ☞ He fell to the ground, wounded, and let out a groan.
 ☞ 老太太看见桌子底下盘着一条蛇就发出一声尖叫。
 ☞ The old lady let out a scream when she noticed that a snake had coiled itself under the table.
 ☞ 他突然发出一声惊叫。
 ☞ He suddenly let out a cry of surprise.
3.emit,较为正式的特定用语,但使用范围比utter,let out广,除了发出某种声音外,还指发出光、热、气味等。
 ☞ 母狮发现幼崽不见了,就发出一阵愤怒的吼叫。
 ☞ The lioness emitted a roar of rage when she found her cubs missing.
 ☞ 月儿穿过云层,发出冷冷的光。
 ☞ The moon emitted cool light through clouds.
 ☞ 萤火虫能发出绿幽幽的光,却不会发出热量。
 ☞ Fireflies emit greenish light but not heat.
 ☞ 污水发出一股难闻的臭味。
 ☞ The sewer emitted a horrible smell.
 ☞ 她走过时,我闻到一股香水发出的香气。
 ☞ I smelled the fragrance emitted by perfume when she passed.
 ☞ 空袭警报是在中午发出的。
 ☞ The air-raid alert sounded at noon.
 ☞ 空袭警报发出后,成千上万的人进入了防空洞。
 ☞ Air-raid alarms were sounded and thousands of people went into air-raid shelters.
 ☞ 中国共产党对党内所有这些倾向发出了强烈的警告。
 ☞ The CPC sounded a sharp warning against all these tendencies within the Party.
5.give (out,off,forth),一般用语,不带感情色彩,使用范围广,可用来替换以上几个特定用语。
 ☞ 上尉发出前进的命令。
 ☞ The captain gave the order to advance.
 ☞ 他向工人们发出了干什么和怎么干的指令。
 ☞ He gave the workers directives about what to do and how to do it.
 ☞ 她发出一声长叹。
 ☞ She gave a long sigh.
 ☞ 她们发出一阵大笑。
 ☞ They gave a loud laugh.
 ☞ 他发出一声惊叫。
 ☞ He gave a cry of surprise.
 ☞ 我一见到市内发生的情况就立即向附近的村镇发出了警报。
 ☞ I gave the alarm to nearby towns and villages as soon as I saw what was happening in the city.
 ☞ 玫瑰发出一股甜香。
 ☞ The rose gave out a sweet smell.
 ☞ 树叶发出飒飒的声音。
 ☞ The leaves gave out a whirring sound.
 ☞ 牧童发出一声大叫。
 ☞ The cowboy gave out a yell.
 ☞ 收音机发出一种奇怪的信号。
 ☞ The radio is giving out a strange signal.
 ☞ 防风灯发出微弱的光,很难看清崎岖的小路。
 ☞ The hurricane lamp gave out a dim light so that the ragged path was difficult to follow.
 ☞ 湿润肥沃的土地发出清新的泥土气息。
 ☞ The moist fertile land gave off the fragrance of fresh earth。
 ☞ 花朵发出一股令人陶醉的香味。
 ☞ The flowers gave off an intoxicating scent.
 ☞ 这种物质受热时会发出棕色的气体。
 ☞ The substance, when heated, gives off a brown vapor.
 ☞ 臭鸡蛋发出一股恶臭。
 ☞ The rotten eggs gave off a bad smell.
 ☞ 这种蚊香烧着时会发出一股难闻的气味。
 ☞ This mosquito-repellent, when burning, gives off an unpleasant smell.
 ☞ 田野里发出春天的气息。
 ☞ The field gave forth an odor of spring.
 ☞ 这钟敲响时会发出悠扬悦耳的声音。
 ☞ The bell, when struck, gives forth a pleasant lingering sound.
 ☞ 发动机发出一阵摧肝裂胆的吼声后就熄火了。
 ☞ The engine gave forth a grinding noise and stopped.
 ☞ 突然从屋子里窜出一条狗来,发出一阵狂吠。
 ☞ All of a sudden a dog dashed out of the house and gave forth a howl.
6.send (out,off,forth),指发射出,可与give (out,off,forth)换用。
 ☞ 中国古时候,边防部队用烽火发出边境受到攻击的信号。
 ☞ Frontier guards in ancient China used to send smoke or fire signals when being attacked.
 ☞ 油灯发出一束柔和的光。
 ☞ The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.
 ☞ 太阳发出光和热。
 ☞ The sun sends out light and heat.
 ☞ 幽幽的火正发出朦胧的光。
 ☞ The smoldering fire was sending out a dim glow.
 ☞ 玫瑰发出一股浓郁的香味。
 ☞ The rose sends out a strong fragrance.
 ☞ 一艘在南海遇难的船发出了求救的信号。
 ☞ A vessel in distress in the South Sea sent out an "SOS".
 ☞ 春天,树木发出新叶来了。
 ☞ Trees send out new leaves in spring.
 ☞ 这些花会发出一股甜香。
 ☞ These flowers send off sweet perfume.
 ☞ 各种名花争奇斗艳,发出阵阵清香。
 ☞ Different kinds of precious flowers contend in a rare riot of color, sending forth wafts of delicate fragrance.
 ☞ 花儿发出一股清幽怡人的芳香。
 ☞ The flowers send forth a subtle and pleasant aroma.
 ☞ 你还没有收到我上星期发出的信吗?
 ☞ Haven't you got the letter I sent off last week?
 ☞ 明天一早货物就要发出。
 ☞ The goods will be sent off early tomorrow morning.
 ☞ 这一包裹你得马上发出。
 ☞ You have to send off the parcel at once.
7.burst into,特定用语,专指突然发出。
 ☞ 他发出一阵咒骂。
 ☞ He burst into a storm of abuse.
 ☞ 他们俩都发出一阵笑声。
 ☞ They both burst into laughter.
 ☞ 暖和了这么几天,树木都发出新叶来了。
 ☞ After these warm days, the trees burst into leaf.
8.proceed from,come from,特定用语,强调发出的来源、方向。
 ☞ 太阳发出光和热。
 ☞ Light and heat proceed from the sun.
 ☞ 烟囱里发出怪声。
 ☞ Strange sounds proceed from the chimney.
 ☞ 杯筷都已摆好,暖锅里发出嗞嗞的声音。
 ☞ Wine-cups and chopsticks were laid out, and a sputtering sound came from the chafing dish.
 ☞ 原子反应堆发出大量热能。
 ☞ The atomic reactor generates an enormous amount of thermal energy.
 ☞ 我省去年发出的电力是1980年的3倍。
 ☞ The electric power generated in our province last year is three times as much as in 1980.
发动 发动
1.set (put) in motion,侧重由静止状态转入运动状态。
 ☞ 朝你这边拉把手就能把机器发动起来。
 ☞ Pull the handle towards you to set (put) the machine in motion.
 ☞ 这些消息把当时德国的战争机器发动起来了。
 ☞ The news set the then German war machinery in motion.
 ☞ 他当政后立即发动经济和社会改革。
 ☞ After he came into power, he at once set in motion economic and social reforms.
 ☞ 即使他们胆敢发动另一场战争,我们也不会被吓倒的。
 ☞ Even if they dare to launch another war, we would not be afraid of it.
 ☞ 西线发动了一次新攻势。
 ☞ A new offensive was launched on the western front.
 ☞ 拂晓时敌人向我军发动了一次攻击。
 ☞ The enemy launched an attack against us at dawn.
 ☞ 我边防部队于1979年2月发动一次反攻。
 ☞ Our frontier guards launched a counterattack in February 1979.
 ☞ 全市发动了一场增产节约的运动。
 ☞ A campaign has been launched throughout the city to raise production and practice economy.
 ☞ 如果汽车发动不了,那就检查一下电瓶。
 ☞ If the car does not start, try checking the battery.
 ☞ 把发动机发动起来,我马上就到。
 ☞ Start the engine, and I will be right there.
 ☞ 他们需要某些东西时就发动战争。
 ☞ They started wars when they wanted something.
 ☞ 上个月全市发动了一场劝阻吸烟运动。
 ☞ Last month a campaign was started throughout the city to dissuade people from smoking (persuade people to stop smoking).
 ☞ 我们必须把他们发动起来,为自身的解放而战斗。
 ☞ We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.
 ☞ 地下党组织放手发动工人阶级开展广泛的斗争。
 ☞ The underground Party organizations boldly aroused the working class to widespread struggle.
 ☞ 民兵都发动起来查夜。
 ☞ The militia was mobilized on night patrol.
 ☞ 我们应发动群众来增产节约。
 ☞ We should mobilize the masses to increase production and practice economy.
 ☞ 我军炮兵部队昨天发动了摧毁性的攻击。
 ☞ Our artillery staged a devastating raid yesterday.
 ☞ 是谁由于想发动推翻政府的政变而被迫流亡的, 你怎么能忘了?
 ☞ How can you forget who was forced into exile for trying to stage a coup against the government?
 ☞ 发动侵略战争的人绝不会有好下场。
 ☞ Those who unleash wars of aggression will certainly come to no good end.
 ☞ 我们于5月中旬发动了空中攻势。
 ☞ We unleashed the air offensive in the middle of May.
发射 发射
 ☞ 中国继前苏联和美国之后也发射了人造卫星。
 ☞ China has also launched man-made satellites after the former U.S.S.R and the U.S.A.
 ☞ 发射火箭就是要把火箭从发射架上送入太空。
 ☞ To launch a rocket is to send it from its launching pad into space.
 ☞ 她发射的每一颗子弹都击中了目标。
 ☞ Every bullet she shot hit the target.
 ☞ 石弩发射了上百磅重的石头。
 ☞ The catapult shot hundred-pound rocks.
 ☞ 队长命令士兵发射礼炮20响。
 ☞ The captain ordered his men to fire a salute of 20 guns.
 ☞ 敌人向我军阵地发射炮弹2,000余发。
 ☞ The enemy fired over 2,000 shells at our position.
 ☞ 即使敌人所有的武器都向我们发射也无损于我们头上的一根毫毛。
 ☞ Even all weapons of the enemy discharge at us they can't harm us a single hair of our head.
 ☞ 他们向我们发射毒箭。
 ☞ They discharged poisoned arrows at us.
 ☞ 我看见一架发射机正在把一个个的乒乓球发射出来。
 ☞ I saw a trigger mechanism projecting ping pang balls one after another.
 ☞ 石弩把上百磅重的石头发射到空中。
 ☞ The catapult projected hundred-pound stones into the air.
发扬 发扬
 ☞ 党委发扬民主作风,经常听取群众意见。
 ☞ The Party committee is developing democratic style of work and constantly heeds the opinions of the masses.
 ☞ 发扬延安精神,坚持自立更生。
 ☞ We must develop the Yan'an spirit and persist in self-reliance.
 ☞ 我们应继续发扬勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗的革命传统。
 ☞ We should continue to develop the revolutionary tradition of thrift and hard work.
 ☞ 我们要发扬优点,克服缺点。
 ☞ We must develop our good points and overcome our shortcomings.
2.display, bring into play, give play (to),侧重表现,发挥。
 ☞ 他们发扬了一不怕苦,二不怕死的彻底革命精神。
 ☞ They displayed the revolutionary spirit in their utter disregard of hardship and danger.
 ☞ 运动员发扬了风格,赛出了水平。
 ☞ The athletes displayed fine sportsmanship and gave a good account of themselves.
 ☞ 我省农民充分发扬自立更生、艰苦奋斗的精神,连续数年获得丰收。
 ☞ Peasants in our province brought into full play the spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle. As a result they have had bumper harvests for years running.
 ☞ 我边防战士充分发扬一不怕苦,二不怕死的革命精神,歼灭了入侵我国的外国军队。
 ☞ Bringing into full play their revolutionary spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death, our frontier guards wiped out the foreign troops that had intruded into our territory.
 ☞ 只有充分发扬先进的东西,克服落后的东西,才能使社会进步。
 ☞ Society can progress only if what is advanced is given full play and prevails over what is backward.
3.enhance, add to,侧重增强、增加。
 ☞ 我们希望你们在今后工作中每过一个时期就要总结经验,发扬成绩,克服缺点。
 ☞ We hope that you will sum up your experience from time to time so as to enhance achievements and overcome shortcomings in further work.
 ☞ 我希望你们发扬成绩,克服缺点,以利再战。
 ☞ I hope you will add to your achievements and correct your mistakes to do still better in further struggles.
 ☞ 只有发扬正气,打击歪风,才能使整个社会风气好转。
 ☞ Only by encouraging healthy trends and combating unhealthy ones can we make the general mood of society turn favorably.
 ☞ 我们要大力发扬这种艰苦奋斗的精神。
 ☞ We must strive to encourage this zeal for hard work.
5.carry forward,侧重执行贯彻。
 ☞ 我们要发扬成绩,纠正错误。
 ☞ We must carry forward our achievements and correct our mistakes.
 ☞ 我们应发扬我军的优良传统,担负起宣传群众、组织群众、武装群众等项重大任务。
 ☞ We must carry forward the fine tradition of our army and shoulder such important tasks as spreading propaganda among the masses, organizing the masses and arming them.
 ☞ 我们要发扬党的优良作风。
 ☞ We must carry forward the Party's fine style of work.
6.keep up,侧重保持、继续。
 ☞ 这家白手起家的小车间由于发扬了艰苦奋斗的作风,到1987年底已发展成为一个雇有两千人的大厂。
 ☞ By the end of 1987, the small workshop, which started from scratch, developed into a large factory, which employed two thousand people, by keeping up the practice of plain living and hard work.
 ☞ 你干得十分出色,要发扬下去。
 ☞ You have worked very well so far. Keep it up.
7.make use of,侧重利用。
 ☞ 射击原则就是隐蔽身体以保存自己,发扬火力以消灭敌人。
 ☞ The principles of shooting are to take cover to preserve oneself, and to make full use of firepower to destroy the enemy.
 ☞ 我们应该举办一次文物展览,以充分发扬其价值。
 ☞ We should give an exhibition of the cultural relics to make full use of their value.
8.give expression to,侧重体现、表示。
 ☞ 大会充分发扬民主,因而代表发言踊跃。
 ☞ The congress gave full expression to democracy and the representatives took the floor one after another.
 ☞ 中国科学家们在南极探险中充分发扬了冒险精神.
 ☞ The Chinese scientists gave full expression to adventurous spirits in the exploration of the South Pole.
发抖 发抖
 ☞ 她笑(气、吓、冷)得发抖。
 ☞ She was shaking with laughter (anger, fear, cold).
 ☞ 他写字时手在发抖。
 ☞ His hands shook as he wrote.
 ☞ 小孩子哭以前嘴唇会发抖。
 ☞ A child's lips may quiver just before crying.
 ☞ 她说话时声音在发抖。
 ☞ Her voice was quivering when she spoke.
 ☞ 人在寒冷、激动、极度恐惧时都会发抖。
 ☞ People tremble when they are cold, excited or full of fear.
 ☞ 她笑得全身发抖,抖得花枝招展。
 ☞ She trembled all over with laughter and shook like flowering branch.
 ☞ 她冷得浑身发抖,牙齿打战。
 ☞ She was shivering all over with cold and her teeth were chattering.
 ☞ 发抖是由于寒冷或恐惧而引起的微微颤抖。
 ☞ A shiver is a little trembling movement caused by cold or fear.
 ☞ 她见到蛇就要发抖。
 ☞ She shudders at the sight of a snake.
 ☞ 一想到他得去看尸体就弄得他发抖。
 ☞ The thought of having to look at the dead body made him shudder.
发挥 发挥
1.enlarge upon (on),侧重充分表达意见或道理的发挥。
 ☞ 你能把建议发挥一下吗?
 ☞ Could you enlarge upon your suggestion?
 ☞ 这件事我无需发挥,你们都知道我的观点。
 ☞ I need not enlarge upon this matter; you all know my view.
 ☞ 这一点我只是顺便提一下,现在我没时间发挥。
 ☞ I merely mention the point in passing; I have no time to enlarge on it now.
2.elaborate (on),侧重添加细节的发挥。
 ☞ 只要告诉我简单的事实,无需发挥。
 ☞ Just tell me the plain facts and don't elaborate them.
 ☞ 这一理论你能稍加发挥吗?
 ☞ Could you elaborate a little on this theory?
 ☞ 这一点有待进一步发挥。
 ☞ This point needs further elaboration.
 ☞ 只要告诉我简单的事实,无需发挥。
 ☞ Just tell me the plain facts without elaboration.
3.give play to, play the part of, play the role of,give the expression to,侧重表现出内在的性质或能力的发挥。
 ☞ 我们应充分发挥人民群众的革命干劲和创造才智。
 ☞ We should give full play to the revolutionary drive, wisdom and creativeness of the masses.
 ☞ 你们都是专家,因此在工作中一定会充分发挥自己的专长。
 ☞ You are all experts and can certainly give full play to your professional knowledge.
 ☞ 工作中我们群策群力,充分发挥了集体智慧。
 ☞ We pooled our brains and brawn for the job and gave full play to the collective wisdom.
 ☞ 共产党员应在战争中发挥主力军的作用。
 ☞ Communists should play the part of the main force in the war.
 ☞ 在这场改革中,我们都应发挥一个共产党员的模范作用。
 ☞ We ought to play the exemplary role of a communist in the reform.
 ☞ 他们应充分发挥积极性。
 ☞ They should give the fullest expression to their initiative.
4.make, make the most of, make use of, turn to use, exert,侧重利用未加利用或没有充分利用的某种能力。
 ☞ 你能发挥余热岂不更好吗?
 ☞ Wouldn't it be better if you could make some contribution in your remaining years?
 ☞ 把眼睛盯在新的水利设施的建设上,却不去充分发挥现有的设施是完全错误的。
 ☞ It is completely wrong to fix our eyes on the construction of new water conservancy works, and not to make the most of what we have.
 ☞ 我们必须充分发挥医院现有的医疗设施。
 ☞ We must make the most of the medical facilities the hospital has now.
 ☞ 你这次去澳大利亚旅行,你的英语可以发挥作用了。
 ☞ On your trip to Australia you will be able to make good use of your knowledge of English.
 ☞ 他在研究一个问题,可使废料发挥作用。
 ☞ He is working on the problem of turning the waste material to good use.
 ☞ 我们需要发挥想像力来增加我们的教学方法。
 ☞ We need to exert our imagination to add art to our teaching.
5.give free rein to, indulge,侧重放纵某种受束缚的能力。
 ☞ 他喜欢的就是这种写作形式,因为可以发挥想像力。
 ☞ It was the type of writing, which he enjoyed, because it permitted him to give free rein to his imagination.
 ☞ 他们在生产中发挥了自己的聪明才智。
 ☞ They gave free rein to their wisdom and ability in the production.
 ☞ 他写那篇文章是要发挥自己的想像力。
 ☞ He wrote that article to indulge his imagination.
6.give scope to, give scope,侧重提供某种发展余地。
 ☞ 中央要注意发挥省市的积极性。
 ☞ The central authorities should take care to give scope to the initiative of the provinces and municipalities.
 ☞ 必须发挥专业理论队伍在学习中的作用。
 ☞ It is necessary to give scope to the role of professional theoretical contingent in the study.
 ☞ 这一工作使他的能力与天赋都得到了充分发挥。
 ☞ The job gives his abilities and talents full scope.
 ☞ 要让你孩子的创造力得到充分发挥。
 ☞ Give your child's creativity full scope.
 ☞ 充分发挥你的想象力。
 ☞ Give full scope to your fancy.或Give your fancy full scope.
7.bring into play, call into play,侧重调动某种能力。
 ☞ 同时,又必须充分发挥地方的积极性。
 ☞ At the same time, it is essential to bring the initiative of the local authorities into full play.
 ☞ 比赛时他发挥了高度的技巧。
 ☞ He brought his great skill into play in the match.
 ☞ 我们应充分发挥亿万群众的积极性和创造性。
 ☞ We should bring the enthusiasm and initiative of the hundreds of millions of people into full play.
 ☞ 你的职业一定会使你的熟练技巧得到发挥。
 ☞ Your profession must call all your facilities into play.
8.do (oneself)justice (to),侧重发挥才能。
 ☞ 如果这一改革得以实行,我们大家都可发挥自己的才干。
 ☞ If this reform is to be carried out, everyone of us will do justice to his talent.
 ☞ 他在这项工作中发挥了自己的能力。
 ☞ He has done himself justice in performing the work.
 ☞ 我们需要发挥想像力并增加教学上的技巧。
 ☞ We need to exert our imagination and add art of our teaching.
 ☞ 你是他父亲,应该发挥你在家里的权威。
 ☞ You're his father and you should exert your authority in the family.
发掘 发掘
 ☞ 考古学家在发掘一座古墓。
 ☞ The archaeologists are excavating an ancient tomb.
 ☞ 发掘这座古城花了3年时间。
 ☞ It took three years to excavate the ancient city.
 ☞ 他每天都心情激动地来到发掘地点,但地下宝藏却没有发掘出来。
 ☞ Each day he came excitedly to the diggings, but no buried treasure was unearthed.
 ☞ 农民在打井时发掘出13件珍贵文物。
 ☞ The peasants unearthed 13 pieces of precious cultural relics while digging a well.
 ☞ 考古学家发掘出来的古庙原来从公元前15世纪至战国时代就是一个敬神之地。
 ☞ The ancient temple, which the archaeologists explored, turned out to have been a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until the Warring States.
 ☞ 发掘祖国的医药遗产是刻不容缓的任务。
 ☞ Exploring the legacy of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 我们还得进一步发掘企业的潜力。
 ☞ We have to go a step further to tap the potentialities of enterprises.
 ☞ 人类应该发掘新能源。
 ☞ Human beings must tap new resources of energy.
5.seek (for),着重点在搜求。
 ☞ 当务之急是发掘人才。
 ☞ The most pressing matter of the moment is to seek gifted people.
 ☞ 历史学家为了把一个国家的历史写得清晰明了, 自然要发掘某个统一点。
 ☞ To make a country's history intelligible, the historian naturally seeks for some point of unity.
发放 发放
 ☞ 政府发放补助金来支持奄奄一息的企业。
 ☞ The government supported the dying enterprises by granting them subsidies.
 ☞ 他拒绝向他们发放长期贷款。
 ☞ He refused to grant them long-term credits.
 ☞ 政府向灾民发放食物。
 ☞ The government issued food to the victims.
 ☞ 交通管理办公室正在发放驾驶执照。
 ☞ The traffic-control office is issuing driving licenses.
3.hand out,指分发。
 ☞ 救济物资很快就发放到灾区人民的手中。
 ☞ Relief goods were quickly handed out to the people in the disaster area.
 ☞ 我们向地震幸存者发放食物和衣服。
 ☞ We handed out food and clothing to the survivors of the earthquake。
发热 发热
1.run (have) a fever (a temperature), 指发烧。
 ☞ 我好像有点发热。
 ☞ I feel as if I'm running a fever.
 ☞ 你可能有点发热。
 ☞ You might have some fever.
 ☞ 一个人生病时就会发热。
 ☞ When one is ill, one has (runs)a temperature.
2.emit heat,指发出热量。
 ☞ 恒星本身能发光发热。
 ☞ A fixed star can emit light and heat by itself.
 ☞ 萤火虫能发光,但不发热。
 ☞ Fireflies emit light, but not heat.
 ☞ 别头脑发热。
 ☞ Don't be so hotheaded.
 ☞ 头脑发热时就别作决定。
 ☞ Don't make any decision when hotheaded.
发现 发现
 ☞ 我回来那天发现书桌上有张便条。
 ☞ The day I got back, I found a note on my desk.
 ☞ 这些文物,他们是在哪里发现的?
 ☞ Where did they find these cultural relics?
 ☞ 我在人行道上发现一个钱包。
 ☞ I found a wallet on the sidewalk.
 ☞ 她发现有个男人躲在床下就大叫起来。
 ☞ She started screaming when she found a man concealed under the bed.
 ☞ 他对发现的情况感到吃惊。
 ☞ He was astonished at what he found.
 ☞ 小偷在破门而入时被人发现了。
 ☞ The thief was discovered in the act of breaking into the house.
 ☞ 他对自己被人发现时都没想到逃跑感到吃惊。
 ☞ He was so surprised at being discovered that he himself did not ever try to run away.
 ☞ 敌人开始撤退时才发现已为时太晚。
 ☞ The enemy started to retreat, but they discovered that it was too late.
 ☞ 这件事我纯粹是偶然发现的。
 ☞ I discovered that purely by accident.
 ☞ 错误一经发现就应改正。
 ☞ Mistakes should be corrected as soon as they are discovered.
 ☞ 中国东海岸发现石油。
 ☞ Petroleum was found on the eastern coast of China's East Sea.
 ☞ 搜身时发现他身上有一把匕首。
 ☞ A dagger was found on him when he was searched.
 ☞ 侦探发现罪犯就藏匿在城里的什么地方。
 ☞ The detective found the criminal hiding somewhere in the city.
 ☞ 丢失的珠宝是在哪里发现的?
 ☞ Where were the lost jewels found?
 ☞ 我国地质勘探队几乎在每个省都发现了煤、铁及其他大量珍贵矿藏。
 ☞ Our geological survey teams have discovered large quantities of coal, iron and other valuable minerals in almost every province.
 ☞ 新中国的地质学家发现长江发源于青海。
 ☞ Geologists of New China discovered that the Changjiang River starts in Qinghai.
 ☞ 哥白尼发现太阳才是太阳系的中心。
 ☞ Copernicus discovered that the sun is the center of the solar system.
 ☞ 马克思和恩格斯发现了了解社会整个发展过程的关键。
 ☞ Marx and Engels discovered the key to understanding the whole development of society.
3.find oneself,常指不知不觉中猛然发现。
 ☞ 半小时后我竟发现自己已来到她家门前。
 ☞ After half an hour I found myself in front of her house.
 ☞ 他一觉醒来发现已身陷囹圄.
 ☞ When he awoke, he found himself in jail.
 ☞ 他回家时沉浸在幻想之中,竞发现已来到了火车站。
 ☞ He went home, indulging in illusion, only to find himself at the railway station.
4.find out,detect,主要指通过调查、研究、查询等方式发现无形或有意隐藏的事物,尤指发现坏事。
 ☞ 他发现了她的秘密,她就生气了。
 ☞ She was angry when he found out her secrets.
 ☞ 两天后我才发现他是无辜的。
 ☞ Then two days later, I found out that he had been quite innocent.
 ☞ 经过3天的调查,他们才发现了水坝沉陷的原因。
 ☞ After three days of investigation, they found out why the dam was sinking.
 ☞ 他知道如果他考试舞弊,老师是会发现的。
 ☞ He knew that if he cheated on the test the teacher would find him out.
 ☞ 你的欺骗行为可以逍遥法外一时,但迟早总是要被发现的。
 ☞ You may get away with dishonesty for a while, but you'll be found out sooner or later.
 ☞ 出纳造了好几个月的假账,公司才发现。
 ☞ For months the cashier had been falsifying the accounts, but the company found him out.
 ☞ 他发现从月球火山口射出一股通亮的红光。
 ☞ He detected a bright red glow emanating from a crater in the moon.
 ☞ 你发现房间里有煤气味吗?
 ☞ Can you detect any smell of gas in the room?
 ☞ 起初我以为这篇文章很不错,但等我读到第二遍就发现了不少毛病。
 ☞ At first I thought the article rather good, but when I read it for the second time, I detected a number of flaws.
 ☞ 他发现账单有错。
 ☞ He detected a mistake in the bill.
 ☞ 我似乎发现他声音里有点恼意。
 ☞ I seemed to detect anger in his voice.
 ☞ 牙医没发现我有龋齿的痕迹。
 ☞ The dentist could detect no sign of decay in my teeth.
 ☞ 死者的胃里发现大量毒物。
 ☞ Large quantities of poison were detected in the dead man's stomach.
 ☞ 她逐渐发现她父母是正确的。
 ☞ She gradually perceived that her parents had been right.
 ☞ 他发现自己不受欢迎就不辞而别。
 ☞ He perceived he was not welcome and left without saying good-bye.
 ☞ 我突然发现汤里有一只苍蝇。
 ☞ Suddenly I perceived a fly in the soup.
 ☞ 等他走近才发现是只甲虫。
 ☞ When he drew near he perceived it to be a beetle.
 ☞ 只有艺术家才能发现绘画中这种色调的细微差别。
 ☞ Only an artist could perceive the fine shades of color in the painting.
 ☞ 我没发现这些硬币有什么差别。
 ☞ I didn't perceive any difference between these coins.
 ☞ 老李发现事情有点不大对头。
 ☞ Li sensed something wrong.
 ☞ 她发现他正在藏什么东西。
 ☞ She sensed that he was hiding something.
 ☞ 他一见她就发现出了什么事。
 ☞ As soon as he saw her he sensed that something had happened.
 ☞ 我一进大厅就发现自己不受欢迎。
 ☞ When I entered the hall I immediately sensed that I was not welcome.
 ☞ 他发现他们由于观点不同而互相疏远。
 ☞ He sensed they were drifting away from each other because of a difference in their viewpoints.
 ☞ 他很快发现锁上有划痕。
 ☞ She soon noticed the scratch on the lock.
 ☞ 我发现她说话时有只手在口袋里握成拳头。
 ☞ I noticed that he kept his fist clenched in his pocket as he talked.
 ☞ 他发现在一条16千伏的输电线路上缠着一条死蛇。
 ☞ He noticed the remains of a snake that was wound round the electric wires of a 16, OOO-volt power line.
 ☞ 我没发现有什么特别的。
 ☞ I didn't notice anything peculiar.
 ☞ 她发现他在回避问题。
 ☞ She noticed that he was evading her questions.
 ☞ 医生发现的第一件事是病人正在出汗。
 ☞ The first thing the doctor noticed was that the patient was perspiring.
 ☞ 他发现有个年轻女人进了那房间。
 ☞ He noticed a young woman had entered the room.
 ☞ 他的话刚完,连着三声清脆的枪声划过寂静的夜空——这是发现敌人的信号。
 ☞ Barely had he finished when three shots rang out across the silent night sharp and clear—the signal that an enemy had been sighted.
 ☞ 船长在海面上发现一艘敌舰。
 ☞ The captain sighted an enemy warship on the horizon.
 ☞ 这一地区发现了几只稀有鸟类。
 ☞ Several rare birds have been sighted in this area.
 ☞ 拂晓时我们终于发现了陆地。
 ☞ At last we sighted land as dawn broke.
 ☞ 我在人群里发现了我父亲。
 ☞ I spotted my father in the crowd.
 ☞ 她发现他穿过房间。
 ☞ She spotted him across the room.
 ☞ 等他发现小偷,墙上已扒了个口子。
 ☞ A break had been made in the wall before he spotted the thief.
 ☞ 我在人群里发现我的一个朋友。
 ☞ I spotted one of my friends in the crowd.
 ☞ 他字写得太乱,只有他自己才能改。不过我还是发现了每一个错误。
 ☞ He writes such a terrible hand that nobody can correct it but he himself. Yet I spotted every mistake.
 ☞ 他是发现这种危险的第一人。
 ☞ He was the first to spot the danger.
 ☞ 故宫博物院发现了清朝的史料。
 ☞ The records of the Qing Dynasty were unearthed in the Palace Museum.
 ☞ 检察机关发现了定罪所必需的证据。
 ☞ The procuratorial organ unearthed the evidence necessary for a conviction.
 ☞ 警方发现了该案的新材料。
 ☞ The police have unearthed new information in the case.
 ☞ 他在研究中发现几件有关该地新的历史事实。
 ☞ During his studies, he unearthed several new facts about the history of the place.
 ☞ 进一步的调查才发现了真实情况。
 ☞ Further investigation revealed the true facts.
 ☞ 许多人深信这种机器能发现宝藏。
 ☞ Many people are confident that the machine may reveal hidden treasure.
 ☞ 结果是盾来才发现的。
 ☞ The results were revealed until later.
 ☞ 门一开发现是小林!
 ☞ The door opened and revealed - Lin!
发生 发生
1.happen,come about,泛指有计划或无计划,有原因或无原因,有规律或无规律的发生。
 ☞ 一二·九运动发生在1930年。
 ☞ The December Ninth Movement happened in 1930.
 ☞ 事故是昨天发生的。
 ☞ The accident happened yesterday.
 ☞ 两星期前发生了这一事件。
 ☞ The incident happened two weeks ago.
 ☞ 专员公署前发生了一起大爆炸。
 ☞ A tremendous explosion happened at the commissioner's building.
 ☞ 她是去那儿度假的,我没想到竟发生了意外。
 ☞ She went there to spend her holiday. I never expected that something unexpected would have happened.
 ☞ 这类事情世界上天天都在发生。
 ☞ Things of that sort are happening all over the world every day.
 ☞ 爱情进入生活往往是在人们最不在意的时候发生的。
 ☞ Love comes in life when people least expect it to happen.
 ☞ 不过思想落后于实际是经常发生的。
 ☞ It often happens, however, that thinking lags behind reality.
 ☞ 事情整个都是由于误会才发生的。
 ☞ The whole thing came about as a result of misunderstanding.
 ☞ 有时很难说清争吵是怎么发生的。
 ☞ Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel comes about.
 ☞ 事故是怎么发生的?
 ☞ How did the accident come about?
 ☞ 我不知道事情是怎么发生的。
 ☞ I didn't know how this thing came about.
 ☞ 事故发生在早晨7时。
 ☞ The accident occurred (happened) at seven o'clock in the morning.
 ☞ 爆炸是昨天发生的。
 ☞ The explosion occurred (happened) yesterday.
 ☞ 战争早期就发生过轰炸我市事件。
 ☞ The bombing raids on our city occurred (happened) early in the war.
 ☞ 那里发生了强烈的地震。
 ☞ A violent earthquake occurred there.
 ☞ 那一天和后来几天,各个城市都发生了类似的游行。
 ☞ On that and succeeding days similar demonstrations occurred in various cities.
 ☞ 淹死小孩事件发生在去年10月。
 ☞ The drowning of a child occurred last October.
 ☞ 这种病发生在女人身上比男人身上多。
 ☞ Such illness occurs more often in women than in men.
 ☞ 他们之间也偶尔发生争论。
 ☞ Disputes occasionally occur between them.
 ☞ 这样的灾害要是发生在旧中国,损失是无法估计的。
 ☞ Had such calamities occurred in old China, the damage would have been incalculable.
 ☞ 我仍希望会发生某种奇迹。
 ☞ I am still hopeful that some kind of miracle will occur.
 ☞ 他们不要再发生这样的政变。
 ☞ They didn't want a coup d'état like that to occur again.
 ☞ 由于他们的努力,峡谷地区没有发生事故。
 ☞ Thanks to their efforts, no accidents occurred in the gorges.
 ☞ 这在理论上可能,但实际上没有发生过。
 ☞ This is possible in theory' but, actually, never seemed to occur.
 ☞ 我希望这件事不要再发生。
 ☞ I hope this won't occur again.
 ☞ 如果我有办法,就不让这种事再发生。
 ☞ It won't occur again if I can help it.
 ☞ 我不知走后发生了什么。
 ☞ I didn't know what happened after I left.
3.take place,常指安排好的、意料中的或按照规律要发生的事情。
 ☞ 革命或迟或早总要发生,并且将必然取得胜利。
 ☞ Sooner or later revolution will take place and will inevitably triumph.
 ☞ 开学以来我们学院发生了巨大的变化。
 ☞ Great changes have taken place in our college since the beginning of the term.
 ☞ 1919年中国发生了五四运动。
 ☞ In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China.
 ☞ 剧情发生在海南岛。
 ☞ The action of the play takes place in the Hainan island.
 ☞ 故事发生在何时何地?
 ☞ When and where did the story take place?
 ☞ 世界各地都发生了抗议侵略的示威活动。
 ☞ Demonstrations in protest against invasion took place throughout the world.
 ☞ 这一事件发生在抗战期间。
 ☞ The event took place during the War of Resistance.
 ☞ 煤可以发生煤气。
 ☞ Gas can be produced from coal.
 ☞ 幽暗的灯光和柔和的音乐会发生一种错觉。
 ☞ Dim light and soft music are supposed to produce a false impression.
 ☞ 这个宪法草案公布后,在国际上会不会发生影响?
 ☞ Will this Draft Constitution produce impact on the world when it is promulgated?
5.arise,主语常为抽象名词,如difficulty,doubt, disagreement, problem等。
 ☞ 发生了新的困难。
 ☞ New difficulties arose.
 ☞ 他心里发生怀疑。
 ☞ A doubt has arisen in him.
 ☞ 他们之间马上发生了严重的分歧。
 ☞ Between them serious disagreements immediately a.
 ☞ rose.
 ☞ 在后一阶段似乎发生了无法解决的问题。
 ☞ At a later stage there arose new problems that seemed insoluble.
 ☞ 万一发生什么事情,最好请位律师,先生。
 ☞ Better employ a lawyer, sir, in case anything should arise.
 ☞ 凡是历史上发生的东西,都要在历史上消灭。
 ☞ What emerges in history disappears in history.
 ☞ 新的政治问题每天都在发生。
 ☞ New political problems emerge every day.
 ☞ 等我们生产时,肯定还会发生意外。
 ☞ Snags are bound to emerge when we start production.
 ☞ 公民投票后不久就发生了危机。
 ☞ A new crisis emerged shortly after the referendum.
7.come into being,指出现从来没有的事情。
 ☞ 民主和自由都是相对的,不是绝对的,都是在特定的历史条件下发生和发展的;
 ☞ Both democracy and freedom are relative, not absolute. and they come into being and develop in specific historical conditions.
 ☞ 五四运动是在十月革命感召下发生的。
 ☞ The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the October Revolution.
8.break out,break down,指突然爆发,后者指发生机器故障。
 ☞ 隔壁街上发生了火灾,不过很快就被扑灭了。
 ☞ Fire broke out in a neighboring street but was soon put out.
 ☞ 该市在1900年发生过霍乱。
 ☞ Cholera broke out in that city in 1900.
 ☞ 电梯发生故障,我们只好走上去了。
 ☞ The lift broke down, so we had to walk up the stairs.
 ☞ 机器发生故障。
 ☞ The machine broke down.
发疯 发疯
 ☞ 儿子死了以后她就发疯了。
 ☞ She went mad after the death of her son.
 ☞ 噪音大得足以使我发疯。
 ☞ The noise is loud enough to drive me mad.
 ☞ 干这种事纯粹是发疯。
 ☞ It would be sheer madness to do such a thing.
 ☞ 从此他就发疯了,挥着手,唱着歌,还大叫有人要谋害他。
 ☞ Since then he has been crazy, throwing up his hand, singing and yelling that somebody was murdering him.
 ☞ 在这样的薄冰上滑冰,你真发疯了。
 ☞ It is crazy of you to go skating on such thin ice.
 ☞ 在这样的天气里飞行简直是发疯。
 ☞ It's simply insane to fly in this weather.
 ☞ 那封信使她忌妒得发疯。
 ☞ The letter made her insane from jealousy.
4.out of one's mind, lose one's mind,指心态失常。
 ☞ 这可怜的女人发疯了。
 ☞ This poor woman was out of her mind.
 ☞ 我担心她会发疯。
 ☞ I'm afraid she may lose her mind.
5.beside oneself,指几乎疯了。
 ☞ 他们得知这消息时都气得要发疯。
 ☞ When they learned the news they were beside themselves with rage.
 ☞ 可怜的母亲牙疼得几乎要发疯了。
 ☞ My poor mother has been almost beside herself with toothache.
发行 发行
 ☞ 不久前发行了一种新钱币。
 ☞ A new coinage was issued not long ago.
 ☞ 政府每年都要发行公债。
 ☞ The government issues bonds every year.
 ☞ 现在盗版刊物都是通过地下发行的。
 ☞ Nowadays pirated editions are issued underground.
 ☞ 上星期邮局发行了一套新邮票。
 ☞ A set of new stamps was issued last week.
 ☞ 今年秋季他的作品会发行一个精装本。
 ☞ His works will be published in an edition deluxe in autumn this year.
 ☞ 他去年发行的那本书成了畅销书。
 ☞ The book he published last year has become a best seller.
 ☞ 该书将由新华书店发行。
 ☞ The book is to be distributed by Xinhua Bookstore.
 ☞ 报纸现在每天已发行至20万份。
 ☞ Now there are already two hundred thousand copies of the newspaper distributed every day.
4.on sale,指出售。
 ☞ 该书已经出版,但要到下星期才会发行。
 ☞ The book has been published but won't be on sale till next week.
 ☞ 这套邮票将要在全国各地发行。
 ☞ This set of stamps will be put on sale throughout the country.
 ☞ 影片《大决战》将于下个月发行。
 ☞ The film The Great Decisive Battle will be released next month.
 ☞ 他的唱片已发行了几张?
 ☞ How many discs of his have been released?
发表 发表
 ☞ Guangming Ribao published the news.
 ☞ 这部小说在一本杂志上发表过。
 ☞ This novel was published in a certain magazine.
 ☞ 你发表这样的诗简直疯了。
 ☞ You are crazy to publish such a poem at all.
 ☞ 你准备什么时候发表你这一作品?
 ☞ When are you going to publish this work of yours?
 ☞ 国家计委发表了下列统计数字。
 ☞ The State Planning Commission published the following statistics.
 ☞ 不要发表总统昨天的谈话,要绝对保密。
 ☞ Don't publish what the president said yesterday—it's strictly off the record.
 ☞ 美英苏三国首脑于1945年发表了波茨坦公告。
 ☞ The heads of the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union issued (made) the Potsdam Proclamation in 1945.
 ☞ 5月5日发表了一项联合公报。
 ☞ A joint communiqué was issued (made) on May 5.
 ☞ 委员会大概要在一周内发表第一个报告。
 ☞ The commission will issue (make) its first report in about a week's time.
 ☞ 他是在记者招待会上发表这一声明的。
 ☞ He made this statement at the press conference.
 ☞ 美国的独立宣言是在1776年发表的。
 ☞ The Declaration of Independence was made in America in 1776.
3.air, voice, tell,侧重指口头发表。
 ☞ 上级党委常邀请意见最多的工人开会,让他们发表自己的看法。
 ☞ The top-level Party committee often invites the most critical workers to meetings to air their views.
 ☞ 他们在会上发表了各自的分歧。
 ☞ At the meeting they aired their differences.
 ☞ 咱们都把意见发表出来吧。
 ☞ Let's all air our opinions.
 ☞ 律师滔滔不绝地对该案发表自己的观点。
 ☞ The lawyer ran on, airing his own views about the case.
 ☞ 你在发表意见以前已经读了那篇文章吗?
 ☞ Had you read the article before you voiced your opinion?
 ☞ 这类意见你知道就行了,不要发表。
 ☞ Opinions of that kind are best kept to you yourself, and not voiced in public.
 ☞ 请你对我们发表一点看了这部电影后的感想。
 ☞ Please tell us your impression on the film.
4.address, deliver (give, make)a speech, 侧重发表演说、抗议或正式的看法。
 ☞ 中国外长向联合国大会发表了演说。
 ☞ The Foreign Minister of China addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations.
 ☞ 他向陪审团发表了自己的看法。
 ☞ He addressed his remarks to the jury.
 ☞ 党的总书记就党内整风问题发表了演说。
 ☞ The General Secretary of the Party delivered (gave, made)a speech on the rectification of incorrect styles within the Party.
 ☞ 他对他们的野蛮行径发表了口头抗议。
 ☞ He delivered a verbal protest against their brutal acts.
 ☞ 新政府一成立就发表了它的施政纲领。
 ☞ The new government announced its administrative program as soon as it was established.
 ☞ 消息是由北京广播电台发表的。
 ☞ The news was announced by Radio Beijing.
 ☞ 昨天报纸的头版发表了这一事实真相。
 ☞ Yesterday's newspaper carried the true facts on the front page.
 ☞ 社论的译文发表在最近一期《北京周报》上。
 ☞ The translation of the editorial was carried in the latest issue of Beijing Review.
 ☞ 我已经发表了我的意见。
 ☞ I have already expressed my opinions.
 ☞ 他们没有阻止他发表自己的观点。
 ☞ They didn't prevent him from expressing his views.
8.harp on,侧重在带有贬义的重复发表某种意见。
 ☞ 一遇到机会,他总要发表一通议论,而且从来不会累。
 ☞ He was never tired of harping on his arguments whenever an opportunity presented itself.
 ☞ 这件事,我希望你不要老讲个没完。
 ☞ I wish you wouldn't harp on the matter all the time.
发觉 发觉
1.find, discover,指通过感觉、听觉、视觉等发觉。
 ☞ 我发觉她是个思想随和、明白事理的女同志。
 ☞ I find her an agreeable, sensible woman.
 ☞ 她发觉有人在暗处走动。
 ☞ She found someone walking in the darkness.
 ☞ 我们发觉他是个激进分子。
 ☞ We discovered that he was a radical.
 ☞ 她发觉他已经戒烟了。
 ☞ She discovered that he had given up smoking.
 ☞ 错误一经发觉,就应改正。
 ☞ Mistakes should be corrected as soon as they are detected.
 ☞ 我们发觉岩样里含有微量的稀有元素。
 ☞ We detected minute quantities of rare elements in the rock samples.
3.realize, come to know, become aware of, 指开始意识到。
 ☞ 火扑灭以后,他才发觉自己受了伤。
 ☞ He didn't realize that he was injured until the fire had been put out.
 ☞ 他突然发觉他们俩都变了很多。
 ☞ Suddenly he realized they had both changed very much.
 ☞ 你怎么发觉这事的?
 ☞ How did you come to know it?
 ☞ 一会儿她发觉身后有脚步声匆忙赶来。
 ☞ Presently she became aware of footsteps hurrying after her.
发起 发起
 ☞ 政府发起一场群众运动来消灭该地区的疟疾。
 ☞ The government initiated a mass campaign to wipe out malaria in the area.
 ☞ 工会发起了一次住房工程的公开讨论。
 ☞ The trade union initiated an open discussion on the housing project.
2.on one's initiative,指由…主动发起。
 ☞ 这个歌咏队是由我们发起成立的。
 ☞ This singing group was formed on our initiative.
 ☞ 我们帮助经济困难的学生是由他发起的。
 ☞ It was on his initiative that we helped the students in financial difficulties.
 ☞ 这次会议是由14个国家发起的。
 ☞ The meeting was sponsored by 14 countries.
 ☞ 是什么单位发起这次考察的?
 ☞ What institution sponsored the expedition?
 ☞ 证据不足,因此发起了一场争取复审的运动。
 ☞ The evidence was flimsy, and a campaign was launched to a retrial.
 ☞ 他们在西线发起了秋季攻势。
 ☞ They launched an autumn offensive in the western front.

 ☞ 她回去取行李去了。
 ☞ She's gone back to fetch her luggage.
 ☞ 村民每天都得到离村3公里外的泉眼去取水。
 ☞ Every day villagers have to go to fetch water in a mouth of spring which is three kilometers away.
2.take (away,off,out),指由这里取走。
 ☞ 他得到了他所要的东西以后就取了帽子离开了。
 ☞ Having got what he wanted, he took his hat and went away.
 ☞ 他取了一张打字纸,便开始写信。
 ☞ Taking a sheet of typewriting paper he began to write a letter.
 ☞ 她打开一只抽屉的锁,取出她女儿的照片。
 ☞ Unlocking a drawer, she took out her daughter's photograph.
 ☞ 是他把书取走的。
 ☞ It was he who took away the books.
 ☞ 老头读了一会书以后就取下了眼镜。
 ☞ The old man took off his glasses after reading for a while.
3.bring (back,down,out),指从那里取来。
 ☞ 你把他的行李取来了吗?
 ☞ Have you brought his luggage?
 ☞ 你可以把那些资料取回来。
 ☞ You may bring those materials back.
 ☞ 我要的书在顶层的架子上,你能取下来吗?
 ☞ The books I want are on the top shelf, will you bring them down?
 ☞ 那老头取出一瓶白兰地。
 ☞ The old man brought out a bottle of brandy.
4.get,指取得,fetch的意思是go and get,因而get只是fetch后一半的意思。
 ☞ 他来取自行车。
 ☞ He came to get his bike.
 ☞ 我可以取包香烟吗?
 ☞ Shall I get a packet of cigarette?
 ☞ 我上银行取点钱。
 ☞ I'm going to draw some money from the bank.
 ☞ 这本小说取材于炼钢工人的生活。
 ☞ This novel has drawn its material from the life of steel workers.
 ☞ 所需资金将主要取自企业内部的积累。
 ☞ The funds needed will mainly be drawn from accumulation within the enterprise.
 ☞ 他在艺术创作上取法于印象派。
 ☞ He adopted methods from the impressionist school in his art creation.
 ☞ 在处理人民内部矛盾时我们应取慎重态度。
 ☞ We should adopt a cautious attitude when handling contradictions among the people.
 ☞ The Journey to the West tells how Monk Tang went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures.
 ☞ 我是来你们工厂学习取经的。
 ☞ I came to your factory to learn and acquire your experience.
8.find, 寻取。
 ☞ 拍照前先要取好景。
 ☞ You have to find a better view before you take a picture.
 ☞ 你认为饮酒取乐合适吗?
 ☞ Do you think it appropriate to find amusement in drinking?
 ☞ 代表团将取道巴黎回国。
 ☞ The delegation will come back to China by way of Paris.
 ☞ 正如谚语所说:“取法乎上,仅得乎中。”
 ☞ As the proverb goes: "Aim high or you may fall below the average."
 ☞ 有时候我也会尽情地饮酒取乐。
 ☞ I sometimes indulge in drinking and making merry.
 ☞ 我们活着不仅仅是为了取乐。
 ☞ We live not only for seeking pleasure.
取代 取代
 ☞ 人们用煤气取代了煤油。
 ☞ People used gas to replace kerosene. 成People replaced kerosene with gas.
 ☞ 下工后色彩鲜艳的连衣裙取代了蓝色的牛仔裤。
 ☞ After work colorful dresses replace the blue jeans.
 ☞ 风镐和电钻很快就取代了手镐。
 ☞ Hand picks were quickly replaced with (by) pneumatic picks and electric drills.
2.take the place of,义同replace,可以互换。
 ☞ 塑料已取代了许多常规材料。
 ☞ Plastics have taken the place of (replaced) many conventional materials.
 ☞ 在许多城市里,公共汽车已取代了无轨电车。
 ☞ Buses in many cities have taken the place of (replaced) the trams.
 ☞ 我们无人能取代她。
 ☞ We have no one to take her place (replace her).
 ☞ 她已找到人来取代你了。
 ☞ She has found someone to substitute (replace) you.
 ☞ 我们不喜欢吃洋芋,故用大米取而代之。
 ☞ We don't like potatoes, so we substitute rice.
  ■ 但在substitute与replace互换时,要注意宾语换位。
 ☞ 老师要我们用课文中的词取代句子里画线的词。
 ☞ The teacher wanted us to substitute words from the text for the underlined words in the sentences. 或 The teacher wanted us to replace the underlined words in the sentence with words from the text.
 ☞ 许多火力发电厂都用原子反应堆取代了烧煤的锅炉。
 ☞ Atomic reactors have superseded coal furnaces in many power plants.
 ☞ 大多数城市里的有轨电车已被公共汽车所取代。
 ☞ The trams in most cities have been superseded by buses.
 ☞ 一位将军在军队的帮助下正阴谋取代总统。
 ☞ One of the generals is plotting to supplant the president with the help of the army.
 ☞ 年轻美貌的妻子发现自己已被一位精明但并不可爱的女人取而代之了。
 ☞ The pretty young wife found herself having been supplanted by a shrewd, unlovely woman.
6.displace, 指以排挤、逐出、废弃等手段取代。
 ☞ 在数学领域里,符号首先取代了语言。
 ☞ In the realm of mathematics symbols first displace words.
 ☞ 在你的心里我已被那个年轻的傻瓜所取代。
 ☞ I have been displaced in your heart by that young fool.
7.succeed, 指后面的继承者取代前者。
 ☞ 我可以有把握地说,他会取代我来当厂长。
 ☞ I think I'm safe in saying that he would succeed me as director of the factory.
 ☞ 他发言之后,沉默取代了喧闹。
 ☞ A silence succeeded noise after his words.
取决 取决
1.depend on,指“得看…而定”,主语一般不是人,而是物。
 ☞ 消费的增长取决于生产的增长。
 ☞ The increase in consumption depends on the increase in production.
 ☞ 一个人能挣多少,取决于他的知识和能力。
 ☞ How much a person can earn depends on his knowledge and skill.
2.hinge on,指关键在于,主语一般也是物。
 ☞ 一切都取决于大会的决议。
 ☞ Everything hinges on the decision of the congress.
 ☞ 我去不去庐山取决于得花多少旅费。
 ☞ Whether I go to the Lushan Mountain or not hinges on the cost of fare.
3.be decided by, 指“得由…决定”。
 ☞ 我们是否能赢这场官司将取决于法官的反应。
 ☞ Whether we win the lawsuit or not will be decided by the response of the judge.
 ☞ 他在这里的成功取决于他的努力与勤奋。
 ☞ His success here was decided by his efforts and diligence.
4.be determined by,也指“由…决定”,但更具主观性,而be decided by, 却更具客观性。
 ☞ 在这样的家庭里,仆人的态度取决于他们侍候的人的身份。
 ☞ In a household like this, the attitude of the servants was determined by the status of those they had to serve.
 ☞ 他被判5个月还是5年取决于陪审团。
 ☞ Whether he is sentenced to five months or five years is determined by the jury.
5.contingent on, 指“依…而定”。
 ☞ 我们能否准时到达取决于天气。
 ☞ Whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather.
 ☞ 我国经济改革的成功取决于结构的调整。
 ☞ Success of the economic reform is contingent on the structural readjustment.
取得 取得
1.get,是一个常用词,词义广,不管用什么方式、手 段取得,也不管出于什么目的、动机,而取得的范围、对象等也不受限制。
 ☞ 他的儿子在学校经常取得高分。
 ☞ His son often gets good marks in school.
 ☞ 没有取得你的允许我才不会干呢。
 ☞ I won't do it until I get your permission.
 ☞ 任何道德、智力上的良好习惯都不是一朝一夕能够养成的,而是必须通过实践逐步取得的。
 ☞ Any good habit of moral or intellectual cannot be cultivated at once, but must be acquired by practice step by step.
 ☞ 只有使用语言才能取得使用语言的能力。
 ☞ The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language.
3.obtain, 指经过长时间的追求和努力之后的取得。
 ☞ 这种满足感是通过与别人交流情感并打破重重障碍而取得的。
 ☞ The satisfaction is obtained by the sentiment of communion with others and by breaking down barriers.
 ☞ 经过一连串的失败之后,科学家们终于取得了月球上的岩石标本。
 ☞ The scientists finally obtained rock samples from the moon after a succession of failures.
 ☞ 我们是经过艰苦的斗争之后才取得胜利的。
 ☞ We gained the victory after a hard struggle.
 ☞ 我相信只要坚持,你一定会在工作中取得经验的。
 ☞ I'm sure you will gain experience in the job provided you persevere.
 ☞ 经过25年不懈的努力,他取得了显赫的地位。
 ☞ In twenty five years of unremitting toil, he has achieved a distinguished position.
 ☞ 单靠脱离群众斗争的谈判是无法取得世界和平的。
 ☞ World peace cannot be achieved by negotiation alone divorced from the struggle of the masses.
 ☞ 他取得的成功是一般人想都没有想过的。
 ☞ He attained success that ordinary people never hope to.
 ☞ 我军在一场生死搏斗的战斗中取得了决定性的胜利。
 ☞ Our troops attained a decisive victory in the life-and death battle.
 ☞ 我们已经在生产资料所有制的改造方面取得了基本胜利。
 ☞ We have won the basic victory in transforming the ownership of the means of production.
 ☞ 他只用了3年的时间就取得了文凭。
 ☞ He won his diploma in only three years.
 ☞ 我在取得生物学博士学位之后,决定继续研究基因工程。
 ☞ After earning my doctorate in biology, I decided to continue my research into genetic engineering.
 ☞ 你的股票每年都可以为你取得数目可观的红利。
 ☞ Your shares will earn you a handsome dividend annually.
 ☞ 一些特工常以窃听的方式取得情报。
 ☞ Some special agents often procure information by bugging.
 ☞ 我们总得想个办法以取得补给品。
 ☞ We must have supplies procured by some means or other.
10.draw, 指用汲取的方式取得。
 ☞ 人们往往从文艺作品中取得鼓舞。
 ☞ People often draw inspiration from literary and artistic works.
 ☞ 我们从这一挫折中取得了宝贵的经验。
 ☞ We drew valuable experience from the setback.
 ☞ 他们决心取得合法权利,决不动摇。
 ☞ They were immovable in their determination to secure the legal rights.
 ☞ 他为了取得冠军,天天练习游泳。
 ☞ In order to secure the championship he practices swimming every day.
 ☞ 由于我们自己的努力和教师耐心的帮助,我们在学习上取得了很大的进步。
 ☞ As a result of our own efforts and the patient help of the teachers, we have made tremendous progress in our studies.
 ☞ 他在写作上取得了相当大的进展。
 ☞ He has made considerable headway in his writing.
取消 取消
 ☞ 建立社会主义就是要取消资本主义。
 ☞ Establishing socialism means abolishing capitalism.
 ☞ 许多国家已经取消了死刑。
 ☞ Capital punishment has been abolished in many countries.
 ☞ 有许多坏的风俗习惯应该取消。
 ☞ There are many bad customs and habits that ought to be abolished.
  ■ 不过abolish一词,有时也有人用来取消实物。
 ☞ 许多小学生都会喜欢取消家庭作业的。
 ☞ Many school-children would like to abolish homework.
 ☞ 你们不能单方面取消定货。
 ☞ You cannot cancel the order unilaterally.
 ☞ 美国总统突然取消了对日本的访问,而且没有做出解释。
 ☞ Suddenly the president of the United States canceled his visit to Japan, and with no explanation.
 ☞ 我已写信给纽约大学,取消这次讲座。
 ☞ I've written to the University of New York to cancel the course of lectures.
3.call off,词义与cancel同,也用于取消实物,但比cancel更为口语化。
 ☞ 我们本来想举行一次舞会,但在最后一分钟决定取消。
 ☞ We were going to give a dance. but decided to call it off at the last minute.
 ☞ 政府的想法是让我们取消这次罢工。
 ☞ The idea of the government was to get us to call off the strike.
 ☞ 足球赛因雨取消了。
 ☞ The football match was called off on account of rain.
4.deprive of,指剥夺式的取消。
 ☞ 俱乐部决定取消他的会员资格。
 ☞ The club decided to deprive him of his membership.
 ☞ 取消公众显然需要的服务项目是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong to deprive the public of a service which they obviously want.
5.rescind,指撤销式的取消,如取消已定的法律、作 出的决定、谈话的协议等,故强调的是自己取消。
 ☞ 大会拒绝取消已经做出的决议。
 ☞ The Congress refused to rescind the decision they have made.
 ☞ 将军被迫取消了他那道严历的命令。
 ☞ The general was forced to rescind his harsh order.
 ☞ 政府取消了去西藏旅游的禁令。
 ☞ The government lifted the ban on tourist visit to Tibet.
 ☞ 美国宣布对阿富汗的制裁已经取消。
 ☞ The United States declared that the sanctions against Afghanistan were lifted.
7.disqualify from,仅限于取消资格。
 ☞ 你无权取消他服兵役的资格。
 ☞ You have no right to disqualify him from military service.
 ☞ 他因屡次违反纪律而被取消了比赛资格。
 ☞ He was disqualified from the contest owing to repeatedly violating disciplines.
8.no, 有时强调没有也有取消的意思。
 ☞ 由于你的过错,这个月的奖金取消了。
 ☞ There will be no bonuses this month due to your fault.
 ☞ 两国间举行的谈判因这次边境冲突取消了。
 ☞ No negotiation between the two countries will be held because of the border clash.
取笑 取笑
 ☞ 当时有很多人都取笑他的主张,可现在科学家正在认真地加以考虑。
 ☞ Many people ridiculed his idea at the time, but scientists are now taking it into consideration seriously.
 ☞ 她的嘴真损,老取笑人。
 ☞ She has really sharp tongue - always ridiculing people.
2.make fun of, 指带有开玩笑或取乐式的取笑,因此不一定带有恶意。
 ☞ 因为他有点结巴,其他男生都取笑他。
 ☞ Because he stammered slightly, the other boys made fun of him.
 ☞ 我们不应取笑残疾人。
 ☞ We should not make fun of the disabled.
3.poke fun at,义同make fun of,一般可以互换。
 ☞ 大家取笑她是因为她总是穿奇装异服。
 ☞ People poke fun at (make fun of) her because she is always in bizarre dress.
 ☞ 她脸红了,感到他们都在取笑她。
 ☞ She blushed, feeling they were poking fun at (making fun of) her.
取缔 取缔
 ☞ 只有取缔非法贸易才能繁荣经济。
 ☞ The economy will be booming only by outlawing illicit trade.
 ☞ 当时有几位青年批评家主张取缔文人。
 ☞ At that time there were some young critics who advocated that men of letters should be outlawed.
 ☞ 我们要破除迷信,取缔反动会道门。
 ☞ We must do away with superstitions and ban reactionary secret societies.
 ☞ 政府明令取缔卖淫和赌博。
 ☞ The government proscribes whoring and gambling by formal decree.
 ☞ 电影获得巨大的成功是因为原书遭到了取缔。
 ☞ The film met with an enormous success because the book had been banned.
 ☞ 社会稳定的定义一度扩大到了可以取缔任何群众性自由集会。
 ☞ The definition of stability of the society once got to be so broad as to proscribe any free mass rally.
 ☞ 警方一直在设法取缔枪支弹药的非法买卖。
 ☞ The police have been trying to suppress illegal sale of firearms and ammunition.
 ☞ 非法的工会和政党都已被取缔。
 ☞ Unlawful trade unions and political parties have been suppressed.
受伤 受伤
1.hurt, 指使之受伤,常用于口语。强调疼痛,伤势一般不会太重。
 ☞ 一个掉下来的花盆使他的脚受了重伤。
 ☞ A falling flowerpot hurt his foot badly.
 ☞ 他摔了一跤,腿受了伤。
 ☞ He fell and hurt his leg.
  ■ 不过,hurt作“受伤”解,更常用的是与反身代词oneself连用。
 ☞ 我的小儿子从梯子上掉下来受了伤。
 ☞ My little son has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself.
 ☞ 他的司机在车祸中受了重伤。
 ☞ His driver hurt himself badly in the automobile accident.
  ■ 但用得更多的是hurt的被动语态。
 ☞ 她从自行车上摔下来受了伤。
 ☞ She was hurt falling off the bicycle.
 ☞ 冒这样的险,难道你不怕有一天会受伤吗?
 ☞ Taking such a risk, aren't you afraid you'll be hurt some day?
  ■ hurt还可用作定语。
 ☞ 男孩回家时膝盖受了伤。
 ☞ The boy came home with a hurt knee.
 ☞ 他在一次车祸中腿受了伤。
 ☞ He injured (hurt) his leg in a car accident.
 ☞ 这真的很危险,你会弄得他受伤的。
 ☞ It was really very dangerous; you might have injured him.
  ■ 同样,injure一般也常用于被动语态。
 ☞ 他的手虽然受了伤,但还在开机器。
 ☞ Although his hand was injured he continues to operate the machine.
 ☞ 他猛撞在方向盘上,内脏可能受了伤。
 ☞ He had been thrown violently against the steering wheel; he could be injured internally.
  ■ 同样,injured也可用作定语。
 ☞ 受伤的工人被送进了医院。
 ☞ The injured worker was taken to hospital.
3.wound,指在格斗中受到棍棒、刀枪的伤害,一般不能与hurt, injure换用。如:“他的内脏受了伤。”可译为:His internal organs were injured.但不能用wounded。
 ☞ 战斗中,50名士兵阵亡,70多人受伤。
 ☞ In the battle 50 soldiers were killed and more than 70 wounded.
 ☞ 起初,猎人以为已经把熊打死,但它只受了点轻伤。
 ☞ At first the hunter thought he had killed the bear but it was slightly wounded.
  ■ wounded也用作定语。
 ☞ 受伤的士兵都躺在大车上。
 ☞ Wounded soldiers lay on the carts.
受(受到) 受(受到)
 ☞ 他是在家乡受的大学教育。
 ☞ He received a university education in his home town.
 ☞ 病人受到了最好的护理。
 ☞ The patient received the best of care.
 ☞ 他从来没有从任何人那里受到过这样的鼓励。
 ☞ He has never received such encouragement from anyone.
 ☞ 这种新产品很受欢迎。
 ☞ The new product has been well received.
 ☞ 敌人受到重大损失。
 ☞ The enemy has suffered severe losses.
 ☞ 当时的农民起义数度受挫。
 ☞ The then peasant uprising suffered setbacks a good few times.
 ☞ 要是你工作努力,你是不会受穷的。
 ☞ If you worked hard you would not suffer poverty.
 ☞ 是你自己的行为使你受到了大家的嘲笑。
 ☞ It was your conduct that subjected you to public ridicule.
 ☞ 宇航员在登上火箭以前要受到各种各样的考验。
 ☞ Astronauts are subjected to all kinds of tests before they are sent up in rockets.
 ☞ 领导干部要受人民的监督。
 ☞ The leading cadres must be subjected to supervision by the people.
 ☞ 她应该受到表扬。
 ☞ She deserved the praise.
 ☞ 我感到像他这样的老人理应多受点照顾。
 ☞ I feel an old man like him deserves a bit more of looking after.
 ☞ 我可受不起你的重礼。
 ☞ I don't deserve such expensive gifts from you.
5.put up with, stand, endure, tolerate, bear, abide等,均指忍受,区别详见词条“忍受”。
 ☞ 这真是够受的。
 ☞ This is really hard to put up with.
 ☞ 我冻得受不了啦。
 ☞ I can't stand the cold.
 ☞ 他绝对受不了这样的辜情。
 ☞ He can never endure anything like this.
 ☞ 你怎么受得了像他这样的人?
 ☞ How can you tolerate a man like him?
 ☞ 我无法受人嘲笑。
 ☞ I can't bear to be laughed at.
 ☞ 我受不了大声吵闹。
 ☞ I can't abide loud noise.
 ☞ 你要老是这样,是要受法律制裁的。
 ☞ It you keep going on like that you'll be dealt with according to law.
 ☞ 谁都不愿受压迫、受剥削。
 ☞ Nobody will be oppressed and exploited willingly.
 ☞ 你们倒是逍遥自在,而我却在受夹板气。
 ☞ You were free and unfettered while I was blamed by both parties.
 ☞ 他为我们大家可没少受苦。
 ☞ He's been put to no little sufferings for our sake.
 ☞ 物体受热后膨胀。
 ☞ When matter is heated, it expands.
变化 变化
1) 表示量的变化。
 ☞ 你变化不大。
 ☞ You have changed little.
 ☞ 他本人并不了解自己的观点发生了多大变化。
 ☞ He himself didn't realize to what extent his point of view had changed.
2) 表示质的变化。
 ☞ 时代在变化。
 ☞ Times are changing.
 ☞ 解放后我国发生了翻天覆地的变化。
 ☞ An earth-shaking change has taken place in our country since liberation.
3) 表示内在的变化。
 ☞ 他的思想感情有了变化。
 ☞ He has changed in his ideas and feelings.
 ☞ 他的态度有了变化,并开始帮助别人。
 ☞ His attitude has changed and he begins to help others.
4) 表示表面的变化。
 ☞ 他似乎没有变化。
 ☞ He did not seem to have changed.
 ☞ 他发球变化多端。
 ☞ He's always changing his way of serving the ball.
5) 表示性质的变化。
 ☞ 高山上天气变化无常。
 ☞ In high mountains the weather is changeable.
 ☞ 这个星期他的脾气一直变化无常,所以不要惹他。
 ☞ His temper has been changeable this week, so don't annoy him.
 ☞ 我家乡有了很大变化。
 ☞ Great changes have taken place in my home village.
 ☞ 工程随着整个计划的变化而变化。
 ☞ The project underwent changes following changes in the overall plan.
 ☞ 他的外貌没有什么变化。
 ☞ His feature had not altered.
 ☞ 爷爷的变化竟比我小得多。
 ☞ Actually, grandpa had altered much less than I.
 ☞ 见到她外表的变化,我大吃一惊。
 ☞ I was shocked at observing the alteration of her looks.
 ☞ 你可以随意变化压力。
 ☞ You can vary the pressure at will.
 ☞ 价格随质量而变化。
 ☞ Prices vary with quality.
 ☞ 长度随温度而变化。
 ☞ The length varies with the temperature.
 ☞ 旋律太单调,要设法变化。
 ☞ The melody is too monotonous. Try to vary it.
 ☞ 我们的计划有了点变化。
 ☞ We have modified our plan.
 ☞ 他颇为偏激的观点被迫有了点变化。
 ☞ He was forced to modify his rather extreme views.
变成 变成
1.常用词为change into,强调外观的变化,turn into,强调用途的变化。两者意义重叠时一般可以互换,并可代替convert,transform,transmute 等正式用语。
 ☞ 青蛙变成了一个漂亮姑娘,忽然口吐人言。
 ☞ The frog changed into a beautiful girl and suddenly began to talk.
 ☞ 他由一个丑小鬼变成一个美男子。
 ☞ He has changed from an ugly boy into a handsome man.
 ☞ 魔术师要把蛋变成鸭。
 ☞ The magician is going to change an egg into a duck.
 ☞ 屋子变成了车间,花园变成木料场。
 ☞ The house has been turned into a shop, and the garden into a wood yard.
 ☞ 这座古老的消费城市今天已变成一个现代化的工业基地。
 ☞ The ancient consumer city has now been turned (changed) into a modern industrial base.
 ☞ 大约有6,000亩地变成了稻田。
 ☞ About 6,000 mu of land were turned (changed) into rice paddies.
 ☞ 这些大转移使老根据地变成了游击区。
 ☞ The great shifts turned (changed) the old base areas into guerrilla zones.
 ☞ 他们把一个旧牲口棚变成一栋舒适的小屋。
 ☞ They converted (turned) an old stable into a comfortable little house.
 ☞ 这个附件能够把真空吸尘器变成油漆喷头。
 ☞ The attachment converts (turns) the vacuum cleaner into a paint sprayer.
 ☞ 变成青蛙的巫婆忽然开始讲话。
 ☞ The witch that was transformed (changed) into a frog suddenly began to talk.
 ☞ 只要我们坚持跟老天爷作斗争,沙漠就能变成良田。
 ☞ So long as we persevere in our struggle with nature, the desert can be transformed (changed) into farmland.
 ☞ 煤在千百万年的高压下变成了金刚石。
 ☞ Coal is transmuted into diamond by eons of high pressure.
 ☞ 工人们用自己的劳动把原料变成了成品。
 ☞ With their own labor workers transmute raw materials into finished products.
5.强调破坏性的改变,可译reduce to。
 ☞ 第二次世界大战时,许多城镇都变成了废墟。
 ☞ During the Second World War many cities and towns were reduced to ruins.
 ☞ 在风雨侵蚀下,石头变成了粉末。
 ☞ The rock has been reduced to powder under the erosion by wind and rain.
 ☞ 后进队变成了先进队。
 ☞ Less advanced teams have become advanced ones.
 ☞ 数十年后,她的梦想变成了现实。
 ☞ After decades, her dream had become a reality.
口头 口头
 ☞ 我得向委员会作口头汇报。
 ☞ I have to make an oral report to the committee.
 ☞ 部长要在明天发表口头声明。
 ☞ The minister is to make an oral statement tomorrow.
 ☞ 你要进行正确句型的口头练习。
 ☞ You should drill the correct patterns orally.
 ☞ 我得到口头通知,星期一要测验。
 ☞ I was notified orally that there would be a test on Monday.
2.vocal, voice,强调用声音,可与oral换用,但不如前者常用。
 ☞ 老师给了我们许多口头表扬。
 ☞ The teacher gave us a lot of vocal praise.
 ☞ 他对我的口头反应不予理会。
 ☞ He took no notice of my vocal response.
 ☞ 对这一问题,我们将进行口头表决。
 ☞ We shall take a voice vote on the question.
 ☞ 他被关进了监狱,只是因为他口头上表示过反对这个制度。
 ☞ He was jailed only for voicing opposition to the system.
3.in word (s),强调用语言,也可与oral换用,但oral前置,in word后置。
 ☞ 他是个口头革命派。
 ☞ He is a revolutionary in word.
 ☞ 他们口头上同意,行动上反对。
 ☞ They agreed in words but opposed in deeds.
另外 另外
1.in addition,besides,表示外加或附加。指在说到的对象或范围之外,一般可以换用。
 ☞ 另外,我们还游览了长城。
 ☞ In addition, we also visited the Great Wall.
 ☞ 母亲给了我们野餐用的三明治,另外还给了一袋饼干。
 ☞ Mother gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies in addition.
 ☞ 另外,我要你答应我一件事。
 ☞ Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.
 ☞ 他似乎不想去那里;另外,他的衣服也不够体面。
 ☞ He seemed to have no intention to go there. Besides, his clothes were not decent enough.
2.another, other, 前者用于单数名词之前,后者常用于复数名词之前。
 ☞ 我虽然已有一个,可是我还想另外买一个。
 ☞ Even though I already have one, I want to buy another one.
 ☞ 当然,那是另外一件事。
 ☞ Of course, that's another matter.
  ■ 不过,another后可以跟带few或数字的复数名词,因为这时的复数已被视作一个单位。
 ☞ 我还有另外几件东西要打包。
 ☞ I've still got another few things to pack 我们另外有3天假。
 ☞ We've got another three days' holiday.
  ■ other则用于复数名词之前。
 ☞ 另外几张照片在哪里?
 ☞ Where are the other photos?
 ☞ 有另外的颜色吗?
 ☞ Have you got any other colors?
  ■ other,除了用作形容词之外,还可用作代词(但应为复数),意为other ones。如:
 ☞ 有一些金属有磁性,另外一些则没有。
 ☞ Some metals are magnetic and others are not.
 ☞ 你几个坐火车走,另外几个坐船走。
 ☞ You take the train and the others will go by ship.
  ■ 但是如果碰上没有复数的名词,则用another或other均可。如:
 ☞ 我今天有些事,我们另外再找时间好吗?
 ☞ I've got some things to attend to today, shall we find another time to talk?
 ☞ 今天我脱不了身,咱们另外找时间谈吧。
 ☞ I'm tied up today, let's have a talk some other time.
3.else与something, somewhere, nobody等连用,表示另外。
 ☞ 我说的是另外一回事。
 ☞ I'm talking about something else.
 ☞ 你要另外再来点喝的吗?
 ☞ Would you like anything else to drink?
 ☞ 这里太挤,咱们到另外的地方去吧。
 ☞ It's too crowded here, let's go somewhere else.
 ☞ 除你以外,另外无人能理解我。
 ☞ Nobody else understands me except you.
 ☞ 除了上海,你还去了另外什么地方?
 ☞ Where else did you go besides Shanghai?
 ☞ 是另外什么人干的。
 ☞ Someone else did it.
 ☞ 这篇文章我改动了好几处,另外我又补充了一小段。
 ☞ I made a few changes in this article. I also supplemented it with one short paragraph.
 ☞ 另外还有几封单独放着没有拆开的信。
 ☞ There were also, placed separately, a few unopened letters.
 ☞ 这是另外一辆车,不是我昨天开的那辆。
 ☞ This is a different car from the one I drove yesterday.
 ☞ 这个词是经常用的,不过是另外一种意思。
 ☞ This term is often used, but in a different sense.
 ☞ 我想在另外一篇文章里来讨论当代的作家。
 ☞ I intended to deal with contemporary writers in a separate article.
 ☞ 创新形成了一个不同的主题,也创造了另外一种思想方法。
 ☞ Innovation constitutes a different subject and a separate mode of thinking.

 ☞ 只剩下一个了。
 ☞ There is only one left.
 ☞ 我们这辆车只能带3个人。
 ☞ We can only take three people in our car 他只是累了,仅此而已。
 ☞ He is only tired, that's all.
  ■ 由于only强调限定,因此不同的位置就有不同的含义。
 ☞ Only he promised to help me.只有他答应帮我。(别人 不答应)
 ☞ He only promised to help me.他只答应帮我。(但不一 定实现)
 ☞ He promised only to help me.他答应只帮我。(但不帮 别人)
 ☞ He promised to help me only.他答应帮我,仅此而已。(修饰整个句子)
 ☞ 裙子只盖过她的膝盖。
 ☞ The skirt comes (only) just below her knees.
 ☞ 我只是举了几个例子,类似的情况太多了。
 ☞ I've given (only) just a few examples, similar cases are too many to mention.
 ☞ 他只是成功而已。
 ☞ He (only) just succeeded, that's all.
3.nothing but,指“什么都不是,只是…”,“什么都没有,只有…”,可用于人也可用于物。
 ☞ 他只是个罪犯。
 ☞ He is nothing but a criminal.
 ☞ 我们的晚餐什么都没有,只有一点面包和奶酪。
 ☞ We had nothing for supper but some pieces of bread and a little cheese.
4.mere, merely,指仅仅达到了某个标准。
 ☞ 他只是个孩子。
 ☞ He is a mere child.
 ☞ 这只是个时间问题。
 ☞ It is merely a question of time.
 ☞ 他的工作只能讨个生活。
 ☞ He earns a bare living by his work.
 ☞ 她因病虚弱得只能站起来。
 ☞ She was so weakened by the illness that she could barely stand up.
 ☞ 只那块地就收了800斤小麦。
 ☞ That plot alone yielded 800 jin of wheat.
 ☞ 屋子里只有老王一个人。
 ☞ Wang was alone in the house.
只好 只好
1.have to,指不得不。
 ☞ 末班车已经开走,我们只好走回家。
 ☞ As the last bus had gone, we had to walk home.
 ☞ 那里的耕地有限,人们只好以放牧为生。
 ☞ The cultivated area there is limited, so people have to live on pasturing.
2.be forced to,指被迫。
 ☞ 天气异常炎热,我们只好在夜间行军。
 ☞ The weather being very hot, we were forced to march at night.
 ☞ 由于日本兵在搜查游击队员,我们只好跳车了。
 ☞ As the Japanese soldiers were searching for guerrillas we were forced to jump off the moving train.
3.cannot but,指出于无奈,双重否定,故也有“只好”的意思。
 ☞ 银行不给我们贷款,我们只好另想办法。
 ☞ As the bank refused to grant us a loan, we could not but seek other means.
 ☞ 既然他不肯,我们只好退而求其次了。
 ☞ Since he did not agree we could not but put up with the second best.
只得 只得
1.have to, 指客观情况使之不得不。
 ☞ 别人都走不开,只得我自己去了。
 ☞ Since all the others were tied up, I had to go myself.
 ☞ 由于连年干旱,过去的粮食出口国现在只得进口粮食了。
 ☞ The former food exporter now has to import food owing to successive years of drought.
2.be obliged to,也指客观情况使之不得不,但have to表示不得不做,因而主动去做;而be obliged to则表示被迫而不得不去做。
 ☞ 由于没有桥,我们只得涉水而过。
 ☞ As there was no bridge, we were obliged to wade across.
 ☞ 没人支持他的想法,他只得放弃。
 ☞ He was obliged to abandon his idea, which nobody supported.
3.force oneself, be forced,指迫使,故语气比be obliged to强。
 ☞ 我知道着急没用,只得冷静下来。
 ☞ I knew that it was useless to worry about“, so I forced myself to keep calm.
 ☞ 敌人最后只碍投降。
 ☞ In the end the enemy was forced to surrender.
4.have no alternative but to,指别无其他选择余地,因而只得如此。
 ☞ 由于阴雨连绵,我们只得把比赛延期。
 ☞ As there was an unbroken spell of wet weather we had no alternative but to put the game off.
 ☞ 敌军已兵临城下,我们只得战斗到底。
 ☞ Since the enemy host has reached the city gate we have no alternative but to fight to the finish.
只是 只是
 ☞ 她只是累了,仅此而已。
 ☞ She is only tired, that's all.
 ☞ 我只是来过这里两三次。
 ☞ I have only been here two or three times.
  ■ 由于限定only的位置往往会决定句子的意思。
 ☞ 昨天我只是听说这事。
 ☞ I only heard of this yesterday.
 ☞ 昨天我听说的只是这事。
 ☞ I heard only of this yesterday.
 ☞ 我只是昨天才听说这事。
 ☞ I heard of this only yesterday.
2.mere, merely, 也指仅此而已。
 ☞ 我只是由于疏忽才伤害了她的感情。
 ☞ By mere negligence I had hurt her feeling.
 ☞ 我不知道他为什么要摆出那么一幅架势,他只是一个无名之辈而已。
 ☞ I don't understand why he gives himself such airs. He is a mere nobody.
 ☞ 我说这个只是开个玩笑而已。
 ☞ I said it merely as a joke.
 ☞ 那只是我的一个猜测而已。
 ☞ That is merely a guess of mine.
 ☞ 我今天进城只是去看看朋友,不办事。
 ☞ Today I'm going to town just to see friends, not on business.
 ☞ 大家问他出了什么事,他只是笑而不答。
 ☞ When people asked him what had happened, he just kept laughing without replying.
 ☞ 你那篇文章写得很好,只是太长。
 ☞ Your essay is good except that it is too long.
 ☞ 他各方面都很好,只是身体差些。
 ☞ He's good in every respect except in health.
只有 只有
1.only与there be结合,表示在客观存在上“只有”。
 ☞ 冰箱里只有几瓶牛奶。
 ☞ There are only a few bottles of milk in the refrigerator.
 ☞ 抽屉里只有三四十个信封。
 ☞ There were only between thirty and forty envelopes.
 ☞ 我身上只有200块钱。
 ☞ I have only two hundred yuan with me.
 ☞ 她自小就只有忧愁,没有欢乐。
 ☞ She has had only sorrow and no joys since childhood.
 ☞ 我读过不少诗,但只有一位诗人,杜甫,在我心中是神圣的。
 ☞ I have read much poetry; but only one poet is sacred to me, Du Fu.
 ☞ 只有她记得我的生日。
 ☞ Only she remembered my birthday.
 ☞ 我告诉她只有努力才能成功。
 ☞ I told her that she would succeed only if she tried hard.
 ☞ 根据旧的婚姻法,只有夫妻双方都坚持离婚才能办理。
 ☞ According to the old Marriage Law, a divorce could be arranged only if both man and wife insisted on it.
 ☞ 只有他买得起。
 ☞ He alone could afford it.(试比较:Only he could afford it!
 ☞ 只有这项工作他能做。
 ☞ He can do the work alone.(试比较:He can do the work only)
只要 只要
1) if,表示绝对的概括肯定的条件。
 ☞ 不管什么人,谁向我们指出都行。只要你说得对,我们就改正。
 ☞ Anyone, no matter who, may point out our shortcomings. lf you are right, we will correct them.
 ☞ 只要处理得当,事情就很少有办不成的。
 ☞ Few things are impossible if we tackle them aright.
  ■ 特别是在句中带有everything,nothing,anything等概括性词时,这种绝对肯定条件则更加明显。
 ☞ 只要你钻下去,什么事都可以引起兴趣。
 ☞ Everything is interesting if you get into it deep enough.
 ☞ 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
 ☞ Nothing is hard in this world if we dare to scale the heights.
 ☞ 只要我们长期坚持就什么都能做到。
 ☞ We can do anything if we stick to it long enough.
 ☞ 只要愿意尝试,这事谁都能干。
 ☞ Anybody can do that if they care to try.
2) if only,if... but,两词通用。If only既可分开,也可连用;而if... but则不能连在一起使用。
 ☞ 词均与if同义,但在加only (but)后可对if重新限定,并伴随有某种愿望。
 ☞ 只要我们竭尽全力,就一定能超额完成指标。
 ☞ We shall overfill our quota if we only do our best.
 ☞ 根据新婚姻法,只要夫妻一方坚持,即可办理离婚。
 ☞ According to the new Marriage Law, a divorce can be arranged if only man or wife insists on it.
 ☞ 只要使用得当,时间总是有的。
 ☞ We always have time enough if we will but use it aright.
 ☞ 只要尝试,就能干成许多事情。
 ☞ Much will be done if we but try.
  ■ 与if一样,if only 与everything,nothing等词结合,也可表示概括性的绝对肯定的条件。
 ☞ 只要你没把我说的话告诉他,一切都不会有问题。
 ☞ If only you didn't tell him what I said, everything would be all right.
 ☞ 只要有坚强的意志,没有什么事是做不来、做不成的。
 ☞ There is nothing we may not do, nothing we may not achieve, if only we have the strong will.
3) on condition that, provided (that),两者通用,均指具体设定的条件。
 ☞ 只要一切都恢复到冲突爆发前的状态,我们随时准备停火。
 ☞ We are ready to stop fighting on condition that things should be restored to the same state as they were before the outbreak of the conflict.
 ☞ 只要他们放下武器,我们就优待俘虏。
 ☞ We'll treat prisoners of war leniently on condition that they lay down their arms.
 ☞ 只要你肯签字,我就同意这些条款。
 ☞ I agree to these terms provided that (on condition that) you will sign your name.
 ☞ 只要身体好我就来。
 ☞ I will come provided (that)I am well enough.
4) while, as (so) long as,指以某段时间为条件,两者通用。
 ☞ 只要我活着,你的阴谋就休想得逞。
 ☞ While (As long as)I live you shall never succeed in your plot.
 ☞ 只要他还在这个地球上,我们就要追捕他至天涯海角。
 ☞ While he is on earth, we will hunt him down even to the rim of the sky and the shore of the sea.
 ☞ 只要还有一个人,我们就会战斗下去。
 ☞ As long as a single man remains, we will fight on.
5) once, as soon as, the moment,指在瞬间形成的条件。
 ☞ 你只要摸到窍门就行了。
 ☞ Once you get into swing of things you'll be all right.
 ☞ 只要你一同意,你就上了套了。
 ☞ Once you consent you are trapped.
 ☞ 这东西只要一变红就能吃。
 ☞ It will become edible as soon as it turns red.
 ☞ 只要他们走一步,他们的背叛行为也就暴露无遗了。
 ☞ As soon as they make such a move, all their treachery will have been exposed.
 ☞ 只要你一松劲,弹簧又回到了原来的位置。
 ☞ The moment you relax your efforts the spring will return to its original place.
 ☞ 含羞草非常敏感,只要一碰它,它的叶子就会闭合。
 ☞ The sensitive plant is so sensitive that its leaves close the moment they are touched.
6) who, what, when, where等疑问代词与ever组成复合连词,表示让步时的条件。
 ☞ 谁只要一提发展经济,就立即被他们斥为搞“资本主义复辟”。
 ☞ Whoever mentioned development of economy was immediately denounced by them as seeking "capitalist restoration".
 ☞ 只要党发布命令,我们就执行。
 ☞ Whatever the Party commands, we shall perform.
 ☞ 你只要跟别人讲话,就是在做宣传工作。
 ☞ Whenever you speak to others, you are doing propaganda work.
 ☞ 只要一谈起他们的英雄事迹,就会看到眉飞色舞的场面。
 ☞ Wherever their heroic exploits were mentioned, scenes of enthusiasm were witnessed.
7) so that, so,指以结果表示条件。so是so that 省略,故两者通用。
 ☞ 只要少数是出于坚持原则,永远也不要害怕成为少数派。
 ☞ Never be afraid of minorities, so that minorities are based on adhering to principles.
 ☞ 让孩子们来嘛,只要他们不是来捣乱的。
 ☞ Let the children come, so that they come not to make trouble.
 ☞ 什么衣服都行,只要我穿得上。
 ☞ Any clothes will do for me, so they are big enough.
 ☞ 只要你合适,我无所谓。
 ☞ So it suits you, it will be all right with me.
8) one, once, half, a little, a few, a single, the least, the slightest, the more等词均可表示部分的附加条件。
 ☞ 只要再努力一下,胜利就是我们的了。
 ☞ One more effort, and victory is ours.
 ☞ 只要错了一次,你听到的议论就会没完没了。
 ☞ Do wrong once, and you will never hear the end of it.
 ☞ 只要这样的一半就够用了。
 ☞ Half as much would have served splendidly.
 ☞ 只要仔细读一读,一切都会明白。
 ☞ A little careful reading will make everything clear.
 ☞ 只要和他谈上几分钟,你就会相信他是个多才多艺的人。
 ☞ A few minutes' talk with him will convince you that he is a mind of great versatility.
 ☞ 只要有一点失误,他们就会掉进海里。
 ☞ A single slip, and they would plummet into the sea.
 ☞ 只要母亲有一点怀疑,我们的整个计划就泡汤了。
 ☞ The least suspicion on the part of Mother, and our plan would fall through.
 ☞ 处理要十分小心,只要电缆有一点缠绕或扭结就会全部毁坏。
 ☞ The cable requires a delicate handling, for the slightest kink or twist would ruin it completely.
 ☞ 只要把工作交给他,就等于完成了。
 ☞ The mere assignment to him of any work means that it is as good as done.
9) all,any,anyone,everyone等词可以表示概括性的条件。
 ☞ 你只要插上插头,其余的就会自行处理。
 ☞ All you have to do is just to plug in, and the rest will take care of itself.
 ☞ 我相信只要有点经验的翻译工作者都会支持我。
 ☞ I'm sure that every translator with any experience will support me.
 ☞ 懂得一点事理的人都懂得这一点。
 ☞ Anyone that knows anything knows this.
 ☞ 只要有点地位的人都参加了这次会议。
 ☞ Everybody attended the meeting who is anybody.
10) 有时祈使句可提出威胁性的条件。
 ☞ 你只要叫一声就要你的命。
 ☞ Utter one word, and you are a dead man.
 ☞ 只要再干一次,我就叫警察。
 ☞ Do that again, and I'll call a policeman.
1) only need。
 ☞ 这些规章制度只要加以说明,大家是会接受的。
 ☞ The rules and regulations only need stating to be accepted.
 ☞ 我们不要钱,只要技术上的帮助。
 ☞ We need no money; we only need help technically.
2) only have to。
 ☞ 你想学游泳,只要到水里去练好了。
 ☞ If you want to learn to swim, you only have to go to the water and practice swimming.
 ☞ 他们以为只要说句话,大家就会听从。
 ☞ They thought that they only had to speak the word and all people would listen and obey.
3) 有时,仅用only,just,simply等词也可表示只要。因为这时的“要”已成为一个虚词。
 ☞ 啊,延安,只要一提起这个名字,就有多少的回忆涌上我的心头。
 ☞ Oh, Yan'an. Utter only the word, and what memories teem in my mind.
 ☞ 坐到我旁边来,只要坐一会儿,行不行?
 ☞ Sit down by me just a minute, will you?
 ☞ 只要控制一下开关就可以把货物举起来,搬上卡车,再放下。
 ☞ The goods may be picked up, transported to the truck and dropped simply by controlling switches.
只顾 只顾
 ☞ 他现在为了娶上媳妇只顾赚钱。
 ☞ Now he is single-minded in making money in order to take a wife.
 ☞ 尽管她很生气,但依然只顾吃饭,一句话也不说。
 ☞ Though she was very angry she remained silent, eating single-mindedly.
2.be only concerned about,指只关心。
 ☞ 他对我已没有爱,只顾他自己的事而不顾我的。
 ☞ He ceases to love me and is only concerned about his own business and not with mine.
 ☞ 你怎么能只顾你的科学论文而对家务事不闻不问呢?
 ☞ How can you be only concerned about your scientific papers and indifferent to the housework?
3.just think only of (about),指只想。
 ☞ 你们要互相关心,互相爱护,不要只顾自己。
 ☞ You must care for each other and love each other, and don't just think only of yourselves.
 ☞ 她只顾自己,从来不顾别人。
 ☞ She thinks only about herself, never think of other people.

1.may, can, 指可以、可能。
 ☞ 这可有可无。
 ☞ It may or may not be needed.
 ☞ 这事可供仿效。
 ☞ It may serve as a model.
 ☞ 今秋可望丰收。
 ☞ We can expect a good harvest this autumn.
 ☞ 文章可长可短,随你的便。
 ☞ You can make the article either long or short, as you see fit.
2.not need, no need, 指无需,常用于否定句。
 ☞ 我认为你不可过分认真。
 ☞ I don't think you need take it too seriously.
 ☞ 没有什么可担心的。
 ☞ There is no need to worry about anything.
3.worthy of, worth doing,指值得一做。
 ☞ 你的书出版可庆可贺。
 ☞ The publication of your book is worthy of congratulation.
 ☞ 北京可游览的地方不少。
 ☞ There are quite a few places worth visiting in Beijing.
 ☞ 那是座古城,有许多地方可去。
 ☞ That is an ancient city with many places worth going.
 ☞ 这石磙重可千斤。
 ☞ The stone roller weighs about 1,000 jin.
 ☞ 他年可20。
 ☞ He is aged about 20.
5.indeed, really,指确实,用于强调程度。
 ☞ 他对同志可热情了。
 ☞ He is warm to his comrades indeed.
 ☞ 她的小故事可生动了。
 ☞ Her little stories are charming indeed.
 ☞ 我可没有什么好抱怨的。
 ☞ I've nothing to complain of really.
 ☞ 那可不是他的态度。
 ☞ That wasn't really his attitude.
6.at last, in the end,指终于,表示完成一个动作或达到一个目的。
 ☞ 我找了你半天,可把你找到了。
 ☞ I looked for you for a long time and I found you at last.
 ☞ 他那个地区的人现在对他可重视啦。
 ☞ The people of his district have at last begun to appreciate him.
 ☞ 要借这书的人很多,今天我可借到了。
 ☞ A lot of people wanted to borrow the book and I have got it in the end.
7.however, 指不过,表示转折。
 ☞ 你说这是个经过仔细考虑的方案,可我是不会赞成的。
 ☞ You say it's a carefully thought-out plan, I cannot, however,approve it.
 ☞ 他说情况是这样的,可他错了。
 ☞ He said it was so, he was mistaken, however.
1) 强调转折的语气。
 ☞ 工作很艰苦,可大家干劲十足。
 ☞ It was hard work, but everybody went at it with a will.
 ☞ 她很忙,可她总是抽时间帮助别人。
 ☞ She is busy, but she always finds time to help other people.
2) 强调反问的语气。
 ☞ 都这么说,可谁见过呢?
 ☞ So they say, but who has ever actually seen it?
 ☞ 据说海盗常常把金子埋到山洞里,可到哪个山洞去找呢?
 ☞ It was said that pirates would often bury gold in a cave, but where to find it?
 ☞ 他说是我们的朋友,可又不愿帮我们。
 ☞ He said he was our friend, yet he wouldn't help us.
 ☞ 她要的我都给了,可她还是不满足。
 ☞ I gave her all she asked for, yet she is still not satisfied.
10.and, 也可表示转折,语气更弱。
 ☞ 我努力尝试过,可我失败了。
 ☞ I tried hard and I failed.
 ☞ 她去了,可我没去。
 ☞ She went and I didn't.
1) 强调疑问的语气。
 ☞ 你可听说过一个叫做黄永玉的画家?
 ☞ Did you ever hear of a painter named Huang Yongyu?
 ☞ 你可跟他谈过这个问题?
 ☞ Did you ever talk it over with him?
2) 强调否定的语气。
 ☞ 我可很少在12点以前睡觉。
 ☞ I hardly ever went to bed before twelve.
 ☞ 他可不曾对我说过。
 ☞ He hasn't ever spoken to me.
 ☞ 你可终于来了!
 ☞ So you're here at last!
 ☞ 人可多了!
 ☞ There were so many people!
13.be sure,never, 指千万(不)要,用于肯定或否定祈使句中表示强调。
 ☞ 可要在九点以前到达这里。
 ☞ Be sure to be here before nine.
 ☞ 可别漏了名单上的名字。
 ☞ Be sure not to omit anyone's name from the list.
 ☞ 可别忘了。
 ☞ Be sure to remember it.(或Never forget it)
 ☞ 答应我,下次可别站在雨里了。
 ☞ Promise me, never stand in the rain next time.
可以 可以
 ☞ 这间屋子可以住4个人。
 ☞ This room can accommodate four people.
 ☞ 这片麦子已经熟了,可以收割了。
 ☞ This wheat is ripe and can be gathered in.
  ■ 此外,can用在疑问句中 可表示要求和恳求。
 ☞ 你可以帮我写封信吗?
 ☞ Can you help me to write a letter?
 ☞ 假期里可以借用你的车子吗?
 ☞ Can I borrow your car for the holiday?
 ☞ 到了一个新地方,你可以见到许多新事物。
 ☞ You may see many new things in a new place.
 ☞ 你到处都可以听到这支流行歌曲。
 ☞ You may hear this popular song everywhere.
  ■ 此外,may还可以表示允许。
 ☞ 这个周末你可以有10块钱做零用。
 ☞ You may have ten dollars as your pocket money for this weekend.
 ☞ 你完全可以这么说。
 ☞ You may well say so.
 ☞ 这个问题可以研究。
 ☞ This question is worth looking into.
 ☞ 这个展览我觉得可以一看。
 ☞ I think the exhibition is worth a visit.
4.pretty good,not bad,passable,分别表示相当好、不坏、还过得去等意思。
 ☞ 这篇文章写得相当可以。
 ☞ This article is pretty good.
 ☞ 她的英语还可以。
 ☞ Her English is not at all bad.
 ☞ 他的基础知识还可以。
 ☞ He has a passable basic knowledge.
 ☞ 她受的苦够可以的了。
 ☞ She suffered terribly.
 ☞ 他今天忙得真可以了。
 ☞ He's awfully busy today.
 ☞ 等问题到了饿肚子的时候,很多事情也就可以通融了。
 ☞ When it's a question of starving, much is permissible.
 ☞ 只有少数误差是可以接受的。
 ☞ Only a few errors are admissible.
 ☞ 这笔钱到期第一天就可以支付。
 ☞ The sum of money is payable on the first day of the term.
 ☞ 我们有200个可以预订的座位。
 ☞ We have 200 bookable seats.
 ☞ 这交易可以接受。
 ☞ The bargain is acceptable.
可怕 可怕
1.fearful(等于full of fear),指充满恐惧。
 ☞ 有过一次可怕的事故,死了几个人。
 ☞ There has been a fearful accident. Several people have been killed.
 ☞ 那是多么可怕的岁月。
 ☞ Those were fearful years.
2.dreadful(等于full of dread),指充满极度恐惧,其结果往往使人不敢面对某种事物。
 ☞ 一个可怕的噩梦可使你醒后好久还感到心惊肉跳。
 ☞ A dreadful nightmare can make you shudder long after you wake up。
 ☞ 夜里遭到暴风雪袭击是一种可怕的经历。
 ☞ Being caught in a snowstorm at night was a dreadful experience.
3.frightful(等于full of fright),指充满突然惊恐。
 ☞ 闪电之后是一阵可怕的炸雷。
 ☞ After the lightning came the frightful crash of thunder.
 ☞ 军火库可怕的爆炸震动了全镇。
 ☞ The frightful explosion at the munitions depot shook the entire town.
4.awful(等于full of awe),指充满畏惧(往往指对某种不可控制力量的畏惧)。
 ☞ 他受的痛苦看了可怕。
 ☞ His sufferings were awful to behold.
 ☞ 雪崩扫过树木和岩石从山坡直奔而下,真是可怕。
 ☞ A snow-slide sweeping trees and rocks down a mountainside was really awful.
5.terrible(等于able to cause terror),指能引起恐怖的可怕。
 ☞ 火山喷发时发生可怕的吼声。
 ☞ The volcano erupted with a terrible roar.
 ☞ 在那种森林里迷失方向真是一种可怕的经历。
 ☞ Being lost in that kind of forest was really a terrible experience.
6.horrible(等于able to cause horror),指能引起惊骇的可怕。
 ☞ 看着一个人让另一个人遭罪是件可怕的事。
 ☞ It is really a horrible thing to see one person make another suffer.
 ☞ 这是桩可怕的谋杀。
 ☞ It was a horrible murder.
7.terrifying(等于filling with terror),指吓人的可怕。
 ☞ 魔鬼并没有像画出来的那么可怕。
 ☞ The devil is not so terrifying as he is painted.
 ☞ 那件事对你一定是次可怕的经历吧。
 ☞ That must have been a terrifying experience for you.
8.afraid of,一般不用做定语,但to be afraid of可用做后置定语。
 ☞ 困难再大也没有什么可怕的。
 ☞ However great the difficulties are, there's nothing to be afraid of.
 ☞ 有什么可怕的?
 ☞ What was there to be afraid of?
可怜 可怜
 ☞ 这可怜的老头不久前死了老伴。
 ☞ Not long ago the poor old man lost his wife.
 ☞ 多可怜的小东西啊!
 ☞ What a poor little thing!
 ☞ 可怜,可怜我吧。
 ☞ Have pity on me.
 ☞ 我才不可怜他呢。
 ☞ I feel no pity for him at all.
 ☞ 我们都可怜水灾灾民。
 ☞ We all pity the flood victims.
 ☞ 她希望我能可怜她,帮助她。
 ☞ She expected me to take (feel) pity on (for) her and help her.
 ☞ 我是你们的市长,准备尽我所能,用我仅有的可怜的否决权来独立支撑。
 ☞ I'm your major, ready to do all I can and I will stand alone with a mere pitiful veto right.
 ☞ 战争孤儿是多么可怜!
 ☞ How pitiful the war orphans were!
 ☞ 我没想到他竟无知到这样可怜的程度。
 ☞ I never expected that he was so pitifully ignorant.
 ☞ 看到他的一副可怜相真叫人恶心。
 ☞ It is sick to look at his pitiable look.
 ☞ 她在音乐会上弹的钢琴真叫人可怜。
 ☞ Her performance on the piano was pitiable at the concert.
 ☞ 他思想上仍在可怜她。
 ☞ He is still sorry for her in his consciousness.
 ☞ 他这是自作自受,没人可怜他。
 ☞ Nobody feels sorry for him; he's got what he deserves.
 ☞ 这么一点可怜的收入,大批工人都无法吃饱肚子。
 ☞ With such miserable incomes, great numbers of the workers cannot get enough to eat.
 ☞ 这女演员长得蛮漂亮,可她的表演实在糟糕。
 ☞ The actress looks quite pretty, but her performance is rather miserable.
可惜 可惜
 ☞ 可惜他没有念完大学。
 ☞ It's a pity that he didn't finish college.
 ☞ 你不能和我们一起来,多可惜!
 ☞ What a pity that you can't come with us.
2.shame, 表示惋惜,可与pity换用。
 ☞ 昨天的节目真不错,可惜你没去。
 ☞ Last night's program was really wonderful. It's a shame you didn't go.
 ☞ 这衣服还能穿,扔了可惜。
 ☞ This garment can still be worn. It'd be a shame to throw it away.
3.too bad,表示糟糕。
 ☞ 可惜你明天要走。
 ☞ It's too bad you are leaving tomorrow.
 ☞ 你不会讲英语,太可惜了。
 ☞ It's too bad you don't speak English.
4.to be regretted,表示遗憾。
 ☞ 你不能和我们一起旅行,多可惜。
 ☞ It is much to be regretted that you can't join us in the trip.
 ☞ 可惜我无法帮你。
 ☞ It is to be regretted that I can't help you.
 ☞ 可惜我去晚了,最精彩的节目已经演过了。
 ☞ Unfortunately I went too late for the best item on the program.
 ☞ 我倒想帮你,可惜办不到。
 ☞ I'd like to help you but unfortunately I can't.
 ☞ 我们本来希望能在海边度过一个可爱的周末,可惜天天下雨。
 ☞ We had looked forward to a lovely weekend by the sea, but alas, it rained every day.
 ☞ 我本来希望这可以结束我的痛苦,可惜这才是开始。
 ☞ I had hoped that this might end my suffering. Alas, it was only the beginning.
可是 可是
  ■ 见“但是”或“可”。
可能 可能
 ☞ 过了那么些年他还可能活着?
 ☞ Can he still be alive after all these years?
 ☞ 他如此骄傲,怎么可能呢?
 ☞ How can he be so conceited?
 ☞ 这报道不可能是真的。
 ☞ The report can't be true.
 ☞ 她可能不到30。
 ☞ She can't be more than thirty.
 ☞ 困难可能,而且必须克服。
 ☞ Difficulties can and must be overcome.
 ☞ 在这种路上开车可能是件伤脑筋的事。
 ☞ Driving on such kind of road can be a nerve-racking business.
  ■ 由于can没有将来时,因此在表示将来可能时要用will be able to。
 ☞ 再过几个月你就可以说英语了。
 ☞ You'll be able to speak English in another few months.
 (不说You can speak.)
 ☞ 总有一天人们可能会在两分钟之内跑完1,000 米的。
 ☞ One day people will be able to run a kilometer in two minutes.
  ■ 但是当人们现在已具有某种能力,但由于某些客观原因阻止人们去实现,而只能留待将来实现时,却可用can。
 ☞ 我可能来参加星期六的聚会。
 ☞ I can come to the party on Saturday.
  ■ 其他时态,一般说来,be able to都可以与can换用。如:
 ☞ 这件事,医生们可能会同意。
 ☞ The doctors are able to (can) agree about it 我不可能再来这里了。
 ☞ I am not able to (cannot) come here again.
  ■ 但是如果强调个人的看法,则can不能与be able to替换。
 ☞ 对于父母亲来说,还有什么可能比他们儿子考100分更好的东西呢?
 ☞ What could be better for parents than their son's mark of 100 in a test?
  ■ could在表示过去可能时,如果单说I told him I could do it,很可能理解为I told him I could do it if I would.或I told him I could do it but somehow I didn't。因为I told him I could do it 是指经常的或一次的能力,并不意味一定要实现。因此为了弥补could的这一缺陷,一般都用was able to代替。如:
 ☞ 通过快速阅读,我可能在图书馆闭馆前读完这本书。
 ☞ By reading quickly I was able to finish the book before the library closed.(不用could finish)
 ☞ 因为她尽了最大的努力,就可能提前完成任务。
 ☞ As she tried her best, she was able to finish the task ahead of schedule.
  ■ 但如果把上句中的as改成if再用could则也能成立。
 ☞ If she tried her best, she could finish the task ahead of schedule.
  ■ 但由于改用if后,整个句子就变成了不一定实现的可能性,故用could也就正确无误了。此外,can或could后可接完成时态的不定式,表示过去的可能性。
 ☞ 咱们去找他,他可能又睡过头了。
 ☞ Let's go and find him. He can have overslept again.
 ☞ 他对她向来很好,对她不可能干出这样残暴的事来。
 ☞ He is kind to her all the time. He could not have done such a cruel thing to her.
  ■ 尽管上面已讲到can或could后可接完成时态的动词不定式都无不可,只是由于用了could语气变得委婉,这种可能性会随之变小。同样,如果用could来代替can表示现在的可能性,也会产生同样的作用。如:
 ☞ 不要答应他,这活计可能很难干。
 ☞ Don't promise him. The work could be very difficult 还是买这一本吧,那本书可能很贵。
 ☞ Better buy this one. That book could be expensive.
  ■ could和完成时态的动词不定式连用还可表示过去认为可能发生的事情却没有发生。
 ☞ 你够傻的,到那个地方去滑雪,你可能会摔断腿的。
 ☞ You were stupid enough to go skiing there. You could have broken your leg.
 ☞ 把这东西扔到窗外不是个好办法,可能会砸着人的。
 ☞ It wasn't a good idea to throw it out of the window. It could have hit somebody.
  ■ 应该指出could不仅是can的过去式。如:
 ☞ 他伤了腿,不可能再踢足球了。
 ☞ He hurt his foot, and he couldn't play football any more.
  ■ 而同时又可表示现在和将来,但这时它已不是can的过去时,而是情态动词,表示语气的委婉。如:
 ☞ 你可能是对的。
 ☞ You could be right代表团明天可能在我市过夜。
 ☞ The delegation could make an overnight stop at our city tomorrow.
  ■ 此外,can还可用来表示实际不可能或理论上可能发生的事情。
 ☞ 大象走进小汽车,可能吗?
 ☞ Can an elephant walk into a minibus?
 ☞ 意外事故随时都可能发生。
 ☞ Accidents can happen at any moment.
  ■ can没有将来时,因此表示“将来可能”要用shall (will) be able to。如:
 ☞ 我明天可能会参加晚会。
 ☞ I shall be able to go to the evening party tomorrow.
 ☞ 只有在你们访问我市之后,我们才有可能回访。
 ☞ We will be able to pay a return visit only after you visit our city.
2.may,might,也表示可能性,但不同的是can表示的可能性是指现在。如:他可能30多了。可译成:He can be more than thirty,而may一般指将来的可能性。
 ☞ 带上你的雨衣,今天下午可能有雨。
 ☞ Take your raincoat along. It may rain this afternoon.
 ☞ 不要等他了,他可能会迟到。
 ☞ Don't wait for him. He may be late.
 ☞ 今天晚上他可能到不了啦。
 ☞ He may not arrive this evening.
  ■ 此外,may,might的否定式may not,might not还可表示不许可或禁止。如:Students may not stay out after midnight without permission.(未经许可学生不许夜不归宿。)因此凡要明确表示将来不可能一般不用may not,而要用will not be able。
 ☞ 你将来也可能不会听到这支歌了。
 ☞ You will not be able to hear this song either.
 ☞ 你不可能再见到她在这条小路上走动了。
 ☞ You will not be able to see her walking up the path again.
  ■ might不仅是may的过去时,而且是情态动词,它所表现的可能性比may小一些,也委婉一些。
 ☞ 他认为到那儿去试试运气可能是比较明智的选择。
 ☞ He thought it might be comparatively wise to try his luck there.(may的过去时)
 ☞ 他可能会来电话。要是真的来了,你能不能叫他过一会儿再打来?
 ☞ He might phone. If he does, could you ask him to ring later?(情态动词)
  ■ could 也有这种用法,但仅仅表示可能发生,并不确定。
 ☞ 今年夏天我们可能去登山。
 ☞ We might go climbing this summer.(情态动词)
 ☞ 今年夏天我们可能去登山,但我怀疑我们是否有时间。
 ☞ We could go climbing this summer, but I doubt if we'll have time.
 ☞ 夜里晚一点的时候可能会下雨。
 ☞ It could rain later at night.
  ■ 不过有时may和情态动词might,could也可表示现在的可能性。
 ☞ 瞧这只蝴蝶!它可能是个新品种。
 ☞ Look at the butterfly! It may be a new species.
 ☞ 你看看温度计,我可能有点发烧。
 ☞ Look at the thermometer. I might have some fever 你可能是对的,尽管我并不认为。
 ☞ You could be right, though I don't think you are.
  ■ 要注意may的疑问句不表示可能性,而是请求别人的允许。如:
 ☞ 我可以打开您的电视吗?
 ☞ May I put your television on?
  ■ 同样, may后也可接完成时态的动词不定式,表示过去的可能性。
 ☞ 现在他可能已经收到我们的信了。
 ☞ He may have received our letter by now.
 ☞ 他们走得很快,可能没等她走他们就到了。
 ☞ They walked fast. She may have not left before they arrived.
  ■ might后也可接动词不定式或完成时态的动词不定式,表示委婉或较小的可能性。
 ☞ 我告诉他说她随时会来。
 ☞ I told him that she might come at any moment.
 ☞ 他没有来,可能是病了。
 ☞ He didn't come. He might have been ill.
 ☞ 现在已12点了,他们可能已经睡觉了。
 ☞ It's already twelve o'clock. They must be in bed.
 ☞ 大家都喜欢接近她,她可能长得不丑。
 ☞ People like to get near her. She must be pretty.
  ■ 由于这种句型没有否定和疑问,因此上述否定或疑问仍要用cannot或could not。如:
 ☞ 现在才10点钟,他们现在还不可能睡觉。
 ☞ It's only ten o'clock. They can't be in bed.
 ☞ 大家都喜欢接近她,她可能长得不难看。
 ☞ People like to get near her. She could not be ugly 你认为这封信可能意味着什么?
 ☞ What do you think this letter can be?
  ■ 因此can't是must的反义词。如:It can't be true.(这不可能是真的。)及It must be true.(这可能是真的。)试比较:这不可能是真的。他可能弄错了。It can't be true. He must be mistaken.同样,must后也可接完成时态的动词不定式,表示对过去可能性的推测。
 ☞ 我很久没见到他了,他可能很忙。
 ☞ I have not seen him for quite a long time. He must have been very busy.
 ☞ 现在是两点钟,她可能早已到家了。
 ☞ It's two o'clock now. She must have arrived home already.
  ■ 同样的道理,这种形式的否定和疑问也要用cannot或could not have来代替。
 ☞ 他那么结实,不可能生病。
 ☞ He has been so strong that he could not have been ill.
 ☞ 她是上午离开的,5点前不可能到。
 ☞ She left in the morning and she cannot have arrived before five.
 ☞ 他可能一直病着吗?
 ☞ Could he have been ill?
1) 从可能的程度看,从probable开始其可能性依次递增,且看上述各词在程度上的差别。
 ☞ 有利证据多于不利证据的说法是比较可能的说法。
 ☞ A probable story is one that has more evidence for it than against it.
 ☞ 能用事实提供依据的说法是极有可能的说法。
 ☞ A likely story is one that is apt to be justified by facts.
 ☞ 也许存在的说法是可能的说法。
 ☞ A possible story is one that might exist.
2) 从上面三个例句看,这三个词都可以做定语。同时也都可以做表语。
 ☞ 要是风向转变有可能下雨,不过现在这样的万里无云又似乎不可能下雨。
 ☞ It's possible that it will rain if the wind changes, but with such a cloudless sky it doesn't seem probable.
 ☞ 姑妈要来看我们倒是可能的,但木一定靠得住。
 ☞ It is possible but not probable that Aunt will come over to see us.(注意probable的译法,从中可以看出与possible的区别)
 ☞ 他可能成功。
 ☞ He is likely to succeed.
3) 作表语时,possible和probable一般不用人做主语,而likely则人、物都可做主语。
 ☞ 他的病情可能恶化。
 ☞ It is possible that his illness will get worse.或It is likely that his illness will get worse.或His illness is likely to get worse.或He is likely to get worse.
  ■ 其次,possible和probable后面不用动词不定式。
 ☞ 霜冻有可能,尽管不一定。
 ☞ Frost is possible, though not probable.(注意probable的译法与possible的差别)
 ☞ 这样的事情可能吗?
 ☞ Is such a thing possible?
 ☞ 发现新能源是可能的。
 ☞ Discovery of a new source of energy is possible.
 ☞ 我认为90%是可能的。
 ☞ I think ninety percent is probable.
 ☞ 天气会更冷是可能的。
 ☞ Colder weather is probable.
  ■ 而likely则可以用不定式表示可能发生的事情,不过也可以不用。
 ☞ 那个十字路口可能会发生事故。
 ☞ Accidents are likely to happen at that intersection 你的那个故事听起来不大可能。
 ☞ That story of yours doesn't sound very likely.
  ■ 但是如果用it作形式主语或宾语,则possible和probable后又可用动词不定式。
 ☞ 我们可能坐车去玉溪?
 ☞ Is it possible for us to get to Yuxi by car?
 ☞ 她很快发现这种作物有可能定期轮种。
 ☞ She soon finds it possible to rotate this kind of crops regularly.
 ☞ 看来极有可能停发津贴。
 ☞ It appeared highly probable to stop allowance.
1) 指事物可能性时用possible。
 ☞ 任何疾病都是可能的。
 ☞ Any illness is possible.
2) 指动作可能性时用likely。
 ☞ 他的病情可能恶化。
 ☞ His illness is likely to get worse.
3) 用形式主语it时,两者均可换用。
 ☞ 他的病情可能恶化。
 ☞ It is possible (likely) that his illness will get worse.
4) 指已经存在的人或物时用likely。
 ☞ 他很可能在北京。
 ☞ He is much more likely in Beijing.
 ☞ 这本书可能会让你感兴趣。
 ☞ This book is likely to interest you.
 ☞ 他可能在教室里。
 ☞ Maybe he is in the classroom.
 ☞ 这可能是对的。
 ☞ Maybe it is right.
 ☞ 要是你不是走路,而是搭公共汽车去火车站就更可能赶上火车。
 ☞ You'd have more chance of catching the train if you got a bus to the station instead of walking.
 ☞ 你们队要赢只有1%的可能。
 ☞ The chances are a hundred to one that your team will win.
可见 可见
1.如果指可以看见,动词用can see,形容词用visible, visual。
 ☞ 由此可见,多数人是赞成这个计划的。
 ☞ Thus it can be seen that the majority are in favor of the plan.
 ☞ 只有几个学生通过了考试,可见考卷是很难的。
 ☞ Only a few students passed the exam, so you can see that the paper must have been extremely stiff.
 ☞ 红外辐射的波长要长于可见光的波长。
 ☞ Infrared radiation has wave lengths longer than those of visible light.
 ☞ 所谓可见显示装置实际上是一个阴极射线管。
 ☞ The so-called visual display unit is in fact a cathode ray tube.
 ☞ 可见他不是没有幽默感。
 ☞ It shows that he is not without a sense of humor.
 ☞ 这显然是错字,他却没看出来,可见他的粗心。
 ☞ The character is obviously wrong but he didn't pick it out. It shows how careless he is.
 ☞ 他的忠告可见是对的。
 ☞ His advice proved to be sound.
 ☞ 可见辩论是毫无用处的。
 ☞ It proves that arguments are useless.
4.如果指事实十分清楚,可用clearly, clear。
 ☞ 他甚至不知道李华是男是女,可见他们不认识。
 ☞ He does not even know whether Li Hua is a man or a woman, clearly they are not acquainted.
 ☞ 每年有那么多游客游览杭州,由此可见杭州很美。
 ☞ So many tourists visit Hangzhou every year. It is thus clear that the city is very beautiful.
 ☞ 他都听得懂中国戏了,可见他的中文实在不错。
 ☞ He can even follow Chinese plays. Obviously his Chinese is very good.
 ☞ 连火柴都要进口,可见中国当时的工业有多落后。
 ☞ Even matches had to be imported; China's industry was obviously very underdeveloped at that time.
 ☞ 师部连夜召开会议,可见军情十分紧急。
 ☞ The division headquarters held a meeting all through the night, so it is evident that the military situation is critical.
 ☞ 可见他那一步是很得人心的。
 ☞ It was evident that that was a very popular move on his part.

 ☞ 他用一只手就能把我举起来。
 ☞ He can lift me up with one hand.
 ☞ 人人都能学会说英语。
 ☞ Everybody can learn to speak English.
 ☞ 她从小就能唱歌。
 ☞ She could sing when she was very young.
 ☞ 以前我父亲能讲3种外语。
 ☞ My father could speak three foreign languages.
  ■ could除了是can的过去时外,同时还可用作情态动词来表示现在和将来的某种能力。
 ☞ 没人能比他更慷慨的了。
 ☞ No one could be more generous than he.(指现在, 用could比用can委婉)
 ☞ 明天晚上我能见见你吗?
 ☞ Could I see you tomorrow evening?(指将来,比用 shall I更客气)
  ■ 此外,上面已经讲到could与can一样可以表示一般的能力(例句见上),但是could 不能表示在具体场合做具体事情的能力,这时要用was able to来代替。
 ☞ 由于她全力以赴,她才能提前完成任务。
 ☞ As she tried her best, she was able to finish the task ahead of schedule.
  ■ 这里不能用could来代替was able to,但是如果把as改成if,就可以用could。If she tried her best, she could finish her task ahead of schedule.因为在条件句里,could表示的仍然是一般的能力,而不是具体的能力。这里有两个译例可以看出could与was able to的区别。
 ☞ 他说起谎来能叫人人相信。
 ☞ When he lies, he could make anybody believe him.
 ☞ 他能叫她相信是因为她信任他。
 ☞ He was able to make her believe him because she trusted him.(指做具体事情的能力)
  ■ 但是,could 的否定式couldn't既可表示不具备一般的能力,也可表示不具备具体的能力,因为具体能力否定后等于不具备一般能力,即“不会”。
 ☞ 他年轻时不会唱歌。
 ☞ He couldn't sing when he was young.(唱歌的一般能力都没有)
 ☞ 他酒醉到连最简单的歌都不会唱了。
 ☞ He was so drunk that he even couldn't sing the easiest song.(平时唱得很好,现在连最简单的也不会了)
  ■ 另外,由于can没有将来时,因此表示将来的能力要用will be able to。
 ☞ 我相信病人很快就能坐起来。
 ☞ I'm sure that the patient will soon be able to sit up 他总有一天能学会游泳的。
 ☞ He will be able to learn to swim some day.
  ■ 但是,当人们现在已具有某种能力,但由于某些客观因素阻止人们实现,只能留待将来实现时,却可用can。
 ☞ 今天我们太忙,不过我们明天能去看他。
 ☞ We're too busy today, but we can go to see him tomorrow.
 ☞ 星期天有个聚会,你能来吗?
 ☞ Can you come to a party on Sunday?
  ■ 除此之外,remember,speak,understand,play等动词在表示某种能力时,不用can 也同样能表达这种能力。
 ☞ 我还能记得你儿时的样子。
 ☞ I (can) remember what you looked like when you were young.
 ☞ 她能说英语。
 ☞ She speaks (can speak) English.
 ☞ 我完全能理解你的感情 I (can) understand your feelings perfectly.
 ☞ 你能打篮球吗?
 ☞ Do (Can) you play basketball?
2.be able to,也表示某种能力,指一般能力时可与can换用,但是不如can常用。
 ☞ 你一定能说英语。
 ☞ You are certainly able to (can certainly) speak English.
 ☞ 他现在能走路了。
 ☞ He is able to (can) walk now.
  ■ be able to与can的区别有以下几点:
1) be able to可以有多种时态,而can只有现在和过去时态。
 ☞ 7月1日我不能来了。
 ☞ I shall not be able to come on July l.
 ☞ 这本书我一直没能从头到尾读一遍。
 ☞ I haven't been able to read the book through.
 ☞ 母亲逝世前我一直能收到她的来信。
 ☞ I had been able to receive letters from my mother till she passed away.
 ☞ 他几年前就能工作了。
 ☞ He was able to work years ago.
2) be able to可以与情态动词或某些动词搭配,而can不能。
 ☞ 靠我的工资,我应该是能养家的。
 ☞ I ought to be able to support my family on my wages.
 ☞ 你们应当是能重建家园的。
 ☞ You should be able to rebuild your homeland.
 ☞ 他似乎能把复杂的想法用简单的语言表达出来。
 ☞ He seemed able to put complicated thought in simple words.
 ☞ 我希望我能待在这里。
 ☞ I would like to be able to stay here.
3) able可以做定语或表语,而can不能。
 ☞ 能人背后有能人。
 ☞ For every able person there is always one still abler.
 ☞ 俗语说:“能者多劳。”
 ☞ As the saying goes: "The abler a man is, the busier he gets."
4) was able to可以表示具体的能力,而could不能。(译例见can条)除此之外,ability也表示某种能力。
 ☞ 你有何德何能?
 ☞ What virtues and abilities do you have?
 ☞ 社会主义的分配原则是各尽所能,按劳分配。
 ☞ The socialist principle of distribution is from each according to his ability, to each according to his work.
  ■ enable 是able 的同根动词,表示“赋予某种能力”。
 ☞ 这一装备能使工厂的产量翻一番。
 ☞ This equipment enables the factory to double its output.
 ☞ 显微镜能使看不见的物体得到观察。
 ☞ The microscope enables invisible objects to be observed.
3.be capable of,表示现在可以实现的能力时,可与be able to换用。
 ☞ 大丈夫应该能屈能伸。
 ☞ A real man should be capable of stooping or standing. (be able to stoop or stand)
 ☞ 刘伯承将军以能攻善守而闻名于世。
 ☞ General Liu Bocheng is well-known to the world for being capable of charging or holding his ground.
 (being able to charge or hold his ground)
  ■ 但是,capable of可以表示潜在的可能性,而able to不能。而且这种潜在的可能性往往带有贬义。
 ☞ 他是什么事都能干得出来的。
 ☞ He is capable of (doing) anything.
 ☞ 她老婆能为点小事生气。
 ☞ His wife is capable of being angered by trifles.
  ■ 但如果好使坏事对比时,也可带褒义。
 ☞ 他能干蠢事,但也能出智慧。
 ☞ He is capable of foolishness, but he is also capable of wisdom.
  ■ 另外,capable的主语还可以是物,而able 往往只能是人。
 ☞ 该船坞一年能建造两艘战舰。
 ☞ The shipyard is capable of producing two warships a year.
 ☞ 情况是能够改善的。
 ☞ The situation is capable of improvement.
  ■ 由于able 后面的动词不定式都用主动语态,因此碰到被动语态时要用capable代替。如:
 ☞ 这一错误是能改正的。
 ☞ This mistake is capable of being corrected.
4.“不能”除了表示“没有能力”以外,尚可表示“决不应该”,这时应译成must not,语气较cannot强烈。与之相反的“不能不”则应译成must。
 ☞ 你不能收这份礼。
 ☞ You must not accept this gift.
 ☞ 我们决不能一见成绩就自满起来。
 ☞ We must not become complacent the moment we have some success.
 ☞ 不能不指出法律禁止公众在城市内燃放爆竹。
 ☞ It must be pointed out that the law forbids the public setting firecrackers in cities.
 ☞ 既然你病了,就不能不去看医生。
 ☞ Since you are ill you must see the doctor.
 ☞ 一个干部要能上能下。
 ☞ A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as higher position.
 ☞ 人民的公仆要能官能民。
 ☞ A servant of the people ought to be ready to serve as an official or to be one of the common people.
 ☞ 他以能说会道而闻名于工商界。
 ☞ He earned a reputation in business circles for having a ready and eloquent tongue.
6.good at,指善于做。
 ☞ 你们大家要一专多能。
 ☞ Everyone of you should be good at many things and expert in one.
 ☞ 她以能歌善舞闻名我们学校。
 ☞ She was known to our school for being good at singing as well as dancing.
 ☞ 他能写会算,在农村很吃得开。
 ☞ He is welcome in the countryside for his being good at the three R's.
 ☞ 不过,能有这样的事。
 ☞ But such a thing is possible.
 ☞ 由昆明到该镇能坐车去吗?
 ☞ Is it possible to get from Kunming to the town by car?
  ■ 此外,possibly可与can结合以强调可能性。
 ☞ 天这么晚了,她今晚能来吗?
 ☞ It's already very late. Can she possibly come tonight?
 ☞ 他能要什么呢?
 ☞ What can he possibly want?
 ☞ 这条河的下游能行汽船。
 ☞ The lower reaches of the river are navigable for steamship.
 ☞ 这床能拆能装。
 ☞ The bed is removable.
 ☞ 这种野菜能吃。
 ☞ This kind of wild herb is edible.
 ☞ 我家的猫享受着冬天的阳光,能在那儿躺上整个下午。
 ☞ Our cat will lie there all afternoon, enjoying winter sunshine.
 ☞ 这横梁能承受上一层的全部重量吗?
 ☞ Will this beam bear the whole weight of the upper floor?
 ☞ 能用小词的地方就不要用大词。
 ☞ Never use a big word when a small one will do.
 ☞ 我能吃能喝,身体很好。
 ☞ I'm healthy enough to enjoy food and drinks.
 ☞ 能者为师。
 ☞ Let those who know teach.
 ☞ 新生报到即将开始,她兴奋得不能自己。
 ☞ She was beside herself with excitement as the day for new students to start registering.
 ☞ 教练无能,该队屡遭败绩。
 ☞ The coach was incompetent and the team suffered repeated defeats.

 ☞ 萝卜可以削了皮生吃。
 ☞ A radish can be peeled and eaten raw.
 ☞ 烤面包要抹上奶油趁热吃。
 ☞ Toast is eaten hot with butter.
 ☞ 她吃喝都很节制。
 ☞ She is abstemious in eating and drinking.
 ☞ 马上要吃晚饭了,还要吃豆子,吃穷了一家子!
 ☞ We are going to have supper right away, yet they're still eating roast beans, eating us out of house and home.
  ■ 尽管有时从上下文来看,并不强调咬、嚼这种过程,但其吃的内涵仍十分明显。如:
 ☞ 她草草吃了早饭又奔到楼上自己的房间里去了。
 ☞ She ate her breakfast hastily and ran up to her room again.
 ☞ 灾民吃草根树皮,不然就成群结队来到城里,陷于痛苦绝望之中。
 ☞ Victims ate roots and lichens, or flocked to the cities in the agony of despair.
 ☞ 你贫血,得吃点含铁质的东西。(也许是含有铁质的液体)
 ☞ You are anemic and you must have some iron.
 ☞ 我们午餐吃什么?(有饭也有汤)
 ☞ What shall we have for lunch?
 ☞ 来吃点东西吧。(也许是固体食物也许是液体饮料)
 ☞ Come and have some food.
 ☞ 你来跟我们吃一点吗?
 ☞ Would you care to come and have something with us?
  ■ 正由于这种原因,我们常用Would you like to have a cup of tea?而不用eat。但是如果这种区别在上下文里并不要求突出时,则eat和have这两个词是可以换用的。如:
 ☞ 谢谢,我实在吃饱了。
 ☞ Thanks, I have really eaten (had) enough.
 ☞ 她信佛,所以吃素。
 ☞ She believes in Buddhism and takes only vegetarian food.
 ☞ 我不吃零食。
 ☞ I don't take snacks between meals.
 ☞ 你们早餐一般吃什么?
 ☞ What do you generally take for breakfast?
 ☞ 这药一天要吃三次。
 ☞ The medicine is to be taken three times a day.
 ☞ 给你开点止痛片,难受时吃一片。
 ☞ I'll prescribe some painkillers. Take one when you feel really bad.
  ■ 如果用eat表示吃的习惯,则需加词,如:
 ☞ 我们南方人早上吃稀饭。
 ☞ We southerners are in the habit of eating rice gruel in the morning.
  ■ 但是如果上下文里已能看出某种习惯,则这两个词也可以替换。如:
 ☞ 我们一日吃三餐。
 ☞ We take (eat) three meals a day.
 ☞ 我们粗细粮掺着吃。
 ☞ We have a mixed diet of fine and coarse grain.
 ☞ 医生不叫他吃糖。
 ☞ The doctor ordered him a diet without sugar.
 ☞ 他要我吃素。
 ☞ He put me on a vegetable diet.
5.表示靠吃某种食物而生存时,可用live on, feed on。
 ☞ 胡宗南进攻陕甘宁边区,我们的县城只剩下一个,但我们并没有退出边区,吃树叶就吃树叶。
 ☞ When Hu Tsungnan attacked Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region, we did not pull out although we had only one county-seat left, and we thought nothing of it when we had to live on the leaves of the trees.
 ☞ 好男不吃分家饭。
 ☞ Good sons don't live on their inheritance.
 ☞ 他是个吃高利贷的。
 ☞ He is a man living on usury.
 ☞ 牛羊主要吃草。
 ☞ Cattle feed chiefly on grass.
 ☞ 昨晚家禽整夜都在吃谷子。
 ☞ The domestic birds fed on the com seeds all last night.
 ☞ 我们区是个富庶之地。当地有个说法是:农民干一年,可以吃两年。
 ☞ Our area is a rich place. A local saying has it that with one year's work peasants could live for two.
 ☞ 你这是在坐吃山空。
 ☞ You're exhausting your fortune by living in idleness.
7.表示吃一顿,可译make a meal of。
 ☞ 今天你要是吃了我,就是违抗天命。
 ☞ It would be a violation of God's mandate for you to make a meal of me.
 ☞ 那头熊美美地吃了顿蜂蜜。
 ☞ The bear made a meal of honey.
 ☞ 请吃口鸡,看盐够不够。
 ☞ Please taste the chicken and see if it has enough salt.
 ☞ 病人有几天不吃东西了。
 ☞ The patient has not tasted food for a few days.
 ☞ 孩子这么大了,没吃过猪肉,也见过猪跑。
 ☞ The boy's grown up now. He's old enough to have seen a pig run, even if he hasn't yet tasted pork himself.
9.劝人进食可用help yourself。
 ☞ 请再吃点腊肉。
 ☞ Please help yourself to some cured meat.
 ☞ 还是吃点水果止渴吧。
 ☞ Help yourself to some fruit to quench your thirst.
10.表示吃的爱好,可译fond of,like。
 ☞ 他是山东人,喜欢吃生大蒜。
 ☞ He is from Shandong province and is fond of raw garlic.
 ☞ 你喜欢吃什么风味的菜?
 ☞ What sort of food would you like?
 ☞ 你喜欢吃什么,鸡还是肉?
 ☞ What do you prefer - chicken or meat?
 ☞ 我爱吃鱼,不爱吃鸡。
 ☞ I prefer fish to chicken.
 ☞ 这寡妇真强梁,吃硬不吃软。
 ☞ This widow is rather tough, indeed. She prefers hard to soft treatment.
 ☞ 大鱼吃小鱼,历来如此。
 ☞ It has always been the case that large fish devour small ones.
 ☞ 南京是著名的“火炉”。有时让她们外出,她的第一件事就是大吃一顿冰棍儿。
 ☞ Nanjing is known as "the furnace of China". Occasionally they were allowed out, and the first thing she did was to devour a lot of frozen suckers.
1) 表示吃饭首先用eat或have。
 ☞ 中国人用筷子吃饭。
 ☞ The Chinese eat with chopsticks.
 ☞ 吃饭是为了活着,但活着可不是为了吃饭。
 ☞ Eat to live. but not live to eat.
 ☞ 来和我们一起吃饭吧。
 ☞ Come and have a meal with us.
 ☞ 他还在餐厅里吃饭。
 ☞ He is still having his meal in the dining room.
2) 强调自己能吃饭或有能力供应饭食,用feed (oneself)。
 ☞ 这娃娃现在能自己吃饭了。
 ☞ The baby can feed itself now.
 ☞ 病人病得自己不会吃饭了。
 ☞ The patient is too ill to feed himself.
 ☞ 他得努力工作才能使全家有饭吃有衣穿。
 ☞ He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family.
3) 强调吃的是正餐,用dine。
 ☞ 他今晚要请我同他一起吃饭。
 ☞ He wants me to dine with him tonight.
 ☞ 星期天我们一般在外面吃饭。
 ☞ Usually we dine out on Sundays.
4) 用for,to,at等介词表示吃饭的不同阶段。
 ☞ 到吃中午饭的时候了。
 ☞ It's time for the midday dinner.
 ☞ 他们坐下来吃饭。
 ☞ They sat down to dinner.
 ☞ 他们进来时我们正在吃饭。
 ☞ We were at table when they came in.
5) 表示靠某种方式生活,用earn (make)a living,feed。
 ☞ 吃这碗饭可不容易。
 ☞ This is a hard way to earn a living.
 ☞ 他赚的钱只够吃饭。
 ☞ He earns a bare living.
 ☞ 革命加生产能解决吃饭问题。
 ☞ Revolution plus production can solve the problem of feeding the population.
 ☞ 我刚跳过一条小溪就看见一匹马在吃草。
 ☞ Just after I had jumped over a brook I saw a horse grazing.
 ☞ 牛羊都在田野里吃草。
 ☞ Cattle are grazing in the field.
  "The good horse doesn't turn back to graze." I've left that house, and I don't intend to go back.
  ■ 但强调吃的过程仍然要用eat。
 ☞ 隔壁是个牛厩,有两头母牛在吃草。
 ☞ Next-door was a cowshed where two cows were eating hay.
 ☞ 平儿道:“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。”
  "A toad hankering for a taste of swan, ”scoffed Ping Er.
 ☞ 当时中国是块肥肉,人人都想吃。
 ☞ At the time China was an attractive piece of meat coveted by all.
 ☞ 你不是听说过这个俗语吗?一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。
 ☞ Didn't you ever hear the saying? One monk brings his buckets of water to drink, two monks carry their bucket of water jointly, but when three monks are together, there is no water at all.
 ☞ 茗烟嘱咐道:“不可拿进园去,叫人知道了,我吃不了兜着走”。
  "Don't take them into the garden", Mingyan warned him. "If they were found I'd be in serious trouble."
 ☞ 他冷笑道:“你不要慌,我同女人是规规矩矩的。
 ☞ 不指油,不吃豆腐。”
  "You needn't be afraid! " he said with a sardonic smile. "I don't take advantage of them and I don't flirt with them."
 ☞ 那薛老大也是“吃着碗里的,看着锅里的”。
 ☞ Hsueh Pan is another of those greedy-guts who “
 ☞ keep one eye on the bowl and the other on the pan".
 ☞ 贪图安逸,一定怕吃苦。
 ☞ Those who seek ease and comfort are bound to fear hardships.
 ☞ 她贪图享受不成,反而吃尽了苦头。
 ☞ Instead of seeking a life of pleasure, she endured untold sufferings.
 ☞ 千这一行,不玩技术吃不开。
 ☞ In this profession one won't be popular without employing one's skill.
 ☞ 他能写会算,在农村很吃得开。
 ☞ He is welcome in the countryside for his being good at the three R's.
吃亏 吃亏
1.从情况不利的角度来译,可用be at a disadvantage(静态),put sb. ... at a disadvantage(动态)。
 ☞ 没有大学文凭,干什么都吃亏。
 ☞ We are at a disadvantage in doing everything without a college diploma.
 ☞ 没有周密的准备,在对付入侵之敌时就会吃亏。
 ☞ Unless we are prepared in every respect, we should be at a disadvantage in dealing with the invaders.
 ☞ 他跑不快,所以踢足球吃亏。
 ☞ He can't run fast and that puts him at a disadvantage as a footballer.
 ☞ 他不会游泳,过河时就要吃亏。
 ☞ His inability to swim puts him at a disadvantage when he has to cross a river.
 ☞ 有备才能无患,无备必定吃亏。
 ☞ If one is prepared, one will be safe. If not, one will suffer.
 ☞ 要是我们早点知道,我们吃的亏就会少得多。
 ☞ We would have suffered much less if we had known of it earlier.
 ☞ 我不能袖手旁观,让可怜的小娟吃这样的亏。
 ☞ I won't stand by and let poor Xiaojuan suffer like this.
3.从引起不幸的角度来译,可用come to grief。
 ☞ 有的人吃亏在于不老实。
 ☞ Some people come to grief on account of their dishonesty.
 ☞ 我可以肯定他打这场赌要吃亏。
 ☞ I made certain he'd come to grief over the betting.
 ☞ 如果他不那么固执,就可能会少吃点亏。
 ☞ Were he less self-willed he would be less likely to come to grief.
4.从受害最大的角度来译,可用get the worst of (it)。
 ☞ 你要是跟他动手,你可能会吃亏。
 ☞ If you start a fight with him, you may get the worst of it.
 ☞ 你要同大公司较量,必定要吃眼前亏。
 ☞ If you have a contest with big companies, you'll immediately get the worst of it.
 ☞ 他在生意上吃了亏,把气出在老婆身上。
 ☞ He got the worst of the business, yet he vented his spleen on his wife.
 ☞ 有备才能无患,无备必定吃亏。
 ☞ Preparedness ensures security. Unpreparedness invites disaster.
 ☞ 机械地搬用外国的东西是要吃大亏的。
 ☞ Mechanical copying of foreign things would be disastrous.
6.从牺牲别人利益的角度来译,可用at the expense of others, at other people's expense。
 ☞ 他自己得利,别人吃亏。
 ☞ He benefited himself at the expense of others.
 ☞ 做这件事我们不愿让别人吃亏。
 ☞ We do not wish to do it at other people's expense.
吃惊 吃惊
1.表示惊奇,可用surprise,be surprised(to后接动词,at后接名词或动名词),surprising。
 ☞ 你的行为使我吃惊。
 ☞ Your behavior surprised me.
 ☞ 没有什么比听到别人说她这样的话更叫我吃惊的了。
 ☞ Nothing would have surprised me more than to hear this said of her.
 ☞ 他没有来,我感到吃惊。
 ☞ I'm surprised that he didn't come.
 ☞ 见到他同他父亲一起进来,她感到吃惊。
 ☞ She was surprised to see him walk in with his father.
 ☞ 听到你说这个,我们感到吃惊。
 ☞ We are surprised to hear you say that.
 ☞ 我跟你说这样的话,知道你是会吃惊的。
 ☞ I know you are surprised at my talking to you like this.
 ☞ 我们发现房子是空的,感到吃惊。
 ☞ We were surprised at finding the house empty.
 ☞ 这些人的无知实在叫人吃惊。
 ☞ The ignorance of these people was really surprising.
 ☞ 他们竟用这种办法度过夜晚真叫人吃惊。
 ☞ It is surprising that they should choose this method of passing the evening.
2.表示吃了一惊,用be taken aback。
 ☞ 我承认我听到这一情况有点吃惊。
 ☞ I confess I was somewhat taken aback when I heard that.
 ☞ 我想我一辈子也没这么吃惊过。
 ☞ I don't think I was so taken aback in all my life.
3.如果对某种意外的反应比较强烈时,可用astonish, be astonished (at)。
 ☞ 这条消息使我们大吃一惊。
 ☞ The news astonished (greatly surprised) us.
 ☞ 听到我为这只戒指付的钱会叫你大吃一惊。
 ☞ I will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring.
 ☞ 我见到我的故乡在20年里发生这样的变化大吃一惊。
 ☞ I was astonished to see how my hometown had changed in 20 years.
 ☞ 他的样子叫我吃惊。
 ☞ I'm astonished at his appearance.
 ☞ 我倒是可以告诉你他们的一些所作所为,不过会让你大吃一惊。
 ☞ And I could tell you some of their deeds which would shock you.
 ☞ 见到她抽烟,他很吃惊。
 ☞ He was shocked at her smoking.
5.如果由于某种意外而引起心理上的疑惑、迷惑时,可用amaze, be amazed (at),amazing。
 ☞ 你干的事情叫全家吃惊。
 ☞ What you did amazed the whole family.
 ☞ 发现他这样的学生在一次重大考试中获得100分,我们的老师都感到吃惊。
 ☞ Our teachers were all amazed to find a student like him had gained a mark of 100 in an important examination.
 ☞ 一些国家竟对此表示义愤,他感到吃惊。
 ☞ He was amazed that some countries should express indignation at it.
 ☞ 参观者对我国造船工人的冲天干劲感到吃惊。
 ☞ Visitors were amazed at the soaring drive of our shipbuilders.
 ☞ 他见到这种情景感到吃惊。
 ☞ He was amazed at the sight.
 ☞ 他坚强的毅力使人吃惊。
 ☞ His strong will power is amazing.
 ☞ 一个人怎么会有这种思想简直叫人吃惊。
 ☞ It is simply amazing how one can conceive such an idea.
 ☞ 得知她最要好的朋友长期以来对她进行恶意中伤,她大吃一惊。
 ☞ She was astounded to learn that her dearest friend had been spreading malicious gossip about her.
 ☞ 警察得知怀特太太干的事情以后大吃一惊。
 ☞ The police were astounded to learn what Mrs. White had done.
 ☞ 他当场反驳使在场的记者十分激动,但使总统的助手大吃一惊。
 ☞ His off-the-cuff retort excited the reporters present but flabbergasted the President's aides.
 ☞ 她对朋友谈到她对此事的反应时说:“真叫我大吃一惊。”
 ☞ Describing to her friends her reaction to it, she said, "I was flabbergasted."

 ☞ 各持己见这就不好了。
 ☞ It's not good for each to stick to his own view.
 ☞ 这就叫做各得其所。
 ☞ That's what we call "each in his proper place".
 ☞ 3种办法各有优点,也各有缺点。
 ☞ Each of the three methods has its strong and weak points.
 ☞ 参加的老师各写一封信。
 ☞ The participating teachers each write a letter.
 ☞ 上半时,双方各进一球。
 ☞ In the first half, each side scored a goal.
2.all, every,指合起来的各自,强调总体的概念,一般可以换用。
 ☞ 世界各国都派代表团参加了这次大会。
 ☞ All the nations (Every nation) sent their delegations (its delegation) to attend this assembly.
 ☞ 她的各科成绩都很好。
 ☞ She does very well in all the subjects (in every subject).
 ☞ 各民族的文化都有自己的特色。
 ☞ The culture of every nationality has its own characteristics.
 ☞ 人各有得意之日。
 ☞ Every dog has his day.
 ☞ 他在这里住过3年,因此对各方面的情况都很了解。
 ☞ He used to live here for three years, so he knows everything.
 ☞ 这些物种各不相同。
 ☞ None of these species have anything in common with one another.
 ☞ 他们在各国都受到不同的歧视。
 ☞ They are discriminated against to a greater or lesser extent in various countries.
 ☞ 对这种做法,各人都提出了修改的意见。
 ☞ Various people have made suggestions for revision of this approach.
 ☞ 他们当中的大多数再也不想花工夫到各厂去找工作。
 ☞ Most of them no longer troubled to go to the different factories to look for a job.
 ☞ 各人有各人的打算。
 ☞ Different people have different plans of their own.
 ☞ 这3个人各按其能力分配了工作。
 ☞ The three men were given work according to their respective abilities.
 ☞ 上述3种办法都各有优点。
 ☞ The three methods described above have their respective merits.
 ☞ 房间的两侧各有一道门。
 ☞ There is a door on either side of the room.
 ☞ 桥的两端各有一座山。
 ☞ There is a hill on either end of the bridge.
  ■ either的否定式是neither。如:
 ☞ 我们各不相让。
 ☞ Neither of us is willing to give ground.
 ☞ 从此,两国各不相犯。
 ☞ Since then neither of the two states has interfered with the other.
7.half and half, fifty-fifty,指各半。
 ☞ 我想我们应该把这种负担各分一半。
 ☞ I think we ought to split this burden half and half.
 ☞ 成败的可能性各半。
 ☞ The chances of success are fifty-fifty.
8.one's own,指各有各的。
 ☞ 各民族的文化都各有各的特色。
 ☞ The culture of every nationality has its own characteristics.
 ☞ 你们各看各的书,谁也不准说话。
 ☞ Pay attention to your own reading, nobody is allowed to talk.
 ☞ 各国的古代建筑都各有特色。
 ☞ The ancient architecture of each country has its own features.
合乎 合乎
1.conform with (to), in conformity with,表示在本质、特性上合乎。
 ☞ 无论我们做什么事情,都要合乎人民的利益。
 ☞ Whatever we do must conform with the interests of the people.
 ☞ 他提供的数据合乎实际情况。
 ☞ The data he had provided conformed to the actual situation.
 ☞ 有证据显示他的阐述合乎历史的发展规律。
 ☞ Evidence shows that his interpretation is in conformity with the law of historical development.
2.correspond with (to),表示合乎实际情况。
 ☞ 这房子正好合乎我的需要。
 ☞ The house exactly corresponds with my needs.
 ☞ 他们不得不承认这一说法合乎事实。
 ☞ They have to admit that this proposition corresponds to the facts.
3.tally with,表示完全符合。
 ☞ 他的话合乎事实。
 ☞ What he says tallies with the facts.
 ☞ 艺术作品应当合乎所表现的事物。
 ☞ Representations of art must tally with things represented.
4.up to,表示达到某一要求。
 ☞ 我检查了产品,发现完全合乎标准。
 ☞ I examined the products and found them quite up to the standard.
 ☞ 他认为她在专业上的成绩完全合乎平均水平。
 ☞ He was of the opinion that her professional merits were quite up to the average.
 ☞ 你想要孩子懂得讽刺挖苦,那不合乎情理。
 ☞ You're not reasonable if you expect a child to understand sarcasm.
 ☞ 要摆脱这一凶险的处境,她感到这是一个合乎理智的办法。
 ☞ She felt this was the sensible way out of this sinister situation.
 ☞ 对这个问题,他做出了一个合乎逻辑的回答。
 ☞ He gave a logical answer to the question.
 ☞ 什么是合乎实际的事态?
 ☞ What is the actual state of affairs?
合作 合作
 ☞ 王医生经常与李麻醉师合作做手术。
 ☞ Dr. Wang often cooperates with Li, an anesthetist in performing operations.
 ☞ 两个厂家共同合作生产一种双方都无力独自完成的产品。
 ☞ Both of the factories cooperated with each other in manufacturing a product that neither could afford by itself.
 ☞ 父亲和儿子合作写了一部论放射性元素的书。
 ☞ Father collaborated with his son in writing a book on radioactive substances.
 ☞ 他们在电影剧本上共同合作。
 ☞ They collaborated on film scripts.
3.work together,joint work,指共同工作的过程或结果。
 ☞ 他们共同合作了5年。
 ☞ They worked together for five years.
 ☞ 这幅画是他们共同合作的结果。
 ☞ The picture is the result of their joint work.
合法 合法
 ☞ 合乎法律的行为就是合法行为。
 ☞ A lawful act is an act which the law allows.
 ☞ 我们的职责是支持重新执政的合法政府。
 ☞ Our duty is to give support to the restored lawful government.
 ☞ 他是那笔财产的合法继承人。
 ☞ He was the legal (lawful) heir to that property.
 ☞ 该政府甚至否定人民有集会的合法权力。
 ☞ The government even denied the legal (lawful) right of the people to hold meeting.
  ■ 但是,两者的区别也是明显的。如:
 ☞ 离婚是合法的,但需经过多种合法的手续才能最终生效。
 ☞ Divorce is lawful but subject to various legal requirements before taking final effect.(由上例可以看出 lawful的内涵可以覆盖legal,因后者仅指具体手续的合法)
 ☞ 该国60年的历史,在领导权上从来没有做到过合法正规的继承。
 ☞ In the sixty-year history of the state,矗had never managed a legitimate (legal), regular succession of leadership.
 ☞ 他是该财产的合法主人。
 ☞ He was the legitimate (lawful) owner of that property.
  ■ 但如果仅指合乎理性、传统、常规,则不能与前两词换用。如:
 ☞ 交通事故耽误了他的车子,使他的迟到有了个合理合法的借口。
 ☞ The traffic accident that delayed his car gave him a legitimate excuse for being late.
 ☞ 生理缺陷是免服兵役的合法根据。
 ☞ Physical deformity is a legitimate ground for exemption from military service.
 ☞ 王太子是王位的合法继承人。
 ☞ The rightful (lawful) heir to the throne is the Crown Prince.
 ☞ 农民都深信他们是土地的合法主人。
 ☞ The peasants were firmly convinced that they were the rightful (legal) owner of the land.
合理 合理
 ☞ 我完全愿意出一个合理的价钱。
 ☞ I'm perfectly willing to pay a reasonable price.
 ☞ 难道这些都不是合理的要求吗?
 ☞ Aren't these all reasonable demands?
2.rational, rationalize,指合乎理性或理智。
 ☞ 分工合理可以加速工程的进度。
 ☞ The rational division of labor may speed up the pace of the project.
 ☞ 可行性研究可使资源的利用更加合理。
 ☞ Feasibility studies can make the use of resources more rational.
 ☞ 我市的汽车数量减少了,但更合理了。
 ☞ The number of cars in our city goes down, but it is more rationalized.
 ☞ 我们的目的在于合理解决两国之间的争端。
 ☞ We are aiming at an equitable settlement of the issues between the two countries.
 ☞ 全国改革后发展了一套合理适用的税务体制。
 ☞ An equitable and adequate tax system has been developed throughout the country after the reform.
 ☞ 经验证明在这一地区推行合理轮作是必要的。
 ☞ Experience shows that it is necessary to introduce the proper rotation of crops.
 ☞ 我们想尽各种办法以取得合理的平衡。
 ☞ We tried every possible way to achieve a proper balance.
5.justify, justifiable,指有一定道理的合理。
 ☞ 人们一定会问这样的问题,就是空气污染的代价有多大?进行整顿要多少花费才算合理?
 ☞ People would ask such questions, that is, how much does air pollution cost? And what expense is justified in rectifying it?
 ☞ 在实验室里保持恒温是合理的。
 ☞ Maintaining a constant temperature in laboratories is justifiable.
合计 合计
1.add up (to),指加起来。
 ☞ 把这一栏的数字合计一下。
 ☞ Add up the figures in this column.
 ☞ 他花的钱合计为I, 000多元。
 ☞ The money he spent added up to more than one thousand yuan.
2.amount to,指达到某数字。
 ☞ 这两项开支合计1万多元。
 ☞ The cost of the two items amounted to more than ten thousand yuan.
 ☞ 其重量合计为78吨。
 ☞ Its weight amounts to 78 tons.
 ☞ 合计达10万元。
 ☞ The total came to one hundred thousand yuan.
 ☞ 与4相加,合计为lo。
 ☞ If you add 6 and 4, the total is 10.
4.think over,指反复考虑。
 ☞ 他心里老合计这事儿。
 ☞ He kept thinking it over.
 ☞ 我需要几天时间来合计这件事。
 ☞ I need a couple of days to think this matter over.
 ☞ 这件事我得跟经理合计合计。
 ☞ I have to consult the manager about the matter.
 ☞ 不跟你合计,我是什么也不会干的。
 ☞ I'll do nothing without consulting you.
合适 合适
1.suitable (for),指自然而然的合适,可指人也可指事;be suited (for),指人合适于事;suit,指事合适于人。
 ☞ 我认为这一岗位对我应该是合适的。
 ☞ I think I should be suitable for the post.
 ☞ 这样说不合适。
 ☞ It is not suitable to say so.
 ☞ 你现在干的这类工作对你不合适。
 ☞ You're not suited for the kind of work you're doing.
 ☞ 我只合适做教师。
 ☞ I'm suited to be a teacher only.
 ☞ 我不知道什么样的职业才合适我儿子。
 ☞ I don't know what profession would suit my son.
2.fit for,指恰当的合适。
 ☞ 这职位他合适。
 ☞ He is fit for the position.
 ☞ 我得说她不合适干这类事情。
 ☞ I should say she isn't fit to do anything of the sort.
  ■ 但是, "she isn't fit" 意为“她身体不好”。而“她不合适”应译为 "she doesn't fit" 。与此同时,fit用作动词时也可指尺寸、式样上的合适与人。
 ☞ 这双鞋子对我完全合适。
 ☞ The shoes fit me perfectly.
 ☞ 这身衣服对她不合适。
 ☞ The dress doesn't fit her.
 ☞ 我不知什么才合适。
 ☞ I don't know what is proper.
 ☞ 你要踢足球,就得穿上合适的衣服。
 ☞ If you want to play football, you must wear proper clothes.
4.appropriate for (to),指适合某种需要或某种场合的合适。
 ☞ 她那光鲜的衣服在葬礼上是不合适的。
 ☞ Her bright dress was not appropriate for the funeral.
 ☞ 写作时,一定要用跟主题合适的文体。
 ☞ Do write in a style appropriate to the subject.
 ☞ 这个词用在这里正合适。
 ☞ This is the right word to use here.
 ☞ 他这人干这工作正合适。
 ☞ He is just the right man for the job.

1.same,表示“同”,但暗示在质量、数量、外表、种 类上是有差别的。
 ☞ 他们是一对同床异梦的夫妻。
 ☞ They are a couple sleeping in the same bed but dreaming different dreams.
 ☞ 对于他,我跟你有同感,不过我认为他能改好。
 ☞ I have the same feeling about him as you do, but I think he'll mend his ways.
 ☞ 同行是冤家。
 ☞ Men in the same line are bound to be enemies.
 ☞ 领导干部下乡期间,应与老乡同吃、同住、同劳动。
 ☞ Leading cadres should live under the same roof, eat at the same table and do the same labor with villagers during their stay in the countryside.
 ☞ 我们虽是同父同母所生,但性格迥异。
 ☞ We are totally different in character though born of the same parents.
 ☞ 男女应当同工同酬。
 ☞ Men and women should enjoy equal pay for equal work.
 ☞ 异曲同工。
 ☞ Different tunes can be rendered with equal skill.或 Different approaches contribute to the same end.
 ☞ 这两个词同义异形。
 ☞ The two words are identical in meaning and different in form.
 ☞ 兄弟俩的慷慨同出一辙。
 ☞ Generosity of the two brothers is of an identical nature.
4.similar, similarly, similarity,指类似性相同。
 ☞ 今天我要把我的研究工作公开出来,公诸同好。
 ☞ Today I'm going to make my research work known to the public and share enjoyment with those having similar tastes.
 ☞ 同病相怜。
 ☞ Similarly affected people pity each other.
 ☞ 我们要同中求异,异中求同。
 ☞ We must seek difference in similarity and similarity in difference.
5.as... as, like, 指“同…一样”,前者是连词,而后者是介词。
 ☞ 他同过去一样忙。
 ☞ He is as busy as he used to be.
 ☞ 湖面同明镜一样清澈。
 ☞ The lake is as limpid as a mirror.
 ☞ 你同我所期望的一样。
 ☞ You are like what I expected.
 ☞ 李明和王娟同兄弟姐妹一样。
 ☞ Li Ming and Wang Juan are like brothers and sisters.
 ☞ 同有畏心,其势必合;同有欲心,其势必争。
 ☞ Common fear leads to unity; common greed leads to rivalry.
 ☞ 要是你跟他这样争斗下去,势必同归于尽。
 ☞ If you go on struggling with him this way you'll be bound to end up in common ruin.
 ☞ 我们同事多年。
 ☞ We've worked together for years.
 ☞ 困难时刻我们应该同舟共济。
 ☞ We must pull together in times of trouble.
8.share, 指共享。
 ☞ 共产党员应与人民同甘共苦。
 ☞ Communists should share the comforts and hardships of the masses.
 ☞ 我们是同生死共患难的朋友。
 ☞ We were friends who had shared life and death with each other.
 ☞ 广大军民同心同德,坚决打败侵略者。
 ☞ The broad masses of people and army-men fought staunchly with one heart and one mind to defeat the aggressors同室操戈,何其不幸!
 ☞ What a misfortune to have members of one family drawing swords on each other!
 ☞ 我跟他有同乡之谊。
 ☞ I have a friendship of fellow countrymen with him.
 ☞ 你怎么能不认识他?他是你在外交部工作时期的同僚。
 ☞ How didn't you know him7 He was one of your fellow officials when you worked in the Foreign Ministry.
 ☞ 同类不相残。
 ☞ Crows do not pick crows' eyes.
 ☞ 同恶相济。
 ☞ The wicked help the wicked.
 ☞ 在三角恋爱中同性相斥,你应该知道这个道理。
 ☞ You should know the law that like charges repel like charges in love triangle.
 ☞ 这同你没关系。
 ☞ There is nothing to do with you.
 ☞ 这件事同他有牵连。
 ☞ He was implicated in the affair.
 ☞ 他同玛丽结婚了。
 ☞ He was married to Marry.
 ☞ 他同妻子离婚了。
 ☞ He was divorced from his wife.
 ☞ 老师同学生一起都去了。
 ☞ All teachers and students went together.
同意 同意
1.agree with,表示单纯的意见相同后同意,在同意前并未参与其事,后可接人也可接物。
 ☞ 我在许多事情上都不同意你。
 ☞ I don't agree with you on many things.
 ☞ 校长同意教职员工每隔一年做一次体检的建议。
 ☞ The principal agreed to the proposal that the teaching and administrative staff should have a health check every two years.
  ■ agree的下面各式都表示单纯的同意。
 ☞ 起初我的想法跟他不同,但后来我同意了。
 ☞ At first my idea differed from his, but finally, I agreed.(后不接介词)
 ☞ 我们同意马上离开。
 ☞ We agreed to leave at once.(后接动词不定式)
 ☞ 我们都同意这件事办得不公。
 ☞ We've all agreed that it is unfair.(后接从句)
2.agree on,指同意接受。如参与讨论并取得一致意见等,其后往往只接事,不接人。
 ☞ 他们回顾了至今所做的工作并同意了今后的规划。
 ☞ They reviewed the work done so far and agreed on the program for the future.
 ☞ 经过充分讨论,双方同意停火。
 ☞ Both sides agreed on a cease-fire after much discussion.
 ☞ 银行经理已同意我们贷款的要求。
 ☞ The bank manager has agreed to our request for a loan.
3.agree to, 指同意对方提出的某种要求,这种同意可以是自愿的,也可以是违心的。但一旦同意就得承担责任。
 ☞ 如果你们同意这一政策,就得执行。
 ☞ If you agree to the policy you have to carry it out.
 ☞ 政府希望劳资双方都同意在低失业率时工资多加一些,在高失业率时工资少加一些。
 ☞ The government expects both workers and employers to agree to larger wage increase in times of low unemployment than in times of high unemployment.
4.consent,义同agree;consent to,义同agree to,均指自愿或不自愿地同意某种要求,但较正式。
 ☞ 她同意做他的助理编辑。
 ☞ She consented (agreed) to be his assistant editor.
 ☞ 我能否告诉总裁我们同意对规划作出修改?
 ☞ May I tell the president that we consent to make some alteration in the plan?
  ■ 下面的consent to后要接名词或动名词。
 ☞ 厂长最后同意他的要求,调往其他部门。
 ☞ The director finally consented to his request for a transfer to another department.
 ☞ 房主不会同意我们对公寓做任何结构性的改变。
 ☞ The owner wouldn't consent to our making any structural change in the flat.
5.approve (of),指上级、尊长对下级、后辈的同意。
 ☞ 总统同意了这一计划,只是坚持他在提名仲裁人时应有充分自由。
 ☞ The president approved the plan, insisting only that he be given complete freedom in naming the arbiters.
 ☞ 我的父母不同意我的婚事。
 ☞ My parents don't approve of my marriage.
6.concur in, 指取得一致的同意。
 ☞ 评判员都同意给他颁奖。
 ☞ The judges all concurred in giving him the prize.
 ☞ 两国科学家都同意发展疫苗。
 ☞ Scientists from the two countries concurred in developing the vaccine.
同时 同时
1.at the same time,指在同一时间。
 ☞ 这两次爆炸是同时发生的。
 ☞ The two explosions happened at the same time 她感到难为情,但同时也感到幸福。
 ☞ She felt shy but happy at the same time.
  ■ 有时at the same time可与but连用,产生语气转折。
 ☞ 他可能有点粗鲁,不过与此同时我还是忍不住要喜欢他。
 ☞ He can be a bit rude but at the same time I can't help liking him.
 ☞ 我喜欢坐飞机旅行,不过与此同时也使我害怕。
 ☞ I like traveling by air but at the same time it frightens me.
 ☞ 同盟国在两条战线上同时发动攻势。
 ☞ The Allied made simultaneous offensives on two fronts.
 ☞ 该书将在全国各地同时发行。
 ☞ The book will be put on simultaneous sale throughout the country.
 ☞ 雷电是同时发生的,尽管我们先看到闪电,后听到雷声。
 ☞ Thunder and lightning happen simultaneously though we first see the latter and later hear the former.
 ☞ 他把他的作品复印了两份,同时寄给不同的出版商。
 ☞ Ha made two copies of his work and sent them simultaneously to different publishers.
3.in the meantime,指与此同时,表示一件事发生的同时另一件事也开始了。
 ☞ 你来淘米,与此同时我来切肉。
 ☞ You wash rice and in the meantime I'll cut meat.
 ☞ 我8月25日大学毕业,与此同时发生了一件有趣的事。
 ☞ I graduated from university on 25th of August and in the meantime an interesting event took place.
 ☞ 他们10分钟后就到,与此同时我们来点啤酒。
 ☞ They'll be here in 10 minutes. Meanwhile we'll have some beer.
 ☞ 你来锄草,与此同时我来种花。
 ☞ You hoe up weeds and meanwhile I'll plant flowers.
 ☞ 发了财,同时还要幸福,这种事是不大会有的。
 ☞ Wealth and happiness do not always concur.
 ☞ 这些必需条件可能难以同时具备。
 ☞ These requisite conditions may seldom have concurred.
 ☞ 俄国总攻的同时英美开始在西线挺进。
 ☞ The general Russian offensive coincided with the Anglo-American drive in the West.
 ☞ 老化和氧化是同时进行的。
 ☞ The aging coincides with oxidation.
 ☞ 他在原则问题上强硬的同时,也不得不在次要问题上让步。
 ☞ He was obliged to compromise minor questions while hardening on the matter of principle.
 ☞ 我们在加快工程进度的同时,也必须保证质量。
 ☞ While speeding up the work on the project, we must pay attention to ensuring its quality.
 ☞ 在经济发展的同时,我们面临着政治组织的问题。
 ☞ Parallel with economic development we are faced with the problems of political organization.
 ☞ 在大量削减工时、资金的同时,我们还得保证总产量的增加。
 ☞ We must ensure a growth in total output side by side with a sharp reduction in labor-hour and money.
 ☞ 在大量阅读的同时,我还养成了记笔记的习惯。
 ☞ Hand in hand with reading a lot, I have developed the habit of making notes.
 ☞ 任务艰巨,同时时间又紧。
 ☞ The task is arduous, besides, there's not much time.
 ☞ 造林可以保持水土,同时也可以制止流沙。
 ☞ Affore station conserves soil and water. It also checks drift sand.
 ☞ 国会无法运用其权威,如果不同时增加总统的权威。
 ☞ The congress cannot exercise its own authority without in turn, increasing that of the president.
 ☞ 他能同时弹琴唱歌。
 ☞ He can play the piano and sing all at once.
同等 同等
 ☞ 具有同等学历并不等于说具有同等能力。
 ☞ Having the same educational level doesn't mean having the same ability.
 ☞ 对这件事,我和你怀有同等心情,不过我乐观一点。
 ☞ I'm of the same mind as you are about this, yet I'm a bit optimistic.
  ■ same还可与class(指分类的等级)及rank(官阶的等级)搭配,表示同等。
 ☞ 清华和北大都是同等的综合性大学。
 ☞ Tsinghua University and Peking University are both universities of the same class.
 ☞ 美国陆军中的少校和海军中的中尉都是同等军阶的军官。
 ☞ In the United States both major of the army and lieutenant commander of the navy are officers of the same rank.
2.equal, 指某方面完全等同。
 ☞ 国营经济与私营经济同等重要。
 ☞ State-owned economy and privately-owned economy are of equal importance.
 ☞ 国营企业和私营企业必须同等对待。
 ☞ Public and private enterprises must be put on equal footing.

 ☞ 请问尊姓大名。
 ☞ May I know your name?
 ☞ 岳飞作为一个民族英雄而名垂青史。
 ☞ Yue Fei had a name in history as a national hero 凡事应名正言顺。
 ☞ Everything should be called by its right name.
 ☞ 名不正则言不顺。
 ☞ If the name is not proper, the words will not ring true.
 ☞ 王老师是我校的名教授。
 ☞ Mr. Wang is the well-known professor of our university.
 ☞ 这是一种名为肾上腺的激素。
 ☞ This is a hormone known as adrenaline.
 ☞ 都说桂林山水甲天下,到桂林一看,果然名不虚传。
 ☞ People say: "Guilin's scenery is unequaled in the world." It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation.
 ☞ 我们乘兴而去,败兴而归,那是个名不符实的地方。
 ☞ We went there in high spirits but returned disappointed. That place has an undeserved reputation.
4.fame, 指名声。
 ☞ 有句古语说:“名之所在,谤之所归。”
 ☞ There is an old saying that goes: "Where fame is, there will slanders be gathered."
 ☞ 她并不追名逐利。
 ☞ She does not go after fame and money.
5.in (under) the guise of,指打着某种幌子。
 ☞ 他们名为出差,实则用公款游山玩水。
 ☞ They took a pleasure trip in the guise of a business errand and wasted the public money.
 ☞ 该公司名为服务公众,实则谋求私利。
 ☞ That company is seeking private interests under the guise of serving the public.
 ☞ 他是名符其实的劳动英雄。
 ☞ He was a labor hero in the real sense of the term.
 ☞ 那真是名符其实的奇迹。
 ☞ That is a veritable miracle.
 ☞ 大学4年之后,他考试时名列榜首。
 ☞ After four years at college, he ranked first in the examination.
 ☞ 他在数学上名列前茅。
 ☞ He has come out in front in the study of mathematics.
 ☞ 这次入学考他虽名落孙山,但并不气馁。
 ☞ Although he failed in this entrance examination, he didn't lose heart.
名义 名义
1.in the name of,指“以…名义”。
 ☞ 以革命的名义想想过去。
 ☞ Think of the past in the name of the revolution.
 ☞ 我们并不同意以“稳定”的名义去处理一切的方式。
 ☞ We do not agree to the way of dealing everything in the name of "stability".
2.in name but not in reality (fact),指名义上足,但实际不是。
 ☞ 她名义上是他的妻子,实际上却是女佣。
 ☞ She was his wife in name but his maid servant in reality.
 ☞ 他名义上是教授,但实际上并不在大学工作。
 ☞ He was a professor in name but in fact he did not work at the university.
3.in name only,指有名无实。
 ☞ 英国的女王只是名义上的统治者。
 ☞ The Queen in Britain is a ruler in name only.
 ☞ 他们结婚只是名义上的,因为他们已经分居多年了。
 ☞ They are married in name only, since they have been living apart for years.
4.in the guise of,指打着某种幌子。
 ☞ 他以出公差的名义用公款游山玩水。
 ☞ He took a pleasure trip in the guise of a business errand and wasted the public money.
 ☞ 该公司名义上是为公众服务,实际是在谋取私利。
 ☞ The company is seeking private interests in the guise of serving the public.
5.under (upon) the pretense (pretence), 指“以…为借口”。
 ☞ 以盲人名义募捐,他搞了不少的钱。
 ☞ He got a considerable sum of money under the pretense of collecting donations for the blind.
 ☞ 无论以何种名义,外人都不得入内。
 ☞ Upon no pretence whatever may any outsider gain admission.
名堂 名堂
1) 在问句中由于问话人不知道“名堂”到底意味什么,故用what即可。
 ☞ 那坏家伙下一步要搞什么名堂?
 ☞ What will that villain do next?
 ☞ 敌人突然撤走了,这里有什么名堂?
 ☞ What's behind the enemy's sudden retreat?
2) 在陈述句中由于说话人不愿明说,而以“名堂”代替,故译时也要含糊其辞,一般可用a great variety,much of ado等,需灵活处理。
 ☞ 展销会上,展销货物的名堂真多。
 ☞ At the commodities fair there was a great variety of goods for display and sale.
 ☞ 办婚事嘛,别搞那么多名堂。
 ☞ Don't make too much of ado of the wedding party.
3) 上下文需要时,“名堂”一词也可译得比较具体。
 ☞ 别看他们只是个业余文工团,演出的名堂可多了。
 ☞ It's true they're only an amateur troupe, but they have an amazingly large repertoire。(指演出的节目)
 ☞ 我要求吃的东西名堂多一点。
 ☞ I demand more variety for our food.(指食物)
1) 肯定时用something。
 ☞ 他们会搞出名堂来的。
 ☞ They'll certainly accomplish something.
 ☞ 我们只要依靠集体力量就一定能搞出名堂。
 ☞ As long as we rely on collective efforts we can certainly achieve something.
2) 否定时用not anything或nothing。
 ☞ 我问了他半天,也没从他嘴里问出个名堂来。
 ☞ I questioned him for a long time but I couldn't get anything out of him.
 ☞ 恐怕他们是搞不出像样的名堂了。
 ☞ I'm afraid they will accomplish nothing remarkable.
3) 疑问句可用what result。
 ☞ 你们的讨论有什么名堂没有?
 ☞ What was the result of your discussion?
 ☞ 他的买卖有什么名堂?
 ☞ What is the result of his business?
 ☞ 真不简单,这里还有名堂呢。
 ☞ It's not simple at all. There is a reason in it.
 ☞ 墙角上的砖这么砌是有名堂的。
 ☞ There's a reason for laying the comer bricks this way.
 ☞ 要看出其中的名堂,这并不难。
 ☞ It's not difficult to see what's behind it.
 ☞ 这其中定有名堂。
 ☞ There must be more to it than meets the eye.
后面 后面
 ☞ 屋子的后面看得见大海。
 ☞ The back of the house looks out on to the sea 你是看不见脑袋后面的。
 ☞ You can't see the back of your head.
 ☞ 咱们绕到后面去。
 ☞ Let's go round to the back.
  ■ at the back of有两个意思:一为在…后面的远处;一为在…的后端。
 ☞ 屋子后面有个花园。
 ☞ There is a garden at the back of the house.(指屋子外面的后面)
 ☞ 这本词典后面有许多有用的资料。
 ☞ There is a lot of useful information at the back of this dictionary.(指词典里面的后端)
 ☞ 他在屋子后面要了一间房。
 ☞ He took a room in the back of the house.
 ☞ 汽车后面可以坐3个人。
 ☞ Three people can sit in the back of the car.
 ☞ 公园在屋子的后面。
 ☞ The garden is at the rear (back) of the house.(指屋外面的后面)
 ☞ 厨房在屋的后面。
 ☞ The kitchen is in the rear (back) of the house.(指屋里面的后端)
  ■ 以上说的是英国英语的用法;美国英语里两种情况都用in the rear。
3.behind,与in front of相对。
 ☞ 学校后面有个小花园。
 ☞ The school has a little garden behind it.
 ☞ 猫蹲在沙发后面呢。
 ☞ The cat is sitting behind the sofa.
 ☞ 你的名字在我的后面。
 ☞ Your name comes after mine.
 ☞ 她排在我后面。
 ☞ She was after me in the queue.
  ■ 但是下面的译例里,after和behind可以通用。
 ☞ 他在她后面进来。
 ☞ He came in after (behind) her.
  ■ 两者通用的原因还是跟上面讲的规律有关。用after表示他与她进来时次序上有先后;用behind表示他与她进来时位置上有先后。

1.spit, 指从肠胃里吐东西。
 ☞ 伤员在吐血。
 ☞ The injured was spitting blood.
 ☞ 这娃娃一打嗝就吐。
 ☞ The baby always spits up when he is burped.
 ☞ 病人反反复复地吐,我们怎么办?
 ☞ The patient is vomiting repeatedly. What shall we do?
 ☞ 轮船一开动她就感到要吐。
 ☞ When the ship started to move she felt like vomiting.
 ☞ 他今天有好几回想吐。
 ☞ He has been sick several times today.
 ☞ 那股味弄得她想吐。
 ☞ The smell made her sick.
4.cough up,disgorge,指把非法所得吐出来。
 ☞ 他不得不把他的非法所得全部吐了出来。
 ☞ He was forced to cough up all his illicit income.
 ☞ 那贪官吐出了他的不义之财。
 ☞ The corrupt official disgorged his ill-gotten gains.
  ■ 不过,disgorge也可用于实义的“吐出”。
 ☞ 那狗把吞下去的骨头又吐了出来。
 ☞ The dog disgorged the bone it had swallowed.

 ☞ 不要在人行道上吐痰。
 ☞ Don't spit on the sidewalk.
 ☞ 她朝他吐唾沫。
 ☞ She spat at him.
 ☞ 她把一颗樱桃核吐到痰盂里。
 ☞ She spat a cherry-stone into the spittoon.
  ■ 此外,spit还可用于转义。
 ☞ 远处,一挺机枪吐着火舌。
 ☞ A machine gun was spitting fire in the distance.
 ☞ 他总算在平反会上吐了口冤气。
 ☞ He finally vented his grievance at the rehabilitation meeting.
 ☞ 我们总得让他在大家面前吐吐不满吧。
 ☞ We have to let him vent his dissatisfaction before us all.
3.pour out,指全部倾吐出来。
 ☞ 咱们干吗不让夫妻吐吐各自的苦恼,然后和好呢?
 ☞ Why don't we let husband and wife pour out their woes and be reconciled?
 ☞ 翻身农奴吐出了千年苦水。
 ☞ The emancipated serfs poured out the accumulated bitterness of hundreds of years.
 ☞ 那龙摇头摆尾,口吐水柱,霎时湖水涨满了。
 ☞ Shaking its head and flicking its tail, the dragon spewed a water column until the lake was soon full.
 ☞ 那排气管不断地吐着废气。
 ☞ The exhaust pipe kept spewing out waste gas.
5.speak, say, talk, tell,指说话时吐露,说法随便。
 ☞ 她对丈夫口吐毒箭,而且箭箭穿心。
 ☞ She spoke poisoned arrows to her husband and every of which pierced his heart.
 ☞ 他对你是半个字都不会吐的。
 ☞ He won't say a syllable to you.
 ☞ 那青蛙变成了一个漂亮姑娘,口吐人言。
 ☞ The frog changed into a pretty girl talking in a human language.
 ☞ 她终于被说服并吐了真情。
 ☞ She was finally persuaded and told the truth.
 ☞ 蚕会吐丝。
 ☞ Silkworms spin silk.
 ☞ 她吓得吐了吐舌头。
 ☞ She was so scared that she stuck out her tongue.
 ☞ 一个政党也要吐故纳新。
 ☞ It is also necessary for a political party to get rid of the stale and take in the fresh.
 ☞ 花园里百花吐艳争妍。
 ☞ A variety of flowers are blooming and vying with each other for beauty in the garden.
 ☞ 春天里草木吐绿绽青。
 ☞ The plants and trees put forth green leaves and shoots in spring.

1.sound,指发出声响,其方式可以是敲响、吹响、回 响和拉响等。
 ☞ 6点钟,吃晚饭的钟声响了。
 ☞ The bell sounded at six o'clock for supper.
 ☞ 我们听得到远处起床号在响。
 ☞ Far away we could hear trumpets sounding reveille.
 ☞ 医生的劝告似乎还一直在我的耳边响着。
 ☞ The doctor's advice seemed to keep sounding in my ear.
 ☞ 夜里响了好几次警报,不过没有空袭。
 ☞ Several alarms sounded during the night but there was no actual air attack.
2.resound,仅指回响。尤其指乐器、声音、地点的回响。常与through, throughout, with等介词连用。
 ☞ 庙里的钟声响彻了整个山谷。
 ☞ Temple bells resounded throughout the whole valley.
 ☞ 狩猎的号角响遍森林。
 ☞ The hunting horn resounded through the forest.
 ☞ 全场响起了暴风雨般的掌声。
 ☞ The hall resounded with stormy applause.
3.reverberate, 指声音来回震响。
 ☞ 炮声响彻山谷。
 ☞ The roar of guns reverberated through the valley.
 ☞ 雷声响彻天空。
 ☞ The thunder reverberated across the sky.
 ☞ 就在那时,电话铃声响了。
 ☞ Just then, the telephone rang.
 ☞ 钟声响彻山谷。
 ☞ The bells rang throughout the valley.
  ■ 但有时也指喊叫声、话语声、枪声等。
 ☞ 同意的喊叫声响彻了整个大厅。
 ☞ Shouts of approval rang throughout the hall.
 ☞ 他的遗言还在我的耳畔响着。
 ☞ His last words are still ringing in my ears.
 ☞ 一声枪响,他摇晃了一下,接着翻倒在地上。
 ☞ A shot rang out. He swayed, then keeled over onto the ground.
5.loud, noisy,指声音的高或吵。
 ☞ 尽量唱得响一点。
 ☞ Try to sing louder.
 ☞ 收音机开得太响了。
 ☞ The radio is too noisy.
 ☞ 然而,他同时听到了水响。
 ☞ However, that very instant he heard the water bubbling.(指冒泡时的响)或:he heard the water murmuring.(指流动时的响)或:he heard the water splashing.(指溅起来的响)
 ☞ 两响爆竹要响两次。
 ☞ The double-bang firecracker blasts twice.
 ☞ 在他讲话结束时响起了暴风般的掌声。
 ☞ Stormy applause broke out the moment he finished his speech.
 ☞ 脚步声在空荡荡的走廊里显得更响了。
 ☞ The sound of footsteps was intensified in the hollow corridor.
 ☞ 日本鬼子经过孟村过来了,已经能听到大车响。
 ☞ The Japes had passed Mengcun Village. The creaking of their carts was already audible.
 ☞ 隔壁房门的铁锁响了一声。
 ☞ The lock of the next door rattled.
 ☞ 他含着眼泪望着他的祖父,肚子空得咕咕响。
 ☞ His stomach rumbling emptily, with tears in his eyes, he looked at his grandfather.
 ☞ 天晚了,风声在树林里响了起来。
 ☞ It was late, and the wind was howling through the woods.
 ☞ 她刚走近大门,听到里面“踢通踢通”的响。
 ☞ As she drew near the gate, she heard a clanging titung-titung.
 ☞ Whee-ee-ee! Whee-ee-ee! The police whistle shrilled suddenly.
 ☞ Then followed a loud Clump, Clump, Clump, as the bandits rushed up the stairs.
向往 向往
1.yearn (for),指急切焦急的向往。
 ☞ 人人向往幸福生活。
 ☞ Everybody yearns for a happy life.
 ☞ 我们海外游子都向往回到祖国。
 ☞ We overseas Chinese yearn to return to our motherland.
2.crave (for),指满足心灵或肉体需求的向往。
 ☞ 在闹市工作了一生之后,我向往在乡间有几年宁静。
 ☞ After a lifetime of work in the noisy city, I crave a few years of peace in the country.
 ☞ 他一心向往的就是物质享受。
 ☞ He was obsessed with a craving for materialistic gratification.
3.look forward to,指盼望已久的向往。
 ☞ 我终于登上了向往已久的长城。
 ☞ At long last, I climbed to the top of the Great Wall, which I had long been looking forward to seeing.
 ☞ 我们都向往中国人能登上月球的一天。
 ☞ We all look forward to the day when we Chinese can land on the moon.
4.obsess (with),指着了魔似地向往。
 ☞ 没有哪个艺术家能完全实现他所向往的梦境。
 ☞ No artist achieves completely the realization of the dream that obsesses him.
 ☞ 大多数普通中国老百姓都向往发财。
 ☞ Most ordinary Chinese are obsessed with good fortune.

 ☞ 当心别吓着孩子。
 ☞ Be careful not to frighten the child.
 ☞ 这次爆炸吓着你没有?
 ☞ Did the explosion frighten you?
 ☞ 我儿子的伤倒不怎么样,就是被吓着了。
 ☞ My son was more frightened than injured.
 ☞ 别吓她,她胆小。
 ☞ Don't frighten her. She is rather timid.
 ☞ 山洞又黑又深,进去怪吓人的。
 ☞ It was really frightening to get into that deep and pitch-dark cave.
 ☞ 威胁是吓不倒我们的。
 ☞ We will not be frightened by threats.
 ☞ 别要价太高,否则会把顾客吓跑的。
 ☞ Don't put your prices too high or you'll frighten the customers off.
 ☞ 那个鬼故事吓着你了吗?
 ☞ Did that ghost story scare you?
 ☞ 你这么悄悄地进来,吓了我一跳。
 ☞ You scared me by coming in so quietly.
 ☞ 敌人空降兵的突然出现把和平居民都吓呆了。
 ☞ The sudden appearance of the enemy's paratroops scared stiff the peaceful inhabitants.
 ☞ 他被雷声吓了一跳。
 ☞ He was scared by the thunder.
3.intimidate, 指受到威逼性的恐吓。
 ☞ 他净在晚上吓女生。
 ☞ He's always trying to intimidate girl students at night.
 ☞ 他是小学生中的霸头,总是用各种办法吓得他们惟命是从。
 ☞ He is the bully among the pupils and tries every means to intimidate them into doing what he tells them.
 ☞ 她吓得不敢作声。
 ☞ She was intimidated into silence.
4.give sb. a start, with a start,指突然一惊,强调一次性。
 ☞ 你一声不响地进来,吓了我一跳。
 ☞ You gave me a start, coming in so quietly.
 ☞ 那姑娘见到一条蛇,吓得跳了起来。
 ☞ On seeing the snake, the girl sprang up with a start.
 ☞ 很少有罪犯教育学家相信死刑可以吓住毒贩。
 ☞ Few penologists believe that death penalty deters drug traffickers.
 ☞ 他很想表示他是不会被吓倒的。
 ☞ He wanted very much to show that he was not going to be deterred.
吞没 吞没
1.swallow up,指被土,水等吞没,是形象的说法。
 ☞ 这次大地震几乎吞没了整个城市。
 ☞ The great earthquake nearly swallowed up the whole city.
 ☞ 我们看见一个人在海里游泳,时而被海浪吞没,时而被海浪吐出。
 ☞ We saw a man swimming in the sea, now swallowed up, now spat out by the waves.
 ☞ 暴涨的河水吞没了小岛。
 ☞ The swollen river engulfed the islet.
 ☞ 小船被波浪吞没了。
 ☞ The little boat was engulfed by the waves.
  ■ 但有时也用于转义。
 ☞ 4年之间,一连串的间谍丑闻吞没了军情五处和六处。
 ☞ In four years a succession of spy scandals had engulfed both MI 5 and MI 6.
 ☞ 该出纳吞没了巨款并逃之夭夭。
 ☞ The cashier embezzled a huge sum and ran away.
 ☞ 女孩的叔叔吞没了遗嘱指定给她的那笔款项。
 ☞ The girl's uncle embezzled the money that had been willed to her.
 ☞ 他因盗用公款而被提起公诉。
 ☞ He was indicted for misappropriating public funds.
 ☞ 这个律师因吞没了一大笔由他保管的款项而被送进了监狱。
 ☞ The lawyer was sent to prison for misappropriating a large amount of money placed in his care.
 ☞ 火舌正在吞没起火的屋顶。
 ☞ The flames were licking the roof of the burning building.
 ☞ 火舌正在吞没我家的房子。
 ☞ The flames were licking our house.
否则 否则
 ☞ 快点走,否则要迟到了。
 ☞ Hurry up, or we'll be late.
 ☞ 现在我就得走,否则要赶不上生日聚会了。
 ☞ Now I must go or I shall be late for the birthday party.
 ☞ 注意你说的话,否则会后悔的。
 ☞ Have a care of what you say or you may regret it.
 ☞ 他得有个工作,否则就得挨俄。
 ☞ He has to have a job or go hungry.
2.or else,是or的强化。
 ☞ 陪我们一起来,否则我们就不去。
 ☞ Come with us or else we'll not go at all.
 ☞ 你应该赶快去那里,否则就无法按时回来。
 ☞ You must go there quickly or else you will not be back in time.
 ☞ 多穿点,否则会着凉的。
 ☞ Dress warmly or else you'll catch cold.
 ☞ 现在就干,否则就太迟了。
 ☞ Do it now. Otherwise it will be too late.
 ☞ 屋瓦该理一理了,否则屋顶会漏雨的。
 ☞ The shingles must be fixed, otherwise the roof will leak.
 ☞ 我老了,否则就要娶她。
 ☞ I'm getting old, otherwise I would marry her.
 ☞ 否则水手就掉到海里去了。
 ☞ Otherwise the sailors would have fallen into the sea.
 ☞ 我劝你不要那么干,否则你所有的财产都会被剥夺。
 ☞ I advise you not to do so, lest all your property should be taken away.
 ☞ 他们咬着耳朵说悄悄话,否则是会被听见的。
 ☞ They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.
 ☞ 我们不敢跟他开玩笑,否则他是会生气的。
 ☞ We dare not play jokes on him lest he should become angry.
否定 否定
 ☞ 否定马克思主义的基本原理、否定马克思主义的普遍真理,这就是修正主义。
 ☞ It is revisionism to negate the basic principles of Marxism and to negate its universal truth.
 ☞ 目击者的证词否定了被告不在现场的说法。
 ☞ The evidence of the eye-witnesses negated the defendant's alibi.
 ☞ 采取否定一切的态度是不客观的。
 ☞ It is not objective to adopt an attitude of negating everything.
 ☞ 否定你们取得的成绩是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong to negate the achievements you made.
 ☞ 否定之否定是肯定。
 ☞ The negation of negation turns out to be affirmation.
 ☞ 我们的行为往往否定了我们的原则。
 ☞ Our actions often negate our principles.
 ☞ 他对我们要求的答复是否定的。
 ☞ The answer to our request was negative.
 ☞ 请把陈述句变为否定句。
 ☞ Please put that statement into the negative.
 ☞ 伽利略是为了不致一死才否定自己的理论的。
 ☞ To save his life, Galileo denied his theory.
 ☞ 你能否定他声明中的实情吗?
 ☞ Can you deny the truth of his statement?
 ☞ 马克思主义并不否定个人权利。
 ☞ Marxism does not deny the rights of the individual.
 ☞ 我们毫不费力就否定了他的论据。
 ☞ We easily refuted his argument.
 ☞ 你可以不同意他的观点,但你不能否定他的观点。
 ☞ You can disagree with his views but you can't refute them.
 ☞ 他们用目击者的证词否定了他是无辜的说法。
 ☞ They refuted his claim of innocence with eye-witness testimony.
否认 否认
 ☞ 无神论者否认上帝的存在。
 ☞ Atheists deny the existence of God.
 ☞ 财务部门的主管坚决否认拨款有任何不妥之处。
 ☞ The treasurer hotly denied any misappropriation of funds.
 ☞ 他否认他应对事故负责。
 ☞ He denied his responsibility for the accident.
 ☞ 不能否认,雹灾给我队带来了一些困难。
 ☞ There is no denying the fact that the hailstorm has brought some difficulties to our brigade.
 ☞ 不能否认你们的贷款帮了我们的大忙。
 ☞ There is no denying the fact that your loans have done us many good turns.
 ☞ 就在几个世纪前,人们还在否认地球是圆的这种说法。
 ☞ People rejected the idea that the earth is round just a few centuries ago.
 ☞ 我们坚决否认这一无理指责。
 ☞ We categorically reject this groundless charge.
 ☞ 政府发言人否认泄漏了任何情报。
 ☞ The government spokesman disclaimed having leaked any information.
 ☞ 他否认狗是他的。
 ☞ He disclaimed the ownership of the dog.
 ☞ 我完全否认对他含有敌意,那是你强加给我的。
 ☞ I entirely disclaim the hostility to him which you ascribe to me.
 ☞ 他否认知道信的内容。
 ☞ He disclaimed knowledge of the letter's content.
 ☞ 他被她这样的话弄得十分尴尬,但是如果他否认别人认为他具有的长处,又会给人以过分谦虚的印象。
 ☞ He was much embarrassed by her talking like this, but if he disclaimed the virtues attributed to him he would give an impression of false modesty.
 ☞ 囚犯矢口否认参与了反对政府的阴谋。
 ☞ The prisoner disavowed any share in the plot against the government.
 ☞ 孩子都否认有放火烧畜厩的意图。
 ☞ The boys disavowed any intention to set the stable on fire.
 ☞ 对记者报道的话,候选人完全予以否认。
 ☞ The candidate disavowed completely the statement that had been attributed to him by reporters.
 ☞ 这是一条事实上人人承认、但理论上人人否认的法律。
 ☞ This is a law which everyone recognizes in fact, though everyone repudiates in theory.
 ☞ 有了自由主义思想的人往往否认原罪之说。
 ☞ The liberal mind often repudiates the doctrine of original sin.

 ☞ 盐含多种矿物质。
 ☞ Salt contains several kinds of mineral substances.
 ☞ 这种水果含维生素A和维生素C。
 ☞ This kind of fruit contains vitamin A and vitamin B.
 ☞ 工厂排出的污水含硫。
 ☞ The waste water discharged by the factory bore sulphur.
 ☞ 我们在地下深处发现了一处含水层。
 ☞ We found in the depth of the earth a stratum bearing water.
 ☞ 梨树正含苞欲放。
 ☞ The pear trees are抽bud and ready to burst.
 ☞ 她含怒而去。
 ☞ She left in anger.
 ☞ 他跟我说话时嘴里还含着一颗糖。
 ☞ He talked to me with candy in his mouth.
 ☞ 他们含泪告别。
 ☞ They said goodbye with tears in their eyes.
 ☞ 这些西瓜含的水分多。
 ☞ These watermelons are very juicy.
 ☞ 她含羞而立。
 ☞ She stood bashful.
含糊 含糊
 ☞ 他在法庭上的陈述有点含糊。
 ☞ His declaration in the court of law was slightly ambiguous.
 ☞ 这句子的意思含糊。
 ☞ The sentence is ambiguous in sense.
 ☞ 他说得含含糊糊,令人费解。
 ☞ He spoke so ambiguously as to be barely intelligible.
 ☞ 他的话很含糊,我不明白到底是什么意思。
 ☞ He was rather vague, I don't know what he really meant.
 ☞ 在原则问题上绝不能含糊。
 ☞ One must not be vague on matters of principle.
 ☞ 人喝醉了,说话就含糊。
 ☞ When a man is drunk his speech is slurred.
 ☞ 你说话那么含糊,我不懂你的意思。
 ☞ I can't understand you when you slur your words like that.
4.slur over,指有意含糊其词。
 ☞ 发言人对此事讲得含糊其词,没有作出直接回答。
 ☞ The spokesman slurred over the matter without giving a straight answer.
 ☞ 他大谈他已故叔叔的长处,而对他的短处则含糊其词。
 ☞ He spoke chiefly of his late uncle's virtues and slurred over his faults.
 ☞ 这所谓的神谕往往是含糊其词的。
 ☞ The so-called oracles are often equivocal.
 ☞ 他的回答,措词含糊。
 ☞ His reply was worded equivocally.
 ☞ 对这一挑衅性的问题,他作出了毫不含糊的回答。
 ☞ To this provocation question, he gave an answer in explicit language.
 ☞ 我们对我们提出的要求毫不含糊。
 ☞ We were explicit in our request.
 ☞ 他在查账时是毫不含糊的。
 ☞ He was meticulous in checking accounts.
 ☞ 办这事,我们一点也不含糊。
 ☞ We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.
8.stand firm,指立场上毫不动摇。
 ☞ 在原则问题上应当毫不含糊。
 ☞ One must stand firm on matters of principle.
 ☞ 大家要一视同仁,对此我们毫不含糊。
 ☞ We stand firm that everybody must be treated without discrimination.
9.really (very) good,指手艺、技巧上不含糊。
 ☞ 他这活儿做得不含糊。
 ☞ He's made a really good job of it.
 ☞ 他的乒乓球可不含糊。
 ☞ He is a very good table-tennis player.
含蓄 含蓄
 ☞ 对他含蓄的问题,我无法给予明确的答复。
 ☞ I cannot give an explicit answer to his implicit question.
 ☞ 他含蓄的话仍然在我耳际萦绕。
 ☞ His implicit words are still vibrating in my ear.
 ☞ 他经常含蓄地暗示他的麻烦,从不明说。
 ☞ He makes constant indirect allusion to his trouble but never say anything definite.
 ☞ 尽管这一点是以含蓄的方式表达出来的,但我外祖母知道这是在叫她搬走。
 ☞ Though the point was couched in the indirect manner, my grandmother knew that she was being ordered to move out.
 ☞ 他想尽办法要使露骨的企图多少含蓄一点。
 ☞ He tried every possible way to make his undisguised attempt more or less veiled.
 ☞ 然后,他又加了一个含蓄的暗示。
 ☞ Then he added a veiled hint.
 ☞ 平时,他是个含蓄的人。
 ☞ He was a reserved man at ordinary time.
 ☞ 他举止自然而含蓄。
 ☞ His manner is natural and reserved.

1.listen to, 指用耳朵听声音。
 ☞ 咱们打开收音机听听新闻。
 ☞ Let's turn on the radio and listen to the news 听我说,我在跟你说话呢!
 ☞ Listen to me. I'm talking to you!
  ■ listen to除了作“听讲”外,还有“听从”的意思。
 ☞ 家里的事我都听她的。
 ☞ When it comes to household affairs. I listen to her.
 ☞ 妈,别听王奶奶的,她是个老顽固。
 ☞ Mum, don't listen to Granny Wang. She is an old diehard.
 ☞ 我以前从没听到过这么好的京剧。
 ☞ I've never heard such beautiful Beijing opera before.
 ☞ 召开这个会议是想听听同志们对我的意见。
 ☞ This meeting has been called to hear what you comrades have to say about me.
3.catch, 指听清、听懂。
 ☞ 他年迈到了连听别人说话都有些困难了。
 ☞ He is so old that he has some difficulty in catching what people say.
 ☞ 俗话说:“听话听声,锣鼓听音。”
 ☞ As an old saying goes, "When you listen to someone talk, you must judge by his tone; when you listen to drums and gongs, you must catch the rhythm."
4.can't bear (stand),指对某种话听不下去。
 ☞ 你讲得那么恶毒,我听不下去。
 ☞ I can't bear you talking so wickedly.
 ☞ 他啰嗦了半天,我实在听不下去了。
 ☞ He'd rambled on for hours, I really couldn't stand it any longer.
 ☞ 这些话听起来倒也有些道理。
 ☞ Those words sound quite reasonable after all.
 ☞ 他弹的东西我不知道,听起来像是贝多芬的。
 ☞ He was playing something that I did not know. It sounded like Beethoven.
6.follow, do as, 指按别人说的行事。
 ☞ 要是你听我的话,我会帮你找条正道;要是不听我的,那你准完。
 ☞ If you follow my advice, I'll help you to get on the right track. If you don't, then you are done for.
 ☞ 听我的没错。
 ☞ Do as I say and you won't go wrong.
7.turn a deaf ear to,指装聋不听。
 ☞ 他不听告诫,一意孤行。
 ☞ He turned a deaf ear to this admonition and acted willfully.
 ☞ 太糟了,她听不进批评。
 ☞ It was too bad for her to turn a deaf ear to criticism.
 ☞ 谁在听电话?
 ☞ Who is answering the telephone?
 ☞ 厂长要你听电话。
 ☞ The director wants to talk to you on the phone.
 ☞ 他的广东口音我听不出来。
 ☞ I can't detect his Cantonese accent.
 ☞ 老了,胳膊腿儿不听使唤了。
 ☞ I'm getting old. My limbs won't do what I want them to.
 ☞ 在工地上一切听他指挥。
 ☞ Everything on the construction site is under his command.
 ☞ 起先,我在电话里没听出她的声音。
 ☞ At first, I couldn't recognize her voice over the telephone.
 ☞ 一切听其自然。
 ☞ Let everything take its own course.
 ☞ 我得了这种病,只好听天由命。
 ☞ When I get this kind of disease, there's nothing I can do but put myself in the hands of God.
 ☞ 对损害群众利益的事,我们不能听之任之。
 ☞ We cannot shut our eyes to things that harm the interests of the masses.
 ☞ 你要听其言,观其行。
 ☞ You must judge people by their deeds, not just by their words.
听见 听见
1.hear, 指听到。
 ☞ 我们俩都听见有人在敲侧门。
 ☞ We both heard a knock at the side door.
 ☞ 半夜里听见有人喊救命的声音。
 ☞ Voices were heard calling for help at midnight.
  ■ hear一词没有进行时态,但可用can hear来代替。
 ☞ 我听见一个奇怪的声音来自隔壁房间。
 ☞ I can hear a strange noise coming from the next door (不说I'm hearing)
  ■ hear用作进行时作“听取”解。
 ☞ 王法官正在听取该案案情。
 ☞ Wang, the judge, is hearing the case.
  ■ 此外,hear后可接由动词不定式、现在分词组成的复合结构,两者的区别可从下列译文中看出。
 ☞ 有一次我晚上醒过来,听见有人走下楼去,我害怕得再也睡不着觉了。
 ☞ Once in the night I woke and heard someone go down the stairs. I was so scared that I was unable to sleep any more.(指听见走下楼去的整个过程)
 ☞ 有一次我晚上醒过来,听见有人走下楼去,不过我很快又睡着了。
 ☞ Once in the night I woke and heard someone going down the stairs, yet I soon fell asleep again.(指听见走下楼去的部分过程)
  ■ hear后也可接表示主动和被动的复合结构,其区别也可从下面译文中看出。
 ☞ 我曾多次听到人们批评他。
 ☞ I heard people criticize (criticizing) him many times.
 ☞ 我曾多次听见他受到批评。
 ☞ I heard him criticized many times.
 ☞ 我没听见你说的话,请再说一遍。
 ☞ I didn't catch what you said. Please repeat it.
 ☞ 他嘟哝了些什么,她没完全听见。
 ☞ He murmured something. She didn't quite catch.
3.audible, 指听得见。
 ☞ 屋子的前门开着,可以听见嗡嗡的人声。
 ☞ The front door of the house was open and a hum of voice was audible.
 ☞ 他说话的声音小得几乎听不见。
 ☞ He spoke in a scarcely audible voice.
 ☞ 你的反思除了你自己,别人当然是完全听不见的。
 ☞ Of course, your reflection was perfectly inaudible for any one but Yourself.
启发 启发
 ☞ 在所讲的许许多多的刑事案例中,最后一个我最受启发。
 ☞ Of the many criminal cases recounted, the last one enlightened me most.
 ☞ 对这个问题,你能启发启发她吗?
 ☞ Can you enlighten her on the subject?
 ☞ 这孩子需要启发。
 ☞ The child needs enlightenment.
2.illuminate, illumination, 与enlighten同义,也指心智上的启发,但用得比enlighten广。
 ☞ 正确的猜测可以节省时间,但即使是错误的猜测也能对问题有所启发。
 ☞ Correct guessing saves time but even wrong guesses illuminate the problem to some degree.
 ☞ 我们很受讨论的启发。
 ☞ We were greatly illuminated by the discussion.
 ☞ 我从他的评论中得到了很大的启发。
 ☞ I found great illumination in his remark.
3.awaken, arouse, 指以唤起某种潜在的素质来启发,两者一般可以换用。
 ☞ 得知她交了入党申请书,党支书常来找她谈话,启发她的政治觉悟。
 ☞ On learning that she had filled the application for Party membership, the Party secretary often came to have a talk with her to awaken (arouse) her political consciousness.
 ☞ 教育水平的提高启发了农民对科学知识的渴望。
 ☞ The improvement of educational level awakens (arouses) in peasants a longing for scientific knowledge.
 ☞ 看到同学们不能用英语回答问题,他以提示来启发他们回答。
 ☞ Seeing that the students couldn't answer the question in English, he gave hints to elicit their reply.
 ☞ 这些大型集会可能启发了他更多方面的思想,也显示了他更多方面的性格。
 ☞ These large gatherings may have elicited more aspects of his thought and revealed more sides of his personality.
 ☞ 作家伟大之处的一个标志是不同的人能从他作品中受到不同的启发。
 ☞ One mark of a writer's greatness is that different minds can find in him different inspirations.
 ☞ 我从他的工作方法里得到启发。
 ☞ I derived my inspiration from his working method.
 ☞ 许多作家从科学家完全献身科学的精神里得到启发。
 ☞ Many writers drew their inspirations from the complete devotion of the scientists to science.
6.give sb. an idea,指给某种思想以启发。
 ☞ 锯齿状的小草划破了鲁班的手指,这件事启发了他,以后他发明了中国的第一把锯子。
 ☞ Lu Ban's finger was cut by a serrated blade of grass.
 ☞ This gave him an idea and later he invented the first saw in China.
 ☞ 他的话启发了她,她决定再到那里试试运气。
 ☞ His words gave her an idea. She decided to try her chance there.

 ☞ 我的心跳快得都呼吸不过来了。
 ☞ My heart beats so fast that I could hardly breathe.
 ☞ 他急需吸几口新鲜空气,就到了阳台上。
 ☞ Needing badly to breathe some fresh air, he went on to the balcony.
 ☞ 我父亲是个煤矿工人。他吸了多年的煤尘后病了。
 ☞ My father was a coal miner who got ill after breathing coal dust for many years.
 ☞ 老太太摘下眼镜,朝镜面呼了口气,然后用衣角擦了起来。
 ☞ The old lady took off her glasses, breathed on them, and rubbed them with a comer of her dress.
  ■ 但是要意思明确,可用breathe in(与breathe out相对)。这时只指吸入。
 ☞ 医生对我说:“呼…,吸…现在转过身去。”
 ☞ The doctor said to me: "Breathe out... , breathe in... , now please turn round."
 ☞ 人要浮到水面才能吸气。
 ☞ One cannot breathe in until one reaches the surface.
2.inhale, inhalation,书面用语,等于breathe in。
 ☞ 他深深地吸着山间的新鲜空气。
 ☞ He inhaled deeply the fresh mountain air.
 ☞ 人在大口大口吸烟时,所吸入的尼古丁也会增加。
 ☞ When one inhales cigarette smoke deeply, the amount of nicotine absorbed is increased as well.
 ☞ 你抽烟往不往里吸?
 ☞ Do you inhale when you smoke?
 ☞ 病毒可以通过口腔、鼻腔的吸入而进入人体。
 ☞ Virus can gain access to the body through mouth and nose inhalation.
 ☞ 我们呼吸时把空气吸入肺中。
 ☞ When we breathe we draw air into our lungs.
 ☞ 他面对事实,长长地吸了一口气,开始讲了起来。
 ☞ Facing the facts, he drew a long breath and started to talk.
 ☞ 这类植物之所以可以抗旱,是因为它有发达的根系,能吸地下水。
 ☞ This kind of plant is drought-resistant in that it has developed roots to draw underground water.
 ☞ 蚊子吸人血。
 ☞ Mosquitoes suck human blood.
 ☞ 母亲在让孩子吸奶。
 ☞ Mother is getting her baby to suck the breast.
 ☞ 孩子喜欢用吸管吸瓶子里的饮料。
 ☞ Children like to suck their drink out of the bottle through a straw.
 ☞ 他在吸桔子里的汁水,声音很响。
 ☞ He is noisily sucking the juice from an orange.
 ☞ 你这个吸血鬼,你在吸穷人的血汗!
 ☞ You bloodsucker, you're sucking the blood of the poor!
 ☞ 吸墨纸能吸墨水。
 ☞ A blotter can absorb ink.
 ☞ 海绵把泼出来的水都吸掉了。
 ☞ A sponge absorbed all the spilt water.
 ☞ 臭氧能吸太阳的热量。
 ☞ Ozone absorbs heat from the sun.
 ☞ 吸音砖能吸音。
 ☞ Acoustic tile absorbs sound.
 ☞ 磁石吸铁。
 ☞ A magnet attracts iron.
 ☞ 同性相斥、异性相吸。
 ☞ Like charges repel each other; unlike charges attract.
 ☞ 他误入歧途,开始吸起毒来。
 ☞ He was misled and began to take addictive drugs.
 ☞ 他的胃动了手术以后,一直在吸流质。
 ☞ He has been taking liquid food since his stomach was operated on.
吸取 吸取
 ☞ 植物吸取太阳的热量并转化为能量。
 ☞ Plants absorb heat from the sun and convert it into energy.
 ☞ 至于我国的民族文化,要丢弃其糟粕,吸取其精华。
 ☞ As to our national culture. we must discard its dross and absorb its quintessence.
 ☞ 聪明的学生会吸收老师教给他的全部知识。
 ☞ A clever student will absorb all the knowledge his teacher can give him.
2.draw, 指汲取某些精神产物。
 ☞ 我们应当从这些事故中吸取经验教训。
 ☞ We should draw lessons from these accidents.
 ☞ 从这个故事里,我们应当从道德上吸取什么样的教训呢?
 ☞ What moral must we draw from this story?
 ☞ 现在我们总算吸取了教训,但我们不应放松警惕。
 ☞ We are supposed to draw the moral from it, but we shouldn't let down our vigilance.
 ☞ 一个用脑子读书的人,把读到的东西吸取过来,就成了他思想或思维的一部分。
 ☞ A person who reads intelligently assimilates what he reads by making it a part of his own thought or thinking.
 ☞ 有机体死亡后就不能再吸取新的放射性碳。
 ☞ When the organism dies, no new radioactive carbon is assimilated.
 ☞ 这项设计吸取了老工人的先进经验。
 ☞ The design incorporates the advanced experience of veteran workers.
 ☞ 我们把你的建议吸取到了一个能使大家满意的新体制里。
 ☞ We have incorporated your proposal into a new system that will satisfy everyone.
 ☞ 通过阅读可以吸取到大量的科学知识。
 ☞ Much scientific knowledge can be acquired through reading.
 ☞ 她在她姑妈的培养教育下,吸取了姑妈的某些高尚品格。
 ☞ Nurtured and educated by her aunt, she has acquired something of her aunt's noble character.
吸引 吸引
 ☞ 月球吸引地球上的海洋,从而引起潮汐。
 ☞ The moon attracts the earth's seas towards“, which causes the tides.
 ☞ 他受到她女性魅力的吸引,愿做她要他做的一切。
 ☞ Attracted by her female charm, he is ready to do everything she wants.
 ☞ 他从来没有像现在这么强烈地感到受科学理想的吸引。
 ☞ Never before has he felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific ideal.
 ☞ 这一景色吸引了许多游客。
 ☞ This scenery attracts many tourists.
 ☞ 该公司享有国际声誉,吸引了不少求职者。
 ☞ Enjoying international reputations, the company attracts a lot of job applicants.
 ☞ 是她那女性的魅力那么强烈地吸引着他。
 ☞ It is her female charm that has drawn (attracted) him so strongly.
 ☞ 共同的爱好把两个男孩儿吸引到了一起。
 ☞ A mutual interest draws (attracts) the two boys together.
 ☞ 慰问演出吸引了大量观众。
 ☞ A special performance as an expression of appreciation has drawn (attracted)a large audience.
 ☞ 一定要把敌人的火力吸引到你们那里,好让师部向安全地区撤退。
 ☞ Be sure to draw enemy fire on yourselves so that the division headquarters could withdraw to a safe place.
 ☞ 我们被工地上热火朝天的场面吸引住了。
 ☞ We were fascinated by the hustle and bustle of the construction site.
 ☞ 孩子们往往受到新玩具的吸引。
 ☞ Children are often fascinated with new toys.
 ☞ 橱窗里的一本书吸引了他的注意。
 ☞ A book in the shop-window absorbed his attention.
 ☞ 管理企业吸引了他的全部精力。
 ☞ Running the business absorbs all his energies.
 ☞ 事业吸引着他,很少顾家。
 ☞ His business absorbs him and he hardly looks after his family.
 ☞ 随着电影情节的慢慢展开,他被完全吸引住了。
 ☞ He was utterly absorbed by the film's slowly unfolding of its plot.
 ☞ 她的电影对观众很有吸引力。
 ☞ Her films have a strong appeal to the audience.
 ☞ 她真的不知道是什么吸引力使她先生做出决定的。
 ☞ Indeed, she did not know what attraction made her husband decide.
吸收 吸收
 ☞ 粉尘吸收较多的热量,因此会加速雪的融化。
 ☞ The powder absorbs more heat and thus speeds up the snow melting.
 ☞ 石灰石能吸收矿砂中的杂质。
 ☞ The limestone absorbs impurities from the ore.
 ☞ 他吸收知识就像海绵吸水一样。
 ☞ He absorbs knowledge as well as a sponge absorbs water.
 ☞ 这种装置可以吸收太阳能并能在一段时期内贮存起来。
 ☞ This device can absorb solar energy and store it for a certain period of time.
 ☞ 某些食物我们吸收起来要比另外一些食物容易一点。
 ☞ We assimilate some kinds of food more easily than others.
 ☞ 碳水化合物吸收进血液以后转换为能量。
 ☞ Carbohydrate matter that is assimilated into the blood stream is converted into energy.
 ☞ 我们应批判地吸收我国文学艺术遗产中一切有益的东西。
 ☞ We must critically assimilate whatever is beneficial in our literary and artistic heritage.
 ☞ 委员会把你们的建议都吸收进了城市规划使之皆大欢喜。
 ☞ The committee has incorporated your proposals into the city plan to satisfy all.
 ☞ 他被吸收为中国人民外交学会的成员。
 ☞ He was incorporated a member of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs.
 ☞ 植物的根是吸收土里的水分的。
 ☞ Roots of plants suck water from the earth.
 ☞ 所有的植物都是吸收土壤内的物质并不断生长的。
 ☞ All plants suck off soil substances and grow steadily.
5.take in,指接受。
 ☞ 我们支部昨天吸收了一名新党员。
 ☞ Our Party branch took in a new member yesterday.
 ☞ 叶子吸收阳光。
 ☞ Leaves take in sunlight.
 ☞ 他是在1937年被吸收入党的。
 ☞ He was admitted into the Party in 1937.
 ☞ 我们决定吸收他为正式会员。
 ☞ We have decided to admit him to full membership.
 ☞ 我们要吸收更多的同志参加这项工作。
 ☞ We should recruit more comrades for the work.
 ☞ 本福利基金会将吸收更多的成员来帮助残疾人。
 ☞ This Welfare Foundation will recruit more members to help the disabled.

 ☞ 我在中国呆了4年, 5年前回到了日本。
 ☞ I lived in China for four years and went back to Japan five years ago.
 ☞ 我们呆在这里已有好些年了。
 ☞ We have lived here for quite a number of years.
2.表示短时间停留,可用stay, be, remain。
 ☞ 你打算在中国呆多久?
 ☞ How long do you plan to stay in China?
 ☞ 我在北京只呆了3天就被叫回来了。
 ☞ I stayed in Beijing only for three days and was called back.
 ☞ 我要在北京呆两天,在上海呆3天,然后回国。
 ☞ I'll be in Beijing for two days, Shanghai for three days, and then go back home.
 ☞ 你要在这里呆几周?
 ☞ How many weeks will you remain (stay) here?
 ☞ 请呆到我回来。
 ☞ Please stay (remain) here till I return 她对我的爱将永远呆在我的记忆里。
 ☞ Her love for me will always remain in my memory.
 ☞ 雷锋的光辉榜样将永远呆在人民心中。
 ☞ Lei Feng's shining example will remain in the heart of the people forever.
 ☞ 我一个人呆惯了,不喜欢人多。
 ☞ I've got used to being alone. I don't like to be with people.
 ☞ 我呆着没事干,就呆懒了。
 ☞ I have become lazy, remaining idle.
 ☞ 我一个人呆着没事干,真呆腻了。
 ☞ I am really bored with tired of, nothing to do here.

 ☞ 何日启程,盼告。
 ☞ Please inform me of your date of departure.
 ☞ 他父亲去世一事已电告。
 ☞ His father's death was informed of by telegram.
2.sue, go to law against, bring a lawsuit against, take sb. to court,指告状。
 ☞ 我已到法院告他。
 ☞ I went to court and sued him.
 ☞ 他已告了那家公司。
 ☞ He went to law against the company.
 ☞ 她告他们借钱不还。
 ☞ She brought a lawsuit against them for refusing to pay back the money she lent them.
 ☞ 我们决定告他。
 ☞ We decided to take him to court.
3.accuse sb. of,指指控。
 ☞ 这种事谁会告你?
 ☞ Who will accuse you of such a thing?
 ☞ 大家都知道他是被诬告的。
 ☞ Everybody knows that he was wrongly accused.
4.say, take leave,指告辞、告假等。
 ☞ 他不告而别。
 ☞ He left without saying good-bye.
 ☞ 想不到他竟不告而别。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should go away without taking leave?
5.ask for,指请求。
 ☞ 大楼竣工后我们告假3天。
 ☞ We asked for a three-day leave after the building had been completed.
 ☞ 前线频频告急。
 ☞ The front-line units repeatedly asked for help.
 ☞ 为了建一所学校,我们四处告贷。
 ☞ We asked for loan everywhere to set up a school.
告别 告别
 ☞ 我们告别那地方,继续上踣。
 ☞ We left the place and went on with our journey.
 ☞ 他告别学校进城去找工作。
 ☞ He left school and went to the city to get a job.
2.hurry off,指急急走开。
 ☞ 他们两人互道珍重后就匆匆告别。
 ☞ They both hurried off after each asking the other to take care of himself.
 ☞ 他把信交给了队长就匆匆告别。
 ☞ He hurried off after giving the letter to the team leader.
 ☞ 我是来向你告别的。
 ☞ I have come to bid you farewell.
 ☞ 在火车上,他们向朋友们挥手告别。
 ☞ They waved farewell to their friends on the train.
 ☞ 互相告别后,一行人分了手。
 ☞ Farewells were exchanged and the party separated.
4.say good-bye,指告辞。
 ☞ 他开车前,向大家一一告别。
 ☞ He said good-bye to everyone before the train started.
 ☞ 她是来向你告别的。
 ☞ She's come to say good-bye to you.
5.pay one's last respect,指向死者告别。
 ☞ 在葬礼上我们向遗体告别。
 ☞ We paid our last respect to the deceased at the funeral.
 ☞ 人们不顾严寒涌上街头,向周总理的灵车告别。
 ☞ Turning out into the streets in spite of cold, people paid their last respect to Premier Zhou's hearse.
告诉 告诉
 ☞ 请告诉他,我希望今晚在俱乐部见面。
 ☞ Please tell him that I hope to meet him at the club this evening.
 ☞ 我会告诉她的,但不会起作用。
 ☞ I'll tell her, but it won't have any effect.
 ☞ 不要告诉别人,要保守秘密。
 ☞ Don't tell anyone, keep it a secret.
2.let sb. know,词义较tell广,不仅限于口头,也包括书面通知。
 ☞ 如果发现机器有毛病,请告诉我。
 ☞ If you find something wrong with the machine, let me know please.
 ☞ 你想好后,请把决定告诉我。
 ☞ After you think it over, please let me know what you decide on.
 ☞ 不要忘记写信告诉我们你平安到达。
 ☞ Remember to write us to let us know you arrive safely.
 ☞ 请你把你的电话号码告诉我好吗?
 ☞ May I have your telephone number please?
 ☞ 你能把你的地址告诉我们吗?
 ☞ Can we have your address?
 ☞ 马克思主义告诉我们,工人阶级不能简单地夺取现成的国家机器为自己服务。
 ☞ Marxism teaches us that the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery and use it for its own purpose.
 ☞ 这次事故告诉她要多加小心。
 ☞ The accident taught her to be more careful.
 ☞ 我要告诉他不要插手我的私事。
 ☞ I'll teach him not to meddle in my private affairs.
5.make it clear,常指通过说理或悟性而得到的告诉。
 ☞ 列宁曾反复告诉我们,感觉和思想只是外部世界的反映。
 ☞ Lenin time and again made it clear to us that sensations and ideas are only reflections of the external world.
 ☞ 这件事告诉我们应当提前完成国营工业的改革。
 ☞ This event makes it clear to us that we must try to accomplish the reform of China's state-run industry ahead of schedule.
 ☞ 现在我要告诉你一些有关学英语的事情。
 ☞ Now I'm going to show you something about English learning.
 ☞ 材料告诉我们开展的工人运动是健康的。
 ☞ The materials show us that the labor movement we have launched is healthy.

1) 用疑问词构成的问句。
 ☞ 你刚才去了哪儿呢?
 ☞ Where were you just now?
 ☞ 我做错了什么呢?
 ☞ What have I done wrong?
2) 提出一正一反的意见要人确定。
 ☞ 这件事你是赞成还是反对呢?
 ☞ Are you for or against this?
 ☞ 你认识她还是不认识呢?
 ☞ Do you or don't you know her?
3) 提出反问。
 ☞ 我该怎么办呢?
 ☞ What am I to do?
 ☞ 这件事你怎么知道的呢?
 ☞ How could you know it?
4) 表示确认事实并带有夸张色彩的陈述句。
 ☞ 远得很,有好几千里地呢。
 ☞ It's a long way off - thousands of miles away.
 ☞ 他还在生气呢。
 ☞ He is still angry.
5) 用在带有转折语气的陈述句的中间,表示停顿。
 ☞ 如今呢,可比以往任何时候都要强。
 ☞ As for the present, things are far better than any time in the past.
 ☞ 不下雨就去,下雨呢,就不去。
 ☞ If it doesn't rain, we'll go. If it does rain, then we won't go.
 ☞ 大家都在教室里学习,他呢?
 ☞ All are studying in the classroom. What is he doing?
 ☞ 他们都有事干,我呢?
 ☞ They all have got something to do. What about me?
 ☞ 我骑自行车去,你呢?
 ☞ I'll go by bike, How will you go?(问你怎么去)
 ☞ 我们都去看电影,他呢?
 ☞ We are all going to the movie. How about him?(问他怎么办)
 ☞ 屋子里都打扫干净了,院子呢?
 ☞ The rooms were cleaned up. Was the courtyard cleaned up, too?(问同一个问题,打扫没有)
 ☞ 那几本书你都读完了,这本呢?
 ☞ You've read all of those books. Will you read this one,too?(问这本书读了没有)
 ☞ 你的练习本呢?
 ☞ Where are your exercise books?
 ☞ 他呢?
 ☞ Where is he?
周围 周围
1.around, round, about, 都可用作介词或副词,表示确定地点的周围。美语多用around。
 ☞ 摄影记者在古刹周围饶有兴趣地拍照。
 ☞ The press photographers took pictures interestedly around (round, about) the ancient temple.
 ☞ 她的眼睛周围有许多鱼尾纹。
 ☞ She has many wrinkles around (round) her eyes.
 ☞ 他们在草地周围都种上了树。
 ☞ They planted trees round (around) the lawn.
 ☞ 我们听到周围有孩子的笑声。
 ☞ From all around we heard the laughter of children.
 ☞ 这里的看守对周围发生的一切是十分留神的。
 ☞ The watchmen here have always kept a keen eye on what is happening around.
 ☞ 周围什么地方有小酒店吗?
 ☞ Is there a pub anywhere round here?
 ☞ 我看到一个可疑分子在周围转悠。
 ☞ I saw a suspicious character wondering around (round,about).
 ☞ 大楼的周围都设有岗哨。
 ☞ Sentries were posted around (round, about) the building.
 ☞ 村子的周围都是山。
 ☞ The village is surrounded on all sides by mountains.
 ☞ 港湾周围都是树。
 ☞ The harbor is surrounded by trees.
 ☞ 他就住在周围的一个什么地方。
 ☞ He lives somewhere in the surrounding area.
 ☞ 周围的乡村平坦而多沙。
 ☞ The surrounding country is flat and sandy.
 ☞ 这种疫苗对周围的温度十分敏感。
 ☞ This vaccine is very sensitive to environment temperature.
 ☞ 周围的文化对人有很大的影响。
 ☞ Environment culture has a great influence on people.
周期(周期性) 周期(周期性)
1.cycle, cyclical, 指事物在运动、变化、发展过程中重复发生的周期。
 ☞ 一年中的春夏秋冬构成了一个周期。
 ☞ The seasons of the year—spring, summer, autumn and winter-make a cycle.
 ☞ 蝴蝶由蝶蛹变为成虫是其生命周期的顶点。
 ☞ The emergence of the butterfly from the chrysalis is the climax of its life cycle.
 ☞ 不过我得说,菜牛的饲养周期要比肉鸡的饲养周期长。
 ☞ But I should say that the breeding cycle of beefs is longer than that of chicken.
 ☞ 地球自转一圈是一个周期,这需要一天。
 ☞ A rotation of the earth is a cycle, which takes a day.
 ☞ 地球围绕太阳公转一圈也是一个周期,但需要一年。
 ☞ A revolution of the earth around the sun is also a cycle, which, however, takes a year.
 ☞ 据说资本主义社会要经受周期性的经济危机,这种说法对不对?
 ☞ Is it right that the capitalist society undergoes cyclical economic crises?
 ☞ 周期性的经济危机会引起周期性的失业。
 ☞ Cyclical economic crises cause cyclical unemployment.
 ☞ 周期性扩张的周期可长可短。
 ☞ The period of cyclical expansion can be longer or shorter.
 ☞ 你的月经周期是几天?
 ☞ How many days make your menstrual period?
  ■ periodic同样也可作“周期性”解。
 ☞ 他患有周期性发作的疟疾。
 ☞ He has periodic attacks of malaria.
 ☞ 我们必须想尽一切办法来制止周期性的通货膨胀。
 ☞ We must try every possible way to check the periodic inflation.
 ☞ 月亮的引力会引起周期性的潮起潮落。
 ☞ The gravitation of the moon causes the periodic rise and fall of the tide.
味道(味) 味道(味)
 ☞ 甜、酸、苦、辣都是味(道)。
 ☞ Sweet, sour, bitter, hot are all tastes.
 ☞ 这种水果有股异味,没法吃。
 ☞ The fruit has a nasty taste; I cannot eat it.
 ☞ 任何食物煮过了头就没味道了。
 ☞ Any food which is cooked too much has no taste.
 ☞ 我尝出蛋糕里有薄荷味。
 ☞ I tasted the mint in the cake.
  ■ taste还可用于转义。
 ☞ 现在暴风雪给你尝尝北方冬天的味道。
 ☞ Now the snow-storm has given you a taste of northern winter.
 ☞ 这家店卖的冰淇淋有八种味道。
 ☞ The shop sells ice cream in eight different flavors.
 ☞ 这糖里有股怪味,先甜后苦。
 ☞ The candy has a queer taste, sweet at first, then bitter.
 ☞ 她在汤里加了点咸味。
 ☞ She flavored the soup with salt.
 ☞ 我不喜欢这股洋葱味。
 ☞ I don't like the flavor of onion.
  ■ flavor也可用于转义。
 ☞ 她的不少歌都蛮有民歌的味道。
 ☞ Quite a number of her songs are imbued with folk flavor.
 ☞ 老头慢慢地啜着,充分品尝着酒的味道。
 ☞ The old man was sipping slowly to enjoy the full savor of the wine.
 ☞ 我走过厨房,闻到一股烤肉味。
 ☞ I caught the savor of roasting meat as I passed the kitchen.
  ■ savor也可用于转义。
 ☞ 他的政治观点有一股法西斯的味道。
 ☞ His political views have a savor of fascism.
 ☞ 这蛋糕味弄得我们都流口水了。
 ☞ The smell of the cake made us all watering.
 ☞ 空气里有一股淡淡的野花香味。
 ☞ The faint sweet smell of wild flowers lay on the air.
  ■ smell还可用做动词。
 ☞ 他身上有股大蒜味。
 ☞ He smells of garlic.
 ☞ 你衣服上有股汗味。
 ☞ Your clothes stink of sweat.
 ☞ 这药方有7味中药。
 ☞ The prescription specifies seven medicinal herbs.
 ☞ 这菜味道好。
 ☞ This dish is delicious.
 ☞ 你们年轻人没尝过当童工是什么味道。
 ☞ You young people don't know what it was like to slave away as a child laborer.
 ☞ 她嘴上没说,心里却有一股说不出的味道。
 ☞ She didn't say anything but she had an indescribable feeling.
 ☞ 他的话里有点讽刺的味道。
 ☞ There is a touch of irony in his remarks.
 ☞ 这个题目对我来说没什么味道。
 ☞ This subject has no interest for me.
呼吸 呼吸
 ☞ 病人呼吸困难。
 ☞ The patient is breathing hard.
 ☞ 他需要呼吸点新鲜空气,就来到阳台上。
 ☞ He needed to breathe some fresh air and went out to the balcony.
 ☞ 老人的呼吸已变得微弱。
 ☞ The old man's breath grew weaker.
 ☞ 咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。
 ☞ Let's go out for a breath of fresh air.
  ■ 要注意breathe和take breath的区别。
 ☞ We breathe in order to live.(我们呼吸是为了活着)
 ☞ We stopped in order to take breath.(我们停下来是为了透口气)
2.respire, respiration,医学用语。
 ☞ 一切生物只要活着,都要呼吸。
 ☞ All living things respire as long as they live.
 ☞ 呼吸时人体会从活细胞内释放出食物的能量。
 ☞ One's body releases energy from food in living cells when one respires.
 ☞ 氧气输入人体细胞,而二氧化碳由人体细胞排出的过程就是呼吸。
 ☞ Respiration is the process that oxygen is transported to the body cells, and carbon dioxide is eliminated from these cells.

 ☞ 这牛排老得我咬不动。
 ☞ The steak is so tough that I can't bite it 他昨晚被蛇咬了。
 ☞ He was bitten by a snake last night.
 ☞ 老太太是被疯狗咬死的。
 ☞ The old lady was bitten to death by a mad dog 他吃得太快,咬着舌头了。
 ☞ He ate too fast and bit his tongue.
 ☞ 妈妈,蚊子咬我。
 ☞ Mum,a mosquito bit me.
 ☞ 我让跳蚤咬得不成样子了。
 ☞ I have been dreadfully bitten by fleas.
2.chew, 指通过咀嚼来咬。
 ☞ 这肉太硬,咬不动。
 ☞ This meat is too tough to chew.
 ☞ 狮子从斑马腿上咬下一块肉来。
 ☞ The lion chewed the flesh off the zebra's leg.
 ☞ 我家的小狗在拖鞋上咬了个洞。
 ☞ My puppy chewed a hole in the slipper.
 ☞ 我们没啥吃的,只好咬硬邦邦的黑面包。
 ☞ We had nothing to eat but chewed at our hard black bread.
3.snap at,指用两颌或螯迅速合起来咬。
 ☞ 要是你把她弄急了,她会咬你的。
 ☞ If you make her annoyed, she'll snap at you.
 ☞ 你不能让你家的狗咬来访的客人。
 ☞ You must stop your dog snapping at visitors to the house.
 ☞ 鱼咬钩了。
 ☞ The fish snapped at the bait.
 ☞ 我本想抓贼反被贼咬。
 ☞ I had intended to catch the pickpocket, yet I was maliciously accused by him instead.
 ☞ 他一口咬定我是主谋。
 ☞ He accused me definitely as chief plotter.
5.false countercharge,指反过来的虚假指控。
 ☞ 她竟会反咬我一口,真是想不到。
 ☞ The fact that she should have made a false countercharge against me was what I didn't expect.
 ☞ 说不定她反过来咬你一口。
 ☞ Perhaps she might turn up a false countercharge against you.
 ☞ 她一口咬定自己无罪。
 ☞ She insisted that she was not guilty.
 ☞ 她向法官一口咬定那天晚上她听到有人在屋里。
 ☞ She insisted to the judge that she heard someone in the house that night.
 ☞ 整场比赛的比分一直咬得很紧。
 ☞ The score was very close throughout the match.
 ☞ 听!鸡叫狗咬的,是不是出了什么事?
 ☞ Listen! Cocks crow and dogs bark. Isn't there anything going wrong?
 ☞ 这个字他咬不准。
 ☞ He can't pronounce this word correctly.
 ☞ 每天早晨她咬着牙,继续挣扎着上路。
 ☞ Each morning she gritted her teeth and struggled on.
咬住 咬住
1.bite at (on),指用牙咬住或类似用牙咬住,强调咬。
 ☞ 你能咬住钢绳拖动这辆汽车吗?
 ☞ Can you haul the car by biting at the wire rope?
 ☞ 夹具可以帮助台钳咬住工件。
 ☞ The holder of a vise helps it bite on a workpiece.
 ☞ 用牙咬住绳子,把这包裹捆紧。
 ☞ Grip the rope with your teeth and bundle the parcel up firmly.
 ☞ 这个旧螺帽咬不住扣了。
 ☞ The old nut won't grip.
 ☞ 刹车咬不住车轮啦。
 ☞ The brake doesn't grip the wheel properly.
3.close on the heels of,指紧跟其后,强调紧跟。
 ☞ 他在这次长跑竞赛中,紧紧咬住那位领先的运动员,并在最后100米才发起冲刺并超过了他。
 ☞ In this distance race he was close on the heels of the lead runner and did not overtake him until the last hundred meters when he made a dash.
 ☞ 追击部队紧紧咬住逃敌。
 ☞ The pursuing troops were close on the heels of the fleeing enemy.
4.get on the tail of,指咬住尾巴。
 ☞ 他调整机头,咬住了敌机。
 ☞ He swung his fighter around and got on the tail of the enemy plane.
 ☞ 我方特工人员咬住那个间谍,开始跟踪。
 ☞ Our secret-service agent got on the tail of the spy and began to shadow him.
 ☞ 别老咬住我的那句话不放。
 ☞ Don't keep nagging me about that remark of mine.
 ☞ 你为什么总是咬住他的一点小错大做文章?
 ☞ Why are you always nagging him about the slightest mistake and making much of it?
品(品尝) 品(品尝)
 ☞ 我品了品葡萄酒的味道,觉得挺不错。
 ☞ I tasted the grape wine and found it quite good.
 ☞ 仡获得了一份品茶的工作。
 ☞ He got a job of tasting tea.
 ☞ 请各位品一下我厂新产的特级啤酒。
 ☞ Gentlemen, please sample this top grade beer, our new product.
 ☞ 职业品茶者可以品出茶叶的质量及产地。
 ☞ Professional tea-tasters can sample the quality and source of tea.
3.savor, 强调用鼻子或嘴悠闲地品尝。
 ☞ 她慢慢地喝着葡萄酒,每喝一口就品尝一下。
 ☞ She drank the wine slowly, savoring every mouthful of it.
 ☞ 我们慢慢地吃着炖牛肉,并细细品尝。
 ☞ We ate the stewed beef slowly, savoring it.
 ☞ 品尝品尝我们的家乡风味好吗?
 ☞ Will you please try our local delicacies?
 ☞ 今天早上我要去品尝那家新开的咖啡馆的咖啡。
 ☞ I'm going to try the coffee of that new cafe this morning.
响应 响应
1.respond to, response,指对紧急要求或特定情况做出响应。
 ☞ 毕业生们热情响应党的号召,到边疆去工作。
 ☞ The graduates responded to the Party's call with enthusiasm and went to work in the border regions.
 ☞ 先进工作者们一提出倡议,我们就全力响应。
 ☞ As soon as the advanced workers put forward the proposal, we responded with full support.
 ☞ 他要求向救济基金捐款的呼吁迅速得到了响应。
 ☞ His appeal for contributions to the Relief Foundation met with a quick response.
 ☞ 我们共产党员应当首先响应党的号召。
 ☞ We communists should answer the Party's call first.
 ☞ 我们是响应祖国的号召回到国内工作的。
 ☞ We came back to work in the country in answer to our motherland.

1) which,用于物的选择余地不大时。
 ☞ 你喜欢哪种颜色,红还是绿?
 ☞ Which color would you like - red or green?
 ☞ 你爱吃哪一样,鱼还是鸡?
 ☞ Which do you prefer - fish or chicken?
2) what,用于选择的余地较大,但到底有多少种选择不清楚时。
 ☞ 她的眼睛是哪种颜色?
 ☞ What color are her eyes?
 ☞ 你爱喝哪种饮料?
 ☞ What drink would you have?
3) who,用于对人的疑问选择,而不管选择可能性的大小。
 ☞ 孩子们,哪个打碎了窗玻璃?
 ☞ Who broke the window-pane, my boys?
 ☞ 你更喜欢哪位,母亲还是父亲?
 ☞ Who do you like better - your mother or your father?
  ■ 但是,当选择性较小时,也可用which one 来代替who,如上句也 可译为:Which one do you like better —your mother or your father?
 ☞ 我们这里有两位姓王的,你要找哪一位?
 ☞ We have got two Wangs. Which one do you want to see?
4) 此外,在现代英语中,只有which才能跟介词of连用,而不用who of。
 ☞ 你们当中哪一个偷了我的钱?
 ☞ Which of you has stolen my money?
 ☞ 他们当中哪一个是你的朋友?
 ☞ Which of them is your friend?
1) how在反问句中常与主语结合,形成how+主语+动词这样一个结构。
 ☞ 没有革命前辈的流血牺牲,哪有今天的幸福生活?
 ☞ Without the sacrifices of the revolutionizes of the older generation, how could we have such a happy life?
 ☞ 哪会有这样的事?
 ☞ How can there be things as such?
 ☞ 她哪能说谎呢?
 ☞ How can she tell lies?
2) what,在反问句中常与名词结合或单独用作主语。
 ☞ 你说的到底是哪门子事呀?
 ☞ What the hell are you talking about?
 ☞ 那有什么区别?
 ☞ What difference does it make?
 ☞ 好好的,你到底哭哪样?
 ☞ Everything is all right. What on earth are you crying for?
 ☞ 今年的庄稼比以往哪年都好。
 ☞ This year's crop is better than that of any other years.
 ☞ 你哪天来都可以。
 ☞ You may come any day.
 ☞ 她干哪样都是对的。
 ☞ Whatever she does is right.
 ☞ 哪天有空就过来。
 ☞ Come over whenever you have time.
 ☞ 你最喜欢哪一件就拿哪一件。
 ☞ Take whichever you like best.
 ☞ 哪儿需要我就去哪儿。
 ☞ I'll go wherever I'm needed.
哪会儿 哪会儿
 ☞ 你这篇文章哪会儿才能脱稿?
 ☞ When can you get the draft ready?
 ☞ 你是哪会儿从上海回来的?
 ☞ When did you get back from Shanghai?
2.any time, 泛指时间。
 ☞ 你爱哪会儿来就哪会儿来。
 ☞ Come any time you like.
 ☞ 趁天气好把毛料衣服统统拿出来晒晒,说不定哪会儿变天。
 ☞ Put all your woolen clothes out to air when it is fine.
 ☞ Who knows the weather may change any time?
哪怕 哪怕
  ■ 有“即使”的意思,多用于口语,表示假设和让步。姑且先承认某种情况,再说出结论,常常与“也”、“都”、“还”、“还是”等副词搭配。
 ☞ 我们一定能对付这些敌军,哪怕再多一点也不要紧。
 ☞ We can certainly cope with these enemy forces, and even with larger ones.
 ☞ 哪怕是一粒米,我们也不该浪费。
 ☞ We should not waste even a single grain of rice.
2.even if,even though,如果even要强调整个连接的句子,就要与连词if或though结合。
 ☞ 哪怕弄个通宵,他也要把工作做完。
 ☞ He will finish the work, even if he has to sit up all night.
 ☞ 哪怕天下大雨我也要去。
 ☞ I will go even if it rains hard.
 ☞ 哪怕失败我也要试一试。
 ☞ I will have to try even though I should fail.
 ☞ 哪怕是他丈夫等着吃晚饭,她都不愿离开电视机。
 ☞ She won't leave the TV set, even though her husband is waiting for his supper.
3.whatever, wherever, however等,表示让步。
 ☞ 你能否劝劝他,不管找个什么工作,哪怕是掏沟、 修路都没关系。
 ☞ Can't you persuade him to take up whatever work, cleaning out ditches or repairing roads, it doesn't matter.
 ☞ 哪怕在汽车上,在火车上,甚至在飞机上,他都抓紧时间学习。
 ☞ He seizes every minute to study, wherever he is, on a bus, on a train, or even on a plane.
 ☞ 哪怕是再大的困难,我们也能克服。
 ☞ However great difficulties may be, we can overcome them.
哪里 哪里
 ☞ 你去哪里?
 ☞ Where are you going?
 ☞ 你是在哪里碰见他的?
 ☞ Where did you meet him?
2.where, anywhere, wherever, nowhere, 泛指地点。
 ☞ 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。
 ☞ Where there is oppression, there is resistance.
 ☞ 昨天我哪里都没去。
 ☞ I didn't go anywhere yesterday.
 ☞ 你想坐哪里就坐哪里。
 ☞ Sit wherever you like.
 ☞ 哪里都找不到他。
 ☞ He is nowhere to be found.
 ☞ 我哪里知道他不吃猪肉?
 ☞ How was I to know that he didn't eat pork?
 ☞ 我哪里记得住这么多单词?
 ☞ How could I remember all these words?
 ☞ 我哪里知道他会改变主意?
 ☞ How could I know that he should have changed his mind?
4.用来推辞别人对说话人的表扬、称赞等。可用 "I'm flattered" , "It's nothing" , "Don't mention it" 等。
  "You speak very good English." "I'm flattered."
  "It's nothing. You are flattering me."
  "Don't mention it. It's too kind of you."

 ☞ 义较广,有很大的搭配能力,常用的有以下几种:
1) 表示物体离地面的高度。
 ☞ 北京的旧房在消失,高楼在出现。
 ☞ In Beijing many old houses have disappeared and high buildings have sprung up.
 ☞ 这两座山虽然很高,却是再不会增高了,挖一点就会少一点。
 ☞ High as they are, the mountains cannot grow any higher and with every bit we dig, they will be that much lower.
 ☞ 该市给我的印象是街道宽,房屋高。
 ☞ The city gave me the impression that the streets were wide and the houses high.
 ☞ 你身高1. 70术。
 ☞ You are one meter seventy centimeters high.
 ☞ 搁板太高,我够不着。
 ☞ The shelf is too high for me to reach.
2) 表示向空间伸展的高度。
 ☞ 我被领进一个有着高高天花板的大厅。
 ☞ I was led into a great hall with a high ceiling.
 ☞ 太阳已经很高了。
 ☞ The sun was already high.
 ☞ 草长得茂盛,几乎高到膝盖。
 ☞ The grass grows luxuriantly and is almost knee-high.
3) 表示社会地位高。
 ☞ 参加会议的有总理、各部部长及其他高级官员。
 ☞ Present at the meeting were premier, ministers and other officials of high ranks.
 ☞ 他总是高不成低不就。
 ☞ He has been unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one.
 ☞ 他在政府中身居高位。
 ☞ He holds high position in the government.
 ☞ 他在宗教界职位很高。
 ☞ He is a religious dignitary high in office.
4) 表示发展程度的高。
 ☞ 东京的生活费用高得吓人。
 ☞ The cost of living in Tokyo is dreadfully high.
 ☞ 高速转弯很危险。
 ☞ It is dangerous to turn a comer at a high speed.
 ☞ 煤气一直保持着高压。
 ☞ The gas has been kept in high pressure.
 ☞ 没有充分的民主,就不可能有高度的集中。
 ☞ Without ample democracy, it is impossible to have a high degree of centralism.
 ☞ 他跳得真高。
 ☞ He jumps really high.
 ☞ 我们高举革命斗争的旗帜前进。
 ☞ Holding high the banner of revolutionary struggle we are forging ahead.
 ☞ 雄鹰高高的在空中盘旋。
 ☞ The hawk was circling high in the sky.
 ☞ 他爬得老高老高的,并向我们招手。
 ☞ He climbed high and waved to us.
 ☞ 她的待遇高。
 ☞ She is highly paid.
 ☞ 中国的农业发展程度不高。
 ☞ The agriculture of China is not yet highly developed.
 ☞ 他对学英语兴趣很高。
 ☞ He is highly interested in learning English.
 ☞ 你的这个报告科学性高。
 ☞ This report of yours is highly scientific.
 ☞ 她比她妈高一点。
 ☞ She is a little taller than her mother.
 ☞ 红木是一种长得很高的树。
 ☞ Redwoods are very tall trees.
 ☞ 我市有几座很高的大楼。
 ☞ There are some very tall buildings in our city.
 ☞ 周围几公里处都能看得见高高的塔尖。
 ☞ A tall spire can be seen for kilometers around.
 ☞ 市内有许多高高的烟囱。
 ☞ There are many tall chimneys in the city.
 ☞ 突然,一座耸入云霄的高山映入眼帘。
 ☞ Suddenly a tall mountain towering to the skies came into view.
 ☞ 船体太高,桥下过不去。
 ☞ The ship is too tall to go under the bridge.
5.“高”的比较级除了higher, taller than以外,还有几种译法可供参考。
1) 用above。
 ☞ 你在各方面都比我高得多。
 ☞ You're far above me in every way.
 ☞ 那座山比海平面高1,000米。
 ☞ The mountain is 1,000 meters above sea level.
2) 用a head above或head and shoulders above(后者常用于比拟)。
 ☞ 他比我高出一个头。
 ☞ He is a head above me.
 ☞ 他过去总想比人高一头。
 ☞ He used to try to stand head and shoulders above others.
 ☞ 论技术,她那时还不如我,但在思想上却高出我一头。
 ☞ Professionally, she was then not yet my equal, but ideologically she was head and shoulders above me.
3)“技高一筹”,可用more skillful than。
 ☞ 他的确技高一筹。
 ☞ Indeed, he is more skillful than others.
4)“欲与天公试比高”,可用vie with heaven in one's height。
 ☞ As if they sought to vie with heaven in their height.
1) 表示最高权力、地位、程度等,可用supreme。
 ☞ 中华人民共和国主席是我国政府的最高领导。
 ☞ Chairman of the People's Republic of China is the supreme leader of our government.
 ☞ 在寡头独裁政府中,他的地位无疑是最高的。
 ☞ In the oligarchy, his position was unquestionably supreme.
2) 表示最高极限,可用maximum。
 ☞ 我们的最高纲领是把中国推进到社会主义社会和共产主义社会。
 ☞ Our maximum program is to carry China forward to socialism and communism.
 ☞ 这条路的最高时速为60英哩。
 ☞ The maximum speed on this road is sixty miles per hour.
 ☞ 他嗓门高。
 ☞ He has a loud voice.
 ☞ 你说话的声音那么高,都让人家听见了。
 ☞ You talked so loud that you were overheard.
8.表示进展中的高,可用well advanced。
 ☞ 他年事已高。
 ☞ He is advanced in year.
 ☞ 其制作过程的特点是技术性高。
 ☞ The process of manufacture is characterized by its well advanced technique.
 ☞ 中国的建设需要高科技。
 ☞ The construction of China needs well advanced science and technology.
 ☞ 只有高度熟练的杂技演员才能表演高台定车。
 ☞ It is only highly skilled acrobats that can perform bicycle balancing acts on a elevated stand.
 ☞ 要设计一座高水塔用以改善供水。
 ☞ An elevated water tower is to be designed to improve water supply.
 ☞ 也许这是因为他的体温高了。
 ☞ Perhaps it was because his temperature had risen.
 ☞ 这场雨过后,河水高了两米。
 ☞ After this rain the river rose two meters.
 ☞ 他的声音或高或低,都是根据情况来定的。
 ☞ He raised or dropped his voice as occasion required.
 ☞ 油价高了10%以上。
 ☞ Oil prices were raised by more than 10 percent.
 ☞ 万般皆下品,惟有读书高。
 ☞ All occupations are base, only book-learning is exalted.
 ☞ 他在政界的地位很高。
 ☞ He is of exalted position in political circles.
商定 商定
1.decide through consultation,指经过磋商决定。
 ☞ 我们商定专门研究植物中的化学物质。
 ☞ Through consultation we have decided to specialize in chemicals from plants.
 ☞ 经商定将在工作现场验收该设备。
 ☞ It has been decided through consultation that the equipment will be checked and accepted at the working site.
2.decide after discussion,指经过商讨后决定。
 ☞ 指挥部商定抢在洪水到来前修好堤坝。
 ☞ The headquarters has decided after discussion that the dykes should be repaired before the flood comes.
 ☞ 股份红利是事先商定好的。
 ☞ The stock bonus has been decided after discussion in advance.
3.agree (on, upon, to),指经过磋商,协商最后同意而确定下来。
 ☞ 我们在商定的时间碰了头。
 ☞ We met at the agreed time.
 ☞ 双方商定建立大使级外交关系。
 ☞ The two sides have agreed to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level.
 ☞ 两国商定了下次开会的日期。
 ☞ The two countries agreed on a date for their next meeting.
 ☞ 条约的关键条款已经商定。
 ☞ The key provisions of the pact have been agreed upon.
 ☞ 双方商定了下列条款。
 ☞ The two parties agreed to the following terms.
商量 商量
1.discuss (with).discussion,指讨论商量。
 ☞ 我请你们来这里商量技术交流问题。
 ☞ I ask you here to discuss matters concerning technical interchange.
 ☞ 我们将与贵方代表商量贷款延期的问题。
 ☞ We shall discuss with your representatives an extension on the loan.
 ☞ 这事可以商量着办。
 ☞ That can be settled through discussion.
 ☞ 她的第一次婚姻是由于母亲的怂恿,因此在第二次选择时她自己作主,再也不跟谁商量。
 ☞ Having married the first time at her mother's instigation, she consulted in her second choice nobody but herself。
 ☞ 在你决定这件事之前先跟你父母商量商量。
 ☞ Consult the matter with your parents before you decide.
 ☞ 世界上的事应由世界各国商量着办。
 ☞ Matters that concern the whole world should be settled through consultation among all the nations.
3.confer on sth. with sb. ,指磋商讨论,与前两词的区别是confer为不及物动词。
 ☞ 在我做出决定之前先要跟律师商量。
 ☞ I must confer with my lawyer before I decide.
 ☞ 她是回来跟她丈夫商量这件事的。
 ☞ She returned to confer on the matter with her husband.
4.talk over,指充分讨论,口头用语。
 ☞ 咱们得找主任商量一下。
 ☞ We ought to talk it over with the director.
 ☞ 他想先和父亲商量一下再做最后决定。
 ☞ He wants to talk it over with his father before making the final decision.
喜欢 喜欢
 ☞ 他喜欢坐在酒吧里,看着人们进进出出。
 ☞ He likes to sit in a bar, watching people coming and going.
 ☞ 妇女一般都喜欢时装。
 ☞ Women in general like fashionable clothes.
 ☞ 我喜欢工作认真的孩子。
 ☞ I like a boy to be conscientious with his work.
 ☞ 人会喜欢朋友,但更喜欢家人。
 ☞ One likes one's friends but loves one's family.
 ☞ 我们喜欢这片生息之地,但更喜欢祖国。
 ☞ We like this land where we live, but we love motherland.
 ☞ 你喜欢什么,咖啡还是茶?
 ☞ What do you prefer, coffee or tea?
 ☞ 我喜欢地理,但更喜欢历史。
 ☞ I like geography, but I prefer history.
 ☞ 读读这本书,你一定会喜欢的。
 ☞ Read this book, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
 ☞ 那老头讲得风趣幽默,我们都喜欢听。
 ☞ We all enjoy listening to the old man who talks with wit and humor.
5.favor, 指带有偏爱的那种喜欢。
 ☞ 母亲总是喜欢小儿子。
 ☞ Mother always favors her youngest son.
 ☞ 老师喜欢聪明听话的学生。
 ☞ Teachers favor bright and obedient pupils.
 ☞ 喜欢与我们合得来的人,这很自然。
 ☞ It is natural to fancy people who agree with us.
 ☞ 她一病就喜欢吃好吃的。
 ☞ While she is订l she fancies only the delicate foods.
7.fond of,指执著、痴迷的那种喜欢。
 ☞ 尽管我是个职业妇女,却喜欢做家务。
 ☞ I'm fond of housework though I'm a career woman.
 ☞ 我发现你特别喜欢钓鱼。
 ☞ I found out that you were exceedingly fond of fishing.
8.care for,指没有多少把握的喜欢,因此只用于疑问句、准疑问句或准否定句。用这类句子时,意思与fond of相近。
 ☞ 你喜欢吃苹果吗?
 ☞ Do you care for apples?或Are you fond of apples?
 ☞ 你喜欢散步吗?
 ☞ Would you care for a walk?
 ☞ 我不知道他是否喜欢我们都去那里。
 ☞ I wonder whether he will care for us all to go there 我不喜欢上海,又挤又吵。
 ☞ I don't care for Shanghai. It's noisy and crowded.
 ☞ 她似乎不喜欢他。
 ☞ She doesn't seem to care for him.
 ☞ 他不大喜欢名利。
 ☞ He cares very little for fame and gain.
  ■ 应该指出,如果care for用于肯定句,这是应作“照顾”解。
 ☞ 在这里,我们可以互相照顾。
 ☞ We care for each other here.
 ☞ 孩子们在托儿所得到了很好的照顾。
 ☞ Children are well cared for in nurseries.

 ☞ 我什么也没说,继续喝我的茶。
 ☞ I did not say anything but went on drinking my tea.
 ☞ 把汤喝了,我们好动身。
 ☞ Drink down your soup so that we can start.
 ☞ 我们用汤匙喝土豆汤。
 ☞ We eat potato soup with a spoon.
 ☞ 南方人早上习惯喝粥。
 ☞ Southerners are in the habit of eating porridge in the morning.
 ☞ 这里的水不好,所以我们把西瓜当水喝。
 ☞ The water here is not good, so we're eating watermelon instead.
 ☞ 我们吃饭时先喝汤。
 ☞ We have soup first during meal.
 ☞ 我刚喝过茶。
 ☞ I just have had tea.
 ☞ 你不进来喝点酒吗?
 ☞ Won't you come in and have some wine?
 ☞ 如果咖啡太烫,就慢慢喝吧。
 ☞ Sip the coffee slowly if it is too hot.
 ☞ 他们在桌旁坐下,喝茶聊天。
 ☞ They sat down over the table, sipped the tea and chatted.
 ☞ 太冷太热的饮料都要一口一口地喝。
 ☞ One should sip very cold and very hot liquids.
5.start with,指吃某物前先喝。
 ☞ 早上7点,他照例先喝牛奶。
 ☞ He started the day with milk at seven am. as a rule.
 ☞ 我们吃饭前先喝汤。
 ☞ We start our meal with soup.
 ☞ 这种药水一天要喝3次。
 ☞ This liquid medicine is to be taken three times a day.
 ☞ 多少年来,我一直在喝这种苦药,真是喝够了。
 ☞ For years I've been taking this revolting medicine, I've had more than enough of it.
 ☞ 如果大家都像你这样一毛不拔,我们只好去喝西北风啦。
 ☞ If everyone was like you and wouldn't give us a cent, we'd have to live on air.
 ☞ 如果你还这样下去,只好喝西北风啦。
 ☞ If you go on like this you have to feed on the northwestern wind.
 ☞ 他只喝过几年墨水。
 ☞ He's had only a few years' schooling.
 ☞ 他是喝过墨水的人。
 ☞ He is a man who has read a great deal.
 ☞ 别以为你喝过洋墨水就高人一等。
 ☞ Don't think you are above ordinary people for the only reason that you have studied foreign books abroad.

 ☞ 我们钻到1,400米时,油井就开始喷油了。
 ☞ The well began to spout oil when we were drilling at the depth of 1,400 meters.
 ☞ 瞧,一条鲸鱼正在喷水。
 ☞ Look, a whale is spouting water.
 ☞ 火山在喷熔岩。
 ☞ The volcano is spouting lava.
  ■ 但spout用做不及物动词时也可表示自己喷。
 ☞ 泉水喷得好高呀!
 ☞ How high the fountain spouts up!
2.gush, 指液体大量涌出,强调喷的量。不及物动词。
 ☞ 油井里喷油了。
 ☞ Oil gushed from the well.
 ☞ 水从裂开的主管道里喷了出来。
 ☞ Water gushed from the burst main.
 ☞ 她见到血从伤口喷出来时就晕了过去。
 ☞ She fainted when she saw the blood gushing from the wound.
 ☞ 喷泉向空中喷水。
 ☞ The fountain spurted into the air.
 ☞ 一拳就打得她嘴里喷血。
 ☞ One blow sent blood spurting from her mouth.
 ☞ 火舌从楼上的一扇窗户里喷了出来。
 ☞ Flame spurted from an upstairs window.
 ☞ 她出门前在腋下喷了点香水。
 ☞ She sprayed perfume in both of her armpits before she went out.
 ☞ 园丁正在玫瑰花丛里喷杀虫剂。
 ☞ The gardener was spraying insecticide on the rosebushes.
 ☞ 他正往墙上喷漆。
 ☞ He is spraying paint on the wall.
 ☞ 洒水车边走边向尘土飞扬的街道上喷水。
 ☞ The watering car went by sprinkling water onto the dusty streets.
 ☞ 烫衣服前要先用嘴喷水。
 ☞ Sprinkle water onto clothes with your mouth before you iron them.
 ☞ 给花喷点水。
 ☞ Sprinkle some water on the flowers.
6.erupt, 指爆发性喷发。
 ☞ 间歇性喷泉每隔数小时喷一次。
 ☞ The geyser erupts every few hours.
 ☞ 火山喷出来的熔岩掩埋了整个村子。
 ☞ The lava erupted from the volcano has buried the entire village.
嘲笑 嘲笑
 ☞ L Xun never ridiculed or attacked the revolutionary people and the revolutionary Party in his "satirical essay period".
 ☞ 想保持个性的人往往被当作怪人而受到嘲笑。
 ☞ A man who wants to preserve his personal identity is often ridiculed as an eccentric.
 ☞ 有些人自己不认真干,对别人干的又要嘲笑。
 ☞ Some people do not do anything seriously, yet deride what has been done by others.
 ☞ 他们都嘲笑他干了蠢事。
 ☞ They all derided him for his foolish act.
3.表示不该嘲笑而笑之,常译作mock at或jeer at。
 ☞ 只要学生尽力而为,哪怕差一点,做老师的也不该嘲笑他们的努力。
 ☞ If the pupils do their best, the teacher should not mock at their efforts, although they are a bit slow.
 ☞ 林肯曾经被人当作乡巴佬而受到嘲笑。
 ☞ Abraham Lincoln was mocked at as a country bumpkin.
 ☞ 即使你干得比别人好,嘲笑别人也不对。
 ☞ It is also wrong to jeer at others even if you can do better.
 ☞ 不要嘲笑别人的错误与不幸。
 ☞ Don't jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.
4.表示由好笑而生的嘲笑,可译作laugh at。
 ☞ 他那副一本正经的样子真叫人受不了,难怪要被人嘲笑。
 ☞ It is that sanctimonious air that people can't stand no wonder he's laughed at.
 ☞ 我们都嘲笑他的怪念头。
 ☞ We all laugh at his queer idea.
回想 回想
 ☞ 我记得他的脸,可是回想不起他的名字。
 ☞ I remember his face, but I can't recall his name.
 ☞ 他竭力回想在哪儿见过她。
 ☞ He tried hard to recall where he had met her.
 ☞ 他坐在椅子里开始回想那场战争中他亲身经历的那些战役。
 ☞ He sat in the chair and began to recollect those battles in the war that he had experienced at first hand.
 ☞ 她回想起她从欧洲的归途中路过的那个美丽的国家。
 ☞ She recollected that beautiful country through which she had passed during her return journey from Europe.
3.think back to,口头用语,指回想过去。
 ☞ 他笑了笑,又回想起当时的梦境。
 ☞ He smiled and thought back to the dream.
 ☞ 这些照片使我回想起我的学生时代。
 ☞ The photographs made me think back to my school days.
4.bring back,与前两词的区别是这种回想是外界某种因素带来的。
 ☞ 她的气息使我回想起我和她独处的那个夜晚。
 ☞ Her scent brought back to my mind the night when I was alone with her.
 ☞ 这歌声使他回想起他的青年时代。
 ☞ The song brought him back his youth.
5.call to mind,与前几个词的不同点在于它既可指由于某事使人想起,也指人自己想起。
 ☞ 你讲的事使我回想起几天前发生的那件事来了。
 ☞ Your story calls to my mind something which happened a few days ago.
 ☞ 对不起,我一时就是回想不起他的名字。
 ☞ Sorry, I just can't call his name to mind at the moment.
回答 回答
 ☞ 我们应当给任何受到攻击的人一个当众回答的机会。
 ☞ We should give any person who was attacked a chance to answer through public hearing.
 ☞ 他的文章从理论上回答了这一问题。
 ☞ His article answered this question theoretically.
 ☞ 他点点头回答了她的疑问。
 ☞ He answered her query with a nod.
2.reply to,也指口头、书面或肢体动作的笞复,较正武。
 ☞ 我问他去哪儿,他没有回答。
 ☞ I asked him where to go but he didn't reply.
 ☞ 我还没有回答他的信。
 ☞ I have not yet replied to his letter.
 ☞ 她镇静地走出房去,以此来回答他们愤怒的提问。
 ☞ She replied to their angry questions by calmly walking out of the room.
1) answer可以回答有所指,也可以无所指的问题,但reply只能回答前者。因此下面两例中,上一例可用reply代替answer,后一例则不能。
 ☞ 我问我妹妹她是否认为这消息是真的,而她回答说她正想问我这个问题。
 ☞ J asked my sister if she thought the news could be true. and she answered (replied) that she was about to ask me the same question.
 ☞ 谁能回答这个问题?
 ☞ Who can answer the question?
2) answer表示一般性“应答”,reply则指考虑后的答复。如:
 ☞ 我一问他,他就回答了我的问题。
 ☞ He answered my question as soon as I asked him.
 ☞ 他对我的问题想了一会才回答。
 ☞ He didn't reply to my question until he thought for a while.
 ☞ 上星期一我寄了张明信片回了你的来信,不过我一直在等待再作回答的时间。
 ☞ I answered your letter by sending a postcard last Monday and have since been waiting for time to reply to it.
  ■ 因此answer the door应门,answer the call接电话,answer the call for army应征,都不能换用reply。
3) answer可用作“答辩”解。如:
 ☞ 你的回答不是答辩。
 ☞ Your reply is not an answer.
4.respond (to),指作出反应。
 ☞ 我国政府在9月7日的声明中作出了回答。
 ☞ Our government responded in a statement on September 7.
 ☞ 中国的电视机生产厂家已对国外竞争的挑战作了回答。
 ☞ TV producers of China have responded to the challenge of foreign competition.
 ☞ 他的回答只是一笑了之。
 ☞ He responded with a laugh only.
 ☞ 那只寻求友好的小狗得到的回答是被踢了一脚。
 ☞ The friendly little dog was rebuffed by a kick.
 ☞ 事实是对造谣者最有力的回答。
 ☞ Facts are the most powerful rebuff to rumormongers.
 ☞ 我们想表示友好,但他的回答是使我们觉得他不要别人去打扰他。
 ☞ We tried to be friendly, but his rebuff made us think he wanted to be left alone.
回避 回避
 ☞ 我明白她在竭力回避这一话题。
 ☞ I realized she was trying to avoid the topic.
 ☞ 他一直在回避同霍格进行毫无结果的讨论。
 ☞ He has been avoiding fruitless discussions with Hogg.
 ☞ 我尽量回避他。
 ☞ I avoid him as much as possible.
2.avoid arousing suspicion,指办案人员由于同案件有利害关系而避嫌。
 ☞ 这个案件涉及你的儿子,你还是回避为好。
 ☞ This case involved your son, you'd better avoid arousing suspicion.
 ☞ 被告是我的朋友,我作为审判员应该回避。
 ☞ The accused is my friend and, as a judge, I should avoid arousing suspicion.
 ☞ 他为了回避问题,就顾左右而言它。
 ☞ He talked affectedly, not to the point, peeping right and left to evade the question.
 ☞ 我回避直接作答。
 ☞ I evaded any direct answer.
 ☞ 他不是草率地回答提问就是用开玩笑回避。
 ☞ He either dismissed the question with a curt reply or evaded with a joke.
4.dodge, 与evade同义,也指用某种巧妙的办法躲避。
 ☞ 你竟会胆小到回避困难。
 ☞ You are coward enough to dodge difficulties.
 ☞ 记者围在他周围,但他回避他们的质问。
 ☞ The reporters gathered around him, but he dodged their questions.
 ☞ 你没有面对问题,相反在回避争论的焦点。
 ☞ You aren't facing the problem, instead you are dodging the issue.
5.slide over,指一语带过,略而不谈的回避。
 ☞ 这件事不能回避,咱们得公开讨论。
 ☞ This is not the matter that can be slid over, let's discuss it openly.
 ☞ 首相在记者招待会上回避这一问题,不作答复。
 ☞ At the press conference the Prime Minister slid over this question without answering.
 ☞ 主人回避了前一天的事件,免得客人们难堪。
 ☞ The host slid over the event of the previous day, wishing to spare his guests any embarrassment.
 ☞ 如果审判员是案件的当事人,应自行回避。
 ☞ If the judge is a party to the case, he should withdraw of his own accord.
因为(因) 因为(因)
1.because(连词), because of(介词),均表示因果关系。
 ☞ 我要走是因为我厌烦了。
 ☞ I'm leaving because I'm fed up.
 ☞ 我不得不慢慢地走,因为我爷爷走得慢。
 ☞ I was obliged to walk slowly, because my grandfather walked slowly.
 ☞ 决不能因为取得了成绩我们就放松努力。
 ☞ We must not relax our efforts because of the success already achieved.
 ☞ 他知道她哭是因为她父亲说的那些话。
 ☞ He realized that she was crying because of what her father said.
  ■ because引入的从句一般放在句后,但为了强调起见也可放在句前。
 ☞ 正因为任务困难,才把任务交给了我们。
 ☞ Just because it is difficult we're given the task.
  ■ 在使用not because时要注意正常结构和否定词转移结构。
 ☞ 我是因为爱她才不和她结婚的,因为要是和她结了婚,我怕会把肺病传染给她。
 ☞ I did not marry her because I loved her, for if I had married her I might probably have passed my T.B. to her.(正常结构)
 ☞ 我不是因为爱她才和她结婚的,而是因为父命难违。
 ☞ I did not marry her because I loved her, but because it was difficult to disobey my parents' will.(上句为否定词转移结构)
  ■ 不过在正常情况下应把not移到because之前,而成为I married her not because I loved her...但是英国人却喜欢这种结构,难怪撒切尔夫人也这样说:I do not say this because I believe that we should be in any way provocative towards the Soviet Union or anyone else.(我这样说并不是因为我认为我们应对苏联人或别的人进行任何挑衅。)
 ☞ 我们是很难说他的,因为我们不是他的父母。
 ☞ It is very difficult for us to scold him, as we are not his parents.(其实谁都知道我们不是他的父母)
 ☞ 因为所有的座位都坐满了,他站起来把位子让给了那位孕妇。
 ☞ As all the seats were full he stood up to give up his seat to the pregnant lady.(位子满了大家都看得见)
  ■ because和as 都可以表示原因,但语气一强一弱。如:
 ☞ 因为天晚了,我们得马上出发。
 ☞ Because it is getting late, we must start at once,或As it is getting late, we must start at once.
 ☞ 因此第一句可以改成强调句,而第二句则不能。
 ☞ It is because it is getting late that we must start at once.
 ☞ 因为我们有10个手指,所以10这个数字就成了世界各地一切计数的基础。
 ☞ Since we have ten fingers, the number of ten has become the foundation of all counting in all parts of the world.
 ☞ 因为光比声传输得快,所以我们先看到闪电,后听到雷声。
 ☞ Since light travels faster than sound, we see lightning before we hear the peal of thunder.
 ☞ 我们说瓶子是空的,里面没有东西。这话并不真对。因为瓶子里还有空气。
 ☞ When we say a bottle is empty and has nothing in it, that is not really true, for the bottle is ever full of air.
 ☞ 小王大学刚毕业就坐着火箭升到了高位,那是因为他父亲的政治影响为他创造了奇迹。
 ☞ Wang, fresh from college, has rocketed into a high position, for his father's political influence works wonders in favor of his son.
  ■ for还可用作原因介词。
 ☞ 会议因为其他原因延期。
 ☞ The meeting has been postponed for other reasons.
 ☞ 你是因为她无知才不喜欢她的,对不对?
 ☞ You don't like her for her being ignorant, do you?
5.that, 常导人原因从句,故有“因为”的意思。
 ☞ 她偷偷地高兴,因为她儿子竟会有这个好机会。
 ☞ Secretly she was pleased that her son should have this fine chance.
 ☞ 老板有点懊恼,因为我没让他说服我。
 ☞ The boss was a bit irritated that I didn't let him persuade me.
  ■ not that... but that等于上文中提到的not because... but because,是一个更为书面的用语。
 ☞ 不是因为我不喜欢那个工作,而是因为我暂时无暇去做。
 ☞ Not that I dislike the work. but that I have no time to do it for the time being.
 ☞ 我不能再要了,不是因为我不喜欢吃,而是因为我吃饱了。
 ☞ I don't want any more, not that I don't like them, but that I'm full.
6.in that,是in the fact that的省略。也引入原因从句,但与that不同的是它要说明前面结论的原因,故正好与汉语“之所以…就因为…”这样一个结构相对应。
 ☞ 人之所以有异于禽兽,就因为他们会思想,能说话。
 ☞ Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak.
 ☞ 预算之所以不符合实际,就是因为忽视了费用的增加。
 ☞ The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs.
7.what with,常常用来列出两个原因以说明后面的结果。
 ☞ 龟兔赛跑中兔子竟输给了乌龟,一是因为骄傲,一是因为大意。
 ☞ What with conceit and what with carelessness, the hare managed to lose the race to the tortoise.
 ☞ 一因忧虑,一因疾病,他几乎把自己毁了。
 ☞ What with worries and what with illness, he himself is almost ruined.
8.on account of, 着重在说明原因。
 ☞ 交通因为大雪受阻。
 ☞ Traffic suffered on account of the heavy snow.
 ☞ 比赛因为下雨而取消。
 ☞ The match was called off on account of the rain.
9.by reason of,the reason why,均说明理由,但后者与汉语中的“之所以…是因为…”这一结构相对应。
 ☞ 我们是因为配合好才赢的。
 ☞ We won by reason of good teamwork.
 ☞ 不管是因为手艺高超还是因为纯粹碰巧,他们是闯出一条新路来了。
 ☞ Whether by reason of their high skill or sheer chance, they have broken a new path.
 ☞ 我得说他之所以死去是因为缺乏治疗和护理。
 ☞ I should say the reason why he died was lack of medical care。
 ☞ 我们之所以没去是因为我们得到通知太晚了。
 ☞ The reason why we didn't go was that we were noticed too late.
10.for the sake of, 着重要说明为了某种原因才做某件事。
 ☞ 我们是因他心肠好才容忍的。
 ☞ We tolerated him for the sake of his good heart.
 ☞ 他是因为他妻子身体不好才在乡间买房子的。
 ☞ He bought a house in the country for the sake of his wife's poor health.
11.其他表示原因的介词有from, over,at,of,out of' by等。
 ☞ 许多人或是因为无知或是因为粗心,在思维和表达上都很不精确。
 ☞ Many people, either from ignorance or from carelessness, are far from being precise in thought and expression.
 ☞ 不要因为成功而自我膨胀。
 ☞ Don't be puffed up over your success.
 ☞ 我们都因为好消息而欢欣鼓舞。
 ☞ We are all rejoiced at the good news.
 ☞ 他在解放战争中因为左肋中弹伤重而死。
 ☞ He was killed of a bullet wound in the left side in the liberation war.
 ☞ 你是因为客气才这样说的。
 ☞ You say so out of courtesy.
 ☞ 他的试验失败是因为出了差错。
 ☞ His test has failed by mistake.
 ☞ 他因公牺牲令人十分惋惜。
 ☞ It is much to be regretted that he died while on duty.
因此 因此
 ☞ 外面那些人都已经打开了雨伞,因此一定是在下雨。
 ☞ Those people outside have their umbrellas up, therefore it must be raining.
 ☞ 这些都是稀有动物,因此受到了法律的保护。
 ☞ These animals are very rare and therefore protected by law.
 ☞ 我打碎了眼镜,因此无法看清当时发生的情况。
 ☞ I had broken my glasses, so I couldn't see what was happening比赛5点开始,因此我们得在4点吃饭。
 ☞ The game began at 6ve, 80 we had to dine at four.
  ■ 但是由于so的说法比较随便,因此有时引入的结论其因果关系不强,从而有时也就失去了因果关系。
 ☞ 你没在听,我就闭嘴。
 ☞ You aren't listening, so I'll shut up.
 ☞ 她叫我去,我就去了。
 ☞ She asked me to go, so I went.
 ☞ 她的耳朵不灵,嗓子不好,因此唱不了歌。
 ☞ She has neither ear nor voice, hence she cannot sing.
 ☞ 该市建于汉水的河口处,因此叫做汉口。
 ☞ The city was built on the side of the stream mouth of the Hanshui River, hence the name Hankou.
 ☞ 他说他要来,我因此才等他。
 ☞ He said he would come, and consequently I expect him.
 ☞ 她的话引得大家都笑了,聚会因此轻松了许多。
 ☞ What she said set everybody laughing, and consequently the party livened up a lot.
 ☞ 他说他饿了,因此我把我那分量不多的午餐跟他分着吃了。
 ☞ He said he was hungry, accordingly I shared my meager lunch with him.
 ☞ 我病得无法再待在这里,因此他们把我送到了医院。
 ☞ I was too sick to stay here, accordingly they sent me to hospital.
6.for this reason, 强调因此产生的结果,故前面的原因往往被忽略。
 ☞ 我是因此才不相信她的。
 ☞ For this reason, I don't believe her.
 ☞ 他是因此才没来上学的。
 ☞ For this reason he was absent from school.
团结 团结
 ☞ 我们肯定能团结可以团结的力量。
 ☞ We will certainly be able to unite with all those forces that can be united with.
 ☞ 达到这一目标的最好办法是在工人运动内部团结尽可能多的同情人士。
 ☞ The best method to accomplish this goal is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible within the labor movement itself.
 ☞ 我们必须最紧密地团结在以胡锦涛主席为首的党中央周围。
 ☞ We must rally most closely round the Party Central Committee headed by President Hu Jintao.
 ☞ 大多数美国人在国家出现危机时当然同他们的总统团结在一起。
 ☞ Most Americans of course rally to their President in the moment of national crisis.
3.close ranks,强调队伍的团结。
 ☞ 大家团结起来,建设有中国特色的社会主义。
 ☞ We must close our ranks to build socialism with Chinese characters.
 ☞ 军民应团结起来共同对敌。
 ☞ The army and the people ought to close their ranks to fight the enemy.
 ☞ 我们的口号是:“团结就是力量。”
 ☞ Our slogan is "Unity is strength."
 ☞ 我国有许多民族,都生活在团结友好之中。
 ☞ There are many nationalities in China but they live in unity and friendship.
 ☞ 解放军要发扬团结战斗的精神。
 ☞ The PLA must carry forward the spirit of solidarity and militancy.
 ☞ 要想取得胜利,国内和国际上的团结都是必不可少的。
 ☞ National and international solidarity is indispensable if victory is to be achieved.

 ☞ 那园子由一堵高墙围着。
 ☞ The garden was enclosed with a high wall.
 ☞ 我们往左一拐,就来到一片用篱笆围着的菜地。
 ☞ We turned left and came to a vegetable plot enclosed with a fence.
2.round,在与crowd, gather, sit等动词连用时,可指围成一个中心。
 ☞ 学生围着老师提问。
 ☞ The pupils crowded round the teacher to ask questions。
 ☞ 只要街上一出事,人就立刻围起来。
 ☞ As soon as a street accident happens people quickly crowd round.
 ☞ 他们一看见他就围上去问长问短。
 ☞ When they saw him they gathered round him, asking all sorts of questions.
 ☞ 一群好奇的过路人围着讲台听他发表演说。
 ☞ A group of curious passers-by gathered round the platform, listening to his speech.
 ☞ 他来时我们正围着炉子烤火。
 ☞ We were sitting round the fire to get warm when he came in.
 ☞ 我们大家都围着他听他讲国外见闻。
 ☞ All of us sat round him listening to his story of what he saw and heard abroad.
3.encircle, 指围成一圈。
 ☞ 演出成功后,观众围着艺术家们向他们祝贺。
 ☞ The audience encircled the artists to congratulate them after their successful performance.
 ☞ 我军已把敌人围在一个寨子里。
 ☞ Our troops encircled the enemy in a stocked village.
 ☞ 警方围住了恐怖分子劫持了3个人质的屋子。
 ☞ The police surrounded the house where three persons were taken hostage by the terrorists.
 ☞ 足球队员一出门就被一群小学生团团围住。
 ☞ As soon as the football players went out, they were surrounded by a group of schoolboys.
5.arm span around, 指两只胳膊围起来的长度。
 ☞ 院子里有棵大树,树干粗达10围。
 ☞ There is a big tree in the courtyard, with its trunk ten arm spans around.
固定 固定
 ☞ 我们无法移动大厅里的椅子,因为是固定的。
 ☞ We cannot move the chairs in the hall because they are fixed.
 ☞ 他把天线固定在屋顶上。
 ☞ He fixed the antenna to the roof of the house.
  ■ 由此引申为固定不变。
 ☞ 世界上没有一件事物是固定的,什么都是相对的。
 ☞ Nothing is fixed in the world. Everything is relative.
 ☞ 这是由传统固定下来的习俗。
 ☞ This is a custom fixed by tradition.
 ☞ 他把一架照相机固定在三角架上。
 ☞ He mounted the camera on a tripod.
 ☞ 她把照片固定在硬纸上,再放到镜框里。
 ☞ She mounted the photograph on stiff paper, and then put it in a frame.
 ☞ 蝴蝶由一根大头针固定在硬纸板上。
 ☞ The butterfly was mounted on a card by means of a pin.
3.set (keep) regular...,着重在时间的固定。
 ☞ 咱们把业务学习的时间固定下来吧。
 ☞ Let's set a regular time for vocational study.
 ☞ 固定工作时间就是每天在同一时间干活。
 ☞ To keep regular hours is to do things at the same time each day.
4.static, stationary,着重在静止不动。
 ☞ 不要用固定的眼光看问题。
 ☞ Don't take a static view on things.
 ☞ 瞄准固定目标比瞄准移动目标容易一些。
 ☞ It is easier to aim at a stationary target than at a moving one.
固然 固然
1.表示“的确”、“无疑”以承认某个事实,再用“但”、“可”、“不过”等引起转折。这时一般用it is true (certain), no doubt, it is doubtless等引人要说的话。
 ☞ 这里条件固然艰苦,但正是锻炼我们的好机会。
 ☞ It is true that conditions are tougher here, but that gives us a chance to temper ourselves.
 ☞ 他固然不对,可你也有错。
 ☞ He is not right, it's true, but you aren't either.
 ☞ 她固然漂亮,但漂亮不能当饭吃。
 ☞ It is certain that she is beautiful, but beauty cannot feed her.
 ☞ 这样办固然稳当些,可要慢得多呀。
 ☞ No doubt it would be safer to do it that way, but it would be much slower.
 ☞ 这种耕作方法固然省力不少,不过效果不太好。
 ☞ It is doubtless that the method of farming saves a lot of labor. but it isn't effective.
2.“固然”放在性质形容词前先确认某一事实,再与“也”、“更”等连用表示意思转折,这时可用of course,admittedly等。
 ☞ 他能来固然好,不能来也没关系。
 ☞ If he can come, of course, that'll be fine, if he can't, it doesn't matter。
 ☞ 理论固然重要,但实践更重要。
 ☞ Of course, theory is something, but practice is everything.
 ☞ 乘车固然可以旅行,但乘船也无不可。
 ☞ Admittedly we can make the trip by bus, but there is no harm in our traveling by boat.
 ☞ 试管婴儿固然可能,但也会造成严重后果。
 ☞ The test tube baby is admittedly possible, but it may have serious consequences.
 ☞ 他固然穷,却很大方。
 ☞ Although he is poor, yet he is generous.
 ☞ 这些改写本固然保存了下来,但可惜的是一定已失去了许多原文的本来面目。
 ☞ Though these polished versions have been preserved, it is a pity that so much of the original must have been lost.
国家 国家
 ☞ 联合国的成员有150多个国家。
 ☞ Over 150 countries are members of the United Na欧洲将来的安全应由欧洲国家自己来保证。
 ☞ The future security of Europe has to be assured by the European countries.
 ☞ 两国没有达成协议。
 ☞ No agreement was reached between the two nations (countries).
 ☞ 美国、英国、法国都是国家。
 ☞ The United States, Great Britain and France are nations.
 ☞ 总理是为了国家机关的利益而辞职的。
 ☞ The prime minister resigned for the good of the state (nation,country).
 ☞ 学习与医疗费用全部由国家负担。
 ☞ All expenses for study and medical care are borne by the state.
  ■ 上述三词在不违反上述各自的侧重点时可以换用(见括号内的换用词),否则就不能替换。

 ☞ 他绕着跑道跑了两圈。
 ☞ He ran around the track twice.
 ☞ 我围着桌子转了一圈,跟客人们碰杯。
 ☞ I walked around the table touching glasses with the guests.
 ☞ 她的眼圈周围有好多鱼尾纹。
 ☞ She has many wrinkles around her eyes.
 ☞ 他饼话前先在黑板上画了个圈。
 ☞ He drew a circle on the blackboard before he spoke.
 ☞ 他们围成一圈,开始跳起舞来。
 ☞ They formed a circle and started dancing.
 ☞ 她的眼睛周围有个黑圈。
 ☞ Dark circles lay round her eyes.
  ■ 有时,circle还指具有特殊追求或特殊利益的人群构成的圈子。
 ☞ 他们都是音乐圈里的新人。
 ☞ They are all newcomers to the music circles 他不是圈里的人。
 ☞ He does not belong to the inner circle.
  ■ 此外,circle还可用做动词。
 ☞ 篱笆把院子圈了起来。
 ☞ The fence circled the yard.
 ☞ 我们的飞机降落前在机场上空绕圈。
 ☞ Our plane circled the airport before landing.
3.ring, 也指圆圈,只指形成圆圈的圆周。
 ☞ 他吸了一口烟,然后吐出一个个的烟圈。
 ☞ He smoked a cigarette and blew smoke rings one after another.
 ☞ 眼球晶体周围有一圈细小的肌肉。
 ☞ The crystalline lens is surrounded by a ring of tiny muscles.
  ■ 同样,ring也指具有特殊利益人群的圈子,但往往带有贬义。
 ☞ 美国许多城市的政府是由政治圈子的人控制的。
 ☞ In many American cities the government is controlled by a political ring.
 ☞ 警方为突破毒品圈所做的努力效果显著。
 ☞ All the efforts made by the police to break through the drug ring produced marked effect.
 ☞ 这是他1,500米赛的最后一圈。
 ☞ This is his last lap in the 1,500-meter race.
 ☞ 我们的跑道每跑一圈是400米。
 ☞ Each lap of our running track is 400 m.
 ☞ 农场主常用围栏把土地圈起来。
 ☞ Farmers often enclose their land with rails.
 ☞ 篱笆把菜园圈了起来。
 ☞ The vegetable garden is enclosed with a fence.
圈套 圈套
 ☞ 他确信有一个为他设置的圈套。
 ☞ He was certain that there would be a trap set for him.
 ☞ 警察设下圈套让小偷讲出偷来的钱藏在什么地方。
 ☞ The police set traps to make the thief tell where the stolen money was hidden.
 ☞ 有几名士兵落入了敌人的圈套,遭到了杀害。
 ☞ Several soldiers fell into the enemy's trap and were killed.
 ☞ 他的诺言是个圈套,我可不上这个当。
 ☞ His promise is a trap and I won't be taken in.
  ■ trap还可用做动词。
 ☞ 他中了她的圈套,承认他喜欢她。
 ☞ She trapped him into admitting that he liked her.
 ☞ 回答记者提问要三思,不然就可能落入圈套,泄露重要情报。
 ☞ Think carefully before you answer the questions of reporters, or you may be trapped into giving away vital information.
 ☞ 只有恶人才设圈套。
 ☞ Only the wicked lay snares.
 ☞ 她缺乏生活经验,落入了坏人的圈套。
 ☞ She lacked experience in life, so she fell into the snares of the scoundrel.
 ☞ 我们为敌人设下了圈套。
 ☞ We have spread a snare for the enemy.
  ■ 同样,snare也可用做动词。
 ☞ 他中了一个女人的诱骗圈套。
 ☞ He was snared by wiles of a woman 她落入了卖淫的圈套。
 ☞ She was snared into prostitution.

 ☞ 你到那儿去找他,他准在。
 ☞ Go and see him, he must be there.
 ☞ 人在人情在。
 ☞ Friendship lasts as long as the man is there.
  ■ 表示“所在”的be往往借助介词,如in, on, at等,指出所在的方位。
 ☞ 我的父母在农村。
 ☞ My parents are in the countryside.
 ☞ 你的钢笔在桌上。
 ☞ Your pen is on the table.
 ☞ 他在家里,不在这儿。
 ☞ He is at home, not here.
2.exist, 表示存在。
 ☞ 问题还在,并没有解决。
 ☞ The problem still exists. It's not solved yet.
 ☞ 我们在谈判中遇到的障碍还在。
 ☞ The obstacles we ran into in the talks still exist.
3.live, alive,表示生存。
 ☞ 你父母还在吗?
 ☞ Are your parents still living?
 ☞ 我父亲还在,我母亲早就不在了。
 ☞ My father is still alive, but my mother passed away long ago.
4.stay, remain,表示待在,留在。
 ☞ 我还要在这儿在两天。
 ☞ I'll stay here for a couple of days.
 ☞ 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
 ☞ As long as green mountains remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood.
5.depend on, 指决定于。主语往往为无灵物。
 ☞ 学习成绩好,主要在自己努力。
 ☞ Getting good results in one's studies depends mainly on one's own efforts.
 ☞ 货物的价格在质量。
 ☞ The price of goods depends on the quality.
6.it is up to,指取决于。主语或为动词不定式,或为从句。
 ☞ 教孩子懂礼貌全在父母。
 ☞ It is entirely up to parents to teach their children manners.
 ☞ 你什么时候割草全在你。
 ☞ When you cut the grass is all up to you.
7.rest with,指由某人决定。主句为无灵物或从句。
 ☞ 收不收他,在学校领导。
 ☞ Whether to admit him or not rests with the school authorities.
 ☞ 主动权在我们手里。
 ☞ The initiative rests with us.
8.lie in, 衷示在于。主语为无灵物。
 ☞ 我们的希望在青年一代。
 ☞ Our hopes lie in the younger generation.
 ☞ 这首诗妙在含而不露。
 ☞ The appeal of this poem lies in suggestion rather than direct statement.
9.consist in,表示包含于,主语为无灵物。
 ☞ 人生最大的光荣不在永不失败,而在屡仆屡起。
 ☞ One's greatest glory consists not in never failing, but in rising every time.
 ☞ 法官的力量在公平与公正。
 ☞ The strength of a judge consists in fairness and justice.
 ☞ 他在看电视。
 ☞ He is watching TV.
 ☞ 你在干什么?
 ☞ What are you doing?
11.in, on, at等表示空间和时间的介词与其他词类结合表示所处的方位或时间。
 ☞ 她在邮局工作。
 ☞ She works in the post office.
 ☞ 狗在地上打滚。
 ☞ The dog rolled on the ground.
 ☞ 局长在会上发言时批评了我们这次事故。
 ☞ Speaking at the meeting, the director criticized us for the accident.
 ☞ 她静静地坐在树下。
 ☞ She sat still under the tree.
 ☞ 那不在我管辖的范围之内。
 ☞ That's not within my jurisdiction.
 ☞ 他在巡逻时受伤了。
 ☞ He was wounded during a patrol.
在乎 在乎
 ☞ 我不在乎别人怎么说,我照样那么干。
 ☞ I don't care what people say. I shall go on like this just the same.
 ☞ 你儿子的工作好坏你一点也不在乎?
 ☞ Don't you care a bit whether your son's job is good or bad?
 ☞ 不在乎他怎么说,要看他怎么做。
 ☞ Never mind what he says, let's see what he does.
 ☞ 我拿你的一本书留作纪念,你不会在乎吧?
 ☞ Do you mind if I take one of your books as a keepsake?
3.it is up to,指决定于。主语为动词不定式或从句。
 ☞ 干不干,在乎你自己。
 ☞ It's up to you whether you do it or not.
 ☞ 怎么说,什么时候说,说什么,都在乎我们。
 ☞ It's up to us how, when and what we shall say.
4.depend on,指依靠于。主语往往为从句。
 ☞ 足球赛的成功与否在乎天气。
 ☞ Whether the football game is a success depends on weather。
 ☞ 你怎么看这个行动在乎你的观点。
 ☞ How you regard this action depends on your point of view.
5.rest with, 指取决于。主语往往为从句。
 ☞ 你怎么选择在乎你自己。
 ☞ What choice you will make rests with you.
 ☞ 谈判能否成功在乎两国政府。
 ☞ Whether the talks are successful or not rests with the governments of the two countries.
 ☞ 诗之所以为诗,在乎意境,不在乎辞藻。
 ☞ It is the mood and atmosphere evoked, not poetic diction, that makes poetry what it is.
 ☞ 背景的作用在乎衬托。
 ☞ The function of a background is to set off.
 ☞ 你肯定不在乎这点钱。
 ☞ Surely you won't grudge such a small sum of money.
在于 在于
 ☞ 人民代表大会的各个委员会的主席职位在于资历。
 ☞ The chairmanship of committees in the National People's Congress is determined by seniority.
 ☞ 有收无收在于水,多收少收在于肥。
 ☞ Water determines whether or not we have a harvest, and fertilizer determines whether the harvest is big or small.
2.depend on, 指依靠于。主语大多为从句。
 ☞ 一个人在工作上能挣多少在于他的能力。
 ☞ How much a person can earn at his work depends on his ability.
 ☞ 他能不能去,在于他家长的愿望。
 ☞ Whether he can go or not depends on his parent's wishes.
3.rest with,指取决于。主语常为无灵物或从句。
 ☞ 最终的决定在于校长。
 ☞ The final decision rests with the headmaster.
 ☞ 下一步怎么走,在于你自己。
 ☞ How you will make the next move rests with you.
4.lie in,指存在于,主语往往为无灵物。
 ☞ 我们的力量在于人民群众。
 ☞ Our strength lies in the masses of the people.
 ☞ 事物发展的根本原因在于事物内部的矛盾性。
 ☞ The fundamental cause of the development of a thing lies in its internal contradictoriness.
5.consist in, 指内容存在于…,主语往往为无灵物。
 ☞ 她的魅力不仅在于美貌,也在于性格。
 ☞ Her charm does not only consist only in her beauty, but also in her character.
 ☞ 我们最大的幸福在于为人民服务。
 ☞ Our greatest happiness consists in serving the people.
6.not so much...as,有“不在于…而在于”的意思。
 ☞ 问题的关键不在于我们花了多少时间,而在于我们如何利用时间。
 ☞ The key to the question is not so much the hours we spend as how we use them.
 ☞ 学校教育最大的效用不在于教你的东西,而在于教你学习的方法。
 ☞ The great use of a school education is not so much what you are taught as how you are taught to learn.
 ☞ 事业的成功不在于在校的成绩报告单,而在于为人的诚恳与勤奋。
 ☞ Success in business does not depend so much on one's school record as on one's honesty and diligence.
 ☞ 战争的目的在于消灭战争。
 ☞ The aim of war is to eliminate war.
 ☞ 学习的重要性在于坚持。
 ☞ In study the important thing is to keep at it.
8.有时,not of.一but of也有“不在于…而在于”
 ☞ 意思。
 ☞ 这项工程的问题不在于进度,而在于质量。
 ☞ The question of this project is one not of speed but of quality.
 ☞ 他这个人不在于口才,而在于才华。
 ☞ He is a man not of eloquence but of parts.
在意 在意
1.take notice of,指留意。
 ☞ 她对别人说的话特别在意。
 ☞ She takes particular notice of what people say.
 ☞ 我在看文件,没在意人进人出。
 ☞ I was reading a document and didn't take any notice of people coming in and going out.
2.pay attention to,指注意。
 ☞ 无论干什么事,都要在意。
 ☞ Pay attention to whatever you do.
 ☞ 对这些细节,他没十分在意。
 ☞ He didn't pay close attention to these details.
3.take to heart,指放在心上。
 ☞ 你对他那个小小的玩笑太在意了。
 ☞ You have taken his little joke too much to heart.
 ☞ 这些小事他是不会在意的。
 ☞ He won't take such trifles to heart.
  ■ 有时,take sth. seriously也有这个意思。
 ☞ 人家托你办的事你应该在意。
 ☞ When people ask you to do something you should take it seriously.
 ☞ 对别人的背后议论,他毫不在意。
 ☞ He doesn't care at all what people say behind his back.
 ☞ 他要出了什么事,你会不在意?
 ☞ Don't you care if anything happens to him?
 ☞ 你父母对你严格要求,你不应该在意。
 ☞ You must not mind if your parents are strict with you.
 ☞ 你心爱的小孙子去野营,你不会在意吧?
 ☞ Won't you mind your dearest little grandson going camping?
地方 地方
 ☞ 我们住的地方水多。
 ☞ We live in a locality where water is plentiful.
 ☞ 这两家工厂在同一个地方。
 ☞ The two factories are in the same locality.
 ☞ 我们的目的是充分发挥中央和地方的两个积极性。
 ☞ Our aim is to give full play to the initiative of both central and local authorities.
 ☞ 地方国营企业就是国家所有、地方管理的企业。
 ☞ The locally administered state enterprise is an enterprise owned by state but run by local authorities.
 ☞ 这腊肠要挂在通风的地方。
 ☞ The sausage must be hung in an airy place.
 ☞ 这地方冷,别着凉。
 ☞ Don't catch cold in this chilly place.
 ☞ 这钢琴太占地方。
 ☞ That piano takes up too much space (room).
 ☞ 你的表弟明天要来,腾出个地方放床。
 ☞ Your cousin is coming tomorrow. Make room for the bed.
 ☞ 我这地方有点疼。
 ☞ I've got a pain here.
 ☞ 那地方肯定很冷。
 ☞ It's certainly very cold there.
 ☞ 我们去什么地方?
 ☞ Where shall we go?
 ☞ 我们当时在找过夜的地方。
 ☞ We were looking for somewhere to spend the night.
5.Where are you from?用于询问对方的籍贯。
 ☞ 你是什么地方人?
 ☞ Where are you from?
 ☞ 你说的话有对的地方,也有不对的地方。
 ☞ What you said is partly right and partly wrong.
地步 地步
 ☞ 供电已恢复到了正常的地步。
 ☞ The power supply has been restored to the normal condition.
 ☞ 他宣布这些树已到了糟透了的地步。
 ☞ He declared that the trees were in a dreadful condition.
 ☞ 他们的关系发展到了一种尴尬的地步。
 ☞ Their relation has developed into an embarrassed situation.
 ☞ 他的病已到了毫无希望的地步。
 ☞ His illness has been in a hopeless situation.
 ☞ 他的事业已处于走投无路的地步。
 ☞ His business was in a desperate plight.
 ☞ 瞧你到了什么样的地步!
 ☞ What a plight you are in!
4.get into a mess, get sb. into a mess,前者指自身陷于,后者指使人陷于狼狈、无序的境地。
 ☞ 你怎么弄到这样的地步?
 ☞ How did you get into such a mess?
 ☞ 他已到了一团糟的地步。
 ☞ He has got into an awful mess.
 ☞ 瞧你把我们搞到了什么样的地步!
 ☞ What a mess you have got us into!
 ☞ 他的鲁莽把自己弄到不可收拾的地步。
 ☞ His rash behavior got him into a hopeless mess.
 ☞ 他得知这一消息以后兴奋到不能入睡的地步。
 ☞ On hearing the news he was so excited that he couldn't get to sleep.
 ☞ 天黑到伸手不见五指的地步。
 ☞ It was so dark that one couldn't see one's own outstretched fingers.
6.to the point of,指到达某个点,也表示程度,比so…that…更进一步。
 ☞ 他谦虚到了可笑的地步。
 ☞ He is modest to the point of ridicule.
 ☞ 阶级矛盾发展到了公开对抗的地步。
 ☞ The class contradictions developed to the point of open clash.
 ☞ 他怎么会堕落到这种地步?
 ☞ How could he sink to such depth?
 ☞ 只有那时他才知道他累到什么地步。
 ☞ It was only then that he began to know to what depth he felt tired.
地道 地道
 ☞ 她身穿一件地道的貂皮大衣。
 ☞ She was in a coat of genuine mink.
 ☞ 你是地道的工人。
 ☞ You are a genuine worker.
 ☞ 她说一口地道的上海话。
 ☞ She speaks pure Shanghai dialect.
 ☞ 这是一条地道的真丝披肩。
 ☞ This is a scarf of pure silk.
 ☞ 他说一口地道的英语。
 ☞ He speaks idiomatic English.
 ☞ 这是件地道的作品。
 ☞ This is a piece of idiomatic writing.
 ☞ 这儿的饭菜和服务都是地道的。
 ☞ Both the food and the service are excellent here 他干活地道。
 ☞ He does excellent work.
 ☞ 这位小姑娘是位地道的女性。
 ☞ The little girl is a one-hundred-percent woman.
 ☞ 那是地道的男人活。
 ☞ That was a job one-hundred-percent for man.
环绕 环绕
1.revolve around (round),指围着转。
 ☞ 月亮环绕地球转动。
 ☞ The moon revolves around the earth.
 ☞ 地球环绕太阳转动。
 ☞ The earth revolves round the sun.
2.center around (about),指“以…为中心”。
 ☞ 这场战斗是环绕这一战略要地进行的。
 ☞ The fighting centered around the strategic point.
 ☞ 许多传说都是环绕这一历史人物展开的。
 ☞ Many legends center about this historical figure.
 ☞ 村子四周,群山环绕。
 ☞ The village is surrounded on all sides by mountains.
 ☞ 神秘的气氛环绕着他的死亡。
 ☞ An air of mystery surrounds his death.
 ☞ 屋子周围,绿树环绕。
 ☞ The houses are encircled by trees.
 ☞ 今天已有许多人造卫星在环绕地球。
 ☞ Many artificial satellites encircle the earth today.
坚强 坚强
 ☞ 她虽然瘦小,却意志坚强。
 ☞ She has a strong will though she is thin and small.
 ☞ 在他坚强的领导下,货币紧缩政策得到了贯彻执行。
 ☞ Under his firm leadership the tight monetary policy was carried out.
 ☞ 他是改革开放政策的坚强支持者。
 ☞ He is a staunch supporter of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 农村党支部都要建成坚强的战斗堡垒。
 ☞ The Party branches in the countryside must be built into powerful fighting forces.
 ☞ 他是个极其坚强的人,经历了两次战斗都活了下来。
 ☞ He is a very tough man and he has survived two fighting.
 ☞ 坚强党的组织刻不容缓。
 ☞ Strengthening the Party organizations is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 过去十年来的苦难使她坚强起来。
 ☞ The misery of the past decade has toughened her up.
坦白 坦白
 ☞ 他这个人坦白,没有私心。
 ☞ He's honest and selfless.
 ☞ 即使是伪君子,也有坦白的时候。
 ☞ Even the hypocrite occasionally makes an honest statement.
2.frank, 指说话直率坦白。
 ☞ 如果你要我坦白地说我的意见,我认为这个计划不会成功。
 ☞ If you want my frank opinion, I don't think the plan will succeed.
 ☞ 在这件事情上,你能不能对我坦白一点?
 ☞ Would you be a bit frank with me about this matter?
 ☞ 只要不在报上提他的名字,他同意坦白地谈他的看法。
 ☞ He would agree to give his candid opinion, if his name were not to be mentioned in the newspaper.
 ☞ 坦白地说,我认为你的做法很蠢。
 ☞ To be candid, I think you acted foolishly.
4.confess, confession, 指坦白罪行或缺点。
 ☞ 他不得不坦白他是抢劫案的同谋犯。
 ☞ He had to confess that he was an accomplice in the robbery.
 ☞ 她向我坦白她没有给她母亲写信。
 ☞ She confessed to me that she hadn't written to her mother.
 ☞ 我们向来是坦白从宽,抗拒从严。
 ☞ We have been lenient to those who confess their crimes and severe with those who refuse to.
 ☞ 他完全坦白了他做的坏事。
 ☞ He made a full confession of his wrongdoings.
 ☞ 骗子的坦白使大家都大吃一惊。
 ☞ The swindler's confession shocked everybody.
5.own up to, 指坦白承认,因此坦白的往往是较小的错误。
 ☞ 到目前为止,无人来坦白这一罪行。
 ☞ So far no one has owned up to the crime.
 ☞ 我希望他能坦白他说的谎。
 ☞ We hope he would own up to having told the lie.
6.make a clean breast of,指坦白交待一切,有confess everything的意思。
 ☞ 警方抓住了肇事逃逸的司机,他坦白交待了自己的罪行。
 ☞ The police caught the hit-and-run driver and he made a clean breast of his crime.
 ☞ 李明考试作弊,但他后来到老师那里坦白交待了。
 ☞ Li Ming cheated in the test. But later he went to the teacher and made a clean breast of it.

1) 指埋葬。
 ☞ 许多伟大的英国人都埋在威斯敏斯恃大教堂里。
 ☞ Many great Englishmen are buried in Westminster Abbey.
 ☞ 莫扎特是埋在穷人的乱葬堆里的。
 ☞ Mozart was buried in unmarked common graves for the poor.
2) 指埋藏。
 ☞ 奴隶们埋在心底的仇恨像火山一样爆发出来了。
 ☞ The slaves' hatred, which had lain buried deep in their hearts, erupted like a volcano.
 ☞ 他坐在那里,头埋在双臂之中。
 ☞ He sat there with his head buried in folded arms.
3) 指埋头于…之中。bury oneself in... ,bury one's head in... 。
 ☞ 他埋头从事研究工作。
 ☞ He buried himself in his research work.
 ☞ 我们埋头读书,不问世事。
 ☞ We bury our heads in books, ignoring affairs of human society.
2.inter, 只作“埋葬”解。
 ☞ 这位皇帝和两个妃子合葬在同一个陵墓里,皇后和其他几个妃子最后也将埋在他们一侧。
 ☞ The emperor and his two concubines were buried together in the same tomb; the empress and the other concubines would eventually be interred alongside them.
 ☞ 烈士的遗骸都埋在烈士陵园里。
 ☞ The remains of the martyrs were interred at the cemetery for them.
 ☞ 她把秘密埋在心底,直到有一天她遇到了他。
 ☞ She hid the secret deep in her heart until one day when she met him.
 ☞ 没想到在你幼小的心灵里还埋着对音乐的一份真爱。
 ☞ Fancy your hiding in your young heart a genuine love for music.
 ☞ 我的房子半截被埋在流沙里。
 ☞ My house was half submerged under the sand drifted from somewhere.
 ☞ 泥石流埋住了整个村子。
 ☞ The mud-rock flow submerged the whole village.
 ☞ 她把希望深埋在心里,一心要把儿子抚养成人。
 ☞ Nursing the hope in her bosom, she engrossed herself in bringing up her son.
 ☞ 他知道他得把仇恨埋在心底,等待为父报仇的一天。
 ☞ He knew that he had to nurse the hatred in his heart and wait for the day of revenge for his father.
 ☞ 民兵在日本鬼子碉堡周围埋上地雷。
 ☞ The militia forces laid mines around the Japanese's blockhouses.
 ☞ 在敌人的必经之路上埋有许多陷阱。
 ☞ Traps were laid along the route the enemy would take.
7.trap, 指陷入为或天然的陷阱。
 ☞ 13位解放军战士被埋在不到10米长的黑洞洞的坑道里。
 ☞ Thirteen PLA men were trapped inside a pitch-dark space less than 10 meters long.
 ☞ 救命啊!他被埋在塌下来的屋子下面啦!
 ☞ Help! he is trapped under the collapsed house!
 ☞ 他向她倾诉埋在心底的感情。
 ☞ He revealed his innermost feeling to her.
 ☞ 他是个直爽的人,从来不把自己想说的话埋在心里。
 ☞ He's a straightforward person. If there is something he wants to say, he'll always say it.
9.lie, 作长眠解时,也有“埋”的意思。
 ☞ 在他的墓碑上写着:“这里埋着一位伟人。”
 ☞ On his tomb tablet writes: "Here lies a great man."
埋伏 埋伏
 ☞ 伏击队埋伏在森林里。
 ☞ The raiding party was ambushed in the forest.
 ☞ 指挥员已把部队埋伏在道路两旁浓密的树林里。
 ☞ The commander ambushed his troops in the heavy woods on either side of the road.
 ☞ 如果我们踉进,他们就能轻易地打我们一个埋伏。
 ☞ If we go in after them, they can ambush us easily.
 ☞ 一丛灌木是他们打埋伏的地方。
 ☞ A clump of bushes was their ambush.
2.lay (set) an ambush for,指设下埋伏以待。
 ☞ 游击队设下埋伏以待敌人的一列军车。
 ☞ The partisans laid (set) an ambush for an enemy train.
 ☞ 民兵埋伏在青纱帐里。
 ☞ The militia forces lay in (an) ambush behind a green curtain of tall crops.
3.lie in wait for,也指设伏以待,lie为不及物动词;但上面的lay和set为及物动词。
 ☞ 我军设下埋伏以待长途奔袭之敌。
 ☞ Our troops were lying in wait for the enemy for the long-range raid.
 ☞ 强盗埋伏起来以待那位有钱的旅客。
 ☞ The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveler.
4.fall into an ambush, 指中埋伏。
 ☞ 不可一世的日本鬼子在平型关中了八路军设下的埋伏。
 ☞ The arrogant Japs fell into an ambush in Pingxingguan Pass set by the Eighth Route Army.
 ☞ 抗战时期新四军在云岭中了国民党军设下的埋伏。
 ☞ During the Anti-Japanese War the New Fourth Route Army fell into an ambush in Yunling laid by the Kuomintang troops.
5.hold back for one's own use, keep sth. from,指隐藏钱物或隐瞒问题。
 ☞ 他瞒着妻子,在一些钱上打了埋伏。
 ☞ He held some money back for his own use without the knowledge of his wife.
 ☞ 你们在如何分配住房问题上跟我打了埋伏,是不是?
 ☞ You kept from me the problem of how to allot dwelling houses, didn't you?
埋怨 埋怨
1.complain of,complaint,强调对人或物不满而发出的埋怨。
 ☞ 我真的没有什么好埋怨的。
 ☞ I've got nothing to complain of really.
 ☞ 他们当中从来没有人对我们引起的一切麻烦事埋怨过。
 ☞ Never had one of them complained of all the trouble we gave.
 ☞ 他讲话的语气有埋怨情绪。
 ☞ There was a note of complaint in what he said.
2.grumble about (at),强调带有嘟囔的埋怨,有时也指对自己的埋怨。
 ☞ 他不去面对困难,却在埋怨命苦。
 ☞ He grumbles at his hard lot instead of facing his difficulties.
 ☞ 他要的样样都有,实在没有可埋怨的。
 ☞ He has everything he needs; he has nothing to grumble about.
 ☞ 没有哪一桩事是让他高兴的,他老在埋怨。
 ☞ Nothing pleased him. He was always grumbling.
 ☞ 我不是埋怨你,而是埋怨自己。
 ☞ I don't blame you. I blame myself.
 ☞ 这场球打输了,大家找找问题在哪里,不要互相埋怨。
 ☞ Instead of blaming one another for losing the game, let's find out what exactly went wrong.
 ☞ 她总是埋怨自己不好,从不埋怨别人。
 ☞ She always put the blame on herself and never on others.
埋没 埋没
 ☞ 低效无能的用人制度往往会埋没真正的人才。
 ☞ Ineffective and incompetent systems of personnel placement often result in stifling real talents.
 ☞ 如果没有发达的市场经济,他的创造性一定会被埋没。
 ☞ It is certain that his creativity will be stifled if we don't have a developed market economy.
2.overlook, neglect,强调由于忽视或忽略而埋没,两者可以换用。
 ☞ 瞧,这儿有些重要的资料,差点给埋没了。
 ☞ Look, here's some important source material we almost overlooked (neglected).
 ☞ 他总是担心自己的那点功劳会被埋没。
 ☞ He was always afraid that his bit of contribution would be overlooked (neglected).
 ☞ 她非凡的才能由于领导人的嫉贤妒能而遭到埋没。
 ☞ Her rare capability was neglected (overlooked) because of jealousy and envy on the part of her boss.
 ☞ 沙尘暴过后房子半截埋没在沙里。
 ☞ The house was half buried under sand after the sand storm was gone.
 ☞ 该镇被10英尺厚的大雪埋没了。
 ☞ The town was buried under the snow ten feet deep.
4.conceal, 强调由于隐藏而埋没。
 ☞ 那么我们是埋没了像你这样的英雄啰。
 ☞ So we have had a hero like you concealed.
 ☞ 你是想说是京剧团埋没了你的英名?
 ☞ Do you mean to say that it is the Beijing Opera Troupe that conceals your heroic name?
培养 培养
 ☞ 当务之急是如何培养新一代的革命领导人。
 ☞ The most pressing matter of the moment is how to cultivate the new generation of revolutionary leaders.
 ☞ 公司培养的都是管理人员。
 ☞ The people cultivated by the company are all management personnel.
 ☞ 你喜欢唱歌就一定要培养对音乐的爱好。
 ☞ Do cultivate a love of music if you like singing.
 ☞ 你是如何在你的学生身上培养说英语的习惯的?
 ☞ How do you cultivate in your students the speech habits of the English language?
 ☞ 你应该培养语感。
 ☞ You should cultivate a feel (sense) of the language.
 ☞ 我们必须培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。
 ☞ We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems.
 ☞ 这位演员如经过适当培养,几年后就会成才。
 ☞ The actor, if properly nursed, would make good in a couple of years.
 ☞ 作家协会通过开设讲习班来培养有前途的作家。
 ☞ The Writers' Union nurses writers of promise by giving training courses.
 ☞ 体育比赛是培养体育人才最好的学校。
 ☞ Sports tournament is the best school of nursing athletic talents.
 ☞ 他小时候他母亲就不时带他去音乐会以培养他对音乐的兴趣。
 ☞ His mother tried to foster his interest in music by taking him to concert from time to time when he was young.
 ☞ 老师的辅导培养了我的自学能力。
 ☞ Teachers' coaching fostered my ability to study on my own.
 ☞ 早期在学校受到欺压的经历在他身上培养出了对专制政体的痛恨。
 ☞ Early experience with bullies in school fostered in him a hatred for autocracy.
 ☞ 我们应培养所有年轻人,使之成为好公民。
 ☞ We must nurture all of the young people so that they will develop into good citizens.
 ☞ 科学家是在大学里培养出来的。
 ☞ Scientists are nurtured in the university.
 ☞ 我们在老师的培养教育下开始懂得了革命道理。
 ☞ Nurtured and educated by the teachers, we began to understand revolutionary principles.
5.train, 强调通过某种技艺的传授而培养。
 ☞ 只有参加革命实践才能培养和造就革命事业的接班人。
 ☞ Only by taking part in revolutionary practice can we train and bring up successors for the revolutionary cause.
 ☞ 他们一直在农村办短训班培养农业技术员。
 ☞ They have been training agriculturalists in the countryside in short courses.
 ☞ 我们村上有意要把她培养成一名医生。
 ☞ Our village means to train her for a doctor.
 ☞ 这种微生物在体外培养十分容易。
 ☞ The organism can be readily cultured in vitro.
 ☞ 细菌可在实验室内培养。
 ☞ Bacteria can be cultured in the laboratory.
 ☞ 细胞和组织培养已证明是有益的。
 ☞ Cell and tissue cultures are already proving beneficial.
7.bring up,指培养成人。
 ☞ 各队都很注意对新手的培养。
 ☞ All teams pay great attention to bringing up new players.
 ☞ 我是由我姑妈培养成人的。
 ☞ I was brought up by my paternal aunt.
培植 培植
 ☞ 甚至寒冬腊月也可以吃到温室里培植的许多蔬菜。
 ☞ Even in the coldest month of the year, we can still get plenty of vegetables cultivated in the greenhouse.
 ☞ 我们得加倍努力来培植中草药。
 ☞ We have to redouble our efforts to cultivate medicinal herbs.
2.foster, 指通过某种措施来鼓励某种精神产物的成长。
 ☞ 我们要尽可能地培植自己的良好队风。
 ☞ We must try every possible way to foster a fine team spirit of our own.
 ☞ 老兵的勇敢是通过战争的洗礼培植出来的。
 ☞ The courage of a veteran is fostered by going through the tests of war.
3.build up,指培植邪恶势力或影响。
 ☞ 在我们党内绝不容许培植个人影响。
 ☞ It is absolutely impermissible to build up one's personal influence within our Party.
 ☞ 想不到一个政府官员竟会去培植黑帮势力。
 ☞ Who would have expected that a government official should build up the strength of a sinister gang?
培育 培育
 ☞ 培育兰花是我的爱好。
 ☞ Crowing orchids is my hobby.
 ☞ 他在培养皿中培育了菌落。
 ☞ He has grown colonies of bacteria in culture dishes.
  ■ grow还可用于引申义。
 ☞ 我们所做的一切都是为公司培育未来的买主。
 ☞ What we were doing was growing future customers for our company.
 ☞ 这些花是她从选种开始培育出来的。
 ☞ She cultivated these flowers from the selected seeds.
 ☞ 这是培育蔬菜新品种的研究所。
 ☞ This is the institute for cultivating new varieties and kinds of vegetables.
 ☞ 我们帮他培育绵羊的优良品种。
 ☞ We helped him to cultivate improved breeds of sheep.
 ☞ 我们在农场里培育牛羊,在水库里培育鱼虾。
 ☞ We breed cows and sheep in the farm, fishes and shrimps in the reservoir.
 ☞ 经过多次实验之后,我们选出并培育了水稻的四种高产品种。
 ☞ After many experiments we have selected and bred four strains of high-yielding rice.
 ☞ 这些小麦新品种是北京农业大学培育的。
 ☞ These new varieties of wheat were bred by Beijing Agricultural University.
 ☞ 计划生育使母亲们有了更多的时间学习,并有可能更好地培育孩子。
 ☞ Birth control gives mothers more time for study and makes it possible for them to rear their children in a better way.
 ☞ 培育建设社会主义的一代新人需要整个社会的努力。
 ☞ It needs efforts of the whole society to rear a new generation of builders of socialism.
5.nurture, 指在成长过程中提供培养、教育等。
 ☞ 孩子们在父母和老师的培育下健康茁壮地成长。
 ☞ Nurtured and educated by their parents and teachers, the children are growing up healthy and strong.
 ☞ 学校有责任培育儿童的心灵。
 ☞ The school is responsible for nurturing children's mind.
基本 基本
1.fundamental, fundamentally,指根本。
 ☞ 我们都认为阅读是一项基本功。
 ☞ We all consider reading as a fundamental skill.
 ☞ 经济建设才是人民幸福生活的基本保证。
 ☞ Only economic construction is the fundamental guarantee of a happy life for the people.
 ☞ 国民经济已经基本好转。
 ☞ The national economy has taken a fundamental turn for the better.
 ☞ 你这样做基本上是对的。
 ☞ You were fundamentally right by doing so.
 ☞ 虽然你有几个答案与事实不符,但基本正确。
 ☞ Although a few of your answers are at variance with the facts, yet they are fundamentally correct.
2.basic, basically,指基础。
 ☞ 我们尽管反对,但还是尊重他的基本观点。
 ☞ In spite of our opposition, we respected his basic viewpoint all the same.
 ☞ 我们的收入包括基本工资加津贴和奖金。
 ☞ Our income includes the basic wages plus subsidies and premium.
 ☞ 讲基本完成是谨慎的说法。
 ☞ To say it is basically accomplished is a prudent way of expression.
 ☞ 他们基本上是一群无政府主义者。
 ☞ They were basically anarchists.
3.main, mainly, in the main,指主要。
 ☞ 把讨论的基本点记下来。
 ☞ Note down the main points of the discussion.
 ☞ 幸福婚姻的基本条件是信任和尊重。
 ☞ Trust and respect are the main conditions of a happy marriage.
 ☞ 她基本上是在王教授的指导之下工作。
 ☞ She works mainly under Professor Wang's guidance.
 ☞ 他的钱基本上来自银行的利息。
 ☞ His money comes mainly from interest of his bank deposit.
 ☞ 学生们基本上都考得不错。
 ☞ In the main, the pupils did well in the test.
 ☞ 这基本上是一次中老年集会。
 ☞ It was a congregation that consisted, in the main, of middle-aged and elderly people.
 ☞ 他政治思想的基本思路是人人平等。
 ☞ The cardinal idea of his political thought is that all people should be equal.
 ☞ 社会主义建设的基本因素是速度和质量。
 ☞ The cardinal elements of socialist construction are speed and quality.
 ☞ 该案的基本事实就是这些。
 ☞ So much for the essential facts of the case.
 ☞ 目前国际形势的基本特点是缓和。
 ☞ D6tente is the essential feature of the current international situation.
 ☞ 当时最关心的是基本建设。
 ☞ At that time the greatest attention was given to the capital construction.
 ☞ 向银行借歉,基本建设的投资有优先权。
 ☞ Priority of bank loans is given to investment in the capital construction.
 ☞ 你在这方面连最基本的知识都没有,怎么能希望成功呢?
 ☞ How can you expect to succeed without even the most elementary knowledge of the field?
 ☞ 咱们现在来演奏几支钢琴的基本练习曲。
 ☞ Now let's do some elementary exercises for the piano.
 ☞ 她的舞蹈仅限于一些基本步伐。
 ☞ Her dancing was limited only to a few rudimentary steps.
 ☞ 我的第一位钢琴老师给了我音乐的一些基本知识。
 ☞ My first piano teacher gave me some rudimentary knowledge of music.
9.on the whole,指总体。
 ☞ 我对实验基本满意。
 ☞ On the whole I am satisfied with the experiment.
 ☞ 我们的春游基本成功。
 ☞ Our spring outing was successful on the whole.
基础 基础
 ☞ 该委员会有群众基础。
 ☞ The committee has a mass basis.
 ☞ 他的建议应成为我们讨论的基础。
 ☞ His proposal shall be the basis of our discussion.
 ☞ 我们友谊的基础是对体育的共同爱好。
 ☞ The basis of our friendship was a common interest in sports.
 ☞ 我们愿意同一切国家在平等互利的基础上建立贸易。
 ☞ We are willing to establish trade relations with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
 ☞ 砖墙的基础应打得高出地面。
 ☞ The foundation of the brick wall must be laid above the ground.
 ☞ 工人正用水泥浇灌基础。
 ☞ The workmen are pouring a foundation with cement.
 ☞ 该建筑的基础深入地下3米。
 ☞ The foundation of the building is three meters deep below ground level.
  ■ 与此同时,foundation也用于转义,常指坚实的基础。
 ☞ 人民是国家的基础。
 ☞ The people are the foundation of a nation.
 ☞ 民主的基础是人民维护自由的意志。
 ☞ The foundation of democracy is the will of the people to preserve liberty.
 ☞ 随着经济基础的变化,上层建筑迟早也得改变。
 ☞ With the change of the economic foundation the superstructure is to be transformed sooner or later.
 ☞ 一幢房子总得有个基础。
 ☞ A house must have a base.
 ☞ 上层建筑是为经济基础服务的。
 ☞ The superstructure serves the economic base.
 ☞ 公理是几何学的基础。
 ☞ Axioms are the base of geometry.
 ☞ 我们的战略战术是奠基于人民战争基础之上的。
 ☞ Our strategy and tactics rest on the base of people's war.
 ☞ 经常练习是成功的基础。
 ☞ Constant practice is the groundwork for success.
 ☞ 有了这些数字,再来研究吸烟的影响就有了良好的基础。
 ☞ With those figures, you'll be laying good groundwork for researching into the effects of cigarette smoking.
 ☞ 健康是一切幸福的基础。
 ☞ The groundwork of all happiness is health.
 ☞ 他们正要求基础工业国有化。
 ☞ They are pressing for the nationalization of basic industries.
 ☞ 语音语法是外语初学者的基础课。
 ☞ Phonetics and grammar are basic courses for beginners in foreign language learning.
 ☞ 根据我的理解,你一直在搞大家称之为“基础研究”的工作。
 ☞ As I understand, you have been going along with what is called "fundamental research".
 ☞ 以健全的经济做基础,生产率翻了一番。
 ☞ The productivity fundamental to a sound economy has been doubled.
 ☞ 我上了基础数学课。
 ☞ I've taken a course in elementary math.
 ☞ 他的英语发音和基础语法都很好。
 ☞ His English pronunciation and elementary grammar were very good.
8.lay basis (foundation, base, groundwork),都指打下基础、奠定基础。
 ☞ 你的实验为进一步的研究打下了坚实的基础。
 ☞ Your experiment has laid a solid basis for further researches.
 ☞ 他为未来的伟绩奠定了基础。
 ☞ He laid the foundation for his future greatness.
 ☞ 他早年就为他今后的事业打下了基础。
 ☞ In his early years he laid the base for his future career.
 ☞ 宪法为我们的民主自由奠定了基础。
 ☞ The Constitution has laid the groundwork of our democracy and freedom.
堕落 堕落
 ☞ 他政治上已堕落成一个托派分子。
 ☞ He's degenerated into a Trot.
 ☞ 你这样下去会堕落成一个罪犯的。
 ☞ You'll degenerate into a criminal if you go on like this.
 ☞ 谁想得到他会走上堕落犯罪的道路。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he'd embark on the road of degeneration and crime?
 ☞ 他怎么会堕落到这种地步?
 ☞ How could he sink to such depth?
 ☞ 酗酒和赌博使他彻底堕落。
 ☞ Excessive drinking and gambling sank him complete lv.
3.drive sb. to,指被驱使到某种境地。
 ☞ 贫穷使她堕落风尘。
 ☞ Poverty drove her to prostitution.
 ☞ 在金钱的诱惑下,他堕落成一个“梁上君子”。
 ☞ Under the temptation of money he was driven to becoming "a gentleman on the beam"-a thief.

1.堵塞通道可用stop (up),block (up)。一般说来,前者指管状物体内的堵塞,后者既可指管体内的堵塞也可指交通线路的堵塞。
 ☞ 有什么东西堵在管子里了。
 ☞ There is something inside stopping (up) the pipe.
 ☞ 他用手指堵住了耳朵。
 ☞ He stopped his ears with his fingers.
 ☞ 我的鼻子堵了。
 ☞ My nose is stopped up.
 ☞ 泥石流堵住了上游的河道。
 ☞ The mud-rock flow blocked the upper reaches of the river.
 ☞ 一块石头掉下来堵住了路。
 ☞ A piece of rock had fallen and blocked up the road.
 ☞ 一辆抛锚的汽车堵塞了交通。
 ☞ A stalled truck blocked the traffic.
 ☞ 管子堵了,里面有块木头。
 ☞ The pipe is blocked up; there is a piece of wood inside.
2.封死出入口,可用stop (up),block (up),throw oneself against。
 ☞ 墙上有个洞,我们用什么东西把它堵上?
 ☞ There is a hole in the wall; what can we use to stop it up?
 ☞ 她用纸巾把污水槽堵了起来。
 ☞ She stopped up the sink with paper towel.
 ☞ 只有严格制度才能堵住漏洞。
 ☞ Only by tightening rules can we stop up all loopholes.
 ☞ 他们用沙袋堵住山洞的入口。
 ☞ They blocked (up) the entrance to the cave with sandbags.
 ☞ 牧民被一场暴风雪堵在山谷里了。
 ☞ The herdsmen were blocked up within the valley by a severe snowstorm.
 ☞ 黄继光舍身堵住敌人的机枪眼。
 ☞ With his body Huang Jiguang blocked the muzzle of the enemy's machine gun.
 ☞ 黄继光舍身堵住枪眼。
 ☞ Defying death, Huang Jiguang threw himself against the embrasure of the enemy's blockhouse.
3.拦截运动中的物体可用stop, intercept,可以换用。
 ☞ 警察不久就堵住了这辆汽车并逮捕了小偷。
 ☞ Shortly afterward the police stopped the car and the thief was arrested.
 ☞ 逃敌在渡口给堵住了。
 ☞ The fleeing enemy was intercepted at the ferry.
4.静止的物体阻挡住另一物体的运动,用be (stand) in the way。
 ☞ 箱子堵住了路,快从人行道上搬走。
 ☞ The boxes are in the way. Be quick to get them off the sidewalk.
 ☞ 不要堵着门。
 ☞ Don't stand in the doorway.
5.感到气闷,用feel suffocated。
 ☞ 她在拥挤不堪的火车车厢里感到胸口堵得慌。
 ☞ She felt suffocated in the crowded train.
 ☞ 打针后我感到胸口堵。
 ☞ I felt suffocated after I was given an injection.

 ☞ 由于一些木料腐朽,房子塌了。
 ☞ The house collapsed because some of the wood had decayed.
 ☞ 地震时这个仓库一定会塌。
 ☞ The warehouse is bound to collapse if there is an earthquake.
 ☞ 梁承受不住压力,屋顶塌了。
 ☞ The roof collapsed when the beams gave way.
2.fall down,指塌下来,一般可与collapse换用。
 ☞ 由于年久失修,房子快塌了。
 ☞ The house is falling down from lack of repair for long years.
 ☞ 钢制脚手架塌了,几乎砸到行人。
 ☞ The steel scaffolding fell down and narrowly missed a pedestrian.
 ☞ 没什么好怕的,天不会塌下来。
 ☞ There is nothing to be afraid of. The sky won't fall down.
3.cave in,指向内塌,因此它的词义比collapse窄。
 ☞ 天花板塌了一块,打在工人身上。
 ☞ A piece of ceiling caved in on the workers.
 ☞ 老矿井的顶板十分危险,随时都可能塌。
 ☞ The roof of the old mine is very dangerous and could cave in at any time.
 ☞ 隧道塌顶了。
 ☞ The roof of the tunnel caved in.
 ☞ 老头子久病之后腮帮子都塌下去了。
 ☞ The old man's cheeks were sunken after his long illness.
 ☞ 他高高的个子,脸上带着忧伤的神情,掉了牙齿的部位塌了下去。
 ☞ He was tall, with a sad face sunken where his teeth were missing.
 ☞ 他是个塌鼻梁。
 ☞ Ha has a flat nose.
 ☞ 这是炸塌了的房子。
 ☞ It was the house flat from the blast.

1.stop (up),指堵塞。
 ☞ 里面有什么东西把水管塞住了。
 ☞ There is something inside stopping the water pipe.
 ☞ 她用纸巾塞住了洗涤槽。
 ☞ She stopped up the sink with a paper towel.
2.clog, 指阻塞,作及物动词时可与stop换用。
 ☞ 脏东西把管子塞住了。
 ☞ Dirt clogged (stopped) up the pipe.
 ☞ 管子太细,容易塞住。
 ☞ The pipe is so small that it clogs very easily.
 ☞ 他打开炉门,尽量往炉膛里塞柴。
 ☞ He opened the door of the stove and stuffed in as many sticks of wood as he could.
 ☞ 他脱下鞋子往里面塞报纸。
 ☞ He took off his shoes and stuffed them with newspaper.
 ☞ 把耳朵塞起来,马上要发生大爆炸了。
 ☞ Stuff up your ears, there's going to be an almighty bang.
  ■ 不过有时stuff也用于非人所能控制的堵塞。
 ☞ 我的鼻子因为着凉塞住了。
 ☞ My nose is stuffed up with the cold.
4.fill (in),指填塞满,也表示有意填塞。
 ☞ 塞火鸡就是往火鸡里塞填料。
 ☞ To stuff a turkey is to fill its inside with stuffing.
 ☞ 弄点灰浆来把这些洞塞住。
 ☞ Get some mortar and have these holes filled洒.
 ☞ 医院里住满了病人,王医生趁有个病人还没来,把我塞了进去。
 ☞ The hospital was crowded with patients. Doctor Wang squeezed me in before one who came late.
 ☞ 他把车子调来调去,总算把8辆车塞进了一个小小的车库里。
 ☞ He managed to squeeze eight cars into a small garage by much maneuvering.
 ☞ 我把钱塞到他手里。
 ☞ I thrust the money into his hand.
 ☞ 统治者们把这些思想塞到了孩子们的头脑里。
 ☞ The rulers thrust all the ideas into the children's mind.
 ☞ 你把包裹塞到哪啦?
 ☞ Where did you stick the parcel?
 ☞ 邮递员把信从门下面塞了进去。
 ☞ The postman stuck the letter under the door.
  ■ 但有时也指为了某一目的而塞。
 ☞ 她有时候疼得往嘴里塞布,好不让自己出声。
 ☞ Sometimes the pain was so great that she had to stick a cloth into her mouth to gag herself.
增加 增加
 ☞ 改革以来,老师的工资总额增加了20倍。
 ☞ The total wages of teachers have increased twenty times since the reform.
 ☞ 省政府增加了科研拨款的规模。
 ☞ The government of the province has increased the size of the research grant.
 ☞ 他进来时的那种窘态增加了我们的疑虑。
 ☞ His embarrassed manner as he entered increased our doubt.
2.add to, 与increase相反,不指逐渐增加,而是一次或多次增加。
 ☞ 你有什么权力增加她心里的痛苦?
 ☞ What right have you to add to the ache of her heart?
 ☞ 今天我的书库里又增加了10本书。
 ☞ I have added another ten books to my library.
 ☞ 我们需要发挥想像力并增加教学上的技巧。
 ☞ We need to exert our imagination and add art to our teaching.
3.raise, go up,指增高。
 ☞ 据说我们的工资要增加15%。
 ☞ It is said that our wages are to be raised 15%.
 ☞ 只要增加温度,石头也会熔化。
 ☞ Even rock will melt, provided you raise the temperature.
 ☞ 报名申请的人数由3,000增加到5,000。
 ☞ The number of applicants has gone up from 3,000 to 5,000.
 ☞ 国民收入明年要增加到5. 6%。
 ☞ The national income is to go up next year by 5.6 percent.
4.extend, expand,指长度、面积、空间上的增加。
 ☞ 这些课程可以增加学生的知识面。
 ☞ These courses will extend the students' range of knowledge.
 ☞ 我们已获准增加调查范围。
 ☞ We have obtained permission to extend the field of investigation.
 ☞ 该超级大国企图利用这一军事实力来增加其影响及威信。
 ☞ The superpower is trying to take advantage of this military power to expand its influence and prestige.
 ☞ 政府基金是会帮助工业企业增加就业面的。
 ☞ The government's funds would help industry expand in areas of employment.
 ☞ 农业增产在于增加复种面积。
 ☞ The production increase in agriculture lies in enlarging the multiple-cropping area.
 ☞ 每笔成功的投资都可以增加个人财富。
 ☞ Every successful investment enlarges one's personal fortune.
6.put on,指体重、金钱等的增加。
 ☞ 到那些地方去的孩子都马上增加了体重。
 ☞ The children who went there put on weight at once.
 ☞ 我们怕的是向农民增加任意摊派。
 ☞ What we are afraid of is to put on arbitrary charges imposed on the peasants.
7.build up,指点滴积累起来的增加。
 ☞ 老城里种族间的紧张气氛增加了。
 ☞ Racial tensions are building up in the old part of the city.
 ☞ 我们对敌人的压力在增加。
 ☞ Our pressure on the enemy is building up.
 ☞ 产量比去年增加一倍。
 ☞ The output doubled that of last year.
 ☞ 销售额在五年内增加了一倍。
 ☞ Sales doubled in five years.
增强 增强
 ☞ 我们要想尽办法来增强部队的战斗力。
 ☞ We must try every possible way to strengthen fighting capacity of the troops.
 ☞ 这次罢工增强了劳工的阶级意识。
 ☞ The strike has strengthened the class-consciousness of the laborers.
 ☞ 只有增强党性,才能团结互助。
 ☞ Only by enhancing Party spirit can we work in unity and help one another.
 ☞ 他在事业上的一举成功增强了他的信心。
 ☞ His success in the career at a single attempt has enhanced his confidence.
 ☞ 9·11事件增强了美国的反阿拉伯情绪。
 ☞ The Sept. 11 Event has heightened the anti-Arab feeling in the United States.
 ☞ 情报显示,近日来敌人增强了军事活动。
 ☞ The information shows that the enemy has heightened their military activity these days.
 ☞ 长官不打士兵、官兵待遇平等、士兵有开会说话的自由、废除繁琐的礼节、经济公开,这一切都增强了红军的斗志。
 ☞ The officers do not beat the men; officers and men receive equal treatment; soldiers are free to hold meetings and speak out; trivial formalities have been done away with; and the accounts are open for all to inspect, all this has raised the morale of the Red Army.
 ☞ 如果采用水冷系统,发电机的功率就可增强。
 ☞ The power of the generator will be raised if we apply the water-cooled system to it.
 ☞ 夜间地震将增强至6级。
 ☞ The earthquake will rise to magnitude 6 at night.
 ☞ 风力不是减弱而是增强。
 ☞ The wind has risen rather than dropped.
6.build up,指逐渐积累起来的增强。
 ☞ 你要每天多加锻炼以增强体质。
 ☞ Get plenty of exercise every day and build up your health.
 ☞ 银行都已增强了自己的储备来对付危机。
 ☞ The banks have built up their reserves to cope with the crisis.
增长 增长
 ☞ 统计数字表明平均工资每年增长15%。
 ☞ The statistics registered an increase of average wages by 15%a year.
 ☞ 我校的注册人数比去年有了明显增长。
 ☞ The enrollment of our university shows a marked increase over last year.
2.growth, 着重点在长。
 ☞ 据报道,上海市的人口已为零增长。
 ☞ It is reported the population of Shanghai has reached zero growth.
 ☞ 国务院宣布政府的目标是要使经济增长7. 5%。
 ☞ The State Council announced that a 7.5 percent economic growth was the government's aim.
3.rise, 指高度上增长。
 ☞ 增长工资的基础在于发展经济。
 ☞ The rise in salary is based on the development of economy.
 ☞ 资金增长过快会使经济过热。
 ☞ Sharp rise of capital makes the economy overheated.
 ☞ 城市的扩大往往会使附近的土地价值增长。
 ☞ The growth of a city enhances the value of land close to it.
 ☞ 放手让新干部工作可以增长他们的才干。
 ☞ To give new cadres a free hand in their work will enhance their abilities.
 ☞ 这些课程可以增长学生的知识。
 ☞ These courses will broaden the students' knowledge.
 ☞ 销路的增长要看你们怎么干了。
 ☞ Broadening sales is up to what you will do.
 ☞ 钢产量比解放前增长了3,000倍。
 ☞ Steel output is 3,000 times what it was before liberation.
壮丽 壮丽
 ☞ 壮丽的人民大会堂就在天安门广场的西侧。
 ☞ The magnificent Great Hall of the People is right on the west side of the Tian'anmen Square.
 ☞ 瞧这西山壮丽的秋景,色彩如此强烈,如此灿烂。
 ☞ Just look at this magnificent autumn landscape of the Western Hills with such intensity and brilliance!
 ☞ 半夜雾散后,梅里雪山在月光下呈现出我从未见过的壮丽景色。
 ☞ At midnight, when the fog disappeared, the Meili Snow Mount in the moonlight presented a majestic view I have never seen before.
 ☞ 我们在高处鸟瞰石林的壮丽景观,不由得惊叹自然界的鬼斧神工。
 ☞ On the height, when we had a commanding view of the majestic landscape of the Stone Forest, we could not help wondering at the secret work of nature.
 ☞ 多么壮丽的夕阳,尽管已近黄昏!
 ☞ What glorious sunset though it has been at dusk!
 ☞ 托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》是俄罗斯的一篇壮丽史诗!
 ☞ War and Peace by Lev Tolstoy is a glorious epic of Russia!
 ☞ 贝多芬的《第九交响乐》是壮丽的音乐篇章。
 ☞ Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music.
声明 声明
1.announce, announcement, 指首次声明,而声明的内容是引起人们兴趣的事情。
 ☞ 他正式声明他不是候选人。
 ☞ He announced officially that he was not a candidate.
 ☞ 在他发表长篇声明时,群众噪动不安起来。
 ☞ During his long announcement the crowd began to stir restlessly.
2.declare, declaration, 指公开的正式声明。
 ☞ 市议会声明支持改善公共福利设施。
 ☞ The city council has declared for improving the public welfare facilities.
 ☞ 中英两国政府发表了中英关于香港问题的联合声明。
 ☞ The governments of China and Britain have issued the Sino-British Joint Declaration on the question of Hong Kong.
3.state, statement,指正式的陈述性声明。
 ☞ 工人们声明不达成工资、工作条件的全面协议,罢工就要进行下去。
 ☞ Workers have stated that the strike will continue until a general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.
 ☞ 不久以后,我国政府就此发表了第一个公开声明。
 ☞ Soon afterwards our government made its first public statement about the affair.
4.profess, profession,指自白式的声明。
 ☞ 她声明自己是无辜的。
 ☞ She professed herself to be guiltless.
 ☞ 皇宫卫队发表了忠于国王的声明。
 ☞ The guard of the imperial palace gave a profession of loyalty to the emperor.
处于 处于
1.表示处于某种状态,用be in表示某种状况或情况,用be on表示某种状态,用be at表示某种抽象意义。
 ☞ 现在,你在那里显然会处于困难的境地。
 ☞ Obviously, you would be in a difficult position there now.
 ☞ 我们仍处于社会主义建设的时代。
 ☞ We are still in the era of socialist construction.
 ☞ 中国当时正处于内战的边缘。
 ☞ At the time China was on the brink of civil war.
 ☞ 解放后新中国的妇女与男子处于平等地位。
 ☞ After liberation women of New China are on an equal footing with men.
 ☞ 学生运动当时正处于高潮。
 ☞ The student movement was at high tide.
 ☞ 罢工开始后,一切都处于停顿。
 ☞ Everything was at a standstill after the strike had begun.
2.表示处于某种形势之中也属于这一类,可用live in, stand in。
 ☞ 她处于随时都会受到袭击的恐怖之中。
 ☞ She lives in fear of being attacked at any time.
 ☞ 今天世界上还有许许多多被压迫被剥削的人们处于水深火热之中。
 ☞ In the world today there are still millions of oppressed and exploited people living in the abyss of suffering.
 ☞ 你了解我们处于什么样的情况之中吗?
 ☞ Do you know what situation we stand in?
 ☞ 他们整个5年计划处于垮台之中。
 ☞ Their entire five-year plan stands in peril of collapse.
3.表示不知不觉中发现自己处于某种境地,可用find oneself in。
 ☞ 他处于进退两难之中。
 ☞ He found himself in a dilemma.
 ☞ 王太太处于令人难堪的境地。
 ☞ Madame Wang found herself in an embarrassing position.
4.表示处于某种优势,可用have the advantage in。
 ☞ 我们在拔河比赛中处于优势。
 ☞ We had the advantage in the tug-of-war contest.
 ☞ 他擅长演说,所以在辩论中总是处于优势。
 ☞ Being a good speaker, he always has the advantage in debates.
5.表示使处于某种不利状态,可用be reduced to。
 ☞ 敌人处于绝对的劣势。
 ☞ The enemy forces were reduced to absolute inferiority。
 ☞ 掠夺性的纳税使农民处于赤贫状态。
 ☞ The predatory taxation reduced the peasants to a state of abject poverty.
 ☞ 农业连年歉收使小农经济处于赤贫状态。
 ☞ The succession of bad harvests had reduced the small-scale peasant economy to penury.
处处 处处
1.表示比较明确具体的范围,可译为in all respects, in every respect。
 ☞ 共产党员应处处严格要求自己。
 ☞ Communists must set strict demands on themselves in all respects.
 ☞ 这一计划处处都有缺点。
 ☞ The plan is faulty in every respect.
 ☞ 祖国处处都出现了新的变化。
 ☞ New changes have taken place everywhere in our country.
 ☞ 我们城里处处都有水井。
 ☞ Wells are to be found everywhere in our city.
3.如果这种范围比较大,如国家、世界性范围时,也可不用everywhere,而用all over the country (world)。
 ☞ 祖国处处有亲人。
 ☞ All over our country one can find friends and dear ones.
 ☞ 世界上处处都有善良正直的人们。
 ☞ There are people of goodwill and integrity all over the world.
 ☞ 一个真正的革命者处处都以革命利益为重。
 ☞ A true revolutionary always puts the interests of revolution first.
 ☞ 你处处为人着想的精神令人钦佩。
 ☞ Your spirit of always thinking of others commands admiration.
5.“处处”也可转为行为方式的范围,意为“各种方式”,这时可译为in every possible way,in every way。
 ☞ 老方和我在一块儿工作,他处处都帮助我。
 ☞ Fang and I work together, and he helps me in every possible way.
 ☞ 不论我干什么,他处处都跟我过不去。
 ☞ Whatever I did he tried to be hard on me in every possible way.
 ☞ 插图处处都配得上正文。
 ☞ The illustrations are in every way worthy of the letterpress.
处理 处理
1.treat (with),侧重处理的方法。
 ☞ 剧本的主题处理得很有技巧。
 ☞ The theme of the play is skillfully treated.
 ☞ 我们按收到的顺序处理各种要求。
 ☞ We treated all requirements in the order in which they are received.
 ☞ 水壶的水垢一般都用硫酸处理。
 ☞ Scales in kettles usually are treated with euphoric acid.
 ☞ 脏水可用漂白粉处理。
 ☞ Filthy water can be treated with bleaching powder.
2.deal with,侧重处理的态度。
 ☞ 我们将对他宽大处理。
 ☞ We'll deal leniently with him.
 ☞ 他抱病继续处理各种各样的问题。
 ☞ In spite of his illness he continued to deal with a variety of problems.
 ☞ 对这些情况,我们必须分轻重缓急适当处理。
 ☞ We must deal with these conditions properly in their order of urgency.
3.take charge of,侧重处理的责任。
 ☞ 在我出国期间全部业务一概由他处理。
 ☞ He'll take charge of all business during my stay abroad.
 ☞ 我们是不应该让一个没有经验的干部来处理这件事的。
 ☞ We ought not to let an inexperienced cadre take charge of the affair.
 ☞ 痛快地玩一玩,不要担心公司的业务,我会处理的。
 ☞ Have a good time and don't worry about the business in the company. I'll take charge of it.
 ☞ 合作社同农民的关系同样也要处理好。
 ☞ Similarly, the relationship between the co-operative and the peasants should be well handled.
 ☞ 人民内部矛盾应该得到正确的处理。
 ☞ The contradictions among the people must be handled correctly.
 ☞ 处理这些事情,公共团体要比个人恰当。
 ☞ Public organizations can handle these matters better than individuals.
 ☞ 处理这件事应该冷静、耐心。
 ☞ This matter has to be handled with calm and patience.
5.attend to,侧重处理时的精力集中和注意力的专注。
 ☞ 我们对信息处理是有所选择的。
 ☞ We are selective about information we attend to.
 ☞ 我有件急事要处理。
 ☞ I have an urgent matter to attend to.
 ☞ 不要着急,一切都会及时处理的。
 ☞ Don't worry. Everything will be attended to in good time.
 ☞ 我们特别想了解这一问题是怎么正确处理的。
 ☞ Above all, we want to know how to approach the problem correctly.
 ☞ 这不是处理此事的正确办法。
 ☞ This is not the proper way to approach the matter.
 ☞ 党对危机的清醒处理防止了一场灾难。
 ☞ The Party's sober approach to the crisis averted a catastrophe.
 ☞ 计算机传感器收集各种资料并加以处理。
 ☞ The computer collects all the information from the sensors and processes it.
 ☞ 我们愿意马上处理你的订货。
 ☞ We will process your order at once.
 ☞ 只有在那时,我们党才感到可以腾出手来处理国内外大事。
 ☞ Only at that moment did our Party feel that she had a free hand to conduct both domestic and foreign affairs.
 ☞ 无论正确与否他对如何正确处理这些教训有他自己的看法。
 ☞ Whether right or wrong, he has ideas of his own about how the lessons should be conducted.
9.get through with, be through with,侧重处理的完成。
 ☞ 我把工作处理一下就来参加。
 ☞ As soon as I get through with my work, I'll join you.
 ☞ 我回去处理一下家务就来。
 ☞ I'll go home and come back as soon as I'm through with my chores.
10.dispose of,disposal,侧重处理的结果是为了某种目的。clear off (out),侧重处理的目的是清理。
 ☞ 我把自行车处理了,又买了辆新的。
 ☞ I disposed of my old bicycle and bought a new one.
 ☞ 她处理了亡夫的财物后改嫁了。
 ☞ She disposed of her late husband's property and got married again.
 ☞ 把那些垃圾处理了。
 ☞ Set to the disposal of that rubbish.
 ☞ 他让我来处理他的房子。
 ☞ He placed his house at my disposal.
 ☞ 我得处理我生病期间积压的工作和信件。
 ☞ I have to clear off arrears of work and correspondence during my illness.
 ☞ 经理要处理仓库里积压的存货。
 ☞ The manager wants to clear out all the old stock in the warehouse.
11.侧重转移给某人、某部门处理时,可译为refer... to…。
 ☞ 地方法院已把整个案件移交到高等法院处理。
 ☞ The local court has referred the whole case to the High Court.
 ☞ 这事请保卫科处理。
 ☞ Please refer the matter to the security section.
12.sell at a reduced price,专指商品削价处理。
 ☞ 本店商品削价处理。
 ☞ Goods are sold at a reduced price in this shop.
 ☞ 处理品有时跟正品一样好。
 ☞ Sometimes goods sold at a reduced price are as good as quality products.
复原 复原
 ☞ 在那次访问中,她身体复原了。
 ☞ On that visit she recovered her health.
 ☞ 我刚从一场重病当中复原。
 ☞ I have only just recovered from a severe illness.
 ☞ 他病得很重,不大可能复原。
 ☞ He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
 ☞ 你完全复原了吗?
 ☞ Have you completely recovered from the illness?
 ☞ 海风使她的身体复原。
 ☞ The sea air restored his health.
 ☞ 花了好几个月她的身体才复原。
 ☞ It took a few months to restore her to health.
 ☞ 这座在战争中遭到破坏的城市已经复原。
 ☞ The city, which was destroyed in the war, has been restored.
 ☞ 复原后的金镂玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。
 ☞ The restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the laboring people of ancient China.
复杂 复杂
 ☞ 他对她复杂的本性到现在才有了较好的了解。
 ☞ He has by now a better understanding of her complex nature.
 ☞ 他的政治思想过于复杂,难以得到普通老百姓的支持。
 ☞ His political ideas are too complex to get support from ordinary people.
 ☞ 复杂句除了主句以外,还有一个以上的从句。
 ☞ A complex sentence has one or more clauses besides the main clause.
 ☞ 北京和郑州之间连接有复杂的道路交通网。
 ☞ There is a complex network of roads connecting Beijing and Zhengzhou.
 ☞ 我们低估了教育问题的复杂性。
 ☞ We underestimated the complexity of educational problems.
 ☞ 他这个人的个性不算复杂。
 ☞ He is a man of few complexities by nature.
 ☞ 她既有女性的优雅,同时又兼有喜爱研究法律和统计等复杂问题的头脑。
 ☞ She combines feminine elegance with a mind which delights in legal and statistical complexities.
 ☞ 他似乎善于把复杂的思想用简单的语言表达出来。
 ☞ He seems able to put complicated thought into simple words.
 ☞ 他的问题是一个变得复杂了的人如何返璞归真的问题。
 ☞ His problem is that of the complicated man recovering his original simplicity.
 ☞ 现实世界总是远比最最复杂的模拟计算还要复杂。
 ☞ The real world is always far more complex than any most complicated analog computation.
 ☞ 工人的罢工会使目前的局势复杂化。
 ☞ Workers' strike will complicate the present situation.
 ☞ 我们应当求同存异,避免问题复杂化。
 ☞ We should seek common ground while reserving differences to avoid complicating the problem.
 ☞ 我们不应让边境冲突继续复杂化。
 ☞ We should not allow further complication of the border clash.
 ☞ 复杂的计算机要求操作人员技术熟练。
 ☞ The intricate computer requires a skilled operator.
 ☞ 生物化学家可以巧妙地创造复杂的分子和物质, 如称之为基因的合成物质。
 ☞ Biochemists may skillfully create intricate molecules and substances, as the synthesis of the substance that is called a gene.

 ☞ 人多心杂。
 ☞ Many men,many minds.
 ☞ 要办的事情很多。
 ☞ There are many things to attend to.
 ☞ 他走得远,见得多。
 ☞ He has traveled far and seen much.
 ☞ 时间紧迫,我不能多考虑。
 ☞ Time is pressing, I can't give it much thought.
 ☞ 他有很多男朋友,女的认识得不多。
 ☞ He has a lot of men friends, but he doesn't know many girls.
 ☞ 这个赛季我们打了很多比赛,但赢的不多。
 ☞ We have played lots of matches this season, but we haven't won many.
  "There isn't much food, is there?" "There's lots of bread and soup."
 ☞ 你问的问题太多。
 ☞ You ask too many questions.
 ☞ 你干得太多了。
 ☞ You work too much.
 ☞ 她有那么多的孩子,都不知怎么办了。
 ☞ She has so many children that she doesn't know what to do.
 ☞ 剩了那么多漆,我们拿它怎么办?
 ☞ There is so much paint left! What are we going to do with it?
 ☞ 据报道,非洲国家的语言多达700种。
 ☞ It is reported that in the countries of Africa there are as many as 700 languages.
 ☞ 这里的雨量充沛,一年多达150毫米。
 ☞ The rain is plentiful here, as much as 150mm yearly.
 ☞ 美国好莱坞电影由于露胸太多而遭到印度审查机关的抵制。
 ☞ The American Hollywood film was rejected by the Indian censor's office for exposing too much bosom.(到底露出多少胸部无法衡量)
 ☞ 聚会上有太多的电影、香烟和巧克力。
 ☞ There is too much cinema, cigarettes and chocolates at the party.(把cinema, cigarettes, chocolates看成一个整体,因此无法计数)
 ☞ 有多大劲儿,就使多大劲儿。
 ☞ Put all the strength you have.
 ☞ 请多帮助。
 ☞ Please give me all the help you can.
 ☞ 你在那里要多做、多听,但不能全信。
 ☞ When you are there, do all and listen to all you can, but don't believe all you hear.
3.more (than)等比较级,表示多于原来的数量。
 ☞ 我们比原计划多打了10口井。
 ☞ We have sunk 10 wells more than the plan called for.
 ☞ 他在那里多耽搁了几天。
 ☞ He stayed there a few days longer.
4.too many (much),表示过量。
 ☞ 这个句子多了一个字。
 ☞ There is one word too many in this sentence.
 ☞ 他多给了我两个。
 ☞ He gave me two too many.
 ☞ 昨天她话多了点。
 ☞ She talked too much yesterday.
 ☞ 我们多喝了点。
 ☞ We have had a drop too much.
5.much, far, a lot加比较级,表示多的程度。
 ☞ 服了那药,我感觉好多了。
 ☞ After taking the medicine, I feel much better.
 ☞ 我付的钱比我该付的多得多。
 ☞ I paid far more than I should.
 ☞ 他感觉好多了。
 ☞ He's feeling a lot better.
 ☞ 我胖多了。
 ☞ I'm a lot fatter.
6.extra, odd,表示额外。
 ☞ 为了多搞点石油,他们跟我们公司做了几笔专门的交易。
 ☞ They made special deals with our corporation to obtain extra petroleum.
 ☞ 本店为春节多雇了几个职工。
 ☞ Our store hired extra clerks for the Spring Festival.
 ☞ 他打橄榄球时总要随身多带一条短裤。
 ☞ When he played Rugby he always took an odd pair of shorts with him.
 ☞ 全书1,000多页。
 ☞ It's a book of 1,000-odd pages.
7.abundance, abundant with, abound in (with),表示大量。
 ☞ 南方多水,利于灌溉。
 ☞ Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.
 ☞ 阴暗潮湿的地方蚊子多。
 ☞ There are mosquitoes in abundance in dark wet places.
 ☞ 河谷地带多种水稻。
 ☞ Rice is abundant in river valleys.
 ☞ 这条河里鱼多。
 ☞ The river is abundant with fish.
 ☞ 这地方温泉多。
 ☞ The land abounds in hot springs.
 ☞ 那里野花多。
 ☞ Wild flowers abound there.
 ☞ 这种水果的维生素C多。
 ☞ Such fruit is high in vitamin C.
 ☞ 夏天得痢疾的多。
 ☞ There is a high incidence of dysentery in summer.
 ☞ 我国采用共产党领导下的多党合作和协商制度。
 ☞ China has adopted the system of multiparty cooperation and consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party.
 ☞ 多基因是遗传体系的成员之一。
 ☞ The polygene is one member of the genetic system.
 ☞ 他多大年纪?
 ☞ How old is he?
 ☞ 要多厚的木板才能做桌面?
 ☞ How thick must a piece of wood be if it is to be made into a tabletop?
 ☞ 瞧,她多精神!
 ☞ Look, how energetic she is!
 ☞ 她有多漂亮!
 ☞ How pretty she is!
 ☞ 多美的声音!
 ☞ What a beautiful voice!
 ☞ 多可爱的小女孩!
 ☞ What a lovely little girl!
 ☞ 给我一根绳子,多长的都行。
 ☞ Give me a piece of rope, any length will do.
 ☞ 她要一份工作,多难也不在乎。
 ☞ She wants a job and doesn't care any difficult one.
13.long, far,表示时间或距离。
 ☞ 我们出去散会儿步,要不了多长时间。
 ☞ We'll go out for a stroll. It won't be long.
 ☞ 没走多远,他又回来了。
 ☞ He turned back before he had gone very far.
14.no matter how (however),表示让步。
 ☞ 多复杂的算术题他都能做出来。
 ☞ He can do any arithmetic problem, no matter how complicated it is.
 ☞ 多贵我都得把车子修好。
 ☞ I have to get the car fixed no matter how (however) much it costs.
多余 多余
 ☞ 农民每年都把多余的农产品卖给国家。
 ☞ The peasants sell their surplus farm products to the state every year.
 ☞ 多余的洋芋过去都用来喂猪。
 ☞ Surplus potatoes were used to feed pigs.
 ☞ 老师把我作文里多余的词语都删掉了。
 ☞ The teacher cut out superfluous words and phrases of my composition.
 ☞ 我已经知道了该干什么,因此他的忠告是多余的。
 ☞ I have known what to do already, so his advice is superfluous.
 ☞ 如果你有多余的精力,干吗不搞点锻练?
 ☞ Why don't you practice some exercise if you have superfluous energy?
3.be uncalled for,指多此一举的多余。
 ☞ 事实证明我们的担心是多余的。
 ☞ Facts proved that our worries were uncalled for.
 ☞ 我刚才说的话似乎是多余的。
 ☞ What I said just now seemed to be uncalled for.
 ☞ 这是多余的话,你本来就不该发表自己的观点。
 ☞ That was an unnecessary remark. You shouldn't have aired your view.
 ☞ 所有这一切完全是多余的。
 ☞ All this is totally unnecessary.
多少 多少
 ☞ 大家都给“希望工程”捐了钱,只是多少不等。
 ☞ Everyone gave a contribution to "Project Hope" , though it varied in amount.
 ☞ 人数多少由你来定。
 ☞ The number of people is left for you to decide.
 ☞ 我们对他的态度多少感到吃惊。
 ☞ We were somewhat surprised at his attitude.
 ☞ 得知他在上海,做母亲的多少松了口气。
 ☞ Mother was somewhat relieved to learn that he was in Shanghai.
3.more or less,表示或多或少。
 ☞ 她对这个消息多少是相信的。
 ☞ She believed or less the news.
 ☞ 他爱他的女儿,因此也多少喜欢女婿。
 ☞ He loved his daughter and more or less liked his son-in-law.
4.to some extent,表示某种程度。
 ☞ 这多少是我的过错。
 ☞ To some extent that was my fault.
 ☞ 这责难多少是有道理的。
 ☞ The reproach is to some extent justified.
 ☞ 他讲的多少有点东西。
 ☞ There was something in what he said.
 ☞ 多少得做点事。
 ☞ Something must be done.
 ☞ 我感到多少有点问题。
 ☞ I have a feeling that something is wrong.
6.a little,表示少量。
 ☞ 他多少说几句英语。
 ☞ He speaks a little English.
 ☞ 他有时候多少有点精神恍惚。
 ☞ She's a little out of mind sometimes.
多少 多少
1.how many,how much,what,用于询问。
 ☞ 这一班有多少学生?
 ☞ How many pupils are there in the class?
 ☞ 这药我每次吃多少?
 ☞ How much of the medicine do I take each time?
 ☞ 这里的粮食亩产量是多少?
 ☞ What is the per mu yield of grain here?
 ☞ 我知道多少就说多少。
 ☞ I'll tell all I know.
 ☞ 有多少劲儿就使多少劲儿。
 ☞ Use all your strength.
3.as many (much) as,表示尽量。
 ☞ 我们能安置多少难民就安置多少。
 ☞ We'll house as many refugees as we can.
 ☞ 你需要多少纸就领多少。
 ☞ Get as much paper as you need.
 ☞ 街上没有多少行人。
 ☞ There were few people in the street.
 ☞ 我没有多少钱买参考书。
 ☞ I have little money to buy reference books.
 ☞ 我们经过多少年的坚苦努力才取得今天的成就。
 ☞ Through many years of our painstaking efforts we have at last achieved what we have today.
 ☞ 我有多少事要告诉你。
 ☞ I have much to tell you.
6.no matter what (how),表示让步。“多少”常与“不论”连用。
 ☞ 不论有多少困难都不能阻止我们前进。
 ☞ No matter what difficulties we have, nothing can stop our advance.
 ☞ 不论有多少人对我进行攻击,我都要坚持真理。
 ☞ I'll hold firmly to the truth no matter how many people attack me.

 ☞ 关于这个题目说得够多了。
 ☞ Enough has been said on this subject.
 ☞ 我受够了,故决定辞职。
 ☞ I have had enough and decided to tender my resignation.
 ☞ 有5个人就够了。
 ☞ Five men will be enough.
  ■ 使用enough时要注意以下几点。
1) enough修饰名词时,其位置可前可后。
 ☞ 我们人手够了。
 ☞ We have enough manpower.或We have manpower enough.
2) enough修饰形容词或副词时,其位置都在后。
 ☞ 他够聪明的。
 ☞ He is clever enough.
 ☞ 你写得够好的。
 ☞ You write well enough.
3) 下列形容词之后常接enough,再接动词不定式。bad, brave, careful, careless, clever, courageous, cruel, dangerous, foolish, fortunate, good, high, honest, imprudent, large, long, low, lucky, old, old-fashioned, patient, poor, prudent, rich, sensible, shrewd, silly, strong, tall, weak, well, wide,wise,young等。如:
 ☞ 有这样一个儿子,他够幸运的。
 ☞ He is lucky (fortunate) enough to have such a son.
 ☞ 要发准这些词的音,你是够细心的。
 ☞ You are careful enough to pronounce the words correctly.
4) enough后置于某些用作表语的名词之后,由于这些名词在词性上的形容词化,故一般不加不定冠词a。
 ☞ 你承认了这件事,够汉子的。
 ☞ You're man enough to acknowledge it.
 ☞ 骗子说什么他都信,够蠢的。
 ☞ He was fool enough to believe what the cheat said.
 ☞ 他帮她,够君子的。
 ☞ He was gentleman enough to help her.
 ☞ 他朗读了铭文,够有学者风度的。
 ☞ He was scholar enough to read the inscription.
 ☞ 你回避困难,够胆小的。
 ☞ You are coward enough to dodge difficulties.
2.sufficiency, sufficient, sufficiently, suffice, 正式用语,义同enough,但用得较少,而且词性上也受限制。
 ☞ 他对设备是否够一直表示怀疑。
 ☞ He has doubted of the sufficiency of the equipment.
 ☞ 这次旅行,我们的汽油够吗?
 ☞ Do we have sufficient fuel for the trip?
 ☞ 100人都够吃了。
 ☞ It is sufficient to feed a hundred men.
 ☞ 你够熟练的了。
 ☞ You are sufficiently skilled.
 ☞ 这里只举一个例子就够了。
 ☞ Here a single example will suffice.
 ☞ 光是家庭作业就够他父母高兴的了。
 ☞ Only his homework will suffice to please his parents.
  ■ enough与sufficient的区别是前者表示数量的度,而后者表示程度的度。
 ☞ 我们的座位够大家坐的。
 ☞ We have enough seats for everyone.
 ☞ 他掌握英语的熟练程度能读英语的文学作品。
 ☞ He has acquired sufficient proficiency to read English literary works.
 ☞ 他的工资够养3个人的。
 ☞ His wages are adequate to support three people.
 ☞ 短期休假,我们带的粮食够吃了。
 ☞ We took adequate food for the short holiday.
 ☞ 供应不够需求的。
 ☞ The supply is not adequate to the demand.
4.have (eat,drink) one's fill (of),表示吃饱、喝足和饱受各种经历的程度。
 ☞ 你蛋糕吃够了吗?
 ☞ Have you had your fill of cakes?
 ☞ 昨晚聚餐时,我们吃了个够。
 ☞ During the party dinner we ate our fill last night.
 ☞ 那条狗跑到池塘边,喝了个够。
 ☞ The dog ran to the pond and drank its fill.
 ☞ 他说他在国外都旅行够了。
 ☞ He says he has had his fill of travel in foreign countries.
 ☞ 对像他这样的人,我一天就够了。
 ☞ I've had my fill of a person like him for a day.
5.be tired of, be fed up with,表示厌烦。
 ☞ 她等他等够丁,就嫁给了王先生。
 ☞ She was tired of waiting for him and married Mr.
 ☞ Wang.
 ☞ 我读够了教条主义的文章。
 ☞ I've been tired of reading the articles imbued with dogmatism.
 ☞ 你嘟囔得还不够吗?
 ☞ Aren't you fed up with your grumbling?
 ☞ 这雨天,我真是够了。
 ☞ I'm really fed up with this wet weather.
 ☞ 这里的土是够肥的。
 ☞ The soil here is quite fertile.
 ☞ 这音乐真够赏心悦耳的。
 ☞ The music is highly pleasing and enjoyable to both the ear and mind indeed.
 ☞ 我们之间的关系够愉快的。
 ☞ The relations between us are really pleasant.
 ☞ 几千块钱就够我用几个月了。
 ☞ A few thousand yuan will keep me going for several months.
 ☞ 这个学科够他学一阵子的了。
 ☞ The subject will keep him studying for a period of time.
 ☞ 这活够我们忙几天的。
 ☞ The job will keep us busy for several days.
 ☞ 你说的话够他尴尬的了。
 ☞ What you said kept him embarrassed.
 ☞ 他那点钱几乎不够他吃的。
 ☞ The little money that he has will hardly keep him in food.
  ■ 被动语态时,其句型应为:主语+be kept+补语。
 ☞ 告诉你,够你等的了!
 ☞ You'll be kept waiting, I tell you!
 ☞ 上百万美元的损失,够这位局长受的了。
 ☞ The director will be kept putting up with the loss of about a million U.S. dollars.
 ☞ 这些里面装着钱的红包当作零用钱够她用一整年的了。
 ☞ These red wrappers with money inside were to last her the whole year as pocket money.
 ☞ 我们的粮食整个冬天都够了。
 ☞ Our food will last through the whole winter.
9.lack, be lacking (in).short of,表示欠缺、短缺引起的不够。
 ☞ 千这样的事,我的勇气不够。
 ☞ I lack the courage to do a thing like this.
 ☞ 食物不够。
 ☞ Food is lacking.
 ☞ 他似乎不够坦诚。
 ☞ He seems to be lacking in frankness.
 ☞ 当时,我们的资金不够。
 ☞ We were short of funds.
 ☞ 他踮起脚尖想去够树上的苹果。
 ☞ He tried to reach the apples in the tree by standing on tiptoes.
 ☞ 我够了半天也没够着。
 ☞ I tried to reach it for a long time, but failed.

 ☞ 我要一个大盒子,这个太小。
 ☞ I want a large box, this is too small.
 ☞ 这外衣我穿太大。
 ☞ The coat is too large for me.
 ☞ 为什么不送她去大一点的医院?
 ☞ Why not send her off to some big hospital?(有点埋恕)
 ☞ 他可不是你想的那么一个大傻瓜。
 ☞ He's not so big a fool as you think.(有点指责)
 ☞ 我们吃东西的花费真大!
 ☞ What big food expenses we have! (有点吃惊)
 ☞ 他在一家大百货商店谋得一个职位。
 ☞ He got a position in a great (large) department store.(不带感情色彩时可与large换用)
 ☞ 她的头低了下来,两大颗眼泪掉到了他手上。
 ☞ Her head sank down and two great (big)tears fell on his hand.(带感情色彩时可与big换用)
 ☞ 把你的大臭脚挪开!
 ☞ Move your great big smelly feet!
 ☞ 突然我看见这头大公牛朝我冲了过来。
 ☞ Suddenly I saw this great big bull charging towards me.
 ☞ 他的死对我们大家都是一个很大的损失。
 ☞ His death was a great loss to us all.
 ☞ 我费了好大劲才打通了电话。
 ☞ I had great difficulty in getting through on the phone.
4.heavy, strong, hard, strength,均指强度大。
 ☞ heavy, strong为形容词,hard为副词,strength为名词。
 ☞ 该地区在几场大雨之后可能会发大水。
 ☞ The area would become flooded after heavy rains.
 ☞ 13天之后,那里又来了场大雪。
 ☞ Three days later there came another heavy snow.
 ☞ 风太大,你没法放风筝。
 ☞ The wind is too strong to fly your kite.
 ☞ 外面风大。
 ☞ It's howling hard outside.
 ☞ 团结起来力量大。
 ☞ Unity is strength.
 ☞ 收音机开大一点。
 ☞ Turn the radio up a bit louder.
 ☞ 他有个大嗓门。
 ☞ He has a loud voice.
6.general, main, major,指全面,主要。
 ☞ 我军发起了大反攻。
 ☞ Our troops launched a general counterattack.
 ☞ 我看见他们在大马路上散步。
 ☞ I saw them walking in the main street.
 ☞ 这是一次大手术,你得小心一点。
 ☞ It’s a major operation and you have to be a bit more careful.
 ☞ 那房间有这间的两个大。
 ☞ That room is twice the size of this one.
 ☞ 你穿多大的鞋?
 ☞ What size shoes do you wear?
8.old, senior,指年龄大。
 ☞ 你的孩子多大了?
 ☞ How old is your child?
 ☞ 他大我两岁。
 ☞ He's two years my senior.
9.greatly, fully, heartily, broad, heavily vigorously等,均指程度高。
 ☞ 载人宇宙飞船发射成功大长了中国人民的志气。
 ☞ The successful launching of the manned spacecraft has greatly heightened the morale of the Chinese people.
 ☞ 客人们对这次安排犬为满意。
 ☞ The guests were fully satisfied with this arrangement.
 ☞ 我们对他的幽默都开心地大笑。
 ☞ We all laughed heartily over his humor.
 ☞ 天大亮了部队才到达小镇。
 ☞ The troops didn't arrive at the small town until broad daylight.
 ☞ 雪下得很大。
 ☞ The snow is falling heavily.
 ☞ 在这20年里,我国的经济有了大发展。
 ☞ During the two decades China's economy has developed vigorously.
 ☞ 这个计划草案必须大删大改。
 ☞ A thorough job must be done in revising the draft plan.
 ☞ 今年冬天,我们要大搞农田水利。
 ☞ We are to go all out with irrigation and water conservancy this winter.
 ☞ 大才必有大用。
 ☞ A high position will certainly be given to a man of very exceptional ability.
 ☞ 大丈夫不可无志。
 ☞ A real man should have bold ambitions.
 ☞ 大千世界无奇不有。
 ☞ Nothing is too strange in this kaleidoscopic world.
大概 大概
1) 用一般将来时表示将来可以证实的猜测。
 ☞ 我想大概就是这些。
 ☞ That, I think, will be all.
 ☞ 这大概是你要找的那本书吧。
 ☞ This will be the book you are looking for.
 ☞ 大家都说这大概是他所写的书中最好的一本书。
 ☞ They say this will be the best book he's written.
 ☞ 你问他,他大概知道。
 ☞ Ask him, he will know.
2) 用将来完成时表示对已有情况的猜测。
 ☞ 你大概已经听到消息了,我也就无须再讲。
 ☞ You will have heard the news. so I need not repeat it 你大概读过我的文章了,有什么意见呀?
 ☞ You will have read my article. What is your opinion of it?
 ☞ 刚才大概是送牛奶的。
 ☞ That will have been the milkman.
 ☞ 这时候他们大概收到我的信了。
 ☞ They will have received my letter by now.
2.用某些实词表示不很精确的猜测,常用的有approximately, general, generally, probable, probably, rough, roughly, presumably, very likely,most likely等。
 ☞ 这些大概的数字表明黑人为何会生活在这种极度贫困之中。
 ☞ These approximate figures indicate why the Negroes live in such deep poverty.
 ☞ 我的表大概是准的。
 ☞ My watch is approximately right.
 ☞ 我认为大概是90%。
 ☞ I think it's ninety percent probable.
 ☞ 会议大概要延期。
 ☞ The meeting will probably be postponed.
 ☞ 他作了一个大概的分析,结果表明这是错误的。
 ☞ He made a general analysis, which showed the incorrectness of this.
 ☞ 战斗大概相当顺利。
 ☞ The fight was generally quite smooth.
 ☞ 估计混凝土工程大概要超过200万方。
 ☞ The rough estimate for the concrete work was more than two million cubic meters.
 ☞ 我可以大概跟你讲讲我认为是什么。
 ☞ I will tell roughly what I think of it.
 ☞ 他是拿着游泳衣和毛巾往游泳池方向走的,大概是游泳去了。
 ☞ He was walking towards the swimming pool with his costume and towel, so presumably he was going for a swim.
 ☞ 他们大概坐车来。
 ☞ They'll very likely come by car.
 ☞ 你们大概已经听到这个消息了。
 ☞ Most likely you have heard the news.
 ☞ 本班大概有50个学生。
 ☞ There are about fifty students in this class.
 ☞ 这一章大概占了50页。
 ☞ This chapter occupies about fifty pages.
 ☞ 我大概月底回来。
 ☞ I shall return about the end of the month.
 ☞ 他大概下午4点回来的。
 ☞ He came back at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon 我走了大概5里路。
 ☞ I walked about five li down the road.
 ☞ 机场离这里大概有5公里。
 ☞ The airport is about five kilometers away.

 ☞ 一星期有7天。
 ☞ There are seven days in a week.
 ☞ 雨接连下了3天3夜。
 ☞ It rained for three days and three nights on end.
 ☞ 要变天了。
 ☞ The weather is threatening.
 ☞ 一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。
 ☞ April weather, rain and shine both together.
 ☞ 天越来越冷了。
 ☞ It's getting colder and colder.
 ☞ 天放晴了,麻雀又在喳喳叫了。
 ☞ It is clearing up, and sparrows are beginning to chirp.
4.sky, 指天空。
 ☞ 思想不是从天上掉下来的,而是精神的必然产物。
 ☞ Idea did not come from the sky. It was the inevitable product of moral.
 ☞ 卖东西的既能漫天要价,买东西的也可就低还价。
 ☞ The seller can ask a price as high as the sky and the buyer can make an offer as low as the earth.
 ☞ 当时,斯大林被捧上了天。
 ☞ Stalin was then praised to the skies.
 ☞ 我就是“天诛地灭”,于你又有什么好处?
 ☞ Even Heaven and Earth destroy me, what good will it do you?
 ☞ 你何曾见过像我哥那样天不怕、地不怕,心里有什么口里就说什么的人?
 ☞ You haven't met my brother, who fears neither Heaven nor Earth and blurts out whatever happens to be in his mind.
 ☞ 托洛茨基分子不管策略是否对头,把暴力捧上了天。
 ☞ The Trotskyists praised to the heavens the use of violence regardless of whether or not it was correct tactics.
 ☞ 谋事在人,成事在天。
 ☞ Man proposes, God disposes.
 ☞ 自助者天助之。
 ☞ God helps those who help themselves.
7.nature, 指自然界。
 ☞ 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。
 ☞ Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.
 ☞ 天作孽,犹可为;人作孽,不可活。
 ☞ If disasters come from nature, something can be done to counter them; but if they are of a man's making, he is done for.
 ☞ 天下无难事,只怕有心人。
 ☞ Nothing in the world is too difficult for a man with a strong will.
 ☞ 秀才不出门,能知天下事。
 ☞ Without stepping outside his gate, the scholar knows all the wide world's affairs.
 ☞ 一个时期天昏地暗,日月无光。
 ☞ For a time there was gloom above and darkness below, with the rays of the sun and the moon completely shut out.
 ☞ 有些知识分子现在是15个吊桶打水,七上八下。
 ☞ 悬在半空中,上不着天,下不着地。
 ☞ Some intellectuals are now unsettled, suspended as they are in mid air, they have nothing to hang on to above and no solid ground to rest their feet on below.
失掉(失、失去) 失掉(失、失去)
 ☞ 美国人可能会赢得这场战争,但却会失掉整个世界。
 ☞ The Americans might win the war, but they will lose the whole world.
 ☞ 政府失去了选民的支持。
 ☞ The government has lost favor with the voters.
 ☞ 姑娘的父亲由于这次罢工而失去了工作。
 ☞ The girl's father lost his job as a result of the strike.
 ☞ 她是因小失大。
 ☞ She tried to gain a little only to lose a lot 贪多必失。
 ☞ Grasp all, lose all.
 ☞ 他的手表失而复得。
 ☞ His watch was lost, then found again.
  ■ loss 是lose的名词。
 ☞ 得不偿失。
 ☞ Gains cannot make up for losses.
 ☞ 得大于失。
 ☞ Gains outweigh losses.
 ☞ 他又一次失掉了晋升的机会。
 ☞ He has missed a chance of promoting again.
 ☞ 你不能失去这次出国深造的机会。
 ☞ You can't miss the opportunity of going abroad for advanced studies.
 ☞ 他有时会失去思考的目标。
 ☞ He may sometimes have missed the target in his speculation.
3.no longer, cease to be, 指不再是原有的状态或行为,因而也就失去了原来的行为或状态。
 ☞ 她失去了原有的笑容。
 ☞ She is no longer smiling as she was.
 ☞ 这药由于保存的时间太长而失去了药效。
 ☞ This medicine is no longer effective owing to long preservation.
 ☞ 该合同已失去时效。
 ☞ The contract ceased to be in force.
 ☞ 这件事已失去其神秘性。
 ☞ The matter ceased to be a mystery.
 ☞ 她因说谎而失去朋友对她的尊重。
 ☞ She forfeited the esteem of her friends for her by telling lies.
 ☞ 不少科学家因研究危险物质而失去了生命。
 ☞ Not a few scientists forfeited their lives by studying dangerous substances.
 ☞ 他因叛国而失去了中国国籍。
 ☞ He forfeited his Chinese citizenship by treason.
 ☞ 战争使他失去了3个儿子。
 ☞ The war bereaved him of his three sons.
 ☞ 地震中他失去了妻子。
 ☞ He was bereaved of his wife during the earthquake.
 ☞ 丈夫的死使她失去了所有的希望。
 ☞ The death of her husband bereft her of all hope.
 ☞ 这一击使他失去了知觉。
 ☞ The blow bereft him of consciousness.
 ☞ 两个杂技演员都失去了平衡,掉到了地上。
 ☞ Both acrobats were bereft of their balance and fell to the ground.
 ☞ 他是个失去了理智的人。
 ☞ He is a man bereft of reason.
6.be stripped,指因被剥夺而失去。
 ☞ 尼克松因水门丑闻而失去了总统职务。
 ☞ Richard Nixon was stripped of his presidency for the Watergate scandal.
 ☞ 他因接受贿赂而失去权力。
 ☞ He was stripped of his power for taking bribes.
7.depart from,指因偏离原有的立场、原则等而失去。
 ☞ 我们的一些同志常常失掉白己的正确立场。
 ☞ Some of our comrades have frequently departed from the correct stand.
 ☞ 办事要公正,不要失掉原则。
 ☞ Be fair and just in handling affairs. Never depart from the principles.
 ☞ 这样做可保万无一失。
 ☞ By so doing can we guarantee complete success.
 ☞ 你是失礼了。
 ☞ You've committed a breach of etiquette.
 ☞ 失之毫厘,谬以千里。
 ☞ A minimal error results in wide divergence.
 ☞ 你是坐失良机。
 ☞ You just sat watching a golden chance slip by.
 ☞ 言多必失。
 ☞ Much talk leads to faults.
失望 失望
 ☞ 你的考试成绩令我失望。
 ☞ Your examination result disappointed me.
 ☞ 我答应过给儿子买一辆新的自行车,不过现在我得令他失望了。
 ☞ I have promised to buy my son a new bike but I have to disappoint him now。
 ☞ 我很抱歉让你失望了,不过我实在来不了。
 ☞ I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't come at all.
  ■ 不过,用得最多的还是disappoint的过去分词作表语,应注意的是在disappointed后可接不同的介词,从而产生不同的变义。
1) disappointed at (about),指人对事的反应。
 ☞ 我对她的拒绝感到失望。
 ☞ I felt disappointed at (about) her refusal.
 ☞ 他们对会谈结果很失望。
 ☞ They were very disappointed at the outcome of the talks.
2) disappointed in,指人对人或人对物的内在因素的反应。如对人的思想、性格、情感等,或人对物的质量、设计、式样等的反应。
 ☞ 这是她无知的又一表现,我对她感到失望。
 ☞ This was another manifestation of her ignorance. I was disappointed in her.
 ☞ 她对自己的衣服不合身感到很失望。
 ☞ She is disappointed in her dress which doesn't fit her.
3) disappointed with,既不指人对事的反应,也不指人对内在因素的反应,而是表示人与人或人与物的相互关系。
 ☞ 她不爱我,我对她很失望。
 ☞ She does not love me, I am disappointed with her.
 ☞ 我对他有意拖延答复感到失望。
 ☞ I felt disappointed with the reply which he delayed on purpose.
4) disappointed of,指没有达到目的的失望。
 ☞ 我对在书店里买不到这本书感到很失望。
 ☞ I was disappointed of the book which was unavailable in bookstores.
 ☞ 我们因没有达到目的而感到失望。
 ☞ We were disappointed of the purpose which we failed to achieve.
5) disappointed by,强调由于某种行为引起的失望,因此带有更多的被动意义。
 ☞ 我对她不来参加我们的晚会感到很失望。
 ☞ I was disappointed by her not coming to our evening party.
 ☞ 我对她讨人嫌的态度感到失望。
 ☞ I was disappointed by her unloving attitude.
  ■ 此外,disappointed还可接动词不定式及从句。
 ☞ 听到这件事,我们大失所望。
 ☞ We were greatly disappointed to hear it.
 ☞ 你不能来,我很失望。
 ☞ I'm very disappointed that you cannot come.
  ■ 现在分词disappointing有“令人失望”的意思。
 ☞ 选举结果令执政党失望。
 ☞ The outcome of the election was disappointing to the ruling party.
 ☞ 他的考试成绩令人失望。
 ☞ His examination results are disappointing.
 ☞ 我们从来没有失望过,援军一定会来的。
 ☞ We've never lost hope. The reinforcements are sure to arrive.
 ☞ 他们多次失败,但从来没有完全失望。
 ☞ They failed time and again, but they never gave up hope.
 ☞ 医生都对他的恢复失望了。
 ☞ The doctors could hold out no hope of his recovery.
 ☞ 他对治愈已经失望。
 ☞ He is beyond all hope of cure.
失败 失败
 ☞ 入侵之敌遭到了可耻的失败。
 ☞ The invading enemy met with ignominious defeat.
 ☞ 我们的经验是,分散兵力总是会导致失败的。
 ☞ In our experience, the dispersion of force always led to defeat.
 ☞ 他在选举中接连遭到失败。
 ☞ He suffered successive defeats in elections.
 ☞ 不过这样就意味着承认失败。
 ☞ But this meant admitting defeat.
  ■ 此外,defeat用作动词时,除打败、击败之外,也有“失败”的意思。
 ☞ 是缺乏资金才使他的计划失败的。
 ☞ It was lack of money that defeated his plan.
 ☞ 他们是想到达山顶的,不过失败了。
 ☞ They were defeated抽their attempt to reach the top of the mountain.
 ☞ 小偷想打开保险箱的努力失败了。
 ☞ The thief's effort to open the safe defeated itself.
 ☞ 同胞们,我们事业的最后成功还是失败与其说是操在我的手中,倒不如说操在你们的手中。
 ☞ In your hand, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our cause.
 ☞ 在这次尝试失败之后政府才使用武力的。
 ☞ It was after the failure of this attempt that the government resorted to force.
 ☞ 他的计划以失败告终。
 ☞ His plan ended in failure.
 ☞ 在找到正确的方法之前,她有过多次失败。
 ☞ She had many failures before finding the right method.
  ■ fail是failure的动词。
 ☞ 孙中山领导过旨在推翻满清政府的多次武装起义,但都失败了。
 ☞ Dr. Sun Yat-sen had led many armed uprisings aimed at overthrowing the Qing-Dynasty government and had failed.
 ☞ 这项试验失败了不止一次。
 ☞ The experiment had failed more than once.
 ☞ 当时许多民主人士都认为和平动议已经失败。
 ☞ At that time many democratic personages supposed that the peace move had failed.
 ☞ 这次胜利带来的却是一种失败的感觉。
 ☞ The win brought a feeling of loss.
 ☞ 这场比赛是他们的第一次失败。
 ☞ This game is their first loss.
  ■ lose是loss的动词。
 ☞ 延误导致会战失败。
 ☞ The delay lost the battle.
 ☞ 执政党在选举中失败了。
 ☞ The ruling party lost the election.
夸大 夸大
1.exaggerate, exaggeration,指把事情描绘得超过原有的程度。
 ☞ 你在夸大困难。
 ☞ You are exaggerating difficulties.
 ☞ 这可能是夸大了,但其中有不少是真的。
 ☞ That may be exaggerated, but there's surely a great deal of truth in it.
 ☞ 说那里天天下雨,那是夸大。
 ☞ It is an exaggeration to say that it rains there every day.
 ☞ 通过夸大我们的分歧来吸引公众的注意是不可取的。
 ☞ It is undesirable to attract public attention by magnifying our differences.
 ☞ 他之所以夸大他在那次战斗中的作用是因为浅薄。
 ☞ He is so superficial as to magnify the part he played in the battle.
 ☞ 对过去取得的成绩不要夸大。
 ☞ We shouldn't overstate our past achievements.
 ☞ 大声朗读的好处完全有可能被夸大了。
 ☞ It is quite possible to overstate the benefits from reading aloud.
 ☞ 夸大敌情是会犯大错误的。
 ☞ It would be a very big mistake to overestimate the enemy.
 ☞ 报纸夸大了示威者的人数。
 ☞ The newspapers overestimated the number of demonstrators.

 ☞ 铁匠用钳子夹住一块烧红的铁,捶打起来。
 ☞ The blacksmith gripped a piece of red-hot iron with a pair of tongs and started to strike it.
 ☞ 他夹住钉子,把它拔了出来。
 ☞ He gripped the nail and pulled it out.
 ☞ 他的手指被老虎钳夹了一下。
 ☞ He nipped his finger with the pliers.
 ☞ 一个小男孩突然哭了起未,原来一只螃蟹夹住了他的脚趾头。
 ☞ A little boy cried all of a sudden. A crab nipped his toe.
2.pick up,指用筷子、镊子等夹取。
 ☞ 他用筷子夹了个鱼丸放到她的盘子里。
 ☞ He picked up a fish ball with chopsticks and put it on her plate.
 ☞ 他用镊子夹起了表簧,检查是不是断了。
 ☞ He picked up the watch spring with a pair of tweezers to see whether it was broken.
3.sandwich between,指一个人或物夹在两个同一类别的人或物中间。
 ☞ 一位青年男子夹在两个胖女人中间。
 ☞ A young man was sandwiched between two fat women.
 ☞ 这辆小汽车夹在两部大卡车中间。
 ☞ The car was sandwiched between two trucks.
4.between, in between,指夹在相同或不同事物中间。
 ☞ 敌军夹着尾巴逃跑了。
 ☞ The enemy troops ran away with their tails between their legs.
 ☞ 婆媳不和,儿子总是夹在中间受气。
 ☞ When the mother quarrels with the daughter-in-law, the son is always caught between two fires.
 ☞ 有两幢房子,中间夹着一个院子。
 ☞ There are two houses and a yard in between.
 ☞ 我们在飞机上只能看见两条无边无际的山脉和夹在中间的幽深的谷地。
 ☞ From the plane we could see only the two endless ranges of mountains with a deep valley in between.
 ☞ 我的手指被门夹了一下。
 ☞ My finger got squeezed in the door.
 ☞ 时间像把钳子似的夹住了我们的身心。
 ☞ Time squeezed our bodies and hearts as if they were in a vice.
 ☞ 那学生腋下夹着一本英语词典走了过来。
 ☞ The student came along with an English dictionary under his arm.
 ☞ 狂风夹着暴雨袭击了我们的村子。
 ☞ The violent wind accompanied by a torrential rain hit our village.
 ☞ 真理总是夹有谬误的。
 ☞ Truth always mingles with falsehood.
 ☞ 脱粒机的轰鸣声中夹着年轻人的欢笑声。
 ☞ The droning of the threshers intermingled with youthful laughter.
 ☞ 劈劈啪啪的步枪声中夹着哒哒哒的机关枪声。
 ☞ The crack of rifles was punctuated with the rattle of machine guns.
 ☞ 文章里夹着不少含义不清的生造的词语。
 ☞ The article is cultured up with unclear coined expressions.
 ☞ 他的话略略夹有南方口音。
 ☞ He speaks with a slight southern accent.
 ☞ 他的游记写成了记叙体,并夹有议论。
 ☞ His travel sketch was written as a narrative interspersed with comments.
夺取 夺取
 ☞ 我军已夺取敌人的一个据点。
 ☞ Our troops have captured an enemy stronghold.
 ☞ 据说先头部队已夺取了敌占的飞机场。
 ☞ It is said that the advancing forces have captured the airfield occupied by the enemy.
 ☞ 按列宁的教导,工人阶级必须武装夺取政权。
 ☞ According to Lenin the working class must seize state power by armed force.
 ☞ 因而,给敌人以出其不意的攻击是夺取主动的方法。
 ☞ Hence, launching surprise attacks upon the enemy is a way of seizing the initiative.
 ☞ 过去,我们常从蒋介石军队手里夺取武器。
 ☞ We used to wrest weapons from Chiang Kai-shek's troops.
 ☞ 你需要法院的一纸执行令才能从他父亲手里夺取孩子。
 ☞ You will need a court order to wrest the child from his father.
4.strive for,指经过努力争取。
 ☞ 我们一定要夺取社会主义建设的新胜利。
 ☞ We must strive for new victories in socialist construction.
 ☞ 要有信心去夺取一等奖。
 ☞ Be confident to strive for the first prize.
奇怪 奇怪
 ☞ 萤火虫是很奇怪的昆虫,身体能发光。
 ☞ The firefly is a strange insect that can give off light.
 ☞ 你竟没听见,真是奇怪!
 ☞ How strange that you should not have heard!
 ☞ 陨石雨是一种自然现象,没有什么可奇怪的。
 ☞ A meteorite shower is a natural phenomenon, there is nothing strange about it.
 ☞ 我们在学习上会碰到一些困难,这并不奇怪。
 ☞ It is not strange that we have come across some difficulties in our studies.
 ☞ 这个人就住在我隔壁,但奇怪的是我从来没见过他。
 ☞ The man lives right next door, but strangely enough I've never seen him.
 ☞ 我在奥运会有过一次奇怪的经历。
 ☞ I had an odd (strange) experience at the Olympic Games.
 ☞ 他看她的时候总有一种奇怪的感觉爬上他的心头。
 ☞ As he looks at her, an odd (strange) feeling always creeps over him.
 ☞ 我竟会一个人生活,你认为奇怪吗?
 ☞ Do you think it odd (strange) that I should live alone?
 ☞ 奇怪的是我竟记不得她的地址。
 ☞ It is odd (strange) that I cannot remember her address.
 ☞ 你听到窗外有奇怪的声音吗?
 ☞ Have you heard some odd noise outside the window?
 ☞ 她奇怪的打扮方式引起路人的注意。
 ☞ Her queer way of dressing attracted the stares of passers-by.
 ☞ 我发现那老太太的帽子很奇怪。
 ☞ I found that the old lady's hat was very queer.
  ■ 不过,queer也可表示一般的奇怪,这时可与strange换用。
 ☞ 我感到奇怪的是他跟他太太有20年没讲话了。
 ☞ I think it queer (strange) that he hasn't spoken with his wife for twenty years.
4.unusual, 指因不寻常,异常而奇怪。
 ☞ 20年前,女子踢足球是一件奇怪的事情。
 ☞ It was an unusual thing for a girl to play football twenty years ago.
 ☞ 6月天下雪,你会感到奇怪吗?
 ☞ Will you feel unusual when it snows in June?
 ☞ 他们至今还蒙在鼓里,真是奇怪。
 ☞ It is really surprising that they should still be in the dark.
 ☞ 真奇怪,她又结婚了。
 ☞ Surprisingly, she has married again.
 ☞ 他们都感到奇怪你为什么要辞职。
 ☞ They feel surprised at your resignation.
 ☞ 如果明天早上下雨,也没有什么好奇怪的。
 ☞ There is nothing to be surprised about if it rains tomorrow morning.
 ☞ 他最近的举动让我奇怪。
 ☞ His recent behavior puzzled me.
 ☞ 我感到奇怪的是你干嘛不试试申请大学奖学金。
 ☞ I feel puzzled why you didn't try for university scholarship.
 ☞ 我发现这事情非常奇怪。
 ☞ I find this affair very puzzling.
7.wonder, 指奇怪得令人纳闷儿。
 ☞ 我奇怪他怎么不来。
 ☞ I wonder why he didn't come.
 ☞ 他一天24小时连着睡,我很奇怪。
 ☞ I wonder at his sleeping around the clock.
 ☞ 一个懒学生考试不及格,有什么奇怪吗?
 ☞ Is a lazy student's failure in the examination to be wondered at?
8.not understand,指奇怪得无法理解。常用否定句。
 ☞ 我们奇怪为什么这点小事就是办不了。
 ☞ We really don't understand why such a small matter is so hard to settle.
 ☞ 人们都奇怪像她这么漂亮的姑娘竟会愿意在实验室里度过她的大好时光。
 ☞ People could not understand why a beautiful girl like her should desire to spend her finest hours in a laboratory.
奉命 奉命
1.receive orders,指接到命令。
 ☞ 第三天拂晓前,部队奉命开拔。
 ☞ On the third day the troops received orders to set out 10efore dawn.
 ☞ 我们奉命立即开始建设水库工程。
 ☞ We have received orders to start at once the construction of the reservoir.
2.be ordered, under orders, by order of, 指受命。
 ☞ 全体船员奉命弃船。
 ☞ The crew was ordered to abandon the ship.
 ☞ 水手奉命各就各位。
 ☞ The sailors were ordered to man their posts.
 ☞ 我们奉命尽早出发。
 ☞ We were under orders to start as early as possible.
 ☞ 军队不过是奉命行事而已。
 ☞ The troops acted under orders, that's all.
 ☞ 我们奉市长之命来此检查工作。
 ☞ We came to check up on work by order of the mayor.
3.be instructed, under instruction,指接受指示。
 ☞ 中国代表团奉命就这一问题阐明中国政府的立场。
 ☞ The Chinese Delegation has been instructed to state the position of the Chinese Government on this question.
 ☞ 他奉命把没收的违禁品交给海关。
 ☞ He was instructed to deliver the confiscated contraband to the customs.
 ☞ 我奉命不准说出逮捕他的罪名。
 ☞ I'm under instruction not to say on what charge he was arrested.
4.with a command from, by sb.'s command,指接受指挥。
 ☞ 我们奉市长之命而来。
 ☞ We came with a command from the mayor.
 ☞ 这是奉女王之命而做的。
 ☞ It was done by the queen's command.
5.be entrusted with a (the) mission,指托付使命。
 ☞ 他奉命于危难之际。
 ☞ He was entrusted with a mission at a critical and difficult moment.
 ☞ 律师奉命在他死后照顾财产。
 ☞ The lawyer was entrusted with the mission to care for the property after his death.
奉承 奉承
 ☞ 别信他的话,他在奉承你。
 ☞ Don't believe him. He was flattering you.
 ☞ 在表彰宴会上大家对他百般奉承。
 ☞ At the testimonial dinner everyone flattered him sedulously.
 ☞ 他好别人奉承。
 ☞ He's apt to fall for flattery.
2.fawn on,指巴结奉承。
 ☞ 许多人奉承他就因为他有钱。
 ☞ Many people fawn on him only because of his wealth.
 ☞ 别用那种办法去获得他的支持,他最恨别人奉承。
 ☞ Don't try to win his support in that way - he hates to be fawned on.
 ☞ 在这样的家庭里,仆人奉承受宠的,而失宠的则要受到欺侮。
 ☞ In a household like this. the servants fawned on those in favor, and bullied those who had fallen from grace.
3.toady to,指拍马屁。
 ☞ 他是靠奉承老师才获得高分的。
 ☞ He gets good grades only because he toadies to the teacher.
 ☞ 他反对奉承上司。
 ☞ He is objected to toadying to his boss.
4.bow and scrape,指卑躬屈膝。
 ☞ 官僚们在他们的上司面前卑躬屈膝地奉承.
 ☞ The bureaucrats bowed and scraped in front of their superiors.
 ☞ 他卑躬屈膝的奉承令人作呕。
 ☞ His bowing and scraping made people sick.
奖励 奖励
 ☞ 总统授予她金质奖章以资奖励。
 ☞ The president awarded her the gold medal.
 ☞ 校方向优秀学生提供特别奖学金以资奖励。
 ☞ The college authorities awarded the best students special scholarship.
 ☞ 成功是对强者的奖励。
 ☞ Success is awarded to the better-most.
 ☞ 模范工作者由于工作杰出而受到发给奖金的奖励。
 ☞ Model workers were given money awards for their distinguished service.
 ☞ 我们公司随时都准备给人以应得的奖励。
 ☞ Our company is always ready to reward people as they deserve.
 ☞ 他帮了忙,我要奖励他。
 ☞ I shall reward him for his help.
 ☞ 由于这孩子把我丢失的狗送了回来,我奖励他一个玩具。
 ☞ I rewarded the boy with a toy for bringing back my lost dog.
 ☞ 物质奖励有时能促人奋进。
 ☞ Material reward sometimes spurs people to work harder.
 ☞ 我们厂向来奖励创造发明。
 ☞ Our factory always encourages innovations by giving awards.
 ☞ 物质奖励应当结合精神奖励。
 ☞ Material award must be combined with moral encouragement.
女人 女人
 ☞ 要女人进来,但不要男人和姑娘进来。
 ☞ Ask the women to come in, but not the men or the girls.
  ■ 不过woman有时可指总称,这时多用单数。
 ☞ 大多数国家的女人都比男人长寿。
 ☞ Woman lives longer than man in most countries.
  ■ woman还可表示女人的特点。
 ☞ 他认为她相当女人。
 ☞ He thinks she is quite a woman.
 ☞ 中国农村重男轻女,因此女人占人口的少数。
 ☞ In the countryside of China people look up to men and down on women. That is why females constitute a minority of the population.
 ☞ 她是机要秘书,也是我们机关嘴巴最紧的女人。
 ☞ She is a confidential secretary and the most closemouthed female in our office.
 ☞ 温柔一直认为是女人的特性。
 ☞ Gentleness is long considered a feminine trait.
 ☞ 令他高兴的是他发现她很漂亮,而且相当女人。
 ☞ To his delight he found her pretty and rather feminine.
  ■ 此外,由于feminine是指特征,因此也可用于男人来表示脂粉气。
 ☞ 他是个有男子汉气概的伙子,却有着一副女人的嗓子。
 ☞ He is a manly lad, but has a feminine voice.

 ☞ 跟你谈谈真好。
 ☞ It'8 so good to talk to you.
 ☞ 你气色好,而且胖了。
 ☞ You're looking good and you've put on weight 她向来对我好。
 ☞ She has been good to me.
  ■ 由于good一词不带感情色彩,故褒贬均用。
 ☞ 她对你的反映好。
 ☞ She has a good opinion of you.
 ☞ 这一巴掌打得好。
 ☞ That is a good slap.
 ☞ 新社会里的好人好事层出不穷。
 ☞ Nice (Good) people and nice (good) deeds are emerging one after another in the new society.
 ☞ 做个好孩子。
 ☞ Be a nice (good) boy.
 ☞ 这一枪打得好。
 ☞ You fired a nice shot.
  ■ 正因为nice带有感情色彩,故用于讽刺时不能用good替代。
 ☞ 你真是个好朋友,连10块钱都不借。
 ☞ You're a nice friend indeed; you won't even lend me ten dollars.
 ☞ 我们是好朋友,他对我特好。
 ☞ We are good friends. He is especially friendly with me.
 ☞ 他殷勒好客,对谁都好。
 ☞ He was hospitable and friendly to everyone.
 ☞ 你们都是祖国的好儿女。
 ☞ All of you are fine sons and daughters of our country.
 ☞ 大家都夸她歌唱得好。
 ☞ Everyone praised her fine singing.
 ☞ 我有个好母亲。
 ☞ I have a kind mother.
 ☞ 帮助盲人是件好事。
 ☞ Helping a blind man is a kind act.
1) 表示身体好。
 ☞ 她身体好。
 ☞ She is well in health.
 ☞ 最近我不大好。
 ☞ I have not been very well recently.
2) 表示情况好。
 ☞ 再有一车砖就全好了。
 ☞ All would be well if we have another cartload of bricks.
 ☞ 他只要吃好、睡好就一切都好了。
 ☞ He had only to eat more and sleep better and all would be well.
3) 表示做得好。
 ☞ 他篮球打得好。
 ☞ He plays basketball very well.
 ☞ 他第一部小说就受到好评。
 ☞ His first novel was well received.
4) 表示感叹。
 ☞ 好,这下麻烦了。
 ☞ Well. we're in trouble now.
 ☞ 好吧。要是你想去,我是不会来拦你的。
 ☞ Well! If you want to go, I shall never try to stop you.
7.all right,也有多种含义。
1) 表示身体正常。
 ☞ 当时我都动弹不得,不过现在好了。
 ☞ I was quite incapable of moving. I am all right now.
 ☞ 在床上躺一两天就会好的。
 ☞ Lie in bed for a day or two and you will be all right.
2) 表示情况正常。
 ☞ 到后来一切又都好了。
 ☞ In the end. everything was all right again.
 ☞ 他的工作向来都好。
 ☞ His work is always all right.
3) 表示征询和肯定。
 ☞ 明天下午两点好吗?
 ☞ Will tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock be all right?
 ☞ 好,这本书给你了。
 ☞ All right, you can have the book.
 ☞ 咱们去那儿,好吗?
 ☞ Let's go there,okay?
 ☞ 好,就这么办
 ☞ OK, it's settled.
 ☞ 这本书好懂。
 ☞ The book is easy to understand.
 ☞ 小学生的教科书不好买。
 ☞ Textbooks for school pupils are not easily available.
10.be ready,表示准备就绪。
 ☞ 早饭好了。
 ☞ Breakfast is ready.
 ☞ 计划好了。
 ☞ The plan is ready.
 ☞ 好了吗?
 ☞ Is it done?
 ☞ 谢天谢地,总算好了。
 ☞ There, that's done, thank goodness.
12.fall in love with, fond of, become friends,表示情爱、喜爱及友爱。
 ☞ 如果他跟她好,她能回报他的感情吗?
 ☞ If he is falling in love with her, is she returning his affection?
 ☞ 告诉我,是她跟你好吗?
 ☞ Tell me, is she fond of you?
 ☞ 这两个孩子刚吵过,又好了。
 ☞ The two children quarreled just now and become friends again.
13.recover (from),表示痊愈。
 ☞ 阿红姐的伤还没全好。
 ☞ Sister Ah-Hong has not fully recovered from her injury.
 ☞ 她好了不久就又回到了学校。
 ☞ Before long she had recovered and was back again at school.
14.heal, close,表示伤口愈合。
 ☞ 伤口好得很慢。
 ☞ The wound healed very slowly.
 ☞ 不到20天,刀口就好了。
 ☞ In less than twenty days the cut has closed.
 ☞ 只是胸口有点疼,现在好了。
 ☞ Just a pain in my chest, it's gone now.
 ☞ 我头痛好了。
 ☞ My headache was gone.
16.That's it,表示对所做的事的肯定。
 ☞ 再往后一点,好!
 ☞ Now go back a bit. That's it.
 ☞ 往左,往左,好!
 ☞ To your left, to your left. That's it.
 ☞ 今天好冷!
 ☞ How cold it is today!
 ☞ 他们干得好快呀!
 ☞ How fast they are working!
 ☞ 好大的工程!
 ☞ What a huge project it is!
 ☞ 你问的问题好傻!
 ☞ What a silly question you asked!
 ☞ 那么你能做好多?
 ☞ And how many do you make?
 ☞ 火车站离这儿好远?
 ☞ How far is the railway station from here?
 ☞ 我要是昨天碰上你父亲就好了。
 ☞ I wish I had met your father yesterday.
 ☞ 我要是不学历史,学法律就好了。
 ☞ I wish that I had studied law instead of history.
 ☞ 我要知道就好了。
 ☞ If only I knew.
 ☞ 他要是及时赶到就好了。
 ☞ If only he arrived in time.
1) 用过去分词。
 ☞ I作做好了。
 ☞ The work is done.
 ☞ 样样都安排好了。
 ☞ Everything is arranged.
2) 用动词过去时。
 ☞ 我把他的病治好了。
 ☞ I cured his illness.
 ☞ 这项工作他已做好了。
 ☞ He finished the job.
3) 用完成时态。
 ☞ 我饭吃好了。
 ☞ I have had my dinner.
 ☞ 到中午时刻我已写好了3封信。
 ☞ I had written three letters by noon.
4) 用一先一后的动作。
 ☞ 请坐好,我们要开会了。
 ☞ Please take your seats. We are to begin the meeting 吃好饭请到我这里来。
 ☞ Come to me after you have your meal.
 ☞ 你戴那顶帽子好看。
 ☞ That hat looks nice on you.
 ☞ 王大叔好说话,求他准行。
 ☞ Uncle Wang is very obliging; he's sure to help if you ask him.
 ☞ 这件事弄得我们又好气又好笑。
 ☞ It made us annoying and amusing at the same time.
22.放在动词之前,表示”应该”、“可以”、“能够”,可用ought to,can,may等。
 ☞ 夜深了,你好去睡了。
 ☞ It's late at night. You ought to go to bed.
 ☞ 我买了部词典,好随时查阅。
 ☞ I bought a dictionary and I can consult it at any time.
 ☞ 我好进去看看吗?
 ☞ May I go in and have a look?
1) so that,后接从句。
 ☞ 明天请把那本杂志带来,我好还给他。
 ☞ Please bring the magazine tomorrow so that I can return it to him.
 ☞ 农民都在灌溉茶园,好使茶叶高产。
 ☞ The peasants are watering tea plantation fields so that they can get high yield of tea.
2) so as to,后接动词不定式短语表示目的。
 ☞ 今儿早点睡,明儿好早起赶火车。
 ☞ Let's turn in early so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.
 ☞ 他借口上厕所好独自离开我们。
 ☞ He made an excuse to go to the lavatory so as to leave us alone。
3) in order to,与so as to相同,后接动词不定式短语也表示目的。
 ☞ 他尽可能节省,好偿还他欠的钱。
 ☞ He was saving as much as possible in order to repay money he had owed.
 ☞ 工厂和商家联合举办产品展览好征求顾客意见。
 ☞ Factories and stores hold joint exhibition of products in order to get the opinion of the customers.
4) and,前后接前因后果的两个同等成分。
 ☞ 今天早点睡,明天好早点起来。
 ☞ Go to bed earlier today and you will get up earlier tomorrow.
 ☞ 他们轮着班来,好在星期天帮我。
 ☞ They took turns to come and help me on Sunday.
 ☞ 我们等了好几个小时汽车才来。
 ☞ The bus didn't come before we waited for quite a few hours.
 ☞ 昨天来了好几百人。
 ☞ Several hundred people came yesterday.
 ☞ 她今年三十好几了。
 ☞ She's well over thirty this year.
 ☞ 星期天我家来了好多同学。
 ☞ Quite a lot of my classmates came to my house on Sunday.
 ☞ 这道题我好容易才算出来。(等于好不容易)
 ☞ I worked out the problem with difficulty.
 ☞ 这道题好容易,谁都会做。(等于很容易)
 ☞ The problem is so simple that everyone can do it.
1) good,表示彻底。
 ☞ 咱们好好玩一玩吧。
 ☞ Let's have a good time.
 ☞ 房间要好好打扫打扫了。
 ☞ The room wants a good cleaning.
2) well,表示仔细。
 ☞ 买车子前该好好看看。
 ☞ You must examine the car well before you buy it.
 ☞ 服药前好好摇一摇。
 ☞ Shake the liquid medicine well before taking it.
3) for no reason,表示无缘无故。
 ☞ 他好好的突然辞职不干了。
 ☞ He suddenly resigned for no reason.
 ☞ 你好好的把一支笔折了,对不?
 ☞ You broke a pen for no reason, didn't you?
4) all right,表示没事。
 ☞ 电话刚才还好好的,怎么就坏了?
 ☞ Why isn't the telephone working now? It was all right a moment ago.
 ☞ 房子烧光了,可院里的百年老树到现在还是好好的。
 ☞ The house was burnt down, yet the hundred-year-old tree in the courtyard is still all right now.
5) smooth,表示顺利。
 ☞ 管得好好的一个图书馆给搞得乱七八糟。
 ☞ A smooth-running library is thrown out of gear.
 ☞ 样样都好好的怎么就生起气来?
 ☞ Why are you angry when everything goes smooth?

 ☞ 她好跳舞,而且逢场必到。
 ☞ She loves dancing and attends any place when the occasion arises.
 ☞ 人的本性是好逸恶劳。问题是战而胜之还是不战而降。
 ☞ It is human nature to love ease and hate work. The question is whether to overcome it or to be overcome by it.
2.be fond of,指生性喜爱。
 ☞ 我父亲好喝两盅,但从来不醉。
 ☞ My father is fond of drinking a bit, but he has never got drunk once.
 ☞ 他好吃懒做,怎能不债台高筑呢?
 ☞ How couldn't he be immersed in debt when he was so lazy and fond of food?
 ☞ 人之患,在好为人师。
 ☞ It is human weakness to like lecturing people.
 ☞ 好听恭维、不听批评的人,早晚要犯错误。
 ☞ Those who like flattery but not criticism are bound to go astray sooner or later.
 ☞ 人之患,在好为人师。
 ☞ The trouble with people is that they are too eager to assume the role of teacher.
 ☞ 他生来好学。
 ☞ He is eager to learn by nature.
5.delight in,指以此为乐。
 ☞ 好读书,不求甚解,每有会意,便欣然忘食。
 ☞ He delights in study but does not seek abstruse explanations. Whenever there is something of which he apprehends the meaning, then in his happiness he forgets to eat.
 ☞ 她好逗小孩。
 ☞ She delights in teasing little children.
6.apt to,指易于产生某种倾向,后接动词不定式。
 ☞ 他说话很快,而且好激动。
 ☞ He talks rapidly and is apt to become excited.
 ☞ 她是个马大哈,好出错。
 ☞ She was a careless person and apt to make mistakes.
7.liable to,指经常会,后接动词不定式。
 ☞ 粗心大意的司机,好出交通事故。
 ☞ Careless drivers are liable to meet with accidents 我们都好出错。
 ☞ We are all liable to make mistakes.
  ■ 但如果是指“好犯病”也可接名词。
 ☞ 你们最好不要走水路,她好晕船。
 ☞ You'd better avoid traveling by water. She is liable to seasickness.
 ☞ 人贪吃,就好得肥胖症。
 ☞ Compulsive eaters are liable to obesity.
8.be subject to,指易于受支配,后接名词。
 ☞ 日本好闹地震。
 ☞ Japan is subject to earthquake.
 ☞ 他好发脾气。
 ☞ He is subject to fits of temper.
 ☞ 她好说话,因此大家在背后叫她长舌妇。
 ☞ She was talkative and people called her Gossipy Lady behind her.
 ☞ 他好管闲事,为此吃了不少苦头。
 ☞ He is meddlesome and has suffered a lot for what he did.
好像 好像
 ☞ 她今天好像不舒服。
 ☞ It seems that she is not quite well today.
 ☞ 这人以前我好像在哪儿见过。
 ☞ I seem to have met this man somewhere before.
2.look like, look as if, 看起来像。后者程度较弱且常用虚拟语气。
 ☞ 好像不会下雨。
 ☞ It does not look like rain.
 ☞ 她正当妙龄,好像一朵含苞欲放的花朵。
 ☞ She is in her rosy bloom and looks like a bud ready to burst.
 ☞ 你好像并不在乎。
 ☞ You look as if you didn't care.
 ☞ 问题好像简单,其实不然。
 ☞ The question looks as if it were simple, but actually it is not.
 ☞ 她们亲得好像姐妹。
 ☞ They are as intimate as sisters.
 ☞ 他嗓门大得好像打雷。
 ☞ His voice is as loud as thunder rumbling.
4.as if, 指虚拟得好像,其后用过去时。
 ☞ 你到了这里就好像到了自己家一样。
 ☞ You'll feel as if you were at home while here.
 ☞ 我记得事情的全过程,好像是昨天发生的一样。
 ☞ I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.
5.用how much…resemble, what a resemblance的感叹句,表示多么相像。
 ☞ 她好像她的母亲呀!
 ☞ How much she resembles her mother!
 ☞ 这两个孩子好像呀!
 ☞ What a resemblance between these two children!
好意思 好意思
1.have the face to do sth. ,指居然有脸做某事。
 ☞ 用于反意疑问句。
 ☞ 人家请我喝酒,我好意思不喝吗?
 ☞ When people offered me a drink, how could I have the face to refuse it?
 ☞ 忘了台词,你还好意思上台?
 ☞ How could you have the face to go up the stage while forgetting your lines?
2.have the nerve to,指居然有勇气做某事。多用于感叹或反问。
 ☞ 做了这种事,亏他还好意思说!
 ☞ Fancy his doing that son of thing and then having the nerve to talk about it!
 ☞ 考试作弊,你还好意思夸?
 ☞ How can you have the nerve to advertise your cheating at the examination?
 ☞ 她在陌生人面前会不好意思的。
 ☞ She is shy in the presence of strangers.
 ☞ 她被夸得不好意思了。
 ☞ She felt embarrassed at so much praise.
 ☞ 让你久等了,真不好意思。
 ☞ I'm sorry to have kept you waiting long.
 ☞ 当时我不好意思拒绝。
 ☞ I found it difficult to refuse.
4.“不好意思”有时也用否定+ shame (the nerve)来表示。
 ☞ 我不好意思重复这些话。
 ☞ I cannot repeat the words for shame.
 ☞ 他当时不好意思再问。
 ☞ He didn't have the nerve to ask again.
好感 好感
1.have a good (poor) opinion,指看法上有无好感。
 ☞ 接着,他告诉我公众对我的作品颇有好感。
 ☞ Then he let me know that the public had a rather good opinion of my works.
 ☞ 对胆小鬼,大家都没有好感。
 ☞ Everybody has a poor opinion of a coward.
2.well (ill) disposed towards,指倾向上有无好感。
 ☞ 重要的是农民对党的政策有好感。
 ☞ It is important that the peasants are well disposed toward the Party's policy.
 ☞ 许多报纸似乎对新内阁没有好感。
 ☞ Many of the newspapers seemed ill disposed towards the new cabinet.
3.take a fancy to, have a fancy for,指感情上有好感。
 ☞ 由于某种原因她对你有好感。
 ☞ For some reason, she's taken a fancy to you.
 ☞ 我不知道为什么对这家小咖啡馆有好感。
 ☞ I don't know why I have such a fancy for this little cafe.
  ■ 但是,take the fancy of与take a fancy to的用法,宾主的位置正好相反。
 ☞ 想不到张家小姐对那位穷书生有了好感。
 ☞ Who would have thought that the poor scholar had taken the fancy of Miss Zhang? 试比较:Who would have thought that Miss Zhang had taken a fancy to the poor scholar?
4.a good impression,指好印象。
 ☞ 他的一举一动都给她以好感。
 ☞ His every act and every move made a good impression on her.
 ☞ 反动政府的所作所为并未给人以好感。
 ☞ What the reactionary government had done didn't give a good impression on people.
好歹 好歹
1.good from bad,指好与坏。
 ☞ 人要怎样才能区别好歹?
 ☞ How can a man tell good from bad?
 ☞ 她不知道好歹。
 ☞ She doesn't know good from bad.
 ☞ 他是个知道好歹的人,一直在设法图报。
 ☞ He is a grateful fellow and has been trying a way to recompense.
 ☞ 你不但不谢他,反倒埋怨他,真是不知好歹的家伙。
 ☞ You're really an ungrateful wretch to complain instead of thanking him.
 ☞ 万一她有个好歹,这可怎么办?
 ☞ What if something should happen to her?
 ☞ 如果病人有个好歹,请马上打电话给我。
 ☞ If something should happen to the patient, please ring me at once.
4.anyway,anyhow,at any rate,均指前面说过的话无关紧要,重要的在后面。
 ☞ 我说不准什么时候到;也许7点半,也许8点差一刻。8点以前好歹一定到。
 ☞ I'm not sure what time I'll arrive; maybe half past seven or a quarter to eight. Anyway, I'll certainly be there before eight o'clock.
 ☞ 好歹先把信发了再说。
 ☞ Anyway, have the letter sent and see.
 ☞ 多么可怕的经历!好歹你安然无恙,这比什么都重要。
 ☞ What a terrible experience! Anyhow, you're back safe and sound, that's the main thing.
 ☞ 我们好歹总算搞到了我们想要的东西。
 ☞ We managed to get what we wanted, anyhow.
 ☞ 她好歹还得再呆上6个月。
 ☞ She shall stay for the next six months, at any rate.
 ☞ 好歹让我开个头。
 ☞ At any rate, let me make a start.
 ☞ 别再做菜了,好歹吃点现成的就得了。
 ☞ Don't cook anything more, we'll have whatever there is.
 ☞ 好歹有什么事,一定来找我帮忙。
 ☞ Whatever happens, come to me for help.
6.in any case, 有whatever happens的意思。
 ☞ 你好歹得赶上明天的火车。
 ☞ In any case, catch the train tomorrow.
 ☞ 我好歹要支持你出国深造。
 ☞ In any case, I would insist on your going abroad for advanced study.
7.appreciate favor,偶尔也有好歹的意思。
 ☞ 我们应该知道好歹。
 ☞ We should know how to appreciate what a favor is.
好看 好看
1.good-(nice-) looking,指人的外貌好看。
 ☞ 她是位好看的姑娘。
 ☞ She is a good-looking girl.
 ☞ 要是有什么不一样的地方,那就是他长得更高、更匀称,自然也更好看。
 ☞ If anything different, he was taller, better built, and hence better-looking.
 ☞ 他有点好看。
 ☞ He is a bit nice-looking.
2.look nice (pretty),指人的装饰、姿势等好看。
 ☞ 那顶帽子你戴着好看。
 ☞ That hat looks nice on you.
 ☞ 要是你的头发整齐一点,你本来可以更加好看的。
 ☞ You could look nicer if you did your hair more neatly.
 ☞ 你刚才站在那里的样子,我还从来没见你这么好看。
 ☞ I never saw you look as pretty as you did just now standing there.
 ☞ 这块印花布做裙子一定好看。
 ☞ This piece of cotton print would surely make a very beautiful skirt.
 ☞ 这景色依然是那么好看。
 ☞ The scenery is still so beautiful.
 ☞ 她不过是外表好看罢了。
 ☞ She was merely pretty.
 ☞ 多好看的一幢房子!
 ☞ What a pretty house!
5.delightful, pleasant, enjoyable to see, interesting,指视觉上赏心悦目,或指得到视觉上的享受,或产生兴趣。
 ☞ 多么好看的一幅画呀!
 ☞ What a delightful (pleasant) picture it is!
 ☞ 我欣赏一切好看的东西。
 ☞ I appreciate whatever enjoyable to see.
 ☞ 这部电影很好看。
 ☞ The film is very interesting.
6.honor, share the honor, add luster,均指增添荣耀或光彩。
 ☞ 见儿子立了功,我这做娘的也好看。
 ☞ It, s an honor for a mother like me to see my son do such a meritorious deed.
 ☞ 我的学生拾金不昧,我也好看呀。
 ☞ My pupil refused to pocket the money he had found and I shared the honor.
 ☞ 他得了奖,我们厂也好看呀。
 ☞ His winning of the prize added luster to our factory.
7.put (find) on the spot, make a fool of, feel shame (ashamed),均指使人难堪。
 ☞ 那问题真要了我好看。
 ☞ The question really put me on the spot.
 ☞ 等着瞧吧,有他好看的。
 ☞ Wait and see; he'll soon find himself on the spot.
 ☞ 要我上台表演?这不是要我好看吗?
 ☞ Mei on the stage? Do you want me to make a fool of myself?
 ☞ 他考试不及格,感到脸上不好看。
 ☞ He felt shame (ashamed) at having flunked the exam.
好评 好评
 ☞ 中国茶叶在国外获得好评。
 ☞ The Chinese tea received a great deal of praise abroad.
 ☞ 他由于谦虚谨慎而获得好评。
 ☞ He won praise for his modesty and prudence.
 ☞ 她由于处理事务的技巧而获得不少好评。
 ☞ She got much credit for the skill with which she handled affairs.
 ☞ 我们由于这次探险而博得不少好评。
 ☞ We gained a lot of credit from the exploration.
3.critical acclaim,指评论性称赞。
 ☞ 该书受到好评。
 ☞ The book was greeted with critical acclaim.
 ☞ 这部电影得到极大的好评。
 ☞ The film received great critical acclaim.
 ☞ 受到他的好评,我深感荣幸。
 ☞ I am flattered by his commendation.
 ☞ 他的工作得到好评。
 ☞ His work called forth good commendation.
 ☞ 该剧受到普遍的好评。
 ☞ The play was received with general approbation.
 ☞ 我们农场的畜产品获得了消费者的好评。
 ☞ The livestock products of our farm have won the approbation of consumers.
6.be well received,指认可性好评。
 ☞ 这部小说获得了读者的好评。
 ☞ The novel was well received by the readers.
 ☞ 他的讲话得到听众的好评。
 ☞ His speech was well received by the audience.
7.have a good opinion of,指评论好。
 ☞ 大多数市民对他在市长任期内的工作颇有好评。
 ☞ The majority of the citizens have a good opinion of the work during his term of office as a mayor.
 ☞ 我们对她是有好评的。
 ☞ We had a good opinion of her.
好转 好转
 ☞ 他的身体正在好转。
 ☞ His health is improving.或He is improving in health.
 ☞ 我相信你的情况会很快好转的。
 ☞ I'm sure that things will improve with you very soon.
2.take the turn for the better, take a favorable (good) turn,指向好的方面转交。
 ☞ 病人的病情已经好转。
 ☞ The patient has taken a turn for the better.
 ☞ 目前的形势正在好转。
 ☞ The present situation is taking a turn for the better.
 ☞ 或The present situation is taking a favorable turn.
 ☞ 天气已经好转。
 ☞ The weather has taken a good turn.
3.on the mend,mend,指在痊愈、改进中。
 ☞ 他摔断的腿在好转。
 ☞ His broken leg is on the mend.
 ☞ 他们之间的关系在好转。
 ☞ The relationship between them is on the mend.
 ☞ 我认为这里的情况在好转。
 ☞ I think things are mending here.

1.like, 指如同,用作介词。
 ☞ 湖面如镜。
 ☞ The lake is like a mirror.
 ☞ 他人是老人,行为却如孩子。
 ☞ He is an old man, yet he is acting like a child.
 ☞ 如上所述,谈判陷入了僵局。
 ☞ The negotiations reached a deadlock as described above.
 ☞ 正如你所说,他没有来参加会议。
 ☞ He didn't attend the meeting, as you have said.
 ☞ 唐朝有过许多大诗人,如李白、杜甫、白居易等。
 ☞ The Tang Dynasty produced a host of great poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Ba Juyi and others.
 ☞ 我侗的意志坚如钢铁。
 ☞ Our will is as strong as steel.
 ☞ 人情薄如纸。
 ☞ Human feelings of sympathy are as thin as paper.
4.as if, 也指犹如,但往往指非真实的比喻,故其后常用虚拟语气。
 ☞ 我对你如亲生儿子。
 ☞ I treat you as if you were my own son.
 ☞ 他坚持研究,十年如一日。
 ☞ He persevered in his research for ten years as if it were one day.
5.if, in the event, 相当于“如果”,详见词条“如果”。
 ☞ 如处理得当,问题不难解决。
 ☞ The problem will not be difficult to solve, if properly handled.
 ☞ 如不能来,请打电话告诉我。
 ☞ If you can't come, please ring me up.
 ☞ 如我队获胜,将举行庆祝。
 ☞ In the event that our team wins, there will be a celebration.
6.in case,指万一。
 ☞ 如有困难,找我好了。
 ☞ In case of difficulty, just call on me.
 ☞ 如有火警,将玻璃击碎。
 ☞ In case of fire, break the glass.
 ☞ 我们的那位向导步伐轻巧,爬起山来矫健得如羚羊。
 ☞ Our guide was light-footed and climbed mountains with ease of a chamois.
 ☞ 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。
 ☞ Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot.
 ☞ 最易辨认的星座是天蝎星座,形如风筝,并有一个摆动的长尾。
 ☞ The easiest constellation to identify is the Scorpion, which is a kite-shaped group, with a long swinging tail.
 ☞ 那画画得栩栩如生。
 ☞ That picture was drawn to the life.
 ☞ 随着风力大小的变化,海洋的变化可由浪涛汹涌到波平如镜。
 ☞ The sea changes from violent disturbance to glassy calm with varying strength of wind.
 ☞ 党和国家领导人登上主席台时,全场欢声如雷。
 ☞ The appearance on the rostrum of the Party and State leaders was greeted with thunderous cheers.
如何 如何
1) 用作疑问副词,引出疑问句。用来询问变化的事物,如暂时的情绪、情况的变化等。
 ☞ 老板今天早上的脸色如何?
 ☞ How does the boss look this morning?
 ☞ 祖母的风湿病如何?
 ☞ How is the grandmother's rheumatism?
  ■ 由此引出how,用来问候别人的健康情况。
  "How are you?" "Fine, thank you, and you?"
  ■ 此外,how 也用来表示人们对所经历的事情的反应。
 ☞ 电影如何?
 ☞ How is the film?
 ☞ 你的新工作如何?
 ☞ How is your new job?
2) 用作连接副词,引出从句或动词不定式。
 ☞ 这就是我们是如何开始的。
 ☞ This is how we started.
 ☞ 这东西是如何做成的一直是个谜。
 ☞ How it was made has been a mystery.
 ☞ 问题是如何把他培养成一个真正的战士。
 ☞ The question was how to make a real fighter out of him.
 ☞ 讨论集中在如何提高部队的战斗力上。
 ☞ The discussion centered on how to increase the combat effectiveness of the troops.
 ☞ 除了那么做,我们又能如何?
 ☞ What else could we have done except that?
 ☞ 他不知如何是好。
 ☞ He didn't know what to do.
 ☞ 咱们去散会儿步,你看如何?
 ☞ Let's go for a walk. What do you say?
 ☞ 你对新老师的意见如何?
 ☞ What is your opinion of the new teacher?
  ■ what与like连用,可以提问人或物的性质。
 ☞ 你兄弟的为人如何?
 ☞ What is your brother like?
 ☞ 昆明的天气如何?
 ☞ What weather is like in Kunming?
 ☞ 那部电影如何?
 ☞ How was the film?(问看了电影后的感觉)
 ☞ What was the film like?(请对方对电影加以评论)
 ☞ 这本小说你觉得如何?
 ☞ How do you like the novel?(问读后的感受)
 ☞ What do you think of the novel?(请对方评论)
加入 加入
 ☞ 他在解放前就加入了中国共产党。
 ☞ He joined the Communist Party of China before liberation.
 ☞ 谁劝你加入登山俱乐部的?
 ☞ Who persuaded you to join the Alpine Club?
2.affiliate oneself to,指某种隶属关系。
 ☞ 商人都应加入当地的商会。
 ☞ Businessmen should affiliate themselves to the local Chamber of Commerce.
 ☞ 所有的电视台都加入了同一个广播网吗?
 ☞ Are all TV stations affiliated to the same network?
3.accede to,指加入条约或协定。
 ☞ 越来越多的国家主张中国加入世贸组织。
 ☞ More and more countries favor that China ought to accede to WTO.
 ☞ 凡未签署本公约的国家,不论出席布鲁塞尔召开的国际会议与否,均可加入本公约。
 ☞ Non-signatory states may accede to the present Convention whether or not they have been represented at the International Conference at Brussels.
4.add, mix,指添加或掺加。
 ☞ 硅一般是通过共同蒸发来加入的。
 ☞ Silicon is usually added by co-evaporation.
 ☞ 面粉里先加入适量的盐,再按比例加入适量的水。
 ☞ Mix an appropriate amount of salt into flour, and then add some water in proportion.
如果 如果
 ☞ 如果那人是玛丽,干嘛她不停下来打招呼?
 ☞ If that was Mary, why didn't she stop and say hello?
 ☞ 如果发了财,我要去周游世界。
 ☞ If I got rich I'd travel round the world.
 ☞ 如果你问过我,我会全都告诉你的。
 ☞ If you had asked me I would have told you all.
 ☞ 如果有人来访,就说我一会儿就回来。
 ☞ Should anyone call, say I shall be back in a minute.
 ☞ 如果这个责任落到更能干的人的肩上,他会更加高兴的;
 ☞ Should the duty have fallen on abler shoulders he would have been much more pleased.
 ☞ 如果没有地心引力,情况会怎么样?
 ☞ Suppose there was no such force as gravitation, what would things be like?
 ☞ 如果你父亲看见你,他会怎么说?
 ☞ Suppose your father saw you, what would he say?
4.provided (that),表示规定的条件,有“只要”的意思,因此使用范围没有if广。故if 一般都能代替provided,而provided则不一定能代替if。
 ☞ 如果有时间,我一定来。
 ☞ I will come provided I have time.
 ☞ 如果有成年人陪着,孩子们可以游泳。
 ☞ The children may swim provided an adult accompanies them.
 ☞ 如果一开始向计算机提供的资料是正确的,那么其速度是个优点,准确也是个优点。
 ☞ Speed is one advantage, accuracy is another provided that the computer is given accurate data to start with.
5.on condition that,与provided that通用,也表示规定的先决条件。
 ☞ 如果你不转借给别人,你可以借这本书。
 ☞ You may borrow the book on condition that you do not lend it to anyone else.
 ☞ 如果你们负担一部分费用,我们可以同意。
 ☞ We will consent on condition that you bear part of expense.
6.in case of,有“万一”的意思。
 ☞ 如果发生火警,请拨119。
 ☞ In case of fire, dial 119.
 ☞ 如果我不在那里,请我的兄弟帮你。
 ☞ In case of my not being there, ask my brother to help you.
7.in the event of,义同in case of。
 ☞ 如果发生火警,请按警铃。
 ☞ In the event office, ring the alarm-bell.
 ☞ 如果失败,我们还有一次机会。
 ☞ We shall have another chance in the event of failure.
 ☞ 我们如果不加强学习,就会跟不上发展的形势。
 ☞ We can't keep abreast of the developing situation unless we study hard.
 ☞ 再好的协定,如果不加以落实也是一纸空文。
 ☞ The best agreement is a mere scrap of paper unless it is implemented.
9.when, where,原指时间和地点,但在一定的上下文中有“当时如果”或“如果在某个地方”的意思。
 ☞ 如果图画比文字更能说明问题,我们就用图画。
 ☞ We use pictures when pictures can illustrate meaning better than words.
 ☞ 如果人人都是人物,那就谁也不是人物了。
 ☞ When everybody is somebody, then nobody is anybody.
 ☞ 如果没有发明,我们至少可以改进。
 ☞ Where we cannot invent, we may at least improve.
 ☞ 如果可能,所有的部件都应该予以检测。
 ☞ Where possible, all parts should be tested.
 ☞ 如果没有重力,就不会有空气,不会有水,不会有一切。
 ☞ Without gravity there would be no air, no water, no nothing.
 ☞ 如果没有血液的凝固,我们就会因一个割开的伤口而流血致死。
 ☞ Without the clotting of our blood we would bleed to death from a cut.
如此 如此
1) 可以用来修饰动词。
 ☞ 既然你希望受人款待,你也应如此待人。
 ☞ As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them.
 ☞ 先告诉我,是什么事使你如此苦恼。
 ☞ Tell me first what has upset you so.
 "Are you going to play football tomorrow?" "I hope so."
2) 可以用来修饰形容词。
 ☞ 天呀,他是如此魁梧、如此英俊、如此孔武有力!
 ☞ Alas, he is so big, so handsome, so forceful!
 ☞ 他成了如此高消费之地的常客,不由得欣赏起自己来了。
 ☞ He could not help admiring himself for being able to frequent so costly a place.
3) 可以用来修饰副词。
 ☞ 他来得如此之快,完全出乎我的意料。
 ☞ I never expected him to get here so soon.
 ☞ 她唱得如此之好,都使我陶醉了。
 ☞ She sang so well that it made me feel intoxicated.
4) 可以用来修饰其他,如补语、表语等。
 ☞ 这可以想象,至少我认为如此。
 ☞ This is conceivable. At least I find it so.
 ☞ 他是个懒孩子,而且会永远如此。
 ☞ He is a lazy boy and will always be so.
 ☞ 我完全信任他,了解他的人都会如此。
 ☞ I trust him completely. So would anyone who knew him.
 ☞ 加此说来,问题似乎无关宏旨。
 ☞ Stated thus, the problem seems trivial.
 ☞ 只有如此,他们才能保证大家拥有工作、休息和受教育的权利。
 ☞ Only thus can they secure the right of work, rest and education for all.
 ☞ 他是如此来描绘这一过程的。
 ☞ He pictured the process thus.
 ☞ 他们要我在会上发言,如此而已。
 ☞ They asked me to speak at the meeting merely thus.
 ☞ 如此聪明的孩子很少见。
 ☞ Such an intelligent child is rarely seen.
 ☞ 拼写得如此之差,简直无法容忍。
 ☞ Such bad spelling is simply intolerable.
 ☞ 这件事使他如此震惊,以致脸都变色了。
 ☞ It gave him such a shock that his face changed color.
4.this,that, 用在形容词前,等于so的意思。
 ☞ 我没想到这个工作如此容易。
 ☞ I didn't realize the work was this easy.
 ☞ 要是你男朋友如此聪明,怎么还没发起来?
 ☞ If your boy-friend is that clever, why isn't he rich?
  ■ this,that也可作代词单独使用。其区别是this指说话人已介入的场合,that则指说话人未介入的场合。
 ☞ 原文如此,未加改动。
 ☞ This is a faithful reproduction of the original without any alterations.
 ☞ 情况就是如此。
 ☞ That's how things stand.
  ■ 同时,this,that还可与like连用。
 ☞ 敌人竟敢如此嚣张,我们不能不予以回击。
 ☞ When the enemy is on the rampage like this, we've got to hit back.
 ☞ 如此欺骗自己人,那才真是丢脸呢。
 ☞ It would be a shame to deceive your own people like that.
  ■ 此外,this和that还可与no more than, nothing more than连用。
 ☞ 最大的幸福莫过于如此。
 ☞ There is no greater happiness than this.
 ☞ 据我看,他的手艺不过如此。
 ☞ In my opinion his craftsmanship is nothing more than that.
5.as it is,表示事实如此。
 ☞ 我认为世界就是如此。
 ☞ I take the world as it is.
 ☞ 工业战线形势大好,其他各条战线也是如此。
 ☞ The situation is good on the industrial front, as it is on the other fronts.
 ☞ 事已如此,后悔也是枉然。
 ☞ Now it is done, regrets are of no avail.
 ☞ 困难是很多的,虽然如此,也要想办法完成任务。
 ☞ We'll try to fulfill our task in spite of the many difficulties.
妨碍 妨碍
 ☞ 他的保守思想妨碍他进步。
 ☞ His conservative thinking hinders his progress.
 ☞ 现在别跟他讲话,你会妨碍他的。
 ☞ Don't talk to him now; you will hinder him.
 ☞ 教室拥挤不堪,妨碍了对孩子的教育。
 ☞ Overcrowded schoolrooms hinder the education of our children.
 ☞ 不要妨碍他的工作。
 ☞ Don't hinder him in work.
 ☞ 他的固执妨碍了他跟邻居的交往。
 ☞ His stubbornness hinders him in association with his neighbors.
 ☞ 流言蜚语往往妨碍同志之间的团结。
 ☞ Gossip often hinders unity among comrades.
 ☞ 恶劣的天气妨碍了新公路的施工。
 ☞ Bad weather hindered the construction of the new highway.
 ☞ 孩子歇斯底里的哭喊妨碍医生对他的检查。
 ☞ The child's hysterical crying hindered the doctor from completing his examination.
 ☞ 大雪妨碍了我的行动。
 ☞ Heavy snow hampered my movement.
 ☞ 装备缺乏,妨碍了施工。
 ☞ Lack of equipment hampered the construction work.
 ☞ 陷在雪地里的车辆妨碍了清除积雪。
 ☞ Stalled vehicles hampered snow-removal efforts.
 ☞ 恶劣的天气妨碍了军队的推进。
 ☞ Bad weather hampered the army's advance.
 ☞ 原料短缺妨碍了生产的发展。
 ☞ Shortage of raw materials hampers the growth of production.
 ☞ 长裙妨碍了她的行动自由。
 ☞ The long skirt hampered her freedom of movement.
 ☞ 韵和韵律妨碍了诗人的自由表达。
 ☞ Rhyme and meter hamper the poet's free expression.
3.interfere with,强调受到某种干扰。
 ☞ 昨晚的吵闹声妨碍我睡觉。
 ☞ The noise interfered with my sleep last night.
 ☞ 娱乐不得妨碍正事。
 ☞ Pleasure must not interfere with duty.
 ☞ 当然,没有东西会妨碍我们的友谊。
 ☞ Nothing will interfere with our friendship, of course.
 ☞ 我已成人,不会让不顺心的事妨碍我的工作的。
 ☞ I'm old enough not to let my troubles interfere with my work.
 ☞ 这种做法是会妨碍纪律的。
 ☞ Such practice would interfere with discipline.
 ☞ 事故现场的人群妨碍了救护车的刭来。
 ☞ The crowds at the scene of the accident impeded the arrival of the ambulance.
 ☞ 泥泞的道路妨碍了我们旅行。
 ☞ The muddy roads impeded our journey.
 ☞ 他的病妨碍他的进步。
 ☞ His sickness impedes his progress.
5.be (present) an obstacle to,强调前进道路上具有某种妨碍物。
 ☞ 缺乏想像力会妨碍一个人对事业的进取。
 ☞ Lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement.
 ☞ 她父母的反对妨碍了他们的婚姻。
 ☞ Her parents' opposition was an obstacle to their marriage.
 ☞ 他学外语的能力不足,这妨碍了他的外交生涯。
 ☞ His inability to learn foreign languages was an obstacle to his diplomatic career.
 ☞ 这不应该妨碍发展我们两国之间的良好关系。
 ☞ This should not present an obstacle to the development of good relations between our two countries.
 ☞ 资金缺乏妨碍了工程的施工进度。
 ☞ Lack of funds obstructed the progress of the work on the project.
 ☞ 这次罢工妨碍了我们公司的工作。
 ☞ The strike obstructed the work of our company.
 ☞ 过去一周内的开挖妨碍了这条街上的交通。
 ☞ The excavation has obstructed all traffic in this street for the last week.
 ☞ 你在这里停车会妨碍交通的。
 ☞ You'll block the traffic by parking your car here.
 ☞ 大雪妨碍军队的推进。
 ☞ Heavy snow blocked the army's advance.
 ☞ 他的病妨碍了他在学业上的提高。
 ☞ His illness blocked the progress of his study.
 ☞ 无休止的辩论妨碍了提案的通过。
 ☞ The endless argument blocked the passage of the bill.
8.stop (from),强调由于受到阻挡而使运动停顿,词义也十分强烈。
 ☞ 大雪妨碍了这次比赛。
 ☞ Heavy snow stopped the game.
 ☞ 这不会妨碍我们按期动工。
 ☞ This won't stop us from starting work on the project on time.
姑且 姑且
1.may (might) as well,表示原来的打算落空,于是退而求其次。may, might意思相同,只是后者比较委婉。
 ☞ 这个假日不好玩,姑且回家吧。
 ☞ This holiday isn't of much fun, we may as well be back home.
 ☞ 今天的票都卖光了,姑且买明天的吧。
 ☞ Today's tickets are all sold out, we might as well have them for tomorrow's performance.
2.for the moment (present), temporarily, tentative,表示尽管目前思想上有保留,但暂时还是做了让步。
 ☞ 这件事如果不急,姑且拖一拖。
 ☞ We can leave this matter aside for the moment if it is not urgent.
 ☞ 房间里闷,我们姑且开开窗子。
 ☞ The room is stuffy. We can leave the windows open for the moment.
 ☞ 你姑且用我的笔。
 ☞ You can use my pen for the present.
 ☞ 释放政治犯的请求姑且予以批准,以观后效。
 ☞ The request for releasing the political prisoners is hereby temporarily approved to see how they behave in the future.
 ☞ 任务我们姑且承担下来,但出了事要你负责。
 ☞ We can temporarily accept the task but, if anything goes wrong, we'll hold you responsible.
 ☞ 为了还债,我们姑且作这样的安排。
 ☞ We have to make a tentative arrangement to pay our debts.
 ☞ 为了大多数人的利益,我们姑且牺牲我们的个人利益。
 ☞ We can make such a tentative sacrifice of our personal interests for the interests of the vast majority of the people.
3.just let (let's just), suppose, anyhow,表示某种让步性的建议或请求。
 ☞ 姑且妄言之,姑且妄听之。
 ☞ Just let him talk and let's just listen.
 ☞ 你姑且试一试。
 ☞ Suppose you give it a try.
 ☞ 我们姑且去散会儿步。
 ☞ Suppose we go for a walk.
 ☞ 你姑且留个地址给我。
 ☞ Leave me your address, anyhow.
 ☞ 既然没人想干,姑且由我来吧。
 ☞ Since nobody wants to do it, I'll take it up anyhow.
4.leave… aside,表示姑且后面的事情有实现的可能性,因此带有鼓动或提示的语气。
 ☞ 费用问题我们姑且不谈,要在一年内完成这项工程也是不可能的。
 ☞ Even if we leave aside the question of cost, it will be impossible to complete the project in a year.
 ☞ 我们姑且不说他玩忽职守,光贪污就够他坐牢的了。
 ☞ Only the corruption is enough to send him to jail, even we leave his neglect of duty aside.
委托 委托
1.ask sb. to do sth. on one's behalf, 泛指一切非正式的委托。语气比较随便,暗示某种要求。
 ☞ 厂长委托我来代表他主持今天的会议。
 ☞ The director asked me to chair today's meeting on his behalf.
 ☞ 总统在国事访问期间委托副总统代行其职权。
 ☞ The president asked the vice-president to function in an acting capacity on his behalf during his state visit.
2.leave sth. in one's hand,也指一切非正式的委托,语气比较随便,但强调需经某人之手来办理。
 ☞ 安排外宾参观游览我就委托你了。
 ☞ I'll leave the arrangements of visits and sightseeing trips for foreign guests in your hands.
 ☞ 你最好委托一个律师事务所来办这件事。
 ☞ You had better leave the matter in the hands of a lawyer's office.
 ☞ 我能委托王教授的助教带预科班到中学进行教学实习吗?
 ☞ Can I trust Professor Wang's assistant to take the candidates' class out practicing teaching at a middle school?
 ☞ 你不能委托像他那种人去起草这么重要的文件。
 ☞ You can't trust a person like him to make a draft of such an important document.
 ☞ 我已委托我的代表就此事与你商谈。
 ☞ I have entrusted the matter to my representative, who will have a discussion with you.
 ☞ 我们该不该把这么重要的机密文件委托给他们呢?
 ☞ Ought we to entrust to them such important and confidential documents?
 ☞ 代表们带着人民的委托,聚集一堂,共商国家大事。
 ☞ Mandated by the people, the delegates assembled to discuss state affairs。
 ☞ 第一次世界大战以后,德国的海外属地委托英国及其他国家管理。
 ☞ After the First World War, Germany's overseas territories were mandated to England and other nations.
威吓 威吓
 ☞ 黑帮威吓入了伙的警察局长,要他惟命是从。
 ☞ The sinister gang so intimidated the chief of the police who joined in partnership that he would do whatever he was told。
 ☞ 两个窃贼威吓店主,扬言要把他杀了。
 ☞ The two thieves intimidated the shopkeeper with threats that they would kill him.
 ☞ 证人受到威吓,未能出庭作证。
 ☞ The witness was kept from testifying by intimidation.
 ☞ 学生中的霸头经常威吓年纪小的孩子,使他们惟命是从。
 ☞ The bully among the pupils often so frighten smaller children that they would do whatever he told them.
 ☞ 那警察抓住小偷后稍一威吓他就坦白了罪行。
 ☞ Having caught the thief, the policeman frightened him a bit into confessing his crime.
 ☞ 我本来是想把一切都告诉警方的,但他威吓我不让讲出来。
 ☞ I had wanted to tell everything to the police but he bullied me out of it。
 ☞ 大一点的男孩往往会威吓小一点的男孩。
 ☞ The older boys often bully younger ones.
4.threaten, 指要进行惩罚、报复的威吓。
 ☞ 老板威吓她,如果不就范就开除她。
 ☞ The boss threatened her with dismissal if she refused to give m.
 ☞ 农庄主威吓那男孩,他若再来果园就要揍他。
 ☞ The farmer threatened to beat the boy if he came into the orchard again.
威胁 威胁
1.threaten, threat,日常用语,指用武力威胁或胁迫别人。
 ☞ 黑帮威胁要谋杀他的儿子。
 ☞ The sinister gang threatened to murder his son.
 ☞ 游击队带信给那伪警察局长,威胁要是他再干坏事就要报复。
 ☞ The guerrilla force sent a message to the chief of the puppet police by threatening revenge if he kept doing evil deeds.
 ☞ 威胁吓不倒我们。
 ☞ Threats don't scare us.
  ■ threaten还可指由于情况的发展而危及人或物。
 ☞ 我希望实际的产量不致大到威胁人类和生物圈。
 ☞ I hope that the actual production may not be so great as to threaten both man and biosphere.
 ☞ 洪水正威胁着该镇。
 ☞ Floods are threatening the town.
 ☞ 这些危险的武器正威胁着世界的各个角落。
 ☞ These dangerous weapons are menacing every part of the world.
 ☞ 战争的阴影威胁着该国。
 ☞ The country is menaced by the shadow of war.
 ☞ 恐怖主义的存在现在已成了人类的致命威胁。
 ☞ The presence of terrorism has now become a deadly menace to mankind.
3.imperil, 指可以预料的、迫近的威胁。
 ☞ 水污染威胁着水生动植物的生命。
 ☞ Water pollution imperils all kinds of marine life.
 ☞ 美国人知道萨达姆一旦获胜,整个形势就会威胁到他们在西半球的利益。
 ☞ The Americans know that the whole situation would imperil their interests in the Western Hemisphere in case Sadam won.
婚姻 婚姻
 ☞ 他婚姻美满幸福,还是位忠实的丈夫、尽责的父亲。
 ☞ He married well and happily and was a devoted husband and father.
 ☞ 在四十年的婚姻生活里他们共同经历了许许多多。
 ☞ They have been through a lot together in their forty years of marriage.
 ☞ 这场婚姻持续了40年,却在1954年以不幸告终。
 ☞ The marriage lasted forty years and ended unhappily in 1954.
 ☞ 我得好好考虑与女方这一门不当户不对的婚姻。
 ☞ I have to contemplate the matrimony with the girl from a family unequal in social status.
 ☞ 杨家出身低微,无法与这一神圣婚姻连姻。
 ☞ The Yangs were too humble to join bonds of this holy matrimony.
 ☞ 她是婚姻介绍所里热心的工作人员。
 ☞ She is an ardent worker of the matrimonial agency.
 ☞ 她从家里跑了出来以逃避父母做主的婚姻。
 ☞ She ran away from home to escape a match arranged by her parents.
 ☞ 从实用的观点来看,这倒是桩蛮理想的婚姻。
 ☞ From a practical point of view it would be an ideal match.

 ☞ 大家都嫌他脾气急。
 ☞ Everybody dislikes him because of his hot temper.
 ☞ 他们俩一个嫌一个。
 ☞ The two of them dislike each other.
 ☞ 中午他嫌屋里太热,就到屋子外面去了。
 ☞ At noon he disliked that it was too hot in the house and went out.
 ☞ 他嫌我讲得太快,要我讲慢一点。
 ☞ He disliked that I spoke too quick and asked me to speak slower.
 ☞ 我嫌脏,就赶快跳开了。
 ☞ I disliked the dirtiness and jumped back as quickly as possible.
 ☞ 此人在校内人见人嫌。
 ☞ This man is disliked by everyone inside the school.
 ☞ 我最嫌那些骗人、说谎的人。
 ☞ I most detest people who deceive and tell lies.
 ☞ 我们办公室里没有一个人不嫌他的。
 ☞ There is no one in our office who doesn't detest him.
 ☞ 你不嫌我们在这里抽烟吧?
 ☞ You don't mind us smoking here, do you?
 ☞ 他到哪儿去都骑自行车,也不嫌累。
 ☞ Wherever he went, he cycled, and did not mind the exertion.
 ☞ 要是你嫌麻烦,就别管了。
 ☞ Don't bother if you think it troublesome.
 ☞ 她嫌活脏,没接受。
 ☞ She didn't accept the job, thinking it dirty.
 ☞ 这文章的内容不错,只是文字略嫌哕嗦。
 ☞ The article is good in content, only it's a bit wordy.
 ☞ 老太太很难伺候,但她从来没嫌过。
 ☞ The old lady was very hard to please, but she never grew impatient waiting on her.
 ☞ 不要嫌犯过错误的同志。
 ☞ Don't cold-shoulder comrades who have made mistakes.
 ☞ 他们通过批评与自我批评,前嫌尽释。
 ☞ All previous ill will has been removed through criticism and self-criticism.
存在 存在
 ☞ 中国革命在全国胜利,并且解决了土地问题以后,中国还存在两种基本矛盾。
 ☞ After the countrywide victory of the Chinese revolution and the solution of the land problem, two basic contradictions will still exist in China.
 ☞ 一个社会,无论何时,总有先进和落后两种人们、 两种意见矛盾地存在着和斗争着。
 ☞ In any society and at any time, there are always two kinds of people and views, the advanced and the backward that exist as opposites struggling with each other.
 ☞ 他认为这样的事情是不可能存在的。
 ☞ He thinks that such a thing cannot be.
 ☞ 在拿枪的敌人被消灭以后,不拿枪的敌人依然存在。
 ☞ After the enemies with guns have been wiped out, there will still be enemies without guns.
 ☞ 你决不能让你的学生存在这种错误态度。
 ☞ You should never permit any of your students to let such a wrong attitude remain.
 ☞ 失业现象还严重存在。
 ☞ Unemployment has remained serious.
 ☞ 他们不搞战争还可以在地球上多存在一些时候。
 ☞ If they desist from war, they can survive a little longer on this earth.
 ☞ 应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?
 ☞ It must be admitted that every nation has its strong points. If not, how can it survive7 How can it progress?
5.表示面对事物的存在,可译confront,be confronted with。
 ☞ 两个超级大国存在的另一个争端是如何裁减中程弹道导弹。
 ☞ Another dispute confronting the two superpowers is how to reduce intermediate range ballistic missiles.
 ☞ 在这次战争中,我们一开始就存在3个问题。
 ☞ In this war we were confronted with three problems at the very start.
6.表示性质上与某种事物共同存在,可译be present。
 ☞ 矛盾存在于一切事物的发展过程中。
 ☞ Contradiction is present in the process of development of all things.
 ☞ 氧存在于空气之中。
 ☞ Oxygen is present in the air.
 ☞ 人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。
 ☞ Men's social existence determines their consciousness.或It is men's social being that determines their thinking.
存心 存心
 ☞ 只有存心不良的人才会在我们之间搬弄是非。
 ☞ Only a person with evil intention would make mischief between us.
 ☞ 他这样说不知是什么存心。
 ☞ It's hard to say what his intentions were in saying that.
 ☞ 这个不是我存心干的。
 ☞ I did not do it intentionally.
2.purposely,on purpose,指故意。
 ☞ 他存心刁难我。
 ☞ He purposely made difficulties for me.
 ☞ 你是在存心跟我作对吗?
 ☞ Are you purposely antagonizing me?
 ☞ 她当然是存心这么干的。
 ☞ She did it on purpose, of course.
 ☞ 要是你跟他开个玩笑,他就会认为你是在存心侮辱他。
 ☞ If you joke with him, he'll think you're insulting him on purpose.
 ☞ 这是存心撒谎。
 ☞ It was a deliberate lie.
 ☞ 他存心不想理会他们的批评。
 ☞ He made a deliberate attempt to ignore their criticism.
 ☞ 我相信房子是有人存心放的火。
 ☞ I believe the house was deliberately set fire to.
 ☞ 这种文体我是存心放弃的。
 ☞ It was a style that I have deliberately abandoned.
存放 存放
1.为了安全起见而存放,可译deposit... in(用于地点),deposit... 一with(用于人)。
 ☞ 如果你钱多,存放在银行里最安全。
 ☞ If you have a large sum of money, it is safest to deposit it in the bank.
 ☞ 她把珠宝存放在保险箱里才出门远行。
 ☞ She deposited her jewelry in the safe before she went on a Journey.
 ☞ 我叔父立了遗嘱以后就把它存放在律师那里。
 ☞ My uncle made his will and deposited it with his lawyer.
2.一般存放,可译leave... in (at)(用于地点),leave with(用于人)。
 ☞ 他把提包都存放在行李房里了。
 ☞ He left his bags at the luggage office.
 ☞ 你可以把帽子存放在衣帽间里。
 ☞ You may leave your hat in the cloakroom.
 ☞ 我把箱子存放在朋友那里了。
 ☞ I left my suitcase with a friend of mine.
 ☞ 她好多书都存在我那里。
 ☞ She has left a number of books with me.
  ■ 但是如果存放的物件需人照管时,可用leave... in the care of。
 ☞ 易燃物品都存放在专人那里。
 ☞ The inflammable goods are left in the care of the person especially assigned for the task.
 ☞ 你捐赠的珍本都已存放在北京图书馆里。
 ☞ The rare books you donated are left in the care of the Beijing Library.
 ☞ 我还没有存放提包呢。
 ☞ I haven't checked my bags yet.
 ☞ 你的行李都存放好了吗?
 ☞ Have you checked your entire luggage?
学术 学术
 ☞ 他的著作具有西方学术的一种特征。
 ☞ His writings have a tincture of Western learning.
 ☞ 王教授的讲座表现了其学术水平和远见卓识。
 ☞ Professor Wang's lectures have displayed his learning and insight.
 ☞ 这方面的学术使我的事业老有所成。
 ☞ Science in this field has crowned my career at old age.
 ☞ 他的著作以崭新的发现和确凿的数据丰富了这方面的学术。
 ☞ His works have enriched science in this sphere with new discoveries and well-ascertained data.
 ☞ 他在学术界是一位具有权威地位的学者。
 ☞ He is a scholar of authoritative position in the academic world.
 ☞ 一位优秀的科学家应该具有学术头脑。
 ☞ A good scientist must have an academic mind.
 ☞ 一般说来,一个人越有学术地位就越是谦虚。
 ☞ The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually is.
 ☞ 杜甫诗社只是个学术协会而已。
 ☞ Du Fu's Poets' Club is a learned society only.
学(学习) 学(学习)
 ☞ 我们村里的老年妇女都在忙着学文化。
 ☞ The old women of our village are all busy learning to read and write.
 ☞ 她在学骑自行车。
 ☞ She is learning how to ride a bicycle.
 ☞ 她在那里学习会计和速记。
 ☞ There she learns account and shorthand.
 ☞ 显然,你上学是来玩的,不是来学习的。
 ☞ Evidently you go to school to play, not to learn.
  ■ 此外,learn还可与一些介词,如from,by,through等连用。指人时为“向…学习”;指物时为“从…中学习”。
 ☞ 学习别人先进经验十分重要。
 ☞ It is very important to learn from others' advanced experience.
 ☞ 从一位好老师那里可以学到好多东西。
 ☞ Much can be learned from a good teacher.
 ☞ 聪明人从别人的错误里学习。
 ☞ Wise men learn by other men's mistakes.
 ☞ 我们是在斗争与失败中学习的。
 ☞ We learned through struggles and failures.
 ☞ 你学的是哪一个学科?
 ☞ What subject are you studying?
 ☞ 要是我通过函授来学习工程,这个主意行不行?
 ☞ Would it be a good idea if I could study engineering by mails?
 ☞ 学习我们的历史遗产,应用马克思主义的方法进行批判性的总结,是我们学习的另一任务。
 ☞ Another of our tasks is to study our historical heritage and use the Marxist method to sum it up critically.
  ■ study指为获得知识而学,而learn指为获得技巧而学。请看下面译文。
 ☞ 学医和学游泳是完全不同的两码事。
 ☞ It is entirely different things to study medicine and to learn how to swim.
  ■ learn和study虽有区别,但在词义不矛盾时可以换用。
 ☞ 我是在昆明师院学的英语。
 ☞ I learned (studied) English in Kunming Teachers'
 ☞ College.
  ■ 但有时,study着重在过程,而learn着重在结果。
 ☞ 人们可以花很多时间来学习马列主义,却可能什么都没学到。
 ☞ People may spend a lot of time in studying Marxism-Leninism, yet they may learn nothing.
3.emulate, 指仿效别人的学习。
 ☞ 我们要学先进、赶先进、超先进。
 ☞ We must emulate. catch up with and surpass the advanced.
 ☞ 那位雄心勃勃的年轻人在偷偷学习老板那办事游刃有余的能力。
 ☞ The ambitious young man is emulating secretly his boss' ability to do a job with skill and ease.
4.imitate, imitation,指细节上的模仿学习。
 ☞ 这孩子在学他的老师说话的样子。
 ☞ The boy is imitating his teacher's way of talking.
 ☞ 他会学鸡叫。
 ☞ He imitates the cock's crow.
 ☞ 他最近做了一件事,值得学习和表扬。
 ☞ He has lately done a worthy action, deserving imitation and praising.
5.mimic, 指为了逗乐而学别人的样子,强调模仿得惟妙惟肖。
 ☞ 他学着老师一本正经走路的样子,弄得同学们都笑了起来。
 ☞ He made all his classmates laugh by mimicking the teacher's solemn way of walking.
 ☞ 那演员学着几位著名领导人的样子来逗乐观众。
 ☞ The actor amused the audience by mimicking some well-known leaders.
6.follow, 指跟着人学。
 ☞ 绝对不要学那些人那样玩弄阴谋。
 ☞ We must never follow the example of those people and resort to scheme.
 ☞ 看着跟我学。
 ☞ Watch and follow me.
宁(宁可、宁教、宁为、宁愿) 宁(宁可、宁教、宁为、宁愿)
  ■ “宁”除了单独使用以外,还常与“可”、“教”、“为”、“愿”等配合使用,与之相呼应的有“宁…毋…”、“宁…也不…”、“与其…宁可…”等。表示在比较亮方面的情况以后,选取其中的一个方面。英语里与之相应的表达方式有:
1.用more (better)... than... 表示比较。
 ☞ 山之险峻,宁有逾此?
 ☞ Could there be a mountain more precipitous than this?
 ☞ 宁为鸡口,毋为牛后。
 ☞ Better be a bird's beak than a bull's tail.
 ☞ 宁可无衣,不可无耻。
 ☞ It is better to be clothed in rags than to be clothed with shame.
 ☞ 宁未雨而绸缪,毋临渴而掘井。
 ☞ It would be better to repair the house before it rains than to dig a well before one is parched with thirst.
 ☞ 由武汉到重庆,与其坐飞机宁可坐船。
 ☞ To go from Wuhan to Chongqing, it is better to go by ship than by plane.
2.用would rather... than... 表示虚拟。
 ☞ 万一失败,宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。
 ☞ In the event that we fail, we would rather fall into pieces like broken jade than remain intact as a worthless tile.
 ☞ 宁叫天下人负我,不叫我负天下人。
 ☞ I would rather let the world wrong (betray) me than I wrong (betray) the world.
 ☞ 他宁可放弃休假,也要把工作做完。
 ☞ He would rather give up holidays than finish his work.
3.用rather than,表示与虚拟相对的实说。
 ☞ 我们宁愿干重活,也不愿失业。
 ☞ We will take heavy labor rather than be unemployed.
 ☞ 我宁愿走路也不愿坐公交车。
 ☞ I walk rather than take a bus.
4.用prefer to... (than...)后接动词,prefer... to后接名词,指从个人喜好出发的选择。
 ☞ 在那动乱的年代,人们大都宁“左”毋右。
 ☞ During those years of turmoil most of people preferred to be "Left" than be Right.
 ☞ 宁愿光荣死,不愿屈膝生。
 ☞ We prefer to die a glorious death than live on bended knees.
 ☞ 他们宁死不降。
 ☞ They preferred death to surrender.
5.用preferable to,义同prefer to,但主语常为物。
 ☞ 当时都宁“左”毋右。
 ☞ At that time being "Left" was preferable to being Right.
 ☞ 晚会上宁可穿黑色套装也不要穿淡色套装。
 ☞ Wearing a dark suit is preferable to a light one in the evening party.
6.用will before,指甘愿而不屑于。
 ☞ 我宁可饿死,也不行窃。
 ☞ I will die of hunger before I will steal.
 ☞ 我们宁死也不受辱。
 ☞ We will choose death before disgrace.
安定 安定
1.stabilize, stable, stability, 指稳定 。
 ☞ 美满的婚姻使他们的家庭安定下来。
 ☞ The happy marriage stabilized their family.
 ☞ 宗教信仰可以安定人的生活。
 ☞ Religious faith may stabilize one's life.
 ☞ 无可奉告,我过着安定的生活。
 ☞ There is nothing to tell. I'm leading a stable life.
 ☞ 现在的政局是安定的。
 ☞ The current political situation is stable.
 ☞ 维护安定团结是人心所向。
 ☞ To maintain stability and unity is the common aspiration of people everywhere.
2.settle (down),指安定下来。
 ☞ 我这辈子到处流浪,现在终于安定下来了。
 ☞ I was roaming from place to place all my life. Now I've settled down at last.
 ☞ 时局已安定下来。
 ☞ The current political situation has settled down.
 ☞ 他们已过上了安定的生活。
 ☞ They have led a settled life.
 ☞ 婚前她过着放荡的生活,但婚后却安定下来了。
 ☞ She led a wild life, but steadied after marriage.
 ☞ 由于既无事业又无职业使他安定下来,他走上了追求享乐的堕落之路。
 ☞ As he had neither business nor profession to steady him, he traveled down the primrose path.
4.ease,put (set) at ease,使不安的安下心来。
 ☞ 好消息大大地安定了村民的心。
 ☞ The good news greatly eased the villagers' minds.
 ☞ 我们讲了人在遇到危险时该怎么做才使她安定下来。
 ☞ We eased her by telling her what to do when in danger.
 ☞ 他的几句话就安定了人心。
 ☞ A few words of his have set people's minds at ease.
 ☞ 他的友好态度很快就使她安定下来。
 ☞ His friendly manner soon put her at ease.
安心 安心
1.指心境的宁静、自在,译ease,feel at ease,set one's heart at ease。
 ☞ 医生告诉年轻的妈妈,孩子平安无事,让她安心。
 ☞ The doctor eased the young mother by telling her that her baby was safe.
 ☞ 春播还没完成,大家安不下心来。
 ☞ None of us could feel at ease until the spring sowing was finished.
 ☞ 这消息使她安心。
 ☞ The news set her heart at ease.
2.指做事的专心,译settle down, keep one's mind on。
 ☞ 中学毕业后,他回家安心务农去了。
 ☞ After graduation from middle school, he went home and settled down to farm work.
 ☞ 目前我干什么都不安心。
 ☞ I can't settle down to anything at present.
 ☞ 我们夫妻分居两地,叫我怎么安心工作?
 ☞ How can I keep my mind on my work while my wife and I live in two separate places?
 ☞ 她怎么啦?我发现她不安心听讲。
 ☞ What's wrong with her? I find she can hardly keep her mind on what I am lecturing.
3.指不安的心境得到某种解脱,译be relieved, feel relieved。
 ☞ 她听到这个消息就安心了。
 ☞ She was relieved at the news.
 ☞ 我听到危险已经过去也就安心了。
 ☞ I felt relieved when I heard that the danger was over.
4.从安心的反面“解除顾虑”来译,可用not worry,free... from worry。
 ☞ 希望你安心养好病。
 ☞ I hope you'll get better and not worry.
 ☞ 优待抗日军人家属,使前线官兵安心作战。
 ☞ Give preferential treatment to the families of the soldiers fighting in the Anti-Japanese War, so that the officers and men at the front are free from domestic.
安慰 安慰
 ☞ 老师把伤心的孩子紧抱在怀里来安慰他。
 ☞ The teacher comforted the grieving child with a tight embrace.
 ☞ 我们应该安慰他,犯错误是人之常情。
 ☞ We should comfort him, since it is human to make mistakes.
 ☞ 她母亲死后,我尽力安慰她。
 ☞ I tried to comfort her after her mother's death.
  ■ 由此引出来的人或动作产生的安慰也可用comfort。
 ☞ 他女儿对他是个莫大的安慰。
 ☞ His daughter is a great comfort to him.
 ☞ 她儿子康复的消息给她带来了安慰。
 ☞ The news of her son's recovering brought her comfort.
 ☞ 跟别人讲讲自己的痛苦,对她也是一种安慰。
 ☞ It is also a comfort for her to share her sorrows with someone.
 ☞ 警察用好言规劝、安慰受害者的妻子。
 ☞ The policeman consoled the victim's wife with caring words.
 ☞ 如果你真想安慰我,倒不如教我忘掉已经发生的事。
 ☞ If you really want to console me, teach me rather how to forget what has happened.
  ■ 此外,console一词还有几种特殊用法。
1) 自我安慰一般译console oneself。
 ☞ 大水冲走了我家房屋,但一家人安然脱险。想到这里,我就以不幸中的万幸来自我安慰。
 ☞ My house was washed away by the flood, but my family escaped unscathed. So, I consoled myself with the thought that it was still a good fortune in the midst of bad.
2) 由某种动作产生的安慰,可译consolation。
 ☞ 在这样悲痛的时刻,有你在场对我就是一种安慰。
 ☞ Your presence was a consolation to me at such a sad time.
 ☞ 你的话谈不上是什么安慰。
 ☞ Your remarks are no consolation at all.
3) 安慰用作定语时也译consolation.
 ☞ 她母亲死后,她收到了许多安慰的信件。
 ☞ She got many letters of consolation when her mother died.
 ☞ 安慰赛将于5月7日举行。
 ☞ The consolation match will take place on the 7th of May.
 ☞ 知道他是无辜的,这对我们至少有点安慰作用。
 ☞ It is at least some consolation that we know he is innocent.
4) 以某种行动作为补偿以示安慰时,也译console。
 ☞ 医生为了安慰病人,告诉他出院的可能性很大。
 ☞ The doctor consoled the patient by telling him that his chances of being able to leave the hospital were good.
 ☞ 父母为了安慰女儿丧偶,就带她到世界各地旅游。
 ☞ The parents consoled their daughter for the loss of her husband by taking her traveling around the world.
 ☞ 病人在音乐里找到了安慰。
 ☞ The patient finds solace in music.
 ☞ 他拼命干活以寻找安慰。
 ☞ He looked for solace in hard work.
 ☞ 与书作伴是他在病榻中惟一的安慰。
 ☞ His sole solace in his sick bed is the company of books.
4.对“烦躁”,“哭闹”的安慰可译calm down。
 ☞ 突然,伤员睁开眼睛大叫起来,几个护士走过来安慰他。
 ☞ Suddenly, the wounded soldier opened his eyes and cried, and several nurses came over to calm him down.
 ☞ 警察正安慰哭闹的孩子。
 ☞ The policeman is calming the crying child down.
安排 安排
 ☞ 我们已为这批外宾安排了观光游览。
 ☞ We have arranged sightseeing tours for our foreign guests.
 ☞ 临行前他已把买卖安排好了。
 ☞ Before going away, he arranged his business affairs.
2.强调安排过程时,可用make arrangements。
 ☞ 我可以在机场安排她同你见面。
 ☞ I can make arrangements for her to meet you at the airport.
 ☞ 你为演出做了什么安排?
 ☞ What arrangements have you made for the performance?
3.更为口语化的说法,可用fix或fix up。
 ☞ 我们为他们下星期来访作了安排。
 ☞ We have fixed it up for them to visit us next week.
 ☞ 一切都已事先安排好了。
 ☞ Everything has been fixed in advance.
4.强调一切由别人安排时,可用be at one's disposal, place (leave, put) something at one's disposal。
 ☞ 剩下的时间全由你安排。
 ☞ The rest of the day is entirely at your disposal.
 ☞ 我们一生都交给党安排。
 ☞ We place (put) our whole life at the disposal of the Party.
 ☞ 我在出国期间,一切交由你安排。
 ☞ I'll leave everything at your disposal during my stay abroad.
5.留待后用的安排时,可用set aside (apart) for。
 ☞ 我们已经安排了一笔资金来购买拖拉机。
 ☞ We have set aside a sum of money for tractors.
 ☞ 按照大家的愿望,学校领导决定在整个游泳季节里为群众练习游泳每周安排一个下午。
 ☞ In compliance with popular wishes, the school authorities decided to set apart for the whole swimming season one afternoon each week for mass swimming practice.
 ☞ 新的一年即将到来,该安排下年度的生产定额了。
 ☞ The New Year is coming, it is time to plan the next year's production quotas.
 ☞ 国务院正安排总理今年夏季访问巴基斯坦。
 ☞ The State Council is planning for the premier to visit Pakistan this summer.
 ☞ 我们被安排在三楼一个小房间里。
 ☞ We were accommodated in a small room on the third floor.
 ☞ 你能给6个人安排两周的住处吗?
 ☞ Can you accommodate six people for two weeks?
8.安排职务可用place in the post of或give a post as。
 ☞ 公司安排他任经理。
 ☞ The company placed him in the post of manager(或 gave him the post as manager).
 ☞ 他给安排了编辑的职务。
 ☞ He was given a post as an editor.
9.安排河山可用reshape rivers and mountains或repair nature。
 ☞ 解放后,中国人民开始兴修水利,重新安排山河。
 ☞ After liberation, the Chinese people began to build water conservancy projects, reshaping rivers and mountains.
 ☞ 我们家乡的土地水土流失严重,但我们决定不惜一切代价重新安排山河。
 ☞ Our native land has suffered greatly from soil erosion, and we are determined to repair nature at all costs.
安插 安插
 ☞ 作家在这里安插了一段倒叙。
 ☞ At this point the writer inserts a flashback.
 ☞ 再安插一个情节,故事就会好得多。
 ☞ The story would be much improved by inserting another episode.
 ☞ 我被安插到五年级。
 ☞ I was assigned to Grade Five.
 ☞ 把她安插到哪都行。
 ☞ She will be happy with any job she's assigned to.
3.find a job (position),指帮人安插工作或单位。
 ☞ 请你把他安插到你们单位工作好吗?
 ☞ Will you please find him a job in your unit?
 ☞ 这么多人叫我怎么安插?
 ☞ Where can I find positions for so many people?
 ☞ 他利用职权,把他没用的儿子安插到他负责的单位。
 ☞ Misusing the powers, he placed his good-for-nothing son in the unit he was in charge of.
 ☞ 毕业后,他被安插在一所技术学校工作。
 ☞ He was placed in a school of technology after graduation.
 ☞ 这伙歹徒通常是无法在该委员会工作人员中安插自己的党羽的。
 ☞ Usually the gang was not able to plant its confederates on the committee's staff.
 ☞ 在某些重要部门已安插有敌特。
 ☞ Enemy agents were already planted inside some important organs.
安装 安装
 ☞ 别忘了今天上午有人来安装电话。
 ☞ Don't forget that the men are coming to install the telephone this morning.
 ☞ 室内空调已安装好了。
 ☞ An air conditioner has been installed in the house.
 ☞ 一座蒸馏塔以创记录的速度安装起来了。
 ☞ A distillation column was erected at record speed.
 ☞ 缺少的零件运到后,我们就开始安装烟囱。
 ☞ We are to erect the chimney as soon as the missing parts arrive.
3.强调固定的安装用fix up。
 ☞ 他们忙于安装电灯。
 ☞ They are busy fixing up the light.
 ☞ 木工把壁柜安装好了。
 ☞ The carpenter has fixed up the wall cupboard.
4.口语化的安装用set up。
 ☞ 扩音器安装在讲台前面。
 ☞ Microphones were set up in front of the speaker's stand.
 ☞ 工人正在安装一台印刷机。
 ☞ The workers are setting up a printing press.
 ☞ 推进器的叶片已安装好了。
 ☞ The propeller blades have been mounted.
 ☞ 大炮已安装在炮架上了。
 ☞ The gun was mounted on the gun carriage.
6.拆散后重新安装用put... together。
 ☞ 拆机器比安装机器更容易。
 ☞ It is easier to take a machine apart than to put it together.
 ☞ 因为是你把发动机拆开的,现在得由你来安装。
 ☞ Since you took the engine apart, now you have to put it together.
 ☞ 我们所有的门上都安装了新锁。
 ☞ We had new locks fitted on the doors.
 ☞ 你能把这块搁板安装到那堵墙上吗?
 ☞ Can you fit this shelf on to that wall?
安顿 安顿
 ☞ 他把一家人安顿在新近购置的一幢房子里。
 ☞ He settled his family in the new house he had recently bought.
 ☞ 她照料小王出了医院,并把他安顿在她家里。
 ☞ She helped Wang be discharged from the hospital and settled him at her house.
 ☞ 家里一切都安顿好了吗?
 ☞ Have you got everything settled at home?
 ☞ 他把他母亲安顿在火车车厢的一角。
 ☞ He settled his mother in a comer of the train compartment.
 ☞ 28门大炮安顿在新筑好的3个炮台里。
 ☞ The twenty-eight cannons had been placed in the three newly built forts.
 ☞ 你能把这两个无家可归的孩子安顿一下吗?
 ☞ Can you place these two homeless children?
 ☞ 我们能在哪里安顿所有这些孩子?
 ☞ Where can we house all these children?
 ☞ 先把同志们安顿在二楼。
 ☞ First house the comrades on the second floor.
4.put up,指安排食宿。
 ☞ 我在上海时安顿在王家。
 ☞ I put up at the Wangs during my stay in Shanghai.
 ☞ 我们把马匹安顿在镇上惟一的马厩里过夜。
 ☞ We put up our horses for the night at the only stable in town.

1.be over,指某种活动的结束。
 ☞ 会完以后,我们都上餐厅吃午饭。
 ☞ When the meeting was over, we all went up to the dinning room for lunch.
 ☞ 一切都表明这天的工作完了。
 ☞ Everything indicates that the day's work is over.
 ☞ 是呀,老李,完了的就是完了。
 ☞ Well, Li, what is over is over.
  ■ 但是,be all over with,却指带有绝望情绪的结束。
 ☞ 要是这病人再发作一次,恐怕他就完了。
 ☞ If the patient has another relapse, I'm afraid it will be all over with him.
 ☞ 离比赛结束只有两分钟的时候,对方又进一球,我们知道完了。
 ☞ When our opponents scored another goal only two minutes from the end of the match, we knew it was all over with us.
2.be all up with,指到了尽头。
 ☞ 当搜索队开始收缩包围圈时,他意识到完了。
 ☞ He realized it was all up with him when the search party began to close in.
 ☞ 子弹打完以后,他们知道完了。
 ☞ With their ammunition gone, they knew that it was all up with them.
  ■ 此外,all up with 除了接人外,还可接物。
 ☞ 当我发现我榜上无名时,我知道我的希望完了。
 ☞ When I found that my name didn't appear on the winners' list, I knew it was all up with my hope.
3.be done for,指没救。
 ☞ 要是银行坐视不救,我们6个月内准完。
 ☞ If the bank doesn't come to rescue, we'll certainly be done for in six months.
 ☞ 他这样的年纪得肺炎怕是过不去了,恐怕要完。
 ☞ He won't get over pneumonia at his age, I'm afraid he's done for.
  ■ 但是,be done则指结束。
 ☞ 我再问一个问题就完。
 ☞ I ask one more question, and I am done.
 ☞ 你逗我还有完没完?
 ☞ Will you never be done teasing me?
 ☞ 完(finish eating),喝完(finish drinking)等。
 ☞ 大会一完,我毖须离开北京去上海。
 ☞ Immediately after the congress had finished, it was necessary for me to leave Beijing for Shanghai.(等着完,因为要去上海,因此是消极的)
 ☞ 演出晚上11点准完。
 ☞ The performance will certainly finish at eleven o'clock in the evening.(等着完,因为另外有事)
  ■ 但finished既可指结束,也可指完蛋。
 ☞ 我的学生时代完了,我得自力更生了。
 ☞ My student days are finished. I must be dependent on myself for a living.
 ☞ 早餐完了以后,他开始跟我们谈了起来。
 ☞ Finished with his breakfast, he began to talk to us.
 ☞ 要是银行不借钱,我们就完了。
 ☞ If the bank refuses to lend us the money, we're finished.
 ☞ 他的政治生命算是完了。
 ☞ His political career is finished at all.(以上均指完蛋)
5.be lost,指不知所措。
 ☞ 要是让熟人看见我跟她在一起,那可完了。
 ☞ If someone who knows me should see me with her, I am lost.
 ☞ 他没眼镜可就完了。
 ☞ He is lost without his glasses.
 ☞ 她从小娇生惯养,没有女佣肯定完了。
 ☞ Having been pampered since childhood, she must be lost without a maid.
 ☞ 覆巢之下无完卵。
 ☞ When a bird's nest is overturned, no egg can remain intact.
 ☞ 你的宝贝疙瘩我可是完璧归赵了。
 ☞ Now I've returned your darling intact to you.
 ☞ 我的墨水快用完了。
 ☞ I'm running out of ink.
 ☞ 听完别人的话再发言。
 ☞ Speak after you hear other people out.
 ☞ 我们的钱都用完了。
 ☞ We have used up our money.
 ☞ 你吃完了吗?
 ☞ Have you eaten up?
 ☞ 他昨天就把工作干完了。
 ☞ He finished the work off yesterday.
完全 完全
1.complete, completely,强调完整性的完全。
 ☞ 完全隔离大概是不可能的。
 ☞ Complete isolation is probably impossible.
 ☞ 他训练士兵要求完全服从。
 ☞ He trained his men in complete obedience.
 ☞ 这种药口服后几乎能完全吸收。
 ☞ This medicine is almost completely absorbed following oral administration.
2.full, fully,强调充实性的完全。
 ☞ 完全的事实真相永远也无法说清楚了。
 ☞ The full truth of the matter can never be told.
 ☞ 我们完全能控制花期。
 ☞ We're in full control of florescence.
 ☞ 她完全同意我们的意见。
 ☞ She fully agreed with us.
3.perfect, perfectly,强调完美性的完全。
 ☞ 地球成为一个完全的球体大约只差0. 34%。
 ☞ The earth is about 0.34 percent away from being a perfect sphere.
 ☞ 我完全相信他的判断。
 ☞ I have perfect trust in his judgment.
 ☞ 她完全满意你的安排。
 ☞ She's perfectly satisfied with your arrangement.
4.entire, entirely,强调整体上的完全。
 ☞ 在这次战役中,他完全依靠友军的支援。
 ☞ In this campaign he placed his entire reliance upon the reinforcement of the friendly forces.
 ☞ 你完全错误地判断了当前的形势。
 ☞ You have entirely misjudged the present situation.
5.absolute, absolutely, 强调绝对的完全。
 ☞ 那完全是胡说。
 ☞ That's absolute nonsense.
 ☞ 他的说法完全是撒谎。
 ☞ His story was an absolute lie.
 ☞ 当然,这件事完全不可能。
 ☞ Of course, it's absolutely impossible.
 ☞ 那种充分自由、完全平等的终极目标一定会实现。
 ☞ The ultimate goal of complete freedom and total equality will certainly be reached.
 ☞ 汽车完全成了一堆废铁。
 ☞ The car was a total wreck.
 ☞ 你完全错了。
 ☞ You were totally mistaken.
 ☞ 这完全是伦勃朗名画的复制品。
 ☞ It was an exact replica of the famous painting of Rembrandt.
 ☞ 你的话与他说的完全相反。
 ☞ Your words were the exact opposite of what he had said.
 ☞ 他茫然地看着她,尽管完全明白她的意思。
 ☞ He looked at her blankly, though he understood exactly what she meant.
8.altogether,一般用于肯定句;at all,一般用于否定句。
 ☞ 这个词完全可以省去。
 ☞ This word can be omitted altogether.
 ☞ 这个词完全不能省。
 ☞ This word cannot be omitted at all.
 ☞ 我完全不同意你的意见。
 ☞ I don't agree with you at all.
  ■ 但如果altogether在句中与具有否定意义的词搭配时则又另当别论。
 ☞ 你认为他们是完全不负责任吗?
 ☞ Do you think that they were altogether irresponsible?
 ☞ 这事是完全不可能的。
 ☞ The matter is altogether impossible.
  ■ 另外,如果altogether与not连用,则为部分否定。
 ☞ 我不完全同意你的意见。
 ☞ I don't altogether agree with you.
9.all, 用作副词时也有“完全”的意思。
 ☞ 我完全赞成你的意见。
 ☞ I'm all in favor of your suggestion.
 ☞ 你的衣服完全打湿了。
 ☞ Your clothes are all wet.
  ■ 同样all与not连用,也表示部分否定。
 ☞ 不是所有的决议都完全得到了执行。
 ☞ All of its resolutions are not carried out.
 ☞ 完全彻底地为人民服务并不容易。
 ☞ It's not easy to serve the people heart and soul.
 ☞ 你提意见时难道完全没有考虑个人得失?
 ☞ Did you give no thought whatsoever to personal gain and loss while making comments?
完善 完善
 ☞ 我们的教育制度还有需要完善的地方。
 ☞ There is still room to improve our educational system.
 ☞ 只有对这个世界的复杂性采取现实的态度,我们才能完善这个世界。
 ☞ Only by taking realistic attitude towards its complexities can we improve this world.
 ☞ 我认为我们能在任何情况下自我完善。
 ☞ I think we can improve ourselves under any circumstances。
 ☞ 这个方法简直完善到不能再完善了。
 ☞ This method was so improved that it couldn't be improved on any more.
 ☞ 在许多情况下,这些工艺流程是由经验控制的, 而其完善程度令人吃惊。
 ☞ In many cases, these technological processes were controlled and perfected to an astonishing degree by empirical methods.
 ☞ 制造无线电发射机和接收机的基本原理在第一次世界大战之前已臻于完善。
 ☞ The basic principles of the construction of radio transmitters and receivers had been perfected before the First World War.
 ☞ 这一新的外科技术还有待于完善。
 ☞ This new surgical technique is to be perfected.
 ☞ 他在工作的各个方面都在自我完善。
 ☞ He is perfecting himself in every facet of his job.
 ☞ 科学家们已经完善了一种海水淡化法。
 ☞ The scientists have perfected a method of desalting seawater.
3.consummate, 指达到顶点的完善,因此是程度最高的完善。
 ☞ 是他最终完善了这一工艺,使产量提高了50%。
 ☞ It was he who finally consummated this technological process, which raises the output by 50 percent.
 ☞ 这些方法在其他先进国家已高度完善。
 ☞ These methods have been highly consummated in other advanced countries.
完成 完成
1.accomplish,强调既定任务的完成,着重点在成功、成就上,相当于succeed in finishing,其后可接名词或动名词,但不接动词不定式。
 ☞ 他是有缺点,但我们仍然相信交给他的任务一定能完成。
 ☞ He does have shortcomings, yet we still believe that he will certainly accomplish the task set to him.
 ☞ 科学家们在3周内横渡太平洋,完成航行,到达南极。
 ☞ The scientists accomplished the voyage across the Pacific Ocean to Antarctica in three weeks.
 ☞ 我们通过变换练习也能完成词义教学。
 ☞ We can also accomplish the teaching of meaning through transformation drills.
2.complete,强调面面俱到的完成,着重点在应完成的已经完成,应具备的已经具备,应有的程序已经做到。相当于make perfect。
 ☞ 我命令完成飞行任务的歼击机返回基地。
 ☞ I ordered the fighters which had completed the runs to return to our base.
 ☞ 我国在所有制方面的社会主义改造已经完成。
 ☞ In our country, the socialist transformation has been completed with respect to the system of ownership.
  ■ 该词除用作动词之外,还可用作形容词。
 ☞ 初稿已经完成。
 ☞ The first draft is complete.
 ☞ 基建似乎已完成大部分。
 ☞ The capital construction seemed largely complete.
 ☞ 这家公司刚刚完成其重大改组,现在又得重新开始。
 ☞ The company no sooner finishes a major job of reorganizing itself than it starts all over again.
 ☞ 他开头的事情不少,但完成收尾的不多。
 ☞ He commences many things but finishes few.
 ☞ 你何时才能完成大学的学业?
 ☞ When do you finish your college courses?
4.carry out,强调在进行过程中完成,着重点在执行、实行的过程。
 ☞ 到上月底,我们已胜利完成了今年的生产计划。
 ☞ By the end of last month we had successfully carried out our production plan for this year.
 ☞ 工作一旦开始,就必须坚决完成。
 ☞ Once the work is started, it must be resolutely carried out.
5.perform,强调在履行过程中完成。也着重过程,意思大致与carry out相同,但比较正式。
 ☞ 计算机以闪电般的速度完成了计算。
 ☞ The computer performed calculations at lightning speed.
 ☞ 大部分的任务都是由女孩子完成的。
 ☞ Most of the tasks were performed by girls.
 ☞ 负担还得承担;需要还得提供;痛苦还得忍受;任务还得完成。
 ☞ The burden must be carried; the want provided for;
 ☞ the suffering endured; the task fulfilled.
 ☞ 护士看护病人,有好多的工作要完成。
 ☞ A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.
7.hit the target,指完成指标。
 ☞ 本厂有些工人已完成了2004年的指标。
 ☞ Some workers in the factory have already hit the 2004 targets.
完整 完整
 ☞ 他对数据的表述简明扼要而且完整无缺。
 ☞ His formulation of the data was concise and complete.
 ☞ 除了一套完整的盗窃工具,房间里没有发现人。
 ☞ We found no one in the room except a complete set of burglar tools.
 ☞ 没有经济上的独立,一个国家的独立是不完整的。
 ☞ Without economic independence, no country can achieve complete independence.
 ☞ 这本当代散文集还很不完整。
 ☞ This collection of contemporary prose is an incomplete one.
 ☞ 一套完整的理论并非要包罗万象。
 ☞ A comprehensive theory doesn't mean embracing everything.
 ☞ 国防部有过一个增加潜艇的完整计划。
 ☞ A comprehensive plan existed at the Ministry of Defense for multiplying our submarines.
 ☞ 发展一套完整的管理体制刻不容缓。
 ☞ Developing an integrated system of management is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 这样的做法并不是孤立地展示流行病研究所得的见解,而是要求我们有一个完整的课题教学指导。
 ☞ Such approach calls for integrated topic teaching rather than the isolated presentation of the findings of epidemiological studies.
 ☞ 每个国家都应维护其领土完整。
 ☞ Every country must safeguard her territorial integrity.
 ☞ 建于公元前2世纪的长城在这一带还有迹可寻, 但已不完整。
 ☞ The Great Wall built in the second century B.C. still can be seen around here, but not in its integrity.
 ☞ 许多珍贵的历史文物都完整地保存了下来。
 ☞ Many precious historical relics have been preserved intact.
 ☞ 尽管他病得很重,但记忆力依然完整。
 ☞ His memory remained intact though he was critically ill.

1.decide,指决定,decide on,指“就…作出决定”。
 ☞ 现在我们什么也不能定。
 ☞ We can't decide anything now.
 ☞ 这得由她自己来定。
 ☞ She must decide that herself.
 ☞ 候选人的名单定了吗?
 ☞ Has the list of candidates been decided on?
 ☞ 咱们集思广益,一起定个行动计划吧。
 ☞ Let's put our heads together and decide on a plan of action.
 ☞ 会议定在明天上午。
 ☞ The meeting is fixed for tomorrow morning.
 ☞ 如果你愿意,咱们来定个价。
 ☞ Let's fix the price if you wish.
 ☞ 我讨厌对什么都要定规矩。
 ☞ I hate to set rules on everything.
 ☞ 会费定为100美元。
 ☞ One hundred US dollars is set a8 the membership fee.
 ☞ 如立刻大量抛售,定可成功。
 ☞ We certainly will succeed if we sell it in great quantity right now.
 ☞ 乘敌运动之际打击之,定可取胜。
 ☞ We are sure to win if we attack the enemy while they are on the move.
 ☞ 如今已天下大定。
 ☞ Now general stability has been achieved in the country.
实施 实施
 ☞ 九年义务教育正在逐步实施。
 ☞ The system of nine-year compulsory education is being implemented.
 ☞ 实施儿童保健计划需要各种捐赠。
 ☞ Donations are needed to implement our child-care programs.
 ☞ 凡实施改革的地区,经济都迅速发展了。
 ☞ All areas where reforms are implemented have their economy growing rapidly.
 ☞ 该委员会对不公平及非法行为实施法律制裁。
 ☞ The commission enforces laws against unfair and illegal practices.
 ☞ 他是用残酷手段来实施统治的。
 ☞ He enforced his rule by cruel methods.
 ☞ 对敌人必须实施专政。
 ☞ Dictatorship must be enforced over the enemy.
3.carry out,指不带任何感情色彩的实施,因此使用的范围最广,使用的口气也最为随便。
 ☞ 生产计划一旦批准,就必须坚决实施。
 ☞ Once the production plan is approved, it must be resolutely carried out.
 ☞ 我们得做出艰苦的努力以实施大会的决议。
 ☞ We have to make strenuous efforts to carry out the resolutions of the congress.
 ☞ 据说实施杀戮的是一群黑帮成员。
 ☞ The killings were said to have been carried out by members of a sinister gang.
4.put (bring, carry, go) into effect,指使之实施。
 ☞ 协定的条款正在付诸实施。
 ☞ The provisions of the agreement are being put into effect.
 ☞ 他们已开始实施这一计划。
 ☞ They have already begun to put (bring) the plan into effect.
 ☞ 当时机成熟时,他们的阴谋就会付诸实施。
 ☞ When the time is ripe their scheme will be put (carried) into effect.
 ☞ 政府的审查制度自昨天开始实施。
 ☞ The government censorship went into effect yesterday.
 ☞ 政府审查制度昨起实施。
 ☞ The government censorship went into effect yesterday.
 ☞ 无产阶级专政是通过共产党的领导实施的。
 ☞ The dictatorship of the proletariat is effected through the leadership of the Communist Party.
实行 实行
 ☞ 党委实行民主集中和集体领导的制度。
 ☞ The Party committee practices the principle of democratic centralism and collective leadership.
 ☞ 必须加强管理,实行经济核算。
 ☞ It is necessary to strengthen management and practice economic accounting.
 ☞ 救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义。
 ☞ Heal the wounded, rescue the dying and practice revolutionary humanitarianism.
 ☞ 我告诉我的朋友应当早起,我自己就是这样实行的。
 ☞ I tell my friends that they should get up early. I practice it myself that way.
 ☞ 我们只在人民内部实行民主。
 ☞ We practice democracy only within the ranks of the people.
  ■ put into practice也有“实行”的意思。
 ☞ 这个宪法草案是完全可以实行的。
 ☞ It is entirely possible to put this Draft Constitution into practice.
 ☞ 我们已做了种种计划,现在必须实行。
 ☞ We've made our plans, and now we must put them into practice.
2.effect, 指产生效果的实行。
 ☞ 由少数人实行专政并不是防止犯罪的好办法。
 ☞ Dictatorship effected by a few is not a good way to control crime.
 ☞ 我们始终主张总统的职能就是实行公众的意志。
 ☞ We have constantly taken the position that the function of the president is to effect the public will.
 ☞ 中国政府在经济管理上实行了几项重大变革。
 ☞ The Chinese government effected several significant changes in the economic management.
 ☞ 在实行土壤改良方面,他起的作用比任何个人都要大。
 ☞ He more than any other single person is instrumental in effecting the improvement of soil.
  ■ put into effect及in effect 也有实行的意思。
 ☞ 既然他们不愿履行协定,那就暂不实行,拖一下再说。
 ☞ Since they are unwilling to put the Agreement into effect, well then, we can leave it for the time being and wait.
 ☞ 你的建议从书面上看来不错,不过我不相信能够实行。
 ☞ Your proposal looks good on paper, but I'm not convinced it can be put into effect.
 ☞ 局部宵禁将继续实行。
 ☞ A partial curfew will remain in effect.
 ☞ 新的规章制度于今日起实行。
 ☞ The new rules and regulations are in effect as of today.
 ☞ 政府实行政策时过激,人们还不愿接受。
 ☞ The government implemented its policy too radically and people wouldn't accept it yet.
 ☞ 那些实行国内改革的国家发现很难借到经济增长所需的资金。
 ☞ Those countries that implement domestic reforms find it very difficult to borrow the funds required for economic growth.
 ☞ 市场经济不仅在资本主义国家,在社会主义国家也可以实行。
 ☞ A market economy can be implemented not only in a capitalist country but also in a socialist one.
 ☞ 对那些盗窃犯、诈骗犯、杀人放火犯、流氓集团以及各种严重破坏社会秩序的人都必须实行专政。
 ☞ It is likewise necessary to exercise dictatorship over embezzlers, swindlers, arsonists, murderers, criminal gangs and other scoundrels who seriously disrupt public order.
 ☞ 在社会主义国家,民主只在人民内部实行。
 ☞ In a socialist country democracy is exercised within the ranks of people.
 ☞ 要减肥,就要实行节食。
 ☞ To reduce weight, exercise restraint in eating.
 ☞ 立法机构立法,再由行政机构实行。
 ☞ The legislative body makes laws and the administrative machinery enforces them.
 ☞ 联合国决定派遣维和部队支持其决议并实行停火。
 ☞ The United Nations decided to send the peace-keeping troops to back up its resolution and enforce the truce.
 ☞ 环保局也实行了卡车和飞机的噪音标准。
 ☞ The Environmental Protection Bureau also enforces noise standards for trucks and airplanes.
 ☞ 诺贝尔经济奖于1969年开始实行。
 ☞ Nobel Prize in economics was instituted in 1969.
 ☞ 8小时工作制是在1866年提出后很久才实行的。
 ☞ An eight-hour working day system was instituted long after it was put forward in 1866.
 ☞ 政府拒绝实行由他早先提出来的动员计划。
 ☞ The government refused to institute the mobilization plan he had earlier suggested.
 ☞ 要是实行你的路线,结果就会毁掉这个国家。
 ☞ If your line were followed, the result would be the ruin of the country.
 ☞ 你没有实行你自己的原则。
 ☞ You didn't follow your own principles.
 ☞ 我们在外交事务上应实行中立政策。
 ☞ We should follow a policy of neutrality in foreign affairs.
8.go in for,指支持、赞成后的实行。
 ☞ 一个真正的革命者应赞成实行民主改革。
 ☞ A true revolutionary should go in for democratic reform.
 ☞ 委员会绝大多数成员都赞成实行货币改革。
 ☞ An overwhelming majority of the committee members go in for the currency reform.
 ☞ 现在能实行的我们就写进宪法,不能实行的就不写。
 ☞ We write into our constitution what is feasible now and exclude what is not.
 ☞ 由于大量的人口涌向城市,兴办更多的服务项目是可以实行的。
 ☞ More services become feasible when a large number of people are crowded into cities.
10.carry out,这是使用最广、语气随便、不带感情色彩的常用词。因此它可以替换上面的许多词条。
 ☞ 一个政党的任何行动都是实行政策。
 ☞ A political party is to carry out a policy whenever it takes any action.
 ☞ 看来他们是勉强接受协定的,因而不愿意实行。
 ☞ Apparently they are reluctant to accept the Agreement and are unwilling to carry it out.
 ☞ 如果这一改革得以实行,我们大家都可以发挥自己的才干。
 ☞ If this reform is to be carried out everyone of us will do justice to his talent.
实际 实际
1.reality, real, realistic,指与幻想(illusion)相对的实际。
 ☞ 实际情况是决不会因为你的幻想而改变的。
 ☞ The reality of the situation is in no way changed by your illusions.
 ☞ 思想落后于实际是常有的事。
 ☞ It often happens that thinking lags behind reality.
 ☞ 事实上我们不得不面对阶级差别这样一个实际。
 ☞ In fact we have to face the realities of class disparity as it is.
 ☞ 他认为她完美无缺,实际上她既自私又虚荣。
 ☞ He thought her perfect, in reality she was selfish and vain.
 ☞ 他的实际收入要比名义上的收入多得多。
 ☞ His real income is much more than his nominal income.
 ☞ 他们所谓的裁军实际上是伪装下的扩军。
 ☞ What they call disarmament is really arms expansion in disguise.
 ☞ 他发表的看法是对首脑会议影响的一种切合实际的估计。
 ☞ His remark was realistic assessment of the impact of the summit conference.
 ☞ 这一要求不切实际,也难以实现。
 ☞ This demand is unrealistic and unworkable.
2.practice, practicality, practical,指与理论(theory)相对的实际。
 ☞ 理论与实际不能脱节。
 ☞ Theory must not be divorced from practice.
 ☞ 你有过护理病人的实际经验吗?
 ☞ Have you had any practice in nursing the sick?
 ☞ 这想法听起来不错,但在实际中行得通吗?
 ☞ The idea sounds good, but will it work in practice?
 ☞ 青年人一接触生活实际,理想往往就会破灭。
 ☞ Young people's idealism is often destroyed when they get in touch with life's practicalities.
 ☞ 革命气概应当与实际精神结合起来。
 ☞ Revolutionary sweep must be combined with practicality.
 ☞ 我们做工作时总有一些实际困难。
 ☞ There are always some practical difficulties when we do our work.
 ☞ 我认为问题实际上已经解决。
 ☞ I think the problem was practically settled.
3.condition, 指实际情况。
 ☞ 他的建议切合当地实际。
 ☞ His proposal suited the local conditions.
 ☞ 无论做什么,我们都应从实际出发。
 ☞ Whatever we do we must proceed from actual condition.
 ☞ 我目前的实际情况只可意会,不可言传。
 ☞ It is rather to be apprehended than expressed in what is now my condition.
4.in fact, as a matter of fact, in point of fact,作“实际上”解时,都用来纠正前面已经表述过的语义。
 ☞ 原子弹看起来可怕,实际上不然。
 ☞ The atomic bomb looks terrible, but in fact it isn't.
 ☞ 它好像是个目的,实际上只是手段。
 ☞ It seems to be an end, but in fact it is only a means.
 ☞ 理论上也许是这样,但实际上从来没有发生过这种事情。
 ☞ In theory this might be so, as a matter of fact, it has never occurred.
 ☞ 我昨天没去,实际上我整整一个星期都没去了。
 ☞ I didn't go yesterday, and as a matter of fact, I didn't go all week.
 ☞ 他们摆出马克思主义理论家的样子,实际上他们连最起码的马克思主义知识都没有。
 ☞ They posed as Marxist theorists, in point of fact they did not know the ABC of Marxism.
 ☞ 我们的助教是位优秀教师,实际上在很多方面比教授本人还强。
 ☞ Our assistant is an excellent teacher, in point of fact he is in many ways superior to the professor himself.
5.actual, actually,指实际存在的。
 ☞ 你不了解实际情况。
 ☞ You don't know the actual situation.
 ☞ 尽管大家都知道这笔钱的数目很大,但实际数字不详。
 ☞ The actual amount of money was not known although everybody knew it was large.
 ☞ 人不能事事都有直接经验,实际上大多数知识都是间接经验。
 ☞ One cannot have direct experience of every thing.
 ☞ Actually, most knowledge comes from indirect experience.
 ☞ 实际上这样做你只能达到相反的目的。
 ☞ Actually, you can only accomplish the opposite by so doing.
 ☞ 两者没有多少差别,实际上不是两件事,而是一回事。
 ☞ There isn't much difference between the two things, which indeed are not two but one.
 ☞ 调查问题实际上是在解决问题。
 ☞ To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it.
7.in truth,指其实。
 ☞ 我们的权力实际上也是我们的义务。
 ☞ Our rights are, in truth, our duties.
 ☞ 实际上,书本知识与实际经验是相辅相成的。
 ☞ Book knowledge and practical experience, in truth, assist one another reciprocally.
8.virtual, virtually,有“表面上不是这样,但实际上却是这样”的意思。
 ☞ 他送她一打玫瑰花,实际上却表示了爱意。
 ☞ His sending her a dozen roses was a virtual declaration of love.
 ☞ 由于政府的软弱无能,军队成了该国实际上的统治者。
 ☞ Because the government was weak and incompetent, the army became the virtual ruler of the country.
 ☞ 这个照会实际上是个最后通谍。
 ☞ The note was virtually an ultimatum.
 ☞ 由于老板生病不上班,会计实际上在负责。
 ☞ With the boss out sick, the bookkeeper is virtually in charge.
9.in effect,指在效果上。
 ☞ 实际上我给他帮了倒忙。
 ☞ In effect, I've done him a bad turn.
 ☞ 实际上他们未经审讯就被判刑了。
 ☞ In effect they were already sentenced without trial.
审查 审查
 ☞ 银行通常要审查单据。如单据无误,即支付汇票。
 ☞ Usually the bank will investigate the documents and, if they are in order, it will pay the draft.
 ☞ 公务员职位申请人在录用前都要受到全面的审查。
 ☞ Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being employed.
 ☞ 专门成立了一个委员会来审查生产成本。
 ☞ A special commission was set up to investigate costs of production.
 ☞ 至于账目,经过审查事实已经成立。
 ☞ As to the accounts, the fact was established after investigation.
2.examine, examination着重于研讨的审查。
 ☞ 种研讨可以是事物的真相、特征、性质、质量、功能、真实性等。
 ☞ 全国人民代表大会指定了一个委员会来审查国务院已经批准的提案。
 ☞ The National People's Congress appointed a committee to examine the bill which the State Council had already passed.
 ☞ 外国留学生的证件必须予以仔细审查。
 ☞ The credentials of students from foreign countries must be examined carefully.
 ☞ 刚解放时,干部的历史问题都受到了严格的审查。
 ☞ Right after liberation the cadres' personal histories were examined strictly.
 ☞ 预算草案已报全国人民代表大会审查批准。
 ☞ The draft budget has been submitted to the National People's Congress for examination and approval.
3.check (up),着重在检查、核对的审查。
 ☞ 各项交易在财务上不仅必须过账,而且还要审查, 以求准确无误。
 ☞ All the financial transactions not only must be posted, but also must be checked for accuracy.
 ☞ 你要审查这些数字吗?
 ☞ Will you check these figures?
 ☞ 我们审查以后,发现一切正常。
 ☞ We checked up and found everything was right.
 ☞ 他们没有原始记录,怎么审查?
 ☞ How could there be any checking up when they kept no original record?
客气 客气
1.polite,politeness,指社会活动或言行上的客气;courteous, courtesy, 指友善和尊重他人的客气;civil,指在人际交往中富有教养的客气。
 ☞ 你怎么净说客气话?
 ☞ What are you making so many polite remarks for?
 ☞ 这一次他甚至连装模作样的客气也不要了。
 ☞ This time he even broke off with affected politeness.
 ☞ 他对手下的工作人员总是很客气,又很坚决。
 ☞ He is always courteous and firm to those working under him.
 ☞ 双方客气了一番之后转入了正题。
 ☞ After a few words of courtesy they got down to business.
 ☞ 讲话客气一点。
 ☞ Be a bit civil in your speech.
 ☞ 要对她客气一点,哪怕是不喜欢。
 ☞ Try to be civil to her, even if you don't like her.
2.kind, 指善意。
 ☞ 你太客气了。
 ☞ You are too kind (modest).
 ☞ 你还来送我,真客气。
 ☞ It's very kind of you to see me off.
 ☞ 说句不客气的话,你反正不一定有理。
 ☞ To put it bluntly, you won't be able to justify yourself in any way.
 ☞ 你再这样,我可要对你不客气了。
 ☞ If you go on like this, I won't be easy on you.
 ☞ 有人向你道谢时,要说“不客气”。
 ☞ Say "You are welcome" when someone thanks you.
 ☞ 有人向你道歉时你要说“不客气”或“不要紧”。
 ☞ You have to say "Not at all" or "Don't mention it" when someone apologizes to you.
 ☞ 我们是老朋友,用不着客气。
 ☞ As old friends we don't need to stand on ceremony.
 ☞ 他们见了面从来不客气。
 ☞ There were no formalities when they met.
 "Don't stand on ceremony" is the polite formula said to a guest.
  "Don't bother" is the polite formula said to a host.
宣传 宣传
 ☞ 该政党办了这张报纸来宣传其思想。
 ☞ The political party started the newspaper to propagate its ideas.
 ☞ 不要宣传恶意的报道。
 ☞ Don't propagate unkind reports.
 ☞ 做宣传要看对象。
 ☞ In doing propaganda we must consider our audience.
 ☞ 宣传群众,组织群众向来是我党的传统。
 ☞ It is our Party's tradition to spread propaganda among the masses and organize the masses.
 ☞ 书还没有出版,就在大肆宣传了。
 ☞ The book was extravagantly publicized before it ever came out.
 ☞ 他们在城里宣传我党的方针政策。
 ☞ They are in town to publicize our Party's general and specific policies.
 ☞ 音乐会倒是不错,但因宣传不够,所以来的人极少。
 ☞ The concert was a good one, but because of bad publicity, very few people came.
 ☞ 这些科普书籍的用处应向读者广为宣传。
 ☞ The usefulness of these popular science books should be given wide publicity to readers.
3.advertise, advertisement,指带有贬意的宣传。
 ☞ 他退出的事无需宣传。
 ☞ He needs not be advertised as having withdrawn.
 ☞ 你考试作弊,还好意思宣传?
 ☞ How can you have the nerve to advertise your cheating at the examination?
  ■ 有时,也可用于带有广告性质的意味深长的宣传。
 ☞ 顾客满意是我们想要的最好宣传。
 ☞ A satisfied customer is the best advertisement that we hope to have.
 ☞ 中国共产党成立以前有过一段宣传共产主义思想的时期。
 ☞ There was a period of time of disseminating communist ideas before the founding of the Communist Party of China.
 ☞ 据说有一段时候,有人在乡下到处宣传异端邪说。
 ☞ It is said that there was a time when someone went about the country disseminating heretical beliefs.
宣布(宣告) 宣布(宣告)
  ■ “宣布”与“宣告”是一对同义词。“宣布”的着重点在“布告”,“宣告”的着重点则在“告知”。下列各词在一定的上下文里可以与上述两词对应。
 ☞ 第一次世界大战以来,瑞士一直宣布中立。
 ☞ Switzerland has declared her neutrality since World War I.
 ☞ 英国新国会于1939年宣布与德国处于战争状态。
 ☞ The new British Congress declared a state of war with Germany in 1939。
 ☞ 矿区已宣布戒严。
 ☞ Martial law has been declared in the mining areas.
 ☞ 法院宣告该公司破产。
 ☞ The court declared bankruptcy of the company.
 ☞ 这份合同已宣告无效。
 ☞ The contract has been declared null and void.
 ☞ 印度于1947年宣布独立。
 ☞ India proclaimed (declared) independence in 1947.
 ☞ 市政当局宣布该市处于紧急状态。
 ☞ The city authorities proclaimed (declared)a state of emergency of the city.
 ☞ 草木都在宣告春天的到来。
 ☞ The plants and trees are proclaiming the coming of spring.
 ☞ 电话的铃声宣告了他儿子的诞生。
 ☞ The ringing bells of the telephone call proclaimed the birth of his son.
3.announce, 指首次宣布,尤指人们关注的事件。
 ☞ 政府宣布电费将在春季涨价。
 ☞ The government has announced that electricity charges will go up in the spring.
 ☞ 他们向与会的来宾宣布他们准备结婚。
 ☞ They announced to the assembled guests that they were to get married.
 ☞ 海洋工程公司已经正式成立,谨此宣告。
 ☞ We respectfully announce that the Offshore Engineering Company has officially been established.
 ☞ 主席宣告大会胜利闭幕。
 ☞ The chairman announced the conference closed successfully.
 ☞ 医生宣布伤者已经死亡。
 ☞ The doctor pronounced the injured dead.
 ☞ 婚礼结束时,牧师宣布那对新人结为夫妻。
 ☞ At the end of the wedding ceremony the priest pronounced the newly-married couple man and wife.
 ☞ 法庭宣告我们无罪。
 ☞ The court pronounces us not guilty.

 ☞ 要是我有办法,我并不想害她。
 ☞ I didn't want to do her any harm if I could help it.
 ☞ 这样的书有利无害。
 ☞ Such books bring benefits and do no harm.
 ☞ 我从来没害过人。
 ☞ I have never harmed anybody.
 ☞ 早起对你无害。
 ☞ Getting up early won't harm you.
 ☞ 过去认为麻雀是害鸟,这是不对的。
 ☞ It was wrong to regard the sparrow as a harmful bird.
 ☞ 黄、赌、毒是社会的三害。
 ☞ Pornography, gambling and drug are three evils of the society.
 ☞ 俗话说“两害相权务取其轻”。
 ☞ As the saying goes: "Of the two evils choose the lesser."
 ☞ 这一类电子游戏害多利少。
 ☞ Such video games have more disadvantages than advantages.
 ☞ 他建议中的利大于害。
 ☞ The advantages of his proposal outweigh disadvantages.
 ☞ 缺雨是中国西北的一害。
 ☞ Lack of rain is a scourge in northwest China.
 ☞ 古代勇士周处为民除了三害。
 ☞ Ancient warrior Zhou Chu ridded the three scourges.
5.suffer from,指害病。
 ☞ 他的小弟弟害了麻疹。
 ☞ His little brother is suffering from measles.
 ☞ 这里的庄稼常害枯萎病。
 ☞ The crops here suffer from frequent blights.
6.make, cause,指造成或引起不愿见到的事情。
 ☞ 饭馆里的一碗面,害得我病了整整一星期。
 ☞ A bowl of noodle in the restaurant made me sick for a whole week.
 ☞ 你给错了地址,害得我白跑一趟。
 ☞ You gave me the wrong address and made me go all the way for nothing.
 ☞ 是什么害得他茶饭不思?
 ☞ What caused him to lose his appetite neither for food nor for drinks?
 ☞ 这次手术没有成功,害得他走路一拐一拐的。
 ☞ The unsuccessful operation caused him to walk with a limp.
害怕 害怕
1.afraid of,指天性胆小,因此这种害怕的时间长,甚至终身。但此词只表示害怕,而不表示害怕的程度。
 ☞ 许多人害怕蛇。
 ☞ Many people are afraid of snakes.
 ☞ 女同志都害怕打雷。
 ☞ Women are afraid of thunder.
 ☞ 我害怕伤害她。
 ☞ I'm afraid of hurting her.
 ☞ 当时他害怕有人会看见他跟我说话。
 ☞ He was afraid then to be seen speaking to me.
 ☞ 他害怕他父亲不赞成他要做的事。
 ☞ He's afraid that his father won't approve of what he is going to do.
2.fearful of,作“害怕”解时可与afraid of换用。
 ☞ 我们真的害怕再发生经济危机。
 ☞ We are really fearful (afraid) of another economic crisis.
 ☞ 我害怕着凉。
 ☞ I'm fearful of taking cold.
  ■ 但fearful还可表示伴随恐惧的害怕,这时不能与afraid换用。
 ☞ 洞里阴森森的叫人害怕。
 ☞ The cave looks deep, dark and fearful.
 ☞ 害怕世界人民的是帝国主义。
 ☞ It is the imperialists who fear the people of the world.
 ☞ 她害怕在公共场合讲话。
 ☞ She fears to speak in public.
 ☞ 他不再害怕他们会误解他。
 ☞ He no longer feared that they should misunderstand him.
4.frightened of,指受到一时的惊吓而害怕,故害怕的时间短。
 ☞ 我们不那么害怕校长就好了。
 ☞ If only we were not so frightened of the headmaster.
 ☞ 她害怕从楼顶上往下看。
 ☞ She was frightened to look down from the top of the building.
 ☞ 他一想到即将来临的考试就感到害怕。
 ☞ He felt frightened at the thought of his coming examination。
  ■ 有时frightened of的意思与afraid of近似,但仍带有或多或少的一时的害怕。
 ☞ 她一个人时就害怕。
 ☞ She is frightened when she is alone.
 ☞ 那时我害怕老鼠。
 ☞ I was frightened of rats then.
5.scared of,指突然受惊而产生的害怕,但强调的是受惊吓。afraid of则指长时间的害怕。
 ☞ 你害怕什么?
 ☞ What are you scared of?
 ☞ 那孩子害怕那面目狰狞的斗牛狗。
 ☞ The child was scared of that fierce-looking bulldog.
 ☞ 他一想到即将到来的战斗就害怕得要死。
 ☞ He was scared to death at the thought of the combat to come.
 ☞ 我们害怕报警。
 ☞ We were scared of telling the police.
 ☞ 听到他的威胁,她害怕得赶快服从。
 ☞ Having heard his threat, she was scared into obeying him.
6.terrified of,指由于受惊而产生恐惧,但程度更深。有“胆战心惊”的意思。
 ☞ 她害怕那只面目狰狞的斗牛狗。
 ☞ She was terrified of the fierce-looking bulldog.
 ☞ 那老太太害怕过这样交通频繁的马路。
 ☞ The old lady was terrified of crossing such a busy road.

 ☞ 他一家全是教师。
 ☞ They are all teachers in his family,(包括父母)
 ☞ 他是我们家老大。
 ☞ He is the eldest of our family.(几个兄弟姐妹中最大,因此不包括父母)
 ☞ 家是心灵所系之地。
 ☞ Home is where the heart is.
 ☞ 她一直在渴望有一个真正温暖舒适的家。
 ☞ She always has had a keen desire for a really warm and comfortable home.
  ■ home还可表示一个人的出生地。
 ☞ 中国是我的家,但我现在住在纽约。
 ☞ China is my home' but I'm living in New York now.
  ■ 注意下面三句译文的区别。
 ☞ 他今晚回家。
 ☞ He is going back home this evening 他今晚在家。
 ☞ He is at home this evening.
 ☞ 他已经一个星期没回家了。
 ☞ He hasn't been home for a week.
 ☞ 我们在乡间买了一个新家。
 ☞ We bought a new house in the country.
 ☞ 我们现在的家变得更像一个真正的家了。
 ☞ Our house now is beginning to look more like a real home.
  ■ 不过应注意的是美国人常用home来表示house。如:新房待售(New Homes for Sale)。
 ☞ 她对他合适,把家管理得井井有条。
 ☞ She suits him, and runs the household well.
 ☞ 她不知道在这样的家里她有什么用处。
 ☞ She wondered if she could be any use in such a household.
容忍 容忍
 ☞ 我们不能容忍这种浪费。
 ☞ We cannot tolerate such waste.
 ☞ 你怎么能容忍这么粗暴的家伙?
 ☞ How can you tolerate that rude fellow7 .
 ☞ 我国政府对所有的宗教信仰都是非常容忍的。
 ☞ Our government is very tolerant towards all religious beliefs.
 ☞ 任何人都无法容忍武装割据一个国家。
 ☞ It is intolerable for anyone to bear a state torn apart by armed forces.
 ☞ 我无法容忍受人摆布。
 ☞ I can't stand being ordered about.
 ☞ 你能容忍这样的胡说八道吗?
 ☞ Can you stand such nonsense?
 ☞ 我们必须面对麻烦,有时还得容忍。
 ☞ We must face the trouble and have to bear it sometimes.
 ☞ 我无法容忍受人嘲笑。
 ☞ I cannot bear to be laughed at.
 ☞ 旅行时你得容忍许多不便之处。
 ☞ You have to endure many discomforts while traveling.
 ☞ 她怎么能容忍这样的侮辱,我真是纳闷。
 ☞ I really wonder how she can endure such insults.
5.put up with,义同bear或endure,但更为口语化。
 ☞ 有些事情要容忍也不易。
 ☞ There are some things that are not easily put up with.
 ☞ 我要是你,就不会容忍他那傲慢无礼的样子。
 ☞ If I were you, I should not put up with his insolence.
 ☞ 有些国家还在容忍童工现象。
 ☞ Child labor is still condoned in some countries.
 ☞ 有偷窃行为的人往往会容忍自己朋友的小偷小摸。
 ☞ A man who steals tends to condone pilfering of his friends.
容易 容易
 ☞ 考试时,容易的题要先做,难的后做。
 ☞ When taking examinations, answer the easy questions first, then the difficult ones.
 ☞ 这台机床容易操作。
 ☞ This lathe is easy to operate.
 ☞ 说起来容易,做起来难。
 ☞ It's easier said than done.
 ☞ 这种草药很容易弄到。
 ☞ This medicinal herb is easy to come by.
 ☞ 今天的幸福生活来得不容易。
 ☞ The present happy life didn't come about easily.
 ☞ 这类鞋子在潮湿的地面上容易打滑。
 ☞ This kind of shoes is apt to slip on wet ground.
 ☞ 铸铁容易断裂。
 ☞ Cast iron is apt to break.
 ☞ 在街上玩耍的孩子容易受到汽车的伤害。
 ☞ Children who play in the street are liable to be injured by automobiles.
 ☞ 违反规章制度的人容易受到处分。
 ☞ Anyone who disobeys rules is liable to be punished.
 ☞ 她要赢不容易。
 ☞ She's not likely to win.
 ☞ 要我们否决自己的提议容易吗?
 ☞ Are we likely to veto our own proposal?
 ☞ 春雪容易融化。
 ☞ Spring snow soon melts.
 ☞ 这种药片在水里是很容易化开的。
 ☞ This pill dissolves soon in water.
 ☞ 我的孩子容易生病。
 ☞ My child often gets ill.
 ☞ 你也太容易上当了。
 ☞ You are taken in once too often.
容纳 容纳
 ☞ 会议室能容纳50人。
 ☞ The meeting room can hold 50 people.
 ☞ 这个瓶子正好可容纳1公斤酒。
 ☞ The bottle holds just a kilo of wine.
 ☞ 可以容纳40人的公共汽车挤进了50位乘客。
 ☞ Fifty passengers were crowded into a bus built to accommodate forty.
 ☞ 我们的客人超过10位,我相信你的餐厅总可以多容纳几位的。
 ☞ We have guests more than ten. I'm sure your dining room always accommodates a few more.
 ☞ 那辆车能舒舒服服的容纳下40位乘客。
 ☞ The bus contains comfortably forty passengers.
 ☞ 我们村后有个水库,能容纳50万方水。
 ☞ We have a reservoir behind our village containing 500,000 cubic meters of water.
4.seat, 指能坐多少人。
 ☞ 该剧院大概能容纳1,600人。
 ☞ That theater can seat about 1,600 people.
 ☞ 首都体育馆能容纳18,000位观众。
 ☞ The Capital Stadium has a seating capacity of 18,000.
5.tolerate, 指容忍。
 ☞ 我们应当有足够的雅量来容纳各种不同的意见。
 ☞ We should be broad-minded enough to tolerate all opinions.
 ☞ 他不能容纳不同观点。
 ☞ He can't tolerate dissenting views.
容许 容许
1.tolerate, toleration,指容忍,因此这种容许是被动的,不情愿的。
 ☞ 政府容许抽烟和喝酒,但不容许吸毒。
 ☞ The government tolerates smoking and drinking, but not taking drugs.
 ☞ 学校不会容许考试作弊。
 ☞ The school cannot tolerate cheating in exams.
 ☞ 容许新闻自由意味着民主。
 ☞ Toleration of free press means democracy.
2.brook, 也指容忍,常与no连用,所表示的不容许比tolerate更强烈。
 ☞ 我们决不容许任何外来干涉。
 ☞ We will brook no outside interference.
 ☞ 这件事决不容许再耽误了。
 ☞ The matter brooks no further delay.
 ☞ 事实不容许有其他的解释。
 ☞ The facts allow no other explanation.
 ☞ 如果法律容许,我们也没办法。
 ☞ We can do nothing if it is allowed by the law.
 ☞ 既然是自由交换意见就应容许别人把话说完。
 ☞ Since it is a free exchange of views you should allow others to finish what they want to say.
  ■ allow of表示的这种客观上的容许更加明显。
 ☞ 这一问题只容许有一种解决办法。
 ☞ This problem allows of only one solution.
 ☞ 他衰弱的身体不容许他到警察局受审。
 ☞ His weakened health would not allow of him being questioned by the police.
4.permit, permissible, impermissible,指主观上容许,因此这种容许比allow又进了一步。
 ☞ 我爸是连浪费一滴水都不容许的。
 ☞ Papa would not permit the waste of water, even a single drop.
 ☞ 你怎么会容许这样的胡言乱语?
 ☞ How can you permit such nonsense?
 ☞ 在戏院里抽烟是不容许的。
 ☞ Smoking is not permissible in the theater.
 ☞ 侵犯别国主权是绝对不容许的。
 ☞ It is absolutely impermissible to encroach upon the sovereignty of a country.
5.admit of,指容许有某种余地。
 ☞ 情况不容许耽误。
 ☞ The position admits of no delay.
 ☞ 规章制度不容许你那么干。
 ☞ The regulations do not admit of you doing that.
 ☞ 情况不容许我们等待下去。
 ☞ In such circumstances we can't afford to wait any longer.
 ☞ 原则问题不容许有任何让步。
 ☞ There should be no concessions whatever on matters of principle.
 ☞ 此类事件,10年前容许有之。
 ☞ Such things might possibly have happened ten years ago.

1.wide, width,指宽的距离。如a wide river是指河两岸的距离远。
 ☞ 这溪水太宽,我跳不过去。
 ☞ The stream is too wide for me to jump across.
 ☞ 这是条10米宽的公路。
 ☞ It is a highway ten meters wide.
 ☞ 这料子有多宽?
 ☞ What is the width of this material?
2.broad, broaden,指宽的广度。如a broad river是指河面的宽度大。
 ☞ 人海处河流越来越宽。
 ☞ The river grows broader as it is nearing the sea.
 ☞ 他又拖过一把椅子,坐在宽宽的扶手上。
 ☞ He drew up another chair and sat down on the broad arm of it.
 ☞ 人们的眼界宽了,信心也强了。
 ☞ When people's minds are broadened, their confidence is also strengthened.
 ☞ 期限能再宽几天吗?
 ☞ Can the deadline be extended a few more days?
 ☞ 现在,我们的调查范围宽了。
 ☞ Now the field of our investigation is extended.
 ☞ 学校的规章制度近来宽多了。
 ☞ The rules of school have recently been relaxed a great deal.
 ☞ 对外贸易的限制现在宽了不少。
 ☞ Restrictions on foreign trade are considerably relaxed.
 ☞ 我们的住宅比原来的宽多了。
 ☞ Our flat is much more spacious than it was.
 ☞ 听了他的话我心里宽多了。
 ☞ When I heard him say that, I felt greatly relieved.
 ☞ 现在他手头比过去宽多了。
 ☞ Now he is much better off than before.
 ☞ 他受到从宽处理。
 ☞ He was dealt with leniently.

 ☞ 我的一位朋友寄给我几张照片。
 ☞ A friend of mine sent me some pictures.
 ☞ 我出外度假时会寄给你明信片的。
 ☞ I'll send you a postcard while I am away on holiday.
 ☞ 在国外工作的70万南斯拉夫人每年都要寄回200万美元。
 ☞ Two million U.S. dollars each year is sent home by the 700,000 Yugoslavs who work abroad.
 ☞ 你给我寄封信,不介意吧?
 ☞ Do you mind posting a letter for me?
 ☞ 我把稿件寄给了各家出版商。
 ☞ I posted my manuscript copies to different publishers.
 ☞ 你本来是可以从那里寄这封信的。
 ☞ You should have sent the letter from there.
 ☞ 早上第一件事就是给你寄了张支票。
 ☞ The first thing in the morning was to mail you a check.
 ☞ 你什么时候可以给我寄钱?
 ☞ When can you remit me the money?
 ☞ 我答应把余款连同利息寄上。
 ☞ I promised to remit the balance plus interest.
 ☞ 党寄希望于青年一代。
 ☞ The Party places hopes on the youth.
 ☞ 人民寄信心于他们的领导人。
 ☞ The people place confidence in their leaders.
5.leave with (in),指寄存。with后接人,in后接地点。
 ☞ 我把箱子寄在朋友家里了。
 ☞ I left my suitcase with a friend of mine.
 ☞ 他把书寄在他哥哥家里保管。
 ☞ He left his books in his brother's keeping.
富有 富有
 ☞ 他家非常富有。
 ☞ His family is very rich.
 ☞ 他继承了家产,现在很富有。
 ☞ He inherited the family estate and is now very wealthy.
2.rich in,指具有大量的物质或精神产品。
 ☞ 他一家人都富有人情味。
 ☞ His family are all rich in human feelings.
 ☞ 古老的格子窗、石头门廊、墙壁、屋顶、烟囱都富有蜡笔画的风味。
 ☞ The old latticed windows, the stone porch, the walls, the roof, the chimney-stack were rich in crayon touches.
3.full of,指充满。
 ☞ 他们都是富有同情心的人。
 ☞ They are people full of sympathy.
 ☞ 这是张漂亮、生动、活泼的脸,而且富有朝气。
 ☞ It was a handsome, lively, vivid face, full of vigor.
 ☞ 柯桥是个富有代表性的小镇。
 ☞ Keqiao is a typical small town.
 ☞ 他的政治观点更富有战斗性。
 ☞ His political outlook is more militant.

 ☞ 彼寓此已有多年。
 ☞ He has lived here for quite a number of years.
 ☞ 余已抵沪,暂寓友人处。
 ☞ I have arrived in Shanghai and temporarily stayed with a friend.
 ☞ 这个故事寓有深意。
 ☞ This story contains a profound lesson.
 ☞ 他的话里寓有很大的真理。
 ☞ His words contain a tremendous truth.
3.reside in,指存在于。
 ☞ 矛盾的普遍性即寓于矛盾的特殊性之中。
 ☞ It is precisely in the particularity of contradiction that the universality of contradiction resides.
 ☞ 艺术创作应寓神似于不似。
 ☞ In artistic creation likeness in spirit should reside in unlikeness.
4.make sb. do sth, make sth. a…,指使之成为。
 ☞ 和平时期应该寓兵于农。
 ☞ We should make soldiers do the work of farmers in time of peace.
 ☞ 至于学生,我们应寓教于乐。
 ☞ As to the pupils, we should make entertainment a medium of education.
察看 察看
 ☞ 老农半夜里起来察看风向。
 ☞ The old peasant got up at midnight and watched which way the wind was blowing.
 ☞ 我们在那里野营以察看火山一天喷发几次。
 ☞ We camped there to watch how many times per day the eruption of the volcano would occur.
2.look carefully at (to see),指仔细观察。
 ☞ 他在一幅画前停了下来察看画的构图及线条。
 ☞ He stopped before a painting and looked carefully at its composition and line.
 ☞ 他蹲下来察看了庄稼生长的情况。
 ☞ He squatted himself down and looked carefully to see how the crops were coming along.
 ☞ 昨天有个专家组来察看杀虫药的效果。
 ☞ A group of experts came yesterday to check the effectiveness of the insecticide.
 ☞ 保安人员在会前分别察看了会场的每个角落。
 ☞ The security personnel checked individually every corner of the site before assembly.
 ☞ 检查团察看了整幢房屋内回潮的痕迹。
 ☞ The inspection party inspected the whole house for traces of damp.
 ☞ 警方察看了犯罪现场,却没有找到任何线索。
 ☞ The police inspected the scene of crime, but no clues were found.
察觉 察觉
 ☞ 过了好几分钟他才察觉发生了什么。
 ☞ It was several minutes before he was aware of what was happening.
 ☞ 他马上察觉有人正在走近屋子。
 ☞ Presently he became aware of someone approaching the house.
 ☞ 她没察觉他在房间里。
 ☞ She was not conscious of his presence in the room.
 ☞ 她察觉有人在盯着她看。
 ☞ She was conscious of someone staring at her.
 ☞ 马匹察觉有危险就止步不前。
 ☞ The horses sensed danger and stopped.
 ☞ 她察觉她爱人在想些什么。
 ☞ She sensed what her husband was thinking.
3.表示不知不觉之中感觉到,可用not realize。
 ☞ 我没察觉天已晚了。
 ☞ I didn't realize it was late.
 ☞ 我们干得十分认真,竟没察觉黄昏的到来。
 ☞ We worked so earnestly that we didn't realize the evening had come.
 ☞ 我察觉到晨风送来一股淡淡的野花香味。
 ☞ I perceived a faint scent of wild flowers, carried by the morning breeze.
 ☞ 只有艺术家才能察觉画中色彩的细微差别。
 ☞ Only an artist could perceive the fine shades of color in the painting.
 ☞ 恐怕你已察觉我很不满意。
 ☞ I'm afraid you've found me very unsatisfied.
 ☞ 我察觉他是个可疑人物。
 ☞ I found him a suspicious character.
 ☞ 他察觉整个情节是编出来的。
 ☞ He discovered that the whole story was a lie.
 ☞ 我们一开始就察觉了他的阴谋。
 ☞ At the very beginning we discovered his plot.
对于 对于
1) 强调主语。
 ☞ 如果对于这一点认识不足,那就要犯极大的错误。
 ☞ I this is not sufficiently understood, the gravest mistakes will be made.
 ☞ 对于诸如此类的东西,如果没有自觉性,那它们就会成为负担或包袱。
 ☞ All such things become encumbrances or baggage if there is no critical awareness.
 ☞ 即使对于马克思主义已经了解比较多的人,也还要再学习。
 ☞ Even those who have a better grasp of Marxism have to go on studying.
2) 强调宾语。
 ☞ 对于这种人必须加强教育。
 ☞ We must intensify our efforts to educate such people.
 ☞ 对于马克思主义的理论,要能够精通它、运用它, 精通的目的在于运用。
 ☞ It is necessary to master Marxist theory and apply it, master it for the sole purpose of applying it.
 ☞ 对于每个具体问题要进行具体分析。
 ☞ We should make a concrete analysis of each special problem.
 ☞ 对于红军的这封信,虽然没有更正,俚是后来的指示就没有那些悲观的论调了。
 ☞ Although it has not made any correction of the letter to the Red Army, its subsequent directives have not been couched in the same pessimistic tone.
 ☞ 承认这种特点,对于我们是有利的。
 ☞ It is to our advantage to recognize this characteristic.
 ☞ 对于他的建议,你有什么意见?
 ☞ What do you say to his suggestion?
 ☞ 这种党员对于中国人民有什么好处呢?
 ☞ What good will such Party members be to the Chinese people?
 ☞ 对于我们,失败是犯罪,争取抗日胜利是责无旁贷的。
 ☞ For us defeatism is a crime and to strive for victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan is an inescapable duty.
 ☞ 革命文化,对于人民大众,是革命的有力武器。
 ☞ Revolutionary culture is a powerful revolutionary weapon for the broad masses.
 ☞ 对于共产党员来说,也就是要站在党的立场,站在党性和党的政策的立场。
 ☞ For members of the Communist Party, this means keeping to the stand of the Party, keeping to Party spirit and Party policy.
 ☞ 对于只懂得理论不懂得实际情况的人,这种调查很有必要。
 ☞ Such investigation is especially necessary for those who know the theory but do not know the actual conditions.
 ☞ 牛奶对孩子有益,但对我儿子有害。(喝牛奶有益是普遍规律,但有害却是特殊情况,可能是指喝了会过敏、拉肚子等)
 ☞ Milk is good to children, but bad for my son.
 ☞ 这些禁令第一是对于社会恶习的反抗,第二是对于城市商人剥削之自卫。
 ☞ First, the prohibitions represent a revolt against bad social customs; second, they are a form of self-defense against exploitation by city merchants.
 ☞ 但是党的领导机关对于这些不正确的思想缺乏一致的坚决斗争。
 ☞ Yet, the Party's leading bodies failed to wage a concrete and determined struggle against these incorrect ideas.
 ☞ 我们也承认精神的东西对于物质的东西的反作用、社会意识对于社会存在的反作用、上层建筑对于经济基础的反作用。
 ☞ We also recognize the reaction of mental on material things, of social consciousness on social being, and of the superstructure on the economic base.
 ☞ 对于红军行动的主张也和我们一致了。
 ☞ The views on the Red Army's operations now coincide with ours.
 ☞ 歼灭战,则对于任何敌人都会立即起重大影响。
 ☞ A battle of annihilation, on the other hand, produces a great and immediate impact on any enemy.
 ☞ 对于后一种情况,因为总的位移为零,所以平均速度应为零。
 ☞ The average velocity, in the latter case, would be zero, since the total displacement is zero.
 ☞ 对于我们工作的看法,肯定一切或者否定一切,都是片面性的。
 ☞ In the appraisal of our work, it is one-sided to regard everything either as all positive or as all negative.
 ☞ 她们对于家事的发言权以至于决定权是比较多的。
 ☞ They have more say and greater power of decision making in family matters.
7.表示关联时,可用with regard to。
 ☞ 根据地的人民条件,具体说来,特别是对于作战来说,就是武装起来的人民。
 ☞ In concrete terms, and especially with regard to military operations, when we talk of the people of the base area as a factor, we mean that we have the armed people.
 ☞ 她对于你的病一直非常同情。
 ☞ She was always in perfect sympathy with you with regard to your illness.
 ☞ 对于他的要求,我建议把这事转到总公司去。
 ☞ With regard to his request I suggest that the matter be referred to our main office.
对付 对付
1.deal with,指对人对事的方法等。
 ☞ 我们知道该怎样对付他。
 ☞ We know how to deal with him.
 ☞ 对付淘气孩子的最好办法是什么?
 ☞ What is the best way of dealing with mischievous children?
 ☞ 我们的游击队在地道战中,沉着机智地对付敌人。
 ☞ Our guerrilla forces dealt with the enemy calmly and resourcefully in tunnel warfare.
 ☞ 你是怎样对付一个喝醉了酒的老公的?
 ☞ How did you deal with your drunken husband?
 ☞ 对付孩子实在累人。
 ☞ Children are rather tiring to deal with.
 ☞ 政府得对付灾难性的通货膨胀。
 ☞ The government had to deal with the catastrophic inflation.
 ☞ 对付敌人可以这样,对付同志、朋友,决不能用这个方法。
 ☞ This kind of method is permissible in dealing with the enemy, but absolutely impermissible in dealing with comrades or friends.
 ☞ 这个病人很难管,不过护士小黄却能对付。
 ☞ The sick man was difficult to manage, but Nurse Huang dealt with him all right.
2.cope with,指成功地对付,等于deal successfully with,故常与easily,certainly,well等词搭配。
 ☞ 他大概以为像我这样一个头脑简单的姑娘是很容易对付的。
 ☞ He was probably thinking he could easily cope with a simple-minded girl like me.
 ☞ 他们在对付自然灾害方面干得很出色。
 ☞ They have done remarkably well in coping with natural calamities.
 ☞ 我们一定能对付这些敌军,哪怕再多一点也不要紧。
 ☞ We can certainly cope with these enemy forces, and even with larger ones.
 ☞ 人民团结起来对付他们的共同敌人。
 ☞ The people united to cope with their common enemy.
3.make do,指用某种代用品凑合对付。
 ☞ 我们要的没有找到,不过总有办法对付的。
 ☞ We couldn't find what we wanted, but we would make do somehow.
 ☞ 战争时期,我们没有吃的,没有穿的,不过我们对付过来了。
 ☞ During the war we had no food or clothes, but we made do.
 ☞ 对,这本字典不太好,不过我能对付。
 ☞ Yes, the dictionary is not very good, but I'll make it do.
 ☞ 你就暂时用这把铁锹对付一阵罢。
 ☞ Try to make do with this spade for the time being.
 ☞ 他只学了几个月的文化,不过写信倒能对付。
 ☞ He had only a few months' schooling, but he can manage to write a letter.
 ☞ 这箱子蛮重的,不过我能对付。
 ☞ The trunk is rather heavy, but I can manage to carry it.
 ☞ 我们的粮食不多了,不过总有办法对付的。
 ☞ We have little food, but we can manage.
 ☞ 如果我搞不到更多的钱,也只好对付了。
 ☞ If I can't get more money, I shall have to manage without it.
 ☞ 炉子坏了,我们只好吃点冷的对付一下。
 ☞ Because the stove was broken, we had to manage without hot food.
 ☞ 单我们两个吃,我看对付不了这么一大条鱼。
 ☞ I don't think we can manage a large fish like that just between the two of us.
 ☞ 你能对付所有那些又大又重的包袱吗?
 ☞ Can you manage all those large and heavy bundles?
5.counter (with),指与之抗衡的对付办法。
 ☞ 我们用人民战争对付侵略战争的办法取得了对日作战的胜利。
 ☞ We won the victory over Japan by countering the war of aggression with the people's war.
 ☞ 他用他的一个计划来对付我们的计划。
 ☞ He countered our plan with one of his own.
 ☞ 雇主扬言要开除他们,以此来对付他们增加工资的要求。
 ☞ The employer countered their request for more pay by threatening to dismiss them.
 ☞ 德国用潜艇战来对付英国的封锁。
 ☞ Germany answered the British blockade by submarine warfare.
 ☞ 我们将用子弹来对付子弹。
 ☞ We will answer shot with shot.
对待 对待
 ☞ 雷锋对待同志就像春天般的温暖。
 ☞ Lei Feng treated his comrades with the warmth of spring.
 ☞ 你对待她要多加尊重。
 ☞ You must treat her with more consideration.
 ☞ 公司对待职工向来很好。
 ☞ The firm has always treated its staff and workers well.
 ☞ 她对待学业像闹着玩一样。
 ☞ She treats school as a joke.
 ☞ 他们对待她粗暴得像对待奴隶一样。
 ☞ They treated her as roughly as they treated their slaves.
 ☞ 他把我当做孩子对待。
 ☞ He treated me as if I were a child.
2.deal with,着重处理上的对待。
 ☞ 我们对待少年犯要十分小心。
 ☞ We must be very cautious to deal with juvenile offenders.
 ☞ 气愤可能会成为一种极端有害的情绪,除非你懂得如何对待。
 ☞ Anger can be an extremely damaging emotion unless you learn how to deal with it.
 ☞ 警察对待闹事分子十分严厉。
 ☞ The police dealt harshly with the rioters.
 ☞ 护士对待老年病人应表现得十分耐心。
 ☞ In dealing with sick old people nurses must practice great patience.
3.如果不强调侧重点,可用没有感情色彩的handle,故一般可与treat, deal with换用。
 ☞ 他很生气,所以我们小心对待。
 ☞ He was so angry that we handled (treated, dealt with) him carefully.
 ☞ 当时我不知道怎样对待这些人。
 ☞ I did not know how to handle (treat, deal with) these people.
 ☞ 他受到那么粗暴的对待,我很难过。
 ☞ I was so sorry that he had been handled (treated, dealt with) so roughly.
 ☞ 对待每个新的工作岗位要有热情。
 ☞ Approach each new job with enthusiasm.
 ☞ 他对待困难考虑得很周到。
 ☞ He approached the difficulty with great thought.
 ☞ 你对待问题像个科学家。
 ☞ You approached questions as a scientist.
 ☞ 我们知道该如何正确对待。
 ☞ We know how to approach it correctly.
5.adopt attitude towards,指对待时采取的态度。
 ☞ 执行政策时要正确对待群众。
 ☞ One must adopt a correct attitude towards the masses while policies are carried out.
 ☞ 他尚未决定怎么对待她。
 ☞ He has not yet made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her.
 ☞ 我们对待工作中犯错误的人,应该采取规劝的态度。
 ☞ We ought to adopt an attitude of persuasion towards any person who has made mistakes in his work.
对得起(对不起) 对得起(对不起)
1.表示问心无愧,可译为act worthily to。
 ☞ 只有好好工作,才对得起人民。
 ☞ Only by working conscientiously can we act worthily to the people.
 ☞ 如果不努力学习,你怎么对得起你母亲?
 ☞ How can you act worthily to your mother if you don't study hard?
 ☞ 你不守信用,对不起朋友对你的信任。
 ☞ You didn't keep your words, so you acted unworthily to the friends' trust.
2.表示不辜负,可译为live up to。
 ☞ 显然,他是对得起一家人对他的期望的。
 ☞ It was clear that he lived up to his family's expectations.
 ☞ 你说的我都做了,我是对得起你对我的信任的。
 ☞ I've done what you told me. I've lived up to your trust.
 ☞ 你对不起一家人对你的期望。
 ☞ You did not live up to what your family expected of you.
3.表示没有使人失望,可译为not let sb. down。
 ☞ 整个运动队都感到队员是对得起教练的。
 ☞ The whole team didn't feel that they had let the coach down.
 ☞ 那家伙对不起我这已是第二次了。
 ☞ It is the second time I have been let down by that fellow.
4.“对不起”在对话中作道歉用语时,可译I'm sorry, Excuse me, Pardon, I beg your pardon等。
 ☞ 对不起给你添了那么多麻烦。
 ☞ I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.(用于事后道歉)
 ☞ 对不起,可以让我过去吗?
 ☞ Excuse me,could I get past?(用于事前道歉)
 ☞ 对不起,是我的错。
 ☞ Pardon me, it was my fault.(与Excuse me同义)
 ☞ 对不起,请你再讲一遍好吗?
 ☞ I beg your pardon, but would you repeat what you said?(比Pardon me更正式)
对手 对手
 ☞ 他们棋盘上是对手,平时是挚友。
 ☞ They are fast friends at ordinary times while opponents at a chess board.
 ☞ 大多数士兵都认为游击队是很难对付的对手。
 ☞ Most of the soldiers considered the guerrilla force to be a formidable opponent.
 ☞ 有许多竞争对手都希望增进与中国的贸易。
 ☞ There are many competitors hoping to increase their trade with China.
 ☞ 重量级冠军正与一位名不见经传的对手交手。
 ☞ The heavyweight champion is fighting an unknown competitor.
 ☞ 尽管他们在拳坛上是对手,但平时是好友。
 ☞ Although they are rivals in the ring, they are good friends when off the ring.
 ☞ 本公司向顾客提供比任何对手更好的服务。
 ☞ Our company intends to give a better service to its customers than any of its rivals.
  ■ 但rival带有敌意时常作“敌人”解。
 ☞ 李姗跟我是情敌。
 ☞ Li Shan and I are rivals in love.
 ☞ 他乒乓球打得不错,可以成为任何选手的对手。
 ☞ He is good at table tennis and he's a match for any player.
 ☞ 他心里很清楚,他老婆与丈母娘联手后,他可不是她们的对手。
 ☞ He was well aware that he was no match for the bonds between his wife and mother-in-law.
 ☞ 拼写方面,她在班上没有对手。
 ☞ In spelling she has no equal in the class.
 ☞ 你在体力上是他的对手吗?
 ☞ Are you his equal in strength?
对比 对比
 ☞ 你可以把这些进口货与国产货作个对比。
 ☞ You can contrast these imported goods with the domestic products.
 ☞ 穷人的悲惨生活与富翁的奢侈形成鲜明的对比。
 ☞ The wretched life of the poor constitutes a sharp contrast to the luxury of the rich.
 ☞ 我下一次讲座将对中国的革命和俄国的十月革命作一个对比。
 ☞ In my next lecture I shall compare the Chinese Revolution with the October Revolution in Russia.
 ☞ 如果你把马克思和黑格尔的著作对比一下,就会发现很多差别。
 ☞ If you compare Marx's works with Hegel's, you'll find many differences.
 ☞ 两者进行对比总是有益的。
 ☞ It is always helpful to make a comparison between two things.
 ☞ 对比蚂蚁的身高,一片小草就是一棵大树。
 ☞ Relative to the size of an ant, a blade of grass is as tall as a tree.
 ☞ 淮海战役以后,敌我力量的对比发生了变化。
 ☞ A change had taken place in the relative strength of the enemy force and our own since the Huaihai campaign.
4.balance of forces,仅指力量平衡。
 ☞ 这就使力量对比发生了变化。
 ☞ This brought about a change in the balance of forces.
 ☞ 他的一票使力量对比变得对我方有利。
 ☞ His vote tipped the balance of forces in our favor.
对照 对照
 ☞ 乌黑的头发与雪白的肌肤形成鲜明的对照。
 ☞ Black hair and white skin form a sharp contrast.
 ☞ 他的中国长衫和流利的英语形成奇特的对照。
 ☞ His Chinese robe contrasted oddly with his fluent English.
 ☞ 我把我的答案和老师的对照了一下,发现有个地方错了。
 ☞ I compared my answers with the teacher's and found I had made a mistake.
 ☞ 请把副本与原件对照一下。
 ☞ Please compare the copy with the original.
 ☞ 你本来应该对照原文来修改译文的。
 ☞ You should have checked the translation against the original and made corrections.
 ☞ 我对照她的身高量了一下衣服,发现太长了。
 ☞ I measured the dress against her height and found it was too long.
 ☞ 你应当对照共产党员的标准来检查自己。
 ☞ You should measure yourself by the standards of a communist.
 ☞ 如果对照规章检查,管理上还有不少漏洞。
 ☞ There are not a few loopholes in management if checked by rules.
 ☞ 这是本英汉对照读本。
 ☞ This is an English-Chinese bilingual textbook.
对立 对立
1.set… against,指相互排斥的对立。
 ☞ 十年动乱使许多家庭分离,夫妻反目,父子对立。
 ☞ The ten-year turmoil set many families divided, husband and wife having fallen out and father against son.
 ☞ 把依靠群众和加强领导对立起来是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong to set reliance on the masses against strengthening the leadership.
2.counterpose... to,指作为对立面的对立。
 ☞ 你的观点是要把“形式民主”与“真正民主”对立起来。
 ☞ Your view is to counterpose "formal democracy" to "real democracy."
 ☞ 把一个人的优缺点对立起来,我认为不恰当。
 ☞ I don't think it proper to counterpose a person's merits to his demerits.
3.oppose (to),指处于反对立场的对立。
 ☞ 这是两条截然对立的路线。
 ☞ These are two diametrically opposed lines.
 ☞ 有些同志把军事和政治互相对立起来了。
 ☞ Some comrades regard military affairs and politics as opposed to each other.
 ☞ 去年的协议是各派对立力量妥协的产物。
 ☞ The last year's agreement was a compromise between opposing forces.
4.conflict (with),指相互冲突的对立。
 ☞ 我们的政治观点是对立的。
 ☞ Our political views conflict.
 ☞ 不要把学习和工作对立起来。
 ☞ Don't think of study as conflicting with work.
 ☞ 对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。
 ☞ The law of the unity of opposites is fundamental law of the universe。
 ☞ 我的观点刚好跟他的对立。
 ☞ My view is the very opposite of his.
 ☞ 随着经济的发展,消灭城乡对立是自然而然的事情。
 ☞ The abolition of antithesis between town and country comes of itself with the development of economy.
 ☞ 他的创作是与当时的教条主义对立的。
 ☞ His creation was an antithesis to dogmatism of the time.
 ☞ 两人的对立已达到了顶点。
 ☞ The antagonism between the two men has reached its acme.
 ☞ 遗嘱不公引起兄弟间的对立。
 ☞ The unfairness of the will caused antagonism between the brothers.
对象 对象
 ☞ 他曾经是批判斗争的对象。
 ☞ He once was the target of criticism and denouncement.
 ☞ 他直言不讳使他成了容易遭到攻击的对象。
 ☞ His outspoken remarks made him an easy target of opposition.
 ☞ 他们都是纳粹迫害的对象。
 ☞ They were among the victims of Nazi persecution.
 ☞ 谋害的对象都是妇女。
 ☞ The murderer's victims were all women.
 ☞ 这位年轻妇女现在成了他的恋爱对象。
 ☞ The young lady has become the object of his affection at present.
 ☞ 我成了她关心的对象,为此我感到自豪。
 ☞ I felt proud to be the object of her concern.
4.match,partner in marriage,专指婚姻对象。
 ☞ 从实用观点来看,他会是个好对象。
 ☞ From a practical point of view he would be a good match.
 ☞ 那位年轻人是位理想的对象。
 ☞ That young man is an ideal match.
 ☞ 你也不小了,该找个对象结婚了。
 ☞ You're not young any more and it's time for you to look for a partner in marriage.
 ☞ 有些人找的对象根本不合适。
 ☞ Some people select marriage partners who are totally unsuitable.
5.go steady,指搞对象。
 ☞ 他正跟他朋友的妹妹搞对象。
 ☞ He is going steady with his friend's sister.
 ☞ 我们正在搞对象。
 ☞ We are going steady.
6.be intended for (to),指为读者、观众等对象而准备。
 ☞ 这本书的对象是中学生。
 ☞ This book is intended for middle school students.
 ☞ 该电影的对象是成年人。
 ☞ The movie is intended for adults.
7.readers, audience,专指听众或观众。
 ☞ 你写文章要看对象。
 ☞ You should consider your readers when you write.
 ☞ 如果你要发表演说,那么你的对象又在哪儿呢?
 ☞ Where is your audience if you are to make an address?
寻常 寻常
 ☞ 这本书讲的是寻常百姓家的生活。
 ☞ The book describes the life of a family of ordinary people.
 ☞ 我是在她家吃的,饭菜寻常,却十分可口。
 ☞ I have had my meal at her home. The food was ordinary but tasty.
 ☞ 我们都是寻常百姓,因此是人微言轻。
 ☞ We are all common (ordinary) people, so our remarks carry little weight.
 ☞ 海南岛下雪,的确很不寻常。
 ☞ Snowing is much less common (ordinary) in Hainan, indeed.
 ☞ 男人干家务现在可是寻常事了。
 ☞ It is quite common (ordinary) these days for men to do housework.
 ☞ 她的嗓子有点不寻常。
 ☞ Her voice is something out of the common (ordinary).
 ☞ 在我祖母的那个时代,女人上大学可不寻常呀。
 ☞ In my grandmother's time it was quite out of the ordinary (common) for a woman to go to college.
  ■ 但由于common是那么地平淡无奇,因此有时带有贬义,这时就不能用ordinary替代。
 ☞ 旧社会饿死人是寻常事。
 ☞ People dying of hunger in the old society were a common sight.
 ☞ 这里的汽车事故寻常到了不足为奇的地步。
 ☞ The automobile accidents are so common that they are not at all surprising.
 ☞ 我不知道这是不是非典型性肺炎的寻常病例。
 ☞ I don't know if it is the usual case of SARS.
 ☞ 他今天的举动不大寻常。
 ☞ He is not quite his usual self in his deeds today.
  ■ 在usual前加前缀un,可作“不寻常”解。
 ☞ 现在的妇女愿意把丈夫的生活当作自己的生活可不寻常。
 ☞ It is unusual for a woman to find her life in her husband's.
寻找 寻找
1.look for,常用于口语,指寻找丢失的或需要寻找的人或物。只指用视觉的寻找,而旦说法随便,不带感情色彩。
 ☞ 她找到了我这几天一直在寻找的手表。
 ☞ She found my watch I had been looking for these days.
 ☞ 他正是你所寻找的人。
 ☞ He is the right man you are looking for.
 ☞ 我要寻找一套两室一厅的房子。
 ☞ I want to look for a flat with two bedrooms and a living room.
2.search for,指带有搜索性的寻找,而且这种寻找不仅用目力,也要用脑力。
 ☞ 勘探队要寻找一个好地点来搭帐篷。
 ☞ The prospecting team wanted to search for a good place to pitch their tents.
 ☞ 科学家们在寻找非典型性肺炎的病原体,然后再寻找其特效药。
 ☞ The scientists are searching for the causative agents of SARS, and then its specific remedy.
 ☞ 侦查员们得从千头万绪中寻找谋杀案的重大线索。
 ☞ The detectives have to search for substantial clues from the extremely confused case of murder.
3.seek,义同search for,但说法更为正式、古老,带有“寻求”的意思。
 ☞ 我们一到,马上去寻找住处。
 ☞ When we arrived, we lost no time to seek a lodging house.
 ☞ 船长通过望远镜看着远处,寻找海天相接处的敌舰。
 ☞ The captain gazed in distance through telescope to seek enemy ships on the horizon.
 ☞ 人人都在寻找幸福,而有些人却在寻找财富。
 ☞ Everybody seeks happiness while some people seek wealth.
4.locate, 指通过定位的方法寻找。
 ☞ 他要求图书管理员帮他寻找他要的那本书。
 ☞ He required help from the librarian to locate the book he wanted.
 ☞ 警方在用定位仪寻找敌特的电台。
 ☞ The police are locating the radio-station of the enemy's special agents with the help of position indicator.
 ☞ 赶来救援的直升机正在寻找遇难船只的位置。
 ☞ The helicopter that came to rescue was locating the position of the wreck.
5.trace, 指通过跟踪线索寻找。
 ☞ 警方正在竭力寻找失踪的女孩。
 ☞ The police are trying every possible way to trace the missing girl.
 ☞ 根据现有资料,我们尚不能开始寻找郑国古都的工作。
 ☞ Basing ourselves on the existing materials, we are unable to start the work of tracing the seat of the ancient capital of the State of Zhen.
  ■ 但trace在强调结果时可以有“找到”的意思。
 ☞ 我们已经找到你要的文件。
 ☞ We have traced the document you want.
导致 导致
1.lead to,lead up to,前者指结果,后者指一连串的事件或行动逐渐导致一个重大的结果。
 ☞ 光是一个错误就可能导致灾难性的后果。
 ☞ A single mistake would lead to disastrous consequence.
 ☞ 生产过剩往往导致经济危机。
 ☞ Overproduction often leads to economic crisis.
 ☞ 这些事件导致了第二次世界大战。
 ☞ These events led up to World War II.
 ☞ 会谈导致了两国争端的解决。
 ☞ Negotiations led up to the settlement of disputes between the two countries.
2.bring about,指带来。
 ☞ 这一不得人心的措施终于导致了政府的倒台。
 ☞ That unpopular measure finally brought about the downfall of the government.
 ☞ 电子计算机导致了数学计算方面的带有根本性的变革。
 ☞ The electronic computer has brought about basic changes in carrying out mathematical computations.
 ☞ 用药量过大会导致死亡。
 ☞ Excessive doses may cause death.
 ☞ 中风可能导致终身瘫痪。
 ☞ A stroke can cause permanent paralysis.
4.result in,指导致的结果,与lead to同义。
 ☞ 理论上的错误必然导致实践上的失败。
 ☞ Errors in theory inevitably result in (lead to) failures in practice.
 ☞ 只有勤奋才能导致成功。
 ☞ Only hard work can result in (lead to) success.
将就 将就
1.make do (with),指凑合。
 ☞ 我们能将就,无须额外花钱。
 ☞ We can make do without the extra money.
 ☞ 这件大衣可能稍微短一点,你将就着穿吧。
 ☞ This coat may be a bit too short for you, but perhaps you could make do with it.
2.make the best of,指尽量适应。
 ☞ 没有什么更好的工作,你就将就点吧。
 ☞ There is no better job, so make the best of it.
 ☞ 由于我们找不到大一点的公寓房子,也只好尽现有的将就了。
 ☞ Since we can't find a bigger apartment, we'll have to make the best of what we have.
3.bear with, put up with,指忍受。
 ☞ 哄着他点儿,就将就他吧。
 ☞ Humor him a little and bear with him.
 ☞ 我无法将就他的火爆脾气。
 ☞ I couldn't bear with his hot temper.
 ☞ 这家旅馆不大好,不过我们可以将就。
 ☞ This hotel is not good, but we can put up with it.
 ☞ 你越是将就他,他就越是了不得。
 ☞ The more you put up with him, the more he swells with pride.
尊重(尊敬) 尊重(尊敬)
  ■ “尊重”跟“轻蔑”相对,尊重的对象可以是人(不论级别、长幼),也可以是抽象事物(如劳动、科学)。“尊敬”着重在敬重,对象往往是人,多用于下对上、幼对长等。
 ☞ 革命同志应当互相尊重。
 ☞ Revolutionary comrades should respect each other.
 ☞ 我们必须尊重少数民族的风俗习惯。
 ☞ We must respect the habits and customs of the minority nationalities.
 ☞ 他是位人格高尚的学者,学生们都很尊敬他。
 ☞ He is a scholar of noble character, and the students respect him very much.
 ☞ 我们对严肃作家的作品都是很尊重的。
 ☞ We have an enormous respect for the works of the serious writers.
 ☞ 你应当对你父亲更加尊重一点。
 ☞ You should be a bit more respectful to your father.
 ☞ 一个受人尊重的姑娘是不会跟他这样的人交往的。
 ☞ A respectable girl would not associate with a man like him.
 ☞ 没有人比得上我更尊敬(重)你父亲了。
 ☞ No one can esteem your father more than I do.
 ☞ 老教师在我校更受人尊重(敬)。
 ☞ Old teachers are much more esteemed in our school.
 ☞ 这次不正当的男女关系降低了我们对她的尊敬。
 ☞ The illicit sexual relation has lowered our esteem of her.
 ☞ 我知道他们对你都很尊重(敬)。
 ☞ I know they all regard you highly.
 ☞ 他这次救孩子于危难之中,赢得了大家的尊重。
 ☞ His rescue of the child in the calamity earned public regard.
 ☞ 我们对她都是非常尊重(敬)的。
 ☞ We all hold her in the greatest regard.
 ☞ 我是把他当作我的老师来尊重的。
 ☞ I honored him as my teacher.
 ☞ 孩子们应当尊敬自己的父母。
 ☞ Children should honor their father and mother.
 ☞ 我们从小就受到要尊敬父老兄长的教育。
 ☞ We have been taught since childhood to show honor to our elders.
 ☞ 他们把我当作一位尊敬的客人来接待。
 ☞ They received me as an honored (a distinguished) guest.
5.value, 指从价值上尊重。
 ☞ 你们作为领导干部应当尊重群众的首创精神。
 ☞ As leading cadres you should value the initiative of the masses.
 ☞ 我们在那里见到了政府是如何尊重群众意见的。
 ☞ There we have seen how the government valued the opinions of the masses.
 ☞ 你对她要多加尊重。
 ☞ You must treat her with more consideration.
 ☞ 她的自我献身精神赢得了人民对她的尊重。
 ☞ She earned consideration on the part of the people through her self-devotion.
 ☞ 我们尊重每个人的特殊才能。
 ☞ We appreciate the special genius of each individual.
 ☞ 尽管他没有多少才气,但作为男性的抽象价值,她还是尊重他的。
 ☞ Though she knew the small number of his talents, she appreciated his abstract value as a male.

 ☞ 大鱼吃小鱼。
 ☞ Large fish devour the smaller ones.
 ☞ 我戴这帽子太小。
 ☞ The hat is too small for me.
 ☞ 他个子小,能从这个洞里钻过去。
 ☞ He is small enough to squeeze through the hole.
  ■ 不过small有时也可用来表示抽象概念。
 ☞ 这是件小事,我不在乎。
 ☞ It's a small matter and I don't care.
 ☞ 今年生意的利润小。
 ☞ The business made only a small profit this year.
 ☞ 可怜的小东西,到这儿来,让我看看你。
 ☞ Poor little thing, come here and let me have a look.
 ☞ 我发现他是个有趣的小老头。
 ☞ I found him a funny little old man.
 ☞ 连他老婆都说他是个自私下流的小人。
 ☞ Even his wife said he was a selfish, nasty little man.
 ☞ 多讨厌的小孩!
 ☞ What a nasty little child!
  ■ 使用little一词要注意以下几点:1) little不表示“程度”,因此一般不与表示程度的副词quite,rather,very,too等连用,因为表示程度时一般不带感情色彩。故要用small。如:这袋子太小。你有没有大一点的。The bag is too small. Have you a larger one? 2) little与large相对时,没有比较级;而small与large相对时,可以有比较级smaller(较小)。但little与much相对时,可以有比较级less(较少)。如:这帽子是小了一点。The hat is a bit smaller.他们现在做的工作比以前少。They now do less work than they did before.不过这是语法规则。从翻译的角度看,又往往会突破这种规则。如:他们来的人数比我们少。They came in smaller number than we did.他的力气比我小。He has less strength than I have.不过这种突破只是翻译时要适应汉语习惯的变通。从词汇意义上讲smaller仍然是较小,而less仍然是较少。3) 与其他事物比较而显得较小时,在某些习惯用法上不用small,如:little finger(小指,与其他手指比较而言)。如:你的小指比我的小。Your little finger is smaller than mine. 4) a small后接名词,意为“小…”;a little后接名词,意为“一些…”。如:There is a small candy on the table.(桌上有一小块糖);There is a little candy on the table.(桌上有一些糖)。5) little一般只用作定语,不作表语。但表示感情色彩时例外。如:她的个子小,但要坐进童车又太大。She is little, but not little enough to fit on a trickle.
3.minor,与major相对,指在大小、程度、数量、重 要性上居次要地位,因此比较的意味很浓。
 ☞ 把你试卷里的大错改掉,小错就不用管了。
 ☞ Correct the major errors in your paper, but do not bother with the minor ones.
 ☞ 他把大部分钱都留给了儿子,他女儿只得到他财产的一小部分。
 ☞ He left most of his money to his son, and his daughter received only a minor share of his wealth.
 ☞ 在新剧里只给了她一个小角色。
 ☞ She was given a minor part in the new play.
 ☞ 这只是个小手术,没有生命危险。
 ☞ It's only a minor operation not dangerous to life.
 ☞ 你不得用这种小事来打扰局长。
 ☞ You must not bother the director with such a petty matter.
 ☞ 小小的一个政府官员,说话的口气那么大。
 ☞ A petty government official talked so big.
 ☞ 他爱贪小便宜。
 ☞ He is always keeping on gaining petty advantage.
 ☞ 小资产阶级总想爬到中产阶级。
 ☞ People from the petty bourgeoisie invariably desire to climb up into the middle bourgeoisie.
5.young, 指年龄小。
 ☞ 他太小,上不了学。
 ☞ He is too young to go to school.
 ☞ 你也不小了,该找个对象结婚了。
 ☞ You're not young any more and it's the time for you to look for a partner in marriage.
 ☞ 我是上有老,下有小,需要负担。
 ☞ I have the old above and the young below to support.
6.英语表示动物幼崽的“小”,另有各自的专用词,如:小 鸡chick;小鸭duckling;小狗puppy;小猫kitten;小牛calf;小马pony;小猪piggy;小鹿deerlet;小老虎tiger cub;小象baby elephant。
 ☞ 你的声音太小。
 ☞ Your voice is too low.
 ☞ 风小些了。
 ☞ The wind has dropped a little.
 ☞ 这鞋小了点。
 ☞ These shoes are a bit tight.
 ☞ 他从小就聪明伶俐。
 ☞ He has been a bright and sensible boy since his early childhood.
 ☞ 你这是小病大养。
 ☞ You're taking an unduly long rest for a slight illness.
小心 小心
 ☞ 小心别弄断了。
 ☞ Take care not to break it,或:Take care you don't break it.
 ☞ 你对你做的事要分外小心。
 ☞ You should give more care to what you are doing.
 ☞ 你说话要小心,要不然你会后悔的。
 ☞ Have a care what you say or you may regret it.
  ■ care 还可与with连用。
 ☞ 玻璃制品,小心轻放!
 ☞ Glass, handle with care!
 ☞ 这活他干得分外小心。
 ☞ He did the work with redoubled care.
  ■ careful,常用作表语,大多用于祈使句。
 ☞ 这是你要小心的地方。
 ☞ It's what you have to be careful about 过马路要小心。
 ☞ Be careful when crossing the street.
 ☞ 路滑,小心摔倒。
 ☞ The road is slippery. Be careful not to slip and fall.
 ☞ 在钱的问题上要小心。
 ☞ Be careful in money matters.
2.caution, cautious,指谨慎小心,强调谨慎。常与use, urge, exercise连用。
 ☞ 过马路要小心。
 ☞ Use caution in crossing streets.
 ☞ 他劝我做生意要小心。
 ☞ He urged caution on me in business.
 ☞ 我们在处理炸药时向来十分小心。
 ☞ We have been exercising extreme caution in dealing with explosive.
 ☞ 他用剃刀刮脸向来十分小心。
 ☞ He has been very cautious with his razor whenever he shaves.
 ☞ 我劝他在给病人安排x光时要小心。
 ☞ I urged him to be cautious in ordering X-ray for patients.
  ■ 同样,caution也可与with连用。
 ☞ 使用这些词时要小心。
 ☞ These words should be used with caution.
 ☞ 他告诉我们在结了冰的坡地上行走要十分小心。
 ☞ He told us to walk with great caution on the icy slope.
 ☞ 小心油漆!
 ☞ Mind the wet paint!
 ☞ 你小心别得罪他。
 ☞ Mind you don't offend him.
4.guard against,指要人小心防着点。
 ☞ 小心火烛!
 ☞ Guard against fire!
 ☞ 你要小心着凉。
 ☞ You must guard against a cold.
5.beware of,指要小心提防,也多用于标语中的祈使句。
 ☞ 小心扒手!
 ☞ Beware of pickpockets!
 ☞ 小心恶犬!
 ☞ Beware of dogs!
  ■ 此外,beware还可与must,should等情态动词连用。
 ☞ 你处理危险物资时要小心。
 ☞ You must beware of what you do with dangerous sub
  ■ 由于beware of有“要人提防的意思”,因此有时正好与汉语中的否定式“小心别”重合。
 ☞ 你小心别把书丢了。
 ☞ You should beware of losing your books.
 ☞ 小心,不要太靠近悬崖。
 ☞ Beware of going too near the edge of the cliff.

 ☞ 赤壁之战是个以少胜多的战例。
 ☞ The Battle of the Red Cliffs is an instance of the few defeating the many.
 ☞ 来的人比我们预期的还要少。
 ☞ Fewer have come than we anticipated.
 ☞ 你吃得这么少怎么恢复体力呢?
 ☞ How can you get your strength back if you eat so little?
 ☞ 对这类病的病因,我们知之甚少。
 ☞ We know little as yet about the cause of this kind of disease.
  ■ few和little 也可用作形容词。
 ☞ 当时街上的人很少,因此要找车祸的目击证人很难。
 ☞ There were few people in the street, so it is difficult to find an eyewitness of the automobile accident.
 ☞ 两个学生都做了不少的化学实验。
 ☞ Both students have made a good few chemical experiments.
 ☞ 他忙得很少有空余时间。
 ☞ He is so busy that he has little spare time.
 ☞ 医生的建议是少吃多餐。
 ☞ The doctor's advice was to have many meals but little food at each.
  ■ fewer,less是few和little 的比较级。
 ☞ 现在受剥削的工人比以前少了。
 ☞ There are fewer exploited workers than there used to be.
 ☞ 我挣的钱比教授少。
 ☞ I earn less money than a professor does.
 ☞ 办事机构要少而精。
 ☞ The executive organs should be smaller but more efficient.(或fewer but better)
 ☞ 医生行医这项工作的成本很少,因此这笔钱的大部分是利润。
 ☞ A doctor's own costs for such work were small, therefore most of the money was profit.
 ☞ 我们少一个好的守门员。
 ☞ We lack a good goalkeeper.
 ☞ 这房子的后面少个楼梯。
 ☞ The house lacks a back stairway.
 ☞ 有些边远地区仍然缺医少药。
 ☞ Some outlying areas have still been short of doctors and medicine。
 ☞ 我们还少两把椅子。
 ☞ We've still two chairs short.
 ☞ 我发现他的左手少了个手指。
 ☞ I noticed that he had a finger missing from his left hand.
 ☞ 这里肯定少了一个字。
 ☞ Surely, there is a word missing here.
 ☞ 羊群里少了几只羊。
 ☞ A few sheep have been lost from the flock.
 ☞ 请看管好这些箱子并随身带回来,我希望一件也不要少。
 ☞ Please look after these boxes and bring them with you. I hope nothing is lost.
 ☞ 我们应尽可能少走弯路。
 ☞ We should avoid detours as possible as we could.
 ☞ 他们尽量少提她的名字。
 ☞ They tried to avoid mentioning her name.
8.stop, 指不让做某事。
 ☞ 少废话!
 ☞ Stop talking rubbish!
 ☞ 少给我装蒜!
 ☞ Stop pretending!
 ☞ 少来这一套!
 ☞ Quit that!或Cut it out!
 ☞ 少犯傻!
 ☞ Don't be stupid!

 ☞ 判断谁输谁赢,为时尚早。
 ☞ It is still too early to judge who will win.
 ☞ 他上学年龄尚小。
 ☞ He is still too young to go to school.
 ☞ 主席进来时,讨论尚在进行。
 ☞ The discussion was still going on when the chairman came in.
 ☞ 我祖母98岁了,尚健在。
 ☞ My grandmother is 98 years old and is still living.
 ☞ 虽然凡事都于他不利,但他尚在坚持。
 ☞ Though everything went against him, he still persisted.
  ■ 但是如果still与终止性动词连用,也可用于否定句。
 ☞ 我考虑了好几天,但尚不能决定。
 ☞ I've been thinking for days, but I still can't decide.
 ☞ 我们尚不懂你的意思。
 ☞ We still don't understand what you mean.
 ☞ 他尚未露面。
 ☞ He still has not appeared.
 ☞ 我已开始学习英语,但尚无多大进展。
 ☞ I've started learning English, but I haven't made much progress yet.
 ☞ 他们尚无意参加足球赛。
 ☞ They have no intention of joining the football game yet.
 ☞ 此事尚未解决。
 ☞ The problem is not resolved as yet.
  ■ 同样,如果yet与延续性动词连用,也可用于肯定句。
 ☞ 告诉你真相为时尚早。
 ☞ It is too early yet to tell you the truth.
 ☞ 你们走后,他尚留了她一会儿。
 ☞ He detained her for a little while yet after you left.
 ☞ 此案尚待进一步调查,暂缓审判。
 ☞ The case has been adjourned pending further inquires.
 ☞ 两国首脑会晤尚待谈判,故已推迟。
 ☞ The meeting of the heads between the two countries was postponed pending negotiation.
 ☞ 此事尚未解决。
 ☞ The matter remains to be settled.
 ☞ 尽管他受了致命伤,但她尚较镇静。
 ☞ She remained comparatively calm though his wound was fatal.
 ☞ 他们4个人当中有3个已结了婚,只有他尚是独身。
 ☞ Three out of the four were married and only he remained single.
尚且 尚且
1.“尚且”用在第一分句,提出明显的事例做比较,再在第二分句中用“更”等词相呼应,推出结论,表示“当然如此”,在英语中与之相应的应为even... let alone; even... not to mention; even... to say nothing of。
 ☞ 她站尚且站不起来,更谈不上走路了。
 ☞ She can't even stand on her feet, let alone walk.
 ☞ 为了人民的事业,流血尚且不惜,更别说流点汗了。
 ☞ For the cause of the people we never spared even bloodshed, not to mention sweat.
 ☞ 大人尚且举不起来,何况小孩子。
 ☞ Even grown-ups can't lift it, to say nothing of children.
 ☞ 这道题你尚且答不出来,何况是我。
 ☞ If you didn't give the correct answer, how can I?
 ☞ 我们3个尚且搬不动,何况你一个。
 ☞ Three of us failed to remove“, how can you alone?

1.指辨别滋味,可用taste,have a taste。
 ☞ 我们把能找到的草药都尝过了。
 ☞ We have tasted all the herbs we could find.
 ☞ 他用手捧了点水尝了尝。
 ☞ He scooped up some water with his hands and tasted it.
 ☞ 尝尝这咖啡,看喜欢不喜欢。
 ☞ Taste this coffee and see if you like it 你就尝尝咸淡。
 ☞ You just have a taste and see if it's salty enough.
 ☞ 对虾现在是难得的佳肴,我们一有机会就要尝尝新。
 ☞ Prawns are rare delicacies nowadays. So we always have a taste of them at the first opportunity.
2.由辨别滋味转义为体验,可用taste, give a taste of, savor the taste of。
 ☞ 人们一旦尝到了自由的滋味就再也不愿当奴隶了。
 ☞ Once people have tasted freedom they are unwilling to become slaves again.
 ☞ 叫敌人尝尝我们刺刀的滋味。
 ☞ Give the enemy a taste of our bayonets.
 ☞ 我不远千里赶到北京来的惟一理由,也不过是想尝一尝这故都的秋味。
 ☞ It was for no other purpose than to savor the taste of autumn in the old capital that I went to the trouble of journeying a thousand li to Beijing.
 ☞ 这老汉在旧社会备尝人世的艰辛。
 ☞ The old man has experienced all the hardships of the earthly world in the old society.
 ☞ 他们在穿越酷热的沙漠时,尝到了饥渴和酷热的滋味。
 ☞ In the march across the blazing sands they experienced hunger, thirst and heat.
4.尝到某种甜头,可译become aware of the benefits of, come to know the good of。
 ☞ 她得了满分才尝到了勤奋学习的甜头。
 ☞ She became aware of the benefits of hard study only after she got full marks.
 ☞ 人们在火灾之后才尝到了保险的甜头。
 ☞ People have come to know the good of insurance after the damage by the fire.
尤其 尤其
 ☞ 这里乡下的棉花长势喜人,尤其在这块地里。
 ☞ The cotton is coming along fine in this country, especially (particularly) in this field.
 ☞ 北京很美,尤其是在秋天。
 ☞ Beijing is beautiful, particularly (especially) in autumn.
 ☞ 讲话的第一部分尤其重要。
 ☞ The first part of the speech is particularly important.
 ☞ 我尤其喜欢古典音乐。
 ☞ I love especially classical music.
2.much more,still more,用于肯定句,表示程度上递增;much less, still less, 用于否定句,表示程度上递减。
 ☞ 跟他打交道难,尤其是跟他老婆。
 ☞ It is difficult to deal with him, much more with his wife.
 ☞ 那种不能变为行动的空谈,尤其是妨碍行动的空谈是世界上最恼火的事。
 ☞ Empty talk that leads not to action, still more that hinders“.is a nuisance on the earth.
 ☞ 在找到永久性解决办法以前,任何一方都不应以单方面行动来谋求改变现状,尤其是不应使用武力。
 ☞ Pending a permanent settlement, neither side should seek to change the status quo by unilateral action, much less by force.
 ☞ 我们主张真裁军,不是假裁军,尤其不应空谈裁军,实际扩军。
 ☞ What we stand for is genuine disarmament, not phony disarmament, still less empty talk about disarmament coupled with actual arms expansion.
3.most of all,用于肯定句,表示程度的递增;least of all,用于否定句,表示程度的递减。
 ☞ 他在各方面都帮助新来的同志,尤其是在思想工作方面。
 ☞ He helps the new comers in many ways, most of all in ideological work.
 ☞ 没有一样东西是永恒的,尤其是一个建立在武力之上的帝国。
 ☞ Nothing is forever, least of all an empire built on force.
4.what is more,也指程度上递增,但常用作插入语。
 ☞ 好在老板在家,尤其是他有空。
 ☞ Happily the boss is at home and, what is more, disengaged.
 ☞ 比赛的规则要少,尤其重要的是要有概括性。
 ☞ The rules of games must be few and, what is more, they ought to be comprehensive.
5.above all, 从一般中突出个别。
 ☞ 什么都不能浪费,尤其不要浪费时间。
 ☞ Never waste anything, above all, never waste time.
 ☞ 文章要简短,但尤其要有内容。
 ☞ We need short articles, but above all we need articles that have substance.

1) only,merely,用在名词、代词、动词、数量词等组成的结构前,表示限制。
 ☞ 就剩下这一本了,看完后马上还。
 ☞ This is the only copy left. Please return it as soon as you finish reading it.
 ☞ 就她还记得那天是我的生日。
 ☞ Only she remembered that it was my birthday.
 ☞ 这一课就20个生词,比较容易。
 ☞ There are only twenty new words in the lesson, so it is rather easy.
 ☞ 他就来过这里两三次。
 ☞ He has only been here two or three times.
 ☞ 我们就等你的决定了。
 ☞ We're merely waiting for your decision.
2) just,simply,用在动词、名词,时间、地点等结构前,表示强调。
 ☞ 我就不信我们妇女干不了这一行。
 ☞ I just wouldn't believe that we women couldn't do this sort of work.
 ☞ 见到他真叫可怕,他就剩下皮包骨头了。
 ☞ It, s dreadful to see him. He's just skin and bone.
 ☞ 就在抗日战争开始那一年,白求恩大夫来到了中国。
 ☞ Just in the year when the War of Resistance Against Japan started Dr. Bethune came to China.
 ☞ 我们见面就在这地方。
 ☞ This is just the place where we met.
 ☞ 我就不知道说什么才好。
 ☞ I simply did not know what to say.
3) right away, in a minute,用于修饰动作,强调时间的短暂。
 ☞ 我这就去。
 ☞ I'll be going right away.
 ☞ 他们就会搞到票的。
 ☞ They would get their tickets right away.
 ☞ 茶一会就好。
 ☞ The tea will be ready in a minute.
4) as many (much) as,用于数量词之前,表示数量尽量的多。
 ☞ 仅在非洲国家就有700种语言。
 ☞ In the countries of Africa there are as many as 700 languages.
 ☞ 光收废品一项,他们就给国家节约了20万元。
 ☞ Just by collecting scrap, they saved as much as two hundred thousand yuan for the state.
 ☞ 今天我7点钟就来了。
 ☞ I was here as early as 7 o'clock today.
 ☞ 这河深达8米。
 ☞ The river is as deep as 8 meters.
5) right, precisely,表示时间、地点等,强调直截了当。
 ☞ 他就在这里。
 ☞ He is right here.
 ☞ 咱们现在就去。
 ☞ Let's go right now.
 ☞ 我就要你做这个。
 ☞ That's precisely what I want you to do.
6) not... without,用在“不…就不…”之后,表示肯定时的委婉。
 ☞ 不经过艰苦奋斗就不能胜利。
 ☞ We cannot be victorious without arduous struggle.
 ☞ 没有一定的准备,你考试就不会及格。
 ☞ You wouldn't pass the exam without some preparation.
7) 译为thus,用在“这样”之前,表示所叙述的问题就是这样进行的。
 ☞ 问题终于就这样解决了。
 ☞ Thus the problem was finally settled.
 ☞ 就这样房子在5月底完成了。
 ☞ The house was thus completed by the end of May.
8) say…,有“就算”、“就说”之意,作插入句表示假设。
 ☞ 好了,就算这是真的,那又怎么样呢?
 ☞ Well, say it were true, what then?
 ☞ 多数学生,就说500吧,要去参加野营。
 ☞ Most students, let's say five hundred of them, will go camping.
1) by,指凭借。
 ☞ 就一般的标准来判断,他倒是可靠的。
 ☞ Judged by ordinary standards he is reliable.
 ☞ 我发现有两个人就着路灯下棋。
 ☞ I noticed that two men were playing chess by the light of the street lamp.
2) over,指就着某物或某事。
 ☞ 我们坐下来就着桌子吃西瓜。
 ☞ W all sat down to eat watermelon over the table.
 ☞ 大会上就这个议题还有过许多讨论。
 ☞ There was much discussion over this subject in the assembly.
3) in (with) regard to,指关于。
 ☞ 我以后将就此事再给你写信。
 ☞ I'll write you later again in regard to this matter.
 ☞ 你应就他的问题提个建议。
 ☞ You should make a suggestion with regard to his problem.
4) on,指议论的题目。
 ☞ 双方就共同关心的问题进行了会谈。
 ☞ The two sides held talks on question of common interest.
 ☞ 大家请他就中国文学开个讲座。
 ☞ He was asked to lecture on Chinese literature.
5) as (so) far as... ,指“据…”。
 ☞ 就我所见,你的行为绝对是说不过去的。
 ☞ Your conduct, as far as I can see, is absolutely unjustifiable.
 ☞ 就我所知,没有一件家具值50块钱的。
 ☞ As far as I know, not a single piece of furniture is worth a fifty-yuan note.
 ☞ 就我所知,她没有姊妹。
 ☞ She has no sisters so far as I know.
 ☞ 就我所知,他们的友谊绝对是精神上的。
 ☞ So far as I know, their friendship is strictly spiritual.
6) as (so) far as…be concerned,指“就…而论”。
 ☞ 就你一家而论,你无需再为他们着急。
 ☞ As far as your family is concerned, you won't have to worry about them any more.
 ☞ 就他而论,一切顺利。
 ☞ As far as he was concerned, everything was going smoothly.
 ☞ 就我们而论,这是不可能的。
 ☞ It is impossible so far as we are concerned.
 ☞ 就委员会而论,那是越早越好。
 ☞ The earlier the better, so far as the committee is concerned.
1) if,even if,用于假设或让步,表示某种条件。
 ☞ 你愿意我就愿意。
 ☞ I will if you will.
 ☞ 要是真的,这就会给我们造成好多麻烦。
 ☞ If true. this will cause us a lot of trouble.
 ☞ 你就不说,我也会知道的。
 ☞ Even if you won't tell me, I'll know anyway.
 ☞ 你就生气也没用。
 ☞ Even if you get angry, it won't help.
2) as soon as, no sooner... than, scarcely... when, hardly... when, no more than... when,only just... when,the moment等,用于“刚…就…”,“一…就…”。表示动作一个接着一个。
 ☞ 我一见他就生气。
 ☞ As soon as I see him, I get angry.
 ☞ 我们刚到车站,火车就开了。
 ☞ No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.
 ☞ 我们刚离家,天就下雨了。
 ☞ Scarcely had we left the house when it rained.
 ☞ 他一到她就开始埋怨起来。
 ☞ Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.
 ☞ 他刚拿起筷子就被叫了出去。
 ☞ He had no more than taken up his chopsticks when he was called out.
 ☞ 他一到家就有人来找。
 ☞ He had only just reached home when a man called to see him.
 ☞ 他一见我就跑掉了。
 ☞ The moment he saw me he ran off.
3) 省略条件句+ and,带有警告、威胁、遗憾等意味。
 ☞ 再走近一步,你就死定了。
 ☞ One step nearer, and you are a dead man.
 ☞ 再过半小时,门就要上锁了。
 ☞ Another half an hour, and the door would be locked.
  ■ 为了简略起见,有时and也可省去。如:
 ☞ 要再大一点,这些灯就尽善尽美了。
 ☞ A little larger, the lamps would be perfect.
4) 祈使句+ and,常带有劝告、鼓励的意思。
 ☞ 多读几遍课文,你就会背了。
 ☞ Read the text many times and you'll recite it.
 ☞ 再好好想想,你就明白它的意思了。
 ☞ Think it over again and you will get its meaning.
  ■ 有时也可省去and。如:
 ☞ 别出去了,这就吃饭。
 ☞ Don't go out. We're going to have dinner.
 ☞ 你放心,我这就给你办。
 ☞ Don't worry. I'll take care of you right off.
1) have... to go with,常指吃喝。
 ☞ 我们炒鸡蛋就饭。
 ☞ We had some scrambled eggs to go with the rice 他常用花生就酒。
 ☞ He often has peanuts to go with his wine.
2) take,指接受。
 ☞ 我们就这个机会谈谈。
 ☞ We'll take this opportunity to have a talk.
 ☞ 他们删繁就简编成这本词典。
 ☞ They compiled the dictionary by taking the simple in less complicated way.
3) make do with,指将就。
 ☞ 我们只好就着这块料子做了。
 ☞ We'll have to make do with this piece of material.
 ☞ 今年我只好就着旧大衣过冬了。
 ☞ I'll have to make do with my old coat this winter.
就…而论(言)就…来讲(说) 就…而论(言)就…来讲(说)
1.as (so) far as…be concerned,连词,引进话题的范围。
 ☞ 就养鸡而论,老黄是最有经验的。
 ☞ As far as raising chickens is concerned, Huang is the most experienced.
 ☞ 就我而论,越快越好。
 ☞ As far as I'm concerned, the earlier the better.
 ☞ 就诗歌来讲,唐朝的功绩最大。
 ☞ So far as poetry is concerned, the achievements of the Tang Dynasty are the greatest.
 ☞ 就英语水平来说,这个班不错。
 ☞ So far as English level is concerned, this class is not bad.
2.when it comes to,表示涉及的话题。
 ☞ 就数学而言,我是一无所知。
 ☞ When it comes to mathematics, I'm completely at sea.
 ☞ 他运动不行,但就汉语而论他是全班最棒的。
 ☞ He is not good at sports, but when it comes to Chinese he is the best in class.
就是 就是
1) just,precisely,用于加强语气。
 ☞ 我就是没有勇气再见他。
 ☞ I just haven't the courage to see him again 中国菜就是好。
 ☞ The Chinese cuisine is just wonderful.
 ☞ 我大概就是在这里遇见他的。
 ☞ I met him just about here.
 ☞ 就是有一件事要做。
 ☞ There's just one thing to be done.
 ☞ 你就是我要找的那个人。
 ☞ You are precisely the person I'm looking for.
 ☞ 这就是我的观点。
 ☞ That was precisely my own view.
 ☞ 就是,我也是这么想的。
 ☞ Precisely, that's just what I had in mind.
2) only,merely,表示限制或范围。
 ☞ 就是村长还有点怀疑。
 ☞ Only the village head remained a little doubtful.
 ☞ 他来过这里,就是那么两三次。
 ☞ He has been here only two or three times.
 ☞ 我倒是很愿意干这件事的,就是太忙。
 ☞ I would like to do it with pleasure, only I'm too busy.
 ☞ 你就是孩子气。
 ☞ You are being merely childish.
 ☞ 他认为她就是在戏弄他。
 ☞ He believed that she was merely teasing him.
3) even,用在表示惊诧部分之前并提出某种暗示。(括号内为暗示部分。)
 ☞ 我就是连信也没打开呀。
 ☞ I didn't even open the letter. (so I certainly did not read it)
 ☞ 就是小学生也知道这一点。
 ☞ Even school children know this. (not to mention adults)
 ☞ 那儿的天气就是在6月份也冷着呢。
 ☞ It was cold there even in June. (so you may imagine how cold it was in winter)
4) that's all,表示某种归纳。与“了”搭配,常用于句末。
 ☞ 他想要点钱就是了。
 ☞ He wants some money, that's all.
 ☞ 我当时不过是有点累就是了。
 ☞ I was only a bit tired, that's all.
5) just as one(says),表示要对方放心。
 ☞ 放心吧,我照办就是了。
 ☞ Don't worry. I promise to do just as you say.
 ☞ 我们执行师部的命令就是啦。
 ☞ We'll execute the order just as the division headquarters issued.
6) that's it,用来肯定对方的话。
 "Is that what you were talking about?" "Yes, that's it."
 ☞ 就是,你说的正好是我想的。
 ☞ That's it. You've described exactly what I thought of.
7) that is,in other words,插入语,表示进一步诠释。
 ☞ 这些都是脊椎动物,也就是有脊椎的动物。
 ☞ They are vertebrates, that is, animals that have backbones.
 ☞ 他是纽约人,也就是住在纽约。
 ☞ He is a New Yorker, that is. he lives in New York.
 ☞ 我很快发现我做的研究工作别人早就做过了,也就是在浪费时间。
 ☞ I soon found that the research work I was doing had already been done by someone else. In other words, I was wasting my time.
1) even if (though),表示即将发生的某种极端。
 ☞ 我一定要去那里,就是当掉裤子也要搞到坐火车的钱。
 ☞ I'll get there even if I have to pawn my trousers to get the railway fare.
 ☞ 就是晚饭上了桌,她也不愿离开电视机。
 ☞ She won't leave the TV set even though her supper's on the table.
2) none other (than),表示意外、惊异等,只用于人。
 ☞ 那位陌生人原来就是我的老朋友。
 ☞ The stranger was none other than my old friend.
  "Can it really be you?" "None other! ”
3) either... or... ,表示非此即彼的选择。“就是”常与前面的“不是”相呼应。
 ☞ 这娃娃一天不是唱就是跳。
 ☞ The child is restless all day long, either singing or dancing.
 ☞ 我们每周都要见一次面,不是他来看我就是我去他家。
 ☞ We meet once a week, either he comes to see me or I go to visit him.
4) not only... but also... ,表示递进。话的重点在后一句。
 ☞ 不但我生气,就是他也很不高兴。
 ☞ Not only was I angry, but also he was very much displeased.
 ☞ 不但老百姓谴责官僚主义,就是干部也一样。
 ☞ Not only the ordinary people condemn bureaucracy, but the cadres also.
1) be,是just be的弱式。
 ☞ 他就是王先生。
 ☞ This is Mr. Wang.
 ☞ 这种态度就是实事求是的态度。
 ☞ To take such an attitude is to seek truth from facts.
  "Facts" are all the things that exist objectively.
2) mean,用于对事物做出解释。
  "Truth" means the internal relations of objective things, that is, the law governing them.
  "To seek" means to study.
3) 用带有it的强调句。
 ☞ 他怪的就是我。
 ☞ It is me that he blamed.
 ☞ 就是在这里,我们昨天举行了一次群众集会。
 ☞ It was here that we held a mass meeting yesterday.
尽可能 尽可能
1.as... as possible,指尽量。
 ☞ 我国艰巨的社会主义建设事业需要尽可能多的知识分子为它服务。
 ☞ China needs the services of as many intellectuals as possible for the colossal task of building socialism.
 ☞ 把你知道的尽可能都告诉他们。
 ☞ Tell them as much as you know.
 ☞ 今天晚上尽可能早点回来吃饭。
 ☞ Please come back to dinner this evening as early as possible.
2.形容词最高级+ possible,指尽最大可能。
 ☞ 剧本创作应尽可能达到革命的政治内容与尽可能完美的艺术形式的统一。
 ☞ Play writing should achieve the unity of revolutionary political content and the highest possible perfection of artistic form as much as possible.
 ☞ 我们决定使用尽可能简单的办法来解决这一问题。
 ☞ We've decided to adopt the simplest possible method to solve the problem.
 ☞ 依我看,他们会尽可能广泛地采用先进技术的。
 ☞ In my opinion they'll make the widest possible use of advanced technology.
3.to the best of one's ability,指尽个人最大能力。
 ☞ 你放心,我尽可能做好。
 ☞ Don't worry, I'll do it to the best of my ability.
 ☞ 她会尽可能回答你的问题。
 ☞ She'll try to answer your question to the best of her ability.
尽管 尽管
1.though,even though,指虽然,后者的语气较前者重些。均表示让步。为连词,接从句。
 ☞ 我们尽管穷,仍很快乐。
 ☞ Though we are poor, we are still happy.
 ☞ 尽管他身体不好,仍然坚持工作。
 ☞ Though he's not in good health, he still keeps on working.
 ☞ 他们的帮助总是全心全意的,尽管有时帮得不是地方。
 ☞ Their help is always whole-hearted even thought it is not always well directed.
 ☞ 我喜欢这个工作,尽管报酬很低。
 ☞ I like the job, even though it's badly paid.
2.despite,in spite of,指不顾。前者较后者少用,也表示让步,为介词,接名词。
 ☞ 尽管哥哥泼了冷水,她还是高高兴兴地上学去了。
 ☞ Despite her brother's discouragement, she cheerfully went off to school all the same.
 ☞ 尽管有缺点错误,工会还是做了不少的工作。
 ☞ Despite mistakes and shortcomings the trade union did a lot of work.
 ☞ 你父亲尽管生气,总还是爱你的。
 ☞ Your father does love you in spite of his anger.
 ☞ 尽管下着大雨,她还是去上班了。
 ☞ In spite of the heavy rain she went to work.
 ☞ 尽管有雨,我们还是继续旅行。
 ☞ We traveled on, the rain notwithstanding.
 ☞ 尽管他劝我们不要接受这一任务,我们还是要接受的。
 ☞ We would take up the task notwithstanding that he advised us not to。
4.for all that,也用作让步,但与前三条不同。前几条都是先退一步承认事实,再来提出正题。而for all that(尽管如此)是在事实清楚的情况下让步,是为了进一步的阐述。
 ☞ 战士们都累了,尽管如此,他们还是继续行军。
 ☞ The fighters were tired but they continued their march for all that.
 ☞ 尽管偶尔有错,但仍不失为该学科的一本好书。
 ☞ There may be mistakes occasionally, but for all that, it is a good book on the subject.
5.有时候,“尽管”可以放在两个叠加词语的中间,也作让步,但表示不受这一条件的限制。这时可用下面的句式:名词(形容词、动词等)+ as+主语+谓语。
 ☞ 小孩尽管是小孩,她却胜过他这个对手。
 ☞ Child as she was, she was more than a match for him.
 ☞ 听起来尽管奇怪,不过却是千真万确的。
 ☞ Strange as it may sound, it is true.
 ☞ 试尽管试,但你决不会成功。
 ☞ Try as you may, you will never succeed.
 ☞ 有什么问题尽管问。
 ☞ If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them.
 ☞ 你尽管拿,我们有的是。
 ☞ Take as much as you like. We have quite a lot.
 ☞ 你尽管放心,工作有我们呢。
 ☞ Don't worry. We'll attend to the work.
 ☞ 你尽管直说,不要有顾虑。
 ☞ Just speak out. You needn't have any misgivings whatsoever.
尾巴 尾巴
 ☞ 兔子的耳朵长,尾巴短。
 ☞ The ears of a rabbit are long, but its tail is short.
 ☞ 你能分得清蜻蜓的身子和尾巴吗?
 ☞ Can you tell the dragonfly's body from its tail?
  ■ tail一词还有不少有用的习语。
 ☞ 被击伤的敌机尾巴朝上,掉到了海里。
 ☞ The damaged enemy plane dropped into the sea with its tail upward.
 ☞ 敌军夹着尾巴逃跑了。
 ☞ The enemy troops ran away with their tails between their legs.
 ☞ 从今以后你要夹着尾巴做人。
 ☞ From now on you have to behave yourself and tuck your tail between your legs.
 ☞ 你一咬住敌机尾巴就开火。
 ☞ Fire as soon as you get on the tail of the enemy plane.
 ☞ 设法把你的尾巴甩掉。
 ☞ Try to throw off your tail.
 ☞ 你后面跟上尾巴了。
 ☞ You are tailed by someone.
 ☞ 你为什么老做别人的尾巴,难道自己一点主见都没有?
 ☞ Why are you always tailing behind others? Don't you have any ideas of your own?
2.leave loose ends, 指工作上尚待处理的尾巴。
 ☞ 他做事老留个尾巴让我来为他收拾。
 ☞ He always leaves some loose ends for me to clear up for him.
 ☞ 解决问题要彻底,不要留尾巴。
 ☞ The problem must be solved once for all, without leaving any loose ends.
3.cocky, 指骄傲自大。
 ☞ 不要一有成绩就翘尾巴。
 ☞ Don't get cocky when you've achieved something.
 ☞ 只要你不翘尾巴,他肯定会喜欢你。
 ☞ Provided you are not cocky he'll surely like you.
 ☞ 这个问题我们不能最后决定,留个尾巴吧。
 ☞ Leave the matter open. We can't make a final decision.
 ☞ 他排在游行队伍的尾巴上。
 ☞ He was the last person in the procession.
 ☞ 虽然这是扫尾巴的工程,但也决不能马虎了事。
 ☞ Never get the work done in slapdash manner though it is a rounding-off project.
居然 居然
  ■ 表示惊奇或意外。从这一根本意义出发,翻译时有不同的处理方法。
 ☞ 他们居然会这么愚蠢,真叫人吃惊。
 ☞ It is surprising that they should have been so foolish.
 ☞ 这样简单的想法居然没有人想过,真是奇怪。
 ☞ It is strange that an idea so simple should never have occurred to anyone before.
  ■ 应该指出,如果主句中没有感情词,或虽有感情词但should后如果不接完成时态时,则失去惊奇、意外的语境,因而也就没有“居然”的意思。如:It is not at all surprising that such a consequence should ensue.
2.should的第二种用法是与who... but,what... but一起搭配,构成惊叹句,表示出人意料。
 ☞ 进来的居然是他的第一任妻子!
 ☞ Who should come in but his first wife!
 ☞ 我居然发现了一只大蜘蛛!
 ☞ What should I find but an enormous spider!
 ☞ 你干了什么啦,居然发这么大的脾气?
 ☞ What have you done that you should be so angry?
 ☞ 你上哪儿啦,居然累成这个样子?
 ☞ Where have you been that you should look so tired?
4.should的第四种用法是与dare,venture,see fit,come to等动词连用,表示怀疑、不应该。
 ☞ 他居然敢向老师提这样的问题。
 ☞ He should dare ask the teacher a question like this.
 ☞ 他们居然坐着小船到大河里去冒险。
 ☞ They should venture on the big river in such a small boat.
 ☞ 你居然认为我跟她结婚蛮合适。
 ☞ You should see it fit that I should marry her.
 ☞ 事情居然到了这一步。
 ☞ It should come to that.
 ☞ 我无法想象你居然会说这样的话。
 ☞ I can't imagine that you should have said that.
 ☞ 他居然不辞而别。
 ☞ He should have gone away without saying good-bye.
6.unexpectedly, contrary to expectation, to think of, to think that, who would have thought,表示没料到、没想到。
 ☞ 他居然平安无事地回来了。
 ☞ Unexpectedly, he returned safe and sound.
 ☞ 这件事当时带来那么多的悲痛,居然成了件变相的好事。
 ☞ Contrary to expectation, the thing that had occasioned so much grief at the time turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
 ☞ 他们对我们的力量和决心居煞一无所知!
 ☞ To think of their not knowing anything about our strength and will!
 ☞ 我们两个居然会在监狱里见面
 ☞ Only to think that we two should meet in prison!
 ☞ 谁想得到他居然会做出这种事来?
 ☞ Who would have thought that he could do such a thing?
7.surprisingly, to one's surprise, strange, oddly enough, incredible, unreasonable, actually等,分别表示吃惊、奇怪、难以置信、难以理解、难以理喻等。
 ☞ 他居然挣那么低的工资。
 ☞ It is surprising that he earned such a low salary.
 ☞ 我居然在纽约庸人街碰上了一位同学。
 ☞ To my surprise I met one of my school-mates in China Town of New York.
 ☞ 她居然看不见自己的缺点。
 ☞ It's really strange that she has failed to see her own shortcomings.
 ☞ 我心里居然一点也不怀疑。
 ☞ Oddly enough, I had no doubt in my mind.
 ☞ 他居然那么快就干完了。
 ☞ It is incredible that he has finished the work so soon.
 ☞ 他在赢得了她的心不久,居然又把她甩了。
 ☞ It is unreasonable that he jilted her soon after he won her heart.
 ☞ 面对国家财产遭到破坏,你们居然袖手旁观。
 ☞ In the face of the state property being damaged you actually stood by with folded arms.
8.so…as to…,表示居然达到了这种程度。
 ☞ 敌人居然使用毒气。
 ☞ The enemy went so far as to use poison gas.
 ☞ 他们居然放肆到公开篡改中央指示。
 ☞ They were so audacious as to openly tamper with instructions of the central government.
屈服 屈服
1.yield (to),指屈服于武力、威胁、争论、恳求等。
 ☞ 我们决不屈服!
 ☞ We shall never yield!
 ☞ 父母想让女儿改变主意,但她不肯屈服。
 ☞ Parents tried to make their daughter change her mind. but she wouldn't yield.
 ☞ 他们不是那种向威胁屈服的人。
 ☞ They are not the kind of people to yield to threat.
 ☞ 小国往往屈服于武力。
 ☞ Small countries often yield to force.
2.submit to, 指由于不敌而屈服,因此比yield更 强调斗争或冲突的结果。
 ☞ 船长被迫向反抗的船员屈服。
 ☞ The captain was forced to submit to his mutinous crew.
 ☞ 对这样的威胁,我们无意屈服。
 ☞ To such threats like these we have no intention of submitting.
 ☞ 她有生以来第一次屈服于这种对幸福和痛苦有如此影响的感情。
 ☞ For the first time in her life, she submitted to the sentiment which has so much influence on the happiness and misery.
3.bow down to,bow the neck to,指低头屈服。
 ☞ 他一生坎坷,但仍不肯向财富与权力屈服。
 ☞ He refused to bow down to wealth and power in his lifetime of frustrations.
 ☞ 我们绝不向敌人屈服。
 ☞ We shall never bow down to our enemies.
 ☞ 我们绝不向这伙残暴的入侵者屈服。
 ☞ Never will we bow the neck to these cruel invaders.
 ☞ 我们绝不向专制政体屈服。
 ☞ We can never bow the neck to autocracy.
 ☞ 民主政府屈服于外界的压力,准备做出某些必要的让步。
 ☞ The democratic government succumbed to pressure from outside and was prepared to make some necessary concessions.
 ☞ 如何避免核战争而又不屈服于核讹诈是我们时代压倒一切的任务 How to avoid nuclear warfare without succumbing to nuclear blackmail is the overwhelming task of our age.
5.cave in, 指竭力支撑,最后因力竭而屈服。常用于口语。
 ☞ 政府终于屈服,并同意无条件谈判。
 ☞ In the end the government caved in, and unconditionally agreed to negotiation.
 ☞ 工会向最后通牒屈服了。
 ☞ The trade union caved in to ultimatum.
展开 展开
 ☞ 把画卷展开,挂到堂屋中间的墙壁上。
 ☞ Unfold the picture scroll and hang it in the middle of the wall of the main room.
 ☞ 他展开地图并把它钉到黑板上。
 ☞ He unfolded the map and tacked it on the blackboard.
  ■ unfold还可用于引申。
 ☞ 随着电影的放映,故事的情节也慢慢展开。
 ☞ The story unfolds slowly as the film goes on.
 ☞ 他们又展开了新一轮的宣传攻势。
 ☞ They have been unfolding another new propaganda offensive.
2.spread out,指摊开,不管原来是否卷合或折叠。
 ☞ 参谋展开卷起来的军用地图,摊在地上,再用石头压住地图的四角。
 ☞ The staff officer spread out the rolled-up military map on the ground and put a stone on each comer to hold it down.
 ☞ 飞机飞越山区时,我们的眼前展开了一幅雄伟壮观的景象。
 ☞ When the plane was flying over the mountain area an imposing and magnificent spectacle spread itself out before our eyes.
 ☞ 他展开双臂,想给她一个紧紧的拥抱。
 ☞ He spread his arms out to give her a big hug.
3.launch, 指发动。
 ☞ 拂晓时分,敌人向我们展开了一场新的攻势。
 ☞ The enemy launched a new offensive against us at dawn.
 ☞ 厂际之间展开T-场社会主义劳动竞赛。
 ☞ A socialist emulation drive has been launched among factories.
 ☞ 该国正在展开要团结,不要分裂;要尊严,不要屈辱;要解放,不要控制的斗争。
 ☞ That country is waging the struggle which tends to unity and not to division, to honor and not to humiliation, to liberation and not to domination.
 ☞ 展开思想斗争必须自觉自愿。
 ☞ It must be of one's own free will to wage an ideological struggle.
5.in full wing,指全面展开。
 ☞ 运动会的各项比赛已全面展开。
 ☞ The sports meet is now in full wing.
 ☞ 建校百年庆典正在全面展开。
 ☞ The centennial celebration of the founding of the school is in full swing.
展望 展望
1.look into the distance,指展望远处。
 ☞ 在山顶展望远处,全城尽收眼底。
 ☞ When we looked into the distance at the top of the hill the whole city came into view.
2.look into the future, 指展望未来。
 ☞ 展望未来,我们欢欣鼓舞。
 ☞ We are elated and inspired by looking into the future.
3.look ahead,指展望前方。
 ☞ 展望前程,我们信心百倍。
 ☞ Looking ahead, we are filled with boundless confidence.
4.look forward to, 指怀着某种迫切心情展望。
 ☞ 台湾人民都在展望分离50年后的回归。
 ☞ The people of Taiwan are looking forward to the reunion after 50 year's separation.
5.get a view,指展望事物。
 ☞ 检查团登上山顶,展望遭受水灾的田地。
 ☞ The inspection delegation climbed to the top of the mountain to get a view of the fields hit by floods.
6.survey, 指带有评述性的展望。
 ☞ 他展望国际形势,认为和平力量还是压倒战争力量。
 ☞ Surveying the international situation, he thinks that the force for peace dominates over the force for war.
7.prospect, 指对前景的展望。
 ☞ 对21世纪的展望告诉我们,中国人民的未来将会更加美好。
 ☞ The prospect of the 2lst century tells us that the future of the Chinese people will be still more brilliant.
展现 展现
 ☞ 峡谷里的小路拐了个弯,一派美丽的景色展现在我们眼前。
 ☞ The defile took a turn, and a lovely sight unfolded itself to our eyes.
 ☞ 来访者下了汽车,展现在他们面前的是一片精耕细作的农田。
 ☞ A panorama of carefully tilled farmlands unfolded before the visitors when they got off the bus.
2.spread out,指由远而近,由短而长,由窄而宽,动态式的展现。
 ☞ 飞机飞临山区,崇山峻岭便展现在我们面前。
 ☞ Lofty ridges and towering mountains spread themselves out before our eyes when the plane flew over the mountain area。
 ☞ 我们爬得越来越高,我们脚下便展现出一派田园风光。
 ☞ As we climbed up higher and higher, the country spread out below us.
3.open up,指从无到有,开拓式的展现。
 ☞ 海伦·凯勒一生的故事在聋哑人的心目中展现出了一个全新的世界。
 ☞ The story of Helen Keller's life opened up a completely new world to the minds of the deaf-mute.
 ☞ 改革开放的前景已经展现在中国人民面前。
 ☞ The prospects of the reform and opening to the outside world have already opened up before the Chinese people.
 ☞ 到了工地,一派繁忙景象展现在我们眼前。
 ☞ As we reached the construction site, a scene of bustling activity presented itself before our eyes.
 ☞ 他的书展现出一幅从根本上歪曲了的画面。
 ☞ His book presents a fundamentally distorted picture.
展示 展示
 ☞ 画廊是展示艺术品的地方。
 ☞ An art gallery is a place where works of art are shown.
 ☞ 许多服装店里的衣服一般不予展览,而只是向有购买力的买主展示。
 ☞ In many fashion shops, garments are not exhibited but are shown only to prospective purchasers.
 ☞ 她要的就是打扮起来展示自己。
 ☞ What she wants is to dress up and display herself.
 ☞ 公孔雀见到母孔雀会展示自己尾部美丽的羽毛。
 ☞ The peacock displays its fine tail feather, seeing the peahen.
 ☞ 她之所以邀请亲朋好友到她家,是要展示她新买的住宅。
 ☞ The reason why she invited her relatives and friends to her home was to display her recently bought flat.
 ☞ 他的车开得又好又不张扬,而且还不向女友展示他的车技。
 ☞ He drives so well, so quietly without parading his skill to his girlfriend.
 ☞ 他从小就展示出对科学的才能。
 ☞ He has revealed his aptitude for science since childhood.
 ☞ 幕布一捣开,展示出来的是一幅伦勃朗的画。
 ☞ The curtain was drawn up and revealed a painting by Rembrandt.
 ☞ 现代时装的倾向是越来越多地展示人体。
 ☞ The tendency of modern fashions is to expose more and more of the body.
 ☞ 显然,他们在拍卖前都不大愿意展示任何拍卖品。
 ☞ Evidently, they were reluctant to expose anything before the auction.
6.lay bare,指通过某种活动展示出来。
 ☞ 这场辩论展示了斗争的实质。
 ☞ The debate laid bare the essence of the struggle.
 ☞ 一旦把情况展示出来,问题也就迎刃而解了。
 ☞ Once we lay things bare, all problems can be readily solved.
展览(展出) 展览(展出)
1.exhibition, 指展览会。
 ☞ 我市每年都要举办一次国际贸易展览。
 ☞ Our city holds an international trade exhibition once a year.
 ☞ 商品博览会上会有古董展览。
 ☞ There will be an exhibition of antiques at the fair.
  ■ 有时,exhibition还可用于转义。
 ☞ 这真是她的一次性格的展览。
 ☞ This is really an exhibition of her character.
2.exhibit, 是exhibition的动词,着重点在展。
 ☞ 画廊正在展出一位新画家的作品。
 ☞ The art gallery is exhibiting a new painter's works now.
 ☞ 花展上展出了各种鲜花。
 ☞ Various flowers are exhibited at the flower show.
 ☞ 厂商们都在展览新型汽车。
 ☞ Manufacturers are exhibiting their new model cars.
3.show, 与exhibit相反,着重点在览。
 ☞ 她在为时装展览做模特。
 ☞ She is modeling for a fashion show.
 ☞ 他的画这个月在北京展览。
 ☞ His pictures are on show in Beijing this month.
  ■ show在用作动词时,着重在“览”的特点与exhibit相比特别明显。请看下列译文:
 ☞ 许多时装店的衣服一般不予展览,而只向有购买力的买主展示。
 ☞ In many fashion shops, garments usually are not exhibited but are shown only to prospective purchasers.
 ☞ 百货商店一般都在橱窗里展览商品。
 ☞ Department stores usually display their goods in the shop windows.
 ☞ 这些文物于1996年在北京展览馆展出过。
 ☞ These cultural relics were displayed at the Beijing Exhibition Center in 1996.
 ☞ 部分新出土的文物正在国外展出。
 ☞ Some of the ancient relics recently unearthed are (put) on display abroad.
属于 属于
1.belong to,强调归属,一般有三种用法。
1) 强调财产的归属。
 ☞ 在中国,土地属于国家。
 ☞ In China land belongs to the state.
 ☞ 我的心肝,你是属于我的。
 ☞ My sweetheart. you belong to me.
2) 强调组织的归属。
 ☞ 你是属于哪个俱乐部的?
 ☞ Which club do you belong to?
 ☞ 城里有90%的居民属于少数民族。
 ☞ Ninety percent of the inhabitants in the city belong to national minorities.
3) 强调时间的归属。
 ☞ 他是属于19世纪的作家。
 ☞ As a writer, he belongs to the 18th century.
 ☞ 他们属于年轻的一代。
 ☞ They belong to a younger generation.
2.run (by),指经营管理上的归属。
 ☞ 这些厂属于地方领导。
 ☞ These factories are run by the local authorities.
 ☞ 该农场过去属于集体。
 ☞ The farm used to be run by the collective.
3.come under,强调范畴的归属。
 ☞ 该剧属于批判现实主义范畴。
 ☞ The play comes under the category of critical realism.
 ☞ 控制预算属于管理部门的职责。
 ☞ Budget control comes under managerial duties.
4.fall into category,强调类别归属。
 ☞ 这位老年妇女当然不属于这一类型。
 ☞ The old woman of course did not fall into that category.
 ☞ 这些动物属于同类。
 ☞ These animals fall into the same category.
 ☞ 农民获得土地这种事,是属于资产阶级民主革命的性质。
 ☞ The procuring of land by the peasants was a bourgeois-democratic revolution in nature.
 ☞ 敌人一定会被打败,胜利一定属于我们。
 ☞ The enemy shall be defeated. Victory will be ours.
  ■ be还可与part of连用,表示属于其中一部分。
 ☞ 民主属于上层建筑,属于政治这个范畴。
 ☞ Democracy is part of the superstructure, and belongs to the realm of politics.
 ☞ 五月五日的龙舟赛属于中华民族的传统。
 ☞ Dragon boat race on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is part of the tradition of the Chinese nation.
  ■ 此外,还可与of连用,表示人或物的属性。
 ☞ 小麦和燕麦属于同科,但不同类。
 ☞ Wheat and oats are of the same family, but of different genera.
 ☞ 这是他的致命伤,他属于意志薄弱那一类。
 ☞ This is his fatal defect. He is of feeble will.
6.reside in,指“存在于…之中”。
 ☞ 这一权力属于全国人民代表大会。
 ☞ This power resides in the National People's Congress.
 ☞ 最高审判权属于最高法院。
 ☞ The highest judicial authority resides in the Supreme Court.
7.be affiliated to,指从属、附属。
 ☞ 全国各地的工会都属于全国总工会。
 ☞ Trade unions all over the country are affiliated to All China Federation of Trade Unions.
 ☞ 该研究所属于北京大学。
 ☞ The research institute is affiliated to Peking University.
8.pertain to,指与某些人或物有关的。
 ☞ 属于年轻人的那种热情与闯劲,在这些人身上没有多少表现。
 ☞ The fire and dash pertaining to youth are not much in evidence among these people.
 ☞ 这是只属于高官们的特权。
 ☞ This is the privilege that pertains only to the high-ranking officials.
履行 履行
 ☞ 无论发生什么事情你都要履行自己的职责。
 ☞ Do your duty, come what may.
 ☞ 他正在履行他说过的话。
 ☞ He is doing what he has said.
 ☞ 我决不在履行职责面前退缩。
 ☞ I will never shrink back before the performing of my duty.
 ☞ 婚前该履行的手续都履行了。
 ☞ All due formalities have been performed before the marriage.
 ☞ 我们应严格履行合同。
 ☞ We should strictly perform contracts.
 ☞ 作了允诺就要履行。
 ☞ If you make a promise you should fulfill it.
 ☞ 我会尽我最大的努力来履行义务的。
 ☞ I'll fulfill my obligation to the best of my ability.
 ☞ 老实人总是会履行承诺的。
 ☞ Honest people always fulfill their commitment.
4.execute, execution, 强调履行的实施过程。
 ☞ 条约一旦签署就应履行。
 ☞ Every treaty must be executed, once signed.
 ☞ 乙方由于战争而影响了合同的履行。
 ☞ Party B is prevented from executing the contract by the war.
 ☞ 双方应通过友好协商尽快继续履行合同。
 ☞ Both parties shall settle the further execution of the contract through friendly negotiation as soon as possible.
5.carry out,强调付诸实践的履行。
 ☞ 我们期待他来履行诺言。
 ☞ We expect him to carry out his promise.
 ☞ 法制委员会履行了赋予它的职责。
 ☞ The commission for legal affairs carried out the duties entrusted to it.
 ☞ 该公司无法履行其债务。
 ☞ The firm was not able to meet its obligations.
 ☞ 女方一直在催我们履行婚约。
 ☞ The bride side has been urging us to meet the engagement.
7.go through,强调履行某种手续。
 ☞ 申请入党,人人都应履行入党手续。
 ☞ Applicants for Party membership must go through the procedure for admission individually.
 ☞ 履行海关手续需要多少时间?
 ☞ How long will it take to go through the customs formalities?
8.keep, 强调履行某种诺言。
 ☞ 我会履行我说过的话,把一切都告诉他。
 ☞ I'll keep my word and tell him everything.
 ☞ 显然,此人是履行了诺言的。
 ☞ Apparently, the man had kept his promise.

  ■ “岂”有“哪里”、“怎么”、“难道”的意思,常用反问的形式加强肯定的语气。它一般不单独使用,常与“不”、“非”、“能”、“有”、“敢”、“但”等单音词连用,一般都用于书面。
 ☞ 你能发挥余热岂不更好吗?
 ☞ Wouldn't it be better if you could make some contribution in your remaining years?
 ☞ 这样做岂不更实际些?
 ☞ Wouldn't it be more practical to do it this way?
2.岂非,岂不是,都是同义词,译作wouldn't, 或isn't,后者语气没有前者委婉,但都用于问句。
 ☞ 这样的解释岂非自相矛盾?
 ☞ Wouldn't it be self-contradictory to put it that way?
 ☞ 这岂不是白日做梦?
 ☞ Isn't that day-dreaming?
3.岂能,译作how could。也用于问句。
 ☞ 你岂能不辞而别?
 ☞ How could you leave without saying good-bye?
 ☞ 岂能容许这种行为?
 ☞ How could such behavior be tolerated?
  ■ “岂能容许”有时也作“岂容”。如:
 ☞ 内政岂容别国干涉?
 ☞ How could the internal affairs be interfered in by foreign countries?
 ☞ 他对一个姑娘动手动脚,岂有此理!
 ☞ He got fresh with a girl. How that could be allowed!
 ☞ 他背着我说坏话,真是岂有此理!
 ☞ He spoke ill of me behind my back. This is sheer effrontery!
 ☞ 这个破电视机要那么多钱,岂有此理!
 ☞ This lousy TV set is so expensive. Outrageous!
 ☞ 他们草菅人命,真是岂有此理!
 ☞ They trample people like mud and ashes. This is beyond all reason!
 ☞ 他岂敢骗你。
 ☞ He wouldn't dare to cheat you.
  "It's very kind of you."
  "You flatter me."
 ☞ 这个僻字岂但我们不认识,恐怕连老教授也未必知道。
 ☞ Not only don't we know this obsolete character, even the old professors may not know it.
 ☞ 他岂止读过这本书,还把所读的内容都记住了。
 ☞ He not only read the book but also remembered what he had read.
崩溃 崩溃
 ☞ 敌军全线崩溃。
 ☞ The enemy collapsed all along the line.
 ☞ 第三帝国于1945年崩溃。
 ☞ The Third Reich collapsed in 1945.
 ☞ 他的150万大军遭到第一次打击就崩溃了。
 ☞ His huge army of 1,500,000 collapsed at the first blow.
2.表示经受不住,可用give way。
 ☞ 帝国主义的基础突然崩溃。
 ☞ The imperialist foundations have suddenly given way.
 ☞ 水位高得大坝都崩溃了。
 ☞ The level of the river was so high that the dam gave way.
  ■ collapse,give way都可用于转义,指精神崩溃。
 ☞ 他的精神状态已处于崩溃的边缘。
 ☞ His mental state is on the verge of collapse.
 ☞ 妻子死后,他精神崩溃了。
 ☞ He gave way to his feelings after his wife died.
 ☞ 发大水时,她十分害怕,但精神并没崩溃。
 ☞ She didn't give way during the flood but she was much frightened.
 ☞ 旧世界在逐步崩溃。
 ☞ The old world is crumbling.
 ☞ 罗马帝国在北方野蛮民族的压迫下,逐渐崩溃。
 ☞ The Roman Empire crumbled under the pressure from uncivilized northern tribes.
 ☞ 敌人的战线已经崩溃。
 ☞ The enemy front has crumbled.
4.表示四分五裂,可译disintegrate(正式用语), fall apart, fall to pieces(日常用语)。
 ☞ 这一军事侵略集团眼看就要崩溃。
 ☞ This aggressive military bloc is going to disintegrate.
 ☞ 巴格达条约由于伊拉克革命而崩溃。
 ☞ The Baghdad Pact disintegrated as a result of the Iraqi revolution.
 ☞ 随着生产力的发展,出现了封建制的生产关系,这时,奴隶制开始崩溃。
 ☞ As the forces of production developed, feudal relations of production appeared and the slave system began to fall apart.
 ☞ 腐朽的伪政权正在崩溃。
 ☞ The decadent puppet regime is falling apart.
 ☞ 拿破仑去世后,他的帝国开始崩溃。
 ☞ After the death of Napoleon, his empire began to fall to pieces.
5.breakdown, break down,表示整个系统的崩溃。
 ☞ 过了一阵子以后,她由于顶不住压力,神经崩溃了。
 ☞ After a time, unable to stand the pressure, she had a nervous breakdown.
 ☞ 她在丈夫死后,精神到了崩溃的边缘。
 ☞ She was near the point of breakdown after her husband's death.
 ☞ 由于10年内战,国家的经济生活已经崩溃。
 ☞ The economic life of the country has broken down owing to a ten years' civil war.
工具 工具
 ☞ 斧头、锯子、推刨都是木工使用的工具。
 ☞ An axe, a saw and a plane are all tools a carpenter uses.
 ☞ 钉锤是用来在木头上钉钉子的工具。
 ☞ A hammer is a tool that is used to knock nails into wood.
 ☞ 坏工匠才怨工具差。
 ☞ A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
  ■ 另外,tool一词也可用于引申。
 ☞ 书籍是学者的工具。
 ☞ Books are a scholar's tools.
 ☞ 句型练习在熟练的教师手里可以成为有效的工具。
 ☞ Pattern practice can be an effective tool in the hands of a skilled teacher.
  ■ 这种引申有时也带有贬义。
 ☞ 他是秘密警察的工具。
 ☞ He is a tool of the secret police.
 ☞ 我才不会让他把我当做一件工具使用。
 ☞ I'm not going to let him use me as a tool.
 ☞ 扫帚、水桶、铁铲、斧子都是工具。
 ☞ A broom, a pail, a shovel and an axe are implements 犁和打谷机都是农业工具。
 ☞ Plows and threshing machines are farm implements.
  ■ 同样,implement也可用于引申。
 ☞ 数学仍是驾驭大自然的必要工具。
 ☞ Mathematics is still the necessary implement for the manipulation of nature.
 ☞ 一支强大的军队可以是保卫和平的工具。
 ☞ A strong military establishment can be a peace-maintaining implement.
 ☞ 牙钻是牙医用来补牙的工具。
 ☞ A drill is an instrument used by a dentist when he fills cavities in your teeth.
 ☞ 我厂现在已能生产高质量的工具。
 ☞ Our factory is now able to produce instruments of high quality.
  ■ 同样,instrument也可用于引申。
 ☞ 语言是交流的工具。
 ☞ Language is an instrument for communication.
 ☞ 文学是塑造个性的一种工具。
 ☞ Literature is one of the instruments for forming individual character.
  ■ 有时这种引申也可带有贬义。如:
 ☞ 他是头,其余的人只是他的工具。
 ☞ He is the leader, the others are merely his instruments.
 ☞ 主犯利用不少男女作为他犯罪的工具。
 ☞ The principal criminal used many men and women as instruments in his crime.
 ☞ 报纸是宣传的有力工具。
 ☞ A newspaper is a powerful propaganda vehicle.
 ☞ 电视成了传播政治思想的重要工具。
 ☞ Television has become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas.
 ☞ 语言是人类思维的工具。
 ☞ Language is a vehicle of human thought.
 ☞ 给汽车卸轮胎,千斤顶是件重要工具。
 ☞ A car jack is an important device when a tire must be removed from.
 ☞ 电话是我们跟远方的人通话的工具。
 ☞ A telephone is a device by which we can speak to people far away.
  ■ device偶尔也可用来引申。
 ☞ 国际音标是标音的有效工具。
 ☞ The international phonetic alphabet is used as an effective device for representing sounds.
 ☞ 我国的生产工具归国家所有。
 ☞ In our country the state has owned the means of production.
 ☞ 我们市里有足够多的运输工具。
 ☞ We have adequate means of transport in our city.
 ☞ 无线电作为国际通讯工具已在全世界普及。
 ☞ The radio as a means of international communication has already been spread all over the world.
巩固 巩固
 ☞ 阅读和写作可以巩固学习。
 ☞ Reading and writing may consolidate our learning.
 ☞ 我军巩固了已夺得的阵地。
 ☞ Our troops consolidated the position they had captured.
 ☞ 随着经济的发展,我国的国防得到了进一步的巩固。
 ☞ Our national defense is further strengthened with economic development.
 ☞ 文化交流巩固和发展了中国人民与世界各国人民的友谊。
 ☞ Cultural exchanges have strengthened and developed the friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world.
 ☞ 我团在等待敌人进攻期间巩固了自己的阵地。
 ☞ Our regiment secured its position while awaiting the enemy attack.
 ☞ 河堤巩固了该市的防洪。
 ☞ The embankments secured the city against floods.
 ☞ 两国人民的友谊是巩固的。
 ☞ The people of the two nations have strong ties of friendship.
 ☞ 巩固的防御体系为防止敌人的突然进攻提供了保障。
 ☞ A strong defense system offers protection from sudden attack by an enemy.
 ☞ 由于军民一致,当时我们建了不少巩固的革命根据地。
 ☞ We built not a few stable revolutionary base areas with army and people united.
 ☞ 暴虐的政权表面看来总是巩固的。
 ☞ A despotic regime always appears stable.

1.表示数量上短缺或标准上欠缺,可用fall (be) short of。
 ☞ 我们收到的汇款差了我们应得的那一笔款项。
 ☞ The remittance we have received falls short of the amount to which we are entitled.
 ☞ 我们离祖国对我们的要求还差得远。
 ☞ We still fall far short of what motherland expects of us.
 ☞ 我们差的是现金。
 ☞ It is the cash that we are short of.
2.表示具体数量上的短缺,偶尔也可用more或less than。
1) 从原数着眼,加上所差的数,用more。
  "Is everybody's luggage here?" "There should be two more cases."
 ☞ 还差一道工序才能完成整个制作过程。
 ☞ There is still one more step to complete the whole process.
2) 从原数着眼,减去所差的数,用less than。
 ☞ 5比7差2。
 ☞ Five is two less than seven.
 ☞ 一个月还差两天。
 ☞ There are two days less than a month.
 "What time is it now?" "It is five to ten."
 "Is it ten o'clock now?" "It's five minutes off."
4.如果指质量上的欠缺,可用lack in, poor, not up to the mark, bad, no good等。
 ☞ 他智力不差。
 ☞ He is not lacking in intelligence.
 ☞ 他的卫生常识似乎很差。
 ☞ He seems to be lacking in elementary knowledge of hygiene and sanitation.
 ☞ 成绩决不算差。
 ☞ The results are by no means poor.
 ☞ 这收音机质量太差,用了不到一年就坏了。
 ☞ This radio is poor in quality, it breaks down within less than a year of use.
 ☞ 她的技术还差。
 ☞ Her technique is not up to the mark.
 ☞ 这街道工厂设备差,可产品并不差。
 ☞ The neighborhood factory's equipment is not up to the mark' but its products are not at all bad.
 ☞ 这条路坑坑洼洼的,太差了。
 ☞ The road is no good, it's rough and full of holes.
5.表示对比上的欠缺,可用be inferior to。
 ☞ 10年前国产彩电色彩上比进口彩电差,不过现在的情况变了。
 ☞ Ten years ago homemade color TV sets were inferior to imported ones in color, yet now things are changed.
 ☞ 她总感到自己比姐姐差。
 ☞ She always feels inferior to her elder sister.
6.如果指经济上或生理上的欠缺,可用hard (up for, of)。
 ☞ 我知道他生活差。
 ☞ I know that he has a hard life.
 ☞ 他的经济情况差。
 ☞ He is hard up for money.
 ☞ 说大声点,他的听力差。
 ☞ Speak loudly, he is hard of hearing.
 ☞ 我差你多少钱?
 ☞ How much do I owe you?
 ☞ 你还差我两美元。
 ☞ You still owe me two dollars.
8.表示只缺少某人或某物,可用except (for)。
 ☞ 全都去了,就差他一个。
 ☞ All went except him.
 ☞ 手续都已办好,就差签证了。
 ☞ We have gone through all the formalities except getting the visa.
 ☞ 这块布质量挺好,就是颜色差。
 ☞ The cloth is quite good except for the color.
 ☞ 他功课差。
 ☞ He is backward at his lessons.
 ☞ 我恢复前身体差。
 ☞ I had been backward before I recovered.
差不多 差不多
1.表示类似,可用similar (to)。
 ☞ 这两种观点差不多。
 ☞ These two views are similar.
 ☞ 昆明的天气与墨西哥城差不多。
 ☞ The weather in Kunming is similar to that of Mexico City.
2.表示几乎,可用be nearing, come near, nearly, almost, about, all but。
 ☞ 这座大楼差不多完工了。
 ☞ The building is nearing completion.
 ☞ 我国经济增长差不多每年以7%的水平继续增长。
 ☞ The economic growth of our country continues to rise, nearing the seven percent level annually.
 ☞ 他差不多掉到坑里。
 ☞ He came near falling into the pit.
 ☞ 我在旧社会差不多要饿死。
 ☞ I came near starving in the old society.
 ☞ 我的咳嗽差不多好了。
 ☞ My cough is nearly (almost) cured.
 ☞ 我们差不多干完了。
 ☞ We have nearly (almost) finished.
 ☞ 他差不多瞎了。
 ☞ He is all but (almost) blind.
 ☞ 我们到的时候比赛差不多结束了。
 ☞ The match was all but (almost) over when we arrived.
3.表示几乎一样,可用about the same。
 ☞ 这两个建议都差不多。
 ☞ These two proposals are about the same.
 ☞ 这两种颜色都差不多。
 ☞ These two colors are about the same.
 ☞ 孩子在家里自己玩,他差不多习惯这样了。
 ☞ The child plays by himself at home, he is quite used to that.
 ☞ 天差不多大亮了。都快5点了。
 ☞ It was quite light. Nearly five o'clock.
5.表示达到足够或良好程度,可用just about... enough,或almost good enough。
 ☞ 麦子熟得差不多了,该割了。
 ☞ The wheat is just about ripe enough to be cut.
 ☞ 我们应该力争上游,不应该有差不多的思想。
 ☞ We should aim high and not think that's just about good enough.
6.表示接近,可用close to。
 ☞ 他差不多感到某种绝望。
 ☞ He felt something close to despair.
 ☞ 她差不多要哭了。
 ☞ She is close to tears.
 ☞ 该岛早已解放,差不多40年了。
 ☞ The island has already been liberated close to 40 years.
7.表示没有多少差别,可用not much (very) different (from)。
 ☞ 他的第二本书和第一本差不多。
 ☞ His second book is not much different from his first.
 ☞ 这两个建议都差不多。
 ☞ The two proposals are not very different.
1) 用作形容词,表示几乎一样,可译nearly (about) the same。
 ☞ 我们都有差不多的习惯。
 ☞ We have nearly (about) the same habit.
 ☞ 姐妹俩具有差不多的性格。
 ☞ The two sisters bear nearly (about) the same character.
2) 用作名词,表示一般的人,可译everyone。
 ☞ 这包大米100公斤重,一般人还扛不起来。
 ☞ This sack of rice weighs 100kg, not everyone can carry it.
 ☞ 差不多每个人都知道这件事,你还不知道?
 ☞ Practically everyone knows all about it, and you don't?
 ☞ 这样说还差不多。
 ☞ It is justifiable to say so.
差点儿 差点儿
1.not quite up to the mark,指比标准稍次。
 ☞ 她的技术还差点儿。
 ☞ Her technique is not quite up to the mark.
 ☞ 今晚的电视节目还差点儿。
 ☞ The TV program was not up to the mark tonight.
2.not quite right,指不怎么正常。
 ☞ 布的质量不错,就是颜色差点儿。
 ☞ The quality of this cloth is fine, but the color is not quite right.
 ☞ 新厂里样样都好,只是劳动条件差点儿。
 ☞ Everything is good in the new factory, only the working condition is not quite right.
3.a bit inferior to,指稍差。
 ☞ 进口茶叶比国内制造的在香味上差点儿。
 ☞ The imported tea is a bit inferior to the homemade in flavor.
 ☞ 1995年的庄稼比1996年的差点儿。
 ☞ The crops of 1995 were a bit inferior to those of 1996.
4.almost, nearly,指几乎要。
 ☞ 路滑得老太太差点儿(没)摔倒。
 ☞ The road was so slippery that the old lady almost (nearly) fell over.
 ☞ 她念叨着,差点儿(没)哭出来。
 ☞ She murmured, almost (nearly) crying.
  ■ 应该注意的是,凡是说话人不希望实现的事,说“差点儿”和“差点儿没”意思一样,都指事情几乎要实现。(见上例)但是如果说的是说话人希望实现的事,则“差点儿”是对未能实现某事的惋惜,而“差点儿没”则是对总算实现了某个愿望的庆幸。如:
 ☞ 我差点儿赶上了那趟火车。(实际未赶上)
 ☞ I almost caught the train.
 ☞ 我差点儿没赶上那趟火车。(实际赶上了)
 ☞ I almost missed the train.
差距 差距
1.表示两个对立物之间相差的距离,可用gap between。
 ☞ 现在贫富国家间的差距甚至变得更大了。
 ☞ Now the gap between the rich and the poor countries has become even wider.
 ☞ 这种做法可以缩短书本知识和直接经验之间的差距。
 ☞ Such practice narrows the gap between book learning and direct experience.
2.表示同一事物在不同的人或事之间相差的距离,可用disparity in。
 ☞ 你我之间的收入存在着很大的差距。
 ☞ There is a great disparity in income between you and me.
 ☞ 不同的立场和观点引起了对同一问题看法上的差距。
 ☞ The disparities in views on the same question are caused by different stands and viewpoints.
 ☞ 工件与设计标准之间的差距必须测定。
 ☞ The difference between the work-piece and the designed standard must be measured.
 ☞ 你我两国间的生活水平存在着很大的差距。
 ☞ There is a world of difference in the living standard between your country and mine.
4.表示落后的一段距离,可用lag behind。
 ☞ 比先进,找差距。
 ☞ Let's compare ourselves with the advanced and see where we lag behind.
 ☞ 他一向乐意帮助学习上有差距的同志。
 ☞ He is always ready to help those comrades who have lagged behind in study.
 ☞ 依我看,我们的设备并不落后,只是管理上有差距。
 ☞ In my opinion we are not lagging behind in our equipment but in our management.
5.表示有待赶上的一大段距离,可用a long way to go。
 ☞ 我们和先进单位比还有很大的差距。
 ☞ Compared with advanced units, we still have a long way to go。
 ☞ 她的作品离尽善尽美还有很大差距。
 ☞ Her work is still a long way from perfection.
已经 已经
 ☞ 据报道近几个月来的控制已经不如过去那么严格。
 ☞ Controls in recent months are reported to have been less strict than formerly.
 ☞ 我们已经不止一次地面对敌人牢狱里的酷刑和死亡。
 ☞ We have faced both torture and death in enemy's prisons more than once.
 ☞ 商店里拥挤起来,好在我们已经采购完了。
 ☞ The shop got crowded. It was lucky that we had finished shopping.
 ☞ 他现在恐怕已经在雨里站了两个小时。
 ☞ I'm afraid he has been standing in the rain for two hours.
 ☞ 谢天谢地!一切都已经顺利解决。
 ☞ Thank heavens! Everything is settled smoothly.
 ☞ 人们的思想必须适应已经变化了的情况。
 ☞ People must adapt their thinking to the changed conditions.
 ☞ 这样,千百万个婴儿,无论是已经出生的还是将要出生的,都将永远不会受到感染。
 ☞ Thus, millions of babies, born and yet to be born, will never be infected.
 ☞ 他已经去北京了。
 ☞ He has gone to Beijing.
 ☞ 这是第二场,他们已经赢了第一场。
 ☞ This is the second game. They have already won the first one.
 ☞ 我已经去过那里,所以不想再去了。
 ☞ I have been there already, so I don't want to go there again.
 ☞ 我关心的是我们已经投进去的3,500万美元。
 ☞ I was concerned about the 35 million American dollars we had already invested.
 ☞ 火车已经开动了。
 ☞ The train is already moving.
 ☞ 我进去时她已经在摆餐桌了。
 ☞ When I came in she was already laying the table.
  ■ already偶尔也用于一般过去时,但只出现在口语中。
 ☞ 这节目我已经看过了。
 ☞ I already watched the program.
  ■ 此外,already可以与动词的一般现在时,一般过去时和一般将来时连用,但只限于表示状态的动词。如:be, have, know, like, believe, belong等。
 ☞ 她已经在这里了,你可以来见她。
 ☞ She's already here. You can come to see her now.
 ☞ 我已经有了一份总理声明的副本。
 ☞ I already have a copy of the premier's statement.
 ☞ 这本词典已经是我的啦。
 ☞ This dictionary belongs to me already.
 ☞ 他们之间的权力之争已经人人皆知。
 ☞ The power struggle between them was already well known to everybody.
 ☞ 只要你停下来想一想,你就会发现你已经知道答案了。
 ☞ If you stop to think, you will find you already know the answer.
  ■ 除此之外,already还可用来表示各种感情色彩。此时already一般都要后置。
 ☞ 我的外套已经干了?那么快!
 ☞ Is my coat dry already? That's quick! (表示惊讶)
 ☞ 你的一举一动好像已经跟她结了婚似的。
 ☞ You behave as if you were married to her already.
 ☞ 他已经不耐烦了。
 ☞ He is growing impatient already.(表示警告)
1) 用作介词时,一般常见于口语中的it is... since... 结构,意为“自…以来已经…”。
 ☞ 中华人民共和国成立以来已经整整半个世纪了。
 ☞ It is full half a century since the founding of the People's Republic of China.
 ☞ 她离家出走以来已经一个多月了。
 ☞ It is a month since she left her home.
2) 用作副词时,可以是since或long since,意为“自…以来已经…”。
 ☞ 我戒烟一年以来,身体已经大有好转。
 ☞ I quitted smoking a year ago, and my health is much improved since.
 ☞ 这件事已经解决好久了。
 ☞ The matter has been settled long since.
 ☞ 红军登上山脊时已经是半夜了。
 ☞ By the time the Red Army gained the top of the ridge it was midnight.
 ☞ 那时,老远就已经能看见火光了。
 ☞ By then the fire could be seen some distance away.
 ☞ 天还没亮,田间已经是人声鼎沸。
 ☞ The fields are stirring with a hubbub of voices before daybreak.
 ☞ 我们还没到村子,天就已经大亮了。
 ☞ It was broad daylight before we arrived at the village.
 ☞ 还没几个小时,大家就已经不分彼此。
 ☞ It was not many hours before all were on terms of intimacy.
 ☞ 一年还没过完,生意就已经做得十分火爆。
 ☞ Before the year was out the business was brisk under way.
1) 表示“已经过了…”。
 ☞ 她已经过了60岁,对不对?
 ☞ She is past sixty, isn't she?
 ☞ 两点都已经过了我们才开始的。
 ☞ It was past two when we began.
2) 表示已经无法。
 ☞ 这辆老爷车已经无法修了。
 ☞ The old car is past mending.
 ☞ 他虽然已经无法工作,但对里弄的事仍然热情不减。
 ☞ Though past work, he is still enthusiastic about neighborhood affairs.
 ☞ 像他现在这样已经是蛮不错了。
 ☞ It is good enough as he is.(表示羡慕)
 ☞ 病人好多了,已经能坐一会儿了。
 ☞ The patient is well enough to sit up a little.(表示满意)
 ☞ 你已经不年轻了,不宜打扮得那么花哨。
 ☞ You are not young enough to dress in that showy way.
 ☞ 我儿子虽然只有15岁,可已经是个大人样了。
 ☞ Though barely fifteen, my son is a man enough.(表示自豪)
9.no longer,表示已经不再是原来的样子。
 ☞ 这产品已经不再是实验室里的奇迹了。
 ☞ No longer is the product just a laboratory marvel.
 ☞ 今天的中国已经不再是过去的中国。
 ☞ China today is no longer the China of the past.(已经发生了翻天覆地的变化)
 ☞ 月球对我们来说已经不再是个神秘的世界。
 ☞ The lunar sphere is no longer a mysterious world to us.(知道得越来越多)
 ☞ 麦子已经收割妥当。
 ☞ The wheat crop is safely in.
 ☞ 好在最坏的情况已经过去。
 ☞ Fortunately, the worst of it is over.
 ☞ 你已经完了?
 ☞ Are you through?
 ☞ 现在他已经能起来走动了。
 ☞ He is up and about now.
 ☞ 整个地区已经没有敌人了。
 ☞ The whole area is clear off the enemy.
 ☞ 你已经准备好了吗?
 ☞ Are you ready?
 ☞ 男人曾经是一家人的脊梁骨,今天已经不一样了.
 ☞ 我们女人也能撑起半边天。
 ☞ Once men held sway in the family, but not so today, we women can prop up half the sky as well.
 ☞ 好在这种垃圾货今天已经没有多少市场了。
 ☞ Happily, there isn't much of a market for this sort of rubbish today.
 ☞ 中国人早在12世纪就已经懂得使用罗盘。
 ☞ The use of the compass was known to the Chinese as early as the twelfth century.
布局 布局
1.lay out,layout,指经过设计后的布局。
 ☞ 他请了一家园艺景观公司,对宅第的场地进行布局。
 ☞ He employed a firm of landscape gardens to lay out the grounds of the mansion.
 ☞ 我们对布局整洁的花坛十分赞叹。
 ☞ We admired the neatly laid-out flower-beds very much.
 ☞ 我们参观了上海各个地区以便更好地了解全市的布局。
 ☞ We visited all the sections of Shanghai to better understand the layout of the city.
 ☞ 他们反对这房子的布局。
 ☞ They objected to the layout of the house.
 ☞ 这些电站分别在平原和山区作了布局。
 ☞ These power stations are distributed respectively over plains and mountains.
 ☞ 我们一定要建成一个布局合理、相互配套的科研体系。
 ☞ We are determined to set up a complete, rationally distributed scientific and technological research system.
 ☞ 我市学校的布局一直受到批评。
 ☞ The distribution of schools in our city has been criticized.
 ☞ 工业的合理布局应根据多种因素而定。
 ☞ The decision of rational distribution of industry must be based on many factors.
3.arrange, arrangement,指经过事先安排的布局。
 ☞ 这房间全靠家具布局得当。
 ☞ The room completely depends on having the furniture properly arranged.
 ☞ 火车一开,他就拿出一个棋盘,开始布局。
 ☞ As the train started, he produced a chess board and began arranging figures (pieces).
 ☞ 全村建筑物简洁的布局说明该村匠心独运。
 ☞ The neat arrangement of buildings of the village shows great originality of its own.
 ☞ 这说明村民对全村的布局早已成竹在胸。
 ☞ This illustrates that the villagers have already had a ready plan in their minds to make the arrangement for the village.
 ☞ 他论据的各部分布局使得他的政论文简洁有力。
 ☞ The composition of the parts of his argument made his political essay tidy and forceful.
 ☞ 一个电影摄制者应该是运用语言的作家,使用音乐的音乐家,同时又是关心布局、光线和色彩的画家。
 ☞ The filmmaker should be a writer using language, a musician using music and also a painter concerning himself about composition, light and color.
 ☞ 这幅画的布局与线条使我想起一幅我熟悉的意大利油画。
 ☞ The composition and line of the picture reminded me of an Italian painting I knew well.
布满 布满
1.整个面上布满,译be covered with。
 ☞ 天空布满了乌云。
 ☞ The sky was covered with dark clouds.
 ☞ 桌子布满灰尘。
 ☞ The table is covered with dust.
 ☞ 草上布满了露水。
 ☞ The grass was covered with dew.
2.整个面上只是星星点点地布满,译be studded with。
 ☞ 天空布满了星星。
 ☞ The sky was studded with stars.
 ☞ 海湾布满了小岛。
 ☞ The bay is studded with isles.
 ☞ 皇冠上布满了宝石。
 ☞ The crown is studded with precious stones.
3.人为地布置,译be set everywhere。
 ☞ 城里到处都布满了岗哨。
 ☞ Sentries were set everywhere in the city.
 ☞ 森林里布满了陷阱。
 ☞ Traps were set everywhere in the forest.
布置 布置
1.表示安排或陈列物件,可用arrange,或fix up。
 ☞ 我们花了一天时间才布置好客厅。
 ☞ We took a whole day to arrange the living room in order.
 ☞ 展品都布置得井井有条。
 ☞ All exhibits were arranged in perfect order.
 ☞ 我们把教室布置成会场。
 ☞ We fixed up our classroom for a meeting.
 ☞ 我兄弟把这间房布置成书房。
 ☞ My brother fixed the room up as a study.
2.强调装饰时,用be decorated。
 ☞ 礼堂布置得很漂亮。
 ☞ The auditorium was beautifully decorated.
 ☞ 大厅里布置了鲜花。
 ☞ The great hall was decorated with fresh flowers.
 ☞ 这间房是按路易十四时代的风格布置起来的。
 ☞ The room is decorated after the Louis XIV style.
 ☞ 布置了两个学生打扫教室。
 ☞ Two pupils were assigned to sweep the classroom.
 ☞ 上尉布置两名士兵守大门。
 ☞ The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate.
 ☞ 老师布置学生读几本书。
 ☞ The teacher assigned the students a few books to read.
 ☞ 老师布置了几章作为家庭作业?
 ☞ How many chapters did the teacher assign for homework?
 ☞ 老师向全班布置了各种练习。
 ☞ The teacher set the class various exercises.
 ☞ 经常布置家庭作业吗?
 ☞ How often is the homework set?
5.对一些活动作出安排时,可译make arrangements。
 ☞ 政治学习和业务学习都作了适当布置。
 ☞ Appropriate arrangements for political and vocational study were made.
 ☞ 你作了什么布置?
 ☞ What arrangements have you made?
 ☞ 两个便衣布置在马路对面,以监视银行。
 ☞ Two plainclothesmen were stationed on the opposite side of the street where they could watch the bank.
 ☞ 监狱周围都布置了警卫。
 ☞ Guards were stationed around the prison.
 ☞ 司令部在沿河一线布置了军队。
 ☞ The headquarters disposed troops along the river.
 ☞ 布置了两个营的兵力来攻击空军基地。
 ☞ Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base.
希望 希望
 ☞ 她父母都不在乎她和他在一起,这正是他们希望的。
 ☞ Her parents don't mind her being with him. It was what they expected.
 ☞ 我希望他能通过这场考试。
 ☞ I expect that he'll pass the examination.
 ☞ 这就是同志们对你的希望。
 ☞ This is what the comrades expect of you.
 ☞ 你希望在什么时候能结束这事?
 ☞ When do you expect to have it finished?
 ☞ 吵了这场架,你怎么还能希望我还待在那里?
 ☞ How could you expect me to stay there after the quarrel?
 ☞ 他没有受过多少教育,所以他希望他儿子有个好的教育。
 ☞ He didn't receive much education, so he hopes to give his son a good education.
 ☞ 请接受这个表示我们敬意的小礼物,希望你喜欢。
 ☞ Please accept this gift in token of our esteem. I hope you'll like it.
  ■ 应注意的是hope后虽可接动词不定式,如第一句译例,但不能在接了宾语以后再接动词不定式。如:我希望你再见见她。要译成:I hope that you will see her again.或:I hope for you to see her again.但不是:I hope you to see him again.其次,hope虽然是及物动词,但后面极少接名词的宾语。如:
 ☞ 我们过去都希望有个好时代。
 ☞ We used to hope for better times.(这个for不能少)
  ■ 还有,使用hope还要避免使用双重被动语态。如:所有这些计划希望能尽快执行。要译成:It is hoped that all these plans will be carried out as soon as possible.(不是All these plans are hoped to be carried out as soon as possible.)还应注意的是“希望”一般不用进行时,除非强调此刻的情况,故有“盼”的意思。
 ☞ 你知道我在盼什么?
 ☞ Do you know what I'm hoping now?
 ☞ 我们知道他康复的希望不大,但我们还在盼。
 ☞ We know there is little hope of his recovery, but we are hoping.
  ■ hope还可用做可数或不可数名词。
 ☞ 民主党人没有希望赢得选举的大多数。
 ☞ The Democrats have no hopes of winning a majority in the election.
 ☞ 情况明摆着,我们不是完全没有希望。
 ☞ As the position stands, we are not without any hope at all.
  ■ 此外,hope还有不少固定词组。如:in hopes of,in the hope (of),live in hope (s),place one's hope等。
 ☞ 我们都希望检阅时有个好天气。
 ☞ We are all in hopes of having a fine day for parade.
 ☞ 他们这么做是希望搞一点适合本地情况的变通。
 ☞ They did this in the hope of getting a variety suited to local condition.
 ☞ 情况似乎不好,不过我们希望会好起来。
 ☞ Things seem bad, but we live in hope.
 ☞ 我们寄希望于你们年轻人。
 ☞ Our hope is placed on you young people.
3.wish,指说话人当时认为完全没有希望的希望, 接虚拟语气。这种语气在正式文体中用得更为普遍。
 ☞ 他希望有一天会成为百万富翁。
 ☞ He wished that one day he would be a millionaire.
 ☞ 那时候我们是多么希望能把那儿的河水引到这里来啊!
 ☞ How we wished then that the water over there could have been diverted to our area!
 ☞ 我得说,我希望情况能更明朗些。
 ☞ I must say that I wish the situation were a little clearer.
 ☞ 她衷心希望她可以做点能安慰他的事。
 ☞ She wished sincerely she might have done something to comfort him。
  ■ 由于wish与hope有上述的区别,故下面的译文就不能用wish。
 ☞ 我希望你长寿。
 ☞ I hope you will live for a very long time.
  ■ 由于wish可以表示没有希望的希望,因此把过去时当作现在时来用,可以表示客气、尊敬,并在态度上带有某种试探。
 ☞ 你希望现在见我吗?
 ☞ Did you wish to see me now?
 ☞ 她16岁时就希望独立吗?
 ☞ Did she wish to be independent at the age of sixteen?
  ■ 由于可以表示尊敬或客气,故在正式文体中,wish可以用来代替口语中的want,如:
 ☞ 我希望见到你们经理。
 ☞ I wish to see your manager.试比较:I want to see your manager.(我要见你们经理)
 ☞ 我希望立即通知每一位与会者。
 ☞ I wish everybody at the meeting to be informed immediately,试比较:I want everybody at the meeting to be informed immediately.
 ☞ 大家都清楚,她是希望讨好她婆婆。
 ☞ Her desire to please her mother-in-law was clear to all of us.
 ☞ 她总是希望有个舒适温暖的家。
 ☞ She always has a desire for comfortable and warm home.
  ■ desire还可用做动词。
 ☞ 两国都希望和平,但谁都不肯妥协。
 ☞ Both nations desire peace, but neither would accept compromise.
 ☞ 他们俩都衷心希望有个孩子。
 ☞ They both desire a child with all their hearts.
  ■ desirous是desire的形容词。
 ☞ 如果双方果真希望解决争端,应该没有什么困难。
 ☞ There shouldn't be any difficulty if both sides were really desirous to settle the dispute.
 ☞ 我们希望和平有望,故做出如下提议。
 ☞ Desirous that peace should prevail, we make the following proposals.
席卷 席卷
1.roll up like a mat,席卷是卷席的比喻,因此可以说成“如卷席一般”。
 ☞ 如果我们能在敌人的两翼各部署一个营,我们就可以席卷敌军的整个阵地。
 ☞ If we can put a battalion on each flank of the enemy, we can roll up his entire position like a mat.
 ☞ 当时,政治迫害席卷全国。
 ☞ At that time the political persecution rolled up the whole country like a mat.
2.sweep across (down, away, over),指一扫而过的席卷。
 ☞ 暴风雪席卷了大草原。
 ☞ A snowstorm swept across the prairie.
 ☞ 狂风席卷大西洋海岸。
 ☞ A strong gale swept down on the Atlantic Coast.
 ☞ 洪水席卷了周围一带的庄稼。
 ☞ The floodwaters swept away the crops around here.
 ☞ 40年代末期,革命浪潮席卷了整个中国。
 ☞ The revolutionary waves swept over China in the late forties.
 ☞ 1929年,一场空前规模的经济危机席卷了整个资本主义世界。
 ☞ In 1929, an economic crisis of unprecedented dimensions engulfed the entire capitalist world.
 ☞ The People's Daily published comments on the revolutionary storms then engulfing the Third World.
 ☞ 事实是她没有盔甲和盾牌来抵御向她席卷而来的孤独。
 ☞ The fact was that she had neither armor nor shield against the loneliness that engulfed her.
4.make off with, 指携带财物潜逃。
 ☞ 他的二奶与情人私奔,席卷细软,逃之天天。
 ☞ His mistress eloped with her lover, making off with all the valuables she could lay hands on.
 ☞ 谁想得到局长的红人竟会席卷公款潜逃?
 ☞ Who would have thought that the favorite with the director should make off with public money?
帮助 帮助
 ☞ 我想我能帮助你学习英语。
 ☞ I think I can help you with your English.
 ☞ 我想我能帮助你学数学。
 ☞ I think I can help you in your mathematics.
 ☞ 我想我能帮助你修自行车。
 ☞ I think I can help you repair your bicycle.
 ☞ 她做小姑娘时就帮助过一位地下工作者越狱。
 ☞ She aided an underground worker to escape from prison when she was still a little girl.
 ☞ 许多科学界前辈都在科研上鼓励我,帮助我。
 ☞ Many senior scientists encouraged and aided me in scientific research.
 ☞ 民警正帮助一位老太太穿过街道。
 ☞ The policeman is assisting an old lady across the street.
 ☞ 我们是来帮助筹备展览的。
 ☞ We've come to assist in arranging the exhibition.
4.表示“在…帮助下”用with the help of。
 ☞ 在人民的帮助下,驻军很快就平息了叛乱。
 ☞ With the help of the people the stationed troops quickly stamped out the rebellion.
 ☞ 在工程师的帮助下,他和另外几个青年工人设计了一台新车床。
 ☞ With the help of the engineers, he and some other young workers devised a new lathe.
帮忙 帮忙
 ☞ 我以前在经济上帮过他的忙。
 ☞ I had previously aided him with money.
 ☞ 她帮他的忙不遗余力。
 ☞ She spared no efforts to aid him.
 ☞ 有个同谋在帮他的忙。
 ☞ He was aided by an accomplice.
2.但在疑问句、否定句和条件句中则可用be of help to,因为help的语气因疑问和条件而减弱了。
 ☞ 我能帮忙吗?
 ☞ Can I be of any help to you?
 ☞ 我认为这封信里没有什么东西能帮你的忙。
 ☞ I don't suppose there is anything in this letter that will be of help to you.
 ☞ 如果我的证词在你受审时能帮上忙,我随时听候您的召唤。
 ☞ If my evidence can be of help to you in your trial, I will be at your disposal.
3.由于help语气较强,故帮大忙就用be a big (great) help, be of tremendous help.
 ☞ 你帮了我的大忙。
 ☞ You are a big help to me.
 ☞ 你出的主意帮了大忙。
 ☞ Your advice is a great help.
 ☞ 这件事倒会帮我们的大忙。
 ☞ This would be of tremendous help to us.
4.“做件好事”,也是一种帮忙,用do sb. a favor。
 ☞ 他请我帮忙。
 ☞ He asked me to do him a favor.
 ☞ 我倒是要你帮忙的。
 ☞ I'd like to have you do me a favor.
5.“帮一手”也是帮忙,故用lend (give)a hand。
 ☞ 你帮忙给我搬一下钢琴好吗?
 ☞ Lend me a hand to shift the piano, will you?
 ☞ 请你帮个忙好吗?
 ☞ Will you give me a hand?
6.“效劳”自然也是帮忙,故用render (do) sb. service。
 ☞ 如果你把这包东西送去,就帮了我的忙啦。
 ☞ If you will deliver this parcel, you will render me a service.
 ☞ 你能帮我个忙吗?
 ☞ Will you do me a service?
7.帮倒忙用render a disservice, be a futile help, be more of a hindrance than a help, do sb. a bad turn。
 ☞ 我过于匆忙,结果帮了个倒忙。
 ☞ I was in such a hurry that I rendered a disservice.
 ☞ 你在帮倒忙。
 ☞ You are a futile help.或You are more of a hindrance than a help.
 ☞ 结果,我反倒帮了他的倒忙。
 ☞ In effect I have done him a bad turn.
帽子 帽子
1.hat, cap,指戴在头上的礼帽或鸭舌帽。
 ☞ 他戴上帽子就匆匆地出去了。
 ☞ He put on his hat (cap) and went out hurriedly 你拜访人的时候要脱帽子。
 ☞ Take off your hat (cap) when you pay a visit.
 ☞ 你戴着白色的帽子真可爱。
 ☞ It is lovely for you to wear a white cap.
 ☞ 风刮走了他的帽子,露出了秃头。
 ☞ The wind carried his cap clean off his baldhead.
  ■ 有时,hat也可用作带有政治标记的帽子。
 ☞ He was paraded through the streets with a tall paper hat on his head during the Cultural Revolution.
 ☞ 国外有那么一些人,他们不但不谴责自己的侵略行为,反而给我们扣上侵略者的帽子。
 ☞ There are some people abroad who seek to label us as aggressors instead of accusing themselves of aggression.
 ☞ 他曾被戴过“右派”帽子。
 ☞ He was labeled as a "Rightist".
 ☞ 大庆油田的成功开发使我国甩掉了“贫油”的帽子。
 ☞ The successful opening of Daqing oilfield took the "oil-poor" label off China.
 ☞ 王家村的老乡终于摘掉了“文盲”的帽子。
 ☞ The villagers of Wangjiacun have ridden themselves of the label of "illiterate".
3.brand as, 指加上恶名的帽子。
 ☞ 批判会后他被戴上反革命分子的帽子。
 ☞ After the condemnation meeting he was branded as a counter-revolutionary.
 ☞ 游街以后,她被扣上了“破鞋”的帽子。
 ☞ On being paraded through the streets, she was branded as "loose woman".
4.flattery, flatter,指吹捧奉承式的高帽子。
 ☞ 爱戴高帽是人的弱点。
 ☞ It is a human's weak-point to be fond of flattery.
 ☞ 他爱给有钱有势的人戴高帽子。
 ☞ He is always ready to flatter rich and influential people.
5.cuckold, 指戴绿帽子。
 ☞ 她结婚后就给丈夫戴上了绿帽子。
 ☞ Since she married she has cuckolded her husband into a cuckold.
 ☞ 他跟她结婚后就戴上了绿帽子。
 ☞ He has been a cuckold since he married her.
干净 干净
 ☞ 我把院子打扫干净了。
 ☞ I've swept the yard clean.
 ☞ 你把这个洗干净了吗?
 ☞ Have you washed it clean?
 ☞ 吃了不干净的东西就会生病。
 ☞ Unclean food can make you ill.
 ☞ 他把这事忘得干干净净。
 ☞ He clean forgot the whole thing.
2.give a thorough (good)cleaning,指打扫干净。
 ☞ 我们把到处都打扫得干干净净过春节。
 ☞ We gave every place a thorough cleaning for the Spring Festival.
 ☞ 你得把办公室打扫干净。
 ☞ You must give the office a good cleaning.
3.neat and tidy,指整洁。
 ☞ 他向来都穿得干干净净的。
 ☞ He always wears neat and tidy clothes.
 ☞ 屋子收拾得干干净净。
 ☞ The room is neat and tidy.
 ☞ 我把这一点忘得干干净净。
 ☞ I've forgot it completely.
 ☞ 想到他会长大成人并把她忘得一干二净,她就受不了。
 ☞ She could not bear to think that he would grow up and forget her totally.
 ☞ 我们把谷子扬得干干净净。
 ☞ We've winnowed the grain thoroughly 他的名字被忘得干干净净。
 ☞ His name was forgotten utterly.
干扰 干扰
 ☞ 把收音机开小一点,别干扰人家。
 ☞ Turn down the radio, or you'll disturb people.
 ☞ 月球围绕地球的运动会受到太阳的干扰。
 ☞ The sun disturbs the motion of the moon around the earth.
 ☞ 马路上来往车辆的噪音对我们家庭的平静生活是一种干扰。
 ☞ The noise of cars passing along the road is a disturbance to our quiet life at home.
 ☞ 很明显,观测期间不应有任何光线的干扰。
 ☞ Obviously, during the observation, no light should interfere.
 ☞ 要是没有干扰,她星期六来。
 ☞ She will come on Saturday if nothing interferes.
 ☞ 许多学生产生的发音错误是因为母语的干扰。
 ☞ Many students' error in pronunciation occurs because of mother tongue interference.
 ☞ 只有害怕真理的人才会干扰电台的广播节目。
 ☞ Only those who are afraid of truth would jam radio programs.
 ☞ 电台广播受到干扰这种事并不新奇。
 ☞ Radio-jamming is nothing new.
干涉 干涉
1.interfere in, interference,指干预。
 ☞ 我们无权干涉别国的内政。
 ☞ We have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
 ☞ 他已长大成人,我们不便再加以干涉。
 ☞ He is grown up; it's no good for us to interfere.
 ☞ 我们反对所有这样的外来干涉。
 ☞ We're opposed to every such external interference.
2.intervene (in), intervention,指介入。
 ☞ 后来国务院在外交方面频加干涉。
 ☞ The State Council afterwards intervened frequently on a diplomatic level.
 ☞ 武装干涉别国内政应当受到谴责。
 ☞ Armed intervention in the internal affairs of other countries must be condemned.
3.intrude, intrusion,指不受欢迎或不合时宜的介人性干涉。
 ☞ 不要干涉人家的家务事。
 ☞ Don't intrude in a family dispute.
 ☞ 她想要对着她先生喊叫,因为他未对他母亲没完没了地干涉她生活的隐私作出反应。
 ☞ She felt like screaming at her husband for not reacting against his mother's endless intrusions into the recesses of her life.
4.meddle in,指过问不该过问的事情。
 ☞ 不要干涉与你无关的事情。
 ☞ Don't meddle in things that do not concern you.
 ☞ 我们的事情经常受到外人的干涉。
 ☞ Our affairs are constantly being meddled in by outsiders.
干脆 干脆
 ☞ 他回答得很干脆。
 ☞ He gave a clear-cut reply.
 ☞ 他干脆的解释消除了一切误会。
 ☞ His clear-cut explanation disposed of all misunderstandings.
 ☞ 你应当给我们一个干脆的答复。
 ☞ You should give us a straightforward answer.
 ☞ 这工作没有像原先以为的那样干脆易办。
 ☞ The job is not as straightforward as it seemed to be.
 ☞ 不要吞吞吐吐,干脆一点!
 ☞ No humming and hawing. Be frank!
 ☞ 我干脆跟你说吧。
 ☞ I'll be frank with you.
 ☞ 她干脆就不承认有过这回事儿。
 ☞ She simply denied that such a thing had ever happened.
 ☞ 他们干脆不知羞耻。
 ☞ They simply lost all sense of shame.
 ☞ 你干脆说“行”还是“不行”。
 ☞ Just say yes or no.
 ☞ 现在,国会干脆就是一台收税的机器。
 ☞ Parliament now is just a taxing machine.
 ☞ 你干脆就是不负责任。
 ☞ You are altogether irresponsible.
 ☞ 他干脆是迷糊了。
 ☞ He is altogether puzzled.
干预 干预
1.intervene, intervention,指出面过问。
 ☞ 政府不得不出面干预这场罢工。
 ☞ The government had to intervene in the strike.
 ☞ 球员几乎要打起来时,裁判才出面干预。
 ☞ The players were about to fight when the referee intervened.
 ☞ 两国都不愿接受外界的干预。
 ☞ The two countries will not accept outside intervention.
2.interpose (in),指介入到两者之间。
 ☞ 母亲干预了我和哥哥之间的争论。
 ☞ Mother interposed in the dispute between my brother and me.
 ☞ 他不能干预医生对病人的临床诊断嘛。
 ☞ He could not interpose himself between the clinical judgment of the doctor and his patient.
3.meddle in,指过问不该过问的事。
 ☞ 没人要他来干预这件事。
 ☞ No one asked him to meddle in this affair.
 ☞ 不要干预与你无关的事。
 ☞ Don't meddle in things that do not concern you.

 ☞ 河水涨得平了河岸。
 ☞ The water rose until it was level with the banks 足球应当在平地上踢。
 ☞ Football should be played on level ground.
 ☞ 蒸汽压路机把路压平了。
 ☞ The steamroller made the road level.
  ■ level还可用做动词。
 ☞ 把丘陵地平为梯田可以减缓雨水的流速。
 ☞ Leveling hilly land into terraces slows the rate of runoff.
 ☞ 路面在铺设以前先要平一平。
 ☞ The road must be leveled before paving.
 ☞ 台球桌面应当百分之百的平。
 ☞ A billiard-table must be perfectly even.
 ☞ 他把篱笆树丛顶端剪得平平的。
 ☞ He trimmed the top of the hedge to make it even 积雪与窗台平了。
 ☞ The snow is even with the windowsill.
  ■ even (up)也可用做动词。
 ☞ 我们得用平路机来平一平路面。
 ☞ We have to use a blade machine to even the road surface.
 ☞ 日本接力队掉了接力棒,我们才平了比分。
 ☞ When the Japanese relay team dropped their baton, we were able to even the score up.
 ☞ 那时候的人都相信地球是平的。
 ☞ People at that time believed that the earth was flat.
 ☞ 要泥水工把面做平了。
 ☞ Ask the plasterer to make the surface flat.
 ☞ 平的屋顶排水肯定不畅。
 ☞ A flat roof certainly has poor drainage.
 ☞ 躺平了,再深呼吸。
 ☞ Lie down flat and breathe deeply.
 ☞ 把地图展开,捋平。
 ☞ Spread the map out flat.
 ☞ 他做省委书记以来平了不少冤假错案。
 ☞ He has redressed a lot of unjust, fabricated and misjudged cases since he served the office of Party secretary of the province.
 ☞ 公安机关镇压了黑帮,为民平了愤。
 ☞ The public security organs suppressed the sinister gang and redressed the grievances of the people.
 ☞ 帮病人躺平了。
 ☞ Help the patient to lie stretched out.
 ☞ 他平了一项世界纪录。
 ☞ He equaled a world record.
 ☞ 两队打成2比2平。
 ☞ The two teams tied at 2 -2.
 ☞ 这场足球赛以平局告终。
 ☞ The football game ended in a draw.
 ☞ 场上比分是2平。
 ☞ The score is two all.
 ☞ 经他一解释,老太太的气也就平了。
 ☞ His explanation soothed the old lady's anger.
 ☞ 解放军平叛成功。
 ☞ The PLA succeeded in putting down the rebellion.
 ☞ 杜甫与李白在中国诗歌的艺术成就上可以平分秋色。
 ☞ Du Fu might go halves with Li Bai in the artistic merits of the Chinese poetry.
平均 平均
 ☞ 我们报社一天平均要收到近百篇来稿。
 ☞ Our paper receives an average of nearly 100 articles a day.
 ☞ 每天平均约有上百个会员到场。
 ☞ On an average there are about one hundred members present every day.
 ☞ 他这人骨架大,超过平均身高。
 ☞ He was a large-framed man, of more than average height.
 ☞ 昆明8月份的平均温度是多少?
 ☞ What's the average temperature in Kunming during August?
  ■ average还可用做动词。
 ☞ 每班平均有20个学生。
 ☞ Each class averages twenty students.
 ☞ 男人的平均工资为800元,而妇女的工资平均只有550元。
 ☞ The wages of men averaged 800 yuan whereas women's wages averaged but 550 yuan.
 ☞ 常生活中常用作形容词,但仍与数字搭配。
 ☞ 美国家庭的平均收入一年超过15,000美元。
 ☞ The mean income of the American families is over $ 15,000 a year.
 ☞ 6是3与9的平均数。
 ☞ Six is the mean number between 3 and 9.
 ☞ 年平均降雨量是200毫米。
 ☞ The mean yearly rainfall is 200mm.
3.share and share alike, 指平均分摊。
 ☞ 个合伙人同意平均分摊。
 ☞ The three partners agreed to share and share alike.
 ☞ 我将我的全部财产留给我的儿女们平均分摊。
 ☞ I bequeath to my sons and daughters the whole of my effects. share and share alike.
平衡 平衡
 ☞ 要解决的一个根本问题是要使世界的粮食供应与世界人口保持平衡。
 ☞ A basic question is what must be done to bring the world's food supply and its population in balance.
 ☞ 我感到在结满冰的小路上难以保持平衡。
 ☞ I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path.
 ☞ 她在孤独、漫长的岁月里曾一度失去平衡。
 ☞ She temporarily lost her balance during the long years of solitude.
 ☞ 这种药会扰乱新陈代谢的平衡。
 ☞ This medicine will disturb the metabolic balance.
  ■ balance还可用做动词。
 ☞ 你能用一个脚趾来平衡身体吗?
 ☞ Can you balance on one toe?
 ☞ 为了做到贸易平衡,我们不得不少购你们国家的货物。
 ☞ In order to balance our trade, we have to buy less goods from your country.
 ☞ 那位走钢丝的拼命在钢丝上保持平衡的样子,我们都看得胆战心惊。
 ☞ We watched with horror as the tight-rope walker struggled to maintain equilibrium (balance) on the tight-rope.
 ☞ 他失去平衡,掉进了湖里。
 ☞ He lost equilibrium (balance) and fell into the lake.
 ☞ 这一过程会持续到建立新的平衡。
 ☞ This process continues until a new equilibrium is established.
3.even out,指使之相等。
 ☞ 但是为了平衡工业发展时的布局,内地工业必须大力发展。
 ☞ But to even out the distribution of industry as it develops we must strive to promote industry in the interior.
 ☞ 政府的收支是平衡的。
 ☞ The revenue and expenditure of the government are evened out.
4.fit in, 有时也可作“平衡”解。
 ☞ 咱们组的计划还要跟别的组平衡一下。
 ☞ We'll have to fit in our plan with those of the other groups.
年代 年代
 ☞ 年代久了,碑上的字迹已经模糊不清。
 ☞ The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time.
 ☞ 到了她的年代,我们的生活会好得多。
 ☞ When her time comes our life will be much better.
 ☞ 我们国家经历了漫长的动乱年代。
 ☞ Our country went through the long years of turmoil.
 ☞ 战争年代,许多人死于饥饿。
 ☞ Many people died from hunger during the war years.
 ☞ 那个年代还没有飞机。
 ☞ At that date there were no airplanes.
 ☞ 鉴定文物年代是专家的事情。
 ☞ It is a job for experts to determine the date of a cultural relic.
 ☞ 展出的古董都已标明了年代。
 ☞ The antiques on display are all marked with dates.
 ☞ 该剧第一次上演时间是19世纪90年代。
 ☞ The time when the play was first put on the stage was the 1890's.
 ☞ 20世纪60年代中期至70年代中期是中国动乱的年代。
 ☞ It was the time of turmoil in China from the middle of the 1960's to the middle of the 1970's.

1.do, 有“做”的意思。因为“弄”是“做”的含糊说法。
 ☞ 我来不及了,你帮我弄一弄。
 ☞ I haven't enough time. Will you please do it for me?
 ☞ 弄得不好,我们会前功尽弃的。
 ☞ If we don't do a good job now, all the work we've done will be wasted.
 ☞ 你儿子把新衣服弄脏了。
 ☞ Your son got his new clothes dirty.
 ☞ 这台电视机有毛病,我弄不好。
 ☞ There is something wrong with the TV set, and I can't get it right.
 ☞ 这么好的酒你是从哪弄来的?
 ☞ The wine is really good. Where did you get it?
 ☞ 你去弄点水来。
 ☞ Go and get some water.
3.get a good master, get a thorough grasp, 有“弄懂”、“弄通”的意思。
 ☞ 认真看书学习,弄通马克思主义的基本原理。
 ☞ Read and study conscientiously and get a good master of the basic principles of Marxism.
 ☞ 我们应当弄懂这门课程。
 ☞ We must get a thorough grasp of the subject.
 ☞ 他这一说反而把我弄得更糊涂了。
 ☞ His explanation only made me more puzzled than ever.
 ☞ 别把孩子弄哭了。
 ☞ Don't make the child cry.
5.make a mess of,有“弄糟”、“弄坏”的意思。
 ☞ 她一插手就把事情全弄糟了。
 ☞ Her meddling made a mess of everything.
 ☞ 这场病把我的假期计划弄得一团糟。
 ☞ This illness has made a mess of my holiday plan.
6.play with,有“弄着玩”的意思。
 ☞ 孩子们都爱弄沙土。
 ☞ Children like to play with sand.
 ☞ 我们爱弄水。
 ☞ We like to play with water.
7.fool (around) with,有“胡乱摆弄”的意思,其后果要么严重,要么毫无结果。
 ☞ 你别弄那枝枪!
 ☞ Stop fooling with the gun!
 ☞ 她有时候也弄弄钢琴。
 ☞ She is fooling around with the piano sometimes.
8.clarify, 有“弄清楚”的意思。
 ☞ 有些问题还需要弄清楚。
 ☞ Certain questions have yet to be clarified.
 ☞ 弄清争论的焦点你再发言。
 ☞ Don't speak till you clarify the point at issue.
 ☞ 事情是弄假成真了。
 ☞ What was make-believe has become reality.
 ☞ 你弄巧反成拙。
 ☞ You tried to be clever, only to end up with a blunder.
 ☞ 他弄虚作假,骗取荣誉。
 ☞ He sought honor through fraud and deception.
 ☞ 我待在家里弄饭。
 ☞ I stayed at home to prepare meals.
 ☞ 你装神弄鬼的到底想干什么?
 ☞ What on earth do you mean to do by making much ado about gods?
广播 广播
 ☞ 中央电视台反复广播了这条重要消息。
 ☞ CCTV repeatedly broadcast this important piece of news.
 ☞ 最好的演出都由电台广播。
 ☞ The best performances are broadcast over the radio.
2.on (off) the air,指进行广播或停止广播。
 ☞ 有些电台一天24小时都在广播。
 ☞ Some radio stations are on the air 24 hours a day.
 ☞ 这些节目每天广播。
 ☞ These programs come on the air every day.
 ☞ 电台为什么停止广播?
 ☞ Why has the radio station gone off the air?
3.bring sb. ,指有对象的广播。
 ☞ 现在全文广播《人民日报》社论。
 ☞ We now bring you the full text of the Renmin Ribao editorial.
 ☞ 正在广播的是音乐电视。
 ☞ What is being brought to you is MTV.
4.bush (grapevine) telegraph,指传播小道消息。
 ☞ 别相信小广播。
 ☞ Don't believe the bush telegraph.
 ☞ 通过小广播发来了一条消息。
 ☞ A message was sent to us through the grapevine telegraph.
5.spread hearsay information,指扩散小道消息。
 ☞ 你老爱小广播。
 ☞ You're always spreading hearsay information.
 ☞ 小广播不但无益,而且有害。
 ☞ Spreading hearsay information is not only unprofitable but harmful.
庄严 庄严
1.solemn, solemnly,指充分认识和接受全部事实情况下的庄严。
 ☞ 他就任总统时向《圣经》庄严宣誓。
 ☞ He swore a solemn oath on the Bible when he took his office as President.
 ☞ 赛场上挂着巨幅标语,显得特别庄严。
 ☞ The competition court looked extraordinarily solemn, hung with a huge slogan.
 ☞ 追悼会会场庄严肃穆。
 ☞ The mourning hall was filled with a solemn silence.
 ☞ 奥委会主席庄严宣布:“北京胜出。”
 ☞ The chairman of the Olympic Committee solemnly declared: "The winner is Beijing."
 ☞ 婚礼由于总裁的参加显得庄严起来。
 ☞ The wedding appeared dignified due to the presence of the president.
 ☞ 他参加他的死敌的葬礼时态度庄严。
 ☞ He looked dignified in manner, attending the funeral of his mortal enemy.
 ☞ 经过一周的思考,我决定接受这一庄严的托付。
 ☞ I decided to accept this sacred trust after a week's consideration.
 ☞ 天安门城楼上悬挂着庄严的国徽。
 ☞ The sacred national emblem is hung over the rostrum of Tian'anmen.
庄重 庄重
1.serious, 指严肃专注的庄重。
 ☞ 你人庄重,又有爱心,我信得过。
 ☞ You're serious and affectionate, I trust you.
 ☞ 王后看着国王,神态更为庄重,更为坚决。
 ☞ The queen looked at the king with a more serious and resolute air.
2.grave,词义进了一步,有extremely serious的意思。
 ☞ 在这一庄严隆重的场合,她的声音更显得庄重。
 ☞ On this solemn, grand occasion her voice sounded graver.
 ☞ 法官宣布我儿子无罪时,神情分外庄重。
 ☞ The judge looked especially grave when he pronounced my son not guilty.
3.solemn, 指充分认识全部事实情况下的庄重。
 ☞ 他见到矿工妻子们一张张庄重严肃的脸,她们在等待着矿难的结果。
 ☞ He saw the solemn. serious faces of the miners7 wives awaiting the results of the mining disaster.
 ☞ 所有在场的人听到这一消息都变得庄重,但都抑制着悲痛。
 ☞ Everybody present turned solemn at the news but refrained from grief.
 ☞ 女王迈着庄重的步子,经过走廊,进入大厅。
 ☞ The queen walked into the hall at a stately pace through the corridor.
 ☞ 公爵夫人以极其庄重的方式站起来开门。
 ☞ The duchess rose in the stateliest manner to open the door.
 ☞ 她是个庄重的女孩子,宁愿读书而不愿玩耍。
 ☞ She is a sedate girl and would rather read than play.
 ☞ 她是位庄重的中年妇女,有着一颗金子般的心。
 ☞ She is a sedate middle-aged woman and has a heart of gold.
应付 应付
1.deal with,指对人、对事采取应付的措施。
 ☞ 他是这里惟一能应付如此复杂局面的人选。
 ☞ He is the only candidate here to deal with complicated situations like this.
 ☞ 他去应付新闻界恐怕还嫩了点。
 ☞ He is too green to deal with the press, I'm afraid.
2.cope with,其意义等于deal successfully with,因此常与certainly, easily,well等搭配。
 ☞ 我们肯定能应付这些敌军,哪怕再多些也不在乎。
 ☞ We can certainly cope with these enemy forces, and even with larger ones.
 ☞ 他大概以为应付像我这样一个头脑简单的姑娘再容易不过了。
 ☞ He was probably thinking that it couldn't be easier to cope with a simple-minded girl like me.
  ■ 不过,cope with有时也可表示难以应付。但这种“难”也是从deal successfully with这点出发的难。
 ☞ 说实话,订单像潮水般地涌来,我们难以应付。
 ☞ To tell you the truth, we cannot cope with such a flood of orders.
3.make do (with),指凑合着应付。
 ☞ 这家客栈不是我们想要的那种,不过我们不得不应付一夜了。
 ☞ The inn isn't what we wanted, but we have to make do for the night.
 ☞ 当时许多的家庭收入微薄,不过总算也应付过来了。
 ☞ At that time many families managed to make do on very little income.
 ☞ 我这件旧大衣今年冬天还能应付。
 ☞ I'll make do with the old coat for this winter.
 ☞ 他给我们一声“哈罗”,那肯定是在应付。
 ☞ That was certainly a perfunctory "hello" he gave us.
 ☞ 他干什么总是采取应付态度。
 ☞ Whatever he does he always adopts a perfunctory attitude.
应当 应当
1.ought to, should,两者的意思相近,用来表示职责、义务或提出劝告。一般情况下可以换用。
 ☞ 我们应当去投票,即使我们不同意那些候选人。
 ☞ We ought to (should) vote even if we don't agree with any of the candidates.
 ☞ 你应当去看看那电影,是部好片。
 ☞ You should (ought to) go and see the film. It's a wonderful one.
  ■ 但是同时两者又有区别,ought to更多地反映客观要求,如义务、法律、规定等;而should谈的只是个人的主观看法。试比较:
 ☞ 我们应当在什么时候去看看她。
 ☞ We ought to (should) go and see her some time.
 (ought to指按理应当;should指个人认为应当,故两者均可用)
 ☞ 明天我们应当去看看她,但我认为我们不会去。
 ☞ We ought to go and see her tomorrow, but I don't think we will.(如果都用should,则表示自己想去又不想去,语义上有矛盾)
 ☞ 我放了新电池,因此收音机应当响了。
 ☞ I put in new batteries, so the radio ought to work.
 (如果用should表示个人认为应当,故不如用 ought to为好)
 ☞ 表现不好应当受罚。
 ☞ Bad behavior deserves punishment.
 ☞ 我感到人人都对我嗤之以鼻。我做了什么了应当受到这样的对待?
 ☞ I felt that everybody sneers at me. What have I done to deserve this?
应用 应用
 ☞ 一个人应用的单词大概只有他认识的1/3。
 ☞ A person probably uses only about a third as many words as he recognizes.
 ☞ 在直观教学中应用教具对孩子尤为重要。
 ☞ It is especially important for children to use aids in object teaching.
 ☞ 一个杰出的指挥员应善于应用各种战略战术。
 ☞ An outstanding commander should be good at using various strategies and tactics.
 ☞ 这样的耕作方法一般应用于地广人稀的地区。
 ☞ Methods of cultivation like this are usually used in vast but thinly populated areas.
 ☞ 解这道数学题,需要应用微积分。
 ☞ To solve the mathematical problem requires the use of calculus.
 ☞ 他把他的专业知识很好地应用到了工作中。
 ☞ He put his professional knowledge to good use in his job.
 ☞ 只有这样他们才能更好地把理论应用于实践。
 ☞ Only in this way can they better apply theory to practice.
 ☞ 科学上的新发现常常应用于工业生产方法上。
 ☞ New scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production methods.
 ☞ 这些技术还可应用于人体器官和组织。
 ☞ These techniques might be applied to human organs and tissues as well。
  ■ 有时即使在上下文里没有明确地指出把一物应用于另一物,但这种内涵仍然十分鲜明。
 ☞ 这样的设备体积大,在运输和应用上费用高。
 ☞ Such equipment is bulky and expensive both to transport and apply.
 ☞ 把法律应用于办案也是一门学问。
 ☞ The application of the law to a case is a branch of knowledge as well.
 ☞ 一个作家应善于遣词造句,并且知道在什么样的上下文里应用什么样的词句。
 ☞ A writer should be good at choosing words and building sentences and know what ones he might employ in a given context.
 ☞ 有些学生有满脑子的知识却不会应用。
 ☞ Some students are crammed full of knowledge, which they cannot employ.
4.utilize, utilization, 指在利用中应用。
 ☞ 应用宇宙开始论中的新概念来解释一些新发现是有道理的。
 ☞ It is justifiable to utilize the new concept of the beginning of the universe in the explanation of the new discoveries.
 ☞ 中国革命的确应用了马克思列宁主义原理。
 ☞ The Chinese Revolution did utilize the fundamental tenets of Marxism-Leninism.
 ☞ 计算机已越来越广泛地应用于各个领域。
 ☞ Computers have found an increasingly wide utilization in all fields.
应该 应该
 ☞ 我们一贯主张国家无论大小应该一律平等。
 ☞ We have always held that all countries in the world, big or small, should be equal.
 ☞ 事情就应该这样。
 ☞ This is as it should be.
 ☞ 你说这样的话可不应该。
 ☞ You shouldn't talk like this.
 ☞ 这时候他们应该到了。
 ☞ They should have arrived by this time.
2.ought to,指客观上或道义上要求应该,语气强于should。
 ☞ 讲座应该讲大家感兴趣,听得懂的东西。
 ☞ A lecture ought to be something which all can understand, about something which interests everybody.
 ☞ 我这样说了,并且认为应该这样说。
 ☞ I said so, and I think I ought to have said so.
 ☞ 难道你真的不相信这样的病人应该隔离吗?
 ☞ Don't you really believe that such patients ought to be isolated?
3.must, 指义务上和职务上的应该。语气比ought to更强,强调必须如此。
 ☞ 每个共产党员都应该懂得这个真理:“枪杆子里面出政权。”
 ☞ Every communist must grasp the truth: "Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun."
 ☞ 一旦许诺,就不应该违背,有多大的困难也要履行。
 ☞ A promise, once given, must not be broken, no matter how difficult it may be to fulfill it.
 ☞ 应该怎么样就怎么样!
 ☞ What must be,must be!
  ■ 但是must在表示揣测时,语气则要缓和得多。
 ☞ 现在是三点过一刻,这时候他应该在那里了。
 ☞ It's a quarter past three. He must be there by now.
 ☞ 我是经常碰到她的,她应该就住在这儿附近。
 ☞ I'm always running into her. She must live quite near here.
 ☞ 战俘应该受到人道待遇。
 ☞ Prisoners of war shall be given human treatment.
 ☞ 谁犯了法都应该受到惩罚。
 ☞ Whoever violates the law shall be punished.
 ☞ 每位竞争者都应该佩戴号码。
 ☞ Each competitor shall wear a number.
 ☞ 你应该求你的叔叔给你找个工作。
 ☞ You might ask your uncle for a job.
 ☞ 你借我的车子应该先问问我。
 ☞ You might ask before you borrow my car.
 ☞ 她本来就应该告诉我她要在外面过夜。
 ☞ She might have told me she was going to stay out for the night.
6.be supposed to,指认为应该,常用于肯定或疑问句里。
 ☞ 老天爷是怎么啦?5月份夏天应该来了呀。
 ☞ What's wrong with the weather? Summer is supposed to come during May.
 ☞ 现在他应该在干什么呢?
 ☞ What is he supposed to be doing now?
7.be expected to,指希望应该。
 ☞ 你们大一点的应该照顾小一点的。
 ☞ You older ones are expected to take care of the younger ones.
 ☞ 他给你送来点礼物,你应该喜欢。
 ☞ He sent you some sort of gift. You're expected to like it.
8.be bound to, 指由于受到某种义务的约束而应该。
 ☞ 干部应该关心群众,群众也一样应该关心干部。
 ☞ Cadres are bound to look after the masses, and the masses just as well bound to look after cadres.
 ☞ 我认为你应该把这件事告诉他。
 ☞ I think you're bound to tell him the matter.
 ☞ 这个地区应该有人记得他。
 ☞ There's bound to be someone in the district who remembers him.
9.incumbent on, 指道义上、职责上的应该,常与it is连用。
 ☞ 这种设备的用户都应该熟悉操作程序。
 ☞ It is incumbent on all users of this equipment to familiarize themselves with the operation procedure.
 ☞ 做父母的在其子女离家之前都应该有一番嘱咐。
 ☞ It is incumbent on parents to give an advice before their children leave home.
 ☞ 我们应该支援世界上一切被压迫的人民。
 ☞ It is incumbent on us to support all the oppressed peoples of the world.
10.behoove, 指在冥冥之中给了一种应该的责任,故常用作无人称动词,而由it作为主语。
 ☞ 强者应该帮助弱者。
 ☞ It behooves the strong to help the weak.
 ☞ 有关这个问题,我们应该多做了解。
 ☞ It behooves us to know as much as possible about this problem.
 ☞ 既然要光明正大,我们就不应该背着同志说坏话。
 ☞ If we are to be open and aboveboard, it behooves us not to speak ill behind comrades' back.
  ■ 但如果要直接否定behoove,则一般用ill或hardly,而不用not。
 ☞ 你是共青团员,不应该干那种事。
 ☞ It ill behooves you as a League member to do that.
 ☞ 我们当中最优秀的也有那么多的毛病,因此我们谁都不应该对别人说三道四。
 ☞ There is so much bad in the best of us that it hardly behooves any of us to make carping comments on the rest of us.
 ☞ 她是她们当中最好的,应该赢。
 ☞ She was the best among them and deserved to win.
 ☞ 在这种情况下,批评是应该的。
 ☞ The criticism is deserved in such a case.
 ☞ 好多问题在这本书里应该有一席之地,你为什么都略去不谈呢?
 ☞ Why have you omitted many questions, which deserve a place in the book?
12.want, 汉语口语中的“应该”在很多情况下只是一种需要,故常用此词。
 ☞ 你过马路应该小心。
 ☞ You want to be careful crossing streets.
 ☞ 你应该先考虑一下再放弃这样的机会。
 ☞ You want to think a bit before giving up a chance like this.
 ☞ 你不应该这么粗暴无礼。
 ☞ You don't want to be rude.
  "Comrades, this medal belongs here." And the chairman laid her hand on his chest.
 ☞ 这笔开支应该归到办公费这一项里。
 ☞ This item of expenditure belongs under the head of office expenses.
 ☞ 我拒绝去国外,我应该在这里。
 ☞ I refuse to go abroad. I belong here.
废除 废除
1.abolish(书面用语),do away with(口头用语),侧重制度、法令、习俗、做法等的废除。
 ☞ 只有废除资本主义制度才有可能消灭贫穷、失业和战争。
 ☞ Only when capitalism has been abolished will it be possible to abolish poverty, unemployment and war.
 ☞ 世界上的奴隶制度都已彻底废除了吗?
 ☞ Has slavery been completely abolished in the world?
 ☞ 新西兰于1941年废除了谋杀罪的死刑。
 ☞ New Zealand abolished the death penalty for murder in 1941.
 ☞ 禁令已于去年废除。
 ☞ Prohibition was abolished last year.
 ☞ 有不少坏的习俗与坏法律应当予以废除。
 ☞ There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.
 ☞ 当务之急是废除注入式教学。
 ☞ The task of top priority is to abolish the cramming method of teaching.
 ☞ 解放后,我国立法机构废除了不少陈旧不堪的法律。
 ☞ After liberation our state legislature has done away with many obsolete laws.
 ☞ 他要他们废除这种野蛮的习俗。
 ☞ He wanted them to do away with this barbarous custom.
 ☞ 不合理的规章制度应该予以废除。
 ☞ Unreasonable rules and regulations ought to be done away with.
 ☞ 他们都同意废除特权。
 ☞ They all agreed that privileges must be done away with.
 ☞ 繁琐的礼节都已废除。
 ☞ Tedious formalities have been done away with.
 ☞ 他们已废除了我校的体罚。
 ☞ They have done away with corporal punishment in our school.
 ☞ 如果政府废除一条法律,那它就不成其为法律了。
 ☞ If the government repeals a law, it ceases to be a law.
 ☞ 国会废除了几项反对新教徒的法令。
 ☞ Parliament repealed several of the statutes made against Protestants.
 ☞ 美国宪法通过了第二十一修正案,也就废除了第十八修正案。
 ☞ The eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was repealed when the Twenty-first Amendment was passed.
 ☞ 不符合人民利益的法律都应予以废除。
 ☞ Laws not in keeping with the interests of the people should be repealed.
 ☞ 中国人民经过长期斗争终于废除了一切不平等条约。
 ☞ The Chinese people finally have abrogated all unequal treaties by waging a protracted struggle.
 ☞ 我们不准备因此废除已确定的价值标准。
 ☞ We are not thereby called upon to abrogate the values that are fixed.
 ☞ 这一法律已由议会废除。
 ☞ This law has been abrogated by the parliament.
 ☞ 这一法令是在10年前通过的,现已废除。
 ☞ The act had been passed 10 years before, but it was now annulled.
 ☞ 议案是10年前通过的,不过现在已经废除。
 ☞ The bill had been passed 10 years before, but it was now annulled.
延续 延续
 ☞ 不能让这种事态延续下去。
 ☞ This state of affairs must not be allowed to continue.
 ☞ 战斗延续到夜幕降临。
 ☞ The battle continued until night fell.
 ☞ 等旱象延续到五月,农民就着急起来了。
 ☞ When the signs of drought continued into May, peasants became concerned.
 ☞ 地震延续了3天。
 ☞ The earthquake lasted for three days.
 ☞ 她问护士她的痛苦要延续多久。
 ☞ She asked the nurse how long her agony must last.
 ☞ 这里没有春天,或者说春季的天气只能延续几天。
 ☞ There is no spring here, or the spring weather lasts only a few days.
 ☞ 我们与该公司的合同会再延续两年。
 ☞ Our contract with that company will run for another two years.
 ☞ 合同还要再延续两年。
 ☞ The contract has two more years to run.
延缓(延期) 延缓(延期)
  ■ “延缓”与“延期”是一对同义词,“延缓”是指放慢行动,而“延期”则指推迟日期。
 ☞ 医生是有意延缓给他拔蛀牙的。
 ☞ The dentist purposely delayed having his decayed tooth pulled.
 ☞ 飞机延期到天气放晴才飞。
 ☞ The plane delayed its flight until the weather cleared.
 ☞ 如果说延期超过一周,我们就不等了。
 ☞ We won't wait if it means delaying more than a week.
 ☞ 在目前情况下,我们不得不延缓讨论你的提议。
 ☞ Under the present circumstances we have to defer discussing your proposal.
 ☞ 钙的这种明显作用与某些激素能延缓衰老的方式相类似。
 ☞ Calcium apparently acts in a similar manner as some of the hormones that defer senescence.
 ☞ 发货照常,不过你付款可以延期。
 ☞ The delivery of goods is as usual, however, you may get your payment deferred.
 ☞ 储蓄的定义是延缓了的消费。
 ☞ Savings is defined as postponed consumption.
 ☞ 他决定延期到第二天再打电话到派出所。
 ☞ He decided to postpone calling the local police station until the next day.
 ☞ 音乐会已延期至下星期六。
 ☞ The concert has been postponed until next Saturday.
4.put off,没有postpone正式,常用于口语。
 ☞ 这个手术可以延绥几天再做。
 ☞ The operation can be put off for a few days.
 ☞ 他们本来打算上星期天来看我们,可因为那天我们碰巧另外有事,只好打电话要他们延期到下星期六。
 ☞ They were to have visited us last Sunday, but as we happened to be otherwise engaged that day, we had to telephone to put them off till next Saturday.
 ☞ 比赛因雨延期。
 ☞ The game was put off on account of rain.
 ☞ 罢工只会延缓我们国家的经济建设。
 ☞ Strikes only serve to retard our country's economic construction.
 ☞ 孤独常会延缓孩子智力上的发育。
 ☞ Solitude often retards children's mental development.
 ☞ 我们已经办理了签证延期。
 ☞ We have had our visas extended.
 ☞ 假期本来只限于8月,现在已延期至9月。
 ☞ The holiday period was confined to August only. Now it extends into September.
延长 延长
 ☞ 加了一场戏,这个剧就延长了10分钟。
 ☞ Adding a scene lengthened the play by ten minutes.
 ☞ 自上个世纪以来,人的平均寿命延长了20多年。
 ☞ The average life span has been lengthened by more than twenty years since the last century.
 ☞ 铁路由于额外修建了一段而得以延长。
 ☞ The railway was lengthened by building an extra section.
 ☞ 他又延长了一周的假期。
 ☞ He extended (lengthened) his vacation for another week.
 ☞ 警方延长了她的签证,于是她又在广州待了一个星期。
 ☞ The police extended her visa and she stayed one more week in Guangzhou.
 ☞ 由于两位政治家间的会谈已几乎达成协议,故又延长了一天。
 ☞ The negotiation between the two politicians was extended by another day as they had nearly reached agreement.
 ☞ 今年持续的暖流把生长季节延长了快一个月。
 ☞ The lasting warm current this year has extended the growing season almost a month.
 ☞ 我军把供应线延长了5公里。
 ☞ Our army extended its supply line for 5 kilometers.
  ■ 与此同时,extend还可用于面的扩大,这时不能用lengthen替代。如:
 ☞ We extended the definition so as to include that usage.(扩大)
 ☞ A bird extends its wings when soaring.(展开)
 ☞ 有些人想尽法子要找到一个延长生命的办法。
 ☞ Some people have tried every possible way to find a means of prolonging life.
 ☞ 我不得不把逗留的时间再延长一周。
 ☞ I had to prolong my stay for another week.
 ☞ 由于许多讲话像臭婆娘的裹脚布又臭又长,所以授奖典礼延长了。
 ☞ The awards ceremony was protracted by many speeches like slattern's long and smelly foot-bindings.
 ☞ 这次讨论咱们还是不延长为好,我们该说的都说了。
 ☞ We had better not protract this discussion. What we ought to say has been said.
建立 建立
 ☞ 我们已经筹集了40万美元来建立这个医学院。
 ☞ We have raised$400,000 to found the college of medicine.
 ☞ 巴浦洛夫的条件反射学是建立在实验基础之上的。
 ☞ Pavlov's theory of conditioned reflex was founded on experiments.
  ■ 此外,be founded on还有“建立在…基础上”的意思。如:
 ☞ 这座混凝土坝是建立在基岩上的。
 ☞ The concrete dam was founded on bedrock.
 ☞ 空想家乔治·里普利创立了“布鲁克农庄”作为公社生活的实验,但他没能建立起来。
 ☞ Utopian George Ripley founded Brook Farm as an experiment in community living but he failed to establish it.
 ☞ 我们学院是在创办数年之后才建立起来的。
 ☞ Our college was not established until some years after the date of its founding.
  ■ 因此,凡是建立后能长期存在的事物都可与之搭配。
 ☞ 世界上大多数国家现在都已同中国建立了外交关系。
 ☞ Now most of the countries in the world have established diplomatic relations with China.
 ☞ 达尔文建立了进化论。
 ☞ Charles Darwin established the theory of evolution.
 ☞ 新的社会制度刚刚建立还需要一个巩固的时间。
 ☞ The new social system has only just been established and requires time for its consolidation.
 ☞ 我国政府建立了消费者保护协会。
 ☞ Our government has instituted a consumer protection agency.
 ☞ 从那时开始,所有领导机关都分别建立了党委会议制度。
 ☞ From then on, a system of Party committee meetings was respectively instituted in all leading bodies.
 ☞ 美国公立学校的午餐制是在1946年建立起来的。
 ☞ The National School Lunch Program in the U.S.A.
 ☞ was instituted in 1946.
 ☞ 中国必须建立强大的国防,必须建立强大的经济, 这是两件大事。
 ☞ China must build a powerful national defense force and a powerful economy. These are two tasks of major importance.
 ☞ 经过多年勤奋的工作我们才建立了这一事业。
 ☞ We built this business with years of hard work.
  ■ build后接on,指建立于…之上。
 ☞ 我们国家一定要建立在经济平等,政治民主的基础之上。
 ☞ Our state must be built on economic equality and political democracy.
 ☞ 一个崭新的社会制度已在旧制度的基础上建立起来。
 ☞ A brand-new social system has been built on the site of the old.
  ■ build up,指建立起来。
 ☞ 我们努力工作以建立两国人民之间的友谊。
 ☞ We worked hard to build up the friendship between the two peoples.
 ☞ 威信是逐步建立的。
 ☞ Prestige is built up gradually.
 ☞ 现在,我国许多工厂都是由自己的专家自行设计建立的。
 ☞ Now many of our factories are constructed from designs made by our own experts.
 ☞ 政府在黄河上建立了一系列的水坝以满足灌溉及发电的需要。
 ☞ The government has constructed a series of dams on the Yellow River to meet the needs of irrigation and power generation.
 ☞ 在天安门广场建立了宏伟的纪念碑以纪念人民英雄。
 ☞ A magnificent monument has been erected in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people's heroes.
 ☞ 工地上建立起了一个个新的蒸馏塔。
 ☞ On the construction site new distilling columns are erected one after another.
7.set up,此词外延广泛,但内涵笼统,因此一般可与以上各词换用,但却无上述各词的特点。
 ☞ 大会建立了一个专门委员会对此事进行调查。
 ☞ The congress set up (established)a special committee to investigate the matter.
 ☞ 我们一定要建立一个完整的现代工业体系。
 ☞ We'll certainly set up (institute)a complete modern industrial system.
8.based on,指“以…为基础”。
 ☞ 他的理论是在一个错误的前提下建立起来的。
 ☞ His theory is based on a mistaken premise.
 ☞ 有关地热条件的实验都是建立在测量原始岩体温度的基础上的。
 ☞ Experiments on the geothermal conditions are based on measurements of original rock temperatures.
 ☞ 他们建立工会以便为大多数工人谋利益。
 ☞ They formed a trade union to work for the interests of the vast majority of workers.
 ☞ 抗日期间为了抗击日本军队而建立了统一战线。
 ☞ A united front was formed to fight against the Japanese troops during the Anti Japanese War.
 ☞ 他们正在为建立新的社会秩序而斗争。
 ☞ They are struggling to create a new social order.
 ☞ 政府建立了一个新的农业机构。
 ☞ The government has created a new agency for agriculture.
 ☞ 我们确信你和你的部下将建立不朽的功勋。
 ☞ We are sure that you and your men will perform a deed of lasting fame.
 ☞ 细菌系统中的运输活性是通过膜蛋白建立起来的。
 ☞ In bacterial systems transport activities are performed by membrane proteins.
建议 建议
 ☞ 他的报告建议继续调查。
 ☞ His report suggested a further investigation.
 ☞ 医生建议我多做点户外活动。
 ☞ The doctor suggested I should have more outdoor exercise.
 ☞ 我叔叔建议我在银行里找份工作。
 ☞ My uncle suggested me getting a job in a bank. 或 My uncle suggested that I should get a job in a bank.
  ■ 但下面的句子除了在非正式的口语中使用外,至少在目前尚不被认可。
 ☞ My uncle suggested me to get a job in a bank.
 ☞ 这一问题因在党委会上议而不决,他建议再开一次会。
 ☞ He proposed another meeting because the problem was discussed without a decision at the party committee meeting.
 ☞ 我们讨论好半天了,我建议休息半小时。
 ☞ We have had the discussion for long. Now I propose resting for half an hour.
 ☞ 既然有了会议的决议,我建议今晚就开始。
 ☞ Now that we have the decision of the meeting, I propose to begin tonight.
 ☞ 由于争论不休,我们建议休会。
 ☞ We propose that the meeting be adjourned due to endless debate.
 ☞ 我决定接受双方都能接受的建议。
 ☞ I have decided to accept the proposal which would be accepted by both sides.
 ☞ 我建议由我代表贵公司立即采取行动。
 ☞ I advise my immediate action on behalf of your firm.
 ☞ 他建议等到她来。
 ☞ He advised waiting till she came.
 ☞ 我建议他呆在家里。
 ☞ I advise that he be at home.
 ☞ 你有什么建议的?
 ☞ Have you anything you can recommend?
 ☞ 他建议我买辆新自行车。
 ☞ He recommend me buying a new bike.
 ☞ 工人们建议机器应该大修了。
 ☞ The workers recommended that the machine should be overhauled.
5.refer... to... ,指向权威,书本请教的建议。
 ☞ 医生建议我去请教眼科专家。
 ☞ The doctor referred me to a oculist.
 ☞ 我老师建议我去请教词典。
 ☞ My teacher referred me to a dictionary.
建设 建设
1.build (up),指建造性的建设。
 ☞ 我们正在建设有中国特色的社会主义。
 ☞ We are building socialism with distinct Chinese characteristics.
 ☞ 我们在建设我们国家的事业中取得了巨大的成就。
 ☞ We have achieved great successes in the cause of building up our country.
2.construct, construction,指构造性的建设。
 ☞ 那段时间正在建设南昆铁路。
 ☞ The Nanning-Kunming Railway was being constructed in that period.
 ☞ 建设这样一座大桥大概需要两年时间。
 ☞ It takes about two years to construct a large bridge like that.
 ☞ 他建议由我来承担新楼的建设。
 ☞ He suggested that I should undertake the construction of the new building.
 ☞ 中国人民解放军的特点之一就是加强连队建设。
 ☞ One of the characteristics of PLA is to strengthen the Army at company level.
 ☞ 党的思想建设及组织建设都已加强。
 ☞ The Party has been strengthened both ideologically and organizationally.
 ☞ 改革开放以后城乡建设竟然统一起来了。
 ☞ After the reform and opening to the outside world the urban and rural development has unexpectedly been coordinated.
 ☞ 大大加快思想建设是刻不容缓的事。
 ☞ Greatly accelerating the ideological education is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 作风建设的重要性怎么强调也不会过分。
 ☞ You cannot overestimate the importance of cultivation of a fine work style.
开刀 开刀
1.operate (on), have (perform) an operation,指动手术。
 ☞ 你越早开刀越安全。
 ☞ The sooner we operate the safer you'll be.
 ☞ 医生给孩子的喉部开了刀,救了他一命。
 ☞ The doctor operated on the boy's throat and saved his life.
 ☞ 孩子的一叶病肺刚开过刀。
 ☞ The child has just had an operation for a diseased lung.
 ☞ 医生给孩子的一叶病肺开了刀。
 ☞ The doctor performed an operation on the child for a diseased lung.
2.“开刀”的其他译法。make the first target of attack,指成了下手的对象;make an example of,指惩一儆百。
 ☞ 他们先向宣传部长开刀。
 ☞ They made the minister of propaganda the first target of attack.
 ☞ 那么多学生迟到,因此我们得拿明天迟到的学生开刀。
 ☞ So many pupils come late to school that we must make an example of those who come late tomorrow.
开创 开创
 ☞ 我们储蓄,纯粹是为了开创事业。
 ☞ We saved simply in order to start our business 这一成功开创了他的记者生涯。
 ☞ This success started his career as a newsman.
2.open up,强调打开新局面。
 ☞ 中国的改革开创了经济发展新前景。
 ☞ The reform in China has opened up new prospects in economic development.
 ☞ 爱因斯坦的广义相对论为物理研究开创了新纪元。
 ☞ Einstein's general theory of relativity opened up a new era for the study of physics.
 ☞ 这种散文形式是他开创的。
 ☞ It was he who created this prose form.
 ☞ 经济改革开创了新局面。
 ☞ The economic reform has created a new situation.
4.usher in,强调迎来。
 ☞ 十月革命开创了人类社会的新纪元。
 ☞ The October Revolution ushered in a new epoch in human society.
 ☞ 我们希望开创一个更加安全、稳定、和平和公正的国际秩序。
 ☞ We hope to usher in a more secure, stable, peaceful and equitable international world order.
 ☞ 希腊人开创了力学这门科学。
 ☞ The Greek initiated the science of mechanics.
 ☞ 随着改革开放的进展,开创了社会新风尚。
 ☞ With the progress of reform and opening to the outside world a new social custom has been initiated.
 ☞ 老一代革命者开创的事业将由新一代领导人继承下去。
 ☞ The cause pioneered by the revolutionaries of the old generation will be carried on by the leadership of the new generation.
 ☞ 他由于进行了一些开创性的实验而闻名世界。
 ☞ He became world-known for the pioneering experiment that he performed.
 ☞ 他开创了双线性对称形式的光谱理论。
 ☞ He inaugurated the spectral theory of bilinear symmetric forms.
 ☞ 有识之士都认为科学已开创了一个新纪元。
 ☞ People with breadth of vision feel that science has inaugurated a new era.
开动 开动
1.start, 指起动、发动。
 ☞ 火车开动了。
 ☞ The train is starting.
 ☞ 我们花了好长时间才把机器开动起来。
 ☞ It took a long time before we could start the machine.
2.set in motion,指使之运转。
 ☞ 朝你的方向拉把手就可开动电动机。
 ☞ Pull the handle towards you to set the motor in motion.
 ☞ 这一消息立刻使宣传机器开动起来。
 ☞ The news instantly set the propaganda machinery in motion.
 ☞ 你们要是有脑子,就该开动起来。
 ☞ You have to use your brains if you have them.
 ☞ 想想这词的意思,姑娘们。开功你们的想像力。
 ☞ Think of the meanings of the word, girls. Use your imaginations.
4.march, move,指行军。
 ☞ 希特勒跟拿破仑一模一样,开动军队到了莫斯科, 然后遭到了同样可耻的失败。
 ☞ Just like Napoleon, Hitler marched his army to Moscow and met with the same ignominious defeat.
 ☞ 队伍休息了一会儿又开动了。
 ☞ The troops were on the move again after a short rest.
开发 开发
 ☞ 我厂开发了新产品,打开了新局面。
 ☞ Our factory has developed new products, thus opened up a new prospect.
 ☞ 为开发山区我们能做点什么?
 ☞ What can we do in order to develop mountain areas?
 ☞ 我们在开发和推广科技成果方面有了良好的开端。
 ☞ We have a good beginning in developing and disseminating research findings.
 ☞ 他谈了许多有关儿童智力开发的话。
 ☞ He talked about much of children's mental development.
2.exploit, exploitation, tap,指利用自然资源。
 ☞ 我们在开发沿海石油方面已初见成效。
 ☞ We have achieved initial success in exploiting offshore oil deposits.
 ☞ 我国西部有丰富的自然资源有待于开发。
 ☞ In west China there are rich natural resources which are to be exploited.
 ☞ 我区已知有多种矿产,但相对而言开发得不多。
 ☞ Mineral resources are known to exist in our area, but there has been relatively little exploitation.
 ☞ 我们正通过人工养殖来开发水产资源。
 ☞ We're tapping aquatic resources through artificial aquiculture.
 ☞ 许多国家都想尽办法来开发新能源。
 ☞ Many countries are seeking every possible way to tap new sources of energy.
3.open up,指开辟。
 ☞ 消息传来,我们在塔克拉玛干沙漠又开发了新油田。
 ☞ The news came that we opened up another new oilfield in the Taklimakan Desert.
 ☞ 我们决定开发当地资源来扶持贫困地区。
 ☞ We have decided to open up the local resources to aid the poor areas.
开始 开始
 ☞ 冰开始化了。
 ☞ The ice began (started) to melt.
 ☞ 我正开始做早点。
 ☞ I'm beginning (starting) to cook the breakfast 她是去年冬天开始滑雪的。
 ☞ She began (started) skiing last winter.
  ■ 但是如果在句中上述区别明显时,则不可换用。
 ☞ 会议将于星期一开始,并于星期四结束。
 ☞ The conference will begin on Monday and end on Thursday.(不用start)
 ☞ 谈话开始后中断了,然后在一阵难堪的停顿之后又重新开始。
 ☞ The conversation started and stopped, then and after an embarrassing pause, it started again, (不用begin)
  ■ 由于以上明显的差异,故begin还暗示从开始到结束的整个缓慢的延续过程,而start则强调由静到动后的第一个短暂行动。
 ☞ 他开始攻读博士学位的几门课程。
 ☞ He began some courses of study leading to doctorate.
 ☞ 我们是在工人体育场开始马拉松赛的。
 ☞ We started our Marathon race from the Workers' Stadium.(不用begin)
  ■ 由于同样的原因,begin还可表示开始后的延续过程,start则表示开始的瞬间行为。
 ☞ 经过一年的体力劳动,他的身体开始好转。
 ☞ After a year's manual labor his health began to improve。(最好不用start)
 ☞ 咱们马上开始收拾房间吧。
 ☞ Let's start tidying up the room right now.(最好不用 begin)
  ■ 正是由于这种差异,我们上面提到可以互换的句子,事实上其含义仍有细微的差别。如:
 ☞ 她是去年夏天开始游泳的。
 ☞ She began swimming last summer.(强调游泳开始于去年夏天,而现在还游)
 ☞ 她去年夏天才开始游泳。
 ☞ She started swimming last summer.(强调去年夏天以前她是不游泳的,至于去年夏天以后游不游并不重要)
  ■ 此外,begin后不接from,但start后则可以。如:
 ☞ 比赛是从体育场开始的。
 ☞ The race started from the stadium.
  ■ 下面都是用begin不用from的译例。
 ☞ 我今天就从这本书开始。
 ☞ I shall begin with this book today.
 ☞ 旅行是从上海开始到北京结束。
 ☞ The journey begins at Shanghai and ends at Beijing.
 ☞ 会议将从星期一开始。
 ☞ The conference will begin on Monday.(最好不用 from)
  ■ 还应注意的一点是begin和start都是瞬间动词,当句中有表示时间延续的状语时,就不能再用begin或start。如:
 ☞ 我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始10分钟了。
 ☞ When we got to the cinema, the film had already been on for ten minutes.
 ☞ 英语课已经开始半小时了。
 ☞ The English class has been going on for half an hour.
 ☞ 商店已开始营业半小时了。
 ☞ The shop has been open for half an hour.
  ■ 同样道理,如果句中有了表示瞬间时刻的状语,而动词又是延续性的,则翻译时即使没有“开始”两字,仍需用begin或start。如:
 ☞ 3点钟开始下的雨。
 ☞ It began (started) to rain at three o'clock.(不能说 It rained at three o'clock)
  ■ at the beginning和in the beginning几乎没有区别。
 ☞ 开始的时候,遇到的困难最大。
 ☞ It is at the beginning that the greatest difficulty is encountered.
 ☞ 开始你会觉得相当困难,但很快就会习惯。
 ☞ You will think it rather difficult in the beginning, but you will soon get accustomed.
  ■ 但谈到世界的开始却一定要用in the beginning。
 ☞ 地球开始时,没有人类,没有动物,没有植物。
 ☞ In the beginning there were no men nor animals nor plants on the earth.
  ■ 除此之外,begin有时还用一般现在时表示将来的事情。如:
 ☞ 该剧下周开始上演。
 ☞ The play begins next week.
 ☞ 选举以后,新政府开始了银行国有化。
 ☞ After the election, the new government commenced nationalizing the banks.
 ☞ 鲁迅于1918年出版了他的第一部短篇小说《狂人日记》,开始了他的文学生涯。
 ☞ Lu Xun commenced his literary career by publishing his first short story A Mad Man's Diary in 1918.
 ☞ 典礼将于下午3点开始。
 ☞ The ceremony will commence at 3 p.m.
 ☞ 开始经济改革的是邓小平。
 ☞ It was Deng Xiaoping who initiated the economic reform.
 ☞ 我国政府开始了一场要在本世纪末消灭血吸虫病的群众运动。
 ☞ The Chinese government has initiated a mass campaign to wipe out snail fever at the end of this century.
 ☞ 司机顶起汽车,然后开始更换轮胎。
 ☞ The driver jacked up the car and then proceeded to change the tire.
 ☞ 大家坐定以后主席开始宣布他的计划。
 ☞ After everyone was seated, the chairman proceeded to announce his plan.
5.come into,指开始进人某种状态。
 ☞ 新章程什么时候开始实行?
 ☞ When does the new regulation come into force?
 ☞ 修改过的刑法将于明年开始生效。
 ☞ The revised criminal law comes into effect next year.
6.come to, 指开始达到某种程度。
 ☞ 许多同志开始懂得基础理论在自然科学研究中的重要意义。
 ☞ Many comrades have come to realize the significance of basic theory in the study of natural science.
 ☞ 我们到了星期四才开始实质性问题的讨论。
 ☞ We didn't come to the discussion of the substantive questions until Thursday.
 ☞ 由于电子计算机的发明,人类开始了一个新时代。
 ☞ With the invention of computers a new age of mankind is dawning.
 ☞ 非洲开始了一个新纪元。
 ☞ A new era dawned in Africa.
8.launch, 指具有发动性质的开始。
 ☞ 在精心策划的反攻开始之前真是度日如年。
 ☞ Before the carefully calculated counterattack is launched the days drag on really like years.
 ☞ 政府已开始了建造更多住宅的新计划。
 ☞ The government has launched a new plan to build more houses.
开导 开导
1.enlighten, 指使之明白。
 ☞ 他是个孩子,不懂吃东西前要洗手,我来开导他。
 ☞ As a child he doesn't know why we wash before eating. I will enlighten him.
 ☞ 我走进房间时,我姑妈显然一直在开导我妻子。
 ☞ When I walked into the room, it was obvious that my aunt had been enlightening my wife.
2.straighten out,指理顺错误的思想、做法等。
 ☞ 他一时想不通,你能设法开导开导他吗?
 ☞ He hasn't come round yet. Could you try and straighten him out?
 ☞ 他答应以后又不想去了吗?别着急,我去开导他。
 ☞ Is he refusing to go after all promise7 Don't worry. I'll straighten him out.
3.bring along, 指帮助、教育。
 ☞ 孩子有缺点,要耐心开导。
 ☞ The child has some faults, try to bring him along patiently.
 ☞ 既然你在帮他,你就得一点一点地开导他。
 ☞ Since you're helping him, you have to bring him along little by little.
开展 开展
1.start (out),指开始开展。
 ☞ 他提议在各班之间开展友谊竞赛。
 ☞ He proposed that a friendly emulation drive be started among the different classes.
 ☞ 党组织在库区移民中间广泛开展了再安置的政治思想工作。
 ☞ The Party organization started out on extensive political and ideological work among the peasants in the reservoir region to be resettled.
 ☞ 在妇女儿童中开展了各种活动。
 ☞ Various activities were developed among women and children.
 ☞ 我们地区每年都开展城乡贸易。
 ☞ In our district rural-urban trade is developed every year.
 ☞ 我厂开展了增产节约运动并取得很好的效果。
 ☞ Our factory launched a movement for increasing production and practicing economy and achieved good results.
 ☞ 我们都是自愿开展劳动竞赛的。
 ☞ We all volunteer to launch a labor emulation drive.
4.carry out,指进行性质的开展。
 ☞ 在党委内部开展批评与自我批评已成为一种风气。
 ☞ It has become the regular practice in the Party committee to carry out criticism and self-criticism.
 ☞ 人大与政府各部门应经常开展协商与对话。
 ☞ Consultations and dialogues must be often carried out between the National People's Congress and various government departments.
 ☞ 妇女有充分的权利开展与大男子主义的斗争。
 ☞ Women have a full right to unfold the struggle against male chauvinism.
 ☞ 现在的党内整风就是开展学习邓小平理论的活动。
 ☞ The present rectification within the Party is to unfold a movement of the study of Deng Xiaoping Theory.
6.under way, 指在开展之中。
 ☞ 看样子,这场斗争也许可以开展起来。
 ☞ It seems that the struggle may now be able to get under way.
 ☞ 为希望工程筹款的活动已开展起来了。
 ☞ The campaign to raise funds for the Project Hope is already under way.
7.in full swing,指全面展开。
 ☞ 期终考试的准备工作已全面开展。
 ☞ Preparations for the final examinations are in full swing.
 ☞ 似乎一切都在开展之中。
 ☞ Everything seemed to be in full swing.
开放 开放
1.open to, open up,指与原来关闭相对的开放。
 ☞ 新建港口已向外轮开放。
 ☞ The new port has been opened to foreign ships.
 ☞ 昆明是一个向外国人开放的城市。
 ☞ Kunming is a city open to foreigners.
 ☞ 星期日图书馆跟平时一样照常向公众开放。
 ☞ The library is open to the public on Sunday as well as on weekdays.
 ☞ 我国的政策不是收,而是继续开放,更加开放。
 ☞ China will continue its policy of opening to the outside world on a broader scale, rather than back away from it.
 ☞ 中国要进一步扩大开放范围。
 ☞ China will further expand the scope of its opened-up area.
2.lift, remove,指与原来限制相对的开放。
 ☞ 除了武器以外,一切商品的禁运都已开放。
 ☞ The embargo on all commodities has been lifted (removed) except weapons.
 ☞ 这一价格甚至在阿拉伯国家开放石油禁运以后仍保持不变。
 ☞ This price remained unchanged even after the Arab oil embargo was lifted.
3.bloom, blossom,指花朵开放。
 ☞ 百花开放,争奇斗艳。
 ☞ Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of color.
 ☞ 这花要太阳出来才开放。
 ☞ The flower blossoms only when the sun comes out.
开朗 开朗
1.clear up, 指脸色或表情开朗。
 ☞ 大家听到这个好消息,脸色都开朗起来。
 ☞ Everybody's face cleared up as they heard the good news.
 ☞ 他一读文件表情就开朗了。
 ☞ His expression had cleared up as soon as he read the document.
2.in a cheerful (bright等)mood, 指心情开朗。
 ☞ 今晚上她的心情似乎特别开朗。
 ☞ Tonight she seems to be in an especially cheerful mood.
 ☞ 几小时后,她的心情开朗了一点。
 ☞ A few hours later she was in a bit of brighter mood.
3.a cheerful(bright等)disposition,指性格开朗。
 ☞ 你以前见过这样性格开朗的人吗?
 ☞ Did you ever meet anyone with such a cheerful disposition?
 ☞ 她是个性格开朗的姑娘。
 ☞ She is a girl of bright disposition.
 ☞ 我始终相信要思想开朗。
 ☞ I always believe in being broad-minded.
 ☞ 他本人并不坏,但思想不够开朗。
 ☞ He is not bad himself, but he is not open-minded enough.
1) 指思想上豁然开朗。
 ☞ 他的一席话使我豁然开朗。
 ☞ What he said enlightened me suddenly.
 ☞ 我是通过学习历史才豁然开朗的。
 ☞ I achieved sudden enlightenment through the study of history.
 ☞ 这个问题困扰了我多少年,想不到竟豁然开朗。
 ☞ The problem has baffled me for years. Who would have thought that I realized what it meant in a moment?
 ☞ 正当我感到前途茫然时,他的几本书使我豁然开朗。
 ☞ While I was feeling the future was bleak a few of his books brought me to the light in an instant.
2) 指景色上豁然开朗。
 ☞ 我们在密林中穿行约数百米后便豁然开朗。
 ☞ We pushed ourselves through the thick forest for a few hundred meters and then reached an open space all of a sudden.
 ☞ 太阳出来时,四周的景色也豁然开朗。
 ☞ The scene around us brightened immediately when the sun broke out.
 ☞ 我们走出山谷时才发觉眼前豁然开朗。
 ☞ We walked out of the mountain valley only to find a vast panorama suddenly stretching before us.
 ☞ 我们登上矗立在山顶上高高的佛塔之后,眼前豁然开朗。
 ☞ A glorious sight burst in on the view before us after we had ascended the tall Buddhist pagoda towering aloft on the top of the mountain.
开花 开花
 ☞ 山坡上的花儿到处都在开花。
 ☞ The flowers are blooming everywhere on the hillside.
 ☞ 木兰要开花了。
 ☞ The magnolias are beginning to bloom.
 ☞ 玫瑰正在开花。
 ☞ The roses are in bloom now.
 ☞ 这些果树都在春天开花。
 ☞ The fruit trees blossom in the spring.
 ☞ 桃树在开花了。
 ☞ The peach trees are in blossom.
 ☞ 樱桃树下个月开花。
 ☞ The cherry trees will flower next month.
  ■ 这也是英国英语的用法,美国英语的用法则比较随便。
开辟 开辟
 ☞ 我们组在丛林中开辟了500亩地。
 ☞ Our team cleared 500 mu of land in the jungle.
 ☞ 他们用斧子开辟出一条穿过森林的小道。
 ☞ They used axes to clear a path through the forest.
 ☞ 我们得开辟出一条上山的路来。
 ☞ We have to hew our way up the hill.
 ☞ 他知道他的安全就像开辟在山坡上的藏身之地一样,随时都会滑动。
 ☞ He is aware that his safety, like a hiding place hewn in the side of the mountain, will go into a slide at any moment.
3.blaze, 原指在无人走过的地方标出记号以免迷路,后常用于转意“开辟新路”。
 ☞ 火箭的制造开辟了一条通向外层空间的道路。
 ☞ The building of rockets blazed a trail to outer space.
 ☞ 我们正在开辟一条有中国特色的社会主义道路。
 ☞ We are blazing a road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.
 ☞ 该报新近开辟了一个评论专栏,既能提供信息,又有教育意义。
 ☞ Recently the newspaper has started an opinion column which is both informative and instructive.
 ☞ 这张唱片为这位青年歌手开辟了一条明星之路。
 ☞ The record started the young singer on the road to stardom.
 ☞ 这时候,斯大林正在敦促罗斯福开辟第二战场。
 ☞ In the meantime Stalin was urging Roosevelt to open the second front.
 ☞ 机械化为农业的技术工种开辟了道路。
 ☞ Mechanization opens the way for skilled jobs in agriculture.
6.open up,指开拓。
 ☞ 航天飞机将开辟多种空间用途。
 ☞ The space shuttle will open up many uses of space.
 ☞ 政府正在开辟新区以安置库区移民。
 ☞ The government is opening up new areas for settlement of peasants from the reservoir region.
7.set up,指建立。
 ☞ 八路军奉命开赴敌后,开辟革命根据地。
 ☞ The Eighth Route Army received orders to penetrate into the enemy's rear areas to set up revolutionary bases.
 ☞ 我们可以专门为你在报上开辟一个专栏。
 ☞ We can set up a special column in the newspaper especially for you.
 ☞ 我们应该开辟多种商品流通渠道,以搞活经济。
 ☞ We should explore more avenues for commodity circulation in order to enliven the economy.
 ☞ 你们应当用各种办法来开辟财源。
 ☞ You ought to try every possible way to explore sources of revenue.
9.usher in, 指带来、迎来。
 ☞ 只有推翻旧制度,我们才能开辟新纪元。
 ☞ Only by overthrowing the old system can we usher in a new era.
 ☞ 是改革开辟了现在的体制。
 ☞ It is the reform that has ushered in the present regime.
开采 开采
 ☞ 开采煤炭就是把地下的煤挖出来。
 ☞ To mine coal is to dig out coal below the earth's surface.
 ☞ 我国去年开采多少黄金?
 ☞ How much gold did China mine last year?
 ☞ 冶金工业要求从地下开采越来越多的矿石。
 ☞ The metallurgical industry demands that more and more ore be extracted from the earth.
 ☞ 我们开发了一种新的工艺流程来开采页岩中的石油。
 ☞ We have developed a new technological process to extract oil from shale.
 ☞ 工人们正在橡胶树上开采胶浆。
 ☞ The workers are tapping rubber trees for latex.
 ☞ 1,000多年前中国人就已学会开采天然气。
 ☞ The Chinese people learned to tap natural gas more than one thousand years ago.
 ☞ 中国在开采海底石油方面已取得了很大的成效。
 ☞ China has achieved great success in exploiting oil under the sea.
 ☞ 大理石是为了商业目的才开采的。
 ☞ Marble is exploited only for commercial purpose.
开除 开除
1.expel, 指采取某种行政或组织手段使之离开集体,故是语气较重的开除。
 ☞ 张国焘投奔国民党以后很快就被开除出党。
 ☞ Zhang Guotao was expelled from the Party soon after he ran away to the Kuomintang.
 ☞ 他打了老师,校长可能会开除他的学籍。
 ☞ The headmaster may expel him from the school for hitting his teacher.
 ☞ 他因经常旷工,老板把他开除了。
 ☞ The boss discharged him because of habitual absenteeism.
 ☞ 恕我直言,你是因为不老实而被开除的。
 ☞ Let me be candid about this, you are discharged for being dishonest.
 ☞ 如果你再迟到,是会被开除的。
 ☞ If you're late again, you'll be dismissed.
 ☞ 他是被部队开除的。
 ☞ He was dismissed from the army.
 ☞ 你可以把我开除了。
 ☞ You can sack me.
 ☞ 他因上岗酗酒而被开除。
 ☞ He was sacked for being drunk on duty.
 ☞ 老板以玩忽职守为由,把他开除了。
 ☞ The boss fired him out for neglect of his duty.
 ☞ 他是在那天下午被开除的,当时他喝酒引起了经理的注意。
 ☞ He was fired that afternoon when his drinking came to the manager's attention.
引出 引出
1.draw (forth),指得出,吸引。
 ☞ 从这个有教育意义的故事里我们可以引出一条教训,就是人不要贪小便宜。
 ☞ We can draw moral from this instructive story that one never goes after petty advantage.
 ☞ 温暖的阳光常常会把老人们引出来晒太阳。
 ☞ Warm sunshine often draws old people forth into the sun.
2.lead to,指导致。
 ☞ 我们欢迎能引出好事的任何变革。
 ☞ We welcome any change that will lead to something good.
 ☞ 在一定条件下,坏的东西可以引出好的结果,好的东西也可以引出坏的结果。
 ☞ In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results and a good thing to bad results.
 ☞ 总结报告引出一个结论,那就是接受有附带条件的外援是不明智的。
 ☞ The summary report led to a conclusion that it would be unwise to accept any foreign aid with strings attached.
引发 引发
 ☞ 爆发“非典”引发了一场有关生活方式的全国大讨论。
 ☞ The breakout of SARS initiated a nationwide discussion on the life style.
 ☞ 由于地下爆炸形成的高压气体迅速膨胀,地面会引发冲击波。
 ☞ The rapid expansion of high-pressure gases formed in the underground explosion initiates a shock wave in the earth.
2.touch off,指一碰就着的引发。
 ☞ 那一事件引发了一场暴乱。
 ☞ The incident touched off a riot.
 ☞ 他那番话引发了一场激烈的争论。
 ☞ His remark touched off a terrible argument.
3.spark off指由一丁点火星引发或类似火星的引发。
 ☞ 闪电可能引发了这场森林大火。
 ☞ Lightning might spark off the forest fire.
 ☞ 他的建议引发了一场激烈的辩论。
 ☞ His proposal sparked off a heated debate.
4.trigger off,指犹如扣动扳机似的引发。
 ☞ 一次无害的玩笑引发了两村之间的械斗。
 ☞ A harmless joke triggered off a fight with weapons between the two villages.
 ☞ 每个周期性偏头痛患者都应知道,有些食品会引发头痛或偏头痛。
 ☞ Every migraine sufferer should know that there are some foods that trigger off a headache or migraine attack.
 ☞ 雷管和导火线都是用来引发炸药的。
 ☞ The detonator and fuse are both used to ignite an explosive.
 ☞ 爆炸是由火花塞点火引发的 The explosion was ignited by the spark plug.
引导 引导
 ☞ 伟大的党引导我们走向胜利。
 ☞ Our great Party guides us to victory.
 ☞ 他引导客人进了接待室。
 ☞ He guided the guests to the reception room.
 ☞ 警犬引导着警犬训导员到了隐藏毒品的地方。
 ☞ The police dog guided its handler to the hidden drugs.
 ☞ 学校应在性事方面给青年人以正确的引导。
 ☞ Schools should give correct guidance to young people as to sexual matters.
2.lead (up to),侧重于带领着引导。
 ☞ 导游引导着游客们穿过大厅来到后院。
 ☞ The guide led the tourists through the hall into the back yard.
 ☞ 我看到一位红领巾引导着盲人穿过马路。
 ☞ I saw a young pioneer leading a blind man across the road.
 ☞ 最终他把谈话引导到他所热衷的话题上。
 ☞ Finally he has led up to his favorite topic.
 ☞ 要在风高浪急的水域里引导船只并不容易。
 ☞ It's not easy to pilot a ship in rough waters.
 ☞ 导游引导着游客参观整个工厂并讲解每个生产过程。
 ☞ The guide piloted the tourists through the entire factory and explained each process.
4.show around (round),侧重于引导人们参观。
 ☞ 主人引导贵宾们参观了车间。
 ☞ The hosts showed the distinguished guests around the workshop.
 ☞ 市长亲自引导代表团参观了市容。
 ☞ The mayor showed the delegation round the city in person.
引起 引起
1.cause, 指由于某种原因引起某种结果。
 ☞ 地震引起了生命财产的巨大损失。
 ☞ The earthquake caused tremendous losses of life and property.
 ☞ 由于司机对发动机的保养十分马虎才引起了这次事故。
 ☞ The careless maintaining of the engine on the part of the driver caused the accident.
 ☞ 日益恶化的经济形势引起了政府的严重关注。
 ☞ The aggravating economic situation caused serious concern of the government.
 ☞ 这本书一定会引起学生对在校学习的兴趣。
 ☞ The book is certain to arouse the students' interest in school studies.
 ☞ 他讲的种种事情都引起了孩子们的好奇心。
 ☞ Everything he said aroused children's curiosity.
 ☞ 持不同政见者的命运引起了全世界的同情。
 ☞ The fates of the dissidents aroused sympathy throughout the world.
3.arise, 不及物动词,但与arouse这个及物动词同义。
 ☞ 他的举动鬼鬼祟祟,自然要引起居民们的疑心。
 ☞ His behavior was so surreptitious that suspicion naturally arose in the dwellers.试比较:His surreptitious behavior naturally aroused suspicion on the part of the dwellers.
 ☞ 不负责任的嚼舌头往往会引起很大的危害。
 ☞ Great mischief often arises from irresponsible gossip.
 ☞ 试比较:Irresponsible gossip often arouses great mischief.
 ☞ 他们之间立刻引起了严重的分歧。
 ☞ Between them serious disagreement immediately arose.试比较:Between them serious disagreement was aroused immediately.
4.lead to, 指导致某种结果。
 ☞ 当时由于妇女是廉价劳力,因此雇主都大量雇用妇女,从而引起大量工伤事故。
 ☞ At the time because women were the cheapest labor, the employer employed a lot of women, thus leading to masses of industrial accidents.
 ☞ 工作太多,休息太少,往往会引起疾病。
 ☞ Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness.
 ☞ 资本主义国家的“生产过剩”往往会引起经济危机。
 ☞ In capitalist countries, "overproduction" often leads to economic crises.
5.give rise to,与lead to同义,但强调引起某种增长。
 ☞ 下岗在这个汽车城里引起了不安。
 ☞ The laid-off gave rise to unrest in the auto city.
 ☞ 不是战争引起革命,就是革命制止战争。
 ☞ Either war gives rise to revolution or revolution prevents war.
 ☞ 他的一番话引起了不少揣测。
 ☞ His remark gave rise to a considerable amount of speculation.
6.bring about (forth,on),指带来某种结果。
 ☞ 我们应该懂得革命引起的阶级关系的变化。
 ☞ We ought to understand the changes in class relationships, which the revolution brought about.
 ☞ 由于希特勒侵略波兰,引起了第二次世界大战。
 ☞ The Second World War was brought about by Hitler's invasion of Poland.
 ☞ 受到污染的水可能会引起多种疾病。
 ☞ Polluted water might bring forth a host of diseases.
 ☞ 他的那番讲话引起了一阵阵的抗议声。
 ☞ His speech brought forth cries of protest.
 ☞ 你认为这次边境事件会引起全面战争吗?
 ☞ Do you think the border incident will bring on a full-scale war?
 ☞ 激动往往会引起人们心脏病的发作。
 ☞ Excitement often brings on one's heart attack.
 ☞ 他的病是由于工作过分劳累引起的。
 ☞ His illness was induced by overwork.
 ☞ 这种药会引起呕吐。
 ☞ This medicine will induce vomiting.
 ☞ 一块铁靠近磁铁就会引起磁化。
 ☞ You can induce magnetism in a piece of iron by holding it near a magnet.
 ☞ 她悲惨的诉说引起了所有听众同情的眼泪。
 ☞ Her pitiful story drew sympathetic tears from all who heard it.
 ☞ 他的所作所为引起了上级的批评。
 ☞ His actions drew criticism from his superiors.
 ☞ 对出版商来说,争论可以引起对一本书的注意并增加其销路。
 ☞ For a publisher controversy draws attention to a book and can increase its sales.
9.catch one's eye,也指引起注意,但其内涵窄于draw attention,仅限于视力上引起的注意。
 ☞ 我在浏览相册时,一张褪色的照片引起了我的注意。
 ☞ I was browsing through the album when a faded photo caught my eye.
 ☞ 死者在日记第10页上用红铅笔做的记号引起了警方的注意。
 ☞ The red pencil mark made by the dead on the tenth page of his diary caught the eye of the police.
 ☞ 在橱窗里展出的一件时装引起了她的注意。
 ☞ A fashionable dress displayed in the shop window has caught her eye.
10.originate from (in),指起源于,侧重于引起的来源。
 ☞ 中东纠纷是大国间争夺石油引起的。
 ☞ The trouble in the Middle East originated from the struggle for oil between the powers.
 ☞ 该图形表明空中爆炸时引起的球形爆炸可分成四个阶段向外运动。
 ☞ The figures show four stages in the outward motion of the spherical blast originating from an airburst.
 ☞ 他们的隔阂是一次为钱争吵而引起的。
 ☞ Their estrangement originated in (from)a quarrel over money.
 ☞ 气话会引起冲突。
 ☞ Angry words engender strife.
 ☞ 是食物短缺引起了市场供应紧张。
 ☞ It is the shortage of food that engenders the tension in market supplies.
 ☞ 这种药证明用之有效,也不会引起严重的副作用。
 ☞ This medicine proves to be effective with no engendering serious side effects.
 ☞ 他的行为在左邻右舍中引起了公愤。
 ☞ His action invited public indignation in the neighborhood.
 ☞ 你的所作所为只会引起麻烦。
 ☞ What you have done can only invite trouble.
 ☞ 这是开快车引起的危险。
 ☞ This is the danger invited by fast driving.
 ☞ 边境争端引起了两国间的一场激战。
 ☞ The border dispute provoked a hard battle between the two countries.
 ☞ 他说的话引起一场捧腹大笑。
 ☞ What he said provoked a side-splitting laughter.
 ☞ 那无赖的脏话引起了姑娘心中的狂怒。
 ☞ The cad's foul language provoked rage in the girl's mind.
张罗 张罗
1.take care of,指料理。
 ☞ 打谷场里的活王大叔会张罗的。
 ☞ Uncle Wang will take care of the work on the threshing floor.
2.get busy on,指立即动手干。
 ☞ 我们应当不失时机地把这件事张罗起来。
 ☞ We should get busy on the proposition without loss of time.
3.set about,开始动手干。
 ☞ 只要来客人,我8岁的女儿就张罗着沏茶。
 ☞ My eight-year-old daughter sets about making tea whenever comes a guest.
4.make arrangements for,指做出安排。
 ☞ 他的父母急着为他张罗婚事。
 ☞ His parents were anxious to make arrangements for his wedding.
5.go and see about,去查看查看。
 ☞ 你们继续把活干完,我去张罗午饭。
 ☞ Keep on till the work is finished. I'll go and see about lunch.
6.do sth.…about,指“为…做点事”。
 ☞ 他还没结婚对象,你给张罗一个。
 ☞ He hasn't got a girl to marry yet. Can't you do something about it?
7.rush, 指忙乱。
 ☞ 要带的东西早点收拾好,免得临时张罗。
 ☞ Get things ready in good time to avoid a last-minute rush.
8.raise fund, 指筹募资金。
 ☞ 我上哪儿去张罗这么一大笔资金?
 ☞ Where can I raise such a large amount of fund?
9.find money,指筹钱。
 ☞ 你要的那笔钱,我们一定想办法张罗。
 ☞ We'll try every means to find the sum of money you want.
10.look after,指照顾。
 ☞ 她正忙着张罗客人。
 ☞ She's busy looking after the guests.
 ☞ 今天客人多,你帮我们张罗张罗?
 ☞ We are expecting many guests today. Would you please help me entertain them?
12.have sth. served to,指侍候人吃东西。
 ☞ 她张罗着孩子们吃水果。
 ☞ She had fruit served to the children.
13.bother about, 指麻烦。
 ☞ 我们坐一会儿就走,茶就别张罗了。
 ☞ We'll only stay for a few minutes. Please don't bother about serving tea.
14.attend to,指接待。
 ☞ 顾客很多,一个售货员张罗不过来。
 ☞ There were too many customers for one shop assistant to attend to。

 ☞ 他的嘴都笑弯了。
 ☞ His lips were curved in a smile.
 ☞ 他把钢筋弯成了弧形。
 ☞ He curved the bars in an arch.
 ☞ 她没料到路上突然有个弯道。
 ☞ She had not anticipated the sudden curve along the road.
 ☞ 相对论认为所有直线实际上都是弯的。
 ☞ The theory of relativity has it that all straight lines are really curved.
2.bend, 指有角度的弯曲。
 ☞ 这些钢管安装前要弯成所需的角度。
 ☞ Bend the pipes at the angle as required before they are installed.
 ☞ 护士弯下身子,吻了吻那个病孩。
 ☞ The nurse bent down and kissed the sick child.
 ☞ 这硬币弯了,塞不进电话的硬币槽里。
 ☞ The coin is bent and doesn't 6t into the slot of the telephone.
 ☞ 她弯身进了汽车。
 ☞ She was bowed into the car.
 ☞ 这里常刮西风,树都弯向东面。
 ☞ The west wind that prevails here bows all trees towards the east.
 ☞ 树枝都被雪压弯了。
 ☞ The branches were bowed down with the weight of the snow.
 ☞ 那男孩把铁丝弯成一个星形。
 ☞ The boy twisted the wire into the shape of a star.
 ☞ 她的嘴角弯下来,似乎要哭了。
 ☞ Her mouth twisted at the comer as though she was going to cry.
 ☞ 那条羊肠小道在岩石中弯来弯去。
 ☞ The narrow trail twists in and out among the rocks.
 ☞ 他朝我弯弯手指,招呼我过去。
 ☞ He crooked his finger at me to tell me to come over.
 ☞ 小溪弯弯曲曲地流过谷地。
 ☞ The stream crooks through the valley.
 ☞ 他的家在弯街。
 ☞ His house is in Crooked Street.
强加 强加
1.impose, 指通过官方、权威等强加。
 ☞ 他们身居高位,但这并未给他们权力可以把自己的意志强加于老百姓。
 ☞ High positions do not give them the right to impose their will on ordinary people.
 ☞ 对,他是个权威,但他一次也没有把他的想法强加于像我这样的无名小辈身上。
 ☞ Yes, he was an authority, yet not once did he attempt to impose his ideas on a nobody like me.
 ☞ 不要把你的观点强加于人。
 ☞ Don't force (impose) your views on others.
 ☞ 在英国殖民地,英语强加在了所有公共机关的公职人员的身上。
 ☞ In British colonies the English language was forced (imposed) on civil servants in all public institutions.
强化 强化
 ☞ 军队与警察都是用来强化国家机器的工具。
 ☞ Both army and police are tools used to strengthen the state apparatus.
 ☞ 强化党在农村的领导刻不容缓。
 ☞ Strengthening the leadership of the Party in the countryside is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 我们必须强化志愿人员的军事训练,使之能在两个月之后投入战斗。
 ☞ We must intensify the military training for the volunteers so that they can throw themselves into the battle in two months.
 ☞ 做出的种种努力都是要强化2008年奥运会的准备工作。
 ☞ Every effort we made is to intensify the preparatory work for the Olympic Games to be held in 2008.
 ☞ 我们一般是通过钢筋来强化混凝土的。
 ☞ Usually we reinforce concrete with steel bars.
 ☞ 他们希望通过调动军警来强化对该国的统治。
 ☞ They hope to reinforce their domination in this country by mustering troops and police.
4.consolidate, 指通过巩固内部而强化。
 ☞ 我军由于得到3万人的增援而强化了纵深防御。
 ☞ Our troops consolidated the defense in depth when receiving reinforcements of 30,000 men.
 ☞ 中国共产党建立了工农联盟后大大强化了其政治地位。
 ☞ The CPC has consolidated its political position greatly after establishing alliance of workers and peasants.
强烈 强烈
 ☞ 他想当医生的愿望十分强烈。
 ☞ His desire to become a doctor is very strong.
 ☞ 她有强烈的幽默感。
 ☞ He has a strong sense of humor.
 ☞ 我知道她的感情和他的一样强烈。
 ☞ I knew her emotions were as strong as his.
 ☞ 我感到的幸福强烈得我说不出话来。
 ☞ I felt a happiness so intense that I could not speak.
 ☞ 他的态度在学生中间引起了强烈的反感。
 ☞ His attitude created intense dislike among the students.
 ☞ 强烈的地震使3,000人无家可归。
 ☞ The violent earthquake left 3,000 people homeless.
 ☞ 感情的强烈爆发成了一场无法控制的狂暴表演。
 ☞ Violent feelings broke out into ungovernable expression.
 ☞ 这张照片黑白分明,造成了强烈的对比。
 ☞ The distinction between black and white in this photo creates a sharp contrast.
 ☞ 我闻到一股强烈的麝香味。
 ☞ I smelled a sharp musky smell.
 ☞ 她谋杀自己的情人是出于强烈的嫉妒。
 ☞ She murdered her lover out of keen jealousy 他对摄影有强烈的兴趣。
 ☞ He has a keen interest in photographing.
强调 强调
 ☞ 我们强调理论的重要性完全是因为理论可以指导实践。
 ☞ We emphasize the importance of theory precisely because it can guide practice.
 ☞ 关于经济危机有两点必须强调。
 ☞ There are two points which must be emphasized in connection with the economic crisis.
  ■ 在使用emphasis表示“强调”时应注意与之搭配的动词。
 ☞ 他的报告特别强调了改善农业生产的必要性。
 ☞ His report placed particular emphasis on the necessity to improve agricultural production.
 ☞ 主席的讲话强调了这次经济危机。
 ☞ The chairman's speech gave emphasis to the economic crisis.
 ☞ 这本词典特别强调常用词的用法。
 ☞ This dictionary lays (puts) special emphasis on the usage of common words.
 ☞ 我们强调自力更生,但不反对合作。
 ☞ We stress (emphasize) regeneration through our own efforts but we're not opposed to cooperation.
 ☞ 他强调了先进的管理技术在管理过程中的决定性作用。
 ☞ He stressed (emphasized) the decisive role of advanced managed techniques in the process of management.或He laid (placed, put) stress (emphasis) on the decisive role of advanced managed techniques in the process of management.
 ☞ 这本语法书特别强调语法规则在实践中的正确应用。
 ☞ This grammar book places special stress (emphasis) on the correct application of grammatical rules in practice.
 ☞ 你不应该过分强调特殊情况。
 ☞ You shouldn't lay undue stress (emphasis) on special circumstances.
3.underline, 作“强调”解是其引申义,有“着重指出”的意思。
 ☞ 他在讲话中强调了我们在基层时应诙注意的几个要点。
 ☞ In his speech he underlined some main points to which we have to pay attention during our stay at the grass-roots level.
 ☞ 这个例子强调了一个英语老师的责任是要使全班学生生动活泼,积极主动地说英语,用英语。
 ☞ This example underlines that the responsibility of a teacher of English is to keep his class lively, active and eager to speak English and use English.
强迫(强制) 强迫(强制)
  ■ “强迫”与“强制”是一对同义词。“强迫”强调用强力迫使,而“强制”则强调用强力制服。不过前者的语气轻,时间短。
 ☞ 是他父亲强迫他这么干的。
 ☞ It was his father who forced him to do so.
 ☞ 过去国民党军队常常强迫农民当兵。
 ☞ In the past Kuomintang troops often forced peasants into their army.
 ☞ 你总不能强迫他们接受你的意见吧。
 ☞ You can't force them into acceptance of your opinion surely.
 ☞ 他在劳改农场接受强制劳动。
 ☞ He did forced labor in a reform-through-labor farm.
 ☞ 对流可分为两种,即自然对流和强制对流。
 ☞ Convection can be of two types, natural convection and forced convection+
 ☞ 要强制执行法院的判决并不容易。
 ☞ It is not easy to put a court verdict into forcible execution.
 ☞ 警方没有强迫他讲,但他自己主动坦白了。
 ☞ The police had not compelled him to talk, he confessed of his own accord.
 ☞ 没人会强迫他,他是完全自由的。
 ☞ Nobody will compel him, he is perfectly free.
 ☞ 法院强制他缴纳500元罚款。
 ☞ The court compelled him to pay a 500 yuan fine.
 ☞ 不能强制人们接受一种特定的艺术风格或一种特定的思想学派。
 ☞ People cannot be compelled to accept one particular style of art or school of thought.
 ☞ 有那么一个超级大国,动不动就强制性制裁不合它口味的国家。
 ☞ There is such a superpower that is always applying compulsory sanction against the countries it doesn't like.
 ☞ 政府威胁要解散工会来强迫工会接受工资限额。
 ☞ The government coerced the trade union into accepting the pay limit by threatening to disband it.
 ☞ 我们强制实现了欧洲经济共同体国家之间的统一性。
 ☞ We coerced uniformity between the countries in the EEC.
 ☞ 为确保社会稳定,必须对工资和物价实行强制性管制。
 ☞ It is necessary to exercise mandatory wage and price control in order to secure the stability of society.
 ☞ 强制性命令必须坚决执行。
 ☞ Mandatory orders must be carried out resolutely.
归功 归功
1.credit with, credit to,指“相信是…的功劳”,注意两种不同用法的比较。
 ☞ 我们不应把所有已取得的成就归功于个人。
 ☞ We should not credit an individual person with all the achievements that have been made,试比较:We should not credit all the achievements that have been made to an individual person.
 ☞ 火药的发明应归功于中国人。
 ☞ The Chinese are credited with the invention of gunpowder.试比较:The invention of gunpowder is credited to the Chinese.
2.owe to,指“归到…的功劳”。
 ☞ 如果我有什么进步,应归功于你。
 ☞ If I have improved in any way I owe it to you.
 ☞ 由此可见,无产阶级文化、艺术的产生、成长及发展都应归功于伟大的革命斗争。
 ☞ Hence, it can be seen that proletarian literature and art owed its birth, growth and development to the great revolutionary struggles.
 ☞ 注意的是,凡上述两词的宾语带有褒义,均可译为“归功于”,凡带有贬义的,译为“归咎为”。
 ☞ 他谦虚地把一切荣誉归功于他的助手。
 ☞ He modestly ascribed all the glory to his assistants.
 ☞ 他在语言研究方面的成就都归功于他多年来的艰苦工作。
 ☞ His success in language study is ascribed to many years of hard work.
 ☞ 老宅的一切都保持着原来的样子,这应归功于保护有方。
 ☞ Everything in the old house is kept intact, which should be ascribed to good preservation.试比较:老宅这次起火应归咎于用火不慎。The fire of the old house should be ascribed to careless use of fire.
 ☞ 他把身体好归功于生活有规律和医疗条件好。
 ☞ He attributes his good health to regular life and better medical service。试比较:他把身体不好归咎于缺少体育锻炼。He attributes his bad health to lack of physical exercise.
归咎 归咎
1.ascribe to,attribute to,指“把…的过失归属于”。如果上述两词的宾语带有贬义,即有“归咎于”的意思。
 ☞ 医学研究把肺癌发病率的上升归咎于吸烟。
 ☞ Medical researches ascribe the rise in the incidence of lung cancer to the smoking of cigarettes.
 ☞ 这场森林火灾归咎于用火不慎。
 ☞ The forest fire was ascribed to careless use of fire.
 ☞ 不要把你的错误都归咎于客观原因。
 ☞ Don't attribute all your mistakes to objective causes.
 ☞ 这次车祸归咎于刹车失灵。
 ☞ The car accident was attributed to faulty brakes.
2.impute to,指“把…转嫁给别人”,故常带贬义。
 ☞ 警方把犯罪增加归咎于给予了年轻人过多的自由。
 ☞ The police impute the rise in crime to the greater freedom given to young people.
 ☞ 你怎么敢把这样的失败归咎于我呢?
 ☞ How dare you impute such failure to me?
3.blame on,指“怪到…头上”。
 ☞ 他把煤气管干线的断裂归咎于地震。
 ☞ He blamed the breakage of the gas mains on the earthquake.
 ☞ 把我们的失败归咎于天气毫无用处。
 ☞ It is no use blaming our defeat on the weather.
归纳 归纳
1.sum up,指总结性归纳。
 ☞ 请你把这篇文章的大意归纳一下。
 ☞ Will you please sum up the main idea of the article?
 ☞ 会议结束时,主席归纳了与会者的意见。
 ☞ At the end of the meeting the chairman summed up the opinions of the participants.
 ☞ 我们可以用3句话,把这课书的要点归纳出来。
 ☞ We can sum up the main points of the lesson in three sentences.
2.induce from,指推理性归纳。
 ☞ 我们可以从大量偶然性事实中归纳出一个总命题。
 ☞ We can induce the general proposition from a multitude of contingent facts.
 ☞ 规律是可以从足够数量的结果中归纳出来的。
 ☞ From a sufficient number of results a law is induced.
 ☞ 怎么会在不同的前提下归纳出同一个结论呢?
 ☞ How can the same conclusion be induced from different premises.
3.draw a conclusion from,指结论性归纳。
 ☞ 这是他从无数事实中归纳出来的结论。
 ☞ This is a conclusion which he has drawn from numerous facts.
 ☞ 从同样的观察中他们竟会归纳出不同的结论。
 ☞ They should have drawn different conclusions from the same observations.
4.boil down to,指压缩性归纳。
 ☞ 总之,他们归纳为10大问题,或10大关系。
 ☞ In all, they boiled down to ten major problems, or ten major relationships.
 ☞ 空中小姐的录用可归纳为5个因素。
 ☞ The employment of air hostesses can be boiled down to five factors.
 ☞ 你能把这篇报告归纳为大约200字的提纲吗?
 ☞ Can you boil down the report to an outline of about two hundred words?
当中 当中
1.in the middle (of),指中间。
 ☞ 河当中,水流最急。
 ☞ The current is swiftest in the middle of the river.
 ☞ 他的车突然在路当中停了下来。
 ☞ His car came to a sudden halt in the middle of the road.
 ☞ 当中有一张圆桌。
 ☞ In the middle was a round table.
2.in the center (of),指中心。
 ☞ 他坐在主席台当中。
 ☞ He was seated in the center of the rostrum.
 ☞ 房间当中站着一位年轻人。
 ☞ In the center of the room stood a young man.
 ☞ 一个烤火用的火炉支在当中。
 ☞ In the center stands a heating stove.
 ☞ 工人当中出现了许多技术革新能手。
 ☞ Many technical innovators have emerged from among the workers.
 ☞ 群山当中散布着一些村落。
 ☞ Some villages are scattered among mountains.
 ☞ 一条小河在桃红柳绿的两岸当中流过。
 ☞ A creek flows between the banks with peach trees blossoming red and willows turning green.
 ☞ 她被夹在两个胖子当中。
 ☞ She was sandwiched between two fat men.
当初 当初
1.表示事情的开始阶段,可用at first,in the first place, originally等。
 ☞ 他当初在班上有点腼腆,不过现在的表现比较正常。
 ☞ At first he was a little shy in class, but now he acts more naturally.
 ☞ 当初,她母亲没察觉这种异常。
 ☞ Her mother had not at first perceived the unusual.
 ☞ 当初你就不该这么做。
 ☞ You should never have acted the way you did in the first place.
 ☞ 当初打算在这儿盖一座大楼。
 ☞ It was originally planned to put up a big building here.
 ☞ 这不是我们当初打算干的。
 ☞ This is not what we originally set out to do.
2.表示对过去事情的回顾,可用used to。
 ☞ 当初这儿是一片荒野,如今工厂林立。
 ☞ Factories now stand in great number where there used to be a wilderness.
 ☞ 胡叔叔当初是留胡子的,不过现在剃掉了。
 ☞ Uncle Hu used to have a beard, but now he shaves it off.
 ☞ 早知今日,何必当初。
 ☞ If you had known this day must come you wouldn't have acted as you did.
 ☞ 早知产量这么高,当初就该采用这种新技术。
 ☞ If we had known the yield would be so high we should have adopted the new technique.
 ☞ 当初就该早睡。
 ☞ You should have gone to bed early.
 ☞ 他们当初就不该入侵阿富汗。
 ☞ They should not have invaded Afghanistan.
 ☞ 我当初对你怎么讲来着?
 ☞ What did I tell you?
 ☞ 你当初就是自找的!
 ☞ You asked for it!
当心 当心
1.look out,要人提防危险,常用于祈使句。
 ☞ 当心!汽车来了。
 ☞ Look out! There's a car coming.
 ☞ 当心你掉下去!
 ☞ Look out or you could fall off!
 ☞ 过马路要当心。
 ☞ Look out when you're crossing the road.
2.careful, take care,have a care,要人注意,使用祈使句的情况没有look out那么紧急,只是一种提醒。
 ☞ 当心别踩庄稼。
 ☞ Be careful not to step on the crops.
 ☞ 过马路要当心。
 ☞ Be careful (in) crossing the street.(in可用可不用)
 ☞ 当心别掉了。
 ☞ Be careful you don't drop it.
 ☞ 当心别把杯子打了。
 ☞ Take care (Have a care) not to break the cup.(用 take没有冠词a,用have则有冠词a)
 ☞ 过马路要当心。
 ☞ Watch when you cross the street.
 ☞ 年纪大了,要当心身体。
 ☞ Watch your health, as you grow older.
 ☞ 当心别掉下去。
 ☞ Watch you don't fall off.
当然 当然
1.of course,表示理所当然。
 ☞ 如果你需要,我当然会帮你。
 ☞ Of course I'll help you if you need me.
 ☞ 大雨倾盆而来,足球赛当然就取消了。
 ☞ The rain came pouring down and of course the football game was cancelled.
 ☞ 他当然会站在我们一边。
 ☞ Certainly he will be on our side.
 ☞ 你当然不会忘记这个日期,对不?
 ☞ You certainly won't forget the date, will you?
  "Do you intend to go to college after you graduate from your middle school?" "I certainly do."(如用 "Of course I do" ,言下之意有“连这都不知道,太傻了”的意思)
 ☞ 一个人当然不能没日没夜的工作,总得有点乐趣吧。
 ☞ One can't work day and night; surely, one has to have a little fun.
 ☞ 你当然不愿意这么残酷,对不?
 ☞ You surely don't wish to be so cruel, do you?
4.to be sure,用来承接上文,肯定前面的事实,并常与but连用,以否定后面的事实。
 ☞ 他这个人当然好,就是不那么聪明。
 ☞ He is a nice person, to be sure, but not very clever.
 ☞ 流浪汉当然是一直流浪,而且没有目的地。
 ☞ The hobo is, to be sure, always on the move, but he has no destination.
5.without doubt,表示肯定到不容置疑。
 ☞ 别担心,他当然会回来。
 ☞ Don't worry, he'll come back without doubt.
 ☞ 你当然一直在努力工作。
 ☞ Without doubt you have been working very hard.
6.It (that) goes without saying,表示不言而喻,常前置或后置于道理十分明白的说法之前或之后。前置时用it,后置时用that。
 ☞ 同志有困难当然要帮助。
 ☞ It goes without saying that we should help a comrade in difficulty.
 ☞ 视力不好的人当然要戴眼镜。
 ☞ A person with weak eyes should wear glasses, that goes without saying.
 ☞ 你取得成功是当然的。
 ☞ It is natural that you should succeed.
 ☞ 他想见她是当然的。
 ☞ That he should wish to see her is natural.
当面 当面
1.face to face, to one's face,表示面对面。
 ☞ 你说的事情我们一定当面弄清楚。
 ☞ We are determined to straighten out face to face what you have said.
 ☞ 他当面指控警官接受贿赂。
 ☞ He accused face to face the police officer of accepting the bribery.
 ☞ 当面说好话,背后下毒手是两面派的手法。
 ☞ It is dual tactics to say nice things to one's face, and then stab one in the back.
 ☞ 当面不说,背后乱说;开会不说,会后乱说。
 ☞ To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs, or to say nothing at the meeting but to gossip afterwards.
 ☞ 信是我当面交给主任的。
 ☞ I handed the letter to the director personally.
 ☞ 钱请当面清点。
 ☞ Please check the money personally.
 ☞ 你当面撒谎。
 ☞ You are telling a barefaced lie.
 ☞ 要价这么高,这无异是当面抢劫。
 ☞ It's nothing short of barefaced robbery to charge this much.
4.有时“当面”可以拆开来用,这时可译in the face of。
 ☞ 现在咱们当着老师的面把话讲清楚。
 ☞ Let's make it clear in the face of the teacher.
 ☞ 当时他当着老乡的面被日本鬼子活活烧死。
 ☞ He was burnt alive by the Japanese in the face of the villagers.
形势 形势
 ☞ 我们认清了我们所处的形势,决心战斗到底。
 ☞ Realizing the situation we were in, we were determined to fight to the end.
 ☞ 21世纪的国际形势正朝着多极化发展。
 ☞ The international situation of the 2lst century is moving towards multi-polarization.
 ☞ 整个世界都十分关注伊拉克的形势。
 ☞ The whole world was watching the situation in Iraq with great concern.
 ☞ 改革开放后的形势越来越好。
 ☞ The situation has been getting better and better since the reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 现在形势逼人,不学习不行。
 ☞ The situation is pressing. We can go nowhere without further study.
 ☞ 他18岁时形势变了,他的父亲在一次车祸中死去。
 ☞ When he was eighteen years old the circumstance changed. His father was killed in an automobile accident.
 ☞ 他的复仇情绪是形势发展的必然结果。
 ☞ His desire for revenge was the inevitable result of developing circumstances.
 ☞ 形势将最终迫使他们采取这一政策。
 ☞ Circumstances will force them finally to adopt this policy.
 ☞ 他把经济形势说得很严重。
 ☞ He described the economic conditions as very serious.
 ☞ 我们应当承认业已变化了的形势,以适应改革的时代。
 ☞ We should recognize the changed conditions to be adapted to the age of reform.
 ☞ 你们所处的形势微妙,行动要十分小心。
 ☞ You are in a delicate condition. Be very cautious in action.
 ☞ 他们一见形势不妙,就开溜了。
 ☞ Seeing that things looked black, they sneaked away.
 ☞ 自你走后,形势有了变化。
 ☞ Things have changed since you were gone.
 ☞ 该处关隘形势险要,易守难攻。
 ☞ The mountain pass is a strategically important terrain easy to hold but hard to attack.
形式 形式
 ☞ 乡村派出所的民警在听取村民报告案情时,尽管相互都非常熟悉,在形式上也得问其姓名、性别、 年龄等。
 ☞ When the village policeman is taking a report about any case from one of the villagers, he has to ask him his name, sex, age, etc, as a matter of form though he knows him very well.
 ☞ 财产转让应该采取一定的形式。
 ☞ A transfer of property should be made in due form.
  ■ 因此扩散开去,凡要表示一切刻板模式的各种形式,一般都可用form。
 ☞ 总之,我们要在这次文艺会演中取得内容与形式的统一。
 ☞ In a word, we must achieve unity of content and form in the theatrical festival.
 ☞ 应当说这次学雷锋的活动,你们拘泥于形式而忽视了精神。
 ☞ I should say that you have observed the form but neglected the spirit in learning from Lei Fang.
 ☞ 他们只是保持了形式上的独立,而不是真正的独立。
 ☞ They maintained only formal, not real independence.
 ☞ 英国女王是形式上的国家元首。
 ☞ The English queen is the formal head of the state.
 ☞ 条约的条款一旦敲定,签字就只是个形式了。
 ☞ Once the terms had been hammered out, the signing of the treaty was just a formality.
 ☞ 尽管只是形式,你也得要老板点头。
 ☞ You have to get the 0.K.from the boss though it's a formality.
 ☞ 他的工作已得到保证,面试只是个形式。
 ☞ He is assured of the job and his interview is a mere formality。
 ☞ 咱们来讨论一下辩论的形式。
 ☞ Let's have a discussion about the shape of argument.
 ☞ 未来社会将是什么形式?
 ☞ What shape will the future society have?
  ■ in the shape of, 可表示“以…形式”。
 ☞ 他是以支票的形式付款的。
 ☞ He paid the sum of money in the shape of check.
  ■ 为强调起见,也可用in any shape or form表示“以任何形式”。
 ☞ 他不会容忍任何形式的反抗。
 ☞ He will not tolerate disobedience in any shape or form.
4.in a mechanical way,指以机械的方式。
 ☞ 我们不能形式地看问题。
 ☞ We should not consider a question in a mechanical way.
 ☞ 你决不应形式地理解党的政策。
 ☞ You must not understand the Party's policy in a mechanical way.
形成 形成
 ☞ 两条河形成了一个三角洲,上海市即位于该地。
 ☞ Two rivers forma delta where Shanghai is located.
 ☞ 人们自动过来围着他形成一个圈子,跳起舞来。
 ☞ People came of their own accord to form a circle around him and started to dance.
 ☞ 我们头上的花朵密密麻麻的,形成了一个拱道。
 ☞ The flowers were so thick and numerous that formed an archway above our heads.
 ☞ 石灰岩经过地下水长期的侵蚀后会形成岩洞。
 ☞ Caves are formed by the erosion of limestone by groundwater over many thousands of years.
  ■ 不过,form也用于某种抽象概念的形成。
 ☞ 我发现很难形成统一的意见。
 ☞ I found it hard to form a unanimous opinion.
 ☞ 他们悲惨的生活与富人的穷奢极欲形成了鲜明的对比。
 ☞ Their wretched life forms a sharp contrast to the luxury and extravagance of the rich.
 ☞ 他的性格是在学校里形成的。
 ☞ His character was formed at school.
 ☞ 是积雪逐渐形成了南极的冰川。
 ☞ It is the accumulated snow that gradually shapes into glaciers at the South Pole.
  ■ 如果这一特点与form的特点不发生矛盾时,两者可以换用。
 ☞ 在校期间形成了他的性格。
 ☞ The time at school shaped (formed) his character.
  ■ 但是在不注重外形时,一般用form 而不用shape。
 ☞ 石油在一定的温度下会形成蒸气。
 ☞ Petrol forms vapor above certain temperature.
 ☞ 冬天,窗子里面会形成水蒸气。
 ☞ Steam is formed on the inside of the windows.
  ■ 不过,如果在说话人心目中把无形的事物当作有形时,shape也同样 可以用来表示无形的概念。
 ☞ 一种切实可行的经济体制正在形成。
 ☞ A viable economy is shaping up.
  ■ take shape可表示“开始形成”,但为书面用语。
 ☞ 崭新的师生关系正在我校形成。
 ☞ Completely new relations between teachers and students are taking shape in our school.
 ☞ 这一想法多年前就在发起人的心中形成了。
 ☞ The idea took shape in the minds of the promoters many years ago.
3.come into being,指从无到有的形成。
 ☞ 自劳资两个阶级形成以来,一直处于矛盾之中。
 ☞ Labor and capital have been in contradiction ever since the two classes came into being.
 ☞ 近代自然科学是有了实验科学之后才形成的。
 ☞ Modern natural science came into being only after the emergence of experimental science.
 ☞ 超级大国在邻国建立军事基地对我国形成了直接威胁。
 ☞ The setting up of military bases in the neighbors by the superpower constitutes a direct threat to our country.
 ☞ 电荷由一处流动到另一处就形成了电流。
 ☞ A flow of charge from one place to another constitutes an electric current.
5.evolve, 指在演变中形成。
 ☞ 资本主义的政治制度是经过了几个世纪才形成的。
 ☞ The capitalist political system has evolved over several centuries.
 ☞ 该艺术团已经形成了自己的独特风格。
 ☞ This arts troupe has evolved a distinctive style of its own.
6.become, 指在变化中形成。
 ☞ 用国家公款大吃大喝已形成了司空见惯的社会风气。
 ☞ Excessive eating and drinking at the cost of state money have become a common practice of the society.
 ☞ 青少年犯罪已形成了严重的社会问题。
 ☞ Juvenile delinquency has already become a serious problem of the society.
7.give rise to,指形成某种结果。
 ☞ 外界事物作用于我们的感官,在我们头脑中形成印象。
 ☞ External things act on our sense organs and give rise to impressions in our brains.
 ☞ 大家知道,伊拉克的战争给美国的军火工业形成了巨大的商机。
 ☞ The war on Iraq, as we all know, has given rise to enormous business for the munitions industry of the United States.
形状 形状
 ☞ 意大利从地图上看其形状像一只靴子。
 ☞ The shape of Italy resembles a boot when you look at it on the map.
 ☞ 熔化的玻璃可塑成任何形状。
 ☞ Melted glass can be molded into any shapes.
 ☞ 凤梨和苹果的形状不同。
 ☞ A pineapple is different in shape from an apple.
 ☞ 汽车的形状已有许多的改进。
 ☞ There have been many improvements in the form of cars.
 ☞ 黑暗中,我们很难分辨群山的形状。
 ☞ It was hard for us to make out the form of the mountains in the dark.
 ☞ 这种草药形状奇怪,我们都不认识。
 ☞ This kind of medicinal herb has a strange appearance and none of us recognizes it.
 ☞ 这种水果的形状像樱桃,但比樱桃大。
 ☞ The appearance of the fruit resembles cheery, but is larger than it.
形象 形象
 ☞ 利用图画进行课堂教学有助于儿童通过形象来认识事物。
 ☞ The use of pictures in classroom teaching helps children to understand things through images.
 ☞ 我闭上眼睛就能见到人或物的形象。
 ☞ I can shut my eyes and see images of things or persons.
 ☞ 政府的形象很好,因为它执行了一项人人高兴的政策。
 ☞ The government has a very good image because it carries out a policy that everybody likes.
  ■ 此外,image还可指文学艺术中创造的形象。
 ☞ 作者在小说中成功地塑造了一群英雄的形象。
 ☞ The author succeeded in creating images of heroes and heroines in his novel.
 ☞ 她的形象平平,却有一颗金子般的心。
 ☞ Her appearance is homely, but she has a heart of gold.
 ☞ 他是个形象很好的小伙子,不少姑娘都看上他了。
 ☞ He is 8 young man of good appearance, and not a few girls take a liking to him.
 ☞ 哈,你把这条小溪的形象说得如诗如画。
 ☞ Well, you gave the stream a poetic and picturesque appearance.
 ☞ 我正学着用木头雕刻一群舞者的形象。
 ☞ I'm learning to carve a figure of dancers out of wood.
 ☞ 硬币上的形象是国徽。
 ☞ On the coin is the figure of national emblem.
 ☞ 屏风上画着花、鸟、虫、鱼的形象。
 ☞ The screens were painted with figures of flowers, birds, insects and fishes.
 ☞ 她高高的个子,形象优雅,是个抢眼的女子。
 ☞ She is a striking woman with a tall graceful form.
 ☞ 在她的心里,他突然变成了一个形象高大的男子汉。
 ☞ In her mind he suddenly turned into a man of imposing statue.
 ☞ 这个电视剧形象地表现了拓荒者坚韧不拔的精神。
 ☞ The teleplay vividly depicts the dauntless spirit of the trailblazers.
影响 影响
 ☞ 当时影响我的理由现在还会对我产生影响。
 ☞ The reason which influenced me then will influence me now.
 ☞ 父母亲的一举一动都会影响孩子的身心。
 ☞ Parents' behaviors influence children's body and mind.
 ☞ 由于受中学生物老师的影响,他茌大学里学了医。
 ☞ Influenced by the middle school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine at college.
 ☞ 法官决不应该由于同情或偏见而影响其判决。
 ☞ The judge should never be influenced in his decisions by his sympathies or prejudices.
 ☞ 他之所以成为诗人可能是由于他母亲的影响。
 ☞ That he became a poet may have been due to his mother's influence.
 ☞ 某些特权阶层对政府是很有影响的。
 ☞ Some privileged strata have much influence on the government.
 ☞ 吸烟影响健康。
 ☞ Smoking affects health.
 ☞ 躺在床上看书已经影响了他的视力。
 ☞ Reading in bed has affected his eyesight.
 ☞ 经济危机严重影响了我国的出口。
 ☞ The economic crisis seriously affected China's exports.
 ☞ 过量的雨水影响了庄稼的生长。
 ☞ Excessive amount of rain affects the growth of crops.
 ☞ 过分劳累对他的健康有严重影响。
 ☞ Overwork has a serious effect on his health,试比较:
 ☞ Overwork seriously affects his health.
 ☞ 大麻毒品和电视暴力都会对青少年产生巨大的心理和道德的影响。
 ☞ Marijuana and TV violence exercise great psychological and moral effects on teenagers.
 ☞ 化工厂对环境的影响自不待言。
 ☞ The effects of chemical plants on the environments are self-evident.
 ☞ 她一会儿这,一会儿那的,太容易受到情绪的影响。
 ☞ She is too easily swayed one way or the other by her emotions。
 ☞ 这里周围的环境可以影响儿童学好,也可以学坏。
 ☞ The environments here might sway children for good or for evil.
 ☞ 有人正企图以贿赂来影响选举。
 ☞ Some people are trying to sway the election with bribery.
 ☞ 她在丈夫据理力争的影响之下改变了主意。
 ☞ She changed her mind under the sway of her husband's argument on just ground.
5.reflect on,reflection on, 也指负面影响,但侧重于指反映出来的影响。
 ☞ 这样的谣言影响了我们公司的名誉。
 ☞ A rumor like this reflects on the honor of our company.
 ☞ 他的行为会严重影响他今后事业的发展。
 ☞ His conduct will seriously reflect on his future career.
 ☞ 影响本部门声誉的事千万别干。
 ☞ Be sure to do nothing that reflects on the reputation of the department.
 ☞ 你在这件事情上的做法会严重影响你的信誉。
 ☞ Your behavior in this matter is a grave reflection on your credit.
 ☞ 能源涨价影响到家庭预算中每一笔必要的开支。
 ☞ The rise in price of energy impacts on every essential in the family budget.
 ☞ 战争对大家,无论是男女老少都会有影响。
 ☞ War impacts on everyone, men and women or old and young.
 ☞ 现代科技对人们的生活方式有很大的影响。
 ☞ Modem science and technology have great impact on people's life style.
 ☞ 这篇文章造成了很大影响。
 ☞ The article is making a strong impact.
7.hold up,指影响某种进程。
 ☞ 阴雨连绵影响了工程进度。
 ☞ An unbroken spell of wet weather held up the project.
 ☞ 太窄的街道影响交通。
 ☞ Too narrow streets hold up traffic.
8.interfere with, 指受到干扰的影响。
 ☞ 飞机的噪声影响了他的研究工作。
 ☞ The noise made by planes interferes with his research work.
 ☞ 王老师生病影响了我们的功课。
 ☞ The illness of Wang, our teacher, has interfered with our lessons+
 ☞ 你这样做影响不好。
 ☞ What you have done would create a bad impression.
 ☞ 施工偷工减料会影响质量。
 ☞ Jerry-building impairs quality.
 ☞ 你要是说话不算数,那会影响威信的。
 ☞ You'll lower your prestige if you go back on your word.
 ☞ 领导机关的冷漠已经影响了群众的积极性。
 ☞ Indifference of the leading body has chilled the enthusiasm of the masses.
 ☞ 别影响他复习功课。
 ☞ Don't disturb him while he is reviewing his lessons.
 ☞ 灯光不好会影响演出效果。
 ☞ Poor lighting will spoil the stage effect.
影子 影子
 ☞ 地球的影子落到月球上就是月食。
 ☞ There is a lunar eclipse when the earth's shadow falls on the moon.
 ☞ 随着太阳下山,影子就会变长。
 ☞ As the sun sets, the shadows become longer.
 ☞ 她逛大街时喜欢看着橱窗里的影子顾影自怜。
 ☞ When she strolls around the streets she likes to look at her reflection in the shop window and admire herself.
 ☞ 他看见湖面上有个漂亮姑娘的影子,她正站在他的身后。
 ☞ He saw a reflection of a pretty girl in the lake standing behind him.
 ☞ 谈判已经进行了好久,可谈判的结果至今连个影子都还没有。
 ☞ The talks have been going on for a long time, but there is no sign of any result as yet.
 ☞ 我们到处找她丢失的金戒指,但没有一点影子。
 ☞ We search everywhere for the gold ring she lost, but there is no sign of it.
 ☞ 我连丢失的羊羔的影子都没找到。
 ☞ I didn't find any trace of the missing lamb.
 ☞ 民兵们在山上搜索空投特务,却连影子也没有。
 ☞ The militiamen combed the hills for an airdropped agent, but there was no trace of him.
 ☞ 我找了他半天,连个影子也没看见。
 ☞ I looked for him a long time but never even caught a glimpse of him.
 ☞ 我听得出来他讲的话里有一些事实真相的影子。
 ☞ I can make out some glimpses of truth in what he said.
5.recollection, 指回想起来的影子。
 ☞ 事情已经过了那么久,我脑子里连点模糊的影子也没有了。
 ☞ It happened so long ago that I haven't the least vague recollection of it.
 ☞ 你说我来过这地方,可我连一点影子都想不起来。
 ☞ You say that I have been to the place, but I have no recollection whatever of it.
征服 征服
 ☞ 诺曼人在11世纪征服了英格兰。
 ☞ The Normans conquered England in the 11th century.
 ☞ 人类是要征服自然还是与之和平共处?这是一个有待争论的问题。
 ☞ Will man conquer nature or they'll coexist? That is a question to contend about.
 ☞ 中国人民终于征服了放荡不羁的黄河。
 ☞ The Chinese people have finally tamed the unrestrained Yellow River.
 ☞ 人类终有一天是会征服自然的。
 ☞ One day man will tame nature.
3.take by storm, 指“取得…的欢心”。
 ☞ 她的歌声征服了听众。
 ☞ Her singing took the audience by storm.
 ☞ 中国的武术表演征服了美国。
 ☞ The performance of martial arts from China has taken America by storm.
征求 征求
 ☞ 该杂志正在征求订户。
 ☞ The magazine is soliciting subscriptions.
 ☞ 我在一件要事上征求过他的意见。
 ☞ I solicited his advice on a matter importance.(指忠告性意见)
 ☞ 党委书记在会上征求了职工的意见。
 ☞ The Party secretary solicited criticism of workers and staff members.(指批评性意见)
 ☞ 我们要在广泛征求广大群众意见之后才起草文件。
 ☞ We will not draft the document until we solicit opinions of the broad masses.(指评论性意见)
2.ask (for),常用语,指带有请求性的征求。
 ☞ 你本来就应当先征求他的同意。
 ☞ You should have asked his consent first.
 ☞ 我给他看了我的草图,并征求了他的意见。
 ☞ I showed him my draft and asked his suggestion.
 ☞ 他已写信给世界各地的朋友征求信息。
 ☞ He has written to friends all over the world, asking for information.
 ☞ 我是来征求你的意见的。
 ☞ I've come to ask you for advice.
 ☞ 你先去广泛征求群众意见,再作决定。
 ☞ G and consult the broad masses before making a decision.
 ☞ 她说对此事她得征求主管的意见。
 ☞ She said she would have to consult the supervisor about the matter.
4.advertise for,指登广告征求。
 ☞ 我听说该公司登报征求程序设计员。
 ☞ I heard that the firm was advertising for programmers in a newspaper.
 ☞ 他在一家报纸的广告栏上征求住宅。
 ☞ He advertised for a house in the advertisement column of a newspaper.
征集 征集
 ☞ 征集和管理税收的费用就是税务局的成本。
 ☞ The costs of the tax bureau are those to collect and administer the tax revenue.
 ☞ 征集签名的运动遍及全国各地。
 ☞ The campaign for collecting signatures can be found all over the country.
 ☞ 抗日战争时期,军粮是就地征集的。
 ☞ During the Anti-Japanese War the grain for the army was collected on the spot.
 ☞ 我们在广大农村征集了大量有关民歌的第一手资料。
 ☞ We gathered a great deal of information concerning folk songs at first hand in the vast countryside.
 ☞ 教务处为教改征集了学生对教学的意见。
 ☞ The Dean's office has gathered students' opinions on teaching for the reform in education.
3.call up,指征召。
 ☞ 政府宣布要征集复员官兵参与军火工业的建设。
 ☞ The government has declared that they will call up demobilized officers and men to engage in the construction of munitions industry.
 ☞ 补充兵员的新兵征集已经完成。
 ☞ The call-up of new recruits to replenish the ranks has been completed.
 ☞ 海军的兵员是从商船的水手中征集的。
 ☞ Men for the Navy were recruited from sailors from merchant ships.
 ☞ 据说文献检索中心在征集助手。
 ☞ It is said that the documentary retrieval center is recruiting assistants.

 ☞ 他英语说得很好。
 ☞ He speaks very good English,或He speaks English very well.
  ■ 但very不能修饰形容词和副词的比较级。
 ☞ 他给我们讲了一个很有趣的故事。
 ☞ He told us a very interesting story.
 ☞ 今天我感到很累。
 ☞ I felt very tired today.
  ■ 但是如果过去分词后带有by引入的施动者,由于不再表示性质或状态,而是表示动作。这时要用much来代替very。
 ☞ 我今天赶任务赶得很累。
 ☞ I was much tired by the task today.
 ☞ 他的两个女儿长得很像。
 ☞ His two daughters are (very) much alike.但可以说 He's got two very similar-looking daughters.
 ☞ 我很抱歉他不在家。
 ☞ I'm very much afraid he's out.
 ☞ 他睡得很熟。
 ☞ He was fast asleep.
 ☞ 我想着这件事,一夜都很清醒。
 ☞ I was wide awake all night, thinking of the matter.
4.有些形容词的词义已含有very的意思,故要进一步表示程度时一定要用其他程度更高的词,如absolutely, extremely等。如certain=very sure; boding= very hot; freezing = very cold; convinced=very sure; delighted=very pleased; desperate= very worried; fascinated = very interested等词。
 ☞ 她很肯定,她叔叔一定会给她这项工作。
 ☞ She was absolutely certain that her uncle would offer her the job.
 ☞ 我们试验成功,都很高兴。
 ☞ We were extremely delighted that we were successful in our experiment.
 ☞ 我们都很开心。
 ☞ We were (very) much amused.(其动宾关系可能是His joke amused us very much)
 ☞ 旅游者对里约热内卢可怕的工人住宅区都很吃惊。
 ☞ Tourists are very much shocked at the horrible workers' quarters in Rio de Janiero.(其动宾关系可能是The sight of the horrible workers' quarters in Rio de Janiero shock tourists very much)
  ■ 上面讲的是过去分词作表语时使用much的情况。但是如果过去分词用作定语时,尽管有动宾关系,用much或very都无不可。如a very much amused boy 或very amused boy; a very much damaged car或very damaged car.除此之外,much还可用来修饰动词、形容词、名词、短语等。
 ☞ 她很不在乎钱。
 ☞ She does not care much for money 他很害怕地震。
 ☞ He is much afraid of earthquakes.
 ☞ 他的话很有道理。
 ☞ His remark contains much truth.
 ☞ 她忘掉了我们要开会,很让我吃惊。
 ☞ Much to my surprise, she forgot our meeting.
6.quite,也表示程度,但没有very深。例如讲一个人外语说得quite well是还过得去。如果说very well,那就是很好了。但由于汉语中的“很”字很难区分程度的高低,因此当quite译成“很”时,要在后面的被修饰语上下工夫。
 ☞ 他的英语很不错。
 ☞ His English is quite good.试比较:他的英语很好。
 ☞ His English is very good.
 ☞ 他现在口袋里很有几个钱了。
 ☞ He's made himself quite a nice little pile.(其实没有几个钱)
  ■ 但是,quite除了可以与表示程度的词(如good有better与worse之分)连用以外,还可与不表示程度的词(如surprising)连用。这时,quite surprising = completely surprising。因此就完全可以作“很”解。如:
 ☞ 我很同意。
 ☞ I quite agree.
 ☞ 我的头发跟你的很不一样。
 ☞ My hair is not quite the same color as yours.

1.表示需要,用need, take。
 ☞ 医生,我得透视吗?
 ☞ Do I need an X-ray, Doctor?
 ☞ 你近来太紧张,得休息一下。
 ☞ You've been under great strain, you need a rest.
 ☞ 这问题得认真考虑。
 ☞ The question needs careful consideration.
 ☞ 坐汽车到那里得多久?
 ☞ How long does it take to get there by bus?
 ☞ 这项工程得3个月才能完成。
 ☞ The project will take three months to complete.
 ☞ 化验一会就得。
 ☞ The test won't take long.
 ☞ 做一件大衣得多少布?
 ☞ How much cloth will it take to make an overcoat?
 ☞ 等那么久得有耐心。
 ☞ Such a long wait takes patience.
2.表示必须,用must, have to。
 ☞ 你有错误就得批评。
 ☞ Wherever mistakes occur, you must be criticized.
 ☞ 我得走了,谢谢你的帮忙。
 ☞ I must be off. Thank you for your help.
 ☞ 做先生得先做学生。
 ☞ To be a teacher, one must first be a pupil.
 ☞ 你得去看医生。
 ☞ You must go and see the doctor.
 ☞ 我得承认我们需要进一步训练。
 ☞ I have to admit that we need further training.
 ☞ 我们得尽量帮助他。
 ☞ We have to help him as much as we can.
 ☞ 我得早点到那里。
 ☞ I have to be there early.
 ☞ 你得留下。
 ☞ You shall stay.
 ☞ 你再这么干就得受处分。
 ☞ You shall be punished if you do that again.
 ☞ 你不得说谎。
 ☞ You shall not tell any lie.
 ☞ 要不快走,我们就得迟到了。
 ☞ We will be late if we don't hurry.
 ☞ 他要来晚一点,你恐怕得等一阵子。
 ☞ He'll be a bit late. I'm afraid you will wait for some time.

  ■ “得”用作实词,可用以下几种方式表示:
 ☞ 他退休后每月都得养老金。
 ☞ After he retires he gets a monthly pension.
 ☞ 土改时我们每人得了1亩3分地。
 ☞ During the Land Reform each of us got l.3 mu of land.
 ☞ 她在学校里总得高分。
 ☞ She always gets high marks in school.
 ☞ 7加3得10。
 ☞ If you add seven and three, you get ten.
 ☞ 她在考试中得了满分。
 ☞ She gained full marks in the examination.
 ☞ 她第一枪就得了8分。
 ☞ She gained eight points with her first shot.
 ☞ 当时的学生运动正日益得势。
 ☞ The student movement was then gaining momentum.
 ☞ 每个孩子都得了奖。
 ☞ Each of the children has gained a prize.
 ☞ 他是一个打扑克的好手,因此而得名。
 ☞ He gained a reputation as an expert poker player.
 ☞ 今夭的幸福生活得之不易。
 ☞ The happy life we have today was not easily won.
 ☞ 有35首新歌得奖。
 ☞ There are thirty-five new songs won awards.
 ☞ 她在1985年全国女子跳板跳水比赛中得了冠军。
 ☞ She won the women's national springboard diving championship in 1985.
 ☞ 她在7项比赛中得了两个第一。
 ☞ She won two first places in the seven events.
 ☞ 他得了感冒,一直在咳嗽。
 ☞ He has a cold and has been coughing.
 ☞ 我得了流感,浑身不舒服。
 ☞ I have the flu and feel uncomfortable all over.
 ☞ 她得了神经衰弱,几乎睡不着觉。
 ☞ She has nervous trouble and can hardly go to sleep.
5.all right,表示同意。
 ☞ 得,就这么办!
 ☞ All right! Just go ahead.
 ☞ 得,这条披巾就给你了。
 ☞ All right, you can have the shawl.
6.That's enough (of),表示禁止。
 ☞ 得,只好这样了。
 ☞ That's enough. Let it go at that.
 ☞ 得,别胡说了。
 ☞ That's enough of your nonsense.
 ☞ 这笔钱非经批准不得动用。
 ☞ This fund may not be drawn on without permission.
 ☞ 这些命令必须照办不得有误。
 ☞ These orders must be followed without fail.
 ☞ 他们不得人心,他们的政策大家不喜欢。
 ☞ They have no popular support; the people dislike their policies.
 ☞ 他讲了半天,我还是不得要领。
 ☞ He talked a great length, but I just couldn't get what he was driving at.
 ☞ 砸1,表示能力与可能,可用can,able,capable of.
 ☞ 在相应的词后加词尾-able, -ible等。
 ☞ 桌子不重,他搬得上楼的。
 ☞ The table is not heavy. He can carry it upstairs.
 ☞ 伤员他自己从楼土走得下来吗?
 ☞ Can the wounded walk downstairs by himself?
 ☞ 他一个人处理得了这件事。
 ☞ He is able to handle this alone.
 ☞ 你看得出两者之间的差别吗?
 ☞ Are you able to see the difference between the two?
 ☞ 他是什么事都干得出来的。
 ☞ He is capable of doing anything.
 ☞ 他教得了数学吗?
 ☞ Is he capable of teaching mathematics?
 ☞ 苹果是酸的,不过吃得。
 ☞ The apples were sour, but eatable.
 ☞ 这点痛还受得住。
 ☞ Such pain is rather bearable.
 ☞ 这水喝得吗?
 ☞ Is the water drinkable?
 ☞ 我们都认为此人靠得住。
 ☞ We all think the man reliable.
 ☞ 这些菌子吃得,还是有毒?
 ☞ Are these mushrooms edible, or are they poisonous?
 ☞ 证人的说法信得过吗?
 ☞ Is the witness' story credible?
 ☞ 细菌只有用显微镜才看得见。
 ☞ Bacteria are visible only with a microscope.
2.表示结果,可用介词into与某些动词结合,如:frighten, trick, force, talk, persuade, beat, shock等。
 ☞ 他们吓得他讲了真话。
 ☞ They frightened him into telling the truth.
 ☞ 那老头骗得那位姑娘嫁给他。
 ☞ The old man tricked the girl into marrying him.
 ☞ 他逼得我们向无理要求让步。
 ☞ He forced us into yielding to the unreasonable demand.
 ☞ 我们说得他接受了礼物。
 ☞ We talked him into accepting our gifts.
 ☞ 他们揍得敌人嗷嗷直叫。
 ☞ They beat the enemy into howling.
 ☞ 他饿得晕了过去。
 ☞ He fainted from hunger.
 ☞ 我冷得发抖。
 ☞ I shivered from cold.
 ☞ 听到这个消息,他高兴得跳了起来。
 ☞ He jumped for joy at the news.
 ☞ 她哭得说不出话来。
 ☞ She could not speak for tears.
 ☞ 他气得脸色发紫。
 ☞ He went on purple with rage.
 ☞ 她游览得高兴极了。
 ☞ She was overjoyed with her sightseeing.
 ☞ The text "of all the vices, sexual indulgence is the cardinal" drummed on his mind. and he shuddered.
 ☞ 他的歌声引起了听众的哄笑,便羞得赶忙离开了赛场。
 ☞ His singing made the audience burst into laughing.
 ☞ He felt ashamed and left the competition hurriedly.
1) 用词表达的有:
①用连词so... that,such... that,till (until)。
 ☞ 他激动得几乎睡不着觉。
 ☞ He was so excited that he could hardly go to sleep.
 ☞ 声音轻得听不见。
 ☞ The sound is so weak that you cannot hear it.
 ☞ 他吵得大家都醒了。
 ☞ He made such a noise that everybody was awakened.
 ☞ 他们离家时匆忙得忘了锁门。
 ☞ They left in such a hurry that they forgot to lock the door.
 ☞ 我们都笑得肚子痛。
 ☞ We all laughed till our sides split.
 ☞ 孩子被打得青一块紫一块。
 ☞ The boy was beaten until he was black and blue.
②用so... as to(只表示某种程度),enough to(表示正好达到某种程度),too... to(表示超过某种程度,故多用于否定句),后面都接动词不定式。
 ☞ 她头发长得快拖地了。
 ☞ Her hair is so long as to be trailing over the floor.
 ☞ 休壮得像头公牛。
 ☞ You are so strong as to look like an ox.
 ☞ 现在天气暖和得可以游泳了。
 ☞ It's warm enough to swim now.
 ☞ 他壮得可以干这种活。
 ☞ He is strong enough to do the work.
 ☞ 例子多得不胜枚举。
 ☞ Instances are too numerous to list.
 ☞ 他糊涂得不懂这样一个道理。
 ☞ He is too stupid to understand such a truth.
 ☞ 我们的牛羊长得又肥又壮。
 ☞ Our cattle grew fat and strong.
 ☞ 天变得特凉,想是要下雨了。
 ☞ It turned particularly chilly, and I think it is going to rain.
 ☞ 于是他突然变得严肃了。
 ☞ Then he suddenly fell grave.
2) 用句子结构来表示。
 ☞ She speaks English very well.
 ☞ 日程安排得很特别。
 ☞ The schedule was arranged in a particular way.
 ☞ She speaks good English.
 ☞ 这个规律列宁讲得很清楚。
 ☞ Lenin gave a very clear account of this law.
 ☞ He beat the boy black and blue.
 ☞ 外祖父每天都把院子扫得干净整洁。
 ☞ My grandfather sweeps the courtyard clean and tidy every day.

1.heart, 指与body相对的内心。
 ☞ 心为形之主。
 ☞ The heart is the master of the body.
 ☞ 心之所思,口则言之。
 ☞ What the heart thinks the tongue says 他的话深深地印进了我的心里。
 ☞ His words went deep into my heart.
  ■ 有时,hearted与形容词组成合成词,也有“心”的意思。
 ☞ 她人好,心好。
 ☞ She is nice and good-hearted.
 ☞ 你的心太软了。
 ☞ You are too soft-hearted.
 ☞ 他是个黑心黑肺的坏蛋。
 ☞ He is a black-hearted villain.
 ☞ 对这一决定我们表示了全心全意的支持。
 ☞ We expressed whole-hearted support for this decision.
 ☞ 老师问他时,他的心里早把问题解了。
 ☞ He had settled the question in his own mind when the teacher asked him.
 ☞ 心无二用。
 ☞ One cannot keep one's mind on two things at the same time.
 ☞ 儿子安然无恙的消息宽慰了母亲的心。
 ☞ The news that her son was safe and sound eased mother's mind.
  ■ minded与形容词搭配也可组成复合词。
 ☞ 他是怎么啦?在办公室里总是心不在焉的样子。
 ☞ What's wrong with him? He is always absent-minded in the office.
 ☞ 你的心胸不应如此狭窄。
 ☞ You mustn't be so narrow-minded.
3.thought, think,指思想上的心思,前者强调结果,后者强调过程。
 ☞ 你人在这里,心却不在。
 ☞ You yourself are here, but your thoughts are elsewhere.
 ☞ 他这人心口不一。
 ☞ He is a man who speaks contrary to his thought.或:
 ☞ He is a man who speaks one way and thinks another.
 ☞ 我们见面时彼此心照不宣。
 ☞ When we meet, we both think it is not necessary to say anything.
 ☞ 爱美之心,人皆有之。
 ☞ Sense of beauty is part of human nature.
 ☞ 他就是这样被一颗受了伤的虚荣心推动着行事的。
 ☞ He was prompted to act that way by a sense of wounded vanity.
 ☞ 他忠心的不是自己的国家,而是自己的阶级。
 ☞ His sense of loyalty was not to his country, but to his class.
 ☞ 我是心有余而力不足。
 ☞ My spirit is willing, while the flesh is weak.
 ☞ 他连遭失败,已心灰意冷了。
 ☞ His spirits sank after he had suffered repeated failures.
 ☞ 我每登此楼都感到心旷神怡。
 ☞ Whenever I come up to this tower I always feel refreshed in spirit.
6.conscience, 指分辨是非的良心。
 ☞ 你把全部责任都推到他身上,能心安理得吗?
 ☞ Can you shift the blame onto him alone and yet have a clear conscience?
 ☞ 做贼心虚。
 ☞ A thief has a guilty conscience.
 ☞ 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。
 ☞ A quiet conscience sleeps in the midst of thunder.
 ☞ 想不到他竟没安好心。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he could have bad intentions?
 ☞ 人心不正,其行必恶。
 ☞ If one harbors evil intentions, then one's conduct is definitely wicked.
8.mental, 是mind(心灵)的形容词。
 ☞ 心病无药治。
 ☞ Mental worries cannot be cured by medicine.
 ☞ 答案是我心算出来的。
 ☞ I got the answer by mental arithmetic.
9.psychological, psychiatric,指心理上、精神上的。
 ☞ 心病还要心药治。
 ☞ A person's secret concern can be relieved only by giving a psychological treatment.
 ☞ 病人不肯吃东西,是心病。
 ☞ This is a disease of psychiatric origin in which the patient refuses to eat.
10.have, harbor, nurse, cherish,指内心怀有某种恶意或好意。
 ☞ 此人心怀叵测,他的一举一动要严加提防。
 ☞ That man has sinister designs. You must guard against his every move.
 ☞ 你要是心里没鬼,干嘛那么害怕?
 ☞ Why are you so scared if you don't have ulterior motives?
 ☞ 她多年来对继母心怀怨恨。
 ☞ For years she harbored resentment against her stepmother.
 ☞ 自从他俩吹了以来,她对他一直心怀不满。
 ☞ From the time the couple broke up, she nursed a grievance against him.
 ☞ 她多年来对儿子的归来仍然心存幻想。
 ☞ She has still cherished the hope of her son's return for many years.
11.feel, 指内心的某种感觉。
 ☞ 大家都说她是个坏女孩,但他心里对她却恨不起来。
 ☞ Everybody says she is a bad girl, but he couldn't feel any hatred against her.
 ☞ 他被判有罪,心怀不平。
 ☞ He felt aggrieved after being pronounced guilty.
 ☞ 你伤了她的心了。
 ☞ You've hurt her feelings.
 ☞ 心宽体胖。
 ☞ Absence of worries contributes to physical well-beings.
 ☞ 她心比天高,命比纸薄。
 ☞ Her aspiration is as high as the sky, whereas her fate is as thin as paper.
 ☞ 对他的来意我们心里都有数。
 ☞ We all had a clear idea about what he had come for.
 ☞ 这姑娘心灵手巧,做什么总是一学就会。
 ☞ The girl is quick-witted and nimble-fingered. She is always skilled in doing everything she learns.
 ☞ 心急水不开。
 ☞ A watched pot is long in boiling.
 ☞ 他倒在地上,心痛如绞。
 ☞ He fell to the ground, having an excruciating pain in the chest.
 ☞ 七擒之后,孟获对诸葛亮心悦诚服。
 ☞ After being captured seven times, Ming Hugo submitted to Huge Liang willingly.
 ☞ 你干吗那么心急火燎的?
 ☞ What are you burning with such impatience for?
 ☞ 他的一席话说得我心服口服。
 ☞ A table of his talk convinced me sincerely.
必然 必然
1.inevitable, inevitability,强调在主观原因和客观条件下注定要发生某事的必然。
 ☞ 凡事一刀切,必然有人受屈。
 ☞ When a single solution is prescribed for diverse problems, it is inevitable that some people would be wronged.
 ☞ 他们的成就是大量科研的必然结果。
 ☞ Their achievements were the inevitable outcome of a tremendous amount of scientific research.
 ☞ 中国老百姓宁愿希望民主能逐步渗入到现有体制之中,最后达到民主渐进的必然。
 ☞ Ordinary people of China would rather put their hopes in the democracy permeation of the existing institutions and its inevitability gradualness in the end.
 ☞ 熙熙攘攘的街道与商店是城市生活的必然部分。
 ☞ Crowded streets and shops are a necessary part of big city life.
 ☞ 死亡是生命的必然终结。
 ☞ Death is the necessary end of life.
 ☞ 人类的历史,就是一个不断地从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。
 ☞ The history of mankind is one of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.
3.certain, certainty,强调确知的必然。
 ☞ 这种病必然有救。
 ☞ There is certain cure for this disease.
 ☞ 被人抓去必然是死。
 ☞ Capture means certain death.
 ☞ 这场比赛这匹马必然会赢。
 ☞ It's a certainty that this horse will win the race.
  ■ certain这词更多地用于定语,但多作“肯定”解。如:
 ☞ 跟他在一起你肯定高兴。
 ☞ You are certain to be happy with him.
4.be bound, 强调注定的必然。
 ☞ 新生力量必然要战胜腐朽力量。
 ☞ The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate.
 ☞ 他必然要失败。
 ☞ He is bound to fail.
必要 必要
 ☞ 没有必要的培训,她们是很难做好护理的。
 ☞ They can hardly make good nurses without having the necessary training.
 ☞ 你肯定没有必要一路走回来。
 ☞ Surely it wasn't necessary for you to walk back the whole way.
 ☞ 这一点对辩论是必要的。
 ☞ This point is essential to the argument.
 ☞ 土改对中国革命是必要的。
 ☞ The Land Reform is essential to the Chinese Revolution.
 ☞ 要除去皂液,有必要用热水冲洗。
 ☞ Hot water rinse is indispensable to remove the soap.
 ☞ 你的帮助对我们是必要的。
 ☞ Your help is indispensable to us.
 ☞ 你得填写必要的表格才能取得护照。
 ☞ Before you get a passport you have to fill in the requisite forms.
 ☞ 国家为这个国营农场提供了必要的资金。
 ☞ The state provided the requisite capital for this state farm.
 ☞ 你有必要剖析一下自己。
 ☞ You need a perspective on yourself.
 ☞ 没有必要再讨论了。
 ☞ There is no need to discuss it any more.
必需 必需
1.essential to,指必不可少的。
 ☞ 铁路是一个国家经济繁荣所必需的。
 ☞ Railways are essential to the economic prosperity of the country.
 ☞ 水是农作物生长所必需的。
 ☞ Water is essential to the growth of crops.
2.indispensable to,指不可或缺的,可与essential换用。
 ☞ 空气是生命所必需的。
 ☞ Air is indispensable (essential) to life.
 ☞ 饮食平衡是保持身体健康所必需的。
 ☞ A balanced diet is indispensable for good health.
 ☞ 立即解雇那些不是绝对必需的工作人员。
 ☞ Fire at once the workers who aren't absolutely necessary.
 ☞ 我们能从外界获得的援助都是必需的。
 ☞ All the help we can get from outside is necessary.
 ☞ 应该把国家建设资金用在最必需的地方。
 ☞ Our national construction funds should be spent where they are most needed.
 ☞ 人的大脑晚间必需休息。
 ☞ The human brain necessarily needs resting at night.
必须 必须
 ☞ 你必须戒烟。
 ☞ You must give up smoking.(说话人主观认为“你”必须戒烟)
 ☞ 这是个糟透的聚会,可我们还真得去。
 ☞ This is an awful party, yet we really must go.(说话人主观上要“我们”大家都去)
  ■ must没有过去时态,因此谈到过去的事,要用had to。
 ☞ 昨天上午我不在家。我必须去拜访一位朋友。
 ☞ I wasn't at home yesterday morning. I had to call on a friend.
  ■ 但在间接引语时,仍用must表示过去。
 ☞ 他告诉我,我必须在6点以前赶到那里。
 ☞ He told me I must be there before six.
 ☞ 协议就是协议,是根据法律签订的,因此他要求其条款必须得到执行。
 ☞ The agreement was an agreement made according to the law, and he claimed that its terms must be fulfilled.
  ■ 此外,虽非间接引语,但类似间接引语的句子里也可用must表示过去。
 ☞ 昨天夜里,我考虑过我应如何打发这一天。首先我必须拜访一位朋友。
 ☞ Last night I considered how I should spend the day.
 ☞ First, I must call on a friend.
  ■ 从句里也可用must表示过去。
 ☞ 昨天来了一位我必须马上拜访的朋友。
 ☞ Yesterday came a friend whom I must call on immediately.
 ☞ 为测试求婚者的文采,他还附加了一个条件,即每个求婚者在跟他女儿会面时必须即席赋诗一首。
 ☞ To test the suitor's literary talent, he had added a condition - each suitor must compose a poem impromptu during his meeting with his daughter.
2.have to,指客观上必须。
 ☞ 共产党员必须过党的组织生活。
 ☞ A communist must have regular activities of the party.(指党章规定)
 ☞ 这个聚会真好,可我们还是必须回去,因为照顾孩子的阿姨要下班了。
 ☞ This is a lovely party, but we have to go because of the baby-sitter.(否则孩子无人照管)
 ☞ 我还得等一个多钟点,因为火车晚点了。
 ☞ I had to wait more than an hour because the train was late.(不愿等也得等)
 ☞ 这本书今天上午必须还。
 ☞ It is necessary to return the book this morning.(但不能说:The book is necessary to be returned this morning.)
 ☞ 我们必须在本星期之内完成这项工作。
 ☞ It is necessary for us to finish the work within this week.(也不能说We are necessary to finish the work within this week)
  ■ 当然,也有主语+be+necessary+for的句型,但作“必需”解。如:
 ☞ 食物是生命所必需的。
 ☞ Food is necessary for life.
 ☞ 书籍是学生所必需的。
 ☞ Books are necessary for students.
 ☞ 这本杂志的方针是必须把大部分版面用在大家感兴趣的问题上。
 ☞ The policy of the magazine is necessarily to devote most of its space to subjects of general interest.
 ☞ 他必须准备即将到来的考试。
 ☞ It is essential for him to be prepared for the coming examination.
 ☞ 我们认为必须改变这个教学大纲。
 ☞ We considered it essential to change the teaching program.

 ☞ 她一整天都忙着打报告。
 ☞ She was busy all day typing the reports.
 ☞ 我进教室时她正忙着把算术题写在黑板上。
 ☞ She was busy writing out sums on the blackboard when I entered the classroom.
 ☞ 我儿子正忙着准备考试。
 ☞ My son is busy preparing for the examination.
 ☞ 我儿子正忙于考试。
 ☞ My son is busy with (about, over) examination.
 ☞ 我们都在办公室里忙于工作。
 ☞ We are all busy at work in the office.
3.busy oneself, keep busy, keep (sb.) busy,指自己要忙或别人使之忙,而不是客观上忙。
 ☞ 听见父亲上楼,他假装忙着做作业。
 ☞ Hearing his father coming upstairs, he pretended to be busy himself doing homework.
 ☞ 为了忘掉烦心事,他忙着在花园里浇水。
 ☞ To forget his trouble, he busied himself watering in the garden.
 ☞ 她一天到晚忙,真不知她究竟在忙什么。
 ☞ She kept busy all day long, but I've no idea what she was busied herself with.
 ☞ 我们得让她忙到没有时间悲伤。
 ☞ We have to keep her so busy that she has no time to be grieved.
4.have one's hands full,指手脚不停地忙。
 ☞ 她挑水、洗衣、生炉子,忙个不停。
 ☞ Fetching water, doing washing, building the fire, she had her hands full.
 ☞ 做母亲的有3个小孩要照顾,真是够忙的。
 ☞ With three small children to take care of, the mother has her hands full.
5.hurry, haste,指匆忙。
 ☞ 我得趁天黑前忙着回家。
 ☞ I have to hurry home before it gets dark.
 ☞ 别忙,让我好好想一想。
 ☞ Don't hurry. Let me think it over.
 ☞ 忙中由错。
 ☞ Haste causes errors.
 ☞ 忙着去结婚,闲时又后悔。
 ☞ Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.
 ☞ 干吗这么忙?
 ☞ Why all this haste?
6.on the run, run round in circles,指奔忙。
 ☞ 现代的母亲总是在忙。
 ☞ Modern mothers are always on the run.
 ☞ 他特殊的工作弄得他日夜在忙。
 ☞ His peculiar job keeps him on the run day and night.
 ☞ 是什么使你忙得团团转?
 ☞ What makes you run round in circles?
 ☞ 你为什么不安定下来,而不再忙得团团转呢?
 ☞ Why don't you settle down instead of running round in circles?
 ☞ 现在有好多工作要做,够我忙的了。
 ☞ There is a lot of work to do at present. It's enough for me to manage.
 ☞ 这一切,我一个人忙不过来。
 ☞ I can't manage all this by myself.
8.jump to conclusion,指越过应有的程序而忙于下结论。
 ☞ 人有时会忙于下结论。
 ☞ One sometimes jumps to conclusion.
 ☞ 没有推理就不要忙着下结论。
 ☞ Don't jump to conclusions without deduction.
9.immerse oneself in, be immersed in,沉浸于某事而忽略另一事。
 ☞ 不要忙于小事而忽略了大事。
 ☞ Don't immerse yourself in minor matters to the neglect of major ones.
 ☞ 全家都忙于科研而不注意休息。
 ☞ The entire family is immersed in scientific research to the neglect of rest.
忍(忍耐、忍受) 忍(忍耐、忍受)
  ■ “忍”、“忍耐”、“忍受”是三个同义词。“忍”的含义最广,可覆盖“忍耐”和“忍受”,常与单音词连用。“忍耐”着重在“忍”的耐力。而“忍受”的着重点则在“忍”的承受能力。
 ☞ 我不忍看你这样。
 ☞ I can't bear to see you like this.
 ☞ 你怎么能忍受这种虐待?
 ☞ How could you bear this ill treatment?
 ☞ 他一声不吭地忍着疼痛。
 ☞ He bore the pain without a word of complaint.
 ☞ 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。
 ☞ Surely there is a limit to what one can bear.
 ☞ 这种疼痛,只要我能忍就忍。
 ☞ I stand (bear) the pain as long as I can.
 ☞ 你能忍受这样的生活吗?
 ☞ Can you stand (bear)a life like this?
 ☞ 他搬到昆明来养老是因为无法忍受北方的天气。
 ☞ He moved to Kunming to live out his life in retirement because he could not stand the climate in the north.
 ☞ 我们都有自己的麻烦,不过我们都得怨耐。
 ☞ We all have our troubles, and we all have to stand them.
 ☞ 他痒得几乎忍不住了。
 ☞ The itching was almost more than he could stand.
 ☞ 是可忍,孰不可忍?
 ☞ If this can be tolerated, what cannot?
 ☞ 一般的飞行员每月平均飞行85个小时以上就难以忍受。
 ☞ The average pilot cannot tolerate an average of over 85 hours in the air per month.
 ☞ 你怎么能忍受这样的噪音?
 ☞ How can you tolerate such noise?
 ☞ 尽管我不喜欢爵士乐,不过我可以忍受。
 ☞ I can tolerate Jazz, though I don't like it.
 ☞ 他被捕后一声不吭地忍受了日本兵的酷刑。
 ☞ He endured the Japanese soldiers' cruel tortures without a groan after he was arrested.
 ☞ 旅客们都得忍受旅途中的许多不便。
 ☞ Travelers have to endure many discomforts during their trips.
 ☞ 她忍受着在森林中的艰苦跋涉,从不叫苦。
 ☞ She endured the strenuous hike through the forest without any complaint.
  ■ 当然,endure也用于否定句和疑问句。
 ☞ 我再也忍受不了啦。
 ☞ I could endure it no longer.
 ☞ 你能忍受贫困吗?
 ☞ Could you endure poverty?
5.put up with,口语化用词,使用范围广,一般可以与上面几个词互换。
 ☞ 农民忍受了多年的压迫和剥削,终于造反了。
 ☞ Having put up with oppression and exploitation for long years, the peasants at length rebelled.
 ☞ 要是她能忍受那儿的条件,我可以接受她。
 ☞ If she could put up with the condition there, I could take her.
 ☞ 你得忍耐,因为你已经给一般工人做出了榜样。
 ☞ You have to put up with it because you've set an example to ordinary workers.
6.hold back, 指经过控制后忍住,故语义较窄。
 ☞ 小男生忍着眼泪,开始向老师诉说刚才发生的事情。
 ☞ Holding back his tears, the little boy began to tell the teacher what had happened.
 ☞ 我们总算忍住了怒火,避免了一场斗殴。
 ☞ We managed to hold back our anger and avoid a fight.
 ☞ 她忍不住说了她想说的话。
 ☞ She couldn't hold back what she wanted to say.
7.refrain from, restrain oneself from,指通过自我克制而忍住。前者为不及物动词,后者为及物动词。
 ☞ 他想说的话没有说出来,忍住了。
 ☞ He refrained from saying what he thought.
 ☞ 他们告别时她几乎忍不住哭了。
 ☞ She could hardly refrain from weeping as they said goodbye.
 ☞ 你还是忍着点,否则是要吃亏的。
 ☞ You'd better restrain yourself a little or you'll come to grief.
 ☞ 他一见她几乎忍不住大叫起来。
 ☞ He could hardly restrain himself from shouting aloud as soon as he had seen her.
 ☞ 她花了好大的劲才忍住了抽泣。
 ☞ She checked the sobs with a great effort.
 ☞ 他刚想多说一点,但立刻忍住了。
 ☞ He was about to say something more. and then checked himself.
9.cannot help,指身不由己地忍不住。
 ☞ 他忍不住大笑起来。
 ☞ He couldn't help bursting into laughter.
 ☞ 在回家的路上我忍不住想到他对我的好处。
 ☞ On the way home I couldn't help thinking of the favor he did for me.
10.patience, patient,指忍耐。
 ☞ 忍是一种美德。
 ☞ Patience is a virtue.
 ☞ 该忍耐时就得忍耐。
 ☞ You need patience when patience is required.
 ☞ 我们的忍耐已到了极点。
 ☞ Our patience has been taxed to the limit.
 ☞ 忍着点,别为了一点小事发火。
 ☞ Be patient. Don't lose your temper over trivial matters.
 ☞ 那次挫折之后他变得忍耐和沉默了。
 ☞ He became patient and silent after that setback.
 ☞ 他忍着剧痛继续工作。
 ☞ He continued to work despite the intense pain.
 ☞ 见到他这样的无理取闹,我的脾气再也忍不住了。
 ☞ Seeing him deliberately making trouble like that, I simply couldn't keep my temper under control.
 ☞ 他们欺人太甚,叫人忍无可忍。
 ☞ Their provocations have gone beyond the limits of forbearance.
 ☞ 他忍无可忍,狠狠给了那个家伙火辣辣的一巴掌。
 ☞ No longer able to contain himself, he gave the scoundrel a stinging slap.
 ☞ 她是位可爱的姑娘,我不忍心拒绝。
 ☞ She is a lovely girl and I didn't have the heart to refuse.
忘(忘记、忘掉、忘却) 忘(忘记、忘掉、忘却)
  ■ “忘”、“忘记”、“忘掉”、“忘却”是四个同义词,都指不记得以往的人或事。“忘”用于口语,常与单音词连用;“忘记”着重点在“忘掉了原来记住的东西”;“忘掉”着重点在忘的动作已完成;“忘却”带有强烈的感情色彩,如“难以忘却”。
1) 后接名词。
 ☞ 真是对不起,我忘了你的名字。
 ☞ I'm awfully sorry. I've forgot your name.
 ☞ 你救了我的命,我是决不会忘记的。
 ☞ You saved my life. I shall never forget it.
 ☞ 我们怎能忘却那小米加步枪的年代!
 ☞ How could we forget the days of millet plus rifle!
2) 后接从句。
 ☞ 别忘了我们今晚要去参加晚会。
 ☞ Don't forget that we are going to the party this evening.
 ☞ 你忘了我跟你说的话了?
 ☞ Have you forgot what I told you?
3) 后接动词不定式。
 ☞ 我的表停了,我昨天忘了上弦。
 ☞ My watch has stopped. I forgot to wind it yesterday.
 ☞ 你总是忘了戴校徽。
 ☞ You always forget to wear your school badge.
4) 后接动名词。
 ☞ 我永远不会忘记周总理来厂视察时会面的情景。
 ☞ I shall never forget meeting Premier Zhou during his inspection of our factory.
 ☞ 我们不会忘记在林子里找到女儿时的情形。
 ☞ We'll never forget finding our daughter in the woods.
5) 要注意forget后接动词不定式和接动名词的区别。
 ☞ 我忘了锁门。
 ☞ I forgot to lock the door.(忘了要做的事)
 ☞ 我忘了门已上锁。
 ☞ I forgot locking the door.(忘记了已做的事)
 ☞ 她忘了给我钢笔。
 ☞ She forgot to give me the pen.
 ☞ 她忘了给过我钢笔。
 ☞ She forgot giving me the pen.
6) 注意下面的区别:forget(忘的是具体的东西);forget about等于forget all about,故有“把…全忘了”的意思。因此all是forget的宾语,而about后面的宾语则是省略了的all的定语。
 ☞ 他想得那么出神,干脆忘了吃东西。
 ☞ He was so absorbed in thought that he simply forgot food.
 ☞ 他想得那么出神,干脆忘了炉子上还烧着东西。
 ☞ He was so absorbed in thought that he simply forgot about the food cooking in the stove.
 ☞ 学生往往只记得分数,却忘记了学习。
 ☞ The students often remember their marks and forget about their studies.
 ☞ 帮着儿子做物理作业,使她想起了早已忘却了的东西。
 ☞ Helping her son with his physics homework reminded her of things she'd long forgot about.
2.leave sth. in (at,on),指把东西遗忘在某处。
 ☞ 我突然想起我把眼镜忘在图书馆里了。
 ☞ Suddenly I remembered I had left my glasses in the library.
 ☞ 我的钥匙忘在家里,现在拿不到书了。
 ☞ I have left my keys at home and can't get my books.
 ☞ 他把帽子忘在火车上了,是光着头回家的。
 ☞ He left his hat on the train and went home bareheaded.
  ■ forget与leave sth. in的区别似乎有两点。
1) forget强调记忆上的遗忘,而leave sth. in则强调遗忘在某个地点。
 ☞ 我忘了火车票,只好回去拿。
 ☞ I had forgot the train ticket and had to go back for it.
 ☞ 我把火车票忘在办公室的桌子上了,只好回去拿。
 ☞ I had left the train ticket on the desk in the office and had to go back for it.(一定要指明遗忘的地点)
2) forget,遗忘的可以是具体的事物或动作,也可以是抽象的东西,leave sth. in遗忘的一定是物品。
 ☞ 我忘了带我的手杖,叫我儿子去拿了。
 ☞ I forgot my stick with me and sent my son for it.
 ☞ 她忘了带钱包了。
 ☞ She forgot to take her purse with her.
 ☞ 你们过上了幸福生活,可不能忘本。
 ☞ You must not forget your old sufferings, now that you are living a happy life.
 ☞ 他把书忘在了桌子上。
 ☞ He left his book on the table.
 ☞ 你一定是把伞忘在汽车上了。
 ☞ You must have left your umbrella in the bus.
3.“不忘记”强调已记住时,可以从反面着笔来译。这时可用keep in mind,remember,slip one's mind等。
 ☞ 我们讨论时不能忘记这些基本观点。
 ☞ These basic concepts must be kept in mind in our discussion.
 ☞ 我永远也忘不了离家的那一天。
 ☞ I'll always remember the day I left home.
 ☞ 我把这事给忘了,他很不高兴。
 ☞ He was unhappy that it had slipped my mind.
 ☞ 不要只看到事物的一面而忘了另一面。
 ☞ Don't look at only one aspect of the thing and neglect the other.
 ☞ 你忘了上表了。
 ☞ You neglected to wind up the watch.
5.lose sight of,由消失于视线之外转意为消失在记忆之中。
 ☞ 无论他多么有名、多么有钱,他从来没忘记他出生在贫民窟里这样一个事实。
 ☞ No matter how famous and rich he was, he never lost sight of the fact that he had been born in the slums.
 ☞ 他对这种游戏非常感兴趣,以致忘记了时间。
 ☞ He was so interested in the game that he lost sight of time。
忠实 忠实
1.loyal to,指本质上的忠实。
 ☞ 她是个非常善良的女性,睿智、风趣、对朋友忠实。
 ☞ She is an exceedingly kind woman, intelligent, amusing and loyal to her friends.
 ☞ 对妻子要忠实,我的朋友。
 ☞ Be loyal to your wife, my friend.
2.faithful to,指信仰上的忠实。
 ☞ 你的译文一定要忠实于原文。
 ☞ Your translation must be faithful to the original.
 ☞ 记者应该忠实地报道发生的情况。
 ☞ A reporter should give faithful accounts of what happened.
  ■ 由于faithful的内涵是信仰上的忠实,故有时也可带贬义。
 ☞ 汪精卫是日本帝国主义的忠实走狗。
 ☞ Wang Jingwei was a faithful running dog of the Japanese imperialists.
3.true to,指符合真实情况的忠实。
 ☞ 他历尽磨难,仍忠实于他自己的原则。
 ☞ Having undergone through much suffering, he stays true to his principles.
 ☞ 他答应要永远忠实于她。
 ☞ He promised to be always true to her.
忠诚 忠诚
 ☞ 雷锋同志对革命无限忠诚。
 ☞ Comrade Lei Feng was boundlessly loyal to the revolution.
 ☞ 原始人类忠诚于自己的部落而不是国家。
 ☞ The primitive man was loyal to his tribe instead of state.
2.be devoted to,指事业上专心致志的忠诫。
 ☞ 王老师在我们学校工作了40年,一辈子忠诚于党的教育事业。
 ☞ Wang, the Teacher, has worked in our school for 40 years and has devoted to the Party's educational cause all his life.
 ☞ 再也没有一个同志比雷锋更忠诚于革命事业的。
 ☞ There has never been a comrade more devoted to the revolutionary cause than Lei Feng.
3.faithful, 指信仰上的忠诚。
 ☞ 我们必须对人民忠诚老实。
 ☞ We must be honest and faithful to the people.
 ☞ 白求恩大夫是位国际主义战士,始终忠诚他自己的国际主义义务。
 ☞ Doctor Bethune is an international fighter and has always been faithful to his international obligation.
忧虑 忧虑
 ☞ 孩子生来就带有残疾,因此孩子的未来是母亲最大的忧虑。
 ☞ The baby was born deformed, so its future is the mother's greatest concern.
 ☞ 父母对孩子的病感到非常忧虑。
 ☞ The child's illness concerns his parents very much.
 ☞ 她的儿子是个矿工,她对他的安全很是忧虑。
 ☞ Her son is a miner and she is very concerned for his safety.
 ☞ 孩子有病,母亲就有许多忧虑。
 ☞ A mother of a sick child has many worries.
 ☞ 女儿身上的这些变化使她感到忧虑。
 ☞ These changes in her daughter worried her.
 ☞ 老师和同学对他的伤势都非常忧虑。
 ☞ His teacher and classmates were all very much worried over the condition of his wound.
 ☞ 父母听到他上了战场,都为他的安全感到忧虑。
 ☞ His parents felt great anxiety for his safety when they heard he had gone to war.
 ☞ 她为丈夫的健康而忧虑。
 ☞ She was anxious for the health of her husband.

 ☞ 你的表快了5分钟。
 ☞ Your watch is five minutes fast 他是个快手。
 ☞ He is a fast worker.
 ☞ 我乘快车走。
 ☞ I'll take a fast train.
  ■ 此外,fast也可用作副词。
 ☞ 请不要说得那么快。
 ☞ Please don't speak so fast.
 ☞ 我得走得很快才能赶上你。
 ☞ I had to walk very fast to overtake you.
 ☞ 他保证见效快。
 ☞ He promised rapid results.
 ☞ 这次改进倒是蛮快的。
 ☞ This time the improvement was rapid.
 ☞ 快跟我走。
 ☞ Quick,come with me.
 ☞ 我尽快去那儿。
 ☞ I'll be there as quick as I can.
4.make haste,in haste,指匆忙。
 ☞ The saying "Haste makes waste" does not mean that we should not make haste, but that we should not be impetuous.
 ☞ 快把医生带到这里来!
 ☞ Bring the doctor here in haste!
 ☞ 鹰见到猎物时的动作是很快的。
 ☞ The hawk is swift in action when it sees its prey.
 ☞ 我们的方法快而有效。
 ☞ Our method is swift and efficient.
6.hurry up, 催人赶快行动。
 ☞ 快,否则会赶不上火车的。
 ☞ Hurry up, or we shall miss the train.
 ☞ 但愿汽车快点来,我已经在这里等了几个小时了。
 ☞ I wish the bus would hurry up and come, I've been waiting here for hours.
7.soon,before long,指不久之后。
 ☞ 他快回来了。
 ☞ He'll be back soon.
 ☞ 房间很快就变得拥挤不堪。
 ☞ The room soon became crowded.
 ☞ 这个学期快结束了。
 ☞ The term will be over before long.
 ☞ 看起来似乎快要下雪了。
 ☞ It looks as though it will snow before long.
8.almost, nearly,指几乎。
 ☞ 快到吃午饭的时间了。
 ☞ It's almost time for lunch.
 ☞ 我来了快两年了。
 ☞ I've been here for nearly two years.
  ■ almost,nearly,一般可以换用,但如果句中有no, none,nothing,never时,只可用almost。
 ☞ 都快没人相信她了。
 ☞ Almost no one believes her.
9.be going (on),be about to,指马上要发生的事。
 ☞ 他快死了。
 ☞ He is dying.
 ☞ 快30的人了,还没个对象。
 ☞ He is going on thirty, but still doesn't have a girl friend.
 ☞ 火车快开了。
 ☞ The train is about to leave.
 ☞ 天气预报说天气快要转暖了。
 ☞ The weather forecast says that it's about to be warm.
 ☞ 他的脑子快。
 ☞ He is quick-witted.
 ☞ 这刀子好快!
 ☞ What a sharp knife!
 ☞ 她感到心中不快。
 ☞ She felt unhappy.
 ☞ 这真是快人快语。
 ☞ It's really a straight talk from an honest man.
 ☞ 这真是大快人心。
 ☞ This is really to the great joy of the people.
 ☞ 他这人嘴快。
 ☞ He is a man who has a loose tongue.
 ☞ 应邀参加此次大会为我平生一大快事。
 ☞ My being invited to the conference was one of the most delightful experiences in my life.
 ☞ 罪犯正法,人人拍手称快。
 ☞ The criminal was executed and everybody clapped and cheered.
忽略 忽略
 ☞ 这肯定是一个我们不能忽略的因素。
 ☞ That is a fact, which we must certainly not neglect.
 ☞ 你最近是否忽略了你的讲座?
 ☞ Haven't you been neglecting your lecture of late?
 ☞ 我们在注意主要矛盾的同时,不要忽略次要矛盾。
 ☞ While paying attention to the main contradiction, we should not neglect the secondary ones.
 ☞ 你的计算是错误的,因为忽略了一个重要的细节。
 ☞ Your calculation was wrong because you had overlooked an important detail.
 ☞ 贼人忽略了装在夹墙里的报警系统。
 ☞ The robbers overlooked the alarm system fixed in the double wall.
 ☞ 换一种做法就会忽略规划和决策的基本性质。
 ☞ To do otherwise is to overlook the basic nature of both planning and decision-making.
 ☞ 许多农业学校和农业大学都同样忽略了基础生态学。
 ☞ Basic ecology has similarly been ignored in many agricultural schools and universities.
 ☞ 他完全忽略了所有的事实,好像根本不存在似的。
 ☞ He completely ignores all the facts as though they never existed.
 ☞ 该仪器误差可以忽略不计。
 ☞ The instrumental error can be ignored.
 ☞ 我认为向检察官建议不要忽略王一夫先生的权利是我应尽的职责。
 ☞ I think it my imperative duty to recommend the prosecutor not to slight Mr. Wang Yi-fu's claims.
 ☞ 他因忽略群众的创造力而受到批评。
 ☞ He was criticized for slighting the creative power of the masses.
5.lose sight,指由于看不到而造成的忽略。
 ☞ 我们在争论最激烈的时候不应忽略我们的主要目的。
 ☞ In the heat of the argument we must not lose sight of our main purpose.
 ☞ 他作为总统从来不忽略人民的痛苦。
 ☞ As president he never loses sight of the sufferings of the people.
 ☞ 他们支持我们是有条件的,这一事实我们是不会忽略的。
 ☞ We didn't lose sight of the fact that they gave us conditioned support.
忽视 忽视
 ☞ 过去,农业遭到严重的忽视。
 ☞ Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past.
 ☞ 校领导忽视了学生的真正需要。
 ☞ The school authorities neglected the real needs of the students.
 ☞ 生活资料的生产,尤其是粮食生产决不能忽视。
 ☞ The production of the means of substances, especially grain, cannot be neglected.
 ☞ 不要强调一面,忽视另一面。
 ☞ Don't stress one aspect to the neglect of another.
 ☞ 他们忽视我们是很自然的。
 ☞ It was quite natural that they should have ignored us.
 ☞ 政治家们不管干什么都不会忽视舆论的力量。
 ☞ Politicians never ignore the power of public opinions whatever they do.
 ☞ 他的建议似乎不错,却遭到上司的忽视。
 ☞ His proposal sounded good, but was ignored by his superiors.
 ☞ 不论怎么忙,你在工作中都不要忽视困难。
 ☞ While doing work, you should not overlook difficulties no matter how busy you are.
 ☞ 尽管你喜欢尖子学生,但也不能忽视后进学生。
 ☞ Never overlook slower students though you like top ones.
 ☞ 当时我忽视了这个问题,现在我得着手解决了。
 ☞ I overlooked this problem and I shall have to tackle it now.
 ☞ 如果忽视天命,会遭到报应吗?
 ☞ If one slights divine command, will it bring retribution?
 ☞ 因为无人请她参加这个社交聚会,她感到受到了忽视。
 ☞ She felt slighted because she wasn't invited to the party.
 ☞ 他忽视我的警告,结果出了事故。
 ☞ He disregarded my warning and met with an accident.
 ☞ 要是你忽视警方的指令,他们会逮捕你的。
 ☞ If you disregard the instruction of the police, they may arrest you.
怀 怀
1.arms, bosom,指胸部或胸前。
 ☞ 小孩在妈妈怀里睡着了。
 ☞ The baby fell asleep in its mother's arms.
 ☞ 他妻子走下楼来,怀里抱着1岁的儿子。
 ☞ His wife came down stairs, with her one-year-old son in her arms.
 ☞ 母亲蹲下来让儿子贴在她怀里。
 ☞ The mother squatted down so that her son could nestle closely to her bosom.
 ☞ 她从怀里取出一本小册子。
 ☞ She drew a booklet from her bosom.
 ☞ 多年来,我们怀着真诚的愿望,希望他们能重归于好。
 ☞ For many years, we've cherished sincere hopes that they will be reconciled with each other.
 ☞ 他一生都在同泥土打交道中度过,因此对大自然怀有一种执著的爱。
 ☞ He has passed his whole life in contact with earth, and thus he has cherished a persistent love for nature.
  ■ 不过,偶尔也有用于贬义的。如:
 ☞ 她对雇主怀恨在心。
 ☞ She cherished resentment towards her employer.
 ☞ 他早已不怀好意,因此无缘无故地跟我作对。
 ☞ Having harbored evil thoughts, he set himself against me for no reason.
 ☞ 他心怀鬼胎,一见警车就心惊肉跳。
 ☞ Harboring sinister designs, he always feels jumpy at the sight of a police car.
  ■ 但是,此词偶尔也可用于褒义。如:
 ☞ 李时珍少怀大志,后来果然如愿成为有名的药理学家。
 ☞ Li Shizhen harbored lofty ambitions when he was young, and later he became a noted pharmacologist as he expected.
 ☞ 他生前一直怀有一个不可动摇的信念,那就是统一祖国的神圣事业一定会完成。
 ☞ Before his death he had nursed an unshakable belief that the sacred task of unifying the country is certain to be accomplished.
 ☞ 她多年来一直怀恨在心。
 ☞ For many years she nursed the hatred in her heart.
 ☞ 我们怀着沉重的心情想起了他的死。
 ☞ We think of his death with a heavy heart.
 ☞ 我怀着矛盾的心情离开了她。
 ☞ I left her with conflicting feelings.
 ☞ 我们一直怀着强烈的喜悦心情盼望着1997年7月1日零点这一刻。
 ☞ We have been looking forward to the moment of zero hour 1st July, 1997 with strong delight.
6.conceive, pregnant, with child,均指怀孩子。
 ☞ 我们的第一个孩子是在三月间怀上,十二月出生的。
 ☞ Our first child was conceived in March and born in December.
 ☞ 马太太怀孩子已经5个月了。
 ☞ Mrs. Ma has been pregnant for five months.
 ☞ 她婚后3个月就知道怀上了。
 ☞ Three months after her marriage she learned that she was with child.
怀疑 怀疑
1.doubt, doubtful,表示怀疑是假。主句是肯定句,从句要用whether或if连接,表示拿不准。
 ☞ 医生怀疑他是不是真的得了肺病。
 ☞ The doctor doubts whether he is ill with tuberculosis.
 ☞ 我怀疑他是否说了真话。
 ☞ I doubt if he is telling the truth.
  ■ 但是,如果主句是否定句或疑问句,则从句要用that连接,因为主句已经否定产生了的疑问。
 ☞ 我不怀疑他读过这本书。
 ☞ I don't doubt that he has read the book.
 ☞ 无人怀疑她是真诚的。
 ☞ No one would doubt that she was sincere.
 ☞ 你怀疑他会赢得这场选举吗?
 ☞ Do you doubt that he will win the election?
  ■ 但应注意的是,如果肯定句也用了that来连接,则doubt应作“认为不大可能”(consider unlikely)解。请比较:
 ☞ I doubt whether it is authentic.(我怀疑这是不是真的)
 ☞ I doubt that it is authentic.(我认为这不大可能是真的)
  ■ 与此同时,doubt后可直接接名词。如:
 ☞ 如果你对我的话有怀疑,可以写信给他。
 ☞ You can write to him if you doubt my words 我怀疑这一报告的真实性。
 ☞ I doubt the truth of this report.
  ■ 但有时也可与介词about或of连用,不过这时的意思是“对…怀疑”。
 ☞ 是什么使他怀疑我的能力?
 ☞ What made him doubt about my ability?
 ☞ 他说这是真的,但我对此表示怀疑。
 ☞ He said it was true. but I doubt of it.
  ■ 此外,doubt也用作名词,后接介词of,about,如果是接从句也用whether。
 ☞ 我对他的诚实可靠从来没有一点怀疑。
 ☞ I have never had the least doubt of his honesty.
 ☞ 我对词的意思有怀疑时就查词典。
 ☞ When in doubt about the meaning of a word, I consult a dictionary.
 ☞ 对这件事是不是真的,我们有怀疑。
 ☞ We are in doubt whether it is true.
  ■ doubtful一词作“怀疑”解时,后接介词about或of。
 ☞ 我怀疑此事的真实性。
 ☞ I'm doubtful about its authenticity 你怀疑马先生吗?
 ☞ Are you doubtful of Mr. Ma?
  ■ 如果不接介词doubtful,应作“令人怀疑”解。
 ☞ 我似乎觉得马先生是个令人怀疑的家伙。
 ☞ Mr. Ma seems a doubtful fellow to me.
 ☞ 此事的真实性令人怀疑。
 ☞ Its authenticity seems doubtful.
 ☞ 有理由怀疑死亡是在昨晚10至12点之间发生的。
 ☞ There is reason to suspect that the death occurred between 10 and 12 last night.
 ☞ 我怀疑他会遵守诺言。
 ☞ I suspect that he will keep his words.
  ■ suspect还可接名词、代词和复合结构。
 ☞ 我们开始怀疑他。
 ☞ We began to suspect him.
 ☞ 我们开始怀疑这是个陷阱。
 ☞ We began to suspect it to be a trap.
 ☞ 我们开始怀疑他设了陷阱。
 ☞ We began to suspect him of setting the trap 他们怀疑他有偷盗行为。
 ☞ They suspected him of theft.
 ☞ 警方怀疑他杀了那姑娘。
 ☞ The police suspected him of killing the girl.
  ■ suspicion如果是指笼统的怀疑,应作不可数名词。
 ☞ 他们因相互怀疑而分手。
 ☞ They were divided by mutual suspicion 他的举动没有引起怀疑。
 ☞ His behavior aroused no suspicion.
  ■ 但是如果怀疑是指具体的,则应为可数名词。
 ☞ 我有点怀疑她没有说真话。
 ☞ I have a suspicion that she is not telling the truth 我们对他的说法有怀疑。
 ☞ We have suspicions about his story.
  ■ suspicious后可接介词about或of。
 ☞ 她对丈夫长期在外产生了怀疑。
 ☞ She's getting suspicious about her husband's staying away so long.
 ☞ 我对他感到怀疑。
 ☞ I feel suspicious of him.
  ■ 但suspicious(suspect)不接介词宾语时,作“令人怀疑”解。
 ☞ 她在令人怀疑的境况中死去。
 ☞ She died in suspicious (suspect) circumstances.
 ☞ 这一理论的依据令人怀疑。
 ☞ The evidence of this theory is suspicious (suspect).
 ☞ 他一点都不令人怀疑。
 ☞ He is not in the least suspicious.
3.skeptical about (of),常指持有怀疑态度,因此这种怀疑带有习惯性,不易消除。
 ☞ 他说吸烟对健康有利,我对此表示怀疑。
 ☞ He says that smoking is good to health, but I'm skeptical about that.
 ☞ 无知的人们当时都怀疑哥伦布认为地球是圆的这 一理论。
 ☞ Ignorant people were skeptical of Columbus's theory that the earth was round.
 ☞ 专家们都怀疑这一文件的真实性。
 ☞ The experts disputed the authenticity of the document.
 ☞ The assertion that Qu Yuan wrote the Requiem is now disputed.
 ☞ 裁判的判决是令人怀疑的。
 ☞ The referee's decision was disputable.
 ☞ 中国对台湾的主权一直是不容怀疑的。
 ☞ China's claim to Taiwan has always been undisputable.
态度 态度
1.attitude to (toward),指个体或群体的态度,尤其指带有个人或党派色彩的态度,因此这种态度往往是性格、感情的产物。
 ☞ 我欣赏他对生活的幽默态度。
 ☞ I appreciate his humorous attitude to life.
 ☞ 解放初期,中产阶级对新的人民政府采取了观望态度。
 ☞ During the initial post-liberation period, the middle class adopted an attitude of wait and see toward the people's new government.
2.stand,指经过深思熟虑,具有进取性、挑战性、立 场鲜明的态度,因此这种态度往往是政治思想的产物。
 ☞ 总统对裁军是什么态度?
 ☞ What is the president's stand on disarmament?
 ☞ 人们期望反对党在会上采取不妥协的态度。
 ☞ The Opposition is expected to take an uncompromising stand at the conference.
 ☞ 我们在原则问题上要表明我们的态度。
 ☞ We must state our position on matters of principle.
 ☞ 我能理解你对政府采取的保留态度。
 ☞ I can understand the position of reserve which you adopt towards the government.
 ☞ 中国读者对美国文学要采取双重态度。
 ☞ The Chinese reader needs to make a double approach towards American literature.
 ☞ 无论干什么,我们都应把革命精神与科学态度结合起来。
 ☞ Whatever we do, we must combine revolutionary spirit with a scientific approach.
 ☞ 他的态度大变,变得异常冷淡。
 ☞ He changed his manner utterly, and became very cold.
 ☞ 她的态度有点咄咄逼人,不过你也不要介意。
 ☞ Her manner is a bit aggressive, but you mustn't mind.
 ☞ 这就是你所作所为的态度?
 ☞ Is this the way you behave?
 ☞ 我第一次停下来同她交谈时,她那大方的态度令我惊讶不已。
 ☞ The first time I stopped to talk to her, I was astonished at her easy ways.
 ☞ 态度和蔼的人常为别人着想。
 ☞ An amiable person is thoughtful of others.
 ☞ 他今天态度恶劣。
 ☞ He behaved badly today.
 ☞ 你今天的态度有点异常。
 ☞ You are not your usual self today.
 ☞ 这家饭馆的服务态度好。
 ☞ The service is good at this restaurant.
 ☞ 他耍态度,对着我大叫。
 ☞ He lost his temper and shouted at me.
怎么 怎么
1.what,how come,疑问代词,询问具体的事或物。
 ☞ 怎么办?
 ☞ What's to be done?
 ☞ 这是怎么回事?
 ☞ What's all this about?
 ☞ 你怎么啦?
 ☞ What's the matter with you?
  ■ 但what用作关系代词时,只用于陈述句或感叹句。
 ☞ 瞧你怎么搞的!
 ☞ See what you've done!
 ☞ 该怎么办就怎么办。
 ☞ Do what must be done.
 ☞ 你不能想怎么样就怎么样。
 ☞ You can't just do what you please.
  ■ no matter what, whatever 都是关系代词,用来连接让步从句。
 ☞ 不管你怎么说,我也不会相信。
 ☞ No matter what you say, I won't believe you.
 ☞ 不管你遇到怎么样的困难,也要坚持原则。
 ☞ Adhere to principles no matter what difficulties you meet.
 ☞ 你怎么说,我就怎么做。
 ☞ I'll do whatever you say.
 ☞ 怎么也得把实验进行下去。
 ☞ The experiment must be carried on whatever happens.
 ☞ 这件事你怎么解释?
 ☞ How do you explain it?
 ☞ 这个字怎么写?
 ☞ How do you write this character?
  ■ no matter how, 用来连接让步从句。
 ☞ 这本词典怎么贵我也得买。
 ☞ I have to buy the dictionary no matter how expensive it is.
 ☞ 无论睡眠怎么不好,她也总是老早就起来了。
 ☞ No matter how badly she had slept, she was always up early.
  ■ somehow,有“不知怎么”的意思。
 ☞ 我不知怎么就滑倒了。
 ☞ Somehow I slipped and fell.
 ☞ 不知怎么的,她从来就没喜欢过我。
 ☞ She never liked me, somehow.
3.why, how come,疑问副词,询问原因。
 ☞ 你怎么不告诉他?
 ☞ Why don't you tell him?
 ☞ 你怎么不去?
 ☞ Why aren't you going?
 ☞ 怎么不试着培养培养自己的性格呢?
 ☞ Why not try to train your character?
 ☞ 怎么要冒这样的险呢?
 ☞ Why run this risk?
  ■ 注意:why带有质问的性质,用how come提问可使问句变得委婉。
 ☞ 怎么年纪轻轻的就寻死呢?
 ☞ How come you so young should have sought such an end?
 ☞ 我怎么从没听说过这件事?
 ☞ How come I never heard of it?
4.as, 指原来怎么样,现在也怎么样,用来作比较。
 ☞ 我要你把你的经验告诉我的朋友,原来你对我怎么说的现在也怎么说。
 ☞ I want you tell my friend your experience as you told it to me.
 ☞ 人家怎么做,你也怎么做。
 ☞ Do as everybody does.
5.cannot be too,指“怎么…也不过分”。
 ☞ 健康的重要性,怎么强调也不过分。
 ☞ The importance of good health cannot be emphasized too strongly.
 ☞ 对他,你怎么小心也不过分。
 ☞ You cannot be too careful with him.
6.not very, not much, not quite, not too, not so, 均用于否定句,表示程度。
 ☞ 书不怎么贵。
 ☞ The book is not very expensive.
 ☞ 他不怎么说话。
 ☞ He doesn't talk much.
 ☞ 今天我不怎么舒服。
 ☞ I'm not quite well today.
 ☞ 这个地方我不怎么熟悉。
 ☞ I'm not too familiar with the place.
 ☞ 我希望在这里不怎么忙。
 ☞ I wish I were not so busy here.
 ☞ 他说那地方的风景怎么怎么好,弄得大家都想去看看。
 ☞ He described the scenic beauties in such a way that everybody wanted to go there for a visit.
 ☞ 我们怎么都能够帮点忙吧?
 ☞ Can we be of assistance in any way?
 ☞ 病人不怎么好。
 ☞ The patient is in a bad way.

1.be afraid of,表示因害怕而担心,接名词、动名词;be afraid to,表示因害怕而不顾,接动词不定式;be afraid that,按从句,指生性害怕,因此不表示害怕的程度,使用最广。
 ☞ 现在的女孩大都怕胖。
 ☞ Most girls are afraid of being overweight.(指担心胖)或Most girls are afraid to be overweight.(指不愿胖)
 ☞ 这里的企鹅不怕人。
 ☞ Penguins here are not afraid of people.
 ☞ 她害怕跟你说话时被人看见。
 ☞ She was afraid to be seen speaking to you.
 ☞ 他怕你不来。
 ☞ He was afraid that you wouldn't come.
  ■ 此外,I'm afraid可以表示“担心”, 是一种形式化的委婉说法。
 ☞ 事情怕不那么简单。
 ☞ I'm afraid, things are not that simple.
 ☞ 这生意怕赚不了钱。
 ☞ This doesn't seem a profitable business, I'm afraid.
2.fear,指害怕的心理活动,因此是个动词。不过在非正式场合可与be afraid (of)换用。
 ☞ 老鼠怕猫。
 ☞ Mice fear (are afraid of) cats.
 ☞ 我知道她怕什么。
 ☞ I know what she fears (is afraid of).
 ☞ 他不怕死。
 ☞ He does not fear (is not afraid) to die.
  ■ 但在正式场合一般要用fear。
 ☞ 下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。
 ☞ Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory.
 ☞ 要充分发扬一不怕苦、二不怕死的战斗精神。
 ☞ Give full play to our fighting spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death.
  ■ 同时,I fear也可以与I'm afraid换用。
 ☞ 我怕得走了。
 ☞ I fear (I'm afraid)I must go.
 ☞ 天怕是要下雨了。
 ☞ It's going to rain, I fear (I'm afraid)
  ■ for fear of用作状语,也表示某种担心。
 ☞ 他怕迟到,6点就动身了。
 ☞ He started out at six for fear of being late.
 ☞ 不少女孩由于怕丢掉工作而没有勇气结婚。
 ☞ Not a few girls don't have the courage to get married for fear of losing their jobs.
  ■ in fear of用作表语时等于afraid of。
 ☞ 小偷怕警察。
 ☞ The thief is in fear (is afraid) of the police.
 ☞ 他怕被发现就躲起来了。
 ☞ He was in fear (was afraid) of being discovered, so he hid himself.
  ■ 但是,如果in fear of用作状语则不能与afraid换用。如上句可改成:
 ☞ He hid himself in fear of being discovered.
  ■ in fear of还可以加表示程度的词语进行修饰。如:
 ☞ 他很怕传染艾滋病。
 ☞ He was in great fear of AIDS infection.
3.frightened of,scared of,指受到惊吓后所处的精神状态。一般也可与afraid换用,但害怕的时间较afraid短。两词含义基本相同,只是scared的语气较重。
 ☞ 做姑娘时我怕老鼠。
 ☞ I was frightened (afraid) of mice when I was a young girl.
 ☞ 他怕老婆出了名。
 ☞ He was well-known for being scared (afraid) of his wife.
 ☞ 她怕从高处往下看。
 ☞ She is frightened (scared)to look down from the height.
  ■ 但在表示害怕程度时就只能用frightened或scared,而两者可以换用,只是scared的语气较重。
 ☞ 她不得不坐飞机旅行时,每次都害怕得要命。
 ☞ She is always frightened (scared) to death on every occasion when she has to travel by air.
 ☞ 一想起得在荒郊的一个小客栈里过夜,她就怕得要死。
 ☞ She is scared (frightened) to death at the thought that she has to stay for the night in a small inn of the desolate place.
  ■ frightened和scared仍带有过去分词的痕迹,故其后可接by。
 ☞ 女孩大都怕雷电。
 ☞ Most girls are frightened (scared) by thunder and lightning.
 ☞ 国外有人怕中国高速发展的经济。
 ☞ Someone abroad is scared (frightened) by the rapidly developing economy of China.
 ☞ 我怕我要流产了。
 ☞ I am apprehensive that I should miscarry.
 ☞ 你干吗怕这怕那的?
 ☞ Why are you apprehensive of this and that?
 ☞ 剧作家怕他的首场演出砸了。
 ☞ The playwright was fearful that his first show would be a failure.
 ☞ 要是经济在以后的几个月内不迅速改善,我怕会再次萧条。
 ☞ I am fearful of another depression if the economy fails to improve radically in the next few months.
 ☞ 他不讲话是因为怕生。
 ☞ He didn't say anything because he was shy with strangers.
 ☞ 小孩一般都怕他们不认识的人。
 ☞ Small children are often shy of anyone they do not know.
 ☞ 我怕在人前讲话。
 ☞ I feel nervous when speaking in public.
 ☞ 她总是怕考试。
 ☞ She is always nervous about taking examinations.
8.I should think, 指个人不成熟的、没有把握的想法,有点类似I'm afraid。
 ☞ 这瓜怕有十几斤吧。
 ☞ This melon weighs more than ten jin, I should think.
 ☞ 这事怕是不成吧。
 ☞ I should think it can't be done.
9.look like,指某种没有多少把握的看法。
 ☞ 怕要下雨,你最好带把伞。
 ☞ It looks like rain, so better take your umbrella with you.
 ☞ 他们踢得蛮不错的,这场比赛怕要赢。
 ☞ They play quite well. It looks like winning the game.
10.can't stand (bear),指忍受不了某种状态。
 ☞ 这种植物怕冻。
 ☞ This plant can't stand frost.
 ☞ 我已习惯昆明的天气,因此怕这种冷法。
 ☞ I can't stand the cold for I have already got used to Kunming's weather.
 ☞ 他最怕游手好闲。
 ☞ What he can't bear most is idleness.
 ☞ 我最怕有人唠叨。
 ☞ I can't bear gossiping by anyone.
11.lest, 连词,后接虚拟语气,有“惟恐”的意思,故引申为“怕”。
 ☞ 司机怕发动机出问题,故做了仔细的检查。
 ☞ The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it should go wrong.
 ☞ 他开始害怕起来,怕会把命丢在海里。
 ☞ He began to fear lest he'd lose his life at sea.
 ☞ 这种蓝布怕晒。
 ☞ This blue cloth will discolor through exposure to the sun.
 ☞ 这种表不怕水。
 ☞ This kind of watch is waterproof.
 ☞ 山洞里黑得怕人。
 ☞ It's frighteningly dark inside the cave.
 ☞ 那情形真怕人。
 ☞ That was the terrible scene.
 ☞ 他们患碍患失,生怕失掉这些东西。
 ☞ Swayed by considerations of loss and gain, they are anxious not to lose these possessions.
 ☞ 不要怕向我们共产党人提批评建议。
 ☞ Don't hesitate to criticize us Communists and give us your suggestions.
 ☞ 中国人连死都不怕,还怕困难吗?
 ☞ Will the Chinese cower before difficulties when they are not afraid even of death?
思想 思想
1.idea, 是含义最全面、使用最广的词,指经过有意识的思维活动而产生的任何具体想法。
 ☞ 我们应当传播社会主义和共产主义思想。
 ☞ We must spread socialist and communist ideas.
 ☞ 说服人们接受新思想需要很长的时间。
 ☞ It takes a long time to persuade people to accept new ideas.
 ☞ 思想往往落后于实际。
 ☞ Ideas often lag behind actual events.
 ☞ 儒家思想在团结中华民族上起过重大作用。
 ☞ Confucian ideas played an important role in uniting the Chinese nation.
 ☞ 我同他比较熟悉,每次见面没有一次我不批评他的错误思想。
 ☞ I know him rather well, and I never meet him without my having to criticize his erroneous ideas.
 ☞ 马克思主义被公认为是共产党的指导思想。
 ☞ Marxism is generally recognized as the guiding ideology of the Communist Party.
 ☞ 他在医学思想上是超前的。
 ☞ He takes the lead in medical ideology.
 ☞ 种族偏见是人类剥削思想中不可分割的一部分。
 ☞ Race prejudice is an indispensable part of the ideology of human exploitation.
 ☞ 思想斗争必须要中肯,就是说要有思想交锋。
 ☞ Ideological struggle must hit the mark. In other words, there must be confrontation of ideas.
 ☞ 毛泽东思想规范了年轻一代的思想和行为。
 ☞ Mao Zedong thought molded the thoughts and actions of the younger generation.
 ☞ 思想必须反映客观实际,并且在客观实践中得到检验与证明,这才算是真理,不然就不算。
 ☞ Thought must reflect objective reality and must be tested and verified in objective practice before it can be taken as truth, otherwise, it cannot.
 ☞ 语言是交流思想的工具。
 ☞ Languages are means of communicating thoughts.
 ☞ 这篇文章的中心思想是什么?
 ☞ What is the central thought of this article?
 ☞ 人的社会存在决定人的思想。
 ☞ It is man's social being that determines his thinking.
 ☞ 毛泽东的军事思想认为只有动员群众、依靠群众才能进行战争。
 ☞ The military thinking of Mao Zedong holds that a war can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them.
 ☞ 人的思想作风、恩想方法都与思想意识有关。
 ☞ One's Way of thinking and method of thinking are both linked to one's ideology.
 ☞ 解放思想的巨浪横扫全国。
 ☞ The whole country was swept by the surging waves of emancipation of the mind.
 ☞ 有健全的体魄才有健全的思想。
 ☞ There is a sound mind only in a sound body(或A sound mind is only in a sound body).
 ☞ 他年龄不大,思想却已经麻木。
 ☞ Though he is not old, his mind is already deadened.
 ☞ 侵略者无法理解中国人民在思想上及精神上的力量。
 ☞ The invaders couldn't comprehend the mental and spiritual force of the Chinese people.
 ☞ 我们得做好长期战争的思想准备。
 ☞ We have to make mental preparations for the protracted war。
 ☞ 思想僵化会导致漠不关心和麻木不仁。
 ☞ Mental stagnation leads to apathy and indifference.
 ☞ 毛主席军事思想的一个重要组成部分是关于人民战争的思想。
 ☞ An important component of Chairman Mao's military thinking is his concept of people's war.
 ☞ 毛主席的这一光辉思想对中国革命的胜利具有决定意义。
 ☞ This brilliant concept of Chairman Mao's was of decisive significance to the victory of the Chinese revolution.
 ☞ 邓小平的这一根本战略思想已显示出它能改变中国人的行为作风。
 ☞ This fundamental strategic concept of Deng Xiaoping has already shown that it can change Chinese behavior.
 ☞ 他的排外思想是与开放政策格格不入的。
 ☞ His anti-foreign sentiments are incompatible with the policy of opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 我倒想知道他的那种落后思想到哪里去找市场。
 ☞ I'd like to know where he can find an audience for such backward sentiment.
 ☞ 要打破“金要足赤,人要完人”的形而上学的错误思想。
 ☞ Do away with the mistaken metaphysical notions that "Gold must be pure and man must be perfect".
 ☞ 尊师这一思想在中国人的心里是十分牢固的。
 ☞ The notion of respecting teachers is firmly entrenched in Chinese mind.
 ☞ 他思想上仍在可怜她。
 ☞ He is still sorry for her in his consciousness.
 ☞ 她微微一笑来表示思想上的优越。
 ☞ She smiled to express conscious superiority.
思路 思路
 ☞ 他政治思想的基本思路是人人平等。
 ☞ The cardinal idea of his political thought is that all people should be equal.
 ☞ 开始动笔之前先要整理思路。
 ☞ Straighten your ideas before beginning to write.
2.think, 指思想活动本身。
 ☞ 尽管她已高龄,但思路清晰。
 ☞ She thinks clearly in spite of her advanced age.
 ☞ 这岗位你合适,你的思路比我快。
 ☞ You will fit the post; you think quicker than I do.
3.one's train of thought,指连续不断的思考。
 ☞ 一位朋友来访打断了他的思路。
 ☞ The visit of a friend interrupted his train of thought.
4.scope of mind,指思维的范围。
 ☞ 相互讨论可以打开我们的思路。
 ☞ Mutual discussion may broaden our scope of mind.

 ☞ 为什么你来得这么晚?真把人急死了。
 ☞ Why are you so late? We were worried to death about you.
 ☞ 爸爸病了,我急得要命。
 ☞ I was awfully worried when Daddy was ill.
 ☞ 她样子很急,但没有责备的意思。
 ☞ She looked anxious, but irreproachful.
 ☞ 你要知道,他急得要命。
 ☞ He is desperately anxious, you know.
 ☞ 孩子们急着要出发。
 ☞ The children were impatient to set out.
 ☞ 别跟孩子急。
 ☞ Don't be impatient with the child.
 ☞ 干部是人民的公仆,要急人民之所急。
 ☞ Cadres are public servants of the people and should be eager to meet their needs.
 ☞ 我们都急于工作。
 ☞ All of us are eager to work.
5.keen (on),指出于喜好而急于干某事。
 ☞ 她急着出国进修,正在准备“托祸”考试。
 ☞ She is preparing for TOEFL, being keen on going abroad for the advanced studies.
 ☞ 提亲的事,我国的习惯是女方往往不会马上同意, 以便不致于显得太着急。
 ☞ In the Chinese tradition a woman's family often did not give consent to a marriage proposal immediately, as they should not appear too keen.
 ☞ 老百姓都贮备了大量粮食以应急。
 ☞ The ordinary people stored up a great deal of grain to meet emergency.
 ☞ 他马上来了个急刹车。
 ☞ He quickly pulled the emergency brakes.
 ☞ 事情很急,必须马上处理。
 ☞ The matter is urgent and must be dealt with at once.
 ☞ 他决定给你拍封急电。
 ☞ He decided to send you an urgent telegram.
8.in a hurry,指急匆匆。
 ☞ 他走得很急。
 ☞ He left in a hurry.
 ☞ 你用不着那么急。
 ☞ You needn't be in such a hurry.
 ☞ 我没想到他会急。
 ☞ I didn't expect him to get angry.
 ☞ 你说话不算,她当然要跟你急。
 ☞ Of course she was angry with you for your having broken the promise.
 ☞ 她从来没跟我急过。
 ☞ She's never been annoyed with me.
 ☞ 他对你所说的话真的急了。
 ☞ He was really annoyed at what you said.
 ☞ 这一切把个赵寡妇在屏风后急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。
 ☞ All this made Zhao, the widow behind the screen, as frantic as an ant on a hot furnace.
 ☞ 他被警察局的提审逼急了。
 ☞ He was driven frantic by questioning in the police station.
 ☞ 这条路到处是急转弯。
 ☞ The road is full of abrupt turns.
 ☞ 火车一个急刹车把好多乘客从座位上摔了下来。
 ☞ The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
 ☞ 水流很急。
 ☞ The current is swift.
 ☞ 河水急得不能游泳。
 ☞ The river is too swift to swim in.
 ☞ 雨下得正急。
 ☞ It's raining hard.
 ☞ 就在半夜里,风刮得急起来。
 ☞ It began to blow hard just at midnight.
 ☞ 阑尾炎是一种急腹症。
 ☞ Appendicitis is one of the acute abdominal diseases.
 ☞ 他得的是急病。
 ☞ It was an acute disease that he had got.
忽而 忽而
1) one moment... the next,表示交替变换的时间很短,以瞬间计算。
 ☞ 天气变化无常,忽而晴天,忽而下雨。
 ☞ The weather is changeable, fine one moment, raining the next.
 ☞ 她的情绪忽而高,忽而低。
 ☞ She is apt to be in high spirits one moment and in low spirits the next.
2) now…now…,表示交替变化的时间稍长,以一会儿,一会儿来计算。
 ☞ 天气每天都要变,忽而热,忽而冷。
 ☞ The weather changed every day, it was now hot, now cool.
 ☞ 乡村在我面前闪过,忽而高山,忽而平地。
 ☞ The countryside swept past before me, now mountains,now plains.
3) today... tomorrow,表示交替变换的时间又长了一点,以今天、明天来计算。
 ☞ 你得提防着点,他是个忽而答应,忽而反悔的人。
 ☞ You have to be on your guard. He is a man promising today and going back on it tomorrow.
 ☞ 你总不能忽而主张这个,忽而主张那个。
 ☞ Anyway, you can't advocate one thing today and another tomorrow.
4) sometimes... sometimes... ,也表示交替变换,但时间更长了一点,以“时而,时而”来计算。
 ☞ 这很难说,这里的物价忽而涨,忽而跌。
 ☞ It's hard to say, the price here sometimes is rising, sometimes is falling.
 ☞ 我们忽而忙,忽而闲。
 ☞ Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are idle.
1) by turns,表示动作交替发生。
 ☞ 她忽而哭,忽而笑,我们不知道她怎么了。
 ☞ She cried and laughed by turns, we didn't know what had happened to her.
 ☞ 她令人捉摸不定,忽而兴高采烈,忽而垂头丧气。
 ☞ She is unpredictable; she goes into rapture and loses her spirits by turns.
2) 茌keep后接表示动作不断变换的现在分词。
 ☞ 我们进去时,只见灯光忽而明,忽而暗。
 ☞ When we came in we saw the lights kept flickering.
 ☞ 信号灯忽明忽暗,告诉我们毒贩正在接近。
 ☞ The light signals kept flashing, telling us that the drug trafficker was approaching.

 ☞ 她今天看来有点怪。
 ☞ She looks a bit strange today.
 ☞ 你竟没听说过,好怪!
 ☞ How strange that you should not have heard!
 ☞ 他好像是个怪人。
 ☞ He seemed an odd character.
 ☞ 我竟还是独身,你不认为怪吗?
 ☞ Don't you think it odd that I should remain single?
 ☞ 这东西有股怪味,先甜后苦。
 ☞ It had a queer flavor, sweet at first, then bitter.
 ☞ 她样子有点怪,好像知道点什么似的。
 ☞ She looked a bit queer, as if she knew something.
 ☞ 要是你穿着网球鞋去那地方,人家就会认为你怪。
 ☞ If you go to the place in tennis shoes, they will think you are eccentric.
 ☞ 一个怪人就是在说话、穿衣等方面独特的人。
 ☞ An eccentric person is one who is peculiar in speech, dress, etc.
 ☞ 他不辞而别,你说怪不怪。
 ☞ Do you think it funny that he went without saying good-bye.
 ☞ 小李也怪,他干吗不跟我们一块儿来?
 ☞ Funny about Li. Why didn't he come with US?
6.be surprised at,指惊奇。
 ☞ 他的生活方式相当怪。
 ☞ His way of life is rather surprising.
 ☞ 那有什么可怪的?
 ☞ Is that anything to be surprised at?
 ☞ 对他自告奋勇来帮忙,她感到怪不好意思的。
 ☞ She felt rather embarrassed with his offer of assistance.
 ☞ 哦,这箱子怪沉的。
 ☞ Oh, the suitcase is rather heavy.
 ☞ 怪我没讲清楚。
 ☞ I'm to blame for not having made it clear.
 ☞ 来晚了不怪他,因为开会时间通知错了。
 ☞ He's not to blame for arriving late. He was told the wrong time for the meeting.
 ☞ 这些葡萄怪水灵的!
 ☞ How fresh and juicy those grapes are!
 ☞ 这房间怪冷的!
 ☞ How cold this room is!
总之(总而言之) 总之(总而言之)
  ■ “总之”与“总而言之”是同义词,可以换用。
1.用来表示下文是概括性的话,可用in short, in a word, in brief.
 ☞ 政治、文化、科学和艺术,总之,一切社会上层建筑跟经济基础是分不开的。
 ☞ Politics, culture, science and art, in short, all superstructure and economic basis of society are inseparable.
 ☞ 对这我是既没功夫也没兴趣,总之,我不干。
 ☞ I have neither the time nor the inclination for this. In short, I refuse.
 ☞ 总而言之,这电影我是一点也不喜欢。
 ☞ In short, I don't like the film at all.
 ☞ 总之,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。
 ☞ In a word, while the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.
 ☞ 总之,情况越来越糟。
 ☞ In a word, matters are going from bad to worse.
 ☞ 总而言之,朝鲜只能通过联邦制重新统一起来。
 ☞ In a word, Korea can be reunified only through the formation of a confederation.
 ☞ 总之,这是对那一论点的回答。
 ☞ This, in brief, is the answer to the argument.
 ☞ 总而言之,奠定他的哲学基础的思想就是这样的。
 ☞ Such, in brief, was the thinking that laid the foundation of his philosophy.
2.用来改变原先的谈话,表示已说的话无关紧要,重要的是在后面,可用anyway,anyhow,at any rate.
 ☞ 我记不清确切的地址了,总之是在颐和园附近的什么地方。
 ☞ I can't remember the exact address. Anyway, it's somewhere near the Summer Palace.
 ☞ 我说不准什么时候到,也许7点,也许8点,总而言之,9点以前一定到那里。
 ☞ I'm not sure what time I'll arrive. Maybe seven or eight. Anyway I'll certainly be there before nine.
 ☞ 我的伤倒不怎么样,就是被吓着了。总之,我是平安无恙地回来了。
 ☞ I was more frightened than hurt. Anyhow I was back safe and sound.
 ☞ 这次旅行不怎么愉快,但总而言之,我们可以说我们见识了那个国家。
 ☞ The trip was not very pleasant. But anyhow we can say we've seen that country.
 ☞ 下个月我们这里会有大雨,总之,天气预报是这样说的。
 ☞ We are going to have a good deal of rain during the next month. At any rate, so the weather forecasts say.
 ☞ 总而言之,可以肯定的是死脑筋不得不变。
 ☞ At any rate, it is certain that the diehards will have to change.
总归(终归) 总归(终归)
  ■ “总归”与“终归”是同义词,一般可以换用。
1.after all,用来提醒被人忽略的事实。
 ☞ 我们应该让女儿与同学交往,她总归是个大姑娘了。
 ☞ We should let our daughter associate with her classmates. After all she is a big girl already.
 ☞ 别说他了,他总归还是来了。
 ☞ Don't scold him. He has come after all.
 ☞ 困难总归是可以克服的。
 ☞ Difficulties can after all be overcome.
 ☞ 事实总归是事实。
 ☞ After all, facts are facts.
2.at any rate,anyway,anyhow,用来表示前面说过的话无关紧要,重要的是在后面。
 ☞ 车是不怎么样,不过总归还是便宜嘛。
 ☞ It isn't much of a car, but at any rate it was cheap.
 ☞ 我说不定什么时候到,不过总归是要来的。
 ☞ I'm not sure what time I arrive. Anyway I'll certainly come.
 ☞ 现在不能讲,不过总归有一天我会告诉你的。
 ☞ I can't talk now, but anyhow I'll tell it to you some day.
 ☞ 他可能会迟到,来总归会来的。
 ☞ He will probably be late but he'll come eventually.
 ☞ 我知道你现在下岗了,不过你总归会重新找到工作的。
 ☞ I know you are laid off, but you'll find a job eventually.
4.in the long run,意思与eventually有点近似,但强调从长远来看总归会如此。
 ☞ 她总归会戍为他的女朋友,咱们等着瞧吧。
 ☞ In the long run, she will prove to be his girlfriend.
 ☞ Let's wait and see.
 ☞ 贼人可以逍遥法外于一时,但总归是要被抓的。
 ☞ The knave can be at large for the time being, but he will be caught in the long run.
总算 总算
1.manage, 指经过想方设法实现了某种愿望、打算等。其后往往接动词不定式。
 ☞ 我跑了好几家商店,总算搞到了我们所要的东西。
 ☞ I ran around to several shops and finally managed to get what we wanted.
 ☞ 由于行动及时,中国政府总算遏制住了“非典”。
 ☞ By prompt action the Chinese government managed to keep SARS in check.
2.be able to, 一般用过去时,表示经过某些曲折总算做成了某事。
 ☞ 他起先不同意我说的话,但我总算把他说服了。
 ☞ He didn't agree with what I said at first but I was able to persuade him.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战前,他总算离开了德国。
 ☞ He was able to leave Germany before World WarⅡ.
3.be supposed to,用被动语态表示对总算做成的事或所处的状态没有多少依据或把握。
 ☞ 我们总算吸取了我们不该放松警惕这一教训。
 ☞ We are supposed to draw the lesson that we shouldn't let down our vigilance.
 ☞ 你总算是个大学毕业生了,但你的英语却狗屁不通。
 ☞ You are supposed to be a college graduate but your English is rubbish.
4.finally,at last,指经过长期等候之后,最后总算。
 ☞ 经过3次延期之后,我们总算在巴黎度假了。
 ☞ After putting it off three times, we finally managed to have a holiday in Paris.
 ☞ 他想来想去,总算想出了一个好主意。
 ☞ He thought it over and over and finally hit upon a good idea.
 ☞ 我儿子总算通过了考试。
 ☞ My son has passed the examinations at last (finally).
  ■ 但如果at last用来表示感叹时,则不能与finally换用。
 ☞ 总算找到你了!你到底上哪去了?
 ☞ At last! Where the hell have you been?
5.as a whole,on the whole,指从总体来看的“总算”,常用于评价。
 ☞ 这种不够格的党员现在总算比以前少了。
 ☞ Such unqualified Party members, as a whole, number less than before.
 ☞ 这篇作文尽管有些小毛病,总算写得还不错。
 ☞ Taken as a whole, this composition is well written, though it has minor faults.
 ☞ 工程总算设计得不错,尽管还有改进之处。
 ☞ The project is, on the whole, well designed, though there is room for improvement.
 ☞ 小孩子的字能写成这样,总算不错了。
 ☞ For a child's handwriting, it is quite good.
 ☞ 我们推倒了他家里的炉灶,多少总算出了口气。
 ☞ Since we pulled down their kitchen range we have had our revenge more or less.
 ☞ 就是天下雨,不过总算是次不错的旅行。
 ☞ It was raining, but altogether it was a good trip.
 ☞ 该国在今年的外交事务上,总算是相对安静的一年。
 ☞ All in all, it was a relatively quiet year in foreign affairs of that country this year.
总结 总结
1.sum up, 指总结要点。
 ☞ 这篇文章的内容可以总结为几句话。
 ☞ The content of the article may be summed up in a few words.
 ☞ 许多同志在会上发了言,最后由主席总结了这次讨论。
 ☞ Many comrades spoke at the meeting and finally the chairman summed up the discussion.
2.summarize, summary, summation,指以总结的形式来表示主要内容。因此总结的内容要比sum up详细,程序也比较正式。
 ☞ 自然规律的重要性不局限于对事实的总结和归类。
 ☞ The importance of laws of nature is not limited to summarizing and cataloguing facts.
 ☞ 此外,我们这个宪法草案也总结了解放以来制订宪法的经验和教训。
 ☞ Besides, this Draft Constitution of ours has also summarized the experience and lessons in constitution making since liberation.
 ☞ 至于这一事件,我们有一个简短的评论性总结。
 ☞ As to the event, we have a brief critical summary.
 ☞ 哲学是关于自然知识和社会知识的概括和总结。
 ☞ Philosophy is the generalization and summation of the knowledge of nature and society.
总计 总计
1.add up to,指加起来总计。
 ☞ 账单总计550元。
 ☞ The bills add up to five hundred and fifty yuan.
 ☞ 他挪用的公款总计为256万元。
 ☞ The public funds he embezzled added up to 2.56 million yuan.
2.amount to,指达到的总数。
 ☞ 我村的公积金总计为3,800万元。
 ☞ Our village's common reserve fund amounts to 38 million yuan.
 ☞ 这次旅行消耗的燃料总计为38加仑。
 ☞ The fuel consumed in the trip amounted to 38 gallons.
 ☞ 他前三年的债务激增,总计超过200万元。
 ☞ He had in the preceding three years run up debts totaling more than two million yuan.
 ☞ 今天参观的人数总计为3,546人。
 ☞ The visitors today totaled 3,546.
总(总是) 总(总是)
1.有“一直”、“一向”的意思,表示这种情况是经常性的。这种经常性可以根据频率的多少采用下列词:often, frequently, always, constantly, ever. invariably等。
 ☞ 最近他总是找我们玩。
 ☞ He often comes to us for play recently.
 ☞ 最近两天我的思想总在她身上。
 ☞ For the recent two days my thoughts have been frequently on her.
 ☞ 她每天总是第一个到车间。
 ☞ She is always the first to come to the workshop every day.
 ☞ 他总是乱扔东西。
 ☞ He is constantly leaving things about.
 ☞ 帝国主义总是跟战争连在一起的。
 ☞ Imperialism and war have ever gone hand in hand.
 ☞ 晚饭后,我们总是要上街散散步。
 ☞ We invariably go for a walk in the street after supper.
  ■ 这种经常性如果出现在否定句里,则要用never,cannot来替代。
 ☞ 真正的爱情总不是一帆风顺的。
 ☞ The course of true love never runs smooth.
 ☞ 要人家服,只能说服,不能压服;压服的结果总是压而不服。
 ☞ Persuasion, not compulsion, is the way to convince people; compulsion will never result in convincing them.
 ☞ 学习总是不嫌晚的。
 ☞ Never too late to learn.
 ☞ 你总不能老捧着这东西吧。
 ☞ You cannot just go on holding it.
 ☞ 我总不能在众目睽睽之下撅起屁股把那张百元大钞捡在手里吧。
 ☞ I could not lean forward under the watchful eye of the public and pick the one-hundred-yuan bill in my hand.
  ■ 要注意never与not always的区别。
 ☞ 我哥哥晚上总是不在家。
 ☞ My brother is never at home in the evening.(完全否定)
 ☞ 我哥哥晚上不总是在家。
 ☞ My brother is not always at home in the evening.(部分否定)
 ☞ 是东西总有用处。
 ☞ Nothing is but good for something.
 ☞ 人总有缺点。
 ☞ Nobody but has his fault.
 ☞ 凡事有生总有死。
 ☞ There is nothing born but has to die.
 ☞ 他们一见面总要斗智。
 ☞ They never meet but there is a skirmish of wit between them.
 ☞ 要战胜危险总得冒险。
 ☞ Danger is never overcome without risk.
3.如果这种经常性是指习惯性动作,则要用will, would, used to, have a habit of等。
 ☞ 他锻炼起来总是三四个小时不休息。
 ☞ He will train for three or four hours without stopping.
 ☞ 我父亲看书总要打瞌睡。
 ☞ My father will fall asleep while reading.
 ☞ 他死前不欠,总是一句话也不说地连坐几个小时。
 ☞ Shortly before his death he would sit for hours without saying a word.
 ☞ 她走路时总爱唠叨。
 ☞ She would be always muttering as she went along.
 ☞ 我小时候,每天总要游泳。
 ☞ I used to swim every day when I was young.
 ☞ 他出国前总是星期天到我们这里。
 ☞ He used to come to us on Sunday before he went abroad.
 ☞ 猫抓住了猎物,总要先嬉戏一番才把它吃掉。
 ☞ Cats have a habit of teasing their prey a good while before eating it up.
4.chief, head, main, 有“主要”的意思。
 ☞ 总工程师是一项工程中全部工程师中最重要的一个。
 ☞ The chief engineer is the most important one of a group engineers on a job.
 ☞ 总头目不点头我们是不会干的。
 ☞ We won't act without the consent of the chief boss.
 ☞ 本公司的总部设在上海。
 ☞ The head office of our firm is in Shanghai.
 ☞ 总开关控制整幢大楼的灯火。
 ☞ The main switch controls the lights all over the building.
5.general, in general, generally, on the whole, by and large,有全面的意思。
 ☞ 国民总动员必须在48小时内完成。
 ☞ The general mobilization of the nation must be completed in 48 hours.
 ☞ 你访美总的印象如何?
 ☞ What is your general impression the visit to the United States makes on you?
 ☞ 妇女总是喜欢去购买新衣。
 ☞ Women in general like to shop for new clothes.
 ☞ 总的说来,退休人员也可为社会主义做贡献。
 ☞ Generally speaking, those who are retired might make contribution to the socialist construction.
 ☞ 好的散文总是简洁明了、直截了当。
 ☞ Good prose is generally simple, specific and direct.
 ☞ 总的来说,我认为你是比较幸运的。
 ☞ On the whole, I think you have been comparatively fortunate.
 ☞ 妇女总的来说要比男人能吃苦。
 ☞ By and large, women can bear pain better than men.
6.commonly, usually, as a rule,有“一般”的意思。
 ☞ 实验总是根据某个假设而设计的,并用来证实或否定该假设。
 ☞ Experiments are commonly designed in the light of some hypothesis in order to verify or disapprove it.
 ☞ 如果词义上看不出区别,在用法上总有区别。
 ☞ Where a difference in meaning cannot be shown, a difference in usage commonly exists.
 ☞ 工作努力的人总是诚实的,因为勤奋可使人升华, 而不至于受到外界的诱惑。
 ☞ Hard workers are usually honest because industry lifts them above temptation.
 ☞ 虽然他可以坐车,却总是走路。
 ☞ He usually walks though he might ride.
 ☞ 复制品总不如原件。
 ☞ Reproduction, as a rule, falls short of their original.
 ☞ 清早,我总要洗个冷水澡。
 ☞ As a rule I take a cold bath in the morning.
7.must, be bound, sooner or later, be certain, certainly, be sure, surely,可表示动作的必然性。
 ☞ 人总是要死的,但死的意义有不同。
 ☞ All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.
 ☞ 别的问题以后再说,这个问题总得解决。
 ☞ Other questions may be put off, but this one must be settled.
 ☞ 你总会成功的。
 ☞ You're bound to succeed.
 ☞ 从长远来看,经济危机总是要加深最后的政治崩溃的。
 ☞ In the long run, the economic crisis is bound to deepen the eventual political collapse.
 ☞ 问题总是要解决的。
 ☞ The problem will be settled sooner or later.
 ☞ 你迟早总舍被认识你的人瞧见的。
 ☞ You're certain to be seen sooner or later by someone who knows you.
 ☞ 你儿子总会回来的。
 ☞ Your son is certain to return.
 ☞ 做事之前总得有把握吧。
 ☞ Be quite sure before you do anything.
 ☞ 母亲的碗柜里总是有吃的。
 ☞ There is sure to be something eatable in Mother's cupboard.
 ☞ 明天他总该回来了。
 ☞ He certainly ought to be back tomorrow.
 ☞ 你总不会相信她说的吧。
 ☞ You don't believe what she said surely.
 ☞ 无论如何,试试总没害处。
 ☞ At any rate, it won't hurt to try.
 ☞ 只要是不需要的东西,无论什么价格总嫌贵。
 ☞ A thing you don't want is dear at any price.
 ☞ 不管怎样,你总是输家。
 ☞ In any case, you will be the loser.
 ☞ 地球表面的任何一处总是先面对太阳,后背对太阳。
 ☞ Any place on the surface of the earth first faces the sun and then turns away from it.
  ■ 有时,any也可与某些词组成复合词来表示让步。
 ☞ 天可能下雨,不过我们总得去吧。
 ☞ It may rain, but we shall have to go anyway.
 ☞ 不管怎样,我总是不喜欢这东西。
 ☞ Anyhow, I don't like it.
  ■ ever与疑问副词组成复合词组也可表示让步。
 ☞ 无论在哪儿,只要有艰苦的工作要干,他总在场。
 ☞ Wherever there's hard work to do, he is on hand.
 ☞ 无论做什么事情,他总是做得全面、彻底。
 ☞ Whatever he did, he did all-sidedly and thoroughly.
 ☞ 无论何时我一见到这个纪念品,它似乎总是对我说:“坚持下去”。
 ☞ Whenever I looked at the memento, it seems to say to me "go on".
9.after all, all in all, in the long run,有“毕竟”的意思,一般可以表示得出的结论。
 ☞ 他总是个孩子,哪能像大人那样有力气?
 ☞ After all, he's only a child. How can he possibly be as strong as a grown-up?
 ☞ 当然,她的表现差,但她总是你妹妹。
 ☞ Of course, she behaves awfully, but after all she is your sister.
 ☞ 这本书有些缺点,但总的来说我认为是成功的。
 ☞ The book has some weak points, but all in all I consider it a success.
 ☞ 他们的经济状况总的说来并不坏。
 ☞ All in all, their financial condition is not bad.
 ☞ 那些经常改变研究项目的人总是一事无成。
 ☞ Those who often change their studies will never succeed in the long run.
 ☞ 买优质产品总是合算的。
 ☞ It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality.
  ■ 是有“毕竟”的意思还可用词或句子的重复来表示得出的结果。
 ☞ 事实总是事实,怎么抹杀也没有用的。
 ☞ Fact is fact. It's no use obliterating it.
 ☞ 法律总是法律,必须加以遵守。
 ☞ Law is law, and it must be obeyed.
 ☞ 无论他们穿什么衣、说什么话,坏蛋总是坏蛋。
 ☞ No matter what clothes they wear, what words they utter, villains are villains.
  ■ 表示得出结论的“总”有时还可用比较级。
 ☞ 有总比没有好。
 ☞ Something is better than nothing.
 ☞ 迟到总比不来的好。
 ☞ Better late than never.
10.keep doing,指总是在重复某个动作。
 ☞ 我不知道为什么我的鞋带总是散的。
 ☞ I wonder why my shoe-lace keeps coming undone.
 ☞ 他写信的时候,总是在搔下巴。
 ☞ While he is writing a letter, he keeps scratching his chin.
11.“总”有时可以用作动词,有“归拢”的意思,可以有不同的译法。可用settle together,put together等。
 ☞ 你最好把两笔账总到一块算。
 ☞ You'd better settle the two accounts together.
 ☞ 你把文件总到一起归档。
 ☞ Put your papers together in the file.
恐吓 恐吓
1.threaten, threat,指带有威胁性质的恐吓。
 ☞ 无论干什么都不要恐吓老百姓。
 ☞ Whatever you do, don't threaten ordinary people 恐吓就是进行威胁。
 ☞ To threaten is to make a threat.
 ☞ 咱们别就范,他们的恐吓只是吓唬人的。
 ☞ Let's not give in. Their threats are only a bluff.
2.intimidate, intimidation,指带有吓唬性质的恐吓。
 ☞ 黑帮想尽办法来恐吓那位银行经理。
 ☞ The sinister gang tried every possible way to intimidate the bank manager.
 ☞ 他横行乡里,恐吓村人,要他们做他要求的一切。
 ☞ He would ride roughshod over his home village and intimidate the villagers that they should do what he told them.
 ☞ 恐吓显然是经过精心策划的。
 ☞ The intimidation was obviously carefully planned.
3.frighten sb. into,指使之害怕而就范的恐吓。
 ☞ 他恐吓老太太,使她在文件上画了押。
 ☞ He frightened the old lady into signing the paper.
 ☞ 孩子受到恐吓,不敢出声了。
 ☞ The child was frightened into holding his tongue.
恐怕 恐怕
1.be afraid,fear,作担心解,常与第一人称连用,表示语气的委婉。
 ☞ 他的话恐怕靠不住。
 ☞ His words are unreliable, I'm afraid.
 ☞ 恐怕我不懂你的意思。
 ☞ I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.
 ☞ 恐怕我得走了。
 ☞ I fear I must go.
 ☞ 这恐怕起不了多大作用。
 ☞ I fear it won't do much.
 ☞ 他们恐怕需要我们的帮助。
 ☞ Perhaps they are in need of our help.
 ☞ 恐怕他们不会喜欢我们来。
 ☞ Perhaps they wouldn't like our coming.
 ☞ 他走了恐怕有20天了吧。
 ☞ He has gone probably for 20 days.
 ☞ 恐怕他上月底就到了上海。
 ☞ Probably, he had got to Shanghai by the end of last month.
恐惧 恐惧
 ☞ 她眼神里有恐惧的神色。
 ☞ There was a look of fear in her eyes.
 ☞ 我有点发抖,但不是由于恐惧,而是由于气愤。
 ☞ I was shaking a little, not with fear, but with indignation.
 ☞ 现在在东南亚,人人都充满了对经济危机的恐惧。
 ☞ Now in Southeast Asia everyone is6lled with the dread of economic crisis.
 ☞ 他的确对死亡怀有恐惧,确切一点是对死后的一些事情怀有恐惧。
 ☞ He had, indeed, a dread of death, or rather of something after death.
 ☞ 孩子们见到大火,充满了恐惧。
 ☞ The children were filled with fright when they saw the big fire.
 ☞ 我走向证人席时,我有一种怯场的恐惧。
 ☞ When I went to the witness stand, I had stage fright.
  ■ 不过有时fright也可表示长时间的恐惧。
 ☞ 老太太由于邻居被人谋杀而整天生活在恐惧之中。
 ☞ The old lady lived in a constant fright on account of the murder of her neighbor.
 ☞ 火山的吼叫声在当地人中间引起了恐惧。
 ☞ The rumble of the volcano caused terror among the natives.
 ☞ 她发现自己的丈夫是个杀人犯,不胜恐惧。
 ☞ She found to her terror that her husband was a murderer.
恐慌 恐慌
  ■ 参见惊慌。
恢复 恢复
1) 恢复健康。
 ☞ 他病得很重,不大可能恢复了。
 ☞ He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
 ☞ 她已从病中恢复过来。
 ☞ She has recovered from her illness.
2) 恢复失去的某种能力。
 ☞ 他的健康(视力、胃口、精神、体力)已经恢复。
 ☞ He has recovered his health (sight, appetite, spirits, strength).
 ☞ 她事故后恢复了知觉。
 ☞ She recovered consciousness after the accident.
3) 恢复某种原来的状态。
 ☞ 我们没用多少时间就从自然灾害中恢复过来。
 ☞ It didn't take long for us to recover from the effect of the natural disaster.
 ☞ 她很快停止哭泣并恢复了原态。
 ☞ She soon stopped crying and recovered herself.
 ☞ 战争胜利后我们恢复了失地。
 ☞ We regained the lost territory after the war had been won.
 ☞ 要坚持锻炼一直到你恢复体力。
 ☞ Persist in doing exercise until you regain your strength.
 ☞ 由于医务人员的急救,病人恢复了知觉。
 ☞ As a result of the emergency treatment of the doctors and nurses, the patient regained consciousness.
 ☞ 她从休克中慢慢地恢复过来了。
 ☞ She slowly revived from the effect of shock.
 ☞ 这一传统受到严重破坏,我们应切实地把它恢复过来。
 ☞ This tradition was seriously undermined and we must revive it effectively.
 ☞ 他生动的讲座恢复了我对英语的兴趣。
 ☞ His lively lectures revived my interest in the English language.
 ☞ 地震10天后,开滦马桥沟矿就恢复煤炭生产。
 ☞ Within ten days after the earthquake the Maqiaogou Mine of Kailuan resumed coal production.
 ☞ 有迹象表明会谈即将恢复。
 ☞ There are indications that the talks will be resumed soon.
 ☞ 党委落实了政策,恢复了他的职务。
 ☞ The Party committee implemented the policy and resumed his post.
 ☞ 清早,敌人又恢复了攻击。
 ☞ In the early morning the enemy renewed their attack.
 ☞ 两国政府在38年之后又恢复了外交关系。
 ☞ The two governments renewed diplomatic relations after 38 years.
 ☞ 数天后,劳资之间又恢复了谈判。
 ☞ Negotiations are renewed between the labor and the management after a few days.
6.return to,指通过内因回到原来的状态。
 ☞ 运输已恢复正常。
 ☞ Transportation has already returned to normal.
 ☞ 我们不能也不会恢复资本主义。
 ☞ We cannot and will not return to capitalism.
 ☞ 很难希望战争狂人恢复理智。
 ☞ It would be difficult to hope a war maniac to return to his sense.
 ☞ 全市从混乱中恢复了法律和秩序。
 ☞ The whole city has restored law and order out of chaos.
 ☞ 唐山发电厂不到9个月时间就完全恢复了发电能力。
 ☞ In less than nine months the Tangshan Power Plant completely restored its generating capacity.
 ☞ 旧的风俗习惯又恢复了。
 ☞ The old customs and habits have restored again.
8.bring back,指通过外力回复原样。
 ☞ 现在许多美国人都赞成恢复死刑。
 ☞ Many of the American people now are in favor of bringing back capital punishment.
 ☞ 失败的阶级总想恢复失去的天堂。
 ☞ The defeated classes always want to bring back their lost paradise.
 ☞ 我相信乡下的空气会恢复你的健康。
 ☞ I'm sure that the country air would bring back your health.
 ☞ 昔日的“罪犯”恢复了名誉,又受到全体人民的信任和尊敬。
 ☞ The former "criminals" were rehabilitated, trusted and respected by all of the people.
 ☞ 他突然被释放出狱并恢复副总理的职务。
 ☞ He was suddenly let out of prison and rehabilitated as vice-premier.
 ☞ 作出了种种努力使战争中失去手脚的士兵都恢复了正常的生活。
 ☞ Great efforts have been made to rehabilitate soldiers who lost a limb in the war.

1.hate, hatred,指仇恨。
 ☞ 她对你恨之入骨。
 ☞ She hates you to the marrow of her bones.
 ☞ 那些姑娘从到厂以来一直你恨我,我恨你。
 ☞ Those girls have hated each other since they came to the factory.
 ☞ 恨海难填。
 ☞ The sea of hatred is hard to fill up.
 ☞ 我们是相知恨晚呀!
 ☞ It is much to be regretted that we have not known each other earlier.
 ☞ 他们真是恨不相逢未嫁时。
 ☞ It is real regret that they didn't meet before he and she were married.
1) one wishes one could, one wished one had been able,表示不能实现的愿望。
 ☞ 我恨不得立刻回家。
 ☞ I wish I could go home immediately.
 ☞ 当时我们恨不能插翅飞过江去。
 ☞ We wished we had been able to grow wings and fly across the river.
2) be anxious to,表示急于做某事。
 ☞ 我恨不得立刻就认识她。
 ☞ I'm anxious to meet her.
 ☞ 她恨不能马上见到你。
 ☞ She is anxious to see you at once.
恰好(恰恰、恰巧) 恰好(恰恰、恰巧)
  ■ “恰好”,“恰恰”,“恰巧”均为同义词,可以换用。
 ☞ 我们恰好有你穿的这种尺码的鞋。
 ☞ We have just the size of shoes you wear.
 ☞ 8个人一桌,16个人恰好坐两桌。
 ☞ One table seats eight people, two tables will just do for sixteen.
 ☞ 我们的性格恰好相反。
 ☞ We are just the opposite in personality.
 ☞ 这棵大树恰恰挡住了我的视线。
 ☞ This big tree is just blocking my sight.
 ☞ 这件事的效果恰巧相反。
 ☞ It would have just the opposite effect.
 ☞ 现在恰恰是行动的时候。
 ☞ The right time to act is now.
 ☞ 他没有意识到银行职员这一职位恰巧适合我工作。
 ☞ He did not feel that a bank clerkship was the right job for me.
 ☞ 这块布做件衬衣恰好够长。
 ☞ This piece of cloth is the right length for a shirt.
 ☞ 这恰恰是我想说的话。
 ☞ That's exactly (just) what I want to say.
 ☞ 医生要他别抽烟,他恰恰是反其道而行之。
 ☞ The doctor told him not to smoke, but he did exactly (just) the opposite.
 ☞ 发生的事情恰好如你所说的那样。
 ☞ It happened exactly as you described it.
4.in the nick of time,表示恰逢其时。
 ☞ 警察恰好这时赶到,抓住了小偷。
 ☞ The police arrived in the nick of time and caught the thief.
 ☞ 恰恰这时我们看见有辆车子经过,就大叫救命。
 ☞ We saw the other car passing by in the nick of time when we cried for help.
 ☞ 我正要出去,恰好王先生来找我。
 ☞ I was about to leave when Mr. Wang came to see me.
 ☞ 我正为这事着急,恰好铃响了。
 ☞ I was worrying about it when the bell rang.
 ☞ 她正愁着怎么拿行李,恰巧来了个搬运工人。
 ☞ She was worrying about how to carry her baggage when a porter came.
 ☞ 我的老师恰好是位思想进步的人。
 ☞ My teacher happened to be a man of progressive views.
 ☞ 有一天,他恰好碰上了她。
 ☞ One day he happened to run across her.
7.unfortunate, unfortunately,指碰到倒霉的事,自然也是碰巧。
 ☞ 李明恰好在放假的第一天就摔断了腿骨,什么好玩的事都没摊上。
 ☞ It was unfortunate that Li Ming broke his leg on the first day of the holiday and so missed all the fun.
 ☞ 他恰恰没赢那场比赛。
 ☞ He was unfortunate not to win the race.
 ☞ 我身上带的钱恰巧不够。
 ☞ Unfortunately I have not enough money with me.
 ☞ 回家路上恰巧碰上大雨,淋得我浑身湿透。
 ☞ Unfortunately I was caught in a heavy rain on the way home and got drenched from head to foot.
恰当 恰当
 ☞ 我得说她做这类事不恰当。
 ☞ I should say she wasn't fit to do anything of this sort.
 ☞ 管理幼儿,她不是恰当的人选。
 ☞ She is not a fit person to be in charge of small children.
 ☞ 做你认为恰当的事。
 ☞ Do what you think fit.
 ☞ 要是不恰当,就另外找人对文章作些修改,要不就干脆重写。
 ☞ Get someone else to touch up the article or rewrite it if it is not suitable (fit).
 ☞ 我们进行了一次英语水平测试来物色这一工作的恰当人选。
 ☞ We gave an English proficiency test and tried to find a suitable person for the job.
 ☞ 她不知怎么回答恰当,就只是笑了一笑。
 ☞ She was not sure what would be the appropriate reply,so she smiled only.
 ☞ 政府采取恰当措施来维持秩序。
 ☞ The government has taken appropriate measures to preserve order.
 ☞ 这篇文章里有的地方用词不够恰当。
 ☞ Words were used inappropriately in some parts of this essay.
 ☞ 那是个恰当的说法。
 ☞ That was a proper remark.
 ☞ 他不知道这么早就来敲她的门是否恰当。
 ☞ He was wondering whether it would be proper to knock at the door of her room so early.
 ☞ 这事处理得很恰当。
 ☞ This matter was taken care of properly.
 ☞ 那是句恰当的谚语。
 ☞ It was an apt proverb.
 ☞ 他对提问做出了恰当的回答,这说明他对问题的理解很快。
 ☞ His apt reply to the question showed that he had understood it very quickly.
 ☞ 要学会在恰当的时间说恰当的话。
 ☞ Learn to say the right thing at the right time.
 ☞ 他们到底还是决定让一位恰当的人来继承我。
 ☞ They've decided after all to let the right man succeed me.
恶劣 恶劣
 ☞ 他对服务态度恶劣感到十分气愤。
 ☞ He was very angry at the bad service.
 ☞ 这位校长给家长们的印象恶劣。
 ☞ The headmaster made a bad impression on the parents.
 ☞ 他的恶劣作风激起了公愤。
 ☞ His abominable behavior aroused public indignation.
 ☞ 她喝了许多香槟酒,变得疯疯颠颠的,还打情卖俏,总之恶劣极了。
 ☞ After she drank lots of champagne, she became romped and flirted; in short, "was abominable.
 ☞ 我们对他的恶劣行径感到十分气愤。
 ☞ We were indignant over his disgusting conduct.
 ☞ 她的行为变得越来越恶劣。
 ☞ Her behavior was becoming more and more disgusting.
 ☞ 有谁会这么恶劣?
 ☞ How could anyone be so mean?
 ☞ 欺人的广告是招引顾客的恶劣手段。
 ☞ The misleading advertisement is a mean trick to draw customers.
 ☞ 探险队碰上了恶劣的气候条件。
 ☞ The expedition encountered adverse weather condition.
 ☞ 他在篝火前坐下来考虑他要面对的恶劣环境。
 ☞ He sat down before the fire to think upon the adverse circumstances he had to face.
 ☞ 他不至于恶劣到为金钱而出卖朋友吧!
 ☞ He couldn't be so vile as to betray a friend for money!
 ☞ 作案的情节十分恶劣。
 ☞ The way in which the crime was committed was absolutely vile.
 ☞ 出卖朋友是一种恶劣行径。
 ☞ To betray a friend is a base action.
 ☞ 这画是件恶劣的仿制品。
 ☞ The painting is a base imitation.
恶化 恶化
 ☞ 自从1978年两国关系恶化以来,中国外长的访问标志着外交上第一次高层次的交流。
 ☞ The visit by the Chinese Foreign Minister has marked the first high-level diplomatic exchange since the relation between the two countries deteriorated in 1978.
 ☞ 病人情况手术后就恶化了。
 ☞ The patient's condition has deteriorated since the operation.
 ☞ 他的健康在日益恶化。
 ☞ His health is deteriorating each day.
 ☞ 他的病情恶化了。
 ☞ His condition has worsened.
 ☞ 该国局势是由于政府的反动政策才恶化的。
 ☞ The situation in that country has been worsened as a result of the government's reactionary policy.
 ☞ 面对日益恶化的局势,我们十分焦急。
 ☞ We are anxious in face of the worsening situation.
 ☞ 总统竞选期间,经济情况似乎肯定要恶化。
 ☞ The economy seems certain to worsen during the campaign for the presidency.
3.take a turn for the worse, change for the worse,口头用语。
 ☞ 他的病情恶化了。
 ☞ His illness took a turn for the worse.
 ☞ 病人的情况恶化了。
 ☞ The sick man took a turn for the worse.
 ☞ 局势恶化了。
 ☞ The situation changed for the worse.
 ☞ 病人的情况恶化了。
 ☞ There has been a change for the worse in the patient's condition,或The sick man's condition changed for the worse.
 ☞ 这些措施旨在缓和局势,想不到反而恶化了。
 ☞ The measures were designed to remedy the situation, only to aggravate it.
 ☞ 冷天恶化了他的关节炎。
 ☞ The cold weather aggravated his rheumatism.

 ☞ 如果工程仓促上马,将来会给我们带来无穷后患。
 ☞ It will bring us endless trouble in the future if the project starts in haste.
 ☞ 最好的办法还是防患于未然。
 ☞ The best way still has been to prevent trouble before it happens.
 ☞ 显然,他严重的隐患来自内部。
 ☞ Evidently, his serious hidden trouble came from his inner circle.
 ☞ 其未得之也,患得之;既得之,患失之。
 ☞ While one has not got one's aim, one's worry is to get it: when one has got it, one's worry is lest one should lose it.
 ☞ 何患之有!
 ☞ There is no need to worry.
 ☞ 患得患失是人的通病。
 ☞ It is a common fault for human beings to worry about personal gains and losses.
 ☞ 愈膏肓之患,难。
 ☞ It is difficult to cure a fatal disease.
 ☞ 官僚主义可以说是我们的心腹之患。
 ☞ Bureaucracy may be said as a disease in our very vitals.
 ☞ 我弟弟小时候患过哮喘病。
 ☞ My brother had asthmatic attacks in his childhood.
 ☞ 她父亲3个月前患过肝炎。
 ☞ Her father got hepatitis three months ago.
 ☞ 她患有心脏病。
 ☞ She suffers from heart disease.
 ☞ 病人可能患有急性细菌腹膜炎。
 ☞ The patient may contract acute bacterial peritonitis.
情况(情形) 情况(情形)
  ■ “情况”和“情形”是一对同义词。“情况”可指具体或抽象的情况,而“情形”则只能指具体的情况。
 ☞ 般均用单数。
 ☞ 她母亲的健康情况不好。
 ☞ Her mother is in a poor state of health.
 ☞ 在那样的情况下离开她,我感到不安。
 ☞ I felt uneasy about leaving her in that state.
 ☞ 你要求加薪前,先看看国家的情况。
 ☞ Look at the state of the country before you ask for salary-raising.
 ☞ 大家看到这种情形都非常气愤。
 ☞ People felt indignant at this state of affairs.
 ☞ 他的情况变得越来越坏。
 ☞ His condition (state) became worse and worse.
 ☞ 你不能在这种情况下旅行。
 ☞ You can't travel in that condition (state).
  ■ 但condition作“情况”解时还可用作复数,表示综合起来的情况。
 ☞ 自我上次访问该厂以来,情况有了很大的改变。
 ☞ Conditions have changed greatly since my last visit to that factory.
 ☞ 类似情况在非洲其他国家也有所发现。
 ☞ Similar conditions were found as well in other African countries.
 ☞ 他几乎是在无法想象的情况下完成这些实验的。
 ☞ He has done these experiments under almost unimaginable conditions.
 ☞ 两地的情形大不相同。
 ☞ Conditions in the two places differ greatly.
 ☞ 有一个重要的情况可以帮助我们确定罪犯,那就是他的脸上有个黑色的胎记。
 ☞ There is an important circumstance that can help us identify the criminal, that is, he has a black birthmark on his face.
 ☞ 警方对每种情况都需要换位思考。
 ☞ The police want to consider each circumstance in turn.
  ■ 同样,circumstance也可用复数表示外围综合起来的情况。
 ☞ 现在情况对敌人不利。
 ☞ The circumstances are now unfavorable to the enemy.
 ☞ 等你了解了情况再做决定。
 ☞ Don't make any decision until you know the circumstances.
 ☞ 在任何情况下我都不会说假话。
 ☞ Under no circumstances would I tell a lie.
 ☞ 我把我的情形跟这位老人一讲,他就决定帮我。
 ☞ When I explained my circumstances to the old man, he decided to help me.
 ☞ 必须采取措施来面对这一情况。
 ☞ Measures must be taken to meet the situation.
 ☞ 过去3年滴雨未下,该地区的情况十分危急。
 ☞ With no drop of rain for the last three years, the area is in a desperate situation.
 ☞ 他发现自己的经济情况十分困难。
 ☞ He found himself in a very difficult financial situation.
 ☞ 对这样的情形我们应该有所准备。
 ☞ We have to be prepared for such a situation.
 ☞ 医生说这样的伤,在大多数情况下可不治自愈。
 ☞ The doctor said that in most cases such a wound would heal itself.
 ☞ 在这种情况下,钱就不予考虑了。
 ☞ In this case money is not taken into consideration.
 ☞ 我收到一位太太的来信,她对你的情况很感兴趣。
 ☞ I received a letter from a lady who has become interested in your case.
 ☞ 我后来听说情形并非如此。
 ☞ I afterward heard that this was not the case.
 ☞ 照现在的情形看,你过去说的话是对的。
 ☞ As the case stands what you said is correct.
 ☞ 他问我情况如何。
 ☞ He asked me how things were getting on.
 ☞ 那会使情况更加复杂。
 ☞ That will make things more complicated.
 ☞ 情况转好,这使她松了一口气。
 ☞ It seemed to have relieved her that things were getting better.
 ☞ 我想了解有关他的情况。
 ☞ I want to know things about him.
 ☞ 现在情形不同了。
 ☞ Now things are different.
 ☞ 我倒是想知道一些有关你的学习情况。
 ☞ I'd like to know something about your studies.
 ☞ 老民兵赵大叔走进司令部说:“我有情况要报告。”
  "I have something to report", said Uncle Zhao, old militiaman, as he walked into the headquarters.
 ☞ 这是我没有料到的情况,因此我没有准备。
 ☞ This is something which I didn't foresee, and therefore I failed to provide for.
 ☞ 我听到什么新情况就同你联系。
 ☞ I'll contact you when I hear anything new.
 ☞ 我星期五见你,除非出现特殊情况。
 ☞ I shall meet you on Friday unless anything special turns up.
 ☞ 他在战斗中受伤,但情况并不严重。
 ☞ He was wounded in the fight, but it wasn't anything serious.
 ☞ 我们不得不与他这号人进行长期斗争,不了解这种情况是错误的。
 ☞ We have to wage a protracted struggle against people like his sort. It is wrong not to understand this.
 ☞ 你应该把这一情况反映给党支部。
 ☞ You should report this to the Party branch.
 ☞ 情况可能是你将证明你是最好的。
 ☞ It may be that you will prove to be the best.
 ☞ 情况如何?
 ☞ How is it going?
 ☞ 前面有情况,做好战斗准备。
 ☞ There is enemy active ahead. Prepare for combat.
 ☞ 可是在其他地方,情况却完全两样。
 ☞ But the picture outside this place is quite another story.(指身临其境的情况)
 ☞ 这是一方面的情况。
 ☞ This is one side of the picture.(指身临其境的情况)
 ☞ 那得看情况而定。
 ☞ That depends.(没有说出来的情况)
情愿 情愿
1.be willing,指甘心情愿。
 ☞ 他情愿付这个价钱来买这架钢琴。
 ☞ He is willing to pay the price for the piano.
 ☞ 只要她做得到,帮什么忙她都情愿。
 ☞ She's willing to help in any way she can.
2.would rather... than,prefer,均指选择后情愿,但前者为虚拟,故语气较为委婉,后者则为实指。
 ☞ 她情愿粉身碎骨,也不在敌人面前屈服。
 ☞ She would rather be cut to pieces than yield to the enemy.
 ☞ 我情愿跟你待在一起,不想回家。
 ☞ I would rather stay with you than go home.
 ☞ 他要开车送她回家,但她情愿走着去。
 ☞ He offered to drive her home, but she preferred to walk.
 ☞ 她发现读这种书太吃力,因此情愿读个侦探故事。
 ☞ She found such books too heavy and preferred a detective story.
 ☞ 她父亲把她接了回去,但心里老大不情愿。
 ☞ Her father took her in, but with considerable reluctance.
 ☞ 披红挂绿的花轿来到新郎倌家门前,新娘子是不能自己走进夫家的。这样做会大跌身份,因此她得在众目睽睽之下被背着进去,以此表示她必须表示的不情愿。
 ☞ When the sedan chair draped with red and green silk arrived at the bridegroom's house the bride should not just walk into a man's house; this would imply a severe loss of status. She had to be watched to be carried in, to denote her requisite reluctance.
情绪 情绪
 ☞ 他一受情绪支配,工作起来就慢吞吞的。
 ☞ He works leisurely, as the mood comes over him.
 ☞ 他情绪好的时候就会唱他喜爱的那首歌。
 ☞ When he was in a good mood, he would sing his favorite song.
 ☞ 她的情绪最近有点怪。
 ☞ Her mood has been a bit queer recently.
 ☞ 士兵们的革命情绪高涨。
 ☞ The soldiers' revolutionary mood ran high.
 ☞ 足球队的情绪如何?
 ☞ What is the mood of the football team?
 ☞ 那晚她的情绪坏透了。
 ☞ That evening she was in a vile mood.
 ☞ 不要忘记,个人崇拜也是一种宗教情绪。
 ☞ Do not forget that personality cult is a religious feeling as well.
 ☞ 他的举动引起她一阵淡淡的厌恶情绪。
 ☞ His deed aroused her faint feeling of disgust.
 ☞ 我知道你的情绪一上来,不骂人确实也难。
 ☞ I knew it was really hard for you to swear when your feelings got working.
 ☞ 他的讲话加剧了民族主义情绪。
 ☞ His speech intensified the nationalist feelings.
 ☞ 这个时候我只希望你做一件事,就是停止挑起公众的情绪来反对我。
 ☞ What I do wish you to do at this time is to stop stirring up public sentiment against me.
 ☞ 人民的普遍情绪是反对战争。
 ☞ The general sentiment of the people is against war.
 ☞ 有观察家指出在阿拉伯人中反美情绪激增。
 ☞ Observers noted a sharp increase in anti-American sentiments among the Arabs.
 ☞ 今天的年轻人对他们未曾经历过的往事是不会有伤感情绪的。
 ☞ Young people today have no sick sentiments for things of the past they have not experienced.
 ☞ 晚饭过后她的情绪有了好转,于是她出去转转。
 ☞ After supper her spirits improved and she went round.
 ☞ 随着假日的临近,他的情绪也高涨起来。
 ☞ His spirits rose with the holidays approaching.
 ☞ 我们坐了下来,不过我们当中谁也没有情绪低落。
 ☞ We both sat down, however, neither of us was in low spirits.
 ☞ 我们再次相逢时我希望你的情绪会更好。
 ☞ I hope to find you in better spirits when we meet again.
 ☞ 足球队虽然输了第一场,但依然情绪高涨。
 ☞ The football team was high in morale though they lost the first game.
 ☞ 全团战斗情绪高昂。
 ☞ The whole regiment is in fine fighting fettle.
 ☞ 他是由于急躁情绪而犯了错误。
 ☞ He committed the error out of rashness.
 ☞ 你说的话使大家情绪低落。
 ☞ What you said cast a gloom over all of us.
 ☞ 只有收容难民才能安定他们的情绪。
 ☞ Only by housing refugees can we set them at ease.
 ☞ 他在闹情绪。
 ☞ He is in a fit of depression.
 ☞ 她有点情绪。
 ☞ She was rather sulky.
 ☞ 我们开始时对他有不满情绪。
 ☞ At the beginning we bore a grudge against him.
 ☞ 队员的情绪忽高忽低,这很不正常。
 ☞ The team members' emotion swells and subsides; it's abnormal.
惊动 惊动
 ☞ 枪声惊动了林中的鸟兽。
 ☞ The report of a gun startled the birds and animals in the forest.
 ☞ 消息惊动了全城。
 ☞ The whole town was startled by the news.
 ☞ 注意隐蔽好,不要惊动敌人。
 ☞ Take good cover and don't alert the enemy.
 ☞ 几声犬吠惊动了室内的毒贩,他们在警察赶来以前就撤离了屋子。
 ☞ Some barks of the dog alerted the drug traffickers.
 ☞ They had deserted the house before the police came.
 ☞ 不要为这样的小事去惊动他。
 ☞ Don't bother him with such trifles.
 ☞ 我们没去惊动他,因为他睡着了。
 ☞ We didn't trouble him because he was asleep.
惊慌 惊慌
 ☞ 饥饿的人们出来游行示威一事引起了统治阶级的惊慌。
 ☞ The hungry people turned out in a demonstration which frightened the ruling class.
 ☞ 她变得激动,还有点惊慌。
 ☞ She grew excited and a little frightened.
 ☞ 他听到恐吓后显然有点惊慌。
 ☞ Hearing the threat, he was evidently a little scared.
 ☞ 她面对死亡却没有半点惊慌。
 ☞ Facing death, she was not in the least scared.
 ☞ 猎人脚下一根树枝折断的声音引起鹿群的惊慌。
 ☞ The breaking of a branch under the hunter's foot alarmed the deer.
 ☞ 他们对殖民地解放运动的高涨自然感到惊慌。
 ☞ They were of course alarmed at the rise of the liberation movement in the colonies.
 ☞ 不必惊慌。
 ☞ There is no cause for alarm.
 ☞ 看见鲨鱼靠近,游泳人群一片惊慌。
 ☞ Panic swept through the swimmers as they saw the shark approaching。
 ☞ 人群一片惊慌,向四面八方逃去。
 ☞ The crowd in a panic fled in all directions.

1.get used to, be used to,指习惯,前者强调过程,后者强调状态。
 ☞ 这里的空气比较稀薄,到时候惯了就好了。
 ☞ The air is rather thin here, but you'll get used to it in time.
 ☞ 李大爷劳动惯了,闲着不舒服。
 ☞ Grandpa Li is used to physical labor. He'll feel uncomfortable if he's idle.
2.get (fall) into the habit of,指养成习惯。
 ☞ 这孩子假话说惯了。
 ☞ The child has got into the habit of lying.
 ☞ 爷爷早起惯了。
 ☞ Grandpa fell into the habit of getting up early.
 ☞ 他爷爷奶奶惯着他,要什么就给什么。
 ☞ His grandparents indulge him by giving him what he asks for.
 ☞ 你太惯你的孩子了。你会把他惯坏的!
 ☞ You indulge your child too much. You'll spoil him!
 ☞ 那孩子给惯得不成样子了。
 ☞ That child is terribly spoilt.
 ☞ 你不该这样惯你的儿子,给他大把大把的零用钱。
 ☞ You shouldn't have spoilt your son by giving him plenty of pocket money.

 ☞ 仔细想想,看记不记得钥匙搁哪儿了。
 ☞ Think carefully, and see if you can remember where you put the key.
 ☞ 尽量想想你最后见到他是在什么地方。
 ☞ Try and think where you last saw him.
 ☞ 你想得真周到。
 ☞ You have really thought of everything.
 ☞ 给我时间好好想想,我现在无法回答你。
 ☞ Give me time to think it over. I cannot answer you now.
 ☞ 我在想下一步怎么走。
 ☞ I'm thinking about what my next move should be.
  ■ think有时可表示打算做某事。
 ☞ 我想去游泳。
 ☞ I think I'll go for a swim.
  ■ 有时又可表示某种看法,并使这种看法听起来不那么武断。
 ☞ 我想他是对的。
 ☞ I think he is right.
  ■ 不过用在否定句时,要注意否定的转移。
 ☞ 我想我们无需再浪费时间。
 ☞ I don't think we need waste time any more.
  ■ think还可与so连用,来避免重复表达过的想法。
  "Is that Professor Wang?" "I think so."
2.conceive (of),正好与think相反,强调想的结果,因此有“想到过”、“想出来”的意思。
 ☞ 他从来没想过这样的事情竟会发生在他自己身上。
 ☞ He had never conceived of such a thing that should have happened to him.
 ☞ 教练想出了这个战术,我们才赢得了这场比赛。
 ☞ The coach conceived such a strategy that won the game for us.
3.ponder (over),比think想得全面,指全面考虑问题及事物间的相互联系。
 ☞ 对这个问题他想了好几天,然后决定迅速行动。
 ☞ He pondered the problem for several days and then resolved to act swiftly.
 ☞ 你在想什么?
 ☞ What are you pondering over?
 ☞ 我想敌人会设法渡河,因此会抢占大桥。
 ☞ I anticipate that the enemy will try to cross the river and so seize the bridge.
 ☞ 我们要想想困难,做好一切准备。
 ☞ We must anticipate difficulties and get everything ready.
5.wonder, 指在不知道的情况下想知道,其后常接whether, if, what, how,where等连词。
 ☞ 过去我们想,国民经济3年是否可以恢复。
 ☞ In the past we wondered if the national economy could recover in three years.
 ☞ 我在想我身在何处。
 ☞ I am wondering where I am.
 ☞ 你走了以后,我们都很想你。
 ☞ After you left, we all missed you.
 ☞ 李大娘想儿子都想病了。
 ☞ Auntie Li missed her son so much that she's got ill.
7.feel like doing sth. ,指感到想做某事的委婉说法;would like, 有委婉地建议的意思;want, 截了当地说想如何如何。
 ☞ 我累了,想睡一觉。
 ☞ I'm tired. I feel like going to bed.
 ☞ 我倒是想让你见见我的一位朋友。
 ☞ I would like you to meet a friend of mine.
 ☞ 先生,有人想见你。
 ☞ Someone wants to see you, sir.
8.have sth. at heart, 强调心里想某事。
 ☞ 他的心里总是想着人民的利益。
 ☞ He always has the interests of the people at heart.
 ☞ 不要再抽烟了,想想你的身体。
 ☞ Don't smoke any more. Have your health at heart.
9.mind与heart 一样可以与soul相对,故有时有“想”的意思。
 ☞ 我知道你心里是怎么想的。
 ☞ I know what is on your mind.
 ☞ 我想做什么就做什么。
 ☞ I'll do what I've a mind to.
 ☞ 你现在应该尽量别想这件事。
 ☞ You must try to get that out of your mind.
 ☞ 这个问题让我仔细想想。
 ☞ Let me turn the question over in my mind.
10.suppose,表示某种猜想的委婉看法,但与think相比,其猜测、揣摸的成分更大。同样,与think 一样,也要注意否定的转移。
 ☞ 我想她倒是应该去见见世面。
 ☞ I suppose she should see something of the world for herself.
 ☞ 我想我不会再麻烦你了。
 ☞ I don't suppose I'll trouble you again.
11.reckon, 指经过估量后揣想。
 ☞ 我想到会的至少有200人。
 ☞ I reckon there are at least two hundred people present at the meeting.
 ☞ 我想你会很快出院的。
 ☞ I reckon you'll be able to leave hospital soon.
 ☞ 她在路上就感到肚子更疼了,想折回去,又决定忍一忍。
 ☞ On the way, she felt more pain in her abdomen, and contemplated turning back, but decided against it.
 ☞ 我正想买些新家具,他却派人送来了桌椅板凳。
 ☞ I am contemplating some new furniture when he has sent tables, chairs and benches.
 ☞ 我想说的都说了。
 ☞ I have said what I intended to say.
 ☞ 旧中国的政府不想也不能造这样的大桥。
 ☞ The government of Old China had neither the intention nor the ability to build such a giant bridge.
想出 想出
 ☞ 往气囊里充气做成气球,这种想法是谁第一个想出来的?
 ☞ Who first conceived the idea of filling bags with gas to make balloons?
 ☞ 囚徒们想出了一个大胆的越狱计划。
 ☞ The prisoners conceived a bold plan of escape.
2.think out (up),义同conceive,常用于口语。
 ☞ 办法我是想出来了,但不知道行不行。
 ☞ I've thought out a plan, but I'm not sure whether it will work.
 ☞ 但愿能想出一个可以使他们相信犯了错误的办法。
 ☞ I wish I could think up some way of convincing them of their mistakes.
 ☞ 我使劲想也没想出一个好主意。
 ☞ I'm trying hard, but still can't come up with any good ideas.
 ☞ 你怎么会凭空想出这么一个计划来?
 ☞ How was it that you dreamed up such a plan?
 ☞ 我们一起想出了这么一个解决问题的办法。
 ☞ Together we doped out a solution to the problem.
 ☞ 他想出了一个新主意。
 ☞ A new idea entered his mind.
 ☞ 我想不出你是怎么干的。
 ☞ I can't imagine how you did it.
想到 想到
1.think of,常用语。think作为不及物动词只表示思想的过程,但如果与of连用,则有了思考的对象,因此就有了“想到”的意思。
 ☞ 看见了这座宝塔,我就想到了延安。
 ☞ I thought of Yana's when I saw the pagoda.
 ☞ 他在回家的路上突然想到了一件重要的事情,只好又折回办公室。
 ☞ He had to turn back to his office when he thought of something important on his way home.
  ■ 同样,think作为及物动词,由于有了对象,故也有“想到”的意思。
 ☞ 谁想到会出事呢?
 ☞ Who would have thought there'd be an accident?
 ☞ 我想到了你会让他来接我的。
 ☞ I thought that you would allow him to meet me.
  ■ 此外,think的名词thought也可作“想到”解。
 ☞ 在这紧急关头,工人们首先想到的是抢救国家财产。
 ☞ At this critical moment, the workers' first thought was to save the state property.
2.have sth. at heart, 强调心里想到,心里装着。
 ☞ 无论你做什么,一定要想到人民的利益。
 ☞ Be sure to have the interests of the people at heart whatever you do.
 ☞ 他心里想到的始终是如何向灾区人民提供救济。
 ☞ What he has at heart is always how to provide relief to the people of the disaster area.
 ☞ 这件事我们谁都没想到。
 ☞ None of us expected it.
 ☞ 你想到过这次考试可能会不及格吗?
 ☞ Have you expected possible failure in this examination?
4.occur to sb. ,指某种意识在不知不觉中进入头脑,因此主语是物,不是人。
 ☞ 他们当中有人想到了还可以绝处逢生。
 ☞ The possibility of finding rescuer in desperate circumstances had occurred to some of them.
 ☞ 他竟会反对,这是我没想到的。
 ☞ It didn't occur to me that he should have objected.
想开 想开
1.not take to heart,指不放在心上,故而想得开。注意英、汉语在词义上否定和肯定的区别。
 ☞ 消消气,想开点。
 ☞ Calm down. Don't take it to heart.(汉语肯定,英语用否定)
 ☞ 她这人向来斤斤计较,为点小事就想不开。
 ☞ She has been a calculating person, who takes such small things to heart.(汉语否定,英语用肯定)
2.stop worrying,指由于停止烦恼而想开;keep on worrying,指由于一直烦恼而想不开。
 ☞ 想开点,医生一定能治好你妈的病。
 ☞ Stop worrying. The doctor will certainly cure your mother's illness.
 ☞ 她因为迟到了两次,她所在的公司扣了她的一部分工资,就想不开了。
 ☞ She keeps on worrying about the fact that the company where she works deducted part of her salary for her being late twice.
3.put sth. out of one's mind,指由于置诸脑后而想开。
 ☞ 钱都丢了,尽量想开点。
 ☞ Try to put the lost money out of your mind.
 ☞ 这种事是气人,不过她得想开点。
 ☞ That sort of things is exasperating, but she has to put it out of her mind.
 ☞ 这位老太太最想得开了。
 ☞ This old lady always looks at the bright side of things.
 ☞ 现在还没有比我更想得开的人。
 ☞ No one could take things easier than I do.
想像 想像
 ☞ 他与她的关系可能要比我们想象的深得多。
 ☞ He must have got in deeper with her than we thought.
 ☞ 我无法想像粮食的亩产量怎么会提高得那么快。
 ☞ I can't think how the yield of grain per mu can be raised so rapidly.
 ☞ 你无法想像她见到你会有多高兴。
 ☞ You can't think how glad she is to see you.
2.conceive of, 原意指设想,因此可作“想象”解。
 ☞ 想象的图像显然要比think形成的明晰得多,但由于该词强调的仍然是想,因此想像的轮廓依然是模糊的,而且一般也多用于否定句或准否定句。
 ☞ 古时候,地球被想像成扁乎的。
 ☞ In ancient times the earth was conceived of as flat.
 ☞ 大多数人都无法想像生活中没有电话。
 ☞ Most people couldn't conceive of living without telephone.
 ☞ 我无法想像可能的失败。
 ☞ I can't conceive of the possibility of failure.
 ☞ 我不想想像这样解决问题的办法。
 ☞ I refuse to conceive of such a solution to our problem.
 ☞ 现代的孩子难以想像没有电视的时代。
 ☞ The modern child finds it difficult to conceive of a time when there was no TV.
3.imagine, imagination, imaginary, imaginative,指想像出来的,imaginative,指有想像力的,均指在想像中形成的图像,暗示其图像鲜明、完整。
 ☞ 你可以想像他们回家后发现屋子里空空如也后的惊讶。
 ☞ You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty when they returned to their home.
 ☞ 你能想像月球上的生活吗?
 ☞ Can you imagine life on the moon?
 ☞ 只有在人们的想像里才有完美无缺的人。
 ☞ A flawless person exists only in imagination.
 ☞ 顷刻间,她想像的全部幸福化为泡影。
 ☞ All her imaginary happiness disappeared like a bubble.
 ☞ 能想像的作家追求效果;求实的科学家追求真实。
 ☞ The imaginative writer is after effects while the realistic scientist is after truth.
 ☞ 他把自己想像成了一贯正确的伟大领袖。
 ☞ He fancied himself as an infallible great leader.
 ☞ 我黑洞洞地蹲在那儿,十分害怕。想象着那块大石头是头蹲着的狼,会随时朝我扑过来。
 ☞ I squatted there in the dark with horror. I fancied that the rock was a crouching wolf that would spring on me at any moment.
5.visualize, vision, 也指幻想中产生的想象,但强调见得到的图像。
 ☞ 尽量想像你在腾云驾雾,驰过天空。
 ☞ Try to visualize your sailing through the sky on a cloud.
 ☞ 她想像着上帝似乎来到了她的跟前。
 ☞ She had a vision in which God seemed to appear before her.
 ☞ 他想像着一个没有压迫,没有战争的世界。
 ☞ He has a vision of a world without oppression or war.
  ■ 但如果用于否定句,则也可指事实上的想象。
 ☞ 尽管他已把那地方讲得很仔细,但我还是无法想象。因为那地方与我熟悉的地方完全不同。
 ☞ Though he described the place carefully, I couldn't visualize it because it was entirely different from anything I had known.
想起 想起
 ☞ 我突然想起有一些文件忘在办公室里,不得不折回去取。
 ☞ I suddenly remembered I had left some documents in the office and had to turn back for them.
 ☞ 她想不起把钥匙搁到哪里了。
 ☞ She couldn't remember where she put the key.
 ☞ 我花了好长时间才想起那件小事。
 ☞ It took me a long time to recall that incident.
 ☞ 我真的一下子想不起你的名字了。
 ☞ I really cannot recall your name at this moment.
  ■ 但如果不强调上面的区别,则以上两个词是可以换用的。
 ☞ 你还想得起我们学校着火的那天吗?
 ☞ Do you recall (remember) the day our school caught fire?
 ☞ 他背靠着扶手椅坐下来,想起了那些他亲眼目睹的战斗。
 ☞ He settled back in an armchair and began to recollect the battles he had witnessed.
 ☞ 你丢的那件上衣最后是在什么地方穿的,还想得起来吗?
 ☞ Can you recollect where you last wore your missing jacket?
4.remind of, 与以上词的区别在于由外界因素提醒而使之回想起来,而不是动作主体主动回想。
 ☞ 这部电影使我想起我曾经读过的一本书。
 ☞ This film reminds me of a book I once read.
 ☞ 你刚才讲的故事使我们想起我们曾经有过的经历。
 ☞ The story you have just told reminds us of an experience we once had.
5.call to mind,与remind不同的是,虽经外界提醒,但不是使之想起,而是自然而然地自己想起。
 ☞ 你讲的故事使我想起几年前发生在我身上的一件类似的事情。
 ☞ Your story calls to mind something similar, which happened to me a few years ago.
 ☞ 你一提醒,我想起她的模样来了。
 ☞ Now you mention her, I call her feature to mind.
6.bring (back) to (one's) mind,不是经过别人提醒,而是由于某种情节而被带人某种记忆之中。
 ☞ 写到有关我读过书的那所学校,使我想起一件往事。
 ☞ Writing about the school where I studied brings back a past incident to my mind.
 ☞ 就是那个旧信封使他想起了他的童年。
 ☞ It was the old envelope that brought his childhood to mind。
7.set sb. thinking,指把某人投入到回想的情境之中。
 ☞ 老工人做的报告使我想起了解放前的苦日子。
 ☞ The report made by the old worker set me thinking a.
 ☞ bout the hard times before liberation.
 ☞ 他的忠告使我们大家都想起过去受到的挫折。
 ☞ His advice set all of us thinking about the setbacks we had suffered in the past.
想通 想通
1.come round,指转过弯子,改变了想法,因而想通。
 ☞ 我原来不以为然,不过现在我对你的批评也想通了。
 ☞ I used to think otherwise, but now I've come round to your criticism.
 ☞ 把道理对你母亲讲清楚,她一定会想通的。
 ☞ Reason things out with your mother, and she will certainly come round.
2.straighten out one's thinking,指把思想理清,因而想通。
 ☞ 婚事要等到她想通了才办。
 ☞ We won't prepare the wedding till she straightens out her thinking.
 ☞ 一旦他想通了,他就会全力以赴的。
 ☞ Once he's straightened out his thinking he'll go all out on the job.
3.be convinced,指通过外人的说服而想通,故一般用被动语态。
 ☞ 功名利禄都是身外之物,还是德行要紧,这点我也想通了。
 ☞ I'm convinced that fame and possessions are external things, it's goodness that really counts.
 ☞ 你要是一时还想不通,可以再想想。
 ☞ Think the matter over again if you're still not convinced.
4.figure out,指通过思考、理解而想通。
 ☞ 这件事该怎幺办,我们自己先得想通了。
 ☞ First we must figure out how to do it ourselves.
 ☞ 他为什么说那样的话,我想不通。
 ☞ I can't figure out why he said that.

1.look for, ask for,指招惹。
 ☞ 你不要去惹麻烦。
 ☞ You don't go looking (asking) for trouble.
 ☞ 干吗你要写这样的信?这是在惹麻烦。
 ☞ Why did you write such a letter? It was asking (looking) for trouble.
2.stir up,指引起。
 ☞ 你老是在惹麻烦。
 ☞ You are always stirring up trouble.
 ☞ 他的话惹得王林和李明吵了一架。
 ☞ His words stirred up a quarrel between Wang Lin and Li Ming.
 ☞ 要是你去惹他,他是会揍你的。
 ☞ If you provoke him, he will beat you.
 ☞ 是你惹来了报纸的批评。
 ☞ It was you who provoked the criticism from the newspapers.
 ☞ 我惹不起他。
 ☞ I cannot afford to offend him.
 ☞ 我怎么惹着她了?我什么也没说,什么也没干呀。
 ☞ How could I offend her when I said nothing and did nothing?
5.trifle with,指戏弄。
 ☞ 中国人民是不好惹的。
 ☞ The Chinese people are not to be trifled with.
 ☞ 他这个人可是不好惹的。
 ☞ He's not a man to be trifled with.
 ☞ 她是个惹人注意的女士。
 ☞ She is a striking lady.
 ☞ 她的奇特服装很惹路人的注意。
 ☞ The attention from passersby was attracted by her peculiar attire.
 ☞ 不要惹人讨厌!
 ☞ Don't make a nuisance of yourself!
 ☞ 他的话惹得大家哈哈大笑。
 ☞ His words set everybody roaring with laughter.
 ☞ 你所做的事情惹人笑话。
 ☞ What you did has laid yourself open to ridicule.
意义 意义
 ☞ 请你解释一下这些外来语的意义好吗?
 ☞ Would you please explain the meanings of these foreign words?
 ☞ 自从妻子逝世后,他说他的生活失去了意义。
 ☞ He says his life has lost its meaning since his wife died.
 ☞ 从严格意义上,他不能被称之为作家。
 ☞ He cannot be called a writer in the strict sense of the word.
 ☞ 在这个意义上,文明与否是由人们彼此相处如何。
 ☞ 共同工作如何来衡量的。
 ☞ In this sense, civilization is measured by how people can get along with each other and work together.
 ☞ 十一届三中全会具有极其重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。
 ☞ The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee was of momentous current significance and far-reaching historical significance.
 ☞ 现在大家都承认优生学具有生物学上的意义。
 ☞ It is accepted nowadays that eugenics has a biological significance.
 ☞ 这表明他们还没真正理解中俄友好关系的重大意义。
 ☞ This shows that they don't understand really the great importance of the relations between China and Russia.
 ☞ 这一点的意义重大。
 ☞ This point is of great importance.
 ☞ 这样做没有意义。
 ☞ There's no point in doing that.
 ☞ 这件事她都知道,再告诉她还有什么意义?
 ☞ Is there any point in telling her again when she learned everything about it?
意思 意思
1.mean, meaning,指语言、文字、表情、姿势、符号、作品等表示的意思,范围可广可窄。
 ☞ 胡说!我从来就没那个意思。
 ☞ Nonsense! I never meant anything of that sort.
 ☞ 我懂你的意思。
 ☞ I understand what you mean.
 ☞ 这个词是什么意思?
 ☞ What's the meaning of the word?
 ☞ 你得把你的意思讲清楚了。
 ☞ You'll have to make your meaning clear.
 ☞ 她是个天使,在措辞上有比喻的意思。
 ☞ She is an angel in the figurative sense of the term.
 ☞ 这个词用起来有几个意思。
 ☞ This word can be used in several senses.
 ☞ 他的微笑里含有好多意思。
 ☞ There was much sense in his smile.
 ☞ 我以为在这儿游来荡去的没多少意思。
 ☞ I don't think there's much sense in hanging about here.
 ☞ 如何说服他辞职,别的董事也有同样的意思。
 ☞ Other directors have the same idea of how to talk him into resignation.
 ☞ 她的意思是在地震后我们应当尽快恢复正常业务。
 ☞ Her idea was that we should resume normal business after the earthquake as soon as possible.
 ☞ 我的意思是走着去。
 ☞ In my opinion we should go on foot.
 ☞ 我父亲就是那个意思。
 ☞ My father is quite of that opinion.
5.wish, desire,指希望或愿望。
 ☞ 我的意思是留在这儿不走了。
 ☞ I wish to remain here.
 ☞ 干类似这样的事,她可从来没有这样的意思。
 ☞ She has never desired to do anything like this.
6.suggest, 指不便明言的某种意思。
 ☞ 你的意思是我太老了,干不了那工作?
 ☞ Are you suggesting that I'm too old for the job?
 ☞ 他的意思是你与他心照不宣。
 ☞ He suggested that you had a tacit understanding with him.
 ☞ 他的意思是他知道得更多。
 ☞ He hinted that he knew more.
 ☞ 我的意思只是说她的效率低。
 ☞ I only hinted at her inefficiency.
8.come to,指得出来的意思是。
 ☞ 他说的意思是我们再也别想继续得到他的帮助。
 ☞ What he said comes to that we can expect no further help from him any longer.
 ☞ 这实际上的意思是一回事。
 ☞ It comes to the same thing.
9.look like, look as if, 指看起来有那个意思。
 ☞ 看样子,天气没有放晴的意思。
 ☞ The weather does not look like clearing up.
 ☞ 看样子有罢工的意思。
 ☞ It looks as if there will be a strike.
10.as a token of, 指送礼表示意思。
 ☞ 这点薄礼不过是学生表示感激的一点意思,请收下吧。
 ☞ Please accept this little gift as a token of the students' appreciation.
 ☞ 她要走了,咱们送一条丝巾表示友谊,意思意思。
 ☞ She is leaving. Let's give her a silk kerchief as a token of our friendship.
 ☞ 这样继续下去有什么意思?
 ☞ Is there any point in going on like this?
 ☞ 我难以判断你提出来的意思。
 ☞ I can hardly judge the points you raise.
 ☞ 继续争论没有什么意思。
 ☞ There is no point in arguing further.
意见 意见
 ☞ 相互交换意见后,我们取得了一致。
 ☞ We reached unanimity after we exchanged ideas to each other.
 ☞ 你不能把自己的意见强加给别人。
 ☞ You should not force your ideas on others.
 ☞ 在决议草案修改前要仔细倾听各方面群众的意见。
 ☞ You have to listen carefully to the views of the masses from all sides before the draft resolution is subject to amendment.
 ☞ 对这一议题,我们的意见一致。
 ☞ We have identical views on the subject.
 ☞ 双方意见分歧,谈判陷入了僵局。
 ☞ Both sides had a difference of opinion. As the result the negotiation came to a deadlock.
 ☞ 既然你来了,我倒是想听听你的意见。
 ☞ Now that you're here, I would like to hear your opinion.
 ☞ 他和我的意见针锋相对。
 ☞ He holds an opinion diametrically opposite to mine.
 ☞ 不少人民代表对宪法草案提出了许多修改意见。
 ☞ A number of deputies of the National People's Congress made a lot of suggestions for revision of the draft constitution.
 ☞ 有位名叫戴·勃罗里的科学家于1942年首次提出电子可能具有类似波动性能的意见。
 ☞ In 1942 a scientist named de Broglie made the first suggestion that electrons might have wavelike properties.
 ☞ 要是你的隔壁邻居太闹,你就会有意见。
 ☞ If your neighbors are too noisy then you have cause for complaints.
 ☞ 大家对你有很多意见。
 ☞ People have a lot of complaints about you.
 ☞ 省市对中央有意见;地、县、区、乡对省市就没有意见吗?
 ☞ Since the provinces and municipalities have their own complaints about the central departments; can it be that the prefectures, counties, districts and townships have no complaints about the provinces and municipalities?
6.objection, object,指反对意见。
 ☞ 协商以后,他没再提反对意见。
 ☞ Consulted, he raised no objection any longer.
 ☞ 他们对这样的做法很有意见。
 ☞ They strongly object to such practice.
7.differ, disagree, diverge,均指意见分歧。
 ☞ 李明和王平是好朋友,最近却在闹意见。
 ☞ Li Ming and Wang Ping are good friends but they differ recently.
 ☞ 他和我经常闹意见,但我们还是好朋友。
 ☞ He and I often disagree but we're good friends all the same.
 ☞ 正如她所说的那样,他们之间在闹意见。
 ☞ Just as she remarked, he and she diverged.
意识 意识
1.conscious, consciousness,指通过思维而产生的意识。
 ☞ 既然他意识到了自己的错误,我想他会改的。
 ☞ Now that he is conscious of his mistakes, I think he'll amend his ways.
 ☞ 她意识到有人在监视她。
 ☞ She was conscious that someone was watching her.
 ☞ 当天的事件提高了工人们的阶级意识和政治理解力。
 ☞ The day's events have heightened class-consciousness and political understanding of the workers.
 ☞ 压迫与贫穷唤醒了农民的政治意识。
 ☞ Oppression and poverty awakened political consciousness of the peasants.
2.aware, awareness,指通过所见所闻得到的意识。
 ☞ 有人跟她说了以后,她才意识到有危险。
 ☞ She was not aware of the presence of danger until she was told.
 ☞ 我意识到她一家在对我的态度上有了分歧。
 ☞ I became aware that her family were divided in their attitude towards me.
 ☞ 只有增强全民族的环境保护意识,才能防止环境污染。
 ☞ Only by enhancing the whole nation's awareness of the environmental protection can we prevent environments from pollution.
 ☞ 中国人现在的法律意识已大有提高。
 ☞ Nowadays the law awareness of the Chinese people has been increased greatly.
 ☞ 检查团来了你才有了质量意识,是不是太迟了?
 ☞ Is it too late you're conscious of a sense of quality until the inspection party comes?
 ☞ 我一进屋子就本能地意识到了危险。
 ☞ The moment I entered the house, I instinctively sensed danger.
 ☞ 种族歧视是人类剥削意识中不可分割的部分。
 ☞ Race prejudice is an indispensable part of the ideology of human exploitation.
 ☞ 我们的民主意识还有待于提高。
 ☞ Our democratic ideology is to be raised yet.
感到 感到
1) 通过肌体的接触而引起的感觉。
 ☞ 我感到风穿过敞开的窗户吹在我脸上。
 ☞ I felt the wind blowing on my face from an open window.
 ☞ 她感到有什么东西碰在她脚上。
 ☞ She felt something touching her foot.
 ☞ 不要害怕,你一点也不会感到痛。
 ☞ Don't be afraid. You won't feel the slightest pain.
 ☞ 坐在这把椅子上我感到很舒服。
 ☞ I feel very comfortable in this chair.
 ☞ 我闭上眼睛感到太阳照在脸上的暖意。
 ☞ I closed my eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on my face.
2) 通过外界环境而引起的心理变化。
 ☞ 我们听到这件事时,自然感到气愤与恐怖。
 ☞ When we heard of it we felt a natural indignation and terror.
 ☞ 他在进教室的一瞬间,感到一阵激动。
 ☞ He felt a thrill the moment he got into the classroom.
 ☞ 她在美国感到孤独并想家。
 ☞ She felt lonely and homesick in the United States.
 ☞ 姑妈走过来时,我感到坐立不安。
 ☞ As my aunt approached I felt myself growing restless and uneasy.
3) 通过推理而得到的感觉。
 ☞ 我感到有必要讲讲我的缺点。
 ☞ I felt it necessary to speak about my shortcomings.
 ☞ 他感到自己有责任做点什么事来帮帮她。
 ☞ He felt himself called upon to do something to help her.
 ☞ 突然我们感到会议室内气氛紧张。
 ☞ Suddenly we felt the atmosphere in the conference room grew tense.
 ☞ 我感到我不配表扬。
 ☞ I felt myself unworthy of the praise.
1) 指通过感官而获得的感觉。
 ☞ 走进屋子,我立即感到要出事。
 ☞ When I entered the house I immediately sensed that something was going to happen.
 ☞ 他一见到她就感到出事了。
 ☞ As soon as he saw her he sensed something had happened.
 ☞ 他被蒙住双眼,什么都看不见,只感到微风吹拂在他脸上。
 ☞ Being blindfolded, he could see nothing, could sense only the breeze blowing on his face.
 ☞ 在黑暗中,我感到有人就在我附近。
 ☞ In the dark I could sense someone near me.
2) 由推理而得的感觉。
 ☞ 我们感到会议室内气氛紧张。
 ☞ We sensed the tense atmosphere in the conference room.
 ☞ 与会的科学家都感到灾难迫在眉睫。
 ☞ All of the scientists participating in the conference sensed the approaching disaster, hanging over their head.
 ☞ 她感到她先生有什么事情瞒着她。
 ☞ She sensed that her husband was hiding something from her.
 ☞ 我感到在这里不受欢迎。
 ☞ I sensed that I was not welcomed here.
 ☞ 她进来时我们都感到一阵淡淡的香水味。
 ☞ We all perceived a faint scent of perfume when she came in.
 ☞ 尽管他蒙住了双眼,但仍感到当时是大白天。
 ☞ Though he was blindfolded, he still could perceive it was broad daylight.
  ■ 由此也可引申出由推理而得的感觉。如:
 ☞ 他终于感到他错了。
 ☞ He perceived his error at last.
 ☞ 他感到妻子的病使他心烦意乱。
 ☞ He perceived that his wife's illness was distracting him.
 ☞ 她逐渐感到她父母是对的。
 ☞ She gradually perceived that her parents had been right.
 ☞ 她对草原上的一切都感到新鲜、迷人。
 ☞ She found everything on the grassland new and attractive.
 ☞ 我感到她是一个通情达理的女同志。
 ☞ I find her a sensible woman.
 ☞ 我们感到中国人民是幸福、欢乐的。
 ☞ We find the Chinese people happy and cheerful.
 ☞ 现在他感到可以放松一下了。
 ☞ Now he found that he could relax a little.
 ☞ 据说一个人在极度幸福之后,会感到深深的悲哀。
 ☞ It is said that one in the climax of happiness might experience the deepest sorrow directly afterwards.
 ☞ 他感到了一种真正的幸福。
 ☞ He experienced a genuine feeling of happiness.
 ☞ 我们突然感到一阵沮丧。
 ☞ We experienced a sudden sensation of depression.
 ☞ 你没感到要他来这里是违反规定的吗?
 ☞ Don't you realize it's against the rules to have him here?
 ☞ 他突然感到他俩的变化有多大。
 ☞ Suddenly he realized how greatly they had both changed.
 ☞ 他似乎没有充分感到这一事件的真正含义。
 ☞ He doesn't seem to have fully realized the true significance of the event.
7.be aware of, be conscious of,前者指领悟后的感受,后者指意识到后的感受。
 ☞ 我们感到形势的严重。
 ☞ We are aware of the gravity of the situation.
 ☞ 你应当感到你现在的所作所为都是非法的。
 ☞ You must be aware that what you are doing is illegal.
 ☞ 他感到做了错事。
 ☞ He was aware of having done wrong.
 ☞ 他感到输入舶来品会加速危机。
 ☞ He was aware that the import of the foreign goods would precipitate a crisis.
 ☞ 你可能没感到心跳,但心是一直跳着的。
 ☞ You may not be conscious of your heartbeat though it beats all the time.
 ☞ 她感到那人在盯着她看。
 ☞ She was conscious of the man staring at her.
 ☞ 他在惊愕中一动不动地站在那里,模模糊糊地感到有人在跟他说话,却没听懂那话的意思。
 ☞ He stood there motionless in wonder, dimly conscious that someone was speaking to him but not catching the meaning of the words.
8.have (get) the impression that,常指由于某种印象而感到。
 ☞ 我感到那是个清洁的城市。
 ☞ I had the impression that it was a clean city.
 ☞ 我感到她用词十分谨慎。
 ☞ I had the impression that she chose her words with great care.
 ☞ 我感到你并不幸福。
 ☞ I got the impression that you were unhappy.
9.sth. gives sb. a sensation of,主语是物,常指某种事物使人感到。
 ☞ 农村中采取的新政策使农民感到放心。
 ☞ The new policy adopted in the countryside gives the peasants a sensation of security.
 ☞ 火使人感到温暖。
 ☞ Fire gives a sensation of warmth.
感受 感受
 ☞ 我才来几天,就感受到这个革命集体的温暖。
 ☞ I've been here only a few days and I've already experienced the warmth of this revolutionary collective.
 ☞ 她第一次感受到了美的意义。
 ☞ It was the first time that she had experienced the sense of beauty.
 ☞ 他谈了他洗蒸汽浴的感受。
 ☞ He narrated his own experience of the Turkish bath.
2.feel, feeling,指经受的感觉。
 ☞ 她跟他散步时,她感受到一种无法抑制的快乐。
 ☞ As she walked with him she felt a joy she could not restrain.
 ☞ 这只是我个人的感受。
 ☞ That's only my personal feeling.
3.impress, impression,指给人的印象。
 ☞ 他给我的感受是粗暴无理。
 ☞ He impressed me as being rude.
 ☞ 我这次去东北参观感受很深。
 ☞ My visit to the Northeast made a deep impression on me.
 ☞ 老年人易感受风寒。
 ☞ Old people are apt to catch cold.
感情 感情
 ☞ 他进城生活工作以后,思想和感情都发生了变化。
 ☞ He has experienced a change of his thoughts and feelings since he came into the city to live and work.
 ☞ 她怀着十分矛盾的感情接受了那笔钱。
 ☞ She accepted that sum of money with very conflicting feeling.
 ☞ 喜、怒、哀、乐、爱、恨都是感情。
 ☞ Happiness, anger, grief, joy, love and hatred are emotions.
 ☞ 他在谈到死去的妻子时动了感情。
 ☞ He spoke of his dead wife with emotion.
 ☞ 感情不能代替政策。
 ☞ Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.
 ☞ 她在一出戏里充分表现了这种感情。
 ☞ She has illustrated this sentiment thoroughly in a drama.
 ☞ 商场上没有感情的位置。
 ☞ There is no place for sentiment in business.
 ☞ 他对妻子的感情转移了。
 ☞ His affections were turned from his wife.
 ☞ 我们对延安的一草一木都怀有深厚的感情。
 ☞ We cherished a deep affection for every tree and bush in Yan'an.
 ☞ 这些年来,她对他产生了感情。
 ☞ She formed an attachment for him over the years.
 ☞ 你最近对我表示的感情,我感激不尽。
 ☞ I'm very grateful for the attachment you have displayed towards me of late.
感染 感染
 ☞ 身体不好容易感染流感。
 ☞ If one is feeling physically low, it's easy to catch the flu.
 ☞ 有些病,人得过一次就不会再受感染。
 ☞ There are some diseases which cannot be caught by a person who has already had it.
 ☞ 几乎全班都感染上了流感病毒。
 ☞ The flu virus infected almost the whole class.
 ☞ 伤口受到了细菌的感染。
 ☞ The wound was infected with germs.
 ☞ 她的笑声感染了全班。
 ☞ She infected the whole class with her laughter.
 ☞ 从这个意义上说,把受体直接暴露于感染源,即可获得免疫力。
 ☞ Immunity in this sense can be acquired by direct exposure of the subject to an infectious organism.
 ☞ 他的乐观态度会感染别人。
 ☞ His optimism was infectious.
 ☞ 她的一叶肺有点感染,因此得休息。
 ☞ One of her lungs is affected a little so that she has to rest.
 ☞ 诗人的激情感染了每一个读者。
 ☞ The poet's passion affected all his readers.
感觉 感觉
 ☞ 人有五种感觉,即视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉。
 ☞ People have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
 ☞ 这孩子的感觉变得十分灵敏。
 ☞ The child's senses have become marvelously acute.
 ☞ 人对温度的感觉往往是不准确的。
 ☞ Human perception of temperature is not always accurate.
 ☞ 他对颜色的感觉不怎么样。
 ☞ His perception of color is poor.
  ■ 但如果是sense perception,则指与概念相对的感觉。
 ☞ 他要写一篇论概念与感觉区别的论文。
 ☞ He is to write an article on the difference between concepts and sense perception.
 ☞ 人通过感官经历的事物就是感觉。
 ☞ Whatever one experiences through the sense is a sensation.
 ☞ 感觉和思想只是外部世界的反映。
 ☞ Sensation and ideas are only reflection of the external world.
 ☞ 脑力劳动和体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉完全是一样的。
 ☞ Working with head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work.
 ☞ 一种奇怪的感觉开始在他内心翻腾。
 ☞ A strange feeling began to stir in him.
 ☞ 高高的天花板给人以一种通风、宽敞的感觉。
 ☞ A high ceiling gives a feeling of airness and spaciousness.
 ☞ 总的感觉是他人很能干。
 ☞ The general impression was that he was an able man.
 ☞ 这些只是我个人的感觉,不过我并不真正了解。
 ☞ These are only my personal impressions, I don't really know.
 ☞ 这场秋雨过后就感觉有点冷了。
 ☞ I felt a little bit cold after the autumn rain.
 ☞ 你今天感觉怎么样?
 ☞ How are you feeling today?
7.become aware of,指意识到。
 ☞ 他感觉到了问题的严重性。
 ☞ He became aware of the seriousness of the matter 她感觉到他正在向她走来。
 ☞ She became aware of him approaching her.

1.slow, slowly,跟fast相对,指走路、做事的速度。
1) slow用作形容词,强调细心或缓慢。
 ☞ 慢工出细活。
 ☞ Slow work yields fine products.
 ☞ 你为什么那么慢?
 ☞ Why are you so slow?
 ☞ 那钟慢了5分钟。
 ☞ That clock is five minutes slow.
 ☞ 这是趟慢车。
 ☞ This is a slow train.
 ☞ 病人恢复得慢。
 ☞ The patient is making a slow recovery.
2) slow与slowly都可用作副词。slow 一般用于口语的祈使句,强调细心或缓慢,或用于感叹甸,有“真慢”的意思。而slowly则有“慢慢地”的意思。
 ☞ 请尽量读得慢一点。
 ☞ Please read as slow as you can.
 ☞ 他过去都是慢慢地读着书度过夜晚的。
 ☞ He used to spend his evenings reading slowly.
 ☞ 开得慢一点。
 ☞ Drive slow.
 ☞ 他慢慢地开着车。
 ☞ He drives his car slowly.
 ☞ 时间过得真慢!
 ☞ How slow the time passes.
 ☞ 我看见几个男孩慢慢地走过。
 ☞ I saw some boys passing slowly by.
3) slow用作动词与down或up结合时的意思相同。
 ☞ 车子慢了下来。
 ☞ The car is slowing down (up).
 ☞ 你最好把车子开慢一点。
 ☞ You had better slow down (up) your car.
4) slow in后接名词表示生性慢,slow to后接动词表示犹豫不定而慢。
 ☞ 他反应慢。
 ☞ He is slow in reaction.
 ☞ 他反应总是慢腾腾的。
 ☞ He is slow to react.
2.at slow (leisurely, a snail's) pace,指缓慢的步伐。
 ☞ 那老头只能慢慢地走。
 ☞ The old man can walk at a slow pace only.
 ☞ 开得这么慢,什么时候才到呀。
 ☞ If we drive at this snail's pace when will we ever get there?
3.take (one's) time,指要花一定时间,因而慢。
 ☞ 江南当然也有秋天,但草木凋谢得慢。
 ☞ There is autumn also in south of the Changjiang River, of course. But there the grass and trees take more time to wither.
 ☞ 慢慢来,别着急。
 ☞ Take your time. There's no hurry.
4.little by little, by degrees, gradually, 指一点一点地、逐渐地。
 ☞ 洪水慢慢退去。
 ☞ The floodwater receded little by little.
 ☞ 他们的友谊慢慢成了爱情。
 ☞ Their friendship grew by degrees into love.
 ☞ 他慢慢改变了看法。
 ☞ He gradually changed his view.
5.用表达匆忙的动词否定祈使句来表示慢,如not hurry (rush, speed up)等。
 ☞ 慢点,我们还不晚。
 ☞ Don't hurry; we are not late.
 ☞ 你慢点吃。
 ☞ Don't rush through your meal.
 ☞ 开慢点,我们还有时间。
 ☞ Don't speed up; we have enough time.
6.just a moment, just a minute,要人等一会再行动,故有“慢一点”的意思。
 ☞ 慢!等我拿定了主意再说。
 ☞ Just a moment! Wait till I've made up my mind.
 ☞ 慢!等我们搞到票再告诉她。
 ☞ Just a minute! Don't let her know until we get the tickets.
 ☞ 我的表一天慢10秒。
 ☞ My watch loses 10 seconds a day.
懂得 懂得
 ☞ 我们都懂得革命道理,何须说教!
 ☞ What's the need for all this preach while we all understand revolutionary principles?
 ☞ 你懂得这句话的意思吗?
 ☞ Do you understand the meaning of the sentence?
 ☞ 懂得最多的人说得最少。
 ☞ Who knows most says least.
 ☞ 她懂得如何表达她的所见所闻。
 ☞ She knows how to express what she saw and heard.
3.have a good grasp, grasp,指掌握、领会。
 ☞ 所有干部都应懂得政策。
 ☞ All cadres must have a good grasp of policies.
 ☞ 有很多人懂得了正在发生的一切。
 ☞ There are many people grasping what is happening.
4.bring home to sb. ,指使之昭然若揭。
 ☞ 这一事件使我们懂得了问题的复杂性。
 ☞ This incident brought home to us the complex nature of the problem.
 ☞ 父母和老师都应使孩子懂得读书的重要性和乐趣。
 ☞ Parents and teachers should bring home to children the value and pleasure of reading.
 ☞ 做宣传一定要使用群众熟悉和懂得的词句。
 ☞ In doing propaganda we must use the words that are familiar and intelligible to the masses.
 ☞ 向报刊提供的消息应该是普通人都懂得的。
 ☞ The news supplied to the press should be intelligible to ordinary people.
成功 成功
1.表示获得预期的结果,可译be a success, succeed (in)。
 ☞ 大会开得很成功。
 ☞ The congress was a great success.
 ☞ 这项革新一定能够成功。
 ☞ The innovation is bound to be a success.
 ☞ 如果这项工作成功了,你我可以一起干点事。
 ☞ If this work succeeds, you and I can do something together.
 ☞ 没有党的领导,我们正在做的事情是决不会成功的。
 ☞ We would never have succeeded in what we are doing without the guidance of the Party.
 ☞ 不论他干什么总是成功的。
 ☞ He always succeeds in whatever he tries.
2.口语中也可用come off。
 ☞ 他的计划不完全成功。
 ☞ His plan did not quite come off.
 ☞ 试验成功了吗?
 ☞ Did the experiment come off all right?
 ☞ 这一策略成功了。
 ☞ The stratagem worked.
 ☞ 空想出来的计划是不会成功的。
 ☞ A Utopian plan won't work.
 ☞ 你的想法在实践中是不会成功的。
 ☞ Your idea won't work in practice.
成熟 成熟
 ☞ 猴子几岁就成熟了,而人至少要到16岁才成熟。
 ☞ A monkey is mature at a few years old, but a human being isn't mature till at least 16.
 ☞ 这些苹果正在迅速成熟。
 ☞ These apples are maturing fast.
 ☞ 你弟弟比你成熟。
 ☞ Your brother is more mature than you.
 ☞ 女孩子比男孩子成熟得早。
 ☞ Girls are mature earlier than boys.
 ☞ 成熟的玉米可以收割了。
 ☞ Ripe corn is ready to be harvested.
 ☞ 瞧这些梨子,这个似乎完全成熟了。
 ☞ Look at these pears. This seems to be a nice ripe one.
 ☞ 这些苹果正迅速成熟,我们马上该摘了。
 ☞ These apples are ripening quickly, we shall soon be able to pick them.
 ☞ 今年我们的番茄尚未成熟。
 ☞ This year, our tomatoes have not yet ripened.
 ☞ 政治上成熟的党不应犯这么多的错误。
 ☞ A politically mature party should not commit so many errors.
 ☞ 他们在条件成熟时就会开始辩论。
 ☞ They will start a debate when conditions are mature.
 ☞ 对计划提出某些修正的时机成熟了。
 ☞ The time is ripe for introducing certain amendments to the plan.
 ☞ 把运动推进到一个新阶段的时机是成熟的。
 ☞ The moment is ripe for advancing the movement to a new stage.
 ☞ 革命条件已经成熟。
 ☞ Conditions have been ripe (have matured) for revolution.
 ☞ 我毫不怀疑他的经验是成熟的。
 ☞ I have no doubt of the ripeness (maturity) of his experience.
成立 成立
 ☞ 1949年10月1日毛主席庄严宣告中华人民共和国成立。
 ☞ On October 1st, 1949, Chairman Mao solemnly proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China.
 ☞ 中国共产党成立于1921年7月1日。
 ☞ The Communist Party of China was founded on July 1st, 1921.
2.表示建立,可译establish(书面语),set up (常用语)。
 ☞ 有些地方成立了女子中学。
 ☞ Middle Schools for girls are established in some places.
 ☞ 昆明师范学院是在对日胜利之后才成立的。
 ☞ It was after the victory over Japan that we established the Kunming Teachers' College.
 ☞ 我们利用旧校舍成立了一所托儿所。
 ☞ We set up a nursery making use of an old school building.
 ☞ 大会成立了一个专门委员会对此事进行调查。
 ☞ The congress set up a special committee to investigate the matter.
3.表示站得住脚,有根据,大都用于否定,可译hold water, tenable。
 ☞ 我似乎觉得他的论点没有一个是成立的。
 ☞ None of his arguments seemed to me to hold water.
 ☞ 这不成立,因为不近情理。
 ☞ That won't hold water, for it doesn't commend itself to reason.
 ☞ 你的观点十分荒谬,不成立。
 ☞ Your argument is so absurd that it is untenable.
 ☞ 你的理论考虑周密,因此是成立的。
 ☞ Your theory is well thought out and tenable.
战斗 战斗
 ☞ 战斗还在进行,这关系到我们每个人。
 ☞ The fight is still on and it concerns everyone of us.
 ☞ 他的一生都在与贫穷、落后战斗。
 ☞ His whole life is a fight against poverty and backwardness.
  ■ fight也可用做动词。
 ☞ 我们的儿女将为我们的祖国去战斗,难道我们能坐视不理吗?
 ☞ How could we sit watching and remain indifferent when our sons and daughter will fight for our motherland?
 ☞ 我们必须充分发挥农村党支部的战斗堡垒作用。
 ☞ We must give full play to the role of the Party branches in the countryside as fighting bastions.
2.combat, 书面用语,强调个人或群体间的战斗。
 ☞ 敌战列舰在战斗中沉没。
 ☞ The enemy battleship was sunk in combat.
 ☞ 保守党人与社会党人对住房新法案进行了一场战斗。
 ☞ Conservatives and Socialists are engaged in a combat over the new housing bill.
 ☞ 我们的战士有许多实际的战斗经验。
 ☞ Our fighters have a lot of practical combat experience.
  ■ combat还可用做动词。
 ☞ 第三世界是一支与霸权主义战斗的重要力量。
 ☞ The third world is an important force in combating hegimonism.
 ☞ 战士们对敌人投入了一场又一场的战斗。
 ☞ The fighters gave battle after battle to the enemy.
 ☞ 他在战斗中牺牲了。
 ☞ He died in battle.
  ■ battle也可用做动词。
 ☞ 我们同风沙与严寒战斗了整整30年,终于战胜了自然。
 ☞ We battled for thirty years with the sandstorm and the cold, and finally conquered nature.
 ☞ 我们在第一次战斗中就击落了3架敌机。
 ☞ We shot down three enemy planes in our first engagement.
 ☞ 尽管战斗时间不长,但官兵伤亡还是不小。
 ☞ Although it was a short engagement, a lot of officers and men were killed and wounded.
 ☞ 战斗持续了3个小时。
 ☞ The action lasted three hours.
 ☞ 他是在解放上海的战斗中牺牲的。
 ☞ He was killed in action while liberating Shanghai.
 ☞ 每一次胜利都是经过激烈的战斗赢得的。
 ☞ Each victory was won through fierce struggle.
 ☞ 经过短暂的战斗以后,警察抓住了小偷。
 ☞ After short struggle the policeman captured the thief.
 ☞ 当年的知青是满怀着战斗豪情上山下乡的。
 ☞ In those years the educated urban youth went to work in the countryside and mountain areas with militant pride.
 ☞ 他写的每一页文字都是战斗的诗篇。
 ☞ Every page of his writing is a militant poem.
战胜 战胜
 ☞ 许多阿位伯人都承认他们不愿意见到美国人战胜萨达姆统治的伊拉克。
 ☞ Many Arabs admitted that they did not wish to see Americans conquer Iraq ruled by Sadam Husain.
  ■ 但conquer更多地用于战胜精神、感情或自然界的障碍。
 ☞ 她战胜了对黑夜的恐惧,夜里独自一人在树林里行走。
 ☞ She conquered her fear of the dark by walking alone in the woods at night.
 ☞ 我们能够,而且必须通过说理和辩论来战胜错误思想。
 ☞ We can and must conquer erroneous ideas through debate and reasoning.
 ☞ 我们在连续奋战5天5夜之后,战胜了洪水。
 ☞ We conquered the flood after a strenuous fight lasting five days and five nights.
2.defeat,指从反面(击败)着笔战胜敌人、对手等,在这一意义上更为常用。两者的区别是defeat 是一时被击败,而conquer则是更具有持久性的臣服。
 ☞ 当务之急是要战胜敌人。
 ☞ The most pressing matter of the moment is to defeat the enemy.
 ☞ 想不到一位名不见经传的年轻人竟战胜了头号种子选手。
 ☞ Who would have thought that a little known young man should have defeated the number one seeded player?
3.triumph over,与defeat相反,指带有决定意义的战胜。
 ☞ 战胜对手就是击败对手。
 ☞ To triumph over an opponent is to defeat him.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战,同盟国战胜了轴心国。
 ☞ The Allies triumphed over the Axis powers in World War n.
 ☞ 只有藐视困难才能战胜困难。
 ☞ Only by despising difficulty can we overcome it.
 ☞ 总有一天美国人也会战胜种族歧视的。
 ☞ Someday the Americans will overcome racial discrimination.
  ■ overcome有时也用于战胜人。
 ☞ 是党团结了各种力量,战胜了共同的敌人。
 ☞ It is the Party that has united different forces and overcome the common enemy.
 ☞ 我队以2比1战胜云南大学队。
 ☞ Our team beat the team of Yunnan University by a score of two to one.
 ☞ 他能战胜全国各地的长跑选手。
 ☞ He can beat all runners from the country.
截留 截留
1.intercept and hold on to,着重点在截了以后留住,因此要分两步来译。
 ☞ 不准截留国家统购统销物资。
 ☞ Intercepting and holding on to materials of state monopoly for purchase and marketing is not allowed.
 ☞ 税务局发现部分税款都要被他们截留到第二天。
 ☞ The tax bureau found that part of taxation had been intercepted and held on to by them until the following day.
 ☞ 截留国家收入是违法的。
 ☞ It is illegal to withhold state revenue.
 ☞ 工资被截留的教师们正在准备一场抗议活动。
 ☞ Teachers from whom wages have been withheld are organizing a protest.
 ☞ 你们怎么敢截留应该上交国家的利润?
 ☞ How dare you retain the profits which ought to be turned over to the state?
 ☞ 把部门的部分收入截留下来作为小金库的做法现在已十分普遍。
 ☞ Nowadays it is a very common practice to retain part of the department income for its unauthorized coffer.
 ☞ 不得截留中师毕业生去做其他工作。
 ☞ Graduates from normal schools should not be assigned to other jobs than teaching.
 ☞ 这套化妆品本来是给我姐的,我截留下来自己用。
 ☞ The set of cosmetics was intended for my sister and I have kept it for my own use.
所以 所以
1.therefore,副词,是表示因果关系(causal consequence)的最为规范的用语,用来翻译汉语中的连词“所以”,而且“所以”常与前一句中的“因为”、“由于”连用,说明原因和理由。要注意用“所以”的是主句,而从句中的“因为”可以不译。
 ☞ 因为熊猫是稀有动物,所以要尽一切努力去保护。
 ☞ Pandas are a very rare animal and therefore we should do our best to protect them.
 ☞ 由于老板不在,所以她把钱交给了我。
 ☞ The boss was absent and therefore she gave the money to me.
  ■ 正因为前一句中的“因为”、“由于”只起呼应作用,可以不译。故在现代汉语中大都很少使用。
 ☞ 他的腿断了,所以没有打比赛。
 ☞ He broke his leg and therefore he didn't play in the game.
 ☞ 瞧窗外那些人!他们都打起了雨伞,所以一定是下雨了。
 ☞ Look at those people outside the window! They have their umbrellas up and therefore it must be raining.
  ■ 但有时为了强调原因,可以译初“因为”(because),而不译“所以”(therefore),这时的because应重读。
 ☞ 因为他干活很仔细,所以连续6年不出废品。
 ☞ Because he works very carefully, he has not produced a reject in the last six years.
 ☞ 因为我急着要走,所以来不及通知你了。
 ☞ I was in a hurry to leave, so I didn't let you know.
 ☞ 因为我突然想起你是要给我出主意的人,所以我急着来找你了。
 ☞ It occurred to me that you were the man to advise me, so I have hurried to you now.
 ☞ 他要我干,所以我干了。
 ☞ He wanted me to do it, so I did it.
 ☞ 你不听,所以我不说了。
 ☞ You aren't listening, so I'll shut up.
3.accordingly, consequently,与therefore 样,都是表示因果关系的副词,但一般都用在散文、论文、叙述文中,有“顺理成章”的意思。
 ☞ 他病得不能再呆在学校了,所以我们把他送回了家。
 ☞ He was too sick at school, accordingly we sent him home.
 ☞ 我被告知要讲得简短,所以我草草结束了讲话。
 ☞ I was told to speak briefly, accordingly I cut short my remarks.
 ☞ 雨很大,所以田地都被淹了。
 ☞ The rain was heavy, consequently the land was flooded.
 ☞ 他是个很受欢迎的候选人,所以肯定会当选。
 ☞ He is the popular candidate, consequently he is sure to be elected.
4.the reason why…that,以上几个词都是先说原因,后说结果。但这个词却是先说结果,后说理由以突出原因。可与汉语“…之所以…是因为…”的格式对应,往往用于书面。
 ☞ 我们之所以没有去是因为我们得到通知太晚了。
 ☞ The reason why we didn't go was that we were notified too late.
 ☞ 我之所以对他比较熟悉,是因为我和他在一起工作过两年。
 ☞ The reason why I know him pretty well is that he and I have worked together for a couple of years.
 ☞ 中国革命之所以取得胜利,主要是因为有正确的理论指导。
 ☞ The reason why the Chinese revolution was successful was that it was guided by a correct theory.
 ☞ 诗之所以为诗,在乎意境,不在乎辞藻。
 ☞ It is the mood and atmosphere, not poetic diction, that makes poetry what it is.
 ☞ 大学之所以为大学,不在大楼,而在大师也。
 ☞ It is the great masters, not tall buildings, that make a university real.
 ☞ 所以呀,要不我怎么会这么说呢?
 ☞ That's just the point. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it.
 ☞ 不要因为胜利而忘乎所以。
 ☞ Don't get swollen-headed because of victory.
 ☞ 你是忘乎所以了吧?
 ☞ Are you forgetting yourself?
 ☞ 他高兴得忘乎所以了。
 ☞ He became delirious with joy.
 ☞ 他被自己的成就弄得忘乎所以了。
 ☞ He was carried away by his achievements.
 ☞ 收到他的绝命书,我们简直不知所以了。
 ☞ Having received his suicide note, we simply did not know why it was so.
手头 手头
1.at hand,指距离近到随手可以取到。
 ☞ 他写作时,手头总有一本词典。
 ☞ When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand.
 ☞ 我手头没有这本书,不过我以后会给你看的。
 ☞ I haven't the book at hand, but I'll show it to you later.
2.in hand,指手头上拥有。
 ☞ 我付账后手头还有150元。
 ☞ I still have 150 yuan in hand after paying the bill.
 ☞ 对你手头上的事情要多加注意。
 ☞ Keep more attention to the matter in hand.
3.on hand,指手头上积存。
 ☞ 我问杂货铺老板他手头有什么样的肉罐头。
 ☞ I asked the grocer what kinds of canned meat he had on hand.
 ☞ 他总喜欢手头上有点钱以备急用。
 ☞ He always likes to keep a certain amount of money on hand in case of an emergency.
4.beside sb. ,指就在身边;with sb. ,指带在身边。
 ☞ 我把参考书都放在手头待用。
 ☞ I placed all the reference books right beside me in case of need.
 ☞ 这本书我倒是有的,可惜不在手头。
 ☞ I have a copy of the book, but unfortunately not with me.
5.well off, hard up, 指手头上的宽裕或紧张。
 ☞ 近年来农民的手头宽裕了,开始购买农用机具。
 ☞ The peasants have been well off these years and they are beginning to purchase farm machinery.
 ☞ 自他下岗以来,手头一直很紧。
 ☞ He has been hard up since he was laid off.
手段 手段
 ☞ 他还不至于卑鄙到采取任何手段来达到自己的目的。
 ☞ He is not mean enough to resort to any means to achieve his aim.
 ☞ 山民的基本运输手段仍然是驴子。
 ☞ The essential means of transport for the hill-men remained the donkey.
 ☞ 我的工作是我生活的惟一手段。
 ☞ My job is my sole means of livelihood.
  ■ means一词没有单数形式,但一般表示单数概念,也可根据情况表示复数。如:
 ☞ 所有的手段都试过了。
 ☞ All means have been tried.
 ☞ 油彩和水彩都是创作艺术作品的手段。
 ☞ Oil paints and water colors are media for the creation of works of art.
 ☞ 文字是交流的手段。
 ☞ Writing is a medium of communication.
 ☞ 电视可以是教育的绝好手段。
 ☞ Television can be an excellent medium for education.
  ■ medium复数media还可作“传播手段”解。
 ☞ 广播、电视、报刊都是已知的大众传播手段。
 ☞ Radio, television, newspapers and magazines are known as the mass media.
 ☞ 采取高压手段是不够明智的。
 ☞ It is unwise to take high-handed measures.
 ☞ 据说警方准备采用强硬手段来对付那些违反交通规则的司机。
 ☞ It is said that the police are going to use strong measures against the drivers who violate traffic regulations.
4.method, 原指方法,但带有贬义时,也可引申为“手段”。
 ☞ 行政当局是要让领导干部侧重于说服教育的方法而不是强制的手段。
 ☞ The administration allows the leading cadres to be tilted to the method of persuasion and education rather than method of coercion.
 ☞ 不少人利用非法手段牟取暴利。
 ☞ A number of people have reaped staggering profits by illegal methods.
 ☞ 误导性质的广告是吸引顾客的一种手段。
 ☞ The misleading advertisement is a trick to draw customers.
 ☞ 假装受伤是许多职业拳击运动员使用的一种手段。
 ☞ Pretending to be hurt is a trick many prizefighters use.
6.artifice,义同trick,但这种欺骗手段带有技巧性,故有skillful trick的意思。
 ☞ 他剩用种种手段来赢得姑娘的心。
 ☞ He used every artifice to win the girl's heart.
 ☞ 如果冒充记者可以帮你混进会场,这倒不失为一种可以接受的手段。
 ☞ It might after all be accepted as an artifice if posing as a journalist could help you to gate-crash the meeting.
 ☞ 金融手段可以加速资本周转。
 ☞ Financial skill can accelerate the turnover of capital.
 ☞ 有强大的祖国撑腰,我们在使用外交手段时充满了信心。
 ☞ Backed up by our powerful motherland, we are full of confidence in using diplomatic skills.
 ☞ 这就充分显示了她在与人打交道时的手段。
 ☞ That was enough to show her finesse in dealing with people.
 ☞ 她处理那种局面很有手段。
 ☞ She managed that situation with great finesse.
 ☞ 他在大学里就有了政治手段。
 ☞ He developed in college the political craft.
 ☞ 你和他做生意要小心,他是很有手段的。
 ☞ Be careful when you do business with him. He is full of craft.
手法 手法
 ☞ 他在学国画的传统手法。
 ☞ He is learning traditional technique of Chinese painting.
 ☞ 故事蛮精彩,不过要使你的书成功,就应改进你的写作手法。
 ☞ The story is very interesting but you must improve your writing technique if you want your book to be a success.
 ☞ 变戏法手法很重要。
 ☞ The skill is very important in performing sleight of hand.
 ☞ 织毛衣,你要重视手法。
 ☞ You have to devote much attention to the skill when knitting a sweater.
 ☞ 印象派是他的艺术表现手法。
 ☞ The Impressionist school was his means of artistic expression.
 ☞ 他在考试时使用了不正当的手法。
 ☞ He used unfair means at the examination.
 ☞ 骗子的手法并不高明。
 ☞ The tricks of the swindler were none too clever.
 ☞ 我们一眼就看穿了他那“贼喊捉贼”的拙劣手法。
 ☞ We saw through all at once his clumsy trick of "thief crying stop thief".
 ☞ 把漂亮的姑娘连同他们要卖的新商品都一起抬出来是一种众所周知的广告手法。
 ☞ It is a well-known advertising gimmick to show pretty girls with new goods they want to sell.
 ☞ 难道你就以如此天真的盘问来查找他们使用的政治手法吗?
 ☞ Did you look for the political gimmick they used in such innocent queries like that?
 ☞ 你要想成为政治家,就得不断变换手法。
 ☞ If you want to be a politician you have to vary your tactics uninterruptedly.
 ☞ 他耍两面派手法是司空见惯的事情。
 ☞ It is a common sight for him to resort to dual tactics.
 ☞ 破门而入是惯偷的惯用手法。
 ☞ To force open a door is a habitual practice widely followed by hardened thieves.
 ☞ 你弹钢琴的手法与她不同。
 ☞ Your practice at the piano is different from that of hers.

 ☞ 他参加长征时才14岁。
 ☞ He was only fourteen when he went on the Long March.
 ☞ 解放前,中国钢的最高年产量才90多万吨。
 ☞ Before liberation, China's highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons.
 ☞ 你才好,还不能坐起来。
 ☞ You are hardly well enough to sit up yet.
 ☞ 小王才20岁。
 ☞ Wang is hardly twenty.
 ☞ 出席的才有100人。
 ☞ There were scarcely a hundred people present.
 ☞ 他大病一场,一个星期前才能走路。
 ☞ He had been seriously ill and was barely able to walk a week ago.
 ☞ 怎么才来就要走?
 ☞ Why leave so soon? You've just arrived.
 ☞ 比赛才开始。
 ☞ The match has just started.
 ☞ 火车开了他才到站。
 ☞ The train had left before he got to the station.
 ☞ 过了半小时,伤兵才苏醒过来。
 ☞ Half an hour passed before the wounded soldier came to.
 ☞ 他半夜才回来。
 ☞ It was midnight before he returned.
5.只表示晚,但不作对比,译so late。
 ☞ 你怎么才起床?
 ☞ Why do you get up so late?
 ☞ 他怎么才来?
 ☞ Why is he here so late?
6.表示“直到…才”产生的结果,译not... till (until), not... before。
 ☞ 恐怕要到星期五我才能完工。
 ☞ I'm afraid I cannot finish the work till Friday.
 ☞ 老马总要把办公室打扫干净才走。
 ☞ Ma never leaves the office until he has given it a good cleaning.
 ☞ 我是在见到她以后才回来的。
 ☞ I didn't return before (until)I had seen her.
 ☞ 她是在丈夫回来后才去睡觉的。
 ☞ She did not go to bed before (till) her husband had come back.
  ■ “才”也常与“非要”搭配以加强语气,仍可用not... till (until),或(not)... before。
 ☞ 非要到干完了我才离开。
 ☞ I shall not leave until I have finished my work.
 ☞ 我们非要叫他两三遍他才来吃饭吗?
 ☞ Should we call him two or three times before he would come to dinner?
 ☞ 灵感非要等你的努力到了极限才会产生。
 ☞ Inspiration won't visit you before you exert yourself to the utmost.
  ■ 关于till (until)的用法应注意下列几点:
1) 如果主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词,应加否定词not,否则就应译成含有反面意义的延续性动词,如:
 ☞ 他回来以后我才去睡觉。
 ☞ I didn't go to bed till he came back,或:I didn't go to bed before he came back.或:I sat up till he came back,或I stayed up till he came back.或:I was up till he came back.
2) 如果主句的谓语动词是连续性动词,否定肯定都无不可,但意义有了变化。
 ☞ 我是他回来以后才开始干的。
 ☞ I did not work till he came back.
 ☞ 我一直干到他回来才住手。
 ☞ I worked till he came back.
  ■ 关于before的用法,应注意下列几点:
1) not... before可以同not... until (till)换用。
 ☞ 火车开了他才到站。
 ☞ He did not get to the station before the train left.或 He did not get to the station till the train left.
2) before前不带not时,其区别可以从下面的译文比较中看出:
 ☞ 我们非得叫他两三遍他才来吃饭。
 ☞ We had to call him two or three times before he would come to dinner.或He wouldn't come to dinner before we called him two or three times.
7.表示某种特定条件下的结果,“才”常常与“只有”搭配以加强语气,这时可译It is only... who(that等),带only when, only的倒装句或only if等。
 ☞ 只有浅薄的人才以貌取人。
 ☞ It is only shallow people who judge people by appearance.
 ☞ 勤才能补拙。
 ☞ It is only diligence that makes up for deficiency.
 ☞ 只有教育才能克服偏见。
 ☞ It is only education that will conquer prejudice.
 ☞ 只有这里修了水库,我们才能解决灌溉问题。
 ☞ Only when a reservoir is built here can we solve our irrigation problem.
 ☞ 只有依靠群众我们才有力量。
 ☞ Only by relying on the masses can we become strong.
 ☞ 只有参加三大革命运动,我们才能改造世界观。
 ☞ Only by taking part in the three great revolutionary movements can we remold our outlook.
 ☞ 他只有尽最大努力,才能成功。
 ☞ He will only succeed if he does his best.
 ☞ 我只有受到邀请才会来。
 ☞ I'll come only if I'm invited.
8.表示后一动作为前一动作的结果或目的,用连词and指结果,用so that指目的。
 ☞ 是他抓住了绳子才救了我们。
 ☞ It was he who held onto the rope and saved us.
 ☞ 骑自行车的青年横冲直撞才被一辆卡车撞倒的。
 ☞ The young cyclist dashed about madly and was knocked down by a truck.
 ☞ 你要她抓紧把这些信件弄完,我才好签字。
 ☞ Ask her to hurry up with these letters so that I can sign them.
 ☞ 撑住麻袋口子我才好装。
 ☞ Hold the sack so that I can load it.
9.表示“因为…才更”,可译all the more... because (for)。注意:because后接从句,for后接宾语。
 ☞ 因为他穷我才更想帮助他。
 ☞ I am all the more inclined to help him because he is poor.
 ☞ 因为这件事听起来怪,才更加可疑。
 ☞ It is all the more suspicious because “ sounds strange.
 ☞ 因为一般人都认为没有危险,那才更加危险。
 ☞ It is all the more dangerous for not being generally recognized as such.
 ☞ 因为他有缺点,我才更喜欢他。
 ☞ I like him all the more for his faults.
10.“才”可用于下断语的强调,这时可用 "it is... that (who等)”的强调句表示。
 ☞ 你才有罪。
 ☞ It is you that are guilty.
 ☞ 像爱迪生这样的发明家我们才应当感激。
 ☞ It is to inventors like Edison that we should be grateful.
 ☞ 笨学生才不会问这样的问题。
 ☞ It is not stupid pupils who ask such questions.
 ☞ 他才不记得我呢!(因为他忘恩负义)
 ☞ He won't remember me!
 ☞ 我才不跟他争呢!(因为他不讲道理)
 ☞ I won't argue with him!
 ☞ 我才不敢麻烦你呢!(因为你太忙)
 ☞ I wouldn't think of troubling you.
 ☞ 他母亲才不知道他已经死了呢!(因为没人告诉她)
 ☞ His mother wouldn't know that he had been dead!
 ☞ 他不知道才怪呢!(因为我得知他已知道)
 ☞ It wouldn't be strange if he didn't know.
 ☞ 这本书什么时候才能出版呢?(因为耽误的时间太长了)
 ☞ When will this book be published?
 ☞ 我怎么办才好呢?(因为我不知道如何是好)
 ☞ What will I do?
 ☞ 你除非努力学习才能考试及格。
 ☞ Unless you study harder you will never pass the examination.
 ☞ 奶孩子除非病了才会哭。
 ☞ Babies seldom cry unless they are ill.
  ■ 但是unless不能用于想像或假设,因此碰到这类句子,可用条件句或虚拟句。
 ☞ 她除非是个傻瓜才不明白。
 ☞ If she weren't so silly she would understand.

1.throw oneself at (on,into),都指扑,但意思略有不同。at指扑过去,具有明确的目的性;on指扑的目的是攻击;into则带有某种感情色彩。
 ☞ 武士们互相扑向对方。
 ☞ The warriors threw themselves at each other.(目的是搏斗)
 ☞ 任何一个男人只要瞅她一眼,她就会扑过去。
 ☞ She throws herself at any man who will take only a glance at her。(目的是追求)
 ☞ 趁敌人在帐篷里吃圣诞大餐,我们猛扑过去。
 ☞ We threw ourselves on the enemy while they were having a Christmas feast in their tents.(目的是攻击)
 ☞ 儿子扑向妈妈的怀里,妈妈也高兴得哭了起来。
 ☞ The son threw himself into his mother while she wept for joy.(由于感情冲动)
 ☞ 武松见老虎朝他扑来就一闪,闪到了老虎背后。
 ☞ Seeing the tiger leaping towards him, Wu Song jumped, dodging behind the tiger.
 ☞ 他从门背后窜出来向她扑去,一斧头把她杀了。
 ☞ From behind the door, he leaped at her and killed her with one blow of the hatch.
3.spring on,指弹跳极好的扑,强调弹跳。
 ☞ 老虎向着毫无准备的羊羔扑去。
 ☞ The tiger sprang on the unsuspecting lamb.
 ☞ 那大个儿巨人向小个儿巨人扑了过去,用拳头打他的头。
 ☞ The bigger giant sprang on the smaller one and beat him on the head with his fist.
4.pounce on,指突然袭击。
 ☞ 鹰突然向田鼠猛扑过去。
 ☞ The hawk pounced on the field mouse.
 ☞ 那老虎又饥又渴,从半空中扑下来。
 ☞ The tiger, thirsty and hungry, pounced down from midair.
5.swoop down on,指突然扑下来攻击或捕捉。
 ☞ 一支小分队直扑匪徒的巢穴。
 ☞ A small detachment swooped down on the bandits lair.
 ☞ 猫头鹰突然向老鼠猛扑下来。
 ☞ The owl swooped down on the mouse.
 ☞ 守门员扑住了一个点球。
 ☞ The goalkeeper caught a penalty ball.
 ☞ 小姑娘使劲想扑住那只蝴蝶,但没成功。
 ☞ The little girl tried very hard to catch the butterfly but she failed.
7.devote oneself to, 指献身于,可与throw oneself into换用。
 ☞ 她整个身心都扑到研究工作上了。
 ☞ She devoted herself to (throw herself heart and soul into) research work.
 ☞ 老王头一心扑在了集体事业上。
 ☞ Old Man Wang devoted himself heart and soul to the cause of the collective.
8.flutter, 指鸟或昆虫拍打翅膀并不飞翔。
 ☞ 那只鸟在窠穴里来回扑着翅膀,想把猫从鸟蛋旁吓跑。
 ☞ The bird on the nest fluttered her wings up and down, hoping to scare the cat away from her eggs.
 ☞ 一只蝴蝶停在一朵花上,翅膀一扑一扑的。
 ☞ A butterfly was resting on one of the flowers, fluttering its wings.
 ☞ 那大鸟扑着翅膀,慢慢飞走了。
 ☞ The large bird flapped her wings and slowly flew away.
 ☞ 她拿张报纸扑苍蝇。
 ☞ She flapped at the fly with a newspaper.
10.dab, 指轻敷、轻撩、轻扑,强调动作轻。
 ☞ 孩子浑身都扑了爽身粉。
 ☞ The baby was dabbed all over with talcum.
 ☞ 她在面颊上扑了点香粉。
 ☞ She dabbed some cosmetic powder on her cheeks.
 ☞ 猫爪子朝蝴蝶扑了一下。
 ☞ The cat made a dab at the butterfly with its paw.
11.bend over,指俯身子。
 ☞ 他扑在桌上看地图。
 ☞ He bent over the desk to study a map.
 ☞ 医生扑在病孩身上检查身体。
 ☞ The doctor bent over the sick child and gave a health check.
 ☞ 我们到达山顶时,大海的壮丽景色扑面而来。
 ☞ When we reached the top of the hill, a magnificent view of the sea greeted us.
 ☞ 她朝我们走来时,一股香水味扑鼻而来。
 ☞ A smell of scent greeted us when she was coming towards us.
扑灭 扑灭
1.put out,口头用语,指灭火,常与fire,flame,blaze, bonfire等词搭配。
 ☞ 他用几个灭火器独自一人把火扑灭了。
 ☞ Using extinguishers, single handed, he put out the fire.
 ☞ 我们扑灭了火势,总算没有造成多大的损失。
 ☞ We managed to put out the flames before any real damage was caused.
 ☞ 消防队员扑灭了昨晚的那场大火。
 ☞ The firemen put out the blaze last night.
 ☞ 一场大雨扑灭了孩子点起的篝火。
 ☞ A downpour of rain put out the children's bonfire.
 ☞ 他在学术报告中介绍了一种扑灭森林火灾的新方法。
 ☞ He introduced a new method of extinguishing forest fire in his academic report.
 ☞ 建筑物之间的距离越大,扑灭火灾的机会也就越大。
 ☞ The larger the spaces between buildings, the greater the chances that the fire can be extinguished.
 ☞ 这场森林大火在消防队员和解放军战士奋战了一个星期后才被扑灭。
 ☞ The forest blaze was not extinguished until the firemen and PLA men fought it for a week.
3.wipe out,口头用语,指消灭。
 ☞ 我侗可以通过扑灭蚊蝇来切断病菌感染的途径。
 ☞ We can cut off the routes of infection by disease germs by wiping out mosquitoes and flies.
 ☞ 过去一度是蚊子为害的许多地区现在都已扑灭了疟疾。
 ☞ In many areas once infested by mosquitoes malaria has been wiped out now.
 ☞ 我们一般都使用杀虫剂来扑灭害虫。
 ☞ We usually use insecticide to exterminate destructive insects.
 ☞ 解放初期我国政府致力于扑灭国民党的残余势力。
 ☞ During the initial post-liberation period the Chinese government worked hard for exterminating the Kuomintang's remaining forces.
5.put down, 口头用语,指镇压。
 ☞ 俄国叶卡捷琳娜二世扑灭了那次起义,几乎杀死了所有参加起义的农奴。
 ☞ CatherineⅡ, the Great of Russia put down the uprising and killed almost all serfs involved.
 ☞ 该地区的所有医务工作者都参加了扑灭流行性感冒的工作。
 ☞ All the medical workers in the region joined in putting down the influenza epidemic.
6.quell, 书面用语,指镇压。
 ☞ 我们没有其他办法,只能调动军队来扑灭叛乱。
 ☞ We had no choice but to call the army to quell the rebellion.
 ☞ 警察用消防水枪和催泪瓦斯来扑灭这场骚乱。
 ☞ The police used fire hose and tear gas to quell the riot.

1.表示抓住依附的东西用hold on to。
 ☞ 孩子们扒着窗台看游行的队伍。
 ☞ Holding on to the windowsill, the children watched the parade.
 ☞ 一个落水的孩子扒着一块木板,大叫救命。
 ☞ Holding on to a plank, a drowning child shouted for help.
2.表示脱掉用strip off,take off。
 ☞ 他衣服一扒,跳到水里救孩子去了。
 ☞ He stripped off his clothes and dived into the water to rescue the child.
 ☞ 他把棉袄一扒,就立刻干起活来。
 ☞ Taking off his cotton-padded coat, he set to work at once.
 ☞ 我扒着废纸堆,看看能不能找到那东西。
 ☞ I raked among the heap of my waste paper in order to see if I could find it.
 ☞ 屋子里没人吱声,只有他在嘀嘀嗒嗒地扒着算盘珠子。
 ☞ Nobody in the room said a word while he alone was clicking away at an abacus.
4.表示扒开用push aside。
 ☞ 公安人员扒着芦苇搜索逃犯。
 ☞ The police pushed the reeds aside to search for the runaway criminal.
 ☞ 他把人群扒到一边,匆匆走来。
 ☞ He came up in a hurry pushing aside the crowds of people.
5.表示剥皮,动物皮用skin,植物皮用peel off。
 ☞ 他熟练地把一张一张的兔皮扒了下来。
 ☞ He skinned the rabbits one after another with great skill.
 ☞ 我可以用手把柚子皮扒了。
 ☞ I can peel the skin off a pomelo with my fingers.
6.表示拆除,用pull down。
 ☞ 许多农民发家致富以后都扒了旧房盖新房。
 ☞ Many peasants, having built up family fortune, pulled down the old houses to build the new ones in their places.
 ☞ 已经提出了把这一地区的房屋扒掉重盖的种种计划。
 ☞ Plans have been put forward to pull down old buildings and rebuild the area.
7.表示挖洞用make, dig。
 ☞ 等他发现小偷,墙上已扒了个大口子。
 ☞ A break had been made in the wall before he spotted the thief.
 ☞ 扒出来的泥巴几乎到处可见。
 ☞ The earth that has been dug out can be seen nearly everywhere.
打乱 打乱
1.throw into confusion,指使之陷入混乱。
 ☞ 我军的突然袭击打乱了敌人的阵脚。
 ☞ The surprise attack of our army threw the enemy into confusion.
 ☞ 他的到来把一切都打乱了。
 ☞ His arrival has thrown everything into confusion.
 ☞ 战争打乱了他的全部计划。
 ☞ The war disturbed all his plans.
 ☞ 这一重要关系由于70年代的美元贬值而被打乱。
 ☞ This important relationship was disturbed in the 1970's by the decline of the value of the American dollar.
 ☞ 如果这颗地雷爆炸就会打乱我们整个作战计划。
 ☞ If the mine goes off, it will upset our whole battle plan.
 ☞ 这次进攻完全打乱了敌人的军事部署。
 ☞ The attack completely upset the enemy's troop disposition.
 ☞ 这次事故打乱了铁路的正常运行。
 ☞ The accident disrupted the normal service of the railway.
 ☞ 电视专题报道打乱了正常的节目播送。
 ☞ The special T.V. report disrupted regular programming.
打击 打击
 ☞ 经济萧条严重地打击了他的买卖。
 ☞ The economic depression hit his business hard.
 ☞ 石油费用上升对该国的打击特别严重。
 ☞ The increasing cost of oil hit the country especially hard.
 ☞ 那年夏天,一场大旱打击了该地区。
 ☞ That summer, a terrible drought hit the area.
2.strike (at),strike a blow at,指一次或多次打击。
 ☞ 非法贸易打击了合法政府的根基。
 ☞ Contraband trade strikes at the root of legitimate government.
 ☞ 生活费用的上涨打击的是穷人。
 ☞ The rise in living costs strikes poor people.
 ☞ 我们应该给侵略者以沉重的打击。
 ☞ We ought to strike a heavy blow at the aggressors.
 ☞ 我们最好的回答是狠狠打击敌人。
 ☞ The best answer of ours is to strike relentless blows at the enemy.
3.crack down on,指镇压,取缔。
 ☞ 市公安局采取措施打击贩毒吸毒。
 ☞ The public security bureau of the city took measures to crack down on drug sellers and addicts.
 ☞ 打击投机倒把确有必要。
 ☞ It is necessary indeed to crack down on speculation and profiteering.
 ☞ 我们以牙还牙,打击了敌人的气焰。
 ☞ Answering blows with blows, we punctured the arrogance of the enemy.
 ☞ 看到退回的稿子,他的自信心受到了打击。
 ☞ His self-confidence was punctured when he saw his manuscripts were sent back.
 ☞ 看他打击别人抬高自己,真让人恶心。
 ☞ It is a disgusting sight to see him attack others so as to build up himself.
 ☞ 他在“文化大革命”期间受到打击迫害。
 ☞ He was attacked and persecuted during the Cultural Revolution.
 ☞ 如果我们检举揭发,他就会打击报复。
 ☞ If we expose and denounce him, he'll make vindictive attacks on us.
6.retaliate, retaliation,指打击报复,书面语。
 ☞ 如果我们检举揭发,他就会打击报复。
 ☞ If we expose and denounce him, he'll retaliate.
 ☞ 他由于打击报复而被撤职。
 ☞ He was dismissed from his post because of retaliation.
打发 打发
 ☞ 我已打发小王去请医生了,不过他现在已感到好一点。
 ☞ I have sent Wang for the doctor, but he is feeling better now.
 ☞ 他打发服务员去买一包香烟。
 ☞ He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes.
2.send away,指支走。
 ☞ 把他打发了,告诉他不要再来。
 ☞ Send him away and tell him not to come back.
 ☞ 他打发了孩子就坐下来工作。
 ☞ He sent the children away and sat down for work.
3.get rid of,指摆脱掉。
 ☞ 你就这样把我打发了?
 ☞ Are you going to get rid of me like this?
 ☞ 他让你做护士以便把你打发了。
 ☞ He'll make you a nurse in order to get rid of you.
 ☞ 炊事员做不好饭菜,我们把他打发了。
 ☞ The cook was bad at cooking and we dismissed him.
 ☞ 仆人都已打发走了。
 ☞ The servants were already dismissed.
5.while away,指消磨时间。
 ☞ 他卧床不起,感到时间真难打发。
 ☞ Locked in sickbed, he felt it hard to while away the time.
 ☞ 我一人坐在海滩,打发了一个下午。
 ☞ I whiled away the whole afternoon sitting alone on the beach.
打开 打开
 ☞ 门突然从里面打开了。
 ☞ The door was suddenly opened from within.
 ☞ 这窗子打不开。
 ☞ The window won't open.
 ☞ 我母亲用颤抖的手打开了信。
 ☞ My mother opened the letter with her nervous fingers.
 ☞ 他慢慢打开包裹。
 ☞ He unwrapped the parcel very slowly.
 ☞ 画家打开画卷,把它挂在墙上。
 ☞ The painter unfolded the picture scroll and hung it on the wall.
 ☞ 我打开胶卷看看洗得好不好。
 ☞ I unrolled the film to see whether it was developed well.
 ☞ 她打开包袱发现里面是一件她母亲做的棉袄。
 ☞ She untied the bundle and found in it a padded coat made by her mother.
3.open up,用得较广,前两项的词义都有。
 ☞ 打开汽车的行李箱,让我看看里面。
 ☞ Open up the boot of the car and let me look inside.
 ☞ 我们打开包裹以后,发现里面没有什么要紧的东西。
 ☞ After we had opened up the package we found that it had nothing in it of importance.
  ■ 此外,open up还可引申为“开辟”。
 ☞ 他们用这种方法打开新局面。
 ☞ In this way they opened up a new situation.
 ☞ 这打开了采用现代新技术的广阔前景。
 ☞ This opened up broad possibilities for the use of modem technology.
4.打开某种掩盖物,用take off。
 ☞ 他打开盖子,一股难闻的气味扑鼻而来。
 ☞ He took off the lid and was greeted by an unpleasant smell.
 ☞ 医生打开绷带检查伤口。
 ☞ Taking off the bandage, the doctor checked the wound.
5.把物件展开,用spread out。
 ☞ 将军打开地图看了起来。
 ☞ The general spread out the map and began to study it.
 ☞ 他打开报纸看看有没有招工的广告。
 ☞ He spread out the newspaper to see whether there were any ads for workers.
6.打开某种电器或自来水开关,用turn on。
 ☞ 我打开灯后才认出站在窗子前的人是谁。
 ☞ I didn't recognize the man who was standing in front of the window until I turned on the light.
 ☞ 她打开水龙头,放了一澡盆水。
 ☞ She turned on the tap and filled the bathtub with water.
 ☞ 他被派去周游参观,以打开眼界。
 ☞ He was sent on a round of visit to broaden his horizon.
 ☞ 旅行打开了我们的视野。
 ☞ The travel has broadened our vision.
 ☞ 相互讨论可以打开我们的思路。
 ☞ Mutual discussion may broaden our scope of mind.
 ☞ 西藏百万农奴打开了奴隶制的铁锁链。
 ☞ Millions of serfs in Tibet have broken the iron chains of slavery.
 ☞ 这次妥协打开了劳资双方的僵局。
 ☞ The compromise broke. the deadlock between labor and capital.
9.打开缺口,用make a breach, breach。
 ☞ 装甲部队在敌人防线上打开了一个缺口。
 ☞ The armored units made a breach in the enemy lines.
 ☞ 炮火的轰击终于在城墙上打开了一个缺口。
 ☞ The artillery bombardment Finally breached the city wall.
打扮 打扮
1.指用化妆品打扮,译为make up。
 ☞ 舶打扮打断打发口现在,姑娘们年轻轻的就开始打扮了。
 ☞ Nowadays girls make up when they are still young.
 ☞ 她打扮得有多难瞧!
 ☞ Isn't she badly made up!
 ☞ 这里的妇女不像城里的妇女那么打扮。
 ☞ The women here don't make up as those in cities.
2.指衣着打扮,译作dress,dress up,后者常指刻意打扮。
 ☞ 她虽然在城里工作多年,但还是那副农村妇女的朴素打扮。
 ☞ Although she has worked in the city for years she still dresses in the simple style of a countrywoman.
 ☞ 孩子们高高兴兴地打扮得像春天的花朵一样。
 ☞ The gaily-dressed children looked like spring flowers.
 ☞ 她要的就是打扮了去出风头。
 ☞ What she wanted was to dress up and display herself.
 ☞ 这是一次非正式的聚会,你不必打扮。
 ☞ It's quite an informal gathering; you needn't dress up for it.
 ☞ 化打扮成圣诞老人。
 ☞ He dressed up as Father Christmas.
 ☞ 孩子们打扮成海盗。
 ☞ The children dressed themselves up as pirates.
 ☞ 侦察员打扮成一个老农。
 ☞ The scout disguised himself as an old peasant.
 ☞ 我们都打扮成茶叶商人。
 ☞ We all were disguised as tea traders.
4.指修饰、装饰上的打扮,可译be decked out,既可用于人,也可用于物。
 ☞ 孩子们穿上最好的衣服,都是过节的打扮。
 ☞ All the children were decked out in their best for the festival.
 ☞ 她打扮好了,准备出门。
 ☞ She is decked out and ready to go.
 ☞ 节日的天坛打扮得格外壮丽。
 ☞ The Temple of Heaven was magnificently decked out for the festival occasion.
5.指装出某种样子,可译为pose as。
 ☞ 他临阵逃脱,还把自己打扮成英雄。
 ☞ He sneaked away at the critical juncture yet he posed as a hero。
 ☞ 尽管他的欠债比他拥有的资产还多,却把自己打扮成一个百万富翁。
 ☞ He posed as a millionaire though he owed more than he owned.
打断 打断
 ☞ 我爷爷的腿是被地主打断的。
 ☞ It was the landlord who broke my grandfather's leg.
 ☞ 她的胳臂被打断,脸也被抓破。
 ☞ Her arm was broken and her face scratched.
 ☞ 这一议论打断了他的思路。
 ☞ The remark interrupted his flow of thought.
 ☞ 他们的到来打断了我的沉思。
 ☞ Their arrival interrupted my meditations.
 ☞ 喧闹声打断了我对童年的回忆。
 ☞ The noise interrupted the recollections of my childhood.
 ☞ 我不想打断你,继续讲吧。
 ☞ I don't want to interrupt you. Go on with your story.
 ☞ 我讲话时请不要打断我。
 ☞ Please do not interrupt me when I am talking.
3.cut short,也可表示使之中断,一般只指打断谈话或活动。
 ☞ 她正要往下讲,我打断了她。
 ☞ She was about to go on talking when I cut her short.
 ☞ 他很不耐烦地打断了我告诉他的话。
 ☞ Impatiently he cut short what I was telling him.
 ☞ 主席晕倒后会议也被打断了。
 ☞ The meeting was cut short when the chairman fainted away.
 ☞ 他的讲话不时被热烈的掌声打断。
 ☞ His speech was punctuated with warm applause.
 ☞ He was frequently interrupted by warm applause.
打破 打破
 ☞ 她失手打破了一把茶壶。
 ☞ She dropped the teapot and it broke.
 ☞ 当心,别打破了。
 ☞ Take care not to break it.
 ☞ 窗子是谁打破的?
 ☞ Who broke the window?
 ☞ 双方都想竭力打破谈判的僵局。
 ☞ Both sides are trying to break the deadlock in negotiations。
 ☞ 那天傍晚他打破了两项全国记录。
 ☞ He broke two national records that evening.
 ☞ 我们发展核武器是为了打破核垄断。
 ☞ We are developing nuclear weapons to break the nuclear monopoly.
 ☞ 他们打破了行业界限,实现了大协作。
 ☞ They have broken the bounds of different trades and gone in for extensive coordination.
 ☞ 谁首先打破沉默?
 ☞ Who was the first to break the silence?
3.break down,表示主动破坏某种限制。语气比break强烈。
 ☞ 我们必须打破本位主义。
 ☞ We must break down selfish departmentalism.
 ☞ 消防队员打破前门,冲了进去。
 ☞ Having broken down the front door the6remen rushed in.
4.break away from,也表示主动破除某种限制,但用于抽象事物。
 ☞ 只有打破常规,才能采用先进技术。
 ☞ Only by breaking away from conventions can we apply advanced techniques.
 ☞ 现代音乐打破了18世纪的条条框框。
 ☞ Modern music has broken away from the 18th-century rules.
5.break with,表示主动抛弃某种限制。
 ☞ 他们的国民经济发展计划打破了老一套。
 ☞ Their plan for developing a national economy broke with the old formula.
 ☞ 我们要打破旧框框,走前人没有走过的路。
 ☞ We must take paths never trodden before, breaking with old conventions.
 ☞ 巨大的军费开支打破了财政收支的平衡。
 ☞ The huge military spending upset the balance of revenue and expenditure.
 ☞ 他们担心这会打破世界力量的均势。
 ☞ They were afraid this would upset the world balance of power.
打算 打算
 ☞ 现在你打算怎么办?
 ☞ Now what do you plan to do?
 ☞ 我们正打算把办事处迁往上海。
 ☞ We are planning to move our office to Shanghai 他们打算举行大规模的游行示威。
 ☞ They plan a vast demonstration.
 ☞ 各有各的打算。
 ☞ Each has a plan of his own.
 ☞ 我不能这样做,也不打算这样做。
 ☞ I can't do it. and don't intend to.
 ☞ 你打算在这儿长呆吗?
 ☞ Do you intend a long stay here?
 ☞ 今年我们不打算做这件事。
 ☞ We don't intend to do it this year.
 ☞ 你得作最坏的打算。
 ☞ You have to be prepared for the worst.
 ☞ 我们正打算睡觉,忽然听见有人敲门。
 ☞ We were preparing for the bed when we heard a knock at the door.
 ☞ 经过讨论,他们打算写一篇文章表示自己的看法。
 ☞ After the discussion, they prepared to write an article to air their views.
4.be supposed to,表示众人期望中的打算。
 ☞ 打算谁来照管这个房间?
 ☞ Who is supposed to look after this room?
 ☞ 这就是射击训练打算办到的。
 ☞ This is what the marksmanship practice is supposed to accomplish.
 ☞ 他不打算办这件事。
 ☞ He is not supposed to do that.
 ☞ 这件事现在还是保密的,我不打算讲。
 ☞ It is a secret still; I am not supposed to say.
5.set out,表示打算着手干某事。
 ☞ 这不是我们当初打算干的事情。
 ☞ This is not what we originally set out to do.
 ☞ 他本来打算割园子里的草,结果却隔着篱笆跟邻居闲扯起来。
 ☞ He had intended to cut grass in the garden, but finished up by chatting with the neighbor over the bamboo fence。
打通 打通
1.break through,指打破后通过。
 ☞ 贼人打通墙壁和钢制夹板,进入银行的保险箱室。
 ☞ The thieves broke through the wall and steel partition and got at the safe of the bank.
2.dig through,指挖掘后通过。
 ☞ 一条长3公里的隧道已经打通。
 ☞ A tunnel 3 km long has been dug through.
3.open up,指开辟通道。
 ☞ 一条穿过丛林的新运输线打通了。
 ☞ A new transportation line was opened up through the jungle.
4.make an opening,指开口子。
 ☞ 两家的院墙打通了。
 ☞ An opening has been made between the two courtyards.
5.straighten out one's thinking,指打通思想。
 ☞ 我们把他的思想打通了。
 ☞ We've got his thinking straightened out.
6.fight a way out along,指通过战争争夺通道。
 ☞ 我们应打通平津路,包围天津市。
 ☞ We must fight a way out along the Beijing-Tianjin railroad in order to encircle the City of Tianjin.
7.get at,指打通关节。
 ☞ 这位厂长的关节已经打通。
 ☞ The director of the factory has been got at.
8.get through,指接通。
 ☞ 我想打电话给你,但是打不通。
 ☞ I tried to telephone you but I couldn't get through.

 ☞ 手榴弹我可以扔70多米远。
 ☞ I can throw a hand grenade over 70 m.
 ☞ 这鱼有味了,扔掉算了。
 ☞ The fish smells, throw it away.
 ☞ 农民扔下工具,离开农村,成千上万地到城市里找工作。
 ☞ The peasants threw down their tools and left the country for jobs in the city by the thousands.
 ☞ 这里有几捆旧报纸,我想把它们扔了。
 ☞ There are some bundles of old newspapers here and I want to throw them out.
 ☞ 工人们愤怒地把工具扔到一边,不想再干了。
 ☞ The workers angrily flung aside their tools and would work no longer.
 ☞ 她痛恨自己的美貌,把镜子扔到了地上。
 ☞ She loathed her own beauty and flung the mirror on the ground.
3.cast,作“扔”解时,具有明确的目的性。但在现代英语中多用throw替代cast。例如我们说 "throw(不用cast) one's clothes into the laundry basket."(把衣服扔进洗衣篮里),而只有某些固定短语例外,但这些固定短语在译成汉语时大都不作“扔”解。如cast seeds(播种),cast one's net(撒网),cast a shadow(投下一个影子)。由此可见作“扔”解的cast已不多见,但这种“扔”的目的性依然很明显。
 ☞ 他朝窗子扔了块石头。
 ☞ He cast a stone against the window.(可能是要打碎玻璃或作为一种信号)
 ☞ 在这危急关头,他把个人安危扔到一边。
 ☞ In the critical moment he cast personal safety to the winds.(要救助别人)
 ☞ 杀人犯把凶器扔进了河里。
 ☞ The murderer cast his lethal weapon into the river.
 ☞ 他们高兴得把帽子扔到了空中。
 ☞ They tossed their hats in the air for joy.
 ☞ 我扔给他一支香烟。
 ☞ I tossed him a cigarette.
 ☞ 希特勒之类已被扔进了历史的垃圾堆。
 ☞ Hitler and his like were tossed on to the rubbish heap of history.
 ☞ 敌机扔了几颗炸弹,但都未击中目标。
 ☞ The enemy dropped a few bombs, but all missed the targets.
 ☞ 敌人扔下武器逃跑了。
 ☞ The enemy dropped their weapons and took to their heels.
 ☞ 这项工作做了一半,我不能扔下不管。
 ☞ I can't leave the work half-finished.
 ☞ 我想这件事我们也许可以暂时扔下不管。
 ☞ I think perhaps we might leave the matter for the moment.
 ☞ 咱们把一些旧期刊扔掉算了。
 ☞ Let's discard some old periodicals.
 ☞ 父亲把我扔掉的破玩具修好了。
 ☞ Father had the broken toy repaired that I had discarded.
8.litter, 指扔得乱糟糟的。
 ☞ 不要在地板上扔纸屑。
 ☞ Don't litter up the floor with scraps of paper.
 ☞ 他的东西到处扔,难怪老是找不着。
 ☞ He litters his stuff around, no wonder he can never find anything.
 ☞ 这件事他早就扔到脑后了。
 ☞ He'd clean forgot about it.
 ☞ 难道你把我的话都扔到九霄云外了吗?
 ☞ Did you forget completely what I had said?

 ☞ 爷爷高兴得托着6个月大的孙子,举过头顶。
 ☞ Grandfather was so glad that he held his six-month-old grandson in the palm over his head.
 ☞ 她手托茶盘走起来如行云流水。
 ☞ Holding a tea tray, she walked like floating clouds and flowing water.
  ■ hold up也可表示支撑。
 ☞ 妇女能托半边天。
 ☞ Women can hold up half the sky.
 ☞ 这6根柱子托着屋顶。
 ☞ These six pillars hold up the roof.
2.support,也指支撑,与hold up同义,但较为正式。
 ☞ 你托着底,我提着顶。
 ☞ You support the bottom while I lift the top.
 ☞ 是4堵墙托着屋顶。
 ☞ It is the 4 walls that support the roof.
 ☞ 她两手托腮,坐在桌旁冥思苦想。
 ☞ She racked her brains, sitting at the table with her hands supporting the chin.
 ☞ 我已托人去买你要的那本书。
 ☞ I've asked someone to buy the book you want.
 ☞ 我想托人办点事。
 ☞ I'd like to ask an influential person to arrange something.
 ☞ 把孩子托给你管我就放心了。
 ☞ I can rest assured when I entrust the child to your care.
 ☞ 刘皇叔托孤白帝城。
 ☞ Emperor Liu Bei entrusted his young son to his prime minister at Town of White King.
5.leave, 智给某人并托他来办。
 ☞ 你最好托他经手来办这件事。
 ☞ You had better leave the matter to his hands.
 ☞ 你死去的母亲已把你托给我了。
 ☞ Your dead mother left you in my charge.
扣留 扣留
 ☞ 警方扣留了嫌疑犯以做进一步审问。
 ☞ The police detained the suspect to make further inquiries.
 ☞ 他因被控盗窃而遭到扣留。
 ☞ He was detained being accused of theft.
2.hold, 着重点在留。
 ☞ 警员攻击了扣留人质的旅馆。
 ☞ The policemen stormed the hotel where the hostages were held.
 ☞ 他在警察局里被扣留了两天。
 ☞ He was held in the police station for two days.
 ☞ 警方把小偷扣留了。
 ☞ The police had the thief in custody.
 ☞ 罪犯被带走后予以扣留。
 ☞ The criminal was led away in custody.
 ☞ 交通警罚了司机50元并扣留了他的驾驶证。
 ☞ The traffic police had the driver fined 50 yuan and his driving card suspended.
 ☞ 海关工作人员发现护照上的姓名已经过涂改,就扣留了他的护照。
 ☞ The customs officer suspended his passport when he found the name in it had been altered.
执意 执意
1.be determined to, 指下了决心的执意。
 ☞ 那个固执的家伙执意要坚持己见。
 ☞ That stubborn fellow is determined to hold on to his own views.
 ☞ 她母亲执意要她嫁给那个老头。她该怎么办?
 ☞ Her mother is determined that she shall marry that old man. What will she do?
2.insist on,指坚持己见的执意。
 ☞ 他执意要走,留都留不住。
 ☞ He insisted on leaving, and we couldn't keep him any longer.
 ☞ 她执意要待在北京找工作。
 ☞ She insists on staying in Beijing, hunting for a job.
  ■ 如果insist后跟that从句,要用虚拟语气。
 ☞ 他执意要我出席会议。
 ☞ He insisted that I be present at the meeting.
 ☞ 母亲执意要父亲送我上学。
 ☞ Mother insists that Father (should) send me to school.
3.be bent on, 指一心一意的执意。
 ☞ 为什么她要执意破坏我们的友谊?
 ☞ Why is she bent on undermining our friendship?
 ☞ 你似乎是执意要惹恼我。
 ☞ You seem to be bent on annoying me.
4.firmly refuse,指执意拒绝。
 ☞ 她决定婚事新办,执意不收男方的彩礼。
 ☞ She decided to make their marriage in a new way and firmly refused to accept betrothal presents from her fiancé's family.
 ☞ 他要她嫁给他,她执意不肯。
 ☞ She firmly refused him when he begged her to marry him.
执行 执行
1.carry out,重在行动的执行。
 ☞ 执行命令要不折不扣。
 ☞ Carry out any orders to the letter.
 ☞ 我们要坚决执行党的指示并保证完成任务。
 ☞ We'll firmly carry out the Party's instructions and pledge to fulfill the task.
 ☞ 他由于计划执行得不好而受到了批评。
 ☞ He was criticized for poorly executing the plan.
 ☞ 命令执行得既好又快。
 ☞ The order was well and promptly executed.
  ■ execute即使不带这类状语,强调执行效果的意思仍能从上下文中体现出来。
 ☞ 许多事取决于遗嘱在什么地方执行。
 ☞ A lot of things would depend on where the will was executed.
 ☞ 在执行这一政策时,源源不断的外国游客访问了中国。
 ☞ In executing this policy, a steady stream of foreign tourists visited China.
 ☞ 为了执行儿童保护计划,需要公众的捐赠。
 ☞ Public donations are needed to implement the Child Care Programs.
 ☞ 我国政府正在执行一项帮助下岗工人的政策。
 ☞ Our government is implementing its policy of helping the laid-off.
 ☞ 执行纪律决不能含糊。
 ☞ You must not be vague in enforcing discipline.
 ☞ 法院关于赡养费和孩子抚养费的判决难以执行, 这已司空见惯。
 ☞ It is a common occurrence that court orders for alimony and child support are difficult to enforce.
5.follow, pursue,前者重在遵循原有的原则执行,后者则重在追求寻觅中执行。
 ☞ 他不顾一切反对,执行了一条小资产阶级右倾机会主义路线。
 ☞ Overriding all opposition, he followed a Right opportunist petty-bourgeois line.
 ☞ 我国政府一直执行着独立自主的外交政策。
 ☞ Our government has been pursuing an independent foreign policy.
扩充 扩充
 ☞ 我把20年来的学习心得扩充成札记。
 ☞ I enlarged what I had gained from study for 20 years into a sketch.
 ☞ 这部词典将扩充到1,500页。
 ☞ The dictionary will be enlarged to 1,500 pages.
 ☞ 在邻国扩充军事实力的时候,我们不能坐以待毙。
 ☞ We cannot wait passively while the neighboring country is expanding her military forces.
 ☞ 商务印书馆将推出一本经过全面修订和扩充的新版本。
 ☞ The Commercial Press will be bringing out a totally revised and expanded edition.
 ☞ 我厂在扩充设备以扩大生产。
 ☞ Our factory is augmenting the equipment to expand production.
 ☞ 乳房发育不全,随时都能植入新型软硅胶扩充之。
 ☞ The hypoplastic breast can be readily augmented with the newer soft silastic implants.
扩大 扩大
 ☞ 我们学校雇用了5位新教师,从而扩大了编制。
 ☞ Our school has enlarged the staff by engaging five new teachers.
 ☞ 耕地面积由于开垦荒地而扩大。
 ☞ The area under cultivation was enlarged by opening up wasteland。
 ☞ 政府的作用就是要促使社会在自治、自由及社会福利方面得以扩大。
 ☞ The function of the government is to enlarge the areas of self-government, of freedom, and of social welfare.
 ☞ 爱克斯光片清楚地显示心脏已经扩大。
 ☞ The roentgenogram clearly shows the enlargement of the heart.
 ☞ 我们应扩大双季稻的种植面积。
 ☞ We must expand the double cropping rice area.
 ☞ 他把短篇小说扩大成了一个长篇。
 ☞ He expanded his short story into a novel.
 ☞ 超级大国正在利用这一军事优势来扩大其影响。
 ☞ The superpower is taking advantage of this military power to expand its influence.
 ☞ 曾经有过扩大我校校舍的计划,但很快就放弃了。
 ☞ There were plans for the expansion of our school building, but they were soon dropped.
3.extend, extension,指延伸意义上的扩大。
 ☞ 古罗马人把其帝国范围扩大到了亚洲。
 ☞ The ancient Romans extended their empire into Asia.
 ☞ 学生的知识面由于开设这类课程而扩大了。
 ☞ The students' knowledge is extended by giving this kind of course.
 ☞ 我国以惊人的速度扩大商船队。
 ☞ China has extended her merchant fleet phenomenally.
 ☞ 这些数据提供了扩大外贸的可能性。
 ☞ The data provided the possibility for extension of our foreign trade.
4.add (to),指增加意义上的扩大。
 ☞ 我们应当不断地扩大企业的公共积累来扩大再生产。
 ☞ We should steadily add to the accumulation fund of enterprises for expanding reproduction.
 ☞ 不进一步增加译码就无法扩大该系统的存储容量。
 ☞ We cannot add any other memory to this system without further decoding.
 ☞ 现在我的业务不断扩大,而处境也日益宽裕。
 ☞ My business is now constantly augmenting, and my circumstance growing daily easier.
 ☞ 中欧的军事力量不应扩大。
 ☞ The military forces in central Europe should not be augmented.
 ☞ 全世界的革命力量日益扩大。
 ☞ The revolutionary forces of the world are growing daily.
 ☞ 他对他们的影响,随着孩子年龄的增长也逐渐扩大。
 ☞ His influence over the children is gradually growing as they get older.
 ☞ 我们会尽力扩大销路的。
 ☞ We'll do what we can to broaden sales.
 ☞ 他们正在考虑扩大政府。
 ☞ They are considering broadening the government.
 ☞ 他被派到国外去扩大眼界和增长知识。
 ☞ He was sent abroad to broaden vision and knowledge.
 ☞ 我军继续追击敌人以扩大战果。
 ☞ Our troops continued pursuing and attacking the enemy to exploit the victory.
 ☞ 他就是用这种方法才得以扩大其地位的。
 ☞ It was in this way that he was able to exploit his position.
 ☞ 经济萧条扩大了失业队伍。
 ☞ Financial depression swelled the army of the unemployed.
 ☞ 最后,公司投入的资金扩大至1亿美元。
 ☞ Eventually, the company funding swelled to 100 million US dollars.
扩展 扩展
 ☞ 5年内全省林地将扩展到1000万亩。
 ☞ The forest land of the province will be expanded to ten million mu within five years.
 ☞ 旅馆连锁店还通过其他的一些方式得到扩展。
 ☞ The hotel chains have expanded in a number of other ways.
 ☞ 现在他已获准扩展其调查范围。
 ☞ Now he has obtained permission to extend the field of his investigation.
 ☞ 裂纹扩展至表面时就形成碎片。
 ☞ Wear sheets are formed when cracks extend to the surface.
 ☞ 该树树冠扩展至20米。
 ☞ The top branch of that tree spread for twenty meters.
 ☞ 20年来,该市迅速向北扩展。
 ☞ In twenty years the city has spread quickly to the north.
4.develop, 指发展意义上的扩展。
 ☞ 该书的其余部分只是扩展了第一章的思想。
 ☞ The rest of the book merely developed the idea of the first chapter.
 ☞ 主任们已有了一个计划,要把俱乐部场地扩展成能容纳4万人的运动场。
 ☞ The directors have had a plan to develop the club grounds into a stadium holding 40,000 people.
扩张 扩张
 ☞ 他深深地吸了口气,于是肺部就扩张起来。
 ☞ He breathed deeply and expanded his lungs.
 ☞ 细胞生长时,细胞壁必然扩张。
 ☞ The cell walls must expand as the cells grow.
 ☞ 19世纪90年代末与20世纪初,对远东的主要威胁是俄国向满洲与朝鲜的扩张。
 ☞ The chief threat to the Far East in the late 1890's and early 1900's was the Russian expansion into Manchuria and Korea.
2.enlarge, enlargement,指扩大意义上的扩张。
 ☞ 外周淋巴结可能扩张。
 ☞ Peripheral lymph nodes may be enlarged.
 ☞ 长时间的高血压会引起心脏扩张。
 ☞ Long-term hypertension causes enlargement of the heart.
3.extend, extension,指延伸意义上的扩张。
 ☞ 俄国在叶卡特琳娜大帝统治之下凭借征服来扩张其领土。
 ☞ Under the reign of Catherine the Great, Russia extended her territory by conquest.
 ☞ 兵部的主要职责是帝国的扩张。
 ☞ The chief duty of the Board of War was the extension of the Empire.
4.dilate, dilatation,指医学意义上的扩张。
 ☞ 为保持肌肉所需的血液,皮肤血管收缩,肌肉血管扩张。
 ☞ To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate.
 ☞ 急性胃扩张是一种罕见的并发症。
 ☞ Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication.
扩散 扩散
 ☞ 谣言很快在全市扩散开来。
 ☞ The rumor quickly spread through the city.
 ☞ 人类几乎扩散到全球各地。
 ☞ Men spread to nearly all parts of the globe.
 ☞ 这是个秘密,不要扩散。
 ☞ It's a secret. Don't spread it around.
 ☞ 激光器L发出的光束经过快门S,再由物镜0扩散。
 ☞ The beam from the laser L passes through the shutter S and is spread via the objective lens 0.
2.proliferate,proliferation,指迅速散布开来,因此这种散布比spread快,即rapidly spread。
 ☞ 出口核技术的国家都要冒扩散核武器的风险。
 ☞ Any country that exports nuclear technology risks proliferating nuclear weapons.
 ☞ 股票市场也在中国各大城市迅速扩散开来。
 ☞ Stock markets have also proliferated in all large cities of China.
 ☞ 癌症扩散后就成了不治之症。
 ☞ Cancer becomes an incurable disease when it is proliferated.
 ☞ 抗生素可以防止病菌扩散。
 ☞ Antibiotics can prevent proliferation of germs.
3.diffuse, diffusion,指分子慢慢地扩散。
 ☞ 毒药逐渐扩散到他的全身。
 ☞ The poison gradually diffused through his body system.
 ☞ 溶解中的气体或液体总是从浓度较大的区域向浓度较小的区域扩散。
 ☞ A gas or liquid in solution always diffuses from a region of greater to one less concentration.
 ☞ 一滴染料在水中慢慢扩散开来。
 ☞ A drop of dye diffused slowly through water.
 ☞ 我们应当制止谣言扩散。
 ☞ We must check the rumor diffusion.

1.in line,指排成一行。
 ☞ 椅子都顺着墙排在那儿。
 ☞ The chairs were set there in line along the wall.
 ☞ 学生都排在那里等。
 ☞ The pupils stood there in line and waited.
 ☞ 船舷两侧排着全体船员。
 ☞ The crew lined either side of the ship.
 ☞ 墙壁四周排着书籍。
 ☞ The walls were lined with books.
 ☞ 汽车沿着道路排成行。
 ☞ Cars lined the road.
 ☞ 街上排着人群。
 ☞ Crowd lined the streets.
3.line up,指排成直排、横排或其他形状。
 ☞ 大家面对正前方排成一行。
 ☞ Everybody lined up, facing the front.
 ☞ 大卡车排成一行准备出发。
 ☞ The trucks were lined up, ready to start off.
 ☞ 足球队员排成一个T形。
 ☞ The football team lined up in a T-formation.
 ☞ 别挤!排队上车。
 ☞ Don't push! Queue for the bus.
 ☞ 票很难搞,我们得排上几个小时。
 ☞ It's hard to get tickets. We have to queue for hours.
 ☞ 一排排的村舍立在海边,清洁而整齐。
 ☞ Rows of cottages stood by the sea, neat and in order.
 ☞ 我是九号,在前排中间。
 ☞ My number is nine, in the middle of the front row.
6.arrange, 指经过整理后排列。
 ☞ 图书目录是按作者姓名及科目名称来排的。
 ☞ The library catalogue is arranged by author and subject.
 ☞ 问题应该按轻重缓急来排。
 ☞ The problems should be arranged in order of importance and urgency.
7.discharge, 指排出固体、液体、气体三态物质,故使用面较广。
 ☞ 工厂所排的废料污染了河流。
 ☞ The waste discharged by the factory has contaminated the river.
 ☞ 汽车会排废气。
 ☞ Cars discharge fumes.
8.drain away (off),指用自流的方式排出液体。
 ☞ 沼泽地上在挖沟排水。
 ☞ Ditches are dug through swampy land to drain away the water.
 ☞ 护士挑开疖子排脓。
 ☞ A nurse lanced the boil to drain off the pus.
 ☞ 由于源源不断地从船舱中排水,船不再下沉。
 ☞ The ship was no longer sinking as the water was being pumped out of it in an endless stream.
 ☞ 他们把池水排干,捉了好多鱼。
 ☞ They pumped the pond dry and caught a lot of fish.
10.rehearse, 指排练戏剧。
 ☞ 剧团正在排一出历史剧。
 ☞ The troupe is rehearsing a historical play.
 ☞ 一个月内他们应当能够排出来。
 ☞ They should be able to rehearse in a month.
 ☞ 这个剧需要一次彩排。
 ☞ This play will need a dress rehearsal.
 ☞ 阴风怒号,浊浪排空。
 ☞ Louring winds bellow angrily and tumultuous waves hurl themselves against the sky.
 ☞ 情急之下,樊哙排闼直入。
 ☞ In the moment of desperation Fan Kuai pushed the door open and went straight in.
 ☞ 中尉被委任去指挥一个步兵排。
 ☞ The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon.
 ☞ 我们乘着木排过河。
 ☞ We crossed the river on a timber raft.
 ☞ 我们排成四路纵队。
 ☞ We formed a column of fours.
 ☞ 政府应该为乡镇企业排忧解难。
 ☞ The government should help township enterprises allay their worries and tide over their difficulties.
 ☞ 解放军以排山倒海之势攻占了敌人多个据点。
 ☞ PLA stormed and captured the enemy strongholds with the force of a landslide and the power of a tidal wave.
 ☞ 那审判只不过是一场排华闹剧。
 ☞ The trial was a mere anti-Chinese farce.
扫除 扫除
1.dean, 指清扫。
 ☞ 院子要天天扫除。
 ☞ The courtyard should be cleaned every day.
 ☞ 节前我们应当进行一次大扫除。
 ☞ We must have a thorough cleaning before the holiday.
2.sweep away,指清除,口头用语,语气强于clean,不仅是扫,还可用其他方法清除。
 ☞ 我们尚未扫除前进道路上的一切障碍。
 ☞ We have not yet swept away all the obstacles in our path.
 ☞ 部长保证要扫除教育上的特权。
 ☞ The minister promised to sweep away the privilege in education.
3.eliminate,指铲除,语气比sweep away更强,为 正式用语。
 ☞ 该计划规定在5年内基本扫除文盲。
 ☞ The plan is scheduled to basically eliminate illiteracy within five years.
 ☞ 最好是在今年,这个月,或今天扫除一切痛苦的痕迹。
 ☞ It would be best if we could eliminate all vestiges of suffering today, this month, or this year.
4.eradicate, 指根除,比eliminate的语气还要强。
 ☞ 我们在着手扫除恶势力之前要把人民群众组织起来。
 ☞ We have to organize the masses before we start eradicating the vicious power.
 ☞ 要扫除一切害人虫,全无敌。
 ☞ To eradicate all pests on this small star, mightily invincible we are!
 ☞ 我军挺进敌后时必须扫除前进道路上的这些障碍。
 ☞ Our army must remove these obstacles on the road of advance when we drive into the areas behind the enemy lines.
 ☞ 有人把这些垃圾都扫除了。
 ☞ Someone has removed all this rubbish.

1.turn, 指转动、转身,有时也用于转意。
 ☞ 请把时针扭到9点。
 ☞ Please turn the hands of the clock until they point to 9 o'clock.
 ☞ 你得扭门把,门才会开。
 ☞ You have to turn the knob and the door will open.
 ☞ 他把锁眼里的钥匙扭了一下,门就开了。
 ☞ He turned the key in the lock and the door opened.
 ☞ 他二话不说,扭头就走。
 ☞ He just turned and walked off without saying a word.
 ☞ 她扭过头去不理我。
 ☞ She turned away and cut me dead.
 ☞ 他扭过身子,向车间走去。
 ☞ He turned round and made for the workshop.
 ☞ 我们的目的要通过加强企业管理来扭亏为盈。
 ☞ It is our aim to turn losses into profits by strengthening the management of enterprises.
2.twist (off),指扭动、扭下。
 ☞ 他扭了一下门把手想开门。
 ☞ He twisted the knob to open the door.
 ☞ 向右扭把手,盒子就开了。
 ☞ Twist the handle to the right and the box will open.
 ☞ 你扭一下软木塞,瓶塞就开了。
 ☞ If you twist the cork, it will come out of the bottle.
 ☞ 他从树上扭了个苹果。
 ☞ He twisted an apple off the tree.
 ☞ 盖子扭不下来。
 ☞ The lid won't twist off.
 ☞ 厨房里传来怪声,爸猛扭门把手,只发现我家的小猫在舔盘子。
 ☞ A strange sound came from the kitchen. Dad wrenched the knob of the door only to find our little cat was licking a dish.
 ☞ 盖子卡得紧紧的,我得把它扭下来。
 ☞ The lid was stuck tight, I had to wrench it off.
 ☞ 足球比赛时他扭了筋。
 ☞ He wrenched his tendon in a football match.
 ☞ 我大哥是排球运动员,他在比赛时扭了腰。
 ☞ My eldest brother is a volleyball player and he sprained his back on the play.
 ☞ 谁想得到他竟扭了手腕。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he could sprain his wrist?
 ☞ 她扭着屁股走了过来。
 ☞ She walked over swaying (swinging) her hips.
 ☞ 她走路的动作总是一扭一扭的。
 ☞ She always walks with a swaying (swinging) motion.
 ☞ 他扭过头来看了一下。
 ☞ He looked over his shoulder.
 ☞ 他走路的姿势一扭一扭的。
 ☞ He walked with a rolling gait.
 ☞ 两个摔跤手正扭在一起。
 ☞ The two wrestlers were grappling with each other.

 ☞ 她扯住他的袖子以引起他的注意。
 ☞ She pulled his sleeve to get his attention.
 ☞ 魔术师没完没了地从他的袖管里往外扯彩带。
 ☞ The magician kept pulling out of his sleeve the colored ribbons. which seemed to be endless.
 ☞ 父亲扯着小女儿的手怕她掉下去。
 ☞ The father held his little daughter's hand lest she should fall off.
 ☞ 是他扯住了绳子才救了我们。
 ☞ It was he who held onto the rope and saved us.
3.lump together,指牵扯。
 ☞ 这是两个问题,不能往一块扯。
 ☞ These two questions should not be lumped together.
 ☞ 所有这些事各不相同,不能扯在一起。
 ☞ We can't lump all these different things together.
 ☞ 我早就跟你说过布要用剪子剪,你为什么要扯?
 ☞ Why did you tear the cloth when I'd advised you to cut it with scissors?
 ☞ 他突然扯开身上的毯子,爬了起来。
 ☞ He got up suddenly, tearing the blanket from him.
 ☞ 他们走到外面,然后一起扯了起来。
 ☞ They went out, and then got chatting together.
 ☞ 咱俩好好扯一扯。
 ☞ Let's have a good chat.
 ☞ 她扯了点布,准备给他缝一件上衣。
 ☞ She bought some cloth and intended to make him a coat.
 ☞ 爹爹扯了两尺红头绳,我对着镜子扎呀扎起来。
 ☞ Dad bought two chi of red yarn and I began to tie my plait with it in front of the mirror.
扰乱 扰乱
 ☞ 那个年轻的教师无法维持秩序,学生一直在扰乱课堂。
 ☞ The young teacher can't keep order and the pupils are continually disturbing the class.
 ☞ 有时候,感情会扰乱理智。
 ☞ Sometimes emotions disturb reason.
 ☞ 他因扰乱治安而受到指控。
 ☞ He was charged with disturbing the public peace.
 ☞ 吃得太好会扰乱你的消化功能。
 ☞ Too rich a diet will disorder your digestive function.
 ☞ 吵吵嚷嚷的示威游行扰乱了这次政治集会。
 ☞ Noisy demonstrations disordered the political convention.
 ☞ 她的推理能力显然受到了感情的扰乱。
 ☞ Obviously her reasoning was disordered by emotion.
 ☞ 空军紧紧抓住好转的天气,扰乱敌人的交通线。
 ☞ Improving weather was eagerly seized upon by the air forces to harass the enemy's line of communication.
 ☞ 一小股敌军在扰乱我国边境。
 ☞ A small horde of enemy soldiers was harassing the border of our country.
4.disrupt, 指扰乱正常运行的秩序或状态。
 ☞ 由工资要求引起的罢工此起彼伏,扰乱了公共秩序。
 ☞ Wage claims had led to one strike after another, disrupting; public order.
 ☞ 他因扰乱金融市场而被捕。
 ☞ He was arrested for disrupting financial market.
5.interfere with,指干扰正常的秩序或状态。
 ☞ 吵闹声扰乱了我的睡眠。
 ☞ The noise interfered with my sleep.
 ☞ 显然,在观测期间强光扰乱了我们的视线。
 ☞ Obviously during the observation the bright light had interfered with our view.
 ☞ 这种谣言除了扰乱军心还能有什么。
 ☞ This kind of rumor can do nothing but just undermine the morale of the army.
 ☞ 宗派活动已经扰乱了我们的队伍。
 ☞ Factional activities have created confusion within our ranks.
批准 批准
 ☞ 17国政府首脑在上海聚会并批准了该条约。
 ☞ The heads of the seven governments met in Shanghai and ratified the treaty.
 ☞ 教育部已批准他出国深造。
 ☞ The Ministry of Education has ratified his going abroad for advanced study.
 ☞ 美国宪法于1787年起草,1788年由11个州批准生效。
 ☞ The Constitution of the United States was drafted in 1787 and went into effect in 1788 after it had been ratified by eleven states.
 ☞ 部长提议的代表团提名已由国务院批准。
 ☞ The nomination of the delegation submitted by the minister was confirmed by the State Council.
 ☞ 国会批准他出任政府总理。
 ☞ The Parliament confirmed him as Prime Minister.
 ☞ 和平友好条约是经过全国人民代表大会批准的。
 ☞ The Treaty of Peace and Friendship was confirmed by the National People's Congress.
 ☞ 大会批准了朱总理的报告。
 ☞ The Congress approved the report by Premier Zhu Rongji.
 ☞ 党委成员由党员民主选举产生并由上级党组织批准。
 ☞ The members of the Party committee were democratically elected by the Party members and approved by the next higher Party organization.
 ☞ 学校领导批准了建造新图书馆的计划。
 ☞ The school authorities approved the scheme for the erection of a new library.
 ☞ 党委批准了他们的要求。
 ☞ The Party committee granted their request.
 ☞ 到目前为止只批准了几份租约,而90%的申请都消失在官僚主义的汪洋大海里。
 ☞ Only a few leases have been granted so far, with ninety percent of the applications lost in bureaucratic limbo.
 ☞ 教廷不愿意批准英格兰亨利八世的第二次婚姻。
 ☞ The Vatican would not sanction the second marriage of HenryⅧof England.
 ☞ 上级党委批准了本学期的工作方案。
 ☞ The Party committee at the higher level has sanctioned the scheme for the term's work.
 ☞ 他的会员申请已由俱乐部批准。
 ☞ His application for membership was endorsed by the club.
 ☞ 党中央批准了新的政治纲领。
 ☞ The Central Party Committee endorsed a new political program.

1.look for,指寻找。
 ☞ 他在到处找你。
 ☞ He's been looking for you all over the place.
 ☞ 地质队员们在用地震勘探法找矿。
 ☞ The geologists are looking for mineral deposits by seismic prospecting.
 ☞ 来到一个新地方只是为了找麻烦,没有意思。
 ☞ There is no sense coming into a new place just looking for trouble.
 ☞ 你再对我说这样的事,那是在找打。
 ☞ You're looking for a fight if you say any things like that to me.
2.try to find,指试图找到,但还在找的过程中。
 ☞ 他是在找口实吵架。
 ☞ He is trying to find some excuse and start a quarrel.
 ☞ 我们在找答案,但至今未找到。
 ☞ We're trying to find the answer, but haven't found it so far.
  ■ 但有时find(找到)也可用“找”表示出来。
 ☞ 我的车子后轮快磨平了,给我找两个新的。
 ☞ My back tires are almost worn down. Find me two new ones.
 ☞ 我们给他找了个住的地方。
 ☞ We found him somewhere to live.
 ☞ 我觉得我干得蛮不错的,可是他老找茬。
 ☞ I think my work is quite satisfactory, but he is finding fault.
3.seek,书面语,与look for相比,这种寻找需要付出更大的努力,其后可接具体的人或物,也可接无形、抽象的事物。
 ☞ 我们一到,马上就去找旅馆。
 ☞ When we arrived, we lost no time in seeking a hotel.
 ☞ 他找各种机会去接近她。
 ☞ He seeks every opportunity to be close to her.
 ☞ 你应当从世界观上找原因。
 ☞ You should seek the cause in your world outlook.
 ☞ 有人找你。
 ☞ Someone wants to see you.
 ☞ 刚才公司有人找她。
 ☞ She was wanted on the office.
 ☞ 有人电话找你。
 ☞ You are wanted on the phone.
5.locate, 指找所处的位置。
 ☞ 13天前,我要图书馆为我找本书,但他们到现在也没给我找。
 ☞ I asked the library to locate a book for me three days ago, but they didn't start looking for it until now.
 ☞ 警方正在找那个失踪的小姑娘。
 ☞ The police are trying to locate the missing little girl.
6.approach about,指开口求人。
 ☞ 他找我借点钱。
 ☞ He approached me about lending him some money.
 ☞ 你找过经理请一天假了吗?
 ☞ Have you approached the manager about taking a day off?
 ☞ 事情相当紧急,我得在他到机场前找到他。
 ☞ It's rather urgent, and I have to catch him before he goes to the airport.
 ☞ 你准能在舞厅里找到你媳妇。
 ☞ You can certainly catch your wife in the ballroom.
8.go with,指“随…一起来”。
 ☞ 疾病找的就是肮脏邋遢。
 ☞ Disease goes with squalor.
 ☞ 鲤鱼找鲤鱼,王八找王八。
 ☞ Carp goes with carp, and turtle goes with turtle.
9.ask for,指找人帮忙等。
 ☞ 干嘛不去找老杨帮忙?
 ☞ Why not go and ask Lao Yang for help?
 ☞ 有人找过我吗?
 ☞ Did anyone ask for me?
承担 承担
 ☞ 他们承担了维护这一地区和平的责任。
 ☞ They undertook the responsibility of maintaining peace of this area.
 ☞ 这家英国公司要独自承担这一工程。
 ☞ The British firm wanted to undertake the project single-handed.
 ☞ 他自愿承担这一任务。
 ☞ He voluntarily undertook the task.
2.表示担当起来的承担,用take指承担的是直接责任或后果,用take on则指承担某种工作。
 ☞ 不论是谁侵犯我国领土、领海、领空都必须承担一切后果。
 ☞ Whoever violates our territorial land, sea, or air must take all the consequences.
 ☞ 我愿为友谊而承担风险。
 ☞ I will take the risk for friendship's sake.
 ☞ 你们得把工作承担起来而且要干好。
 ☞ You've got to take it on and make a good job of it.
 ☞ 一位有经验的工程师承担了这次设计。
 ☞ A veteran engineer took on the designing.
 ☞ 我们人手少,所以他承担了额外工作。
 ☞ We are short of hands and he takes on extra work.
 ☞ 男孩完全承担了打碎窗户的责任。
 ☞ The boy accepted full responsibility for breaking the window.
 ☞ 是他干的,他就得承担后果。
 ☞ It was his act and he must accept the consequences.
 ☞ 我愿为友谊而承担风险。
 ☞ I will accept the risk for friendship's sake.
4.表示性质上对某事负责,可译be responsible for, be held responsible for。
 ☞ 我对错误承担责任。
 ☞ I am responsible for the mistake.
 ☞ 美国政府必须承担由此产生的一切严重后果。
 ☞ The American government must be held responsible for all the serious consequences arising there from.
 ☞ 贵公司必须对一切损失承担全部责任。
 ☞ Your firm must be held responsible for all costs.
5.表示承担某种义务,可用commit oneself。
 ☞ 我已承担了义务,不能说了不算。
 ☞ I have committed myself and cannot draw back from what I've promised.
 ☞ 他没承担义务,不过他愿意考虑。
 ☞ He didn't commit himself, but he would think it over.
 ☞ 中国在任何时候、任何情况下,都承担不首先使用核武器的义务。
 ☞ At no time and in no circumstances will China commit itself to being the first to use nuclear weapons.
 ☞ 我姑妈愿承担我在美学习期间的一切费用。
 ☞ My aunt will bear all expenses during my study in the U.S.A.
 ☞ 一切修理费用由本公司承担。
 ☞ All cost of repairs will be borne by our company.
  ■ 也可由承担费用转义为承担责任等。
 ☞ 美国政府对一切严重后果承担责任。
 ☞ The U.S. government will have to bear responsibility for all the serious consequences.
 ☞ 世界大国都应承担裁军的义务。
 ☞ Powers all over the world must assume obligation to disarm.
 ☞ 你要对这次事故承担全部责任。
 ☞ You must assume full responsibility for the accident.
承认 承认
 ☞ 我们承认他是篮球队中最好的中锋。
 ☞ We acknowledge him to be the best center on the basketball team.
 ☞ 大家都承认他一向生性幽默、性格开朗。
 ☞ All acknowledge him to have been good humored and of a cheerful disposition.
 ☞ 这是事实,这一点连我们的敌人都不得不承认。
 ☞ This is a fact that even our enemies have to acknowledge.
 ☞ 大家都承认他的性格中有一种不可抗拒的魅力。
 ☞ Everybody acknowledges the irresistible charm of his personality.
 ☞ 他承认他相信上帝。
 ☞ He acknowledged his belief in God.
 ☞ 无政府主义者不承认政府。
 ☞ Anarchists acknowledge no government.
 ☞ 将军承认战况并不如预期的那么顺利。
 ☞ The general acknowledged that the war had not been going as well as expected.
 ☞ 被告承认有罪。
 ☞ The accused man acknowledged his guilt.
 ☞ 政府承认了错误,这在政府是很难得的。
 ☞ The government admitted its mistake. which governments seldom do.
 ☞ 他终于承认报告不是真的。
 ☞ After all, he admitted the statement to be false.
 ☞ 经过审问,他承认他为某个外国服务。
 ☞ He admitted under questioning that he was in the service of a foreign power.
 ☞ 男孩承认他偷嘴了。
 ☞ The boy admitted taking food on the sly.
 ☞ 他承认拿了货物没有付款。
 ☞ He admitted taking the goods without paying for them.
  ■ 但是如果使用admittedly,仍表示客观的承认。
 ☞ 应当承认,句型练习与重复练习在外语教学中十分重要。
 ☞ Admittedly, drills and repetition are very important in teaching a foreign language.
 ☞ 所谓试管婴儿已承认是可能的。
 ☞ The so-called test tube baby was admittedly possible.
3.concede,也用于勉强承认某种不愿承认的事实,但不如admit常用,不过常与concede defeat连用。
 ☞ 选举结果揭晓后,政府承认失败。
 ☞ The government conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.
 ☞ 他别无它法,只好承认他误判有罪。
 ☞ He had no other choice but to concede that he had been guilty of bad judgment.
 ☞ 我承认大一点的车花钱多,不过我还是认为我们应该买一辆。
 ☞ I concede that a larger car would have cost more, but I still think we should have bought one.
4.强调坦白,可用confess (to)。
 ☞ 他承认是抢劫案的一个同犯。
 ☞ He confessed that he was an accomplice in the robbery.
 ☞ 小男孩承认把蛋糕全吃了。
 ☞ The little boy confessed he had eaten all the cakes.
 ☞ 应当承认,他一开始就不喜欢她。
 ☞ It must be confessed that he disliked her from the first.
 ☞ 我现在应当承认我是束手无策了。
 ☞ Now I must confess that I'm at my wit's end.
 ☞ 她承认害怕蜘蛛。
 ☞ She confesses to (having)a dread of spiders.
 ☞ 我承认憎恨当今的皇上。
 ☞ I confess to hating the emperor.
 ☞ 我得承认我有抽烟的毛病。
 ☞ I must confess to a weakness for cigarette smoking.
 ☞ 我承认我不知怎么回答才好。
 ☞ I profess myself perplexed for an answer.
 ☞ 他承认自己就是那个蒙面大盗。
 ☞ He professed that he was, indeed, the masked bandit.
 ☞ 她承认没人帮助是什么也干不成的。
 ☞ She professed that she could do nothing unaided.
 ☞ 英国是第一个承认人民中国的西方大国。
 ☞ Britain was the first western power to recognize People's China.
 ☞ 不承认这一事实,就不是唯物主义者。
 ☞ Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist.
 ☞ 我承认你有提出这个问题的权利。
 ☞ I recognize your right to ask that question.
 ☞ 这一新理论得到了普遍的承认。
 ☞ The new theory became widely accepted.
 ☞ 每个共产党员都应承认党章。
 ☞ Every communist must accept Party Constitution.
抑制 抑制
1.keep down,指不使增加或上升的抑制。
 ☞ 蜻蜓的食欲有助于抑制飞虫,尤其是蚊子的数量。
 ☞ The dragonfly's appetite helps to keep down the number of flying insects, especially mosquitoes.
 ☞ 政府采取各种办法来抑制物价上涨。
 ☞ The government tried every possible way to keep down the prices.
 ☞ 她抑制不住感情,当着客人的面哭了起来。
 ☞ She failed to control her emotion and burst into tears in front of guests.
 ☞ 为了抑制病虫害,喷洒杀虫剂也许是必要的。
 ☞ Spraying with insecticides may be necessary to control any insects and diseases.
 ☞ 她想抑制住抽噎并设法使自己平静下来。
 ☞ She tried to restrain her sobs and calm herself down.
 ☞ 他气得难以抑制自己不还手了。
 ☞ He was so angry that he could hardly restrain himself from hitting back.
4.check, 指抑制事物发展的进程。
 ☞ 他发现利用辐射可以抑制马铃薯发芽。
 ☞ He's discovered that the sprouting of potatoes can be checked by radiation.
 ☞ 科学家们正在努力抑制“非典”的传播。
 ☞ The scientists are working hard to check the spread of SARS.

 ☞ 他搞到他所需要的东西以后,就抓起帽子走掉了。
 ☞ Having got what he wanted, he took his hat and went away.
 ☞ 我抓起一个馒头,给了那个饥饿的男孩。
 ☞ I took a piece of steamed bread and gave it to the hungry boy.
  ■ take hold在一定的上下文里有“抓住”的意思。
 ☞ 她抓住门把手,打开了门。
 ☞ She took hold of the knob and opened the door.
 ☞ 警察在小偷逃走之际一把抓住了他。
 ☞ The policeman seized the thief in the act of escaping 我家的猫从树丛后跳出来,一把抓住一只麻雀。
 ☞ Our cat seized a sparrow, leaping from behind the bushes.
  ■ 有时seize也可用来引申。
 ☞ 千万不要抓住一点小事做文章。
 ☞ Never seize on a trifle and make an issue of it.
 ☞ 小愉抓了她的手提包跑掉了。
 ☞ The thief snatched her handbag and ran away.
 ☞ 老鹰抓了只小鸡飞走了。
 ☞ The hawk snatched a chicken and flew away.
4.grab,动作比snatch更粗鲁,但又与seize 使用暴力,暗示为达到目的可以不择手段。
 ☞ 他抓住她的胳膊,把她拉进了汽车。
 ☞ He grabbed her arm and pulled her into his car.
 ☞ 她的叔叔死后,凡手伸得到的地方她样样都抓。
 ☞ After her uncle died, she grabbed everything she could get her hands on.
 ☞ 抓住绳子,我把你拉上来。
 ☞ Grasp the rope and I'll grasp you up.
 ☞ 样样都抓等于不抓。
 ☞ Grasp all and lose all.
 ☞ 能抓住的机会就要抓。
 ☞ Grasp your chances while you can.
 ☞ 他抓住单杠,做了个引体向上。
 ☞ He gripped the horizontal bar to pull himself up.
 ☞ 受惊的孩子紧紧抓住了母亲的胳膊。
 ☞ The frightened child gripped its mother's arm.
 ☞ 这出戏一开场就抓住了观众。
 ☞ The play had gripped the attention of the audience as soon as it began.
 ☞ 落水的人连稻草都要抓。
 ☞ A drowning man will clutch even at a straw.
 ☞ 我掉下来的时候拼命抓住了树枝。
 ☞ I clutched desperately at the twigs as I fell.
 ☞ 我抓着头皮,微微打着呵欠,朝着她笑。
 ☞ I smiled at her, scratching my head and yawning a little.
 ☞ 妈,我家的猫用爪子抓我的手了。
 ☞ Mammy, our cat scratched my hand with its claw 你的话正好抓住了要害。
 ☞ What you said simply scratched where it itched.
 ☞ 警方在小偷逃跑时把他抓住了。
 ☞ The police caught the thief as he ran.
 ☞ 我们用老鼠夹抓住了一只老鼠。
 ☞ We caught a rat with the trap.
  ■ catch hold也有“抓”的意思,但不作“捉住”解,而作“抓住”解。
 ☞ 他抓住一根绳子才救了自己。
 ☞ He has caught hold a rope and saved himself.
 ☞ 警方是以什么罪名抓他的?
 ☞ On what charge did the police arrest him?
 ☞ 当我们知道她被抓时,已经太晚了。
 ☞ It was too late when we learned that she had been arrested.
 ☞ 无论干什么,都应该抓重点。
 ☞ Whatever you do, stress the essentials.
 ☞ 抓某事就是要人特别注意这件事。
 ☞ To stress something is to call special attention to it.
12.pay special attention to,指要特别注意地抓。
 ☞ 抓思想问题是头等大事。
 ☞ It is of primary importance to pay special attention to ideological problems.
 ☞ 路线确定之后,我们要抓具体细节。
 ☞ We must pay special attention to the concrete details when the line is determined.
13.watch out for,指时刻注意抓。
 ☞ 我们必须抓不良倾向的苗头以整顿纪律。
 ☞ We must watch out for symptoms of unhealthy tendencies to strengthen discipline.
 ☞ 不抓习惯用语,你是学不好英语的。
 ☞ You can't learn English well without watching out for idiomatic expressions.
14.in charge of, take charge of,指抓管理工作。
 ☞ 他是抓工会工作的。
 ☞ He is in charge of trade union work.
 ☞ 王老师不在期间,请你抓一下这个班好吗?
 ☞ Will you please take charge of this class during the absence of Wang?

 ☞ 战士们把手榴弹投向敌人的战壕。
 ☞ The soldiers threw grenades into enemy's trenches 他投铁饼总要超过70米。
 ☞ He throws the discus always more than 70 meters.
  ■ throw oneself,指把身子投向某处。
 ☞ 她投入了他的怀抱。
 ☞ She threw herself in his arms.
 ☞ 她投了河,想自杀。
 ☞ She threw herself into the river to commit suicide.
  ■ 此外,throw还可用于转义,表示“投射”。
 ☞ 她对我投以不屑的一瞥。
 ☞ She threw me a disdainful glance.
 ☞ 那树在月光下投下了长长的影子。
 ☞ The tree threw a long shadow in the moonlight.
 ☞ 他把信投进了邮筒。
 ☞ He dropped the letter into the mail-box.
 ☞ 敌机投了几颗炸弹并扫射了我们村子。
 ☞ The enemy plane dropped several bombs and strafed our village.
3.cast, 指用力投掷或有目的的投放。
 ☞ 那叛徒把匕首投向他那裸露的胸膛。
 ☞ The traitor cast his dagger at the naked breast of him.
 ☞ 我们的目的是投石问路。
 ☞ Our purpose was to cast a stone in order to find out the right path.
 ☞ 他投下鱼饵,开始垂钓。
 ☞ He cast a fishing lure and began to fish with a hook and line.
  ■ cast也与throw一样,可以表示“投射”。
 ☞ 那灯投下一股昏暗的光。
 ☞ The lamp cast a dim light.
 ☞ 那些树在路上投下一个个的影子。
 ☞ The trees cast their shadows on the road.
 ☞ 他气呼呼地把她写给他的情书全投到火炉里付之一炬。
 ☞ With a snort of rage he flung the love letters she wrote to him into the fire and committed them to the flame.
 ☞ 情急之下她把一只心爱的高跟鞋投向了那只狗。
 ☞ She flung her prized high-heeled shoe at the dog in a moment of desperation.
 ☞ 田赛上的最后一名竞争对手把铁饼投了70米。
 ☞ The last competitor in the field events hurled the discus 70 meters.
 ☞ 捕鱼人把鱼叉投向那条大鱼。
 ☞ The fisherman hurled the spear at the big fish.
 ☞ 他跳起来投篮未中。
 ☞ He jumped up to shoot a basket and missed it.
 ☞ 探照灯投出长长的一束光线,划过天空。
 ☞ The searchlight shot a long ray across the sky.
投入 投入
1.throw (in,into),指投入人力、物力、兵力等。
 ☞ 政府投入了大量劳动力来兴建这一水利工程。
 ☞ The government threw the huge labor force to build this water conservancy project.
 ☞ 到5月为止,已投入了5个师的正规军。
 ☞ up to May five divisions of regulars had been thrown in.
 ☞ 大量资金与人工都已投入到基本建设之中。
 ☞ Plenty of money and man power have been thrown into capital construction.
 ☞ 目前已有3万正规军投入了战斗。
 ☞ Thirty thousand regulars have been thrown into battle so far.
2.throw oneself into,指全身心投人。
 ☞ 大家都怀着一种拼命的精神投入战斗。
 ☞ Everybody threw himself into battle with a death defying spirit.
 ☞ 他的身体复原以后又怀着巨大的热情投入了工作。
 ☞ He threw himself into the work again with great enthusiasm after he had recovered.
3.fling oneself into, 与throw oneself into同义,但更强调某种带感情色彩的情绪,如热情、气愤等。
 ☞ 为报效祖国,他投入到了四个现代化的建设之中。
 ☞ He flung himself into the construction of the four modernizations in order to serve his country.
 ☞ 尽管她极为反感,但她仍怀着巨大的决心投入到了这一极不愉快的任务中。
 ☞ Despite her repugnance, she flung herself into the unpleasant task with great resolve.
4.put into (on),bring into,均指使之投入。go into则指自动投入。
 ☞ 自该厂投入运行以来,我们已经连续3年保证了安全生产。
 ☞ We have ensured safety in production for three years in succession since the factory was put (brought) into operation.
 ☞ 京杭大运河投入使用已有1,000多年了。
 ☞ It is more than one thousand years since the Great Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou was brought (put) into use.
 ☞ 他的工作是对新设计的汽车在投入市场之前进行检验。
 ☞ His work is to test out new designs of cars before they are put on the market.
 ☞ 这个火电厂是去年投入生产的。
 ☞ This thermal power plant went into production last year.
5.devote (oneself) to, devotion,指一心一意地投人。
 ☞ 他很投入地吃着炖肉。
 ☞ He was devoting himself to the stew.
 ☞ 她证明自己是个很能干、很投入的护士。
 ☞ She proved herself a capable and devoted nurse.
 ☞ 投入运动的时间太多,投入学习的时间就太少了。
 ☞ The devotion of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying.
6.plunge into,指猛力投入,故着重点不在深度而在猛力。
 ☞ 在国际主义精神的鼓舞下,大家都投入了抢救工作。
 ☞ Spurred by the internationalist spirit everybody plunged into the rescue work.
 ☞ 作为志愿军的领导,他又一次投入战斗。
 ☞ Again, as a leader of volunteers, he plunged himself into the battle.
7.get into,指进入某种状态。
 ☞ 他演这个角色很投入。
 ☞ He got into the character that he was playing.
 ☞ 你父母不想要你投入这场争论。
 ☞ Your parents don't want you getting into this dispute.
 ☞ 要是我有资金可以投入,我就投到那片土地上。
 ☞ If I had any money to invest, I would invest it in that land.
 ☞ 他已在这个工程上投入了大量资金。
 ☞ He has invested much capital in this project.
  ■ 但invest有时也用于引申。
 ☞ 他也像许多年轻人一样,把他的生命与信仰都投入到了延安。他决不能轻易地让自己失望。
 ☞ Like so many young people, he had invested his life and faith in Yan'an. He could never let himself be easily disappointed.
 ☞ 他在这部作品上投入了5年的劳动。
 ☞ He put in five years' labor to the work.
 ☞ 这个叛徒投入了侵略者的怀抱。
 ☞ The traitor fell into the arms of the aggressors.
投放 投放
1.throw in,所指的投放,着重点在投。
 ☞ 钓鱼前要投放鱼饵。
 ☞ Throw in the bait before you fish with a hook and line.
 ☞ 为了兴建这一灌溉工程,我们已投放了5,000个劳动力。
 ☞ We have thrown in the labor force of 5.000 laborers in order to build this irrigation project.
2.put into (on),所指的投放,着重点在放。
 ☞ 她由于在井里投放毒药而被捕。
 ☞ She was arrested for putting poison into a well.
 ☞ 我厂的新产品已投放市场。
 ☞ The new product of our factory has been put on the market.

 ☞ 大地似乎在我脚下抖了一下。
 ☞ The earth itself seemed to shake beneath my feet.
 ☞ 他写字时手有点抖。
 ☞ His hand shook a little when he wrote.
 ☞ 她的身子笑得直抖。
 ☞ Her body shook with laughter.
 ☞ 他冷得直抖。
 ☞ He shook with cold.
 ☞ 她被气得发抖。
 ☞ She was shaking with anger.
 ☞ 这件事气得他声音都抖了。
 ☞ This filled him with such fury that his voice shook 你最好把衣服上的雪抖掉。
 ☞ You'd better shake the snow off your clothes 她抖掉了头上的雨水。
 ☞ She shook off the rain from her hair.
 ☞ 把这条毯子抖一抖。
 ☞ Give the blanket a shake.
 ☞ 他抖了抖棉被。
 ☞ He gave the quilt a shake 他把包里的东西都抖了出来。
 ☞ He shook the bag to empty it.
 ☞ 她气得浑身发抖。
 ☞ She was trembling all over with anger.
 ☞ 她艳光四射,弄得那位青年的手脚都抖了起来。
 ☞ She was so radiant in her pure beauty that the limbs of the young man trembled.
 ☞ 她手握门把站着,浑身都在抖。
 ☞ She stood with her hand on the doorknob, her whole body trembling.
 ☞ 她的家着了火,她吓得直抖。
 ☞ She quaked with fear when her house was on fire.
 ☞ 男孩病得躺在床上抖了两三个钟头。
 ☞ The boy was so sick that he lay in bed quaking for a couple of hours.
 ☞ 小男孩忍住了哭,嘴唇却抖了起来。
 ☞ The little boy's lips quivered as he tried not to cry.
 ☞ 她坐在那里哭着、抖着。
 ☞ She sat there whimpering and quivering.
 ☞ 炸药爆炸时建筑物抖了一下。
 ☞ The building quivered as the explosive went off.
 ☞ 她冷得直抖,牙齿都在打战。
 ☞ She was so shivering with cold that her teeth were chattering.
 ☞ 他一身的雪,索索地抖着走进屋里。
 ☞ He came into the house snow-covered and shivering.
 ☞ 人因恐惧、寒冷或气愤而发抖。
 ☞ People shudder because of fear, cold or anger.
 ☞ 孩子冷得直抖。
 ☞ The child shuddered with cold.
 ☞ 他扬言要把这场骗局抖出来。
 ☞ He threatened to expose the deception.
 ☞ 他的政治丑闻在光天化日之下给抖了出来。
 ☞ His political scandal was exposed to the light of the day.
8.bring to light,指使之暴露在光天化日之下。
 ☞ 他那个小小的秘密很快就被抖了出来。
 ☞ His little secret was soon brought to light.
 ☞ 他的敌人把他年轻时干的一些蠢事给抖了出来。
 ☞ His enemy brought out some foolish things he had done while young.
9.let sb. know, be known to,指揭露出来使人知道。
 ☞ 把她干的那些坏事跟大伙抖出来。
 ☞ Let everyone know all the wicked things she has done.
 ☞ 破坏发电厂的阴谋很快就被抖了出来。
 ☞ The conspiracy to destroy the power plant soon became known to the public.
10.make good,特定用语,专指发迹。
 ☞ 这下他可抖起来了。
 ☞ This time he has made good.
 ☞ 他到美国后很快就在那里抖起来了。
 ☞ He went to the United States where he soon made good.

1.fold, 指折叠。
 ☞ 这纸要对折起来。
 ☞ The paper must be folded in half.
 ☞ 他把信纸折起来,放到了信封里。
 ☞ He folded up the letter and put it into the envelope.
 ☞ 大路折向东面。
 ☞ The road bends towards the east.
 ☞ 她那位缠过脚的母亲,把她除了大脚趾以外的脚趾头朝里折到脚底板下面,再用10多尺长的裹脚布缠到她脚上。
 ☞ Her mother, who herself had bound feet, wound a piece of cloth about twenty feet long round her feet, bending all the toes except the big toe inward and under the sole.
3.turn, 指转向。
 ☞ 边界由此折向西南。
 ☞ From here the boundary turns southwestward.
 ☞ 纷纷扬扬地下起了鹅毛大雪,这时他由大路折进一条小巷。
 ☞ Snowflakes began to flutter like feathers in the air as he turned from the road into a lane.
4.break, 指折断。
 ☞ 树枝在积雪重压之下折了。
 ☞ Branches broke off under the weight of snow.
 ☞ 脆弱者易折。
 ☞ Brittle things break easily.
5.change, amount to, 指折算。
 ☞ 市斤可以2:1的比率折成公斤。
 ☞ Jin can be changed into kilograms in the ratio of 2 to 1.
 ☞ 这笔外币折成人民币是多少?
 ☞ How much does this sum of foreign money amount to in Renminbi?
折服 折服
 ☞ 强词夺理不能使人折服。
 ☞ You cannot convince people by sophistry.
 ☞ 这一切都显示出他们为你的成就所折服。
 ☞ All this shows that they are convinced by your accomplishments.
 ☞ 美国人征服了伊拉克,但没有使那儿的人民折服。
 ☞ The Americans conquered Iraq but did not subdue people there.
 ☞ 她的风度比她的美貌更令人折服。
 ☞ People were subdued by her grace more than her beauty.
3.submission, submit,指使之臣服。
 ☞ 他的外交思想是要击败对手并使之折服。
 ☞ His idea of diplomacy was to beat the adversary and make him into submission.
 ☞ 那年轻人望着她,好像在问是反抗还是折服。
 ☞ The young man glanced at her, as if to inquire whether to resist or to submit.
4.compel one's admiration,指不由得不佩服。
 ☞ 他与群众之间的那种亲和力不由得大家不折服。
 ☞ The affinity between him and the masses compels everybody's admiration.
 ☞ 他的书法技巧不由得我们不折服。
 ☞ His skill in calligraphy compelled our admiration.
折磨 折磨
 ☞ 白内障折磨着许多老年人。
 ☞ Cataract afflicts many aged persons.
 ☞ 战争和饥饿还在折磨着人类。
 ☞ War and famine still afflict mankind.
 ☞ 她得了癌症,受着肉体和精神上的双重折磨。
 ☞ She's got a cancer and is afflicted both in body and spirit.
 ☞ 意识到低人一等是一种可怕的折磨。
 ☞ It's awful to be afflicted with a sense of inferiority.
 ☞ 不断复发的胃痛折磨着他。
 ☞ Recurrent stomach pains torment him.
 ☞ 学校里的大孩子欺侮、折磨小孩子的事是经常发生的。
 ☞ Older boys bullying and tormenting younger ones are a common occurrence in schools.
 ☞ 苍蝇、蚊子给了徒步旅行者好多折磨。
 ☞ Flies and mosquitoes caused the hikers much torment.
 ☞ 只有残酷的人才折磨动物。
 ☞ Only the cruel man tortures animals.
 ☞ 受害者在行刑前总要受到日本鬼子的折磨。
 ☞ The victims were always tortured by the Japs before being executed.
 ☞ 他在狱中受尽了各种折磨。
 ☞ He was subjected to various tortures in prison.
 ☞ 他卧床不起,长期受着疾病的折磨。
 ☞ He is locked in bed, suffering severely from lingering illness.
 ☞ 那里的人们还受着饥寒的折磨。
 ☞ People there are still suffering from hunger and cold.
折腾 折腾
1.squander away,指挥霍时间或金钱。
 ☞ 每天都折腾这么多的时间,我是折腾不起。
 ☞ I could hardly squander away so much time every day this way.
 ☞ 没到一年,他就把上百万的家产折腾完了。
 ☞ It didn't take a year to squander away a family fortune over a million yuan.
2.suffer from,get down,指受折磨。
 ☞ 他让病折腾得只剩下皮包骨头了。
 ☞ Having suffered from the illness, he was all skin and bones.
 ☞ 牙痛真折腾人。
 ☞ A toothache can really get you down.
3.toss about, 指翻来覆去地睡不着。
 ☞ 他折腾了好几个小时才睡着。
 ☞ He tossed about in bed for hours before he got to sleep.
 ☞ 我折腾了整整一个晚上,就是睡不着。
 ☞ I tossed about all night, unable to sleep.
4.over and over again, again and again, 指翻来覆去地重复。
 ☞ 她吻遍她新生儿的全身,翻来覆去的折腾。
 ☞ She kissed her newborn baby all over its body over and over again.
 ☞ 学徒工把旧机器拆了装,装了拆,折腾了好几回。
 ☞ The apprentice again and again took the old machine apart and then put it together.

 ☞ 她把球抛给了我。
 ☞ She threw the ball to me.
 ☞ 突然,一阵强烈的震荡把他抛到了地上。
 ☞ Suddenly a strong shock threw him to the ground.
 ☞ 他们高兴得把帽子抛到了空中。
 ☞ They threw up their hats into the air for joy.
 ☞ 当时帝国主义企图把中国抛回到1927年至1937年的国内战争的汪洋大海里去。
 ☞ At the time imperialism was planning to plunge China once again into the maelstrom of civil war, as in 1927 - 1937.
 ☞ 她轻蔑地哼了一声,把手提包抛到了桌子上。
 ☞ With a snort of contempt she flung down her handbag on the table.
  ■ 不过,如果这种感情色彩淡化时,可与throw换用。
 ☞ 那马在绝望中把骑手抛到了地上。
 ☞ The horse flung (threw) the rider to the ground in a moment of desperation.
 ☞ 消防队员把着了火的箱子抛到窗外。
 ☞ The fireman flung (threw) the burning suitcase out of the window.
3.toss, 指手掌向上轻松、随便、漫无目标的抛掷,也可以与threw换用。
 ☞ 孩子们把球抛到了空中。
 ☞ The children tossed (threw) the ball in the air.
 ☞ 我抛给他一支烟。
 ☞ I tossed (threw) him a cigarette.
 ☞ 他随手抛掉一根点燃的火柴,因而引起了一场火灾。
 ☞ He tossed (threw) away the lighted match and so caused a fire.
 ☞ 你要是不跟上时代就会被时代抛到后面。
 ☞ You will be tossed to the rear by the times if you don't keep up with the times.
4.cast (aside),指迅速、有力,熟练地抛出较轻的东西。
 ☞ 水手抛锚过夜。
 ☞ Sailors cast anchor for the night.
 ☞ 我把鱼线抛进河里。
 ☞ I cast a line out into the river.
 ☞ 抛开忧虑,唤起希望。
 ☞ Cast your care aside and take hope.
 ☞ 他一见到她就把所有的嘱咐都抛到了九霄云外。
 ☞ As soon as he had seen her he cast all he was told to the winds.
5.leave (far behind),指撇下。
 ☞ 你要把我一个人抛在这里?
 ☞ Are you going to leave me here alone?
 ☞ 她把其他想法都抛在了脑后。
 ☞ Every other thought left her head.
 ☞ 跑到第三圈时他已把别的运动员远远地抛在后面了。
 ☞ On the third lap he left the other runners far behind.
 ☞ 他抛下了妻子和子女。
 ☞ He left his wife and children behind.
 ☞ 他在代表大会上抛出了一项欺骗性提案。
 ☞ He dished out a phony proposal at the congress.
 ☞ 他们抛出了一个似乎蛮有道理的说法,但我们大都持保留态度。
 ☞ They trotted out a plausible story, but most of us had reservations.
 ☞ 他抛出大量的股份以压低股价。
 ☞ He sold shares in great quantity in order to bring about a fall in price.
 ☞ 革命先烈们抛头颅、洒热血是为了什么?
 ☞ What did the revolutionary martyrs shed their blood and lay down their lives for?
 ☞ 当时的日本侵略者把当地政府抛到一边,公开与汉奸卖国贼接触。
 ☞ The then Japanese invaders kicked aside the local government and made open contacts with the traitors of China.
 ☞ 我认为应该把它抛进历史的垃圾堆。
 ☞ I think that should be relegated to the garbage can of history.
抛弃 抛弃
1.throw away, 指丢弃。
 ☞ 我相信没有人会在可以保命的时候抛弃生命。
 ☞ I believe no one would throw away one's life when it could be saved.
 ☞ 他抛弃了妻子,另觅新欢。
 ☞ He threw away his wife and took up with another woman.
2.cast aside,指抛到一边。
 ☞ 我们要么赶上时代的发展,要么被历史潮流所抛弃。
 ☞ Either we can keep abreast with the times, or we are to be cast aside by the current of history.
 ☞ 政府抛弃了民主的伪装,开始镇压老百姓。
 ☞ The government cast aside democracy camouflage and began to suppress common people.
 ☞ 好母亲绝不会抛弃自己的孩子。
 ☞ A good mother will never abandon her child.
 ☞ 我认为要不是他们有了麻烦他们是不会抛弃朋友的。
 ☞ I don't think they would have abandoned their friends if they had not been in trouble.
 ☞ 她求她丈夫不要抛弃她。
 ☞ She pleaded with her husband not to forsake her.
 ☞ 他抛弃了家庭来研究医学。
 ☞ He forsook his family to study medicine.
 ☞ 他因半途抛弃受伤的同志而感到内疚。
 ☞ He felt guilty at deserting his injured comrade on half way.
 ☞ 他一发财就抛弃了患难与共的妻子。
 ☞ As soon as he became rich he deserted his wife, who had gone through thick and thin together with him.
 ☞ 他的本性决定了他把朋友抛弃于危难之中。
 ☞ His nature determined him to leave his friends in the lurch.
 ☞ 人们抛弃各自的财物,纷纷逃命。
 ☞ People ran wildly, leaving all their possessions.
 ☞ 大多数知识分子抛弃了唯心主义的历史观。
 ☞ Most intellectuals have rejected the idealistic view of history.
 ☞ 要我抛弃我的宗教信仰很难。
 ☞ It is difficult for me to reject my religious beliefs.
 ☞ 他抛弃了财产,参加了革命运动。
 ☞ He repudiated his property and joined the revolutionary movement.
 ☞ 正是在这个意义上我们抛弃了经验主义。
 ☞ It is in this sense that we repudiate empiricism.
9.turn away from,指抛弃原来的追求目标。
 ☞ 他终于抛弃了无政府主义。
 ☞ Finally he turned away from anarchism.
 ☞ 他心灰意冷得抛弃了原来的追求。
 ☞ He was so disheartened that he turned away from his former pursuits.
 ☞ 只有抛弃旧的传统观念,我们才能获得彻底解放。
 ☞ Only by discarding the old traditional ideas can we achieve emancipation entirely.
 ☞ 任何政党如果跟不上形势的发展就会被历史抛弃。
 ☞ Any political party will be discarded by history if it fails to keep up with the changing situation.
抢救 抢救
 ☞ 王医生成功地抢救了一位危重病人。
 ☞ Doctor Wang succeeded in rescuing a patient who was critically ill.
 ☞ 他因抢救溺水儿童而受到表扬。
 ☞ He was praised for rescuing the child from drowning.
 ☞ 我们总算把他的书画从燃烧的屋里抢救了出来。
 ☞ We managed to rescue his books and pictures from the burning house.
 ☞ 有几位解放军战士受了重伤,医生已赶来抢救。
 ☞ There were several PLA men badly wounded and the doctors already came to rescue.
 ☞ 我们总算抢救出了沉船中的货物。
 ☞ We managed to salvage the cargo of the sinking ship.
 ☞ 解放军战士赶来抢救水淹的庄稼。
 ☞ The PLA men rushed to salvage the flooded crops.
 ☞ 能从灰烬中抢救出来的东西就是一只金属小盒子。
 ☞ What could be salvaged from the ashes was a small metal box.
 ☞ 他抢救了一个溺水儿童。
 ☞ He saved a drowning child.
 ☞ 医生抢救了他的生命。
 ☞ The doctor saved his life.
 ☞ 解放军战士冒着生命危险来抢救国家财产。
 ☞ The PLA men saved the state property at the risk of their lives.
抢(抢走、抢劫) 抢(抢走、抢劫)
  ■ “抢”、“抢劫”、“抢走”是三个同义词。“抢”的词义广,可以涵盖“抢劫”和“抢走”。
1.rob (of),指用威胁、恐吓、暴力抢劫。
 ☞ 谁想得到他们竟在大白天抢(劫)珠宝店?
 ☞ Who would have thought that they should rob the jewelry shop in broad daylight?
 ☞ 3个劫匪抢了一家银行。
 ☞ Three bandits robbed a bank.
 ☞ 3个匪徒抢(抢劫)了银行数万美元。
 ☞ Three bandits robbed the bank of tens of thousands of US dollars.
2.loot (of),指乌合之众或没有纪律的军队进行的抢劫。
 ☞ 地震时一旦发现有抢劫住宅、商店者就地格杀勿论。
 ☞ Anyone found looting houses and shops during earthquake will be shot on the spot with the authority of the law.
 ☞ 败兵抢劫了我们的镇子。
 ☞ The defeated troops looted our town.
 ☞ 该市大部分设备及货物都遭到日本鬼子的抢劫。
 ☞ The city was looted of most equipment and merchandise by the Japanese soldiers.
3.plunder (of),也指军队或有组织的盗匪的抢劫。现代英语中一般指大规模地抢劫财物,尤其指战时或动乱时期的抢劫。
 ☞ 抗日战争期间日本军队抢劫我们的财富,焚烧我们的城市。
 ☞ The Japanese troops plundered our wealth and burnt our cities during the Anti-Japanese War.
 ☞ 有时示威变成动乱,这时候人群就会抢商店里的货物。
 ☞ Sometimes demonstrations turned into turmoil when crowds would plunder the shops and their goods.
 ☞ 他们抢了钱柜,然后携款逃跑了。
 ☞ They rifled the money drawer and made off with their booty.
 ☞ 他抢(走)了保险柜里价值上百万美元的黄全就溜之大吉了。
 ☞ He rifled the gold of one million US dollars in safe cases and disappeared.
 ☞ 被抢的好像是一家百货商店。
 ☞ It seems that it was a department store that had been rifled.
 ☞ 挨饿的男孩抢走了给小姑娘的食物。
 ☞ The hungry boy seized the food that was offered to the little girl.
 ☞ 小偷随时都准备抢她的手提包。
 ☞ The thief was ready to seize her handbag at any moment.
 ☞ 抗日战争胜利后,蒋介石想抢胜利果实。
 ☞ Chiang Kai-shek tried to seize the fruits of victory after the Anti-Japanese War was won.
 ☞ 小偷抢了手提包就逃走了。
 ☞ The thief snatched the handbag and ran away.
 ☞ 他从她手里抢走了信。
 ☞ He snatched the letter out of her hand.
 ☞ 1947年12月中旬3万饥民抢(劫)了两家存粮充足的粮店。
 ☞ In mid-December 1947 a crowd of 30,000 famine victims raided two well-stocked stores.
  ■ raid有时也用于引申。
 ☞ 饥饿的孩子抢劫了厨房,拿走了所有的饼子。
 ☞ The hungry children made a raid on the kitchen and took all the cakes.
8.vie with... for (in),指竞争性争抢,而且争的意思大于抢。
 ☞ 孩子们十分可爱,劳动时都抢着干重活。
 ☞ The children were lovely. They vied with each other for the hardest job during physical labor.
 ☞ 人们围住他抢着出主意。
 ☞ People crowded round him and vied with one another in offering advice.
9.scramble for, 后接名词,指为争取某种东西而抢。scramble to,后接动词不定式,指为争取某种行动而抢。
 ☞ 他丢了球,现在想抢回来。
 ☞ He lost possession of the ball, now he tried to scramble for it.
 ☞ 门一开,学生们就冲进大教室抢前面的位子。
 ☞ As soon as the door was open all of the students rushed into the lecture hall to scramble for the front seats.
 ☞ 3家网站抢着报导这一新闻。
 ☞ The three network stations scrambled to report the news.
 ☞ 人们抢着躲炸弹。
 ☞ People scrambled to dodge bombs.
 ☞ 我们必须抢在洪水前面修好堤坝。
 ☞ We must rush to repair the dykes before the flood comes.
 ☞ 会议一开始,她就抢着发言。
 ☞ As soon as the meeting started, she rushed to speak before everyone else.
 ☞ 先听清楚我的提问,然后按铃抢答。
 ☞ Listen to my question carefully first, then press the button to race to be the first to answer.
 ☞ 农活有季节性,必须抢时间。
 ☞ Farm work is seasonal, so we must race against time.
 ☞ 把锅底抢一抢。
 ☞ Scrape the bottom of the pot.
 ☞ 他摔了一跤,膝盖抢去了一块皮。
 ☞ He fell and scraped his knee.
 ☞ 孩子们互相抢着排第一。
 ☞ The children jostled with each other for the first place in line.
 ☞ 马路对面新开的店抢走了老店的不少顾客。
 ☞ The new shop opposite the street has taken away a number of customers of the old one.
 ☞ 这里只有一个打字员的名额,却有几个人在抢这个位置呢。
 ☞ There is only one opening here for a typist, and quite a few people are competing for the position.
 ☞ 商店进了一批新款毛衣,一个上午就一抢而空。
 ☞ The store received a shipment of new-style sweaters, which were all sold out in one morning.
 ☞ 这次考察熊猫生活,他抢了不少珍贵的镜头。
 ☞ During this expedition to study the life of the giant panda, he took a lot of valuable snap-shots.
 ☞ 她就爱抢镜头,出风头。
 ☞ She loves to steal the show and be the center of attention.
 ☞ 新娘在婚礼上哭泣是新郎抢新娘的古风所遗留下来的痕迹。
 ☞ Pretence of crying by a bride at the wedding is the surviving trace left over by the ancient custom that the bridegroom had to kidnap his bride.
护理 护理
 ☞ 她日夜护理着他直至恢复。
 ☞ She tended him day and night until he recovered.
 ☞ 士兵的伤口都由一位技术高超的护士护理。
 ☞ The soldiers' wounds were tended by a skillful nurse.
2.look after,指照看。
 ☞ 早产儿由她精心护理。
 ☞ The premature baby is carefully looked after by her.
 ☞ 猪仔在产后IO天内要好生护理。
 ☞ Piglets must be closely looked after in ten days after their birth.
3.take care of,照顾。
 ☞ 现在我们都在精心护理小麦越冬。
 ☞ We are taking good care of the wheat through the winter now.
 ☞ 他现在由护理人员护理。
 ☞ He is taken care of by the nursing staff.
 ☞ 我病了几天,而她尽心尽力地护理我。
 ☞ I was ill for some days, and she nursed me wholeheartedly.
 ☞ 伤病员应日夜护理。
 ☞ The sick and the wounded must be nursed day and night.
 ☞ 美容的护理花了她好多钱。
 ☞ Maintaining beauty cost her a lot of money.
 ☞ 他一生都在护理这条公路。
 ☞ He devoted his whole life to maintaining this highway.
报仇 报仇
 ☞ 他全家被谋杀,他承担起了报仇的任务。
 ☞ He undertook to avenge the murder of his whole family。
 ☞ 我要为我父亲报仇,惩罚凶手。
 ☞ I want to avenge my father and punish the murderer.
 ☞ 我们决定为我们一个同志的死向敌人报仇。
 ☞ We set ourselves to avenge the death of our comrade upon the enemy.
 ☞ 他立誓迟早要向你报仇。
 ☞ He swears that he will revenge himself on you sooner or later.
 ☞ 搞这次暴乱就是为了报仇。
 ☞ This riot was designed to revenge.
 ☞ 我们没有采用暴力就报了仇。
 ☞ We got our revenge without resorting to violence.
 ☞ 你是公报私仇。
 ☞ You're using the power of state for your own private revenge.
报到 报到
1.report for work (duty),指到单位工作报到或到部队服役报到。
 ☞ 我第二天早上8点就立刻到外交部报到。
 ☞ Promptly at eight the next morning, I reported for work at the Foreign Ministry.
 ☞ 他得到部队的通知,于10月5日到野战部队报到。
 ☞ He was notified by the Army to report for duty at the field army on the fifth of October.
2.check in,指需要验证身份的报到。
 ☞ 代表们必须在5月5日前到大会秘书处报到。
 ☞ All delegates must check in at the secretariat of the Congress before May fifth.
 ☞ 他们是什么时候报到的?
 ☞ What time did they check in?
 ☞ 新生已开始报到。
 ☞ The new students have started registering.
 ☞ 囚犯释放后,回到当地要到派出所报到。
 ☞ A prisoner, who is set free and returns to his local town, must have himself registered at the police station.
报复 报复
 ☞ 你要是侮辱他,他是会报复的。
 ☞ If you insult him, he will retaliate.
 ☞ 如果我们提高他们货物的进口税,他们照样会报复我们的。
 ☞ If we raise our import duties on their goods, they may retaliate against us in turn.
 ☞ 汤姆踢了玛丽一脚,而玛丽咬了汤姆一口作为报复。
 ☞ Tom kicked Mary, and Mary bit Tom in retaliation.
 ☞ 他们夜袭了敌营作为杀死30名游击队员的报复。
 ☞ They attacked the enemy camp at night in reprisal for the killing of thirty guerrillas.
 ☞ 他害怕政治报复,要求不要说明其身份。
 ☞ He asked not to be identified for fear of political reprisal.
 ☞ 日本兵为了给他们的指挥官之死进行报复,烧掉了空无一人的村子。
 ☞ The Japanese soldiers avenged the death of their commander by burning the empty village.
 ☞ 记下我的话,我将为这一侮辱进行报复。
 ☞ Mark my words. I shall revenge this insult!
 ☞ 他立誓要伺机向毁灭他农庄的人报复。
 ☞ He swore to seek vengeance on those who had ruined his farm.
 ☞ 我要对谋杀我父亲的凶手进行报复。
 ☞ I shall take vengeance on the murderer of my father.
报酬 报酬
 ☞ 这些工种的工作条件和报酬都很差。
 ☞ The condition and pay in such jobs were very bad.
 ☞ 飞行员要求在开新型飞机时提高报酬。
 ☞ The pilots wanted more pay for operating new-type planes.
 ☞ 我们应当在发展生产的基础上逐步提高劳动报酬。
 ☞ We should gradually increase payment for labor on the basis of increased production.
 ☞ 为把丢失的珠宝归还失主而提供了巨额报酬。
 ☞ A huge reward is offered for the person who returns the lost jewelry to its owner.
 ☞ 他拒绝了所有的报酬和荣誉,驾船回到他岛上的农庄。
 ☞ He refused all rewards and honors and sailed away t。
 ☞ his farm on the island.
3.remunerate, remuneration, remunerative, 意思与reward相近,但为正式用语。
 ☞ 送回丢失珠宝的男孩得到了不菲的报酬。
 ☞ The boy who returned the lost jewelry was handsomely remunerated.
 ☞ 他收到一笔丰厚的劳务报酬。
 ☞ He received a generous remuneration for his service.
 ☞ 她找到一个报酬较好的工作。
 ☞ She has found a more remunerative job.

1.drape sth. over one's shoulders,指披在肩上。
 ☞ 他披着棉大衣出来接我。
 ☞ He went out to meet me, having a padded overcoat draped over his shoulders.
 ☞ 披红戴花对他是很大的荣耀。
 ☞ It was a great honor for him to have red silk draped over his shoulders and a big red flower pinned on his breast.
 ☞ 他是一条披着羊皮的狼。
 ☞ He was a wolf in sheep's skin.
 ☞ 你充其量不过是披着日军制服的汉奸。
 ☞ At most you are a traitor in Japanese uniform.
 ☞ 他披麻带孝地跟在棺材后面。
 ☞ He followed the coffin, wearing the hemp garments of mourning.
 ☞ 他是个男孩,却披着长发。
 ☞ He is a boy, but wears his long hair loose.
4.under, 指在某种情况或某种掩护之下。
 ☞ 这是一次披星戴月的旅行。
 ☞ This is a travel under the moon and stars.
 ☞ 他披着合法的外衣,干非法的勾当。
 ☞ He carried on illegal activities under the cloak of legality.
5.deck oneself out as, disguise oneself as, 指化装成,两者可以换用。
 ☞ 他们是一伙披着马列主义外衣的政治骗子。
 ☞ They were a bunch of political swindlers who decked themselves out as Marxist-Leninists.
 ☞ 想不到他披着教师的外衣,竞去猥亵女学生。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he, disguising himself as a teacher, should act indecently towards girl students?
披露 披露
 ☞ 这一消息已在报上披露。
 ☞ The news has been published in the press.
 ☞ 披露别人的隐私是不道德的。
 ☞ It is immoral to publish privacy of others.
 ☞ 他们向聚会来宾披露他们准备结婚。
 ☞ They announced to the guests that they were going to get married.
 ☞ 她召开记者招待会,披露她的候选人资格。
 ☞ She called a press conference to announce her candidacy.
 ☞ 中国人认为书法可以披露一个人的性格。
 ☞ The Chinese believe that handwriting reveals one's character.
 ☞ 进一步调查披露了事实真相。
 ☞ Further investigation revealed the true facts.
 ☞ 他披露了他曾被监禁的真相。
 ☞ He disclosed the truth that he had been in prison.
 ☞ 他宣称要披露永葆青春的秘密时我们都半信半疑。
 ☞ We were half-believing, half-doubting when he claimed to disclose the secret of perpetual youth.
5.show, 指以行为、言论、表情等使人看出从而达到披露的目的,因此是本节中最无个性的常用词。
 ☞ 她准备要创造一种新文学来披露“事物内幕”。
 ☞ She set out to create a new literature to show "things behind the scenes".
 ☞ 至于他身上还有什么可取之处,就让他自己来披露吧。
 ☞ As to what else he had in him, let him show for himself.
 ☞ 作者要求不披露姓名。
 ☞ The author wished to remain anonymous.
 ☞ 提议的细节尚未向公众披露。
 ☞ Details of the proposal have not yet been made public.
 ☞ 他第一次披露了心迹。
 ☞ He laid bare his true feelings for the first time.

 ☞ 他抬起手打招呼,但她不予理睬。
 ☞ He raised his hand in salutation, but she ignored it.
 ☞ 我思考的时候从来不抬头。
 ☞ At the time I think I never raise my head.
 ☞ 她抬起一根手指头放到嘴唇上,示意不要出声。
 ☞ She raised one of her ringers to her lips as a signal for silence.
 ☞ 她抬起眼,盯着他看。
 ☞ She raised her eyes and stared at him.
 ☞ 抬抬腿,我要拖地板。
 ☞ Raise your legs. I want to mop the floor.
 ☞ 你懒得都不想抬胳膊了。
 ☞ You're too lazy to raise your arms.
 ☞ 这箱子重得我抬不起来。
 ☞ The trunk was so heavy that I couldn't raise it.
 ☞ 这块大石头要两个人才抬得起来。
 ☞ Two men were needed to lift this large stone.
 ☞ 这箱子太重,我抬不起来。
 ☞ The box is too heavy for me to lift.
 ☞ 帮我抬抬桌子。
 ☞ Help me to lift up the table.
 ☞ 请把这件东西抬到柜台上。
 ☞ Please lift the package onto the counter.
 ☞ 他们抬起教练,抛到空中以庆祝胜利。
 ☞ They lifted their coach and tossed him into the air to celebrate their victory.
 ☞ 马抬起身子,把我摔了下来。
 ☞ The horse reared itself up and threw me off.
 ☞ 眼镜蛇受惊时会抬起头,脖子变粗,使之看起来更大更危险。
 ☞ A cobra, when alarmed, rears its head and expands the skin of the neck to make itself look bigger and more dangerous.
 ☞ 一头狮子突然从深草丛里抬起头来。
 ☞ A lion suddenly reared its head from among the long grass.
 ☞ 清朝的时候,高官是坐着8人,甚至是16人抬的大轿上朝的。
 ☞ In the Qing Dynasty high-ranking officials went to court by sedan chair carried by eight, even sixteen bearers.
 ☞ 伤员由担架抬着送到救护车上。
 ☞ The injured man was carried to the ambulance on a stretcher.
 ☞ 伤兵都被抬走了。
 ☞ The wounded soldiers were carried away.
 ☞ 这件事只要你抬抬手我就过去了。
 ☞ I'll get off if you will make an exception in my case.
 ☞ 他终于在生意上抬起头来了。
 ☞ He finally gained in his business.
 ☞ 给这位青年演员抬轿子的人还是不少。
 ☞ There are not few people who sing the praise of this young actor.
抬高 抬高
 ☞ 是地壳运动把原来的海底抬高,成为现在的台地。
 ☞ It was the crust movement that raised the original seabed into the tableland as it is.
 ☞ 这座历史上有名的古塔原来沉陷了,后来是用现代技术抬高的。
 ☞ This historical ancient pagoda that had caved in was raised by means of modern technology.
 ☞ 城市的扩大往往能抬高其周围土地的价值。
 ☞ The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it.
 ☞ 对诗人最近新作的书评抬高了他的声誉。
 ☞ The reviews on the poet's most recent works enhanced his reputation.
3.force up,指强行抬高。
 ☞ 提高公共汽车乘务员的工资就会抬高车费。
 ☞ Increasing the wages of the bus crews will force up fares.
 ☞ 最悲观的看法是英国进入欧共体会大大抬高生活费用。
 ☞ The gloomiest view was that Britain's entry into the European Economic Community would force up the cost of living considerably.
4.build up,指带有吹捧的抬高。
 ☞ 你不要过分地抬高他,他会让你失望的。
 ☞ Don't build him up too much. He may disappoint you.
 ☞ 他这个人很不道德,以攻击别人来抬高自己。
 ☞ He is unprincipled, attacking others so as to build himself up.

1.用双手抱,译bold in one's arms,take in one's arms,embrace,hug等,区别是前两个为普通用词,后两个则指带有感情色彩的拥抱。
 ☞ 她抱着她的小儿子。
 ☞ She held her little son in her arms.
 ☞ 我接过孩子紧紧地抱着。
 ☞ I took the child and held him tightly in my arms.
 ☞ 他伸出双手来抱小黄。
 ☞ He stretched out his arms to embrace Huang.
 ☞ 她温存地一把抱住儿子。
 ☞ She embraced her son tenderly.
  ■ hug表示的感情最为强烈。
 ☞ 父亲把受伤的儿子紧紧地抱着贴在胸前。
 ☞ Father hugged his wounded son tightly to his chest.
 ☞ 她抱住女儿,失声痛哭起来。
 ☞ Hugging her daughter, she broke down completely.
 ☞ 你爹会一直替你还债?别抱幻想了。
 ☞ Don't cherish such illusion that your father will always pay your debts.
 ☞ 她对儿子回来这件事,多年来一直抱着希望。
 ☞ She has cherished the hope of her son's return for many years.
 ☞ 多年来她对后母抱着一种怨恨。
 ☞ She has harbored resentment against her stepmother for years.
 ☞ 对人不要抱有歹意
 ☞ Don't harbor evil thoughts to other people.
  ■ 但有时harbor也可指抱有个人的愿望。
 ☞ 他是抱着成为一名著名画家的愿望去国外的。
 ☞ He went abroad harboring a wish to be a well-known painter.
 ☞ 全国人民对最终实现四个现代化都抱着坚定的信心。
 ☞ The people of the whole country entertain a firm belief in the final achievement of the realization of the four modernizations.
 ☞ 我对他为人老实这一点向来不抱一点怀疑。
 ☞ I have never entertained the least doubt about his honesty.
5.抱某种态度,可译take (adopt) attitude。
 ☞ 我希望你对批评要抱正确态度。
 ☞ I hope that you can take a correct attitude towards criticism。
 ☞ 她母亲抱不支持态度。
 ☞ Her mother adopted a disapproving attitude.
 ☞ 既得利益集团对一切改革与变化都抱敌对态度。
 ☞ Vested interests are hostile to any reform and change.
 ☞ 我对获得奖学金抱乐观态度。
 ☞ I am optimistic about winning the scholarship.
 ☞ 她对翻译课能否及格抱悲观态度。
 ☞ She is pessimistic about passing the translation course.
7.坚持某种观点、看法、想法、信仰等,可译stick to或cling to。
 ☞ 抱着错误观点不放是愚蠢的。
 ☞ It is foolish to stick to one's wrong views.
 ☞ 他还是抱着原来的说法不放。
 ☞ He is still sticking to his old story.
 ☞ 他是个抱着旧思想不放的人。
 ☞ He was a person who clung to old ideas.
 ☞ 佛教徒抱着一种迷信观点,认为人死后灵魂不死。
 ☞ Buddhists cling to a superstitious belief that one's soul is immortal after one's death.
 ☞ 你是最爱抱偏见的人。
 ☞ You are the most prejudiced (biased) person.
 ☞ 她总是对她见到听到的某些东西抱有偏见。
 ☞ She is always prejudiced (biased) against certain things she has seen or heard of.
抱怨 抱怨
1.一般用语为complain,后接that从句或of (about)介词宾语。
 ☞ 不要总是抱怨别人帮忙不够。
 ☞ Don't always complain that you haven't been given enough help.
 ☞ 伦敦抱怨共同市场歧视英国货。
 ☞ London complained that the Common Market discriminated against British goods.
 ☞ 在这件事上,我们没有什么好抱怨的。
 ☞ We have nothing to complain of (about)in this matter.
 ☞ 她常向我抱怨他为人粗暴。
 ☞ She complains to me of (about) his rudeness.
2.具有感情色彩的用语grumble (about, over, at), murmur (about),表示唠叨个没完。
 ☞ 他什么都不干,只会抱怨环境。
 ☞ He could do nothing but grumbling over the situation.
 ☞ 他不去面对困难,却来抱怨命运。
 ☞ He grumbles at his lot instead of facing his difficulties.
 ☞ 向我抱怨你在医院的治疗没有用,你要写信给管理委员会。
 ☞ It's no good grumbling at me about your treatment in the hospital. Write to the Management Board.
 ☞ 他从不抱怨工作的困难。
 ☞ He never murmured about the difficulty of the task.
 ☞ 没有出息的工匠才抱怨工具。
 ☞ Bad workmen often blame their tools.
 ☞ 他抱怨你不负责任。
 ☞ He blamed you for neglect of duty.
抵抗 抵抗
1.resist, resistance,指抗拒。
 ☞ 我们要继续抵抗侵略,因为暴行必须抵抗。
 ☞ We will continue to resist aggression because tyranny must be resisted.
 ☞ 抵抗入侵是每个公民应尽的职责。
 ☞ It is a bounden duty for every citizen to resist invasion.
 ☞ 抗日战争爆友时,全国人民奋起抵抗。
 ☞ The people all over the country rose in (put up) resistance when the Anti-Japanese War broke out.
 ☞ 每天锻炼可以增强人对疾病的抵抗力。
 ☞ Exercises every day can build up one's resistance to disease.
 ☞ 现在,由于多年来的水利建设,我们已有了抵抗自然灾害的能力。
 ☞ Now we've had capacity to withstand natural calamities by building irrigation works for many years.
 ☞ 无人能抵抗她的魅力。
 ☞ Nobody can withstand her charm.
3.stand up to,指起来抵抗。
 ☞ 全国人民准备抵抗敌人的任何进攻。
 ☞ People all over the country are ready to stand up to any attack by the enemy.
 ☞ 要是那孩子再打你,你就要抵抗,要反击。
 ☞ If that boy hits you again, stand up to him and hit him back.
 ☞ 战士们坚守阵地,抵抗到底。
 ☞ The fighters held fast to their position against the enemy to the end.
 ☞ 我们地区已建立起防风林带以抵抗风沙的侵袭。
 ☞ A shelterbelt has been built in our area against sand storms.
抵触 抵触
 ☞ 个人利益与集体利益抵触时,应服从集体利益。
 ☞ When individual and collective interests conflict, those of the collective should prevail.
 ☞ 你们的说法有抵触。
 ☞ Your accounts conflict.
 ☞ 你的行为跟你声称的道德规范是相抵触的。
 ☞ Your actions contradict your declared moral principles.
 ☞ 他的言行是相互抵触的。
 ☞ His words and deeds contradict each other.
 ☞ 这一法律是与宪法相抵触的。
 ☞ This law contravenes the constitution.
 ☞ 独裁政治是与个人自由相抵触的。
 ☞ A dictatorship contravenes the liberty of individuals.
4.go against,指相违背。
 ☞ 这是跟我的原则相抵触的。
 ☞ It goes against my principles.
 ☞ 这一举动是同我的良心相抵触的。
 ☞ This action goes against my conscience.

1.put on,专指涂脂抹粉。
 ☞ 你可以抹点雪花膏来保护皮肤。
 ☞ You can protect your skin by putting on a little vanishing cream.
 ☞ 她脸上抹粉太多,反而难看。
 ☞ She puts on too much face powder to look pretty.
 ☞ 脸上先抹点油脂再抹油彩。
 ☞ Smear some of the cream on your face before putting on the greasepaint.
 ☞ 护士把药膏抹在我的伤口上。
 ☞ The nurse applied the ointment to my wound.
 ☞ 刮了胡子后要抹些润肤液。
 ☞ Apply some lotion after you're shaved.
 ☞ 现在的姑娘年纪轻轻的就在涂脂抹粉。
 ☞ These days girls apply rouge and powder when they are still quite young.
 ☞ 先在面包上抹点果酱或是奶油再吃。
 ☞ Spread some jam or butter on the piece of bread before you eat it.
 ☞ 你可以在木材上抹两层清光漆,既美观又防蛀。
 ☞ You can spread two coats of varnish on the wood to make it pleasing to the eyes and mothproof.
 ☞ 你在墙上抹浆糊,我来贴广告。
 ☞ You smear the wall with paste and I'll stick the notice on it.
 ☞ 你看你!抹了满身的油漆。
 ☞ Look at yourself! You smeared the paint all over your clothes.
 ☞ 我的老天爷,我儿子把果酱抹在椅子上了!
 ☞ My goodness, my son smeared jam on the chair!
 ☞ 他吃完东西,用手背把嘴一抹就走了。
 ☞ Having Finished eating up his food, he went away, wiping his mouth with the back of the hand.
 ☞ 大扫除时,我们洗碗盏杯碟、抹桌椅板凳。
 ☞ During the thorough cleanup we did washing chinaware and wiping tables and chairs.
  ■ 有时,也可用于引申。
 ☞ 时间把他亡妻的形象从他的记忆中抹去了。
 ☞ Time had wiped the image of his late wife from his memory.
 ☞ 他的所作所为简直是给我们集体的脸上抹黑。
 ☞ What he did is simply bringing shame on our collective.
 ☞ 他们担心要是有人向她抹黑,她会怀疑到他们身上的。
 ☞ They were worried that if someone else threw mud at her, she might think it was them.
 ☞ 你是抹了良心才说这样的话!
 ☞ You are ignoring your conscience by saying things like this!
 ☞ 我本想说服他,竟被抹了一鼻子灰。
 ☞ I had intended to persuade him only to find that I got an awkward rebuff.
 ☞ 她走投无路,抹脖子自杀了。
 ☞ In desperation she killed herself by cutting her own throat.
 ☞ 把磁带上的录音抹了。
 ☞ Erase the recording from the tape.
 ☞ 把最后一句抹了,换上这一句。
 ☞ Cross out that last sentence and put this in instead.
 ☞ 农历十二月二十三日,曾祖母总要我祖母在灶王爷爷和灶王奶奶的嘴上抹些蜂蜜,为让他们向玉皇大帝报告时喜欢说些甜滋滋的美事。
 ☞ On the twenty-third day of the twelfth moon my great grandmother would always ask my grandmother to stick some honey on the lips of the Lord and Lady Kitchen God to make them more inclined to say sweet nice things to the Celestial Emperor.
抹杀 抹杀
 ☞ 历史事实是抹杀不了的。
 ☞ The facts of history cannot be denied.
 ☞ 你无法抹杀这两个词在意义上的区别。
 ☞ You cannot deny the difference in meaning between the two words.
2.blot out,指涂抹掉。
 ☞ 你不能把反对意见都一笔抹杀。
 ☞ You must not blot out all opposition.
 ☞ 他的功劳不该被抹杀。
 ☞ His contribution should not be blotted out.
 ☞ 你用这种方法去抹杀他的成绩对你有什么好处?
 ☞ What is the advantage to you when you obliterated his achievements this way?
 ☞ 崇拜金钱万能或抹杀金钱的作用都是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong either to worship the omnipotence of money or obliterate its function.
担任 担任
 ☞ 你明天来担任地勤。
 ☞ You will assume your ground duty tomorrow.
 ☞ 他在全国欢庆声中担任了党的总书记职务。
 ☞ He assumed office as General Secretary of the Party amid national rejoicing.
 ☞ 新司令员将担任东海舰队的指挥。
 ☞ The new commander will assume command of the East Sea Fleet.
2.take up,指接任。
 ☞ 他担任了云南省省委书记。
 ☞ He took up the post of Secretary of Yunnan Province Party Committee.
 ☞ 她缺席期间由他担任班长。
 ☞ He is to take up the duties of the monitor during her absence.
 ☞ 他担任主席已有好多年了。
 ☞ He has held the office of Chairman for many years.
 ☞ 我担任这一工作已有两年。
 ☞ I have held the job for two years.
 ☞ 我是选出来的总统,这一职位我将担任到1988年底。
 ☞ I am elected President and will hold this position till the end of 1988.
 ☞ 他在内阁中担任过许多重要职务。
 ☞ He held many important offices in the cabinet.
4.take on,指接受某种任务。
 ☞ 队长要双河叔担任这一任务。
 ☞ The brigade leader asked Uncle Shuanghe to take on the task.
 ☞ 一位老工程师担任这一设计。
 ☞ A veteran engineer took on the designing.
 ☞ 医生劝我不要担任更多的工作。
 ☞ The doctor advised me not to take any more work on.
5.take the chair,指担任主席。
 ☞ 会议决定由老王担任主席。
 ☞ It was decided at the meeting that Wang should take the chair.
 ☞ 下次会议由他来担任主席。
 ☞ He will take the chair at the next meeting.
担保 担保
 ☞ 我向你担保,这药对你无妨。
 ☞ I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you.
 ☞ 这担保你舒服。
 ☞ This will assure you comfort.
 ☞ 这药担保你晚上睡个好觉。
 ☞ This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.
 ☞ 我不能担保他按时到达那里。
 ☞ I can't ensure that he will be there in time.
2.vouch for,指说话人本人相信因而担保。
 ☞ 我担保这报告没错。
 ☞ I can vouch for the correctness of the report.
 ☞ 你能担保他是个老实人?
 ☞ Can you vouch for it that he is an honest man?
 ☞ 我朋友可以为我担保。
 ☞ My friends will vouch for me.
 ☞ 我担保他会来。
 ☞ I'll guarantee that he will come.
 ☞ 下雪天我们不能担保火车会准点。
 ☞ We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in snowy weather.
 ☞ 你担保中午前能搞到票?
 ☞ Can you guarantee to get tickets before noon?
 ☞ 生产商担保他们供应的机器都是经过质量检查的。
 ☞ The manufacturers warrant that all machines they supply are tested for quality.
 ☞ 该公司担保他们销售的所有汽车。
 ☞ The company warrants all the cars it sells.

1.拆了可以重装的机械装置,take apart指拆开,用tear down指拆卸。
 ☞ 不少解放军战士能蒙住眼睛拆装机枪。
 ☞ Not a few of PLA men can take a machine gun apart and put it together again blindfolded.
 ☞ 他拆了机器,让大家看操作的每个细节。
 ☞ He took the machine apart to show every detail of its operation.
 ☞ 这部发动机应拆了大修。
 ☞ The engine must be tom down for an overhaul.
 ☞ 机修工人只好把机器拆了修好,再重新装上。
 ☞ The mechanics had to tear down the machine, and fix it, and put it together again.
2.拆了可以重装的非机械装置,可用strike (take down)。
 ☞ 野营生活结束了,我们拆了帐篷,装上了汽车。
 ☞ The camping ended and we struck (took down) our tents with which we loaded the truck.
 ☞ 散场后,戏院工作人员还在拆舞台上的布景道具。
 ☞ After the show the staff members of the theatre were still striking (taking down) the stage setting.
3.拆除某种建筑结构,可用pull down (take down),tear down。
 ☞ 这里的许多旧房都拆了,并盖了不少新房。
 ☞ Many old houses have been pulled down (taken down) here and many new ones have been put up.
 ☞ 平儿咬牙道:“没良心的,过了汀就拆桥,明儿还想我替你撒谎呢?”
  "You beast! "Ping Er cried through clenched teeth.
  "As soon as the river's crossed you pull down the bridge. Don't ever expect me to lie for you again."
 ☞ 房屋一竣工,就把脚手架拆了。
 ☞ The scaffolding was taken down as soon as the building was completed.
 ☞ 他们正在拆旧房,以便盖一座公寓大楼。
 ☞ They are tearing down the old houses in order to build an apartment building.
  ■ 应该指出,tear down虽可和pull down, take down换用,但带有破坏性的拆除则应该用tear down。
 ☞ 侵略军强拆民房。
 ☞ The invading troops tore down the people's houses by force.
 ☞ 他采用一种拆东墙补西墙的救急办法。
 ☞ He resorted to a makeshift resolution, that is, to tear down the east wall to repair the west wall.
 ☞ 北京的城墙全都拆了,只留下几个有纪念意义的城门。
 ☞ The city wall of Beijing is completely removed except for several memorable city gates.
 ☞ 设置在街上的障碍物都已拆了。
 ☞ The obstacles placed in the street have been removed.
5.为了某种目的而拆散时,可用break up。
 ☞ 旧船都拆了当作废铜烂铁卖给了商人。
 ☞ The old ships were broken up and sold as scrap to dealers.
 ☞ 把这个小组拆了合并到你们车间好了。
 ☞ Break up the group and merge it into your workshop.
 ☞ 你卸掉螺丝,把这两条管子拆了。
 ☞ You separate the two pipes by unscrewing them.
 ☞ 这两个字构成一个单词,所以不能拆。
 ☞ The two characters form a single word and therefore they cannot be separated.
7.拆信拆包裹,可用open, tear open。
 ☞ 他用颤抖的手把信拆了,读了起来。
 ☞ With trembling fingers he opened the letter and started to read.
 ☞ 他把包裹拆了,取出一包香烟。
 ☞ He tore the parcel open and took out a packet of cigarettes.
 ☞ 她把旧毛衣拆了重打。
 ☞ Having unraveled it, she started to reknit the old sweater.

 ☞ 两个火车头拉着火车上了山。
 ☞ The two locomotives pulled the train up the hill.
 ☞ 他把椅子拉回到窗前。
 ☞ He pulled his chair back towards the window.
 ☞ 她把我拉到一边,给我讲了她听到的情况。
 ☞ She pulled me aside to tell me what she had heard.
  ■ 由此可以得出,用pull时,即使不带表示方向的状语,方向性仍十分明显。
 ☞ 一辆拖拉机在拉犁。
 ☞ A tractor is pulling a plow.
 ☞ 危机就像中间打结的绳子,两头越拉,绳结越紧。
 ☞ The crisis is like a rope with a knot in the middle, the more each side is pulled, the more the knot would tighten.
 ☞ 他把毛毯拉过来盖到头上,这样就听不见了。
 ☞ He drew the blanket over his head so that he might not hear.
 ☞ 他走到窗前,拉上了窗帘。
 ☞ Walking to the window, he drew up the curtain.
 ☞ 他把金属加热,拉成一条长长的金属丝。
 ☞ He heated the metal and drew it out into a long wire.
  ■ 由于draw的目的性明确,故用于转义时,有“拉拢”的意思。
 ☞ 如果我们能多拉一些人过来,那敌人的队伍就减少了,我们的队伍就扩大了。
 ☞ If we can draw a larger number of people over to our side, this will deplete the enemy's ranks and strengthen ours.
 ☞ 他拉了一些人,搞起改革来了。
 ☞ He drew some people in and began to carry out reforms.
3.drag, 常指缓慢地、费力地拉动重物。
 ☞ 我们看见马匹拉着一辆辆满载蔬菜的大车上市场。
 ☞ We saw horses dragging full loads of vegetables to the market.
 ☞ 我总算把一只重箱子拉出地窖。
 ☞ I managed to drag a heavy box out of the cellar.
  ■ 由于drag有“勉强”、“费力”拉的意思,因此它还有“强人所难”的意思。
 ☞ 这么冷的夜晚,为什么你还要拉我上音乐会?
 ☞ Why must you drag me to a concert on such a cold night?
 ☞ 我要参军,决不让家里的人拉后腿。
 ☞ I want to join the army and won't let my family drag me back。
 ☞ 这是你自己干的事,为什么要拉上别人?
 ☞ It is all your own doing. Why drag in others?
 ☞ 渔夫把鱼拉上了船。
 ☞ The fisherman hauled the fish into the boat.
 ☞ 我们拉着大车上山。
 ☞ We hauled the cart up the hill.
  ■ 此外,haul还有“长途拉运”重物的意思。
 ☞ 大卡车把一箱箱橘子由黄岩拉到上海。
 ☞ The trucks hauled crates of oranges from Huangyan to Shanghai.
 ☞ 圆木必须从森林里拉出来。
 ☞ Logs must be hauled out of the forest.
5.tug (at),指一下一下地使劲拉。
 ☞ 我们把船拉上了岸。
 ☞ We tugged the boat to shore.
 ☞ 他使劲拉卡住的门,还是拉不开。
 ☞ He tugged at the door that was stuck and it wouldn't open.
6.tow, 指用绳索或链条拉。
 ☞ 拖船把轮船拉离了港口。
 ☞ The tugboat towed the ship out of harbor.
 ☞ 把你的车拴到我们车子后面,我们把你拉到家。
 ☞ Tie your car to ours and we'll tow you home.
 ☞ 你要立即把伤员拉到后方治疗。
 ☞ You must move the wounded immediately to the rear for treatment.
 ☞ 大石头都拉走了。
 ☞ All large rocks were moved away.
 ☞ 你会拉手风琴(小提琴)吗?
 ☞ Can you play the accordion (violin)?
 ☞ 他犯了错误,要拉他一把。
 ☞ He's made mistakes and we must give him a helping hand.
 ☞ 他开车拉货去了。
 ☞ He drove a truck to carry cargo.
 ☞ 我们坐下来拉家常。
 ☞ We sat down and had a chat.
 ☞ 昨天我拉肚子了。
 ☞ I had loose bowels yesterday.
 ☞ 他到处为候选人拉选票。
 ☞ He canvassed everywhere for the candidate.
 ☞ 他做买卖失败,拉了一屁股债。
 ☞ He failed in business and owed a mountain of debts.
 ☞ 国民党兵战斗力低,因为都是拉壮丁拉来的。
 ☞ The KMT soldiers were low in combat effectiveness, for they were all press-ganged.
 ☞ 他拉关系,走后门以便找到一份报酬好的工作。
 ☞ He exploited the connections and got in through the back door to find a well-paid job.
 ☞ 我手上拉的口子快好了。
 ☞ The cut on my hand is nearly healed.
 ☞ 大家都认为这几乎等于是把人从阎王老爷那里拉了回来。
 ☞ This was considered almost the equivalent of bringing a person back from the grave.
拉开 拉开
1.拉动后使之开启,可用pull open。
 ☞ 门被卡住了,我拉不开。
 ☞ The door is stuck and I can't pull it open 拉开抽屉,找到你要的东西。
 ☞ Pull the drawer open and find what you want.
  ■ 有时,pull后接某些补语,也有“拉开”的意思,但要注意其意义上的差别。如:
 ☞ 他拉开每支枪的枪栓,检查里面是否装有子弹。
 ☞ He pulled apart the bolt of every rifle to see whether it was loaded with bullets.
 ☞ 他过来时有两个孩子在打架,就把他们拉开了。
 ☞ The two children were fighting when he came along, and pulled them away from each other.
 ☞ 第十六届世界杯足球赛于1998年6月10日在巴黎拉开战幕。
 ☞ The sixteenth Football World Cup started competition on the tenth of June, 1998.
 ☞ 只要有人请他,他拉开嗓门就唱,毫不怯场紧张。
 ☞ He started singing when asked to, without making a fuss.
 ☞ 下半场,比分逐渐拉开了。
 ☞ In the second half of the game the gap between the scores gradually widened.
 ☞ 误会拉开了双方的距离。
 ☞ Misunderstandings have widened the gulf between the two sides.
 ☞ 他一个马步,拉开架势准备战斗。
 ☞ Making a horse-riding step, he got into a ready position to fight.
 ☞ 同类商品的质量差价没有适当拉开。
 ☞ There are inadequate price differentials for a given product with diverse quality.
 ☞ 咱们痛快点,拉开来讲。
 ☞ Let's be frank and have an open talk.

1.pat, 指用一个手掌拍打别人的身体部位,表示爱护、怜惜等感情色彩。
 ☞ 教练拍拍队员的背脊,并说了几句鼓励的话。
 ☞ The coach patted the player on the back and said a few encouraging words.
 ☞ 我用手拍了拍我家的狗。
 ☞ I patted our dog with my hand.
  ■ 此外,pat还可出于某种目的而连续拍打掉落在身上的某种东西。
 ☞ 他拍了拍衣服上的土。
 ☞ He patted his clothes to get the dust off.
 ☞ 我一进屋子就拍了拍衣服上的雪。
 ☞ As soon as I had entered the room I patted the snow off my clothes.
 ☞ 老师拍了拍手以引起全班的注意。
 ☞ The teacher clapped to attract the class's attention.
 ☞ 观众拍手、喊叫,让她一次次出来谢幕。
 ☞ The audience clapped and shouted and made her respond to the curtain call.
  ■ 同时,clap还可用于表示友好的单掌拍打。
 ☞ 球员们赢球后相互拍拍脊背。
 ☞ The players clapped each other on the back after they had won the game.
 ☞ 他拍拍我的肩膀,请我出去吃点东西。
 ☞ He clapped me on the shoulder and invited me to have some food.
 ☞ 我看见一位妇女拍打毛毯清理灰尘。
 ☞ I saw a woman beating (patting) the blanket to get the dust off 我进院子时她正在拍打地毯上的灰。
 ☞ When I came into the courtyard she was beating the dust out of (patting the dust off) the carpet.
 ☞ 我们赶到那里只见惊涛拍岸,而船只不见了踪影。
 ☞ There was no trace of the boat when we rushed there.
 ☞ only to find mighty waves beating the shore.
4.slap, 指用手掌猛拍别人身体的某一部位。
 ☞ 她拍了他一个耳光。
 ☞ She slapped his face.
 ☞ 他一巴掌拍到我背上,祝贺我得到提升。
 ☞ He slapped me on the back and congratulated me on my promotion.
 ☞ 他拍着桌子破口大骂。
 ☞ He struck the table and poured out a stream of abuse.
 ☞ 他敲门没人答应,就狠狠地拍起门来。
 ☞ As nobody answered to his knock he began to strike the door heavily.
6.make a film, 指拍电影,make... into a film,指“把…拍成电影”。只表示整部电影的拍摄制作,因此使用面较宽。
 ☞ 我们有意要拍部电影。
 ☞ We are inclined to make a film.
 ☞ 这部小说已拍成了电影。
 ☞ This novel has been made into a film.
 ☞ 这部电影是在苏州拍的。
 ☞ The film was shot (made) in Suzhou.
 ☞ 今天天气不好,外景拍不成了。
 ☞ We can't shoot the outdoor scenes in this foul weather.
 ☞ 拍特写镜头对演员是个要过的关口。
 ☞ It is a barrier to be passed for an actor to shoot a close-up.
 ☞ 明天一整天我们都要拍电影。
 ☞ We'll be filming all day tomorrow.
 ☞ 我拍了场足球赛。
 ☞ I filmed a football game.
 ☞ 他们就要在这里拍一部侦探片。
 ☞ They're going to film a detective drama here.
 ☞ 他想给我们拍照。
 ☞ He wants to take our photograph.
 ☞ 我拍了十几张照片。
 ☞ I have a dozen pictures taken.
10.flap one's wings,指拍翅膀。
 ☞ 他在梦中发现自己正拍着翅膀离开了地面。
 ☞ In his dream he found he was flapping his wings and rose off the ground.
 ☞ 那鸟拍着翅膀飞走了。
 ☞ The bird flapped its wings and flew away.
 ☞ 她用报纸拍苍蝇。
 ☞ She flapped a newspaper at the fly.
 ☞ 海水轻轻地拍着海岸。
 ☞ The sea was lapping softly on the beach.
 ☞ 波浪拍着船舷。
 ☞ Waves flapped against the sides of the ship.
 ☞ 我看见一个孩子在拍球。
 ☞ I saw a boy bouncing a ball.
 ☞ 这首歌是几拍?
 ☞ What time is the song in?
 ☞ 我离开昆明前给他拍了封电报。
 ☞ Before I left Kunming I sent him a telegram.
 ☞ 我绝对不会吹拍。
 ☞ I will never be given to bragging or toadying.
 ☞ 他一怒之下拍案而起。
 ☞ He smote the table and rose to his feet in anger.
 ☞ 精彩的表演令人拍案叫绝。
 ☞ We were overwhelmed with admiration for the superb performance.
 ☞ 演员们都在拍外景。
 ☞ Actors are on the location.
拒绝 拒绝
 ☞ 他们决心自力更生重建家园,拒绝了救济金和救济物资。
 ☞ They were determined to rebuild their homeland through self-reliance and declined relief funds and relief supplies.
 ☞ 他回到城市后,劳动部门拒绝帮他找工作。
 ☞ When he got to the city, the labor department declined to help him find a job.
 ☞ 他向她求婚时她拒绝了。
 ☞ She refused him when he begged her to marry him.
 ☞ 银行拒绝支付现金。
 ☞ The bank refused payment in cash.
 ☞ 他从不拒绝帮助同志。
 ☞ He never refuses to help his comrades.
  ■ 应该指出,refuse在接宾语后不能接动词不定式。
 ☞ 他拒绝我使用他的电脑。不能译成:He refused me to use his computer.而要译做:He refused to let me use his computer.或He refused me permission to use his computer.
  ■ 由此可见, "He refused his money."意为“他拒绝接受他的钱”。而 "He refused him money."则为“他拒绝给他钱”。故 "She refused her money."就可能产生歧义。当her用做物主代词时有第一种意思,当her用作she的宾语时就可能有第二种意思。因此最好慎用。
 ☞ 我们明确拒绝对称就是美这样的见解。
 ☞ We definitely reject the notion that symmetry is beauty.
 ☞ 常识往往拒绝一切可以称之为神秘主义的东西。
 ☞ Common sense often rejects all that can be called mysticism.
 ☞ 这份外交照会遭到我国政府的断然拒绝。
 ☞ The diplomatic note was categorically rejected by our government.
4.turn down,表示拒绝,语气上没有refuse那么正式,也没有reject那么强烈,故常用于口语。
 ☞ 他穷而自尊,故提供帮助的建议每次都遭到他的拒绝。
 ☞ He was poor but proud, and turned down every offer of help.
 ☞ 好多男孩都追过她,但她都拒绝了。
 ☞ Many boys courted her, but she turned them all down.
 ☞ 档案馆会拒绝你接触那些文件的。
 ☞ The archives will deny your access to those documents.
 ☞ 你不应拒绝那些需要帮助的人。
 ☞ You should not deny assistance to those who need it.

1.表示往外拉,用pull out, extract,后者是正式用语。
 ☞ 请把瓶塞拔了。
 ☞ Please pull the cork out of the bottle.
 ☞ 农民在烈日下拔草。
 ☞ The peasants are pulling out weeds under the hot sun.
 ☞ 昨天我拔了一颗牙。
 ☞ I had one of my teeth pulled out yesterday.
 ☞ 牙医把我的一颗牙拔了。
 ☞ The dentist extracted one of my teeth.
2.表示连根拔起,用pull up by the root, uproot, remove the root。
 ☞ 野草应该连根拔掉。
 ☞ Weeds ought to be pulled up by the root.
 ☞ 这次飓风连百年大树都连根拔了。
 ☞ Even the one-hundred-year-old tree was uprooted by the typhoon.
 ☞ 殖民主义不分新旧,都要连根拔。
 ☞ Colonialism, old or new, must be uprooted.
 ☞ 土改的目的就是要把地主阶级的剥削连根拔掉。
 ☞ Land reform was aimed at removing the roots of exploitation by the landlord class.
3.表示拔毛发,用pluck (out)。
 ☞ 她拔了头上的几根白头发。
 ☞ She plucked out some gray hairs.
 ☞ 先拔毛后煮鸡,这是人人皆知的道理。
 ☞ To pluck a hen before cooking it is a truth known to everyone.
 ☞ 他拔枪就打。
 ☞ He drew his gun and fired.
 ☞ 骑士拔剑而起。
 ☞ The knight jumped to his feet drawing his sword.
 ☞ 在这次战役中,我军接连胜利,连拔五城。
 ☞ In this campaign our troops went from victory to victory and captured five cities in succession.
6.表示“逃跑”,用take to one's heels。
 ☞ 私贩听说警察来了,拔腿就跑。
 ☞ The smuggler took to his heels when he heard that the police were coming.

 ☞ 火车头拖着12个车皮。
 ☞ The locomotive was pulling twelve carriages.
 ☞ 那孩子身后拖着一辆送货车。
 ☞ The child pulled a wagon behind him.
 ☞ 火车头拖着列车离开了车站。
 ☞ The locomotive was drawing (pulling) the train from the station.
 ☞ 他把我拖到一边,告诉我所发生的一切。
 ☞ He drew (pulled) me apart to tell me what had happened.
 ☞ 你提不动就在地上拖着好了。
 ☞ You might drag it across the ground if you couldn't lift it逃犯从藏身处被拖了出来。
 ☞ The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding place.
4.haul,与drag 一样也指艰难费力地拖笨重之物。
 ☞ 渔夫们一起把一条大鱼拖到小船里。
 ☞ Together the fishermen hauled a big fish onto the boat.
 ☞ 男孩子们不得不把一条绳子拴在那人身上,把他拖上了悬崖。
 ☞ The boys had to fasten a rope round the man and hauled him up to the cliff.
 ☞ 那马拖得一阵紧似一阵,那木头终于开始移动。
 ☞ The horse tugged harder and harder, and finally the log began to move.
 ☞ 我们把小船拖到岸边。
 ☞ We tugged the boat to shore.
 ☞ 拖船正拖着3条驳船。
 ☞ The tugboat is towing three barges.
 ☞ 大卡车把一辆抛了锚的汽车拖到最近的修理中心。
 ☞ The truck towed the broken-down car to the nearest repair center.
7.put off,指拖延。
 ☞ 如果你认为病会加重,就不应该拖着不去看医生。
 ☞ If you suspect the illness might be serious you should not put off going to see the doctor.
 ☞ 不要把今天的工作拖到明天。
 ☞ Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.
 ☞ 她把那又长又亮的黑头发编成一条粗大的辫子, 拖到屁股上。
 ☞ Her long, shiny black hair was woven into a thick plait reaching down to her waist.
 ☞ 我宁可早点死,也不愿拖到像你这样的年纪去受苦受难。
 ☞ I would rather die earlier than reach your age to have your fill of sufferings.
 ☞ 她丈夫多次写信要她去他工作的县城,但每次她都拖了下来。
 ☞ Her husband wrote many times asking her to come to the county where he worked, but each time she managed to stall him.
 ☞ 村长对建新校的建议一直拖着不办。
 ☞ The village head is stalling over the proposals for building a new school.
 ☞ 期票到期以前,债权人方面要尽量拖。
 ☞ Try to stall off our creditors as possible as you can until the term bills mature.
 ☞ 王老师把一根竹竿拖到学校里做旗杆。
 ☞ Wang, the teacher, trailed a bamboo pole to the school to serve as a flagpole.
 ☞ 母亲正在拖地板。
 ☞ Mother was mopping the floor.
 ☞ 我们拖住敌人就是为了消灭来援之敌。
 ☞ We pinned down the enemy in order to annihilate his reinforcements.
 ☞ 这件工作别再拖,否则就太晚了。
 ☞ Don't delay any more, or it'll be too late.
 ☞ 你再这样下去,身体会拖垮的。
 ☞ lf you go on like that you'll wear yourself down.
 ☞ 鉴于孩子已经7岁,教育问题不能再拖了。
 ☞ Since the child is seven years old, his education must be no longer postponed.
 ☞ 他的大衣拖到了膝盖以下。
 ☞ His overcoat came under his knees.
拖延 拖延
 ☞ 他们想拖延到建设资金到了再说。
 ☞ They tried to delay until the funds for construction arrived.
 ☞ 我们一度采取了拖延战术。
 ☞ For a time we adopted delaying tactics.
2.put off,义同delay,但更加口语化。两者可以换用,但delay既可用作自动词(见上例)也可用作它动词;而put off只能用作它动词。
 ☞ 我拖延到今天才写信给你是因为我现在可以悠闲自在地来写。
 ☞ The reason why I put off (delay) writing to you till today is that I might write at leisure now.
 ☞ 一会儿这个原因,一会儿那个原因,她几次三番地在拖延他。
 ☞ She continually put him off (delayed him), now for one reason, now for another.
 ☞ 他以各种借口拖延不归。
 ☞ He procrastinated his return on various pretexts.
 ☞ 当时的领导人处理不当、犹豫不决、一味拖延,于是战争就这样毫无知觉地徐徐降临到了苏联人民头上。
 ☞ The then leader fumbled, vacillated, procrastinated and so let war come creeping upon the Soviet people unawares.
4.drag on,指使兴趣索然的拖延。
 ☞ 要是你不下决心来个彻底决裂,这种合伙关系保证还会无限期地拖延下去。
 ☞ The partnership might have dragged on indefinitely if you hadn't decided on a clean break.
 ☞ 战争可能会拖延,但胜利一定是我们的。
 ☞ The war may drag on, but the victory will certainly be ours.

1.catch, 指招引。
 ☞ 树大招风,名大招谤。
 ☞ A tall tree catches the wind; detraction pursues the great.
 ☞ 这病招人,故要注意预防。
 ☞ This disease is catching, so pay attention to prevention.
2.attract, draw, invite,指吸引、招引。
 ☞ 灯光招虫子。
 ☞ Lights attract insects.
 ☞ 喊叫会招人注意。
 ☞ Shouts draw attention.
 ☞ 你的所作所为只会招事。
 ☞ What you have done can only invite trouble.
3.beckon, wave,指招手。
 ☞ 他招手要我跟上。
 ☞ He beckoned me to follow.
 ☞ 我们向他招手致意。
 ☞ We wave him our greetings.
4.recruit, enroll, advise for,指招募、招收。
 ☞ 海军新兵是从商船水手当中招的。
 ☞ Men for the Navy were recruited from sailors on merchant ships.
 ☞ 小学一般是在9月的第一周招新生。
 ☞ Usually schools enroll new pupils at the first week in September.
 ☞ 你们在登报招工人,对不对?
 ☞ You're advising for workers in the newspaper, aren't you?
5.tease, provoke,指招惹。
 ☞ 这孩子爱哭,别招他。
 ☞ He is a crybaby. Don't tease him.
 ☞ 你招他,他会打你的。
 ☞ If you provoke him, he will beat you.
6.confess, own up,指招认。
 ☞ 犯人招了。
 ☞ The prisoner has confessed.
 ☞ 他死也不肯招。
 ☞ Nothing could make him own up.
7.move, step, stroke,指行动、举措上的办法。
 ☞ 这一招真厉害。
 ☞ That is a shrewd move.
 ☞ 你走错了一招。
 ☞ You've taken a wrong step.
 ☞ 他这大胆的一招调动了敌人。
 ☞ He outmaneuvered the enemy by a bold stroke.
 ☞ 这一招真高。
 ☞ That was really a brilliant idea.
 ☞ 他没招了。
 ☞ He is at the end of his tether.
 ☞ 多招人喜欢的女孩!
 ☞ What a lovely girl!
招呼 招呼
 ☞ 那边有人在招呼你。
 ☞ Someone over there is calling you.
 ☞ 他一见到我就过来热情地打招呼。
 ☞ He came to greet me warmly when he saw me.
3.tell, let sb. know,指告知。
 ☞ 招呼他赶快来开会。
 ☞ Tell him to come to the meeting at once.
 ☞ 你要是不去,就先打个招呼。
 ☞ Let me know beforehand if you won't be going.
 ☞ 组织游行队伍之前你们要与警方打招呼。
 ☞ Before organizing the parading procession you ought to notify the police.
5.take care,指照顾。
 ☞ 招呼老人要尽心尽力。
 ☞ Do take care of old people with all your heart and all your might.
6.mind, 指当心。
 ☞ 路上有冰,招呼别滑倒了。
 ☞ The road is icy. Mind you don't slip.
招待 招待
 ☞ 她既然来了,你就应当招待。
 ☞ Since she is here, you should receive her.
 ☞ 他受到了热情的招待。
 ☞ He was received with enthusiasm.
 ☞ 新女婿第一次上门,女方一家把他当作贵宾来招待。
 ☞ The wife's family entertained the son-in-law as an honored guest who paid his first visit.
 ☞ 他们每年夏天都要在户外聚会上招待左邻右舍。
 ☞ Every summer they entertain their neighbors at an outdoor party.
 ☞ 这个菜可以招待5个人。
 ☞ The dish will serve 5 people.
 ☞ 先招待女士。
 ☞ Serve the ladies first.
 ☞ 谢谢你们的热情招待。
 ☞ Thank you for your enthusiastic hospitality.
 ☞ 参加了你们的招待,我十分高兴。
 ☞ I'm delighted to have partaken of your hospitality.
拟订 拟订
1.draw up, 指吸收性拟订。
 ☞ 下次会议,我们将拟订一份全校的发展规划。
 ☞ At the next meeting we are going to draw up a plan for the development of the whole university.
 ☞ 有人告诉我,市政建设方案正在拟订之中。
 ☞ I am told that a program for the municipal construction is being drawn up.
2.work out,指制定性拟订。一般可与draw up换用。
 ☞ 计划的细节我们可以交给委员会去拟订。
 ☞ We can leave it to the committee to work out (draw up) the details of the plan.
 ☞ 你们的主要任务之一是拟订一个较好的办法来拯救大熊猫。
 ☞ One of your main tasks is to work out a better method of saving giant pandas.
 ☞ 编辑委员会指示我们拟订一个方案。
 ☞ The editorial board directed us to draft a program.
 ☞ 已经成立了一个小组来拟订两份不同的章程。
 ☞ A group has been set up to draft two different constitutions.
 ☞ 孩子们正在设法拟订一个挣钱的计划。
 ☞ The boys are trying to devise a plan of earning money.
 ☞ 有人拟订了一个走私货物的计划。
 ☞ Someone has devised a scheme of smuggling goods.
5.map out,指组织安排后再以书面形式拟订。
 ☞ 我们在订购设备以前一定要把整个探险计划拟订成文。
 ☞ We must get the whole expedition mapped out on paper before we start to order equipment.
 ☞ 我们已经拟订了一个竞选计划。
 ☞ We have mapped out a plan of campaign for office.
6.write out, 指直书性拟订。
 ☞ 各项条款经双方同意后,他拟订了协议全文。
 ☞ He wrote out the agreement after its terms had been agreed to by both parties.
 ☞ 你应先以草稿的形式把计划拟订出来。
 ☞ You should write out the plan in rough draft.
拥护 拥护
1.support, 指支持拥护。
 ☞ 真正的铜墙铁壁是什么?是群众,是千百万真心实意地拥护革命的群众。
 ☞ What is a true bastion of iron7 It is the masses, the millions upon millions of people who genuinely and sincerely support the revolution.
 ☞ 在座的各位和广大积极分子为什么拥护这个宪法草案呢?
 ☞ Why do all of you here and the vast number of activists support the Draft Constitution?
 ☞ 我们拥护职工代表大会制。
 ☞ We advocate the system of workers and staff congress.
 ☞ 绝大多数中国人都拥护改革开放。
 ☞ An overwhelming majority of Chinese advocate the reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 我们拥护他来竞选公职。
 ☞ We endorse him for public office.
 ☞ 他们拥护该政党的政纲。
 ☞ They endorse the platform of the political party.
 ☞ 教职员工都拥护校长的决定。
 ☞ The teaching and administrative staff uphold the principal's decision.
 ☞ 我不能肯定是不是每个学生都拥护这一规定。
 ☞ I can't be sure whether every student will uphold the rules.
拥抱 拥抱
1.hold in one's arms,强调用胳膊拥抱。
 ☞ 我们见面时互相拥抱,并回忆着童年的一切,直到有人叫我。
 ☞ When we met we held each other in our arms, recalling everything about our childhood until someone called me.
  ■ 有时,也有“抱”的意思。
 ☞ 她抱着5个月大的儿子走下楼来。
 ☞ She came down the stairs, holding her five-month-old son in her arms.
2.clasp in one's arms, 也与hold in one's arms 一样,但强调紧紧拥抱。
 ☞ 他赶忙走过来热情地拥抱了她。
 ☞ He hurried forward to clasp her passionately in his arms.
  ■ 不过,clasp也有抱的意思。
 ☞ 她梦见死去的女儿,一双小手抱着膝盖。
 ☞ She dreamed about her dead daughter. The tiny hands clasped round her knees.
  ■ 如果clasp后接in one's hand,则有“捏”、“握”等意思。
 ☞ 他的手里捏着钱(握着刀)。
 ☞ He clasped the money (a knife) in his hand.
3.embrace,专指拥抱,等于hold in one's arms。
 ☞ 两兄弟相见时相互拥抱。
 ☞ The two brothers embraced when they met.
 ☞ 他拥抱、亲吻父母。
 ☞ He embraced and kissed his parents.
 ☞ 她拥抱着女儿,失声痛哭起来。
 ☞ Hugging her daughter, she broke down completely.
 ☞ 我们俩热烈地一会儿你拥抱我,一会儿我拥抱你。
 ☞ We both exchanged warm hugs.
拥有 拥有
 ☞ 美国1%的人拥有50%以上的财富。
 ☞ In the United States one percent of the people own more than fifty percent of the wealth.
 ☞ 他拥有这幢房子已有40年了。
 ☞ He owned this house for forty years.
 ☞ 他曾经拥有50亩地,因此在土地改革时他成了地主。
 ☞ He had possessed fifty ma of land and for this he was labeled as a landlord during the agrarian reform.
 ☞ 当时只有贵族才拥有政治上的权力。
 ☞ At the time only nobility alone possessed political power.
  ■ 除此之外,possess和own还有以下几点区别。
1) possess表示暂时拥有,而own则表示完全拥有。
 ☞ 分期付款方式仍允许买主暂时拥有房屋,只有当他付清全部房款后才能说完全拥有。
 ☞ The installment payment still allows the buyer to possess the house for the time being. Only by paying in full can he say that he owns the house fully.
2) possess也可表示非法拥有,而own表示合法拥有。
 ☞ 法律上夫妻共同拥有的一片土地,往往在事实上可能为丈夫所拥有。
 ☞ A piece of land legally owned by a husband and wife, in fact, the husband might possess it.
3) possess可以表示拥有某些带有属性的精神产物,而own 一般不能。
 ☞ 该国人民从来没拥有过基本人权。
 ☞ The people of that country have never possessed fundamental human rights.
 ☞ 尽管法律公告一再要求他交出土地,但他却依然拥有那片土地。
 ☞ He was still holding that piece of land though the legal notices demanded him to surrender it again and again.
 ☞ 他在公司里拥有500股的股份。
 ☞ He holds 500 shares in the company.
4.have,是表示“拥有”这一组词中含义最不具体、关 系最不清楚,说法最为随便的一个词。
 ☞ 中国拥有世界上1/4的人口。
 ☞ China has one-fourth of the population of the world 你总不能拥有一切吧。
 ☞ You couldn't have everything after all.

 ☞ 他刚要说,我就把他拦住了。
 ☞ He was just about to speak when I stopped him 别拦着我,我一定得走。
 ☞ Don't stop me, I must go.
 ☞ 一道河拦住了我们的去路。
 ☞ A river blocked our way.
 ☞ 就前面那段路被一条拦路绳拦着。
 ☞ The section of the road immediately ahead was blocked off by a rope barrier.
3.bar, 是block的同义词,但常指有意的阻拦。
 ☞ 一堵高墙拦住了进入他花园的去路。
 ☞ A high wall bars the way into his garden.试比较:A river blocks the way to the city.
 ☞ 士兵拦住了去路,我们无法再走。
 ☞ Soldiers barred the way and we couldn't go any further.试比较:A mountain blocks the way.
4.obstruct, 与block, bar同义,但为书面语。
 ☞ 他的家门南面有两座大山拦住他家的出路,一座叫太行山,一座叫王屋山。
 ☞ His house faced south, and beyond his doorway stood the two great peaks, Taihang and Wangwu, obstructing the way.
 ☞ 大块大块的砾石拦住了山洞的入口。
 ☞ Large boulders obstructed the entrance to the cave.
 ☞ 拦敌于运动之中是运动战的组成部分。
 ☞ To intercept the enemy while he is on the move is a component part of mobile warfare.
 ☞ 一批非法偷运的武器在机场被拦截。
 ☞ An illegal shipment of arms was intercepted at the airport.

 ☞ 他把三条绳拧成一根粗的。
 ☞ He twisted the three ropes into a strong one 这绳是由很多线拧成的。
 ☞ The rope is twisted from many threads.
  ■ twist,也作“拧动”或“拧开”解。
 ☞ 往右拧把手,门就开了。
 ☞ Twist the handle to the right and the door will open.
 ☞ 他拧开笔套,开始写起信来。
 ☞ He twisted the cap of a fountain pen and began to write a letter.
  ■ 有时,twist也指拧出水来。
 ☞ 她使劲拧湿毛巾,好做热敷。
 ☞ She tried very hard to twist the wet towel in order to put a hot compress.
 ☞ 母亲从洗好的衣物里拧出好多水来。
 ☞ Mother wrung much water from the washing.
 ☞ 她把衣服拧干,挂到外面晾着。
 ☞ She wrung the clothes and hung them out to dry.
 ☞ 她爱生生地拧了一下小姑娘的脸。
 ☞ She pinched a little girl's face affectionately.
 ☞ 她狠狠拧了他一把而他也大叫一声。
 ☞ She gave him a hard pinch and he gave a loud cry.
 ☞ 只要大伙拧成一股绳,就没有克服不了的困难。
 ☞ As long as we are united, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome.
 ☞ 无论发生什么事情,我们都要拧成一股绳。
 ☞ Whatever happens, we must stick together.
 ☞ 如果他们拧成一股绳,就什么事都能干。
 ☞ They can do everything if they make joint efforts.
 ☞ 要是我们拧成一股绳,我们就能渡过危机。
 ☞ We can come through any crisis if we hang together.

1.调拨的财力、物力是留作备用时,可用set aside, 或allocate, appropriate,后两者是正式用语。
 ☞ 我们同时拨了部分资金来购买机动船。
 ☞ Meanwhile we set aside part of our funds for the motor boats.
 ☞ 已经拨了一笔款项来买新装备。
 ☞ A sum was set aside for new equipment.
 ☞ 此外,还拨了50公顷地做实验农场。
 ☞ Besides, 50 hectares of land were set aside for an experimental farm.
 ☞ 厂里拨了两间房给我们。
 ☞ The factory has set aside two rooms for us.
 ☞ 国家拨了大批资金来发展支农企业。
 ☞ The state allocated huge funds for the development of aid-agriculture industries.
 ☞ 材料和设备都拨给了新建项目。
 ☞ Materials and facilities were allocated for the new construction project.
 ☞ 政府拨了大批款项来建造医院。
 ☞ The government appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.
 ☞ 学校每年都得拨款举行运动会。
 ☞ The school has to appropriate a fund to hold a sports meet every year.
 ☞ 他们已拨了20%的人力支援农民。
 ☞ They assigned 20% of their manpower to help the peasants.
 ☞ 5名青工已拨到我们车间。
 ☞ Five young workers have been assigned to our workshop.
 ☞ 他拨了一个电话号码,另一端传来一个他十分熟悉的声音。
 ☞ He dialed a telephone number and from the other end came a voice quite familiar to him.
 ☞ 报警可拨110。
 ☞ To get the police, dial 110.
 ☞ 他拨了拨火,火头马上窜得老高。
 ☞ He poked the fire and it quickly burst into flames.
 ☞ 请你拨拨火盆里的木炭。
 ☞ Please poke the charcoal in the brazier.
5.拨钟、拨指针、电台等可用set, tune in。
 ☞ 把指针拨到7点半。
 ☞ Set the clock to half past seven.
 ☞ 请你把指针拨到20。
 ☞ Please set the pointer at 20.
 ☞ 她把闹钟拨到6点。
 ☞ She set the alarm clock at six.
 ☞ 咱们拨到一频道,听听新闻。
 ☞ Let's tune in to Channel I to hear the news.

1.join (together),指相同的材料拼在一起。
 ☞ 我把5块木板拼起来就成了一张床。
 ☞ I joined the five boards together and a bed is ready.
 ☞ 她把两块布料拼在一起,然后再缝起来。
 ☞ She joined the edges of the two pieces of material and then sewed them together.
2.piece together,指把破碎的物件凑成一个整体。
 ☞ 我把打碎的花瓶拼在一起。
 ☞ I pieced the broken vase together.
 ☞ 我们把出土的碎片拼在一起,发现它可能是一件炊具。
 ☞ When we pieced together the unearthed scraps we found it must have been a piece of cooking utensils.
3.knock together,指粗制滥造地拼制。
 ☞ 我用几片木头三下两下就拼成了一个木箱。
 ☞ I soon knocked a few pieces of wood together to make a box.
 ☞ 我不想过分冒充手艺人,不过如果需要我倒是能拼个桌子什么的。
 ☞ I don't pretend to be much of a handyman, but if it were needed I could knock together something like a table.
4.fight to the finish,指战斗到底。
 ☞ 他们决心拼到底了。
 ☞ They were resolved to fight to the finish.
 ☞ 如果形势迫使我不得不拼的话,我们是可以拼到底的。
 ☞ If circumstances forced us to fight, we can fight to the finish.
5.fight it out,指分出胜负。
 ☞ 咱们跟敌人拼了。
 ☞ Let's fight it out with the enemy.
 ☞ 一个当兵的是无法置身于战斗之外的,他只有拼到底。
 ☞ A soldier could not be above the battle, he has to fight it out.
6.stand up to,指勇敢地面对。
 ☞ 作为运动员,你们要不畏强手,要敢打敢拼。
 ☞ As sportsmen you ought to fear no strong opponents but dare to stand up to them.
 ☞ 要是那个大男孩再打你,就要跟他拼,要还手。
 ☞ If that big boy hits you again, stand up to him and hit him back.
拼凑 拼凑
1.piece together,指把零碎的东西或细节拼凑成一个整体。
 ☞ 她把七零八碎的花布拼凑起来给她女儿做了一条裙子。
 ☞ She pieced together odds and ends of colored cloth to make a skirt for her daughter.
 ☞ 他把这儿那儿听到的这样那样的事情拼凑起来, 编了一个故事。
 ☞ He pieced together this and that things he had heard here and there and cooked up a story.
2.knock together,指粗制滥造地拼凑或匆忙拼凑。
 ☞ 这棚屋看来似乎是在匆忙中拼拼凑凑建造起来的。
 ☞ The hut looked as if it had been knocked together in a hurry.
 ☞ 他拼凑了一个小集团,开始搞宗派活动。
 ☞ He knocked together a clique and started its factional activities.
3.rig up,指临时或匆忙拼凑。
 ☞ 我们为生病的同志临时拼凑了一张床。
 ☞ We rigged up a makeshift bed for a sick comrade.
 ☞ 很多国家都无意卷入拼凑军事同盟的活动。
 ☞ Many countries have no intention of being involved in the activities of rigging up any military alliance.
4.whip up,指迅速或匆忙拼凑。
 ☞ 家里来了位不速之客,我老婆三下两下就拼凑出一顿饭来。
 ☞ Came to our house an unexpected guest and my wife whipped up a meal at moment's notice.
 ☞ 他必须拼凑足够的选票才能当选。
 ☞ He has to whip up enough votes in order to be elected.
5.scrape together,指到处搜集、拼凑。
 ☞ 他拼凑起手头所有的各种材料建了栋小屋。
 ☞ He scraped together whatever materials he had and built a hut.
 ☞ 我们拼凑了一帮捧场的去参加她的音乐会。
 ☞ We scraped together a claque to attend her concert.
拼命 拼命
1.risk one's life,指冒生命危险。
 ☞ 为了救孩子,拼命也值。
 ☞ It is worth risking my life to save the a child.
 ☞ 她知道他要拼命了。
 ☞ She knew he was going to risk his life.
 ☞ 我拼命忍住了眼泪。
 ☞ I fight to keep back my tears.
 ☞ 我拼了这条命也要斗。
 ☞ I will fight with all my life.
3.go all out,指全力以赴。
 ☞ 他们在拼命扩军备战。
 ☞ They are going all out to engage in arms expansion and war preparation.
 ☞ 战士们拼命杀出了一条血路。
 ☞ The soldiers went all out to open up a bloody path.
4.do one's utmost,指尽最大努力。
 ☞ 他拼命取悦于她以赢得她的芳心。
 ☞ He did his utmost to please her in order to win her heart.
 ☞ 我们拼命阻止两村村民发生械斗。
 ☞ We did our utmost to prevent the breakout of fight with weapons between the villagers of the two villages.
 ☞ 人们拼命从着了火的大楼里逃了出来。
 ☞ The people were struggling to get out of the burning building.
 ☞ 那位走钢丝的拼命在钢丝上保持平衡的样子,我们都看得胆战心惊。
 ☞ We watched with horror as the tight-rope walker struggled to maintain balance on the tight-rope.
 ☞ 意大利人拼命抵抗,但丢失了大量的人员和装备。
 ☞ The Italians resisted desperately, but lost a large number of men and a great amount of equipment.
 ☞ 孩子们拼命从快速下沉的小艇里往外戽水。
 ☞ The boys worked desperately, bailing water from the rapidly sinking boat.
 ☞ 应当培养军人的拼命精神。
 ☞ The death-defying spirit must be cultivated among army men.
 ☞ 被围困的敌人摆出一幅拼命的架势。
 ☞ The encircled enemy seemed to be getting ready for last-ditch stand.
 ☞ 他拼命朝我们奔来。
 ☞ He ran towards us for all one is worth.
 ☞ 她拼命喊救命。
 ☞ She cried wildly for help.

1) bring,指拿到这里来,动作由远而近。
 ☞ 服务员,请给我拿点豆瓣酱。
 ☞ Waiter, bring me some soybean paste, please.
 ☞ 他忘了拿雨伞,淋成个落汤鸡。
 ☞ He had forgotten to bring his umbrella and he was wet through.
2) take,指拿到那边去,动作由近而远。
 ☞ 他拿着雨伞出门了。
 ☞ He took his umbrella and went out.
 ☞ 我父亲戴上眼镜,从我手里拿过那封信。
 ☞ My father put on his glasses and took the letter from my hand.
  ■ bring和take的区别,请看下面两句译文:
 ☞ 你上我这里来时,请拿上我的词典。
 ☞ When you come to me, please bring my dictionary 你走时,请拿上这束花。
 ☞ When you leave, please take the flowers with you.
  ■ 此外,take也可作“用武力拿下”解。
 ☞ 我军在短暂的战斗后拿下了机场。
 ☞ Our troops have taken the airport after a short fight.
3) hold,指拿的状态,不强调拿了以后的行动。
 ☞ 她乎里拿着什么东西?
 ☞ What is she holding in her hands?
 ☞ 瞧,我把瓶子倒过来拿着。
 ☞ Look, I hold the bottle upside down.
4) help oneself to,指自己拿或擅自拿,而且擅自拿的程度有时接近偷、抢。
 ☞ 啤酒你自己拿。
 ☞ Help yourself to beer.
 ☞ 我的小女儿问都不问就拿了些糖果。
 ☞ My little daughter helped herself to some candy without asking.
 ☞ 其实,阿Q当时的所谓革命,不过是想跟别人一样拿点东西而已。
 ☞ Actually, all Ah Q understands by revolution is helping himself to a few things just like some others.
2.capture, catch,指用武力或其他方式拿下,前一种情况可与take换用。
 ☞ 前锋部队已拿下该市。
 ☞ The advanced forces have captured (taken) the city.
 ☞ 在这次战役中,我军接连胜利,连拿五城。
 ☞ In this campaign our troops went from victory to victory and captured (took) five cities in succession.
  ■ capture表示用其他方式拿下时,有接近“抓”的意思,故不能与take换用,而可与catch换用。
 ☞ 警察尚未拿到那个小偷。
 ☞ The police have not captured (caught) the thief yet.
 ☞ 我们拿住了一只老鼠。
 ☞ We captured (caught)a mouse.
1) with,in,by,都有“用”的意思,用以引进动作所凭借的东西。
 ☞ 我总算拿手杖击退了那条狗。
 ☞ I managed to beat the dog off with a stick.
 ☞ 谁能拿事实证明?
 ☞ Who can prove it with facts?
 ☞ 杯子不脏,拿水涮一下就行。
 ☞ The cup is not dirty, just rinse it with water.
 ☞ 看守传进来的条子是拿铅笔写的。
 ☞ The message delivered by the guard was written in pencil.
 ☞ 坐在我妹妹身旁的老外在拿法语跟她对话。
 ☞ The foreigner sitting next to my sister was talking to her in French.
 ☞ 他是个聋哑人,你得拿手势跟他讲话。
 ☞ He is a deaf mute. You have to talk to him by gestures.
 ☞ 拿一般的标准来判断,他倒是蛮可靠的。
 ☞ Judged by ordinary standard he is rather reliable.
2) to,of,with,about,有“把”、“对”的意思,可以引进所处置的对象。
 ☞ 他说我不拿他当回事。
 ☞ He said that I paid no attention to him.
 ☞ 别害怕,他能拿你怎么样?
 ☞ Don't be afraid. What can he do to you?
 ☞ 他简直不拿这点困难放在眼里。
 ☞ He simply thinks nothing of this difficulty.
 ☞ 别拿我开玩笑。
 ☞ Don't make fun of me.
 ☞ 我简直拿他没办法。
 ☞ I simply can't do anything with him.
 ☞ 我喜欢拿工作当回事的年轻人。
 ☞ I like a young man to be conscientious with his work.
 ☞ 不准拿宗教跟他开玩笑。
 ☞ You mustn't joke with him about religion.
 ☞ 要是她一定要走,你又能拿她怎么样?
 ☞ If she insists on leaving, what can you do about her?
  ■ 如果这类结构仅为动宾结构,应尽量使用treat as,take等做谓语动词。如:
 ☞ 你不能拿工作当儿戏。
 ☞ You shouldn't treat your work as a trifling matter.
 ☞ 他不拿我当人。
 ☞ He doesn't treat me as a human being.
 ☞ 别泄气,你要学会拿艰难当顺利。
 ☞ Don't be discouraged; you must learn to take the rough with the smooth.
 ☞ 他根本不拿这当回事。
 ☞ He doesn't take it seriously at all.
3) as to(后接名词),so far as(后接从句),有“至于”的意思,表示提出要说明的事物或情况。常与“来说”、“来讲”、“来看”搭配。
 ☞ 拿产品质量来讲,我们厂的最好。
 ☞ As to the quality of the products, ours are the best ones.
 ☞ 拿他的脾气和性情来说,我叫作无可指责。
 ☞ As to his temper and nature, I call them reproachless.
 ☞ 拿英语水平来看,她比组里的其他人要强些。
 ☞ So far as English proficiency goes, she is better than other members of the group.
 ☞ 拿我听到的来讲,实验进行得很顺利。
 ☞ The experiment is going on quite smoothly so far as I heard.
 ☞ 这件事你拿得准吗?
 ☞ Are you sure of it?
 ☞ 别以为你不干这活就能拿住人。
 ☞ Don't think that you can make it difficult by not doing the job.
 ☞ 他说不干了,想拿我一把。
 ☞ He said he wasn't going to do it and tried to put me in an awkward position.
 ☞ 我们不能拿原则做交易。
 ☞ We cannot barter away our principles.
 ☞ 你拿什么谢我?
 ☞ How would you show your gratitude to me?
 ☞ 我这笔字,实在拿不出去。
 ☞ Honestly, my handwriting is not presentable.
 ☞ 这样的工作他拿不起来。
 ☞ He cannot manage this kind of work.
 ☞ 他虽当了主管,可凡事都拿不起来。
 ☞ Though he is a boss, he cannot get anything done.
 ☞ 样样农活她都拿得起来。
 ☞ She can do every kind of farm work.
 ☞ 我还没拿定主意。
 ☞ I haven't made up my mind.
 ☞ 她一直拿不定主意。
 ☞ She has been wavering all along.
 ☞ 有话快说,拿什么劲?
 ☞ Out with it. Why be so shy and hesitant?
 ☞ 我就错过那么一次,你就老用它来拿我。
 ☞ That's the only mistake I made and you are always u.
 ☞ sing it against me.
 ☞ 去不去,你自己拿主意。
 ☞ You'd better decide for yourself whether to go or not.
 ☞ 那东西钉在墙上,我拿不下来。
 ☞ It was nailed to the wall and I couldn't get it away.
 ☞ 这么多人还拿不住一个毛贼!
 ☞ So many people cannot seize even a petty thief!
 ☞ 他拿不住钱,一两天就花光。
 ☞ He can never keep money but will spend every cent of it in a day or two.
 ☞ 你是头头,怎么还拿不住人?
 ☞ You are the boss. How can't you keep men under control?
持续 持续
1.continue, go on,强调持续的过程,后者为口语。
 ☞ 如果雨水持续到5月份,我们农民就会着急。
 ☞ If the rain continues into May, we peasants will become concerned.
 ☞ 会议一直持续到深夜。
 ☞ The meeting has continued far into the night.
 ☞ 两国文化交流已持续了1,000多年。
 ☞ Cultural interchange between the two countries has gone on for more than a thousand years.
 ☞ 音乐会持续了数小时。
 ☞ The concert went on for hours.
 ☞ 地震持续了大约5秒钟。
 ☞ The earthquake lasted (continued) for about 5 seconds.
 ☞ 粮食短缺要持续多久?
 ☞ How long will the food shortage last (go on)?
 ☞ 这样的工作强度能持续多久?
 ☞ How long will such working intensity be sustained?
 ☞ 当时我们生活在一种无法持续的高度紧张之中。
 ☞ We lived at a high tension that could not be sustained.
4.“持续”还可用作定语,常用的有continuous,continued,sustained, lasting等。
 ☞ 大脑需要持续供血。
 ☞ The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.
 ☞ 没有持续的空中掩护,这次登陆就不可能成功。
 ☞ The landing would not be possible without a continued air cover.
 ☞ 经过全体村民的持续努力,我们完成了垦荒任务。
 ☞ We have accomplished the land reclamation through the sustained efforts of all the villagers.
 ☞ 温和而不易生气的人,一旦生起气来就具有持续性。
 ☞ The anger of slow and mild people has a lasting quality.

 ☞ 请把地图挂在墙上好吗?
 ☞ Will you please hang the map on the wall?
 ☞ 天上挂着一轮明月。
 ☞ A bright moon hangs in the sky.
 ☞ 以前我们的招牌就挂在那里。
 ☞ That's where our sign hung on once.
 ☞ 大厅里挂着一些红旗和精心制作的装饰物。
 ☞ The hall is hung with some flags and elaborated decorations.
2.hang up。
1) 表示挂起来。
 ☞ 请把我的大衣挂起来。
 ☞ Please hang up my overcoat.
 ☞ 壁橱里有衣架,可以挂你的衣服。
 ☞ There are hangers in the closet on which you can hang up your clothes.
2) 表示挂断电话。
 ☞ 我正要问她别的事,她却把电话挂了。
 ☞ I was going to ask her something else but she hung up.
 ☞ 我还没来得及回答,他就把话筒挂了。
 ☞ Before I could answer him he hung up the receiver.
3.hold on, hold the line,表示不要挂电话。
 ☞ 请不要挂电话好吗?我去看看他在不在办公室。
 ☞ Could you hold on, please7 I'll see if he is in the office.
 ☞ 你别挂,等我查一下。
 ☞ Hold the line while I find out.
4.put (get) through to, get, give, ring up, 都表示挂通电话。
 ☞ 请给我挂拖拉机站。
 ☞ Please put (get) me through to the tractor station.
 ☞ 总机,请给我挂5322930好吗?
 ☞ Could you get me number 5322930, operator? .
 ☞ 请挂新华书店。
 ☞ Give me Xinhua Bookstore, please.
 ☞ 呆会我再给你挂电话。
 ☞ I'll ring you up again.
 ☞ 有人在脚手架顶上挂了张旧雨布。
 ☞ Some one has suspended the old tarpaulin from the top of the scaffolding.
 ☞ 一盏灯挂得正好使光线落在桌上。
 ☞ A lamp is so suspended that the light falls right on the table.
  "It's for your own good, ”he said, reminding her that her application for full party membership was pending.
 ☞ 该案的最后处置至今还挂在那里呢。
 ☞ Final disposition of the case has been pending so far.
7.be concerned about, have sth. at heart, 表示牵挂。
 ☞ 不要老挂着我的病。
 ☞ Don't be concerned about my illness.
 ☞ 共产党员应时刻把群众利益挂在心上。
 ☞ A communist must always have the interests of the masses at heart.
8.catch (on),表示钩住。
 ☞ 我的衣服挂在钉上了。
 ☞ My dress caught on a nail.
 ☞ 她的头发挂在树丛里了。
 ☞ Her hair caught in a bush.
 ☞ 钉子挂住了她的衣服。
 ☞ The nail caught her dress.
 ☞ 我要挂外科。
 ☞ I want to register for surgery.
 ☞ 她心脏病发作,于是挂了急诊。
 ☞ She had a heart attack and registered for emergency case.
 ☞ 你的信最好挂号。
 ☞ You'd better register your letter.
10.hitch (up),表示连接。
 ☞ 火车车厢现在已经挂在一起了。
 ☞ The railway carriages are now hitched together.
 ☞ 把拖车挂上我们就走。
 ☞ Hitch up the trailer and we're going.
11.pay (give) lip service,表示只挂在口头上。
 ☞ 有些共产党员嘴上挂着党的政策,却在谋取个人私利。
 ☞ Paying lip service to Party's policy, some communists are pursuing private ends.
 ☞ 有些人嘴上挂着马克思主义,背地里却在搞法西斯主义。
 ☞ Some people give lip service to Marxism, but they practice Fascism behind your back.
指使 指使
 ☞ 一些不同政见者想指使学生罢课。
 ☞ Some dissidents tried to instigate the students to their strike.
 ☞ 推翻政府的阴谋是由国外势力指使的。
 ☞ The plot to overthrow the government was instigated by the forces abroad.
 ☞ 他是受人指使的。
 ☞ He acted on someone's instigation.
 ☞ 这件事有人在幕后指使。
 ☞ There must have been an instigator behind the scenes.
 ☞ 是“法轮功”指使少数坏人在天安门广场闹事。
 ☞ It was "Falungong" who incited a handful of bad elements to make trouble in the Tian'anmen Square.
 ☞ 你是为了自己的目的才指使孩子们犯法的。
 ☞ You incited the children to offend against the law for the purpose of your own.
 ☞ The heads of "Falungong" inspired and organized sitting around Zhongnanhai.
 ☞ 这篇文章是在一名内阁成员的指使下写的。
 ☞ The article was inspired by a member of the cabinet.
指定(指派) 指定(指派)
 ☞ 国家主席亲自指定他为驻美大使。
 ☞ The president personally appointed him as ambassador to the United States.
 ☞ 两国间的谈判代表都已指定。
 ☞ The representatives to the negotiation between the two countries were appointed.
 ☞ 她被指派为车间主任。
 ☞ She was appointed to be workshop director.
 ☞ 联合国大会指定了一位副秘书长主持这项工作。
 ☞ The United Nations General Assembly assigned an Under-Secretary-General to direct the work.
 ☞ 我校已指定了一名新校长。
 ☞ A new headmaster was assigned to our school.
 ☞ 已经指派了一名记者来全程报道国际新闻。
 ☞ A reporter was assigned to cover international news.
 ☞ 解放不久,周总理指定陈毅为外交部长。
 ☞ Premier Zhou Enlai named Chen Yi to be minister of foreign affairs soon after liberation.
 ☞ 他被指定为大会发言人。
 ☞ He was named as the spokesman of the congress.
 ☞ 我厂指派了代表出席党代会。
 ☞ Our factory named delegates to the Party congress.
4.designate, 指指定具体的人或物,但比name正式。
 ☞ 我在国外期间指定你代我行使职权。
 ☞ I am designating you to act for me while I am abroad.
 ☞ 我们的会面地点是由他指定的。
 ☞ It was he who designated the place where we were to meet.
 ☞ 会议决定双方各指派一名大使级的首席伐表。
 ☞ The meeting has decided that each side shall designate a senior representative, who shall be of ambassadorial rank.
 ☞ 建筑设计师指定栎木作为贴面的木料。
 ☞ The architect specified oak for the wood trim.
 ☞ 医生指定用药后由护士负责向每个病人发药。
 ☞ Nurses are responsible for giving each patient the medication specified by his doctor.
指导 指导
 ☞ 指导我们思想的理论基础是马克思列宁主义。
 ☞ The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism.
 ☞ 工作队一定要指导农民克服前进中的困难。
 ☞ The work team must guide the peasants through the difficulties ahead。
 ☞ 指挥员都应熟悉指导战争的规律。
 ☞ All commanding officers must be familiar with laws for directing war.
 ☞ 国家的外交政策当时是由毛主席亲自指导的。
 ☞ The nation's foreign policy was directed by Chairman Mao personally.
 ☞ 老农指导青年干农活。
 ☞ The old peasants instructed the youths in farm work.
 ☞ 她对我很和气,亲自指导我如何干好这一工作。
 ☞ She was very kind to me and instructed me how to do the job well.
 ☞ 教师正在指导学生做实验。
 ☞ The teacher was supervising his students in doing the experiment.
 ☞ 教练在球场上指导足球赛。
 ☞ The coach is supervising football games in the playground.
指(指出,指向) 指(指出,指向)
1.point, 着重指方向。
 ☞ 他用手指了指门。
 ☞ He pointed his Finger to the door 时针指向12点。
 ☞ The hour hand pointed to twelve.
  ■ 但point out也表示指出的是缺点、错误等。
 ☞ 会上有人向他指出了他的错误。
 ☞ Someone pointed out his errors to him at the meeting.
 ☞ 只要你指出他的缺点,他会马上改正的。
 ☞ He will correct his shortcomings if you point them out.
2.chart course,着重指航向。
 ☞ 党中央给我们指航向。
 ☞ The Party Central Committee charts our course.
 ☞ 船队按所指的航向驶去。
 ☞ The fleet sails forward according to the charted.
 ☞ 我问他他的妹妹在哪里,他用脑袋指了指对面的商店。
 ☞ I asked him where his sister was and he indicated the shop opposite with his head.
 ☞ 标志上的箭头指着应去的路。
 ☞ The arrow on a sign indicates the way to go.
4.direct to,着重指要达到的方向。
 ☞ 会场上的注意力都指向了主席台上的那位电影明星。
 ☞ At the meeting the attention was directed to the film star on the rostrum.
 ☞ 他的话不是指你。
 ☞ His remark was not directed to you.
5.refer to, 着重明确、直接提及。
 ☞ 中国文学史上谈到的李、杜,指的是李白、杜甫。
 ☞ In the history of Chinese literature, Li and Du refer to Li Bai and Du Fu.
 ☞ 我知道校长谈到的那位年轻人是指王亮。
 ☞ I know the headmaster was referring to Wang Liang when he spoke of a young lad.
指挥 指挥
1.command, 指必须绝对服从的指挥。常用于部队的指挥。
 ☞ 我们的原则是党指挥枪,而不允许枪指挥党。
 ☞ Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party.
 ☞ 上尉指挥一个连的士兵。
 ☞ A captain commands a company of soldiers.
 ☞ 她说她的父亲已被提为上校,不过仍然指挥原来的那个团。
 ☞ She said that her father had been promoted to the rank of colonel, however, he was to command the same regiment.
 ☞ 警察正在指挥交通。
 ☞ The policeman is directing traffic.
 ☞ 我们指派了一名工程师指挥这一大桥的建设工程。
 ☞ We have appointed an engineer to direct the building of this great bridge.
 ☞ 消防队长指挥队员立即从燃烧的大楼里撤出来。
 ☞ The fire chief directed his men to get out of the burning building at once.
 ☞ 他指挥着一支有50种乐器的乐队。
 ☞ He conducts an orchestra of fifty instruments.
 ☞ 谁来指挥这场歌剧?
 ☞ Who will conduct this opera?
指望 指望
 ☞ 我们指望他长大了有出息。
 ☞ We hope that he'll grow up to have prospects of success in life.
 ☞ 他病得很重,现在我们只能指望医生了。
 ☞ He is seriously ill. Now we can only hope the doctors.
 ☞ 解放了,我们才有了指望。
 ☞ It was liberation that brought us hope.
2.look to,着重点在有某种依靠的指望,后接for 接动词不定式。
 ☞ 他在指望我们支持。
 ☞ He looks to us for support.
 ☞ 在这件事上我指望你能帮我。
 ☞ I look to you to help me in this matter.
3.look forward to,着重点在怀着愉快心情指望某件事发生。
 ☞ 我们都指望有一天能够实现这一计划。
 ☞ We all look forward to the day when this plan will be put into practice.
 ☞ 她发现自己越来越迫切地指望儿子能尽早回来。
 ☞ She found herself looking forward more and more eagerly to the return of her son as soon as possible.
4.count on,着重点在有某种打算的指望。
 ☞ 一家人在经济困难时就指望他了。
 ☞ The whole family counts on him in case of financial difficulties.
 ☞ 这件事我就指望你了。
 ☞ I'll count on you for this matter.
指示 指示
 ☞ 他用手指示前进的方向,命令部队前进。
 ☞ Indicating the direction of advance with his finger, he ordered the troops to march forward.
 ☞ 老师用教鞭指示着挂图进行逐步讲解。
 ☞ The teacher indicated the hanging chart with a pointer and explained it step by step.
2.point (out),指为了引起注意的指示。
 ☞ 只要指南针指示的是南北方向,磁力就一定在同一条作用线上。
 ☞ Only when the needle of the compass points in the NS direction, the magnetic forces do have the same line of action.
 ☞ 导游向旅游者指示他们准备参观的主要景点。
 ☞ The guide pointed out to the tourists the principal sights they were to visit.
3.instruct, instruction,指带有命令或细节的指示。
 ☞ 军长指示部队立即出发。
 ☞ The army commander instructed the troops to set out at once.
 ☞ 总裁指示公司的律师对此事进行咨询。
 ☞ The president instructed the lawyer of the corporation to make an inquiry about it.
 ☞ 警方已收到监视他的指示。
 ☞ The police have received the instructions to watch him.
4.direct, direction, directive,指带有方向性指导的指示。
 ☞ 总部指示我回去。
 ☞ The headquarters directed me to return.
 ☞ 你上当了,我们首长没有作过指示。
 ☞ You're taken in. Our chief did not give any directions.
 ☞ 工头向工人们下达了干什么,怎么干的指示。
 ☞ The foreman gave the workers directives about what to do and how to do it。
指责 指责
1.accuse of,accusation,一般用语,用于非正式场合的指责。如不满、气愤等引起的指责。
 ☞ 她指责母亲说话不算数。
 ☞ She accused her mother of having broken her words.
 ☞ 是谁指责你干了这样的事?
 ☞ Who accused you of such a thing?
 ☞ 你指责我说谎并不符合事实。
 ☞ Your accusation that I lied was untrue.
 ☞ 声明指责超级大国的行为违反了1954年的日内瓦公约。
 ☞ The statement charged that the superpower's actions violated the 1954 Geneva Convention.
 ☞ 他受到了行为不端的指责。
 ☞ He was charged with misconduct.
 ☞ 不要动不动就对同志横加指责。
 ☞ Never make unwarranted charges against comrades at every turn.
3.criticize, criticism,指带有批评性的指责。
 ☞ 大家指责他玩忽职守。
 ☞ He was criticized for neglect of duty.
 ☞ 她老是指责丈夫邋里邋遢的。
 ☞ She is always criticizing her husband for being sloppy.
4.find fault with,指带有挑毛病性质的指责。
 ☞ 他似乎对什么事都要指责。
 ☞ He seemed to find fault with everything.
 ☞ 我们怎么能指责这种实事求是的态度呢?
 ☞ How can we find fault with this realistic approach?
 ☞ 一家人都在指责他,因为他做了一件为人所不齿的事情。
 ☞ The whole family censured him since he had done a contemptible thing.
 ☞ 他因政治丑闻而受到舆论的指责。
 ☞ He was subjected to the censure of public opinion for a political scandal.
 ☞ 有时候,我们也受到报纸的指责。
 ☞ Sometimes we were also attacked by the newspapers.
 ☞ 不过,我们准备用事实来回击他们的指责。
 ☞ However, we are ready to answer their attacks with facts.

 ☞ 他只要提到他的不肖之子,就按不住心中的怒火。
 ☞ He could hardly control his anger at the mere mention of his unworthy son.
 ☞ 临行前夕,她按不住心中的激动。
 ☞ On the eve of her departure, she could scarcely control her excitement.
 ☞ 武松用两只手抓住老虎的头皮,使劲往地上按。
 ☞ Wu Song grabbed the skin of the tiger's forehead with both hands and pressed it to the ground with all the strength.
 ☞ 路上我觉得胃痛,便停下来坐在路边一块石头上,用手按住胸口。
 ☞ On the way, I got a stomachache, so I stopped and sat on a stone by the roadside, pressing my chest with my hand.
 ☞ 他刚按电钮,门就自动开了。
 ☞ Hardly had he pressed the button when the door slid open automatically.
3.表示用手压住或握住,译keep a tight grip, hold。
 ☞ 尽管他两臂受伤,但仍紧紧按住操纵杆使飞机安全着陆。
 ☞ Even though he was wounded in both arms, he kept a tight grip on the control lever and landed the plane safely.
 ☞ 他按剑而立。
 ☞ He stood there holding his sword.
 ☞ 他不识字,只好在合同上按手印。
 ☞ He could neither read nor write, so he put his thumbprint on the contract instead.
 ☞ 医生按了按脉,给她开了一张药方。
 ☞ The doctor felt her pulse and wrote her a prescription.
6.表示搁下不提,译put aside。
 ☞ 县官得了赃银,按下此案不问。
 ☞ The magistrate received the silver as a bribe and put the case aside.
7.“按铃”可用ring the bell。
 ☞ 她登上172号的台阶就急忙按铃。
 ☞ Mounting the steps of Number 172, she hurriedly rang the bell.
按时 按时
1.表示准时,译on time。
 ☞ 我没按时到达,叫她等了15分钟。
 ☞ I didn't get there on time; I kept her waiting for fifteen minutes.
 ☞ 五点钟的火车按时到达。
 ☞ The train, which was due at five o'clock, arrived on time.
2.表示及时,译in time,其后常接介词for,或动词不定式。
 ☞ 我们按时到达景洪正好赶上傣族泼水节。
 ☞ We got to Jinghong just in time for the Dai nationality Water-Splashing Festival.
 ☞ 我希望你按时到达,以参加典礼。
 ☞ I hope you will arrive in time to attend the ceremony.
 ☞ 如果按时服药,就很有效。
 ☞ Taken in time, the medicine will be quite effective.
3.表示按规定时间,译on schedule。
 ☞ 我们预订的英语词典已按时出版了。
 ☞ The English dictionary we have subscribed for has come out on schedule.
 ☞ 尽管遇到挫折,我认为我们能设法按时完成工作。
 ☞ Despite setbacks, I think we shall manage to complete the work on schedule.
按照 按照
1.译成by,常与standard, rule, condition, logic, reckoning, weight,merit, bulk等词搭配。
 ☞ 按照我们的标准,你在考生中名列前茅。
 ☞ By our standards, you are among the best of successful examinees.
 ☞ 我们按照规章制度办事。
 ☞ We do everything by rules and regulations.
 ☞ 按照商定的条件,我们是理应这样做的。
 ☞ By the conditions of our agreement, we are bound to do as we are doing.
 ☞ 按照事态发展的逻辑,人民终归是要胜利的。
 ☞ By the logic of events, the people will win in the end.
 ☞ 按照习惯计算,我今年62岁。
 ☞ By traditional reckoning, I'm now sixty-two.
2.译成in,常与manner, difficulty, opinion, direction,order, style,eye,terms of等词搭配。
 ☞ 我们很快就学会了按照要求的方式进行练习。
 ☞ Very soon, we all learned to perform the exercise in the manner required.
 ☞ 课文要按照难易程度编排。
 ☞ The texts should be graded in order of difficulty.
 ☞ 按照他的观点,物价还要继续上涨。
 ☞ In his opinion the commodity prices will keep going up.
 ☞ 历史正是按照马克思指出的方向发展的。
 ☞ History has developed in the direction pointed out by Marx.
 ☞ 这个模型完全是按照比例做成的。
 ☞ This model is made exactly to a scale.
 ☞ 我厂一向按照规格生产零部件。
 ☞ Our factory has been producing parts to specifications.
 ☞ 一切都是按照计划进行的。
 ☞ Everything went to plan.
 ☞ 按照我的想法,这个计划比另一个计划更为可取。
 ☞ This plan, to my thinking, has more to recommend than the other.
 ☞ 按照我的估计,受灾面积不到1/3。
 ☞ To my estimate, the affected area is less than one third.
 ☞ 按照这样的行进速度,我们能在天黑前到达目的地吗?
 ☞ Can we reach our destination before dark at this rate of progress?
 ☞ 虽然花钱多了一点,但按照要价来看,这块表还是便宜的。
 ☞ Though a bit expensive, the watch was cheap at the price asked.
 ☞ 邮票是按照票面价值出售的。
 ☞ Postage stamps are sold at face value.
 ☞ 如果你想要,我们可以按照成本价分给你一些。
 ☞ We can spare you some at cost price if you want.
 ☞ 我是按照老师口授听写下来的。
 ☞ I wrote it at the teacher's dictation.
 ☞ 一定要按照所给的句型造句。
 ☞ Do make the sentences after the given patterns.
 ☞ 这个运动场是按照北京工人体育馆式样建造的。
 ☞ This stadium is modeled after the Beijing Worker's Stadium.
 ☞ 每个历史人物都应按照他的功过进行评价。
 ☞ Every historical figure ought to be evaluated after his deserts.
 ☞ 一味按照世俗的见解过日子,不但愚蠢,而且错误。
 ☞ It is not only foolish but also wrong to live solely after the world opinion.
 ☞ 在大中学校所受的教育有助于以后按照具体的计划进行自学。
 ☞ The education received at school and college facilitates self-education after a definite plan.
6.译成on,常与style, term, merit, showing, model, basis等搭配。
 ☞ 既要革命,就必须有一个按照马克思列宁主义的革命理论和马克思列宁主义的革命风格建立起来的革命党。
 ☞ If there is to be revolution. there must be a revolutionary party on the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary style.
 ☞ 双方都想按照自己的条件结束战争。
 ☞ Either side wanted to end the war on its own terms.
 ☞ 不同的犯罪分子必须按照案情轻重予以不同的处理。
 ☞ It is essential that different criminals should be dealt with differently on the merits of each case.
 ☞ 按照你的说法,你在途中不止在一处停留过。
 ☞ On your own showing, you stopped over at more places than one.
 ☞ 就按照你兄弟的样子做吧。
 ☞ Make yours on the model of your brothers.
 ☞ 姓名按照字母顺序排列。
 ☞ The names are arranged on an alphabetical basis.
 ☞ 按照协议,双方同意停止相互的敌对宣传。
 ☞ Under the accord, both sides agree to stop propaganda activities against each other.
 ☞ 按照取得的一致意见,每个会员每月应交纳收入的1%作为会费。
 ☞ Under the agreement each member is to pay one percent of his monthly salary as a membership fee.
 ☞ 按照选举条例,投票是符合程序的。
 ☞ Under the rules of election the vote was in order.
 ☞ 我是按照老师口授写下来的。
 ☞ I wrote it under the teacher's dictation.
8.译成according to或in accordance with, 常与law, instruction, regulation, rule, order, forecast, outlook, plan, author, ability等搭配,有“使之一致”之意,一般可以相互换用。其区别是前者语气较轻,后者语气较重,属书面体,显得郑重。
 ☞ 社会是按照某种法则发展的。
 ☞ Society develops according to (in accordance with) certain laws.
 ☞ 货物将按照你方要求发送。
 ☞ The goods will be sent according to (in accordance with) your instructions.
 ☞ 一切都是按照规章制度办事的。
 ☞ Everything has been done according to (in accordance with) rules and regulations.
 ☞ 按照你的吩咐,我把船卖了。
 ☞ According to (In accordance with) your orders, I sold the boat.
  ■ 但是如果“按照”是与某种学说、报道、说法等搭配,一般用according to。
 ☞ 按照辩证唯物主义,物质是第一性的,思维是第二性的。
 ☞ According to dialectical materialism matter is primary and thought is secondary.
 ☞ 按照天气预报,今晚可能下雪。
 ☞ According to the weather forecast we can expect snow tonight.
 ☞ 按照马克思的教导,工人阶级不能简单地夺取现成的国家机器并为自己服务。
 ☞ According to Marx, the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery and use it for its own purpose.
9.译成in conformity with,常与view,desire,will, interest, principle, notion, custom等搭配,有使之符合之意。
 ☞ 计划是按照大多数人的意见制订的。
 ☞ The plan is made in conformity with the views of the majority.
 ☞ 协议是按照两国人民的愿望和利益签订的。
 ☞ The agreement has been signed in conformity with the desire and interests of the two peoples.
 ☞ 按照人民的意志和利益来争取国与国之间的关系正常化是件好事。
 ☞ It is a good thing to strive to normalize relations between countries in conformity with the will and interests of the people.
 ☞ 一切都应该按照这一原则办事。
 ☞ Everything should be done in conformity with this principle.
 ☞ 按照这一想法我们放宽了进口的限制。
 ☞ In conformity with this notion we have relaxed our control on imports.
  ■ 应该指出,如果in conformity with在句中不作状语,而作表语时,则作“符合”解。例如:
 ☞ 签订这一协议符合两国人民的愿望与利益。
 ☞ The signing of the agreement is in conformity with the desire and interests of the two peoples.
10.译成in the light of,常与condition,experience, consideration, hypothesis, situation, comprehension等搭配。
 ☞ 一切战术都应按照具体的情况灵活运用。
 ☞ All tactics should be employed flexibly in the light of specific conditions.
 ☞ 所有企业都应按照新近取得的经验力求在组织和经营方面进行一场改革。
 ☞ All industrial enterprises are out for a reform in organization and operation in the light of the new-won experience.
 ☞ 我们是按照这些考虑来选定标准的。
 ☞ We selected criteria in the light of these considerations.
 ☞ 实验通常是按照某个假设来设计的。
 ☞ Experiments are commonly designed in the light of some hypothesis.
11.译成agreeably to,常与pledge,commission, proposal, request, order等搭配,有欣然遵照之意。
 ☞ 按照我们的承诺,我们撤回了在朝鲜的志愿军。
 ☞ We withdrew our volunteers from Korea agreeably to our pledge.
 ☞ 按照你的委托,我为孩子们带回来各种纪念品。
 ☞ Agreeably to your commission I have brought back a variety of souvenirs for the children.
 ☞ 按照你的建议,我们大幅度缩减了辞典的篇幅。
 ☞ We had the dictionary considerably abridged agreeably to your proposal.
 ☞ 按照你的请求,我们又重新调查了这件事。
 ☞ Agreeably to your request, we have looked into the matter again.
 ☞ 会议按照议事日程讨论了委员会的报告。
 ☞ The conference took up the report of the committee agreeably to the order of the day.
12.译成in compliance with,常与suggestion, wish, intention, rule等搭配,有“只好遵照”之意。
 ☞ 按照读者的建议,我们对全书作了全面修订。
 ☞ In compliance with the readers' suggestion, we have thoroughly revised the book.
 ☞ 按照大家的愿望,学校领导决定在整个游泳季节里为群众练习游泳每周安排一个下午。
 ☞ In compliance with popular wishes, the school authorities decided to set apart for the whole swimming season one afternoon each week for mass swimming practice.
 ☞ 按照作者的意见,有几篇文章已经删去。
 ☞ Some articles have been omitted in compliance with the intention of the author.
 ☞ 按照上述规则,修饰语应放在被修饰语之后,而不是之前。
 ☞ In compliance with the rule mentioned above, the modifier should be put after, rather than before the word it modifies.
 ☞ 俄国人民的革命曾经按照这条法则;中国人民的革命也按照这条法则。
 ☞ The Russian people's revolution followed this law, and so did the Chinese revolution.
 ☞ 考虑中的扩建将按照原厂的式样设计。
 ☞ The extension under consideration will follow the design of the original plant.
按理 按理
1.as a rule,按规律推理。
 ☞ 村子遭了灾,按理是可以免交农业税的,但是村民不干。
 ☞ As a rule, when a village was hit by natural calamity, villagers were entitled to exempt from agricultural tax, but they rejected it.
 ☞ 隆冬按理是最冷的时节,现在却是摄氏10多度的暖天。
 ☞ As a rule the midwinter is the coldest season. but now it has a temperature more than ten degrees centigrade.
 ☞ 按理我今天休息,但我加了一天班。
 ☞ Normally, today is my day-off, but I worked an extra day.
 ☞ 火车到达下一站按理要20分钟。
 ☞ Normally the train takes twenty minutes to reach the next station.
 ☞ 服这种药,按理不该有并发症。
 ☞ Normally, there are no complications with this medicine.
 ☞ 按理这时候该下雪了。
 ☞ Ordinarily it should be snowing at this time of the year.
 ☞ 按理他应该知道这一点,因为他学过汉语拼音。
 ☞ Logically he should have known it as he once learned Chinese Phonetic Alphabet.
 ☞ 按理不应该这么办。
 ☞ Logically, it shouldn't be done this way.
4.stand to reason,按常理推理。
 ☞ 他是个聪明而又勤奋的学生,按理他是应该考及格的。
 ☞ He is an intelligent and diligent student; it stands to reason that he should have passed the examination.
 ☞ 如果你有驾驶执照,按理是可以开车的。
 ☞ If you have a driver's license, it stands to reason that you can drive.
5.by rights,按权利推理。
 ☞ 按理这笔财产应该是我的。
 ☞ The property should belong to me by rights.
 ☞ 按理我应该负责这个部门。
 ☞ By rights, I ought to be in charge of this department.
接连 接连
1.on end,at a stretch,表示某个动作或现象延续了一段时间,故前面只用表示时间的名词。
 ☞ 他接连打了两个小时的乒乓球。
 ☞ He played table-tennis for two hours on end.
 ☞ 我的家乡已接连3个月没有雨了。
 ☞ In my native place there has been no rain for three months on end.
 ☞ 他接连几周都失眠。
 ☞ He suffered from insomnia for weeks at a stretch.
 ☞ 这一次他接连讲了30分钟。
 ☞ This time he talked for thirty minutes at a stretch.
2.in succession,successive,表示时间上、次数上的延续。
 ☞ 他接连3年获得一等奖。
 ☞ He has been awarded first prize three years in succession.
 ☞ 我接连4次错过了饭局。
 ☞ I missed four dinners in succession.
 ☞ 我们队接连赢了3场球。
 ☞ Our team won three successive matches.
 ☞ 他两星期里接连动了两次手术,真要命!
 ☞ What an awful nuisance! He underwent two successive operations in two weeks.
 ☞ 我们村接连3年获得丰收。
 ☞ Our village reaped good harvest for three years running.
 ☞ 我接连赢了3次。
 ☞ I won three times running.
4.in a row,指一连串地接连不断。
 ☞ 那电影真叫好,我接连去看了两次。
 ☞ The movie is just wonderful, I went to see it twice in a row.
 ☞ 我听见那人接连说了3个数字。
 ☞ I heard that man call three numbers in a row.
5.one after another,指一个接着一个,因此所指的应为可数名词。
 ☞ 竞选期间全国接连发生罢工。
 ☞ During the election period strikes broke out all over the country one after another.
 ☞ 他接连提出了许多问题。
 ☞ He raised many questions one after another.
 ☞ 接连下了3天雨,到今天早晨才放晴。
 ☞ It had been raining continuously for three days, and it only cleared up this morning.
 ☞ 他身体好,所以才能接连工作10多个小时。
 ☞ He is in good shape, so he can work continuously for more than ten hours.
挑剔 挑剔
 ☞ 总的说来这个计划是好的,我们不应挑剔。
 ☞ On the whole it's a good plan and we should not nitpick.
 ☞ 他的报告除了挑剔,什么也没有。
 ☞ His report contains nothing but nitpicking.
2.particular about,指因讲究而挑剔。
 ☞ 她对吃的东西十分挑剔。
 ☞ She is very particular about what she eats.
 ☞ 王太太对家务活儿挑剔得连女佣都不想为她干了。
 ☞ Mrs. Wang is so particular about her housework that the maidservant will not work for her.
 ☞ 只有最挑剔的艺术家才会发现他作品中的毛病。
 ☞ Only the most hypercritical artists can discover what is wrong in his works.
 ☞ 他生性挑剔,总是贬低别人的成绩。
 ☞ He is hypercritical, belittling achievements of others all the time.
4.fastidious about,指挑剔得令人难以伺候。
 ☞ 她对衣着十分挑剔。
 ☞ She is very fastidious about her clothing.
 ☞ 他一丝不苟的写作技巧肯定会给最挑剔的读者以最大的满足。
 ☞ His scrupulous writing technique must surely give the greatest pleasure to the most fastidious readers.
 ☞ 我原来以为他任性、挑剔、一股“洋鬼子味儿”。
 ☞ I had expected to find him headstrong, critical and "foreign".
 ☞ 她对别人的意见总是以一种挑剔的态度对待。
 ☞ She always has a critical attitude towards others' opinion.
挑拨 挑拨
 ☞ 是某些政客在挑拨士兵违抗命令。
 ☞ It was certain politicians who were instigating the soldiers to disobey orders.
 ☞ 谁在一直挑拨他呢?
 ☞ By whom can he have been instigated?
 ☞ 你挑拨他对那不幸的少女施暴是有自己目的的。
 ☞ You incite him to outrage the unhappy maid for the purpose of your own.
 ☞ 他因挑拨离间别人相互攻讦而受到指控。
 ☞ He was charged for inciting people one against the other.
 ☞ 他一口咬定我在挑拨是非。
 ☞ He insisted that I was fomenting discord.
 ☞ 种族偏见的理论其实是挑拨冲突的一种手段。
 ☞ Theories of race prejudice are indeed a means for fomenting conflicts.
 ☞ 他们宣传的目的是要在群众中挑拨是非。
 ☞ Their aim of propaganda is to sow discord among the masses.
 ☞ 我们决不容许挑拨民族关系。
 ☞ By no means can we tolerate sowing dissension among the various nationalities.
5.stir up,指通过挑动情绪进行挑拨。
 ☞ 这场口舌是他挑拨的。
 ☞ It was he who stirred up the quarrel.
 ☞ 警惕背后有人挑拨。
 ☞ Beware of people stirring up trouble behind the scenes.
挑选 挑选
1.choose, choice,指在众多选择中挑选满足自己需要的一种判断行为。
 ☞ 我之所以挑选你是因为你有白皙的肤色。
 ☞ I chose you because you have such a fair complexion.
 ☞ 参加这次影展的电影必须仔细挑选。
 ☞ Films for this exhibition must be carefully chosen.
 ☞ 挑选一个剧本的基础应该是它的娱乐性。
 ☞ The choice of a play should be based on entertainment value.
2.select, selection,指从较大范围中有区别地挑选有价值或符合需求的人或物。
 ☞ 我们的征聘方针是访问20所重点院枝,每家挑选 1个学生尖子。
 ☞ Our recruitment policy is to visit twenty key colleges and select one top student from each.
 ☞ 我们的县委书记挑选该村作为他的试验田。
 ☞ The Party secretary of our county selected that village as his experimental plot.
 ☞ 百货商店有许多童装可供挑选。
 ☞ The department store has a large selection of children's clothes.
 ☞ 一位出色的人事部经理要善于挑选恰当的人,放到恰当的岗位上。
 ☞ A good personnel manager must be good at picking the right person for the right job.
 ☞ 这3件连衣裙我都喜欢,不知挑选哪一件好。
 ☞ I like all of the three dresses and don't know which of them to pick.
 ☞ 这堆书我要过一遍,挑选我所需要的。
 ☞ I'll go through this pile of books and pick out those I want.
4.single out,指从一组人或物中挑选出来,并予以特殊处理。
 ☞ 他们都搞错了,为什么单单挑选他给予处分呢?
 ☞ They all did wrong, why single him out for punishment?
 ☞ 党组织常从群众中挑选积极分子。
 ☞ The Party organization often singles out the activists from the masses.

 ☞ 我们去年挖了两条灌溉渠。
 ☞ Last year we dug two irrigation channels.
 ☞ 老园丁在挖土。
 ☞ The old gardener was digging soil.
 ☞ 囚犯挖了条地道逃跑了。
 ☞ The prisoner escaped by digging an underground passage.
 ☞ 我的邻居老早就在挖园子了。
 ☞ My neighbor spaded his garden early.
 ☞ 昨天我们挖了不少土豆。
 ☞ We spaded a lot of potatoes yesterday.
 ☞ 他花了整整一个星期才把他地里的树桩挖了出来。
 ☞ It took him a whole week to grub the stumps on his land.
 ☞ 他开始用手杖挖着,接着就发出一声欢呼。
 ☞ He began grubbing with his walking stick and presently gave a cry of triumph.
 ☞ 我们得先挖一个大坑才能打基础。
 ☞ We have to excavate a large pit before putting in the foundation.
 ☞ 村里的人在挖一条隧道,想与山那边的村子连起来。
 ☞ People from the village are excavating a tunnel to connect their village with the village on the other side of the hill.
 ☞ 尸体挖出来后就火化了。
 ☞ The body was exhumed and burned.
 ☞ 挖文物是吃力不讨好的工作。
 ☞ It is an ungrateful job to exhume cultural relics.
 ☞ 去年我家挖了一口新井。
 ☞ My family sank a new well last year.
 ☞ 我家乡的农民农闲时挖塘泥做堆肥。
 ☞ The peasants in my home village always scoop up sludge from ponds to make compost during the slack season.
 ☞ 煤是从地下深处挖出来的。
 ☞ Coal is mined from deep underground.
 ☞ 你把最好的老师都弄走了,你这是在挖我们系的墙脚。
 ☞ You've taken away our best teachers, so you're undermining the foundation of our department.
 ☞ 分析错误就是要挖思想根源。
 ☞ You have to analyze your ideological roots if you are to examine your mistakes.
 ☞ 你这是挖肉补疮。
 ☞ You're robbing Peter to pay Paul.
挖掘 挖掘
 ☞ 为了建造这一水坝,需挖掘的土方将达500万方。
 ☞ In order to build this dam the earthwork we have to excavate will amount to 5 million cubic meters.
 ☞ 仅从该矿坑一处就挖掘出百万吨以上的富矿。
 ☞ Over a million tons of rich ore were excavated from that one pit alone.
  ■ excavate有时也指自然力的挖掘。
 ☞ 5大湖盆地是由大陆冰川挖掘成的。
 ☞ The Five Great Lakes basins were excavated by continental glaciation.
 ☞ 这些废墟是从地下5米深处挖掘出来的。
 ☞ These ruins have been unearthed five meters below the surface.
 ☞ 考古工作者挖掘出的地下宝藏震惊了世界。
 ☞ The buried treasure the archaeologists unearthed startled the world.
  ■ 有时,即使挖掘出来的不是什么宝物,但也会使人产生这方面的联想。
 ☞ 他的几个儿子挖掘出埋在树下的一只箱子,这件事在全村引起了轰动。
 ☞ His sons unearthed a box buried under a tree, which caused a sensation throughout the whole village.
  ■ unearth有时还指“发掘别人没有发掘的东西并公之于世”。
 ☞ 这方面的理论还有待挖掘。
 ☞ The theory in this field is yet to be unearthed.
 ☞ 要解释中国古典诗词就要十分注意挖掘其意境。
 ☞ One must pay great attention to unearthing the mood of the Chinese classical poems if one is to explain them.
 ☞ 我们应该挖掘生产潜力,增产节约。
 ☞ We must tap production potential to increase production and practice economy.
 ☞ 不挖掘潜力就意味着停步不前。
 ☞ Failure to tap potential means ceasing to advance.
 ☞ 我国应发掘新能源。
 ☞ China must tap new sources of energy.
挡住 挡住
1.block (up),指阻挡。
 ☞ 泥石流挡住了河道上游的去路。
 ☞ The mud-rock flow blocked the upper reaches of the river.
 ☞ 入口被一场暴风雪挡住了。
 ☞ The entrance was blocked by a severe snowstorm.
 ☞ 一块石头掉下来挡住了这条小路。
 ☞ A piece of rock has fallen and blocked up the path.
 ☞ 一堵高墙挡住了去他家花园的通路。
 ☞ A high wall bars the way into his garden.
 ☞ 军车挡住了所有出城的通路。
 ☞ Military vehicles barred all the roads out of the city.
 ☞ 巨石挡住了洞穴的入口。
 ☞ Large boulders obstructed the entrance to the cave.
 ☞ 道路被倒下来的树挡住了。
 ☞ The road was obstructed by fallen trees.
  ■ 但挡住光线、视线时,不能与block,bar换用。
 ☞ 高大的建筑物挡住了西边来的光线。
 ☞ Tall buildings obstruct the light from the west.
 ☞ 那女人的帽子挡住了我到舞台上的视线。
 ☞ The woman's hat obstructed my view of the stage.
 ☞ 日蚀时,月亮挡住了太阳。
 ☞ During a solar eclipse, the moon obstructs the sun.
 ☞ 门卫在门口把我们挡住了。
 ☞ The guards stopped us at the gate.
 ☞ 我要走了,你是挡不住我的。
 ☞ I'm going, you can't stop me.
 ☞ 如果我们想走,又有什么挡得住我们呢?
 ☞ What can stop our going if we want to go?
 ☞ 我军挡住了敌人的前进。
 ☞ Our army stopped the enemy's advance.
 ☞ 她跑过时,他一把抓住她的胳臂,干脆跟她一起冲进屋里,跑上楼去,一点也没有想挡住她的意思。
 ☞ He caught her by the arm as she ran past and, without trying to check her, simply darted in with her and up the stairs.
 ☞ 现在大概无法能挡住敌军前进了。
 ☞ Perhaps there is nothing now that can check the advance of the enemy army.
 ☞ 沙袋会暂时挡住洪水。
 ☞ The sandbags will check the floodwaters temporarily.
5.screen (out),常指以某种物体为屏障。
 ☞ 在他与他人之间有一块大石头挡住了他的一举一动。
 ☞ His movements were screened by a large rock between him and the others.
 ☞ 地球的大气层挡住了太阳的大部分辐射。
 ☞ The earth's atmosphere screens out much of the sun's radiation.
 ☞ 她打开门来挡住窗户。
 ☞ She opened the door to screen the window.
 ☞ 他用手挡住了光。
 ☞ He screened the light with his hand.
 ☞ 在一张快照中,总统的头挡住了国务卿的脸。
 ☞ The President's head hid the State Secretary's face in the snapshot.
 ☞ 我在观察时,一片匆匆而过的白云一下挡住了太阳。
 ☞ A hurrying white cloud hid the sun for a moment as I watched.
  ■ 但如果screen与hide在不突出上述区别时,两者可以换用。如:
 ☞ 她用双手挡住眼睛。
 ☞ She screened (hid) her eyes with her hands.
 ☞ 她用手挡住了脸。
 ☞ She hid f screened) her face with her hands.
 ☞ 雨是挡不住我来的。
 ☞ The rain does not prevent me from coming.
 ☞ 谁能挡住他打自己的孩子呢?
 ☞ Who could prevent him from hitting his own child?
8.be in the way,常指物体挡道的状态。
 ☞ 倒下的树挡住了去路,我们只得绕过去。
 ☞ The fallen trees were in the way and we had to make a detour.
 ☞ 他想到门口去,但桌子挡住了路。
 ☞ He tried to get to the door, but the table was in the wav.
 ☞ 倒下的树挡住了溪水。
 ☞ Fallen trees dammed the brook.
 ☞ 反动派的任何阴谋诡计都挡不住世界革命的前进。
 ☞ No attempt of the reactionaries can arrest the progress of the world revolution.
 ☞ 他冲上去用胸膛挡住了敌人的子弹。
 ☞ He dashed forward and took the enemy's bullets in his chest.
 ☞ 山高挡不住太阳。
 ☞ The highest mountain can't shut out the sun.
 ☞ 绝不能让私利挡住了眼睛。
 ☞ Never be blinded by private interests.

 ☞ 你挤只橘子,弄点橘子汁。
 ☞ You squeeze an orange to get the juice out of it.
 ☞ 他从牙膏管里挤出最后一点牙膏。
 ☞ He squeezed the last bit from the tooth-paste tube.
 ☞ 他无法再在厂里继续干下去,他是被厂长挤走的。
 ☞ He was unable to continue working in the factory. He was squeezed out by the director.
 ☞ 我的一只鞋有点夹脚。
 ☞ My shoe presses my toe a bit.
 ☞ 孩子们紧紧挤在母亲身边。
 ☞ The children pressed close to their mother.
 ☞ 听了这些话,人群大声欢呼,纷纷挤向前来。
 ☞ The crowd gave a loud cheer at these words and pressed forward one after another.
 ☞ 人群把我挤离了人行道。
 ☞ The crowd pushed me off the pavement.
 ☞ 泪水从紧闭的睫毛中慢慢地挤了出来。
 ☞ Tears pushed slowly through the closed lashes.
 ☞ 他挤到人群前面想看看发生了什么。
 ☞ He pushed himself to the front of the crowd to see what had happened.
 ☞ 他的支持者挤满了大厅。
 ☞ His supporters packed the hall.
 ☞ 他们尽量往里挤。
 ☞ They packed in as tightly as they could.
 ☞ 小屋挤不下那么多人。
 ☞ It's impossible to pack so many people into the small room.
 ☞ 他们总算挤进了火车车厢。
 ☞ They managed to crowd into the train.
 ☞ 我们挤在他周围,发出欢呼。
 ☞ We crowded around him, giving cheers.
 ☞ 人们挤出来看表演。
 ☞ People crowded out to see the performance.
6.crop up,指意外地出现。
 ☞ 几件事挤在一起,弄得我的处境相当困难。
 ☞ Things have cropped up, which make my position rather difficult.
 ☞ 我没想到几件事情会同时挤在一起。
 ☞ I didn't expect that several matters would crop up at the same time.

1) 用被动语态表示受到不愿受到的遭遇。
 ☞ 她因粗心大意,挨了批评。
 ☞ She was criticized for her carelessness.
 ☞ 这孩子不听话,挨了打。
 ☞ The boy was beaten for disobedience.
 ☞ 好呀!你丢下我们不管,让我们在人堆里挨挤。
 ☞ Well! you left us being pushed here and there in the large crowd.
  ■ 用be+过去分词表示的被动是一种静态,但如果用get+过去分词则可表示动态的生动画面。
 ☞ 谁想得到会在半路上挨浇?
 ☞ Who would have thought that I should get caught in a pouring rain on the way?
 ☞ 到伊拉克去?你在那里会挨骗、挨抢、挨杀的!
 ☞ You're going to Iraq? You may get cheated, robbed and murdered there!
2) 用主动语态客观地表示受到的遭遇,甚至暗示应该遭受这样的待遇,可用get, take, receive等。
 ☞ 这孩子不听话,挨了打。
 ☞ The boy got a beating for disobedience.试比较:The boy was beaten for disobedience.
 ☞ 司机因超速挨批。
 ☞ The driver got a telling off for having exceeded the speed limit.试比较:The driver was told off for having exceeded the speed limit.
  ■ get除了接动名词之外还可接名词。
 ☞ 为了说的一句话,他挨了一记耳光。
 ☞ He got a box on the ears for what he had said.
 ☞ 他想逃跑时腿上挨了一脚。
 ☞ He got a kick on the leg when he tried to run away.
  ■ 如果用take或receive代替get则“愿打愿挨”的意识似乎更强。
 ☞ 我知道这一次是混不过去了,准备挨打吧。
 ☞ I knew I wouldn't get by this time and was ready to take his licks.
 ☞ 我不在乎你怎么想,我是得挨剋。
 ☞ I don't care what you think. I have to take the blame.
 ☞ 她挨骂受气是家常便饭。
 ☞ It is routine for her to receive scolding; and suffer wrong.
 ☞ 一个愿打,一个愿挨。
 ☞ A flogging was consciously given by one and gladly received by the other.
  ■ 如果用endure则表示无奈之中“愿打愿挨”。
 ☞ 当时我们不知如何才能摆脱这穷日子,只好挨饿受冻。
 ☞ We didn't know then how to get rid of the strained circumstances. We had no choice but endure hunger and cold.
 ☞ 他在养父家里怎能不挨打受骂呢?
 ☞ How couldn't he endure scolding and blowing under his foster father's roof?
  ■ 如果用suffer则强调所受的苦难。
 ☞ 尽管我们挨饿受冻,还得继续干活。
 ☞ We had to go on working though we suffered from hunger and cold.
 ☞ 要是我们早点知道,他会挨得少一点。
 ☞ He would have suffered less if we had known of it earlier.
  ■ 如果用go hungry表示挨饿,则是一种客观的表述,没有任何感情色彩。
 ☞ 他得有个工作,要不会挨饿的。
 ☞ He has to have a job or go hungry.
 ☞ 要是你不会烧饭,那你只好挨饿了。
 ☞ If you can't cook your dinner, then you'll have to go hungry.
2.pull through,指在困难中度过。
 ☞ 由于精心护理,病人总算挨过来啦。
 ☞ With careful nursing the patient managed to pull through.
 ☞ 她相信她丈夫最终会平安无事,这一信心使她挨过了他们分离后的岁月。
 ☞ Her faith that her husband would be safe in the end was what pulled her through the years they were separated。
3.put off(口头用语),postpone(书面用语),均指由于某种客观原因而拖延,而且这种拖延有一定的期限。
 ☞ 为什么非要挨到下个月?
 ☞ Why should it be put off till next month?
 ☞ 她知道她挨不了多少日子了。
 ☞ She knew that the last day could not be long postponed.
4.drag on (by),指在无聊中拖延,而这种拖延是没有期限的。
 ☞ 还要挨多少天我才能见到她?
 ☞ How many days are to drag on when I could see her?
 ☞ 挨上24小时就算一天。
 ☞ Let's call it a day if 24 hours have dragged by.
5.dawdle (away),指磨蹭时间。
 ☞ 他到美国不是来学习的,所以在校园里挨了四年。
 ☞ He came to the United States not for study, so he dawdled away four years on college campus.
 ☞ 别挨时间了,快走吧!
 ☞ Stop dawdling and get going.
 ☞ 无论是国法还是党纪,他都逃不了挨板子。
 ☞ Whether tried according to the law of the state or the Party discipline, he cannot escape the caning.
 ☞ 学生遗失图书馆的书是要挨罚的。
 ☞ Students get it in the neck when they lose library books.
 ☞ 你打破了花瓶,要挨骂了。
 ☞ You will catch it for breaking that vase.
 ☞ 别人眼里挨骂的不低,骂人的不高。
 ☞ In others' eyes, the abuser can't be high. The abused is not a single peg lower thereby.
挪用 挪用
 ☞ 不得挪用建设资金。
 ☞ The fund earmarked for capital construction is not to be diverted to any other purpose.
 ☞ 挪用教育经费是非法的。
 ☞ It is illegal to divert the fund earmarked for education to other purpose.
 ☞ 政府已允许把部分储备粮挪作军用。
 ☞ The government has allowed to divert part of grain reserves to military uses.
 ☞ 他由于挪用大量的公款而被送进了监狱。
 ☞ He was sent to prison for misappropriating a large amount of public money.
 ☞ 出纳因挪用协会的基金而被提起公诉。
 ☞ The treasurer was indicted for misappropriating the society's funds.
3.appropriate, 占用的意思强于挪用。
 ☞ 这位部长终于被发现挪用了大量公款。
 ☞ The minister was finally found to have appropriated a great deal of government money.
 ☞ 他挪用灾民救济款,真是恬不知耻。
 ☞ It was really shameless for him to appropriate the relief fund for the victims of natural calamity.
 ☞ 他挪用的银行基金超过了100万元。
 ☞ The fund he embezzled from the bank was more than one million.
 ☞ 有谁想得到这姑娘的监护人竟会挪用属于她的遗产?
 ☞ Who would have thought that the girl's guardian should have embezzled the money that had been willed to her?
振作 振作
 ☞ 你应当振作起来,立即行动。
 ☞ You must rouse yourself to immediate action.
 ☞ 是他最后的那些话使我振作起来的。
 ☞ It was his last words that roused me.
2.brace up,指打起精神。
 ☞ 振作起来,再试一次。
 ☞ Brace up and try once more.
 ☞ 尽管我们失败过一次,但是我们还应振作精神完成新任务。
 ☞ We should brace ourselves up for the new task though we failed once.
3.summon up,指鼓起精神。
 ☞ 他振作起最后的一点精神,向终点线冲去。
 ☞ Summoning up his last ounce of strength, he flung himself over the finishing line.
 ☞ 她决心振作精神,从头开始。
 ☞ She resolved to summon up spirit and start afresh.
振兴 振兴
1.develop vigorously,指朝气蓬勃地发展。
 ☞ 直到改革开放,中国的工农业才得到真正意义上的振兴。
 ☞ It was not until the reform and opening to the outside world that China's industry and agriculture were developed vigorously in the full sense of the word.
 ☞ 只有振兴国民经济才能实现四个现代化。
 ☞ Only by vigorously developing our national economy can we realize the four modernizations.
 ☞ 多少志士仁人100年来“振兴中华”的梦想直到今天才得以实现。
 ☞ The dream of "rejuvenating the Chinese nation" cherished by so many people with high ideals was not fulfilled until today.
 ☞ 振兴我国的国民经济是高于一切的硬任务。
 ☞ Rejuvenating our national economy is a definable task above everything.
3.revitalize, revitalization,指使之恢复活力。
 ☞ 振兴中华,人人有责。
 ☞ Everybody bears his share of the responsibility of revitalizing the Chinese nation.
 ☞ 振兴萧条地区的经济刻不容缓。
 ☞ Revitalizing the areas hit by the economic depression is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 振兴农村教育事业势在必行。
 ☞ The revitalization of the education in the countryside must be enforced.
 ☞ 我们要开创一个新的经济振兴时期。
 ☞ We must start a new period of vigorous economic growth.
 ☞ 我们意外地发现改革开放在加速发展经济的同时竟也振兴了民族精神。
 ☞ We are surprised to find that the reform and opening to the outside world should re-energize the national spirit while speeding up the development of the eco.
振奋 振奋
 ☞ 他们站了起来,振奋地手拉着手,唱起了“团结就是力量”。
 ☞ They rose to their feet, rousing themselves arm in arm, and began to sing "Union is Strength".
 ☞ 对日胜利,全国一片振奋。
 ☞ The victory over Japan roused a surge of national vitality.
2.full of vigor,指充满活力。
 ☞ 消息传来,人人振奋,个个争先。
 ☞ Everybody is full of vigor and each one tries to be the first when the news comes.
 ☞ 音乐可使人振奋。
 ☞ Music can make one full of vigor.
3.boost, 指提高士气、精神等。
 ☞ 将军的讲话使部队的士气大为振奋。
 ☞ The general's speech greatly boosted the morale of the troops.
 ☞ 我们需要休假来振奋精神。
 ☞ We need a holiday to boost our spirit.
 ☞ 只有振奋群众的革命精神,才能保持其昂扬的斗志。
 ☞ Only by encouraging the revolutionary spirit of the masses can we keep their fighting will high.
 ☞ 老人的精神面貌使我的整个身心都感到振奋。
 ☞ The mental outlook of the old man encouraged me both in body and in mind.
挽回 挽回
 ☞ 敌人做孤注一掷的努力想挽回败局。
 ☞ The enemy made desperate efforts to retrieve the defeat.
 ☞ 我部的大部分兵力在桥边集结以挽回劣势。
 ☞ We have concentrated most of our forces at the bridge to retrieve ourselves from the inferior position.
 ☞ 本公司决定不惜一切代价来挽回声誉。
 ☞ Our company is determined to retrieve our reputation at any cost.
 ☞ 我们惟有殷切期望能挽回这一局面。
 ☞ We have only an earnest desire to retrieve the situation.
 ☞ 咱们尽力挽回过去买卖上的损失吧。
 ☞ Let's try to redeem our previous losses in business.
 ☞ 我只有这样才能挽回我过去的过错。
 ☞ Only by so doing can I redeem my error in the past.
 ☞ 我们村的干部通过自我批评和改正错误挽回了自己的威信。
 ☞ The cadres of our village have redeemed their prestige by criticizing themselves and correcting their mistakes.
 ☞ 这就是说她的婚姻会给她的家人挽回不少面子。
 ☞ This meant that her marriage would have saved for the family a considerable amount of face.
 ☞ 他决心挽回父亲的声誉。
 ☞ He was determined to save his father's name from dishonor.
 ☞ 他们觉得情况一定很严重,已无法挽回了。
 ☞ They thought that the situation must be desperate, past saving.
挽救 挽救
 ☞ 说真话,我一度曾经犹豫过,为了挽救这一病人我是否应该作一次最后的尝试。
 ☞ To tell you the truth, I once hesitated whether I should make one last attempt to save the patient.
 ☞ 法西斯主义挽救不了资本主义,而且还会加速其灭亡。
 ☞ Fascism cannot save capitalism, but only hastens its destruction.
 ☞ 你愿牺牲自己来挽救公司吗?
 ☞ Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to save the company?
 ☞ 一支警察小分队紧急出动去挽救被恐怖分子劫持的人质。
 ☞ A police detachment took immediate action to rescue the hostages hijacked by terrorists.
 ☞ 是政府挽救了我们公司不致破产。
 ☞ It was the government that rescued our firm from bankruptcy.
 ☞ 他不顾党对他的教育和挽救,坚持错误不肯悔改。
 ☞ He persisted in his errors and refused to repent, disregarding the Party's efforts to educate and redeem him.
 ☞ 我们要挽救尽可能多的失足青少年。
 ☞ We must redeem as many juvenile delinquents as possible.
4.remedy, 指挽救的办法。
 ☞ 我们得考虑一个有效的挽救办法来应付财政危机。
 ☞ We have to think out an effective remedy to meet the financial crisis.
 ☞ 谁想得到这个孤注一掷的挽救办法竟决定了这场战斗?
 ☞ Who would have thought that this desperate remedy should decide the fight?

 ☞ 日本兵接连用刺刀捅那老乡。
 ☞ The Japanese soldier kept stabbing at the villager with his bayonet.
 ☞ 凶手在他背后捅了一刀。
 ☞ The killer stabbed him in the back.
 ☞ 他不断地用棍子捅那青蛙,诖它一次次地跳。
 ☞ He kept poking the frog with a stick to make it jump again and again.
 ☞ 你的铅笔几乎捅到我的眼睛了。
 ☞ You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil.
 ☞ 他看见一位漂亮的姑娘朝我们走过来,便用胳膊捅了一下我的胳膊。
 ☞ He nudged my arm when he saw a pretty girl coming towards us.
 ☞ 他用胳膊重重地捅了我一下。
 ☞ He gave me a hard nudge.
4.disclose, give away, let out, tell,均指泄露。
 ☞ 律师把案子的详情捅了出来。
 ☞ The lawyer disclosed the details of the case.(指有意)
 ☞ 你要是把这个捅出去,我以后什么都不告诉你。
 ☞ I'll never tell you anything if you let this out.(有意无意均可)
 ☞ 谁把秘密捅了出去?
 ☞ Who gave away the secret?(有意或无意)
 ☞ 我儿子不懂事,把听到的都捅出去了。
 ☞ My son is not sensible enough, and told everything he had heard.(指无意)

1.hold between the finger and thumb, hold with one's fingers,指用手指拎起来。
 ☞ 她有洁癖,因此总是拿两个手指头捏抹布。
 ☞ She is obsessed with mysophobia, and she always holds the mop with the finger and thumb.
 ☞ 她捏住一支胸针,别在我胸前。
 ☞ She held a brooch with her fingers and pinned it on my breast.
 ☞ 那姑娘在我手臂上捏了一下。
 ☞ The girl pinched my arm.
 ☞ 她捏了他一下作为对他说俏皮话的回答。
 ☞ She gave him a pinch as a reply to his sarcastic remark.
 ☞ 孩子喜欢捏泥人。
 ☞ Children like to mould figures out of clay.
 ☞ 他把一小片一小片的面包捏成小球。
 ☞ He mould little pieces of bread into balls.
 ☞ 看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都捏着一把汗。
 ☞ Watching him climbing the precipice, everyone was breathless with anxiety.
 ☞ 看着他们表演杂技,我们担着一把汗。
 ☞ We were breathless as we watched the acrobats.
 ☞ 他在第一次登台之前,着实捏了一把汗。
 ☞ He was all keyed up before making his first stage appearance.
 ☞ 她捏着一把汗等着发榜。
 ☞ She was on edge while waiting for her exam results.
 ☞ 看着他从三楼跳下来,我们都捏着一把汗。
 ☞ Watching him jumping from the third floor, we were seized with fear.
 ☞ 知道了他所干的一切,我们都捏着一把汗。
 ☞ When we learned what he had done we were seized with deep concern.
 ☞ 走廊远处的厕所堵得我们进出房间都要捏着鼻子。
 ☞ The toilet down the corridor was so blocked that we had to stop our nose with the fingers when coming in or going out of the room.
 ☞ 他们俩结婚缺乏感情基础,是双方家长不管他们愿不愿意就捏在了一起。
 ☞ Their marriage was not a love match, it was their parents who brought them together against their wish.
 ☞ 我们不能由别人捏着。
 ☞ We should not allow ourselves to be governed by other people.
 ☞ 他把便条捏成一团,扔进了字纸篓里。
 ☞ He crushed the note up and threw it into the wastepaper basket.
捏造 捏造
1.make up,指编造,引申为捏造。
 ☞ 这里没有你要拜访的名叫李丽的姑娘,她是你捏造的。
 ☞ There isn't a girl called Li Li whom you are to visit.
 ☞ You've just made her up.
 ☞ 他捏造事实,遭人抢劫,其实没有这回事。
 ☞ He made up a story about being robbed by people, which didn't exist.
 ☞ 整件事都是捏造的。
 ☞ The whole story was invented.
 ☞ 我们得动动脑子捏造点什么事来解释我们为什么迟到。
 ☞ We have to use our brain and invent something to explain why we are late.
3.fabricate, fabrication, 指粗制滥造,引申为捏造。
 ☞ 他捏造案情,陷害同志,情节十分恶劣。
 ☞ It was absolutely vile for him to fabricate a case against his comrades.
 ☞ 她骑马的绝技听来未必真实,因此很多人都认为她的经历是捏造的。
 ☞ Her feat of horsemanship sounded so improbable that many people considered her experiences fabricated.
 ☞ 他不在犯罪现场的说法纯属捏造。
 ☞ His alibi was a sheer fabrication.
4.trump up, 指有意捏造。
 ☞ 不管他们怎么努力都无法捏造出一个令人信服的案情以对他进行指控。
 ☞ Try as they might, they were unable to trump up a convincing case against him.
 ☞ 向法庭提交的指控凶手的罪名都是捏造的。
 ☞ The charges brought before the court against the murderer were all trumped up.
5.concoct, 指有几种混合内容的捏造。
 ☞ 他捏造迟到的借口,老师也就相信了。
 ☞ He concocted an excuse for being late and the teacher believed him.
 ☞ 他为他失踪的儿子捏造不在犯罪现场的证据。
 ☞ He concocted an alibi in favor of his missing son.
损坏 损坏
 ☞ 她担心这场雨会损坏她的新鞋。
 ☞ Her fear was that the rain would damage her new shoes.
 ☞ 不要损坏树木。
 ☞ Don't damage the trees and bushes.
 ☞ 如有损坏,我们照价赔偿。
 ☞ We'll pay the full price for anything damaged.
 ☞ 在这次事故中两辆汽车都受到严重的损坏。
 ☞ The accident did great damage to both cars.
 ☞ 飞机滑出跑道,损坏了一个机翼。
 ☞ The airplane skidded off the runway and wrecked one of its wings.
 ☞ 油轮是在驶过台湾海峡时损坏的。
 ☞ The oil tanker was wrecked while sailing through the Taiwan Straits.
 ☞ 洪水损坏了庄稼。
 ☞ The flood has spoiled the crop.
 ☞ 墨迹损坏了她的衣服,真遗憾!
 ☞ The ink mark has spoiled her dress. What a pity!
 ☞ 手稿由于长期放置在阴冷潮湿的地下室里而损坏了。
 ☞ The manuscript was ruined by long exposure in the cold damp cellar.
 ☞ 操作不当会损坏相机。
 ☞ Abusive handling can ruin the camera.
损害 损害
 ☞ 医生都说,吸烟损害我们的健康。
 ☞ Doctors say smoking harms our health.
 ☞ 这种清洁液会损害家具吗?
 ☞ Will this cleaning fluid harm the furniture?
 ☞ 在昏暗的灯光下读书会损害你的眼睛。
 ☞ Reading in dim light harms your eyes.
 ☞ 昨晚我们的邻居失火,但我家的房子没有受到损害。
 ☞ There was a fire in our neighborhood last night, but our house wasn't harmed.
 ☞ 洪灾对人民的生命财产造成了严重的损害。
 ☞ The flood did great harm to lives and property of the people.
 ☞ 损害他人利益,我决无此意。
 ☞ I had absolutely no such intentions as to damage other's interests.
 ☞ 他因过分夸大而损害了自己的利益,这是他自作自受。
 ☞ He has damaged his interests by overstating it. He's got what he deserves.
 ☞ 他带记者参观了最近的空袭造成的损害。
 ☞ He showed the reporter round the damage inflicted by the recent air raid。
 ☞ 无人知道到底是什么对胎儿造成了损害并引起生产时的先天畸形。
 ☞ No one knows what did damage to those fetuses and cause the deformed births.
 ☞ 车祸损害了他的视力。
 ☞ The car accident impaired his vision.
 ☞ 他的声誉因愚蠢的错误而受到损害。
 ☞ His reputation was impaired by stupid mistakes.
 ☞ 长年的野外生活已损害了他的健康。
 ☞ The wild living for years has impaired his health.
 ☞ 不要吃零食来损害你的食欲。
 ☞ Don't eat between meals to spoil your appetite.
 ☞ 她的文章由于粗心的错误而受到损害。
 ☞ Her essay was spoiled by careless mistakes.
 ☞ 由于她克扣材料而损害了工程。
 ☞ She spoiled the project by skimping the materials.
 ☞ 无论发生什么样的分歧,我希望都不要损害我们的双边关系。
 ☞ Whatever differences may arise, I hope they will not jeopardize our bilateral relations.
 ☞ 偶然的判断失误并没有损害总的进度。
 ☞ The occasional error in judgment did not jeopardize overall progress.
 ☞ 持续的通货膨胀必然会损害国民经济的增长。
 ☞ The continuing currency inflation is bound to jeopardize the growth in national economy.
 ☞ 加拿大和美国的经济也相应受到了损害。
 ☞ In Canada and the United States the economy suffered accordingly as well.
 ☞ 自开战以来,两国的贸易受到严重的损害。
 ☞ The trade between the two counties has suffered greatly since the war.
 ☞ 他的声誉由于家里的丑闻而受到损害。
 ☞ His reputation suffers because of his scandal at home.
7.infringe (on,upon),指违法强行损害。
 ☞ 他们这样做损害了自由贸易的非歧视原则。
 ☞ By so doing did they infringe the principle of non-discrimination in free trade.
 ☞ 决不能损害群众的利益。
 ☞ On no account should the interests of the masses be infringed upon.
 ☞ 艰苦的生活势必损害你的健康。
 ☞ The rough life threatens to injure your health.
 ☞ 谣言在全城都传开了,那会损害你的声誉。
 ☞ The rumor is all over the town, and may injure your reputation.

 ☞ 他换了件衣服走下楼来。(替换)
 ☞ He changed his clothes and went downstairs.
 ☞ 她买的衣服不合身,所以拿回店里换了一件。(退换)
 ☞ The dress she bought didn't fit, so she took it back to the shop and changed it.
 ☞ 我有些英镑,想换人民币。(兑换)
 ☞ I have some British pounds that I would like to change into Chinese money.
 ☞ 你愿意跟我换个座位吗?(交换)
 ☞ Will you change seats with me?
 ☞ 不要忘了按时给他换药。(掉换)
 ☞ Remember to change his dressing in time.
2.for a change,指临时换一换。
 ☞ 我们吃饺子来换换口味。
 ☞ We are going to have some dumplings for a change.
 ☞ 他到青岛工人疗养院去换个环境。
 ☞ He has gone to Qingdao Workers' Sanatorium for a change.
 ☞ 我坐了老半天,所以起来换一换姿势。
 ☞ I sat for a long time, so I stood up for a change.
3.exchange (for),可指相互间的交换、退换、兑换等,在这些意义上常与change豆换。
 ☞ 你们两个换个位置。
 ☞ You two exchange (change) places.
 ☞ 我们可以用工业品换农产品。
 ☞ We can exchange (change) industrial products for farm produce.
 ☞ 有些店铺连刚买的东西也不给换。
 ☞ Some shops won't let you exchange (change) even what you have just bought.
 ☞ 你可以换衬衣,但不退货。
 ☞ You may exchange (change) the shirt but not return it for a refund.
  ■ 但如果exchange作“交流”解时,则不能与change互换。如:
 ☞ 在这儿我们可以自由地交换意见和思想。
 ☞ We freely exchange opinions and ideas around here.
 ☞ 车上的蓄电池不管用了,应该换一个。
 ☞ The car battery is defective and should be replaced (changed).
 ☞ 他说我们如果对电视机不满意,可以换一个。
 ☞ He said he would replace (change) the TV set if we are not satisfied.
  ■ 但如果replace作“代替”解时,也不能与change对换。如:
 ☞ 教练决定让3号换下8号。
 ☞ The coach decided to replace player No.8 with No.3.
 ☞ 他把箱子从一只手上换到另一只手上。
 ☞ He shifted the suitcase from one hand to the other.
 ☞ 因为没事可做,我就帮他们换布景。
 ☞ As I had nothing to do, I helped them to shift the scenes.
 ☞ 为了让敌人摸不着头脑,我们得不断地换住地。
 ☞ In order to keep the enemy in the dark we had to keep shifting our lodging quarters.
6.take turns,指轮换。
 ☞ 因为我们换着开车,所以这次旅行并不感到太累。
 ☞ Since we took turns driving, we did not find the trip too tiring.
 ☞ 3兄弟换着看护有病的母亲。
 ☞ The three brothers took turns looking after their sick mother.
 ☞ 你们大家不要一齐说话,要换着来。
 ☞ You should not talk all at the same time, you should take turns.
 ☞ 我们去换值夜班的同志。
 ☞ We are going to relieve the comrades on duty.
 ☞ 午夜要换岗。
 ☞ The guard will be relieved at midnight.
 ☞ 隔一定时间就要换一次哨。
 ☞ Sentinels are relieved at intervals.
 ☞ 我的执照已经换了。
 ☞ I have my license renewed.
 ☞ 树木每年春天都要换叶子。
 ☞ Trees renew their foliage every spring.
 ☞ 我们将根据原来的协议按同样的租期换成新的租约。
 ☞ We'll renew the lease for the same period of time as the original agreement.
9.pay for,指以某种代价换来。
 ☞ 我们要牢记鲜血换来的教训。
 ☞ We must keep in mind the lesson paid for in blood.
 ☞ 这是一次用高昂的代价换来的胜利。
 ☞ This is a victory dearly paid for.

 ☞ 他捧着一个西瓜站在那里。
 ☞ He stood there, holding a watermelon in both hands.
 ☞ 她双手捧着脸不想让人看见她在哭。
 ☞ She held her hands in front of her face, she didn't want to be seen crying.
2.scoop up,强调用手捧起,指动态。
 ☞ 孩子们用手捧雪,要做雪人。
 ☞ The children scooped up the snow with their hands to build a snow-man.
 ☞ 他合起双手,捧起点水,喝了一口。
 ☞ He cupped his hands, scooped up some water and took a mouthful.
 ☞ 他用冰凉的双手捧着一杯热茶。
 ☞ He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot tea.
 ☞ 她捧着孩子的脸亲个没完。
 ☞ She kept kissing, cupping the child's face in her hands.
 ☞ 你本不该无原则地捧他。
 ☞ You shouldn't have praised him without any principles.
 ☞ 她唱了几支歌,就被捧上了天。
 ☞ She had sung a few songs and was praised to the skies.
5.a double handful,强调双手捧了一捧,量词。
 ☞ 农妇捧了一大捧枣子来款待我们。
 ☞ The peasant woman brought a double handful of dates to entertain us.
掀起 掀起
 ☞ 他掀起锅盖,看到锅里煮的不是米饭而是红薯叶。
 ☞ He lifted the lid and looked into the pot where leaves of sweet potatoes were cooked instead of rice.
 ☞ 我掀起每块石板,寻找做鱼饵的蚯蚓。
 ☞ I lifted every slab-stone to see if there is any earthworm as bait for fishing.
 ☞ 要是房间里没其他人,我真想掀起竹帘进去看看她。
 ☞ If there had not been any other one in the room, I might have lifted the bamboo screen to have a look at her.
 ☞ 春风掀起了她的衣襟。
 ☞ The spring breeze raised (lifted) the edge of her blouse.
 ☞ 一阵狂风掀起了地上的落叶。
 ☞ A sudden gust raised (lifted) the fallen leaves from the ground.
 ☞ 汽车驶过时掀起一阵尘土。
 ☞ The car raised a dust when it went by.
 ☞ 大海掀起了巨浪。
 ☞ Big waves surged on the sea.
 ☞ 我像块石头似的一动不动地坐着,胸中掀起感情的波涛。
 ☞ I sat still as stone and a storm of emotion surged through me.
 ☞ 群众运动掀起的波涛正一浪高过一浪。
 ☞ The mass movement is surging higher and higher.
4.set off,指由突发事件掀起。
 ☞ 那次学生运动掀起了全国一连串的罢工罢课,从而开始了五四运动。
 ☞ That student movement set off a series of strikes throughout the country, thus beginning the May 4th Movement of 1919.
 ☞ 抗美援朝战争掀起了社会主义劳动竞赛的新高潮。
 ☞ The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea set off a new upsurge of socialist labor emulation.
 ☞ 这个问题的提出在国会议员中掀起了一场激烈的辩论。
 ☞ The question set off a fierce debate among the members of congress.

 ☞ 石头几乎掉到我头上。
 ☞ The stone fell almost on my head.
 ☞ 他一头掉到河里,溅起一大阵水花。
 ☞ He fell headfirst into the river with great splash.
 ☞ 我看见一颗流星掉到地上。
 ☞ I saw a meteor falling to the earth.
 ☞ 我小弟弟从梯子上掉下来跌伤了。
 ☞ My little brother fell off the ladder and hurt himself.
 ☞ 书从桌上掉到地上。
 ☞ The book fell from the table to the floor.
 ☞ 他从屋顶上掉下来跌死了。
 ☞ Falling from the roof of a house killed him.
 ☞ 正确的思想不是从天上掉下来的。
 ☞ Correct ideas don't fall from the skies.
 ☞ 她手里拿的茶壶掉了。
 ☞ The teapot dropped out of her hand.
 ☞ 损坏的敌机掉在海里了。
 ☞ The damaged enemy plane dropped into the sea.
 ☞ 长在树上的果子掉了。
 ☞ The fruit dropped from the tree.
 ☞ 树叶枯死时就掉了。
 ☞ When the leaves are dead they drop off.
 ☞ 这些权利不是天上掉下来的,而是人类用生命争取来的。
 ☞ These rights did not drop from heaven. Men died to win them.
 ☞ 我的钱包掉了。
 ☞ I've lost my wallet.
 ☞ 他害了一场大病,体重掉了10多斤。
 ☞ During his serious illness he lost over ten kilograms.
 ☞ 这个错误会使你掉好多分的。
 ☞ The mistake will lose you many marks.
 ☞ 这本书掉了两页。
 ☞ Two pages are missing from the book.
 ☞ 你是什么时候掉的钥匙?
 ☞ When did you miss your key?
 ☞ 要她找找看是否掉了别的东西。
 ☞ Ask her to look and see if she has missed anything else.
  ■ lose和miss的区别可以从下列句子中看出:
 ☞ 你说你把信掉了。你是什么时候掉的?
 ☞ You said you'd lost the letter; when did you miss it?
3.come off,指物体从固定的地方脱落。
 ☞ 镐头掉了。
 ☞ The pick-head has come off.
 ☞ 他开始掉头发了。
 ☞ His hair began to come off.
 ☞ 我拿着拿着,把手就掉了。
 ☞ While I was holding it, the handle came off 我外衣的纽扣掉了。
 ☞ The button on my coat has come off.
 ☞ The coat is missing a button.(外衣掉了一颗纽扣)。
4.exchange,change to,swap(口语)均指掉换。但exchange着重在互相调换,change则也可指单方面掉换,swap既指互相掉换,也指用某物掉换另一物。
 ☞ 你们两个孩子掉个地方。
 ☞ You two boys exchange places.
 ☞ 我们两个掉了帽子戴。
 ☞ We two have exchanged our hats.
 ☞ 请你跟我掉个座位好吗?
 ☞ Will you please change seats with me?
 ☞ 咱们俩的上班时间掉一下好吗?
 ☞ Would you mind changing shifts with me?
 ☞ 我喜欢她的外衣,她喜欢我的,我们就掉着穿。
 ☞ I liked her coat and she liked mine, so we swapped.
 ☞ 我要用6张外国的旧邮票掉3张新的。
 ☞ I'll swap 6 old foreign stamps for three of the new ones.
 ☞ 对那个坏蛋掉什么泪?
 ☞ Don't shed any tears over that scoundrel.
 ☞ 她为自己干的事掉了伤心泪。
 ☞ She shed tears of sorrow for what she did.
6.lag behind, drop behind, fall behind,指掉队。
 ☞ 你总是掉在后面。
 ☞ You are always lagging behind.
 ☞ 如果我们走得比别人慢,就会掉在他们后面。
 ☞ If we walk slower than others we shall lag behind them.
 ☞ 他们当中有些人掉在后面了,所以我们就等他们赶上来。
 ☞ Some of them are lagging behind so we are waiting for them to catch up with us.
 ☞ 这个学生掉在全班后面。
 ☞ This student dropped behind the rest of the class.
 ☞ 慢慢地他气力不济,掉在其他长跑运动员后面。
 ☞ Gradually his strength failed and he fell behind the other long-distance runners.
7.turn around (about),只指车子掉头。
 ☞ 这地方太窄,卡车掉不过来。
 ☞ The place is too narrow for the truck to turn around.
 ☞ 司机把汽车掉过来就开走了。
 ☞ The chauffeur turned the car around and drove it a.
 ☞ way.
 ☞ 衬衣上的血迹洗掉了。
 ☞ The bloodstain was washed out of the shirt.
 ☞ 我们不能丢掉革命传统。
 ☞ We can't throw away our revolutionary tradition.
 ☞ 趁老师还没有看见,把黑板上的那幅画擦掉。
 ☞ Wipe that drawing off the blackboard before the teacher sees it.
 ☞ 听说你改掉了坏习惯我很高兴。
 ☞ I'm glad to hear that you've corrected your bad habits.
 ☞ 我们失掉了一次机会真可惜。
 ☞ It's really a pity that we've missed a chance.
掌握 掌握
1.in sb.'s hand, in the hand of, have... in hand, take... into one's own hand, hold in the hand of,或多或少地均指由某人经手掌握。
 ☞ 其余的事情你掌握。
 ☞ The rest is in your hand.
 ☞ 整个城镇的商业差不多都掌握在华侨手中。
 ☞ Almost the entire business of the town seems to be in the hands of the overseas Chinese.
 ☞ 城里有点乱,但军队牢牢地掌握了局势。
 ☞ The city was in bit of disorder, but the army had the situation well in hand.
 ☞ 自己的命运自己掌握。
 ☞ Take your destiny into your own hand.
 ☞ 国家政权必须掌握在人民手里。
 ☞ The state power must be held in the hand of the people.
 ☞ 我的脑子太迟钝,掌握不了今天的科学理论。
 ☞ My mind is too dull to grasp present-day scientific theories.
 ☞ 你必须完全掌握这门课。
 ☞ You must have a thorough grasp of the subject.
 ☞ 我刚刚开始掌握这门课。
 ☞ I'm just beginning to get a grip of the subject.
 ☞ 航海者一定要很好地掌握数学。
 ☞ A navigator must have a good grip of mathematics.
 ☞ 对一个革命者来说,掌握马列主义的基本原则十分重要。
 ☞ It is very important for a revolutionary to master the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism.
 ☞ 人人都应掌握自己的命运。
 ☞ Everybody should master his own fate.
5.command, 指游刃有余的掌握。
 ☞ 他通过讲英语掌握了大量的英语词汇。
 ☞ He has commanded a large vocabulary by speaking English.
 ☞ 老工人的技术比青工掌握得好。
 ☞ The old workers have a better command of techniques than the young workers.
6.possess, 指拥有后的掌握。
 ☞ 管理委员会掌握有客观资料并据此作出判断。
 ☞ The board of management possesses objective information upon which to base its judgment.
 ☞ 据说警方已经掌握了第一手材料。
 ☞ It is said that the police have possessed firsthand materials.
 ☞ 他掌握着几家报纸,故能制造舆论。
 ☞ He controlled several newspapers and was capable of whipping public opinion.
 ☞ 美国I%的人却掌握着国家的经济命脉。
 ☞ In the United States one percent of people control the economic lifelines of the country.
 ☞ 是他掌握着办公室的钥匙。
 ☞ It is he who keeps the key to the office.
 ☞ 作为党委书记你要掌握基层单位的新进展。
 ☞ As a Party secretary you should keep abreast of new developments of the grass-roots units.
9.at one's disposal,指由某人掌握处理。
 ☞ 业余活动由你们自己掌握。
 ☞ After-hours activities are at your disposal.
 ☞ 我的办公时间不由我掌握。
 ☞ My office hours are not at my disposal.
 ☞ 我们轮流掌握会议。
 ☞ We presided over the meeting by turns.
 ☞ 什么话该说,什么话不该说要掌握分寸。
 ☞ Be aware of what to say and what not to say.
掌管 掌管
1.be in (the) charge of,指负责掌管,日常用语。两者的区别在于主、受格不同。
 ☞ 厂长出国进修期间,你来掌管工厂。
 ☞ You'll be in charge of the factory during the director's going abroad for advanced studies,试比较:厂长出国进修期间,工厂由你来掌管。The factory will be in the charge of you during the director's going abroad for advanced studies.
 ☞ 他掌管卫生科。
 ☞ He is in charge of the health department,试比较:卫生科由他掌管(…in his charge)。
 ☞ 政府部门的首长掌管着拨给该部门的资金。
 ☞ The head of a government department administers the fund allotted to his department.
 ☞ 掌管一家大的集团公司是件很伤脑筋的事。
 ☞ It takes brains to administer a large corporation.
3.take care of,仅指管理,语气最为随便。
 ☞ 痛痛快快地玩一次,别担心生意,我会掌管的。
 ☞ Have a good time and do not worry about the business. I'll take care of it.
 ☞ 各项事务都有专人掌管。
 ☞ Everything is taken care of by specially assigned people.
拘留 拘留
1.hold (in custody),指控制、监护起来。
 ☞ 名枪手攻击了拘留黑帮头子的警察局。
 ☞ Three gunmen attacked the police station where the head of a reactionary gang was held.
 ☞ 他一直被拘留到打赢这场官司为止。
 ☞ He had been held in custody till he gained the case.
 ☞ 警方拘留了盗窃嫌疑犯作进一步审问。
 ☞ The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning.
 ☞ 在我们继续调查期间不得不把你拘留起来。
 ☞ We shall be obliged to detain you while we continue the investigation.
 ☞ 我们到达日本后就被拘留在一所集中营里。
 ☞ We were interned in a concentration camp when we reached Japan.
  ■ 如果拘留的不是人员,而是物资,则作“扣留”解。
 ☞ 海湾战争期间逃避美国火箭袭击的伊拉克飞机刚在伊朗降落就被扣留了。
 ☞ During the Gulf War the Iraq's planes fleeing from American rocket attacks were interned by Iranians as soon as they had landed there.

1.nip off,指用两个手指掐掉。
 ☞ 你得把西红柿的杈枝掐掉。
 ☞ You ought to nip the side shoots off the tomato plants.
 ☞ 任何一种植物的主梗都要过了花期才能掐。
 ☞ Don't nip any stalks off the plant till it's through blooming.
 ☞ 她掐了我一把,好痛。
 ☞ She pinched me and it really hurt.
 ☞ 我妈爱掐孩子的脸。
 ☞ My mother loves to pinch child's cheek.
  ■ 但是,若pinch指的是用手指拧掉,则也可与nip换用。
 ☞ 他把玉米杈子都掐了。
 ☞ He pinched (nipped) off the side shoots of the maize.
 ☞ 不要掐花。
 ☞ Don't pick (nip off) the flower.
 ☞ 你掐了个还没成熟的苹果,对不对?
 ☞ You picked (nipped off) an apple that was not ripe yet,didn't you?
 ☞ 他很快就把烟头掐了。
 ☞ He quickly stubbed out his cigarette.
 ☞ 他卡住她的脖子,想把她掐死。
 ☞ He grasped her by the neck and tried to choke her.
 ☞ 这个供电所是个电霸,动不动就掐农户的电。
 ☞ This power supply station is an electricity despot that frequently cuts off power supply to the peasant families.
 ☞ 西红柿该掐尖了。
 ☞ The tomato plants need topping now.
 ☞ 引用他的话不能掐头去尾。
 ☞ You shouldn't quote a passage from him by leaving out its beginning and end.
排挤 排挤
1.squeeze (out),指挤掉、挤出的引申义,多用于人。
 ☞ 他排挤潜在的竞争对手是毫不留情的。
 ☞ He was implacable in squeezing potential competitors to the sidelines.
 ☞ 在机械化与资本化的总倾向中成千上万的小农场主受到了排挤。
 ☞ In the general trend to mechanization and capitalization, thousands of small farmers were squeezed out.
 ☞ 由于竞争十分激烈,该公司在市场里逐渐受到排挤。
 ☞ The company is being squeezed out of the market by very aggressive competition.
 ☞ 事实上美国黑人就业是受到排挤的。
 ☞ Employment possibilities for Negroes in the United States are actually squeezed out.
 ☞ 他们名义上合作,实际上互相排挤。
 ☞ They cooperated in appearance but each tried to squeeze the other out in fact.
2.push out (aside),指推出、推到一边的引申义,多用于人。
 ☞ 他们总是拉拢一些人,排挤另一些人。
 ☞ They are always drawing some in, pushing others out.
 ☞ 只有心胸狭窄的人才排挤工作比他好的人。
 ☞ Only the narrow-minded person pushes aside those who work better than he.
3.elbow aside, give sb. the elbow,指用肘子推到一边的引申义,只用于人。
 ☞ 某个超级大国总是在利益发生冲突时把其同盟国排挤到一边。
 ☞ A certain superpower always elbows its allies aside during the conflict of interests.
 ☞ 他是个小人,时不时会排挤我一下。
 ☞ He is a vile character and gives me the elbow once in a while.
排斥 排斥
 ☞ 磁铁同极会相互排斥。
 ☞ Like magnetic poles repel one another.
 ☞ 分子相互碰撞时会彼此排斥。
 ☞ Molecules repel each other when they collide.
 ☞ 同性电荷互相排斥;异性电荷彼此吸引。
 ☞ Like charges repel each other; unlike charges attract each other.
 ☞ 美国政府一度排斥某些移民进入美国。
 ☞ The American government excluded certain immigrants from the USA at one time.
 ☞ 他们当中有些人过去受到排斥,没有入党。
 ☞ Some of them were excluded from the Party in the past.
 ☞ 病人体内会排斥移植的心脏。
 ☞ The patient body will reject the heart transplant.
 ☞ 地球是圆的这种思想在它提出来时是被排斥的。
 ☞ The idea that the earth is round was rejected when it was advocated.
4.discriminate against,指歧视,因丽也是一种排斥。
 ☞ 在世界某些地区还在排斥华侨。
 ☞ In some parts of the world people still discriminate against overseas Chinese.
 ☞ 那些持不同观点的人在会上受到了排斥。
 ☞ Those who held different views were discriminated against at the meeting.
排除 排除
1.get rid of,指摆脱缠人的东西,只用于物。
 ☞ 这样的飞机得使用特殊的冷却设备以排除热量。
 ☞ Such planes have to use special cooling equipment to get rid of heat.
 ☞ 只有排除私心杂念你才会不畏强手,敢打敢拼。
 ☞ You would not fear a strong opponent but dare to stand up to him only after you could get rid of selfish ideas.
2.clear of,get clear of,clear away,指清除引起麻烦的东西,也用于物。
 ☞ 我们首先要做的是排除港湾里的水雷。
 ☞ What we have to do above all is to clear the harbor of mines.
 ☞ 农民们排除了生产中的一切障碍。
 ☞ The peasantry has got clear of all hindrance to production.
 ☞ 我们正在做进一步的努力来排除前进道路上的一切障碍。
 ☞ We are making further efforts to clear away all obstacles on the road of advance.
3.remove,指去掉或改变原来的位置,可以与clear away换用,但比较正式。
 ☞ 只有排除前进中的障碍,我们才能做我们想做的事情。
 ☞ Only by removing (clearing away) the obstacles to our advancement can we do what we want.
 ☞ 如果荷载不大,那么在荷载排除以后电线就会恢复到原来的长度。
 ☞ If the load is not great, the wire will return to its original length when the load is removed (cleared away).
 ☞ 我们在排除了“左”的和右的干扰之后取得了比较大的成绩。
 ☞ Having eliminated interference from both the "Left" and "Right" , we have achieved comparatively great.
 ☞ 一旦排除了明显的死因,你必须考虑到可能有人采取了卑劣的手段。
 ☞ Once you have eliminated the obvious causes of death, you must consider the possibility of foul play.
 ☞ 医生排除了食物中毒这样一个病因。
 ☞ The doctor excluded food poisoning as the cause of illness.
 ☞ 采用除虫菊并不排除使用杀虫剂。
 ☞ Application of insect-flower does not exclude the use of pesticides.
6.rule out,一般只与某种可能性搭配,极少与其他宾语连用,除非与can,cannot,chance连用。
 ☞ 只有排除了胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的可能性后才能做出明确的诊断。
 ☞ A positive diagnosis can be made only after ruling out gastric and duodenal ulcer.
 ☞ 医生给照了X光以排除骨折的可能。
 ☞ The doctor took X-rays to rule out the chance of broken bones.
 ☞ 不能完全排除故意破坏的可能。
 ☞ Sabotage cannot be entirely ruled out.
 ☞ 全体人民团结起来,共同努力,一定能够排除万难,达到胜利的目的。
 ☞ When the entire people are united in a common effort, they can certainly surmount difficulty and win victory.
 ☞ 我们毫不费力就排除了障碍。
 ☞ We surmounted the obstacles without any difficulty.
 ☞ 他们在开沟排除污水。
 ☞ They are digging trenches to drain waste water.
 ☞ 街上的积水已经排除。
 ☞ The flooded streets have been drained.
掠夺 掠夺
 ☞ 侵略军把该市掠夺一空。
 ☞ The invading troops plundered the city to the last pln.
 ☞ 我国许多珍贵文物都被帝国主义掠夺走了。
 ☞ Many of our cultural treasures have been plundered by the imperialists.
 ☞ 日本兵乱砍乱杀,还掠夺了港口的船只。
 ☞ The Japanese soldiers ran amuck and pillaged ships in the harbor.
 ☞ 过去海盗掠夺沿海城镇的财物。
 ☞ Pirates used to pillage coastal towns and cities of their property.
 ☞ 战时,港口被焚,大部分设备和货物被掠夺一空。
 ☞ The port was burned and looted of most of its equipment and merchandise during the war.
 ☞ 掠夺国库的是那些政客。
 ☞ It is the politicians who loot the treasury.
 ☞ 殖民军在闪电战中掠夺了大量的财富。
 ☞ The colonialist army seized tremendous riches in the swift attacks.
 ☞ 俄国在叶卡捷琳娜大帝统治期间通过不断掠夺别国领土而扩大了其版图。
 ☞ Russia under the rule of Catherine the Great extended her domain unceasingly by seizing the territory of other countries.
 ☞ 他称自己是绅士,却靠掠夺穷人为生。
 ☞ He called himself gentleman but lived by robbing the poor.
 ☞ 什么是财富?是从穷人那里掠夺来的劳动成果。
 ☞ What is wealth? Labor robbed out of the poor.
 ☞ 政府禁止在任何水域的掠夺性捕鱼。
 ☞ The government prohibits predatory fishing in any water area.
 ☞ 帝国主义掠夺成性。
 ☞ Imperialism is predatory by nature.
探听 探听
1.inquire about, make inquiries about, 均指通过询问探听。
 ☞ 警方探听了证人的下落。
 ☞ The police inquired about the whereabouts of the witness.
 ☞ 我得去探听股票的价格。
 ☞ I have to go to make inquiries about share prices.
2.find out,指通过调查探听。
 ☞ 我们已探听到了真相。
 ☞ We've already found out the truth.
 ☞ 已派出侦察兵去探听敌人的动静。
 ☞ Scouts were sent out to rind out the movements of the enemy.
3.pry into,指以侵犯别人隐私而探听。
 ☞ 不要探听别人的私事。
 ☞ Don't pry into other people's private affairs.
 ☞ 她总是探听她朋友的私生活。
 ☞ She always pries into the private life of her friends.
4.spy into,指刺探式的探听。
 ☞ 他是反动政府豢养的走狗,到处探听别人的私事。
 ☞ He was the running dog kept by the reactionary government and spied everywhere into other people's business.
 ☞ 几位老乡向我们谈了他们探听到的敌军虚实。
 ☞ Some fellow-villagers told us the enemy's conditions they had spied into.
 ☞ 我们已经探听到他的儿子还在活着的战俘当中。
 ☞ We had ascertained that his son was still among the living prisoners-of-war.
 ☞ 警方已探听到在什么地方可以找到凶手。
 ☞ The police had ascertained where the murderer was to be found。
6.sound out,指探听口气。
 ☞ 我不知道他对这个问题的态度。我得探听一下他的口气。
 ☞ I don't know where he stands on this issue. I must sound him out.
 ☞ 关于移民加拿大的事,你干吗不探听一下你家里人的口气?
 ☞ Why not sound your family out on the move to Canada?
探明 探明
 ☞ 警方已经探明谁是凶手。
 ☞ The police have ascertained who was the murderer.
 ☞ 通过试验钻井探明,油矿在地下延伸的长度达 2,200米。
 ☞ It has been ascertained by test borings that oil deposits extend for 2,200 m below the surface.
 ☞ 不太可能在不久的将来会探明其他星球上存在生命的假设。
 ☞ It is unlikely to verify the hypothesis of life on other planets in the near future.
 ☞ 新油田的含油层结构已经探明。
 ☞ The oil-bearing structure of the new oilfield has been verified.
 ☞ 我们通过试验钻孔及探井已探明地下有一个延伸数公里的巨大油气田。
 ☞ We have proved by test borings and exploring shafts that a huge oil-gas reservoir extends underground for kilometers.
 ☞ 高达120亿吨的煤储量已经探明。
 ☞ The coal deposits as high as 12 billion tons have been proved up.
4.find out,指探查明白。
 ☞ 警方很快就探明他是个特务。
 ☞ The police soon found out that he was a secret agent 你要尽快探明来访者的意图。
 ☞ Try to find out what the visitor has come for.
探测 探测
 ☞ 机组人员打算用高度灵敏的相机探测地形。
 ☞ The crew was to survey landscape with highly sensitive cameras.
 ☞ 探测人员正在探测埋藏在沙漠里的油矿。
 ☞ The surveyors are surveying oil deposits in the desert.
 ☞ 探测电荷及电流分布的最好方法仍然是电子散射。
 ☞ The best way to explore the charge and current distributions is again electron scattering.
 ☞ 两种形式的试验都在风洞里作过探测。
 ☞ Both types of tests have been explored in wind tunnels.
 ☞ 勘探队员花了整整一天来探测这个洞穴。
 ☞ The explorers spent all day probing the cave.
 ☞ 正在发射两艘宇宙飞船来探测金星的大气层。
 ☞ Two spacecraft are being launched to probe the atmosphere of Venus.
 ☞ 他用竹竿探测河流的深度。
 ☞ He used a bamboo pole to sound the river.
 ☞ 探测水深就是测量水的深度。
 ☞ To sound water is to measure its depth.
探索 探索
 ☞ 这次流血事件之后,行政当局召集有关专家探索社会动乱的根源。
 ☞ The Administration called the experts concerned together to explore the root causes of the social upheaval after the bloody incident.
 ☞ 科学家们在长期的观察中探索了熊猫的习性。
 ☞ In the long years of observation the scientists have explored the habits and characteristics of the giant panda.
 ☞ 他设计各种测试手段并进行了反复的试验来探索事物的奥秘。
 ☞ He devised various tests and performed repeated experiments to probe the mystery of things.
 ☞ 天文学家们观察天体,探索宇宙的秘密。
 ☞ The astronomers observe all heavenly bodies to probe the secrets of the universe.
 ☞ 理论科学,如数学、物理、化学、哲学等,都是探索真理的。
 ☞ The theoretical science, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy and others, all seeks truth.
 ☞ 我们会尽量探索一个解决办法来摆脱困境。
 ☞ We'll try to seek a solution to find a way out of our dilemma.
 ☞ 对一些具体政策问题,我们应当继续考察和探索。
 ☞ We must further investigate and study certain specific policies.
 ☞ 清朝时钦天监的工作之一是探索星象对世事的影响。
 ☞ One of the jobs of the Imperial Board of Astronomy in the Qing Dynasty was to study the supposed influence of configuration of the stars on human affairs.
探讨 探讨
 ☞ 历史学家们对太平天国革命的根源做了探讨。
 ☞ The historians explored the root causes of the Taiping Revolution.
 ☞ 数学是用来探讨现象、记录结论的工具。
 ☞ Mathematics is the instrument used to explore phenomena and record conclusions.
2.probe into,指带有探测性质的探讨。
 ☞ 这种多面性将迫使我们对直接投资进行更为深入的探讨。
 ☞ This multidimensionality will force us to probe deeper into direct investment.
 ☞ 科学家们对这一现象的本质作了探讨。
 ☞ Scientists probe into the nature of the phenomenon.
 ☞ 咱们从另一个观点来探讨一下进化原理。
 ☞ Let's approach the principle of evolution from another point of view.
 ☞ 你不要抱着先入之见来探讨这门新兴的学科。
 ☞ Don't approach this new and developing subject with your prejudice.
4.delve into,指深人钻研式的探讨。
 ☞ 为了更好地理解现在,我们应探讨过去。
 ☞ We must delve into the past in order to understand the present better.
 ☞ 你认为“工作艰苦累不死人”,我愿对此作进一步的探讨。
 ☞ I'd like to delve further into your response, "Hard work kills nobody".
接受 接受
 ☞ 农村有10%的儿童没接受过正规教育。
 ☞ Ten percent of the children in the countryside receive no normal education.
 ☞ 爱情包括给予爱和接受爱。
 ☞ Love involves both giving and receiving love.
 ☞ 她年轻单纯,容易接受新思想。
 ☞ She is young and pure, and readily receptive to new ideas.
 ☞ 劳资双方都接受了我提的条件。
 ☞ Both labor and capital accepted my terms.
 ☞ 她接受了她现在的处境。
 ☞ She has accepted the situation she is in.
 ☞ 爱因斯坦的理论经过多年之后才被接受。
 ☞ It took years for Einstein's theory to gain acceptance.
3.take,指接纳,意思接近receive,但take in, take up的意思则接近accept。
 ☞ 这样的意见他是不会接受的。
 ☞ He won't take advice like this.
 ☞ 要是你心平气和地讲他是会接受批评的。
 ☞ He would take criticism if you could talk things over without getting excited.
 ☞ 公司是为了讨好你叔叔才接受你的。
 ☞ The firm took you in just to please your uncle.
 ☞ 农民接受迷了路的旅客过夜。
 ☞ The peasants took in the lost travelers for the night.
 ☞ 我们接受了三年级学生提出的挑战。
 ☞ We took up the challenge issued by the third-year students.
 ☞ 老板给我加薪200元,我接受了。
 ☞ The boss offered me a two-hundred-yuan raise and I took him up.
4.embrace,指欣然接纳,意思接近take willingly。
 ☞ 她连忙接受了外出旅行的建议。
 ☞ She eagerly embraced the offer of a trip.
 ☞ 他马上接受了共产主义学说并成了共产党员。
 ☞ He readily embraced the Communist doctrine and became a Communist.
 ☞ 他易于接受新事物。
 ☞ He is ready to absorb what is new.
 ☞ 她接受了她丈夫的观点。
 ☞ She absorbed the point of view of her husband.
 ☞ 我们从这个故事里接受点什么教训?
 ☞ What moral are we to draw from this story?
 ☞ 你应从这次事故中接受教训。
 ☞ You should draw a lesson from that accident.
 ☞ 我无法接受我不感兴趣的东西。
 ☞ I cannot learn anything that does not interest me.
 ☞ 由于他对事物的理解力强,所以接受快。
 ☞ He learns easily because he has good grasp of things.
8.face up to,指面对。
 ☞ 你得接受这一现实,就是你年纪太大不宜再干这一工作了。
 ☞ You have to face up to the fact that you're too old for the job.
 ☞ 他们的友谊要接受时间的考验。
 ☞ Their friendship will face up to the test of time.
9.subject... to... ,指“使…受到…”。
 ☞ 当时的君主迫使周边国家都接受了他的统治。
 ☞ The then sovereign subjected the neighboring states to his rule.
 ☞ 这一任务使我们接受了一次十分严峻的考验。
 ☞ The task subjected us to a very severe test.
接应 接应
1.come (go) to sb.'s aid,指来(去)帮助。
 ☞ 他们都会来接应我的。
 ☞ They all will come to my aid.
 ☞ 友军从四面八方赶去接应他们。
 ☞ The friendly forces went from all directions to their aid.
 ☞ 正规军赶来接应民兵。
 ☞ The regular army rushed to reinforce the militia.
 ☞ 我们得到伙伴的接应。
 ☞ We were quickly reinforced by some of our mates.
3.coordinate (with),指配合。
 ☞ 据说他是在敌占区接应地下活动的。
 ☞ He is said to have coordinated the underground activities in the enemy-occupied area.
 ☞ 我军得到两翼的战斗接应。
 ☞ Our troops were supported by coordinated actions from the two flanks.
接待 接待
1.receive, reception,指接待来访者、求职者等。
 ☞ 总统亲切地接待了她。
 ☞ The president received her cordially.
 ☞ 外宾受到了热情的接待。
 ☞ The foreign guests were received enthusiastically.
 ☞ 我们有专用房间接待病人。
 ☞ We have a special room for the reception of patients.
 ☞ 这旅馆能接待800位客人。
 ☞ This hotel can accommodate 800 guests.
 ☞ 代表团由长城饭店接待。
 ☞ The delegation will be accommodated at the Great Wall Hotel.
 ☞ 博物馆从上午9点到下午5点接待观众。
 ☞ The museum is open to the visitors from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
 ☞ 市内公园每天从天亮到天黑都接待公众。
 ☞ Gardens of the city are open to the public from dawn to dark daily.
接替 接替
1.take over,指从别人手里接过工作等。
 ☞ 已经派了新人来接替他的工作。
 ☞ A new person has been appointed to take over his work.
 ☞ 我是来这里接替他的岗位的。
 ☞ I'm here to take over his duties.
 ☞ 他接替他父亲任商行经理。
 ☞ He succeeded his father as manager of the firm.
 ☞ 我立即意识到我是接替他担任大使的合适人选。
 ☞ I understood at once that I was the right man to succeed him as ambassador.
3.take the place of (sb.'s place),指取代某个位置。
 ☞ 等他醒来时早晨已接替了黑夜。
 ☞ When he awoke the morning had taken the place of the night.
 ☞ 我兄弟病了,所以由我来接替他。
 ☞ My brother is ill, and I've come to take his place.
 ☞ 我可以接替玛丽在小组里的位置。
 ☞ I can replace Mary in the team.
 ☞ 史密斯先生接替他当了主席。
 ☞ Mr. Smith replaced him as chairman.
  ■ replace与succeed的区别可以从下面的译例中看出。
 ☞ 无人能替代他,但得有人接替他。
 ☞ No one could replace him but someone had to succeed him.
接洽 接洽
  ■ “接洽”的原意为跟人接触后洽谈,故译时可分几个层次。
1.get in touch with,着重点在跟人接触,因为有些事只需接触,无需洽谈。
 ☞ 房子需要修理,请你与总务科接洽一下。
 ☞ The house wants repairing. Will you please get in touch with the general affairs office?
 ☞ 要看电影,请找工会接洽。
 ☞ As for movies, please get in touch with the trade union.
 ☞ 我跟她接洽了业务,甚至还闲扯了一阵。
 ☞ I discussed business with her and even gossiped for a while.
 ☞ 他是来接洽这件事的。
 ☞ He is here to discuss the matter.
3.take up... with... ,联系与洽谈并重。
 ☞ 这件事,请与有关部门接洽。
 ☞ Please take up the matter with the department concerned.
 ☞ 他说他会就这个案子找律师接洽的。
 ☞ He said he would take up the case with a lawyer.
 ☞ 明天去参观展览会,我们正在接洽交通工具。
 ☞ We are arranging transport for our visit to the exhibition tomorrow.
 ☞ 一切都与生产厂家接洽好了。
 ☞ Everything has been arranged with the manufacturer.
接着 接着
 ☞ 他接着球以后马上又扔了回来。
 ☞ He threw the ball back at once when he caught it.
 ☞ 给你个苹果,接着!
 ☞ Here's an apple for you. Catch!
 ☞ 曲终之后,接着爆发出了一阵掌声。
 ☞ A burst of hand-clapping followed the ending of the melody.
 ☞ 接着将马上举行正式会谈。
 ☞ The formal negotiations will follow shortly.
3.carry on(with),指停顿以后重新开始。
 ☞ 我们休息后接着搞。
 ☞ We'll carry on after rest.
 ☞ 他死后儿子接着干他的事业。
 ☞ After he died his son carried on with his business.
 ☞ 他读完他那部分后请你接着读。
 ☞ Please continue to read when he finishes reading his part.
 ☞ 我接着刚才说的讲下去。
 ☞ I'll continue from where I left off a moment ago.
5.(and) then, after that,指紧跟着上面的话或前面的动作等。
 ☞ 站在我父亲旁边的是我叔叔,接着是我姑妈。
 ☞ Standing beside my father is my uncle, then my aunt.
 ☞ 前奏结束,接着是幕布徐徐升起。
 ☞ The overture ended and then the curtain went up slowly.
 ☞ 接着,我们又讨论了下一年的计划。
 ☞ After that, we discussed plans for the following year.
6.one after another,指一个接一个。
 ☞ 他们站起来,一个接着一个地走了出去。
 ☞ They stood up and went out one after another.
 ☞ 今天来了那么多客人,一个接着一个。
 ☞ Today came so many guests, one after another.
 ☞ 他讲得对,我也想接着说几句。
 ☞ What he said is correct. I would like to add a few words.
 ☞ 她接着说了起来,声音比刚才更低。
 ☞ She added in a lower voice than before.
接触 接触
 ☞ 我会跟你保持接触的。
 ☞ I'll keep contact (touch) with you.
 ☞ 这次罢工使我接触到了许多工人。
 ☞ The strike brought me into contact (touch) with a lot of workers.
 ☞ 我从来没有接触过这样狂妄的人。
 ☞ I have never been in contact (touch) with such arrogant beings.
  ■ 但是,如果是指触觉上,感情上的接触,一般要用touch。如:
 ☞ 她的手似乎是他曾经接触过的那种最叫人舒服的东西。
 ☞ Her hand seemed the pleasantest thing he had ever touched.
 ☞ 在他接触到她身子的一瞬间,她感到仿佛过了电一样。
 ☞ She felt as if she got an electric shock at the moment he touched her body.
  ■ 不过,come into contact with也可指不带感情色彩的物体之间的接触。如:
 ☞ 她的手接触了硫酸,烧伤了。
 ☞ Her hand came into contact with sulfuric acid and was burned.
 ☞ 他们接触时非常隐秘,因此无法发现他们是谁。
 ☞ They meet so privately that it is impossible to discover who they are.
 ☞ 代表团接触了各界人士。
 ☞ The delegation met with people from all walks of life.
 ☞ 外语老师应该让学生多接触外语环境。
 ☞ Teachers of a foreign language should expose students to more foreign language environment.
 ☞ 你接触资产阶级生活方式而没有被腐蚀值得表扬。
 ☞ It's credit to you for being incorruptible when exposed to the bourgeois way of life.
 ☞ 拂晓时先头部队已与敌人接触。
 ☞ The vanguard engaged the enemy at dawn.
 ☞ 双方武装力量已脱离接触。
 ☞ The armed forces of the two sides have disengaged.
5.have access,指有通道可以接触一般人无法接触的人或物。
 ☞ 我们有可能接触他的私人档案。
 ☞ We have access to his private files.
 ☞ 只有少数人才能接触该案的全部真相。
 ☞ Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case.
接近 接近
1.close (to),指挨近,如果指“空间”,则几乎要挨在一起,如果指“时间”则几乎是同时,如果指“关系”则几乎亲密无间,如果指“差别”则几乎一样。
 ☞ 这是一场比分很接近的比赛。
 ☞ It was a close game.
 ☞ 经过会谈,双方的立场大大接近了。
 ☞ The positions of the two sides become much closer after talks.
 ☞ 显然他想接近村子里的人。
 ☞ Apparently he wanted to be close to the villagers.
 ☞ 我感到我的情绪接近绝望了。
 ☞ I felt my mood close to despair.
2.close in (on),指逼近,是一种动态的接近。
 ☞ 我军向敌人接近时他们还一无所知。
 ☞ Our troops closed in without the enemy's knowledge.
 ☞ 我舰飞速接近敌舰,开炮射击。
 ☞ Our warships quickly closed in on the enemy vessel and opened fire.
3.near (to),指靠近,但没有close近。
 ☞ 高层的空气可能比接近地面的空气暖和。
 ☞ Air at high levels may remain warmer than that near the ground.
 ☞ 她穿着一件接近白色的运动衫。
 ☞ She wears a sweater in near white.
 ☞ 我们接近北京时,交通变得更加拥挤。
 ☞ As we got near to Beijing the traffic grew heavier.
 ☞ 这一想法似乎使他跟她接近了一点。
 ☞ The thought seemed to draw him nearer to her.
  ■ near可用做动词。
 ☞ 我们接近一个小镇时看见路旁有一大堆篝火。
 ☞ We saw a large campfire near the road as we neared a little town.
 ☞ 工程接近完成。
 ☞ The project is nearing completion.
 ☞ 除了通过地道,还有什么办法能接近要塞?
 ☞ How else could the fortress be approached other than by tunnels?
 ☞ 一个18岁的男孩是接近成年了。
 ☞ A boy of eighteen is approaching manhood.
 ☞ 他很难接近。
 ☞ He is difficult to approach.
 ☞ 只有高官才能接近皇上。
 ☞ Only high officials had access to the emperor.
 ☞ 我看他当时似乎并不能完全接近总统。
 ☞ He did not seem to me to have full access to the president.
6.approximate to,指大致上接近。
 ☞ 他说的接近事实,不过还有不少遗漏。
 ☞ What he said approximated to the facts but still left a great deal out.
 ☞ 费用接近500万元。
 ☞ The cost approximated to 5 million yuan.
 ☞ 两人的政治观点很接近。
 ☞ The two men have similar political views.
 ☞ 中国过去也是受帝国主义压迫的国家,我们的情况很接近。
 ☞ In the past China was also a country oppressed by imperialism, so our conditions and yours are quite similar.
8.border on,指接近到了某个边缘。
 ☞ 他的行为有时候接近疯狂。
 ☞ His behavior sometimes borders on madness.
 ☞ 人民对他的崇敬之情已接近个人崇拜。
 ☞ The admiration the people have for him borders on personality cult.
控制 控制
1.control,常用语,泛指一切控制,最常用词组有:lose control, take control, bring under control, keep under control, lose control over, be in control, be out of control, be beyond control。
 ☞ 美国控制了秘鲁80%的石油。
 ☞ The United States controls 80 percent of Peru's petroleum.
 ☞ 他发起脾气来自己也不能控制。
 ☞ He can hardly control himself when he loses his temper.
 ☞ 她控制不住自己的感情。
 ☞ She lost control of her emotions.
 ☞ 他们肯定会控制局势。
 ☞ Surely they would take control of the situation.
 ☞ 上海已控制住了地面的沉降。
 ☞ Shanghai has brought surface subsidence under control.
 ☞ 霍乱已经控制住了。
 ☞ The cholera was kept under control.
 ☞ 我不知道政府会不会对局势失去控制。
 ☞ I wonder whether the government would lose control over the situation or not.
 ☞ 敌军控制着该山的南坡。
 ☞ The enemy troops are in control of the southern side of the mountain.
 ☞ 局势已失去了控制。
 ☞ The situation has been out of control.
 ☞ 形势已无法控制。
 ☞ The circumstances are beyond control.
 ☞ 我们用了3个人才控制住那个疯子。
 ☞ It took three of us to hold the madman.
 ☞ 她再也控制不住自己的感情,便痛哭了一场。
 ☞ She could no longer hold her emotions in leash and she had a good cry.
3.contain,指控制后恢复原状,故有hold back的意思。
 ☞ 突然爆发的肝炎已控制住了。
 ☞ The hepatitis outbreak has been contained.
 ☞ 见到这样的残暴行径,他再也无法控制愤怒。
 ☞ At the sight of such cruelties, he could no longer contain his anger.
 ☞ 话已到了嘴边,但他控制住了提问的冲动。
 ☞ The word was on the tip of his tongue, but he checked the impulse to ask.
 ☞ 医生常常能用药物来控制疾病的发展。
 ☞ Often a doctor can check the course of a disease with medicine.
 ☞ 控制通货膨胀已取得了进展。
 ☞ Progress has been made in curbing inflation.
 ☞ 固定资产投资必须加以控制。
 ☞ The investment in fixed assets must be curbed.
 ☞ 你应当控制局面,而不应让局面控制你。
 ☞ You should dominate the situation and never permit it to dominate you.
 ☞ 她控制着全家,一切都是她说了算。
 ☞ She dominates her family and all that she says count.
 ☞ 这一要塞控制着下面的平原。
 ☞ The fortress commands the plain beneath.
 ☞ 山两边的碉堡控制着山谷的入口。
 ☞ The blockhouses on both sides of the mountain commanded the entrance to the valley.
控告 控告
1.accuse sb. of, bring an accusation against,指控告某人,可用于官方或个人,正式或非正式的场合。
 ☞ 检察官控告他谋财害命。
 ☞ The procurator accused him of murder for money.
 ☞ 我厂党委书记受到营私舞弊的控告。
 ☞ The Party secretary of our factory was accused of engaging in malpractices for selfish ends.
 ☞ 警方控告他有偷窃行为。
 ☞ The police brought an accusation of theft against him.
2.charge sb. with, bring a charge against, 指在法庭上指控某人。
 ☞ 有人控告他收受贿赂。
 ☞ Someone charged him with taking bribes.
 ☞ 有人把他带到派出所并控告他违章行车。
 ☞ He was brought to the police substation and charged with driving against traffic regulations.
 ☞ 检察院已对杀害证人的凶手提出了控告。
 ☞ The procuratorate has brought a charge before a court against the murderer of witnesses.
3.sue sb. for sth., bring a lawsuit against, 指在法庭上起诉。
 ☞ 如果你的骨折是由于他们疏忽造成的,你可以控告他们伤害罪。
 ☞ If you broke your leg as a result of their negligence, you can sue them for damage.
 ☞ 现在普通老百姓可以控告政府了。
 ☞ Nowadays ordinary people would sue a government.
 ☞ 他控告他们借钱不还。
 ☞ He brought a lawsuit against them for refusing to pay back the money they borrowed.
4.complain, lodge a complaint,指投诉,申诉,是程度最轻的控告。
 ☞ 他到当地派出所控告孩子们偷了他的苹果。
 ☞ He complained to the local police of the boys stealing his apples.
 ☞ 如果你不服从命令,他要到总部向将军控告。
 ☞ If you don't obey the orders, he will go to the headquarters and complain to the general.
 ☞ 告诉你们经理,我要去控告。
 ☞ Tell your manager I want to lodge a complaint.

 ☞ 一位妇女沿着人行道推着一辆童车。
 ☞ A woman was pushing a baby carriage along the pavement.
 ☞ 看见我出了一个错,他把橡皮推给了我。
 ☞ Seeing I have made a mistake, he pushed his eraser across to me.
  ■ push也可用于转义。
 ☞ 她被推到了自杀的边缘。
 ☞ She was pushed to the verge of suicide.
 ☞ 他们一起把临时路障推到一边。
 ☞ Together they shoved aside temporary road blocks.
 ☞ 帮我把这桌子推得靠近窗子一点。
 ☞ Help me shove the table closer to the window.
 ☞ 他想把行李推进大卡车。
 ☞ He tried to boost the luggage into the truck.
 ☞ 父亲把儿子推过围墙。
 ☞ The father boosted his son over the fence.
 ☞ 人类得靠风力推着帆船走。
 ☞ Man has to depend on wind to propel a sailing boat.
 ☞ 你可以抓住一根浮在水中的木头,再用两脚打水, 就可以推着走了。
 ☞ You can propel a log in the water by holding on to it and kicking your feet.
 ☞ 他由妒生怒,把妻子推到一边。
 ☞ He thrust his wife aside in a jealous rage.
 ☞ 狱警把囚犯推进了囚室。
 ☞ The prison guard thrust the prisoner into a cell.
 ☞ 他上台了,非但不感谢人民,还把人民一巴掌打了下去,把人民推入了10年内战的血海。
 ☞ Once in power, he, far from grateful to the people, knocked them down and plunged them into the bloodbath of ten years of civil war.
 ☞ 海浪从对岸反弹回来,再次把她推入水中。
 ☞ The sea waves rebounded off the other side and plunged her into the water again.
7.put off, postpone,指推迟,前者为口语,后者为书面语。
 ☞ 这项工作得抓紧,不能日复一日地老往后推。
 ☞ We have to get on with the job. We can't put it off day after day.
 ☞ 你能把音乐会往后推一两天吗?
 ☞ Can you postpone the concert for a few days?
 ☞ 别把责怪都推到别人身上。
 ☞ Don't try to shift the blame onto others.
 ☞ 他把计划弄砸时总想找个人把责任推掉。
 ☞ When his plan miscarries, he always looks for someone to shift the responsibility onto.
9.elect, choose, 指推选。
 ☞ 我们推她当小组长。
 ☞ We all elected her group leader.
 ☞ 我们大家推他到大会上代表我们发言。
 ☞ We chose him to speak on our behalf at the meeting.
 ☞ 她推了点麦面来招待客人。
 ☞ She ground some wheat into flour to entertain her guests.
 ☞ 战士们把子弹推上膛,做好了战斗准备。
 ☞ The soldiers rammed cartridges into the rifle chamber and got ready for action.
 ☞ 这封信的口气已讲得明明白白,这一次她是不能再推了。
 ☞ The tone of the letter made it clear that this time she should not refuse.
推倒 推倒
1.push over,指推物体使之倒下。
 ☞ 暴民推倒了停在广场上的汽车,并点火焚烧。
 ☞ The mob pushed over the cars parking in the square and set them on fire.
 ☞ 一个小孩被人群推倒在地。
 ☞ A child was pushed over to the ground by the crowd.
2.scrap…and start a new one all over again,指推倒后重来。
 ☞ 她决定把整个计划推倒后重来。
 ☞ She decided to scrap the whole plan and start a new one all over again.
 ☞ 两国政府同意把该协议推倒后重来。
 ☞ The two governments agreed to scrap the agreement and start a new one all over again.
 ☞ 是秦始皇第一个焚书坑儒,推倒孔夫子的权威。
 ☞ It was the First Emperor of Qin who first repudiated the authority of Confucius by burning books and burying literates in pits.
 ☞ 一切诬蔑不实之词应予推倒。
 ☞ All slanders and libels should be repudiated.
推出 推出
 ☞ 该研究所推出了一种新型的数字集成电路。
 ☞ The research institute introduced a new type of digital integrated circuit.
 ☞ 卫生部最近推出了从消灭蚊子、苍蝇到检查垃圾、 粪便这样一套卫生制度。
 ☞ The Ministry of Public Health has recently introduced a system of sanitation, extending from mosquito and fly extermination to trash and stool examination.
2.put out,指生产、出版后的推出。
 ☞ 该出版商新近推出一本汉英翻译词典。
 ☞ The publisher has recently put out a dictionary of Chinese-English translation.
 ☞ 我厂推出了两种新产品。
 ☞ Our factory put out two new products.
 ☞ 电影发行公司在电影招待会上正式推出一部新片。
 ☞ The film distribution corporation officially presented a new film at the film reception.
 ☞ 该厂在新闻发布会上推出了一批廉价的塑料制品来替代昂贵的木制品。
 ☞ The factory presented a collection of cheap plastic products at the press conference to replace the expensive wooden ones.
推动 推动
1.push, push forward, push into, make a push等均有推动的意思。
 ☞ 邓小平是一贯推动政治和经济改革的第一人。
 ☞ Deng Xiaoping was the first man who consistently pushed reform in politics and economy.
 ☞ 既然问题已经解决,我们就一定能推动我们的计划,完成内环路的建设。
 ☞ Now that the problem is solved we'll certainly push forward with our plan to complete the construction of the inner ring road.
 ☞ 我们应推动政府立即实行改革。
 ☞ We must push the government into making immediate reform.
 ☞ 政府正在大力推动修建农村沼气池。
 ☞ The government is making an energetic push to build methane-generating pits in the countryside.
 ☞ 科学的管理可以推动生产。
 ☞ Scientific management can promote production.
 ☞ 好多议员都想推动议案的通过。
 ☞ A lot of congressmen tried to promote the passage of the bill.
 ☞ 我们如何才能推动这种产品的销售?
 ☞ How can we promote the sale of this product?
 ☞ 引进微机为推动导弹内部最佳联机或真正适应性调控提供了可能性。
 ☞ The introduction of the microcomputer has provided an impetus towards the possibility of on-line optimization, or true adaptive control, within the missile it.
 ☞ self.
 ☞ 最近揭露出来的城市官员贪污受贿大大推动了要求改革的呼声。
 ☞ The recent exposure of graft among city officials gave great impetus to raising voices for demands for reform.
 ☞ 当时的中央选中他作为推动全党团结的领袖。
 ☞ The then Central Committee chose him as leader who would propel the whole Party towards unity.
 ☞ 孙中山、毛泽东都是推动历史前进的杰出人物。
 ☞ Sun Yatsen and Mao Zedong both are outstanding figures who propelled history forward.
 ☞ 这本书可能会推动你进行进一步的研究。
 ☞ The book might stimulate you to do further research.
 ☞ 政府收购再生纸能推动回收利用。
 ☞ Government procurement of recycle paper stimulates recycling.
 ☞ 是机械推动着火车头。
 ☞ It is the mechanism that moves the locomotive.(向前进或后退)
 ☞ 是什么力量推动地球转动的?
 ☞ What force moves the rotating earth?(自转及公转)
 ☞ 涡轮机可由水力或蒸汽推动。
 ☞ Turbines may be moved by water or steam.(旋转运动)
  ■ move还可指内在动力的推动。
 ☞ 在好奇心推动之下,他打开了别人寄给她的信。
 ☞ Moved by curiosity, he opened the letter someone sent her.
 ☞ 真正的画家只有在激情推动之下才会画画。
 ☞ A genuine artist can paint only when he is moved by passion.
推广 推广
 ☞ 先试行,后推广。
 ☞ First try out, then popularize.
 ☞ 推广先进经验是一个复杂的过程。
 ☞ To popularize advanced experience is a complicated process.
 ☞ 博物馆在准备一个展览以推广新式农具。
 ☞ The museum is arranging an exhibition to popularize the new types of farm machines.
 ☞ 西山果园的老王同志来这里推广苹果的改良品种。
 ☞ Comrade Wang from the Western Hills Orchard is here to popularize the improved varieties of apple.
 ☞ 全国都在推广普通话。
 ☞ Common spoken Chinese is being popularized throughout the whole nation.
 ☞ 整个地区都在推广先进技术。
 ☞ Advanced techniques are being spread out throughout the whole area.
 ☞ 针灸疗法也推广到了澳大利亚的其他医院。
 ☞ The acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is also spread to other hospitals of Australia.
 ☞ 推广经济核算是优化收入的基础。
 ☞ The spread of economic calculation is basic to income optimization.
 ☞ 我们准备把这一方法推广到车工车间以外的地方。
 ☞ We're going to extend this method beyond the lathe turners' workshop.
 ☞ 我们村已决定推广二熟、三熟作物的面积。
 ☞ It has been decided in our village that the area of double and triple cropping ought to be extended.
 ☞ 这一理论也可推广到地质力学领域。
 ☞ This theory can also be extended to the domain of geomechanics.
 ☞ 是红星厂的工人向我们推广了这项新技术。
 ☞ It was the workers of the Red Star Plant who imparted the new technique to us.
 ☞ 我们去该厂参观时,那里的工程技术人员向我们推广了许多实用知识和专门技术。
 ☞ When we visited the factory, the engineers and technicians there imparted a great deal of practical knowledge and technical skills to us.
 ☞ 我们在开发和推广科研成果方面有了良好的开端。
 ☞ We have a good beginning in developing and disseminating research findings.
 ☞ 协会也收集和推广最新科学发现的信息。
 ☞ The association also collects and disseminates information about the latest scientific discoveries.
推断 推断
1.infer, inference,根据事理推断。
 ☞ 我从信中推断,他们并不想见到我们。
 ☞ I infer from the letter that they do not wish to see us.
 ☞ 根据这些事实是完全无法推断出两个完全相反的结论的。
 ☞ It is impossible to infer two completely opposed conclusions from the facts.
 ☞ 只有经过周密的调查和分析才能做出正确的推断。
 ☞ Correct inferences can be drawn only from careful investigation and analysis.
2.deduce, deduction,根据普遍规律演绎后的推断。一般用法与infer大致相同,但推断的理由更为充分。
 ☞ 根据美洲土著居民为亚洲人种来看,我们可以推断两大洲一度是联在一起的。
 ☞ From the presence of the original inhabitants of Asian stock in America we may deduce that the two continents were at one time linked.
 ☞ 我们只要根据分子式就能推断分子中的“不饱和度”。
 ☞ From the molecular formula alone, we can deduce "the degrees of unsaturation" in the molecule.
 ☞ 许多年龄较大的军官相信情报机关亲眼目睹的发现甚于密码分析员的推断。
 ☞ Many of the older officers trusted intelligence agency's sightings more than cryptanalysts' deductions.
3.conclude, conclusion,指通过结论得出的推断。
 ☞ 亚里士多德因为没能测出恒星的位移,故推断地球可能是静止的。
 ☞ Since he could detect no stars' shift. Aristotle concluded that the earth must be stationary.
 ☞ 根据这些观察,化们当时就推断出月球上根本没有大气。
 ☞ From these observations they concluded at that time that the moon had no atmosphere at all.
 ☞ 这种推断意味着一系列进化中出现了大停顿或大间断,这在我看来是极不可能的。
 ☞ This conclusion, which implies great breaks or discontinuity in the series of evolution, appears to me improbable in the highest degree.
4.judge, judgment,指根据判断做出的推断。
 ☞ 不经过调查我无法推断这笔投资能否获利。
 ☞ I cannot judge whether the investment makes any profit without investigation.
 ☞ 根据过去的经验推断,他是不会上当的。
 ☞ Judged from previous experience, he will not be taken in.
 ☞ 他已经对自己的推断丧失了信心。
 ☞ He had entirely lost faith in his own judgment.
推测 推测
 ☞ 既然有了小孩,我推测你没时间学习了。
 ☞ I guess that you don't have time to study now that you have a young baby.
 ☞ 他心里想什么只能靠推测了。
 ☞ What went on in his mind could only be guessed at.
 ☞ 我们的战略应当考虑的是我们的推测可能有误。
 ☞ Our strategy must take into account the possibility that our guesses are wrong.
 ☞ 那老农推测今年冬天会特别冷。
 ☞ The old peasant conjectured that it would be an unusually cold winter this year.
 ☞ 该报就政策突然改变的原因做了推测。
 ☞ The newspaper conjectured as to the reason for the sudden change in policy.
 ☞ 这一推测未被任何确切的证据所证实。
 ☞ This conjecture is not proved by any real evidence.
3.infer from, inference,指读者、听众或观察者通过对方的语言、行动等做出的推测。
 ☞ 我们根据她的来信推测,她生活得并不幸福。
 ☞ We infer from her letters that she is not very happy.
 ☞ 根据进屋时的举止来看,我推测这次约见对他并不顺利。
 ☞ From his demeanor on entering the room I infer that the interview did not go well for him.
 ☞ 地震引起的损失程度只能根据推测来估算。
 ☞ The extent of the damage caused by the earthquake can be gauged only by inference.
 ☞ 这可能不是真的,他只是推测而已。
 ☞ It may not be true, he was only surmising.
 ☞ 我们推测交通延误是由于某个事故引起的。
 ☞ We surmised that the traffic delay was caused by some accident.
 ☞ 他说的话纯属推测,却被一些人说成确有其事。
 ☞ What he expressed as a mere surmise was transcribed by others as a positive statement.
 ☞ 邻居们都推测她是个寡妇。
 ☞ All the neighbors supposed her to be a widow.
 ☞ 看来人类在努力弄懂一年有四季的时间要比我们推测的早两万年。
 ☞ It seemed that man was making a real effort to understand the seasons 20,000 years earlier than it has been supposed.
 ☞ 据此推测,他是个左撇子。
 ☞ From that I gather that he is a left-handed man.
 ☞ 从他说的话看,我无法推测他是否满意。
 ☞ I could not gather from what he said whether he was.
推翻 推翻
1.overturn, 所指的推翻着重点在“翻”。故可指推翻、碰翻、踢翻、掀翻等。
 ☞ 他们推翻讲台,夺回火把,撕碎旗子。
 ☞ They overturned the platform, recaptured the torches and tore the banner.
 ☞ 我的工作大概只做了一半,计划就被推翻了。
 ☞ My plan was overturned when I got through about half the work.
 ☞ 陪审团推翻了“有罪”的裁决,该犯获得了自由。
 ☞ The jury overturned the verdict of "Guilty" and the man went free.
 ☞ 该国人民一直希望推翻法西斯政府,结束其政权。
 ☞ The people of that country had been hoping to overthrow the fascist government and put an end to its regime.
 ☞ 反叛分子阴谋推翻社会主义制度。
 ☞ The rebels conspired to overthrow the socialist system.
 ☞ 有许多法律要法庭加以推翻难免是白费力气,但要证明违反基本人权却轻而易举。
 ☞ Many laws, which it would be vain to ask the court to overthrow, could be shown easily enough to transgress basic human rights.
3.topple, 与overthrow同义,有“掀翻”的意思。
 ☞ 是孙中山领导辛亥革命,推翻了封建君主制度。
 ☞ It was Dr Sun Yatsen who led the Chinese Revolution of 1911 that toppled the feudal monarchy.
 ☞ 两次世界大战推翻了6个殖民帝国。
 ☞ The two world wars have toppled six colonial empires.
 ☞ 未亡人推翻了丈夫的遗嘱,声称那是伪造的。
 ☞ The widow repudiated her husband's will by claiming it false.
 ☞ 一个超级大国单方推翻了原来的裁军协议。
 ☞ One superpower unilaterally repudiated the original disarmament agreement.
 ☞ 总统未做任何解释就推翻了原定计划。
 ☞ The President cancelled his original plan without any explanation.
 ☞ 房东推翻了租约,我们只好搬家。
 ☞ The landlord cancelled the lease and we had no choice but to move.
推行 推行
1.carry out,从执行、实行的角度推行。
 ☞ 你知道当时的“左派”不让我们推行这样的政策。
 ☞ You know the then "Leftists" did not allow us to carry out such a policy.
 ☞ 我们当时没有资金来推行教育改革。
 ☞ At that time we didn't have the funds to carry out the reform in education.
 ☞ 事实上,从整个20世纪50年代到60年代初中国都推行这种政策。
 ☞ In fact, throughout the 1950's and the early 1960's China pursued this kind of policy.
 ☞ 推行计划生育,我们向来是积极、慎重的。
 ☞ We have been active and prudent in pursuing family planning.
 ☞ 水稻的无性杂交已成功地推行了20多年。
 ☞ Asexual hybridization of rice has been successfully practiced for over 20 years.
 ☞ 他鼓吹他的理论并竭力推行之。
 ☞ He preaches his theories and pursues them very hard.
 ☞ 自从养老金制度推行以后,我村老年人的生活有了依靠。
 ☞ The aged of our village have their livelihood assured since the old-aged pension system was introduced.
 ☞ 解放后,我国在人们生活中推行了持久的社会和医疗改革。
 ☞ After liberation our country introduced permanent social and medical reforms in people's life.
推进 推进
1.push on,指向前推进。
 ☞ 我军向海岸线推进以支援在那里的第五军。
 ☞ Our troops pushed on towards the coast to help the fifth army there.
 ☞ 石达开向安顺场推进,在那里他却遭到了最大的失败。
 ☞ Shi Dakai pushed on to Anshunchang, where he met with the greatest defeat.
2.carry forward (to),使之向前推进。
 ☞ 我们的最高纲领是要把中国推进到社会主义和共产主义。
 ☞ Our maximum program is to carry China forward to socialism and communism.
 ☞ 这次首脑会议把两国之间的友好关系推进到一个新的阶段。
 ☞ The summit conference has carried forward the friendly relations between the two countries to a new stage.
 ☞ 我团推进到离敌人只有几公里的地方。
 ☞ Our regiment drove to within a few kilometers of the enemy.
 ☞ 强大的涡轮喷气发动机推进人造卫星进入轨道。
 ☞ The powerful turbojet engine drove the man-made satellite up into orbit.
 ☞ 天文学与科学的所有分支一样,也是靠一些检测性理论来推进的。
 ☞ Astronomy, like all branches of science, advances by testing theories.
 ☞ 我希望本书及类似书籍能推进他的工作。
 ☞ I hope that this and similar books may advance his work.
5.give impetus to,强调给予推进的动力。
 ☞ 这项发明对纺织工业的发展起到了新的推动作用。
 ☞ This invention gave a fresh impetus to the development of the textile industry.
 ☞ 灾难与丧生往往会推动工程的研究。
 ☞ A catastrophe and the loss of human lives often give an impetus to engineering research.
推迟 推迟
1.put off,口头用语,不带任何感情色彩,可指任何意义的推迟。可以是有意推迟,也可以是无意中的推迟;可以是有确定时间的推迟,也可以是无确定时间的推迟。
 ☞ 我们已决定把会议推迟到下个星期天。
 ☞ We've decided to put off the meeting until next Sunday.
 ☞ 他因病不得不推迟跟我的约会。
 ☞ He had to put off an appointment with me on account of illness.
 ☞ 我们的野餐因为天气不好而推迟了。
 ☞ We put off the picnic because of bad weather.
 ☞ 我们把音乐会推迟到了总统就职日之后。
 ☞ We postponed our concert until after the President's Inaugural Day.
 ☞ 比赛本来定在今天,但已往后推迟一星期。
 ☞ The game was fixed for today but it has been postponed for a week.
 ☞ 他决定把体检推迟到下一次。
 ☞ He decided to defer the physical examination until next time.
 ☞ 法官把判决推迟到第二天。
 ☞ The judge deferred sentencing until the following day.
 ☞ 我们决定把假期推迟到下个月。
 ☞ We decided to delay our holidays until next month.
 ☞ 我们只能推迟衰老,但无法阻止衰老。
 ☞ There is no way to stop the process of aging. We can only delay it.
掩护 掩护
 ☞ 事掩护。
 ☞ 我们原来的意图是掩护军部撤退。
 ☞ Our original intention was to cover Headquarters' retreat.
 ☞ 日军在几艘军舰的掩护下登陆。
 ☞ 般用于 A number of warships covered the landing of the Japanese troops.
 ☞ 我方坦克在飞机的掩护下攻击敌人。
 ☞ Our planes covered the tanks, which were attacking the enemy.
 ☞ 堤埂很高,正好做我们的掩护。
 ☞ The embankment was high enough to provide cover for us.
 ☞ 大雾掩护了游击队的行动。
 ☞ The dense fog screened the guerrilla's movements.
 ☞ 炸弹爆炸时我跳到司令员跟前想掩护他。
 ☞ I jumped to the commander trying to screen him when the bomb exploded.
 ☞ 他在大使馆的工作不过是他间谍生涯的一种掩护。
 ☞ His job at the embassy was just a screen for his life as a spy.
3.shield, 指如盾牌一样的掩护。
 ☞ 他这样做实际上是给上司打掩护。
 ☞ In so doing, he was actually trying to shield his boss.
 ☞ 黄继光舍身堵枪眼,用身体掩护了自己的战友。
 ☞ Huang Jigging, defying death, shielded his comrades-in-arms by throwing himself against the embrasure of the enemy's blockhouse.
4.guise, disguise,指用伪装来掩护。
 ☞ 他以修鞋为掩护从事党的地下活动。
 ☞ He did underground work for the Party under the guise of a cobber.
 ☞ 他安详的神态只是一种掩护。
 ☞ His serene manner was only a disguise.
掩盖 掩盖
 ☞ 大雪掩盖着田野,鸟雀都无法觅食。
 ☞ Snow covered the fields and birds were unable to look for food.
 ☞ 在我们对面应当悬挂舞台幕布的地方,有一块大黑板掩盖住了整个墙面。
 ☞ Opposite to us, covering the entire wall, where the theater curtain would be, was a gigantic black board.
  ■ 作“掩盖”解的cover up往往带有贬义。
 ☞ 妈妈想给儿子掩盖,但没有成功。
 ☞ Mother tried to cover up for her son but without success.
 ☞ 我知道你们公司里想掩盖过去几年来的错误的人并不多。
 ☞ I know there are not many people in your company who are trying to cover up the mistakes in the past few years.
2.conceal,也指有意识地掩盖,故一般可与cover 换用,但比较正式。
 ☞ 谎言掩盖不了事实。
 ☞ Lies cannot conceal (cover up) the facts.
 ☞ 他彬彬有礼、镇定自若的外貌之下掩盖着痛苦。
 ☞ He concealed (covered up) anguish under a mask of courtesy and composure.
 ☞ 对,他是帮着家里掩盖家丑来着。
 ☞ Yes, he did help the family conceal (cover up) its disgrace。
 ☞ 我看的时候,一片匆匆飘过的浮云有一阵子掩盖住了太阳。
 ☞ A hurrying cloud hid the sun for a moment as I watched.
 ☞ 迅速的经济增长掩盖了不少的瑕疵。
 ☞ Rapid economic growth hides a number of blemishes.
 ☞ 糖衣掩盖了药丸的药味。
 ☞ Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.
4.paper over,指糟糕的、往往是不成功的掩盖。
 ☞ 一些词意含糊的套话往往用来掩盖分歧。
 ☞ Some vague formulas are often used to paper over the disagreement.
 ☞ 分歧只是被几纸声明掩盖了起来,但却很难调和。
 ☞ The differences had only been papered over by declarations that could hardly be reconciled.
掩饰 掩饰
1.cover up, 指带有掩盖性的掩饰。
 ☞ 小偷的母亲为他掩饰,说是案发时他在家。
 ☞ The thieves mother covered up for him by saying that he was at home when the robbery occurred.
 ☞ 他们力图掩饰他们以前支持过极“左”政策。
 ☞ They endeavored to cover up their previous support of the ultra-Left policy.
 ☞ 我从来没想要掩饰我的观点。
 ☞ I have never sought to hide my point of view.
 ☞ 他想用这些安慰人的话来掩饰她的怀疑。
 ☞ He tried to hide her doubts with these consoling words.
 ☞ 尽管她很聪明,但她还是无法掩饰想获得表扬的迫切心情。
 ☞ Clever as she was, she could not conceal her eagerness for praise.
 ☞ 当公安人员来到他跟前时他还是掩饰不住内心的恐惧。
 ☞ He was unable to conceal his fears when the security men came up to him.
4.gloss over,指粉饰性的掩饰。
 ☞ 当官的做了坏事应当揭露,而不是掩饰。
 ☞ Officials' vices must be exposed instead of being glossed over.
 ☞ 尽管大家都知道,近来某些学院有掩饰低水平的倾向,但谁也不想点破。
 ☞ No one wants to point out the recent tendency to gloss over the low standards in some colleges though everybody knows it.
5.make no secret of, 指毫不掩饰。
 ☞ 他们互相拥抱、接吻,在众目睽睽之下毫不掩饰自己的感情。
 ☞ They embraced and kissed each other under the watchful eye of everybody, and made no secret of their feelings.
 ☞ 希特勒与拿破仑一样毫不掩饰他不喜欢英国。
 ☞ Hitler made no secret of his hatred of England as well as Napoleon.
描绘 描绘
 ☞ 当时的感受实在难以用语言描绘。
 ☞ It's really hard to describe in words how I was feeling at that moment.
 ☞ 他是一位能生动描绘风景的小说家。
 ☞ He is a novelist who can vividly describe landscape.
 ☞ 请详细描绘一下事情的经过。
 ☞ Please describe what happened in great detail.
 ☞ 简短描绘一下你昨天见过的那个人。
 ☞ Describe briefly the man you saw yesterday.
 ☞ 漓江美景难以用语言描绘。
 ☞ The beauty of the scenery along the Lijiang River defies description.
 ☞ 这里有一组描绘这位英雄一生的故事画。
 ☞ Here is a series of pictures depicting the life story of the hero.
 ☞ 故事里的米老鼠描绘得很生动。
 ☞ Mickey Mouse is very vividly depicted in the story.
 ☞ 当我站在200位学生面前作我的第一次讲座时, 我难以描绘我是多么的激动。
 ☞ I can hardly depict how nervous I was when I stood in front of 200 students, giving my first lecture.
 ☞ 这部音乐是描绘农庄主们庆丰收的欢乐。
 ☞ This piece of music depicts the farmers' jubilation over the harvest.
 ☞ 画家和诗人都想描绘落日的壮观景色。
 ☞ The artist and the poet both try to depict the splendor of the sunset.
3.portray (as),原指以画来描绘,引申为文字的描述时,强调描绘的逼真性。
 ☞ 这幅画描绘了依凡雷帝之死。
 ☞ The painting portrays the death of Ivan IV the Terrible.
 ☞ 在《阿Q正传》里,鲁迅成功地描绘了在他那个时代的一个人物典型。
 ☞ In the True Story of Ah Q, Lu Xun successfully portrays a typical character of his time.
 ☞ 这部小说生动地描绘了青年建设边疆的战斗生活。
 ☞ The novel vividly portrays the life and struggle of young people in reconstructing a frontier region.
 ☞ 在这本书里,作家把依凡雷帝描绘成了一个暴君。
 ☞ In this book the writer portrays Ivan IV the Terrible as a tyrant.
4.picture (as),指用形象描绘,强调形象的生动性。
 ☞ 发言人描绘了灾民的苦难。
 ☞ The speaker pictured the sufferings of the victims of the natural calamity.
 ☞ 他把美国总统描绘成一个小丑。
 ☞ He pictured the president of the United States as a buffoon.
 ☞ 这幅画描绘了依卡洛斯坠海身亡的故事。
 ☞ The painting represents the story of Icarus falling into the sea.
 ☞ 在报告里他把核扩散描绘成世界和平的最大威胁。
 ☞ In his report he represented nuclear proliferation as the greatest threat to world peace.
6.give a view (an account),指不带感情色彩的、平铺直叙的描绘。
 ☞ 这幅画描绘的是西湖的景色。
 ☞ The painting gives a view of the West Lake.
 ☞ 他详细描绘了事件的全部经过。
 ☞ He gave a detailed account of the whole course of the incident.
提交 提交
 ☞ 保险人向保险公司索赔时应提交下列文件。
 ☞ The insured shall submit the following documents when presenting a claim to this company.
 ☞ 我已把申请提交市委讨论。
 ☞ I've submitted my application to the municipal Party committee for its consideration.
 ☞ 所有法律在生效以前都要提交人民代表大会批准。
 ☞ All laws are to be submitted to the National People's Congress for ratification before being put into force.
 ☞ 这一报告提交到国会时,出现了吵成一片的场面。
 ☞ There was an angry scene when the report was presented to Parliament.
 ☞ 门卫告诉送信人,他必须到厂长办公室提交信件。
 ☞ The guard informed the messenger that he must go to the plant superintendent's office and present the letter there.
 ☞ 提交单据不得迟于信用证到期之日。
 ☞ Documents must be presented not later than the expiry date of the letter of credit.
3.refer to,指提交上级处理。
 ☞ 总裁与副总裁之间的争执已提交到了董事会。
 ☞ The dispute between the president and vice-president was referred to the board of directors.
 ☞ 地方法院把整个案件提交到了高等法院。
 ☞ The local court has referred the whole case to High Court.
 ☞ 资方把劳资纠纷提交到了仲裁法庭。
 ☞ The management referred the labor dispute to the arbitration tribunal.
提供 提供
1.provide, provide sb. with, provide sth. for,指带有预见性的提供。
 ☞ 每逢星期天,我的房东都要提供早餐和晚餐。
 ☞ On Sundays my landlord provides supper as well as breakfast.
 ☞ 我们旅行社可为野营人士提供帐篷。
 ☞ Our travel service can provide tents for campers.
  ■ provide后可接with,指有针对性的向某人提供某物。
 ☞ 他们公司向我们提供了一部车子。
 ☞ Their company provided us with a car.
 ☞ 红十字会向地震灾民提供食物及住处。
 ☞ The Red Cross provided earthquake victims with food and shelters.
  ■ 不过在英语口语中with a也可以省略,于是provide后就成了双宾语。
 ☞ 政府向失业人员提供了新的工作岗位。
 ☞ The government provided the unemployed new jobs.
 ☞ 工厂一般都要向工人提供劳保用品。
 ☞ Factories usually provide workers appliances for labor protection.
  ■ 此外,provide for是指专为某人预备的提供。
 ☞ 这些装备都是专门为探险队提供的。
 ☞ The equipment was especially provided for the exploring party.
 ☞ 水库移民受到了热烈欢迎和接待,并向他们提供了新建的住宅。
 ☞ The immigrants from the reservoir area were received with open arms and newly-built dwelling houses were provided for them.
2.supply,指替换、弥补,以满足所需的提供。在使用supply 一词时要注意其结构形式。
1) supply后接宾语。
 ☞ 我们商店可以提供你们所需的一切。
 ☞ Our shop can supply what you want.
 ☞ 谁来提供香槟酒?
 ☞ Who will supply the champagne?
2) supply sth。to sb. ,指把某物提供给某人。
 ☞ 有一段时期,英国几乎向世界各国提供制成品。
 ☞ For a period of time Britain supplied manufactured goods to almost every country in the world.
 ☞ 考试过程中如果需要额外的纸张,可由教师向考生提供。
 ☞ Extra paper will be supplied to examinees by the teacher if it is needed in the course of examination.
3) supply sb. with sth. ,指向某人提供某物。
 ☞ 猪提供给中国的肉比任何其他家养动物都要多。
 ☞ Pigs supply China with more meat than any other domestic animal.
 ☞ 是谁向反叛分子提供枪炮弹药?
 ☞ Who is supplying the rebels with guns and ammunition?
4) supply for,指因某种目的而提供。
 ☞ 我店只为在本店就餐的顾客提供茅台酒及其他酒精饮料。
 ☞ Our restaurant supplies Maotai and other alcoholic liquors only for the customers dining here.
 ☞ 学校向孩子们提供课本。
 ☞ The school supplies textbooks for the children.
3.furnish sb. with, furnish sth. for,指提供正好适合的东西。
 ☞ 这场大雨给他们提供了一个有利的借口。
 ☞ The heavy rain furnished them with a good pretext.
 ☞ 政府将向我们提供必须的资金。
 ☞ The government will furnish us with the necessary funds.
 ☞ 他的诽谤为诉讼提供了基础。
 ☞ His slander furnished grounds for a lawsuit.
  ■ provide,supply,furnish三词除了上述细微差别之外,一般可以换用,不致有太大的词义差别。如:
 ☞ 多年来我一直跟她通信并相互提供信息。
 ☞ I have corresponded with her and furnished (supplied, provided) information with each other.
 ☞ 他向我们提供了我们所需的一切帮助。
 ☞ He offered us all the help we needed.
 ☞ 我们一直准备为贵厂提供各种服务。
 ☞ We are ready all the time to offer service of one kind or another for your factory.
 ☞ 老乡们为只能向我们提供粗茶淡饭而道歉。
 ☞ The villagers apologized for only being able to offer homely fare.
 ☞ The article in Economic Daily answered the question and presented the writer's analysis of n.
 ☞ 对1990年以来价格趋势统计数字提供了更为广泛的概括。
 ☞ The statistical figures present a broader summary of the price trends since 1990.
 ☞ 他的书提供了一幅扭曲的画面。
 ☞ His book presents a distorted picture.
提倡 提倡
 ☞ 中国提倡晚婚和计划生育作为解决人口问题的办法。
 ☞ China advocates late marriage and family planning as a solution to the population problem.
 ☞ 他提倡禁酒,自己却不实行。
 ☞ He advocated the prohibition of alcohol though he did not practice.
 ☞ 我们要提倡顾全大局,反对本位主义。
 ☞ We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration and oppose departmentalism.
 ☞ 我们都提倡发展山区的教育。
 ☞ We all advocate developing education in mountainous areas.
 ☞ 是他首先提倡警方在破案中使用指纹辨认术。
 ☞ He was the first to encourage the police to use fingerprinting identification in cracking criminal cases.
 ☞ 要提倡男女分担家务劳动。
 ☞ Men and women must be encouraged to share household duties.
 ☞ 我们要提倡同地方商量办事的工作作风。
 ☞ We should encourage the style of work in which the local authorities are consulted on the matters to be taken up.
 ☞ 政府会提出计划来提倡更广泛地使用私人医疗设施。
 ☞ The government would put forward a plan to promote wider use of private medical facilities.
 ☞ 夫妻农场在第三世界的许多国家得到了提倡。
 ☞ Farms run by husband and wife are promoted in many countries of the third world.
 ☞ 国会应给总统裁决留有余地,而又不提倡寡头政治。
 ☞ Congress must give scope for presidential discretion without promoting the oligarchy.
 ☞ 中国政府提倡“五一”和“十一”放长假。
 ☞ The Chinese government recommends a long holiday on May Day and National Day.
 ☞ 我们提倡这种变革,因为这种变革会给发展中国家带来好处。
 ☞ We recommend such changes which will benefit developing countries.
 ☞ 此药不宜提倡用于由其他原因引起的恶心及呕吐。
 ☞ This drug is not recommended for nausea and vomiting due to other causes.
 ☞ 我们应当提倡勤俭建国的思想。
 ☞ We must spread the idea of building, the country through diligence and thrift.
 ☞ 提倡平民教育越多,民主力量就越强。
 ☞ The more mass education is spread, the stronger become forces for democracy.
6.call for,指带有呼吁性的提倡。
 ☞ 现在有许多人提倡民主化、科学化、大众化。
 ☞ Many people nowadays are calling for a transformation to a democratic, scientific and mass style.
 ☞ 我们的政策提倡自由贸易。
 ☞ Our policy calls for free trade.
提出 提出
1.put... before (forward),这种“提出”的说法比较随便,不带感情色彩。
 ☞ 这个庞大的世界向我们提出了各种各样的课题, 并以各种各样的方式考验我们。
 ☞ This huge world puts all sorts of questions before us and test us in all sorts of ways.
 ☞ 代表们向大会提出了一项动议。
 ☞ The delegates put a motion before the congress.
  ■ put forward作“提出”解时,用得更普遍。
 ☞ 你提出这样一个观点是认真的吗?
 ☞ Are you serious in putting forward such a view?
 ☞ 该理论首次提出时遭到人们的嘲笑。
 ☞ The theory was scoffed at when it was first put forward.
 ☞ 其中一位成员提出建议,要求年度教育基金翻番。
 ☞ One of the members put forward the suggestion that the annual education fund should be doubled.
2.bring forward (forth, up),与put forward同义,前者指“带到面前”,后者则指“放到面前”。
 ☞ 为了充分讨论,黄医生又提出一个病例以做比较。
 ☞ For more discussion Doctor Huang brought forward another case for comparison.
 ☞ 我们提出了改革我系课程设置的计划。
 ☞ We have brought forward a plan to reform the curricula of our department.
 ☞ 他提出各种观点为自己的行为辩护。
 ☞ He brought forth various arguments to justify his conduct.
 ☞ 我认为他不可能提出建议来改进我们的产品。
 ☞ I suppose he is unlikely to bring forth any suggestion for improving our products.
 ☞ 现在提出这一问题请你考虑。
 ☞ Now this problem is brought forth for your consideration.
 ☞ 那天下午,他在委员会的会议上提出了这件事。
 ☞ He brought the matter up in the committee meeting that afternoon.
 ☞ 他的意见提出了一个新课题。
 ☞ His remark brought up a new subject.
 ☞ 证人提出了新证据。
 ☞ The witness brought up fresh evidence.
 ☞ 我之所以选择这一例子是因为科学家提出的解释在这里是不适用的。
 ☞ The reason why I have chosen this. example is that the explanation which scientists would advance is not applicable here.
 ☞ 既然这样的建议不是认真的,为什么还要提出来讨论?
 ☞ If such a proposal was not seriously meant, why was it advanced for discussion?
 ☞ 我们当然决不会同意他提出来的大笔损害索赔。
 ☞ Of course we will never agree to the large claim for damages he advanced.
 ☞ 我们可以提出更多的数据来充实这一论点。
 ☞ We can adduce more data to reinforce the argument.
 ☞ 他提出种种理由说明美国为什么要对伊拉克开战。
 ☞ He adduced reasons why the United States should make war on Iraq.
 ☞ 证据是由检察官提出来的。
 ☞ Evidence was adduced by the public procurator.
 ☞ 我发现你提出来的一些分歧很难判断。
 ☞ I find it difficult to judge some of the differences you raise.
 ☞ 与之商量后,李教授没有再提出反对意见。
 ☞ Consulted. Professor Li did not raise any more objections.
 ☞ 这些新发现提出了有关早期哺乳动物的起源与分布问题。
 ☞ These new discoveries have raised questions concerning the origin and distribution of early mammals.
 ☞ 扩大招生以后,学生人数的增加向各大学提出了很多问题。
 ☞ The increase in student numbers has posed many problems for the universities after the expanding of enrolment.
 ☞ 他的若干论点是以不能令人满意的方式提出来的。
 ☞ A number of his points were posed in an unsatisfactory way.
 ☞ 你提出了一个令人尴尬的问题。
 ☞ You've posed an awkward question.
 ☞ 动议由我系学生提出,并由老师附议。
 ☞ The motion was proposed by the students of our department and seconded by the teachers.
 ☞ 他提出再见一次面,但她没有同意。
 ☞ He proposed another meeting but she gave no consent.
 ☞ 医生提出不付清欠款,我妻子不得立即出院。
 ☞ The doctor proposed that my wife should not leave hospital at once unless we paid off the money we owed.
 ☞ 他提出来要借给我几本书。
 ☞ He offered to lend me some books.
 ☞ 她提出要建立一项希望工程。
 ☞ She offered to set up a Project Hope.
 ☞ 虽然他脸上的表情有点惊奇,但没有提出反对意见。
 ☞ Though his face expressed some surprise he offered no objection.
 ☞ 有人能提出解释吗?
 ☞ Can anyone suggest an explanation?
 ☞ 我提出换一种方法来干。
 ☞ I suggest doing it another way.
 ☞ 警方提出犯罪的动机是妒忌。
 ☞ The police suggested that the motive of crime was jealousy.
10.address, 指针对某人、某机构提出。
 ☞ 我该向谁提出请求。
 ☞ Whom ought I to address my request to?
 ☞ 记者们纷纷向新闻处提出质问。
 ☞ The reporters addressed queries one after another to the information service.
 ☞ 秘书处提出了上次会议的报告。
 ☞ The secretariat has submitted a report of the last meeting.
 ☞ 大家都要求委员会成员就此事提出建议。
 ☞ The committee members were asked to submit proposals on this matter.
 ☞ 果然,她在3周后提出了学期论文。
 ☞ Sure enough, she submitted her term paper three weeks later.
 ☞ 我们将向这次年会提出一个详尽的报告。
 ☞ We shall present an exhaustive report to the Annual Conference.
 ☞ 作者在这篇前言里提出了科学实验的分析。
 ☞ The author presented the analysis of scientific experiments in this forward.
 ☞ 中国代表团提出几项能缓和两国紧张局势的建议。
 ☞ The Chinese delegation presented some suggestions which would lessen the tension existing between the two countries.
提到 提到
 ☞ 你去见经理时不要提到这一问题。
 ☞ Don't mention the subject when you go to see the manager.
 ☞ 总统有许多立法职能和活动是宪法中没有提到的。
 ☞ Many of the president's legislative functions and activities are not mentioned in the Constitution.
 ☞ 他提到他叔叔同样也受到了警察的盘问。
 ☞ He mentioned that his uncle likewise had been questioned by the police.
 ☞ 他在死前提到过他的财产吗?
 ☞ Did he say anything about his property before his death?
 ☞ 我们看到的许多文章就没有或者很少提到这方面的情况。
 ☞ A lot of articles we've come across say little or nothing on this score.
3.bring up,指提请注意或考虑。
 ☞ 新问题是经常提到议事日程上来的。
 ☞ New questions are constantly being brought up on the agenda.
 ☞ 我们必须把这件事提到代表大会上来。
 ☞ We must bring the matter up in the congress.
 ☞ 为什么还要提到那件事?
 ☞ Why bring that up again?
4.put to (on,forth),指提出来放到面前,没有明确的目的,故说法比较随便。
 ☞ 我们可以把这件事提到会议上去讨论。
 ☞ We can put the matter to the meeting for discussion.
 ☞ 你们必须把计划生育提到议事日程上来。
 ☞ You must put family planning on the agenda.
 ☞ 凯恩斯的确在《就业、利息、货币通论》一书中提到过他的观点。
 ☞ Indeed, Keynes himself put forth his idea in a book called The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
 ☞ 2,000多人被提到了各级领导岗位。
 ☞ More than 2,000 people have been promoted to leading posts at all levels.
 ☞ 我们营长把这位下士提到中士。
 ☞ Our battalion commander promoted the corporal to sergeant.
 ☞ 他在两年内由部门负责人提到了总经理。
 ☞ Within two years he was promoted from department director to general manager.
提前 提前
1.move up,指把预定时间提前。
 ☞ 总攻时间提前了。
 ☞ The time for the general offensive has been moved up.
 ☞ 婚礼提前了。
 ☞ The wedding was moved up.
2.bring forward, 与move up同义。
 ☞ 他们决定把下次会议的日期提前。
 ☞ They decided to bring forward the date of the next meeting.
 ☞ 选举提前至6月举行,因为很多人会在7月份休假。
 ☞ The election will be brought forward to June, as so many people are on holiday in July.
 ☞ 在此期间,点火装置会提前点火。
 ☞ In the meantime the ignition device advances the spark.
 ☞ 我们的会议日期得提前一个星期。
 ☞ The date of our meeting has to be advanced one week.
  ■ 此外,in advance可作状语使用。
 ☞ 请旅客们提前半小时到达机场。
 ☞ Passengers are requested to get to the airport half an hour in advance.
 ☞ 铁矿提前1个月完成国家的生产计划。
 ☞ The iron mine fulfilled the state production plan one month in advance.
4.ahead of time (schedule),指把安排的时间提前。
 ☞ 工人们对设备做了6项重要革新,从而使所有指标提前两个月完成。
 ☞ The workers made six important innovations on the equipment so that all targets were hit two months ahead of time.
 ☞ 我们只能提前,决不能拖后。
 ☞ We can be ahead of schedule but certainly not behind.
5.before, 指在规定时间之前行动。
 ☞ 由于泄密,党决定提前召开大会。
 ☞ The Party decided to convene the congress before due time because of leakage of secret.
 ☞ 不少战犯都已提前释放。
 ☞ A number of war criminals were released before their sentences expired.
提取 提取
1.draw, withdraw, 指提取钱财,是一对同义词,等于汉语中的“提”和“取”,可以换用。
 ☞ 我们度假之前提取了银行存款。
 ☞ We drew money from the bank before we went on holiday.
 ☞ 他从自己的账户上提取了5,000元。
 ☞ He's withdrawn 5,000 yuan from his account.
2.collect, pick, 均指提取物品,前者指收集后提取;后者指装车后提取。
 ☞ 到达该地后,我们到火车站提取了行李。
 ☞ On arriving at the spot we collected our luggage at the railway station.
 ☞ 他们在仓库提取了一批新到的货物。
 ☞ They picked up a new consignment of goods at the warehouse.
3.extract, 指利用物理,化学等手段提取某种物质。
 ☞ 这种新工艺可以从页岩中提取石油。
 ☞ The new technology can extract oil from shale.
 ☞ 矿工们是从河沙中提取金子的。
 ☞ The miners extract gold from the river sand.
 ☞ 污水处理厂从污水中提取的有用物质每天多达 5吨。
 ☞ The sewage treatment plant recovers from polluted water useful materials amounting to 5 tons daily.
 ☞ 该厂是专门建来从废料中提取金属的。
 ☞ The plant is built specially for recovering metal from scrap.
提法 提法
1.put sth. in a way,指随便说出来的提法。
 ☞ 他们不同意你对这个问题的提法。
 ☞ They take exception to the way you put the question.
 ☞ 咱们换一种提法。
 ☞ Let's put it in another way.
 ☞ The formulation of "one country, two systems" attracted world-wide attention.
 ☞ 这一准则有多种提法。
 ☞ There are variant formulations of this maxim.
 ☞ 提法有点含糊,换一种也许会更清楚。
 ☞ The wording is a bit ambiguous, another one might be clearer.
 ☞ 这只是个提法问题。
 ☞ This is just a matter of wording.
提议 提议
1.propose,proposal,指就某一具体问题提出供大家考虑的提议。但应注意特殊用法,即其后不能接宾语+动词不定式这样的结构。如果其后接从句,应用带should的that clause。
 ☞ 他提议举行一系列非正式会议。
 ☞ He proposed a series of informal meetings.
 ☞ 视察回来后,他提议在那里建一所学校。
 ☞ Back from the inspection tour, he proposed to found a school there.
 ☞ 李工程师提议对我们的设计作一些变动。
 ☞ Li, the engineer, proposed making some changes in our design.
 ☞ 主席提议与会者求同存异,停止争论。
 ☞ The chairman proposed that the participants should stop disputing by seeking common ground while reserving differences.
 ☞ 他的提议以多数赞成而通过。
 ☞ His proposal was carried by a considerable majority.
 ☞ 据说他的报告提议进一步调查。
 ☞ It is said that his report would suggest a further investigation.
 ☞ 我提议换一种做法。
 ☞ I suggest doing it another way.
 ☞ 他提议我们现在吃午饭。
 ☞ He suggests that we should have lunch now.
 ☞ 我有个提议要提出来。
 ☞ I have a suggestion to make.
 ☞ 我提议现在休会。
 ☞ I move that the meeting be adjourned.
 ☞ 主席提议饭后继续开会。
 ☞ The chairman moved that the meeting be continued after dinner.
 ☞ 大家都累了,于是主席起来提议会议休会。
 ☞ Everyone was tired, so the chairman got up and made a motion that the meeting be adjoined.
 ☞ 该提议以32票对23票被否决。
 ☞ The motion was rejected by 32 votes to 23.
提起 提起
1.speak of,指随便提起,不强调提起的目的。
 ☞ 他昨天还提起你来着。
 ☞ He spoke of you only yesterday.
 ☞ 罗斯福夫人经常提起他。
 ☞ Mrs. Roosevelt often speaks of him.
 ☞ 他认为向总统提起事实真相是他的责任。
 ☞ He thought it his duty to mention the truth to the president.
 ☞ 顺便说一下,不要向我夫人提起她。
 ☞ By the way, don't mention her to my wife.
3.refer to,指通过提起来引起注意或问题的解决。
 ☞ 声明提起了他那政治对手的讲话。
 ☞ The statement refers to the remarks by his political opponent.
 ☞ 他们今天见面时谁都没有提起昨天的争吵。
 ☞ No one referred to yesterday's quarrel when they met today.
4.lift, 指提起重物。
 ☞ 那男人提起行李走了。
 ☞ The man lifted his baggage and went away.
 ☞ 这箱子太重,我提不起来。
 ☞ The box is too heavy for me to lift.
 ☞ 现在咱们提起精神,准备跳舞罢。
 ☞ Now let's raise our spirits and get ready for dance.
 ☞ 每当提起这一话题他仍感到尴尬。
 ☞ He still feels embarrassed whenever the subject is raised.
6.bring up,指提出。
 ☞ 他们明天来时我希望不再提起这个问题。
 ☞ I wish they would not bring up the problem again when they come tomorrow.
 ☞ 我们打算在会上提起这一点。
 ☞ We have it in mind to bring up this point at the meeting.
7.call attention to,指提起人们的注意。
 ☞ 对这一事实,有必要提起人们的注意。
 ☞ It is necessary to call attention to this fact.
 ☞ 最近的地震提起了人们对危房的注意。
 ☞ The recent earthquake called attention to the unsafe buildings.
提醒 提醒
1.remind sb. of sth. ,指主动向某人提醒某事,主语是人。
 ☞ 如果我忘了,请提醒我一下。
 ☞ Please remind me in case I should forget.
 ☞ 我妻子曾提醒过我早点回来。
 ☞ My wife had reminded me to come back early.
 ☞ 幸亏你提醒我要跟琼斯先生会晤。
 ☞ Fortunately, you reminded me of my meeting with Mr. Jones.
 ☞ 我得提醒你,上课铃马上要响了。
 ☞ I must remind you that the bell will ring presently for the beginning of school.
2.recall to sb. sth. ,指情景提醒某人某事,因此主语是情景。
 ☞ 看到紧挤在河里的渔船,提醒了我此行的目的。
 ☞ The sight of the river packed with fishing vessels recalled to me the purpose of my journey.
 ☞ 这件小事在时刻提醒我,君子应该慎交。
 ☞ The incident always recalls to me that a gentleman should be selective in making friends.
  ■ 不过有时需要刻意提醒时,也可由人作主语。如:
 ☞ 在翻动这页之前,我们要提醒读者,马列经典贡献甚大。
 ☞ Before turning the page let us recall the readers that Marxist-Leninist classics contribute much.
 ☞ 我得提醒你,你得做最坏的打算。
 ☞ I have to warn you, you must be prepared for the worst.
 ☞ 他提醒过我们所面临的严峻形势。
 ☞ He warned us about the serious situation that confronted us.
 ☞ 我得事先提醒你,她会把一切都告诉她妈的。
 ☞ I must warn you in advance that she will tell her mother everything.
提高 提高
 ☞ 要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平。
 ☞ We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army.
 ☞ 伊朗和利比亚把石油价格提高了10%。
 ☞ Iran and Libya raised oil prices by more than 10 percent.
 ☞ 老李激动起来,提高嗓门以示抗议。
 ☞ Li got excited and raised his voice in protest.
 ☞ 她稍稍提高了嗓音,使我们都能听到。
 ☞ She elevated (raised) her voice slightly so that we could hear her.
 ☞ 只有在社会主义社会,妇女的地位才能稳步提高。
 ☞ Only in socialist society can the social status of women be elevated (raised).
 ☞ 我们应把技术革新运动提高到一个新水平。
 ☞ We must elevate (raise) the movement of technical innovation to a new level.
  ■ 但在谈到人的思想、品质提高时,一般都用elevate。
 ☞ 提高一个人的思想需要很长的时间。
 ☞ It takes a long time to elevate one's thoughts.
 ☞ 从现在起,你要守规矩以提高你的品行标准。
 ☞ Behave yourself well from now on so that you can elevate your standard of good conduct.
3.heighten, 一般指程度上提高。
 ☞ 他在阅读上的不懈努力提高了他的文学欣赏力。
 ☞ The unremitting efforts he made in reading have heightened his literary appreciation.
 ☞ 党号召我们要提高革命警惕性。
 ☞ The Party calls on us to heighten our revolutionary vigilance.
 ☞ 短距离赛跑一般都在最后10米时提高速度。
 ☞ In a short distance race, one usually heightens one's speed in the last 10 meters.
 ☞ 从1980年至2000年,中国的工人和雇员的平均工资提高了20倍。
 ☞ From 1980 to 2000 the average wages of workers and employees in China increased twenty times 成本是随着速度的提高而提高的。
 ☞ Cost increases with speed.
  ■ 但有时也用于程度的提高。
 ☞ 应用气象卫星的资料,使我们提高了天气预报的准确性。
 ☞ By applying the data from the meteorological satellites we have increased the accuracy of our weather forecast.
 ☞ 城市的扩大常常会提高其周围地区土地的价值。
 ☞ The growth of a city often enhances the value of land close to it.
 ☞ 对音乐家最近新作的评论提高了他的声誉。
 ☞ The reviews on the musician's most recent works enhanced his reputation.
 ☞ 月光往往会提高夜色朦胧的美感。
 ☞ The moonlight often enhances the beauty of the dim light of night.
 ☞ 他上夜校以提高自己。
 ☞ He went to night school to improve himself.
 ☞ 我们学习了会计、速记,还提高了英语。
 ☞ We learned accounting and shorthand, and improved our English.
 ☞ 各级干部要提高领导水平。
 ☞ Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership.
7.step up,指一步步地提高。
 ☞ 政府可能提高所得税。
 ☞ The government may step up income tax.
 ☞ 今后三四年内,大幅度提高生产应当是可能的。
 ☞ It should be possible for production to be stepped up considerably over the next three or four years.
 ☞ 让我把汽轮机转速提高到每分钟500转。
 ☞ Let me step up the speed of the steam turbine to 500 r.p.m.
8.advance, 指推进式的提高。
 ☞ 过去10年的发现使有关动植物细胞的蛋白合成的知识有了很大的提高。
 ☞ Discoveries during the past decade have remarkably advanced knowledge concerning the synthesis of protein by cells of plants and animals.
 ☞ 南非新政府取消了种族隔离制度,并提高了非白人的政治地位。
 ☞ The new government of South Africa removed apartheid and advanced nonwhites politically.
 ☞ 自工人罢工以来,店主提高了物价。
 ☞ The shopkeepers have advanced their prices since the workers were on strike.
9.rise, go up,指上升式的提高,两者可以换用,后者常用于口语。
 ☞ 化肥消费量由1966年的76万吨提高到1972年的238万吨。
 ☞ Fertilizer consumption rose from 0.76 million tons in 1966 to 2. 38 million tons in 1972.
 ☞ 随着生活水平的提高,人们的政治觉悟水平也在提高。
 ☞ With the elevating of the standard of living the level of political consciousness of people is rising.
 ☞ 这些产品说明了我国的轻工业生产水平和人民生活水平不断提高。
 ☞ These products show that the level of China's light industrial production and the people's living standard keep going up (rising)。
 ☞ 中国的国际地位及国际威信在日益提高。
 ☞ China's international status and prestige are growing daily.
 ☞ 他作为一个小说家,其声誉在稳步提高。
 ☞ He's a novelist whose reputation has grown steadily.

 ☞ 没插上插头,仪器怎么工作?
 ☞ How can an instrument work without inserting the plug in the socket?
 ☞ 哦,爸,原来钥匙就插在锁里!
 ☞ Why, Dad, the key is inserted right in the lock!
  ■ insert用于转意时可指“插话”。
 ☞ 让我插几句话。
 ☞ Let me insert a few words.
  ■ 当然,插话也可译作get a word in edgeways。
 ☞ 他说个没完,别人半句话也插不上。
 ☞ He talked on and on, and nobody else could get a word in edgeways.
 ☞ 我把铲子插到冻土里,翻起一块泥土,扔到箩筐里。
 ☞ I thrust my spade into the frozen earth, turned up a lump of soil, and flung it into the basket.
 ☞ 她把一枚针插到针扎里。
 ☞ She thrust a needle into the cushion.
 ☞ 就在他快撑不住的时候,一把匕首插进了敌人的胸膛。
 ☞ A dagger was thrust into the enemy's heart the moment he was about to give in.
  ■ thrust用于转义时,可指“迅速挺进”。
 ☞ 先头部队向敌人阵地的纵深猛插。
 ☞ The vanguard made a deep thrust into the enemy position.
 ☞ 他把苹果插在叉上,开始吃起来。
 ☞ He stuck an apple on a fork and began to eat.
 ☞ 姑娘的头上插着一朵鲜花。
 ☞ The girl stuck a fresh flower in her hair.
 ☞ 他把手插在口袋里。
 ☞ He stuck (put) his hands in his pockets.
  ■ stick转义时可指“刺入”。
 ☞ 他们像一把尖刀直插敌人心脏。
 ☞ They, like a dagger, stuck into the enemy's heart.
 ☞ 她插上了门。
 ☞ She bolted the door.
 ☞ 窗户从里面插上了。
 ☞ The window bolts on the inside.
 ☞ 我国登山队员征服珠穆朗玛峰后把国旗插上了顶峰。
 ☞ On conquering Mount Qomolangma, our mountaineers planted the national flag on the summit.
插手 插手
1.表示“参加”,可用join in。
 ☞ 工作人员已经够多了,你就不用插手了。
 ☞ You don't have to join in, there are more than enough people on the job already.
 ☞ 即使你插手也帮不了多少忙。
 ☞ It isn't much help even if you join in.
  ■ 如果“插手”是专指前面已出现的动作,也可省去不译,如:
 ☞ 她想帮忙,又不知如何插手。
 ☞ She was ready to help but didn't know how to (join in).
2.表示参与与己无关的事,可用have a finger in the pie。
 ☞ 无论他干什么,他老婆都要插手。
 ☞ Whatever he does, his wife always has a finger in the pie.
 ☞ 只要左邻右舍准备什么红白喜事,她总巴不得插上一手。
 ☞ As long as her neighbors plan any weddings or funerals, she is always eager to have a finger in the pie.
3.表示参与不该参与的事,可用meddle in, poke one's nose into。
 ☞ 他插手我的家庭纠纷,我十分恼火。
 ☞ I'm furious with him for meddling in our family disputes.
 ☞ 解放前,美国大使就曾插手干预过中国的劳资纠纷。
 ☞ The U.S. ambassador meddled in the dispute between labor and capital in China before liberation.
 ☞ 想不到她会插手这件事。
 ☞ We never thought she would poke her nose into this.
 ☞ 你胆敢插手我的家事!
 ☞ How dare you poke your nose into my family affairs?
4.表示干预,可用step in。
 ☞ 两个超级大国都想插手该国选举。
 ☞ The two superpowers tried to step in the elections of that country.
 ☞ 公司和工会都不愿政府插手。
 ☞ Neither the company nor the labor union wanted the government to step in.
5.表示干涉,可用intervene in。
 ☞ 非洲人民不会让帝国主义插手非洲事务。
 ☞ The people of Africa will never let the imperialists intervene in African affairs.
 ☞ 他从不插手别人的事务。
 ☞ He never intervenes in the affairs of other people.
6.表示操纵,可用take a hand in。
 ☞ 一个超级大国插手以前,会谈一直进行得很顺利。
 ☞ The negotiations were going smoothly till a superpower took a hand in them.
 ☞ 里根政府派兵登陆,插手该岛局势。
 ☞ The Reagan's administration took a hand in the situation of the island by landing the troops on it.
揭发 揭发
 ☞ 我们揭发自己工作中的错误,目的是为了改正。
 ☞ We expose mistakes in our work in order to correct them.
 ☞ 凡典型的违法乱纪案例都应在报纸上广为揭发。
 ☞ Typical cases of violations of laws and disciplines should be widely exposed in the press.
 ☞ 根据已经揭发的材料,我们没有冤枉他。
 ☞ We did not wrong him, according to the facts already revealed。
 ☞ 他们的阴谋已经揭发出来了。
 ☞ Their plot now stood revealed.
3.bring to light,指公诸于众。
 ☞ 他的仇敌揭发了他在年轻时干的一些蠢事,但他还是当选了。
 ☞ His enemies brought to light some foolish things he had done while young, but he was elected anyway.
 ☞ 这一罪行在多年以后才被揭发出来。
 ☞ The crime was brought to light only years later.
4.lay open,指使之公开。
 ☞ 他们向警察局揭发了阴谋分子的整个阴谋。
 ☞ They laid open the whole scheme of the conspirators to the police.
 ☞ 我们要揭发他们的秘密计划。
 ☞ We shall lay open their secret plan.
 ☞ 她在临终时的忏悔戏剧性地揭发了她自己。
 ☞ She dramatically unmasked herself on her deathbed confession.
 ☞ 他被揭发出来是个核情报间谍。
 ☞ He was unmasked as a nuclear spy.
揭示 揭示
1.bring to light,指使之看见原来看不见的东西。
 ☞ 马克思主义揭示了人类社会发展的客观规律。
 ☞ Marxism brought to light the objective laws governing the development of human society.
 ☞ 科学研究揭示了许多宇宙的奥秘。
 ☞ Scientific research has brought to light the mysteries of the universe.
 ☞ 他的科研成果揭示了细胞结构的复杂性。
 ☞ His achievements in scientific research revealed the complexity of cell structure.
 ☞ 对女毛孩的进一步研究揭示了她血液中含有雄性激素。
 ☞ Further study of the hairy girl has revealed that male sex hormone is found in her blood.
 ☞ 小说作者深刻地揭示了人物的内心世界。
 ☞ The novelist subtly delineates the inner world of his characters.
 ☞ 此书揭示了战争的本质。
 ☞ The book delineates the nature of war.
揭穿 揭穿
 ☞ 别担心,这封信肯定会揭穿他的谎言。
 ☞ Don't worry. The letter is sure to expose his lies.
 ☞ 她看清了这场骗局并加以揭穿。
 ☞ She saw the deception and exposed it.
2.show up,指使之原形毕露。
 ☞ 没有一个造谣生事者喜欢被人当众揭穿。
 ☞ No rumor-monger likes to be shown up in public.
 ☞ 我们揭穿了他的本来面目。
 ☞ We showed him up for what he really was,或We showed him up in true colors.
3.lay bare,使之暴露。
 ☞ 记者在报告中揭穿了这个罪恶的阴谋。
 ☞ In his report the journalist laid bare the evil plot.
 ☞ 这一声明完全揭穿了他们称霸世界的野心。
 ☞ The statement completely laid bare their ambition for world conquest.
 ☞ 叛徒的面目终于被揭穿。
 ☞ The traitor was at last unmasked.
 ☞ 进一步调查揭穿了一个反政府的阴谋。
 ☞ The further investigation has unmasked a plot against the government.
5.give the lie to,指揭穿谎言。
 ☞ 我们的成绩揭穿了他们散布的谣言。
 ☞ Our achievements have given the lie to the rumor they spread.
 ☞ 罪犯说劫案发生时他一直在家,警方却揭穿了他的谎言。
 ☞ The police gave the lie to the culprit, who said that he had been at home during the robbery.
 ☞ 是这两位记者揭穿了整个阴谋。
 ☞ It was the two reporters who uncovered the whole plot.
 ☞ 绑架大使的密谋终于被揭穿了。
 ☞ The conspiracy to kidnap the ambassador was finally uncovered.
揭露 揭露
 ☞ 这本书揭露了这场战争的真正目的。
 ☞ The book exposed the true aims of the war.
 ☞ 没有多少必要去当众揭露别人。
 ☞ There is little need to expose others in public.
 ☞ 问题的关键是揭露事物的本质。
 ☞ The key to the question is to uncover the essence of things.
 ☞ 他的敌意被一层层地揭露出来。
 ☞ Layer upon layer of his hostility was uncovered.
 ☞ 揭露钻进党内的野心家、阴谋家是件很得人心的事。
 ☞ It is a very popular move to unmask the careerists and conspirators who have sneaked into the Party.
 ☞ 仅仅为揭露一个伪君子何必大动干戈。
 ☞ There is no need to get into a fight only for unmasking a hypocrite.
 ☞ 这篇报道揭露了竞选活动的内幕。
 ☞ The report revealed the inside story of electioneering.
 ☞ 美国新闻界能揭露像水门事件这样的政治丑闻, 真是了不起。
 ☞ It is really amazing that the American press can reveal political scandals like the Watergate Scandal.
援助 援助
 ☞ 要是贵国不能援助我们,那么就没有国家能救我们了。
 ☞ If your country can't help us, then no countries can save us.
 ☞ 他启动了一项援助贫困盲人的工程。
 ☞ He started a project for helping poor blind people.
2.aid, 往往指物质上的援助,并暗示富的援助穷的,强的援助弱的。语气比help正式。
 ☞ 我们将尽全力向贵国提供一切道义上和物质上的援助。
 ☞ We will give your country all moral and material aid as possible as we can.
 ☞ 美国插手干涉并提供军事援助之后,起义才被镇压下去。
 ☞ The rise in revolt was put down only after the United States stepped in with military aid.
 ☞ 我们的确需要国际援助,但主要还靠自力更生。
 ☞ We do need international support, but depend mainly on self-reliance.
 ☞ 我们是来给你们一点道义上的援助。
 ☞ We've come to give you a little moral support.

1.表示搀扶,一般译support或take one's arm。
 ☞ 她痛得站不起来了,快搀着点她。
 ☞ Give her some support quickly as she feels too much pain to stand.
 ☞ 巡警见到老人步履艰难,就搀着他过马路。
 ☞ Seeing that the old man was difficult to walk, the policeman supported him with his hand to cross the street.
 ☞ 接着就有一只手伸过来搀着她。
 ☞ Then a hand reached out and took her arm.
 ☞ 她听见一个女孩子的声音:“阿姨,您早!”说完就用手去搀着她要送她到医院去。
 ☞ She heard a girl's voice. "Good morning, Auntie!”.
 ☞ Then the girl took her arm to lead her to the hospital.
2.表示帮助,可用help或assist in doing sth。
 ☞ 老大娘脸色都白了,快搀她进屋。
 ☞ The old lady looks pale. Help her into the room.
 ☞ 他还很虚弱,所以我把他搀起来。
 ☞ He was still weak. so I assisted him in getting up.
3.表示混合,可译mix (up, with),mingle (with),一般可以换用。
 ☞ 油和水搀不到一块。
 ☞ Oil will not mix (mingle) with water.
 ☞ 别把两种菜子搀在一起。
 ☞ Don't mix up the two kinds of vegetable seeds.
 ☞ 这颜料得用油搀稀。
 ☞ This paint has to be weakened (thinned) by mixing it with oil.
 ☞ 这牛奶搀水了。
 ☞ The milk has been adulterated with water.
 ☞ 不法商人在酒里搀水卖。
 ☞ Law-breaking merchants sell spirituous liquors by adding water.

 ☞ 把箱子搁在行李架上。
 ☞ Put the suitcase on the luggage-rack.
 ☞ 汤太淡,我们搁了点盐。
 ☞ The soup was too bland and we put some salt in it.
 ☞ 箱子大,搁得下所有的东西。
 ☞ This suitcase is big enough to hold all the things.
 ☞ 这抽屉可以搁我所有的内衣。
 ☞ This drawer can hold all my underclothes.
 ☞ 这屋子太热,种子搁不住。
 ☞ The room is too hot. and the seeds won't keep.
 ☞ 我们把食物搁在冰箱里。
 ☞ We keep food in a refrigerator.
4.put aside,指搁在一边不予理会。
 ☞ 我们得暂时把这件事搁一搁。
 ☞ We have to put the matter aside for the time being.
 ☞ 这种时候我们应尽量把所有的分歧搁到一边。
 ☞ At such a time we must try to put aside all differences.
 ☞ 他要出国留学,婚事只好搁下了。
 ☞ Since he was going aboard to study, he had to shelve his marriage plan.
 ☞ 我们呼吁两国把争论暂时搁下。
 ☞ We called on both countries to shelve their disputes for the time being.
6.leave over,指留到以后解决。
 ☞ 我们不得不把这项工作搁到下个星期。
 ☞ We'll have to leave the job over till next week.
 ☞ 这些事情只好搁到下次会议再说了。
 ☞ These matters have to be left over till our next meeting.
搁浅 搁浅
1.run aground,指进入浅水无法行驶。
 ☞ 船在一处沙岸上搁浅了。
 ☞ The ship ran aground on a sandbank.
 ☞ 不要偏离水流的中心线,否则会搁浅的。
 ☞ Keeps us out into the center of the stream or you'll run us aground.
 ☞ 飓风把帆船刮到沙滩上搁了浅。
 ☞ The hurricane stranded the sailboat on the sand beach.
 ☞ 人们想尽办法来拯救在岸上搁浅的鲸鱼。
 ☞ People tried every possible way to save the whale stranded on the shore.
3.reach (come to)a deadlock,指陷入僵局的搁浅。
 ☞ 两小时后谈判搁浅了。
 ☞ The negotiations reached a deadlock after two hours.
 ☞ 工会与管理当局在附加补助费上搁了浅。
 ☞ The union and the management came to a deadlock over fringe benefits.
 ☞ 我们正以为这次春游要搁浅的时候,突然又通知我们去春游了。
 ☞ We were thinking that the spring trip shelved when we were told to make it。
 ☞ 住宅建设计划搁浅了。
 ☞ The plan for housing construction was shelved.
搜查 搜查
 ☞ 警方搜查了屋子的每个房间,但什么也没发现。
 ☞ The police searched every room of the house, but nothing was found.
 ☞ 警卫搜查了他的口袋,发现他带着一把上了膛的手枪。
 ☞ The guards searched his pocket and found he was carrying a loaded revolver.
  ■ search后还可接for,表示搜查是为了找人或物。
 ☞ 警员及警犬搜查了林子,寻找失踪的男孩。
 ☞ The police and tracker dogs searched the woods for the missing boy.
 ☞ 海关官员搜查了他的行李,寻找走私货。
 ☞ The customs officials searched his luggage for smuggled goods.
 ☞ 海关工作人员仔细搜查了一艘有走私货物嫌疑的海轮。
 ☞ The customs officers rummaged the ocean-going ship suspected of having contraband goods.
 ☞ 边防部队的军官搜查了卡车,寻找毒品。
 ☞ The officers of the frontier guards rummaged the truck in search of drug.
 ☞ 那些人搜查了茅屋,而且在坛坛罐罐中乱翻。
 ☞ The men ransacked the thatched huts and rummaged among the pots.
 ☞ 进口货物卸货后,检查官员仔细搜查船只。
 ☞ When the import cargo was discharged, the examining officers ransacked the ship.
搜索 搜索
1.search for,指到处搜索,目的是要找到要找的人或物。
 ☞ 警察仍在搜索飞机失事的幸存者。
 ☞ The policemen are still searching for survivors of the plane crash.
 ☞ 我知道这个名字,但当时显然不是从记忆中搜索此人细节的时候。
 ☞ I know the name, but now it is obviously not the time to search my memory for details.
  ■ in search of是search for的名词片语。
 ☞ 有关当局出动军舰和飞机来搜索失踪船只。
 ☞ The authorities concerned dispatched warships and flied planes in search of the missing ship.
2.scout (around),指侦察搜索。
 ☞ 已派出一支小分队进行搜索。
 ☞ A small detachment was sent to scout.
 ☞ 飞机搜索到了几处林火。
 ☞ The airplane has scouted around a few bits of fire wood.
 ☞ 野战部队往前方派出数名侦察员去搜索敌人。
 ☞ The field army unit sent a few scouts ahead to reconnoiter the enemy.
 ☞ 小分队小心地搜索前进。
 ☞ The small detachment advanced and reconnoitered carefully.
 ☞ 解放军和民兵都上山搜索空投特务。
 ☞ The PLA men and militiamen were combing the hills for air-dropped agents.
 ☞ 村民们都在林子里搜索失事飞机。
 ☞ The villagers are combing the woods for the crashed plane.

1) be (in),着重点在某种状态。
 ☞ 他的朋友是专搞出版工作的。
 ☞ His friend is a professional publisher.
 ☞ 国民党专政22年,一年只搞到几万吨钢。
 ☞ Under the despotic rule of Change Kai-shek's Kuomintang, which lasted twenty two years, the yearly steel output was only some tens of thousands of tons.
 ☞ 他是搞建筑的。
 ☞ He is in building.
 ☞ 我们的同志无论搞哪一行,都要学一点技术和业务。
 ☞ Whatever line our comrades are in, they should all acquire some technical and professional knowledge.
2) be engaged in,着重点在从事。
 ☞ 我们搞的是一场艰苦的长期的斗争。
 ☞ It is a hard and long struggle we are engaged in.
 ☞ 狭义地说,间谍就是搞谍报工作。
 ☞ In a narrow sense, a spy is one engaged in espionage.
1) do,着重点在做,与be in相对。
 ☞ 为了挣钱,他们什么都搞。
 ☞ They are doing everything they can to make money.
 ☞ 近来搞得怎么样?
 ☞ How have you been doing lately?
 ☞ 今年我们要坚持像以前那样搞。
 ☞ This year we must persist in doing what we have done before.
 ☞ 过去有些外国同志怀疑,究竟我们在搞些什么。
 ☞ In the past, some foreign comrades had doubts about what we were actually doing.
2) engage in,着重点在从事,与be engaged in相对。
 ☞ 现在搞农业不掌握技术不行了。
 ☞ Now it is no longer possible to engage in agricultural work without acquiring techniques.
 ☞ 要搞公安工作就别想有多少时间顾家。
 ☞ If you engage in public security work, you cannot expect to have much time for your family.
 ☞ 过去他搞所谓“乡村建设”。
 ☞ He used to engage in what he called "rural construction".
3) go in for,着重点在致力于。
 ☞ 我想你总有一天会认认真真地搞工程的。
 ☞ I suppose you will go in seriously for engineering some day.
 ☞ 我们组织战士搞生产劳动。
 ☞ We organized the fighters to go in for productive labor.
 ☞ 搞阴谋诡计的人是注定要失败的。
 ☞ Those who go in for intrigues and conspiracies are doomed to failure.
4) carry on,着重点在进行。
 ☞ 他在解放前搞什么行当?
 ☞ What business did he carry on before liberation?
 ☞ 因而我们有机会就国际问题搞了多次讨论。
 ☞ So we had an opportunity to carry on many discussions about international affairs.
 ☞ 传单上说,他们今后要搞地下斗争。
 ☞ The handbills said that they would carry on the underground struggle.
5) go on,着重点在继续进行。
 ☞ 这场斗争一直搞到邓小平再次当政。
 ☞ The struggle went on until Deng Xiao-ping came to power again.
 ☞ 那边在搞什么?
 ☞ What's going on out there?
 ☞ 你再这样搞下去,是会招麻烦的。
 ☞ If you go on like that, you must expect trouble.
6) carry out,重点在实行。
 ☞ 我们过去只搞过民主革命。
 ☞ The revolution we carried out in the past was only a democratic revolution.
 ☞ 他们在全世界到处搞颠覆、破坏、干涉和侵略。
 ☞ They are carrying out subversion, sabotage, intervention and aggression everywhere in the world.
 ☞ 那儿的土改是1952年搞的。
 ☞ The Land Reform was carried out there in 1952.
7) practice,重点在实践。
 ☞ 这是一个搞不搞社会主义的问题。
 ☞ It's a question of whether or not one practices socialism.
 ☞ 我逢人就说要早起早睡,我自己就是这么搞的。
 ☞ I tell everybody I meet that he should go to bed early and get up early. I practice it myself.
 ☞ 他们无须搞节约。
 ☞ They have no need to practice economy.
8) push,着重点在推行。
 ☞ 在社会主义国家搞所谓的大民主是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong to push so-called great democracy in socialist countries.
 ☞ 历史上许多坚持搞改革的入大都没有好下场。
 ☞ In history most of the people who persist in pushing reform came to no good end.
 ☞ 在形势的压迫下,那些顽固分子还要搞大国沙文主义那一套行不通了。
 ☞ The force of circumstances will make it impossible for those die-hard elements to get anywhere if they push their great-nation chauvinism.
9) go all out,着重点在全力以赴,故有“大搞”之意。
 ☞ 去年大搞一年,粮食不但没有减产,反而增产了。
 ☞ We went all out last year, yet, far from falling, our grain production increased.
 ☞ 发达国家在国外大搞经济扩张。
 ☞ The developed countries are going all out for economic expansion abroad.
 ☞ 在原子能发展方面,我们应该大搞特搞。
 ☞ We should go all out in the development of atomic energy.
10) arrange,着重点在安排。
 ☞ 现在应搞些娱乐,因此要有时间、有装备。
 ☞ Now it is necessary to arrange some recreation for which there must be time and facilities.
 ☞ 青年团要搞些适合青年特点的活动。
 ☞ The Youth League should arrange activities that suit the characteristics of youth.
 ☞ 如果再加把劲,我本来可以把本职工作搞得更好。
 ☞ With more effort I could have arranged my duties better.
11) play,着重点在玩弄,故带贬义。
 ☞ 他又在搞花样。
 ☞ He is again playing one of his tricks.
 ☞ 他为了当选,不得不对工会和老板双方搞政治手腕。
 ☞ In order to be elected, he had to play politics with both the unions and the bosses.
 ☞ 他们希望我们搞“清一色”。
 ☞ They want us to play "a one-party game".
 ☞ 你们到底搞什么鬼?
 ☞ What tricks are you playing after all?
12) get up to,着重点在做蠢事、坏事。
 ☞ 他爱搞恶作剧。
 ☞ He is apt to get up to practical jokes.
 ☞ 我不知道他下一步会搞什么。
 ☞ I wonder what he'll get up to next.
 ☞ 你在搞什么鬼?
 ☞ What mischief do you get up to?
13) have,着重点在应该有。
 ☞ 青年就是青年,不然何必搞青年团呢?
 ☞ After all, youth is youth, or else why bother to have a youth league?
 ☞ 我们当然要搞点庆祝。
 ☞ Surely we'll have some sort of celebration.
 ☞ 我们搞统一战线,他们也不赞成。
 ☞ Also, they won't like China having a united front.
14) get,着重点在获得。
 ☞ 照相机是哪儿搞来的?
 ☞ Where did you get the camera?
 ☞ 我的胃病就是这么搞出来的。
 ☞ That was how I got my gastric trouble.
 ☞ 他们会有武器,或者说知道到哪儿搞武器。
 ☞ They would have weapons or know where to get them.
15) make,着重点在做成。
 ☞ 这些模型是我们自己搞的。
 ☞ We have made these models ourselves.
 ☞ 文件的初稿是谁搞的?
 ☞ Who made the first draft of the document?
 ☞ 你们要到基层搞调查研究,然后才能对情况做到心中有数。
 ☞ You should visit grass-roots units to make investigation and study and thus get a clear picture of the situation.
 ☞ 兄弟俩很像,别把他们俩搞错了。
 ☞ The two brothers are very much alike. Don't make the one for the other.
16) produce,着重点在制造。
 ☞ 我们搞一点核武器完全是为了自卫。
 ☞ It is purely for self-defense that we have produced some nuclear weapons.
 ☞ 他们讨论了30多次,还没搞出一项具体计划。
 ☞ They held more than thirty discussions without producing a definite plan.
 ☞ 我想搞点玻璃纤维,这东西现在市场上缺货。
 ☞ I'm thinking of producing glass fiber that is in short supply in the market.
17) work out,着重点在设计、制订。
 ☞ 他搞了好几项技术革新。
 ☞ He worked out several technical innovations.
 ☞ 我们一起搞了个除草的办法。
 ☞ We worked out together ways to get rid of weeds.
 ☞ 这个提纲要仔细搞。
 ☞ This outline must be worked out carefully.
18) set up,着重点在建立。
 ☞ 在城市郊区搞些互助组,保证蔬菜的生产,供应问题不难解决。
 ☞ It is possible to ensure the production and supply of vegetables by setting up mutual-aid teams in the suburban areas.
 ☞ 我们的一般做法是搞实验田。
 ☞ Our general practice is to set up experimental plots.
 ☞ 他们搞了个小实验室,全部业余时间都放在这项工作上了。
 ☞ They set up a small laboratory and devoted every spare moment to this work.
19) put up,着重点在修建。
 ☞ 我们打算在这里搞个电站。
 ☞ We're thinking of putting up a power station here.
 ☞ 厂房、机器、设备都搞起来了。
 ☞ Factory buildings have been put up, and machinery and other equipment installed.
 ☞ 我们搞了几个塑料薄膜苗圃。
 ☞ We have put up a few of plastic film nursery gardens.
20) draw up,着重点在草拟。
 ☞ 请你们注意抓紧搞个农业规划。
 ☞ Please take heed and lose no time in drawing up an agricultural plan.
 ☞ 我们搞了一系列的增产措施。
 ☞ We drew up a list of measures for increasing output.
 ☞ 议事日程还没有搞出来。
 ☞ The agenda has not yet been drawn up.
21) start,着重点在开始,故有“搞起来”的意思。
 ☞ 这家小工厂是由几个家庭妇女搞起来的。
 ☞ This small factory was started by a few housewives.
 ☞ 然后,他们搞起了扫盲运动。
 ☞ Then they started a movement to wipe out illiteracy.
 ☞ 我们又从头搞起,直到取得成功。
 ☞ We started all over again until we succeeded.
22) initiate,着重点在首创,故有“首先搞”的意思。
 ☞ 解放后,政府搞了一场消灭血吸虫病的群众运动。
 ☞ After liberation the government initiated a mass campaign to wipe out trematodiasis.
 ☞ 我们党搞的改革一定能成功。
 ☞ The reform initiated by our Party is bound to be a success.
 ☞ 希望工程的特点是搞一个教育的第二战线。
 ☞ The feature of the Project Hope is to initiate a second front of education.
 ☞ 如果你真想要,你就得降低军政费月,多搞经济建设。
 ☞ If your desire is genuine, then you will reduce the proportion of military and administrative expenditures and spend more on economic construction.
 ☞ 无非是少数人这里闹一下,那里闹一下,要搞大民主。
 ☞ At most a small number of people may create trouble here and there and clamor for so-called great democracy.
 ☞ 对这一斗争我们准备搞3个5年计划。
 ☞ We intend to devote a period of three five-year plans to the struggle.
 ☞ 城市的蔬菜供应主要是搞计划供应。
 ☞ To provide the cities with vegetables depends chiefly on planned supply.
1) 译成英语宾语前的定语。
 ☞ 党应在农村把农业搞好,在城市把工业搞好,在学校把敦育搞好。
 ☞ The Party must do a good job in agriculture in the countryside, in industry in cities, in education at school.
 ☞ 工厂怎么办,合作社怎么办,商店怎么办,在机关里是搞不清楚的。
 ☞ If you stay in your office, you will never get a clear idea of how factories, co-operatives and shops are run.
2) 译成带有系词的表语。
 ☞ 规划究竟什么时候搞好?
 ☞ When will the plan be ready?
 ☞ 这两个国家的关系现在搞得很紧张。
 ☞ At present the relations between the two countries are very strained.
3) 译成补语。
 ☞ 这消息搞得人心不安。
 ☞ The news has made people jittery.
 ☞ 我们搞不好还得重来。
 ☞ If things go wrong we have to start all over again.
4) 译成状语。
 ☞ 社会主义改造搞猛了也不行。
 ☞ To push socialist transformation too hard won't do either.
 ☞ 这块地搞好了,每亩可收1,000公斤。
 ☞ If this plot of land is handled well, it can yield 1,000 kg per mu.
5) 译作谓语或主语。
 ☞ 什么都叫你们搞乱了。
 ☞ You have disrupted everything.
 ☞ 把这个问题搞清楚,对我们都有好处。
 ☞ To clarify this question will be good for us.

 ☞ 我家已搬到北京。
 ☞ My family has moved to Beijing.
 ☞ 请帮我把这张桌子搬到那个角落里。
 ☞ Please help me to remove the table to that corner.
 ☞ 同学们都来帮忙搬石头。
 ☞ All students came to help remove the stones.
 ☞ 去年我们从上海搬到了昆明。
 ☞ We removed from Shanghai to Kunming last year.
 ☞ 他好不容易才把这个大包裹搬到柜台上。
 ☞ He lifted the huge package with difficulty onto the counter.
  "Lifting a rock only to have his own toes squashed "this was the inevitable result of Chamberlain's policy.
 ☞ 这个口袋在这里挡路,请搬一下。
 ☞ Shift the bag, it's in the way here.
 ☞ 我们搬了一下沙发,让它对着火炉。
 ☞ We have shifted the sofa so that it faces the fireplace.
 ☞ 他把行李搬到楼上的住所。
 ☞ He shifted his luggage up to his flat.
 ☞ 黄河搬入大海的黄土每年以亿吨计。
 ☞ Every year hundreds of millions of tons of loess are carried down to sea by the Yellow River.
 ☞ 说完这些话,他搬着大箱子上楼去了。
 ☞ With these words he carried a trunk up the stairs.
 ☞ 不能把行李搬到另一辆卡车上吗?
 ☞ Can't we transfer the luggage to another truck?
 ☞ 所有的货物已由海轮搬到驳船上去了。
 ☞ All goods have been transferred from the ocean-going ship to the barges.
 ☞ 这些花,我们先在暖房里培植,后来才搬到园子里的。
 ☞ We started these flowers in the greenhouse and then transplanted them to the garden.
 ☞ 我奉劝诸位,切记不要硬搬中国的经验。
 ☞ I beg to advise you not to transplant Chinese experience mechanically.
 ☞ 这种恶劣的先例是不能再搬的。
 ☞ Such a bad precedent must not be copied again.
 ☞ 他们的经验不能生搬硬套。
 ☞ Their experience should not be copied mechanically and applied indiscriminately.
摆出 摆出
 ☞ 只有摆出事实才能讲清楚道理。
 ☞ Only by presenting the facts can we reason things out.
 ☞ 那穷汉摆出一副可怜相。
 ☞ The poor fellow presented a wretched appearance.
 ☞ 那女人摆出一副冷冰冰的面孔,我们都觉得这顿饭难以下咽,更不用说吃出味道来了。
 ☞ The woman presented such a cold face that we found it difficult to finish our meal, much less enjoy it.
 ☞ 只要我祖母在家,姨太太们都会摆出一副讨好的笑脸。
 ☞ As long as my grandmother was in the house, the concubines would present a toadying smile.
2.set forth,意同present,但为口头用语。
 ☞ 我们可以把有利条件和不利条件摆出来一起讨论嘛。
 ☞ We can set forth the advantages and disadvantages and have a talk together.
 ☞ 他的观点都在声明里摆出来了。
 ☞ His views were fully set forth in his statement.
3.lay bare,指把不明的真相摆出来。
 ☞ 只要把事情摆出来,一切问题都能迎刃而解。
 ☞ Once we lay things bare, all problems can be readily solved.
 ☞ 他摆出想法以后,她就跟他言归于好了。
 ☞ She made it up with him after he laid bare what he thought.
 ☞ 商店的橱窗里摆出女式时装,琳琅满目。
 ☞ Shops have displayed in their windows women's clothing of the latest fashion which is a feast for the eyes.
 ☞ 几乎家家户户都摆出祭品祭神。
 ☞ Almost every household displayed food聃offerings to deity.
5.表示显示和炫耀,用put on air, assume airs (manner), show a bearing, behave as if。
 ☞ 他不论跟谁讲话都爱摆出一副官僚主义的架子。
 ☞ Whoever he talks to, he always puts on bureaucratic airs.
 ☞ 见他摆出一副老资格的样子,我们都感到恶心。
 ☞ We feel sick seeing that he puts on the airs of a veteran.
 ☞ 我们受不了他摆出的那副架子。
 ☞ We can hardly stand the airs he assumes.
 ☞ 他摆出一副漠不关心的样子。
 ☞ He assumed an air of indifference.
 ☞ 你摆出消息灵通的样子,其实什么都不知道。
 ☞ You assumed a well-informed manner but in fact you know nothing.
 ☞ 他升了官,便摆出了不起的样子。
 ☞ He has shown a proud bearing since his promotion.
 ☞ 年轻人爱摆出什么都懂的样子。
 ☞ Young people are anxious to behave as if they know everything.
摆脱 摆脱
1.表示解脱、解除、解放,用rid oneself of, get rid of, free oneself from。
 ☞ 我们应该摆脱形而上学的束缚。
 ☞ We should rid ourselves of the shackles of metaphysics.
 ☞ 我们做这一切都是为了摆脱旧中国遗留下来的贫困落后状况。
 ☞ We did all this in order to rid ourselves completely of the poverty and backwardness left over from Old China.
 ☞ 我想尽早摆脱这件事。
 ☞ I should like to get rid of this business as soon as possible.
 ☞ 他终于摆脱了困境。
 ☞ He has got rid of this trouble at last.
 ☞ 男女平等有助于妇女摆脱繁重的家务劳动。
 ☞ Equality between the sexes helps to free women from strenuous household chores.
 ☞ 他摆脱了其他一切事务,把整个身心都献给了民族解放事业。
 ☞ He freed himself from all other duties to dedicate himself to the cause of national liberation.
2.表示抛弃、丢弃、甩掉,用cast off (away),shake off。
 ☞ 我们必须摆脱我国的贫困落后状况。
 ☞ We must cast off poverty and backwardness in our country.
 ☞ 现在,亚非拉人民大都已摆脱了殖民主义的枷锁。
 ☞ The people in Asia, Africa and Latin America now mostly have cast off the yoke of colonialism.
 ☞ 西藏人民已经摆脱了农奴制的束缚。
 ☞ The Tibetan people have cast off their chains of the serf system.
 ☞ 他已摆脱了恶习。
 ☞ He has cast away his bad habits.
 ☞ 土地改革帮助我国农民摆脱了封建主义的枷锁。
 ☞ The Land Reform helped the peasants of China shake off the shackles of feudalism.
 ☞ 我方飞行员钻入云层,摆脱了多架敌方歼击机的追击。
 ☞ Our pilot dived into a bank of clouds and shook off the enemy fighters.
3.表示提高到另一水平,可译raise from。
 ☞ 十一届三中全会以来,我们地区已摆脱贫困落后状况。
 ☞ Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, our area has been raised from poverty and backwardness.
 ☞ 他通过自学摆脱了无知。
 ☞ He was raised from ignorance through self-study.
4.表示摆脱难以摆脱的困境,可译extricate oneself from。
 ☞ 他们策动一次又一次的反华浪潮,其目的是为了摆脱他们在国内外的困境。
 ☞ They have whipped up one anti-China wave after another to extricate themselves from its dilemmas at home and abroad.
 ☞ 我们来看看她如何从这一难堪的局面里摆脱出来。
 ☞ Let's see how she can extricate herself from this embarrassing situation.
摇摆 摇摆
 ☞ 房间里没人,我只看见一只大钟的钟摆在慢慢地来回摇摆。
 ☞ There was no one in the room and I saw only the pendulum of a large clock swinging slowly to and fro.
 ☞ 吊灯在风中摇摆,似乎眼看随时都要掉下来似的。
 ☞ The chandelier was swinging in the wind that seemed to drop at any moment.
 ☞ 柳枝迎风摇摆。
 ☞ The branches of the willow trees swayed in the breeze.
 ☞ 他奔跑时手中的水桶在摇摆。
 ☞ The pail swayed in his hand as he ran.
3.waver, 指不稳定地摇摆。
 ☞ 棕榈树在风中摇摆。
 ☞ The palm trees wavered in the wind.
 ☞ 他骑着他那摇摇摆摆的自行车上工厂去了。
 ☞ He rode his wavering bicycle to the factory.
  ■ 但waver还可用于转义。
 ☞ 他在两种意见之间摇摆不定。
 ☞ He wavered between the two opinions.
 ☞ 你总是摇摆不定,做不了决断。
 ☞ You always waver instead of making a decision.
 ☞ 波浪摇摆着船身。
 ☞ The waves rocked the ship.
 ☞ 乐队放肆地演奏着摇滚乐,每个人都以自己的方式摇摆着身子,开始跳起舞来。
 ☞ The band rocked away with abandon and each began to dance, rocking his holly in his own way.
 ☞ 我们执行具体工作路线和具体政策时,有时会迷失方向,左右摇摆。
 ☞ When we carry out a specific line for work and specific policy sometimes we may lose our bearings and vacillate now to the left and now to the right.
 ☞ 这孩子的性格反复无常、对立抵触、摇摆不定。
 ☞ The boy's character is inconstant, divided and vacillating.
摇晃 摇晃
1.shake, shaky,常用词,可指任何不稳定的摇晃,可以是有意的也可是无意的。
 ☞ 服药前先摇晃瓶子。
 ☞ Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.
 ☞ 地震时大楼都摇晃了。
 ☞ The tall buildings shook during the earthquake.
 ☞ 他愤怒地摇晃着拳头。
 ☞ He shook his fist in rage.
 ☞ 树枝在风中摇晃。
 ☞ The branches are shaking in the wind.
 ☞ 这椅子有点摇晃。
 ☞ The chair is a bit shaky.
2.rock, 指有节奏地摇晃,可轻可重。
 ☞ 年轻的妈妈把孩子抱在怀里,摇晃着哄他入睡。
 ☞ The young mother rocked the baby to sleep in her arms.
 ☞ 我在学习,请不要摇晃椅子,而且声音弄得那么大。
 ☞ I'm studying, please stop rocking the chair, and you're making so much noise.
 ☞ 爆炸使整个山谷都在摇晃。
 ☞ The explosion rocked the entire valley.
 ☞ 晕船的乘客头晕目眩地摇晃着。
 ☞ The seasick passengers swayed with dizziness.
 ☞ 她走起路来屁股左右摇晃。
 ☞ She swayed her hips from side to side as she walked.
 ☞ 大家都知道,烟囱若无足够的强度就会在起风时摇晃。
 ☞ Smokestacks are known to sway in the wind if they are not rigid enough.
 ☞ 他病了好久,走起路来脚步摇摇晃晃的。
 ☞ He walked with faltering steps after a long illness.
 ☞ 老太太摇摇晃晃地摸黑走向门口。
 ☞ The old lady faltered toward the door in the dark.
摧残 摧残
 ☞ 酷刑摧残了他的身体。
 ☞ The cruel torture ruined his health.
 ☞ 十年的社会动乱摧残了我国的经济。
 ☞ The ten-year social upheaval ruined China's economy.
2.trample on,指践踏。
 ☞ 摧残民主在旧中国是司空见惯的事情。
 ☞ Democracy being trampled on was a common sight in Old China.
 ☞ 他们采取种种措施的目的都是为了摧残人性。
 ☞ The measures they took aimed at trampling on human nature.
 ☞ 他们生活在一个警察国家里,所有的言论自由都受到摧残。
 ☞ They live in a police state, where all free speech is suppressed.
 ☞ 他们之所以要摧残舆论是因为缺乏自信。
 ☞ The reason why they suppress public opinion is that they are lacking in self-confidence.
摧毁 摧毁
 ☞ 一颗原子弹就能摧毁一个城市。
 ☞ An atom bomb could destroy a city.
 ☞ 我们发起全面进攻之前先用炮火摧毁了敌人的据点。
 ☞ The gunfire destroyed the enemy strongholds before we launched our all-out attack.
 ☞ 我部坦克很快就摧毁了敌人的步兵。
 ☞ Our tanks quickly smashed the enemy infantry.
 ☞ 工人阶级在建立新的国家机器之前应摧毁旧的国家机器。
 ☞ The working class must smash the old state machine before building a new one.
3.knock out,着重点在打掉。
 ☞ 他用火箭筒接连摧毁敌人的3辆坦克。
 ☞ He knocked out three enemy tanks in succession with his bazooka.
 ☞ 轰炸摧毁了敌人的炮兵。
 ☞ Bombing raids knocked out the enemy's artillery.

1) 用作及物动词,强调摸产生的感觉。
 ☞ 医生摸了摸我的前额和脉搏。
 ☞ The doctor felt my forehead and pulse.
 ☞ 你摸摸这口刀,看快不快。
 ☞ You feel the edge of the knife and see whether it is sharp.
2) 用做不及物动词,强调摸取。
 ☞ 她在口袋里摸了一阵才摸出一张纸片。
 ☞ She felt in her pocket for a while and finally produced a slip of paper.
 ☞ 他在工具箱里摸出把游标卡尺给了我,并说它对误差检验非常有用。
 ☞ He felt for a vernier caliper in his tool box and gave it to me by saying that it would be of great use for verifying errors.
3) 用作带有被动意义的自动词,强词手指触摸感。
 ☞ 这料子摸起来像丝绒。
 ☞ The material feels like velvet.
 ☞ 这布料摸起来很软。
 ☞ This cloth feels soft.
2.feel sth. out, 指摸清对方的态度、意见、性格等。
 ☞ 你最好摸一摸其他同志对这一问题的意见。
 ☞ You had better feel out other comrades' opinions on the subject.
 ☞ 在采取具体步骤以前,我们先摸摸情况。
 ☞ Let's feel out the situation first before we take any definite steps.
3.sound sth. out,指试探性摸清。
 ☞ 我们摸了摸他对那项计划的接受态度。
 ☞ We sounded out his receptiveness to the plan.
 ☞ 他说他的访华之行是想摸摸中国人对世界的看法。
 ☞ He says his trip to China is an attempt to sound out the Chinese world views.
4.find out, 指通过调查、研究、侦察等手段摸清。
 ☞ 请问你能告诉我处理这事的办法吗?我还摸不着门呢。
 ☞ Could you please let me know the way of dealing with it? I cannot find out the proper way.
 ☞ 一支小分队被派去摸敌情。
 ☞ A small detachment was sent to find the enemy situation out.
5.find one's way to,指由于视力缺失或光线缺乏等原因而摸索。
 ☞ 盲童用手摸着墙才摸到门口。
 ☞ Groping with his hand along the wall, the blind boy found his way to the door.
 ☞ 有好几个晚上,小光发现她每天下车后总是一个人摸着走,就决定帮助她。
 ☞ For several nights, Xiaoguang had noticed that she always had to find her way by herself after getting off the bus, so he decided to help her.
1) grope for,可与feel for换用。
 ☞ 我在暗处摸手电,我记得它一定在虏间的什么地方。
 ☞ I groped (felt) in the dark for the hand torch, which I remembered must be somewhere in the room.
 ☞ 他在漆黑的房间里摸电灯开关。
 ☞ He was groping (feeling) about in the dark for the electric switch.
2) grope one's way,指摸着走,可与find one's way换用。
 ☞ 她吹灭了蜡烛摸到床上。
 ☞ She blew out the candle and groped (found) her way into bed.
 ☞ 我们在漆黑的隧道里摸着走。
 ☞ We groped our way along the dark tunnel.
7.stroke, 指抚摸。
 ☞ 他停了一会,然后摸着我的头说:“现在去睡一会吧,你的眼睛都睁不开了。”
 ☞ He paused for a minute and then stroked my head and said: "Now go and get some sleep, you can hardly keep your eyes open."
 ☞ 他轻轻地摸着胡子问道:“我老了吗?”
 ☞ Stroking his beard gently, he said: "Am I getting old?"
 ☞ 他在口袋里摸火车票。
 ☞ He fumbled (groped) in his pocket for the railway ticket.
 ☞ 我们在漆黑的走廊里摸着走。
 ☞ We fumbled along the corridor.
9.fish out, 指从看不见的地方摸出。
 ☞ 他从床底下摸出一双鞋来,并要我穿上。
 ☞ He fished out a pair of shoes from under the bed and had me put them on.
 ☞ 她从口袋里摸出个硬币,给了那个男孩。
 ☞ She fished out a coin from her pocket and gave it to the boy.
 ☞ 勿摸展品。
 ☞ Please do not touch the exhibits.
 ☞ 一支游击队趁黑,摸了敌人的岗哨。
 ☞ A guerrilla detachment stole up to an enemy sentinel in the dark and got rid of him.
 ☞ 你最好先摸摸事情的原因。
 ☞ First of all you'd better get at the reason.
 ☞ 这就是我佃说的浑水摸鱼。
 ☞ That is what we say: "Fish in the troubled water."
 ☞ 这事初看起来不容易,可过不了几星期就能摸着门道了。
 ☞ It seems difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it after a few weeks.
 ☞ 他在我们村蹲点3年,摸出一套种水稻的好经验。
 ☞ He has stayed in our village for three years and gained good experience in growing rice.
摸底 摸底
1.know, know much about,指清楚。
 ☞ 我们要摸农业技术的底。
 ☞ We must get to know farming techniques.
 ☞ 大家的想法他都摸底。
 ☞ He knows quite well what is in everybody's mind.
 ☞ 这事你摸底吗?
 ☞ Do you know much about the matter?
 ☞ 这事我不摸底,你可以问问别人。
 ☞ I don't know much about this business. Please ask someone else.
2.have an idea, 指了解。
 ☞ 恐怕你们这些负责人也不大摸底。
 ☞ I'm afraid you, who are in responsible positions, haven't a very clear idea.
 ☞ 他对此事的看法,你摸底吗?
 ☞ Have you any idea of his view on the matter?
3.feel out, 指摸清对方的想法、情况等。
 ☞ 一开始,两个拳手都在摸对方的底。
 ☞ At first the boxers felt each other out.
 ☞ 我们得摸摸父母的底,看看他们让不让我们去。
 ☞ We have to feel out our parents' attitude and see if they'll let us go.
4.sound out,指试探性摸清。
 ☞ 如果你想摸底,这又是一个底,这是一个带根本性质的底。
 ☞ If you want to sound us out, then this is one thing you will learn, a thing which is fundamental in nature.
 ☞ 他对这件事的态度如何我不摸底,所以我得摸摸他的底。
 ☞ I don't know where he stands on this issue. So I must sound him out.
5.get at,指搞清楚。
 ☞ 我正在摸的底是她为什么要嫁给他。
 ☞ What I'm trying to get at is why she wants to marry him.
 ☞ 咱们来摸摸这些事情的底吧。
 ☞ Let's get at the bottom of things.
6.size up,指做出判断。
 ☞ 查不清情况,摸不清底的结果是又收购了70 亿斤。
 ☞ Inadequate investigation and failure to size up the situation resulted in the purchase of 7 billion more catties.
 ☞ 我们队的教练到首尔去摸韩国队的底。
 ☞ Our coach went to Seoul to size up the team of South Korea.
7.probe into,指刺探式的调查。
 ☞ 我觉得他想摸我思想的底。
 ☞ I could feel he wanted to probe into my thoughts.
 ☞ 不要来摸我的底,我在想些什么是不会告诉你的。
 ☞ Don't probe into my mind. I won't tell what I'm thinking.
 ☞ 这次,我们摸了一下美国军队的底。
 ☞ This time we have taken measure of the U.S. armed forces.
 ☞ 请同志们摸一下农民用粮的底。
 ☞ Please investigate how much grain the peasants actually consume.
 ☞ 他并不爱她,他只是对她的财富感兴趣,不过她也很快摸清了他的底。
 ☞ He did not love her. He was only interested in her fortune, but she got his number fast.
撇下 撇下
1.leave behind,指遗留下来。
 ☞ 他调到了北京,撇下一连串的问题和困难。
 ☞ He was transferred to Beijing, leaving behind a long train of problems and difficulties.
 ☞ 他们撤退时撇下了许多重型装备。
 ☞ In their withdrawal much of heavy equipment was left behind.
 ☞ 他身后撇下了1妻3子。
 ☞ He left one wife and three children behind him.
 ☞ 我不会撇下她不管,这个你是知道的。
 ☞ I won't neglect her, you know that.
 ☞ 那男孩是很关心狗的,从来没有撇下不管过。
 ☞ The boy was careful never to neglect his dog.
 ☞ 我们不能只抓一头,把别的事情撇下不管。
 ☞ We should not just concentrate on one thing to the neglect of others.
 ☞ 对犯错误的同志要帮助,不能撇下不管。
 ☞ We should help comrades who have committed mistakes, and not ignore them.
 ☞ 这不是一个可以撇下不管的问题。
 ☞ It is not a question that can be ignored.
撇开 撇开
1.leave aside,指撇到一边不予考虑。
 ☞ 撇开纸张缺乏不说,就是时间也还得从别的印刷工作里挤出来。
 ☞ Leaving the shortage of paper aside, we still have to find the time off from other work for printing.
 ☞ 我建议撇开与这一设计无关的问题,而集中精力讨论如何提高经济效益。
 ☞ I suggest that all the problems not connected with this design be left aside. We must focus our energy on the discussion about how to increase economic efficiency.
 ☞ 咱们先撇开成本一事不说。
 ☞ Let's leave the matter of cost aside.
 ☞ 尼克松总统有时候撇开国务院而喜欢使用非正式渠道。
 ☞ President Nixon sometimes bypassed the Department of State in favor of unorthodox channels.
 ☞ 什么事都叫别人把我们撇开了。
 ☞ We were bypassed on everything.
 ☞ 这些问题是不能撇开的。
 ☞ These questions cannot be bypassed.

 ☞ 她把衣服撒得房间里到处都是,我得整理一下。
 ☞ She scattered her clothes all over the room and I have to put them in order.
 ☞ 我看到文件撒了一地。
 ☞ I saw the papers scattered about the ground.
 ☞ 春天,农民把种子撒到地里。
 ☞ In spring the peasants scatter seeds over the field.
 ☞ 妈把老鼠药撒到地窖里。
 ☞ Mother scattered the rat poison around the cellar.
 ☞ 他把灰撒到结冰的路面上。
 ☞ He sprinkled (scattered) ash along the icy path.
 ☞ 在饼子上撒些砂糖。
 ☞ Sprinkle (scatter) some granulated sugar on the cake.
 ☞ 她把撒在地上的麦粒扫到一块儿。
 ☞ She swept up the grains of wheat that had spilled on the ground.
 ☞ 他们分金砂时,他把一半撒在了地上。
 ☞ He spilt half of the gold sand on the ground when they were dividing it among them.
 ☞ 农民常在酸性土壤中撒石灰。
 ☞ Peasants often spread lime where the soil is sour.
 ☞ 使雪融化的传统做法是在路面上撒盐。
 ☞ The traditional way of melting the snow is spreading salt about the road.
 ☞ 飞机给庄稼撒农药。
 ☞ The airplane dusted an insecticide onto the crop.
 ☞ 在饼子上撒些糖。
 ☞ Dust some sugar on the cake.

 ☞ 屋子里黑,我的头撞到了墙上。
 ☞ The room was dark and I bumped my head against the wall.
 ☞ 小男孩一滑,撞到了年轻姑娘的怀里。
 ☞ The little boy slipped and bumped into a young girl.
 ☞ 两辆车撞到了一起。
 ☞ The two cars bumped together.
 ☞ 他从门里冲出来,把一位女孩从自行车上撞了下来。
 ☞ He rushed out of the door and bumped a girl off the bicycle.
  ■ bump into还可作“无意中撞上某人”解。
 ☞ 想不到他逃学逛街时竟撞上了他的老师。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should bump into his teacher while he was roaming round the town, playing truant?
2.crash, 指猛撞,力度上比bump又进一步。
 ☞ 公共汽车撞穿了墙壁,死了司机和两个乘客。
 ☞ The bus crashed through the wall, killing its driver and 2 passengers.
 ☞ 两架飞机相撞,炸成了火球。
 ☞ The two planes crashed and burst into flames.
 ☞ 母亲把两个平底锅撞得乒乓响,好让我们起床。
 ☞ Mother clashed two pans together to get us up.
 ☞ 他一滑,哐啷一声身子撞到了窗玻璃上。
 ☞ He slipped and his body clashed the windowpane.
  ■ clash有时也指发生冲突。
 ☞ 两个会撞到了一起,我该参加哪一个?
 ☞ Which one am I to attend when the two meetings clash?
4.run into, 指车辆的相撞。
 ☞ 一辆卡车撞坏了我们的汽车。
 ☞ A truck ran into our car and damaged it.
 ☞ 公共汽车失去了控制,一头撞进墙里。
 ☞ The bus got out of control and ran into the wall.
 ☞ 开起大会来,不知道会撞上谁?
 ☞ You'll never know whom you'll run into at a big meeting.
 ☞ 他倒下来,头撞到了桌子上。
 ☞ His head struck the table as he fell.
 ☞ 他的车当时撞到一棵树上,树上的痕迹还看得清楚。
 ☞ His car struck a tree, and you can still see the mark on the tree.
 ☞ 面包车在交会处撞了小汽车。
 ☞ The van hit the car at the junction.
 ☞ 我摔倒时头撞在墙上。
 ☞ I hit my head against the wall when I fell.
6.collide (with).collision,强调毁灭性的猛烈相撞,为书面用语。
 ☞ 油船与货船相撞后沉没了。
 ☞ The tanker sank after it collided with the freighter.
 ☞ 他跑到拐角时与另一个男孩撞到了一起。
 ☞ In running around the comer, he collided with another boy.
 ☞ 两车相撞,碎成了好几块。
 ☞ The two cars were broken to pieces in the collision.
 ☞ 他想在股市上撞运气,果然捞了一把。
 ☞ He tried his luck at the stock market and, sure enough, made a lot of money.
 ☞ 我认为我谋不到那个职位,但我还是愿意去撞撞运气。
 ☞ I don't think I'll get the job but I'm willing to take my chance.
 ☞ 我是当一天和尚撞一天钟。
 ☞ I'm going on tolling the bell as long as I'm a monk.
 ☞ 选日不如撞日。
 ☞ Any day arranged at random would be rather better than the date fixed.

 ☞ 敌人遭到严重损失后,撤了。
 ☞ The enemy retreated after heavy losses.
 ☞ 部队从被摧毁的要塞撤离。
 ☞ The troops retreated from the ruined fortress.
 ☞ 我军在受到攻击之后就撤了。
 ☞ After being attacked, our army withdrew.
 ☞ 他答应从圣地撤军。
 ☞ He promised to withdraw his army from the Holly Land.
 ☞ 原告已经撤诉。
 ☞ The plaintiff has withdrawn his accusation.
 ☞ 妇女儿童必须撤往后方。
 ☞ Women and children must be evacuated to the rear.
 ☞ 伤员已撤至医院治疗。
 ☞ The wounded have been evacuated to the hospital for treatment.
 ☞ 他因此从岗位上撤了下来。
 ☞ Therefore he was removed from his position.
 ☞ 警察把障碍物撤了,交通又恢复了正常。
 ☞ The policemen removed the obstacles and the traffic returned to normal again.
5.clear (away),指撤席或撤去杯盘。
 ☞ 撤席之后,端上了水果。
 ☞ Fruits were served after the table was cleared.
 ☞ 我们吃完以后,母亲很快就撤去杯盘。
 ☞ Mother cleared away cups and dishes quickly when we finished eating.

1.support,prop up,均指支撑,但前者着重静态支撑,后者则着重支撑起来。在不强调这种细微区别时,可以换用。
 ☞ 她撑着椅子的扶手站了起来。
 ☞ She stood up, supporting herself on the arms of the chair.
 ☞ 几根木料撑住了那堵倾圮的墙。
 ☞ Some pieces of lumber supported the damaged wall.
 ☞ 他用一块厚木板撑着那棵苹果树。
 ☞ He propped up the apple tree with a thick plank.
 ☞ 他一手撑起身子,一手投弹。
 ☞ He propped himself up on one hand and threw a grenade with the other.
2.rest on,指依托。
 ☞ 她两手撑着下巴,而胳膊又撑在桌子上。
 ☞ She rested her chin in both hands while her elbows were resting on the table.
 ☞ 78根圆柱撑着屋顶。
 ☞ The roof rests on eight columns.
1) 指支撑、依托,故可与前两节的词换用。
 ☞ 一堆沙袋撑着那座桥。
 ☞ A pile of sand bags held (supported) the bridge.
 ☞ 78根圆柱撑着屋顶。
 ☞ Eight columns hold the roof,试比较:The roof rests on eight columns.
2) 用手擎、提等。
 ☞ 他撑着一把伞,在雨里站着。
 ☞ He stood in the rain, holding an umbrella.
 ☞ 把麻袋撑开,我才好装。
 ☞ Hold the sack open so that I can load it.
4.keep it up,指坚持,维持。
 ☞ 他工作太艰苦,决不可能这样撑下去。
 ☞ He works too hard, he will never be able to keep it up this way.
 ☞ 他勉强领先,并且一直撑到比赛结束。
 ☞ He managed to take the lead, and kept it up till the end of the race.
5.cannot help,指不由得。
 ☞ 听了他说的话,她撑不住破涕为笑。
 ☞ Hearing his words, she could not help turning tears into smile.
 ☞ 往事涌上心头,她撑不住哭了起来。
 ☞ She could not help weeping as past events rushed into her mind.
6.fill, full,指过饱。
 ☞ 他一直吃到肚子都要撑破了。
 ☞ He went on eating till he was filled to the point of bursting.
 ☞ 我已经有点撑,不能再吃了。
 ☞ I'm rather full and can't eat any more.
 ☞ 我们看见他撑一条小船来了。
 ☞ We saw him coming, poling a boat.
 ☞ 在波涛滚滚的河里撑木筏实在太危险。
 ☞ It's too dangerous to pole a raft in the river with rolling waves.

1.强调用布擦,用wipe (away)。
 ☞ 姑娘用手帕擦眼泪。
 ☞ The girl wiped the tears away with a handkerchief.
 ☞ 他用袖口擦脸上的汗。
 ☞ He wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeve.
2.强调来回地擦,用rub (away)。
 ☞ 他把错字擦了重写。
 ☞ He rubbed away the wrong words and rewrote them.
 ☞ 她在用肥皂擦手。
 ☞ She is rubbing her hands with the soap.
 ☞ 士兵都在擦枪。
 ☞ The soldiers were cleaning their guns.
 ☞ 把黑板擦了,写上布置给你们的作业。
 ☞ Clean the blackboard and copy the homework assigned to you.
 ☞ 她一天至少得擦一次地板。
 ☞ She has to mop the floor at least once a day.
 ☞ 护士用一块纱布轻轻地擦伤口上的血。
 ☞ The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound with a piece of gauze.
 ☞ 她使劲擦盆,想把污垢去掉。
 ☞ She scrubbed the basin to remove the dirt.
 ☞ 他用湿毛巾使劲擦背。
 ☞ He scrubbed his back with a wet towel.
 ☞ 客人来以前要把银制餐具擦好。
 ☞ Have the table silver polished before the guests arrive.
 ☞ 你的皮鞋每天至少得擦一次。
 ☞ Your shoes ought to be polished at least once a day.
 ☞ 我一滑,擦着了一条胳膊。
 ☞ I slipped and scraped an elbow.
 ☞ 小艇的龙骨擦着湖底了。
 ☞ The boat's keel scraped the bottom of the lake.
 ☞ 子弹擦着他的肩膀而过。
 ☞ The bullet grazed his shoulder.
 ☞ 汽车擦着车库的门。
 ☞ The car grazed the garage door.
 ☞ 他在皮靴的后跟上擦了一根火柴。
 ☞ He scratched a match on his boot heel.
 ☞ 汽车在事故中只是擦了一下。
 ☞ The car was only scratched in the accident.
 ☞ 敌机擦着屋顶呼啸而过。
 ☞ The enemy plane shaved the roof roaring over.
 ☞ 我们发现暗处有一辆汽车擦墙而过。
 ☞ We found that a car had shaved the wall in the dark.
11.强调擦感,用brush against。
 ☞ 他感到她走过时绸衫擦着他身子。
 ☞ He felt the brush of her silk dress against him as she passed.
 ☞ 我感到一个醉汉擦肩而过。
 ☞ I was brushed against a drunkard.
 ☞ 护士在给那个病人的伤口擦碘酒。
 ☞ The nurse was applying iodine to a wound of the patient.
 ☞ 这种油膏只能擦在皮肤上。
 ☞ This kind of ointment can be applied to the skin only.
13.强调擦上一层化妆品,用put on,wear。
 ☞ 你喜欢擦雪花膏吗?
 ☞ Do you like to put on vanishing cream?
 ☞ 姑娘大都爱擦口红。
 ☞ Most girls are in favor of wearing lipstick.
支持 支持
 ☞ 我们既从物质上也从精神上支持非洲人民的解放斗争。
 ☞ We supported the African people in their struggle for liberation both materially and spiritually.
 ☞ 我国在国际上得到了越来越广泛的支持。
 ☞ China enjoys wider and wider international support.
 ☞ 我想我们可以给你一些道义上的支持。
 ☞ I think we can give you a little moral support.
2.back, backing,指作为后盾的支持,因此是比support更为形象的说法。
 ☞ 工会领袖决定支持工人要求加薪的斗争。
 ☞ The trade union leaders decided to back the workers in their struggle for higher pay.
 ☞ 集会得到了共产党和社会党强有力的支持。
 ☞ The meeting was strongly backed by the Communist and Social Parties.
 ☞ 新闻界将给我们坚决的支持。
 ☞ The press will give us a resolute backing.
 ☞ 我完全支持这个建议。
 ☞ I am all for this proposal.
 ☞ 你是支持还是反对这个决议草案?
 ☞ Are you for the draft resolution or against it?
4.sustain, hold up, prop up, hold out,均指带有支撑性的支持(详见“支撑”条)。
 ☞ 再次与儿子相见的念头一直支持着她经历这场磨难。
 ☞ The thought of seeing her son again has been sustaining her throughout her ordeal.
 ☞ 是母爱支持着她把孩子养大成人。
 ☞ It was the mother love that held her up to bring up her children.
 ☞ 他冻得支持不住了。
 ☞ It was so cold that he couldn't hold up any longer.
 ☞ 那家公司是由几个垄断资本家支持的。
 ☞ The company is propped up by some monopoly capitalists.
支援 支援
 ☞ 已出动医务人员支援地震灾区。
 ☞ The medical personnel has been sent to help the area hit by the earthquake.
 ☞ 有时相互支援也十分重要。
 ☞ Sometimes it is also very important to help each other.
2.aid, 比help正式,并暗示较强的一方支援较弱的一方。
 ☞ 已筹集到一笔特别资金来支援科研。
 ☞ A special fund has been raised to aid scientific studies.
 ☞ 中国红十字会向灾区提供了食物及医疗支援。
 ☞ The Red Cross Society of China offered food and medical aid to the disaster area.
3.assist, assistance,指辅助性的支援。
 ☞ 弟兄们都赶来支援父亲建房。
 ☞ The brothers rushed to assist their father in building a house.
 ☞ 救治灾区的伤病贯需要公众的支援。
 ☞ The public assistance is needed to give treatment to the sick and wounded of the disaster area.
 ☞ 各行各业都要大力支援农业。
 ☞ All trades and professions must do their best to support agriculture.
 ☞ 我们需要你们的支援。
 ☞ We need your support.
支撑 支撑
 ☞ 柱子支撑着坑道的顶板。
 ☞ The pillars sustain the roof of the pit.
 ☞ 该拱形结构支撑着桥梁的全部重量。
 ☞ The arch sustains the entire weight of the bridge.
 ☞ 她站了起来,用拐杖支撑着身子。
 ☞ She stood up, supporting herself with a stick.
 ☞ 这么低的工薪,我无法支撑整个家庭的生活。
 ☞ I cannot support the whole family on such a small salary。
 ☞ 儿子是她惟一的支撑。
 ☞ Her son is her only support.
3.prop up,义同support,但更具动感,有“支撑住”,“支撑起”的意思。
 ☞ 园丁用厚木板支撑苹果树。
 ☞ The gardener propped up the apple trees with stout planks.
 ☞ 她把手放到婴儿的脖子后,支撑着它的脑袋。
 ☞ She propped up the baby's head by putting her hand behind its neck.
 ☞ 病人支撑着坐了起来。
 ☞ The patient propped himself up into a sitting position.
 ☞ 伪政权是由日本军队支撑着。
 ☞ The puppet regime was propped up by the Japanese troops.
4.hold up, 与prop up相反,不具有动感,只表示支撑的状态。
 ☞ 地基支撑不了房屋的重量。
 ☞ The foundation was not adequate to hold up the weight of the house.
 ☞ 以墙面支撑屋顶的房屋在地震时容易倒塌。
 ☞ The house is apt to collapse if its walls hold up the roof.
 ☞ 他连遭挫折,我不知道他是怎么支撑过来的。
 ☞ He suffered repeated setbacks and I don't know what was holding him up.
支配 支配
 ☞ 工程资金是由国家计委支配的。
 ☞ It is the State Planning Commission that allocates funds for projects.
 ☞ 在企业内我可以自由支配50万元以内的资金。
 ☞ I have a free hand in allocating the money less than 500 thousand yuan within the enterprise.
 ☞ 一定要学会合理支配劳动力。
 ☞ Be sure to learn to make a proper allocation of the labor force.
2.budget, 强调作计划来支配。
 ☞ 你应当善于支配自己的时间。
 ☞ You should be good at budgeting your time.
 ☞ 现在的劳动力市场紧张,对人力的支配要分外仔细。
 ☞ In the present tight labor market manpower must be budgeted very carefully.
3.dispose of,at disposal,指一般事物的支配。
 ☞ 你丈夫死后你有权支配他的财产。
 ☞ You have the right to dispose of your husband's property after his death.
 ☞ 老板认为雇员的工作时间是由他支配的。
 ☞ The boss assumes that the employees' working hours are at his disposal.
4.be controlled, under control,在控制中受到支配。
 ☞ 尽管你嫁给了他,但你的生活不能由他来支配。
 ☞ Though you married him, yet your life can't be controlled by him.
 ☞ 要支配他并不容易。
 ☞ It's not easy to keep him under control.
5.be governed,指在被统治中受到支配。
 ☞ 人的行动受到思想的支配。
 ☞ People's actions are governed by their ideology.
 ☞ 潮汐的起落是受到月球运动支配的。
 ☞ The rise and fall of the sea are governed by the movement of the moon.
6.subject, subjection,指在性质上受到支配。
 ☞ 世上万物都受自然规律的支配。
 ☞ Everything in the world is subjected to the laws of nature.
 ☞ 过去妇女的生活往往受到男人的支配。
 ☞ Women used to live in subjection to men.
收入 收入
 ☞ 在多数工作中,收入的多少是衡量成功与否的标准。
 ☞ In most work success is measured by income.
 ☞ 现在家庭的收入增加了30%。
 ☞ Now the income of the family has been increased more than 30%.
 ☞ 国家财政收入主要是人民所交的税。
 ☞ The state revenue is made up chiefly of the money the people pay in taxes.
 ☞ 有那么一个所谓的文明国家把1/3的收入花在扩军备战上。
 ☞ There is a so-called civilized state that spends one third of its revenue on arms expansion and war preparations.
 ☞ 去年收入超过了支出。
 ☞ The receipts exceeded the expenditures last year.
 ☞ 我们的花费低于收入。
 ☞ Our expenses were less than our receipts.
 ☞ 他一年的收入从未超过万元。
 ☞ His earnings never amounted to more than 10,000 yuan.
 ☞ 所得税的计算根据是个人的收入。
 ☞ Income taxes are based on one's earnings.
5.contain, include,均指收录。
 ☞ 这本歌集收入了冼星海的两首歌。
 ☞ This song book contains two songs of Xian Xinghai.
 ☞ 他的建议也收入在今天发表的备忘录里。
 ☞ His suggestion was also contained in the memorandum published today.
 ☞ 修订版收入了许多新词语。
 ☞ Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition.
 ☞ 我把我所有的短篇故事都收入在这本选集里。
 ☞ I have included all my short stories in the selected works.
收到 收到
 ☞ 你收到我要他寄给你的书了吗?
 ☞ Have you received the book I asked him to send to you?
 ☞ 我收到了他的请柬,但我还不知是否能接受。
 ☞ I've received his invitation, but I don't know yet whether I will be able to accept it.
 ☞ 今收到史密斯先生5月1日至12月31日的房租7,000元。
 ☞ I've received of Mr. Smith the sum of 7,000 yuan for house rent from the first of May to the last of December.
 ☞ 他决定一收到答复就立即动身。
 ☞ He made up his mind to set out as soon as he got a reply.
 ☞ 有好几天都没有答复,不过我终于收到了一张小纸条。
 ☞ I had no answer for several days, but at last I've got a little note.
 ☞ 她昨天收到朋友的一个答复,要她到春城饭店见面。
 ☞ She got a reply from a friend yesterday, asking her to meet him at the Spring City Hotel.
 ☞ 每天开工前5分钟的信息交流会收到了很好的效果。
 ☞ The five-minute meeting to exchange information before we start our work has achieved good results.
 ☞ 把这种药水涂于患部收到了很好的疗效。
 ☞ The solution applied to the affected part has achieved good curative effect.
收割 收割
 ☞ 收割庄稼就是把它砍倒,然后再收集起来。
 ☞ To reap crop is to cut it for gathering in.
 ☞ 村子里的男女老少都去收割庄稼了。
 ☞ The villagers, men and women, old and young, were all out reaping crop.
2.gather in,强调把庄稼收集起来。
 ☞ 联合收割机使农民能及时收割夏季作物。
 ☞ The combine enabled the peasants to gather in the summer crops in time.
 ☞ 暴风雨到来之前,稻谷已经收割。
 ☞ The rice crop had been safely gathered in before the storm came.
 ☞ 我省的冬小麦收割已经完成。
 ☞ The harvesting of the winter wheat in our province has been completed.
 ☞ 水稻春天播种,秋季收割。
 ☞ Rice is sown in spring and harvested in autumn.
收回 收回
1.take back,指自愿或强制性收回已说出的话或售出的货。
 ☞ 他收回了刚才说过的话。
 ☞ He took back what he had just said.
 ☞ 如果对产品有什么不满意,我们可以收回。
 ☞ If the product proves unsatisfactory in any way we could take it back.
 ☞ 要是你不收回对他的侮辱,他威胁要把你打个半死。
 ☞ He threatens to beat you half-dead unless you take back the insult to him.
2.call in,指按命令或通告的要求收回。
 ☞ 政府收回了所有3元面额的旧钞。
 ☞ The government called in all old three-yuan notes.
 ☞ 债券在发行5年后开始分期收回。
 ☞ The bonds began to be called in at intervals five years after issue.
 ☞ 图书馆正在收回过期未还的书籍。
 ☞ The library is calling in all books that are overdue.
 ☞ 生产厂家出于安全因素而收回了所有的汽车。
 ☞ The maker has recalled all the cars that are unsafe.
 ☞ 采取什么措施来收回这些药品?
 ☞ What measures have been taken to recall the drugs?
 ☞ 我要收回新大衣的定单,因为已有人给了我一件。
 ☞ I shall recall my order for my new overcoat because I have had one given to me.
 ☞ 要是你现在不起诉,就永远也收不回你的财产。
 ☞ If you don't sue now, you'll never regain your property.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战之后从日本人手里收回了台湾。
 ☞ Taiwan was regained from the Japanese after World WarⅡ.
 ☞ 如果能收回贷款,说不定你会成为英雄。
 ☞ If the loan money was regained, you might become a hero.
 ☞ 分析家们对本公司能否在短期内收回投资表示怀疑。
 ☞ Analysts doubt that our company will recoup the investment soon.
 ☞ 你可在一年内收回你的投资。
 ☞ You may recoup your investment within a year.
 ☞ 后来,他收回了他对她进行的攻击。
 ☞ He later withdrew the charges he made against her 你必须收回你愚蠢的声明。
 ☞ You must withdraw your stupid statement.
 ☞ 我并不想收回我刚才说过的话。
 ☞ I don't incline to withdraw what I've just said.
收成 收成
 ☞ 今年可望有个好收成。
 ☞ A good harvest is anticipated this year.
 ☞ 我们从来没有过这样好的收成。
 ☞ We have never had such a recorded harvest 1988年由于大水收成不好。
 ☞ The harvest was bad in 1988 0wing to flood.
  ■ 一般来说,harvest是指谷物的收成,但有时也可指水产品的收成。
 ☞ 今年牡蛎的收成不好。
 ☞ The oyster harvest is not good this year.
 ☞ 今年冬麦的收成不好。
 ☞ The winter wheat crop was not good this year.
 ☞ 1998年的棉花收成次于1997年。
 ☞ The cotton crop of 1998 was inferior to that of 1997.
 ☞ 只要天气能这样继续下去,农民就不用愁今年的收成了。
 ☞ Provided the weather keeps like this, the peasants have no need to worry about the crop.
 ☞ 在这次鱼汛中,带鱼的收成好不好?
 ☞ Have you got a good catch of hairtail in this season?
 ☞ 一天的收成是两条鲤鱼。
 ☞ A day's catch was two carps.
收拾 收拾
1.put in order,指收拾整齐。
 ☞ 尽管他的书房乱七八糟,他还是不让妻子收拾。
 ☞ He wouldn't let his wife put his study in order though it is chaos.
 ☞ 我们把工具收拾好,准备第二天用。
 ☞ We put our tools in order for next day's work.
2.gather up, 指把零散的东西收拾到一起。
 ☞ 中午,同学们正在收拾仪器,准备休息,突然发现实验室着火了。
 ☞ At noon the students were gathering up their instruments and preparing to take a rest when they found the laboratory was on fire.
 ☞ 我收拾好东西就离开了。
 ☞ I gathered up my things and left.
3.tidy up, 与put in order同义,但是更进了一步,有put in proper order的意思。
 ☞ 做完工作后,她开始收拾办公桌。
 ☞ Having finished off the work she began to tidy up her desk.
 ☞ 得把样板房清理出来,并在本周内收拾好。
 ☞ The sample room will have to be cleared up and tidied up this week.
4.clear away,指收拾掉。
 ☞ 我马上来收拾饭菜。
 ☞ I'll clear away all the food and dishes in a moment.
 ☞ 你能收拾一下这些文件吗?
 ☞ Could you clear away these papers?
5.get sth. (ready),指收拾好准备行动。
 ☞ 你把咱们的药箱收拾好准备下乡。
 ☞ You get our medical kit ready for going to the countryside.
 ☞ 咱们赶紧收拾东西走吧。
 ☞ Let's get our things together at once and be off.
6.settle with, 指报复性的收拾。
 ☞ 我们早晚要收拾这个坏蛋。
 ☞ We'll settle with the scoundrel sooner or later.
 ☞ 我们以后再收拾你。
 ☞ We will settle with you later.
 ☞ 她在收拾床铺。
 ☞ She is making the bed.
 ☞ 他进来时我们正在收拾行李。
 ☞ We were packing our luggage when he came in.
收效 收效
1.produce effect,指产生效果。
 ☞ 我没想到贴在肚脐上的一张膏药竟会收效。
 ☞ I never expected that a piece of medicated plaster applied to the belly button should have produced effect.
 ☞ 我们都劝她要节哀,但收效甚微。
 ☞ We all advised her to restrain her grief, which produced very little effect.
2.bear fruit,指产生结果。
 ☞ 这些努力似乎收效甚微。
 ☞ These efforts seemed to bear little fruit.
 ☞ 贵公司的投资有望收效。
 ☞ The investment of your company is expected to bear fruit.
3.bring results,指带来成果。
 ☞ 3个月的武术辅导收效显著。
 ☞ Three months' coaching in Wushu has brought notable results.
 ☞ 治疗肠胃病的收效尚可。
 ☞ The treatment for gastrointestinal troubles brought fair results.
 ☞ 这些轻工项目具有投资少、收效快的特点。
 ☞ These light industry projects are characterized by small investments and quick returns.
 ☞ 我们这一行的利润小,但收效快。
 ☞ In our business the profits are small but the returns are quick.
收敛 收敛
 ☞ 整风期间,宗派主义有所收敛。
 ☞ Sectarianism weakened to some extent during the rectification movement.
 ☞ 她听到这消息,笑容突然收敛了。
 ☞ Her smile disappeared suddenly when she heard the news.
3.restrain, restraint指抑止,故着重程度。
 ☞ 只要她在家,姨太太不得不有所收敛。
 ☞ As long as she was in the house, the concubine had to restrain herself to some extent.
 ☞ 他没有得手,故有点收敛。
 ☞ As he has not been able to have his way, he has shown some restraint.
4.pull in one's horn,指退缩,故也着重结果。
 ☞ 那次碰了钉子以后,他就收敛了。
 ☞ He has pulled in his horn since that setback.
 ☞ 当你听到遭你残酷虐待的囚犯的呻吟声,你不能收敛点吗?
 ☞ Can't you relent when you hear the groan of the prisoner you're cruelly treating?
 ☞ 他继续为非作歹,毫不收敛。
 ☞ Unrelentingly he pursued his course of evil.
收缩 收缩
 ☞ 空气受热膨胀,遇冷收缩。
 ☞ When air is heated, it expands and when air is cooled, it contracts.
 ☞ 心脏是通过有节奏的收缩和扩张来保持血液循环的。
 ☞ The heart, by contracting and dilating rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
 ☞ 寒冷的天气使大桥桥身收缩了五厘米。
 ☞ Cold weather caused a contraction of 5 cm. in the bridge.
 ☞ 这已说明当木材含水量下降时就会收缩。
 ☞ It has already explained that wood shrinks when moisture content is reduced.
 ☞ 肉类在烹调时由于部分脂肪流失而收缩。
 ☞ Meat shrinks by losing some of its fat in cooking.
3.constrict, 指有机体组织的收缩。
 ☞ 人体毛孔在遇冷时会收缩。
 ☞ The pores of human body are constricted under the influence of cold.
 ☞ 壁虎在紧急关头会收缩肌肉,切断尾部逃生。
 ☞ In critical moment the lizard saves its life by constricting certain muscles and thus breaking off the tail.
收获 收获
 ☞ 大片的土地可以用机器迅速耕种、集体收获。
 ☞ Great areas could be quickly planted and harvested collectively by using machines.
 ☞ 收获水果应尽量在第一次霜冻以前。
 ☞ Try to harvest the fruit before the first frost.
 ☞ 收获时的天气变了。
 ☞ The weather changed at the harvest.
  ■ 有时harvest有“成果”的意思。
 ☞ 这种新药是30年研究得到的收获。
 ☞ The new medicine is the harvest of thirty years' research.
 ☞ 农民春天播种,秋天收获。
 ☞ The peasants sow in spring and reap in autumn.
 ☞ 罪恶的果实已经成熟,上帝将用剑来收获。
 ☞ The harvest of sin is ripe, and God will reap it with a sword.
3.gather in,强调收获的收。
 ☞ 农民们在收获玉米。
 ☞ The peasants are gathering in the com.
 ☞ 下了一个星期的雨,毁坏了原本可以收获的小麦。
 ☞ There was a week of rain which ruined the wheat crop before it could be gathered in.
 ☞ 我们的艰苦劳动应会得到应有的收获。
 ☞ Our hard work will be duly rewarded.
 ☞ 这是一次很有收获的访问。
 ☞ It was a most rewarding visit.
 ☞ 没有辛苦,何来收获。
 ☞ No pains,no gains.
 ☞ 这次胜利的收获,意义的确重大。
 ☞ The gains from this victory were significant indeed.
收集 收集
 ☞ 他在苦心收集材料,为下一本书做准备。
 ☞ He is painstakingly gathering materials for his next book.
 ☞ 我们都忙于收集工业情报。
 ☞ We were all busy gathering industrial information.
  ■ gather还可与up连用,表示收集散置于各处的东西。
 ☞ 我们把工具收集起来放好,准备第二天再用。
 ☞ We gathered up our tools and put them in a safe place for the next day.
 ☞ 他们从各处收集了大量的第一手数据。
 ☞ They gathered up from various sources a great amount of firsthand data.
 ☞ 他出于爱好而收集邮票,但也不排除以后为了出售获利。
 ☞ He collects stamps as a hobby but with the idea of reselling them later at a profit.
 ☞ 警方正在收集对他不利的证据。
 ☞ The police are collecting evidence against him.
 ☞ 我喜欢收集古玩。
 ☞ I enjoy collecting antiques.
改动 改动
1.change, alter, make alteration,指变动。
 ☞ 这个题目你最好改动一下。
 ☞ You'd better change the subject.
 ☞ 这学期的课程没有大的改动。
 ☞ There are no big changes in this term's curriculum.
 ☞ 要是你的上衣太大,她可以给你改动一下。
 ☞ If your coat is too large she can alter it to fit you.
 ☞ 你爱怎么改动就怎么改动。
 ☞ Make any alterations as you like.
2.make a few changes,指修改。
 ☞ 我在文字上作了一些改动。
 ☞ I made a few changes in wording.
 ☞ 他写完这篇文章以后,又改动了几次。
 ☞ After he finished writing the essay he made a few more changes in it.
 ☞ 这篇文章我只改动了一些词句。
 ☞ I just polished a few sentences in this essay.
 ☞ 他花了几天时间来改动讲稿。
 ☞ He spent several days polishing his lecture.
 ☞ 老师告诉我们莎士比亚从来不改动手稿。
 ☞ The teacher tells us that Shakespeare never revised a manuscript.
 ☞ 这个戏已经改动了好多次了。
 ☞ The play has been revised many times.
 ☞ 这些协议条款如果要付诸实施必须加以改动。
 ☞ The provisions of the agreement must be modified if they are to be put into effect.
 ☞ 他改动了他原来的设计以增强机器的效率。
 ☞ He modified his original design to increase the machine's efficiency.
改变 改变
 ☞ 所谓的“文化大革命”改变了她对生活的态度。
 ☞ The so-called "Great Cultural Revolution" has changed her attitude towards life.
 ☞ 新生活改变了她的精神面貌。
 ☞ The new life changed her mental outlook.
 ☞ 她改变了她的发型。
 ☞ She has changed the way she wore her hair.
 ☞ 那件事改变了我的想法。
 ☞ That has changed my idea.
 ☞ 因此,无论加热还是冷却都能改变水的形态。
 ☞ Therefore the state of water can be changed either by heating or cooling.
 ☞ 要是下雨,我得改变一下计划。
 ☞ If it rains we'll have to alter our plan.
 ☞ 他改变了对计划生育的立场。
 ☞ He altered his stand on birth control.
 ☞ 你应该改变生活方式以保持健康。
 ☞ You must alter your way of living in order to keep your health in good condition.
 ☞ 船上的电脑会自动改变航线。
 ☞ The shipboard computer would automatically alter course.
 ☞ 每件新的发明都会改变原来的习惯。
 ☞ Every new invention alters original customs.
 ☞ 我们宣布,改变这一事态的时刻已经到来。
 ☞ We declare the time has come to alter this state of affairs.
 ☞ 我们纵有三寸不烂之舌也改变不了事实。
 ☞ With all our eloquence we could not alter the fact.
 ☞ 你应当多少改变一下方法以符合每个孩子的心态。
 ☞ You must more or less modify your method to suit the disposition of each child.
 ☞ 调解人竭力使双方改变立场。
 ☞ The mediator tried hard to get both sides to modify their positions.
 ☞ 他被迫改变颇为偏激的观点。
 ☞ He was forced to modify his rather extreme views.
 ☞ 要使这张桌子合用,你得改变它的高度。
 ☞ You'll have to modify the height of the table to make it fit.
 ☞ 习俗随着时代而改变。
 ☞ Customs vary with the times.
 ☞ 日用品的供应是随着需求而改变的。
 ☞ The supply of daily necessities varies with demands.
 ☞ 收紧琴弦可以改变吉他的音高。
 ☞ It is possible to vary the pitch of a guitar string by tightening it.
 ☞ 老人都不喜欢改变他们的习惯。
 ☞ Old people don't like to vary their habits.
 ☞ 一个好的艺术家会根据主题与材料来改变方法。
 ☞ A good artist varies his methods according to his subject and material.
 ☞ 于是我在短短的一个早晨就改变了对美国人的看法。
 ☞ As a result I revised my ideas of Americans in one short morning.
 ☞ 我想她一定已改变了她对我的初步印象。
 ☞ She must, I thought, have revised her first impression of me.
 ☞ 我明白我得改变对形势的估计。
 ☞ I can see I'll have to revise my estimate of the situation.
 ☞ 他已改变了对这一问题的看法。
 ☞ He has already revised his opinion on the subject.
 ☞ 这些因素正在改变世界的均势。
 ☞ These factors are shifting the world balance of power.
 ☞ 对有争议的问题,政治家们总在改变他们的立场。
 ☞ Politicians are constantly shifting their positions on issues.
 ☞ 风向突然改变,刮翻了帆船。
 ☞ The wind shifted suddenly and caused the sailboat to capsize.
 ☞ 原子弹和弹道导弹改变了战争技术。
 ☞ Atom-bombs and ballistic missiles have transformed war technique.
 ☞ 任何不适合广大群众斗争要求的艺术都应改变为适合广大群众斗争要求的艺术。
 ☞ Any an which does not meet the demands of the struggle of the broad masses must be transformed into that which does.
 ☞ 成功与财富改变了他的性格。
 ☞ Success and wealth transformed his character.
 ☞ 体力劳动完全把他改变了。
 ☞ Manual labor has transformed him completely.
 ☞ 兵力的分散与集中之所以必要,是为了改变敌我形势。
 ☞ Dispersion and concentration of forces are necessary for the purpose of reversing the situation between the enemy and ourselves.
 ☞ 他把他执行了6年之久的政策作了彻底改变。
 ☞ He reversed the policy he had pursued for six years.
改善 改善
 ☞ 他们的工资及劳动条件都应该改善。
 ☞ Their wages and working conditions must be improved.
 ☞ 自新市府管事以来,我市的清洁卫生已大有改善。
 ☞ Our city has been considerably improved in sanitation and hygiene since the new city government took charge.
 ☞ 我确信你的情况一个月后会大大改善。
 ☞ I feel certain that things will greatly improve with you in a month.
 ☞ 解放以来,他们的生活有了很大的改善。
 ☞ Their life has been much improved since liberation.
 ☞ 两国关系已表现出某些改善。
 ☞ The relations between the two countries have shown some improvement.
 ☞ 改革已给我国劳动人民的状况带来改善。
 ☞ The reform has brought about an improvement of the conditions of the working people in our country.
 ☞ 政府一直在努力改善人民的居住条件。
 ☞ The government has been striving towards bettering living conditions of the people.
 ☞ 这一政策改善了佃农总的情况。
 ☞ This policy bettered the general conditions of the tenant peasants.
 ☞ 政府的救济改善了灾民的遭遇。
 ☞ The government relief bettered the lot of the victims of the natural calamity.
 ☞ 他们的劳动条件已逐步得到改善。
 ☞ Their working conditions have gradually been ameliorated.
 ☞ 厂长正在尽力改善工人的住房条件。
 ☞ The director is trying his best to ameliorate housing conditions of the workers.
 ☞ 政府的救济改善了灾民的遭遇。
 ☞ The government relief ameliorated the lot of the victims of the natural calamity.
4.prepare (have) sth. special to eat,指改善伙食。
 ☞ 我们在星期天通常要改善生活。
 ☞ On Sundays we usually prepare something special to eat.
 ☞ 他们一星期改善两次伙食。
 ☞ They have something special to eat twice a week.
改编 改编
 ☞ 他的书难懂,要改编后才能在学校使用。
 ☞ His books are difficult and need to be adapted for use in school.
 ☞ 作者打算把他的小说改编成电视剧。
 ☞ The author is going to adapt his novel for television.
 ☞ 本剧是由原作改编而成的。
 ☞ This play is adapted from the original.
 ☞ 小说常被改编成舞台剧。
 ☞ Stories are often adapted for the stage.
 ☞ 经过改编,戏的主题现在更突出了。
 ☞ The theme of the play stands out even more clearly now that it's been revised.
 ☞ 他发现经过改编后的歌剧比原剧更优秀了。
 ☞ He found that the opera which had been revised was superior to the original.
 ☞ 这首歌曲已改编成小提琴曲。
 ☞ The music of the song has been rearranged for the violin.
 ☞ 他已把莫扎特的小夜曲改编成管弦乐。
 ☞ He has rearranged Mozart's serenade for the orchestra.
 ☞ 他的小说正在改编成舞台剧。
 ☞ His novel is being rearranged for the stage.
 ☞ 经过那场战斗,我们7个师改编成了5个。
 ☞ Our seven divisions were reorganized into rive after that battle.
 ☞ 要提高战斗力,这个团一定要改编。
 ☞ This regiment must be reorganized to raise its combat effectiveness.
5.redesignate, designation,指改编部队的番号。
 ☞ 抗日战争期间,红军改编为八路军、新四军。
 ☞ During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Red Army was redesignated as the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.
 ☞ 赵友臣借口统一,把我的部队改编了。
 ☞ Under the pretext of unification Zhao Youchen changed the designation of my forces.
改观 改观
 ☞ 昔日的荒山已大为改观。
 ☞ The barren hills of yesterday have changed considerably.
 ☞ 如果他当时不是后撤而是继续前进,整个历史进程也许就此发生改观。
 ☞ If he had gone on, instead of going back, the whole course of history might have been changed.
2.change the face,指改变面貌。
 ☞ 铁路使国家的面貌为之改观。
 ☞ Railways have changed the face of the country.
 ☞ 城市的面貌已大为改观。
 ☞ The face of the city has changed greatly.
3.change the complexion,指改变外观。
 ☞ 两次大的胜利使战争形势为之改观。
 ☞ The complexion of the war was changed by two great victories.
 ☞ 免去外长的职务使政府面貌为之改观。
 ☞ The dismissal of the minister of foreign affairs has changed the whole complexion of the government.
改造 改造
 ☞ 我们总是在改造客观世界的同时改造自己的主观世界。
 ☞ We always remold our subjective world while changing the objective world.
 ☞ 他们表示了要改造自己的决心。
 ☞ They expressed their determination to remold themselves.
 ☞ 当时我们都急于改造思想。
 ☞ Then all of us desired eagerly to remold our thought.
 ☞ 所有二流子都要参加生产,受到改造,变成好人。
 ☞ All loafers must be reformed into good citizens through participation in production.
 ☞ 监狱应尽力改造犯人。
 ☞ Prisons should try to reform wrong-doers.
 ☞ 我们应尽力通过劳动来改造罪犯。
 ☞ We should try to reform criminals through labor.
 ☞ 我主张改造我们目前的教育制度。
 ☞ I propose that we should reform our present educational system.
 ☞ 他们正在大规模地进行改造自然的斗争。
 ☞ They are carrying on a large-scale struggle to transform nature.
 ☞ 水能把沙漠改造成良田。
 ☞ Water can transform a desert into fertile farmland.
 ☞ 村民们正在开沟排水,改造盐碱地。
 ☞ Villagers are transforming alkaline land by digging trenches for drainage.
 ☞ 10年后,我家乡的旱地奇迹般地改造成了水浇地。
 ☞ Ten years later the arid land in my home village was transformed miraculously into irrigated fields.
 ☞ 彻底改造世界观谈何容易。
 ☞ It is no easy thing to transform (reform) one's world outlook thoroughly.
 ☞ 人类改造物质世界,在改造物质世界的同时也改造了自己。
 ☞ Man changes the material world, and in so doing he changes himself.
 ☞ 铁路改造了乡村的面貌。
 ☞ Railways have changed the face of the countryside.
 ☞ 人们利用科学去了解自然、改造自然。
 ☞ People use science to understand and change nature.
改道 改道
1.change one's route,指改变路线。
 ☞ 他们决定改道先去延安。
 ☞ They decided to change their route and go to Yan'an first.
 ☞ 第二天的行军路线已经改道。
 ☞ The route for the next day's march has been changed.
2.change (alter) course,指改变河道或航道。
 ☞ 多少个世纪以来黄河曾多次改道。
 ☞ The Yellow River has changed its course many times over the centuries.
 ☞ 种种迹象表明美国舰队正在改道。
 ☞ Indications show that the American fleet is changing course.
 ☞ 船上配备的计算机会自动改道。
 ☞ The shipboard computer would automatically alter course.
攻击 攻击
 ☞ 整整一个晚上,敌人攻击了我们的前沿阵地。
 ☞ The enemy attacked our foremost positions all night.
 ☞ 报纸对市长的攻击引起了公愤。
 ☞ The newspaper's attack on the mayor aroused public indignation.
 ☞ 这一地段的流氓经常会在光天化日之下攻击行人。
 ☞ Hooligans in this neighborhood often assault passersby in broad daylight.
 ☞ 外交部长遭到了鸡蛋和石块的攻击。
 ☞ The foreign minister was assaulted with eggs and stones.
 ☞ 这是一次怀有杀害意图的攻击。
 ☞ It was an assault with intent to kill.
 ☞ 他们提议进行一次水陆两栖攻击。
 ☞ They proposed an amphibious assault.
 ☞ 有些音乐是对耳朵的攻击。
 ☞ Some music is an assault on the ear.
 ☞ 他受到政敌的攻击。
 ☞ He was assailed by his political opponents.
 ☞ 她在一次集会上受到脏话的攻击。
 ☞ She was assailed with dirty words at the assembly.
 ☞ 昨日敌人3次攻击了我们的阵地。
 ☞ The enemy assailed our position three times yesterday.
 ☞ 总攻击真的就要开始了。
 ☞ It is true that the general offensive is to begin.
 ☞ 我们都目睹过蒋介石的军队对上海工人的攻击。
 ☞ We all witnessed the Chiang Kai-shek's troops' offensive against the workers of Shanghai.
 ☞ 你的攻击是毫无根据的。
 ☞ Your charges were groundless.
 ☞ 他们进行攻击是别有用心的。
 ☞ Their accusation is made with ulterior motives.

 ☞ 我身边桌子上点着一盏灯,灯旁放着一只小盒子。
 ☞ On the table beside me, a lamp was burning and near it lay a little box.
 ☞ 你的帽子和手套都放在书架上,而且放了好几天了。
 ☞ Your hat and gloves lie on the bookshelf and they have lain there for several days.
 ☞ 镀金的福建漆盘子里还放着当天的晨报。
 ☞ On the gilded Fujian lacquer tray also lay the morning newspaper of that very day.
 ☞ 他们把伤员放到床上。
 ☞ They laid the injured man on the bed.
 ☞ 这些木板要直放,不要横放。
 ☞ Lay these planks along, not across.
 ☞ 纸板要一张摞一张地放。
 ☞ Lay the cartons one on top of the other.
 ☞ 房间中央放着一张桌子,桌子上有一盏油灯。
 ☞ In the center of the room stands a table with an oil lamp on it.
 ☞ 那些书都放在书架上。
 ☞ These books stand on the bookshelf.
 ☞ 桌上放着两个玻璃杯、一只空的白兰地酒瓶和吃剩的饭菜。
 ☞ On the table stood two glasses, an empty brandy bottle and the remains of a meal.
 ☞ 她把玫瑰插到花瓶里,再把花瓶放到桌上。
 ☞ She put the roses in the vase and stood it on the table.
 ☞ 他脱掉皮靴,并排放好。
 ☞ He pulled off his boots and stood them side by side.
 ☞ 他把书放在书架上。
 ☞ He put his book on the bookshelf.
 ☞ 请把工具放到工具箱里。
 ☞ Put the tools into the tool box please.
 ☞ 她把脏碟子放在水槽里,把干净的放在搁板上。
 ☞ She put dirty dishes in the sink and clean ones on the shelf.
 ☞ 菜里多放点酱油。
 ☞ Put a bit more soy sauce in the food.
 ☞ 你把我的衣服放哪里啦?
 ☞ Where have you put my clothes?
 ☞ 他又往火里放了一块木头。
 ☞ He put another log on the fire.
 ☞ 我把钉子放在手提包里。
 ☞ I put the nails into my handbag.
 ☞ 他把毛主席的青铜像放到大理石的基座上。
 ☞ He placed the bronze statue of Chairman Mao on the marble base.
 ☞ 等到连指导员把一套军装和一顶军帽放到我手里时,我浑身都感到热呼呼的。
 ☞ When the political instructor of the company placed an army uniform and a cap in my hand, I felt warm all over.
 ☞ 把展品放成一排。
 ☞ Place the exhibits in a row.
 ☞ 请把脚放到地板上,不要搁在椅子横档上。
 ☞ Please place your feet on the floor and not on the rung of the chair.
 ☞ 他一生兢兢业业,总是把人民利益放在个人利益之上。
 ☞ He was cautious and conscientious all his life and always placed the interests of the people above personal interests.
 ☞ 他在餐桌上放上了银制的餐具,准备吃饭。
 ☞ He placed the silver ware on the table for dinner.
 ☞ 她把床单一张张摞起来仔细放好。
 ☞ She placed one sheet carefully on top of the other.
  ■ put和place的区别可以从下面的译文里看出来。
 ☞ 她把玫瑰放到花瓶里,再把花瓶放到桌子的中间。
 ☞ She put the roses in the vase and placed it in the center of the table.
 ☞ 晚饭烧好后,她把孩子放在高脚椅子上。
 ☞ She set her baby in the highchair when her supper was ready.
 ☞ 咱们放几朵红花在白花里把颜色搭配好。
 ☞ Let's set some red flowers among the white ones to match the color blend well.
 ☞ 她把酒菜放到客人面前。
 ☞ She set the food and drink before the guests.
 ☞ 为了方便起见,参考书都放在书桌旁边。
 ☞ Reference books are set near the desk for convenience.
 ☞ 一张圆桌放在房间中间,使透过天窗投进来的光线正好照在桌上。
 ☞ A round table was set in the middle of the room in such a way that the light through the skylight is cast directly on it.
6.set free, release,强调释放。
 ☞ 我打开鸟笼门,把鸟放了。
 ☞ I opened the cage door, and set the bird free.
 ☞ 照他们说的办,你就会获得释放。
 ☞ Do as you are told, and you will be set free.
 ☞ 把狗放了吧,它给拴了好几个钟头了。
 ☞ Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours.
 ☞ 我们把所有愿意回家的国民党俘虏都放了。
 ☞ We released all of the captives from the Kuomintang army who wished to go home.
 ☞ 绑匪要拿赎金才肯放人。
 ☞ The kidnappers will not release their victim unless they receive the ransom.
7.let off,强调不受惩罚的释放。
 ☞ 你答应再也不干这种事情,我们就把你放了。
 ☞ We'll let you off if you promise never to do it again.
 ☞ 我以为警官要罚我的款,可他把我放了。
 ☞ I thought the police officer was going to fine me, but he let me off.
 ☞ 你们就这样给放了,实在幸运。
 ☞ You were really lucky to be let off like that.
8.let off, set off,强调燃放。
 ☞ 在辞旧岁迎新春之际,孩子们白天放鞭炮,晚上放焰火。
 ☞ The children let off (set off) firecrackers in the daytime and fireworks at night to see the Old Year out and to let the New Year in.
 ☞ 他们今晚要在校园里放焰火。
 ☞ They are letting off fireworks on the campus tonight.
 ☞ 中国人凡是要庆祝什么事,都放鞭炮。
 ☞ The Chinese set off firecrackers to mark many occasions.
9.let go (of),强调放开、放手等。
 ☞ 他把男孩放了。
 ☞ He let go the boy.
 ☞ 抓紧,别放了。
 ☞ Hold it tight and don't let go.
 ☞ 她拿到那副耳环就看中了,而且再也不肯放下了。
 ☞ The moment she got those earrings, she took a fancy to them and wouldn't let go of them.
 ☞ 她抓住我的上衣不放。
 ☞ She grabbed my coat and wouldn't let go.
 ☞ 这些鱼儿咬钩就不肯放。
 ☞ Having got hold the fish never let go of its hold.
 ☞ 我们一直等到他发出信号要我们停时才放绳子。
 ☞ We didn't let go of the rope until he sent a signal that he wanted to stop.
 ☞ 孩子一放开她母亲的手就跌倒了。
 ☞ When the child let go of her mother's hand she fell down.
10.let out,强调放宽、放长衣服。
 ☞ 这件衣服我得放一放才能穿。
 ☞ I have to let out the coat before I can wear it.
 ☞ 我胖得要放上半寸腰身。
 ☞ I've got so fat that I'll have to let the waistband out half an inch.
 ☞ 女儿长高了,她的衣服得放一放了。
 ☞ Our daughter is growing so tall that you will have to let out her dress.
 ☞ 上星期剧院里放电影。
 ☞ The theater showed the movie last week.
 ☞ 这星期影院里放什么片子?
 ☞ What films are being shown in the cinema this week?
 ☞ 这部电视连续剧在上海、北束、南京、昆明都放过了。
 ☞ The TV series was shown in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing and Kunming.
 ☞ 一般都是为了教学才放幻灯片。
 ☞ Slides are usually shown for teaching purposes.
 ☞ 我给你放几张新唱片好吗?
 ☞ Shall I play you some new records?
 ☞ 晚会上他放了几支流行歌曲。
 ☞ He played some popular songs at the evening party.
 ☞ 收音机放得太大了。
 ☞ The radio was playing too loudly.
 ☞ 在放留声机吗?
 ☞ Is the phonograph playing?
 ☞ 是谁放的第一枪?
 ☞ Who fired the first shot?
 ☞ 警察放了大约50发催泪弹才把人驱散。
 ☞ The police didn't disperse the crowd until they fired about fifty tear gas grenades.
 ☞ 他放了5枪,向在战斗中牺牲的战友致敬。
 ☞ He fired his gun five times to salute his comrades-in-arms who fell in the battle.
14.rest on,强调某种依托、支点。
 ☞ 花瓶放在基座上。
 ☞ The vase rests on a pedestal.
 ☞ 她双手放在腿上。
 ☞ Her hands rested on her lap.
 ☞ 我们的方针要放在什么基点上?放在自己力量的基点上,叫做自力更生。
 ☞ On what basis should our policy rest? It should rest on our own strength and that means regeneration through one's own efforts.
 ☞ 不要到处乱放你的东西。
 ☞ Don't leave your things about.
 ☞ 他的文件总是乱放。
 ☞ He is always leaving his papers about.
 ☞ 请把书放在桌上。
 ☞ Please leave your book on the desk.
16.lay aside,强调搁置一阵。
 ☞ 这事不急,先放一阵子再说。
 ☞ It's not an urgent matter. Let's lay it aside for the moment.
 ☞ 干吗不把问题放一放,等你头脑清醒一点时再干?
 ☞ Why don't you lay that problem aside for a while and work at it later when your mind is fresher?
 ☞ 现在先把这些想法放一放,看看将来再说。
 ☞ Now lay aside all those thoughts and look to the future.
17.open wide, blossom,强调开放。
 ☞ To "open wide" means to let all the people express their opinions freely.
 ☞ 我们准备用“放”的方针来团结几百万知识分子, 改变他们现在的面貌。
 ☞ We intend to use the policy of "opening wide" to unite with the several million intellectuals and change their present outlook.
 ☞ 百花齐放,我看还要放。
 ☞ Let a hundred flowers blossom -I think we should go on doing that.
 ☞ 中国放风筝已有1,000多年的历史。
 ☞ Kites have been flown in China for more than a thousand years.
 ☞ 中国的孩子都爱做风筝、放风筝。
 ☞ The children of China love to make and fly their own kites.
 ☞ 放老实点!
 ☞ You behave yourself!
 ☞ 脚步放轻点。
 ☞ Tread softly.
 ☞ 把速度放慢一点。
 ☞ Slow down a little.
20.not keep,指时间上放不住。
 ☞ 鲜牛奶不能放得太久。
 ☞ Fresh milk won't keep long.
 ☞ 这鱼,怕放不住。
 ☞ This fish won't keep, I'm afraid.
放大 放大
1.enlarge, make larger, make an enlargement,指一般事物的放大。
 ☞ 这个放大镜能把图像放大50倍。
 ☞ The magnifying glass enlarges the image fifty times.
 ☞ 这张地图的比例尺太小,再绘制时,比例尺得放大。
 ☞ This is a small-scale map, when it is drawn again, the scale ought to be enlarged.
 ☞ 这照片太小,请给我放大一下。
 ☞ This photograph is too small; please enlarge it for me.
 ☞ 我想我得把照片放大。
 ☞ I think I'll have the picture enlarged.
 ☞ 这是张好照片,我建议你把它放大。
 ☞ This is a good photo. I suggest you make an enlargement of it.
 ☞ 这架显微镜能把物体放大100倍。
 ☞ The microscope magnifies the object 100 diameters.
 ☞ 这架显微镜把幻灯片上的试样放大了1,000倍。
 ☞ The microscope magnifies 1,000 times the sample on the slides.
 ☞ 放大镜把物体放大了,因此我们见到的物体要比原来的大。
 ☞ The glass magnified the object so that we saw it bigger than its proper size.
 ☞ 收音机里的真空管能放大电流的变量。
 ☞ The vacuum-tubes in a radio set amplify the variation in the current.
 ☞ 我们可以利用扩音器来放大音量。
 ☞ We can amplify the volume of sound with the use of megaphone.
 ☞ 你眼睛的瞳孔在暗处会放大。
 ☞ The pupil of your eye expands in the dark.
放宽 放宽
1.enlarge,make larger,指放大尺寸。
 ☞ 我最近胖了,衣服要放宽一点才能穿。
 ☞ Having got fatter lately, I have to enlarge my clothes.
 ☞ 谁把我的裤腿放宽了?
 ☞ Who is it that has made my trouser legs larger?
 ☞ 我的上衣太紧,胳肢窝下面得放宽一点。
 ☞ My coat is too tight and must be eased under the arms.
  ■ 正由于这一特点,故ease常用于引申。
 ☞ 一些企业已把这看成是放宽对外贸易的一个机会。
 ☞ Some enterprises see this as an opportunity to ease foreign trade.
 ☞ 他竭力劝我放宽期限。
 ☞ He tried to induce me to extend the time limit.
 ☞ 高级知识分子的退休年龄可适当放宽以充分发挥其特长。
 ☞ The age limit of higher intellectuals set for retirement may be properly extended in order to give full play to their professional knowledge.
 ☞ 我们绝对不放宽信贷条件。
 ☞ On no account must we soften the credit terms.
 ☞ 对农民的政策已经放宽以鼓励其生产积极性。
 ☞ The policy toward peasants has been softened to encourage their initiatives in production.
5.loosen (up),指放松。
 ☞ 我国已放宽了有关在国外投资的规定以鼓励资本输出。
 ☞ China has loosened the regulations governing investment in foreign countries to encourage export of capital.
 ☞ 官员们接到指示要求放宽入境条件。
 ☞ The officials are instructed to loosen up on rules for admitting people into the country.
 ☞ 银行原来对短期贷款所作的种种限制,现已开始放宽。
 ☞ Banks began to relax the restrictions they had imposed on the short-term credits.
 ☞ 日本在美国的压力下已放宽了对农产品进口的禁令。
 ☞ Japan has relaxed the embargo on the import of farm products under the pressure of the U.S.A.
放弃 放弃
1.give up,常用语,泛指自动或被迫放弃某种打算、行动、权利。
 ☞ 他决定放弃代数和几何。
 ☞ He decided to give up algebra and geometry.
 ☞ 只要对我说声“留下”,我是会放弃这次旅行的。
 ☞ Only say to me "stay" and I will give up this journey.
 ☞ 她已放弃再次见到我的希望。
 ☞ She has given up all hopes of seeing me again.
 ☞ 我早已放弃了那种想法。
 ☞ I gave up that idea long ago.
 ☞ 这个谜太难了,我放弃。
 ☞ The puzzle is too difficult; I shall give it up.
 ☞ 他只好放弃横渡长江的企图。
 ☞ He had to give up his attempt to swim across the Changjiang River.
 ☞ 除了两位中途放弃外,所有的女孩子都游过了滇池。
 ☞ All the girls swam the Dianchi Lake except two who gave up halfway.
 ☞ 她放弃了工作来照顾残废的母亲。
 ☞ She gave up her job to look after her disabled mother.
 ☞ 许多青年工人放弃了休息日去参加义务劳动。
 ☞ Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary labor.
 ☞ 不了解这种情况就放弃思想斗争,那是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong not to understand this and to give up the ideological struggle.
 ☞ 他放弃了获得财产的一切权利。
 ☞ He relinquished all rights to the property.
 ☞ 爱德华八世为了娶辛普逊太太而放弃了王位。
 ☞ Edward VIII relinquished his throne to marry Mrs.
 ☞ Simpson.
 ☞ 她放弃了今年去欧洲的一切希望。
 ☞ She has relinquished all hopes of going to Europe this year.
 ☞ 他放弃了对土地的所有权。
 ☞ He relinquished his claim to the land.
 ☞ 独裁者被迫放弃了对全国的控制。
 ☞ The dictator was forced to relinquish control of the country.
 ☞ 要他放弃到了手的东西可不是件易事。
 ☞ It is no easy matter to make him relinquish his prey.
 ☞ 拳王一旦被击败就得放弃称号。
 ☞ A champion boxer has to relinquish his title when he gets beaten.
 ☞ 他是否会放弃错误观点还得走着瞧。
 ☞ Whether he will abandon his mistaken point of view remains to be seen.
 ☞ 科学家们由于缺乏资金而放弃了研究工作。
 ☞ The scientists abandoned their research for lack of funds.
 ☞ 由于原材料短缺,他被迫放弃了原来的计划。
 ☞ He was forced to abandon his original plan due to the shortage of raw materials.
 ☞ 他的旅行还没好好开始就不得不放弃了。
 ☞ He had to abandon his journey before it was well begun.
 ☞ 他只好放弃那种想法。
 ☞ He was obliged to abandon that idea.
 ☞ 但这次比赛是不能放弃的。
 ☞ But the contest could not be abandoned.
 ☞ 土改后地主被迫放弃特权。
 ☞ The landlords were compelled to surrender their privileges after the Land Reform.
 ☞ 我们是绝不会放弃自由的。
 ☞ We shall never surrender our liberty.
 ☞ 他放弃了继承王位的要求。
 ☞ He surrendered all claim to the throne.
 ☞ 她逐渐放弃了成为一个演员的梦想。
 ☞ She gradually surrendered her dream of becoming an actress.
 ☞ 他由于董事会的反对而放弃了对公司的控制。
 ☞ He surrendered control of the company due to the opposition of the board of directors.
 ☞ 他放弃了获得财产的一切权利。
 ☞ He surrendered all rights to the property.
 ☞ 当时我们力量还小,不得不放弃城市。
 ☞ We were not strong enough at that time and had to yield cities.
 ☞ 他在辩论中放弃了自己的观点。
 ☞ He yielded his point of view in the argument.
 ☞ 敌人害怕被包围,就放弃了阵地。
 ☞ The enemy was afraid of being surrounded and yielded its position.
 ☞ 乔治三世扬言要放弃王位。
 ☞ George III threatened to abdicate his throne.
 ☞ 你是孩子的父亲,却放弃了关心他们的责任。
 ☞ You are the father of your children, yet you abdicated all responsibility for the care of them.
 ☞ 我们准备作出某些必要的让步,但决不放弃原则。
 ☞ We are prepared to make some necessary concessions, but can never forsake our principles.
 ☞ 他是宁愿不要命也不会放弃钱财的。
 ☞ He would die rather than forsake his money.
7.abstain from,专指从克制的态度放弃某种行动。
 ☞ 在联大辩论时,3个中立国家放弃了表决权。
 ☞ Three neutral countries abstained from voting in the UN debate.
 ☞ 我们决不放弃批评。
 ☞ We will never abstain from criticism.
 ☞ 他夫人死后,他就放弃了各种娱乐活动。
 ☞ He abstained from all kinds of pleasure after his wife's death.
放心 放心
1.set one's mind (heart) at ease, feel at ease, ease one's mind, set one's mind at rest, be at rest, rest,指心境的平静安宁。
 ☞ 既然你的孩子安然无恙地回来了,你就可以放心了。
 ☞ Now that your children have arrived safe and sound, you can set your mind at ease (at rest).
 ☞ 做父亲的把孩子留给一个脾气温和的老太太来照顾,感到很放心。
 ☞ The father felt quite at ease when he left his child to (in) the good-natured old lady's care.
 ☞ 春播没完成,大家放心不下。
 ☞ None of us could feel at ease until the spring sowing was finished.
 ☞ 好消息使他放心了。
 ☞ The good news set her heart at ease.
 ☞ 她知道他不放心。
 ☞ She knew that he was not at ease.
 ☞ 我告诉她孩子都平安无事她才放心了。
 ☞ I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe.
 ☞ 如果我能肯定他们都平安无恙,我也就放心了。
 ☞ It would set my mind at rest if I could be sure that they were all safe.
 ☞ 你可以放心,火车只要再停一站我们就到了。
 ☞ You can set your mind at rest; the train makes only one more stop before our destination.
 ☞ 我儿子答应要努力学习,我就放心了。
 ☞ My son set my mind at rest when he promised to study hard.
 ☞ 我想我一生中从来没有像现在这一刻这么放心过。
 ☞ I think I have never been more at rest in my life than at this moment.
 ☞ 他是要到知道了事实真相才会放心的。
 ☞ He will not rest till he knows the truth.
 ☞ 现在我们到家了,你也可以放心了。
 ☞ You can rest now, we're home.
2.be assured, rest assured,指得到某种保证而放心。
 ☞ 文件都保管好了,你可以放心。
 ☞ You may be assured that the documents have been safely kept.
 ☞ 不过我们现在放心了,大家机会均等。
 ☞ But now we are assured, everybody has an equal chance.
 ☞ 他们有了工作的权利,就放心了。
 ☞ They were assured that they would have the right to work.
 ☞ 你可以放心,我会尽力做好的。
 ☞ You can rest assured that I will do my best.
 ☞ 放心吧,我们会尽力帮助你的。
 ☞ Rest assured that we will do all we can to help you.
 ☞ 你放心,一切都会安排好的。
 ☞ You can rest assured that everything will be all right.
3.be relieved, relieve (one's mind),指不安的心情得到解脱。
 ☞ 我收到她的信就放心了。
 ☞ I was relieved when I got her letter.
 ☞ 她听说你一切顺利就放心了。
 ☞ She was relieved to hear you were all right.
 ☞ 我们一直很焦急,这个好消息才使我们放心了。
 ☞ The good news relieved us, for we had been very anxious.
 ☞ 如果我们之间能达成某种谅解,我就放心了。
 ☞ It would relieve my mind if some sort of understanding were reached between us.
 ☞ 他是个连托付10块钱我都不放心的人。
 ☞ He is a person I wouldn't trust with ten dollars.
 ☞ 这孩子不瞧着点,我们不放心。
 ☞ We can't trust that boy out of our sight.
 ☞ 他干什么我都放心。
 ☞ I can trust him to do everything right.
 ☞ 你女儿跟一些不三不四的人上流行歌曲音乐会, 你放心吗?
 ☞ Do you trust your daughter to go to pop concern with any sort of dubious characters?
放手 放手
1.let go (one's hold),指松手。
 ☞ 你抓紧,我要放手了。
 ☞ Hold tight. I'm going to let go.
 ☞ 他一放手,笔记本就掉到地上。
 ☞ He let go his hold and the notebook dropped to the ground.
2.cling to,指紧握不放。
 ☞ 老太太紧抓着她最后留下的几件财物不肯放手。
 ☞ The old lady clung tightly to her last remaining possessions.
 ☞ 孩子们看着猴子抓着树枝不肯放手。
 ☞ The children watched the monkey clinging to the branch.
3.give a free hand in,指“让…全权处理”。
 ☞ 让他们去放手工作。
 ☞ Give them a free hand in their work.
 ☞ 她让我去放手安排这场音乐会。
 ☞ She gave me a free hand in arranging the concert.
4.go all out,指全力以赴。
 ☞ 这件事的确解释了我国当时为什么要放手发展原子能。
 ☞ It does explain why China went all out in the development of atomic energy.
 ☞ 当时我们放手发动群众搞土改。
 ☞ We went all out to mobilize the masses for land reform.
5.hand over,指移交。
 ☞ 你不能玩枪!赶快放手。
 ☞ You can't play with the gun! Hand it over at once.
 ☞ 我告诉他工作由小张接手,可他就是不放手。
 ☞ I told him to let Zhang take over the job, but he refused to hand it over。
放松 放松
 ☞ 你太紧张了,肌肉要放松。
 ☞ You are all tensed up. Relax your muscles.
 ☞ 我需要一本书来放松自己。
 ☞ I need a book to relax me.
 ☞ 跳舞时要放松。
 ☞ Relax when you dance.
 ☞ 睡眠时肌肉是放松的。
 ☞ Muscles relax in sleep.
 ☞ 我们不应该因为取得了巨大成就而放松努力。
 ☞ We must not relax our efforts because of the big successes already achieved.
 ☞ 我们决不能放松警惕。
 ☞ Under no circumstances can we relax our vigilance.
 ☞ 他对工作的献身精神无话可说,甚至连晚上也很少放松。
 ☞ His devotion to his work was exemplary; even at night he seldom relaxed.
 ☞ 看部好喜剧可使人的思想放松。
 ☞ Seeing a good comedy relaxes one's mind.
 ☞ 忘掉你的忧虑,放松一下。
 ☞ Forget your worries and relax.
 ☞ 打结子前先要放松绳子。
 ☞ Slacken the rope before trying to tie the knot.
 ☞ 别放松缰绳,不然马会脱缰而奔的。
 ☞ Don't slacken the reins or the horse may bolt.
 ☞ 她感到他抓着她胳膊的手放松了。
 ☞ She felt his grip on her arm slacken.
 ☞ 下雨前得放松帐篷的拉绳。
 ☞ You have to slacken the tent ropes before it rains.
 ☞ 活没干完前别放松。
 ☞ Don't slacken your efforts till the work is done.
 ☞ 我们要努力学习,不能放松。
 ☞ We mustn't slacken our efforts to study hard.
 ☞ 即使骨头断了以后,两只脚还得日日夜夜的缠在厚厚的裹脚布里,因为只要一放松脚就会恢复原状。
 ☞ Even after the bones had been broken. the feet had to be bound day and night in thick binding cloth because the moment they were released they would restore to the former state.
 ☞ 拉满的弓一放松,箭就射了出去。
 ☞ As soon as a bow bent to the full is released, the arrow is shot.
 ☞ 要是你皮带太紧,就放松点。
 ☞ If your belt is too tight, loosen it.
 ☞ 她放松了拉着的绳子,就几乎跌了一跤。
 ☞ She loosened her grasp on the rope and nearly fell down.
 ☞ 我必须活动一下来放松肌肉。
 ☞ I must exercise and loosen up my muscles.
 ☞ 孩子长大后他对孩子的管束也就放松了。
 ☞ His hold on his children loosened as they got older.
 ☞ 他拒绝放松对慈善基金的控制。
 ☞ He refused to loosen his control of the charity funds.
5.let up,指松懈下来。
 ☞ 我们的确做了点事,但这不等于说我们现在可以放松了。
 ☞ It's true that we have accomplished something, but this doesn't mean we can let up now.
 ☞ 我们进展很快,但我们不达目的决不放松。
 ☞ We are making good progress, but we must not let up until we have achieved our object.
故意 故意
1.purposely,on purpose,侧重在有目的的故意。
 ☞ 他说这是一次事故,但我们都知道他是故意干的。
 ☞ He said it was an accident, but we all know he did it purposely.
 ☞ 我是故意不回答他的。
 ☞ I purposely did not give him a reply.
 ☞ 他故意咳嗽以引起注意。
 ☞ He coughed on purpose to attract attention.
 ☞ 你是故意把她派到这里来的。
 ☞ You sent her here on purpose.
 ☞ 无论我干什么,他对我总是故意刁难。
 ☞ Whatever I do, he deliberately places obstacles in my way.
 ☞ 我相信房子是有人故意纵火的。
 ☞ I believe the house was deliberately set fire to.
 ☞ 他在故意侮辱你,他要伤害你的感情。
 ☞ He was intentionally insulting you; he wanted to hurt your feelings.
 ☞ 为了使你生气,她是故意晚来的。
 ☞ To make you angry, she was intentionally coming late.
 ☞ 报道故意歪曲事实。
 ☞ The report willfully distorted the facts.
 ☞ 他们故意没有向有关部门登记。
 ☞ They willfully failed to register with the proper authorities.
 ☞ 请原谅我说的话,我不是故意要侮辱你。
 ☞ I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to insult you.
 ☞ 对不起,我不是故意想粗暴无礼的。
 ☞ I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude.
 ☞ 请原谅,这事我不是故意的。
 ☞ Forgive me please. I didn't mean it.
效力 效力
 ☞ 你作为律师应该掂量我们用在合同里的每个词的效力。
 ☞ As a lawyer you must weigh the force of each word we use in the contract.
 ☞ 被迫做出的承诺是不会产生效力的。
 ☞ A promise made under compulsion is of no force.
 ☞ 果然,你的话对他的思想立刻产生了效力。
 ☞ Sure enough, your words had an immediate effect on his thinking.
 ☞ 长期使用一种农药,其效力就会降低。
 ☞ The effect of a pesticide wears off if it is applied over a long period of time.
 ☞ 奎宁用来控制疟疾仍然是一种很有效力的药物。
 ☞ Quinine is still one of the efficacious drugs for the control of malaria.
 ☞ 种牛痘预防天花很有效力。
 ☞ Vaccination is efficacious in preventing smallpox.
 ☞ 为国效力是每个公民的天职。
 ☞ Serving the country is a bounden duty of every citizen.
 ☞ 我能为你效力吗?
 ☞ Can I serve you in any way?
效果 效果
 ☞ 采取的措施未产生预期的效果。
 ☞ The measures adopted failed to bring about the desired effect。
 ☞ 报纸为了增强新闻效果,有时会歪曲事实。
 ☞ Newspapers sometimes tamper with the realities to enhance the effect of news.
 ☞ 你几年来断断续续的吸烟抵消了药物的效果。
 ☞ Years of your smoking off and on have counteracted the effects of the medicine.
 ☞ 他的教学很有效果。
 ☞ His teaching was very effective.
 ☞ 你为改进学校所做的努力效果一直很好。
 ☞ The efforts you made to improve the school have been very effective.
  ■ effective与effect的区别请看下面译例。
 ☞ 该药效果不大。
 ☞ The medicine is not very effective.(指药本身没有多少效果)
 ☞ The medicine produces little effect.(排除药物本身的原因,还可能有其他的原因,如病人体质等)
 ☞ 我对医生的信心也许有助于治疔的效果。
 ☞ The faith I placed in my doctor's treatment perhaps helped in its effectiveness.
 ☞ 我认为我们试验除虫剂的花费可以更少,效果更好。
 ☞ I think we can test the insecticide less expensively and with greater effectiveness.
 ☞ 好教师就能取得好效果。
 ☞ A good teacher gets good results.
 ☞ 根据我的判断,影响效果的某些因素被忽略了。
 ☞ In my judgment certain factors affecting the result have been overlooked.
 ☞ 他的努力取得了良好的效果。
 ☞ His efforts achieved good results.
  ■ result与effect的区别,请看下面的译例。
 ☞ 该药对病人的效果很好。
 ☞ The medicine has a very good effect on the patient.
 ☞ 病人经过一段时间的药物治疗,效果很好。
 ☞ The patient has undergone a period of medical treatment, and the result is very good.(指经过治疗而取得好效果,强调事物发展的结果)
敏感 敏感
1.sensitive to,指感官因感受而做出反应的敏感,故常用于人或动物。
 ☞ 眼睛对光敏感。
 ☞ The eye is sensitive to light.
 ☞ 作为画家,你应对美敏感。
 ☞ As an artist, you ought to be sensitive to beauty.
 ☞ 他耳朵对机器里不正常的声音非常敏感。
 ☞ His ears are highly sensitive to any unusual noise抽 the machine.
 ☞ 盲人的手指尖特别敏感。
 ☞ Finger tips of the blind are particularly sensitive.
  ■ 但有时sensitive也可用于物,这时似乎已把物当作有声、色、味等有感觉的东西。
 ☞ 胶卷对光敏感。
 ☞ The film is sensitive to light.
 ☞ 证券市场对谣言是很敏感的。
 ☞ The stock markets are highly sensitive to rumors.
 ☞ 她在面试时没有我们想的那样敏感。
 ☞ At the interview she was not so responsive as we had expected.
 ☞ 制造业对顾客的要求是十分敏感的。
 ☞ Manufacturing industry is highly responsive to consumer demands.
 ☞ 如果我们对美不够敏感,就会在生活中失去许多美好的东西。
 ☞ If we are not responsive enough to beauty, we will miss a lot of beautiful things in life.
 ☞ 这孩子天性敏感,因此会很快喜欢上你的。
 ☞ The child has responsive nature and will soon be fond of you.
 ☞ 她对感冒相当敏感。
 ☞ She is rather susceptible to colds.
 ☞ 她天性敏感,容易激动。
 ☞ She had highly susceptible nature and was apt to become excited.
 ☞ 鲁迅作为一个有天分的作家,对讽刺很敏感。
 ☞ As a gifted writer, Lu Xun was very susceptible to satire.
 ☞ 这一话题,特别敏感,因为在场的大多数人都是烈士的家属。
 ☞ This issue was particularly touchy as most of the people present were families of martyrs.
 ☞ 美国对中国海军军力的壮大十分敏感。
 ☞ The United States is very touchy about the growth in strength of the Chinese navy.
 ☞ 记者应对政治气氛敏感。
 ☞ A correspondent should have a keen feeling of the political atmosphere.
 ☞ 你是什么时候敏感到有危险的?
 ☞ When did you have a sharp sense of danger?
敏捷 敏捷
 ☞ 她的动作准确而敏捷。
 ☞ She is precise and quick in movement.
 ☞ 有了敏捷的手指,她的钢琴弹得十分出色。
 ☞ With her quick fingers she plays the piano beautifully.
 ☞ 他那些尖锐而寻根究底的问题表明他的思想敏捷。
 ☞ His sharp and probing questions showed that he had a quick mind.
 ☞ 我老师说,她对他的反应敏捷感到既高兴又惊讶。
 ☞ My teacher said that she felt pleased and surprised with his quick response.
 ☞ 老师都喜欢答题敏捷的学生。
 ☞ All teachers are pleased with students nimble (quick) in answer.
 ☞ 他爬树的时候,像猴子一样敏捷。
 ☞ Climbing a tree, he was as nimble as a monkey.
 ☞ 守门员敏捷地跃向右方,救出了险球。
 ☞ The goalkeeper gave a nimble leap to the right and saved the goal.
 ☞ 我们班上的每个同学都称赞他思维敏捷。
 ☞ Everybody in our class spoke approvingly of his nimble mind.
 ☞ 他敏捷地一跳,得了第一名。
 ☞ He took an agile (nimble) leap and won the championship.
 ☞ 他逃跑时敏捷得如同兔子。
 ☞ He was as agile as a hare when he ran away.
 ☞ 他口才敏捷,在辩论中占了便宜。
 ☞ His agile (nimble) tongue had an advantage in argument.
 ☞ 大家都喜欢他才思敏捷。
 ☞ Everybody likes him for his agile (quick) wit.
 ☞ 他是个智力敏捷的人,凡有求于他,他都给出主意。
 ☞ He is a man of keen intelligence. He always works out ideas when he is asked.
 ☞ 他那敏捷的头脑,在生意上帮了他不少忙。
 ☞ His keen wit helped him a lot in his business.
 ☞ 他虽老迈,但思维敏捷。
 ☞ Though he is old yet his mind is still sharp.
 ☞ 我的小女儿对数字的反应敏捷。
 ☞ My little daughter is sharp in reaction to figures.
敏锐 敏锐
1.sharp, 主要指感官上的敏锐。
 ☞ 她总是用她的鼻子来发现我们发现不了的东西。
 ☞ 这需要敏锐的嗅觉。
 ☞ It takes sharp sense of smell, and she always uses her nose to find out hidden things we fail to find.
 ☞ 我虽然老,但听觉还算敏锐,我听到了他们所讲的一切。
 ☞ Though I'm old yet my ears are still sharp. I've heard everything they had talked about.
  ■ 但有的时候也指思想上的敏锐。如:
 ☞ 他相当敏锐,马上猜到这些仪式是为了纪念某个神灵而举行的。
 ☞ He was sharp enough to guess at once that these rites were in honor of some god.
 ☞ 我的听觉不如以前敏锐了。
 ☞ My hearing is not as keen (sharp) as it used to be.
 ☞ 他对周围发生的一切总是保持敏锐的目光。
 ☞ He has always kept a keen (sharp) eye on what is happening around.
  ■ 同sharp一样,有时也指思想上的敏锐。
 ☞ 记者对政治局势应该具有敏锐的感觉。
 ☞ A correspondent should have a keen feeling of political situation.
 ☞ 她的听觉敏锐到可以听到针掉到地上的声音。
 ☞ Her ears are so acute as to hear a needle dropping to the ground.
 ☞ 狗的嗅觉敏锐。
 ☞ Dogs have an acute sense of smell.
  ■ 有时,也用于意识的敏锐。
 ☞ 我们高度评价他分辨合同中任何细微含混之处的敏锐意识。
 ☞ We spoke highly of his acute awareness of any slight ambiguity in the contract.
教育 教育
 ☞ 她教育孩子要有礼貌。
 ☞ She teaches her children to have good manners.
 ☞ 孩子都应当受到识字教育。
 ☞ All children should be taught how to read and write.
 ☞ 要教育人们,在街上倒垃圾是不对的。
 ☞ People must be taught that it is wrong to drop litter in the street.
 ☞ 由于母亲的教育,她从不浪费粮食。
 ☞ As a result of her mother's teaching, she never wastes any food.
 ☞ 她受到过高等教育,当然能挣钱。
 ☞ She is highly educated and surely could make money.
 ☞ 他是在美国受的教育。
 ☞ He was educated in the United States.
 ☞ 我国教育孩子的费用已大大增加。
 ☞ The cost of educating children in our country has risen greatly.
 ☞ 我受的教育是断断续续的,不完整的。
 ☞ What education I have is fragmentary and sketchy.
 ☞ 孩子不教育,长大了就会自私自利。
 ☞ Unless you discipline a child, he may grow up to be a selfish adult.
 ☞ 她从不教育她儿子,现在是无法无天了。
 ☞ She never disciplines her son and he is uncontrollable now.
 ☞ 父母对子女应当承担坚定不移的引导及始终如一的教育。
 ☞ Parents should owe their children firm guidance and consistent discipline.

1.loose, loosen,指从某种束缚中摆脱出来。
 ☞ 这本书有几页要散了。
 ☞ There are several loose pages in the book.
 ☞ 她的头发散披在肩上。
 ☞ Her hair hung loose to her shoulders.
 ☞ 把这些信捆好,别散了。
 ☞ Tie up these letters and see that they don't come loose.
 ☞ 你的行李散了。
 ☞ Your luggage has got loosened.
2.fall apart,指原本连在一起的物件散架。
 ☞ 木箱散了。
 ☞ The wooden box fell apart.
 ☞ 我感到我的胳膊腿都要散了。
 ☞ I feel as if my limbs are falling apart.
3.not hold together,指不再连在一起。
 ☞ 这本书旧得要散了。
 ☞ The book is so old that it will not hold together.
 ☞ 我是用绳子把包裹捆好的,不过怕是要散了。
 ☞ I've tied up the parcel with string, but I am afraid it won't hold together.
4.scattered, 指分散。
 ☞ 书籍和报纸散了一地。
 ☞ Books and newspapers were scattered about on the floor.
 ☞ 当时的领导干部都散居在老乡家里。
 ☞ The then leading cadres lived scattered among the villagers.

 ☞ 谷地里为数不多的房屋分得很散。
 ☞ The few houses in the valley are very scattered.
 ☞ 警察到达时人群已经散了。
 ☞ The crowd had already scattered when the police arrived.
 ☞ 激动的人群到半夜才散。
 ☞ The excited crowd did not disperse until midnight.
 ☞ 云散之后,天又晴了。
 ☞ When the clouds had dispersed it was fine again.
3.break up,指结束。强调动作的结果。
 ☞ 他们合伙经营的铺子不久就散了。
 ☞ Their partnership soon broke up.
 ☞ 警察到达时集会已经散了。
 ☞ The meeting had broken up when the police arrived.
 ☞ 会还没有散。
 ☞ The meeting is not over yet.
 ☞ 散学后,孩子们总会来跟他玩。
 ☞ When school was over, the children would come and play with him.
 ☞ 你准备给我们做事吗?写标语还是散传单?
 ☞ Are you prepared to do things for us? Write posters or distribute leaflets?
 ☞ 大家别走散了。
 ☞ Let's not get separated.
 ☞ 今天星期五,咱们早点散吧。
 ☞ It's Friday today. Let's stop a bit earlier.
 ☞ 请打开门窗散散烟。
 ☞ Please open the door and windows to let the smoke out.
散发 散发
1.send forth,指散发光、热、气息等。
 ☞ 花儿散发出清香。
 ☞ The flowers sent forth a delicate fragrance.
 ☞ 太阳散发出光和热。
 ☞ The sun sends forth light and heat.
2.give forth,指散发气息等。
 ☞ 田野散发出春天的气息。
 ☞ The field gives forth an odor of spring.
 ☞ 土地散发出一阵令人眩晕的暖意。
 ☞ The earth gave forth a fainting warmth.
 ☞ 他在散发传单。
 ☞ He is distributing leaflets.
 ☞ 散发餐券要细心。
 ☞ Be careful in distributing meal tickets.
 ☞ 主席的指示应作为正式文件散发。
 ☞ The instruction of the president must be circulated as an official document.
 ☞ 我在散发文件时引起了一阵欢呼。
 ☞ When I circulated the paper, it was greeted with ovation.
散布 散布
 ☞ 有人在散布我们公司的谣言。
 ☞ Someone is spreading rumors about our firm.
 ☞ 华侨散布在世界各地。
 ☞ The Overseas Chinese are spread all over the world.
 ☞ 你们得查清是谁在我市散布恐怖情绪。
 ☞ You have to find out who spread terror through our city.
 ☞ 散布流言蜚语是十分恶劣的行为。
 ☞ It is wicked to spread gossips.
 ☞ 在一望无际的原野上到处散布着一座座井架。
 ☞ Derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain.
 ☞ 几幢房屋散布在山谷中。
 ☞ A few houses are scattered in the valley.
 ☞ 犹太人散布在世界各地。
 ☞ The Jews are scattered all over the world.
 ☞ 大多数的少数民族散布在边疆或山区。
 ☞ Most minority nationalities are distributed over border or mountain areas.
 ☞ 气象站散布于全国各地。
 ☞ Weather stations are distributed all over the country.

 ☞ The figure "five" is 5.
 ☞ 她有钱,年收入达到了6位数。
 ☞ She is rich, her yearly income runs into 6 figures.
 ☞ 7和4这两个数是28的因数。
 ☞ The number of 7 and 4 are factors of 28.
 ☞ 设X为1至10中的任何数。
 ☞ Let X be a number from I to 10.
  ■ number也用来表示统计的数字系统。
 ☞ 根据汽车数来判断,会场里的人还不多。
 ☞ Judging from the number of cars, there were not many people at the conference yet.
 ☞ 学生缺席人数为3人。
 ☞ The number of students absent is 3.
  ■ 此外,number可用做动词,表示以下几种意思。
1) 达到某个数目。
 ☞ 伤亡者数以万计。
 ☞ Casualties numbered tens of thousands.
2) 按顺序计数。
 ☞ 谁能数得清天上的星星。
 ☞ Who can number the stars in the sky?
3) 为数有限。
 ☞ 老太太的日子屈指可数。
 ☞ The old lady's days are numbered.
 ☞ 选票数过了吗?
 ☞ Have the votes been counted yet?
 ☞ 她在一个个地数鸡蛋,这时候他告诉她一五一十地数会快些。
 ☞ She was counting the eggs one by one when he told her it would be quicker to count them by five.
4.a few, several, 指不确定的数目。
 ☞ 金殿离昆明只有数公里。
 ☞ The Colden Temple is only a few kilometers from Kunming.
 ☞ 数百人参加了他的葬礼。
 ☞ Several hundred people were present at his funeral.
5.“数”在古文中作“命运”解,尚有一些成语沿用至今,一般用be predestined或destined表示由命运安徘。
 ☞ 冥冥之中,事有定数。
 ☞ Everything is predestined in the unseen world.
 ☞ 劫数难逃。
 ☞ What is destined cannot be avoided.
 ☞ 两者都是国内数得着的球队。
 ☞ Both are among the outstanding teams of the country.
 ☞ 他是全国数得着的运动员。
 ☞ He's one of the outstanding athletes in the country.
 ☞ 北京大学是国内数得着的名牌大学。
 ☞ Peking University is one of the most famous universities in China.
 ☞ 我们班上就数他的成绩好。
 ☞ He is the best student in our class.
 ☞ 动物中要数熊猫最可爱。
 ☞ Panda is the most charming pet of all.
 ☞ 学生当中就数他坏。
 ☞ He ranked the worst among the pupils.
 ☞ 对计划的执行情况我们心中有数。
 ☞ We have a pretty good idea of how the plan is being carried out.
 ☞ 进行调查研究,要做到心中有数。
 ☞ Make investigations to find out how things stand.
 ☞ 摸到了这样的底,我们心中就有数了。
 ☞ With this stock-taking we know where we are.

1.beat, 指连续不断地敲打,重点在连续性。
 ☞ 中国人的风俗是敲锣打鼓迎新年。
 ☞ It is a custom for the Chinese to meet a new year by beating drums and gongs.
 ☞ 雨敲绮窗生离愁。
 ☞ The rain beating the gorgeous window produced sorrow of parting.
 ☞ 他在门上敲了3次。
 ☞ He struck on the door three times.
 ☞ 时钟刚敲4点。
 ☞ The clock has just struck four.
 ☞ 他用钉锤猛敲钉子。
 ☞ He hit the nail with the hammer.
 ☞ 什么东西重重地敲在他背上。
 ☞ Something hit him on the back very hard.
 ☞ 进来前请敲门。
 ☞ Please knock at the door before entering.
 ☞ 我听到有人在敲窗子。
 ☞ I heard someone knocking at the window.
 ☞ 我敲了敲门,好让他们知道我已经来了。
 ☞ I tapped the door to let them know that I arrived.
 ☞ 那盲人走路时用手杖敲着人行道。
 ☞ The blind man walked tapping the sidewalk with his cane.
 ☞ 他敲了敲门,但无人应门。
 ☞ He rapped at the door, but there was no answer.
 ☞ 王老师用教鞭敲敲黑板,要求全班坐好。
 ☞ Wang, the teacher, rapped on the blackboard with his pointer to call the students to order.
 ☞ 他用指关节在我的头上敲了个爆栗。
 ☞ He gave me a rap on the head with his knuckles.
 ☞ 这次事故给我们敲了警钟,今后必须严格制度。
 ☞ The accident sounded a warning against a relaxation of the rules.
 ☞ 民族独立运动敲响了殖民主义的丧钟。
 ☞ The national independence movement sounded the death knell of the colonialism.
8.sting for,指带有敲竹杠性质的索要。
 ☞ 他们知道他的隐私,故敲了他5,000块钱。
 ☞ They knew his privacy and stung him for 5,000 yuan.
 ☞ 他在机场由于行李超重而被敲了30美元。
 ☞ At the airport he was stung for 30 US dollars for having excess luggage.
 ☞ 他加了工资,我们敲了他一顿饭。
 ☞ His pay has been raised, so we made him treat us to a dinner.
 ☞ 我们买东西时被那家铺子敲了。
 ☞ We were overcharged for the goods by the store.
 ☞ 这孩子总得大人敲着点,不然就不好好做功课。
 ☞ The boy needs constant prodding from his parents, otherwise he won't get his homework done.
整治 整治
1.renovate, 指翻新整治。
 ☞ 我们整治了老果园,生产果然增加了。
 ☞ We have renovated the old orchard and sure enough the production increased.
 ☞ 你的老屋该整治整治了。
 ☞ You have to renovate your old house.
 ☞ 整治一下车子,修理厂要价5,000元。
 ☞ The garage charged 5,000 yuan for repairing the car.
 ☞ 你会整治电脑吗?
 ☞ Can you repair a computer?
3.dredge, 指疏浚河道。
 ☞ 工人们正用挖泥船吸走水下的泥沙以整治河道。
 ☞ The workers were dredging the waterway, using a dredger for sucking up mud and sand from below water.
 ☞ 河流要经常整治以备洪水时泄洪。
 ☞ Rivers must be dredged time and again to release floodwater in case of floods.
 ☞ 我们要下大力气来综合整治生态环境。
 ☞ We must make great efforts to improve the comprehensive ecological environments.
 ☞ 应该整治工人的工作条件。
 ☞ The working conditions of the workers ought to be improved.
5.prepare, do, work at,泛指搞、做、致力于。
 ☞ 整治饭菜,他是把好手。
 ☞ He is good at preparing food.
 ☞ 你今天有空,干嘛不整治整治你的头发?
 ☞ You are free today. Why don't you have your hair done now?
 ☞ 他在整治一桩新发明。
 ☞ He is working at a new invention.
6.punish, fix,泛指处罚、收拾。
 ☞ 这坏蛋得整治一下。
 ☞ That scoundrel needs to be punished.
 ☞ 放心,我会整治他的!
 ☞ Don't worry. I'll fix him!
整理 整理
1.put in order,强调整理整齐。
 ☞ 他的书房乱糟糟的,因为他不让人整理。
 ☞ His study is a chaos for he keeps anyone from putting it in order.
 ☞ 文件整理后已由党务秘书妥当保管。
 ☞ The documents are held in a safe place by the secretary of the Party's affairs after they are put in order.
2.straighten out (up),强调对混乱状态的整理。
 ☞ 会后会议室里乱糟糟的,是她整理出来的。
 ☞ The meeting room was a mess after the meeting. It was she who straightened it out.
 ☞ 动笔前先整理思路。
 ☞ Straighten up your ideas before beginning to write.
 ☞ 我把书架上的书重新整理了一下,使每本书都放在应该放的位置上。
 ☞ I have rearranged the books on the shelves so that each one of them is on its place.
 ☞ 要是你不喜欢花瓶里花的插法,可以自己再整理整理。
 ☞ If you don't like the way the flowers are arranged in the vase, you can rearrange them yourself.
4.systematize, 指条理化、系统化的整理。
 ☞ 通过名医们的整理,中医、中药正日趋完善。
 ☞ The Chinese medicine and pharmacology are being perfected after they are systematized by the famous doctors.
 ☞ 我应当把数据加以整理,否则将一事无成。
 ☞ We must systematize our data or nothing will ever get done.
5.collate, 指装订整理。
 ☞ 他收集、整理了大量的民歌,准备新的创作。
 ☞ Having collected and collated a lot of folk songs, he is making preparation for new creative work.
 ☞ 这些数据经过整理已装订成册。
 ☞ These data, having been collated, are bound into book form.
 ☞ 我们已整理好行装准备出发。
 ☞ We're ready to start, having packed our things for the Journey.
 ☞ 整理化石的工作并不容易。
 ☞ It is not an easy job to dress fossils.
 ☞ 整理文化遗产需要知识和耐心。
 ☞ Knowledge and patience are needed to sift cultural heritage.
 ☞ 他是整理财政的能手。
 ☞ He is a master in regulating finances.
整顿 整顿
 ☞ 反对主观主义以整顿学风,反对宗派主义以整顿党风,反对党八股以整顿文风,这就是我们的任务。
 ☞ Fight subjectivism in order to rectify the style of study, fight sectarianism in order to rectify the style in Party relations, and fight Party stereotypes in order to rectify the style of writing - such is the task before us.
 ☞ 人们一定会问这样的问题,就是空气污染的代价有多大?进行整顿要多少花费才算合理?
 ☞ People would ask such questions, that is, how much does air pollution cost? And what expense is justified in rectifying it?
2.straighten out, 指把糊涂、混乱的状态整顿过来。
 ☞ 已经建立了一套会计制度来整顿财务。
 ☞ A system of account has been set up to straighten out financial affairs.
 ☞ 我们应当把新内阁面临的各项工作整顿好。
 ☞ We must straighten things out in every field of work confronting the new cabinet.
 ☞ 我们接手的形势非常混乱,现正着手整顿。
 ☞ We have inherited a very confused situation, which we are now trying to straighten out.
3.consolidate, strengthen,指通过巩固或加强进行整顿。
 ☞ 整顿农村的党组织刻不容缓。
 ☞ Consolidating the Party organizations in the country is a task which brooks no delay.
 ☞ 当务之急是整顿领导班子。
 ☞ It is the most pressing matter of the moment to consolidate the leading body.
 ☞ 只有整顿纪律,才能严格训练、严格要求。
 ☞ Only by strengthening discipline can we go in for rigorous training and set strict demands.
 ☞ 要加强企业管理必须先整顿规章制度。
 ☞ Rules and regulations must be reestablished before strengthening the management of enterprises.
 ☞ 作为一个先进城市,整顿治安十分重要。
 ☞ As an advanced city it is very important to improve public order.
 ☞ 我们的足球队要好好地整顿一下。
 ☞ Our football team needs a good shake-up.
 ☞ 代表大会建议工会应整顿其内务。
 ☞ The congress has suggested that the trade union should put its affairs in order.
整齐 整齐
1.in good order,指次序、秩序的整齐。
 ☞ 部队在雨中行进,依然保持着队伍的整齐。
 ☞ The troops were marching in the rain, still keeping its ranks in good order.
 ☞ 仪仗队整整齐齐地站着,等待着检阅。
 ☞ The guard of honor stood in good order, ready to be reviewed.
2.neat, 指干净整洁的整齐。
 ☞ 你是老师,字要写得清楚整齐。
 ☞ As a teacher, your handwriting must be clear and neat.
 ☞ 这位女同志的衣着黑白相间,打扮整齐。
 ☞ The woman is neatly dressed in black and white.
 ☞ 这些书你读过之后,请堆放整齐。
 ☞ Please leave the books in a tidy pile after you read them.
 ☞ 军营里的被子都是叠得整整齐齐的。
 ☞ In barracks quilts are rolled up tidily.
  ■ tidy还可用做动词。
 ☞ 我在走以前开始把桌子整理整齐。
 ☞ I began to tidy up my desk before leaving.
 ☞ 她先生上班以后,她每天都要把房间整理整齐。
 ☞ She tidies the room out every day while her husband goes to work.
4.even, 指具有同一性的整齐。
 ☞ 我们在农场见到的是耕作精细、出苗整齐。
 ☞ What we saw in the farm is intensive cultivation and even emergence of seedlings.
 ☞ 她一笑起来就露出雪白整齐的牙齿。
 ☞ She shows her even white teeth when she smiles.
 ☞ 她洁白的面颊,鲜红的嘴唇,因而使牙齿看起来更加整齐。
 ☞ She has lily-white cheeks, bright-red lips, thus making her teeth look more regular.
 ☞ 种树的间隔要整齐。
 ☞ Plant trees at regular intervals.
 ☞ 游行队伍迈着整齐的步伐在行进。
 ☞ The procession marched in regular step.
 ☞ 汽车往左一拐,一排排整齐的工人住宅就映入眼帘。
 ☞ The well-laid-out blocks of workers greeted the eye when the bus turned left.
 ☞ 我们的足球队阵容整齐。
 ☞ Our football team has a well-balanced lineup.
 ☞ 这是个修剪整齐的草坪。
 ☞ It was a well-groomed lawn.
 ☞ 他嘴唇上的胡须修得很整齐。
 ☞ His moustache was well-kept.
敷衍 敷衍
1.perfunctory, perfunctorily, in a perfunctory manner,指马虎。
 ☞ 干这种活儿可敷衍不得。
 ☞ You mustn't be perfunctory in doing this kind of work.
 ☞ 他对我们说的“哈罗”,肯定是敷衍。
 ☞ That was certainly a perfunctory "hello" he gave us.
 ☞ 他敷衍几句就走了。
 ☞ He replied perfunctorily in a few words and left.
 ☞ 他做事习惯采取敷衍的态度,很不认真。
 ☞ He's in the habit working perfunctorily and halfheartedly.
 ☞ 你怎么能敷衍行事呢!
 ☞ How you could have done it in a perfunctory manner!
 ☞ 敷衍塞责的是你。
 ☞ It is you who perform your duty in a perfunctory way.
2.get by,指维持下去或凑合过去。
 ☞ 这几个钱只够我敷衍几天的。
 ☞ This money is barely enough for me to get by a few days.
 ☞ 尽管不易,我们怎么也能敷衍过去。
 ☞ We can get by somehow though it is not easy.
 ☞ 他没有宴会服,不过有人告诉他穿深色西服也能敷衍过去。
 ☞ He didn't possess a dinner jacket, but he was told that he could get by in a dark suit.
 ☞ 他敷衍了几句就走了。
 ☞ He made a few casual remarks and left.
 ☞ 他那些话分明是敷衍你的。
 ☞ Obviously, he said that just to satisfy you.
 ☞ 她办事认真,从不敷衍了事。
 ☞ She is very conscientious and never skimps her work.
 ☞ 真想不到你做事会采取敷衍手段。
 ☞ Fancy your resorting to a slovenly manner of attending to business.
文字 文字
 ☞ 语言和文字是人类最重要的交流工具。
 ☞ Speech and writing are man's most important tools of communication.
 ☞ 中国人使用与我们英国不同的文字。
 ☞ The Chinese use a different kind of writing from ours in Britain.
 ☞ 史前人类的另一个成就就是发明了文字。
 ☞ Still another achievement of prehistoric man was the invention of writing.
 ☞ 咱们把这一协定写成文字吧。
 ☞ Let's put this agreement in writing.
 ☞ 我不见文字是不会相信的。
 ☞ I won't believe it until I see it in writing.
 ☞ 你炽热的文字配上他壮丽的音乐就成为一支激动人心的歌曲。
 ☞ Your burning words set to his splendid music turn into a sensational song.
 ☞ 不少笑话在其效果上靠的是玩文字游戏。
 ☞ Many jokes for their effect depend on a play of words.
 ☞ 计算机可以处理文字。
 ☞ A computer can process words.
 ☞ 我们是文字之交。
 ☞ We are literary friends.
 ☞ 想不到一篇短文竟兴起了一场文字狱。
 ☞ Who would have thought that a short essay should have caused a literary inquisition?
文明 文明
 ☞ 中国是历史悠久的文明古国。
 ☞ China is an ancient country with a long civilization and history.
 ☞ 我们应当为改变世界、抢救文明而斗争。
 ☞ We must fight to change the world, and to rescue civilization.
 ☞ 人类的文明已经历了数千年。
 ☞ The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years.
 ☞ 再要发生一次世界大战,文明就要遭到毁灭。
 ☞ Civilization may be destroyed if there is another world war.
2.civilize, 指使之文明起来。
 ☞ 只有教育才能帮助野蛮人走向文明。
 ☞ Only schools can help to civilize the barbarians.
 ☞ 罗马人的入侵使北欧许多部落走向文明。
 ☞ The incursion of Romans civilized many of the tribes of northern Europe.
  ■ civilized可以用作定语,有“经过文明洗礼”的意思。
 ☞ 文明商店信誉度高。
 ☞ Civilized shops have higher credit.
 ☞ 不少文明古国都是由于自然环境恶化而遭到毁灭的。
 ☞ A number of civilized ancient countries met their destruction because of deterioration of natural environments.
3.civil, civility,指人类在交往中表现出来的教养、礼貌等文明行为。
 ☞ 即使你不喜欢她,对她也要文明一点。
 ☞ Try to be a bit civil to her, even if you don't like her.
 ☞ 说话文明点。
 ☞ Keep a civil language a little.
 ☞ 钱可以赚,但一定要文明经商。
 ☞ You may make a profit, but be sure to do business with civility.
 ☞ 对待妇女的态度是一个民族文明的尺度。
 ☞ The attitude towards women is the measure of a nation's civility.
 ☞ 我们把村子建成了一个文明村。
 ☞ We have our village created, where civility reigns.
 ☞ 民国以后,越来越多的人兴文明结婚。
 ☞ More and more people have gone in for modem wedding since the founding of the Republic of China.
 ☞ 20世纪30年代的话剧叫做文明戏。
 ☞ Stage dramas were called modem plays in the 1930's.
 ☞ 文阴社会里应当文明经商、文明办厂。
 ☞ Commercial transactions and factory management must be conducted honorably in a civilized society.
 ☞ 全国文明礼貌月会促进文明礼貌。
 ☞ National Courtesy Month will promote decorum and manners.
文章 文章
 ☞ 我得写一篇论荷马的文章。
 ☞ I have to write an essay on Homer.
 ☞ 文章写得怎么样啦?
 ☞ How is the essay going?
 ☞ I always read the leading articles in People's Daily.
 ☞ 他为杂志写了一篇有关宇宙空间的文章。
 ☞ He wrote an article on space for the magazine.
 ☞ 阅览室里有许多关于英语阅读教学方面的文章。
 ☞ In the reading room there are a lot of writings dealing with the teaching of English reading.
 ☞ 他的文章包含有社会主义的因素。
 ☞ His writings contained socialist elements.
4.insinuation,sly hint,均指含沙射影的暗示。
 ☞ 他的话里有文章。
 ☞ There is an insinuation in his remark.
 ☞ 这话里头有文章。
 ☞ This statement contains some sly hints.
5.make much of,make an issue of, 指小题大做。
 ☞ 在西方,执政党每犯一点错误,反对党都要大做文章。
 ☞ In the West whenever the party in power makes the slightest mistake, the opposition makes much of it.
 ☞ 为什么你老是咬住他的小错不放,大做文章?
 ☞ Why are you nagging him about the slightest mistake and making much of it?
 ☞ 他们往往抓住一点小事大做文章。
 ☞ They often seized on a trifle and made an issue of it.
 ☞ 下面有好文章可看啦。
 ☞ Some exciting development may follow.
 ☞ 别问我!你知道背后大有文章。
 ☞ Don't ask me! You know there is a lot behind all this.
斗争 斗争
 ☞ 我们每个人都应善于同一切错误思想和行为作不疲倦的斗争。
 ☞ Everyone of us should be good at waging a tireless struggle against all incorrect ideas and actions.
 ☞ 他们为了把自己的国家从敌人手里解放出来已斗争了多年。
 ☞ They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.
 ☞ 你将不得不与困难作斗争。
 ☞ You will have to fight against difficulties.
 ☞ 他告诉工人应为自己的权利而斗争。
 ☞ He told the workers to fight for their rights.
 ☞ 善与恶的斗争将永远继续下去。
 ☞ The combat between good and evil will continue forever.
 ☞ 王医生在与疾病斗争中度过了一生。
 ☞ Doctor Wang spent his life combating diseases.
 ☞ 一个国家只要为自由而斗争就不能使之屈服。
 ☞ It is impossible to keep a country in subjection if she is striving for freedom.
 ☞ 他为人民的利益而斗争了一生。
 ☞ He strived all his life for the good of the people.
 ☞ 群众大会上,农民们斗争了恶霸地主。
 ☞ At the mass rally the peasants denounced the despotic landlord.
 ☞ 他无缘无故地受到批判和斗争。
 ☞ He was criticized and denounced for no reason at all.
料到 料到
 ☞ 我料到他会在4点钟到。
 ☞ I had anticipated his arrival at four o'clock 他们没料到会碰上反对意见。
 ☞ They didn't anticipate meeting any opposition.
 ☞ 他们派兵侵略朝鲜,没料到我们会派志愿军援助。
 ☞ They did not anticipate that we would send volunteers to aid Korea when they dispatched forces to invade it.
 ☞ 我们本来就应当料到其后果。
 ☞ We should have foreseen its consequences.
 ☞ 母亲装了一大包野外用午餐,因为她料到我们会挨饿。
 ☞ Mother put up a big picnic lunch, because she foresaw how hungry we would be.
 ☞ 我们克服了许多没有料到的困难。
 ☞ We overcame many unforeseen difficulties.
 ☞ 我们没料到他会来。
 ☞ We didn't expect him to come.
 ☞ 小偷没料到便衣警察会跟在后面,因而从店里拿起了一个手表。
 ☞ The thief did not expect to be followed by a policeman in plain clothes and lifted a watch from the shop.
 ☞ 我们没到目的地就碰上大雨,这是原来未料到的。
 ☞ Unexpectedly, a rainstorm overtook us before we reached our destination.

1.new, 有几种意思。
1) 指新产生的,与old相对。
 ☞ 我要卖了旧车买新车。
 ☞ I'll sell my old car to buy a new one.
 ☞ 要结交新朋友,但不要忘了老伙伴。
 ☞ Do make new friends, but don't forget your old fellows.
2) 指未用过的,与used相财,等于unused。
 ☞ 我把新旧家具都卖了。
 ☞ I've sold new and used furniture.
 ☞ 这个电炉不是新的,是用过的。
 ☞ This is not a new electric stove. It's a used one.
3) 指未为人知或从未经历过的,与original相对。
 ☞ 这个新设计与旧设计相比可减少投资10%。
 ☞ The new design reduces 10 percent of the investment, compared with the original one.
 ☞ 土地在原来的主人手里荒芜着,而新主人却把一切管理得井井有条。
 ☞ The land was allowed to lie waste in the hands of the original owner while the new owner has kept everything in perfect order.
 ☞ 这本书改编时我补写了几个新章节。
 ☞ I have inserted several fresh chapters in the book when it was revised.
 ☞ 你的一席话给了我新的希望和勇气。
 ☞ What you said has given me fresh hope and courage.
  ■ new与fresh的区别可从下列译文中看出。
 ☞ 正因为我是新人,所以对事物有新看法。
 ☞ It is because I'm new that I get a fresh look at things.
 ☞ 新思想是以前没有人想到过的想法。
 ☞ A novel idea is one that no one has thought of before.
 ☞ 年薪百万聘请总经理给人以新的轰动效应。
 ☞ Engaging a general manager with yearly pay of one million yuan gives people a novel sensation.
 ☞ 你厂的生产进步要靠新技术。
 ☞ The production improvement of your factory depends on the up-to-date technology.
 ☞ 这种最新的耕作方法应该加以推广。
 ☞ The most up-to-date method of cultivation must be spread.
5.latest, 指在时间上最新。
 ☞ 我们需要这场战争的最新消息。
 ☞ We wanted the latest news about the war.
 ☞ 这是最新发明,刚从上海运到。
 ☞ It is the latest invention, and has just arrived from Shanghai.
6.newly, just,指新近、刚刚,用作状语,修饰动词。
 ☞ 他们是新婚夫妇。
 ☞ They are a newly-married couple.
 ☞ 这衣服是新烫的。
 ☞ The clothes were newly ironed.
 ☞ 这是我新买的手表。
 ☞ This is the watch I have just bought.
方便 方便
1.convenience, convenient, conveniently, 指便利。
 ☞ 购物袋是为顾客方便提供的。
 ☞ Shopping bags are provided for the customers' convenience.
 ☞ 为了方便起见,我把参考书都放在桌子旁边。
 ☞ I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.
 ☞ 什么时候方便就什么时候来。
 ☞ Drop in whenever it's convenient.
 ☞ 你什么时候开始比较方便?
 ☞ When would it be convenient for you to begin?
 ☞ 我店为方便顾客,可送货上门。
 ☞ To make things convenient for the customers our shop delivers goods to their door.
 ☞ 北京与全国各地相通,交通方便。
 ☞ Beijing has convenient communications with all the other parts of China.
 ☞ 上海地处长江口,又有两条铁路交会于此,交通十分方便。
 ☞ Shanghai is conveniently located at the mouth of the Changjiang River and two railways cross here.
 ☞ 现代的许多发明方便了家务劳动。
 ☞ Modern inventions facilitate housework.
 ☞ 运用邮政编码可以方便邮递服务。
 ☞ Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service.
 ☞ 水库建成后,大大方便了农田灌溉。
 ☞ The completion of the reservoir greatly facilitated irrigation.
 ☞ 铁路建设将大大方便城乡之间的交通。
 ☞ The construction of the railway will greatly facilitate communications between city and countryside.
 ☞ 电炉用起来比柴灶方便。
 ☞ Electric stoves are used with greater facility than wood-burners.
 ☞ 我市交通方便。
 ☞ Our city has good transport facilities (service).
 ☞ 两国都为对方建立使馆提供方便。
 ☞ The two countries provided the other side with facilities for the establishment of its embassy.
 ☞ 他总是把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己。
 ☞ He always takes the difficulties on himself and makes things easy for others.
 ☞ 欺骗自己倒是很方便的。
 ☞ To deceive oneself is very easy.
 ☞ 学校离这儿只有100米,因此孩子上学很方便。
 ☞ The school is only one hundred meters from here, so it is quite handy for children.
 ☞ 阅览室里词典多,去那儿学习很方便。
 ☞ There are lots of dictionaries in the reading room.
 ☞ You'll find them very handy if you go there to study.
5.wash one's hands, use the lavatory,指上厕所的委婉语。
 ☞ 你要不要方便一下。
 ☞ Do you want to wash your hands (use the lavatory)?
 ☞ 请稍候,我去方便一下。
 ☞ Please wait a few minutes. I'm just going to wash my hands.
方向 方向
 ☞ 飞机的方向由正北改为东北。
 ☞ The direction of the airplane changed from north to northeast.
 ☞ 他朝学校的方向走去。
 ☞ He went in the direction of the school.
 ☞ 他迎风站在那里,想辨认方向。
 ☞ He stood there against the wind to get his bearings.
 ☞ 我们行军时迷失了方向。
 ☞ We lost our bearings during the march.
 ☞ 党为全国人民指明了前进的方向。
 ☞ The Party has pointed out the way forward for the whole nation.
 ☞ 我们在森林里迷失了方向。
 ☞ We lost our way in the forest.
 ☞ 迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。
 ☞ The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.
 ☞ 我们坚持为人民服务的方向。
 ☞ We adhere to the orientation of serving the people.
 ☞ 十月革命改变了整个世界历史的方向。
 ☞ The October Revolution has changed the course of the world history.
 ☞ 他在树林里走了整整一天,全凭太阳来确定方向。
 ☞ All day he traveled through the forest, setting his course by the sun.
方式 方式
 ☞ 我不喜欢他讲话的方式。
 ☞ I don't like his way of talking.
 ☞ 对有些人来说,犯罪是谋生的另一种方式。
 ☞ For some people, crime is just another way of making a living.
  ■ 注意:the way前的in和the way后的in which或that常常省略。
 ☞ 我们都钦佩他面对困难的方式。
 ☞ We all admire him for the way (in which) he faces his difficulties。
 ☞ 他们过去干这事的方式跟我们现在的不一样。
 ☞ They didn't do it (in) the way (that) we do now.
 ☞ 他突然发了财,从而改变了他的整个生活方式。
 ☞ He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode (way) of life.
 ☞ 袋鼠带幼崽有其特殊的方式。
 ☞ Kangaroos have a peculiar mode (way) of carrying their young.
3.fashion,指办事的方式,也可与mode, way等换用。
 ☞ 这些短篇小说是以相同的方式写成的。
 ☞ These short stories were written in similar fashion (mode,way).
 ☞ 他这人脾气少有,爱国的方式也特别。
 ☞ He was a man of rare temper and loved his country in his peculiar fashion (mode, way).
 ☞ 做工作应注意方式方法。
 ☞ In doing our work, we must pay attention to style and method.
 ☞ 他建立起了一种独特的领导方式。
 ☞ He established a unique style of leadership.
 ☞ 这种方式随着工业革命而得到充分发展。
 ☞ This pattern reached full development with the industrial revolution.
 ☞ 她逐渐适应了在美国的生活方式。
 ☞ She's fitting into the pattern of life in the U.S.A.
 ☞ 他们希望用和平的方式来达到目的。
 ☞ They hope to achieve their goal by peaceful means.
 ☞ 在19世纪,出现了一种新的交通运输方式—铁路。
 ☞ In the nineteenth century a new means of communication was developed - the railway.
方面 方面
 ☞ 这份报告包括了计划的各个方面。
 ☞ The report covers all phases of the program.
 ☞ 输入、处理和输出这3个基本概念几乎出现在人类生活的方方面面。
 ☞ These three basic concepts of input, processing, and output appear in almost every phase of human life.
 ☞ 她被说服以后继续考虑问题的其他方面。
 ☞ When persuaded she went on to consider other aspects of the problem.
 ☞ 列宁发展了马克思主义学说的各个方面。
 ☞ Lenin developed every aspect of Marxist teaching.
 ☞ 咱们现在该听听被告方面的说法。
 ☞ Now let's hear the defendant's side of the story.
 ☞ 我们应从各个方面来研究这个问题。
 ☞ We must study the question from every side.
 ☞ 他的讲话显示出他异常个性的方方面面,如他的机智、他的学识、他机敏而深刻的才智等。
 ☞ His talk revealed every facet of his unusual personality, such as his wit, his scholarship, his quick, penetrating intellect, etc.
 ☞ 铁路主要部门官员会议定期举行,包括铁路运行中可以想到的方方面面,如财务、广告、工程、运输、存储等。
 ☞ Conferences of the chief department officers of the railway are regularly held, including accounting, advertising, engineering, transporting, storing - in fact every conceivable facet of railway operation.
5.in this (one, no) respect, in several (many, some) respects,指某个或几个细节方面。
 ☞ 这方面,黑人甚至比印第安人更糟。
 ☞ In this respect the Negroes were even worse off than the Indians.
 ☞ 这两首诗在某些方面有点类似。
 ☞ These two poems are a bit similar in some respects.
 ☞ 他们在科学、艺术、文艺各个方面都做出了杰出的贡献。
 ☞ In every field of science, art, literature they have made out-standing contribution.
 ☞ 我们的地质学家都对他在这方面的研究评价甚高。
 ☞ Our geologists think highly of his researches in this field.
 ☞ 我们必须考虑不同方面的意见。
 ☞ We must consider opinions from different quarters.
 ☞ 这一消息见报以来他们获得来自多方面的经济援助。
 ☞ They have got financial help from many quarters since the news appeared in the newspaper.
施展 施展
1.put to good use,着重点在实施。
 ☞ 你有了专业对口的工作,可以施展你的本领了。
 ☞ Having a job suited to your training, you can put your ability to good use.
 ☞ 尽量施展你的才华以达到完美的境界。
 ☞ Try to put your talent to good use in order to achieve perfection.
2.give full play to, play to the full,着重点在展现。
 ☞ 在技能比赛大会上,把你的技术都施展出来。
 ☞ Give full play to your technical competence in the skill contest.
 ☞ 大家都佩服毛泽东同志在中国革命中施展到了极致的雄才大略。
 ☞ Everybody admires the great talent and bold vision played to the full by Comrade Mao Zedong in the Chinese Revolution.
3.resort to, 着重点在施展某种带有贬义的手段。
 ☞ 敌人施展了威逼利诱的手段,但他不为所动。
 ☞ The enemy resorted to all kinds of threats and inducements, but he was not swayed.
 ☞ 只有像你这样的人,才会施展这样的卑鄙手段。
 ☞ Only a man like you could resort to such contemptible means.
4.carry out,着重点在执行。
 ☞ 要施展计划,我们还有点困难。
 ☞ We have some difficulty in carrying out the plan.
 ☞ 施展阴谋诡计的人绝不会有好下场。
 ☞ Those who carry out plots and schemes will certainly come to no good end.
 ☞ 尽管她受到了骚扰,但她还得施展外交手腕设法加以拒绝,而又不致引起报复。
 ☞ Although she was harassed, she had to deploy diplomacy to find ways of saying no without unleashing reprisals.
 ☞ 你在那里能施展你的全部才华,应该感到高兴。
 ☞ You should be happy that you can deploy all the forces of your genius there.
施行 施行
 ☞ 我国政府自申请加入世贸组织以来发布并施行了一整套新的关税法则。
 ☞ Our government has promulgated and enforced a series of new tariff laws since it applied for the membership of WTO.
 ☞ 罗马教廷为了使其官僚机构受到纪律的约束,曾对其教士施行过禁欲的规定。
 ☞ The papacy enforced the rule of celibacy upon its clergy in order to make its bureaucracy disciplined.
 ☞ 中国曾一度施行过夏令时。
 ☞ Summer time was once enforced in China.
 ☞ 我国政府正在施行帮助下岗工人的计划。
 ☞ Our government is implementing its program of helping the unemployed.
 ☞ 据估计,施行这项议案的实际费用约为政府预计的1倍。
 ☞ It is estimated that the actual cost of implementing the bill would be about double the amount the government forecast.
 ☞ 医务人员赶到灾区对伤员施行急救。
 ☞ The medical personnel rushed to the disaster area to administer first aid to the injured.
 ☞ 红十字会对遭受水灾的居民施行救济。
 ☞ The Red Cross administered relief to people who were suffering from floods.
 ☞ 6月5日施行了一次探查性手术,情况不是太好。
 ☞ On the fifth of June, an exploratory operation was performed and the condition was not very good.
 ☞ 罗斯福施行新政是希望政治上的冲突会消融于经济进步之中。
 ☞ Franklin Roosevelt applied his New Deal, hoping that political conflict would dissolve in economic progress.
旅行 旅行
1.travel, 指一地至另一地的旅行,不强调目的地。泛指抽象概念的旅行。
 ☞ 现在旅行比过去便宜多了。
 ☞ Travel is much cheaper than it used to be.
 ☞ 我的爱好就是旅行。
 ☞ My hobby is travel.
 ☞ 这对夫妻每年都要到世界各地旅行。
 ☞ The couple travel all over the world every year.
 ☞ 我们在计划去加利福尼亚旅行。
 ☞ We're planning a journey to California.
 ☞ 这次去意大利旅行不会超过两个月。
 ☞ The journey to Italy will not take more than two months.
 ☞ 我们坐着汽车一路由上海旅行到了南京。
 ☞ We made the journey from Shanghai to Nanjing by car.
 ☞ 我想我得到国外什么地方作一次旅行。
 ☞ I think I'll take a trip abroad somewhere.
 ☞ 她到美国作了一次旅行来进行她的调查研究。
 ☞ She has made a trip to USA to pursue her investigation and studies.
 ☞ 我的下一个设想是作一次环岛旅行。
 ☞ My next design is to make a tour round the island.
 ☞ 2000年5月1日我出发作一次徒步旅行。
 ☞ I set out a walking tour on 1st of May, 2000.
旋转 旋转
 ☞ 地球围着地轴旋转。
 ☞ The earth turns on its axis.
 ☞ 车轮围着轮轴旋转。
 ☞ The wheels of a car turn on their axles.
 ☞ 螺旋桨旋转时推着船只前进。
 ☞ When the propeller turns, it pushes the ship forward.
  ■ 但是,如果turn表示的旋转不到一圈,则不作“旋转”解。如:
 ☞ She turned the key in the lock.(转动)
 ☞ He turned and faced her.(转身)
2.revolve, revolution,科技用语,指沿着轨道旋转或围绕一个中心旋转。
 ☞ 月球围绕地球旋转,而地球围绕太阳旋转。
 ☞ The moon revolves around the earth while the earth revolves round the sun.
 ☞ 轮子运动时就会旋转。
 ☞ Wheels revolve when in motion.
 ☞ 这门是围着门轴旋转的。
 ☞ The door revolves on its axles.
 ☞ 现在我市有了一个旋转舞台的戏院。
 ☞ Now our city has a theater with a revolving stage.
 ☞ 这轮子每分钟旋转四圈。
 ☞ The wheel makes four revolutions a minute.
 ☞ 地球围着太阳旋转一圈就是一年。
 ☞ It is a year when the earth makes one revolution around the sun.
3.rotate, rotation,科技用语,指物体围绕其内部轴心或中心旋转。
 ☞ 轮子和陀螺都会旋转。
 ☞ Wheels and tops rotate.
 ☞ 地球每24小时就旋转一圈。
 ☞ The earth rotates once every 24 hours.
 ☞ 陀螺旋转,而轮子转动。
 ☞ A top spins while a wheel revolves.
 ☞ 一位芭蕾舞女演员用脚尖立着旋转。
 ☞ A ballerina is spinning on her toes.
  ■ 但有时也指较大物体在较大范围内的旋转。
 ☞ 我们通过一架大功率望远镜可以看到一团星云在绕着一个中心旋转。
 ☞ Through a powerful telescope we can see a cloud of stars spinning around a center.
 ☞ 所有的舞者都能用一个脚尖旋转。
 ☞ All dancers can twirl round on one toe.
 ☞ 我们站着观看一位溜冰者在冰面上旋转。
 ☞ We stood watching a skater twirling on the ice.
 ☞ 落叶在风中旋转。
 ☞ The fallen leaves whirled in the wind.
 ☞ 河水泛滥的涡流在凶险地旋转。
 ☞ The eddies of the flooding river whirled menacingly.
 ☞ 围绕质子高速旋转的粒子叫电子。
 ☞ The particle, which is whirling about the proton, is called an electron.
7.gyrate about, 指螺旋式上升的旋转。
 ☞ 被卷入龙卷风旋涡的一切都在疯狂地旋转。
 ☞ Everything drawn into the whirlpool of the tornado was gyrating madly about.
 ☞ 我看到低低的一团尘土在到处旋转。
 ☞ I saw a low cloud of dust gyrating about.
无从 无从
  ■ “无从”有“不知从哪儿”、“没法”的意思,表示行为、动作缺乏依据或找不到门径。
1.cannot, 指不可能。
 ☞ 一个盲人是无从分辨颜色的。
 ☞ A blind man cannot judge colors.
 ☞ 我在见到儿子以前,无从知道任何细节。
 ☞ I cannot know any details until I see my son.
 ☞ 警方宣布火车站戒严,搜捕逃犯。我们无法进入。
 ☞ The police cordoned off the railway station to search for the escaped prisoner. We were unable to have access to it.
 ☞ 记者被挡在外面,他们无从打听事实真相。
 ☞ The journalists were kept outside and were unable to rind out the truth of the matter.
3.not know where (how),指无从知道。
 ☞ 我们分别时心中有千言万语,却一时无从说起。
 ☞ When parting, we had a thousand things to say but didn't know where to begin.
 ☞ 刺猬缩成一团,老虎无从下口。
 ☞ The hedgehog rolled itself into a ball and the tiger did not know how to set about snapping at it.
4.there is no way,指无法,是说话人的客观评价。
 ☞ 这件事无从解释。
 ☞ There is no way to explain it.
  "Put prevention first in medical work" is only a policy. There is no way to prevent diseases without funds.
5.have no way, 也指无法,但为说话人的主观评价。
 ☞ 这玩意又圆又滑,我们简直无从下手。
 ☞ The stuff is both round and smooth. We simply have no way to lay hold of it.
 ☞ 我们当时相隔万里,我当然无从知道他在干什么。
 ☞ At the time we were ten thousand of如apart, of course I had no way to know what he was doing.
6.not in a position to,指由于处在某种处境而没有可能。
 ☞ 我不了解情况,无从回答这类问题。
 ☞ As I do not know the facts, I am in no position to answer such questions.
 ☞ 由于我的处境困难,这件事我无从打听。
 ☞ As I'm in a predicament, I'm not in a position to inquire about it.
无奈(无可奈何) 无奈(无可奈何)
  ■ “无奈”是“无可奈何”的同义变体。英语中没有与之对应的词。大致有以下几种处理方法。
1.cannot help (but), cannot help doing, 指情不自禁的无奈。
 ☞ 常在河边走,无奈会湿鞋。
 ☞ When you often walk along the stream, you can't help but get your shoes wet.
 ☞ 他要是不来我们也无可奈何。
 ☞ We can't help it if he doesn't come.
  ■ but或it有时可以不要,但这是要接动名词。
 ☞ 她是个很自私的女人,无奈你会喜欢她。
 ☞ She's a very selfish woman, but you can't help liking her.
2.unable to do anything with, can do nothing,指想帮帮不上或想干干不上的无奈。
 ☞ 他整天就是游手好闲,他母亲对此也奈何他不得。
 ☞ He just fools around all day long, and his mother can do nothing about it.
 ☞ 他说完了叹口气,如同说他对此也无可奈何。
 ☞ Having said this, he sighed as much as to say there was nothing he could do about it.
 ☞ 她与情人私奔到了一个大城市,她的父母对此也无可奈何。
 ☞ Since she eloped to a big city together with her lover, her parents have become unable to do anything with them.
 ☞ 他原本是想来的,无奈临时有会,来不了啦。
 ☞ He had meant to come, but was prevented by an unexpected meeting.
 ☞ 他们本应帮我的,无奈当时资金短缺。
 ☞ They would have helped me but that they were short of money at the time.
 ☞ 她无可奈何地站在那里,不知怎么办了。
 ☞ She stood there helpless, not knowing what to do.
 ☞ 无奈之下,我决定离开家乡。
 ☞ Helpless, I decided to leave my hometown.
 ☞ 这是他无可奈何的供状。
 ☞ It was his confession of helplessness.
5.have no choice but, 指别无选择。
 ☞ 他出于无奈,只得表示同意。
 ☞ He had no choice but to agree.
 ☞ 我们无可奈何,只好屈服了。
 ☞ We had no choice but to give in.
 ☞ 我正想写点东西,无奈有人来访。
 ☞ What a pity I was to take a pen up when someone came to see me.
 ☞ 他写的东西不少,无奈大都丢失了。
 ☞ He wrote quite a lot of works, but it was a pity that most of them were lost.
 ☞ 他尽管整天抱怨,但也无可奈何了。
 ☞ Grumble as he might, he had to put up with it.
 ☞ 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。
 ☞ Flowers fall, do what one may; swallows return, no strangers they.
 ☞ 无奈他不听话。
 ☞ Unfortunately he would not listen.
无形 无形
 ☞ 旧的传统观念是人们心灵上的无形枷锁。
 ☞ Outdated traditional modes of thought are invisible shackles on people's mind.
 ☞ 反间谍行动是无形战线上的一场持久的斗争。
 ☞ Counterespionage is a lasting struggle at the invisible front.
 ☞ 物质因素是需要无形的信念和献身精神推动的。
 ☞ Material elements need the impetus of intangible faith and dedication.
 ☞ 无形中我有一种灾难即将来临的感觉。
 ☞ I have an intangible feeling that a disaster is impending.
3.imperceptible, imperceptibly,指在不知不觉中形成的无形。
 ☞ 皇权神授这种观念无形中统治了整个东方世界数百年。
 ☞ The idea that an emperor is empowered by God dominated the whole Oriental world by imperceptible degree for centuries.
 ☞ 这无形中成了风气。
 ☞ This has imperceptibly become a common practice.
4.virtual, virtually, 指表面上看起来不是,但无形中却是。
 ☞ 他送给她一打玫瑰,无形中是向她示爱。
 ☞ His sending a dozen of roses was a virtual declaration of love.
 ☞ 总理无形中是该国的统治者。
 ☞ The prime minister is virtually the ruler of that country.
无心(无意) 无心(无意)
1.have no heart,指没有心思做某事。
 ☞ 既然你无心帮助别人,那就免开尊口。
 ☞ As you have no heart to help others, then you'd better keep your honorable mouth shut.
 ☞ 大雨倾盆,双方都无心继续比赛。
 ☞ Both teams had no heart for further competition when it was raining cats and dogs.
2.have no will,指没有意志做某事。
 ☞ 要是他无心学习,我们也毫无办法。
 ☞ We're at our wit's end if he has no will to learn.
 ☞ 你自己无心克服困难,那叫我怎么帮你呢?
 ☞ How can I help you if you have no will to overcome difficulties ?
3.have no patience,指没有耐心做某事。
 ☞ 我已等了他近4个小时,我无心再等他回来。
 ☞ I've waited for him for almost four hours. I have no patience for his return.
 ☞ 他醉心于山水,无心于功名。
 ☞ His delight resides in mountains and waters and he has no patience with the pedantic learning required to pass the imperial examinations for government officials.
4.have no desire,指没有愿望做某事。
 ☞ 不要跟我说下海经商的事,我无心发财致富。
 ☞ Don't talk to me about anything of engaging in commercial activities. I have no desire to enrich myself.
 ☞ 得知后方吃紧,他再也无心恋战。
 ☞ He had no desire any more for further fighting when he had learned that they were hard pressed at in the rear.
5.have no intention, not intentional, not intentionally,指没有意图做某事。
 ☞ 我们无意参加罢工,我们要求解决吃饭间题。
 ☞ We have no intention of joining the strike, but we demand to solve the problem of feeding ourselves.
 ☞ 战后他无意再留在军队里了。
 ☞ He had no intention of remaining in the army after the war.
 ☞ 对不起,踩到你脚了,我是无心的。
 ☞ Sorry for stepping on your toe! It was not intentional.
 ☞ 他说这话是无心的,你可别见怪。
 ☞ Don't take offence. He didn't say it intentionally.
6.be in no mood,指没有情绪做某事。
 ☞ 他的工作还没有做完,无心去看电影。
 ☞ He was in no mood to go to the film as he hadn't finished his work.
 ☞ 她考试不及格,无心开玩笑。
 ☞ She was in no mood for jokes as she failed in the examination.
 ☞ 他们在挖井时,无意中挖出一些古代文物。
 ☞ While digging a well they accidentally unearthed some ancient relics.
 ☞ 我正要离开时,无意中听到了有人叫她的名字。
 ☞ I was about to leave when I accidentally heard someone calling her name.
无所谓 无所谓
1.can't be said,指说不上。
 ☞ 这些材料无所谓有多少史料价值。
 ☞ These materials can't be said to have much value as historical records.
 ☞ 开卷有益,因此书无所谓好坏。
 ☞ Reading is always profitable, so books can't be said to be good or bad.
2.do not mean sth. as,指意思不是。
 ☞ 这是随便说说的,无所谓什么批评。
 ☞ It was a passing remark. I didn't mean it as a criticism.
 ☞ 这是一笔生病期间的补助,无所谓加薪。
 ☞ It is a sick-time allowance and isn't meant as a raise in wages.
 ☞ 他对同志们对他的批评采取了无所谓的态度。
 ☞ He adopted an indifferent attitude toward the criticism on the part of his comrades.
 ☞ 他对表扬无所谓那是假的。
 ☞ He pretended he was indifferent to praise.
4.make no difference,指没有区别。
 ☞ 反正我们明天早晨一起动身,至于一天还是两天无所谓。
 ☞ As a day or two it makes no difference, we'll start together tomorrow morning any way.
 ☞ 我去不去那儿无所谓。
 ☞ It makes no difference whether I go there or not.
5.not care, 指不关心。
 ☞ 你替他着急,可他自己却好像无所谓似的。
 ☞ You're worried about him, but he himself doesn't seem to care.
 ☞ 我对他们怎么说都无所谓,我还是老样子。
 ☞ I don't care what they say. I shall remain the same.
无效 无效
 ☞ 如买方违反本条规定的任一条件,卖方都有权宣布合同无效。
 ☞ The supplier shall be entitled to nullify the contract in the event of failure by the purchaser to comply with any of the conditions stated in this Article.
 ☞ 选举由于执政党的舞弊而宣布无效。
 ☞ The election has been nullified by the irregularities of the party in office.
  ■ null是nullify的形容词,指性质上的无效。
 ☞ 以武力或威胁取得的契约在法律上是无效的。
 ☞ A contract obtained by force or threat is legally null.
  ■ 有时为了强调,可用null and void。
 ☞ 这一条约已由美国单方面宣布无效。
 ☞ The treaty has been declared null and void unilaterally by the United States.
 ☞ 中央政府有权对各省违反中央法律和政令的种种做法宣布无效。
 ☞ The central government has the power to annul the actions of the provinces which contravene its laws and decrees.
 ☞ 任何法庭都有权宣布未成年人的婚姻无效。
 ☞ Any court is entitled to annul any marriage of minors.
 ☞ 签字有误,支票就会无效。
 ☞ A faulty signature may invalidate a check.
 ☞ 如显示的证据有假,你在法庭上的要求会自动无效。
 ☞ Evidence, if shown to be false, may invalidate your claim in court of its accord.
 ☞ 如果合同只是一方签字,那是无效合同。
 ☞ A contract is invalidated if only one party signs.
  ■ invalid可用作定语,指性质上无效。
 ☞ 过期护照是无效的。
 ☞ A passport that is out of date is invalid.
 ☞ 支票不签字是无效的。
 ☞ A check is invalid unless it is signed.
4.of no avail,指没有达到目的的无效,常用作表语。
 ☞ 他们试用了人工呼吸,但是无效。
 ☞ They tried artificial respiration, but it was of no avail.
 ☞ 我们软硬兼施,但一切都似乎无效。
 ☞ We used both hard and soft tactics, but all seemed of no avail.
5.fail to respond to,not respond to,指药物、医 疗方面的无效。
 ☞ 由于医治无效,病人于午夜时分死去。
 ☞ The patient died at midnight, failing to respond to medical treatment.
 ☞ 你要知道,这种药物的一个疗程对你是无效的。
 ☞ You should know that you will not respond to one course of the drug.
无论 无论
  ■ “无论”可在后面带任指性疑问代词或选择性词语,表示在任何条件下结果或结论都一样。常与“都”、“也”、“总”、“始终”、“一直”等词连用。
1.no matter who (what, where, how)和whoever, wherever,however等都可用作连词,用法和意义大致相同,都是要给人一种印象,即无论在什么条件下结果都一样。两者一般可以换用。
 ☞ 无论谁来电话,就说我出去了。
 ☞ No matter who (Whoever) telephones, say I'm out.
 ☞ 无论你对她说什么,她却老是在笑。
 ☞ No matter what (Whatever) you say to her, she keeps smiling.
2.但是用no matter的从句不能用作主语或宾语,而用whoever等的从句则可以。
 ☞ 无论谁告诉你这话,都是在说谎。
 ☞ Whoever told you that was lying.(不说No matter who told you that was lying)
 ☞ 无论你给我什么我都吃。
 ☞ I'll eat whatever you give me.(但不能说I'll eat no matter what you give me)
3.whatever还可用作定语,同样也不能用no matter what。
 ☞ 无论你有什么样的问题,总是可以来找我帮忙的。
 ☞ Whatever problem you have, you can always come to me for help.
 ☞ 无论天气如何,我们9点出发。
 ☞ Whatever weather it is, we shall start at 9 o'clock.
4.另外要注意no matter与not matter的区别。
 ☞ 无论你上哪儿,我都要和你一起去。
 ☞ No matter where you go, I'll go with you.
 ☞ 你无论上哪儿都没关系。
 ☞ It doesn't matter where you go.
 ☞ 无论你说什么我都不信。
 ☞ No matter what you say, I don't believe.
 ☞ 无论你说什么都不要紧。
 ☞ It doesn't matter what you say.
5.同时还要注意用怍连词的whoever,whatever,however和用作疑问词的who ever,whatever,how ever等的区别。
 ☞ 无论你跟谁在一起,我都得知道。
 ☞ I must know whoever you're with,试比较:Who ever is that girl with him?跟他在一起的那位姑娘到底是谁?
 ☞ 无论你在干什么,都得让我知道。
 ☞ You must let me know whatever you're doing.{式比较:What ever do you think you're doing?你到底认为你在干什么?
 ☞ 无论你发动汽车有多难,都得告诉我。
 ☞ You must tell me however hard you got the car started,试比较:How ever did you manage to get the car started?你到底是怎么把汽车发动起来的?
  ■ 此外,还要注意用作连词的however与用作副词的however的区别。如:
 ☞ 无论我怎么累,我也要继续旅行。
 ☞ However tired I am, I'll continue my travel.试比较我是相当累了,不过我还是要继续旅行的。
 ☞ I'm rather tired. However, I'll continue my travel.
无论如何 无论如何
  ■ “无论如何”是“无论”的一个固定词组,有“一定”、“不管怎么样”的意思。表示在任何条件下都必须这样。
1.no matter what (happens), whatever happens,表示在任何情况下都会。
 ☞ 无论如何我会永远爱你。
 ☞ I'll always love you, no matter what.(happens可以省掉)
 ☞ 你无论如何得来一趟。
 ☞ You've got to come, whatever happens.(这个happens不能省)
2.come what may,等于whatever may happen,但比较书卷气。
 ☞ 我已决定无论如何要获得大专教育。
 ☞ I have decided to get a college education, come what may.
 ☞ 无论如何我们得保持乐观。
 ☞ Come what may, we must remain optimistic.
3.in any case,指在任何情况下部要,与whatever happens的区别是前者是介词短语,后者是状语从句。
 ☞ 我无论如何要在一两天内回来。
 ☞ I'll return in a day or two in any case (whatever happens).
 ☞ 我无论如何会坚持欠债还钱。
 ☞ In any case, I would insist upon every debtor repaying his debt.
 ☞ 每个人无论其肤色如何,都有权在他们愿意居住的地方居住。
 ☞ Every man has the right to live where he wants to, regardless of the color of his skin.
 ☞ 无论我们如何叫他回来,他还是继续逃跑。
 ☞ He continued to run away, regardless of our shouts to him that he should return.
5.at all costs,at any cost,指不惜任何代价。
 ☞ 无论如何我们得把丢失的文件找回来。
 ☞ At all costs, we have to find the missing document.
 ☞ 我欠的债无论如何都要还。
 ☞ I owe the debt which I'll repay at any cost.
6.at any rate,指不管何种程度。
 ☞ 我无论如何要做到我能做的一切,把儿子养大。
 ☞ At any rate, I'll do all I can to bring up my son.
 ☞ 无论如何她在今后的6个月内得留在这里。
 ☞ For the next six months, at any rate, she must stay here.
7.on no account, not on any account,指无论如何都不。
 ☞ 我们无论如何都不能急躁。
 ☞ On no account must we be impetuous.
 ☞ 无论如何不能放弃这个。
 ☞ Don't give it up on any account.
8.not possibly any more,指再也不能,语气比on no account弱。
 ☞ 我们无论如何不能再吃了。
 ☞ We can't possibly eat any more.
 ☞ 我们无论如何再也不能闭着眼睛不看事实。
 ☞ We cannot possibly close our eyes to the facts any more.
无限 无限
1.no limit,指没有限度;unlimited,指不受限制;limitless,指性质上没有限制。由于limit原指界限,而且是自然界或物质构成时固有的界限。因此尽管表示无限,但实际上仍有数的界限。
 ☞ 人的生命是有限的,但为人民服务是无限的。
 ☞ There is a limit to one's life, but no limit to serving the people.
 ☞ 一个人的精力是有限的,但想像力是无限的。
 ☞ One's energy has limit, but one's imagination has no limit.
 ☞ 他似乎有无限的时间来陪她。
 ☞ He seemed to have unlimited time to accompany her.
 ☞ 人民群众有无限的创造力。
 ☞ The masses have unlimited creative power.
 ☞ 国家的自然资源不是无限的。
 ☞ The country's natural resources are not limitless.
 ☞ 现在艺术家们享有描绘自然的无限自由。
 ☞ Now artists enjoy limitless freedom to depict nature.
 ☞ 母亲对孩子的爱是无限的。
 ☞ A mother's love for her children is boundless.
 ☞ 10多岁的娃娃似乎有无限的精力。
 ☞ Teenagers seem to have boundless energy.
 ☞ 宇宙的时间和空间是无限的。
 ☞ The space and time of the universe are infinite.
 ☞ 即使是那些反对宇宙无限延伸说的人士也不得不认为星球的总数大约达到数十亿个。
 ☞ The total number of stars is supposed, even by those who reject the theory of infinite extension, to run into thousands of millions.
 ☞ 孩子对母亲是无限信任的,因此你的一言一行都要十分小心。
 ☞ A child has absolute trust in his mother. So you have to be very careful as to what you say or do.
 ☞ 只有对革命无限忠诚,他才会为此献出自己的生命。
 ☞ Only by being absolutely loyal to the revolution could he give his life for its course.
 ☞ 她先生回来了,这给她带来了巨大的欢乐,分担了她的无限忧伤。
 ☞ The return of her husband has brought her great joys and shared her unrestrained grief.
 ☞ 王教授瞄着她,目光无限惊奇。
 ☞ Professor Wang was eyeing her with unrestrained wonder.
 ☞ 她迅速成名的事实引起了许多少女的无限羡慕。
 ☞ The fact that she made quick name for herself aroused endless admiration on the part of many young girls.
 ☞ 死亡是随着无限的白天到来的短暂黑夜。
 ☞ Death is a short night followed by an endless day.

1) both... and... ,指两者并重,它的否定形式为neither... nor... 。
 ☞ 这间屋子既宽敞又明亮。
 ☞ The room is both light and spacious.
 ☞ 我们既应在政治上自觉,也应在业务上胜任。
 ☞ We should be both politically conscious and professionally competent.
 ☞ 他们既醉且饱。
 ☞ They have had enough of both wine and food.
 ☞ 需要奢侈品的既不是你也不是我。
 ☞ Neither you nor I want luxury goods.
 ☞ 我们现在是既无水又无电。
 ☞ We have neither water nor electricity now.
2) not only... but also... ,重点在but also之后,这与汉语的“既…又…”的重点相同。
 ☞ 今晚的演出非常热闹,因为上台演出的既有老师和同学,也有东方歌舞团的演员。
 ☞ It was a lively performance tonight, because on the stage were not only our teachers and fellow students but also the actors from the Oriental Singing and Dancing Troupe.
 ☞ 我们的产品既要求数量,也要求质量。
 ☞ In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality.
 ☞ 他的英语说得既正确又流利。
 ☞ Not only does he speak English correctly but also fluently.
3) as well as,重点在as well as之前,这与汉语的“既…又…”的重点相反。
 ☞ 这既是个经济问题,也是个政治问题。
 ☞ This is a political as well as economic problem.
 ☞ 我们的女房东既供早点,也供正餐。
 ☞ Our landlady provides dinner as well as breakfast.
 ☞ 这孩子既健康又活泼。
 ☞ The child is lively as well as healthy.
  ■ 请注意下面译文的区别。
 ☞ 她既会弹琴,也会唱歌。
 ☞ She sings as well as she plays the piano,试比较:She not only plays the piano, but also sings.
4) neither... nor... ,只用于否定句。
 ☞ 那玩意儿既不实用又不美观。
 ☞ That stuff is neither useful nor attractive.
 ☞ 我既没时间,也没钱财。
 ☞ I have neither time nor money.
 ☞ 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。
 ☞ He neither smokes nor drinks.
5) while,表示两种情况同时发生。
 ☞ 你们既要当官,又要当老百姓。
 ☞ You should remain one of the common people while serving as an official.
 ☞ 我们既是学生,又是先生。
 ☞ We are pupils while working as teachers.
 ☞ 他们既要当婊子,又要立牌坊。
 ☞ They try to lead the life of a whore while expecting a monument to their chastity.
 ☞ 她梳洗既毕,下楼就餐。
 ☞ Having finished washing and dressing, she went downstairs for dinner.
 ☞ 你过去的事我们既往不咎,不过以后你得注意。
 ☞ We'll overlook what you have done in the past but you'd better watch out in the future.
 ☞ 难道他们会放弃既得利益?
 ☞ Can they give up their vested interest?
 ☞ 我们不达既定目标决不罢休。
 ☞ We'll never stop till we reach our fixed goal.
3.if, since,用来引入假设、原因等前提。有“既然”的意思。
 ☞ 既要革命,就要有一个革命党。
 ☞ If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary party.
 ☞ 他既自愿,还能说什么呢?
 ☞ What would you say if he is voluntary?
 ☞ 既来之,则安之。
 ☞ Since you are here, you may as well stay and make best of it.
 ☞ 人既已去,劝说也就晚了。
 ☞ Since he has gone, it is too late to persuade him.
既然 既然
 ☞ 既然你不愿去,我们也不想勉强你。
 ☞ Since you don't want to go, we won't force you to.
 ☞ 你既然那么小气,就别指望别人帮你办事。
 ☞ Since you act so meanly, you can't expect anybody to do anything for you.
 ☞ 既然敌人在磨刀,我们也要磨刀。
 ☞ As the enemy is sharpening his sword, we must sharpen ours too.
 ☞ 既然你后悔了,那就可以原谅。
 ☞ As you are sorry, you may be forgiven.
2.since或as后加it is so,表示彼此心照不宣的原因。
 ☞ 既然事已如此,这件事就得由老王来定。
 ☞ Since it is so, it has to be left to Wang to decide.
 ☞ 既然如此,他们除了投降别无选择。
 ☞ As it is so, they have no other choice but surrender.
 ☞ 既然如此,他必须离家出走。
 ☞ A8 it is so, he must run away from home.
 ☞ 既然有生,必然有死。
 ☞ As there is life. so there must be death.
 ☞ 既然锈能蚀铁,那么忧能伤心。
 ☞ As rust eats iron, so care eats heart.
 ☞ 既然烈火可以炼真金,逆境也同样可以练勇气。
 ☞ As fire tries gold, so does adversity try courage.
4.now that,表示产生的结果。
 ☞ 既然我们获得了自由,我们就能做我们喜欢做的事。
 ☞ Now that we have got liberty, we may do whatever we like.
 ☞ 你既然表了决心,就应见诸行动。
 ☞ Now that you have expressed your determination, you should act.
 ☞ 既然庄稼已收割完毕,我们就可以开始为春耕做准备了。
 ☞ Now that the crops are in, we can start to make preparations for spring sowing.
5.seeing that,表示见到的结果。
 ☞ 既然大家都到齐了,就不妨上车吧。
 ☞ Seeing that everyone is here, we may as well get into the bus.
 ☞ 既然他病了,我们就替他干吧。
 ☞ Seeing that he is ill, we'll do the work for him.
6.considering that,表示考虑到的结果。
 ☞ 既然她还只是个孩子,让她独自旅行就不够安全。
 ☞ Considering that she is a mere child, it is not safe to let her travel alone.
 ☞ 既然我已对你讲了3遍,你该懂了。
 ☞ Considering that I have told you three times, you must know it.
7.if, 表示假设的结果。
 ☞ 既然你知道学习的重要性,为什么不坚持学下去呢?
 ☞ Why don't you persist in the study if you know its importance?
 ☞ 既然他自己愿意,难道我们能阻止他吗?
 ☞ Can we stop him from doing it if he wishes to?
日子 日子
 ☞ 这个日子好不容易终于盼到了。
 ☞ The day we have been looking forward to has come at long last.
 ☞ 9月1日是我们要结婚的日子。
 ☞ September the first is the day when we are to get married.
 ☞ 他走了有些日子了。
 ☞ He has gone for some time.
 ☞ 我练长跑已有不少日子了。
 ☞ I've been doing long distance running exercise for a long time now.
 ☞ 这些日子你在忙什么?
 ☞ What have you been busy with these days?
 ☞ 在那艰难的日子里,我们也没动摇。
 ☞ In those hard days we stood rock-firm.
 ☞ 解放前的日子真不好过。
 ☞ What a hard life we had before liberation.
 ☞ 新婚夫妇应该勤俭过日子。
 ☞ A newly-married couple should lead an industrious and frugal life.
 ☞ 你走的日子定了没有?
 ☞ Have you decided the date for your departure?
 ☞ 他答应晚些日子来看我们。
 ☞ He promised to see us at a later date.
 ☞ 他们的日子越来越不好过。
 ☞ The going for them is getting tougher and tougher.
 ☞ 他的日子混不下去了。
 ☞ It was difficult for him to keep on going.
 ☞ 他们夫妇每年到他们结婚的日子都要庆祝一下。
 ☞ That couple always holds a little celebration every year on their wedding anniversary.
 ☞ 这些日子我校的师生在农场劳动。
 ☞ The teachers and students of our school have been doing field work at a farm recently.
 ☞ 老太太现在跟女儿一块过日子。
 ☞ The old woman is now living with her daughter.
 ☞ 日子越来越不好过。
 ☞ Things are getting harder and harder.

1.early, 与late相对的早,可用作形容词或副词。
 ☞ 他早年喜欢集邮。
 ☞ In his early years he liked collecting stamps.
 ☞ 现在太早,商店要到9点才开门。
 ☞ It's too early. The shop doesn't open until nine o'clock.
 ☞ 早在9世纪中国人就已熟悉印刷术了。
 ☞ The Chinese knew the technique of printing as early as the 9th century.
 ☞ 火车早到了10分钟。
 ☞ The train was ten minutes early.
  ■ 由于late与early相对,因此late也有“不早”的意思。
 ☞ 时间不早了,咱们回家吧。
 ☞ It's getting late. Let's go home.
 ☞ 我们从早干到晚,挣的钱却很少。
 ☞ We were paid little though working from morning to night.
 ☞ 他上早班。
 ☞ He is on the morning shift.
3.ago,表示由现在回算到过去的某个点,故谓语用过去时。如果说话人不想说出准确时间,则用long ago,否则就要说出准确的时间来替代long。
 ☞ 这事我早知道了。
 ☞ I knew that long ago.
 ☞ 早两天我还看见他。
 ☞ I saw him two days ago.
4.long since,与long ago相反。表示由过去到现在的延续,故谓语用完成时。
 ☞ 我早就忘了我们是为什么吵架的。
 ☞ I have long since forgotten what our quarrel was about.
 ☞ 弓箭早已不用了。
 ☞ Bows and arrows have long since been out of use.
5.before,与long since有点相似,但不一定表示时间的延续,故既可用完成时也可用过去时。
 ☞ 我早就爱上她了。
 ☞ I have loved her before.
 ☞ 我们早就认识他了。
 ☞ We have known him before.
 ☞ 她早就见过我多次了。
 ☞ She met me many times before.
  ■ 此外,before还可用作连词或介词。
 ☞ 离电影开演还早呢。
 ☞ It's still quite a while before the film starts.
 ☞ 她随身带着书稿,早早地到了编辑部。
 ☞ She went to the editorial department before time, taking the manuscript with her.
 ☞ 对不起,我来早了。
 ☞ I am before my time, I am sorry.
 ☞ 你结婚要早做准备。
 ☞ You have to make timely preparations for your marriage.
 ☞ 我在考虑早点改变生活。
 ☞ I'm thinking of coming to a timely alteration of life.
7.beforehand, in advance(后者为美国英语),均指事先。
 ☞ 早知如此,我就不回去了。
 ☞ If I'd known this beforehand I would not have gone back.
 ☞ 我早就希望你帮她了。
 ☞ I had beforehand expected you to help her.
 ☞ 一切早已都定下来了。
 ☞ Everything has been fixed in advance.
 ☞ 你没有理由不早告诉他。
 ☞ There's no reason why you shouldn't tell him in advance.
8.ahead(副词).ahead of(介词),均指提前。
 ☞ 你应该早做打算。
 ☞ You should plan ahead.
 ☞ 她是早他一天走的。
 ☞ She left one day ahead of him.
时代 时代
 ☞ 工业革命开创了一个新时代。
 ☞ The Industrial Revolution inaugurated a new era.
 ☞ 要了解宇航时代的全貌,我们得追溯到第二次世界大战末期。
 ☞ To get a complete picture of the era of space travel we have to go back to the last stage of World WarⅡ.
 ☞ 早在我们11世纪的时代,中国人就已经知道了活字印刷术。
 ☞ As early as the eleventh century of our era the Chinese knew the art of movable-type printing.
 ☞ 伊丽莎白时代是进行扩张并取得成功的时代。
 ☞ The Elizabethan age (era) was a time of expansion and achievement.
 ☞ 我们生活在一个高度文明的时代。
 ☞ We live in a highly civilized age.
 ☞ 这些男男女女好像一下子又回到了石器时代。
 ☞ It was as if these men and women had suddenly dived into the Stone Age.
 ☞ 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。
 ☞ The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement.
 ☞ 爱因斯坦的相对论标志着物理史上的一个新时代。
 ☞ Einstein's theory of relativity marks a new epoch in the history of physics.
 ☞ 所有科学,包括逻辑学与数学在内,都是有关时代的函数。
 ☞ All science, logic and mathematics included, is a function of the epoch.
  ■ 此外,epoch还可用来构成合成词。
 ☞ 他们决定召开一次群众大会向市民解释这一划时代的大事。
 ☞ They decided to hold a mass-meeting to explain this epoch-making event to the people of the city.
 ☞ 莎士比亚时代的英国舞台上没有女演员。
 ☞ In Shakespeare's time there were no actresses on the English stage.
 ☞ 她不懂得时代的精神。
 ☞ She did not understand the spirit of the times.
 ☞ 时代变了,先生。
 ☞ Times have changed, sir.
 ☞ 马克思主义是我们这个时代人类进步的哲学。
 ☞ Marxism is the philosophy of human progress in our day.
 ☞ 改革是时代的潮流。
 ☞ Reform is the trend of the day.
 ☞ 报告中,他讲到了自己在美国的学生时代。
 ☞ In his lecture he spoke of his student days in the USA.
时候 时候
1) 用作不可数名词。
 ☞ 该我们说话的时候了。
 ☞ The time has come for us to speak out.
 ☞ 你一般是在什么时候睡觉?
 ☞ At what time do you usually go to bed?
2) 用作可数名词。
 ☞ 我认为,她父亲可能喜欢她来和他住上一段时候。
 ☞ I suppose that her father might like to have her live with him for a time.
 ☞ 有段时候他弄得我对成功失去了希望。
 ☞ There was a time when he made me despair of success.
3) it's time+动词不定式,表示某人该做某事的时候了。
 ☞ 现在是该买汽车的时候了。
 ☞ It's time to buy a car。
 ☞ 他的讲话已经结束,现在该是他离开的时候了。
 ☞ His talk was over. It was time for him to be off.
4) it's time+主语+动词过去时,但表示的含义是现在或将来。
 ☞ 该到你睡觉的时候了。
 ☞ It's time you went to bed.
 ☞ 我累了,该是回家的时候了。
 ☞ I'm getting tired. It's time we went home.
2.moment, 指某个时刻。
 ☞ 我无法向你讲述那时候我是什么感觉。
 ☞ I can't describe to you what I felt at that moment.
 ☞ 我们正处于民族危亡的紧急关头,现在不是我们吵架的时候。
 ☞ We are now in a national crisis. This isn't the moment to quarrel among ourselves.
 ☞ 有段时候,我把她全忘了。
 ☞ There were some moments when I forgot all about her.
3.season, 指季节。
 ☞ 春节是合家大团圆的时候。
 ☞ Spring Festival is a season for reunion of all family members.
 ☞ 农忙的时候,我们需要更多的劳动力。
 ☞ We need more labor force during busy farming season.
时机 时机
  ■ “时机”是时间和机会的和谐结合,翻译时可根据具体情况把重点放在时间或机会上。
1.time, moment,着重点在时间上,前者指时间,后者指时刻。
 ☞ 他似乎什么也没干,其实他是在等待时机。
 ☞ He seems to be doing nothing, but actually he is just biding his time.
 ☞ 时机已经成熟,可以行动了。
 ☞ The time is ripe for action.
  ■ opportune可以作定语,与time结合,表示大好时机。
 ☞ 现在,在利率调高以前,购买新房是个大好时机。
 ☞ Now, before interest rates increase, it would be an opportune time to buy a new house.
 ☞ 看来现在是通过谈判来停止军备竞赛的大好时机。
 ☞ The time would seem to be opportune to negotiate a halt to the arms race.
 ☞ 如果你想要雇主提高工资,就要选好时机。
 ☞ Choose your moment well if you want to ask your employer for higher wages.
 ☞ 你得抓住正确时机,提出修改和补充意见。
 ☞ You have to seize the right moment to propose amendments and addenda.
 ☞ 时机一到我们就发起总攻。
 ☞ We'll launch the general offensive at the opportune moment.
 ☞ 我的飞机延误了,因此这是买东西的好时机。
 ☞ My flight was delayed so it was a good opportunity for doing shopping.
 ☞ 你要抓住每个可以利用的时机来亲近她。
 ☞ You should take every opportunity available to be on intimate terms with her.
 ☞ 结识像他这样的大人物,对你来说是个多么好的时机!
 ☞ What a wonderful opportunity for you to get acquainted with a VIP like him!
 ☞ 时机要是错过了就不会再来。
 ☞ The chance will never come again if you let it slip by.
 ☞ 那样我们就会丧失跟踪间谍的时机,以便抓住更重要的角色。
 ☞ That way we'll lose the chance of following the spy to catch somebody more important.
时而 时而
 ☞ 我们住在乡下时,时而出去钓钓鱼。
 ☞ We sometimes went fishing when we lived in the country.
 ☞ 我时而有他的信。
 ☞ I sometimes have letters from him.
 ☞ 我们时而相互打打招呼。
 ☞ We sometimes greet each other.
2.from time to time,指时不时,也是频率副词,表示在两个时段之间有一定的间隔,重复的频率要比sometimes大,间隔的时间比sometimes短。
 ☞ 我时而在图书馆里见到她。
 ☞ I see her at the library from time to time.
 ☞ 她时而停下来环顾四周。
 ☞ From time to time she stopped and looked round.
3.now and then,指每隔些时候,与from time to time同义。
 ☞ 天上时而飘过几片薄薄的白云。
 ☞ Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky.
 ☞ 乡下不太安全,夜里时而会听到枪声。
 ☞ It was not very safe in the countryside, we heard shots now and then at night.
1) sometimes... sometimes...
 ☞ 我们时而忙,时而不忙。
 ☞ Sometimes we're busy and sometimes we're not.
 ☞ 她时而喜欢这个,时而喜欢那个。
 ☞ She likes sometimes the one and sometimes the other.
2) now... now...
 ☞ 天气每天都在变,时而热,时而凉。
 ☞ The weather changed every day, it was now hot, now cool.
 ☞ 火车向前奔驰,乡村一掠而过,时而高山,时而平原。
 ☞ The train sped on, and the countryside swept past, now mountains, now plains.
3) one moment... the next...
 ☞ 天气变化无常,时而晴,时而雨。
 ☞ What changeable weather, fine one moment, raining the next.
 ☞ 乐队演奏着不同的乐曲,时而柔和、时而高亢。
 ☞ The band played different songs, soft one moment, loud the next.
时间 时间
 ☞ 时间永远不会停止。
 ☞ Time never stands still.
 ☞ 时间紧,任务重。
 ☞ Time is pressing and task heavy.
 ☞ 时间过得真快!
 ☞ How quickly time passed!
 ☞ 起初我对那地方不怎么样,但过了一段时间就喜欢上了。
 ☞ J didn't care for the place at first, but after a time I got to like it.
 ☞ 清晨是一天中最愉快的时间。
 ☞ The early morning is the pleasant hour (time) of a day.
 ☞ 我们什么时间走?
 ☞ At what hour (time) should we leave?
  ■ 但是表示特殊用途的时间不能与time换用,如office hours(办公时间);rest hours(休息时间);off-duty hours(下班时间);visiting hours(探访时间)等。
 ☞ 除医院探访时间外,护士是不会让探访人员留院的。
 ☞ The nurse allows no visitors to remain beyond the hospital visiting hours.
 ☞ 好长一段时间,我们保持着沉默。
 ☞ For a long space (time) we kept silence.
 ☞ 在两年的时间里我没见我弟弟。
 ☞ I haven't seen my brother for the space (time) of two years.
 ☞ 我们不会给对手喘息的时间。
 ☞ We will give our opponents no breathing space.
 ☞ 昨晚的表演时间掌握得非常好。
 ☞ The timing of last night's performance was excellent.
 ☞ 你的时间掌握得好。
 ☞ Your timing was good.
5.how long, 用于询问多长时间。
 ☞ 这项工程需要多少时间完工?
 ☞ How long will it take to finish this project?
 ☞ 你要在那儿呆多长时间?
 ☞ How long are you going to stay there?

1.to the light, in a light,指有光线的地方。
 ☞ 把照片拿到明处,让大家看个清楚。
 ☞ Bring the photo to the light so everybody can see it better.
 ☞ 这画一向是挂在明处的。
 ☞ The picture has been hung in a good light.
 ☞ 那是值得称道的一夜,一轮明月在空中照耀。
 ☞ It was a glorious night, with a bright moon shining in the sky.
 ☞ 进来一位明眸皓齿的姑娘,她使我陶醉不已。
 ☞ Came in a girl with bright eyes and snow-white teeth, who intoxicated me.
 ☞ 我们都没明说,却都心知肚明。
 ☞ We didn't say anything definitely, but were clear in our minds.
 ☞ 真理越辩越明。
 ☞ The more truth is debated, the clearer it becomes.
4.know well,指明知道。
 ☞ 这就是我们说的:“明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。”
 ☞ That is what we say: "Go deep into mountains knowing well that there are tigers."
 ☞ 明知征途有艰险,越是艰险越向前。
 ☞ Well I know that there's danger ahead, but I'm all the more set on driving forward.
5.lay bare,指讲明。
 ☞ 今天我向你讲了一切,以明心迹。
 ☞ Today I've told you everything to lay bare my true feelings.
 ☞ 在这一报告中,一切事实都已讲明。
 ☞ All the facts are laid bare in this report.
6.in the open, openly, open,指公开。
 ☞ 敌人在明里,我们在暗处。
 ☞ We were acting under cover while the enemy troops were in the open.
 ☞ 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
 ☞ It is easy to dodge a thrust spear in the open, but difficult to guard against an arrow shot from hidden.
 ☞ 有不同意见明着说。
 ☞ Those who differ should air their views openly.
 ☞ 他们之间的明争暗斗已有了年月。
 ☞ Both open strife and veiled struggle between them have lasted for years.
 ☞ 妻子在问明来宾意图之后说他先生不在家。
 ☞ Having asked what the visitor had come for, the wife said that her husband wasn't in.
 ☞ 我对你明说了吧。
 ☞ I'll be frank with you.
 ☞ 这事不便明说。
 ☞ We'd better not state it so explicitly.
 ☞ 著名的京剧大师梅兰芳在抗日期间蓄髯明志。
 ☞ Mei Lanfang, the famous master of Beijing opera, grew a beard to show his big ideals during the AntiJapanese War.
 ☞ 明升暗降在争权夺利者之间是司空见惯的做法。
 ☞ Promotion in appearance but demotion in fact is a common practice among those who struggle for power.
 ☞ 他眼明手快抓住绳子才救了我们。
 ☞ Being quick of eye and deft of hand, he held onto the rope and saved us.
明显 明显
1.clear, 指明显清楚。
 ☞ 这显然是与断层作用有关的最为明显的地震实例之一。
 ☞ This appears to be one of the clearest cases of earthquakes related to faulting.
 ☞ 在智力方面,他比别人具有明显的优势。
 ☞ He possesses a clear intellectual superiority over others.
2.distinct, 指明显可辨。
 ☞ 他的发音有了明显的改进。
 ☞ There is a distinct improvement in his pronunciation.
 ☞ 私营企业在贷款竞争中将处于明显的不利地位。
 ☞ The private enterprises will be at a distinct disadvantage in competing for loans.
 ☞ 她说话带有明显的讽刺。
 ☞ She spoke with evident sarcasm.
 ☞ 明显的是,目前推行的政策是失败的。
 ☞ It is evident that the policy being carried out now is a failure.
 ☞ 这汽车有时候没有明显的原因也会出问题。
 ☞ Sometimes the car will go wrong as well without any apparent cause.
 ☞ 我们看得出我队正在赢得这场比赛,这很明显。
 ☞ We can see that our team is winning the match. That is apparent.
 ☞ 错误明显,无法否认。
 ☞ The error is too obvious to deny it.
 ☞ 很明显,我们得用其他方法来解决这一争端。
 ☞ It is quite obvious that we have to apply other methods of settling the dispute.
 ☞ 他有罪是明显的,偷走的钱是在他的皮包里找到的。
 ☞ His guilt is plain - the stolen money was found in his briefcase.
 ☞ 这件事明显到就像鼻子长在脸上。
 ☞ It's as plain as the nose on your face.
 ☞ 这两种产品在质量上的差别明显到可以立即分辨出来。
 ☞ The difference in quality between the two products is so manifest that it can be detected immediately.
 ☞ 他罪恶的企图是明显的,不过我们是能够制止他的。
 ☞ His evil intentions are manifest, yet we can stop him.
明白 明白
1.clear, clearly,指清楚而明白。
 ☞ 我想我已经把我的打算都给你们讲明白了。
 ☞ I think I've made my intention clear to all of you.
 ☞ 没有比他的讲解更明白的了。
 ☞ Nothing is more clearer than his explanation.
 ☞ 他明白表示不赞成这个提议。
 ☞ He stated clearly that he didn't agree to the proposal 他讲得明白易懂。
 ☞ He spoke clearly and simply.
 ☞ 最好还是跟她讲明白了。
 ☞ It would be best to be frank with her.
 ☞ 我对你说个明白吧。
 ☞ I'll be frank with you.
 ☞ 要是情况允许,我真想把事情讲个明白。
 ☞ I would have explained the matter in explicit terms if the situation had permitted.
 ☞ 租约上讲得明白,每月10号必须交租金。
 ☞ The lease is explicit in saying that the rent must be paid by the 1Oth of every month.
 ☞ 有意见还是讲明白的好。
 ☞ It would be better to air your views openly.
 ☞ 我希望我知道有一天我可以明明白白地告诉她我是多么爱她。
 ☞ I wish I knew the day when I could openly tell her how much I love her.
 ☞ 他是个明白事理的人。
 ☞ He is a man who knows what's what.
 ☞ 什么都明白,其实是什么都不明白。
 ☞ To know everything is to know nothing.
 ☞ 我能明白她的意思。
 ☞ I can see what she meant.
6.dawn on,指在头脑里想明白。
 ☞ 她突然明白过来他对她所说的一切。
 ☞ All that he had been saying suddenly dawned on her.
 ☞ 我们慢慢明白过来他可是不会帮上一手的。
 ☞ It has slowly dawned on us that he will not help.
 ☞ 他是个明白事理的人。
 ☞ He is a man of good sense.
 ☞ 他是个明白人,不会干傻事的。
 ☞ He is too sensible to do anything foolish.
 ☞ 这是大家都明白的。
 ☞ This is plain to everybody.
明确 明确
 ☞ 对于做一个什么样的教师,他是有明确看法的。
 ☞ He has a clear view of what kind of teacher he wants to be.
 ☞ 说到去国外进修,我们每人都有一个明确的目标。
 ☞ As to going abroad for advanced studies everyone of us has a clear aim.
 ☞ 宪法明确规定了公民的权利和义务。
 ☞ The Constitution clearly defines the rights and duties of citizens.
 ☞ 地质和地球物理这两个地球科学的分支,其差别并不明确。
 ☞ The distinction between geological and geophysical branches of earth science is not clear-cut.
 ☞ 措辞明确是本文的优点之一。
 ☞ Clear-cut wording is one of the virtues of this essay.
 ☞ 对我们的许多产品都应确定明确的标准。
 ☞ Definite standards should be set for our products.
 ☞ 我们要求有一个明确的答复。
 ☞ We demand a definite answer.
 ☞ 你明确的目的是什么?
 ☞ What are your specific aims?
 ☞ 对如何烧菜,这本书可以给你明确的指点。
 ☞ The book gives you specific instructions on how to cook.
 ☞ 他下的指令明确无误。
 ☞ He gave an instruction which was explicit and errorless.
 ☞ 你能把你离职的原因说得更明确一点吗?
 ☞ Can you be more explicit about your reasons for leaving office?
 ☞ 这篇社论进一步明确了当前的中心任务。
 ☞ The editorial further defines the key task for the present duties.
 ☞ 我给你们明确职责的时候请听仔细了。
 ☞ Please listen carefully while I define your duties.
 ☞ 需要明确几个基本概念。
 ☞ Several basic conceptions need to be clarified.
 ☞ 这本书有助于明确粒子的基本概念。
 ☞ The book will help to clarify basic particle concepts.

 ☞ 中国是社会主义国家。
 ☞ China is a socialist country.
 ☞ 他是上海来的。
 ☞ He is from Shanghai.
 ☞ 这些书是他们的,不是我的。
 ☞ These books are theirs, not mine.
 ☞ 麻烦的是他生病不能来了。
 ☞ The trouble is he's taken ill and can't come at all.
  ■ 在用be作判断时还可用it is的强调结构来加强判断的语气,有“就是”、“还是”的意思。
 ☞ 是我弟弟打碎了杯子。
 ☞ It was my brother who broke the glass.
 ☞ 我们说的是你。
 ☞ It's you who we are talking about.
 ☞ 他是昨天去的北京。
 ☞ It was yesterday that he went to Beijing.
  ■ 但这种强调结构不能用于特殊疑问句。
 ☞ 是谁告诉你的?
 ☞ Who told you?
 ☞ 是什么事情使你这样想的?
 ☞ What makes you think so?
  ■ be supposed to be表示委婉的判断语气。
 ☞ 干部应该是社会的公仆。
 ☞ The cadres are supposed to be public servants.
  "Are you the speaker today?" "I'm supposed to be."
 ☞ 她还是一身家庭主妇的打扮。(“是”说明打扮)
 ☞ She still dresses simply like a housewife.
 ☞ 他回来时满身是汗。(“是”说明汗)
 ☞ He was sweating all over when he came back.
 ☞ 我是专程去开会的。(“是”说明专程)
 ☞ I made a special trip to attend the conference.
  ■ 有时“是”在句中无明确的说明对象,但从逻辑推断“是”是另有所指。
 ☞ 那汽车是我叔父的。(指归属)
 ☞ That car belongs to my uncle.
 ☞ 那里的房屋是木头的。(指建筑)
 ☞ The houses there are built of wood.
 ☞ 马路上全是看热闹的。(指全是人)
 ☞ The street was crowded with people watching the excitement.
 ☞ 今天刮北风,他是北风派;明天刮西风,他是西风派。(指参加、转向)
 ☞ Today, when the north wind is blowing, he joins the "north wind" school; tomorrow, when there is a west wind, he switches to the "west wind" school.
 ☞ 对外国的东西不加分析而一概排斥或一概照搬, 都不是马克思列宁主义的态度。(指无共同点)
 ☞ Neither the indiscriminate rejection of everything foreign, nor the indiscriminate imitation of everything foreign has anything in common with the Marxist attitude.
 ☞ 前面是一片树林。(指存在)
 ☞ There is a stretch of woods ahead.
 ☞ 远远看去,广场上都是鲜花。(指铺满)
 ☞ The square was strewn with flowers when we looked from afar.
1) indeed可用来修饰very+副词或very+形容词。
 ☞ 我是很喜欢她的。
 ☞ I like her very much indeed.
 ☞ 他的表现是裉不好。
 ☞ He behaved very badly indeed.
 ☞ 见到你我是非常高兴。
 ☞ I was very pleased indeed to have seen you.
  ■ 试比较:我很高兴(I am very pleased.),一般不用“是”。故这里的“是”用作强调。又如:
 ☞ 这个苹果是很大。
 ☞ This apple is very big indeed,试比较:这个苹果大。
 ☞ This apple is big.
2) indeed也可前置用来修饰形容词或动词。
 ☞ 这花园是漂亮。
 ☞ The garden is indeed beautiful.
 ☞ 这字条是令我失望。
 ☞ Indeed the note has disappointed me.
3) indeed也可用来修饰名词。
 ☞ 他是我们需要的老师。
 ☞ He is indeed the teacher we want,试比较:他是老师o He is a teacher.
 ☞ 患难时的朋友是真朋友。
 ☞ A friend in need is a friend indeed.试比较:他是我的一位朋友。He is a friend of mine.
4) indeed还可用于简短的肯定,表示同意。
  "It's cold." "It is indeed."
  "He made a fool of himself." "He did indeed."
  ■ really一般只修饰动词及形容词,而do只修饰动词。
 ☞ 我是来看你的。
 ☞ I really come to see you.
 ☞ 他的工作效率是高。
 ☞ He is really efficient.
 ☞ 我们是希望你留下来再呆上一天。
 ☞ We do hope you'll stay for another day.
 ☞ 他是讲得好!
 ☞ He did speak well!
 ☞ 这场雨下得是时候。
 ☞ This rain has come at the right time.
 ☞ 工具放得不是地方。
 ☞ The tools are not put in the right place.
 ☞ 球是打在他的鼻子上。
 ☞ The ball hit him right on the nose.
 ☞ 当时他是站在我旁边。
 ☞ He was standing right beside me.
 ☞ 是什么种子就开什么花。
 ☞ Each kind of seed produces its own flowers.
 ☞ 是公众的事,大家都要关心。
 ☞ Whatever concerns the public concerns all of us.
 ☞ 是重活,他总是抢着干。
 ☞ When there is a tough job, he always rushes to do it.
6.“是”用在两个相同的形容词或动词之间表示让步,再与后面分句中的“但”、“却”、“可”等相呼应表示转折。这时要加相应强调的用语,如句中的yes, sure, certainly等。
 ☞ 这东西旧是旧了,但还能用。
 ☞ Yes, it's old, but it can still be used.
 ☞ 工作忙是忙,但大家很愉快。
 ☞ We are busy, to be sure, but everyone of us is very happy.
 ☞ 我去是去的,可是得晚一点。
 ☞ I'm certainly going, but I'll be a little late.
 ☞ 他是他,我是我,我们毫不相干。
 ☞ He is he, I am I; we have nothing to do with each other.
 ☞ 敌是敌,友是友,必须分得清清楚楚。
 ☞ A friend is a friend, a foe is a foe; one must be clearly distinguished from the other.
 ☞ 你母亲说的是。
 ☞ Your mother was right in what she said.
 ☞ 应早做准备才是。
 ☞ T make early preparation is the right thing to do.
 ☞ 为了大是,不拘小非。
 ☞ To do a great right, do a little wrong.
 ☞ 是可忍,孰不可忍。
 ☞ If this can be tolerated, what can not?
 ☞ 是日天气晴朗。
 ☞ It was fine that day.
显出(显露) 显出(显露)
 ☞ 他在待人接物上显出他的老练之处。
 ☞ He showed his experience and capability in the way he gets along with people.
 ☞ 她在跟我们交谈时,她的矛盾心情一点也没显露出来。
 ☞ In conversation with us she showed nothing of her conflicting feelings.
 ☞ 她脸上显出失望的样子。
 ☞ Her face showed her disappointment.
 ☞ 中央领导同志在视察时对污染问题显出了极大的关注。
 ☞ The leading comrade of the central authorities displayed his great concern about pollution during his inspection.
 ☞ 他在少年时代就已显露出了离经叛道的迹象。
 ☞ He was already beginning to display signs of heterodoxy in the juvenile years of his life.
 ☞ 她知道时装表演给她提供了一个显露自己的机会。
 ☞ She was aware that the fashion show would provide her an opportunity to display herself.
 ☞ 一下子,乐善好施的假面具掉了下来,显露出了真人真面目。
 ☞ For a moment the mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed.
 ☞ 他在协调几件涉外的活动中显露出了他的外交才能。
 ☞ He revealed his gift of diplomacy in the coordination of activities involving foreign countries.
 ☞ 只要一涉及到钱的问题,他就显出了原形。
 ☞ As soon as the matter touches upon money he is revealed for what he is.
 ☞ 一家人穷得显出一副寒酸相。
 ☞ The family were so poor that they presented a shabby and miserable appearance.
 ☞ 尽管他忧心忡忡,仍然显出一副笑脸。
 ☞ Though he was heavy-hearted, he always presented a smiling face.
 ☞ 分析某些发展中国家的统计资料,显露出来的问题甚至更大。
 ☞ Analyzing the statistical data of some developing countries presents even greater problems.
 ☞ 她没有显出多少要嫁给他的愿望。
 ☞ She doesn't manifest much desire to marry him.
 ☞ 通过这次技术革新,他的才智显露出来了。
 ☞ His ability manifested itself through this technical innovation.
 ☞ 致命打击的后果是会慢慢显露出来的。
 ☞ The effects of mortal blow will manifest themselves slowly.
 ☞ 她的脸上慢慢地显出了笑容。
 ☞ Gradually a smile appeared on her face.
 ☞ 她显露出来的一个缺陷是太孤僻。
 ☞ Her one fault appeared to be that she was too withdrawn.
 ☞ 他来时显出一脸的不耐烦。
 ☞ He came with impatience written on his face.
 ☞ 东方刚刚显出了鱼肚白。
 ☞ Day was just breaking.
 ☞ 随着乌云的消散,月亮渐渐地显露出来了。
 ☞ As the dark clouds dispersed, the moon gradually came into view.
显(显得) 显(显得)
 ☞ 深色衣服不显脏。
 ☞ Dark clothes do not show the dirt.
 ☞ 她两边脸上有酒窝,笑起来显得非常迷人。
 ☞ The dimples in her cheeks show great charm when she smiles.
 ☞ 孩子被带进来时显得没有表情。
 ☞ The child showed no expression when he was brought in.
  ■ show off有“炫耀”的意思。
 ☞ 在行家面前,你显什么能?
 ☞ What have you to show off before those experts?
 ☞ 他留下了一张名片,显一下自己的身份。
 ☞ He left his visiting card to show off his status.
 ☞ 她们需要的就是打扮起来,显显自己。
 ☞ What they wanted was to dress up and display themselves.
 ☞ 同志们,现在正是你们显本领的时候了。
 ☞ Comrades, it is quite time for you to display your skill.
 ☞ 他一点一点地显得野心勃勃。
 ☞ Little by little he revealed his ambitions.
 ☞ 位于树木茂密的山谷里的山庄显得别有一番天地。
 ☞ The mountain villa situated in the richly wooded valley revealed another world.
 ☞ 他显得迫不及待,要去看看大海。
 ☞ He manifested the greatest eagerness to watch the sea.
 ☞ 老板皱着眉头,显得十分厌恶。
 ☞ The boss manifested his great disgust with a scowl.
 ☞ 她为什么显得那么悲伤?
 ☞ Why does she appear so sad?
 ☞ 他对此显得并不怨恨。
 ☞ He did not appear to resent it.
 ☞ 药的效果还不显。
 ☞ The effect of the medicine is not yet noticeable.
 ☞ 他显得一脸的不耐烦。
 ☞ Impatience was written on his face.
 ☞ 他显得有点紧张。
 ☞ He seems a bit nervous.
 ☞ 屋子现在这么一布置,显得宽敞多了。
 ☞ Arranged the way it is, the room looks much more spacious.
显示 显示
 ☞ 大家都惊异地发现她婚后不久,身孕就开始显示出来。
 ☞ Everybody was surprised to find that her pregnancy was beginning to show soon after her marriage.
 ☞ 在生死关头他显示了战胜惊慌的理智力。
 ☞ He showed the power of reason over panic in peril of death.
 ☞ 邓小平在改革开放中显示出过人的胆略,不由得我们不信服。
 ☞ We cannot help being convinced by the unusual courage and resourcefulness Deng Xiao-ping showed in the reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 电脑终端屏幕上显示出他所需要的资料。
 ☞ The information he needed was displayed on the computer terminal screen.
 ☞ 构成自然生态系统的物种通常显示出较大范围的遗传变异性。
 ☞ The species that make up natural ecosystems usually display a wide range of genetic variability.
 ☞ 我们把一年一度国民生产总值的公布看作是国家经济实力的显示。
 ☞ We look upon yearly publication of GDP as a display of national economic strength.
 ☞ 所有的液体都会显示张力,而且这种张力可用实验手段测得。
 ☞ All liquids exhibit surface tension, and the force may be measured by experimental means.
 ☞ 这幢古色古香的建筑已显示出倾倒的迹象。
 ☞ The antique building already exhibited signs of dilapidation.
 ☞ 他是个复员军人,直到现在都显示出高度的自觉性。
 ☞ Being an ex-serviceman, he has always exhibited a high degree of self-consciousness until now.
 ☞ 她说的话显示了她的无知。
 ☞ What she said exposed her ignorance.
 ☞ 他平时的所作所为显示了他的本性。
 ☞ His usual behavior has exposed him in his true nature.
 ☞ 艾伦·坡的情况有点特殊,不过也跟他人一样显示了作为一个美国人的某些复杂性。
 ☞ The case of Allan Poe is somewhat special, yet he, like the others, reveals some of complexities of being an American.
 ☞ 他的门诊记录显示,他通过听诊器听到了肺部的罗音。
 ☞ His clinical notes revealed that he heard lung rales through his stethoscope.
5.manifest, 指准确无误地显示。
 ☞ 人民群众在战胜自然灾害中显示了巨大的威力。
 ☞ The masses have manifested their tremendous strength in conquering the natural calamities.
 ☞ 这次两国元首会议的意义不久就显示出来了。
 ☞ The significance of this conference of heads between the two countries was not long manifesting itself.
 ☞ 这些文物显示了中国古代劳动人民的高度智慧。
 ☞ These cultural relics demonstrate the great intelligence of the laboring people of ancient China.
 ☞ 最近的事件显示了我们的政策需要改变。
 ☞ Recent events demonstrate the need for a change in our policy.

 ☞ 她坐在园子里晒太阳。
 ☞ She sat sunning herself in the garden.
 ☞ 秋收后农民都要翻土晒垡。
 ☞ Peasants upturn the soil to sun it after the autumn harvest.
 ☞ 把柴火翻过来晒晒。
 ☞ Turn the firewood over and sun it.
  ■ sun也可用作名词来表示“晒”。
 ☞ 这里晒得历害。
 ☞ There is too much sun here.
 ☞ 要让小孩子尽量多晒太阳。
 ☞ Take the children out to get as much sun as possible.
 ☞ 猫爱晒太阳。
 ☞ The cat likes to sit in the sun.
 ☞ 这桌子日晒雨淋的,都变形了。
 ☞ The table is deformed, being sun-scorched and rain drenched.
2.dry in the sun,指在太阳下晒干。
 ☞ 把你的被子放在太阳底下晒晒。
 ☞ Leave your quilt to dry in the sun.
 ☞ 把洗过的东西晾出去晒着。
 ☞ Hang the wash out to dry in the sun.
 ☞ 她在太阳底下晒谷子。
 ☞ She is drying grain in the sun.
3.bask (oneself) in the sunshine,指享受太阳的光和热。
 ☞ 旅游者都喜欢在这里晒太阳。
 ☞ Tourists love to be here to bask in the sunshine.
 ☞ 我喜欢躺在沙子上晒太阳。
 ☞ I like to lie on the sand, basking in the sunshine.
 ☞ 我们在海滩上晒太阳。
 ☞ We basked ourselves on the sunny beach.
 ☞ 你的床单需要晒一晒了。
 ☞ The sheets of your bed will want airing.
 ☞ 毯子都晒在绳子上了。
 ☞ The blankets were aired on the line.
 ☞ 床垫要晒一晒了。
 ☞ The mattress needs to be aired.
 ☞ 她从度假地回来,胳膊和脸都晒得红红的。
 ☞ She came back from her vacation with tan arms and face.
 ☞ 我一晒就黑。
 ☞ I always tan quickly.

 ☞ 他一坐汽车就晕。
 ☞ He feels dizzy whenever he travels by car.
 ☞ 孩子们转圈转到发晕。
 ☞ The children turned in a circle until they were dizzy.
 ☞ 她由于饥寒交迫而晕了过去。
 ☞ She was faint with hunger and cold.
 ☞ 她一见血就晕。
 ☞ She faints only at the sight of blood.
 ☞ 一般晕过去的症状是脸色灰白,皮肤冰凉。
 ☞ The signs of the ordinary faint are marked with facial pallor and icy cold skin.
3.pass out,意思与faint用作动词相近,但更为口语化。
 ☞ 我祖母疼得大叫,而且一次次的晕了过去。
 ☞ My grandmother screamed in agony and passed out repeatedly from the pain.
 ☞ 熙熙攘攘的大厅里的空气闷得两个女同志晕了过去。
 ☞ The air in the crowded hall became so stifling that two of the women passed out.
4.black out,指眼睛发黑失去知觉的眩晕。
 ☞ 车祸之后,他晕了过去,以后发生什么他都记不清楚了。
 ☞ After the automobile accident he blacked out and couldn't remember what happened.
 ☞ 看到她丈夫额上深深的伤口里涌出来的血,她都几乎要晕倒了。
 ☞ The sight of blood oozing from the deep gash in her husband's forehead nearly blacked her out.
普及 普及
 ☞ 说来奇怪,他拍的电影在国内没有国外普及。
 ☞ It is strange that his films are less popular at home than abroad.
 ☞ 我有一本这部小说的普及本。
 ☞ I have a popular edition of this novel.
 ☞ 在公民中间普及法律常识非常重要。
 ☞ It is very important to popularize an elementary knowledge of law among citizens.
 ☞ 他们对普及农村义务教育十分积极。
 ☞ They are very active in popularizing compulsory education in the countryside.
3.universal,指无一例外的普及,因此比popular 普及更为严格。
 ☞ 普及中等教育是我们要走的第二步。
 ☞ The second step we have to make is to make secondary education universal.
 ☞ 从理论上讲,医疗服务应当是免费的,普及的。
 ☞ Medical service, in theory, should be free and universal.
 ☞ 你作为教育家要观察各校的优良之处并努力加以普及。
 ☞ As an educationist you ought to observe what are the best in the schools and to strive to universalize these qualities.
 ☞ 教育不是一般意义上的普及,而是严格意义上的普及。
 ☞ Education must be universalized rather than popularized.
 ☞ 学者与科学家都应向人民普及科学文化知识。
 ☞ Scholars and scientists should devote themselves to spreading cultural and scientific knowledge among the people.
 ☞ 针刺疗法在澳大利亚普及得很快。
 ☞ The acupuncture therapy spreads quickly in Australia.
普通 普通
 ☞ 他只是个普通人,不是英雄。
 ☞ He isn't a hero, but just a common man.
 ☞ 一个普通读者中肯的意见有时也能一针见血。
 ☞ Sometimes a common reader can pierce to the truth with a single pertinent remark.
 ☞ 我有一辆普通型的汽车,没有什么特别的。
 ☞ I've got an ordinary sort of car, nothing special.
 ☞ 他们都是普通工人,但他们创造了奇迹。
 ☞ They are ordinary workers, but they have created miracles.
 ☞ 她的反应就像一个普通的家庭妇女。
 ☞ She reacts just like an average housewife.
 ☞ 这是6月里普通的一天。
 ☞ This is an average June day.
普遍 普遍
1.universal, 指普遍到全体成员,无一例外。
 ☞ 饮食男女是人类的普遍需求。
 ☞ Food. drink and sex are universal needs of the human being.
 ☞ 尽管地心引力是已知引力中最弱的,但却是惟一普遍存在的。
 ☞ Gravity, although the weakest known force, is the only universal force.
 ☞ 减轻农民负担就是保护农民的普遍利益。
 ☞ To lighten the burden on the peasants is to protect their general interests.
 ☞ 普遍的爱国主义教育正在学生中进行。
 ☞ A general education in patriotism is being carried on among students.
 ☞ 电子计算机已在世界各地普遍使用。
 ☞ Electronic computers are now in common use all over the world.
 ☞ 矽肺是矿工中很普遍的职业病。
 ☞ Silicosis is a professional disease, very common among miners.
 ☞ 国会议员的普遍反对阻止了该法案的通过。
 ☞ Widespread opposition of the members of parliament obstructed passage of the bill.
 ☞ 流感的普遍传播影响了云贵两省。
 ☞ A widespread flu epidemic affected Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces.
暂时 暂时
 ☞ 银根紧只是暂时现象。
 ☞ Tight money is only a temporary phenomenon.
 ☞ 在我等待出国的期间,我找了个暂时性的工作。
 ☞ I have got temporary work while I'm waiting to go abroad.
 ☞ 年轻美貌是暂时的,内在美才是永恒的。
 ☞ Youthful beauty is transient, only inner beauty is permanent.
 ☞ 别担心,她感到压抑是暂时的,很快就会过去的。
 ☞ Don't worry. Her feeling of depression is transient and will soon be over.
 ☞ 我们已做了暂时的安排,以满足你们的需要。
 ☞ We have made a tentative arrangement to meet your need.
 ☞ 这事咱们就暂时这么定了。
 ☞ Let's make it a tentative decision.
4.for the time being,用作状语,而以上三个用语均为定语。
 ☞ 我暂时住在家里。
 ☞ I'm staying at home for the time being.
 ☞ 你只好暂时与我共用一个房间了。
 ☞ You will have to share the room with me for the time being.
 ☞ 罢工期间我们暂时停止运送货物。
 ☞ We suspend the delivery of the goods during the strike.
 ☞ 禁运期间,世界各国都暂时停止购买伊拉克石油。
 ☞ During the embargo the countries all over the world suspended purchases of Iraqi oil.

 ☞ 天色渐渐暗了下来。
 ☞ It's getting dark.
 ☞ 这屋子太暗。
 ☞ This room is too dark.
  ■ 不过,dark也用于转义。
 ☞ 是警方在暗中保护她。
 ☞ It was the police who protected her in the dark.
 ☞ 阴谋是在暗中策划的。
 ☞ The scheme was plotted in the dark.
 ☞ 灯光很暗。
 ☞ The light is rather dim.
 ☞ 有云的夜晚,月亮是暗的。
 ☞ The moon is dim on a cloudy night.
3.secret, secretly,指暗中。
 ☞ 你暗中跟那些外国人接触有什么目的?
 ☞ What were your purposes when you made secret contacts with the foreigners?
 ☞ 暗中交易是不合法的。
 ☞ It is illegal to make secret deals.
 ☞ 他的鼓励使我暗暗下了决心。
 ☞ His encouragement has made me make up my mind secretly.
 ☞ 我们暗中会面时她说的话是老老实实的。
 ☞ What she said were honest as we met secretly.
4.to oneself,指自己暗中要做的事。
 ☞ 我暗暗嘱咐自己要好好学习。
 ☞ I said to myself that I must study well.
 ☞ 他暗中发誓要为牺牲的同志报仇。
 ☞ He vowed to himself to avenge his martyred comrades.
 ☞ 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。
 ☞ It is easy to dodge a thrust spear, but difficult to guard against an arrow shot from hidden.
 ☞ 他们之间的明争暗斗已有了年月。
 ☞ Both open strife and veiled struggle have lasted for years.
 ☞ 明升暗降在争权夺利者之间是司空见惯的做法。
 ☞ Promotion in appearance but deduction in fact is a common practice among those who struggle for power.
 ☞ 明人不做暗事。
 ☞ An honest man does not do anything underhand.
暴露 暴露
 ☞ 我们要继续隐蔽,不要暴露。
 ☞ We must remain hidden and not expose ourselves.
 ☞ 调查的事实剥去了她是“20世纪30年代进步演员”的外衣,把她的真面目暴露在光天化日之下。
 ☞ The facts investigated have stripped her of the cloak of progressive artist of the 1930s, and exposed her true feature to the light of day.
 ☞ 他盗窃机密的罪行当众暴露。
 ☞ His crime of stealing secrets has been exposed in public.
 ☞ 矛盾还没有充分暴露。
 ☞ The contradictions have not yet been fully revealed.
 ☞ 他的身份已经暴露,应立即转入地下。
 ☞ His identity has been revealed; he must go underground immediately.
3.give away,lay bare,betray均指自然而然的暴露。
 ☞ 他表面竭力保持镇静,但颤抖的声音却暴露了他的心情。
 ☞ He tried to keep up a calm appearance but his trembling voice gave him away(或betrayed him).
 ☞ 在前线,甚至连吸烟都会暴露阵地。
 ☞ At the front, even smoking a cigarette can give away our position.
 ☞ 这一声明完全暴露了他们称霸世界的野心。
 ☞ The statement completely laid bare (revealed) their ambition for world conquest.
 ☞ 他的话暴露了他的想法。
 ☞ What he said laid bare (revealed) his thoughts.
4.自动暴露,可译come to light。
 ☞ 最近苏联方面暴露了他们在建设社会主义过程中的一些缺点和错误。
 ☞ In the Soviet Union certain defects and errors that occurred in the course of their socialist construction have lately come to light.
 ☞ 这一阴谋直到“四人帮”倒台才暴露出来。
 ☞ The plot did not come to light until the downfall of the "Gang of Four".
曲折 曲折
1.winding, 指蜿蜒曲折。
 ☞ 沿着河流有一条曲折的小路。
 ☞ There is a winding path along the river.
 ☞ 由于河道曲折,水流不畅。
 ☞ The current was not smooth because of the winding course of the river.
 ☞ 这条大河曲折地流经峡谷。
 ☞ The large river meanders through the gorges.
 ☞ 我们沿着曲折的河岸散步。
 ☞ We strolled along the meandered bank.
 ☞ 我们进行了一次迂回曲折的攀登。
 ☞ We made a roundabout and tortuous climb.
 ☞ 航道曲折、危险,而且经常淤塞。
 ☞ The channel is tortuous and dangerous and constantly silted up.
  ■ 此外,tortuous还经常用于转义。
 ☞ 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的。
 ☞ The road is tortuous, but the prospects are bright.
 ☞ 谈判是漫长而曲折的。
 ☞ The negotiations were long and tortuous.
4.complicated, complication,指曲折复杂。
 ☞ 这个剧本的情节很曲折。
 ☞ The play has a very complicated plot.
 ☞ 我迟早会把这些曲折的过程全告诉你的。
 ☞ I will tell you sooner or later all the complicated processes.
 ☞ 这件事情里面有不少曲折。
 ☞ There are many complications in this matter.
 ☞ 这件事情,内部很有些曲折。
 ☞ There are still quite a few complications in this matter.
曲解 曲解
1.misinterpret, misinterpretation,指有意或无意的曲解。
 ☞ 他对本段的注释曲解了作者的原意。
 ☞ His note on this passage misinterprets the author's meaning.
 ☞ 她竟把我的恭维曲解成了侮辱,真是天大的冤枉。
 ☞ It was a colossal wrong that she should have misinterpreted my compliment into insult.
 ☞ 这话的意思很明白,不可能曲解。
 ☞ These remarks are so clear that there can be no room for misinterpretation.
 ☞ 律师曲解证人的原话,逼得他茫然不知所措。
 ☞ The lawyer drove the witness into being at a complete loss by twisting his words.
 ☞ 不要把我说的话曲解成我没有的意思。
 ☞ Don't twist what I say into something I don't mean.
3.distort, distortion,指对真实情况、事实的曲解。
 ☞ 机会主义者往往曲解马克思的观点。
 ☞ Opportunists often distort the views of Marx.
 ☞ 不要曲解我说的话。
 ☞ Stop distorting what I've said.
 ☞ 这是对真理彻头彻尾的曲解。
 ☞ It is a downright distortion of the truth.
4.torture, pervert,指对原意的曲解。
 ☞ 你曲解了这个词的含义。
 ☞ You tortured the meaning of the word.
 ☞ 阐述时不应有任何曲解。
 ☞ No torture in interpretation would be required.
 ☞ 曲解一个人说过的话就是误解原话。
 ☞ To pervert what a person has said is to give a wrong meaning to it.
 ☞ 他们曲解了他的意思。
 ☞ They perverted his meaning.

 ☞ 我有一件更重要的事要说。
 ☞ I have a more important thing to say.
 ☞ 现在我看得更清楚了。
 ☞ Now I see more clearly.
 ☞ 虽然天津更偏南更靠海,但天津比北京冷。
 ☞ It's colder in Tianjin than in Beijing, though Tianjin is farther to the south and nearer to the sea.
2.如果在“更”前接加强语气的副词“就”或“则”,会使语气更加强烈,这时可在比较级前加much,far,still, even等词。
 ☞ 了解他难,要了解他妻子就更难。
 ☞ It is difficult to understand him, much more his wife.
 ☞ 我喜欢音乐,舞蹈就更喜欢了。
 ☞ I like music, much more dancing.
 ☞ 你就比我更具有想像力。
 ☞ You have far more imagination than I have.
 ☞ 他作文出的错就比你更少。
 ☞ He made far fewer mistakes in his composition than you did.
 ☞ 人人都有权享受自由,生命则更是如此。
 ☞ Everyone has a right to enjoy his liberty, still more his life.
 ☞ 玛丽年轻,简则更年轻。
 ☞ Mary is young, but Jean is still younger.
 ☞ 留下的任务就更困难、更危险啦。
 ☞ There remained a still more difficult and dangerous task.
 ☞ 他是个高个子,他弟弟则更高。
 ☞ He is tall, but his brother is still taller.
 ☞ 他的发言更有力地证明你是对的。
 ☞ His remark confirmed in an even more powerful manner that you were right.
 ☞ 问题变得更复杂了。
 ☞ The problem became even more complicated.
 ☞ 你使把劲则能读得更好。
 ☞ You can read even better if you try hard.
3.如果“更”用于否定句中,情况则和上一节相反,可用much less, far less, still less, even less表示递减。
 ☞ 她不喜欢孩子,更不喜欢婴儿。
 ☞ She doesn't like a child, much less a baby.
 ☞ 今天只有一小批人参加会议,比上星期天更少。
 ☞ There were only a small number of people present at the meeting today, far less than last Sunday.
 ☞ 没有人接受这项建议,更没有人照此办理。
 ☞ Nobody accepted the proposal, much less acted upon it.
 ☞ 这件事你知道得就更少了。
 ☞ You know even less about it.
4.有时,“更”表示“进了一层”的意思,这时可用further, furthermore, moreover.
 ☞ 演出取得了极大的成功,但还要更上一层楼。
 ☞ The performance was a great success, but we must strive for further improvement.
 ☞ 房间早挤满了人,再进入情况会更糟。
 ☞ The situation will further worsen when more people enter the already crowded room.
 ☞ 你学习语言已有了进步,但还要更上一层楼。
 ☞ You've made some progress in language learning, but you have to go a step further.
 ☞ 他没有多少脑子,更缺乏才气。
 ☞ He hasn't much brains and furthermore he's devoid of talents.
 ☞ 骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼,更不会污染空气。
 ☞ Bicycling is good exercise, furthermore, it doesn't pollute the air.
 ☞ 别人对我的反映不错,我更要尽力把我的工作做好。
 ☞ I'm quite well thought by others, I try moreover to do my work to the best of my ability.
5.如果用all the more等比较级,语气会更强。
 ☞ 没人能或者说也没人肯告诉他,这使他更加生气。
 ☞ No one could or would tell him, and that vexed him all the more.
 ☞ 如果有支援,任务会完成得更快。
 ☞ If we get help, the task will get completed all the sooner。
 ☞ 我更喜欢他沉默寡言。
 ☞ I like him all the more for his reticence.
 ☞ 开了窗,屋里反而更热。
 ☞ Opening the window will make the room all the hotter.
 ☞ 结果,穷的反而更穷,富的反而更富。
 ☞ As a result, the poor became all the poorer, the rich all the richer.
6.“更有甚者”是个固定用语,表示一件坏事尚未结束,而另一件坏事又接踵而来。这时可用what is more, more than that。
 ☞ 走到半路天就黑了下来,更有甚者,天又下起雨来。
 ☞ We had got only halfway when it began to get dark, and what was more, it began to rain.
 ☞ 他拒绝同她结婚,更有甚者,还要讨回送她的礼物。
 ☞ He refused to marry her, and more than that, asked for his presents back.
更不用说 更不用说
1.to say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention,可以换用,其后接名词、动名词。
 ☞ 我们连法语课都上,更不要说英语课了。
 ☞ We take even French lessons, to say nothing of English lessons.
 ☞ 我连这台机器的工作原理都不知道,更不用说设计了。
 ☞ I do not know the principles of work of the machine, not to speak of designing it.
 ☞ 他可以说几种外语,更不用说他的母语英语了。
 ☞ He can speak several foreign languages, not to mention English, his mother tongue.
2.let alone,后接名词、动名词、动词不定式或句子。
 ☞ 他连本国语都说不好,更不用说英语了。
 ☞ He can't even speak his own native language well, let alone English.
 ☞ 我租不起那样的房子,更不用说买了。
 ☞ I can't afford to rent a house like that, let alone buying it.
 ☞ 他们连谢你都不愿意,更不用说付钱了。
 ☞ They won't even thank you, let alone pay you.
 ☞ 我连第一章都还没有看,更不用说读完全书了。
 ☞ I've not even read the first chapter, let alone finished the book.
3.still (much)more(用于肯定句).still (much) less(用于否定句)。如果后接分句,主谓应颠倒。
 ☞ 他对我很和气,更不用说对我哥哥了。
 ☞ He is kind to me, still (much) more to my elder brother.
 ☞ 他连机器都会修,更不用说拆开来了。
 ☞ He can repair the machine, much (still) more does he take it apart.
 ☞ 我从来没跟她说过话,更不用说侮辱她了。
 ☞ I never even spoke to her, still (much) less insulted her.
 ☞ 他英语都不会读,更不用说教了。
 ☞ He can't read English, much (still) less can he teach it.
更换 更换
 ☞ 她的衣服不合身就拿到店里更换了一件。
 ☞ Her dress didn't m so she took it back to the shop and changed it.
 ☞ 哪儿可以更换外币?
 ☞ Where can I change foreign money?
 ☞ 农展馆的展品常常要更换。
 ☞ The exhibits in the Agricultural Exhibition Center keep changing.
 ☞ 磨损的零件要经常更换。
 ☞ Worn parts should be replaced from time to time.
 ☞ 指挥官不能执行纪律就应更换。
 ☞ A commander must be replaced if he fails to enforce proper discipline.
 ☞ 图案已有所更换。
 ☞ The design has been altered.
 ☞ 他更换前几章的次序使文章读起来更为流畅。
 ☞ He has altered the order of the earlier chapters so that the essay reads more smooth.
更新 更新
 ☞ 更新工厂的设备要花一年的时间。
 ☞ It will take a year to renew the equipment of the factory.
 ☞ 我们应当跟上科学界的最新发展以更新我们的知识。
 ☞ We ought to keep abreast of all latest developments in the world of science to renew our knowledge.
2.replace by new ones,指用新的更换。
 ☞ 渔船在不断更新。
 ☞ Old fishing vessels are continually being replaced by new ones.
 ☞ 我厂的产品已经更新了几代。
 ☞ In our factory, a few old generations of products have been replaced by newer ones.
 ☞ 改写一个记录就叫更新记录。
 ☞ Whenever a record is rewritten is called updating the record.
 ☞ 更新武器要花费大量的钱财。
 ☞ It will involve great expense to update weaponry.
 ☞ 他做过许多旅行,这就扩大、更新了他的阅历。
 ☞ He did a lot of traveling which widened and refreshed his experience.
 ☞ 我们应不断更新测试以获得更为准确的数据。
 ☞ We should continually refresh our test to obtain more accurate data.
 ☞ 他们采用科学方法更新草场。
 ☞ They have adopted scientific methods to rejuvenate the pastures.
 ☞ 长时间的饥饿可使胚胎形成的潜能得到更新。
 ☞ Prolonged starvation might lead to rejuvenation of embryogenic potential.
 ☞ 岁序更新。
 ☞ Seasons alternate by turns.
 ☞ 万象更新。
 ☞ Everything is fresh again.
替换(替代) 替换(替代)
1) A替换B。
 ☞ 他们用煤气替代煤油。
 ☞ They used gas to replace kerosene.
 ☞ 我们队的李勇替换了王明。
 ☞ L Yong replaced Wang Ming in our team.
2) 用A替换B。
 ☞ 教练决定用李勇替换王明。
 ☞ The coach decided to replace Wang Ming with Li Yong.
 ☞ 现在人们都用煤气来替代煤油。
 ☞ Nowadays people replace kerosene with gas.
2.substitute, 所指的替换,在用法上正好与replace相反。
 ☞ 火电厂正在用煤气替代煤炭。
 ☞ Thermal power stations are substituting gas for coal.
 ☞ 试比较:Thermal power stations are replacing coal with gas.
 ☞ 系主任用苏珊来替换打字员。
 ☞ The dean substituted Susan for the typist,试比较:
 ☞ The dean replaced the typist with Susan.
 ☞ 我们去替换值夜班的同志。
 ☞ We are going to relieve the comrades on night duty.
 ☞ 每天下午6点夜班守卫替换日班守卫。
 ☞ The night watch relieves the day watch at 6 p.m.
 ☞ every day.
4.change of clothes (clothing),指替换的衣服。
 ☞ 随身带上一套替换的衣服。
 ☞ Take a change of clothes with you.
 ☞ 她备有好多套替换的衣服。
 ☞ She has provided herself with many changes of clothing.

 ☞ 青年是人类社会中最为积极、最有生气的力量。
 ☞ The young people are the most active and vital force in society.
 ☞ 进攻是最好的防御。
 ☞ Offense is the best defense.
 ☞ 要做最坏的打算,争取最好的结果。
 ☞ Prepare for the worst to win the best.
 ☞ 哪些国家属于最不发达的国家?
 ☞ Which countries are among the least developing countries?
2.不过有些形容词和名词不需要最高级就有“最” 意思。如supreme,sovereign,ultimate,eventual, up-to-date, maximum, minimum, top,bottom等。
 ☞ 这是指导我们的外交政策的最高原则。
 ☞ It is the supreme principle guiding our foreign policy.
 ☞ 我们国家的最高权力属于人民。
 ☞ The sovereign power of our state resides in the people.
 ☞ 我们的最终目标是实现共产主义。
 ☞ Our ultimate aim is the realization of communism.
 ☞ 所有的这些恶行使他们一步步地走向最终的灭亡。
 ☞ All these evil doings were many steps towards their eventual ruin.
 ☞ 船上装有最现代化的设备。
 ☞ The ship is fitted with up-to-date equipment.
 ☞ 人体功能总是在最高与最低水平之间波动。
 ☞ Human functions oscillate between maximum and minimum levels.
 ☞ 这种火车行驶的最高时速为185公里。
 ☞ Such a train will cruise at a top speed of 185 kilometers per hour.
 ☞ 把书放到书架最下面的一格。
 ☞ Put the book on the bottom shelf.
3.all, everything, above all, above everything, all in all, of all things, of all others, 表示事物的极致,因此有“最”的意思。
 ☞ 他以他所能用的最激烈最挖苦的语言抨击了种族隔离政策。
 ☞ He attacked apartheid with all the vehemence and bitterness he was capable of.
 ☞ 无论生什么病,乐观是最重要的。
 ☞ In any disease, an optimistic outlook is everything.
 ☞ 你知道我们最需要的是批评与自我批评。
 ☞ What we need, you know, above all, is criticism and self-criticism.
 ☞ 他最希望能和她单独待在一起。
 ☞ He longs, above everything, to be alone with her.
 ☞ 正确的思想在任何工作中都是最重要的。
 ☞ Correct ideology is all in all in any work.
 ☞ 这是我最最希望的。
 ☞ It is what I desire of all things.
 ☞ 我最恨的事情就是说谎。
 ☞ The one thing of all others I detest is lying.
4.not more than, never more than, nothing more than,否定比较级可以表示程度,也都有“最”的意思。
 ☞ 火车还有10分钟才开,我买本书最多5分钟。
 ☞ The train doesn't leave for another ten minutes, and it won't take me more than five minutes to buy a book.
 ☞ 这种窗子最多能开一半。
 ☞ Such window can never be more than half opened.
 ☞ 谦卑的外表最易使人上当。
 ☞ Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility.
5.nothing…so…as(后接名词),nothing…so…as to(后接动词不定式),never…so,…as(后接从句),nothing like(后接名词)…no…like(后接名词),可以表示比喻,故也有“最”的意思。
 ☞ 我最怕无所事事。
 ☞ I dread nothing so much as inactivity.
 ☞ 做决定最难。
 ☞ Nothing is so difficult as to decide.
 ☞ 美和真一样,最平常时最灿烂。
 ☞ Beauty like truth never is so glorious as when it goes plainest.
 ☞ 最能给人以经验的,莫过于多碰钉子。
 ☞ There is nothing like frequent rebuff for teaching one experience.
 ☞ 哪儿夹脚,穿鞋的最清楚。
 ☞ No one knows where the shoes pinch like the wearer.
 ☞ 谁摘的苹果最多?
 ☞ Who picked the most apples?
 ☞ 我最多给你500元。
 ☞ I can give you five hundred yuan at most.
 ☞ 这个会议室最多能容纳50人。
 ☞ This conference room can hold a maximum of fifty people.
 ☞ 这所学校招生最多的时候有5,000人。
 ☞ The college's enrollment at its height reached 5,000.
 ☞ 我最多能符一天。
 ☞ I can stay a day at the longest.
 ☞ 讲得最多的往往是干得最少的。
 ☞ The greatest talkers are always the least doers.
 ☞ 出席会议的最少有500人。
 ☞ There were at least five hundred people present at the meeting.
 ☞ 这只钻戒最少也值5,000元。
 ☞ The diamond ring costs a minimum of five thousand yuan.
 ☞ 这产品的质量最好。
 ☞ The product is best in quality.
 ☞ 你们都是最好的干部。
 ☞ You are all first-rate cadres.
 ☞ 你最好别打扰他。
 ☞ You had better not disturb him.
 ☞ 我们最好在天黑以前赶到目的地。
 ☞ It would be best if we could reach our destination before dark.
最后 最后
1.last, 指一系列事物的最后。
 ☞ 他最后一个到。
 ☞ He was the last to arrive.
 ☞ 这是我最后的100元钱。
 ☞ This is my last one hundred yuan.
  ■ 但at last 则用来表示“经过等候、耽误、周折后终于…”,因此语气比较强烈。
 ☞ 等我们最后找到他时,他几乎要死了。
 ☞ When at last we found him he was almost dead.
2.final, 与last表示的不同,它往往暗示与最后阶段或最后决定等有关的“最后”,因而不可改变。
 ☞ 我们在做最后离开的准备。
 ☞ We're making our final preparation to depart.
 ☞ 我们认为此事已经结束,我们现在可以给你最后的答复了。
 ☞ We think the matter is over and we can give you a final answer.
  ■ final的同根副词finally有两个意思。
1) 表示列举一系列动作以后,最后才…。
 ☞ 他脱下帽子站了起来,向听众致意,清了清嗓子, 最后才开始讲话。
 ☞ He took off his hat, rose to his feet, bowed to the audience, cleared his throat, and finally began to speak.
 ☞ 我们需要提高生产率,我们需要降低失业率,最后我们还需要使我们的出口商品在国际市场上有竞争力。
 ☞ We need to increase productivity. We need to reduce unemployment. And finally, we need to make our exports competitive on world markets.
2) 表示经过耽搁、周折后“最后才…”。
 ☞ 他最后还是使她相信阅读也是一种乐趣。
 ☞ He finally convinced her that reading was a pleasure.
 ☞ 你最后得出了什么结论?
 ☞ What conclusion did you finally arrive at?
3.in the end,表示经过某种周折之后最终结局,强调最后的结果。
 ☞ 开始他反对这桩婚姻,不过最后还是同意了。
 ☞ At first he opposed the marriage but in the end he gave his consent.
 ☞ 无论小偷躲到哪里,最后还是要被抓的。
 ☞ The thief will be arrested in the end wherever he is hiding.
  ■ 由于in the end强调最终的结果,故也可用于将来时。
 ☞ 我希望最后一切都圆满顺利。
 ☞ I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end.
4.in conclusion,演讲、谈话结束时的用语。
 ☞ 最后,让我趁此机会向你们伟大的党表示崇高的敬意。
 ☞ In conclusion, let me take this opportunity to pay tribute to your great Party.
 ☞ 最后,我要向那些如此努力工作并带来这些改革成果的同志表示感谢。
 ☞ In conclusion, I should like to thank those comrades who have worked so hard to bring about these successes scored in reform.
5.end up,动词,指最后“以…告终”。
 ☞ 她几个月都不付我们房租,我们最后把他告上了法庭。
 ☞ For months she refused to pay us any rent, so we ended up taking her to court.
 ☞ 要是这样开车,你最后是要进医院的。
 ☞ If you drive your car like that, you'll end up in hospital.
最近 最近
 ☞ 她最近才开始学英语。
 ☞ She's begun recently to learn English.
 ☞ 她最近建议我应常来辅导娟娟的数学。
 ☞ She has recently suggested that I should come regularly to coach Juanjuan in mathematics.
 ☞ 我的父母最近庆祝了他们的金婚纪念日。
 ☞ My parents recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
  ■ 但在下列情况下,一般用lately,而不用recently。
 ☞ 我最近不去戏院看戏。
 ☞ I haven't been to the theater lately.(百分之百的否定)
 ☞ 你最近见到王老师了吗?
 ☞ Have you seen Wang,our teacher,lately?(答案可能是或不是,因此50%是否定)
 ☞ 她想到最近很少见到母亲,心里很难受。
 ☞ She was grieved to think she had lately seen so little of her mother.(little 一词是准否定)
  ■ 对带有隐形否定的肯定句也用lately。
 ☞ 我最近才干这工作。
 ☞ I did the work until lately.(说明前一段时间没干)
 ☞ 他最近难以与之理论。
 ☞ He has been difficult to reason with lately.(指不可能与之理论)
2.last, latest,形容词,均指到目前为止的最近,最新,但last往往着重在一系列事物的最近,而latest则着重在一系列事物的最新。
 ☞ 最近几天他一直在忙着准备考试。
 ☞ He has been busy preparing for the examination in the last few days.
 ☞ 最近校长发下话来要订购新课桌。
 ☞ The headmaster has the last word in ordering new desks.
 ☞ 他给经理们详细讲了董事会最近的活动。
 ☞ He detailed for the managers the latest activities of the Board.
 ☞ 我们需要他最近的消息。
 ☞ We want the latest news about him.
 ☞ 这是最近的一期《中国翻译》。
 ☞ This is a current issue of Chinese Translators Journal.
 ☞ 他最近要出国了。
 ☞ He'll be going abroad soon.
 ☞ 几条新线路正在建设,最近就要完工了。
 ☞ Several new lines are being built now and will be completed in the near future.
 ☞ 我最近的一家邻居是姓王。
 ☞ My nearest neighbor is the Wangs.

1) 表示物质上有。
 ☞ 中国至少有1/5的世界人口。
 ☞ China has at least one-fifth of the population of the world.
 ☞ 我有一些钱,不知用来干什么好。
 ☞ I have some money, and don't know what to do with it.
2) 表示感觉上有。
 ☞ 我以前从来没有那种感觉。
 ☞ I have never before had that feeling.
 ☞ 我有一种印象,他的身体正在好起来。
 ☞ I have an impression that he's been improving.
3) 表示生来就有。
 ☞ 他有个圆圆的嘴巴,宽宽的鼻子,黑黑的眼睛。
 ☞ He has a round mouth, a broad nose and dark eyes.
 ☞ 他的北方官话里有点上海腔。
 ☞ His mandarin had sort of a Shanghai accent.
4) 表示构成上有。
 ☞ 一年有12个月。
 ☞ A year has twelve months.
 ☞ 一把椅子有4条腿。
 ☞ A chair has four legs.
  ■ 在表示构成上有时应注意是整体还是附加。如上例:一年少了一个月就不是一年;椅子少了一条腿就不成其为椅子。故用have时不带介词,但如果是在整体上附加,则应加相应的介词短语。
 ☞ 解放军的军帽上有一颗红星。
 ☞ The PLA men's cap has a red star on it.(没有红星还是帽子】
 ☞ 我丢的钱袋里有些钱。
 ☞ The purse I lost had some money in it.(没有钱还是钱袋)
 ☞ 每层楼上都有个阅览室,里面有许多报纸和杂志。
 ☞ Every floor has a reading room, with many newspapers and magazines in it.(with以后都是附加,没有它句子也成立)
2.there be, 指存在的有,也有几种用法。
1) 表示具体实物的存在。
 ☞ 我们学院现有3,000学生。
 ☞ There are three thousand students in our college.(注意不可说:Our college has three thousand students.
 ☞ 因为学生不是学院的所有物。但可以说:We have three thousand students in our college,因为这时的主语是we,而不是college)
 ☞ 这间屋子里没有孩子。
 ☞ There are no children in this house. (不说This house has no children,但可以说We have no children in this house)
 ☞ 一个星期有7天。
 ☞ There are seven days in a week.(注意:可以说:A week has seven days,因为have表示构成的“有”与there be表示存在的“有”没有矛盾)类似的例子还有:
 ☞ 今年2月份有多少天?
 ☞ How many days are there in February this year?或 How many days has February this year?
2) 表示行为动作的有无用处或有无必要,或有无意义,常用于否定句或疑问句中。常用的句型有there is no use doing, what's the use of, there is no need to do, there is no point in, there is no sense in doing等。
 ☞ 我们现在再讨论这事没有用。
 ☞ There is no use our discussing it any further now.
 ☞ 干得那么卖劲有什么用?
 ☞ What's the use of doing so hard?
 ☞ 没有必要着急,我们的时间够了。
 ☞ There is no need to hurry. We have got plenty of time.
 ☞ 你认为有必要试一试吗?
 ☞ Do you think there's any point in trying?
 ☞ 惹他生气没有意思。
 ☞ There is no sense in making him angry.
3) 表示猜测、预料、希望等,常用there might be,there could be, I'd like there to be或there加appear,seem等与表示没有把握的系动词连用。
 ☞ 要是你等一会儿,可能就会有酒喝。
 ☞ There might be drinks if you wait a bit.
 ☞ 要不是警方反应迅速,本来是会有一场车祸的。
 ☞ If the police hadn't reacted quickly, there could have been an automobile accident.
 ☞ 我倒是希望花园里有个游泳池。
 ☞ I'd like there to be a swimming-pool in the garden.
 ☞ 看来,改变我们的计划有几个理由。
 ☞ There appear to be several reasons for changing our plans.
 ☞ 现在似乎没有必要去了。
 ☞ There seems no need to go now.
4) 当句子主语为some,any,no,somebody,anybody, nobody, something, anything或nothing时,常用there be引导。
 ☞ 外面有几个人。
 ☞ There are some people outside.
 ☞ 家里有人吗?
 ☞ Is there anybody at home?
 ☞ 有些事让我着急。
 ☞ There's something worrying me.
 ☞ 冰箱里有吃的东西吗?
 ☞ Is there anything to eat in the fridge?
 ☞ 存在,由于此词的强烈的内涵,只有在弱化时才作“有”解,而且说法比there be正式。
 ☞ 我们不相信有鬼。
 ☞ We do not believe ghosts exist.
 ☞ 火星上有生命吗?
 ☞ Does life exist on Mars?
4.possess,指拥有的“有”,与exist 一样,只有在词义弱化时才作“有”解。
 ☞ 我只有一间房,一张床,要是你和我住,就得合着用。
 ☞ I possess only one room, and one bed. If you stay with me, we have to share all of them.
 ☞ 中国有丰富的矿产资源。
 ☞ China possesses rich mineral deposits.
5.contain, 指含有、装有。
 ☞ 这本书里有许多著名作家写的故事。
 ☞ The book contains many stories written by famous writers.
 ☞ 盒子里有旧照片和纪念品。
 ☞ The box contains old photographs and souvenirs.
 ☞ 急救药箱里除了药物和绷带之外还有夹板。
 ☞ The first-aid kit includes splints in addition to medicines and bandages.
 ☞ 一本好的教科书应当有该科目的文献目录。
 ☞ A good textbook ought to include a bibliography of the subject.
7.be found,指发现有。
 ☞ 这种人在政治界、工商界、文化教育界、科技界、宗教界里都有。
 ☞ Such people are to be found in political circles and in industrial and commercial, cultural and educational, scientific and technological and religious circles.
 ☞ 虫草只有在青藏高原的某些地方才有。
 ☞ Chinese caterpillar fungus can be found only somewhere in the Qinhai-Tibet Plateau.
 ☞ 凡果均有因。
 ☞ Every effect supposes a cause.
 ☞ 发明都有发明人。
 ☞ An invention supposes an inventor.
 ☞ 有了机器,人就增加了手脚、眼耳甚至头脑的能力。
 ☞ With machines man has increased the power of his arms and legs, of his eyes and ears and even of his brain.
 ☞ 有了显微镜,我们就能研究病毒的微生物世界。
 ☞ With telescopes we can study the world of very tiny living things known as viruses.
10.happen, occur,指发生有。
 ☞ 这在卫生条件差的国家是常有的事。
 ☞ It happens frequently in countries where sanitation is poor.
 ☞ 印刷错误每页都有。
 ☞ Misprints occur on every page.
 ☞ 她有过到巴黎学习一年的机会,她竟然放弃了,真令人费解。
 ☞ It was puzzling that when given a chance to study in Paris for a year, she should have given it up.
 ☞ 再有一次同样的治疗,他一定会好起来。
 ☞ Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.
12.as soon as,指“一有…就…”。
 ☞ 一有问题,我们就会去解决。
 ☞ We'll deal with the problem as soon as it crops up.
 ☞ 我一有消息就告诉你。
 ☞ I'll tell you as soon as I receive the news.
13.“有”与某些不定代词如one,some, certain,sometimes等结合,表示“有一”,“有些”,“有的”,可以不译。
 ☞ 有一天,我在街上碰到他。
 ☞ One day, I ran into him in the street.
 ☞ 有人说可以,有人说不可以。
 ☞ Some say yes, some say no.
 ☞ 有些事还要商量。
 ☞ Certain things are still open to discussion.
 ☞ 这里有时候能热到40度。
 ☞ The temperature here sometimes goes up to forty degrees centigrade.
 ☞ 水有3米多深。
 ☞ The water is more than 3meters deep.
 ☞ 这条鱼约有5公斤重。
 ☞ This fish weighs about five kilos.
 ☞ 我想他大概有10岁了吧。
 ☞ He is about ten, I guess.
 ☞ 她有你这么高。
 ☞ She is as tall as you.
 ☞ 我不知道这东西有这么贵。
 ☞ I didn't know it was so expensive.
 ☞ 问题有那么严重吗?
 ☞ Is the problem that serious?
 ☞ 她有热情、有朝气。
 ☞ She is full of vigor and enthusiasm.
 ☞ 这座位有人吗?
 ☞ Is the seat taken (occupied)?
 ☞ 还有许多事要做。
 ☞ Much still remains to be done.
 ☞ 他有病。
 ☞ He is ill.
 ☞ 北京有了很大的变化。
 ☞ Beijing has changed a lot.
 ☞ 在同志们的帮助下,化有了很大进步。
 ☞ With the help of his comrades, he has made great progress.
 ☞ 我们面前有两类社会矛盾。
 ☞ We are confronted with two types of social contradictions.
 ☞ 房间里有股霉味,可能是好久没人住了。
 ☞ The room smells of stale air. It must have been vacant for a long time.
有事 有事
1.have got a job,指有了工作。
 ☞ 她现在有事做了,待遇也不错。
 ☞ She's got a job now, and is pretty well paid, too.
2.be occupied,指有事缠身。
 ☞ 他有事,我来替他。
 ☞ He is occupied and I've come instead.
3.be engaged,指有事脱不开身。
 ☞ 今天下午我有事,不能去开会了。
 ☞ I'm engaged this afternoon, so I can't go to the meeting.
4.be busy,指有事在忙。
 ☞ 我今天有事,咱们改天再商量吧。
 ☞ I'm busy today. Let's talk it over another day.
5.a problem crops up,指有了问题。
 ☞ 有事可找我商量。
 ☞ Consult me when problems crop up.
6.there is trouble,指有了麻烦。
 ☞ 你放心,我看不会有事。
 ☞ Don't worry. I don't think there'll be any trouble.
7.something happens,指出了事。
 ☞ 做好准备,一旦有事好马上出动。
 ☞ Get prepared so that you can set off immediately if something happens.
8.something weighs on one's mind,指心里有事。
 ☞ 看他这几天一直愁眉苦脸的,心里准有事。
 ☞ Just look at the worried look he's been wearing all these days. There must be something weighing on his mind.
有关 有关
1.have something to do with,指与某事有一定关系,但又不便明言,故用something这样模棱两可的词。
 ☞ 他的生意与石油有关。
 ☞ His business has something to do with oil.
 ☞ 我认为她与这次事故有关。
 ☞ I think she has something to do with the accident.
2.have a bearing on,直接指与某事有关,语气比较明确。
 ☞ 这些政策跟他们对西方的态度有关。
 ☞ These policies have a bearing on their attitude towards the West.
 ☞ 这一次战役将与战争的全局有关。
 ☞ The campaign will have a bearing on the situation of the war as a whole。
3.relate to,指与涉及到的关系有关。
 ☞ 这些问题都跟哲学有关。
 ☞ All these questions relate to philosophy.
 ☞ 这些规定只与抽烟的人有关。
 ☞ These regulations relate only to people who smoke.
 ☞ 任何涉及工厂福利的事情都跟我们有关。
 ☞ Anything relating to the welfare of the factory concerns us.
 ☞ 这次会议大都与工农业有关。
 ☞ The meeting mostly concerned industry and agriculture.
  ■ 此外,concerned还可用作定语。
 ☞ 我们将不得不与有关方面进行磋商。
 ☞ We shall have to consult the other parties concerned.
 ☞ 亚洲有关国家将参加这次会议。
 ☞ The Asian countries concerned will attend the meeting.
5.be affected,指与受到某种负面影响有关。
 ☞ 我们必须保证可能受到影响的有关国家的合法权利。
 ☞ We must safeguard the legitimate rights of such countries as may be affected.
 ☞ 今年的歉收与干旱有关。
 ☞ The crop failure this year was affected by the drought.
 ☞ 他有关爱国主义的发言与庆祝独立纪念日有关。
 ☞ His remarks on patriotism were pertinent to the Independence Day celebration.
 ☞ 律师要求了解一切有关的细节。
 ☞ The lawyer wanted to know all the pertinent details.
7.relevant to,指与主题有关。
 ☞ 该电影与课堂讨论的内容有关。
 ☞ The film was relevant to what was being discussed in class.
 ☞ 任何有关信息都应报告警方。
 ☞ Any relevant information should be reported to the police.
有利 有利
1.benefit, beneficial to, 指物质上有利。
 ☞ 新广开工将大大有利于我市经济。
 ☞ The going into operation of the new factory will be a great benefit to the economy of our city.
 ☞ 这一新发现对所有患者有利。
 ☞ This new discovery will confer a benefit on all patients.
 ☞ 经济增长有利于全国人民。
 ☞ The economic growth has benefited the people all over the country.
 ☞ 这次结构调整有利于国计民生。
 ☞ The structural readjustment is beneficial to the national economy and the people's livelihood.
2.advantage, advantageous to,指在对比中显示出来的有利。
 ☞ 这笔交易有百利而无一弊。
 ☞ The deal has every advantage and not a single disadvantage.
 ☞ 形势对我们有利。
 ☞ The situation is to our advantage.
 ☞ 这件事用什么办法才对他们有利?
 ☞ In what way will it advantage them?
 ☞ 我很怀疑所提的方案是否对我们有利。
 ☞ am very doubtful whether the proposed scheme would be advantageous to us.
3.favor,favorable to,由于好感、偏爱等而获得的有利。
 ☞ 他们希望能在政治上取得有利地位作为财政支持的回报。
 ☞ They expected political favors in return for their financial help.
 ☞ 这一兑换率对我们有利。
 ☞ The exchange rate is in our favor.
 ☞ 温暖的气候、丰沛的雨量都有利于植物的生长。
 ☞ Warm weather and a plentiful rainfall favor the growth of plants.
 ☞ 情况向着有利于人民的方向发展。
 ☞ Things developed in the direction favorable to the people.
 ☞ 他说他的写作有利可图,但也从中得到了不少乐趣。
 ☞ He says he writes for profit, but also derives much pleasure from it.
 ☞ 这笔交易有利可图。
 ☞ The deal was profitable.
 ☞ 他往铺子里投了不少钱,希望将来有利可图。
 ☞ He put a lot of money into the firm with the hope of gain in the future.
有助于 有助于
 ☞ 大规模生产有助于降低成本。
 ☞ Mass production can help to keep cost down.
 ☞ 义务教育有助于提高人民的文化水平。
 ☞ Compulsory education helps to raise the educational level of the people.
2.contribute to,指有助于形成某种后果。
 ☞ 这次访问有助于增进我们两国人民更好的了解。
 ☞ The visit has contributed to a better understanding between the peoples of our two countries.
 ☞ 我们希望你的建议有助于这个问题的解决。
 ☞ We hope that your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.
3.conducive to,指性质上有助于。
 ☞ 体育锻炼有助于增强体质。
 ☞ Exercise is conducive to good health.
 ☞ 友爱和信任的气氛有助于教育。
 ☞ An atmosphere of love and trust is conducive to education.
4.conduce to, 指有助于产生。
 ☞ 作为推销员,他的亲和力有助于他取得成功。
 ☞ His affability conduces to success as a salesman.
 ☞ 这样的话不会有助于问题的解决。
 ☞ Such words will not conduce to the settlement of the question.
有害 有害
1.harm, harmful to,指对身心有害。
 ☞ 天天熬夜,对你有害。
 ☞ Staying up late night after night will do you harm.
 ☞ 在昏暗的灯光下阅读对眼睛有害。
 ☞ Reading in dim light harms your eyes.
 ☞ 吸烟有害健康。
 ☞ Smoking is harmful to health.
 ☞ 我们应该尽快消除邪教在人们中间的有害影响。
 ☞ We ought to efface the harmful influence of heresy among the people as soon as possible.
2.detriment, detrimental to,也指有害,与harm基本同义,但使用面窄,一般只用于to the detriment of(有害)等短语。
 ☞ 吸烟有害健康。
 ☞ Smoking is a detriment of health.或:Smoking is detrimental to health.
 ☞ 损害国家利益的话我是不会说的。
 ☞ I will say nothing to the detriment of the interests of the state.
 ☞ 土壤里的石灰对某些作物有害。
 ☞ Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants.
 ☞ 我们不做任何有害于我们两国友好关系的事。
 ☞ We will do nothing detrimental to the friendly relations between our two countries.
3.pernicious,指极其有害,等于very harmful。
 ☞ 他们由于自己的私利,当然要对有害影响保持沉默。
 ☞ Of course, they remain silent with regard to the pernicious effects owing to their own private gain.
 ☞ 吸烟对肺癌患者尤其有害。
 ☞ Smoking is especially pernicious to those who suffer from lung cancer.
有意 有意
1.have a mind,指有心。
 ☞ 我有意想拜访他,但又不想打扰他。
 ☞ I have a mind to call on him, but I don't want to disturb him.
2.be disposed,指愿意。
 ☞ 要是他有意帮你他就能帮。
 ☞ He can help you if he is disposed to.
3.be inclined,指倾向性的有意。
 ☞ 要是可能,我倒是有意助他一臂之力。
 ☞ I am inclined to lend him a hand if I could.
 ☞ 这书是他有意留在这里给我们看的。
 ☞ He has left this book here especially for us to read.
5.pine to love,指渴望情意。
 ☞ 谈到单相思,我们中国人常说:“落花有意,流水无情。”
 ☞ Of unrequired love we Chinese often say: "While the drooping flowers pine for love, the heartless brook babbles on."
6.on purpose, purposely,指怀有某种目的的有意。
 ☞ 她当然是有意这么干的。
 ☞ She did it on purpose, of course.
 ☞ 她在晚会上是有意不理我的。
 ☞ She purposely ignored me at the evening party.
 ☞ 让老虎逃走决不是事故,他是有意这么干的。
 ☞ Letting the tiger escape was no accident. He did it intentionally.
8.deliberately, 指蓄意的有意。
 ☞ 房子是有意放火烧掉的。
 ☞ The house was deliberately set fire to.
有效 有效
 ☞ 我们号召男女老少动员起来,使我们的防御更加有效。
 ☞ We are calling on men and women, old and young to join in making our defense more effective.
 ☞ 母亲还是责怪了儿子,尽管她的指责要比父亲轻, 但却更为有效。
 ☞ Mother has scolded her son after all, though her scolding was less hurtful than father's, yet has been more effective.
 ☞ 这药治哮喘病很有效。
 ☞ This is an efficacious drug for asthma.
 ☞ 种牛痘对预防天花很有效。
 ☞ Vaccination is efficacious in preventing smallpox.
 ☞ 这张火车票3日内有效。
 ☞ This train ticket is valid for three days.
 ☞ 你的护照在美国旅行有效吗?
 ☞ Is your passport valid for travel in the USA?
  ■ validate是valid 的动词。
 ☞ 为了使你与雇主间的协议有效,你们俩人都得签字。
 ☞ In order to validate the agreement between you and your employer, you must both sign it.
 ☞ 这个指令仍然有效。
 ☞ The directive still holds good.
 ☞ 我的提议依然有效。
 ☞ My offer still holds.
有益 有益
 ☞ 部队严格的纪律会对年轻人的行为举止产生有益的影响。
 ☞ The strict discipline of the army unit has a beneficial effect on the conduct of youth.
 ☞ 一切有益的东西我们都应该吸收。
 ☞ We must assimilate whatever is beneficial.
 ☞ 牛奶对孩子有益。
 ☞ Milk is good to children.
 ☞ 阳光有益于你的健康。
 ☞ Sunshine is good for your health.
3.valuable,of value,指在实现价值上产生的有益之处。
 ☞ 他在中国文学研究上做出了有益的贡献。
 ☞ He has made valuable contributions to the study of Chinese literature.
 ☞ 一定要做一个有益于人民的人。
 ☞ Be sure to be a person who is of value to the people.
 ☞ 这次事故给我们上了有益的一课。
 ☞ We learned a useful lesson from the accident.
 ☞ 学生们花了整整一个星期来实习技术,这对他们今后修理机器有益。
 ☞ The students spent a whole week on exercising their skill, which will be useful for them in repairing machines。
有缘 有缘
1.it's fate, 指命中注定的事。
 ☞ 我们有缘,又碰上了。
 ☞ It's fate for us. We meet again.
2.be predetermined by fate,指命中预先注定。
 ☞ 这似乎是有缘吧,一个妙龄女郎竟会嫁给比她大 40岁的男士。
 ☞ It seemed to be predetermined by fate that a young lady should have married a gentleman forty years older than she was.
3.be predestined from a previous incarnation,指前世注定。
 ☞ 你们俩结为夫妻也是前世有缘。
 ☞ Your union was predestined from a previous incarnation.
4.there is a bond,指有某种姻缘。
 ☞ 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。
 ☞ If there is a bond between them, the two will meet across a thousand庇;without a bond, they will not meet though face to face.
5.have an affinity with,指有着某种亲密关系。
 ☞ 余平生与梅有缘,既画之,又赋之。
 ☞ All my life I have had an affinity with plum blossoms. Having painted them, I also versify them.
6.as luck would have it, 指仿佛是命运的安排。
 ☞ 也算是有缘吧,她在晚会上碰上了我,后来又成了我的妻子。
 ☞ As luck would have it, she ran across me at the evening party and became my wife later.
7.it is decreed from above,指上天注定。
 ☞ 要是有缘,千里姻缘也可一线牵。
 ☞ People a thousand li apart might be linked by marriage as well if it is decreed from above.
有限 有限
1.limited, 与unlimited相对,指时空、数量、能量上的限制。
 ☞ 由于时间有限,我只简短地谈一谈争论的主要方面。
 ☞ As time is limited I shall touch on the major aspects of the controversy only very briefly.
 ☞ 篇幅有限,无法详细讨论发展中国家的贸易政策。
 ☞ The limited space does not permit a detailed discussion of commercial policy in developing countries.
 ☞ 我这个人能力有限,所以不要对我期望过高。
 ☞ I'm a man of limited ability so don't place too high hopes on me.
  ■ 此外,limit还可用作名词。
 ☞ 人的生命是有限的,但为人民服务是无限的。
 ☞ There is a limit to one's life, but no limit to serving the people.
 ☞ 你的时间和精力都是有限的,应当珍惜。
 ☞ You should value your energy and time, which have their limit.
 ☞ 我们都认为宇宙是无限的,而我们的星系是有限的。
 ☞ We hold that the universe is infinite while our galaxy is finite.
 ☞ 像癌症、艾滋病等不治之症永远是有限生命所特有的特征。
 ☞ Incurable ills such as cancer and AIDS are always characteristic of finite life.
3.little(用于不可数名词),a few(用于可数名词),指数量上少得有限。
 ☞ 她的文化水平有限。
 ☞ She has had little schooling.
 ☞ 我认识的汉字有限。
 ☞ I know a few Chinese characters.
服从 服从
 ☞ 服从命令是军人的天职。
 ☞ It is a bounden duty for a soldier to obey orders.
 ☞ 局部应该服从全局。
 ☞ The part should obey the whole.
 ☞ 你应当服从父母。
 ☞ You ought to obey your parents.
 ☞ 你不服从是会被开除的。
 ☞ You'll be dismissed if you refuse to obey.
 ☞ 他服从医生的指导。
 ☞ He obeyed the doctor's direction.
 ☞ 你知道我是怎么使我的狗服从我的吗?
 ☞ Do you know how I make my dog obey me?
 ☞ 我是由于害怕才服从的。
 ☞ I obeyed from fear.
2.submit to,常指由于某种外界的因素和压力、习俗、惯例等,而不得不作出让步,侧重在让步的服从。
 ☞ 中国人民决不会服从这种不公正的决议。
 ☞ The Chinese people will never submit to such an unjust decision.
 ☞ 少数应该服从多数。
 ☞ The minority should submit to the majority.
 ☞ 我服从革命斗争的需要。
 ☞ I submit to the necessity of the revolutionary struggle.
 ☞ 学生应当服从校长的命令。
 ☞ Children at school must submit to the orders of the headmaster.
 ☞ 他拒不服从医生的指导。
 ☞ He refused to submit to the doctor's direction.
3.give way to,指让出路来服从。侧重这种服从要有一定牺牲。
 ☞ 在局部看来是不可行的,而在全局的情况看来是可行的,也应该局部服从全局。
 ☞ If the proposal is not feasible for the part but is feasible in the light of the situation as a whole, again the part must give way to the whole.
 ☞ 尽管党的决议是错误的,我们当时也只好服从。
 ☞ We had to give way to the Party's decision though it was wrong.
4.subordinate to, be subordinate to,侧重从属式的服从,区别在于前者指动态,后者指静态。
 ☞ 他总把个人需要服从政治利益。
 ☞ He always subordinates his personal needs to his political interests.
 ☞ 我们的其他一切都服从我们的主要目的。
 ☞ We have subordinated everything else to our main aim.
 ☞ 个人利益应服从集体利益。
 ☞ Individual interests must be subordinate to collective interests.
 ☞ 我们大家只有一个目标,就是尽可能译好,因而一切都应服从这一目标。
 ☞ We all had only one objective, which was to make the translation as good as possible, and everything was subordinate to that.
5.be in accord with,侧重要求一致而带出的服从。
 ☞ 一切服从建设四个现代化的战略决策。
 ☞ Everything must be in accord with the strategic decision to build four modernizations.
 ☞ 我们无论做什么事情都应服从人民的利益。
 ☞ Whatever we do ought to be in accord with the interests of the people.
 ☞ 你的行动应该服从公司的想法。
 ☞ Your action should be in accord with the wishes of the company.
6.comply with,侧重遵守某项法令、要求等的服从。
 ☞ 拒不服从这一法令的人将受到惩治。
 ☞ People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.
 ☞ 他知道如果他不服从国家的要求,他就得承担后果。
 ☞ He knows if he does not comply with the requirements of the state he must take the consequences.
7.serve the needs of,仅指服从需要。
 ☞ 组织形式应当服从革命斗争的需要。
 ☞ Organizational forms should serve the needs of the revolutionary struggle.
 ☞ 水电站的设计应服从远距离供电的需要。
 ☞ The design of hydro-electric stations must serve the needs of long-distance power supply.
期待 期待
 ☞ 她一直期待着儿子的到来。
 ☞ She expected her son's arrival at any moment.
 ☞ 你不可能期待每个人都赞成建造新教学大楼的计划。
 ☞ You can't expect everyone to approve of the plan for a new teaching building.
  ■ expect有时也可用于期待注定要发生的坏事。
 ☞ 她期待着她深深爱着的丈夫会在黎明前死去。
 ☞ She expected her husband, whom she loved deeply, to die before dawn.
2.await, 指被动地等待事情的发生。因此与expect同义,故可以与之换用。但其后一般接物,很少接人。
 ☞ 我期待着你早日答复。
 ☞ I'm awaiting (expecting) your early reply.
 ☞ 高考过后,同学们都焦急地期待着发榜。
 ☞ After the college entrance examinations, the students were awaiting anxiously the result to be published.
3.look forward to,指急切盼望好事的发生。
 ☞ 我们一直都在期待这一天。
 ☞ We've been looking forward to this day for a long time.
 ☞ 她发现自己愈来愈期待着与他再次会面。
 ☞ She found herself looking forward more and more to another meeting with him.
期望 期望
 ☞ 如果你不工作又如何期望取得进展呢?
 ☞ How can you expect to make headway if you don't work?
 ☞ 我并不期望任何人由于我的善意而感恩戴德。
 ☞ I don't expect any gratitude from anyone for my kindness.
2.count on,指指望好事,与expect同义,可换用,但比expect强烈,有“一心期待”的意思。
 ☞ 老人期望儿子能获得博士学位。
 ☞ The old man counts on (expects) his son to receive a doctor's degree.
 ☞ 我们总是期望李先生能为我们的科研提供方便条件。
 ☞ We always count on (expect) Mr. Li to offer convenient conditions for our research.
3.look forward to,指急切地盼望。
 ☞ 我期望着不久会收到你的来信。
 ☞ I look forward to hearing from you in the near time.
 ☞ 她期望着和家人团聚。
 ☞ She was looking forward to her family reunion.
 ☞ 我们个个都期望有个好成绩。
 ☞ Everyone of us awaited the good result.
 ☞ 她早就期望这一天了。
 ☞ She had long awaited this day.
5.place hopes on, pin hopes on, have hopes,均指希望、期望、指望。
 ☞ 党和人民对我们期望很高。
 ☞ The Party and the people place high hopes on us.
 ☞ 我们期望明年有一个较长的假期。
 ☞ We are pinning hopes on having a long holiday next year.
 ☞ 父母一般对子女的期望都很高。
 ☞ Parents have high hopes for their children.
 ☞ 找们决不辜负祖国对我们的期望。
 ☞ We will never disappoint our motherland in her expectation of us.
 ☞ 我们决不辜负党的期望。
 ☞ We'll certainly live up to the expectations of the Party,或We'll never let the Party down.
期满 期满
1.run out,指到期,口头用语。
 ☞ 合同期满后可望做出停产的决定。
 ☞ A decision to stop production after the contract runs out is expected.
 ☞ 也许你打算在租期期满前搬迁。
 ☞ Maybe you will want to move before your lease runs out.
 ☞ 两国贸易协定明年期满。
 ☞ The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year.
 ☞ 我们的驾驶证下周期满后要换个新的。
 ☞ Our driving license will expire next week, so we shall then need a new one.
3.come to an end, 指结束,常用语。
 ☞ 他的总统任职今年期满。
 ☞ His term of office as president comes to an end this year.
 ☞ 你的租约今年9月30日期满。
 ☞ Your lease comes to an end on September 30th of this year.
 ☞ 他服役期满。
 ☞ He completed his term of military service.
 ☞ 这个学年期满时我就退休了。
 ☞ I shall be retired when this school year is completed.
期间 期间
1) 在during,in后接表示时间的名词,表示事情发生在从头到尾的某段时间,这时两者可以换用。
 ☞ 在此期间她卧病在床。
 ☞ She was confined to bed during (in) this period.
 ☞ 在此期间他一直情绪低落。
 ☞ During (in) the very time he had been in low spirits.
2) during后接表示活动的名词,则不能与in替换。
 ☞ 他对在访问期间的所见所闻印象深刻。
 ☞ He was deeply impressed by what he had seen and heard during his visit.
 ☞ 我在服役期间有过丰富的战斗经历。
 ☞ I had rich combat experiences during military service。
  ■ 有时有些名词与其说是动词,倒不如说是状态,这时也可与in换用。
 ☞ 总经理不在期间由你代理他的工作。
 ☞ You act for the general manager during (in) his absence.(等于in the period of his absence)
3) during (in) the course of后接表示活动的名词,表示一个过程,可互相换用。
 ☞ 战斗期间,我们赢得了胜利。
 ☞ During (in) the course of the fight we have won the victory.
 ☞ 在旅行期间,我把一切都告诉了他。
 ☞ During (In) the course of journey I told him everything.
 ☞ 在讨论进行期间,老板进来了。
 ☞ While the discussion was going on, the boss came in.
 ☞ 我在国外逗留期间,公司出现了亏损。
 ☞ Loss was incurred in the company while I was staying abroad.
  ■ 不过有时while引导的从句中的某些成分可以省略。
 ☞ 他在住院期间读了不少的小说。。
 ☞ While in hospital, he read a lot of novels 他在隐匿期间从未中断过革命工作。
 ☞ While in hiding, he never discontinued his revolutionary work.
期限 期限
 ☞ 我们老师规定星期五下午为交读书笔记的最后期限。
 ☞ Our teacher made Friday afternoon the deadline for handing in reading notes.
 ☞ 申请期限下星期五截止。
 ☞ The deadline for making application is next Friday.
2.allotted time,指规定期限,强调规定的时段。
 ☞ 必须在规定的期限内完成这项工作。
 ☞ The work must be finished within the allotted time.
 ☞ 这项任务规定了多长期限?
 ☞ How much time has been allotted to this task?
3.time limit,指限定的期限,强调限定的时段。
 ☞ 工程规定的期限是3年。
 ☞ The project set a time limit of three years.
 ☞ 我们可以申请延长还款的期限。
 ☞ We can apply for extending the time limit for the repayment.
未必 未必
1.may not,指不一定,是“必定”的反义词,带有委婉的语气,强调可能性。
 ☞ 他未必会同意你的意见。
 ☞ He may not agree with your advice.
 ☞ 我认为这未必是新的物种。
 ☞ In my opinion it may not be a new species.
  ■ may not和cannot比较,口气要缓和得多。
 ☞ 她未必在家。
 ☞ She may not be at home,试比较:她不可能在家。
 ☞ She can't be at home.
2.not necessarily,指不必,是“必须”的反义词。
 ☞ 带有委婉的语气,强调必然牲。
 ☞ 他未必知道。
 ☞ He doesn't necessarily know.(由于不让知道,所以才不知道)试比较:He may not know.(由于不可能知道,所以才不知道)
  ■ 由此可见not necessarily的语气比may not强烈。
 ☞ 富人未必幸福。
 ☞ Rich people are not necessarily happy.
 ☞ 食物色佳未必味佳。
 ☞ Good-looking food doesn't necessarily taste good 魁梧的人未必是强壮的人。
 ☞ Big men are not necessarily strong men.
本来 本来
1) 用hope, expect, intend, mean, plan, want, think,suppose的过去完成时,表示没完成的希望、打算、意图、想法、计划等。
 ☞ 我们本来希望赶9点半的火车,但发现已经晚了。
 ☞ We had hoped to catch the 9:30 train, but found we were late.
 ☞ 唉,我那篇论19世纪英国文学的论文只得了个 B,我本来想得个A的。
 ☞ Oh, I only got a B level for my paper on the 19th century English literature! I had expected to get A.
 ☞ 昨晚,我本来打算来看你,但有人来找我,脱不开身。
 ☞ I had intended to come over to see you last night, but someone called and I couldn't get away.
 ☞ 他们本来想告诉你的,但发现你已经睡了。
 ☞ They had meant to tell you, but found you had gone to bed.
 ☞ 她本来打算给孩子买个洋娃娃,可后来发现钱不够。
 ☞ She had planned to buy her baby a doll but then she found there was not enough money.
 ☞ 他本来是要准时到会的,只是太心不在焉才弄成这样。
 ☞ He had wanted to be on time for the meeting only that he was too absent-minded.
 ☞ 我本来以为节目会成功。
 ☞ I had thought that the program would be successful.
 ☞ 本来以为天会下雨。
 ☞ It had been supposed to rain.
2) 在be的过去时后面接不定式的完成时表示要做而未做的事。
 ☞ 我们本来定于5月结婚。
 ☞ We were to have been married in May.
 ☞ 宴会本来拟在昨晚举行。
 ☞ The dinner was to have taken place last night.
 ☞ 他本来第一个发言,但来晚了。
 ☞ He was to have given the first talk, but he came late.
 ☞ 飞机本来打算6点起飞,但出了点故障。
 ☞ The plane was to have taken off at six, but something went wrong.
3) 在should, would, could, might, ought to后接不定式的完成时可表示一种轻微的责备或惋惜,表示本来该做却没有做的事(用肯定句)或表示本来不该做的事却做了(用否定句)。
 ☞ 我本来应该制止你做这件事的。
 ☞ I should have stopped you from doing this.
 ☞ 你本来不该睡得那么晚。
 ☞ You shouldn't have gone to bed so late.
 ☞ 如果你当时向我要,我本来是会给你的。
 ☞ I would have given it to you if you had asked for it.
 ☞ 你要是多穿点衣服,本来是不会着凉的。
 ☞ You wouldn't have caught cold if you had put on more clothes.
 ☞ 你本来是能够帮助你弟弟摆脱困境的。
 ☞ You could have helped your brother out of his difficulty.
 ☞ 要不是你们来帮忙,我们本来是不可能开那么多荒地的。
 ☞ We couldn't have opened up so much wasteland if you had not come to help.
 ☞ 你本来是可以早一点完成这一工作的。
 ☞ You might have finished the work earlier.
 ☞ 要不是先派你请医生,他本来是不会来的。
 ☞ The doctor might not have come if you hadn't been sent for him in advance.
 ☞ 如果多用一点时间,你本来应当把工作做得更好。
 ☞ You ought to have done the job better if you had put more time into it.
 ☞ 他本来不该参加那些活动的。
 ☞ He ought not to have taken part in those activities.
1) 用original,originally,表示“原先”,“先前”。
 ☞ 他本来想成为一个工程师。
 ☞ His original intention was to become an engineer.
 ☞ 他本来估计这幢房屋的建筑费用为10万美元。
 ☞ His original estimate for the cost of the house was a hundred thousand dollars.
 ☞ 大会本来定在星期五举行。
 ☞ The meeting was originally fixed for Friday.
2) 用of course表示理所当然,答问时慎用。
 ☞ 本来就该这么办。
 ☞ Of course it should be handled that way.
 ☞ 你本来就认识那姑娘,她在过你班上。
 ☞ Of course you know the girl. She was in your class.
3) 用true,truth,actually等表示事实如此。
 ☞ 在长期的革命斗争过程中,我们认清了他的本来面目。
 ☞ In the course of the revolutionary struggle, we have seen his true colors.
 ☞ 只有把颠倒了的历史再颠倒过来,我们才能恢复历史的本来面目。
 ☞ Only by reversing the reversal of history can we restore historical truth.
 ☞ 我们应当按照历史的本来面目来认识世界。
 ☞ We ought to understand the world according to what actually occurred in history.
本着 本着
1.从坚持某种准则出发,可译做adhere to。
 ☞ 双方本着平等互利的原则,达成了一项贸易协定。
 ☞ Both sides have reached a trade agreement adhering to the principles of equality and mutual benefit.
 ☞ 他无论干什么都本着说过的话去做。
 ☞ Whatever he does. he always adheres to what he has said.
 ☞ 办一切事业都要本着节约的原则。
 ☞ In running all enterprises we should observe the principle of frugality.
 ☞ 本着规章制度办事总是对的。
 ☞ It is always right to do everything observing rules and regulations.
3.从受到某种准则的驱使和促使出发,可译be actuated by, be motivated by。
 ☞ 我国外长本着增进两国之间友好关系的愿望同日本外长交换了意见。
 ☞ Our foreign minister exchanged views with his colleague of Japan, actuated by a desire to promote friendly relations between our two countries.
 ☞ 大学生本着为人民服务的愿望,上街宣传法制。
 ☞ Motivated by the desire to serve the people, the college students go on to the streets to propagate legal institutions.
4.从某种准则一致出发,可译in line with。
 ☞ 我国政府本着维护和平的一贯立场,强烈谴责了大小霸权主义的武装干涉。
 ☞ In line with its consistent stand of upholding peace, our government strongly condemned the big and small hegemonism for their armed interventions.
 ☞ 本着事先的决定,全国人民代表大会将于5月1日举行。
 ☞ The National People's Congress will be convened on the first of May in line with an earlier decision.
5.本着某种精神,可译为in the spirit of。
 ☞ 中国政府本着五项原则的精神,同许多国家建立了外交关系。
 ☞ In the spirit of the five principles, the Chinese government has established diplomatic relations with many other countries.
 ☞ 任何翻译都应本着忠实于原文的精神去做。
 ☞ Any translation must be done in the spirit of being faithful to the original.
机会 机会
 ☞ 是第一次世界大战给了中国一次发展轻工业的机会。
 ☞ It was World War I that gave China a chance to develop her light industry.
 ☞ 你资历学历越高,你就业的机会就越大。
 ☞ The higher your qualifications, the better your chances of finding a job.
 ☞ 10年以后,我终于有了一个赴美进修的机会。
 ☞ After ten years I finally had an opportunity to go to the United States for advanced study.
 ☞ 1999年,我获得了能全职投入历史文物研究的机会。
 ☞ In 1999, I was given the opportunity to pursue historical and antiquarian research full time.
 ☞ 我们应抓住机会,邀请企业家代表团来我市访问。
 ☞ We must seize the occasion to invite the delegation of big businessmen to our city for a visit.
 ☞ 只要出现更为合适的机会,我要再次查阅此事。
 ☞ I shall refer to the matter again only when a more suitable occasion arises.

1.kill, 指杀的事实,不带感情色彩,不讲方式方法。
 ☞ 昨天晚上她开着煤气自杀了。
 ☞ She turned on the gas and killed herself last night.
 ☞ 这就是我们说的“杀鸡取蛋”。
 ☞ That is what we call "To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs".
  ■ 如果要说明白杀的方式方法,则要加词。
 ☞ 日本兵把全村的村民都杀光了。
 ☞ The Japanese soldiers killed off all the villagers.
 ☞ 卫兵是被枪杀的。
 ☞ The guard was killed with a rifle.
2.murder, 指带有某种目的的谋杀。
 ☞ 他毒杀了他的妻子。
 ☞ He murdered his wife with poison.
 ☞ 你是为了钱杀人的。
 ☞ You murdered the man for his money.
 ☞ 肯尼迪总统于1963年11月22日在竞选途中的达拉斯被杀。
 ☞ President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22. 1963 in Dallas on a campaign tour.
 ☞ 也许他们想杀我。
 ☞ Perhaps they intended to assassinate me.
 ☞ 兽医杀了受了重伤的马。
 ☞ The vet dispatched the badly injured horse.
 ☞ 我求你一枪把我杀了。
 ☞ I ask you to dispatch me at your first shot.
5.execute, 指按上级的指令进行处决。
 ☞ 少校以上的军官一律要杀掉。
 ☞ All officers of rank of major and above must be executed.
 ☞ 什么样的人我们不杀呢?
 ☞ What kind of people are those we don't execute?
 ☞ 凶手把全家人都杀了。
 ☞ The killer slaughtered the entire family.
 ☞ 他们是一伙沾满鲜血、杀人不眨眼的刽子手。
 ☞ They are a gang of blood-stained executioners, who slaughter people without blinking.
 ☞ 这次失败似乎杀了那家伙的傲气。
 ☞ The failure seemed to deflate that fellow.
 ☞ 狠狠打他一顿,杀杀他的傲气。
 ☞ Give him a good beating to deflate his arrogance.
束缚 束缚
1.tie, 所指的束缚仍暗示能保持相对的独立,故这种束缚比较松散。
 ☞ 家庭的束缚使她无法出国深造。
 ☞ Family ties have kept her from going abroad for advanced study.
 ☞ 他决心做个画家仅仅是为了挣脱令人讨厌的束缚。
 ☞ He has determined to be a painter merely to break with irksome ties.
 ☞ 国家的命运垂危时,人民的双手不该受到束缚。
 ☞ The people's hands must not be tied when the nation's life is in danger.
 ☞ 作为一个有夫之妇,她的荣誉感在束缚着她。
 ☞ Her sense of honor has tied her down as a married woman.
2.bond, bind (down),所指的束缚强于tie,有tie tightly的意思,从而使这种束缚形成一个整体。
 ☞ 一直有一种说法,就是只有将死之人才是自由的, 因为死亡挣脱了一切束缚。
 ☞ It has been said that only the dying man is free, for death breaks every bond.
 ☞ 我所向往的不朽必须是摆脱了尘世间的精神束缚的不朽。
 ☞ The immortality, to which I look forward, shall be the immortality free from the spiritual bonds of this world.
 ☞ 年轻一代的科学家们都感到了许多规章制度的束缚。
 ☞ Young scientists feel bound down by a lot of rules and regulations.
 ☞ 老年人习惯上往往受到陈规陋习的束缚。
 ☞ Old people are used to being bound by old conventions and bad customs.
 ☞ 世界自由贸易往往感受到政治的束缚。
 ☞ World free trade often feels bound by political fetters.
 ☞ 艺术家总是首先起来造反,反对习俗和传统的束缚。
 ☞ Artists are always the first to rebel against the fetters of convention and tradition.
 ☞ 我们尊崇传统,但不会受传统的束缚。
 ☞ We revere the tradition but will not be fettered by it.
 ☞ 很多人都受到自信心缺乏的束缚。
 ☞ Many people are fettered by lack of self-confidence.
 ☞ 非洲人民已经觉醒,为挣脱过去的束缚而斗争。
 ☞ The African people have awakened to struggle for shaking off shackles of the past.
 ☞ 是改革开放使人们冲破了旧框框的束缚。
 ☞ It is the reform and opening to the outside world that make people throw old convention to the winds.
 ☞ 人们常常受到无知和迷信的束缚。
 ☞ People are often shackled by ignorance and superstition.
 ☞ 宗教会束缚一个人的心灵。
 ☞ Religion can shackle a person's mind.
5.trammel, 指网罗的束缚。
 ☞ 诗人的想像力必须是自由的,他得摆脱传统习俗的束缚。
 ☞ The poet's imagination must be free. He has to throw off the trammels of tradition and convention.
 ☞ 我们村的妇女冲破旧思想的束缚,走上了自力更生的道路。
 ☞ Having smashed the trammels of old ideas, the women of our village have taken the road of self-reliance.
 ☞ 她是个言行都受到社会习俗束缚的淑女。
 ☞ She was a fair lady whose speech and behavior were trammeled by the usages of the society.
 ☞ 海员的生活既束缚得要命,又自由得无边。
 ☞ A sailor's life is dangerously trammeled and dangerously free.
 ☞ 你想结婚,就得准备接受婚姻的束缚。
 ☞ You must be ready for the yoke of marriage if you are going to get married.
 ☞ 要挣脱束缚,获得自由。
 ☞ Shake off your yoke and be free.
条件 条件
 ☞ 他得不断地写作,因为写作是他生存下去的条件。
 ☞ He had to keep writing, for writing was a condition of his survival.
 ☞ 工会一直在争取改善我们的工作条件。
 ☞ The trade union has been striving to improve our working conditions.
 ☞ 如果3项先决条件得不到满足,我们将拒绝谈判。
 ☞ We'll refuse to negotiate unless three preliminary conditions are met.
  ■ on condition that可用作连词,意为“条件是”。
 ☞ 你们完全可以自由地发运供应品,条件是没有外国军舰护航。
 ☞ You will be fully free to ship off supplies on condition that there must be no foreign escort.
 ☞ 她可以出院,条件是要注意饮食。
 ☞ She can leave hospital on condition that she will feed herself sensibly.
  ■ 此外,condition还用作动词。
 ☞ 她接受了他的邀请,条件是他第二天晚上得来聚餐。
 ☞ She conditioned her acceptance of his invitation on his coming to dinner next evening.
 ☞ 给我儿子自行车的条件是他得考上大学。
 ☞ The gift of a bicycle to my son was conditioned on his being admitted to the university.
 ☞ 根据协议的条件,中国渔船获准每年可以捕捞一定限量的鱼。
 ☞ According to the terms of the agreement, Chinese ships will be allowed to take a limited amount of fish each year.
 ☞ 告诉他们必须按我们的条件投降,不能谈判。
 ☞ Tell them they must surrender on our terms, there will be no negotiation.
  ■ 不过,term有时也可用来表示价格、费用方面的条件。其实广义上也是一种协议的条件。
 ☞ 我们出售的货物,条件非常优惠。
 ☞ We sell goods at very favorable terms.
 ☞ 中国政府向我们贷款5,000万美元,并不附带任何条件。
 ☞ The government of China granted to us a loan amounting to fifty million American dollars with no strings attached.
 ☞ 他们提供的援助总是要提条件的。
 ☞ They always make strings when any aid is provided.
 ☞ 健康、才能、勤奋都是一个人事业成功的条件。
 ☞ Health, ability and industry are all factors of success in one's career.
 ☞ 这是一个跟他们谈判时一定不能忽视的条件。
 ☞ This is a factor which we must certainly not neglect when we negotiate with them.
5.on a…basis,常用来指某种方式的条件。
 ☞ 我们可以在对等的条件下给予优惠待遇。
 ☞ We can give preferential treatment on a reciprocal basis.
 ☞ 你准备以什么条件来按期支付。
 ☞ On what basis are you going to make payment on time?
 ☞ 神经坚强是高空作业的必要条件。
 ☞ Strong nerves are a requisite for the work high above the ground.
 ☞ 他的父母为他的高考提供了一切必要条件。
 ☞ His parents provided every requisite for his taking college entrance examination.
 ☞ 高考成绩优良是进入大学的先决条件。
 ☞ A good pass in the college entrance examination is a prerequisite for university.
 ☞ 在许多第三世界国家中,土地改革仍然是经济发展的一个先决条件。
 ☞ In many Third World countries land reform remains a prerequisite for economic development.
 ☞ 成功的水资源管理至少要满足3项基本条件。
 ☞ Successful water resources management must satisfy at least three basic requirements.
 ☞ 耐心是教学的必要条件。
 ☞ Patience is a requirement in teaching.
9.qualification, qualify,指适应某项工作所需要的条件。
 ☞ 做这项工作需要什么条件?
 ☞ What qualifications do you need for this job?
 ☞ 熟悉道路是做向导的一个条件。
 ☞ To know the way is one qualification for a guide.
 ☞ 他在争取条件入党。
 ☞ He is striving to qualify for Party membership.
 ☞ 十月革命为中国共产党的诞生准备了条件。
 ☞ The October Revolution has prepared the ground for the founding of the CPC.
 ☞ 没有群众支持这个条件就不要进行任何带群众性的改革工作。
 ☞ Without popular support, no reform of a mass character should be attempted.
 ☞ 此区地形险要,群众条件好,回旋余地大,安全方面有保障。
 ☞ It is an area where we have a favorable mountainous terrain, a good mass base, plenty of room for maneuver, and full guarantee for security.

 ☞ 他今天来了两次。
 ☞ He came twice today.
 ☞ 爸爸明天来昆明。
 ☞ Dad is coming to Kunming tomorrow.
  ■ come后可接动词不定式,可表示来的目的。
 ☞ 他是来告别的。
 ☞ He came to say good-bye.
 ☞ 我打算明天来看你,但现在发现来不了了。
 ☞ I am coming to see you tomorrow, but now I find I can't.
 ☞ 我们支援你们来了。
 ☞ We've come to help you out.
 ☞ 他们是来汇报调查结果的。
 ☞ They've come to report the findings of the investigation.
  ■ come后接表示方向的副词可指运动的方向。如:
 ☞ 两小时后,他回来了。
 ☞ He came back two hours later.
 ☞ 我马上就下来。
 ☞ I'll come down in a minute.
 ☞ 外面在下雨,进来吧。
 ☞ Come in! It's raining outside.
 ☞ 你出来一下好吗?我想跟你说句话。
 ☞ Come out, will you? I'd like to have a word with you.
  ■ 此外,come about (up)可以表示“发生”。
 ☞ 这事故是怎么来的?
 ☞ How did the accident come about?
 ☞ 问题又来了。
 ☞ A problem has come up again.
2.be here,强调来后的状态或目的。
 ☞ 客人是来向你道喜的。
 ☞ Guests are here to congratulate you.
 ☞ 原来你已来啦。
 ☞ So you're here already.
 ☞ 他看你来了。
 ☞ He is here to see you.
 ☞ 今天我家来客人了。
 ☞ We have guests today.
 ☞ 我们没吃肉,来了条鱼。
 ☞ We had fish instead of meat.
 ☞ 那么来点咖啡吧,好不好?
 ☞ Then have some coffee, will you?
 ☞ 你想来盘棋吗?
 ☞ Will you have a game of chess?
 ☞ 他给我来过两封信。
 ☞ He sent me two letters.
 ☞ 我们可以来几个人帮忙。
 ☞ We can send some people over to help.
 ☞ 我们正顶不住的时候,增援部队来了。
 ☞ Reinforcements were sent when we were losing ground.
5.let me或let's后接不带to的动词不定式,也作“来”解,都带有“自我建议”的意思。
 ☞ 大家来想办法解决。
 ☞ Let's think of a way to solve the problem.
 ☞ 咱们来点冷饮。
 ☞ Let's have something iced to drink.
 ☞ 你歇一会,我来干。
 ☞ You take a rest and let me do it.
 ☞ 你去打水,我来生炉子。
 ☞ You go and get some water and let me light the stove.
  ■ 不过上面的let me也可用I'll来替代。如上面两句也可译成:You take a rest and I'll do it. You go and get some water and I'll light the stove.
6.“得”或“不”与“来”搭配,用在动词之后,指某种可能或不可能。一般用can,cannot,able, unable表示。
 ☞ 这个歌我唱得来。
 ☞ I can sing this song.
 ☞ 我做不来这道题。
 ☞ I can't do the problem.
 ☞ 尽管坡陡,这种汽车上得来。
 ☞ This kind of car is able to come up though the slope is steep.
 ☞ 他是大事做不来,小事看不起。
 ☞ He is unable to do big jobs and looks down on small ones.
 ☞ 我们来年的日子会好过一点。
 ☞ Our time will be easier in the coming year.
 ☞ 据说,来年春天的雨水多。
 ☞ It is said that there will be plenty of rain next spring.
 ☞ 别着急,来日方长。
 ☞ Don't worry! There will be time for that.
 ☞ 两个月来他一直独自生活。
 ☞ For two months he has lived alone.
 ☞ 过去10年来,我区已有了很大的进步。
 ☞ Our region has made great advance over the last ten years.
来不及 来不及
1.there's no time, don't have time, can't find time,指没有足够的时间,因而来不及。
 ☞ 今天我们来不及去看他了。
 ☞ There's no time for us to go and see him today.
 ☞ 我来不及写信给他了。
 ☞ There's no time for me to write a letter to him.
 ☞ 我马上要走,来不及吃饭了。
 ☞ I'm leaving now, I don't have time to have dinner.
 ☞ 我来不及向刘先生当面辞行,十分抱歉。
 ☞ I'm sorry I couldn't find time to say good-bye to Mr.
 ☞ Liu.
2.it's too late, 指太晚、太迟,因而来不及。
 ☞ 赶头班车,恐怕是来不及了。
 ☞ I'm afraid it's too late to catch the first train.
 ☞ 观在写信是来不及了,还是给他发个电报吧。
 ☞ It's too late to reach him by letter. Better send him a telegram.
 ☞ 那位解放军说声“再见”就骑车走了,我连他姓名都来不及问。
 ☞ The PLA man called out a "good-bye" and rode off before I could ask his name.
 ☞ 我来不及说声“谢谢”,他就消失在拐角处了。
 ☞ Before I could say "Thank you" , he had disappeared around the comer.
来得及 来得及
1.there's still time, have enough time,指还有时间因而来得及。
 ☞ 赶快去,还来得及。
 ☞ Co at once while there's still time.
 ☞ 你赶末班车还来得及。
 ☞ There's still time for you to catch the last bus.
 ☞ 现在7点,我们赶到火车站还来得及。
 ☞ It's seven now, we have enough time to get to the railway station.
 ☞ 你来得及做完吗?
 ☞ Do you have enough time to finish it?
2.in time,指由于及时还来得及。
 ☞ 春耕前把拖拉机修好,来得及吗?
 ☞ Can you get the tractor repaired in time for the spring ploughing?
 ☞ 我们来得及赶火车。
 ☞ We'll be in time for the train.
3.can make it, 指能按时到达目的地,因而来得及。
 ☞ 我们把车开快点,还来得及。
 ☞ We can make it if we drive a bit faster.
 ☞ 我希望能在1点钟赶到聚会地点,你来得及吗?
 ☞ I hope to get to the meeting place at one o'clock. Can you make it?
 ☞ 同义词。其区别是前者着重在结果的陈述而后者着重在推测、预料。
1) before,指一个动作没来得及发生而另一个动作已发生了。
 ☞ 他没来得及爬起来,男孩已经跑得老远了。
 ☞ The boy was already far away before he got up.
 ☞ 事情没来得及充分讨论就付诸表决了。
 ☞ Before it was fully discussed the matter was put to the vote.
2) not quick enough,指动作不够快,因而没来得及。
 ☞ 她想来抢信,但没来得及。
 ☞ She attempted to snatch at the letter but was not quick enough.
 ☞ 我没来得及看清楚。
 ☞ I was not quick enough to see it clearly.

 ☞ 这件事极能说明问题的争论点。
 ☞ This incident is very illustrative of the issue in question.
 ☞ 这本书有意思极了。
 ☞ The book is very interesting.
 ☞ 我最近忙极了。
 ☞ I've been extremely busy lately.
 ☞ 她把家管得好极了。
 ☞ She runs the house extremely well.
 ☞ 我们发现他极爱钓鱼。
 ☞ We found out he was exceedingly fond of fishing.
 ☞ 孩子们表现极好。
 ☞ The children were exceedingly well behaved.
 ☞ 我厂极需这种钢材。
 ☞ Our factory is badly in need of this kind of steel.
 ☞ 他儿子极想要一辆新自行车。
 ☞ His son badly wants a new bicycle.
 ☞ 这样操作机器极不安全。
 ☞ It's absolutely unsafe if you operate the machine this way.
 ☞ 他对这个问题的看法荒唐极了。
 ☞ His view on this subject is absolutely ridiculous.
 ☞ 干了一天的工作,我感到累极了。
 ☞ After a day's work I feel thoroughly tired.
 ☞ 他对你的工作满意极了。
 ☞ He's thoroughly satisfied with your work.
7.be the height of,指到了极点。
 ☞ 她的发言粗暴之极。
 ☞ Her remark was the height of rudeness.
 ☞ 你不会游泳却去驾船,疯狂之极。
 ☞ It's the height of madness to sail when you can't swim.
极端 极端
 ☞ 她凡事走极端。
 ☞ She goes to extremes in everything.
 ☞ 爱与恨是感情的两个极端。
 ☞ Love and hate are two extremes of feelings.
 ☞ 她对压死了她孩子的司机极端仇恨。
 ☞ She showed extreme hatred for the driver who killed her child.
 ☞ 灾区极端需要食品。
 ☞ The disaster area was in dire need of food.
 ☞ 有些地区的人们仍生活在极端贫困之中。
 ☞ People in some areas still live in dire poverty.
 ☞ 我们公司在极端困难的条件下度过了这次危机。
 ☞ Our firm tided over the crisis under the exceedingly difficult circumstances.
 ☞ 你的忠告对我极端宝贵。
 ☞ Your advice would be exceedingly valuable to me.
 ☞ 他在追求新的学识上表现出了极端的热忱。
 ☞ He showed boundless enthusiasm in pursuing the new learning.
 ☞ 她对工作极端负责。
 ☞ She has a boundless sense of responsibility in her work.
 ☞ 这项工作是在极端秘密的情况下完成的,因此不会有人知道。
 ☞ The work was done with utmost secrecy so that no one would know about it.
 ☞ 她是极端信任我的。
 ☞ She trusted me to the utmost.
6.to the core,指彻底。
 ☞ 该国政府极端腐败。
 ☞ The government of that country was rotten to the core.
 ☞ 无论他做什么,都是极端诚实的。
 ☞ He is honest to the core in whatever he does.
 ☞ 世界上没有一个国家实行过极端民主。
 ☞ Ultra-democracy has never been practiced in any country of the world.
 ☞ 她开车时极端小心。
 ☞ She's ultra-cautious when she drives.
构思 构思
1.work out,着重在构想出来。
 ☞ 他正在构思一部长篇小说的情节。
 ☞ He is working out the plot of a novel.
 ☞ 科学如此发达的今天,宗教哲学家们可能会构思出对生命的新解释。
 ☞ With science so advanced today, religious philosophers may work out a new interpretation of life.
2.meditate on,着重在沉思。
 ☞ 他在构思剧本的情节。
 ☞ He is meditating on the plot of a play.
 ☞ 画家坐在明澈的月光下,构思一幅画的布局。
 ☞ Sitting in the clear moonlight, the painter was meditating on the composition of a painting.
 ☞ 作者根据自己对童年的回忆构思了这个故事。
 ☞ The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood.
 ☞ 对所描述的存在方式,哲学家们总是要构思种种复杂的体系。
 ☞ Philosophers always construct complicated systems for describing existence.
 ☞ 故事情节的构思相当巧妙。
 ☞ The plot of the story is ingeniously conceived.
 ☞ 教练为我们赢得这场球赛构思了这个战略。
 ☞ The coach conceived the strategy that won the game for us.
 ☞ 该设计构思新颖。
 ☞ The design was original in conception.
 ☞ 一件伟大音乐作品的每个细节在其构思时,在莫扎特的头脑里总是清清楚楚的。
 ☞ At the moment of its conception, every detail of great musical work would become clear in Mozart's mind.
构想 构想
 ☞ 我有个经济体制改革的构想。
 ☞ I have an idea for economical structural reform.
 ☞ 用微生物来控制作物病虫害的构想并不新鲜。
 ☞ The idea of using microorganisms to control plant pests is not new.
 ☞ 按照“一国两制”的构想,促进祖国的和平统一!
 ☞ Promote the peaceful unification of the motherland according to the concept of "one country, two systems"!
 ☞ 天文学家们对宇宙的产生提出了一个新的构想。
 ☞ Astronomers presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe.
3.conception, 同concept可以换用,但更着重观念形成的过程。
 ☞ 这部小说的构想和手法都不高明。
 ☞ This novel is none too satisfactory, either in conception or in execution.
 ☞ 这个设计简直是个好得不能再好的构想。
 ☞ The design simply is a splendid conception.
构成 构成
 ☞ 沙漠构成了对人类的威胁。
 ☞ Desert constitutes a threat to mankind.
 ☞ 光是通敌这一事实就构成了叛国罪。
 ☞ The only fact that he collaborated with the enemy has constituted treason.
 ☞ 亚非拉及其他地区的发展中国家构成了第三世界。
 ☞ The developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and elsewhere constitute the third world.
2.form, be formed (of),构成的是实体,而非概念。
 ☞ 构成这一化合物的基本成分是什么?
 ☞ What forms the basis of this compound?
 ☞ 铜与锡合金,构成各种青铜。
 ☞ Alloyed with tin, copper forms a series of bronzes.
 ☞ 西沙群岛是由珊瑚礁构成的。
 ☞ The Xisha Archipelago is formed of coral reefs.
 ☞ 同样,疑问句可由陈述句构成。
 ☞ Similarly, questions can be formed from statements.
3.make up, be made up of,使用范围广于前两者,泛指一切实体与概念的构成。
 ☞ 什么是构成一个人理想性格的品质?
 ☞ What are the qualities that ideally should make up a man's character?
 ☞ 这些河渠构成了一个完整的排灌系统。
 ☞ These rivers and canals make up a complete irrigation-drainage network.
 ☞ 新国会的构成是保守党73席,自由党38席,共产党9席。
 ☞ The new Parliament is made up of conservatives, 73; liberals, 38; communists, 9.
 ☞ 13个邦国构成马来西亚联邦。
 ☞ The Federation of Malaysia is made up of thirteen states.
4.compose, be composed of,指物理或化学结构上的构成。
 ☞ 钢是由铁及一系列其他成分构成的。
 ☞ Steel is composed of iron and a number of other elements.
 ☞ 原子核是由质子和中子构成的。
 ☞ Nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons.
 ☞ 氢氧化合构成水。
 ☞ Hydrogen combines with oxygen to compose water.
  ■ 但有时也用于实体或概念的构成。
 ☞ 我们9人构成了陪审团。
 ☞ Nine of us composed a jury.
 ☞ 部分构成整体。
 ☞ The parts compose the whole.
果然 果然
 ☞ 味道不错!果然名不虚传。
 ☞ How delicious it is! It really lives up to its reputation.
 ☞ 她果然是位优秀的艺术家。
 ☞ She is really a fine artist.
 ☞ 展览果然不错。
 ☞ The show was really good.
 ☞ 果然,百兽看见狐狸后面紧跟着一只老虎,都争相逃命。
 ☞ Indeed, every animal fled nose to heels seeing the fox followed by a tiger.
 ☞ 她的小故事果然极其动人。
 ☞ Her little stories are very charming indeed.
 ☞ 他说他要来,而且果然来了。
 ☞ He said he would come and he came indeed.
2.just as... expected (predicted, said),表示情况与预料的一样。
 ☞ 果然不出所料,事故就发生在太阳下山以后。
 ☞ Just as we had expected, the accident happened after sunset.
 ☞ 果然不出将军所料,敌人中了我们的埋伏。
 ☞ Just as the general had predicted, the enemy were caught in our ambush.
 ☞ 天气预报说今天有雨,现在果然下雨了。
 ☞ Just as the weather forest said, it's raining now.
3.sure (right) enough, it is true,强调情况在出现之前已经说过、谈过、预测过,常与“就”连用,带有较强的感情色彩。
 ☞ 我说过会出事,果然就出事了。
 ☞ I said that accident would happen, and sure enough it did happen.
 ☞ 他答应做这件事,果然就做了。
 ☞ He promised to do it, and sure enough he did.
 ☞ 店老板果然就在那地方坐下了。
 ☞ And sure enough, it was in that very place where the storekeeper sat down.
 ☞ 我叫他来,他果然在第二天早晨就到了。
 ☞ I told him to come, and right enough he arrived the next morning.
 ☞ 到了大草原一看,果然是“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。”
 ☞ Upon arriving at the grassland, it was true that "Blue, blue the sky, vast, vast the fields; the grasses are blown. the cattle are shown".
 ☞ 我知道早晚会出岔,果然不错吧?
 ☞ I knew something would happen sooner or later, wasn't I right?
 ☞ 我跟你说过她口齿伶俐,果然厉害吧?
 ☞ I have told you that she is fluent and eloquent.
 ☞ Hasn't she a sharp tongue?

 ☞ 她把一块布染成红色。
 ☞ She dyed a piece of cloth red.
  ■ 有时,dye也用于引申。
 ☞ 我们的军旗是由烈士的鲜血染红的。
 ☞ Our army flag is dyed with the blood of our martyrs.
 ☞ 夕阳染红了天空。
 ☞ The setting sun dyed the sky red.
 ☞ 许多姑娘认为染红指甲是一种美。
 ☞ Many girls think it a beauty to paint their fingernails red.
 ☞ 摩登女性喜欢把眼睑染蓝了。
 ☞ Modern women love to paint their eyelids blue.
  ■ paint也可用于引申。
 ☞ 浓霜把树木都染成银色。
 ☞ The heavy frost painted all the trees silver.
 ☞ 她把头发染成淡棕色。
 ☞ She tinted her hair light-brown.
 ☞ 阳光强烈时人们戴上染色镜。
 ☞ When the sun is bright, people wear tinted glasses 晚霞染红了天空。
 ☞ The sunset glow tinted the sky red.
 ☞ 他抽了好多年的烟,尼古丁把牙齿都染黄了。
 ☞ His teeth were stained yellow with nicotine from years of smoking.
 ☞ 番茄酱把桌布染了。
 ☞ The tomato sauce stained the tablecloth.
 ☞ 荷花出污泥而不染。
 ☞ The lotus emerges unstained from filthy mud.
 ☞ 我是从你那里染上这种病的。
 ☞ I caught the disease from you.
 ☞ 这个学期快结束时,有两三个男生染上了猩红热。
 ☞ Towards the end of the term two or three boys caught scarlet fever.
 ☞ 他染上了痢疾。
 ☞ He has contracted dysentery.
 ☞ 她的儿子染上了赌博的恶习。
 ☞ Her son has contracted the bad habit of gambling.

1.表示调查,可用look into(日常用语),investigate(正式用语)。
 ☞ 他要求一定要查事故的原因。
 ☞ He demanded that the cause of the accident be looked into.
 ☞ 查水情就能预测洪水。
 ☞ Floods can be predicted by looking into the water conservancy regimen.
 ☞ 谋杀案子要查个水落石出。
 ☞ The case of the murder ought to be investigated thoroughly.
2.表示检查,可用check (on)(日常用语).inspect(正式用语)。
 ☞ 警察局突然以查户口为名要求搜查房子。
 ☞ The police suddenly demanded to search the house on the pretext of checking on the residents.
 ☞ 一开始,我们并不完全相信他,所以经常查账。
 ☞ At first we did not entirely trust him and frequently checked the accounts.
 ☞ 为了避免错误,你最好查查原件。
 ☞ In order to avoid mistakes you'd better check it against the original.
 ☞ 兽医正在查牛群有无扁虱。
 ☞ The vet is inspecting the herd for ticks.
3.表示查阅,可用look up(日常用语),consult(正式用语)。
 ☞ 我已去查了到北京的所有火车的车次时间。
 ☞ I have looked up all the train numbers to Beijing.
 ☞ 你在电话簿里查了电话号码了吗?
 ☞ Did you look up the phone number in the directory?
 ☞ 我们查了技术资料,证明施肥量是合理的。
 ☞ We consulted technical data and made sure that fertilizer had been applied rationally.
 ☞ 他查了笔记本,然后说:“星期四我能来”。
 ☞ He consulted his notebook and said, "I could come on Thursday."
  ■ 但要注意这两个词在用法上的区别:
 ☞ 我读英语小说时坚持查词典。
 ☞ I persist in consulting the dictionary while reading English novels.
 ☞ 如果你有不认识的词,可以查词典。
 ☞ If there are words you do not understand, look them up in the dictionary.
  ■ 因为look up意为to find information in a book,因此查的是词不是书。相反consult意为to go to a book for information,故查的是书不是词。再如:
 ☞ 你想获得更多的情况,可以查参考书。
 ☞ If you want to have more information, look it up in the reference books.或If you want to have more information, consult the reference books.
4.表示查询,可用inquire (about), inquiry。
 ☞ 你寄的行李至今未到,你得查一查下落。
 ☞ The luggage you sent has not reached us so far, you have to inquire about its whereabouts.
 ☞ 耽搁的原因,她写信去查了吗?
 ☞ Did she write to inquire the cause of the delay?
 ☞ 你查的结果如何?
 ☞ What is the result of your inquiry?
5.查无实据,可用no evidence is found。
 ☞ 事出有因,查无实据。
 ☞ An investigation was called for, but no evidence was found.
 ☞ 此案至今查无实据,恐怕是诬告。
 ☞ No evidence has been found in the case so far and therefore it is probably a libelous suit.
树立 树立
1.set (up),常用语,指不带任何感情色彩的树立起来。其行为可以是永久性的,也可以是临时的;
 ☞ 以是物质的,也可以是精神的。
 ☞ 我们在操场一端树立了一根旗杆。
 ☞ We have set up a flagpole at one of the ends of the sports ground.
 ☞ 想不到竟树立她做标兵!
 ☞ Who would have thought that she should be set up as a pacemaker?
 ☞ 雷锋同志为我们树立了一个光辉榜样。
 ☞ Comrade Lei Feng has set a brilliant example to us.
2.establish,build up,指精神、思想上的树立。
 ☞ 集体办婚礼树立了节约的新风尚。
 ☞ The collective wedding establishes a new habit of frugality.
 ☞ 那次战役胜利之后,他的威信就树立起来了。
 ☞ His prestige was established after the victory of that battle.
 ☞ 这部作品对树立他的作家声望起了重大作用。
 ☞ This work has played an important role in establishing his fame as a writer.
 ☞ 这本所谓的回忆录实际上是他为自己树立形象所做的一种尝试。
 ☞ These so-called memories are, in fact, an attempt on his part to build up his own image.
 ☞ 该厂以诚信树立声誉。
 ☞ This factory has built up reputation for honesty and credit.
 ☞ 同志间的相互信任和尊重逐渐树立起了他对工作的信心。
 ☞ The mutual trust and respect among comrades have gradually fostered his confidence in work.
 ☞ 你不树立远大理想,人还有什么出息?
 ☞ What future will a man ever have if you don't foster a lofty ideal?
 ☞ 家长总是千方百计地想树立孩子对学习的兴趣。
 ☞ Parents always try every possible way to foster their children's interest in study.
 ☞ 树立正确的世界观可不是件易事。
 ☞ It's not an easy job to acquire a correct world outlook.
 ☞ 你的话动摇了她刚刚树立起来的信心。
 ☞ Your words have shaken her confidence she has just acquired.
样子 样子
 ☞ 将来的社会是什么样子?
 ☞ What shape will the future society have?
 ☞ 这箱子给压得不成样子。
 ☞ The box was crushed out of shape.
 ☞ 她的样子平常,却有一颗金子般的心。
 ☞ Her appearance is homely, but she has a heart of gold.
 ☞ 屋子漆过之后,完全是另外一个样子。
 ☞ After the house was painted the appearance was quite different.
 ☞ 我不喜欢她说话的样子。
 ☞ I don't like the way she speaks.
 ☞ 我们当时没有按我们现在的样子去做。
 ☞ We didn't do it in the way we do now.
 ☞ 她走路时摆出一副瞧不起人的样子。
 ☞ She walked with an air of disdain.
 ☞ 他到处大摇大摆,一副了不起的样子,好像他是个人物似的。
 ☞ He struts about with an air of importance as if he were somebody.
 ☞ 她问着各种各样的问题,一副好奇的样子。
 ☞ She asked various questions in a curious manner.
 ☞ 他干什么都是一副不慌不忙的样子。
 ☞ She does everything in a leisurely manner.
 ☞ 她笑起来很和气,样子很自然。
 ☞ She had a kindly smile and a manner wholly natural.
 ☞ 他一副心不在焉的样子。
 ☞ He had an absent-minded manner.
 ☞ 这个两面派装出一副公正的样子。
 ☞ The double-dealer assumed a righteous posture.
 ☞ 他讲话以后,会议的样子就不一样了。
 ☞ The meeting took on different posture after his speech.
 ☞ 给我个照着做的样子。
 ☞ Give me a model to follow.
 ☞ 照着这衣服的样子画一个。
 ☞ Draw after this dress pattern.
 ☞ 这些草图只是她艺术作品的几个样子。
 ☞ The sketches were merely samples of her artwork.
根据 根据
1.in accordance with,介词,原义为“与…相协调”,常与法则、章程、规则、惯例等词搭配,用法较为正式。
 ☞ 社会是根据某些固定的法则发展的。
 ☞ Society develops in accordance with certain regular laws.
 ☞ 根据你的要求,现寄上词典的样张。
 ☞ In accordance with your request I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary.
 ☞ 根据公司的指示,我们乘早班飞机去了上海。
 ☞ In accordance with the instructions of the company we took an early plane for Shanghai.
 ☞ 我们必须根据规则进行。
 ☞ We must proceed in accordance with the rules.
2.according to,词义与前者相同,故可以互换,但前者的语气较为庄重。如:
 ☞ 社会是根据某些法则发展的。
 ☞ Society develops in accordance with (according to) certain regular laws.
  ■ 但如果依据的是某种学说、著作、报告、书本、说法等,一般都用according to。如:
 ☞ 根据文章作者的意见,新装置可节约数百万元。
 ☞ According to the author of the article, the new device would save millions of yuan.
 ☞ 根据天气预报,今晚要下雪。
 ☞ According to the weather forecast it's going to snow tonight.
 ☞ 根据辩证唯物主义,物质是第一性的,而思想是第二性的。
 ☞ According to dialectical materialism matter is primary and thought is secondary.
3.according as,连词,强调根据要随事物的发展而定。
 ☞ 他们是否升级要根据考试及格不及格而定。
 ☞ They move into next class according as they pass or fail in the examination.
 ☞ 你受表扬还是挨批评要根据工作好坏而定。
 ☞ You will be praised or criticized according as your work is good or bad.
 ☞ 你的所得要根据你的付出而定。
 ☞ You'll receive according as you give.
4.on the basis of,介词,原义为“在…基础上“,常与一些可以作为依据的名词搭配,是一个常用的积极词组。
 ☞ 我们是根据多次实验的结果推导出这一公式的。
 ☞ We deducted this formula on the basis of many experiments.
 ☞ 工厂的集体福利事业必须根据已获利润逐步扩大。
 ☞ The collective welfare undertakings of the factory must be extended gradually on the basis of the profits already made.
 ☞ 我们是根据工作表现来评价工作人员的。
 ☞ We judge a worker on the basis of his performance.
5.in the light of,原义为“凭…见解”,常与情况、环境,条件等词搭配。
 ☞ 我们根据具体条件作了这个计划。
 ☞ We made the plan in the light of specific conditions.
 ☞ 他们是在特殊环境下制定这些政策的。
 ☞ They formulated the policies in the light of the special circumstances.
 ☞ 我们必须根据不同情况确定责任。
 ☞ We must ascertain the responsibility in the light of different situations.
6.in line with,介词,原义为“跟…一致”,常与政策、方针、理论、规定等名词搭配。
 ☞ 根据党的政策,少量雇工是允许的。
 ☞ In line with the Party's policy employment of workers in small numbers is permitted.
 ☞ 根据党的文艺方针,各文艺团体都要尽快改革经济管理体制。
 ☞ In line with the Party's principles of literature and art all organizations must reform the economic management system as soon as possible.
 ☞ 根据他的理论邓小平实现了中国的改革开放。
 ☞ Deng Xiaoping carried through, in line with his theory, the reform and opening to the outside world in China.
7.in conformity with,介词,原义为“遵照”,常与法律、观点、指示等词搭配。
 ☞ 根据法律他是无罪的。
 ☞ In conformity with the law he is innocent.
 ☞ 计划是根据大多数人的意见制定的。
 ☞ The plan was made in conformity with the views of the majority.
 ☞ 我是根据你的指示立即动身去上海的。
 ☞ In conformity with your instructions I left for Shanghai at once.
8.in terms of,介词,原义为“根据…而论”。
 ☞ 新生是根据考试成绩录取的。
 ☞ New students are enrolled in terms of their performance in examination.
 ☞ 资本主义社会一般都是根据金钱来考虑一个人的社会地位。
 ☞ In capitalist society a man's social position is usually considered in terms of money.
 ☞ 我国的石油产量根据目前的需要已自给有余。
 ☞ The oil output in China has been more than enough in terms of present needs.
9.judging by (from),介词,原义为“根据…判断”。
 ☞ 根据他脸上的表情,他可能没考好。
 ☞ Judging by the look on his face, he might have failed in the exam.
 ☞ 根据听众的反映,演出一定十分成功。
 ☞ Judging by the response of the audience the performances must be a great success.
 ☞ 根据你所说,他蛮可以把这项工作做得更好。
 ☞ Judging from what you said, he could have done this work still better.
 ☞ 根据专家提供的证据,死者3点钟时还活着。
 ☞ Judging from the evidence of the experts, the deceased was still alive at three o'clock.
10.acting on,介词,原义为“根据…行事”。
 ☞ 他根据医生的劝告,在上星期做了肺部手术。
 ☞ Acting on the advice of the doctor, he had his lungs operated on last week.
 ☞ 他们会毫不犹豫地根据你的建议去参加探险队。
 ☞ They won't hesitate a moment to join the expedition acting on your suggestion.
 ☞ 什么事都得根据规章来办。
 ☞ Everything must be done by rules.
 ☞ 货运一般根据重量或体积收费。
 ☞ Usually freight is charged either by weight or by bulk.
 ☞ 我国过去15年的发展根据任何标准来看都是惊人的。
 ☞ By any standard China's development in the past 15 years has been spectacular.
 ☞ 根据我们协议的条款和条件,我方将对所有损失向你方提出索赔。
 ☞ By the terms and conditions of our agreement we shall lodge our claim against you for all the losses.
 ☞ 根据公报精神,双方将很快达成一项协议。
 ☞ In the spirit of the communiqué both sides will soon reach an agreement.
 ☞ 根据他的意见,我们在掌握更多事实以前应暂缓作出决定。
 ☞ In his opinion we should defer a decision until we know more of the facts.
 ☞ 根据什么理由你认为这样做比较好?
 ☞ On what grounds do you think it would be better to do so?
 ☞ 各方都坚持要根据各自的条件来做这笔交易。
 ☞ Either side insisted on making the deal on its own terms.
 ☞ 他这个消息有可靠的根据。
 ☞ He has the news on good authority.
 ☞ 根据考古学家估计,花瓶已有3,500年历史。
 ☞ To the estimate of the archaeologists the vase was 3,500 years old.
 ☞ 根据我的想法,第一个设计比第二个更可取。
 ☞ To my thinking the first design is preferable to the second.
15.base on,动词,原义为“以…为基础”。
 ☞ 你是根据什么做出你的计算的?
 ☞ On what do you base your calculation?
 ☞ 我们是根据过去5年的资料做出预报的。
 ☞ We based our forecast on the data of the past five years.
 ☞ 这支歌是根据民间古调编写成的。
 ☞ The song is based on an old folk tune.
 ☞ 影片是根据同名小说摄制的。
 ☞ The film was based on the novel of the same title.
16.found on,动词,原义为“奠基于”。
 ☞ 故事是根据真人真事写成的。
 ☞ The story was founded on actual person and events.
 ☞ 我的结论是根据事实得出的。
 ☞ My conclusion is founded on facts.
17.follow the authority of,动词,原义为“遵循…依据”。
 ☞ 我们是根据马克思主义来阐明我们的观点的。
 ☞ We follow the authority of Marxism in clarifying our views.
 ☞ 教师是根据《现代牛津英语词典》来解释这一习语的。
 ☞ The teacher followed the authority of The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English in explaining the meaning of the idiom.
 ☞ 这样的假设成了决定的根据,我无法接受。
 ☞ I can't accept that such hypothesis becomes a basis for decision。
 ☞ 你根据什么提议达成这样的妥协?
 ☞ On what basis do you propose to reach such a compromise?
 ☞ 谣言是没有根据的。
 ☞ The rumor has no basis.
 ☞ 实际上这一理论没有事实根据。
 ☞ This theory has no foundation in fact.
 ☞ 对本公司的指控是没有根据的。
 ☞ The charge against our corporation is without foundation.
 ☞ 当时要地震的谣言有根据没有?
 ☞ Was there any foundation for rumors of earthquake?
 ☞ 说话要有根据。
 ☞ One should avoid making assertions without good grounds.
 ☞ 我有充分根据相信这个消息。
 ☞ I have many grounds for believing the information.
 ☞ 我看不出这次军事演习的根据。
 ☞ I see no grounds for the military maneuver.
 ☞ 警察对他的指控没有根据,他也因而获释。
 ☞ The charge against him by the police was proved to be baseless (groundless), so he was freed.
 ☞ 起诉是没有根据的,因为没有事实依据。
 ☞ The accusation is groundless because it can't be backed up by facts.
根本 根本
 ☞ 宪法是我们国家的根本大法。
 ☞ The constitution is the fundamental law of our country.
 ☞ 到那时,我们就可见到国家整个经济状况的根本好转了。
 ☞ BV that time, we shall be able to witness a fundamental turn for the better in the entire financial and economic situation of our country.
 ☞ 解放后中国社会经历了一场带根本性质的变化。
 ☞ Chinese society has undergone a change of fundamental character after liberation.
 ☞ 他们的目标有着根本的区别。
 ☞ There is a fundamental difference between their aims.
 ☞ 社会的罪恶现象从根本上说是由经济上的不平等引起的。
 ☞ Social evils are fundamentally caused by economic inequality.
 ☞ 她根本不适合干机关工作。
 ☞ She is fundamentally unsuited to office work.
 ☞ 上学的根本原因是求知。
 ☞ The basic reason for going to school is to learn.
 ☞ 我们企业的根本问题是开源节流。
 ☞ The basic problem in our enterprise is to tap new resources and reduce expenditures.
 ☞ 我们承认阅读是高等教育学习中的根本手段。
 ☞ We recognize that reading is the basic tool of learning in higher education.
 ☞ 仅凭个人在个别情况下的行动是无法从根本上纠正社会上的不公平现象的。
 ☞ Social injustice could not be basically corrected by action in individual cases alone.
 ☞ 这件事根本不对。
 ☞ The thing is basically wrong.
 ☞ 你说的和他说的没有根本区别。
 ☞ There was no essential difference between what you and he said。
 ☞ 善良是她最根本的品性。
 ☞ Her most essential quality is kindness.
 ☞ 基督教的根本教义是上帝创造人。
 ☞ The essential doctrine of Christianity is that God create man.
 ☞ 人的基本感情从根本上说是一样的。
 ☞ The basic emotions of all people are essentially the same.
 ☞ 我们应当为大多数人的根本利益而工作。
 ☞ We ought to work for the ultimate interests of the vast majority of people.
 ☞ 太阳是能源的根本来源。
 ☞ The sun is the ultimate store of energy.
 ☞ 我们的目的从根本上是与你们一样的。
 ☞ Ultimately, our aims are the same as yours.
 ☞ 一切财富从根本上讲来自人的劳动。
 ☞ All wealth comes ultimately from human labor.
5.diametrical,强调事物的截然相反,因此常与contradiction, oppose, opposite等连用。
 ☞ 资本主义社会的无产阶级和资产阶级这两个矛盾的力量构成了根本的矛盾。
 ☞ In capitalist society the two forces in contradiction, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie form the diametrical contradiction.
 ☞ 你的结论和他的说法是根本对立的。
 ☞ Your conclusion was in diametrical contradiction to his claims.
 ☞ 他们的世界观是根本对立的。
 ☞ Their world outlooks are diametrically opposed.
 ☞ 不少科学家指出两种根本相反的解释有时候是可能的。
 ☞ Not a few scientists pointed out that two diametrically opposite explanations sometimes are possible.
6.at all,用于否定,强调完全不。
 ☞ 这根本无济于事。
 ☞ That won't help things at all.
 ☞ 我根本不赞成你的主张。
 ☞ I don't agree with your proposition at all.
 ☞ 根本没啥好担心的。
 ☞ There is nothing to worry about at all.
 ☞ 我根本就不满意现在这种情况。
 ☞ I'm not at all satisfied with the present situation.
7.anything but,用于先肯定后否定,强调“根本不”。
 ☞ 这座小桥根本不安全。
 ☞ The little bridge is anything but safe.
 ☞ 他根本不是个搞学问的。
 ☞ He is anything but a scholar.
 ☞ 我根本不会干那种事。
 ☞ I will do anything but that.
8.simply... not,用于否定句,强调“简直不”。
 ☞ 你昨天一整天根本没吃东西。
 ☞ You simply ate nothing all day yesterday.
 ☞ 他根本不知道说什么。
 ☞ He simply did not know what to say.
 ☞ 奴隶主根本不把奴隶当人。
 ☞ The slave owners simply did not treat the slaves as human beings.
 ☞ 必须根本改变我们这里的落后面貌。
 ☞ We must thoroughly put an end to our backwardness here.
 ☞ 如果改进设计,质量问题可以根本解决。
 ☞ The problem of quality can be thoroughly resolved if the design is improved.
10.once and for all,用于肯定句,强调“一劳永逸”。
 ☞ 问题已得到根本解决。
 ☞ The problem has been settled once and for all.
 ☞ 农村缺医少药的现象要通过医疗保险从根本上解决。
 ☞ The lack of doctors and medicines in the rural areas is to be put an end to once and for all through medical insurance service.
根源 根源
 ☞ 实际经验是一切科学知识的根源。
 ☞ Practical experience is the source of the scientific knowledge.
 ☞ 这口井是感染这些伤寒病例的根源吗?
 ☞ Is that well the source of infection for these cases of typhoid?
 ☞ 中国农村问题的根源在于地主阶级掠夺了土地。
 ☞ The root of the question of rural areas in China lay in the seizure of the land by the landlord class.
 ☞ 难道钱是一切罪恶的根源?
 ☞ Can money be the root of all evils?
3.origin, originate in,指起源。
 ☞ 谣言的根源是什么?
 ☞ What is the origin of the rumor?
 ☞ 记者在追溯这一说法的根源。
 ☞ The reporter is tracing the story back to its origin.
 ☞ 经济危机根源于资本主义制度。
 ☞ Economic crisis originates in the capitalist system.
 ☞ 他们的疏远根源在于对金钱的争执。
 ☞ Their estrangement originated in their quarrel over money.
根除 根除
1.root out, uproot,指连根拔掉或拔除。
 ☞ 要根除迷信与无知并不容易。
 ☞ It is not easy to root out superstitions and ignorance.
 ☞ 他决心根除恶习。
 ☞ He is determined to uproot his bad habits.
 ☞ 根除一切形式的殖民主义尚须努力。
 ☞ More efforts must be made to eradicate all forms of colonialism.
 ☞ 据我们目前的了解,癌症尚不能根除。
 ☞ Cancer is not to be eradicated as we know it today.
 ☞ 没有一个国家可以说她已根除了水患。
 ☞ No country can claim that she has eliminated the scourge of floods.
 ☞ 横跨铁路的新桥根除了越过铁轨时的事故。
 ☞ The new bridge over the railroad tracks has eliminated accidents in crossing.
格局 格局
 ☞ 这出新戏背离了喜剧的一般格局。
 ☞ The new show departs from the normal pattern of the comedy.
 ☞ 这场足球赛我队始终保持“四三三”的格局。
 ☞ Throughout the football match our team kept to the 4-3-3 pattern.
 ☞ 这几家菜市场差不多是一个格局。
 ☞ These food markets have more or less the same setup.
 ☞ 他是新来的,不大了解这里的格局。
 ☞ He is new and knows little about set-up here.
 ☞ 世界的新格局已经形成。
 ☞ The new structure of the world has already been formed.
 ☞ 这篇文章写得很乱,不成格局。
 ☞ The article is badly written without any structure.
 ☞ 一个意想不到的结果把已有的格局打乱了。
 ☞ An unexpected result dislocated the existing arrangements.
 ☞ 我对文章杂乱无章的格局感到吃惊。
 ☞ I was shocked at the helter-skelter arrangement of the article.

 ☞ 她爱栽花。
 ☞ She is fond of growing flowers.
 ☞ 你给他们一两寸土地,他们都会栽上蔬菜的。
 ☞ Give them an inch or two of land, and they will grow vegetables in it.
 ☞ 新婚夫妇栽树是我们的规矩。
 ☞ It is our rule for the newly married couple to plant trees.
 ☞ 我们在园子里栽了些玫瑰。
 ☞ We have planted some rose bushes in our garden.
  ■ plant on,还有“把…栽到别人头上”的意思。
 ☞ 他把赃物栽给了自己的室友。
 ☞ He planted the stolen goods on his roommate.
  ■ transplant,有栽插的意思。
 ☞ 村里的男女老少都忙着栽秧。
 ☞ Men and women, old and young of the village are busy transplanting rice seedlings.
 ☞ 工人们在栽电线杆子。
 ☞ The workers are erecting wire poles.
 ☞ 要栽旗杆得用起重机。
 ☞ A crane has to be used in order to erect a flagpole.
 ☞ 他被栽上了贪污的罪名。
 ☞ A charge of corruption was fabricated against him.
 ☞ 他非常自负,到头来忘乎所以,栽了跟斗。
 ☞ He was very proud of himself until he swell-headed himself and came a cropper.
检查 检查
1.check (up, on),check up on,指核对性检查。
 ☞ 我们检查了一下,发现一切正常。
 ☞ We checked up and found everything was right.
 ☞ 爷爷请医生检查身体去了。
 ☞ Grandfather went to have the doctor check on his health.
 ☞ 上级派人下来检查工作并帮助解决问题。
 ☞ The leadership sent people down to check up on the work and help to solve problems.
 ☞ 船只停在上海以检查损坏情况。
 ☞ The ship stopped in Shanghai to check damage.
 ☞ 医生每天到他家来给他检查、送药。
 ☞ Every day the doctor goes to his home to give him a check-up and bring him medicine.
2.inspect, inspection,指找出错误、缺陷、毛病、不足等的检查。
 ☞ 你应立即检查实验结果,以发现调整不当或功能失常。
 ☞ You should inspect the test results immediately in order to reveal improper adjustments or malfunctions.
 ☞ 新摘的葡萄在交货前要进行检查并收拾干净。
 ☞ Freshly picked grapes are inspected and cleansed before delivery.
 ☞ 检查屋顶未发现漏雨。
 ☞ An inspection of the roof showed no leaks.
 ☞ 那位海关人员检查了我的护照才放行。
 ☞ The customs officer didn't let me pass till he examined my passport.
 ☞ 我当然不会干像检查你行李那样的事。
 ☞ Of course, I shall do no such things as examine your luggage.
 ☞ 我检查了身体。
 ☞ I had a physical examination.
 ☞ 他根据需要弓着身子走着,眼睛检查着每一尺地面。
 ☞ He was stooping over as he wanted, his eyes scanning every foot of the ground.
 ☞ 我们曾经非常仔细地检查了我们的潜在资源。
 ☞ Narrowly did we scan our potential resources.
 ☞ 各部门的领导经常受到上层管理机构的检查。
 ☞ The head of each division is constantly scrutinized by top management.
 ☞ 医生给病人的肺部作了透视检查。
 ☞ The doctor scrutinized the patient's lungs by fluoroscope.
 ☞ 他的工作经不起检查。
 ☞ His work does not bear scrutinizing.
 ☞ 他在检查汽车刹车。
 ☞ He is testing the brakes of his car.
 ☞ 你需要一副眼镜,最好去检查一下视力。
 ☞ You need a pair of glasses. You'd better have your eyesight tested.
 ☞ 代表团检查了工厂的设备,并向会议提交了报告。
 ☞ The delegation surveyed the equipment of the factory and submitted a report to the meeting.
 ☞ 校长检查了学校全年的工作。
 ☞ The headmaster surveyed the work of the school for the whole year.
 ☞ 财务部门检查了必须提交给董事会审批的规划。
 ☞ The financial department reviewed the projects to be submitted for the board of directors' approval.
 ☞ 事故不断迫使政府检查煤矿的工作条件。
 ☞ Constant accidents forced the government to review working conditions of the coal mines.
9.criticize, self-criticism,指批评或自我批评式的检查。
 ☞ 他赶快检查错误才算过了关。
 ☞ He hurried to criticize his mistakes and managed to get by.
 ☞ 这件事最后以写自我检查了事。
 ☞ Finally, it ended in writing a self-criticism.
 ☞ 当时两国没有通邮关系,因此所有邮件肯定要受到检查。
 ☞ There was no postal service between the two countries and all mail was sure to be censored.
 ☞ 在新闻受到严格检查时,你怎么敢写这样的文章?
 ☞ How dare you write such an article while all the news was rigorously censored?
检验 检验
1.test (out),指测试性检验。
 ☞ 他的工作是对新设计的汽车在投入市场之前进行检验。
 ☞ His work is to test out new designs of cars before they are put on the market.
 ☞ 实践是检验真理的惟一标准。
 ☞ Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
 ☞ 买方应在最短时间内检验货物或责成他人检验货物。
 ☞ The buyer must examine the goods or cause them to be examined within a period as short as possible.
 ☞ 产品质量必须严格检验。
 ☞ The quality of the products must be strictly examined.
 ☞ 他突然停车以检验刹车。
 ☞ He stopped the car suddenly to inspect its brakes.
 ☞ 进口商品检验特别重要。
 ☞ It is especially important to inspect imported commodity.
 ☞ 社会实践及其效果是检验主观愿望或动机的标准。
 ☞ The criterion for judging subjective intention or motive is social practice and its effect.
 ☞ 水库能否提供效益有待于运行的检验。
 ☞ Whether the reservoir can provide benefits is to be judged through its operation.
概念 概念
 ☞ 婴儿没有是非的概念。
 ☞ A baby has no concept of right and wrong.
 ☞ 相互理解是个高度相对的概念。
 ☞ Mutual understanding is a highly relative concept.
 ☞ 经过反复的实践,人们的头脑里就产生了概念。
 ☞ As a result of repeated practical experience, concepts are formed in men's minds.
 ☞ 对所指的事物,不同的人有不同的概念。
 ☞ Different people have different conceptions of what they mean.
 ☞ 他们后来告诉过我那装置的名字,但在我头脑里还是没有形成明确的概念。
 ☞ They later told me the name of the device, but no exact conception was formed in my mind.
 ☞ 这至少是我对友谊的概念。
 ☞ That at least is my idea about friendship.
 ☞ 我们都思索过四维的概念。
 ☞ We pondered the idea of the fourth dimension.
 ☞ 一个生来就双目失明的人对颜色会有什么概念呢?
 ☞ What idea can a man who is blind from birth have of color?
 ☞ 此外,价值的概念被歪曲了。
 ☞ In addition. notions of value become distorted 这位外来户对怎么办还是有点概念的。
 ☞ The new comer had some notion of what to do.
概括 概括
 ☞ 医生的一席话概括了从罗马时代直至今日的医学史。
 ☞ The doctor's talk covered the history of medicine from Roman times to the present day.
 ☞ 该书概括了全年的数学成果。
 ☞ The book covers all of the year's work in mathematics.
 ☞ 他的演说并没有概括这几年来物理学方面的进展。
 ☞ His speech does not cover the progress made these few years in physics.
2.sum up, summarize, summary,指由事实到归纳的概括。
 ☞ 他把我们当时的想法概括为几个字。
 ☞ He has summed up the way we were thinking in a few words.
 ☞ 文章的内容可用3句话来概括。
 ☞ The contents of the article may be summed up in three sentences.
 ☞ 我们把秘书长的报告概括为10点。
 ☞ We summarized the report of the Secretary General in ten points.
 ☞ 这部小说的优点可以概括如下。
 ☞ The good points of the novel may be summarized as follows.
 ☞ 书中最后一段的概括性很强。
 ☞ The last paragraph in the book is a succinct summary.
3.generalize, generalization, generality,指由个别到一般的概括。
 ☞ 根据我们收集到的情况,从个别概括为一般是可能的。
 ☞ On the basis of the information we have collected it is possible to generalize from particulars.
 ☞ 要对现在的青年做一个概括,你充分了解他们吗?
 ☞ Do you know enough about today's youth to generalize about them?
 ☞ 弱肉强食是一种概括的说法。
 ☞ It is a generalization to say that the weak are the prey of the strong.
  "Nothing happens without a cause" is a generality.
 ☞ 我把我们要提的建议作了概括。
 ☞ I outline the proposal we have to make.
 ☞ 我不想在这里概括你的哲学。
 ☞ I don't wish to outline here your philosophy.
 ☞ 这些报告只提出概括,没有提出细节。
 ☞ These reports give an outline rather than detail.
 ☞ 请把你的看法概括地讲一讲。
 ☞ Please give your views in broad outline.
 ☞ 从一个个的个人概括出人类的共性是完全可能的。
 ☞ It is quite possible to abstract the common qualities of mankind from a group of individuals.
 ☞ 红的概念是从所有的红色物体中概括出来的。
 ☞ The idea of redness is abstracted from the color of all red objects.
 ☞ 他通读了文件并对内容作了概括。
 ☞ He read through the papers and made an abstract of their contents.
6.condense, condensation,指删繁就简的概括。
 ☞ 有时候,一个长篇故事可以概括为几句话。
 ☞ A long story can sometimes be condensed into a few sentences.
 ☞ 这段短文是根据他的《论莎士比亚》一文概括而成的。
 ☞ This passage is condensed from his paper On Shakespeare.
 ☞ 他画笔下的一山一水都成了高度的艺术概括。
 ☞ Every hill and river he paints becomes a highly artistic condensation.
 ☞ 概括地说,他的理论站不住脚。
 ☞ To put it briefly, his theory does not hold water.
 ☞ 概括起来,要点如下。
 ☞ Tb sum up briefly, the chief points are as follows.
模仿 模仿
 ☞ 美国某些建筑物是模仿古希腊的古典风格建造的。
 ☞ Some American buildings have copied the classical style of ancient Greece.
 ☞ 她总是模仿我穿衣服的样子,我今天穿什么,她明天就穿什么。
 ☞ She always copies the way I dress. What I wear today she wears tomorrow.
 ☞ 你能模仿动物的叫声吗?
 ☞ Can you imitate the cries of animals?
 ☞ 你应当模仿她工作的方式而不是说话的样子。
 ☞ You should imitate the way she works, not the manner she talks.
 ☞ 李明模仿老师说话时一本正经的样子逗得全班捧腹大笑。
 ☞ Li Ming made the whole class convulsed with laughter by mimicking his teacher's solemn way of talking.
 ☞ 小丑模仿几位名人的样子把观众都逗乐了。
 ☞ The clown amused the audience by mimicking some well-known people.
 ☞ 模仿跛子走路是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong to mock the way cripples walk.
 ☞ 他模仿校长说话、走路的样子,逗得同学们都大笑起来。
 ☞ He made his classmates laugh by mocking the way his headmaster spoke and walked.
 ☞ 有些成年人拼命想模仿年轻人跳舞的疯狂劲。
 ☞ Some adults desperately try to ape the dance crazes of the young.
 ☞ 此后,很多拉丁美洲的文学不过是模仿欧洲模式而已。
 ☞ After that, a lot of Latin American literature merely aped the European models.
6.model oneself on,指按照模型仿制。
 ☞ 这部机器是模仿上海的一种新产品制造的。
 ☞ This machine is modeled on the one recently made in Shanghai.
 ☞ 图书馆是模仿北京图书馆的式样建造的。
 ☞ The library was modeled on Beijing Library.
模糊 模糊
 ☞ 她的眼睛由于泪水而模糊了。
 ☞ Her eyes blurred with tears. 或Tears blurred her eyes.
 ☞ 大雾模糊了我的视线。
 ☞ Heavy fog blurred my vision.
 ☞ 交往的需要,模糊了丹麦人、瑞典人和挪威人之间的独特之处。
 ☞ The needs of association blurred the peculiarities among the Danes, the Swedes and the Norwegians.
 ☞ 在我回家的路上下起了雨,挡风玻璃变得模糊起来。
 ☞ On my way home, it began to rain and the windscreen became blurred.
 ☞ 房屋在薄雾中显得一片模糊。
 ☞ The houses appeared as a blur in the mist.
 ☞ 由于年代久远,字迹已经模糊了。
 ☞ The writing has obscured (blurred) by age.
 ☞ 你的论点模糊了两者之间的界限。
 ☞ Your argument obscured the distinction between the two things.
 ☞ 我对这个句子的意思还是模糊的。
 ☞ The meaning of the sentence is still obscure to me.
 ☞ 那次失败以后,要下海经商的模糊想法开始在他心里形成。
 ☞ An obscure idea on engaging in commercial activities began to take shape in his mind after that failure.
 ☞ 我们到达山顶后只发现模糊的景物。
 ☞ We arrived at the top of the mountain only to find hazy (obscure) scenes.
 ☞ 这里的村民对时间概念很模糊。
 ☞ The villagers here have a hazy (obscure) notion of time.
 ☞ 下一步怎么办,我是模模糊糊的。
 ☞ I am hazy about what to do next.
 ☞ 他摘下模糊的眼镜把它擦干。
 ☞ He took off his foggy glasses and dried them.
 ☞ 他对我们要他按照我们指出的方向走仍然有点模模糊糊的。
 ☞ He was still a little foggy about following the direction we gave him.
 ☞ 协议条款是有意含糊其辞的。
 ☞ The terms of the agreement were left deliberately vague.
 ☞ 摩天大楼在雾中只有一个模糊的轮廓。
 ☞ The skyscraper was a vague shape in the fog.
 ☞ 正义是一个相当模糊而不确定的概念。
 ☞ Justice is a rather vague and indeterminate concept.
 ☞ 我对有机化学只有一点模糊的概念。
 ☞ I have only a vague idea on organic chemistry.
 ☞ 泪水模糊了她的眼睛。
 ☞ Her eyes were dimmed with tears.
 ☞ 她闭上了模糊的泪眼。
 ☞ She closed her dim eyes with tears.
 ☞ 他听到远处有模糊的声音。
 ☞ He heard dim sounds in distance.
 ☞ 对童年时代模糊的记忆似乎又回到了老人身上。
 ☞ Dim memories of his childhood seemed to return to the old man again.
 ☞ 他们在宗教思想方面是很模糊的。
 ☞ They are very unclear in their religious thinking.
 ☞ 印得很模糊。
 ☞ The print is unclear.
 ☞ 我们只看到远处有模糊的人影在跑动。
 ☞ We only saw indistinct figures running in the distance.
 ☞ 我们能听到的就是模模糊糊的嘶嘶声。
 ☞ All we can hear is an indistinct hissing.
 ☞ 她对问题还有些模糊认识。
 ☞ She still has some confused ideas about the question.
 ☞ 发现他的时候他的意识已轻度模糊。
 ☞ He was found slightly consciousness-confused.
9.faint, 指由于暗淡而模糊。
 ☞ 远处山岳模糊的轮廓说明他们正在驶近海岸。
 ☞ The faint outline of the mountains in the distance told them that they were nearing the shore.
 ☞ 照片已模糊得不可辨认。
 ☞ The photo was faint beyond recognition.
 ☞ 警方发现打工女郎的尸体遭到轮奸,阴道已血肉模糊。
 ☞ The police found that the dead working girl had ever been gang-raped, and her vagina was a bloody mess.
欢呼 欢呼
 ☞ 人们在街道两旁列队,向归来的英雄欢呼。
 ☞ The people lined the streets to hail the returning heroes.
 ☞ 他笑着向那些对着他欢呼的人招手致意。
 ☞ He smiled and waved his greetings to those who hailed him.
 ☞ 他听到了一阵欢呼,并在呼叫他的名字。
 ☞ He heard a hail and his own name called.
2.acclaim, acclamation,指表扬式的欢呼。
 ☞ 人群向这位诺贝尔奖获得者欢呼。
 ☞ The crowd acclaimed the Nobel Prize winner.
 ☞ 戏剧评论家都欢呼这一新剧。
 ☞ Dramatic critics acclaimed the new play.
 ☞ 他在听众的欢呼声中开始讲话。
 ☞ He began to speak amidst the acclamation of the audience.
 ☞ 他接近终点线时我们欢呼起来。
 ☞ We cheered as he neared the finish line.
 ☞ 球迷为自己的足球队欢呼。
 ☞ The football fans cheered their team.
 ☞ 他在一片欢呼声中走上讲台。
 ☞ He stepped on the platform amidst loud cheers.
 ☞ 战争尚未正式结束,但人民已在欢呼。
 ☞ The war was not officially ended but the people were already jubilating.
 ☞ 推翻独裁,举国欢呼。
 ☞ The whole nation exploded in jubilation at the overthrow of the dictator.
欢迎 欢迎
 ☞ 市长在机场欢迎了来访的代表团。
 ☞ The mayor welcomed the visiting delegation at the airport.
 ☞ 总统一下飞机就受到女王的欢迎。
 ☞ The President was welcomed by the Queen as soon as he got off the plane.
 ☞ 我们受到了非常热烈的欢迎。
 ☞ We received a very warm welcome.
  ■ 此外,welcome还可表示乐于接受。
 ☞ 欢迎来北京。
 ☞ Welcome to Beijing.
 ☞ 欢迎大家批评。
 ☞ Criticisms are welcome.
 ☞ 我们欢迎任何能发展经济的改革。
 ☞ We welcome any reform that will develop the economy.
 ☞ 我们去车站欢迎他是不是更好一点?
 ☞ Hadn't we better go to the station to meet him?
 ☞ 他在机场受到我方代表的欢迎。
 ☞ He was met by our representatives at the airport.
 ☞ 全镇都到车站去欢迎他了。
 ☞ The whole town appeared at the station to greet him.
 ☞ 他飞抵北京并受到英雄般的欢迎。
 ☞ He was flown to Beijing where he was greeted as a hero.
 ☞ 邓小平的“一国两制”受到世界各国的普遍欢迎。
 ☞ Deng Xiaoping's "one country and two systems" is universally applauded by every country in the world.
 ☞ 我们欢迎审判的结果。
 ☞ We applauded the outcome of the trial.
 ☞ 王老师在学生中颇受欢迎。
 ☞ Mr. Wang is rather popular among students.
 ☞ 中国的西北民歌很受欢迎。
 ☞ Folk songs of northwest China are very popular.
 ☞ 欢迎老王给我们唱支歌。
 ☞ Let's ask Wang to sing us a song.
 ☞ 门外是方先生,欢迎他进来。
 ☞ There is Mr. Fang at the door. Let him in.
7.be well received,指颇有好评。
 ☞ 这部电影向来受到群众的欢迎。
 ☞ The film has been well received by the masses.
 ☞ 你的书很受读者的欢迎。
 ☞ Your books are very well received by readers.
8.be encouraged,指受到鼓励。
 ☞ 欢迎各界人士提意见。
 ☞ Personages of various circles are encouraged to voice their opinions.
 ☞ 审判是公开的,欢迎同志们参加。
 ☞ The trial is public, and comrades are encouraged to come.
9.in honor of,指庆祝、招待式的欢迎。
 ☞ 旧金山华侨举行聚会欢迎我们。
 ☞ The overseas Chinese of San Francisco gave a party in our honor.
 ☞ 昨晚我国政府设宴欢迎美国客人。
 ☞ Yesterday evening, a dinner was given in honor of the American guests by our government.
欣赏 欣赏
 ☞ 中国大学生当中能欣赏西洋古典音乐的并不多。
 ☞ Not many among Chinese college students can appreciate Western classical music.
 ☞ 你只有了解了英文诗的韵律才能欣赏。
 ☞ You can't appreciate English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.
 ☞ 我们走了以后,恐怕无人能欣赏你的幽默了。
 ☞ I'm afraid there will be nobody to appreciate your humor after we are gone。
 ☞ 他们对这场演出表现出来的欣赏是大声叫好。
 ☞ Their appreciation of the performance was expressed in loud cheers.
2.admire, admiration,指带有赞叹、钦佩的欣赏,故有时指自我欣赏。
 ☞ 我们的确非常欣赏他的坦率。
 ☞ We really admire him all for his frankness.
 ☞ 如果你连丈夫对你的欣赏都受不了,我不知你将怎么办。
 ☞ If you cannot bear your husband's admiration, I wonder what will become of you.
 ☞ 她踢掉套裙和衬裙,扯去紧身裤,开始在镜中欣赏自己的身体。
 ☞ She kicked off her skirt and petticoats, drew off a tight and began to admire herself in the looking glass.
 ☞ 她总是非常欣赏她那十分苗条的身材。
 ☞ She is always admiring the extraordinary slimness of her figure.
 ☞ 观众肯定一直很高兴,我都几乎开始欣赏我们的表演了。
 ☞ Sure that the audience must have been much pleased, I was almost beginning to enjoy our performance.
 ☞ 多么好的一个晚会!我是每一分钟都很欣赏。
 ☞ What a wonderful evening party it's been! I've enjoyed every minute of it.
 ☞ 他似乎意识到自己具有比别人更加敏锐的欣赏力。
 ☞ He seemed to be conscious of possessing a keener power of enjoyment than other people.
 ☞ 我很欣赏关于长征的这部小说。
 ☞ I like very much this novel about the Long March.
 ☞ 我不欣赏王教授的讲座。
 ☞ I don't like Professor Wang's lecture.
欺侮 欺侮
 ☞ 他不是好欺侮的。
 ☞ He is not a man to be bullied.
 ☞ 他欺侮她的方式很高明,不让她明显地感到自己受到了欺侮。
 ☞ He bullied her with great skill in ways that did not make it exactly plain to her that she was being bullied.
 ☞ 她让他们欺侮得直哭。
 ☞ She was driven into tears by their bullying.
 ☞ 书评作者没有必要这样欺侮人。
 ☞ The reviewer's criticism was unnecessarily insulting this way.
 ☞ 如果你说他说谎,你就是欺侮一个老实人。
 ☞ You would insult an honest man if you call him a liar.
欺负 欺负
 ☞ 大国不应欺负小国。
 ☞ Big nations should not bully small ones.
 ☞ 他老爱欺负弟弟。
 ☞ He is always bullying his younger brother.
2.take advantage of sb. ,指利用别人的困境、弱点等欺负。
 ☞ 他们欺负他年幼无知,引他上了钩。
 ☞ They took advantage of his youth and ignorance, and got him hooked.
 ☞ 他欺负妻子老实,老在家里拍桌子打板凳的。
 ☞ He takes advantage of his wife's good nature and is always pounding on tables and knocking over stools at home.
3.treat sb. high-handedly,指专横,压制式的欺负。
 ☞ 我们都叫他魔鬼,因为他用一种特别的方式欺负他老婆。
 ☞ We all call him a devil as he treats his wife highhandedly in a particular way.
 ☞ 我能明白你是怎么欺负你的继女的。
 ☞ I can make out how you treat your stepdaughter highhandedly.
欺骗 欺骗
1.deceive, deception, 指以假乱真式的欺骗。
 ☞ 有些店主常常造假账来欺骗税务人员。
 ☞ Some shopkeepers often deceive tax collectors by manipulating the accounts.
 ☞ 这只能欺骗那些不明真相的人。
 ☞ This can only deceive those who do not know the truth.
 ☞ 这是一种欺骗。
 ☞ This is a kind of deception.
  ■ 由于deceive可以把假的当作真的,因此这种欺骗有时只是一种误导,并无恶意。如与反身代词连用就是一例。
 ☞ 你这是在欺骗自己。
 ☞ You're deceiving yourself.
 ☞ 她怎么能在这件事情上欺骗自己呢?
 ☞ How could she have deceived herself about it?
 ☞ 别去那家商店,他们会欺骗顾客。
 ☞ Don't go to that shop, they will cheat their customers.
 ☞ 在生意上互相欺骗是司空见惯的事。
 ☞ It is a common occurrence to cheat each other in business.
 ☞ 他的财务活动原来是一场见不得人的欺骗。
 ☞ His financial activity turned out to be a shameful cheat.
 ☞ 公众由于受到广告的过分渲染是很容易受到欺骗的。
 ☞ The public is easily duped by extravagant claims in advertising.
 ☞ 老太太受了他的欺骗。
 ☞ The old lady was duped by him.
 ☞ 我们得揭露两面派的欺骗性。
 ☞ We have to expose the duplicity of the double-dealers.
 ☞ 他多次欺骗那些借钱给他的人。
 ☞ He carried out a number of frauds on those who lent him money.
 ☞ 长子用欺骗手段取得了财产的控制权。
 ☞ The eldest son gained control of the property by fraud.
 ☞ 她是用欺骗的手段获得数学老师这个职位的。
 ☞ She got the post of mathematics teacher by fraudulent means.
 ☞ 戳穿资产阶级议会民主的欺骗性是必要的。
 ☞ It is necessary to expose the fraudulent nature of bourgeois parliament democracy.
 ☞ 他们这样做的确是欺骗了世界舆论。
 ☞ They did befuddle world opinion by so doing.
 ☞ 西方的政客往往用竞选时的种种许诺来欺骗公众。
 ☞ Politicians in the West often befuddle the public with campaign promises.
 ☞ 任何聪明的政客都会用竞选诺言来欺骗选民。
 ☞ Any clever politician can delude the voters with election promises.
 ☞ 我开始怀疑我是否受到了欺骗。
 ☞ I began to doubt whether I had been deluded.
  ■ 但如果delude与反身代词结合,则这种欺骗并无恶意。
 ☞ 不要用梦想来欺骗自己。
 ☞ Don't delude yourself with dreams.
 ☞ 如果我们老以为这些聪明人会愿意一直呆在种植园里,那是在欺骗自己。
 ☞ We are deluding ourselves if we persist in the belief that these intelligent people will long be content to stay upon the plantations.

 ☞ 尽管他的眼睛盯着正前方,但似乎什么也没看见。
 ☞ It seemed that he saw nothing though his eyes stared straight ahead.
 ☞ 站要站正,坐要坐正。
 ☞ Stand up straight when you stand and sit up straight when you sit.
 ☞ 把帽子戴正了。
 ☞ Put your hat straight.
 ☞ 把测杆扶正了,我好测地形。
 ☞ Set the station pole upright so that I can survey the topography.
 ☞ 他变得醉醺醺的,几乎看也看不清,坐也坐不正。
 ☞ He grew maudlin, could hardly see anything and sit upright.
 ☞ 他人正,做生意规矩。
 ☞ He is upright in his business dealing.
 ☞ 请把餐桌放在房间的正中间。
 ☞ Please put the dinning table right in the middle of the room.
 ☞ 想不到那雪球正打在他的鼻子上。
 ☞ Who would have thought that the snowball should hit him right on the nose?
 ☞ 这火腿的味不正。
 ☞ The ham has not the right flavor.
 ☞ 这是布的正面吗?
 ☞ Is this the right side of the cloth?
 ☞ 该市正位于英格兰的中部。
 ☞ The city is situated in the very center of England.试比较:The city is situated right in the center of England.
 ☞ 正是这些人创造了这样的奇迹。
 ☞ They are the very people who worked such wonders.
 ☞ 这正是我们上学期使用的教科书。
 ☞ That's the very textbook we used last term.
 ☞ 我正要谈这一点,他却走了。
 ☞ I was just coming to that point when he left.
 ☞ 这正是你需要的。
 ☞ It's just what you need.
6.just as,指正像的正或正当的正。
 ☞ 这正如你说的那样。
 ☞ It is just as you said.
 ☞ 我到剧场时正赶上开演。
 ☞ I got to the theater just as the performance was starting.
 ☞ 做人的根本是走正遒。
 ☞ Following a correct path is the foundation of conducting oneself in society.
 ☞ 这么做是正路。
 ☞ That's the correct thing to do.
  ■ 用作动词时,correct作“纠正”、“改正”解。
 ☞ 他在给我正音。
 ☞ He is correcting my pronunciation.
 ☞ 省了这笔钱,做正用有多好?
 ☞ Wouldn't it be better to save this money for more proper uses?
 ☞ 他的行为不正。
 ☞ His behavior is not proper.
 ☞ 要吸取教训,就要总结正反两方面的经验。
 ☞ We must sum up both positive and negative experience in order to draw lessons.
 ☞ 正电荷吸引负电荷。
 ☞ Positive charges attract negative ones.
 ☞ 他正在吃饭。
 ☞ He is eating just now.
 ☞ 当时正下着大雨。
 ☞ It was raining hard.
 ☞ 告诉他我9点正到那儿。
 ☞ Tell him I'll be there at nine sharp.
 ☞ 这件茄克正反都可以穿。
 ☞ You can wear this jacket inside out.
 ☞ 他们两位是正副驾驶员。
 ☞ They are first pilot and co-pilot.
 ☞ 这是中国书法中的正楷。
 ☞ This is the regular script in Chinese calligraphy.
正好 正好
1.just, 指恰好,强调时机。
 ☞ 这正好是我想知道的。
 ☞ That is just what I want to know.
 ☞ 天气不冷不热,正好出去玩玩。
 ☞ It's neither too hot nor too cold—just the right weather for an outing.
 ☞ 这双鞋正好合我昀尺寸。
 ☞ This pair of shoes is just my size.
 ☞ 兄弟两个的脾气正好相反,一个爱动、一个好静。
 ☞ The two brothers have exactly opposite temperaments:
 ☞ one likes to be active while the other tends to be quiet.
 ☞ 医生要他别吸烟,但他正好相反。
 ☞ The doctor told him not to smoke, but he did exactly the opposite.
3.just in time, just the time of, just the period of, just in good time,均指正好是某个时候。
 ☞ 你来得正好是时候。
 ☞ You've come just in time.
 ☞ 青年时期正好是学习的时候。
 ☞ The days of one's youth are just the time of studying.
 ☞ 每年的11月初,正好是到西山看红叶的时节。
 ☞ Early November every year is just the time of viewing the red leaves in the Western Hills.
 ☞ 每年的三四月正好是春暖花开的时节。
 ☞ March and April every year are just the period of warm spring when flowers come into bloom.
 ☞ 我们赶到海边正好是看日出的时候。
 ☞ We hurried to the seaside just in good time to see the sun rising.
4.admirably, perfectly, nicely,均表示极好,放在一定的上下文里也有“正好”的意思。
 ☞ 这帽子正好合你戴。
 ☞ This hat suites you admirably.
 ☞ 这件上衣我穿正好。
 ☞ This coat fit me perfectly (nicely).
5.happen, chance,指正好碰巧。
 ☞ 我身上正好有500元钱。
 ☞ As it happens I have 500 yuan with me.
 ☞ 小王正好从那里路过。
 ☞ Wang happened (chanced) to be passing by.
 ☞ 他来访时我正好睡醒。
 ☞ I chanced to wake up when he called on me.
正常 正常
1.normal, 指在允许或规定范围内的正常。
 ☞ 我们测量了他的体温,现在几乎恢复了正常。
 ☞ We have taken his temperature, which is now almost back to normal.
 ☞ 在白天的这个时候交通拥挤是正常的。
 ☞ This heavy traffic is normal for this time of day.
 ☞ 我们应当有正常的党内民主生活。
 ☞ We should have normal practice of democracy in the Party.
 ☞ 火灾发生前一切都很正常。
 ☞ Everything was quite regular before the fire broke out.(指有规律的正常)试比较:Everything was quite normal before the fire broke out.(泛指一般情况的正常)
 ☞ 你的大便正常吗?
 ☞ Is your bowel movement regular?
 ☞ 她的月经不大正常。
 ☞ Her periods are not very regular.
正当 正当
1.proper, 指做法上正当。
 ☞ 这恐怕不是接近她的正当方式。
 ☞ That, I'm afraid, was not the proper way to approach her.
 ☞ 我们是通过正当途径向有关部门登记的。
 ☞ We registered with the authorities concerned through proper channels.
2.legitimate, 指法律上正当。
 ☞ 如果你是正当防卫,就无需躲避警方。
 ☞ If your defense is legitimate you need not hide yourself from the police.
 ☞ 法官裁定他继承财产的要求正当。
 ☞ The judge ruled that his claim to the property was legitimate.
 ☞ 国家保护华侨和侨眷的正当权利和利益。
 ☞ The state protects the just rights and interests of overseas Chinese and their relatives.
 ☞ 我认为他的获奖是正当的。
 ☞ I think it just that he has been awarded a prize.
正确 正确
 ☞ 毛泽东坚持以农村包围城市,最后夺取城市的路线证明是正确的。
 ☞ Mao Zedong proved the line correct in insisting on encircling the cities from the rural areas and then capturing them.
 ☞ 对这种罢工,比较正确的说法是“自发性罢工”。
 ☞ The more correct term for such a strike is "spontaneous strike".
 ☞ 这场流血斗争在本质上是绝对正确的。
 ☞ The bloody struggle was absolutely right about its essentials.
 ☞ 永远做正确的事,不做错误的事。
 ☞ Always do what is right and never do what is wrong.
  ■ 但right在一般情况下可与correct换用。
 ☞ 你现在这样做是正确的。
 ☞ What you are doing is right (correct).
3.accurate, accurately, 指准确无误。
 ☞ 我相信他对事故所做的说明是正确的。
 ☞ I believe that his account of the accident is accurate.
 ☞ 我们要正确地评价客观形势。
 ☞ We must accurately appraise the objective situation.
 ☞ 政府要正确处理国家、集体、个人三者之间的关系。
 ☞ The government has to maintain a proper balance in the relationship between the state, the collective and the individual.
 ☞ 把康德定为先验论的唯心主义是完全正确的。
 ☞ It is entirely proper to classify Kant as a transcendental idealist.
 ☞ 这是正确的批评。
 ☞ It was well-founded criticism.
 ☞ 直到我党采取了正确的政策,矛盾才有了缓和。
 ☞ The contradiction was not alleviated until our Party adopted a sound policy.
正经 正经
 ☞ 我知道你的话都是正经话,不是说着玩的。
 ☞ I know your words are serious, not said in fun.
 ☞ 说正经的,你得注意身体。
 ☞ Seriously now, you ought to take more care of your health.
 ☞ 没有一个正经姑娘是会愿意跟他这样的人交往的。
 ☞ No respectable girl would associate with a man like him.
 ☞ 见他摆出一副假正经的样子,我很恶心。
 ☞ I feel sick seeing that he puts on airs of feigning respectability.
3.decent, 指具有伦理道德的正派。
 ☞ 对这样的人,正经人是瞧不起的。
 ☞ All decent people look down upon such a person.
 ☞ 他干的是正经工作。
 ☞ He did a decent job.
 ☞ 这是正经货,不是仿制品。
 ☞ This is the real article. not imitation.
 ☞ 你老了还不正经。
 ☞ You're old but still licentious.
 ☞ 咱们坐下来谈点正经事。
 ☞ Let's sit down and talk a bit of business 钱要用在正经之处。
 ☞ Money must be put to right uses.
正面 正面
1.front, frontal, 强调与后面back相对的正面。
 ☞ 屋子正面都挂着国旗。
 ☞ The fronts of the houses are all hung with national flags.
 ☞ 我们又一次顶住了敌人的正面进攻。
 ☞ We withstood another frontal attack from the enemy.
 ☞ 我们要从正反两面去看问题。
 ☞ We must look at problems from their obverse and reverse sides.
 ☞ 我们既要看到事物的正面,也要看到事物的反面。
 ☞ We must see the reverse as well as the obverse side of things。
 ☞ 正反两面的历史经验都应吸取。
 ☞ Positive and negative historical lessons must be drawn.
 ☞ 如果光明是正面,那么黑暗就是反面。
 ☞ If light is positive, then darkness is negative.
 ☞ 这面是牛皮纸的正面。
 ☞ This is the right side of kraft paper.
 ☞ 有问题请正面提出来。
 ☞ Please ask your question directly.
武器 武器
 ☞ 于是他们用随手抄起的武器开始与压迫者斗争起来。
 ☞ So they began to fight their oppressors with any weapon they could lay hands on.
 ☞ 原子弹是现代战争的武器。
 ☞ The atomic bomb is the modem weapon of war.
 ☞ 枪炮是进攻性武器还是防御性武器要看你的目的。
 ☞ Whether guns are weapons of offence or weapons of defense depends upon which end of them you are at.
 ☞ 削减开支是防止通货膨胀的最好武器。
 ☞ Reduced spending is the best weapon against inflation.
 ☞ 他的武器是有一个好使的脑袋和一副伶牙俐齿。
 ☞ His weapons are a good brain and a quick tongue.
 ☞ 弓箭、刀枪、枪炮等都是武器。
 ☞ A bow-and-arrow, sward and spear, rifle and gun are all arms (weapons).
 ☞ 红军建立初期缺的不是人,而是武器。
 ☞ During the initial stage after the founding of the Red Army it was not the men that were lacking, but arms.
 ☞ 蒋介石的嫡系部队当时装备有清一色的美国武器。
 ☞ The troops under Chiang Kai-Shek's direct control were equipped with all of the same American arms at the time.
  ■ 但是arms还可指一个国家的全部军事武器。
 ☞ 冷战时期,两个超级大国在愚蠢的军备竞赛中不惜国家破产来生产武器。
 ☞ During the Cold War both superpowers never hesitated to bankrupt themselves in their foolish armament race to manufacture arms.
武装 武装
1.take up arms, under arms,指拿起武器。
 ☞ 人们很快就武装起来保卫自己的国家。
 ☞ People were quick to take up arms to defend their country.
 ☞ 大家都相信当时解放区武装起来的民兵有100 多万。
 ☞ It was believed that more than one million militiamen in the liberated areas were under arms.
 ☞ 中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装。
 ☞ In China how unique and lofty are the ideals of the young, who love being armed rather than being adorned in red.
 ☞ 我们得与武装到牙齿的敌人较量一番了。
 ☞ We have to contend with a foe armed to the teeth.
3.equip with,指装备。
 ☞ 我们已用大炮把堡垒武装起来了。
 ☞ We have equipped the fort with guns.
 ☞ 士兵们都是用最新的武器武装起来的。
 ☞ The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.

1.tilt (slant, incline) to one side,均指歪到一边。
 ☞ 小姑娘歪着头在聚精会神地听故事。
 ☞ The little girl was listening attentively to the story with her head tilted to one side.
 ☞ 她头上的帽子歪到了一边。
 ☞ Her hat is tilted to one side of her head.
 ☞ 大风把那棵树刮歪了。
 ☞ The tree slanted to one side because of the strong wind.
 ☞ 他的听觉不大好,所以把身子歪到她那边以便听得更清楚些。
 ☞ He was hard of hearing, so he inclined to her side to hear the conversation more clearly.
2.awry, askew, crooked, twisted,指歪斜、扭曲。
 ☞ 他歪着头,给人的印象是他的脖子在夜间受凉了。
 ☞ He held his head awry, giving the impression that he had caught cold in his neck during the night.
 ☞ 你把画挂歪了。
 ☞ You've hung the picture askew.
 ☞ 她想酷一点,把帽子歪戴着。
 ☞ She has her hat on crooked to be cool.
 ☞ 他的嘴有点歪。
 ☞ His mouth is a little twisted.
3.evil, 指不正派。
 ☞ 他的歪点子多。
 ☞ He is full of evil ideas.
 ☞ 打击歪风,发扬正气刻不容缓。
 ☞ Combating evil trends and fostering a spirit of uprightness are tasks which brook no delay.
歪曲 歪曲
 ☞ 别歪曲我说的话。
 ☞ Stop distorting what I've said.
 ☞ 有时,报纸会歪曲新闻以造成轰动。
 ☞ Sometimes, newspapers would distort news to make it sensational.
 ☞ 他在改编时把剧本歪曲得面目全非。
 ☞ In adapting, he distorted the play out of all recognition.
 ☞ 不要为了迎合任何团体和个人的偏见而歪曲他的著作。
 ☞ Never distort his writings in order to conform to the prejudices of group or individual.
 ☞ 事实不容歪曲。
 ☞ The facts brook no distortion.
 ☞ 律师把被告的话歪曲成了承认错误。
 ☞ The lawyer twisted the words of the accused into an admission of error.
 ☞ 你以为你可以歪曲毛主席语录,想怎么解释就怎么解释吗?
 ☞ Do you think you can twist Chairman Mao's quotations to interpret whatever you want them to?
 ☞ 他把事情的真相夸大,歪曲得不成样子。
 ☞ He exaggerated and twisted the truth of the matter out of proportion.
 ☞ 这是一本完全歪曲了这位伟人真实性格的传记。
 ☞ This is a biography completely misrepresenting the true character of this great man.
 ☞ 你说他是因为害怕不去打仗,那是歪曲。
 ☞ You misrepresent his refusal to fight when you say it was because he was afraid.
 ☞ 歪曲别人原话就是曲解原意。
 ☞ To pervert what a person has said is to give a wrong meaning to it.
 ☞ 有些旅游景点把中国传统结婚仪式歪曲成了无谓的俗套。
 ☞ At some tourist spots the traditional wedding ceremonies of China are perverted into meaningless rituals.
 ☞ 懒于思考的人往往会脱离上下文来歪曲伟大作家的原话并进而修改一番,使之适合自己的口味。
 ☞ Lazy minds wrench a great writer's words out of context and then further amend them to suit their own taste.
 ☞ 报纸为了增强新闻效果,有时会歪曲事实。
 ☞ Newspapers sometimes tamper with the realities to enhance the effect of news.

1.die, death,指生命结束的瞬间,不带任何感情色彩的直言陈述。
 ☞ 列夫·托尔斯泰死于1910年11月20日。
 ☞ Lev Tolstoy died on November 20,1910.
 ☞ 人不吃东西就会死。
 ☞ Man will die if he doesn't eat.
 ☞ 花无水则死。
 ☞ Flowers die if they are left without water.
  ■ die在说到死因时,其后可接of(指人体内部原因造成的死亡),from(指由外部环境造成的死亡),in(指在某种突然事故发生过程中的死亡)。
 ☞ 他死于肺结核(心脏病)。
 ☞ He died of tuberculosis (heart trouble).
 ☞ 那老太太死于缺乏适当的护理。
 ☞ The old lady died from lack of adequate care.
 ☞ 母子俩都死于地震(车祸)。
 ☞ Both mother and son died in earthquake (car accident)。
 ☞ 她是饿死的。
 ☞ She died of (from) starvation.
  ■ die还可接形容词、分词或形容词+death构成的补语。
 ☞ 她幸福地死去。
 ☞ She died happy.
 ☞ 我们可以笑着去死。
 ☞ We could have died laughing.
 ☞ 他老死于家乡。
 ☞ He died a natural death at his hometown.
 ☞ 父亲自母亲死后再也没去过那个地方。
 ☞ Father has not visited the place since Mother's death 我们为人民而死是死得其所。
 ☞ When we die for the people it is a worthy death.
 ☞ 5天后,他听说她死了。
 ☞ Five days later he heard that she was dead.
 ☞ 他是病死的。
 ☞ He is dead of illness.
 ☞ 他们当中的好多人都是饿死的。
 ☞ Many of them were dead from starvation.
  ■ 请看下面译文中die与dead 的区别。
 ☞ 他死了3年了。
 ☞ He died three years ago.(指死于3年前)
 ☞ He has been dead for three years.(指死的状态延续了3年)
 ☞ 他死后没有继承人。
 ☞ He deceased without leaving an heir.
 ☞ 她一提起死去的丈夫就不免掉泪。
 ☞ She couldn't' help weeping as she spoke of her deceased husband.
4.perish, 指突然大量死去。
 ☞ 他的部下大都死于饥渴。
 ☞ Most of his men perished from hunger and thirst.
 ☞ 数百只绵羊因干旱而死去。
 ☞ Hundred of sheep perished because of drought.
5.be killed, 指由于各种原因而被杀。
 ☞ 据可靠调查,有25,000人死于工伤。
 ☞ According to a reliable survey 25,000 workers were killed on their jobs.
 ☞ 他死于交通事故。
 ☞ He was killed in a traffic accident.
 ☞ 她被派到国外进修,高兴死了。
 ☞ She was extremely happy about being sent abroad for advanced study.
 ☞ 这汤咸死了。
 ☞ The soup is terribly salty.
 ☞ 她死不要脸,我们也没办法。
 ☞ We were helpless against her utter shamelessness.
 ☞ 父亲病了,母亲担心得要死。
 ☞ Father is ill and Mother is awfully worried.
 ☞ 爬山回来,大家都累得要死。
 ☞ Everybody was dog-tired, back from mountaineering.
 ☞ 他有好多死敌,因此很难说是谁杀了他。
 ☞ He has many deadly enemies, so it is hard to say who murdered him.
 ☞ 他和他的死党决不会有好下场。
 ☞ He and his diehard followers certainly come to no good end.
 ☞ 给我们指定的作业没有像给新生的那么死。
 ☞ The homework assigned to us was not limited as rigidly as that of the freshmen.
 ☞ 我们不应当把马克思主义的理论当成死的教条。
 ☞ We should not regard Marxist theory as lifeless dogma.
 ☞ 现在我们不要说死,大概用3个5年计划,即15 年左右,可以打下一个基础。
 ☞ We won't set a rigid time-limit now. It will probably take a period of three five-year plans, or fifteen years, to lay the foundation.
 ☞ 无论是哪种情况,都不能把下级抠得太死。
 ☞ In neither case should the lower levels be put in a strait-jacket.
 ☞ 我们进不去,窗户是钉死的。
 ☞ We couldn't get in. The window is nailed fast.
 ☞ 制度应当严格,漏洞必须堵死。
 ☞ The rules should be tightened and the loopholes must be stopped up.
 ☞ 他死不认错。
 ☞ He stubbornly refused to admit his mistake.
 ☞ 政客们往往死抓权力不放。
 ☞ Politicians always cling to their power tightly.
 ☞ 你要再这样下去就是死不悔改了。
 ☞ You're absolutely unrepentant if you keep going on like that.
 ☞ 我们不能在这里死等,应该派人去打听一下,看出了什么事。
 ☞ We can't wait here indefinitely. We should send someone to find out what's happened.
 ☞ 他们是要置她于死地而后快。
 ☞ They wouldn't be satisfied with nothing less than her destruction.
 ☞ 你想通过考试,不下死工夫不行。
 ☞ You won't pass the exam unless you put in some real hard work.
 ☞ 我奉劝诸位不要兀搬中国的经验。
 ☞ I beg to advise you not to transplant Chinese experience mechanically.
 ☞ 这样的推理方法只会把你带到另一条死胡同里。
 ☞ Such a way of reasoning will only lead you up to another blind alley.
 ☞ 我们连队死守阵地3天3夜。
 ☞ Our company defended the position to the last for three days and three nights.
 ☞ 你还是死了这条心吧。
 ☞ You'd better give up the idea altogether.
 ☞ 他是个死心眼。
 ☞ He was a person with a one-track mind.

 ☞ 她想把我们一个个给毁了。
 ☞ She wants to destroy us one by one.
 ☞ 森林为大火所毁。
 ☞ The forest was destroyed by fire.
 ☞ 1O年心血,毁于一旦!
 ☞ The fruits of ten years' labor were destroyed in one day!
 ☞ 庄稼为山洪所毁。
 ☞ The crops were damaged by mountain torrents.
 ☞ 在动乱年代许多古代建筑遭到毁坏。
 ☞ Many ancient buildings were damaged in years of upheaval.
 ☞ 她的一生给毁了。
 ☞ She was ruined for life.
 ☞ 这份合同把他毁了。
 ☞ The contract has ruined him.
 ☞ 这场冰雹把庄稼毁了。
 ☞ The hailstorm ruined the crops.
4.fail, 指从不成功的角度派生出来的损毁。
 ☞ 现在的庄稼由于得病而全毁了。
 ☞ Now the crops completely failed owing to a disease that had set in.
 ☞ 行成于思毁于随。
 ☞ A deed is accomplished through taking thought and fails through lack of thought.
 ☞ 车祸之后,他的身体算是毁了。
 ☞ At last his health failed after the road accident.
 ☞ 他生前毁誉参半。
 ☞ He got both praise and blame before his death.
 ☞ 我们会不计毁誉,努力去捍卫我们的原则。
 ☞ We will spare no efforts to defend our principle in spite of people's praise or blame.
 ☞ 在抗日战争期间他曾毁家纾难。
 ☞ He offered all he had to help the country during the Anti-Japanese War.
 ☞ 毁誉图利,不足为训。
 ☞ It is not an example to prostitute one's own honor for personal gains.
 ☞ 毁尸灭迹,其罪令人发指。
 ☞ His crime of chopping up the corpse and obliterating all trace made our blood boil.

1) every,用来概括事物的总体,each则表示个别,见下面译例的差别。
 ☞ 每位运动员一天要练习好几个小时。
 ☞ Every sportsman practices for several hours a day.
 ☞ 每位运动员都有各自的练习方式。
 ☞ Each sportsman has his own way of practicing. (练习方式无人相同,是个体)
 ☞ 我们希望每个孩子都能成功。
 ☞ We want every child to succeed.(要求成功,无人例外)
 ☞ 每个孩子都会找到个人的成功之路。
 ☞ Each child will find his own personal road to success.
2) 正是由于这个原因,each可以和other结合而成为互相有别的个体。而every可和二以上的任何数字及other搭配,表示“每隔一个”。
 ☞ 我们每隔一天碰一次头。
 ☞ We meet every two days.(注意是每隔一天或每两天碰一次头)
 ☞ 每隔一人举着点燃的火炬。
 ☞ Every other man carried a lighted torch.
 ☞ 我们每隔一天就有英语课。
 ☞ We have English lessons every other day.
3) 如果指两个人或物中的每一个用each;指三个以上的人或物中的每一个,用every。
 ☞ 双胞胎中的每一个都很健康。
 ☞ Each one of the twins is well.
 ☞ 三胞胎中的每一个都很健康。
 ☞ Every one of the triplets is well.
4) 有时each可以和every连用,提出个别的和总体的综合要求。
 ☞ 上尉要求每位战士8点钟在这里集合。
 ☞ The captain wants each and every man to be here at eight o'clock.
5) 在上下文不要求each和every的上述差别时,两者可以换用。如:
 ☞ 我每次见到他时他都穿着那件旧上衣。
 ☞ He always wears his old coat every (each) time I meet him.
6) every前加not表示部分否定。
 ☞ 不是每个人都像你那么聪明。
 ☞ Not everyone is as clever as you are.
7) every由于以上所述的特点,可以与almost,practically, nearly, without exception搭配,但each则不能。如:
 ☞ 他几乎每个月都来看我。
 ☞ He comes to see me almost (nearly) every month.
 ☞ 现在我几乎把我认识的每一个姑娘都对你讲了。
 ☞ Now I've told you practically every girl I know.
 ☞ 每个18至20岁的男人都毫无例外地要求参军。
 ☞ Every man between 18 and 20 without exception are expected to join the army.
8) every day,状语,everyday,定语;every thing,指每一件东西,everything,指一切。everyone指人人,every one指每个人或物。
 ☞ 烧饭是我每天都要做的日常工作。
 ☞ Cooking meals is an everyday job I have to do every day.
 ☞ 样样东西看起来都很新奇,但我买的每样东西都是旧货。
 ☞ Everything looked new but every thing I bought turned out to be second-hand.
 ☞ 每人都有缺点。
 ☞ Everyone has his weak points.
 ☞ 你们每人都去睡觉。
 ☞ G to bed, every one of you.
 ☞ 每间房都住了人。
 ☞ Every one of the rooms is occupied.
 ☞ 我认为有偿的病假应限制在每月一天。
 ☞ I think paid sick leave should be limited to one day per (a) month.
 ☞ 美国人每天看电视的时间超过7小时。
 ☞ Americans watch over seven hours of television per (a) day.
  ■ 但是在固定词组中的per不能用a代替,如per annum每年,per capita每人,per head每人。
 ☞ 这屋子的房租每年为5,000元。
 ☞ The rent of this house is rive thousand yuan per annum.
 ☞ 中国每人的平均工资是多少?
 ☞ What is the average per capita wage in China.
 ☞ 每人的实际收入在过去的3年中上升了大约 16qo。
 ☞ Real income per head rose by about 16 per cent in the past three years.
3.whenever, 指“每当…的时候”。
 ☞ 每当我们遇到困难,他总是来相帮的。
 ☞ Whenever we meet with difficulties he always comes to help us.
 ☞ 每当家里有人生病,他总是自告奋勇当起了看护士。
 ☞ Whenever anyone in the family was ill he always offered to serve as a sick-nurse.
 ☞ 每逢我见到这位满头白发的老人,我就想起我的父亲。
 ☞ Whenever I see this old white-haired man, I think of my father.
 ☞ 每逢我到上海,总要逛一下城隍庙。
 ☞ I invariably visit the Town God's Temple when I go to Shanghai.
 ☞ 每逢佳节倍思亲。
 ☞ On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.
 ☞ 每逢春秋佳日,均作郊游。
 ☞ We often go for an outing in the country on fine days in spring and autumn.
 ☞ 每逢放假我们都去旅行。
 ☞ We always take a trip during holidays.
 ☞ 每逢春节,我总去看看老师们。
 ☞ I always go to see my teachers during the Spring Festival.
 ☞ 他们都喜欢在一起下棋,每每一下就是半天。
 ☞ They like to play chess together and often go on for hours every time.
 ☞ 夫妻俩每每谈到深夜。
 ☞ The couple often talk late into the night.
  ■ 如果“每每”指的是过去经常发生的事情,也可用would代替often。
 ☞ 他每逢星期天都去钓鱼,每每一去就是一天。
 ☞ He went fishing on Sundays and would go (often went) for a whole day.

1.译作带more than的形容词戎副词比较级。
 ☞ 那东西比条船小,比一个人大。
 ☞ It was smaller than a boat and larger than a man.
 ☞ 他们跟我们比亲戚还要亲。
 ☞ They are closer to us than our own relatives.
 ☞ 他们来得比我们早。
 ☞ They came earlier than we.
 ☞ 没有什么比听到别人说她这样的话更令我吃惊的了。
 ☞ Nothing would have surprised me more than to hear this said of her.
  ■ 比较级是一人一物与另一人或另一物的比较。如果要与一群人或物进行比较则用any other加以限制,然后再接单数名词。如:
 ☞ 马丽比家里任何一位姐妹都高。
 ☞ Mary is taller than any other sister in the family.(限制马丽,使之不包括在姐妹当中)
 ☞ 上海人口比中国任何一个城市都要多。
 ☞ Shanghai is more populous than any other city in China.(如果没有any other则可能会有人认为上海不在中国)
  ■ 下面都是这样类似的例子。
 ☞ 铁比任何金属都有用。
 ☞ Iron is more useful than any other metal.
 ☞ 我比任何水果都喜欢橘子。
 ☞ I like oranges more than any other fruit.
2.译作与to搭配的某些带有对比意义的形容词原级,如superior to, inferior to, senior to, junior to, preferable to, prior to, paramount to, second to等。
 ☞ 他的法国文学知识比我多。
 ☞ His knowledge of French literature is superior to mine.
 ☞ 他比我小(大)几岁。
 ☞ He is junior (senior) to me by several years.
 ☞ 黑人绝对不比白人差。
 ☞ Black people are by no means inferior to white people.
 ☞ 这一任务比所有其他任务更重要。
 ☞ This duty is paramount to all others.
 ☞ 晚上穿深色衣服比穿浅色衣服更合适。
 ☞ A dark suit is preferable to a light one for evening wear.
3.表示对比,可用compare,comparison,contrast, match。
 ☞ 不比不知道,一比吓一跳。
 ☞ If you don't compare them, you're in the dark. The moment you do, you get a start.
 ☞ 你比上学期大有进步了。
 ☞ You have made good progress, compared with last term.
 ☞ 我今年比去年干得少。
 ☞ I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last year.
 ☞ 我们应想想过去的苦,比比今天的甜。
 ☞ We ought to recall the past bitterness and contrast it with present happiness.
 ☞ 看来这个比那个小多了。
 ☞ This appears far too small in contrast with that.
 ☞ 论唱歌谁比得上他?
 ☞ Who can match him in singing?
4.可用介词或连词表示各种“对比”,如before, against, besides, behind, below, under, over, beyond, twice等。
 ☞ 我们虽然到得早,可他比我们还早。
 ☞ Even though we arrived very early, he was there before us.
 ☞ 他是我们一族的,不过比我长一辈。
 ☞ He is a member of our clan and belongs to the generation before mine.
 ☞ 蔬菜的价钱比上月略低。
 ☞ Prices of vegetables have shown a slight fall against last month.
 ☞ 过去我们党内,所有的反党集团都比“四人帮”逊色。
 ☞ All previous anti-Party cliques within the Party were pale besides the "Gang of Four".
 ☞ 她回到原单位才发现远比别人落后了。
 ☞ Back in her unit she found that she had fallen way behind the others.
 ☞ 旧货的价格一般总要比实价低得多。
 ☞ Second-hand goods, as a rule, are priced way below their real value.
 ☞ 总数比估计的低。
 ☞ The total falls under what was estimated.
 ☞ 今年的工农业生产总值比去年增长10%。
 ☞ The total value of industrial and agricultural output this year increased by ten percent over last.
 ☞ 我们国家肯定要比其他国家兴旺发达。
 ☞ Our country is bound to prosper beyond other countries.
 ☞ 我不想跟一个年龄比我大一倍的男人一起出去。
 ☞ I'm not going out with a man who's twice as old as I.
 ☞ 生活一年比一年有所改善。
 ☞ Life is improving with each passing year.
 ☞ 形势一天比一天好。
 ☞ Every day the situation is growing better.
6.译作带有对比意义前缀的动词,如anticipate,antedate, excel, exceed, outlast, outrace, outsell, outshine, outstay, precede, surpass, undersell等。
 ☞ 我军比敌人抢先一步,占领了这一战略要地。
 ☞ Our troops anticipated the enemy in seizing this strategic point.
 ☞ 中国具有的文明比世界上现有其他国家都早。
 ☞ China has a civilization that antedates that of any other existing country in the world.
 ☞ 上海人口比杭州多。
 ☞ Shanghai exceeds Hangzhou in population.
 ☞ 比如说,“毛泽东比梅兰芳先生还会做戏,比志愿军还会挖坑道,或者说比空军英雄赵宝桐还会驾飞机”,这岂不是不知羞耻到了极点吗?
 ☞ If, for instance, it should be said that, "Mao Zedong excels Mr. Mei Lan-fang in acting, or the volunteers in digging tunnels, or the air force hero Chao Pao-tung in flying", wouldn't that be the acme of shamelessness?
 ☞ 他比马跑得远,比狗跑得快。
 ☞ He could outlast a horse and outrace a hound.
 ☞ 夏天,冰淇淋比巧克力好卖。
 ☞ Ice cream outsells chocolate in summer.
 ☞ 而你却把自己描写成了不起的天下第一美人:比西施还美,比王昭君还美,还比得上杨贵妃。
 ☞ Nevertheless, you describe yourself an incomparable beauty, outshining Hsi Shih, and Wang Chao-chun and rivaling Yang Kuei Fei.
 ☞ 客人当中他比哪个都呆得久。
 ☞ He outstayed any other of the guests.
 ☞ 部长的声明比总统的先发表,你能肯定吗?
 ☞ Are you certain the minister's statement preceded that of the president?
 ☞ 她比她丈夫多活了10年。
 ☞ She survived her husband for ten years.
 ☞ 恋爱时眼神比讲话还能传达真情。
 ☞ In love the eye speaks with a truthfulness surpassing speech.
 ☞ 在国际市场上,我们销售的价格必须比我们的对手低。
 ☞ We must undersell our competitors on the international market.
 ☞ 他比暴君还暴君。
 ☞ He was out-Heroding Herod.
 ☞ 他比希特勒还希特勒。
 ☞ He was "out-Hitlering" Hitler.
毕竟 毕竟
1.通过综合所有事物得出结论时,译after all, all in all。
 ☞ 难怪你累了,毕竟到凌晨3点你才睡觉。
 ☞ It's not surprising that you are tired. After all, you were up until three this morning.
 ☞ 当然,她表现太差。不过她毕竟是你妹妹。
 ☞ Of course, she behaves awfully, but after all, she is your sister.
 ☞ 她的缺点同她的成绩相比,毕竟是第二位的。
 ☞ Compared with her achievements, her shortcomings are, after all, only secondary.
 ☞ 他对医生治疗的反映毕竟是满意的。
 ☞ His reaction to the doctor's treatment was, all in all, satisfactory.
 ☞ 他有缺点,但他毕竟是个认真负责的人。
 ☞ He has his faults, but, all in all, he is a conscientious man.
 ☞ 我们的经济情况毕竟不坏。
 ☞ All in all, our economic condition is not bad.
2.通过分析得出结论时,译in the final analysis。
 ☞ 决定战争胜利的毕竟是人。
 ☞ In the final analysis, it is man that decides the outcome of all wars.
 ☞ 政治独立与经济独立毕竟是分不开的。
 ☞ In the final analysis, political independence and economic independence are inseparable.
3.通过长期发展的眼光得出结论,译in the long run。
 ☞ 购买优质商品毕竟是合算的。
 ☞ It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality.
 ☞ 真才实学毕竟是要胜利的。
 ☞ Real ability and learning will win in the long run.
 ☞ 革命毕竟是要发生的,迟早而已。
 ☞ Revolution will take place, sooner or later.
 ☞ 孩子毕竟是孩子,不会像成人那样专心。
 ☞ Children will be children. They cannot concentrate their attention as grown-ups.
毛病 毛病
1.disease, ailment, trouble, malady,指大大小小的疾病。
 ☞ 从此我落下了一个叫风湿的老毛病。
 ☞ Since then I have contracted an inveterate disease called rheumatism.
 ☞ 我只是一点小毛病。
 ☞ I have just a slight ailment.
 ☞ 他胃有毛病。
 ☞ He has stomach trouble.
 ☞ 我得的毛病没药治。
 ☞ I suffer a malady that no medicine can cure.
  ■ 但同时malady也可用来引申,作“弊病”解。
 ☞ 对中国的怀疑是一种恶性肿瘤,也是一种精神上的毛病。
 ☞ Suspicion in China is a sort of malignant tumor, a mental malady.
 ☞ 美国社会的毛病值得分析和借鉴。
 ☞ The maladies of the American society are worth analyzing and using for reference.
2.go wrong (with), something wrong with, break down, out of order,均指故障产生的毛病。
 ☞ 出了什么毛病?
 ☞ What is gone wrong?
 ☞ 电视机出了毛病。
 ☞ Something has gone wrong with the TV set.
 ☞ 汽车出了毛病。
 ☞ There is something wrong with the car.
 ☞ 发动机出毛病了。
 ☞ The engine has broken down.
 ☞ 机器有毛病。
 ☞ The machine is out of order.
 ☞ 车子有毛病,不安全。
 ☞ The car is unsafe because of the defects in it.
 ☞ 对西方社会的毛病,我们不会睁着眼睛看不见的。
 ☞ We are not blind to the defects of the Western society.
 ☞ 许多人都善于看到别人身上的毛病,而看不见自己的。
 ☞ Many people are good at discerning the faults of the others instead of their own.
 ☞ 她惟一的毛病是缺乏雄心壮志。
 ☞ Her only fault is that she lacks ambition.
5.shortcoming, 指短处。
 ☞ 她一发现自己的毛病就坚决改正了。
 ☞ As soon as she had realized her shortcomings she resolutely overcame them.
 ☞ 心胸狭隘可是个大毛病。
 ☞ Narrow-mindedness is a serious shortcoming.
 ☞ 没有调查就发言,你是犯了主观主义的毛病。
 ☞ You've committed the error of subjectivism by speaking without investigation.
 ☞ 我看了一遍你的作文,发现只有两三处有毛病。
 ☞ I went over your composition and found only two or three errors.

1.air, 指空气。
 ☞ 我打开窗子换换气。
 ☞ I opened the window to have a change of air.
 ☞ 这球气挺足。
 ☞ There's sufficient air in the ball.
 ☞ 他走到草地上,深深地吸了口气。
 ☞ When he stepped out on the grass, he drew a deep breath.
 ☞ 登山运动员停下来歇口气。
 ☞ The mountaineers stopped to catch their breath.
 ☞ 赶快送老太太上医院,她还有气。
 ☞ Be quick to take the old lady to hospital. She is still breathing.
 ☞ 这猫没气了。
 ☞ The cat has stopped breathing.
 ☞ 她碰到终点线时几乎没气了。
 ☞ She was nearly breathless when she touched the finishing line.
 ☞ 她气哭了。
 ☞ She was annoyed into tears.
 ☞ 我是气他说的话。
 ☞ I'm annoyed at what he said.
4.anger, angry, get angry,指气愤,重点在愤。因此比annoy强烈。
 ☞ 我爸气得心脏病发作。
 ☞ My father had an attack of heart trouble caused by anger.
 ☞ 我气他工作太马虎。
 ☞ I'm angry with him for being careless in his work.
 ☞ 我故意气他一下。
 ☞ I got him angry on purpose.
5.rage, enrage,指失去控制的气愤。
 ☞ 我们见到敌人逃跑都气得要命。
 ☞ When we saw the enemy escaping we were beside ourselves with rage.
 ☞ 我是气警察的粗暴态度。
 ☞ I was enraged by the policeman's rude attitude.
6.fury, furious,指狂怒,是“气愤”这个词组中情绪最强烈的词。
 ☞ 他气疯了,用拳头打墙壁。
 ☞ Mad with fury, he pounded his fists on the wall.
 ☞ 他听了这种不三不四的话气得不得了。
 ☞ On hearing these frivolous remarks he became furious.
 ☞ 自行车前胎没气了。
 ☞ The front tire of the bike is flat.
 ☞ 长跑运动员的气要长。
 ☞ Long-distance runners require plenty of stamina.
 ☞ 我实在气不过,狠狠打了他一顿。
 ☞ I got mad and gave him a good beating.
 ☞ 气可鼓不可泄。
 ☞ Morale should be boosted, not dampened.
 ☞ 这种事是很气人。
 ☞ That sort of thing can be very exasperating.
 ☞ 他正在气头上,谁的话都听不进去。
 ☞ He is in a temper right now, and won't listen to anyone.
 ☞ 她气性大。
 ☞ She is quick to take offence.
 ☞ 他们表面上气壮如牛,实际上胆小如鼠。
 ☞ They were outwardly fierce as a bull, but inwardly timid as a mouse.
气力 气力
 ☞ 我有你的气力就好了。
 ☞ I wish I had your strength.
 ☞ 举这样的重量,他气力够吗?
 ☞ Does he have enough strength to lift these weights?
 ☞ 他用全身的气力向对手猛扑过去。
 ☞ He pounced on the adversary with all his strength.
 ☞ 他没用多少气力就制服了敌兵。
 ☞ He didn't use much force and overcame the enemy soldier.
 ☞ 我们用尽所有的气力来推车,还是推不动。
 ☞ We pushed the car with as much force as we could, but in vain.
 ☞ 他用全部气力想把石头从路上搬走。
 ☞ He tried all his might to move the rock from the road.
 ☞ 气力大的总有理。
 ☞ Might is right.
 ☞ 学好一门外国语要花很大的气力。
 ☞ It takes a lot of effort to learn a foreign language well.
 ☞ 我们得花很大的气力去完成这项工作。
 ☞ We'll have to exert great efforts to accomplish the task.
 ☞ 他不费什么气力就办成了这事。
 ☞ He got it done easily.
 ☞ 他们为那台发动机忙得团团转,而我不费什么气力就发动起来了。
 ☞ They were running round in circle with the engine while I started it with ease.
 ☞ 这事要花气力。
 ☞ This will take a lot of doing.
气息 气息
 ☞ 一阵芳香的气息从花丛中吹来。
 ☞ A waft of sweet-smelling fragrance blew over from the flower bush.
 ☞ 你还记得雨后丁香花的气息吗?
 ☞ Did you remember the fragrance of lilacs after a rain?
 ☞ 她的欢笑,她风情万种的秋波,还有她呼出来的气息都使他感到陶醉不已。
 ☞ Her joyful laughter, her flirtatious glances and the fragrance of her breath have made him feel intoxicated.
 ☞ 她走过时我闻到一股香水发出的气息。
 ☞ I smell the fragrance emitted by perfume when she passed.
 ☞ 站在这里,我们可以闻到玫瑰的气息。
 ☞ Standing here, we can smell of perfume of the roses.
 ☞ 我爱闻她衣服上散发出来的香水气息。
 ☞ I love the perfume emitted from her dress.
  ■ 有时候perfume也可用于引申。
 ☞ 我们都喜欢弥漫在沙龙里的那种文学气息。
 ☞ We all like the literary perfume pervading the saloon.
 ☞ 那是腐叶和新翻土地的气息。
 ☞ That was the scent of decomposed leaves and turned earth.
 ☞ 随风带来的是野草、野花的气息。
 ☞ The wind came down with the scent of the grass and wild flowers.
 ☞ 警犬会跟踪罪犯的气息。
 ☞ The police dog can follow the scent of a convict.
 ☞ 微风吹来松林里怡人的气息。
 ☞ The breeze blew delightful odors from the pine forests.
 ☞ 新漆的气息几乎要把他逼疯了。
 ☞ The odor of newly applied paint drove him almost mad.
5.smack, 指吃或闻到的味道。
 ☞ 我喜欢咖啡的气息。
 ☞ I like the smack of coffee.
 ☞ 那老水手身上带有大海的气息。
 ☞ The old sailor still has a smack of the sea about him.
 ☞ 该剧具有丰富的生活气息。
 ☞ The play has the rich flavor of life.
 ☞ 他的歌有相当一部分富有民歌气息。
 ☞ Quite a number of his songs were imbued with folk flavor.
水平 水平
 ☞ 去年皖北的小麦平均产量超过了历史上的最高水平。
 ☞ The average yield of wheat last year in northern Anhui topped the highest level in history.
 ☞ 紧要关头,不同的人表现出不同的政治觉悟水平。
 ☞ At the critical moment different people displayed different levels of political consciousness.
 ☞ 对技术水平比他高一点的人,他都叫人家师傅。
 ☞ Those whose technical level was higher than his own he addressed as "Masters".
 ☞ 我们得把开支削减到最低水平。
 ☞ We have to cut our expenses down to the lowest level.
 ☞ 我们的目标是提高工人的文化水平。
 ☞ Our goal is to raise the cultural level of workers.
 ☞ 他的认识水平总的来说是很高的。
 ☞ The level of his understanding is generally very high.
 ☞ 赶超世界先进水平是刻不容缓的任务。
 ☞ Attaining and surpassing advanced world levels is a task which brooks no delay.
2.standard,由于level 一词无法覆盖汉语中“水平”的所有含义,故standard(标准、水准)可与下列译文中的“水平”对应。
 ☞ 他这个星期的工作没有达到他平时的水平。
 ☞ His work this week hasn't been up to his usual standard.
 ☞ 美国人民的生活水平很高。
 ☞ The people of the USA have a high standard of living.
 ☞ 我校有较高的学术水平。
 ☞ Our university has a higher academic standard.
 ☞ 十年动乱降低了社会的道德水平。
 ☞ The ten years' upheaval reduced moral standards of the society.
3.即使如此,上两个词仍不能完全覆盖汉语“水平”的 全部含义,碰到这种情况应具体情况具体处理。
 ☞ 各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。
 ☞ Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership.(即领导艺术)
 ☞ 要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平。
 ☞ We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army.(即新的高度)
 ☞ 就英语水平看,她比组里的其他人要强。
 ☞ So far as English proficiency goes, she is better than any of the other members of the group.(即英语熟练程度)
 ☞ 两村的水平距离不到500米,但人从一个村子出发到达另一个村子却要半天。
 ☞ The horizontal distance between the two villages is less than 500 meters, but one has to take half a day to staff from one village to reach the other.
 ☞ 垂直线与水平线相交构成90度角。
 ☞ A vertical line and a horizontal line form an angle of 900 when intersecting each other.
永远 永远
1) 用于第一人称的一般将来时,表示“将来永远”。
 ☞ 我们会永远爱你的。
 ☞ We will always love you.
 ☞ 我将永远记住你的大恩大德。
 ☞ I will always keep in mind your great kindness.
2) 用于第二人称一般现在时的祈使句,这时的always放在句首。
 ☞ 永远记住我的忠告。
 ☞ Always remember my advice.
 ☞ 开车时永远把安全带系好。
 ☞ Always put on your safety belt when you drive.
3) 用在任何人称的进行时,表示某种感情色彩,如不满、厌烦等。
 ☞ 她永远在埋怨丈夫的马大哈脾气。
 ☞ She is always complaining of her husband's carelessness。
 ☞ 你永远在借我的钱,永远忘了还。
 ☞ You are always borrowing my money and forgetting to pay me back.
4) 通常放在主要动词的前面或系词be的后面。
 ☞ 我永远尊敬她。
 ☞ I always have respect for her.
 ☞ 晚上他几乎是永远在家。
 ☞ He's nearly always at home in the evening.
1) 用在第一人称将来时,表示“将来永远不”。
 ☞ 我永远不会忘记她脸上的表情。
 ☞ I shall never forget the expression on her face,试比较:I will always remember the expression on her face.
 ☞ 我们永远不会向敌人屈膝。
 ☞ We will never bow the knee to the enemy,试比较:
 ☞ We will always have the enemy bow the knee to us.
2) 用于第二人称的祈使句。never也要放在句首。
 ☞ 永远不要同时吃大蒜和草莓。
 ☞ Never eat garlic with strawberries at the same time.
 ☞ 在麻烦事麻烦你以前,永远不要去麻烦麻烦事。
 ☞ Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
 ☞ 我们许诺永远相爱。
 ☞ We promise to love forever.
 ☞ 我们永远是朋友。
 ☞ We'll remain friends forever.
 ☞ 她儿子去打仗时她感到似乎在跟他永别。
 ☞ When her son went to fight in the war, she felt as if she were saying goodbye to him forever.
  ■ 此外,forever还可用于否定句,而not always则表示部分否定。
 ☞ 我不打算永远住在中国。
 ☞ I don't plan to live in China forever.试比较:I don't always live in China.(我不总是住在中国。)
 ☞ 我们有许多朋友,也有不少敌人,因此我们必须永远警惕。
 ☞ We have a lot of friends but also have a few of enemies, so we must ever be on the alert.
 ☞ 她永远也不想谈起这件事。
 ☞ She doesn't want ever to speak of it.
 ☞ 中国现在不做超级大国,将来也永远不做超级大国。
 ☞ China is not a superpower, nor will she ever become one.
 ☞ 我的意见永远是诚信不吃亏。
 ☞ I have ever been of opinion that honesty and credit pay.
5.for good,表示的永远是指永不恢复原来的状态,而forever却指要永远保持已有的状态。
 ☞ 中国终于永远摆脱了封建主义和帝国主义。
 ☞ China at length got rid of feudalism and imperialism for good.
 ☞ 我们在村子里住了几个月之后,喜欢得决定永远在那里定居。
 ☞ After we had been in the village a few months we so liked it that we decided to settle there for good.
 ☞ 他从中学毕业时就决定要跟学习一刀两断。
 ☞ When he graduated from middle school, he decided he was done with study for good.
污染 污染
 ☞ 沿岸堆积如山的垃圾污染了我们的母亲河。
 ☞ The garbage piled up mountain high along the banks has polluted our mother river.
 ☞ 该厂的废水过去污染了这一带的农田。
 ☞ The waste water of the factory used to pollute the farmland here.
 ☞ 我家门前的清水河被污染成了臭气熏天的臭水沟。
 ☞ The pure stream in front of our house has changed into a polluted ditch stinking to high heaven.
 ☞ 环境污染如不遏制,贻害无穷。
 ☞ Environmental pollution involves endless trouble if not checked.
 ☞ 你要做到让通过空调进入室内的新鲜空气不致受到废气或油烟的污染。
 ☞ You'll see to it that the fresh air coming into the room through the air conditioner will not be contaminated with exhaust or oil fumes.
 ☞ 杂质已进入水库,污染了饮用水。
 ☞ The drinking water was contaminated with impurities that had got into the reservoir.
 ☞ 牛奶应保持清洁,避免污染。
 ☞ Milk should be kept clean to avoid contamination.
 ☞ 油把水污染了。
 ☞ Oil has tainted the water.
 ☞ 各种轻松文学都受到了当时流行的放荡不羁的风气污染。
 ☞ All the lighter kinds of literature were tainted by the prevailing licentiousness.
沟通 沟通
1.connect, link (up),均指接通。
 ☞ 两市由一条铁路沟通。
 ☞ The two cities are connected (linked) by a railway.
 ☞ 湖泊与河流、运河沟通之后已对大船开放。
 ☞ Connected by rivers and canals, the lakes are open to navigation by large steamers.
 ☞ 京九铁路是一条沟通南北各省的新铁路。
 ☞ Beijing-Kowloon Railway is a new railway that links up the northern and southern provinces.
 ☞ 中日交往沟通了两国的文化。
 ☞ Contacts between China and Japan have linked the cultures of the two countries.
 ☞ 我们学外语是为了沟通。
 ☞ We learn a foreign language in order to communicate.
 ☞ 与聋哑人沟通是比较困难的。
 ☞ It is rather difficult to communicate with the deaf.
 ☞ 国际贸易可以沟通国与国之间的友情。
 ☞ International trade can promote friendly relations among countries.
 ☞ 访问、体育、旅游都是沟通文化交流的手段。
 ☞ Visits, sports, tourism all are means for promoting cultural exchanges.
 ☞ 早在两千年前,著名的“丝绸之路”就沟通了中国和西亚各国间的文化交流。
 ☞ As far back as 2,000 years ago, the famous Silk Road facilitated the flow of culture between China and the countries of West Asia.
 ☞ 这条石油管道沟通了伊朗石油至土耳其的通道。
 ☞ This petroleum pipeline facilitates the passage of oil from Iran to Turkey.
 ☞ 苏伊士运河是沟通两大洋的运河。
 ☞ The Suez Canal is an inter-oceanic canal.
 ☞ 穿越土耳其和保加利亚的铁路是沟通两大洲的铁路。
 ☞ The railway passing through Turkey and Bulgaria is an inter-continental railway.

1.sink, 指沉没。
 ☞ 等我们赶到出事地点,船已没入水下。
 ☞ The ship had sunk below the water before we rushed to the site of the accident.
 ☞ 我们到达那里,见他两脚没在淤泥里挖沟不止。
 ☞ We saw him keeping on digging the ditch, with his feet sinking in the mud, when we got there.
 ☞ 没多久,潜水艇就没入水中。
 ☞ It was not long before the submarine submerged.
 ☞ 鳄鱼没入水下以前也只露出两个鼻孔。
 ☞ The alligator showed only snout before submerging.
 ☞ 洪水几乎没过了大坝。
 ☞ The flood nearly overflowed the dam.
 ☞ 河水没过了河堤。
 ☞ The river overflowed its bank.
 ☞ 铁人王进喜跳进泥浆没过膝盖的池子里,开始用手搅拌起来。
 ☞ Iron Man, Wang Jinxi, jumped into the pond, where slurry was above his knees, and began to stir it with his hands.
 ☞ 你会游泳吗?这儿的河水深可没顶。
 ☞ Can you swim? The water here goes above a man's head.
 ☞ 我们几乎无法像平时那么走路了,山谷里的雪没过膝盖。
 ☞ We could hardly walk as usual. The snow in the valley was knee-deep.
 ☞ 河很浅,里画的水只没过脚背。
 ☞ The river is quite shallow and the water is only ankle-deep.
没收 没收
 ☞ 海关官员没收了走私物品。
 ☞ The customs officer confiscated the smuggling goods.
 ☞ 解放初期我国政府没收了大量的官僚资本。
 ☞ During the initial post-liberation period a great deal of bureaucrat capital was confiscated by our government.
 ☞ 我在教室里玩喷水手枪,被老师没收了。
 ☞ The teacher confiscated my water pistol while I was playing it in the classroom.
 ☞ 政府有权没收私家花园以供公众使用吗?
 ☞ Has the government the right to expropriate private gardens for public use?
 ☞ 该条款要求美国在国外的财产遭到没收而没有合理的赔偿时应立即停止美援。
 ☞ That clause requires an immediate cut-off of American aid if American property is expropriated without fair compensation.
 ☞ 战争期间,敌产都应予以没收。
 ☞ The property of the enemy ought to be alienated during the war.

 ☞ 你是怎么治风湿病的?
 ☞ How would you treat a case of rheumatism?
 ☞ 我要到牙医那儿去治牙。
 ☞ I'm to go to the dentist to treat my tooth.
 ☞ 想不到这药竟能治我的癌症。
 ☞ Who would have thought that the drug should cure my cancer?
 ☞ 抗生素可以治许多以前曾经认为是致命的疾病。
 ☞ Antibiotics can cure many diseases that were formerly fatal.
 ☞ 这种膏药能治伤口。
 ☞ The salve can heal the wound.
 ☞ 治好战争的创伤并不容易。
 ☞ It's not an easy job to heal the wounds of war.
4.bring….under control,tame,指经治理后加以控制;transform,指经治理后成为。以上两词均指治理自然环境。
 ☞ 治黄河是百年大计,要求质量第一。
 ☞ Bringing the Yellow River under control, which is to last for generations, calls above all for good quality.
 ☞ 我村经过治山治水,把昔日的穷山沟变成了今天的米粮川。
 ☞ Our village has turned the barren gully of yesterday into a granary of today by transforming mountains and taming rivers.
5.rule,指带有统治意味的治理;govern,指有系统、有组织的治理;run, 指管理上的治理。以上三词均指治理国家。
 ☞ 英国的君主只统不治。
 ☞ The British monarchs reign but not rule.
 ☞ 治大国如烹小鲜。
 ☞ You can govern a large country as you would cook a pot of small fish.
 ☞ 治国理当安民。
 ☞ If one runs the country one must run it well and give the people peace and security.
6.wipe out,指消灭;eliminate,指彻底消灭。以上两词均指治理病虫害。
 ☞ 一般说来,我们一年得治3次病虫害。
 ☞ Generally speaking, we have to wipe out plant diseases and pests three times a year.
 ☞ 治蝗于萌芽状态最为有效。
 ☞ It is most effective to eliminate locusts in the embryonic stage.
7.punishment, 指整治。
 ☞ 他老是违反监规,非好好治治他不可。
 ☞ He always violates the prison regulations and should be given a good punishment.
 ☞ 治乱要用重典。
 ☞ It is necessary to impose severe punishment on offenders who gravely harm the social order.

 ☞ 妈先把头发沾湿了才梳理。
 ☞ Mother wet her hair before setting it.
 ☞ 擦肥皂前手要沾水。
 ☞ Wet your hands before soaping them.
 ☞ 早晨草上沾有露珠。
 ☞ Grasses are moistened with dew in the morning.
 ☞ 锅炉房里的蒸汽使墙壁都沾满水汽。
 ☞ The steam in the boiler room has moistened walls.
 ☞ 你的靴子上沾满了泥。
 ☞ Your boots were stained with mud.
 ☞ 他是双手沾满了人民鲜血的刽子手。
 ☞ He was a butcher stained with the blood of the people.
 ☞ 他跑得真快,就像脚不沾地似的。
 ☞ He ran so fast that his feet seemed hardly touch the ground.
 ☞ 我一沾枕头就睡着。
 ☞ I can fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow.
 ☞ 出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪沾襟。
 ☞ Death took him before his armies went on to victory.
 ☞ This makes heroes drench their robes in tears.
 ☞ 帝国主义分子对当时的清政府要求在华利益均沾。
 ☞ The imperialists demanded the then government of the Qing Dynasty that they should benefit from anything in China.
 ☞ 我们工厂每周放电影,附近的孩子都沾光。
 ☞ Kids in the neighborhood enjoy the chance of seeing our factory's weekly film.
 ☞ 不要沾沾自喜于一得之功。
 ☞ Don't be complacent over an occasional success.
 ☞ 那些人都是沾亲带故的,我怎么拒绝?
 ☞ How can I refuse all those who have ties of kinship or friendship?
沾染 沾染
1.infect (with),指感染。
 ☞ 伤口沾染了细菌。
 ☞ The wound was infected with germs.
 ☞ 政治制度腐败不堪,连军队也受到了沾染。
 ☞ The political system was rotten to the core, and it even infected the army.
 ☞ 核电站爆炸后,整个地区都沾染了放射性物质。
 ☞ The whole area was contaminated with the radioactive substances after the nuclear power plant blew up.
 ☞ 做生意,千万别沾染上市侩作风。
 ☞ Never be contaminated with philistine ways while doing business.
 ☞ 他由于接触犯罪分子而沾染了坏思想。
 ☞ He was tainted with evil thoughts by his contact with criminals.
 ☞ 有些学生对外国货多少沾染上一些洋奴思想。
 ☞ Some students are tainted by slavish mentality towards all things foreign to more or less degree.
沾边 沾边
 ☞ 烟酒他是从来不沾边的。
 ☞ He touches neither tobacco nor alcohol.
 ☞ 这个案子他是沾了边的。
 ☞ He was involved in the case.
 ☞ 你讲的事一点也不沾边。
 ☞ What you said is completely irrelevant.
 ☞ 这两件事不沾边。
 ☞ There is no tie-up between these two events.
5.have nothing to do with,指无关。
 ☞ 这事他不沾边。
 ☞ He has nothing to do with the matter.
6.wide of the mark,指没在点子上。
 ☞ 你们的猜测都不沾边。
 ☞ Your guesses were all wide of the mark.
7.sound anything like the way,指听起来有点在理。
 ☞ 他说了半天,就是这几句话还沾点边。
 ☞ He talked for a long time and those were the only lines that sound anything like the way they should.
8.what, 与riot连用,指前后没有关系。
 ☞ 他讲的那些话和他的真实想法根本不沾边。
 ☞ What he said wasn't at all what he was really thinking.
泛滥 泛滥
 ☞ 在过去3,000年里,黄河泛滥成灾达1,500次。
 ☞ In the past 3,000 years the Yellow River flooded 1,500 times.
 ☞ 春雨期间,河水就会泛滥。
 ☞ During spring rains the river floods.
 ☞ 统计表格多得泛滥成灾。
 ☞ There is such a flood of statistical forms that they become a scourge.
 ☞ 尽管黄色小说泛滥,但好书也不少。
 ☞ There are not a few good books despite the flood of pornographic novels.
3.spread unchecked,指由于没有限制地传播而泛滥。
 ☞ 我们能让歪风邪气到处泛滥吗?
 ☞ Can we let the evil trends spread unchecked everywhere?
 ☞ 决不能让错误思想自由泛滥。
 ☞ Under no circumstances should erroneous ideas be allowed to spread unchecked.
 ☞ 去年河水泛滥,淹没了周围的农村。
 ☞ The river overflowed its banks last year, flooding the surrounding countryside.
 ☞ 湖水正在泛滥。
 ☞ The lake is overflowing.
 ☞ 人口稠密的省份大都洪水泛滥成灾。
 ☞ Most populous provinces were seriously inundated with flood.
 ☞ 低俗文学作品在全国泛滥。
 ☞ The whole nation is inundated with cheap literature.

 ☞ 茶要在开水里泡上5分钟才能喝。
 ☞ Steep the tea in boiling water for five minutes before you drink.
 ☞ 妈妈把黄瓜泡在盐水里做腌黄瓜。
 ☞ Mother steeped the cucumbers in brine to pickle them.
 ☞ 先把衣服泡在水里,洗起来容易。
 ☞ Clothes will wash better if you steep them first in water.
 ☞ 睡觉前把脚放在热水里泡一泡对你身体有好处。
 ☞ It is good for your health to soak your feet in hot water before you go to bed.
 ☞ 我喜欢泡热水浴。
 ☞ I like to soak myself in warm bath.
 ☞ 要去掉血迹,先要把衣服泡在冷水里。
 ☞ If you want to take out the blood stain, soak the clothes first in cold water.
 ☞ 把布放在染料里泡上20分钟。
 ☞ Immerse the cloth in the dye for 20 minutes.
 ☞ 人泡在水里显然会失去体重。
 ☞ When a body is immersed in water it apparently loses weight.
  ■ immerse有时也可用于引申义。
 ☞ 他整天把自己泡在工作中免得去想她。
 ☞ He immersed himself in work all day so as to stop thinking about her.
 ☞ 住在英国人中间英语学得快。我们叫做泡在英语环境里学英语。
 ☞ One can pick up the English language quickly by living among its people-learning English in immersion, as we call it.
 ☞ 他是在苦水里泡大的。
 ☞ He was brought up in bitter misery.
 ☞ 别泡时间,快把工作做完!
 ☞ Stop dawdling and finish your work!
 ☞ 她一不高兴就泡病号不出工。
 ☞ She often shuns work on pretence of illness whenever she is unhappy.
 ☞ 这个月的计划肯定泡汤了。
 ☞ This month's plan is bound to fall through.
 ☞ 别泡蘑菇,咱们赶紧干吧。
 ☞ No more dilly-dallying. Let's get going.
 ☞ 水渗过泥沙直冒泡。
 ☞ The water kept bubbling through the sand.
 ☞ 火山泥浆正在冒泡。
 ☞ The volcano pulp is rising in bubbles.
 ☞ 我手上打起了泡。
 ☞ I got blisters on my palms.
 ☞ 泡一会,茶味就出来了。
 ☞ Let the tea draw for a while and the flavor will come out.
 ☞ 中国人喜欢泡茶招待客人。
 ☞ The Chinese are used to making tea to entertain guests.
注定 注定
1.be doomed,指不可更改的注定,带有强烈的感情色彩。
 ☞ 这个计划从一开始就注定要失败。
 ☞ Form the start the plan was doomed to failure (to fail).
 ☞ 越来越多的物种随着科学的发达而注定灭绝。
 ☞ With the development of science more and more species will be doomed to extinction f to become extinct).
2.be destined (predestined),指命中注定。住往暗示天意如此。
 ☞ 我从来没想过要娶她,但我娶了她,我想这是命中注定的。
 ☞ I never thought I would marry her, but I did. It was destined, I suppose.
 ☞ 他的信没到她的手里,他们注定不能再见面。
 ☞ His letter failed to reach her. They were destined never to meet again.
  ■ be predestined也有此意,只是更强调预先注定。
 ☞ 他认为无论发生什么都是命中注定的,他无论做什么都无法改变其结果。
 ☞ He thought that whatever happened was predestined and nothing he did could have changed the result.
3.be sealed, 常与doom,fate搭配,指注定不会有好下场。
 ☞ 尽管当时还很少有人认识到这一事实,但蒋介石政府的倒台却已经注定。
 ☞ Though few people realized the fact, the doom of the Chiang Kai-shek government had been sealed.
 ☞ 不管战争有多少反复,侵略者的命运却是注定了的。
 ☞ No matter how many ups and downs there are in the war, the fate of the aggressors is sealed.
4.be decreed,指冥冥之中的注定。
 ☞ 天意注定我们要在这里相见。
 ☞ It was decreed that we should meet here.
 ☞ 我们注定要受穷。
 ☞ It was decreed that we should suffer poverty.
注意 注意
 ☞ 大街上传来的喧闹声分散了学生的注意。
 ☞ The noise from the street has distracted the pupils' attention.
 ☞ 遗憾的是当时我们没有注意到这些细节。
 ☞ The pity was that we didn't pay any attention to the details.
 ☞ 你干工作时要多加注意。
 ☞ Do your work with more care.
 ☞ 必须注意团结一切可以团结的人。
 ☞ Care must be taken to unite with all those that can be united.
 ☞ 我没注意他是什么时候走的。
 ☞ I didn't notice when he left.
 ☞ 你在会议上注意到有什么异常没有?
 ☞ Didn't you notice anything unusual in the meeting?
  ■ 但take notice of则不仅仅限于视觉上的注意。如:
 ☞ 开车时要特别注意路标。
 ☞ Take particular notice of road signs when driving.
 ☞ 对他说的话,我们一向都是很注意的。
 ☞ We have been taking notice of what he says. (与视觉无关)
4.look out,mind,均用于祈使句,指要人小心、当心。
 ☞ 注意!马上要点炮了。
 ☞ Look out! We're ready to blast 注意,别摔倒了。
 ☞ Mind you don't fall.
注视 注视
 ☞ 她一动不动地站在那里,注视着窗外的广场。
 ☞ She stood there motionless, gazing out of the window at the square.
 ☞ 我的小女儿久久地注视着来访的一位陌生人。
 ☞ My little daughter gazed at the stranger who came to see me.
  ■ gaze等于look fixedly,因此上句也可译成:
 ☞ My little daughter looked fixedly at the stranger who came to see me.
 ☞ 我们注视着满载新式武器的列车离开车站。
 ☞ We watched the departure of the train from the station, fully loaded with the new weapons.
 ☞ 千万只眼睛注视着她跳水时压水花的动作。
 ☞ Thousands of people were watching when she plunged into the water with a rip.
 ☞ 雷达兵目不转睛地注视着荧光屏上的移动目标。
 ☞ The radar-men's eyes were following the moving target on the screen.
 ☞ 那只猫注视着老鼠的一举一动。
 ☞ The cat followed every movement of the mouse.
  ■ follow还可用于转义。
 ☞ 我们都密切注视着人民代表大会的进展。
 ☞ All of us are following the progress of the National People's Congress.
 ☞ 他两眼爱慕地注视着那位女演员的脸。
 ☞ His eyes were glued to the face of the actress admiringly.
 ☞ 雷达兵目不转睛地注视着荧光屏。
 ☞ The radar-men's eyes were glued onto the screen.
注重 注重
1.attach importance to, 指对重要性的注重。
 ☞ 该校注重爱国主义教育。
 ☞ The school attaches importance to education in patriotism.
 ☞ 他似乎不注重身体。
 ☞ He does not seem to attach any importance to his health.
2.pay attention to,指注意力上的注重。
 ☞ 她很注重穿着。
 ☞ She pays very much attention to dress.
 ☞ 理论固然重要,但我们更应注重操作。
 ☞ No doubt, theory is important, but we ought to pay more attention to operation.
3.lay stress on,指强调上的注重。
 ☞ 你们要注重运动员的基本训练。
 ☞ You must lay stress on basic training of the sportsmen.
 ☞ 我们既注重经济效益,也注重社会效益。
 ☞ We lay stress on both economic and social results.

 ☞ 先泼点水再扫。
 ☞ Sprinkle some water before you sweep.
 ☞ 他把硝镪水泼到她的脸上,她的鼻子马上掉了,一只耳朵也同样如此。
 ☞ He sprinkled her face with nitric acid, and immediately her nose came off, and one of her ears likewise.
 ☞ 我的手一滑,把一些汤泼到了地上。
 ☞ My hand slipped and spilt some soup on to the floor.
 ☞ 你真是不小心,刚才把那么多牛奶泼到了桌上。
 ☞ You are careless enough. You spilt so much milk on the table just now.
 ☞ 孩子们爱在游泳池里互相泼水玩。
 ☞ Children love to splash water over each other in the swimming pool.
 ☞ 谁把墨水泼到了我的书上?
 ☞ Who splashed ink over my book?
 ☞ 别把脏水泼在院子里。
 ☞ Don't throw the slops in the yard.
 ☞ 不要把娃娃连同洗澡水一起泼掉。
 ☞ Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
  ■ 不过,throw也可用于相互泼水庆祝。
 ☞ 在西双版纳,人们互相泼水来庆祝泼水节。
 ☞ People in Xishuangbana celebrate the Water Splashing Festival by throwing water on each other.
  ■ 此外,throw cold water有“泼冷水”的意思。
 ☞ 他对我的想法泼了桶冷水,我感到非常失望。
 ☞ I felt very disappointed when he threw cold water on my idea.
活跃 活跃
1.lively,指有生气,liven up,指使之有生气,enliven,则更强调热烈欢快。
 ☞ 他的思想活跃。
 ☞ He has a lively mind.
 ☞ 讨论会由于辩论而开得很活跃。
 ☞ Because of the arguments the discussion was a lively one.
 ☞ 名演员一登台,观众立即活跃起来。
 ☞ The audience immediately livened up as soon as the famous actor appeared on the stage 剧团的汇演大大活跃了首都的文娱生活。
 ☞ The joint performances by a number of theatrical troupes greatly livened up the cultural and recreational activities of the capital.
 ☞ 为了活跃晚会,我们能做些什么?
 ☞ What can we do to enliven the evening party?
 ☞ 咱们唱支歌,活跃会场气氛。
 ☞ Let's sing a song to enliven the atmosphere of the meeting.
2.active, activate,指有活力或使之有活力。
 ☞ 他的想象力(思想)活跃。
 ☞ He has an active imagination (mind).
 ☞ 人是生产力中最活跃的因素。
 ☞ Man is the most active factor among the productive forces.
 ☞ 这会使追求真理的精神兴奋、活跃起来。
 ☞ This warms and activates the spirit in the search for truth.
 ☞ 上级不干预就可以活跃社会舆论。
 ☞ The absence of interference from above will activate public opinion.
3.brisk,brisk (up),指活泼或使之活泼。
 ☞ 生意做得很活跃,挣钱自可预料。
 ☞ When trade is brisk, money is more in view.
 ☞ 经济繁荣,供求活跃。
 ☞ Economy is prosperous while supply and demand are brisk。
 ☞ 市场又活跃起来了。
 ☞ The market brisked up again.
 ☞ 我倒喜欢来一杯,活跃心情。
 ☞ I would like to have a cup to brisk the mood.
 ☞ 大理三月街活跃了城乡物资交流。
 ☞ The March Fair in Dali stimulates the interchange of urban and rural products.
 ☞ 党的新政策活跃了农村经济。
 ☞ The new policy of the Party stimulates the rural economy.
 ☞ 气功具有神奇的生命力,能活跃人体的细胞。
 ☞ Qigong has mysterious vital force that animates the cells of the human body.
 ☞ 深入探讨的精神活跃了逻辑学的研究。
 ☞ The forward-reaching spirit of inquiry animated the study of logic.
 ☞ 自从那次事故以后他就不那么活跃了。
 ☞ He has not been so mobile since that accident.
 ☞ 听到这消息,大家顿时活跃起来。
 ☞ Everybody got excited at the news.
 ☞ 我们有游击队活跃在敌后。
 ☞ We have guerilla forces operating behind the enemy lines.
 ☞ 每逢节假日,队员都活跃在足球场上。
 ☞ On days off our footballers always exhibit their skill in the football field.
 ☞ 自从推行改革以来,领导干部一直活跃在生产第一线。
 ☞ Since the reform was introduced the leading body has been fighting in the forefront of production.
 ☞ 曾经于20世纪七八十年代在美国学习过的中国留学生,今天正活跃着我国的学术生活。
 ☞ The Chinese students who studied in the USA in the 1970's and 80's are invigorating today the academic life of our country.
 ☞ 近30年来由于一些重要的发现,光学又活跃起来了。
 ☞ In the last three decades optics has been revitalized by several important discoveries.

 ☞ 她在头发上洒了点香水。
 ☞ She sprayed some perfume on her hair.
 ☞ 驱虫剂要洒到皮肤上才能防蚊。
 ☞ Insect repellent should be sprayed onto the skin to discourage mosquitoes.
 ☞ 一辆洒水车在尘土飞扬的街道上洒水。
 ☞ A sprinkler went by sprinkling water onto the dusty street.
 ☞ 我们在结冰的路面上洒砂。
 ☞ We sprinkled sand on the icy road.
 ☞ 你儿子把牛奶洒到桌子上了。
 ☞ Your son spilt milk over the table.
 ☞ 别把汤洒了。
 ☞ Don't spill the soup.
 ☞ 我们甘洒热血为人民。
 ☞ We willingly shed our blood for the people.
 ☞ 她向他洒泪告别。
 ☞ She bade him goodbye, shedding tears.

1.wash, 常用词,指任何洗涤,不带任何修辞色彩。
 ☞ 她洗脸、洗手,然后下楼来吃饭。
 ☞ She washed her face and hands, and then went downstairs for dinner.
 ☞ 我烧饭、洗碗,忙着呢。
 ☞ I'm busy cooking meals and washing dishes.
 ☞ 袜子没洗干净。
 ☞ The socks have not been washed clean.
  ■ 但wash也可用于转义。
 ☞ 从那时开始他就洗手不干了。
 ☞ From then on he washed his hands of it once and for all.
 ☞ 他否认在监狱里洗过脑子。
 ☞ He denied that he had been brainwashed in jail.
 ☞ 医生告诉我每天洗两次眼睛。
 ☞ The doctor told me to bathe my eyes twice a day.
 ☞ 你得把伤口洗了才能包扎。
 ☞ You have to bathe the wound before you bind it up.
 ☞ 老年人在睡觉前用热姜汤洗脚有好处。
 ☞ It is good for old people to bathe their feet in warm water boiled with ginger before they go to bed.
 ☞ 房间是用去垢剂兑水洗过的。
 ☞ The room was cleansed with detergent mixed with water.
 ☞ 伤口是在护士洗过后缝上的。
 ☞ The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it.
  ■ 此外,cleanse还可用来清洗精神思想上的污垢。
 ☞ 但愿上帝洗去你心中的一切杂念。
 ☞ May God cleanse your soul of every impure thought!
 ☞ 希望今后你要洗心革面。
 ☞ We hope from now on you'll cleanse your heart and order your behavior.
 ☞ 胶卷洗得很好。
 ☞ The film is well developed.
 ☞ 照片洗出来了。
 ☞ The photo has been processed.
 ☞ 那段讲话录音已经洗掉了。
 ☞ The recording of the talk has been erased.
 ☞ 该你洗牌了。
 ☞ It's your turn to make the pack.
 ☞ 他吃的安眠药过多,医生给他洗了胃。
 ☞ He took too many sleeping tablets. The doctor had him have gastric lavage.

1) 拥有生命。
 ☞ 我的祖母活到85岁。
 ☞ My grandmother lived to the age of 85.
 ☞ 花放在水里活的时间要长一点。
 ☞ The flowers will live longer if you put them in water.
2) 在某种条件下生存。
 ☞ 动物没有氧气就活不下去。
 ☞ Animals cannot live without oxygen.
 ☞ 万物活着都得有营养。
 ☞ Whatever lives must have sustenance.
3) 精神的永生。
 ☞ 这些英雄的名字将永远活着。
 ☞ The names of these heroes will live forever.
 ☞ 他将永远活在我们心中。
 ☞ He will always live in our hearts.
 ☞ 试验室要用活猴子做实验。
 ☞ The laboratory conducts experiments with live monkeys.
 ☞ 我买了条活鱼。
 ☞ I bought a live fish.
 ☞ 猫在玩一只活老鼠。
 ☞ The cat is playing with a live mouse.
 ☞ 他是个货真价实、活蹦乱跳的牛仔。
 ☞ He was a real live cowboy.
1) 用作表语,可修饰人或物。
 ☞ 重伤员失去了知觉,但送医院时还活着。
 ☞ The mortally wounded was unconscious but still alive when taken to hospital.
 ☞ 尽管冬季严寒,苹果树还活着。
 ☞ Despite the hard winter the apple trees are still alive.
2) 用作补语。
 ☞ 有个敌兵被活捉了。
 ☞ One of the enemy soldiers was caught alive.
 ☞ 他父亲在抗日战争中被日军活埋。
 ☞ His father was buried alive by the Japanese troops in the Anti-Japanese War.
1) 用作定语或表语,可修饰人或物。
 ☞ 大家相信他是还活着的、最优秀的作家中的一位。
 ☞ He is believed to be one of the best living writers.
 ☞ 老鼠还活着。
 ☞ The mouse is still living.
2) 用作比喻。
 ☞ 他是她父亲的活偶像。
 ☞ He is the living image of her father.
 ☞ 他是位西藏活佛。
 ☞ He is a living Buddha from Tibet.
3) 用作名词。
 ☞ 他病得活腻了。
 ☞ He was so sick that he was tired of living.
 ☞ 好死不如赖活。
 ☞ Natural death is not as good as living on in degradation.
5.exist,指在某种条件下生存,可与live 2) 换用。
 ☞ 植物没有水活不了。
 ☞ Plants cannot exist without water.
 ☞ 他们在这种恶劣条件下是怎么活下去的?
 ☞ How did they exist in such wretched conditions?
1) 经过某种劫难而存活。
 ☞ 村民经过这么多的兵燹战火,活着的人很少了。
 ☞ Few villagers survived after they had gone through so many wars and fires.
 ☞ 这场战斗中的那些伤员,只有3个还活着。
 ☞ Of those wounded in the battle, only three survived.
2) 多活一段时间。
 ☞ 统计资料表明妇女比男人活得长。
 ☞ Statistics show that women survive men.
 ☞ 他比妻子多活了10年。
 ☞ He survived his wife by ten years.
7.last out,指熬过某个时期或病痛。
 ☞ 我们认为那老头活不过冬天。
 ☞ We don't think the old man will last out the winter.
 ☞ 他心脏病发作,不过还是活了过来。
 ☞ He lasted out the heart attack.
8.in (during) one's lifetime,指在活着的时候。
 ☞ 他活着的时候被塑造成神。
 ☞ He was portrayed to be a god in his lifetime.
 ☞ 她活着的时候影响过不少人。
 ☞ During her lifetime she influenced many people.
 ☞ 李时珍免费行医,活人无数。
 ☞ Li Shizhen saved a great many people, rendering free medical service.
 ☞ 这剂中药总算活了他的命。
 ☞ This dose of Chinese herbal medicine managed to save his life.
 ☞ 阅读过程是死的,而写作过程则是活的。
 ☞ Reading is a passive process while writing is active.
 ☞ 维苏威火山是一座活火山。
 ☞ Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano.
 ☞ 你三言两语就把他的一副叛徒嘴脸画活了。
 ☞ In a few words you gave him a vivid picture of a renegade.
 ☞ 这位著名演员把发疯的国王演活了。
 ☞ The well-known actor gave a vivid performance as the mad king.
 ☞ 戏剧是生活的活的写照。
 ☞ The drama is the lively image of life.
 ☞ 我们能不能把会开得活一点?
 ☞ Can't we make the meeting more lively?
 ☞ 我们需要更活的对外政策。
 ☞ We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.
 ☞ 规章制度是死的,但在执行经济计划时我们人是活的。
 ☞ Rules and regulations are rigid, but we could be flexible in applying our economic program.
 ☞ 他的话很活。
 ☞ His words were rather noncommittal.
 ☞ 她的回答“我会考虑的”相当活。
 ☞ Her answer "I will think it over" is quite noncommittal.
 ☞ 他的脑筋活。
 ☞ He has a quick wit.
 ☞ 他是我见过的人当中脑子最活的一个。
 ☞ He is the quickest-minded man I've ever seen.
活动 活动
1.move,指动弹,move about,指走动。
 ☞ 我患风湿的四肢几乎不会活动。
 ☞ I can hardly move my rheumatic limbs.
 ☞ 刚想活动一下,她的断臂就疼得她叫起来。
 ☞ She groaned as soon as she tried to move her broken arm.
 ☞ 你坐了半天,站起来活动活动。
 ☞ You've sat for a long time. Now stand up and move about。
 ☞ 你每天早晨活动不活动?
 ☞ Do you exercise every morning?
 ☞ 你发胖了,应该多活动。
 ☞ You are getting fat, you should exercise more.
 ☞ 老头睡前总要活动活动筋骨。
 ☞ The old man would exercise his muscles before going to bed.
3.limber up,指为准备某事而活动身子。
 ☞ 在晨练之前我们活动活动怎么样?
 ☞ How about limbering up before our morning exercise?
 ☞ 运动员在赛前都要做准备活动。
 ☞ The sportsmen limber up before the competition.
 ☞ 这颗牙活动了。
 ☞ This tooth is loose.
 ☞ 紧一下这颗活动的螺丝。
 ☞ Tighten the loose crew.
 ☞ 一直在争论的是到底是固定汇率还是活动汇率更能起调节作用。
 ☞ It has been debated whether fixed or flexible exchange rate would be more likely to play the regulating role.
 ☞ 他的口气有点活动了。
 ☞ His tone shows that he has become a bit more flexible.
 ☞ 游击队在敌后活动。
 ☞ The guerilla forces were operating behind the enemy lines.
 ☞ 我们的业务在全国各地都有活动。
 ☞ Our business operates all over the country.
 ☞ 有机会替他活动活动。
 ☞ Put in a good word for him when comes any chance.
 ☞ 他四处活动,总算谋了个一官半职。
 ☞ At last he has got an official post by running about.
 ☞ 新俱乐部已开始活动。
 ☞ The new club has started its activity.
 ☞ 不要坐那把椅子!它已经活动了。
 ☞ Don't sit on that chair! It's already shaky.
 ☞ 这桌子直活动。
 ☞ The table is rickety.
 ☞ 玩具士兵的手脚都是活动的。
 ☞ The toy soldiers have moveable arms and legs.
洽谈 洽谈
1.discuss, discussion,指讨论性洽谈。
 ☞ 他们公司不想洽谈这项业务。
 ☞ Their company refused to discuss the business.
 ☞ 双方洽谈了如何促进两国之间合作的问题。
 ☞ Both sides discussed the problem of how to promote cooperation between the two countries.
 ☞ 一些引进项目正在洽谈之中。
 ☞ Several programs for importation are under discussion.
2.talk, 指会谈性洽谈。
 ☞ 这件事,你们得跟他们洽谈。
 ☞ You will have to talk this over with them.
 ☞ 工人们决定成立一个3人代表团就工资问题与总经理洽谈。
 ☞ The workers decided to set up a three-member delegation to talk their wages over with the general manager.
 ☞ 双方洽谈了贸易事宜。
 ☞ Both sides held trade talks.
3.consult, consultation,指磋商性洽谈。
 ☞ 这件事得经过洽谈我才能最终决定。
 ☞ I cannot decide finally until I have consulted about the matter.
 ☞ 咱们上我的房间去洽谈。
 ☞ Let's go up to my room to consult.
 ☞ 雇主们进行了洽谈来决定是否增加工人的报酬。
 ☞ The employers held a consultation to decide whether to increase their workers' pay.

 ☞ 我国政府派了以外交部长为首的代表团参加这次国际会议。
 ☞ Our government sent a delegation headed by the minister of foreign affairs to the international conference.
 ☞ 公司派他出公差了。
 ☞ The company has sent him on public errand.
 ☞ 应当立即派人去处理这件事。
 ☞ Someone ought to be sent at once to deal with the matter.
 ☞ 援军趁着夜色的掩护被派到了河对岸。
 ☞ Reinforcement was sent across the river under cover of darkness.
  ■ send 还可与一些介词或副词连用,表示不同的意思。
 ☞ 王经理把皮包忘在了我的办公室,因此我派一位练习生去追他。
 ☞ Wang, the manager, left his bag in my office, so I sent one of the boys after him.
 ☞ 装甲车派到了我师主力部队前面以发现敌军的动向。
 ☞ Armored cars were sent ahead of the main body of our division to spot enemy troop movement.
 ☞ 我们派他去请医生了。
 ☞ We have sent him for the doctor.
 ☞ 我知道每个能去的摄影记者都会被派往现场。
 ☞ I knew that the every available photographer would be dispatched to the scene.
 ☞ 美国派了一艘巡洋舰到该岛恢复秩序。
 ☞ The United States dispatched a cruiser to the island to restore order.
 ☞ 已派了5台消防车去扑灭这场大火。
 ☞ Five fire engines have been dispatched to combat the blaze.
 ☞ 上尉派了两名士兵守大门。
 ☞ The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate.
 ☞ 石油储备设施的保卫工作派给了我们团。
 ☞ The defense of the oil installation has been assigned to our regiment.
 ☞ 讨论结果是派我去管伙食,派你去搞保卫。
 ☞ As the result of discussion I was assigned to mess duty and you were assigned to guard duty.
 ☞ 党中央派他任云南省党委书记。
 ☞ The Central Committee of the Party appointed him to be Patty secretary of Yunnan Province.
 ☞ 派他担任车间主任。
 ☞ He was appointed head of the workshop.
 ☞ 国家主席派他出任驻美大使。
 ☞ The Chinese president accredited him as an ambassador to the United States.
 ☞ 他派任为驻联合国代表。
 ☞ He was accredited as a representative to the United Nations.
 ☞ 与会代表来自不同党派。
 ☞ The representatives participating in the conference were from different parties and groups.
 ☞ 国会议员在这个问题上分成对立的两派。
 ☞ The congressmen were divided into two opposing groups over the issue.
7.sect, 指宗教派别。
 ☞ 清教徒是十六七世纪英国新教徒中的一派。
 ☞ Puritans were a sect of English protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries.
 ☞ 基督教各派都对耶稣的话有不同的理解。
 ☞ The Christian sects have a varying interpretation of the words of Christ.
 ☞ 你是哪一派?
 ☞ To what faction do you belong?
 ☞ 一个社会之所以变得崇高,不是靠一派胜过另一派,而是靠各派互相协调。
 ☞ A society becomes great not by the victories of its factions over each other but by their reconciliation.
9.school, 指学派。
 ☞ 很多学者都是这一派的。
 ☞ Many scholars belong to this school.
 ☞ 客厅墙上挂着印象派的油画。
 ☞ On the wall of the drawing room were hung oil paintings of the impressionist school.
 ☞ 边境派有重兵。
 ☞ A large number of troops are stationed along the border.
 ☞ 警方会派一名警员到马路对面监视银行。
 ☞ The police will station a man on the opposite side of the road to keep watch on the bank.
 ☞ 他的唱腔自成一派。
 ☞ He was unique in his style of singing.
 ☞ 他是个乐天派。
 ☞ He is an optimist.
 ☞ 火车在急速行驶,窗外是一派深秋景色。
 ☞ The train was running at high speed, and outside its window was a late autumn scene.
 ☞ 一派北国风光投入跟帘。
 ☞ An expanse of typical northern scenery greeted the eye.
 ☞ 我们的形势一派大好。
 ☞ We have an all-prevailing excellent situation.
 ☞ 他所说的纯属一派谎言。
 ☞ What he said was a pack of absolute lies.
 ☞ 你什么时候给我们派任务?
 ☞ When will you set us a task?
 ☞ 他自己不认错,还派别人不是。
 ☞ Instead of admitting his mistakes he shifted the blame onto others.
 ☞ 我们在农民家里吃派饭。
 ☞ We boarded with different peasant families by arrangement.
 ☞ 粮食是由国家派购的。
 ☞ Purchases of grain are prescribed by the state.
 ☞ 要严禁向农户派款。
 ☞ We must strictly forbid imposing levies of money on peasant families.
 ☞ 这东西我派不上用场。
 ☞ I have no use for it.
 ☞ 这东西将来会派上大用场。
 ☞ It can be turned to good account in future.

1.flow, 指流体不间断的流动。
 ☞ 长江流入东海。
 ☞ The Changjiang River flows into the East Sea.
 ☞ 她泪流满面。
 ☞ Tears flowed down her cheeks.
 ☞ 他手指割了个口子,血流出来了。
 ☞ He cut his finger and the blood flowed out.
  ■ 但用作比喻时,也可指固体的流动。
 ☞ 黄金流到了国外。
 ☞ Gold flowed out of the country.
 ☞ 改革以来,数以千万计的农村人口流入了城市。
 ☞ The rural population, numbering tens of millions, has flowed into urban areas since the reform.
2.stream, 指一股一股的流动。
 ☞ 水从地下室的墙上流了下来。
 ☞ In the basement, water streamed down the walls.
 ☞ 血从伤口流了出来。
 ☞ Blood streamed from the wound.
 ☞ 她泪流满面。
 ☞ Tears streamed down her face.
 ☞ 车流穿过大桥。
 ☞ A stream of traffic crossed the bridge.
 ☞ 人流从火车站内涌了出来。
 ☞ A stream of people were coming out of the railway station.
 ☞ 他通过意识流来刻画人物。
 ☞ He portrays his characters through the stream of consciousness.
 ☞ 两个方向的人流经过他身边,不过他终于被向南涌动的人流带走了。
 ☞ Streams of people passed him in either direction, but he was finally caught by the current of those moving south.
 ☞ 水流速度在每秒1. 26-2. 73米之间。
 ☞ The water current's speed is between l.26 and 2.73 meters per second.
 ☞ 这里的气候很受太平洋暖流的影响。
 ☞ The climate here is much affected by the warm current in the Pacific Ocean.
 ☞ 一股电流正通过导线。
 ☞ An electric current is passing through a wire.
4.run, 指流体的运动。
 ☞ 江河都流人大海。
 ☞ Rivers run to the sea.
 ☞ 水从水管流到桶里。
 ☞ The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.
 ☞ 血从伤口流出来。
 ☞ Blood ran from a cut.
 ☞ 她泪流满面。
 ☞ Tears were running down her face.
 ☞ 他咳嗽松了点,不过还在流鼻涕。
 ☞ His cough has slackened, but his nose was still running.
 ☞ 流泪就是哭。
 ☞ To shed tears is to cry.
 ☞ 听到他的死,我妈流了几滴眼泪。
 ☞ My mother shed a few tears when she heard his death.
 ☞ 他为革命流尽了最后一滴血。
 ☞ He shed the last drop of his blood for the revolution.
 ☞ 政治是不流血的战争,战争是流血的政治。
 ☞ Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
 ☞ 尸体躺得遍街都是,有许多没有了脑袋和手脚,其他一些肠子都流了出来。
 ☞ Corpses were lying all over the street, many of them with their heads and limbs missing, others with their intestines pouring out.
 ☞ 他大惊失色,汗流浃背。
 ☞ He turned pale with fright and sweat broke out all over his body.
 ☞ 伤口在流脓。
 ☞ The wound is festering.
 ☞ 一想到那顿饭他就流口水。
 ☞ His mouth is always watering at the thought of that dinner.
 ☞ 你的鼻子流血了。
 ☞ Your nose is bleeding.
 ☞ 他流了很多血。
 ☞ He lost a lot of blood.
 ☞ 拔这个牙会流血吗?
 ☞ Will pulling my tooth out draw blood?
流产 流产
 ☞ 我妹妹怀孕两个月就流产了。
 ☞ My sister miscarried in the second month of her pregnancy.
 ☞ 她流了几次产,才生第一个孩子。
 ☞ She miscarried several times before her first child was born.
 ☞ 我的计划全流产了。
 ☞ All my plans have miscarried.
 ☞ 阴谋家被挪,政变阴谋也随之流产。
 ☞ The conspirators were arrested, in the train of which the coup plot miscarried.
 ☞ 她两次流产。
 ☞ She has had two miscarriages.
2.abort, abortion, abortive,医学用语,一般指带有明确目的性的流产,如由于不愿受怀孕拖累或保护母体健康等原因而流产。为及物动词,有时也用于转意。
 ☞ 她在流产腹中胎儿时死去。
 ☞ She killed herself trying to abort her unborn child.
 ☞ 据专家认为许多妇女出于优生学的考虑而流产。
 ☞ According to experts many women perform abortion on eugenic grounds.
 ☞ 在女权主义者眼里,流产被认为是日益突出的问题。
 ☞ Increasingly, abortion is recognized as a preeminent issue for feminists.
 ☞ 他们中的一些人从一开始就认为战争会流产。
 ☞ From the start some of them thought the war would be aborted.
 ☞ 他经历过太多的流产政变,多少次都是靠他的胆识才挽救了政府。
 ☞ He had weathered too many abortive coups when only his courage and insight had saved the government.
  ■ 不过在医学上,abortion也常用于目的不十分明确的流产。如:
 ☞ 这类流产一般都是由于过度忧伤或酗酒引起的。
 ☞ Such a kind of abortion usually arose from overgrief or excessive drinking.
 ☞ 药物中毒导致她流产。
 ☞ Drug poisoning brought her on abortion.
流传 流传
1.spread (over),指空间的流传,着重点在面的覆盖。
 ☞ 佛教从印度流传到东方各国。
 ☞ From India Buddhism spread over the countries of the East.
 ☞ 群众中广泛流传着这位战斗英雄的事迹。
 ☞ Stories of the combat hero's exploits spread far and wide among the masses.
2.hand down,指时间上的流传,着重点在线的延长。
 ☞ 这些都是古代流传下来的寓言。
 ☞ They are all fables handed down from ancient times.
 ☞ 让儿孙们记住祖训,并使之流传于后世。
 ☞ Let my children and grandchildren keep in mind the ancestors' instructions and hand them down to generations.
3.circulate, circulation,指圆周型的流传,着重点在循环上。
 ☞ 谚语往往会流传到不知其出处。
 ☞ A proverb would circulate until no one could be sure of its origin.
 ☞ 该小说在女孩中广为流传。
 ☞ The novel has been circulated among girls.
 ☞ 这篇论文流传广,影响大。
 ☞ The treatise obtained wide circulation and influence.
 ☞ 有许多英语用词已在全世界广为流传。
 ☞ Many English words are in wide currency throughout the world.
 ☞ 这一说法流传的时间不长。
 ☞ The story has short currency.
 ☞ 自古以来流传着很多关于大禹治水的故事。
 ☞ Since ancient times many stories about Da Yu, who brought the floods under control, have been told among people.
 ☞ 战士的英雄事迹在人民中间流传下来。
 ☞ The fighter's heroic exploits are told among people.
流动 流动
 ☞ 溪水缓缓流动。
 ☞ The brook flowed sluggishly.
 ☞ 改革开放政策促进了人才的合理流动。
 ☞ The policy of reform and opening to the outside world has facilitated a rational flow of trained personnel.
2.on the move,指处在某种活动之中。
 ☞ 电影放映队常年在农村流动。
 ☞ Film projection teams are always on the move in the countryside.
 ☞ 解放军文工团常年在边防部队中间流动。
 ☞ An troupes of PLA are always on the move among the frontier guards.
 ☞ 劳动与资本一般都在国内流动。
 ☞ Labor and capital usually are mobile within a country.
 ☞ 本组由于表现突出而获得一面流动红旗。
 ☞ A mobile red banner was awarded to our team for the outstanding performance.
 ☞ 本市流动人口不下50万人。
 ☞ The floating population of our city is no less than half million people.
 ☞ 市政府拨给本公司500万美元作为流动资本。
 ☞ The municipal government appropriated 5 million American dollars to our company as its floating capital.
 ☞ 流动图书馆是一辆配备有各种图书的大客车。
 ☞ A traveling library is a large van provided with various kinds of books.
 ☞ 流动商店是装在轮子上的商店。
 ☞ Traveling shops are shops on wheels.
流失 流失
1.drain away,指物质微量而持久的流失。
 ☞ 当时,外汇和黄金储备日益流失。
 ☞ Foreign currency and gold reserve were drained away day by day.
 ☞ 电视使电影观众日益流失。
 ☞ Television drains away the cinema audience.
2.seep through (away),指泄漏引起的流失。
 ☞ 堵住管道的漏洞,不让石油流失。
 ☞ Stop up the leaks in the pipe so that no oil will seep through.
 ☞ 水库里的水由于土坝坝体内没有混凝土防渗墙而正在流失。
 ☞ The water in the reservoir is seeping away for not having impervious concrete inside the earth dam.
3.water and soil erosion,指侵蚀引起的水土流失。
 ☞ 我们想尽一切办法来防止水土流失。
 ☞ We tried every possible way to prevent water and soil erosion.
 ☞ 我国的水土流失长期以来一直是个老大难问题。
 ☞ Water and soil erosion in China has been a problem of long standing.
 ☞ 水土保持就是要遏制水土流失。
 ☞ Water and soil conservation is intended to curb water and soil erosion.
4.drop out, 指人员、生员的流失。
 ☞ 英语速成班由于流失了20名生员而解散。
 ☞ The English accelerated course disbanded when 20 students dropped out.
 ☞ 每年都有不少会员从俱乐部里流失。
 ☞ A number of members drop out of the club every year.
 ☞ 幸亏今年人员流失比较少。
 ☞ Fortunately, there have been fewer dropouts this year.
流血 流血
 ☞ 你的鼻子在流血。
 ☞ Your nose is bleeding.
 ☞ 他颈部的一根静脉被割断,因而流血致死。
 ☞ A vein in his neck was severed and he bled to death 由于这些不幸可怜的孩子,我的心在流血。
 ☞ My heart is bleeding for the poor unhappy children.
2.draw blood,指由于某种外因引起的出血。
 ☞ 我拔这个牙会流血吗?
 ☞ Will pulling my tooth out draw blood?
 ☞ 任何手术都会引起流血。
 ☞ Any operation will draw blood.
3.lose blood,loss of blood, 指失血。
 ☞ 他流了很多血。
 ☞ He lost a lot of blood.
 ☞ 流血过多可以致人死命。
 ☞ Excessive loss of blood may cause death.
4.shed blood,指流血。
 ☞ 他为革命流尽了最后一滴血。
 ☞ He shed the last drop of his blood for the revolution.
 ☞ 他们没有流血就推翻了政府。
 ☞ They brought the government down without shedding blood.
 ☞ 政治是不流血的战争,战争是流血的政治。
 ☞ Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
 ☞ 在人体内做不流血的手术可能吗?
 ☞ Is it possible to perform a bloodless internal surgery?
流行 流行
1.prevail, 指大众接受或不接受的流行,着重点在普遍性。
 ☞ 女性时装界再度流行紧身衫。
 ☞ In the world of feminine fashion close-fitting dresses once more prevail.
 ☞ 这种风俗仍在该国的这一带流行。
 ☞ Such a custom still prevails in this part of the country.
 ☞ 20世纪50年代的大型艺术展上流行抽象表现主义。
 ☞ Abstract expressionism prevailed in the big international shows in the 1950s.
 ☞ 该国正在流行霍乱。
 ☞ Cholera is prevailing in that country.
 ☞ 搭乘飞机的旅行习惯变得日益流行起来。
 ☞ The habit of traveling by aircraft is becoming; more prevalent.
 ☞ 某些热带国家流行眼疾。
 ☞ Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.
 ☞ 该国正在流行霍乱。
 ☞ Cholera is prevalent in that country.
 ☞ 这首民歌在陕北很流行。
 ☞ This folk song is very popular in northern Shaanxi.
 ☞ 中国学生中间流行篮球。
 ☞ Basketball is popular among students in China.
 ☞ 最近,一个讨人喜欢的用词“发展中国家”流行起来,代替了“欠发达国家”
 ☞ More recently, the flattering term "developing countries" has been popular instead of that of "less developed countries".
 ☞ 姑娘中间流行短裙。
 ☞ Short skirts are in fashion among girls.
 ☞ 现在不流行喇叭裤了。
 ☞ Flare trousers are out of fashion now.
 ☞ 留长发流行一时。
 ☞ Long hair is all the fashion.
 ☞ 我小时候就流行过这类式样的帽子。
 ☞ That style of hat came into fashion when I was a boy.
5.be in vogue,have a vogue,指大众接受但持续时间不长的流行。
 ☞ 刚流行过这样的鞋。
 ☞ Shoes like these were in vogue just now.
 ☞ 这些著作曾在欧洲流行一时。
 ☞ These works had a great vogue in Europe.
6.be all the rage,指因赶潮流引起的流行,故一般也不能持久。
 ☞ 这首诗当时很流行。
 ☞ The poem was all the rage then.
 ☞ 这季度流行红领带。
 ☞ Red ties are all the rage this season.
 ☞ 这一说法是最近才流行起来的。
 ☞ This saying has developed recently.
 ☞ 一种对待离婚的新态度正在国内流行。
 ☞ The new attitude toward divorce is developing in the country.
 ☞ 现在流行一种很奇怪的病。
 ☞ There is a very strange disease spreading around now.
 ☞ 瘟疫在好多国家流行。
 ☞ The plague spread over many countries.
9.come in,指某种时尚开始出现并流行起来。
 ☞ 战后不久开始流行尼龙长袜。
 ☞ Nylon stockings came in soon after the end of the war.
 ☞ 这一式样今年肯定要流行。
 ☞ This style is certain to come in this year.
流露 流露
 ☞ 她给她父亲写了一封真情流露的长信。
 ☞ She wrote to her father a long letter that revealed her genuine feeling.
 ☞ 他的许多诗篇都流露出对祖国的热爱。
 ☞ Many of his poems reveal his ardent love for his country.
 ☞ 他们真情流露的情景,一幕幕都重现在我们眼前。
 ☞ Scene after scene of revelations of their true feelings reappeared before our eyes.
 ☞ 对他的内心冲突,他脸上什么也没有流露。
 ☞ His face showed nothing of his inner conflict.
 ☞ 他几乎不大流露自己的感情。
 ☞ He seldom shows his emotions.
 ☞ 她流露出来的情感是要掩盖她真正的感情。
 ☞ The emotions she showed were to conceal the emotions she felt.
 ☞ 用于肯定句,那一定是在感情失去控制时的流露。如:
 ☞ 雷斯特的脸上看不出一丝思想或感情的流露。
 ☞ Lester's face betrayed no sign of either thought or feeling.
 ☞ 恐怕我脸上流露了点什么东西吧。
 ☞ I was afraid my face had betrayed something.
 ☞ 他的神情流露出其情感已到了极限。
 ☞ His look betrayed the extreme of emotion.
4.come through, 指通过某种介体而自然地流露。
 ☞ 他的乐曲中流露出哀伤的情感。
 ☞ A feeling of sadness comes through his music 在他的作品里也流露出这种偏见。
 ☞ He lets that bias come through in his writing.

 ☞ 大雨浇得他全身湿透。
 ☞ He was drenched with heavy rain.
 ☞ 你要不带雨衣会挨浇的。
 ☞ If you don't take you raincoat, you may get drenched.
 ☞ 日本兵在她身上浇上火油,再扔上几根划着的火柴。
 ☞ The Japanese soldiers drenched her with kerosene and tossed lighted matches.
 ☞ 她每天都要给苗圃浇水。
 ☞ She waters the nursery garden every day.
 ☞ 鲜血浇开自由花。
 ☞ The blood waters flowers of freedom into blooming.
 ☞ 抽水站从这条河里抽水,来浇这10,000多英亩的土地。
 ☞ The pumping station pumps water from this river to irrigate over 10,000 acres of land.
 ☞ 我看见一位农妇在浇地。
 ☞ I saw a peasant woman irrigating field.
 ☞ 我在街上散步时,一桶水从二楼浇到我头上。
 ☞ A bucket of water was poured over my head from the second floor when I was walking along the street.
 ☞ 他把水浇到花坛上。
 ☞ He poured the water on the flower bed.

 ☞ 木头在水上会浮起来。
 ☞ Wood floats on water.
 ☞ 河面上浮着一个气球。
 ☞ A balloon floated on the river.
 ☞ 你游累了,就浮一会儿水。
 ☞ When you are tired of swimming, just float for a while.
 ☞ 我一口气浮到了河对岸。
 ☞ I swam across the river at one go.
 ☞ 河上没有桥,他们只好让马浮过河去。
 ☞ There was no bridge over the river and they had to swim the horses across.
 ☞ 他在41小时39分钟里浮了70英里。
 ☞ He had swum 70 miles in 41 hours and 39 minutes.
 ☞ 潜水员浮出水面,爬上筏子。
 ☞ The diver emerged from the water and climbed onto the raft.
 ☞ 我们看见一艘潜水艇浮出水面。
 ☞ We saw a submarine emerging from the water.
 ☞ 月亮从云背后浮出来。
 ☞ The moon emerged from behind the clouds.
4.remain on the surface,指因深入不下去而浮在面上,常用于转义。
 ☞ 干部要深入群众,不能浮在面上。
 ☞ Cadres should go deep among the masses, not remain on the surface.
 ☞ 所以必需对那些业务上钻不进去的人、浮在上面的人进行教育,使他们都成为内行。
 ☞ It is therefore necessary to educate those who have failed to dig into their job and remained on the surface, so that they will all turn into experts.
 ☞ 他这人太浮,办不了实事。
 ☞ He is too superficial to do solid work.
 ☞ 眼下的人都太浮。
 ☞ People nowadays are absolutely superficial.
浮动 浮动
 ☞ 树叶在水面上浮动。
 ☞ Leaves were floating in the water.
 ☞ 红霞在蓝天里浮动。
 ☞ Pink clouds floated in the sky.
 ☞ 美元开始浮动之后,其他国家的货币也随之浮动。
 ☞ After the American dollars started floating other states let their monies float as well.
 ☞ 发动机出了故障,船只能顺流浮动。
 ☞ The engine broke down and the boat could only drift downstream.
 ☞ 几股烟朝着北方浮动。
 ☞ Columns of smoke drifted toward the north.
 ☞ 蔬菜价格随季节而浮动。
 ☞ The price of vegetables fluctuates according to seasons.
 ☞ 汇率大幅度浮动,这可能会对国际贸易产生负面影响。
 ☞ Exchange rates fluctuated widely, which might adversely affect international trade.
 ☞ 物价飞涨,人心浮动。
 ☞ With the soaring of prices, there was growing feeling of insecurity.
 ☞ 大军压境,人心浮动。
 ☞ With a large army bearing down upon the border, people are beginning to panic.
 ☞ 军心由于一再败北而浮动。
 ☞ The army's morale was shaken owing to repeated defeats.

1.spread on,强调涂时面的扩大。
 ☞ 他把漆均匀地涂在家具上。
 ☞ He spread the paint evenly on the furniture.
 ☞ 你在面包上涂了奶油吗?
 ☞ Did you spread butter on the bread?
 ☞ 护士把油膏涂到伤口上。
 ☞ The nurse applied the ointment to the wound.
 ☞ 涂到皮肤上的药水要节省一点。
 ☞ The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin.
 ☞ 木桩上涂了沥青防腐。
 ☞ The wooden stakes are coated with pitch against decay.
 ☞ 地板上涂了清漆。
 ☞ The floor was coated with varnish.
  ■ coat可以与apply连用,表示涂上几层。
 ☞ 在木头上涂上两层清漆。
 ☞ Apply two coats of varnish to the wood.
 ☞ 她在烤蛋糕之前先在锅底涂上奶油。
 ☞ She smeared butter over the bottom of the pan before baking the cake.
 ☞ 那男孩把果酱都涂到椅子上了。
 ☞ The small boy smeared jam on the chair.
5.baste, 强调不断地涂油。
 ☞ 你烤鹅时要不断地涂猪油,免得烤干。
 ☞ You have to baste the goose with hog's fat when you bake it, to keep it from baking out.
 ☞ 她整天呆在游泳池边,不断地往身上涂油。
 ☞ She stayed all day by the swimming pool, basting herself with oil.
消失 消失
 ☞ 她望着儿子,直到他在视线中消失。
 ☞ She watched her son until he disappeared from sight.
 ☞ 从那以后,他就在中国大陆消失了。
 ☞ Since then he has disappeared from the mainland of China。
 ☞ 太阳一出来,雾就消失了。
 ☞ The fog disappeared as soon as the sun had come up.
 ☞ 他的幻想像泡沫一样消失了。
 ☞ His illusion vanished like a bubble.
 ☞ 我的自信心消失了,我感到血往上涌。
 ☞ My self-confidence vanished, and I could feel the blood flooding into my cheeks.
  ■ vanish与disappear的区别可从下面的译文中看出:
 ☞ 这类猴子现在已在地球上消失了。
 ☞ This type of monkey has now vanished from the earth.(指已灭绝)
 ☞ 我的小猴子昨天还在笼子里,今天却消失了。
 ☞ My little monkey was in the cage yesterday but it has disappeared today.(指不见了)
  ■ 当然,这种区别不是绝对的。如果作者愿意夸大修词的效果,vanish就可与disappear换用。
 ☞ 他消失在洞穴的黑影里。
 ☞ He vanished (disappeared) in the dark shadow of the cave.
3.die away,指听觉上的消失。
 ☞ 飞机声慢慢地消失了,只剩下我孤零零的一个人。
 ☞ Slowly the sound of the plane died away and I was left alone.
 ☞ 回声消失在远处。
 ☞ The echoes died away in the distance.
4.fade (away,to),指声音消失,与die away同义。
 ☞ 随着乐队继续行进,乐声也随之消失。
 ☞ The band moved on and the music faded away.
 ☞ 随着夜深人静,熙攘喧闹声逐渐消失在寂静之中了。
 ☞ The bustle and din gradually faded to silence as night advanced.
  ■ 但fade (into, from)同时又可表示视觉和感觉上的消失。
 ☞ 在他感到铸成大错时,酒意开始消失。
 ☞ The effect of the drinks began to fade when he felt what a gross error he had made.
 ☞ 随着黄昏的到来,海岸消失在暮色之中。
 ☞ As the evening came the coastline faded into darkness.
 ☞ 她对童年的回忆已完全从她的记忆里消失了。
 ☞ All memory of her childhood faded from her mind.
5.be lost (in),指失去或类似失去的消失。
 ☞ 能量决不会消失。
 ☞ Energy is never lost.
 ☞ 小偷逃到街上,消失在人群里。
 ☞ The thief ran into the street and was lost in the crowd.
  ■ 但是be lost in除了作“消失”解,还可有其他意义。如:
 ☞ He was lost in the wood.(指在树林里迷了路)
 ☞ The ship was lost in the sea.(指在海上罹难)
 ☞ She was lost in the thought.(指想得出神)
  ■ 除了be lost之外,还可用be与其他过去分词结合来表示消失。
 ☞ 涂了这种药,疼痛消失了。
 ☞ The pain was removed by this application.
 ☞ 景色消失在轻烟薄雾之中。
 ☞ The view dissolved in mist.
 ☞ 他跟她之间的隔阂一夜之间悄悄地消失了。
 ☞ The barrier between him and her had been silently dissolved overnight.
7.be gone,指走了以后消失,一种比喻性说法。
 ☞ 吃了这药,疼痛就会消失。
 ☞ Take this medicine and the pain will be gone.
 ☞ 电视画面渐渐暗淡下去直至消失。
 ☞ The TV picture faded slowly until it was gone.
消散 消散
 ☞ 这时,天空中的乌云渐渐消散。
 ☞ The dark clouds were then dispersing across the sky.
 ☞ 黎明前的黑暗总是在太阳出来时开始?肖散。
 ☞ The darkness before daybreak always begins to disperse as the sun is coming up.
 ☞ 他脸上的愁容消散了。
 ☞ His worried expression has disappeared from his face.
 ☞ 她与上司谈话之后,她的怀疑和绝望终于消散了。
 ☞ Her doubts and despair disappeared after the talk with her boss.
3.lift, 指云雾等上升而消散。
 ☞ 云雾消散,又看见山了。
 ☞ The mountain reappeared when the clouds lifted.
 ☞ 随着黎明的到来,黑暗消散了。
 ☞ The darkness lifted as dawn was day-breaking.
4.go (down),泛指消散,是一种笼统的说法。
 ☞ 睡了一觉,疲劳完全消散了。
 ☞ After a good sleep, my fatigue was all gone.
 ☞ 吃了这药,肿胀就会消散。
 ☞ Take this medicine and the swelling will go down.
消极 消极
 ☞ 消极防御实际上是假防御,只有积极防御才是真防御。
 ☞ Passive defense is actually a spurious kind of defense, and the only real defense is active defense.
 ☞ 来自市民方面对侵略者的消极抵抗证明是极有效的武器。
 ☞ The passive resistance to the invaders on the part of the townspeople proved a very effective weapon.
 ☞ 积极的意见应该是告诉你该做什么,而消极的意见只讲不该做什么。
 ☞ Positive advice should be the advice that tells you what ought to be done while negative advice is the advice that only tells you what not to do.
 ☞ 他深受消极人生观的影响。
 ☞ He was profoundly affected by his negative outlook on life.
 ☞ 是他的病逼得他过一种消极的生活。
 ☞ It is his illness that has forced him to lead an inactive life.
 ☞ 他情绪消极,木过倒还镇静。
 ☞ He was dispirited, but stayed calm.
 ☞ 有意见可以提,但工作不能消极。
 ☞ You can air your view if you differ. But you shouldn't get slack at your work.
 ☞ 一个人要是迟钝、懒散,也一定消极。
 ☞ One must be inert if one is dull and lazy.
消灭 消灭
1.die out,常用语,指自行消亡、灭绝,不带任何感情色彩。
 ☞ 卡尔·马克思认为宗教的基础是迷信,因此最终是要消灭的。
 ☞ Karl Marx believed that religion was based on superstition, and that it would ultimately die out.
  "How did the dinosaur die out?”That is a question of endless debate.
 ☞ 如果战争失败,我们也将被消灭。
 ☞ If the war is lost, we shall also perish.
 ☞ 敌人是不会自行消灭的。
 ☞ The enemy will not perish of himself.
3.pass away,也指消亡,但更强调消亡的过程。
 ☞ 一切事物都有一个发生、发展和消灭的过程。
 ☞ All things go through the process of coming into being, developing and passing away.
 ☞ 如果处理得当,困难自然会被消灭。
 ☞ Difficulties will pass away if we deal with them in a proper way.
 ☞ 改革以来,我们正逐步消灭城乡差别。
 ☞ We have been gradually eliminating the differences between town and country since the reform.
 ☞ 她仔细通读了打字稿,以便消灭错误。
 ☞ She went through the typescript carefully to eliminate all errors from it.
 ☞ 只有消灭了人剥削人的制度,才能消灭贫穷、失业与战争。
 ☞ Only when the exploitation of man by man is abolished will it be possible to abolish poverty, unemployment and war.
 ☞ 我们应当在作战武器消灭我们之前消灭之。
 ☞ The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us.
 ☞ 这种新的化学制剂能消灭蟑螂。
 ☞ The new chemical will exterminate cockroaches.
 ☞ 形形色色的殖民主义都应予以消灭。
 ☞ Colonialism of all shades and forms must be exterminated.
7.wipe out, 指扫荡性的消灭。
 ☞ 事情就是这样,他们来进攻,我们把他们消灭了, 他们就舒服了。
 ☞ This is the way things are: if they attack and we wipe them out, they will have that satisfaction.
 ☞ 许多疾病是可以消灭,而且应该消灭的。
 ☞ Many diseases could be and must be wiped out.
8.put an end to, 指终止性消灭,强调过程的结束。
 ☞ 世界人民迟早都要消灭人剥削人的制度。
 ☞ Sooner or later, the people of the world will put an end to the exploitation of man by man.
 ☞ 当前的主要任务是消灭种族歧视。
 ☞ The chief task of the moment is to put an end to racial discrimination.
9.get rid of,指摆脱性的消灭,强调除去不愉快的东西。
 ☞ 只要消灭丁螺,也就消灭了血吸虫病。
 ☞ Get rid of the snail, and you get rid of schistosomia.
 ☞ 罪犯一般的做法是消灭可能对他们不利的证据。
 ☞ The usual practice of the criminals is to get rid of the witness that can be produced against them.
消耗 消耗
1.consume, consumption,指日常消费中必需的消耗,包括吃、穿、用等。
 ☞ 灾民每天消耗的粮食以数万吨计。
 ☞ The victims of the disaster consumed food by tens of thousands of tons daily.
 ☞ 汽车要消耗汽油。
 ☞ An automobile consumes gasoline.
  ■ 但很多时候也指无谓的消耗。
 ☞ 整天的时间都消耗在无谓的讨论上了。
 ☞ Whole days were consumed by meaningless discussions.
 ☞ 把很多的金钱和精力都消耗在房屋的装修上实在划不来。
 ☞ It is really not worth consuming much energy and money on decorating the house.
 ☞ 敌人在这场战斗中消耗了大量的武器和弹药。
 ☞ The enemy expended large amount of arms and ammunition.
 ☞ 在这一工程上,我们设计组消耗了大量的时间和精力。
 ☞ Our designing team expended much time and energy on the project.
3.use (up),词义比consume窄,仅指使用中的消耗。
 ☞ 我们现在消耗的电力太多了。
 ☞ We're using far too much electricity.
 ☞ 大量燃料都是由现代工业消耗掉的。
 ☞ Large quantities of fuel are used by modem industry.
 ☞ 据估计,每天要消耗20卷胶卷。
 ☞ It is estimated that twenty rolls of film are to be used up daily.
 ☞ 我们的存煤已消耗殆尽。
 ☞ Our stock of coal has been used up.
4.wear down,指通过点点滴滴的损耗形成的消耗。
 ☞ 我们连续射击的炮火消耗了敌人的有生力量。
 ☞ Our endless gunfire wore down the enemy's effective strength.
 ☞ 这里成千上万的工人在恶劣的工作条件下,为了微薄的工资消耗着他们的生命。
 ☞ Thousands of workers here are wearing down their lives for the meager wages under bad working conditions.
 ☞ 他数年来卧床不起消耗掉了他的体力。
 ☞ His being locked in bed for years has drained his strength.
 ☞ 国家的人力物力都在战争中消耗掉了。
 ☞ The nation's manpower and material resources were drained by the war.
 ☞ 在连续不断受伤的情况下,身体可能已消耗到无法承受新的感染。
 ☞ Under conditions of sustained or repeated injury the body may be so depleted that it no longer can withstand new infection.
 ☞ 多年的开采消耗掉了该国大部分的矿产资源。
 ☞ Years of mining have depleted the country of most of its mineral resources.
消除 消除
1.clear away,clear up, 指清除。常用于口语。
 ☞ 我们之间应消除这样荒唐的念头。
 ☞ We should clear away such absurd ideas among ourselves.
 ☞ 我们如何才能消除你的怀疑呢?
 ☞ How can we clear away your suspicions?
 ☞ 你必须努力消除她的疑虑。
 ☞ You must try to clear up her doubts.
 ☞ 我希望能消除我们之间的误会。
 ☞ I hope we can clear up the misunderstanding between us.
 ☞ 我们要想尽办法来消除他们的偏见。
 ☞ We must do all we can to remove their prejudice.
 ☞ 要消除他们对他的不良印象是相当困难的。
 ☞ It's rather difficult to remove the unpleasant impression they have of him.
3.lull, 指平息某种剧烈的心理活动。
 ☞ 他重新做人的事实,消除了人们的怀疑。
 ☞ The fact that he has turned over a new leaf lulled the suspicions of people.
 ☞ 她的恐惧暂时是消除了。
 ☞ Her fear was temporarily lulled.
 ☞ 他成功地消除了我们的怀疑,并获得了我们的信任。
 ☞ He succeeded in dispelling our suspicions and won our confidence.
 ☞ 报上登的消息终于消除了我的顾虑。
 ☞ The news carried in the newspapers has finally dispelled my worries.
 ☞ 这种情况即使是在劳动人民中间也不易在短时间内消除影响。
 ☞ Even among the working people it is not easy to eliminate the influence in a short time.
 ☞ 为了消除分歧,双方决定举行谈判。
 ☞ Both sides decided to hold talks to eliminate differences.
 ☞ 要她一下子消除这一印象,你认为容易吗?
 ☞ Do you think it easy for her to efface the impression once and for all?
 ☞ 我们应该尽快消除邪教对人们有害的影响。
 ☞ We ought to efface the harmful influence of heresy among the people as soon as possible.
 ☞ 麻醉对消除手术恐惧作用不小。
 ☞ Anesthesia does much to banish the fear of operations.
 ☞ 轻音乐可以帮你消除忧虑。
 ☞ Light music will help you to banish anxiety.
8.go (down),指消失。
 ☞ 睡了一觉,疲劳消除了。
 ☞ After a good sleep, my fatigue is gone.
 ☞ 红肿已经消除。
 ☞ The swelling has gone down.
涉及 涉及
 ☞ 双方的分歧涉及到一些重大的原则性问题。
 ☞ The differences between the two sides involve major matters of principle.
 ☞ 跨国界的生活水平对比涉及到的问题极其复杂。
 ☞ Comparison of living standards across international boundaries involves extremely complex problems.
 ☞ 涉及两国的争议可以通过相互之间的协商解决。
 ☞ The dispute involving the two nations may be settled by an agreement between them.
2.relate to, be related to, 指关联。
 ☞ 这些规章制度只涉及各级领导干部。
 ☞ These rules and regulations relate only to leading cadres at all levels.
 ☞ 报告的大部分涉及常见病的病因。
 ☞ Most of the lecture related to the cause of common ailments.
 ☞ 该书涉及到第三次浪潮到来之后,社会上将要出现的新变化。
 ☞ The book is related to (relates to) the new changes which will appear in society after the third wave arrives.
 ☞ 政治新闻往往涉及到经济和社会问题。
 ☞ Political news is often related to economic and social problems.
3.touch in (on, upon),指稍稍触及,因此在深度上不如relate to。
 ☞ 这一重要问题曾经在我以前的报告里涉及过,现在再由我们来充分加以讨论。
 ☞ Let us now deal more fully with the important question that was touched in my earlier report.
 ☞ 你的论文只涉及到这一课题的皮毛。
 ☞ Your paper only touched upon the fringe of the subject.
  ■ 不过如果词义上不产生矛盾,touch on也可与relate to换用。
 ☞ 凡最近出版、涉及到他的研究领域的书刊,他都在阅读。
 ☞ He is reading all the current publications touching on (relating to) his field of research.
4.enter into,指涉及细节。
 ☞ 没有必要涉及过多的细节,只要告诉他们这件事的主要情况就可以了。
 ☞ There is no need to enter into unnecessary details;
 ☞ just tell them the main facts of the case.
 ☞ 他刚涉及这一问题,铃就响了。
 ☞ He hardly entered into the matter when the bell rang.
 ☞ 讨论范围涉及中美、中俄关系。
 ☞ The discussion covers Sino-US relations and Sino-Russian relations.
 ☞ 他的研究领域涉及的范围很广。
 ☞ His researches covered a wide field.
 ☞ 这次双边会谈除了两国关系外还涉及到其他主题。
 ☞ The bilateral talks had covered other topics except the relations between the two countries.
涌现 涌现
 ☞ 改革开放以来,新人新事不断地涌现。
 ☞ New people and new things have been emerging since the reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 一轮明月从云层中涌现出来,映射在湖面上。
 ☞ The bright moon emerged from behind the clouds and shone upon the lake.
2.spring up,指突然大批涌现。
 ☞ 新兴的小城镇正如雨后春笋般地涌现出来。
 ☞ New small towns are springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.
 ☞ 随着一发信号弹的升空,密密麻麻的火把涌现于漫山遍野。
 ☞ With a signal flare sent up, close and numerous torches sprang up all over hill and dale.
3.come to the fore,指从幕后到前台的涌现。
 ☞ 一个革命的政党一定得有从革命斗争和群众运劝中涌现出来的领袖。
 ☞ A revolutionary party must have leaders who have come to the fore in revolutionary struggle and movements of masses.
 ☞ 他们都是各行各业涌现出来的新人。
 ☞ They are all new people coming to the fore in all trades and professions.
清理 清理
1.put in order,指清理得井井有条。
 ☞ 你的书房乱成一团糟,你应该清理清理书籍和文件。
 ☞ Your study is in chaos. You ought to put your books and papers in order.
 ☞ 全体股东大会建议公司清理其业务。
 ☞ The general meeting of shareholders suggested that the company should put its business in order.
2.clear up (out),指清理得清清楚楚。
 ☞ 我不喜欢欠别人的钱,我总是尽快地清理债务。
 ☞ I don't like owing people's money, I always try to clear up my debts as soon as possible.
 ☞ 孩子们晚会散后,我花了一个小时来清理客厅。
 ☞ I spent an hour clearing up the living room after the children's evening party.
 ☞ 我把碗柜清理出来好放我新买的碗。
 ☞ I cleared out the kitchen cupboard to place the chinaware I have just bought.
 ☞ 她清理了壁柜以便我在里面挂衣服。
 ☞ She cleared out the closet so that I can hang my clothes in there.
3.clean up,指清理得千干净净。
 ☞ 清理洪水过后的实验室花了我们一周的时间。
 ☞ It took us a week to clean up the laboratory after the flood.
 ☞ 他们在搬进去以前正在对房子进行清理。
 ☞ They are cleaning up the house before moving in.
4.check up (on),指清理核对清楚。
 ☞ 我们清理后发现一切正常。
 ☞ We checked up and found everything was right.
 ☞ 我们在接收公司以前一定要清理设备和物资。
 ☞ Be sure to check up on equipment and materials before we take over the company.
 ☞ 遗产继承使他能清理他的债务。
 ☞ The inheritance allowed him to liquidate his debts.
 ☞ 我们清理了他的餐饮业并准备重新开始。
 ☞ We liquidated his restaurant business and were ready to start afresh.
6.sort out,指分类清理。
 ☞ 我告诉秘书把本月收到的信件清理出来。
 ☞ I told my secretary to sort out the letters received this month.
 ☞ 她清理了她收藏的钱币和邮票,度过了一个愉快的下午。
 ☞ She spent a happy afternoon sorting out the coins and stamps she had collected.
7.take stock of,指清理积存下来的财物。
 ☞ 明天我们要清理仓库里的所有货物。
 ☞ We're going to take stock of all the goods in the warehouse tomorrow.
 ☞ 咱们把家底清理清理。
 ☞ Let's take stock of what the family has.
 ☞ 我校图书馆每年都要清理一次,这一次我们发现有些书丢了。
 ☞ The library of our college is inventoried every year and this time we found some books missing.
 ☞ 他的财产经过清理接近百万。
 ☞ His estate inventories at close to a million.
淘汰 淘汰
1.knock out (off),指竞争中淘汰出局。
 ☞ 她淘汰了两名赛跑种子选手。
 ☞ She's knocked two seed players out of the running 现在他已淘汰了大部分的竞争对手。
 ☞ He has now knocked out most of the other competitors.
 ☞ 我们队在第三轮淘汰了他们队,然后第四轮自己也被淘汰了。
 ☞ Our team knocked their team out in the third round, and then was knocked out in the fourth.
2.eliminate, 既可指竞赛中的淘汰,也可指选择中的淘汰。
 ☞ 我们在预赛中已淘汰了大部分长跑选手。
 ☞ We have eliminated most of the long-distance runners in the preliminary heats.
 ☞ 业余队在第一轮中就被淘汰出局。
 ☞ In the first round the amateur teams were eliminated from the competition.
 ☞ 高粱作为主食已被淘汰。
 ☞ Sorghum is eliminated as staple food.
3.die out,指自然灭绝。
 ☞ 夫妻店由于超市而逐渐遭到淘汰。
 ☞ Shops run by husband and wife are dying out because of supermarkets.
 ☞ 只有那些适应环境变化的物种才能生存,其余的就会淘汰。
 ☞ Only those species adaptable to coping with changing conditions survive. The others die out.
 ☞ 新的电脑系统使得处理资料的老方法遭到淘汰。
 ☞ New computer systems have made old methods of data processing obsolete.
 ☞ 这种机器已经淘汰了。
 ☞ This kind of machine is already obsolete.
深入 深入
1.go deep into (among, behind),指透过外表进入事物内部的深入。
 ☞ 科学家们深入雨林研究植物群落。
 ☞ The scientists went deep into the rainforest to study plant community.
 ☞ 进行农村调查的惟一办法是深入生活实际。
 ☞ The only way to make rural survey is to go deep into the realities of life.
 ☞ The principles of "self-reliance and hard struggle" have gone deep into people's mind.
 ☞ 等他们获得情报,我们早已深入国境。
 ☞ We had already gone deep behind the frontier when they got their information.
2.go into (to),也指由表及里的深入,但由于少了deep 一词,需加midst, right等词以弥补词义的不足。
 ☞ 工作队深入到普通老百姓中间明查暗访。
 ☞ The work team went into the midst of the common people to investigate openly or secretly.
 ☞ 县委机关干部都深入到了农业生产第一线。
 ☞ The office workers of the county Party committee have gone right to the front line of agricultural production.
3.go down to,指自上而下的深入。
 ☞ 中央来的干部深入基层可不容易。
 ☞ It was not easy for cadres from the Party Central Committee to go down to the grass-roots units.
 ☞ 今后10年内,机关干部要轮流深入农村。
 ☞ In the coming ten years the office workers will take turns to go down to the countryside.
4.deepen, deep, deeply, in depth, 指逐步深入。
 ☞ 经济的进一步发展要求深入进行结构改革。
 ☞ The further development of economy calls for deepening the structural reform.
 ☞ 只有诱敌深入,我们才能围而歼之。
 ☞ Only by luring the enemy in deep can we encircle and annihilate them.
 ☞ 你要有所发现、有所创造,就要深入事物的本质进行调查研究。
 ☞ If you want to go discovering and inventing you have to probe deeply into the essence of things.
 ☞ 经过深入分析,发现形势对我们有利。
 ☞ The situation was analyzed in depth and found to be to our advantage.
 ☞ 潮气已深入到砖结构内部。
 ☞ Damp has penetrated the brickwork.
 ☞ 探险队已深入到了从无人类涉足的地区。
 ☞ The exploring party has penetrated into territory where no man had ever gone before.
 ☞ 一支小分队已深入敌后。
 ☞ A small detachment has penetrated into the enemy's rear area.
 ☞ 你得做深入细致的思想工作。
 ☞ You have to conduct thorough-going and painstaking ideological work.
 ☞ 工作队在进行了深入的调查研究之后得出了结论。
 ☞ The work team came to a conclusion after they had made a thorough investigation and study.
 ☞ 他的报告讲得深入浅出。
 ☞ In his lecture he explained the profound in simple terms.

1.confuse (with).mix up,均指混在一起分不清楚,后者较为口语化。
 ☞ 不要把律诗和词牌混起来。
 ☞ Don't confuse poetry of regular meter with poetry with irregular meter.
 ☞ 你把这两个词的意思混起来了。
 ☞ You have confused the meanings of the two words.
 ☞ 这完全是两码事,不要混起来。
 ☞ They're two entirely different matters, don't mix them up.
 ☞ 搬运工人把我们的行李混在一起,我差点拿着别人的走掉。
 ☞ The porters got our luggage mixed up; I nearly walked off with someone else's.
2.mix with,指与某物混合。
 ☞ 油和水}昆不到一起。
 ☞ Oil doesn't mix with water.
 ☞ 我闻到一股混有深夜青草气息的丁香花香。
 ☞ I caught the scent of syringa mixed with the late night smell of grass.
3.mix up with,指鬼混。
 ☞ 我们都认为他跟她混在一起是不智之举。
 ☞ We all thought him unwise to mix himself up with her.
 ☞ 他们跟这伙人混,真是傻瓜。
 ☞ They are fool indeed to mix themselves up with this bunch.
4.get by,指勉强度日。
 ☞ 他们虽然不易,总算能混过去。
 ☞ They got by somehow though it was not easy.
 ☞ 我总算是混了一天又一天。
 ☞ I manage to get by from day to day.
  ■ get by还可指混过去而不被发现。
 ☞ 我打扮成小贩,混过敌人的岗亭。
 ☞ I disguised myself as a peddler and got by the enemy sentry box.
 ☞ 小男孩没有回答老师的问话就混了过去,因为来了批参观者。
 ☞ The boy got by without answering the teacher's question because a group of visitors came in.
5.drift along,指游荡下去。drift,指游荡一段时间。
 ☞ 我们倒愿意混一阵再看。
 ☞ We are rather willing to drift along for a time and then see.
 ☞ 他们再也不能像以前那样混下去了。
 ☞ They are no longer able to drift along as before.
 ☞ 让学生混上4年是犯罪。
 ☞ It is a crime to allow students to drift through the four years.
 ☞ 他什么也没干过,而是混了一辈子。
 ☞ He did nothing but drifted through life.
6.muddle along (on),指糊里糊涂工作或生活。muddle through,指糊里糊涂地度过某个关卡。
 ☞ 在我们厂里你看不到混日子的人。
 ☞ In our factory you see nobody muddling along.
 ☞ 他还在混。
 ☞ He is still muddling on.
 ☞ 不知他是怎么从大学里混过来的。
 ☞ Somehow he managed to muddle through university.
 ☞ 他这人办事有条不紊,工作上从来不混。
 ☞ He is a methodical person and never muddles through a job.
 ☞ 他混讲一气以逃避责任。
 ☞ He made irresponsible remarks to shrink from his responsibility.
 ☞ 情况不明就不要混出主意。
 ☞ You shouldn't have put forward irresponsible suggestions when the situation was not clear.
8.make (earn)a bard living,指勉强谋生。
 ☞ 在旧社会他连口饭都t昆不上。
 ☞ In the old society he could hardly make a living.
 ☞ 我做小工勉强混口饭吃。
 ☞ I earn a hard living by working as a unskilled laborer.
混进 混进
1.sneak into,指偷偷进入。
 ☞ 他混进敌营放火烧了仓库。
 ☞ He sneaked into the enemy camp and burned down their depot.
 ☞ 我小时候常混进剧院不花钱看戏。
 ☞ When I was young I often sneaked into theaters watching plays without paying.
2.worm (one's way) in,指钻进、溜进。
 ☞ 他是怎么混进来的?
 ☞ How did he worm his way in?
 ☞ 不要让非会员混进来。
 ☞ Don't let any nonmembers worm their way m.
 ☞ 他随着人流混进会场。
 ☞ He mixed with the crowd and gate-crashed the meeting.
 ☞ 你怎么敢没经邀请就混进宴会厅里。
 ☞ How dare you gate-crash the banquet hall without being invited.
 ☞ 谍报人员中混进了间谍。
 ☞ The intelligence staff was infiltrated by spies.
 ☞ 他们会混进对手组织的会议进行破坏。
 ☞ They would infiltrate meetings organized by opponents and engage in sabotage.
淹没 淹没
 ☞ 河里涨水,小桥都淹没了。
 ☞ The river flooded and submerged the small bridge 上涨的洪水会很快淹没那个村子的。
 ☞ The rising flood will soon submerge the village.
 ☞ 船身只有一半淹没在水里。
 ☞ The ship was only half submerged.
 ☞ 自从他担任市长以来他的私人生活就被淹没在本职工作中了。
 ☞ His personal life has been submerged in professional responsibility since he held the post of mayor.
 ☞ 河流溢堤,淹没了农田,毁坏了所有的庄稼。
 ☞ The river overflowed, flooded the farmlands and destroyed all the crops.
 ☞ 军民共同战斗,防止河水淹没我市。
 ☞ The army and the people put up a joint combat to prevent the river from flooding our city.
 ☞ 这片绿色地区大雨之后常会被淹没。
 ☞ This green area would become flooded after heavy ram.
 ☞ 海底的一次地震引起的浪潮淹没了这一半岛。
 ☞ A submarine earthquake caused a tidal wave that inundated the peninsula.
 ☞ 要是荷兰的海堤垮了的话,海水就会淹没全部低地。
 ☞ If the dykes of the Netherlands gave away, the sea would inundate the lowlands.
 ☞ 旋风引起的浪潮淹没了海岸边的村舍。
 ☞ The cyclone caused the tide-waves that overwhelmed the beach cottages.
 ☞ 火山流动的熔岩淹没了山脚下的村子。
 ☞ Streams of lava overwhelmed the village at the foot of the volcano.
 ☞ 不要多长时间,他们就会被历史的巨浪所淹没。
 ☞ They are soon to be overwhelmed by the surging waves of history.
 ☞ 传说中的亚特兰蒂斯海岛是在被海水淹没后消失得无影无踪的。
 ☞ The legendary island of Atlantis was engulfed by the sea and disappeared without a trace.
 ☞ 汹涌澎湃的大海大有把这艘帆船淹没之势。
 ☞ The mounting seas threatened to engulf this sailing ship.
 ☞ 入侵者已淹没在人民战争的汪洋大海之中。
 ☞ The invaders were engulfed in an ocean of people's war.
 ☞ 水坝倒塌,水库里的水淹没了整个河谷。
 ☞ The dam broke and the waters of the reservoir drowned the entire valley.
 ☞ 庄稼被洪水淹没了。
 ☞ The crops were drowned by the floods.
 ☞ 企图阻挡历史潮流的人终将被历史潮流所淹没。
 ☞ Those who try to hold back the tide of history will eventually be drowned by it.
清查 清查
1.check out着重在检查,check on着重在核对。
 ☞ 专门成立了一个小组来清查账目。
 ☞ A special group was set up to check the accounts.
 ☞ 整个地点都应予以清查以防窃听。
 ☞ The whole place must be checked out in case it's been bugged.
 ☞ 为了落实孩子们是否都拿到了大衣,她还清查了衣帽间。
 ☞ To make sure whether the children had their overcoats or not she checked on the cloakroom.
 ☞ 清查表明该店存货过多。
 ☞ The inventory revealed that the store was overstocked.
 ☞ 每隔一个月,我们清查一次仓库。
 ☞ Every other month we make an inventory of the warehouse.
3.ferret out,指清查敌特、间谍、反革命等。
 ☞ 采取行动前要先清查敌特的身份。
 ☞ We must ferret out the identity of the enemy agent before we take any action.
 ☞ 不管有多大的困难也要清查造谣者。
 ☞ No matter how great the difficulty is the rumormonger must be ferreted out.
4.comb (out),指梳理般的清查。
 ☞ 警方清查了那一带,寻找失踪的小姑娘。
 ☞ The police combed out that area for the missing girl.
 ☞ 他们挨家挨户地清查了全城,要找到那些劫匪。
 ☞ They combed out the whole city from house to house to find out the robbers.
清楚 清楚
 ☞ 村民们对党的政策还不太清楚。
 ☞ The villagers were not sufficiently clear about the policy of the Party.
 ☞ 中国对这一问题的立场是大家都清楚的。
 ☞ China's stand on this question is clear to all.
 ☞ 我想我已经把整个事情向你们讲清楚了。
 ☞ I think I have made the whole matter clear to you.
 ☞ 他写的信总是字迹清楚。
 ☞ His letter is always written in a clear hand.
 ☞ 这个谁也讲不清楚。
 ☞ No one was able to explain this clearly.
 ☞ 没有眼镜我看不清楚。
 ☞ I can't see clearly without my glasses.
 ☞ 你得把工作交待清楚了。
 ☞ You will have to explain your job clearly for handing it over.
 ☞ 墓碑上的字迹已看不大清楚。
 ☞ The inscription on the gravestone was no longer very distinct.
 ☞ 这鼓声即使在远处也听得十分清楚。
 ☞ The sound of the drum was distinct even from a distance.
 ☞ 走廊上的脚步声他听得清清楚楚。
 ☞ He heard distinctly the sound of footsteps in the corridor.
 ☞ 我清楚地记得告诉过你不要那么干。
 ☞ I distinctly remember telling you not to do so.
3.legible, legibly,指书写字迹或印刷字迹清楚易认。
 ☞ 她的字写得清楚,很容易辨认。
 ☞ Her handwriting was legible and easily recognized.
 ☞ 新版的字体较大,清楚易认。
 ☞ The new edition is in larger, more legible type.
 ☞ 收件人和寄件人的地址、姓名务必写清楚。
 ☞ Be sure to write the names and addresses of the recipient and the sender legibly.
 ☞ 所有的数据都必须清楚、整洁地记录下来。
 ☞ All data must be recorded legibly and neatly.
4.thrash out, 指搞清楚,谈清楚。
 ☞ 他查了几本词典,终于弄清楚了这个词的意思。
 ☞ After consulting several dictionaries, he finally thrashed out the meaning of the word.
 ☞ 大是大非问题要彻底弄清楚。
 ☞ Major issues of principle must be thoroughly thrashed out.
5.know well,指深知。
 ☞ 他清楚父母对他的低分是不会满意的。
 ☞ He knew well that his parents would be dissatisfied with his poor grades.
 ☞ 样样清楚就是样样不清楚。
 ☞ To know everything well is to know nothing well.
 ☞ 这个问题你清楚不清楚?
 ☞ Do you understand this question or not?
 ☞ 我真不清楚他为什么这样做。
 ☞ I really can't understand why he has done this.
7.straighten out,指理清楚。
 ☞ 问题最后一定会搞清楚,你可以放心。
 ☞ Don't worry. Things will be straightened out in the end.
 ☞ 我们正在尽力弄清楚事情的真相。
 ☞ We're trying to straighten out the facts of the case.
8.all there,指神志清楚。
 ☞ 你的神志清楚吗?
 ☞ Are you all there?
 ☞ 为什么你认为我神志不清楚?
 ☞ What makes you think I'm not all there?
清点 清点
 ☞ 我清点名单时发现我忘了邀请王教授。
 ☞ When I checked the list I found I had forgot to invite Professor Wang.
 ☞ 总店成立了专门小组来清点分店的账目。
 ☞ The main store has set up special groups to check the accounts of its branches.
 ☞ 有些商店每周清点一次存货。
 ☞ Some stores inventory their stock once a week.
 ☞ 像我们这么大的商店应该设计一套系统来清点设备和物资。
 ☞ For a large store like ours a system must be devised to inventory equipment and materials.
 ☞ 他要各单位的负责人清点人数。
 ☞ He asked those in charge of each unit to count heads.
 ☞ 咱们清点一下选票,看看谁当选。
 ☞ Let's count the votes and see who will be elected.
清算 清算
1.clear, 指清算清楚。
 ☞ 公司和商号申请破产前应清算账目。
 ☞ Any company and firm must clear their accounts before applying for bankruptcy.
 ☞ 我能把我这笔债清算了就好了。
 ☞ I wish I could clear this debt of mine.
2.square up,指清算账目。
 ☞ 现在正是你我清算账目的时候。
 ☞ It's high time you and I squared up.
 ☞ 我走以前会跟你清算账目的。
 ☞ I'll square up with you before I leave.
3.liquidate, liquidation,指清算破产企业。
 ☞ 我们决定年底前清算该公司。
 ☞ We decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the year.
 ☞ 到去年底该集团已面临停业清算。
 ☞ By the end of last year the group had faced liquidation.
4.settle accounts with, settle scores with, 指报仇雪恨式的清算。
 ☞ 我一直在找机会想跟他清算。
 ☞ I've been looking for a chance to settle accounts with him.
 ☞ 他不清算那个好色分子誓不罢休。
 ☞ He'll never stop until he settles accounts with that womanizer.
 ☞ 现在是我跟他清算的时候。
 ☞ Now is the time for me to settle scores with him.
5.expose and criticize,指揭露批判式的清算。
 ☞ 土改时农民起来清算了恶霸地主。
 ☞ The peasants rose up to expose and criticize the crime of despot landlords during the Land Reform.
 ☞ 群众大会上清算了复辟旧制度的阴谋。
 ☞ The plot to restore the old order was exposed and criticized at the mass meeting.
清醒 清醒
 ☞ 在胜利面前我们要保持清醒的头脑。
 ☞ We must keep clear head in the face of the victory 这个问题要保持头脑清醒,态度冷静。
 ☞ This problem calls for clear-headed attitude.
 ☞ 事情出错时要保持清醒的头脑。
 ☞ Keep a cool head when things go wrong.
 ☞ 面临危险时头脑要清醒。
 ☞ Be cool-headed when you are in danger.
3.sober up,指由于激动、兴奋、酒精、毒品等作用过后恢复过来的清醒。
 ☞ 这一跤一定会摔得他清醒过来。
 ☞ The fall will certainly sober him up.
 ☞ 等到他发现钱包被偷以后才终于清醒过来。
 ☞ He finally sobered up after he found that his wallet had been taken.
 ☞ 把他的脑袋放到冷水龙头下让他清醒清醒。
 ☞ Put his head under the cold tap. That'll sober him up.
 ☞ 他醉醺醺地躺在那里一直到他清醒过来。
 ☞ He lay there drunk till he sobered up.
  ■ 但sober用作形容词时,则指客观的清醒。
 ☞ 我们对形势要有清醒的估计。
 ☞ We should make a sober estimate of the situation.
 ☞ 如果他们是清醒的,就不会那么自信。
 ☞ They would not be so self-confident if they were sober.
  ■ soberly也同样如此。
 ☞ 我们应当清醒地估计国际形势。
 ☞ We must appraise the international situation soberly.
 ☞ 二野渡黄河以前刘伯承将军对形势作了清醒的分析。
 ☞ General Liu Bocheng made a sound analysis of the situation before the crossing of the Yellow River by the Second Field Army.
 ☞ 他们的确提出了清醒可行的忠告。
 ☞ They did give sound and practical advise.
5.come to one's senses,指恢复知觉、神志后的清醒。
 ☞ 她在闷热的房间里昏了过去,但新鲜空气又使她清醒了过来。
 ☞ She fainted in the hot and suffocating room but the fresh air made her come to her senses again.
 ☞ 他被击倒后好几分钟才清醒过来。
 ☞ He was knocked out and did not come to his senses until for several minutes.
6.bring to one's senses,指受到某种打击、刺激盾的清醒。
 ☞ 他有一段时间身处逆境,这使他清醒了过来。
 ☞ His being in adverse circumstances for a period of time had brought him to his senses.
 ☞ 在牢里待上一个月你大概就会清醒了。
 ☞ Perhaps a month in prison will bring you to your senses.
清除 清除
1.clear away (of),指清除杂乱、障碍等。
 ☞ 清除路上的积雪是谁的职责?
 ☞ Whose duty is it to clear away snow from the road?
 ☞ 我们正在努力清除前进道路上的一切障碍。
 ☞ We are making efforts at clearing away all obstacles on the road.
 ☞ 第五军必须尽快清除该区的敌军。
 ☞ The Fifth Army must clear the area of enemy troops as soon as possible.
 ☞ 清除港湾里的水雷刻不容缓。
 ☞ Clearing the harbor of mines is a task which brooks no delay.
2.rid of,get rid of,指清除使人烦恼、讨厌的人或物。
 ☞ 有什么东西可以清除屋子里的老鼠?
 ☞ What will rid the house of mice?
 ☞ 普通老百姓都希望能清除我国的贪污腐败。
 ☞ Ordinary people wish to rid China of corruption and degeneration.
 ☞ 要清除害人虫并不容易。
 ☞ It is not easy to get rid of pests.
 ☞ 你真的认为这种人应该予以清除?
 ☞ Do you really believe that such men ought to be got rid of?
3.purify of,指清除不纯、邪恶的外来物。
 ☞ 抗日战争期间,全国开展了一场清除汉奸、卖国贼的运动。
 ☞ During the Anti-Japanese War the whole country carried out a campaign to purify the nation of traitors and collaborators.
 ☞ 音乐常常可以清除邪恶、净化灵魂。
 ☞ Music often purifies one's soul of evil.
4.purge of,也指清除不洁的外来物,但一般为技术用语。
 ☞ 我们可以用吹氧法清除钢里的浮渣。
 ☞ We can purge steel of dross by blowing oxygen.
 ☞ 锅炉里的水垢是用化学添加剂清除的。
 ☞ The boiler was purged of scale by means of chemical additive.
  ■ purge有时与purify同义。
 ☞ 我们必须清除党内的蜕化变质分子。
 ☞ We must purge the Party of degenerate elements.
 ☞ 愿上帝清除我的罪恶。
 ☞ May God cleanse me of my wickedness.
 ☞ 只有清除各种私心杂念才能全心全意为人民服务。
 ☞ Only by cleansing our soul of every selfish idea and personal consideration can we serve the people wholeheartedly.
6.weed (out),指清除杂草或清除类似杂草的人或物。
 ☞ 他在园里清除杂草。
 ☞ He was weeding his garden.
 ☞ 调皮捣蛋的人必须从学校里清除出去。
 ☞ The troublemakers must be weeded out of the school.
渗(渗透、渗入) 渗(渗透、渗入)
 ☞ 包扎伤口的绷带上渗出了血。
 ☞ Blood oozed out of the dressing.
 ☞ 额头都渗汗了。你着什么急呀?
 ☞ Sweat is oozing from your forehead. What are you worrying about?
 ☞ 水达到饱和带时,就会向下以及两侧渗透。
 ☞ Water oozes downward and laterally when it reaches the saturated zone。
2.seep, 指经过小孔和间隙渗透。
 ☞ 这种岩石的孔隙含有从土壤中渗下来的水分。
 ☞ The pores of this rock contain water that seeps down through the earth.
 ☞ 如果雨水不从地面蒸发或流走,就会直接渗入地下。
 ☞ If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground.
 ☞ 水是从裂缝里渗入的。
 ☞ Water seeped in through a crack.
3.exude,也指从小孔和间隙中渗透,但与seep不 同的是它一般指生物的渗透现象。
 ☞ 松树会渗出树脂。
 ☞ The pines exude pitch.
 ☞ 他的手心在渗汗。
 ☞ His palms were exuding sweat.
 ☞ 胶浆是从树里渗出来的。
 ☞ Gum exudes from the trees.
 ☞ 雨水渗入了土壤。
 ☞ The rain permeated the soil.
 ☞ 潮气很容易渗透这种术材。
 ☞ Damp can easily permeate this wood.
 ☞ 他身上这种颜色不是临时涂上去的,而是渗入了他的肌肤。
 ☞ He was not temporally overlaid with color, it permeated him.
 ☞ 血液渗入遭到破坏的组织,皮肤就会出现深色斑点。
 ☞ The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.
 ☞ 异己分子正逐渐渗入我党。
 ☞ The dissidents are gradually infiltrating our Party.
 ☞ 邻国的领土正被人用来向我方进行渗透。
 ☞ The territory of the neighboring country is being used to infiltrate our land.
 ☞ 这层表皮显著地改变了水分渗入土壤的速度。
 ☞ This crust obviously changes the rate at which water filters into the soil.
 ☞ 当我们赶到出事地点时,伤员都已被送到了医院。
 ☞ 我们只见到渗到积雪里的血。
 ☞ When we rushed to the spot of accident the injured were taken to the hospital and we saw only the blood that filtered through the snow.
 ☞ 外国势力开始向该国渗透。
 ☞ Foreign influence began to filter into that country.
湿 湿
1.wet, 泛指一般意义上的湿,范围从感到有水分到可以挤出水来。
 ☞ 刚洗过头,我的头发还是湿的。
 ☞ My hair is still wet from being washed.
 ☞ 小心点,别弄湿了衣服。
 ☞ Be careful! Don't get your clothes wet.
 ☞ 他进来时,全身都湿透了。
 ☞ He was wet through when he came in.
 ☞ 我感到这还是湿的。
 ☞ I feel it still wet.
2.damp, 指潮湿,水分比wet少。
 ☞ 熨床单时应该是湿的。
 ☞ Sheets should be damp when they are ironed.
 ☞ 去看看绳子上的衣服是否还是湿的。
 ☞ Go and see if the clothes on the line are still damp.
 ☞ 我用一块湿布抹桌子。
 ☞ J used a damp cloth to mop the table.
 ☞ 这场浓雾之后,连方向盘都是湿的。
 ☞ Even the steering wheel was moist after the dense fog.
 ☞ 握手时,我发现她的手湿漉漉的。
 ☞ When shaking hands, I found her hand moist with perspiration.
 ☞ 我们沿着一条被露水浸湿的小路散步。
 ☞ We walked along a path moist with dew.
4.humid, 指空气中的湿度大。
 ☞ 南方的夏季又湿又热。
 ☞ The south has humid and hot summers.
 ☞ 印度洋上空的湿气影响了这里的气候。
 ☞ The humid currents in the Indian Ocean influence the climate here.
 ☞ 他碰到了大雨,全身都湿透了。
 ☞ Being caught in the heavy rain he was soaked through.
 ☞ 你洗之前先要把衣服泡湿。
 ☞ Soak the clothes before you wash.
 ☞ 我遇上了阵雨,回来时全湿了。
 ☞ I was caught in a downpour and came back completely drenched.
 ☞ 汗水沿着他的身子往下淌,直到全身湿透。
 ☞ The sweat poured down his body until he was drenched.

1.slip, slippery,指滑溜。
 ☞ 我脚下一滑,倒在地上。
 ☞ My foot slipped and I fell down to the ground.
 ☞ 抓紧我的手,当心滑倒。
 ☞ Grasp my hand firmly, and mind you don't slip.
 ☞ 尽管山高路滑,他们还是继续行进。
 ☞ They kept marching though the mountains were high and the paths slippery.
 ☞ 这条湿淋淋的鱼滑得抓不住。
 ☞ The wet fish was too slippery to hold.
  ■ 有时,slippery可以引申为圆滑。
 ☞ 他滑得像条泥鳅。
 ☞ He is as slippery as a loach.
 ☞ 她的皮肤滑得像缎子。
 ☞ Her skin is as smooth as satin.
 ☞ 这条路铺着又滑又圆的鹅卵石。
 ☞ The road is paved with smooth and round pebbles.
 ☞ 男孩都爱顺着栏杆往下滑。
 ☞ Boys love to slide down the banister.
 ☞ 我们的汽车滑到沟里去了。
 ☞ Our car slid into the ditch.
 ☞ 他在错误的道路上越滑越远。
 ☞ He is sliding further and further down the wrong road.
 ☞ 车辆因路面结冰刹车时会打滑。
 ☞ Vehicles skid because of the ice on the road when they try to stop.
 ☞ 后轮打滑,他从自行车上掉了下来。
 ☞ His back wheel skidded and he fell off his bike.
5.crafty, cunning,指狡猾。
 ☞ 别信他的,他滑得像只狐狸。
 ☞ Don't trust him, he is as crafty (cunning) as a fox.
 ☞ 这贼滑得很,偷盗是在我们离家去晚会时进行的。
 ☞ The burglar was very crafty, and the burglary was committed during our absence for the evening party.
 ☞ 有些动物遇到危险时会耍滑。
 ☞ Some animals would play cunning tricks when in danger.
6.get away,指脱身。
 ☞ 抢银行的强盗带着一包钱想滑,但没得逞。
 ☞ The bank robbers tried to get away with a bag of money but they failed.
 ☞ 要是他一谈他的儿子,你休想从他身边滑掉。
 ☞ If he started talking about his son you'll never get away from him.

1.fill, fill with,指装满、使充满。
 ☞ 他是满脑子的享乐思想。
 ☞ The thought fills him with pleasure.或He is filled with thought of pleasure.
 ☞ 她眼睛里满是泪水。
 ☞ Her eyes filled with tears. 或Her eyes were filled with tears.
 ☞ 大厅里满满的都是人。
 ☞ People filled the hall.成The hall was filled with people.
 ☞ 欢声笑语满山村。
 ☞ Cheers and laughter filled the mountain village.
 ☞ 我再给你满上一杯。
 ☞ Let me fill your glass once more.
2.full, full of, fully,指充满。
 ☞ 他吃了满满3碗饭。
 ☞ He ate three full bowls of rice.
 ☞ 到8点,戏院就全满了。
 ☞ By eight the theater was fairly full.
 ☞ 杯子满得要溢出来了。
 ☞ The cup is full to overflowing.
 ☞ 小孩子满身都是活力。
 ☞ The child is full of vigor.
 ☞ 他是满脑子的胡思乱想。
 ☞ His head is full of nonsense.
 ☞ 她眼睛里满是泪水。
 ☞ Her eyes were full of tears.
  ■ full除了“充满”的意思之外,有时还有“圆满”的意思。如:
 ☞ 这样困难的考试,只有几个好学生才能得满分。
 ☞ Only a few good students can obtain full marks in such a difficult examination.
 ☞ 一轮满月照得亮堂堂。
 ☞ A full moon shone brightly.
 ☞ 从菜市回来,他满载而归。
 ☞ Back from the food market, he returned fully loaded.
 ☞ 至于考试,她倒是满有信心的。
 ☞ As to the examination, she is fully confident.
  ■ fill, fill with, filled with, be full of的意思大致相同。请比较:Tears filled her eyes. Her eyes filled with tears. Her eyes were filled with tears. Her eyes were full of tears.
 ☞ 他考试及格后心满意足了。
 ☞ He passed the exam and was satisfied to his heart's content.
 ☞ 她对考试成绩不满。
 ☞ She was dissatisfied with the result of the exam.
 ☞ 声明在工人当中引起很多的不满。
 ☞ The statement caused much dissatisfaction among the workers.
 ☞ 他满于现状,不思进取。
 ☞ Being content with the present situation, he has no idea of making progress.
4.pride, 指自豪但不自满。complacent, complacency,指骄傲自满。
 ☞ 满招损,谦受益。
 ☞ Pride leads to loss while modesty brings benefit.
 ☞ 一个球队无论赢了多少场比赛,也绝不允许自满。
 ☞ However many matches a team wins it should never be allowed to get complacent.
 ☞ 我们一直努力教育我们的党员要防止自满。
 ☞ We have always tried to educate our Party members to guard against self-complacency.
 ☞ 要认真学点东西,必须从不自满开始。
 ☞ We cannot really learn anything until we rid ourselves of complacency.
  ■ 注意self-satisfied和complacent的区别。前者指自满,而后者除自满之外,还有骄傲。
 ☞ 我讨厌那个骄傲自满的家伙。
 ☞ I hated that conceited and self-satisfied fellow.
 ☞ I hated that complacent fellow.
5.be covered with,指盖满。
 ☞ 果树满山坡。
 ☞ The slope was covered with fruit trees.
 ☞ 积雪满地。
 ☞ The ground is covered with snow.
6.be packed with,装满。
 ☞ 走进屋里,我发现满满一屋子人。
 ☞ On entering the house I found the room packed with people.
 ☞ 公路上满是大轿车、小轿车、卡车,原来前面发生了车祸。
 ☞ The road was packed with buses, cars and trucks. It turned out that there was an automobile accident ahead.
7.be stuffed with,指塞满。
 ☞ 枕头里满是羽毛。
 ☞ Pillows are stuffed with down.
 ☞ 他是满脑子的荒唐念头。
 ☞ He was stuffed with silly ideas.
8.be steeped in,指浸满。
 ☞ 他满脑子都是封建思想。
 ☞ He was steeped in feudal ideology.
 ☞ 他们自孩提时代起就是满脑子的偏见。
 ☞ They have been steeped in prejudice since childhood.
9.it is+时间名词,指满了多少时间。
 ☞ 她住到农村还不满一年。
 ☞ It isn't one year yet since she went to live in the countryside.
 ☞ 他参军已满5个月。
 ☞ It is already five months since he joined the army.
 ☞ 他儿子一满18岁就被送去当兵了。
 ☞ He sent his son to join the army as soon as he reached the age of eighteen.
 ☞ 战争费用已满数十亿。
 ☞ The cost of the war reached billions.
 ☞ 我校今年的招生名额已经满了。
 ☞ Our school has already fulfilled its enrolment quota for this year.
 ☞ 该船的载货量已经满了。
 ☞ The loading capacity of the ship was fulfilled.
 ☞ 他的服役期还没满。
 ☞ His term of military service hasn't expired yet.
 ☞ 今年12月31日租约要满了。
 ☞ The lease will expire on December 3lth of this year.
 ☞ 假期已满。
 ☞ The holidays are over.
 ☞ 他们的蜜月期满,开始了正常生活。
 ☞ Being over with the honeymoon, they began their everyday life.
14.count on doing,指指望做某事,count on sb. to do, 指指望某人做某事。
 ☞ 我满以为这件事可以由他来完成。
 ☞ I had counted on having it completed by him.
 ☞ 我们满以为至少可以销售5,000册汉英词典。
 ☞ We are counting on selling at least 5,000 copies of the Chinese-English dictionary.
 ☞ 他满以为我会同意他的。
 ☞ He had counted on me to agree with him.
 ☞ 我们满以为工会会支持我们。
 ☞ We had counted on the trade union to support us.
15.某些动词可以用来表示满盈。如:brim, pile, flood, throng, overflow等。
 ☞ 正跟她爹说着话,我发现她挑着满满两桶水过来了。
 ☞ While talking with her dad, I found her coming, carrying two brimming buckets of water.
 ☞ 厩肥满满地装了一大车。
 ☞ The cart was piled with high barnyard manure.
 ☞ 来到外面,我们发现满街的月色。
 ☞ Getting outside, we found the moonlight flooding the streets.
 ☞ 我们去到那里,满街都是人。
 ☞ When we arrived there, the street is thronged with people.
 ☞ 我的杯子满了出来。
 ☞ My cup is overflowing.
1) 用在谓语动词前面来强调语气,有“完全”的意思,这时可译作at all。
 ☞ 满不是那么回事。
 ☞ That wasn't the way it was at all.
 ☞ 他满适合这个岗位的嘛。
 ☞ He is at all suitable for the post.
 ☞ 你满会打扑克牌的嘛。
 ☞ You play poker well at all.
2) 用在谓语动词前或后,进一步修饰形容词或副词的表语性质,有“很”、“挺”的意思,这时可译为quite, pretty, rather等。
 ☞ 这首歌满好听的。
 ☞ This song is quite pleasant.
 ☞ 你说得满好。
 ☞ What you said is quite good.
 ☞ 演出倒也满不错。
 ☞ The performances were pretty good.
 ☞ 你做得满好。
 ☞ You've done fairly well.
 ☞ 话不能说得太满,没了转弯的余地。
 ☞ One shouldn't speak in absolute terms, leaving no room for compromise.
 ☞ 他满头大汗地进来了。
 ☞ He came in, his face streaming with sweat.
 ☞ 体操比赛满分是10分。
 ☞ The highest score in a gymnastic event is ten points.
 ☞ 满园春色关不住。
 ☞ With so much spring in the garden, how can it be confined?
 ☞ 满嘴生香。
 ☞ Fragrance pervades the mouth.
 ☞ 我求他帮忙,他满口答应。
 ☞ When I asked him for help and he made a profuse promise.
 ☞ 不论讲什么,他都是满口谎言。
 ☞ Whatever he says, he tells a pack of lies.
 ☞ 古时候,官员犯了重罪要满门抄斩。
 ☞ In ancient times when an official committed a serious crime every one of his family would be exterminated.
 ☞ 他桃李满天下。
 ☞ He has his former students in all parts of the country.
 ☞ 考取以后,他满心欢喜。
 ☞ After he was enrolled, he was much pleased.
 ☞ 等我们离开罢工总部,已是满天星斗。
 ☞ When we left the strike headquarters the sky had already been studded with stars.
满怀 满怀
1.be filled with,指充满。宾语都为感情上的抽象名词,如sympathy,grief,gratitude等。
 ☞ 我们满怀对灾民的同情。
 ☞ We are filled with sympathy for the victims of the natural disaster.
 ☞ 全国人民对他的逝世都满怀悲痛之情。
 ☞ People all over the country were filled with grief for his death.
 ☞ 对他所做的一切我们都满怀感激之情。
 ☞ Our hearts are filled with gratitude for what he has done.
2.full of, fully,也指充满,意思与be filled with基本相同,可以换用。
 ☞ 她满怀着骄傲的心情去迎接已获得世界冠军称号的儿子。
 ☞ She was full of pride to meet her son, who had won the title of the world champion.
 ☞ 她对你和你的书都满怀着激情。
 ☞ She is full of emotion about you and your book.
 ☞ 我们对胜利是满怀信心的,尽管我们暂时有些困难。
 ☞ We are fully confident of victory though we have some temporary difficulties.
 ☞ 学生们心中都满怀着希望去迎接美好的未来。
 ☞ The students fully nourished hope in their hearts to meet the glorious future.
3.burn with,指怀着某种激情急于想做某事。
 ☞ 他满怀着对敌人的深仇大恨投入了战斗。
 ☞ Burning with bitter hatred for the enemy, he threw himself into the battle.
 ☞ 我们都是满怀着对事业的激情到最艰苦的地方去的。
 ☞ We all went where conditions were hardest, burning with zeal for the cause.
4.“满怀”还可以用某些动词来表示满盈。如:imbue, overflow,brim等。
 ☞ 一个真正的科学家都满怀着一种迫切心情去发现右关人类及其环境中的一些新事物。
 ☞ A true scientist is imbued with the urge to discover something new about man and his environment.
 ☞ 我们都满怀着对战友的深情厚谊。
 ☞ We are all overflowing with ardent love for our comrades-in-arms.
 ☞ 听到这个消息,我们都满怀喜悦。
 ☞ Hearing the news, we were all brimmed over with joy.
满意 满意
1.satisfy, be satisfied with, satisfactory, satisfaction,指使感到满意,强调满足。
 ☞ 没有什么能使他满意的,他总是在抱怨。
 ☞ Nothing satisfied him; he was always complaining.
 ☞ 这是个三脚猫式的说明,不过暂时还是让议员们满意了。
 ☞ It was a lame explanation, but it satisfied the congressmen for the time being.
  ■ 由于只有有生命的人才会感到满意,故宾语一般都是人。由于这个原因,be satisfied with 的主语就只能是人或人格化的无灵物。
 ☞ 你在学校里干得不错,我对你感到满意。
 ☞ You've done well in the school. I'm very satisfied with you.
 ☞ 教练对球队的表现很不满意。
 ☞ The coach was not much satisfied with the team's performance.
  ■ 此外,satisfied,satisfying,satisfactory都可用作定语,其区别如下:
 ☞ 他开始抽起烟来,一副满意的样子。
 ☞ He began to smoke a cigarette with a satisfied air (经历后感到满意)
 ☞ 吃上一顿满意的饭之后,他不再感到饥饿了。
 ☞ After a satisfying meal he no longer felt hungry.(经历过程中令人满意)
 ☞ 演员们做了满意的表演,不过可以演得更好。
 ☞ The actors gave a satisfactory performance but it could be better.(本质上可使人满意而不管人们是否有过这类经历)
 ☞ 演员们做了满意的表演,而且演得不能再好。
 ☞ The actors gave a satisfying performance and it couldn't be better.(使人满意的表演)
  ■ satisfaction强调满意的结果。
 ☞ 他点上一根烟,转身对着她,那满意的样子应有尽有。
 ☞ He lit a cigarette and turned to her with every sign of satisfaction.
 ☞ 为了让你满意,我就告诉你这个消息。
 ☞ To your satisfaction, I will let you know the news.
 ☞ 他对能及时完成工作感到满意。
 ☞ He felt satisfaction at completing the work in time.
 ☞ 篝火和伙伴使他感到满意。
 ☞ The campfire and company contented (satisfied) him.
 ☞ 如果我明天请你吃糖,你满意了吧?
 ☞ Will it content (satisfy) you if I let you have the candy tomorrow?
  ■ be contented with 与be satisfied with相同。
 ☞ 他似乎对他的生活相当满意。
 ☞ He seems to be quite contented (satisfied) with his life.
  ■ contented与satisfied一样也可用作定语。
 ☞ 他有了满意的笑容。
 ☞ He had a contented (satisfied) smile.
  ■ 但是与satisfying不同的是它没有现在分词。此外,content还可用作形容词,但作表语,不作定语,也可用satisfied代替。
 ☞ 你对你现有的一切应当满意了。
 ☞ You should be content (satisfied) with what you have.
 ☞ 你得了高分使我感到很满意。
 ☞ Your good marks gratify (satisfy) me very much.
 ☞ 知道她多久才能恢复,我也就满意了。
 ☞ It gratified (satisfied) me to know how long she would be well again.
  ■ be gratified with也大致与be satisfied with相同。如:
 ☞ 我们对考试成绩感到满意。
 ☞ We were gratified (satisfied) with the result of the examination.
 ☞ 要叫大家满意难呀。
 ☞ It is hard to please all.
 ☞ 显然他的话使她感到满意。
 ☞ It was clear that his words pleased her.
 ☞ 你对情况的分析,我一直很满意。
 ☞ I have been very much pleased by your analysis of the situation.
 ☞ 对你的成功我感到满意。
满目 满目
  ■ “满目”比较难译,因为英语中没有相应的对应词,总的来说与眼睛或视力有关。以下是几种较为灵活的处理方法。
1.as far as the eye can see,指眼睛所及之处。
 ☞ 大旱期间,田野上满目萧索。
 ☞ During the drought there was a melancholy and solitary aspect as far as the eye could see.
2.meet the eye on every side,指两眼见到的到处都是。
 ☞ 我们来到工地,发现满目荒凉。
 ☞ When we arrived at the construction site we found that a scene of desolation met the eye on every side.
3.(with)one's eyes filled with tears,指满目含泪。
 ☞ 她满目含泪,几乎要哭了。
 ☞ She was nearly about to cry, (with) her eyes filled with tears.
4.murderous gleam in one's eyes, 指满目凶光。
 ☞ 他进来时,我就发现他满目凶光。
 ☞ I found there was a murderous gleam in his eyes when he came in.
5.as far as eyes stretch,指眼睛所及之处都覆盖着。
 ☞ 放眼望去,整个城市满目疮痍。
 ☞ The whole city was covered all over with wounds and scars as far as eyes stretched.
6.all one can see, 指能看到的一切。
 ☞ 在难民营里我们见到的是满目凄凉。
 ☞ In the refugee camp all we could see was grief and grief.
7.look bleak,指看起来满目荒凉。
 ☞ 我们来到这个地方,发现满目荒凉。
 ☞ When we arrived at the place, we found all nature looked bleak.
满足 满足
1.satisfy,be satisfied with,指带有满意心情的满足。
 ☞ 这条信息能满足你的好奇心吗?
 ☞ Will this information satisfy your curiosity?
 ☞ 任何能引起我兴趣的东西都使我满足。
 ☞ Anything that interests me satisfies me.
 ☞ 这些展品显示了政府为满足人民物质文化需求而做的努力。
 ☞ The exhibits showed the efforts of the government to satisfy the people's material and cultural requirements.
 ☞ 我们不应满足既得的成就。
 ☞ We should not rest satisfied with what we have achieved.
 ☞ 满足了上述条件,我们就能说这个公式是成立的。
 ☞ We will say that this formula is tenable if the abovementioned condition is satisfied.
 ☞ 他们要求多,没人能满足。
 ☞ They need much and no one will content them.
 ☞ 戴几顶高帽子就足以使他满足。
 ☞ Some flattery is enough to content him.
 ☞ 永远不要满足于仅有的一点书本知识。
 ☞ Never content yourselves with book knowledge only.
 ☞ 有两杯啤酒他也就满足了,虽然能喝得更多。
 ☞ He contented himself with two glasses of beer though he could have more.
  ■ be contented with的用法与be satisfied with 大致相同。
 ☞ 他考试刚及格,却对他考得的分数很满足。
 ☞ He just passed the exam and was contented (satisfied) with the marks he got.
  ■ 但两者的细微差别可从下列的译句中看出。
 ☞ 有些人只有发大财才会满足,而有些人只要有一份金额虽不大,但却是雷打不动的收入也就满足了。
 ☞ Some persons are satisfied only by great wealth, others are contented with a modest but secure income.
  ■ content还可用作只做表语的形容词,也表示一种平庸的满足感。
 ☞ 许多人都满足于平淡的生活。
 ☞ Many people are content with a routine life 他们害怕困难,满足于现状。
 ☞ They flinch from difficulty and are content with things as they are.
3.meet (with),有“迎合”、“适合”的意思。使用面比satisfy窄,一般只与能与迎合需要的宾语搭配,如need,demand,condition,criteria等,因此凡是与meet能搭配的宾语,satisfy都能,反之则不能。
 ☞ 生产应满足消费者的需要和整个国民经济的发展。
 ☞ Production must meet (satisfy) the needs of consumers and the expansion of the whole national economy.
 ☞ 你们最近出版的这本书似乎满足了读者的要求。
 ☞ The book you have published recently seems to meet the readers' demands.
 ☞ 在他们开始工作前,有些条件必须满足。
 ☞ Certain conditions must be met with before they begin their work.
 ☞ 为了能对总统有所帮助,决策机构因此应满足几条标准。
 ☞ To be helpful to the president the machinery for making decisions must meet several criteria.
 ☞ 表扬满足了我们的虚荣心。
 ☞ Praise gratifies (satisfies) our vanity.
 ☞ 既然她在法国工作,就能满足她去见识一下欧洲的愿望。
 ☞ Now she has a job in France she can gratify her wish to see Europe.
满载 满载
1.be fully loaded with,指满载货物。
 ☞ 这艘船满载货物驶往上海。
 ☞ The vessel is sailing for Shanghai fully loaded with cargo.
 ☞ 一列满载着煤炭的火车疾驶而过。
 ☞ A train fully loaded with coal flew past.
2.bring sth. with,指满载而来的往往是精神上的产物。
 ☞ 医疗队满载着非洲人民的友谊回到北京。
 ☞ The medical team returned to Beijing bringing with the friendship of the African people.
 ☞ 代表团满载着对战友的深情,慰问了受伤的战士。
 ☞ The delegation expressed sympathy and solicitude for the wounded fighters bringing with its ardent love of their comrades-in-arms.
1) 如果是重物,可用return fully loaded。
 ☞ 他从菜市回来,满载而归。
 ☞ Back from the food market, he returned fully loaded.
2) 如果是精神上的成果,可用return with fruitful results。
 ☞ 我们回到城里,满载而归,这使他们很吃惊。
 ☞ Our return with fruitful results to the city surprised them.
3) 如果是荣誉,可用return with full honors。
 ☞ 人们热烈欢迎代表团满载而归。
 ☞ People warmly welcome the return of the delegation with full honors.
4) 如果是指从成功之行归来,可用return from a rewarding journey。
 ☞ 上海市民伫立在码头上,等候科学家们满载而归。
 ☞ The city residents of Shanghai, standing still for a long while, waited for the scientists returning from a rewarding journey.

 ☞ 木头在水上会漂起来。
 ☞ Wood floats on water.
 ☞ 一艘空船在海上漂了好多天。
 ☞ An empty ship was floating for days on the sea.
 ☞ 浮标在浅水里漂来漂去。
 ☞ The buoy floated back and forth in the shallow water.
  ■ 不过float有时也指被水流漂走。
 ☞ 我们眼看着圆木朝着磨房漂去,会不会出事?
 ☞ We watched the logs floating towards the mill. Should anything happen?
 ☞ 独木舟顺着水流向下游漂去。
 ☞ The canoe floated downstream.
 ☞ 发动机出了故障,船漂到了海上。
 ☞ The engine broke down and the boat was drifting out to the sea.
 ☞ 沉船的漂浮物慢慢地漂走了。
 ☞ The wreckage drifted slowly away.
 ☞ 他驾着独木舟从瀑布下漂了50公里。
 ☞ He drifted in a canoe 50 kilometers from the falls.
 ☞ 现在不少年轻人都很漂。
 ☞ Not a few young people nowadays are quite superficial.
 ☞ 我们漂洋过海周游全世界。
 ☞ We traveled round the world across the ocean.
漂亮 漂亮
 ☞ 你活干得真漂亮。
 ☞ You did a beautiful job.
 ☞ 她的英语跟汉语一样漂亮。
 ☞ Her English is as beautiful as her Chinese.
 ☞ 你的汤做得真漂亮。
 ☞ Your soup was really beautiful.
 ☞ 守门员这个球救得漂亮。
 ☞ The goalkeeper made a beautiful save.
  ■ 应该指出,beautiful用于人时,一般作“美丽”解。
 ☞ 好多姑娘还算漂亮,但极少称得上美丽。
 ☞ Many girls are supposed to be pretty, but very few are beautiful.
 ☞ 她是一个多么漂亮的姑娘!
 ☞ What a pretty girl she is!
 ☞ 她的孩子只是漂亮而已。
 ☞ Her child was merely pretty.
 ☞ 纸上的计划倒是蛮漂亮,但是可行吗?
 ☞ The scheme is very pretty on paper, but is it workable?
 ☞ 他的嗓子好漂亮呀!
 ☞ What a pretty voice he has!
 ☞ 他不算漂亮,但长得好看。
 ☞ He is not handsome but is pleasant-looking.
 ☞ 你的儿子长得健康漂亮。
 ☞ Your son looks healthy and handsome.
  ■ handsome用于女性时,指体态、神韵上的漂亮。
 ☞ 她今天很漂亮,是不是?
 ☞ She looks handsome today, doesn't she?
  ■ handsome还可用于物。
 ☞ 多漂亮的一幢古建筑!
 ☞ What a handsome old building it is!
 ☞ 她没想到礼物会这么漂亮。
 ☞ She had not expected such a handsome present.
 ☞ 所有的漂亮女人都穿她们最漂亮的衣服。
 ☞ All the pretty women wear their smartest dresses.
 ☞ 穿得漂漂亮亮的到哪里去?
 ☞ Where are you going when you've got so smartly dressed?
5.fine, 指同类中美好的。
 ☞ 说漂亮话没用,实实在在的干才算数。
 ☞ It is not fine words but actual deeds that count.
 ☞ 不打个漂亮仗不见毛主席。
 ☞ J won't go to see Chairman Mao until we have fought a fine battle.

1.leak, 指液体、气体等通过孔洞或缝隙自然产生的泄漏,也用于转意。
 ☞ 雨水大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来。
 ☞ The rain leaked in large drops through the roof.
 ☞ 水管漏了。
 ☞ The water leaked from the pipe.
 ☞ 汽车漏油。
 ☞ The car leaks oil.
 ☞ 照相机漏光。
 ☞ The camera leaks light.
 ☞ 随着连绵不断的阴雨天气,屋顶开始漏雨了。
 ☞ With the unbroken spell of wet weather the roof is beginning to leak.
 ☞ 一定有人漏考题了。
 ☞ Somebody must have leaked out the exam questions.
 ☞ 无论锅炉壳体还是蒸汽管子如何密封,总有一些热量是要漏出来的。
 ☞ Some heat escapes, however carefully boiler casings and steam pipes are sealed.
 ☞ 储油罐有些漏油。
 ☞ Some petrol is escaping from the storage tank.
 ☞ 没有漏气的声音。
 ☞ There is no sound of air escaping.
3.fall through,指由于重力或穿透等作用而产生的泄漏。
 ☞ 他坐在那里,让一把沙子从手指间漏下去。
 ☞ He sat there letting a handful of sand fall through his fingers.
 ☞ 阳光从枝叶中间漏下来,落到他身上。
 ☞ Sunbeams fell through the foliage and rested on him.
4.miss (out),指由于疏忽而遗漏。
 ☞ 幼儿园的阿姨在给孩子发糖时,把我儿子给漏了。
 ☞ When the nurse of the kindergarten was giving the children sweets. she missed out my son.
 ☞ 打字稿里,你漏了一行。
 ☞ A line is missing in your typescript.
 ☞ 他对事故的陈述漏了一两件重要的事实。
 ☞ His account of the accident missed out one or two important facts.
5.leave (out),指由于出错而遗漏。
 ☞ 你出了个错,这一段漏了两行。
 ☞ You've made a mistake; you've left out two lines from this paragraph.
 ☞ 抄写文件时,当心别漏了字。
 ☞ In copying this paper, be careful not to leave out any word.
演习 演习
 ☞ 中国人民解放军在东海岸进行了大规模的演习。
 ☞ The P.L.A. carried out grand maneuvers along the coast of the East Sea.
 ☞ 总参谋部对这次演习十分重视,并做了仔细的规划。
 ☞ The Headquarters of the General Staff paid great attention to the maneuver and planned it carefully.
 ☞ 东海舰队正离开东海岸进行演习。
 ☞ The East China Fleet is maneuvering off the East Coast.
 ☞ 百艘舰船今天离开海港进行海上演习。
 ☞ One hundred ships left harbors today for exercises at sea.
 ☞ 士兵已调到山区进行一次为期3周的军事演习。
 ☞ The soldiers were sent to the mountains for three weeks on a military exercise.
3.drill, 指技巧上的演习,强调反复操练。
 ☞ 民兵们在演习刺杀。
 ☞ Militiamen are having drills in the bayonet.
 ☞ 训练有素的市民每月要定期进行消防演习。
 ☞ The townspeople who have received a thorough training carry out a regular fire drill every month.
 ☞ 突然下了一道命令,要进行防空演习。
 ☞ An order was suddenly given for a practice of air-raid defense.
 ☞ 孩子们聚集在空地上演习“打仗”。
 ☞ The children gathered on the open space to practice "fighting".
演出 演出
 ☞ 中国音乐家以前从没在纽约演出过。
 ☞ The Chinese musicians had never performed in New York before.
 ☞ 贝多芬的《英雄交响曲》将由北京交响乐团演出。
 ☞ Eroica Symphony by Beethoven will be performed by the Beijing Symphony Orchestra.
 ☞ 该剧几乎演出了300场。
 ☞ There were nearly 300 performances of the play.
2.act, 强调演出的角色。
 ☞ 今晚他演出英雄救美。
 ☞ He acts the part of the brave saving the fair tonight.
 ☞ 我喜欢看她演出。
 ☞ I love to watch her act.
 ☞ 由于传播媒体令人炫目的大力宣传,多数演出的鼎盛期只有3年。
 ☞ Because of the intense glare of the media most acts stay at the top only three years.
 ☞ 我们剧团的确去云南边远地区巡回演出过。
 ☞ Our opera troupe did tour in outlying districts of Yunnan.
 ☞ 那天晚上在长安剧院演出了莎士比亚的戏剧。
 ☞ Shakespeare was played at the Chang'an Theater that night.
 ☞ 比起电影来,我更喜欢舞台上的演出。
 ☞ I prefer stage plays to films.
4.show, 强调演出的展示。
 ☞ 我们已有一出戏在市政厅和艺术剧院演出过。
 ☞ We have had a play shown in the town hall and the artistic drama house.
 ☞ 另外一个小组正在分析一出正在当地演出的讽刺剧。
 ☞ Another group is dissecting a satirical play shown locally.
 ☞ 农民兄弟可能已有他们自己的演出,不过我们还是邀请他们为好。
 ☞ The peasant-brothers perhaps have their show, however, we'd better invite them.
 ☞ 我系演出的短剧获得成功。
 ☞ The short play staged by our department was a success.
 ☞ 北京市演出京剧以纪念京剧诞生100周年。
 ☞ The city of Beijing staged Beijing opera in honor of its centennial.
潜伏 潜伏
 ☞ 不少著名的纳粹分子在第三帝国垮台以后逃到南美一些国家,并在那里潜伏下来。
 ☞ Not a few well-known Nazis fled to some countries of South America and lived there in hiding after the downfall of the Third Reich.
 ☞ 他说最安全的潜伏地是人口稠密的城市。
 ☞ He said that the safest places to hide in were densely populated cities.
 ☞ 俘虏潜伏在岩石间的山洞里直到天全黑了才下来。
 ☞ The captive concealed (hid) himself in a cave among the rocks until it was completely dark.
 ☞ 他心里潜伏着的是复仇的种子。
 ☞ It is the seed of revenge that was concealed (hidden) in his mind.
 ☞ 潜伏的敌特利用她的杂货铺作为间谍活动的场所。
 ☞ The concealed (hidden) enemy agents used her grocery as a place for their espionage.
 ☞ 他的书店被指定为外国间谍的潜伏点。
 ☞ His bookstore was designated as the concealment for the foreign spies.
3.lie low,指悄无声息的潜伏。
 ☞ 劫匪抡了火车以后潜伏了一段时间。
 ☞ After holding up the train, the bandits lay low for a while.
 ☞ 游击小分队在预定地点潜伏下来。
 ☞ The guerrilla detachment was lying low at the predetermined location.
 ☞ 蝙蝠一般都是在白天潜伏,晚上活动。
 ☞ Usually, bats hibernate in the daytime and become active at night.
 ☞ 在旱季河道、湖泊干涸时,鳄鱼会被迫潜伏在树阴下或洞穴里。
 ☞ The crocodile is forced to hibernate under the shade of a tree or in a cave during a dry season when rivers and lakes have dried up.
5.latent, latency,指已有迹象但还不明显的潜伏。
 ☞ 经济危机仍处于潜伏阶段。
 ☞ The economic crisis still remains latent.
 ☞ 这样的现象会增加轻微感染,并能激活潜伏的病毒。
 ☞ Such phenomena can enhance mild infection and may reactivate latent viruses.
 ☞ 得病和得病后症状暴露出来之间的这段时间就是潜伏期。
 ☞ A latency period is the length of time between catching a disease and showing signs of having caught it.
 ☞ 乳牛的这种潜伏性疾病会降低饲料利用率,从而引起全面的经济损失。
 ☞ This insidious disease in cows reduces efficiency in feed utilization, thus producing extensive economic losses.
 ☞ 出血可以是慢性的、潜伏的;也可以是急性的、致命的。
 ☞ Bleeding may be chronic and insidious or brisk and life-threatening.
潜入 潜入
 ☞ 他潜入一个机要部门盗窃国家机密。
 ☞ He sneaked into a department in charge of confidential work to steal state secrets.
 ☞ 他有间谍嫌疑,因为他曾用他保管的钥匙在夜里潜入实验室。
 ☞ He was suspected of being a spy, for he had sneaked into the laboratory with a key he keeps.
2.steal into,指偷偷进入。
 ☞ 他潜入会议大厅,顺手牵羊拿走了一个手机。
 ☞ He stole into the conference hall and walked off with a mobile phone.
 ☞ 她潜入房间为的是不吵醒孩子。
 ☞ She stole into the room not to wake the children.
 ☞ 她潜入孩子们的房间看看他们是否都已睡了。
 ☞ She slipped into the children's room to make sure they were all asleep.
 ☞ 我们常常潜入包谷地里去掰包谷。
 ☞ We often slipped into cornfield to break off corncobs.
4.dive, 指头朝下潜入水里。
 ☞ 他潜入水下去救一个溺水的儿童。
 ☞ He dived into the water to save a drowning child.
 ☞ 这里的姑娘都能潜入海底采珍珠。
 ☞ Girls here all can dive into the sea for pearls.
 ☞ 鳄鱼看见一条船就潜入水里。
 ☞ The crocodile submerged when it saw a ship.
 ☞ 我看着潜艇慢慢地潜入水中。
 ☞ I watched the submarine gradually submerging.
激励 激励
 ☞ 消息传来,人人都感到激励。
 ☞ When the news spread, everyone felt encouraged.
 ☞ 同学们相互学习,相互激励。
 ☞ Classmates learn from each other and encourage each other.
 ☞ 她感到有一种力量在激励着她。
 ☞ She felt that a force was urging her.
 ☞ 他也说不清楚到底是什么激励他做出如此高尚、如此勇敢的事来。
 ☞ He couldn't make it clear what on earth urged him to do such a noble and manly deed.
 ☞ 为国争光的志愿激励着运动员刻苦训练。
 ☞ The desire to win glory for their country impels the athletes to train diligently.
 ☞ 改革的成功激励国人做出更大的努力。
 ☞ The success of the reform impels the nation to greater efforts.
 ☞ 指挥员做出的榜样激励着部队拿下山头。
 ☞ The example set by their commander inspired the troops to take the hill.
 ☞ 是什么激励着他做出如此闪光的行动呢?
 ☞ What inspired him to give such a brilliant perform.
激荡 激荡
 ☞ 我们的汽船溯江而上时,小河里的波浪激荡着河岸。
 ☞ When our steamer was going upstream the waves on the small river surged against the banks.
 ☞ 我心潮激荡,彻夜未眠。
 ☞ The thoughts surging in my mind kept me awake all night.
 ☞ 我们的船只由于风雨激荡而无法出海。
 ☞ Our ships could not put out to sea because of the storm raging in all its fury.
 ☞ 失望在他心里激荡。
 ☞ Disappointment raged in him.
 ☞ 听众受到了激荡,但没有做出反应。
 ☞ The audience was agitated but unresponsive.
 ☞ 她一直在想一件心事,而这件心事以前也是一次又一次地激荡过她的身心。
 ☞ She was thinking a thing which had agitated her body and mind time and again before.
 ☞ 雄壮的歌声激荡着人心。
 ☞ The magnificent singing stirred people's heart.
 ☞ 她呼到他脸上的气息正激荡着他内心深处的感情。
 ☞ Her breath on his face was stirring the feeling from the bottom of his heart.
 ☞ 她知道这消息后,心潮激荡。
 ☞ When she heard the news, her heart leaped.
 ☞ 妒火在他心中激荡。
 ☞ Jealousy leaped in his bosom.
 ☞ 她的呼唤在河谷里激荡。
 ☞ Her shouts echoed across the river valley.
 ☞ 雷声在山间激荡。
 ☞ The thunder echoed among mountains.
激起 激起
 ☞ 一石激起千层浪。
 ☞ A tossed stone raises a thousand ripples.
 ☞ 汽车驶过时激起一股尘土。
 ☞ The car raised a dust as it went by.
2.send up,指使掀起。
 ☞ 什么东西在篝火里炸开来,激起一阵火花。
 ☞ Something crackled in the campfire and sent up a spurt of sparks.
 ☞ 海水冲击礁石,激起一股浪花。
 ☞ Swashing against the rocks, the breakers sent up a fountain of spray.
 ☞ 我像石头一样坐着,心中激起一阵感情的波澜。
 ☞ I sat as rock and a storm of emotion surged in my mind.
 ☞ 看到国家财产的损失,他胸中激起阵阵怒火。
 ☞ Rages surged in his bosom when he saw the damage of state property.
 ☞ 那音乐激起了他强烈的思乡之情。
 ☞ The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him.
 ☞ 这些讲座激起我们对学科技的热情。
 ☞ The lectures have aroused our enthusiasm for studying science and technology.
 ☞ 对博物馆的参观激起了我对考古的兴趣。
 ☞ Visiting the museum stimulated my interest in archaeology.
 ☞ 有些国家的竞选运动往往激起恐怖分子的暴行。
 ☞ Election campaigns in some countries often stimulate terrorist violence.
 ☞ 谁想到几句话会激起一场风波?
 ☞ Who would have thought that a few words would cause a commotion?
 ☞ 他的举动激起了不小的骚动。
 ☞ His action caused much excitement.
 ☞ 她的话激起我对她莫名的怜悯。
 ☞ Her words evoked in me a pity for her that had no name.
 ☞ 他的评论激起了听众的抗议。
 ☞ His comment evoked protest from the listeners.

 ☞ 这条河提供了足够的水源,可灌溉10多万公顷土地。
 ☞ The river provides sufficient water to irrigate over 100,000 hectares of land.
 ☞ 我们从河里提水灌溉庄稼。
 ☞ We irrigate our crops by pumping water from the river。
 ☞ 把剩下的牛奶灌到瓶里。
 ☞ Pour the rest of the milk into the bottle.
 ☞ 她还在昏迷,这药得灌。
 ☞ She is still in coma, so we have to pour the medicine down the throat.
 ☞ 冷风直往屋里灌。
 ☞ The cold air poured into the room.
 ☞ 他在灌暖瓶。
 ☞ He is filling the thermos flasks.
 ☞ 护士给我灌了两瓶外用药水。
 ☞ The nurse filled two bottles with lotion for me.
 ☞ 他灌了我3杯。
 ☞ He made me drink three drinks.
 ☞ 你昨天把我灌醉了。
 ☞ You made me drunk yesterday.
 ☞ 他已灌了3张唱片了。
 ☞ He has made three gramophone records.
灌输 灌输
 ☞ 好老师总会把高尚的理想灌输给学生的。
 ☞ A good teacher always implants high ideals in pupils.
 ☞ 家长以身作则自然会把好习惯灌输给孩子。
 ☞ It is natural for parents to implant good habits in the children when they set good examples with their own conduct.
 ☞ 部队必须向士兵灌输要绝对服从命令的思想。
 ☞ Troops must inculcate into soldiers the idea of absolute necessity for completely obeying orders.
 ☞ 有人说过必须向人民灌输马列主义、毛泽东思想。
 ☞ Someone said that Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought must be inculcated into people.
 ☞ 你们作为老师应该把求知欲灌输给年轻人。
 ☞ As teachers, you should instill the desire to learn in young people.
 ☞ 新的道德风尚是可以灌输到人们的头脑里的。
 ☞ New morality and practices can be instilled into people's minds.
 ☞ 我们农艺师应当组织起来,定期下农村向农民灌输科学知识。
 ☞ We agronomists must organize into groups to go to the countryside at regular intervals to imbue the peasants with scientific knowledge.
 ☞ 你们多讲革命故事可以向学生灌输爱国主义的思想。
 ☞ You can imbue the students with patriotism by telling more revolutionary stories.

1.go out,指自动熄灭。
 ☞ 火灭了。
 ☞ The fire has gone out.
 ☞ 灯突然灭了。
 ☞ All of a sudden the lights went out.
 ☞ 煤油灯闪了闪就灭了。
 ☞ With a flash, the kerosene lamp went out.
2.put out,指扑灭。
 ☞ 消防队很快就把火灭了。
 ☞ The fire brigade soon put out the fire.
 ☞ 这事就像用煤油灭火,越浇越旺。
 ☞ It is like putting out a fire with kerosene, the more you pour, the more oil is roaring.
 ☞ 没等引起真正的损失,我们就把火扑灭了。
 ☞ We just managed to put the flames out before any real damage was caused.
3.extinguish,也指扑灭,但比put out正式,是正式用语。
 ☞ 禁止抽烟,请把你的烟灭了。
 ☞ Smoking is forbidden here, please extinguish your cigarette.
 ☞ 消防队员们在解放军的协助之下终于扑灭了持续数周的森林大火。
 ☞ With the help of the PLA men the firemen finally extinguished the forest fire that had lasted for weeks.
4.blow out, 指吹灭。
 ☞ 上床前把蜡烛灭了。
 ☞ Blow the candle out before you go to bed.
 ☞ 有人开门,灯就灭了。
 ☞ Someone opened the door and the lamp blew out.
5.turn off, 专指关电灯。
 ☞ 节约用电,人走灯灭。
 ☞ Save electricity——turn off the lights when you leave.
 ☞ 睡觉前一定把灯灭了。
 ☞ Be sure to turn off the light before you go to bed.
 ☞ 水可灭火。
 ☞ Water will quench a fire.
 ☞ 一场大雨把火灭了。
 ☞ A downpour of rain quenched the blaze.
 ☞ 杀虫剂灭了害虫。
 ☞ The pesticide killed thrips.
 ☞ 一场灭蝇运动正在轰轰烈烈地开展。
 ☞ A campaign to kill flies is being carried out on a grand and spectacular scale.
 ☞ 该案目的在于杀人灭口。
 ☞ The case aimed at murdering people to prevent them from disclosing secrets.
 ☞ 不少动植物的物种都面临灭种的命运。
 ☞ Not a few animals and plants are facing the extinction of their species.
 ☞ 全家都遭到灭门之灾,他是惟一的幸存者。
 ☞ The whole family suffered a calamity of extermination and he is the only survivor.
 ☞ 过去有一句很流行的口号,叫做“兴无灭资”。
 ☞ In the past there was a very popular slogan which goes: Eradicate what is bourgeois and foster what is proletarian it.
灾难 灾难
 ☞ 我希望这下可以结束我们的灾难了。
 ☞ I hope that this might end our suffering.
 ☞ 她不想谈她一家在战争中遭受的灾难。
 ☞ She refused to talk about her family's suffering during the war.
 ☞ 殖民战争给殖民地人民带来巨大的灾难。
 ☞ Colonialist wars brought great sufferings to the colonial people.
 ☞ 这洪水是场可怕的灾难,成百上千的人死于这次洪水。
 ☞ The flood was a terrible disaster of which hundreds of people died.
 ☞ 假种子事件对农民是场灾难,一年的辛苦付诸东流。
 ☞ The event of sham seeds was a disaster for the peasants. A year's labor went to the waste.
 ☞ 9·11恐怖事件对世界人民是场大灾难。
 ☞ The terrorist event on the 11th of September was a great calamity for the people all over the world.
 ☞ 经过一百多年的反帝反封建斗争,灾难深重的中华民族终于站起来了。
 ☞ After more than a hundred years of anti-imperialist, anti-feudal struggle, the calamity-ridden Chinese nation at last stood up.
 ☞ 1976年的唐山大地震是一场特大灾难。
 ☞ The Great Earthquake in 1976 in Tangshan was an extraordinary catastrophe.
 ☞ 粉碎“四人帮”,避免了一场大灾难。
 ☞ The smashing of the "Gang of Four" averted a catastrophe.
点名 点名
1.name, by name,指名道姓。
 ☞ 他点名要你。
 ☞ He named you as the one he wanted.
 ☞ 总统点名要他来领导该委员会。
 ☞ The president named him to head the commission.
 ☞ 想不到他会点名攻击我。
 ☞ Fancy his attacking me by name.
 ☞ 报上点名批评了他。
 ☞ He was criticized by name in the newspapers.
2.call the roll, roll call,指按名字查点人员。
 ☞ 我进教室的时候老师正在点名。
 ☞ The teacher was calling the roll when I entered the classroom.
 ☞ 我到的时候刚要点名。
 ☞ I arrived just before roll call.
点缀 点缀
 ☞ 几株红梅把雪后的园林点缀得格外美丽。
 ☞ Embellished with the red blossoms of the plum trees, the garden looked more beautiful than ever after the snow.
 ☞ 几件仿古青铜器点缀着他的房间。
 ☞ His room is embellished with some imitations of ancient bronze.
 ☞ 如今这古怪的瓶子点缀着他书房里的书橱。
 ☞ The curious bottle now adorns the bookcase in his study.
 ☞ 树木都长成了树丛,其中还点缀着一棵棵老紫杉。
 ☞ The trees grew in groves dotted with old yews.
 ☞ 那是个渔业小镇,海上点缀着点点渔帆。
 ☞ It was a fishing town, and the sea was dotted with smacks.
 ☞ 那草原像绿色海洋般伸展开去,其间点缀着树丛,看上去犹如危险的礁石。
 ☞ The grassland lay like a green sea where the trees scattered in groves looked like dangerous rocks.
 ☞ 细长的一串湖泊明珠般起起伏伏地点缀在湘鄂大地上。
 ☞ A fine chain of lakes scattered up and down the Xiang E land like bright pearls.

 ☞ 你干了这件事来烦我?
 ☞ Did you do that to annoy me?
 ☞ 孩子老哭,真烦人!
 ☞ How annoying it is to have a baby crying all the time 你烦什么?
 ☞ What are you getting so annoyed about?
 ☞ 雨下个不停,真烦!
 ☞ It keeps raining. How depressing it is!
 ☞ 她的消息让他烦了一整天。
 ☞ Her news depressed him all day.
 ☞ 他的信让我有点烦。
 ☞ His letter irritated me a little.
 ☞ 我烦她那么任性。
 ☞ I'm irritated that she is so willful.
 ☞ 你干吗这样烦?
 ☞ Why are you so unhappy?
 ☞ 他一上午都没说话,一定有什么烦心的事。
 ☞ There must be something unhappy on his mind; he's been so quiet all morning.
5.trouble, bother,指麻烦。
 ☞ 我不想烦你。
 ☞ I don't wish to trouble you.
 ☞ 烦你给她捎个信。
 ☞ May I trouble you to pass on a message to her?
 ☞ 别去烦你爸,他有许多工作要做。
 ☞ Don't bother your dad; he's got a lot of work to do.
 ☞ 因这样的小事来烦你,真是抱歉。
 ☞ Sorry to bother you with such a trifle.

 ☞ 柴要干了才好烧。
 ☞ Wood burns better when dry.
 ☞ 这炉子烧油,不烧煤。
 ☞ The furnace burns oil instead of coal.
 ☞ 侵略者到处烧杀抢掠。
 ☞ The invaders burned, killed and looted wherever they went.
 ☞ 过去,农民在收割麦子后都要烧麦秸。
 ☞ Peasants used to burn their wheat straw after they reaped wheat.
 ☞ 硫酸在我的衣服上烧了个洞。
 ☞ The sulfuric acid has burned a hole in my jacket.
 ☞ 施肥太多,把根都烧了。
 ☞ Over-fertilization burned the roots.
  ■ burn与某些副词结合成双语动词,可表示不同的程度和结果。
 ☞ 瞧,这火烧得好旺!
 ☞ Look, how merrily the fire is burning away.
 ☞ 一场火烧了我家的房子。
 ☞ A fire burned our house down.
 ☞ 电动机马力太大,把保险丝都烧了。
 ☞ The electric motor was too powerful, and it burned out a fuse.
 ☞ 咱们把这些废纸烧了。
 ☞ Let's burn up all the waste paper.
 ☞ 我们得烧砖瓦才能建房。
 ☞ We have to fire bricks and tiles before we can build.
 ☞ 陶瓷要上了釉才能烧。
 ☞ Porcelain or pottery is glazed and then fired.
 ☞ 以前把木头先烧成炭,再用来烘干茶叶。
 ☞ The wood was fired into charcoal for baking tea leaves.
3.heat, 指加热。
 ☞ 他要保姆烧点水。
 ☞ He ordered the housemaid to heat some water.
 ☞ 我可以给你烧点汤。
 ☞ I could heat up some soup for you.
 ☞ 玻璃可以烧成各种形状。
 ☞ Class can be heated into various shapes.
 ☞ 1944年9月5日,张思德同志在陕北安塞县的山中烧炭,因炭窑崩塌而牺牲。
 ☞ Comrade Zhang Si-de was killed by the sudden collapse of kiln when making charcoal in the mountains of Ansai County, northern Shaanxi.
 ☞ 我们晚餐吃了烧茄子,红烧肉。
 ☞ We had stewed eggplant, red cooked pork for our supper.
 ☞ 他的烧退了。
 ☞ His fever is down.
 ☞ 病人烧得厉害。
 ☞ The patient has a high temperature.或The patient is running a high fever.

 ☞ 他喝热茶时烫了舌头。
 ☞ He scalded his tongue with the hot tea.
 ☞ 他让开水烫了。
 ☞ She was scalded by boiling water.
 ☞ 我被烫了个泡。
 ☞ I got a blister through being scalded.
 ☞ 他点雪茄时烫了手指头。
 ☞ He burned his finger when lighting a cigar.
 ☞ 咖啡很烫,别烫着你的嘴。
 ☞ The coffee is very hot. Don't burn your mouth.
 ☞ 热水没烫着你的脚吧?
 ☞ Didn't the hot water burn your feet?
 ☞ 钱不烫手。
 ☞ Money doesn't burn the hand.
3.have (get) one's hair waved (curled, permed),指烫发。
 ☞ 我不喜欢烫发。
 ☞ I don't like to have my hair waved (curled).
 ☞ 她刚烫过头发。
 ☞ She's got her hair permed just now.
 ☞ 母亲在给我烫衬衣。
 ☞ Mother is ironing my shirt.
 ☞ 湿衣服好烫。
 ☞ Damp clothes press easily.
 ☞ 这汤滚烫滚烫的。
 ☞ This soup is boiling hot.
 ☞ 他伸出一只烫手搂在她的腰上。
 ☞ He put a hot hand on her waist.
 ☞ 我们可以再烫些酒。
 ☞ We can heat some more wine.
 ☞ 老人在睡觉前应该烫脚。
 ☞ Old people should bathe their feet in hot water before going to bed.
 ☞ 这事有点烫手。
 ☞ This is a sticky business.或This is a hot potato.

 ☞ 这里热得难受。
 ☞ The heat here is unbearable.
 ☞ 据报纸报道,热浪横扫南京城。
 ☞ According to the report of newspapers a heat wave swept Nanjing.
 ☞ 摩擦生热。
 ☞ Friction generates heat.
 ☞ 物体都是热胀冷缩。
 ☞ Objects expand with heat and contract with cold.
  ■ beat 还可用做动词,如上句也可译成:
 ☞ Objects expand when heated and contract when cooled.
 ☞ 他要我去热点水。
 ☞ He ordered me to heat some water.
 ☞ 三伏天很热。
 ☞ During the dog-days it's very hot.
  ■ hot还可用于引申。
 ☞ 昆明的天气夏天不热,冬天不冷。
 ☞ The weather of Kunming is neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.
 ☞ 昆明现在是个旅游热点。
 ☞ Kunming is a tourist hot spot now.
 ☞ 他等着考试结果,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。
 ☞ He was waiting for the results of the examinations, restless as an ant on a hot pan.
 ☞ 刚蒸的包子还是热的。
 ☞ The freshly steamed pie is still warm.
 ☞ 冷热空气相遇,天就会下雨。
 ☞ It rains when warm air meets with cold air.
  ■ warm也可用于引申。
 ☞ 我们对她采取了不冷不热的态度。
 ☞ We were neither cold nor warm towards her 他人善良,心肠热。
 ☞ He is a kind person and has a warm heart.
  ■ 此外,warm也可用做动词。
 ☞ 请把牛奶热一热。
 ☞ Please warm the milk.
 ☞ 上菜前先把盘子热一热。
 ☞ Warm the plates before you serve the food.
4.fever, temperature,指疾病引起的热。
 ☞ 这孩子正在发热。
 ☞ The child is running a fever.
 ☞ 先给他退热再说。
 ☞ First bring down his temperature.
  ■ 但是fever还可作“狂热”解。
 ☞ 电子计算机热横扫全国。
 ☞ The computer fever is sweeping the country.
 ☞ 英语热有增无减。
 ☞ The English fever keeps waxing.
 ☞ 卡拉OK热已冷了下来。
 ☞ The karaoke craze has waned.
 ☞ 中国的汽车热尚未到达顶点。
 ☞ The automobile craze in China is not yet at its height.
热心 热心
 ☞ 他对促进公共福利事业向来很热心。
 ☞ He has always been enthusiastic in promoting public welfare.
 ☞ 你不认为你对她的计划显得过分热心了吗?
 ☞ Don't you think you appear to be too enthusiastic over her plan?
 ☞ 他热心促进公益事业。
 ☞ He is ardent in promoting pubic good.
 ☞ 她是婚姻介绍所里热心的工作人员。
 ☞ She is an ardent worker of the matrimonial agency.
 ☞ 农艺师向农民热心地传授技术。
 ☞ The agronomist made earnest efforts to pass on his skill to peasants.
 ☞ 人们正在热心地关注着事态的发展。
 ☞ People are paying earnest attention to the development of events.
 ☞ 他的班多的是热心的学生。
 ☞ His classes were packed with eager students.
 ☞ 科学家们都热心于提倡科学。
 ☞ Scientists are all eager to promote science.
 ☞ 她既慷慨又热心。
 ☞ She is both generous and warmhearted.
 ☞ 该国营农场为周围的农民提供热心的服务。
 ☞ The state farm gives warmhearted service to the peasants around.
热情 热情
 ☞ 他在求知方面表现出了极大的热情。
 ☞ He showed great enthusiasm in craving for knowledge.
 ☞ 到那时,她的热情已冷了下来。
 ☞ By that time her enthusiasm had cooled.
 ☞ 你对这一建议似乎热情不高。
 ☞ You don't seem very enthusiastic about the suggestion.
 ☞ 一个好公民对国家的利益会表现出极大的爱国热情。
 ☞ A good citizen shows great patriotic zeal for his country's interests.
 ☞ 他的政治热情使他无法关心家庭。
 ☞ His political zeal prevented him from caring for his family.
 ☞ 他是我们事业的热情支持者。
 ☞ He is a zealous supporter of our cause.
3.warmth,warm, 指使感到温暖的热情。
 ☞ 他以极大的热情表达了自己的观点。
 ☞ He expressed his views with a great deal of warmth.
 ☞ 我们被他们前所未有的热情弄得有点不好意思。
 ☞ We were embarrassed a bit by their greater warmth than ever.
 ☞ 我们受到了热情的欢迎。
 ☞ We received a warm welcome.
4.ardor, ardent,ardently,指由于高兴、愉快等产生的热情。
 ☞ 冬日早晨的空气里似乎有什么东西又使他恢复了对生活的热情。
 ☞ There seemed to be something in the air of the winter morning that brought him back his ardor for life.
 ☞ 老师的教学热情给学生留下了深刻的印象。
 ☞ The students were much impressed by their teacher's ardor in teaching.
 ☞ 她从来没有像现在这样热情过。
 ☞ She has never been so ardent as she is now.
 ☞ 我们向来热情地支持校足球队。
 ☞ We have always been ardently supporting the school football team.
 ☞ 他发表演说时总是以极大的热情来讲话的。
 ☞ He always speaks with great fervor when making a speech.
 ☞ 他在讲述自己在世间伤心事的时候总有一种超越自我表白的热情。
 ☞ He showed a fervor transcending self-confession when portraying his worldly sorrows.
 ☞ 以前没有哪一本论艺术的书能像这本书那样激起人们的热情。
 ☞ The book has been greeted by people with a fervor that no previous book on art ever aroused.
 ☞ 她告别时热情地亲吻了丈夫。
 ☞ She gave her husband a fervent kiss when they said goodbye.
  "I wish I could thank him in person."He said fervency.
热烈 热烈
 ☞ 他发现会议室里的气氛十分热烈。
 ☞ He found the atmosphere in the meeting room very hot.
 ☞ 我们对走水路还是走陆路进行了热烈的讨论。
 ☞ We got into a hot argument whether to go by water or by land.
 ☞ 我们对这一问题进行了热烈的讨论。
 ☞ We had a heated discussion about this problem.
 ☞ 他们对到哪里去度假进行了热烈的争论。
 ☞ They got into a heated argument about where to spend their holiday.
 ☞ 我们对他出色的工作表示了热烈的祝贺。
 ☞ We expressed our warm congratulation on the excellence of his work.
 ☞ 市长向代表团表示热烈的欢迎。
 ☞ The mayor extended a warm welcome to the delegation.
 ☞ 他的演说在听众中引起了热烈的反应。
 ☞ His speech evoked an enthusiastic response in his audience.
 ☞ 当时他的情绪很热烈。
 ☞ He was in an enthusiastic mood then.
 ☞ 乐队在演奏一支热烈的曲子。
 ☞ The band was playing a lively tune.
 ☞ 对这个问题我们有过一次热烈的讨论。
 ☞ We had a lively discussion of the question.
 ☞ 会上的发言很热烈。
 ☞ There was an animated discussion at the meeting.
 ☞ 他热烈的演说不断地被欢呼声打断。
 ☞ His animated speech was punctuated with cheers from time to time.
7.ardent, 指使人灼热的热烈。
 ☞ 中国人民热烈支持改革开放政策。
 ☞ The Chinese people are ardent supporters of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 他的彻底恢复使他产生了对事业的热烈希望。
 ☞ His full recovery built up an ardent hope for his career.
 ☞ 他说是免费入场,而且所有的人都会受到热烈的欢迎。
 ☞ He said that admission was free and that all would be heartily welcome.
 ☞ 他们互相热烈握手。
 ☞ They heartily shook hands with each other.
然后 然后
1.after, after that,书面用语,两者意思相同。
 ☞ 他待在那里吃了晚饭,然后又带她去散了会儿步。
 ☞ He stayed there for supper, and he took her for a walk after.
 ☞ 我们看了场电影,然后就回家了。
 ☞ We saw a film, and after that we went home.
2.afterwards, after,义同after that,但after 由afterwards代替。
 ☞ 咱们先复习第六课,然后再学习第七课。
 ☞ Let's review Lesson 6 first, afterwards we'll study Lesson 7.
 ☞ 他笑了笑,然后对我说:“我还是要谢谢你。”
 ☞ She smiled and said to me afterwards: "Thank you all the same."
3.and then,用来表示逻辑上发展的先后。
 ☞ 客人会在北京停留一天,然盾飞上海。
 ☞ The guests will stay in Beijing for one day and then fly to Shanghai.
 ☞ 序曲结束了,然后幕布徐徐升起。
 ☞ The overture ended and then the curtain slowly went up.
 ☞ 先是读书、读书、再读书,然后就乐在其中了。
 ☞ First read, read and read, and you'll find pleasure in it.
 ☞ 先有实践,然后通过实践来获得知识。
 ☞ First we do practical work and, through it, we gain knowledge.
 ☞ 我们先仔细研究一下这事,然后再做决定。
 ☞ We'll consider the matter carefully before coming to a decision.
 ☞ 我们先换衣服,然后再去。
 ☞ We have to change our clothes before we go.
 ☞ 只有先学习,然后才知不足。
 ☞ One discovers his ignorance only through learning.
 ☞ 只有先学生词才能懂得课文。
 ☞ One should learn the new words and only can one understand the text.
然而 然而
 ☞ 试验失败了多次,然而他们并不灰心。
 ☞ Time after time they failed in the experiment, but they did not lose heart.
 ☞ 他已年高,然而记忆力依然很好。
 ☞ He is aged, but his memory is still good.
 ☞ 老站长今年60多了,又有心脏病,然而在他身上一直焕发着青春。
 ☞ Our old stationmaster is already over sixty and is suffering from heart trouble, but he still has vigor of his youth.
1) 表示转折,即先承认一个事实,再说出相反的情况。
 ☞ 应试者有500余人,然而其中及格者仅15人。
 ☞ More than 500 took the examination, yet out of that total only 15 passed.
 ☞ 他们不喜欢这件事,然而什么也没说。
 ☞ They don't like it, yet said nothing.
2) 表示让步,让步也要转折,不过是先承认事实,表示让步,然后再转折。
 ☞ 我们虽然面临许多困难,然而对胜利仍充满信心。
 ☞ We are in the face of difficulties, yet we still have faith in victory.
 ☞ 我虽然失败了,然而还要再试试。
 ☞ I have failed, yet I shall try again.
3.however, nevertheless,副词,只表示让步,可放在句首、句尾或句子中间。
 ☞ 然而,1971年至1972年的情况发生了变化。
 ☞ However, the situation changed in 1971 - 1972.
 ☞ 这篇文章写得不错,然而还可以改进。
 ☞ The composition is all right, there is room for improvement,however.
 ☞ 然而中国的资产阶级民主革命起了变化。
 ☞ A change, however, occurred in Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution.
 ☞ 这消息可能是出乎意料,然而却是真的。
 ☞ The news may be unexpected, nevertheless, it is true.
 ☞ 他感到裉累,然而依然工作。
 ☞ He felt very tired, nevertheless, he kept working.
 ☞ 虽然他傻,然而我喜欢他。
 ☞ Although he is foolish, I like him nevertheless.
照顾 照顾
1.look after,着重照看。
 ☞ 护士小姐照顾伤员很是用心。
 ☞ The nurse looks after the wounded with great care.
 ☞ 她在幼儿园照顾孩子。
 ☞ She looks after children in the kindergarten.
2.care for, care, 着重看护。
 ☞ 等我老了,谁来照顾我?
 ☞ Who is to care for me when I'm old?
 ☞ 做母亲的日夜照顾着有病的孩子。
 ☞ The mother cares for the sick child day and night.
 ☞ 军烈属受到政府的特别照顾。
 ☞ Families of martyrs and servicemen receive special care from the government.
 ☞ 对家庭生活困难,患有疾病以及有其他困难的干部,我们必须尽可能地给予照顾。
 ☞ When cadres are in difficulty as a result of illness, straitened means or domestic or other troubles we must be sure to give them as much care as possible.
3.consider, consideration, take into consideration, 着重在为人着想或为事着想。
 ☞ 他做事从来不照顾别人。
 ☞ He never considers anyone when he acts.
 ☞ 住宅建设中一定要照顾实际需要。
 ☞ Actual needs must be considered in housing construction.
 ☞ 为了照顾两国的友好关系,我们准备做出某些必要的让步。
 ☞ We are prepared to make some necessary concessions out of consideration for the friendship of the two countries.
 ☞ 青年团的工作要照顾青年的特点。
 ☞ The Youth League in its work must take the characteristics of youth into consideration.
4.take account of, take into account,着重在考虑,或把…考虑进去。
 ☞ 国家、集体、个人的利益都应照顾。
 ☞ We must take account of the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.
 ☞ 无论做什么都应照顾全局。
 ☞ Whatever we do we should take the whole into account.
5.make allowance, 着重在考虑某种原因而给予照顾。
 ☞ 他们之间是有摩擦,不过大家还应互相照顾。
 ☞ There is friction between them, however, each should make allowance for the other.
 ☞ 青年团的工作要照顾多数。
 ☞ In its work the Youth League must make allowance for the majority of its members.
6.give preferential treatment,着重给予优待。
 ☞ 国家对烈军属给予特殊照顾。
 ☞ The state gives special preferential treatment to families of martyrs and servicemen.
 ☞ 不照顾这些特点,就会脱离群众。
 ☞ If you disregard these characteristics you will alienate yourself from the masses.
 ☞ 例如,排斥知识分子入党,不照顾他们的困难。
 ☞ For example, intellectuals have been barred from the Party organizations in disregard of their difficulties.
煽动 煽动
 ☞ 我们已得知有人在煽动叛乱。
 ☞ We have already learned that someone is instigating a rebellion.
 ☞ 推翻政府的阴谋是由军方煽动起来的。
 ☞ The plot to overthrow the government was instigated by the military.
2.incite,也指鼓动、煽动,与instigate的区别是前者的宾语可好可坏,如:incite soldiers to fight bravely(激励士兵勇敢作战);incite the popular to riot.(煽动民众暴乱),后者一般都接坏事。
 ☞ 法庭指控他暗中破坏政府威信和煽动暴乱。
 ☞ The court accused him of inciting violence as well as undermining popular trust of the government from behind the scenes.
 ☞ 军队由于受到煽动而叛变了。
 ☞ The army was incited to rebellion.
3.stir up,也指煽动、鼓动,但煽动起来的坏事,其规模没有前面的大,性质也没有前面的严重。
 ☞ 他由于煽动群众闹事而被捕。
 ☞ He was arrested for stirring up trouble among the masses.
 ☞ 这个男生常煽动其他孩子去调皮捣蛋。
 ☞ The boy often stirs up the other children to mischief.
4.whip up,也指鼓动、煽动,大致与stir up同义。
 ☞ The rebels in the Great Cultural Revolution often whipped up factionalism to achieve their aims.
 ☞ 种族主义分子煽动种族主义情绪来掩盖阶级矛盾。
 ☞ Racists whipped up racist sentiments to conceal class contradictions.
熟悉 熟悉
1.familiar to,与人搭配,familiar with与物搭配。
 ☞ 这声音我熟悉。
 ☞ The voice is familiar to me.
 ☞ 我熟悉这声音。
 ☞ I'm familiar with the voice.
 ☞ 你的名字我熟悉。
 ☞ Your name is familiar to me.
 ☞ 这些民歌当地人都熟悉。
 ☞ These folk songs are familiar to the local people.
 ☞ 在他开始写作前,我们大家就熟悉了他的幽默。
 ☞ His humor was familiar to every of us before he began.
  ■ 应该注意,familiar with后也可接人,但不作“熟悉”解,而作“亲近”解。
 ☞ 你不能与陌生人这么亲近。
 ☞ You should not be so familiar with strangers.
  ■ familiar不仅可用作表语,还可用作定语。
 ☞ 他善于用群众熟悉的语言写作。
 ☞ He was good at writing in language familiar to the masses.
  ■ familiarize是familiar的动词。
 ☞ 你到了那里要先熟悉情况。
 ☞ When you get there, first of all familiarize yourself with the situation.
2.know (well),指熟知,后接人或物。
 ☞ 虽然我们从少年时代就相互交往,但实际上我对我的这位朋友并不熟悉。
 ☞ Although as boys we had associated with each other, yet I really don't know well of my friend.
 ☞ 你现在对这里业务的所有细节都已熟悉。
 ☞ Now you know well all the details of the business here.
 ☞ 他是惟一知道内情的人。
 ☞ He is the only person who knows the ins and outs of the matter.
  ■ know在in the know中用作名词,也有“熟悉内情”的意思。
 ☞ 这个消息是熟悉内情的人告诉我的。
 ☞ The information was told me by someone who is in the know.
3.knowledge, know的名词,也有熟知的意思。
 ☞ 他熟悉山村的生活。
 ☞ He has knowledge of life in mountain villages.
 ☞ 越熟悉只会越热爱。
 ☞ Greater knowledge brings only greater love.
4.have a good grasp,指理解掌握后的熟悉。
 ☞ 我看得出战斗前熟悉地形的重要性。
 ☞ I could see the importance of having a good grasp of the terrain before a battle.
 ☞ 你似乎很熟悉古代史。
 ☞ You seem to have a good grasp of ancient history.
5.acquaint with,指使之接触了解后熟悉。
 ☞ 你应当熟悉你的新职责。
 ☞ You must acquaint yourself with your new duties.
 ☞ 法官很熟悉该案的情况。
 ☞ The judge was well acquainted with all the facts of the case.
6.has... at one's finger tips (finger ends), 指了如指掌。
 ☞ 他对必要的情况总是很熟悉的。
 ☞ He always has the necessary information at his finger ends.
 ☞ 她对各项生产指标很熟悉。
 ☞ She has various production targets at her finger tips.
7.new to,指由于是新手而不熟悉。
 ☞ 他对工作还不熟悉。
 ☞ He is still new to the work.
 ☞ 我们对机器不熟悉。
 ☞ We are new to the machine.
爆发 爆发
1.指突然爆发,用break out。
 ☞ 两支军队之间爆发了一场战斗。
 ☞ Fighting broke out between the two armies.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战爆发时,他才10岁。
 ☞ He was only ten when the Second World War broke out.
 ☞ 资本主义国家的经济危机首先在美国爆发。
 ☞ The economic crisis in the capitalist countries broke out first in the United States.
 ☞ 公元79年维苏威火山爆发,从而毁灭了庞贝城。
 ☞ Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D., destroying Pompeii.
 ☞ 足球赛后,该市爆发了一场暴力事件。
 ☞ Violence erupted in the city after the football match.
 ☞ 群众的愤怒火山般爆发出来。
 ☞ The fury of the crowd erupted like a volcano.
 ☞ 观众中爆发出一阵笑声。
 ☞ Laughter erupted from among the audience.
3.笑声、掌声、欢呼声的爆发,用burst into。
 ☞ 他俩爆发出一阵笑声。
 ☞ They both burst into laughter.
 ☞ 他发言时,大会爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。
 ☞ When he took the floor, the gathering burst into thunderous applause.
 ☞ 人群爆发出一片欢呼声。
 ☞ The crowd burst into cheers.
4.blow up,指爆炸式的爆发,也可用来代替erupt或break out。
 ☞ 没想到火山竟又爆发了。
 ☞ The volcano unexpectedly blew up again.
 ☞ 突然又爆发了一场争论。
 ☞ Suddenly a dispute blew up again.
爆炸 爆炸
1.正式用语为explode,指爆炸物爆炸,日常用语为blow up,burst,既可指爆炸物爆炸,也指人使之爆炸。除上述区别外,前者往往指自爆物质或自爆装置的爆炸,后者则不受此限。故用explode的句子一般都可用blow up或burst替换。
 ☞ 一枚炸弹在离公共汽车站几码处爆炸,幸无人受伤。
 ☞ A bomb exploded (burst)a few yards away from a bus-stop, but fortunately, none was hurt.
 ☞ 炸药包突然爆炸了。
 ☞ The pack of dynamite exploded (blew up) suddenly.
 ☞ 煤气管道爆炸时,好在没伤人。
 ☞ Fortunately, no one was hurt when the gas main blew up (exploded).
 ☞ 我看着炸弹在空中爆炸。
 ☞ I watched the bombs bursting in the air.
  ■ 但语体比较正式时,一般应使用explode。
 ☞ 英国还要爆炸一些体积保密、威力不详的氢弹。
 ☞ More H-bombs-size secret, effect unknown-are to be exploded by Britain.
  ■ 如果爆炸的原因不是由于爆炸物质,而是由于其他原因造成,一般用blow up或burst。
 ☞ 锅炉由于压力过大而爆炸。
 ☞ The boiler blew up because the pressure was beyond its limit.
 ☞ 轮胎因货物超载而爆炸。
 ☞ The tire burst owing to overloading of the vehicle's contents.
 ☞ 恐怖分子策划炸毁大桥,但炸弹没有爆炸。
 ☞ The terrorists had planned to blow up the bridge but their bombs failed to explode.
 ☞ 据报道,中国于今天成功地爆炸了一个核装置。
 ☞ It is reported that China has successfully detonated a nuclear device today.
 ☞ 这时炸弹爆炸了,这个不可一世的独裁者被炸得粉身碎骨。
 ☞ Just then, the bomb detonated and the insufferably arrogant dictator burst into fragments.
 ☞ 昨天矿内发生了一次爆炸,十分可怕。
 ☞ There was a terrible blast yesterday in the mine.

 ☞ 要吃果子就得爬树。
 ☞ He that would eat fruit must climb the tree.
 ☞ 爬得高,跌得重。
 ☞ The higher one climbs, the harder he falls.
 ☞ 一辆汽车在慢慢地爬山。
 ☞ A car was slowly climbing the hill.
 ☞ 常春藤已经爬上了墙。
 ☞ The ivy has climbed up to the wall.
 ☞ 山崖陡峭,要手脚并用你才爬得上去。
 ☞ The cliff is very steep. You'll have to clamber with both hands and feet to get to its top.
 ☞ 建筑工人经常爬到惊心动魄的高处。
 ☞ Construction workers often clamber to emotional heights.
 ☞ 你的孩子现在会爬了。
 ☞ Your baby can crawl now.
 ☞ 他受了重伤,只能爬了。
 ☞ He was so badly wounded that he could only crawl.
 ☞ 她看见蛇朝她爬过来就尖叫起来。
 ☞ She screamed when she saw the snake crawling towards her.
 ☞ 狗害怕惩罚会爬向主人。
 ☞ Afraid of punishment, the dog crawls towards his master.
 ☞ 人民解放军的两栖作战部队爬着通过树丛。
 ☞ PLA marines crept through the underbrush.
 ☞ 娃娃学会走路前先学会爬。
 ☞ A baby learns to creep before it learns to walk.
 ☞ 猫慢慢地向老鼠爬去。
 ☞ The cat crept slowly towards the mouse.
 ☞ 一条蛇正沿着墙根爬。
 ☞ A snake is creeping along the wall.
 ☞ 长长的一串蚂蚁沿着小径爬去。
 ☞ Down the path crept a long line of ants.
  ■ 但creep也可用于转义,指爬上心头的某种感觉,这时不能与crawl换用。
 ☞ 一种恐惧感开始慢慢地爬上他的心头。
 ☞ A sense of fear began to creep slowly to his heart.
 ☞ 一阵孤独感爬上我的心头。
 ☞ A lonely feeling crept upon my spirit.
5.get out of, get up, 指从躺卧的姿势爬起来。
 ☞ 他太虚弱,从床上都爬不起来。
 ☞ He was too weak to get out of bed.
 ☞ 我被打得爬不起来。
 ☞ I was knocked down and could not get up from the lying position.
 ☞ 我们不能跟在别人后面一步一步地爬。
 ☞ We cannot trail behind others at a snail pace.
 ☞ 他们爬山越岭终于来到毛主席的出生地—韶山。
 ☞ Having tramped over hills and dales, they finally arrived at Shaoshan, where Chairman Mao was born.
 ☞ 红军爬雪山过草地,历尽了千辛万苦。
 ☞ Having crossed the snow-covered mountains and marshes. the Red Army went through untold hardships.
爱好 爱好
1.love, have a love for, in one's love of,指由爱而好,感情色彩强烈。
 ☞ 中国人民爱好和平。
 ☞ The Chinese people love peace.
 ☞ 他爱好音乐,钢琴弹得特别好。
 ☞ He loves music; he plays the piano particularly well.
 ☞ 他爱好科学。
 ☞ He has a love for science.
 ☞ 他爱好文学,十分真诚。
 ☞ He is sincere in his love of literature.
2.have a liking for,be keen on,指由喜而爱,感情色彩稍次。后者强调生性爱好,感情比前者强烈。
 ☞ 他爱好侦探小说。
 ☞ He has a liking for detective stories.
 ☞ 我爱好美食。
 ☞ I have a liking for good food.
 ☞ 我叔叔爱好摄影。
 ☞ My uncle is keen on photography.
 ☞ 史密斯太太爱好艺术。
 ☞ Mrs. Smith is keen on art.
3.have a passion for,指由情而爱。
 ☞ 我一向爱好绘画。
 ☞ I have always a passion for painting.
 ☞ 史密斯先生真的爱好音乐。
 ☞ Mr. Smith has a genuine passion for music.
4.be fond of,指性格上由好而爱。
 ☞ 我一向爱好史地。
 ☞ I have always been fond of history and geography.
 ☞ 她爱好白色。
 ☞ She is fond of white.
5.go in for,指由于潮流或习惯而爱。
 ☞ 越来越多的人爱好乒乓球。
 ☞ More and more people are going in for table tennis.
 ☞ 她爱好穿奇装异服。
 ☞ She goes in for wearing bizarre dresses.
 ☞ 种玫瑰是他的爱好。
 ☞ Growing roses is his hobby.
 ☞ 集邮是一种有教育意义的爱好。
 ☞ Collecting stamps is an educational hobby.
 ☞ 他的爱好是养鸡。
 ☞ His hobby is raising hens.
7.have a taste for,指由情趣、审美而爱。
 ☞ 少数民族歌手爱好民歌。
 ☞ Singers from national minorities have a taste for folk songs.
 ☞ 妇女一般都爱好时装。
 ☞ Women usually have a taste for the latest fashion.
8.have a fancy for,指非理性的无缘无故的没有克制的爱。
 ☞ 我突然爱好上了蘑菇。
 ☞ I have had a sudden fancy for mushroom.
 ☞ 她爱好甜食。
 ☞ She has a fancy for sweet things.
爱惜 爱惜
1.take good care of,指保护。
 ☞ 要爱惜你的车子。
 ☞ Take good care of your car.
 ☞ 你要爱惜身体。
 ☞ You should take good care of your health.
 ☞ 我们只有爱惜集体的荣誉才能受到别人的尊重。
 ☞ Only by cherishing the good name of our collective can we be respected by others.
 ☞ 人要爱惜天分。
 ☞ One must cherish one's natural gifts.
3.use... sparingly, make the best use of, 前者指节约使用,后者指充分利用。
 ☞ 建设社会主义应该爱惜人力、物力。
 ☞ In socialist construction we ought to use manpower and material resources sparingly.
 ☞ 人在年轻时应该好好爱惜时间。
 ☞ One must make the best use of one's time when young.
4.be economical of,指节约。
 ☞ 人在年轻时应该爱惜时间。
 ☞ One must be economical of one's time when young.
 ☞ 今天你爱惜精力,明天就能干得更好。
 ☞ You can do better tomorrow if you are economical of energy today.
 ☞ 他们见花就摘,毫不爱惜。
 ☞ They relentlessly tear at flowers they see.
 ☞ 他把园子里所有的树都砍了,毫不爱惜。
 ☞ He cut down all the trees in his garden relentlessly.
爱护 爱护
1.cherish, treasure,指珍爱,两词一般可以互换。但前者在感情色彩上要比后者强烈。
 ☞ 我们决心互相爱护,患难与共。
 ☞ We are determined to cherish each other and stick together through thick and thin.
 ☞ 老山的解放军战士爱护前线的一草一木。
 ☞ The P.L.A. men in Laoshan cherish every tree and every blade of grass at the front.
 ☞ 这位女教师爱护这些孩子犹如己出。
 ☞ The governess cherishes the children as if they were her own.
 ☞ 她爱护这些书,因为那是她亡夫的遗物。
 ☞ She treasures those books because they were left behind by her husband.
 ☞ 儿童是祖国的花朵,应该受到爱护。
 ☞ Children are the flowers of our country and should be treasured.
 ☞ 他十分爱护父亲给他的表。
 ☞ He treasures very much the watch his father gave him.
2.care for,指保护,照料。
 ☞ 每个公民都应该爱护公物。
 ☞ Every citizen ought to care for public property.
 ☞ 新中国要爱护青年,要关怀青年一代的成长。
 ☞ New China must care for her youth and show concern for the growth of the younger generation.
3.have an affection for,指钟爱。
 ☞ 她对我向来真心爱护。
 ☞ She has always had a genuine affection for me.
 ☞ 他对这些孩子的爱护是对别人所没有过的。
 ☞ He had for the children an affection, which he had for no one else.
片面 片面
 ☞ 你主观片面地看问题是会犯错误的。
 ☞ You'll make mistakes if you take a subjective and one-sided approach to problems.
 ☞ 片面强调产值是错误的。
 ☞ It is wrong to put one-sided emphasis on output value.
 ☞ 不要对他的片面之词认真。
 ☞ Don't take his one-sided statement seriously.
2.unilateral, unilaterally,指单方面。据说这是一个于1802年才开始使用的外来语,主要用于植物学、心理学、声学方面,不过现在也用于日常生活。
 ☞ 采取片面行动你认为恰当吗?
 ☞ Do you think it proper to take unilateral actions?
 ☞ 女方片面宣布解除婚约。
 ☞ The bride's side unilaterally declared the break-off of their engagement.
 ☞ 该公司片面撕毁了合同。
 ☞ The firm unilaterally tore the contract.
 ☞ 我们应该制止片面追求升学率的倾向。
 ☞ We must check the tendency of undue pursuit of the proportion of the graduates who are admitted to schools of higher level.
 ☞ 片面强调这场经济危机也是不对的。
 ☞ It is incorrect as well to lay undue emphasis upon the economic crisis.
 ☞ 我对该书一无所知,因此我的意见可能是片面的。
 ☞ I didn't know anything about the book, so my opinion might be arbitrary.
 ☞ 废除该条约是一个片面的决定。
 ☞ It is an arbitrary decision on abrogating the treaty.
物质 物质
 ☞ 物质形态有三种:气体、液体和固体。
 ☞ All matter has one of three forms: gas, liquid, or solid.
 ☞ 物质第一性,思想第二性的原则具有深远的含义。
 ☞ The principle that matter is primary and mind secondary has far-reaching implication.
 ☞ 整个宇宙是由不同的物质组成的。
 ☞ The entire universe is made of different kinds of matter.
 ☞ 所有的宗教都说物质以外还有灵魂。
 ☞ All religions teach the existence of spirit as well as matter.
2.substance,表示的是自然界的物质,而且是实指,故是可数名词。而matter表示的物质是虚指, 而是不可数名词。
 ☞ 冰和水是不同形态的同一物质。
 ☞ Ice and water are the same substance in different forms.
 ☞ 没有掺入其他物质的物质是纯物质。
 ☞ A substance is pure if it is unmixed with other substances.
3.material, 指经过加工后的物质,substance指自然界的物质。
 ☞ 我们会提供你所需要的一切物质。
 ☞ We'll provide you with all the materials you need.
 ☞ 在建设物质文明的同时,要注意进行精神文明的建设。
 ☞ In building a civilization, we have to pay attention to its moral as well as its material aspects.
牵扯(牵连、牵涉) 牵扯(牵连、牵涉)
  ■ “牵扯”,“牵连”,“牵涉”均为同义词。
1.involve in,指把人牵扯或牵连进某种困境或罪行之中。
 ☞ 你们吵架,可别把我牵扯进去。
 ☞ Don't involve me in your quarrel.
 ☞ 我感到他是有意要牵扯进这场三角恋爱之中的。
 ☞ I feel that he is inclined to get involved in the love triangle.
 ☞ 他想到了大使馆。他不能把大使馆牵连进去,而且大使馆也几乎肯定不愿意被牵连进这场间谍案里。
 ☞ He thought of the Embassy. He couldn't involve the Embassy and the Embassy would almost certainly refuse to be involved in the espionage.
 ☞ 这项决定牵涉很多部门。
 ☞ This decision involves many departments.
2.implicate in,也指牵扯、牵连。义同involve,但 同时还暗指由于这种牵连而影响了声誉。
 ☞ 这个案子牵扯到了好多高官。
 ☞ Many high officials were implicated in this case.
 ☞ 俄国政府宣布几位牵涉到间谍案的外交官为不受欢迎的人。
 ☞ The Russian government declared some diplomats persona non grata, implicated in the espionage.
3.drag in (into),常指牵扯进某个谈话或写作等的活动。
 ☞ 你干吗要牵扯这些与案子无关的事实?
 ☞ Why do you drag in such facts irrelevant to the case?
 ☞ 只要你愿意,有关我的事可以随便写。但不能牵扯我老婆。
 ☞ You are free to write what you like about me, but you mustn't drag my wife in.
 ☞ 他的发言既然牵扯到我,我就想讲几句。
 ☞ Since he has dragged me into his speech, I'd like to say a few words.
 ☞ 我不想被牵连进你们的吵架中去。
 ☞ I won't be dragged into your quarreling.
特别 特别
 ☞ 星期天晚上,她打扮得特别用心。
 ☞ On Sunday evening, she dressed herself with special care.
 ☞ 交通高峰时刻要特别增发公共汽车。
 ☞ More special buses have to be put on during the rush hours.
  ■ special也可表示“独一无二”或“不同于一般”,但强调的仍是目的。
 ☞ 马戏团是因为特别的空中飞人这一杂技才雇用他们的。
 ☞ The circus hired them only for their special trapeze acrobat.
 ☞ 今晚情况特别,宴席上有特别的东西可吃。
 ☞ Tonight is a special occasion, and we have something special for dinner.
 ☞ 这些花是我特别为你摘的。
 ☞ I picked these flowers special for you.
 ☞ 既然你们已经结了婚,你应当对她特别好,不要耍态度。
 ☞ Now that you got married you should be specially nice to her and not rude.
 ☞ 请向我的女友致以特别的问候。
 ☞ Please send my especial greeting to my girl friend.
 ☞ 他弹起钢琴来特别灵巧。
 ☞ He plays the piano with especial dexterity.
 ☞ 故宫的建筑受到特别的照顾。
 ☞ The Imperial Palace architecture receives especial attention.
 ☞ 我对园艺特别感兴趣。
 ☞ I'm especially interested in gardening.
 ☞ 所有来稿,特别是小学老师的来稿尤其欢迎。
 ☞ All contributions, especially those of school teachers will welcome.
 ☞ 我记得他是个很特别的人。
 ☞ He is the particular person I had in mind.
 ☞ 你要特别小心,别去得罪他。
 ☞ Take particular care not to offend him.
 ☞ 不过这次邀请使他特别高兴。
 ☞ But this invitation gave him particular joy.
 ☞ 作为职业,没有一种是特别高贵或是特别卑贱的。
 ☞ No profession, as a profession, is particularly noble or ignoble.
 ☞ 而这一点需要特别提请注意。
 ☞ And this, in particular, needs calling attention to.
 ☞ 她说话的方式很特别。
 ☞ She has a very distinctive way of speaking.
 ☞ 军队的每个级别都要佩带特别的肩章和领章。
 ☞ Each rank in the army has distinctive shoulder straps and collar badges to wear.
 ☞ 这种花每到夜晚临近都要发出一种特别的香味。
 ☞ As evening approaches, this flower gives off a distinctive fragrance.
 ☞ 这种菜有一种特别的味道。
 ☞ This vegetable has a peculiar taste.
 ☞ 我办事有我特别的方式。
 ☞ I have my own peculiar way of doing things.
 ☞ 他的脾气很特别。
 ☞ He has peculiar temperament.
 ☞ 这楼的设计没有什么特别的地方。
 ☞ The design of this building is nothing out of the ordinary.
 ☞ 这绸子的质量特别好。
 ☞ This silk is of extra fine quality.
 ☞ 那里的气候特别舒服。
 ☞ The climate there is notably comfortable.
 ☞ 规则要少,而特别重要的是规则的覆盖面要广。
 ☞ The rules must be few and, what is of more importance, they must be comprehensive.
 ☞ 没有一个独立的国家,特别是中华人民共和国,会容忍对其内政的外来干涉。
 ☞ No independent country, least of all the People's Republic of China, will tolerate any outside interference in her domestic affairs.
 ☞ 对那个中锋必须特别盯紧。
 ☞ The center forward, of all others, must be strictly marked.
 ☞ 有一点我必须提请你们特别注意。
 ☞ One thing among all others I must draw your attention to.
 ☞ 这些年轻人特别有志气。
 ☞ These young people are nothing of not ambitious.
特征 特征
 ☞ 女同志的生理与心理特征不同于男同志。
 ☞ The physical and psychic characteristics of women are different from those of men.
 ☞ 这一切都是霸权主义的特征。
 ☞ All these are characteristics of hegemonism.
 ☞ 光线太差,我看不清他的面貌特征。
 ☞ I couldn't distinguish his features because of bad light.
 ☞ 他的书在词汇与习惯用法上不无美国英语的特征。
 ☞ His books are not without American features in vocabulary and idioms.
 ☞ 豪爽大方与精力充沛是美国人性格的两大特征。
 ☞ Generosity and energy are the two traits in the American character。
 ☞ 人的很多特征都可以从猴子身上找到。
 ☞ Many human traits can be found in the monkey.
特殊 特殊
 ☞ 她不希望别人给她特殊的照顾。
 ☞ She didn't want to be given any special care.
 ☞ 残疾人的特殊教育近年来一直在发展。
 ☞ The special education for disabled people has been forging ahead in recent years.
 ☞ 毛泽东是总结中国革命战争特殊规律的第一人。
 ☞ Mao Zedong is the first man who summed up the specific law of China's revolutionary war.
 ☞ 每个机构的实体都有其特殊的职能。
 ☞ Each of the bodily organs has its own specific function.
 ☞ 我们宁愿用一般的方法,而不是特殊的方法来处理这些社会问题。
 ☞ We prefer the general to the particular approach to these social problems.
 ☞ 声明对工人们的特殊要求表示了坚决支持。
 ☞ The statement expressed firm support for the particular demands of the workers.
 ☞ 美国黑人用一种特殊的方式表达了他们的音乐之魂。
 ☞ The black Americans express their musical soul in a distinctive way.
 ☞ 是高超的手艺造就了特殊的品质。
 ☞ It is the exquisite craftsmanship that has created distinctive quality.
 ☞ 因为他很少说话,所以他的话有一种特殊的力量。
 ☞ Because he talked so little, his words had a peculiar force.
 ☞ 这种饮料有一种特殊的香味。
 ☞ This drink has a peculiar flavor.
 ☞ 这种暖和的天气在1月份实在特殊。
 ☞ This warm weather is really exceptional for January.
 ☞ 我们的情况一直是比较特殊的。
 ☞ Our circumstances have been rather exceptional.
特点 特点
1.characteristics, characterize,指某一事物区别于其他事物的特点。
 ☞ 思维能力是人类鲜明的特点。
 ☞ The capacity to think is the distinctive characteristics of humanity.
 ☞ 雄心勃勃是成功商人的特点。
 ☞ Ambition is characteristic of successful businessmen.
 ☞ 勤劳勇敢是中华民族的特点。
 ☞ Industry and courage characterize the Chinese nation.
 ☞ 或The Chinese nation is characterized by industry and courage.
 ☞ 能吸引这些年轻顾客的汽车都得有下面3个特点,即款式棒、性能好、价格低。
 ☞ Any car that would appeal to these young customers has to have the following three features: great styling, strong performance and a low price.
 ☞ 24小时服务是这家商店的特点。
 ☞ Round-the-clock service features this store. 成This store is featured by round-the-clock service.
 ☞ 他风格的特点是生动有力。
 ☞ His style is marked by vividness and forcefulness.或 Vividness and forcefulness mark his style.
 ☞ 这一运动的特点是移民的政治影响力上升。
 ☞ This movement was marked by the rise of the immigrants as a political influence.
 ☞ 他所有诗作的特点是幽默处处,浮想联翩。
 ☞ All his poems are typified by humor and imagery.或 Humor and imagery typify all his poems.
 ☞ 他所有工作的特点是高质量。
 ☞ High quality typifies all his work.
 ☞ 她从她母亲那里继承了这一特点。
 ☞ She inherited this trait from her mother.
 ☞ 她没有杰出的才智,也没有显著的性格特点。
 ☞ She has no great talents, no marked traits of character.
 ☞ 工作上要照顾妇女的特点。
 ☞ Attention should be paid to the special needs of women in their work.
 ☞ 这个厂的产品具有工艺精湛、经久耐用的特点。
 ☞ The products of this factory are noted for their fine workmanship and durability.
特色 特色
 ☞ 这个小镇具有海滨疗养地的一切特色。
 ☞ This small town has all the characteristics of a seaside resort.
 ☞ 他演奏的长笛,表现出许多东方特色。
 ☞ He displayed many Oriental characteristics when performing on the flute.
 ☞ 中国人民正在迅速建设具有中国特色的社会主义。
 ☞ The Chinese people are building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
 ☞ 这些小石屋具有贵州山村的特色。
 ☞ These small stone houses are characteristic of mountain villages of Cuizhou.
2.feature, 指外表上具有鲜明的特色。
 ☞ 巡回歌舞团演出了富有民族特色的歌舞节目。
 ☞ The mobile song and dance troupe performed songs and dances with distinctive national features.
 ☞ 自然景观是该庄园的主要特色。
 ☞ The landscape is the dominant feature of the estate.
 ☞ 浓雾是伦敦生活中的一个特色。
 ☞ Dense fogs are a feature of life in London.
3.exceptional (peculiar) quality,指少有的或具有特性的特色。
 ☞ 这屋子在采光、取暖方面具有特色。
 ☞ The house has an exceptional quality of lighting and heating.
 ☞ 你得在镇上住上一段时间以了解其特色。
 ☞ You have to live some time in the town to understand its peculiar quality.
 ☞ 烤牛肉是该餐馆的特色。
 ☞ Roast beef is a specialty of the restaurant.
 ☞ 木雕是本村的特色。
 ☞ Wood carvings are a specialty of this village.
 ☞ 这些新理论有其特色。
 ☞ There was something unique about the new theories.
 ☞ 这些社会问题是资本主义社会的特色。
 ☞ These social problems are unique to the capitalist society.
牺牲 牺牲
 ☞ 她被捕时就做好了牺牲的准备,因为没有其他办法。
 ☞ When she was arrested she was ready to sacrifice herself for there was no other way.
 ☞ 当时学生们公开声明北洋政府在牺牲中国的利益。
 ☞ The then students openly declared that the government controlled by the Northern Warlords was sacrificing the interests of China.
 ☞ 母亲为了自己的孩子可以牺牲一切,甚至生命。
 ☞ A mother will sacrifice everything for her children, even her life.
 ☞ 我从来也没有想过要你做出这样的牺牲。
 ☞ I have never dreamed of asking you to make such a sacrifice.
  ■ sacrifice后还可接介词to,表示“为了…而牺牲”。
 ☞ 我们不得不为了舒适而牺牲外观。
 ☞ We have to sacrifice appearance to comfort.
2.give (up),常用语,指不求回报的献出,因而往往是一种连自己也没有意识到的牺牲。在这个意义上可以与sacrifice换用。
 ☞ 你牺牲休息时间给我修电视机,真是过意不去。
 ☞ I was very sorry that you gave up (sacrificed) your spare time to repair my TV set.
 ☞ 他为了救孩子,牺牲了自己的生命。
 ☞ He gave (sacrificed) his life in order to save the child.
  ■ 但是应该指出,give 的原意是献出,因此give life不一定意味舍弃生命。如:
 ☞ 她把一生都献给了护理病人的事业。
 ☞ She has given up her life to the cause of nursing the sick.
3.lay down one's life,只指牺牲生命。
 ☞ 那时人人热血沸腾,个个都愿为国牺牲。
 ☞ Our blood boiled and everybody was willing to lay down his life for the country.
 ☞ 纪念碑立在这里是为了纪念在抗日战争中牺牲的烈士。
 ☞ The monument was erected here in memory of the martyrs who laid down their lives in the Anti-Japanese War.
4.martyr, martyrdom, martyrize,指殉难式的牺牲。
 ☞ 圣女贞德就是牺牡在这根火刑柱上的。
 ☞ St. Joan of Arc was martyred at this stake.
 ☞ 如果革命事业允许牺牲的话,我会欣然为此而牺牲。
 ☞ I would willingly have been a martyr in the revolutionary cause, had the cause been admitted of martyrdom.
 ☞ 他们是这一政策的牺牲品。
 ☞ They were martyrized by this policy.
5.at the expense of,指以牺牲别人利益以达到自己的目的。
 ☞ 某些发达国家正在牺牲一些穷国,来倾倒他们的工业废料。
 ☞ Some developed countries are dumping their industrial waste at the expense of some poor countries.
 ☞ 他们是靠牺牲另外一些人来发家致富的。
 ☞ They built up their family fortune at the expense of other people.
 ☞ 社会下层成了这场经济危机的牺牲品。
 ☞ The lower strata of society were made scapegoats of the economic crisis.
 ☞ 他又一次成了口诛笔伐的牺牲品。
 ☞ Again he became a victim of condemnation both in speech and in writing.
 ☞ 这个小国又成了帝国主义的牺牲品。
 ☞ This small country was again falling a prey to imperialism.

 ☞ 他的脾气又犯了。
 ☞ He got angry again.
 ☞ 她对他犯了疑。
 ☞ She got suspicious about him.
 ☞ 这孩子三天两头犯病。
 ☞ The child gets ill too often.
 ☞ 听着教师单调的声音,她犯了困。
 ☞ Listening to the teacher's monotonous voice, she felt sleepy.
 ☞ 小男孩走进校长室就犯悚。
 ☞ The little boy felt timid as soon as he entered the headmaster's office.
 ☞ 要是我们在几年前谈论这样的话题,那就犯忌了。
 ☞ We would have violated a taboo if we had discussed a topic like this a few years ago.
 ☞ 他犯纪律而被开除。
 ☞ He was dismissed for violating discipline.
 ☞ 他犯了法,可能会被起诉。
 ☞ He's broken the law and may be prosecuted.
 ☞ 你犯了校规要受到警告处分。
 ☞ You've broken the school rules and have to be given disciplinary warning.
 ☞ 他犯了反对中国人民的可怕罪行。
 ☞ He committed horrible crimes against the Chinese people.
 ☞ 她说她犯了官僚主义的错误。
 ☞ She said she had committed the error of bureaucracy.
 ☞ 他的气喘病又犯了。
 ☞ He has got another attack of asthma.
 ☞ 就在那时他犯了痢疾。
 ☞ Just then he was seized with an attack of dysentery.
 ☞ 重婚是犯法的。
 ☞ Bigamy is against the law.
 ☞ 玩足球,用手触球是犯规。
 ☞ It is against the rules to handle the ball in soccer.
 ☞ 为这么点小事跟他吵架,犯得着吗?
 ☞ Is it worthwhile quarreling with him over such a trifle?
 ☞ 犯得着为他冒这种风险吗?
 ☞ Is it worthwhile taking such a risk for him?
9.not worthwhile,指不值得,用于否定陈述句。
 ☞ 在枝节问题上犯不着花这么多时间。
 ☞ It isn't worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems.
 ☞ 这种不讲理的人,犯不着跟他计较。
 ☞ It's not worthwhile to argue with such an unreasonable man.
状况 状况
 ☞ 你要证据,那就看看他的经济状况。
 ☞ If you want proof, look at his financial state.
 ☞ 交通拥挤的状况必须得到改善。
 ☞ The congested state of traffic must be improved.
 ☞ 他的状况危急。
 ☞ He is in a critical state.
 ☞ 病人的状况良好。
 ☞ The patient is in a good state.
 ☞ 中国各地的气候状况极不相同,有热带气候、亚热带气候,也有近乎于极地的气候。
 ☞ The climate conditions of China vary greatly from tropical, semi-tropical to almost sub-arctic.
 ☞ 研究小组正在全国各地进行充分调查,研究下岗工人的状况。
 ☞ The research groups are making thorough investigation and study of the conditions of the laid-off workers all over the country.
 ☞ 是对外改革开放改变了阶级矛盾及社会状况。
 ☞ It was the reform and opening to the outside world that changed class contradictions and social conditions.
 ☞ 孤身一人,身无分文而又置身于一个陌生的城市, 这真是一个令人难堪的状况。
 ☞ It is really a very disagreeable situation to be alone and without money in a strange city.
 ☞ 你要证据,就瞧瞧该国的经济状况。
 ☞ If you want proof, look at the economic situation of that country.
 ☞ 改善英语教学的状况是当务之急。
 ☞ The most pressing matter of the moment is to improve the situation in English teaching.
状态 状态
 ☞ 医生坚持要他继续服药,直至胃部恢复正常状态。
 ☞ The doctor insisted on his taking the medicine until the stomach resumes its normal state.
 ☞ 如果当选总统,他发誓要结束两国间的战争状态。
 ☞ He swore that he would end the state of war between the two countries if he was elected president.
 ☞ 我军占领机场后,敌人已处于混乱状态。
 ☞ The enemy was in a chaotic state after our troops had seized the airport.
 ☞ 吃点中药就可使身体恢复到原来的状态。
 ☞ Taking some Chinese medicine will bring your health to its original condition.
 ☞ 航天员很快就发现自己适应了这种失重状态。
 ☞ The astronauts soon found themselves getting used to the condition of weightlessness.
 ☞ 运动员必须始终保持最佳竞技状态。
 ☞ Athletes must be in top condition at all times.
 ☞ 这位运动员近来的状态如何?
 ☞ What has this sportsman's form been like?
 ☞ 论状态,这匹马应该赢。
 ☞ On form this horse should win.
  ■ 但有时form也可用于精神状态。
 ☞ 聚餐会上,她的状态不错。
 ☞ She was in good form at the dinner party.
犹豫 犹豫
 ☞ 她把手放在电话上,犹豫了一会儿,然后才拿起听筒。
 ☞ She put her hand on the phone, hesitated for a moment, and then picked up the receiver.
 ☞ 他在十字路口停了一会儿,犹豫着不知往哪边走。
 ☞ He stood at the crossroads for a while, hesitating, not knowing which way to go.
  ■ 不过,其后可接不同的介词表示不同的情况。
 ☞ 他对报名参加比赛还在犹豫。
 ☞ He is still hesitating about entering for the competition.(about表示有关某一事件)
 ☞ 他们为了达到目的是什么都不会犹豫的。
 ☞ They never hesitate at anything to attain their end.
 ☞ 千好事,我们是从来都不犹豫的。
 ☞ We never hesitate in doing anything good.(in表示在某件事情上)
 ☞ 她在两个工作的选择上犹豫不决。
 ☞ She hesitated over the choice between the two jobs.
  ■ 不过,hesitate之后可接动词不定式,表示在动作上的犹豫不决。
 ☞ 要准确地说出是一个什么样的白日梦,我倒是会犹豫的。
 ☞ I would hesitate to say precisely what fantasy is.
 ☞ 孩子们毫不犹豫地把这点讲清楚了。
 ☞ The children did not hesitate at all to make this point clear.
  ■ 如果要表示在是否之间选择时的犹豫,可在hesitate之后接whether。
 ☞ 是否接受邀请,我们还在犹豫。
 ☞ We're hesitating whether to accept the invitation.
 ☞ 你对是否参加探险队犹豫过吗?
 ☞ Did you ever hesitate about whether to join the expedition?
 ☞ 他在几番犹豫之后,决定去一家外资企业工作。
 ☞ He decided to go to work in a foreign enterprise after some hesitation.
 ☞ 她在如何培养儿子对音乐的兴趣方面没有感到过犹豫。
 ☞ She felt no hesitation about how to foster her son's interest in music.
 ☞ 你为何对请人帮忙如此犹豫不决?
 ☞ Why were you so hesitant about asking for help?
 ☞ 他谈起事来似乎总是犹犹豫豫的。
 ☞ He seems hesitant to talk about any matter.
 ☞ 由于你犹豫不决的性格,我们才延误了时机。
 ☞ It was because of your irresolute character that we missed the opportunity.
 ☞ 他犹豫不决地站在那里,等着神的启示。
 ☞ He stood there irresolute, waiting for some sacred inspiration.
 ☞ 最后到底投谁的票?我还在犹豫。
 ☞ I'm still undecided about whom to vote for at last.
 ☞ 他和一个他不爱的姑娘结了婚,连进洞房都是犹犹豫豫的。
 ☞ He married a girl he didn't love, so he even went to the bridal chamber undecided.

1.guess (at),指猜测。用at时带有“猜猜看”的意思。
 ☞ 你猜谁来了?
 ☞ Guess who's here.
 ☞ 他猜错了,被罚了酒。
 ☞ He guessed wrong and was made to drink as a forfeit.
 ☞ 难道你连猜猜她的年龄都不行?
 ☞ Can't you even guess at her age?
  ■ guess后接answer, riddle, thought, mind, intention, age, outcome, result等词,则作“猜着”、“猜对”解。如:
 ☞ 想不到他竟猜着了老师提问的答案。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should have guessed the answer to the teacher's question?
 ☞ 没人能猜透他的意图。
 ☞ No one could guess his intention.
 ☞ 谁猜对这个谜语都有奖。
 ☞ Whoever guesses the riddle will get a prize.
 ☞ 我猜不着她心里在想什么。
 ☞ I couldn't guess what's on her mind.
2.suspect, suspicion,指猜疑。
 ☞ 我猜他和这件事有点牵连。
 ☞ I suspect that he is somewhat involved in the affair.
 ☞ 我们猜她唱不好。
 ☞ We suspected that she couldn't sing well.
 ☞ 不要随便瞎猜。
 ☞ Don't let your suspicion get out of your hand.
 ☞ 我猜她又买东西去了。
 ☞ I suppose she's gone shopping again.
 ☞ 你猜今天谁打电话来了。
 ☞ Who do you suppose telephoned today?
献(献出,献身) 献(献出,献身)
 ☞ 她决定献出另一个儿子到部队服役。
 ☞ She decided to devote her another son to army service.
 ☞ 教师应为教育事业献身。
 ☞ A teacher should devote himself to the cause of education.
  ■ 应注意devote one's life to与give one's life to (for)的异同。
 ☞ 他把一生都献给了造福于人类的事业。
 ☞ He has devoted his whole life (gave his whole life)
 ☞ to the cause of benefiting mankind.(指奉献一生, 故give one's life to与devote one's life to同义)
 ☞ 又如:
 ☞ 他把一生都献给了艺术研究。
 ☞ He devoted his life to (gave his life to) the study of art.
  ■ 但give one's life还有“牺牲”的意思。
 ☞ 他为革命事业献出了生命。
 ☞ He gave his life for the cause of the revolution.
 ☞ 我们认为社会主义是我们可以为之献身的最重要的事业。
 ☞ We think that socialism is the most important cause we can dedicate ourselves to.
 ☞ 他把一生都献给了科学事业。
 ☞ He dedicated his life to the cause of science.
  ■ dedicate也用于把作品献给某人,但这依然没有脱离“思想意识”的范畴。
 ☞ 谨以此书献给我的恩师王文江教授以表感激之情。
 ☞ To my respected teacher, Professor Wang Wenjiang, I dedicate this volume in token of gratitude.
 ☞ 与会者都向血库献了血。
 ☞ Everybody present at the meeting donated blood to the blood bank.
 ☞ 他立下遗嘱,在他死后献眼助盲。
 ☞ He drew up a will to donate his eyes to a blind person after his death.
 ☞ 工人们纷纷献皮来救助被烧伤的同志。
 ☞ The workers donated their skin one after another to their burned comrades.
 ☞ 操回军攻冀州,许攸献计日:“何不决漳河之水以淹之?”
 ☞ When Cao Cao was about to attack Jizhou with his troops swinging back, Xu You offered him advice by saying:”Why not break the dyke of the Zhang River to flood it?"
 ☞ 盖曰:“彼众我寡,不宜久持,何不用火攻之?”瑜曰:“谁教公献此计?”
 ☞ Huang Cai said: "They outnumber us. It's no good being locked in a stalemate. Why not attack them by fire?" Zhou Yu asked: "Who taught you to offer such a suggestion?"
 ☞ 守军指挥官出于无奈,只得献城求降。
 ☞ The commander of garrison had no choice but to offer the city and asked for surrender.
 ☞ 学生在老师生日时向他献了花。
 ☞ The pupils presented flowers to their teacher on his birthday.
 ☞ 这里展出的各种书画都是艺术家们献给国家的。
 ☞ Various kinds of paintings and calligraphy put on display here are all presented to the state by artists.
 ☞ 这面锦旗是病人为表示感谢献给医生的。
 ☞ This silk banner was presented to the doctors by a patient in token of gratitude.
 ☞ 共和国总统在烈士纪念碑前献了花圈。
 ☞ The President of the Republic laid a wreath on the monument to the revolutionary martyrs.
 ☞ 在技术革新中人人都献计献策。
 ☞ Everybody suggested ways and means for technical innovation.
 ☞ 我们以优异成绩向国庆献礼。
 ☞ We greeted National Day with new and outstanding successes.
 ☞ 她应邀到万国博览会上献艺。
 ☞ She was invited to show her skill at the international fairs.
 ☞ 他不断地向姑娘献殷勤,倒把姑娘惹恼了。
 ☞ His constant attention annoyed the girl.
 ☞ 我是新来的,又不会献殷勤。
 ☞ I'm a newcomer and not good at flattery.
 ☞ 我们都热切希望为我国的现代化献出一份力量。
 ☞ We are eager to contribute our share to the modernization of our country.
 ☞ 既然一定要我唱,就只好献丑了。
 ☞ Since you insist, I'll make a fool of myself and sing.
 ☞ 表演献丑了。
 ☞ Please do not laugh at my performance.
环境 环境
 ☞ 我们必须用各种办法来保护环境。
 ☞ We must try all means to protect the environment.
 ☞ 现在投资环境已大有改善。
 ☞ Now the investment environment has greatly been improved.
 ☞ 一个充满爱的家庭环境对儿童的发展有很大的影响。
 ☞ A loving home environment has a great influence on children's development.
 ☞ 宾馆周围的环境优美如画。
 ☞ The surroundings of the guesthouse are remarkably picturesque.
 ☞ 动物园里看不到生活在天然环境里的动物。
 ☞ You don't see animals in the natural surroundings at a zoo.
 ☞ 孩子成长的环境对其发展是有影响的。
 ☞ The surroundings which a child grows up in may have an effect on his development.
 ☞ 环境将最终迫使我们采取这一政策。
 ☞ Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.
 ☞ 如果环境许可,我们还要再办一个厂。
 ☞ We'll set up another factory if circumstances permit.
 ☞ 他为环境所迫而误入歧途。
 ☞ Being forced by circumstances, he went astray.
 ☞ 对她周围的环境,他想多知道一点。
 ☞ He wanted to know more of the conditions. which surrounded her.
 ☞ 他是从艰苦的环境中成长的,因此一定会为我们的企业繁荣发展奋发图强的。
 ☞ He has grown up under tough conditions and is sure to work hard for the prosperity for our enterprise.
 ☞ 现在是改善大多数人的环境的时候了。
 ☞ Now the time has come to improve the conditions of the majority of the people.
现在 现在
1) 指现在说话这个时候,包括将来。
 ☞ 我希望你现在能懂我的意思。
 ☞ I hope you've understood by now what I mean.
 ☞ 她现在对名利很不在乎。
 ☞ She cares very little for fame and gain now.
 ☞ 现在我不跟你计较,等你气平了再说。
 ☞ I won't argue with you now. Let's talk it over when you've calmed down.
 ☞ 从现在起,我要尽量干得更好。
 ☞ From now on I will try to do better.
2) 指到现在为止的以前。
 ☞ 他在那里工作,到现在已有好长一段时间。
 ☞ He has worked there for a long time now.
 ☞ 他逝世以来已有25年了。
 ☞ It's now 25 years since he died.
 ☞ 到现在为止,我什么也没听说过他的消息。
 ☞ I have heard nothing from him up to now.
3) 指过去一先一后两个动作对比时的现在。
 ☞ 他们过去有过几次失败,现在想试试新的打算。
 ☞ Having failed several times, they now tried a new plan.
 ☞ 她梳洗以后,现在准备就餐。
 ☞ Having washed and dressed, she was ready to eat now.
 ☞ 现在的安排没能真使他们满意。
 ☞ The present arrangement wasn't really satisfactory to them.
 ☞ 一般最好是等一等,但是现在这种情况我劝你立刻行动,不要再拖。
 ☞ It's usually best to wait, but in the present case, I advise you to act without delay.
 ☞ 他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
 ☞ He has become a professor of chemistry at Oxford at present.
  ■ 此外,presently在英语中也作“现在”橡胶,用法与now相同。
 ☞ 总统现在正在做一次小手术。
 ☞ The President is presently undergoing a minor surgery他现在住在北京。
 ☞ He is presently staying in Beijing.
 ☞ 现在我们销售到国外的汽车要比以前多。
 ☞ We sell more cars abroad today than we've done before.
 ☞ 现在许多姑娘都兴留短发。
 ☞ Many girls go in for wearing their hair short today.
 ☞ 现在的年轻人可讲究穿着了。
 ☞ Young people of today are particular about their clothing.
4.as it is, 指就像现在这个样子。
 ☞ 是地壳运动把原来的海底抬高,成为现在的台地。
 ☞ It was the crust movement that raised the original seabed into the tableland as it is.
 ☞ 我就按现在这个样子把车子卖给你,不过要是不行你别叫冤。
 ☞ I'll sell my car to you as it is, but don't complain if it doesn't work.
  ■ as it is还可用于过去。
 ☞ 他们没有团结合作意识,就像现在这样。
 ☞ As it was they had no sense of unity and cooperation.
现实 现实
1.reality, real, realistic,指与想像imagination相对的现实。
 ☞ 这不是想象,而是现实。
 ☞ This is not imagination, but reality.
 ☞ 你的理论是脱离现实的。
 ☞ Your theory is divorced from reality.
 ☞ 现实中看起来新奇的东西,往往只是一些旧事物的翻版。
 ☞ Often what seems the most novel is in reality merely the reproduction of something old.
 ☞ 现实世界总是远比最最复杂的模拟计算还要复杂。
 ☞ The real world is always far more complex than any most complicated analog computation.
 ☞ 我劝你采取现实一点的态度。
 ☞ I advise that you adopt more realistic attitude.
2.actuality, actual, 指真实存在的现实,故不用于抽象的事物。
 ☞ 不要抓着可能是风险的东西当作现实不放。
 ☞ Don't seize upon the possible risks as actuality.
 ☞ 总理提醒内阁阁员要注意他们现实的处境。
 ☞ The prime minister recalled the members of the cabinet to a sense of their actual condition.
 ☞ 你还是面对现实说真话吧。
 ☞ You'd better face the facts and tell the truth.
 ☞ 梦想变成了现实。
 ☞ A dream has become true.
 ☞ 这次会议具有重大的现实意义。
 ☞ The conference was of great practical significance.
现象 现象
 ☞ 刮风,下雨都是自然现象。
 ☞ Wind and rain are phenomena of nature.
 ☞ 未婚妈妈不应单纯地看作是一种社会现象。
 ☞ Unmarried mothers should not be regarded simply as a social phenomenon.
 ☞ 经济学能对经济现象做出相当准确的预测。
 ☞ Economics can make rather accurate predictions about economic phenomena.
 ☞ 人人都应向不良现象作斗争。
 ☞ Everybody should combat unhealthy phenomena.
 ☞ 看事物不要只看现象,要看本质。
 ☞ We should not judge things simply by their appearance; we must grasp their essence.
 ☞ 只有透过现象才能看到本质。
 ☞ Only by seeing through the appearance can we get at the essence.
 ☞ 就表面现象而论,我猜不透他属于哪一类人。
 ☞ So far as the appearances go I can't make out what sort of person he belongs to.
 ☞ 皮肤潮红,伴有发热的这种现象往往被误诊为猩红热。
 ☞ The appearance of flushed skin coupled with fever is often mistakenly diagnosed as scarlet fever.
珍视(珍惜) 珍视(珍惜)
 ☞ 我们珍视荣誉甚于生命。
 ☞ We value honor more than life.
 ☞ 人只有一次生命,一定要珍惜。
 ☞ One has a life only once and must value it.
 ☞ 我们要珍视两国人民之间的友谊。
 ☞ We must treasure the friendship between the peoples of our two countries.
 ☞ 她对自己年轻时的每件纪念品都十分珍惜。
 ☞ She treasures very much every memento of her youth.
 ☞ 每个公民都应珍视自己的权利。
 ☞ Every citizen should cherish the right of his own.
 ☞ 这对新婚夫妇保证要珍惜他们那历经磨难的爱情。
 ☞ The newly-married couple promised to cherish their setback-plaguing love.
 ☞ 要教育年轻人珍惜今天的美好生活。
 ☞ Young people must be taught to prize the happy life they lead today.
 ☞ 父亲给女儿买了辆自行车,她十分珍惜。
 ☞ Father bought his daughter a bicycle, which she prized very much.
5.set store by, 指需要保留的珍贵品、纪念品等。
 ☞ 我们生意人都十分珍视诚信。
 ☞ We businessmen set great store by honesty and credit.
 ☞ 我把你亡妻的信都保存了起来,我知道你十分珍惜这些倍件。
 ☞ I've kept all your late wife's letters, as I know you set great store by them.
珍贵 珍贵
 ☞ 虫草是珍贵的中药材。
 ☞ The Chinese caterpillar fungus is valuable traditional Chinese medicine.
 ☞ 你会发现这个小小的工具非常珍贵,可以进行微型雕刻。
 ☞ You will find this little tool very valuable for miniature carving.
 ☞ 他将不久于人世,因此时间对他非常珍贵。
 ☞ His days are numbered, and time is valuable to him.
 ☞ 这是鲁迅与我的祖父之间的书信来往,现在成了珍贵的历史文物。
 ☞ This is the correspondence between my grandfather and Lu Xun, which now is regarded as precious historical relics.
 ☞ 玻璃柜里陈列着各种珍贵的古董。
 ☞ Various kinds of precious antiques are on display in showcases.
 ☞ 物是人非,一切都成了珍贵的回忆。
 ☞ Things remain but she is gone, and everything has turned into precious memory.
 ☞ 熊猫是世界珍贵动物。
 ☞ Pandas are rare animals in the world.
 ☞ 本市的博物馆有不少珍贵的艺术珍品。
 ☞ The museum of our city possesses a number of rare art treasures.
 ☞ 丹顶鹤是中国的珍贵鸟类。
 ☞ Red-crowned cranes are rare birds in China.
珍重 珍重
 ☞ 珍重人材是目前党委的头等大事。
 ☞ Valuing people of ability is of paramount importance to the Party committee today.
 ☞ 我十分珍重你对我的信任。
 ☞ I highly value the trust you place in me.
 ☞ 我会十分珍重这一礼物,因为这是我所爱的人所赠。
 ☞ I shall treasure this gift very much because it was given me by someone I love.
 ☞ 要是我能有一幅你的画,我一定会十分地珍重。
 ☞ If I could have a picture of yours, I should treasure it very much.
3.set store by, 指珍重需要珍藏起来的东西。
 ☞ 他十分珍重这把旧羽毛球拍,他就是用它赢得了世界冠军。
 ☞ He sets great store by that old badminton racket with which he won the world championship.
 ☞ 我们公司十分珍重他的工作能力。
 ☞ Our firm sets great store by his ability.
4.take good care of oneself,指用在分别时的祝语。
 ☞ 他们分别时,紧紧握手,互道珍重。
 ☞ When parting they clasped hands, each asking the other to take good care of oneself.
 ☞ 一路平安,多多珍重。
 ☞ Take good care of yourself on the happy journey.
理由 理由
 ☞ 我们有充分的理由相信他说的一切。
 ☞ We have every reason to believe what he said 我看不出有任何理由要高人一等。
 ☞ I don't see any reason for feeling superior.
  ■ reason后除了接动词不定式及有介词for引入的短语之外,还可接由why或that连接的从句。
 ☞ 那决不是你要离开的理由。
 ☞ That is no reason why you should leave.
 ☞ 我们要求街灯要多一点,理由是人们在灯火通明的街道上会感到安全一点。
 ☞ We demand more street lighting. The reason is that people feel safer in well-lit streets.
 ☞ 我爱她的理由是因为她性格好。
 ☞ The reason why I love her is that she has a perfect character。(最好不用because,因为reason why已说明了原因)
 ☞ 你没有理由发牢骚。
 ☞ You have no cause to complain.
 ☞ 这不是惊慌失措的理由。
 ☞ This is no cause for panic.
 ☞ 一旦得知他不光彩的行为,他们就没有多少理由来欢呼胜利了。
 ☞ They will not have much cause for hailing the victory when they learn his infamous conduct.
 ☞ 你有什么理由要开除他?
 ☞ What grounds have you for dismissing him?
 ☞ 他走的理由是身体不好。
 ☞ He left on the grounds of ill health.
 ☞ 我们驳回了他的投诉,理由是这种销售对他的商号并无威胁。
 ☞ We rejected his complaints on the grounds that such sales were no threat to his business.
 ☞ 他提出的理由不能成立。
 ☞ His argument is untenable.
 ☞ 你用这样一个理由是说服不了我的。
 ☞ You cannot bring me over by such an argument.
 ☞ 他想找理由为自己的错误辩护。
 ☞ He tried to find an excuse for his error.
 ☞ 她迟到的理由是火车误点。
 ☞ Her excuse for being late was that her train was delayed.
理睬 理睬
  ■ “理睬”一般用于否定或疑问句,它的同义词是“注意”。
1.pay (no) attention to,泛指不注意引起的不理睬。
 ☞ 有人会理睬这件事吗?
 ☞ Will anybody pay any attention to this matter?
 ☞ 这些细节他是从来不会理睬的。
 ☞ He will never pay any attention to such details.
2.take no notice of,也指不理睬,但强调眼睛、耳朵等器官及意识上故意不注意。
 ☞ 你开车怎么能不理睬路标呢?
 ☞ How could you take no notice of the road signs when driving?
 ☞ 我叫了他好几声,他都没理睬。
 ☞ I called him several times, but he took no notice of me.
 ☞ 别理睬他们说的话。
 ☞ Take no notice of what they say.
3.give (pay) no heed to, take no heed of, not heed,指不加密切注意的不理睬。
 ☞ Fog warnings are clearly displayed on motorways, but many drivers still take (give, pay) no heed of them.
 ☞ 他不理睬我的劝告。
 ☞ He gave (paid) no heed to my advice.
 ☞ 她没理睬我的警告。果然不出所料,事故就发生在太阳下山以后。
 ☞ She hadn't heeded my warning. Just as I had expected, the accident happened after sunset.
 ☞ 他们决定不理睬交通规则,逆向行车。
 ☞ They decided to ignore traffic regulations by driving their car in the wrong direction,试比较:They decided to pay no heed to traffic regulations by driving their car in the wrong direction.
 ☞ 即使我们碰上了,他也不会理睬我。
 ☞ He ignores me as well even when we meet.
5.turn a deaf ear to,指装聋作哑式的不理睬。
 ☞ 他们对抗议一概不予理睬。
 ☞ To the remonstrance they turned a deaf ear.
 ☞ 我的方针是不理睬流言蜚语。
 ☞ My policy is to turn a deaf ear to gossip.
理解 理解
 ☞ 我想我能理解你所处的境地。
 ☞ I think I can understand the position you're in.
 ☞ 他们无法理解他为何要辞职。
 ☞ They could not understand why he should resign his job.
 ☞ 我对这词的理解跟你不同。
 ☞ My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.
 ☞ 你可能懂一门外语,但不一定理解你到底是怎么学会的。
 ☞ You may understand a foreign language without comprehending exactly how you learn it.
 ☞ 这孩子读完了小说,但我怀疑他是否理解这部小说的意义。
 ☞ The child has read the novel, but I doubt whether he comprehended its meaning.
 ☞ 百万分之一寸到底有多长,这超过了人们的理解。
 ☞ It passes human comprehension what one millionth of an inch really is.
  ■ 不过,在不强调这种区别时,两词也可在修辞上互相换用。如:
 ☞ 他们对他的理解同朝圣者对上帝的理解差不多。
 ☞ They comprehended him no more than pilgrims understood God.
  "You begin to comprehend me, do you?" "yes, I understand you perfectly."
 ☞ 我理解你反对这一建议的理由。
 ☞ I appreciate your reason for objecting to the proposal.
 ☞ 恐怕你并不理解美国。
 ☞ I am afraid you don't appreciate America.
 ☞ 他的解释使我们有可能对意思的细微差别获得更深的理解。
 ☞ His explanation enabled us to have deeper appreciation of the delicate shades of meaning.
 ☞ 他们把他的沉默理解为同意。
 ☞ They interpreted his silence as consent.
 ☞ 我应如何理解他的行为?
 ☞ How should I interpret his behavior?
 ☞ 这段文字有几种理解。
 ☞ The passage may be given several interpretations.
5.see, 口语用词,仅用于对普通事物或简单道理的理解,故有“明白”、“清楚”的意思。
 ☞ 你理解我的意思吗?
 ☞ Do you see what I mean?
 ☞ 日记给你带来那么多麻烦,我真的不理解你为何还要记日记。
 ☞ I really don't see why you should keep a diary which brought you so much trouble.
瓦解 瓦解
 ☞ 游击队的攻击使政府逐渐瓦解。
 ☞ The attacks of the guerilla forces gradually disintegrated the government.
 ☞ 我们要从政治上瓦解伪军。
 ☞ We must disintegrate the puppet troops politically.
 ☞ 这次冲突是否是权威瓦解的信号呢?
 ☞ Was this crash the signal of disintegrating authority?
 ☞ 劳工运动在经济萧条中瓦解了。
 ☞ The labor movement disintegrated in the economic depression.
 ☞ 经过3个月的战斗,敌军已全线瓦解。
 ☞ After three months' fighting the whole enemy front crumbled.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战后,大英帝国终于瓦解。
 ☞ The British Empire finally crumbled after World War Ⅱ.
 ☞ 在所有这些压力之下,旧制度瓦解了,造成了权力、权威和道德的真空。
 ☞ Under all these pressures, the old institutions collapsed, resulting in a vacuum of power, authority and morality.
 ☞ 攻克柏林的一战,德军的防线突然瓦解了。
 ☞ The German army's defense collapsed at the time of the battle to take Berlin.
 ☞ 我军的连番攻击逐渐瓦解了敌人的士气。
 ☞ The repeated attacks of our troops gradually sapped the enemy's morale.
 ☞ 他们反对牧师所做的一切是会瓦解教会基础的。
 ☞ What they have done against their clergymen would sap the foundation of the Church.
甚至 甚至
 ☞ 今天早晨,他甚至没来送他们。
 ☞ This morning he had not even come to see them off.
 ☞ 我什么都干过,甚至做过炊事员。
 ☞ I've done everything. I've even been a cook.
 ☞ 她甚至没站起来,显然她不打算握手。
 ☞ She didn't even rise, and apparently didn't plan to shake hands.
  ■ 此外,even还可用来修饰主语、宾语、定语、状语等,有“甚至连…”的意思。
 ☞ 这种书甚至连孩子都看得懂。
 ☞ Even a child can understand this kind of book 她甚至连我的信都不回。
 ☞ She didn't answer even my letter.
 ☞ 她甚至连喝口水都怕。
 ☞ She was afraid to take even a drink.
 ☞ 甚至连古老的城墙也都是文化。
 ☞ The very walls of the old city are full of culture.
 ☞ 甚至连航海的建议都会使她感到晕船。
 ☞ The very suggestion of a sea voyage made her feel seasick.
 ☞ 他把本市的地图翻看到甚至连偏僻小巷都了如指掌。
 ☞ He studied the map of the city till he knew its very byways like the back of his hand.
3.as much as, so much as,常用来表示数量、程度达到了某个突出的点。as much as既用于肯定句,也用于否定句,而so much as则用于否定句,后可接动词及名词。
 ☞ 许多鱼类能跃出水面,有些甚至能腾空3公尺。
 ☞ Many fishes are able to jump out of water, some of them leap as much as 3 meters into the air.
 ☞ 这表明该彗星的质量甚至还不到地球的1/10,000。
 ☞ This means that the mass of the comet cannot have amounted to as much as one ten-thousandth of that of the earth。
 ☞ 解放前她甚至连自己的名字都不会写。
 ☞ Before liberation she couldn't so much as write her own name.
 ☞ 半小时过去了,他甚至还没怎么动笔。
 ☞ Half an hour having passed, he hasn't so much as started writing.
 ☞ 在那些敌人占领的村子里我发现没有男人,甚至连一个十一二岁的男孩都不见。
 ☞ In those enemy-occupied villages I found that there were no men, nor so much as a boy eleven or twelve years old,to be seen.
 ☞ 沙漠向西伸展,无穷无尽,甚至连一块石头都没有。
 ☞ The desert unrolls itself endless to the west, unbroken by so much as a rock.
 ☞ 这件事我受得了,甚至比这更糟的事我也要学会承受。
 ☞ That I can bear. I have schooled myself to worse than that.
 ☞ 一杯水里所含的原子数甚至比全球海水装杯后的杯子还要多。
 ☞ There are more atoms in a glass of water than there are glasses of water in all the seas of the world.
 ☞ 修改与写作一样费劲,甚至更费劲。
 ☞ Correction requires as much as the original writing, or more.
5.indeed,in fact,由原意“的确”,“实际上”引申为“甚至”。由于语意需要引申,故一般不放在句首,而放在句中或句末。
 ☞ 这样的运输工具在方式上有其优点,甚至是不可缺少的。
 ☞ Such conveyances are good in their way, indeed, are indispensable.
 ☞ 假热心可以和真热心一样的热,甚至更热。
 ☞ False zeal may rise as high as true, and indeed much higher.
 ☞ 他想的跟见的一样多,事实上甚至更多。
 ☞ He thought as much as he observed, even more in fact.
 ☞ 另一个并不好,在某些方面甚至更坏。
 ☞ The other one is no better, in fact is in some ways worse.
6.not a single, not a, not one,表示强烈否定,也有“甚至没有一个”的意思。
 ☞ 整个战斗不到15分钟就结束了,守军甚至没来得及打上一枪。
 ☞ The whole operation was over in less than fifteen minutes, without the garrison having a chance to fire a single shot.
 ☞ 他的发言我甚至一句也不懂。
 ☞ I understand not a word of his speech.
 ☞ 为爱而珍藏的纪念品甚至一件也没能回来。
 ☞ Not one memento ever returned for love to cherish.
7.go so far as,表示出人意料之外时,有“甚至”的意思。
 ☞ 他对同志们的批评置若罔闻,甚至还反唇相讥。
 ☞ He not only ignored the criticism of his comrades, but went so far as to be sarcastic.
 ☞ 他们甚至有意颠倒是非、混淆黑白。
 ☞ They went so far as purposely to confound right and wrong and turn black into white.
8.so... that, such... that,在语意夸张时也有“甚至”的意思。
 ☞ 水银很重,重得甚至连铁块也能在上面浮得起来。
 ☞ Mercury is very heavy, so much so that a piece of iron will float on it.
 ☞ 人类利用机器改变地貌之快,快得甚至连绘制地图都来不及。
 ☞ With machines man has changed the landscape so quickly that he cannot make maps fast enough.
 ☞ 正如有位诗人所说:“寂静到了甚至连树影触地也似有声的地步。”
 ☞ Of such intensity was silence that, as some poet has said, "You may hear the shadows of the trees rustling on the ground."
9.and, or,作为表示递进的连词,也有“甚至”的意思。
 ☞ 上周我省有大雨,局部地区甚至下了暴雨。
 ☞ Last week there was a heavy rain in our province and a rainstorm in parts of the province.
 ☞ 这种形势可能延续几周,甚至几月。
 ☞ The situation may last weeks, and months.
 ☞ 他被敌人逮捕后受到多次审讯,甚至是严刑拷打。
 ☞ After being arrested, he was interrogated many times by the enemy, and was even cruelly tortured.
 ☞ 有一些党员在组织上入了党,但在思想上并没有入党,甚至完全没有入党。
 ☞ There are some Party members who have joined the Communist Party organizationally, but have not yet joined the Party wholly or at all ideologically.

 ☞ 她生了许多子女。
 ☞ She has borne many children.
 ☞ 后来他的妻子生了一个儿子,两个女儿。
 ☞ His wife later bore a son and two daughters.
  ■ 不过,bear常用被动结构表示出生。
 ☞ 他生于1905年的上海。
 ☞ He was born in 1905 in Shanghai 人人生来平等。
 ☞ All men are born equal.
 ☞ 她已过了生孩子的年龄。
 ☞ She is past her child-bearing age.
  ■ bear作“生养孩子”解时,有两个过去分词borne和born。
1) 主动语态和带by的被动语态时用borne。如:
 ☞ 她生了几个孩子。
 ☞ She has borne several children.
 ☞ 这是她继母生的3个儿子中的一个。
 ☞ This is one of the three boys borne by his stepmother.
2) 不带by的被动语态时,一般用born。
 ☞ 我生于1930年。
 ☞ I was born in 1930.
  ■ 以上是英国英语的用法。美国英语一概都用born,此外具体指某次生养孩子,一般不用bear。如不说:She bore a boy last night.而要说She gave birth to a boy last night.或She was delivered of a boy last night.或She was brought to bed of a boy last night.或She had a boy last night.
2.give birth to,与bear同义,但更强调临盆分娩这一过程。
 ☞ 她生了个漂亮健康的小娃娃。
 ☞ She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.
 ☞ 她5月里生了第二个孩子。
 ☞ She gave birth to a second child in May.
  ■ 有时,birth也有“生”的意思,但强调出生的时间。
 ☞ 孩子生于上午8点。
 ☞ The child's birth occurred at 8 a.m.
 ☞ 王太太生了两个漂亮女儿。
 ☞ Mrs. Wang produced two pretty daughters.
 ☞ 由于儿媳妇没生儿子,她多年来一直在找她的茬。
 ☞ For years, she found fault with her daughter-in-law for not producing a son.
 ☞ 你认为是鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡?
 ☞ Do you think a hen produces eggs or an egg produces a chicken?
 ☞ 合抱之树,生于毫末。
 ☞ Great oaks from little acorns grow.
 ☞ 杂草丛生。
 ☞ Weeds grow rankly.
 ☞ 这些草药一般都是野生的。
 ☞ These medicinal herbs usually grow wide.
5.live, 指与die相对的生。
 ☞ 宁愿站着死,不愿跪着生。
 ☞ Better die standing than live kneeling.
 ☞ 他虽死犹生。
 ☞ Though he died, yet shall he live.
 ☞ 这些英雄的名字将会得到永生。
 ☞ The names of these heroes will live forever.
  ■ 由live派生的living, life, alive, livelihood等词在一定的上下文里都有“生”的意思。
 ☞ 他以捕鱼为生。
 ☞ He earns his living by fishing.
 ☞ 他的儿子在一次工伤事故中丧生。
 ☞ His son lost his life in an industrial accident.
 ☞ 杀敌两人,生擒一人。
 ☞ Two enemy soldiers were killed and one captured alive.
 ☞ 他们以畜牧业为生。
 ☞ They depended on animal husbandry for their livelihood.
6.build (light, make)a fire,均指生火,一般可以换用。
 ☞ 他生了一堆火,再把水壶吊在火上。
 ☞ He built (made)a fire and hung the kettle over it.
 ☞ 我们生了一堆篝火并围着火坐了下来。
 ☞ We lighted (built)a bonfire and sat around it.
 ☞ 我在屋里生了火,房间很快就变得暖和起来。
 ☞ I made (lighted)a fire in the room which got warmer quickly.
7.stir up (cause, make) trouble,均指生事。
 ☞ 你又在生事了!难道你还没有吃够苦头吗?
 ☞ You're stirring up trouble again! Haven't you had enough yet?
 ☞ 不要再惹事生非了。
 ☞ Don't cause trouble any more.
 ☞ 他这人脾气坏,经常生事。
 ☞ He has a bad temper and often makes trouble.
 ☞ 她老给她父母生事。
 ☞ She always makes trouble for her parents.
8.get, 指生病。
 ☞ 孩子夏天容易生痱子。
 ☞ It is easy for children to get boils in summer.
 ☞ 我冬天容易生冻疮。
 ☞ I'm apt to get chilblains in winter.
9.unripe, not ripe, green, 均指不成熟。
 ☞ 这西瓜还是生的。
 ☞ The watermelon is unripe.
 ☞ 西红柿还是生的。
 ☞ The tomatoes were not ripe yet.
 ☞ 不要摘那些生苹果。
 ☞ Don't pick those apples which are still green.
 ☞ 黄瓜可以生吃。
 ☞ Cucumbers can be eaten raw.
 ☞ 日本人喜欢吃生鱼。
 ☞ The Japanese like uncooked fish.
11.stranger, 指生人。
 ☞ 这孩子怕生。
 ☞ The child is shy with strangers.
 ☞ 他人生地不熟的,能干什么?
 ☞ What can he do, being a stranger in a strange place?
12.not familiar, unfamiliar,指不熟悉。
 ☞ 我刚到这里,工作还很生。
 ☞ I've only just come here. I'm still not familiar with the work.
 ☞ 这张脸很生。
 ☞ The face was unfamiliar.
生产 生产
 ☞ 我们自己要多生产石油。
 ☞ We must produce more petroleum for ourselves.
 ☞ 那家工厂生产汽车。
 ☞ That factory produces automobiles.
 ☞ 澳大利亚生产木材和肉类。
 ☞ Australia produces wood and meat.
 ☞ 该区生产水稻与生丝。
 ☞ The area produces rice and raw silk.
 ☞ 许多村民受雇于煤炭生产。
 ☞ Many villagers were employed in the production of coal.
 ☞ 该厂一天生产7,000辆汽车。
 ☞ The factory manufactures 7,000 automobiles in one day.
 ☞ 这种多刀车床由我厂独家生产。
 ☞ Such multi-cut lathes are manufactured exclusively by our factory.
 ☞ 该公司从事钢铁生产。
 ☞ The corporation is engaged in steel and iron manufacture.
  ■ manufacture,用于文艺作品时则指粗制滥造。
 ☞ 你不是在写小说,而是在成批生产。
 ☞ You are not writing novels, but manufacturing them.
 ☞ 中国现在已能生产万吨轮船。
 ☞ China can now make 10,OOO-ton ships.
 ☞ 这家公司生产男女衬衣。
 ☞ The company makes shirts and blouses.
 ☞ 他的妻子快要生产了。
 ☞ His wife will be having her baby soon.(指怀孕时)
 ☞ His wife is expecting her baby soon.(指待产)
 ☞ His wife is in labor.(指已处于阵痛之中)
生命 生命
1.life, 指生物生存的形式。
 ☞ 你知道生命是如何起源的吗?
 ☞ Do you know how life begins?
 ☞ 月球上有生命吗?
 ☞ Is there any life on the Planet Moon?
 ☞ 生命需要空气、食物和水。
 ☞ Life depends on air, food and water.
 ☞ 政策和策略是党的生命。
 ☞ Policy and tactics are the life of the Party.
 ☞ 我们应当学习古汉语中有生命的东西。
 ☞ We should learn whatever is alive in the classical Chinese language.
 ☞ 改革后的社会主义市场经济是有生命、有活力的。
 ☞ The reformed socialist market economy is alive and vibrant.
 ☞ 他是生命不息、战斗不止。
 ☞ He would keep on fighting as long as he lived.
 ☞ 病人的脉搏及其他生命体征已变得微弱。
 ☞ The patient's pulse and other vital signs are becoming weakened.
 ☞ 心脏是生命所必需的器官。
 ☞ The heart is a vital organ.
 ☞ 人造的语言缺乏生命。
 ☞ An artificial language has no vitality.
 ☞ 贪污受贿断送了他的政治生命。
 ☞ Corruption and bribe-taking cost him his political career.
 ☞ 太阳很可能正处在其生命的中途。
 ☞ Probably the sun is now about halfway through its career.
生气 生气
1.be angry,指不合心意而生气,表示状态。get angry表示动作。
1) 对人生气,用with或at。
 ☞ 你生我的气了?
 ☞ Are you angry with me?
 ☞ 她生他的气是因为他说话不算数。
 ☞ She was angry with him for having broken his promise.
  ■ 如果angry后接at,其语气更为强烈。
 ☞ 他生女儿的气,因为她指责他。
 ☞ He was angry at his daughter for accusing him.
  ■ 对动物生气,一般也用at。
 ☞ 她在生猫的气。
 ☞ She was angry at the cat.
2) 对物生气,用about或at,about表示为什么,at表示对什么。
 ☞ 你为什么事情生气?
 ☞ What are you angry about?
 ☞ 他常为许多蠢事生气。
 ☞ He often got angry about many foolish things.
 ☞ 他对儿子的愚蠢生气。
 ☞ He was angry at his son's stupidity.
 ☞ 我对你的批评,希望你不要生气。
 ☞ I hope that you are not angry at my criticizing.
3) angry后可接动词不定式或由that引导的从句。
 ☞ 得知你打破了她的镜子,她会生气的。
 ☞ She'll be angry to know that you have broken her mirror.
 ☞ 他没到车站去接她,她生气了。
 ☞ She was angry that he didn't meet her at the station.
4) angry about,用于人时,表示为别人的遭遇或行为不当而生气。
 ☞ 我为可怜的小王生气,他们对他太坏了。
 ☞ I was angry about poor Wang. They treated him too badly.
 ☞ 做父亲的为儿子的胆小而生气。
 ☞ Father was angry about his son for his timidity.
2.annoy,指由于某种骚扰而一时失去耐心、乎静,因而恼怒。介词with, at的用法,与angry相同。
 ☞ 她从来不对我生气。
 ☞ She is never annoyed with me.
 ☞ 他对你说的话生气了。
 ☞ He was annoyed at what you said.
 ☞ 他不断自言自语地嘟囔,叫我生气。
 ☞ I was annoyed by the way he kept mumbling over and over to himself.
3.offend,take offence,指由于冒犯而生气,后面可接with,at(用法同上),用by时被动的意味较强,此外,还可接从句。
 ☞ 她在生她丈夫的气。
 ☞ She was offended with her husband.
 ☞ 我对他的所作所为生气。
 ☞ I was offended at what he did.
 ☞ 他因为我忘了他的生日而生气。
 ☞ He was offended as I forgot his birthday.
 ☞ 我希望你不要因为我的直率而生气。
 ☞ I hope you should not take offence at My frankness.
 ☞ 他的脾气好,从来不生气。
 ☞ He was good-humored and never took offence.
 ☞ 青年是整个社会中最积极、最有生气的力量。
 ☞ Young people are the most active and dynamic force in society.
 ☞ 解放前一些已经濒临绝境的工艺美术,现在充满了生气。
 ☞ Certain arts and crafts which were on the verge of extinction before liberation are now flourishing.
 ☞ 我从未见过如此有生气的孩子。
 ☞ I have never seen such an energetic child.
 ☞ 他生气勃勃。
 ☞ He is bubbling with vitality.
 ☞ 他是个充满了生气的年轻人。
 ☞ He is a young man with plenty of vigor 他做什么事情都是生气勃勃的。
 ☞ He does everything with splendid vim.
生活 生活
1.life, 指人类或生物为了生存和繁殖而进行的各种活动的综合,不可数名词。
 ☞ 他不大在乎生活。
 ☞ He cares little about his life.
 ☞ 孩子是我们生活中的乐趣。
 ☞ Children are the joy of our life.
  ■ 如果在life前加上定语,可以限定生活的范围。
 ☞ 你喜欢城市生活还是乡村生活?
 ☞ Which do you prefer, town life or country life?
 ☞ 运动一直是大学生活的一部分。
 ☞ Sports have always been a part of university life 她不大喜欢社交生活。
 ☞ She cared little for social life.
  ■ 此外,life前加定语,还可用来区别某一类的生活。
 ☞ 他们过着相当舒适的生活。
 ☞ They lead a comfortable enough life.
 ☞ 昆虫学家一般都要花很多时间来观察昆虫的生活习性。
 ☞ Entomologists usually spend a lot of time observing insect life.
  ■ life在作生活方式解时为可数名词。
 ☞ 退休后他过着悠闲的生活。
 ☞ He leads a life of ease after his retirement.
 ☞ 他们的生活是繁忙的。
 ☞ They lead busy lives.
2.live, 指衣、食、住、行等的生存状态。
 ☞ 一个人脱离社会就不能生活。
 ☞ One cannot live, being separated from society.
 ☞ 当时我们生活在随时都会受到批判的恐惧之中。
 ☞ At that time we lived in fear of being criticized at any moment.
 ☞ 生活的艺术之一是要永远高兴。
 ☞ One of the art of living is always to be happy.
 ☞ 他靠正当的劳动生活。
 ☞ He lives by honest labor.
 ☞ 美元贬值影响了美国劳动人民的生活。
 ☞ The devaluation of the American dollars has affected the livelihood of the American working people.
 ☞ 他由于下岗而生活困难。
 ☞ He was badly off because of unemployment.
 ☞ 作为一个领导干部,你应当关心群众的生活。
 ☞ As a leading cadre you ought to be concerned about the well-being of the masses.
 ☞ 他干活倒是勤勤恳恳的。
 ☞ He works diligently at his job.

 ☞ 我可以用你的车吗?
 ☞ May I use your car?
 ☞ 那个房间只有在特殊场合才用。
 ☞ That room is used only on the special occasion.
 ☞ 你是把工人当作工具用。
 ☞ You're using your workers as tools.
 ☞ 年轻人,你不能用朋友来达到向上爬的目的。
 ☞ Young man, you can't use your friends to make careers.
  ■ 同时,use也可用作名词。
 ☞ 埋怨没有用。
 ☞ It is no use complaining,或:There is no use in complaining.或:Complaining is no use.
 ☞ 埋怨有什么用?
 ☞ What is the use of complaining?
 ☞ 这对我们的工作很有用。
 ☞ It is (of) great use to (for) our work.
 ☞ 集邮用了我好多的业余时间。
 ☞ Collection of stamps employs much of my spare time.
 ☞ 斗鸡时,公鸡都用喙当武器。
 ☞ During cockfighting cocks employ their beaks as weapon.
 ☞ 他用礼钱来还债。
 ☞ He applied a gift of money to the payment of a debt.
 ☞ 科学发现往往用于工业生产。
 ☞ Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production.
 ☞ 他对我厂很熟悉,用不着我介绍。
 ☞ He is quite familiar with our factory and he needs no introduction from me.
 ☞ 今天天不冷,用不着穿大衣。
 ☞ It isn't very cold today. You don't need an overcoat.
 ☞ 你要这么多钱,用得着吗?
 ☞ Do you need all that much money?
 ☞ 客人们用过餐后,来到大厅参加晚会。
 ☞ The guests, having had dinner, came to the hall to attend the evening party.
 ☞ 请用茶。
 ☞ Won't you have some tea, please.
6.be in service,指处于服役的使用状态。
 ☞ 对不起,你拨的号码已经不用了。
 ☞ I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is no longer in service。
 ☞ 有些公共汽车年限已超过20年,不过目前还在用。
 ☞ There are buses over twenty years old which are still in service.
 ☞ 他用了不少的时间来帮助别人。
 ☞ He spent a great deal of time in helping others.
 ☞ 我用了许多钱来买书。
 ☞ I spent a lot of money on books.
 ☞ 写这篇作文,我用了3个小时。
 ☞ It took (cost) me three hours to write the composition.试比较:I spent three hours on the composition.
 ☞ 这本书用了我55元钱。
 ☞ This book cost me 55 yuan.试比较:I spent 55 yuan on this book.
 ☞ 我用他们的方法造了这台机器。
 ☞ I adopt their method to make the machine.
 ☞ 我喜欢你的想法,就用来改进我的工作。
 ☞ I like your idea and adopted it to improve my work.
 ☞ 你知道这个面包烘烤器怎么用吗?
 ☞ Do you know how to operate this toaster?
 ☞ 我不知道怎么用计算机。
 ☞ I don't know how to operate the computer.
1) with,使用各种工具时一般用此词。
 ☞ 他用斧子砍倒了一棵树。
 ☞ He cut down a tree with an ax.
 ☞ 我们用鲜血和生命来保卫自己的祖国。
 ☞ We defend our motherland with blood and lives.
  ■ 不过,如果“用”表示的是实义动词而不是方式方法,则仍要用use。
 ☞ 我用这把刷子漆的门。
 ☞ I used this brush for painting the door,试比较:I painted the door with this brush.
2) in,常用于语言文字的表述及与此有关的I具。
 ☞ 他用简单明了的语言写作。
 ☞ He writes in simple and clear language.
 ☞ 用你自己的语言写出这篇短文的大意。
 ☞ Paraphrase the passage in your own words.
 ☞ 便条是用铅笔写的。
 ☞ The note was written in pencil.
 ☞ 呼吁书是用血书写的。
 ☞ The letter of appeal was written in blood.
  ■ 有时,in也可以用于其他场合。
 ☞ 饺子要用水煮。
 ☞ You should cook the dumplings in boiling water.
 ☞ 他用了50分钟跑完全程。
 ☞ He ran the course in 50 minutes.
3) by,by means of,指使用某种手段。
 ☞ 这类艺术作品完全是用手工做成的。
 ☞ This sort of work of art is completely made by hand.
 ☞ 他们都是聋哑人,相互说话都用手语。
 ☞ They are all deaf-mutes. They speak to each other by means of finger language.
4) be made of (from),指用某种材料。
 ☞ 这盒子是用纸板做的。
 ☞ The box is made of paperboard.
 ☞ 这种糖是用甜菜做的。
 ☞ This sugar is made from beets.
5) over,指在灯、火上加热、烘烤。
 ☞ 野营时我们用火烤鸡吃。
 ☞ We baked chicken over the fire during the camp.
 ☞ 你使用这东西之前要用酒精灯消毒。
 ☞ Sterilize it over the alcohol burner before you use it.

 ☞ 这次马拉松赛由天安门广场出发,到工人体育馆结束。
 ☞ The marathon race started from Tian'anmen Square and finished at the Worker's Stadium.
 ☞ 文章是由汉语译成英语的。
 ☞ The article was translated from Chinese into English.
 ☞ 一个正确的认识,往往需要经过由物质到精神,由精神到物质,即由实践到认识,再由认识到实践这样多次反复才能够完成。
 ☞ Often, correct knowledge can be arrived at only after many repetitions of the process leading from matter to consciousness and then back to matter, that is, leading from practice to knowledge and then back to practice.
 ☞ 指挥员将收集起来的有关形势的各种情报加以由此及彼、由表及里的思索。
 ☞ The commander pondered on the information gathered about the situation, proceeding from one thing to another and from the outside to the inside.
 ☞ 你的学习,应当由浅入深、循序渐进。
 ☞ When studying, you should proceed from the elementary to the profound in an orderly way and step by step.
 ☞ 你的错误是咎由自取。
 ☞ Your error stems from your own fault.
1) 用by引入动作主体的被动关系。
 ☞ 旅费都由东道国负担。
 ☞ All traveling expenses will be borne by the host country.
 ☞ 历史是由人民创造的。
 ☞ History is made by the people.
  ■ 有时,句子仅仅强调受动客体,而隐去发出动作的主体。这时也要隐去由by引入的动作主体,而只用被动语态。
 ☞ 代表由民主协商选举产生。
 ☞ The representatives were elected after democratic consultation.
 ☞ 由此产生的一切后果由你方负责。
 ☞ Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.
2) 用under表示主客体的从属关系。
 ☞ 当时的印度由英国统治,其军队也由英国将军指挥。
 ☞ At that time India was under British rule and its army was under British general's command.
 ☞ 她学钢琴是由良师指导的。
 ☞ She studied the piano under the instruction of a good teacher.
3) 用subject to表示支配关系。
 ☞ 进一步安排要由校长批准后进行。
 ☞ Further arrangements are to be made subject to the headmaster's approval.
 ☞ 候选人名单要由大会通过。
 ☞ The name list of the candidates is to be subject to acceptance by a general meeting.
3.表示原因或理由,有“由于”的意思。可用due 来表示。
 ☞ 由粗心大意造成的错误可能会带来严重的后果。
 ☞ Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.
 ☞ 三角洲在继续扩大,是由水流留下的泥沙堆积而成的。
 ☞ The further growth of the delta is due to the accumulation of silt left by current.
4.表示放任,有“任由”的意思。常用的词有let,do as one pleases等。
 ☞ 我大概也只好由她去了。
 ☞ I'll probably have to let her.
 ☞ 不能毫无遏制地由着他乱说。
 ☞ Don't let him talk as he pleases without any restraint.
 ☞ 这儿的花色品种很多,由你挑选。
 ☞ Here are a great variety of designs and colors for you to choose as you please.
 ☞ 你可以由边门出去。
 ☞ You may exit by the side door.
 ☞ 阳光是由壁缝里射进来的。
 ☞ The sunlight was coming in through the chink in the wall.
 ☞ 我是由昆明去上海的。
 ☞ I went to Shanghai via Kunming.
6.表示来源,有“由…而成”的意思。常用的词有be made of, be made up of, be composed of,consist of等。
 ☞ 混凝土是由水泥、砂、石和水混合而成。
 ☞ Concrete is made of cement, sand, stones and water.
 ☞ 句子是由词组成的。
 ☞ A sentence is made up of words.
 ☞ 水由氢、氧化合而成。
 ☞ Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
 ☞ 二氧化碳是由碳和氧组成的。
 ☞ Carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen.
由于 由于
1.due to,介词,在标准英语中表示原因或理由,主要有两种用法。
1) 用在系动词之后作表语。
 ☞ 事故是由于他用枪大意而走火。
 ☞ The accident was due to his careless use of the gun.
 ☞ 他做医生可能是由于他家庭的影响。
 ☞ That he has become a doctor may be due to his family's influence.
2) 用在名词之后作定语。
 ☞ 由于粗心大意引起的错误可能会带来严重的后果。
 ☞ Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences.
 ☞ 由于电缆断裂引起的断电给城市生活带来了停顿。
 ☞ A power failure due to a break in the cable brought the city life to a standstill.
  ■ 由于due to表示原因或理由,因此当cause,reason等表示原因、理由的词做主语时,不能用due to作表语,因为原因和理由已包含在主语中了。
 ☞ 普遍的不满笼罩着诙国,原因是由于老百姓太惨了。
 ☞ Popular discontent hung over that country. Its cause was the wretchedness of the ordinary people.(不用 was due to the wretchedness...)
 ☞ 我们迟到的原因是由于天气太坏。
 ☞ The reason why we are late is the bad weather.(不用is due to bad weather)
3) 不过在现代英语里,尤其是在口语里,due to也经常用作状语。
 ☞ 由于交通拥挤,他们在回家的路上耽误了。
 ☞ They delayed on the way home due to heavy traffic.
 ☞ 试比较:Their delay on the way home was due to heavy traffic.
 ☞ 他迟到是由于天气不好。
 ☞ He arrived late due to bad weather,试比较:His lateness was due to bad weather.
2.owing to,介词,也表示原因或理由。但一般只用作状语。
 ☞ 他由于身体不好,没有以前积极了。
 ☞ Owing to his ill health, he is not so active as he was before.
 ☞ 由于物价上涨,各处的情况都已严重恶化。
 ☞ Conditions everywhere have been seriously worsened, owing to the rise in prices.
3.because of,介词也指原因或理由,也只用作状语。故可与owing to换用。
 ☞ 我们不能由于这样一点小挫折就灰心丧气。
 ☞ We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback.
 ☞ 他知道她哭是由于他说的那番话。
 ☞ He realized that she was crying because of what he had said.
  ■ 但是because 与owing to不同,它可用作连词,引入状语从句。
 ☞ 你只是由于不得不做才做的吧,是不是?
 ☞ You only do it because you have to, don't you?
 ☞ 他不相信你,是由于你是新来的。
 ☞ He distrusted you because you were new.
4.thanks to,介词,也可用来引导介词短语,但都用于表达谢意的“由于”或正面的“由于”。
 ☞ 由于你的慷慨捐赠,我们得以重建图书馆了。
 ☞ Thanks to your generous donation, we can rebuild our library.
 ☞ 由于她的努力,工头不再故意跟她为难了。
 ☞ Thanks to her efforts, the foreman no longer made things difficult for her.
  ■ 但有时,thanks to也可用来表示讽刺。
 ☞ 由于你们帮了倒忙,我们耽误了整个工程。
 ☞ Thanks to your disservice, we have held up the whole project.
 ☞ 由于天气不好,这一次旅行非常的不便。
 ☞ Thanks to the bad weather, the trip was very inconvenient.
5.by (in) virtue of,词义与because of相同,但为书面语,是更为文气的说法,而且暗示某种带有暧昧关系的原因。
 ☞ 由于她是省长的女儿,她怎么干都无人管。
 ☞ She is allowed to do as she wishes by virtue of the fact that she is the daughter of the province governor.
 ☞ 由于他与公司有着长期的关系,他在董事会获得了一个职位。
 ☞ He was given a position on the board in virtue of his long association with the company.
6.as, since,均为连词,作用和because 一样,都用来说明原因,但所说明的原因要么没有because 说明的原因重要,要么其原因不如句子的其余部分重要。此外,since要比as正式一些。
 ☞ 由于他刻苦学习,进步很快。
 ☞ A8 he studies very hard, he has made rapid progress.
 ☞ 由于时间关系,今天就讲到这里。
 ☞ As time is limited, we'll stop here today.
 ☞ 由于观点不同,我们无法取得一致意见。
 ☞ Since our points of view differ, we can't reach an agreement.
 ☞ 对这个问题,由于我不了解情况,我无法发表意见。
 ☞ Since I'm not familiar with the situation, I can't make any comment on this problem.
 ☞ 他由于勇敢而获得奖励。
 ☞ He was rewarded for his bravery.
 ☞ 我由于迟到而受到批评。
 ☞ I was criticized for being late.
 ☞ 由于当时是8月份,白天很热。
 ☞ The days were very hot, for it was August.
 ☞ 我摇头是由于我不以为然。
 ☞ I shook my head, for I thought otherwise.
8.as a (the) result of,这个介词与上面几个介词的不同点在于强调的是结果,不是原因。
 ☞ 他是由于锅炉爆炸受的伤。
 ☞ He was injured as a result of a boiler explosion.
 ☞ 由于第一次世界大战,中国的民族工业得到了蓬勃发展。
 ☞ As the result of World War I, the national industry in China forged rapidly ahead.
申报 申报
1.report to, 指向上级机关申报。
 ☞ 学制改革已申报上级批准。
 ☞ The reform in the school system has been reported to the higher authorities for approval.
 ☞ 检查人员已就该矿事故申报国务院。
 ☞ The inspectors reported to the State Council on the accident which happened in the mine.
2.apply for,指向有关单位申请报名,报到等。
 ☞ 今年有许多学生申报考清华大学。
 ☞ Many students applied for the entrance to Tsinghua University this year.
 ☞ 我在当地派出所申报了临时户口。
 ☞ I applied for a temporary residence permit at the local police station.
 ☞ 出国旅客必须向海关申报其携带出境的外币。
 ☞ Travelers leaving the country must declare to the Customs the amount of foreign currency they are taking with them.
 ☞ 你有什么东西要申报吗?
 ☞ Do you have anything to declare?

 ☞ 他平时是画油画的,不过有时也画水彩画。
 ☞ Usually he paints in oil but sometimes also in water colors.
 ☞ 我两天里画了4幅油画。
 ☞ I painted four canvases in two days.
 ☞ 今天的作业是画一幅奔马。
 ☞ Today's assignments to draw a running horse.
 ☞ 他一声不响地坐着,并不断地画圈儿。
 ☞ He sat silent and kept drawing circles.
3.sketch out,指用线条勾勒速写。
 ☞ 很快,他就画出一幅小桥、流水、人家的画。
 ☞ He quickly sketched out a drawing of a small bridge, a flowing stream and houses.
 ☞ 给我一张纸、一支笔,我要把心中想的画出来。
 ☞ Give me a piece of paper and a pen, and I'll sketch out what I have in mind.
 ☞ 他看见孩子们在跳舞,就用铅笔画了一张速写。
 ☞ When he saw the children dancing, he penciled a sketch of them。
 ☞ 她的眉毛画得太浓。
 ☞ Her eyebrows were too heavily penciled.
 ☞ 画饼不可能充饥。
 ☞ It is impossible to picture a cake to satisfy one's hunger.
 ☞ 画家把他画成了一个骑在马上的年轻人。
 ☞ The artist has pictured him as a young man riding on a horse.
畏缩 畏缩
 ☞ 大多数人一见到路上有蛇就畏缩不前了。
 ☞ Most people would recoil at seeing a snake in the path.
 ☞ 她一见到被谋杀的孩子就畏畏缩缩不肯走了。
 ☞ She recoiled at the sight of the murdered child.
 ☞ 逢事畏缩就是吓得往后缩。
 ☞ To recoil from something is to spring back from it in fear.
 ☞ 他本想当着老岳母的面说说妻子,事到临头又畏缩了。
 ☞ He recoiled the idea of scolding his wife in the presence of the old mother-in-law.
 ☞ 她在困难面前从不畏缩。
 ☞ She never shrinks from difficulty.
 ☞ 他一想到经理要找他谈话就畏缩不前了。
 ☞ He shrank at the thought of being called on by the manager to speak.
 ☞ 姑娘怕羞,碰见生人总是畏畏缩缩的。
 ☞ The shy girl shrinks from meeting a stranger.
 ☞ 医生给我3岁的儿子洗伤口,他可一次也没畏缩过。
 ☞ My three-year-old son didn't flinch even once when the doctor was cleaning the wound.
 ☞ 一想到有颗牙齿要拔掉,她就畏缩不前了。
 ☞ She flinched at the thought that one of her teeth was to be pulled out.

 ☞ 当时我们无法决定留还是走。
 ☞ We couldn't decide then whether to stay or to go.
 ☞ 留在原地不要动!
 ☞ Stay where you are!
 ☞ 他们一定要留我们吃午饭。
 ☞ They pressed us to stay for lunch.
 ☞ 母亲要她留在原地不要走开。
 ☞ Mother asked her to remain (stay) where she was.
 ☞ 请留在这里等我回来。
 ☞ Please remain (stay) here till I return.
 ☞ 她好转了,但还要在医院留几天。
 ☞ She has improved, but she would remain (stay) in the hospital for a couple of days.
  ■ 但是这两词之间也有下列区别。
1)“留在家里”只说stay at home,而不用remain。
 ☞ 他留在家里直至黎明。
 ☞ He stayed at home until dawn.
2) 留下物件或精神只用remain,不用stay。
 ☞ 火灾之后,他家的东西所留无几了。
 ☞ After the fire, very little remained of his house.
 ☞ 她对我的爱将永远留在我的记忆里。
 ☞ Her love for me will always remain in my memory.
 ☞ 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。
 ☞ As long as the hill remains, we shan't lack firewood.
3) 其他人走了,而某人留下时,也只用remain。
 ☞ Few remained in the building after the alarm was given.
 ☞ 音乐会散了好久以后还有人留在音乐厅周围不散。
 ☞ Some people lingered round the hall long after the concert had ended.
 ☞ 她愿意时不时地留在后面跟老板聊天。
 ☞ She will linger behind occasionally to chat with the boss.
 ☞ 他本该上学了却留下来吃饭,一直拖到没法再上学。
 ☞ He should have gone to school but lingered over his meal till it was too late.
 ☞ 最后一批客人一直留到下午两点整。
 ☞ The last guests lingered on well until 2 p.m.
  ■ linger一词,还可用于转义。如:
 ☞ 他的声音像乐器的乐音一样留在空中久久不去。
 ☞ His voice lingered on in the air, like the tone of musical instrument.
 ☞ 那些愉快的日子至今还留在我的记忆里。
 ☞ Memories of those happy days have lingered in my mind to this day.
 ☞ 我母亲死时,除了一件旧棉衣,什么都没留下。
 ☞ When my mother died, she had nothing to leave but an old padded coat.
 ☞ 这次访问给我们留下了许多幸福的回忆。
 ☞ The visit has left with us many happy memories.
 ☞ 不出头总是好的,咱们凡事要留条后路。
 ☞ It's always best not to take the lead, but to leave ourselves a space for unforeseen circumstances.
 ☞ 请告诉他,我因为头痛今天就不留他了。
 ☞ Please tell him that as I have a headache I won't detain him today.
 ☞ 让我留你一会儿。
 ☞ Allow me to detain you for a moment.
6.keep (back) for,指为某人保留。
 ☞ 这本书是我给你留的。
 ☞ I've kept this book for you.
 ☞ 已经给重病号留了一些血浆。
 ☞ Some blood plasma was kept back for the serious cases.
  ■ 此外,keep还有拘留的意思。
 ☞ 他受到留校察看的处分。
 ☞ He was punished by being kept in school under surveillance.
7.reserve... for,指预留。
 ☞ 我们应该留些玉米作明年的种子。
 ☞ We must reserve some of the com for next year's seed.
 ☞ 张先生,我们给你留了个房间。
 ☞ We've reserved a room for you, Mr. Zhang.
8.set aside,指留出来作为某种用途。
 ☞ 我国已留了充足的储备粮。
 ☞ Our country has set aside ample reserve grain.
 ☞ 咱们给老年人留些肉吧。
 ☞ Let's set aside some meat for elderly people.
9.hold back,指把不应当保留的东西保留下来。
 ☞ 旧社会的工匠教手艺时照例都要留一两手。
 ☞ As a rule, craftsmen in the old society held back a trick or two when teaching a trade.
 ☞ 我们留了一笔钱来应付杂项开支。
 ☞ We have held back a sum of money to cover incidental expenses.
10.save... for,指节约下来以备后用。
 ☞ 把钱留起来以备我们后用。
 ☞ Save the money for us later on.
 ☞ 我老婆留了点吃的给我当午饭。
 ☞ My wife saved some food for my lunch.
 ☞ 咱们先把礼物留下来。
 ☞ Let's accept the gift first.
 ☞ 就请你留个小礼物表示我们的敬意吧。
 ☞ Please accept a little gift in token of our esteem.
 ☞ 我们邻居想把5只小猫都给我们,我们只留了一只。
 ☞ Our neighbors wanted to give us all of their five kittens, but we only took one.
 ☞ 要是她受得了这儿的生活条件,我们就把她留下。
 ☞ If she could put up with the conditions of life here, we could take her.
12.grow, wear,均指蓄留毛发,但前者强调使之生长的动作,后者则指留起毛发后的状态。
 ☞ 他留起了络腮胡。
 ☞ He has grown whiskers.
 ☞ 你得留长头发好盖住额头上的伤疤。
 ☞ You have to wear your hair long in order to cover the scar on the comer of your forehead.
 ☞ 老师今天留了下面10个问题。
 ☞ The teacher assigned the next ten questions for today.
 ☞ 他给学生留了几本阅读用书。
 ☞ He assigned the students a few books to read.
留心 留心
 ☞ 他开车非常留心。
 ☞ He is very careful when driving.
 ☞ 做什么事都要留心。
 ☞ Be careful of what you do.
2.take care,指留神。
 ☞ 过马路要留心。
 ☞ Take care when you cross the street.
 ☞ 有必要留心,以免做过了头。
 ☞ Due care must be taken not to overdo it.
 ☞ 留心别写错了。
 ☞ Mind you don't write it wrong.
 ☞ 到哪儿都要留心。
 ☞ Mind wherever you go.
 ☞ 他很留心股票的行情。
 ☞ He watches the stock market very closely.
 ☞ 这种地方警察准会留心的。
 ☞ This is the place the police are bound to watch.
5.attention to, 指注意。
 ☞ 他是不大留心这些细节的。
 ☞ He does not pay much attention to these details.
 ☞ 你本来是应当留心听讲的。
 ☞ You should have paid due attention to the lecture.
留意 留意
 ☞ 这是你应该留意的一件事。
 ☞ It's the one thing you've got to be careful about.
 ☞ 她对她的社会关系是很留意的。
 ☞ She is very careful of her social connection.
2.take care, 指当心。
 ☞ 你对工作应当更加留意。
 ☞ You should take more care over your work.
 ☞ 栽种这些秧苗时他要我们特别留意。
 ☞ He wants us to take particular care in planting these seedlings.
3.mind, 指留神。
 ☞ 这是个细致活,稍不留意就会出错。
 ☞ This is a delicate job. If you let your mind wander for a single minute, you will do it wrong.
 ☞ 今天上午10点我到过公司,但没留意到他。
 ☞ I've been to the office at 10 o'clock this morning without minding him.
4.look and see,指加倍留心观察。
 ☞ 当他得知这幢楼出事以后,他在散步时就更加留意。
 ☞ When he was told what had happened in this building he looked and saw more attentively while he was walking.
 ☞ 你去买东西时,替我留点意,看有没有这种毛巾。
 ☞ When you go shopping, please look and see if there are any towels like this.
5.pay attention to,指注意。
 ☞ 现在他们不太留意他了。
 ☞ Now they ceased to pay attention to him.
 ☞ 他是一个不太留意自己的年轻人。
 ☞ He is a young man who doesn't pay attention to himself.
留神 留神
1.be careful,指要小心,常用于祈使句。
 ☞ 你说话要留神。
 ☞ Be careful about what you say.
 ☞ 过马路要留神。
 ☞ Be careful when you cross the street.
 ☞ 留神别把东西打碎了。
 ☞ Be careful not to break anything.
2.take care,指要留心,也常用于祈使句。
 ☞ 留神别摔下来。
 ☞ Take care you don't fall over.
 ☞ 留神别弄断了。
 ☞ Take care you don't break it.
 ☞ 留神别忘了寄信。
 ☞ Mind that you don't forget to mail the letters.
 ☞ 留神菜烫。
 ☞ Mind the dish is hot.
 ☞ 向导要我们留神周围的响尾蛇。
 ☞ The guide told us to watch rattlesnakes around.
 ☞ 留神那个人。
 ☞ Watch that person.
5.attention to,指注意。
 ☞ 打字,一不留神就会出错。
 ☞ When you type, you'll make mistakes unless you give your whole attention to it.
 ☞ 你要留神细节。
疏忽 疏忽
 ☞ 火灾是由于疏忽大意引起的。
 ☞ The fire was caused by negligence.
 ☞ 死亡是疏忽大意的结果。
 ☞ The death was the result of negligence.
 ☞ 他只是由于疏忽而伤害了她的感情。
 ☞ By mere negligence he had hurt her feelings.
 ☞ 任何疏忽大意都会导致悲剧。
 ☞ Any neglect will lead to tragedy.
 ☞ 学习上的疏忽大意弄得他考试不及格。
 ☞ Neglect of his study caused him to fail in the examination。
  ■ 此外,neglect还可用做动词。
 ☞ 做工作切忌疏忽大意。
 ☞ Never neglect your work.
 ☞ 你没有疏忽你的写作,对吗?
 ☞ You didn't neglect your writing, did you?
 ☞ 疏忽大意就可能引起事故。
 ☞ Carelessness is liable to cause accident.
 ☞ 丢钱是由于我妻子的疏忽大意。
 ☞ It was through my wife's carelessness that the money was lost.
 ☞ 他干什么都疏忽大意。
 ☞ He always shows carelessness in everything he does.
 ☞ 你是有意不锁门的,还是一时疏忽?
 ☞ Did you mean to leave the door unlocked or was it an oversight?
 ☞ 由于一时疏忽,昨晚没有给小猫备晚饭。
 ☞ Through an oversight, the kitten got no supper last night.
 ☞ 我为这次疏忽道歉,并将亲自来处理这件事。
 ☞ I apologize for this oversight and will deal with the matter personally。
疏散 疏散
 ☞ 战时,妇女和儿童一般都要从城市疏散到农村。
 ☞ During a war women and children are usually evacuated from the city to the countryside.
 ☞ 所有的居民由于洪水而疏散到了安全地带。
 ☞ All residents were evacuated to the safe place because of the floods.
  ■ evacuate后也可接地区,但指的仍然是疏散人口。
 ☞ 由于森林大火,整个村庄都疏散了。
 ☞ The whole village was evacuated because of the forest fire.
 ☞ 我们要做好地震预报工作,以便能及时疏散人口。
 ☞ We must do a good job of predicting earthquakes so that we can disperse the population in time.
 ☞ 这批难民到达后要疏散到村里的各家各户。
 ☞ Disperse the refugees to every house of the village when they arrive.
 ☞ 我们得把驳船和船员沿途疏散开来,以免被敌机攻击。
 ☞ We have to disperse the barges and crews along the route to avoid being attacked by enemy planes.
疏远 疏远
1.drift apart,强调逐渐疏远的过程。
 ☞ 他们3年前结婚,但慢慢疏远乃至分居。
 ☞ They were married three years ago, but gradually they drifted apart until they separated.
 ☞ 我们疏远的程度到了最后我跟他失去了一切联系。
 ☞ We had drifted so far apart that I had lost all touch with him at last.
 ☞ 这对夫妻是由于互不关心才疏远的。
 ☞ The couple has just drifted apart through mutual indifference.
 ☞ 吵了一次架,他就和家人疏远了。
 ☞ A quarrel has estranged him from his family.
 ☞ 政治上的分歧使父子之间发生了冲突,并最终彼此疏远了。
 ☞ The political difference brought on clashes between father and son and ultimately estranged each other.
 ☞ 夫妻两人越来越疏远了。
 ☞ Husband and wife have become more and more estranged.
 ☞ 是税收政策使当时的美洲殖民地疏远了大英帝国。
 ☞ It was the tax policy that alienated the American colonies from Great Britain.
 ☞ 他的所作所为使全家都疏远了他。
 ☞ His conduct alienated the whole family.
 ☞ 他妻子跟他疏远了。
 ☞ His wife was alienated from him.
 ☞ 由于不得人心的政策,人民与政府疏远了。
 ☞ The people are disaffecting from the government because of its unpopular policy.
 ☞ 普通老百姓都疏远了那些独揽司法大权的法官们。
 ☞ Ordinary people disaffect from those judges who arrogate to themselves the judicial power.
疏通 疏通
 ☞ 工人们疏通了早已堵塞的阴沟。
 ☞ The workers freed the sewer that had already been clogged.
 ☞ 几名警察移走了抛锚的汽车,疏通了行车道。
 ☞ A few policemen freed the traffic lane by moving the halted car.
 ☞ 农民一般都在冬闲时疏通田间的灌溉沟渠。
 ☞ The peasants usually dredge the irrigation ditches in the field during slack winter season.
 ☞ 排水渠年久失修,咱们疏通一下。
 ☞ The escape canal has long been out of repair; let's have it dredged.
 ☞ 我们会在公司和工会之间尽量疏通的。
 ☞ We'll try to mediate between the company and the union.
 ☞ 争执经过疏通解决了。
 ☞ The dispute was settled by mediation.
疙瘩 疙瘩
 ☞ 他脸上全是疙瘩。
 ☞ His face is covered with pimples.
 ☞ 那顶小帽样子活像胖子头顶上的疙瘩。
 ☞ The little hat looked like a pimple on top of the fat man's head.
 ☞ 她感到左乳上有个疙瘩。
 ☞ She felt a lump in her left breast.
 ☞ 他头撞到墙上,起了个疙瘩。
 ☞ There is a lump on his head where it hit the wall.
 ☞ 绳子打了个疙瘩,我们怎么也解不开。
 ☞ The string is so knotted that we cannot untie it.
 ☞ 线结成了疙瘩。
 ☞ The thread got into a knot.
 ☞ 对心中无时不在的疙瘩我又能怪谁呢?
 ☞ Who could I blame for the constant knot in my heart?
 ☞ 她的疙瘩之一是怕到了那里之后的孤单。
 ☞ One of her hang-ups is that she's afraid to be alone there.
 ☞ 我解开了她心里的疙瘩。
 ☞ I got rid of her hang-up.
 ☞ 我们帮他们化解了疙瘩。
 ☞ We helped to dispel the misunderstanding between them.
 ☞ 我们希望他心里不要有疙瘩。
 ☞ We hope to leave no misunderstanding in his mind.
 ☞ 这事情蛮疙瘩的,不好办。
 ☞ It was a tricky problem to deal with.
 ☞ 这辆老爷车发动起来可疙瘩啦。
 ☞ The old car is tricky to start.
 ☞ 路上尽是石头子儿,疙疙瘩瘩的,我差点绊倒。
 ☞ The road was full of gravel and very bumpy, I almost stumbled.
 ☞ 他满是疙瘩的脑袋样子十分可怕。
 ☞ His bumpy head looks terrifying.

 ☞ 我的左脚痛。
 ☞ I have an ache in my left foot.
 ☞ 她感到关节痛。
 ☞ She felt aches in her joints.
  ■ ache还可用做动词。
 ☞ 我的头昏沉沉地痛。
 ☞ My head ached dizzily.
 ☞ 我全身都痛。
 ☞ I'm aching all over.
 ☞ 你的话使我心痛。
 ☞ Your words made my heart ache.
 ☞ 他感到胳膊上一阵剧痛。
 ☞ He felt a sharp pang of pain in his arm.
 ☞ 她怀着悲痛离开了孩子们。
 ☞ She left her children with a pang of sadness.
 ☞ 我的肚子一阵一阵地痛。
 ☞ I have an off-and-on pain in the abdomen.
 ☞ 我妻子一直背痛。
 ☞ My wife has pains in her back all the time.
 ☞ 她说不出是痛还是乐。
 ☞ She could not tell it was pain or pleasure.
  ■ pain也可用做动词。
 ☞ 我的膝盖每逢阴天就要痛。
 ☞ My knees pain me on damp days.
 ☞ 我的伤口痛。
 ☞ My wound is paining.
 ☞ 我胃痛是因为苹果吃得太多。
 ☞ My stomach hurts (aches) because I have eaten too many apples.
 ☞ 你的腿还在痛吗?
 ☞ Does your leg still hurt?
 ☞ 我拔了一颗牙,现在嘴痛得厉害。
 ☞ I have had a tooth pulled out and my mouth is very sore.
 ☞ 她着了凉,喉痛。
 ☞ She had a cold and a sore throat.
痛苦 痛苦
 ☞ 但愿这个国家不再尝到战争的痛苦。
 ☞ May this country never again know the pain of war.
 ☞ 我为不得不离开老家而感到痛苦。
 ☞ It pains me to have to leave my old home.
 ☞ 我一度认为我再也受不了这样的痛苦。
 ☞ I thought once I couldn't stand such pain any longer What pain I had!
 ☞ 他受了伤很是痛苦。
 ☞ He is wounded and in great pain.
  ■ 但是,pain用作动词,一般只指精神上的痛苦。
 ☞ 她听说了他的死,很是痛苦。
 ☞ She was much pained to hear of his death.
 ☞ 见到这样可怕的污染,我们大家都痛苦。
 ☞ We're all pained to see such terrible pollution.
 ☞ 病人流露出很痛苦的迹象。
 ☞ The sick man showed signs she is in great distress.
 ☞ 她的儿子竟然没有来看她,这使她很痛苦。
 ☞ It distressed her very much that her son should have not come to see her.
 ☞ 这药应该可以减轻痛苦。
 ☞ The medication should ease the suffering.
 ☞ 她不想提起她家战时所受的痛苦。
 ☞ She refused to talk about her family's suffering during the war.
 ☞ 那里大多数的妇女所受的痛苦都是相同的。
 ☞ The great majority of the women there suffered in the same way.
 ☞ 他痛苦地躺在那里一直等到医生到来。
 ☞ He lay there in agony until the doctor arrived.
 ☞ 这个国家不该再经受战争的痛苦。
 ☞ This country must not again go through the agony of war.
 ☞ 他对他做出的决定痛苦了好几个月。
 ☞ He agonized for months over the decision he had made.
 ☞ 他告诉她,党从来不忌讳思想改造是痛苦的过程, 因而她的痛苦是正常的。
 ☞ He told her that the Party had never hidden the fact that thought reform was a painful process, and her anguish was normal.
 ☞ 她知道只有时间才能治疗这种痛苦。
 ☞ She knew that only time could heal such anguish.
  ■ 但有时也用于肉体的痛苦。
 ☞ 你最好还是用麻醉药来减轻她的痛苦。
 ☞ You'd better lessen her anguish by administering anesthetic.
6.be affected,指因受感情折磨而痛苦。
 ☞ 她由于失去了孩子而痛苦。
 ☞ She is greatly affected by the loss of her child.
 ☞ 他因这个坏消息而一直很痛苦。
 ☞ He has been much affected by this bad news.
的确 的确
 ☞ 人生有时的确是场悲剧,也往往是场喜剧,不过这一般要看我们如何表演了。
 ☞ Life is indeed a tragedy at times and a comedy very often. but as a rule it is what we choose to make it.
 ☞ 他的乐曲的确并非经典,不过也算是好的一类。
 ☞ His music was not classical indeed, but was good for its kind.
 ☞ 这张便条的确使我失望。
 ☞ Indeed the note has disappointed me.
 ☞ 与其他妇女相比,她的确非常幸运。
 ☞ Compared with other women, she was indeed very fortunate.
 ☞ 我的确没有什么好抱怨的。
 ☞ I've nothing to complain of really.
 ☞ 不过,我此刻的确想不起你的名字。
 ☞ But I really can't recall your name at this moment.
 ☞ 我们的确不知道。
 ☞ We really don't know.
 ☞ 他的确没有目睹这一事故,不过事后立即到了现场。
 ☞ He did not actually witness the accident but he was on the scene a minute after it.
 ☞ 你的确对我说过这不关我的事。
 ☞ You actually told me it wasn't my business.
 ☞ 他不仅请我进了他的家,而且的确请我喝了茶水。
 ☞ He not only invited me into his house, but actually offered me a drink.
2.也可用片语表示,in fact,指事实上的确;to be sure,指肯定性的的确,并且常与连词but连用,表示转折。
 ☞ 我的确相信这是惟一的出路。
 ☞ In fact, I'm sure that's the only way out.
 ☞ 他向来是我们的大帮手,我的确不知道如果没有他,我们该怎么办?
 ☞ He has been most helpful to us; in fact I don't know what we should have done without him.
 ☞ 他的确不能胜任这一工作。
 ☞ In fact, he is incompetent at his job.
 ☞ 他的确干得慢却干得好。
 ☞ He works slowly, to be sure, but he does a good job.
 ☞ 你的确是个速滑运动员,不过不善于花样滑冰。
 ☞ To be sure, you are a fast skater, but you are not good at doing figures.
 ☞ 的确是个好办法,但是不易实行。
 ☞ It is a good method, to be sure, but hard to practice.
3.用强调短句it is true,也常与but连用。
 ☞ 他的确年轻,但却谦虚谨慎。
 ☞ It is true he is young, but he is modest and prudent.
 ☞ 我的确去过那里,但一个人也没见到。
 ☞ It is true I went there. but I saw none.
4.用虚词do(常用于强调动作),and with(通过附加的方式来强调)。
 ☞ 他过去的确有缺点。
 ☞ He did have shortcomings.
 ☞ 我的确相信你。
 ☞ I do believe you.
 ☞ 我的确去了,但没见到他。
 ☞ I did go, but failed to see him.
 ☞ 他无罪释放,的确不足为奇。
 ☞ He has been acquitted, and with no wonder.
 ☞ 你怀疑他的能力,的确有道理。
 ☞ You doubt his capacity, and with reason.

 ☞ 农民们用塑料薄膜盖住秧苗以防霜冻。
 ☞ The peasants covered the seedlings with plastic sheeting to prevent frost.
 ☞ 这条毯子盖不住整张床。
 ☞ The blanket did not completely cover the bed.
 ☞ 公司决定在主楼与副楼之间的过道上加盖屋顶。
 ☞ The company decided to cover the passage between the main building and the annex.
  ■ 但cover up除了表动作完成之外,还可作“掩盖”坏事解。
 ☞ 我找不见我的钢笔,因为让文件给盖住了。
 ☞ I could not see my pen because it was covered by the paper.
 ☞ 他昨天晚上被子没盖好,着凉了。
 ☞ He didn't cover himself up well last night and now he's got a cold.
 ☞ 丑事想盖也盖不住。
 ☞ Scandals cannot be covered up.
 ☞ 你这是欲盖弥彰。
 ☞ The more you try to cover up your faults, the more you are exposed to public view.
1) drown,指声音上盖过。
 ☞ 大桥通车,欢庆的锣鼓声盖过了江上的浪涛声。
 ☞ When the bridge was opened to traffic, the joyful sounds of gongs and drums drowned the roar of the river.
 ☞ 他的嗓门很大,把别人的声音都盖住了。
 ☞ His voice was so loud that it drowned out everyone else's voice.
2) excel,指成绩、能力上盖过。
 ☞ 他的跳高成绩盖过了所有的选手。
 ☞ He excelled all the other contestants in the high jump.
 ☞ 她在智力上盖过她的同学。
 ☞ She excels her classmates in intelligence.
3) shadow,指气势光芒上盖过。
 ☞ 力拔山兮气盖世。
 ☞ My strength plucked up the hills. My might shadowed the world.
1) 表示“盖”的动作。
 ☞ 他在火烫的火漆上盖上了他的印章。
 ☞ He pressed his seal into the hot sealing wax.
 ☞ 我用橡皮图章把“绝密”字样盖在文件上。
 ☞ I put ' top-secret' on the document with a rubber stamp.
 ☞ 他在羊皮纸上滴了一滴火漆,盖上了印。
 ☞ Dropping a blob of wax upon the parchment, he affixed his seal.
 ☞ 我总是在我所有的书籍上都盖上有我名字的图章。
 ☞ I always stamp my name on all my books.
 ☞ 信件上你都盖了邮戳了吗?
 ☞ Have you put the postmark on the letters?
2) 表示“盖”的状态。
 ☞ 文件上盖有团部的图章。
 ☞ The document bears the regimental stamp.
 ☞ 所有文件,即使有总统签字,如果不盖有总统印章,也不能生效。
 ☞ No document was valid, even if it had the president's signature on it, unless it carried his seal.
 ☞ 协议由双方签字盖章。
 ☞ The agreement was signed and sealed by both sides.
 ☞ 他们在那里学会了盖房。
 ☞ They learned to build houses there.

1.coil up,指缠绕成盘状或螺旋状,因此是有规律的盘。
 ☞ 她把头发盘在脑后。
 ☞ She coiled her hair at the back of her head.
 ☞ 水手围着船锚把锚链盘了起来。
 ☞ The sailor coiled the cable chain around the anchor.
 ☞ 一条蛇盘成一团。
 ☞ A snake coiled itself up.
 ☞ 她把头发盘成一个髻。
 ☞ She coiled her hair into a bun.
 ☞ 这老树长得盘根错节。
 ☞ The old tree grows with coiled roots and gnarled branches.
 ☞ 给我一盘蚊香。
 ☞ Hand me a coil of mosquito-repellent incense.
2.twine round (around),指无规则的盘绕。
 ☞ 有些植物会盘在其他东西上以寻求支撑。
 ☞ Some plants twine round other things for support.
 ☞ 每当她思考问题时,她总会把她那一绺绺的长发盘在手指上。
 ☞ She would twine her long hair in locks around her fingers when she was pondering over something.
3.wind (around),指弯了又弯,或盘了又盘。
 ☞ 这是条盘山小道。
 ☞ This is a mountain winding path.
 ☞ 天热得我只好浸湿了衬衣,盘在头上。
 ☞ It was so hot that I wet the shirt and wound it around my head.
 ☞ 我们把整个厂连同设备都盘给了人家。
 ☞ We transferred the ownership of the factory with all equipment to another person.
 ☞ 货物由港口盘到海船上要花一周的时间。
 ☞ It will take a week to transfer the goods from the port onto the oceangoing ship.
 ☞ 他想盘座炕,准备给儿子婚后用。
 ☞ He intends to build a heatable brick bed for his son after he gets married.
 ☞ 这个新灶是用砖盘的。
 ☞ This cooking range is newly built of bricks.
6.take stock, 指盘点存货。
 ☞ 我们百货公司每星期六晚关门后都要盘货。
 ☞ Our department store takes stock on Saturday night after it is closed.
 ☞ 今日盘货,停业半天。
 ☞ Closed for half a day for stock-taking.
7.cross one's leg,指盘腿。
 ☞ 他坐了下来,脱掉鞋子,盘起了双腿。
 ☞ He sat down, took off the shoes and crossed his legs.
 ☞ 我们进去时见他正盘腿坐在炕上。
 ☞ When we entered we saw him sitting cross-legged on the heatable brick bed.
8.check, 指检查。
 ☞ 我们习惯年终盘账。
 ☞ It is our custom to check accounts at the end of the year.
 ☞ 失火时我和她正在盘货。
 ☞ She and I were checking stock when the fire broke out.
盘旋 盘旋
 ☞ 我们的飞机在跑道上空盘旋了一个小时才降落。
 ☞ Our plane circled over the strip for an hour before landing.
 ☞ 敌机在盘旋侦察。
 ☞ The enemy aircraft was circling for reconnaissance.
 ☞ 鹰隼在头顶上盘旋搜寻猎物。
 ☞ Hawks circled overhead for prey.
2.wheel, 也指在空中做圆周运动,但一般只用于鸟类。
 ☞ 雄鹰在空中盘旋。
 ☞ Eagles were wheeling in the air.
 ☞ 海鸥在船的上空盘旋。
 ☞ The seagulls are wheeling in the air above the ship.
3.spiral up (down),指螺旋形盘旋,盘旋而上(而下)。
 ☞ 楼梯顺着中央圆柱盘旋而上。
 ☞ The stairs spiraled up round the central pillar.
 ☞ 车队沿着山路盘旋而上。
 ☞ The motorcade spiraled up the mountain.
 ☞ 炊烟盘旋而上。
 ☞ The smoke from kitchen chimneys spiraled up.
 ☞ 受伤的飞机盘旋着摔了下来。
 ☞ The damaged plane spiraled down.
4.hover over,也指鸟类或飞行器的盘旋。
 ☞ 两只大鸟在轮船上空盘旋。
 ☞ The two large birds hovered over the steamship.
 ☞ 直升飞机在发现失踪人群的地点盘旋。
 ☞ The helicopter hovered over the spot where the lost people had been found.
5.twist up (down),指弯弯曲曲地盘旋而上或盘旋而下。
 ☞ 山路在山腰上盘旋而上(而下)。
 ☞ The path twists up (down) on the mountainside.
 ☞ 公路盘旋着通过群山。
 ☞ The road twists through the mountains.
盘算 盘算
 ☞ 我们盘算了一下,产量将增加7%。
 ☞ We figured that output would increase by seven percent.
 ☞ 我盘算了一下,我们这个月的收支可以相抵。
 ☞ I figured that we could make both ends meet this month.
 ☞ 我们花了不少时间来盘算这件事该怎么办。
 ☞ We spent a lot of time trying to figure at how to do it.
 ☞ 你得盘算一下他在暗示什么。
 ☞ You have to figure out what he was hinting at.
 ☞ 你盘算过旅行的费用吗?
 ☞ Have you calculated the cost of the journey?
 ☞ 他不常去俱乐部,因此他的花费可能是盘算出来的。
 ☞ As he did not frequent the club; his expenditure could be calculated.
  ■ 此外,calculating用于人时,有“精于盘算”的意思。
 ☞ 她以精于盘算而出名。
 ☞ She is well known for being good at calculating.
 ☞ 行动之前一定要把一切盘算好。
 ☞ Do premeditate everything before action.
 ☞ 这是盘算好了的抢劫。
 ☞ It was a premeditated robbery.
 ☞ 我坐在炉火旁边仔细盘算这件事。
 ☞ I sat by the fire to consider the matter very carefully.
 ☞ 这是我们正在一直盘算的。
 ☞ That's what we have been considering so far.
5.turn over,也指反复思考,但较consider更为口语化。
 ☞ 这件事在我脑海中盘算了好久。
 ☞ I've been turning this over in my mind for a long time.
 ☞ 这个问题在我心里是经过反复盘算的。
 ☞ I turned the problem over and over in my mind.
目标(目的) 目标(目的)
1) 指攻击的目标。
 ☞ 轰炸机发现了攻击的目标。
 ☞ The bomber found the target of attack.
 ☞ 他发射的每发子弹都击中了目标。
 ☞ He hit the target with every shot he fired.
 ☞ 我军轰炸机今天出击,以敌人的弹药库为轰炸目标。
 ☞ Our bombers went out today to target the enemy ammunition depots.
2) 指奋斗的目标。
 ☞ 本公司的利润是150万元,超过100万元的原定目标。
 ☞ The profits of our company were l.5 million yuan, surpassing the original target of one million.
 ☞ 我给自己定了个目标,每周储蓄50元。
 ☞ I have set myself a target of saving 50 yuan a week.
 ☞ 我们打算把预算平衡定为1992年度要达到的目标。
 ☞ We are targeting budget balance for 1992.
3) 指批评、嘲笑的目标。
 ☞ 教育部长今天成了国会批评的目标。
 ☞ The minister of education was the target of criticism in Parliament today.
 ☞ 他是我们班上嘲笑的目标。
 ☞ He is a target for scorn in our class.
1) intention,指意图、想法的目标,因此追求的愿望不强。
 ☞ 他原来的目标(目的)是当一个医生。
 ☞ His original intention was to become a doctor.
 ☞ 我的目的很简单,就是饱饱地吃一顿,美美地睡一觉。
 ☞ My intention is very simple - to have a heavy meal and a sound sleep.
  ■ 此外,intention也可指邪恶的目的,而“目标”却具有“高尚”、“伟大”等褒义。因此这时的intention只能作“目的”解。
 ☞ 他怀着不可告人的目的,竭力想破坏团结,尽管他最后以失败告终。
 ☞ Harboring evil intentions, he tried every possible way to undermine unity though he ended in failure.
2) aim,be aimed at,指追求的目标。
 ☞ 我的目标(目的)是一年做两年的工作。
 ☞ My aim is to do two year's work in one year.
 ☞ 你工作那么卖力,目的是什么?
 ☞ What is your aim in working so hard?
 ☞ 他们的目标是打破少数人对权力的垄断。
 ☞ They are aimed at breaking the monopoly of power by the minority。
3) end,指终极目标。
 ☞ 他想买幢房子,因此正在为这一目标而攒钱。
 ☞ He wants to buy a house and is saving money to this end.
 ☞ 这全是为达到目的的一种手段。
 ☞ It is all a means to an end.
4) object,常指个人或团体的目标。
 ☞ 他这么干的目的是什么?
 ☞ What is his object in doing that?
 ☞ 这是我党近期的政策目标。
 ☞ It is the object of our Party's policy in the near future.
5) objective,指具体的、能实现的目标。
 ☞ 他们只有一个目的,就是获得财富。
 ☞ They have only one objective -to gain wealth.
 ☞ 那可能是他当前的目标。
 ☞ That must be his immediate objective.
6) purpose,指行动的原因或理由。
 ☞ 他来这里的目的是什么?
 ☞ What's his purpose in coming here?
 ☞ 他的目标是医学院毕业,当一名外科医生。
 ☞ His purpose is to graduate from the medical college and become a surgeon.
7) goal,常指长远的、高尚的目标,即使是个人的目标也是如此。
 ☞ 共产党员都应为共同的目标而奋斗。
 ☞ All communists must fight for their common goal.
 ☞ 看来,这一年的雄心勃勃的经济目标是可以实现的。
 ☞ It seems quite likely that the year's ambitious economic goals would be reached.
8) intent,指邪恶的目的,故没有目标的意思。
 ☞ 他进入大厦,目的是偷东西。
 ☞ He entered the building with intent to steal.
 ☞ 罪犯由于企图杀人而受到起诉。
 ☞ The criminal was charged with intent to kill.
9) design,指明确设计的目标。
 ☞ 计划的目标是要驱逐独裁者。
 ☞ The design of the plot was to oust the dictator.
 ☞ 他们的目的是要搞你的钱。
 ☞ They have designs on your money.
10) destination,指行动要达到的终极目标。
 ☞ 法律是他学习的目标。
 ☞ The destination of his study is law.
 ☞ 导弹是通过无线电和雷达控制装置而导向其指定目标的。
 ☞ The missile is guided to its destination by radio and radar control.

 ☞ 这儿的街道又宽又直。
 ☞ The streets here are wide and straight.
 ☞ 两点之间最短的距离是直线。
 ☞ A straight line is the shortest distance between two points.
  ■ straight还可用作副词。如:
 ☞ 一支小分队直捣匪巢。
 ☞ A small detachment drove straight on to the bandits'
 ☞ den.
  ■ straighten是straight的动词,有“伸直”的意思。
 ☞ 直起腰来看着我。
 ☞ Straighten your back and look at me.
 ☞ 老头弯下腰去捡一张纸,但直起腰来却有点困难。
 ☞ The old man bent to pick up a piece of paper, and had some difficulty in straightening up.
2.direct, directly,指直接的直。
 ☞ 我们上了车,直奔飞机场。
 ☞ We got into the car and headed direct for the airport.
 ☞ 我市交通发达,有火车直通港口。
 ☞ Our city has transport facilities with the railway leading directly to the harbor.
3.frankly, 直率的直。
 ☞ 这件事我不想再瞒你,我就直说了吧。
 ☞ I cannot keep you in the dark about it. I'll speak frankly.
 ☞ 他对自己所做的一切都直言不讳。
 ☞ He admitted frankly everything he did.
 ☞ 新油井直往外喷油。
 ☞ Oil gushed continuously from the new well.
 ☞ 昨夜穿堂风直吹后脑勺,我感到不舒服。
 ☞ I felt sick when the draught blew continuously in the back of my head last night.
5.keep doing,指动作的重复或继续。
 ☞ 他冻得直哆嗦。
 ☞ It was so cold that he kept shivering.
 ☞ 我今天怎么啦?你们干吗对着我直笑?
 ☞ What's wrong with me today? Why do you keep smiling at me?
 ☞ 条幅要直写。
 ☞ A vertically-hung scroll of calligraphy must be written from top to bottom.
 ☞ 这间房直6米,横3米。
 ☞ The room is 6 meters in length and 3 meters in width.
 ☞ 明天我直飞北京。
 ☞ I'm flying nonstop to Beijing tomorrow.
 ☞ 对演出的过程,云南台作了直播。
 ☞ The Yunnan TV Station gave live broadcast while the performance was in the process on the stage.
 ☞ 这是直达北京的火车。
 ☞ This is a through train to Beijing.
直到 直到
1.till, until, 这两个词的意思完全一样,均指某个动作持续到…为止。前者常用于口语,后者则在口语、书面语中均用。使用时应注意下列规则。
1) 如果主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词,应加否定词not。
 ☞ 直到昨天晚上我们才接到通知。
 ☞ We didn't get the notice until (till) last night.
 ☞ 他直到那时候才想起去北京上访。
 ☞ He had not, till then, thought of going to Beijing, appealing to the higher authorities for help.
2) 如果主句的谓语动词是连续性动调,则不加否定词。
 ☞ 我们谈呀,谈呀直到天亮。
 ☞ We talked and talked till dawn.
 ☞ 他们在这里干了3天,直到5月5日才离开。
 ☞ They worked here for three days until (till) May the fifth and then quitted.
2.up to,既可用于时间,也可用于空间。till,un只用于时间。
 ☞ 他读了整整一夜,直到书的最后一页。
 ☞ He read all night up to the last page of the book.
 ☞ 此事直到现在我们还没有接到正式通知。
 ☞ We've received no official information about it up to now.
 ☞ 她的衣袖卷了起来,直到肩膀。
 ☞ The sleeves of her blouse were rolled up to her shoulder.
3.so far,指到现在为止。故谓语用完成时。
 ☞ 到现在为止,她一直都很成功。
 ☞ So far she has been a great success.
 ☞ 到这个月为止,我们已经上了15课。
 ☞ So far this month we have covered 15 lessons.
  ■ 但如果so far不修饰谓语,则可以不用完成时。
 ☞ 两个反应堆根据到目前为止所描述的情况,均为气冷式。
 ☞ Both the reactors described so far are gas-cooled.
直接 直接
1.direct, directly,指由一点至另一点的直接。
 ☞ 炸弹直接命中总统官邸。
 ☞ The bomb made direct hit on the President's residence.
 ☞ 你可以直接和她接触,不用我介绍。
 ☞ You can be in direct contact with her without my introduction.
 ☞ 该矿是由国家直接经营的。
 ☞ The mine is run directly by the state.
 ☞ 直接由外交部出面交涉比较妥当。
 ☞ It would be more appropriate to negotiate directly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
 ☞ 事故的直接原因尚未透露。
 ☞ The immediate cause of the accident has not been disclosed yet.
 ☞ 证据与该案无直接关系。
 ☞ The evidence has no immediate bearing on the case.
3.in person,指直接出面。
 ☞ 有机会直接跟您见面,真是十分荣幸。
 ☞ It is a really great honor to have the opportunity of meeting you in person.
 ☞ 想不到国家主席会直接拜访他的老师。
 ☞ Who would have thought that the Chinese president should call on his teacher in person?
相似 相似
 ☞ 两个男孩很相似,都是圆脸,黑眼睛。
 ☞ The two boys resemble each other in that they both have round faces and black eyes.
 ☞ 她与她的妹妹是在外貌上而不是性格上相似。
 ☞ She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.
2.similar to,形容词,可作表语或定语。指两种不同事物间的相似之处,而且还暗示不同之处可以忽略,从而相似。
 ☞ 这种运动与钟摆运动有点相似。
 ☞ This kind of motion is a bit similar to the motion of a pendulum.
 ☞ 我们俩有相似的政治观点。
 ☞ We both have similar political views.
 ☞ 两兄弟极其相似。
 ☞ The two brothers are very like.
 ☞ 他们俩都来自于同一个孤儿院,反应的方式极其相似。
 ☞ They were both from the same orphanage and reacted in a like manner.
 ☞ 这对双胞胎极其相似,我分不清谁是谁。
 ☞ The two twins are so alike I can't tell which is which.
 ☞ 我和妈妈十分相似,和爸爸却一点也不像。
 ☞ Mother and I are exactly alike. I haven't a thing common with my father.
5.analogous to, 指类比中的相似,常用于方法、程度等技术上的比较。
 ☞ 我们发现飞机机翼与鸟类翅膀的作用十分相似。
 ☞ We find the function of the wings of an airplane exactly analogous to those of a bird.
 ☞ 鱼鳃与哺乳动物的肺有相似之处。
 ☞ The gills of a fish and the lungs of a mammal are analogous.
6.parallel (to),指互相一致的事实。
 ☞ 在很多事例上,他的体会跟我的相似。
 ☞ His experiences parallel mine in many instances.
 ☞ 我在这件事上的感觉与你相似。
 ☞ My feelings in this matter are parallel to yours.
 ☞ 历史往往有惊人的相似之处。
 ☞ Astonishing parallels can often be found in history.
相信 相信
 ☞ 她怎么可能相信他说的每一句话?
 ☞ How is it possible that she believes every word he says?
 ☞ 我相信,你离开她是会后悔的。
 ☞ I believe you will regret leaving her.
 ☞ 人们一开始不愿相信这种事情会有可能。
 ☞ At first people refused to believe such a thing possible.
  ■ believe in则表示某种信仰。
 ☞ 基督徒相信耶稣。
 ☞ Christians believe in Jesus.
 ☞ 马克思主义相信物质是第一性的。
 ☞ Marxism believes in the primacy of matter.
 ☞ 我相信他说的是真话。
 ☞ I trusted him that he told the truth.
 ☞ 你可以把工作分给你相信的人。
 ☞ You may assign the work to whomever you trust.
  ■ trust in后接人,有“信之对己有利”的意思;接物则有“绝对信任”之意。
 ☞ 他相信上帝。
 ☞ He trusts in God.
 ☞ 相信他不值得,他会把我们卖了。
 ☞ It didn't pay to trust in him. He would let us down.
 ☞ 你答应赔偿可能造成的损失,这话我们相信。
 ☞ We will trust in your word to make good any damage you may do.
 ☞ 我们感到可以相信他在股票市场上的丰富经验。
 ☞ We felt we could trust in his rich experience of the stock market.
3.have faith in,指基于某种信念产生的信任,而不管有无理由或根据。因此是比trust更为坚定的信任,但同时又暗示某种轻信。
 ☞ 尽管有许多例子可以证明她儿子的无能,但她还是相信她儿子好得不得了。
 ☞ She had faith in her son's goodness despite innumerable examples of his inability.
 ☞ 经过那么多的失望之后,他感到再难以相信江湖郎中了。
 ☞ After so many disappointments, he finds it hard to have faith in quack doctors.
  ■ 但有时have faith in也可从正面表示坚定的信念。
 ☞ 我们要相信科学。
 ☞ We must have faith in science.
 ☞ 农民相信他们自己才是土地的主人。
 ☞ The peasants were convinced that it was they who were the owner of the lands.
 ☞ 他相信设法与北京做点交易对华盛顿有利。
 ☞ He was convinced that it was in Washington's interest to try to deal with Beijing.
  ■ 但有时也用于主动句。
 ☞ 但愿能想出一个可以使他们相信犯了错误的办法。
 ☞ I wish I could think up some way of convincing them of their mistakes。
5.give credence to,指有根据地相信,故一般都用于对报告或观点等的可信性。
 ☞ 你能相信那种理论吗?
 ☞ Can you give credence to that theory?
 ☞ 我无法相信这样的说法。
 ☞ I give no credence to such stories.
6.credit with,指由于一个人的信誉、威望等原因而主观地相信。
 ☞ 大家都相信留声机是爱迪生发明的。
 ☞ Edison is credited with the invention of the phonograph.
 ☞ 像他这样年纪的老绅士竟会跳上一辆行驶中的公共汽车,谁会相信呢?
 ☞ Who would have credited such an old gentleman like him with being able to jump onto a moving bus at his age?
 ☞ 现在人们都已不相信鬼魂和女巫。
 ☞ People nowadays are incredulous about ghosts and witches.
 ☞ 他们听到他的说法,开始时是不相信的。
 ☞ When they heard his story, they were incredulous at first.
 ☞ 受过教育的人已无法相信老的迷信做法。
 ☞ Old superstitions are incredible to educated people.
 ☞ 一口气救了6个快淹死的人,他这种说法难以使人相信。
 ☞ His story of rescuing six drowning men at a stretch was incredible.
相反 相反
1.opposite (to),指对立关系,表示在思想、见解、性质等方面相反。
 ☞ 战争中的勇敢牺牲和保存自己并不矛盾,他们是相反相成的。
 ☞ Heroic sacrifice in war does not contradict self-preservation. They are both opposite and complementary to each other.
 ☞ 她匆匆忙忙地朝相反的方向走了。
 ☞ She hurried away in the opposite direction.
 ☞ 他的政治观点与我们的相反。
 ☞ His political viewpoints are opposite to ours.
  ■ opposite除用作形容词外,还可用作名词。
 ☞ 你人好,他正好相反。
 ☞ You are fine and he is just the opposite.
2.contrary (to),作“相反”解时,其词义比opposite强,表示思想、动机、见解、意图等极度分歧,不可调和。常暗示任性、固执、偏要这样等。
 ☞ 我妹妹在穿着上的情趣与我正好相反。
 ☞ My sister's taste in dresses is just contrary to my own.
 ☞ 他坚持认为任何相反的政策都是绝对错误的。
 ☞ He holds that any contrary policy is absolutely wrong.
 ☞ 他与弟弟对政治持相反的观点。
 ☞ He and his brother had contrary points of view on politics.
  ■ 同样,contrary也可用作名词。
 ☞ 他对我讲的与你对我讲的相反。
 ☞ What he told me was the contrary of what you told.
 ☞ 人的意识不决定社会存在,相反的是社会存在决定人的意识。
 ☞ It is not the consciousness of men that determines their social existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness.
 ☞ 相反的情况我一点也不知道。
 ☞ I know nothing to the contrary.
 ☞ 他没把钱给她,相反却给了我。
 ☞ He didn't give her the money, but he gave it to me instead。
 ☞ 我没哭,相反却笑了。
 ☞ I didn't cry, but laughed instead.
  ■ instead与of连用时可作介词。
 ☞ 这雨不但没给农作物带来原本希望的好处,相反却带来好多危害。
 ☞ The rain caused a lot of harm to the crops instead of bringing any good as expected.
 ☞ 革命运动的烈火非但没有被扑灭,相反却越烧越旺。
 ☞ The revolutionary movement blazed up with increasing fervor instead of being extinguished.
4.go against,指逆向而行,故有“相反”的意思。
 ☞ 一切都跟他预料的相反。
 ☞ Everything went against. his expectation.
 ☞ 你的结论与已有的意见是完全相反的。
 ☞ Your conclusions go against all established opinions.
5.while, whereas, on the other hand,都用来对两个并列分句进行对比。如果这种对比在词义上截然相反,则上列各词就有“相反”的意思。
 ☞ 穷人在各自的窝里慢慢地饿死,相反粮食却堆在仓库里慢慢霉烂。
 ☞ While grain was rotting gradually in the warehouses, the poor in their dens were perishing of slow starvation.
 ☞ 你们国家的石油多得是,相反我们国家一滴也没有。
 ☞ While your country has plenty of oil, ours has none.
 ☞ 她从来也没为他们干过一件事,相反他们却为她样样都干。
 ☞ She had never done anything for them, whereas they had done everything for her.
 ☞ 他认为我在说谎,相反我说的都是真话。
 ☞ He thought I was lying, whereas I was telling the truth.
 ☞ 物理学家对原子感兴趣,相反化学家却对物质的特性感兴趣。
 ☞ Physicists are interested in atom, and chemists, on the other hand, are interested in the properties of substances.
 ☞ 父母想去散步,相反孩子们却想待在家里跟他们的同学一起玩。
 ☞ Father and Mother wanted to go for a walk while the children, on the other hand, wanted to stay home and play together with their classmates.
相同 相同
 ☞ 我要一件与我朋友相同的衬衫。
 ☞ I want the same shirt as my friend's.或I want a shirt the same as my friend's.(事实上不是朋友的那一件)
 ☞ 我们可以看着一位英雄的毁灭或一辆独轮车的倾覆,对两者引起的同情是相同的。
 ☞ We could see a hero perish or a barrow overturn, with the same amount of sympathy for either.(事实上同情的程度不可能相同)
  ■ 但是应注意的是same除了作“相同”解外,还有“同一”的意思。
 ☞ 同一把刀切了面包也切了手指。
 ☞ The same knife cuts bread and fingers.
2.identical, 与same相反,指外在和内在完全相同,但不是同一。
 ☞ 他用相同的盘子换下了打碎的那一个。
 ☞ He replaced the broken dish with an identical one.
 ☞ 这两个词的意思相同。
 ☞ The two words are identical in meaning.
 ☞ 同一棵树上的两片叶子不可能完全相同。
 ☞ No two leaves from the same tree are identical.
 ☞ 这两幢办公大楼的式样、规模都是相同的。
 ☞ The two office buildings are alike in shape and size.
 ☞ 不同性质的矛盾不能用相同的方法去处理。
 ☞ Contradictions different in nature must not be treated alike.
相差 相差
 ☞ 这对孪生兄弟外貌相像,但性情相差很大。
 ☞ The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in disposition.
 ☞ 有人把鲁迅比作高尔基,但前者与后者相差甚远。
 ☞ Someone compared Lu Sun to Maxim Gorky but the former differs sharply from the latter.
 ☞ 她的年龄与你相差两岁。
 ☞ Her age differs by two years from your own.
2.there is a difference between... ,指两者之间有某种差别。
 ☞ 英式足球与美式足球相差甚远。
 ☞ There is a great difference between British soccer and American football.
 ☞ 两者相差无几。
 ☞ There is hardly any difference between the two.
 ☞ 两者相差很大。
 ☞ There is a great deal of difference between the two.
3.fall far short of,指低于标准、要求或预期。
 ☞ 我们的工作与大家的希望还相差甚远。
 ☞ Our work still falls far short of the expected standard.
 ☞ 采取的措施与要求的措施相差甚远。
 ☞ The measures adopted fall far short of what is required.
 ☞ 我的收入与支出相差5,000元。
 ☞ My income falls short of my expenditure by five thousand yuan.
相当 相当
 ☞ 一年生意,得失相当。
 ☞ As the result of a year's business the gains balance the losses.
 ☞ 互相比较,优劣相当。
 ☞ In comparison with each other the good balances the bad.
2.well matched,指相匹敌。
 ☞ 双方旗鼓相当,胜负难分。
 ☞ The two sides are so well matched that neither can gain the upper hand.
 ☞ 你们的年龄相当。
 ☞ You are well matched in age.
3.equal in,指相等。
 ☞ 两队实力相当,胜负自难预料。
 ☞ The two teams are equal in strength and it's hard to say who will win.
 ☞ 他们俩的能力相当,哪一个都是可以接受的。
 ☞ They are both equal in ability and either of them is acceptable.
 ☞ 社会主义社会是一个相当长的历史阶段。
 ☞ Socialist society covers a historical period of considerable length.
 ☞ 我们校长在学生中间享有相当高的声望。
 ☞ Our headmaster has considerable popularity among students.
5.analogous to,指类似。
 ☞ 心脏相当于一个血泵。
 ☞ The heart is analogous to a blood pump.
 ☞ 内蒙古是相当于省一级的自治区。
 ☞ Inner Mongolia is an autonomous region analogous to a province.
 ☞ 我当时对此想不出一个相当的字眼来。
 ☞ At the time I failed to think of a suitable word for it.
 ☞ 你能为我找一个相当于秘书长职务的人选吗?
 ☞ Could you find me a fit person for the job as general secretary?
 ☞ 他们处得相当好。
 ☞ They were getting along fairly well.
 ☞ 我们有过一段相当长的交谈。
 ☞ We've had quite a long chat.
 ☞ 水坝高达78米,相当于20层的大楼。
 ☞ The dam rises to a height of 78 meters, or the height of a 20-storey building.
 ☞ 这本书对孩子是相当难的。
 ☞ The book is rather difficult for children.
相持 相持
1.in (at)a stalemate,指处于相持状态。
 ☞ 双方已相持很久。
 ☞ The two sides have been locked in a stalemate for a long time.
 ☞ 我众彼寡,故相持不宜过久。
 ☞ We outnumber them so it's no good being locked in a stalemate for long.
 ☞ 当时战争处于相持阶段。
 ☞ At the time the war was at a stalemate.
 ☞ 双方相持不下。
 ☞ Neither side is ready to yield.或:Neither party will give in.
 ☞ 双方殊死战斗,相持不下。
 ☞ Both are locked in a mortal combat.
 ☞ 他们互不让步,相持不下。
 ☞ They persistently opposed each other with neither giving way.
相比 相比
1.compare with,comparison,指一物与另一物相比,强调对比后的异同。
 ☞ 马克思的著作与黑格尔的著作相比,可以看出许多不同之处。
 ☞ If you compare Marx's works with Hegel's you'll find many differences.
 ☞ 步行无法与飞行相比。
 ☞ Walking can't compare with flying.
 ☞ 与其他女同志相比,你的确非常幸运。
 ☞ Compared with other women, you were indeed very fortunate.
 ☞ 就质量而论,两者无法相比。
 ☞ There is no comparison between the two as far as quality is concerned.
 ☞ 相比之下,你的车花费多一点,但还真便宜。
 ☞ Your car costs more but it is really cheaper by comparison.
 ☞ 你只要把她的甜言蜜语和她的丑恶行径相比一下就会得出结论。
 ☞ You'll come to a conclusion if you contrast her fine-sounding words with her wicked behavior.
 ☞ 把合成纤维织物与天然纤维织物相比一下,其区别十分明显。
 ☞ When the synthetic fiber is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.
 ☞ 相比之下,美国经济的增长速度要慢得多。
 ☞ By contrast, the American economic growth rate has become more sluggish.
 ☞ 与大多数政治家相比,他始终彬彬有礼。
 ☞ In contrast with most politicians, he was invariably polite.
相称 相称
 ☞ 她外在的美貌与内在的气质是相称的。
 ☞ Her external beauty is matched by her internal qualities.
 ☞ 中国辽阔的幅员与丰富的资源相称。
 ☞ China's vast territory matches its rich resources.
 ☞ 这两种颜色配在一起很相称。
 ☞ The two colors match very well.
2.suit, 指配合起来合适。
 ☞ 这喇叭裤与你的年龄不相称。
 ☞ The flared trousers do not suit a person of your age.
 ☞ 留长发与他的身份不相称。
 ☞ Long hair does not suit his position.
 ☞ 矜持一点与他的地位相称。
 ☞ It suits his status to have a bit reserved manner.
3.worthy of,指与某种价值相称。
 ☞ 他相信他所做的一切与他获得的荣誉是相称的。
 ☞ He believed what he had done was worthy of the honor he had gained.
 ☞ 你这种工作作风与党员的称号不相称。
 ☞ Your work style is not worthy of a Party member.
4.correspond to (with),指相符。
 ☞ 你的开支与收入不相称。
 ☞ Your expenses do not correspond to your income.
 ☞ 他粗犷的外貌与他羞答答的举动不相称。
 ☞ His rough looks don't correspond with his shy behavior.
5.commensurate with,指相适应。
 ☞ 奖品是与取得的成绩相称的。
 ☞ The reward was commensurate with the success achieved.
 ☞ 氨基酸的消耗与胚胎的发育是相称的。
 ☞ The amino acid depleted is commensurate with the development of the embryo.
6.fall in with, fit in with,指相一致。
 ☞ 这种颜色似乎与我的年龄不相称。
 ☞ This color doesn't seem to fall in with my age.
 ☞ 这幢古香古色的建筑与周围的环境很相称。
 ☞ This antique building fits in well with its surroundings.
7.bear no relation to, out of relation to, 常指规模、数量上不相称。
 ☞ 实际花费与达到的目的似乎不相称。
 ☞ The actual cost seems to bear no relation to the object aimed at.
 ☞ 这一计划所需的费用与结果极不相称。
 ☞ The expense needed for the project was out of all relation to the results.
相符 相符
1.conform to,指调整自己使之与标准、式样、准则等一致。
 ☞ 草图必须与规范相符。
 ☞ Sketches must conform to the specifications.
 ☞ 他的生活方式与收入不相符。
 ☞ His way of life does not conform to his income.
2.tally with,指相互吻合而相符。
 ☞ 你我的账目相符。
 ☞ Your account tallies with mine.
 ☞ 图书馆里的书籍应与登记册上的相符。
 ☞ The books in the library should tally with those on the list.
3.agree with,义同tally with。
 ☞ 他对事故的描述应当与另一位目击者的描述相符。
 ☞ His version of the accident should agree with that of the other witness.
 ☞ 账单与我原来估计的相符。
 ☞ The bill agrees with my original estimate.
4.correspond to(with),指两个事物由于互相配合,相互补足,彼此呼应等,因而不管事物如何差异都能相符。
 ☞ 名符其实。
 ☞ The name corresponds to (with) the reality.
 ☞ 你得承认这一提议是与事实相符的。
 ☞ You have to admit that this proposition corresponds to the facts.
盼望 盼望
1.hope (for),表示期待中的盼望,可接从句或动词不定式。
 ☞ 大家都盼望他会受到严厉的惩处。
 ☞ It is to be hoped that he will get a severe punishment.
 ☞ 天已经很晚,不过我们还是盼望他能来。
 ☞ It's very late' but we are still hoping he will come.
 ☞ 你可以告诉他们我盼望着有一天能回去。
 ☞ You might tell them that I hope to be back some day.
  ■ 但hope所指的盼望往往带有某种疑虑或把握不定之义,用过去进行时更是如此。
 ☞ 我盼望我们能一起吃顿饭。
 ☞ I was hoping we could have dinner together 你知道我当时在盼望什么?
 ☞ Do you know what I was hoping then?
  ■ hope for后接名词,表示盼望某事。
 ☞ 这一次我们真的盼望能够成功。
 ☞ This time we really hope for success.
 ☞ 我盼望着你的帮助。
 ☞ I hope for your help.
 ☞ 显然,东京在盼望华盛顿的指示。
 ☞ Obviously, Tokyo was expecting instruction from Washington.
 ☞ 我在盼望他的来信。
 ☞ I'm expecting his letter.
 ☞ 我盼望着你对此事的意见。
 ☞ I shall expect your opinion of it.
 ☞ 你是盼望不到他们的同情的。
 ☞ You can expect no sympathy from them.
3.look forward to,表示怀着急切心情的盼望。
 ☞ 我们都盼望有这么一天。
 ☞ We're all looking forward to the day.
 ☞ 我们小时候都盼望过春节。
 ☞ We would look forward to the Spring Festival when we were young.
 ☞ 公司员工最盼望的就是他退休。
 ☞ His retirement is very much looked forward to by the office staff.
4.long (for),表示强烈的盼望。
 ☞ 他最最盼望的是跟她单独呆在一起。
 ☞ He longed, above everything, to be alone with her.
 ☞ 她现在盼望的是做点能为他做的事。
 ☞ Now she longed to do what she could for him.
 ☞ 她盼望着心上人早日归来。
 ☞ She longs for the early return of her beloved.
 ☞ 我盼望着你的回复。
 ☞ I await your reply.
 ☞ 她早就在盼望这一天了。
 ☞ She has long awaited this day.
省(节约) 省(节约)
1.thrift, thrifty,指节俭。
 ☞ 节约应该是我们政府财政支出的指导方针。
 ☞ Thrift should be the guiding principle in our government expenditure.
 ☞ 要存钱防老,现在就得节省(节约)。
 ☞ To save money for your old age you must practice thrift now.
 ☞ 节省(节约)的人是不会浪费金钱的。
 ☞ A thrifty person does not waste his money.
2.economize (on),指节约。
 ☞ 我可以搭公交车,不坐出租车,这样可以节省(节约)一点。
 ☞ I can economize by taking buses instead of taxis.
 ☞ 这个月我们得节省(节约)水电。
 ☞ We must economize on water and power this month.
 ☞ 我们这么干可以节省(节约)200元。
 ☞ By doing that we can save two hundred yuan.
 ☞ 要是你工作有计划,就会节省(节约)许多时间。
 ☞ Much time would be saved if you planned your work.
4.use sparingly,指省着用消耗品。
 ☞ 节省(节约)人力、物力问来是我们的传统。
 ☞ It has been our tradition to use manpower and material resources sparingly.
 ☞ 如果节省(节约),他们每周只需要半吨煤。
 ☞ They only need half a ton of coal every week if they use it sparingly.
5.cut down (on),指削减。
 ☞ 我赞成节省(节约)开支。
 ☞ I'm for cutting down our expenses.
 ☞ 这样,我得节省好多东西,如衣服、烟酒等等。
 ☞ Well, I have to cut down on quite a lot of things, such as clothes, wine, cigarettes, and so on.

1.look (at),着重点在有意识地看,有无结果并不重要。
 ☞ 我看呀,看呀,什么也没看到。
 ☞ I looked and looked but saw nothing.
 ☞ 我刚才在看一位走在我们前面的先生,发现他的一条腿有点毛病。
 ☞ I was looking at the gentleman walking in front of us.
 ☞ I found something wrong with one of his legs.
  ■ look on有“旁观”的意思,但带有某种褒或贬的感情色彩。
 ☞ 孩子们在公园里玩,做母亲的在旁边看着。
 ☞ The children played in the park while their mother looked on.
 ☞ 两个人在打架,其余的都在看热闹。
 ☞ Two men were fighting and the rest were looking on.
  ■ 如果在look on后接with,则这种感情色彩更重。如:
 ☞ 她肃然起敬地看着他。
 ☞ She looked on him with awe 我看她不入眼。
 ☞ I look on her with dislike.
  ■ look on还有“看待”的意思。
 ☞ 我不知道你对这件事怎么看。
 ☞ I don't know how you look on this matter 我看这没用。
 ☞ I look on that as useless.
  ■ 由于look词义不重结果的特点,口语上常说“你看你”,“看你”,也应用look。如:
 ☞ 你看你!怎么弄得满身大汗!
 ☞ Look at yourself! How come you're bathed in sweat!
 ☞ 看你弄的!水都烧干了。
 ☞ Look what you've done! The water has all boiled away.
 ☞ 这么黑,我们能看什么?
 ☞ What could we see in such darkness?
 ☞ 请让我看一下你的票。
 ☞ Let me see your ticket, please.
 ☞ 我本来是不想看什么的,结果却看到了。
 ☞ I didn't mean to see anything, but I did.
  ■ 此外,由于see的词义重结果,故“看望”、“看病”等习惯上都用此词。
 ☞ 我明天去看他。
 ☞ I'll go and see him tomorrow.
 ☞ 有病就该看。
 ☞ You ought to see a doctor when you are ill.
  ■ “看”与某些叠加动词连用时,一般也用see,并都暗示某种结果。
 ☞ 咱们试试看。
 ☞ Let's try and see.
 ☞ 您尝尝看好吗?
 ☞ Would you like to taste and see?
 ☞ 你等等看吧。
 ☞ Wait and see.
  ■ 因此, "I'm looking at the boy."是指看孩子本身,而 "I'm watching the boy."却指看孩子的举动。
 ☞ 敌人发动突然袭击时他们正在看足球赛。
 ☞ They were watching a football match when the enemy launched the surprise attack.
 ☞ 我们看着火车从车站离去。
 ☞ We watched the departure of the train from the station.
 ☞ 看着他们吃东西,我就更难受了。
 ☞ I suffered even more when I watched them eating.
  ■ 同样的道理,看到的东西如果不动,而你的交通工具在动,则也要用watch。
 ☞ 我通过挡风玻璃看着田野。
 ☞ I watched the country through the windscreen.
  ■ 由于电视、电影、戏剧都有动作,一般都要用watch。
 ☞ 那个小男孩整个下午都在看电视。
 ☞ The little boy watched television all afternoon.
  ■ 习惯上也有用see来代替watch,不过这时强调的依然是结果。如:
 ☞ 昨天晚上我去看京剧了。
 ☞ I went to see Beijing opera last night.
 ☞ 你看了电视里的赛马了吗?
 ☞ Did you see the horse race on television?
 ☞ 警察来看了犯罪现场。
 ☞ The police came to view the scene of the crime.
 ☞ 买房之前,我们先得看看。
 ☞ We'll have to view the house before we buy it.
  ■ get (have) a view,除了上述词义外,有时还有从高处看的意思。
 ☞ 我们顺着石级爬上山顶,打那里就看得更清楚。
 ☞ We climbed the stone steps up the peak, from where we could get a clearer view.
 ☞ 要是你在二楼,你会看得更清楚。
 ☞ If you are on the second floor you will have a better view.
 ☞ 他们相互用挑剔的眼光看着对方。
 ☞ They regarded each other with critical eyes.
 ☞ 接着,他开始意识到他们怀着极大的兴趣在看他。
 ☞ Then he became aware they were regarding him with great interest.
 ☞ 她站在镜子前面看着自己的身子。
 ☞ She stood contemplating her figure in the mirror.
 ☞ 她把那张照片看了一阵子,把它贴到她脸上。
 ☞ She contemplated the photo for a while and pressed it against her face。
 ☞ 实验时看到的这种现象称之为渗透现象。
 ☞ The phenomenon observed during the experiment is called osmosis.
 ☞ 我倒想说光看还不行,还要帮助他们改正错误。
 ☞ I would say just observing them will not do, we must help them correct their mistakes.
 ☞ 街上拐角处一位警察怀疑地看着我。
 ☞ A policeman on a street corner eyed me suspiciously.
 ☞ 他看着她的一举一动。
 ☞ He eyed her every movement.
  ■ 但是keep an eye on却有留心照看或注意之意。
 ☞ 孩子们玩的时候,你应当看着点。
 ☞ You should keep an eye on the children when they are playing.
 ☞ 接着,她开始不断一眼一眼地看我。
 ☞ Then she began to keep an eye on me from time to Ume.
9.look after,着重点在看管。take care,着重点在照看。
 ☞ 她一直看着行李。
 ☞ She has been looking after the luggage.
 ☞ 请自看衣帽。
 ☞ Please take care of your own hats and coats.
10.read, 着重点在看懂。
 ☞ 我儿子现在会看钟了。
 ☞ My son can read the clock now.
 ☞ 他会看掌纹算命。
 ☞ He can tell your fortune from reading the lines on your palm.
 ☞ 专家看了那幅画以后认为是赝品。
 ☞ The expert studied the painting and decided it was a forgery.
 ☞ 据说刘伯承将军爱看军用地图。
 ☞ It was said that General Liu Bocheng liked to study military maps.
 ☞ 用形而上学的观点来看问题是错误的。
 ☞ It's wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view.
 ☞ 随着我们逐渐衰老,大家都应以孩子的天真来看过去的每一天。
 ☞ All of us need to approach each passing day with a child's innocence as we grow older.
13.depend on,着重点在“得看…而定”。
 ☞ 明天是不是打场得看天气。
 ☞ Whether we'll do the threshing tomorrow will depend on the weather.
 ☞ 价格得看质量。
 ☞ The price depends on the quality.
14.consider, 着重点在考虑上。
 ☞ 做宣传要看对象。
 ☞ In doing propaganda we must consider our audience.
 ☞ 无论是从社会学还是从生物学角度来看,人的本性是不会变的。
 ☞ Human nature is immutable whether it is considered from the standpoint of sociology or that of biology.
15.according to, according as, in proportion to, in proportion as,着重点在“依据…而 定”,to后接名词,as后接从句。
 ☞ 你或去或留,要看经理的决定。
 ☞ You shall go or stay according to the decision of the manager.
 ☞ 他的输赢要看他的运气。
 ☞ He will win or lose according as he fares to his luck.
 ☞ 一个人的成功或失败要看他的坚毅不拔的精神。
 ☞ A man succeeds or fails in proportion to his perseverance.
 ☞ 我们报酬的多少要看我们的工作情况。
 ☞ We get our payment in proportion as how we work.
看中 看中
1.like,take a liking to,指喜爱。
 ☞ 多好看的一顶帽子!我看中它的式样。
 ☞ What a lovely hat! I like its style.
 ☞ 他看中了那地方,决定在那里盖幢别墅。
 ☞ He took a liking to the place and decided to build a villa there.
2.take a fancy to,指爱上。
 ☞ 他看中了一位漂亮姑娘,正在拼命追求。
 ☞ He has taken a fancy to a pretty girl, whom he is courting desperately.
 ☞ 她一见到那幢房子就看中了。
 ☞ She took a fancy to the house as soon as she saw it.
3.take (catch, hit, strike) the fancy of,指由…引起…的喜爱。用法正好与take a fancy to相反。take a fancy to是人看中另一个人或物,而take the fancy of是物使人看中或使另一个人看中自己。
 ☞ 她看见橱窗里有顶帽子,就看中了。
 ☞ She saw a hat in the shop-window and it took her fancy.
 ☞ 他的女儿让一个邮递员看中了。
 ☞ His daughter has caught the postman's fancy.
 ☞ 她碰巧看中了他的人品。
 ☞ His personality happened to hit her fancy.
 ☞ 他看中那条领带,就买下了。
 ☞ The tie happened to strike his fancy, so he bought it.
4.be taken with, 又反过来指某人看中另一个人或物,但为被动语态,在汉语里却为主动语态。
 ☞ 事实上我祖母看中了他英俊的相貌。
 ☞ In fact, my grandmother had been taken with his handsome feature.
 ☞ 她相当看中他那种城里人的气派。而她所有的亲戚、朋友和邻居都说她找了个好对象。
 ☞ She was rather taken with his urbanity, and all her relatives, friends and neighbors said she had made a good match.
5.settle on,指最后选中。
 ☞ 这些布你看中哪一块?
 ☞ Which of these materials have you settled on?
 ☞ 她最后看中那条红色的连衣裙。
 ☞ She finally settled on the red dress.
看出 看出
1.see, 指看出结果。
 ☞ 现在我看出问题在哪儿了。
 ☞ Now I see where the trouble is.
 ☞ 他没看出她的用意,真遗憾!
 ☞ He failed to see her intention. What a pity!
2.make out,指分辨出来或理解到了。
 ☞ 借助望远镜可以看出海平面上有只船。
 ☞ With the aid of a telescope a ship could be made out on the horizon.
 ☞ 我看不出他是什么意思。
 ☞ I couldn't make out what he meant.
 ☞ 看出他的意图并不难。
 ☞ It isn't difficult to make out his intention.
3.aware of,指思想上意识到。
 ☞ 当时我们就已看出了形势的严重性。
 ☞ We had been aware of the gravity of the situation at that time.
 ☞ 她看出了事实真相,却无法面对。
 ☞ She was aware of the real facts but she couldn't face them.
 ☞ 只有画家才能看出画中色彩的细微差异。
 ☞ Only an artist can perceive the fine shades of color in the painting.
 ☞ 我很快就看出我无法改变他的想法。
 ☞ I soon perceived that I could not make him change his mind.
 ☞ 我看不出真假。
 ☞ I cannot tell whether it is genuine or fake.
 ☞ 你看得出哪是哪吗?
 ☞ Can you tell which is which?
 ☞ 我一眼就看出是他。
 ☞ I recognized him at first glance.
 ☞ 他看了一眼信封就看出是他叔叔的笔迹。
 ☞ He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle's handwriting.
7.never expect, unexpected,指出乎意料,常用于否定。
 ☞ 看不出来,你还会弹钢琴。
 ☞ I never expected that you could play the piano.
 ☞ 他会发财,我真看不出来。
 ☞ I never expected that he should have got rich.
 ☞ 这种事真是看不出来!
 ☞ This is something unexpected!
8.pick out,指从众多的事物中辨别出来。
 ☞ 我们能从飞机上看出该市的不同地方。
 ☞ We could pick out different places in the city from the airplane.
 ☞ 这显然是错字,他却没看出来,可见他多么粗心。
 ☞ The character is obviously wrong but he didn't pick it out. It shows how careless he is.
看到 看到
1.see, 指看到结果。
 ☞ 这么黑,你看到什么啦?
 ☞ What did you see in such darkness?
 ☞ 我明天就走,这次演出我看不到了。
 ☞ I'll leave tomorrow, I won't be able to see the performance.
2.catch sight of, not lose sight,指看到某种景象。
 ☞ 我们驱车驶过隘口时才看到下面的湖泊。
 ☞ We caught sight of the lake below as we drove through the pass.
 ☞ 在海上整整过了10天他们才看到陆地。
 ☞ After being at sea for ten days they caught sight of land.
 ☞ 我们在困难的时候,要看到成绩,要看到光明,要提高我们的勇气。
 ☞ In times of difficulty, we must not lose sight of our achievements, must see the bright future and must pluck up our courage.
3.come into view,指进入视野。
 ☞ 下面拐个弯儿就可以看到村子了。
 ☞ The village will come into view at next turn.
 ☞ 等看到教堂的塔楼时,我们知道离目的地已不远了。
 ☞ As the tower of the church came into view, we knew we were not far from our destination.
 ☞ 我们满意地看到两国友好关系有了进一步的发展。
 ☞ We have noticed with gratification that the friendly relations between our two countries have further developed.
 ☞ 你看到她的订婚戒指没有?
 ☞ Did you notice her engagement ring?
5.aware (of),指意识到。
 ☞ 他痛苦地看到一家人的态度有了分歧。
 ☞ He grew painfully aware that the family was divided in its attitude.
 ☞ 过了好几天他才看到局势的严重性。
 ☞ It was several days before he was aware of the gravity of the situation.
 ☞ 我们应当看到这种体制是一定会巩固起来的。
 ☞ We should realize that the system will be unquestionably consolidated.
 ☞ 要让年轻人看到我们确实是有经验的。
 ☞ Leave it to the young people to realize that we are really experienced.
7.get at,指弄清楚。
 ☞ 我们终于设法看到了事实真相。
 ☞ We have finally managed to get at the facts of the matter.
 ☞ 我们看问题要透过现象看到本质。
 ☞ In approaching a problem, we should see through the appearance to get at the essence.
看好 看好
  ■ “看好”在英语中并无对应词,故需根据上下文灵活处理。下面译例可供参考。
 ☞ 赛前人们普遍看好辽宁队。
 ☞ Before the match most people expected the Liaoning team would win.(指会赢)
 ☞ 肉类生产形势看好。
 ☞ The meat production looks to further increase.(指会增产)
 ☞ 东南亚经济前景仍然看好。
 ☞ The economic prospect of Southeast Asia is supposed to be promising.(指会有发展)
 ☞ 今年的西瓜市场前景看好。
 ☞ The prospects of this year's watermelon market are good.(指会有好前景)
 ☞ 棉花价格看好。
 ☞ The price of cotton is expected to rise.(指会加价)
 ☞ 农机销售前景看好。
 ☞ Farm machinery has brought prospects for good sales.(指销路会好)
看待 看待
1.look on... as,指看作。
 ☞ 在这类事情上,我是把你当作权威看待。
 ☞ I look on you as an authority on matters of this kind.
 ☞ 大多数人都把电视机当作一件必需品看待。
 ☞ Most people look on a television set as a piece of necessities.
2.treat (as),指对待。
 ☞ 矛盾要分主次,不能一律看待。
 ☞ We should distinguish between major and minor contradictions and not treat them all alike.
 ☞ 这一情况必须当作紧急状态看待。
 ☞ The situation must be treated as an emergency.
3.regard... as,指当作。
 ☞ 老板从来不把我们当人看待。
 ☞ The boss never regards us as human beings.
 ☞ 他似乎把那次打架当作一次胜利来看待。
 ☞ He seemed to regard the flight as a triumph.
4.think about,指认为。
 ☞ 别人是怎么看待你的建议的,你知道吗?
 ☞ Do you know how people think about your suggestion?
 ☞ 人家怎么看待我,我可管不着。
 ☞ I didn't care what other people think about me.
 ☞ 用形而上学的观点来看待马克思主义,把它看成僵死的东西,这是教条主义。
 ☞ It is dogmatism to approach Marxism from a metaphysical point of view and to regard it as something rigid.
 ☞ 你终于知道如何正确看待这个问题。
 ☞ Finally you know how to approach the problem correctly.
看惯 看惯
1.used to seeing, accustomed to seeing, get used to, 指已经习惯。
 ☞ 对那么多人走后门获利,现在我们都看惯了。
 ☞ Nowadays we are used to seeing so many people secure advantages through influence.
 ☞ 他认为没有什么好大惊小怪的,显然他对这类事已经看惯了。
 ☞ He thinks there is nothing to be surprised at. Evidently he has been already accustomed to seeing that kind of thing.
 ☞ 这种服装看惯了也还不错。
 ☞ This kind of clothes looks 0.K.after you get used to it.
2.hate to see, 指不爱看到,常用于否定意义的句子。
 ☞ 我们看不惯这样的浪费现象。
 ☞ We hate to see such waste.
 ☞ 她看不惯虐待小动物。
 ☞ She hates to see any small animal being ill treated.
3.stand,put up with,指忍受,常用于疑问句或否定句。
 ☞ 你以为订户会看得惯这样糟糕的文章吗?
 ☞ Do you suppose the subscribers are going to stand such terrible article like this?
 ☞ 我看不惯她说话的样子。
 ☞ I can't stand the way she speaks.
 ☞ 你看得惯他这样的坏脾气吗?
 ☞ Can you put up with his bad temper?
看成 看成
1.look on... as, 指看作。
 ☞ 我们都把他看成是我们家的一员。
 ☞ We all look on him as a member of our family.
 ☞ 他把别人的问题都看成是自己的问题。
 ☞ He looks on the problems of other people as his own.
2.regard... as,指当作。
 ☞ 她竞把我看成是个无足轻重的毛孩子。
 ☞ She went so far as to regard me as a kid who counts for nothing.
 ☞ 他把一日三餐看成是浪费时间,吃饭只是身体有这个需要而已。
 ☞ He regarded three meals a day as a waste of time and ate because his body required them.
3.take... for,当成是,并暗示看走了眼。
 ☞ 你把我看成什么人了?
 ☞ What do you take me for?
 ☞ 你把次要问题看成主要问题了。
 ☞ You have taken a minor question for a major one.
 ☞ 我把10块钱的票子看成100块的了。
 ☞ I mistook the ten-yuan bill for a hundred-yuan bill.
 ☞ 他受了重伤,因为他被看成是敌人的探子。
 ☞ He was badly wounded, for he was mistaken for an enemy scout.
5.treat…as, 指“把…当作…看待”。
 ☞ 我们把她看成是自己家里人。
 ☞ We treated her as one of the family.
 ☞ 警方把他的死看成是谋杀。
 ☞ The police are treating his death as a case of murder.
 ☞ 她把自己看成是个超级电影明星,但她的表演并不怎么样。
 ☞ She considers herself a super movie star, but her performance doesn't amount to much.
 ☞ 算术、几何、代数可看成是心智的艺术。
 ☞ Arithmetic, geometry and algebra are considered the art of the mind.
7.see, meet, 指见到、碰到,常用于否定句。
 ☞ 我有会,电影没看成。
 ☞ I had a meeting and wasn't able to see the film.
 ☞ 有人给她儿子物色了个对象,但不知为什么没看成那姑娘。
 ☞ Someone looked for a match for her son, but he failed to meet the girl. somehow.
看管 看管
1.attend to,指照管。
 ☞ 你出去了,谁来看管孩子?
 ☞ If you get out, who will attend to the baby?
 ☞ 那时我正好离开他们去看管几辆进出车库的车子。
 ☞ At that time I happened to have left them to attend to several cars entering and leaving the garage.
2.look after,指照看。
 ☞ 我去买票,你看管一下行李。
 ☞ You look after the luggage while I go and buy the tickets.
 ☞ 在办公时间里,她负责看管自行车。
 ☞ She is responsible for looking after bicycles in the office hours.
 ☞ 牧羊人看管着羊群。
 ☞ The shepherd guarded his flock.
 ☞ 监狱日夜都有人看管。
 ☞ The prison is guarded day and night.
 ☞ 我要你在我出去时看管一下孩子。
 ☞ I want you to watch the child while I am out.
 ☞ 游泳时替我看管一下衣服好吗?
 ☞ Will you please watch my clothes while I go for a swim?
 ☞ 他们已接到要看管好他的指令。
 ☞ They have already received instructions to watch him.
 ☞ 看管好囚犯,别让他跑了。
 ☞ Watch the prisoner and make sure he doesn't escape.
 ☞ 你能替我看管一下生产线吗?
 ☞ Can you supervise the production line instead of me?
 ☞ 他把她留在汽车里看管行李。
 ☞ He has left her in the car to supervise the baggage.
 ☞ 对精神病人要严加看管。
 ☞ Mental patients should be subjected to strict surveillance.
 ☞ 四周的道路都处于严密的看管之下。
 ☞ The surrounding roads were kept under close surveillance.
看见 看见
 ☞ 你睁开眼睛不就看见了。
 ☞ If you open your eyes you'll see it.
 ☞ 他是个盲人,看不见。
 ☞ He cannot see, for he is blind.
  ■ 但see在更多的情况下是对眼前事物的肯定或鉴赏。
 ☞ 他站在那里,看见两个人走进那酒吧。
 ☞ As he stood there he saw two men enter the bar.
 ☞ 要是我真的看见那位美人,我一定要好好看上一眼。
 ☞ If I saw that beautiful lady at all, I would have a good look at her.
 "It seems to me that I see my father." "Where, my dear?" "In my mind's eye."
2.sight,catch sight,in sight,所指的看见,与其说是使用视力的结果,倒不如说是所见事物进入了视野。
 ☞ 我们航行了20天才看见陆地。
 ☞ We sighted land after being at sea for twenty days.
 ☞ 在手电光下他看见一个人影,立刻认出是比尔。
 ☞ In the flashlight of electric torch he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill.
 ☞ 一个人也看不见。
 ☞ There was not a soul in sight.
3.lose sight of,是catch sight的否定,而out of sight是in sight的否定。
 ☞ 我望着他走远,直至看不见为止。
 ☞ I watched him going away until I lost sight of him.
 ☞ 我们看见一只小船消失在浓雾中。
 ☞ We lost sight of the boat in the dense fog.
 ☞ 陆地已经看不见了。
 ☞ Land was already out of sight.
4.behold,也指进入视野,等于have sth. in sight,但更为书卷气。
 ☞ 他来到他第一次见到苏珊的那条街。
 ☞ He came to the street where he had first beheld Susan.
 ☞ 他们从那张恐怖的面容里看见了一具真正的活骷髅。
 ☞ They beheld in that fearful countenance the very living skull.
  ■ behold还可用于想象中的“看见”。
 ☞ 虽然她在尘世间的视力已经消失,但她又看见了早年爱过的情景。
 ☞ Though her earthly sight was gone away, she beheld again the scenes she had loved from long years ago.
 ☞ 在幻想中他依稀看见那对情侣在一条有点阴暗的路上溜达。
 ☞ In his imagination he vaguely beheld the pair of lovers walking along some dark road.
5.turn a blind eye to,指装作看不见。
 ☞ 他们对人民作威作福,看不见人民的疾苦,共至不管人民的死活。
 ☞ They lord it over the people, turn a blind eye to the sufferings of the people and not even care whether they live or die.
 ☞ 对他的玩忽职守你怎能装作看不见呢?
 ☞ How could you turn a blind eye to his negligence of his duties?
 ☞ 我看见上衣上有个洞,但我没去管他。
 ☞ I noticed a hole in my jacket but I ignored it.
 ☞ 你看见我锁门没有?
 ☞ Did you notice whether I locked the door?
7.discern, discernible,指在黑暗、云雾、夜色等困难情况下分辨。
 ☞ 他在暗中刚能看见一条路。
 ☞ He was able to discern the road in the dark.
 ☞ 大雾里我几乎看不见他。
 ☞ I could barely discern him in the thick fog.
 ☞ 夜幕降临了,但厂房的轮廓还能看见。
 ☞ Night fell, but the outline of the factory building was still discernible.
看透 看透
1.see through,指看穿。
 ☞ 他这个人我看透了,没有什么真才实学。
 ☞ I've seen through him, he's not a man of real learning.
 ☞ 我看透那个骗子了,不想跟他打什么交道。
 ☞ I saw through the swindler and refused to have any dealing with him.
2.find out,指发现坏事。
 ☞ 我总算把你看透了,你这个骗子!
 ☞ I've found you out at last, you cheat!
 ☞ 他一连造了几个月的假账,我怎么没把他看透呢?
 ☞ How could I fail to find him out when he had been falsifying accounts for months?
3.understand thoroughly,指透彻了解。
 ☞ 蒋介石没有看透红军四渡赤水的用意。
 ☞ Chiang Kai-shek failed to understand thoroughly the intention of the Red Army's crossing the Chi Shui River four times.
 ☞ 这着棋我没看透。
 ☞ I don't quite understand thoroughly this move.
4.resign oneself to,指接受既成事实。
 ☞ 好心反成恶意,所以我还是看透一点的好。
 ☞ My good intentions were interpreted as a sign of ill will, so I had better resign myself to it.
 ☞ 对种种挫折和失败,我都看透了。
 ☞ I have resigned myself to all setbacks and failures.
真正 真正
 ☞ 有优势而无准备,不是真正的优势。
 ☞ Without preparedness, superiority is not real superiority.
 ☞ 我们需要真正的帮助,不只是口头上的允诺。
 ☞ We need real help, not just verbal promises.
 ☞ 她是个真正的革命者,为革命而生,为革命而死。
 ☞ Being a true revolutionary, she lived and died for the revolution.
 ☞ 患难相助的朋友才是真正的朋友。
 ☞ A true friend is one who will always stand by you when you are in need.
3.actual, 指事物外表与内在实质一致的真正。
 ☞ 民主党人在这次大选中赢得了真正的大多数。
 ☞ The Democrats won an actual majority at this election.
 ☞ 真正的结果尚难预料。
 ☞ The actual outcomes are hard to predict yet.
 ☞ 那贵妇人的皮大衣是真正的貂皮做的。
 ☞ The lady's coat is a genuine mink.
 ☞ 她是有感情,不过是不是真正的感情我表示怀疑。
 ☞ Yes, she did have feeling, but I doubt whether it was genuine.
 ☞ 让白求恩大夫多睡一个小时的觉也是一场真正的胜利。
 ☞ To jockey Dr. Bethune into an extra hour's sleep was a victory indeed.
 ☞ 他是我们真正需要的那种人。
 ☞ He is indeed the man we want.
 ☞ 整个地区都被日本鬼子占领了,成了真正的人间地狱。
 ☞ The entire area was occupied by the Japs. It was literally a hell on earth.
 ☞ 他是条汉子,而且真正是“说到做到”。
 ☞ He is man enough, and quite literally "does what he says".
 ☞ 北京是我们的首都,是国家真正的心脏和脉搏所在。
 ☞ Beijing is our capital - the very heart and pulse of the country.
 ☞ 在他身上,我们看到了一个真正的流氓。
 ☞ In him we found a very scoundrel.
 ☞ 说变就变的爱情,不是真正的爱情。
 ☞ Love is not love that alters when its alteration finds.
 ☞ 便宜的好货才是真正的好货。
 ☞ Best is best cheap.
9.as such,其中的such是前面被修饰名词的代词,故也是一种重复,故也有“真正”的意思。
 ☞ 像他这样的人才是那种真正重视人才的人。
 ☞ It's just like him to prize people of ability as such.
 ☞ 他是位才华出众的学者,到处都公认是位真正的学者。
 ☞ He is a brilliant scholar and is everywhere recognized as such.
10.properly so called,指真正称之为。
 ☞ 就真正的纪律而论,没有一支军队能比得上人民解放军。
 ☞ For discipline, properly so called, no other army can touch the People's Liberation Army.
 ☞ 一切真正的知识都来自于实践。
 ☞ All knowledge, properly so called, comes through practice.
11.in the strict (proper) sense of the word,指字面意义上的真正。
 ☞ 必须承认爱迪生是位天才,一位真正的天才。
 ☞ Thomas Edison must be conceded a genius, a genius in the strict sense of the word.
 ☞ 他称不上是一个真正的历史学家。
 ☞ He cannot be called a historian in the proper sense of the word.
真(真实) 真(真实)
 ☞ 我们十分气愤,因为作者在他的报道中用了我们的真名。
 ☞ We are very indignant because the author used our real names in his report.
 ☞ 这是真丝做的连衣裙,夏天穿着特别凉爽。
 ☞ This is a dress made of real silk and it's especially cool when worn in summer.
 ☞ 我们需要的是真实的情况,而不是被夸大了的事实。
 ☞ What we want is the real situation, not the exaggerated facts.
 ☞ 立体电影给观众以一种真实感。
 ☞ Stereoscopic films give audience a sense of reality.
 ☞ 舞台灯光与布景可以使场景更真更美。
 ☞ Stage lighting and setting will make scenes more realistic and beautiful.
 ☞ 在他的著作里他给了我们一幅北京社会的最最奇妙的真实史卷。
 ☞ In his works he gives us a most wonderful realistic history of Beijing society.
 ☞ 财产一到手,他就露出了真面目。
 ☞ He revealed his true colors when the property is in his possession.
 ☞ 鲸鱼真的是哺乳动物。
 ☞ The whale is a true mammal.
 ☞ 真实的感情是建立在真挚、坦诚的基础之上的。
 ☞ True feelings are based on sincerity and frankness.
4.real, really, actual, actually,指实实在在的真实。
 ☞ 他很气愤,因为记者用了他的真名。
 ☞ He is very indignant because the reporter used his real name.
 ☞ 他是真的伤心,因为他对那姑娘是真感情。
 ☞ He is truly grieved, for his affection for the girl has been real.
 ☞ 他真的那么说?
 ☞ Did he really say that?
 ☞ 这真是事实,不是我有过的幻想。
 ☞ It is an actual fact, not the illusion I ever have had.
 ☞ 他对我们讲的事情可不是梦想,而是真有其事。
 ☞ What he told us was not a dream but an actual happening.
 ☞ 真实数据与统计数字相去无几。
 ☞ There is not much difference between the actual data and the statistic figures.
 ☞ 我真信这事儿。
 ☞ I actually believed it.
  ■ real,really与actual,actually一般情况下可以互换,但如果出乎意料时作“真怪”解时,就只能用actual,actually。如:
 ☞ 使他大吃一惊的是小王真的赢了这场比赛。
 ☞ To his great amazement, Wang actually won the race.
 ☞ 他真的会讲英语。
 ☞ He actually speaks English.
 ☞ 我昨天真的看见他了。
 ☞ I actually saw him yesterday.
 ☞ 这是徐悲鸿的真迹。
 ☞ This is an authentic painting by Xu Beihong.
 ☞ 这一传说已被真实的历史记录所证实。
 ☞ This tale has been confirmed by the authentic historical records.
 ☞ 真金不怕火炼;君子不怕考验。
 ☞ Genuine gold fears no fire; a gentleman fears no tests.
 ☞ 他的病是真的。
 ☞ His illness is genuine.
 ☞ 她在婚后才有了两人世界的真实感。
 ☞ She experienced a genuine feeling of conjugal life only after marriage.
 ☞ 你提起这事,我真的想起来了。
 ☞ I do remember, now you mention it.
 ☞ 他很少讲话,但真的讲起话来,总是很中肯的。
 ☞ He seldom speaks, but when he does speak, he always speaks to the purpose.
 ☞ 乖巧的家伙,真有你的!
 ☞ You're a smart fellow, you are!
 ☞ 我们指望他会来,他真的来了。
 ☞ We figured on his coming, and he came.
 ☞ 时间过得真快。
 ☞ How time flies!
 ☞ 演出真精彩。
 ☞ The performance was just splendid.
 ☞ 这家伙真能说。
 ☞ That fellow is a very glib talker.
 ☞ 给你添了不少麻烦,真过意不去。
 ☞ I'm very sorry to have put you to so much trouble.
 ☞ 你真不害臊!
 ☞ You've got some nerve!
 ☞ 你通过了考试,真行!
 ☞ You've passed the exams - good for you!
 ☞ 你真的觉得她是这样吗?
 ☞ Does she, indeed, seem so to you?
 ☞ 她真的被吓得毛骨悚然了。
 ☞ Such was her fright that her hair literally stood on end.
眼光(目光) 眼光(目光)
 ☞ 小偷的眼光落在桌上的那堆钱上。
 ☞ The thief's eye fell on the money heaped on the table.
 ☞ 此语一出,大家的眼光都集中到了他身上。
 ☞ With these words finished, everybody turned their eyes on him.
 ☞ 她目光锐利,什么事都瞒不过她。
 ☞ You can hide nothing from her sharp eyes.
 ☞ 他用询问式的目光盯着她,简直让她受不了。
 ☞ She could hardly bear the look of his inquiring eyes.
 ☞ 他在处理这次边境冲突中表现出了一个政治家的眼光。
 ☞ He showed foresight of a politician in dealing with the border clash.
 ☞ 他投资房地产,很有眼光。
 ☞ He has the foresight to invest his money in real estate.
 ☞ 那教师了解孩子的情绪,眼光可不一般。
 ☞ The teacher has unusual insight into children emotions.
 ☞ 她为自己没有历史眼光而感到苦恼。
 ☞ She felt humiliated at her own lack of historical insight.
 ☞ 读书要戴眼镜的人也可能目光远大。
 ☞ People who need glasses for reading could be farsighted.
 ☞ 美国的中东政策眼光短浅。
 ☞ The US Middle East policy is shortsighted.
5.in a…light,by a…standard,指以某种眼光(角度)来看。
 ☞ 从国外回来后,他开始以不同的眼光来观察周围的事物。
 ☞ Back from abroad, he began to view everything around him in a different light.
 ☞ 不要以利己主义的眼光来看待一切。
 ☞ Don't see things in a light of egoism.
 ☞ 你不能一直用老眼光看人。
 ☞ You must not judge a man by old standards all the time.
眼前 眼前
1.before one's eyes,指在眼睛面前。
 ☞ 我们眼茼是一片碧绿的稻田。
 ☞ Before our eyes was a stretch of green paddy fields.
 ☞ 他眼前是一片欢腾的人海。
 ☞ Before his eyes was a sea of jubilant people.
 ☞ 他被重重地一击,正打在头上,于是眼前一片漆黑。
 ☞ He was hit with a hard blow right on the head, and all became black as lacquer before his eyes.
 ☞ 长征的情景一幕幕地在我的眼前重现。
 ☞ Scene after scene of the Long March reappeared before my eyes.
2.present, at the moment,指目前。
 ☞ 人不能只顾眼前,不顾将来。
 ☞ One must not think only of the present and neglect the future.
 ☞ 照眼前这种情况,我们还不能接纳她。
 ☞ We can hardly receive her in the present case.
 ☞ 眼前,他可能在上海。
 ☞ At the present moment he is supposed to be in Shanghai.
 ☞ 眼前我很忙。
 ☞ I'm busy at the moment.
 ☞ 我有那么多的事要办,眼前我一个人顾不过来。
 ☞ I have got so many things to attend to. I cannot manage all by myself at the moment.
 ☞ 眼前利益应当服从长远利益。
 ☞ Immediate interests must be subordinated to long term interests.
 ☞ 你的报应肯定就在眼前。
 ☞ I'm sure you'll suffer an immediate retribution.
 ☞ 她感到的害怕只是眼前一时的,很快就会过去。
 ☞ Her feeling of fear is only momentary. It'll soon pass.
 ☞ 不要只顾眼前的欢乐,想想今后的苦日子吧!
 ☞ Don't be concerned only with momentary pleasure.
 ☞ Think of the hard times in the future!
5.at hand,指快要到手。
 ☞ 胜利就在眼前,尽情地欢呼歌唱吧。
 ☞ The victory is at hand. Hail and sing to your heart's content.
 ☞ 考试已经过去,假日就在眼前。
 ☞ Examinations are past and holiday is at hand.

 ☞ 他的左眼瞎了。
 ☞ He is blind in his left eye.
 ☞ 把他当作正人君子,我真瞎了眼。
 ☞ I was so blind as to take him for a gentleman.
  ■ 但blind也可作“盲目”解。
 ☞ 答案我实在是瞎猜的。
 ☞ I just made a blind guess at the answer.
 ☞ 在没有了解他们的想法之前别瞎干。
 ☞ Don't do it blind before you find out their views.
2.groundless, groundlessly,指没有根据。
 ☞ 瞎造谣言的人决没有好下场。
 ☞ Those who start groundless rumors will certainly come to no good end.
 ☞ 你作证时不能瞎说一气。
 ☞ You mustn't talk groundlessly while giving evidence.
 ☞ 你妈的钱来得不易,别瞎花。
 ☞ Your mother's money is not easy to come by. Don't spend it foolishly.
 ☞ 好呀,你瞎闹,现在要吃亏了吧。
 ☞ Well, you've acted foolishly and you'll pay for it now.
 ☞ 他想把她弄回来,那准是瞎费劲。
 ☞ His efforts to get her back will certainly be in vain.
 ☞ 看来,我们是瞎等了。
 ☞ It seems that we've waited in vain.
5.chatter away, 指没有目的地乱扯。
 ☞ 她瞎扯了一通就走了。
 ☞ She just chattered away for a while and left.
 ☞ 你没事也不能浪费时间整天瞎聊啊。
 ☞ Even if you are free, you still shouldn't waste your time in chatting the whole day away.
 ☞ 那炮弹是瞎炮。
 ☞ The shell was a dud.
 ☞ 没有哪一炮是瞎炮。
 ☞ None of the shells failed to go off.
 ☞ 他尽瞎说,别信他的。
 ☞ He's just talking nonsense. Don't believe him.
 ☞ 我不知道答案,全是瞎蒙的。
 ☞ I didn't really know the answer. I just made a lucky guess.
 ☞ 他似乎在瞎闹,其实他是蛮认真的。
 ☞ He seemed to be fooling. In fact he was quite serious.
 ☞ 你们的瞎指挥真是害人不浅。
 ☞ You did people really great harm by giving arbitrary and impractical directions.
 ☞ 要带的东西事先要准备好,免得临走时抓瞎。
 ☞ Get everything ready beforehand so that you won't be in a rush when it's time to leave.

 ☞ 这个秘密,全家只瞒着他一个。
 ☞ The whole family hid the secret only from him.
 ☞ 你是不是有什么事想瞒着我?
 ☞ Are you trying to hide something from me?
 ☞ 他想把已经发生的事瞒过去。
 ☞ He tried to hide what had happened.
 ☞ 我答应什么事都不再瞒你。
 ☞ I promise I'll never conceal (hide) anything any more from you.
 ☞ 你不可能永远把真相瞒下去。
 ☞ You can't conceal (hide) the truth forever.
  ■ 但如果强调有意或玩弄手段隐瞒,则不能用hide。
 ☞ 她被迫把爱上一个有妇之夫的事瞒着父母。
 ☞ She was forced to conceal her love for a married man from her parents.
 ☞ 他们想瞒税这一事实已经很清楚了。
 ☞ The fact that they tried to conceal facts to avoid proper taxation was quite clear.
3.keep sb. in the dark,指不使知道。
 ☞ 关于与日本政府的这个协定,国民党是瞒着公众的。
 ☞ Kuomintang kept the public in the dark about the agreement with the Japanese government.
 ☞ 这件事不能再瞒着他了。
 ☞ We cannot keep him in the dark about this any longer.
4.not let sb. know (about),指更为口语化的不让人知道。
 ☞ 他怕妻子着急,把病情瞒着不说。
 ☞ He didn't let his wife know about his illness for fear she'd worry.
 ☞ 如果你瞒着你公司的经济情况不说,我怎么帮你摆脱困境呢?
 ☞ How can I help you to get rid of the predicament if you don't let me know the economic conditions of your company?
5.escape one's notice,指逃过别人的注意。
 ☞ 什么事也瞒不过她的眼睛。
 ☞ Nothing could escape her notice.
 ☞ 他们是如何瞒过我们的,我现在不能说。
 ☞ How they escaped our notice I cannot say.
6.cover up,指掩盖过去。
 ☞ 你以为这样的丑事瞒得住吗?
 ☞ Did you think you could cover up such a disgraceful affair?
 ☞ 有那么多的人都想把过去几年来在买卖上的亏空瞒过去。
 ☞ There are so many people trying to cover up the loss of money in business of the past few years.
知识 知识
 ☞ 知识就是力量。
 ☞ Knowledge is power.
 ☞ 他以知识渊博而闻名全国。
 ☞ He is well-known throughout the country for his wide range of knowledge.
 ☞ 学生在追求新知识上表现出了很高的积极性。
 ☞ Students show great enthusiasm in pursuing the new learning.
 ☞ 尊重知识,尊重人才是我党的既定方针。
 ☞ It is our Party's established policy to respect learning and talents.
 ☞ 我们并不像你想的那样没有知识。
 ☞ We're not so ignorant as you might suppose.
 ☞ 跟这种没有知识的人讨论严肃音乐本来就没有意思。
 ☞ There's no point discussing serious music with such ignorant people.
 ☞ 专利法是保护知识产权的。
 ☞ The patent law protects intellectual property rights.
 ☞ 知识界的名人都出席了会议。
 ☞ At the meeting were present the celebrities in intellectual circles.
知道 知道
 ☞ 什么都知道其实是什么都不知道。
 ☞ To know everything is to know nothing.
 ☞ 你的意思我知道。
 ☞ I know what you mean.
 ☞ 我们从来都不知道她会撒谎。
 ☞ We have never known her to tell lies.
  ■ have known之后接宾语再接动词不定式时,这个to可有可无。如:
 ☞ 我知道他以前说过这种话。
 ☞ I have known him (to) say this before.
  ■ 不过如果never knew或have never known之后接宾语再接动词不定式,一般都不用这个to。如:
 ☞ 我从来不知道他以前说过这种话。
 ☞ I never knew (have never known) him say this before.
  ■ 但如转变成被动语态,这个to又不能省略。如:
 ☞ He was never known (has never been known) to say this before.
  ■ 如果have known,have never known或never knew后的动词不定式不是do动词,而是be动词,则不论肯定还是否定,这个to都不能省略。
 ☞ 我(从来不)知道他学习那么忙。
 ☞ I have known him to be so busy studying. (I never knew him to be so busy studying. I have never known him to be so busy studying.)
  ■ 但know后面不能接动词不定式,而要用how,what,where等词引入。
 ☞ 她知道如何把她的所见所闻表达出来。
 ☞ She knows how to express what she has seen and heard.
 ☞ 对此他不知道如何是好。
 ☞ He didn't know what to do about it.
 ☞ 你知道到哪里去跟她联系吗?
 ☞ Do you know where to get in touch with her?
  ■ 除此之外,在答语中应注意I know 与I know it的区别。
  "You are late." "I know."(指晚来这一事实)
  "We went to a restaurant called 'Donglaishun' last night." "I know it."(指具体的事物)
  ■ know of可以作“知道有”解。如:
 ☞ 我知道有这个人,但我不了解他。
 ☞ I know of him, but do not know him.
 ☞ 你知道你们城里有这样的商店吗?
 ☞ Do you know of any such shop in your city?
 ☞ 要是他知道了事情的真相会怎么说?
 ☞ What would he say if he learned the truth?
 ☞ 我得马上跟她说,绝对不能让她从别人那里知道这件事。
 ☞ I have to speak to her soon. She mustn't learn this from someone else。
  ■ 请看know和learn的区别。
 ☞ 虽然以后我知道了,但当时我的确不知道那件事。
 ☞ I did not know that then indeed, though I learned it later.(指后来那一瞬间才知道,故要用later和瞬间动词learn)
 ☞ 至于以后怎么样我就不知道了。
 ☞ I don't know what happened later on.(指在以后一段时间都不知道,故要用later on和延续性动词 know)
 ☞ 人都应该知道自己的局限性。
 ☞ One should realize one's limitation.
 ☞ 你比大多数妇女都要幸运得多,我希望你知道这一点。
 ☞ You've been much luckier than most women, and I hope you realize it.
 ☞ 我们知道在前进的道路上还会有困难。
 ☞ We are aware that on our way forward there will still be difficulties.
 ☞ 我们完全知道局势的严重性。
 ☞ We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.
5.have knowledge,指了解情况。
 ☞ 我知道一点他的病情。
 ☞ I have some knowledge of how ill of him.
 ☞ 当时我们还不知道她的下落。
 ☞ We had no knowledge of her whereabouts at that time.
6.have any (no) idea,也指了解情况,但多用于疑问句或否定句。
 ☞ 你知不知道他为什么那样干?
 ☞ Have you any idea why he did it?
 ☞ 你不知道她是多么地难过!
 ☞ You have no idea how sorry she is!
研究 研究
 ☞ 气象学家们研究由卫星传送到地球的信息,以便做出天气预报。
 ☞ The meteorologists study the information sent back to earth from satellites in order to make a weather forecast.
 ☞ 他是位研究原子结构的科学家。
 ☞ He is a scientist studying the structure of atom.
 ☞ 总理说要对提议做进一步的研究后才能发表意见。
 ☞ The premier said that he would not comment upon the proposal until he had given it further study.
 ☞ 中国研究莎士比亚戏剧的人数屈指可数。
 ☞ In China, people making a study of Shakespeare plays are so few in number that you can count them on your fingers.
 ☞ 有不少科学家在研究癌症的病源。
 ☞ A lot of scientists are researching (into) the causes of cancer.
 ☞ 我们研究了3年,但毫无结果。
 ☞ We have been researching for three years with no result.
 ☞ 在经过许多研究之后才发现了镭的作用。
 ☞ The use of radium was discovered only after much research.
 ☞ 研究表明妇女比男子长寿。
 ☞ Research has shown that women live longer than men.
3.consider, consideration,所指的研究仅为深思熟虑,为解决某一问题而做出的考虑。
 ☞ 我提了一项建议,我要你们研究研究。
 ☞ I've made a suggestion, and I want you to consider it.
 ☞ 希望你们好好研究讨论。
 ☞ We hope that you will consider and discuss it in earnest.
 ☞ 你的想法很好,不过我们得进一步研究。
 ☞ Your idea is very good, but we must give it further consideration.
4.think, thought,也指经过考虑后做出解决问题的决定,但比consider的说法更为随意。
 ☞ 这件事我得好好研究一下。
 ☞ I should like to think over the matter a little.
 ☞ 大家都坐下来开始研究我的处境。
 ☞ Everybody sat down and began to think of my position.
 ☞ 对这事,我们大家还是多研究研究吧。
 ☞ Let us give this matter more thought.
 ☞ 这个问题需要仔细研究。
 ☞ The problem needs careful thought.
5.go into,指深入内部研究。
 ☞ 对这件事,我们必须做进一步的研究后才能做决定。
 ☞ We must go into the matter further before making a decision.
 ☞ 究竟梁先生有没有公开表明过反对蒋介石,请大家研究。
 ☞ Now I leave it to you to go into the question of whether Mr. Liang has ever publicly opposed Chang Kai-shek.
6.look into, 指调查研究。
 ☞ 这种估计究竟恰当不恰当,大家可以研究。
 ☞ It's up to you to look into the accuracy of this estimate.
 ☞ 这问题值得研究。
 ☞ This problem is worth looking into.

 ☞ 这只杯子破了。
 ☞ The glass is broken.
 ☞ 据说,如果夫妻共用的镜子破成两半,就象征着离婚或分居。
 ☞ It is said that if a mirror shared by a couple is broken into two it symbolizes their divorce or separation.
 ☞ 你能破100元的大票吗?
 ☞ Can you break a hundred yuan note?
 ☞ 他破了世界纪录,立了一等功。
 ☞ He broke a world record and thus won a first class merit citation.
 ☞ 市长为工程破土奠基。
 ☞ The mayor broke ground for laying a cornerstone of the project.
 ☞ 泼妇在破口大骂。
 ☞ A shrew was breaking into abuse.
 ☞ 劫匪破门而入。
 ☞ The robbers broke into the house.
 ☞ 竹笋破土而出。
 ☞ A young bamboo shoot broke through the soil.
2.cut, 指割破,割开。
 ☞ 我的手指割破了。
 ☞ I've cut my finger.
 ☞ 母亲把西瓜破成小块,让我们分着吃。
 ☞ Mother cut the watermelon into small pieces and shared them between us.
3.wear, 指穿破、磨破。
 ☞ 我喜欢这件衬衣,可是领口破了。
 ☞ I like this shirt. but its collar has worn.
 ☞ 这块地毯有几处破了。
 ☞ The carpet is worn in several places.
 ☞ 这些家具都快用破了。
 ☞ The furniture is to be dilapidated by use.
 ☞ 我们买了幢破屋,想修一修。
 ☞ We bought a dilapidated house and tried to repair it.
 ☞ The slogan "Destroy the old and establish the new"
 ☞ is not wrong in itself.
 ☞ 他已国破家亡。
 ☞ His country was destroyed and his home lost.
 ☞ 咱们要大破天命观,高唱战斗歌。
 ☞ Let's eradicate the conception of the mandate of heaven and sing loudly battle songs.
 ☞ 只有破了宿命论,中国妇女才能翻身做主人。
 ☞ Only by eradicating the fatalism can the Chinese women stand up and be masters of their fate.
 ☞ 我发现3扇窗里有两扇都破了。
 ☞ I found two of the three windows smashed.
 ☞ 我军破敌势如破竹。
 ☞ Our troops smashed the enemy like splitting bamboo.
 ☞ 港口工程已于今日破土动工。
 ☞ The project at the port turned the formal first spadeful of earth.
 ☞ 她不禁破涕为笑。
 ☞ She could not help turning tears into smiles.
9.crack, 指破裂。
 ☞ 破钟无好音。
 ☞ A crack bell can never sound well.
 ☞ 破罐破摔的意思是采取孤注一掷的手段。
 ☞ To smash a cracked pot to pieces means to resort to desperate shifts.
 ☞ 破衣之中有君子。
 ☞ A ragged coat may cover an honest gentleman.
 ☞ 破字当头,立在其中。
 ☞ Destruction first and construction in its wake.
 ☞ 他破了财就想到消灾。
 ☞ He suffered financial losses and now hopes to be free from trouble.
 ☞ 我们应当破私立公,不过还要加上公私兼顾。
 ☞ We ought to overcome selfishness and foster public spirit and give consideration to both public and private interests in addition.
 ☞ 他被破格提拔。
 ☞ He was promoted specially and not by routine.
 ☞ 军舰破浪前进。
 ☞ The warships sailed ahead ploughing the waves.
 ☞ 我这是破天荒第一次品尝你们的家乡风味。
 ☞ It was for the very first time that I tried your local delicacies.
 ☞ 八路军大破日军于平型关。
 ☞ The Eighth Route Army inflicted a heavy defeat on the Japanese troops at Pingxingguan Pass.
 ☞ 南京城破之日,30万中国军民遭到日军的屠杀。
 ☞ On the day when the city of Nanjing fell 300,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians were butchered by the Japanese troops.
 ☞ 这支破笔真气人!
 ☞ This lousy pen really drives me mad!
 ☞ 这点破事不要两分钟就能办完。
 ☞ To settle a simple matter like this won't take more than two minutes.
破产 破产
 ☞ 我们努力防止公司破产。
 ☞ We tried very hard to prevent the firm from bankruptcy.
 ☞ 公司上月宣告破产。
 ☞ The company declared bankruptcy last month.
 ☞ 我的店铺破产了。
 ☞ My business went into bankruptcy.
  ■ 用于可数时指破产事件。
 ☞ 去年我市共有10起破产。
 ☞ There were ten bankruptcies in our city last year.
 ☞ 要是警方不查封那家赌场,恐怕会弄得全村的每个家庭都破产的。
 ☞ If the police hadn't sealed up that gambling house, it would have bankrupted every family in the village.
 ☞ 两个超级大国在扩充军备的竞赛中都弄得破了产。
 ☞ Both superpowers almost bankrupted themselves in their race to engage in arms expansions and war preparations.
  ■ bankrupt也可用作形容词。
 ☞ 公司由于无法销售其产品而破产。
 ☞ The company went bankrupt because it couldn't sell its products.
 ☞ 法院判决那位百万富翁破产。
 ☞ The court adjudicated that millionaire bankrupt.
3.go broke,表示一个钱也没有的破产,因此比go bankrupt破得更彻底。
 ☞ 他的公司彻底破产了。
 ☞ His company has gone broke.
 ☞ 一家公司彻底破产后,接下来会怎么样?
 ☞ What follows after a firm goes broke?
 ☞ 农民由于税重而破产。
 ☞ The peasants are impoverished by heavy taxation.
 ☞ 钱粮送到了破了产的灾民手中。
 ☞ Money and food were sent to the impoverished victims.
5.fall through,指失败。
 ☞ 敌人的阴谋破产了。
 ☞ The enemy's plot has fallen through.
 ☞ 总之一句话,整个计划破产了。
 ☞ In a word, the whole plan fell through.
破坏 破坏
1.destroy,指破坏建筑实体,如城市、农村、房屋、桥 梁等,是带有毁灭性的破坏。
 ☞ 地震破坏了整座城市。
 ☞ The earthquake destroyed the whole city.
 ☞ 游击队破坏铁路、桥梁来瘫痪敌人。
 ☞ The guerrilla forces destroyed railroads and bridges to paralyze the enemy.
 ☞ 破坏要比建设容易得多。
 ☞ It is easier to destroy than to construct.
  ■ 当然,destroy也可用于其他事物或抽象事物的破坏。
 ☞ 维生素C过分受热就会遭到破坏。
 ☞ Vitamin C is destroyed when overheated.
 ☞ 空洞枯燥的教条公式是要破坏创作情绪的。
 ☞ Empty, dry dogmatic formulas do destroy the creative mood.
 ☞ 战争破坏了许多城镇。
 ☞ The war wrecked many towns and cities.
 ☞ 任何这类性质的协定都肯定会破坏中美两国人民的传统友谊。
 ☞ Any agreement of that character would definitely wreck the traditional friendship between the Chinese and American people.
 ☞ 他带领代表团视察了在最近空袭中受到的破坏。
 ☞ He showed the delegation the damage inflicted by the recent air raid.
 ☞ 我市在地震中受到破坏,涉及面很广。
 ☞ Our city was extensively damaged in the earthquake.
 ☞ 空中强风对建筑结构造成的直接破坏可能有多种形式。
 ☞ Direct damage to structures attributable to air blast can take various forms.
 ☞ 游击队的活动破坏了敌人的交通补给及其机动性。
 ☞ The operation of the guerrilla forces disrupted the enemy's communication of supplies and their mobility.
 ☞ 工资问题引起罢工,从而破坏了社会的安定团结。
 ☞ Wage claims had led to strike, thus disrupting stability and unity of the community.
 ☞ 警方相信是有人出资来破坏机器的。
 ☞ The police believed that someone had been paid to sabotage the machinery.
 ☞ 敌特暗中破坏了军工厂。
 ☞ The enemy agents sabotaged the arms factory.
 ☞ 铁路线运送着重要的军用物资,因此成了日本人暗中破坏的主要目标。
 ☞ The railway lines, carrying vital military supplies, were key targets for Japanese sabotage.
6.undermine, 指逐步破坏。
 ☞ 任何一个国家或政府要走向专制,都是从破坏合法权利和法律开始的。
 ☞ Any country or government which wants to proceed towards tyranny always starts with undermining legal rights and the law.
 ☞ 既得利益集团总想破坏改革开放政策。
 ☞ The vested interests always try to undermine the policy of reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 如果一个国家破坏国际协定就不会受到尊重。
 ☞ A country is not to be respected if it violates an international agreement.
 ☞ 一位电影明星由于破坏合同条款而受到制片人的起诉。
 ☞ A movie star violated the terms of her contract and was sued by the producer.
8.break, breach,也指违背、折断等。
 ☞ 他们不可能也不愿意破坏规章制度。
 ☞ They couldn't and wouldn't break the rules and regulations.
 ☞ 是工贼们破坏了这次罢工。
 ☞ It was the scabs who broke the strike.
 ☞ 这个新决议是对我们原先协议的破坏。
 ☞ This new decision presents a breach of our original agreement.
破除 破除
1.do away with,指废除。
 ☞ 是英国政府破除了印度教的一个陋习,禁止寡妇在亡夫的葬礼上自焚。
 ☞ It was the British government that did away with suttee in the Hindu religion, forbidding a widow being burned on the funeral of her deceased husband.
 ☞ 只有发展教育才能彻底破除迷信。
 ☞ Only by developing education can we do away with all fetishes and superstitions thoroughly.
2.break with,指决裂。
 ☞ 村民自觉起来破除旧习俗,建立新风尚。
 ☞ The villagers came forward to break with outmoded customs and establish new ones on their own imitative.
 ☞ 一个没有真正民主的国家难以破除个人迷信。
 ☞ It is difficult to break with personality cult in a country without true democracy.
3.break away from,指摆脱。
 ☞ 我们破除陈规的目的是为了大干快上。
 ☞ Our purpose of breaking away from old convention is to get going and go all out.
 ☞ 如果旧的框框套套不破除,企业就无法完全自主经营。
 ☞ There is no way to give enterprises full authority over management if old forms and formulae are not broken away from.
 ☞ 要充分调动工人的积极性,这种双轨制必须破除。
 ☞ If the full enthusiasm of the workers is to be aroused, this double track system must be removed.
 ☞ 改革经济管理体制与破除生产中的积习有关。
 ☞ Reforming the economic management system has something to do with removing longstanding habits in production.
5.not spare anybody's feelings,指不留情面。
 ☞ 为了破除情面,门上有张告示,上面写道:“送礼免进”。
 ☞ In order not to spare anybody's feelings there is a notice on the door which reads "No admittance to those who send gifts".

 ☞ 看到无路可走,她开始用椅子砸窗子。
 ☞ Seeing that there was no way out she began to smash the window with a chair.
 ☞ 消防队员用斧子把门砸开了。
 ☞ The fireman smashed the door open with an ax.
 ☞ 他每次喝醉酒就开始砸东西。
 ☞ Every time he gets drunk he begins to smash things.
 ☞ 百万西藏农奴砸碎铁锁链,翻身获解放。
 ☞ Millions of serfs in Tibet were emancipated, having smashed their iron shackles.
 ☞ 碗掉到地上砸碎了。
 ☞ The bowl broke into pieces when it fell on the floor.
 ☞ 当心,别把花瓶砸了。
 ☞ Take care not to break the vase.
 ☞ 他们把冰砸开,把水运到工地。
 ☞ They broke the ice and carried water to the building site.
 ☞ 你这是搬起石头砸自己的脚。
 ☞ You're lifting a rock to have your own toes squashed.
 ☞ 你的手提箱从行李架上掉下来,砸到了我的头。
 ☞ Your suitcase squashed my head when it fell from the luggage rack.
 ☞ 这一次她考砸了。
 ☞ This time she failed her examination.
 ☞ 这事办砸了。
 ☞ The job was bungled.
 ☞ 戏演砸了。
 ☞ The performance was a fiasco.
 ☞ 你蒙顾客,就是在砸自己的生意。
 ☞ If you cheat your customers you are ruining your business.
 ☞ 这下子我的饭碗砸了。
 ☞ Now I've lost my job.
 ☞ 要是砸了锅,你会后悔一辈子的。
 ☞ You'll be sorry all your life if something goes wrong.
 ☞ 我哪怕砸锅卖铁,也要送你上大学。
 ☞ I'll send you to college even if I give away all I have.

 ☞ 硬的不行来软的。
 ☞ When hard tactics failed, soft methods were used.
 ☞ 我喜欢硬床。
 ☞ I like hard bed.
 ☞ 穿山甲混身都布满了硬硬的鳞甲。
 ☞ The pangolin is covered with hard scales all over its body.
2.stiff, 指僵硬的硬,与bent相对。
 ☞ 这铁丝很硬,我弯不过来。
 ☞ The wire is very stiff. I cannot bend it.
 ☞ 你把衣领浆得太硬了。
 ☞ You have made my collar too stiff.
 ☞ 把那么硬的肉做得相当的软,你一定烧了好长时间。
 ☞ To make so tough meat tender enough, you must cook it for a long time.
 ☞ 打铁先得本身硬。
 ☞ If you want to work with iron, you must be tough yourself.
4.force oneself,指迫使自己。
 ☞ 有病不要硬撑。
 ☞ Don't force yourself to work when you are ill.
 ☞ 不调查、不研究,提起笔来硬写,你这是不负责任。
 ☞ It is irresponsible for you to pick up the pen and force yourself to write without investigation or study.
5.obstinately, stubbornly,指固执、顽固。
 ☞ 他在会上硬不承认错误。
 ☞ He obstinately refused to admit his error at the meeting.
 ☞ 医生劝他卧床休息,他硬是不听。
 ☞ The doctor advised him to stay in bed, but he just stubbornly refused to listen to.
 ☞ 话不要说得那么硬,要给他们一个转弯的机会。
 ☞ Don't express yourself in such strong terms. Give them some leeway.
 ☞ 这种货色硬,销路好。
 ☞ The goods of high quality sell well.
 ☞ 他们的经验不要生搬硬套。
 ☞ Their experience should not be copied mechanically and applied indiscriminately.
硬是 硬是
 ☞ 那个大衣柜真重,我们硬是怎么都抬不起来。
 ☞ The wardrobe was so heavy that we could not lift it in any way.
 ☞ 这些字写得真潦草,他们硬是认不出来。
 ☞ The words were written so carelessly that they simply could not be recognized.
 ☞ 武松硬是赤手空拳把老虎打死了。
 ☞ Wu Song actually beat the tiger to death with bare fists.
 ☞ 民工们硬是凿通了这座石山,修成了隧道。
 ☞ The peasant laborers literally hewed a tunnel through that rocky mountain.
3.stubbornly, obstinately,指固执、顽固到了某种程度。
 ☞ 我们一定要她跟我们一起去,可她硬是摇头不肯去。
 ☞ We all insisted on her going with us, but she stubbornly shook her head and refused to go.
 ☞ 他硬是否认跟我讲过这件事。
 ☞ He obstinately denied that he had told me about it.
确保 确保
 ☞ 为了确保孩子恢复健康,医生给他用了一支抗生素。
 ☞ To ensure the child's recovery, the doctor gave him an antibiotic.
 ☞ 再有一分就可以确保胜利。
 ☞ One more point will ensure victory.
  ■ ensure与against连用,指“确保…不受伤害”。
 ☞ 疫苗接种可以确保人们不得疾病。
 ☞ Vaccinations ensure one against diseases.
 ☞ 你应当确保你的眼睛不致过度疲劳。
 ☞ You should ensure your eyes against overwork.
 ☞ 是沙袋确保了城镇在洪水期间的安全。
 ☞ It was the sandbags that secured the cities and towns during the flood.
 ☞ 她已采取了措施来确保她的财产。
 ☞ She has taken measures to secure her property.
  ■ 但是,secure与against连用时,则与ensure against同义。
 ☞ 军民巩固了堤坝,挡住了洪水,确保了城市的安全。
 ☞ By strengthening the embankments, the soldiers and civilians secured the city against the floods.
 ☞ 我团顶住了敌人的攻击,确保了阵地。
 ☞ Our regiment secured the position against the enemy's attack.
 ☞ 这一条约确保了瑞士的中立。
 ☞ The treaty has guaranteed the neutralization of Switzerland.
 ☞ 如果不能确保质量,你可以退货。
 ☞ You can return the merchandise for a refund if the quality is not guaranteed.
4.be sure, make sure, make certain,均指一定做到,有把握做到等的确保。
 ☞ 要确保适时播种。
 ☞ Be sure to do the sowing in good time.
 ☞ 警方要求确保有人监视这幢房子。
 ☞ The police wanted to be sure that the house was watched.
 ☞ 要确保学生都能理解这篇课文。
 ☞ Make sure the students understand the text.
 ☞ 我们要确保她能来。
 ☞ We must make sure (certain) that she can come.
 ☞ 为了确保这封信能及时送达,他还寄了挂号。
 ☞ In order to make certain (sure) that the letter be delivered in time, he registered it.
确切(确实) 确切(确实)
  ■ “确切”和“确实”是一对同义词,前者着重指没有一点差错或出入,后者则指实实在在,一点也不虚假。
 ☞ 地震发生的确切时间是凌晨2点过3分30秒。
 ☞ The exact time when the earthquake happened was 3 minutes and 30 seconds past 2.
 ☞ 水库工程开工时我们会马上通知你的,不过现在还没有确切的日期。
 ☞ We'll shortly let you know when the construction of the reservoir starts, but we still have no exact date.
 ☞ 她写这封信的确切原因我们无法说。
 ☞ We cannot tell the exact reason why she wrote this letter.
 ☞ 他在办公桌旁坐下来,计算确切的数字。
 ☞ He settled down at the desk to work out the exact figures.
 ☞ 我们需要的是确切的证据。
 ☞ What we want is definite proof.
 ☞ 她为什么这么干,没有确实的理由。
 ☞ There was no definite reason why she should do so.
 ☞ 生产确实有了增长。
 ☞ A definite increase in production has occurred.
 ☞ 他能说出每颗子弹弹着点的确切位置。
 ☞ He is able to tell the precise spot where each bullet must strike.
 ☞ 现在大概4点钟,确切一点是4点差10分。
 ☞ The time is about four o'clock, or, to be precise, it is ten minutes to four.
 ☞ 我的工作就是要确实地控制电压。
 ☞ Precise control of voltages is my job.
 ☞ 我希望你能给我一个确切的保证。
 ☞ I hope you can give me a sure guarantee.
 ☞ 她有确切的理由相信他告诉她的一切。
 ☞ She has sure reasons for believing what he told her.
 ☞ 各大国向着世界和平迈出了确实的一步。
 ☞ The powers made a sure step towards the world peace.
 ☞ 他给了我一个确切的解释。
 ☞ He gave me a clear and unambiguous explanation.
 ☞ 这条情报确切吗?
 ☞ Is this information reliable?
 ☞ 他们对其重要性并无确切的概念。
 ☞ They don't have a true idea of its importance.
 ☞ 把发生的事情说得确确实实的。
 ☞ Give an accurate and detailed account of what has happened.
 ☞ 这确实是个很好的建议。
 ☞ This is really a very good suggestion.
 ☞ 对,他确实来过。
 ☞ Yes, he did come.
  "Did you hear the explosion?" "Indeed I did."
 ☞ 这个消息是确实的。
 ☞ The news is reliable。
确定 确定
 ☞ 宪法确定了总统的权限。
 ☞ The constitution defines the powers of the president.
 ☞ 开会前先要确定会议的宗旨。
 ☞ We have to define the aims of the conference before we have it.
 ☞ 国与国之间的边界是由条约确定下来的。
 ☞ The boundaries between the nations are defined by treaty.
 ☞ 这两个行政区的管辖权确定了吗?
 ☞ Has the jurisdiction between the two administrative areas been defined?
 ☞ 咱们来确定个日子,星期六晚上你认为合适吗?
 ☞ Let's fix a day. Would Saturday evening suit you?
 ☞ 他们已经确定了婚礼的日期。
 ☞ They've fixed the date for the wedding.
 ☞ 如果你同意,我们来确定一下入场费。
 ☞ We will fix the admission fee, if you agree.
 ☞ 白鹤做窠的确切地点从来就没确定过。
 ☞ The exact spot where the white cranes nest has never been fixed.
 ☞ 那是她必须永远确定下来的一点。
 ☞ That is a point which she has to have decided forever.
 ☞ 我们现在什么都还不能确定下来。
 ☞ We can't decide anything yet now.
 ☞ 婚姻是人生大事,得由你自己确定。
 ☞ Marriage, a major event in life, should be decided by yourself。
  ■ decide用做不及物动词时,常与on搭配,强调经过充分考虑后的确定。
 ☞ 作战方案确定之后,行动就开始了。
 ☞ The action began after the battle plan was decided on.
 ☞ 选举委员会已确定了候选人名单。
 ☞ The electoral committee has decided on the list of candidates.
 ☞ 立法机构可以决定国家宪法的修改,并可指定委员会来确定做出什么样的修改。
 ☞ A legislature decides that the state constitution should be revised and appoints a committee to determine what changes should be made.
 ☞ 你可以决定设宴招待客人,但你还得确定邀请什么样的客人。
 ☞ You decide to give a dinner party for guests but you have to determine what guests to be invited.
 ☞ 咱们来确定一下会议的时间。
 ☞ Let's set the time of the meeting.
 ☞ 婚礼的日期已确定在3月的第一个星期日。
 ☞ The date for the wedding was set for the first Sunday in March.
 ☞ 工会确定工资的2%为会费。
 ☞ The trade union set two percent of the wages as the membership fee.
 ☞ 我们确定了一个雄心勃勃的目标作为前进的方向。
 ☞ We set an ambitious goal as our way forward.
 ☞ 我们不打算确定什么规章制度。
 ☞ We have no intention to set rules and regulations on anything.
 ☞ 地质学家通过综合考察和分析确定了地层的年代。
 ☞ The geologists ascertained the ages of the strata through comprehensive survey and analysis.
 ☞ 已由试验钻孔确定,石油埋藏在地表以下2,200 米处。
 ☞ It has been ascertained by test borings that oil extends for 2,200 m below the surface.
 ☞ 有一个重要情况可以帮助我们确定罪犯,那就是他脸上有个黑色胎记。
 ☞ There is an important circumstance that can help us identify the criminal, that is, he has a black birthmark on his face.
 ☞ 根据表背面的划痕,我可以确定这块表是被害人的。
 ☞ I can identify that watch as the victim's by the scratches on the back.
 ☞ 领海宽度应按国际标准确定。
 ☞ The extent of territorial waters should be delimited according to the international standard.
 ☞ 成了一个专门委员会来确定有争议地区的边界。
 ☞ A special commission was set up to delimit the frontier through the disputed region.
 ☞ 这是个确定的结论。
 ☞ This is an incontestable conclusion.
 ☞ 他们已经确定了关系。
 ☞ They've agreed to marry.
 ☞ 我希望能得到你确定的答复。
 ☞ We hope to have your definite reply.
确认 确认
 ☞ 本宪法以法律的形式确认了中国各族人民奋斗的成果。
 ☞ This Constitution affirms in legal form the achievements of the Chinese people of all nationalities.
 ☞ 参加会议的国家都确认了和平共处五项原则。
 ☞ The participating countries affirmed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
 ☞ 证人确认了这些事实。
 ☞ The witness affirmed these facts.
 ☞ 政府发言人确认了声明的真实性。
 ☞ The government spokesman affirmed the truth of the statement.
 ☞ 这一经济合同确认无效。
 ☞ The economic contract was confirmed to be void.
 ☞ 旅馆确认了我们曾用电报预订过房间。
 ☞ The hotel confirmed our reservation by telegram.
 ☞ 她的怀疑得到了确认。
 ☞ Her suspicions were confirmed.
 ☞ 参谋长确认战争的进程没有预期的顺利,不过他同时也确认战略改变以后会增加胜利的前景。
 ☞ The chief of staff acknowledged that the war had not been going as well as expected, but he also affirmed that a shift in strategy would enhance the prospects of victory.
 ☞ 谈话内容没有录音,要他确认根本不可能。
 ☞ It is impossible a call for him to acknowledge the substance of their conversation which has not been recorded.
 ☞ 她确认那家伙就是攻击她的人。
 ☞ She identified the fellow as her attacker.
 ☞ 你能从上百把伞里确认你的那一把吗?
 ☞ Can you identity your umbrella among a hundred others.
碍事 碍事
 ☞ 这碍事吗?这里的大多数观察家认为不碍事。
 ☞ Does it matter? Most observers here would say it does not.
 ☞ 但也碍事,因为这会给人一种错觉。
 ☞ But it matters, because it will give people a false impression.
2.从直觉的角度来译,可用in the way。
 ☞ 这桌子靠近门口,太碍事。
 ☞ The table is too close to the door, it gets in the way.
 ☞ 我碍事吗?
 ☞ Am I in the way?
3.表示“歉意”答语,可译为:That's all right。
  "Sorry to have given you so much trouble." "That's all right."

 ☞ 他的头一碰枕头就能睡着。
 ☞ He falls asleep the moment his head touches the pillow.
 ☞ 不要碰精密仪器。
 ☞ Don't touch the precision instrument.
 ☞ 这东西一碰就碎。
 ☞ It will break at a touch.
2.knock over,指碰翻。
 ☞ 谁把墨水瓶碰翻了?
 ☞ Who knocked the inkbottle over?
 ☞ 我碰翻了椅子。
 ☞ I knocked the chair over.
 ☞ 房间里黑漆漆的,我的头碰到门上了。
 ☞ The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.
 ☞ 孩子不小心把膝盖碰到了墙上。
 ☞ The child accidentally bumped his knee on the wall.
 ☞ 警察在工作时都可能碰上危险。
 ☞ A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.
 ☞ 她是我碰到过的最出色的姑娘。
 ☞ She was the most remarkable girl I've ever met.
 ☞ 他碰了个钉子。
 ☞ He met with a rebuff.
5.run into,除指偶然遇上外,还有碰壁的意思,bump into也指偶然遇上。
 ☞ 今天早上我在街上碰见一位老同学。
 ☞ I ran into an old classmate this morning in the street.
 ☞ 开起会来,说不准你会碰上谁。
 ☞ You never know whom you'll run into at a meeting.
 ☞ 他到处碰壁。
 ☞ He ran into snags and was foiled everywhere.
 ☞ 凭主观办事一定碰壁。
 ☞ If you do things subjectively, you'll just run into a stone wall.
 ☞ 我在回家的路上碰见了王老师。
 ☞ I bumped into Mr. Wang on my way home.
6.run up against,除了指偶然碰见外,还可指突然遭遇或碰撞。
 ☞ 昨天我偶然碰见了一位老朋友。
 ☞ I ran up against an old friend yesterday.
 ☞ 我们碰到了经济上的困难。
 ☞ We ran up against financial difficulties.
 ☞ 黑暗中他碰到了一个碗柜。
 ☞ In the dark he ran up against a cupboard.
 ☞ 我碰的钉子,吃的苦头,比你多得多。
 ☞ I've run up against many more obstacles and suffered a lot more than you.
 ☞ 我没碰见他。
 ☞ I didn't see him.
 ☞ 咱们碰碰运气,买下这些货物吧。
 ☞ Let's take the chance and buy these goods.
 ☞ 如果我是你,我就不会去碰这个壁。
 ☞ lf I were you, I wouldn't run my head against a brick wall.
 ☞ 他去求婚,却碰了个软钉子。
 ☞ He went to make an offer of marriage, but was mildly rebuffed.
 ☞ 她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边又咽了回去。
 ☞ She was afraid of being snubbed, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.
 ☞ 改山造田是硬碰硬的事。
 ☞ To transform hills into fields is an extremely tough job.
 ☞ 做律师要敢于碰硬。
 ☞ Being a lawyer, one must be bold enough to challenge any powerful opponent.
碰巧 碰巧
 ☞ 我碰巧也在那儿。
 ☞ I happened to be there too,或It just so happened that I was there too.
 ☞ 他碰巧身上没带钱。
 ☞ He happened to have no money with him.或It so happened that he had no money with him.
  ■ 此外,it so happened也可用as it happens替代,但句中的it很难说指代什么,只能看成是主句中陈述的事情,同时该短语不表示时态概念。
 ☞ 昨天我碰巧见到他了。
 ☞ It so happened that I saw him yesterday.或I saw him yesterday, as it happens.
 ☞ 我碰巧把书放在家里了。
 ☞ It so happened that I had left the book at home.或As it happens, I have left the book at home.
 ☞ 在上海碰到你,真是碰巧了!
 ☞ What a coincidence to meet you in Shanghai!
 ☞ 她的名字跟我的一样,真是碰巧了。
 ☞ It is really a coincidence that she has the same name as mine.
 ☞ 我和她碰巧同时到达。
 ☞ She and I both arrived砒the same time by coincidence.
3.by chance, by accident,指偶然,可以换用。
 ☞ 我是碰巧遇见他的。
 ☞ I met him by chance.
 ☞ 这东西我是碰巧买到手的。
 ☞ I bought it by chance.
 ☞ 这秘密她是碰巧发现的。
 ☞ She found the secret by accident 我们是碰巧遇见的。
 ☞ We met by accident.

 ☞ 他在磨刀石上磨剃刀。
 ☞ He is sharpening his razor on the strop.
 ☞ 小弟闻姐来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。
 ☞ When her little brother heard that his sister had come, he sharpened his knife and darted like a flash towards the pigs and sheep.
 ☞ 他在磨刀石上磨剪子。
 ☞ He is grinding (sharpening)a pair of scissors on the strop.
  ■ 指磨细、磨碎、打磨、研磨、磨垮等解时则不能换用。
 ☞ 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。
 ☞ Constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle (磨细)
 ☞ 麦子大都要磨成面粉。
 ☞ Most of wheat will be ground into flour.(磨碎)
 ☞ 有些孩子睡着时会磨牙。
 ☞ Some children grind their teeth in their sleep.
 ☞ 用手推磨真是个累活。
 ☞ It is a tiring work to grind a hand-mill.(推磨)
 ☞ 他是被病磨的。
 ☞ He was ground down by illness.(折磨)
 ☞ 大理石地板要磨过以后才能铺。
 ☞ Marble floor is laid down only after being polished.
 ☞ 磨玉石是件累人的工作。
 ☞ Polishing jade is a tiresome job.
4.rub, 指磨擦。
 ☞ 我的鞋子磨脚。
 ☞ My shoe is rubbing against my tiptoes.
 ☞ 他的手上磨起了血泡。
 ☞ Blisters were rubbed on his hands. 或His hands were blistered from the rubbing.
 ☞ 磨墨是书法家的准备工作。
 ☞ It is preparatory work for a calligrapher to rub an ink stick against an ink stone.
 ☞ 地毯有几处磨坏了。
 ☞ The carpet has worn in several places.
 ☞ 你的后车轮磨损得太厉害,该换新的了。
 ☞ Your back tires are worn too much. You should fit new ones.
 ☞ 袜子磨通了。
 ☞ The socks are worn into holes.
 ☞ 鞋跟磨平了。
 ☞ The heels of the shoes are worn down.
 ☞ 碑文已被磨掉了。
 ☞ The inscription has worn away.
 ☞ 这件羊毛衫的肘部已经磨薄了。
 ☞ This sweater has worn thin at the elbows.
 ☞ 裤子的膝盖部分已完全磨穿了。
 ☞ The knees of these trousers have been completely worn through.
 ☞ 这鞋子耐磨。
 ☞ These shoes wear well.
 ☞ 他被这场病磨得不成样子啦!
 ☞ The illness has worn him down to a mere shadow of his former self!
 ☞ 这孩子真是磨人!
 ☞ What a little torment the child is!
 ☞ 这病真磨人!
 ☞ What a torment the illness is!
7.keep on at,指一而再再而三的软磨。
 ☞ 我跟爸磨了半天他才答应明天带我去动物园。
 ☞ I kept on at my father for a long time until he promised to take me to the zoo tomorrow.
 ☞ 要是他不同意,你就跟他磨。
 ☞ If he doesn't agree, just keep on at him.
8.beg sb. without stop,指不停地恳求。
 ☞ 每逢星期天,我们总要磨着妈妈带我们出去玩。
 ☞ On Sundays we always beg our mother without stop to be taken out.
 ☞ 他磨着他爸给他买玩具枪。
 ☞ He begged his father without stop to buy a toy gun for him.
 ☞ 小姑娘磨着她妈要一条新裙子。
 ☞ The little girl pestered her mother for a new skirt.
 ☞ 那记者一直磨着要我接受采访。
 ☞ The reporter kept pestering me for an interview.
 ☞ 你这么磨,工作到底什么时候完得了?
 ☞ If you go on dawdling like this, when will you ever finish your work?
 ☞ 快走吧,别磨时间了。
 ☞ Stop dawdling and get going.
11.waste time,指浪费时间。
 ☞ 我们没时间再磨。
 ☞ We have no time to waste any more.
 ☞ 我没功夫跟他磨嘴皮子。
 ☞ I can't afford to waste time arguing with him.
 ☞ 我劝他,嘴皮子都快磨破了。
 ☞ I talked till my jaw ached, trying to bring him around.
 ☞ 我跟他磨了半天嘴皮子,也没能把他说服。
 ☞ I failed to bring him around though I talked myself hoarse.
 ☞ 解决这事,这可是要磨嘴皮子的。
 ☞ It'll take a hell of a lot of talking to settle this.
 ☞ 成天磨嘴皮子不干活,还能建设好社会主义?
 ☞ How can you build socialism if you just blah-blah and don't do a stroke of work?
磨擦 磨擦
1.rub together,常用语,指两个物体相互运动时产生的磨擦。
 ☞ 人在不知所措时会情不自禁地磨擦手掌。
 ☞ One cannot help rubbing one's hands together when one is at a loss.
 ☞ 她裤脚内侧磨损得厉害,可能是她走路时互相磨擦所致。
 ☞ The inner sides of her trouser legs were badly worn, they must have been rubbing together as she walked.
2.rub against (on),指一个物体依托另一物体运动时产生的磨擦。
 ☞ 轴在轴承面上磨擦。
 ☞ The journal rubs against the bearing surface.
 ☞ 汽车行驶时轮胎是要磨擦地面的。
 ☞ Tires rub on (against) the ground when a car goes.
 ☞ 磨擦生热。
 ☞ Friction generates heat.
 ☞ 机器要加油以减少磨擦。
 ☞ Oil is put in machinery to reduce friction.
  ■ 但是,friction也可用于日常生活中产生的磨擦。
 ☞ 人与人如果互相搞不好关系,就会有磨擦。
 ☞ If people do not get on well together there is friction between them.
 ☞ 你爱整洁,我不修边幅,要是同住一个房间那一定会产生磨擦。
 ☞ You're neat and I'm careless; if we have to share a room there'll certainly be friction.
 ☞ 我知道今天早晨夫妻俩有过小磨擦。
 ☞ I knew the couple had a little brush this morning.
 ☞ 你听说的事情是真的,他的确与地方当局有点磨擦。
 ☞ What you've heard of is true, he had a brush with the local authorities indeed.
 ☞ 我们应尽量避免与邻国发生边界上的磨擦。
 ☞ We should try every possible way to avoid border clashes with the neighboring countries.
 ☞ 我们在意见上经常有磨擦。
 ☞ There's always clash of opinions between us.
禁止 禁止
 ☞ 该校禁止学生外出,周末例外。
 ☞ The school forbids its pupils to go out except on weekends.
 ☞ 当时,任何外国人都被禁止进入该区。
 ☞ Entrance to the area was then forbidden to all foreigners.
 ☞ 他禁止在办公时间抽烟。
 ☞ He forbids smoking during office hours.
 ☞ 美国宪法禁止对出口商品征税。
 ☞ The U.S. Constitution prohibits the taxing of exports.
 ☞ 有规定禁止卡车在送货归途中运载货物。
 ☞ There is a rule prohibiting any truck from carrying goods on its return haul.
 ☞ 中国政府一贯主张全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器。
 ☞ The Chinese Government has consistently stood for complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.
 ☞ 我国禁止色情文学。
 ☞ China bans Pornographic literature.
 ☞ 这种淫秽的杂志必须禁止。
 ☞ Such obscene magazines must be banned.
 ☞ 我们禁止说脏话。
 ☞ We ban profane language.
1) 与名词搭配。
 ☞ 禁止人内。
 ☞ No admittance.
 ☞ 此地禁止倒垃圾。
 ☞ No garbage here.
2) 与动名词搭配。
 ☞ 禁止超车。
 ☞ No overtaking.
 ☞ 禁止吸烟。
 ☞ No smoking.
3) 与动词搭配。
 ☞ 禁止招贴。
 ☞ Post no bills.
离开 离开
 ☞ 我要离开中国了。
 ☞ I'm leaving China.
 ☞ 我必须跟他一起离开几天。
 ☞ I must leave with him for a few days.
 ☞ 孩子淘气得要命,大人一会儿都离不开。
 ☞ The child is too naughty to be left even for a little while.
2.away from,off,强调离开后的状态。
 ☞ 他到60岁才离开老家的村子。
 ☞ He had never been away from his native village until he was sixty.
 ☞ 她离开家乡已经3年了。
 ☞ She's been away from her home town for three years.
 ☞ 他们向离开大路的一座高楼走去。
 ☞ They went to a tall building off the main road.
 ☞ 目击者在离开作案现场200米处,看见过一个男子。
 ☞ The witness saw a man two hundred meters off the scene of the crime.
 ☞ 你能不能让我离开一下?
 ☞ Won't you excuse me for a while?
 ☞ 我问老师我能否离开一会儿。
 ☞ I asked the teacher if I could be excused for a few minutes.
4.no... apart from, no... without,用双重否定强调离开不了。
 ☞ 离开实践就没有知识。
 ☞ There can be no knowledge apart from practice.
 ☞ 离开现代民主,人道主义就没有意义。
 ☞ Humanism has no meaning apart from modem democracy.
 ☞ 离开革命的理论就没有革命的运动。
 ☞ Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.
 ☞ 孩子离开母亲不行。
 ☞ Children cannot do without their mothers.
 ☞ 我手头的工作多,离不开。
 ☞ I'm too busy with the job on hand.
 ☞ 他病得很重,离不开人。
 ☞ He is very ill, and needs someone to watch over him all the time.
 ☞ 对不起,我离开一会儿。
 ☞ Excuse me for a minute.
 ☞ 接着,他离开讲稿讲了起来。
 ☞ After that he began to talk, deviating from the lecture notes.

 ☞ 我们每年都要种树。
 ☞ We plant trees every year.
 ☞ 花农在他们的田地里种了大量的鲜花。
 ☞ The flower growers have planted flowers in great abundance in their acre of land.
2.grow, 也指种植,但强调的是生长发育。
 ☞ 我们过去都种包谷,现在有了水利设施,也开始种水稻了。
 ☞ We used to grow corn, but now we begin to grow rice with irrigation works.
 ☞ 种庄稼是庄稼汉的本分。
 ☞ It is peasants' duty to grow crops.
 ☞ 县委书记下乡种了块实验田。
 ☞ The Party secretary of the county went to the countryside to cultivate an experimental plot.
 ☞ 小米一般都种在黄河中下游地区。
 ☞ Millet usually is cultivated in the middle or lower reaches of the Yellow River.
 ☞ 种玉米的那5亩地都是高产田。
 ☞ The rive mu of land sown to maize is high-yield field.
 ☞ 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
 ☞ Plant melons and you get melons, sow beans and you get beans.
 ☞ 这里过去的旱地大都只种一季,现在全部种两季。
 ☞ Most non-irrigated land here used to yield only one crop a year, but now they all yield two crops.
 ☞ 海南岛的稻田一年种三季水稻。
 ☞ The fields in Hainan Island yield rice crops three times a year.
 ☞ 这孩子种牛痘了吗?
 ☞ Has the baby been vaccinated?
 ☞ 孩子们已经种了天花疫苗。
 ☞ The children were all vaccinated against smallpox.

 ☞ 放假期间,我们租了条小船去钓鱼了。
 ☞ During the holidays we hired a boat and went fishing.
 ☞ 考古队租了骆驼,骑着深入沙漠的腹地。
 ☞ The archaeological team hired camels and rode into the hinterland of the desert.
2.rent, 指长期按时付租金的租用。
 ☞ 我们在大学附近租了一幢房子。
 ☞ We have rented a house near the university.
 ☞ 他知道她手头不宽裕,就说他愿意租她的一间房。
 ☞ He knew she was not well off and said that he would like to rent one of her rooms.
  ■ 此外,rent还有出租的意思。
 ☞ 我把这小屋租给你,每月500元。
 ☞ I'll rent the cabin to you for five hundred yuan a month.
 ☞ 村上把这片土地租给我们,每年24,000元。
 ☞ The village rented this land to us at 24 thousand yuan a year.
 ☞ 我是向村里租的这个农场。
 ☞ I leased the farm from the village.
 ☞ 铝业公司租的这块土地已经证实含有数百万吨铝土矿。
 ☞ The land that the aluminum company leased proved to contain millions of tons of bauxite.
  ■ 同样,lease也可用于出租。
 ☞ 我明年出国时,要把房子租给一位朋友。
 ☞ I am going to lease my house to one of my friends while I am abroad next year.
 ☞ 我们学校租了3辆大客车准备春游。
 ☞ Our school chartered three buses for the spring trip.
 ☞ 公司租了飞机把伤员送回国内治疗。
 ☞ The company chartered a plane to take the wounded home for treatment.
 ☞ 我们希望能把这块地租给农户。
 ☞ We're hoping to let this field to a farmer.
 ☞ 这房间要租给一位学生。
 ☞ This room is to be let to a student.
  ■ 但出租车马要用let out。
 ☞ 他出租汽车。
 ☞ He let out his cars on hire.
 ☞ 旅游点的马匹论天出租。
 ☞ Horses are let out by day at tourist spots.
积极 积极
1.active, 指passive相对的积极。
 ☞ 大家都应积极,不要消极。
 ☞ Everybody should be active instead of being passive.
 ☞ 大家都在积极搞科研。
 ☞ Everyone is engaging in the scientific research in an active manner.
 ☞ 各界人士都在积极支援水灾地区。
 ☞ People from all walks of life offered active help to the flooded areas.
 ☞ 积极防御又叫攻势防御,又叫决战防御。
 ☞ Active defense is known as offensive defense, or defense through decisive engagements.
 ☞ 不要光消极批评,要给予一定的积极帮助。
 ☞ Don't just make a negative criticism, give some positive help.
 ☞ 每个教师都应在管好学校中起到积极作用。
 ☞ Every teacher must play a positive role in the good running of a school.
 ☞ 我们应当对后进学生采取积极态度。
 ☞ We should adopt a positive attitude towards less-advanced students.
 ☞ 只有调动一切积极因素,我们才能做好这项工作。
 ☞ We can do the work well only by mobilizing all positive factors.
 ☞ 他对我们的新计划很积极。
 ☞ He was enthusiastic about our new plan.
 ☞ 在那样的天气游泳孩子们并不积极。
 ☞ The children are not enthusiastic about swimming in such weather.
 ☞ 他们是孙中山先生的积极支持者。
 ☞ They were enthusiastic supporters of Dr. Sun Yatsen.
 ☞ 全班的反映是积极的。
 ☞ The response of the whole class was enthusiastic.
 ☞ 他采取积极步骤来完成计划。
 ☞ He took energetic steps to fulfill his plan.
 ☞ 他越干越积极。
 ☞ The more he worked, the more energetic he became.
 ☞ 所有会员的积极努力将保证我们计划的成功。
 ☞ All energetic efforts on the part of all members will ensure the success of our plan.
 ☞ 为防止犯罪,已采取了积极的措施。
 ☞ Vigorous measures have been adopted against crime.
 ☞ 家长们做各种积极的尝试来防止孩子被人带坏。
 ☞ Parents have made vigorous attempts to stop their children from being misled.
 ☞ 解放后政府积极推进人民的医疗保健事业。
 ☞ After liberation the government has taken vigorous action to expand the people's medical and health service.
6.be keen on,指热衷性的积极。
 ☞ 他锻炼身体一向积极。
 ☞ He has always been keen on doing physical exercise.
 ☞ 我班大部分同学对打乒乓球都很积极。
 ☞ Most of the students of our class are very keen on playing table tennis.
 ☞ 他出国并不积极,但他妻子把他说动了。
 ☞ He wasn't keen on going abroad, but his wife talked him into it.
移交 移交
1.hand over,指亲手移交。
 ☞ 等我老了,我就把我的事业移交给我儿子。
 ☞ When I get old I'll hand over my business to my son.
 ☞ 他被移交给了军事法庭审判。
 ☞ He was handed over to the military tribunal for trial.
2.turn over,指由一方移交到另一方。
 ☞ 我们腾出公寓房时该把钥匙移交给谁?
 ☞ To whom should we turn over the keys when we vacate the apartment?
 ☞ 选举以后,朱镕基把总理职务移交给了温家宝。
 ☞ After the election, Zhu Rongji turned over the premiership to Wen Jiabao.
3.transfer, 法律用语,指通过法律形式移交。
 ☞ 他立下遗嘱,将房屋所有权移交给妻子。
 ☞ He drew up a will in which he transferred the ownership of the house to his wife.
 ☞ 中央政府把初等教育移交给了地方政府。
 ☞ The central government has transferred primary education to the local governments.
 ☞ 我们把争议移交到了仲裁法庭。
 ☞ We referred the dispute to the court of arbitration.
 ☞ 我建议把他的问题移交到政协以便在双周座谈会上讨论。
 ☞ I suggest that his problem be referred to the National Committee of the Political Consultative Conference for discussion at its bi-weekly forum.
5.deliver, 指送过去移交。
 ☞ 即将退休的监狱长把监狱的钥匙移交给他的后任。
 ☞ The retiring warden delivered over the keys of the prison to his successor.
 ☞ 居民们把一个小流氓移交给了当地的派出所。
 ☞ The residents delivered a hooligan to the local police station.
移动 移动
 ☞ 我们决定把桌子由房间的一角移动到中间。
 ☞ We decided to move the table from a corner to the center of the room.
 ☞ 那个要犯被捆得紧紧的,连手脚都无法移动。
 ☞ The major criminal was tied so tightly that he couldn't move his hand and foot.
 ☞ 根据气象报告,冷气团正在向南移动。
 ☞ According to the weather forecast the cold air mass is moving southward.
 ☞ 刑警发现案发现场的书架已在夜间被人移动过了。
 ☞ The criminal police found the bookcase at the scene of crime removed by someone at night.
 ☞ 测量人员发现地震后大楼向东移动了3毫米。
 ☞ Surveyors found that the building had removed 3 mm eastward after the earthquake.
 ☞ 请把装载的货物捆好,免得在高速行驶时移动。
 ☞ Please fasten the load down to keep it from shifting at high speed.
 ☞ 把靶子向左移动两米。
 ☞ Shift the target two meters to the left.
  ■ 口语中,shift可以代替move。
 ☞ 请帮我移动一下这个大衣柜好吗?
 ☞ Will you please help me to shift the wardrobe?
稀罕 稀罕
1.rare, rarity,指稀少。
 ☞ 我的有些昆虫标本真的极为稀罕。
 ☞ Some insect specimens of mine are very rare, indeed.
 ☞ 她竟会访问贫民窟,这事真稀罕。
 ☞ It was rare indeed that she should have visited slums.
 ☞ 孩子们围成一个圈,看稀罕。
 ☞ The children gathered around in a circle to enjoy a rare sight.
 ☞ 广州下大雪可是个稀罕事。
 ☞ Heavy snow in Guangzhou is certainly a rarity.
 ☞ 这可是个稀罕物件,我得看一看。
 ☞ It must be a rarity and I have to have a look at it.
2.care, 指在乎。常用于否定句或不要求回答的修辞性问句。
 ☞ 无论你提供什么样的机会,我都不稀罕。
 ☞ I don't care whatever chances you offer.
 ☞ 谁稀罕你的臭钱?
 ☞ Who cares about your lousy money?
 ☞ 你真不听话!谁稀罕你这样的孩子?
 ☞ How disobedient you are! Who cherishes a boy like you?
 ☞ 你不稀罕,我还稀罕呢。
 ☞ You may not cherish it, but I do.
程度 程度
 ☞ 学生做实验时表现出来的熟练程度各不相同。
 ☞ The students show various degrees of skill in doing the experiment.
 ☞ 在工农业生产上都已建立了不同程度的合作。
 ☞ Different degrees of cooperation have been established in the production of industry and agriculture.
 ☞ 她的智力程度高。
 ☞ She has a high degree of intelligence.
 ☞ 对这一计划的反映,其热情程度各不相同。
 ☞ The plan was received with varying degrees of enthusiasm.
2.但是,表示达到某种程度或处于某种程度时,可用to… degree, to… extent.
 ☞ 他愿意合作到什么程度?
 ☞ To what degree will he cooperate?
 ☞ 大多数作家在不同程度上都倾向第二种观点。
 ☞ Most writers, to a greater or lesser degree, incline to the second view。
 ☞ 这两种研究的性质在一定程度上是相似的。
 ☞ The two kinds of research work are to a certain degree similar in nature.
 ☞ 政府不能对天灾负责,但在一定程度上却能加以防范。
 ☞ The government is not responsible for any natural calamities. However, it can prevent them to a certain extent.
 ☞ 你愿帮我到什么程度?
 ☞ To what extent are you willing to help me?
 ☞ 他们在不同国家都受到不同程度的歧视。
 ☞ They are discriminated against to a greater or lesser extent in various countries.
 ☞ 这个班的程度高。
 ☞ The level of the class is high.
 ☞ 人的文化程度不同,看问题的观点也不同。
 ☞ People with different levels of education look at problems from different points of view.
4.表示发展到某种程度,可译go so far as to do。
 ☞ 他们有时候竟要闹到颠倒是非的程度。
 ☞ At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong.
 ☞ 事实上,有些人发展到了那么一种程度,竟说“我从来不管什么技巧,我还不是照样翻译”。
 ☞ In fact some people have gone so far as to say "I've never cared about techniques, yet I can do translation all the same."

 ☞ 把桌子放稳了。
 ☞ Make the table steady.
 ☞ 把油灯拿稳了。
 ☞ Hold the oil lamp steady.
 ☞ 我们打仗要稳扎稳打。
 ☞ We must go ahead steadily and strike sure blow in war.
 ☞ 你爬这梯子没事,蛮稳的。
 ☞ You may safely climb the ladder; it's quite stable.
 ☞ 椅子稳不稳?
 ☞ The chair is stable, isn't it?
3.shaky, 指摇晃、起伏而不稳。
 ☞ 梯子不稳,赶快下来。
 ☞ The ladder is shaky. Get down off it.
 ☞ 当心不要被套住,现在国际金融市场不稳。
 ☞ Be careful not to be stuck. The international monetary market is shaky now.
4.certain, sure, 均指确定无疑,两者可以换用。
 ☞ 他是我们班的尖子,所有的考试他都稳拿第一。
 ☞ He is the top student in our class and certain (sure) to win first place in all examinations.
 ☞ 他是象棋高手,每次比赛他都稳操胜券。
 ☞ He was a chess master and certain (sure) of success in games.
  ■ 作“稳”解时,certain很少用作定语。但sure可以。
 ☞ 他迈出稳稳的一步,跨出了淤泥。
 ☞ He made a sure step out of the mud.
5.sit tight,指牢牢地坐稳。
 ☞ 坐稳了,车子要开了。
 ☞ Sit tight. The bus is to start.
 ☞ 我们是任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船,也就是顶住压力坚守阵地。
 ☞ We sit tight in the fishing boat despite the rising wind and waves, that is, hold our ground despite the pressure.
稳定 稳定
1.stable, stability, stabilize,侧重于基础稳定。
 ☞ 物价稳定,工资上涨,人们的生活水平自然就提高了。
 ☞ People's living standard improves naturally when prices remain stable and wages rise.
 ☞ 只有在稳定的政府领导下,才能发展稳定的经济。
 ☞ Only under the leadership of a stable government can we develop stable economy.
 ☞ 中华人民共和国成立不久之后就达到了政治和经济的稳定。
 ☞ The People's Republic of China attained political and economic stability soon after its foundation.
 ☞ 病人的情况开始稳定。
 ☞ The patient's condition began to stabilize.
 ☞ 这桌子有点摇晃,垫些纸使它稳定。
 ☞ The table is a bit shaky. Put a wedge of paper under it to stabilize it.
 ☞ 政府已采取预防措施来稳定物价。
 ☞ The government has taken preventive measures to stabilize commodity prices.
 ☞ 他会交朋友,并从他们那里取得了稳定的收入。
 ☞ He made friends easily and made a steady income from them.
 ☞ 厂内应保持稳定的温度。
 ☞ The factory should be kept at a steady temperature.
 ☞ 他的脉搏慢慢变得稳定了。
 ☞ His pulse gradually steadied.
 ☞ 去年的就业、工资和生产指数都是稳定的。
 ☞ Indices of employment, payrolls and production steadied last year.
 ☞ 由于他没有职业来稳定自己,他很快就走上了犯罪道路。
 ☞ As he had no profession to steady himself, he traveled rapidly down the criminal path.
 ☞ 不稳定的国际金融市场导致了他的破产。
 ☞ The shaky international monetary market led him into bankruptcy.
 ☞ 他们的失败在于不稳定的联盟。
 ☞ Their failure lay in the shaky alliance.
4.settle down,侧重于安定下来过日子。
 ☞ 他过去老是跳槽,直到结婚后才稳定下来。
 ☞ He used to keep throwing up one job and taking on another and did not settle down until he got married.
5.be set ease,侧重于安心下来。
 ☞ 她听说丈夫已获救,情绪才稳定下来。
 ☞ She was set ease by learning that her husband had been saved.
究竟 究竟
1.用于加强语气,有“到底”的意思。at all,可用于表示否定态度的疑问句或肯定句。
 ☞ 你究竟认识他吗?
 ☞ Do you know him at all?
 ☞ 可是究竟为什么要建这个厂呢?
 ☞ But why build the factory at all?
 ☞ 我倒是想知道她究竟在那里干什么。
 ☞ I'd like to know what she's been there at all for.
1) ever,常与疑问词what,who,how,when,where, which连用,强调追问。
 ☞ 究竟是什么东西使你脑子里有那种想法?
 ☞ What ever put that idea in your head?
 ☞ 你来这里究竟有多长时间了?
 ☞ How ever long is it since you've been in here?
 ☞ 你究竟为什么要这样做?
 ☞ Why ever did you do so?
  ■ 由于疑问句本身就是追问,因此在疑问词用作定语时,ever可以略去不译。如:
 ☞ 歌颂呢,还是暴露呢?这就是态度问题。究竟哪种态度是我们需要的?
 ☞ Is one to extol or expose? This is a question of attitude. Which attitude is needed?
 ☞ 李先生究竟犯了什么法,竟遭此毒手?
 ☞ What law had Mr. Li violated, which made them lay murderous hands on him?
  ■ 此外,ever单独或组成复合词一起使用时,也可表示追问。
 ☞ 他究竟会成功吗?
 ☞ Will he ever succeed?
 ☞ 究竟梁先生有没有公开表示过反对蒋介石,请大家研究。
 ☞ Now I can leave it to you to go into the question of whether Mr. Liang has ever publicly opposed Chiang Kai-shek.
2) actually,exactly,表示进一步的追问。
 ☞ 明天的会究竟谁去参加?
 ☞ Who is actually going to the meeting tomorrow?
 ☞ 他究竟说了些什么?
 ☞ What did he actually (exactly) say?
 ☞ 你们究竟要什么?
 ☞ What exactly do you want?
3) on earth,也常与疑问词连用,除表示追问外,还带有惊愕的语气。
 ☞ 那么你究竟能干什么?
 ☞ Then what on earth can you be doing?
 ☞ 她究竟为什么那么神经质?
 ☞ Why on earth was she so nervous?
 ☞ 大家都想知道个究竟。
 ☞ Everybody wants to know what actually happened.
 ☞ 不管什么事,他总爱问个究竟。
 ☞ He always likes to get to the heart of a matter, whatever it may be.

 ☞ 那时候我常常得空着肚子干活。
 ☞ Often I had to work on an empty stomach.
 ☞ 空出个抽屉来给他放东西。
 ☞ Empty a drawer for him to place his belongings.
 ☞ 车厢里的座位空得很。
 ☞ There are many vacant seats in the carriage.
 ☞ 这间办公室我们得在星期六以前空出来。
 ☞ We have to vacate the office before Saturday.
 ☞ 每段开头要空两格。
 ☞ Leave two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph.
 ☞ 要是不知答案请留空。
 ☞ Leave a blank if you don't know the answer.
 ☞ 这个词后面要留个空。
 ☞ Leave a space after that word.
 ☞ 各排座位之间我们多留了点空。
 ☞ We have left a little more space between the rows.
 ☞ 车子里有空吗?
 ☞ Is there any room in the car?
 ☞ 请给我留个空。
 ☞ Please leave room for me.
5.free time,指可供自由支配的时间;spare time,指空闲的时间。
 ☞ 我们过去一有空就见面。
 ☞ We used to meet whenever we had free time.
 ☞ 有空到我这儿来。
 ☞ Come over when you have free time.
 ☞ 战士们一有空就练习投弹。
 ☞ The soldiers practice grenade throwing whenever they have spare time.
 ☞ 有空的时候就读读这本书。
 ☞ Read this book when you have spare time.
6.be busy,指忙而没空。
 ☞ 今天没空,改日再谈吧。
 ☞ I'm busy today. Let's talk about it some other time.
 ☞ 你今天下午有空吗?
 ☞ Are you busy this afternoon?

 ☞ 既无家具又无人住的房子就是空房子。
 ☞ An empty house is one with no furniture or people in it.
 ☞ 空瓶子叮当响。
 ☞ Empty bottles make the most sound.
 ☞ 没有人住的房间,尽管里面是满当当的家具还是空房。
 ☞ A vacant room is unoccupied with no one living in it, though it may have a complete set of furniture.
 ☞ 幸亏我四周已经没有了空位子。
 ☞ Fortunately there were no seats vacant in my vicinity.
 ☞ 这棵树被虫蛀空了。
 ☞ This tree has been eaten hollow by worms.
 ☞ 这些巧克力蛋糖中间是空的。
 ☞ These chocolate eggs are all hollow.
 ☞ 大沙漠伸展开去,空得叫人害怕。
 ☞ The vast desert stretching away appeared frighteningly void.
 ☞ 我在梦里发现我们的城市空得不成形状。
 ☞ In the dream I found our city void and without form.
 ☞ 尽管他答应要来,我们还是空等一场。
 ☞ We waited in vain though he promised to come.
 ☞ 他的一切努力都是一场空。
 ☞ All his efforts were of no avail.
 ☞ 我听说上海有这种药,但还是空跑一趟。
 ☞ I was told that such medicines were available in Shanghai but I made a wasted trip all the same.
 ☞ 你不过是空忙罢了,又何必生这么大的气。
 ☞ What's the point of getting so angry when you only made fruitless efforts?
 ☞ 说了半天是空欢喜一场。
 ☞ We spoke too soon, only to have our hopes dashed to pieces.
 ☞ 你不会空来一趟的。
 ☞ You shall not come for nothing.
 ☞ 空口无凭,立字为据。
 ☞ Words of mouth being no guarantee, a written statement is hereby given.
穿 穿
1.表示穿着衣服的状态,可用wear,have (sth.) on(可以互换),也可用be in。
 ☞ 他们大都穿着色彩鲜艳的民族服装。
 ☞ Most of them wore colorful national costumes.
 ☞ 那藏民穿着件黑袍,骑着匹白马跑来了。
 ☞ Wearing a black robe, the Tibetan rode along on a white horse.
 ☞ 他老穿着件旧上衣。
 ☞ He wears his old coat all the time.
 ☞ 这种鞋小点不要紧,穿一穿就大了。
 ☞ It doesn't matter if the shoes feel a bit tight. They'll stretch with wearing.
 ☞ 我的袜子穿出洞来了。
 ☞ I have worn my socks into holes.
 ☞ 他参了军,所以他穿着新军装。
 ☞ He has joined the army, so he has on (is wearing) that new uniform.
 ☞ 他们穿着节日盛装去参加庆祝活动。
 ☞ They had their best suits on for the celebrations.
 ☞ 你穿得这么少,不冷吗?
 ☞ Aren't you cold with so little on (having so little on)?
 ☞ 他穿着新上衣感到不大自然。
 ☞ He isn't quite at home with his new coat on (having his new coat on).
 ☞ 她穿了件有天鹅绒领子的黑色新大衣。
 ☞ She was in a new black overcoat with a velvet collar.
2.表示穿衣的动作,可用put on。
 ☞ 他穿上那件旧上衣就出去了。
 ☞ He put on his old coat and went out.
 ☞ 今天冷,最好多穿点衣服。
 ☞ It's cold today. Better put on more clothes.
 ☞ 今天干吗不穿那套深灰色的衣服?
 ☞ Why don't you put on the dark gray suit today?
3.dress与wear,put on的区别有以下几点:
1) wear与put on除了作“穿”解以外,还有“戴”的意思,而dress没有。
 ☞ He was wearing a cap.(他戴着一顶帽子)
 ☞ He put on his glasses to read the letter.(他戴上眼镜看信)
2) wear与put on后接所穿的衣服,而dress则接穿衣服的人,因此有给人穿衣服的意思。
 ☞ 你穿衣服得多少时间?
 ☞ How long does it take you to dress yourself?
 ☞ 她赶快替孩子穿好衣服,把他带到楼下。
 ☞ She hurriedly dressed the child and took him downstairs.
3) wear表示静态,put on表示动态,各有分工。
 ☞ dress既可表示静态,又可表示动态。
 ☞ 他们穿着清一色的蓝绒衣。
 ☞ They were dressed alike in blue jerseys.
 ☞ 咱们穿好衣服马上出发。
 ☞ Let's get dressed and leave at once.
 ☞ She was dressed in white = She was wearing white clothes.
 ☞ He dressed quickly=He put on his clothes quickly.
4) dress可以表示穿得如何。
 ☞ 她穿得很帅。
 ☞ She was smartly dressed.
 ☞ 她向来穿着朴素但很整洁。
 ☞ She has been plainly but neatly dressed.
5) 由于be dressed in可以表示所穿衣服的颜色和式样,而dressed 一词又可以省略,因此be in就常常用来代替be dressed in。
 ☞ 姑娘们都身穿白色衣服。
 ☞ Girls are all in white.
 ☞ 宇航员都身穿特制的月球服。
 ☞ Astronauts were in the special moon-suits.
6) dress up可表示穿漂亮衣服、盛装等。
 ☞ 她给孩子们穿上漂亮衣服过节。
 ☞ She dressed her children up for the festival.
 ☞ 大家都穿上最好的衣服去参加游行。
 ☞ All dressed up in their best clothes to take part in the parade.
 ☞ 现在我们能让孩子们吃饱穿暖了。
 ☞ Now we are able to feed and clothe our children properly.
 ☞ 你得给你丈夫穿得好一点。
 ☞ You have to clothe your husband better.
 ☞ She was clothed (dressed) in red 毛主席身穿绿军装站在天安门城楼上。
 ☞ Clad in a green army uniform, Chairman Mao stood on the rostrum of Tian 'an men Gate.
 ☞ 他们穿得破破烂烂地来了。
 ☞ They came clad in rags.
 ☞ 这件上衣够我穿几年的了。
 ☞ This coat will last me for several years.
 ☞ 我在1990年买的那双鞋已穿了7年了。
 ☞ The pair of shoes I bought in 1990 have lasted me for 7 years.
 ☞ 皮茄克虽然贵一点,但比人造革经穿。
 ☞ Even though a leather jacket is more expensive, it is more durable than that of artificial leather.
 ☞ 好多姑娘都穿耳朵,戴耳环。
 ☞ Many girls have their ears pierced so that they may wear earrings.
 ☞ 现在这里有条隧道穿山引水。
 ☞ Now a tunnel pierces the mountain to divert the water here.
 ☞ 小姑娘把贝壳穿在一起戴在脖子上。
 ☞ The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them around her neck.
 ☞ 母亲把珠子穿在丝线上,做成一条项链。
 ☞ Mother threaded the beads on a silk yam and a necklace was ready.
 ☞ 祖母想把线穿到针上,却穿不上。
 ☞ My grandmother attempted to thread her needle but tried in vain.
 ☞ 富人进天堂比骆驼穿针眼还难。
 ☞ It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Paradise.
 ☞ 几乎全厦门当官的都和他穿一条裤子。
 ☞ Almost every official in Amoy shares the same pair of trousers with him.
 ☞ 这一美满的姻缘是她穿的针引的线。
 ☞ It was she that acted as go-between to arrange this happy marriage.
 ☞ 这样的改革只是穿新鞋走老路。
 ☞ Such reform only means treading the old path in new shoes.
穿插 穿插
1.in turn,指轮番穿插。
 ☞ 突击任务和日常工作穿插进行,互相推动。
 ☞ We do our routine business and rush job in turn which push each other forward.
 ☞ 除草和施肥应该穿插进行。
 ☞ Weeding and manuring should be done in turn.
 ☞ 歌咏和舞蹈是穿插着表演的。
 ☞ Singing and dancing were performed alternatively.
 ☞ 我们各堂课之间都穿插有课间休息。
 ☞ Our classes alternate with breaks in between.
 ☞ 他的讲话穿插了一些妙趣横生的评论。
 ☞ His talk was spiced with witty comments full of wit and humor.
 ☞ 你的文章如果能够穿插一些生动的例子,就会更加有趣。
 ☞ Your article would have been more interesting if it had been spiced with some vivid examples.
 ☞ 我们连队像一把尖刀,穿插到敌人后方。
 ☞ Our company thrust into the enemy's rear like a dagger.
 ☞ 我们穿插分割敌人,打了一个漂亮的深入穿插战。
 ☞ We penetrated and cut up the enemy forces and fought a fine deep-thrust battle.
穿过 穿过
1.从平面(如广场、沙漠等)穿过,用cross,或用运动动词+ across。
 ☞ 士兵们花了3天才穿过沙漠。
 ☞ The soldiers took three days to cross the desert.
 ☞ 他穿过马路向她问候并交谈起来。
 ☞ He crossed the road, saluted and spoke to her.
 ☞ 我穿过广场到了旅馆。
 ☞ I walked across the square to the hotel.
 ☞ 湖水已经结冰,我们穿过冰面来到对岸。
 ☞ The lake was frozen, so we walked across the ice to the opposite bank.
 ☞ 咱们从操场穿过去。
 ☞ Let's take the shortcut across the sports6eld.
 ☞ 他们穿过火烫的沙漠时尝到了饥渴与炎热的滋味。
 ☞ During the march across the blazing sands, they experienced hunger, thirst and heat.
 ☞ 那里有条穿过田野的小径。
 ☞ There is a path across the field.
2.穿过三度空间(如建筑、森林、人群),用运动动词+ through。
 ☞ 我们花了3个小时才穿过森林。
 ☞ It took us three hours to walk through the forest.
 ☞ 我穿过人群来到公共汽车跟前。
 ☞ I pushed through the crowd to the bus.
 ☞ 部队列队穿过小镇。
 ☞ The troops marched through the town.
 ☞ 他穿过大厅来到书房。
 ☞ He went through the hall into his study.
 ☞ 飞机穿过云层下降。
 ☞ The plane descended through the clouds.
 ☞ 我穿过大厅时听见他们在窃窃私语。
 ☞ I heard the murmur of their voices as I crossed (walked across) the hall.
 ☞ 她怪笑着穿过房间。
 ☞ She walked across the room, smiling strangely.
3.如果穿过的主体是人为地开辟出来的细长物体,则穿过应译作cut through。
 ☞ 铁路穿过一片原始森林。
 ☞ The railway cuts through a primeval forest.
 ☞ 这条水渠得穿过其他县份的土地。
 ☞ The canal has to cut through the land of other counties.
 ☞ 北回归线穿过中国的广东省。
 ☞ In China the Tropic of Cancer cuts through Guangdong province.
4.如果穿过强调从没有路的情况下觅出一条路来,也可译为thread one's way (through)。
 ☞ 他穿过人群。
 ☞ He threaded his way through the crowd.
 ☞ 我们花了3个小时才穿过一片森林。
 ☞ It took us three hours to thread our way through a forest.
 ☞ 我们的轮船穿过一片礁石。
 ☞ Our ship threaded her way between the rocks.
 ☞ 他穿过一条小巷来到她家。
 ☞ He threaded a narrow alley and came to her house.
突出 突出
1.stick out, 指因结构或位置的原因而突出。
 ☞ 他的前牙是突出的。
 ☞ His front teeth stick out.
 ☞ 这个罐有两个突出的耳朵。
 ☞ The pot has two handles sticking out.
 ☞ 有一幢建筑从排成一条直线的其他建筑当中突了出来。
 ☞ A building stuck out from the straight line made by the rest.
 ☞ 这颗钉子从板子上突了出来,为了安全起见得把它拔掉。
 ☞ The nail protrudes from the board and has to be removed for safety.
 ☞ 流浪汉的脚趾头从他的破鞋里突了出来。
 ☞ The tramp's toes protruded from the front of his old shoes.
 ☞ 墙上突出来一颗钉子,可能会扯破你的衣服。
 ☞ The nail that projects from the wall may tear your clothes.
 ☞ 岩石的前端突了出来伸到水里。
 ☞ The rocky point projects into the water.
4.bulge (out),指不正常或病态的突出。
 ☞ 她的长靴上端的腿肚子被挤得突了出来。
 ☞ Above her boots the calves bulged out.
 ☞ 她的眼球突出得吓人。
 ☞ Her eyes bulged with horror.
 ☞ 这个例子突出地说明了他的态度是错误的。
 ☞ This is a glaring example of his wrong attitude.
 ☞ 尽管她的智力缺陷突出,她还是做好了工作。
 ☞ In spite of her glaring mental deficiency she managed to do a good job.
6.stress, emphasize,指突出某个重点。
 ☞ 突出某件事就是要唤起人们对这件事的关注。
 ☞ To stress something is to call special attention to it.
 ☞ 他的发言没有突出重点。
 ☞ In his speech he failed to stress the main points.
 ☞ 相反,敌人的一颗子弹擦去了他曾经留在人们心中的过错,进而突出了他的优点。
 ☞ Instead, an enemy's bullet erased in the mind of the people any fault he had and emphasized his virtues.
 ☞ 该书突出了环境污染的灾难性后果。
 ☞ The book emphasizes the disastrous consequences of environmental pollution.
 ☞ 除了偶尔有声咳嗽,整幢房子都是静悄悄的。不过即使是咳嗽也只是突出了那种压倒一切的寂静。
 ☞ The whole house was quiet, except for the occasional coughing, and even that only accented the overwhelming silence.
 ☞ 他们炫耀武力是要突出他们在该地区的作用。
 ☞ Their show of force accented their role in that region.
8.push oneself forward,指突出自己。
 ☞ 她老想突出自己。
 ☞ She always tries to push herself forward.
 ☞ 他即使取得了很大的成绩,也从不突出自己。
 ☞ He never pushed himself forward even if he achieved great success.
突然 突然
1.sudden, suddenly,指在很短的时间、毫无思想准备的情况下的突然。
 ☞ 尽管已有人透风,但这仍是一次突然的打击。
 ☞ Though someone had dropped hints, this was a sudden blow.
 ☞ 他做出结婚的决定相当突然。
 ☞ His decision to get married is rather sudden.
 ☞ 就在这个时候灯都灭了。
 ☞ Meanwhile the lights went out suddenly.
 ☞ 他的突然死亡对他的家庭是个致命的打击。
 ☞ His unexpected (sudden) death was a deathblow to his family.
 ☞ 他的提升相当突然。
 ☞ His promotion was quite unexpected (sudden).
 ☞ 关系一直改善到他被突然推翻为止。
 ☞ Relations continued to improve until he was unexpectedly (suddenly) overthrown.
 ☞ 火车突然停车,使好多乘客都从座位上摔了下来。
 ☞ The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
 ☞ 我想我得为我昨天的突然离去向你道歉。
 ☞ I think I must apologize to you for my abrupt departure yesterday.
 ☞ 他们哈哈笑着,接着突然不作声了。
 ☞ They laughed, then fell silent abruptly.
 ☞ 我军发起突然攻击,夺下了该市。
 ☞ Our troops made a surprise attack and seized the city。
 ☞ 想不到他竟会突然发表这个声明。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he should have made this surprise statement?
  ■ by surprise 可以用作状语。
 ☞ 我们不给他任何通知,要搞他个突然袭击。
 ☞ We shall not give him any notice, and we must take him by surprise.
5.burst into,是动词,强调暴发性的突然。
 ☞ 我捅了捅炉火,突然冒出了火苗。
 ☞ When I poked the fire, it burst into flames.
 ☞ 她一见到我突然就哭了起来。
 ☞ As soon as she saw me she burst into tears.
 ☞ 我正要过来看你,突然又碰上了一位老同学。
 ☞ I was coming along to see you when I ran into an old classmate.
 ☞ 我在一所中学里刚教了一个月,突然通知我调离该校。
 ☞ I had been teaching in a middle school only for a month when I was told to be transferred from it.
窃听 窃听
 ☞ 我忍不住想窃听你昨天跟她说的话。
 ☞ I couldn't help but overhear what you said to her yesterday.
 ☞ 他不断地东张西望,看看有没有人窃听。
 ☞ He kept glancing about to be sure no one was overhearing.
2.eavesdrop (on),指偷听别人私下的谈话,强调有意。
 ☞ 警方窃听了嫌疑犯的谈话。
 ☞ The police eavesdropped on the suspects' conversation.
 ☞ 这是通过装有窃听器的吊灯窃听来的。
 ☞ It was eavesdropped through a bugged chandelier.
 ☞ 秘密警察窃听了他所有的电话通话。
 ☞ The secret police monitored all of his phone calls.
 ☞ 我被派到贸易大楼三楼去窃听这次会见。
 ☞ I was sent to the Trade Building on the third floor to monitor the interview.
 ☞ 他窃听过国会议员和其他进步人士之间的谈话。
 ☞ He had bugged the conversation between congressmen and other progressive personages.
 ☞ 他的办公室和住宅都被窃听了。
 ☞ His office and apartment were bugged.
 ☞ 他专门被派去窃听受到怀疑的政府要员的电话。
 ☞ He was specially sent to tap the phones of the important officials who came under suspicion.
 ☞ 他的住宅和电话都遭到了窃听。
 ☞ His house was bugged and his phone wiretapped.
窍门 窍门
 ☞ 经常练习,慢慢就找到窍门了。
 ☞ Do it often, and in time you'll learn the trick.
 ☞ 是他教会了我倒酒点滴不溅的窍门。
 ☞ It was he who taught me the trick of pouring wine without dropping any.
 ☞ 这里面有窍门。
 ☞ There is a knack (trick) in it.
 ☞ 你似乎有把人逗乐的窍门。
 ☞ You seem to have the knack (trick) of amusing people.
 ☞ 考试肯定有窍门。
 ☞ I'm sure there is a key to taking examination.
 ☞ 经常练习是获得写作技巧的窍门。
 ☞ Frequent practice is the key of acquiring skill in writing.
 ☞ 她在学做衣服,你最好告诉她窍门。
 ☞ You'd better tell her the rope when she is learning to make a dress.
 ☞ 可惜我们没有从买卖中获利的窍门。
 ☞ The pity was that we didn't have the know-how to be able to benefit from the transactions.
 ☞ 他成功的窍门在哪里?
 ☞ Where is the secret of his success?
坚持 坚持
1.persevere in,指面对困难、反对、挫折时的自觉坚持。
 ☞ 她克服重重困难,在继续坚持。
 ☞ She perseveres in overcoming one difficulty after another.
 ☞ 科学家们不顾实验的失败,坚持研究下去。
 ☞ Despite the failure of their experiments, the scientists persevered in their research.
2.persist (in),所指的自觉坚持往往带有强烈的固执、倔强,故有时会带来考虑欠周,令人遗憾等后果。
 ☞ 这就是历史范畴内的诗篇,这也就是促使人类不顾屡次失败而坚持下来的原因。
 ☞ This is the poetry within history, this is also what causes mankind to persist beyond every defeat.
 ☞ 她坚持要戴那顶老式帽子。
 ☞ She persists in wearing that old-fashioned hat.
 ☞ 他总是坚持己见。
 ☞ He is always persisting in his opinion.
3.insist on (upon),指自己坚持要求别人坚持做某事。
 ☞ 我坚持你离开昆明前应得到充分的休息。
 ☞ I insist on your taking a thorough rest before you leave Kunming.
 ☞ 这就是为什么我们坚持人们不应去夸大英国英语和美国英语差别的原因。
 ☞ That's why we insist that people should not exaggerate the difference between British and American English.
4.hold (on),指继续坚持下去。
 ☞ 我决定坚持到底。
 ☞ I've decided to hold on to the end.
 ☞ 我们的战士在那个孤立无援的阵地坚持了两天。
 ☞ Our fighters held (on) in that isolated position for two days.
5.hold on to,指抓住不放的坚持。
 ☞ 这些所谓的“非法”合作社坚持到了今天,而且办好了。
 ☞ These so called "illegal" co-operatives have held on to this day and are doing quite well.
 ☞ 接过领导权是不够的,还要坚持下去!
 ☞ It's not enough to take over the lead, we must hold on to it!
6.hold out,指坚持不屈。
 ☞ 守卫者坚持了好几个星期。
 ☞ The defenders held out for weeks.
 ☞ 我们在大风大浪里坚持了两昼夜。
 ☞ We held out against the strong wind and big waves for two days and nights.
 ☞ 他鼓励干部敢于坚持对的,反对错的。
 ☞ He encouraged the cadres to be daring in upholding right and in combating wrong.
 ☞ 党员都要坚持无产阶级党性。
 ☞ Party members must uphold the proletarian Party spirit.
8.keep on (doing),指坚持不断。
 ☞ 你能立马开始行动,我很高兴,希望能坚持下去。
 ☞ I'm glad you began at once, and hope you will keep on.
 ☞ 他们不顾一切困难和挫折,坚持战斗。
 ☞ They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks.
9.carry on (with),指坚持进行。
 ☞ 当时我们不知道日本对中国作战能坚持多久。
 ☞ We were wondering how long Japan carried on the war against China.
 ☞ 他坚持学习到大学毕业。
 ☞ He carried on with his studies until he graduated from college.
10.adhere to,指坚持遵循。
 ☞ 法院在处理每一个案件时都应坚持“有法必依,执法必严,违法必究”的原则。
 ☞ In dealing with each case the court must adhere to the principle of "having the law abided by and strictly enforced and ensuring that law breakers are duly punished".
 ☞ 历史证明没有比在战争中坚持单一的战略计划更难的了。
 ☞ History has proved that nothing is more difficult in war than to adhere to a single strategic plan.
11.stick to (at),指带有固执的坚持。
 ☞ 她深信有些教育方面的基本法则她是必须坚持的。
 ☞ She is convinced that there are certain fundamentals about education that she must stick to.
 ☞ 开始两天很累人,但如果你咬紧牙关坚持一下,第三天的情况就好多了。
 ☞ The first two days are tiring but if you grit your teeth and stick at it things will get much better the third day.
12.cling to,指坚持不放弃。
 ☞ 坚持错误思想是没有出路的。
 ☞ You won't get anywhere if you cling to your wrong ideas.
 ☞ 无论你怎么说,我都坚持我的意见。
 ☞ Say what you will, I shall cling to my opinion.
 ☞ 他坚持认为你的意见是错误的。
 ☞ He maintained that your opinion was wrong.
 ☞ 她坚持自己无罪。
 ☞ She maintained her innocence.
竖立 竖立
 ☞ 操场上竖立着一根旗杆。
 ☞ A flagpole stands on the drill ground.
 ☞ 我们一出门就看见竖立在山上的宝塔。
 ☞ Whenever we go out we see the pagoda standing at the top of the mountain.
  ■ 但如果stand后接up,upright等词时,则表示竖立的动态。
 ☞ 这根杆子我还是竖立不起来。
 ☞ I can't get the pole to stand up all the same.
 ☞ 空口袋是竖立不起来的。
 ☞ An empty sack cannot stand upright.
2.erect, 也指竖立,而且往往暗示带有建设意味的永久性的竖立。
 ☞ 工人们使用起重机来竖立电线杆子。
 ☞ The workers used the crane to erect telegraph poles.
 ☞ 在广场中间竖立着一座革命烈士纪念碑。
 ☞ A monument to revolutionary martyrs is erected at the center of the square.
竖起 竖起
1.stand on end, 指由于某种激动而使毛发竖起来。
 ☞ 他气得头发都竖起来了。
 ☞ His hair stood on end with anger.
 ☞ 我吓得毛发都竖起来了。
 ☞ I was so frightened that my hair stood on end.
2.prick one's ear up,指耳朵竖起来。
 ☞ 那女人听到有人在议论她,便竖起了耳朵。
 ☞ The woman pricked up her ears when she heard someone talking about her.
 ☞ 这头与真牛一般大小的铜牛,躺在石座上面正竖起耳朵注意观察水情呢。
 ☞ Lying on stone base, this bronze ox, big as life, and with ears pricked up, gazed watchfully over the water.
3.give thumbs-up, hold up one's thumb, 指竖起大拇指夸赞。
 ☞ 大家都对中国女子排球队竖起了大拇指。
 ☞ Everybody gave the Chinese women volleyball team the thumbs-up.
 ☞ 中国足球队在对抗西亚强队中两次赢得胜利,球迷们都竖起了大拇指。
 ☞ The football fans held up their thumbs for the Chinese football team after two wins against strong West-Asian teams.
 ☞ 为此目的,他们在后院竖起了梅花桩。
 ☞ They erected stakes in the shape of a plum blossom in the backyard for the purpose.
 ☞ 你能把这根竹竿竖起来吗?
 ☞ Can you erect this bamboo pole?
5.hoist, 指升起、举起。
 ☞ 他冲上山顶,竖起一面红旗。
 ☞ He dashed to the top of the mountain and hoisted a red banner.

1.stand,指站;stand up,指站起来;take one's stand,指站在某处。
 ☞ 不用拿椅子了,咱们就站着看吧。
 ☞ Don't bother to get chairs. Let's just stand and watch.
 ☞ 主席进会议室,大家都站了起来。
 ☞ Everybody stood up when the chairman entered the meeting room.
 ☞ 当他进来的时候,总统已站在桌子的一端。
 ☞ When he came in the president had taken his stand at the end of the table.
2.be on one's feet,指站立,rise to one's feet, 指 站起来。
 ☞ 牙医得整天站着。
 ☞ A dentist is on his feet all day.
 ☞ 问题一提出来,他就站起来回答。
 ☞ No sooner had the question been put than he rose to his feet to reply.
3.be on sentry duty,指站岗。
 ☞ 今天我站岗。
 ☞ I'm on sentry duty today.
4.work hard till the last minute, 指站好最后一班岗。
 ☞ 我得站好最后一班岗。
 ☞ I have to work hard till the last minute.
5.serve behind the counter,站柜台。
 ☞ 商业局干部经常到商店站柜台。
 ☞ Cadres of the Commerce Bureau often go to shops to serve behind the counter.
6.side with,指站在一边;side-lines,指站在一旁。
 ☞ 被压迫者站在被压迫者一边,这很自然。
 ☞ It is natural that the oppressed should side with the oppressed.
 ☞ 不要站在一旁不负责任地说风凉话。
 ☞ Don't make irresponsible and carping comments from the side-lines.
7.line up alongside,指“与…站在一起”。
 ☞ 我们和人民站在一起。
 ☞ We are lining up alongside the people.
8.keep to the stand of,站在…的立场上。
 ☞ 对于共产党员来说,就是要站在党的立场,站在党性和党的政策的立场上。
 ☞ For members of the Communist Party, this means keeping to the stand of the Party, keeping to the stand of the Party spirit and Party policy.
9.come to the fore,指站在前列。
 ☞ 知识分子应当站在科学技术的前列。
 ☞ Intellectuals should come to the fore in science and technology.
站住 站住
 ☞ 他听到有人叫他站住。
 ☞ He heard someone calling him to stop.
 ☞ 你跑得太快,一下子会站不住的。
 ☞ You were running too fast to stop suddenly.
 ☞ 站住,要不就开枪了。
 ☞ Halt,or I fire!
 ☞ 士兵们来到一条小溪边就站住了,原来他们是要往水壶里装水。
 ☞ The soldiers came to a stream and halted - they were to refill their flasks.
3.can hardly keep one's feet,用于否定句,指站不住。
 ☞ 风大得人都站不住。
 ☞ The wind was so strong that one could hardly keep one's feet.
 ☞ 他大病初愈,人虚得站不住。
 ☞ He has just recovered from illness and is so weak that he can hardly keep his feet.
4.hold water,指理由站得住。
 ☞ 他的论据没有一点是站得住的。
 ☞ None of his arguments held water.
 ☞ 对不起,你的说法似乎站不住脚。
 ☞ I'm sorry, but your account doesn't seem to hold water.
5.hold one's ground,指站住脚跟。
 ☞ 只要依靠群众,我们就能站住脚。
 ☞ Only by relying on the masses can we hold our ground.
 ☞ 我军向敌人猛烈攻击,打得他们站不住脚。
 ☞ Our troops attacked the enemy so fiercely that they could hardly hold their ground.
 ☞ 谁?站住!
 ☞ Who's that? Don't move!
 ☞ 这些论点没有一个是站得住的。
 ☞ None of these arguments are tenable.
 ☞ 我们现在已经站住脚了。
 ☞ We have now gained foothold.
 ☞ 这样的干涉无论是按《联合国宪章》还是国际惯例都是站不住的。
 ☞ Such an intervention could not be justified either by the U.N. Charter or the international practice.

  ■ 有“居然”的意思,表示情况发生得很意外,没有料到。由这个基本词义出发,派生出许多不同的译法,大致可分为四类。
1) 表示没料到,没想到的意外,可用not expect, unexpectedly, contrary to expectation, little think of, to think of, to think that, fancy等。
 ☞ 他竟说出这样的话来。
 ☞ I didn't expect he would say such a thing.
 ☞ 他竟没有听到我叫他。
 ☞ Unexpectedly, he didn't hear my calling him.
 ☞ 他竟在第一轮比赛里就被淘汰了。
 ☞ Contrary to expectation, he was eliminated in the very first run.
 ☞ 我竟会在这里见到你。
 ☞ I little thought of seeing you here.
 ☞ 他们竟对我的决心一无所知。
 ☞ To think of their not knowing anything about my determination.
 ☞ 这样宏伟的建筑竟只用了十个月就建成了。
 ☞ To think that such a magnificent building was completed in ten months.
 ☞ 你竟坐着不说。
 ☞ Fancy you just sitting and never speaking.
2) 表示惊愕、惊奇的意外,可用strange to say, strangely enough, oddly enough, surprisingly enough, for a wonder, I wonder, actually等。
 ☞ 村里竟没有一个人认出他来。
 ☞ Strange to say, none of the villagers seemed to recognize him.
 ☞ 那小小的守军竟固守了1年。
 ☞ Strange enough, the little army held out a year.
 ☞ 他竟没想起来自己的生日。
 ☞ Oddly enough, he didn't seem to remember his own birthday.
 ☞ 她竟一下子就找到了我已经找了一整天的手表。
 ☞ Surprisingly enough, she quickly found my watch that I had been looking for a whole day.
 ☞ 她竟一点不在乎。
 ☞ For a wonder, she didn't care a pin.
 ☞ 我干了一整天的活,你竞怪我懒散。
 ☞ I wonder you blame me for idling about when I am working all day long.
 ☞ 他竟对我说这不关我的事。
 ☞ He actually told me it wasn't my business. (actually 在这里作strange as it may seem解)
3) 表示主观上无意造成的意外,可用only to find, find oneself等。
 ☞ 他回家时还沉浸在幻想之中竟走到了火车站。
 ☞ He went home' being indulged in illusion, only to find that he got to the railway station.
 ☞ 几个月来,我们一直在找这一类词典,但在这里竟无人问津。
 ☞ For months we have been hunting for this kind of dictionary, only to find that it goes begging here.
 ☞ 半小时后,我竞来到她家门前。
 ☞ After half an hour I found myself in front of her house.
 ☞ 他一觉醒来,竞身陷囹圄。
 ☞ When he awoke, he found himself in jail.
4) 表示主观上有意造成的事实,而别人仍感意外,可用manage。
 ☞ 在这样困难的条件下他竟能坚持学习。
 ☞ Under such difficulties he managed to persist in study.
 ☞ 他对公安人员讲了这个令人难以置信的经过,竟也讲清楚了。
 ☞ He told the incredible story to the public security men, and managed to put it across.
5) 表示对厚颜无耻的意外,可用have the impudence, have the nerve, have the check, have the conscience, have the face, have the confidence, have the audacity等。
 ☞ 你竟会问这种问题!
 ☞ You have the impudence to ask a question like this!
 ☞ 他竟会说那种话。
 ☞ He had the nerve to say that.
 ☞ 虽然他花的比挣的还多,可他竟还冒充百万富翁。
 ☞ Though he spends more than he earns, yet he has the check to pose as a millionaire.
 ☞ 他竟在我屋子里干这种事。
 ☞ He had the conscience to do such a thing in my house.
 ☞ 他向她借了2,000美元没还,现在竟还要再借2,000美元。
 ☞ He has borrowed 2,000 U.S. dollars from her, now he has the face to ask for another 2,000 dollars.
 ☞ 罪名已经成立,他竟要抵赖。
 ☞ The charge has been established, and yet he has confidence to deny it.
 ☞ 他竟白昼扒窃。
 ☞ He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight.
  ■ 也可用... enough, so... as... 等代替上面这种形式。
 ☞ 他们竟凌驾于老一辈无产阶级革命家之上。
 ☞ They were impudent enough to lord it over all veteran revolutionaries.
 ☞ 他们竟无耻到把自己原来的声明说成是“捏造”。
 ☞ They were so shameless as to describe his own statement as a "false allegation".
1) 表示事态的发展出人意料,可用go so far as。
 ☞ 他们竟里通外国,刺探军情。
 ☞ They went so far as to maintain illicit relations with a foreign country and spy on military secrets.
 ☞ 他竟当面撒谎。
 ☞ He went so far as to tell a bare-faced lie.
2) 表示数量上出人意料,可用as…as…,no less than... 。
 ☞ 被捕人数竟高达1,500人。
 ☞ The number of arrestees ran as high as 1,500.
 ☞ 一夜霜冻毁坏的农作物竟达90%。
 ☞ A single frosty night destroyed the crops as much as 90%.
 ☞ 他从未上过大学,竟懂4门外语。
 ☞ He has never been to university, but he knows no less than four foreign languages.
 ☞ 6个球里他竟独进4球。
 ☞ Out of the total of six goals he scored no less than four.
3) 表示由于惊喜、惊愕而感到意外,可用if you please。
 ☞ 那块丢失的手表竟在他的口袋里。
 ☞ The missing watch was in his pocket, if you please.
 ☞ 他不但不还我的欠款,竟还要我借给他更多的钱。
 ☞ Instead of paying me the money he borrowed from me, he wanted me to lend him more, if you please.
4) 表示由于气愤、不满而产生的意外,可用and,and be, been and。后者均为and的变体。
 ☞ 一个朋友,竟这样出卖我们!
 ☞ A friend, and betray us thus!
 ☞ 一个伟大的社会主义国家落在资本主义国家后面竟还沾沾自喜!
 ☞ A great socialist country, and be complacent about lagging behind capitalist countries!
 ☞ 瞧你竟干了些什么!
 ☞ See what you've been and done!
 ☞ 你竟买了辆新车。
 ☞ You've been and bought a new car.
5) 表示与预期相反的意外,可用at all。
 ☞ 这座纪念碑经历了那么多的兵燹战火,竟能安然无恙,真是了不起。
 ☞ It is wonderful that this monument has survived at all, after so many have been the wars and fires it has gone through.
 ☞ 他竟会来参加,真怪。
 ☞ I was surprised at his coming to join us at all.
1) 各种形式的虚拟语气。
①表示没有想到的意外,可用Who should (would) have thought (expected)等的修辞性间句,再接that从句。
 ☞ 一个高等学府竟干出这等事来!
 ☞ Who should have thought that an institution of higher learning should have done a thing like this?
 ☞ 这么陡的峭壁,想不到他竟爬了上去!
 ☞ Who would have thought that he could climb up that steep cliff?
②表示没有想到的意外结局,可用What has (he) done的问句,再接表示结果的that从句。
 ☞ 他干了什么啦,竟惹你生那么大的气?
 ☞ What has he done that you should be so angry?
 ☞ 什么东西迷了你的心窍,竟想干这种事情?
 ☞ What has possessed you that you should think of doing such a thing?
③表示因惊愕而产生的意外,可用who should... but;what should... but,一般限于对过去回忆的惊叹句。
 ☞ 门一打开,进来的竟是我们正在谈论的那个人!
 ☞ The door opened and who should enter but the very man we were talking of!
 ☞ 回到家里,他见到的竟是走失多年的妹妹!
 ☞ On coming back home, whom should he discover but his long lost sister!
 ☞ 他大学毕业后做的事情竟是跟一位声名狼藉的姑娘结婚!
 ☞ Having graduated from university, what should he do but get married to a girl of bad reputation!
 ☞ 书架上引起我注意的竟是我多年来搜求无着的那本书!
 ☞ What should arrest my eye on the shelf but the very volume I had for years been hunting for!
 ☞ 竟会发生这样的事,真抱歉。
 ☞ I'm sorry that this should have happened.
 ☞ 事情竟到了这种地步,真遗憾!
 ☞ What a pity it is that it should come to this!
 ☞ 这么简单的想法以前竟没人想过,真怪。
 ☞ It is strange that an idea so simple should have never occurred to anyone before.
 ☞ 他们竟这么愚蠢,真叫人吃惊。
 ☞ It is so surprising that they should have been so foolish.
 ☞ 外表这么漂亮,内心竟如此奸诈!
 ☞ That one so fair should be so false!
 ☞ 一位朋友竟会成为最凶恶的敌人。
 ☞ Among all foes that a friend should be worst.
 ☞ 他还在壮年,竞悄然离我们而去!
 ☞ That he should be tom away from us in his prime!
 ☞ 如果他们竟认为冒险合适,那就让他们试一试吧。
 ☞ If they should see it fit to take a risk, well, let them try it.
 ☞ 如果情况竟到了那种地步,我们只好战斗到底了。
 ☞ If the situation should come to that, we would have no choice but to fight it out.
 ☞ 什么东西迷住了你的心窍,竟要这么干?
 ☞ What could have possessed you to act so?
 ☞ 你是什么人,竞来发号施令?
 ☞ Who are you to give orders?
 ☞ 民警身中数弹,竟还能追击抢匪!
 ☞ The policeman had been able to pursue the bandit with several bullets in his body!
 ☞ 敌人竟是他自己!
 ☞ The enemy was himself.
竟然 竟然
  ■ 译例详见“竟”。两者的区别仅在于“竟”的后面躲用单音词,“竟然”后面则带双音词。详见“竟”。
 ☞ 一座荒山竟(然)(变)成了花果山。
 ☞ Who would have thought that a barren hill could have been turned into an orchard?
竭力 竭力
1.do one's best (utmost),指尽最大努力。
 ☞ 政府正在竭力纠正某些不公现象。
 ☞ The government is doing its best to put right certain injustices.
 ☞ 她竭力打消报复的念头,但没有成功。
 ☞ She did her best to dismiss all thoughts of revenge, but failed.
 ☞ 他正竭力讨好她。
 ☞ He is doing his utmost to please her.
 ☞ 该国大使竭力防止爆发敌对行动。
 ☞ The ambassador of that country did his utmost to prevent the outbreak of hostilities.
2.all out, with all one's might,指全力以赴。
 ☞ 我们竭力帮他考试过关。
 ☞ We went all out to help him to pass the examination.
 ☞ 政府竭力支持国营企业渡过难关。
 ☞ The government gave an all-out support to the state enterprises to tide over crises.
 ☞ 她竭力不让自己哭出声来。
 ☞ She tried with all her might not to cry.
 ☞ 她竭力吸引他,想了解他的内心。
 ☞ She drew him towards her with all her might, seeking to know him in the depth of his heart.
3.try (by) every (all) means,想尽一切办法。
 ☞ 我们竭力劝他来参加会议。
 ☞ We tried every possible means to persuade him to attend the conference.
 ☞ 敌人竭力想在天黑之前攻占制高点。
 ☞ The enemy tried to capture the height by all means.
4.put all one's energies into,指投入全部精力。
 ☞ 我们竭力帮他克服困难。
 ☞ We put all our energies into helping him to overcome his difficulty.
 ☞ 他平时总是竭力为群众做好事。
 ☞ Ordinarily, he always puts all his energies into doing people good turns.
 ☞ The ultra "Leftists" bitterly opposed what the people so plainly desired.
 ☞ 他竭力提倡改革与开放。
 ☞ He energetically advocates reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 这个罪犯竭力抗拒把自己改造成新人。
 ☞ The criminal stubbornly resisted making a new man out of himself.
 ☞ 我们竭力劝他与妻子言归于好。
 ☞ We strongly advised him to be reconciled with his wife.
 ☞ 我竭力申请调至另一部门工作,但至今没有回音。
 ☞ I actively applied to be transferred to another department but there has been no response so far.

 ☞ 无论他说什么,大家都会捧腹大笑。
 ☞ Everybody would drop dead laughing no matter what he said.
 ☞ 我们大家都在暗笑。
 ☞ We all laughed to ourselves.
 ☞ 孩子们又跳又笑。
 ☞ The children are jumping and laughing.
  ■ laugh at指嘲笑或轻蔑。
 ☞ 人们受不了他那副假正经的样子,难怪要笑他。
 ☞ It's the sanctimonious air that people can't stand, no wonder he is laughed at.
 ☞ 他对困难一笑了之,困难只会促使他更加努力。
 ☞ He laughs at the difficulties. They just spur him on to further effort.
  ■ laugh off有“一笑了之”的意思,但表示的不是轻蔑,而是“无所谓”、“不重要”。
 ☞ 小男孩摔下来,腿上起了紫血块,但他一笑了之。
 ☞ The little boy fell and bruised his leg but he laughed it off.
 ☞ 你的耽误使工程拖后,休想一笑了之。
 ☞ Your bungling has set the project back, which can't be laughed off.
  ■ laugh也可用作名词。
 ☞ 对这个小小的插曲,我们好好地笑了一回。
 ☞ We had a good laugh over this little interlude.
  ■ 不过,还有一个名词laughter,更强调笑的动作或声音。
 ☞ 从孩子们的大笑声中我们知道他们对这个笑话十分欣赏。
 ☞ We know by the boys' loud laughter that they are enjoying the joke.
 ☞ 母亲们见到孩子们在幼儿园里那么高兴都笑了。
 ☞ Mothers smiled to see their children so happy in the kindergarten.
 ☞ 每当他想起初恋时总要会心地一笑。
 ☞ Whenever he recalled his first love he would smile an understanding smile.
  ■ laugh与smile的区别可见下面的例子。
 ☞ 他从来不放声大笑,也难得莞尔一笑。
 ☞ He never laughs and seldom smiles.
 ☞ 他听到这个消息笑得合不拢嘴了。
 ☞ He grinned from ear to ear at hearing the news.
 ☞ 她一笑以示赞许。
 ☞ She grinned her approval.
  "Have a care what I say or you may regret it."
 ☞ grinned the kidnapper.
符合 符合
 ☞ 他对事故的说法应当与其他证人的证词相符合。
 ☞ His version of the accident should agree with that of the other witnesses.
 ☞ 你的解释符合实际情况。
 ☞ Your explanation agreed with the facts of the situation.
 ☞ 这笔账符合原先的估计。
 ☞ The bill agreed with the original estimate.
 ☞ 这两种说法在每个细节上都是符合的。
 ☞ The two accounts agree in every particular.
2.conform to, in conformity with,仅指符合某种建立起来的模式、做法、规定等。
 ☞ 一切不符合党的民主集中制和集体领导原则的做法应该坚决予以纠正。
 ☞ Any practice that does not conform to the Party's democratic centralism and the principle of collective leadership should be resolutely corrected.
 ☞ 他完全符合在高级班学习英语的条件。
 ☞ He completely conforms to the conditions for studying English in advanced class.
 ☞ 我们要努力培养符合国家发展需要的人才。
 ☞ We try our best to train men of ability who will conform to the requirements of our country's development.
 ☞ 无论我们干什么都应符合社会发展的客观规律。
 ☞ Whatever we do should conform to the objective laws of society.
 ☞ 你办事要符合法律。
 ☞ Things you do must be in conformity with the law.
 ☞ 签订这两项协议是符合两国人民的共同愿望和利益的。
 ☞ The signing of the agreement is in conformity with the common desire and interests of the two nations.
3.accord with, in accord with,指性质、特点上的相符。
 ☞ 我们做一切工作都要符合实际。
 ☞ Whatever we do must accord with reality.
 ☞ 她的一举一动都符合你的愿望。
 ☞ Her actions accorded with your wishes.
 ☞ 你的所作所为正好符合敌人的愿望。
 ☞ Your actions precisely accord with the wishes of the enemy.
 ☞ 你做的一切都符合要求。
 ☞ All that you have done accords with the demands.
 ☞ 你的情报符合这一报告提供的情况。
 ☞ Your information accords with what this report states.
 ☞ 有关自由的一般学说符合由于革命而激发出来的热情。
 ☞ The common doctrine of liberty accords with the passions released by the revolution.
 ☞ 报告人的议论不符合听众的情绪。
 ☞ The speaker's remarks do not accord with the sentiments of those who listened to him.
 ☞ 这一决议是符合大众思想情绪的。
 ☞ The decision was in accord with popular sentiment.
 ☞ 你的有些方案不大符合公司的利益。
 ☞ Some of your projects were hardly in accord with the interests of the company.
4.tally with,指与事实相匹配。
 ☞ 这种观点不符合我国国情。
 ☞ Such a view does not tally with our national conditions.
 ☞ 证人的证词不符合事实。
 ☞ The witness' testimony did not tally with the facts。
 ☞ 你刚才说的符合实际情况。
 ☞ What you said just now tallies with the actual situation.
 ☞ 支票的存根符合银行的报表吗?
 ☞ Do the checkbook stubs tally with the bank statement?
 ☞ 他现在说的符合原来他跟警官谈的。
 ☞ What he is saying tallies with his statement to the police officer.
5.answer (to),指符合某种抽象出来的标准。
 ☞ 这一工具很符合我们的需要。
 ☞ This tool answers our needs very well.
 ☞ 她的条件符合这一工作的要求。
 ☞ Her qualifications answer the requirements of the job.
 ☞ 这根绳符合我们的用途。
 ☞ The rope will answer our purpose.
 ☞ 这完全符合我们的需要。
 ☞ That answers precisely to our need.
 ☞ 这一结果符合你的期望。
 ☞ The result answered to your expectation.
 ☞ 这辆车完全符合那被盗车辆的特征。
 ☞ The car exactly answers to the description of the stolen car.
 ☞ 他见到一个孩子,其外貌完全符合失踪男孩的特征。
 ☞ He saw a child whose appearance exactly answered to the description of the missing boy.
6.correspond to (with),指“与…相应”。
 ☞ 解决波斯湾问题是符合世界各国人民利益的。
 ☞ The solution of the Persian Gulf problem corresponds to the interests of the people all over the world.
 ☞ 他们只好承认这一主张是符合实际的。
 ☞ They had to admit that this proposition corresponds to the facts.
 ☞ 证人的说法与警方的观察相符合。
 ☞ The witness' account corresponded to the policeman's observation.
 ☞ 这跟他告诉我的相符合。
 ☞ That corresponds to what he told me.
 ☞ 我的回忆跟你的不大符合。
 ☞ My recollections do not exactly correspond with yours.
 ☞ 房子完全符合我的需要。
 ☞ The house exactly corresponds with my needs.
 ☞ 她的工作符合她的兴趣。
 ☞ Her job corresponds with her interests.
 ☞ 千这工作,他不符合条件。
 ☞ He does not meet the qualifications for this work.
 ☞ 要参军,得符合某些体格上的标准。
 ☞ To join the army, one must meet certain physical standards.
 ☞ 决策机构必须符合几条标准,才有助于总统。
 ☞ To be helpful to the President the machinery for making decisions must meet several criteria.
8.in keeping with,指“与…协调”。
 ☞ 他的行为符合目前的形势。
 ☞ His behavior is in keeping with the present situation.
 ☞ 两伊宣布停战符合两国人民的愿望。
 ☞ The declaration of a truce between Iran and Iraq is in keeping with the aspirations of the two peoples.
 ☞ 星期六下午集合是符合校方的日程安排的。
 ☞ Having an assembly on Saturday afternoon is in keeping with the college program.
 ☞ 他那种轻浮的口吻不符合这种庄严的场合。
 ☞ His tone of levity was not in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion.
9.in line with,指与完全一致。
 ☞ 企业间的契约承包是符合改革大方向的。
 ☞ Making contracts between enterprises is in line with the general direction of the reform.
 ☞ 我们的外交政策是符合世界革命人民利益的。
 ☞ Our foreign policy is in line with the interests of the revolutionary people of the world.
 ☞ 这项声明看来是符合该组织公开宣称的目的的。
 ☞ The statement seems to be in line with the professed aims of the organization.
 ☞ 这一切完全符合传统的做法。
 ☞ All this was quite in line with traditional practice.
 ☞ 这完全不符合我的想法。
 ☞ That isn't in line with my idea at all.
 ☞ 晚会上的一举一动都应符合学校的规定。
 ☞ Behavior of evening parties must be in line with school rules.
笼罩 笼罩
 ☞ 云雾笼罩着山峰。
 ☞ The peak was shrouded in mist and clouds.
 ☞ 浓雾笼罩着岛屿。
 ☞ A dense fog shrouded the islands.
 ☞ 整个事件笼罩在一片神秘的气氛中。
 ☞ The whole incident was shrouded in mystery.
 ☞ 我们向着被薄雾笼罩一切的山谷进发。
 ☞ We left for the valley where mist veiled all.
 ☞ 远处的群山笼罩在一片朦胧的紫色雾霭之中。
 ☞ The mountains beyond are veiled in a dreamy purple haze.
  ■ shroud和veil的区别可以从下列两句中看出。
 ☞ 黑暗笼罩大地。
 ☞ The earth was shrouded in darkness.(一片漆黑)
 ☞ 夜幕又一次笼罩着大地。
 ☞ Night once more veiled the earth.(尚有星光)
 ☞ 一斤雾气笼罩着机场。
 ☞ A fog clothed the airfield.
 ☞ 云雾笼罩着山峰。
 ☞ Mist and clouds clothed the mountain peak.
 ☞ 建筑物笼罩于火焰之中。
 ☞ The building was enveloped in flames.
 ☞ 一片大雾笼罩住了这个小镇。
 ☞ A dense fog enveloped the little town.
 ☞ 一种奇怪的安静笼罩着整个大厅,就像暴风雨前的寂静。
 ☞ A strange stillness pervaded the whole hall, like the hush before a storm.
 ☞ 尽管他有母爱的保护,但她仍能感到笼罩在家里的那种紧张气氛。
 ☞ Though shielded by her mother's love, she could sense the tension which pervaded the household.
 ☞ 悲观气氛笼罩着该国的经济。
 ☞ An atmosphere of pessimism pervades the economy in that country。
 ☞ 浓雾笼罩着村子。
 ☞ A thick fog encompassed the village.
 ☞ 黑暗笼罩着森林。
 ☞ Darkness encompassed the forest.
 ☞ 重重疑虑笼罩着他。
 ☞ He is encompassed with doubts.
 ☞ 惊慌失措的情绪笼罩着纽约证券交易所。
 ☞ Panic rules the New York Stock Exchange.
 ☞ 自从他彩票中奖之后,暴富的梦想笼罩着整个村子。
 ☞ Since his lottery ticket drew a prize, the dreams of getting rich quick have ruled the whole village.

1.wait (for),强调等的动作。专指不干别的事而专心等待。
 ☞ 你得等到他来。
 ☞ You have to wait till he comes.
 ☞ 请等一会不要紧吧。
 ☞ Would you mind waiting a minute, please?
 ☞ 让你久等了,对不起。
 ☞ I'm sorry I've kept you waiting so long.
 ☞ 你最好别等他。
 ☞ You'd better not wait for him.
 ☞ 我7点在门口大厅里等你。
 ☞ I'll be waiting for you in the lobby at seven.
 ☞ 岁月不等人。
 ☞ Time and tide wait for no man.
 ☞ 我们在等雨停。
 ☞ We are waiting for the rain to stop.
 ☞ 你们不应等着机器送上门来。
 ☞ You must not wait for the machines to be delivered at your door.
 ☞ 他在等答复。
 ☞ He waited for an answer.
 ☞ 我们在等进一步指示。
 ☞ We are waiting for further instruction.
 ☞ 他等着有话跟你说。
 ☞ He is waiting to have a word with you.
 ☞ 我们等着看结果。
 ☞ We are waiting to see the result.
 ☞ 我可以告诉你一些你一直等着想知道的事情。
 ☞ I can tell you something you've been waiting to know.
2.wait用作及物动词,往往指耐心等候。仅与某些名词搭配,没有wait for用得广。一般可由wait for替换。
 ☞ 我们在等结果。
 ☞ We are waiting the result.
 ☞ 我得在这里等下一班火车去上海。
 ☞ I have to stay here and wait the next train to Shanghai.
 ☞ 他握住我的手等回答。
 ☞ He held my hands and waited the answer.
 ☞ 他们在等大连开来的船。
 ☞ They were waiting the arrival of the Dalian boat.
 ☞ 我们在等信号。
 ☞ We are waiting the signal.
 ☞ 别忙,我们可以等你方便时再说。
 ☞ Don't hurry yourself; we will wait your convenience.
 ☞ 大使馆在等政府的进一步指示。
 ☞ The Embassy was waiting the instruction from the government.
 ☞ 我们在等结果。
 ☞ We are awaiting the result.
 ☞ 他们都在等他的答复。
 ☞ They were awaiting his answer.
 ☞ 这一天她已等了好久了。
 ☞ She has long awaited this day.
 ☞ 有张字条在家里等他。
 ☞ A note awaited him at his house.
 ☞ 我要等他来信。
 ☞ I shall await hearing from him.或I shall wait to hear from him.
 ☞ 我正在等他。
 ☞ I am awaiting him.或 I am waiting for him.
 ☞ 我正在等他来。
 ☞ I am waiting for him to come.
 ☞ 我们在等着他来。
 ☞ We are expecting his arrival.
 ☞ 对此,我会等你的意见的。
 ☞ I shall expect your opinion of it.
 ☞ 我们等的就是这个。
 ☞ It was what we expected.
 ☞ 我在等一封电报。
 ☞ I'm expecting a telegram.
 ☞ 这就是你等的那封信吗?
 ☞ Is this the letter you've been expecting?
 ☞ 我们在等一辆出租车。
 ☞ We are expecting the taxi to come.
 ☞ 全家都聚在起居室里等客人。
 ☞ The family gathered in the sitting room and was waiting for the guests.(强调等的动作,有“坐等”的意思)
 ☞ 根据准备情况和激动心情来看,全家在等客人。
 ☞ Judging from the preparation and general excitement the family was expecting guests.(强调心情,但不一定是“坐等”)
 ☞ 连医生都束手无策了,我们只能等着我们亲爱的母亲死去。
 ☞ We had no choice but to expect our dear mother to die when even doctors were at a loss.
 ☞ 我们计划好今天下午野餐,但等来的是场暴雨。
 ☞ We have planned a picnic for this afternoon, but we expect a storm.
5.look forward to,等的心情比expect更强烈,常有盼望的意思。
 ☞ 我们一直在等这一天。
 ☞ We have been looking forward to this day.
 ☞ 她一直在等父母来信。
 ☞ She is looking forward to hearing from her parents.
 ☞ 国庆节已等了一个来月了。
 ☞ National Day has been looked forward to for a month or more.
 ☞ 她一直在等着出院,好在家里过节。
 ☞ She has been looking forward to leaving the hospital for a festival at home.
6.“等”用作时间连词时,可译作when,by the time,before等。
 ☞ 等他来了我告诉他。
 ☞ I'll tell him when he comes.
 ☞ 等钱用完了你就知道了。
 ☞ You'll get to know when the money is all spent.
 ☞ 等太阳出来会暖和一点的。
 ☞ It'll get warmer when the sun comes out.
 ☞ 等敌军赶到,游击队已转移了。
 ☞ By the time the enemy troops arrived, the guerrilla force had already disappeared.
 ☞ 等你把东西都包装好,卡车就到啦。
 ☞ The truck will have arrived by the time you have all the things packed up.
 ☞ 等他发现小偷,墙上已扒了个口子。
 ☞ A break had been made in the wall before he spotted the thief.
 ☞ 等我想起来,他已走搏了。
 ☞ He went away before I recalled it.
7.“等”与“再”搭配,也可用作时间连词,译till (until)用于延续动词。译作not till (not until)用于瞬间动词。
 ☞ 等到了上海再下车。
 ☞ Stay on the train until we get to Shanghai.
 ☞ 等开会时再讨论这个。
 ☞ We won't discuss it till the meeting is convened.
 ☞ 等我们什么都搞好再告诉他。
 ☞ Don't tell him till we have got everything ready.
 ☞ 等他来了再开始。
 ☞ We don't start until he comes.
8.用作助词,表示列举未尽,也可叠用。可用and so on, and so forth等。
 ☞ 我买了书籍文具等。
 ☞ I bought books, stationery and so on.
 ☞ 其余的人则对艺术、音乐、书籍等感兴趣。
 ☞ Others are interested in art, music, books and so on.
 ☞ 服装有红、蓝、紫、黄等。
 ☞ The costumes were red, blue, purple, yellow and so forth.
 ☞ 她多次说过她对她所作的一切感到抱歉,她以后再不会这么干了,这是个错误,等等诸如此类的话。
 ☞ She said many times that she was sorry for what she had done, she'd never do it again, it was just a mistake, and so forth.
 ☞ 热带水果有香蕉、芒果、菠萝等。
 ☞ Tropical fruits include bananas, mangos, pineapples, etc.
 ☞ 代表团已赴沈阳、鞍山等地视察。
 ☞ The delegation has gone to Shenyang, Anshan, and other places on a tour of inspection.
 ☞ 乐队整晚都在演奏月光奏鸣曲、意大利交响曲、但丁奏鸣曲等乐曲。
 ☞ The band played all evening Moon Light sonata, Italian symphony, Dante sonata and other compositions.
等于 等于
1.表示数量上相等,可用be, be equal to, make。
 ☞ 3加2等于5。
 ☞ Three plus two is five.
 ☞ 3乘2等于6。
 ☞ Three times two is six.
 ☞ 此角等于那个角。
 ☞ This angle is equal to that.
 ☞ 1小时等于60分钟。
 ☞ An hour is equal to sixty minutes.
 ☞ 2加2等于4。
 ☞ Two and two make four.
 ☞ 100厘米等于1米。
 ☞ One hundred centimeters make one meter 一个鸡蛋的蛋白质等于半磅牛排。
 ☞ An egg is equal to half a pound of steak in protein value.
 ☞ 这等于说他不是傻子。
 ☞ This is equal to saying that he is not a fool.
 ☞ 抓而不紧等于不抓。
 ☞ Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all.
 ☞ 示意义上等于,可用amount to, mean。
 ☞ 这场经济改革等于是场革命。
 ☞ The economic reforms amount to revolution.
 ☞ 把别人的东西占为己有等于是偷窃。
 ☞ Keeping what belongs to others amounts to stealing.
 ☞ 他的沉默等于是拒绝。
 ☞ His silence amounts to a refusal.
 ☞ 增加工资等于增加购买力。
 ☞ To raise wages means increasing purchasing power.
 ☞ 这等于说是你错了。
 ☞ This means saying that you're wrong.
3.表示在量上等于,可用pretty much, as much as。
 ☞ 这件事如果他们不愿干,那就等于承认自己不老实。
 ☞ If they won't do it, then they are pretty much admitting their dishonesty.
 ☞ 投票的结果等于我们党获胜。
 ☞ The result of the ballot was pretty much the victory of our Party.
 ☞ 那就等于说他是个吹牛大王。
 ☞ That is as much as to say that he is a liar.
 ☞ 他逃跑就等于承认是他拿的钱。
 ☞ By running away he as much as admitted that he had taken the money.
 ☞ 你等于说我是个傻瓜。
 ☞ You as much as told me that I was a fool.
 ☞ 我厂去年产量等于1980年的5倍。
 ☞ Last year our factory produced five times as much as in 1980.
4.表示形象上等于,可用be like。
 ☞ 没有正确的政治观点,就等于没有灵魂。
 ☞ Not to have a correct political orientation is like not having a soul.
 ☞ 看这部电影等于周游世界。
 ☞ Watching this film is like traveling round the world.
5.表示“结果等于”,可译be tantamount to, 可做表语,in effect用作插入语。
 ☞ 打下锦州就等于关上了东北的大门,东北的蒋军就成了瓮中之鳖。
 ☞ Capturing Jinzhou was tantamount to closing the gate to northeast China, and Chiang-kai-shek's troops there would, as the saying goes, become "turtles in a jar".
 ☞ 削弱社会主义祖国等于帮助了敌人。
 ☞ To weaken our socialist motherland would be tantamount to helping the enemy.
 ☞ 他的声明等于是悔过书。
 ☞ His statement was tantamount to a confession.
 ☞ 你的答复等于是拒绝。
 ☞ Your answer is tantamount to a refusal.
 ☞ 我等于帮了倒忙。
 ☞ In effect, I had done a bad turn.
 ☞ 你等于说他错了。
 ☞ In effect, you mean he is wrong.
 ☞ 他们没有正式合同,但他等于是她的经理。
 ☞ They have no formal contract, but he is, in effect, her manager.
 ☞ 这等于是事后诸葛亮。
 ☞ This is, in effect. an after-wit.
答应 答应
 ☞ 我在宿舍外面叫了几声,没人答应。
 ☞ I called out several times outside the dormitory but nobody answered.
 ☞ 我在楼下一叫他,他就答应了。
 ☞ As soon as I called him downstairs. he answered.
 ☞ 我问了两遍,没人答应。
 ☞ I repeated my question, but nobody answered.
 ☞ 她变得那么虚弱,叫她都不会答应了。
 ☞ She became so weak that she no longer responded when called.
 ☞ 我跟他打招呼,他没答应。
 ☞ I greeted him, but he did not respond.
 ☞ 这件事爸爸是不会答应的。
 ☞ Papa wouldn't permit (allow)it.
 ☞ 在办公室里吸烟我们是不答应的。
 ☞ We do not permit (allow) smoking in the office.
 ☞ 他感到他妻子决不会答应这种事的。
 ☞ He felt that his wife would never permit anything of this sort.
 ☞ 你认为你母亲会答应这件事吗?
 ☞ Do you think your mother would permit this?
 ☞ 如果你答应,我们就在这儿吃午饭。
 ☞ We'll have our lunch here, if you will permit us.
 ☞ 我答应尽力帮助他。
 ☞ I promised him that I would do my best to help him.
 ☞ 他答应两天内修好屋顶。
 ☞ He promised that the roof should be repaired within two days.
 ☞ 你得答应我你不再干那种事了。
 ☞ You've got to promise me that you won't do that again.
  ■ promise与permit (allow)的区别可从下面例句比较中看出:
 ☞ 他答应我明天再做一个试验。
 ☞ He permitted (allowed) me to make another experiment tomorrow。(他答应我,让我来做),但如果译作:He promised me to make another experiment tomorrow.(他答应我,他来做)
 ☞ 我们请他参加讨论会,他答应来。
 ☞ We asked him to attend our discussion and he agreed to come.
 ☞ 我认为无法答应你们的条件。
 ☞ I find it impossible to agree to your terms.
 ☞ 那件事他们是决不会答应的。
 ☞ They will never agree to that.
 ☞ 我从来没答应我女儿跟他结婚。
 ☞ I never did agree to my daughter marrying him.
 ☞ 因此他的要求也不宜轻易答应。
 ☞ So we should not readily grant his request either.
 ☞ 中国银行不答应给我们长期贷款。
 ☞ Bank of China refused to grant us long-term credits.
 ☞ 校长答应我们多放一天假。
 ☞ The headmaster granted us an extra holiday.
6.表示照办时,可译comply with。
 ☞ 生产队长一口答应我们的要求。
 ☞ The production team leader readily complied with our request.
 ☞ 你们有些条件很难答应。
 ☞ Certain of your conditions are difficult to comply with.
简直 简直
 ☞ 你的态度简直叫我吃惊。
 ☞ Your attitude simply amazed me.
 ☞ 我当时简直不知怎么办才好。
 ☞ I simply did not know what to do.
 ☞ 这个展览简直太好了。
 ☞ The exhibition is simply wonderful.
 ☞ 自从小梅到了北京,她简直每天都要给她母亲写信。
 ☞ Xiaomei has written her mother almost daily since she came to Beijing.
 ☞ 这简直超过了我们的估计。
 ☞ This is almost more than we estimated.
  ■ 但如果almost用于否定句,只可以与never, no, none, nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere等连用。
 ☞ 简直没人相信她。
 ☞ Almost no one believed her 他简直什么也没说。
 ☞ He said almost nothing.
 ☞ 我简直从未见过她。
 ☞ I almost never saw her.
  ■ 因此否定句中用得更多的是hardly,scarcely,表示否定程度的接近。
 ☞ 简直没人相信她。
 ☞ Hardly anyone believed her.
 ☞ 他简直什么也没说。
 ☞ He said scarcely anything.
 ☞ 我的脚简直软得站不住了。
 ☞ My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand.
3.all too,有“实在大”的意思,比almost更进一步,表示超越某种极端的程度,故带有惊叹的口气。
 ☞ 假期简直太短了。
 ☞ The holidays were all too short.
 ☞ 时间简直过得太快了。
 ☞ Time passes all too quickly.
 ☞ 外面下着无情的雨,不断地下着,其凶狠恶毒简直是通了人性。
 ☞ Outside, the pitiless rain fell, fell steadily, with a fierce malignity that was all too human.
4.go so far as,有“简直到了无法容忍的程度”的意思,带有一种不满的语气。
 ☞ 他们有时简直要闹到颠倒是非,混淆黑白的程度。
 ☞ At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong and mix up black and white.
 ☞ 最后她简直要把情人公开带到家里来了。
 ☞ At last she went so far as to bring her lover to her home.
 ☞ 他们简直要派遣炮艇进行干涉了。
 ☞ They went so far as to send gunboats to carry out intervention.
5.as if (though),有“实在像“的意思,指达到某种想像的程度,故用虚拟语气,带有惊奇,气愤等语气。
 ☞ 那里的那座楼房简直像座兵营。
 ☞ That building there looks as if it were an army camp.
 ☞ 我清清楚楚地记得那件事情,简直像是昨天晚上的事。
 ☞ I remember it as vividly as though it were last night.
 ☞ 不要以为自己什么都行,别人什么都不行,离了你简直像是地球都不转了似的。
 ☞ Don't think that you alone can do everything while others can do nothing, as if the earth would stop turning without you.

 ☞ 天文学家能算出何时日蚀,何时月蚀。
 ☞ Astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipses of the sun and the moon.
 ☞ 有一位科学家曾经算过每立方厘米的氧气原子数。
 ☞ There was a scientist, who calculated the number of atoms in a cubic centimeter of oxygen.
  ■ calculate除了表示精确的计算之外,还可表示估算。
 ☞ 咱们做出决定之前,一起来算算有利条件和不利条件。
 ☞ Let's calculate all the advantages and disadvantages before coming to a decision.
 ☞ 我算了算,我们下午6点就可以到了。
 ☞ I calculated that we would arrive at 6 p.m.
  ■ calculate加前缀mis表示计算有误。
 ☞ 聪明人也有失算的时候。
 ☞ Even a wise man sometimes miscalculates.
 ☞ 叫服务员来算账。
 ☞ Ask the waiter to compute the bill.
 ☞ 你能算出地球到月亮的距离吗?
 ☞ Can you compute the distance of the moon from the earth?
 ☞ 我的工资从本月1号算起。
 ☞ My pay is reckoned from the 1st of this month.
 ☞ 她是扳着手指头算的。
 ☞ She reckoned on her fingers.
 ☞ 我的小女儿已学会了读、写、算。
 ☞ My little daughter has learned to read, write and figure.
 ☞ 他们算了一下,完成这项工程需要两年。
 ☞ They figured it would take two years to finish the project.
  ■ 但figure in(算进去),figure out(算出来),figure on(算到)却是常用的双语动词。
 ☞ 我们算了旅费,却忘了算餐费。
 ☞ We figured in the travel expenses but forgot the cost of meals.
 ☞ 请帮我算算我的所得税。
 ☞ Please help me to figure out my income tax.
 ☞ 你们算这算那,为什么不算算农民的积极性?
 ☞ You figure this way and that way. Why don't you also figure on the initiative of the peasants?
5.do sum,只指做计算题。
 ☞ 这些题要心算。
 ☞ Do these sums mentally.
 ☞ 他脑筋算得快。
 ☞ He does a rapid sum in his head.
 ☞ 把司机算在内公共汽车里共有45人。
 ☞ There were forty five people altogether in the bus, if we count the driver in.
 ☞ 不算我家的成员,共有10位客人。
 ☞ There are ten guests not counting members of my family.
  ■ count in,指算进去。
 ☞ 你们要是去野餐,算我一个。
 ☞ Count me in if you are going out on a picnic.
  ■ 与count in同义的还有include。
 ☞ 请把我算到你们组。
 ☞ Please include me in your group.
  ■ count as,指算作是。
 ☞ 他可以算是国画大师了。
 ☞ He can be counted as a great master of traditional Chinese painting.
  ■ 与count as同义的还有be regarded as,be considered as。
 ☞ 我想这可以算是《中国文化》的态度。
 ☞ This, I think, can be regarded as the attitude of Chinese Culture.
 ☞ 既然大家都同意这个计划,就算定下来了。
 ☞ Since you all agreed to the plan, let it be considered as decided.
  ■ count oneself+补语,指“算是”。
 ☞ 在这样一场灾难之后你能活下来就算是不幸中的大幸了。
 ☞ After such a catastrophe you should count yourself lucky you are alive.
  ■ It is not... but... that counts, 有“…不算,只有…才算”的意思。
 ☞ 我说的不算,党说了才算。
 ☞ It is not just what I say, but what the Party says that counts.
 ☞ 比起南方,北京的夏天不算太热。
 ☞ Compared to the south, summer in Beijing isn't really hot。
 ☞ 解放前,我们这里的小麦亩产100斤就算不错了。
 ☞ Before liberation, we were lucky if we got 100 jin of wheat per mu.
 ☞ 困难算得了什么!
 ☞ Difficulties are nothing!
8.final,finally,at last,所指的“算”有“最后算数”、“最后算是”的意思。
 ☞ 世界上的事不该由一两个大国说了算。
 ☞ One or two powers should not have the final say on world affairs.
 ☞ 他算是把家安在农村了。
 ☞ He finally settled down in the countryside.
 ☞ 工人们用了两天的时间,总算是把机器修好了。
 ☞ The workers spent two days on it and repaired the machine at last.
9.amount to,所指的“算”有“实际上算是”的意思。
 ☞ 经济改革也算是场革命。
 ☞ Economic reforms amount to a revolution as well.
 ☞ 你的话算是拒绝?
 ☞ Did your words amount to refusal?
 ☞ 我有3笔欠账要算。
 ☞ I have three scores to settle.
 ☞ 这些人的命也没了,账也算了。
 ☞ These lives were done for and their accounts settled.
11.all right, forget (about) it, that's enough等,均指根据前面的情况表示不再计较。
 ☞ 你要是不愿意去就算了。
 ☞ If you don't want to go, it's all right.
 ☞ 算了,不用找钱了。
 ☞ That's all right. Keep the change.
 ☞ 不知你能否帮我点忙,要是没时间就算了。
 ☞ I wonder if you can help me. If you haven't got the time, then forget about it.
 ☞ 算了,你用不着道歉。
 ☞ Forget it. You needn't apologize.
 ☞ 算了,别说了。
 ☞ That's enough! Let it go at that.
 ☞ 我算他今天该动身了。
 ☞ I suppose he'll be starting today.
 ☞ 你怎么刚说了又不算了。
 ☞ You just made a promise and now you've gone back on it。
 ☞ 这家公司里的事由他说了算。
 ☞ What he says goes in the firm.
 ☞ 他不愿去就算了,咱们反正要去。
 ☞ If he doesn't want to go, he needn't. We'll go anyway.
 ☞ 你才干了6小时,不过咱们就按一天算吧。
 ☞ You only worked six hours, but let's call it a day.
算数 算数
 ☞ 不论跟谁打交道,说话要算数。
 ☞ Whoever you deal with, your words must count.
 ☞ 个别情况不算数。
 ☞ Isolated instances do not count.
 ☞ 我一个人说的不算数,大家说才算数。
 ☞ It's not just what I say, but what we all say counts.
2.hold, stand,指仍有效力。
 ☞ 他说的话仍然算数。
 ☞ What he said still holds.
 ☞ 这条规定不算数了。
 ☞ The rule does not hold.
 ☞ 协议必须算数。
 ☞ The agreement must stand.
3.mean what one says, 仅指说话算数。
 ☞ 我们说话是算数的。
 ☞ We mean what we say.
 ☞ 你说的话算不算数?
 ☞ Do you mean what you say?
4.live up to,指“按…行事”。
 ☞ 我希望你答应的事情要算数。
 ☞ I hope you'll live up to your promise.
 ☞ 我们在国际上做出的承诺是算数的。
 ☞ We always live up to the international commitments we made.
5.go back on,指有了反复而不算。
 ☞ 你刚才答应了怎么现在又不算数?
 ☞ You just made a promise and now you have gone back on it.
 ☞ 他不是那种说话不算数的人。
 ☞ He is not the sort of man who would go back on his words.
6.keep promise (words)等,指遵守诺言。
 ☞ 他答应的事从来不算数。
 ☞ He never keeps his promise.
 ☞ 我们说话向来是算数的。
 ☞ We always keep our words.

 ☞ 管那一大家子,她似乎还年轻点。
 ☞ She seems a bit young to manage that big family.
 ☞ 我们不喜欢外人来管我们的事。
 ☞ We don't like outsiders to come in and manage our affairs.
 ☞ 她得学会管家。
 ☞ She has to learn how to run a household.
 ☞ 他仿佛懂得怎样管铁路。
 ☞ He seems to know how to run a railway.
3.take care of,指照管。
 ☞ 现在是我来管他。
 ☞ It is I now who take care of him.
 ☞ 每个工人管5台机器。
 ☞ Each worker took care of five machines.
4.take charge of, in charge, in one's charge,指负责。
 ☞ 看来,这个科得由你来管了。
 ☞ Evidently, you'll have to take charge of the department.
 ☞ 这个厂谁管?
 ☞ Who is in charge of the factory?
 ☞ 这些文件归他管。
 ☞ These documents are in his charge.
5.have control over, under the control of, 指控制。
 ☞ 他又管人又管钱。
 ☞ He has control over both money and personnel.
 ☞ 警察归市政府管。
 ☞ The police force is under the control of the city government.
 ☞ 每个工人要管好几台机器。
 ☞ Each worker tends several machines.
 ☞ 他死后他的夫人在管那个小店。
 ☞ His wife tends the small shop after his death.
 ☞ 学生难管。
 ☞ Students are hard to handle.
 ☞ 她要我替她管买卖。
 ☞ She asked me to handle the business for her.
8.have jurisdiction over, under the jurisdiction of,指管辖。
 ☞ 该市管10个县。
 ☞ The city has jurisdiction over ten counties.
 ☞ 该市由中央直接管。
 ☞ The municipality is under the direct jurisdiction of the Central Government.
 ☞ 孩子要管,但更要引导。
 ☞ Children need discipline, but they need guidance even more.
 ☞ 看来这里管得不严。
 ☞ It was evident that discipline here was not very stern.
10.concern about (with),指关心。
 ☞ 他只管自己,不管别人。
 ☞ He is only concerned about himself, not about others.
 ☞ 我才不管别人对我作品的态度。
 ☞ I won't be concerned with other people's attitude to my works.
11.care (about),指在乎,常用于否定或疑问。
 ☞ 去不去随你,我不管。
 ☞ Go or not as you like, I don't care.
 ☞ 我不管他干什么。
 ☞ I don't care about what he does.
  "Who cares?" She said to my mother.
12.bother (about),指打扰、费心。
 ☞ 别管你爸,他有心事。
 ☞ Don't bother your Dad. He's got a lot on his mind.
 ☞ 她从来不管别人方便不方便。
 ☞ She never bothers about other people's convenience.
13.step in,指干预。
 ☞ 有些地区滥伐林木非常严重,政府得管一管了。
 ☞ Excessive tree-felling is very serious in some areas.
 ☞ and it's high time the government stepped in.
 ☞ 除非有人管,否则他们会搞得一团糟的。
 ☞ Unless someone steps in, they'll make a mess of it.
 ☞ 幸亏那里管吃管住。
 ☞ Fortunately meals and accommodation are provided there.
 ☞ 惟一的不足是他们管接不管送。
 ☞ The only disadvantage is that they provide transportation to come but not to go.
 ☞ 东西不好,我们管换。
 ☞ We guarantee to change it if it isn't any good.
 ☞ 每天3顿饭管饱。
 ☞ Three square meals are guaranteed.
 ☞ 我们管他叫张先生。
 ☞ We address him as Mr. Zhang.
 ☞ 大家管他叫“小淘气”。
 ☞ People call him "Little Mischief".
17.leave alone,指撇下某人不管。
 ☞ 别管我。
 ☞ Leave me alone!
 ☞ 考虑到他的不安情绪,他总是有人管着。
 ☞ On account of his restlessness he was never left alone.
18.whether, no matter what (who,how…),用于让步。
 ☞ 管它下不下雨,我们都得马上出发。
 ☞ We've got to be off immediately, whether it rains or not.
 ☞ 管你怎么说,我也要再试一试。
 ☞ No matter what you say, I'll try again.
管理 管理
 ☞ 学生有权管理自己的事务。
 ☞ Students have the right to run their own affairs.
 ☞ 几位家庭主妇办了一个托儿所并管理得井井有条。
 ☞ A few of housewives have set up a nursery and run it in an orderly manner.
 ☞ 她仍然是个闲不住的女人,家务管理得很好。
 ☞ Still an active woman, she is managing (running) household very well.
 ☞ 要不是上面来的干扰,我敢说我管理个商店还是行的。
 ☞ I dare say I could manage (run)a shop all right if I wasn't interfered in from above.
 ☞ 我们是为人民管理企业。
 ☞ We manage (run) business for the people.
 ☞ 一个政府部门的首长管理拨给他那个部门的款项。
 ☞ The head of a government department administers the funds allotted to his department.
 ☞ 已成立了一个专门委员会来管理有关的华侨事务。
 ☞ A special commission has been set up to administer affairs concerning the overseas Chinese.
 ☞ 英国政府可以管理香港至1997年。
 ☞ The British government could administer Hong Kong until the year 1997.
 ☞ 大不列颠是君主统治,而不是君主管理。
 ☞ In Great Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern.
 ☞ 难道你不相信人类能自己管理自己?
 ☞ Can't you believe that human beings are fit to govern themselves?
 ☞ 校长用严格的纪律管理学校。
 ☞ The headmaster ruled the school with a stern discipline.
 ☞ 像你这样的人物,完全可以管理一个大国。
 ☞ With a personality like yours, you could rule a big country.
 ☞ 如果管理得当,还有希望来挽救公司,免于破产。
 ☞ There is still hope to save the company from bankruptcy if it is handled properly.
 ☞ 如果由内行来管理,外贸是个赚钱的买卖。
 ☞ If handled by one who knows how, foreign trade is a profitable business.
 ☞ 外办管理国际事务。
 ☞ The Foreign Affairs Office handles international affairs.
 ☞ 我的工作是管理工人。
 ☞ My job is to supervise workmen.
 ☞ 她管理打字员。
 ☞ She supervises the typists.
 ☞ 你能管理整条生产线吗?
 ☞ Can you supervise a whole production line?
7.be in (the) charge of, be given charge over, take charge of, put in charge of,指职责性管理。
 ☞ 王先生管理财务。
 ☞ Mr. Wang is in charge of the financial affairs.(人来管理事物)
 ☞ 财务由王先生管理。
 ☞ The financial affairs are in the charge of Mr. Wang.
 ☞ 农场的牛马由我管理。
 ☞ I was given charge over the farm cattle.
 ☞ 厂长下星期走后,只好由我来管理全厂了。
 ☞ I have to take charge of the whole factory next week after the director is away.
 ☞ 明天我来管理你们这个班。
 ☞ I'll take charge of your class tomorrow.
 ☞ 我们班演戏时,老师叫李明管理幕布。
 ☞ When our class had a play, the teacher put Li Ming in charge of the stage curtains.
8.care for, take care of, look,指照料性管理。
 ☞ 我慢慢学会了他们管理水稻秧苗的方法。
 ☞ I gradually learned their methods of caring for the rice shoots.
 ☞ 农场实行高效管理,每个农工管理80公顷地。
 ☞ The farm is run efficiently and each worker takes care of eighty hectares of land.
9.look (see) after,指看管性管理。
 ☞ 你走后谁来管理这幢房子?
 ☞ Who will look after the house after you're gone away?
 ☞ 他出国时把生意交给他儿子管理。
 ☞ When he went abroad he left his son to see after the business.
精心 精心
1.meticulous care,meticulously,指特别细致。
 ☞ 他出国前精心安排了他商业上的事务。
 ☞ Before going abroad he arranged his business affairs with meticulous care.
 ☞ 这些工程都是精心设计,精心施工的。
 ☞ The projects were meticulously designed and constructed.
 ☞ 医生做了精心检查,没有发现异常。
 ☞ The doctor made a careful examination and found nothing abnormal.
 ☞ 这一精心策划的阴谋被揭露出来以后就被挫败了。
 ☞ The carefully calculated plot was exposed, then defeated.
 ☞ 由于许多这类精心研究的成果,我们对海洋的知识才得以积累。
 ☞ As a result of many such painstaking studies, our knowledge of the oceans has accumulated.
 ☞ 这个精心经营起来的企业竟会毁于一旦,谁想得到呢?
 ☞ Who would have thought that the painstakingly built-up enterprise should have been destroyed in a moment?
 ☞ 他花了5年时间精心制作出一套逻辑学体系。
 ☞ It took him five years to elaborate a system of logic.
 ☞ 人生有其精心的杰作,犹如诗歌、雕塑、绘画有其不朽之作一样。
 ☞ Life has its elaborate masterpieces, just as poetry has, or sculptor, or painting.
 ☞ 殖民主义者往往精心炮制神话来为自己的强盗行径辩护。
 ☞ The colonialists often elaborately cook up tales in defense of their gangster acts.
精神 精神
1.spirit, 与matter(物质)或flesh(肉体)相对的精神。
  "Being determines consciousness" is the Marxist definition of the ultimate relation between matter and spirit.
 ☞ 我在精神上和肉体上都将和你在一起。
 ☞ I shall be with you both in spirit and flesh.
  ■ 并由此而产生的种种与之相应的精神。如:
 ☞ 这一运动充满了反叛精神。
 ☞ The movement is full of the spirit of revolt.
 ☞ 他们没有辜负这一决议的精神。
 ☞ They lived up to the spirit of this resolution.
 ☞ 我们无法抗拒时代精神。
 ☞ We cannot resist the spirit of the times.
 ☞ 她有着一种创造精神。
 ☞ She had a spirit of initiative.
 ☞ 她精神上的美胜过她肉体上的美。
 ☞ Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.
 ☞ 学校是她的精神家园。
 ☞ The school is her spiritual home.
 ☞ 事实充分说明了她是个精神空虚的女子。
 ☞ The facts show clearly that she is a spiritually barren girl.
 ☞ 精神支配肉体。
 ☞ The mind governs the body.
 ☞ 他把全部精神都集中在这件事情上了。
 ☞ He concentrated his whole mind upon the matter.
 ☞ 女人的精神比美貌更能引起他的兴趣。
 ☞ The minds of women intrigued him more than beauty.
 ☞ 那次事故以后,实际上他精神已经不正常了。
 ☞ He was actually out of his right mind after the accident.
 ☞ 俗话说:“伟大的精神常寓于矮小的身躯之中”。
 ☞ As the proverb says: "A little body often harbors a great soul."
 ☞ 他把全部精神都投入到了工作之中。
 ☞ He put his whole soul into his work.
 ☞ 我从我孩子们身上得到了精神上的快乐。
 ☞ I got soul delight from my children.
 ☞ 我们是来给你一点精神上的支持。
 ☞ We've come to give you a little moral support.
 ☞ 这只是一次精神上的胜利。
 ☞ It was only a moral victory.
 ☞ 我们至少应在精神上支持他。
 ☞ At least, we should support him morally.
 ☞ 每人都有自己的精神生活。
 ☞ Everyone has a mental life of his own.
 ☞ 他的精神状态说明他出了什么事了。
 ☞ His mental state indicated that something had gone wrong with him.
 ☞ 你在分配前精神上应有所准备。
 ☞ You should be mentally prepared before you' re assigned.
 ☞ 他讲话的精神与你讲的有本质的差别。
 ☞ The essence of the speech he gave was essentially different from that of yours.
 ☞ 他的学说的精神是要爱所有的人。
 ☞ The essence of his teaching is love for all men.
 ☞ 我错过了那次报告,你能传达点精神吗?
 ☞ I missed the report. Could you give the gist of it?
 ☞ 文件的精神已经传达了。
 ☞ The gist of the document was already conveyed.
 ☞ 我们会尽量领会社论精神的。
 ☞ We'll try to understand the gist of the editorial as much as possible.
 ☞ 党中央的精神是政治改革必须稳妥可靠。
 ☞ The intention of the Party's Central Committee is that the political reform must be safe and reliable.
 ☞ 他们想从她身上打听上头的精神。
 ☞ They tried to sound her out about the intentions of the higher-ups.
9.vigor, vitality,指精力、活力。
 ☞ 人的精神会随着衰老而衰退。
 ☞ A man's vigor lessens as he grows old.
 ☞ 虽然他已经70岁了,但人还很精神。
 ☞ He is a man full of vigor (vitality) though he is already seventy.
 ☞ 精神饱满就是精力旺盛。
 ☞ To be full of vitality is to be energetic.
 ☞ 他穿上军装显得格外精神。
 ☞ The army uniform made him look especially impressive.
 ☞ 那孩子的眼睛真精神!
 ☞ What impressive eyes the child has!
11.full of life,指生机盎然。
 ☞ 孩子们真精神。
 ☞ The children are full of life.
 ☞ 开放的花朵真精神。
 ☞ The flowers in bloom are full of life.
精简 精简
 ☞ 中央曾三令五申,机构要精简节约,但收效甚微。
 ☞ The central government repeatedly enjoined that administration must be simplified and economy practiced. but little was achieved.
 ☞ 与市场经济直接挂钩,机构精简问题也就迎刃而解。
 ☞ With direct contact with market economy, the problem of how to simplify the administrative structure will be readily solved.
 ☞ 为配合艰苦朴素运动,学校当局精简了我们的开支。
 ☞ In keeping with the drive for hard work and plain living the school administration retrenched our expenses.
 ☞ 我家的传统之一是每个成员都要精简节约。
 ☞ It is one of our family's traditions for every member to retrench and economize.
 ☞ 为了提高工作效率,必须减少办事机构的层次,精简人员。
 ☞ To raise efficiency, we should simplify the administrative structure and reduce the staff.
 ☞ 为了克服官僚主义,党政机关都精简了报表。
 ☞ To fight against bureaucracy, the Party and the government organizations have reduced the number of forms.
 ☞ 我们精简白领阶层700人。
 ☞ We cut our white ranks by seven hundred people.
 ☞ 会议要精简到最低限度。
 ☞ Meetings must be cut to a minimum.
 ☞ 我们决心精简公司,使之更能获利,更具有竞争力。
 ☞ We are determined to streamline the company, and make it more profitable and competitive.
 ☞ 我们能不能精简手续,使之不要花那么多时间就能通过海关?
 ☞ Can't we streamline the procedures so that it doesn't take so much time to get through customs?
精通 精通
1.a command (mastery),指掌握。
 ☞ 我们需要一位精通英语的中文教师。
 ☞ We need a Chinese teacher with a good command of English.
 ☞ 他精通广告艺术。
 ☞ He has a good command of the art of advertising.
 ☞ 不精通英语就不能胜任这一工作。
 ☞ It is impossible to be competent at the job without a mastery of English.
 ☞ 精通一门外语也许要花一生的时间。
 ☞ It might take a lifetime to gain a mastery of a foreign language.
2.skilled in, proficient in,指技巧上熟练。
 ☞ 十八般武艺他样样精通。
 ☞ He was skilled in the use of all weapons.
 ☞ 她精通艺术技巧。
 ☞ She is skilled in artistry.
 ☞ 你精通业务,一定会很快得到提升的。
 ☞ You're proficient in your professional work and you'll be promoted quickly.
 ☞ 多年来的实践使他精通钢琴的演奏。
 ☞ Years of practice has made him proficient in playing the piano.
 ☞ 各级领导干部要努力使自己成为精通政治工作和业务工作的专家。
 ☞ Leading cadres at all levels must strive hard to become expert in both political and vocational work.
 ☞ 他来到巴黎跟一位精通天文的大师学习。
 ☞ He came to Paris to study with one of the great masters at astronomy.(大师自然精通)
糊涂 糊涂
 ☞ 别装糊涂。
 ☞ Don't play the fool.
 ☞ 把没干的漆刷放到我椅子上,他有多糊涂!
 ☞ What a fool he is to put the wet paintbrush on my chair!
 ☞ 他并不糊涂。
 ☞ He is no fool,试比较:He is not a fool.化不是傻瓜。
 ☞ 你有多糊涂。
 ☞ How foolish of you.
 ☞ 他不可能干这种糊涂事。
 ☞ He is incapable of doing such foolish things.
 ☞ 干这样的事,真是糊涂。
 ☞ It was silly indeed to do such a thing.
 ☞ 不要再糊涂下去了。
 ☞ Don't be silly any more.
 ☞ 你真糊涂!
 ☞ What a silly you are!
 ☞ 你怎么能这样糊涂!
 ☞ How you could be so stupid!
 ☞ 她可能不讨人喜欢,但并不糊涂。
 ☞ She may be unpleasant, but she is not stupid.
 ☞ 你怎么会如此糊涂?
 ☞ How could you be so stupid?
 ☞ 他们的主意彼此矛盾,把我弄糊涂了。
 ☞ They have confused me with their conflicting advice.
 ☞ 她越想越糊涂。
 ☞ The more she thought, the more confused she became.
 ☞ 数学题把我弄糊涂了。
 ☞ The mathematical problems bewildered me.
 ☞ 我们的司机让自相矛盾的路标弄糊涂了。
 ☞ Our driver was bewildered by the conflicting road signs.
 ☞ 我真糊涂,把信忘在家里了。
 ☞ How careless of me to have left the letter at home.
 ☞ 该怎么说,该怎么写,他是从来不糊涂的。
 ☞ He has never been careless of how he should speak and write.
糟蹋 糟蹋
 ☞ 糟蹋这么好的粮食简直就是犯罪。
 ☞ It, s simply a crime to waste such good food.
 ☞ 他顽固得很,别糟蹋口水了。
 ☞ He is stubborn enough. So don't waste your words on him.
2.spoil, 指因行为不当而糟蹋。
 ☞ 剪裁时要小心,别把料子糟蹋了。
 ☞ Cut the material carefully, don't spoil it.
 ☞ 由于天气不好,几乎没有客人,宴会全给糟蹋了。
 ☞ The dinner was completely spoilt as almost nobody attended it because of bad weather.
3.ruin, 指毁掉。
 ☞ 我们白跑一趟,糟蹋了一整天。
 ☞ We made a fruitless trip and an entire day was ruined.
 ☞ 这场狂风暴雨把庄稼给糟蹋了。
 ☞ The violent storm ruined the crops.
 ☞ 他因糟蹋幼女而被指控。
 ☞ He was charged for violating a young girl.
 ☞ 日本鬼子把我们的妻女给糟蹋了,我们必须报仇雪恨。
 ☞ The Japs had our women raped. We must take revenge.
 ☞ 侵略军把这个村子糟蹋得不成样子了。
 ☞ The invading troops left the village in a terrible state.
 ☞ 说话不要这样糟蹋人。
 ☞ You shouldn't talk about anyone like that.

 ☞ 小姑娘把线两头系了起来。
 ☞ The little girl tied the ends of the thread.
 ☞ 你叫他时,他正在系鞋带。
 ☞ He was tying his shoe laces when you called him.
 ☞ 把晾衣绳系在树上。
 ☞ Fasten the clothesline between two trees.
 ☞ 系上安全带!
 ☞ Fasten your seat belt!
3.put on,wear,指带有穿戴作用的系。
 ☞ 她系上围裙下厨房了。
 ☞ She put on her apron and went to the kitchen.
 ☞ 少先队员都系着红领巾。
 ☞ The young pioneers all wear red scarves.
 ☞ 幸亏司机系上了安全带,才没有受伤。
 ☞ Fortunately the driver was wearing his seat belt and so he wasn't injured.(说话时已系上)试比较:系上安全带!Fasten your seat belt.(说话时还没有系上)
4.button up,指系钮扣。
 ☞ 把衣服的扣子系上!
 ☞ Button up your jacket!
素质 素质
 ☞ 我们在平时就应培养这种素质。
 ☞ We should develop this kind of character at ordinary times.
 ☞ 他有素质,却无个性。
 ☞ He has character but no personality.
 ☞ 她在这次抗洪斗争中表现出了领导素质。
 ☞ She showed the qualities of leadership in the struggle against floods.
 ☞ 魅力只是女人使男人心动的一种素质。
 ☞ Charm is only one of the qualities in woman that appeals to man.
 ☞ 各国大使在参观这支部队时交口称赞人民解放军这支部队的军事和政治素质。
 ☞ The ambassadors of various countries unanimously praised the military and political quality of the army unit when visiting the PLA.
 ☞ 勇敢是一个好士兵必备的素质。
 ☞ Courage is one of the qualities necessary for a good soldier.
 ☞ 只有接受教育你才能提高内在的素质。
 ☞ Only by receiving education can you enhance your intrinsic qualifications.
 ☞ 妇女参政应由她们的内在素质决定。
 ☞ The participation of women in politics should be decided by their intrinsic qualification.
 ☞ 据说女性羡慕男性的勇敢是由于她们自己缺少这种素质。
 ☞ It is said that females admire males of courage, on account of their deficiency in that qualification.
 ☞ 当然,每个学生不仅具有不同的学习方式,而且还或多或少地具备学习语言的素质。
 ☞ Of course, each student may have not only a different learning style but also greater or lesser aptitude for learning a language.
 ☞ 她从小就表现出绘画的素质。
 ☞ She has showed aptitude for painting since childhood.
5.have the makings of,指“具备成为…的素质”。
 ☞ 他认为我具备了成为科学家的素质。
 ☞ He thought I had the makings of a scientist.
 ☞ 她父母都相信她具备了成为优秀音乐家的一切素质。
 ☞ Her parents were convinced that she had all makings of a fine musician.
索取 索取
1.ask for, 常用语,一般指地位低的人向地位高的人或地位相当的人索取。如子女对父母,职工对老板,乞丐对路人,同事、朋友之间的索取。其语气的强弱取决于语境。
 ☞ 向妈妈索取零用钱是很难的。
 ☞ It is very hard to ask Mother for pocket money.
 ☞ 工人围着老板索取工钱。
 ☞ The workers gathered round the boss, asking for their pay.
 ☞ 这些妇女是来索取免费香水样品的。
 ☞ These women have come to ask for a free sample of perfume.
 ☞ 根据报道,恐怖分子索取的赎金多达100万美元。
 ☞ It is reported that the ransom demanded by the terrorists was as much as one million American dollars.
 ☞ 我公司正向买方索取货款。
 ☞ Our firm is demanding payment for goods from the buyer.
 ☞ 如果情况是这样,我将向贵公司索取赔偿。
 ☞ If such is the case I shall demand reparation from your company.
 ☞ 美国人认为他们有权索取目前由新西兰控制的某些太平洋上的岛屿。
 ☞ The Americans hold that they claim certain islands in the Pacific at present held by New Zealand.
 ☞ 她向肇事者索取了50万元的伤害赔偿。
 ☞ She claimed 500,000 yuan from the troublemaker for injuries suffered.
 ☞ 他们决定打官司来索取债款。
 ☞ They decided to bring in a lawsuit to claim the debts.
 ☞ 侵略军向被征服的老百姓索取贡金。
 ☞ The invading army exacted the tribute from the conquered people.
 ☞ 绑匪向人质家属索取赎金。
 ☞ The kidnappers exacted ransoms for their hostages from their families.
 ☞ 他索取了过期未付的房租。
 ☞ He exacted payment of overdue rent.
 ☞ 1894年中日甲午战争后,日本向中国索取了巨额赔款。
 ☞ Japan extorted a huge indemnity from China after the Sino-Japanese War in 1894.
 ☞ 他们是通过敲诈勒索来索取钱财的。
 ☞ They extorted money by threats of blackmail.
 ☞ 古时候的皇帝都是从他们统治的不同地区索取贡品的。
 ☞ Emperors at ancient times extorted the tribute from different areas they ruled.
索性 索性
 ☞ 找了几个地方都没找着,我们索性不再找了。
 ☞ It was nowhere to be found, so we simply gave it up for lost.
 ☞ 他索性不承认有过这档子事儿。
 ☞ He simply denied that such a thing had ever happened.
 ☞ 既然他不顾面子,索性都捅出来。
 ☞ Since he has cast aside all considerations of face, just let the whole thing out.
 ☞ 这种丑事你是瞒不过去的,索性告诉他真相。
 ☞ You can't cover up such a disgraceful affair. Just tell him the truth.
3.may (might) as well, 指想做的事没有如愿,故退而求其次;或所做的事已到了这一步,故而继而思进。此外,may和might几乎没有差别,只是后者的语气更加婉转。
 ☞ 酒店都快关门了,我们索性回家吧。
 ☞ All the pubs are closing, we may as well go home.
 ☞ 你从来不听我的,我索性对牛弹琴吧。
 ☞ You never listen, I might as well talk to a cow.
 ☞ 既然干了那么多了,索性干完算了。
 ☞ Now we've got so far with the job, we may as well finish it.
 ☞ 天气那么好,我们索性走着去。
 ☞ Since it's a fine day we might as well walk.
紧张 紧张
 ☞ 我们希望下星期完工,但日程安排有点紧张。
 ☞ We hope to finish the job next week but the schedule is a bit tight.
 ☞ 现在钱有点紧张,我们无法去度假了。
 ☞ Money is a bit tight, we can't afford to go on holiday.
2.nervous, nerve,指精神上的紧张。
 ☞ 我在公众面前讲话时总爱紧张。
 ☞ I'm always nervous when I have to make a speech in public.
 ☞ 她等候口试时神情紧张。
 ☞ She looked nervous while waiting for her oral test.
 ☞ 她每次考试前都要紧张。
 ☞ She gets nerves before every examination.
3.exciting, excited, excitement,指因兴奋激动而紧张。
 ☞ 真是场紧张的比赛!
 ☞ What an exciting game!
 ☞ 滑雪比滑冰更紧张。
 ☞ Skiing is more exciting than skating.
 ☞ 听说台风要来,大家都感到紧张。
 ☞ All felt excited to hear that a typhoon was coming.
 ☞ 眼看着隔壁房子着火,我们都很紧张。
 ☞ We were excited to see that our neighbor's house was on fire.
 ☞ 她没露出一点紧张的样子。
 ☞ She showed no sign of excitement.
4.key up,也指因兴奋而紧张,但为动词。
 ☞ 一想起期终考试就使他紧张起来。
 ☞ Just thinking about the final exam keys him up.
 ☞ 试验到了关键时刻,大家都紧张起来。
 ☞ Everybody was keyed up as the experiment reached a crucial point.
 ☞ 自发生边界冲突以来,两国关系变得紧张了。
 ☞ The relations between the two countries became tense since they got into border clashes.
 ☞ 我看见一只猫蹲伏下来,全身肌肉紧张,准备一跃。
 ☞ I saw a cat crouching for a spring, with muscles tense all over its body.
 ☞ 昨晚会议上的气氛相当紧张。
 ☞ There was a lot of tension in the air last night at the meeting.
  ■ 下例可比较tense与tight的区别。
 ☞ 有时,像自行车链收得太紧一样,人的小心谨慎也会紧张得妨碍头脑思索。
 ☞ Sometimes, just as a bicycle chain may be too tight, so may one's carefulness and conscientiousness be so tense as to hinder the running of one's mind.
 ☞ 听到家乡遭到地震,我的每根神经都紧张起来。
 ☞ My every nerve was strained when I heard that my hometown was hit by an earthquake.
 ☞ 自从武装冲突以来,两国关系紧张起来。
 ☞ Relations between the two countries have become strained since the armed clashes.
 ☞ 考试考得我思想紧张。
 ☞ Examinations cause my mental strain.
7.in short supply,shortage, scarce,指因短缺而使供应紧张。
 ☞ 这几天鸡蛋供应相当紧张。
 ☞ Eggs have been in rather short supply for the last few days.
 ☞ 当时住房紧张,一家人都挤在一个单间里。
 ☞ Housing was in short supply then, and the whole family were crowded in a single room.
 ☞ 谷物由于庄稼歉收而紧张。
 ☞ There is a shortage of grain because of poor harvest.
 ☞ 粮食紧张时,定量能保证每人得到应得的一份。
 ☞ When food is scarce, rationing will ensure that each one gets his fair allotment.
8.in great demand,指求大于供的紧张。
 ☞ 目前这里的膳宿供应相当紧张。
 ☞ Accommodation here is in great demand at present.
 ☞ 这几天食用植物油紧张。
 ☞ Edible vegetable oil is in great demand these days.

1.tired (with),指因工作紧张而疲惫。
 ☞ 我累得要死了。
 ☞ I'm tired to death.
 ☞ 尽管他干了一整天,可他一点都不累。
 ☞ He was not in the least tired though he worked all day long.
 ☞ 他走累了。
 ☞ He was tired with walking.
 ☞ 我爬山爬累了。
 ☞ I was tired with climbing the hill.
 ☞ 干了一天重活,把老头累的。
 ☞ The old man was weary (tired) after the day's hard work.
 ☞ 看来他有点累。
 ☞ He looked a little weary (tired).
 ☞ 一天工作下来我总感到累。难道我真的老啦?
 ☞ I always feel weary after my day's work. Am I getting old,indeed?
 ☞ 把家具搬到楼上真是一件累活。
 ☞ Carrying the furniture upstairs was a weary job.
 ☞ 旅客都瘫倒在木凳上,累得连冷饮都不想去要了。
 ☞ The passengers drooped on the wooden benches, too fatigued even to get the cool drinks.
 ☞ 我熬了一整夜感到很累。
 ☞ I felt much fatigued with sitting up all night.
 ☞ 他们到达山顶时,都累得趴下了。
 ☞ They were completely exhausted when they reached the top of the mountain.
 ☞ 他回到家里,又困又累。
 ☞ He returned home, weary and exhausted.
 ☞ 看小字累眼睛。
 ☞ Reading small print strains the eyes.
 ☞ 想得太多会累脑子的。
 ☞ Thinking too much will strain the brain.
 ☞ 别让讲话累着你,亲爱的。
 ☞ Don't strain yourself talking, my dear.
6.work hard, toil,指由于艰苦工作而受累。
 ☞ 你累了一天,该休息了。
 ☞ You've been working hard all day, you need a rest.
 ☞ 我全家整整累了一个夏季。
 ☞ My family toiled all summer long.

 ☞ 繁花似锦。
 ☞ Flowers are as brilliant as brocade.
 ☞ 天上繁星点点。
 ☞ The sky was studded with stars.
 ☞ 繁霜夜降。
 ☞ There was a heavy frost at night.
 ☞ 苹果树果繁叶茂。
 ☞ The apple trees are heavy with fruit and luxuriant in foliage.
 ☞ 这篇文章应删繁就简。
 ☞ This article must be simplified by cutting out the superfluous.
 ☞ 好在婚礼旧时的繁文缛节都已取消了。
 ☞ Fortunately, the superfluous rules and conventions of old times for wedding have been called off.
 ☞ 农场自繁自养牲畜。
 ☞ Livestock are bred and reared by farm itself.
纠正 纠正
 ☞ 戴眼镜应当会纠正你的视力。
 ☞ Wearing glasses should correct your vision.
 ☞ 你的发音会随着实践的增加而得到纠正的。
 ☞ Your pronunciation will be corrected with more practice.
 ☞ 经常锻炼会纠正你坐、立、蹲的姿势。
 ☞ Constant exercise will correct your sitting, standing and squatting postures.
 ☞ 船只背离预定航向的任何细微偏差都会自动纠正。
 ☞ Any slight deviation of the ship from intended course will be corrected automatically.
 ☞ 一个政党应该有勇气纠正自己的错误。
 ☞ A political party must have the courage to correct her own mistakes.
2.put right (to rights),指纠正原来被扭曲的做法或看法。
 ☞ 我一直以为他是个傻瓜,但她纠正了我对他的看法。
 ☞ I used to think he was a fool but she put me right about him.
 ☞ 凡案件处理不当的,应予以纠正。
 ☞ Cases which have not been handled properly should be put right.
 ☞ 蒙受多年不白之冤的冤案是需要一点时间才能纠正的。
 ☞ It will be some time before the wrongs suffered over many years are put to rights.
 ☞ 当前的头等大事是纠正党内的不正之风。
 ☞ The matter of prime importance at present is to check unhealthy tendencies within the Party.
 ☞ 这一极“左”思潮必须纠正。
 ☞ The ideological trend of ultra "Leftists" must be checked.
 ☞ 当前写作中那种追求抽象,舍弃具体的倾向应该纠正。
 ☞ The inclination to prefer the abstract to the concrete in present-day writing has to be checked.
 ☞ 计算方面的错误在分类账审计前已经纠正。
 ☞ The accounting errors were rectified before the ledgers were audited.
 ☞ 这类历史性错误永远也无法彻底纠正。
 ☞ These historical mistakes can never be rectified.
 ☞ 一切冤案都应彻底纠正。
 ☞ All miscarriages of justice must be rectified.
 ☞ 法院纠正了原来的判决,他也被释放了。
 ☞ The court reversed the original judgment and set him free.
 ☞ 法官纠正了监禁的法令。
 ☞ The judge reversed the decree of imprisonment.
 ☞ 办婚事铺张浪费,讲究排场的倾向应该纠正。
 ☞ The tendency toward extravagance and ostentation at a wedding must be reversed.
纠缠 纠缠
 ☞ 大多数的看法是分子完全是以不规则的方式纠缠在一起的。
 ☞ The majority view is that molecules are tangled up in a completely random manner.
 ☞ 改革以来,金钱跟文学已纠缠在一起了。
 ☞ Money and literature have been tangled since the reform.
 ☞ 谈判处于毫无希望的纠缠之中。
 ☞ The negotiations were in a hopeless tangle.
 ☞ 这一问题是和其他许多问题纠缠在一起的。
 ☞ This question is entangled with many other questions.
 ☞ 他感到自己往往被男女之间的感情所纠缠。
 ☞ He felt himself often entangled in emotion between man and woman.
 ☞ 谈判时我们要防止在枝节问题上纠缠不休。
 ☞ We must avoid endless quibbling over side issues.
 ☞ 不要在小事上和他这样的人纠缠。
 ☞ Don't quibble about unimportant things with a man like him.
3.tie down,指受到束缚、牵制。
 ☞ 受到这样的纠缠,真是太可怕了。
 ☞ It is awful to be tied down like this.
 ☞ 完成侦察任务要紧,不要与敌人纠缠。
 ☞ Be sure to accomplish your scouting mission, don't get tied down by the enemy.
 ☞ 她不断遭到新闻记者和要求签名的人的纠缠。
 ☞ She was continually being pestered by journalists and autograph hunters.
 ☞ 他老纠缠我帮他做作业。
 ☞ He is always pestering me to help him with his homework.
纪念 纪念
 ☞ 我们都了解他生前的感受,可是却有人授权建造纪念堂来纪念他。
 ☞ We all know how he felt before his death, but someone authorized a memorial hall to commemorate him.
 ☞ 这座纪念碑是纪念人民英雄的。
 ☞ The monument is to commemorate the people's heroes.
 ☞ 人们集会纪念这位伟大的音乐家。
 ☞ People held a meeting to commemorate the great musician.
 ☞ 届时将有各种典礼和仪式来纪念抗日胜利50周年。
 ☞ There will be ceremonies to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the victory over Japan for the occasion.
 ☞ 有人建议以聚餐来纪念这次聚会。
 ☞ It is proposed that the occasion should be marked by a dinner.
 ☞ 我叔叔出国定居时,把手表留给我做纪念。
 ☞ When my uncle went abroad to live, he left me his watch as a souvenir.
 ☞ 给你这张照片做个纪念。
 ☞ Have this picture for a souvenir.
 ☞ 她还保存着一张发黄的照片来纪念她和他的那次旅行。
 ☞ She has still kept a yellowed photograph as a keepsake of her trip with him.
 ☞ 她的男友上大学前送她一只戒指作为纪念。
 ☞ Her boy friend gave her a ring as a keepsake before he left for college.
 ☞ 这盏油灯是我们延安生活的纪念。
 ☞ This oil lamp is a memento of our days in Yan'an.
 ☞ 他给我惟一的纪念是他的翻译作品。
 ☞ My only memento of him is his translation.
纷纷 纷纷
1.one after another, in succession,表示接二连三或连续不断。
 ☞ 全国各地青年纷纷要求参军。
 ☞ The youth in all parts of the country volunteered to join the army one after another.
 ☞ 我国工业战线上新记录纷纷出现。
 ☞ On our industrial front new records have been chalked up one after another.
 ☞ 会议期间,工人学生纷纷游行以示抗议。
 ☞ During the conference there were protest demonstrations of workers and students one after another.
 ☞ 世界各地人民纷纷表示反对这次武装入侵伊拉克。
 ☞ The people all over the world raised their voices in succession against the armed invasion into Iraq.
 ☞ 公司生意失败,职工纷纷辞职。
 ☞ As the company's business has proved a failure, a considerable number of staff members tendered their resignations.
 ☞ 第一次世界大战期间中国轻工业纷纷发展成长。
 ☞ There was considerable development and growth of light industry in China during World War I.
3.pour in,表示大量涌入。
 ☞ 世界各地纷纷来电祝贺我国国庆。
 ☞ Telegrams congratulating China on her National Day poured in from every part of the world.
 ☞ 各条战线纷纷传来好消息。
 ☞ Good news keeps pouring in from various fronts.
4.thick and fast,指密集而快速。
 ☞ 黄色书刊纷纷出笼。
 ☞ Pornographic books and periodicals came out thick and fast.
 ☞ 污蔑之词纷纷飞来。
 ☞ The insults are flying thick and fast.
 ☞ 社员对此事议论纷纷。
 ☞ This has become the subject of much discussion among the commune members.
 ☞ 大家对党内不正之风议论纷纷。
 ☞ The discussion of the unhealthy tendencies within the Party is very lively with everyone speaking.
6.in disorder, pell-mell,指乱纷纷。
 ☞ 敌军纷纷逃窜。
 ☞ The enemy troops fled pell-mell (in disorder).
 ☞ 他的衣服和头发都是乱纷纷的。
 ☞ His clothes and hair were in disorder.
练习 练习
 ☞ 民兵们正在练习刺杀。
 ☞ The militiamen are exercising themselves in bayoneting.
 ☞ 他出院后练习不够。
 ☞ He didn't exercise enough after he had left the hospital.
 ☞ 她一周3次在体操馆里练习。
 ☞ She exercises in the gymnasium three times a week.
 ☞ 你的练习做完了吗?
 ☞ Have you finished your exercises?
 ☞ 她回到房间里改练习本去了。
 ☞ She returned to her room to correct exercise-books.
2.drill, 指为了养成某种习惯而进行的机械性练习。
 ☞ 老师让全班练习英语元音发音。
 ☞ The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation of the English vowel sounds.
 ☞ 另一种形式一般都在以后介绍,而且很少得到充分练习。
 ☞ Another form is usually introduced later and is less thoroughly drilled.
 ☞ 乐队整个下午都在礼堂里练习。
 ☞ The band was drilling in the hall all afternoon.
 ☞ 句型练习有很大的实用价值。
 ☞ Pattern drills are of great practical value.
 ☞ 我们每天都练习英语会话。
 ☞ We practice English conversation every day.
 ☞ 要是你坚持练习,你的技巧就会提高。
 ☞ If you keep practicing, your skill will improve.
 ☞ 书法这门艺术得经常练习才能掌握。
 ☞ Chinese calligraphy requires constant practice before you can master the art.
组成 组成
 ☞ 中华人民共和国成立之后,立即与苏联组成了军事同盟。
 ☞ Right after the founding of the People's Republic of China, she formed a military alliance with the Soviet Union.
 ☞ 凡事大家多研究、多商量、打通思想、整齐步伐,组成一条伟大的社会主义统一战线。
 ☞ Let us give the matters more thought, have more consultation, straighten out our thinking, march in step and form a great socialist united front.
 ☞ 3个班组成一个排。
 ☞ Three squads constitute a platoon.
 ☞ 我们12人组成了陪审团。
 ☞ We twelve people constitute a jury.
 ☞ 50个州组成了美利坚合众国。
 ☞ Fifty separate states comprise the United States of America.
 ☞ 联合王国由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士及北爱尔兰组成。
 ☞ The United Kingdom comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
 ☞ 老、中、青三部分人组成了党委。
 ☞ Old, middle-aged and young people have composed the Party committee.
 ☞ 部分组成整体。
 ☞ The parts compose the whole.
  ■ compose更多地用于被动语态be composed of。
 ☞ 化学老师问学生水是由什么组成的。
 ☞ The chemistry teacher asked the pupils what water is composed of.
 ☞ 这台仪器大概由2000个零件组成。
 ☞ The instrument is composed of about 2,000 parts.
5.make up,作“组成”解时,一般只用被动语态be made up of。
 ☞ 人体是由细胞组成的吗?
 ☞ Is the human body made up of cells?
 ☞ 世界是由物质组成的。
 ☞ The world is made up of matter.
  ■ 偶尔也有用主动语态的。
 ☞ 亚非拉的发展中国家组成了第三世界。
 ☞ The developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America make up the Third World.
6.consist of,义同be made up of,但只用于主动语态。
 ☞ 水是由氢和氧组成的。
 ☞ Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.诫比较:Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.
 ☞ 学校是由教职员工和学生组成的。
 ☞ A school consists of teachers, administrators and pupils.
 ☞ 农民组成小组,研究科学种田。
 ☞ The peasants are organized into teams to study scientific farming.
 ☞ 他们组成了一个历史研究小组。
 ☞ They organized a group for the study of history.
8.rig up,指拼凑起来的组成,故带有贬意。
 ☞ 他们组成了一个小集团,企图夺取最高权力。
 ☞ They rigged up a clique in an attempt to seize supreme power.
 ☞ 两国组成了军事同盟以苟延残喘。
 ☞ The two countries rigged up a military alliance to linger on in a steadily worsening condition.
组织 组织
1.organize, organization, organizational.
 ☞ 把分散的人或事组织起来成为一个系统。
 ☞ 水库开工前,你们要把劳动力组织起来。
 ☞ You have to organize labor power before the construction of reservoir starts.
 ☞ 工作队帮助把居民区的妇女组织起来参加街道的歌咏比赛。
 ☞ The work teams helped to organize the women in residential areas for community singing competition.
 ☞ 党团组织都应该充分发挥群众的积极性。
 ☞ The Party and the Youth League organizations must bring the initiative of the masses into full play.
 ☞ 党的组织原则是民主集中制。
 ☞ The organizational principle of the Party is democratic centralism.
 ☞ 当时他们组织了所调的“第三种力量”来对抗无产阶级革命。
 ☞ At that time they formed the so-called 's third force"
 ☞ to oppose the proletarian revolution.
 ☞ 因此,我们必须提倡组织工会与资方进行协商。
 ☞ Therefore we must advocate the forming of the trade union to consult with the capital.
 ☞ 有关部门想方设法组织所有公民都参加征兵工作。
 ☞ The departments concerned tried every possible way to enlist all citizens in the call-up campaign.
 ☞ 你们要把毕业生的积极性组织到建设祖国的伟大事业中去。
 ☞ You ought to enlist the initiative of the graduates in the great cause of reconstructing the nation.
 ☞ 取自死人的角膜组织在移植前可以保存多年。
 ☞ Cornea tissues taken from dead people can be kept for years before being transplanted.
 ☞ 人体是由各种组织组成的,如肌肉组织、神经组织等。
 ☞ The body is made up of various tissues such as muscle tissue, nerve tissue.
终于 终于
 ☞ 经过3次延期后,我们终于在香港见面了。
 ☞ After putting it off three times, we finally managed to meet in Hong Kong.
 ☞ 中国登山队终于胜利地登上了珠峰。
 ☞ The Chinese mountaineering expedition finally succeeded in scaling Mount Qomolangma.
2.at last,指经过某种周折、耽搁、等待之后才终于达到某种希望的结果,因此常带有不耐烦、不放心、终 于如愿等感情色彩,可放在句子前,句子中或句子后。
 ☞ 他终于懂得了人生的意义。
 ☞ At last he knows the meaning of life.
 ☞ 我儿子终于考上了清华大学。
 ☞ My son has been admitted to Tsinghua University at last.
 ☞ 老板对我的能力终于有了信心。
 ☞ The boss came at last to have the confidence in my ability.
3.in the end,指经过某些变化、困难或捉摸不定之后才发生某种结果,因此这种结果可能是希望得到的,也可能不是希望得到的。
 ☞ 中国工农红军跨越12,500公里之后,终于在1935 年成功地到达陕北革命根据地。
 ☞ The Chinese Workers-and-Peasants' Red Army succeeded in reaching the revolutionary base in northern Shanxi in 1935 after covering 12,500 kilometers.
 ☞ 通过多方治疗无效,医生终于还是把他受伤的腿锯掉了。
 ☞ All the treatments were of no avail and in the end the doctors had to amputate his wounded leg.
终归 终归
  ■ “终归”与“总归”同义。详见该栏。
终止 终止
 ☞ 终止边境冲突的最好办法就是坐下来一劳永逸地加以解决。
 ☞ The best way to end the border clash is to sit down and settle it once for all.
 ☞ 我国要求美国政府终止这种不正常的状态。
 ☞ China demanded that the American administration should put an end to this abnormal state of affairs.
 ☞ 接着,喧闹声逐渐消失,音乐也终止了。
 ☞ Then the din gradually dies down and the music stops.
 ☞ 终止她的错误行为是做父母的责任。
 ☞ It is parents' duty to stop her misconduct.
 ☞ 人民代表的提名现在已经终止。
 ☞ Nominations for the deputies to the National People's Congress are now closed.
 ☞ 展览会的终止日期定在5月15日。
 ☞ The closing date fixed for the exhibition is May 15th.
 ☞ 我们已经接到通知,对方要求终止合同。
 ☞ We've received the notice that the other party demanded termination of the contract.
 ☞ 对,随着社会的发展,必须终止特权。
 ☞ Yes, privileges shall be terminated with the development of the society.

 ☞ 他绊了一下跌倒了。
 ☞ He stumbled and fell.
 ☞ 我绊了一跤,差点跌倒。
 ☞ I tripped and almost fell.
2.表示人绊在某物上,译stumble over,trip over。
 ☞ 他在黑洞洞的电影院里绊在一个人的脚上,差点跌了一跤。
 ☞ He tripped over someone's foot in the darkened cinema and almost fell.
 ☞ 捕鱼的在桨上绊了一下,掉进了河里。
 ☞ The fisherman tripped over an oar and fell into the river.
 ☞ 他绊在地毯边上跌了一跤。
 ☞ He stumbled over the edge of the carpet and fell.
3.表示脚绊在某物上,用catch one's foot on。
 ☞ 他绊在石头上,跌了一跤。
 ☞ He caught his foot on a rock and fell.
 ☞ 我脚绊在什么东西上,打了个趔趄摔倒了。
 ☞ I caught my foot on something, reeled and fell.
4.表示某物绊了人一跤,译sth. trips (sb. up)。
 ☞ 一块石头绊了我一跤。
 ☞ A stone tripped me up.
 ☞ 他伸出一条腿,绊了他姐姐一下。
 ☞ He put his foot out and tripped his sister.
5.表示妨碍别人,用be in the way。
 ☞ 不要在这里绊手绊脚的,去玩吧。
 ☞ Don't be in the way here. Go and play.
经历 经历
 ☞ 最近15年里,我国经历了巨大的变革。
 ☞ Our country has experienced great changes in the last fifteen years.
 ☞ 我们穿越沙漠时经历过饥渴与酷热。
 ☞ In the march across the desert we experienced hunger, thirst and heat.
 ☞ 我们两国人民过去有遭受帝国主义压迫的共同经历。
 ☞ Our two peoples shared the same experience of having been oppressed by imperialism in the past.
 ☞ 我希望永远也不要再经历这种不愉快的经历。
 ☞ I hope I shall never again have to undergo such an unpleasant experience.
 ☞ 早期的创业者经历过许多艰难困苦。
 ☞ The early pioneers underwent many hardships.
 ☞ 每个女人都得经历生儿育女的痛苦。
 ☞ Every woman has to undergo sufferings from giving birth to children.
3.go through,指经过困苦、考验、阶段等。
 ☞ 作为知青,我在农村经历得多啦。
 ☞ As an educated youth, I went through a lot in the countryside.
 ☞ 他和她的关系经历过四个阶段。
 ☞ His relationship with her went through four stages.
 ☞ 我们的友谊是经历过严峻考验的。
 ☞ Our friendship went through severe tests.
 ☞ 他是个经历了3个朝代的人。
 ☞ He is a man who lives through three dynasties 其他人没有一个经历过我的生活。
 ☞ None of the others have lived my life.
经受 经受
 ☞ 他经受了各种考验之后才获得了她的爱。
 ☞ It was only after he had experienced all sorts of trials that he gained her love.
 ☞ 谁想得到她也会经受这丧夫之痛?
 ☞ Who would have thought that she'd also have experienced the sorrow caused by the death of her husband?
 ☞ 父亲身体那么差,他能经受住这次大手术吗?
 ☞ Can Father undergo this major operation when he is so bad in health?
 ☞ 危险和死亡离得那么近,他简直感觉不出经受这一切的竟是他自己。
 ☞ So close had danger and death come that he could not feel it was he who had undergone it all.
 ☞ 政治家应该有经受得住公众批评的雅量。
 ☞ A politician must have such magnanimity that he should be able to withstand public criticism.
 ☞ 儿童的玩具应该经受得起磕磕碰碰。
 ☞ Children's toys must withstand bumps and blows.
 ☞ 她经受不住紧张气氛,在等待消息时倒下了。
 ☞ Unable to stand the tension in the air, she collapsed in the time of waiting for the news.
 ☞ 这些花经受不起寒冷。
 ☞ These flowers cannot stand the cold.
 ☞ 只有那些经受住风雨侵蚀的岩石仍耸立在那里。
 ☞ Only those rocks still stand there, being weathered by wind and rain.
 ☞ 尽管我们的船破损严重,却经受住了暴风雨的考验。
 ☞ Our ship weathered the storm though she was badly damaged.
  ■ 不过,此词也可用于转义。
 ☞ 她在报告中谈到我国的一位政治家。他是作为一位“经受过暴风雨考验的舵手”被提出来的。
 ☞ She speaks of one statesman of China in her speech.
 ☞ He is mentioned as "the pilot who weathered the storm".
 ☞ 共和国第一次经受了危机。
 ☞ The Republic had weathered a crisis for the first time.
经济 经济
 ☞ 我们不久前发现的石油必然会改善经济形势。
 ☞ The oil we found not long ago will certainly improve the state of economy.
 ☞ 这些年来,我们村发展起了多种经济。
 ☞ Diversified economies have been developed in our village these years.
 ☞ 出于经济上的考虑,我们放弃了这一打算。
 ☞ We gave up the plan because of economic consideration.
 ☞ 如果我们能把生产总水平提高到经济发达国家20世纪70年代或80年代初的水平就很不错了。
 ☞ It would be not bad if we could raise the general level of production to the level reached by the economically developed countries in the 1970's or early 1980's.
 ☞ 每天上馆子不经济。
 ☞ It would be bad economy to go to restaurant every day.
 ☞ 买旧汽车,即使价格便宜也不经济。
 ☞ There is no economy in buying old cars, even if they are cheap.
 ☞ 这次到南方旅游既经济又实惠。
 ☞ The tour to the South was both economical and practical.
 ☞ 这些房间的使用既不合理又不经济。
 ☞ The rooms are used neither rationally nor economically.
3.well off, hard up,指经济上的宽裕或困难。
 ☞ 他们的经济并不宽裕,但仍想尽办法送孩子留洋。
 ☞ They are far from being well off but they try every possible way to send their child for study abroad.
 ☞ 他上大学时经济也跟我们一样困难。
 ☞ When he was at college he was as hard up as any of us.
经营 经营
 ☞ 经营好一家五星级旅馆并不容易。
 ☞ It's not an easy job to manage a five-star hotel well.
 ☞ 我认为这完全不是她的商庙,她只不过是经营而已。
 ☞ I don't think it's altogether her shop. She just manages it.
 ☞ 经营不善是倒闭的原因。
 ☞ Bad management was a cause of the bankruptcy.
 ☞ 这家公司是私人经营的。
 ☞ The firm is under private management.
 ☞ 我们向来以较小的利率差额来经营货币业务。
 ☞ We have been operating our currency business at smaller interest-rate differentials.
 ☞ 这家私人航空公司获准经营一条新航线。
 ☞ The private-owned airways is allowed to operate a new air line service.
 ☞ 今天必须在会上讨论几个铁路经营中的问题。
 ☞ Some problems in the operation of railways must be discussed today at the meeting.
 ☞ 他得知我的兴趣在农业,就提出由他教我如何去经营一家农场。
 ☞ He proposed that he would teach me how to run a farm when he learned that my interest was in agriculture.
 ☞ 她小时候就帮她母亲经营一家杂货铺。
 ☞ As a child she helped her mother run a grocery store.
4.take great pains, with great pains,强调下了苦功夫的经营。
 ☞ 她对自己的外貌的确是苦心经营的。
 ☞ She does take great pains with her appearance.
 ☞ 谁想得到他十年来苦心经营的企业竟毁于一旦?
 ☞ Who would have thought that the enterprise he built up with great pains for ten years should have been destroyed in one day?
经过 经过
1.pass,指以任何方式从旁边通过,walk past,指从旁边走过。
 ☞ 我们可以在门口碰他,他上学要经过我家。
 ☞ We can meet him at the gate; he passes my house on the way to school.
 ☞ 这路公共汽车经过北海公园吗?
 ☞ Does the bus pass Beihai Park?
 ☞ 我离开旅馆时,朝经过窗口的男人瞟了一眼。
 ☞ When I left the hotel I got a glimpse of a man walking past the window.
2.pass through,指经过某个时期、过程、阶段等。
 ☞ 每种昆虫都得经过一个进化过程。
 ☞ Every kind of insect has to pass through a process of evolution.
 ☞ 他的婚姻告吹之后,他经过了一段困难时期。
 ☞ He passed through a difficult period after his marriage broke down.
 ☞ 经济危机经过了一个紧急阶段之后已经好转。
 ☞ The economic crisis took a favorable turn after it had passed through a critical phase.
3.go by,指运动物体通过,与pass同义。
 ☞ 汽车经过时扬起一股灰尘。
 ☞ The car raised a dust as it went by.
 ☞ 今天我经过那儿时他的心情坏着呢。
 ☞ He was in bad mood when I went by.
4.go through,指经过某种经历或阶段,与pass through同义。
 ☞ 我们是经过各种严峻考验的。
 ☞ We have gone through severe tests.
 ☞ 传统的手工业也是经过许多变化的。
 ☞ Traditional handicrafts have also gone through many changes.
 ☞ 这个计划必须经过几个阶段。
 ☞ The plan must go through several stages.
 ☞ 该国似乎经过了一场悄悄的革命。
 ☞ The country seemed to have experienced a quiet revolution.
 ☞ 我国的教育制度在最近的40年里经过多次变化。
 ☞ The system of education in China has experienced many changes in the last forty years.
 ☞ 你没有经过战时的生活,就不知道什么叫苦。
 ☞ You haven't experienced the life in wartime and don't know what sufferings are.
 ☞ 经过一次大手术,他的身体很弱。
 ☞ He is weak after he has undergone a major operation.
 ☞ 他经过全身检查,未发现异常现象。
 ☞ He underwent a thorough physical examination and nothing abnormal was found.
 ☞ 看来,我们得经过一场艰苦的斗争。
 ☞ It seems that we have to undergo a hard struggle.
 ☞ 经过充分讨论,大家取得了一致意见。
 ☞ After a thorough discussion unanimity was achieved.
 ☞ 经过抢救,病人脱离了危险。
 ☞ The patient is out of danger after emergency treatment.
 ☞ 经过全盘考虑,我们决定把全部资金投入市场。
 ☞ After overall consideration we decided to put the whole funds on the market.
 ☞ 阳光经过窗户照射进来。
 ☞ The sunlight was coming in through the window.
 ☞ 我们是经过朋友才得到这个消息的。
 ☞ We got the news through our friends.
9.as a result of,指经过一件事引出另一件事。
 ☞ 经过这场牢狱之灾,他改过自新了。
 ☞ He mended his way as a result of this imprisonment.
 ☞ 经过这些运动,工会继续发展壮大。
 ☞ As a result of these movements the trade unions continued their development and growth.
 ☞ 我是经过香港到上海的。
 ☞ I got to Shanghai via Hong Kong.
 ☞ 这消息是经过我姑妈传到我那里的。
 ☞ The news reached me via my aunt.
 ☞ 事件的全部经过就是这样。
 ☞ That's the whole course of the incident as it is.
 ☞ 如果你知道蜻蜓从虫卵到成虫一生的经过,你就会大吃一惊。
 ☞ You'll get a shock if you know the course of life of the dragonfly from egg to imago.
 ☞ 有些人从昏迷中醒过来以后,还记得他们“死”的经过。
 ☞ Some people still remember the process of their "dying" after they came to consciousness from coma.
 ☞ 你能讲讲造这艘小船的经过吗?
 ☞ Can you describe the process of how the boat was built?
 ☞ 你干嘛不自己写个报告,谈谈事情的经过呢?
 ☞ Why don't you write your own account of what happened?
 ☞ 事情的经过就是这样的。
 ☞ This is how it happened.
经验 经验
 ☞ 这一工作需要3年的经验。
 ☞ The job requires three years' experience.
 ☞ 这是他们缺乏经验的又一个例子。
 ☞ This was another example of their lack of experience.
 ☞ 你教英语有经验吗?
 ☞ Have you had any experience in teaching English?
 ☞ 她是个有经验的老师。
 ☞ She was an experienced teacher.
 ☞ 这是经验之谈。
 ☞ This is a wise remark of an experienced person.
 ☞ 我们应当从这里得出一条经验,就是不要被假象所迷惑。
 ☞ We should draw a lesson. Don't be misled by false appearances.
 ☞ 她在生活中学到一条苦涩的经验就是对各种意见不亲自反复核实就决不采纳。
 ☞ One of the many bitter lessons she learned in her life was never to accept advice without double checking it herself.
 ☞ 这个原理在经验上显然是对的,但尚未在逻辑上建立起来。
 ☞ The principle is evidently empirically correct but not yet logically established.
 ☞ 马赫主义也叫经验批判主义。
 ☞ Machism is also called empiric-criticism.
结合 结合
1.combine, combination,指组合式的结合。故结合后仍可保持各自的个性。
 ☞ 香港的回归说明中国已找到某种方法把两种制度结合在一起。
 ☞ The reunion of Hong Kong suggests that China has found some way to combine the two systems.
 ☞ 只有把革命精神与科学态度结合起来我们才能做好这一工作。
 ☞ Only by combining revolutionary spirit with a scientific approach can we do the job well.
 ☞ 有必要把藏书的规模与使用情况结合起来衡量图书馆的效率。
 ☞ A combination of collection size and use is necessary to measure a library effectiveness.
  ■ 此外,combine还可用于化学元素的结合。
 ☞ 什么化学元素结合在一起能形成水?
 ☞ What chemical elements combine together to make water?
 ☞ 如果把铜和铁结合,我们能产生什么东西?
 ☞ What do we produce when we combine copper and iron?
 ☞ 一个好学生应当把书中读到的和周围看到的结合起来。
 ☞ A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him.
 ☞ 一个必然的逻辑导致我把这些弊端与一个糟透了的制度结合起来。
 ☞ An inescapable logic led me to connect these abuses to a deplorable system.
  ■ 如上所述,由于connect是两点的结合,故也可引申为没有爱情的婚姻结合。
 ☞ 他们俩人现在由于婚姻而结合。
 ☞ Both of them are now connected by marriage.
 ☞ 他们的结合并没有带来多少幸福。
 ☞ Their connection did not produce much happiness.
 ☞ 元素以各种方式结合在一起,形成地球上的其他物质。
 ☞ Elements join together in a variety of ways to form other materials of the earth.
 ☞ 撞车是在公路和铁路的结合点上发生的。
 ☞ The collision occurred where the road joins the railway.
  ■ join也可表示婚姻上的结合。这种婚姻既可以是出于爱情,也可仅仅是为了结合。
 ☞ 老天爷似乎赞成他们应该携手结合。
 ☞ Nature seemed to be consenting that their hands should be joined.
 ☞ 牧师使这对男女结合。
 ☞ The priest joined the man and the woman in marriage.
 ☞ 氧与氢结合形成水。
 ☞ Oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water.
 ☞ 我保证要把我的命运跟她的命运结合起来。
 ☞ I promise to unite my fate with hers.
 ☞ 只有死亡才能使我们结合在一起,永不分离。
 ☞ Only death will unite us beyond the possibility of parting.
 ☞ 无论他们相爱是多么热烈,无论他们结合是多么亲密,他们终究不能合二为一。
 ☞ However ardently they love, however intimately they unite, they are never one.
 ☞ 他们俩的结合违背了各自父母的愿望。
 ☞ They got married to each other against their parents'
 ☞ wishes。
 ☞ 看来你母亲并不赞成我们的结合。
 ☞ It looks as if your mother didn't approve of our marriage.
 ☞ 新的住宅楼与学校其余部分结合起来形成了一个整体。
 ☞ The new residential blocks are integrated with the rest of the college into a whole.
 ☞ 知识分子必须与工农群众相结合。
 ☞ Intellectuals must be integrated with the masses of workers and peasants.
 ☞ 几乎可以肯定这两个基因是结合在同一染色体上的。
 ☞ It is almost certain that the two genes are linked on the same chromosome.
 ☞ 必须懂得,集体领导与个人负责这两方面不是互相对立,而是互相结合的。
 ☞ We must understand that collective leadership and personal responsibility are two aspects which are not opposed but are linked to each other.
 ☞ 我无法把他的想法和我的结合起来。
 ☞ I can't relate his idea with mine.
 ☞ 下一阶段是要把王教授的发现与我校的发现结合起来。
 ☞ The next stage is to relate the findings of Professor Wang with those of our university.
结局 结局
 ☞ 奉劝自命风雅者对那种通常称之为大团圆的结局不必嗤之以鼻。
 ☞ The sophisticated are ill-advised to sneer at what is by convention termed a happy ending.
 ☞ 他听到这个消息,立刻又到各处重讲他的故事,不过有了一个新的结局。
 ☞ He heard the news and immediately went round repeating his story, but with its new ending.
2.final result,指最终的结果。
 ☞ 这一战役的结局将是决定性的。
 ☞ The final result of the battle will be decisive.
 ☞ 第一轮比赛的结局是英格兰以6比4获胜。
 ☞ The final result of the first run of the match was 6-4 to England.
3.outcome,等于final result。
 ☞ 你将会看到这件事只会有一种结局。
 ☞ You will see that there can be but one outcome of this affair.
 ☞ 要是希特勒不进攻前苏联,第二次世界大战的结局可能是另一种样子。
 ☞ If Adolf Hitler had not attacked the former Soviet Union the outcome of World WarⅡmight have been different.
4.upshot,是个较口语化的用词,等于result in the end。
 ☞ 会谈的结局如何?
 ☞ What was the upshot of all that talk?
 ☞ 论战的结局是议员们大打出手。
 ☞ The upshot of the controversy was that the Members of Parliament came to blows.
 ☞ 这是逆厉史潮流而动的人的必然结局。
 ☞ This is the inescapable fate of those who go against the current of history.
 ☞ 他那可怕的结局一直在我们的脑际萦回。
 ☞ His terrible fate has been all in our minds.
 ☞ 故事的结局如何?
 ☞ How does the story end?
 ☞ 我喜欢这样的结局。
 ☞ I'm glad that it has ended like this.
结束 结束
1.end (up),指因到达终点而结束。
 ☞ 演出到此结束。
 ☞ That's the end of our performance.
 ☞ 会议于下午5时结束。
 ☞ The meeting ended at 5 p.m.
 ☞ 他终于结束了讲话。
 ☞ He finally ended up his speech.
 ☞ 我们这位冠军好像以两三分的优势结束比赛。
 ☞ Our champion seemed to end up two to three points ahead.
  ■ 此外,come to an end可指经过一个渐进过程而逐渐结束。
 ☞ 等招待会结束时,人们才恋恋不舍地离开会场。
 ☞ When the reception came to an end, people were reluctant to leave the hall.
  ■ 而put an end to则与之相反,是要求马上结束某事,而且往往是坏事。
 ☞ 我们目前的主要任务是结束这一错误政策。
 ☞ Our main task of the moment is to put an end to the wrong policy.
  ■ 而bring an end to则指一事使另一事结束。
 ☞ 大萧条结束了19世纪90年代开始的经济扩张与社会进步时期。
 ☞ The Great Depression brought an end to an era of economic expansion and social progress since the 1890's.
 ☞ 我们公司刚结束改组工作。
 ☞ Our company has just finished the job of reorganizing itself.
 ☞ 战争几乎已经结束。
 ☞ The war is nearly finished.
  ■ 如果finish后接up,则强调彻底结束。
 ☞ 工作一结束,我就回来。
 ☞ I'll be back as soon as I finish up my work.
  ■ 如果后接off,也具有同样的作用。
 ☞ 会议在国际歌声中结束。
 ☞ The meeting finished off with The International.
  ■ 但也可表示一物使另一物结束。这时的意思与bring an end to相同。
 ☞ 断腿使他结束了运动生涯。
 ☞ The broken leg finished him up as an athlete.
 ☞ 音乐会在国歌声中结束。
 ☞ The concert concluded with the National Anthem.
 ☞ 老师在结束每一章时总要总结一下主要论点。
 ☞ The teacher concludes each chapter with a summary of its main arguments.
 ☞ 她以一个笑话结束了讲话。
 ☞ She closed her speech with a funny joke.
 ☞ 主席宣布讨论结束。
 ☞ The chairman declared the discussion closed.
 ☞ 关于如何结束战争状态的会谈持续了多年。
 ☞ The talk of how to terminate the state of war lasted for years.
 ☞ 总统召见了肯尼迪,建议他结束同那位电影明星的交往。
 ☞ The president called Kennedy in and suggested he terminate his association with the movie star.
 ☞ 斗争远远没右结束。
 ☞ The struggle is far from over.
 ☞ 招待会到此结束。
 ☞ The reception is over.
7.wind up,指在特定状态下或特定方式中结束。
 ☞ 会议终于在翌日凌晨结束。
 ☞ The meeting finally wound up in the small hours.
 ☞ 他以毛泽东的一句语录结束了他的演讲。
 ☞ He wound up his speech with a quotation from Mao Zedong.
结果 结果
 ☞ 我们一定要把群众当老师,以期获得较好的结果。
 ☞ We must take the masses as teachers in order to bring about better results.
 ☞ 投票结束,主席宣布了结果。
 ☞ The voting was completed and the chairman announced the result.
  ■ 如上所述,result一般只表示行动的结果。但如果要表示由于某种原因而产生的结果,可用as the (a) result。
 ☞ 他的脚断了,结果他有3个月没有上学。
 ☞ He broke his leg. As a result, he was away from school for three months.
 ☞ 全国人民都起来造反,结果秦朝灭亡了。
 ☞ People all over the country stood up to rebel; as the result, the Qin Dynasty was destroyed.
  ■ 此外,result in可以表示由于某种原因而导致的结果。
 ☞ 两个大国互相制约,结果一个新时期产生了。
 ☞ The interaction between the two powers resulted in a new period.
 ☞ 争权夺利的结果是小国一个个被灭掉了。
 ☞ The scrambling for power and profit resulted in the elimination of the smaller states one after another.
2.outcome,也表示行动的结果,故可以与result换用。但往往侧重于最后见分晓的结局,故有final result的意思。
 ☞ 比赛的最终结果是2比2平。
 ☞ The final outcome of the game was 2-2 tie.
 ☞ 罢工的结果会使输出减少。
 ☞ The outcome of the strike will be a decline in our exports。
 ☞ 处分的结果使他变得更加消沉了。
 ☞ The effect of the punishment was that he became more depressed.
 ☞ 他交涉没有结果,他们还是不让我们走。
 ☞ He argued to no effect. They refused to let us go.
 ☞ 膨胀了的政府开支没有带来所希望的结果。
 ☞ The expanded government spending failed to bring about the desired effect.
 ☞ 肺癌患者人数增加是抽烟的结果。
 ☞ The rise in lung cancer is a consequence of cigarette smoking.
 ☞ 这样的错误可能引起灾难性的结果。
 ☞ Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequence.
 ☞ 这些努力必将带来好的结果。
 ☞ These efforts will surely bring forth good fruits.
 ☞ 他的失败是懒散的结果。
 ☞ His failure was the fruit of laziness.
6.in the end,finally,指到了最后。
 ☞ 结果全都被杀。
 ☞ In the end all were killed.
 ☞ 结果,他们全都病了。
 ☞ In the end they all got ill.
 ☞ 经过一番激烈的争论,结果他还是让步了。
 ☞ After a heated argument he finally gave in.
 ☞ 结果他们打赢了这场比赛。
 ☞ Finally, they won the game.
 ☞ 我以为参加这个聚会的人不会多,结果却来了很多人。
 ☞ I thought there would not be many participants at this party. Actually many came.
 ☞ 我以为我祖父很老了,结果他比我想像的要年轻得多。
 ☞ I thought my grandpa was very old. Actually, he was much younger than I expected.
8.get (lead) nowhere, not get anywhere,指到哪里都不会有结果。
 ☞ 这是浪费时间,你的威胁是不会有结果的。
 ☞ It's 8 waste of time. Threats get you nowhere.
 ☞ 我们这样争是不会有结果的。
 ☞ The argument will lead us nowhere.
 ☞ 这样瞎吵下去,你们是不会有结果的。
 ☞ Squabbling like this won't get you anywhere.
9.only to find,指发现的结果与原来设想不一样。
 ☞ 高岗本来是想搬石头打人的,结果却打倒了他自己。
 ☞ Gao Gang started out to lift a rock to hurt others, only to find himself being knocked down.
 ☞ 我当时是去看他的,结果发现他前一夜就离开了本市。
 ☞ I went to see him, only to find that he had left the city the night before.
结论 结论
 ☞ 我得出的结论是接受他的建议并非明智之举。
 ☞ I have come to the conclusion that it would be unwise to accept his proposal.
 ☞ 我们可以得出结论,所有感官对认知世界都具有同样的重要性。
 ☞ We can conclude that all of the senses are of equal value in obtaining knowledge of the world.
 ☞ 对刘少奇之死历史已经做出了结论。
 ☞ History has passed judgment on the death of Liu Shaoqi.
 ☞ 参加暴力行动是合法还是非法必须按每个具体案子的是非曲直来做出结论。
 ☞ The lawfulness or unlawfulness of taking part in deed of violence must be judged on the merits of each particular case.
 ☞ 陪审团做出了对他有利的结论。
 ☞ The verdict of the jury was given in his favor.
 ☞ 竞争对手还在等待法官的结论。
 ☞ The competitors are still waiting for the verdict of the judges.
4.an open question,指尚未做出的结论。
 ☞ 这是否可行,还不能下结论。
 ☞ Whether this is feasible is still an open question.
 ☞ 工程上不上马,尚无结论。
 ☞ Whether the project will start is still an open question.

 ☞ 把线绕在线轴上。
 ☞ Wind the thread onto the reel.
 ☞ 她把毛线绕成了团。
 ☞ She has wound the knitting wool into balls.
 ☞ 工人们把漆包线绕成线圈。
 ☞ The workers wind the enamel-covered wire into coils.
2.revolve round,指绕着转,正式书面用语。
 ☞ 地球绕着太阳转。
 ☞ The earth revolves round the sun.
 ☞ 卫星绕着各自的行星转。
 ☞ Satellites revolve round their planets.
3.move around,也指绕着转,日常用语,没有revolve正式,但可以换用。
 ☞ 月亮绕着太阳转。
 ☞ The moon moves (revolves) around the earth.
  ■ 但around还可与其他动词搭配,表示“绕”的意思。
 ☞ 运动员绕场一周。
 ☞ The athletes marched around the arena.
 ☞ 我绕了半天还是没走出这胡同。
 ☞ I've been walking around for a long time, but I still haven't got out of this lane.
 ☞ 我把布绕在手指上止血。
 ☞ I bound the cloth around my finger to stop the bleeding.
4.go round,指绕着走,日常用语。
 ☞ 前门关了,我们只好绕着走。
 ☞ The front gate was shut, so we had to go round.
 ☞ 前面在修路,你得绕着走。
 ☞ The road ahead is under repair and you have to go round.
5.detour,指绕行,正式用语,比go round正式。
 ☞ 这个路标示意司机绕过中心广场。
 ☞ This sign detours drivers off the Center Square.
 ☞ 我们的汽车绕路避开了市中心的交通拥挤。
 ☞ Our car made a detour to avoid the heavy traffic in the center of the city.
 ☞ 我们绕道避开市中心的拥挤。
 ☞ We took a bypass to avoid the traffic in the center of the town.
 ☞ 这些问题是不能绕过去的。
 ☞ These problems cannot be bypassed.
 ☞ 货船绕过好望角,驶入大西洋。
 ☞ The freighter rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed into the Atlantic.
 ☞ 我们绕过小山就看到大海了。
 ☞ We rounded the hill and saw the sea.
  ■ round与get连用,指绕过某些难题。
 ☞ 你必须明确回答这个问题,绕是绕不过去的。
 ☞ You must give a definite answer to the question.
 ☞ There is no going round it.
 ☞ 我们可以绕过这一规定,就说我们要的不是入场费,而是点心钱。
 ☞ We can get round this regulation by saying that we are charging not for admission but for refreshment.
 ☞ 飞机在机场上空绕圈。
 ☞ The plane circled over the airfield.
 ☞ 航天飞机绕行地球两圈。
 ☞ The spacecraft circled the earth twice.

1) give,指给予。
 ☞ 我哥给了我一块表。
 ☞ My brother gave me a watch.
 ☞ 这件事情给了她信心。
 ☞ It gave her confidence.
 ☞ 他给了我一脚。
 ☞ He gave me a kick.
 ☞ 我们给敌人一个沉重的打击。
 ☞ We gave the enemy a hard blow.
2) grant,指同意给予。
 ☞ 公司给了他一个月的假。
 ☞ The company has granted him a month's leave.
 ☞ 银行拒绝给他长期信用贷款。
 ☞ The bank refused to grant him long-term credit.
3) leave,指留给(常用于引申意义)。
 ☞ 杭川给我的印象很好。
 ☞ Hangzhou left a very good impression on me.
 ☞ 你不给我选择。
 ☞ You leave me no choice.
 ☞ 在这些情况下,又给了她什么样的选择余地呢?
 ☞ In these circumstances, what alternatives were left to her?
1) for,指给某人,表示目的。
 ☞ 她给旅客送茶倒水。
 ☞ She brought drinking water and tea for the passengers.
 ☞ 这本书是给你的。
 ☞ This book is for you.
 ☞ 你给我去寄封信。
 ☞ Co and post the letter for me.
2) 用to,with引出交付的对象。
 ☞ 我把信给他了。
 ☞ I've handed the letter to him.
 ☞ 我把钥匙给你。
 ☞ I'll leave the key with you.
 ☞ 把钉锤给我。
 ☞ Pass the hammer to me.
3) 用被动语态,有“被”的意思。
 ☞ 开完运动会,我给累得够呛。
 ☞ After the sports meet, I was tired out.
 ☞ 阅览室里的有些书给拿走了。
 ☞ Some books in the reading room were taken away.
 ☞ 这股敌人全给游击队消灭了。
 ☞ The whole horde of enemy soldiers was wiped out by the guerrillas.
 ☞ 质量不合格,给换。
 ☞ Substandard products will be exchanged.
 ☞ 医生给孩子们种牛痘。
 ☞ The doctor vaccinated the children.
 ☞ 小朋友给老师行礼。
 ☞ The children saluted their teacher.
给予 给予
 ☞ 新闻界给予我们巨大的支持。
 ☞ The press gave us a great backing.
 ☞ 法律对妇女儿童给予特别的保护。
 ☞ The law gives women and children special protection.
 ☞ 当时她家很困难,政府每月都给予补助。
 ☞ His family was in financial difficulty then and the government gave subsidies every month.
 ☞ 协议将对我方给予经济援助。
 ☞ The agreement will render financial assistance to our side.
 ☞ 事故中有两位医生给予帮助。
 ☞ Two doctors rendered help at the accident.
 ☞ 最终,陪审团给予了无罪的判决。
 ☞ Finally, the jury rendered a verdict of not being guilty.
 ☞ 她对战争中的孤儿给予了极大的同情。
 ☞ She showed tremendous sympathy for the war orphans.
 ☞ 联合国对他在公共卫生方面的贡献给予了很高的评价。
 ☞ The United Nations highly appreciated his contribution to the public health.
 ☞ 党委给予他适当的纪律处分。
 ☞ The Party committee took appropriate disciplinary measures against him.
 ☞ 她同他的意见不谋而合给予了他安慰。
 ☞ It soothed him that her opinion coincided with his.
 ☞ 本公司对按期付款都给予3%的折扣。
 ☞ Our firm discounts 3 per cent on all bills paid when due.
 ☞ 我们并不想卖,但如果出价合理我们将给予考虑。
 ☞ We have no wish to sell, but if you make a fair offer, you shall have our attention.
统一 统一
 ☞ 完成统一祖国的神圣事业是我们义不容辞的责任。
 ☞ It is our bounden duty to accomplish the sacred task of unifying the country.
 ☞ 秦始皇于公元前221年统一了中国。
 ☞ The First Emperor of Qin unified China in 221 B.C.
 ☞ 考虑周密的整体计划,可使各部门之间的活动统一起来。
 ☞ Well-considered overall plans unify inter-departmental activities.
 ☞ 这场革命战争导致了美国13个殖民地的统一。
 ☞ The revolutionary war resulted in the unification of the thirteen American colonies.
 ☞ 这一课程的特点之一是在方式上把学科的理论与实践统一起来。
 ☞ One of the features of the course was the way that theory had been integrated with practice.
 ☞ 数据网络、电子资金转账及资料输送都统一成为信息产业。
 ☞ Data network. electronic fund transfer and data transfer have been integrated into information industries.
3.seek unity,指寻求统一。
 ☞ 只有统一思想才能步调一致。
 ☞ Only if we seek unity of thinking can we act in unison.
 ☞ 我们应当做到革命的政治内容与尽可能完美的艺术形式上的统一。
 ☞ We should manage to seek the unity of revolutionary political content and the highest possible perfection of artistic form.
4.reach unanimity,指达到一致的统一。
 ☞ 党内外的同志对一些问题的观点逐渐统一了。
 ☞ Comrades inside and outside the Party gradually reached unanimity of views on some problems.
 ☞ 经过充分的考虑,大家的意见终于统一了。
 ☞ People finally reached unanimity of opinion after much thought.
5.consensus of opinion,指意见的统一。
 ☞ 最后,大家的意见统一了。
 ☞ A consensus of opinion emerged at last.
 ☞ 在这个问题上,我们能取得意见的统一吗?
 ☞ Can we reach a consensus of opinion on this matter?
6.differ, 指观点、意见等统一不起来。
 ☞ 在这个问题上,我和他经常统一不起来。
 ☞ On this question he and I would differ constantly.
 ☞ 我们的观点有点不统一。
 ☞ Our views differ a little.
统治 统治
 ☞ 清朝末年的满洲皇帝统治着中国这个屡屡挨打的国家,却具有绝对的权力。
 ☞ In the last years of the Qing Dynasty the emperors of Manchuria ruled China, the repeatedly beaten country, having absolute power.
 ☞ 在他成为议长之后,运用铁腕统治议会达两年之久。
 ☞ He ruled the Assembly with iron hand for nearly two years after he became Speaker.
  ■ 不过,rule也可以用来转义。
 ☞ 美国是由华尔街统治的。
 ☞ America is ruled by Wall Street.
 ☞ 英国人有位女王,但实行统治的却是首相及其内阁。
 ☞ The English people have a queen, but it is the prime minister and his cabinet who govern.
 ☞ 那段时期,社会党的政府统治着该国。
 ☞ During that period socialist administration governed that country.
3.dominate, dominant, domination,指占有统治地位。
 ☞ 那男孩统治着他那伙小朋友。
 ☞ That boy dominates his smaller friends.
 ☞ 她统治着全家,什么都由她来定。
 ☞ She dominated her family and made all the decisions.
 ☞ 工人阶级在我国占有统治地位。
 ☞ The working class occupies a dominant position in China.
 ☞ 国家是阶级统治的机构。
 ☞ The state is an organ of class domination.
继承 继承
 ☞ 夫妻有相互继承遗产的权利。
 ☞ Husband and wife have the right to inherit each other's property.
 ☞ 吉姆继承了他祖父的农场。
 ☞ Jim has inherited his grandfather's farm.
 ☞ 他继承了他父亲赚钱的本领。
 ☞ He has inherited his father's skill in making money.
 ☞ 她继承了她母亲的美貌。
 ☞ She inherited her mother's good looks.
2.succeed to,指接替。
 ☞ 国王死后,他儿子继承了王位。
 ☞ On the king's death his son succeeded to the throne.
 ☞ 如果公爵没有子女,那么谁来继承爵位?
 ☞ If the duke has no children, who will succeed to the title?
3.carry on,指继续进行,carry out,指继续执行,carry forward,指推进。
 ☞ 我们要继承革命事业,把革命进行到底。
 ☞ We will carry on the cause of the revolution and wage it to the end.
 ☞ 他号召战士们化悲痛为力量,继承先烈遗志。
 ☞ He called on the fighters to convert sorrow into strength to carry out the behest of the martyrs.
 ☞ 我们决心要继承发扬艰苦奋斗的革命优良传统。
 ☞ We are determined to carry forward the fine revolutionary tradition of plain living and hard struggle.
继续 继续
 ☞ 这场战争从1937至1945年继续了8年。
 ☞ The war continued for eight years, from 1937 to 1945.
 ☞ 我在毕业以后继续献身于研究事业。
 ☞ After I had graduated I continued to devote myself to research。
 ☞ 她好像什么也没发生似的继续工作。
 ☞ She continued working as if nothing had happened.
2.go on (with),指停顿后继续下去。
 ☞ 要是你休息好了,咱们就继续下去。
 ☞ Let's go on if you've rested.
 ☞ 你应该继续这样生活。
 ☞ You ought to go on living this way.
 ☞ 我们兴高采烈地边谈边吃饭。
 ☞ We went on with the meal, chatting gaily.
  ■ go on后接动词不定式表示在时间的一点上继续;后接现在分词表示在一段时间上继续。
 ☞ 读完第九课,我继续读第十课。
 ☞ Having read Lesson Nine I went on to read Lesson Ten.
 ☞ 我从第九课继续读到第十课。
 ☞ From reading Lesson Nine I went on reading Lesson Ten.
 ☞ 如果让他这样搞下去,我们国家就无法继续独立。
 ☞ If they were allowed to carry on like this, our country would not be able to remain independent.
 ☞ 尽管我们一再要他坐下来,可他还是继续站在那里。
 ☞ He remained standing there though we repeatedly asked him to sit down.
 ☞ 要她来继续担任秘书,他会很高兴的。
 ☞ He would be glad to have her remain as secretary.
4.keep doing,keep on doing,指动作反复或连续不断。
 ☞ 一年来,他继续给儿子写信。
 ☞ For a year he kept writing to his son.
 ☞ 我不想继续发生这类事情。
 ☞ I don't want that sort of thing to keep happening.
 ☞ 不管出了什么事都要继续试下去。
 ☞ Whatever happens, keep on trying.
 ☞ 毕业后我要继续学英语。
 ☞ I'll keep on studying English after graduation.
 ☞ 没有农业,人们就不能生存,社会生产就不能继续。
 ☞ Without agriculture, people cannot exist, neither can social production proceed.
 ☞ 母亲喝了杯茶以后继续做饭。
 ☞ After drinking a cup of tea mother proceeded to cook the dinner.
 ☞ 他等掌声停下来以后才继续讲话。
 ☞ He waited for the applause to die down and then proceeded with his speech.
 ☞ 请继续做你的事。
 ☞ Please proceed with what you are doing.
 ☞ 他们第二天又继续会谈。
 ☞ They resumed the talks the next day.
 ☞ 那位钢琴家在幕间休息后继续演奏。
 ☞ The pianist resumed playing after intermission.
 ☞ 有些问题仍需继续研究。
 ☞ Some problems require further study.
 ☞ 对此她没有继续争论下去。
 ☞ She did not argue further about it.
 ☞ 中国革命是伟大的十月革命的继续。
 ☞ The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.
 ☞ 战争是政治的继续。
 ☞ War is a continuation of politics.
维修 维修
 ☞ 你的收音机有点毛病,我来维修一下。
 ☞ There is something wrong with your radio. Let me service it.
 ☞ 我的修理人员去为你维修冰箱了。
 ☞ My repairman's gone to service your refrigerator.
 ☞ 你市公家车的维修很不行。
 ☞ The service on the state cars is very poor in your city.
 ☞ 维修一下我的车,修理厂要价400元。
 ☞ The garage charged four hundred yuan for repairing my car.
 ☞ 这机器维修得不错。
 ☞ The machine is in good repair.
 ☞ 这条路国家维修得不错。
 ☞ The state keeps the road in good repair.
3.maintain, maintenance,指维护兼修理。
 ☞ 我们厂有专人维修机器。
 ☞ Our factory has personnel specially assigned for maintaining its machines.
 ☞ 这幢公寓房维修得不错。
 ☞ The apartment house is well maintained.
 ☞ 停电维修是在最小负荷时进行的。
 ☞ A switching-off maintenance was carried out at minimum load hour.
  ■ 由于maintenance兼具维护和维修两重意思,故在泛指维修时一般都用该词,如:维修费(maintenance cost);维修车(maintenance vehicle);维修车间(maintenance shop);维修时间(maintenance time)等。
维护 维护
 ☞ 我家老头退休后整天在街上维护交通秩序。
 ☞ My old man keeps traffic order in the street all day long after his retirement.
 ☞ 这是一幢经过主人精心维护的房子。
 ☞ This is a house meticulously kept by its owner.
 ☞ 她跪倒在菩萨面前,求菩萨维护她一家无病无灾。
 ☞ She knelt before Buddha and prayed Him to keep her family from illness and accident.
 ☞ 维护安定团结是当务之急。
 ☞ The most pressing matter of the moment is to maintain unity and stability.
 ☞ 无论发生什么情况都要维护人民的权利。
 ☞ The people's rights must be maintained whatever happens.
 ☞ 尽管有一小撮反动分子从中作梗,我们还是要维护国际和平和安全。
 ☞ In spite of a handful of reactionaries placing obstacles in the way we'll maintain international peace and security all the same.
 ☞ 如果学校制定一套制度,我可以肯定地说,学生家长一定会予以维护。
 ☞ lf the school makes a rule I can be sure that pupils'
 ☞ parents will certainly uphold it.
 ☞ 使人感到自尊的最好办法是给人以荣誉并由他来维护之。
 ☞ The best way to make someone feel self-respect is to give him an honor to uphold.
 ☞ 总统在就职时宣誓要维护宪法。
 ☞ In taking the oath of office the President swears to uphold the constitution.
 ☞ 美洲13个殖民地是为了维护其自由而组成了美国。
 ☞ The thirteen American colonies established the USA in order to defend their liberties.
 ☞ 他们是具有一定的政治见解才来维护人权的。
 ☞ Holding certain political views, they defend human rights.
 ☞ 王律师奋起辩护以维护受到错误指控的人的声誉。
 ☞ Wang, the lawyer, rose in defense to defend the reputation of the wrongly accused man.
 ☞ 只有团结全世界人民才能维护世界和平。
 ☞ Only by uniting the people all over the world can we safeguard world peace.
 ☞ 公民的政治权利无论如何都要维护。
 ☞ The political rights of the citizens must be safeguarded at all costs.
 ☞ 他是维护我们祖屋产权的律师之一。
 ☞ He was one of the lawyers who vindicated our hereditary house property.
 ☞ 纪检委的报告维护了他,宣布他的活动是正当的、 合法的。
 ☞ The report of the commission for inspecting discipline vindicated him and declared his action to have been proper and lawful.
维持 维持
1.keep, 指继续保存原来的某种状态。
 ☞ 你是警察,应当维持街上的秩序。
 ☞ As a policeman you must keep order in the street.
 ☞ 我们有保安人员维持社区晚上的治安。
 ☞ We have security personnel to keep peace of our community at night.
 ☞ 我国政府决定维持中印两国间的边界现状。
 ☞ Our government decided to keep the status quo of the boundary between China and India.
  ■ keep除接名词之外,还可接各种复合结构。
 ☞ 如果企业长期亏损,那就难以维持了。
 ☞ It is difficult to keep an enterprise going if it keeps incurring loses.
 ☞ 医生是靠输血来维持他的生命的。
 ☞ The doctor kept him alive by a blood transfusion.
 ☞ 老头的那点钱很难维持他的伙食。
 ☞ The little money the old man has will hardly keep him in food.
  ■ 此外,keep还可与up搭配,表示保持不变。
 ☞ 只要原材料的成本不变,消费品的价格也就能维持。
 ☞ So long as the cost of raw materials keeps up, prices of consumer goods will keep up too.
 ☞ 尽管有罢工,国内生产总值总算还能维持。
 ☞ In spite of strikes, the gross domestic product managed to keep up.
 ☞ 维持治安是警方的责任。
 ☞ It is the responsibility of the police to maintain (keep) public order.
 ☞ 居民委员会投票决定暂时维持现状。
 ☞ The neighborhood committee voted to maintain (keep) the status quo for the time being.
 ☞ 维持了40年的友谊毁于一旦,谁想得到呢?
 ☞ Who would have thought that the friendship maintained for forty years should be destroyed in a moment?
  ■ 但如果在反对、反抗下还硬要维持,则以用maintain为好。如:
 ☞ 到了1943年春天,日本人开始发现后勤供应已难以维持了。
 ☞ By the spring of 1943 the Japanese were finding it difficult to maintain rear service.
 ☞ 如何维持社会秩序是我们共同关心的问题。
 ☞ It is a matter of common concern as to how we ought to preserve order of society.
 ☞ 尽管父母反对,他们还是维持着友情,而且彼此间无话不谈。
 ☞ In spite of their parents' opposition they still preserve their friendship and no secrets from each other.
 ☞ 空气、食物和饮水都是维持生命所必需的。
 ☞ Air, food and drink are necessary to support life.
 ☞ 他有一大家子要维持。
 ☞ He has a big family to support.
5.make both ends meet, 指维持收入与支出的平衡。
 ☞ 为了维持生活,他早起晚睡,加倍努力地工作。
 ☞ To make both ends meet he had to work with double efforts, getting up earlier and going to bed later.
6.affirm the original judgment,法律用语,指对初审不服上诉后,上级法院维持原判。
 ☞ 被告提出上诉后,最高法院维持原判。
 ☞ The supreme court affirmed the original judgment after the accused had lodged an appeal.

 ☞ 我们决定一切从缓。
 ☞ We decided to go slow in everything.
 ☞ 这才叫做“缓不济急”。
 ☞ That's what we call "a slow remedy cannot meet an urgency".
 ☞ 我们宁可缓步当车。
 ☞ We prefer a slow walk instead of riding a carriage.
 ☞ 这就叫“缓不济急”。
 ☞ That is what we call" slow action cannot save a critical situation".
2.put off,(日常用语)postpone,(书面用语)均指速度延缓,但延缓的时间通常是确定的。
 ☞ 那只能使困难缓一缓。
 ☞ That would only put off the difficulty.
 ☞ 这事缓几天再说。
 ☞ Let's put it off for a couple of days.
 ☞ 我们最好把讨论缓一两天。
 ☞ We had better put off the discussion for a day or two.
 ☞ 这次聚会能缓一缓吗?
 ☞ Would it be possible to postpone the get-together?
 ☞ 这工作我们可以缓办。
 ☞ We could postpone doing the work.
 ☞ 对此事,我们决定暂缓行动。
 ☞ We decided to delay action on the matter for the time being.
 ☞ 由于雨季,修理屋顶暂缓。
 ☞ We delayed fixing the roof because of the rainy season.
 ☞ 营救工作刻不容缓。
 ☞ The rescue permits no delay.
4.come to,指恢复知觉。
 ☞ 幸亏医务人员及时赶到现场,老头才缓了过来。
 ☞ Fortunately, medical help rushed to the scene in time, and the old man came to.
 ☞ 他过了好一阵子才缓了过来。
 ☞ It was a long time before he came to.
 ☞ 这花浇点水可缓过来。
 ☞ The flower will revive if you water it.
 ☞ 这场及时雨使受旱的庄稼缓了过来。
 ☞ The timely rain revived the drought-stricken crops.
 ☞ 一场好觉使疲惫不堪的士兵缓了过来又继续行军。
 ☞ A good sleep refreshed the exhausted soldiers and they marched on.
 ☞ 一顿饱餐之后他感到缓了过来。
 ☞ Having a substantial meal, he felt refreshed.
 ☞ 重病之后需要几个星期才能缓过来。
 ☞ It takes weeks to recuperate after a severe illness.
 ☞ 他已元气大伤无法缓过来。
 ☞ He has lost his power to recuperate.
8.get back one's breath,指喘过气来。
 ☞ 他等到缓过气来以后才说话。
 ☞ He did not speak till he got back his breath.
 ☞ 老太爷一口气没缓过来就蹬了腿。
 ☞ The old gentleman failed to get back his breath and kicked the bucket.
 ☞ 这不过是缓兵之计。
 ☞ These are nothing but stalling tactics.
 ☞ 你解决问题应该分个轻重缓急。
 ☞ You should solve the problems in order of urgency.
 ☞ 你这个人说话不知轻重缓急。
 ☞ You don't know the proper way to talk.
 ☞ 人应当缓急相助。
 ☞ People ought to help each other in time of need.
缓和 缓和
1.ease, ease off (up),指紧张的减缓。
 ☞ 我们正力图缓和粮食问题。
 ☞ We are trying hard to ease our food problems.
 ☞ 镇静剂常能缓和紧张的神经。
 ☞ Tranquilizers often ease nervous tension.
 ☞ 既然双方已准备谈判,形势应该缓和了。
 ☞ The situation should ease up now that the two sides are prepared to talk.
 ☞ 两国的紧张关系已经缓和。
 ☞ The tension between the two countries has eased off.
2.relax, relaxation,指思想上或体力上的放松。
 ☞ 他的脸色缓和了。
 ☞ His countenance relaxed.
 ☞ 随着相互了解的增进,她的严厉态度缓和了许多。
 ☞ With the progress of mutual understanding her severity relaxed a lot.
 ☞ 两国的紧张关系出现了一定程度的缓和。
 ☞ Some relaxation of tensions has been brought about between the two countries.
 ☞ 如果办公时间错开就可以缓和市内交通拥挤的老大难问题。
 ☞ If business hours are staggered, we can relieve the chronic problem of the city traffic congestion.
 ☞ 由于有了经常的假期,虽然短了一点,他紧张的日程才有所缓和。
 ☞ His arduous schedule was a bit relieved by frequent though brief vacation.
 ☞ 又过了两年,这一重大缓和才得以实现。
 ☞ The vital relief was not achieved for another two years.
 ☞ 这些问题是在技术知识进步后才缓和的。
 ☞ These problems are alleviated by advances in technical knowledge.
 ☞ 要采取什么措施来缓和劳动力的极端缺乏?
 ☞ What measures are to be taken to alleviate the critical labor shortage?
 ☞ 国际财团的援助缓和了该国的金融危机。
 ☞ The aids from the consortium have alleviated the financial crisis of that country.
 ☞ 这样的灾难,如果不能防止,至少也能缓和。
 ☞ Such disasters can be, if not prevented, at least mitigated.
 ☞ 如果人们懂得共同的利益,集团的摩擦和冲突是可以缓和的。
 ☞ Groups' frictions and conflicts may be mitigated if people realize their common interests.
 ☞ 我们已经采取了一些预防措施来缓和矛盾。
 ☞ We have taken some preventive measures to mitigate contradictions.
 ☞ 风势渐趋缓和。
 ☞ The wind is subsiding.
 ☞ 飞机着陆时,她绷紧的神经终于缓和了。
 ☞ Her nervousness subsided at last when the plane landed.
 ☞ 在塞尔维亚问题上尖锐的紧张形势好像已趋于缓和。
 ☞ The acute tension over Serbia appeared to be subsiding.
 ☞ 交换意见可以缓和他们之间的紧张关系。
 ☞ Exchange of views may lessen the tension between them.
 ☞ 他们会缓和这个矛盾才怪呢!
 ☞ I would be really surprised if they lessened that contradiction.

1.编组的编,译put…in,organize... into。
 ☞ 把他们编在我们组吧!
 ☞ Put them in our group.
 ☞ 我们编成3个组。
 ☞ We were organized into three groups.
2.编织的编,译weave, braid, plait。
 ☞ 这盲人编得一手好竹篮。
 ☞ The blind man can weave excellent bamboo baskets with his own hands.
 ☞ 孩子们学会了编草席。
 ☞ Children have learned to plait straw mats.
 ☞ 姑娘们常把头发编成辫子。
 ☞ Girls often braid their hair into tresses.
3.编造的编,译invent, make up, lie。
 ☞ 我们得编个迟到的借口。
 ☞ We have to invent an excuse for being late.
 ☞ 这事全是他编出来的。
 ☞ He made the whole thing up.
 ☞ 她编得天衣无缝,但敌人还是不相信。
 ☞ She lied well, but the enemy didn't believe her.
4.编写的编,译compile, write。
 ☞ 现在中学生学习的教材是不久前编的。
 ☞ The text-books middle school students are using now were compiled not long ago.
 ☞ 他编了4个剧本同时在伦敦上演。
 ☞ He wrote four plays which were running in London at the same time.
 ☞ 他编的报纸受到欢迎。
 ☞ The newspaper he edited was well-liked.
 ☞ 他想编本民歌。
 ☞ He wants to edit a volume of folk songs.
 ☞ 他编了几支儿童歌曲,因此而出名。
 ☞ He composed several songs for children, for which he became well-known.
 ☞ 我们抓获的国民党将军够编两个步兵连。
 ☞ We captured enough KMT generals to form two companies of infantry.
缘分 缘分
1.fate, 指命中注定的缘分。
 ☞ 咱俩又在一起工作,真有缘分。
 ☞ We are working together again. So it must be fate.
2.lot, 指偶然的机缘带来的缘分。
 ☞ 我嫁给了你,成了你家的一分子,是我们的缘分。
 ☞ It is our lot that I have married you and become a member of your family.
3.be predestined,指冥冥之中注定有缘分。
 ☞ 我们俩结为夫妻是前世的缘分。
 ☞ Our union was predestined from a previous incarnation.
4.have luck,指幸运中的缘分。
 ☞ 我在纽约的唐人街上碰到你,真有缘分。
 ☞ I had luck to come across you in China Town of New York.
5.appeal to,指投某人的心意。
 ☞ 烟酒和我没有缘分。
 ☞ Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me.
6.have an affinity with,指有着密切关系的缘分。
 ☞ 我一生和足球有缘分,小时候是足球玩童,年轻时是足球运动员,挂靴后是教练,老了是足球迷。
 ☞ All my life I have had an affinity with football. I was a football-playing boy when I was very young, a football player when young, a coach when retired, a football fan when old.
7.there is a bond,指有某种难解难分的缘分。
 ☞ 只要有缘分,我们还会见面的。
 ☞ We'll meet again if there is a bond between us.
缘故 缘故
 ☞ 他这么生气,不知是什么缘故。
 ☞ I wonder what reason he had for getting so angry.
 ☞ 西红柿在这种土壤里长不好,其中必有缘故。
 ☞ There must be some reason why tomatoes will not flourish in this oil.
 ☞ 这场火灾是由于粗心大意的缘故。
 ☞ Carelessness was the cause of the fire.
 ☞ 孩子身体虚弱是由于营养不良的缘故。
 ☞ Malnutrition was the cause of the child's weakness.
 ☞ 只是因为我是新来的缘故他就故意与我为难。
 ☞ He deliberately makes things difficult for me only because I'm new.
 ☞ 我没去音乐会是因为我头痛得厉害的缘故。
 ☞ I didn't go to the concert because I had got a bad headache.

 ☞ 北方农民用布缠头当作头饰。
 ☞ The northern peasants bind a piece of cloth around their heads as head ornaments.
 ☞ 我祖母两岁时就缠脚了。
 ☞ My grandmother's feet had been bound when she was two years old.
2.表示无规则的缠绕,可用wind around (round),twine around。
 ☞ 蜘蛛网缠在你身上了。
 ☞ The spider web has got wound around you.
 ☞ 竖一根柱子,把葡萄藤缠在上面。
 ☞ Put a post and wind the grapevines around it 她把一根缎带在手指头上缠来缠去。
 ☞ She wound a ribbon round her finger mechanically.
 ☞ 大树上缠着一根青藤。
 ☞ There is a green vine twining around the big tree.
 ☞ 她用两只胳臂缠着他的身子。
 ☞ She twined her arms around him.
3.表示有规则的缠绕,可用coil around (round)。
 ☞ 把电线缠在圆柱体上再通上电流。
 ☞ Coil the wire round the cylinder and then turn on the current.
 ☞ 电磁铁上面缠着导线。
 ☞ The electromagnet is coiled with conducting wire.
  ■ 但coil一词也可形象化。
 ☞ 我看见一条蛇缠在树枝上。
 ☞ I saw a snake coiling around the branch.
 ☞ 伤口缠绷带前要消毒。
 ☞ Disinfect the wound before you bandage it.
 ☞ 他手上缠着绷带。
 ☞ His hand was bandaged.
5.表示乱缠扭结在一起,可用tangle (up)。
 ☞ 电线都缠在一块了。
 ☞ These wires are all tangled up.
 ☞ 这两股线都缠在一起了。
 ☞ The two threads got tangled up.
 ☞ 小猫在玩线团,玩着玩着最后缠在一起了。
 ☞ The kitten played with a ball of yarn. It played and played and tangled it at last.
 ☞ 她缠着指导员不放,要求参加战斗。
 ☞ She kept pestering the political instructor to let her join in the battle.
 ☞ 淘气的弟弟老去缠他的姐姐。
 ☞ The mischievous boy kept bothering his sister.
 ☞ 干吗老缠着我?
 ☞ Why do you keep worrying me?
7.表示事务缠身,可用tie up, be detained。
 ☞ 我因业务缠身,没时间考虑其他事情。
 ☞ I'm completely tied up with business, and I have not had time to think of other things.
 ☞ 最近两个星期,工作把我缠住了。
 ☞ The work has tied me up for the last two weeks.
 ☞ 他很想来,可动身时却被急事缠住了。
 ☞ He very much wanted to come, but was detained by some urgent business at the last moment.
8.表示对付,可用deal with, cope with。
 ☞ 这人真难缠。
 ☞ This fellow is really hard to deal with.
 ☞ 她不好缠。
 ☞ She is difficult to cope with.
 ☞ 你会越陷越深,他们的那些“鬼”就要缠住你。
 ☞ You'll find yourself more and more deeply involved and haunted by their "ghosts".
 ☞ 近来,那姑娘苍白、娇嫩的面容一直缠着他不放。
 ☞ Recently, the girl's pale, delicate face has haunted him all the time.
 ☞ 她父亲一直缠着她要她再嫁。有些时候扔下几句带有恶意的暗示,再有些时候就直言不讳,说不能老由他养着。
 ☞ Her father was constantly badgering her to remarry, sometimes by dropping unkind hints, at other times telling her outright she had to take herself off his hands。
 ☞ 推销员缠着他要他买辆新车。
 ☞ The salesman badgered him to buy a new car.

 ☞ 心脏是通过有节奏的一张一缩来保持血液循环的。
 ☞ The heart, by contracting and dilating rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.
 ☞ 任何物质都会热胀冷缩。
 ☞ Any substance expands with heat and contracts with cold.
 ☞ 受惊的刺猬会缩成一团。
 ☞ A frightened hedgehog contracts its body into a ball.
 ☞ 这件羊毛衫用热水洗了以后缩得不成形了。
 ☞ Having been washed in hot water, the woolen sweater has shrunk out of shape.
 ☞ 这种布下水不会缩。
 ☞ This cloth won't shrink when it is washed.
  ■ shrink有时还由于害羞、受惊、恐惧等原因而退缩。
 ☞ 那姑娘一想到要叫她去发言就羞得往后缩。
 ☞ The girl shrank back at the thought of being called on to speak.
 ☞ 受惊的孩子缩在角落里一动不动。
 ☞ The frightened child shrank into a comer motionless.
 ☞ 那狗害怕鞭子,缩成了一团。
 ☞ The dog shrank from the whip.
 ☞ 他无意中把手伸到了烫水里,马上又缩了回来。
 ☞ He accidentally put his hand in hot water and pulled it quickly.
 ☞ 这架照相机的镜头可以伸缩自如。
 ☞ The lens of this camera can be pulled back and forth freely.
 ☞ 刺骨的寒风弄得我们大家都缩在棉大衣里。
 ☞ The biting cold wind made all of us huddle inside our cotton-padded overcoats.
 ☞ 他冷得缩成一团。
 ☞ He huddled himself up with cold.
5.draw back,指撤回。
 ☞ 我们一出兵,敌人又缩了回去。
 ☞ The enemy drew back again as soon as we sent our troops.
 ☞ 他从原来的立场缩了回去。
 ☞ He has drawn back from his original position.
6.shorten, 指缩短。
 ☞ 信太长了,你能缩成一页吗?
 ☞ The letter is too long. Can you shorten it to one page?
 ☞ 把报告缩成2,000字。
 ☞ Shorten the report to 2,000 words.
缩减 缩减
1.cut (down),cut back, 常用语,指削减。
 ☞ 这个月我们必须缩减开支。
 ☞ We must cut (down) expenses this month.
 ☞ 到1999年5月,我们已缩减工作人员500人。
 ☞ By May 1999 we had cut (down) our personnel by 500 people.
 ☞ 供大于求迫使我们缩减生产。
 ☞ The excess of supply over demand forced us to cut back on production.
 ☞ 政府缩减军费来达到预算平衡。
 ☞ The government achieved budget balance by cutting back military expenditure.
2.reduce, 正式用语,指在数量、程度、范围等方面的缩减。
 ☞ 我们下了岗,不得不缩减商品消费。
 ☞ We are laid off and have to reduce our consumption of goods.
 ☞ 工艺流程的改进使我们能够大幅度缩减生产成本。
 ☞ The improvement of technological process enabled us to reduce the cost of production radically.
 ☞ 我们上个月的家用开支缩减了1/3。
 ☞ Our household expenses were reduced by one third last month.
 ☞ 机构改革就是要缩减重叠的机构。
 ☞ Structural reform is meant to trim the overlapping organizations.
 ☞ 只有缩减预算才能达到收支平衡。
 ☞ Only by trimming the budget can we attain the balanced revenue and expenditure.
 ☞ 由于经济形势恶化,政府被迫制定政策来缩减开支。
 ☞ The government was forced to make a policy to retrench its expenditure because of the worsening economy.
 ☞ 被迫缩减开支的绅士阶层对革命大为不满。
 ☞ The gentry compelled to retrench their expenses were very much resentful of the revolution.
缩小 缩小
 ☞ 农村经济的发展逐步缩小了城乡差别。
 ☞ The development of rural economy has gradually reduced the distinction between town and country.
 ☞ 在人民战争的压力下,敌人缩小了活动范围。
 ☞ The enemy reduced the scope of their activities under the pressure of people's war.
 ☞ 这台机器可以把复印件缩小到原件的一半。
 ☞ This machine can reduce copies of the original page to half size.
 ☞ 这个湖泊由于持续干旱而缩小成了一个池塘。
 ☞ The lake has reduced to a pond owing to the prolonged drought.
 ☞ 冷天,金属会缩小。
 ☞ Metals contract in cold weather.
 ☞ 瞳孑L见光就会缩小。
 ☞ The pupil of your eye contracts as light strikes it.
  ■ 有时,contract也可用于比喻。
 ☞ 现代交通工具把这个世界缩小了。
 ☞ Modern means of transportation has contracted this world.
 ☞ 他的毛衣在热水里洗过后就缩小了。
 ☞ His sweater shrank when it was washed in hot water.
 ☞ 肉一煮就缩小了。
 ☞ Meat shrinks while it is cooking.
 ☞ 瞧这缩小的衬衣!
 ☞ Look at this shrunken shirt!
 ☞ 把嫌疑范围缩小到几个人身上是比较容易的。
 ☞ It was relatively easy to narrow the field of suspects to a few people.
 ☞ 我们遵循一种缩小剪刀差的政策来交换工农业产品。
 ☞ In exchange of industrial and agricultural products we follow a policy of narrowing the price scissors.
 ☞ 这一切有利于缩小工农、城乡、体力劳动与脑力劳动的三大差别。
 ☞ All this contributes to narrowing the three major differences between workers and peasants, between town and country and between manual and mental labor.
缩短 缩短
1.shorten, cut short, 指长度的缩短。
 ☞ 学制能缩短吗?
 ☞ Can the period of schooling be shortened?
 ☞ 女儿的裙子太长,因此母亲把它缩短了。
 ☞ The daughter's skirt was too long and the mother shortened it.
 ☞ 这次事故迫使总统缩短了假期。
 ☞ The accident forced the president to cut his holiday short.
 ☞ 我已经把长窗帘缩短了,现在肯定好看一点。
 ☞ I've cut short all window curtains. I'm sure they will look better now.
2.cut (down),指削减性缩短。
 ☞ 新型喷气客机提供的服务缩短了一半的旅行时间。
 ☞ The new jet service cuts the traveling time by half.
 ☞ 这篇文章太长,得缩短。
 ☞ This article is too long and has to cut.
 ☞ 工人们正努力缩短炼钢时间并提高质量。
 ☞ The workers are doing all they can to cut down steelmaking time and improve quality.
 ☞ 我们可以把这本书缩短到100页多一点。
 ☞ We might cut the book down to a little over a hundred pages.
 ☞ 如果你能把故事缩短1/3,他们就可能接受。
 ☞ If you could cut the story down one third, they would take it.
 ☞ 飞机发动机在飞越大片荒漠性空域时的严重磨损缩短了其飞行寿命。
 ☞ The heavy wear on engines of the plane in their flight over vast barren sandy spaces reduced their flying life.
 ☞ 把这段文字的字数缩短为一半。
 ☞ Reduce that message to half the number of words.
 ☞ 这条高速公路开通后,由昆明至大理的行程从3 天缩短为1天。
 ☞ The trip from Kunming to Dali has been reduced from three days to one day since this expressway was open.
 ☞ 一阵浓雾突如其来,她缩短了散步的路程。
 ☞ A sudden heavy fog came on, and she curtailed her walk.
 ☞ 由于天气不好,我们的行期缩短了。
 ☞ Our trip was curtailed because of bad weather.
 ☞ 由于台风毁坏了度假的房舍,他们的假期也缩短了。
 ☞ Their holiday was curtailed by the typhoon that damaged their cottage.
5.narrow gap, 指缩短差距。
 ☞ 我们努力缩短中国在经济技术上同发达国家间的差距。
 ☞ We are trying hard to narrow the economic and technological gaps between China and the developed countries.
 ☞ 这种做法缩短了书本知识与实际经验之间的距离。
 ☞ Such practice narrows the gap between book learning and direct experience.
6.abbreviate,常与visit, ceremony, story, speech, word等词搭配。
 ☞ 该国总统因兵变而缩短了对中国的访问。
 ☞ The president of that country abbreviated his visit to China because of the mutiny.
 ☞ 一年一度的校庆庆典因下雨而缩短。
 ☞ The ceremony, held during the annual Alumni Day, was abbreviated by rain.
缺(缺乏、缺少) 缺(缺乏、缺少)
  ■ “缺”、“缺乏”、“缺少”均为同义词。“缺”一般与单音词连用,而“缺乏”与“缺少”则与双音词连用。
1.be short of, 指短缺,着重点为缺。
 ☞ 我说过我们公司缺人。
 ☞ I said that our firm was short of men.
 ☞ 要是缺乏资金就很难开拓业务。
 ☞ It is hard to develop our business if we are short of funds.
 ☞ 中国缺少已经探明的富铁矿。
 ☞ China is short of known high-grade iron ore deposit.
 ☞ 他缺少(乏)经验。
 ☞ He lacks experience.
 ☞ 他有钱什么都不缺。
 ☞ As he is rich he lacks nothing.
  ■ lack用作现在分词,现在只有lacking (in)这样一种形式,而且后面都接抽象名词。
 ☞ 他缺少力量。(勇气、兴趣、幽默、保护)
 ☞ He is lacking in strength.(courage, interest, humor, protection)
 ☞ 完成这项工程缺钱。
 ☞ Money was lacking to complete the project.
 ☞ 庄稼缺水缺肥就长不好。
 ☞ Lacking water and manure, crops won't grow well.
 ☞ 他的弱点是缺乏经验。
 ☞ Lacking experience is his weak-point.
 ☞ 我厂苦于缺乏零件。
 ☞ Our factory suffers from the lacking of spare parts.
  ■ lack 还可用作名词。
 ☞ 植物由于缺水而枯死。
 ☞ The plants died for lack of water.
 ☞ 这门学科的文献不缺。
 ☞ There is no lack of literature on this subject.
 ☞ 地震后许多人都缺粮食缺住处。
 ☞ Many people wanted food and shelter after the earthquake.
 ☞ 他缺少长跑运动员的耐力。
 ☞ He wants the stamina of a long-distance runner.
 ☞ 战时生产有时苦于缺乏人手来看管机器和收割庄稼。
 ☞ War production occasionally suffered from want of hands to tend the machines and harvest the crops.
 ☞ 他缺少勇气。
 ☞ He is deficient in courage.
 ☞ 他缺心眼。
 ☞ He is mentally deficient.
 ☞ 该国缺乏资源。
 ☞ The country is deficient in resources.
 ☞ 食物既坏又缺。
 ☞ The food was both bad and deficient.
 ☞ 这种原料较缺。
 ☞ This kind of raw material is rather scarce.
 ☞ 这本书缺两页。
 ☞ Two pages are missing from this book.
 ☞ 这些条件缺一不可。
 ☞ Not a single one of these conditions can be dispensed with.
 ☞ 这些都是不可或缺的条件。
 ☞ These are all indispensable conditions.
 ☞ 我们队缺了小林不行。
 ☞ Our team can't do without Xiaolin.
 ☞ 人都到齐了,一个不缺。
 ☞ No one is absent, everybody's here.
 ☞ 他工作认真,但缺少办法。
 ☞ He's a conscientious worker, but is not very resourceful.

1.be punished,指惩罚。
 ☞ 那男孩因迟到而被罚。
 ☞ The boy was punished for being late.
 ☞ 他的所作所为应该受罚。
 ☞ He ought to be punished for what he did.
2.be penalized,常指体育运动中受罚。
 ☞ 我队因出界而被罚五码球。
 ☞ Our team was penalized five yards for being outside.
 ☞ 这类犯规在各类运动中都是要挨罚的。
 ☞ This type of violation is penalized in all sports.
3.as a forfeit,指作为游戏、酒席中的一种处罚。
 ☞ 他没答对,罚他唱个歌。
 ☞ He didn't give the right answer. Let him sing a song as a forfeit.
 ☞ 我打赌输了,被罚酒两大杯。
 ☞ I lost the bet and had to drink two glassfuls of wine as a forfeit.
4.foul (out),指因犯规受罚。
 ☞ 他因5次犯规被罚出场外。
 ☞ He was fouled out for exceeding five fouls.
 ☞ 我在投篮时因别人犯规而给以两次罚球。
 ☞ I was given two foul shots when I was fouled while trying to shoot.
 ☞ 违反交通规则要罚款。
 ☞ Fines are imposed for break of traffic rules.
 ☞ 他因乱穿马路而被罚款。
 ☞ He was fined for jaywalking.

1.turn over (overturn),指上下交换位置。
 ☞ 孩子当时是俯睡着的,他母亲把他翻了过来,并塞好了被子。
 ☞ The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him over and tucked up his sheets.
 ☞ 我把唱片翻过来,看另一面录的是什么。
 ☞ I turned the record over to see what was on the other side.
 ☞ 汽车撞到墙上翻了。
 ☞ The car struck the wall and turned over.
 ☞ 灯翻了,引起一场火灾。
 ☞ The lamp turned over and that was what started the fire.
 ☞ 要保证庄稼好,地得翻两遍。
 ☞ To ensure a good crop the soil had to be turned over twice.
 ☞ 小心!货车要翻啦。
 ☞ Look out! The truck is going to overturn.
2.turn inside out,指内外交换位置。
 ☞ 他把口袋都翻过来给我看,他实在是身无分文。
 ☞ He turned all his pockets inside out to show me that he had not a single penny left on him.
 ☞ 你一不小心,他们就会抓着翻你的老底。
 ☞ If you are not careful they will take you and turn you inside out.
3.turn to,只指翻动书页。
 ☞ 请翻到102页。
 ☞ Please turn to page 102.
 ☞ 我们翻回到102页,再从那里开始。
 ☞ We'll turn back to page 102 and start again from there.
4.capsize同turn over,但只用于翻船。
 ☞ 暴风雨中船翻了,淹死了不少人。
 ☞ The ship capsized in the storm, which caused many people to drown.
 ☞ 小心别让船翻了。
 ☞ Be careful not to capsize the boat.
 ☞ 我翻了3个抽屉才找到手套。
 ☞ I rummaged through three drawers before I found my gloves.
 ☞ 谁在我的文件里乱翻?
 ☞ Who has been rummaging about among my papers?
6.climb over,指翻越某种障碍物。
 ☞ 翻过山头就能见到村子。
 ☞ The village can be seen after the mountain has been climbed.
 ☞ 所有孩子,有的翻墙,有的钻洞,都进了果园。
 ☞ All the boys got into the orchard, some by climbing the fence, the others by crawling through a hole at the bottom.
 ☞ 小偷翻墙而逃。
 ☞ The thief escaped by climbing over the wall.
7.glance through (over), look over,指翻阅。
 ☞ 我翻了半天图书馆的目录,没能找到你说的那本书。
 ☞ I glanced through the library catalogue but I couldn't find the book you told me about.
 ☞ 她是个认真的家长,总要翻翻她女儿的作业,再签上字。
 ☞ As a conscientious parent she always glanced over her daughter's homework and signed it.
 ☞ 翻翻报章杂志,也许能找到你需要的东西。
 ☞ Look over newspapers and magazines and you may get something you need.
 ☞ 第一次翻这本书是在1936年。
 ☞ This book was first translated in 1936.
 ☞ 你替我翻一下好吗?
 ☞ Would you mind interpreting for me?
 ☞ 过去5年中产量翻了一番。
 ☞ The output has been doubled in the past five years.
 ☞ 去年,炼油能力翻了一番。
 ☞ The oil refining capacity was doubled last year.

1.old, 指老或衰老。
 ☞ 岁月催君老。
 ☞ Time makes you old.
 ☞ 我老了,路走不快啦。
 ☞ I'm getting old and can't walk very fast.
 ☞ 他60多岁,可一点也不显老。
 ☞ He's over sixty, but he doesn't look old at all.
  ■ old也可指老旧或多年。
 ☞ 寂静的夜晚飘来老屋前面花园里的玫瑰花香。
 ☞ The silent night smelled of roses in the front garden of the old house.
 ☞ 你又在老调重弹。
 ☞ You're striking up the same old tune.
 ☞ 他是我们的老朋友。
 ☞ He is an old friend of ours.
 ☞ 这男孩12岁就成了一个老旅行家,因为他跟他父亲周游了世界。
 ☞ At the age of 12 the boy was already a veteran traveler, having flown all over the world with his father.
 ☞ 我们的老会计宣布退休了。
 ☞ Our veteran bookkeeper announced his retirement.
 ☞ 按一般规律,任何类型的事物越是老,与现存类型的差异就越大。
 ☞ The more ancient any form is, the more, as a general rule, it differs from living forms.
 ☞ 你以为我们煤的月产量还只是10万吨吗?老皇历啦!
 ☞ Do you think our monthly output of coal is still one hundred thousand tons only? That's ancient history now!
 ☞ 她老早就动身了。
 ☞ She set out very early.
 ☞ 我见他的时候,他留着老长的胡子。
 ☞ He had a very long beard when I met him.
5.for a long time,for ages,指时间相当长。
 ☞ 这屋子老不住人有股霉味。
 ☞ This room has been left vacant for a long time, so there is a moldy smell.
 ☞ 我老没见到你。
 ☞ I haven't seen you for ages.
6.always,all the time,指经常或一直如此。
 ☞ 他老取笑我。
 ☞ He always makes fun of me.
 ☞ 最近天老下雨。
 ☞ Recently it has rained all the time.
7.keep (on)后接现在分词,指老重复某种动作。
 ☞ 我不知今天怎么啦,老打破东西。
 ☞ I don't know what's wrong with me today, I keep breaking today.
 ☞ 你干吗老躲着我?
 ☞ Why do you keep avoiding me?
 ☞ 他老跟我打电话,可我真不想跟他通话。
 ☞ He keeps on phoning me but I really don't want to talk to him.
 ☞ 牛肉煮老了。
 ☞ The beef was overdone.
 ☞ 芹菜不收要老了。
 ☞ The celery will be overgrown if we don't pick it now 青菜不要炒得太老。
 ☞ Don't overcook the greens.
 ☞ 我们甘当人民的老黄牛。
 ☞ We are ready to serve the people like a willing ox.
 ☞ 小丽是咱们村长的老闺女。
 ☞ Xiaoli is the youngest daughter of our village head.
 ☞ 我喜欢把鸡蛋煮得老一点。
 ☞ I like eggs hard-boiled.
 ☞ 他喜欢老一点的牛排。
 ☞ He likes steak quite well-done.
考察 考察
1.inspect, inspection,指检查性质的考察。
 ☞ 政府官员考察了当地的工厂和矿山。
 ☞ Government officials inspected the local factories and mines.
 ☞ 昨天有人来我校考察。
 ☞ Someone came to inspect our school yesterday.
 ☞ 代表团对医院和学校作了考察。
 ☞ The delegation made an inspection of hospitals and schools.
2.investigate, investigation,指调查性质的考察。
 ☞ 地质勘探队到达后立即开始考察工地的地形。
 ☞ On arriving, the geological prospecting team began at once to investigate the terrain of the construction site.
 ☞ 考察团考察了当地的水利工程。
 ☞ An observation group has investigated the local water conservancy projects.
 ☞ 领导干部退休前照例要出国考察。
 ☞ As a rule, leading cadres go abroad on a tour of investigation before they are retired.
 ☞ 一个人在选择职业时应对自己的性情有所考察。
 ☞ In choosing a profession one must study his temperament.
 ☞ 代表团去美国考察工业。
 ☞ The delegation went to the U.S.A. to study the conditions of industry.
 ☞ 他写的这本书是考察蜜蜂习性的成果。
 ☞ The book he has written is the fruit of the study of the habits of bees.
 ☞ 你不会在意我对你的考察吧?
 ☞ You won't mind my testing you, will you?
 ☞ 我们一般都是在日常工作中考察和识别干部的。
 ☞ Usually we test and judge cadres in day-to-day work.
 ☞ 我们进行了一系列的考察,但现在还不能肯定他的问题出在哪里。
 ☞ We have run a number of tests but are not yet sure what is wrong with him.
考核 考核
 ☞ 对你所做的工作我会不时进行考核的。
 ☞ I'll examine you from time to time on the work you have done.
 ☞ 至于你目前的受教育程度,你会受到考核的。
 ☞ You will be examined as to the present state of your education.
2.check on,指检查性质的考核。
 ☞ 我们已建立了一套定期考核干部的制度。
 ☞ We have had a system established to check on cadres at regular intervals.
 ☞ 工程进度已考核,其结果也已上报水利电力部。
 ☞ The progress of the project was checked on and the results were reported to the Ministry of Water Conservancy and Power.
3.appraise, assess,指评估性的考核。
 ☞ 雇主应善于考核雇员的能力和性格。
 ☞ An employer should be good at appraising ability and character of an employee.
 ☞ 人事部经理亲自考核了每个申请人。
 ☞ The personnel manager personally appraised each applicant.
4.assess, 多指由官方进行的考核。
 ☞ 考核每个运动员的技巧十分必要。
 ☞ It is extremely necessary to assess proficiency of every sportsman.
 ☞ 各部门都有许多机会来考核各个职位候选人员的能力。
 ☞ Every department has many opportunities to assess the ability of candidates for all positions.
考虑 考虑
 ☞ 我现在不能回答你,给我点时间考虑。
 ☞ I cannot answer you now. Give me time to think.
 ☞ 行动前要先考虑。
 ☞ Think ahead before you act.
  ■ 但如果think与某些介词搭配,则可表示考虑的目的性和反复性等。
 ☞ 我在接受你的提议以前先得考虑考虑。
 ☞ I have to think about your offer before I accept it.
 ☞ 你们在最后做出决定以前还有许多事要考虑。
 ☞ There are many things which have to be thought of before you finally make up your minds.
 ☞ 我是经过再三考虑才决定的。
 ☞ I didn't make any decision until I thought it over.
2.consider,意思大致与think about相同,但目的性更强,深度和广度更大,态度更严肃。其用法有以下几种:
1) 后接名词或代词。
 ☞ 他似乎愿意考虑这个想法。
 ☞ He seemed willing to consider the idea.
 ☞ 我有个建议要提,因此我要你仔细考虑。
 ☞ I have a suggestion to make, and I want you to consider it carefully.
2) 后接动名词。
 ☞ 你愿考虑移民吗?
 ☞ Would you consider emigrating?
 ☞ 我从未考虑过结婚。
 ☞ I've never considered getting married.
3) 后接从句或关系代词短语。
 ☞ 我们必须考虑我们买不买得起。
 ☞ We must consider whether we can afford it or not.
 ☞ 你得考虑下一步干什么。
 ☞ You have to consider what to do next.
  ■ 但应该指出,consider后可接关系代词引入的动词不定式,但却不能直接跟动词不定式。因此下面的译文是错误的。
 ☞ 我在考虑放弃医学课程,专攻细菌学。
 ☞ I am considering to give up my medical course and specialize in bacteriology,正确的翻译应该是:I am considering giving up my medical course and specializing in bacteriology. 或 I am considering whether to give up my medical course and specialize in bacteriology.
  ■ 此外,consider作“考虑”解时,通常不用一般现在时的被动时态(过去时例外),而用现在进行时的被动语态,因为consider更强调整个过程。如:
 ☞ 现在已在考虑修改刑法。
 ☞ Revision of the criminal law is being considered.
 ☞ 整件事都在考虑之中。
 ☞ The whole matter is being considered.
 ☞ 医生在考虑他必须进行的这个大手术。
 ☞ The doctor is contemplating the major operation he has to perform.
 ☞ 我们整整一年都在考虑移民的可能性。
 ☞ We contemplated for a whole year the possibility of emigrating.
 ☞ 他在做出答复以前考虑了两天。
 ☞ He meditated for two days before giving his answer.
 ☞ 现代人一般都不会留出足够的时间考虑事情。
 ☞ Usually modern men don't set aside enough time to meditate.
 ☞ 双方都考虑了这件事,但因意见不同而作罢。
 ☞ The two sides studied the matter, which had to be dropped as they couldn't agree.
 ☞ 学校曾为校内儿童考虑过这些需要。
 ☞ The school studied the needs of the children in it.
5.take into account (consideration), take account of, 指要计算进去。前者往往指与本身有关情况的考虑,而后者则仅指单纯的考虑过程。注意两词用法上的区别。
 ☞ 各国都得考虑本国的情况。
 ☞ Each country has to take into account its own conditions.
 ☞ 要把学生的母语与目的语之间的差异考虑进去。
 ☞ Take into account the differences between the students' mother tongue and the target language.
 ☞ 国家、集体、个人的利益我们都必须考虑。
 ☞ We must take account of the interests of the state, the collective and the individual.
 ☞ 对此你无需多加考虑。
 ☞ You need not take much account of that.
6.allow for,指考虑未来可能会发生的某种情况。
 ☞ 我们本来就应该考虑到火车会晚点的。
 ☞ We should have allowed for the train being late.
 ☞ 买棉布时一定要考虑棉布会缩水。
 ☞ Be sure to allow for shrinkage when buying cotton materials.
7.regard, disregard,指关注或不关注。
 ☞ 你应当全盘考虑这件事情。
 ☞ You should regard the matter from every point of view.
 ☞ 他不考虑个人得失。
 ☞ He disregards personal gains and losses.
考验 考验
1.test, 指体质或意志的考验。
 ☞ 长距离攀登考验了我们的耐力。
 ☞ The long climb tested our power of endurance.
 ☞ 她还不打算跟我结婚,说再考验考验我。
 ☞ She is not ready to marry me yet. She says she wants to test me some more.
2.temper, 指生理或心理上的考验。
 ☞ 艰难困苦考验了我们的革命意志。
 ☞ Hardships tempered our revolutionary will.
 ☞ 你只有在战争中经受考验才能成为真正的战士。
 ☞ You won't be a true soldier unless you are tempered in war.
 ☞ 时间可以考验一切。
 ☞ Time tries all things.
 ☞ 黑夜里穿过一座林子,他的勇气受到了严峻的考验。
 ☞ His courage was severely tried by walking through a forest in a dark night.

 ☞ 我厂生产管理得活而严。
 ☞ The production of our factory is managed in a strict and lively way.
 ☞ 以前受压迫而现在解放了的人们是决不会上当受骗的。
 ☞ Once oppressed and now liberated people will never be taken in.
 ☞ 两国的贸易协定是没有问题的,而文化交流也同样可以安排。
 ☞ A trade agreement between the two countries should be no problem, and similarly a cultural exchange could be arranged.
 ☞ 然而,人们的认识究竟怎么从实践中发生,而又服务于实践呢?
 ☞ But how then does human knowledge arise from practice and in turn serve practice?
2.but (not),without,表示转折。
 ☞ 兵不在多而在精。
 ☞ Troops are valued not in numbers but in quality.
 ☞ 法西斯主义挽救不了资本主义,而只能加速其崩溃。
 ☞ Fascism cannot save capitalism, but only hastens its destruction.
 ☞ 委员会徒有其名,而无其实。
 ☞ The committee exists only in name but not in reality.
 ☞ 世人徒见其利而不见其弊。
 ☞ People see only its advantages but not its disadvantages.
 ☞ 他们的错诶在于只看到事情的支流,而没有看到事情的主流。
 ☞ Their mistake is that they see only the nonessentials but not the essence of the matter.
 ☞ 那是个大而无当的计划。
 ☞ That was a grandiose but impractical plan.
 ☞ 这两种人都华而不实。
 ☞ Both kinds of people are flashy and without substance.
 ☞ 你不劳而获,难道不感到羞耻吗?
 ☞ Don't you feel ashamed of making profit without doing any work?
 ☞ 我是没有钱来花,而你是没有东西来花钱。
 ☞ I have no money to spend while (whereas) you have nothing to spend it on.
 ☞ 这工作对于专家是容易不过的,而对于一位没有经验的人就难了。
 ☞ The work is quite easy for an expert while (whereas) it is difficult for an inexperienced person.
 ☞ 我弟弟发了财,而我还是一样的穷。
 ☞ My brother has made a fortune while I have remained poor.
 ☞ 你喜欢运动,而我宁愿读书。
 ☞ You like sports while I'd rather read.
  ■ 有时,and和but也可表示对比。
 ☞ 他是骑车来的,而我是走来的。
 ☞ He came here by bike and (but) I walked here.
 ☞ 我吹箫,而他唱歌。
 ☞ I played on the flute, and (while) she sang to it.
 ☞ 他机灵,而他妹妹迟钝。
 ☞ He is clever, but (whereas) his sister is stupid.
4.although, though, while,表示让步。
 ☞ 几乎已经4点,而灯还亮着。
 ☞ Although it was barely four o'clock, the lights were still on.
 ☞ 我费了好大的劲才弄醒他,而他却发誓说没睡着。
 ☞ Although I had great difficulty in waking him, he swore that he was not asleep.
 ☞ 他穷而正直。
 ☞ He is honest though he is poor.
 ☞ 我喜欢帽子的颜色,而不喜欢帽子的式样。
 ☞ While I like the color of the hat, I do not like the shape.
 ☞ 疗效因人而异。
 ☞ The effect of the treatment varies with different people (varies from person to person).
 ☞ 我因走了一整天而疲惫不堪。
 ☞ I was exhausted with walking all day.
 ☞ 他的试验因差错而失败。
 ☞ His test has failed by mistake.
 ☞ 我希望你不会因困难而灰心。
 ☞ I hope you have not been discouraged by difficulties.
 ☞ 当作家而不深入群众,是写不出好作品的。
 ☞ If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good work.
 ☞ 人而无志,终将一事无成。
 ☞ If one does not aim high, one will achieve nothing.
 ☞ 苟事事而躬亲,将挂一漏万。
 ☞ If a leader takes charge of every single thing personally, many important facts will escape.
 ☞ 见一道人席地而坐。
 ☞ I saw a Taoist sitting on the ground.
 ☞ 我们顺流而下,傍晚就到了一个小镇。
 ☞ We sailed downward with the current and arrived at a small town in the evening.
 ☞ 雾大得什么也看不见,我们只觉得汽车在万山丛中盘旋而上。
 ☞ The fog was so thick that we could see nothing but feel that the bus was spiraling up among the mountains.
 ☞ 他匆匆而去,我们深感失望。
 ☞ We were 97eatlY disappointed at his going in a hurry.
 ☞ 他们是为广大群众的利益、为全民族的利益而结合、而战斗的。
 ☞ They have come together and fought for the interests of the broad masses and of the whole nation.
 ☞ 文艺应为工农兵而创作。
 ☞ Literature and art should be created for workers, peasants and soldiers.
 ☞ 一个共产党员应先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。
 ☞ A communist should be concerned about affairs of state before others and enjoy comfort after others.
 ☞ 隆隆雷声自远而近。
 ☞ The rumble of thunder was approaching in the distance.
 ☞ 通过实践而发现真理,又通过实践而证实真理和发展真理。
 ☞ We discover the truth through practice, and again through practice verify and develop the truth.
 ☞ 火势由南而北很快就蔓延开了。
 ☞ The fire spread quickly from south to north.
而且 而且
1.what is more, moreover, further more, 表示递进。
 ☞ 他见多识广,而且从中得益不浅。
 ☞ He has been through much, and has seen much, and what is more, he has profited much from his experience.
 ☞ 书记正好在家,而且有空。
 ☞ Happily, the secretary was at home and, what is more,not engaged.
 ☞ 这本书有用,而且价钱也不贵。
 ☞ It's a useful book and, what is more, not an expensive one.
 ☞ 要有成功的把握,就要有准备,而且要有充分的准备。
 ☞ To be sure of success, one must be prepared, and what is more, fully prepared.
 ☞ 他们在开始阶段只是经历了许多战斗,而且败仗是打得很多的。
 ☞ At the initial stage they have merely experienced a good deal of fighting and, what is more, suffered many defeats.
 ☞ 骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼,而且不会污染空气。
 ☞ Bicycling is a good exercise, moreover, it doesn't pollute the air.
 ☞ 你不能出去,因为你答应了的,而且你的作业还没做完。
 ☞ You cannot go out because you have promised, moreover, your homework hasn't been done.
 ☞ 房价太高,而且房子的地段也不合适。
 ☞ The price is too high, moreover, the house isn't in the suitable location.
 ☞ 他又笨又懒,而且思想不集中。
 ☞ He is stupid and lazy, moreover, he is inattentive.
 ☞ 而且在我们为间接经验者,在人则为直接经验。
 ☞ Moreover, what is indirect experience for us is direct experience for other people.
 ☞ 我没有找工作,而且我也不会找工作。
 ☞ I'm not looking for a job. Further more, I am not going to look for a job.
 ☞ 这房子我们住小了,而且离城也太远。
 ☞ The house isn't big enough for us, furthermore, it's too far from the town.
 ☞ 他没有头脑而且缺乏才气。
 ☞ He has no brains, and further more, he's devoid of talent.
2.“而且”可以同“不但”搭配表示递进,一般译作not only... but (also), as well as。
 ☞ 老乡们不但战胜了灾害,而且获得了丰收。
 ☞ The villagers not only overcame the effects of the natural adversity, but also won a bumper harvest.
 ☞ 概念同感觉,不但是数量上的差别,而且有了性质上的差别。
 ☞ Between conceptions and sense perceptions there is not only a quantitative but also a qualitative difference.
 ☞ 我们的产品不但要求数量多,而且要求质量好。
 ☞ In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality.
 ☞ 马克思主义者看问题不但要看到局部,而且要看到全体。
 ☞ In approaching a problem a Marxist should see the whole as well as the parts.
 ☞ 革命不但是物质的变革,而且也是精神的变革。
 ☞ Revolution means not only a material but also a moral change.或Revolution means a moral as well as a material change.
3.besides, as well, in addition, on top of (that), at that,表示追叙。
 ☞ 这个我不喜欢,而且也太贵。
 ☞ I don't care for it, besides, it is too dear.
 ☞ 他似乎不想去那里,而且穿着也不够体面。
 ☞ He seemed to have no desire to go there; besides, his clothes were not decent enough.
 ☞ 她的意图不错,而且跟她在一起蛮愉快的。
 ☞ Her intentions were good. Besides, it was pleasure to be with her.
 ☞ 我厂工人生产了更多的焦炭,而且都是高质量的。
 ☞ The workers of our plant produced more coke, and all of fine quality as well.
 ☞ 伙食好,而且便宜。
 ☞ The food is good, and cheap as well.
 ☞ 你需要金钱和时间,而且还需要勤奋。
 ☞ You need money and time. In addition you need diligence.
 ☞ 食物价格上涨,而且许多省的谷物还歉收。
 ☞ Food prices are going up. In addition, there is a crop failure in many provinces.
 ☞ 他迟到了,而且没把文件带来。
 ☞ He came late, and on top of that, he didn't bring the papers.
 ☞ 她的开销大,而且孩子还病着。
 ☞ She has many expenses and, on top of everything else, her boy has been ill.
 ☞ 我犯了个错,而且是个大错。
 ☞ I made a mistake. and a bad mistake at that.
 ☞ 228床的病人患的是肝脓肿,而且是严重的肝脓肿。
 ☞ The patient in Bed 28 had a liver abscess, and a serious one at that.
4.and that (those, ones, something等), and... at that,用来加强前面提到部分的语气。
 ☞ 那钋国人会说汉语,而且说得很好。
 ☞ The foreigner can speak Chinese, and that very well indeed.
 ☞ 天下起雪来,而且下大了。
 ☞ The snow began to come down, and that in earnest.
 ☞ 我们生产队过去只有两部拖拉机,而且还不是最好的。
 ☞ Our production team had only two tractors, and those not of the best.
 ☞ 我只有3个戒指,而且都不是最好的。
 ☞ I have only three rings, and those not of the best.
 ☞ 不过我们仍有缺点,而且还是很大的缺点。
 ☞ However, we still have shortcomings, and very big ones too.
 ☞ 我们必须采取某些行动,而且是采取某些有效的行动。
 ☞ We must take some action, and something effective.
 ☞ 读书是学习,使用也是学习,而且是更重要的学习。
 ☞ Reading is learning, but applying is also learning and the important learning at that.
 ☞ 那对夫妇终于吵起嘴来,而且是在公共场所。
 ☞ Finally the couple made a scene, and in a public place at that.
 ☞ 我终于弄到了那本书,而且是本新的。
 ☞ I got a copy of the book at last, and a new one at that.
 ☞ 这屋宽敞,而且光线充足。
 ☞ The room is spacious and bright.
 ☞ 她讲得清楚而且准确。
 ☞ She spoke clearly and correctly.
 ☞ 我相信这种看法是错误的,而且会引起一大堆完全不必要的困难。
 ☞ I believe that this view is mistaken and that it leads to a host of entirely unnecessary difficulties.
而已 而已
 ☞ 这没什么,我不过做了我应该做的事而已。
 ☞ It's nothing. I've only done what I ought to do.
 ☞ 以上我不过举几个例子而已,类似的情况还不胜枚举。
 ☞ I've given only a few examples; similar cases are too many to mention.
2.that's all,表示如此而已。
 ☞ 我就是不想去而已。
 ☞ I just don't want to go, that's all.
 ☞ 他不过是个学生而已。
 ☞ He's just a student, that's all.
 ☞ 如此而已,岂有他哉!
 ☞ That's all there is to it!
3.nothing else but (than),表示“只不过”。
 ☞ 他不过是个无赖而已。
 ☞ He is nothing else but a scoundrel.
 ☞ 我们的晚饭只有几片面包而已。
 ☞ We had nothing else for supper but a few pieces of bread.
 ☞ 我认为正义不过是强者得利而已。
 ☞ I hold that justice is nothing else than that which is advantageous to the stronger.
耐烦 耐烦
1.no patience, lose patience, impatience, impatient,指不耐烦,无耐心,多用于否定。
 ☞ 对那些整天唠叨自己不幸的人,她是很不耐烦的。
 ☞ She has no patience with those people who are always complaining of their misfortune.
 ☞ 我们一度对他很不耐烦。
 ☞ At one time we lost all patience with him.
 ☞ 我跟他讲话时他显出一副很不耐烦的样子。
 ☞ He showed signs of impatience when I was talking to him.
 ☞ 等了那么长的时间,她变得不耐烦了。
 ☞ She is getting impatient at having to wait so long.
 ☞ 你喋喋不休地说个没完,谁耐烦?
 ☞ Who can bear the endless chatter of yours?
 ☞ 你嘟嘟囔囔的,我不耐烦听。
 ☞ I can't bear to hear you grumbling.
 ☞ 他不耐烦一个人住。
 ☞ He couldn't bear living alone.
 ☞ 我一不高兴,她就不耐烦。
 ☞ She can't bear me to be unhappy.
 ☞ 他对自己蛮横的态度,连道个歉都不耐烦。
 ☞ He didn't even bother to apologize for his outrageous manners.
 ☞ 她走时,他连说声再见都不耐烦。
 ☞ He didn't even bother to say good-bye when she left.
  ■ 此外,bother还可用作感叹语来表示不耐烦。
 ☞ 耐烦!我现在不想见人。
 ☞ Oh, bother! I don't want to see anyone now 耐烦!由他误车去。
 ☞ Bother! Let him miss the train.
耽搁 耽搁
1.stop over,stopover,强调暂时停留。
 ☞ 我们将在南京耽搁一晚,再去上海。
 ☞ We shall stop over at Nanjing for one night before going on to Shanghai.
 ☞ 我去天津途中可能在济南耽搁一下。
 ☞ I may have a stopover at Jinan on my way to Tianjin.
 ☞ 我们打算再耽搁一两天然后去香港。
 ☞ We plan to stay for another day or two before going to Hong Kong.
 ☞ 我再也不能在这里耽搁下去了。
 ☞ I can't stay here any longer.
 ☞ 对不起,我耽搁了那么长时间。
 ☞ I'm sorry, I've delayed so long.
 ☞ 我可能会再耽搁四至五天。
 ☞ I may be delayed for four or five days longer.
 ☞ 这信不能耽搁。
 ☞ This letter admits of no delay.
 ☞ 我们及时完成这项工作。一点没耽搁!
 ☞ We've finished the job in time. Not a moment was lost.
 ☞ 咱们马上干吧。我们没时间耽搁了。
 ☞ Let's do it right now. We have no time to lose.
5.fail to do sth. in time,强调没及时做。
 ☞ 我事情忙,把回信给耽搁了。
 ☞ I've been very busy and failed to write back in time.
 ☞ 我们把完成任务给耽搁了,真是对不起。
 ☞ We were terribly sorry that we failed to complete the task in time.
耽误 耽误
 ☞ 我们在路上耽误了一点时间,所以晚了3分钟。
 ☞ We were delayed for some time on the way and came three minutes later.
 ☞ 火车因大雪而耽误了。
 ☞ The train was delayed due to heavy snow.
 ☞ 这场大雾耽误了飞机着陆。
 ☞ The dense fog delayed the plane's landing.
 ☞ 雨季耽误了屋顶的修理。
 ☞ The rainy season delayed fixing the roof.
 ☞ 由于轮胎爆炸,他在回家的路上耽误了3小时。
 ☞ He was detained (delayed) for three hours due to a flat tire on his way home.
 ☞ 恶劣的天气耽误了我们几天时间。
 ☞ The bad weather detained (delayed) us for several days.
  ■ 但在表示主观因素耽误时则不能换用。
 ☞ 请告诉他,我因为头痛,今天就不耽误他了。
 ☞ Please tell him that as I have a headache I won't detain him today.
 ☞ 好吧,孩子,我就不再耽误你了。
 ☞ Well, my child, I won't detain you any longer.
 ☞ 他因生病耽误了不少功课,对此非常着急。
 ☞ He has missed many lessons on account of illness and is extremely worried about it.
 ☞ 这趟火车要是耽误了,我们今天就走不成了。
 ☞ If we miss the train, we won't be able to go today.
 ☞ 我因病耽误了上学的一次机会。
 ☞ I have missed an opportunity of going to school because of illness.
 ☞ 我不想耽误看今晚的电视。
 ☞ I don't want to miss watching television tonight.
 ☞ 他从来不耽误上李教授的课。
 ☞ He never misses attending the lectures given by Professor Li.
4.take up,表示占用时间的耽误。
 ☞ 恐怕我又耽误了你不少时间。
 ☞ I'm afraid I have taken up much of your time.
 ☞ 要把全部经过告诉你,那得耽误好多时间。
 ☞ It would take up much time to tell you the whole story.
 ☞ 出了件急事,可能会耽误整个上午。
 ☞ Some urgent business has turned up, which will take up the whole morning.
5.obstruct, hinder,表示由于某种困难或障碍而耽误。后者的语气弱于前者。
 ☞ 这次罢工耽误了我们厂的工作。
 ☞ The strike obstructed the work of our factory.
 ☞ 由于资金缺乏而耽误了工程。
 ☞ Lack of funds obstructed the project.
 ☞ 恶劣的天气耽误了军事行动。
 ☞ Bad weather hindered the military operation.
 ☞ 暴风骤雨耽误了对失踪孩子的搜寻。
 ☞ The storm hindered the search for the missing child.
职业 职业
 ☞ 记者的职业是采访新闻并加以报道。
 ☞ The profession of a journalist is to cover news items and report them.
 ☞ 他的职业是教师。
 ☞ He is a teacher by profession.(不说His profession is a teacher.)
 ☞ 从事某些职业的人容易得矽肺。
 ☞ Individuals in certain occupations are vulnerable to silicosis.
 ☞ 我的职业是教师。
 ☞ My occupation is teaching,或:I am a teacher by occupation.(但不说My occupation is a teacher)
 ☞ 他宁愿选择绘画作为职业,而以餐桌服务来维持生计。
 ☞ He preferred to choose painting as a vocation and earn his living by waiting on tables.
 ☞ 毕加索的职业是绘画。
 ☞ Picasso's vocation is painting.
 ☞ 我们的职业是有保障的。
 ☞ Our jobs are secure.
 ☞ 我的职业是护理。
 ☞ My job is nursing.
职责 职责
 ☞ 法律规定父母有抚养子女的职责。
 ☞ The law puts the parents under an obligation to bring up their children.
 ☞ 人人都有赡养父母的职责。
 ☞ Everybody has an obligation to support his parents.
 ☞ 是职责迫使我说话的。
 ☞ It was the duty that forced me to speak.
 ☞ 他自愿承担这一危险的任务是出于职责。
 ☞ He volunteered for the dangerous mission out of duty.
 ☞ 警方有维持治安的职责。
 ☞ The police have responsibility for maintaining public order.
 ☞ 党政工作人员的重要职责是为人民谋福利。
 ☞ The grave responsibility of the Party and government workers is to work for the interests of the people.
联合 联合
 ☞ 全世界无产者联合起来!
 ☞ Workers of all countries. unite!
 ☞ 几家商行联合组成一家公司。
 ☞ Several firms united to form one company.
 ☞ 英格兰与苏格兰联合成为联合王国。
 ☞ England and Scotland united to become the United Kingdom.
 ☞ 该国有些人想与美国联合,有些人想完全独立。
 ☞ Some people of the country want unity with the United States, others want complete independence.
 ☞ 各厂的工人会联合起来反对大老板吗?
 ☞ Will the workers of the factories ally against the big employers?
 ☞ 我们应联合一切可以联合的力量。
 ☞ We must ally ourselves with all forces that can be allied with.
 ☞ 他与支持他思想的人联合起来,并肩战斗。
 ☞ He allied himself to other people who supported his ideas and fought side by side.
 ☞ 我们必须形成各派大联合。
 ☞ We must form a grand alliance of all groups.
 ☞ 由于没有一个单一的政党能控制议会,故由两党联合组成政府。
 ☞ Two political parties have combined to forma coalition government as no single party had control of parliament.
 ☞ 我们把两家公司联合起来,以对付竞争者。
 ☞ We combined our two firms against the competitors.
 ☞ 工业污水和生活污水联合处理既有利于工业企业又有利于城市。
 ☞ Combined industrial and domestic waste water treatment is beneficial to both industrial firms and the municipalities.
 ☞ 50个州联合起来组成美利坚合众国。
 ☞ The combination of the 50 states forms the United States of America.
4.joint, jointly,强调共同参与。
 ☞ 月7日发表了联合公报。
 ☞ A joint communiqu6 was released on March 7.
 ☞ 我们曾向他们建议采取一次联合行动。
 ☞ We proposed to them a joint campaign.
 ☞ 这次纪念会是由8个民间组织联合举行的。
 ☞ This commemorative meeting has been held jointly by eight nongovernmental organizations.
联系 联系
1.contact, touch,指通过接触而产生联系,两者往往可以换用。
 ☞ 我会跟你保持联系的。
 ☞ I'll keep in touch (contact) with you.
 ☞ 我们必须尽快与总部取得联系。
 ☞ We must get in touch (contact) with the headquarters as quickly as we can.
 ☞ 他转入地下后,一度与党失去了联系。
 ☞ After he had gone underground, he lost contact (touch) with the Party for a time.
 ☞ 我们应该与群众保持密切的联系。
 ☞ We must keep in close touch (contact) with the masses.
 ☞ 中美间建立了文化联系。
 ☞ Cultural contacts are established between China and the USA.
  ■ 不过,尽管两词在用作名词时可以换用,但用作动词时,touch作“触动”解。如:Her shoulder touched his as slightly as a butterfly touches a flower.她的肩膀触到了他的肩膀,轻轻的就像蝴蝶触到了花一样。但contact仍作“联系”解。
 ☞ 我听到有什么新情况再跟你联系。
 ☞ I'll contact you when I hear anything new.
  ■ 此外,contact作“联系”解,往往还指明联系的方式方法。 你们来人来信联系我们都欢迎。
 ☞ You are welcome to contact us in person or by letter.
 ☞ 医生把电话推到她身边说:“我希望你会跟你先生联系的。”
 ☞ The doctor pushed the phone towards her and said: "I expect you'd like to contact your husband."
2.bond, tie,指通过某种介质使原本为个别的人或物联系起来,但bond表示的联系比tie表示的联系更具有义务性。如:
 ☞ 中国农村的家族联系一直是互相支持的有力因素。
 ☞ In villages of China the bond of clan has been a powerful element of mutual support.
 ☞ 从此两国建立了和谐的联系。
 ☞ Since then a harmonious bond has been established between the two countries.
 ☞ 正是这一行动似乎加强了她与我之间的联系。
 ☞ The very act seemed to strengthen her bond with me.
 ☞ 我们离开地球后,并不感到与地球切断了联系。
 ☞ We had no feelings of cutting our ties with the earth as we left.
 ☞ 只有发展经济才能巩固党和群众的联系。
 ☞ Only by developing economy can we strengthen the ties between the Party and the masses.
 ☞ 我们知道吸烟会引起癌症,但我们现在得找出两者间的联系。
 ☞ We know that smoking can cause cancer, but now we have to seek the link between them.
 ☞ 这条道路是我们与该村惟一的联系。
 ☞ The road is our only link with the village.
 ☞ 一切革命的文学家只有联系群众,他的工作才有意义。
 ☞ No revolutionary writer can do any meaningful work unless he is closely linked with the masses.
 ☞ 把我们联系到一起的题目,没有一个是能在公共场所讨论的。
 ☞ None of the subjects that linked us together could be talked about in public places.
 ☞ 中国的前途是同世界的前途密切联系在一起的。
 ☞ The future of China is closely linked with that of the whole world.
4.connection, connect,作“联系”解时,往往指松散的、自然形成的联系,也可指从逻辑推理上产生的某种联系。
 ☞ 他的社会联系广,所以办法多。
 ☞ He has wide social connections and is resourceful.
 ☞ 在内容与形式之间存在着一种不可分割的联系。
 ☞ Between content and form there is an indissoluble connection.
 ☞ 好学生应该把书中读到的跟周围见到的东西联系起来。
 ☞ A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him.
 ☞ 必然的逻辑使我把这些弊端与政治体制联系起来。
 ☞ An inescapable logic led me to connect these abuses to the political system.
 ☞ 我找不出贫穷与犯罪之间有什么联系。
 ☞ I can find no relation between crime and poverty.
 ☞ 孩子与母亲的联系是世界上最紧密的联系。
 ☞ The relation of mother and child is the closest in the world.
 ☞ 你把两个问题互相联系起来看就清楚了。
 ☞ Relate the two problems to each other and you'll understand them clearly.
 ☞ 这些结果很难与已知原因联系在一起。
 ☞ It is difficult to relate these results to any known cause.
 ☞ 我和贵公司的联系已持续了20年。
 ☞ My association with your company lasted for 20 years.
 ☞ 圣诞节与聚会有一定的联系。
 ☞ There is a certain association between Christmas and parties.
 ☞ 他真想把与过去生活联系在一起的一切都忘掉。
 ☞ He wished to forget everything associated with his former life。
 ☞ 那种流畅的连奏风格往往是跟当时的英国音乐联系在一起的。
 ☞ The smooth legato style often associated with English music of the period.
 ☞ 要进一步了解情况的,可来人来函至本公司秘书处联系。
 ☞ For further information, apply to the secretary of the company in person or by letter.
 ☞ 求职者可到人事处联系。
 ☞ Job seekers should apply at the personnel department.

 ☞ 中国福利会聘他为顾问。
 ☞ China Welfare Institute engaged him as a consultant.
 ☞ 王教授受聘为南达科他州立大学的访问教授。
 ☞ Professor Wang was engaged as a visiting professor by the South Dakota State University.
  ■ 如果engage的是体力劳动者,则译为“雇佣”。
 ☞ 我们每周雇一次园丁来修剪草坪。
 ☞ We engage a gardener to mow our lawn once a week.
 ☞ 中国文联聘他为名誉会长。
 ☞ China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has invited him to be honorary chairman.
 ☞ 她受聘去陪一位百万富翁的母亲。
 ☞ She was invited to be a companion of a millionaire's mother.
3.betroth,指订婚。marry off,指婚嫁出门。
 ☞ 她受聘于豪门。
 ☞ She was betrothed to a rich and powerful family.
 ☞ 张家快要聘姑娘了。
 ☞ The Zhangs will soon marry their daughter off.
聪明 聪明
 ☞ 考试前一天晚上好好睡一觉,你倒是蛮聪明的。
 ☞ You would be wise to get plenty of sleep the night before a test.
 ☞ 错误和挫折教育了我们,使我们比较聪明起来了,我们的事情就办得好一些。
 ☞ Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handle our affairs better.
 ☞ 一个聪明人一般都知道如何处理发生的一切。
 ☞ A wise person usually knows how to deal with what has happened.
 ☞ 你谢绝他的邀请乃是聪明之举。
 ☞ It was wise of you to decline his invitation.
 ☞ 你是聪明一世,糊涂一时。
 ☞ You are clever all your life but stupid this once.
 ☞ 王太太是个聪明人,十分清楚她在干什么。
 ☞ Mrs. Wang was a clever woman who knew perfectly well what she was doing.
 ☞ 聪明反被聪明误。
 ☞ Clever people may be victims of their own cleverness.
 ☞ 对我们来说他是太聪明了。
 ☞ He was too clever for us.
 ☞ 你是聪明一世,糊涂一时。
 ☞ You are smart as a rule. but this time a fool.
 ☞ 他倒是蛮聪明的,抓住时机,从中得利。
 ☞ It was rather smart of him to seize the occasion and profit by it.
 ☞ 要是你认为自己那么聪明,干吗不想个办法摆脱现在的困境呢?
 ☞ If you think you are so smart, why don't you suggest some way out of this mess?
 ☞ 他年轻有为、聪明能干,已被任命为这项研究计划的领导。
 ☞ He is young and promising, bright and capable, and has been appointed director of this research program.
 ☞ 奖学金只给聪明的学生。
 ☞ Only bright students are given scholarships.
 ☞ 我学生当中有几个很聪明的小家伙。
 ☞ I have among my students a number of very bright youngsters.
 ☞ 人类是聪明的生物。
 ☞ Man is an intelligent being.
 ☞ 大象是聪明的动物。
 ☞ Elephants are intelligent animals.
 ☞ 聪明人就会发现他论点中的破绽。
 ☞ An intelligent person would have spotted the flaws in his argument.
肃清 肃清
1.clean up,指清除。
 ☞ 解放军和民兵出海肃清盘踞在外围岛屿上的敌人。
 ☞ The PLA and militia went out to clean up the enemy who were entrenched on the outlying islands.
 ☞ 解放初期肃清反动势力是刻不容缓的任务。
 ☞ During the initial post-liberation period, cleaning up the reactionary forces was the task which brooked no delay.
 ☞ 工农干部应肃清对知识分子的偏见。
 ☞ Cadres of worker-peasant origin ought to purge themselves of their prejudice against intellectuals.
 ☞ 贪污腐化是极大的犯罪,必须肃清。
 ☞ Corruption and degeneration are very serious crimes, which must be purged away.
3.mop up,指扫荡肃清敌对势力。
 ☞ 我们留下两个连来肃清残留的叛乱分子。
 ☞ We have left two companies to mop up the remnants of the insurgents.
 ☞ 尚有小股敌军有待肃清。
 ☞ There are small groups of enemy soldiers to be mopped up.
4.rid... of,指排除,肃清。
 ☞ 广西解放后,肃清土匪成了当务之急。
 ☞ It was the most pressing matter of the moment to rid the area of the bandits after Guangxi Autonomous Region was liberated.
 ☞ 妇女本身应肃清封建残余。
 ☞ Women also should rid themselves of their remnants of feudalism.
5.wipe out,指扫除。
 ☞ 肃清封建余毒需要很长的时间。
 ☞ It takes a long time to wipe out all pernicious vestige of feudalism.
 ☞ 殖民地人民在赢得独立之后往往致力于肃清殖民主义的残余。
 ☞ The colonial people often devote themselves to wiping out remnants of colonialism after they gained their independence.
 ☞ 广大日本人民要求肃清日本的军国主义。
 ☞ The broad masses of the Japanese people demand to eradicate Japanese militarism.
 ☞ 警方辛勤的工作有助于肃清犯罪。
 ☞ Diligent police work will help eradicate crime.
 ☞ 警方在群众的帮助下很快就肃清了这一黑帮。
 ☞ The police quickly liquidated the sinister gang with the help of the masses.
 ☞ 这种流毒必须肃清。
 ☞ Such pernicious influence must be liquidated.
 ☞ 经济改革和对外开放竟会有助于肃清封建势力。
 ☞ The economic reform and opening to the outside world should have helped to eliminate feudal forces.
 ☞ 科学的进步有赖于发现真理,还有赖于肃清谬误。
 ☞ Science advances both by finding out what is true and eliminating what is false.
肆意 肆意
 ☞ 肆意破坏就是毫无道理的破坏。
 ☞ Wanton destruction is destruction for which there is.
 ☞ 我们决不会容忍这样的肆意侮辱。
 ☞ We would never brook the wanton insult like that.
 ☞ 摆阔气就是肆意挥霍钱财。
 ☞ To make parade of one's wealth is to make wanton waste of one's money.
 ☞ 有些国外报纸在报道这一事件时肆意歪曲事实。
 ☞ Some foreign newspapers, reporting this event, wantonly distorted the facts.
 ☞ 报纸指控裁判接受贿赂,而裁判反过来起诉报纸肆意诽谤。
 ☞ The newspaper accused the referee of bribe-taking and he in turn sued it for wantonly slandering.
 ☞ 这不是过失杀人,而是肆意谋杀。
 ☞ It wasn't involuntary homicide. It was willful murder.
 ☞ 肆意浪费造成了可悲的贫困。
 ☞ Willful waste makes woeful want.
 ☞ 他肆意妄为,毁了自己年轻的一生。
 ☞ He ruined his young life for the willful behavior.
 ☞ 学生领袖的被捕表明了政府在肆意践踏人权。
 ☞ The arrest of student leaders showed that the government was willfully trampling upon human rights.
3.reckless, 指不顾后果的胡来。
 ☞ 他肆意挥霍,终于破产。
 ☞ His reckless extravagance finally led him into bankruptcy.
 ☞ 森林由于遭到肆意砍伐而受到破坏。
 ☞ The forest is devastated by reckless lumbering.
 ☞ 肆意采矿之风必须制止。
 ☞ The general practice of reckless mining must be checked.
4.unbridled, 指毫无节制地胡来。
 ☞ 这不是善意的批评,而是肆意的攻击。
 ☞ It wasn't well-meaning criticism. It was unbridled attack.
 ☞ 你竟会对她肆意侮辱,我感到十分遗憾。
 ☞ I felt very sorry that you should have resorted to unbridled insults against her.

 ☞ 这块肉太肥。
 ☞ The meat is too fat.
  ■ 但fat也可用于引申。
 ☞ 警卫与走私分子有抽成的交易,因此他们都肥得流油。
 ☞ The guards had a deal with the smugglers, so they were waxed fat.
2.fertilizer, manure,前者为无机肥,后者为有机肥。
 ☞ 这些花缺肥。
 ☞ The flowers are in need of fertilizer.
 ☞ 土瘦的地方要上点肥。
 ☞ Spread some manure where the soil is poor.
 ☞ 这条裤子太肥。
 ☞ These trousers are too baggy.
 ☞ 他穿着他那套又大又肥的制服,显得又瘦又小。
 ☞ Under his large and baggy uniform he seemed thin and small.
 ☞ 我曾祖父还不够有钱,无法给自己在大城市买个肥缺,所以到他30岁也不过是家乡警察局里一个警官。
 ☞ My grandfather was not rich enough to buy himself a lucrative position in a big city, and by the time he was thirty he had risen no higher than an officer in the police station of his local town.
 ☞ 老百姓很快就明白,蒋介石成立的反贪打虎队其实是实权人物向富人勒索钱财的工具。因此打老虎成了肥缺。
 ☞ The Tiger-Beating Squad set up by Chiang Kai-shek soon became apparent to ordinary people that this was a means for the really powerful to extort money from the rich. So tiger beating was a lucrative job.
肯定 肯定
 ☞ 我国政府热情地肯定了欧洲统一的目标。
 ☞ Our government passionately affirmed the goal of unity for Europe.
 ☞ 知识多了会麻木诗人的敏感,这是可以肯定的。
 ☞ It will be affirmed that much learning deadens poetic sensibility.
 ☞ 对于我们工作的看法,肯定一切和否定一切都是片面的。
 ☞ In the appraisal of our work, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything.
 ☞ 这一理论已由在欧洲进行的研究成果肯定下来了。
 ☞ This theory has been confirmed by the results from a study carried out in Europe.
 ☞ 他初步肯定了我的发声,而且听到我能发出这些声音显然吃了一惊。
 ☞ He tentatively confirmed my sounds, clearly startled to hear me uttering them.
3.approve (of),从批准、同意的角度予以肯定,与disapprove相对。
 ☞ 他的设计得到了总工程师的肯定。
 ☞ His design was approved by the chief engineer.
 ☞ 要是我的计划得不到党委的批准,我的工作算是白费了。
 ☞ If my plan isn't approved of by the Party committee, all my work will have been wasted.
 ☞ 药物试验的结果是肯定的。
 ☞ The medical tests are affirmative.
 ☞ 你如果同意,请给予肯定的答复。
 ☞ Please give an affirmative answer if you agree.
5.definite, definitely,指对事实的肯定,与indefinite相对。
 ☞ 她没对他做出肯定的答复。
 ☞ She made him no definite answer.
 ☞ 我的计划现在已完全肯定。
 ☞ My plan was now perfectly definite.
 ☞ 他肯定会接受这一工作。
 ☞ It is definite that he will take the job.
 ☞ 这次飞行可怕极了。下一次我肯定坐火车。
 ☞ It was a terrible flight. The next time I will definitely go by train.
 ☞ 我们在得出肯定的结论以前得先检查死者。
 ☞ We have to examine the dead before we have a positive conclusion.
 ☞ 你肯定你看见他了吗?
 ☞ Are you positive that you saw him?
 ☞ 被俘就肯定要死。
 ☞ Being captured means certain death.
 ☞ 我完全肯定他是见到我了。
 ☞ I was perfectly certain that he had seen me.
 ☞ 几乎可以肯定他会赢得这场竞选。
 ☞ It's almost certain that he will win the election.
 ☞ 玩纸牌,他肯定是个赢家。
 ☞ He is a sure winner in playing cards.
 ☞ 我可以肯定他没有恶意。
 ☞ I'm sure he meant well.
 ☞ 我们明天肯定要走。
 ☞ We leave tomorrow for sure.
 ☞ 我们肯定按时送到。
 ☞ We guarantee punctual delivery.
 ☞ 情况肯定是对我们有利。
 ☞ The situation is undoubtedly in our favor.
胃口 胃口
 ☞ 多走路会增加你的胃口。
 ☞ More walk can increase your appetite.
 ☞ 现在别吃东西,否则喝喜酒就没胃口了。
 ☞ Don't eat anything now or you'll have no appetite at the wedding feast.
 ☞ 你来得正好,他正苦于没胃口。
 ☞ You've come just in time. He is suffering from lack of appetite.
  ■ appetite用于转意时可作“欲望”解。
 ☞ 现在他没有谈情说爱的胃口。
 ☞ At the moment he has no appetite for talking love.
2.to one's liking,指正是喜欢的东西。
 ☞ 不要再加糖了,这正合我的胃口。
 ☞ No more sugar. It is exactly to my liking.
 ☞ 鸡不对他的胃口。
 ☞ The chicken is not to his liking.
  ■ liking也可用于转义。
 ☞ 要是你发现有啥不对你的胃口,马上告诉我好吗?
 ☞ Will you tell me at once if you find anything not to your liking?
 ☞ 慢腾腾的旅行根本不合我的胃口。
 ☞ Slow traveling is not at all to my liking.
3.turn stomach,指由于不喜欢而倒胃口。
 ☞ 他们的拙劣表演倒了我的胃口。
 ☞ Their bad performance turned my stomach.
 ☞ 我们败兴而归,他的讲座真是倒胃口。
 ☞ We came back disappointed. His lecture turned our stomach.

 ☞ 比赛的胜负是暂时的,友谊是长久的。
 ☞ To win or lose in a match is temporary while friendship between the contestants is lasting.
 ☞ 这场比赛我们稳操胜券。
 ☞ We are sure to win this game.
 ☞ 我队要是没你就胜不了。
 ☞ Our team wouldn't have won without you.
 ☞ 目前胜负尚难预料。
 ☞ At present it is difficult to predict which side will wm.
 ☞ 我们的产品肯定胜过竞争者的产品。
 ☞ Our product is sure to win out over those of our competitors.
  ■ win用作名词,一般只限于几胜几负。
 ☞ 我队以4胜1平2负获得亚军。
 ☞ Our team finished second with four wins. two defeats and one tie.
  ■ 另一个名词winner与loser相对,指胜者。
 ☞ 胜者为王,败者为寇。
 ☞ The winner is right and the loser wrong.
 ☞ 中国人民解放军是一支胜不骄、败不馁的军队。
 ☞ The People's Liberation Army is an army that never gets conceited because of victory or disheartened in case of defeat.
 ☞ 胜负乃兵家常事。
 ☞ Victory and defeat are common things among soldiers.
 ☞ 胜莫骄,败勿馁。
 ☞ Let not success elate you. Let not failure depress you.
 ☞ 我们已胜算在握。
 ☞ Success is almost within our grasp.
 ☞ 这是一个以少胜多的好例子。
 ☞ This is a good example of using a small force to defeat a large one.
 ☞ 尽管困难,我还是胜了他。
 ☞ I defeated him all the same though with difficulty.
 ☞ 实际行动胜过空洞的言词。
 ☞ Actions speak louder than words.
 ☞ 事实胜于雄辩。
 ☞ Facts are stronger than eloquent speeches.
 ☞ 我们对他们胜似手足。
 ☞ We are nicer to them than most brothers and sisters to their own.
 ☞ 小别胜新婚。
 ☞ A brief parting is sweeter than a honeymoon.
 ☞ 这聊胜于无。
 ☞ It's a little better than nothing.
 ☞ 贵厂的产品比他们厂的略胜一筹。
 ☞ The product of your factory is slightly better than that of their factory.
1) cannot help,表示情不自禁。
 ☞ 我追忆往事,不胜今昔。
 ☞ I cannot help feeling quite touched by the changes of human life while recalling the past.
 ☞ 得知贵夫人过世,我们不胜凄然。
 ☞ On hearing the death of your wife, we cannot help being sad.
2) too... to, much, heavy等,表示数量多,程度深因而无法做到。
 ☞ 诸如此类的事情,不胜枚举。
 ☞ Things like these are too numerous to enumerate.或 too many to recount.
 ☞ 如果你允许我继续使用你的藏书,我将不胜感激。
 ☞ I shall be much obliged if you will allow me to continue to use your library.
 ☞ 要抚养妻子和6个孩子,他会不胜重负的。
 ☞ Having a wife and six children to support, he would sink beneath his heavy burden.
3) cannot, unable,表示无能为力。
 ☞ 在他们的打扰之下,我不胜其烦。
 ☞ I cannot withstand any trouble under their disturbance.
 ☞ 来购书的读者多得数不胜数。
 ☞ The readers who came to buy books were so many that we were unable to reckon up one by one.
胜任 胜任
 ☞ 我无法知道他们是否胜任。
 ☞ I have no way of finding out whether they are competent.
 ☞ 她做教师工作是胜任的。
 ☞ She is competent in her work as a teacher.
  ■ 但胜任不等于完美。请注意下面的译文。
 ☞ 他演奏钢琴是胜任的,但缺乏灵气和细腻的感情。
 ☞ He is competent to play the piano, but lacks inspiration and nuance.
 ☞ 他们当中只有百分之二的人胜任技术工作。
 ☞ Only two percent of them are qualified for skilled work.
 ☞ 她完全胜任这一工作。
 ☞ She is well qualified to do the job.
 ☞ 校长和教育当局都要善于分别谁能胜任教学,谁不能胜任。
 ☞ Headmasters and education authorities want to be able to distinguish between those who are qualified to teach and those who are not.
  ■ 请注意下面译文里qualified(指人们认为胜任)与competent(指本质上胜任)的区别。
 ☞ 有时候,一个被人认为胜任工作的教师未必胜任。
 ☞ Sometimes, a teacher who is regarded as qualified may not necessarily be competent.
 ☞ 你把工厂接管过来,我相信你会证明你胜任面临的这一工作。
 ☞ Take over the factory. I'm sure you will prove more than equal to the tasks ahead.
 ☞ 她恐怕不能胜任这个职位。
 ☞ I'm afraid she is not equal to the position.
 ☞ 要拉5吨重的东西,我们的马怕是胜任不了。
 ☞ I'm afraid our horse is not equal to pulling a load of five tons.
 ☞ 我希望你能胜任这一工作。
 ☞ I hope you will prove adequate to the job.
 ☞ 他的英语知识还是能胜任教学的。
 ☞ His knowledge of English is adequate for teaching.
胜利 胜利
 ☞ 我们并不总是胜利,也有几次失败。
 ☞ We have not always had victories, there have also been times of defeats.
 ☞ 我军取得了第一次胜利。
 ☞ Our army had won its first victory.
 ☞ 与此同时,解放军从胜利走向胜利。
 ☞ Meanwhile the People's Liberation Army had gone from victory to victory.
 ☞ 我们的游泳冠军获得了一次辉煌的胜利。
 ☞ Our champion swimmer brought off a brilliant victory.
 ☞ 攻克柏林是对第三帝国的胜利。
 ☞ The capture of Berlin was the conquest over the Third Reich.
 ☞ 艺术在本质上是精神对物质的胜利。
 ☞ An is essentially a conquest of matter by the spirit.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战以联军的胜利而告终。
 ☞ World WarⅡended in a triumph for the Allied Troops.
 ☞ 我们赢了北京大学代表队是一次巨大的胜利。
 ☞ Our win over the Peking University team was a great triumph.
 ☞ 朱、毛领导的军队在井冈山胜利会师。
 ☞ The armies led by Zhu De and Mao Zedong triumphantly joined their forces at the Jinggang Mountain.
 ☞ 祝大会取得更大的胜利。
 ☞ Wish the Congress even greater success.
 ☞ 最近我军取得了几次胜利。
 ☞ Our army has several successes recently.
 ☞ 我们要敢于斗争,敢于胜利。
 ☞ We must dare to struggle and dare to win.
 ☞ 哪一边胜利了?
 ☞ Which side won?
胡来 胡来
1.fool with,指乱来。
 ☞ 感情这东西要是胡来就危险了。
 ☞ Emotions are too dangerous a thing to fool with.
 ☞ 要是你不会修就别胡来。
 ☞ If you don't know how to repair it, don't fool with it.
 ☞ 现在,他下班后不是安分守己地回家,而是跟漂亮女人胡来,这已成了他的习惯。
 ☞ Now he has fallen into the habit of fooling around with pretty girls instead of going home dutifully.
2.mess about with,指乱整。
 ☞ 我们给了他一只旧钟,任他胡来。
 ☞ We gave him an old clock and let him mess about with it.
 ☞ 这种事情不能胡来。
 ☞ This kind of thing is not to be messed about with.
 ☞ 枪支是不能胡来的。
 ☞ Guns cannot be messed about with.
3.reckless, foolhardy,指鲁莽行事。
 ☞ 他喝醉酒就胡来。
 ☞ He becomes reckless when he is drunk.
 ☞ 你溜到了冰层很薄的地方,真是胡来。
 ☞ It was reckless of you to skate out on to the thin ice.
 ☞ 车还没停就往下跳,真是胡来。
 ☞ You were very foolhardy to jump off the bus while it was still moving.
 ☞ 他想以胡来引起别人的注意。
 ☞ He tried foolhardily to attract attention to himself.
4.make trouble,指捣乱。
 ☞ 你再胡来,我就不理你了。
 ☞ If you make any more trouble, I'm not going to pay you any attention.
 ☞ 酒喝多了,他就胡来。
 ☞ When he drinks too much. he makes trouble.
 ☞ 我们在谈正经事,你别胡来。
 ☞ We're discussing something serious. Don't talk nonsense.
 ☞ 孩子们,我再也不会容忍你们胡来了。
 ☞ I won't put up with any more of your nonsense, children.

 ☞ 我的衣服脏丁,要洗一洗。
 ☞ My dress is getting dirty and needs washing.
 ☞ 修车是个脏活。
 ☞ Repairing cars is a dirty job.
 ☞ 他们把脏沙发搬走了。
 ☞ They removed the dirty sofa.
  ■ dirty还可用做动词。
 ☞ 他把沾满泥巴的鞋子放在上面,会把沙发弄脏的。
 ☞ He will dirty the sofa if he puts his shoes covered with mud on it.
 ☞ 别脏了你的手。
 ☞ Don't dirty your hand.
2.filthy,其词义等于very dirty,因此不能用very而要用completely,absolutely等词修饰。
 ☞ 进来前,先把你的脏鞋子脱了。
 ☞ Take off your filthy boots before you come in.
 ☞ 路边有个乞丐,穿着脏得要命的碎布片。
 ☞ There's a beggar at the roadside dressed in completely filthy rags.(不用very filthy)
 ☞ 那些棚户的木板房都是些东倒西歪的建筑,又闷又脏,是疾病的孳生地与罪恶的温床。
 ☞ The slum shacks - rickety wooden structures, stuffy and filthy, are breeders of disease and nurseries of vice.
 ☞ 她在公园里散步时把新鞋弄脏了。
 ☞ She got her new shoes soiled from walking in the park.
 ☞ 你干吗还穿着脏衬衣?
 ☞ Why are you still wearing a soiled shirt?
  ■ soil是动词。
 ☞ 小男孩把新裤子弄脏了。
 ☞ The little boy has soiled his new trousers.
 ☞ 衬衣领口很脏,大概再也洗不白了。
 ☞ The shirt collar is badly soiled and would never be white again.
脑筋 脑筋
 ☞ 他费尽脑筋要想通这样的事到底是怎样发生的。
 ☞ He cudgeled his brains to understand how on earth such a thing could happen.
 ☞ 我费了一番脑筋反复想,我把书丢到哪里了。
 ☞ I racked my brains trying to remember where I left the book.
 ☞ 动动脑筋好不好,老兄!
 ☞ Use your brains, my old chap!
2.wit, 指机智。
 ☞ 他全靠脑筋快。
 ☞ He relies entirely on his quick wit.
 ☞ 我脑筋迟钝,你跟我说话时要慢一点。
 ☞ I'm slow-witted. So be slow when you talk to me.
 ☞ 她的脑筋全在科研上了。
 ☞ Her mind is entirely on her research work.
 ☞ 他脑筋简单,别人说什么都容易轻信。
 ☞ He is simple-minded. He is apt to place trust in what he is told.
 ☞ 人一老脑筋就差。
 ☞ As one grows older one's memory declines.
 ☞ 你问老李,他脑筋好。
 ☞ Ask Li. He has a good memory.
5.thinking, 指思考。
 ☞ 在这件事上他动了不少脑筋。
 ☞ He did a lot of thinking in this matter.
 ☞ 我的司机脑筋快,避免了一场车祸。
 ☞ My driver averted an accident by quick thinking.
 ☞ 他是个老脑筋,决不会支持的。
 ☞ He is an old fogy and won't give any support.
 ☞ 我本来以为他是个老脑筋,想不到他竟相当开明。
 ☞ I had thought that he was a person who clung to old-fashioned ideas. Who knows he is quite enlightened?
 ☞ 他的脑筋不大灵。
 ☞ He is a bit weak in the upper story.

1.take off,指脱衣帽、鞋袜等。
 ☞ 他一进屋就把雨衣脱了。
 ☞ He took off his raincoat as soon as he entered the room.
 ☞ 他经过时,脱下帽子点头致意。
 ☞ He took off his hat and nodded a greeting as he passed.
2.peel (off),指一层层地脱落。
 ☞ 他的背晒得脱了皮。
 ☞ His back was so sun-burnt that its skin peeled.
 ☞ 墙上脱漆了。
 ☞ The paint on the wall has peeled off.
3.shed, 指脱掉一层覆盖物。
 ☞ 蛇会脱皮。
 ☞ A snake sheds its skin.
 ☞ 小鸭脱了黄毛了。
 ☞ The ducklings have shed their yellow down.
 ☞ 他的头发脱光了。
 ☞ He has lost all his hair.
 ☞ 这一行里脱了3个字。
 ☞ Three characters are missing in this line.
 ☞ 她脱产学习一年。
 ☞ She was released from work for one year's study.
 ☞ 他是1926年脱党的。
 ☞ He quitted the Party in 1926.
 ☞ 农民的梦想是脱贫致富。
 ☞ The dream of peasants is to shake off poverty and build a fortune.
脱离 脱离
 ☞ 作家怎么能让艺术脱离生活?
 ☞ How can a writer separate art from life?
 ☞ 宗教必须脱离政治。
 ☞ It is necessary to separate religion from politics.
 ☞ 灵魂脱离躯壳后会发生什么?
 ☞ What happens to the soul when it is divorced from the body?
 ☞ 你怎么能当了领导以后就完全脱离生产活动呢?
 ☞ How can you divorce yourself completely from productive activity after being a leader?
  ■ 不过一般也可与separate换用。
 ☞ 有些画家的艺术是脱离生活的。
 ☞ Some painters divorce (separate) art from life.
3.depart from,指背离路线、主题而引起的脱离。
 ☞ 否则,党员和群众就会脱离我们政策的领导而盲目行动。
 ☞ Otherwise, Party members and the masses will depart from the guidance of our policy, and act blindly.
 ☞ 这时候,他脱离课文讲了一则趣闻逸事。
 ☞ In the meantime he departed from the text to tell an anecdote.
4.stray from,指偏离主题、路线等,但暗示这种偏离往往是不自觉的。
 ☞ 我们不能脱离这些规定来谈增加工资。
 ☞ We couldn't talk about pay increase while straying away from these regulations.
 ☞ 跟老是脱离主题的人谈话是件恼火的事情。
 ☞ It's annoying to talk with people who keep straying from the point.
5.alienate from,指由疏远而脱离。
 ☞ 他的性情越来越孤僻怪异,这使他脱离了他的老同学。
 ☞ His increasing uncommunicative and eccentric disposition alienated him from his old classmates.
 ☞ 不照顾这些特点你就会脱离群众。
 ☞ Disregarding these characteristics, you will alienate yourself from the masses.
6.isolate from,指由孤立而脱离。
 ☞ 否则,我们就会脱离群众。
 ☞ Otherwise we shall isolate ourselves from the masses.
 ☞ 他们那类人脱离人民、脱离实际,是决不会有成就的。
 ☞ Isolating themselves from people and reality, fellows of their sort won't achieve anything.
7.get rid of,指由摆脱而脱离。
 ☞ 谢天谢地,你总算脱离苦海了!
 ☞ Thank goodness, you've got rid of the human world of woes at last!
 ☞ 他脱离了那家公司,公开表示高兴。
 ☞ He openly delighted to get rid of that company.
8.free from,指脱离某种羁绊后获得自由。
 ☞ 南美各国人民应脱离外国的金融统治。
 ☞ The Latin American peoples must free themselves from foreign financial domination.
 ☞ 他安全地脱离了危险,我很高兴。
 ☞ To my joy, he was quite free from danger.
9.out of,指脱离某种状态。
 ☞ 经过抢救,病人脱离了危险。
 ☞ The patient is out of danger after emergency treatment.
 ☞ 脱离超级大国的统治,他们还有一段很长的路要走。
 ☞ They still have a long way to go to get out of the control of the superpower。
 ☞ 他登报声明与儿子脱离关系。
 ☞ He made a statement in the newspaper that he had severed the connection with his son.
 ☞ 吵架后,他与妻子脱离了关系。
 ☞ After a quarrel, he severed all relation with his wife.
 ☞ 他同他的儿子脱离了关系。
 ☞ He has disowned his son.
 ☞ 彼得抢了银行,他的父亲同他脱离了关系。
 ☞ Peter's father disowned him when he robbed the bank.
腐朽 腐朽
 ☞ 树木老了以后,中间会变得腐朽。
 ☞ When trees get old they become decayed inside.
 ☞ 老屋已经腐朽,需要翻修。
 ☞ The old house is in decay and it needs renovating.
 ☞ 我们对他腐朽庸俗的作风很反感。
 ☞ We are disgusted with his decadent and philistine ways.
 ☞ 他出生在一个腐朽没落的封建家庭里。
 ☞ He was born in a decadent and declining feudal family.
 ☞ 木材涂上油漆,可以防止腐朽。
 ☞ Paint is put on wood as a protection against rotting.
 ☞ 树长大了自然要腐朽。
 ☞ By nature trees do rot when they are grown.
 ☞ 废品利用就是化腐朽为神奇。
 ☞ To make use of waste materials is to turn the corruptible into wonders.
腐烂 腐烂
 ☞ 天气潮湿,水果容易腐烂。
 ☞ The fruit decays easily in the damp weather.
 ☞ 我的躯壳真是件奇怪的东西。这些年来我一直生活在这个躯壳里,却又使用得那么的少。现在它就要死去并且腐烂,再也派不上用场了。
 ☞ It's an odd thing about my body. Here I've lived in it all these years and how little use I have had of it.
 ☞ Now it's going to die and decay never having been used.
 ☞ 警方在湖上发现一具高度腐烂的尸体。
 ☞ The police found a corpse that had rotten to a high degree.
 ☞ 在潮湿阴暗的地窖里皮条已经腐烂成一截截的了。
 ☞ Leather bindings have rotten to pieces in the damp and dark cellar.
 ☞ 动物死后会引起腐烂,并很快被食腐动物吃掉。
 ☞ Animals, when dead, decompose and are quickly eaten by saprophagous ones.
 ☞ 腐烂的树叶是好肥料呀。
 ☞ Decomposed leaves make good fertilizer.
 ☞ 棺木里放上了水银和木炭以防止尸体腐烂。
 ☞ Mercury and charcoal were placed inside the coffin to prevent the corpse from corruption.
腐败 腐败
 ☞ 吃了腐败的食物容易生病。
 ☞ To eat putrid food is liable to get sick.
 ☞ 他像腐败的生肉那样令人作呕。
 ☞ He is as disgusting as raw and putrid flesh.
 ☞ 清除政府里的腐败官员,说起来容易做起来难呀。
 ☞ To clear a government of rotten officials is easier said than done.
 ☞ 问题全出在你们腐败的体制。
 ☞ It's all the fault of your rotten system.
 ☞ 当时腐败无能的政府无力领导这场民主变革。
 ☞ The then corrupt and incompetent government was too weak to lead the democratic reform.
 ☞ 已采取一系列措施来消除腐败现象。
 ☞ A series of measures have been adopted to put an end to corrupt dealings.
 ☞ 官员之间的腐败是引起不满的又一原因。
 ☞ Corruption among officials was another cause for discontent.
 ☞ 你不能要这样的不义之财。赶快离开那行当,那种地方积累了财富却腐败了人品。
 ☞ You shouldn't touch such ill-gotten gains. Leave the business immediately, where wealth accumulates and morals decay.
 ☞ 国民党的腐败甚至连安全保卫都松懈到了令人无法置信的程度。
 ☞ Kuomintang decadence was such that even security was lax to unbelievable extent.

 ☞ 本合同自即日起生效。
 ☞ The contract shall come into force from this date.
 ☞ 自古红颜多薄命。
 ☞ From ancient times beautiful girls were predestined to unhappy marriages and life-long sufferings.
  ■ from,还可与to连用,表示“自…到…”。
 ☞ 本次列车自北京开往南京。
 ☞ This train goes from Beijing to Nanjing.
 ☞ 炮声自远而近。
 ☞ The report of guns came from far to near.
 ☞ 自第二次世界大战以来,他一直卧床不起。
 ☞ He has been locked in bed since World WarⅡ.
 ☞ 我是在去年春节时遇见她的,但我自1995年就认识她了。
 ☞ I met her last Spring Festival, but I have known her since 1995.
3.self, 指自我,主要有以下几种用法。
1) 构成合成代词,如oneself,myself等。
 ☞ 人总不能永远自以为是吧。
 ☞ One should not think oneself always in the right.
 ☞ 我宁愿自律,而不愿受制于人。
 ☞ I prefer to discipline myself rather than be disciplined by others.
2) 构成合成名词。
 ☞ 社会主义建设主要靠自力更生。
 ☞ Socialist construction mainly depends on self-reliance.
 ☞ 自欺的结果是欺人。
 ☞ Self-deception results in deceiving others.
3) 构成合成形容词。
 ☞ 你今天说的与过去说的自相矛盾。
 ☞ What you said today and in the past are self-contradictory.
 ☞ 我们生产的粮食自给有余。
 ☞ We are more than self-sufficient in food production.
 ☞ 他是自学成才的。他自学了英语和俄语。
 ☞ He was self-taught. He had taught himself English and Russian.
4) 单独使用self。
 ☞ 自作自受。
 ☞ Self do, self have.
 ☞ 随着人年龄的增长,知识也自行增长。
 ☞ Knowledge of self increases as one gets older.
4.one's own,指属于自己的。
 ☞ 你的理论自成体系,我很欣赏。
 ☞ I appreciate that your theory creates a system of your own.
 ☞ 她怎么能自甘堕落?
 ☞ How can she be happy in her own degeneration?
  ■ 有时只用one's,而省略own。
 ☞ 这件事你做得自不量力。
 ☞ You did it beyond your ability.
  ■ 有时在一些固定词组里,one's可用可不用。
 ☞ 他这是自走绝路。
 ☞ He is taking the road to (his) doom.
5.natural, naturally,指自然而然。
 ☞ 两人久别重逢,相互自有许多话要说。
 ☞ It was quite natural that they should have a lot to say to each other when they met again after so much a long separation.
 ☞ 那些问题自会分成几类予以处理。
 ☞ Those problems will fall naturally into several categories to deal with.
6.certainly, 指肯定。
 ☞ 现在用功,将来自有好处。
 ☞ It will certainly do you good if you study hard now.
 ☞ 我自会送她去车站。
 ☞ I will certainly see her off in the railway station.
7.of course,指当然。
 ☞ 这部影片的部分情节自属有趣,但终非佳片。
 ☞ Of course parts of it are funny but it's not really a good film.
 ☞ 你在校内自有许多东西要学。
 ☞ You have a good deal to learn in school, of course.
自动(自愿) 自动(自愿)
1.volunteer, voluntary, voluntarily,指自己愿意的自动。
 ☞ 同学们自动布置会议室举行舞会。
 ☞ The students volunteered to decorate the conference room for the dance.
 ☞ 这位退休教师自愿不取报酬到边疆教书。
 ☞ The retired teacher volunteered to teach in the border area without pay.
 ☞ 他自动交待后就结案了。
 ☞ The case was closed after he made a voluntary confession.
 ☞ 我们是根据自愿与互利的原则合作的。
 ☞ We cooperate in conformity with the principles of voluntary participation and mutual benefit.
 ☞ 他的捐赠完全是自愿的,谁也没有逼他。
 ☞ His donation was entirely voluntary. Nobody pushed him.
 ☞ 她自愿参加了照顾老人的工作。
 ☞ She participated voluntarily in the work to look after the old people.
2.of one's own accord,指不请自来的主动。
 ☞ 听谠家乡遭灾,他们都纷纷自动捐献金钱和衣物。
 ☞ Hearing of their hometown hit by the natural calamity, they made donations of money and clothing one after another of their own accord.
 ☞ 一切反动派都不会自动退出历史舞台。
 ☞ No reactionary force will ever step down from the stage of history of its own accord.
 ☞ 我知道你是自愿待在那里的。
 ☞ I know you stayed there of your own accord.
3.automatic, 指含有机械意味的自动。
 ☞ 我厂的加热系统备有温度自动调节装置。
 ☞ The heating system in our factory has an automatic temperature control.
 ☞ 你学徒期满之后,工资每年都会自动增加。
 ☞ On the expiration of your apprenticeship, you'll get an automatic increase in pay every year.
 ☞ 她分娩前后,村子里的人都自动来帮忙。
 ☞ Before and after her childbirth the villagers made spontaneous offers of help.
 ☞ 他是自动提供帮助的。
 ☞ He made a spontaneous offer to help.
5.wish, will,有时也有自愿的意思。
 ☞ 我们干什么事,都要出于群众的需要和自愿。
 ☞ Whatever we do we must act in accordance with the needs and wishes of the masses.
 ☞ 他是自愿帮她的。
 ☞ He helped her of his own will.
自己 自己
 ☞ 自己感到完全正常的事,别人可能认为古怪。
 ☞ Others might find odd what one finds perfectly normal oneself.
 ☞ 别睬他!他在生自己的气。
 ☞ Leave him alone! He is angry with himself.
 ☞ 那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。
 ☞ That poor boy was myself.
 ☞ 我儿子在看猫给自己洗澡。
 ☞ My son is watching the cat giving itself a bath.
 ☞ 你只要插上插头电池就会自己充电。
 ☞ You just put the plug in the socket, and the battery will recharge itself.
  ■ oneself, itself等还可用于强调,有“自己亲自”的意思。
 ☞ 要做到真正有把握,你应该自己去看看。
 ☞ To be really sure you ought to look at it yourself 这是你自己干的好事。
 ☞ You did it yourself.
  ■ 反身代词还可与一些介词搭配,构成固定词组。
1) for oneself,指亲自为自己做某事。
 ☞ 我已把他们之间的争吵告诉你了。你要做的是自己去判断。
 ☞ Now I've told you the quarrel between them. What you want to do is to judge for yourself.
 ☞ 这种事你自己是不能做的。
 ☞ You can't do such a thing for yourself.
  ■ 下面两句译文可以看出for oneself与oneself的区别。
 ☞ 我给你寄了本杂志,这样你可以自己看看我们的国家有多美丽。
 ☞ I have sent you the magazine so you can see for yourself how beautiful our country is.
 ☞ 你应该尽量像别人看你那样看你自己。
 ☞ You should try to see yourself as others see you.
2) of oneself (itself),指自己自动进行。
 ☞ 敌人是不会自己消亡的。
 ☞ The enemy will not perish of himself.
 ☞ 瓶子是不会自己倒下来的,准是有人碰它了。
 ☞ The bottle couldn't have fallen down of itself. Someone must have knocked it over.
3) by oneself (itself),指在无人帮助下自己单独进行。
 ☞ 这机器全是他们自己制造的。
 ☞ They made the machine all by themselves.
 ☞ 这洋娃娃是自己坐起来的吗?
 ☞ Did the doll sit up by itself?
2.one's own,表示“自己”时有两种用法。
1) 用作形容词。
 ☞ 每个父母都夸自己的儿女好。
 ☞ Every parent praises his own children.
 ☞ 这种水果确有自己的味道。
 ☞ This fruit has a flavor all its own.
  ■ 此外,one's own与某些名词结合构成成语。
 ☞ 塑料作为材料有其自己的价值。
 ☞ Plastics are materials in their own right.
 ☞ 讨论会上他听了大家说的话,却没谈自己的想法。
 ☞ He listened to what everybody had to say in the discussion, but he kept his own counsel.
 ☞ 我来这里有自己的打算。
 ☞ I have come here on my own account.
 ☞ 要是你搞写作的话,要用自己的时间。
 ☞ If you take up writing, you'll have to do it on your own time.
2) 用作代词。
 ☞ 这东西是借来的,不是自己的。
 ☞ I only borrow it. It is not my own.
 ☞ 他们对她就像是自己生的。
 ☞ They treated her as if she were their own.
  ■ 同样,one's own与介词of结合表示从属,与on结合表示靠自己。
 ☞ 她就想有一间自己的房间,不愿跟她姐睡在一起。
 ☞ She would rather have a room of her own than sleep with her sister.
 ☞ 是你自己干的?
 ☞ You did it on your own?
 ☞ 我觉得自己错了。
 ☞ I felt that I was in the wrong.
 ☞ 他总认为他是对的。
 ☞ He always thinks he is right.
自由 自由
 ☞ 中国公民有言论、通信、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威、罢工的自由。
 ☞ Citizens of China enjoy freedom of speech, correspondence, the press, assembly, association, procession, demonstration and the freedom of strike.
 ☞ 罗斯福总统1941年提出的四大自由是言论自由、 信仰自由、免于匮乏和免于恐惧的自由。
 ☞ The four freedoms spoken of by President Roosevelt in 1941 are freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
 ☞ 人类的历史就是一个不断从必然王国走向自由王国发展的历史。
 ☞ The history of mankind is one of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.
 ☞ 衣服紧了,行动不自由。
 ☞ Tight clothing doesn't allow enough freedom of movement.
  ■ free是freedom的形容词和动词。
 ☞ 我终于感到自己是彻底自由了。
 ☞ I felt myself at last absolutely free.
 ☞ 他什么时候会获得自由?
 ☞ When will he be freed?
 ☞ 林肯的解放宣言给了奴隶以自由。
 ☞ Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation gave slaves their liberty.
 ☞ 囚犯只有牢房里的自由。
 ☞ Prisoners are allowed only the liberty of their prison cells.
  ■ 尽管上下文里没有明显指出这种自由是从残暴统治下争取来的自由,但其内涵仍有这样的意思。
 ☞ 他们死去是为了自由能够存活。
 ☞ They have died that liberty might live.
 ☞ 政府没有权力侵犯个人的人身自由。
 ☞ The government has no right to interfere with a fellow's personal liberty.
 ☞ 他们为保卫自己的自由而战斗。
 ☞ They fought to defend their liberty.
  ■ 除此之外,liberty的词义宽于freedom。如:
 ☞ 言论自由是多种自由中的一种。
 ☞ Freedom of speech is only one of the liberties.
  ■ at liberty,指可以自由行动。
 ☞ 每个成员均可自由发表意见。
 ☞ Each member is at liberty to air his views.
  ■ liberal是liberty的同根形容词,故有“从传统束缚中获得自由”的意思。
 ☞ 大英帝国的自由党是支持进步与改革的政党。
 ☞ The Liberal Party of Great Britain is a political party that favors progress and reform.
 ☞ 不过,他们对自由货币政策是否能使经济摆脱衰退,在主张上确实不同。
 ☞ They do differ, however, on the proposition whether a liberal monetary policy can remove the economy effectively out of recession.
3.license, 指放纵的自由。
 ☞ 这本书译得太自由了。
 ☞ Too much license was taken in translating the book.
 ☞ 他到处鼓吹性自由。
 ☞ He preaches sexual license everywhere.
 ☞ 一般说来,新干部没有包袱,比较自由。
 ☞ Generally speaking, new cadres are not so burdened, are less encumbered.
 ☞ 野生动物自由地生活在这个自然保护区里。
 ☞ Wild animals roam unmolested in this nature reserve.
 ☞ 人民币还不是可以自由兑换的货币。
 ☞ RMB has not yet been an convertible currency.
 ☞ 错误思想如果不受遏制,就会自由泛滥。
 ☞ Erroneous ideas will spread if unchecked.
 ☞ 这样的倾向绝不能自由放任。
 ☞ Never let such tendencies go their own way.
自觉 自觉
1.aware of,后接名词,或相当于名词的词;aware that, 后接从句。指自己感官获得的感觉。
 ☞ 我自觉问心有愧。
 ☞ I was aware of having a guilty conscience.
 ☞ 这种病初起耐,患者每不自觉。
 ☞ Those suffering from the disease are often unaware of it in the early stage.
 ☞ 她要我做的事情我都做了,我自觉很对得起她了。
 ☞ I've done everything she asked me to do. I'm aware that I didn't let her down in the least.
2.conscious of (that),指自己的意识获得的感觉。
 ☞ 我皈依上帝以后,我自觉我的心灵有了转变。
 ☞ I become conscious of a change in mind after I have been converted to God.
 ☞ 我自觉我受到了监视。
 ☞ I was conscious that I was watched.
 ☞ 共产党员在政治上应当是自觉的共产主义战士。
 ☞ Communists ought to be politically conscious fighters of communism.
3.conscientious, conscientiously,指遵守道德规范上的自觉。
 ☞ 老板都喜欢在工作上自觉的雇员。
 ☞ A boss likes his employees to be conscientious with his work.
 ☞ 同学们要自觉遵守纪律。
 ☞ The students should conscientiously observe discipline.
4.on one's own initiative, 指主动做事的自觉。
 ☞ 你儿子做作业很自觉。
 ☞ Your son does his homework on his own initiative.
 ☞ 我们都是自觉去帮助残疾人的。
 ☞ We all go to help the disabled on our own initiative.
至于 至于
  ■ “至于”可以有以下多种意思。
1) in regard to, as regards, regarding,指关于。为书面用语。
 ☞ 至于措词问题,我希望你们会更加小心谨慎。
 ☞ In regard to diction, I wish you would be more careful.
 ☞ 至于价格,此乃敝号能向贵号所报的最低价。
 ☞ In regard to the prices, they are the lowest we can quote you.
 ☞ 生产没有问题,至于销售问题得另想办法。
 ☞ There are no problems about production. Now as regards marketing we have to try and find some other way.
 ☞ 至于我们如何在工作中解决这一问题,尚有一些不同意见。
 ☞ As regards the question how we should solve it in our work, there is still some difference of opinion.
 ☞ 至于销售数字,我们可以立即与销售经理与广告人员开会讨论。
 ☞ Regarding the sales figures, we can have a meeting with the sales manager and the advertising people to discuss them at once.
 ☞ 至于董事会,我会向他们报告一切的。
 ☞ Regarding the board of directors, I'll report to them everything.
2) as far as, be concerned, as concerns,指“与…有关”。为口头用语。
 ☞ 至于我们的愿望,这仗我们是连一天也不愿意打的。
 ☞ As far as our own desire is concerned, we don't want to fight even for a single day.
 ☞ 沉船被拖到港口等待救援,至于他们自身倒是安然无恙。
 ☞ The wreck was towed into port for salvage. As far as they themselves are concerned, they are safe and sound.
 ☞ 至于部队的冬装,我们已经发出。
 ☞ As concerns the winter clothing of the troops we have already sent them to you.
 ☞ 至于他的英语,我相信他是可以过关的。
 ☞ As concerns English, I believe he can pass.
3) as for,as to,两者同义,但前者不用于句首而只用于句中,因而常用来引入与上文相反的主题。
 ☞ 你可以睡床。至于孩子,他们只能睡地板了。
 ☞ You can have a bed. but as for the children, they'll have to sleep on the floor.(睡床与睡地板是相反的)
 ☞ 我们大多数英语教师都是称职的。至于那些不称职的,还是趁早回家抱儿孙去的好。
 ☞ Most of our teachers of English are competent. As for those who are incompetent they had better go home to look after their babies and grandbabies as early as possible.(称职与不称职是相反的)
 ☞ 很多人喜欢夏天,至于我则更喜欢冬天。
 ☞ Most people like summer, but as for me I like winter much better.(喜欢夏天还是喜欢冬天是相反的)
  ■ 以上是英国英语的用法,但这套规矩对美国英语似乎不起所用。as for和as to可以换用。如:
 ☞ 至于他父亲,我根本不认识。
 ☞ As for (to) his father, I don't know him at all.
 ☞ 至于我,倒是没有意见。
 ☞ As to (for) me, I have no .objection.
 ☞ 我愿意读一读他写的书,至于出版,那是另一回事。
 ☞ I'm willing to read his book, but as to (for) publishing it, that's a different matter.
  ■ 但as for与as to还是有所不同,有时带有贬义,常常表示缺乏兴趣、不喜欢等。
 ☞ 已经请了李明、王娟等同学。至于马力,即使一辈子不见我也不在乎。
 ☞ I've invited my classmates such as Li Ming, Wang Juan and others. As for Ma Li, I don't care if I never see him again in my life.
1) in respect to,指对某个方面的考虑。
 ☞ 至于付款条件,贵号可向敝号开具信用证。
 ☞ In respect to the terms of payment, your firm will have to open us a letter of credit.
 ☞ 至于在哪里度假,如何度假的问题,我提议去杭州玩。
 ☞ In respect to the question where and how to spend our holiday, I should like to suggest that we go to Hangzhou.
2) in the case of,指对某个案例的考虑。
 ☞ 至于对孕妇的病例,爱克斯光可能有害。
 ☞ In the case of a pregnant woman, X-ray might be harmful.
 ☞ 至于物理变化,那是不会形成新物质的。
 ☞ In the case of physical change, no new substance is formed.
3) in reference to,指牵扯到某方面的考虑。
 ☞ 至于贵号的包装规范,尚有含糊之处有待明确。
 ☞ In reference to your instruction on packing, some ambiguity exists which is to be clarified.
 ☞ 至于那起事故,我无可奉告。
 ☞ In reference to that accident, I have nothing to say.
1)“至于”表示某种程度,可用to such an extent。
 ☞ 据说房间里的东西都自燃了。温度升高能至于这样吗?
 ☞ It was said that everything in the room burned of itself. Could the temperature rise to such an extent?
 ☞ 他的病情还不至于这么坏嘛。
 ☞ The state of his illness won't grow to such a bad extent.
2)“至于”还常用于“竞至于”或“不至于”这两个套语,表示发展到或尚未发展到某种地步。一般用go so far as to。
 ☞ 最后,他竞至于带着她到房间里过夜。
 ☞ At last he went so far as to bring her to his room for the night.
 ☞ 我不相信这事,他还不至于走私军火吧。
 ☞ I don't believe it. He wouldn't go so far as to smuggle arms and ammunition.
 ☞ 你要是早请医生,何至于病成这样?
 ☞ If you had seen the doctor earlier, you wouldn't be seriously ill.
 ☞ 要是当初按你说的意思办,今天至于返工吗?
 ☞ How could we now do the job again, had we acted as you told us before?
至少 至少
1.at least,the least,指数量或程度上的至少。
 ☞ 至少有10,000人参加了大会。
 ☞ At least ten thousand people attended the rally.
 ☞ 你至少在一定程度上是对的。
 ☞ You're right, at least to some extent.
 ☞ 至少可以说,这样的处理不妥。
 ☞ This is not the proper way to handle the matter to say the least.
2.all of,与at least可以换用,但at least是从少的角度着眼,而all of则从全部都算在里面这一点着眼。
 ☞ 他至少有60岁。
 ☞ He is all of sixty years old.(试比较:He is at least sixty years old)
 ☞ 这至少要花5,000块钱。
 ☞ It'll cost all of 5,000 yuan.
3.at any rate,指让步方面的至少,用来修正前面的话使其留有余地。
 ☞ 他并不了解我,至少是了解得不全面。
 ☞ He doesn't understand me, or at any rate not fully.
 ☞ 他必须待在这里,至少6个月。
 ☞ He must stay here, at any rate for next six months.
至此 至此
1.at this point,指到此为止,强调的是“点”。
 ☞ 文章至此为止。
 ☞ The article ends at this point.
 ☞ 会议不欢而散,两国的对话也至此为止。
 ☞ The meeting broke up in discord and the dialogue between the two countries broke down at this point.
2.up to this point, 也指到此为止,但强调由线至点的过程。
 ☞ 公路至此为止,到山顶的路我们得走着去。
 ☞ The road is up to this point. We have to cover the rest of the way leading to the hilltop by foot.
 ☞ 据说宋朝大诗人苏东坡曾至此一游。
 ☞ It was said that Su Dongpo, the great poet of the Song Dynasty, had visited the place up to this point.
3.(at) this stage,指到此阶段。
 ☞ 至此,还要加上石灰粉。
 ☞ At this stage powdered limestone is also added.
 ☞ 至此,比赛以2比1结束。
 ☞ At this stage the game was over by two goals to one.
 ☞ 事已至此,后悔的余地也没有了。
 ☞ There is no room for regret when matters have reached this stage.
 ☞ 至此,事情才逐渐清楚。
 ☞ The matter is only now becoming clear.
 ☞ 辜已至此,后悔也没有用了。
 ☞ Now it's done, regrets are no use.
舍得(舍不得) 舍得(舍不得)
 ☞ 我出什么价都舍得。
 ☞ I'm perfectly willing to pay any price.
 ☞ 你舍得把你的戒指送给她吗?
 ☞ Are you willing to give your ring to her?
 ☞ 也许你舍不得花时间来读闲书。
 ☞ Perhaps you are unwilling to spend time in light reading.
 ☞ 培养合格人才要舍得下工夫,下本钱。
 ☞ Don't begrudge time and money in training qualified personnel.
 ☞ 教育孩子舍得下工夫。
 ☞ Don't begrudge effort in educating children.
 ☞ 练好字必须舍得下工夫。
 ☞ To acquire good handwriting one mustn't begrudge time spent on practice.
 ☞ 你达话讲得好像我舍不得给你似的。
 ☞ You talk as if I begrudged it to you.
  ■ 虽然grudge与begrudge同义,但还暗示不满、讨厌等意思,故一般只用于肯定句,即仅仅表示“舍不得”这个意思。
 ☞ 这么坏的伙食,他舍不得付那么多钱。
 ☞ He grudged paying so much for such bad food.
 ☞ 他对家务是一分一秒都舍不得花的。
 ☞ He grudges every moment spent on house-keeping chores.
 ☞ 他是我们队里的好管家,舍不得乱花一分钱。
 ☞ He is our team's good manager and hates to waste a single cent.
 ☞ 我可怜的孩子,我舍不得离开你。
 ☞ My poor child, I hate to leave you.
 ☞ 他舍不得穿那套新衣服。
 ☞ He was reluctant to wear his new suit.
 ☞ 这么冷的大清早,我舍不得离开被窝。
 ☞ I am reluctant to get out of bed on such early cold morning.
舒展 舒展
 ☞ 荷叶舒展着,发出阵阵清香。
 ☞ The lotus leaves are unfolding, sending forth a delicate fragrance.
 ☞ 他慢慢地舒展着画卷,于是一幅美丽的画面呈现在我们面前。
 ☞ He was slowly unfolding the picture scroll, and a beautiful view emerged before us.
2.smooth, smooth out, 指把原来起皱的东西舒展开来。
 ☞ 问题解决了,老人紧锁的眉头又舒展了。
 ☞ Once the problem was solved, the old man's knitted brows became smooth again.
 ☞ 他的脸突然开朗起来,脸上的皱纹也暂时舒展了。
 ☞ His face suddenly brightened, and the lines on it temporarily smoothed out.
 ☞ 她舒展双臂,开始翩翩起舞。
 ☞ She began to dance trippingly, extending her arms.
 ☞ 鸟儿翱翔时总是舒展着翅膀。
 ☞ A bird always extends its wings when soaring.
 ☞ 我们想舒展一下腿脚,放松一下。
 ☞ We wanted to stretch our legs to relax a little.
 ☞ 猫打了一个呵欠,舒展了一下身子,然后弓起腰。
 ☞ The cat yawned, stretched itself and arched its back.
5.limber up,指剧烈运动前的舒展活动。
 ☞ 运动员们在比赛前总要做舒展运动。
 ☞ The athletes always limber up before the competition.
 ☞ 咱们舒展一下筋骨。
 ☞ Let's limber up our muscles and joints.
舒服 舒服
 ☞ 这把椅子又软又舒服。
 ☞ This chair is soft and comfortable.
 ☞ 医生说母亲手术后感到舒服多了。
 ☞ The doctor said that Mother was much comfortable after her operation.
2.be (feel) well, 指没病。
 ☞ 她今天不太舒服。
 ☞ She isn't well today.
 ☞ 病人服药后舒服多了。
 ☞ The patient is feeling much better having taken the medicine.
3.be flattered,指由于受到奉承而感到舒服。
 ☞ 他对她父亲说的有关她的一切仰慕之词,再经过后来的添油加醋使她一直感到舒服。
 ☞ She had been flattered by all the admiring words he had said about her to her father, which were now elaborated and embroidered upon.
 ☞ 我们都由于上司的表扬而感到舒服。
 ☞ We all feel flattered at the praise of the boss.
舞弊 舞弊
 ☞ 我们在清查账目时发现了他的舞弊行为。
 ☞ We discovered his irregularities while checking the accounts.
 ☞ 检查发票时发现了舞弊,有些设备来路不正。
 ☞ Irregularities were found in checking invoices; some equipment was of dubious background.
2.fraud, fraudulent,指为获利而做出的违法行为。着重点在欺骗。
 ☞ 我厂厂长勾结会计和出纳,大搞营私舞弊。
 ☞ Having colluded with the accountant and the cashier, the director of our factory engaged in large-scale fraud for their selfish ends.
 ☞ 他因选举舞弊而受到指控的困扰。
 ☞ He was beset with charges of fraudulent voting.
 ☞ 他因选举舞弊而被撤职查办。
 ☞ He was discharged from his post and prosecuted for electoral malpractice.(指错误做法)
 ☞ 舞弊就是舞弊,我们不能徇私。
 ☞ Embezzlement is embezzlement. We can't practice favoritism.(指侵吞钱财)
 ☞ 徇私舞弊是犯罪。
 ☞ It is a criminal offence to do wrong to serve one's relatives or friends.(指做对不起人的事)
节目 节目
 ☞ 晚会的节目安排得不够紧凑。
 ☞ The program for the evening party was not well organized.
 ☞ 昨晚音乐会上演的节目精彩极了。
 ☞ The program of the concert performed last night was wonderful.
 ☞ 晚会上有些什么节目?
 ☞ What's on the program for the evening party?
2.item,指一个个的节目,number,指节目的数目。但应注意的是在说话人与听话人之间没有默契时,上述两词后面一般应接on the program(即节目单上的节目)。如:
 ☞ 第一个节目是《红绸舞》。
 ☞ The first item on the program is the Red Silk Dance.
 ☞ 每个节目都伴随着长时间的掌声。
 ☞ Every item on the program was greeted with longstanding applause.
 ☞ 音乐会上有10个节目。
 ☞ There were ten numbers on the concert program.
  ■ 但在说话人中间如果已有默契时,则item,number可以单独使用。如报幕时说:
 ☞ 下一个节目是《祖国颂》。
 ☞ The next item (number) is Ode to Motherland.
 ☞ 我们剧团有50多个歌舞保留节目。
 ☞ Our troupe has a repertoire of over fifty traditional singings and dances.
 ☞ 时间紧,我们得压缩节目少演一些。
 ☞ Time is pressing, we have to narrow the repertoire by performing less items.
 ☞ 你今天有什么节目?
 ☞ Do you have any plan for today?

 ☞ 这项水利工程据估计已花去500万元。
 ☞ The water conservancy project was estimated to have cost five million yuan.
 ☞ The New English-Chinese Dictionary cost me forty yuan.
 ☞ 跟她无数次的旅行花了他相当多的时间。
 ☞ The numerous trips with her cost him considerable time.
 ☞ 对儿子的说服教育花了母亲多少个不眠之夜。
 ☞ The persuasion and education of the son cost the mother many sleepless nights.
2.spend on (in),指某物花费金钱或时间,句中主语为人或机构。
 ☞ 他在钱上对别人那么慷慨,对自己却连一分都不肯多花,我真弄不懂。
 ☞ I really wonder why he wouldn't spend a cent more on himself while he is so generous to other people with his money.
 ☞ 她习惯于简朴的生活方式,却花好多钱来招待朋友。
 ☞ She is used to a simple way of life, but spends a lot of money on (in) entertaining friends.
 ☞ 他在作业上没花多少时间。
 ☞ He doesn't spend much time on his homework.
 ☞ 我几乎花了月收入的一半来买书。
 ☞ I spent almost half of my monthly income on (in) buying books.
3.pay for,只指支付金钱,主语是人或机构。
 ☞ 她花了不到50块钱就买了这双鞋。
 ☞ She paid less than fifty yuan for this pair of shoes.
 ☞ 过去几年里,工厂花了好多钱来改善工作条件。
 ☞ In the past few years the factory has paid a lot of money to improve its working conditions.
 ☞ 他花了4年时间来学英语。
 ☞ He took four years to study English.
 ☞ 学英语花了他4年时间。
 ☞ It took him four years to study English.或To study English took him four years. 或English study took him four years.
5.dim, blur,指视线模糊。
 ☞ 我的眼睛花了。(指眼睛花)
 ☞ My eyesight is getting dim.
 ☞ 他看书看得字都花了。
 ☞ He read until the print looked blurred.(指东西花)
范围 范围
 ☞ 当然在法律允许的范围内你干什么都可以。
 ☞ Of course, you can do everything within the limits permitted by law.
 ☞ 我市发展已超过了原来的范围。
 ☞ Our city has outgrown its limits.
 ☞ 丢失的小马驹可能还在牧场范围内的什么地方。
 ☞ The lost colt must be somewhere within the confines of the ranch.
 ☞ 这已超过了人类的知识范围。
 ☞ This is outside the confines of human knowledge.
 ☞ 会议程序涉及的范围广。
 ☞ The proceedings of the conference covered a wide scope.
 ☞ 这不属于我们研究的范围。
 ☞ This is outside the scope of our study.
 ☞ 你选的课程一定要在你的能力范围之内。
 ☞ The courses you select must be within the range of your ability.
 ☞ 家庭用电的消费量随着季节变换而在一定的范围内变动。
 ☞ Consumption of domestic electric energy varies within a certain range with the change of season.
 ☞ 封建社会的女人都被限制在家庭范围之内。
 ☞ Women in the feudal society were confined to the domestic sphere.
 ☞ 红海过去一度是英国的势力范围。
 ☞ The Red Sea was once a British sphere of influence.
 ☞ 现在让咱们从空中来看看整个城市的范围。
 ☞ Let's have a look at the extent of the whole city from the air.
 ☞ 我对他的知识范围感到十分惊异。
 ☞ I was amazed very much at the extent of his knowledge.
 ☞ 我们将在242号决议范围之内工作。
 ☞ We will work within the framework of Resolution 242.
 ☞ 该问题在协议规定的范围内作了讨论。
 ☞ The question was discussed within the framework of the agreement.
荒废 荒废
1.lie waste,指土地抛荒。
 ☞ 由于连年战乱,百姓流离,田园荒废。
 ☞ Owing to long years of war, people left their homes and the land was allowed to lie waste.
 ☞ 我们村里没有一亩地是荒废的。
 ☞ Not a single mu of land in our village lies waste.
2.fall into disuse (disrepair),前者指未加利用而荒废,后者则指因未加修复而荒废。
 ☞ 土地变成了沙漠,这水渠也就荒废了。
 ☞ The land turned into desert and the irrigation canal fell into disuse.
 ☞ 这所房子已荒废多年。
 ☞ This house has fallen into disuse for years.
 ☞ 荒废多年的水渠又利用起来了。
 ☞ The irrigation canals that fell into disrepair are in use again.
 ☞ 她并没有因为业余爱好而荒废学业。
 ☞ She did not neglect her studies because of her hobby.
 ☞ 他沉溺于声色之乐,荒废了庄园。
 ☞ He neglected his estate, indulging in sensual pleasures.
4.out of practice,指因缺乏练习而荒废。
 ☞ 我的足球过去踢得不错,但观在荒废了。
 ☞ I used to play football well, but I'm out of practice now.
 ☞ 因我多年不拉提琴,现在都荒废了。
 ☞ I am out of practice because I haven't played the violin for years.
 ☞ 长期居住国外,我的汉语有点荒废了。
 ☞ My Chinese is a little rusty after a long residence a.
 ☞ broad.
 ☞ 他把数学给荒废了。
 ☞ He's gotten rusty in math.

 ☞ 我吃了许乡药,但没有哪一种是能治病的。
 ☞ I have taken a lot of different medicine, but none has cured the disease.
 ☞ 药要放到孩子拿不到的地方。
 ☞ Keep medicines where children can't get at them.
  ■ 但有时medicine也可用来比喻。
 ☞ 阳光和新鲜空气都是身体康复的好药。
 ☞ Sunshine and fresh air are good medicine for convalescence.
 ☞ 这是用来治疗肺癌的一种药。
 ☞ It's a drug used in the treatment of lung cancer.
 ☞ 医生给病人开了一种新药。
 ☞ The doctor prescribed a new drug for his patient.
  ■ 但同时drug还可表示麻醉品或毒品。
 ☞ 鸦片是一种麻醉药。
 ☞ Opium is a narcotic drug.
 ☞ 医生指定用药后由护士负责向每个病人发药。
 ☞ Nurses are responsible for giving each patient the medication specified by his doctor.
 ☞ 最好是自然入睡而不要服药。
 ☞ It is better to sleep naturally, without taking medication.
 ☞ 阿司匹林是治感冒的老药。
 ☞ Aspirin is an old cold remedy.
 ☞ 猛病得有猛药治。
 ☞ Desperate disease must have desperate remedies.
  ■ remedy也可用来引申。
 ☞ 晚上好好睡一觉就是治你头痛的良药。
 ☞ A good night's sleep would be the best remedy for your headache.
 ☞ 过去没有治肺病的特效药。
 ☞ In the past there was no specific cure for tuberculosis.
 ☞ 什么是最好的咳嗽药?
 ☞ What is the best cure for a cough?
 ☞ 奎宁是治疗疟疾的特效药。
 ☞ Quinine is a specific for malaria.
 ☞ 非典型性肺炎至今没有特效药。
 ☞ There has been no specific for SARS so far.
7.medicinal, 也指治疗某种疾病的特效药。但一般只用在产销方面。
 ☞ 大多数特效药都是出口的。
 ☞ Most of the medicinals are for export.
 ☞ 特效药是不禁运的。
 ☞ Medicinals are not contraband.

1) not,用于否定动词。
 ☞ 莫道昆明池水浅,观鱼胜过富春江。
 ☞ Do not say the waters of the Kunming Lake are too shallow, for watching fish they are better than the Fuchun River.
 ☞ 莫提此事。
 ☞ Don't mention the matter.
 ☞ 请莫见怪。
 ☞ Please don't mind.
2) no,用于否定名词,人、物均可。
 ☞ 最大的幸福莫过于此。
 ☞ There is no greater happiness than this.
 ☞ 人莫之能御。
 ☞ No man can resist it.
3) no one,只用于否定人,nothing,只用于否定物。
 ☞ 人莫知其中奥妙。
 ☞ No one sees what's behind it.
 ☞ 情况之糟,莫此为甚。
 ☞ There is nothing worse than this.
1) 用形容词的最高级表示。
 ☞ 我国古代的伟大建筑,恐怕莫过于万里长城。
 ☞ Of all the ancient Chinese buildings, the Great Wall is perhaps the greatest.
 ☞ 哀大莫过于心死。
 ☞ The greatest pity is the death of the human heart.
2) 用no more+名词(形容词)+than... nothing more+形容词(名词)+than... ,是双重否定故表示肯定。
 ☞ 最大的快乐莫过于事业上的成功。
 ☞ There is no greater happiness than that of succeeding in one's career.
 ☞ 哀大莫过于心死。
 ☞ Nothing is more sorrowful than the death of the human heart.
3) 用词汇意义上的最高级表示。
 ☞ 恐怖分子的暴行激起了民众莫大的义愤。
 ☞ The atrocity of the terrorists aroused the utmost indignation of the people.
 ☞ 这是对巴勒斯坦人民的莫大侮辱!
 ☞ This is a gross insult to the Palestinian people!
1) 用双重否定。
 ☞ 每每提到他的名字,大家莫不为他的精神所感动。
 ☞ Whenever his name was mentioned, none remained unmoved by his spirit.
 ☞ 正义最后得到了伸张,人们莫不拍手称快。
 ☞ Justice prevailed at last and no one did not clap their hands with joy.
 ☞ 看着院子里堆成山的粮食,全家人莫不喜笑颜开。
 ☞ Looking at the grain piled high in the courtyard, no one in the family was not wreathed in smiles.
2) 用带有强烈肯定语气的肯定句。
 ☞ 胜利消息传来,各族人民莫不为之欢欣鼓舞。
 ☞ People of all nationalities were jubilant on hearing the news of victory.
 ☞ 他一人哈哈大笑,弄得我们大家都莫名其妙。
 ☞ He roared with laughter alone, leaving all of us rather baffled.
 ☞ 他的学问对我们来说是高深莫测。
 ☞ His learning is too profound for us to understand.
 ☞ 大家围着他七嘴八舌,莫衷一是。
 ☞ People crowded round him, all talking at once, and were unable to agree which is right.
 ☞ 莫管闲事!
 ☞ Mind your own business!
 ☞ 我是爱莫能助。
 ☞ It is beyond my ability to render assistance although I would like to.
 ☞ 贫穷便他一筹莫展。
 ☞ Poverty has driven him to his wits' end.
莫不是(莫非) 莫不是(莫非)
1) do,表示某种怀疑的提问。
 ☞ 听你的意思莫不是(莫非)我错了?
 ☞ Do you mean to say that I'm in the wrong?
 ☞ 你的样子我那么熟悉,莫不是我们以前见过?
 ☞ You look so familiar to me. Did we meet before?
2) can,表示某种可能的的提问。
 ☞ 她今天没有来,莫不是(莫非)又生病了?
 ☞ She is absent today. Can she be ill again?
 ☞ 他怎么这样熟悉这里!莫不是他早就来过了?
 ☞ He knows here so well! Could it be that he came a long time ago?
1) is it possible that,对提问人发问,提出某种不太有把握的可能性。
 ☞ 都半夜了,他怎么还在写?莫不是(莫非)明天一早等着急用?
 ☞ It's already midnight. Why is he still writing? Is it possible that he wants to use it as early as tomorrow?
 ☞ 为什么要叫青海,而不叫蓝海?莫不是出于青出于蓝胜于蓝的俗语?
 ☞ Why is it called the Green Sea, but not the Blue Sea? Is it possible that it is from the proverb: Green comes from blue, yet excels blue?
2) can it be that,有时也可用于反诘,不过这种反诘往往是按提问人意思进行的。
 ☞ 石上有一寸多深的两个坑,传说是孟姜女遥望她夫君坟墓留下的脚印。唉,印迹竟这么深,莫不是怀抱的怨恨太沉重了?
 ☞ There are two inch-deep holes on the rock. It is said that those are the footprints left by Meng Jiangnu, who once stood there gazing at her husband's tomb in the distance. Oh, could it be that these holes were made by such deep hatred that she harbored?
 ☞ 就在她将这小小的花篮呈献到五星红旗之下的时候,莫不是她正在回忆周总理在四届人大讲坛上庄严宣布要在本世纪内实现四个现代化的感人情景?
 ☞ When she was presenting this small basket of flowers under the national flag, could it be that she was bringing to her mind the moving scene of how Premier Zhou was declaring solemnly at the 4th session of the National People's Congress that the four modernizations would be realized by the end of the century?
获得 获得
 ☞ 我获得了一份礼物。
 ☞ I have got 8 present.(指得到)
 ☞ 他在学校里获得这么好的分数,我很惊奇。
 ☞ He got such nice marks in school, which surprised me.(指赢得)
 ☞ 农场连续5年获得丰收。
 ☞ The farm has got good crops for 5 years in succession.(指收获)
 ☞ 我们厂从矿石里获得黄金。
 ☞ Our factory gets gold from ore.(指提炼)
 ☞ 我相信通过实践获得知识是个好办法。
 ☞ I believe it's a good way to obtain knowledge through practice.
 ☞ 他们知道只有通过斗争才能获得权利。
 ☞ They realized that only through struggle could they obtain their rights.
 ☞ 他千方百计想获得奖学金,但没有成功。
 ☞ He tried every possible way to obtain a scholarship but failed.
 ☞ 我们把科学发现应用到工业生产方法上并获得了不少经验。
 ☞ We have acquired a great deal of experience in applying scientific discoveries to industrial production methods.
 ☞ 光从书本上获得知识是片面的。
 ☞ It is one-sided to acquire knowledge from books alone.
 ☞ 有时候,一个学生不用老师帮助就能掌握英语语法并获得大量词汇。
 ☞ It is possible sometimes for a student to master English grammar and acquire a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.
 ☞ 他考试获得满分。
 ☞ He gained full marks in examination.
 ☞ 社会党人在中间派的支持下又获得两个席位。
 ☞ The socialists supported by the middle-of-the-roaders gained two additional seats.
 ☞ 他们只有一个目标,就是获得财富。
 ☞ They have had only one objective—— to gain wealth.
 ☞ 他最近的发现帮他获得了国际声誉。
 ☞ His recent discoveries helped him win an international reputation.
 ☞ 我们各方面的工作都获得了伟大的胜利。
 ☞ We have won great victories in all fields of work.
 ☞ 爱因斯坦由于他的成就而获得整个科学界的赞誉。
 ☞ Albert Einstein won the acclaim of the entire scientific community for his achievements.
 ☞ 她大公无私的行为使她获得了大家的尊敬。
 ☞ Her unselfish acts earned everybody's respect.
 ☞ 公债可以获得10%的利息。
 ☞ The bonds earn ten percent interest.
 ☞ 你的股票可为你获得一笔相当可观的年息。
 ☞ Your shares earn you a handsome annual dividend.
 ☞ 有15%的儿童没有获得正规教育。
 ☞ Fifteen percent of the children receive no formal education.
 ☞ 参加比赛的儿童都获得了一份奖品。
 ☞ Each of the children who took part in the competition received a prize.
 ☞ 他获得准许,在下午晚一点的时候来访。
 ☞ He received permission to call in the late afternoon.
 ☞ 结果,云南在1985年获得了丰收。
 ☞ As a result, in 1985 Yunnan reaped a bumper harvest.
 ☞ 我希望你的工作会获得回报。
 ☞ I hope you will reap a reward for your work.
 ☞ 他们每年至少获得300万元的利润。
 ☞ They reap at least three million yuan yearly in profits。
 ☞ 非洲国家在20世纪60年代纷纷获得独立。
 ☞ African countries achieved their independence one after another in the 1960s.
 ☞ 这些都是我们50年来获得的主要成就。
 ☞ These are major successes we have achieved in the past 50 years.
 ☞ 尽管有这些不利条件,我军仍获得一个又一个的胜利。
 ☞ Our troops achieved victories one after another despite these odds.
10.attain (to),也指经过努力或斗争而获得,但较achieve强烈。因此常指获得大多数人不能获得的东西。
 ☞ 他是通过艰苦奋斗才获得成功的。
 ☞ He attained success through arduous struggle.
 ☞ 我们经过一场苦战才获得决定性的胜利。
 ☞ We attained a decisive victory in the hard-fought battle.
 ☞ 这位钢琴家获得的造诣只有通过多年的艰苦努力才能达到。
 ☞ The perfection to which the pianist had attained was achieved only by years of hard work.
11.be admitted to,指某种资格的获得。
 ☞ 他获得哲学博士候选人的资格。
 ☞ He was admitted to candidacy for Ph.D.
 ☞ 这对新婚夫妇获得了中国国籍。
 ☞ The newly wedded couple was admitted to Chinese citizenship.
 ☞ 他以两万美金获得保释。
 ☞ He was admitted to bail of 20,000 U.S. dollars.
落后 落后
1) 用作表语。
 ☞ 50年前美国的汽车产量与目前我国的产量一样, 因此我们落后50年。
 ☞ Automobiles the United States produced fifty years ago are as many as those produced now in China, so we are 50 years behind.
 ☞ 以经济实力而论,她落后得多。
 ☞ In terms of economic strength she is far behind.
2) 用做介词。
 ☞ 他们的物理课落后于时代。
 ☞ Their courses of physics are behind the times.
 ☞ 这是一个远远落后于邻国的国家。
 ☞ This is a country far behind its neighbors.
3) 如果要表示在某方面落后,可在behind后接in with。
 ☞ 在学习方面你怕是有点落后了。
 ☞ I'm afraid you're a bit behind with (in) your study.
 ☞ 该厂在工艺方面比我们落后。
 ☞ The factory is behind us in (with) technology.
2.lag behind,指在运动状态中落后。
 ☞ 我们不能在外层空间探索方面落后于其他国家。
 ☞ We cannot afford to lag behind other nations in exploration of outer space.
 ☞ 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
 ☞ Modesty helps one to go forward whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
3.fall behind, be left behind,也指运动状态中的落后,前者强调自己落到了后面,后者强调自己被抛到了后面。
 ☞ 中国人从来就是一个伟大、勇敢、勤劳的民族,只是在近代落后了。
 ☞ The Chinese have always been a great, courageous and industrious nation, it is only in modem times that they have fallen behind.
 ☞ 美国在纺织品生产方面已落后于中国。
 ☞ The U.S.A. has fallen behind China in the manufacture of textile.
 ☞ 谁也不甘心落后。
 ☞ Nobody is willing to be left behind.
 ☞ 要是不努力学习,就会落后。
 ☞ If you don't study hard, you'll be left behind.
 ☞ 但是应该承认,我国的封建主义历史很长,经济文化比较落后。
 ☞ It should be admitted, however, that our country had a long feudal tradition and is relatively backward economically and culturally.
 ☞ 由于中国在经济文化方面还很落后,要完成全国的法制需要一个渐进的过程。
 ☞ As China is still backward in terms of economy and culture, a gradual process is needed for the country to complete its legal system.
 ☞ 中国到底还是没有美国人原本想的那么落后。
 ☞ After all, China is not as backward as the Americans may have thought.
5.less developed, undeveloped,均是backward的委婉语,如果说backward是处于原始状态的全面落后,那么less developed和undeveloped则是指有了相对发展的落后。
 ☞ 我国西部要比东部落后。
 ☞ The west of our country is less developed than the east.
 ☞ 我省是个落后地区。
 ☞ Our province is a less developed area.
 ☞ 这类农机具在落后国家是起着重要作用的。
 ☞ Such kinds of agricultural equipment play an important role in less developed countries.
 ☞ 连火柴都要进口,可见当时中国的工业有多落后。
 ☞ Even matches had to be imported. China's industry was obviously very undeveloped.
6.trail, 指竞赛、竞选中比分落后。
 ☞ 上半场主队落后一球。
 ☞ The home team trailed by one goal at half time.
 ☞ 他以5票落后于另一候选人。
 ☞ He trailed another candidate by 5 votes.
落实 落实
1.make sure (about,of),指调查落实。
 ☞ 我认为引文摘自第四卷,不过你最好落实一下。
 ☞ I think the quotation is from volumeⅣ, but you'd better make sure of it.
 ☞ 只有一两个细节我需要落实。
 ☞ There is only one or two details I want to make sure about it.
 ☞ 他今天来,不过我会打电话落实的。
 ☞ He is coming today but I'll telephone to make sure (of that).
 ☞ 明天去多少人收麦子要落实一下。
 ☞ Make sure how many people are going to bring in the wheat tomorrow.
 ☞ 政府正在层层落实帮助下岗工人的政策。
 ☞ The government is implementing its policy of helping the laid-off employees at every level.
 ☞ 落实儿童保护计划需要捐赠。
 ☞ Donations are needed to implement our child-care programs我们应当用各种办法来落实职工代表大会的决议。
 ☞ We must try every possible way to implement the congress resolution of the staff and workers.
 ☞ 你们把任务落实到每个基层了吗?
 ☞ Have you fulfilled the task down to every grassroots organization?
 ☞ 对国内生产厂家实施生产定额是更为常见的做法,其目的是要落实国际协议的出口限额。
 ☞ It has been a more common practice for domestic producers to impose production quotas so as to fulfill internationally agreed restrictions on export.
 ☞ 我一回饭店就落实你们的机票。
 ☞ I'll confirm your plane tickets as soon as I am back at the hotel.
 ☞ 我们已提前48小时落实了你们预订的旅馆。
 ☞ We've confirmed your hotel booking 48 hours in advance.
5.fix, 指确定后落实。
 ☞ 交货日期还没有最后落实。
 ☞ The date of delivery hasn't been fixed yet.
 ☞ 罪犯藏身的确切地点尚未落实。
 ☞ The exact spot where criminals nested has not been fixed yet.
 ☞ 你们的生产计划落实不够。
 ☞ Your production plan is not practical enough 儿子出远门,做母亲的心里总是不落实。
 ☞ Mother just can't set her mind at ease when her son goes on long trips.
落(落到,落下) 落(落到,落下)
1.fall on (to),指落下,接on表示落到某个面上;接to表示落向某个方向,有时也用于转意。
 ☞ 有些棉桃落在地上。
 ☞ Some cotton bolls have fallen on the ground.
 ☞ 书啪的一声落在地上。
 ☞ The book fell to the ground with a bang.
 ☞ 灌木丛摇晃着,大量的雨滴啪嗒啪嗒地往下落。
 ☞ The undergrowth was shaken and a multitude of raindrops fell pattering.
 ☞ 公司的最终选择落到了来自云南师大的一个年轻人身上。
 ☞ The company's final choice fell on a young man from Yunnan Normal University.
 ☞ 继承权落到了他侄子身上。
 ☞ The inheritance fell to his nephew.
2.drop (off),也指重物从高处落下,但强调一件件地落下,而且具有突然性、偶然性或连续性。
 ☞ 树死叶落。
 ☞ When trees are dead their leaves drop off.
 ☞ 花谢花落。
 ☞ When flowers fade they drop off.
 ☞ 一个苹果突然从树上落下。
 ☞ An apple dropped suddenly from the tree.
 ☞ 河水从高原上落下时形成了巨大的瀑布。
 ☞ As the river drops from the plateau, it forms great waterfalls.
 ☞ 屋顶被炸成几块,分别落到房子前后。
 ☞ The roof was blown off in several sections which landed at both front and back of the house.
 ☞ 老虎的前爪正好落在武松面前。
 ☞ The tiger's front paws landed right in front of Wu Song.
 ☞ 他从二楼跳下,落在地面上。
 ☞ He jumped from the second floor and landed on the ground below.
 ☞ 她刚转身,一枚炮弹落到炖锅里爆炸,撒了一厨房的面条。
 ☞ As she turned back, a shell landed in the saucepan and exploded, spattering the noodles all over the kitchen.
 ☞ 有一天,他们正围着桌子坐下准备吃饭,一枚炮弹冲破窗户轰然一声落到饭桌下面定住了,好在是颗哑弹。
 ☞ One day, as they were sitting around the table, preparing to have dinner, a shell came bursting through the window and thudded to a halt under the dining table.
 ☞ Fortunately it was dud.
 ☞ 司机猛一刹车,邮包噼噼啪啪地落到了月台上。
 ☞ When the driver slammed the truck to a stop, the mail bags thudded onto the platform.
 ☞ 浮云最终落在山顶上了。
 ☞ The floating clouds finally rested on the mountains.
 ☞ 一只蜜蜂在花丛中飞来飞去,终于落在一朵花上。
 ☞ A bee was flittering among flowers and rested on one of them in the end.
 ☞ 他好奇的目光有一瞬间落在她脸上。
 ☞ His curious glance rested for an instance on her face.
6.come to, 指到了某种境地。
 ☞ 你怎么落到这么个窘困的境地?
 ☞ How did you come to such a wretched plight?
 ☞ 落到了这步田地,你是咎由自取。
 ☞ You have only yourself to blame when you've come to such a pretty pass.
 ☞ 她前额的伤口落下个疤痕。
 ☞ The wound in her forehead left a scar.
 ☞ 战争的艰辛在她的脸上落下了痕迹。
 ☞ Hardships during the war have left trace on her face.
 ☞ 他老打小算盘落得个批评。
 ☞ He was criticized for being calculating all the time.
 ☞ 我因为透露了我姐姐和表哥的恋爱关系,落了个埋怨。
 ☞ I was blamed for disclosing the love between my sister and cousin.
 ☞ 任务落到我们肩上。
 ☞ The task was put on our shoulders.
 ☞ 政权落到人民手里。
 ☞ Political power passed into the hands of the people.
 ☞ 就这么办吧,我不怕落埋怨。
 ☞ Let's do it that way, then I don't mind taking the blame.
 ☞ 潮水落了。
 ☞ The tide is low out.
 ☞ 我为他们忙乎了一上午,反倒为此落了个不是。
 ☞ I ran errands for them the whole morning, and got blamed for it。
 ☞ 从此,我落下了个叫作风湿的老毛病。
 ☞ Since then I have contracted an inveterate disease called rheumatism.

 ☞ 你蒙顾客,就是在砸自己的生意。
 ☞ If you cheat your customers you are ruining your business.
 ☞ 他蒙我的钱。
 ☞ He cheated me out of my money.
 ☞ 蒙上欺下现在已是司空见惯的事了。
 ☞ It is a common occurrence nowadays to deceive one's superiors and dupe one's subordinates.
 ☞ 我军利用一次佯攻蒙住了敌人。
 ☞ Our troops used a mock attack to have deceived the enemy.
 ☞ 我是蒙得我爸同意的。
 ☞ I tricked my father into consent.
 ☞ 爸蒙得我妈相信他的确忘了她的生日,然后再给她一个惊喜。
 ☞ Dad tricked Mom into believing that he had forgotten her birthday, then surprised her.
4.take in,指为小利而上当被蒙。
 ☞ 你看你!一块假表就把你蒙得!
 ☞ Look at yourself! How you were taken in by a forged watch!
 ☞ 我决不会让大甩卖给蒙住的。
 ☞ I never allow myself to be taken in by sales at reduced prices.
 ☞ 你蒙我!
 ☞ You are kidding me!
 ☞ 别蒙人!
 ☞ Don't kid me!
6.make a guess,指胡乱瞎蒙。
 ☞ 别瞎蒙,好好想想。
 ☞ Don't make a wild guess. Think it over.
 ☞ 告诉你,你蒙对了。
 ☞ To tell you the truth, you've made a lucky guess.
 ☞ 那考题把我蒙得答不出来。
 ☞ The examination question baffled me and I couldn't answer it.
 ☞ 我被蒙得没有反应。
 ☞ I was baffled and made no response.
8.confuse, confusion,指困惑而蒙头转向。
 ☞ 汽车开走了,把我丢在荒山野岭中,当时我全蒙了。
 ☞ The bus was gone leaving me in the barren mountains. I was made utterly confused.
 ☞ 攻击来自四面八方,敌人全蒙了。
 ☞ The attack started from all sides and the enemy was flung into complete confusion.

 ☞ 她用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。
 ☞ She covered her face with her hands, as if to protect her eyes.
 ☞ 他们打开房门才发现每样东西上都蒙了一层灰尘。
 ☞ They opened the door only to find everything covered with a layer of dust.
 ☞ 华北的农民干农活时头上爱蒙白毛巾。
 ☞ Peasants of north China like to cover their heads with white towels, when doing farm work.
 ☞ 我发现他在蒙头大睡。
 ☞ I found him fast asleep with the quilt covering his head。
 ☞ 捉迷藏是儿童玩的游戏,玩的时候一个孩子蒙住眼睛去捉其他的孩子。
 ☞ Hide-and-seek is a children's game in which one is blindfolded to search for the others.
 ☞ 发现被绑架的孩子时,他的眼睛被蒙着,手被反绑着。
 ☞ The kidnapped boy was found blindfolded, with his hands tied behind his back.
 ☞ 穆斯林妇女见有生人进屋就蒙上面纱。
 ☞ Muslim women veil their faces when any stranger enters the room.
 ☞ 这里的春天风沙大,妇女上街都要蒙上面纱。
 ☞ It's very windy and dusty here in spring, and women are veiled when they go into the streets.
4.be (kept) in the dark,专指蒙在鼓里。
 ☞ 有关他的计划我们还完全蒙在鼓里。
 ☞ We are completely in the dark about his plan.
 ☞ 大家都在讲这丑事,只有他还蒙在鼓里。
 ☞ Everybody was talking about the scandal while he was alone kept in the dark.
5.accord, give,专指承蒙。
 ☞ 蒙亲切照顾,十分感激。
 ☞ I am very grateful to you for the kind treatment you accorded me.
 ☞ 蒙热情接待,不胜荣幸。
 ☞ I feel greatly honored to be given such a warm reception.
 ☞ 既然蒙冤,就应叫屈。
 ☞ Now that you were wronged, to protest against the injustice is a must.
 ☞ 他不止一次地蒙冤受审。
 ☞ He was wronged and tried more than once.
蒙蔽 蒙蔽
1.hoodwink, 指玩弄手段的蒙蔽。
 ☞ 想不到他会蒙蔽部分群众来对抗人民政府。
 ☞ Who would have thought that he could hoodwink part of the masses to oppose the people's government?
 ☞ 你竟敢蒙蔽顾客。
 ☞ How dare you hoodwink customers!
2.fool, 指愚弄性的蒙蔽。
 ☞ 不要被花言巧语所蒙蔽。
 ☞ Don't let yourself be fooled by honeyed words.
 ☞ 你本来就不该受到他荒唐说法的蒙蔽。
 ☞ You shouldn't have been fooled by his ridiculous stones.
3.deceive, deception,指欺骗性的蒙蔽。
 ☞ 刘伯承将军利用一次佯攻蒙蔽了日本兵。
 ☞ General Liu Bocheng used a mock attack and deceived the Japanese troops.
 ☞ 你蒙蔽不了我,我知道是你拿的钱。
 ☞ You cannot deceive me. I know you took the money.
 ☞ 蒙蔽是长久不了的。
 ☞ No deception can last long.
4.pull the wool over sb.'s eyes,原意为蒙蔽视力,转意为蒙蔽人。
 ☞ 我们能看透你的把戏,别想蒙蔽我们。
 ☞ We can see through all your tricks, so you needn't think you can pull the wool over our eyes.
 ☞ 别以为他的花言巧语加上溜须拍马就能蒙蔽她。
 ☞ Don't think that by all his sweet words and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes.
蔑视 蔑视
1.contempt for,指对道德低下、行为卑劣的蔑视。
 ☞ 像他这样的人除了蔑视我能有什么呢?
 ☞ What can I have except contempt for such people like him?
 ☞ 对于欺骗,大多数人都会感到蔑视。
 ☞ Most people feel contempt for cheat.
 ☞ 汉奸会永远受到蔑视。
 ☞ Chinese traitors have always been treated with contempt.
 ☞ 一个对自己孩子残忍的人应该受到蔑视。
 ☞ A man who is cruel to his children should be held in contempt.
2.scorn for (on),指带有愤怒情绪的蔑视。
 ☞ 大多数学生都蔑视考试作弊的人。
 ☞ Most pupils feel scorn for those who cheat in examination.
 ☞ 作为一个严肃的艺术家,他对这类垃圾艺术表现出极大的蔑视。
 ☞ As a serious artist, he showed great scorn on this kind of rubbish art.
3.disdain for (of),指超然于某种事物(如低贱、高贵等)之上的蔑视。
 ☞ 我对势利小人惟有蔑视。
 ☞ I have only disdain for snobs.
 ☞ 他是一个蔑视财富和社会地位的人。
 ☞ He is a man with disdain of riches and social position.
 ☞ 诚实的孩子应该蔑视谎言和说谎的人。
 ☞ Honest children ought to despise lies and liars.
 ☞ 他们都蔑视他的怯懦和无知。
 ☞ They despised him for his cowardice and ignorance.
5.look down upon,指瞧不起人,用于口语。
 ☞ 所有的正派人都会蔑视类似这样的行为。
 ☞ All decent people will look down upon such conduct like this.
 ☞ 一切腐败现象都会受到蔑视。
 ☞ AII forms of corruption are looked down upon.
蕴藏 蕴藏
 ☞ 极少有单个矿体蕴藏的矿石储量达400万吨的。
 ☞ Few single deposits contain 4 million tons of ore.
2.hold in store, 指储藏有。
 ☞ 只有岩浆新侵入体才能在地热田里蕴藏有供应热能所必需的热量。
 ☞ Only young magma intrusions hold in store the amount of heat necessary for the heat supply of geothermal field。
 ☞ 我国蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。
 ☞ Our country is rich in mineral resources.
 ☞ 这部百科全书蕴藏着丰富的信息。
 ☞ This encyclopedia is a vast storehouse of information.
 ☞ 群众中蕴藏着很大的社会主义积极性。
 ☞ The masses have a vast reservoir of enthusiasm for socialism.
虐待 虐待
1.abuse, misuse,原指滥用器物,用于人时引申为虐待,多指语言、行动上的伤害。abuse更是如此,如没有说明,往往指语言上受到的伤害甚于行动上的。
 ☞ 他们结婚才1年就分居了,她那受到多方虐待的丈夫现在住在上海。
 ☞ They separated only after one year of marriage. Her much abused husband now lives in Shanghai.
 ☞ 囚犯常常受到肉体上的虐待。
 ☞ Prisoners are often physically abused.
 ☞ 那孩子虐待他养的狗,打了它一顿。
 ☞ The boy abused his dog by beating it.
 ☞ 这一规定的意图是带有指令性的,也就是要保护印地安人不受虐待。
 ☞ The intent of the regulation is commendable, namely to keep the Indian from being misused.
 ☞ 谁虐待狗,谁就会虐待儿童。
 ☞ Who misuses a dog would misuse a child.
2.ill-treat,maltreat, mistreat(美语),指病态对待和不当对待,均怀有罪恶动机并通过卑劣、无知和仇恨等来实现。
 ☞ 虐待儿童和动物的人活该受到惩罚。
 ☞ The people who ill-treat (mistreat) children and animals deserve to be punished.
 ☞ 我虐待她?我一生都没跟她抬过手。
 ☞ Did I ill-treat her? I've never raised my hand to her in my life.
 ☞ 除非孩子受到肉体上的虐待,否则我们不会干预。
 ☞ We'll not intervene unless the children are being physically maltreated (mistreated).
 ☞ 只有卑鄙的人才会虐待孩子。
 ☞ Only mean persons maltreat children.
 ☞ 虐待战俘是违反政策的。
 ☞ Any maltreatment of prisoners of war is against our policy.
虚假(虚伪) 虚假(虚伪)
  ■ “虚假”和“虚伪”是一对同义词。“虚假”是“真实”的反面,着重点在“造假”,多指情况与实际不符,常用来修饰事物的内容、证据、情况、情结、因素、成分、成绩等比较抽象的行为。“虚伪”是“诚实”的反面,着重点在“作伪”,多指故意作假,不诚实。常用来修饰语言、行为、作风、态度、道德、品质等。
1.false, falsehood,指不真实、带有欺骗的虚假或虚伪。
 ☞ 你目前获得的信息可能是虚假的。
 ☞ The information you have got at present might be false.
 ☞ 他说的话既空洞又虚伪。
 ☞ What he said sounded hollow and false.
 ☞ 目前,商界得与虚假作斗争。
 ☞ At present business circles have to fight with falsehood.
 ☞ 他全身都涂满了虚伪与变节的圆滑。
 ☞ He was greased with falsehood and treachery all over the body.
 ☞ 我感到他对人虚假。
 ☞ I think he is dishonest with people.
 ☞ 他发现他竞雇了个虚伪的家伙来为他工作。
 ☞ He found that he should have employed a dishonest fellow working for him.
 ☞ 我可以原谅错误,但不能原谅虚假。
 ☞ I can forgive a mistake but I can't forgive dishonesty.
 ☞ 知识的问题是一个科学的问题,来不得半点的虚假与骄傲。
 ☞ Knowledge is a matter of science, and no dishonesty or conceit whatever is permissible.
 ☞ 虚假的友谊长不了。
 ☞ Hypocritical friendship won't last long.
 ☞ 工作没干好还表扬,真是虚伪。
 ☞ It is hypocritical indeed to praise bad work.
 ☞ 他的宗教信仰纯粹是虚假的。
 ☞ All his religion was sheer hypocrisy.
 ☞ 他说他赞成提案,但又投反对票。这体现了他的虚伪。
 ☞ He showed his hypocrisy by saying that he was for the bill and then voting against it.
 ☞ 此人虚伪。
 ☞ That chap is a hypocrite.
 ☞ 做学问要老老实实,不能有半点虚假。
 ☞ Academic work must be honest, without any sophistry我们的计划不能寄托在这种虚假的可能性上。
 ☞ Our plan must not rest on such spurious possibility 他为人实在,从不虚伪。
 ☞ He is perfectly candid and never two-faced.
虚实 虚实
  ■ “虚实”是中国特有的一个哲学概念,英语中没有相应的对应词,故处理时要根据上下文灵活对待。
1.appearance and fact,指事实与表象。
 ☞ 你要记住虚不掩实。
 ☞ You must keep in mind that false appearance can never cover up facts.
2.true condition, 指真实情况或军事实力。
 ☞ 我方侦察员潜入敌占区,探听敌军虚实。
 ☞ Our scouts slipped into the enemy-occupied area to spy on the enemy's true condition.
3.true and false, truth and falsehood,指真假或真真假假。
 ☞ 我们不知虚实,如何行动?
 ☞ How could we take action when we didn't know whether it was true or false?
 ☞ 一定要虚虚实实,让敌人摸不着头脑。
 ☞ Be sure to throw the enemy into confusion by interweaving truth with falsehood.
4.feints and ambushes, 指由真真假假具体化为佯攻和伏击。
 ☞ 游击队以虚虚实实的战术,使日本鬼子疲于奔命。
 ☞ The guerrilla forces tired out the Japes by feints and ambushes.
5.hollow and solid,指中空与密实。
 ☞ 先贤教导说:“虚则实之,实则虚之。”
 ☞ A sage of the past teaches: "The hollow is to be regarded as solid and the solid as hollow."
6.real and unreal, 指现实与想象。
 ☞ 处事要虚中有实,实中有虚。
 ☞ To deal with matters one must provide for the real in the unreal and for the unreal in the real.
7.ideological and practical,指思想与实际。
 ☞ 至于失业工人的问题,我们的工作要虚实并举。
 ☞ As to the problem of the unemployed, we must do both ideological and practical work.
虚心 虚心
1.an open mind,指放开心胸。
 ☞ 在他的教导下,大家都虚心学习。
 ☞ Everybody learned with an open mind under his instruction.
 ☞ 中央领导干部下乡来虚心体察下情。
 ☞ The leading cadres of the central authorities went to the countryside to look into the conditions below with an open mind.
2.a receptive mind,指乐于接受的心胸。
 ☞ 他下基层时总是深入调查,虚心研究。
 ☞ When he went down to the grass-roots units he always made thorough investigation and studied with a receptive mind.
 ☞ 他好学,凡事都虚心求教。
 ☞ He is fond of learning. Whatever he does he always takes advice with a receptive mind.
3.modest, modestly, modesty,指谦虚。
 ☞ 真正的伟人必然虚心。
 ☞ Really great men are essentially modest.
 ☞ 人人都应虚心学习。
 ☞ Everybody must learn modestly.
 ☞ 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
 ☞ Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
虚构 虚构
1.fiction, fictitious,指故事性的虚构。
 ☞ 她说她有个有钱的外祖父,肯定是虚构的。
 ☞ The story about her rich grandfather was certainly a fiction.
 ☞ 他对犯罪经过的叙述完全是虚构的。
 ☞ His account of the crime was a sheer fiction.
 ☞ 有些演员仅凭虚构的台词就能调动自己的感情。
 ☞ Some players can work themselves up to passion by a mere fictitious speech.
 ☞ 他对我们所讲的政府机关是个虚构的实体。
 ☞ The government organization he told us was a fictitious entity.
 ☞ 小说中的人物是虚构的,却又是生活的真实。
 ☞ The characters in the fiction were imaginary, but true to life。
 ☞ 孩子们在田野里打了一场虚构的战争。
 ☞ The children fought an imaginary battle in the fields.
3.fanciful, 指幻想性的虚构。
 ☞ 她常常给孩子们讲虚构的故事。
 ☞ She often tells the children fanciful stories.
 ☞ 如果人们不受科学实验的限制和约束,可能就会提出一些虚构的设想。
 ☞ People would produce fanciful ideas if they were unbridled by the limitations of scientific experiments.
4.fabricate, fabrication, 指捏造性的虚构。
 ☞ 这个说法是虚构的,完全不是真的。
 ☞ The story was fabricated and completely untrue.
 ☞ 他所建立的功绩听起来完全不可信,因此很多人都认为他的经历是虚构的。
 ☞ The feats he achieved sounded completely improbable that many people considered his experiences fabricated.
 ☞ 这纯属虚构。
 ☞ It was a sheer fabrication.
 ☞ 他们是真人真事,不是睡梦中虚构出来的。
 ☞ They were real people and real events, not someone or something invented in a dream.
 ☞ 你从虚构的故事里得到了乐趣,而我们却倒了大霉。
 ☞ It was you who got pleasure out of the story you invented, but we suffered a lot.
6.make up,义同invent。
 ☞ 他虚构情节,写了篇小说。
 ☞ He wrote a story, making up a plot.
 ☞ 有些所谓的新闻是在报馆的办公室里虚构出来的。
 ☞ Some so-called news items are made up in the newspaper office.
虽然(虽,虽说) 虽然(虽,虽说)
  ■ “虽然”、“虽”、“虽说”是三个同义词,都用来引出让步从句。“虽然”和“虽”都是书面用语,前者多与双音词连用,后者常与单音词搭配。“虽说”则是口头用语。
 ☞ 工作虽然辛苦,但我喜欢。
 ☞ Though it's hard work, I enjoy it.
 ☞ 虽然明天要下雨,咱们可别耽误行程。
 ☞ Let us not defer our trip though it will rain tomorrow.
 ☞ 虽非同日生,但愿同日死。
 ☞ Though we were born on different days, we are prepared to die on the same day.
 ☞ 虽说小王来工厂的时间不长,可已技术熟练,经验老到。
 ☞ Wang is quite skilled and experienced though he's been in the factory for only a short time.
2.although,与though同义,但在用法上略有不同:(1) though通常可指事实也可指设想,但although一般只指事实;(2) though可放在句首,也可放在句中,但although 一般部放在句首,只有强调时才放在句中;(3) 在倒装句中只用though,不用although。
 ☞ 虽然我们在技术上暂时有点落后,但我们完全相信有能力及时赶上。
 ☞ Although we are somewhat backward technologically for the moment, we have perfect faith in our ability to catch up in time.
  ■ 倒装句时应用though来代替although。
 ☞ Backward somewhat technologically though we are for the moment, we have perfect faith in our ability to catch up in time.
 ☞ 他虽穷,但对朋友却很慷慨。
 ☞ Although he was poor, he was quite generous to his friends.
 ☞ 虽说我喜欢音乐,但我不会唱歌。
 ☞ Although I like music, I cannot sing.
 ☞ 那里的生活虽然充满了艰辛,但也充满了欢乐与激动。
 ☞ If life there was full of hardships, it was also full of joy and excitement.
 ☞ 辩论虽然激烈了一点,但却是健康的。
 ☞ The debates were healthy, if a bit stormy.
 ☞ 安排虽说不理想,但也相当满意。
 ☞ The arrangements, if not ideal, are fairly satisfactory.
4.given that,与if同义,表示假设从句与主句意义发生转折时的让步。
 ☞ 草原虽大,但耕地不多。
 ☞ Given that the grassland is vast, the arable land is limited.
 ☞ 他虽说是个孩子,但知道的东西不少。
 ☞ Given that he is a child, he knows a lot of things.
 ☞ 虽然给了他同样的治疗,他还是没能好起来。
 ☞ Given that he was treated the same way he failed to get well.
 ☞ 我虽然欣赏这一荣誉,但我不能接受这一职位。
 ☞ While I appreciate the honor, I cannot accept the position.
 ☞ 虽然捕鱼依然是他们的主业,但岛上已建立起了多样化的经济。
 ☞ While fishing is still their main occupation, a diversified economy has been built on the island.
 ☞ 武器虽说重要,但不是决定性的。
 ☞ Weapons, while important, are not decisive.
 ☞ 我虽然很想去,但目前却去不成。
 ☞ Much as I should like to go, I cannot go right now.
 ☞ 他虽是个孩子,却很懂得区别是非。
 ☞ Child as he is, he knows enough to tell good from bad.
 ☞ 这一概念虽说简单,但当时的科学界没能予以认可。
 ☞ Simple as the idea was, the then scientific world failed to have recognized it.
 ☞ 他虽然是个烟鬼,但还是戒了烟。
 ☞ Confirmed smoker that he was, he managed to give up smoking.
 ☞ 我虽说愚蠢,也还不至于干这种事。
 ☞ Fool that I am, I know better than to do that.
 ☞ 他虽是个学童,但面对集会讲起话来毫不怯场。
 ☞ Schoolboy that he was, he addressed the gathering with no fear.
 ☞ 前景虽说光明,但我们还得准备意外。
 ☞ However bright the outlook is, we must be prepared for all contingencies.
 ☞ 这些呼吁虽然正义,却被置之不理。
 ☞ These appeals, however just, were disregarded.
 ☞ 那些对自己没有信心的人,虽强亦弱。
 ☞ They are the weakest, however strong, who have no faith in themselves.
 ☞ 你说的虽然是真的,但还是不近人情。
 ☞ What you said was true but n was nevertheless unreasonable.
 ☞ 他虽有车可坐,却宁愿步行。
 ☞ He prefer to walk when he might ride.
 ☞ 虽然她可以享受一切美好的东西,她却宁愿与穷人呆在一起。
 ☞ She had chosen to stay among poor folks when she might have had everything of the best.
 ☞ 打个比方,就好像房门虽然开着,可我们那位作者却偏要爬太平梯出去一样。
 ☞ To use a metaphor, our writer here chose to get out of the room by a fire-escape when the door was open.
10.because,引入的原因从句由于主句中用了none the less这一让步用词,从而使主从句中的意义发生转折。
 ☞ 这事虽说听起来奇怪,其实还是真的。
 ☞ It is none the less true because it sounds strange.
 ☞ 这一行动虽然是在别人的挑衅下做出的,但还是应受到谴责。
 ☞ The act was none the less reprehensible because it was done under provocation.
 ☞ 他们虽然犯错误,我们还是友好地对待他们。
 ☞ We treat them none the less kindly because they have committed mistakes.
11.not but that,引入的从句都放在句末,补充说明从句的句意与主句相反,从而使之转折。
 ☞ 我不能来,虽然我想来。
 ☞ I can't come, not but that I'd like to.
 ☞ 我们的老师非常和蔼,虽然她在原则问题上也会非常严厉。
 ☞ Our teacher was extremely kind, not but that she could be very stem on matters of principle.
 ☞ 你有了很大的进步,虽然还要继续努力。
 ☞ You have made very good progress, not but that continued efforts are necessary.
12.all the same,引入的句子表示尽管有些周折,还是按原来的样子办事。
 ☞ 虽然大家都反对,不过他们还是结了婚。
 ☞ Everybody opposed it, but they got married all the same.
 ☞ 虽然你说桥没有问题,我们还是要维护的。
 ☞ You say the bridge is safe but we'll take care all the same.
1) 表示让步的定语从句(一般都为非限制性定语)。
 ☞ 玻璃虽然一碰就碎,却受得住高压。
 ☞ Class, which breaks at a blow, is nevertheless, capable of withstanding great pressure.
 ☞ 好多人虽然自己也忙,却能找时间帮助人。
 ☞ Many, who themselves were busy, yet found time to help others.
  ■ 但有时也有限制性定语用于让步的。
 ☞ 有的人虽然看得见,却是瞎子;而有的人虽然是瞎子却看得见。
 ☞ Some people see who are blind, and others who are blind see.
2) 表示让步的定语和分词。
 ☞ 虽然他们的义愤开始时是正直的,但后来却带有很多令人反感的色彩。
 ☞ Their indignation, virtuous in its origins, acquired much of the character of personal aversion.
 ☞ 蝙蝠,虽然几乎是全盲,却有辨别声音的惊人能力。
 ☞ The bat, all but stone-blind, has a marvelous faculty of discriminating sounds.
 ☞ 虽然四面受敌,那一小支守军仍屹立如故。
 ☞ Pressed on all sides, the small garrison stood as firm as ever.
 ☞ 孩子们玩的时间虽说比平时多,却嚷着还要再玩。
 ☞ Having had more than their usual share of pleasure, the children are still clamoring for more.
3) 表示让步的状语。
 ☞ 工作与娱乐,性质上虽然对立,却必然要联系在一起。
 ☞ Toil and pleasure, in their nature opposites, are linked together in a kind of necessary connection.
 ☞ 她虽说没有这方面的专门知识,却具有欣赏音乐的能力。
 ☞ Without any technical knowledge, she has acquired a good taste of music.
 ☞ 天虽冷,我们却坚持得十分出色。
 ☞ In spite of the cold, we kept up wonderfully.
 ☞ 虽然弹片横飞,我们的战士仍镇定自如。
 ☞ Amid all hurling shell fragments, our soldiers kept their heads as usual.
融化(熔化) 融化(熔化)
 ☞ 积雪开始融化,道路变得泥泞。
 ☞ The snow began to thaw and roads became muddy.
 ☞ 太阳融化了河里的冰。
 ☞ The sun thawed the ice on the river.
 ☞ 冰冻的食物烹调前先得融化。
 ☞ Frozen food must be thawed before cooking.
 ☞ 铅熔化的温度比其他一些金属低。
 ☞ Lead will fuse at a lower temperature than some other metals.
 ☞ 锌和铜熔化后可制成黄铜。
 ☞ Zinc and copper are fused to make brass.
3.melt,指固体融化或熔化为液体,因此可以覆盖上面两个词的词义。但应注意过去分词melted和molten的搭配。如:molted ice, melted butter, molten steel, molten iron等。
 ☞ 湖上的冰已经融化了。
 ☞ The ice on the lake has already melted.
 ☞ 纯铁加热到掇氏1,535度就熔化了。
 ☞ Pure iron melts at 1,5350C.
  ■ 除此之外,melt还用于其他固体的融化。
 ☞ 黄油加热时就逐渐融化。
 ☞ The butter is melting when heated.
 ☞ 嘴里含块咳嗽糖慢慢融化。
 ☞ Let the cough drop melt in your mouth 岩浆是熔化了的岩石。
 ☞ Lava is molten rock.

 ☞ 日行三千步,不用去药铺。
 ☞ Walk three thousand steps a day and you'll keep medicine away.
 ☞ 我们把活着的死人叫做“行尸走肉”。
 ☞ We call a dead-alive person "a walking corpse and running flesh".
 ☞ 儿行千里母担忧。
 ☞ When children travel far from home, mothers never stop worrying.
 ☞ 日行千里,夜行八百已不是梦想。
 ☞ It is not a dream now to travel 1,000 miles a day and 800 miles by night.
3.cover, 指走完一段路程。
 ☞ 行百里者半九十。
 ☞ To cover 90 percent of one's destined distance brings the traveler no farther than the midway.
 ☞ 现在日行千里对普通人已是常事。
 ☞ Nowadays it is a common occurrence for ordinary people to cover a thousand miles in a single day.
4.journey, trip,指旅途。
 ☞ 千里之行,始于足下。
 ☞ A thousand-lid journey starts with the first step.
 ☞ 这次非洲之行充满了艰险。
 ☞ The trip to Africa was filled with hardships and dangers.
5.go no where, get sb. no where,均指某种做法行不通。
 ☞ 现在形势逼人,不学习不行。
 ☞ The situation is pressing. We can go no where without further study.
 ☞ 这样的做法是绝对行不通的。
 ☞ This course of action will get us nowhere.
6.do, practice, perform,指实行、实施。
 ☞ 他行善从来不图报。
 ☞ He never expects a reward for doing good.
 ☞ 行医济世是医生的天职。
 ☞ It is a doctor's bounden duty to practice medicine in order to save people.
 ☞ 在中国式的结婚典礼上,新郎新娘行礼如仪。
 ☞ The bridegroom and bride perform acts of ceremony at the Chinese-style wedding as they are demanded.
 ☞ 没有铁丝,用绳子也行。
 ☞ If there is no wire, a cord will do.
7.conduct, deed, behavior, behave, 指行为。
 ☞ 根据我们的观察,此人行不苟合,可以重用。
 ☞ According to our observation there was no compromise in his conduct, so he can be employed at high levels.
 ☞ 行成于思而毁于随。
 ☞ A deed is accomplished through taking thought and fails through lack of thought.
 ☞ 君子行不逾方。
 ☞ A gentleman should be very orthodox in his behavior.
 ☞ 他打碎了一个珍贵的花瓶却行若无事。
 ☞ He behaved as if nothing had happened though he had broken a precious vase.
8.all right, OK,表示允许或征求别人允许。
 ☞ 行,你可以用我的汽车。
 ☞ All right, you can use my car.
 ☞ 咱们走着去行不行?
 ☞ Will it be all right if we go on foot?
 "Would you run over to the railway station for me, OK?" "OK! "
9.competent, capable, up to, terrific等,指称职、能干、胜任、棒等。
 ☞ 我感到自己还行。
 ☞ I feel pretty competent.
 ☞ 不要以为只有你才行。
 ☞ Don't think you're the only capable.
 ☞ 你看这姑娘干这工作行吗?
 ☞ Do you think the girl is up to the job?
 ☞ 你真行。
 ☞ You're really terrific.
10.not allowed, no good, no position,均指不行。
 ☞ 在快车道上骑自行车可不行。
 ☞ Cycling along the motorway is not allowed.
 ☞ 新社会了,你那套办辜的老法子不行了。
 ☞ We're in the new society now, your old way of doing things is no good any more.
 ☞ 以其昏昏,使人昭昭是不行的。
 ☞ Those in the dark are in no position to light the way for others.
 ☞ 苏轼认为作文应如行云流水,“行于所当行,止于所不可不止。”
 ☞ Su Shi believed that writing should resemble floating clouds and flowing water, "going whither it wants to go and stopping whenever it is right to stop."
 ☞ 尔求胜心切,故行与愿悖。
 ☞ You acted against your wishes because you were too anxious to perform a meritorious service.
 ☞ 他的弱点是行而不决。
 ☞ His weak-point was that he was not resolute enough in his course of action.
 ☞ 他们认为女人只要看好孩子,做好饭就行了。
 ☞ They thought that as long as women took good care of the children and cooked good meals, it was enough.
 ☞ 老夫行将就木,何忧何惧?
 ☞ What is there to worry about when I'm on the threshold of the grave?
行为 行为
 ☞ 般可以换用。
 ☞ 他的英勇行为将永远为人们所怀念。
 ☞ His heroic act (action) will be remembered forever.
 ☞ 那是一次他为之深深懊悔的行为。
 ☞ It was an act (action) that he was to regret bitterly.
  ■ 如果强调具体的行动,act似乎用得多一点。
 ☞ 那是一次愚蠢(残暴、疯狂、慈爱)的行为。
 ☞ It was an act of folly (cruelty, madness, kindness)
 ☞ 你必须对你的行为负责。
 ☞ You must be responsible for your acts.
  ■ 但在泛指一般概念上的行为时,action似乎又用得多一点。
 ☞ 人大代表在会上批评某些地方官员的这些行为。
 ☞ Deputies to the National People's Congress criticized the actions of some local officials.
 ☞ 我们应当用我们时代的道德标准来评判过去的行为。
 ☞ We should judge the actions of the past by the moral standard of our age.
 ☞ 我们都对他最近的行为不满。
 ☞ We are all dissatisfied with him over his recent conduct.
 ☞ 她由于行为不端而受到指责。
 ☞ She was charged with dishonorable conduct.
 ☞ 学生考试作弊是不良行为。
 ☞ It is bad conduct for students to cheat in examinations.
 ☞ 在公园里攀摘树枝是不良行为。
 ☞ It is bad conduct (a bad act) to break off the branches of a tree in a park.
3.deed, 指包含有智慧、责任在内的行为。常与辉煌、成就等相联系。因此与act相比其行为带有永久性。常用复数,用单数时也可与不定冠词a连用。
 ☞ 英雄们的行为即使在他们身后也将永远活在人们的心中。
 ☞ Heroes' deeds will live forever in people's heart even after them.
 ☞ 我可以把解放军战士在防洪中的英雄行为告诉你,不过会让你大吃一惊的。
 ☞ I could tell you PLA men's heroic deeds in the prevention of floods that would shock you.
 ☞ 这是一种值得大大表扬的行为。
 ☞ It was a deed worthy of great praise.
 ☞ 她不由得把她父亲奇怪的行为与日夜折磨她心灵的秘密联系起来。
 ☞ She could not help connecting her father's strange behavior with the secret, which tormented her heart day and night.
 ☞ 他的行为无论在哪一方面都是完美无缺的。
 ☞ His behavior was in every way perfect.
 ☞ 我为你的行为感到可耻。
 ☞ I feel ashamed of your behavior.
 ☞ 你怎么解释你的行为?
 ☞ What is the explanation of your behavior?
行动 行动
 ☞ 这种觉悟正在变成行动。
 ☞ That consciousness is being transformed into action.
 ☞ 整个行动的基础是正确的判断。
 ☞ All action was based on the accurate judgment.
  ■ 不过action具体化时也可用做可数名词。
 ☞ 抢救遇难船只上的船员是一次英雄的行动。
 ☞ The rescue of a shipwrecked crew is a heroic action.
 ☞ 行动胜于语言。
 ☞ Actions speak louder than words.
2.act, 指个人的、具体的、单一的、短暂的行动,强调行动的结果。一般用作可数名词。
 ☞ 这是一次效果立竿见影的行动。
 ☞ It was an act whose effects were immediate.
 ☞ 这是我个人的行动,为什么要把我父母扯进来?
 ☞ It is my own act. Why do you bring my parents in?
  ■ 但如果抽象化,act也可用作不可数名词。
 ☞ 18岁是思想与行动成熟的年龄。
 ☞ Eighteen is a mature age in thought and act.
  ■ 此外,act还可用做动词,不过这时的行动既可指个人的,也可指众人的。
 ☞ 你们将会看到我将如何行动。
 ☞ You will see how I shall act.
 ☞ 如果我们共同行动,就能防止这场战争。
 ☞ We can prevent the war if we act in concert.
 ☞ 我们需要的是行动,而不是言词。
 ☞ Acts, not words, are what we need.
 ☞ 这次行动成功之后,胡志明主席飞到北京来感谢中国同志。
 ☞ After the success of this operation President Ho Chi Minh flew to Beijing to thank the Chinese comrades.
 ☞ 我军很快就挫败了敌人的“扫荡”行动。
 ☞ Soon our troops frustrated the enemy's "mopping up"  ☞ operations.
4.get about,指走动、行动。
 ☞ 手术后,他的行动有点不便。
 ☞ He had some difficulty getting about after the operation.
 ☞ 有了出租汽车,使人们的行动更加方便。
 ☞ Taxis make it easier for people to get about.
衣服 衣服
 ☞ 外边冷,多穿点衣服。
 ☞ It's cold outside. Put on more clothes.
 ☞ 你妈给我穿的衣服多得可以要人的命。
 ☞ Your mother put enough clothes on me to kill a man.
 ☞ 他从来不换衣服,衬衣、裤子都脏得要命。
 ☞ He never changes his clothes. His shirt and trousers are terribly filthy.
  ■ 由于clothes只有复数,因此一套衣服要用a suit of clothes,一件衣服则要用an article of clothing。
 ☞ 我昨天买了一套衣服。
 ☞ I bought a suit of clothes yesterday.
 ☞ 最最紧迫的问题是要为红军搞到冬衣。
 ☞ The most urgent problem was to get warm clothing for the Red Army.
 ☞ 这里的食物要比上海便宜,相反衣服要比上海贵。
 ☞ Food here is cheaper than in Shanghai. Clothing, on the other hand, is dearer.
 ☞ 大衣是一件衣服。
 ☞ An overcoat is an article of clothing.
  ■ 同时,clothing所指的衣服不仅指衣、裤等,还指被褥、帽子、手套等。故下面的句子只能用clothing。
 ☞ 寒带地区需要许多衣服。
 ☞ Much clothing is needed in cold frigid zones.
3.dress, 指外用衣服,常指女服或定服装。
 ☞ 土著人的衣服相当独特。
 ☞ The dress of the natives is quite unique.
 ☞ 这部电影里的男女演员都穿着500年前的衣服。
 ☞ In this movie the actors and actresses wear the dresses of 500 years ago.
 ☞ 漂亮女人都穿着最时髦的衣服。
 ☞ All the pretty women wear their smartest dresses.
 ☞ 孩子们都穿着色彩鲜艳的衣服在草地上玩耍。
 ☞ Children in bright-colored dresses played on the grass.
 ☞ 这是一件能使你的胸部和腰部线条及轮廓毕露的衣服。
 ☞ This is a garment that gives you the bust and waistline contours.
 ☞ 这衣服缝制得很合身。
 ☞ The garment is well tailored.
 ☞ 本店销售各种衣服。
 ☞ This shop sells garments of all kinds.
 ☞ 她一直在问我穿什么样的衣服去参加晚会。
 ☞ She kept asking me about what costume she was to wear to go to the evening party.
 ☞ 农民跳舞时穿的是当地人的衣服。
 ☞ The peasants danced in their native costumes.

 ☞ 好一点的裁缝能补那件上衣。
 ☞ A good tailor can mend that coat.
 ☞ 他要母亲补一补裤袋里的一个洞。
 ☞ He asked his mother to mend the hole in the pocket of his trousers.
 ☞ 他把衣服送去补了。
 ☞ He had sent his clothes to be mended.
 ☞ 她把我的袜子全补好了。
 ☞ She has all of my socks mended.
2.patch (up),常指打补丁。
 ☞ 她在补她的一条裤子。
 ☞ She was patching a pair of her trousers.
 ☞ 她的衣服烂了,有好多处都是补过的。
 ☞ Her clothes were torn and patched in a good many places.
 ☞ 我的旧上衣得补一补了。
 ☞ My old coat must be patched up.
3.make up,常指补救。
 ☞ 他昨夜没睡,现在正在补瞌睡。
 ☞ He didn't go to bed last night and now is making up sleep.
 ☞ 你缺的课得补一补。
 ☞ The lessons you missed should be made up.
 ☞ 你缺考得补上。
 ☞ The exam you missed has to be made up.
 ☞ 你没考及格,要补考。
 ☞ The exam you failed has to be made up.
 ☞ 吃水果可补维生素C的不足。
 ☞ The deficiency of vitamin C can be made up by eating fruits.
  ■ make up后再跟for,可表原因。故上句也可译为:
 ☞ We can make up for the deficiency of vitamin C by eating fruits.
 ☞ 勤能补拙。
 ☞ One can make up for lack of natural talent only by working hard.
 ☞ 我的牙已补好了。
 ☞ I have had my tooth filled.
 ☞ 我们还得补两个人。
 ☞ We have two vacancies to be filled.
 ☞ 我们财务科里的空缺还没补上。
 ☞ The vacant post in our finance section has not yet been filled.
 ☞ 这于事无补。
 ☞ It doesn't help the matter.
 ☞ 不无小补。
 ☞ That's not without some help.
  ■ 如果这种补助作用还不够明显,可以在help后面加补充意义的动词。
 ☞ 中国人相信鸡肝补血。
 ☞ The Chinese believe that chicken liver helps enrich blood.
 ☞ 据说这种草药补骨。
 ☞ It is said that this kind of medicinal herb helps strengthen bones.
 ☞ 你吃点补药补补元气。
 ☞ You'd better take some tonic to help restore your vitality.
6.supply (with), supplement(with),常指增补。
 ☞ 你最好把作文里漏的词补上。
 ☞ You'd better supply the missing words in your composition.
 ☞ 地方政府给我们补给养。
 ☞ The local government supplies us with provisions.
 ☞ 正文疏漏之处都得补上。
 ☞ Any omission in the text must be supplemented.
 ☞ 他服维生素来补补平时的营养。
 ☞ He supplements his diet with vitamin pills.
7.stop (up),指填补裂缝、漏洞等。
 ☞ 我用水泥补了补墙上的裂缝。
 ☞ I stopped the cracks in the wall with cement.
 ☞ 医生今天给我补了牙齿。
 ☞ The dentist stopped my tooth today.或The dentist stopped up a cavity in my tooth today.
 ☞ 水罐漏水,上面的洞得补一补。
 ☞ The jar is leaking. The hole in it should be stopped up.
 ☞ 增加的工资马上就要补发。
 ☞ The increased wages will soon be paid retroactively.
 ☞ 材料丢了不补。
 ☞ The material will not be reissued if lost.
 ☞ 这点钱补不了我们的损失。
 ☞ Such a sum of money will not compensate for the loss we have suffered.
表态 表态
1.表明立场,用take a stand, on one's side。
 ☞ 我们都明确表态反对资产阶级自由化。
 ☞ We took a clearest stand against bourgeois liberalism.
 ☞ 如果他要我投他的票,他就得在东西方关系上表态。
 ☞ If he wants my vote, he'll have to take a stand on the question of East-West relations.
 ☞ 她没有表态。
 ☞ She did not say which side she was on.
2.表明观点,用pronounce (oneself) on, declare oneself。
 ☞ 我认为我没有资格对此事表态。
 ☞ I do not consider myself qualified to pronounce on the matter.
 ☞ 她老爱在几乎一无所知的事情上表态。
 ☞ She is too ready to pronounce on matters of which she really knows very little.
 ☞ 对这个有争议的问题委员会应该表态。
 ☞ This is a controversial issue on which the committee ought to pronounce itself.
 ☞ 现在该我们表态了。
 ☞ It is time for us to declare ourselves.
 ☞ 我们将在适当的场合表态。
 ☞ We will declare ourselves on a proper occasion.
3.表示承担责任,用commit oneself。
 ☞ 他拒绝在进行必要的调查研究以前对有争论的问题表态。
 ☞ He refused to commit himself on the controversial subject before making due investigations.
 ☞ 他们同情这一建议,不过对公开表态却十分谨慎。
 ☞ They sympathized with the proposal, although they were careful not to commit themselves openly.
4.表示支持或反对,用come out for (against)。
 ☞ 他在书中明确表态,坚决主张新闻自由。
 ☞ In his book he came out most strongly for freedom of the press.
 ☞ 许多众议员表态反对该项提案。
 ☞ Many congressmen came out against the bill.
表演 表演
1.泛指一切表演,用perform, give a performance。
 ☞ 同学们用英语表演了许多节目。
 ☞ My schoolmates performed many items in English.
 ☞ 我爱看魔术师表演各种魔术。
 ☞ I love to watch a conjurer performing tricks.
 ☞ 她要在晚会上表演。
 ☞ She is going to give a performance at the evening party.
 ☞ 大家请你表演一个节目。
 ☞ You are requested to give a performance.
  ■ performance还可用于贬义。
 ☞ 他号召扩充军备的演说是一场拙劣的表演。
 ☞ His address in favor of arms expansion was a wretched performance.
 ☞ 我就要看看她表演。
 ☞ I just want to see her act.
 ☞ 我们同学在今晚表演。
 ☞ Our students are acting tonight.
  ■ act也可用于贬义。
 ☞ 她不是真哭,不过是表演罢了。
 ☞ She's not really crying, she's only acting.
 ☞ 昨天我去首都体育馆看了一场体育表演。
 ☞ Yesterday I went to the Capital Stadium to see a sports exhibition.
 ☞ 有时他们也举行表演赛。
 ☞ Sometimes they also hold exhibition matches.
 ☞ 星期六晚上有一场拳击表演。
 ☞ There will be a boxing exhibition on Saturday evening.
 ☞ 她被送到国外的万国博览会上表演去了。
 ☞ She has been sent abroad to demonstrate at the international fairs.
 ☞ 教员向全班表演了新操作法。
 ☞ The instructor demonstrated to the class the new operational technique.
 ☞ 大家看到他愚蠢的表演哈哈大笑。
 ☞ Everyone burst into laughter at his foolish antics 小丑古怪的表演把我们都逗乐了。
 ☞ The clown amused us by his odd antics.
  ■ antics也可用于贬义。
 ☞ 我们大家都痛恨阶级敌人的种种丑恶表演。
 ☞ The antics of the class enemy were bitterly hated by everyone of us.
表现 表现
 ☞ 他问了一两个问题,有意表现他聪明。
 ☞ He asked a question or two designed to show his intelligence.
 ☞ 他想些什么,从来不表现出来。
 ☞ He never shows what he thinks.
 ☞ 他们没有表现出丝毫悔改的意思。
 ☞ They didn't show the slightest sign of repentance.
 ☞ 他表现了很高的绘画天赋。
 ☞ He shows great aptitude for painting.
 ☞ 他年轻时就表现出很强的工作能力。
 ☞ Even as a young man he showed great capacity for work.
 ☞ 在这场斗争中,我国人民在党的领导下表现了高度的政治觉悟和坚强的团结。
 ☞ Under the leadership of the Party our people displayed a high level of political consciousness and firm unity in this struggle.
 ☞ 两队都表现了高超的技艺和良好的作风。
 ☞ Both teams displayed first-rate skills and fine sportsmanship.
 ☞ 我们的士兵在战斗中表现得十分勇敢。
 ☞ Our men exhibited great bravery in the battle.
 ☞ 直到最近,他们始终表现了一种高度的自给自足。
 ☞ Until recently, they have always exhibited a high degree of self-sufficiency.
 ☞ 他对学习没有表现出多少兴趣。
 ☞ He doesn't manifest much interest in his studies.
 ☞ 自由主义表现各不相同。
 ☞ Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.
 ☞ 他的病在航行期间表现出来了。
 ☞ His disease manifested itself during the voyage.
4.express,常用语,常用于表现感情、现象,主语可以是人也可以是物,give expression则为书面用语。
 ☞ 他在斗争中表现了对劳动人民的同情。
 ☞ In the struggle he expressed his sympathy for the working people.
 ☞ 毕加索的名画《格尔尼卡》表现了对战争的极度恐怖。
 ☞ Picasso's painting entitled Guernica expresses a profound horror of war.
 ☞ 我们国家男女平等,这表现在同工同酬上。
 ☞ In our country women are on an equal footing with men, this is expressed in equal pay for equal work.
 ☞ 他们的任务就是用艺术表现这些斗争。
 ☞ Their task is to give artistic expression to these struggles.
 ☞ 资产阶级、小资产阶级,他们的思想意识是一定要表现出来的。
 ☞ Inevitably, the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie will give expression to their own ideologies.
 ☞ 表现革命战争的现实主义作品现在受到欢迎。
 ☞ Realistic works depicting revolutionary war are well received now.
 ☞ 他在这幅画里表现了怒海孤舟。
 ☞ In this picture he has depicted a single boat in a rough sea.
 ☞ 伊拉克和伊朗都各自表现了对华盛顿的不满。
 ☞ Both Iraq and Iran indicated respectively their dissatisfaction with Washington.
 ☞ 各个方面的分歧在会上表现得十分清楚。
 ☞ The areas of disagreement were clearly indicated at the meeting.
7.assert oneself,常用于出于维护自己的权利或权威,来表现自己。主语可以是人,也可以是物。
 ☞ 阶级敌人一定要找机会表现他们自己。
 ☞ The class enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert themselves.
 ☞ 这时他坚定不移的天性表现出来了。
 ☞ The firmness of his nature began to assert itself.
 ☞ 你们在对敌斗争中表现了极大的勇敢、智慧和积极性。
 ☞ You have demonstrated immense courage, wisdom and enthusiasm in the struggle against the enemy.
 ☞ 这一简单的道理在一个小镇的民防演习中表现得颇具戏剧性。
 ☞ This simple truth was demonstrated rather dramatically during a civil defense exercise in a small town.
9.behave,act,conduct oneself,常用于行为举止的表现。
 ☞ 你确实表现不错。
 ☞ You really behave well.
 ☞ 她表现得像个孩子。
 ☞ She behaved as if she were a child.
 ☞ 他儿子在学校里表现不好。
 ☞ His son acts badly in school.
 ☞ 你表现得十分慷慨。
 ☞ You have acted generously.
 ☞ 孩子们在晚会上表现很好。
 ☞ The children conducted themselves well at the evening party.
 ☞ 她舞会上表现得十分优雅。
 ☞ She conducted herself in a most gracious manner at the ball.
10.give a good account of oneself,常指在某一方面表现身手。
 ☞ 他在前线表现得好。
 ☞ He gave a good account of himself at the front.
 ☞ 我们的青年选手虽然缺乏经验,但在比赛中表现很好。
 ☞ Although much less experienced, our young players gave a good account of themselves in competitions.
表示 表示
 ☞ 对这一成就他表示满意。
 ☞ He expressed his satisfaction with this achievement.
 ☞ 两国首脑对该地区的形势表示关切。
 ☞ The heads of both countries expressed their concern over the situation in that area.
 ☞ 他在发言中表示支持南非黑人争取基本人权的斗争。
 ☞ In his speech he expressed his support for the Black people in South Africa in their struggle for fundamental human rights.
 ☞ 我谨向你表示衷心的祝贺。
 ☞ I wish to express to you our heavy congratulations.
 ☞ 我们对你来我们学校后所作的贡献表示满意。
 ☞ We express our satisfaction with the contributions you have made since you came to our college.
 ☞ 他点头表示同意。
 ☞ He indicated his approval with a nod of the head.
 ☞ 你可以用手指来表示方向。
 ☞ You can indicate the direction by pointing with your finger.
 ☞ 她摇头表示从未听说过。
 ☞ She shook her head to indicate that she had never heard of it。
 ☞ 这一事实只不过表示敌人的虚弱而已。
 ☞ The fact only indicates the enemy's weakness.
 ☞ 代数里的符号 "X" 一般表示未知数。
 ☞ In algebra, the sign "X" usually denotes an unknown number.
 ☞ 闪烁的灯光表示前面是险道。
 ☞ The flashing lights denote dangerous roads ahead.
 ☞ 微笑往往表示愉快。
 ☞ A smile often denotes pleasure.
 ☞ 这幅草图表示了该设计思想的大体轮廓。
 ☞ This sketch conveyed some idea of the design.
 ☞ 作者想通过这个故事向读者表示什么呢?
 ☞ What is it that the author wants to convey to his readers through the story?
5.表示某种标志、象征,可用in token of。
 ☞ 我国外长访问了该国,表示两国间的友好关系。
 ☞ Our foreign minister visited that country in token of the friendly relations between the two countries.
 ☞ 这表示我的同情和支持。
 ☞ This is in token of my sympathy and support.
 ☞ 她惟一表示的意思是她不想听。
 ☞ She had made the only remark that she did not wish to hear.
 ☞ 我父亲在吃晚饭时没有表示意见。
 ☞ My father made no comment during supper.
 ☞ 她耸耸肩,没有表示。
 ☞ She shrugged her shoulders and made no reply.
 ☞ 我向他表示愿意帮助他。
 ☞ I made him an offer of help.
 ☞ 我们对你全家表示慰问。
 ☞ We extend our sympathy to your family.
 ☞ 他们向他表示衷心的问候。
 ☞ They extended their sincere regards to him.
 ☞ 我们对你们来访表示热烈欢迎。
 ☞ We extend a warm welcome for your visit.
 ☞ 大会主席向代表团表示亲切的祝贺。
 ☞ The chairman of the meeting extended his cordial greetings to the delegation.
1) 反对意见的表示,可译raise one's voice against sb.或sth.。
 ☞ 世界各国人民纷纷表示反对武装入侵。
 ☞ The people all over the world raised their voices in succession against the armed intervention.
 ☞ 由于无人表示反对,该计划获得一致通过。
 ☞ As no one raised his voice against the plan, it was agreed on.
2) 某种暗示性的表示,可译give sb. to understand。
 ☞ 他向记者表示政府将对这一问题发表声明。
 ☞ He gave the reporters to understand that a statement would be issued by the government on that question.
 ☞ 他向我表示这项工作是他们完成的。
 ☞ He gave me to understand that this work was done by them.
3) 用打信号的方式表示,可译signal。
 ☞ 骑自行车想拐弯时要伸胳膊表示。
 ☞ A bicycle rider should signal his intention to turn by putting out his arm.
 ☞ 她抬起一根手指头放到嘴唇上,表汞不要出声。
 ☞ She raised one of her fingers to her lips as a signal for silence.
表达 表达
 ☞ 我的激动心情难以用语言来表达。
 ☞ Words can hardly express my excitement.
 ☞ 他说的话表达了群众的感情。
 ☞ What he said expressed the feelings of the masses.
 ☞ 他能用简单的英语来表达自己。
 ☞ He was capable of expressing himself in simple English.
 ☞ 她一颦一笑就表达了她的思想。
 ☞ She expressed her thought by a look and a smile.
 ☞ 他希望用诗歌来表达如此众多的印象。
 ☞ He wished to express so many impressions in verse.
 ☞ 她表达了我们大家的不满。
 ☞ She voiced the discontent of all of us.
 ☞ 他在发言里表达了人民普遍的情绪。
 ☞ In his speech he voiced the general sentiment of the people.
 ☞ 我的话表达了我的意思了吗?
 ☞ Do my words convey my meaning?
 ☞ 他的语气比他的话更能真实地表达他的感情。
 ☞ His tone conveyed his real feelings more truly than his words.
 ☞ 最近的事件表达了人民争取民主的决心。
 ☞ Recent events demonstrated the determination of the people to right for democracy.
 ☞ 为了表达我国对贵国的善意,我们建议向贵国提供优惠贷款。
 ☞ In order to demonstrate our good will towards your country, we propose to offer your country loans on favorable terms.
衰弱 衰弱
 ☞ 他久病之后,身体衰弱。
 ☞ He was weak after his long illness.
 ☞ 老太太的心脏衰弱,经不起这样的刺激。
 ☞ The old lady has a weak heart and she cannot bear such excitement.
 ☞ 那踉踉跄跄走在路上的老妇人已衰弱到了无法自己购物了。
 ☞ The old woman tottering along the road is too feeble to do her own shopping.
 ☞ 爷爷最近变得越来越衰弱了。
 ☞ Grandfather has been getting feeble lately.
 ☞ 随着病情的恶化,他变得衰弱了。
 ☞ He weakened as the illness grew worse.
 ☞ 该国由于连年战争而变得衰弱了。
 ☞ That country became weakened because of successive years of war.
 ☞ 最近两个月来,他衰弱得很快。
 ☞ He has been failing rapidly for the last two months.
 ☞ 我的身体最近变得衰弱了。
 ☞ My health failed of late.
衰退 衰退
1.fail, 指身体能力的衰退。
 ☞ 他的视力早就衰退,而现在变得更差。
 ☞ His eyesight, which had been failing for a long time, became very bad now.
 ☞ 我病后精力衰退了。
 ☞ My energy failed after my illness.
 ☞ 近两年来,我的体力衰退了。
 ☞ I've been failing in strength for the last two years.
 ☞ 革命意志衰退的人要经过整风,重新振作起来。
 ☞ Those whose revolutionary will has been waning should regain their ardor through rectification.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战以来大英帝国的影响日益衰退。
 ☞ The influence of Great Britain has been waning since World WarⅡ.
 ☞ 从此以后,学校的声誉处于衰退之中。
 ☞ The school's reputation has been on the wane since then.
 ☞ 随着人的衰老,记忆力也随之衰退。
 ☞ As one grows older one's memory declines.
 ☞ 他的精力在慢慢衰退。
 ☞ His energy slowly declined.
 ☞ 近来,衰退的证券市场一片惊慌。
 ☞ Recently there has been a panic in the declining stock market.
 ☞ 正当我们着手采取措施时,国家已一头裁进了经济衰退之中。
 ☞ Just as we started to take measures, the country was nose-dived into economic recession.
 ☞ 全面地看问题,我并不认为钢铁工业已处于衰退之中。
 ☞ Looking at the problem from all angles, I don't think the iron and steel industry is in recession.
袒护 袒护
1.partial to,纯粹指袒护某一人或某一方。
 ☞ 在中东冲突中,美国人在袒护谁是很清楚的。
 ☞ It is very evident whom the Americans are partial to in the Middle-East conflicts.
 ☞ 父母不应袒护自己的孩子。
 ☞ Parents should not be partial to their children.
 ☞ 她向警方撒谎来袒护她的男朋友。
 ☞ She lied to the police to shield her boy-friend.
 ☞ 尽管我逃学,妈妈还是袒护着我没受处分。
 ☞ Mother shielded me from being punished though I played truant.
 ☞ 3个孩子一打架,妈妈总是袒护心爱的老三。
 ☞ Whenever the three kids fight, Mother always comes to protect her youngest darling.
 ☞ 第一次世界大战后,英、法等列强公开袒护日本在华利益,拒绝当时中国政府的提议。
 ☞ After World War I, Britain, France and other powers openly protected Japanese interests in China by refusing the move of the Chinese government.
 ☞ 她对小王有一种母性的感情,对他的错误始终是袒护的。
 ☞ She had a motherly feeling towards Wang, and had always been disposed to excuse his error.
 ☞ 不要袒护他。
 ☞ Don't make excuse for him.
袭击 袭击
1.surprise attack, attack by surprise,指突然袭击。
 ☞ 敌人向游击队发动了一次突然袭击。
 ☞ The enemy launched a surprise attack on the guerrillas.
 ☞ 日本人于1941年12月7日突然袭击了珍珠港。
 ☞ The Japanese made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941.
 ☞ 敌人的袭击搞得我们措手不及。
 ☞ The enemy attack took us by surprise.
 ☞ 只有“宾夕法尼亚”号安然无恙,是惟一没有受到袭击的主力舰。
 ☞ The Pennsylvania alone remained unscathed, the only battleship that had not been attacked.
 ☞ 16架轰炸机及歼击机参加了这次袭击。
 ☞ Sixteen bombers and fighter planes took part in the raid.
 ☞ 警方在袭击该屋时发现了许多毒品。
 ☞ During their raid on the house the police found a lot of drugs.
 ☞ 一位保安在银行受到袭击时被杀。
 ☞ A security guard was killed in the bank raid.
3.hit, 指受到非人力所能控制的,如自然灾害等的袭击。
 ☞ 据报道五号台风袭击了福建省沿海一带。
 ☞ It is reported that Typhoon No.5 has hit the coastal areas of Fujian Province.
 ☞ 云南西北地区经常受到地震的袭击。
 ☞ Northwest Yunnan is often hit by earthquakes.
 ☞ 1997年,亚洲不少国家受到经济危机的袭击。
 ☞ A number of Asian countries were hit by the economic crisis in 1997.

1.pretend, pretence,指骗人的假装。
 ☞ 她不是真哭,是装的。
 ☞ She wasn't really crying; she was only pretending.
 ☞ 不要不懂装懂。
 ☞ Don't pretend to know what you don't know.
 ☞ 她要我帮忙时总是装出对我友好的样子。
 ☞ She always pretends to be friendly with me when she asks me for help.
 ☞ 他的那副派头完全是装出来的。
 ☞ His mannerism is full of pretence.
 ☞ 他一闹情绪就装病。
 ☞ He is always feigning to be ill as soon as he is in low spirits.
 ☞ 她装出一副吃惊的样子,她的父母也就信了。
 ☞ She feigned a look of surprise and her parents believed her.
 ☞ 装出来的热情长不了。
 ☞ Feigned enthusiasm does not last long.
3.assume, 指无害的装或可以原谅的装。
 ☞ 他装出一副消息灵通的样子,其实所知不多。
 ☞ He assumes a well-informed manner but in fact he knows very little.
 ☞ 其实我心里很害怕,却装出一副无所谓的态度。
 ☞ As a matter of fact, I was frightened inwardly. However, I assumed an indifferent attitude.
 ☞ 你装病,为的是无需上班。
 ☞ You affect illness so that you need not go to work.
 ☞ 他是英国人,却装出一股美国腔。
 ☞ He is an Englishman but he affects an American accent.
 ☞ 这种蝴蝶会装成一片枯叶。
 ☞ This butterfly can simulate a dead leaf.
 ☞ 树木去掉枝桠以后,装成一尊尊的大炮,再拖到防御工事里布置起来。
 ☞ Trees hewn to simulate artillery pieces were dragged into position of the defense works.
 ☞ 幕落时,舞台上躺着装死的演员比站着的演员还多。
 ☞ When the curtain falls there are more actors shamming dead upon the stage than actors standing upright.
 ☞ 他说他病了,我知道他是在装。
 ☞ He said he was ill; I knew he was shamming.
 ☞ 放规矩点!装糊涂没用。
 ☞ Behave properly! It's no use playing the fool.
 ☞ 他直挺挺地倒在地上装死,吓得他的小妹妹哭了起来。
 ☞ He dropped to the ground and played dead, which scared his little sister into crying.

 ☞ 你的书乱糟糟的,把它们都装到书柜里去。
 ☞ Your books are a mess. Put them into the bookcases 他提了许多萤火虫装在一个玻璃瓶里。
 ☞ He caught a lot of fireflies and put them into a bottle.
2.load, 指装载。
 ☞ 他们往卡车上装一袋袋的米。
 ☞ They are loading the bags of rice onto the truck.
 ☞ 他往手枪里装子弹时向来很小心。
 ☞ He always loads the pistol with great care.
 ☞ 他在烟斗里装上烟丝,然后递给了我。
 ☞ He filled the pipe with cut tobacco, and then offered it to me.
 ☞ 烤鸡以前要在鸡肚子中装上香料。
 ☞ Fill the chicken inside with spice before it is roasted.
 ☞ 货物得在柳条箱里装紧了。
 ☞ Pack the goods tightly in the crates.
 ☞ 你的冬衣都装在两只箱子里了。
 ☞ Your warm clothes are packed into two suitcases.
5.hold, 指装得下。
 ☞ 我们的汽车能装45人。
 ☞ Our bus can hold 45 people.
 ☞ 这个书包装不下这么多东西。
 ☞ This satchel won't hold so many things.
 ☞ 我所有的内衣都装在这个抽屉里。
 ☞ This drawer contains all the under clothes I own.
 ☞ 这个箱子里装着易燃物品,你得小心。
 ☞ This suitcase contains inflammables. You have to be careful.
  ■ 但如果作“装得下”解时,可与hold换用。
 ☞ 这箱子装得下那么多的书吗?(问话时尚未装)
 ☞ Can this suitcase contain (hold) so many books?
7.have sth. at heart,指心里装着。
 ☞ 我们心里装着全中国人民的幸福,因此吃点苦算不了什么。
 ☞ We have the happiness of the whole Chinese people at heart. so hardship is nothing to us.
 ☞ 我们的村支书无论做什么,心里总是装着全村村民的利益。
 ☞ Our Party secretary has the interests of all the villagers at heart whatever he does.

1.act, 指扮成某个角色演出或类似演出。
 ☞ 她装老大娘真像。
 ☞ She acted an old woman and really looked the part.
 ☞ 她不是真哭,只是装装,想赢得我们的同情。
 ☞ She's not really crying. She's only acting to get our sympathy.
 ☞ 尽管他也很着急,但装得很镇静。
 ☞ He acted rather calm though he was also worried.
 ☞ 你不能跟她认真,她只是装装而已。
 ☞ You can't take her seriously. She is only acting.
 ☞ 该选手看起来沉着自信,其实是在装样子。
 ☞ The player appeared calm and confident but it was just an act.

 ☞ 我花了两个小时把自行车装了起来。
 ☞ It took me two hours to assemble the bicycle.
 ☞ 最后的程序装好后,准备运算。
 ☞ The final program is assembled and ready for calculation.
 ☞ 我们村酌家家户户都装上了电灯。
 ☞ Electric lights have been installed in every house of our village.
 ☞ 来了位工人给我家装电话。
 ☞ Came a worker to install the telephone in our house.
 ☞ 我在汽车前后都装上了车牌。
 ☞ I have the number plates fitted to the front and rear of a car.
 ☞ 你要做的就是把这些零件装在一起。
 ☞ All you have to do is to fit the pieces together.
装备 装备
 ☞ 者为动词,后者为集合名词,只用单数。
 ☞ 敌军的装备精良,不可等闲视之。
 ☞ The enemy troops are well equipped and they shouldn't be taken lightly.
 ☞ 我们的渔船都装备有无线电通讯设备。
 ☞ All fishing boats of ours are equipped with radio communication apparatus.
 ☞ 红军战士是背着他们的全部装备进行长征的。
 ☞ On the Long March the Red Army men carried all their equipment on their backs.
2.fit out,指为了出门而准备的装备,而且装备的大都是衣物。
 ☞ 现在要装备一个孩子上大学,花费不菲呀。
 ☞ It is quite expensive nowadays to fit a child out when it is going away to college.
 ☞ 你可以去一家大的百货超市,在那里你可以装备你所要的一切。
 ☞ You may go to a large supermarket where you can fit yourself out for everything you want.
  ■ 不过有时也可装备其他。
 ☞ 对这次探险我们必须装备最好的装备。
 ☞ We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.
揭开 揭开
1.lift (up),指打开盖子。
 ☞ 这个盒子的盖子揭不开。
 ☞ The top of this box won't lift.
 ☞ 揭开锅盖,看看饭是不是熟了。
 ☞ Lift up the pot cover and see whether the rice is done.
 ☞ 揭开盒子,看看里面是什么东西。
 ☞ Uncover the box and see what's in it.
 ☞ 我们希望能尽量走近火山口以揭开某些秘密。
 ☞ We hope we could get as close as possible to the crater to uncover some of its secrets.
 ☞ 于是揭开了社会主义革命的新纪元。
 ☞ Then opens a new epoch of social revolution.
 ☞ 两国间领袖的互访揭开了关系史上的新篇章。
 ☞ The exchange of visits between the leaders of the two countries has opened a new chapter in the annals of relations.
 ☞ 进一步的调查揭开了事实的真相。
 ☞ Further investigation revealed the true facts.
 ☞ 是爱因斯坦的相对论揭开了宇宙的奥秘。
 ☞ It is Einstein's theory of relativity that reveals the secrets of the universe.
5.raise the curtain,指掀开幕布。
 ☞ 他揭开幕布,露出幕后的那幅画。
 ☞ He raised the curtain and revealed the picture behind it.
 ☞ 五四运动揭开了新民主主义革命的序幕。
 ☞ The May 4th Movement has raised the curtain of the New-Democratic Revolution.
要命 要命
1.kill, 指要人性命。
 ☞ 这么短的期限,就是要了我的命也完不成任务。
 ☞ I cannot fulfill the task in such a short time even if I kill myself.
 ☞ 要是我说话不算数,你可以要我的命。
 ☞ You may kill me if I don't mean what I say.
 ☞ 孩子们?他们可真要了我的命。
 ☞ Children? They are a great nuisance.
 ☞ 苍蝇这东西真要命。
 ☞ Flies are a nuisance.
 ☞ 这下要命了!忘带车票了。
 ☞ What a nuisance! I've forgotten the tickets.
 ☞ 这姑娘真要命,半夜才回来。
 ☞ The girl is completely impossible. She didn't come back until midnight.
 ☞ 她所处的情况真是要命。
 ☞ This is an impossible situation she is in.
4.confounded, awfully,terribly,指讨厌、可怕得要命。
 ☞ 真是要命的天气!
 ☞ What confounded weather!
 ☞ 爸爸病了,我急得要命。
 ☞ Daddy is ill and I'm awfully worried.
 ☞ 地震时屋子晃得要命,大家都害怕死了。
 ☞ The house shook terribly during the earthquake and everybody was full of terror.
要害 要害
1.vital, 指性命攸关。
 ☞ 他伤到要害器官没有?
 ☞ Has he injured any of the vital organs?
 ☞ 心脏是人体的要害部位。
 ☞ The heart is the vital part of the body.
 ☞ 该基地是国防要害地区,要派重兵把守。
 ☞ The base is the vital area of the national defense and must be heavily guarded.
 ☞ 你在交待贪污盗窃问题时一直在回避要害。
 ☞ You have been evading the crucial points during your confession of graft and embezzlement.
 ☞ 他们知道如果搞不到要害情报,那么他们的间谍生涯也就结束了。
 ☞ They were aware that if they failed to get in the crucial information their spy career would come to an end.
3.key, 指关键。
 ☞ 解决发展问题的要害在于改革开放。
 ☞ The key to the solution of development problem lies in reform and opening to the outside world.
 ☞ 他是一位在要害部门工作的要害人物。
 ☞ He is an important man working in a key department.
 ☞ 山海关地处要害,也是通向东北的门户。
 ☞ Shanhaiguan Pass is located at a strategic point and is the key to the Northeast.
 ☞ 他的话是重了点,不过都击中了要害。
 ☞ His words were a bit hard, but they struck (hit) home.
 ☞ 他向来喜欢有人捧他,所以你这番恭维话真是抓到了他的要害。
 ☞ He has been fond of being praised, so your flattery did scratch him where he itched.
要是(要不是) 要是(要不是)
1) 真实条件就是可能实现的假设条件。
 ☞ 要是他有时间,他是会来的。
 ☞ If he has time. he will come.
 ☞ 要是他们继续作恶,必将自食其果。
 ☞ If they keep on doing evils, they'll reap what they sow.
2) 虚拟条件句就是不可能实现的假设条件。
 ☞ 我要是你,就重新考虑这件事。
 ☞ If I were you, I would reconsider it.
 ☞ 这件事要是别人,我才不管呢。
 ☞ If it had been somebody else, I wouldn't have bothered myself.
  ■ 应该注意的是,如果if用于否定式“要不是”时,一般只用于虚拟条件句,其结构往往是if it were not for或it had not been for,表示某种特定情况改变了一切。
 ☞ 要不是解放军英勇抢救国家财产,那损失可大了。
 ☞ If it were not for the PLA men's courage in rescuing the state property, the loss would have been enormous.
 ☞ 要不是那个大学生,我不会活到今天。
 ☞ lf it had not been for the college student, I wouldn't have lived to this day.
  ■ 此外,but for也可代替if it were not for来表示“要不是”。
 ☞ 要不是这场雨,我们本来应当有一次愉快的旅行。
 ☞ But for the rain we should have a pleasant journey.
 ☞ 要不是我那个救生圈,我早就被淹死了。
 ☞ But for my life buoy I would have been drowned.
1) 与if 一样,用作连词。真实、虚拟均可。
 ☞ 要是你不同意他任何的建议,你就来找我。
 ☞ Suppose you disagree with anything he suggests, you will come to me.
 ☞ 要是你父亲见到你,他会怎么说?
 ☞ Suppose your father saw you what would he say?
2) 不用作连词,但仍然假设。这时一般都用虚拟语气。
 ☞ 要是她爸把她赶出家呢!
 ☞ Suppose her father turned her out of door!
 ☞ 要是我们每人都有辆车呢!
 ☞ Suppose each of us had a car!
3) 用来提出一项建议。动词可用现在时或虚拟。
 ☞ 虚拟暗示建议不那么肯定。
 ☞ 我没有桌布,用床单如何?
 ☞ I haven't a tablecloth. Suppose we use a sheet?
 ☞ 要是我借给你,譬如说500元。
 ☞ Suppose I were to lend you, say, five hundred yuan.
3.what if,崽思与suppose相同,但只用于征求意见的问句。
 ☞ 要是把画移到那边如何?会不会好看一点?
 ☞ What if we move the picture over there? Do you think it'll look better?
 ☞ 我们在这里自作主张,要是他回来怎么办?
 ☞ We have our own way of doing things here. What if he comes back?
4.in case,作“要是”解时,只用于真实条件句。
 ☞ 要是他在我回来以前到,要他等我。
 ☞ In case he arrives before I get back, ask him to wait.
 ☞ 这件事要是我忘了,请提醒我一下。
 ☞ In case I forget, please remind me of it.
要求 要求
 ☞ 警官过来要求解释。
 ☞ The police officer came over and demanded explanation.
 ☞ 船长下到甲板上要求了解发生的一切。
 ☞ The captain came down to the deck and demanded to know what was going on.
 ☞ 我们提出了社会改良并要求由富人来支付费用。
 ☞ We demand that the rich shall pay for the social amelioration which we propose.
  ■ 由于demand的语气强调,因此后面从句的谓语除了在第二、第三人称时用shall以外(见上句),还可用虚拟语气。
 ☞ 联合国要求立即撤军。
 ☞ The U.N. demanded that the troops (should) be withdrawn immediately.
  ■ 此外,demand后面不用somebody to do something 或somebody for something。如:我要求他作出答复。不能译成:I shall demand him for an answer.也不能译成:I shall demand him to answer.而要译成:I shall demand of him to answer.或:I shall demand an answer of him.或:I shall demand that he shall (should) answer.或:I shall demand that he answer.(不是answers)。不过有时由于上下文的需要,这种带有强迫性的要求可以弱化成一般的要求。
 ☞ 这是一本要求你十分注意的书。
 ☞ This is a book that demands your full attention.
 ☞ 他来到我家里要求帮助。
 ☞ He came to my home and demanded help.
2.call for, 义同demand,但为非正式用语,口气也没有demand那么强烈。说话的也不一定是有权势的人。有时只是在提出一种客观要求。
 ☞ 反对党要求对这次惨败有责任的国防部长辞职。
 ☞ The Opposition called for the resignation of the minister of national defense responsible for the fiasco.
 ☞ 大学生们要求就这一问题进行辩论。
 ☞ The college students called for a debate on the subject.
 ☞ 工会要求对工伤事故进行调查。
 ☞ The trade union calls for an investigation of the industrial accident.
 ☞ 经济的进一步发展要求深入结构改革。
 ☞ The further development of economy calls for deepening the structural reform.
 ☞ 我要求你的就是不要迟到。
 ☞ All I request of you is that you should not be late.
 ☞ 俱乐部成员都要求参加年会。
 ☞ All members of the club are requested to attend the annual meeting.
  ■ 正是由于这种词性,现在越来越多地用来提出婉转的要求以代替demand强硬语气。
 ☞ 董事长坚决要求总经理辞职。
 ☞ The president firmly requested the general manager's resignation.
4.require,指客观环境提出的要求。如内在性质、法律、规定等的要求。因此要求的主体往往不是人,但与demand 一样要用虚拟语气。
 ☞ 他的健康状况要求他早起早睡。
 ☞ His health requires that he get up early and go to bed early.(不是gets up,goes)
 ☞ 法律要求大家的车辆每年进行一次车检。
 ☞ The law requires that everyone have his car checked once a year.(不是has)
 ☞ 老外都要求登记。
 ☞ All aliens are requested to register.
  ■ 与demand同样的道理,require后不能用被要求的人作为直接宾语。如果要用则要在前面加介词of。
 ☞ 党和人民要求我做的我都愿意做。
 ☞ I'll do all that the Party and the people require of me.
 ☞ 广播电台要求所有的听众密切注意天气预报。
 ☞ The radio station asked close attention of all audience to the weather forecast.
 ☞ 市政府要求市民给予充分合作。
 ☞ The city government asked the citizens for their full cooperation.
  ■ 但是,如果上下文的语气较重时,则ask for可以与demand或require换用。
 ☞ 工人们要求提高工资,并扬言如果拒绝就要罢工。
 ☞ The workers asked for (demanded) a raise of pay and threatened to go on strike if their request was not granted.(因为被要求的是物,故无需加of)
 ☞ 我要求你们提前10分钟到校。
 ☞ What I asked of (required of, demanded of) you is that you should come to school ten minutes early.
6.claim, 其语境与前几个词略有不同,暗示之所以提出要求是因为有权这样要求。
 ☞ 每个公民都可以要求法律保护。
 ☞ Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.
 ☞ 工会要求有权与公司利润共享。
 ☞ The trade union claimed a right to share the company's profits.
 ☞ 战胜国要求中国割地赔款。
 ☞ The victors exacted cession of territory and payment of reparations from China.
 ☞ 绑匪要求人质的赎金。
 ☞ The kidnappers exacted ransoms for their hostages.
8.agitate for,指鼓动起某种活动以提出要求,因此词义较窄。
 ☞ 一些工人正在要求提高工资。
 ☞ Some workers are agitating for higher wages.
 ☞ 妇女们在要求选举权许多年后才最终获得。
 ☞ Women agitated for the vote for many years before they finally got it.
要紧 要紧
 ☞ 随便做什么工作最要紧的是实事求是。
 ☞ Whatever you do, the most important thing is to be realistic and down-to-earth.
 ☞ 自行车的刹车管不管用不要紧,他的长腿跟刹车一样管用。
 ☞ It is not important whether the brakes of the bicycle work properly or not. His long legs serve as good ones.
 ☞ 不要争了,还是送医院要紧。
 ☞ Stop disputing. It is important to send him to hospital.
2.of consequence,指产生的后果非常要紧。
 ☞ 物价是涨是跌对老百姓最要紧。
 ☞ It is of great consequence to ordinary people whether the prices are going up or down.
  "I'm afraid you're ill." "It's of no consequence."
 ☞ 我有点要紧事跟他商量。
 ☞ I have something urgent to discuss with him.
 ☞ 他说昨天上海来的电话很要紧,要你马上回去。
 ☞ He said that yesterday's call from Shanghai was very urgent, asking you to be back right now.
1) not matter,指没有关系。
 ☞ 你明天去也可以,不要紧的。
 ☞ You can go tomorrow. It doesn't matter.
 ☞ 路远不要紧,我们可以骑车去。
 ☞ It doesn't matter how far it is. We can go by bike.
2) nothing serious,指不太重要。
 ☞ 有点着凉,不要紧。
 ☞ Just a slight cold, nothing serious.
 ☞ 他只受了点轻伤,不要紧的。
 ☞ He was slightly injured, nothing serious.
3) all right,用肯定的形式表示不要紧,其含义在不同的上下文里可以不同。
 ☞ 这件事我是根据他的指示办的,不要紧吧?
 ☞ I have done it according to his instructions. Is that all right?(用于问句,表示“行不行”)
 ☞ 当时我是因为得了流感完全动不了啦,不过现在不要紧了。
 ☞ I was quite incapable of moving with flu. I am all right now.(用于陈述句中,表示“情况不错”)
 ☞ 你以为你嚷嚷不要紧,可你把大家都吵醒了。
 ☞ You may think it's all right for you to shout, but you've woken everybody up.(表示“没关系”)

 ☞ 他把在俄国的所见所闻写成了一本书。
 ☞ He wrote a book of what he saw and heard in Russia.
 ☞ 我以前从未见过这种鸟。
 ☞ I've never seen a bird like that before.
 ☞ 眼见为实。
 ☞ Seeing is believing.
 ☞ 我在月光下见一个人影闪过墙角。
 ☞ In the moonlight I caught a sight of someone turning the comer.
 ☞ 他一见艾艾,一脸的容光焕发。
 ☞ His face brightened at the sight of Aiai.
 ☞ 眼不见,心不烦。
 ☞ Out of sight, out of mind.
 ☞ 你见到他没有?
 ☞ Did you meet him?
 ☞ 我们见人就问,终于找到了他的家。
 ☞ We asked everyone we met and found his house at last.
4.call on,指拜见。
 ☞ 她今天下午要来见你。
 ☞ She'll call on you this afternoon.
 ☞ 第二天,他见到了总统。
 ☞ He called on the president the next day.
 ☞ 见怪不怪,其怪自败。
 ☞ If you face the fearful with no fears its fearfulness disappears.
 ☞ 我们共产党员应该经风雨,见世面。
 ☞ We communists ought to face the world and brave the storm.
 ☞ 患难见人心。
 ☞ The hour of need shows the friend indeed.
 ☞ 要是你干这样的事,又如何见人?
 ☞ How can you show your face again if you do ever such a thing?
 ☞ 日久见人心。
 ☞ Time reveals a person's heart.
 ☞ 这就是所谓的“图穷匕见”。
 ☞ That's what we call "Hidden intentions are revealed in the end".
 ☞ 不要让胶片见光。
 ☞ Don't expose the film to the light.
 ☞ 石灰见水后会释放大量的热。
 ☞ Lime releases a great quantity of heat if exposed to water.
 ☞ 你可以见机行事。
 ☞ You may act according to circumstances.
 ☞ 见一斑而窥其全豹。
 ☞ From one spot we may infer the leopard.
 ☞ 见危相助方显英雄本色。
 ☞ It is the true quality of a hero to go to the help of those in danger.
 ☞ 他见风使舵,溜之大吉。
 ☞ He sneaked away by trimming his sail to the wind.
 ☞ 冰见热就化。
 ☞ Ice melts with heat.
见不得 见不得
1.can't bear (stand),指无法忍受。
 ☞ 我见不得游手好闲。
 ☞ I can't bear idleness.
 ☞ 她见不得他说话的样子。
 ☞ She couldn't bear the way he spoke.
 ☞ 她见不得血,晕了过去。
 ☞ She couldn't stand the sight of blood and went off in a faint.
2.not to be exposed to,指暴露于某种环境中。
 ☞ 胶卷绝对见不得光。
 ☞ Never expose roll films to daylight.
 ☞ 这药见不得太阳光。
 ☞ This medicine is not to be exposed to sunshine.
 ☞ 恐水病患者见不得水。
 ☞ Patients suffering from hydrophobia are not to be exposed to water.
3.to be ashamed of (to show up), shameful,指无法见人或不光彩。
 ☞ 我一生都没做过一件见不得人的事。
 ☞ I have never done a single thing in my life to be ashamed of.
 ☞ 他现在是见不得人了。
 ☞ Now he is too ashamed to show up in public.
 ☞ 她说着说着就把见不得人的事漏了出来。
 ☞ As she talked on and on, she blurted out something shameful.
见得 见得
1.What makes you think, How do you think (know)等,表示怎么会…?常与“何以”,“怎”等搭配使用。常用于疑问句。
 ☞ 何以见得?
 ☞ What makes you think so?或How do you think so?
 ☞ 怎见得他不能来?
 ☞ How do you know he can't come?
2.do not seem (appear,look),表示似乎不会,看来不会。常用于否定句。
 ☞ 这片稻子不见得比那片差。
 ☞ This plot of paddy doesn't seem any worse than that one.
 ☞ 见到你他不见得高兴。
 ☞ He didn't appear pleased to see you.
 ☞ 明天不见得会下雨。
 ☞ It doesn't look as if it's going to rain tomorrow.
3.not likely,not necessary,前者表示不大可能,后者表示不一定。
 ☞ 他今晚不见得会来。
 ☞ He's not likely to come tonight.
 ☞ 他们不见得会否决你的建议。
 ☞ They are not likely to veto your proposal.
 ☞ 你的答案不见得对。
 ☞ Your answer was not necessarily correct.
 ☞ 有钱人不见得幸福。
 ☞ Rich people are not necessarily happy.
见识 见识
 ☞ 到处走走,见识见识也好。
 ☞ It, s not a bad idea to go around a bit and gain experience.
 ☞ 环球旅行能增长见识。
 ☞ A round-the-world tour can widen your knowledge.
 ☞ 女人总是头发长,见识短。
 ☞ Women always have long hair and short intelligence.
 ☞ 作为穷人的妻子,她对今后的生活会是什么样子很有见识。
 ☞ As a wife of the poor, she has a good insight into what life would be like in the future.
 ☞ 父亲对女儿择友有这么好的见识很是高兴。
 ☞ Father is glad that his daughter has such good judgment in the choice of friends.
 ☞ 她是位有见识的女同志。
 ☞ She is a sensible woman.
7.not take up,指不计较,即常说的不一般见识。
 ☞ 他那样对你是不对的,你这样有见识的人别和他一般见识。
 ☞ He's behaved badly towards you, but a sensible person like you shouldn't want to take him up on it.
观察 观察
 ☞ 我小时候可以蹲上几个小时,观察蚂蚁的一举一动。
 ☞ When I was a boy I could squat for hours to watch every move of ants.
 ☞ 参观者在这里可以通过一台130毫米的折射望远镜观察天象。
 ☞ Here visitors can watch the sky through 130 mm reflecting telescope.
 ☞ 火山学家们一直在观察喷发的迹象,一天有好几次。
 ☞ The volcanologists have been watching signs of eruption several times per day.
 ☞ 这时候,他开始观察到一种奇怪的现象。
 ☞ Then he began to observe a curious phenomenon.
 ☞ 如果你观察鸟类的习性,你会发现鸟类在高兴与恐惧时是截然不同的。
 ☞ If you observe the behavior of birds, you'll find it's quite different when they are in joy or in fear.
 ☞ 病人每次服用一种新药后医生都要观察药物对病人的效应。
 ☞ Every time after patients take a new kind of medicine the doctor will observe its effect on them.
  ■ 有时,observe还可表示观察能力。
 ☞ 他观察敏锐,但很少说话。
 ☞ He observes keenly but says very little.
3.examine,原意为observe closely,因此常指细致入微的观察。
 ☞ 指挥员用望远镜观察敌人的阵地。
 ☞ The commander examined the enemy position through telescope.
 ☞ 我们在决定购买以前,对整幢房屋,从地窖到顶楼都做了观察。
 ☞ We examined the whole house from cellar to attic before deciding to purchase it.
 ☞ 人们总是根据自己的经验来观察问题、解决问题的。
 ☞ People always examine and handle problems in the light of their own experience.
 ☞ 的确,马克思主义应该是作家观察和认知现实世界的方法。
 ☞ Indeed, Marxism must be the writer's way of perceiving and knowing the real world.
 ☞ 一个婴儿远在他能把物体当作特定的人和物来观察以前就见到这些物体了。
 ☞ An infant sees objects long before it is able to perceive them as definite persons and things.
 ☞ 只有艺术家才能观察到画中细微的色调。
 ☞ Only an artist could perceive the fine shades of color in the painting.
 ☞ 战前,指挥员陪着将军观察了地形。
 ☞ The commanders accompanied the general surveying the terrain before the battle.
 ☞ 我们在采取任何步骤之前应正确观察当前的形势。
 ☞ We have to correctly survey the current situation before we can take any steps.
 ☞ 我们可以从山顶观察全城。
 ☞ We can survey the city from the top of the mountain.
 ☞ 有段时期,我曾相当仔细地观察过他。
 ☞ I studied him pretty closely at one time.
 ☞ 专家们观察了这幅油画,都认为是件赝品。
 ☞ The experts studied the oil painting and decided it was a forgery.
 ☞ 用阶级分析的方法去观察问题和解决问题,难道永远是对的吗?
 ☞ Can it be always correct to study and solve every problem with the method of class analysis?
观念 观念
 ☞ 每个共产党员都应该增强党的观念。
 ☞ Every communist must strengthen his sense of responsibility to the Party.
 ☞ 你怎么能不请假就走呢!简直没有组织观念。
 ☞ How you could go without asking for leave! You simply have no sense of organization.
 ☞ 他有他自己的审美观念。
 ☞ His aesthetic ideas were his own.
 ☞ 推行改革政策以来,人的旧观念适应了新环境。
 ☞ People's old ideas have been adapted to new environments since the reform policy was carried out.
 ☞ 只有婴儿才没有是非观念。
 ☞ Only a small baby has no concept of right and wrong.
 ☞ 有些西方电影正在破坏中国的传统文化并损害其道德观念。
 ☞ Some western films are ruining Chinese traditional culture and injuring their moral concepts.
 ☞ 观念的基础是经历。
 ☞ Perceptions are based on experience.
 ☞ 要是个人的思想和观念都毫无意义,那他怎么能在这个世界上活下去呢?
 ☞ How could one live in a world if one's mind and perceptions mean nothing?
 ☞ 私有观念在一定程度上可以推动社会进步。
 ☞ The private ownership mentality may give impetus to the progress of society to some degree.
 ☞ 不管三七二十一就停止生产轿车,这算什么赢利观念?
 ☞ What kind of profit mentality was this, taking cars willy-nilly out of production?
6.mode of thought,指思想方式。
 ☞ 只有破除旧的传统观念,我们才能适应新环境。
 ☞ Only by breaking away from outdated traditional modes of thought can we adapt ourselves to the new environment.
 ☞ 人的观念现在已开始转变。
 ☞ People's modes of thought are beginning to change now.
规定 规定
 ☞ 宪法规定妇女享有与男子完全相同的权利。
 ☞ The constitution stipulates that women enjoy exactly the same rights as men.
 ☞ 明文规定,除门卫以外任何人不得在办公楼内住宿。
 ☞ It was stipulated in explicit terms that no one could live in the office building except the janitor.
 ☞ 文件规定了3项准则作为改革的基础。
 ☞ The document stipulated the three criteria as the basis for any reform.
 ☞ 合同规定,他不能为其他电影制片厂工作。
 ☞ The contract provides that he cannot work for another movie studio.
 ☞ 协议规定,房客应支付住房的修理费用。
 ☞ The agreement provides that the tenants shall pay for repairs to the building.
 ☞ 法律规定,有价值的古建筑应由政府保护。
 ☞ The law provides that valuable ancient buildings must be preserved by the government.
 ☞ 卫生部可以规定医生行医资格。
 ☞ The Ministry of Public Health may prescribe doctor's qualifications for his medical practice.
 ☞ 一个好公民应该在法律规定的范围内行事。
 ☞ A good citizen should do what the laws prescribe.
 ☞ 细则规定,会员人数应予以限制。
 ☞ The bylaws prescribed that membership should be limited.
 ☞ 合同规定窗子要用钢框。
 ☞ The contract specifies steel sashes for the windows.
 ☞ 罚款金额应有明文规定。
 ☞ The amount of the fine must be specified in explicit terms.
 ☞ 产品已达到国家规定的标准。
 ☞ The products have reached state-specified standards.
 ☞ 这个作业规定要在家做。
 ☞ This work is assigned to be done at home.
 ☞ 宪章规定当选官员的职责及权力。
 ☞ The charter assigns the duties of elected officials and their authority.
 ☞ 规定卡宾枪只用于警卫任务。
 ☞ Carbines are assigned for guard duty only.
 ☞ 我有意给自己规定了写作任务。
 ☞ I consciously set myself the task of writing.
 ☞ 我们应当规定一个在限定时间内的阅读量。
 ☞ We should set an amount of reading in a limited time.
 ☞ 美国政府规定了中国移民的年度限额。
 ☞ The U.S. government set a quota on the annual number of immigrants from China.
 ☞ 中国革命的特点规定了我党的战略战术。
 ☞ The characteristics of the Chinese revolution determined the strategy and tactics of our Party.
 ☞ 林木的临界温度目前才有所规定。
 ☞ Critical temperatures are only now being determined for forest trees.
 ☞ 我们规定每人出5块钱。
 ☞ We have decided that each person will contribute five yuan.
 ☞ 父亲规定他女儿只能在女子学校里上学。
 ☞ The father decided that his daughter must go to girl's school only.
9.make a rule (a regulation),指由于规章、传统、习俗等成为一种制度而引申出来的规定。
 ☞ 商业局长规定所有干部都应轮流到商店去站柜台。
 ☞ The director of the Commerce Bureau has made it a rule that all cadres must go to shops to serve behind the counter.
 ☞ 革命传统规定干部要经常参加集体生产劳动。
 ☞ The revolutionary tradition makes it a rule that cadres should regularly take part in collective production labor.
 ☞ 学校规定不准抽烟。
 ☞ The school made a regulation forbidding smoking.
规模 规模
 ☞ 该工程规模宏大。
 ☞ The project is of a grand scale.
 ☞ 我们的生产不得不缩小规模。
 ☞ Our production has to be reduced in scale.
 ☞ 公司的规模很大。
 ☞ The scope of the company is very extensive.
 ☞ 由于实验计划的规模有限,故不可能确定其稳定效应的性质。
 ☞ Because of the limited scope of the test program, it is impossible to determine the nature of the stabilizing effect.
 ☞ 科研拨款的规模如何?
 ☞ What is the size of the grant for scientific research?
 ☞ 这起事故的规模惊动了中央。
 ☞ The size of the accident alarmed the central government.
 ☞ 我们从山顶可以看到整个城市的规模。
 ☞ From the top of the hill we can see the full extent of the city.
 ☞ 他们正在建造一条规模为400米的跑道。
 ☞ They are building a racing track, 400 meters in extent.
 ☞ 仓库改建成了厂房使用,因而成了现在这规模。
 ☞ The storehouse was remodeled for use as a workshop, thus it grew to its present dimensions.
 ☞ 工程规模巨大,估计要耗资1,000,000美元。
 ☞ The project of large dimension is estimated to have cost 1,000,000 US dollars.
6.take shape,指刚形成规模。
 ☞ 这所大学开办只有3年,却已初具规模。
 ☞ The university, founded only three years ago, is now beginning to take shape.
 ☞ 经过几年的筹划和工作,我们的水族馆正形成规模。
 ☞ After years of planning and work, our aquarium is taking shape.
规矩 规矩
 ☞ 损坏东西要赔,是我们解放军的老规矩。
 ☞ To pay compensation for damage done is an old rule in our PLA.
 ☞ 你如果守规矩,就不大可能碰到麻烦。
 ☞ lf you keep the rules you are not likely to get into trouble.
 ☞ 对社会的规矩提出疑问的往往是年轻人。
 ☞ It is the youth who often questions the conventions of society.
 ☞ 到高级饭店要穿西服、系领带,即使在中国都成了规矩。
 ☞ Wearing a coat and tie to a good restaurant has become a convention even in China.
 ☞ 这孩子没规矩。
 ☞ This child has no manners.
 ☞ 他们一直想教我餐桌上的规矩。
 ☞ They've been trying to teach me dinner-table man.
 ☞ 她是个很不规矩的女人。
 ☞ She is a woman of loose morals.
 ☞ 规规矩矩的学生应该勤奋努力、认真细致。
 ☞ A student of morals should be industrial and conscientious.
 ☞ 不能什么都按老规矩办事。
 ☞ Not everything can be done according to the old ways.
 ☞ 女士向女王陛下行屈膝礼的规矩对不对?
 ☞ Is it a right way for a lady to bob a curtsy before her Majesty?
 ☞ 你放规矩点!
 ☞ Behave properly!
 ☞ 告诉你儿子,大家在一起时要规矩一点。
 ☞ Tell your son to behave himself in company.
 ☞ 没有规矩,不成方圆。
 ☞ Without compass and square, one cannot form squares and circles.
 ☞ 我们总得有个规矩吧。
 ☞ We must have a standard and norm.
 ☞ 他是个规矩人。
 ☞ He is a law-abiding man.
 ☞ 你到了那里要循规蹈矩,叫干什么就干什么。
 ☞ Conduct yourself properly and do what you are told when you are there.
 ☞ 他的字写得很规矩。
 ☞ His handwriting shows care and training.
觉察 觉察
1.aware of,指意识到。
 ☞ 她觉察到了这一事实,但仍无法面对。
 ☞ She was aware of the fact but she couldn't face it yet.
 ☞ 过了好几分钟我才觉察到正在发生的事情。
 ☞ It was several minutes before I was aware of what was happening.
 ☞ 我们都觉察到了一股淡淡的玫瑰香味。
 ☞ We all perceived a faint aroma of rose.
 ☞ 她逐渐觉察到她父母没错。
 ☞ She gradually perceived that her parents had been right.
 ☞ 他觉察到他来这里是不受欢迎的。
 ☞ He sensed that his coming here was unwelcome.
 ☞ 她觉察到这里面有问题。
 ☞ She sensed there was something wrong.
 ☞ 敌人没有觉察到我侦察排的行动。
 ☞ The enemy failed to detect our scouting platoon's movement我觉察到他说话时带有上海口音。
 ☞ I detected a Shanghai accent in his speech.
觉得 觉得
 ☞ 我觉得不太好。
 ☞ I don't feel very well.
 ☞ 他觉得他永远也无法表达他当时的感觉。
 ☞ He felt he could never express what he was feeling.
 ☞ 我觉得这几天他情绪不好。
 ☞ I have a feeling that he's been in low spirits these last few days.
 ☞ 我觉得应该先跟他商量。
 ☞ I think I should consult him first.
 ☞ 你觉得这计划怎么样?
 ☞ What do you think of the plan?
 ☞ 他觉得我们不必事事都告诉他。
 ☞ He doesn't think we have to tell him everything.
 ☞ 我觉得这问题不难解决。
 ☞ I find the problem easy to solve.
 ☞ 我们觉得他的发音大有进步。
 ☞ We found his pronunciation very much improved 现在他觉得可以放松一下了。
 ☞ Now he found that he could relax a little.
觉悟 觉悟
1.consciousness, conscious,指意识上的觉悟。
 ☞ 在此期间,我开始有了一定的政治觉悟。
 ☞ In this period I began to have certain amount of political consciousness.
 ☞ 工人们的阶级觉悟使他们在斗争中团结起来。
 ☞ The class-consciousness of the workers made them unite in the struggle.
 ☞ 成千上万的妇女都变得有了政治觉悟。
 ☞ Thousands of women have become politically conscious.
2.awareness, aware,指思想上的认识觉悟。
 ☞ 现在全国都日益觉悟到对教育,特别是对全国边远省份的教育需要财政上更大的支持。
 ☞ Now there is an increasing awareness of the need for greater financial aid to education, especially to the education in remote border provinces throughout China.
 ☞ 这只会加强他们的政治觉悟。
 ☞ This only enhances their political awareness.
 ☞ 她是有政治觉悟的。
 ☞ She is politically aware.
3.understanding, come to understand,指觉悟或弄懂。
 ☞ 这件事提高了他们的政治觉悟。
 ☞ The incident heightened their political understanding.
 ☞ 他觉悟到改造世界观的重要性。
 ☞ He came to understand the importance of remolding his world outlook.
 ☞ 在这一流血事件之后,他才觉悟过来。
 ☞ It was after the bloody incident that he had an awakening.
 ☞ 现在他们再也无法欺骗政治上觉悟了的人们。
 ☞ They have no means now to deceive politically awakened people.
解决 解决
 ☞ 你准备如何解决我们面临的问题?
 ☞ How are you going to solve the problem we are facing?
 ☞ 他终于解决了运输困难。
 ☞ He finally solved the difficulty of transportation.
 ☞ 这件事无论花多少时间我们都必须解决,而且要毫不含糊地、完全彻底地解决。
 ☞ However long it takes, solve it we must and solve it unequivocally and thoroughly.
 ☞ 如果有人告诉你法律一直不得不与这些问题进行斗争时,你可能会对了解法律如何解决这些问题产生兴趣。
 ☞ If anyone tells you that the law has had to struggle with these problems, you may find it of some interest to know how it has resolved them.
 ☞ 性质不同的矛盾只有用性质不同的方法才能解决。
 ☞ Qualitatively different contradictions can only be resolved by qualitatively different methods.
  ■ 当然,resolve有时也用于总体解决,但往往指解决有争论的问题。
 ☞ 这件事我们能解决,包你满意。
 ☞ We can resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
 ☞ 所有这样的矛盾不仅应该解决,而且也一定能够解决。
 ☞ All such contradictions not only should be resolved but also definitely can be.
 ☞ 这两家公司的分歧是在庭外解决的。
 ☞ The two companies settled their disagreement out of court.
 ☞ 国际争端应在互谅互让的基础上予以解决。
 ☞ International disputes should be settled on mutual understanding and mutual accommodation.
 ☞ 老师对谁是谁非作了判断后解决了这次争吵。
 ☞ The teacher settled the quarrel after he decided who was right and who was wrong.
 ☞ 我们希望这些纠纷能得到永久性的解决。
 ☞ We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles.
 ☞ 老师布置的问题很难,难得学生都不知道怎么去解决。
 ☞ The question set by the teacher was so difficult that the pupils didn't know how to tackle it.
 ☞ 要是他再迟到,就由我来解决。
 ☞ If he is late again, I'll tackle him about it.
 ☞ 有问题就去解决,不要等问题成了堆才去作一次总解决。
 ☞ Whenever a problem crops up, tackle it right away, don't let problems pile up and then try to settle them all at one go.
 ☞ 他提供的情报解决了这次争论。
 ☞ The information he furnished decided the argument.
 ☞ 这是一个无需在这里解决的问题。
 ☞ This is a question that need not be decided here.
 ☞ 我们得到了增援并很快解决了战斗。
 ☞ We received a reinforcement and brought the battle to a quick decision.
6.finish off,指通过消灭来解决。
 ☞ 我们很快就解决了敌军的残部。
 ☞ We soon finished off the remnants of enemy forces.
 ☞ 我们一个排解决了敌人一个连。
 ☞ One of our platoons has finished off a company of enemy troops.
 ☞ 那么,什么时候解决战斗?
 ☞ Well, then, when are you going to get this battle finished off?
解围 解围
1.force the enemy to raise (lift) the siege, 指迫使敌人解围。
 ☞ 我们切断了敌人的退路,从而迫使敌人解围。
 ☞ We forced the enemy to raise (lift) the siege by cutting off their retreat.
2.rescue sb. from the siege,指救人于围困之中。
 ☞ 是八路军解了我们的围。
 ☞ It was the Eighth-Route Army that rescued us from the siege.
3.come to the rescue of the besiege, come to one's rescue,指赶来救援被围者。
 ☞ 3天后,我军赶来解围。
 ☞ Three days later our troops came to the rescue of the besieged.
 ☞ 他们拿我开玩笑说:“你怎么不来给我解围?”
 ☞ They were making fun of me and asked: "Why didn't you come to my rescue?"
4.help sb. out of the predicament,指帮人摆脱困境。
 ☞ 我正感到下不了台,他给我解了围。
 ☞ While I was feeling embarrassed, he came to help me out of the predicament.
5.save sb. from embarrassment,指救人于尴尬的境地之中。
 ☞ 她几乎都要哭了,他才给她解了围。
 ☞ She was at the point of tear when he saved her from embarrassment.
解放 解放
 ☞ 南京解放后不久,上海也得到了解放。
 ☞ Shanghai was liberated soon after the liberation of Nanjing.
 ☞ 革命就是解放生产力。
 ☞ Revolution means liberating the productive forces.
 ☞ 无产阶级只有解放全人类,才能最后解放自己。
 ☞ Only by emancipating all mankind can the proletariat achieve its own final emancipation.
 ☞ 有些家庭主妇并不希望得到解放。
 ☞ Some housewives do not wish to be emancipated.
 ☞ 我们必须大胆解放思想。
 ☞ We must emancipate our thinking in a bold way.
 ☞ 这一运动推翻了农奴制度并使数百万农奴得到解放。
 ☞ This movement overthrew the serf system and freed millions of serfs.
 ☞ 我最喜欢林肯的地方是他解放了黑奴。
 ☞ What I like best about Abraham Lincoln is that he freed the black slaves.
 ☞ 你应当从旧思想中解放出来。
 ☞ You should free yourself from old ideas.
 ☞ 第二天,一支装甲部队从南边突破过来,解放了该市。
 ☞ The next day an armored force broke through from the south and relieved the city.
 ☞ 簿记、会计人员都可以从枯燥的誊写工作中解放出来,因为编制、审查数字表格的任务完全可以由机器来完成。
 ☞ Book-keepers and accountants could be relieved of dull clerical work, for the task of compiling and checking lists of figures could be done entirely by machines.
解救 解救
 ☞ 消防队员们把一家人从燃烧的大厦里解救出来。
 ☞ The firemen saved the family from the burning building.
 ☞ 医院宣布将设法解救他的生命。
 ☞ The hospital announced that it would manage to save his life.
2.deliver from,指从无知、罪恶中拯救出来。
 ☞ 只有教育才能把人民从无知与迷信中解救出来。
 ☞ Only education can deliver people from ignorance and superstition.
 ☞ 是人民解放军把我们从这样凶恶的敌人魔爪下解救出来的。
 ☞ It is the People's Liberation Army that delivered us from the grasp of so merciless an enemy.
 ☞ 已经派了救生艇去解救沉船上的水手。
 ☞ The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.
 ☞ 政府拨了一笔款项解救我们厂的燃眉之急。
 ☞ The government rescued our factory from the critical situation by giving a grant.
 ☞ 在乐观主义者眼中,联合国可以解救世界上的种种不幸。
 ☞ Optimists see in the United Nations a remedy for the ills of the world.
 ☞ 通货膨胀政策解救不了经济危机。
 ☞ Inflationary policies are no remedy for an economic crisis.
解脱 解脱
 ☞ 他们想必都已下决心要亲自来把我从困境中解脱出来。
 ☞ They must have decided to come personally to extricate me from my predicament.
 ☞ 得先把撞坏的车子抬起来,司机才能解脱。
 ☞ The wrecked car had to be lifted before the driver could be extricated.
 ☞ 那狐狸拼命挣扎,想从夹子里解脱出来。
 ☞ The fox tried desperately to extricate itself from the trap.
 ☞ 部分墙壁倒下来压在一个工人身上,花了半小时才使他得以解脱。
 ☞ Part of the wall fell on the workman, and it took half an hour to free him.
 ☞ 她终于从一切拖累中解脱出来。
 ☞ At last she was freed from all encumbrances.
 ☞ 只有从尘世间的烦恼中解脱出来,你才能享受生活。
 ☞ Only by freeing yourself from worldly worries can you enjoy your life.
 ☞ 他花了好大的劲才把脚从鱼网中解脱出来。
 ☞ It took him great strength to disentangle his foot from a fishing net.
 ☞ 不论新老殖民主义,都难以摆脱帝国主义色彩。
 ☞ Colonialism. whether it is old or new. became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of imperialism.
 ☞ 五年以后,他总算从这场不幸的婚姻中解脱出来。
 ☞ He managed to disengage himself from the unhappy marriage five years later.
 ☞ 任何国家如果想独立就应从对超级大国的军事依赖中解脱出来。
 ☞ Any country must disengage from military dependence on the superpower if she wants to be independent.
 ☞ 他已无法从写了一辈子的写作方法中解脱出来。
 ☞ He couldn't disencumber himself of his lifelong method of composition.
 ☞ 他说他不要3年就能把公司从沉重的债务中解脱出来。
 ☞ He said he would disencumber the firm of the weight of debts in less than three years.
6.way out,指出路。
 ☞ 他认为死是最轻松的解脱。
 ☞ He thought death was the easiest way out.
 ☞ 他最后的解脱是去酒吧喝个烂醉。
 ☞ It is his final way out to go to the bar and get dead drunk.
解释 解释
 ☞ 河水的流动可用重力原理来解释。
 ☞ The flow of water in a river is explained by the principle of gravity.
 ☞ 请问你能给我解释一下这一习惯用语的意思吗?
 ☞ Will you please explain the meaning of this idiomatic expression to me?
 ☞ 他一封接一封地给她写信来解释这次误会。
 ☞ He sent her letter after letter to explain the misunderstanding.
2.account for,为说明原因而做的解释。
 ☞ 毫无疑问,他是在雨中走来的。但他浑身湿透的样子,光是雨是无法解释的。
 ☞ No doubt he had been walking in the rain, but he was so completely drenched that rain alone could not account for it.
 ☞ 他的行为十分反常,我无法解释他的举动。
 ☞ He has behaved in the most extraordinary way, I can't account for his actions.
 ☞ 她望着四周竭力想解释这个血斑。
 ☞ She was looking about her and trying to account for the blood spot.
 ☞ 剧院不得不出来为自己解释,说它是一个严肃的文化事业单位。
 ☞ The playhouse was forced to justify itself as a serious cultural entity.
 ☞ 你又如何解释你粗鲁的行为呢?
 ☞ How can you justify your rude behavior?
 ☞ 他使你恼怒这个事实并不能解释你用那种方式对待他。
 ☞ The fact that he annoyed you does not justify your treating him in that way.
 ☞ 我们得用现代的眼光来解释他的话。
 ☞ We have to interpret his words in a modern light.
 ☞ 精神病学者对他恐怖的噩梦作了解释。
 ☞ The psychiatrist interpreted his ghastly dream.
 ☞ 对本协定在解释上遇有分歧,应以中文本为准。
 ☞ In case there is any divergence of interpretation of this agreement, the Chinese text shall prevail.
 ☞ 从来没有人能把《金刚经》解释得如此玄妙深奥。
 ☞ Never has The Diamond Sutra been expounded with more complexity.
 ☞ 牧师向我们解释了基督教的《圣经》。
 ☞ The priest expounded Holy Scripture to us.
解除 解除
 ☞ 美国似乎不想解除对伊拉克的制裁。
 ☞ It seems that the U.S. refuses to lift sanctions against Iraq.
 ☞ 我国政府解除了外国旅游者去西藏的禁令。
 ☞ Our government has lifted the ban on trip to Tibet by foreign tourists.
2.free of (from),指解除某种顾虑。
 ☞ 他终于解除了对安全的顾虑。
 ☞ Finally he freed his mind of (from) apprehensions a.
 ☞ bout safety.
 ☞ 他终于解除了经济上的负担。
 ☞ At last he was freed of (from) his financial burden.
3.get rid of,指解除某种麻烦。
 ☞ 这种飞机得使用专门的制冷设备来解除高温。
 ☞ Such planes have to use special cooling equipment to get rid of intense heat.
 ☞ 他希望用这种药能解除他膝盖上作怪的风湿病。
 ☞ He hopes the medicine will help to get rid of the rheumatism making trouble in his knees.
4.remove from,指解除职务。
 ☞ 政府解除了一批贪官污吏的职务。
 ☞ The government removed a number of corrupt officials from their positions.
 ☞ 他被悄悄地解除了指挥权并被调到了西北军区。
 ☞ He was quietly removed from command and transferred to the northwestern military region.
5.relieve from,指解除职务、病痛或负担等。
 ☞ 他被证明有罪而被解除了职务。
 ☞ He was proved guilty and relieved from his post.
 ☞ 必须实行这一政策来解除农民负担过重。
 ☞ The policy must be adopted to relieve the excess burden of the peasants.
 ☞ 他最后才从美国费城来信,要求解除婚约。
 ☞ At last he did write from Philadelphia, demanding to terminate the engagement.
 ☞ 由于贵方交付的货物质量大大次于样品,我方已决定解除合同。
 ☞ We decide to terminate the contract because the goods you delivered are far inferior to the sample.
 ☞ 普降甘霖,旱象解除。
 ☞ A welcome rain fell, ending all signs of drought.
 ☞ 如果能解除贫困,我们消灭犯罪也就快了。
 ☞ If we can end poverty, we are nearer to ending crime.
 ☞ 我们正在盘算如何去解除这些部队的武装。
 ☞ We are planning how to disarm these troops.
 ☞ 在我从他手里拿过他的笔想写点什么的时候,他说“你解除了我的武装”。
 ☞ He said: "You disarmed me." when I took the pen from his hand and was to write something.
解雇 解雇
 ☞ 他因办事懒散和行为不端而被解雇。
 ☞ He was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest.
 ☞ 他因合同到期而被解雇。
 ☞ He was dismissed at the expiration of the contract.
 ☞ 他每每不得不解雇那些由于挣了点外快而不知自爱的服务员。
 ☞ He was constantly being forced to discharge waiters who, because they made a little extra money, did not know how to conduct themselves.
 ☞ 他由于无法胜任工作而被解雇。
 ☞ He was discharged for incompetence.
 ☞ 那天下午,他喝酒引起老板注意而被解雇。
 ☞ He was fired that afternoon when his drinking came to the boss's attention.
 ☞ 参加罢工的工人都被立即解雇。
 ☞ The workers who joined the strike were instantly fired.
 ☞ 他因超假而被公司解雇。
 ☞ He was dropped from the firm for overstaying his leave。
 ☞ 星期六,老板无缘无故地解雇了6个人。
 ☞ The boss dropped six men for no reason on Saturday.
 ☞ 如果我越权,你可以解雇我。
 ☞ You can sack me if I go beyond my authority.
 ☞ 这个季度我们足球队场场都输球,所以解雇了球队的教练。
 ☞ Our football team has lost every game this season, so it has sacked its coach.
 ☞ 他解雇他是因为投诉他的顾客太多。
 ☞ He bounced him because too many costumers complained about him.
 ☞ 她是被一家合资企业解雇的。
 ☞ She was bounced out of a joint venture.
7.lay off,指临时解雇。
 ☞ 公司因销售额下降已开始解雇工人。
 ☞ The firm has begun to lay off workers because of the drop in sales.
 ☞ 土个月光我们厂就解雇500多人。
 ☞ In our factory alone over five hundred people were laid off during the last month.
警告 警告
 ☞ 我警告你,你再这样就会有麻烦的。
 ☞ I'm warning you, if you do that again, there'll be trouble。
 ☞ 医生警告我不要再抽烟。
 ☞ The doctor warned me not to smoke.
 ☞ 我国政府对敌人的军事挑衅提出严重警告。
 ☞ The Chinese government issued a serious warning to the enemy against their military provocations.
 ☞ 我们受到不要开快车的警告。
 ☞ We were cautioned not to drive fast.
 ☞ 警察对司机提出警告后就放行了。
 ☞ The policeman let the driver off with a caution.
 ☞ 路标上的“危险”两字就是警告。
 ☞ A road sign with "Danger" on it is a caution.
 ☞ 我们一再警告他不要和那种人来往。
 ☞ We repeatedly admonished him not to associate with that sort of people.
 ☞ 我警告你,这是浪费时间。
 ☞ I'm admonishing you. It's a waste of time.
警惕 警惕
1.vigilance, vigilant, vigilantly,对可能的危险或错误保持敏感或防范。
 ☞ 永不松懈的警惕是自由应付的代价。
 ☞ Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
 ☞ 要避免事故必须时刻警惕。
 ☞ Constant vigilance is necessary in order to avoid accidents.
 ☞ 提高警惕,保卫祖国。
 ☞ Heighten our vigilance and defend our motherland.
 ☞ 要警惕敌人的破坏。
 ☞ Be vigilant against enemy sabotage.
 ☞ 他们警惕地守卫着大桥。
 ☞ They vigilantly guard the bridge.
2.on one's guard (against),指防卫、提防。
 ☞ 你要警惕他的把戏。
 ☞ Be on your guard against his tricks.
 ☞ 我要是你,我是一定会警惕的。
 ☞ I should certainly be on my guard if I were you.
3.watch out for,指注视、监视。
 ☞ 我们要特别警惕个人野心家和阴谋家。
 ☞ We must especially watch out for careerists and conspirators.
 ☞ 要高度警惕有人刺探军情。
 ☞ Keep sharp watch-out for anyone spying on military secrets.
警戒 警戒
 ☞ 警报使全城处于警戒状态。
 ☞ Siren brought the whole city to the alert.
 ☞ 部队已处于警戒状态。
 ☞ The troops were put on the alert.
 ☞ 全区警察得知囚犯逃跑后已处于警戒状态。
 ☞ The police throughout the district were alerted as it was known that the prisoner had escaped.
 ☞ 我们已沿着公路派出了警戒。
 ☞ We have posted guards along the highway.
 ☞ 士兵们已奉命在总统府周围警戒。
 ☞ The soldiers were ordered to keep guard round the president's house.
 ☞ 母熊警戒着她受伤的熊仔。
 ☞ The mother bear was standing guard over her injured cub.
3.watch out for (on),指监视性的警戒。
 ☞ 特种部队会在沿海驻防以警戒敌机。
 ☞ Special troops will be garrisoned all along the coast to watch out for enemy airplanes.
 ☞ 我们被派去警戒敌人。
 ☞ We were sent to keep a watch on the enemy.
 ☞ 警察都以警戒的目光扫视着四周。
 ☞ The policemen were throwing precautionary glances around.
 ☞ 我们采取警戒措施以防敌人反击。
 ☞ We had taken precautionary measures against the enemy's counterattack.
警报 警报
 ☞ 空袭警报拉响之后,成千上万的人进入特制的防空掩体。
 ☞ Air-raid warnings were sounded and thousands of people went into special air-raid shelters.
 ☞ 他们得到的第一个警报是马蹄发出的巨响。
 ☞ The first warning they had was the thundering of the horses' hooves.
 ☞ 他见到要发生爆炸就发出了警报。
 ☞ He raised the alarm as soon as he saw explosion was to happen.
 ☞ 那晚有过几次警报,但并未发生战斗。
 ☞ There were several alarms during the night but no fight broke out.
 ☞ 指挥部于上午10点才得到战斗警报。
 ☞ The headquarters didn't receive the combat alert until 10 a.m.
 ☞ 空袭警报是在中午拉响的。
 ☞ The air-raid alert sounded at noon.
 ☞ 警报使全城处于警戒状态。
 ☞ Siren brought the whole city to the alert.
 ☞ 消防部门拉响了火警警报。
 ☞ The fire department sounded the fire siren.
5.all clear,着重指解除警报。
 ☞ 空袭后响起了空袭解除警报。
 ☞ The "all clear" was sounded after the air attack.
计算 计算
 ☞ 他们在计算出席会议的人数。
 ☞ They are counting the number of people present at the conference.
 ☞ 选票计算出来没有?
 ☞ Have the votes been counted yet?
 ☞ 科学家们能计算出宇宙飞船何时抵达月球。
 ☞ The scientists can calculate when the spaceship will reach the moon.
 ☞ 你们是如何计算工业产值的?
 ☞ How did you calculate the value of the industrial output?
 ☞ 我们可以用速度计来计算你汽车的平均速度。
 ☞ We can use a speedometer to compute the average speed of your car.
 ☞ 一个更精确的方法是计算每亩地所需的用肥量。
 ☞ A more accurate method is to compute the amount of manure needed per mu.
 ☞ 看一个孩子扳着手指头计算,很有趣的。
 ☞ It is very interesting to watch a child reckoning on his fingers.
 ☞ 工资是按工时计算的。
 ☞ The wages are reckoned by the amount of hours worked。
 ☞ 计算一下总数,我们好用支票支付。
 ☞ Figure the total and we'll pay it with a check.
 ☞ 我计算了一下,该工程需要两年才完成。
 ☞ I figured it would take two years to finish the project.
 ☞ 我正计算着去北京。
 ☞ I'm planning a trip to Beijing.
 ☞ 做事不能没有个计算。
 ☞ We shouldn't do anything without a plan.
计较 计较
1.particular about,指性格上的挑剔。
 ☞ 你不应太计较小事。
 ☞ You shouldn't be too particular about trifles.
 ☞ 她对吃穿都很计较。
 ☞ She is very particular about what she eats and wears.
 ☞ 我一向认为他这个人斤斤计较,惟利是图。
 ☞ I always considered him calculating and mercenary.
 ☞ 她生性吝啬,而且好计较。
 ☞ She is mean and calculating.
3.give no thought to,指不予考虑。
 ☞ 他不计较个人得失。
 ☞ He gives no thought to personal gains or losses.
 ☞ 我们从来不计较他的脾气。
 ☞ We never give thought to his temperament.
4.leave…out of account,指不予计较。
 ☞ 不要计较他们的议论。
 ☞ Leave their remarks out of account.
 ☞ 这类汽车油耗那么高,我们不能不计较。
 ☞ Such kind of car has so high fuel consumption that we can't leave it out of account.
5.think about,指考虑。
 ☞ 找们先安排一周的活计,其余的以后再计较。
 ☞ We'll arrange a week's work first and think about the rest afterwards.
 ☞ 这件事我们回去以后再计较。
 ☞ We'll think about it after we are back.
6.dispute, argue,指争议、争论。
 ☞ 计较这种事情,真是荒唐。
 ☞ It is really ridiculous to dispute about such things.
 ☞ 这一点,我不同你计较。
 ☞ I won't dispute with you on that point.
 ☞ 等你的气消了,我再跟你计较。
 ☞ I won't argue with you until you have calmed down.
 ☞ 对这种不讲理的人,犯不上和他计较。
 ☞ It's not worthwhile to argue with such an unreasonable man.

 ☞ 我们同敌人订协议讲和。
 ☞ We concluded the agreement with the enemy in order to make peace.
 ☞ 他们也订了贸易协定。
 ☞ They also concluded trade agreements.
 ☞ 合同还没有订呢。
 ☞ The contract has not yet been concluded.
2.enter into,表示开始谈判条约等的签订。
 ☞ 工厂直接跟他们订合同。
 ☞ Factories enter into contracts directly with them.
 ☞ 中日两国订了和约。
 ☞ China entered into a treaty of peace with Japan.
3.draw up, work out,表示制定。
 ☞ 全区订出了统一的治沙规划。
 ☞ The whole area drew up a unified sand-control program.
 ☞ 议事日程还没订呢。
 ☞ The agenda has not yet been drawn up.
 ☞ 规范应在本月末订好。
 ☞ The specifications must be drawn up by the end of this month.
 ☞ 明年的计划还在订。
 ☞ Plans are being drawn up for next year.
 ☞ 参谋已制订了一个作战方案。
 ☞ Staff officers worked out a battle plan.
 ☞ 根据去年订的计划,正在兴建5座工厂。
 ☞ According to the project worked out last year, five factories are under construction.
 ☞ 应该订一个切实可行的计划,才能实现经营决策的目标。
 ☞ It is necessary to work out a practical plan for the realization of the goal of management decisions.
 ☞ 不久前订的政策又作过3次修改。
 ☞ The policy worked out not long ago has had three revisions.
 ☞ 我们来订个日子。星期六晚上你行吗?
 ☞ Let's fix a day. Would Saturday evening suit you?
 ☞ 他们结婚的日期已经订了。
 ☞ They have fixed the date for the wedding.
 ☞ 房租订为50元1个月。
 ☞ The rent was fixed at 50 yuan a month.
 ☞ 如果你愿意,我们就把价格订了。
 ☞ We'll fix the price if you wish.
 ☞ 开会订在明天上午。
 ☞ The meeting is fixed for tomorrow morning.
5.subscribe to, order,表示订阅和订购。
 ☞ 他订了许多跟他专业有关的杂志。
 ☞ He subscribed to a number of journals concerned with his subject.
 ☞ 我订了一份日报和一份周刊。
 ☞ I subscribed to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine.
 ☞ 到国外去订这种书实在是浪费钱。
 ☞ It's just a waste of money ordering such books from abroad.
 ☞ 打个电话给肉店订只正餐吃的鸡。
 ☞ Call the butcher's and order a chicken for dinner.
 ☞ 你们订了饭菜了吗?
 ☞ Have you ordered your meals yet?
 ☞ 我相信一定很挤,所以你得订座位。
 ☞ I believe it is terribly crowded, so you have to book seats.
 ☞ 我想订个带洗澡间的单人房间。
 ☞ I would like to book a single room with a private bath.
 ☞ 你最好现在就把票订了。
 ☞ You'd better book your ticket now.

 ☞ 我因为不认路才迷了路。
 ☞ Not knowing the road, I lost my way.
 ☞ 你只有根据头发的颜色才能认他。
 ☞ You'll know him only by the color of his hair.
 ☞ 狗是根据气味认人的。
 ☞ Dogs recognize people by their smell.
 ☞ 认笔迹有点难。
 ☞ It is a bit hard to recognize handwriting.
 ☞ 在事实面前他认了错。
 ☞ He admitted his fault in the face of the truth.
 ☞ 最后他向我们认罪了事。
 ☞ At last it was done that he admitted his guilt to all of us.
 ☞ 你要对你的所作所为认账。
 ☞ You must admit what you've done.
 ☞ 班上的每位同学都认了五块钱给老师买礼物。
 ☞ Each student in the class subscribed 5 yuan to buy our teacher a present.
 ☞ 所认款项超过所需款项数倍。
 ☞ The sum needed was subscribed several times over.
 ☞ 他既然认错了,就原谅他一次。
 ☞ Since he has made an apology, forgive him this once.
 ☞ 去跟你妈认个错。
 ☞ Go and apologize to your mother.
6.take for, 指错认。
 ☞ 认敌为友,我真是瞎了眼。
 ☞ I was so blind as to take a foe for a friend.
 ☞ 你怎么会闹到认贼作父的地步?
 ☞ How did you get into such a mess as to take a rascal as your benefactor.
7.“认”常与“了”连用,表示接受某种坏事,这时的翻译要根据具体的情况来定。但因为这是个让步句,故一般都用even if作连词。
 ☞ 这东西一定得买,价贵一点我也认了。
 ☞ I simply must buy it, even if I have to pay a little more for it.
 ☞ 吃多大的亏我都认了。
 ☞ I won't say a word about it even if I didn't get a squared deal.
 ☞ 这房子一定要建,花多少钱我都认了。
 ☞ The house must be built, even if I have to spend a lot of money.
 ☞ 即使霉运当头我也认了。
 ☞ I'll accept any ill luck, even if it befalls on me.
 ☞ 这次是我吃亏,但我认了。
 ☞ I've resigned myself to losing out this time.
 ☞ 自己的东西自己来认。
 ☞ Come and pick out your own things.
 ☞ 他的字真难认。
 ☞ His handwriting is barely legible.
 ☞ 我听说你认了一位老艺人做师傅。
 ☞ I heard that you had apprenticed yourself to an old handicraftsman.
 ☞ 王大妈认她做了闺女。
 ☞ Auntie Wang adopted her as a daughter.
 ☞ 这是谁的伞?大家过来认一认。
 ☞ Whose umbrella is it? Come and take a close look at it。
 ☞ 把支票保管好了,那可是认票不认人的。
 ☞ Keep the check in a safe place. It is payable to the bearer.
 ☞ 打碎了你的杯子,我认赔。
 ☞ I've broken your cup, and I'm prepared to pay compensation.
 ☞ 你真是六亲不认呀。
 ☞ You are really unfeeling towards everybody.
认为 认为
 ☞ 于“认为”是思考结束后的结果,故不用进行时。
 ☞ 你认为这篇论文怎么样?
 ☞ What do you think of this thesis?
 ☞ 大家认为这个建议是可行的。
 ☞ We all think this proposal feasible.
 ☞ 我认为你最好还是去。
 ☞ I think you'd better be going.
 ☞ 这件事你认为我母亲会允许吗?
 ☞ Do you think my mother would permit it?
  ■ think作“认为”解时,在被动句中可用动词不定式。
 ☞ 大家认为他是个间谍。
 ☞ He was thought to be a spy.
 ☞ 人们都认为他是躲在林子里。
 ☞ He was thought to be hiding in the woods.
  ■ 但在主动句里很少用不定式。
 ☞ 我们大家都认为他是个有钱人。
 ☞ We all think him to be a wealthy man.
  ■ 此外,think后还可用it作先行宾语,接补语,再接由动词不定式或从句构成的真正宾语。
 ☞ 我认为帮他是我们的责任。
 ☞ I think it our duty to help him.
 ☞ 他认为我们保持冷静十分重要。
 ☞ He thinks it important that we should keep calm.
  ■ 在think引入否定概念时,要注意两种情况:
1) 直叙事实时无需否定转移。
 ☞ 我不认为外交是私人可以经营的领域。
 ☞ I don't think diplomacy is afield for private enterprise.
 ☞ 他们不认为会发洪水。
 ☞ They don't think the flood would come.
2) 表示委婉时需要转移否定。
 ☞ 我认为他不是个用功的孩子。
 ☞ I don't think he is a diligent boy.(不客气的说法是:I think he is a lazy boy.)
 ☞ 我认为他不老实。
 ☞ I don't think he is honest.(不客气的说法是:I think he is dishonest.)
 ☞ 批评家们认为这部小说是部杰作。
 ☞ All critics considered the novel a masterpiece.
 ☞ 他们认为自己比别人优越。
 ☞ They considered themselves superior to others.
 ☞ 我认为他的举动有失体面。
 ☞ I consider that he has acted disgracefully.
  ■ consider与think不同的是它的主动和被动句都可用动词不定式。
 ☞ 我认为我们的主要任务是团结这一地区的少数民族。
 ☞ I consider our main task to be the uniting of all national minorities in this area.
 ☞ 政府认为这些反叛分子会破坏安定团结。
 ☞ The government considered the rebels to destroy stability and unity.
 ☞ 别人都认为她缺乏经验。
 ☞ She was considered to lack experience.
 ☞ 大家都认为她的处境是再好不过了。
 ☞ Her situation was considered to be exceptionally good.
  ■ 此外,consider与think一样,也可用先行宾语it和否定转移。
 ☞ 我认为在办公室之外谈论客户是不恰当的。
 ☞ I consider it improper to discuss our clients outside the office.
 ☞ 我不认为他是我的朋友。
 ☞ I don't consider he is my friend.(表示事实,无需转移)
 ☞ 我有把握认为他不可能是个自私自利的人。
 ☞ I surely can't consider him to be a selfish man. (表示委婉,需要转移)
 ☞ 有利于承运人的保险赔偿费或类似条款均应认为是解除承运人赔偿责任的条款。
 ☞ A benefit of insurance in favor of the carrier or similar clause shall be deemed to be a clause relieving the carrier from liability.
 ☞ 在证明临床有效之前避免做出明确的结论,大家认为是可取的。
 ☞ It is deemed advisable to refrain from making definite conclusion until clinical proof is available.
  ■ 这种权威性即使是在与法律文件无关的日常生活用语中仍然十分明显。
 ☞ 这种批评我认为是毫无根据的。
 ☞ I deem this criticism to be without foundation.
 ☞ 他认为自己是个开明的人。
 ☞ He deemed himself a liberal.
 ☞ 这件事我们认为有必要向你们说清楚。
 ☞ We deem it necessary to make this clear to you.
 ☞ 我们认为国家不分大小,应该一律平等。
 ☞ We hold that all nations, big or small, should be equal.
 ☞ 人们一度认为太阳是绕着地球转的。
 ☞ People once held that the sun went around the earth.
 ☞ 我们认为一个国家的事应由这个国家的人民来管理。
 ☞ We hold that the affairs of a given country must be handled by its own people.
 ☞ 有一种理论认为宇宙是无边无际的。
 ☞ There is a theory holding that the universe is endless.
 ☞ 我们认为这是巩固工农联盟的惟一道路。
 ☞ We maintain that this is the only way to consolidate the worker-peasant alliance.
 ☞ 我们一贯认为国家不论大小,应一律平等。
 ☞ We have consistently maintained that all countries, big or small, should be equal.
 ☞ 被告坚持认为自己无罪。
 ☞ The defendant maintained his innocence.
 ☞ 她坚持认为指控是毫无根据的。
 ☞ She maintains that the accusation is groundless.
 ☞ 他认为那是他所看过的最糟糕的影片。
 ☞ He regarded that movie as one of the worst he has ever seen.
 ☞ 游击队员都认为他们的队长是个英勇善战的战士和足智多谋的领袖。
 ☞ The guerrillas regarded their chief as a brave soldier and a resourceful leader.
 ☞ 我认为他的举止极不体面。
 ☞ I regarded his conduct as totally disgraceful.
  ■ 当然,regard用于引申时也指由推理、分析得出结论后认为。
 ☞ 五四运动被认为是现代中国的一场文化和思想上的启蒙运动。
 ☞ The May 4th Movement was regarded as one of cultural and ideological enlightenments in modem China.
7.take for,也指从外表上认为,但与regard不同的是,take for指的是误认为。
 ☞ 她英语说得那么好,以至于我们一直认为她是土生土长的本地人。
 ☞ She speaks English so well that we have taken her for a native.
 ☞ 我们认为他是个胆小鬼,但很快就发现我们错了。
 ☞ We took him for a coward, but we soon found out our mistake.
 ☞ 甚至连专家都认为这幅画是伦勃朗的真迹。
 ☞ Even the experts took the painting for a genuine Rembrandt.
  ■ 但是,take as则与regard as同义,但比regard更为口语化,可以换用。
 ☞ 我们大家认为他是我校拔尖的学生。
 ☞ We all take (regard) him as the top student in our school.
 ☞ 你可以认为这个借口就是他拒绝的理由。
 ☞ You may take (regard) this excuse as a reason for his refusal.
  ■ take to be 有“认为是…”的意思。
 ☞ 我认为这是他缺乏原则性的证据。
 ☞ I took this to be a proof of his lack of principle.
 ☞ 根据他说话的语调,我认为他是个俄国人。
 ☞ From his intonation of speaking I took him to be a Russian.
8.look on (upon) as,也指从外表、视觉上认为。也是一个比较口语化的用词。
 ☞ 我并不认为他是个好医生。
 ☞ I don't look on him as a good doctor.
 ☞ 说真的,我认为这是一个很有前途的学科。
 ☞ Frankly, I look on it as a very promising branch of learning.
 ☞ 中东某个国家的活动只能看作是其侵略野心的扩张。
 ☞ The activities of a certain country in the Middle East can only be looked upon as expansion of its aggressive designs.
 ☞ 我认为这次经历是我教育的一部分。
 ☞ I counted this experience a part of my education.
 ☞ 她认为自己总体上是个好妻子。
 ☞ On the whole she counted herself a good wife.
 ☞ 他认为屋里那个人偷了那件大衣。
 ☞ He reckoned the man in the house stole the overcoat.
 ☞ 我认为那里至少有200人。
 ☞ I reckon there are at least 200 people there.
 ☞ 科学家们认为火星上没有生命。
 ☞ Scientists assume that there is no life on Mars.
 ☞ 不能认为新制度一建立起来就完全巩固了。
 ☞ It must not be assumed that the new system can be completely consolidated the moment it is established.
 ☞ 他认为要改变主意已为时过晚。
 ☞ He supposed it was too late to change his mind.
 ☞ 他们认为一切有钱人都是刻薄恶毒的。
 ☞ They suppose that all rich people are wicked.
 ☞ 法律认为在罪责认定以前人是无罪的。
 ☞ The law presumes innocence until guilt is proved.
 ☞ 他那个已经被认为死了的兄弟事实上一直活着。
 ☞ His brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time.
 ☞ 专家看了那幅画后认为是赝品。
 ☞ The expert studied the painting and decided it was a forgery.
 ☞ 舆论都认为总统再也不能回避要求该参议员作出解释。
 ☞ The press decided that the president could no longer avoid calling the senator to account.
15.have it that,指公开宣布出来的认为。
 ☞ 报纸都认为该公司已几乎破产。
 ☞ The newspapers have it that the corporation is almost bankrupt.
 ☞ 相对论认为所有直线实际上都是弯的。
 ☞ The theory of relativity has it that all straight lines are really curved.
认出 认出
 ☞ 我毫不费力地就认出在火车上见过一次的姑娘。
 ☞ Without any difficulty I recognized the girl I met once in the train.
 ☞ 他瞄了一眼信封就认出那是他叔叔的笔迹。
 ☞ He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle's handwriting.
 ☞ 她是根据罪犯脸上的伤疤认出他的。
 ☞ She identified the criminal by the scar on his face.
 ☞ 你能在上百把雨伞当中认出你的那一把吗?
 ☞ Can you identify your umbrella among a hundred others?
3.make out,指认出由于距离、光线等原因而难以辨认出的人或物。
 ☞ 你能认出河对面那个是什么东西吗?
 ☞ Can you make out what that object is on the other side of the river?
 ☞ 黑暗中我们几乎认不出路在哪里。
 ☞ We could hardly make out where the road was in the dark.
 ☞ 我无法认出这个数字是3还是8。
 ☞ I cannot make out whether this figure is a three or an eight.
 ☞ 我认出有3个人影在远处走动。
 ☞ I made out three figures moving in the distance.
认定 认定
 ☞ 大多数人都认定这一计划行不通。
 ☞ Most people hold that the plan won't work.
 ☞ 我认定教练应该对我队的失败负责。
 ☞ I hold that the coach is responsible for the defeat of our team.
  ■ 但是,如果hold表示看法的主体为某个权威机关,如政府、法院等,则这种认定的语气就可能加强。
 ☞ 法院认定谋杀犯神志正常。
 ☞ The court held that the murderer was sane.
 ☞ 专家们认定这次飞行事故与起落架有关。
 ☞ The experts held that this air accident was related to the undercarriage of the plane.
 ☞ 马克思主义认定,矛盾存在于一切事物的发展过程之中。
 ☞ Marxists maintain that contradiction exists in the process of development of all things.
 ☞ 你认定在一滴水中的生物要比我们城市的人口还要多吗?
 ☞ Do you maintain that in one drop of water there are more living creatures than there are people in our city?
3.firmly believe,指坚信。
 ☞ 大多数在前线的国民党将领都认定大势已去。
 ☞ Most of the Kuomintang generals on the front firmly believed that the game was as good as lost.
 ☞ 科学家们认定任何科学的结论都可以通过反复的实验予以证明。
 ☞ Scientists firmly believe that any conclusion of science can be verified by repeated experiments.
认得 认得
 ☞ 你认得这位同志吗?
 ☞ Do you know this comrade?
 ☞ 我认得你兄弟,不认得你妹妹。
 ☞ I know your brother, not your sister.
 ☞ 这个笔迹他不认得。
 ☞ This was a handwriting he did not know.
 ☞ 他不认得邻居,街道也不熟悉。
 ☞ He did not know the neighbors, the streets were unfamiliar as well.
 ☞ 门卫认得这位代表就放他进去了。
 ☞ The entrance guard recognized the delegate and let him in.
 ☞ 你成了一个大小伙子,我几乎不认得你了。
 ☞ You've grown into a strong chap and I could scarcely recognize you.
 ☞ 变化那么大,这地方都不认得了。
 ☞ Great changes have taken place. I can no longer recognize the place.
3.find,指找到;find out, 指打听到。
 ☞ 你认得回家的路吗?
 ☞ Can you find your way home?
 ☞ 我迟早会认得这个骗子的藏身之地。
 ☞ I'll find out the swindler's hiding-place sooner or later.
4.read, 指读懂、看懂。
 ☞ 你认得莫尔斯电码吗?
 ☞ Can you read Morse Code?
 ☞ 只有上帝才认得人心。
 ☞ Only Cod reads men's heart.
认识 认识
 ☞ 你认识台上讲话的那个人吗?
 ☞ Do you know the man speaking on the platform?
 ☞ 我们学了一年英语,认识了3,000多个单词。
 ☞ We now know over 3,000 English words after a year's study of English.
  ■ know不仅可以表示认识的状态,还可表示认识的过程。不过应在前面加上come,get等词。
 ☞ 我们是3年前在部队里认识的。
 ☞ We came to know each other in the army three years ago.
 ☞ 你是什么时候,在什么地方认识这么多汉字的?
 ☞ When and where did you get to know so many Chinese characters?
  ■ know sb. from sb. 还可作“不认识谁是谁”解。
 ☞ 我不认识谁是李同志,谁是王同志。
 ☞ I don't know Comrade Li from Comrade Wang.
2.make acquaintance, get acquainted,指结识,因此用的场合比较正式,一般只用于人。
 ☞ 有机会认识你,我很高兴。
 ☞ I am very glad to have the chance of making your acquaintance.
 ☞ 她认识那位作家。
 ☞ She has made acquaintance with the writer.
 ☞ 在去年的一次会上我认识了几位著名科学家。
 ☞ I got acquainted with several prominent scientists at a conference last year.
 ☞ 他们是在困难时期互相认识的。
 ☞ They got acquainted with each other in a time of need.
3.meet, 指见面,而见面的结果自然是认识。
 ☞ 我恨不得立刻就认识他。
 ☞ I'm dying to meet him at once.
 ☞ 很高兴认识你,洛克菲勒先生。
 ☞ Happy to meet you, Mr. Rockefeller.
 ☞ 你认识到这事的重要性吗?
 ☞ Do you understand the significance of the matter?
 ☞ 摆在我们面前的任务是如何认识世界和改造世界。
 ☞ The task confronting us is how to understand the world and change it.
 ☞ 如果对这一点认识不足或者根本不认识,那就要犯极大的错误。
 ☞ If this is not sufficiently understood, or is not understood at all, the gravest mistakes will be made.
 ☞ 要是你每天看报,你就会正确地认识当前的形势。
 ☞ If you read newspapers every day, you will have a correct understanding of the current situation.
 ☞ 你太年轻,还不认识结婚是怎么回事。
 ☞ You're too young to realize what marriage means.
 ☞ 到了这时候他才认识到自己的想法是多么地不切实际。
 ☞ Only then did he realize how far divorced from the facts his idea had been.
 ☞ 我们已认识到要想学好英语得多听多说。
 ☞ We've realized that we must listen more and speak more if we want to learn English well.
 ☞ 婴儿在认识具体的人或物以前早就见过这些人或物。
 ☞ An infant sees objects long before it is able to perceive them as persons or things.
 ☞ 辩证法的确应该是作家认识现实世界的正确方法。
 ☞ Indeed, dialectics must be the writer's correct way of perceiving the real world.
 ☞ 如果你以前见过这种草药就会认识。
 ☞ You will recognize this kind of herbal medicine if you have seen it before.
 ☞ 那个地区变化很大,我想你大概不认识了。
 ☞ That district has changed greatly, I don't think you would recognize it now.
 ☞ 我们的任务是要教育全党认识邓小平同志的伟大功绩。
 ☞ Our task is to educate the whole Party to recognize Comrade Deng Xiaoping's great feats.
 ☞ 科学家们不再用过去的目光来认识世界了。
 ☞ Scientists have never again regarded the world as they had before.
 ☞ 他认识到没有一样工作会卑贱到不值得他去做。
 ☞ He regarded no task as too humble for him to undertake.
9.read, 指只有通过读音才能认识的东西。
 ☞ 你认识汉语拼音吗?
 ☞ Can you read Chinese phonetic alphabet?
 ☞ 他的书法太乱,只有他自己认识。
 ☞ He writes such terrible hand that nobody can read it but himself.
 ☞ 她认识五线谱,能边看边唱。
 ☞ She can read music score and sing while she reads.
 ☞ 我听说过他,但一直不认识。
 ☞ I heard of him, but I have not been introduced to him so far.
 ☞ 我刚下乡时不认识高粱和玉米。
 ☞ I could hardly tell sorghum from maize when I first came to the country.
 ☞ 他那时还很幼稚,对政治没有认识。
 ☞ He was a greenhorn then, and quite ignorant politically.
讨厌 讨厌
 ☞ 我并不是说我讨厌你。
 ☞ I don't mean by that I dislike you.
 ☞ 我们都讨厌大城市。
 ☞ We all dislike big cities.
 ☞ 我讨厌遭人嘲笑。
 ☞ I dislike being laughed at.
 ☞ 我讨厌老鼠,一想起来就反感。
 ☞ I hate mice and the very thought of them revolts me.
 ☞ 她假装没看见,她的确讨厌孩子。
 ☞ She pretended not to notice. She did hate children.
 ☞ 他讨厌说话时被人打断。
 ☞ He hates being interrupted.
 ☞ 工人们都讨厌他的官架子。
 ☞ The workers detest his bureaucratic airs.
 ☞ 我讨厌欺骗和说谎的人。
 ☞ I detest people who deceive and tell lies.
 ☞ 我们讨厌打打杀杀的。
 ☞ We detest shooting and killing.
 ☞ 她讨厌蛇,一提起来就起鸡皮疙瘩。
 ☞ She loathes snake, and the mere mention of it makes her flesh crawl.
 ☞ 我讨厌这恶毒的坏蛋。
 ☞ I loathe the wicked villain.
 ☞ 她由于恐高症而讨厌乘飞机旅行。
 ☞ She loathes traveling by air because of acrophobia.
 ☞ 他是个老油子,大家都讨厌他的作风。
 ☞ He is a wily old bird. His behavior disgusts everybody,或Everybody is disgusted by his behavior.但不能说Everybody disgusts his behavior.
 ☞ 我讨厌这天气。
 ☞ I am disgusted at (with) the weather.
 ☞ 这味真讨厌!
 ☞ What a disgusting smell!
 ☞ 运动员讨厌裁判不公。
 ☞ Players abominate unfairness in an umpire.
 ☞ 我们讨厌种族隔离制度。
 ☞ We abominate the system of apartheid.
 ☞ 多讨厌的天气!
 ☞ What abominate weather!
 ☞ 伦敦的冬天很讨厌。
 ☞ Winters in London are disagreeable.
 ☞ 他老说些不三不四的话,真讨厌!
 ☞ He's always talking twaddle. How repulsive!
 ☞ 一想起吃猪肉就叫我讨厌。
 ☞ The very thought of eating pork is repugnant to me.
 ☞ 苍蝇真讨厌!
 ☞ What a nuisance the flies are!
讨好 讨好
1.ingratiate with,指迎合别人的讨好,主语为人时用反身代词,主语为物时用人称代词。
 ☞ 我们老板为了挣更多的钱总要讨好他的客户。
 ☞ Our boss would try to ingratiate himself with his clients in order to earn more money.
 ☞ 他不厌其烦的态度总能讨好这一带的家庭主妇。
 ☞ His unwearyingly manners would ingratiate him with the housewives of the district.
2.curry favor with,指赢得别人欢心的讨好。
 ☞ 他似乎总在讨好他的老板。
 ☞ He always seems to be currying favor with his boss.
 ☞ 她总要给新来的书记做些他所需要的小事以便讨好。
 ☞ She would curry favor with the new secretary by doing little services that he needs to.
3.toady to,指为了私利而讨好上级,贬义较上面两词重。
 ☞ 无能的独裁者往往需要马屁精去讨好。
 ☞ An incapable dictator often needs flatterers to toady to him.
 ☞ 他是讨好老师才得的高分。
 ☞ He gets good grades only because he toadies to the teacher.
4.fawn on,本指狗的摇尾乞怜,用于人时则指违心或虚假地讨好。
 ☞ 她当面讨好上司,背后又嗤之以鼻。
 ☞ She fawned on the boss to his face but sneered at him behind his back.
 ☞ 你的骑士白天甜言蜜语地讨好你,晚上却去舔一个年轻女人的脚、r子。
 ☞ Your knight toadies on you with honeyed words in the daytime, and will lick damsel's feet at night.

1.let, 是最不正式的说法,往往用于口语。let所表示的“让”,往往不是主体(说话人)的意志,而是受体的想法。因此有“听任”之意。
 ☞ 如果她想见我就让她进来吧。
 ☞ Let her in if she wants to see me.(即随她的意思, 想进就进)
 ☞ 让我抽支烟。
 ☞ Let me have a cigarette.(即我想抽烟,想来你也不会阻止)
  ■ 当然,有时也用let表示说话人的意志。但与此同时,仍然表示受格更为强烈的意识。
 ☞ 我妈不让我买。
 ☞ Mother didn't let me buy it.(即我非常想买,是妈妈不让)
  ■ 但如果受格不表示意志时,则主格的意志就会充分表现出来。
 ☞ 不要让孩子靠近电锯,他会把手指锯掉的。
 ☞ Don't let the child go near the electric saw; he might get his fingers cut off.
 ☞ 我们不能让这种事继续下去。
 ☞ We can't let this go on.
 ☞ 他们不让在公共场所抽烟。
 ☞ They do not allow smoking in public places. (因为有规定)
 ☞ 我们决不能让这样的劫案在光天化日之下发生在一条熙熙攘攘的大街上。
 ☞ We can never allow such a hold-up taking place in broad daylight in a crowded street.(因为无论在法律上、道德上都不允许)
 ☞ 有些医学院利用电视让学生获得更为直观的手术画面。
 ☞ Some medical colleges use TV to allow medical students to get more direct views of operations.(因为有了电视才做到这一点)
 ☞ 你让我抽会儿烟好吗?
 ☞ Will you permit me to smoke7(即如果你不让,我就不抽)
 ☞ 规则不让运动员越过中线。
 ☞ The rules do not permit players to step out of the center line.(即规则要求,否则就是犯规)
  ■ 除此之外,allow可以和副词连用,而permit则不能。
 ☞ 她不让我进去。
 ☞ She wouldn't allow me in.
 ☞ 晚上是不让玛丽出去的。
 ☞ Mary isn't allowed out at night.
 ☞ 我们应该让孩子自己去处理自己的事情。
 ☞ We should leave the children to settle their affairs themselves.
 ☞ 要让年轻人看到我们的确是有经验的。
 ☞ Leave it to the young people to realize that we are really experienced.
 ☞ 你最好让门窗开着。
 ☞ You had better leave the door and windows open.
5.ask, make, have,get,tell,keep等动词后接动词不定式或其他动词形式形成使役结构,有时有“让…干…”的意思。ask有请求的意思;make和have都有役使的意思;但语气上前者强于后者;get不仅表示役使,而且还表示主观上或客观上的役使;keep表示动作或状态的延续;tell仅仅表示口头上的要求。
 ☞ 老师让你把这个练习抄一遍。
 ☞ The teacher asked you to make a copy of the exercise.
 ☞ 他让我带着孩子到机场等他。
 ☞ He asked me to take the children to the airport and wait for him.
 ☞ 他一定要让我带他去逛公园。
 ☞ He made me take him to the park.(语气比ask强,故有“一定要让”的意思)
 ☞ 主人一定要让客人留下来吃饭。
 ☞ The host made his guests stay for dinner.
 ☞ 我不能让我儿子做那样的事情。
 ☞ I can't have my son doing things like that.
 ☞ 他让所有出席的人都填了表。
 ☞ He had everyone present fill out a form.
 ☞ 你要是能够,就让她留下来吃饭。
 ☞ Get her to stay for dinner if you can.
 ☞ 我家的屋顶昨天夜里让大风给刮跑了。
 ☞ We got our roof blown off in the gale last night.
 ☞ 行李让雨淋湿了。
 ☞ The luggage got wet in the rain.
 ☞ 医生让她卧床3天。
 ☞ The doctor told her to stay in bed for three days.
 ☞ 我让她10点到家。
 ☞ I told her to be home by ten.
 ☞ 对不起,让你久等了。
 ☞ Sorry to have kept you waiting.
 ☞ 他让我们整天干活。
 ☞ He kept us working all day.
 ☞ 我们寸土不让。
 ☞ We won't yield one inch of the ground.
 ☞ 他想让她改变主意,但她寸步不让。
 ☞ He tried to make her change her mind, but she would not yield a step.
7.give way, give ground,指做出让步的退让。
 ☞ 谈判陷入了僵局,双方各不相让。
 ☞ The negotiations reached a dead-lock as neither side would give way to the other.
 ☞ 在那么多人面前,你得让我。
 ☞ You have to give way to me before so many people.
 ☞ 我们都各不相让。
 ☞ Neither of us is willing to give ground.
8.offer, 指提供。
 ☞ 中国人的传统是向来访的客人让茶。
 ☞ It is the tradition for the Chinese to offer tea to anyone who call on them.
 ☞ 他见一位老人上车就站起来给他让座。
 ☞ Seeing an old man getting on the bus, he stood up to offer him his seat.
 ☞ 仆人开门让我进了屋子。
 ☞ The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house.
 ☞ 只有很重要的人物才让参加开幕典礼。
 ☞ Only very important personages were admitted to the opening ceremony.
 ☞ 庄稼让大水冲跑了。
 ☞ The crops were washed away by the flood.
 ☞ 展品不让摸。
 ☞ The exhibits are not to be touched.
 ☞ 我们瞧不起他。他是见荣誉就上,见困难就让的那号人。
 ☞ We look down upon him. He is the man who dashes towards honors and retreats from difficulties.
 ☞ 你该让着弟弟一点。
 ☞ You ought to humor your younger brother a little.
 ☞ 请让一让。
 ☞ Excuse me, please.
 ☞ 幸亏我让得快,要不早就给自行车撞倒了。
 ☞ Luckily I dodged in time, or I'd have been knocked down by the bike.
 ☞ 她把客人让进了里屋。
 ☞ She invited the guests into the inner room.
 ☞ 谁让你不敲门就进来的?
 ☞ Why didn't you knock before you came in?
 ☞ 他不是存心让你难堪。
 ☞ He didn't mean to embarrass you.
 ☞ 她让小刘给气跑了。
 ☞ Xiaoliu made her so angry that she left in a huff.
 ☞ 你比她大,应该让着点。
 ☞ You're older than she is, and shouldn't quarrel with her.(指不该吵架)
 ☞ You're older than she is, and shouldn't be harsh with her.(指不该态度不好)
 ☞ You're older than she is, and should give her bigger share.(指该给大的)
 ☞ 有些家长总不让孩子离家。
 ☞ Some parents always try to prevent their children.
让位 让位
 ☞ 1796年,乾隆皇帝在位60年后让位于其子。
 ☞ In 1796, having reigned for 60 years, Emperor Qianlong voluntarily abdicated in favor of one of his sons.
 ☞ 中国历史上逼迫皇帝让位的例子还少吗?
 ☞ Are there few examples in the Chinese history to force emperors to abdicate their throne?
2.give up position (seat),指放弃职位(座位)。
 ☞ 中国应当制定一套体制以迫使领导无方者让位。
 ☞ China should work out a system to force those who don't make good leader to give up their positions.
 ☞ 请为这位孕妇让个位。
 ☞ Please give up your seat to this pregnant lady.
3.yield to,指由于非人力所能挽回的趋势而让位。
 ☞ 漫长冷酷的冬天终于走到了尽头,让位于暖和温柔的春天。
 ☞ The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm spring.
 ☞ 18世纪末以后,重商主义开始让位于自由贸易。
 ☞ Mercantilism began to yield to free trade after the late 18th century.
4.give way to,指旧事物让位于新事物。
 ☞ 随着科技的发展,收音机让位于电视。
 ☞ Radio has given way to television with the development of science and technology.
 ☞ 专制让位于民主是不可抗拒的历史潮流。
 ☞ It is an irresistible historical trend when autocracy gives way to democracy.
5.change into,指“转变成…”。
 ☞ 经过大家的努力,困难的局面终于让位于顺利的局面。
 ☞ As a result of collective effort, the difficult situation Finally changed into a favorable one.
 ☞ 是党的改革开放政策使贫困让位于富裕。
 ☞ It is the Party's policy of reform and opening to the outside world that makes poverty change into prosperity.
让步 让步
 ☞ 公司答应增加我们的工资是对工会的一次让步。
 ☞ The company's promise to increase our pay was a concession to the trade union.
 ☞ 由于双方互相让步,问题解决了。
 ☞ The matter was settled because both sides made mutual concession.
2.yield to,指因屈服而让步。
 ☞ 我们决不向无理要求让步。
 ☞ We'll never yield to any unreasonable demand.
 ☞ 他们可不是向威胁让步的那种人。
 ☞ They are not the kind of people to yield to threat.
3.give way, give in,口头用语,说法比较随便,没有上面两个词正式,均指因退让而让步。
 ☞ 他可能会设法威胁你顺着他的意思来,但你不能让步。
 ☞ He will probably try to bully you into complying, but you mustn't give way (give in)to him.
 ☞ 我们一直请求妈妈让我们去看电影,她最后让步了。
 ☞ We kept asking our mother if we could go to the movies and she finally gave way (gave in).
 ☞ 我一直让王教授留下来吃饭,他终于让步了。
 ☞ I kept inviting Professor Wang to stay for dinner, and he finally gave in (gave way).
训斥 训斥
 ☞ 医生训斥了护士对病人的疏忽大意。
 ☞ The doctor rebuked the nurse who had been neglecting her patients.
 ☞ 他因考试舞弊而受到老师的训斥。
 ☞ He was rebuked by his teacher for cheating in the examination。
 ☞ 警察训斥司机拐弯时不打信号。
 ☞ The policeman reprimanded the driver for turning without a signal.
 ☞ 上尉派人把上士叫过来,训斥他的压制做法。
 ☞ The captain sent for the sergeant, and reprimanded him for his oppression.
3.dress down, 义同rebuke,但用于口语。
 ☞ 经理把练习生叫到办公室,训斥他对高级职员的傲慢态度。
 ☞ The manager called the office boy into his room and dressed him down for his insolence to senior members of the staff.
 ☞ 上士给了士兵狠狠的一顿训斥,因为他没把鞋洗干净。
 ☞ The sergeant gave the soldier a good dressing down because his shoes were not washed clean.
训练 训练
 ☞ 小学老师如何把学生训练成好公民,这点十分重要。
 ☞ It is very important for primary school teachers to train pupils how to be good citizens.
 ☞ 警犬都受到侦缉毒品的训练。
 ☞ Police dogs are trained to detect drugs.
 ☞ 这一点没逃过他受过训练的耳朵。
 ☞ This did not escape his trained ears.
 ☞ 经过他训练的射击运动员一个个都成了优秀射手。
 ☞ The shooters he trained have all become crack shots.
2.drill, 指通过某种模式、程序,经过反复严格的训练。
 ☞ 连长在操场上训练部队。
 ☞ The company commander is drilling troops on the drill ground.
 ☞ 他的父母训练他背乘法口诀。
 ☞ His parents drill him the multiplication table.
 ☞ ch和zh对南方人来说是新的发音,因此你们要训练唇舌的肌肉。
 ☞ The sounds ch and zh are new to southerners, so you must exercise the muscles of your lips and tongues.
 ☞ 击剑是他自己训练出来的。
 ☞ He exercised himself in fencing.
 ☞ 新兵每天都要训练自卫术。
 ☞ The recruits are exercised every day in the art of self-defense.
议论(议) 议论(议)
 ☞ 大家都在议论这件事。
 ☞ Everybody is talking about the matter.
 ☞ 你完全有可能被认识你的人看见,而他们又肯定会议论。
 ☞ You're pretty certain to be seen by someone you know and they are bound to talk.
 ☞ 他以前从来没有对我议论过她。
 ☞ He has never spoken about her to me before.
 ☞ 对此,他在会上大发议论。
 ☞ He spoke about it at the meeting at great length.
3.discuss, discussion,指在正式场合有组织有目的地议论,但这种议论只是讨论的比较随便的说法。
 ☞ 我们将同贵方代表在广州交易会上议论这一问题。
 ☞ We'll discuss this question with your representative at the Guangzhou fair 关于是否出兵伊拉克,在安理会上议论不休。
 ☞ Endless discussion arose in the Security Council as to whether troops should be sent to Iraq.
 ☞ 一连下了一个星期的雨,人们开始议论起天气来。
 ☞ It has been raining for a week running and people begin to comment the weather.
 ☞ 大家对这件事议论纷纷。
 ☞ This is a subject of widespread comment.

 ☞ 请不要讲那么快。
 ☞ Please don't speak so fast.
 ☞ 我能在会上讲上几个小时。
 ☞ I can speak at the meeting for hours.
  ■ 不过有时也可接宾语,但由于强调说话的动作,故其后接的宾语也往往与语言有关。如:
 ☞ 她能讲几种外语。
 ☞ She can speak several foreign languages.
 ☞ 他对我讲了些表示同情的话。
 ☞ He spoke to me a few words of sympathy.
 ☞ 你可以相信我,我会讲真话的。
 ☞ You may trust me that I am speaking the truth 他们终于讲了心里话。
 ☞ Finally, they spoke their mind.
  ■ 如果要接其他宾语,则要用介词,例如讲某人某事,可用speak about(on),讲到某人某事,则用speak of。
 ☞ 他是不会在我面前讲这件事的。
 ☞ He wouldn't speak about it before me.
 ☞ 我们希望他讲讲自己的错误。
 ☞ We expressed the hope that he would speak on his mistake.
 ☞ 他讲我没有?
 ☞ Did he speak of me?
 ☞ 我听他讲过此事。
 ☞ I've heard him speak of it.
 ☞ 起初,她甚至不知怎么对他讲。
 ☞ At first she did not even know how to talk to him.
 ☞ 除了你,我还能跟谁讲?
 ☞ Whom could I talk to apart from you?
  ■ 有时,虽然字面上没有交谈的对象,但从上下文看,仍在交流。如:
 ☞ 我们一讲就是几个小时。
 ☞ We can talk for hours.
 ☞ 你这么干,别人当然要讲。
 ☞ Considering what you've done, it is natural that people should be talking.
  ■ speak与talk的区别在下面的例句中十分明显。
 ☞ 他讲了几个小时,真了不起。
 ☞ It's amazing that he spoke for hours.(表示对说话能力的赞赏)
 ☞ 他讲了几个小时,真要命!
 ☞ What an awful nuisance! He talked for hours.(表示对长时间交谈的厌烦)
 ☞ 她能讲英语。
 ☞ She can speak English.(表示说英语的能力)
 ☞ 她常跟我讲英语。
 ☞ She often talks to me in English.(表示交谈是用英语进行的)
  ■ 同样,上面的speak about, speak of与下面讲的talk about, talk of也有这些含义上的差异。
 ☞ 咱们来讲讲这件工作。
 ☞ Let's talk about the work.
 ☞ 我讲的东西你们懂吗?
 ☞ Do you understand what I am talking about?
 ☞ 我们常常讲到你。
 ☞ We often talk of you.
 ☞ 他晚饭时什么也没讲。
 ☞ At supper he talked of nothing.
 ☞ 你怎么敢对我讲这样的事?
 ☞ How dare you say such a thing to me?
 ☞ 我无法讲这是真是假。
 ☞ I can't say whether this is true or not.
  ■ say与speak的区别在下面的例句中也同样明显。
 ☞ 他讲我没有?
 ☞ Did he speak of me?(提问的兴趣是在说没说)
 ☞ 他讲了我些什么?
 ☞ What did he say about me?(提问的兴趣是在说了些什么)
 ☞ 她讲了很多,但讲的内容很少。
 ☞ She spoke very much but said very little.(前一个讲的是动作,后一个讲的是内容)
 ☞ 你对她讲了他的消息吗?
 ☞ Did you tell her the news about him?
 ☞ 他对我讲过他要来。
 ☞ He told me he would come.
  ■ 有时,尽管汉语原文可能没有或只有一个宾语,但仍应译作双宾语。如:
 ☞ 老师一讲,他就明白了。(没有宾语)
 ☞ The teacher told him how and he caught on at once 他没有讲他的名字。(只有一个宾语)
 ☞ He did not tell us his name.
  ■ 当然,如果tell后的对象只是笼统地泛指,也可接单宾语。如:
 ☞ 她决不会讲困难在哪里。
 ☞ She will never tell where the trouble is.
 ☞ 我从来没听他讲过一句真话。
 ☞ I have never heard him tell a word of truth.
  ■ 综上所述,上述四词的用法,可用下面的一句话来概括。
 ☞ 他用英语讲了半天,可是讲得那么快,很少有同学跟得上,你能对我们讲讲,他讲了些什么?
 ☞ He talked in English for a long time but he spoke so fast that few among the students could follow him.
 ☞ Can you tell us what he said?
 ☞ 我们向他讲了我们的麻烦,征求了他的意见。
 ☞ We related to him our troubles, asking for his advice.
 ☞ 你只讲你心里认为必须讲给我听的话。
 ☞ Relate only what in your conscience you think necessary for me to hear.
 ☞ 请你讲讲这个词的意思好吗?
 ☞ Will you please explain the meaning of the word?
 ☞ 下一章我们要讲讲解决这一问题的办法。
 ☞ In the next chapter we shall explain the methods of solving this problem.
 ☞ 他对公安人员讲了这个令人难以置信的经过,竞也讲清楚了。
 ☞ He told the incredible story to the public security men, and managed to put it across.
 ☞ 以她这个年纪倒不是胖,我怎么讲呢,是丰满。
 ☞ She is, how shall I put it? not exactly fat, but rather well-built for her age.
 ☞ 我这么给你讲吧。
 ☞ Let me put it to you this way.
 ☞ The saying "Haste makes waste" does not mean that we should not make haste, but that we should not be impetuous.
 ☞ 我懂你讲的。
 ☞ I realized what you meant.
 ☞ 在十三届党代会的报告里已经讲清楚了。
 ☞ The report of the Thirteenth Party Congress has made it clear.
 ☞ 我认为讲明这一点是有必要的。
 ☞ I think it is necessary to make this point plain.
 ☞ 我想在会上讲几点意见。
 ☞ I would like to make a few remarks at the meeting.
 ☞ 这句话讲得通还是讲不通?
 ☞ Does the sentence make sense or nonsense?
10.go in for,强调讲究。
 ☞ 我不是讲吃喝的人。
 ☞ I'm not one of those people who go in for eating and drinking.
 ☞ 讲排场对你有什么好处?
 ☞ What good does it bring you to go in for showy display?
 ☞ 我们讲产品的质量,不讲数量。
 ☞ We stress quality of our products, not their quantity.
 ☞ 我们讲工作人员的能力,而不讲其外表。
 ☞ We stress a worker's ability, not his appearance.
12.pay attention to,强调重视。
 ☞ 讲民意是不是中国的传统?
 ☞ Is it a tradition of China to pay enough attention to the opinion polls?
 ☞ 讲卫生可以减少疾病。
 ☞ The incidence of disease can be reduced if we pay enough attention to hygiene.
13.have regard for,强调关注。
 ☞ 写作要讲逻辑。
 ☞ In writing you must have regard for logic.
 ☞ 这位法官秉公办案,不讲情面。
 ☞ The judge handles cases impartially, having no regard for anyone's sensibilities.
 ☞ 我们一直在世界各地讲自由和民主。
 ☞ We have been preaching freedom and democracy a.
 ☞ round the world.
 ☞ 善良的人们多年来一直在讲军备竞赛的危害。
 ☞ Men of goodwill have preached the perils of the arms race for many years.
 ☞ 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。
 ☞ They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.
 ☞ 我们讲社会主义的改革开放。
 ☞ We advocate socialist reform and opening to the outside world.
16.when (if)it comes to,强调谈论到某一点。
 ☞ 讲干劲,她比谁都足。
 ☞ When it comes to drive, she's got more than any of us.
 ☞ 讲赚钱,许多别的行当还没有我这行当挣得多。
 ☞ There is many a calling that doesn't bring in so much as mine, if it comes to money.
17.as to,强调说到的某个方面。
 ☞ 讲能力,她不如你。
 ☞ As to ability, she is not your match.
 ☞ 讲他的脾气和秉性,是不能再好了。
 ☞ As to his temper and nature, he couldn't be any better.
18.as (so) far as sth. be concerned, 指“就…来讲”。
 ☞ 讲到我,那是眼不见,心不烦。
 ☞ As far as I am concerned, well, what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.
 ☞ 讲到成立委员会,是越快越好。
 ☞ The earlier the better, so far as the committee is concerned.
 ☞ 这样,他们不得不讲点现实。
 ☞ Therefore, they have to be a little realistic.
 ☞ 现在,城里的姑娘都讲穿。
 ☞ Nowadays, girls in the city are clothes-conscious.
 ☞ 她讲时髦,我们也讲时髦。
 ☞ She is being fashionable, and we are fashionable too.
20.about, on,强调论述。on较about正式。
 ☞ 这本书是讲气象的。
 ☞ This is a book about meteorology.
 ☞ 文章是讲现代诗歌的。
 ☞ The essay is on contemporary poetry.
许多 许多
1) 常用于疑问句、否定句或原因、条件等从句,口语尤其如此。
 ☞ 你们当中会有许多人通过考试吗?
 ☞ Will many of you pass the examination?
 ☞ 这种缓慢的发展是不会有许多理由的。
 ☞ There aren't many reasons for this slow development.
 ☞ 由于许多同学都赞成去长城,我也没意见。
 ☞ Since many classmates are in favor of going to the Great Wall, I have no objection.
 ☞ 你有许多可供你支配的时间吗?
 ☞ Do you have much time at your disposal?
 ☞ 即使第一次有许多人参加他的讲座,学生们也不会喜欢他。
 ☞ The students won't like his lecture either, even if many attend it for the first time.
 ☞ 要是有许多的雨水,土地就会被淹。
 ☞ If there is much rain the field will be flooded.
2) 在正式文体的肯定句里可使用many和much。
 ☞ 过大都放在句首做主语或修饰主语。
 ☞ 许多代表都累得不能再往前走了。
 ☞ Many of the delegates were too tired to go further.
 ☞ 反对这一计划有许许多多的理由。
 ☞ There are many, many reasons against the plan.
 ☞ 可惜许多信息极不准确。
 ☞ Much of information was woefully inaccurate.
 ☞ 为证实癌症的成因,做了许多的研究工作。
 ☞ Much research has been carried out in order to verify the cause of cancer.
2.除了上述情况以外,在口语的肯定句里一般用lots of,a lot of,plenty (of)等来代替many,much。
 ☞ 有许多这样的人都有过同样的经历。
 ☞ There are such a lot of people who have had the same experience.
 ☞ 她在上海买了许多衣服。
 ☞ She bought lots of dresses in Shanghai.
  "How much money have you got?" "I've got plenty."
 ☞ 你和我有许多共同之处。
 ☞ You and I have plenty in common.
3.在正式文体里,一般用a great deal of(用于修饰不可数名词),a large number of(用于修饰可数名词),而不用much,many。
 ☞ 他对这一问题提出了许多思考。
 ☞ Ha had given this question a great deal of thought.
 ☞ 许多平民在冷酷的血腥中遭到杀害。
 ☞ A large number of civilians were murdered in cold blood.
设想 设想
1.conceive, conceivable,指已经成形的设想。
 ☞ 我们的足球教练所设想的战术为我们赢得了这次比赛。
 ☞ The tactics our football coach conceived has won the game for us.
 ☞ 科学家们对原子弹的初步设想产生于20世纪30 年代。
 ☞ Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930's.
 ☞ 他设想了一种新型飞机的设计,并颇得好评。
 ☞ He conceived the design of a new type of plane, which was well received.
 ☞ 过去人们难以设想人类竟会登上月球。
 ☞ It seemed inconceivable that man should land on the moon.
 ☞ 你可以设想他们在发现房内已空无一物时吃惊的样子。
 ☞ You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty.
 ☞ 尽量设想你们都独自一人在荒岛的情形。
 ☞ Try to imagine that you are all alone on a deserted island.
 ☞ 设想一下你自己处在他的境遇之中又会怎么办?
 ☞ Imagine yourself to be in his place. What would you do then?
 ☞ 困难到了不堪设想的地步。
 ☞ The difficulties defy the imagination.
 ☞ 我们设想在参加世贸组织后,再削减进口关税 15%。
 ☞ We envisage another reduction by 15% of import tariff,having joined WTO.
 ☞ 政府设想了一个反通货膨胀的计划,要在1年内实施。
 ☞ The government has envisaged an anti-inflation program which is to be carried out within a year.
 ☞ 本公司在计划中设想的利润指标定为500万元。
 ☞ The profit target envisaged in the program of our company is set at 5 million yuan.
 ☞ 其后果不堪设想。
 ☞ Its consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.
 ☞ 大概有一年的时间,我们一直在设想住到乡下去的可能性。
 ☞ For about a year we have been contemplating the possibility of living in the country.
 ☞ 设想40年的人生和设想100年的人生没有什么两样。
 ☞ To have contemplated human life for forty years is the same as to have contemplated it for a hundred years.
 ☞ 这样的设想是合乎逻辑的。
 ☞ It is logical to assume that.
 ☞ 这是我们的设想,不过很难证实。
 ☞ That is what we assume, but it's not easy to prove.
 ☞ 上例中我们设想的条件都已得到满足。
 ☞ We assumed in the example above that the conditions were satisfied.
 ☞ 他的设想已证明是错误的。
 ☞ His assumption was proved to be wrong.
 ☞ 只要你设想一下他的处境,你就会理解他为什么会有那种表现。
 ☞ If you consider his position, you may realize why he acted as he did.
 ☞ 工人们开始设想如何利用废料。
 ☞ The workers began to consider what use could be made of the waste materials.
 ☞ 我一度设想过卖掉这房子。
 ☞ I once had the thought of selling the house.
 ☞ 请把你的初步设想在会上讲一讲。
 ☞ Please come out with your tentative ideas at the meeting.
设施 设施
 ☞ 建立于19世纪的要塞、炮台、训练营地及其他军事设施都已非军事化了。
 ☞ The forts, batteries, training camps and other army installations built in the 19th century were all demilitarized.
 ☞ 我们参观时发现该地区的许多防洪设施都已年久失修。
 ☞ During our visit we found that a lot of flood control installations in the area were out of repair for long years.
 ☞ 旅馆还提供如游泳池、高尔夫球场、海滨浴场等娱乐设施。
 ☞ The hotel also offers facilities for recreation, such as a swimming pool, a golf course and a beach.
 ☞ 我校的教育设施已大有改善。
 ☞ The educational facilities have been considerably improved in our school.
 ☞ 调机构实体本身。
 ☞ 我们应当在集体福利设施布局上进行合理调整。
 ☞ We must make rational adjustments in the distribution of the collective welfare institutions.
 ☞ 教堂、学校、医院、收容所、监狱都是公共设施。
 ☞ Church, school, hospital, asylum and prison are all public institutions.
设法 设法
 ☞ 我会设法活下去的。
 ☞ I can manage to get along.
 ☞ 他们会设法搞几张机票的。
 ☞ They'll manage to get some plane tickets.
 ☞ 我非常希望你能设法过来。
 ☞ I wish very much you could manage to come over.
  ■ 不过有时,manage后可直接跟名词或代词,而省掉动词不定式。
 ☞ 他会设法度假,然后我们在那里会合。
 ☞ He'll manage (to take) a vacation and then we'll meet there。
 ☞ 我没有多少时间来干这件事,不过我会设法干的。
 ☞ I haven't much time to do the job, but I'll manage (to do)it.
2.try,也与manage 一样,指设法完成某事。只是用try的把握小些,只是表示一种尝试,但两者有时可以换用。
 ☞ 我会设法给你搞到票的。
 ☞ I'll try (manage) to get the ticket for you.
 ☞ 我们会设法使工作顺利进行的。
 ☞ We'll try (manage) to keep the work going on smoothly.
 ☞ 我们的乐队正在设法找个小提琴手。
 ☞ Our orchestra is trying to find a violinist.
 ☞ 他们正在设法多方筹集资金。
 ☞ They are trying by all possible means to raise funds.
3.think of a way,find a way,指想到或找到某种方法。
 ☞ 我们会设法帮助你的。
 ☞ We'll think of a way to help you.
 ☞ 你会设法解释这件事吗?
 ☞ Will you think of a way to explain it?
 ☞ 我希望设法找到一个摆脱困境的体面办法。
 ☞ I hope to find an honorable way of getting rid of difficulties.
  ■ 有时为了强调,try可与find a way并用。
 ☞ 科学家们正在设法防止疾病。
 ☞ Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease.
设置 设置
1.set up,指建立、设立。
 ☞ 政府设置了一个专门委员会来研究农业的发展问题。
 ☞ The government has set up a special committee to examine the development of agriculture.
 ☞ 他们随时都可能在我们经过的路上设置障碍。
 ☞ They could set up a roadblock in our way at any time.
2.offer, 指提供。
 ☞ 这是世界上第一所设置农业课程的高校。
 ☞ This was the first institution of higher learning in the world to offer courses in agriculture.
 ☞ 电视已开始设置选自国外的节目。
 ☞ Television has begun to offer selected programs from foreign countries.
3.install, 指安装。
 ☞ 实验室里设置了闭路电视。
 ☞ A closed circuit TV system has been installed in the laboratories.
 ☞ 在设置任何一种系统之前都应向该领域的专家请教。
 ☞ It is necessary to seek the advice of experts in this field before installing any system.
 ☞ 各国可以设置关税壁垒来限制对外贸易。
 ☞ Nations can restrict their foreign trade by erecting tariff barrier.
 ☞ 有那么一个大国,尽管高唱自由贸易,却动不动就设置贸易壁垒。
 ☞ There is such a power that erects trade barrier at every move though calling out loudly for free trade.
 ☞ 宗派活动给大会设置了重重障碍。
 ☞ Factional activities had placed all sorts of obstacles before the congress.
 ☞ 安全措施十分严密,甚至连走廊也设置了卫兵。
 ☞ Security was very tight and guards were placed even in the corridors.
设(设立) 设(设立)
  ■ “设”、“设立”均为同义词。但前者的词义广于后者。
 ☞ 中国红十字会的总部设在北京。
 ☞ The headquarters of the Red Cross Society of China is established in Beijing.
 ☞ 是本杰明·富兰克林于1731年在费城设立了第一座市立图书馆。
 ☞ It was Benjamin Franklin who established the first city library in Philadelphia in 1731.
 ☞ 随着社会风气的转变,有些地方甚歪设立了女子学校。
 ☞ With the change of the general mood of society even schools for girls were established in some places.
2.set up,指临时或仓促设立、设置。
 ☞ 指挥所设在前沿阵地。
 ☞ The command post was set up in a forward position.
 ☞ 我们在一座破庙里设立了急救站。
 ☞ We set up a first-aid station in a dilapidated temple.
 ☞ 我校设立了专门机构来筹措该项资金。
 ☞ A special organization was set up in our school to raise the funds.
3.under, be divided into, 均作“隶属”或“分支”解,不与“设置、设立”同义。
 ☞ 部下面设6个司。
 ☞ Under the ministry there are six departments.
 ☞ 我市下设10个区。
 ☞ Our municipality is divided into ten districts.
4.suppose, given,均作“假设”、“假如”解,故不与“设置、设立”同义。
 ☞ 设无地心引力,又将如何?
 ☞ Suppose there was no gravitation, what would happen?
 ☞ 设a=b, 而b=c, 则a=c.
 ☞ Given a =b and b =c, then a =c.
5.install, place,均作“装置”或“安置”解,故不与“设立”同义。
 ☞ 实验室里设有闭路电视。
 ☞ A closed circuit TV system has been installed in the laboratories.
 ☞ 反对派对会议设下了重重障碍。
 ☞ The opposition factionists placed all sorts of obstacles before the conference.
访问 访问
1.call on,后接人。
 ☞ 我们昨天访问了几位朋友。
 ☞ We called on several friends yesterday.
 ☞ 今天傍晚我访问了福斯特夫人。
 ☞ I called on Mrs. Forster this evening.
2.call at,后接地点。
 ☞ 他来办公室访问时我正好不在。
 ☞ I happened to be out when he called at my office.
 ☞ 我们昨天访问了他的家。
 ☞ We called at his house yesterday.
 ☞ 外宾访问了这位战斗英雄。
 ☞ The foreign guests visited the combat hero.
 ☞ 代表团访问了革命圣地延安。
 ☞ The delegation visited Yan'an, sacred place of the revolution.
4.pay a visit to比visit正式。
 ☞ 这是中华人民共和国成立以来中国外长第一次访问华盛顿。
 ☞ It is the first time that the Chinese foreign minister has paid a visit to Washington since the founding of the People's Republic of China.
 ☞ 我大概在今年冬天访问英国。
 ☞ Perhaps I shall pay a visit to England this winter.
 ☞ 记者采访了朱伯儒并报道了他的动人事迹。
 ☞ The journalist interviewed Zhu Bo-ru and reported his stirring deeds.
 ☞ 他提醒我现在该去访问霍尔赫斯特勋爵了。
 ☞ He reminded me that it was time to interview Lord Holdhurst now.
证实 证实
 ☞ 朱镕基总理证实他将于下周访美。
 ☞ Premier Zhu Rongji confirmed that he would visit the United States next week.
 ☞ 专家证实不把老虎逼急了,它是不会咬人的。
 ☞ Experts confirmed that a tiger would not attack a human being unless it was cornered.
 ☞ 我查询了各种各样的书本以证实他所说的一切。
 ☞ I have hunted through all sorts of books to verify what he said.
 ☞ 以后的发现证实了警方的怀疑。
 ☞ Later findings verified the suspicion of the police.
3.corroborate, 指外加的或另外的证据证实。
 ☞ 随之而来的考古发现证实了过去对这一问题的猜测。
 ☞ Subsequent archaeological discoveries have corroborated previous conjectures on this subject.
 ☞ 另一位目击了交通事故的居民也证实了司机的说法。
 ☞ Another resident who witnessed the road accident corroborated the driver's statement as well.
 ☞ 2月底进行的两次强度实验都证实了我们的推断。
 ☞ There were two tests of strength made at the end of February that validated our inference.
 ☞ 多一些不同的实验方法有助于证实这一结论。
 ☞ More different experimental approaches will aid in validating the conclusion.
5.substantiate, 指有足够的证据证实。
 ☞ 原子理论在很大程度上是由化学实验来证实的。
 ☞ The theory of atoms was substantiated to a large extent by experiments in chemistry.
 ☞ 要证实作为搬运工艺的淤泥吸附效率,需要更多的数据。
 ☞ More data are needed to substantiate the effectiveness of absorption on sludge as removal technology.
 ☞ 海上油田的建设证实了我国的石油工业已经进入了一个新时期。
 ☞ The construction of the offshore oil fields attests that our country's petroleum industry has entered a new stage.
 ☞ 她的行政管理能力从她的迅速提升中得到了证实。
 ☞ Her administrative abilities were attested by her rapid promotions.
 ☞ 种种述象证实r证人是在撒谎。
 ☞ Every indication demonstrated that the witness was lying.
 ☞ 你可能是个伟大人物,但如果命运没有给你机会来证明你的价值,我怎么知道你的伟大呢?
 ☞ You may be a great man. But if fortune gives you no chance to demonstrate your merit, how am I to know your greatness?
8.bear out, 指证实是对的。
 ☞ 研究证实了他的理论是对的。
 ☞ Research bore out his theory.
 ☞ 考古新发现证实了在商朝晚期人们就已开始养蚕。
 ☞ New archaeological finds have borne out that people of the late Shang Dynasty were already engaged in sericulture.
证据 证据
 ☞ 法庭在开庭审讯前要收集大量的证据。
 ☞ The court must collect an abundance of evidence before holding a hearing.
 ☞ 他因盗窃而受审,又因为证据不足而获释。
 ☞ He was tried for theft but set free for lack of sufficient evidence against him.
 ☞ 留在枪上的指纹是指控他的主要证据。
 ☞ The fingerprints on the gun were the main evidence against him.
2.testimony,指提供的证据。如作证前的宣誓、法 庭上回答法官或律师的提问等。
 ☞ 自他被捕以来所说的话都成了证据。
 ☞ What he said has been testimony since he was arrested.
 ☞ 目击者提供了证据,证明李先生在下午5点至12 点这段时间里没有在家。
 ☞ The witness gave testimony that Mr. was not at home from 5 to 12 p.m.
  ■ testimony也可用于法庭以外的证据。
 ☞ 该市毁坏的建筑物成了敌人破坏的证据。
 ☞ The ruined buildings of the city bear testimony to the damage by the enemy。
 ☞ 如果你要证据,那就看看农村的状况吧!
 ☞ lf you want proof, look at the state of the countryside!
 ☞ 你有什么证据可以证明昨晚8点你不在那里?
 ☞ Do you have any proof that you weren't there at 8 o'clock last night?
 ☞ 你说的话是猜测还是证据?
 ☞ Is what you say a guess or a proof?
4.witness, 指亲眼看到的证据。
 ☞ 他那焦急的样子就是他爱上了她的证据。
 ☞ His anxiety was a witness to his love for her.
 ☞ 厨房里的余烬就是最近有人在这住过的证据。
 ☞ The embers in the kitchen were a witness to recent occupation.
 ☞ 老革命身上的疤痕是他受过酷刑的证据。
 ☞ The veteran revolutionary's scars on his body bear witness to the torture he has suffered.
 ☞ 学校的这座新楼是由田家炳先生修建的,是他慷慨解囊的又一证据。
 ☞ The new school building, which was financed by Sir Tian Jiabing, is another testament to his generosity.
 ☞ 伊拉克的首都巴格达到处都是证据,证明美国的政策是打错了算盘。
 ☞ Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, teems with testaments of the miscalculations of U.S. policy.
证明 证明
1.prove, 常用语,既可用来证明人或物的检验,也可用来证明论点、结论等的验证。
 ☞ 我可以向你证明证人没有说真话。
 ☞ I shall prove to you that the witness is not speaking the truth.
 ☞ 留在枪上的指纹证明他拿过这支枪,从而证明他有罪。
 ☞ His fingerprints on the gun proved that he had held the gun, which proved him to be guilty.
 ☞ 要是他们有疑问,你能证明你计算的准确性吗?
 ☞ Could you prove the accuracy of your calculation if they have any doubts?
 ☞ 他证明他见过一个形迹可疑的人在仓库周围转来转去。
 ☞ He testified that he had seen a suspicious-looking person hanging about the storehouse.
 ☞ 她的行动证明了她愿意嫁给他。
 ☞ Her actions testify her willingness to marry him.
 ☞ 最近的事件证明需要改变政策。
 ☞ Recent events demonstrate the need for a change in policy.
 ☞ 他在这场斗争中证明了他的领导才能是毫无问题的。
 ☞ In this struggle he demonstrated beyond question his quality of leadership.
4.speak of,指客观事实提供的证明。
 ☞ 该地地质结构证明地下有油。
 ☞ The geological structure of the place speaks of oil underground.
 ☞ 墙上的弹痕证明这里发生过激战。
 ☞ The bullet marks on the wall speak of the fierce fighting that took place here.
5.bear witness,指证明。bear out,指证明是对的。
 ☞ 历史将证明我们的事业是正义的。
 ☞ History will bear witness to the justice of our cause.
 ☞ 展览的成功证明了我们筹划得不错。
 ☞ The success of the exhibition bears witness to our good planning.
 ☞ 事实证明我是对的。
 ☞ The facts bear me out.
 ☞ 事态的发展证明了毛泽东思想的正确性。
 ☞ The development of events bears out the soundness of Mao Zedong thought.
 ☞ 出差前会发给你有你姓名的身份证件,证明你是空军部门的雇员。
 ☞ An identification card with your name would be issued to you before the trip, identifying you as an employee of the department of the Air Force.
 ☞ 我说出了包里的东西,从而证明这包是我的。
 ☞ I identified the bag as mine by telling what it contained.
 ☞ 我们有此人犯过罪的证明。
 ☞ We have proof that this man committed the crime.
 ☞ 对他的诚信,我不需要证明。
 ☞ I don't want any proof of his honesty and credit.
8.certificate, 指证明文件。
 ☞ 你有医生证明吗?
 ☞ Do you have any medical certificate?
 ☞ 我们需要该房的产权证明。
 ☞ We need the certificate of ownership for the house.

1.comment, 指解释性评论。
 ☞ 该剧在北京上演期间获得好评。
 ☞ The play received favorable comments during its performance in Beijing.
 ☞ The Washington Post gave a brief comment on the news.
 ☞ 这一短评可以用来澄清事实。
 ☞ This short remark may serve to clarify the fact.
 ☞ 与会者对主席匆匆做出的断语不置一评。
 ☞ Everyone present at the meeting made no remark on the conclusion the chairman jumped to.
 ☞ 很多英国报纸的星期日版都附有专登书评的增刊。
 ☞ The Sunday editions of many English newspapers have a supplement devoted to book reviews.
 ☞ 根据作者个人生活做出的影评显然是不公平的。
 ☞ The review of the film was obviously unfair, based on the author's private life.
 ☞ 谁是谁非,让大家来评评。
 ☞ Let others judge who is right and who is wrong.
 ☞ 你来评评,到底是哪一个好一点。
 ☞ Now you be the judge and say which one is better at all.
5.be approved as,指经过众人或官方认可而评为某种称号、等级等,多用于被动语态,主动句时应译为“评定”。
 ☞ 这6大系列名茶于1998年被评为第三届中国艺术节的专用产品。
 ☞ The six series of famous tea were approved as specialize products for the Third China Art Festival.
 ☞ 这种鞋子已被评为国家名牌之一。
 ☞ This kind of shoes has been approved as one of the famous brands of the nation.
6.be chosen as, 指经过众人或官方挑选而评为某种称号、等级等,一般只用于被动语态。
 ☞ 他已由中华全国总工会评为劳动模范。
 ☞ He was chosen as a model worker by All-China Federation of Trade Unions.
 ☞ 我们去年拍摄的影片已被评为最佳科普片。
 ☞ The film we made last year has been chosen as the best popular science film.
评价 评价
 ☞ 过去的经验教导我们要用历史唯物主义的观点来评价历史人物。
 ☞ The past experience has taught us to appraise historical figures from historical materialism viewpoints.
 ☞ 李白的诗怎么评价也不过分。
 ☞ The poetry of Li Bai cannot be appraised too much.
 ☞ 科学家们正在评价气象卫星收集的资料。
 ☞ The scientists are evaluating the data collected by the weather satellite.
 ☞ 我们作为教师应当公正地评价孩子们在校的表现。
 ☞ As teachers we should evaluate fairly the children's behavior in school.
3.set a value on,指给予评价。常与high, low等 形容词搭配使用。
 ☞ 市长对这个花园的格局给予了高度评价。
 ☞ The mayor set a high value on the layout of this garden.
 ☞ 你对自己能力的评价不应这么低。
 ☞ You shouldn't set such a low value on your ability.
4.speak highly of,指口头上高度评价。
 ☞ 学生都高度评价他们的数学老师。
 ☞ The students spoke highly of their mathematics teacher.
 ☞ 我们都高度评价他的拼命精神。
 ☞ All of us spoke highly of his death-defying spirit.
评估 评估
 ☞ 你评估没收的资产值多少钱?
 ☞ How much do you value the confiscated property at?
 ☞ 如果你要卖你收藏的邮票,得先进行评估。
 ☞ If you want to sell your collection of stamps you should begin with having it valued.
 ☞ 出席记者招待会的记者请外交部长评估当前的国际形势。
 ☞ The journalists present at the press conference asked the minister of foreign affairs to evaluate the current international situation.
 ☞ 如果要使整个营销计划得以成功,必须不断评估这些决策。
 ☞ These decisions must be evaluated continually if the total marketing program is to succeed.
 ☞ 你应当在雇佣职员以前评估其能力及性格。
 ☞ You should appraise ability and character of an employee before you hire him.
 ☞ 很难评估这次丑闻会对他的政治声誉造成什么样的损害。
 ☞ It is difficult to appraise what damage the scandal might do to his political reputation.
 ☞ 他们派人来评估房屋的价值以便征税。
 ☞ They sent someone to assess the value of the house for taxation.
 ☞ 很难评估这一决策的意义。
 ☞ It is difficult to assess the significance of the decision.
评定 评定
 ☞ 主教练及其助手对运动员的训练成绩做了评定。
 ☞ The head coach with his assistants has evaluated the training results of the sportsmen.
 ☞ 水利工程的质量已由专家评定过了。
 ☞ The quality of the water conservancy projects was evaluated by experts.
 ☞ 不经过仔细研究谁也无法评定这次投资是会增加竞争还是减少竞争。
 ☞ No one can judge whether the investment increases or reduces competition without careful examination.
 ☞ 你不能只凭一个封面来评定一本书。
 ☞ You can't judge a book only by its cover.
 ☞ 我们根据洋芋的大小和品质评定了等级。
 ☞ We have graded potatoes according to size and quality.
 ☞ 我厂技术人员的级别已经评定,相应的职称也已授予。
 ☞ The technical personnel of our factory have been graded and their appropriate titles have been given.
4.approve as,指由众人或官方认可后评定为某种称号或级别。
 ☞ 轻工业部评定“南糯白毫”为国家名茶。
 ☞ The Ministry of Light Industry approved "Nannuobaihao" as famous tea of the nation.
 ☞ 在我村出土的几件青铜器已评定为艺术精品。
 ☞ A few pieces of the bronze ware unearthed in our village were approved as art treasures.
评论 评论
 ☞ 对统治阶级入木三分的评论揭示了他对政治结构的本质的远见卓识。
 ☞ His penetrating comments reveal an insight into the nature of the political structure.
 ☞ 报纸常在社论里对重大事件发表评论。
 ☞ Newspapers often give comments on the events of great significance in their editorials.
 ☞ 说来奇怪,对这项发现报纸几乎未加评论。
 ☞ It is strange that the discovery was hardly commented by the press.
 ☞ 我对人们所说的一切都不想加以评论。
 ☞ I won't comment on what people say.
2.remark, 指为提醒人们而作的评论。
 ☞ 卓别林摄制的这部电影是对工业时代的讽刺性评论。
 ☞ The film made by Charlie Chaplin is an ironic remark on the industrial age.
 ☞ 对他尖酸刻薄的攻击我甚至感到不屑于评论。
 ☞ I even feel it beneath my dignity to make a remark on his stinging attack.
 ☞ 一家地方报纸评论认为通货膨胀一时还制止不了。
 ☞ A local newspaper remarked that inflation was not yet to be checked for the time being.
 ☞ 编者评论认为那篇文章写得很好。
 ☞ The editor remarked that the article was well written.
 ☞ 他在一家报纸上就这一事件发表了一系列政治评论。
 ☞ He published in a newspaper a series of political commentaries on the event.
 ☞ 这一科普读物的译文倒是不错,不过其实用性可通过评论向读者广为宣传。
 ☞ The translation of the popular science book is quite good, and its usefulness could be given wide publicity to readers by commentaries.
 ☞ 最近一期的《北京周报》登了几篇有关戏剧和电影的评论。
 ☞ The latest issue of Beijing Review carries several reviews of dramas and films.
 ☞ 他是个文艺批评家,经常为几家杂志写评论。
 ☞ He is a literary and art critic and often writes reviews for some magazines.
 ☞ 他答应在一家晚报上评论这部小说。
 ☞ He promised to review the novel in one of the evening papers.
 ☞ 一家杂志社请了一位著名评论家评论这一剧本。
 ☞ A magazine asked one of the famous critics to review the play.
识别 识别
 ☞ 识别真伪需要眼力。
 ☞ It takes an eye to distinguish between genuine and shame.
 ☞ 要识别人工养殖珍珠和天然珍珠不是件易事。
 ☞ It is not easy to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls.
 ☞ 钢的质量可由其物理性能识别。
 ☞ The quality of steel can be distinguished by its physical properties.
 ☞ 你能识别远处的那些东西吗?
 ☞ Can you distinguish the objects抽the distance?
 ☞ 警方得识别每条线索的细微痕迹以查明凶手的身份。
 ☞ The police have to discern the faint trail of each clue to identify the murderer.
 ☞ 我们识别出3个影影绰绰的人影在树林中走动。
 ☞ We could discern three shadowy figures of people walking through the woods.
 ☞ 告诉我们的情况是不是真的,识别起来并不容易。
 ☞ It's not easy to discern the truth of what we are told.
 ☞ 狗是根据气味来识别人的。
 ☞ Dogs recognize people by their smell.
 ☞ 识别患者是否有歇斯底里倾向十分重要。
 ☞ It is of great importance to recognize patients who are predisposed to hysteria.
 ☞ 我一眼就能识别出人群里的密探。
 ☞ I can spot at a glance secret agents among the crowd.
 ☞ 你作为银行职员一定得有识别伪钞的本领。
 ☞ Being a bank clerk you have to have the ability of spotting counterfeit money.
 ☞ 你们可以根据脸上的一块伤疤来识别逃犯。
 ☞ You will know the escaped convict by a scar on his face.
 ☞ 他只要见到马就能识别好坏。
 ☞ He knows a good horse or a bad one if he sees it.
5.see through,比上面几个词都要更进一步,即不仅能识别,而且能识破。
 ☞ 我们要擦亮眼睛,识别伪装的敌人。
 ☞ We should sharpen our vigilance and see through enemies in disguise.
 ☞ 我们能识别骗子,他要骗我们不那么容易。
 ☞ We can see through the swindler, he won't cheat us easily.
试验 试验
 ☞ 科学通过试验来证实理论。
 ☞ Science tests out theories by experiment.
 ☞ 工程师们在进行一项试验,研究湍流冲刷河岸时的性状。
 ☞ The engineers are carrying out an experiment to investigate the behavior of swift current when it washes away riverbanks.
 ☞ 我们对试验结果都感到十分满意。
 ☞ We were perfectly satisfied with the outcome of the experiment.
 ☞ 药品生产厂家可能需要了解一组试验动物对这种新药的反应是否与另一组试验动物有所不同。
 ☞ A drug manufacturer may need to know whether one group of experimental animals react differently to a new drug than another group.
 ☞ 试验表明该药安全有效,可以洽病。
 ☞ The tests show that the medicine is safe and efficacious and can cure people.
 ☞ 我们进行了一系列试验,发现钢中含碳太多。
 ☞ We have run a number of tests and found too much carbon present in steel.
  ■ test还可用做动词。
 ☞ 老师傅试验了发动机,发现运转正常。
 ☞ The old master tested the engine and found it was functioning normally.
 ☞ 他在试验汽车的刹车。
 ☞ He is testing the brakes of his car.
3.trial,try out,强调试验的过程而不是结果。
 ☞ 几次临床试验在病人中引起了极大的兴趣。
 ☞ Several clinical trials aroused great interest among patients.
 ☞ 新型飞机的试验由于天气不好而推迟了。
 ☞ The trial of the new plane was put off by bad weather.
 ☞ 我在试验一种新的教学法。
 ☞ I'm trying out a new teaching method.
 ☞ 你买收音机以前应该试验一下。
 ☞ You ought to try out the radio before you buy it.
询问 询问
1.ask about,指目的不明显的询问,有时甚至是顺便的询问。一般用于口语。
 ☞ 王老师在街上碰到我,便询问我学习的情况。
 ☞ Wang, our teacher, asked me about my studies when he met me in the street.
 ☞ 要是你碰巧进城,你能询问一下这件事吗?
 ☞ If you happen to be in town, would you ask about the matter?
 ☞ 他关切地询问家乡的一切。
 ☞ With great concern he asked about everything of his hometown.
2.enquire (inquire) about,指目的明显的询问,往往指打听事情发生或行动经过的原因。
 ☞ 书记去他那儿询问了他的病情。
 ☞ The secretary went to him and enquired about his illness.
 ☞ 母亲询问她在城里遇到了什么样的人,交了什么样的朋友。
 ☞ Mother inquired what people she had met in town and what friends she had made there.
 ☞ 校长询问我们在农村工作和生活的情况。
 ☞ Our principal inquired of us about our work and life in the countryside.
 ☞ 一位警长在饭店里询问了目击者。
 ☞ A police captain questioned the witnesses in the restaurant.
 ☞ 他向询问处的一位女同志询问哪里可以提款。
 ☞ He questioned the woman at the information desk a.
 ☞ bout where he could draw money.
 ☞ 她简直受不了她丈夫一有机会就询问她的样子。
 ☞ She simply cannot stand the way of her husband, taking the first opportunity to question her.

 ☞ 按资历,该老潘排第一。
 ☞ By seniority, first place goes to Pan.
 ☞ 下一个,该谁发言?
 ☞ Who's the next speaker?
 ☞ 不久,天又该冷了。
 ☞ It will soon be cold again.
 ☞ 再不浇水,花儿都该蔫儿了。
 ☞ If we don't water the flowers, they'll soon wither.
 ☞ 等这些树长大成林,风景该有多美!
 ☞ When these trees grow into a forest, how beautiful the scenery will be!
 ☞ 再过10年,这里该有多大的变化啊!
 ☞ Another ten years, and what great changes will have taken place here!
4.ought to,should,must,三词均表示职责上的应该,但语气由轻而重。
 ☞ 115公斤分成3个等份,每份该5公斤。
 ☞ When 15 kg is divided into three equal portions, each ought to be 5 kg.
 ☞ 有件事我该告诉你。
 ☞ There's one thing I ought to tell you.
 ☞ 今晚我该写几封信了。
 ☞ I should write some letters tonight.
 ☞ 本来就该如此。
 ☞ That's just as it should be.
 ☞ 我该走了。
 ☞ I must be off now.
 ☞ 该是什么就该是什么!
 ☞ What must be,must be!
 ☞ 这工作该是老张来担任。
 ☞ This is a job for Zhang to take on.
 ☞ 你要是听了他的话,就该你倒霉。
 ☞ You're in for trouble if you've followed his advice.
6.it's (take) one's turn,表示应该轮到。
 ☞ 他感到这回该他发言了。
 ☞ He felt it was his turn to speak now.
 ☞ 大家都该值班。
 ☞ Everyone takes his turn to be on duty.
 ☞ 该,谁叫他不守纪律。
 ☞ It deserves him right, he shouldn't have broken the rules.
 ☞ 他该,还得严加管教。
 ☞ He deserves it, and needs even stricter discipline.
8.owe, on credit,表示欠账。
 ☞ 我该你500块钱。
 ☞ I owe you five hundred dollars.
 ☞ 这笔账该了快一年了。
 ☞ The debt has been owed for almost a year.
 ☞ 没带钱不要紧,先该着吧。
 ☞ It doesn't matter if you haven't brought any money with you, you can have it on credit.
9.that, the said,表示上文提到过的人和事。
 ☞ 该地区交通十分便利。
 ☞ That area has excellent communications.
 ☞ 该同志工作一贯认真。
 ☞ The said comrade has always been conscientious in the performance of his duties.

 ☞ 我吃惊得几乎说不出话来了。
 ☞ I was so shocked that I could hardly speak.
 ☞ 请不要说得那么快,我听不清你说的话。
 ☞ Please don't speak so fast. I can't catch what you say.
 ☞ 我在会上没说。
 ☞ I didn't speak at the meeting.
  ■ 尽管speak有无听众并不重要,但在具体的上下文里还是有说话对象的。这是speak应接to(英语)或with(美语)。
 ☞ 她耳聋,你得对着她大声说。
 ☞ As she is deaf, you have to speak to her loudly 我太生气了,不想跟他说。
 ☞ I was too angry to speak with him.
  ■ speak在说到某事时,可接about(谈论)或on(讨论),在说到人时要接of(议论)。
 ☞ 妈,你要跟我说什么?
 ☞ What do you want to speak to me about, Mother?
 ☞ 我是来跟你说私事的。
 ☞ I've come to speak on some private business to you 他在会上说我没有?
 ☞ Did he speak of me at the meeting?
  ■ speak有时也可接与说话有关的宾语,不过这种宾语可以看作是行为方法,而不是动作对象。
 ☞ 她会说几种外语。
 ☞ She can speak several foreign languages.
 ☞ 他们说了心里话。
 ☞ They spoke their mind.
 ☞ 起初她甚至不知道怎么对他说。
 ☞ At first she did not even know how to talk (speak) to him.
 ☞ 我有件重要的事情要跟你说。
 ☞ There is an important matter I want to talk (speak) to you.
  ■ 但是尽管如此,有时字面上没有明显的说话对象,但从上下文来看仍含有对象,因此还应用talk。
 ☞ 我们的老师常说英语。(对象可能是相互之间)
 ☞ Our teachers often talk in English,试比较:Our teachers speak (talk) English,指都能说英语,强调 “说”的动作。
 ☞ 你这么干,别人自然要说。(对象是除你以外的人)
 ☞ Considering what you have done, it is natural that people should be talking.试比较:You just listen when people speak.
  ■ 除此之外,talk还带有贬义的感情色彩。
 ☞ 你说得多,做得少。
 ☞ You talked much but did little 不要说大话。
 ☞ Don't talk big.
 ☞ 你在说胡话。
 ☞ You're talking nonsense.
  ■ 请看下面译文中speak和talk两词的区别。
 ☞ 他大有长进,现在能说上几个小时了。
 ☞ He has made great progress and can speak for hours now。(为此而自豪)
 ☞ 我最好还是别去,他一张嘴就能说上几个小时。
 ☞ I had better not go. He can talk for hours when he begins.(为此而厌烦)
 ☞ 他没说再见就走了。
 ☞ He left without saying good-bye.
 ☞ 你要在会上说什么?
 ☞ What are you going to say at the meeting?
 ☞ 据说云南西部会有一次大地震。
 ☞ It is said that there will be a big earthquake in the west of Yunnan Province.
  ■ 正由于say后需直接宾语这个特点,因此其后可接直接引语或间接引语。
 ☞ 她说过,“我儿子是个工人。”
 ☞ She said: "My son is a worker."
 ☞ 她说她儿子是个工人。
 ☞ She said that her son was a worker.
  ■ say(强调内容)和speak(强调动作)在下面的译文里的区别也很明显。
 ☞ 她说了很多,但说的内容很少。
 ☞ She spoke very much, but said very little.
 ☞ 她对我说她要迟到一会儿。
 ☞ She told me that she would be late for a while,试比较:She said that she would be late for a while.
 ☞ 我对其他人说过我要做什么。
 ☞ I told the others what I wanted to do.试比较:I said what I wanted to do.
  ■ 有时汉语原文里可能没有或只有一个宾语,但仍应译作双宾语。
 ☞ 老师一说,他就明白了。(没有宾语)
 ☞ The teacher told him how and he caught on at once 他没说他的名字。(只有直接宾语)
 ☞ He did not tell us (me) his name.
  ■ tell也可与直接宾语连用,但只有当直接宾语是下达命令或叙述情况时才行。
 ☞ 我对她说:“到我卧室的黑盒子里找去。”
 ☞ I told her: "Look in the black box in my bedroom."
 ☞ 我对他们说:“我从来没有见过这个人。”
 ☞ I told them: "I have never seen this man before."
  ■ 但是在下列情况下,只能用say而不能用tell,因为强调的是内容而不是叙述。
 ☞ 我对老板说了声“哈啰”就在自己桌旁坐了下来。
 ☞ I said "Hello" to the boss and sat down at my desk.
 ☞ 她说:“多好的主意!”
 ☞ She said: "What a nice idea! ”(What a nice idea是感叹,而不是叙述情况或下达命令)
  ■ 但在用于间接引语时,tell和say 都可用来叙述情况,其区别仍是tell用双宾语,say用单宾语。
 ☞ 女房东说她下个月要加房租。
 ☞ The landlady told me that she would have to put up the rent next month.或 The landlady said that she would have to put up the rent next month.
  ■ 此外,tell构成的几个特殊词组,不能用say替代。
 ☞ 不要说谎。
 ☞ Don't tell a lie.
 ☞ 你终于说真话了。
 ☞ You've told the truth at last.
5.state,凡可用say的地方都可用state, 但由于state有“说明”、“说清楚”的意思,因此又比say说得更确切明白。
 ☞ 我们给了他半个小时,要他说他的观点。
 ☞ We gave him half an hour to state his view.
 ☞ 请说说你的姓名、级别、番号。
 ☞ Please state your name, rank and serial number.
6.explain,account for,illustrate,强调解释、说 明。
 ☞ 请你说说这个词的意思好吗?
 ☞ Will you please explain the meaning of the word?
 ☞ 他在跟他妻子说那件事。
 ☞ He is explaining the matter to his wife.
 ☞ 他并没有说他心绪不宁的原因。
 ☞ He did not account for his unease.
 ☞ 以下扼要说一下他们I作的重要性。
 ☞ The following brief descriptions illustrate the importance of their work.
 ☞ The saying "Haste does not bring success" does not mean that we should not make haste, but that we should not be impetuous.
 ☞ 很遗憾我们在这点上没有取得一致。我说的是真心话。
 ☞ I'm sorry we don't agree on this. I mean that very sincerely.
 ☞ 即使承认这些问题有困难,我也不是说就不能解决。
 ☞ Whereas I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't suggest that they cannot be solved.
 ☞ 你是说我太老,干不了那工作?
 ☞ Are you suggesting that I am too old for the job?
 ☞ 那就是说你整体上不同意他啰?
 ☞ Does that imply that you disagree with him as a whole?
8.in other words,指换句话说。
 ☞ 我很快就发现我所做的工作已经由别人做过了, 换句话说,我是在浪费时间。
 ☞ I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else, in other words, I was wasting my time.
 ☞ 俗话说:“眉头一皱,计上心来。”换句话说,多思出智慧。
 ☞ A common saying goes: "Knit your brows and you will hit upon a stratagem." In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.
 ☞ 说穿了,无非是想推卸责任。
 ☞ To put it bluntly, this is shifting responsibility.
 ☞ 他似乎能把复杂的思想用简单的言语说出来。
 ☞ He seemed able to put complicated thought into simple words.
10.criticize, scold, blame,指批评、责备、埋怨等。
 ☞ 要是你不参加,人家会说你的。
 ☞ If you don't join, people might criticize you.
 ☞ 他迟到了,我说了他一顿。
 ☞ I criticized him for his being late.
 ☞ 我不想说你,但你应该自重。
 ☞ I hate to scold you, but you should be self-respecting.
 ☞ 那太过分了,你得说他一顿。
 ☞ That's going too far. You have to give him a scolding.
 ☞ 我得说是得说说他了。
 ☞ I must say that he is to blame.
 ☞ 你无能为力的事我不说你。
 ☞ I do not blame you for what you could not help.
11.refer to,指“对…而言”。
 ☞ 你这话是说谁?
 ☞ Who did your remarks refer to?
 ☞ 你含沙射影的,是说我吗?
 ☞ Do you refer to me by that insinuation?
12.in... terms, 指以某种方式说话。
 ☞ 他回答问题,说得含含糊糊。
 ☞ He answered the question in vague terms.
 ☞ 他们批评你的工作,说得十分激烈。
 ☞ They criticized your work in very violent terms.
 ☞ 我们向他说了我们的麻烦,并征求了他的意见。
 ☞ We related to him our troubles and asked for his advice.
 ☞ 你只说你心里认为我必须听的话。
 ☞ Relate only what in your conscience you think necessary for me to hear.
 ☞ 这事说出去多丢人。
 ☞ The story will create a scandal once it goes out.
 ☞ 他已长大成人,该给他说媳妇了。
 ☞ He is old enough to find a wife.
 ☞ 说不定天要下雨。
 ☞ It looks as if it might rain.
 ☞ 条件这么好,再不增产就说不过去。
 ☞ With such favorable conditions, we'll have no excuse if we fail to increase output.
 ☞ 我跟他说不来。
 ☞ I don't see eye to eye with him.
 ☞ 偏差和片面性的产生,说到底,是主观认识脱离客观实际。
 ☞ In the final analysis, wrong and one-sided thinking is caused by the separation of subjective thinking from objective reality.
 ☞ 昨天晚上她俩挤在一个炕上,说东道西。
 ☞ They had spent the previous night squeezing together on the kang, chatting of everything under the sun.
 ☞ 报纸把局势说成是带有爆炸性的。
 ☞ The newspapers described the situation as explosive.
说明 说明
 ☞ 现在我来说明这种机器的工作原理。
 ☞ Now I'm going to explain the operating principle of this machine.
 ☞ 我真的不知道如何来说明他们的关系。
 ☞ I really don't know how to explain their relationship.
 ☞ 作者在前言里说明了他写这本书的意图。
 ☞ In the forward the author states his intentions in writing the book.
 ☞ 我们给了他半小时来说明他的观点。
 ☞ We gave him half an hour to state his point of view.
 ☞ 工程师们用图表来说明他们的设计。
 ☞ The engineers illustrate their design with maps and diagrams.
 ☞ 我们用这个生词造个句子就能说明其词义。
 ☞ We can illustrate the meaning of the new word by using it in a sentence.
 ☞ 对妇女同工同酬,政府何时说明其立场?
 ☞ When will the government clarify its position on equal pay for women?
 ☞ 趁着《中国文化》的出版,说明一下中国政治和文化的动向问题或许是有益的。
 ☞ On the occasion of the publication of Chinese Culture,
 ☞ it may therefore be profitable to clarify the political and cultural trends in the country.
 ☞ 你举了手,说明你已知道这个问题的答案。
 ☞ By raising your hand, you signify that you know the answer to the question.
 ☞ 他投了赞成票,说明他同意这一提案。
 ☞ He signified his approval of the bill by voting "yes".
6.add up to, 汇总起来说明。
 ☞ 他不愿承认这些事实不能说明任何实质性的东西。
 ☞ He wouldn't admit that the facts didn't add up to anything substantial.
 ☞ 他们的行动说明有意蔑视规章制度。
 ☞ Their actions added up to a deliberate flouting of the rules and regulations.
7.account for,在原因上加以说明。
 ☞ 这一点也许能说明他悲观的原因。
 ☞ This might account for his pessimistic views.
 ☞ 经理要求出纳说明他经手的每一分钱。
 ☞ The manager asked the cashier to account for every penny of money that was entrusted to him.
 ☞ 他使用一套仪器来说明水是由氢和氧组成的。
 ☞ He used a set of apparatus to demonstrate that water is made of hydrogen and oxygen.
 ☞ 一位机械师正示范说明如何操作机器。
 ☞ A mechanic is demonstrating how to operate the machine.
 ☞ 秦朝是被农民起义推翻的,这说明人民的力量是巨大的。
 ☞ The Qin Dynasty was overthrown by the peasant uprising, which shows the tremendous strength of the people.
 ☞ 笑容说明他高兴。
 ☞ A smile shows that he is pleased.
 ☞ 你应该说明改变计划的理由。
 ☞ You ought to give your reason for changing the plan.
 ☞ 病人死亡一事应予以说明。
 ☞ The fact that the patient was dead must be given.
 ☞ 展览会上展出的图片下面都附有说明。
 ☞ There is a caption beneath every picture displayed in the exhibition.
 ☞ 我见到了说明才弄懂这幅画的意思。
 ☞ I didn't understand the drawing until I saw the caption.
说服 说服
1.talk into,所表示的说服是指通过说使之同意做某事。
 ☞ 我终于说服父亲给我买了辆新自行车。
 ☞ I finally talked Father into buying me a new bicycle.
 ☞ 李明说服了我妹妹跟他一起去看电影。
 ☞ Li Ming talked my sister into attending a movie with him.
2.talk over, 所表示的说服是指通过说使之改变看法。
 ☞ 我们要设法说服他同意我们的观点。
 ☞ We'll try to talk him over to our viewpoint.
 ☞ 开始她不愿来,但他终于把她说服了。
 ☞ She wouldn't come at first, but he finally talked her over.
3.bring over,bring round,只指通过劝说使之改变立场、观点等。
 ☞ 用这样的一种论点,你是无法说服我的。
 ☞ You cannot bring me over by such an argument.
 ☞ 他的话说服了我,我同意了他的意见。
 ☞ What he said brought me over to his opinion.
 ☞ 起初,他说他反对这样的做法,但我总算把他说服了。
 ☞ At first he said he was opposed to such practice, but I managed to bring him round.
 ☞ 经过激烈的辩论之后,我说服他同意了我们的观点。
 ☞ After a heated argument I brought him round to our point of view。
4.persuade,正式用词,指通过敦促、辩论、劝告、讲 理,甚至乞求使之说服。
 ☞ 我是代表你的前妻来说服你撤诉的。
 ☞ I'm deputed by your former wife to persuade you to drop the lawsuit.
 ☞ 她终于被父母说服,同意嫁给他。
 ☞ She was at last persuaded by her parents to marry him.
  ■ 但persuade跟前几个词不同,可能说而不服,而成了劝说。
 ☞ 劝他没用,他是不会去的。
 ☞ There is no use in persuading. He will not go.
 ☞ 他的妻子说服了他不再竞选连任。
 ☞ His wife convinced him not to run for a second term.
 ☞ 她的话很有说服力。
 ☞ What she says is very convincing.
 ☞ 广告可以说服人们购物。
 ☞ Advertisement induces people to buy.
 ☞ 言之成理的论点可以说服人们取得一致。
 ☞ A sound argument induces people to agree.
7.prevail on,义同persuade,但更强调说服工作面临的反对或异议。
 ☞ 虽然党支部已经说服他来疗养院,但他的心思还在工作上,不肯闲着。
 ☞ Although the Party branch had prevailed on him to come to the sanatorium, his mind was still on his work and he refused to stay idle.
 ☞ 费了好大的劲才说服国务院拨款500万元来修建这条灌溉渠。
 ☞ The State Council was prevailed on only with great difficulty to appropriate five million yuan to build the irrigation canal.
说法 说法
1.way of saying,say in another way,指说话的方式。
 ☞ 他说事,爱用夸大的说法。
 ☞ He affects an exaggerative way of saying a thing.
 ☞ 如果他不能接受,我们就换一种说法。
 ☞ Let's say it in another way if he cannot accept it.
2.formulate, formulation,指表述出来的说法。
 ☞ 这个意思可以有两种说法。
 ☞ This idea can be formulated in two different ways.
 ☞ 这一说法在群众中引起了极大的反响。
 ☞ This formulation aroused great repercussion among the ordinary people.
 ☞ 换一种不同的说法可能会把意思说得更清楚。
 ☞ Another different wording might make the meaning clearer.
 ☞ 这种说法不太好。
 ☞ This wording is not very good.
 ☞ 这种说法的真实性可以争论。
 ☞ The truth of the statement is debatable.
 ☞ 部长的说法立即在记者中引起了不满。
 ☞ The minister's statement caused immediate dissatisfaction among the reporters.
 ☞ 关于那件事,不同的人有不同的说法。
 ☞ Different people have different versions of the incident.
 ☞ 报纸对同一件事情有另一种说法。
 ☞ The newspaper gave another version of the same story.
 ☞ 对手可能会抓住他的说法不放,不过我肯定不会。
 ☞ The rival may grasp his argument, but I certainly do not.
 ☞ 你这种说法是无法改变我的看法的。
 ☞ You cannot bring me over by such an argument.
 ☞ 外交部发言人反驳了美国国务院的荒谬说法。
 ☞ The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuted the U.S. State Department's absurd allegation.
 ☞ 常有的一种说法是噪声引起精神疾病。
 ☞ One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness.
 ☞ 你的说法呢?
 ☞ What would you say?
 ☞ 按他的说法做。
 ☞ Do as he says.

 ☞ 请跟我来。
 ☞ Follow me,please.
 ☞ 赞成这建议的人请签名。
 ☞ Those in favor of the suggestion please sign your names.
 ☞ 请别忘了钥匙。
 ☞ Please don't forget the key.
 ☞ 王先生就在门口,要我请他进来吗?
 ☞ Mr. Wang is at the door. Shall I ask him in?
 ☞ 我已请她过来。
 ☞ I've asked her over.
 ☞ 一天晚上她请我到一家饭店吃饭。
 ☞ One evening she asked me to dinner at a restaurant.
 ☞ 我们请了几位学生来讨论如何改善教学方法。
 ☞ We asked some students to discuss how to improve teaching methods.
 ☞ 她请了几位工人帮她把大衣柜搬到寝室里。
 ☞ She asked some workers to help her to move the wardrobe into the bedroom.
3.ask sb. for,指请求给予。
 ☞ 请他再给一张票。
 ☞ Ask him for one more ticket.
 ☞ 我们在讨论他的建议时,他请我们把另外两点也给予考虑。
 ☞ When we were discussing his suggestion, he asked us for two more points to be taken into consideration.
 ☞ 我们请一切有关部门给予合作。
 ☞ We asked all departments concerned for the cooperation.
 ☞ 我校领导请了一位外交部的干部来给我们做时事报告。
 ☞ Our school authorities invited a cadre from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to give us a report on current events.
 ☞ 咱们星期天请他们过来吃顿饭。
 ☞ Let's invite them over for a meal on Sunday.
5.request, 指在隆重场合有礼貌的请求。
 ☞ 首先,我们请全体贵宾入座。
 ☞ First of all we request all the distinguished guests to be seated.
 ☞ 参观人员请保持肃静。
 ☞ Visitors are requested to keep silence.
 ☞ 我们已请了一位工程师担任技校兼职教师。
 ☞ We have engaged an engineer to act as a part-time teacher in the technical school.
 ☞ 为了实现四个现代化,请了不少外国专家。
 ☞ In order to realize the Four Modernizations, a lot of experts are engaged from abroad.
 ☞ 他请朋友喝啤酒。
 ☞ He treated his friends to beer.
 ☞ 今天该我来请。
 ☞ It's my turn to treat today.
 ☞ 他请孩子们看魔术师耍把戏。
 ☞ He entertained the children with tricks played by magicians.
 ☞ 她请我们在家听音乐。
 ☞ She entertained us with music at home.
9.send for,指说话人派人去请。
 ☞ 陈老师病了,已派了一位同学去请医生。
 ☞ Chen, the teacher, is ill and one of the students has been sent for the doctor.
 ☞ 一条水管炸了,我们得派人去请水管工。
 ☞ One of the water pipes has burst, we must send for the plumber.
10.go (come) for,指说话人自己去请。
 ☞ 病人病情恶化了,我去请医生。
 ☞ The patient is getting worse and I'll go for the doctor.
 ☞ 电视机坏了。我是来请你的。
 ☞ The TV set was broken. I've come for you.
调停(调解) 调停(调解)
 ☞ 政府出面调停了劳资之间的争议。
 ☞ The government mediated between labor and management in the dispute.
 ☞ 律师尽量在工厂和工会之间进行调停。
 ☞ The lawyer tried to mediate between the factory and the union.
 ☞ 居民委员会经常调解家庭纠纷。
 ☞ It is a common occurrence for resident's committees to mediate in family quarrel.
2.intervene in,指带有干涉性质的调停、调解。
 ☞ 政府要调停劳资纠纷,但要避免卷入。
 ☞ The government should intervene in labor trouble and avoid involvement.
 ☞ 军方领导人出面调停了这次武装冲突。
 ☞ The army leaders have intervened in the armed conflict.
 ☞ 我们本来想在夫妻之间进行调解,却被抛到了一边。
 ☞ We had intended to intervene between husband and wife, but we were pushed aside.
 ☞ 农庄主们开始要求政府代表他们出面调解。
 ☞ The farmers began to ask the government to intercede on their behalf.
 ☞ 他来调解时,反对派议员均已离去。
 ☞ When he came to intercede, all congressmen of the Opposition had already left.
调剂 调剂
1.redistribute, 指在重新分配中予以调剂。
 ☞ 我们人手少,你们那里富余,咱们来调剂一下劳动力。
 ☞ We are short of hands and you have more than enough. Let's redistribute our labor power.
 ☞ 我们花了一个下午来讨论调剂工作岗位的计划。
 ☞ We spent the afternoon, talking about a scheme for redistributing the jobs.
 ☞ 这两家工厂有时互相调剂原料。
 ☞ The two factories sometimes exchange raw materials.
 ☞ 流动资金可以互相调剂以加速货币流通。
 ☞ Operating fund can be exchanged with each other to speed up the circulation of money.
 ☞ 看看电视有助于调剂我们的生活。
 ☞ Watching television will help to enliven our life.
 ☞ 打打纸牌往往可以调剂我们旅途中的单调。
 ☞ Playing cards often enlivens the monotony of our journey.
 ☞ 他躺下来调剂一下身心。
 ☞ He lay down and let his body and mind relax.
 ☞ 你干吗不能少操点心,像往常那样读点什么调剂一下?
 ☞ Why don't you worry less, and read to relax the way you used to do?
5.for a change,指换一种新的做法来调剂。
 ☞ 每天晚上都看电视,我都厌烦了,咱们去看场电影来调剂一下。
 ☞ I'm tired of watching television every night. Let's go to a movie for a change.
 ☞ 咱们干吗不出去吃一顿,调剂一下?
 ☞ Why don't we eat out for a change?
调动 调动
 ☞ 我要调动工作了。
 ☞ I'm to be transferred to another post.
 ☞ 我听说他很快就要调动。
 ☞ I heard that he would be transferred soon.
2.maneuver, move,指军队、舰队的调动。
 ☞ 我们能调动敌人使之离开他们的阵地吗?
 ☞ Can we maneuver the enemy out of their position?
 ☞ 海军司令部调动舰队封锁海上通道。
 ☞ The headquarters of the navy maneuvered the fleet to block the channel.
 ☞ 战场上没有军号就调动不了部队,军号也是武器。
 ☞ On the battlefield we couldn't maneuver the troops without a bugle. It is also a weapon.
 ☞ 根据情报敌军正在悄悄调动。
 ☞ According to the information the enemy troops are being moved secretly.
 ☞ 参谋总部为这次进攻调动了10万部队和1,000 辆坦克。
 ☞ The Headquarters of the General Staff mustered a hundred thousand troops and a thousand tanks for the attack.
 ☞ 为完成这一工程需调动3万人。
 ☞ Thirty thousand men are to be mustered in order to complete the project.
 ☞ 总之,我们应当调动一切直接的、间接的力量,努力把我国建设成一个社会主义强国。
 ☞ In short, we should mobilize all forces whether direct or indirect, and strive to build China into a powerful socialist country.
 ☞ 这些措施都着眼于调动一切积极因素建设社会主义。
 ☞ All these measures are aimed at mobilizing all positive factors in building socialism.
5.bring... into play,指发挥作用。
 ☞ 我们一定要调动一切积极因素,团结一切可以团结的人。
 ☞ We must bring all positive factors into play and unite everyone that can be united with.
 ☞ 我们应当充分调动亿万群众的积极性和创造性。
 ☞ We should bring the enthusiasm and initiative of the hundreds of millions of people into full play.
 ☞ 我们应当继续调动这种人的积极性。
 ☞ We should go on activating the enthusiasm of such people.
 ☞ 我们的呼吁在许多人心中引起了强烈的反响,从而调动了社会舆论。
 ☞ Our appeal found a strong echo in the hearts of many people, thus activating the public opinion.
7.work... up to,指调动情绪。
 ☞ 他能把群众的激情调动起来。
 ☞ He can work the crowd up to a fever of excitement.
 ☞ 有些演员仅凭虚构的台词就能调动自己的感情。
 ☞ Some actors can work themselves up to passion by a mere fictitious speech.
调和 调和
 ☞ 他的火爆脾气跟慢节奏的生活无法调和。
 ☞ His temperament does not harmonize with a slow pace of life.
 ☞ 她的衣着穿戴与宗教气氛是调和的。
 ☞ Her clothing, headgear and footwear are in harmony with the religious atmosphere.
 ☞ 他的生活方式与现实世界无法调和。
 ☞ His life style is out of harmony with the actual world.
2.tone down,指语气、要求等的调和。
 ☞ 他不得不把我几条相当尖锐的意见调和一下。
 ☞ He had to tone down a few of my rather critical opinions.
 ☞ 他想说服工人,调和一下他们提薪的要求,以便尽快达成协议。
 ☞ He tried to persuade the workers to tone down their demands for higher pay so that there might be an agreement as quick as possible.
3.mix with,指混合起来的调和。
 ☞ 我们可以把工作与娱乐调和一下。
 ☞ We can mix business with pleasure.
 ☞ 油跟水是不能调和的。
 ☞ You can't mix oil with water.
 ☞ 两国的边界争端看来没有调和的余地。
 ☞ There seems to be no room for compromise in the border dispute between the two countries.
 ☞ 我认为调和的可能性很小。
 ☞ I think there is little possibility of compromise.
 ☞ 今年雨水调和,丰收在望。
 ☞ Rainfall is well distributed this year and a good harvest is in sight.
调整 调整
 ☞ 望远镜要调整到视域之内才能看得清楚。
 ☞ You can't see through a telescope unless it is adjusted to your sight.
 ☞ 随着整个经济的发展,工资也要适当调整。
 ☞ With the growth of our economy as a whole wages should be appropriately adjusted.
 ☞ 我们得经常调整供求关系以保持物价稳定。
 ☞ We have to constantly readjust the relations between supply and demand in order to keep price stable.
 ☞ 物价是随着供求关系的变化来调整的。
 ☞ Prices are readjusted with the changes of the relations between supply and demand.
 ☞ 你应当好好考虑是否如此,并对你的行为做出相应的调整。
 ☞ You should do well to consider whether it is so or not, and to regulate your behavior accordingly.
 ☞ 我们服务站调整了工作时间,使之适应居民的空闲时间。
 ☞ Our service center regulated its working hours to 6t in with the spare time of residents.
 ☞ 我厂根据订单调整了生产计划。
 ☞ Our factory has revised the production plan according to the orders.
 ☞ 每股5元的报价已有调整。
 ☞ The offer of five yuan a share has been revised.
调查 调查
1.look into,常用语,侧重审视、观察,含义较广,包括大小事件的调查。
 ☞ 这件事替我调查一下,你不会在意吧?
 ☞ Perhaps you would not mind looking into it for me?
 ☞ 我们一起来调查这件事。
 ☞ We will look into this matter together.
 ☞ 警方正在调查她的来历。
 ☞ The police are looking into her background.
 ☞ 你的申诉正在调查。
 ☞ Your complaint is being looked into.
 ☞ 全国正在调查人口问题。
 ☞ The population problem is being looked into all over the country.
 ☞ 警方正在调查与诈骗案有关人员的档案。
 ☞ The police are looking into the records of all those involved in the swindle.
2.inquire into, make an inquiry,指一般的调查,侧重询问、打听。
 ☞ 我们决定彻底调查这一事件。
 ☞ We decided to inquire thoroughly into the matter.
 ☞ 我们应该更加深入地调查这一事件。
 ☞ We must inquire much deeply into the affair.
 ☞ 警方正在调查她的来历。
 ☞ The police are inquiring into her background.
 ☞ 必须调查案情的是非曲直才能做出决定。
 ☞ One must inquire into the merits of a case before deciding upon it.
 ☞ 卫生部门对麻疹这种流行病的传播作了调查。
 ☞ The health department made an inquiry about the spreading epidemic of measles.
 ☞ 市卫生局对抽烟引起的疾病进行了调查。
 ☞ The public health bureau of the city made an inquiry into the diseases caused by smoking.
3.investigate, make an investigation,正式用语,侧重有条理的重要的全面调查,旨在了解情况,弄清事实。
 ☞ 我国政府已开始调查此案。
 ☞ Our government has begun to investigate the case.
 ☞ 警方正在调查死因。
 ☞ The police are investigating the cause of death.
 ☞ 已成立特别小组调查边境事件。
 ☞ A special group has been set up to investigate the border incident.
 ☞ 去年暑假许多大学生都下乡作社会调查。
 ☞ During last summer vacation many college students went to the countryside to make a social investigation.
 ☞ 法院对罪犯进行了全面调查。
 ☞ The court made a full investigation of the criminals.
 ☞ 警方调查了作案现场。
 ☞ The police surveyed the scene of the crime.
 ☞ 咱们全面调查一下引起作案的一系列事件吧。
 ☞ Let's survey the events leading up to the crime.
调节 调节
 ☞ 双筒望远镜是用旋钮调节的。
 ☞ The field glasses are adjusted with a screw.
 ☞ 这些桌子和座位可以根据儿童的身高来调节。
 ☞ These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.
 ☞ 我们应对货币流通量不断地进行调节。
 ☞ We must constantly readjust the amount of money in circulation.
 ☞ 过高的个人收入是通过征收个人所得税来调节的。
 ☞ Excessively high personal income is readjusted by imposing income tax.
 ☞ 这种装置可以调节每次冲洗抽水马桶的用水量。
 ☞ This device can regulate the amount of water used each time a toilet is flushed.
 ☞ 请调节一下室温,免得我们一会儿冻僵,一会儿又热得冒气。
 ☞ Please regulate the room temperature so that we don't freeze one moment and steam alternately the next.
谈判 谈判
 ☞ 江泽民主席与美国总统布什在上海开始谈判。
 ☞ President Jiang Zemin began talks with President Bush in Shanghai.
 ☞ 两国领导人就和平条约举行了谈判。
 ☞ The leaders of the two countries held talks on a peace treaty.
 ☞ 两国代表为签订和约而举行了谈判。
 ☞ The representatives of the two countries held negotiations for the signing of a peace treaty.
 ☞ 由于两次谈判都没有达成协议,于是谈判中断了。
 ☞ Twice the negotiations ended without having reached any agreement. Then the talks broke down.
 ☞ 乳制品工业与农户就供应牛奶问题进行了谈判。
 ☞ The dairy industry bargained with farmers for a supply of milk.
 ☞ 我们得在价格上跟她谈判。
 ☞ We have to bargain with her about the price.
谋求 谋求
1.seek, 指寻求。
 ☞ 在找到永久性办法期间,任何一方都不应单方面行动来谋求改变现状,尤其不应使用武力。
 ☞ Pending a permanent settlement, neither side should seek to change the status quo by unilateral action, much less by force.
 ☞ 双方友好人士力图谋求两国关系正常化。
 ☞ Friendly personages of both sides tried very hard to seek normalization of relations between the two countries.
2.strive for,指力求。
 ☞ 志士仁人以牺牲生命来谋求民主和自由。
 ☞ People with high ideals died to strive for democracy and freedom.
 ☞ 殖民地人民不顾失败和挫折,前赴后继地谋求独立。
 ☞ The colonial people advanced wave upon wave to strive for independence, regardless of failures and setbacks.
3.try to find,指竭力搜求。
 ☞ 双方应该坐下来谈判以谋求一个明智的解决办法。
 ☞ Both sides should sit down and talk in order to try to find a wise solution.
 ☞ 你惟一的办法是谋求个职业以便在社会上获得一个立足之地。
 ☞ The only way is you try to find a job so that you could gain a place in the society.
谴责 谴责
 ☞ 国会投票谴责一位参议员滥用公款。
 ☞ Congress voted to censure the senator for his misuse of public funds.
 ☞ 曾经有一位歌星因为逃避所得税而遭到严厉谴责。
 ☞ There was a singing star who was severely censured for income tax evasion.
 ☞ 世界舆论谴责侵略者的挑衅。
 ☞ World opinion condemned the aggressor's provocation.
 ☞ 说穿了,他不过是个政客。他可以一段时期为政府的行为辩护,而在另一个时期又加以谴责。
 ☞ To put it bluntly, he is only a politician. He can justify the government's action at one time and condemn it at another time.
 ☞ 世界各国公开谴责了任何形式的恐怖主义。
 ☞ Every country in the world denounced terrorism of any sort.
 ☞ 世界舆论谴责了该国领导人并公开了其侵略罪行。
 ☞ World opinion denounced the leaders of the country and made no secret of their crimes of aggression.
 ☞ 他做错了事,受到了良心的谴责。
 ☞ He had done wrong, and his conscience plagued him for it.
 ☞ 我不想说你,但你的背信弃义是会谴责你的。
 ☞ I won't blame you, but your breach: of faith will plague you.
象征 象征
1.symbol, symbolize,指用来象征人、物、理念、价值等的标志、图形、物件等。
 ☞ 岳飞仍然是民族英雄的象征。
 ☞ Yuen Fey remains a symbol of a national hero.
 ☞ 十字架是基督教的象征。
 ☞ The cross is the symbol of Christianity.
 ☞ 鸽子是和平的象征。
 ☞ The dove is the symbol of peace.
 ☞ 订婚戒指象征着永恒的爱情。
 ☞ An engagement ring symbolizes everlasting love.
 ☞ 黑色是哀悼的象征。
 ☞ Black is a token of mourning.
 ☞ 他送给妻子一枚戒指作为爱情的象征。
 ☞ He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love.
3.emblem, 仅指事物的象征。
 ☞ 我在集中营里见到的一切都成了地狱的象征。
 ☞ What I saw in the concentration camp turned into an emblem of hell.
 ☞ 龙是中国的象征。
 ☞ Dragon is the emblem of China.
 ☞ 水是不稳定的象征。
 ☞ Water may serve as a type of instability.
 ☞ 他是现代田径运动的象征。
 ☞ He is a type of modern athleticism.
负担 负担
 ☞ 扶养妻子和五个子女对他是一个严重的经济负担。
 ☞ It was a severe financial burden for him to care for a wife and five children.
 ☞ 我们不想增加政府的负担。
 ☞ We do not want to add to the government's burden.
 ☞ 无疑,这一切都成为班级多的教师的负担。
 ☞ There is no doubt that all this puts a burden on a teacher with a large number of classes.
 ☞ 他一直是他父母的负担。
 ☞ He has been a burden to his parents.
 ☞ 劳动将成为一种享受,而不是一种负担。
 ☞ Labor will become a pleasure instead of burden 政府不愿让人民负担更多的税额。
 ☞ The government would not burden the people with more taxes.
 ☞ 因为他身体不好,朋友都不让他负担更多的工作。
 ☞ As he was already in poor health, his friends would not burden him with more work.
2.can afford,用得较狭,只指是否有经济条件做某事。
 ☞ 应当避免更多的开支,我们负担不起。
 ☞ We must steer clear of any more expenditure. We can not afford it.
 ☞ 用这种药治疗,我们负担不起。
 ☞ We cannot afford to be treated with such medicine.
 ☞ 我怀疑他是否负担得起。
 ☞ I am doubtful whether he can afford it.
 ☞ 打那以后,农民购买农业机械也能负担了。
 ☞ From then on peasants could afford to buy agricultural machinery.
 ☞ 学习和医疗费用全部由国家负担。
 ☞ All expenses for study and medical care are borne by the state.
 ☞ 我厂愿负担全部科研费用。
 ☞ Our factory will bear all the research costs.
 ☞ 旅费全部由东道国负担。
 ☞ All the traveling expenses will be borne by the host country.
 ☞ 本公司愿负担一切修理费用。
 ☞ Our firm will bear all the costs of repairs.
 ☞ 债务一直是他的思想负担。
 ☞ The debt was a constant load on his mind.
 ☞ 本来已经沉重的工作负担变得更加沉重了。
 ☞ The already heavy load of work became heavier.
 ☞ 现在,教师的职责是减轻学生的负担。
 ☞ Now the duty of teachers is to lighten the students'
 ☞ load.
 ☞ 他一生都在负担家庭的职责。
 ☞ He's been loaded down with family responsibilities all his life.
 ☞ 我们接手时,公司还有沉重的债务负担呢。
 ☞ The company was heavily loaded with debt when we took it over.
 ☞ 如果学生作业的负担过重,他们的健康会受到损害。
 ☞ If pupils are overloaded with homework their health will be ruined.
5.foot the bill,专指由账单结算的负担。
 ☞ 我们公司愿意负担这笔费用。
 ☞ Our firm is ready to foot the bill.
 ☞ 谁来负担试制新型飞机失败的费用。
 ☞ Who is going to foot the bill for the failure of the new aircraft.
6.be encumbered with, encumbrance,专指某种已成为累赘的负担。
 ☞ 我有家室负担。
 ☞ I am encumbered with a wife and children.
 ☞ 她的家庭负担重。
 ☞ She is encumbered with a large family.
 ☞ 你的一席话解除了我的精神负担。
 ☞ Your table talk has freed my mind of encumbrance.
负责 负责
1.be responsible for (to), hold oneself responsible for, make one responsible for, take responsibility for,常指对某种职责或任务负责。
 ☞ 航班飞机的驾驶员对乘客的安全负责。
 ☞ An airline pilot is responsible for the safety of the passengers.
 ☞ 事情搞得一团糟,谁来负责?
 ☞ Who is responsible for the mess?
 ☞ 你得对自己的行为负责。
 ☞ You have to be responsible for your own actions.
 ☞ 她是我的孩子,我对她负责。
 ☞ She is my child, and I am responsible for her.
 ☞ 我们在道义上和法律上都应该对这次事故负责。
 ☞ We are responsible in morals and in law for this accident.
 ☞ 你负责保持房间的整洁。
 ☞ You will be responsible for keeping your room tidy.
 ☞ 保卫人员负责锁校门。
 ☞ The guard is responsible for locking up the school.
 ☞ 工厂厂长对工人的工作条件负责。
 ☞ The director of the factory is responsible to the workers for their working conditions.
 ☞ 矿山的各级领导负责矿工的福利。
 ☞ The leaders at all levels of the mine are responsible to the miners for their welfare.
 ☞ 我们的责任是向人民负责。
 ☞ Our duty is to hold ourselves responsible to the people.
 ☞ 对发生的一切,我自己负责。
 ☞ I hold myself responsible for what happened.
 ☞ 由此产生的一切后果由你方负责。
 ☞ Your side will be held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.
 ☞ 医生的费用由我来负责。
 ☞ I will make myself responsible for the doctor's fees.
 ☞ 他们对改革的态度我不能负责。
 ☞ I could not make myself responsible for their attitude towards the reform.
 ☞ 你应对此负责。
 ☞ You must take responsibility for it.
 ☞ 一位有经验的领导负责这项工程。
 ☞ An experienced leader takes responsibility for this project.
 ☞ 我得负责一切。
 ☞ I have to take responsibility for everything.
 ☞ 她父亲死后,她叔叔负责她的教育。
 ☞ After her father's death her uncle took responsibility for her education.
 ☞ 每位教师都应为四化培养优秀的科学工作者负责。
 ☞ Every teacher should take the responsibility of training the best scientific workers for the four modernizations.
2.be in charge of, take charge of,常指由主管、掌管而来的负责。
 ☞ 厂长不在期间,我对全厂负责。
 ☞ I am in charge of the whole factory when the director is away.
 ☞ 林医生负责医院这间病房。
 ☞ Doctor Lin is in charge of this ward of the hospital.
 ☞ 他负责保卫工作。
 ☞ He is in charge of security affairs.
 ☞ 当时在1923年,我负责党的工会工作。
 ☞ In 1923 I was in charge of the trade-union work of the Party.
 ☞ 她负责卖票。
 ☞ She is in charge of selling tickets.
 ☞ 厂长不在期间,全厂由我负责。
 ☞ The whole factory is in my charge when the director is away.(试比较本节第一句)
 ☞ 医院这间病房由林医生负责。
 ☞ This ward of the hospital is in the charge of Doctor Lin.(试比较本节第二句)
 ☞ 矿山的各级主要领导都应亲自负责矿工及其家属的福利。
 ☞ The principal leaders at all levels of the mine must personally take charge of the welfare of the miners and their families.
 ☞ 现在他替我负责这个学校。
 ☞ Now he has taken charge of the school instead of me.
 ☞ 王老师,请问你能负责这个班吗?
 ☞ Can you take charge of this class please, Mr. Wang?
3.take care of,常指由关心、照顾而来的负责。
 ☞ 我们来负责你可能遇到的经济困难。
 ☞ We'll take care of any financial difficulties you may have.
 ☞ 他的医药费都由国家负责。
 ☞ All his medical expenses were taken care of by the state.
 ☞ 每个农业工人负责八公顷地。
 ☞ Each farm worker takes care of eight hectares of farmland.
4.be (held) answerable,answer to,常指负有道义上或法律上的职责。后接for表示对事负责,后接to表示对人负责。
 ☞ 在她内心有种根深蒂固的腐朽的东西,对此她父亲是不能负责的。
 ☞ There was something ineradicably corrupt inside her for which her father was not answerable.
 ☞ 一个18岁的成人应对自己的行为负责。
 ☞ An 18-year-old adult must be answerable for his behavior.
 ☞ 管理班费的同学负责全班的班费。
 ☞ The class treasurer is held answerable to the class for the money that is given to him.
 ☞ 这个孩子要是有个三长两短,你得对我负责。
 ☞ You'll have to answer to me if any harm comes to this child.
 ☞ 他们的行为应该对行政当局负责。
 ☞ They will have to answer to the authorities for their conduct.
 ☞ 无人能对别人的错误负责。
 ☞ No man can answer for another's mistakes.
5.be (held) accountable for,与answerable for大致同义。
 ☞ 一个孩子往往不能对自己的行为负责。
 ☞ A child is not always accountable for its behavior.
 ☞ 他应对自己的所作所为负责。
 ☞ He must be held accountable for his actions.
 ☞ 只有疯子才不对自己的行为负责。
 ☞ Only a mad man is not accountable for his actions.
6.be conscientious,常指认真负责。
 ☞ 他是个认真负责的教师,在我校的评价很高。
 ☞ He is a conscientious teacher and is highly appreciated at our college.
 ☞ 她对工作认真负责。
 ☞ She is earnest and conscientious in her work.
责令 责令
1.order, 指不容分辩的命令。
 ☞ 国会责令释放一切政治犯。
 ☞ The Congress ordered that all the political prisoners be released.
 ☞ 该饭馆因卫生不合格而被责令停业。
 ☞ The restaurant has been ordered to stop business for being unhygienic.
2.instruct, 指有详细细节的指令。
 ☞ 国务院责令各有关部门采取有效措施来阻止事态的恶化。
 ☞ The State Council instructed the departments concerned to take effective measures to prevent the situation from deteriorating.
 ☞ 总公司责令当地分公司整顿领导班子。
 ☞ The head office instructed its local branch that its leading body be consolidated and reorganized.
3.charge, 指带有某种要求的指令或命令。
 ☞ 党的中央纪律检查委员会责令各级领导不得接受馈赠。
 ☞ The Party Central Commission for Discipline Inspection charged that leaders at all levels accept no gift.
 ☞ 经理责令女清洁工第二天早来一小时。
 ☞ The manager charged the cleaning woman to come an hour earlier the next day.
责任 责任
 ☞ 他没有责任心。
 ☞ He has no sense of responsibility.
 ☞ 对这次事故你要负全部责任。
 ☞ You must assume full responsibility for the accident.
 ☞ 由此引起的严重后果应由贵国承担全部责任。
 ☞ Your country must bear full responsibility for the serious consequences arising therefrom.
 ☞ 教师作为人类灵魂的工程师对孩子们的现在和将来都负有重大责任。
 ☞ Teachers as architects of man's soul have a grave responsibility both for the present and the future of children.
 ☞ 告诉他一定要明确自己的责任。
 ☞ Tell him that he must ascertain where the responsibility lies.
 ☞ 他是由于责任心的驱使而自愿承担这一危险使命的。
 ☞ He volunteered for the dangerous mission out of a sense of duty.
 ☞ 责任迫使我不得不说。
 ☞ Duty forces me to speak.
 ☞ 供养父母是我的责任。
 ☞ It is my duty to support my parents.
 ☞ 我不过是尽我的责任罢了。
 ☞ I've done no more than my duty.
 ☞ 先进有责任帮助后进。
 ☞ The advanced are duty-bond to help those lagging behind.
 ☞ 你不该把责任推到别人身上。
 ☞ You shouldn't shift the blame on the others.
 ☞ 这当然不是说责任全在他一个人身上。
 ☞ This is, of course, not to say that the blame rests solely on him.
4.answer for,是动词,而前三个词是名词。指应负责任。
 ☞ 事情如果搞不好,你是要负责任的。
 ☞ If anything goes wrong, you'll have to answer for it.
 ☞ 我们不能对他的行为负责任。
 ☞ We cannot answer for his actions.
责备 责备
1.reprove, 指带有善意的责备。
 ☞ 母亲责备女儿彻夜不归。
 ☞ Mother reproved her daughter for staying out all night.
 ☞ 组长责备我昨天没参加会议。
 ☞ The group leader reproved me for not attending the meeting yesterday.
  ■ reprove 还可用来表示肢体语言的责备。
 ☞ 她在那么多的客人面前咯咯笑,受到了母亲严厉目光的责备。
 ☞ She was reproved by the stern look of her mother when she giggled in front of so many guests.
2.reproach, 指轻微的责备。
 ☞ 老师责备我上学迟到。
 ☞ The teacher reproached me for being late in going to school.
 ☞ 这不是你的过错,没啥好责备自己的。
 ☞ It wasn't your fault. You have nothing to reproach yourself with.
  ■ 如果reproach要加重责备的程度,可加severely,bitterly等词。
 ☞ 她信里的每句话都在狠狠地责备他。
 ☞ Every sentence in her letter severely (bitterly) reproaches him.
 ☞ 我们不能责备挨饿的孩子偷吃食物。
 ☞ We cannot blame a starving child who steals food.
 ☞ 我得说,我们之间的冷淡应该责备我。
 ☞ I must say that I am to blame for the coldness between us.
 ☞ 她经常责备孩子,却没想到要改正他们不规矩的行为。
 ☞ She scolds her children frequently, but makes no attempt to correct their unruly behavior.
 ☞ 他因偷赖而受到老板的责备。
 ☞ He was scolded by the boss for being lazy.
5.take to task,义同scold,但着重点在工作、任务上的失败和失望等引起的责备。
 ☞ 我的老板责备我今天的工作没干好。
 ☞ My boss took me to task over my bad work today.
 ☞ 她责备丈夫对她母亲的粗暴无礼。
 ☞ She took her husband to task for his rudeness to her mother.
货(货物) 货(货物)
  ■ “货”与“货物”是一对同义词,用作主谓结构或动宾结构时,前者常与单音词搭配,如“运货”;而后者常与双音词联用,如“运送货物”。此外,在用作偏正结构时,两者并无多少区别,如“出口货”或“出口的货物”。
 ☞ 到货时,发现短少35吨。
 ☞ On arrival the goods were found to be 35 tons short.
 ☞ 贵公司能在3月底交货吗?
 ☞ Will it be possible for your company to ship the goods by the end of March?
 ☞ 于是,中国在2003年从美国进口了约值20亿美元的货物。
 ☞ Thus, in 2003, China imported about two billion dollars' worth of goods from the United States.
 ☞ 我们愿意我们的销售人员对其他店铺卖的货也感兴趣。
 ☞ We like our sales people to be interested in the merchandise other shops are selling.
 ☞ 所有货物都已搬入仓库。
 ☞ The merchandise was all brought into the warehouse.
 ☞ 我们提供的货价廉物美。
 ☞ The merchandise we offer is of high quality but at low price.
 ☞ 在收到贵方信用证后的两三个星期内即能发货。
 ☞ Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your UC.
 ☞ 我们向国外发送货物都广泛使用纸箱。
 ☞ Cartons are extensively used in our shipment to foreign countries.
 ☞ 我厂3季度生产任务已经排满。事实上,我们很多客户已在订4季度交的货。
 ☞ Our factory is fully committed for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter.
 ☞ 请在交付货物前15至30天内开启信用证,以便我方有充分时间作好必要的安排。
 ☞ Please open the UC 15 to 30 days before the date of delivery so that we'll have enough time to make all the necessary arrangement.
 ☞ 我们的10头骆驼,6头用作坐骑4头用来驮货。
 ☞ Of our ten camels, six were intended for riding and four for carrying cargoes.
 ☞ 这些飞机能运载60吨货物。
 ☞ These planes can carry a cargo of 60 tons.
 ☞ 轮船正在卸货。
 ☞ The ship is discharging her freight.
 ☞ 卡车相撞时,车上的货物撒了一地。
 ☞ When the trucks crashed, their freight was spread all over the ground.
 ☞ 如贵方价格优惠,我方可立即订货。
 ☞ If your prices are favorable, we can place the order right away.
 ☞ 根据报道美国政府收到了台湾价值3,200万美元的武器订货。
 ☞ It was reported that the American administration had received orders from Taiwan for thirty-two million dollars' weapons.
贩卖 贩卖
1.buy and sell, 指买与卖。
 ☞ 他以贩卖牲口为生。
 ☞ He makes a living by buying and selling draught animals.
 ☞ 他祖上是贩卖山货的。
 ☞ His forefathers were engaged in buying and selling mountain products.
2.deal in,指经营。
 ☞ 他贩卖牲口。
 ☞ He deals in draught animals.
 ☞ 我叔叔过去是贩卖丝绸的。
 ☞ My uncle dealt in silk.
 ☞ 以前他是贩卖皮货的。
 ☞ He was in the fur trade.
 ☞ 昨天晚上我听见他在向他们打听贩卖奴隶的情况。
 ☞ I heard him asking them about the slave trade last night.
4.traffic in,指非法贩卖。
 ☞ 有人因贩卖妇女而被捕。
 ☞ Some people were arrested for trafficking in women.
 ☞ 罪犯常结成团伙来贩卖走私物品。
 ☞ Criminals often form gangs to traffic in smuggled goods.
贪图 贪图
 ☞ 他发现自己为了贪图小利而在犯罪。
 ☞ He found himself committing a crime by seeking trifling advantages.
 ☞ 贪图安逸,就一定怕苦。
 ☞ Those who seek ease and comfort are bound to fear hardships.
 ☞ 她贪图享受不成,反而吃尽了苦头。
 ☞ Instead of seeking a life of pleasure, she endured untold sufferings.
2.hanker after (for),指由野心、欲望引起的贪图。
 ☞ 贪图名利最后落得了一场空。
 ☞ To hanker after fame and gains comes to nothing in the end.
 ☞ 他贪图小利,上了大当。
 ☞ Hankering after petty gains, he walked into a real trip.
 ☞ 他们贪图我的钱,所以都指望我死。
 ☞ They are hankering for my money, for which they all want me dead.
 ☞ 我认为她无需担心,他是决不会贪图她的东西的。
 ☞ I don't think she needs to worry, he never covets anything that is hers.
 ☞ 你们都不得贪图你寡嫂的房产和田产。
 ☞ Neither of you shall covet the house and land that belong to your sister-in-law living in widowhood.
 ☞ 我现在认识到贪图富贵也可能犯罪。
 ☞ Now I realize that it is possible to sin by coveting wealth and power.
4.greedy for,指由于本性贪婪而引起的贪图。
 ☞ 他的所作所为表明他贪图的是他的特权。
 ☞ What he did shows that he is greedy for his privileges.
 ☞ 他贪图金钱美色,决不会有好下场。
 ☞ He will certainly come to no good end, being greedy for money and sex.
 ☞ 该国军事领导人贪图权力,策划了推翻政府的阴谋。
 ☞ Greedy for power, the army leaders of that country hatched a plot to overthrow the government.
 ☞ 他贪图凉快,结果着了凉。
 ☞ He wanted to cool off, but he ended up catching a chill.
 ☞ 他贪图口福,吃河豚中毒了。
 ☞ He suffered from globefish poisoning by pampering his appetite.
 ☞ 他贪图便宜买了这东西,结果发现上了当。
 ☞ He bought it on the cheap and found that he was taken in.
 ☞ 你是贪图暴利,忘了诚信。
 ☞ You are neglecting honesty and credit by caring for sudden huge profits.
贯彻 贯彻
1.carry out,指实现。
 ☞ 贯彻党委决议要一丝不苟。
 ☞ The Party Committee's decisions must be carried out with conscientious thoroughness.
 ☞ 这些目标将要贯彻到底。
 ☞ These aims will be carried out through to the end.
2.put into effect,指使之生效。
 ☞ 立即贯彻这一新的规章制度。
 ☞ Put into effect at once the new rules and regulations.
 ☞ 这些建议已得到采纳并予以贯彻。
 ☞ These suggestions were adopted and put into effect.
3.implement, implementation, 指执行。
 ☞ 政府正在贯彻扶贫政策。
 ☞ The government is implementing its policy of helping the poor.
 ☞ 我们要特别注意农村地区婚姻法的贯彻。
 ☞ We must pay special attention to the implementation of the marriage law in rural areas.
 ☞ 你整天讲原则,但工作时却不贯彻原则。
 ☞ You talked about your principles all day but you didn't follow them in your work.
 ☞ 你只有贯彻群众路线才能成功。
 ☞ You'll succeed only by following the mass line.
5.act in (on),指按…行事。
 ☞ 贯彻党委决议精神以来,乡镇企业蓬勃发展。
 ☞ The village and township enterprises have been flourishing since we acted in the spirit of the decision of the Party Committee.
 ☞ 这些原则应当贯彻。
 ☞ These principles should be acted on.

 ☞ 这旧信封还能用。只要用张纸贴在旧地址上,再写上新地址。
 ☞ The old envelop can still be used. Stick a piece of paper over the old address and write the new one on it你还是把邮票贴在包裹上好。
 ☞ It's better if you stick the stamps on the package.
 ☞ 他收起那张图表说:“大家出车吧,中午休息的时候再好好看,就贴在这里。”
 ☞ He folded up the diagram and said, "Now get moving. I'll paste this up here and you can have a good look at it during the midday break."
 ☞ 几天来,墙上到处都贴着公告,宣布这一好消息。
 ☞ For days placards have been pasted on every wall, announcing the good news.
 ☞ 贴在信封上的这张邮票正是我一直在找的。
 ☞ The stamp adhering to the envelope is what I have been looking for.
 ☞ 这些瓷砖在天花板上贴不上去。
 ☞ These glazed tiles won't adhere to the ceiling.
4.post up,指张贴。
 ☞ 布告栏上贴着学生会的一张通知,你看到没有?
 ☞ The student union posted up a notice on the bulletin.
 ☞ Have you read it?
 ☞ 足球队员的名单已经贴出去了。
 ☞ The list of the football team members was posted up.
 ☞ 他蜷缩在座位里,两个膝盖贴到了肩膀上。
 ☞ He was curled into a seat with the knees pressing against his shoulders.
 ☞ 他把她紧紧地贴在胸前。
 ☞ He pressed her to his bosom.
 ☞ 小姑娘贴在母亲身上,不肯走开。
 ☞ The little girl nestled to her mother, refusing to go away.
 ☞ 孩子们贴在一起睡熟了。
 ☞ The children nestled up close together and fell fast asleep.
 ☞ 贴墙放着一排靠背椅子。
 ☞ A row of chairs were placed with their backs against the wall.
 ☞ 你贴着门站着,吓了我一跳。
 ☞ You give me a start, standing against the door.
 ☞ 我每月贴他50元钱。
 ☞ I help him out by giving him 50 yuan every month.
 ☞ 他的两个太阳穴上贴着膏药。
 ☞ A plaster was applied to each of his temples.
费劲 费劲
1.effort, take a lot of effort, spend a great deal of effort,指下工夫。
 ☞ 把这件工作做好费了好大的劲!
 ☞ What an effort it was to get the work done!
 ☞ 安装这台机器真费劲。
 ☞ It really took a lot of effort to install this machine.
 ☞ 我在这件事上已费了好大的劲。
 ☞ I have spent a great deal of effort on this matter.
 ☞ 他毫不费劲地举起了这块大石头。
 ☞ He lifted the big rock without effort.
2.great difficulty,指有困难。
 ☞ 哮喘病使他呼吸起来很费劲。
 ☞ Asthma causes him great difficulty in breathing.
 ☞ 学生对这类句子很感费劲。
 ☞ The students have great difficulty with this type of sentence.
 ☞ 要找到他并不费劲。
 ☞ That was no difficulty in finding him.
 ☞ 他看英文参考书一点儿也不费劲。
 ☞ He can read reference books in English without difficulty.
3.strain, strenuous,指使劲。
 ☞ 他费了好大劲才够到那条绳子。
 ☞ He strained to reach the rope.
 ☞ 有了这种机器,插秧就不那么费劲了。
 ☞ With this kind of machine it is no longer a strain to transplant rice seedlings.
 ☞ 这山越往上爬越费劲。
 ☞ The higher we went up the mountain, the more strenuous the climb became.
 ☞ 挖土是一项费劲的工作。
 ☞ Digging earth is strenuous work.
费心 费心
1.Would you mind, May I trouble you, Will you be so kind as to,多用于请求或感谢时的套语,汉语多用陈述句,英语多用疑问句。
 ☞ 我这篇稿子请你费心给我看看。
 ☞ Would you mind going over this article for me?
 ☞ 请费心给他捎个口信。
 ☞ May I trouble you to give him a message?
 ☞ 您见到他时,请费心把这封信交给他。
 ☞ Will you be so kind as to give him this letter when you see him?
 ☞ 多少父母为了子女费尽了心。
 ☞ Many parents go to a lot of trouble for their children.
 ☞ 请费心看看这份合同。
 ☞ Please take the trouble to read the contract.
3.take pains,指下一番工夫。
 ☞ 让你费心教我干这项工作,我十分感激。
 ☞ I'm grateful because you have taken pains to teach me how to do the work.
 ☞ 为准备这次聚会,女主人显然是费了心的。
 ☞ It was clear that the hostess had taken pains with the preparations for the party.
 ☞ 孩子进了幼儿园,你就不用那么费心了。
 ☞ It will be a load off your mind when your child enters kindergarten.
 ☞ 她为这些孩子可费了不少心。
 ☞ She devoted a lot of care to these children.
 ☞ 支书为抗旱可没少费心。
 ☞ The Party secretary has put his heart and soul into the task of combating the drought.
资格 资格
 ☞ 他受过培训,有资格做英语教师。
 ☞ His training qualifies him as a teacher of English.
 ☞ 雇员在受雇一定时间之后,就有资格领取养老金。
 ☞ After a certain period of employment the employee qualifies for a pension.
 ☞ 我校的学生都有资格申请这项奖学金。
 ☞ Every student of our college is qualified to apply for the scholarship.
 ☞ 只有具备相应资格的申请人才予以考虑。
 ☞ Only applicants with proper qualifications will be considered.
  ■ 前缀dis与qualify联用,可表示“取消…的资格”。
 ☞ 拳击运动中如遇到参赛者犯规,裁判可以取消其比赛资格。
 ☞ The referee at boxing can disqualify a competitor in the event of a foul.
 ☞ 新法律规定,凡无正当原因离职者可取消其领取失业保险金的资格。
 ☞ The new law stipulates that persons who quit without proper cause are disqualified from getting unemployment insurance.
2.have the right,指具有某种权利。
 ☞ 根据法律你有资格继承你继父的遗产。
 ☞ According to the law you have the right to inherit your stepfather's property.
 ☞ 你们有什么资格向别的国家发号施令?
 ☞ What right do you have to dictate to other countries?
 ☞ 第一种是老干部,在座的不少都是老资格。
 ☞ The first are the veterans, and many of you here are high in seniority.
 ☞ 他是因为资格老才当选主席的。
 ☞ He was elected chairman only by virtue of his seniority.
 ☞ 要是他和外国人结婚,会剥夺其中国公民的资格吗?
 ☞ Will he be stripped of his status as a Chinese citizen if he marries a foreigner?
 ☞ 党支部取消了他的预备党员资格。
 ☞ The Party branch annulled the status of him as a probationary Party membership.
赔(赔偿) 赔(赔偿)
1.pay for,指以付钱的方式来赔偿。
 ☞ 杯子是我打碎的,由我来赔。
 ☞ I broke the cup, so I'll pay for it.
 ☞ 你的损失,我来赔。
 ☞ I'll pay for your loss.
 ☞ 我愿意赔我打碎的玻璃。
 ☞ I will replace the glass I broke.
 ☞ 奶奶说,解放军叔叔帮咱们抗旱,打破了个水罐不用赔。
 ☞ Grandma says there is no need to replace the broken jar, because the PLA uncles are helping us fight the drought.
 ☞ 请照价赔偿。
 ☞ Please compensate (pay) according to the cost.
 ☞ 公司赔了公伤工人的误工费。
 ☞ The firm compensated (paid) the injured workers for the loss of working time.
  ■ 但如果是用实物赔偿,则不能用pay换用。
 ☞ 他把我的一把刀丢了,就赔了我一把新的。
 ☞ He compensated me with a new knife for the one of mine he lost.
 ☞ 天知道我们将如何赔他的损失。
 ☞ Heaven knows how we shall repair his loss.
 ☞ 事故引起的损失由我来赔.
 ☞ I'll repair the damage caused by the accident.
  ■ repair的名词reparation做“赔偿”解时似乎更为常用,且更为正式。
 ☞ 他付款赔偿了他损坏的货物。
 ☞ He made reparations by paying for the goods he damaged.
 ☞ 姑娘们得到了所受伤害的赔偿。
 ☞ The girls received their reparations for the injury.
 ☞ 航空公司将对遇难者家属承担赔偿。
 ☞ The airline company will undertake to indemnify the victims' families.
 ☞ 铁路部门对工人所受的工伤给予了赔偿。
 ☞ The railroad indemnified the workers for the injuries suffered on the job.
  ■ indemnity做“赔偿”解时,可与reparations换用。
 ☞ 战败国一般都要向战胜国支付战争赔偿。
 ☞ The defeated country usually pays war indemnity (reparations) to the victor.
 ☞ 去年我们赔的钱,这一笔生意全赚回来了。
 ☞ We have retrieved in this bargain all the money we lost last year.
 ☞ 他在这笔交易上赔得利害。
 ☞ He lost heavily on the deal.
 ☞ 谁也不愿做赔本买卖。
 ☞ Nobody will do a business at a loss.
 ☞ 是你错怪了她,你该给她赔不是。
 ☞ You should apologize to her for blaming her wrongly.
 ☞ 我认为他是来赔礼道歉的。
 ☞ I suppose he has come for an apology.
赞助 赞助
 ☞ 他赞助我出国深造。
 ☞ He supported me to go abroad for the advanced study.
 ☞ 我校从公众捐助资金中获得赞助。
 ☞ Our school draws its support from public subscription.
2.sponsor, sponsorship,不仅指资助,还有“首先发起”的意思。
 ☞ 是那家烟草公司赞助了这一电视节目。
 ☞ It is that tobacco company that sponsors this television program.
 ☞ 这次会议是在市政府的赞助下召开的。
 ☞ The meeting was held under the sponsorship of the municipality.
3.under the auspices of,指在…支持下的赞助。
 ☞ 这次音乐会是由音乐家协会赞助筹办的。
 ☞ This concert is arranged under the auspices of the Association for Musicians.
 ☞ 我们的医学研究是在一所大学和一家医院联合赞助下进行的。
 ☞ Our medical studies are made under the joint auspices of a university and a hospital.
赞成(赞同) 赞成(赞同)
1.approve, 指政府、上级、长辈带有批准性的赞成。
 ☞ 公安局赞成(同)这些防范措施。
 ☞ The public security bureau approved these preventive measures.
 ☞ 我的家长都赞成我下乡支农。
 ☞ My parents have approved my going to the countryside to support agriculture.
  ■ approve后还可接of,这时的语气没有上面那么强烈,只是表示个人的看法。
 ☞ 我不赞成年轻人吸烟。
 ☞ I don't approve of young people smoking.
 ☞ 他完全赞同你的计划里的设想。
 ☞ He quite approves of the idea of your plan.
 ☞ 赞成今天去的人请举手。
 ☞ Those who favor going today please raise your hands.
 ☞ 法国赞成用谈判来解决伊拉克问题。
 ☞ France favored negotiation to solve the question on Iraq.
  ■ in favor of用作表语或定语,也有“赞成”的意思。
 ☞ 我们都赞同有更多的妇女来参加政治。
 ☞ We are all in favor of more women taking part in politics.
 ☞ 大家都希望赞成这一提议的人能在会后进行详细的讨论。
 ☞ Those in favor of the proposal are expected to discuss it in detail after the meeting.
3.agree with,(to),指同意后的赞成。
 ☞ 有时候,她也会赞同我跟她说过的事情。
 ☞ Sometimes she would agree with things I had said to her.
 ☞ 全厂一致赞同这项改革。
 ☞ The whole factory unanimously agreed to this reform.
 ☞ 我完全赞成明天去郊游。
 ☞ I'm all for going on an outing tomorrow.
 ☞ 6票赞成,3票反对。
 ☞ Six votes for and three against.
 ☞ 我们完全赞成我党的政纲。
 ☞ We fully endorse the platform of our Party.
 ☞ 家长都赞同学校修建运动场的计划。
 ☞ Parents endorsed the plan for a school playground.
赞扬 赞扬
 ☞ 寻演在老板面前对这位影坛新秀大加赞扬。
 ☞ The director commended the new movie star highly to the boss.
 ☞ 该报赞扬了一位著名作家的新作。
 ☞ The newspaper commended a well-known writer's new works.
 ☞ 这种一心为公的精神值得赞扬。
 ☞ This spirit of selflessness deserves commendation.
 ☞ 我遇到的每个人都对他的小说大加赞扬。
 ☞ Everybody I've met praises his novel highly.
 ☞ 他毫无私心的精神受到了热烈的赞扬。
 ☞ He is warmly praised for his spirit of absolute selflessness.
  ■ 不过,praise由于不带感情色彩,故有时也可用于言不由衷的赞扬。
 ☞ 客人们赞扬这是他们多年来吃过的最好的一顿饭。
 ☞ The guests praised the meal as the best they had had for years.
 ☞ 他赞扬我的朋友是他曾经碰到过的最优秀的人物。
 ☞ He praised my friend as being one of the finest figures he had ever met.
  ■ praise 还可用作名词。
 ☞ 我们要在一片赞扬声中找差距。
 ☞ We must see out our shortcomings amidst a shower of praise.
 ☞ 要记住他是个平民,不是警察,可他做了警察该做的事。因此咱们要对他大加赞扬。
 ☞ Do remember that he is a civilian, not a policeman, but he has done what a policeman should do. So let us acclaim him highly.
 ☞ 这是一部受到读者广泛赞扬的书。
 ☞ This is a book widely acclaimed by the reader.
  ■ acclaim也可用作名词。
 ☞ 他们良好的体育精神博得了广泛的赞扬。
 ☞ Their fine sportsmanship won widespread acclaim.
4.speak highly of,指口头上的赞扬。
 ☞ 凡是认识他的人没有不赞扬他的。
 ☞ All who know him speak highly of him.
 ☞ 霍奇金教授高度赞扬中国在研究合成胰岛素方面取得的进展。
 ☞ Professor Hodgkin spoke highly of China's progress in the research of synthetic insulin.
 ☞ 让咱们热烈赞扬两国之间的友谊吧。
 ☞ Let us pay warm tribute to the friendship between the two countries.
 ☞ 毕业生们在毕业典礼上高度赞扬了老师们的献身精神。
 ☞ The postgraduates gave high tribute to the devotion of their teachers.
赢(赢得) 赢(赢得)
1.win, 措通过竞争、角逐而赢得。
 ☞ 我队以3比2赢了那场足球赛。
 ☞ We won the football game by three points to two.
 ☞ 这些权力不是从天上掉下来的,是人们用生命赢来的。
 ☞ These rights did not drop from heaven. Men died to win them.
 ☞ 该岛脱离英国赢得了独立。
 ☞ The island won its independence from England.
 ☞ 他的小说赢得了5,000美元的一等奖。
 ☞ His novel won first prize of five thousand American dollars.
 ☞ 他跟阿拉伯人做了笔生意,赢利50%。
 ☞ He made a deal with Arabs and earned profits of 50%.
 ☞ 抗日战争的胜利为中国赢得了国际声誉。
 ☞ The victory over Japan earned China an international reputation.
 ☞ 他从事的科研为他赢得了皇家学会的会员资格。
 ☞ The research work he is upon has earned him the fellowship of the Royal Society.
 ☞ 海洋工程公司去年赢利500万美元。
 ☞ The Offshore Engineering Company gained profits to five million American dollars last year.
 ☞ 损失那么多人来赢得这场战役值得吗?
 ☞ Is it worth gaining the battle by losing so many men?
 ☞ 他为了赢得时间,采取了拖延战术。
 ☞ To gain time, he adopted the delaying tactics.
 ☞ 他的成就为他赢得了人们的尊敬与赞美。
 ☞ His achievement obtained him respect and admiration on the part of people.
 ☞ 中国的“国不分大小,一律平等”的外交政策赢得了大多数国家的支持。
 ☞ China's foreign policy "All nations, big or small, should be equal." has obtained the support of the great majority of the countries.
 ☞ 民主党人在中期选举中又在国会赢得了两席。
 ☞ The Democrats obtained two additional seats in the parliament in the mid-term election.
 ☞ 下象棋,我赢不了他。
 ☞ I can't beat him at Chinese chess.
 ☞ 他在第一局赢了一分。
 ☞ He scored a point at the first game.

 ☞ 在暗处走比跑安全。
 ☞ It is safer to walk than to run in the dark.
 ☞ 她不知往哪里去,于是在上海大街上走呀,走呀, 走了3个小时。
 ☞ She didn't know where to go, so she walked and walked for three hours about the Shanghai streets.
 ☞ walk只指行走。
  "She has gone" , he said giving me the note she left.
 ☞ 火车走得越来越快。
 ☞ The train was going faster and faster.
 ☞ 由于他走得匆忙,没有时间去看他的老朋友。
 ☞ Because he left in a hurry, he had no time to see his old friends.
 ☞ 他们是在6点左右走的。
 ☞ They left at about six o'clock.
 ☞ 父亲跟着叔父沿着街道一路走去。
 ☞ Father followed my uncle all the way down the street.
  ■ 由此follow可引申为“依照…行事”。
 ☞ 我们走了群众路线,因此超额完成了任务。
 ☞ We followed the mass line, so we over-fulfilled the task.
 ☞ 只有这样,他们才会感到有一条清晰、正确的路可走。
 ☞ Only this way will they feel that they have a clear, definite path to follow.
 ☞ 他犹豫了一阵,再往前走了几步。
 ☞ He hesitated for a while, and then stepped forward.
 ☞ 她打开门走了出来,步入夜色中。
 ☞ She opened the door and stepped out into the night.
 ☞ 我悄悄地走进房间,再把门锁上。
 ☞ I stepped softly into the room and locked the door.
 ☞ 他在一片欢呼声中走上讲台。
 ☞ He stepped on the platform amidst loud cheers.
 ☞ 他走了一条前人没有走过的道路。
 ☞ He took the path never trodden before.
 ☞ 解放以来,中国人民始终坚持走社会主义道路。
 ☞ The Chinese people have been taking the socialist road consistently since liberation.
  ■ take还可用于需要多少时间。
 ☞ 坐汽车大约走了一个半小时。
 ☞ The bus ride took about an hour and a half.
7.keep (to),指坚持某种标准、规范等。
 ☞ 这表走得很准。
 ☞ This watch keeps good time.
 ☞ 车辆要在马路中间走,因为两边的路基还软。
 ☞ All vehicles must keep to the middle of the road because the shoulders are still weak.
 ☞ 在中国,行人和车辆都是靠右边走的。
 ☞ In China traffic keeps to the right.
8.move (away),指走动、移动。
 ☞ 似乎无人愿意走。
 ☞ Nobody seems willing to move.
 ☞ It's your turn to move.
 ☞ 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。
 ☞ Fight when you can win; move away when you can't win.
 ☞ 下一步怎么走?
 ☞ What's our next move?
 ☞ 他朝我走了一步。
 ☞ He made a move towards me.
 ☞ 管子走气了。
 ☞ Gas escaped from the pipe.
 ☞ 运动员纵队走在游行队伍的前列。
 ☞ The column formation of sportsmen marched in the van of the procession.
 ☞ 为了找到他心爱的失物,他走遍了全国各地。
 ☞ In order to find his lost treasured possession, he traveled the length and breadth of the whole country.
 ☞ 他来找我帮忙时,我正在走背运。
 ☞ He came to ask for my help just when I was having bad luck.
 ☞ 她唱歌常走调。
 ☞ Her singing often gets out of tune.
 ☞ 他走了后门来办这件事。
 ☞ He got the thing done through pull.
 ☞ 他一时不慎,枪走火了。
 ☞ He wasn't careful and his rifle went off accidentally.
 ☞ 要搞定这些事,你得走内线。
 ☞ You have to use private influence to get things done.
 ☞ 她一走神,漏了一针。
 ☞ She dropped a stitch the moment her attention began to wander.
 ☞ 这事让她给说走了样。
 ☞ Her account presented a distorted picture of the matter.
 ☞ 你只管走着瞧,他们的检查只是走过场。
 ☞ You just wait and see. Their check is a mere formality.

1.catch up, catch up with,指赶上。后者为美国英语。
 ☞ 人人都在学先进,赶先进。
 ☞ Everybody is learning from the advanced and catching them up.
 ☞ The slogan "catch up with Britain and surpass the States" was quite popular in the late 1950s.
 ☞ 明天早上6点叫醒我,我得赶头班车。
 ☞ Wake me up at six tomorrow morning, I have to catch the first train.
 ☞ 现在是赶末班渡轮的时间。
 ☞ It is the time to catch the last ferry-boat.
3.rush through,指赶做。
 ☞ 现在时间紧,大家都在赶任务。
 ☞ The time is pressing and all are rushing through our task.
 ☞ 他忙着赶活计,把这事全忘了。
 ☞ He rushed through his work and forgot all about it.
4.hurry, 指赶快。
 ☞ 天黑以前我们就赶回家了。
 ☞ We hurried home before it got dark.
 ☞ 最好是赶前不赶后。
 ☞ It's better to hurry at the beginning than to rush at the last moment.
 ☞ 你以为赶大车很容易?
 ☞ Do you think it easy to drive a cart?
 ☞ 我不会唱,你偏叫我唱,这不是赶鸭子上架吗?
 ☞ I can't sing. But if you insist on my singing, it'll be like driving a duck onto a perch.
6.go to,指赶着去某处。
 ☞ 每年阴历三月三,这里的人都要赶庙会。
 ☞ On the third day of the third month by the lunar calendar people here would go to the temple fair.
 ☞ 我在赶集时碰见王大妈。
 ☞ I met with Cranny Wang when I was going to the market.
 ☞ 女人赶时髦不惜花费。
 ☞ Women would follow fashion at all costs.
 ☞ 她好赶时尚的潮流。
 ☞ She likes to follow the trend of fashion.
8.when, while,指趁…时机。
 ☞ 我们赶退潮,在海滩上拾些海鲜。
 ☞ We should gather some seafood on the beach when the tide is ebbing.
 ☞ 得赶着好天把被子晒一晒。
 ☞ We should air the bedding while the good weather lasts.
 ☞ 赶明儿我给你买辆新自行车。
 ☞ I'll buy you a new bicycle one of these days.
 ☞ 这事赶以后再说。
 ☞ Let's discuss the matter later.
赶上 赶上
1.catch up,catch up with,指追上,后者为美国英语。
 ☞ 落在后面的人赶上来了。
 ☞ Those who lagged behind have caught up.
 ☞ 我们正在爬坡,突然他赶了上来。
 ☞ We were climbing when he caught up with us (caught us up).
 ☞ 他慢慢地赶上了那位领先的长跑运动员。
 ☞ He slowly overtook the lead long-distance runner.
 ☞ 日本在工业生产上已赶上了德国。
 ☞ Japan has overtaken Germany in industrial production。
3.keep up with, keep pace with, keep abreast of,指跟上不掉队。
 ☞ 摘棉花谁也赶不上她。
 ☞ Nobody can keep up with her in picking cotton.
 ☞ 他在学习上有些困难,但在同志们的帮助下,他已经赶上班上的功课了。
 ☞ He has some difficulties in his study, but with his comrades' help he has kept up with the class.
 ☞ 他们在散步时,她得迈开大步才能赶上他。
 ☞ When they go for a walk she has to take long steps to keep pace with him.
 ☞ 我们应当赶上时代。
 ☞ We must keep abreast of time.
4.run into,指偶然碰上。
 ☞ 我们赶上一场大雨,淋成个落汤鸡。
 ☞ We ran into a heavy rain and were drenched like a drowned chicken.
 ☞ 你们是赶上今天这样的好光景啦!
 ☞ You have run into a happy life as we enjoy today.
 ☞ 我去了两次,每次都赶上他下工厂了。
 ☞ I went there twice, but he happened to be away at the factory each time.
 ☞ 我这次进城,赶上跟张大爷同车。
 ☞ On my way to the city, I happened to ride in the same bus as Grandpa Zhang.
6.during, in time of,指碰上某个时期。
 ☞ 你要赶上渔汛时来,就能跟我们一块出海了。
 ☞ If you come during the fishing season, you'll be able to go out to sea with us.
 ☞ 人赶上考验,其弱点就暴露无遗。
 ☞ Human weakness reveals itself in time of test.
 ☞ 马上动身还赶得上。
 ☞ There is still time if we start at once.
 ☞ 他们还没走,你现在就去还赶得上和他们告别。
 ☞ They haven't left yet, if you go there right away, you'll be just in time to say good-bye to them.
 ☞ 离开车只有10分钟,恐怕赶不上了。
 ☞ The train is going to leave in ten minutes, I'm afraid we'll be too late.
 ☞ 过去这几个星期天都没赶上好天气。
 ☞ We never met with good weather these past few Sundays.
赶紧 赶紧
 ☞ 他赶紧吃了饭就上工地去了。
 ☞ He had a hurried meal and made for the construction site.
 ☞ 她从自行车上摔下来,我赶紧过去把她扶了起来。
 ☞ She fell off her bicycle and I hurried over to help her up.
 ☞ 孩子们赶紧洗手再跑去吃饭。
 ☞ The children hurriedly washed their hands and ran in to dinner.
2.hasten, hastily,指急忙。
 ☞ 我赶紧解释我们现在面对的形势。
 ☞ I hastened to explain the situation which now confronted us.
 ☞ 他踩了我的脚就赶紧道歉。
 ☞ He stepped on my toe and hastened to apologize.
 ☞ 她脸一红,赶紧抽回了手。
 ☞ She flushed and hastily withdrew her hand.
 ☞ 咱们得赶紧把这块地收完。
 ☞ Let's finish harvesting this plot quickly.
 ☞ 司机看见从巷口跑出一个小孩,就赶紧刹车。
 ☞ Seeing a little child running out of the lane, the driver quickly put on the brakes.
4.at once,指立即。
 ☞ 发现情况要赶紧报告。
 ☞ If you find anything unusual, report at once.
 ☞ 情况紧急,你赶紧跟我走。
 ☞ The situation is critical. Come along with me at once.
5.lose no time, without losing time,指马上。
 ☞ 我们到了以后就赶紧找住所。
 ☞ When we arrived we lost no time in seeking a lodging house.
 ☞ 他们赶紧回到旅馆去收拾行李。
 ☞ They went back to the hotel without losing time to pack their luggage.
起初 起初
1.at first,指最初,首先。
 ☞ 起初我不同意他的做法,后来才觉得他是对的。
 ☞ At first I didn't agree with his way of doing things, but later I realized that he was right.
 ☞ 起初人们不肯相信这种事是可能的。
 ☞ At first people had refused to believe such a thing possible.
 ☞ 我们不得不再一次放弃起初计划的路线。
 ☞ We had to abandon once again the route we had originally planned.
 ☞ 会议起初是定在5月14日。
 ☞ The meeting was originally fixed for the 14th of May.
3.at (in) the beginning,指从开始那一点起。
 ☞ 者没有太大的差别,可以换用。但在现代英语里in the beginning用得较少。
 ☞ 起初她并不喜欢那幢新房。
 ☞ She disliked the new house at (in) the beginning.
 ☞ 起初我是反对这个计划的。
 ☞ I was opposed to the plan at (in) the beginning.
  ■ 但是在谈到“世界之初”时,则必须用in the beginning。
 ☞ 起初地球上并没有人类,没有动物,也没有植物。
 ☞ In the beginning there were no men nor animals nor plants on the earth.
起来 起来
1.get up,指从卧姿或坐姿到站姿的过程,因此可以指从床上、地上、椅子上起来。
 ☞ 他们一起来就下地干活了。
 ☞ They went to work in the fields as soon as they got up.(指从床上起来)
 ☞ 拳击手被打倒在地,但很快又挣扎着起来了。
 ☞ The boxer was knocked down, but he struggled to get up quickly.(从地上起来)
 ☞ 老师进教室时学生都应该起来。
 ☞ Pupils must get up when their teacher comes into the classroom.(从椅子上起来)
2.stand up,指从坐姿到立姿的过程。
 ☞ 有个小伙子起来给老太太让了座。
 ☞ A youngster stood up and offered his seat to the old lady.
 ☞ 我起来让客人们离开大厅。
 ☞ I stood up to let the guests leave the hall.
3.sit up,指由卧姿到坐姿的过程。
 ☞ 我受伤的病人现在好多了,她可以起来吃药了。
 ☞ My injured patient is feeling much better now. She can sit up to take her medicine.
 ☞ 不要躺在床上看书,至少得坐起来看。
 ☞ Don't read lying on the bed. You have to sit up to read at least.
 ☞ 我天一亮就起来了。
 ☞ I rose at dawn.(起床)
 ☞ 她起来到隔壁房间拿了把椅子。
 ☞ She rose to fetch a chair from the next room.(站起来)
 ☞ 奴隶们起来造反了。
 ☞ The slaves rose in rebellion.
 ☞ 他早上很早就起来了。
 ☞ He arose early in the morning.
 ☞ 我从座位上起来,离开了剧院。
 ☞ I arose from my seat and left the theater.
 ☞ 起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶!
 ☞ Arise, ye prisoners of starvation!
 ☞ 他忽然笑起来。
 ☞ He suddenly began to smile.
 ☞ 乐队开始演奏起来。
 ☞ The band started to play.
  ■ 不过“起来”有时由于搭配上的原因,也有以“起…来”的形式出现的。
 ☞ 我们在公园里悠闲地散起步来。(不说散步起来)
 ☞ We began to walk leisurely in the park.
 ☞ 病人需要安静的时候,他却唱起歌来。(不说唱歌起来)
 ☞ He began to sing when the patient needed peace.
7.get, 后接主补时,表示状态的改变,也可用“起来”表示延续的过程。
 ☞ 天气暖和起来了。
 ☞ The weather is getting warm.
 ☞ 人年长一点就会聪明起来。
 ☞ People get wiser as they get older.
 ☞ 我们慢慢地变得互相熟悉起来。
 ☞ Gradually. we become familiar with each other.
 ☞ 随着时间的推移,他变得沉默起来。
 ☞ He has become silent as time goes on.
 ☞ 他这句话使我们大笑起来。
 ☞ This remark of his set us roaring with laughter.
 ☞ 合唱团组织起来了。
 ☞ The chorus has been organized.
 ☞ 我想起来了,这是杜甫的诗句。
 ☞ I've got it. It's a line from Du Fu.
 ☞ 他的名字我记不起来了。
 ☞ I can't remember his name.
 ☞ 看起来要下雨。
 ☞ It looks like rain.
 ☞ 听起来蛮有道理。
 ☞ It sounds quite reasonable.
 ☞ 说起来容易,做起来难。
 ☞ It's easier said than done.
 ☞ 他把孩子抱了起来。
 ☞ He took the child up in his arms.
 ☞ 把这些数字加起来。
 ☞ Add these figures up.
 ☞ 请把这些文件锁起来好吗?
 ☞ Will you please lock these papers up?
 ☞ 他把什么都收起来,以备不时之需。
 ☞ He stored away everything for emergency needs.
 ☞ 于是小汉斯在他的园子里干了起来。
 ☞ So little Hans worked away in his garden.
 ☞ 水壶在篝火上欢快地沸腾起来。
 ☞ The kettle was boiling away merrily on the bonfire.
起皱(纹) 起皱(纹)
 ☞ 多晒太阳,皮肤就会干燥起皱。
 ☞ Too much sun dries the skin and it begins to wrinkle.
 ☞ 亚麻布容易起皱。
 ☞ Linen wrinkles easily.
 ☞ 炉火烤得书的封面起皱了。
 ☞ The heat from the fire wrinkled the cover of the book.
 ☞ 随着年龄的增长,她漂亮的脸上起了雀斑和皱纹。
 ☞ Her pretty face flecked and creased with age.
 ☞ 毛织品不起皱。
 ☞ Woolen fabrics won't crease.
 ☞ 母亲脸上因操劳过度而起了皱纹。
 ☞ Mother's face was lined with many cares.
 ☞ 她的眼角起了长长的皱纹。
 ☞ The corners of her eyes were lined.
 ☞ 装箱时要注意不要让衣服起皱。
 ☞ Take care not to crumple the dress by packing it carelessly.
 ☞ 这种合成纤维折叠后也不起皱。
 ☞ This synthetic fabric won't crumple when folded.
起码 起码
 ☞ 你在这方面连起码的知识都没有,又怎么能希望成功呢?
 ☞ How can you expect to succeed without even the most elementary knowledge of the field?
 ☞ 这是我们在历史研究中所必须采取的、起码的公正态度。
 ☞ That is the elementary and impartial attitude adopted in historical research.
 ☞ 至于国际关系中最起码的准则,你可以查阅这本手册。
 ☞ As to the most rudimentary (elementary) principles governing international relations, you may consult this handbook.
 ☞ 他们甚至连最起码的提问都答不出来。
 ☞ Even the most rudimentary (elementary) questions were impossible for them to answer.
3.least, minimum,指最少。
 ☞ 参加考试的起码有5,000人。
 ☞ At least 5,000 people took the examination.
 ☞ 这是一个共产党员起码应该具备的条件。
 ☞ This is the very least one expected of a communist.
 ☞ 开车去那里起码要一星期。
 ☞ We'll need a minimum of one week to drive there.
 ☞ 我们的目的最起码是要提高学生的英语会话能力。
 ☞ Our minimum aim is to improve the students' English speaking ability.
 ☞ 你今天动身,最起码星期三才能到那里。
 ☞ If you leave today, you'll get there on Wednesday at the earliest.
 ☞ 这是我们为完成工作所需的起码期限。
 ☞ This is the earliest deadline we need to complete the job.

 ☞ 咱们趁风起帆罢。
 ☞ Let's set sail when the wind is fair.
 ☞ 我们趁天好,收割完了庄稼。
 ☞ We finished harvesting the crops when it was fine.
 ☞ 趁热打铁。
 ☞ Strike while the iron is hot.
 ☞ 如果我们趁月色赶路,天亮前就可以到达该市。
 ☞ We can reach that city before dawn if we hurry on our way while there is moonlight.
2.take, seize,指抓紧。前者为一般用语,后者则带有感情色彩。
 ☞ 我想趁这个机会说几句话。
 ☞ I'd like to take this opportunity to say a few words.
 ☞ 看见只有他一人在办公室里,她就走过去想趁机跟他搭讪。
 ☞ Seeing that he was alone in the office, she took the opportunity to walk over and strike up a conversation with him.
 ☞ 他太太趁机请他来家一叙。
 ☞ His wife seized the occasion to invite him home for a visit.
 ☞ 敌人趁机造谣。
 ☞ The enemy seized the opportunity to spread rumors.
 ☞ 你还是趁早去看看医生。
 ☞ You'd better go and see a doctor before it is too late.
 ☞ 他趁后卫还没反应过来,就把球踢入了球门。
 ☞ He scored a good goal before the defender reacted.
4.as... as possible,指“尽可能…”。
 ☞ 我们还是趁早把场打完,免得淋雨。
 ☞ We'd better finish threshing as soon as possible, in case it rams.
超过 超过
1.pass动词beyond, above均为介词,指越过某种限度。
 ☞ 今年的出勤率可能超过去年。
 ☞ This year's attendance rate may pass that of last year.
 ☞ 该国失业人数已超过千万大关。
 ☞ The number of the unemployed in that country has passed the ten-million mark.
 ☞ 这一切都超过了封建道德的限度。
 ☞ All this went beyond the limits of feudal morality.
 ☞ 他提出的计划超过了实际的可能。
 ☞ What he proposed is beyond what is actually possible.
 ☞ 这件事超过我的财力。
 ☞ It was above (beyond) my financial capacity.
 ☞ 如果你搞的事情超过了你的能力就别指望成功。
 ☞ You can't expect to succeed if you attempt tasks above your ability.
 ☞ 他的表演超过了我们的设想。
 ☞ His performance surpassed (passed) our expectation.
 ☞ 他怎么能把那么多事情做得那么好,这超过了我的理解。
 ☞ It surpasses (passes) my understanding how he can do so many things so well.
  ■ 但是,surpass更多的是用来强调在某一方面的超越,这时不能用pass。
 ☞ 这位运动员在力量与速度上都超过了那一位。
 ☞ This sportsman surpasses that one both in strength and speed.
 ☞ 我们在煤炭生产上超过了他们。
 ☞ We have surpassed them in coal production.
 ☞ 他的技术水平几乎超过我了。
 ☞ He has all but surpassed me technically.
 ☞ 我们规定市内车速为每小时30公里,因此注意不要超过。
 ☞ We have a speed limit of thirty kilometers an hour in town, so be careful not to exceed (pass)it.
 ☞ 这一任务超过了他的能力。
 ☞ This task exceeds (passes) his ability.
  ■ 由于同样的原因,exceed也可以与surpass互换。
 ☞ 景色之美超过了我们的设想。
 ☞ The beauty of the scenery surpassed (exceeded) our expectation.
 ☞ 我们在湖边度过的假日超过了我们的梦想。
 ☞ The holiday we spent on the lake surpassed (exceeded) our dreams.
 ☞ 他决不让别人在学习上超过自己。
 ☞ He would never allow anyone to outstrip him in study.
 ☞ 和平的力量已超过战争的力量。
 ☞ The force of peace has outstripped the force of war.
 ☞ 他儿子在体育和学习上都超过大多数的孩子。
 ☞ His son outstrips most boys in sports and in study.
 ☞ 到21世纪中叶,我们将会在主要工业产品产量方面赶上并超过世界先进工业国家。
 ☞ By the middle of the twenty-first century we'll have caught up with and outstripped advanced industrial countries in the world in the output of major industrial products.
 ☞ 在欧洲没有一个歌手能超过他。
 ☞ No other singer in Europe could excel him.
 ☞ 这部新车床性能上大大超过旧的。
 ☞ The new lathe vastly excels the old one in performance.
 ☞ 他在作曲方面超过了他同时代的作曲家。
 ☞ He excelled all other composers of his period in composing.
 ☞ 我们在煤产量上早已超过英国。
 ☞ We have already overtaken England in coal production.
 ☞ 他逐渐超过了跑在前面的那位运动员。
 ☞ He slowly overtook the leading runner.
 ☞ 日本在工业生产上超过了德国。
 ☞ Japan has overtaken Germany in industrial production.
7.leave behind,指把别人抛在后面。
 ☞ 我们在棉花生产上已远远超过美国。
 ☞ In cotton production, we have left the U.S.A. far behind.
 ☞ 本县在小麦生产方面远远超过了他们。
 ☞ In wheat production, our county has left them far behind.
 ☞ 货车月载量超过历史最高水平。
 ☞ The monthly loading of freight wagons has topped its previous peak.
 ☞ 今年我们的利润超过10万美元。
 ☞ Our profits have topped 100,000 US dollars this year.
 ☞ 我们的出口已超过10亿大关。
 ☞ Our exports have topped the $1,000 million mark.
 ☞ 年平均增长额超过计划的9%。
 ☞ The average annual increase tops the plan by nine percent.
 ☞ 挑战者的体重超过卫冕者的体重。
 ☞ The challenger outweighed the champion.
 ☞ 这块石头的重量超过那块石头。
 ☞ This stone outweighs that one.
  ■ 由重量超过引申为质量上超过时,也可用outweigh。
 ☞ 有利条件超过困难条件。
 ☞ The favorable conditions outweigh the difficulties.
 ☞ 该计划的优点超过缺点。
 ☞ The advantages of the plan outweigh its disadvantages.
10.in excess of,指过度。
 ☞ 支出超过收入,这是个问题。
 ☞ Expenditures were in excess of revenues, and that was a problem.
 ☞ 行李超过20千克就要上税。
 ☞ Luggage in excess of 20kg is taxed.
11.more than,指数量上超过。
 ☞ 到会代表已超过90%。
 ☞ More than 90 percent of the delegates to the conference have arrived.
 ☞ 他不可能超过30岁。
 ☞ He can't be more than thirty.
12.limit to,指不让超过限量。
 ☞ 讲话请不要超过10分钟。
 ☞ Please try to limit your talk to 10 minutes.
 ☞ 你的零用钱每月不得超过300元。
 ☞ Your pocket money must be limited to 300 yuan a month.
 ☞ 应征文章不得超过500字。
 ☞ Articles submitted for the contest must be limited to 500 words.
13.over, above,有时也有“超过”的意思。
 ☞ 我市人口已超过200万。
 ☞ The population of our city is already over two million 河宽超过5米。
 ☞ The river is over five meters wide.
  ■ above的美国用法可与over换用。如:
 ☞ 设备的重量超过10吨。
 ☞ The equipment weighs above (over) ten tons.
  ■ 但英国用法只指刻度上的度数超过。如:
 ☞ 不要让温度超过摄氏30度。
 ☞ Don't let the temperature get above 30 degrees.(不能换成over)
越(越发) 越(越发)
1.more and more,指同一性质的对比,表示数量、程度上的叠加。
 ☞ 党的政策越来越深入人心。
 ☞ The Party's policy goes deeper and deeper into the hearts of the people.
 ☞ 天气越来越热。
 ☞ It's getting hotter and hotter.
 ☞ 必然会有越来越多的新型企业在全国出现。
 ☞ There are bound to be more and more new-type enterprises emerging throughout the country.
 ☞ 风刮得越来越大。
 ☞ The wind was blowing harder and harder.
2.the more, the more,指不同性质的对比。
 ☞ 脑子越用越活。
 ☞ The more you use your brains, the keener they'll become.
 ☞ 犯了错误则要求改正,改正得越迅速、越彻底越好。
 ☞ Once a mistake is made we should correct it and the more quickly and thoroughly the better.
3.even+比较级或ever+ more+现在分词,由于even和ever用于强调时都有“不断”之意,故有时不用more也可表示不断递进。
 ☞ 伊拉克的局势正变得越来越复杂。
 ☞ The situation in Iraq is becoming ever more complicated.
 ☞ 她一听这话就越发不高兴了。
 ☞ She became even more displeased at this.
 ☞ 冲突就是这样开始的,而其规模越来越大。
 ☞ Thus started a conflict, which grew ever widening.
 ☞ 敌人内外交困,日子越发不好过了。
 ☞ Beset with troubles at home and abroad, the enemy finds the going even tougher.
4.more than ever, the more, all the more, 表 示递进,有“正因为…就越…”的意思。
 ☞ 两年不见,这姑娘长得越发标致了。
 ☞ I haven't seen the girl for two years, and she's grown prettier than ever.
 ☞ 要是你越指出他的错,他就越要坚持。
 ☞ If you point out his mistake, he will stick to it the more.
 ☞ 明知征途有艰险,越是艰险越向前。
 ☞ Well I know there is danger ahead, but I am all the more set on driving forward.
 ☞ 资本主义国家的通病是富者越富,穷者越穷。
 ☞ In capitalist countries it is the rule that the rich grow richer, the poor grow poorer.
 ☞ 多了越想多。
 ☞ Much would have more.
 ☞ 越是知识浅薄,越是矫揉造作。
 ☞ Those most assume who know the least.
 ☞ 越是满嘴的仁义道德,越是一肚子男盗女娼。
 ☞ Those who have most virtue in their mouths have least of it in their bosoms.
 ☞ 电视在我们的政治和文化生活中起着越来越重要的作用。
 ☞ Television is playing an increasingly important role in our political and cultural life.
 ☞ 目前的国际形势正朝着对世界人民越发有利的方向发展。
 ☞ At present the international situation is developing in a direction increasingly favorable to the people of the world.
趋势 趋势
1.tendency,tend to,强调趋势的不可改变性。
 ☞ 现在人们有一种不在办公室而在家里办公的趋势。
 ☞ There is a tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.
 ☞ 总的趋势是朝着减少生育率方向演变。
 ☞ The whole tendency of evolution is towards a diminishing birthrate.
 ☞ 他的病情有进一步恶化的趋势。
 ☞ His condition is tending to deteriorate.
 ☞ 该国的政治局势正朝着无政府状态的趋势发展。
 ☞ The political situation of that country is tending towards anarchy.
 ☞ 妇女的服装式样最近向一种简化的趋势发展。
 ☞ There has recently been a trend towards simpler style in women dresses.
 ☞ 世界历史的总趋势是任何人都改变不了的。
 ☞ No one can change the general trend of world history.
 ☞ 当代的政治趋势是走向民主。
 ☞ The political trend of the time is towards democracy.
 ☞ 形势的总趋势是朝着和平发展。
 ☞ The general drift of affairs is towards peace.
 ☞ 这些力量能否扭转感情上的基本趋势,现在还没有证据。
 ☞ There is no evidence as yet that these forces can reverse a fundamental drift of sentiment.
 ☞ 我们决不能忽视公众不满情绪的上升趋势。
 ☞ We must not ignore the rising tide of public discontent.
 ☞ 社会党人希望改变趋势,从而使舆论变得对他们有利。
 ☞ The socialists hoped for a turn of the tide, so that public opinion might turn in their favor.
足够(足以) 足够(足以)
 ☞ 我们为每位与会者备有足够的座位。
 ☞ We have enough seats for everyone present at the meeting.
 ☞ 我想你有足够的数据来辨别结论的对错。
 ☞ I think you have enough data to see whether the conclusion is right or wrong.
 ☞ 人家不让我们有足够的时间搞文娱体育活动。
 ☞ We are not allowed time enough for recreation and sports.
 ☞ 你的话不足以说服他。
 ☞ What you say isn't enough to convince him.
 ☞ 她游得很快,足以通过测试。
 ☞ She swam quickly enough to pass the test.
  ■ enough用作副词放在被修饰语之后,但这时一般都作“够”解。如:fortunate enough(够幸运的);fool enough(够蠢的)等。
 ☞ 两公斤的糖果就足够了,别买多了。
 ☞ Two kilos of sweets are sufficient. Do not buy more.
 ☞ 我们有足够用10个月的燃料。
 ☞ We have sufficient fuel to last ten months.
 ☞ 法官有足够的理由相信他说的是真的。
 ☞ The judge had sufficient reason to believe what he said was true.
 ☞ 我们有足以满足灾民需要的衣食。
 ☞ We have food and clothing sufficient for the need of the victims.
 ☞ 应该怎样做才能保证足够的能源供应?
 ☞ What should be done to assure adequate supplies of energy?
 ☞ 重要的是要保证足够的刚性以抵抗强风、地震、爆炸所引起的横侧方向的力。
 ☞ It is important to ensure adequate stiffness to resist lateral forces induced by strong wind, or seismic or blast effects.
 ☞ 他挣的工资不多,但足以应付生活所需。
 ☞ He does not earn a large salary but it is adequate for his needs.
 ☞ 我们对困难要有足够的估计。
 ☞ We must take full account of our difficulties.
 ☞ 你们有足够的水电供应吗?
 ☞ Have you got full supply of water and electricity?

1.lie on the ground, lie face down, lie on one's stomach,均指“趴下”,但强调的重点不同,分别为俯卧、脸朝下,肚朝下等。
 ☞ 我们看他趴在地上练打靶,并连续击中3个靶心。
 ☞ We watched him lie on the ground for target practice and hit three bull's eyes in succession.
 ☞ 我发现她趴在床上哭。
 ☞ I found her weeping, lying face down on the bed.
 ☞ 趴在床上,我给你好好按摩一下。
 ☞ Lie on your stomach in the bed so that I can give you a thorough massage.
 ☞ 他绊了一跤,摔趴下了。
 ☞ He tripped and fell prostrate.
 ☞ 他趴在地上纹丝不动。
 ☞ He lay prone on the ground stock-still.
  ■ prostrate还可用做动词。
 ☞ 飓风把水稻吹趴下了。
 ☞ The hurricane prostrated rice.
  ■ prone 也可单独使用。
 ☞ 他趴在地上一动不动地等着。
 ☞ Motionless, prone upon the ground, he waited.
3.bend over, 指俯伏在某个支撑物上。
 ☞ 他正趴在桌上画图。
 ☞ He was bending over the desk, drawing.
 ☞ 我进来时他正趴在凳子上打瞌睡。
 ☞ When I came in he was bending over a stool, having a nap.
4.throw oneself on (into),指扑到某处,寻求庇护、安慰等。
 ☞ 她吓得发抖,趴在床上用被子蒙住了头。
 ☞ Trembling with fear, she threw herself on the bed and covered her head with the quilt.
 ☞ 她考试不及格,哭着趴到她母亲怀里。
 ☞ She threw herself into her mother's arms while she wept for the failure in the examination.
5.exhaust, wear out, 指累趴下。
 ☞ 这次登山把孩子们累趴下了。
 ☞ The mountain-climbing has exhausted the children.
 ☞ 我整个累趴下了。
 ☞ I'm completely exhausted.
 ☞ 这场比赛把我们累趴下了。
 ☞ The game wore us out.
 ☞ 他是彻底累趴下了。
 ☞ He was utterly worn out.

 ☞ 他跑得很快。
 ☞ He runs very fast.
 ☞ 听说来了马戏团,我们都朝城市广场跑去。
 ☞ On hearing that a circus troupe came we all ran towards the City Square.
 ☞ 我跑接力赛的第一棒。
 ☞ I'll run the first leg of the relay.
  ■ run也可用于4条腿的动物或4个轮子的车辆。
 ☞ 刚才马还在沿着场地跑呢。
 ☞ The horse ran round the field just now.
 ☞ 我看见他的车在东风路上跑。
 ☞ I saw his car running on the Donqeng Road.
  ■ 此外,run away还可表示“逃跑”。
 ☞ 小偷一跑,警察就在后面追。
 ☞ The policeman ran after the thief when he ran away 做丈夫的跑了,留下一家5 0。
 ☞ The husband ran away, leaving his family of five.
  ■ run about (around),指到处跑。
 ☞ 最近我在跑建筑材料。
 ☞ Recently I've been running about collecting building materials.
 ☞ 我跑了好几家商店才找到那种扳手。
 ☞ I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench.
 ☞ 孩子们揣着好消息都往家里跑了。
 ☞ The children came racing home with the good news.
 ☞ 他跑到门口就喘不过气来了。
 ☞ He was out of breath when he raced to the door.
3.escape (from),指从拘禁的地方或容器里逃跑。故与run away不同。
 ☞ 别让坏蛋跑了。
 ☞ See that the scoundrel doesn't escape.
 ☞ 他是从监狱里跑出来的。
 ☞ He escaped from the prison.
  ■ escape 还可用于“跑水”、“跑气”。
 ☞ 水是从小孔里跑掉的。
 ☞ The water escaped from the orifice.
 ☞ 这管子跑气。
 ☞ Gas escaped from the pipe.
 ☞ 小偷想跑,不过还是被抓住了。
 ☞ The thief tried to flee, but he was caught.
 ☞ 他杀了他的情敌,跑到国外去了。
 ☞ He killed his rival in love and fled the country.
 ☞ 今天我累了,我们跑了50公里的路。
 ☞ I'm tired out today. We've walked 50 kilometers.
 ☞ 我们已跑遍了附近10公里范围的地区。
 ☞ We have walked this district for ten kilometers round.
 ☞ 一枪把鸟吓跑了。
 ☞ The shot scared the birds away.
 ☞ 秧苗给大水冲跑了。
 ☞ The seedlings were washed away by the flood.
 ☞ 桌上的纸给风刮跑了。
 ☞ The paper was blown off the table.
 ☞ 他们一夜就把敌人打跑了。
 ☞ They beat off the enemy overnight.
 ☞ 你这辆卡车一天能跑几个来回?
 ☞ How many round trips can your truck make in a day?
 ☞ 那管子跑气了。
 ☞ That pipe leaks gas.
 ☞ 车胎跑气了。
 ☞ The tire is flat.
 ☞ 汽油跑了半瓶。
 ☞ Half the bottle of gasoline has evaporated.
 ☞ 他是跑买卖的。
 ☞ He was a commercial traveler.
 ☞ 他是跑单帮的。
 ☞ He makes business trips on his own accord.
 ☞ 今天我跑肚了。
 ☞ I had loose bowels today.

 ☞ 我跟着她上了楼。
 ☞ I followed her up the stairs.
 ☞ 侦探跟着嫌疑犯整整3天。
 ☞ The detective followed the suspect for three days.
 ☞ 他要是老这样游手好闲,我就不跟他。
 ☞ I won't marry him if he doesn't stop fooling around 你跟了他,这辈子就毁了。
 ☞ If you marry him, your life will be ruined.
 ☞ 请跟我读。
 ☞ Please read after me.
 ☞ 他跟着他父亲进了房间。
 ☞ He entered the room after his father.
 ☞ 这件事你最好跟其他党委成员讨论讨论。
 ☞ You'd better discuss the matter with the other members of the Party committee.
 ☞ 我不想跟你争论。
 ☞ I won't argue with you.
  ■ 但由于汉、英词义上的差异,有时可以不译。如:
 ☞ 有事要跟群众商量。
 ☞ Consult the masses when a problem crops up 我没跟这人见面。
 ☞ I didn't meet that man.
 ☞ 他刚才来跟我告别。
 ☞ He came to say good-bye to me just now.
 ☞ 你跟他提起这事没有?
 ☞ Did you ever mention this to him?
  ■ 同样,有时也可以不译。
 ☞ 快跟我们大伙说说。
 ☞ Tell us all about it.
 ☞ 要勇于跟错误思想作斗争。
 ☞ Be brave to combat wrong ideas.
 ☞ 今天的活儿跟往常一样。
 ☞ Our job today is the same as before.
 ☞ 他的家跟他离开时一模一样。
 ☞ His house is exactly as he left it.
 ☞ 种子跟农药都准备好了。
 ☞ The seeds and the pesticide are both ready 他跟我都是四川人。
 ☞ He and I are both from Sichuan.
 ☞ 你的鞋跟该补了。
 ☞ The heels of your shoes need repairing.
 ☞ 她不喜欢穿高跟鞋。
 ☞ She hates wearing high heels.
跟上 跟上
1.catch up,catch up with,指赶上,后者为美国英语。
 ☞ 快跟上。
 ☞ Hurry and catch up.
 ☞ 你先走,我马上跟上。
 ☞ You walk on ahead, I shall soon catch you up.
 ☞ 他只有加紧努力才能跟上班里的其他同学。
 ☞ Only by working hard can he catch up with the rest of the class.
2.keep up with,指不落在后面。
 ☞ 她得跑着点才能跟上他。
 ☞ She had to run a bit to keep up with him.
 ☞ 我们似乎是跟不上形势的发展啦。
 ☞ It seems that we can hardly keep up with the changing situation.
3.keep pace with,指步伐上跟上。
 ☞ 她得跨大步才能跟上她父亲。
 ☞ She had to take long steps to keep pace with her father.
 ☞ 我们得努力学习才跟得上亿万人民前进的步伐。
 ☞ We have to study hard to keep pace with the onward march of the millions.
4.keep abreast of,指肩并肩地跟上。
 ☞ 我们应当跟上时代。
 ☞ We ought to keep abreast of the times.
 ☞ 要跟上所有的最新发展是有点难。
 ☞ It is quite difficult to keep abreast of all the latest developments.
跟踪 跟踪
 ☞ 他发现他们被跟踪了。
 ☞ He found that they were being followed.
 ☞ 一支小分队正在雪地里跟踪逃犯。
 ☞ A small detachment is following the escaped criminal's tracks in the snow.
 ☞ 他发现后面有人跟踪,赶紧躲进一条小巷。
 ☞ When he realized that he was being shadowed, he quickly hid himself in a narrow alley.
 ☞ 敌舰正在跟踪我们的一条潜艇并伺机攻击。
 ☞ The enemy warships were shadowing one of our submarines and waiting for an opportunity to attack.
3.in hot pursuit,指紧紧跟踪追逐。
 ☞ 几条猎犬在跟踪追逐狐狸。
 ☞ Some hounds were running in pursuit of a fox.
 ☞ 他开着警车跟踪追赶疯狂驾驶的醉汉。
 ☞ He was driving a police car in hot pursuit of the furiously driving drunken man.
跨越 跨越
1.stride across (over),指大步跨过。
 ☞ 这小溪很窄,可以跨越过去。
 ☞ The stream was so narrow that we could stride across it.
 ☞ 他太小,这沟还跨越不过去。
 ☞ He is too young to stride over the ditch.
 ☞ 一座大桥跨越长江,把两个城市连接起来。
 ☞ A gigantic bridge spans the Changjiang River, connecting the two cities with each other.
 ☞ 我的一生跨越了几个历史阶段。
 ☞ My own lifetime spans several historical stages.
 ☞ 我们朝下面的河流望去,只见一座钢桥跨越其上。
 ☞ We looked down at the river below and saw a steel bridge straddling it.
 ☞ 阿尔卑斯山脉跨越瑞士、奥地利和德国。
 ☞ The Alps straddles Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
4.extend across,指平面上伸展开去。
 ☞ 亚洲跨越寒、温、热三带。
 ☞ Asia extends across the frigid, temperate and tropical zones.
 ☞ 该国之所以叫做赤道几内亚是因为它跨越赤道。
 ☞ The reason why the country is named Equatorial Guinea is that she extends across the equator.
 ☞ 摆在红军面前的任务是如何跨越雪山、草地。
 ☞ The task confronting the Red Army was how to surmount the snowy mountains and grassy marshland.
 ☞ 人的心理往往无法跨越固有的论断。
 ☞ The human mind often cannot surmount the established conclusions.
 ☞ 骑手纵马跨越过栅栏。
 ☞ The rider leapt his horse over the fence.
 ☞ 他一旦跨越了心理上的障碍而做出决定时,跃跃欲试之势就占了上风。
 ☞ Once he had leapt the psychological hurdle toward decision, the momentum of preparation took over.

 ☞ 我们听到这个消息都高兴得跳了起来。
 ☞ We jumped for joy when we heard the news.
 ☞ 他连鞋都顾不上穿,嗖的一下从窗口跳了出去。
 ☞ Without troubling to put on his shoes, he jumped through the window.
 ☞ 弟兄们一个个都跳过一条小溪,把小妹留在对岸哭。
 ☞ Brothers leapt over a stream, leaving their little sister on the other side crying.
 ☞ 猴子们看见游人就从一棵树上跳到另一棵树上。
 ☞ The monkeys leaped from tree to tree, seeing tourists.
  ■ leap在用作比喻时也同样比jump用力。
 ☞ 我一看见她,心都要跳到嗓子外面来了。
 ☞ My heart leapt almost into the mouth when I saw her.
  ■ leap与jump 的区别如下:leap可以表示主观上不想跳的跳动,而jump不能。如:
 ☞ 她感到自己脸红了,心在她胸口乱跳。
 ☞ She felt herself reddening and her heart leaping in her bosom.
  ■ 其次,leap着重在跳的距离和过程,而jump着重在跳的动作。
 ☞ 我们看着他跳过一条小溪。
 ☞ We watched him leap across the brook.
 ☞ 我们看见他跳过一条小溪。
 ☞ We saw him jump across the brook.
 ☞ 她一听到门铃声就一下从床上跳了起来。
 ☞ She sprang out of the bed at the sound of door bell.
 ☞ 一只瞪羚优美地跳到空中。
 ☞ The gazelle sprang gracefully into the air.
 ☞ 他向前一跳,想接住那球。
 ☞ He bounded forward in order to catch the ball.
 ☞ 他的狗跳过来迎接他。
 ☞ His dog came bounding to meet him.
 ☞ 那只桶跳着,一路滚下楼去。
 ☞ The barrel bounced down the stairs.
 ☞ 那部老爷车一路上跳着,吼着。
 ☞ The old car bounced and roared along the road.
 ☞ 他把手支在围栏上,轻易地跳了过去。
 ☞ He put his hand on the fence and vaulted it easily.
 ☞ 他年轻时能一下子跳到马背上。
 ☞ When he was young he could vault onto the back of a horse.
 ☞ 我看见一位小姑娘在跳皮筋。
 ☞ I saw a little girl skipping over a chain of rubber bands.
 ☞ 小羊羔在田野上到处跳呀跳的。
 ☞ The lambs were skipping about in the fields.
 ☞ 他伤了左腿,只好跳着走路。
 ☞ He hurt his left foot and had to hop along.
 ☞ 李明跳上跳下的取暖。
 ☞ Li Ming hopped up and down to keep warm.
  ■ 不过有时小动物用双脚或四脚蹦跳也用hop。
 ☞ 有些鸟不会走路,只会跳。
 ☞ Some birds do not walk, but hop.
 ☞ 兔子跳着跃过田野。
 ☞ The rabbit hopped across the field.
9.beat, throb, 均指心跳。
 ☞ 他心跳得都喘不过气来了。
 ☞ His heart beat so violently that he could hardly breathe.
 ☞ 长时间的爬山搞得她的心直跳。
 ☞ The long climb up the hill made her heart throb.
 ☞ 我的眼皮老是在跳,是不是要出事?
 ☞ My eyelids keep twitching all the time. Is something going to happen?
 ☞ 他能让他的耳朵一跳一跳的。
 ☞ He can make his ears twitch.
踊跃 踊跃
1.vie with one another,指相互间竞争性的踊跃。
 ☞ 好多人都踊跃报名参加竞赛。
 ☞ Many people vied with one another to enter for the competition.
 ☞ 农村青年都踊跃参军。
 ☞ The young people from the country vied with one another to join the army.
2.one after another,指一个接一个的踊跃。
 ☞ 工商业人士踊跃为残疾人福利基金会损款。
 ☞ The industrialists and businessmen donated money one after another to the welfare foundation for the disabled.
 ☞ 会上发言踊跃。
 ☞ People took the floor one after another at the meeting.
 ☞ 解放军战士踊跃献血救助伤员。
 ☞ The PLA men were eager to donate their blood to save the wounded.
 ☞ 今晚的晚会大家肯定会踊跃参加。
 ☞ I'm sure everybody will be eager to come to this evening's party.
 ☞ 医生、护士们踊跃响应号召,开赴抗击“非典”第一线。
 ☞ Doctors and nurses, responding to the call enthusiastically, marched to the forefront of combating against SARS.
 ☞ 不少青年人踊跃站出来承担起这一危险任务。
 ☞ A number of young people volunteered enthusiastically for the dangerous mission.

 ☞ 她踩在一块石头上,扭伤了踝关节。
 ☞ She stepped on a stone and twisted her ankle.
 ☞ 我一脚踩在烂泥里,把鞋子弄脏了。
 ☞ I dirtied my shoe when I stepped in the mud.
 ☞ 对不起!我踩着你的脚了吧?
 ☞ Sorry! Did I step on your foot?
 ☞ 踩油门要十分小心。
 ☞ Be very careful when you step on the gas.
 ☞ 他踩了下刹车,汽车就停住了。
 ☞ He stepped on the brake and the car pulled up.
 ☞ 我们离开前要把火踩灭。
 ☞ We must tread the fire out before we leave.
 ☞ 他一脚踩住一只橘子,挤出水来。
 ☞ He crushed the juice out of the orange by treading on it.
  ■ 由此转义劝告旁人不要踩时,也用tread。
 ☞ 小心别踩着庄稼。
 ☞ Mind you don't tread on the crops 别踩花。
 ☞ Don't tread on the flowers.
 ☞ 别把泥巴踩到地毯上。
 ☞ Don't tread mud into the carpet.
  ■ 由此延伸,tread还可表示反复践踏而被踩实。
 ☞ 地面被无数双脚底板踩得硬硬实实的了。
 ☞ The earthen floor was trodden hard by countless feet.
 ☞ 周围的土要踩实,树苗才能生根。
 ☞ The soil around the young trees should be well trodden, so that they are firmly rooted.
  ■ 但是如果tread表示无意中踩着时,可与step换用。
 ☞ 踩着你的脚了,真是对不起。
 ☞ A thousand pardons for treading on your foot.
4.trample,表示踩的次数多(step repeatedly)程度重(step heavily),进而转义为踩伤、踩断、踩死等。
 ☞ 公共汽车里有人踩了我的脚。
 ☞ Someone trampled on my feet on the bus.
 ☞ 他发现花都被孩子们踩倒了,十分生气。
 ☞ He was very angry to find that his flowers had been trampled down by the children.
 ☞ 一匹脱缰的马踩在他身上,踩断了他的髋骨。
 ☞ A runaway horse had trampled on him and broken his hipbone.
 ☞ 猎人被一头野象踩死了。
 ☞ The hunter was trampled to death by a wild elephant.
  ■ trample underfoot,还可转义为“踩在脚下”。
 ☞ 我们应把一切困难都踩在脚下。
 ☞ We ought to trample all difficulties underfoot.
 ☞ 独裁者总想把本国人民踩在脚下。
 ☞ A dictator always tries to trample the people of his own country underfoot.
 ☞ 他腿太短,踩不着踏板。
 ☞ His legs are too short to pedal.
  ■ 由此转义,凡是踩踏板式的装置,如自行车、钢琴、风琴、缝纫机等,都可用pedal。
 ☞ 他踩着自行车慢慢上山。
 ☞ He pedaled his bicycle slowly up the hill.
 ☞ 她飞快地踩着缝纫机,只一个小时一条裤子就做成了。
 ☞ She pedaled the sewing machine at full speed and a pair of trousers was finished only within an hour.
6.“脚踩两条船”,可译sit on the fence, a fence-sitter。
 ☞ 我认为他向来脚踩两条船,从来不做决定不表态。
 ☞ It was my view that he always sat on the fence, never committed himself, and never made a decision.
 ☞ 肖队长寻思,这人原先胆子小,总是脚踩两条船。
 ☞ Captain Xiao mused. This man had formerly been a coward, a fence-sitter.
 ☞ 别踩草地!
 ☞ Keep off the grass!
 ☞ 她眼前一片漆黑,金星直冒,身子软得好像踩在棉花上一样。
 ☞ She saw blackness with thousands of stars dancing before her eyes and felt so weak as though she were plodding through cotton wool.
躲(躲开) 躲(躲开)
1) avoid,一般用语,泛指对人、物、事件等保持距离,不予接触。
 ☞ 你怎么老躲她?
 ☞ Why do you keep avoiding her?
 ☞ 我没还账前得躲着那位肉铺老板。
 ☞ I have to avoid the butcher until I pay my bill.
 ☞ 如果你们都在一个办公室办公,你怎么能躲着不见她呢?
 ☞ How can you avoid meeting her if you both work in the same office?
 ☞ 永远要对这样的女孩子躲着点。
 ☞ Always avoid such a girl.
 ☞ 解放前有些青年到了18岁就逃到国外躲兵役。
 ☞ Before liberation some young men went abroad at the age of 18 to avoid call-up.
 ☞ 我们决定躲开大路。
 ☞ We decided to avoid the main road.
 ☞ 我知道这个话题是他竭力要躲开的。
 ☞ I realized he was trying to avoid the topic.
2) evade,书面语,get out of,口头特定用语,专指用某种策略摆脱人物或事件的接触。
 ☞ 他躲进了一条胡同,躲开了警察。
 ☞ He evaded the police by dodging into an alley.
 ☞ 这艘大船一个急转弯,躲开了暗礁。
 ☞ The great ship turned sharply to evade the submerged reefs.
 ☞ 请回答问题,不要躲。
 ☞ Please answer the question, do not evade.
 ☞ 每人都要轮班洗餐具,你们谁也别想躲。
 ☞ Everyone must take his turn at washing up; none of you will be allowed to evade it.
 ☞ 这是我们躲不了的差事。
 ☞ That is one of the jobs that can't be got out of.
 ☞ 我说过我想帮他,但现在我不想帮了,可又躲不了。
 ☞ I said I would help him. Now I don't want to, but I can't get out of it.
3) dodge,特定用语,专指用迅速、敏捷的动作躲开、避开。
 ☞ 小王躲不及,我撞了他一个满怀。
 ☞ It was too late for Wang to dodge and I bumped into him.
 ☞ 他朝我扔过来一把椅子,幸亏我躲开了。
 ☞ He threw a chair at me, but luckily I dodged.
 ☞ 他看见一个警察就躲进一条巷子。
 ☞ Seeing a policeman, he dodged into an alley.
4) take shelter (from), shelter (from),特定用语,专指避身之处,躲避雨雪、攻击等。
 ☞ 雨很大,我们就在一家门口躲了一下。
 ☞ The rain was quite heavy and we took shelter in a doorway.
 ☞ 我是在谷仓里躲的雷雨。
 ☞ I took shelter from the storm in a bam.
 ☞ 街上打枪那阵子,我们躲在一家铺子里。
 ☞ While the righting went on in the street, we took shelter in a shop.
 ☞ 我们得躲雨,要不就会挨浇的。
 ☞ We have to shelter from the rain or we shall get wet.
 ☞ 我们一直在树下躲到阵雨过去。
 ☞ We sheltered under a tree until the shower passed.
 ☞ 不要在树下躲雷雨。
 ☞ Don't shelter from a thunderstorm under a tree.
1) 应该指出的是“躲”和“藏”在词义上有矛盾,如“躲人”这个动作并不涉及到动作对象“人”,而“藏人”这个动作却涉及到动作对象“人”,因此翻译“躲”时,只能用hide (vi.),hide oneself, hide away, hide out, go into hiding, be in hiding。如:
 ☞ 当时你躲到哪里去了?”
 ☞ Where did you hide?或Where did you hide yourself?或:Where were you hidden?
 ☞ 他们躲在哪里?
 ☞ Where are they hiding?
 ☞ 我赶快跑到楼上躲在阁楼里。
 ☞ I ran swiftly upstairs and hid in the attic.
 ☞ 你躲着吧,我会把你找出来的。
 ☞ You hide, and I'll try and find you.
 ☞ 他们白天搜索时,我们就躲。
 ☞ In daytime we hid while they hunted.
 ☞ 这个解释就成了他躲在后面的挡箭牌。
 ☞ This explanation was a shield for him to hide behind.
 ☞ 日本兵来时他们就躲到深山老林里。
 ☞ When the Japanese soldiers came they hid themselves in the mountain forests.
 ☞ 她逃出地主冢,躲在附近的村子里。
 ☞ She ran away from the landlord's house and hid herself in the nearby village.
 ☞ 这调皮鬼一定躲到什么地方去了。
 ☞ The naughty boy must have hidden away somewhere.
 ☞ 小姑娘生了爹妈的气,躲在阁楼里不吃饭。
 ☞ The little girl was angry with her parents. She hid away in the attic and refused to eat.
 ☞ 不想跟军政府打交道的人都躲在农庄里。
 ☞ People who do not wish to have any contact with the military government authorities are hiding out on farms.
 ☞ 不法分子在山里躲了几个月。
 ☞ The outlaw hid out in the hills for months.
 ☞ 我劝他躲一躲。
 ☞ I advised him to go into hiding for a while.
 ☞ 在11月6日前,他有必要躲起来。
 ☞ It was necessary for him to go into hiding until November 6.
 ☞ 那天下午他没跟我们一起玩,一定躲起来了。
 ☞ He didn't join us in play that afternoon; he must have been in hiding.
 ☞ 他在那里躲了两个月。
 ☞ There he remained in hiding for two months.
2) conceal,可和hide换用,但较少用。因conceal只用作及物动词,故也只与自身代词连用或用作被动语态的过去分词。
 ☞ 他躲在小屋里。
 ☞ He concealed himself in the cottage.
 ☞ 俘虏都躲在岩石间的山洞里。
 ☞ The captives were concealed in a cave among the rocks.
 ☞ 房子躲在树林后面,路上看不见。
 ☞ The house was concealed from the road by a small wood.
 ☞ 转轨和回驶的火车大约有60列,这是躲不过我们在当地的情报人员的。
 ☞ This shuffling and reversal of about sixty trains could not be concealed from our agents on the spot.
 ☞ 房子躲在小树林背后,路上是看不见的。
 ☞ The house was behind the wood, concealed from the road.
 ☞ 他从来不亲自处理这类事情而总是躲在幕后。
 ☞ He never takes up such kind of matter himself and has always been behind scenes.
 ☞ 我倒想知道是谁躲在阴谋背后分裂革命队伍。
 ☞ I should like to know who is behind the scheme for splitting the revolutionary rank.

1.turn, 常用词,含义较多,指路线、方向、结果等的转动、转变、转弯等。
 ☞ 地球以轴为中心自转时,天空中的一切物体似乎都在移动。
 ☞ As the earth turns on its axis, everything around it in space seems to be moving past.
 ☞ 我转过头,看到了一个人的侧影。
 ☞ I turned my head and saw the profile of a man.
 ☞ 去上海的路从这儿转弯。
 ☞ The road to Shanghai turns off here.
 ☞ 我们想把讨论转到更重要的问题上去,但是没有成功。
 ☞ We tried to turn the discussion to more important matters but failed.
 ☞ 军事史上转败为胜的例子是很多的。
 ☞ There were many examples in military history that defeat was turned into victory.
 ☞ 病人的情况转好了。
 ☞ The patient's condition has turned for the better.
 ☞ 我得在这个中转站由特快转为慢车。
 ☞ I have to change from my express train to a slow one at this junction.
 ☞ 今天的天气晴转多云。
 ☞ Today's weather will change from fine to cloudy.
 ☞ 秋季的树叶由绿转黄。
 ☞ In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.
 ☞ 我们研究的重点转到了预防“非典”。
 ☞ The main emphasis of our research has shifted to the prevention of SARS.
 ☞ 十一届三中全会要求把全党的工作重点转到经济建设上来。
 ☞ The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee demands to shift the focus of the work of the Party to economic construction 他把话题转到了西南局势。
 ☞ He shifted the conversation to the situation in the southwest.
 ☞ 我要去转党的组织关系。
 ☞ I'm going to transfer the registration of my Party membership.
 ☞ 我由分公司转到了总部。
 ☞ I was transferred from the branch office to the headquarters.
 ☞ 请把这笔钱由活期转为定期。
 ☞ Please transfer the money from a current account to a fixed deposit account.
5.refer to,指转到某个部门办理。
 ☞ 地方法院已把该案转到高等法院。
 ☞ The local court has referred the case to the High Court.
 ☞ 他把我的工作调动申请转到了人事部门。
 ☞ He had my application for a transfer referred to the personnel department.
6.pass on to,指转嫁、转递。
 ☞ 其实,羊毛出在羊身上,增加的成本都转到了顾客身上。
 ☞ After all, the benefit comes from a price one has paid. So they pass the increase in costs on to the customers.
 ☞ 请你把这封信转给她好吗?
 ☞ Will you please pass the letter on to her?
 ☞ 她转过头来跟我说话。
 ☞ She spoke to me over her shoulder.
 ☞ 请把这文件转到办公室。
 ☞ Transmit the document to the office, please.
 ☞ 人民解放军靠自身的努力和自力更生,转弱为强。
 ☞ The PLA grows from weak to strong through its own efforts and self-reliance.
 ☞ 信已经转给他了。
 ☞ The letter has been forwarded to him.
 ☞ 来信请转中国大使馆。
 ☞ Address my mail care of the Chinese Embassy.
转入 转入
 ☞ 白色恐怖时期,共产党被迫转入地下。
 ☞ The Communist Party was forced to go underground during the White Terror.
 ☞ 八路军渡过黄河,转入敌后。
 ☞ The Eighth Route Army, having crossed the Yellow River, went into the area behind the enemy lines.
2.move on to, 与go的区别在于,更强调转人的动作。
 ☞ 提案已转入讨论阶段。
 ☞ The proposal has moved on to the discussion stage.
 ☞ 歌舞已经演完,请转入下一个节目。
 ☞ The singing and dancing was over. Please move on to the next item.
3.return to,指回复到原来的轨道。
 ☞ 经过一场斗争之后,生活又转入正常。
 ☞ The life has returned to normal again after the struggle.
 ☞ 大会之后,工作又转入正轨,尽管大多数同志还在谈论改革。
 ☞ After the meeting the work returned to routine though most comrades were still talking about the reform.
4.switch, shift,指由一种状态转人另一种状态。
 ☞ 现在蒋介石的军队已由进攻转入防御。
 ☞ Now Chiang Kai-shek's troops have switched (shifted) from the offensive to the defensive.
 ☞ 小分队已转入敌后侦察敌情。
 ☞ The detachment has shifted (switched) to the enemy's rear to gather intelligence about the enemy.
转化 转化
1.turn into,指形势或本质上的转化。
 ☞ 先进技术必须转化为生产力。
 ☞ Advanced technology must be turned into productive force.
 ☞ 资本主义与封建主义的区别在于劳动产品要转化成商品。
 ☞ Capitalism differs from feudalism in turning labor products into commodities.
2.transform into,指彻底改变后转化。
 ☞ 在特定的条件下,某些人民内部矛盾会逐渐转化为对抗性矛盾。
 ☞ Under specific conditions certain contradictions among the people may gradually transform into antagonistic contradictions.
 ☞ 劳动产品必须转化为商品。
 ☞ Products of labor must be transformed into commodities.
3.change to (in),指改变。
 ☞ 凡事不能走极端,否则会向反面转化。
 ☞ Never go to extreme when doing anything. Otherwise, you'll change to the reverse.
 ☞ 转化社会风气是要花大力气的。
 ☞ Great efforts have to be made for the change in the general climate of society.
转变 转变
 ☞ 水的形态可以通过加热或冷却来转变。
 ☞ The state of water can be changed either by heating or by cooling.
 ☞ 要转变她,这工作难啊。
 ☞ It is hard work to change her.
 ☞ 人的社会存在可以转变人的世界观。
 ☞ It is man's social being that can change his world outlook.
 ☞ 经过尖锐的思想斗争,他转变了。
 ☞ The tense mental struggle has brought about a change in him.
 ☞ 蒸汽机将热能转变成机械能。
 ☞ A steam engine transforms heat energy into mechanical energy.
 ☞ 这场婚姻使他转变成一个更有责任心的人。
 ☞ The marriage has transformed him into a more responsible person.
 ☞ 经济改革加速了旧观念向新观念的转变。
 ☞ The economic reform has sped up the transition from the old conception to the new.
 ☞ 从猿到人的转变是人类进化过程中的一个飞跃。
 ☞ The transition from ape to man is the leap in the process of evolution of human being.
4.remain unrepentant,指仍然不肯转变,有时带有贬意。
 ☞ 经过多次批评教育,他仍无转变。
 ☞ He remained unrepentant after repeated criticism and education.
 ☞ 经过了多少起起落落,他仍然是个不肯转变的社会主义改革者。
 ☞ Having had so many ups and downs, he remains an unrepentant socialist reformer.
转移 转移
 ☞ 我军通过佯攻转移了敌人的注意力。
 ☞ Our army transferred the enemy troops' attention by making a feint.
 ☞ 通用汽车公司把亚洲总部从香港转移到了上海。
 ☞ General Motors has transferred its main office in Asia from Hong Kong to Shanghai.
 ☞ 记者们的注意中心由阿富汗转移到了伊拉克。
 ☞ The center of attention of the correspondents shifted from Afghanistan to Iraq.
 ☞ 要是价格持续上升,就会有人转移资源而获得较高的利润。
 ☞ If the price keeps going up, somebody would make greater profits by shifting resources.
3.divert, 指改变方向的转移。
 ☞ 消防车的警笛转移了我的注意力,结果我的东西烧糊了。
 ☞ The siren of the fire engine diverted my attention and what I was cooking was burnt.
 ☞ 我们怎么才能转移她那不无根据的忧虑?
 ☞ How can we divert her anxiety that is not uncalled for?
 ☞ 你们的所作所为转移了斗争大方向。
 ☞ What you did has diverted the general orientation of the struggle.
4.move away,指地点的转移。
 ☞ 等敌人赶到袭击地点时,游击队早已转移了,只留下了几具敌兵的尸体。
 ☞ When the enemy rushed to the spot of attack the guerrillas had already moved away, leaving a few bodies of the enemy soldiers.
 ☞ 我军奉命由A地转移到了B地。
 ☞ Our troops moved away from Place A to Place B as ordered.
5.change, 指通过改变来转移。
 ☞ 十一届三中全会后,邓小平把重点转移到了经济改革。
 ☞ After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee Deng Xiaoping changed the emphasis to economic reform.
 ☞ 转移社会风气是要花大力气的。
 ☞ Great efforts must be made in order to change prevalent social customs.
6.independent of,指按客观规律转移。
 ☞ 社会的两极分化是客观存在,不以人的意志为转移。
 ☞ The polarization of society is an objective reality independent of man's will.
 ☞ 天气变化是不以你的愿望为转移的。
 ☞ The weather changes, independent of your will.
转让 转让
1.transfer to,书面用语,指转让所有权。
 ☞ 他破产后,把房屋所有权转让给了债主。
 ☞ He transferred the ownership of the house to the creditor after his bankruptcy.
 ☞ 让我好好想想,该不该把股份转让给他。
 ☞ Let me think it over whether I should transfer the shares to him.
 ☞ 我们公司愿意把技术转让给对此感兴趣的任何人士。
 ☞ Our company will transfer the technology to anyone who is interested in it.
2.make over to,也指转让产权,但为口头用语。
 ☞ 我们村的部分土地转让给了那家工厂。
 ☞ Some of our village's land was made over to that factory.
 ☞ 由于经营不善,我把农场转让给了我的一位朋友。
 ☞ I made over the farm to one of my friends because of bad management.
3.give sth. to sb. ,指转让的随便说法。
 ☞ 你不要这车,可以转让给别人。
 ☞ You may give the car to somebody else if you don't want it.
 ☞ 如果你只拥有部分所有权,你就无权转让该产权。
 ☞ You have no right to alienate the estate if you only have part of ownership.
轮廓 轮廓
 ☞ 透过浓雾,他们勉强能看见一艘轮船驶过时的轮廓。
 ☞ Through the thick fog they could barely see the outline of a passing ship.
 ☞ 在烛光下勉强看得见她脸部的轮廓。
 ☞ The outline of her face was barely visible in the light of the candle.
 ☞ 先画轮廓,再画细部。
 ☞ Draw first an outline before you fill in the details.
 ☞ 我们是根据下巴的形状、眼睛的神情、嘴巴的轮廓得出结论的。
 ☞ We draw our conclusions from the shape of the jaw, the look of the eyes, the contour of the mouth.
 ☞ 在她心里,灰姑娘模糊的轮廓正在丰满起来,成为有血有肉的姑娘了。
 ☞ In her mind, the vague contour of Cinderella was filling out to a lifelike girl.
 ☞ 第10个五年计划已开始有了轮廓。
 ☞ The contour of the tenth Five-Year Plan is beginning to emerge.
 ☞ 他能用几句简洁的话语把那人的神情和态度勾勒出一个轮廓。
 ☞ He can sketch the look and attitude of the man in few pithy sentences.
 ☞ 我们发现他把整个背景的轮廓那么快地勾勒出来都大吃一惊。
 ☞ We were shocked to find that he had sketched the backgrounds so rapidly.
 ☞ 这次讲座是一次尝试,想把中国教育的发展勾勒出一个轮廓来。
 ☞ This lecture was an attempt to sketch out the development of education in China.
 ☞ 夜幕降临了,但厂房还能从暮色衬托中看见个轮廓。
 ☞ The factory buildings were silhouetted against the glowing evening.
 ☞ 远处山峦的轮廓映照在夕阳之中。
 ☞ The mountains in distance silhouetted against the setting sun.
 ☞ 潜艇幽灵般的轮廓正在铁路桥下滑行。
 ☞ The ghostly silhouette of a submarine was gliding under the railway bridge.
5.general picture,指大致的印象形成的轮廓。
 ☞ 听了下级的汇报,新上任的经理对公司的情况有了一个大致的轮廓。
 ☞ After hearing the report from below, the newly-appointed manager got a general picture of the situation in the company.
 ☞ 统计和计量已提供了今后发展的轮廓。
 ☞ The statistics and measures have given a general picture of development in future.
 ☞ 这幅草图表达了该设计的大体轮廓。
 ☞ This sketch conveyed some idea of the design.
 ☞ 我们对环岛旅行有了一个轮廓。
 ☞ We've got an idea of how to make a tour round the island.
轮(轮到) 轮(轮到)
1.one's turn, 指顺着次序一个接一个地轮,因此顺序感明显,并必须严格遵守。
 ☞ 今天轮到我值班。
 ☞ It's my turn to be on duty today.
 ☞ 他正在医生候诊室里等着轮到叫他。
 ☞ He was waiting his turn in the doctor's office.
 ☞ 显示屏上显示就要轮到他了。
 ☞ It is shown on the display screens that his turn is to come.
 ☞ 下一个轮到你了。
 ☞ It will be your turn next.
 ☞ 整个晚上都不能让他一个人待着,你们得轮着守夜。
 ☞ He mustn't be left alone all night and you shall have to take your turns at sitting up.
2.by turns, 也指一个接一个地轮,但顺序感已不明显,因此次序可循可不循。
 ☞ 我们船上有12人,大冢轮着划。
 ☞ There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.
 ☞ 李明和我同意星期六轮着在公司加班。
 ☞ L Ming and I agreed to work extra hours at the office on Saturday by turns.
 ☞ 士兵们轮着挖战壕。
 ☞ The soldiers dug trenches by turns.
3.in turn,也指一个接一个地轮,但这时的“轮”,已无次序可言。
 ☞ 我将轮着接见你们全体。
 ☞ I shall see you all in turn.
 ☞ 紫蝴蝶四下翻飞,轮着光顾每一朵花。
 ☞ The purple butterflies fluttered about, visiting each flower in turn.
 ☞ 他们轮着回答老师的问题。
 ☞ They answered the teacher's questions in turn.
4.take turns,指轮着来做某事。
 ☞ 班上发言不要一起讲,要轮着来。
 ☞ In class we should not talk all at the same time, we should take turns.
 ☞ 我和妹妹轮着照顾生病的母亲。
 ☞ My sister and I took turns at looking after our sick mother.
 ☞ 由于我们三人轮着开车,这次出门也就不太累。
 ☞ Since we three took turns driving, we did not find the trip too tiring.
5.it is the time for sb. ... to... ,指“该轮到…做…的时候了”。
 ☞ 现在正是该轮到那位骄傲的公主怀着嫉妒,瞪着眼瞅灰姑娘了。
 ☞ It was now the time for the proud princess to gaze at Cinderella with jealousy.
 ☞ 该轮到我们显身手了。
 ☞ It is the time for us to display our consummate skill.

  "It's nice, ”he fingered the soft leather.
 ☞ 你对他软了些。
 ☞ You've been a bit soft with him.
  ■ soften 是soft的动词。
 ☞ 她看儿子哭了,心就软了。
 ☞ When she saw her son cry, her heart softened.
 ☞ 他得知出事以后,态度就软了许多。
 ☞ His attitude softened up a lot when he learned what had happened.
 ☞ 我腿软得几乎站不住。
 ☞ My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand.
 ☞ 工会主席太软,无法保卫我们的权利。
 ☞ The chairman of the trade union was too weak to defend our rights.
  ■ weaken是weak的动词。
 ☞ 我本来打算不给他这衣服,但她哭了起来,我心一软就给了她。
 ☞ I had planned not to let her have the dress, but, when she began to cry, I weakened and gave it to her.
 ☞ 三儿子听他老婆说了我曾祖母的苦楚,也就软了下来。
 ☞ The third son began to weaken when he heard his wife describe my grandmother's distress.
 ☞ 最近以来,爷爷的身子骨越来越软了。
 ☞ Grandfather has been getting feebler lately.
 ☞ 本能告诉他,他在她面前不能软。
 ☞ Instinct told him that he could not be feeble before her.
 ☞ 一开始他不肯说他把东西藏在什么地方,但几个小时后他软了下来。
 ☞ At first he refused to say where he had hidden the things, but after several hours he relented.
 ☞ 我一见她难过的样子心就软了下来。
 ☞ I relented at the sight of her grief.
轻视 轻视
1.look down on (upon),口头用语,指看不起,瞧不起。
 ☞ 不要轻视中国妇女,他们被称为半边天。
 ☞ Don't look down on Chinese women. They are called half the sky.
 ☞ 我们绝对不应轻视体力劳动。
 ☞ We should never look down upon manual labor.
 ☞ 你没有权利轻视穷人。
 ☞ You have no right to scorn poor people.
 ☞ 公众对他作品的态度还在他活着的时候就已从轻视转为崇拜。
 ☞ The public attitude towards his works had changed from scorn to veneration during his life time.
 ☞ 熟悉会产生轻视。
 ☞ Familiarity breeds contempt.
 ☞ 他遭到轻视。
 ☞ He is held in contempt.
 ☞ 我是条虫,不是人,是众人指责的目标,百姓轻视的对象。
 ☞ I'm a worm, no man, a reproach of men and despised by people.
 ☞ 健康第一,相貌也不可轻视。
 ☞ Health comes first and good looks are not to be despised.
3.underestimate, underrate, belittle,指低估、小瞧。三者的轻视程度也是依次递减的。
 ☞ 由于她装出来的无知,我们轻视了她所起的作用。
 ☞ We underestimated the role she played because of her pretence of ignorance.
 ☞ 你们不应轻视敌军的力量。
 ☞ You shouldn't underestimate the strength of the enemy troops.
 ☞ 不要轻视小学老师的作用。
 ☞ Don't underrate the role of the primary school teachers.
 ☞ 恐怕你轻视了任务的艰巨性。
 ☞ I'm afraid you've underrated the difficulty of the task.
 ☞ 现在已没有人会轻视飞机攻击地面部队的潜在能力。
 ☞ Nowadays there is no one who would belittle the potentialities of the airplane against ground formations.
 ☞ 我并无轻视基督教的意思,只是想了解而已。
 ☞ I have no intention of belittling Christianity, merely the desire to understand it.
 ☞ 我们决不可轻视这些敌人。
 ☞ We must never regard these enemies lightly.
 ☞ 对长辈的规劝我们不应轻视。
 ☞ We should not set light by the advice of our seniors.
 ☞ 在那里我感到受人轻视。
 ☞ I felt myself being slighted there.
 ☞ 这是不可以轻视的。
 ☞ It is not to be sneered at.
 ☞ 他轻视所有的社会习俗。
 ☞ He sets at naught every convention of society.
辜负 辜负
1.not justify,指没有权利辜负。注意用not时是辜负,没育not时是不辜负。
 ☞ 我们希望联合国不要辜负世界人民寄予的希望。
 ☞ We hope the United Nations will justify the hopes which the people of the world place on it.
 ☞ 你辜负了乡亲们寄予的重托。
 ☞ You have not justified the great trust placed on you by the villagers.
2.not live up to, not come up to,仅指没有达到某种标准的辜负。同样,用not时是辜负,而不用not时是不辜负。
 ☞ 你们辜负了全世界人民的期望。
 ☞ You did not live up to the expectations of the people all over the world.
 ☞ 他作为一个教徒没有辜负自己的信仰。
 ☞ As a religion follower he lived up to his own belief.
 ☞ 我们要尽最大的努力,不辜负人民的期望。
 ☞ We'll try our best to come up to the expectations of the people.
3.fall short of, fail,let down,指辜负信任和期望。
 ☞ 如果我们辜负了读者的期望,那只能请他们原谅了。
 ☞ If we fall short of the reader's expectation, we can only appeal to their indulgence.
 ☞ 在我困难之际,他却辜负了我。
 ☞ He failed me in my time of need.
 ☞ 你辜负了你父母对你的一片心意。
 ☞ You failed your parents for their solicitude.
 ☞ 最后他相信他儿子是不会辜负他的。
 ☞ At last he was convinced that his son would not fail him.
 ☞ 我无论如何也不会辜负他。
 ☞ I won't let him down in any way.
 ☞ 你辜负了老师对你的栽培。
 ☞ You let down your teachers for the training they gave you.
 ☞ 他不能辜负她的信任。
 ☞ He could not abuse her trust.
 ☞ 你是在辜负他的好意。
 ☞ You're abusing his kindness.
5.not deserve, be unworthy of,指由于不相称、配不上而产生的辜负。有not时是辜负,没有not时是不辜负。
 ☞ 分别时,我们互相鼓励要努力工作,不辜负党员的称号。
 ☞ At the parting, we urged each other to work hard and deserve the name of a Party member.
 ☞ 他们是不会辜负信任的。
 ☞ They will deserve the trust.
 ☞ 他挥霍无度这一事实说明他辜负了他继承的遗产。
 ☞ The fact that he spent without restraint shows that he did not deserve the legacy he inherited.
 ☞ 你辜负了群众对你的信任。
 ☞ You are unworthy of the trust of the masses.
 ☞ 你的拒绝辜负了我。
 ☞ Your refusal is ungrateful to me.
 ☞ 她辜负了他的一片好意。
 ☞ She is ungrateful to his good intention.
辩护 辩护
 ☞ 政治家们以个人自由的名义为这种畸形的制度辩护。
 ☞ Statesmen defend the monstrous system in the name of individual liberty.
 ☞ 许多律师为被捕的罢工工人辩护,他感到鼓舞。
 ☞ He was inspired when many lawyers tried to defend arrested strikers.
 ☞ 我无意为自己辩护。
 ☞ I have no intention to defend myself.
 ☞ 他的理论证明是错误的,可他还想为之辩护。
 ☞ He still tries to defend his theory that has been proved wrong.
 ☞ 他发表声明为军费开支辩护。
 ☞ He made a statement in defense of military spending.
2.take up the cudgels for, take up the gauntlet for的用法与defend同,但带有明显的比喻修辞色彩。
 ☞ 美国国务院一贯为垄断资本辩护。
 ☞ The U.S. State Department is used to taking up the cudgels for monopoly capital.
 ☞ 他痛痛快快地答应为受害者辩护。
 ☞ He promised to take up the gauntlet for the victims without the slightest hesitation.
 ☞ 有几位律师准备为被告辩护。
 ☞ Several lawyers are ready to take up the gauntlet for the defendant.
3.speak in favor of,强调口头辩护。
 ☞ 律师正为当事人辩护。
 ☞ The lawyer was speaking in favor of his client.
 ☞ 他每到一处都要为他提出的立法辩护。
 ☞ Wherever he goes, he always tries to speak in favor of the legislation he proposed.
 ☞ 在为巴黎公社辩护的人中有马克思和恩格斯。
 ☞ Among those who justified the Paris Commune were Marx and Engels.
 ☞ 我根本不知道他怎么竟能为自己的这种行为辩护。
 ☞ I do not see how he can at all justify himself for such conduct.
 ☞ 他想不顾一切地为自己辩护。
 ☞ He had a desperate desire to justify himself.
辩论 辩论
 ☞ 我们不辩论个水落石出决不罢休。
 ☞ We will not stop till we argue the matter out.
 ☞ 我跟他辩论了一整天,但没能使他心服口服。
 ☞ I argued with him all day without being able to convince him sincerely.
 ☞ 这倒是一件可以辩论的事情。
 ☞ And it is something that can be argued about.
 ☞ 你们是为辩论而辩论。
 ☞ You are arguing for the sake of arguing.
 ☞ 国务院对要不要修建这条公路进行了辩论。
 ☞ The State Council debated whether the highway should be built or not.
 ☞ 这一动议经过热烈辩论后通过。
 ☞ The motion was hotly debated and adopted.
 ☞ 国会一直在辩论经济形势。
 ☞ Parliament has been debating the financial situation.
 ☞ 美国参议院内在对是否为悬挂美国国旗的科威特油船护航问题上互相辩论不休。
 ☞ The Senate disputed with each other on the issue of the convoy of Kuwaiti-owned tankers flying U.S.
 ☞ flags.
 ☞ 在这一点上,我不同你辩论。
 ☞ I won't dispute with you on that point.
达到 达到
 ☞ 粮食产量不断上升,达到了历史最高点。
 ☞ Grain output went up steadily and reached a new height without parallel in history.
 ☞ 上海尚未达到繁荣的顶点。
 ☞ Shanghai has not yet reached the zenith of its prosperity.
 ☞ 许多项目的质量和性能都达到了世界先进水平。
 ☞ Many items reached advanced world levels in quality and performance.
 ☞ 硫酸铵也达到了一级标准。
 ☞ The ammonium sulfate also reached the first-rate standard.
 ☞ 战争费用达到数十亿美元。
 ☞ The cost of the war reached billions of U.S. dollars.
 ☞ 平均亩产量达到1,300斤。
 ☞ Average grain output per mu has reached 1,300 jin.
 ☞ 形势的发展已达到了公开对抗的地步。
 ☞ The development of the situation reached the point of an open clash.
 ☞ 运动达到了高潮。
 ☞ The movement has reached high tide.
 ☞ 盛大的集会已达到空前的规模。
 ☞ The grand gathering has reached an unprecedented size.
 ☞ 中国古代的几门艺术技巧达到了颇为高超的地步。
 ☞ Ancient China reached a stage of considerable skill in several arts.
2.amount to, reach to,使用面比reach窄,一般只接数字。
 ☞ 1980年,中国的贸易顺差达到12亿美元。
 ☞ In 1980, China's foreign trade surplus amounted to US $1.2 billion.
 ☞ 灌溉面积达到50万亩。
 ☞ The irrigated area amounts to 500,000 mu.
 ☞ 他的收入达到相当可观的数目。
 ☞ His income reaches to a considerable sum.
 ☞ 这几笔款子达到了一个可观的总数。
 ☞ The sums reached to a considerable total.
3.come to,指一般性达到;come up to指达列某种标准。二者一般部可与reach换用。
 ☞ 他们的讨论入夜时达到了高潮。
 ☞ Their discussions came to (reached)a climax in the evening.
 ☞ 他一年的收入达到6万美元。
 ☞ His earnings come to (reach) 60,000 US dollars a year.
 ☞ 那年的粮食产量达到二亿七千多万吨。
 ☞ That year's grain output came to (reached) over 270 million tons.
 ☞ 他的新作没有达到预期的水平。
 ☞ His new book did not come up to (reach) expectations.
 ☞ 这些商品没有达到要求的水准。
 ☞ The goods failed to come up to (reach) the required standard.
 ☞ 现在市面上的彩电有好多达不到规范的要求。
 ☞ Many kinds of colored TV sets available now do not come up to (reach) specifications.
 ☞ 他的发明达到了世界先进水平。
 ☞ His invention came up to (reached) advanced world standard.
4.rise to,它与come to,come up to的区别在于前者达到的点是纵向的,而后者可以是纵向的,也可以是横向的。
 ☞ 抗日战争胜利后我们的精神状态达到了顶点。
 ☞ Our spirits rose to their zenith after the victory over Japan.
 ☞ 周围的山峰都达到2,000米。
 ☞ The mountains hereabouts rise to 2,000 meters.
 ☞ 我们希望利用和平手段来达到我们的目标。
 ☞ We hope to achieve our goal by peaceful means.
 ☞ 我们做了一系列实验以达到我们的目标。
 ☞ We have done a series of experiments to achieve our purpose.
 ☞ 我们学外语是为了达到看原文的目的。
 ☞ We study foreign languages in order to achieve our aim of reading original texts.(达到目的一般用achieve one's aim,而不用reach one's aim)
 ☞ 我们使劲削减开支以达到预算平衡。
 ☞ We are working hard to cut spending and achieve a balanced budget.
 ☞ 他通过多年苦干达到了这种完美的境界。
 ☞ He achieved the perfection by years of hard work.
 ☞ 这会帮助我们达到工业现代化和农业机械化。
 ☞ This will help us to achieve industrial modernization and agricultural mechanization.
 ☞ 我们需要更大的努力才能达到目的。
 ☞ Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goal.
 ☞ 我们的革命工作和建设工作是一定能达到目标的。
 ☞ We are sure to attain our goals in revolution and construction.
 ☞ 像雷锋这样的人已达到了崇高的思想境界。
 ☞ A man like Lei Feng has already attained a lofty realm of thought.
 ☞ 我们用自己动手的方法达到了丰衣足食的目的。
 ☞ By using our own hands, we have attained the objective of ample food and clothing.
 ☞ 世界所必需的安全与文明这一条件的确是很难达到的。
 ☞ This indispensable condition of the safety and civilization of the world is, indeed, very difficult to attain.
 ☞ 世界上各种力量的平衡是难以达到的。
 ☞ A balance of all the forces in the world is barely attained.
 ☞ 这位钢琴家所达到的这种完美境界只有经过多年的苦练才能达到。
 ☞ The perfection to which the pianist had attained was achieved only by years of hard work.
 ☞ 他在这部小说里的风格已达到了完全成熟的阶段。
 ☞ His style has attained to full maturity in this novel.
 ☞ 我国的地质力学达到了新的高度。
 ☞ New heights of geomechanics are attained to in our country.
 ☞ 他连吓带哄,终于达到了目的。
 ☞ What by threatening, and what by coaxing, he finally accomplished his purpose.
 ☞ 达到这一目的的最好办法是在工人运动内部团结尽可能多的人。
 ☞ The best method to accomplish this goal is to unite as many people as possible within the labor movement itself.
 ☞ 事实上,这就是句型练习应达到的。
 ☞ This, in fact, was what the pattern practice was supposed to accomplish.
 ☞ 他们没有达到预期的目的。
 ☞ They didn't accomplish the purpose desired.
 ☞ 我厂产品已达到质量要求。
 ☞ The products of our factory have fulfilled the quality of requirements.
 ☞ 世界上没有战争的梦想尚未达到。
 ☞ The dream of a world without war has not been yet fulfilled.
8.lead to,常用于从某种状态或动作进而达到另一种状态或动作。
 ☞ 天下大乱,达到天下大治。
 ☞ Great disorder across the land leads to great order.
 ☞ 破可以达到立。
 ☞ Destruction leads to construction.
9.“达到高潮”,可用reach a climax, bring to a climax和come to a climax, climax。
 ☞ 情节在第十章里达到了高潮。
 ☞ The story reached (came to) a climax in Chapter Ten.
 ☞ 她朝他甩了一个盘子,剧情才达到了高潮。
 ☞ The play was brought to a climax when she threw a plate at him.或The play climaxed when she threw a plate at him.
10.“达到顶点”,可用at the zenith或reach to the pink of。
 ☞ 他的名望当时已达到顶点。
 ☞ His fame was then at its zenith.
 ☞ 词作为中国诗歌的一种形式产生于唐代,但在宋代达到了顶点。
 ☞ Ci as a form of Chinese poetry appeared during the Tang dynasty, yet reached to the pink of perfection in the Song dynasty.
迁就 迁就
1.accommodate (oneself to),accommodation,指为了取悦别人或单位而迁就或出于无奈而迁就。
 ☞ 初次访问中国的西方人不得不迁就在他看来十分奇怪的生活习惯。
 ☞ A westerner visiting China for the first time must accommodate himself to habits of life that may seem very strange to him.
 ☞ 我们不得不迁就公司的需要。
 ☞ We have to accommodate ourselves to the needs of the company.
 ☞ 这把椅子那么矮,你的长腿只好迁就了。
 ☞ This chair is so low that you have to accommodate your long legs to it.
 ☞ 无原则的迁就对你的孩子不好。
 ☞ Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to your children.
2.reconcile oneself to,指心甘情愿地迁就,故一般只用于否定句。
 ☞ 人民一旦尝到了自由就不会再迁就奴役。
 ☞ Once people have tasted freedom they cannot reconcile themselves to slaving again.
 ☞ 和平主义者是无法迁就战争的。
 ☞ A pacifist cannot be reconciled to war.
3.yield to,指在压力、强迫、请求、说服情况下的迁就。
 ☞ 医生不能迁就病人的不合理要求。
 ☞ Doctors must not yield to the unreasonable demands of patients.
 ☞ 你能永远迁就她那永不满足的金钱欲吗?
 ☞ Can you yield to her insatiable desire for money forever?
4.give in,指让步,妥协。
 ☞ 他太迁就孩子了,她要什么就买什么。
 ☞ He gives in to his child too much. Whatever she wants, he buys for her.
 ☞ 你们在小事情上互相迁就着点。
 ☞ You ought to give in a little to each other over small matters.
 ☞ 现在的祖父母往往对独生儿孙过分迁就。
 ☞ Nowadays grandparents are often over-lenient towards the only grandchild.
 ☞ 你作为继母应当对他迁就一点。
 ☞ As a stepmother you have to be a bit over-lenient towards him.
 ☞ 制度就是制度,我决不会让制度来迁就你。
 ☞ A rule is a rule. I would never let you have it bent.
 ☞ 他想尽办法要使他们来迁就他的意志。
 ☞ He tried every possible way to bend them to his will.
迅速 迅速
 ☞ 红军首战不利,就迅速撤退了。
 ☞ The Red Army lost the first battle and made a fast retreat.
 ☞ 司机肇事后迅速逃掉了。
 ☞ Having caused an accident, the driver made a fast getaway.
  ■ fast还可用作副词。
 ☞ 这是个精彩的城市,而且发展迅速。
 ☞ It is a wonderful city, and growing very fast.
 ☞ 句型练习可在迅速的口语实践中提供大量句子来说明一个语法点。
 ☞ Pattern drills provide a large number of sentences that illustrate one grammatical point in rapid oral practice.
 ☞ 他的英语学习进步迅速。
 ☞ He made rapid progress in learning English.
 ☞ 老虎迅速一跃,扑向山羊。
 ☞ The tiger took a quick leap and sprang on the goat.
 ☞ 师长要求我们迅速行动。
 ☞ The division commander demanded our quick action.
 ☞ 警方反应迅速,10分钟后就赶到出事地点。
 ☞ The reaction of the police was speedy. They arrived at the site of the accident in ten minutes.
 ☞ 凡刑事诉讼,被告有权要求公开、迅速的审讯。
 ☞ In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to public and speedy trial.
 ☞ 老鹰见到猎物时行动十分迅速。
 ☞ The hawk was very swift in action when it saw its prey.
 ☞ 这一方法迅速有效,很受人们的欢迎。
 ☞ This method is swift, effective and well received by the people.
 ☞ 这家修理铺以服务周到、迅速而闻名。
 ☞ The repair shop is well known for its prompt and satisfactory service.
 ☞ 消防队迅速行动,从着火的大厦里救出了居民。
 ☞ The prompt action of the fire brigades saved the people in the burning building.
过不去 过不去
1.not get through,指行动上过不去;impassable,指处于过不去的状态。
 ☞ 前面在修路,过不去。
 ☞ As the road ahead is under repair, you can't get through.
 ☞ 树丛太密,我们过不去。
 ☞ The bush is too thick for us to get through.
 ☞ 该地区因为发大水过不去了。
 ☞ The area is impassable because of flooding.
 ☞ 这条路在雨季时泥泞得过不去。
 ☞ The muddy road is impassable during rainy season.
2.make a hard living, hardly make a living, 指日子过不去。
 ☞ 她的日子有点过不去。
 ☞ She can make only a bare living.
 ☞ 我们应当向灾区人民提供点救济,否则他们连生活都过不去。
 ☞ We should provide some relief to the people in the disaster area, otherwise they can hardly make a living.
3.be hard on,指跟人过不去。
 ☞ 人家批评你并不是想跟你过不去。
 ☞ People didn't mean to be hard on you when they criticized you.
 ☞ 我们不想跟年轻人过不去。
 ☞ We don't want to be hard on the young people.
4.make things difficult,指难为别人。
 ☞ 你是在存心跟我过不去。
 ☞ You're deliberately making things difficult for me.
 ☞ 你放心,他不会跟你过不去。
 ☞ You can rest assured that he won't make things difficult for you.
 ☞ 我不打算去参加那个晚会,因为有我在场会让她过不去。
 ☞ I'm not going to join that evening party, for my presence would embarrass her.
 ☞ 要是不请我,他大概是怕我脸上过不去。
 ☞ He was probably afraid of embarrassing me, if I had not been invited.
 ☞ 发生这种事情,我真过不去。
 ☞ I'm so awfully sorry that this should have happened.
 ☞ 费你那么多时间,我真过不去。
 ☞ I'm sorry for having taken up so much of your time.
过关 过关
1.reach a standard,up to standard,指达到或符合标准。
 ☞ 该产品已经过关。
 ☞ The product has reached the standard.
 ☞ 我们的生产技术已经过关。
 ☞ Our production is technically up to standard.
 ☞ 这种新产品的质量已经过关。
 ☞ The quality of this new product is up to standard.
 ☞ 粮食生产问题已经过关。
 ☞ The problem of inadequate grain production has been solved already.
 ☞ 干旱地区种水稻的难题尚未过关。
 ☞ The difficult question of how to grow rice in dry areas has not yet been solved.
 ☞ 你认为体检过关了吗?
 ☞ Do you think you have passed the health check-up?
 ☞ 这次考试我没准备好,恐怕过不了关。
 ☞ I'm not well prepared for the exam. I'm afraid I won't be able to pass.
4.scrape through,指勉强及格通过。
 ☞ 我们反正过了关了。
 ☞ We have scraped through anyhow.
 ☞ 我考试过关了。
 ☞ I have scraped through my examination.
5.get by,指没遇到麻烦就敷衍过去。
 ☞ 是来访的一位客人帮了李明,没回答老师的问题就这样过了关。
 ☞ It was the visitor who helped Li Ming to get by without answering the teacher's question.
 ☞ 你的工作可以过关,但要加以改进。
 ☞ Your work will get by but try to improve it.
过分 过分
 ☞ 人过分高兴就会哭起来。
 ☞ Excess of joy weeps.
 ☞ 这孩子的精力过分充沛。
 ☞ The child has an excess of energy.
 ☞ 饮酒过分是有害的。
 ☞ It's harmful to drink to excess.
 ☞ 她是过分慷慨。
 ☞ She is generous to excess.
 ☞ 子女对父母的依赖固然令人不安,过分独立又何尝不是。
 ☞ Dependence of children on their parents, no doubt, is disquieting, and excessive independence is, too.
 ☞ 她对衣服过分的感兴趣。
 ☞ She takes an excessive interest in clothes.
2.undue, unduly,指过于。
 ☞ 你过分注意小事。
 ☞ You give undue attention to trifles.
 ☞ 她结婚过分仓促。
 ☞ She married with undue haste.
 ☞ 你对孩子过分严历。
 ☞ You are unduly severe with your children.
 ☞ 她对可能产生的后果过分轻率了。
 ☞ She was unduly reckless of what the consequence may be.
 ☞ 剧中的逗笑场面做得过分了。
 ☞ The funny scenes in the play were overdone.
 ☞ 你过分强调细节弄得主次不分。
 ☞ You have confused the primary with the secondary by overemphasizing details.
 ☞ 你的失败就在于你过分自信。
 ☞ Your failure lies in overconfidence in yourself.
4.go (carry sth.)too far,指走得太远。
 ☞ 你的玩笑总是开得过分。
 ☞ Your jokes always went too far.
 ☞ 谦虚过分就有点虚伪。
 ☞ Modesty, carried too far, is little short of hypocrisy.
5.no (without) exaggeration,指毫不过分。
 ☞ 说他骄傲自大,一点也不过分。
 ☞ It is no exaggeration to say that he is conceited.
 ☞ 我可以毫不过分地说,我几乎一夜没合眼。
 ☞ Without much exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a wink.
过去 过去
1.go over,指走过去一段路。
 ☞ 你在这里等着,我过去看看。
 ☞ You wait here, I'll go over and see.
 ☞ 护士过去把伤员扶起来。
 ☞ The nurse went over and propped up the wounded.
2.pass by,指经过。
 ☞ 一辆公共汽车刚刚过去。
 ☞ A bus has just passed by.
 ☞ 日子一天天过去,病人也一天天好转。
 ☞ The patient grew steadily better as the days passed by.
 ☞ 夏天过去了,现在已是秋天。
 ☞ Summer is over. It is autumn now.
 ☞ 危险已经过去,大家的紧张心情也随之消除。
 ☞ The danger was over and everybody's tension was relieved.
 ☞ 过去我没见过他。
 ☞ I have never seen him before.
 ☞ 你过去来过这里吗?
 ☞ Have you been here before?
 ☞ 过去这地方流行的一些疾病已基本消灭。
 ☞ Diseases formerly prevalent here have been mostly eradicated.
 ☞ 这座大镇过去是个小村。
 ☞ Formerly this large town was a small village.
 ☞ 他过去从精神和物质上都帮过她。
 ☞ Previously he aided her both materially and spiritually.
 ☞ 我在国外碰上了过去为之打工的地主,真是巧了!
 ☞ What a coincidence it was that I met a landlord abroad for whom I had previously worked!
 ☞ 过去的荒坡如今成了果园。
 ☞ The once desolate slopes have been turned into orchards.
 ☞ 过去恐龙就在这一带徜徉。
 ☞ Once dinosaurs walked around here.
8.used to,指过去常常。
 ☞ 现在我跟他处得比过去好多了。
 ☞ I get on better with him than I used to.
 ☞ 我过去常常写诗。
 ☞ I used to write poetry.
 ☞ 忘掉过去那些不愉快的事儿吧。
 ☞ Forget those past unhappy things.
 ☞ 过去的就算过去了。
 ☞ What is past is past.
 ☞ 应了解过去和当前的需水量,以便为未来的用水量提供依据。
 ☞ Knowledge of historical and present water demand is needed to provide a base for predicting future water demand。
 ☞ 这部电影是以过去的真人真事作为依据的。
 ☞ The film is based on historical real people and real events.
 ☞ 把车开过去。
 ☞ Drive the car over.
 ☞ 一只燕子飞了过去。
 ☞ A swallow flew past.
 ☞ 她把脸背过去看着外面的花园。
 ☞ She turned her face away to look out into the garden.
 ☞ 病人晕过去了。
 ☞ The patient has fainted.
 ☞ 老太太的脑子很清楚,休想骗过去。
 ☞ The old lady is sharp-witted. You won't fool her 鸡蛋还能硬过石头去?
 ☞ How can an egg be harder than a stone?
 ☞ 他的英语发音还说得过去。
 ☞ His English pronunciation is passable.
 ☞ 条件这样好,再不增产说不过去。
 ☞ With such favorable conditions, we'll have no excuse if we fail to increase output.
过得去 过得去
1.get through,指行动上过得去,passable,指处于过得去的状态。
 ☞ 这条胡同很宽,汽车过得去。
 ☞ The lane is wide enough for a car to get through.
 ☞ 那灌木丛我们过得去吗?
 ☞ Can we get through that undergrowth?
 ☞ 山路过得去了,因为雪已经化了。
 ☞ The mountain path is passable because the snow has gone.
 ☞ 这套衣服已穿旧了,不过还过得去。
 ☞ This suit is worn out, but it's still passable.
2.make a life (living),指日子过得去。
 ☞ 好在他的日子还过得去。
 ☞ Fortunately, he makes a decent life.
 ☞ 建成了灌溉网,我们的生活才算过得去。
 ☞ With irrigation network constructed, we managed to make a living.
 ☞ 我的身体还过得去。
 ☞ My health is tolerable.
 ☞ 菜烧得不错,酒也过得去。
 ☞ The cooking was good, and the wine tolerable.
4.sorry,feel at ease,指过意不去(常用修辞性问句)。
 ☞ 叫你一趟一趟地这么跑,我怎么过得去呢?
 ☞ I'm terribly sorry to have kept you on the go like this.
 ☞ 你什么都不要,叫我们怎么过得去呢?
 ☞ How could we feel at ease when you refuse to take anything from us?
5.get by,指凑合。
 ☞ 你的工作还过得去,不过要加以改进。
 ☞ Your work will get by, but try to improve it.
 ☞ 有我这件旧大衣,今年冬天我也过得去了。
 ☞ I can get by with my old overcoat this winter.
过来 过来
1.come over (up),用over指走过来一段路,用up指走到跟前。
 ☞ 你能不能过来一下?
 ☞ Could you come over for a while?
 ☞ 他见到我就过来跟我说话。
 ☞ When he saw me he came over to talk to me.
 ☞ 请过这边来。
 ☞ Please come up here.
 ☞ 有个人过来向我打听去火车站的路。
 ☞ A man came up and asked me the way to the railway station.
2.manage by oneself (alone),指独自一人设法做到,常与“得”、“不”等词连用。
 ☞ 书太多,我简直弄不过来。
 ☞ There are too many books, I simply can't manage them all by myself.
 ☞ 活儿不多,我一个人也忙得过来。
 ☞ The work is not much, I can manage it alone.
 ☞ 人多得数不过来。
 ☞ People were too numerous to enumerate.
 ☞ 我的收入少得家都养不过来。
 ☞ My income is too small to support my family.
 ☞ 今天早晨我一醒过来就有了这个主意。
 ☞ This idea hit me when I woke up this morning.
 ☞ 他真固执,简直劝不过来。
 ☞ He's really stubborn and simply can't be persuaded.
 ☞ 你的坏习惯一定得改过来。
 ☞ Your bad habits must be changed.
 ☞ 请把你的杯子倒过来。
 ☞ Please turn your cup upside down.
 ☞ 一队士兵朝我们走过来。
 ☞ A contingent of soldiers was marching towards us.
 ☞ 捷报从四面八方飞过来。
 ☞ News of victory kept pouring in from all directions.
 ☞ 他又把手榴弹甩了过来。
 ☞ He threw back the hand grenade.
 ☞ 他是旧社会的过来人,什么苦都吃过。
 ☞ He is a veteran of the old society, he's been through all kinds of hardships.
 ☞ 作为过来人,我可以讲讲我的体会。
 ☞ As one who has had experience in this respect, I'd like to tell you how I feel about it.
 ☞ 要知水深浅,须问过来人。
 ☞ He knows the water best who has waded through it.
过程 过程
 ☞ 青春期是从童年走向成年的过程。
 ☞ Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.
 ☞ 你能讲讲造船的过程吗?
 ☞ Will you describe the process of building a ship?
 ☞ 讨论过程中,提出了各种各样的问题。
 ☞ Different kinds of questions were raised in the course of discussion.
 ☞ 人类遵循了一条从山洞穴居到城市生活的发展过程。
 ☞ Human being has followed the course of his development from the cave to city living.
 ☞ 鲸鱼在海中的生活经历了一个有趣的进化过程。
 ☞ The life of the whale in the sea has passed through an interesting procedure of evolution.
 ☞ 正是这些实际情况使预测成为一种艺术而不只是一个机械的过程。
 ☞ It is these facts that make forecasting an art and not just a mechanical procedure.
迎接 迎接
 ☞ 市长急忙上前去迎接北京来的代表团。
 ☞ The mayor hurried forward to meet the delegation from Beijing.
 ☞ 我们是不是到车站去迎接你母亲为好?
 ☞ Hadn't we better go to the station to meet your mother?
 ☞ 我们准备迎接挑战,武装泅渡金沙江。
 ☞ We are ready to meet the challenge to swim across the Jinsha River with our weapons.
 ☞ 迎接敌人的是机关枪和手榴弹。
 ☞ What met the enemy were machine guns and grenades.
 ☞ 一家人在门口站成一行迎接贵宾。
 ☞ The family stood in line to greet their distinguished guests at the door.
 ☞ 院子里没有人,迎接我的是一条黑白两色的哈叭狗。
 ☞ There was no one in the courtyard and I was greeted by a black-and-white Pekinese.
 ☞ 全国人民决心以优异的成绩迎接国庆。
 ☞ The people all over the country are determined to greet National Day with excellent achievements.
  ■ 不过,greet有时也用于恶意的迎接。
 ☞ 当地的老百姓以雨点般的臭鸡蛋迎接那位政客。
 ☞ The local people greeted the politician with a shower of rotten eggs.
 ☞ 全班同学以一片嘘声迎接他的讲话。
 ☞ The whole class greeted his speech with hisses.
 ☞ 父紊走出书房来迎接我们。
 ☞ Father came out of his study to welcome us 她热情地迎接他,露出一口雪白的牙齿。
 ☞ She welcomed him with all her white teeth.
  ■ 不过,welcome也可用于带恶意的迎接。
 ☞ 他们用嘘声和起哄来迎接他。
 ☞ They welcomed him with hisses and catcalls.
 ☞ 他走到门口迎接来访的客人。
 ☞ He went to the door to receive his visitors.
 ☞ 他以一个只会有所得,不会有所失的诚恳态度迎接新客户。
 ☞ He received his new customers with the genial air of one who has much to gain and little to lose.
5.usher in,指迎接某个季节。
 ☞ 他们在做各种准备以迎接新的旅游旺季。
 ☞ They're making preparations to usher in the new tourist season.
 ☞ 我们决心以新的成绩来迎接新的一年。
 ☞ We're determined to usher in the New Year with new achievements.
运动 运动
 ☞ 运动中的物体都在移动。
 ☞ Anything that is in motion is moving.
 ☞ 根据哥白尼的说法,地球有三种运动。
 ☞ According to the Copernican scheme the earth has three motions.
  ■ motion除了表示物体间位置的相对运动外,还可指哲学意义上物质存在形式的运动。
 ☞ 运动是物质的存在方式。
 ☞ Motion is the mode of existence of matter.
 ☞ 恩格斯说过:“运动本身就是矛盾。”
 ☞ Engels said: "Motion itself is a contradiction."
 ☞ 1919年的五四运动是反帝反封建的伟大革命运动。
 ☞ The May 4th Movement of 1919 is the great revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism.
 ☞ 所有这些运动都被政府镇压了。
 ☞ All these movements were suppressed by the government.
  ■ 但在涉及位置相对变化的运动时,可与motion对换。不过由于movement是可数名词,因此对换时要注意单复数。
 ☞ 狂风暴雨阻止了军队向前方运动。
 ☞ Severe storms hindered the movement (motion) of troops to the front.
 ☞ 行星的运动受太阳的影响。
 ☞ The movements (motion) of the planets are (is) under the influence of the sun.
 ☞ 我们必须把反贪污运动进行到底。
 ☞ We must carry out the campaign against corruption to the end.
 ☞ 爱国卫生运动已全面开展。
 ☞ The patriotic health campaign was already in full swing.
 ☞ 我们呼吁社会各界都来支持技术革新运动。
 ☞ W call on every field of the society to support the drive for technological innovation.
 ☞ 所有工厂都在组织社会主义竞赛运动。
 ☞ Every factory is organizing its own socialist emulation drive.
 ☞ 乘敌运动之际打击敌人。
 ☞ Attack the enemy while he is on the move.
 ☞ 因此运动战决不是只有向后的“运动”,没有向前的运动;这样的“运动”否定了运动战基本的进攻性,实行的结果,中圉虽大,也是要被“运动”掉的。
 ☞ Hence mobile warfare can never mean moving only backward, and never forward; that kind of "moving" which negates the basic offensive character of mobile warfare would, in practice, "move" China out of existence despite her vastness.
 ☞ 我喜欢的运动是游泳和足球。
 ☞ My favorite sports are swimming and football.
 ☞ 运动增强人民体质。
 ☞ Sports make people physically strong.
 ☞ 球类运动在中国很普遍。
 ☞ Ball games are widespread very much in China.
 ☞ 足球和象棋都是竞技运动。
 ☞ Football and chess are all games.
 ☞ 散步也是一种运动。
 ☞ Walking is also a form of exercise.
 ☞ 她吃得很多,又不运动,怎能不胖?
 ☞ How can't she be fat when she eats so much and does not take any exercise?
运用 运用
 ☞ 我们运用的词大概只有我们所认识的词汇的1/3。
 ☞ We probably use only about a third as many words as we recognize.
 ☞ 运用你自己的判断来决定谁对谁错。
 ☞ Use your own judgment to decide who is right and who is wrong.
 ☞ 有时运用一个恰当的概念可使我们做到事半功倍。
 ☞ The use of an appropriate concept sometimes enables us to do half the work with double results.
 ☞ 对,我们的确要运用外国的先进经验,但不能照搬。
 ☞ Yes, we do make use of the advanced experience of foreign countries, but not mechanically.
 ☞ 作家用词巧妙,知道在一定的上下文里应该如何运用什么样的词。
 ☞ A writer is clever at using words who knows what ones he should employ in a given context.
 ☞ 育那么一些学生,满肚子的知识却不会运用。
 ☞ There are some students who are crammed full of knowledge, which they cannot employ.
  ■ 从下面的译文可以看出use(重在运用)和employ(重在运用别人未加运用的东西)的区别。
 ☞ 运用教材要有创造性,要用各种各样的方法运用其中的材料。
 ☞ Be creative in your use of a textbook, and employ its materials in a variety of ways.
 ☞ 她把课堂上学到的东西运用到实验里。
 ☞ She applied what she had learned in class to the experiment.
 ☞ 毛泽东的过人之处在于他把马列主义理论运用到中国的实际之中。
 ☞ What Mao Zedong excels in others is that he applied the theory of Marxism-Leninism to the reality of China.
 ☞ 你们作为父母对自己的子女应当有意识地运用你们的影响力。
 ☞ As parents, you ought to make conscious efforts to exercise your influence on your children.
 ☞ 你只有运用你的想像力才能理解这幅画。
 ☞ You can only understand this picture by exercising your imagination.
 ☞ 他执政时运用自己手中的权力,排除异己。
 ☞ When he was in office he removed those who disagreed with him by wielding the power in hand.
 ☞ 运用国家机器不是开机床,你要慎之又慎。
 ☞ To wield the state machinery is not to operate a machine tool. You cannot be too careful with it.
 ☞ 他对工具运用自如,好像工具自己知道该干什么。
 ☞ He handles his tools very skillfully as if they knew what they were going to do.
 ☞ 她的英语运用自如。
 ☞ She has a perfect command of English.
 ☞ 运用之妙,存乎一心。
 ☞ Ingenuity in applying tactics depends on hard thinking.
运行(运转) 运行(运转)
1.move in orbit,指轨道上运行。
 ☞ 人造卫星已在轨道上运行。
 ☞ The man-made satellite has already moved in orbit.
2.be in motion,指处在运动之中。
 ☞ 到车运行时请勿打开车门。
 ☞ Don't open the door while the train is in motion.
3.revolve round,指旋转中运行。
 ☞ 地球绕太阳运行。
 ☞ The earth revolves round the sun.
4.function, 指发挥作用的运行。
 ☞ 加大投入可保经济运行正常。
 ☞ More input can keep the economy functioning normally.
5.operate properly,指运行正常。
 ☞ 电梯运行不正常。
 ☞ The elevator is not operating properly.
6.run well, 指转动正常。
 ☞ 机器运行正常。
 ☞ The machine is running well.
7.out of order,指运行不正常。
 ☞ 电厂运行不正常。
 ☞ The electric power plant is out of order.
8.flow, 指流通中的运行。
 ☞ 生产与流通中各个环节的运行应保持畅通。
 ☞ The flow between the links in production and circulation must be kept smooth.
运输 运输
 ☞ 煤炭运输一般是由铁路进行的。
 ☞ Transport of coal is usually done by railways.
 ☞ 卡车常用作运输。
 ☞ Trucks are often used for transport.
  ■ transport还可用做动词。
 ☞ 美国飞机帮着运输英国士兵到阿富汗,在那里与美国大兵会合。
 ☞ American airplanes helped transport the British soldiers to Afghanistan where they were joined by the American Yankees.
 ☞ 山区的交通不便,货物全由空中运输。
 ☞ The mountain area had poor transport facilities and the goods were all transported by air.
2.transportation, 主要有几种用法。
1) 不同于transport,只表示运输的动作和业务。
 ☞ 铁路对一定数量的行李是免费运输的。
 ☞ The railway gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage.
 ☞ 这样的天气运输会很困难的。
 ☞ Transportation will be made difficult in this state of weather.
 ☞ 铁路、公路、航空都是从事运输的。
 ☞ Railway, highway and airlines are all engaged in transportation.
2) 表示运输工具或运输费用。
 ☞ 骆驼是沙漠里的主要运输工具。
 ☞ Camels are the principal means of transportation in the deserts.
 ☞ 由车站到工厂的运输费用每天大致为500元。
 ☞ Transportation from the railway station to the factory is about 500 yuan a day.

 ☞ 他还穿着那件旧上衣。
 ☞ He still wears that old coat.
 ☞ 等我年纪大了,头发白了,你还会爱我吗?
 ☞ Will you still love me when I'm old and grey?
 ☞ 虽然凡事都于他不利,但他还在坚持。
 ☞ Everything went against him, still he persisted.
 ☞ 你还在这里?我以为你早就回家了。
 ☞ Are you still here? I thought you had gone home ages ago.
  ■ 但是,如果still与终止性动词结合时,也可用于否定句。
 ☞ 我还不能决定,所以就问他是怎么想的。
 ☞ I still wasn't able to decide, so I asked him what he thought.
 ☞ 我们已考虑好些天了,但还下不了决心。
 ☞ We've been thinking for days, but we still can't make up our minds.
 ☞ 他还没弄懂。
 ☞ He still doesn't understand.
 ☞ 人还没露面。
 ☞ He still has not appeared.
 ☞ 还不到去的时候。
 ☞ It is not time to go yet.
 ☞ 太阳还没出来,天又冷得要命。
 ☞ The sun wasn't up yet, and it was bitterly cold.
 ☞ 我已开始学英语,但还没多少进展。
 ☞ I've started learning English, but I haven't got very far yet.
 ☞ 你如果7点来,我们还没吃完饭呢。
 ☞ If you come at seven o'clock, we shall not yet finish.
  ■ 同样,如果yet与延续性动词连用,也可用于肯定句。
 ☞ 好多事情还有待于去完成。
 ☞ Much yet remains to be done.
 ☞ 要是我们松劲,对手还是会赢的。
 ☞ Our rival may win yet if we relax our efforts 你还是会成功的。
 ☞ You will succeed yet.
 ☞ 春天到来之前天还会更冷。
 ☞ It will be colder yet before spring comes.
  ■ 由于这种错综复杂的关系,故still与yet两词有时可以互换。
 ☞ 他还是个好孩子。
 ☞ He is still (yet)a child.
 ☞ 我还得把事情的真相查清楚。
 ☞ I have yet (still) to find out the truth.
 ☞ 她还帮我在妇女当中搞宣传工作。
 ☞ She even helped me do propaganda work among the women.
 ☞ 他躺在病床上还坚持学习。
 ☞ He carried on with his study even when ill in bed.
 ☞ 太阳还有黑点呢。
 ☞ There are spots even on the sun.
 ☞ 这壶酒还不够一个人喝,更不用说两个了。
 ☞ This pot of wine is not enough even for one person, to say nothing of two.
 ☞ 昨天冷,今天还要冷。
 ☞ It was cold yesterday, but it's even colder today.
 ☞ 这件事你知道得比我还少。
 ☞ You know even less about it than I do.
 ☞ 昨天那里的人就不多,今天还要少。
 ☞ There were only a few people there yesterday. Today there are still fewer.
5.not only... but also,表示事情进了一层,但由于与“不但”连用,因此“还”有“而且”的意思。
 ☞ 他不但读过这本书,还记得读的内容。
 ☞ He has not only read this book, but also remembered about what he has read.
 ☞ 你不但讲得好,还十分感人。
 ☞ Your speech is not only good, but also very much touching.
 ☞ 我们玩得痛快,还学到了不少有用的东西。
 ☞ We had good time, and learned many useful things.
 ☞ 他生时穷,活着穷,死的时候还穷。
 ☞ He was born poor, lived poor and died poor.
 ☞ 书架上有许多课本、小说、词典,还有一本地图册。
 ☞ On the shelf there are many textbooks, novels, dictionaries and an atlas.
7.in addition,besides,以附加来表示进一步的情况。
 ☞ 还有许多地区谷物歉收。
 ☞ In addition, there was crop failure in many areas.
 ☞ 老板逼他一天干16个小时,还打他。
 ☞ The boss worked him sixteen hours a day and beat him in addition.
 ☞ 他还要一双鞋子。
 ☞ He wanted, besides, a pair of shoes.
 ☞ 你还得谢谢他。
 ☞ Besides, you have to thank him.
8.但如果附加的是同一类事物,则不用in addition, besides,而要用more,another等。
 ☞ 测验里还有一个错误。
 ☞ There is one more mistake in the test 我还要在北京呆两天。
 ☞ I'll stay in Beijing two more days.
 ☞ 我们还有3分钟。
 ☞ We have got another three minutes.
 ☞ 红十字会还得有10万元来买药物。
 ☞ The Red Cross Society has to have another one hundred thousand yuan with which to buy medicine.
9.quite,表示颇,more or less,表示多少,enough,表示相当,kind (sort)of,表示“有点”等不同的程度。
 ☞ 头一个阶段的工作还顺利。
 ☞ During the first stage, the work went quite smoothly.
 ☞ 屋子不大,收拾得还干净。
 ☞ The room is small, but it is kept quite clean.
 ☞ 他对事情的进展还满意。
 ☞ He was more or less satisfied with the way things went.
 ☞ 他付款还算及时。
 ☞ He pays more or less on time.
 ☞ 我跟他还熟悉,可以请他帮忙。
 ☞ I know him well enough to ask him for help.
 ☞ 我们还算走运,搞到了一辆空车。
 ☞ We were fortunate enough to have got an empty car.
 ☞ 我还希望他们来参加呢。
 ☞ I kind of hope they'll join us.
 ☞ 他们还笑我。
 ☞ They kind of laughed at me.
 ☞ 她还真料到这事了。
 ☞ She sort of expected it.
 ☞ 她说她还感到头晕。
 ☞ She says she feels sort of dizzy.
10.also,as well, as well as,表示与前面相同的动作或客体的重复。
 ☞ 法官还建议市警察局采取行动惩处玩忽职守的警官。
 ☞ Judge also suggested that the city's police should take action against the police officers for dereliction of duty。
 ☞ 他还同意我来做这项工作。
 ☞ He also agreed that I should do the work.
 ☞ 每道题我都答了,还核对了一遍答案。
 ☞ I have answered every question and checked over my answers as well.
 ☞ 我从她那里得知你还承担了其他重要工作。
 ☞ I learned from her that you undertook other important work as well.
 ☞ 我们不能要她看孩子,还要她做作业。
 ☞ We cannot expect her to do the homework as well as look after the children.
 ☞ 可以说先有鸡后有蛋,还可以说先有蛋后有鸡。
 ☞ One may as well say the egg is the mother of the hen as say the hen is the mother of the egg.
11.at all,表示条件的某种假设的真实。
 ☞ 如果这件事你还知道点什么,就应该眚诉我。
 ☞ If you know anything at all about it, you should tell me.
 ☞ 要是你还想和我商量,就跟我打个电话。
 ☞ If you want to consult me at all, give me a ring.
 ☞ 看样子天要下雨,不过要是我们还去公园,就能看到花展。
 ☞ It looks like rain. Yet if we go to the park at all, we shall see a flower show.
 ☞ 她还跟你谈过这种事吗?
 ☞ Has she ever talked to you about such matters?
 ☞ 他还没跟我说过话呢。
 ☞ He hasn't ever spoken to me.
 ☞ 还没有过这样的人。
 ☞ No such person ever has existed.
 ☞ 村里还没人听说过你。
 ☞ No one in the village has ever heard of you.
 ☞ 屋里还有谁?
 ☞ Who else is there in the house?
 ☞ 我们还能干什么呢?
 ☞ What else could we have done?
 ☞ 我们何时还能见面?
 ☞ When else can we meet?
 ☞ 你们昨天还去过哪里?
 ☞ Where else did you go yesterday?
 ☞ 这还能是谁的?
 ☞ Whose else could it be?
 ☞ 我们还怎么能行动呢?
 ☞ How else could we have acted?
 ☞ 你还有别的事跟我讲吗?
 ☞ Is there anything else you want to tell me?
14.who should…but.,表示“除了…还有谁”。
 ☞ 除了他本人还有谁写这玩意儿?
 ☞ Who should write such stuff but himself?
 ☞ 除了我刚才谈到的那人,还有谁来呢?
 ☞ Who should come but the person we were talking of?
 ☞ 中国人连死都不怕,还怕困难吗?
 ☞ Will the Chinese cower before difficulties when they are even not afraid of death?
 ☞ 谁还不爱自己的国家?
 ☞ Who does not love his own country?
 ☞ 这还了得!
 ☞ This is the limit!
 ☞ 那还用说!
 ☞ That goes without saying!
 ☞ 他还参加过石油大会战呢。
 ☞ He has taken part in a major battle for oil.
 ☞ 清洁工还没到我家来呢。
 ☞ The sanitation worker hasn't called at my house.
 ☞ 上星期我们还参观了展览会呢。
 ☞ We visited the exhibition last week.
 ☞ 我还在那里呆了两个月呢。
 ☞ I stayed there for two months.
 ☞ 这是你第一次迟到,因此我还不处分你。
 ☞ It is the first time that you are late. therefore I will not punish you.
 ☞ 她目睹了惨绝人寰的暴行,即使在当时她还不相信自己的眼睛呢。
 ☞ She witnessed the atrocity of unparalleled savagery.
 ☞ Even then she would not believe her own eyes.
19.“还”与“不”连用时,可用how could这样的修辞问句来表示事情一定会这样,但实际情况又不按说话人的思路发展。
 ☞ 这个问题那么简单,还不好回答?
 ☞ How could this simple question be difficult to answer?
 ☞ 山那么陡,他又那么不小心,还不摔下来?
 ☞ The mountain was so steep and he was so careless, how could he not fall?
 ☞ 这个练习老师给我们讲过了,你还不会做?
 ☞ How could you not know how to do this exercise when the teacher has already explained it to us?

 ☞ 我是来谢谢你的,并把你借我的雨衣还了。
 ☞ I came to thank you and return the raincoat you lent me.
 ☞ 你可以用我的自行车,不过你得在今天晚上还我。
 ☞ You may use my bicycle but you must return it to me this evening。
 ☞ 他送了我一件礼物,我也得送他一样东西还礼。
 ☞ He gave me a present and I have to give him something in return.
  ■ 此外,return还可指“回来”解。
 ☞ 我还乡时已经70岁了。
 ☞ I was seventy when I returned to my native town.
 ☞ 人人都以为他死了,可他还是生还了。
 ☞ Everybody thought he was dead, but he returned a.
 ☞ live.
 ☞ 死人还阳是不可能的。
 ☞ It's impossible for the dead to return to life.
 ☞ 银行预支给我们5万元还债。
 ☞ The bank advanced us fifty thousand yuan to pay our debts.
 ☞ 把欠我的钱还我。
 ☞ Pay me the money you owe me.
3.如果用pay表示“还”时会产生歧义,就应用pay back或repay。
 ☞ 我下个月还你钱。
 ☞ I'll pay you back next month.试比较:I'll pay you money next month,我下个月付你钱。
 ☞ 这笔钱还给了银行。
 ☞ The sum of money was paid back to the bank.]试比较:The sum of money was paid to the bank,这笔钱付给了银行。
 ☞ 我欠你的钱已经还了。
 ☞ I have repaid (paid back) the money I owed.
 ☞ 你什么时候还我?
 ☞ When will you repay me (pay me back)?
4.back, 与talk, answer, hit等结合表示语言或行动上针锋相对。
 ☞ 不许和奶奶还嘴,这不礼貌。
 ☞ Don't answer (talk) back to your grandmother. It's not polite.
 ☞ 不管敌人多么强大,我们都应予以坚决还击。
 ☞ We must resolutely hit back at the enemy no matter how strong he is.
 ☞ 他先打人,我也就还手了。
 ☞ He gave the first blow and I struck back.
还是 还是
 ☞ 他虽然对你不好,他还是你的哥哥,应当帮他。
 ☞ He has treated you badly, still he's your brother and you ought to help him.
 ☞ 今年的粮食即使达不到亩产l,000斤,至少也还是能打个800斤。
 ☞ The per mu yield of grain for this year can still be at least eight hundred jin, if not one thousand.
 ☞ 关于这一点我还是不明白。
 ☞ I'm not clear yet about this.
 ☞ 虽然我跑了多少天来收集资料,但我还是没有搞到足够的信息。
 ☞ I haven't got enough information yet though I ran about collecting data for days.
2.as yet与yet同义,但有“至今还没有”的意思。
 ☞ 对她采取什么态度,他还是没有下决心。
 ☞ He has not as yet made up his mind what attitude to adopt toward her.
 ☞ 她还是没有机会跟他讲这次的事件。
 ☞ She has as yet had no opportunity of relating the incident to him.
 ☞ 国营农场还是没有个体农场的产量高。
 ☞ As yet the state farms are less productive than the individual farms.
3.all the same,表示尽管有些周折还是按原来的样子办事。
 ☞ 虽然大家都反对,不过他们还是结了婚。
 ☞ Everybody opposed it, but they got married all the same.
 ☞ 虽然你说桥没有问题,不过我们还是要维护的。
 ☞ You say the bridge is safe but we'll take care all the same.
 ☞ 他要她做出这种牺牲,还是感到内疚的。
 ☞ All the same, he felt guilty when he asked this sacrifice of her.
 ☞ 至于价格,我们还是不会让步的。
 ☞ As for price, however, we will make no concession.
 ☞ 她还是没有意识到形势逼人。
 ☞ She was not, however, aware of the pressing situation.
 ☞ 尽管他憨,我还是喜欢他。
 ☞ Although he is silly, I like him nevertheless.
 ☞ 你说的虽然是真的,但还是不近人情。
 ☞ What you said was true but it was nevertheless unreasonable.
5.had better,表示经过比较后提出的建议。
 ☞ 天气凉了,还是多穿点儿。
 ☞ It, s getting chilly, so you'd better put on more clothes.
 ☞ 这幺重的口袋,还是让马驮着好。
 ☞ The bag is so heavy that you'd better let the horse carry it.
 ☞ 你熬了个通宵,还是睡一会吧。
 ☞ You stayed up all night, you'd better get some sleep.
 ☞ 我们是上午去还是下午去?
 ☞ Shall we go in the morning or in the afternoon?
 ☞ 去划船还是去游泳,他一时拿不定主意。
 ☞ For a while, he hesitated to go boating or to go swimming.
 ☞ 你说我们是出发还是留在这里。
 ☞ Tell us whether to start or to stay here.
7.after all, 表示事态发展或经过比较与预期的相反。
 ☞ 我的确答应要来的,但我还是来不了。
 ☞ I did promise to come' but I can't after all.
 ☞ 他以为考试要不及格了,不过还是通过了。
 ☞ He thought he was going to fail in the exam, but he passed after all.
 ☞ 去旅行还是坐飞机快得多。
 ☞ It's much fast to travel by plane after all.
 ☞ 她表现的确差劲,但她还是你妹妹嘛。
 ☞ Of course, she behaved awfully, but she, after all, is your sister.
这样 这样
1) 放在某些行为动词之后。
 ☞ 他喜欢这样站在窗前发呆。
 ☞ He likes to stand so before the window in a trance.
 ☞ 先告诉我是什么事弄得你这样心烦意乱的。
 ☞ Tell me first what has upset you so.
2) 放在形容词之前。
 ☞ 我不像你想的这样年幼无知。
 ☞ I'm neither so young nor so ignorant as you think.
 ☞ 他是这样的高大英俊、这样的孔武有力!
 ☞ He is so big, so handsome, and so forceful!
3) 在so+形容词+可数名词单数这样的结构里,不定冠词a (an)应放在形容词之后、名词之前。
 ☞ 对这样严重侮辱她的自尊心的事件,她是绝不会原谅的。
 ☞ She would never forgive so terrible an insult to her pride.
 ☞ 这样高消费的地方他能常来常往,很是得意。
 ☞ He is very pleased with himself for being able to frequent so costly a place.
4) 故在hope, believe, imagine, suppose, guess,reckon,think,be afraid等词之后,可以替代that从句,避免重复。
 "Do you think we'll have good weather?" "I hope so."
 ☞ 我相信不是这样。
 ☞ I don't believe so.(等于I believe not)
 ☞ 他不这样认为。
 ☞ He doesn't think so.(等于He thinks not)
  ■ 但是,hope这个词只用I hope not,而不用I don't hope so。
 ☞ 他是这样的傻瓜。
 ☞ He is such a fool,试比较:He is so stupid.
 ☞ 你跟她谈话是这样的耐心。
 ☞ You spoke to her with such patience,试比较:You were so patient with her.
 ☞ 你怎么会犯这样愚蠢的错误?
 ☞ However did you make such a silly mistake?试比较:However did you make so silly a mistake?
  ■ such或so后接带有定语的复数名词或不可数名词,其结构及含义并无差别。
 ☞ 任务这样重大,我们都睡不着觉了。
 ☞ We were unable to sleep, having such (so) grave responsibilities.
 ☞ 这样糟的拼写是无法容忍的。
 ☞ Such (So) bad spelling is intolerable.
  ■ 但如果不可数名词前不带定语,则只能用such。
 ☞ 什么样的女人!这样的性格!这样的意识!
 ☞ What a women she is! Such character! Such senses!
3.as it is,指像现在这个样子。
 ☞ 这样的解释不能说明问题,反而使人产生理解上的错误。
 ☞ The explanation, as it is, is more misleading than illuminating.
 ☞ 我本来以为情况会好起来,可现在这个样子却越来越糟。
 ☞ I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse.
 ☞ 要是我有钱,我应当帮他。可现在这样我是什么也做不成了。
 ☞ If I were rich I should help him. As it is I can do nothing.
 ☞ 不要动它,就让它这样。
 ☞ Leave it as it is.
4.like, like this,the likes of,指“像…这样的”。
 ☞ 在马街这样的小镇里是没有多少机会的。
 ☞ There aren't many opportunities in a small town like Majie.
 ☞ 和你这样的人讲话是我的荣耀。
 ☞ It is my honor to talk to a man like you.
 ☞ 他的心脏病经常这样发作吗?
 ☞ Does he often have heart attacks like this?
 ☞ 高级餐馆不是为我们这样的人开的。
 ☞ High class restaurants aren't for the likes of us.
 ☞ 你见过这样的东西吗?
 ☞ Have you ever seen the likes of this?
5.this, this kind,this way,直指这个。
 ☞ 如果你们觉得可以这样办,就这样办。
 ☞ If you feel this is the thing to do, then do it.
 ☞ 这一类的文学作品很受群众欢迎。
 ☞ Literary works of this kind are well received by the masses.
 ☞ 只有这样我们才能摆脱困境。
 ☞ Only in this way can we extricate ourselves from the predicament.
  ■ 只用way一词,有时也可表示“这样”。
 ☞ 她老变,一会儿这样,一会儿那样。
 ☞ She is always changing, now one way, now another.
6.be true of,指同样也适用。
 ☞ 这在中国是这样,在全世界也是这样。
 ☞ This is true of China, and true of the entire world.
 ☞ 对于其他各例也是这样。
 ☞ The same is true of all other cases.
7.at that, 指只好这样,有“承认既成事实”的意思。
 ☞ 做都做了,我们也只好这样了。
 ☞ What done is done. We'll have to leave at that.
 ☞ 他不满意这次理的发,不过也只好这样了。
 ☞ He was not satisfied with his haircut but let it go at that。
进展 进展
1.go,get along with,着重点在进行。
 ☞ 我说过,事情进展得比较顺利。
 ☞ I said that things had gone comparatively well.
 ☞ 当工作进展不顺时,他就会坐立不安。
 ☞ When his work isn't going right, he is restless.
 ☞ 他问我的英语进展如何。
 ☞ He asked me how I was getting along with my English.
 ☞ 从这点看,实验进展非常缓慢。
 ☞ The experiment proceeds very slowly from this point.
 ☞ 与美国政府就此事的会谈正在取得进展。
 ☞ The talks with the U.S. government on this matter are proceeding.
 ☞ 你的钢琴演奏进展如何?
 ☞ How is your piano playing progressing?
 ☞ 工程进展很顺利。
 ☞ The project is making good progress.
 ☞ 我军进展神速。
 ☞ Our army advanced at a miraculous pace.
 ☞ 最近20年来,科学有了很大的进展。
 ☞ Science has made great advances in the last twenty years.
5.make headway,着重点在克服困难后的进展。
 ☞ 工作一直在稳步进展。
 ☞ The work is steadily making headway.
 ☞ 谈判毫无进展。
 ☞ The talks have made no headway.
 ☞ 如果资金多一点,我们科研的进展本来是应该加快的。
 ☞ Our scientific researches should have been quick footed if we had more funds.
 ☞ 在农民积极性没有被调动以前,农业生产一直进展缓慢。
 ☞ The farm production had been slow-footed before the enthusiasm of the peasants was aroused.
进步 进步
 ☞ 发现一种癌症疗法将会是医学上的一个重大进步。
 ☞ Discovering a cure for cancer would be a major medical advance.
 ☞ 在这种制度下,普及教育有了很大的进步。
 ☞ Under this system universal education has made great advance.
 ☞ 世界在进步。
 ☞ The world is progressing (advancing).
 ☞ 你在学习上有进步吗?
 ☞ Have you progressed (advanced) in your studies?
  ■ 此外,progress可以用作名词。
 ☞ 我的男孩在学校里进步很快。
 ☞ My boy is making rapid progress at school 这次会议表明我们有进步。
 ☞ The conference indicates our progress.
  ■ progress的同根形容词progressive还可以表示性质上的进步。
 ☞ 他恰恰是个思想进步的人。
 ☞ He happened to be a man of progressive views.
 ☞ 工会重整了全国各地的进步势力。
 ☞ The trade union rallied its progressive force from different parts of the country.
  ■ 注意progressive与advanced的区别。
 ☞ 鲁迅恰好是位思想进步的思想家。
 ☞ Lu Xun happened to be a thinker of progressive idea.
 ☞ 鲁迅在他同时代的革命者中间恰好是位思想进步的思想家。
 ☞ Lu Xun happened to be a thinker of advanced ideas among the revolutionaries of his age.(指与同时代人相比是进步了的思想)
3.有时“进步”是指向前迈步,这时可用move (go) ahead, move (make)a step forward, make great strides等。
 ☞ 世界在进步。
 ☞ The world moves ahead.
 ☞ 世界上的一切事物都在进步。
 ☞ Things in the world are going ahead.
 ☞ 两国关系向前迈进了一步。
 ☞ The relationship between the two nations has moved a step forward.
 ☞ 我国又向四个现代化迈进了一步。
 ☞ China has made a step towards the four modernizations.
 ☞ 我国自改革以来有了很大的进步。
 ☞ China has made great strides since the reform.
 ☞ 你的发音很有进步。
 ☞ Your pronunciation has greatly improved.
 ☞ 想想你在短期内是如何取得进步的。
 ☞ Just think how you have improved in the short time.
进行 进行
  ■ “进行”原意为从事某种活动,常用于带有持续性的正式而严肃的行为。从这一词义出发,其译法可分为下面几大类。
1) in progress,指处在进展之中。
 ☞ 地质勘探工作已在进行。
 ☞ Geological prospecting is already in progress.
 ☞ 战斗还在进行。
 ☞ The fight is still in progress.
2) underway,指处于行进之中。
 ☞ 审判的筹备工作正在进行。
 ☞ Preparations for the trial are underway.
 ☞ 演出在进行中。
 ☞ The show is underway.
3) in full swing,指全面展开。
 ☞ 工程正在全面进行。
 ☞ Construction is in full swing.
 ☞ 选举前10周,竞选活动已在全面进行。
 ☞ Ten weeks before the election the campaign was in full swing.
4) get along (on),go on,指沿着一定的轨道进行。
 ☞ 工作进行得怎么样?
 ☞ How are you getting along in your work?
 ☞ 手术过程中一切都进行得很好。
 ☞ Everything was getting on very well during the operation。
 ☞ 战争一直进行到1949年。
 ☞ The war went on till 1949.
5) proceed,指着手进行。
 ☞ 会谈是在友好气氛中进行的。
 ☞ The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.
 ☞ 咱们进行下一项议程吧。
 ☞ Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda.
6) last,指持续进行。
 ☞ 抗日战争进行了大概8年。
 ☞ The War of Resistance Against Japan lasted about eight years.
 ☞ 竞选活动从6月进行到10月。
 ☞ The election campaign lasted from June to October.
7) continue,指间断后继续进行。
 ☞ 大会明天继续进行。
 ☞ The conference continues tomorrow.
 ☞ 与此同时,我继续进行调查。
 ☞ Meanwhile I continued my investigation.
1) engage in,指从事。
 ☞ 一些较大的公司为了进一步发展都在进行科研工作。
 ☞ Some of the bigger firms engage in scientific researches for further development.
 ☞ 你要是进行政治活动,就别指望还有多少时间来照顾家庭。
 ☞ If you engage in politics, you cannot expect to have much time for your family.
2) carry out,carry on (with),指执行或继续执行。
 ☞ 我们现在不但在经济方面,而且也在社会制庋方面进行改革。
 ☞ We are now carrying out a reform not only in economics but also in social system.
 ☞ 据说杀戮是由黑帮的成员进行的。
 ☞ The killings were said to have been carried out by members of a sinister gang.
 ☞ 毫无疑问,他们是会进行地下活动的。
 ☞ They will, without doubt, carry on the underground activities.
 ☞ 医生告诉她要继续进行治疗。
 ☞ The doctor told her to carry on with the treatment.
3) conduct,指实行。
 ☞ 进行改革的探索和试验确有必要。
 ☞ It is necessary to conduct exploratory and pilot reform.
 ☞ 他对课程应如何进行心里是有数的。
 ☞ He has ideas about how the lessons should be conducted.
4) perform,指施行。
 ☞ 两天后手术进行得很成功。
 ☞ Two days later the operation was performed successfully.
 ☞ 他进行了一次又一次的试验,一直工作到深夜。
 ☞ He performed his experiment over and over, working till midnight.
5) hold,指使之举行,take place,指自动举行。
 ☞ 我们每5年进行一次大选。
 ☞ We hold a general election every five years.
 ☞ 宴会是在亲切友好的气氛中进行的。
 ☞ The banquet was held in an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship.
 ☞ 这次谈话是在什么时候进行的?
 ☞ When did the conversation take place?
 ☞ 他进来时婚礼正在进行。
 ☞ The wedding was taking place when he came in.
6) wage,指开展。
 ☞ 非洲人民正在为争取非洲的彻底解放而进行艰苦的斗争。
 ☞ The people of Africa are waging a hard struggle to win the complete emancipation of the continent.
 ☞ 我们迟早都得进行一场反对贫困与无知的战争。
 ☞ We will have to wage a war against poverty and ignorance sooner or later.
7) impose,指强制推行。
 ☞ 东道国有可能进行外汇管制。
 ☞ The host country may impose foreign exchange control.
 ☞ 海湾战争后联合国对伊拉克进行经济封锁。
 ☞ The United Nations has imposed an economic blockade on Iraq since the Gulf War.
8) undertake,指承担。
 ☞ 我要你进行所有这些安排。
 ☞ I want you to undertake all the arrangements.
 ☞ 她亲自进行这次会议的准备。
 ☞ She herself undertook preparations for the conference.
9) commit,指做坏事、错事。
 ☞ 这次事件促使日本帝国主义进行新的侵略。
 ☞ The incident stimulated the Japanese imperialists into committing new aggressions.
 ☞ 自杀是在两年后进行的。
 ☞ The suicide was committed two years later.
10) subject,指使受到。
 ☞ 学校对我们进行了测试。
 ☞ The school subjected us a searching test.
 ☞ 对一切错误思想都应进行批判。
 ☞ All erroneous ideas must be subjected to criticism.
1) make,与表示动作的名词连用,构成虚指的动宾结构。
 ☞ 警方对作案现场进行了调查。
 ☞ The police made an investigation at the scene of the crime.
 ☞ 他对马列著作进行过深入的研究。
 ☞ He made a deep study of the works of Marx and Lenin.
2) have,与表示动作的名词连用,构成一个整体的动作。
 ☞ 总统接见了我,并进行了亲切友好的谈话。
 ☞ The president received me and had a cordial and friendly conversation.
 ☞ 那天晚上他对那位著名的演员进行了采访。
 ☞ He had an interview with that famous actor that night.
3) take,后与表示动作的名词连用,表示某种活动。
 ☞ 他在途中做了短暂的停留并对港口进行了检查。
 ☞ He made a brief stop on the way and took an inspection of the port.
 ☞ 她吃得太多,也从来不进行锻炼。
 ☞ She eats too much and never takes exercise.
4) put (up),与表示动作的名词结合,形成一个整体。
 ☞ 他对任何社会问题总要进行一番政治上的解释。
 ☞ He always puts a political interpretation on any social problem.
 ☞ 对这一问题,我们在会上进行了表决。
 ☞ We put the question to vote at the meeting.
 ☞ 走私犯没有进行多少抵抗,很快就被制服了。
 ☞ The smugglers put up little resistance and were overcome quickly.
 ☞ 我们应该对党员进行党的优良传统教育。
 ☞ We must educate Party members in the Party's fine tradition.
 ☞ 不要对不怀好意的报道进行宣传。
 ☞ Don't propagate unkind reports.
 ☞ 对水压机,我们有一套规程来进行操作。
 ☞ We have a set of rules to operate the hydraulic press.
 ☞ 她被派到中国出口商品交易会去进行示范。
 ☞ She was sent to the China's Export Commodities Fair to demonstrate.
 ☞ 中国京剧团被邀到香港进行表演。
 ☞ The China's Beijing Opera Troupe was invited to perform in Hong Kong.

 ☞ 我住得离市中心不远。
 ☞ I don't live far from the center of the town.
 ☞ 不要走远了。
 ☞ Don't go far.
 ☞ 你们走了多远?
 ☞ How far did you walk?
 ☞ 离这多远?
 ☞ How far is it from here?
  ■ 不过下面用far的肯定句,也不能算错。
 ☞ 我们走远了。
 ☞ We walked far。
 ☞ 这儿离山顶远。
 ☞ It's far to the top of the mountain.
  ■ 但多数会用以下的句子代替。
 ☞ We walked a long way.
 ☞ It's a long way to the top of the mountain.
  ■ 此外,far还可以与某些词组构成词组用于肯定句中,但这时大都与“远”没有什么关系了。如:你太过分了。You've gone too far.就我所知没什么问题。It's OK as far as I know.到目前为止我还没遇到任何问题。I haven't had any problem so far.对你的成绩,我一点也不满意。I'm far from being satisfied with your results.当然,肯定句用far的例外也还是有的,但这时的far大都是惯用语。
 ☞ 远在公元11世纪,中国已经使用火药。
 ☞ Gunpowder was used in China as far back as the 11th century.
 ☞ 这个问题远比那个重要。
 ☞ This problem is far more important than that.
 ☞ 郑和七下西洋,声威远扬。
 ☞ Zheng He sailed to the "Western Oceans" seven times with his mighty fame spreading far and wide.
 ☞ 这家轧钢厂的基建费用远远超过五亿元。
 ☞ The capital cost of this steel-rolling plant far exceeded 500 million yuan.
 ☞ 城里的这家饭店远比其他家好。
 ☞ This is by far the best hotel in town.
2.distant,指遥远。由于far在现代英语中很少用作定语,故人们一般用distant来取代far,尽管有些固定词组还在使用。如:Far East, Far West, Far North, far side, far place筹。
 ☞ 我们远看珠穆朗玛峰,景色十分美丽。
 ☞ We had a distant view of Mount Qomolangma, which is very beautiful.
 ☞ 远亲不如近邻。
 ☞ Neighbors that are near are better than distant relatives.
 ☞ 秦始皇遵循一条远交近攻的政策,终于统一了中国。
 ☞ The First Emperor of Qin finally unified China, pursuing the policy of befriending distant states while attacking those nearby.
 ☞ 远水解不了近渴。
 ☞ Distant water can't quench present thirst.
 ☞ 远远传来了音乐声。
 ☞ There came sounds of distant music.
 ☞ 不过,在不远的将来,这种进化一定会发生。
 ☞ But this development must take place in the not-too-distant future.
  ■ 此外,distant的同根词distance在keep at a distance, keep one's distance from 里,都有“远着点”的意思。
 ☞ 他是个小人,你最好离他远点。
 ☞ He is a base person. You'd better keep him at a distance.
 ☞ 狮子的样子凶猛,我决定离它远点。
 ☞ The lion looked fierce, so I decided to keep my distance from it.
3.keep away from, 与keep at a distance基本上是同一个意思,但它可以带宾语。
 ☞ 你最好离烟酒远点。
 ☞ You'd better keep away from tobacco and liquor.
 ☞ 小心,你离悬崖的边缘远点。
 ☞ Be careful you keep away from the edge of the precipice.
 ☞ 亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉之所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉之所以倾颓也。
 ☞ Attracting worthy men and repelling mean men this achieved the glory of the Former Han; attracting mean men and repelling worthy men-this ruined the Latter Han.
 ☞ 贤明的君主应该远奸佞。
 ☞ A wise and able sovereign ought to repel crafty sycophants.
 ☞ 我们的远祖是从浙江来的。
 ☞ Our remote ancestors came from Zhejiang.
 ☞ 他是我的远亲。
 ☞ He is my remote relative.
 ☞ 你的话离我们所讨论的题目太远了。
 ☞ Your remarks are too remote from the subject we are discussing.
违抗 违抗
 ☞ 他违抗政府规定,携带大量现金出国。
 ☞ He defied the government's rule against taking large amounts of cash out of the country.
 ☞ 既然这孩子在独自谋生,那么违抗他爹也不为过。
 ☞ Now that the boy was earning his own living by himself it was not a fault for him to defy his father.
 ☞ 违抗人民意志的人绝不会有好下场。
 ☞ Those who defy the will of the people will certainly come to no good end.
 ☞ 他因违抗上级而被撤职。
 ☞ He was discharged from his duty for defying his superiors.
 ☞ 你违抗命令,擅自行动,该当何罪?
 ☞ What punishment do you think you deserve when you acted presumptuously in defiance of orders?
 ☞ 他因违抗校长而终于被开除。
 ☞ He was finally expelled for disobeying the headmaster.
 ☞ 他由于违抗军纪被摘去领章和帽徽。
 ☞ He was stripped of his insignia on the collar and cap for disobeying military discipline.
 ☞ 违抗洋人的命令我倒是不敢,我挣的是他们的钱。
 ☞ To disobey the order from the foreigners I dare not. I earn their money.
3.insubordinate, insubordination,强调性质上违抗命令。
 ☞ 那些违抗命令的水兵都被关在军舰的禁闭室里。
 ☞ The sailors who were insubordinate are confined in the warship's brig.
 ☞ 那等于是违抗命令。
 ☞ That is tantamount to insubordination.
违法 违法
1.unlawful, illegal, 均指性质上菲法(详见“非法”条)。
 ☞ 集会未经批准是违法的。
 ☞ The assembly is unlawful if it is not ratified.
 ☞ 你经营店铺没有执照是违法的。
 ☞ Your business is unlawful without license.
 ☞ 你为什么要进行这种既违法又危险的活动?
 ☞ Why are you engaged in such activities that are both illegal and dangerous?
 ☞ 你在这里停车是违法的。
 ☞ It is illegal to park your car here.
2.break the law,指行动上违法。
 ☞ 你这么做是违法的。
 ☞ You're breaking the law by so doing.
 ☞ 她因贩卖人口而被控违法。
 ☞ She was accused of breaking the law for trafficking in human beings.
3.violate (transgress against) law, transgression,均指行动上明目张胆地违法。
 ☞ 违法乱纪的干部都应予以撤职查办。
 ☞ All cadres who violated law and discipline must be discharged from their posts and prosecuted.
 ☞ 该矿主屡屡违法应予立即逮捕。
 ☞ The mine owner who violated the laws countless times must be arrested immediately.
 ☞ 你既然贩卖私货,那就是违法。
 ☞ Now that you trafficked in smuggled goods, you have transgressed against the law.
 ☞ 他暗自思忖:“偶然违法,于己无害。”
 ☞ He thought to himself: "An occasional transgression of the law could not harm me."
 ☞ 他因违法失职而被撤职。
 ☞ He was discharged from his post for transgression of the law and neglect of duty.
4.against the law,指与法律相悖。
 ☞ 偷渡是违法的。
 ☞ It is against the law to run a blockade.
 ☞ 这是违法的。
 ☞ This is against the law.
违背(违反) 违背(违反)
  ■ “违背”和“违反”是两个同义词。“违背”着重在“背离”,而“违反”着重在“不符合法规”。两者一般可以换用。但当谓语为“感情”、“义务”、“诺言”、“良心”等时,一般只用“违背”,而不用“违反”。因此“违背”要比“违反”用得广。
 ☞ 马克思主义的基本原则是不能违背的,违背了就要犯错误。
 ☞ The basic principle of Marxism must never be violated. otherwise mistakes will be made.
 ☞ 他们甚至公然违背大会的决议。
 ☞ They even openly violated the decisions of the congress.
 ☞ 贵国政府违背了国际惯例。
 ☞ The government of your country has violated the accepted international practice.
 ☞ 他因违反交通规则而被罚款。
 ☞ He was fined for violating traffic regulations.
 ☞ 这种说法违反了普遍常识。
 ☞ This formulation violated common sense.
 ☞ 这是违反纪律、违反制度的。
 ☞ This is a violation of discipline and regulations.
2.run counter to,go against,指行动、效果上违反或违背,前者为书面用语,后者为口头用语。
 ☞ 教条主义和修正主义都是违背马克思主义的。
 ☞ Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.
 ☞ 对他们不予惩治是违反人民意愿的。
 ☞ It would run counter to the will of the people if they were not punished.
 ☞ 我是不会违背我的家庭的。
 ☞ I'm not going to go against my family.
 ☞ 歧视私营工商业是违反社会发展规律的。
 ☞ Discrimination against privately owned industrial and commercial enterprises goes against the laws of social development.
 ☞ 这是违背你的良心的,可你还要那么干。
 ☞ It was against your conscience, but you still did it that way.
 ☞ 他们退股肯定要违背公司利益。
 ☞ Their withdrawing shares would surely be against the interests of our company.
 ☞ 那农村姑娘是违反自己的意愿结婚的。
 ☞ The country girl was married against her will.
 ☞ 过去,同性恋被认为是一种违背本性的罪过。
 ☞ Homosexuality was considered a crime against nature in the past.
4.break, breach,指破坏性的违背、违反。
 ☞ 他指责他父亲违背了诺言。
 ☞ He accused his father of having broken his promise.
 ☞ 如果违背誓言会给以什么样的惩罚?
 ☞ What punishment will be meted out if one breaks a vow?
 ☞ 任何人都无权违反本校的规章制度。
 ☞ No one has the right to break the rules and regulations of our college.
 ☞ 他场言如果我们违反他的命令就要把我们从军队中赶出去。
 ☞ He threatened to turn us out of the army if we break his order.
 ☞ 如果演员们未得到报酬,他们可以起诉导演违反合同。
 ☞ If the actors are not paid they can sue the director for breach of contract.
5.contrary to,指与之相反的违背。
 ☞ 这一政策违背了大多数人的利益。
 ☞ This policy is contrary to the interests of most of the people.
 ☞ 公司的做法违反了董事会决议的精神。
 ☞ The practice of the corporation is contrary to the spirit of the resolution of the board.
6.go back on,仅指违背诺言。
 ☞ 我是不会违背我说过的话的。
 ☞ I won't go back on what I said.
 ☞ 他说过他要帮我,接着又违背了自己的诺言。
 ☞ He said he would help me, and then went back' on his promise.

 ☞ 连小孩子都看得懂这本书。
 ☞ Even a child can understand the book.
 ☞ 我连那位老朋友的名字都记不起来了。
 ☞ I can't even remember the name of that old friend of mine.
 ☞ 他连我的信都不回。
 ☞ He didn't answer even my letter.
 ☞ 连太阳都有黑斑呢。
 ☞ There are spots even on the sun.
2.not so much as,是个特殊结构,意思与not even相同。
 ☞ 半小时过去了,他连笔都没动。
 ☞ Half an hour having passed, he hadn't so much as (even) started writing.
 ☞ 解放前她连自己的名字都不会写。
 ☞ Before liberation she couldn't so much as (even) write her own name。
 ☞ 我把找到的钱还给了他,他连谢都不谢。
 ☞ He didn't so much as (even) thank me for returning his money that I found.
 ☞ 她连500块钱一个月都挣不到。
 ☞ She couldn't earn so much as (even) five hundred yuan a month.
 ☞ 办公室里连我有10个人。
 ☞ There are ten people in the office, including me.
 ☞ 连警察至少有80人受伤。
 ☞ At least 80 persons were wounded, including policemen.
 ☞ 他和群众心连心。
 ☞ His heart is linked with the hearts of the masses.
 ☞ 每个情节单看都平淡,连在一起就有趣了。
 ☞ When taken separately, each of the episodes is rather dull, but when linked together, they're very interesting.
5.succession, 指类似的事物一个接着一个。
 ☞ 他连遭不幸。
 ☞ A succession of misfortunes has befallen him.
 ☞ 他连发了3封电报。
 ☞ He sent three telegrams in succession.
6.一个类似事物+ after+另一个类似事物,也表示一个接着一个。
 ☞ 她连唱了5支歌。
 ☞ She sang five songs one after another.
 ☞ 我军连战连捷。
 ☞ Our troops won battle after battle.
7.running, 指接连做了好长时间或好多次。
 ☞ 村民们连年丰收,日子越来越好过了。
 ☞ The villagers have reaped bumper harvests for years running and they have had an easier and easier time.
 ☞ 你连着见她3次是什么意思?
 ☞ What do you mean by meeting her three times running?
 ☞ 连日阴雨,我很少外出办事。
 ☞ It was rainy for days and I seldom went out on business.
 ☞ 他连说了3个钟头。
 ☞ He spoke continuously for three hours.
9.without, 后接有中断意思的动名词或带有动作的名词,可表示连续不断。
 ☞ 他们不但没有连声叫苦,反而乐此不疲。
 ☞ Instead of crying out their bitterness without ceasing they always work at it gladly and never tire.
 ☞ 上星期连着下了3天雨。
 ☞ Last week it rained three days without break.
 ☞ 她一下连升3级工资。
 ☞ She was promoted by three wage grades at one go.
 ☞ 我们是连夜开车赶回来的。
 ☞ We hurried back by driving far into the night.
 ☞ 他对我做的一切连声道谢。
 ☞ He thanked me profusely for what I did.
 ☞ 这书空话连篇。
 ☞ The book fills endless pages with empty verbiage.
 ☞ 那地方山连着山,水连着水,风景很美。
 ☞ The scenery there is very beautiful with many mountains, lakes and rivers.
 ☞ 许多大树都被连根拔起。
 ☞ Many large trees were pulled up by their roots.
 ☞ 兄妹两人抵达北京联袂演出。
 ☞ Both brother and sister arrived in Beijing to give a performance in a pair.
 ☞ 记者们一拥而上,连珠炮似地向他提问。
 ☞ The reporters closed in on him and fired questions at him.
连…带… 连…带…
 ☞ 我们当时饿得把它连毛带皮都吃了。
 ☞ We were so hungry that we ate it up with its hide and hair.
 ☞ 连耕带种花了我们一个月的时间。
 ☞ It took us a month to do the ploughing and sowing.
 ☞ 连死带伤55人。
 ☞ Altogether 55 were accounted for, wounded and dead.
 ☞ 武松按住老虎脑袋,连踢带打,一会儿就把老虎打死了。
 ☞ Pressing the tiger to the ground, Wu Song kicked and struck it and beat the tiger to death in a minute.
 ☞ 孩子们连唱带跳地跑了过来。
 ☞ The children ran up, jumping and singing.
 ☞ 我连说带比划,总算把问题讲清楚了。
 ☞ Talking and gesticulating, I managed to make myself clear.
2.both... and... ,也可用来连接两个处于同等地位的名词、代词等,但语气较and强,带有“既…又…”的意思。
 ☞ 赶车的要不是把大车赶到村子里找地方避雨,他连人带马都得淋个透。
 ☞ If the driver hadn't driven the cart to the village to find shelter from rain, both he and the horse would have been soaked to the skin.
 ☞ 一年里面,他连本带利亏了个精光。
 ☞ He lost both capital and interest within a year.
3.including... and... ,用来连接处于次要地位的两个名词。
 ☞ 连老带小一共23口人。
 ☞ There are altogether 23, including the old people and children.
 ☞ 连伙食带住宿,他们一天收50元。
 ☞ They charged 50 yuan a day, including board and lodging.
连天 连天
1.for days,指连日。
 ☞ 近日来连天阴雨。
 ☞ It has been cloudy and rainy for days recently.
 ☞ 我们连日连夜地赶任务。
 ☞ We rushed through our jobs for days and nights.
2.the sky merges, touch the skies,指连接天空(用单复数均可)。
 ☞ 天连水,水连天。
 ☞ The sky and the water seem to merge.
 ☞ 摩天大楼高得几乎连着天。
 ☞ The skyscrapers are so tall that they almost touch the skies.
3.lick the heavens, complain to heaven, 用复数并带定冠词the表示天空,用单数不带定冠词表示苍天,分别指吞没天空或怨天尤人。
 ☞ 炮声隆隆,炮火连天。
 ☞ Cannons boomed and gunfire licked the heavens.
 ☞ 他无论干什么,总是叫苦连天的。
 ☞ Whatever he does he is always complaining to high heaven.
4.reach horizon,指到达地平线。
 ☞ 大水连天,淹没了村庄和田野。
 ☞ The flood reached the horizon, submerging villages and fields.
 ☞ 连天的大浪朝着我们打来。
 ☞ Horizon-reaching waves surged over us.
连年 连年
1.successive years, years in succession, 指一连多年。
 ☞ 该地区连年遭受水灾。
 ☞ The area was hit by floods in successive years.
 ☞ 我们战胜了连年的干旱。
 ☞ We conquered successive years of drought.
 ☞ 他因成绩优秀而连年获得头奖。
 ☞ He has been awarded first prize for his excellent results for years in succession.
2.years running,指连续几年。
 ☞ 我村由于兴修水利工程而连年丰收。
 ☞ Our village reaped rich harvests for years running because of the construction of water conservancy projects.
 ☞ 连年兵荒马乱的,何时得了?
 ☞ The turmoil and chaos of war last for years running.
 ☞ When will all this end?
3.long years, 指长长的一年又一年。
 ☞ 由于连年征战国库空虚。
 ☞ The national treasury is deleted because of long years of war.
 ☞ 该国连年动乱,民不聊生。
 ☞ Long years of turmoil in that country made life impossible for the people.
4.year after year,指年复一年。
 ☞ 由于我们应用了他们的经验,产量连年上升。
 ☞ We have increased the output year after year by using their experience.
 ☞ 我公司的增长率连年超过全球的一切竞争者。
 ☞ Year after year the growth of our company surpassed that of all of its global competitors.
连接 连接
 ☞ 焊接十分光滑,很难看出管子是在哪儿连接在一起的。
 ☞ The welding is so smooth that you can hardly see where the sections of the pipe are joined together.
 ☞ 他把电线连接起来,接通了电路。
 ☞ He completed the electric circuit by joining the wire.
 ☞ 这两个从句是由一个连词连接起来的。
 ☞ The two clauses are joined by a conjunction.
 ☞ 该岛与大陆是由一条石坝连接起来的。
 ☞ The island is connected to the mainland by a stone bank.
 ☞ 煤气炉是在哪儿连接煤气管的?
 ☞ Where does the cooker connect with the gas pipe?
 ☞ 把软管连接到水龙头上。
 ☞ Connect the hose to the faucet.
 ☞ 这两部分连接得不好。
 ☞ The two parts do not connect properly.
 ☞ 把各大陆的通讯系统连接起来的需要日益增长。
 ☞ There is an ever increasing need to link communication systems on various continents.
 ☞ 这些河流是由一条新开的运河连接起来的。
 ☞ These rivers are linked up by a new canal.
 ☞ 环境的改善把人心和大地的生命连接在一起了。
 ☞ The improved environments have linked the human heart to the life of the earth.
  ■ 尽管这三个词意义十分相近,但其各自的内涵十分明显。试比较:
 ☞ 横跨长江、汉水的两座大桥把武汉三镇连接起来了。
 ☞ The two bridges across the Changjiang River and the Hanshui River joined the three cities of Wuhan.(使之成为一个整体)
 ☞ 大桥把该岛和大陆连接在一起。
 ☞ The bridge connects the island with the mainland.
 ☞ 大桥把河的两岸连接了起来。
 ☞ The bridge links the two sides of the river.(仅仅是连接而已)
连续 连续
1.continuous (non-stop),指没有间断的连续。
 ☞ 这飞机能连续飞行两天。
 ☞ The plane is capable of two days' continuous flight.
 ☞ 如果没有连续的空中掩护,盟军在第二次世界大战中的登陆多半不会成功。
 ☞ Most Allied landings in World War II would not have been possible without continuous (non-stop) air cover.
 ☞ 大脑需要连续供血。
 ☞ The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.
 ☞ 两国连续八年处于战争状态。
 ☞ The two countries had been at continuous war for eight years.
 ☞ 无人会喜欢自己说话连续被人打断。
 ☞ No one likes continual interruptions while speaking.
 ☞ 基本粒子处于连续的高速运动之中。
 ☞ The basic particles are in continual rapid motion.
 ☞ 他连续3届当选为总统。
 ☞ He was reelected president for three consecutive terms.(连续3次竞选3次当选,中间没有间隔)
 ☞ 所有文件应连续分两次邮寄。
 ☞ All of the documents should be forwarded by two consecutive mails.(两次邮寄也没有间隔)
 ☞ 他两星期里连续做了3次手术。
 ☞ He underwent three successive operations in two weeks.(中间有间隔)
 ☞ 我们队连续赢了4场球。
 ☞ Our team won four successive matches。(也同样如此)
  ■ consecutive与successive 的明显区别可以从下面两个译例区分开来。
 ☞ 人们可以说9、10、11三个数是连续数。
 ☞ One would speak of 9, 10, 11 as consecutive numbers.
 ☞ 3、11、9三个数字连续打在屏幕上。
 ☞ The successive numbers 3.11.9 were flashed on the screen.
 ☞ 我们连续几天都见面。
 ☞ We met several days running.
 ☞ 连续6个晚上我做了同一个不可思议的梦。
 ☞ I had the same incredible dream for six nights running.
 ☞ 我们连续赢了6场球。
 ☞ We won the matches six times running.
6.in succession,指一个接一个。in a row,指排成行后一个接一个,是比较形象的说法。
 ☞ 我厂连续6年未出事故。
 ☞ In our factory there have been no accidents for six years in succession.
 ☞ 他连续赢了3局。
 ☞ He won three games in succession.
 ☞ 我省连续7年获得粮食高产。
 ☞ Our province has gathered high grain yields for seven years in a row.
7.at a stretch, 常与表示时间的名词连用,表示一口气完成。
 ☞ 我们连续干了8小时。
 ☞ We worked eight hours at a stretch.
 ☞ 我可以连续睡上24小时。
 ☞ I can sleep 24 hours at a stretch.
连贯 连贯
1.link up,指连接贯通。用于实指、虚指均可。
 ☞ 几座长江大桥把南北交通连贯起来了。
 ☞ A number of bridges over Changjiang link up the communication lines between north and south.
 ☞ 一件件情报连贯起来,可以设想出谁是凶手。
 ☞ Pieces of information linked up to suggest who the murderer was.
2.piece together... into,指拼凑在一起,形成连贯的思路、画面等。
 ☞ 侦探们把他们的所见所闻连贯起来,形成的推理令人咋舌。
 ☞ The detectives pieced together what they saw and heard into an astonishing inference.
 ☞ 科学家们把来自不同渠道的信息连贯起来,就形成对整个星球的一幅综合性的图画。
 ☞ The scientists pieced together the information from different lines into a comprehensive picture of the entire star。
3.hang together,指前后一致。
 ☞ 上下句的意思要连贯。
 ☞ Two consecutive sentences must hang together.
 ☞ 这故事的情节前后很连贯。
 ☞ The story hangs together pretty well.
 ☞ 这些话已插到意思最为连贯的地方。
 ☞ These statements have been inserted where they seem to cohere best.
 ☞ 前后不连贯的句子很难懂。
 ☞ It is hard to understand sentences that do not cohere.
 ☞ 你的发言,各部分都应相互连贯。
 ☞ Your speech should be coherent with each other between its parts.
 ☞ 这篇文章写得很不连贯。
 ☞ This article is rather incoherent.
 ☞ 政府在处理失业和物价的方式上是具有连贯性的。
 ☞ The government has been consistent in the way it has treated unemployment and price.
 ☞ 任何文体只要其本身连贯、和谐,都应该是好的。
 ☞ All styles are good provided they are consistent and harmonious within themselves.
迫近 迫近
 ☞ 中国人民解放军于1949年4月初迫近了国民党军队设防的长江防线。
 ☞ The Chinese People's Liberation Army approached the Kuomintang troop's Changjiang River line of defense in early April 1949.
 ☞ 年关迫近,也该结账了。
 ☞ The end of the year is approaching when accounts must be settled.
 ☞ 随着行期的迫近,他变得越来越紧张不安。
 ☞ He got more and more nervous as the day of departure was nearing (approaching).
 ☞ 经过10小时的夜晚急行军之后,我们迫近了鬼子的岗哨。
 ☞ After ten hours' rapid march at night we neared the Japanese's sentries.
3.close in, 指时间、空间缩小到触手可及的地步。
 ☞ 我军前锋部队在敌人还来不及建立巩固的防御阵地之前就已经迫近敌人了。
 ☞ The advanced units of our army had closed in on the enemy before he could establish any strong defensive position.
 ☞ 迫击炮声似乎正在迫近。
 ☞ The sound of mortar-fire seemed to be closing in.
4.press on (up),指以巨大的压力迫近。
 ☞ 我军已迫近运河。
 ☞ Our troops were pressing on towards the canal.
 ☞ 敌人的大部队都已经迫近城墙根了,而那位皇上还依然纸醉金迷。
 ☞ The enemy forces were to press up to the city wall when that emperor was still leading a voluptuous life.
迫(迫使) 迫(迫使)
 ☞ 最好的办法是迫敌投降。
 ☞ The best way is to force the enemy to surrender.
 ☞ 编辑们被迫逃生,印报纸的工厂也被付之一炬。
 ☞ The editors were forced to flee for their lives and the newspaper printing house was burned.
 ☞ 第二次世界大战期间,美国的压力足以迫使德国暂停潜艇战。
 ☞ During World WarⅡthe American pressure was sufficient to force Germany to suspend submarine warfare.
 ☞ 形势会最终迫使你们放弃这一政策的。
 ☞ Circumstances will force you finally to give up this policy.
 ☞ 我们能迫使河流改道吗?
 ☞ Can we force the river to change its course?
2.compel,也指出于某种力量的迫使,但与force最 大的不同是compel的宾语一般为人,接物时刚应译做“不得不”。如His cleverness compelled our admiration.(他的聪明不得不令人钦佩。)
 ☞ 除非你迫使我去,否则我是不去的。
 ☞ I won't go unless you compel me.
 ☞ 大雨迫使我们留在室内。
 ☞ The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors.
 ☞ 新发现的事实迫使国家领导人重新审视他们原先做出的概括是否恰当。
 ☞ The discovery of new facts compelled the state leaders to reexamine the adequacy of their previous generalization.
 ☞ 政府扬言要提出诉讼,从而迫使工会接受工资限额。
 ☞ The government coerced the trade union into accepting the pay limit by threatening it with a lawsuit.
 ☞ 老师过去常用体罚迫使孩子听话。
 ☞ Teachers used to coerce pupils into obedience by physical punishment.
 ☞ 战俘被迫写信表扬抓他们的人。
 ☞ Prisoners of war were coerced into writing letters praising their captors.
 ☞ 无人能迫使我违背良心说出自己的信仰。
 ☞ No one could constrain me against my conscience to reveal my belief.
 ☞ 他迫于贫困,不得不住在别人家里。
 ☞ He was constrained through poverty to live in the houses of others.
 ☞ 她感到放弃这个主意是被迫的。
 ☞ She felt constrained to abandon the idea.
 ☞ 我军迫使敌人后撤。
 ☞ Our army pressed the enemy to retreat.
 ☞ 警察迫使学生回到街垒后面。
 ☞ The police pressed the students back behind the street barriers.
 ☞ 迫于形势我军向安全地区撤离。
 ☞ Our army withdrew to a safe place under the pressure of circumstances。
 ☞ 饥饿迫使她们出卖自己的肉体。
 ☞ Hunger drove them to sell their bodies.
 ☞ 巴尔扎克因迫于债务而在写作上创造了难以置信的丰功伟绩。
 ☞ Honore de Balzac was driven to incredible feats in writing by pressure of debts.
 ☞ 这是我迫不得已而为之的事。
 ☞ This is what I was driven to do against my will.

1.run after, 指为获得追逐的目标而追赶,强调在后面追。
 ☞ 赶快把他追回来,他把皮夹忘在柜台上了。
 ☞ Quick, run after him. He's left his wallet on the counter。
 ☞ 别费劲追那辆车了,你追不上的。
 ☞ Don't bother running after the car, You'll never catch it.
 ☞ 警察在追一个扒手。
 ☞ The policeman is running after a pickpocket.
 ☞ 他学习上不图上进,却花大量的时间追女人。
 ☞ Instead of developing himself to his studies, he spends a lot of time running after women.
2.chase,也指追赶、追逐,但为获得追逐物的目的没有run after那么明显,强调过程。
 ☞ 我家的猫追老鼠,但没追到。
 ☞ Our cat chased the mouse but could not catch it.
 ☞ 她的母亲满街追着她打。
 ☞ Her mother chased her through the streets and beat her.
  ■ 由于chase不强调追逐的目的,不是为了获得追逐物,因此有时追逐的目的往往是嬉戏。
 ☞ 我看见儿子和女儿在灌木丛里追出追进。
 ☞ I saw my son chasing my daughter in and out among the bushes.
 ☞ 不要追来追去的,快坐下来!
 ☞ Stop chasing about and sit down.
  ■ 即使有时具有明显的追捕目的,但也没有run after那种一追一逃的生动画面。
 ☞ 警方一直在追捕杀人犯,但不知其下落。
 ☞ The police have been chasing the murderer but they have no idea of his whereabouts.
3.pursue,也强调为获得追逐物而追赶,这点与run after相同,但进一步还含“紧迫不放”的意思。
 ☞ 敌军败退后,我们紧追不放。
 ☞ We closely pursued the enemy troops after they retreated in defeat.
 ☞ 狐狸被猎狗紧追不放。
 ☞ The fox was hotly pursued by the hounds.
 ☞ 警察一路紧追小偷。
 ☞ The policeman pursued the thief down the road.
 ☞ 旅游者来到那个旅游点时被一伙乞丐追着不放。
 ☞ The tourists were pursued by a group of beggars when they visited that tourist spot.
4.catch up (with),指追上。
 ☞ 终场前主队又攻进一球,把比分追到2比2。
 ☞ The host team scored another goal just before the final whistle, thus catching up and bringing the score to 2 to 2。
 ☞ 你离校那么久,要追上班上的同学得加把劲才行。
 ☞ After being out of school so long, you have to work hard in order to catch up the rest of the class.
 ☞ 我们别想追上前面的那辆车,它的马力大着呢。
 ☞ We can't hope to catch up (with) the car in front of us. It's a very high-powered one.
 ☞ 我们得追追谣言的来源。
 ☞ We have to trace the rumor to its source.
 ☞ 如果要追穷根的话,我得说那是我们的文化低。
 ☞ If you trace the root cause of our poverty, I should say that we are poorly educated.
6.get to the bottom, get to the root,指追根问底。
 ☞ 他们决定要把这事的根底追出来。
 ☞ They were determined to get to the bottom of the matter.
 ☞ 我只有把整个事情追到底才会满意!
 ☞ I shan't be satisfied till this whole business has got to the bottom of it!
 ☞ 这件事我们一定要追到底。
 ☞ We must get to the root of the matter.
7.posthumously award,指死后追授、追记。
 ☞ 在他壮烈牺牲后被追授为一级战斗英雄称号。
 ☞ He was posthumously awarded the title of Combat Hero Class I after he heroically gave his life.
 ☞ 他死后被追记为特等功臣。
 ☞ He was posthumously awarded a Special-Class Merit citation after his death.
追求 追求
1.run after,指跟在后面追求。
 ☞ 你不努力学习,却花大量的时间和金钱去追求女孩子,你认为合适吗?
 ☞ Do you think it proper to spend a lot of time and money running after girls instead of studying hard?
 ☞ 年轻人应当努力工作,而不是一味追求物质享受。
 ☞ Young men should work hard and ought not to run after material comfort blindly.
2.seek after, 指在寻觅中追求。
 ☞ 哲学家追求的是真理,而不是名利。
 ☞ What a philosopher seeks after is truth, not fame and gain.
 ☞ 人人都有追求幸福的权利。
 ☞ Everybody has a right to seek after happiness.
3.hanker after,指渴望中的追求,往往是带有贬义的追求。
 ☞ 他们追求的是名誉和财富。
 ☞ What they hanker after is fame and wealth.
 ☞ 不要追求资产阶级生活方式。
 ☞ Don't hanker after the bourgeois way of life.
4.由于after可以和许多动词结合表示“追求”,故在很多场合就干脆使用be after来泛指各种追求,因此它不带任何色彩。
 ☞ 你知道我追求的是什么。
 ☞ You know what I'm after.
 ☞ 一心追求名誉、地位的人能为改革做多少贡献?
 ☞ How many contributions can a person, who is after his own fame and position wholeheartedly, make to the reform?
 ☞ 他越是有钱就越是追求财富。
 ☞ The more he gets rich the more he pursues wealth.
 ☞ 高尔夫成了有钱人追求的一种运动。
 ☞ Golf becomes a sort of sports the wealthy people pursue.
6.chase, 指在追逐中的追求。
 ☞ 为什么现代人都追求物质享受?
 ☞ Why do modern people chase material comfort?
 ☞ 这就是盲目追求高指标的恶果。
 ☞ It was the evil consequence of the blind chasing of high targets.
7.concentrate on,指一心一意的追求。
 ☞ 必须采取果断措施改变单纯追求数量的倾向。
 ☞ Resolute measures must be taken to change the tendency to concentrate on quantity alone.
 ☞ 公司一直在追求海外市场的扩大。
 ☞ The firm has been concentrating on expanding its markets overseas.
 ☞ 当前写作中那种追求抽象,舍弃具体的倾向应该予以纠正。
 ☞ The inclination to prefer the abstract to the concrete in present day writing has to be checked.
 ☞ 我们应当改变大学生中间追求享乐舍弃学习的风气。
 ☞ We must change the general mood among college students to prefer comforts to study.
退出 退出
1.withdraw from,指退出某种活动或组织。
 ☞ 该军伤亡惨重,奉司令部之命退出战斗。
 ☞ Suffering heavy casualties, the army withdrew from action by order of the headquarters.
 ☞ 他因伤退出比赛。
 ☞ Being injured, he withdrew from the race.
 ☞ 工人们纷纷退出反动工会。
 ☞ Workers withdrew from the reactionary trade union one after another.
2.quit, 指为获得某种自由或解脱而退出。
 ☞ 够了,我退出。
 ☞ I've had enough, so I quit.
 ☞ 他厌倦了官场生活,退出了政治舞台。
 ☞ Being tired of officialdom, he quitted the political stage.
3.pull out,指撤退而退出。
 ☞ 我们的县城只剩下一个,但我们没有退出陕甘宁边区。
 ☞ We did not pull out of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region although we had only one county seat left.
 ☞ 他看到公司要倒闭便退出了。
 ☞ He saw that the firm was going to be ruined, so he pulled out.
4.retreat from,也指因撤退而退出,但说法更正式。
 ☞ 第二天,敌人退出了已成为一片废墟的要塞。
 ☞ The enemy retreated from the ruined fortress the next day.
 ☞ 对方理屈词穷,退出了论战。
 ☞ Unable to advance any further arguments, the other party retreated from the controversy.
5.step down from,指一步步退出。
 ☞ 一切反动派都不会自动退出历史舞台。
 ☞ All reactionaries will never step down from the stage of history of their own accord.
 ☞ 到了10月份,他不得不同意退出公司的实际管理部门。
 ☞ By October he had to have agreed to step down from active management of the corporation.
6.bow out,指领导人、演员等退出舞台,暗示彬彬有礼地退出。
 ☞ 老省长不再竞争其职位,决定退出。
 ☞ The old governor decided to bow out now instead of fighting to keep his position.
 ☞ 李经理常与总经理意见有分歧,故最后退出了公司。
 ☞ Li, the manager, often had differences with the general manager, so finally he bowed out of the company.
7.walk out,专指退出会场。
 ☞ 美国代表奉命退出会场以示抗议。
 ☞ The delegates of the United States were under instruction to walk out of the meeting in protest.
 ☞ 他退出委员会会议以示抗议。
 ☞ He walked out of the committee meeting in protest.
退化 退化
 ☞ 鸡的翅膀逐渐退化,再也无法飞行。
 ☞ The wings of the chicken have become vestigial, it can no longer fly.
 ☞ 有些蛇还有退化了的脚。
 ☞ Some snakes still have vestigial legs.
 ☞ 恐龙终于退化到了消失的地步。
 ☞ Dinosaurs degenerated in such a way that they disappeared finally.
 ☞ 野鸭反正容易退化成家鸭。
 ☞ Mallards are prone anyway to degenerate into the barnyard type.
 ☞ 马铃薯的品质在种植几年之后就会退化。
 ☞ After a few years' planting the quality of potato crop deteriorates.
 ☞ 这种牧草虽然在秋季生长不旺,但在冬季却不会退化。
 ☞ This kind of herbage does not deteriorate in winter though it does not grow vigorous in autumn.
退让 退让
 ☞ 私营企业的资方代理表示愿意向工人退让。
 ☞ The agents of the owner of the private enterprise expressed their wishes that they might yield to the workers.
 ☞ 我们决不向暴力和恐怖主义退让。
 ☞ We will never yield to violence and terrorism.
2.give in,含义与yield相同,但一般用于口语,说法也比较随便。
 ☞ 正义在我们这一边,我们决不退让。
 ☞ With justice on our side, we will never give in.
 ☞ 由于双方都不想退让,买卖没有成交。
 ☞ As neither of both sides would give in, the bargain fell through.
 ☞ 该公司答应增加我们的工资,这是对工会要求的一次退让。
 ☞ The firm's promise to increase our pay was a concession to trade union's demands.
 ☞ 我们决不能在原则问题上退让。
 ☞ We will never make concession on matters of principle.
4.back down,指后退而退让。
 ☞ 面对我们的证据之后,对方不得不退让。
 ☞ After being confronted with our evidence, the other side had to back down.
 ☞ 在这个问题上,他拒绝退让。
 ☞ He refused to back down on this question.
5.give way,指让路而退让。
 ☞ 谈判出现了僵局,双方互不退让。
 ☞ A deadlock was reached in the negotiation, as neither side would give way to the other.
 ☞ 要是你退让,他就会得寸进尺。
 ☞ If you give way, he'll ask for a yard after getting an inch.

 ☞ 美国的许多学童都在清晨送报挣钱。
 ☞ Many American schoolboys make money by delivering newspapers in the early morning.
 ☞ 你自己把货物带走还是由我们送到你家里?
 ☞ Will you take the goods with you or shall we deliver them to your house?
 ☞ 你们订的菜10分钟内送到。
 ☞ The dishes you ordered will be delivered in ten minutes.
 ☞ 油罐车把原油送到炼油厂加工。
 ☞ The tanker carries crude oil to a refinery, where the oil is processed.
 ☞ 农闲时村里的男女老少齐上阵,往地里送肥料。
 ☞ During the slack season in farming, the villagers, men and women, old and young, all pitched in and carried manure to the fields.
 ☞ 把箱子送到阁楼上。
 ☞ Carry the box to the attic.
 ☞ 姐姐送给我一本书。
 ☞ My sister gave a book to me.
 ☞ 除了像圣诞节等一些节日,美国人平时不送礼。
 ☞ Except for certain holidays, such as Christmas, Americans do not usually give gifts.
 ☞ 这是送我的生日礼物。
 ☞ This was given me as a birthday gift.
 ☞ 他的到来给我们送来了好消息。
 ☞ His arrival brought us good news.
 ☞ 今晚我送她来见你。
 ☞ I'll bring her to see you this evening.
 ☞ 请你把鱼送到幼儿园给孩子们吃。
 ☞ Please take the fish to the kindergarten for the children to eat.
 ☞ 你是送儿子上学吗?
 ☞ Are you taking your son to school?
  ■ 由于bring和take 的出发点不同,因此同一句话可以有两种不同的译文。
 ☞ 医生每天来他家给他检查、送药。
 ☞ Every day the doctor comes to his home to give him a check-up and bring medicine.(说话人是在病人家里)
 ☞ 医生每天去他家给他检查,送药。
 ☞ Every day the doctor goes to his home to give him a check-up and take medicine.(说话人是在医院等其他地方)
5.send, 指要别人或用某种方式送。
 ☞ 你能把花送给伤病员吗?
 ☞ Can you send the flowers to the sick and wounded?
 ☞ 他叫通讯员送给我这个小包。
 ☞ He sent me the packet by a messenger.
 ☞ 科学家们把火箭送入了太空。
 ☞ Scientists have sent rockets out into space.
6.see off, walk with, 指送别。
 ☞ 我送你到门口。
 ☞ Let me see you off to the door.
 ☞ 还到机场来送我,你真好。
 ☞ It is very kind of you to see me off at the airport.
  ■ walk有时也有“送”的意思,但说法比较随便。
 ☞ 我送你一段路。
 ☞ Let me walk with you part of the way.
7.cost one's life,指送命。
 ☞ 好奇心有时很危险,甚至让人送命。
 ☞ Curiosity can sometimes be a danger and even can cost one's life.
 ☞ 驾车不慎几乎送了他的命。
 ☞ Careless driving nearly cost his life.
适合 适合
1) 指满足了对方的要求而使之适合。
 ☞ 他说他知道一家旅馆可能会适合他们。
 ☞ He said he knew of a hotel that might suit them.
 ☞ 这样的安排对我们两个都适合。
 ☞ Such arrangements suit both of us.
 ☞ 青年团的活动要适合青年的特点。
 ☞ The activities of the Youth League should suit the characteristic of youth.
 ☞ 我认为到国外对我不适合。
 ☞ I don't think going abroad would suit me.
 ☞ 各地都应有适合当地情况的特殊性。
 ☞ Each locality should enjoy the particularity suited to its local conditions.
2) 指衣服、鞋帽穿戴合适。
 ☞ 这衣服适合她。
 ☞ The dress suits her.
 ☞ 这鞋子不适合你,我们有其他式样的。
 ☞ The shoes don't suit you. We've got some other designs.
 ☞ 你看这个款式适合我穿吗?
 ☞ Do you think this style suits me?
 ☞ 红白两色对我十分适合。
 ☞ Red and white are colors that suit me very much.
  ■ suitable for与be suited for (to)都是suit的派生词。前者指性质上适合,后者指经过调整后适合。suited for指普遍适合,suited to指在特定场合适合。
 ☞ 参加宴会,记住一定要挑件适合那种场合的衣服。
 ☞ When attending a banquet, remember do choose clothing suitable for the occasion.
 ☞ 我适合这类活法。
 ☞ I'm suited for this sort of existence.
 ☞ 可是你要我过我不适合的生活。
 ☞ But you've asked me to lead a life that I'm not suited for.
 ☞ 这些英语书中没有一本是适合我们水平的。
 ☞ None of these English books is suited to our level.
1) 因具备某种条件,因而适合。
 ☞ 他的个子商,适合打篮球。
 ☞ His great height fits him to play basketball games.
 ☞ 他有经验,适合干这工作。
 ☞ His experience fitted him for the job.
 ☞ 武装夺取政权的道路适合中国的情况。
 ☞ The road to seize political power by armed force fitted in with Chinese condition.
2) 指尺寸大小的适合。
 ☞ 这大衣对我不适合。
 ☞ The overcoat doesn't fit me.
 ☞ 不是每双鞋子都适合每双脚。
 ☞ Every shoe fits not every foot.
  ■ 此外,fit也可用作形容词,可与suitable换用。
 ☞ 这天气不适合外出。
 ☞ The weather is not fit (suitable) for going out 他适合做秘书工作。
 ☞ He is fit (suitable) for a job of secretary.
  ■ 但是,fit后可接动词不定式,而suitable一般不接。
 ☞ 我得说他不适合干这类事情。
 ☞ I should say that he wasn't fit to do anything of this sort.
 ☞ 她不适合一个人独自居住。
 ☞ She is not fit to live alone by herself.
  ■ 有时这类结构在动词不定式与主语之间有动宾关系。
 ☞ 这鞋不适合在雨季穿。
 ☞ These shoes are not fit to wear in rainy season.
 ☞ 吃这类食物不适合。
 ☞ This kind of food is not fit to eat.
 ☞ 这衣服的式样很适合你穿。
 ☞ This style of dress becomes you well.
 ☞ 他这样年龄的人不适合使用这样的语言。
 ☞ He used language that does not become a man of his age.
4.appropriate for,指适合于某种场合或某种需要,因此使用范围要比suitable for窄。
 ☞ 简单朴素的衣服适合在学校里穿。
 ☞ Plain simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.
 ☞ 这种音乐对葬礼适合。
 ☞ The music was appropriate for a funeral.
 ☞ 教学时要选择适合情境的对话。
 ☞ When teaching, choose dialogues that are appropriate to your situation.
5.work, 指行得通。
 ☞ 人们至今还在引用1923年的国会贿选来说明民主不适合中国。
 ☞ People still cite the parliament bribery election in 1923 to argue that democracy will not work in China.
 ☞ 戴高帽子对有些人可能适合,但对他不适合。
 ☞ Flattery may work with some people, but it will not work with him.
适宜 适宜
1.suitable for,指本性适宜。
 ☞ 她适宜做公共卫生工作。
 ☞ She is suitable for public health work.
 ☞ 北极圈不适宜人类居住。
 ☞ The North Pole is not suitable for human habitation 党委书记的话在这种场合是适宜的。
 ☞ The Party secretary's remarks were suitable for the occasion.
 ☞ 她的性格特别适宜于照顾孩子。
 ☞ Her nature was particularly appropriate for care of children.
 ☞ 在婚礼上穿长裙是适宜的。
 ☞ It is appropriate to wear a long dress at the wedding.
 ☞ 由他来担当这一重任是适宜的。
 ☞ It was appropriate that he took on such heavy responsibilities.
3.good for,指对人或事有好处,因而适宜。
 ☞ 冬泳对老年人也是适宜的。
 ☞ Winter swimming is good for old people as well.
 ☞ 沙土适宜种西瓜。
 ☞ Sand soil is good for growing watermelons.
 ☞ 政府正在尽可能创造适宜的经济和社会环境。
 ☞ The government is trying every possible way to create a favorable economic and social environment.
 ☞ 在适宜的温度和湿度条件下,孵化鸡蛋需要三周的时间。
 ☞ It takes three weeks to hatch hen's eggs under the condition of favorable temperature and humidity.
适应 适应
1.adapt to, 指极大地改变人或物的习性以适应新的情况或环境。
 ☞ 情况总是在不断地变化,要使自己的思想适应新的情况就得学习。
 ☞ Conditions are changing all the time, and to adapt one's thinking to the new conditions, one must study.
 ☞ 她婚后不得不使自己适应丈夫的各种习惯和习俗。
 ☞ She was obliged to adapt herself to the habits and customs of her husband after marriage.
 ☞ 我刚来,还不太适应这里的气候。
 ☞ I have just come and don't adapt myself to the climate here.
 ☞ 新教师都慢慢地适应了我校的规章制度。
 ☞ The new teachers have been slowly adapted to the rules of our school农村来的青年人很能适应大城市的生活。
 ☞ The young people from the countryside are adapted well to life in the big city.
2.adjust to,指进行某种调整而使之适应。
 ☞ 政府调整了经济,使之适应新的格局。
 ☞ The government adjusted the economy to a new pattern.
 ☞ 一个平民百姓要适应军队生活需要一定的时间。
 ☞ It takes a civilian some time to adjust himself to army life.
 ☞ 你既然在国外进修,就得学会适应那里的生活。
 ☞ Being abroad for the advanced study, you have to learn how to adjust yourself to the life there.
 ☞ 送入太空飞行的宇航员必须适应失重状态。
 ☞ Astronauts sent into space must adjust to weightlessness.
 ☞ 眼睛需要几分钟的时间来适应黑暗。
 ☞ The eyes need several minutes to adjust to the dark.
3.accommodate to,指改变自己以适应环境,其目的往往是为了取悦别人。
 ☞ 我很容易适应你的计划。
 ☞ I can easily accommodate myself to your plans.
 ☞ 你应当适应她的需要。
 ☞ You should accommodate yourself to her needs.
4.reconcile to,所指的适应往往暗示一种无奈。
 ☞ 一个担任军职的人不得不适应长期与家人分居。
 ☞ A man following a military career has to reconcile himself to long separation from his family.
 ☞ 你必须适应一种艰苦的生活。
 ☞ You must reconcile yourself to a life of hardship.
 ☞ 我们住在伦敦倒是完全适应了。
 ☞ We are quite reconciled to living in London.
 ☞ 我喝牛奶不适应。
 ☞ Milk does not suit me.
 ☞ 生产关系要适应经济基础。
 ☞ The production relations should be suited to the economic base.
 ☞ 你干现在的这种工作是不会适应的。
 ☞ You will not be suited for the kind of work you're doing.
 ☞ 军事训练可使人适应长途行军。
 ☞ Military training fits men for long marches.
 ☞ 我们必须找出一个能适应特殊情况的解决办法。
 ☞ We must find a solution to fit a particular case.
 ☞ 解放后,知识分子都改造思想以适应新社会的需要。
 ☞ After liberation intellectuals reform their ideology to fit in with the needs of the new society.
7.gear to,是一种形象的说法,如齿轮啮合般的适应。
 ☞ 我们应使我们的生活适应新的变革。
 ☞ We have to gear our lives to the new changes.
 ☞ 生产厂家应使其生产量与公众增长的需求相适应。
 ☞ The manufacturers should gear the amount of products they make to the increase in public demand.
 ☞ 教育应适应儿童的需要与能力。
 ☞ Education must be geared to the children's needs and abilities.
8.in keeping with,指取得协调一致后的适应。
 ☞ 我们应加强党的建设以适应形势的发展。
 ☞ We must strengthen Party building in keeping with the developing situation.
 ☞ 银行调整了信贷结构以适应改革的需要。
 ☞ The bank has rationalized the use of credit in keeping with the needs of the reform.
9.keep abreast of,指跟上形势,不致落后。
 ☞ 要适应时代的需要,就要学习,再学习。
 ☞ Study and study if you want to keep abreast of the times.
 ☞ 外交政策要适应形势的新发展。
 ☞ The foreign policy must keep abreast of the new development of situation.
10.agree with,作“适应”解时,大都用否定句。
 ☞ 意汉英不同的句子结构。
 ☞ 他不适应这种酷热、干燥的天气。
 ☞ The hot, dry climate doesn't agree with him.
 ☞ 我的胃不适应这种食物。
 ☞ Such kind of food doesn't agree with my stomach.
11.compatible with,指共存共处的适应。
 ☞ 开放型婚姻概念中最有意义的一面就是它重视与当代社会现实的种种变化相适应。
 ☞ The most significant aspect of the open-marriage concept is its emphasis on changes that are compatible with the realities of contemporary society.
 ☞ 有时候,上层建筑不适应生产力的发展。
 ☞ Sometimes the superstructure is incompatible with the growth of the productive forces.
适用 适用
1.apply to,applicable,指应用到与之有关的人或物上。
 ☞ 安全生产制度适用于全厂的干部和工人。
 ☞ The rules of safe production apply to all cadres and workers of the whole factory.
 ☞ 削减后的关税适用于世贸组织的全体成员。
 ☞ The customs tariff cut applies to all members of WTO.
 ☞ 昨天的解决办法并不总是适用于解决今天的问题。
 ☞ Yesterday's solutions are not always applicable to today's problems.
 ☞ 牛顿力学的第三定律适用于这个例子。
 ☞ Newton's third law of motion is applicable to this example.
2.suit (to),指使之适合应用。
 ☞ 我们要使这些喜剧材料适用于农村演出。
 ☞ We ought to suit these comedy materials to the performance in the countryside.
 ☞ 他一生中积累的经验对植树造林很适用。
 ☞ The experience accumulated in his lifetime is well suited for afforestation.
 ☞ 在上下文里,该词比较适用。
 ☞ The word is more suitable in this context.
 ☞ 这种新的种植方法对我们这一地区很适用。
 ☞ The new method of cultivation is suitable for our area.
3.hold good,指产生效力而适用。
 ☞ 上述条件同样适用于希望攻读自然科学的申请人。
 ☞ The above requirement holds good as well for any applicant wishing to study natural science.
 ☞ 本规则适用于任何时间和地点。
 ☞ This rule holds good at all times and places.
逃脱 逃脱
 ☞ 我们很幸运,逃脱了那次雪崩。
 ☞ We were lucky to have escaped the avalanche.
 ☞ 不法分子绝对逃脱不了法律的制裁。
 ☞ The lawbreakers will never escape punishment according to the law.
 ☞ 他逃脱了被俘的命运。
 ☞ He escaped his destiny of being captured.
 ☞ 狐狸往回逃跑,从而逃脱了猎人的追捕。
 ☞ The fox succeeded in evading the hunter by running back.
 ☞ 既然出了车祸,你就无法逃脱责任。
 ☞ Since the car accident has happened, you can't evade responsibility.
 ☞ 罪犯是逃脱不了法律制裁的。
 ☞ Criminals won't evade law.
3.get clear of,指摆脱。
 ☞ 你能逃脱所有的谴责吗?
 ☞ Can you get clear of all blame?
 ☞ 我但愿能逃脱这笔债务就好了。
 ☞ I wish I could get clear of the debt.
 ☞ 你这次是逃脱嫌疑了。
 ☞ You've got clear of suspicion this time.
逃避 逃避
 ☞ 现在他要逃避审判是很难了。
 ☞ It is very difficult now for him to escape the trial.
 ☞ 无人能逃避命运。
 ☞ No man can escape his destiny.
 ☞ 在集中营里是没有办法逃避劳动的。
 ☞ There is no way to escape laboring in the concentration camp.
 ☞ 你在逃避爱唠叨的婆婆,是不是?
 ☞ You are avoiding your garrulous mother-in-law, aren't you?
 ☞ 我知道她想逃避困难。
 ☞ I realized that she was trying to avoid the difficulty.
 ☞ 他想逃避回答记者的提问,样子十分尴尬。
 ☞ He looked very much embarrassed when he tried to avoid answering the reporters.
 ☞ 他以装病来逃避服兵役。
 ☞ He evaded military service by malingering.
 ☞ 你想逃避交纳所得税,那是不会成功的。
 ☞ You won't succeed in evading paying income tax.
 ☞ 记者围在他的周围,而他以躲闪来逃避质问。
 ☞ The reporters gathered around him, but he dodged their queries.
 ☞ 那时候农民常常背井离乡来逃避兵役。
 ☞ In those days the peasant often left their native place to dodge the draft.
 ☞ 教师逃避对学生应负的责任是不对的。
 ☞ It is not right for teachers to shirk the responsibilities they have to their students.
 ☞ 他在部队服役时,常常逃避危险的任务。
 ☞ He often shirked hazardous duty when he served in the army.
逃(逃跑、逃走) 逃(逃跑、逃走)
1.run away.口语用词,强调动作,表示具体的逃跑,暗示飞快地逃跑。
 ☞ 小偷在前面逃,警察在后面追。
 ☞ The thief ran away and the police ran after him.
 ☞ 如果农民知道共产党是怎么回事,他们是不会逃的。
 ☞ If the peasants knew what the Communist Party was, they wouldn't run away.
 ☞ 警察赶到时小偷早就逃走了。
 ☞ The thief had already run away when the police arrived.
  ■ run away 后还可接from,表示“从…逃跑”。
 ☞ 他两次从寄宿学校逃跑。
 ☞ He ran away twice from his boarding school.
 ☞ 他从家乡逃了出来,在异地漂泊多年。
 ☞ He ran away from his hometown and wandered aimlessly in a strange land for many years.
2.flee, 表示逃离某种危难、困境。
 ☞ 劫匪想逃,但他们全被抓住了。
 ☞ The robbers tried to flee, but they were all caught.
 ☞ 他抓住机会逃走了。
 ☞ He seized the opportunity, and fled.
  ■ flee还可用作及物动词。
 ☞ 他从绑匪手里逃了出来,用电话向警方报案。
 ☞ He fled the kidnappers and phoned the police.
 ☞ 他杀了奸夫,逃到了国外。
 ☞ He killed the adulterer and fled the country.
  ■ flee 还可接from,表示从某处逃出来。
 ☞ 人们从燃烧的房屋中逃了出来。
 ☞ People fled from the burning house.
3.escape (from),指从某种管束、限制中逃脱。
 ☞ 到她妹妹在1917年出生时缠脚这种风气实际上已经废除,因此她妹妹逃过了这一劫。
 ☞ By the time her sister was born in 1917, the practice of foot-binding was virtually abandoned, so she escaped the torment.
 ☞ 他从着火的大楼里逃了出来。
 ☞ He escaped from the burning building.
 ☞ 战俘从敌人的监狱中逃了出来。
 ☞ The prisoners-of-war escaped from the enemy's prison.
 ☞ 金丝雀从笼里逃走了。
 ☞ The canary has escaped from the cage.
 ☞ 他也许会逃跑成功。
 ☞ Perhaps he would succeed in escaping.
选择 选择
1.choose, choice,指从众多选择中挑选自己满意的人或物。强调选择者的判断力或好恶。
 ☞ 让我看看你选择了什么?
 ☞ Let me see what you've chosen.
 ☞ 她是因为这颜色才选择了这件上衣的。
 ☞ She has chosen the blouse because of the color.
 ☞ 我的印象是他选择用词十分谨慎。
 ☞ I had the impression that he chose his words with great care.
  ■ 在两种选择中进行抉择时,一般用choose between。
 ☞ 你必须在婚姻与财富之间进行选择。
 ☞ You must choose between marriage and wealth.
 ☞ 我们已经同意你将在我们之间做出选择。
 ☞ We have agreed that you shall choose between us.
 ☞ 剧本要根据娱乐性进行选择。
 ☞ The choice of a play should be based on entertainment value.
 ☞ 谣传不少将军对新总理的选择很不高兴。
 ☞ It was rumored that many generals were unhappy over the choice of the new prime minister.
  ■ 但是,choose一词还带有选择的永恒性。这时不能用select替换。
 ☞ 我们选择王老师做我们的校长。
 ☞ We chose Wang, the teacher, as our headmaster. (选择领导要永远忠于职守)
 ☞ 她花了好多年的时间来选择对象。
 ☞ She took many years to choose her husband. (选择对象要长期厮守)
2.select, selection,指在众多事物中进行仔细的选择,强调客观上的优劣。
 ☞ 为什么不选择一个好的讨论题呢?
 ☞ Why didn't you select a nice subject for discussion?
 ☞ 选择团队时要挑选最合适的人选。
 ☞ When you select a team you pick out the people most suitable for it.
 ☞ 你挑选运动员有什么选择方法?
 ☞ What is your method of selection in choosing sportsmen?
 ☞ 我们要把候选人的选择交给群众。
 ☞ We are going to leave the selection of the candidates to the masses.
  ■ 不过,如果select和choose在不强调各自词义的情况下,也可以换用。
 ☞ 我们应当选择适当时机,彻底改革教育制度。
 ☞ We should select (choose) the right occasion to make a thorough reform in the education system.
 ☞ 代表们从提出的十个方案中选择了两个在会上做进一步的讨论和修改。
 ☞ The representatives chose (selected) two from the ten programs put forward at the meeting for further discussion and correction.
 ☞ 我们选择说服,而不是选择武力。
 ☞ We opt for persuasion over force.
 ☞ 他们选择去欧洲旅行。
 ☞ They opted to make a trip to Europe.
 ☞ 去留由你选择。
 ☞ You have the option of leaving or staying.
 ☞ 你一定得干,没有选择的余地。
 ☞ You must do“.You have no option.
 ☞ 这些都是我的画,你可以选择一幅你最喜欢的。
 ☞ These are my paintings. You can pick one you like best.
 ☞ 我倾向于选择最近的路线。
 ☞ I prefer to pick the shortest route.
 ☞ 你要么战斗,要么被俘,只有一种选择。
 ☞ You have the alternative of fighting or being taken prisoner.
 ☞ 你知道有多种选择,但你得挑一个。
 ☞ You know the alternatives, but you must choose.

 ☞ 阳光透过窗户照射进来。
 ☞ The sunlight came in through the window.
 ☞ 我们透过玻璃看见他在跟一位姑娘说话。
 ☞ We saw him talking with a girl through the glass.
  ■ through还可与某些动词搭配,强调透过的动作。
1) pass through,指穿透。
 ☞ 爱克斯光能透过肌体检查体内的病变。
 ☞ X-ray can pass through the human body and show inside pathological changes.
 ☞ 中子透过物质时,偶尔会与核子发生弹性碰撞。
 ☞ As neutrons pass through matter, they make occasional elastic collisions with nuclei.
2) see through,指看透。
 ☞ 我们看问题要透过现象看本质。
 ☞ In approaching a problem, we should see through the appearance to get at the essence.
 ☞ 那没用,我早就看透你这套小把戏了。
 ☞ It was in vain. I had already seen through your little game.
3) seep out through,指通过孔隙慢慢渗透。
 ☞ 血从绷带里透了出来。
 ☞ Blood seeped out through the bandage.
 ☞ 蒸汽渐渐从蒸笼里透了出来。
 ☞ Steam began to seep out through the food steamer.
4) penetrate through,指渗透、穿透。
 ☞ 雨水透过了我家的房顶。
 ☞ Rain water has penetrated through the roof of my house.
 ☞ 光线是透不过砖墙的。
 ☞ Light cannot penetrate through a brick wall.
5) soak through,指泡透、湿透。
 ☞ 把你的脏内衣在冷水里泡透了再洗。
 ☞ Soak through your dirty linen in cold water before you wash it.
 ☞ 我碰上了雨,衣服都湿透了。
 ☞ I was caught in the rain and my clothes were soaked through.
2.let out, reveal, leak out, drop a hint, disclose, tell等均可指透露。
 ☞ 我只听见他透过一言半语的,详细情况还不清楚。
 ☞ I only heard the fragmentary information he let out.
 ☞ Details are still unknown.
 ☞ 关于这次谈判,很少有情况透出来。
 ☞ Little was revealed about the talks.
 ☞ 消息已经透出去了。
 ☞ The news has leaked out.
 ☞ 这人的嘴很紧,一直风也不透。
 ☞ The man was closemouthed and didn't drop a hint.
 ☞ 他透了一星半点的,不管用。
 ☞ He disclosed a ting which doesn't help.
 ☞ 要是你能管住你的嘴,我就什么都透给你。
 ☞ I'll tell you everything if you can keep your mouth shut.
 ☞ 要是你知道点什么,给我透个风。
 ☞ Drop me a word if you know anything.
 ☞ 尽管已有人透风,但这仍是一次突然袭击。
 ☞ Though someone had dropped hints, this was still a sudden attack.
4.absolutely, bitterly, completely, thoroughly, extremely, lucidly, quite, enough, terrible, intimate, 都可表示透彻。
 ☞ 这些苹果都烂透了。
 ☞ The apples are absolutely rotten.
 ☞ 我恨透了内战。
 ☞ I bitterly detested the civil war.
 ☞ 天已黑透了。
 ☞ It was completely dark.
 ☞ 他把道理讲得很透。
 ☞ He thoroughly explained his reasons.
 ☞ 他的讲话有意思透了。
 ☞ His remark was extremely interesting.
 ☞ 这话说得很透。
 ☞ This is stated very lucidly.
 ☞ 樱桃熟透了。
 ☞ The cherries are quite ripe.
 ☞ 我笨透了,考试没通过。
 ☞ I was stupid enough to have failed the test.
 ☞ 听到这消息,他火透了。
 ☞ He was in a terrible fury at the news.
 ☞ 书记对问题了解得很透。
 ☞ The secretary had an intimate knowledge of the subject.
 ☞ 真是场透雨,好雨。
 ☞ It was a real good soaker.
 ☞ 我猜不透他到底在想什么。
 ☞ I can't make out what is really in his mind.
 ☞ 这个谱子我记得熟透了。
 ☞ I have the music score off pat.
 ☞ 你这样惹他生气,不懂事透了。
 ☞ You are really thoughtless to upset him like that.
 ☞ 她的脸上渐渐透出了微笑。
 ☞ Gradually a smile appeared on her face.
 ☞ 这马透着灵性,会领会主人的意图。
 ☞ The horse shows intelligence and can sense what his master means.
 ☞ 她现在是红透了。
 ☞ Now she is at the top of popularity.
透露 透露
 ☞ 即使你知道这个秘密,他也希望你不要透露。
 ☞ He wishes you not to tell the secret even if you know it.
 ☞ 他给我带来一支手枪,但他从未透露过这枪的出处和来历。
 ☞ He brought me a pistol but he never told how and where he got it.
 ☞ 我记不清她的原话,但她的确透露过这个意思。
 ☞ I didn't remember her original words, but she did say something to that effect.
 ☞ 不过在这个问题上,他俩谁也没有跟你透露过半个字呀。
 ☞ Yet not a syllable has been said to you on the subject by either of them.
 ☞ 他向她透露了一些事实而没有意识到问题的严重性。
 ☞ He revealed some facts to her without realizing the gravity of the question.
 ☞ 直到她丈夫偶然透露,大家才知道她的行踪。
 ☞ No one knew her whereabouts until her husband revealed by accident.
 ☞ 他在监狱里呆过,现在透露事实真相以揭露监狱长的真面目。
 ☞ He had been in prison and now he disclosed the truth to expose the warden's true colors.
 ☞ 老王在透露他买了辆新车时,不无得意之色。
 ☞ Wang was not without pride when he disclosed that he had bought a new car.
 ☞ 记者们透露总统在昨天公开这一想法之前曾对此考虑过一段时间。
 ☞ Newsmen divulged that the President had been considering the idea for some time before making it public yesterday.
 ☞ 叛徒向秘密警察透露了我们的计划。
 ☞ The traitor divulged our plan to the secret police.
5.leak (out),强调透露的目的是公开出来。
 ☞ 消息灵通人士把这消息透露给了新闻界。
 ☞ The well-informed sources leaked the news to the press.
 ☞ 已采取了严格的预防措施来防止会议的细节透露出去。
 ☞ Stringent precautions were taken to prevent the details of the congress from leaking out.
6.let out,口头用语,说法比较随便的透露。
 ☞ 有人把消息透露出去了。
 ☞ Someone has let the news out.
 ☞ 是谁把细节透露给报界的?
 ☞ Who let out the details to the press?
7.come to light,指曝光性透露;bring to light,指在光天化日之下透露。
 ☞ 有关秦始皇墓的更多事实最近才透露出来。
 ☞ More facts about the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty have recently come to light.
 ☞ 更多的细节尚待透露。
 ☞ More details have yet to be brought to light.
通知 通知
1.Jet sb. know,指通知某一情况或事实,但说法随便。
 ☞ 我没通知她我们要开晚会。
 ☞ I didn't let her know that we were going to have an evening party.
 ☞ 发生什么辜,一定要通知我。
 ☞ Be sure you let me know if anything happens.
 ☞ 要是你目击了这次事故,请通知警方。
 ☞ If you have witnessed the accident, please inform the police.
 ☞ 到哪里去度假,他会通知我们的。
 ☞ He will inform us where to spend our holidays.
 ☞ 我当时就通知了学生我们的初次试验成功了。
 ☞ I then informed the students about the success of our initial experiment.
 ☞ 我们还没有接到党委决定的通知。
 ☞ We are not yet informed of the Party committee's decision.
 ☞ 她通知我她第二天就要调到北京。
 ☞ She informed me that she was to be transferred to Beijing the next day.
 ☞ 请通知我们你到达的时间,以便我们有所准备。
 ☞ Please notify us of when you arrive, so that we'll be ready.
 ☞ 该生被开除一事,应立即通知其父母。
 ☞ The boy's parents should be notified immediately of his expulsion.
 ☞ 我们要尽早通知各级党委,防备敌人的突然袭击。
 ☞ We must notify the Party committees of all levels as early as possible to get prepared for surprise attacks by the enemy.
 ☞ 我方以书面通知贵方,贵方所订货物已于5月15 日发出。
 ☞ We write to advise you that we have dispatched the goods on your order on the fifteenth of May.
 ☞ 如贵公司愿按以前通知的价格出售,我们或许能达成交易。
 ☞ Should your company be prepared to sell at the price previously advised, we might come to terms.
 ☞ 根据钉在门外的不少通知判断,我们认为房主可能有好长一段时间不在家了。
 ☞ We think, judging by a number of notices pinned up outside the door, the host might be absent for quite a long time.
 ☞ 我们可以在提前两周通知的前提下离职。
 ☞ We can quit the job at two weeks' notice.
通行 通行
 ☞ 此路禁止通行!
 ☞ No passage this way!
 ☞ 此桥年久失修,重型车辆不得通行。
 ☞ The bridge does not allow the passage of heavy vehicles for long years out of repair.
 ☞ 沿青藏铁路专门设计有供野生动物通行的通道。
 ☞ Special passageways are designed for the passage of wild animals along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
 ☞ 挖掘阻断了街上所有车辆的通行。
 ☞ The excavation has obstructed all traffic in the street.
 ☞ 前面正在修路,停止通行。
 ☞ The road ahead is under repair and closed to traffic.
 ☞ 没有特别通行证,一律不准通行。
 ☞ Nobody is allowed through without a special pass.
 ☞ 街上挤满了人,我们无法通行。
 ☞ The street was thronged with people, and we couldn't get through.
 ☞ 从英语里借用来的“酷”一词都通行全国了。
 ☞ The word "cool" borrowed from the English language has become current all over the country.
 ☞ 这是全市通行的办法。
 ☞ This is the current practice throughout the city.
5.in force, 指有效。
 ☞ 这项规定在一些地区仍然通行。
 ☞ This regulation is still in force in some areas.
 ☞ 这一体制目前还是通行的。
 ☞ This system has been in force at present so far.
 ☞ 道路泥泞,卡车无法通行。
 ☞ The road was too muddy for trucks.
 ☞ 大门牌子上写着:“禁止通行”。
 ☞ A sign on the gate says: "No thoroughfare"!
通过 通过
 ☞ 根据声音判断,我认为列车正在通过隧道。
 ☞ I think, judging by the sound, that the train is running through the tunnel.
 ☞ 向导带着我们通过森林,接近敌人的据点。
 ☞ The guide took us through the forest to close in on the enemy's stronghold.
 ☞ 阳光是通过窗户射进来的。
 ☞ The sunlight was coming in through the window.
 ☞ 电流是通过电线输送的。
 ☞ The electric current is carried through wires.
  ■ through在引入表示某种活动或人际关系等抽象名词时,也有“通过”的意思。
 ☞ 他是通过不懈的努力和辛勤的工作致富的。
 ☞ He became rich through assiduous efforts and hard work.
 ☞ 我们应当通过说英语来学英语。
 ☞ We should learn English through speaking English.
 ☞ 通过这个故事,我们知道了如何做人处世。
 ☞ Through this story, we learned how to conduct ourselves in the society.
 ☞ 他是通过当高官的父亲搞到这一工作的。
 ☞ He got the job through his father who is a high-ranking official.
  ■ 此外,through还可与某些动词搭配,表示不同意思的“通过”。
1) get through 他通过了高考。
 ☞ He got through his college entrance examination.(指及格)
 ☞ 我是以高分通过的。
 ☞ I got through with high marks.(指考试)
 ☞ 我们通过海关只用了5分钟。
 ☞ It took us only five minutes to get through the Customs.(指经过)
 ☞ 国会没有通过人工流产的提案。
 ☞ The abortion bill has not got through Parliament.(指批准)
 ☞ 政府成功地使方案获得通过。
 ☞ The government succeeded in getting the bill through.(指批准)
2) go through 钢琴倒是顺利地通过了门房,可大衣柜怎么也通不过。
 ☞ The piano went through the door easily, but the wardrobe wouldn't go through at all.(指经过)
 ☞ 计划没有通过。
 ☞ The plan did not go through.(指批准)
3) be through 你通过了,祝贺,祝贺!
 ☞ Congratulations! You are through.
2.pass,义同get through,但为正式用语。
 ☞ 我们的船通过运河时受到了检查。
 ☞ Our ship was inspected when passing the channel.
 ☞ 他通过了有6门课程的高考。
 ☞ He has passed his college entrance examination with six subjects.(指及格)
 ☞ 国会通过了该项决议。
 ☞ Congress passed the resolution.(指批准)
  ■ pass也可与through搭配,但词义较窄,只指经过。
 ☞ 蒸汽通过汽轮机进入冷凝器。
 ☞ When it has passed through the turbine, the steam enters the condenser.
 ☞ 我们回家的路要通过那个牌楼。
 ☞ On our way home we have to pass through that decorated archway.
3.get by,与pass through同义,也只有“经过”的意思。
 ☞ 游行队伍喊着口号,通过天安门广场向东去了。
 ☞ Shouting slogans, the parade got by the Tian'anmen Square and marched eastward.
 ☞ 路太窄,汽车通不过。
 ☞ The road is too narrow for cars to get by.
 ☞ 他们通过滚烫的沙地时,体验到了饥渴和炎热。
 ☞ In the march across the blazing sands they experienced hunger, thirst and heat.
 ☞ 3公里之外,一列火车隆隆地轰鸣着通过谷地。
 ☞ A train, three kilometers away, roared across the valley.
  ■ 与之相应的动词是cross,也有同样的意思。
 ☞ 火车正通过大桥向南驰去。
 ☞ The train was crossing the bridge towards the south.
 ☞ 为了从另一侧向法国发起总攻击,德国要求比利时允许德军通过其领土。
 ☞ In order to launch a general offensive against France from the other side, Germany demanded that Belgium allow German armies to cross her territory.
5.adopt, 指正式批准通过。
 ☞ 十一届三中全会通过了邓小平的改革路线。
 ☞ The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee adopted Deng Xiaoping's line of reform.
 ☞ 该决议以绝对多数通过。
 ☞ The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority.
 ☞ 大会以多数通过这一动议。
 ☞ The meeting carried the motion by a large majority.
 ☞ 该项法律以506票对15票通过。
 ☞ The law was carried by 506 votes to 15.
7.by, by means of, by way of等介词均指通过某种方式来达到某种目的。
 ☞ 我们通过现场观察获得了第一手资料。
 ☞ We obtained first-hand information by making on-the spot observation.
 ☞ 植物通过阳光能把水和二氧化碳制成有机物。
 ☞ Plants can turn water and carbon dioxide into organic substance by means of sunshine.
 ☞ 代表们通过门厅进入会场。
 ☞ The delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby.
 ☞ 注意交通安全:一慢、二看、三通过。
 ☞ Pay attention to traffic safety: slow down, look around and then go ahead.
 ☞ 我们要想打开工作局面,就必须通过这一关。
 ☞ We must overcome this obstacle to open a new phase in our work.
速度 速度
 ☞ 人在步行时的正常速度为每小时5公里。
 ☞ A man's normal walking speed is 5 kilometers per hour.
 ☞ 这一具有深远意义的历史变革速度一直有增无减。
 ☞ The speed of this profound historical change is ever on the increase.
 ☞ 自由落体的速度是加速度。
 ☞ The speed of a freely falling body is the accelerated velocity.
 ☞ 如血管处于扩张状态,传热的速度就会降低。
 ☞ If the blood vessels are in a dilated condition the velocity of heat transfer is reduced.
 ☞ 老头子走路速度很慢。
 ☞ The old man walks at a very slow pace.
 ☞ 他规定的速度对其他士兵来说太快了。
 ☞ The pace he set was too fast for other soldiers.
 ☞ 改革开始以来的农业增长速度是前所未有的。
 ☞ The pace of agricultural growth since the reform began has been unprecedented.
 ☞ 他见到那条狗就停止了跑步,然后又以较慢的速度继续跑着。
 ☞ He stopped running when he saw the dog and then continued at a slower pace.
 ☞ 这部交响乐在和声、节奏、节拍、速度、音域及乐器演奏的色彩上都有所变化。
 ☞ The symphony is subjected to variation in harmony, rhythm, meter, tempo, register and instrumental color.
 ☞ 供过于求打乱了生产速度。
 ☞ The excess of supply over demand has upset the tempo of production.
 ☞ 乐队突然加快了速度。
 ☞ Suddenly the band broke into a faster tempo.

 ☞ 造人的是上帝。
 ☞ It is God who made man.
 ☞ 当时本田公司并不真想造汽车。
 ☞ At that time Honda didn't really want to make cars.
 ☞ 这些东西是哪里造的?
 ☞ Where are these things made?
 ☞ 从现在开始,你得准备造明年的预算。
 ☞ You have to make preparations to make next year's budget from now on.
  ■ make作使动词时,宾语后的动词不定式一般不用to,但make作“制造”解时,这个to不能省略。如:
 ☞ 我们造鞋一定要经穿。
 ☞ We make shoes to last.
 ☞ 我们厂是造摩托车的。
 ☞ Our factory manufactures motorcars.
 ☞ 造计算机需要高科技。
 ☞ High technology is necessary to manufacture computers.
 ☞ 我们用这种办法造了第一台25万千瓦水冷发电机。
 ☞ In this way we built the first 250,000 kilowatt water-cooled generator.
 ☞ 他给我造了一艘木制的轮船模型。
 ☞ He built me a model ship out of wood.
4.draw up, 指造预算、表格等。
 ☞ 立即造赢利报表上报总公司。
 ☞ Draw up a list of the profit and report to the head office without delay.
 ☞ 国务院造了预算后还需人大批准。
 ☞ The budget, drawn up by the State Council, must be approved by the National People's Congress.
 ☞ 所有的新生都已登记造册。
 ☞ We have all the new students registered on the books.
 ☞ 他们造舆论是想把水搅浑。
 ☞ They want to muddy the water by creating public opinion.
 ☞ 他因造假账而被银行开除。
 ☞ He was dismissed from the bank for cooking the accounts.
造成 造成
 ☞ 十年动乱给我国的国民经济造成了巨大的危害。
 ☞ Ten years of upheaval did great harm to the national economy of our country.
 ☞ 他看到你们造成的损失会暴跳如雷的。
 ☞ When he sees the damage you have done he'll be furious.
 ☞ 是她给自己造成了悲剧。
 ☞ It was she who made her own tragedy.
 ☞ 白人、黑人都是人,造成差异的只是他们的肤色。
 ☞ White people and black people are all human. What make difference are their colors of skin.
 ☞ 爱因斯坦的“相对论”在整个科学界造成了轰动。
 ☞ Einstein's Theory of Relativity caused a sensation throughout the scientific world.
 ☞ 从容器里抽去空气就会造成真空。
 ☞ Removing air from a container will cause a vacuum.
 ☞ 你的说法会给人造成一种错误印象。
 ☞ Your remarks would create a wrong impression for people.
 ☞ 这一新闻发表后给政府造成了一些困难。
 ☞ The news disclosed has created some difficulties for the government.
5.bring about,指带来某种东西造成影响。
 ☞ 科学家们说天气变化是多种因素造成的。
 ☞ Scientists say that many factors bring about changes in the weather.
 ☞ 这次失败是由于你的疏忽造成的。
 ☞ This failure has been brought about by your own negligence.
6.build up, 指积累造成。
 ☞ 连续不断的群众游行示威造成了革命的声势。
 ☞ Repeated mass demonstrations built up revolutionary momentum.
 ☞ 这些措施只会造成内部冲突。
 ☞ These measures will only lead to a building-up in inner strife.
7.result in, 指某种结果造成。
 ☞ 在所有这些压力下,旧制度瓦解了,造成了权力、 权威和道德的真空。
 ☞ Under all these pressures, the old institutions collapsed, resulting in a vacuum of power, authority and morality.
 ☞ 事故造成2死1伤。
 ☞ The accident resulted in two deaths and one injury.

 ☞ 两个男人用枪逼着乘客交出钱来。
 ☞ Two men forced the passengers at gun point to give out their money.
 ☞ 他们逼着小偷招供,而没有送派出所。
 ☞ They tried to force the thief to talk instead of sending him to the police station.
 ☞ 她是被逼自杀的。
 ☞ She was forced to commit suicide.
 ☞ 几步棋之后,他就逼使对方采取了守势。
 ☞ After a few moves he forced his opponent onto the defensive.
 ☞ 她老逼着我跟她结婚。
 ☞ She kept pressing me to marry her.
 ☞ 警方把工人逼回到街垒后面。
 ☞ The police pressed the workers back behind the street barricade.
 ☞ 考试失败逼得我难过了好几天。
 ☞ The failure in the examination pressed me sorely for days.
  ■ press up还有逼近的意思。
 ☞ 我军直逼北京城下。
 ☞ Our army pressed up to the city wall of Beijing.
 ☞ 想不到你竟会逼你女儿嫁给一个她不爱的男人。
 ☞ Who would have thought that you should have compelled your daughter to marry a man she doesn't love?
 ☞ 我是逼不得已才干的。
 ☞ I did it, being compelled against my will.
 ☞ 身体不好逼得他辞去了工作。
 ☞ Bad health compelled him to resign his job.
 ☞ 他的捐赠完全是自愿的,谁也没逼他。
 ☞ His donation is entirely voluntary. Nobody pushed him.
 ☞ 丈夫把妻子逼到了自杀的边缘。
 ☞ The husband pushed his wife to the verge of suicide.
 ☞ 哪怕是最最恶劣的天气,贫穷也逼得我们出海。
 ☞ Even in the dirtiest weather, poverty drove us out to sea.
道理 道理
1.reason, reasonable,指理由或推理。
 ☞ 这样讲并不是完全没有道理。
 ☞ It is not altogether without reason to say so.
 ☞ 要是我们能摆事实讲道理,那就好办。
 ☞ That will easily be arranged if we can bring out facts and reason things out.
 ☞ 你的话很有道理。
 ☞ What you said is quite reasonable.
 ☞ 他的话不多,道理却很深。
 ☞ His words were few, but they contained profound truth.
 ☞ 双方都有几分道理。
 ☞ There is some truth on both sides.
 ☞ 不管你怎么说,道理在他那边。
 ☞ Whatever you say he has got the truth on his side.
 ☞ 请你讲讲深耕细作的道理好吗?
 ☞ Will you please explain the principle of deep ploughing and intensive cultivation?
 ☞ 你要把这条道理用到待人接物上。
 ☞ You should apply this principle to the way you get along with people.
 ☞ 我自有道理。
 ☞ I shall find a way.
 ☞ 可惜你讲不出一点令人信服的道理。
 ☞ The pity was that you were unable to come up with any convincing argument.
 ☞ 他认为没有跟他女儿商量的道理,因为婚姻归根结底是由父母安排的一桩买卖。
 ☞ He thought that there was no question of consulting his daughter, for marriage was a transaction arranged by parents.
遗弃 遗弃
 ☞ 他遗弃妻儿,为世人所不齿。
 ☞ Having abandoned his wife and children, he was held in contempt by the people.
 ☞ 敌军败退时一路上遗弃了大批辎重。
 ☞ The enemy abandoned large quantities of supplies all the way when they retreated in defeat.
 ☞ 她求丈夫不要遗弃她。
 ☞ She pleaded with her husband not to forsake her.
 ☞ 这个村子是由于环境恶化而被遗弃的。
 ☞ The village was forsaken because of environmental deterioration.
 ☞ 他由于遗弃同父异母的小妹妹而感到内疚。
 ☞ He felt guilty at deserting his little half-sister.
 ☞ 她在30年前被情人遗弃后,从此就卧床不起。
 ☞ She had taken to her bed and never risen again upon being deserted by her lover 30 years before.
4.walk out on, 指离家出走式的遗弃,是比较口语化的说法。
 ☞ 他一句话也没说就遗弃了他的一家。
 ☞ He walked out on his family without saying a word.
 ☞ 她待他不好,但她从来没想过他会遗弃她。
 ☞ She treated him badly, but she never thought he would walk out on her.
遗憾 遗憾
1.sorry for,作“遗憾”解时,其后如接but, 常含有轻微的鄙视或责备。
 ☞ 我为你感到遗憾,不过你也真笨,是不是?
 ☞ I'm sorry for you, but you've been rather foolish, haven't you?
 ☞ 我为他感到遗憾,不过那是他自己的错。
 ☞ I'm sorry for him, but it's his own fault.
 ☞ 你不为自己所做的一切感到遗憾吗?
 ☞ Aren't you sorry for what you have done?
 ☞ 非常遗憾,我不能接受你的邀请。
 ☞ I am very sorry I will not be able to accept your invitation.
 ☞ 你不能来参加晚会,真遗憾。
 ☞ It's really a pity that you can't come to the evening party.
 ☞ 她不在这里,真遗憾!
 ☞ What a pity that she isn't here!
 ☞ 遗憾的是我扫了你们的兴。
 ☞ The pity is that I spoil your fun.
3.regret, 义同sorry,但前者为名词或动词,而后者为形容词。
 ☞ 他离去时对可能引起的不便表示了遗憾。
 ☞ When leaving, he expressed regret for any inconvenience that might possibly be caused.
 ☞ 我遗憾地宣布本市前市长林木深先生逝世。
 ☞ I announce with regret the death of Mr. Lin Mushen, a former Mayor of this city.
 ☞ 如此虚度年华,你不为你逝去的青春感到遗憾吗?
 ☞ Didn't you regret your lost youth for so idling away your time?
遗漏 遗漏
1.leave out,指由于疏忽而遗漏。口头用语。
 ☞ 你抄文件时,在这一段里遗漏了两行字。
 ☞ In copying the paper you have left out two lines from this paragraph.
 ☞ 计算时遗漏了一些数字。
 ☞ Some figures were left out in the calculation.
 ☞ 她把你的话都记了下来,没有一点遗漏。
 ☞ She took down everything you said without leaving out anything.
2.omit, omission,也指由于疏忽而遗漏,但是是比较正式的说法。
 ☞ 推理的步骤要全面列举、彻底审查,才能做到毫无遗漏。
 ☞ The steps of reasoning must be enumerated in such an all-round way and reviewed so thoroughly that nothing could be omitted.
 ☞ 信的最后一行被打字员遗漏了。
 ☞ The last line of the letter was omitted by the typist.
 ☞ 这个目录有多处重大遗漏。
 ☞ The catalog has important omissions.
 ☞ 开一个详细的失物清单,再看看还有没有遗漏别的什么东西。
 ☞ Make a detailed list of the lost articles and then see to it that there is anything else missing.
 ☞ 名单上的名字有没有遗漏的?
 ☞ Are there any names missing from the list?
遗留 遗留
1.be left over,作“遗留”解时常用被动语态。
 ☞ 这些芥子毒气弹都是日本法西斯在第二次世界大战时遗留下来的。
 ☞ These mustard-gas bombs were left over from World Waruby the Japanese fascists.
 ☞ 中印边界问题是由历史遗留下来的,而且至今没有解决。
 ☞ The boundary questions between China and India are left over by history and have not been solved so far.
  ■ 不过强调主体时也可用主动语态。
 ☞ 书籍是那些伟大的天才们遗留给人类的遗产。
 ☞ Books are the legacies the great geniuses leave to mankind.
2.be handed down,一般也常用被动语态,但不是单纯的“遗留”,而是强调“一代代留传下来”。
 ☞ 他们家有许多古董,都是上几代遗留下来的。
 ☞ Their home has many antiques that have been handed down for generations.
 ☞ 这些风俗习惯都是19世纪遗留下来的。
 ☞ These customs and habits have been handed down since the 19th century.
 ☞ 这座古刹毁于战火,现在只能看到遗留T来的痕迹。
 ☞ This ancient temple was destroyed in flames of war and now only surviving trace can be seen.
 ☞ 中国文言文里的不少用语遗留至今,并在广东话的大众口语中找到了永恒的归宿。
 ☞ Not a few words of classical Chinese have survived so far and found a permanent place in the popular speech of Cantonese.
 ☞ 边界问题只是帝国主义统治遗留下来的问题之一。
 ☞ The boundary problem is only one of the legacies of imperialist rule.
 ☞ 水土流失,水源短缺和环境质量也是我们发展中遗留下来的问题。
 ☞ Soil loss, water shortages and environmental quality are also the legacies of our growth.
5.“遗留”有时可适当地表示某种存在,在一定的上下文里可用existence,there be等表示。
 ☞ 这些石刻遗留至今已千余年了。
 ☞ These stone inscriptions have been in existence for over a thousand years.
 ☞ 这里仍然遗留有30到40个信封。
 ☞ There are still here thirty to forty envelopes.
遥远 遥远
1.far, 常用语,指时间、距离的遥远。
  "We were of one family 300 years ago" means that if we go back in the far past we'll find we have the same origin.
 ☞ 在那遥远的地方,有一位好姑娘。
 ☞ In the far, far distance there was a beautiful girl.
 ☞ 至于我的家族,你可以追溯到遥远的祖先孔老夫子。
 ☞ As to my family, you can trace back to my far-away ancestor, Confucius.
 ☞ 欢呼声开始在遥远的山谷中回响。
 ☞ A cheer started the echo in a far-away valley.
 ☞ 她眼中那遥远的目光显示着她在想着别的什么事情。
 ☞ A far-away look in her eyes showed that she was thinking of something else.
 ☞ 恐龙这种怪怪的动物生活在遥远的年代。
 ☞ Those queer animals, dinosaurs, lived in remote ages.
 ☞ 北极是世界遥远的一角。
 ☞ The North Pole is a remote part of the world.
 ☞ 我听到了遥远的钟声。
 ☞ I heard the distant sound of a bell.
 ☞ 太阳是个遥远的恒星,离地球大概有149,600,000 公里。
 ☞ The sun is a distant star which is about 149.6 million km from the earth.
遭(遭到、遭受、遭遇) 遭(遭到、遭受、遭遇)
 ☞ 他虽几遭挫折,但仍壮志未已。
 ☞ Although he has suffered repeated setbacks, he is still full of ambition.
 ☞ 尽管敌人占领了该市,却遭到了严重伤亡。
 ☞ The enemy have suffered heavy casualties though they took the city.
 ☞ 显然,他们由于战争而遭受了相当大的经济损失。
 ☞ It is evident that they suffered a sizable economic loss as a result of the war.
2.meet with,指遭遇。
 ☞ 河流污染,农民遭难。
 ☞ The peasants met with misfortune when the river was polluted.
 ☞ 他申请调动工作遭到了拒绝。
 ☞ His application for a transfer has met with refusal.
 ☞ 当时有不少知识分子都遭受过严重迫害。
 ☞ At that time a number of intellectuals met with severe persecution.
 ☞ 想不到她年轻轾的竞遭遇不幸。
 ☞ Who would have thought that she should meet with death when so young?
3.be subject to,指在受支配状态下必然遭到。
 ☞ 他不接受教训,故屡遭批评。
 ☞ He was subject to repeated criticism for the fact that he didn't draw the lesson.
 ☞ 人民深知国家遭到外国统治时的痛苦。
 ☞ The people know very well how they will suffer if their country is subject to foreign rule.
 ☞ 如果锅炉遭受的压力太大,就会爆炸。
 ☞ The boiler will blow up if it is subject to too great pressure.
 ☞ 不要轻信任何人,否则你会遭骗。
 ☞ Give no credence to anyone otherwise you'll be taken in.
 ☞ 与其在这里遭人白眼,倒不如回家。
 ☞ I would rather go home than be treated here with disdain.
 ☞ 我厂在地震中遭到严重破坏。
 ☞ Our factory was seriously damaged during the earthquake.
 ☞ 该县正遭受水灾。
 ☞ The county is being hit by floods.
 ☞ 尽管日本军队夺取了上海,但遭到顽强抵抗。
 ☞ The Japanese troops encountered a stubborn resistance though they seized Shanghai.
 ☞ 先头部队在一个无名高地上遭遇了敌人。
 ☞ The advanced unit encountered the enemy at an unnamed hill.
 ☞ 这里的边境哨卡一度屡遭攻击。
 ☞ The frontier sentry posts here sustained once repeated attacks.
 ☞ 水灾使我县的生命财产遭到了巨大的损失。
 ☞ Our county sustained a great loss of lives and property during the floods.
 ☞ 裸露的耕地遭受的土壤流失远远超过了土壤的生成。
 ☞ The bare fallow sustains soil losses far more than the rate of soil formation。
 ☞ 暴风雨使该岛遭到严重破坏。
 ☞ The hurricane inflicted severe damage on the island.
 ☞ 这次进攻使敌人遭受了重大伤亡。
 ☞ The attack has inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy.
 ☞ 咱们有着共同的历史遭遇。
 ☞ We have shared the same historical experience.
 ☞ 他后来的遭遇我就不知道了。
 ☞ I don't know what became of him later.
 ☞ 他的文章遭到了读者的批评。
 ☞ His article invited criticism by readers.
遮(遮挡、遮盖、遮掩) 遮(遮挡、遮盖、遮掩)
1.cover, 指没有阴谋的遮盖。
 ☞ 她哭的时候,用手遮住脸。
 ☞ She covered her face with her hand when she began to weep.
 ☞ 山路全给大雪遮盖了。
 ☞ The mountain paths were all covered with snow.
 ☞ 用帘子把窗子遮挡起来。
 ☞ Cover the window with a curtain.
 ☞ 群山都被浓雾遮住了。
 ☞ The mountains were covered in thick fog.
 ☞ 大胆承认错误,不要遮遮掩掩。
 ☞ Admit your mistakes courageously. Don't cover them up.
 ☞ 他再也遮掩不住内心的喜悦。
 ☞ He cannot conceal his delight any more.
 ☞ 我保证再也不遮遮掩掩的了。
 ☞ I promise I'll never conceal anything any more.
 ☞ 你绝不可能永远遮盖真相。
 ☞ You can never conceal the truth forever.
 ☞ 她被夸得不好意思了,就用手遮脸。
 ☞ She was left embarrassed by so much praise, so she hid her face in her hands.
 ☞ 我在观察时,一片乌云一下子遮住了太阳。
 ☞ A black cloud hid the sun for a moment as I watched.
 ☞ 我对自己的观点,从没想过要遮遮掩掩的。
 ☞ I have never thought to hide my view.
 ☞ 错误总是遮盖不住的。
 ☞ Mistakes can never be hidden.
4.spread over,overspread,指铺开后遮住。
 ☞ 天下起雨来,他就用塑料布把脱粒机遮盖起来。
 ☞ I began to rain and he spread a plastic sheet over the thresher.
 ☞ 现在的农田都用塑料薄膜遮盖起来,以减少水分蒸发。
 ☞ Nowadays the fields are overspread with plastic film to reduce evaporation.
5.shut out, 指遮挡住。
 ☞ 这些树遮住了前面的视线。
 ☞ These trees shut out the view ahead.
 ☞ 乌鸦的翅膀遮挡不住太阳的光辉。
 ☞ A crow's wings can never shut out the sunlight.
6.keep out,指挡住外物不让进来(去)。
 ☞ 我们总算有了个住处,可以遮风挡雨。
 ☞ We managed to have a shelter that can keep out the wind and rain.
 ☞ 棉衣虽旧,但可遮挡寒冷。
 ☞ The cotton-padded coat can keep out the cold though it is old.
遵从 遵从
 ☞ 学生应该遵从老师的劝告。
 ☞ Pupils ought to follow teacher's advice.
 ☞ 这一次她遵从了内心的劝告,没有嫁给有钱的老头,而是和一个穷汉结了婚。
 ☞ This time she followed the dictates of her heart, and married a poor man instead of the rich old one.
2.comply with,in compliance with,指取得一致的遵从。
 ☞ 你怎么能逼着我们去遵从一个死人的意志?
 ☞ How can you force us to comply with the will of the dead?
 ☞ 他们不得不遵从他在那里的指手画脚,尽管这么做是违心的。
 ☞ They were forced to comply with his ordering them about, though it was against their will in so doing.
 ☞ 你可以另有恕法,但你还得遵从领导的指示办事。
 ☞ You can think otherwise, but you have to act in compliance with the directives of the leadership.
3.defer to, in deference to,指出于崇敬等原因而遵从。
 ☞ 在这类事情上他都遵从她老婆的。
 ☞ He defers to his wife in these matters.
 ☞ 子女一般都遵从父母的意见。
 ☞ Children usually defer to their parents.
 ☞ 工人们遵从工会的意见,撤回了立即增加工资的要求。
 ☞ The workers withdrew their demand for an immediate increase in wages in deference to the trade union's advice.
遵守 遵守
 ☞ 你做研究工作,一定要始终如一,认真自觉地遵守这条规律。
 ☞ You must invariably and conscientiously follow this rule when doing your research work.
 ☞ 撤军时官兵们都应遵守纪律并互相帮助。
 ☞ Officers and men should follow discipline and help each other during the troop withdrawal.
 ☞ 全国人民,个个都应遵守宪法。
 ☞ The whole nation, one and all, should observe the constitution.
 ☞ 无论教师还是学生,在校内人人都应遵守校规。
 ☞ Everyone in the school must observe the school rules, be the teacher or the student.
3.abide by,指严格、忠实地遵守。
 ☞ 我保证遵守我作出的诺言。
 ☞ I pledge myself to abide by the promise I have made.
 ☞ 我们既已做出决定,就应该遵守。
 ☞ Having made our decision, we must abide by it.
4.comply with,指取得一致的遵守。
 ☞ 我相信双方都会遵守并执行协议的。
 ☞ I believe that both sides will comply with and carry out the agreement.
 ☞ 不遵守法律的人会受到惩罚。
 ☞ Those who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.
5.adhere to, 指坚持遵守。
 ☞ 瑞士是一个遵守中立的国家。
 ☞ Switzerland is a country adhering to neutrality.
 ☞ 我们向来是遵守代表大会的决议的。
 ☞ We have been adhering to the resolution of the congress.
避免 避免
 ☞ 如果计划周密,危险是可以避免的。
 ☞ The danger can be avoided if we make our plans carefully.
 ☞ 你在她面前最好避免提起这件事。
 ☞ You'd better avoid mentioning it in front of her.
 ☞ 这艘巨轮一个紧急转舵,避免了一次对撞。
 ☞ The great ship turned sharply, avoiding a direct collision.
 ☞ 资本主义无法避免周期性危机。
 ☞ Capitalism cannot avoid periodical crises.
2.从清除的角度可用be clear of,clear sb. of,steer clear of, stay clear of等。
 ☞ 你现在避免了嫌疑。
 ☞ You are now clear of suspicion.
 ☞ 她的证词使他避免了指控。
 ☞ Her testimony cleared him of the charges.
 ☞ 他在审讯中避免了各种指责。
 ☞ In the trial he was cleared of all the accusations.
 ☞ 今年我们应避免更多的开支。
 ☞ We must steer clear of any more expenses this year.
 ☞ 我们应当避免与敌军主力遭遇。
 ☞ We must stay clear of meeting the enemy's main force.
3.从克制的角度可用refrain from。
 ☞ 我有意避免与她争论。
 ☞ I purposely refrained from arguing with her.
 ☞ 我们应当避免随便发表意见。
 ☞ We should refrain from expressing our opinion too freely.
 ☞ 无论做什么事都要避免过分。
 ☞ Whatever we do, we must refrain from doing everything in excess.
 ☞ 政委说服了游击队员,避免了轻率的行动。
 ☞ The political commissar talked the guerrillas into refraining from any rash actions.
 ☞ 预应力钢筋混凝土结构的建筑可以有助于避免地震的损害。
 ☞ Buildings with prestressed concrete may help avert damage from earthquakes.
 ☞ 他认真负责的态度成功地避免了一次事故。
 ☞ His conscientiousness succeeded in averting an accident.
 ☞ 法治可以避免人祸。
 ☞ Rule by law may avert man-made calamities.
5.从挽救的角度可用save from。
 ☞ 这一伟大胜利挽救了我们党,避免了一次大分裂。
 ☞ This great victory has saved our Party from a major split.
 ☞ 谁都知道越南人无法避免在那里打败仗。
 ☞ Everybody knows that the Vietnamese cannot save themselves from defeat there.
6.有时用try not, see that... not也有“避免”的意思。
 ☞ 这确实是我们应当避免做的那类事。
 ☞ This is exactly the kind of thing we should try not to do.
 ☞ 我们说话要避免挫伤群众的积极性。
 ☞ When we make speeches we must see that the enthusiasm of the masses is not dampened.
 ☞ 批评与自我批评是我们的武器,但开展时应避免过分。
 ☞ Criticism and self-criticism are our weapons but we must see that they are not exercised excessively.
部分 部分
 ☞ 我们看问题,不但要看到部分,而且要看到全局。
 ☞ In approaching a problem we should see the whole as well as the parts.
 ☞ 他晚上大部分时间的工作是帮着组织罢工工人。
 ☞ The greater part of the night he worked at helping to organize the strikers.
 ☞ 他的讲座分为三部分。
 ☞ His lecture falls into three parts.
  ■ part还可组成固定词组,如:
1) in part,指部分地,有些部分。
 ☞ 这些书,你们当中有些人应当读一读,全部或是部分。
 ☞ These books should be read by some of you, in whole or in part.
 ☞ 庄稼歉收部分是由于干旱。
 ☞ The crop failure was due in part to the drought.
2) part of,指“...的一部分”。
 ☞ 只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。
 ☞ There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.
 ☞ 他过去常说宗教是资本主义的一部分。
 ☞ He used to say religion was part of the capitalist system.
  ■ 应该指出part of前一般不加不定冠词a,除非前面还带有修饰语。
 ☞ 大部分问题是缺少资金。
 ☞ Lack of funds is a large part of the problem.
 ☞ 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
 ☞ Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory.
  ■ 由于part of只与不可数名词或可数名词的单数搭配,因此碰到可数名词复数时要用number of代替。
 ☞ 现在大部分妇女大都外出工作。
 ☞ Nowadays a large number of women go out to work.
 ☞ 可是一小部分人却拥有大部分的社会财富。
 ☞ But a small number of people possess a great part of wealth of the society.
 ☞ 他完成了自己那一部分工作以后,又去帮助别人。
 ☞ After finishing his share of the work, he went to help the others.
 ☞ 你应当承担一部分责任。
 ☞ You ought to take your share of the responsibility.
3.to... extent,指某一程度上。
 ☞ 我们改变了原计划的一部分。
 ☞ We've altered the original plan to some extent.
 ☞ 他们的资金大部分来自广告收入。
 ☞ They are financed to a great extent by advertising revenue.
 ☞ 他的错误我要负部分责任。
 ☞ To a certain extent I'm responsible for his mistakes.
 ☞ 研究小组大部分由知识分子组成。
 ☞ The research group was to a large extent composed of intellectuals.

 ☞ 我不知哪本书好,我要两本都读。
 ☞ I don't know which book is better; I shall read both.
 ☞ 你给我和你叔叔都找了许多麻烦。
 ☞ You've given both your uncle and me a lot of trouble.
 ☞ 两位经理都没有车,我很惊奇。
 ☞ I was very surprised that neither of the two managers had a car.
 ☞ 我试了两件衣服,两件都不合适。
 ☞ I tried on two dresses but neither fit me.
 ☞ 门窗都是开着的。
 ☞ Both the window and the door were open.
 ☞ 门窗都没开。
 ☞ Neither the window nor the door was open 他两个姐姐并不都在北京。
 ☞ Both his sisters are not in Beijing.
 ☞ 他两个姐姐都不在北京。
 ☞ Neither of his sisters is in Beijing.
 ☞ 孩子都不到7岁。
 ☞ All the children are under seven.
 ☞ 这些答案都对。
 ☞ These answers are all right.
 ☞ 除了我,他们都不说英语。
 ☞ None of them speak English except me.
 ☞ 乘客都没有意识到危险。
 ☞ None of the passengers were aware of the danger.
 ☞ 对这个问题,大家都是一个意见。
 ☞ All were of the same opinion on this question,或Everybody was of the same opinion on this question.
 ☞ 这些人我并不都认识。
 ☞ I don't know all of them.
 ☞ 这些人我都不认识。
 ☞ I know none of them.
③注意否定句时,not... everything与nothing及not... anything的区别。
 ☞ 他们的情况,我并不都知道。
 ☞ I don't know everything about them.
 ☞ 他们的情况我都不知道。
 ☞ I don't know anything(或know nothing) about them.
 ☞ 墙壁都漆成了绿色。
 ☞ All the walls have been painted green.
 ☞ 孩子都在7岁以下。
 ☞ All the children were under seven.
 ☞ 他把身上的钱都给了我。
 ☞ He gave me what money (all the money that) he had on him.
 ☞ 我把不用的书都借给你。
 ☞ I will lend you what books (all the books that)I can spare.
 ☞ 打猎的越来越近,都能听到马跑的声音了。
 ☞ The hunters were coming nearer and nearer and the gallop could already be heard.
 ☞ 时间过得真快,都到12月了。
 ☞ How time flies, it is already December.
 ☞ 我都要去上学了,突然想起没带书包。
 ☞ I was nearly out to school when I remembered that I had left my bag home.
 ☞ 我都决定要把那块巧克力放回原处了,可一想起那滋味又拿不定主意了。
 ☞ I nearly decided to put that bar of chocolate back, but just thinking of its taste made me hesitate again.
 ☞ 我都要写完这本书的前言了。
 ☞ I have almost finished my introduction to the book.
 ☞ 他都以为你是这个意思。
 ☞ He almost thought you had meant it.
6.表示“不论(管)…都…”,可用no matter how (what, who, where, when等)或whatever, (whoever, wherever, whenever)等。
 ☞ 不论反动分子玩弄多少阴谋诡计,都不能阻挠历史潮流奔腾向前。
 ☞ No matter how the reactionaries scheme and plot, they cannot hold the dynamic trend of history.
 ☞ 不管谁指出我们的缺点,都要改正。
 ☞ No matter who may point out our shortcomings, we will correct them.
 ☞ 不管做什么都应考虑人民的利益。
 ☞ Whatever we do, we should take the interests of the people into consideration.
 ☞ 都是你耽误了我们吃早饭。
 ☞ It was because of you that we missed our breakfast.
 ☞ 都是你磨蹭,害得我们迟到。
 ☞ It was all because of your dawdling that we were late.
 ☞ 今天天气真怪,中午都比早晨冷。
 ☞ Strange weather we are having today. It's even colder at noon than it was in the morning.
 ☞ 要是你努力,你会比谁都学得好。
 ☞ You'll learn even better than anyone else if you try hard.

1.match (with),指匹配、配置。
 ☞ 我要一条能配这套衣服的领带。
 ☞ I want a tie to match with this suit.
 ☞ 你的地毯和窗帘不配。
 ☞ Your carpet and curtains do not match.或Your carpet does not match with the curtains.
 ☞ 把这3种彩色光混合起来,几乎所有的颜色都可以配。
 ☞ Almost all colors can be matched by mixing the three colored lights.
2.marry, 指婚配。
 ☞ 郎才配女貌是旧中国的传统思想。
 ☞ A talented man marrying a pretty girl——that was the traditional idea in old China.
 ☞ 才郎配了美女。
 ☞ A talented lad is married to the pretty girl.
 ☞ 英雄配模范,真是美满姻缘。
 ☞ A model worker is married to a hero—this is really a good match.
3.mate, 指交配。
 ☞ 公驴配母马,生出来的是骡子。
 ☞ A mule is produced if a male donkey is mated with a mare.
 ☞ 这里的农民现在兴野猪配家猪这一类的事情。
 ☞ Peasants here go in for such a sort of thing as wild boars are mated with sows.
 ☞ 只有他们这样的人,才配得上先进工作者的称号。
 ☞ Only people like them deserve the name of advanced workers.
 ☞ 做作出来的善意不配感谢。
 ☞ A forced kindness deserves no thanks.
 ☞ 她得的是癫痫病,这病使她感到她配不上她男人。
 ☞ She suffered from epilepsy, which made her feel undeserving towards her husband.
5.be qualified,指够格。
 ☞ 她做媒婆倒是蛮配的。
 ☞ She is well qualified to be a woman matchmaker.
 ☞ 批评我的工作他不配。
 ☞ He is not qualified to criticize my work.
 ☞ 旧蓄电池有毛病,该配个新的。
 ☞ The old battery is defective and should be replaced with a new one.
 ☞ 他把零件丢了,我又没法配。
 ☞ He lost the spare part and I'm not able to replace it.
 ☞ 拿这张方子到中药房去配3副药。
 ☞ Have three doses of this prescription made up at the Chinese pharmacy.
 ☞ 这个食谱配得好。
 ☞ This is a well combined diet.
 ☞ 我给我自己配了一幅新眼镜。
 ☞ I have my eyesight tested for a new pair of glasses for myself.
 ☞ 现在人们喜欢给老曲子配上新歌词。
 ☞ Nowadays people like to set new words to an old tune.
 ☞ 这段唱腔要用笛子来配。
 ☞ This passage is to be sung to the accompaniment of a bamboo flute.
配合 配合
 ☞ 青年团的活动要配合党的中心工作。
 ☞ The Youth League must coordinate its activities with the Party's central work.
 ☞ 游泳时手足的活动要相互配合。
 ☞ Coordinate the movements of the arms and legs when swimming.
 ☞ 治疗过程中,病人和医生配合得很好。
 ☞ The patient cooperated very well with the doctors during the treatment.
 ☞ 委员会的任务是配合总统及国防部长推动及控制战时生产。
 ☞ The committee was directed to cooperate with the president and the defense minister in stimulating and controlling war production.
3.act (work) in concert,指协调一致的配合。
 ☞ 各国政府决定在反恐问题上配合行动。
 ☞ Various governments decided to act in concert against terrorism.
 ☞ 只要他们配合行动,他们是有能力制止战争的。
 ☞ They have the power to prevent war if they will but act in concert.
 ☞ 如果你们工作上相互配合,就一定会成功。
 ☞ You will certainly succeed if you work in concert with each other.
 ☞ 我们应以工作来配合学校的整个计划。
 ☞ We have to gear our work to the overall plan of the school.
 ☞ 我们表演了许多生动的节目,都是紧密配合人权斗争的。
 ☞ We have performed a good many lively items which are closely geared to the struggle for human rights.
配备 配备
 ☞ 我们医院都给老中医配备了助手。
 ☞ Our hospital has provided assistants to all veteran practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.
 ☞ 学校给露营的师生配备了帐篷。
 ☞ The school provided tents for the camping teachers and pupils.
2.equip with,指提供装备。
 ☞ 我们学校给图书馆配备了计算机。
 ☞ Our college has equipped the library with computers.
 ☞ 解放军装备精良,士兵都配备有火箭发射器。
 ☞ The PLA is well equipped and soldiers are equipped with rocket launchers.
3.be fitted with,指安装有。
 ☞ 这些舰艇配备有大口径火炮。
 ☞ These ships are fitted with large-caliber guns.
 ☞ 汽车配备有防弹窗。
 ☞ The car is fitted with bullet-proof windows.
 ☞ 我军沿河配备有两个营的兵力。
 ☞ Our army disposed two battalions along the river.
 ☞ 火力是按地形配备的。
 ☞ The fire power was disposed according to the terrain.
 ☞ 我们科的人员配备不足。
 ☞ Our department is under-manned.
 ☞ 要从敌人配备弱的地方穿插进去。
 ☞ Thrust in where the enemy deployment is weak.
酝酿 酝酿
1.brew, 指由酿造转意而来。
 ☞ 就在此时,一场政治风暴正在酝酿之中。
 ☞ In the mean time a political storm was brewing.
 ☞ 蒋介石在西安的特务虽然知道西安有事在酝酿之中,但却无法获悉事情的实质性细节。
 ☞ Though Chiang Kai-shek's spies in Xi'an knew that something was fermenting they could get few details of exact nature.
 ☞ 候选人名单是经过充分酝酿的。
 ☞ The list of candidates was thoroughly considered.
4.exchange of views,指由交换意见转意而来。
 ☞ 咱们预先酝酿一下。
 ☞ Let's have a preliminary exchange of views first.
5.deliberation, 指由深思熟虑转意而来。
 ☞ 经过反复酝酿协商,选举了出席大会的代表。
 ☞ Delegates to the congress were elected after repeated deliberations and consultations.

1.sour, 指味酸。
 ☞ 酸梅汤的味道是酸甜酸甜的。
 ☞ Plum juice tastes sweet and sour.
 ☞ 牛奶变酸了。
 ☞ The milk has turned sour.
2.acid, 指化学酸。
 ☞ 由于空气污染,去年下过酸雨。
 ☞ There was acid rain last year because of polluted air.
 ☞ 醋里含有醋酸。
 ☞ Vinegar contains acetic acid.
3.pain, ache,指酸痛。
 ☞ 我告诉医生我腰酸。
 ☞ I told the doctor that I had a pain in the back.
 ☞ 走了一天的路,我的腿肚子发酸。
 ☞ My legs ached after I'd been walking all day.
4.heartrending, feel like crying, feel a twinge in one's nose等指伤心。
 ☞ 看这出戏叫人心酸。
 ☞ It was heartrending to see the play.
 ☞ 她的哭诉弄得我心酸。
 ☞ Her tearful complaint made me feel like crying.
 ☞ 老大娘鼻子一酸便流下泪来。
 ☞ The old woman felt a twinge in her nose and she began to weep.
5.jealous, envious, green with envy,指带有妒意的酸。
 ☞ 他发现她爱上了别人就变得酸溜溜的。
 ☞ He was jealous when he discovered that she loved someone else.
 ☞ 她对妹妹的好运气感到有点敬溜溜的。
 ☞ She was a bit envious of her sister's good fortune.
 ☞ 娟娟的朋友见到她的新衣都酸溜溜的。
 ☞ Juanjuan's friends were green with envy when they saw her new dress.

1.wake,awake,waken,awaken, 均有“醒” 意思,但又略有区别。
1) wake,强调摆脱睡的过程或仅指醒的状态,最为常用。
 ☞ 人过分疲劳就难醒。
 ☞ It's difficult to wake when one is unduly fatigued.
 ☞ 他是睡着还是醒着都没关系。
 ☞ It doesn't matter that he sleeps or wakes.
2) awake,强调完全清醒的结果。
 ☞ 半夜里,她突然醒了。
 ☞ She awoke suddenly at midnight.
 ☞ 醉汉醒来时发现自己躺在沟里。
 ☞ The drunken man awoke to find himself in a ditch.
3) waken,也指醒过来,但更多的用作及物动词或被动句。有“醒”、“叫醒”、“吵醒”的意思。
 ☞ 老年人醒得早。
 ☞ Old people waken early.
 ☞ 早上6点,他就把大家叫醒了。
 ☞ He wakened everybody up at six in the morning.
 ☞ 我是被吵醒的。
 ☞ I was wakened by the noise.
4) awaken,义同waken,但还可用作比喻。
 ☞ 不要叫醒他,反正他迟早要醒的。
 ☞ Don't wake him up. Sooner or later he is going to awaken anyway.
 ☞ 我是被鸟的歌声吵醒的。
 ☞ I was awakened by the song of the birds.
 ☞ 这些都是醒世名言。
 ☞ They are famous sayings to awaken the world.
2.sober up, 指酒醉后清醒。
 ☞ 喝杯茶,醒醒酒。
 ☞ Have a cup of tea to sober yourself up.
 ☞ 我们把他放到床上睡觉,一直到他醒过来。
 ☞ We put him to bed until he sobered up.
 ☞ 浓茶可以醒酒。
 ☞ Strong tea can help to dispel the effects of alcohol.
 ☞ 这种药会提神醒目。
 ☞ This medicine will refresh the mind and eye.
 ☞ 你睡觉时醒着点,有什么动静就起来。
 ☞ You must keep alert in bed and be ready to get up at the slightest sound.

 ☞ 采束花来装饰房间。
 ☞ Pick a bunch of flowers for room decoration.
 ☞ 这个月是采苹果的季节。
 ☞ This month is the time to pick apples.
 ☞ 我们常在假日上山采草药。
 ☞ On holidays we often go into the mountains to gather medicinal herbs.
 ☞ 姑娘们采桑养蚕。
 ☞ The girls gather mulberry leaves to raise silkworms.
3.表示“开采”,译mine (for),extract,前者着重开采的过程,后者暗含有利用机械、化工等手段开采。
 ☞ 矿工们下矿采煤,一天6小时。
 ☞ The miners work underground for six hours a day, mining for coal.
 ☞ 去年全国采了多少铁矿?
 ☞ How much iron ore did the nation mine last year?
 ☞ 矿工从矿层里采金。
 ☞ Miners extract gold from the seams.
 ☞ 我们采用了从页岩里采油的新工序。
 ☞ We have applied a new process to extract oil from shale.
4.表示“潜水采取”,译dive for。
 ☞ 这里的姑娘都下水采珍珠。
 ☞ The girls here dive for pearls.
 ☞ 附近的渔民常下海采海参。
 ☞ The fishermen nearby often dive into the sea for sea cucumbers.
采取 采取
1.日常用语为take,常与measure, step, attitude, action, stand等搭配。
 ☞ 地震是可以预测的,因此可采取预防措施。
 ☞ Earthquakes can be predicted so that precautionary measures can be taken.
 ☞ 你们采取什么步骤来防止流感的传播?
 ☞ What steps do you take to prevent the spread of influenza?
 ☞ 对生活采取这种态度,实在荒唐。
 ☞ It is absurd to take such an attitude toward life.
 ☞ 就在那天晚上我们决定采取行动。
 ☞ We decided to take action that very evening.
 ☞ 我钦佩你采取的立场。
 ☞ I admire the stand you take.
  ■ 采取某种态度有时也可用take up,表示强调。
 ☞ 他对任何问题都采取积极进取的态度。
 ☞ He takes up an active and aggressive attitude to any problem.
 ☞ 后一个发言的采取了咄咄逼人的态度。
 ☞ The next speaker took up a most aggressive attitude.
2.书面用语为adopt,常与measure,attitude,policy, approach, method, way等搭配。
 ☞ 我们必须采取切实措施来改进我们的工作。
 ☞ We must adopt effective measures to improve our work.
 ☞ 对毛主席的批评,“四人帮”采取了反革命两面派的态度。
 ☞ Towards Chairman Mao's criticism, the "Gang of Four" adopted the attitude of counter-revolutionary double dealers.
 ☞ 情况终于迫使我们采取这一政策。
 ☞ Circumstances forced us finally to adopt this policy.
 ☞ 这就是我们确定范畴时应采取的那种方法。
 ☞ This is the sort of approach that we should adopt in trying to define the category.
 ☞ 因此我们并不认为他们应当或者必须采取中国的做法。
 ☞ Therefore, we do not maintain that they should or must adopt the Chinese way.
 ☞ 我们采取了领导机关的意见与群众意见相结合的方法。
 ☞ We adopted the method of integrating the ideas of the leading body with those of the masses.
 ☞ 物质运动总是采取一定的形式。
 ☞ The motion of matter always assumes certain forms.
 ☞ 他作为医生总是采取这样的镇静态度来对待病人的。
 ☞ He as a doctor usually assumes such kind of calmness dealing with his patients.
 ☞ 联军于1944年采取了攻势。
 ☞ The allied forces assumed the offensive in 1944.
 ☞ 他至死都对平民采取了高傲的态度。
 ☞ He assumed a haughty mien towards the common people till his death.
4.正式用语resort to,常与带有贬义色彩的词搭配,如:means, maneuvers, vile activities等。
 ☞ 他们为了达到目的,准备采取任何手段。
 ☞ They are willing to resort to any means to achieve their aims.
 ☞ 他们采取种种手法,推行了一条极“左”路线。
 ☞ Resorting to various maneuvers, they pursued an ultra-Left line.
采用 采用
 ☞ 工人们采用推土机来平整土地。
 ☞ The workers used bulldozers to level land.
 ☞ 我们常采用芥末膏药来止胸疼。
 ☞ We often use a mustard plaster to relieve a chest pam.
 ☞ 工人们采用了新方法,并获得很好的效果。
 ☞ The workers applied the new method and achieved excellent results.
3.adopt即take and use,强调采纳后加以使用。
 ☞ 我们在探测中采用了新技术。
 ☞ We have adopted new techniques in exploration.
 ☞ 我厂采用了他的计划。
 ☞ Our factory adopted his plan.
 ☞ 空间实验室方案采用了经过修改的阿波罗火箭及宇宙飞船。
 ☞ The sky-lab project employed modified Apollo rockets and spacecraft.
 ☞ 他因而自然而然地采用较老的弹性固体理论。
 ☞ Accordingly, he employed the older elastic-solid theory.
 ☞ 警察不得不采用武力来驱散人群。
 ☞ The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.
采访 采访
 ☞ 今天她第一次采访了证券交易所。
 ☞ Today she covered the stock exchange for the first time.
 ☞ 我们都采访了竞选活动的全过程。
 ☞ We all covered the election campaign from start to finish.
 ☞ 美联社记者采访了我国外交部长并询问了“一国两制”的政策。
 ☞ The AP correspondent interviewed the foreign minister of China and asked about the policy of "one country, two systems".
 ☞ 该国大使拒绝对这一问题的所有采访。
 ☞ The ambassador of that country refused all interviews on the subject.
3.find and collect,指搜集和寻访。
 ☞ 做图书采访工作也不易。
 ☞ It is not easy to do the work of finding and collecting books for libraries.
 ☞ 我们花了很长时间来采访鲁迅的手稿。
 ☞ It took us a long time to find and collect Lu Xun's manuscripts.
释放 释放
 ☞ 政府释放了最后5名由于受政治指控而被拘留的美国人。
 ☞ The government freed the last rive Americans held on political charges.
 ☞ 所有的战俘都已释放。
 ☞ All prisoners of war were freed.
  ■ free还可与set连用,与free同义,但语气没有free正式。
 ☞ 成千上万的爱国者因此而得到释放。
 ☞ Thousands of patriots were thus set free.
 ☞ 你们是在什么时候释放他的?
 ☞ When did you set him free?
 ☞ 内涵比free广。
 ☞ 安理会一致通过决议向该国呼吁,要求立即释放人质。
 ☞ The Security Council passed a unanimous appeal to that country to release the hostages immediately.
 ☞ 他服刑期满后从监狱里释放了出来。
 ☞ He was released from prison after completing the term of imprisonment.
 ☞ 原子弹爆炸时,链式反应释放出来的能量转变成热量。
 ☞ When an atom bomb explodes the energy released by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.
3.liberate, 可用于人或物,但含义较广,可指从牢狱中释放,也可指物质或精神上的释放。
 ☞ 他在战犯特赦令发布后就被释放了。
 ☞ He was liberated after the decree of amnesty to war criminals was issued.
 ☞ 化学反应产生热,并释放氧气。
 ☞ Chemical reaction brings about heat, and oxygen is liberated.
 ☞ 动物所吃的食物中的能量是通过其代谢过程释放出来的。
 ☞ The energy content of the food an animal eats is liberated by its metabolic processes.
 ☞ 法官判他无罪释放。
 ☞ The judge found him not guilty and discharged him.
 ☞ 火山喷发时释放大量的岩浆。
 ☞ During the eruption of a volcano it discharges a great deal of magma.

1.weigh, weight,weighty'指重量。
 ☞ 这条鱼有3斤重。
 ☞ This fish weighs three jin.
 ☞ 我重60公斤。
 ☞ I weigh 60 kilograms.
 ☞ 你有多重?
 ☞ What's your weight?
 ☞ 这东西体积小,分量重。
 ☞ It's smaller in size but greater in weight.
 ☞ 为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重。
 ☞ To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai.
 ☞ 这么重的责任,她承担了多久啦?
 ☞ How long has she taken such weighty responsibility?
 ☞ 这箱子太重,我提不起来。
 ☞ The box is too heavy and I can't lift it.
 ☞ 好重的手提箱!
 ☞ What a heavy suitcase!
  ■ 但heavy 可以转义,作“沉重”解。
 ☞ 他的工作负担重。
 ☞ He has a heavy workload.
 ☞ 现在的个人财产税越来越重。
 ☞ Nowadays the taxes on personal property are getting heavier and heavier.
 ☞ 他的毛发重。
 ☞ He has thick hair.
 ☞ 她的眉毛很重。
 ☞ She has thick eyebrows.
4.set store by,指殄重。
 ☞ The slogan "Friendship first, competition second"
 ☞ shows that we set store by friendship.
 ☞ 我们重德才,不重外貌。
 ☞ We set store by one's ability and integrity, not by one's appearance.
5.lay stress on,指重视。
 ☞ 办案要重证据。
 ☞ You must lay stress on evidence while handling cases.
 ☞ 我们要了解情况,要重调查研究。
 ☞ We should lay stress on investigation and study if you want to find out the situation.
 ☞ 话说得太重了。
 ☞ That's putting it too strong.
 ☞ 他的私心太重。
 ☞ He is extremely selfish.
 ☞ 你的上海口音很重。
 ☞ You have a marked Shanghai accent 她的病势很重。
 ☞ She is seriously ill.
重大 重大
 ☞ 中国在建设高速公路方面取得了重大的进展。
 ☞ China has made significant progress in the construction of expressways.
 ☞ 青霉素在医学上是一次重大的发现。
 ☞ Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.
 ☞ 这次上海首脑会议具有重大的现实意义。
 ☞ The Shanghai Summit is of great immediate significance.
 ☞ 要他做出这样一个重大决定并不容易。
 ☞ It was not easy for him to make such a great decision.
 ☞ 这一普及教育的体制是我国政府的又一重大成就。
 ☞ The system of popular education is another tremendous achievement of our government.
 ☞ 他的话无疑含有重大的真理。
 ☞ His words undoubtly contain a tremendous truth.
 ☞ 讨论中,两党之间产生了重大的原则性分歧。
 ☞ In discussion major differences of principles have arisen between the two parties.
 ☞ 保健是当代的一个重大问题。
 ☞ Health care is one of the major problems of our time.
 ☞ 党代会之前,这是十分重大的问题。
 ☞ This is one of the vital issues before the Party congress信里有重大的信息。
 ☞ The letter contains vital information.
 ☞ 他有作案的重大嫌疑。
 ☞ There is a strong suspicion that he committed the crime.
 ☞ 敌人在这次战役中遭到重大损失。
 ☞ The enemy suffered heavy losses in this campaign.
 ☞ 我军这一次赢得了重大胜利。
 ☞ This time our troops won a signal victory.
 ☞ 这些谈判对发展中国家关系重大。
 ☞ The developing countries have an important stake in these negotiations.
 ☞ 许多社会学家认为移民带来了重大的社会问题。
 ☞ Many sociologists believed that 'the immigration created grave social problems.
重点 重点
1.focal point,指兴趣、注意力、重要性集中的重点。
 ☞ 他的讲话重点突出,简短明了。
 ☞ His speech was brief and clear by making the focal points stand out.
 ☞ 我们讨论的重点是如何执行好这一政策。
 ☞ The focal point of our discussion is how to carry out the policy well.
 ☞ 清华和北大都是中国的重点大学。
 ☞ Tsinghua University and Peking University are both key universities of China.
 ☞ 辽沈、平津及淮海战役是中国解放战争的三大重点战役。
 ☞ The Liaoning-Shenyang, Beiping-Tianjin and HuaiHai Campaigns are three key battles in the Liberation War of China.
 ☞ 三峡工程是重点,其他工程都要让路。
 ☞ The Three Gorges Project has priority over all others.
 ☞ 重伤员要重点看护。
 ☞ The badly wounded take priority for medical attention.
 ☞ 新计划的重点要放在削减成本上。
 ☞ The emphasis of the new plan must be on cutting costs.
 ☞ 新的道德风尚是他这次讲话的重点。
 ☞ New morality and practices were the emphasis of his speech.
5.essential, 指本质上的重点。
 ☞ 无论干什么,都应抓重点。
 ☞ What ever you do, stress the essentials.
 ☞ 你要把你计划的重点概括起来。
 ☞ Outline the essentials of your plan.
1) center on,指重点集中于某事。
 ☞ 她注意的重点是妇女问题。
 ☞ She centered her attention on the women problem.
 ☞ 我们今天重点讨论技术革新问题。
 ☞ Our discussion today will center on technical innovation.
2) focus,指聚焦的重点。可与center on换用。
 ☞ 我们今天重点讨论技术革新问题。
 ☞ We'll focus our discussion today on technical innovation.
 ☞ 她注意的重点是妇女问题。
 ☞ She focused her attention on the women problem.
 ☞ 我们把工作的重点转移到经济建设上了。
 ☞ We've shifted the focus of the work to economic construction。
重要 重要
 ☞ 于物,指具有较高的重要性。
 ☞ 据说他是个重要人物。
 ☞ It is said that he is an important figure.
 ☞ 这个文件很重要。
 ☞ This document is very important.
 ☞ 此时此刻钱对他并不重要。
 ☞ Money is not significant for him at this period of time.
 ☞ 难道报告提供了该案的重要事实?
 ☞ Does the report give the significant facts of the case?
 ☞ 当时没有电视,我们都围坐在收音机旁收听抗日战争开始的重要消息。
 ☞ There was no television, and we sat around the radio to listen to the momentous news that the War of Resistance Against Japan had begun.
 ☞ 这次会议对两国都是一次重要的机遇。
 ☞ The conference was a momentous occasion for both countries.
 ☞ 在现代战争中,信息技术开始发挥重要作用。
 ☞ During modern wars, information technology begins to play a major part in the fighting.
 ☞ 减轻农民负担是党的一项重要政策。
 ☞ It is the Party's major policy to lighten the burden on peasants.
5.vital, 指对生存的影响十分重要,故有“至关重要”之意。
 ☞ 病人的脉搏及其他重要的生命体征变得越来越弱。
 ☞ The patient's pulse and other vital signs are getting weaker and weaker.
 ☞ 他伤及到重要器官没有?
 ☞ Has he injured any of the vital organs?
6.cardinal, 指赖以存在的重要。
 ☞ 在重要的原则问题上决不让步。
 ☞ Never make any concession in matter of cardinal principle.
 ☞ 治疗烧伤中的感染仍然是个重要问题。
 ☞ Infection remains a cardinal problem in the treatment of burns.
 ☞ 他在公司里担任着重要职位。
 ☞ He has the key post in the firm.
 ☞ 他是个重要人物,在内阁中担任重要职位。
 ☞ He is a very important person (VIP) with a key position in the cabinet.
  ■ 应该指出,重要人物为VIP或important man (figure),但key man应作“关键人物”解。
重视 重视
1.attach importance to,指重要性上的重视。
 ☞ 我国政府向来十分重视发展农业。
 ☞ Our government has been attaching great importance to agriculture.
 ☞ 老头似乎并不重视我们的话。
 ☞ The old man did not seem to attach any importance to our words.
2.pay attention to,指注意力上的重视。
 ☞ 各级党委都应十分重视妇女干部的培养。
 ☞ The Party committees at all levels must pay much attention to the training of women cadres.
 ☞ 办案时,哪怕是最小的细节也要重视。
 ☞ Attention must be paid to even the smallest detail in handling a case.
3.set store by,指感到有分量的重视。
 ☞ 她重视名誉胜过生命。
 ☞ She set great store by her honor above her life.
 ☞ 重视群众意见向来是我党的革命传统。
 ☞ It has been our Party's revolutionary tradition to set store by the opinions of the masses.
4.take sth. seriously,指认真重视。
 ☞ 开始我并不重视他的意见。
 ☞ In the beginning I did not take his advice seriously.
 ☞ 自从不断接到群众投诉之后,法官便开始重视此案了。
 ☞ The judge has taken the case seriously since he received complaints from the masses one after another.
野蛮 野蛮
1.savage, 强调未开化的野蛮,因此也是最最野蛮。
 ☞ 野蛮人需要权威来节制其自相残杀。
 ☞ For savage men authority is needed to restrain them from killing each other.
 ☞ 侵略者的凶残变成了野蛮的威胁,他们扬言要吊死男男女女,连乳婴也不放过。
 ☞ The invaders' cruelty passed into savage menace.
 ☞ They threatened that they would hang all men and women, not sparing even the very child at breast.
 ☞ 蒙古人入侵中国内地时已经越过了野蛮阶段。
 ☞ The Mongolians had passed the barbarian stage when they invaded China's interior.
 ☞ 在这位阿拉伯人看来,那些房间里装的全是一群野蛮、残酷、易怒的老爷。
 ☞ For this Arab those chambers held a horde of barbarian, cruel and hot-blooded lords.
 ☞ 我们强烈谴责一个超级大国无缘无故地发动的这场野蛮的侵略战争。
 ☞ We strongly denounce this barbaric aggressive war unleashed for no reason by a superpower.
 ☞ 我们以我们的文明而自豪,但我们进行的战争却比我们野蛮的祖先更加血腥,更无理性。
 ☞ We are proud of our civilization, but we wage bloodier and more bestial wars than our barbaric ancestors.
 ☞ 他对该部落的简短的旅行随笔给人以野蛮人的印象,他们尚未达到农业阶段,只会打仗和狩猎。
 ☞ His short sketch of the tribe gives the impression of the barbarous people. They had not yet reached the agricultural stage, but were devoted to war and hunting.
 ☞ 他在绑匪那里遭到了最野蛮的虐待。
 ☞ He was subjected to the most barbarous treatment from the kidnappers.
 ☞ 他如此野蛮地对待动物,应该受到处分。
 ☞ He should be punished for such brutal treatment of animals.
 ☞ 村子里人人都害怕他的野蛮行为。
 ☞ Everybody in the village was afraid of his brutal behavior.

 ☞ 你买窗帘前量了窗子没有?
 ☞ Did you measure the windows before buying the curtains?
 ☞ 我们量了下桌子,看看够不够大。
 ☞ We measured the table to see if it was large enough.
  ■ 不过,有时也可用来表示利用仪表来测量。
 ☞ 温度计是用来量温度的。
 ☞ A thermometer measures temperature.
 ☞ 大气中的水蒸汽含量一般是用比重计量出来的。
 ☞ The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is usually measured by a hydrometer.
 ☞ 请把袖子卷起来,让我量量你的血压。
 ☞ Roll up your sleeve please, let me take your blood pressure.
 ☞ 我替她量了体温,发现烧到了38.5℃。
 ☞ I took her temperature and found it was already 38.5 degrees C.
  ■ 此外,take measurement,可用来表示“量尺寸”。
 ☞ 裁缝给我量了尺寸,准备做一套新衣服。
 ☞ The tailor has taken my measurements for a new suit.
鉴于 鉴于
  ■ “鉴于”为书面用语,一般用在前一分句的头上,表示各种原因。
1.because,接从句, because of,接名词,均表示客观、正式、直接的原因。
 ☞ 鉴于这些学生的基础太差,故要额外辅导。
 ☞ Extra coaching had been given to these students because they had too poor a start.
 ☞ 有些科学家鉴于恐龙食量很大才断定它们是热血动物。
 ☞ Some scientists concluded that dinosaurs were warm-blooded because they ate so much.
 ☞ 鉴于交通拥挤我们才拓宽了这条路。
 ☞ We have widened the street because of traffic jam.
 ☞ 鉴于孩子已经7岁,教育问题不能再拖了。
 ☞ Since the child is seven years old, his education must be no longer postponed。
 ☞ 鉴于这两种抗菌素的药理作用类似,故作为同一类药物加以讨论。
 ☞ Since the pharmacological actions of both antibiotics are similar, they will be discussed as a group.
 ☞ 鉴于证据不足,法官判他无罪。
 ☞ The judge acquitted him, as the evidence was insufficient.
 ☞ 鉴于他已后悔,你就饶了他吧。
 ☞ As he is sorry, you just forgive him.
 ☞ 鉴于他来了会使她难堪,故他没有参加我们的活动。
 ☞ He didn't join us, for his presence would embarrass her.
 ☞ 鉴于我们有一大段路要走,我们得早点动身。
 ☞ We must start early, for we have a long way to go.
5.inasmuch as,for as much as,各为since和for的书面语, 鉴于少数学生起点太低,我们不得不给以额外辅导。
 ☞ We have to give extra coaching to a few students inasmuch as they have too poor a start.
 ☞ 鉴于他犯下的罪行,他被判处死刑。
 ☞ For as much as the crimes he committed, he was sentenced to death.
6.seeing that,表示看到的原因。
 ☞ 鉴于大多数代表都反对他的建议,他决定撤回。
 ☞ Seeing that most of the delegates opposed his proposal, he decided to withdraw it.
 ☞ 鉴于他过去不肯帮助我们,我们现在也没有理由来帮他。
 ☞ Seeing that he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should now help him.
7.in view of,表示观察到的原因。
 ☞ 鉴于上述情况,我们提出以下建议。
 ☞ In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following suggestions.
 ☞ 鉴于情况紧急,我们立即做出决定。
 ☞ We made up our minds at once in view of the urgency of the case.
8.in consideration of,表示考虑到的原因。
 ☞ 鉴于他年幼无知而被无罪释放。
 ☞ He was set free with a verdict of no guilt in consideration of his youth and ignorance.
 ☞ 鉴于他没有投案自首,将要从严处理。
 ☞ He will be dealt with sternly in consideration of his failure to surrender himself to the police.
鉴别 鉴别
 ☞ 如果他能仲裁这场争端,我们就能请瞎子来鉴别颜色。
 ☞ If he could arbitrate the dispute we would ask a blind man to judge colors.
 ☞ 你能鉴别这块宝石是真的吗?
 ☞ Can you judge whether the gem is genuine?
 ☞ 鉴别养殖珍珠和天然珍珠并不容易。
 ☞ It is not easy to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls.
 ☞ 有比较才有鉴别。
 ☞ Only by comparing can one distinguish.
 ☞ 水分析时鉴别视色度和真色度十分重要。
 ☞ In water analysis it is very important to differentiate between apparent and true color.
 ☞ 他学会了鉴别法国白葡萄酒。
 ☞ He learned to differentiate French white wines.
 ☞ 你要能鉴别书的好坏。
 ☞ You should discriminate good books from bad ones.
 ☞ 只有专家才能鉴别真假古玩。
 ☞ Only an expert can discriminate real antiques from the faked-up frauds.
 ☞ 鉴别正确还是错误是比较容易的。
 ☞ Right or wrong is more easily appraised.
 ☞ 我请了一位专家来鉴别古玩。
 ☞ I asked an expert to appraise my antiques.
 ☞ 只有经过比较我们才能鉴别这是谁的笔迹。
 ☞ Only by comparing can we identify whose handwriting it is.
 ☞ 这种方法有助于鉴别细胞内的物质。
 ☞ This method helps to identify substances inside the cell.
鉴定 鉴定
 ☞ 专家组昨天来我厂鉴定产品质量。
 ☞ A group of experts came to our factory to appraise the quality of products yesterday.
 ☞ 人事经理亲自对每个申请人作了鉴定。
 ☞ The personnel manager personally appraised each applicant.
 ☞ 我父母对毕业鉴定都很满意。
 ☞ My parents were much satisfied with the graduation appraisal.
 ☞ 这种产品已经经过专家鉴定。
 ☞ This product has been tested by experts.
 ☞ 这种贮藏过的种子发芽率播种前要经过鉴定。
 ☞ Viability of the stored seeds must be tested before sowing.
 ☞ 优质矿泉水已通过国家鉴定。
 ☞ The high-quality mineral water has passed the state-level test.
 ☞ 现在都用碳14年代测定法来鉴定文物的年代。
 ☞ Now Carbon-14 dating is used to determine the date of cultural relics.
 ☞ 用X射线来鉴定种子的胚胎发育状况已十分普遍。
 ☞ It is very common to determine degree of embryo development in seeds with X-rays.
 ☞ 医生的鉴定是在收到化验报告后做出的。
 ☞ The doctor's determination was made after he received a report on the tests.
4.identify, identification,指认定。
 ☞ 我们可以根据指纹来鉴定罪犯。
 ☞ We can identify the criminal by fingerprints.
 ☞ 我们的主要目标之一就是要对出现农业的环境进行鉴定。
 ☞ One of our main objectives is to identify the environments in which agriculture arose.
 ☞ 这是鉴定某堂蛋白质的最佳方法。
 ☞ This is an excellent method for identification of certain proteins.
 ☞ 我真的不知道如何去鉴定一幅画。
 ☞ I really don't know how to judge a picture.
 ☞ 与其他任何形式的税收一样,累进税制的利弊也必须鉴定。
 ☞ Like any other form of revenue raising, the progressive taxation must be judged on its advantages and disadvantages.
 ☞ 人民是最好的鉴定家。
 ☞ The people are the best judges.
 ☞ 这幅画是凡高的真迹还是临摹的赝品要由专家来鉴定。
 ☞ An expert is needed to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting from his imitation.
 ☞ 手抄本的年代可以通过文献上的证明材料进行鉴定。
 ☞ The date of the handwritten copy can be authenticated by documentary proof.
 ☞ 要鉴定这首古诗的作者是有些困难。
 ☞ There is some difficulty in authenticating the authorship of the old poem.
针对 针对
1.be directed against(at, towards),指方向上的针对。
 ☞ 本条约不针对任何第三国。
 ☞ This treaty is not directed against any third country.
 ☞ 他的批评是针对他们无缘无故的恐慌。
 ☞ His criticism was directed at their groundless panic.
 ☞ 他们的宗派活动是针对分裂革命队伍的。
 ☞ Their factional activities were directed towards splitting the revolutionary ranks.
2.be aimed at, 指目标上的针对。
 ☞ 这些话不是针对你的。
 ☞ These remarks are not aimed at you.
 ☞ 校长的讲话是针对违反校规的学生的。
 ☞ The headmaster's speech is aimed at the pupils who broke the rules.
 ☞ 这个讲话针对性很强。
 ☞ There was no mistaking what the talk was aimed at.
3.be pointed at,指矛头针对。
 ☞ 他的讽刺画是针对官僚主义的。
 ☞ His satire is pointed at the bureaucracy.
 ☞ 他讲话是针对你的。
 ☞ His remarks are pointed at you.
 ☞ 针对他的提议,我们也提了一个。
 ☞ To counter his proposal we advanced one of our own.
 ☞ 针对这种倾向,我们需要加强自然科学基础理论的研究。
 ☞ We must strengthen research in the basic theories of natural science in order to counter this tendency.
5.in the light of,指根据。
 ☞ 针对你向我说的情况,我将换一种方式行动。
 ☞ In the light of what you told me I shall act in a different way.
 ☞ 他们采取新的措施是针对新的形势。
 ☞ They took these new measures in the light of the new situation.
6.in accordance with,指按照。
 ☞ 老师要针对儿童的特点进行教育。
 ☞ Teachers must educate children in accordance with their special characteristics.
 ☞ 社会学家必须针对社会结构的变化设法对总的趋势取得一个有充分依据的认识。
 ☞ Sociologists must try to get a well-grounded view of the general trends in accordance with which social structures change.
7.in view of,指鉴于。
 ☞ 针对这种情况,我们放弃了我们的想法。
 ☞ In view of this situation we gave up our idea.
 ☞ 针对校长的批评,他作了自我批评。
 ☞ He criticized himself in view of the headmaster's criticism.
8.keeping in mind,指随时都放在心上的针对。
 ☞ 针对两国的情况,我们进行了文化交流。
 ☞ Keeping in mind the conditions between the two countries we have conducted the cultural exchanges.
 ☞ 我们针对儿童的特点组织了课外活动。
 ☞ We have organized extracurricular activities keeping in mind the special characteristics of children.

 ☞ 我们钻到200米才找到水。
 ☞ We didn't find water till we drilled down 200 meters.
 ☞ 他在墙上钻了洞以安装扩音机。
 ☞ He drilled a hole in the wall to set up a megaphone.
 ☞ 钻木取火是人类走向文明的一大飞跃。
 ☞ For men, to drill wood to make fire was a big leap forward towards advance in civilization.
 ☞ 民兵们钻进密林深处搜寻失事的飞机。
 ☞ The militiamen went into the forest to comb everywhere for the crashed plane.
 ☞ 揭露钻进党内的野心家、阴谋家是件很得人心的事情。
 ☞ It is a very popular move to unmask the careerists and conspirators who have sneaked into the Party.
 ☞ 我们在分析问题时不知不觉地钻进了历史唯心主义的死胡同。
 ☞ Before we knew it we got into a blind alley of historical idealism when analyzing questions.
 ☞ 火车走这条线得钻不少隧道。
 ☞ The train has to pass through quite a few tunnels on this railway line.
 ☞ 让人钻狗洞是莫大的侮辱。
 ☞ It is a gross insult to let one worm one's way through a dog-hole.
 ☞ 月亮从云缝里钻了出来。
 ☞ The moon broke through the clouds.
4.out, 与某些动词组成双语动词,有“钻出来”的意思。
 ☞ 突然,游击队员从下水道里一个个地钻了出来。
 ☞ All of a sudden the partisans got out of the sewer one by one.
 ☞ 他从烟囱里钻出来时,混身都是煤烟。
 ☞ He was covered with soot all over his body when he wormed himself out of the chimney.
5.study, dig into, dive into, perfect oneself,都有“钻研”的意思。
 ☞ 他从北京政法学院毕业后一直在钻国际法。
 ☞ He has been studying international law after graduation from the Beijing Institute of Political Science and Law.
 ☞ 他要是钻一个问题,就非钻到底不可。
 ☞ When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.
 ☞ 我们应该钻一钻问题的核心部分。
 ☞ We should dive into the heart of the matter.
 ☞ 他钻业务是很努力的。
 ☞ He works hard to perfect himself professionally.

 ☞ 她把一张床单铺到床上。
 ☞ She spread a sheet on the bed.
 ☞ 我进去时看见一张绣花毯子铺在沙发上。
 ☞ I saw a embroidered blanket spread on the sofa when I went in.
 ☞ 那条街在工人铺路期间不通车。
 ☞ That street is closed while the workers are paving the road.
 ☞ 厨房、浴室的地板和墙壁都铺上了瓷砖。
 ☞ The floors, walls of the kitchen and bathroom are paved with glazed tiles.
 ☞ 工人们正沿着这条铁路干线铺双轨。
 ☞ Workers are laying a double track along the trunk railway.
 ☞ 大多数街道都铺着沥青。
 ☞ Most streets are laid with asphalt.
 ☞ 墙面铺了层马赛克。
 ☞ The wall is surfaced with mosaic.
 ☞ 现在村子里的路面都在铺沥青。
 ☞ Roads in the village are being surfaced with asphalt.
 ☞ 她在楼上铺床。
 ☞ She was upstairs to make the bed.
 ☞ 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
 ☞ The blizzard blotted out the sky and the earth.
 ☞ 人们一觉醒来,发现蝗虫已铺天盖地。
 ☞ When people awoke after a night's sleep, they found the land swarming with locusts.
 ☞ 运动已全面铺开。
 ☞ The movement is fully under way.

 ☞ 他犯了个大错,但又不肯认错。
 ☞ He made a terrible mistake but he wasn't going to admit it.
 ☞ 从不出错的人能成事吗?
 ☞ Can one make anything if he has never made a mistake?
2.by mistake,指无意中出错。
 ☞ 我拿错了帽子。
 ☞ I took the wrong hat by mistake.
 ☞ 他错用了你的毛巾。
 ☞ He used your towel by mistake.
 ☞ 我告诉她,她可能错了。
 ☞ I told her that she must be mistaken.
 ☞ 我相信他诚实可靠,可惜相信错了。
 ☞ My belief in his honesty was, alas, mistaken.
 ☞ 他答错了。
 ☞ He gave the wrong answer.
 ☞ 我们迟到是因为走错了路。
 ☞ We were late because we took the wrong road.
 ☞ 他们选错了走访的时间。
 ☞ They chose the wrong time to drop in.
 ☞ 你认为他聪明,那就错了。
 ☞ You are wrong in thinking him intelligent.
  ■ wrong用作状语时,也可用wrongly。
 ☞ 你把我的名字拼错了。
 ☞ You've spelt my name wrong.
 ☞ 我的名字拼错了。
 ☞ My name is wrongly spelt.
 ☞ 这是他的错,不怨你。
 ☞ You are not to blame. It's his fault.
 ☞ 她没来参加聚会是我的错,因为我告诉她的地方不对。
 ☞ It's my fault that she didn't come to the party because I told her the wrong place.
 ☞ 我认为两个司机都有错。
 ☞ In my opinion both of the drivers were at fault.
 ☞ 今年的收成不错。
 ☞ This year's harvest is not bad.
 ☞ 今年的收成错不了。
 ☞ This year's harvest is sure to be good.
 ☞ 地方太小,车错不开。
 ☞ The space is too narrow for vehicles to make way for each other.
 ☞ 劳驾,往那边错一错。
 ☞ Would you mind making room for me?
 ☞ 两个会不能同时开,得错一错。
 ☞ We cannot hold the two meetings at the same time.
 ☞ We must stagger them.
错过 错过
 ☞ 错过这趟车,今天就走不成了。
 ☞ If we miss this bus. we won't be able to go today.
 ☞ 我们错过了电影的开头部分。
 ☞ We missed the start of the movie.
2.miss out,指错过机会。
 ☞ 上个月我忙得错过了一次旅行的机会。
 ☞ I was so busy last month that I missed out on a tour.
 ☞ 我没能去参加聚会就以为错过了什么机会,其实没有,因为那次聚会没多大意思。
 ☞ When I couldn't come to the party I thought I was missing out on something' but I wasn't really, because it was a bit boring.
3.let slip,指让机会溜走。
 ☞ 我们不应错过这样一个机会。
 ☞ We mustn't let slip such an opportunity.
锻炼 锻炼
1.侧重生理技巧、技术的锻炼,用exercise,do exercise, take exercise。
 ☞ 他每天早晨长跑两公里来锻炼肌肉。
 ☞ He exercises his muscles by running two kilometers every morning.
 ☞ 为了锻炼声带,她每天练习唱歌。
 ☞ To exercise her vocal cords, she practices singing every day.
 ☞ 你在发胖,应该加强锻炼。
 ☞ You're getting fat, you should exercise more.
 ☞ 要保持健康就得锻炼。
 ☞ If you want to stay healthy, you must exercise.
 ☞ 天气虽然冷,每天早上却有许多人练习长跑,锻炼身体。
 ☞ In spite of cold weather, many people do exercise every morning by running long distance.
 ☞ 她吃得太多,而且不锻炼。
 ☞ She eats too much and does not take any exercise.
2.侧重心理、意志、素质的锻炼,用be tempered。
 ☞ 各队都很注意新手的培养,比赛时常常让他们上场锻炼。
 ☞ All teams pay great attention to bringing up new players. During competitions they often allow them to go on the court to be tempered.
 ☞ 命运的打击似乎锻炼了她的意志。
 ☞ The hammer-blows of fate seemed to temper her will power.
 ☞ 我们决心在三大革命运动中锻炼自己。
 ☞ We are determined to temper ourselves in the three great revolutionary movements.
 ☞ 长跑运动员在锻炼赛跑。
 ☞ Long distance runners are training for races.
 ☞ 他们决定加强体力锻炼。
 ☞ They decided to increase their physical training.
 ☞ 气温下降到零下40度,他们还坚持锻炼。
 ☞ When the temperature dropped to 40 degrees centigrade below zero, they persisted in training.
4.侧重增强体质和意志的锻炼,用build up。
  "Build up a good physique to defend the country" is our motto.
 ☞ 在大江大海中游泳既可以锻炼体力,又可以锻炼意志。
 ☞ Swimming in big rivers and seas helps to build up both physical strength and will power.
 ☞ 只有经过特殊的加工才能锻炼成钢。
 ☞ Only by a special process can the steel be toughened.
 ☞ 凡参加革命者都应锻炼自己,使之适应艰苦。
 ☞ Anyone who takes part in the revolution is supposed to toughen himself to the point where he becomes inured to hardship.
镇压 镇压
 ☞ 当时的统治者的确用武力镇压了民主运动。
 ☞ The then ruler did suppress the democratic movement with armed force.
 ☞ 集会被警方镇压了。
 ☞ The meeting was suppressed by the police.
 ☞ 镇压叛乱时动用了军队。
 ☞ Troops were used in the suppression of the revolt.
 ☞ 反动政府在军队的帮助下镇压了农民起义。
 ☞ The reactionary government repressed the rising of the peasants with the help of the army.
 ☞ 兵变受到了坚决的镇压。
 ☞ The mutiny was firmly repressed.
3.put down,泛指一切镇压,是较为随便的说法。
 ☞ 国王镇压了那次起义,并杀死了所有参加起义的奴隶。
 ☞ The king put down the uprising and killed all the slaves involved.
 ☞ 军队奉召来镇压动乱。
 ☞ The troops were called out to put down the disturbance.
 ☞ 杀人犯已被依法镇压。
 ☞ The murderer was executed according to the law.
 ☞ 他的祖父据说是个恶霸地主,土改时被镇压了。
 ☞ His grandfather was said to be a despotic landlord, who was executed during the Land Reform.
镶(镶嵌) 镶(镶嵌)
1.set in (into),inset,指首饰上的珠宝、钻石等的镶嵌。
 ☞ 她的订婚戒是镶着钻石的金戒指。
 ☞ Her engagement ring is a diamond set in gold.
 ☞ 皇冠上镶着红绿宝石。
 ☞ Rubies and emeralds were set into the crown.
  ■ 有时也用inset来代替set in (into)。
 ☞ 她有一条镶钻石的项链。
 ☞ She has a necklace inset with diamond.
 ☞ 在四幅屏风上,每张都镶嵌着互不相同的象牙图案。
 ☞ The four screens were inlaid with ivory patterns different from each other.
 ☞ 房间的中间放着一张有镶嵌图案的桌子。
 ☞ At the middle of the room there was an inlaid table.
3.insert, 是个多义词,可指嵌、插、缝等,故作“镶” 的使用范围也较前几个词广。
 ☞ 地板上镶着一幅精致的马赛克图案。
 ☞ In the floor was inserted an exquisite mosaic 她在连衣裙上镶花边。
 ☞ She is inserting a piece of lace in her dress.
 ☞ 我镶了一颗牙。
 ☞ I have had an artificial tooth inserted.
  ■ put有时也用于镶牙。
 ☞ 他镶了一口的假牙。
 ☞ He has had a full set of false teeth put in his mouth.
 ☞ 我们站在山顶上,俯视着青草镶边的小池塘。
 ☞ We stood on the top of the hill looking down at the little pond rimmed with green grass.(强调镶圆形的边)
 ☞ 我进去时她正在给裙子镶花边。
 ☞ She was edging a skirt with lace when I came in.(强调镶一条边)
 ☞ 我给你的镜子镶了个框。
 ☞ I have your mirror mounted in a frame.(强调镶四个边)

1.older than,指比人年长。
 ☞ 我比他年长。
 ☞ I'm older than he.
 ☞ 他比我长两岁。
 ☞ He is older than I by two years.
2.elder, eldest,指长幼次序。
 ☞ 长幼有序。
 ☞ The young should always give precedence to their elders.
 ☞ 父死后,长兄抚幼是中国的传统。
 ☞ It is a tradition of China that the eldest looks after his brothers and sisters after his father's death.
 ☞ 他比我长两岁。
 ☞ He is two years my senior.
 ☞ 他长我一辈。
 ☞ He's one generation my senior.
4.grow, growth,指生长。
 ☞ 庄稼长得很旺。
 ☞ The crops are growing very well.
 ☞ 青年时期正是长身体的时候。
 ☞ Youth is the time of physical growth.
5.come into, come out,指长出。
 ☞ 这些树二月里长叶子。
 ☞ These trees come into leaf in February.
 ☞ 我们种的树活了,都长叶子了。
 ☞ The trees we planted are alive, whose leaves are coming out.
 ☞ 她的腿上长了个疮,她都快走不了路了。
 ☞ She has a sore in the leg and can hardly walk.
 ☞ 我脖子上长了个疖子。
 ☞ I have a boil in the neck.
 ☞ 他长了癌,卧床不起。
 ☞ He has got a cancer and is locked to bed.
 ☞ 这刀长锈了,得磨一磨。
 ☞ The knife has got rusty. You have to grind it.
 ☞ 你们长工资了吗?
 ☞ Did you get a pay rise?
8.teethe, 指长牙。
 ☞ 孩子长牙了。
 ☞ The baby is teething.
 ☞ 桃树长虫了。
 ☞ The peach tree is wormy.
10.go moldy,指长毛。
 ☞ 馒头放久了会长毛。
 ☞ Steamed bread will go moldy if kept long.
11.fill out,指长肉。
 ☞ 这孩子光长个儿,不长肉。
 ☞ The child keeps growing taller but doesn't fill out.
12.look like,指长得像。
 ☞ 她们长得像姐妹俩。
 ☞ They look like sisters.
13.gain knowledge,指长知识。
 ☞ 这次欧洲之行使我长了见识。
 ☞ I gained knowledge through the trip to Europe.
 ☞ 此风不可长。
 ☞ Such a tendency is not to be encouraged.
15.boost, 指使之增长。
 ☞ 我们要长自己的志气,灭敌人的威风。
 ☞ We must boost our morale and dampen the enemy's spirit.
16.bring up,指长大。
 ☞ 她生在广州,长在北京。
 ☞ She was born in Guangzhou and brought up in Beijing.

 ☞ 夏季昼长夜短。
 ☞ In summer the days are long and the nights short.
 ☞ 长江是中国最长的河流。
 ☞ The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.
 ☞ 南京长江大桥全长6,772米。
 ☞ The overall length of the Changjiang River Bridge in Nanjing is 6,772 meters.
 ☞ 这部电影长达两小时。
 ☞ The length of the film is two hours.
  ■ long除了用作定语外,还可用作状语,表示“好长一段时间”,但一般只用于疑问句和否定句。肯定句则要用for a long time代替for long。如:
  "Have you been working here for long?" "No, not long, but my brother's been in the firm for a very long time."
2.strong point,指长处。
 ☞ 取人之长,补己之短。
 ☞ One must overcome one's weak points by learning from others' strong points.
 ☞ 她相当懒,因此工作非她所长。
 ☞ She's rather lazy, so work isn't her strong point.
 ☞ 他已学有所长,而你却还在混日子。
 ☞ He has already acquired a specialty from study while you are still idling away your time.
 ☞ 请问你的专长?
 ☞ May I know your specialty?
4.good at,指擅长。
 ☞ 他长于数学。
 ☞ He is good at mathematics.
 ☞ 绘画非我之所长。
 ☞ I'm not good at painting.
5.eternal, eternity,指永恒。
 ☞ 但愿我们的爱情天长地久。
 ☞ I wish our love eternal like heaven and earth.
 ☞ 她就在他身边,现在他什么也不要,只要天长地久。
 ☞ Now she is with him and he wants nothing more but that eternity.
 ☞ 秋水共长天一色。
 ☞ The autumn water blended with the vast heaven in one color.
 ☞ 他的飞机鹰击长空般直上云端。
 ☞ His plane soared straight up into the clouds like an eagle cleaving the vast expense of the sky.
 ☞ 他除书之外,别无长物。
 ☞ He possessed nothing valuable but his books.

1) 提问题。
 ☞ 你怎么敢问我这样的问题?
 ☞ How dare you ask me such a question?
 ☞ 我姐姐派我来问问你什么时候到昆明。
 ☞ My sister sends me to ask when you will be in Kunming.
 ☞ 他问我怎么打开保险箱。
 ☞ He asked me how to open the safe.
2) 请求。
 ☞ 我会问她借给我你要的那本书。
 ☞ I'll ask her to lend me the book you want.
 ☞ 他问我对这一评论的意见。
 ☞ He asked my opinion of this comment.
 ☞ 我要把这个给校长看看,并问问他的建议。
 ☞ I'm going to show it to the headmaster and ask his suggestion.
3) ask for,指“向…要”。
 ☞ 我能问你要一张你先生的照片吗?
 ☞ Might I ask you for a photo of your husband?
 ☞ 当时没问他要个工作,现在我感到后悔了。
 ☞ I feel sorry now that I didn't ask him for a job.
4) ask after,指问候。
 ☞ 他在信里问起过你。
 ☞ He asked after you in his letter.
 ☞ 我昨天碰上她了,她问起你了。
 ☞ I met her yesterday. She asked after you.
 ☞ 我们在旅馆问询处问了问去该村的最短路线。
 ☞ W enquired the shortest route to that village at the information desk of the hotel.
 ☞ 她问他为什么以前没想起这件事。
 ☞ She enquired why he had not thought of that before.
 ☞ 我问一下,他的话是否可靠。
 ☞ I query whether his word can be relied on.
 ☞ 一个学生问了几个词的拼写。
 ☞ A pupil queried the spelling of several words.
 ☞ 要是问我别人的事情,我是不会回答的。
 ☞ I won't give any reply if you question me about other person's business.
 ☞ 永远不要问别人的家丑!
 ☞ Never question any one about his family scandal.
 ☞ 出了事惟你是问。
 ☞ You'll be held responsible if anything goes wrong.
 ☞ 只要问心无愧,就不要感到不安。
 ☞ You have nothing to worry about as long as you have a clear conscience.
 ☞ 我把工作丢到脑后,真是问心有愧。
 ☞ I have a guilty conscience indeed while completely ignoring my work.
 ☞ 这下子你把我问住了。
 ☞ You've got me here.
问题 问题
1) 指用来考察或获得知识而进行的一问一答。
 ☞ 我来问问题,你们来回答。
 ☞ I ask questions and you'll answer them.
 ☞ 英语考试时,你得在两小时内回答所有的问题。
 ☞ In the English examination you have to answer all the questions in two hours.
 ☞ 记者们开始向外交部长提出雨点般的问题。
 ☞ The journalists began to fire questions at the foreign minister.
2) 指会议上讨论、法庭上争论的问题。也包括其他。
 ☞ 专家小组出席会议以回答中学的性教育问题。
 ☞ A panel of experts attended the conference to answer the questions of sex education in high schools.
 ☞ 我提请法庭注意,该问题有待进一步证实。
 ☞ I call the court's attention to the question which has yet to be further proved.
 ☞ 医生说她会复原的,这只是时间问题。
 ☞ The doctor said it was only a question of time that she would recover.
 ☞ 这就提出了一个家长是否要对学龄前儿童进行识字教育的问题。
 ☞ This raises a question as to whether or not parents should teach their children to read and write before they start school.
3) 指令人怀疑或是否存在的问题。
 ☞ 有关的诊断绝对没有问题,她是得了肺癌。
 ☞ There was absolutely no question about the diagnosis.
 ☞ She has lung cancer.
 ☞ 总统是否辞职尚有一些问题。
 ☞ There have been some questions as to whether or not the president will resign.
  ■ 此外,还应注意question的一些固定词组,如:beyond question, out of question, in question, without question.
 ☞ 他在工作中可能有点马大哈,但他对公司一片忠心那是毫无问题的。
 ☞ He may be a little careless in his work, but his loyalty to the company is beyond question (out of question).
 ☞ 证词的真实性是有问题的。
 ☞ The veracity of witness is in question.
 ☞ 我对他很了解,接受他的解释没问题。
 ☞ I know him well enough to accept his explanation without question.
  ■ 但out of the question不作“无问题”解,而是“不可能”的意思。
 ☞ 遗憾的是星期天不可能了,因为那天我得在一个会上发言。
 ☞ Sunday is unfortunately out of the question, as I have to speak at a meeting on that day.
1) 指有待解决的问题。
 ☞ 我们得找出解决这一问题的新方法。
 ☞ We must find a new way to solve this problem.
 ☞ 一个老干部上了大学,便面对面地碰上了新问题。
 ☞ Having attended the university, the veteran cadre came face to face with a new problem.
2) 指有问题的人。
 ☞ 这么一个顽皮的孩子对没有经验的年轻女老师确实是个问题。
 ☞ Such a naughty boy is a problem indeed to the inexperienced girl teacher.
 ☞ 这位贵族小姐真是个问题,买得很多,吃得很少。
 ☞ The aristocratic young lady is really a problem. She buys a lot but eats little.
3) 指待解的数学题。
 ☞ 这个数学上的问题是汤姆自己解出来的。
 ☞ This problem in mathematics was worked out by Tom himself.
 ☞ 小男孩已经能做像加法和减法这样的问题。
 ☞ The little boy can already solve such simple problems as addition and subtraction.
4) problem还可用作定语,有“有问题”的意思。
 ☞ 问题儿童需要特殊照管。
 ☞ The problem child needs special care.
 ☞ 中东始终是个有问题的地区。
 ☞ The Middle East is always a problem area.
 ☞ 隔壁邻居家是个有问题的家庭。
 ☞ My next door neighbor is a problem family.
3.issue,指问题的争论点,有点与question的2) 义相同,可以换用,但issue争论的程度更强烈。
 ☞ 他的辞职引起了谁来继任的问题。
 ☞ His resignation raised the issue (question) of his successor.
 ☞ 代表们讨论了由谁来管理这个四分五裂的国家的问题。
 ☞ The delegates discussed the issue (question) who was to govern this fragmented country.
 ☞ 税收是这次竞选中主要争论的问题。
 ☞ Taxation was the main issue in the election.
 ☞ 今天中国的大问题是如何控制人口。
 ☞ The great issue today in China is how to control the population.
 ☞ 在原则问题上,我们绝不退让。
 ☞ We never make concessions on matters of principle.
 ☞ 比如对待大多数贪污分子,还是个大是大非的问题。
 ☞ For instance, with most of the embezzlers, it is just a matter of right and wrong.
 ☞ 成功只是个努力、再努力的问题。
 ☞ Success is just a matter of trying harder and harder.
 ☞ 问题是我们去还是不去。
 ☞ The thing is we shall go or not.
 ☞ 问题是我不知道如何处理此事。
 ☞ The thing is I don't know how to deal with it.
  ■ something,anything等 是thing的延伸,也使问题更加模糊。
 ☞ 那台车床出了问题。
 ☞ Something has gone wrong with the lathe 我有问题要谈。
 ☞ I have something to say.
 ☞ 你有什么问题要告诉我吗?
 ☞ Do you have anything to tell me?
 ☞ 发生了什么问题?
 ☞ Has anything happened?
 ☞ 问题是他们内部无法取得一致。
 ☞ The trouble was they couldn't agree among themselves.
 ☞ 一路上没出问题。
 ☞ The trip went off without mishap.

1) oppressive,指有压迫感的闷。
 ☞ 今天天气真闷。
 ☞ It is really oppressive today.
 ☞ 热带的潮湿能使天气变得又热又闷。
 ☞ Tropical humidity can make weather hot and oppressive.
2) sultry,指空气湿度大引起的闷。
 ☞ 我看快下雨了,天这么闷。
 ☞ I think it's going to rain; it's so sultry.
 ☞ 天又热又闷,没有太阳,天上云雾蒙蒙,像下雨的样子。
 ☞ It was hot and sultry, devoid of sunshine, with a sky too hazy to threaten rain.
3) muggy,指闷热。
 ☞ 雨季开始,我们预料天气会闷。
 ☞ We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.
 ☞ 照目前这个样子,这地方冬天准冷,夏天准闷。
 ☞ This place as it is now would be cold in winter and muggy in summer.
4) sweltering,指使人难受的闷。
 ☞ 这里的夏天是不是经常像现在这样闷呀?
 ☞ Is the summer always as sweltering as it is now?
 ☞ 我不能再呆在这么闷的房间里了。
 ☞ I can't stay any more in such a sweltering room.
1) stuffy,指空气混浊的闷。
 ☞ 开开窗吧,这里太闷。
 ☞ Open the window, please. It's too stuffy here.
 ☞ 你干嘛整天呆在这间闷房子里?
 ☞ Why do you stay in this stuffy room all day?
2) close,指缺少新鲜空气的闷。
 ☞ 我们在舞场里跳舞,里面又挤又闷。
 ☞ We danced in the ballroom, which was crowded and close.
 ☞ 这里的空气太闷了。
 ☞ The air here is terribly close.
1) suffocated,suffocating,指窒息感的闷。
 ☞ 她感到闷,因为房间里几乎没有空气了。
 ☞ She felt suffocated because there was almost no air left in the room.
 ☞ 她在拥挤不堪的火车里几乎闷得透不过气来了。
 ☞ She was nearly suffocating in the crowded train.
2) not (hardly) breathe,指呼吸困难的闷。
 ☞ 我觉得胸口闷得慌。
 ☞ I feel like I can't breathe.
 ☞ 山顶空气稀薄得我们大家都感到闷。
 ☞ At the top of the mountain the air was so thin that we all felt like we could hardly breathe.
1) silent,指沉默不语的闷。
 ☞ 听到校长死去的消息,大家都闷了。
 ☞ We all felt silent at the news that the headmaster was dead.
 ☞ 这姑娘人闷,但干活专心。
 ☞ The girl is silent, but concentrating on her work.
2) tongue-tied,指张口结舌不会说话的闷。
 ☞ 在大人物面前大家都闷了。
 ☞ Everyone was tongue-tied in front of the VIP.
 ☞ 会上大家都闷着,等着有人来打破沉默。
 ☞ All were tongue-tied at the meeting, waiting for someone to break the silence.
 ☞ Let the tea draw for a while and the flavor will come out.
 ☞ 把咖啡放一会就闷出滋味和香味来了。
 ☞ Let the coffee stand for a while to draw its taste and flavor.
 ☞ 别老整天闷在家里看书,出来伸展伸展你的手脚。
 ☞ Don't shut yourself indoors reading all day. Come outside and stretch your limbs.
 ☞ 如果你整天把孩子闷在家里,长大了会性情怪僻的。
 ☞ If you shut your child indoors all day long, he will show an eccentric disposition when grown up.
 ☞ 你说话的声音为什么这么闷?是不是着凉了?
 ☞ Why do you speak in such a muffled voice? You've caught cold, haven't you?
 ☞ 铜锣用布蒙住,声音就发闷。
 ☞ A gong can be muffled if covered with cloth.
 ☞ 用灰把火闷了,以免出事。
 ☞ Cover the fire with ashes to avoid anything wrong.
 ☞ 他什么也没干,相反闷头睡大觉。
 ☞ He did nothing and slept soundly with his head covered under sheets instead.

1.noise, noisy,指喧闹。
 ☞ 那是什么声音?谁在闹?
 ☞ What is that? Who is making that noise?
 ☞ 叫孩子们别闹了。
 ☞ Tell the children to stop making noise.
 ☞ 这里太闹,我们另外找个地方谈。
 ☞ It's too noisy here, so let's find another place to talk.
 ☞ 你得做到闹中取静。
 ☞ You have to adapt yourself to seeking peace and quiet in noisy surroundings.
2.create (make)a scene(着重在闹),quarrel(着重在吵),均指吵闹。
 ☞ 难道你要发脾气闹一场不成?
 ☞ Don't you lose your temper and create a scene?
 ☞ 别去找她,她在又哭又闹呢。
 ☞ Don't go to her. She is making a tearful scene.
 ☞ 夫妻俩昨天又互相闹架了。
 ☞ The couple quarreled and fought each other yesterday.
 ☞ 跟我闹没用。
 ☞ It's no use quarreling with me.
3.be after,指追求。be out for, 指全力争取。
 ☞ 这种人闹什么呢?闹名誉、闹地位、闹出风头。
 ☞ What are these people after? They are after fame and position and want to be in the limelight.
 ☞ 你知道我在闹什么。
 ☞ You know what I'm after.
 ☞ 他们闹的是名誉、地位。
 ☞ What they are out for is fame and position.
 ☞ 他在闹加工资。
 ☞ He is out for a raise of wages.
4.(cause) trouble,指闹事。
 ☞ 要是你们上街,就会闹事。
 ☞ If you take to the streets and trouble will be caused.
 ☞ 我担心他们再这么闹下去会闹出乱子来。
 ☞ I'm afraid there will be trouble if they go on like that.
5.raise a rumpus,指分歧、吵闹、争论。
 ☞ 他家里闹翻了天。
 ☞ A rumpus was raised in his house.
 ☞ 你跟他们闹什么?
 ☞ Over what are you raising a rumpus with them?
6.create (cause) havoc,指闹成一片混乱。
 ☞ 孙悟空大闹天宫。
 ☞ The Monkey King created havoc in Heaven.
 ☞ 夫妻俩在家时闹得天翻地覆。
 ☞ The couple caused havoc in their house.
 ☞ 昨天这时有3个,现在只有两个了,怎么闹的?
 ☞ There were three yesterday. How does it come that there are now only two?
 ☞ 他们慢慢闹明白了对他们的威胁。
 ☞ Gradually they came to see the menace to them.
 ☞ 我不明白你们是怎么闹得迷路了。
 ☞ I wonder how you came to miss your way.
8.get, 指造成了某种情况。
 ☞ 他根本不愿听医生的劝告,现在闹成了急性肺炎。
 ☞ He was not at all disposed to accept the doctor's advice and got acute pneumonia.
 ☞ 谁叫你们出门不带雨伞的,现在闹成个落汤鸡。
 ☞ Who told you to go out without an umbrella7 Now you've got wet all over like a drenched chicken.
 ☞ 把问题闹清楚冉发言。
 ☞ Don't speak until you've got the things clear in your mind.
 ☞ 这孩子又闹病了。
 ☞ The child has got sick again.
9.suffer from,指“受…之苦”。
 ☞ 我家乡的农民正在闹饥荒。
 ☞ The peasants of my native place are suffering from famine.
 ☞ 据说在山东什么地方正在闹蝗灾。
 ☞ It is said that somewhere in Shandong Province people are suffering from locusts.
 ☞ 这几天她在闹眼病。
 ☞ She suffers from eye trouble these days.
 ☞ 他是跟你闹着玩的,你别当真。
 ☞ He was joking with you. Don't take it seriously.
 ☞ 这可不是闹着玩的事。
 ☞ This is no joking matter.
 ☞ 俩口子在闹意见了。
 ☞ The couple are at odds with each other again.(指互相闹别扭)
 ☞ 他们俩又在闹意见?
 ☞ Are they bickering again?(指有点小吵小闹)
 ☞ 你有牢骚就发出来,不要闹意见。
 ☞ If you have any complaint speak out, Don't just sulk.
 ☞ 为这件事她闹了好几天意见。
 ☞ She has been unhappy about this for quite a few days.(指不高兴)
 ☞ 她为一点小事总能闹一通。
 ☞ She always makes a great fuss over a trifle.
 ☞ 共产党领导咱穷人闹翻身。
 ☞ The Communist Party led us poor people in our struggle for emancipation.
 ☞ 小家伙们闹翻了天。
 ☞ The kids raised hell.
 ☞ 他在背着我们闹把戏。
 ☞ He is playing tricks behind our back.
 ☞ 还没到发工资他就闹饥荒。
 ☞ He's always hard up before payday.
 ☞ 不懂装懂会闹笑话的。
 ☞ If you pretend to know what you don't know, you'll only make a fool of yourself.
 ☞ 闹洞房是中国的老传统。
 ☞ Teasing the newlyweds on the wedding night is an old Chinese tradition.
  "Making revolution" was a very popular slogan in China in the 1970s.
 ☞ 据说这屋子闹鬼。
 ☞ The house is said to be haunted.
 ☞ 他身居闹市,但却能闹中取静。
 ☞ He lives in a busy street, but he manages to seek peace and quiet in noisy surroundings.

 ☞ 你闻闻这是什么味。
 ☞ Smell this and see what it is 我闻到糊味了。
 ☞ I can smell something burning.
 ☞ 闻诊是中医诊断的四法之一。
 ☞ Smelling is one of the four methods of diagnosis in the Chinese traditional medicine.
2.hear, 指耳朵听到。
 ☞ 我军向前挺进,敌人闻风丧胆。
 ☞ The enemy trembled with fear on hearing of our advance.
 ☞ 不少人闻风而动。
 ☞ A number of people acted without delay upon hearing the news.
 ☞ 他给我们讲了许多闻所未闻的事情。
 ☞ He told us a lot of things we had never heard before.
 ☞ 近闻贵体欠安,望早日康复。
 ☞ I've heard you are slightly disposed these days. I wish you a speedy recovery as soon as possible.
 ☞ 百闻不如一见。
 ☞ It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
 ☞ 我们应当学习古人闻过则喜的精神。
 ☞ We should learn from the spirit of ancients who were glad to have their errors pointed out.
 ☞ 闻名不如见面。
 ☞ To know a man by repute is not as good as meeting him face to face.
 ☞ 闻鸡起舞的意思是要勤杳、自律。
 ☞ To rise at cock's crow means being diligent and self-disciplined.
 ☞ 彼能闻其言而知其人。
 ☞ He is always able to judge a man by his speech.
 ☞ 有音乐天赋的人总能闻其弦歌而知其雅意。
 ☞ A musically gifted can understand the idea behind the music.
 ☞ 你在房子里闻来闻去,闻到什么啦?
 ☞ What have you smelled by keeping nosing about the room?
阐明 阐明
 ☞ 政府何时才能对妇女同工同酬阐明自己的立场?
 ☞ When will the government clarify its position on equal pay for women?
 ☞ 我国代表团对这一问题阐明了自己的观点。
 ☞ Our delegation clarified its views on the issue.
 ☞ 欧洲经济共同体要求法国政府阐明其新政策。
 ☞ The European Economic Community asked the French government to clarify its new policy.
 ☞ 我们欢迎有一个机会来详细地阐明我们的观点。
 ☞ We would welcome an opportunity to expound our views at great length.
 ☞ 这篇文章精辟地阐明了社会的发展规律。
 ☞ This article brilliantly expounds the laws of social development.
 ☞ 他在议会上的演说是用来阐明政府新政策的。
 ☞ His speech at the congress served to elucidate the new policy of the government.
 ☞ 这位科学家用几个简单的演示实例阐明了他的理论。
 ☞ The scientist elucidated his theory by a few simple demonstrations.
 ☞ 我可以举出更多的事例来阐明我的论点。
 ☞ I can bring forward more cases to illustrate my argument他为了阐明战略部署,拿出一张无名高地的平面图。
 ☞ In order to illustrate the strategic deployment, he produced a plan of the unnamed hill.
 ☞ 王教授用图片来阐明这种建筑物的结构。
 ☞ Professor Wang illustrated the structure of the building with pictures.
队伍 队伍
 ☞ 经济萧条扩大了失业者的队伍。
 ☞ Financial depression swells the army of the unemployed.
 ☞ 如想参加市场竞争,就得有熟练的技术人员队伍。
 ☞ An army of skilled technicians would be necessary if we should enter the competition in the market.
 ☞ 队伍就要出发了。
 ☞ The troops are about to set out.
 ☞ 少先队员的一支队伍在河边安营扎寨。
 ☞ A troop of Young Pioneers was camping by the river.
 ☞ 一支代表各军兵种的队伍正在等待检阅。
 ☞ A contingent of troops was waiting for review.
 ☞ 无产阶级的文艺队伍正日益壮大。
 ☞ Proletarian literary and art contingents are growing daily.
 ☞ 前面的队伍向左拐了个弯。
 ☞ The ranks ahead are making a left turn.
 ☞ 一切革命队伍的人都要互相关心、互相爱护、互相帮助。
 ☞ All people in the revolutionary ranks must care for each other, must love and help each other.
 ☞ 我们共产党和共产党所领导的八路军、新四军是革命的队伍。
 ☞ Our Communist Party and the Eighth Route and the New Fourth Armies led by our Party are battalions of the revolution.
 ☞ 张思德同志就是我们这个队伍中的一个同志。
 ☞ Comrade Zhang Side was in the ranks of these battalions.
 ☞ 狂欢的队伍后面跟着舞龙舞撕的、摆旱船的、走高跷的,再后面是挥舞着彩绸跳秧歌的。
 ☞ The carnival procession was followed by writhing dragons and lions, and by floats, stilts, and by yangge dancers who waved the ends of a long piece of colorful silk.
 ☞ 前面来了一支游行队伍,举着旗子、标语牌、绘有龙凤的宫灯。
 ☞ In front came a procession carrying banners, plaques and silk lanterns painted with images of dragon and phoenix.
防备 防备
1.take precautions against,指预先防备。
 ☞ 他们事先没有一点防备。
 ☞ They didn't take any precautions whatever.
 ☞ 防备火患,头等大事。
 ☞ To take precaution against fire is a matter of prime importance.
2.be prepared for,指准备。
 ☞ 我们必须防备敌人的突然袭击。
 ☞ We must be prepared for surprise attack by the enemy.
 ☞ 村民们正在修筑堤坝防备水患。
 ☞ The villagers are putting up dykes' being prepared for flooding.
3.guard against,指防止。
 ☞ 革命队伍里要防备假革命。
 ☞ In the revolutionary ranks pseudo-revolutionaries must be guarded against.
 ☞ 我们要防备重蹈复辙。
 ☞ We must guard against repeating the mistake.
 ☞ 家家户户都储备了余粮,防备灾年。
 ☞ Every household has built up a surplus of grain against famine year.
 ☞ 工厂已采取了措施防备再次发生事故。
 ☞ The factory has taken measures against another accident.
 ☞ 把羊厩关好,防备羊只跑掉。
 ☞ Close the gate of the pen properly to prevent the sheep from getting away.
 ☞ 房子经过彻底消毒防备病菌扩散。
 ☞ The house was thoroughly disinfected to prevent the proliferation of the germs.
妨害 妨害
1.harm, harmful,指有害。
 ☞ 偶尔晚睡并无妨害。
 ☞ There is no harm in your staying up late occasionally.
 ☞ 工作努力点对他并无妨害。
 ☞ It wouldn't do him any harm to work harder.
 ☞ 医生说吸烟妨害健康。
 ☞ Doctors say smoking harms our health.
 ☞ 我从来不妨害别人。
 ☞ I have never harmed anybody.
 ☞ 吃得不好会妨害健康。
 ☞ A poor diet is harmful to one's health.
 ☞ 这对动物有妨害吗?
 ☞ Is this harmful to animals?
2.impair, impairment,指损害。
 ☞ 吃得不好妨害了他的健康。
 ☞ Poor food impaired his health.
 ☞ 这次车祸妨害了他的视力。
 ☞ The automobile accident impaired his vision.
 ☞ 这类活动会严重妨害市场。
 ☞ Such activities might lead to serious impairment in the market.
 ☞ 这样的立法会妨害投资市场吗?
 ☞ Would such legislation jeopardize investment market?
 ☞ 军事上偶然失利没有妨害总的进展。
 ☞ The occasional military reverse does not jeopardize overall progress.
4.interfere with,指妨碍。
 ☞ 配偶间有第三者的卷入会妨害婚姻和家庭。
 ☞ The involvement of a third person between a married couple would interfere with marriage and family.
 ☞ 他因妨害隐私权而受到指控。
 ☞ He was accused of interfering with rights of privacy.
 ☞ 他因妨害公共秩序罪而被捕。
 ☞ He was arrested for the offense acts against public order.
 ☞ 你犯了妨害社会管理罪。
 ☞ You've committed a crime against social administration.
防止 防止
 ☞ 和平力量只要行动一致就能防止战争。
 ☞ Forces of peace have the power to prevent war if they act in concert+
 ☞ 这既节省了时间,又防止了争论。
 ☞ It saves time, and prevents argument.
 ☞ 一般认为维生素C可以防止感冒。
 ☞ Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds.
 ☞ 这是防止再发生这类事情的最好办法。
 ☞ That is the best way to prevent such a thing from happening again.
 ☞ 他让孩子服用消炎剂,防止了肺炎的扩散。
 ☞ By feeding the children with antiphlogistics he prevented the spreading of pneumonia.
2.guard against,含有提高警惕来防止的意思。
 ☞ 做饭前要洗手以防止传染。
 ☞ You must wash your hands when preparing food to guard against spreading infection.
 ☞ 对挑衅作出匆忙反应的做法应该防止。
 ☞ Hasty reaction to provocation should be guarded against.
 ☞ 防止国家外部敌人的颠覆和侵略是我们的责任。
 ☞ It is our duty to guard against subversion and aggression by external enemies.
 ☞ 我们必须防止出现这样的局面。
 ☞ We must guard against such a situation.
 ☞ 作文时要仔细,防止出错。
 ☞ Be careful to guard against mistakes in your composition.
 ☞ 我们都希望防止走极端。
 ☞ We are all anxious to avoid extremes.
 ☞ 他希望类似的骚乱能够防止。
 ☞ He hopes that a similar riot might be avoided.
 ☞ 我有意走得快一点,以防止他们赶上我。
 ☞ I walked fast on purpose to avoid being overtaken by them.
 ☞ 建设社会主义应防止人力物力的浪费。
 ☞ Waste of manpower and material resources ought to be avoided in socialist construction.
 ☞ 防止事故的一切必要措施都已采取。
 ☞ All necessary precautions against accidents have been taken。
 ☞ 我们都是服药来防止疾病的。
 ☞ We all take medicine against diseases.
 ☞ 这些人事安排有效地防止了他们的反革命复辟阴谋。
 ☞ The arrangement of personnel effectively forestalled their plot for a counter-revolutionary restoration.
 ☞ 她开车先走,防止了他们窃取她首饰的企图。
 ☞ She forestalled their attempt to steal her jewels by driving away.
6.head off,指以避免正面碰撞来防止。
 ☞ 当时召开了会议来讨论防止经济危机的办法。
 ☞ The meeting was called to discuss ways and means of heading off an economic crisis.
 ☞ 我向来都是服用片剂和热茶来防止感冒的。
 ☞ I've been trying to head a cold off by taking tablets and hot tea.
 ☞ 有关他过去的那些尴尬的提问,我知道他是要竭力防止的。
 ☞ I knew he would try to head off awkward questions about his past.
 ☞ 他处理了危机,防止了一场灾难。
 ☞ His approach to the crisis averted a catastrophe.
 ☞ 为了防止来临的金融混乱,我们能做的都做了。
 ☞ We have done everything that could be done to avert the financial chaos which is coming on.
 ☞ 通过了严厉的法律以防止犯罪。
 ☞ Strict laws were passed in an attempt to discourage crime.
 ☞ 要防止他酒后驾车。
 ☞ He must be discouraged from drunk driving.
阻力 阻力
 ☞ 改革计划在这个地区遇到了一些阻力。
 ☞ The reform program met with some resistance in the area.
 ☞ 把汽车制成流线型是要克服空气的阻力。
 ☞ Cars are streamlined to overcome air resistance.
 ☞ 我厂的改革是在冲破各种阻力后才成功的。
 ☞ The reform in our factory did not succeed until we broke through all kinds of obstructions.
 ☞ 偏见与无知是进步的两大阻力。
 ☞ Prejudice and ignorance are two great obstructions of progress.
阻挠 阻挠
1.obstruct, 指设置障碍阻挠。
 ☞ 凡是他们在谈判中无法获得的,就采取拖延战术加以阻挠。
 ☞ Whatever they could not achieve in the negotiation they obstructed by delaying tactics.
 ☞ 条约的履行受到了阻挠。
 ☞ The execution of the treaty was obstructed.
 ☞ 他企图取得总统的职位,但受到了国会的阻挠。
 ☞ He attempted to seize the presidency but was thwarted by the Parliament.
 ☞ 宗教上的清规戒律阻挠了他们的爱情。
 ☞ Religious taboos have thwarted their love.
3.stand in the way of,阻挠的一种委婉说法。
 ☞ 我们应该放弃一切阻挠两国关系正常化的东西。
 ☞ We must give up everything which stands in the way of the normalization of relations between the two countries.
 ☞ 要是她的子女想离家独居,她肯定要加以阻挠。
 ☞ If any of her children wanted to live alone away from home, she would certainly stand in their way.
4.put a spoke in sb.'s wheel,指从中插一杠子进行阻挠。
 ☞ 他们结婚年纪还小,也许我们该阻挠一下。
 ☞ They are too young to get married. Perhaps we ought to put a spoke in their wheel.
 ☞ 只要没人阻挠,我们可在本月底完成任务。
 ☞ As long as nobody puts a spoke in our wheel, we will have fulfilled the task by the end of this month.
阻挡 阻挡
 ☞ 我还没来得及阻挡,她就滑了出去。
 ☞ Before I could stop her, she slid out.
 ☞ 他要那么干,谁也阻挡不了。
 ☞ No one can stop him from doing that.
 ☞ 村民们筑起了拦河坝以阻挡洪水。
 ☞ The villagers built a dam to stem floods.
 ☞ 没有什么东西能阻挡冰川的流动。
 ☞ Nothing could stem the glacier's advance.
 ☞ 每扇玻璃窗都贴上了纸条以阻挡爆炸引起的气浪。
 ☞ Strips of paper were stuck on every windowpane to resist the blast caused by explosion.
 ☞ 缓冲器是用来阻挡冲撞的。
 ☞ Buffers are used to resist collision.
  ■ irresistible是resist的同根形容词。
 ☞ 改革开放是不可阻挡的历史潮流。
 ☞ The reform and opening to the outside world is an irresistible historical trend.
4.hold back,指使之后退不前的阻挡。
 ☞ 村民们筑起土堤以阻挡上涨的洪水。
 ☞ The villagers built banks of earth to hold back the rising floodwater.
 ☞ 谁也不能阻挡历史车轮的前进。
 ☞ No one can hold back the wheel of history.
阻止 阻止
 ☞ 你可能阻止不了事态的恶化,但你至少可以辞职以示抗议。
 ☞ You may not have been able to prevent the situation from deteriorating, but at least you could have resigned in protest.
 ☞ 除非你能阻止他,不然他会把我一家杀了。
 ☞ He will kill my family unless you can prevent him.
 ☞ 如他坚持要去,我们是不会阻止他的。
 ☞ We won't stop him if he insists on going.
 ☞ 我刚要说粗话,他及时阻止了我。
 ☞ I was about to say something rude, but he stopped me just in time.
 ☞ 这种新药可以阻止该病的传播。
 ☞ The new medicine can arrest the spread of the disease.
 ☞ 任何反动势力都不能阻止人类历史的前进。
 ☞ No force of reaction can arrest the progress of human history.
 ☞ 风向的突然改变阻止了火势。
 ☞ The sudden change of wind checked the fire.
 ☞ 我军以有力的反击阻止了敌军的前进。
 ☞ Our troops checked the enemy's advance with a vigorous counterblow.
5.bold back,指使之后退不前的阻止。
 ☞ 要是他们不阻止,他会狠狠揍你一顿的。
 ☞ If they had not held him back, he would have beaten you soundly.
 ☞ 这里的交通拥挤,你得阻止孩子们上街。
 ☞ There is heavy traffic here, and you have to hold the children back from going to the streets.
 ☞ 阻止流水就是阻止水的流动。
 ☞ To stem a stream is to stop the flow of water.
 ☞ 如果汇率由于政治原因而无法变动,那么外汇配额就是阻止资金流失的惟一办法。
 ☞ If the exchange rate cannot fluctuate for political reasons, then foreign current quotas are the only way to stem the outflow of capital.
 ☞ 我们需要严厉的惩罚来阻止人们贩卖儿童和妇女。
 ☞ We need severe punishments to deter people from trafficking in children and women.
 ☞ 很少有刑事学家相信死刑能阻止毒品贩子贩卖毒品。
 ☞ Few penologists believe that death penalty deters drug pushers from drug-trafficking.
阻碍 阻碍
1.hinder, 泛指行事受阻,可以是人为干预或因偶发事件受阻。
 ☞ 第二次世界大战后,德国物理学家都认为是纳粹党人自己阻碍了原子弹的研究。
 ☞ After World War II German physicists maintained that it was the Nazis themselves who hindered research on the atom bomb.
 ☞ 孩子歇斯底里的哭喊阻碍了医生的检查。
 ☞ The child's hysteric crying hindered the doctor from completing his examination.
 ☞ 不协调的生产关系会阻碍生产力的发展。
 ☞ Improper production relations hinder the development of the productive forces.
 ☞ 是人群阻碍了救护车开抵出事地点。
 ☞ It was the crowds who impeded the arrival of the ambulance at the scene of accident.
 ☞ 工厂制定的规章制度阻碍了工人们的行动。
 ☞ The rules and regulations drawn up by the factory have impeded the action of the workers.
 ☞ 他由于缺乏自信而阻碍了事业的发展。
 ☞ He was impeded in his career by lack of self-confidence in himself.
 ☞ 中途抛锚的大卡车阻碍了交通。
 ☞ The truck which broke down on the way blocked the traffic.
 ☞ 大雪阻碍了我们向边境行进。
 ☞ The heavy snow blocked our progress towards the frontier。
 ☞ 我们所有的计划都受到了对手的阻碍。
 ☞ All our plans have been blocked by our opponents.
4.obstruct,义同block, 常指道路上的障碍,也可用于转意。
 ☞ 撞车事故阻碍了交通达数小时。
 ☞ The car crash obstructed the traffic for several hours.
 ☞ 资金缺乏阻碍了工程的进展。
 ☞ Lack of funds obstructed the progress of the project.
 ☞ 罢工阻碍了工厂的生产。
 ☞ The strike obstructed the production of the factory.
附近 附近
1.close to,指挨近。
 ☞ 我们村在火车站附近,天天听得见火车叫。
 ☞ Our village is close to the railway station and we hear the whistling of trains every day.
 ☞ 他就住在他所在工厂的附近。
 ☞ He lives close to the factory where he works.
2.near,距离较close to远,但词性较广。
 ☞ 附近有没有邮局?
 ☞ Is there any post office near here?
 ☞ 别走远了,就在附近呆着。
 ☞ Don't go far away and stay somewhere near.
 ☞ 他们家在机场附近。
 ☞ Their house is near the airport.
 ☞ 他在公交车上把座位让给了站在附近的老太太。
 ☞ He gave up his seat on the bus to an old lady standing near-by.
 ☞ 我们去了附近的一家饭馆。
 ☞ We went to a nearby restaurant.试比较We went to a restaurant that is nearby.
 ☞ 早餐前,我总要爬一爬附近的一座小山。
 ☞ Before breakfast I often climb a nearby hill.
 ☞ 鸟儿们在附近的林子里鸣叫。
 ☞ Birds are singing in the neighboring woods.
 ☞ 我们访问了附近的城市。
 ☞ We visited the neighboring town.
 ☞ 我们家附近没有店铺。
 ☞ There are no shops in the vicinity of our house.
 ☞ 我不想再呆在工业区附近。
 ☞ I don't want to stay in the vicinity of the industrial area any more.
降低 降低
 ☞ 温度降低至冰点。
 ☞ The temperature dropped to freezing point.
 ☞ 去年的生产成本降低了5.5%。
 ☞ Production cost dropped 5.5 percent last year.
2.lower, make lower,指使之降低。
 ☞ 我们得降低开支。
 ☞ We must lower our expenses.
 ☞ 镇上的铺子都降了价。
 ☞ All shops in the town have lowered their prices.
 ☞ 你的所作所为降低了你的身份。
 ☞ Your bad behavior lowered your status.
 ☞ 降低半个音,这支歌就容易唱了。
 ☞ It would be easier to sing the song if you make the note a semitone lower.
 ☞ 转动把手就可以降低转椅。
 ☞ Turn the handle and you can make the revolving chair lower.
 ☞ 我厂的技术改造降低了废、次品率。
 ☞ The technological transformation in our factory has reduced the number of rejects and seconds.
 ☞ 使用冰袋和擦浴酒精有利于降低体温,对儿童效果更好。
 ☞ Ice bag and alcohol sponges help to reduce fever, especially in children.
4.cut down,指削减。
 ☞ 我们通过降低原材料的消耗一年能节约500万元。
 ☞ We can save 5 million yuan a year by cutting down the consumption of raw materials.
 ☞ 我们做了能做的一切来降低事故率。
 ☞ We have done all we can to cut down the accident rate.
 ☞ 物件损坏时价值就会降低。
 ☞ Any object decreases in value if it is damaged.
 ☞ 你开车时可以提高车速,也可以降低车速。
 ☞ You can either increase or decrease the speed of your car when driving.
 ☞ 如果两国政府不降低要求,双方绝对无法达成协议。
 ☞ The two governments will never reach an agreement if both sides do not modify their demands.
 ☞ 你最好还是降低点调门。
 ☞ You'd better modify your tone.
限(限制、限度、限定) 限(限制、限度、限定)
1.limit, limitation,指时间、空间、数量、质量、界线上的限度。
 ☞ 我们限你3夭写出检查。
 ☞ We limit you to three days for your self-criticism.
 ☞ 限于篇幅,来信不能一一照登。
 ☞ As space is limited, it is impossible to publish all the messages we have received.
 ☞ 参加这次座谈会的人数以50人为限。
 ☞ Participants in the forum will be limited to 50.
 ☞ 我们在塔克拉玛干沙漠勘探石油时,吃的仅限于馕和水。
 ☞ Our food was limited only to crusty pancakes and water when we prospected for oil in Takla Makan.
 ☞ 我们的忍耐是有限度的。
 ☞ There is a limit to our patience.
 ☞ 市内的速度限制在每小时35公里。
 ☞ The speed limit within the city is 35 kilometers per hour.
  ■ limit一词除了上述实际限定之外,还可用于设想的限定。现以have its limits, have a limit 为例。
 ☞ 人的生命是有限(度)的。
 ☞ Man's life has its limits.(人即使活到一百岁,也有数字上的限定,但到底在哪一点上,却不能确定, 故用limit的复数)
 ☞ 独裁者的权力,哪怕是最最专横跋扈的,也是有限 (度)的。
 ☞ The power of a dictator, even the most imperious and despotic one,has a limit as well.(独裁者的权力无人能够限制,故已脱离了数字的限定,但总有一点是它的极限,故用limit的单数)
  ■ limit和limitation的区别是前者指界线的限定,而后者则指限定后的事实或状态。
 ☞ 在这些限制范围之内随你自由行动。
 ☞ Within these limitations you are free to act as you like.
 ☞ 中国的出生率受到严格的限制。
 ☞ The birthrate in China is under rigid limitations.
2.restrict, restriction,与limit相比,暗示着更为严格的限定,是以一点为中心受到环境包围的限制,因此从词义上看有“限定并加以制止”的意思。
 ☞ 宵禁期间警方有权限制人们的自由行动。
 ☞ The police are entitled to restrict anyone's movements as they please during the curfew.
 ☞ 她越来越受到行动自由的限制。
 ☞ She became more and more restricted in her freedom of action.
 ☞ 限制总统的权力是国会的职责。
 ☞ Restriction of the president's power is the parliament's responsibility.
  ■ 但是如果restrict 后接to,表示限制到一定程度为止,从而减轻了限制的严厉程度,故可与limit to换用。
 ☞ 讨论只限于因疏忽而产生的问题。
 ☞ Discussion is restricted (limited) to matters arising from carelessness only.
 ☞ 这种特别的便宜货每个顾客限购一件。
 ☞ This special bargain is restricted (limited) to one per customer.
  ■ 如果上下文已明白表示限制有一定的范围,则不加to也可与limit换用。
 ☞ 会上的发言时间是有限制的。
 ☞ The time allowed for a speaker is restricted (limited) at the conference.
  ■ 在否定句中的restriction和limit由于否定而模糊了原有的词义差别,故也可以换用。
 ☞ 人数不限,大家都可参加。
 ☞ There is no restriction (limit) on the number of people. Everybody can join.
 ☞ 不要限得太死,要有点灵活性。
 ☞ Don't make rigid restrictions (limitations). Allow certain latitude.
 ☞ 我希望你能把你的讲话限制在讨论问题的范围之内。
 ☞ I wish you would confine your remarks to the matter under discussion.
 ☞ 这位作家把自己限制在如此狭窄的题材范围里, 这是什么道理?
 ☞ For what reason does this writer confine himself to so limited a range of subjects?
 ☞ 直接测量地下温度仅限于几公里的深度。
 ☞ Direct measurements of the temperature of the underground are confined to a depth of only a few kilometers.
 ☞ 驾车去那里,最大限度我们需要一周的时间。
 ☞ We will need a maximum of one week to drive there.
 ☞ 非生产性开支要缩减到最低限度。
 ☞ Nonproductive expenditures must be reduced to a minimum.
 ☞ 体重超标的孩子会在运动上受到限制。
 ☞ Being overweight will handicap children in sports.
 ☞ 缺乏经验限制了他事业上的发展。
 ☞ Lack of experience handicaps him in his career.
 ☞ 限你一个月完成。
 ☞ You are allowed one month to finish the job.
 ☞ 我们要尽一切可能来最大限度地发挥人的主观能动性。
 ☞ We must try every possible way to bring people's subjective initiative into full play.
除了(除了…以外,除) 除了(除了…以外,除)
1) besides,从并列的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 他除了教课,还负责学校里共青团的工作。
 ☞ Besides teaching, he is in charge of the schools Youth League work.
 ☞ 中国除了汉族,还有50多个少数民族。
 ☞ There are in China over fifty minorities besides the Hans.
 ☞ 除了北京,他们也访问了上海和广州。
 ☞ Besides Beijing, they also visited Shanghai and Guangzhou.
 ☞ 除了外交部长以外,国防部长也出席了记者招待会。
 ☞ Besides the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of National Defense was also present at the press conference.
 ☞ 最主要的天然燃料,除了煤就是煤气和石油了。
 ☞ Besides coal, the most important natural fuels are gas and oil.
 ☞ 除了几个硬币,我想只剩下9美元了。
 ☞ I think there are nine dollars left besides several coins.
2) in addition to,added to,从添加的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 除了上述学科以外,本系也开设数学和地理。
 ☞ In addition to the subjects mentioned above, our department also teaches mathematics and geography.
 ☞ 除了削减税款以外,还取消了对股息的控制。
 ☞ In addition to tax cuts, controls on dividends were abolished.
 ☞ 除了书籍以外,代表们还向我校赠送了其他珍贵的礼物。
 ☞ In addition to books, the delegates presented our university with other valuable gifts.
 ☞ 她除了贫血,还得了某种无人能够确诊的病。
 ☞ Added to anemia, she developed some other illness nobody could diagnose.
 ☞ 除了这些,还会遇上风暴、雷电、迫降、飞机结构破损等可能。
 ☞ To these are added all the chances of storm, lightning, forced landings and breaks in the structure of the plane.
3) as well as,从等同的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 这样我们除了去掉一个污染源以外,还收回了许多有价值的物资。
 ☞ In this way we reclaimed a lot of valuable materials, as well as getting rid of a source of pollution.
 ☞ 该岛国除了国内这些困难,还一直存在着外来侵略的危险。
 ☞ As well as having these troubles at home, the island country was in constant danger of invasion from abroad.
 ☞ 除了这本化学书,他们还有许多数学书。
 ☞ They have many mathematics books as well as this chemistry book.
 ☞ 除了晚上,他下午也在家。
 ☞ He is at home in the afternoon as well as in the eve.
  ■ 应该指出,as well as在作“除了”解时,后面应接名词或动名词,如接动词应作“既…又…”解,如:
 ☞ 她既能唱又能跳。
 ☞ She can dance as well as sing.
4) other than,从排除的角度表示“除了…外”。
 ☞ 在某些条件下,化学反应时释放出来的化学能除了热能以外,还可以有别的形式。
 ☞ Under some conditions chemical energy is released during a chemical reaction in forms other than heat.
 ☞ 除了通过地道,又如何接近这个要塞呢?
 ☞ How else could the fortress be approached other than by tunnels?
 ☞ 除铁以外,其他成分的含量都会影响物理性能。
 ☞ The presence of elements other than iron affects the physical properties.
5) apart from(英式用法),aside from(美式用法),从撇开的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 展览会上除了许多图片,还有不少新产品。
 ☞ Apart from many pictures, there are a lot of new products in the exhibition.
 ☞ 我们最大的敌人除了冷漠,就是无知。
 ☞ Our greatest foe, apart from indifference, is ignorance.
 ☞ 这件事除了费用以外,还会占去许多时间。
 ☞ Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.
 ☞ 上海除了生产大量的普通低合金钢以外,还生产多种型号的优质钢。
 ☞ Aside from large quantities of ordinary and low-alloy steel, Shanghai also produces many types of high-grade steel.
 ☞ 游泳除了可获得乐趣和使身体得到良好锻炼以外,还是一项十分有用的本领。
 ☞ Aside from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.
6) independently of,independent of,从“独立于…之外”的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 爱国卫生运动除了多种实际的好处以外,还有它绝不可低估的政治意义。
 ☞ Independently of its manifold practical benefits, the patriotic public health campaign has a political significance scarcely to be underestimated.
 ☞ 一定要使台湾重新回归祖国,因为台湾除了在国防上具有重要的战略意义外,在历史上也一直是我国神圣领土的一部分。
 ☞ Taiwan must be urged to rejoin us because, independently of its strategic importance to our defense, it has ever been a part of our sacred territory.
 ☞ 除了文章的内容,其形式美也有不少可称道之处。
 ☞ Independent of the content of the article, there is much to be said for its beauty of form.
7) over and above, on top of, beyond, outside of, after, next to, “从…之上、在…之外、在…之后”等角度表示除了。
 ☞ 除了这点考虑以外,另外还有一点值得提一提。
 ☞ Over and above this consideration, there is another worth mentioning.
 ☞ 我们两国除了分歧,也有共同利益。
 ☞ We two countries have common interests over and above our differences.
 ☞ 我们这里有许多工作要做,如编写节目、采访新闻等。除此以外,我们还要到播音室播音。
 ☞ We have a lot of work to do here, such as program writing, interviewing, etc. On top of that we have to do the voicing in the studio.
 ☞ 我们的格言是:除了大干,还要大干。
 ☞ Going all out on top of going all out, that is our motto.
 ☞ 我们除了那么一点书本知识以外,当时大都没有实践经验。
 ☞ Most of us at that time had little practical experience beyond scanty book knowledge.
 ☞ 我除了身上的衣服别无它物。
 ☞ I own nothing beyond the clothes on my back.
 ☞ 除了思想以外,一切都是客观实际。
 ☞ Everything outside of the mind is objective reality.
 ☞ 除了这些考虑以外,应该永远记住的一点是如何节约人力物力。
 ☞ Outside of these considerations one thing to be always borne in mind is how to economize on manpower and material resources.
 ☞ 除了中国,哪个国家人口最多?
 ☞ Which country after China has the largest population?
 ☞ 我除了游泳,最爱打乒乓球。
 ☞ After swimming, I like table tennis best.
 ☞ 除了氧气,硅是地壳中含量最多的元素。
 ☞ Next to oxygen, the most abundant element in the earth's crust is silicon.
 ☞ 除了视觉以外,提供情况最多的是听觉。
 ☞ Next to the sight, the sense of hearing furnishes the most reports.
1) except (for)(常用语),with the exception of,excepting(均为书面语),从排除的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 那条山路,除了这位老猎人,谁也不熟悉。
 ☞ Nobody knows the mountain path well except the old hunter.
 ☞ 除了留守看管船只的舰长,他们都得救了。
 ☞ They were all rescued except the captain, who stayed behind to safeguard the vessel.
 ☞ 你的作文除了个别地方有些错误,样样都好。
 ☞ Your composition is good except for a few mistakes here and there.
 ☞ 他除了脾气暴躁,倒是位和蔼可亲的绅士。
 ☞ He is a kind gentleman except for his hot temper.
 ☞ 除了那本书以外,他所有的著作都已译成中文。
 ☞ With the exception of that book, all his works have been translated into Chinese.
 ☞ 这一新计划除了某些少数民族地区,适用于全国各省。
 ☞ This new plan applies to all the provinces, with the exception of certain places where there are national minorities.
 ☞ 所有的问题,除了最后一个,他都回答了。
 ☞ He answered all the questions excepting the last one.
  ■ except与except for的区别在于前者表示同类事物的除外,后者表示非同类事物的除外。
 ☞ 所有这些作文都好,你的除外。
 ☞ All these compositions are good except yours. (主{吾与except后的宾语都是composition,故是同类)
 ☞ 你的作文除了某些拼写错误都很好。
 ☞ Your composition is good except for certain misspellings.(主语composition,宾语misspelling是非同类)
 ☞ 除了王老师,我们都去了。
 ☞ We all went except (for) Mr. Wang.
 ☞ 除了老王,大家都遭到解雇。
 ☞ Everyone was fired except (for) Wang.
 ☞ 除了老王,我们谁都没有钱。
 ☞ None of us had any money except (for) Wang.
 ☞ 除了偶尔传来犬吠以外,没有声音能传到绝壁上的那栋房屋里。
 ☞ No noise made its way up to the house on the palisade except (for) the occasional yap of a dog.
 ☞ 除了王老师,我们都去了。
 ☞ Except for Mr. Wang, we all went.
 ☞ 除了老王,我们谁都没有钱。
 ☞ Except for Wang, none of us had any money 除了前几天,他的身体一向很好。
 ☞ He has always been in good health except in the past few days.
 ☞ 除了雨天,他一般步行上班。
 ☞ He always goes to work on foot except on rainy days 或except when it rains.
 ☞ 他的叙述,除了一些细节没有提到外,倒是很对的。
 ☞ His account is correct except that some details are omitted.
 ☞ 除了早晨给房间透气以外,窗户都是关着的。
 ☞ The windows were never opened except to air the room in the morning.
 ☞ 可是在当时,上层人士除了发号施令,是极少有人对出身低微的人讲话的。
 ☞ Yet in a day when few noble persons ever spoke to those of humble origins except to give an order.
2) save (for),saving,从除去的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 所有的包裹除了一个遗失以外,全部都投递出去了。
 ☞ All the parcels were delivered save one that was lost.
 ☞ 全体乘客除了一个9岁的女孩,都在撞车时身亡。
 ☞ 她是被摔出窗外才死里逃生的。
 ☞ All the passengers were killed in the car crash save the nine-year-old girl who was thrown out of the window and had a narrow escape.
 ☞ 屏幕上除了一个光点外一片漆黑。
 ☞ The screen was all dark save for the bright spot.
 ☞ 除了偶尔能瞥见远处的微光,到处都是漆黑一片。
 ☞ All was darkness save for an occasional glimpse in the distance.
 ☞ 他除了耳朵有点背,身体倒没啥毛病。
 ☞ Nothing is wrong with him saving a slight deafness.
 ☞ 除了几块石头以外,建筑已荡然无存。
 ☞ Saving a few stones, nothing remained of the building.
 ☞ 除了你弄错的一两件事实以外,我同意你的意见。
 ☞ I agree with you save that you have got one or two facts wrong.
 ☞ 除了不时有鸟叫以外,什么声音也没有。
 ☞ There was not a sound save that from time to time a bird called.
3) apart from,aside (from),从撇开不谈的角度表示除了。参见第一节5) 的用法。
 ☞ 除了稍微有点错误以外,答案是正确的。
 ☞ Apart from a slight error, the answer is correct.
 ☞ 除了一般磨损以外,自行车保养得很好。
 ☞ Apart from fair wear and tear, the bicycle is in excellent condition.
 ☞ 共产党员除了人民的利益以外,是没有自己的利益的。
 ☞ Communists have no interests of their own apart from the interests of the people.
 ☞ 他除了一点少得可怜的积蓄以外,无法求助于人。
 ☞ Aside from his meager savings, he has no one to fall back on.
 ☞ 我对这计划除了全面考虑以外,还有几点反对意见。
 ☞ Aside from this general consideration I have several objections to the plan.
 ☞ 除了些小问题以外,展览是成功的。
 ☞ A small problem aside, the exhibition was a success.
4) nobody but, no one but, nothing but, anything but, anywhere but, who but, whose but,everyone but,everything but等,从否定的角度来表示除了。
 ☞ 除了小马谁也不会谈这种事情的。
 ☞ Nobody else but Ma could ever say such a thing.
 ☞ 除了怪你自己,谁也不能怪。
 ☞ You have nobody but yourself to blame.
 ☞ 除了我谁也不知道真正发生的事情。
 ☞ No one but myself knows what really happened.
 ☞ 除了他自己,谁也不会奇怪他会失败。
 ☞ His failure was a surprise to no one but himself.
 ☞ 他除了谈绘画,很少讲别的事情。
 ☞ He seldom talked of anything but painting.
 ☞ 我见他除了看报,从来不读别的书。
 ☞ I never saw him reading anything but newspapers.
 ☞ 这玩意除了在这里,你哪儿都能搞到。
 ☞ You can get it anywhere but here.
 ☞ 除了傻瓜准会干这种事情?
 ☞ Who but a fool would do such a thing?
 ☞ 除了她还可能是谁的过错?
 ☞ Whose fault is it but hers?
 ☞ 这件事除了你大家都知道。
 ☞ Everyone has known it but you.
 ☞ 除了这一个他什么都拿了。
 ☞ He took everything but that.
5) nothing other than,no other than,从否定排除其中的一项来表示除了。
 ☞ 他们什么也没给,除了一点面包和白开水做我们的晚餐。
 ☞ They gave us nothing other than bread and water for our evening meal.
 ☞ 除了这一把,这里没有其他椅子,你只好暂时用一用啦。
 ☞ There is no chair other than this here. You'll have to use it for the time being.
 ☞ 除了泅渡,你到不了那里。
 ☞ You can't get there other than by swimming across.
 ☞ 他们除了要求会议在他们的首都召开以外,没有提出任何先决条件。
 ☞ They imposed no pre-conditions other than that the meeting should be held in their capital.
6) exclusive of,从除去不算的角度表示除了。语气正式。
 ☞ 这些条款除了最后的两条,都经过讨论。
 ☞ All these items were discussed exclusive of the last two.
 ☞ 除了这些孩子,我们有40人。
 ☞ We are forty exclusive of the children.
7) unless,从除非的角度表示除了。
 ☞ 有些野生动物除了从小捕养以外,不易驯服。
 ☞ Some wild animals are not easily tamed unless caught young.
 ☞ 书中的温度除了另有说明的以外,全都以摄氏度表示。
 ☞ Throughout the book temperatures are given in Celsius unless otherwise stated.
8) no (not)... besides等于except,故另列一项。
 ☞ 这件事除了他无人知道。
 ☞ No one knows it besides him.
 ☞ 除了这些以外,我没有其他工具。
 ☞ I have no other tools besides these.
 ☞ 除了这件事他什么事都不在乎。
 ☞ He doesn't care for anything besides it.
除非 除非
 ☞ 他不会不来,除非他病了。
 ☞ He will certainly come unless he is ill.
 ☞ 奶孩子除非病了才会哭。
 ☞ Babies seldom cry unless they are ill.
 ☞ 除非你努力学习才能考试及格。
 ☞ Unless you study harder you will never pass the examination.
 ☞ 若要人不知,除非己莫为。
 ☞ If you don't want people to know, you'd better not do it.
 ☞ 她除非是个傻瓜才不明白。
 ☞ If she weren't so silly she would understand.
3.如果“除非”引入的条件是以时间为前提,即带有“只有当…才”的意思时,可译成only when,不过这时的主句应为倒装句。
 ☞ 除非这里修水库,才能解决灌溉问题。
 ☞ Only when a reservoir is built here can we solve our irrigation problem.
 ☞ 除非消灭这一制度,才能消灭贫穷、失业与战争。
 ☞ Only when this system has been abolished will it be possible to abolish poverty, unemployment and war.
4.“除非”与“不”连用,对某个话题起提示作用,有“要么不”的意思时,可译never... but。
 ☞ 除非他不开口,一开口就没完没了。
 ☞ He never speaks but he talks without end.
 ☞ 这里的雨除非不下,下起来总是瓢泼大雨。
 ☞ It never rains here but it pours.
 ☞ 除非现在就干,否则就来不及了。
 ☞ Do it now, otherwise it will be too late.
 ☞ 除非盖上瓦,不然要漏雨。
 ☞ Shingles must be fixed, otherwise the roof will leak.
陪(陪同、陪伴) 陪(陪同、陪伴)
 ☞ 她想要他陪着去上学。
 ☞ She wished him to accompany her to school.
 ☞ 我陪你一段路。
 ☞ I will accompany you for some distance.
 ☞ 你愿陪你的朋友喝杯啤酒吗?
 ☞ Will you accompany your friend in drinking a glass of beer?
 ☞ 外宾在外办主任的陪同下观看了演出。
 ☞ The foreign guests, accompanied by the director of the foreign affairs office, attended a performance.
 ☞ 国王在贵族们的陪同下访问了爱丽舍宫。
 ☞ The King attended by the nobles visited the Elysee Palace.
 ☞ 女皇出访澳大利亚时由许多侍臣陪同。
 ☞ Many courtiers attended the Queen when she visited Australia.
 ☞ 有谁愿意陪这位小姐回家?
 ☞ Who will escort this young lady home?
 ☞ 总统及其眷属都由特工人员陪同前往各地。
 ☞ Secret service men escort the President and his family everywhere.
4.conduct, 在陪同的基础上还有“引导”的意思。
 ☞ 我看见一位警察陪着盲人过马路。
 ☞ I saw a policeman conducting a blind man across the street.
 ☞ 市长陪同美国来访者参观了市容。
 ☞ The mayor conducted the American visitors through the city.
5.keep sb.'s company,指做伴。
 ☞ 丈夫死后地很孤独,因此她的邻居晚上常来陪她。
 ☞ She has been lonely since her husband's death, so her neighbor often keeps her company in the evening.
 ☞ 老太太要找个人陪。
 ☞ The old lady wants someone to keep her company.
陷(陷入) 陷(陷入)
 ☞ 她那掉了牙的腮帮子陷了进去。
 ☞ Her cheeks have sunk where her teeth were missing.
 ☞ 他病了几天,眼睛都陷进去了。
 ☞ After being ill for a few days, his eyes became sunken.
 ☞ 车轮陷进了泥里,我们只好下车步行。
 ☞ The wheels sank into the mud and we had to go on foot.
  ■ sink还可用于转义。
 ☞ 他陷入了意志消沉之中,没人能让他自拔。
 ☞ Nobody could rouse him from the mood of depression into which he had sunk.
 ☞ 他的一席话打动了我,于是我陷入了沉思。
 ☞ What he said touched me and I was sunk in thought.
 ☞ 他在错误的泥坑里越陷越深。
 ☞ He was sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire of error.
 ☞ 他是陷在沼泽地里送命的。
 ☞ He lost his life being stuck in the swamp.
 ☞ 大雪把我们的车子陷在那里有好几天。
 ☞ The heavy snow stuck our car there for days.
 ☞ 他们陷入一种特殊的困境。
 ☞ They have landed themselves in an exceedingly difficult position.
 ☞ 听了你的话,我们才陷入了进退两难的境地。
 ☞ It is following your advice that has landed us in a dilemma.
 ☞ 他不肯还债,如今身陷囹圄。
 ☞ His refusal to pay his debts landed him in prison.
4.bog down (in),义同sink,但更多地用于转意。
 ☞ 汽车陷在泥里了。
 ☞ The car got bogged down in the mud.
 ☞ 敌人的攻势已陷于停顿。
 ☞ The offensive of the enemy bogged down already.
 ☞ 绝对不要陷于无休止的争论之中。
 ☞ Never be bogged down in endless debates.
 ☞ 你作为领导干部不能陷在日常事务堆里。
 ☞ As a leader, you can't be bogged down in everyday routine.
5.find oneself, 指在不知不觉中发现身陷某种境地。
 ☞ 王太太一觉醒来,发现陷入了尴尬的境地。
 ☞ Waking up from the sleep, Madam Wang found herself in an embarrassing position.
 ☞ 敌人发现在一夜之间已身陷重围。
 ☞ The enemy found themselves tightly encircled overnight.
6.fall into,指盲目状态下陷入了某种状态。
 ☞ 做或不做,他陷入矛盾之中。
 ☞ He fell into contradiction as to whether to do or not.
 ☞ 她身处异地,既无朋友又无工作,她陷入了绝望之中。
 ☞ Being in a strange land, without friends and work, she fell into despair.
7.degenerate into,指与以前相比或与同类相比陷入了蜕变的处境。
 ☞ 革命的失败和挫折使他陷入了唯心论和形而上学。
 ☞ The failures and setbacks of the revolution made him degenerate into idealism and metaphysics.
 ☞ 动乱年代,形势陷入一片混乱。
 ☞ During the years of upheaval the situation degenerated into chaos.
 ☞ 城陷之日,他也身陷囹圄。
 ☞ On the day when the city fell he was taken prisoner.
 ☞ 双方的会谈陷入僵局。
 ☞ The talks between the two sides came to a deadlock.
 ☞ 谈判陷入了僵局。
 ☞ The negotiations have reached an impasse.
 ☞ 游泳的人群看见鲨鱼游了过来,都陷入了惊慌失措之中。
 ☞ The swimmers were thrown into a panic as they saw the shark approaching.
 ☞ 东南亚各国于1997年陷入了经济危机。
 ☞ The countries of the Southeast Asia were beset with the economic crisis in 1997.
 ☞ 他陷入了圈套,承认他喜欢她。
 ☞ He was trapped into admitting that he liked her.
 ☞ 公司已陷于破产清理之中。
 ☞ The corporation has got embroiled in bankruptcy and liquidation.
 ☞ 她已陷入窘境。
 ☞ She was in an awkward position.
随便 随便
1.do as one pleases (likes),指想如何就如何,因而随便。
 ☞ 爱拿多少就拿多少,随你的便。
 ☞ Take as many as you please.
 ☞ 想呆多长时间就呆多长时间,随你的便。
 ☞ Stay as long as you please.
 ☞ 你可以随便干。
 ☞ You can do as you like.
 ☞ 她以为她可以随便胡来。
 ☞ She fancies she is entitled to mess things up as she likes.
  ■ 有时,like可以不用as,也有同样的意思。
 ☞ 你就随便说吧。
 ☞ Just say anything you like.
 "Where to?" "Nowhere in particular; anywhere you like."
 ☞ 他是个很随便的人。
 ☞ He is a very casual person.
 ☞ 她向他的那个方向随便瞟了一眼。
 ☞ She gave a casual glance in his direction.
 ☞ 我们昨天见面时,随便说了几句。
 ☞ We made some casual remarks when we met yesterday.
 ☞ 你怎么能随便答应呢?
 ☞ How could you agree so casually?
 ☞ 我不明白你怎么随便就放弃机会。
 ☞ I could not see how you could reject opportunities so casually.
 ☞ 咱们随便谈谈。
 ☞ Let's have an informal chat.
 ☞ 我们有时间时,朋友之间随便聚聚。
 ☞ We have informal gatherings of friends when we have time.
 ☞ 老板要请几个人聚餐,很随便的那种。
 ☞ The boss is to invite some people to dinner, very informal.
 ☞ 我们刚才随便谈的事要保密。
 ☞ Let the matter which we just talked about informally be a secret.
 ☞ 他随便走走,竟把他带到了镇上的一个景点。
 ☞ His random walk led him to a scenic spot of the town.
 ☞ 要她挑选时,她在那些书中随便挑了一本。
 ☞ She made a random choice among the books when she was asked.
 ☞ 你是个年轻姑娘,对陌生人不要随便说话。
 ☞ As a young girl, you never speak to any stranger at random.
 ☞ 你竟敢随便殴打孩子!
 ☞ How dare you come to wanton blows at a child!
 ☞ 他随便挥霍金钱使他陷入了贫困。
 ☞ His wanton waste of money reduced him to want.
 ☞ 如果你随便撕毁协议,考虑过后果没有?
 ☞ Have you considered the consequence if you wantonly tear up the agreement?
6.free,at liberty,指无拘无束,因而随便。
 ☞ 她和我在一起很随便,一点也不拘束。
 ☞ She is quite free with me, not in the least constraint.
 ☞ 你的行为太随便。
 ☞ You are too free in your behavior.
 ☞ 你可以随便去你要去的地方。
 ☞ You are at liberty to go wherever you want.
 ☞ 我不能随便告诉你。
 ☞ I am not at liberty to tell you.
7.up to,指随便由某人决定。常与whether,when等词连用。
 ☞ 去不去随便你。
 ☞ Whether you go or not is up to you.
 ☞ 接不接受随便她。
 ☞ Whether she accepts it or not is up to her.
 ☞ 什么时候去上海随便你。
 ☞ When you leave for Shanghai is up to you.
8.whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever等指无论什么、无论何时、无论何处、无论哪个等不确定关系代词带有一定的随意性。
 ☞ 母亲对我妹妹偏心,她随便说什么都是对的。
 ☞ Mother showed partiality for my sister. Whatever she said was right.
 ☞ 她随便在什么地方都会想你。
 ☞ Wherever she is she will be thinking of you.
 ☞ 你随便要哪一个都给你。
 ☞ Whichever you want is yours.
 ☞ 我随便怎么都进不去。
 ☞ I could not get in anyhow.
 ☞ 随便你怎么看,实验都是成功的。
 ☞ The experiment is a success anyhow you look at it.
 ☞ 我需要工作,随便什么都行。
 ☞ I want a job, any one will do.
 ☞ 随便什么时候来都行。
 ☞ Come any time you want.
随意 随意
1.at will,指随着自己的意思。
 ☞ 你可以随意来去。
 ☞ You may come and go at will.
 ☞ 该词或用或省,可以随意。
 ☞ The word there can be used or omitted at will.
 ☞ 有了空调,你可以随意调节室温。
 ☞ With an air conditioner you can regulate the room temperature at will.
2.at liberty,指可以任意。在词义上与at will相 同。但用法不同。一般at liberty用作表语,而at will用作状语。
 ☞ 他可以随意来去吗?
 ☞ Is he at liberty to come and go?
 ☞ 你可以随意与人交往。
 ☞ You are at liberty to associate with anybody.
 ☞ 你可以随意设想某人有罪,但也只是设想而已。
 ☞ You are at liberty to assume someone to be guilty, but it's only an assumption.
3.free (with),用法比较多。既可做表语,也可做补语、定语等。
 ☞ 他花钱很随意。
 ☞ He was free with his money.
 ☞ 你为什么随意拿公家的东西?
 ☞ Why should you make free with public property?
 ☞ 他让我随意使用他珍藏的科技书籍。
 ☞ He gave me free access to his valuable collection of scientific books.
4.as one pleases, as one likes,指想如何便如何。
 ☞ 拿多少,随你的意。
 ☞ Take as many as you please.
 ☞ 不管你反不反对,我要随意行事。
 ☞ I'll do as I please whether you are opposed to it or not.
 ☞ 百货商店里有很多童装可供选择,你可以随意挑。
 ☞ The department store has a large selection of children's clothes. You can pick out any kind you like.
 ☞ 假期里,干什么都随我们的意。
 ☞ During the holiday we can do as we like.
 ☞ 她能随意摆布自己的丈夫。
 ☞ She can twist her husband round her little finger.
 ☞ 这件事由你随意处理。
 ☞ The matter was left to your discretion.
 ☞ 你在随意歪曲事实。
 ☞ You are making willful distortion of the facts.
 ☞ 请随意!
 ☞ Help yourself, please!
随时 随时
1.any time,泛指任何时候。
 ☞ 你随时都可以来。
 ☞ Come any time you like.
 ☞ 如果需要,随时可以派人来叫我。
 ☞ Send for me any time if you want me.
  ■ at any time, 是指时间的任何一点。而any time则泛指任何时间。
 ☞ 根据报道,爆炸随时都可能发生。
 ☞ It is reported that the explosion can happen at any time.
 ☞ 我们得赶紧,他随时都可能来。
 ☞ We have to hurry. He may turn up at any time.
2.at all times,指所有时间的任何一点,因此有“经常”、“总是”的意思。而at any time,是指时间的任何一点。
 ☞ 随时都欢迎你。
 ☞ You are welcome at all times.
 ☞ 我们应随时意识到自己的缺点。
 ☞ We should at all times be aware of our own shortcomings.
 ☞ 我们必须随时坚持真理,因为只有真理才符合人民利益。
 ☞ We must be ready at all times to stand up for the truth, because only the truth is in the interests of the people.
 ☞ 我们应随时跟上不断变化的形势。
 ☞ We must at all times keep abreast of changing conditions.
3.always, constantly,指一贯如此、经常如此。
 ☞ 她随时都想着别人。
 ☞ She is always thinking of others.
 ☞ 他随时都能找到逃学的借口。
 ☞ He could always make excuse to play truant.
 ☞ 她的主意随时都在变。
 ☞ She is constantly changing her mind.
 ☞ 你应当随时掌握工作进度。
 ☞ You should constantly have a grip on the progress of the work.
4.用when, whenever, as, as soon as等时间连词来表示随着那个时间做某件事。
 ☞ 我们要随时表扬好人好事。
 ☞ We must commend good people for their good deeds when the occasion rises.
 ☞ 你喜欢,随时都可以给你。
 ☞ You can have it whenever you like.
 ☞ 他会随时帮助我们的。
 ☞ He will help us as the occasion requires.
 ☞ 错误都是随时纠正的。
 ☞ Mistakes were corrected as soon as they occurred.
随着 随着
1.with, along with,指“伴随着…情况就发生某种变化”。
 ☞ 语言是随着社会的产生而产生、社会的发展而发展。
 ☞ Language emerges and develops with the emergence and development of society.
 ☞ 随着经济基础的改变,整个上层建筑也会或多或少地发生转变。
 ☞ With the change of the economic foundation the entire super-structure is more or less transformed.
 ☞ 随着我国工业的蓬勃发展,产业工人的队伍也不断壮大。
 ☞ The rank of industrial workers is steadily expanding along with the vigorous development of our country's industry.
 ☞ 随着税率的提高,福利也在增加。
 ☞ Along with the increase of tax rates comes an increase in benefit.
2.in the wake of,与with,along with不同,是指一件事情跟随着另一件事情而来,而with,along with是指两件事同时发生。
 ☞ 他随着自己受到渎职的指控而辞职了。
 ☞ He resigned in the wake of accusation of malfeasance.
 ☞ 随着地震的发生,人民的生命财产受到重大的损失。
 ☞ There were heavy losses of lives and property of the people in the wake of the earthquake.
 ☞ 疾病往往随着饥荒接踵而来。
 ☞ Disease often follows in the wake of famine.
3.alongside,与with,along with的意义相近,表示两件事是并行发生,但为书面用语。
 ☞ 随着科学技术的发展,人类征服自然的能力越来越强。
 ☞ Alongside developments in science and technology, man has become more and more capable of conquering nature.
 ☞ 随着生产的稳步上升,工人的工资也增加了。
 ☞ Alongside the steady growth of production grows worker's pay.
 ☞ 随着经济发展,人民的生活水平也随之提高了。
 ☞ As the economy develops, the living conditions of the people have been improved accordingly.
 ☞ 随着气体受热,气体的电阻就会下降。
 ☞ As the gas is heated, its electrical resistance decreases.
 ☞ 随着时间的推移,她的悲痛也逐渐淡化。
 ☞ As time goes on, her grief has been solaced gradually.
 ☞ 随着经济建设高潮的到来,必将出现一个文化建设的高潮。
 ☞ An upsurge in economic construction is bound to be followed by an upsurge in the cultural field.
 ☞ 中国国家主席随着政府各部部长来到了天安门城楼上。
 ☞ The Chinese President preceded by his government ministers came to the rostrum of Tian 'an men.
 ☞ 随着观众的热烈鼓掌,他出现在主席台上。
 ☞ His appearance was warmly applauded by the audience.
隐瞒 隐瞒
 ☞ 谁想得到他们会隐瞒真相、捏造事实?
 ☞ Who would have thought that they should frame up charges while concealing the true facts?
 ☞ 事实真相你不可能永远隐瞒下去。
 ☞ You can't conceal the truth forever.
 ☞ 我问心无愧,没啥好隐瞒的。
 ☞ I have nothing to hide. My conscience is clear.
 ☞ 医生决定不能再对老人隐瞒病情。
 ☞ The doctor decided that he could not hide the condition from the old man any longer.
 ☞ 不论情况有多糟,也不能向老百姓隐瞒事情的真相。
 ☞ However bad the situation is, the truth of the matter should not be kept from ordinary people.
 ☞ 她有什么事隐瞒着我们吧?对,就那么回事!
 ☞ She was keeping something from us? Yes, that was it!
隐蔽 隐蔽
1.take cover,指躲进各种掩体内的隐蔽,如地下室、防空洞、树下等。
 ☞ 游击队隐蔽在高粱地里。
 ☞ The guerrillas took cover in the sorghum fields.
 ☞ 一听到枪炮声你们就隐蔽到地下室去。
 ☞ Take cover in the basement as soon as you hear the report of guns.
 ☞ 城里遭到轰炸时,大家都隐蔽到了防空洞里。
 ☞ Everybody took cover in the air-raid shelter when the city was bombed.
2.conceal, 指有意识地躲藏起来的隐蔽。
 ☞ 新四军的伤员隐蔽地芦苇荡里,一直到日本鬼子撤走。
 ☞ The wounded of the New Fourth Army concealed themselves in the reed marshes until the Japs went away.
 ☞ 在地面做窝的鸟都会把窝隐蔽在草丛里。
 ☞ Birds that build their nests on the ground conceal them in the grass.
 ☞ 地道的出口非常隐蔽。
 ☞ The exit of the tunnel is well concealed.
 ☞ 他把部队隐蔽在道路两边密林里。
 ☞ He ambushed his troops in the heavy bushes on the either side of the road.
 ☞ 突击队在森林里隐蔽了一整天。
 ☞ The raiding party was ambushed in the forest for a whole day.
4.covert, 指暗中进行的隐蔽。
 ☞ 有些非法组织又在搞隐蔽活动了。
 ☞ Some illegal organizations are in coven activity again.
 ☞ 她天真得像个孩子,哪会懂得他的隐蔽手法。
 ☞ How was she, as innocent as a child, to know his covert tricks?
隐藏 隐藏
 ☞ 警方在窗户的铝制框架里发现了隐藏的窃听器。
 ☞ The police found a tapping device concealed inside the aluminum window frame.
 ☞ 匆忙之中,他把车钥匙隐藏到汽车的仪表板下。
 ☞ In a hurry he concealed his car key under the dashboard.
 ☞ 老太太把负伤的战士隐藏在地窖里。
 ☞ The old woman hid (concealed) the wounded soldiers in the cellar.
  ■ 但是,如果隐藏只是一个自然的发展过程,并非蓄意要那么做,则不能用conceal。
 ☞ 她羞得用手把脸隐藏起来。
 ☞ She was so shy that she hid her face in her hands.
 ☞ 每次新的进展都隐藏着失败。
 ☞ Each new advance hides failures.
 ☞ 太阳隐藏在云层里。
 ☞ The sun was hidden in the clouds.
3.remain under cover, go into hiding,均指处于隐蔽的状态。
 ☞ 他在一个农庄里隐蔽了将近两个月,直到骚乱平息。
 ☞ He remained under cover in a farm for about two months until the uproar subsided.
 ☞ 他必须隐蔽到新政府成立。
 ☞ It was necessary for him to go into hiding until the new government is set up.

1.be separated,指隔开。
 ☞ 中国和朝鲜只隔一条鸭绿江。
 ☞ China and North Korea are separated by only the Yalu River.
 ☞ 隔行如隔山嘛。
 ☞ Different trades are separated as by mountains.
2.on the other side of,指在另一边。
 ☞ 只隔一座山就是水库。
 ☞ The reservoir is just on the other side of the hill.
 ☞ 他住的房子隔着一片树林。
 ☞ The house he lives in is just on the other side of the woods.
 ☞ 龟蛇二山隔江相望。
 ☞ Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the Changjiang River.
 ☞ 公共汽车站只隔一条马路。
 ☞ The bus stop is just across the road.
4.away from,指离开。
 ☞ 我们相隔千里,书信是我们惟一的联系。
 ☞ We are a thousand li away from each other and correspondence is our only link.
 ☞ 我住的地方离这里只隔几户人家。
 ☞ I live just a few doors away from here.
  "To watch a fire from the other side of the river" is to look on at others' trouble with indifference.
 ☞ 隔靴搔痒实在太不切实际。
 ☞ It is too impractical to scratch an itch from outside one's boot.
 ☞ 隔夜茶最好别喝。
 ☞ You'd better not drink last night tea.
  "Last year's calendar" means something obsolete.
 ☞ 我们种的树隔得很开。
 ☞ We planted the trees wide apart.
 ☞ 你们思想上隔得越来越远了。
 ☞ You are getting farther and farther apart in your ideas.
 ☞ 你隔两天再来。
 ☞ Come back in two days' time.
 ☞ 隔一周再来问我。
 ☞ Ask me in a week.
 ☞ 这药隔四小时服一次。
 ☞ The medicine is to be taken every four hours.
 ☞ 请隔行书写。
 ☞ Please write every other line.
10.insulate against,指隔音、隔热等。
 ☞ 房间是隔音的。
 ☞ The room is insulated against sound.
 ☞ 要是屋顶隔热的话,你家的房子就会更凉快。
 ☞ Your house could be cooler if its roof is insulated against heat.
障碍 障碍
 ☞ 调想通过这类障碍是非常困难或不可能的。
 ☞ 根据移民法,犯罪记录是进入美国的一个障碍。
 ☞ Under the immigration laws, a criminal record is a bar to admission to the United States.
 ☞ 近视是成为一名飞行员的障碍。
 ☞ Nearsightedness is a bar to becoming a pilot.
 ☞ 高山大川往往成为人们来往的一个障碍。
 ☞ High mountains and big rivers have always been a barrier to the movement of people.
 ☞ 警方垒起障碍来阻挡人群。
 ☞ The police put up barriers to control the crowd.
 ☞ 祓风暴刮倒的大树成了交通障碍。
 ☞ The huge tree that had been blown down by the storm was an obstacle to traffic.
 ☞ 当时美国的工商界人士发现奴隶制成了他们继续发展的障碍。
 ☞ The then industrialists and businessmen in the United States found slavery to be an obstacle to their further development.
4.block, 也指阻止前进或妨碍活动的障碍,但这种障碍存在的时间相对较短。
 ☞ 冰雪一直是这里冬天道路上的障碍。
 ☞ Snow and ice here have been roadblocks in winter.
 ☞ 这样一个纲领也许一度起过积极作用,但现在却成了有待搬掉的障碍。
 ☞ Such a program has perhaps played an active role at one time, but it is now the block to be removed.
 ☞ 士兵在冲锋时得越过战壕、铁丝网这样的障碍。
 ☞ The soldiers have to get over such obstructions as ditches and barbed wire while charging.
 ☞ 当时西方有意夸大了开辟第二战场的障碍。
 ☞ At that time the West purposely exaggerated the obstructions to opening the second front.
 ☞ 各种偏见是进步的一大障碍。
 ☞ Prejudices are a great obstruction to progress.
 ☞ 缺少资金是进行研究的一大障碍。
 ☞ Lack of funds is a serious hindrance to the conducting of the research.
 ☞ 我们都在盼望终有一天科学家没有了生活上的后顾之忧,工作上也没有了种种障碍。
 ☞ We're looking forward to some day when all scientists are free from worries in life and hindrance to work.

 ☞ 在这样干旱的地区种水稻可是个难题。
 ☞ How to grow rice in such a dry area is a difficult problem.
 ☞ 这是个很难回答的问题。
 ☞ This is a very difficult question to answer.
 ☞ 天内完成这一工作,你认为难不难?
 ☞ Do you think it difficult to finish the work within five days?
  ■ difficult用来修饰人时,有“难对付”、“难相处”等意思。
 ☞ 她有时候很难理解。
 ☞ She was difficult to understand at times.
 ☞ 最近他一直难以理喻。
 ☞ Lately, he has been difficult to reason with.
 ☞ 她是那天售货员与之打交道的最难对付的顾客。
 ☞ She was the most difficult customer the salesman had dealt with that day.
 ☞ 不要那么难相处嘛!
 ☞ Don't be so difficult!
2.hard,指难易的难。与easy相对。词义通俗、应 用较广,常用于花费一定功力即可办到的事情。
 ☞ 来修饰事物时,一般可以与difficult换用。
 ☞ 很难说谁对谁不对。
 ☞ It's hard (difficult) to say who's in the right and who's in the wrong.
 ☞ 尽管我们非常节省,生活仍难以为继。
 ☞ Though extremely frugal, we still find it hard (difficult) to make both ends meet.
 ☞ 高中的数学对我来说始终是门很难的课程。
 ☞ Mathematics was always a very hard subject for me in high school.
  ■ 但是,用来修饰人时,一般都用difficult。此外,hard一般不与impossible连用,因此翻译下面的句子时,应该用difficult。
 ☞ 我发现很难,尽管不是不面能。
 ☞ I find it very difficult, though not impossible.
 ☞ 要使他相信如果不是不可能,那也很难。
 ☞ It is difficult to convince him if not impossible.
3.not easy,指不易,等于hard,但比hard的说法委婉。
 ☞ 要他满意也难。
 ☞ It's not easy to satisfy him.
 ☞ 我发现要跟她搞好关系很难。
 ☞ I find it not easy to get on well with her.
 ☞ 这是件难办的事。
 ☞ This is a job not easy to manage.
 ☞ 这些影片难以符合我们心目中科教片的标准。
 ☞ These moving pictures hardly came up to our idea of what science and education films should be.
 ☞ 就我所知,他难当如此重任。
 ☞ So far as I know, he can hardly shoulder such heavy responsibilities.
 ☞ 你怎么骂人?多难听。
 ☞ Why do you swear? It's really bad.
 ☞ 这橘子难吃。
 ☞ The oranges taste bad.
 ☞ 什么味这么难闻!
 ☞ What's that bad smelly 这几天他的脸色难看。
 ☞ He looks bad these days.
 ☞ 这山路难走。
 ☞ The mountain path is bad.
6.be embarrassed,指处于某种窘态。
 ☞ 他似乎有难言之隐。
 ☞ He seemed too embarrassed to say what was in his mind.
 ☞ 他的买卖由于缺乏现金而一度犯难。
 ☞ His business was embarrassed for a time for lack of ready money.
 ☞ 见她难以对付那么重的行李,我主动提出帮忙。
 ☞ Seeing she was embarrassed with so heavy luggage, I offered to help her.
 ☞ 那感人的场面简直令人难以形容。
 ☞ The moving scene was simply beyond description.
 ☞ 在帝王时代,紫禁城内的礼仪异常严格,令人难以置信。
 ☞ In times of emperors, the formality within the Forbidden City was rigid beyond belief.
 ☞ 目前有些年轻人令我难以理解。
 ☞ Some young men of the present day are beyond my comprehension.
 ☞ 这回把他难住了。
 ☞ This put him in a difficult position.
 ☞ 困难难不住英雄汉。
 ☞ A hero is never put off by difficulties.
 ☞ 有几次她觉得简直就被这几个问题难住了。
 ☞ She had simply found herself caught out several times on these problems.
 ☞ 这问题一下子把我难住了。
 ☞ The question put me on the spot.
 ☞ 什么困难也难不住他。
 ☞ No difficulty can daunt him.
 ☞ 他只是脾气暴躁些,不过并不难处。
 ☞ He is a bit quick-tempered, but not difficult to get along with.
 ☞ 他有他的难处。
 ☞ He has his difficulties.
 ☞ 你有什么难处,尽管告诉我们。
 ☞ Please tell us whatever difficulties you have.
 ☞ 大家都有难处。
 ☞ Everybody can be in an awkward predicament.
 ☞ 难保他不泄密。
 ☞ It is difficult to guarantee that he will not leak out the secret.
 ☞ 难保不出问题。
 ☞ There is no guarantee that there won't be any trouble.
 ☞ 今天难保不下雨。
 ☞ You can't say for sure that it won't rain today.
 ☞ 有麻烦,我们支持你,决不叫你为难。
 ☞ We'll stand behind you in case of trouble, and will never leave you holding the bag.
 ☞ 这曲子难听。
 ☞ This tune is not pleasing to the ear.
 ☞ 这事说起来容易做起来难。
 ☞ It's easier said than done.
 ☞ 他得喉癌,性命难保。
 ☞ He has got a cancer of the throat and his life is in danger.
 ☞ 两军对垒,杀得难分难解。
 ☞ The two opposing armies are locked in battle.
 ☞ 他们互相爱慕,感情上难解难分。
 ☞ Adoring each other, they were sentimentally attached to each other.
 ☞ 两人依依惜别,难舍难分。
 ☞ The two of them could hardly tear themselves away from each other.
难为 难为
1.be hard on, 指与人或物为难。
 ☞ 我们不想难为那年轻人。
 ☞ We don't want to be hard on the young man.
 ☞ 难为你受了那么多的误解。
 ☞ It is hard on you to have been so much misunderstood.
 ☞ 路面如此不平,真难为轮胎了。
 ☞ Such a tough road is hard on tires.
 ☞ 她不会唱歌,就别难为她了。
 ☞ She can't sing. So don't press her to.
 ☞ 别拿你的政治观点难为我。
 ☞ Don't press your political views on me.
 ☞ 别再难为他。
 ☞ Don't embarrass him again.
 ☞ 问问题,永远不要去难为学生。
 ☞ Always avoid embarrassing students while asking questions.
4.It's kind of you, You are good,客套话,用于赞扬人的好心。
 ☞ 为我们买好了机票,真难为你。
 ☞ It was really kind of you to get the plane tickets for us.
 ☞ 帮我洗了那么多衣服,真雉为你了。
 ☞ It was very kind of you to have done so much washing for me.
 ☞ 这么冷的天,难为你还想着来。
 ☞ You've been so good to think of coming in such cold weather.
5.It's quite a job,指办了不容易办的事。
 ☞ 一天里打了这么多的文件,真难为你了。
 ☞ It was quite a job for you to type so many documents within a day.
 ☞ 一个人拉扯大六个孩子,真难为她了。
 ☞ It was quite a job for her to bring up half a dozen children all by herself.
6.thank you so much,表示感谢。
 ☞ 难为你花那么多时间替我拿来。
 ☞ Thank you so much for spending so much time to bring it to me.
 ☞ 给你添了那么多麻烦,真难为你了。
 ☞ Thank you so much for putting you to so much trouble.
难为情 难为情
 ☞ 她怕难为情,不敢开口。
 ☞ She is too shy to speak out.
 ☞ 他跟她谈话的时候,她感到难为情,但同时又感到高兴。
 ☞ She felt shy but happy at the same time when he talked to her.
2.be ashamed,指因某事而感到不好意思。
 ☞ 试验不成功,也别难为情。
 ☞ Don't feel ashamed if your experiment isn't a success.
 ☞ 这里没啥好难为情的。
 ☞ There is nothing here to be ashamed of.
 ☞ 干这样的事多难为情呀!
 ☞ What a shameful thing to do!
 ☞ 问几个问题没啥难为情的。
 ☞ It is not shameful to ask some questions.
 ☞ 他听到别人这样夸他,感到难为情。
 ☞ He was embarrassed to hear people speak so highly of him.
 ☞ 答应吧,办不到;不答应吧,又有点难为情。
 ☞ It is not feasible to comply, but a bit embarrassing to refuse.
难免 难免
1.hard to avoid, can't avoid, 指难以或不能避免。
 ☞ 犯错误是难免的,你认真改了就好。
 ☞ Mistakes are hard to avoid, but if you correct them conscientiously, things will be all right.
 ☞ 由于缺乏经验,工作中我们有时难免要走弯路。
 ☞ Owing to lack of experience, we sometimes can't avoid taking a round about course in our work.
2.cannot help doing, cannot help but do, 指 不由得要做某事。
 ☞ 人的看法有时难免带有片面性。
 ☞ Sometimes people cannot help being one-sided in their views.
 ☞ 考试没通过,人难免会失望。
 ☞ Anyone could not help feeling disappointed when he failed in the examination.
 ☞ 碰到这种事谁也难免发牢骚。
 ☞ Anyone in such a situation cannot help but complain.
3.be bound to, 从肯定的角度指出难免。
 ☞ 这段路太窄,交通有时难免堵塞。
 ☞ This section of the road is so narrow that it is bound to have traffic jams now and then.
 ☞ 这些问题难免在会上会有争论。
 ☞ These are bound to be controversial questions at the meeting.
难堪 难堪
 ☞ 提问学生,不要使他难堪。
 ☞ Avoid embarrassing the student when you ask him a question.
 ☞ 对这样的要求,她感到难堪。
 ☞ She felt embarrassed at such a request.
 ☞ 我一进大厅就发现自己处于令人难堪的境地。
 ☞ When I entered the hall I found myself in an embarrassing position.
 ☞ 你本来就不该把我放到这样一个令人难堪的处境。
 ☞ You shouldn't have put me in such an awkward situation。
 ☞ 在他愤怒的发言之后,他们之间出现了令人难堪的沉默。
 ☞ There was an awkward silence between them after his angry remark.
 ☞ 听到这样令人难堪的话,我自然不高兴。
 ☞ It is naturally unpleasant for me to hear such annoying words.
 ☞ 这是多么难堪的事!我家的狗竟把它的脏爪子放到了我女朋友的新衣上了。
 ☞ What an annoying thing it is! Our dog should have put its dirty paws on my girlfriend's new dress.
 ☞ 我房间乱糟糟的令人难堪。
 ☞ My room was in a terrible state of disorder 孩子们闹得令人难堪。
 ☞ The children made a terrible noise.
难得 难得
1.difficult to obtain, difficult to find, hard to come by,指很难得到。
 ☞ 这是本难得的好书,你是从哪弄来的?
 ☞ This is a good book that is difficult to obtain. Where did you get it?
 ☞ 第一手资料现在难得呀。
 ☞ First-hand information is hard to obtain.
 ☞ 像他这样的人很难得。
 ☞ It is difficult to find a man like him.
 ☞ 这种草药很难得。
 ☞ This medicinal herb is hard to come by.
 ☞ 他在一年内两次打破世界记录十分难得。
 ☞ He's performed the rare feat of breaking a world record twice in one year.
 ☞ 这次旅行机会难得,我要争取参加。
 ☞ This trip is a rare opportunity and I will do my best to join it.
 ☞ 我们现在难得见到马车了,因为大多数人都使用汽车。
 ☞ We rarely see a horse carriage now because most people use cars.
 ☞ 这些邮票现在已难得一见了。
 ☞ Nowadays, these stamps are rarely seen.
  ■ rarely放在句首时,多用倒装句。
 ☞ 我难得见到她。
 ☞ Rarely did I meet her.
 ☞ 他个人的观点变成了公众的观点,真是难得。
 ☞ Only rarely does his own view become public.
 ☞ 这样的机会真是难得。
 ☞ Such a chance is scarce indeed.
 ☞ 北美秃鹰现在很难得一见了。
 ☞ Bald eagles are now scarce to be found in North America.
 ☞ 这个时候他难得会来。
 ☞ He will scarcely come at this hour.
 ☞ 清早是我最忙的时候,难得有时间吃早点。
 ☞ Early morning is my busiest hour and I scarcely have time for breakfast.
4.seldom, 指很少,因而难得。
 ☞ 难道你不能多待一会儿?我们难得聚一次。
 ☞ We so seldom have a chance to get together. Can't you stay a bit longer?
 ☞ 她真是难得看回书。
 ☞ She seldom if ever, reads a book.
  ■ seldom or never也有这样的意思。如:
 ☞ 他难得喝回酒。
 ☞ He seldom or never drinks.
  ■ 但应注意的是ever前是if,而never前为or,不能搞混。
5.there aren't many,指不多,因而难得。
 ☞ 像他这样的人难得。
 ☞ There aren't many like him.
 ☞ 像这样的昆虫标本现在难得呀!
 ☞ There aren't many insect specimens like this!
难怪 难怪
1.no wonder,有“怪不得”的意思,表示明白了真相,不再觉得奇怪。另一分句则说明原因。
 ☞ 难怪这里找不到人,都开会去了。
 ☞ No wonder you can't find anybody here, they're all away at a meeting.
 ☞ 你吃得那么多,难怪睡不好觉。
 ☞ It's no wonder you can't sleep well when you eat so much.
2.that's why,有“原来是这样”的意思,表示明白了原因,不再觉得奇怪。
 ☞ 窗都开着,难怪风这么大。
 ☞ All the windows are open. That's why it is so draughty.
 ☞ 大路要维修关闭了,难怪你们会绕道。
 ☞ The road was being closed for repairs. That was why you came round.
3.hardly blame, hard to blame,指难以责怪。
 ☞ 他不了解情况,搞错了也难怪。
 ☞ You can hardly blame him for the mistake he made;
 ☞ he didn't know about the situation.
 ☞ 这也难怪她,相反我要怪你。
 ☞ It's hard to blame her; instead, I have to blame you.
难看 难看
 ☞ 这楼真难看。
 ☞ The building is ugly, indeed.
 ☞ 多难看的帽子!
 ☞ What an ugly hat!
2.look bad, do not look well, take on a ghastly expression,均指脸色难看。
 ☞ 她的脸色难看,你最好带她去看看医生。
 ☞ She looks bad, you'd better take her to see the doctor.
 ☞ 这几天他的脸色难看。
 ☞ He doesn't look well these days.
 ☞ 他听到这个消息,脸色变得很难看。
 ☞ When he heard the news, his face took on a ghastly expression.
3.it is a shame,指由于出丑而难看。
 ☞ 咱们在音乐会上要是演不好,那就难看了。
 ☞ It would be a shame if we put on a bad performance at the concert.
 ☞ 小孩子竟会沿街乞讨,这实在太难看了。
 ☞ It is a burning shame that little children should have to beg in streets.
难过 难过
1.have a hard time,be hard up,指因经济困难而日子难过。
 ☞ 父亲失业后我们的日子难过。
 ☞ We've had a hard time since my father lost his job.
 ☞ 那些年他为了养家,日子很难过。
 ☞ In those years he had a hard time making a living for his family.
 ☞ 他妻子一直在抱怨日子难过。
 ☞ His wife is continually complaining of being hard up.
 ☞ 我们在大学一起学习时,他的日子跟我一样难过。
 ☞ When we were at college together, he was just as hard up as I.
2.feel uncomfortable (sorry,bad),指不舒服,遗憾,不好等不同感觉的难过。
 ☞ 我肚子难过。
 ☞ I feel uncomfortable in the stomach.
 ☞ 我为她的不幸而难过。
 ☞ I feel sorry for her in her misfortune.
 ☞ 他知道做错了事,心里难过。
 ☞ He felt bad when he realized his error.
 ☞ 他牙痛得难过。
 ☞ He is suffering from toothache.
 ☞ 她为他心里难过。
 ☞ Her heart ached for him.
 ☞ 医生问她哪里难过。
 ☞ The doctor asked her if she had a pain anywhere.
 ☞ 休息太多反而难过。
 ☞ Too much rest becomes a pain.
4.be grieved,指由于悲痛伤心而难过。
 ☞ 我们听到王老师去世,都非常难过。
 ☞ We were grieved to hear that Wang, the teacher, was dead.
 ☞ 她一想到要和家人分别那么长时间心里就难过。
 ☞ She grieves at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.
难道 难道
  ■ “难道”用来加强反问的语气,句末常有“吗”或“不成”等语气词,反问可以是肯定,也可以是否定(均表示不满或疑惑)。
 ☞ 难道你们不怕困难吗?
 ☞ Aren't you afraid of difficulty?
 ☞ 难道我从此再也见不到她了吗?
 ☞ Am I never to see her again?
 ☞ 难道中国领导人都得亲自参加劳动不成?
 ☞ Do the Chinese leaders have to participate in physical labor in person?
 ☞ 难道你是说黄土高原无法灌溉?
 ☞ Do you mean that the loess plateau cannot be irrigated?
 ☞ 难道我没有把他培养成人,给他以自立的机会?
 ☞ Haven't I brought him up, and given him a chance in life?
 ☞ 难道你没有为他牺牲你的一生?
 ☞ Haven't you sacrificed your whole life for him?
 ☞ 许你们说话,难道不许我咳嗽不成?
 ☞ If you can talk, why can't I cough?
 ☞ 难道这么一点困难都克服不了吗?
 ☞ Can't we overcome such little difficulty?
 ☞ 这件事难道就罢了不成?
 ☞ How can we let the matter rest here?
 ☞ 难道你必须把一切都告诉他?这么做既愚蠢又无必要。
 ☞ Must you tell him everything? It is foolish and unnecessary to do so.
 ☞ 难道你必须见你的老板?你会因此而后悔的。
 ☞ Must you see your boss? You'll be sorry for it.
2.当某种迹象使人对本来确信的情况产生怀疑时,也可用由“难道”提出来的反问。这时可译为:Is it possible... ?或Can it be possible... ?
 ☞ 难道这么有名的民间传说你都没有听说过吗?
 ☞ Is it possible that you haven't even heard of so famous a folklore?
 ☞ 你到过中国三次,难道你从来没到过长城吗?
 ☞ You've been to China three times, is it possible that you have never been to the Great Wall?
 ☞ 难道你这么容易受惊?
 ☞ Can it be possible that you easily get scared?
 ☞ 这么重要的事情,难道你忘了不成?
 ☞ Could it be possible that you've forgotten such an important matter?

1.save, 覆盖面广,可指一切可节省的东西。
 ☞ 如果你的工作安排得当,可以省不少时间。
 ☞ Much time would be saved if you planned your work properly.
 ☞ 我们这样做可以省掉不少麻烦。
 ☞ By so doing can we save a lot of trouble.
 ☞ 好的家庭主妇总是想着省钱。
 ☞ A good housewife always tries to save money.
 ☞ 我省吃俭用,把他送进学校念书。
 ☞ By saving money on food and expenses I managed to send him to school.
 ☞ 这种耕作方法省力不少。
 ☞ This method of farming saves a lot of labor.
 ☞ 孩子进了托儿所,我省心多了。
 ☞ Having the child in kindergarten saves me a lot of worry.
2.economize, economical,覆盖面比save窄,只指经济上的节省。
 ☞ 能省的你就得省。
 ☞ You have to economize wherever possible.
 ☞ 他不知道如何省钱。
 ☞ He did not know how to economize.
 ☞ 如果你真的想买汽车,萁他方面就得省。
 ☞ If you're really going to buy a car, you'll have to economize on other things.
 ☞ 如果你想帮你丈夫恢复健康,就不能太省了。
 ☞ You cannot be too economical if you are to help your husband in his recovery.
3.spare,sparing (ly),指在经济上或行为上节省。
 ☞ 做儿子的努力打工,想为父母省掉送自己上大学的学费。
 ☞ The son worked very hard, trying to spare his parents the expense of sending him to college.
 ☞ 打个电话,省掉你一次走访。
 ☞ Use the telephone and spare yourself a visit.
 ☞ 你的报告省去了我辅导的麻烦。
 ☞ Your lecture spared me the trouble of coaching.
 ☞ 用纸要省一点。
 ☞ Be sparing in your use of paper.
 ☞ 我用钱很省,靠这些钱几乎过了一年。
 ☞ I lived almost a year upon the money, spending it very sparingly.
4.omit,leave out, 均指省略,区别是后者较为口语化。
 ☞ 这两个字不能省。
 ☞ These two words cannot be omitted.
 ☞ 如果句子短,可以省去逗号。
 ☞ If the clauses are short, the comma can be omitted.
 ☞ 我们可以省掉第三句。
 ☞ We can leave out the third sentence.
 ☞ 这一段与主题关系不大,完全可以省掉。
 ☞ This paragraph irrelevant to the theme may well be left out.
5.dispense with,指省去不必要的东西。
 ☞ 这些平时的礼节就省了吧。
 ☞ Let's dispense with the usual formalities.
 ☞ 汽车就请你省了,我们坐不起。
 ☞ Please dispense with the car, we can't afford it.
 ☞ 由于生产工艺的改变,这道工序可以省去。
 ☞ This step can be eliminated from the process owing to change of the productive technology.
 ☞ 在这种情况下,问题的探索过程被省去了。
 ☞ In this case, search has been eliminated from the problem.
集中 集中
1.center in (on),指“以…为中心”的集中。用in着重在“点”,用on着重在“面”。
 ☞ 这是上海商业和金融业集中的地区。
 ☞ It is the area of Shanghai in which the commercial and financial interests are centered.
 ☞ 他整个身心都集中在科研上了。
 ☞ His whole mind and his whole being were centered in the scientific research.
 ☞ 世界的注意力都集中在中国。
 ☞ The attention of the world is centered on China.
 ☞ 谈话集中在选举上。
 ☞ The conversation centered on the election.
2.focus on,指“以…为焦点”的集中。
 ☞ 我们应集中精力讨论如何提高经济效益。
 ☞ We must focus our energy on the discussion about how to increase economic efficiency.
 ☞ 探照灯的光束划过天空,然后集中在那架飞机上。
 ☞ The search-light beams moved across the sky and focused on the aircraft.
 ☞ 全世界的目光都集中在他身上。
 ☞ The eyes of the world are focused on him.
 ☞ 公众的注意力现在都集中在改革问题上。
 ☞ Public attention at the moment is focused on the problem of reform.
 ☞ 在旧的政治制度下,财富与权力都集中在少数家族手里。
 ☞ Under the old political system wealth and power were centralized in the hand of a few families.
 ☞ 正在作战的部队由统帅部集中指挥。
 ☞ The direction of the forces now operating is centralized by the general headquarters.
 ☞ 本公司集中全部财力,筹集了一大批建设资金。
 ☞ By centralizing all financial resources, our firm builds up a large fund for construction.
 ☞ 如果我们把各自的设想集中起来,也许能产生一个好计划。
 ☞ If we pool our ideas, we may be able to produce a good plan.
 ☞ 我们当中没有一个人买得起,所以咱们还是把钱集中起来。
 ☞ None of us can afford to buy it, so let's pool our money.
 ☞ 只有把群众的智慧集中起来,我们才能搞成一个独一无二的设计。
 ☞ Only by pooling the wisdom of the masses can we be able to make a unique design.
 ☞ 敌人集中优势兵力,分数路围攻。
 ☞ The enemy mustered his superior forces and launched a converging attack in several columns.
 ☞ 有3万士兵需要集中。
 ☞ Thirty thousand men are to be mustered.
 ☞ 他把丢在长沙发、扶手椅、五斗柜上的脏衬衣、脏短裤、脏袜子集中起来,准备洗一洗。
 ☞ He mustered his soiled shirts, shorts and socks from the sofa, armchair and chest for washing.
6.concentrate (on),指为了某个目的而进行的集中。
 ☞ 我们首先要把工业发展集中到沿海一带。
 ☞ First, we are to concentrate industrial development along the coast.
 ☞ 他现在整个身心都集中在一件事上,就是如何踢赢这场球赛。
 ☞ His whole mind is concentrated on one thing - how to win the football match.
 ☞ 只要你把你的全部精力都集中到学英语上来,你是学得好的。
 ☞ If you concentrate all your energies on the study of English, you will master the language.
  ■ concentrate on用做不及物动词时,是指“集中思想”。
 ☞ 上课思想要集中。
 ☞ Concentrate on the lesson.
 ☞ 她的激动使她工作时无法集中思想。
 ☞ Her excitement made her unable to concentrate on the work.
  ■ “思想不集中”也可译作 "absent-minded" 。
 ☞ 今天,他思想比平时更不集中。
 ☞ Today. he is more absent-minded than usual.
需要 需要
1.need, necessity,均指由外因或内因引起的需要,一般可以换用。
 ☞ 不需要匆匆忙忙的。
 ☞ There is no need (necessity) to hurry.
 ☞ 他不到需要的时候是不会学英语的。
 ☞ He'll never learn English until the necessity (need) arises.
  ■ 不过,necessity更强调不可或缺的需要。
 ☞ 需要是发明之母。
 ☞ Necessity is the mother of invention.
 ☞ 这药片只有在需要时才能服用。
 ☞ The tablets are to be taken only in case of necessity.
  ■ 与此同时,need可以用作动词。
 ☞ 他们肯定需要帮助。
 ☞ They are certain to need help.
 ☞ 明天你需要把这本书还回来吗?
 ☞ Do you need the book back tomorrow?
 ☞ 我们需要以新的方式来解决这一问题。
 ☞ We need to solve the problem in a new way 我倒是想知道需要澄清什么问题。
 ☞ I would like to know what needs clarifying.
  ■ 应该指出,need表示主动动作时应接动词不定式,表示被动动作时应接动名词。如:
 ☞ 我们需要漆一漆这屋子。
 ☞ We need to paint the house.
 ☞ 这屋子需要漆一漆了。
 ☞ The house needs painting.
 ☞ 的确,现在我感到需要一位真正的朋友。
 ☞ Indeed, I feel now the want of a real friend.
 ☞ 需要得到满足以后就不再是需要了。
 ☞ A want that is satisfied is no longer a want.
  ■ 不过,want更多地被用作动词,它既表示主观需要,也可表示客观需要。
 ☞ 这事我已处理了,不需要打扰总裁了。
 ☞ I've dealt with the matter, not wanting to disturb the president.
 ☞ 你需不需要有人和你一块去?
 ☞ Don't you want someone to go along with you?
 ☞ 我们需要在星期六完成这项工作。
 ☞ We want the work finished by Saturday.
 ☞ 要是你需要帮助,就来找我。
 ☞ Come to me if you want help.
 ☞ 你看你,累成什么样了,你需要一次休假。
 ☞ Look at yourself! How tired you are! You want a holiday.
 ☞ 这些花都蔫了,需要浇水了。
 ☞ These flowers are drooping. They want water.
  ■ want用来表示被动时也应接动名词。
 ☞ 搬动这东西需要小心。
 ☞ It wants careful handling.
 ☞ 你床上的床单需要洗一洗了。
 ☞ The sheet on your bed wants washing.
 ☞ 明天我们需要些邮票来寄信。
 ☞ We shall require some stamps to send the letters tomorrow.
 ☞ 你需要多少面粉?
 ☞ How much flour do you require?
 ☞ 要夺取这一胜利仍需要很长的时间和很大的努力。
 ☞ To win the victory will still require much time and great effort.
  ■ require后接动名词也表示被动。
 ☞ 这地板需要洗一洗了。
 ☞ The floor requires washing.
  ■ 尽管上面三词在词义上有一定的差别,但如“需要”作“有必要”解时,三词可以互换。
 ☞ 那孩子需要抽一顿才行。
 ☞ That boy wants (needs, requires)a whipping.(一般接动名词表示被动)
  ■ 如果“需要”作“希望”解时,need和require可以互换,但不用want。
 ☞ 那孩子需要洗个澡了。
 ☞ That boy needs (requires)a bath.(一般接名词)
 ☞ 这种情况需要立即采取措施。
 ☞ This situation demands (requires) immediate action.
 ☞ 商务上有个重要会议需要你出席。
 ☞ An important business conference demands (requires) your presence.
 ☞ 孩子们的身心需要多玩,多游戏。
 ☞ The mind and body of a child demand a great deal of play.
 ☞ 这是一本需要你多加注意的书。
 ☞ This is a book that demands your full attention.
  ■ demand, need, require在词义互不矛盾的情况下也可互换。
 ☞ 这信需要马上答复吗?
 ☞ Does this letter demand (need, require) an immediate answer?
 ☞ 这件事需要仔细考虑,认真解决。
 ☞ This matter demands (needs, requires) careful consideration and serious solution.
 ☞ 恶习一旦养成,需要很长的时间才能根除。
 ☞ A bad habit once contracted takes a very long time to uproot.
 ☞ 耐心一点,亲爱的。这些东西需要时间。
 ☞ Be patient a while, dear. These things take time.
 ☞ 这车需要多少汽油?
 ☞ How much petrol will the car take?
 ☞ 把这个箱子抬起来,需要4个男人。
 ☞ It takes four men to lift the box.
 ☞ 和家庭决裂,他需要很大的勇气和决心。
 ☞ It will take him great courage and determination to make break with his family.
震动 震动
 ☞ 地震使整座大楼都在震动。
 ☞ The earthquake shook the entire building.
 ☞ 火车开过时我感到房子在震动。
 ☞ I felt the house shaking when the train went by.
 ☞ 十月革命震动了全世界。
 ☞ The October Revolution shook the whole world.
 ☞ 爆炸的震动在很远的地方都能感觉到。
 ☞ The shock of the explosion was felt in far away.
 ☞ 你感到震动了吗?不知是什么引起的。
 ☞ Did you feel that shock? I wonder what caused it.
 ☞ 轮船的发动机弄得整条船都在震动。
 ☞ The ship's engine caused the whole ship to vibrate.
 ☞ 敲击钢琴琴键,琴弦就会震动。
 ☞ The strings of a piano vibrate when the keys are struck.
 ☞ 火炮开始射击时,我们脚下的大地都在震动。
 ☞ The ground quaked beneath us as the artillery barrage began.
 ☞ 震动造成了许多破坏。
 ☞ The quake caused much damage.
 ☞ 汽车撞在墙上引起的震动震碎了挡风玻璃。
 ☞ When the car hit the wall, the impact caused broke the windscreen.
 ☞ 这番话对他的思想震动很大。
 ☞ The talk made a great impact on him.
 ☞ 1976年的唐山大地震,北京都感到了震动。
 ☞ Tremors were felt in Beijing when the great earthquake rocked Tangshan in 1976.
 ☞ 我感到一阵像地震那样的轻微震动。
 ☞ I noticed a slight tremor as if an earthquake.
露出(露) 露出(露)
 ☞ 天空中的云层慢慢散去,露出了第一颗星星,然后又是一颗星星。
 ☞ The clouds were dispersing from the sky, little by little, first one, then another star appeared.
 ☞ 她的脸上逐渐露出了笑容。
 ☞ Gradually a smile appeared on her face.
 ☞ 两边屋子的窗户里露出一张张神色惊惶的脸。
 ☞ In the houses on either side, startled faces appeared at the windows.
 ☞ 雾气幕布般升了起来,于是露出了远处的群山。
 ☞ The mist rose like a curtain, and the distant mountains appeared.
 ☞ 东方开始露出了曙光。
 ☞ Dawn is beginning to show in the east.
 ☞ 她脖子上的青筋透过白净的皮肤露了出来。
 ☞ The blue veins in her neck show through her white skin+
 ☞ 等她取掉墨镜,她眼角的鱼尾纹就露了出来。
 ☞ When she took off her sunglasses the crow's feet showed up at the comers of her eyes.
3.stick out,指突出而露出。
 ☞ 从太空看地球,它像一个被水覆盖的大球体,有几块陆地露出水面。
 ☞ From space the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe, with a few patches of land sticking out above the water.
 ☞ 医生卷起他的一条裤腿,骨头就像犬牙似的从肉里露了出来。
 ☞ The bone stuck out the flesh like a dogs fang when the doctor rolled up one of his trouser legs.
 ☞ 他的口袋里露出一块手帕。
 ☞ A handkerchief stuck out from his pocket.
 ☞ 在毯子末端露出一双脚。
 ☞ A pair of feet stuck out at the end of the blanket.
 ☞ 慈善家的面具一下子掉了下来,露出了真面目。
 ☞ For a moment the mask of the philanthropist fell and the real man was revealed.
 ☞ 他在关键时刻的所作所为露出了他的原形。
 ☞ What he did at the critical moment revealed his true colors.
 ☞ 我现在就要拉开幕布,接着就会露出幕后的画。
 ☞ I will draw the curtain up and reveal the picture behind it.
 ☞ 幼狮都依偎在母狮的怀里,有的露出半个头,有的露出一张嘴。
 ☞ Lionets are nestling in their mother's arms, some revealing half a head, some revealing a mouth.
 ☞ 他刚一说话就露出马脚。
 ☞ The moment he started to speak he betrayed himself.
 ☞ 他竭力做出漠不关心的样子,但他紧张的举止露出了真相。
 ☞ He tried to appear indifferent, but his nervous manner betrayed him.
 ☞ 他通红的脸庞露出丁他的神经质。
 ☞ His red face betrayed his nervousness.
6.give away,与reveal同义,但为口语用词。
 ☞ 这番话露出了他对此事的真正意图。
 ☞ That remark gives away his real intention on the matter.
 ☞ 他装成美国人,但他的德国口音让他露出了马脚。
 ☞ He pretended to be American, but his German accent gave him away.
 ☞ 他们移开书架,一道通往密室的门露了出来。
 ☞ They removed the bookcase, disclosing the entrance to a secret room.
 ☞ 幕布开启,露出一个空荡荡的舞台。
 ☞ The curtain opened, to disclose an empty stage.
 ☞ 他的企图受挫后就露出了真面目。
 ☞ His attempt, when frustrated, disclosed his true intention.
8.leave exposed,指有意无意地使之露出。
 ☞ 船长把一面国旗盖在他身上,只露出他的脸来。
 ☞ The captain covered his body with the national flag, leaving only his face exposed.
 ☞ 他把一封给女朋友的信放在她的书里,一半露在外面。
 ☞ He placed a letter to his girl-friend in her book, leaving it half-exposed.
静止 静止
 ☞ 形而上学的宇宙观,用孤立的、静止的、片面的观点去观察世界。
 ☞ The metaphysical world outlook sees things as isolated. static and one-sided.
 ☞ 这部分可以活动,但那部分必须静止,为的是使机器运转平稳。
 ☞ This part may move, but that one must be static in order for the machine to run smoothly.
 ☞ 静止的目标比活动的目标容易瞄准。
 ☞ It is easier to aim at a stationary than at a moving target.
 ☞ 静止的物体是不动的。
 ☞ A stationary object is one that is not moving.
 ☞ 我们远远看去,沙漠上的沙子犹如一片浩瀚而静止的波浪。
 ☞ The sand in the desert seemed to be an expanse of motionless waves when we looked in distance.
 ☞ 月光下的一切都是寂静的、静止的,但树丛下警惕的眼睛却密切注视着敌人的一举一动。
 ☞ Everything in the moonlight was quiet and motionless, but under bushes watchful eyes were closely following every movement of the enemy.
 ☞ 需要多长时间才能使这机器由运动到静止?
 ☞ How long will it take to bring the machine from movement to a standstill?
 ☞ 生活永远不是静止的。
 ☞ Life is never at a standstill.
 ☞ 物体由静止到下落的第一秒末的速度为9.8米/秒。
 ☞ A body from rest to downfall has a speed of 9.8m/s at the end of the first second.
 ☞ 任何事物不受外力作用时都会继续处于静止状态。
 ☞ Anything will continue in a state of rest unless acted upon by an external force.
非…不可 非…不可
1.双重否定,表示必须、必要,译have got to, (simply) must, necessary。
 ☞ 做校对工作,你非仔细不可。
 ☞ You have got to be careful when you do proofreading.
 ☞ 干这种工作非要有耐心不可。
 ☞ You have got to have patience in doing this kind of work.
 ☞ 英语生词非经常复习不可。
 ☞ We must constantly review the new English words.
 ☞ 我们非分清是非不可。
 ☞ We must distinguish what is right and what is wrong.
 ☞ 我非参加这次登山不可。
 ☞ I simply must join this mountaineering expedition.
 ☞ 不行,我非去不可。
 ☞ No, I simply must go.
 ☞ 非你亲自走一趟不可。
 ☞ It is necessary for you to go personally.
 ☞ 今天上午你非还不可。
 ☞ It is necessary that you should return it this morning.
 ☞ 你认为我是非来不可吗?
 ☞ Do you regard it as necessary for me to come?
2.表示必然如此,译be bound, inevitable, inevitably。
 ☞ 天气又闷又热,一会儿非下雨不可。
 ☞ The weather is so sultry, it is bound to rain.
 ☞ 一味蛮干的人非碰壁不可。
 ☞ One who acts rashly and arbitrarily is bound to come to grief.
 ☞ 这一计划非成功不可。
 ☞ The plan is bound to succeed.
 ☞ 我们非赢不可。
 ☞ We are bound to win.
 ☞ 骨折是非痛不可的。
 ☞ Pain is inevitable when one breaks a bone.
 ☞ 架是非吵不可了,因为他们之间早就相互讨厌了。
 ☞ A quarrel was inevitable because they had disliked each other for a long time.
 ☞ 既然你卷了进去,就非管到底不可。
 ☞ Once you are involved, you will inevitably have to see it through.
3.表示只要,译only, alone。
 ☞ 坐这个位置非你不可。
 ☞ Only you can fill the post.
 ☞ 难道非你去处理这件事不可?
 ☞ Are you really the only one who can handle the matter?
 ☞ 干这件事非我不可。
 ☞ I, and I alone, can do the job.
4.表示只有在某种条件下才能,一般用双重否定,译not... without, not…unless, not…until, not…otherwise。
 ☞ 要学好中文,非下苦功不可。
 ☞ You can't get a good grasp of the Chinese language without making painstaking efforts.
 ☞ 要写作非有灵感不可。
 ☞ One cannot write without inspiration.
 ☞ 你要进去非弄一张出入证不可。
 ☞ You cannot get in without a pass.
 ☞ 我们要施加影响,非有一张报纸不可。
 ☞ We cannot exercise our influence unless we have a newspaper.
 ☞ 要坚持斗争,我非跟他分手不可。
 ☞ Unless I part from him, I cannot keep up the struggle.
 ☞ 我非读完这本书不可。
 ☞ I won't stop reading the book until I finish it 她非这么提问不可。
 ☞ She could not put the question otherwise.
 ☞ 你非这么想不可。
 ☞ You can hardly think otherwise.
 ☞ 现在非这么干不可了。
 ☞ It is impossible to do otherwise now.
非法 非法
 ☞ 在美国有些州,向青少年出售烈性酒是非法的。
 ☞ In some states of the USA it is illegal to sell strong drinks to the teenagers.
 ☞ 中国禁止非法持有枪支。
 ☞ Illegal possession of firearms is forbidden in China.
 ☞ 该代理机构非法使用了水灾救济基金。
 ☞ The agency made illegitimate use of flood relief funds.
 ☞ 在当时,非法夺权已是司空见惯。
 ☞ At that time illegitimate seizure of power was a common sight.
 ☞ 非法买卖烟草就是未经政府许可就从事烟草贸易。
 ☞ Illicit tobacco-buying and selling means trading in tobacco without a government license.
 ☞ 他卷入了一桩毒品非法交易案。
 ☞ He got involved in the case of illicit drug trafficking.
 ☞ 他因非法持有枪支而被捕。
 ☞ He was arrested for the unlawful possession of firearms.
 ☞ 非法活动必须予以取缔。
 ☞ Unlawful activities must be banned.
 ☞ 过去规定销售自行车不带前灯,是非法的。
 ☞ The original regulation outlawed the sale of bicycles without a headlight.
 ☞ 卖淫和贩毒在中国都是非法的。
 ☞ Both being a prostitute and dealing in drug are outlawed in China.

1.stand,强调狭长物体斜立于某个位置,stand by,强调立于某物附近。
 ☞ 扁担靠在门背后。
 ☞ The shoulder pole is standing behind the door.
 ☞ 靠在房间角落里的木板到哪里去了?
 ☞ Where are the boards that stood in the comer of the room?
 ☞ 疗养院靠山面海。
 ☞ The sanatorium stands by mountains and faces the sea.
2.lean against,强调狭长物体支于某处。
 ☞ 把梯子靠在墙上。
 ☞ Lean the ladder against a wall.
 ☞ 她轻轻地靠在他肩上。
 ☞ She leaned lightly against his shoulder.
3.keep to,强调保持某个方位。
 ☞ 车辆一律靠右行。
 ☞ All vehicles should keep to the right.
 ☞ 行人靠边走。
 ☞ Pedestrians keep to the side of the road.
4.close to, 强调靠得很近,close on, 强调形象化的靠近。
 ☞ 有一次我看见他们俩靠在一起,有说有笑。
 ☞ Once I caught sight of them two close together, speaking and laughing.
 ☞ 靠着我,当心别滑跤。
 ☞ Keep close to me and mind you don't slip.
 ☞ 他已是靠50的人了。
 ☞ He's already close on fifty.
5.depend on, rely on,表示依靠。
 ☞ 他家靠他维持。
 ☞ His family depended on him for support.
 ☞ 一个人的成功主要靠自己。
 ☞ A man's success depends chiefly on himself.
 ☞ 学习主要靠自己努力,而不是只靠别人的帮助。
 ☞ Learning mainly relies on one's own efforts, not just on help from somebody else.
 ☞ 蒙古人靠养牲口为生。
 ☞ The Mongolians rely on livestock raising for a living.
6.by, by dint of,表示依靠某种方式或方法。
 ☞ 她靠正当的劳动生活。
 ☞ She lives by honest labor.
 ☞ 我们靠直接谈判解决了这次冲突。
 ☞ We settled this conflict by direct negotiation.
 ☞ 他靠苦干而成功。
 ☞ He succeeded by dint of hard work.
 ☞ 我们靠巧干超额完成了任务。
 ☞ We overfulfilled the tasks by dint of skillful work.
 ☞ 我们不能只靠面包和水来生活。
 ☞ We can't exist on bread and water alone.
 ☞ 现在好多机车都是靠柴油运行的。
 ☞ Many locomotives nowadays run on diesel oil.
 ☞ 全家靠父亲的收入生活。
 ☞ The whole family live on father's income.
 ☞ 他们背靠背地坐着。
 ☞ They sat back to back.
 ☞ 我把身子靠在门上。
 ☞ I put my body to the door.
 ☞ 中国的东南部靠着大海。
 ☞ The southeastern part of China is by the sea.
 ☞ 靠湖的房子是座饭店。
 ☞ That house by the lake is a restaurant.
10.fall back on,lie back against,指背后有依靠。
 ☞ 你们工人可以靠工会。
 ☞ You workers have the trade unions to fall back on.
 ☞ 要是我找不到教师的工作,可以靠我的技术做印刷工。
 ☞ If I can't find a job as a teacher, I can fall back on my skill as a printer.
 ☞ 伤兵靠着一棵树桩睡着了。
 ☞ The wounded soldier lay back against the stump of a tree and dozed off.
11.be up to sb. ,指“理应靠…来做”。
 ☞ 人民靠我们去组织。
 ☞ It is up to us to organize the people.
 ☞ 教育孩子懂礼貌要靠父母。
 ☞ It is up to parents to teach their children manners.
 ☞ 船已经靠码头了。
 ☞ The ship has already docked.
 ☞ 从上海开来的十四次列车正在靠二号站台。
 ☞ Train No. 14 from Shanghai is approaching platform No.2.
面临 面临
 ☞ 她正面临破产。
 ☞ She was now facing bankruptcy.
 ☞ 如果政府继续推行其现行政策,制造业将面临严峻的前景。
 ☞ Manufacturing industry faces a grim future if the government pursues its present policy.
2.be faced with,不是短语动词,而是face的过去分词用作表语。与face的区别是一为动态,一为静态。
 ☞ 我们正面临着战争的威胁。
 ☞ We are now faced with the threat of war.
 ☞ 我们都面临同样的问题。
 ☞ We are all faced with the same problem.
3.be confronted with,意同be faced with, 可 以换用。
 ☞ 新政府正面临重重困难。
 ☞ The new government is confronted (faced) with numerous difficulties.
 ☞ 他当时面临两种选择,死亡还是屈服。
 ☞ He was confronted (faced) with two alternatives, death or submission.
4.ahead of sb. ,指“摆在…前面”。
 ☞ 我们正面临一场新的斗争。
 ☞ A new struggle lies ahead of us.
 ☞ 当时他就看得清清楚楚,我要面临一场危机。
 ☞ He saw plainly that there was a crisis ahead of me.
5.be up against,非正式用语,意同be confronted with。
 ☞ 许多人无家可归,有些人面临饥饿。
 ☞ Many were homeless, and some were up against (confronted with) starvation.
 ☞ 该国正面临着日趋恶化的经济危机。
 ☞ The country is up against (confronted with)a worsening economic crisis.
面前 面前
1.face,in the face of, 指“摆在…面前”,面对。
 ☞ 目前摆在我们面前的问题是什么?
 ☞ What are the issues facing us at the present time?
 ☞ 我们决不能因自满而裹足不前,更大的新任务正摆在中国人民面前。
 ☞ We can never rest content and come to a standstill.
 ☞ new and greater tasks face the Chinese people.
 ☞ 在事实面前不容狡赖。
 ☞ It, s no use denying it in the face of the truth.
 ☞ 他们在困难面前从来没有动摇。
 ☞ They have never wavered in the face of difficulties.
 ☞ 午后的茶点已摆在我们面前。
 ☞ The afternoon tea has set before us.
 ☞ 3个被告都被带到法官面前。
 ☞ The three accused had been taken before a judge.
 ☞ 他在敌人面前表现得无所畏惧。
 ☞ He was dauntless before the enemy.
3.in front of,也表示空间的位置,指“在…面前”。可和before换用,但使用面更广。
 ☞ 她要在导演面前试音。
 ☞ She will have her audition in front of (before) the director.
 ☞ 你不该在孩子面前说脏话。
 ☞ You shouldn't use such bad language in front of (before) the children.
 ☞ 她当时正坐在我们面前。
 ☞ She was sitting in front of (before) us.
  ■ 但是in front of是与in the back of相对而言的,如:
 ☞ 在大楼面前有一棵古松树。
 ☞ There is an old pine tree in front of the building.(不能用before,因为大楼还有后面)
4.ahead, ahead of, 也表示空间的位置,但常指除自身之外的前方。
 ☞ 我们面前的困难还多,不可忽视。
 ☞ There are still many difficulties ahead which we must not overlook.
 ☞ 我们继续注视着我们面前的道路。
 ☞ We went on watching the road ahead.
 ☞ 一种新的生活展现在他面前。
 ☞ A new life lay ahead of him.
 ☞ 我们面前的道路又滑溜,又泥泞。
 ☞ Ahead of us the road was slippery and muddy.
5.in the presence of, in one's presence,指“在…在场的情况下”。
 ☞ 在女友面前丢了脸,他感到很沮丧。
 ☞ He was very depressed to have lost face in the presence of his girlfriend.
 ☞ 在她面前他感到惬意。
 ☞ He felt comfortable in her presence.
面向 面向
1.face, 指面对。
 ☞ 他转过身来,面向着她。
 ☞ He turned and faced her.
 ☞ 全体排球队员面向国旗,庄严宣誓。
 ☞ All of the volleyball team members stood facing the national flag and made a solemn vow.
2.orient, 指方向针对。
 ☞ 我们必须使我们的工作面向人民的需要。
 ☞ We must orient our work to the needs of the people.
 ☞ 教育必须面向世界,面向未来,面向四个现代化。
 ☞ Education must be oriented to the world. to the future and to the four modernizations.
 ☞ 加入世贸组织之后,我们应使生产面向新的挑战。
 ☞ Having joined WTO, we have to gear our production to new challenges.
 ☞ 国民经济的各个部门都应面向四个现代化的需要。
 ☞ Various sectors of the national economy must be geared to the needs of the four modernizations.
面子 面子
1.face, 指脸面。
 ☞ 这次胜利挽回了我队的面子。
 ☞ The win saved our team's face.
 ☞ 为了保全面子,他决定私了这件事。
 ☞ He decided to settle the matter out of court in order to save face.
 ☞ 你说话不算会很没面子的。
 ☞ If you don't keep your promise you'll lose face.
 ☞ 这件事他们两个都想有个了结,而又不太失面子。
 ☞ They both wanted to end the affair without too much loss of face.
 ☞ 她是很爱面子的。
 ☞ She is concerned very much about face-loving.
 ☞ 两妯娌撕破面子,开始大吵大闹起来。
 ☞ The two sisters-in-law began to make a terrible row, casting aside all considerations of face.
 ☞ 我谢绝邀请对她已经是给足面子啦。
 ☞ I've showed due respect for her feelings by declining the invitation.
 ☞ 既然她做了见不得人的事,你就该不讲面子。
 ☞ Now that she has done things we are ashamed of, you ought to have no consideration for her feelings.
 ☞ 恕我直言,你应该给她留点面子。
 ☞ Excuse me for speaking bluntly, you ought to spare her feelings.
3.for the sake of,指“看在…的份上”。
 ☞ 他同意是给我面子。
 ☞ He agreed for my sake.
 ☞ 我参加这次会,全看你的面子。
 ☞ I attended the meeting entirely for your sake.
4.outside, outer part, 指事物的表面。
 ☞ 你的大衣面子破旧了。
 ☞ The outside of your overcoat is getting shabby.
 ☞ 你棉被的面子蛮好看的。
 ☞ The outer part of your quilt looks quite nice.
 ☞ 他在社会上很有面子。
 ☞ He has a high social standing.
 ☞ 不是我不买你的面子,这事实在不好办。
 ☞ I'd be happy to defer to your wishes, but there is really nothing I can do about it.
 ☞ 这个女人真是不要面子!
 ☞ What a shameless woman!
 ☞ 那时候,一般都认为大脚,也就是天足,会使夫家没面子。
 ☞ In those days large feet, meaning natural feet, were considered to bring shame on the husband's household.
面对 面对
1) 面对面,朝向。
 ☞ 他把她叫到办公室;她面对着他坐着。
 ☞ He summoned her to his office; she sat facing him.
 ☞ 我的寝室正好面对公园。
 ☞ My bedroom just faces the park.
2) 面临。
 ☞ 我们面对的问题和困难还很多。
 ☞ We still face a great many problems and difficulties.
 ☞ 在这样不利的情况下,我们并不想面对一场战争。
 ☞ We did not want to face a war under such disadvantageous circumstances.
3) 正视现实准备承受。
 ☞ 找的看法是你可能得面对这样一场斗争。
 ☞ My point is that you may have to face such a struggle.
 ☞ 面对现实吧,亲爱的,我们都老了。
 ☞ Face the fact, my dear, we are getting old.
4) 摆在…面前。
 ☞ 目前工人们面对的问题是什么?
 ☞ What are the issues facing the workers at the present time?
 ☞ 我们登上山顶,面对令人难忘的景色。
 ☞ Arriving at the top of the hill, we were faced by an impressive scene.
2.in the face of, 指在困难、危险面前。
 ☞ 面对威胁和镇压,他们没有退却。
 ☞ In the face of threats and repression they didn't retreat.
 ☞ 面对所有这些困难,他还能干什么?
 ☞ What could he do in the face of all these difficulties?
3.be faced with,不是短语动词,而是face的过去分词,用作表语。意思同face的2)、3) 条,表示面临。
 ☞ 我们都面对着同样的问题。
 ☞ We are alike faced with the same problem.
 ☞ 面对证据,他承认自己有罪。
 ☞ Faced with the evidence, he confessed himself guilty.
4.face up to,美国英语,意同face的2)、3) 条,有“面临”、“正视”的意思。
 ☞ 这些都是你们必须面对的危机。
 ☞ These are crises you must face up to.
 ☞ 我们已倾家荡产,必须面对这一现实。
 ☞ We are ruined, and must face up to the fact.
 ☞ 士兵得面对危险。
 ☞ A soldier has to confront danger.
 ☞ 嫌疑犯面对起诉者,否认对他的指控。
 ☞ The suspect confronted his accuser and denied the charge against him.
6.be confronted by,意同face的1) 条,有“面对面”的意思。
 ☞ 他一走进屋子就面对乱七八糟的场面。
 ☞ As he entered the room he was confronted by a scene of disorder.
 ☞ 我刚要离开办公室,就面对一位要我签字的职员。
 ☞ When I was about to leave my office I was confronted by a clerk with a demand for my signature.
7.be confronted with,意同faced with, 可以换用。
 ☞ 他一面对证据就承认了有罪。
 ☞ As soon as he was confronted with (faced with) evidence he admitted his guilt.
 ☞ 面对事件的这一转变,我们决定修改原来的计划。
 ☞ Confronted with this turn of events, we decided to revise the original plan.
8.be up against,非正式用语,意同be confronted with。
 ☞ 我们要面对各种各样的困难。
 ☞ We are up against all sorts of difficulties.
 ☞ 这次会议应该对他有些好处,他正面对真正的反对。
 ☞ This meeting should do him some good, he's up against real opposition.
 ☞ 面对这种荒谬的指控,他奋起自卫。
 ☞ Before such wild accusation he rose in self-defense.
 ☞ 我们面对的是一个非常棘手的问题。
 ☞ What is before us is a very knotty problem.
 ☞ 面对他们的批评,他无动于衷。
 ☞ He met their criticism with indifference.
 ☞ 她惊惶失措,不知如何面对局势。
 ☞ She was seized with panic, not knowing how to meet the situation.
面目 面目
 ☞ 他面目清秀。
 ☞ He has a fine and delicate face.
 ☞ 高官们下了班才显出真面目。
 ☞ High-ranking officials wear natural faces when off work.
2.look, 指外貌及其引申义。复数指外貌,单数指外观。
 ☞ 不过王先生已不是原来的面目了。
 ☞ But now Mr. Wang no longer had his original looks.
 ☞ 工厂经过改建已面目一新了。
 ☞ The factory has taken an entirely new look after being reconstructed.
3.appearance, 指外表。
 ☞ 他是个面目可憎、语言乏味的人。
 ☞ He is a man of repulsive appearance and dull language.
 ☞ 专制暴君往往要摆出救世主的面目。
 ☞ A despot often assumes the appearance of the savior.
 ☞ 马克思列宁主义的普遍真理一经和中国革命的具体实践相结合就使中国革命的面目为之一变。
 ☞ As soon as it was linked with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution, the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism gave an entirely new complexion to the Chinese revolution.
 ☞ 这次大捷使战争的面目为之一新。
 ☞ The great victory changed the complexion of the war.
5.true colors, true feature,指原形。
 ☞ 他在关键时刻的所作所为露出了他的真面目。
 ☞ What he did in the critical moment revealed his true colors.
 ☞ 调查的事实剥去了她进步演员的伪装,把她的真面目暴露在光天化日之下。
 ☞ The investigated facts have stripped her of the cloak of progressive actress and exposed her true feature to the light of day.
6.completely disfigure,指破坏了原有的内在面目。
 ☞ 要照那样改动剧本,那就面目全非,已不是原来的 《茶馆》了。
 ☞ If the play is changed the way like that, it will be completely disfigured and no longer recognized as the original Teahouse.
 ☞ 这座古色古香的城镇由于许多西式建筑正变得面目全非。
 ☞ The antique town is being disfigured by a lot of Western-style buildings.
7.shame sb. out of, too ashamed to,指羞愧,无面目见人(做事)等。
 ☞ 我经商失败,愧无面目重起炉灶。
 ☞ My failure in business shamed me out of making a fresh start.
 ☞ 考试作弊使他感到愧无面目见爹娘。
 ☞ His cheating in the examination made him feel too ashamed to face his parents.
面貌 面貌
1.face, 指相貌。
 ☞ 我一敲门,就出来一位面貌清癯的老者。
 ☞ Out came an old man with an emaciated face at my first knock.
 ☞ 我记得他的面貌,但不知道他的名字。
 ☞ I remember his face, but do not know his name.
2.face, 也可引申为事物呈现出来的景象、状态。
 ☞ 20年的改革改变了中国的面貌。
 ☞ The twenty-year reform has changed the face of China.
 ☞ 全村呈现出一派安居乐业的面貌。
 ☞ The whole village presented a face of placid contentment.
 ☞ 他长得面貌非凡。
 ☞ He is endowed with remarkable looks.
 ☞ 见到她面貌的变化,我感到吃惊。
 ☞ I was shocked at observing the alterations of her looks.
4.look, 指外观,常用单数。
 ☞ 想不到这个小镇在战时竟还保持着和平时期的面貌。
 ☞ Who would have thought that the small town should keep its peace-time look during the war?
 ☞ 今天的中国已完全改变了其贫穷落后的面貌。
 ☞ Present-day China has completely changed its look of poverty and backwardness.
 ☞ 新的经济体制改变了广大农村的面貌。
 ☞ The new economic system has changed the appearance (look) of the vast countryside.
 ☞ 油漆以后,屋子的面貌完全不同了。
 ☞ After being painted the appearance (look) of the house was quite different.
 ☞ 外交部长去职使政府的面貌为之一变。
 ☞ The dismissal of the minister of foreign affairs has changed the whole complexion of the government.
 ☞ 所有公民不论其政治面貌如何都应团结起来。
 ☞ All citizens get united regardless of their political complexion.
顶住 顶住
 ☞ 我军在数周内顶住了敌人的进攻。
 ☞ Our troops withstood the enemy's attack for weeks.
 ☞ 我们的谈判应当是无可指责的,可以顶住国内的压力。
 ☞ Our negotiation should be above reproach to withstand the domestic pressure.
2.stand up to,指经受住。
 ☞ 我们的船只顶住逆流,溯流而上。
 ☞ Our ships went upstream, standing up to the adverse current.
 ☞ 你的衣服能顶住这里的严冬吗?
 ☞ Does your clothes stand up to the severe winter here?
 ☞ 他们对她进行了猛烈的攻击,但她毫不畏惧地顶住了。
 ☞ They launched fierce attacks but she stood up to them undauntedly.
3.hold out,指坚持住。
 ☞ 我们应当顶住!我们不应当被困难吓倒。
 ☞ We must hold out! We mustn't be frightened by difficulties.
 ☞ 我团顶住了敌人,直至援军到来。
 ☞ Our regiment held out against the enemy until reinforcements arrived.
 ☞ 由于断粮,我们顶不住了!
 ☞ We could hold out no longer on account of starvation.
4.lose ground,指顶不住。
 ☞ 病人咳得厉害,开始顶不住啦。
 ☞ The sick man began to lose ground when his cough grew worse.
 ☞ 连长阵亡,我们顶不住了。
 ☞ The company commander is dead. We're losing ground.
顶用 顶用
 ☞ 你干着急顶什么用?
 ☞ What's the use of just worrying and doing nothing about it?
 ☞ 埋怨不顶用。
 ☞ There is no use in grumbling.
 ☞ 绳子太短,不顶用。
 ☞ The string is too short to serve.
 ☞ 这东西不太好,但顶用。
 ☞ It isn't very good, but it will serve.
 ☞ 等她毕了业,就顶用了。
 ☞ She'll be help when she finishes school.
 ☞ 我去也不顶用。
 ☞ I can't be any help even if I go.
顺便 顺便
1.on one's way, on the journey,指“在…上”,“在…旅途上顺便做了某事”。
 ☞ 史密斯先生将在回英国的路上顺便来巴黎。
 ☞ Mr. Smith will come to Paris on his way back to England.
 ☞ 她在回家的路上顺便买了点东西。
 ☞ She did some shopping on her way home.
 ☞ 总理在出访西欧的归途中顺便访问了意大利。
 ☞ On the journey back from his official visits to Western Europe, the premier visited Italy.
 ☞ 既然你坐车走,我顺便和你一起去。
 ☞ Since you are going by car, I will go with you.
 ☞ 既然你去美国,顺便给我买最近的一期《新闻周刊》好吗?
 ☞ Will you please buy me the current issue of Newsweek since you're going to the USA?
3.when,while, as, 指从句在进行某种动作或处于某种状态的同时,顺便也完成了主句中的动作或状态。
 ☞ 你去图书馆的时候,顺便把我这本书也还了。
 ☞ When you go to the library, please return this book for me.
 ☞ 我在上海的时候顺便回家看了看。
 ☞ I went home for a visit while I was in Shanghai.
 ☞ 你到那里时,顺便把信交给他。
 ☞ As you are going there, please take this letter to him.
4.by the way,incidentally,用来改变谈话的话题。如果改变的话题是问句,就有“顺便问问”的意思;如果话题是肯定句,则有“顺便提一下”的意思。
  "Wang had another crash." "Oh, yes? Poor old chap. By the way, have you heard from Li recently?"
 ☞ 这件事我们现在无法细说,我只是顺便提提。
 ☞ We can't go into the details of that case now, I merely mention it by the way.
  "What a lovely sunset! " "Yes, is it? Oh, incidentally, what happened to that tent I lent you?"
 ☞ 我现在得走了,顺便说一句,如果你要那本书,下次我带来。
 ☞ I must go now. Incidentally if you want that book I'll bring it next time.

1.look at,指观看。
 ☞ 得知京城被围,二将相顾失色。
 ☞ Learning the capital besieged, the two generals looked at each other in terror.
 ☞ 她爱顾影自怜。
 ☞ She loves looking at her reflection and admiring herself.
2.look after,照料。
 ☞ 他工作太忙,很少顾家。
 ☞ He's so busy at work that he hardly looks after his family.
 ☞ 她顾了小孩没顾行李,等到想起来行李早丢了。
 ☞ She attended her child without looking after the luggage which had been lost before it occurred to her.
3.think, consider, take into account, regard,指考虑。
 ☞ 你别只顾自己。
 ☞ Don't just think of yourself.
 ☞ 他做事顾前不顾后。
 ☞ He considers no consequences when he drives ahead.
 ☞ 我们不能不顾可能产生的后果。
 ☞ We cannot but take the possible consequences into account.
 ☞ 他做事不顾别人的感受。
 ☞ He acts without regard to other people's feeling.
4.attend to,指照顾。
 ☞ 这么多事情,你顾得过来吗?
 ☞ Can you attend to so many things?
 ☞ 她顾病人还来不及,哪有时间顾她丈夫?
 ☞ There is not enough time for her to attend to the sick.
 ☞ How could she find time to attend to her husband?
 ☞ 你不能顾此失彼嘛。
 ☞ You cannot attend to one thing while neglecting the other.
 ☞ 我为了顾她的面子,没说她的活干得有多糟。
 ☞ I tried to spare her feelings by not telling her what a poor job she had done.
 ☞ 我顾不上那些杂事。
 ☞ I can't spare time for those miscellaneous items.
6.take care of,指保重。
 ☞ 顾你的身体要紧。
 ☞ It is important to take care of yourself.
 ☞ 只顾你自己的孩子这不好嘛。
 ☞ It's not good to take care of your children only.
预兆 预兆
 ☞ 我从门前树上的两只喜鹊那里得到预兆,要双喜临门了。
 ☞ I took omens from the two magpies in the tree in front of the gate that a double blessing would descend upon the house.
 ☞ 迷信的人往往把乌鸦当成不祥的预兆。
 ☞ The superstitious often regard crows as an ill omen.
 ☞ 某些动物烦躁不安的举动可能是地震临震前的预兆。
 ☞ Agitated activity by certain animals may be a sign of an impending earthquake.
 ☞ 乌云往往是雨雪的预兆。
 ☞ Dark clouds are often a sign of rain or snow.
 ☞ 她夜里睡不着觉,满脑子都是大难临头的预兆。
 ☞ She could not sleep at night and was haunted by a presage of disaster.
 ☞ 他心里感到有一场政治风暴即将来临的预兆。
 ☞ He felt in his mind a presage of political storm soon.
4.harbinger, herald,指人或物即将来临的预兆。
 ☞ 燕子的回归是春天来临的预兆。
 ☞ The returning swallows are a harbinger of spring.
 ☞ 地震往往是火山喷发的预兆。
 ☞ Earthquakes are often the heralds of volcanic eruptions.
预备 预备
 ☞ 同学们都在预备功课,准备考试。
 ☞ The students are preparing their lessons for the exam1nations.(用for表示为…而预备)
 ☞ 当时我事先就预备好了那份文件。有先见之明吧?
 ☞ I have prepared that paper then, beforehand. Am I foresighted?(不用for表示宾语就是预备的目标)
2.ready,指预备这一状态,等于be prepared。
 ☞ 文件尚未预备好。
 ☞ The documents are not ready (prepared) yet.
 ☞ 我预备坐夜车走。
 ☞ I'm ready to go on the evening train.
 ☞ 我有些参考资料要看,都是为一天的工作作预备的。
 ☞ I have some reference materials to read, preparatory to the day's work.
 ☞ 党代会之前要开一次预备会议。
 ☞ A preparatory conference is to be held before the Party congress.
 ☞ 他是个预备党员。
 ☞ He is a probationary Party member.
 ☞ 预备党员在预备期满之前不得转正。
 ☞ Any probationary Party member shall not become a full member before completion of the probationary period.
 ☞ 他观在是预备役。
 ☞ Now he is on the reserve duty.
 ☞ 预备基金只有在情况紧急时才能动用。
 ☞ The reserve fund is to be drawn on in case of emergency.
预定 预定
 ☞ 婚礼预定在5月5日。
 ☞ The wedding was fixed for the Sth of May.
 ☞ 手术预定在星期五。
 ☞ The operation was fixed for Friday.
 ☞ 这项工程预定在明年完成。
 ☞ The project is scheduled for completion next year.
 ☞ 代表团预定在下午两点半抵达。
 ☞ The delegation is scheduled to arrive at 2:30 p.m.
 ☞ 我们是按预定计划进行的。
 ☞ We followed the predetermined plan.
 ☞ 我们的飞机成功地在预定地点着陆;
 ☞ Our plane succeeded in landing in the predetermined area.
 ☞ 会议按预定计划进行。
 ☞ The meeting will take place as planned.
 ☞ 这门课程预定一年内修完。
 ☞ The course of study is to be completed within a year.
 ☞ 这些房间是为会议代表预定的。
 ☞ These rooms are reserved to the representatives of the congress.
预料 预料
 ☞ 谁都没预料到校车的车胎会瘪掉。
 ☞ No one could foresee the school bus would have a flat tire。
 ☞ 吃菌子的时候,我没预料到会有中毒的危险。
 ☞ Eating mushroom I didn't foresee the danger of being poisoned.
 ☞ 据说有个算命先生只要看看手就能预料人的生死。
 ☞ It is said that a fortuneteller can foretell one's life or death only by looking at one's palm.
 ☞ 故事很好,但谁也无法预料其结局。
 ☞ It was a good story, but no one could foretell the end.
 ☞ 由于医生具备人体的知识,故通常能预料疾病的发展。
 ☞ Physicians can usually predict the course of a disease because they have knowledge about the human body.
 ☞ 因为孩子了解父母,故往往能预料父母对他的行为有何反应。
 ☞ A child can often predict how his parents will react to what he has done because he knows them well.
 ☞ 我们预料敌人是为了试图过河才夺取该桥的。
 ☞ We anticipated that the enemy would try to cross the river and so seized the bridge.
 ☞ 报告的需求量之大是我们没有预料到的。
 ☞ The demand of the report was so great that we didn't anticipate.
 ☞ 今年的收成比人们预料的要好得多。
 ☞ This year's harvest was much better than expected.
 ☞ 我们不在乎他跟她走,这是预料中的事。
 ☞ We don't mind him going with her. It's what we have expected.
  ■ expect与anticipate有相同的一面,也有不同的一面。
 ☞ 我们预料他随时会来。
 ☞ We expect his arrival at any moment.或We anticipate his arrival at any moment.(都无不可)
  ■ 但是预料坏事,一般都用anticipate。
 ☞ 我们预料他会随时死去。
 ☞ We anticipate his death at any moment.
预测 预测
1.forecast, 指借助某种信息、知识等进行预测。
 ☞ 我们老师预测我班学生有25人能通过考试。
 ☞ Our teacher forecast that 25 pupils of our class would pass the examination.
 ☞ 统计分析是获得可靠预测的一种手段。
 ☞ Statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a reliable forecast.
 ☞ 专家们预测了这次日食的确切日期。
 ☞ The experts calculated the exact date of the eclipse of the sun.
 ☞ 科学家们的预测证明是完全正确的。
 ☞ The scientists' calculations proved exactly right.
 ☞ 你相信他预测的吉凶吗?
 ☞ Do you believe in the good or bad fortune he predicted?
 ☞ 真不可思议,不过她的预测都成真了。
 ☞ It's uncanny indeed, but all her predictions have come true.
 ☞ 考试的结果尚难预测。
 ☞ The result of the examination is hard to foretell.
 ☞ 谁能预测l,000年后的世界会是什么样?
 ☞ Who can foretell what the world will be like in 1,000 years' time?
预示 预示
 ☞ 晚霞往往预示着第二天的好天气。
 ☞ The evening glow often indicates fine weather the following day.
 ☞ 这块乌云预示马上就要下雨。
 ☞ The dark clouds indicate that it will rain soon.
 ☞ 天气转暖预示着春天的到来。
 ☞ Warmer weather betokens (indicates) the arrival of spring.
 ☞ 那些乌云预示着有一场暴风雨。
 ☞ All those dark clouds betoken (indicate)a storm.
 ☞ 这一变化预示着问题严重了。
 ☞ The change presaged serious problem.
 ☞ 月晕预示着要有一场暴风雨。
 ☞ A circle around the moon presages a storm.
 ☞ 父亲怒气冲冲的脸预示着要处罚他的儿子。
 ☞ The father's angry face forebodes punishment for his son.
 ☞ 天空预示着要有一场沙尘暴。
 ☞ The sky forebodes a sand storm.
预见 预见
 ☞ 你们在几个月以前就应当预见到后果的严重性。
 ☞ You should have foreseen the grave consequences months ago.
 ☞ 今后会发生什么,谁能预见得到呢?
 ☞ Who can foresee what will happen in the future?
 ☞ 霜冻是可以预见的。
 ☞ Frost can be predicted.
 ☞ 专家们都说要预见地震很不容易。
 ☞ All experts say that it is not easy to predict an earthquake.
 ☞ 要是你有预见,本来是可以省去许多麻烦的。
 ☞ If you had had foresight you would have saved yourself a lot of trouble.
 ☞ 这次失败是由于我们没有预见造成的。
 ☞ The failure is the result of our lack of foresight.
 ☞ 他预见到自己处于一种可以以牙还牙的地位。
 ☞ He previsioned himself in a position where one could return like for like.
 ☞ 大多数女子靠经验才学到的东西,她靠自己的预见就知道了。
 ☞ She knows by prevision what most women learn only by experience.
预言 预言
1.foretell, 指预先告之。
 ☞ 马克思预言社会主义必定要取代资本主义。
 ☞ Marx foretold that socialism would inevitably replace capitalism.
 ☞ 科学的发展可使我们能够预言月食和日食的确切日期。
 ☞ The development of science enables us to foretell exact dates of solar and lunar eclipses.
 ☞ 事态的发展正如他的预言那样。
 ☞ Things turned out as he predicted.
 ☞ 我心中的另一个自我预言我一定会再次故态复萌,抛弃妻儿。
 ☞ Another self in me predicted that I would revert to my old way of life and abandon my wife and kids once more.
 ☞ 我敢预言,他会在这次选举中胜出。
 ☞ I dare to prophesy that he will win the election.
 ☞ 老百姓当时都预言“四人帮”一定要完蛋。
 ☞ At the time ordinary people all prophesied that the "Gang of Four" would meet their doom.
预计 预计
 ☞ 大楼预计可在10个月内完工。
 ☞ It is estimated that the building will be completed in ten months.
 ☞ 据新闻界预计,1999年度财政赤字将高达八百亿美元。
 ☞ Deficit in the fiscal year 1999 was estimated to be as high as 80 billion US dollars by the press.
2.calculate, 也指对尚未实现的数字或期限进行预计,但往往通过比较复杂的计算并取得较精确的数字。
 ☞ 我们预计到本世纪末中国的工农业总的年产值将会翻一番。
 ☞ We calculated that by the end of the century China's gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output would have been doubled.
 ☞ 专家们预计我公司的货运量到明年这个时候将达到4,000万吨。
 ☞ The experts calculated that the volume of the freight handled by our company would have amounted to 40 million tons by this time of next year.
 ☞ 当地气象局预计后天有雨。
 ☞ The local weather bureau predicts rain for the day after tomorrow.
 ☞ 外科医生预计病人在手术后一周就能行走。
 ☞ The surgeon predicted that the patient would be walking again in a week after the operation.
 ☞ 该国的恐怖活动在今后几年内预计还会增加。
 ☞ Terrorism in this country is predicted to increase in coming years.
预订 预订
 ☞ 你只管预订你所需要的书籍,其他的你就不用管了。
 ☞ You just order the books you want and go to hell with the rest.
 ☞ 使报纸发行人印象深刻的是许多学生都当场预订了一份。
 ☞ The newspaper publishers were so impressed that many of the students ordered one on the spot.
 ☞ 父亲为全家预订了一辆汽车。
 ☞ Father placed an order for a car for the family.
2.subscribe to,指预订书刊。
 ☞ 我预订了一份日报和一份周刊。
 ☞ I subscribed to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine.
 ☞ 我系为阅览室预订了不少与专业有关的期刊。
 ☞ Our department subscribed to a number of journals concerned with its specialized subjects.
3.book,多指与座位、床位有关的预订。如旅馆、飞 机、轮船、火车等。
 ☞ 旅游旺季旅馆特别挤,因此你得预订床位。
 ☞ Hotels are terribly crowded during the tourist season, so you'd have to book beds.
 ☞ 已经有人给我们预订了125班次的飞机。
 ☞ We were booked for Flight 125.
 ☞ 我不知能不能替你预订几张桌子。
 ☞ I wonder if I can book some tables for you.
4.reserve, reservation,指预订后予以保留。
 ☞ 我能事先预订个房间吗?
 ☞ Can I reserve a room in advance?
 ☞ 先生,你预订了吗?
 ☞ Have you a reservation, sir?
预防 预防
1.prevent, prevention,泛指人力能及的预防。
 ☞ 一般认为维生素C能预防感冒。
 ☞ Vitamin C is supposed to prevent colds.
 ☞ 制定了一系列严厉的法律来预防上述罪恶。
 ☞ Stringent laws are enacted to prevent the above-mentioned evils.
 ☞ 预防接种是预防疾病蔓延的最好方法。
 ☞ Preventive inoculation is the best way of preventing a disease from spreading.
 ☞ 我们应当贯彻医疗以预防为主的方针政策。
 ☞ We must carry out the policy of putting prevention first in medical work.
2.precaution against,指采取措施的预防。
 ☞ 一个个的灭火器挂在墙上作为预防火灾的措施。
 ☞ The fire extinguishers are hung on the wall as a precaution against fire.
 ☞ 政府采取了种种措施来预防经济衰退。
 ☞ The government has taken precautions against economic recession.
3.guard against,指带有警惕性的预防。
 ☞ 护理上最重要的任务之一就是预防交叉感染。
 ☞ One of the most important tasks in nursing care is to guard against cross infection.
 ☞ 一定要预防一种倾向掩盖另一种倾向。
 ☞ Be sure to guard against the possibility that one tendency may conceal another.
领导 领导
 ☞ 党领导我们从胜利走向胜利。
 ☞ The Party has led us from victory to victory.
 ☞ 受过教育的中产阶级领导着当时争取民主的潮流。
 ☞ The educated middle class led the move towards democracy.
 ☞ 中国共产党领导中国人民打败了帝国主义及其走狗。
 ☞ The C.P.C. led the Chinese people in defeating imperialism and its running dogs.
 ☞ 毫无疑问他在这次罢工中表现出了领导的素质。
 ☞ In this strike he demonstrated beyond any question his quality of leadership.
 ☞ 这个错误应由我们领导负责。
 ☞ We the leadership must accept responsibility for this mistake.
 ☞ 谁来领导下届政府,是个尚未解决的问题。
 ☞ It is still open to question who is to head the next government.
 ☞ 我们北美的汽车行动计划是由富有才干的经理人员领导的。
 ☞ Our North American Automobile Operations are headed by talented executives.
 ☞ 她是我们的科领导。
 ☞ She is the head of our section.
 ☞ 他是我们厂的领导。
 ☞ He's a leading cadre of our factory.
 ☞ 领导要深入群众。
 ☞ Leaders must go among the masses.
 ☞ 我们大家当然应当服从领导,但也不能盲从。
 ☞ Of course, we must all obey our superior, but not blindly.
颠倒 颠倒
1.turn (put) upside down,由“倒置”转义而来,主观意识较强,往往表示有意“颠倒”,有时又是个中性词。
 ☞ 他们蓄意颠倒社会主义历史时期的敌我关系。
 ☞ They deliberately turned things upside down as to the relation between the enemy and us in the historical period of socialism.
 ☞ 他们颠倒是非的阴谋暴露了。
 ☞ Their conspiracies to turn the truth upside down were exposed.
 ☞ 我们应当把他们颠倒了的是非颠倒过来。
 ☞ We should set to rights those things they turned upside down with regard to right and wrong.
 ☞ 他们在那封公开信里竭力颠倒是非。
 ☞ In that open letter, they did all they could in turning facts upside down.
 ☞ 这头朝上,别放颠倒了。
 ☞ This is the top, don't put it upside down.
2.reverse,reversal,由“翻到另一面”转义而来,也有较强的主观意识,因此一般可与turn upside down换用。
 ☞ 只有把颠倒了的历史颠倒过来,我们才能恢复历史的本来面目。
 ☞ Only by reversing the reversal of history can we restore historical truth.
 ☞ 要不要颠倒一下主次,把主要部分放在报告前面?
 ☞ Shall we reverse the order of importance and put what is primary at the beginning of the report?
 ☞ 我们要把议事日程颠倒一下,把第二项提到前面。
 ☞ We'll reverse the items of the agenda, and take Item Two first.
 ☞ 我们希望这种颠倒是非的时代快点结束。
 ☞ We hope that there will soon be an end to this reversal of right and wrong.
 ☞ 把这两个字颠倒过来,句子读起来就顺了。
 ☞ Transpose these two words and the sentence will read right.
 ☞ 我打错了电话,因为把心里想的号码颠倒了。
 ☞ I dial a wrong number by transposing the figures in my mind.
 ☞ 这句子像现在这个样子,意思含糊,不能颠倒一下吗?
 ☞ The sentence is ambiguous as it stands. Won't it be transposed?
4.confound, confuse,由“混淆”转义而来的颠倒。
 ☞ 他们有时简直要闹到颠倒是非的地步。
 ☞ At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong (confuse truth and falsehood).
 ☞ 那个真理与谬误颠倒的可怕时代,我们总算挺过来了。
 ☞ We managed to live through the terrible times when truth was confounded with error.
 ☞ 你把两件完全不同的事情弄颠倒了。
 ☞ You are confusing two perfectly different things.
 ☞ 我总把两个小王搞颠倒了。
 ☞ I always confuse the two Wangs.
 ☞ 他对这些事情恐怕有些颠三倒四的。
 ☞ I'm afraid he's a little confused about these things.
 ☞ 他们的意见互相冲突,弄得我颠三倒四的。
 ☞ They confused me with their conflicting advice.
 ☞ 你们一起大叫大嚷,很快弄得她颠三倒四的了。
 ☞ All of you shouting at once confused her.
 ☞ 他儿子爱上一位姑娘,整天神魂颠倒的。
 ☞ His son fell in love with a girl and has been in a confused state of mind all the time.
5.“颠来倒去”可译ring the changes on, harp on,repeat,表示带有贬义的重复。
 ☞ 如果一篇文章,一个演说,颠来倒去总是那么几个名词,这岂不是语言无味,面目可憎,像个瘪三么?
 ☞ If an article or a speech merely rings the changes on a few terms, isn't it rather like a "biesan", drab of speech and repulsive in appearance?
 ☞ 如果一篇文章颠来倒去总是那么几个词,人家就不愿看。
 ☞ No one cares to read an article that merely rings the changes on a few terms.
 ☞ 他颠来倒去地弹他的老调。
 ☞ He rings the changes on his old story.
 ☞ 就那么点事,他颠来倒去说个没完。
 ☞ It was just a small matter but he kept harping on it.
 ☞ 那不过是以前颠来倒去弹过多次的老调。
 ☞ That's a string that's been harped on many times before.
 ☞ 他颠来倒去弹他的老调。
 ☞ He is ever repeating his old story.
风气 风气
1.general mood,指普遍的心理状态。
 ☞ 建设精神文明有助于整个社会风气的改变。
 ☞ The building of spiritual civilization helps to change the general mood of society.
 ☞ 我们应当制止大学生中追求享乐、放弃学习的风气。
 ☞ We must check the general mood among college students to prefer comforts to study.
2.regular practice,指固定的做法。
 ☞ 党委内部开展批评与自我批评已成为一种风气。
 ☞ It has become the regular practice in the Party committee to carry out criticism and self-criticism.
 ☞ 全厂出现了大搞技术革新的风气。
 ☞ It has become the regular practice in the factory to go in for technical innovations.
3.common practice,指普遍的做法。
 ☞ 歧视黑人这一风气在美国历史上书写了最为可耻的一页。
 ☞ This common practice of Negro-discriminating constitutes the most shameful page in the history of the United States.
 ☞ 这无形中形成了风气。
 ☞ This has imperceptibly become a common practice.
4.prevalent social customs,指普遍的社会风气。
 ☞ 改变社会风气是要花大力气的。
 ☞ Great efforts must be made in order to change prevalent social customs.

 ☞ 一根羽毛轻盈地飘在空中。
 ☞ A feather floated lightly in the air.
 ☞ 蓝天上飘着白云。
 ☞ White clouds floated in the blue sky.
  ■ 此外,float也指气流的传播。
 ☞ 一支温柔动人的乐曲飘到了我们这里。
 ☞ A tender and touching melody floated down to us.
 ☞ 成熟水果的香味飘到了大街上。
 ☞ The sweet smell of ripe fruit floated into the street.
  ■ float还可用来修饰人们行为的飘逸或漂泊。
 ☞ 她从楼上飘然而下。
 ☞ She floated down the stairs.
 ☞ 他儿子从一个城市飘到另一个城市,无处可去,无事可做。
 ☞ His son floated from city to city with nowhere to go and nothing to do.
2.drift, 指被气流带走。
 ☞ 大楼燃烧时冒出来的烟柱向北方飘去。
 ☞ Columns of smoke from the burning building drifted towards the north.
 ☞ 她的衣服上飘出一股淡淡的幽香。
 ☞ An evasive and delicate fragrance drifted from her dress.
  ■ drift也可指声音传播或通过地心引力飘落。
 ☞ 校长讲话的声音越过操场飘了过来。
 ☞ The headmaster's voice drifted in across the drill ground.
 ☞ 一片孤零零的黄叶在阴冷的空气中飘落下来。
 ☞ A solitary yellow leaf drifted down in the cold air.
 ☞ 东风吹,红旗飘。
 ☞ The east wind blows and the red flags flutter.
 ☞ 一阵穿堂风吹来,窗帘飘了起来。
 ☞ The window curtain fluttered when came a draught.
 ☞ 几片叶子飘到了地上。
 ☞ Some leaves fluttered to the ground.
 ☞ 风中飘着彩旗。
 ☞ Colored flags were flapping in the wind.
 ☞ 通过开着的房门我看见窗帘在微风中飘动。
 ☞ I saw the window curtain flapping in the breeze through the open door.
 ☞ 随风飘来一阵阵花香。
 ☞ The scent of the flowers was wafted to us by the breeze.
 ☞ 浓雾越过谷地向我们飘来。
 ☞ The heavy fog wafted to us across the valley.

1.eat (drink)one's fill, have enough, be full,皆指食欲上的满足。
 ☞ 他吃饱喝足以后就出去了。
 ☞ Having eaten and drunk his fill, he went out.
 ☞ 我饱了,再也吃不下了。
 ☞ I have had enough. I can't eat any more.
 ☞ 吃饱为止。
 ☞ Eat until you are full.
 ☞ 饱汉不知饿汉饥。
 ☞ The well-fed don't know how the starving suffer.
 ☞ 旧中国饱经忧患。
 ☞ Old China suffered untold tribulations.
 ☞ 老汉饱尝了旧社会的辛酸。
 ☞ The old man tasted to the full the bitterness of life in the old society 代表团在海南岛逗留期间,饱览了岛上的美丽风光。
 ☞ The delegations drank in the beauty of its scenery during their stay in the Hainan Island.
首先 首先
 ☞ 考试时首先思考,然后再回答。
 ☞ Taking an examination. first think and then answer 我想我最好首先听听你的意见。
 ☞ I think I had better have your opinion first.
  ■ first可以与of all连用,这时不表示顺序上的首先,而是指重要性上的首先。
 ☞ 首先我得把这些文件送到办公室。
 ☞ First of all I have to take these papers to the office 首先让我做一下自我介绍。
 ☞ First of all, let me introduce myself to you.
  ■ 此外,in the first place有“处于首位”的意思。
 ☞ 首先我似乎觉得我们的体制在这里出了问题。
 ☞ It seems to me in the first place that our system here is all wrong.
 ☞ 首先我得替我儿子的所作所为向你道歉。
 ☞ I have in the first place to apologize to you for what my son did.
2.above all, 指最重要的是。
 ☞ 不要浪费任何东西,首先是别浪费时间。
 ☞ Never waste anything. Above all, never waste time.
 ☞ 我想买一幢房子,要现代、舒适,但首先是环境幽静。
 ☞ I should like to buy a house, modem, comfortable and above all in a quiet environment.
 ☞ 一事当前,首先应当考虑国家利益。
 ☞ Whenever something crops up, one should think of the interests of the state before everything.
 ☞ 首先要工作,然后才娱乐。
 ☞ Work should come before pleasure.
香味 香味
1.sweet smell,是本组同义词中最常用的一个,单独使用时仅指闻到的气味,因此前面要加sweet。
 ☞ 空气里有一股淡淡的香味。
 ☞ The faint sweet smell lay on the air.
 ☞ 一阵微风送来了花朵的香味。
 ☞ A breeze wafts the sweet smell of the flowers.
  ■ 不过如果上下文中已经明确是某种东西的香味,也可不用sweet。
 ☞ 我喜欢母亲身上爽身粉的香味。
 ☞ I like the smell of my mother's talcum powder.
 ☞ 正在烤的蛋糕香味逗得人胃口大开。
 ☞ The smell of the cake baking was very appetizing.
2.odor,也是个中性词,泛指闻到的气味,故怍“香气”解时也与smell 一样要加词,如:sweet,delightful,pleasant,fragrant等词。
 ☞ 风儿吹来松林里的阵阵香味。
 ☞ The wind blew delightful odors from the pine forest.
 ☞ 花丛里散发出一股香味。
 ☞ A fragrant odor emanates from the flowers.
  ■ 同样的道理,如果上下文已表明是香味, 也可单独使用。
 ☞ 我爱闻刚烘焙好的咖啡香味。
 ☞ I love the odor of freshly roasted coffee.
 ☞ 我闻到一股玫瑰花香味。
 ☞ I smell the odor of roses.
 ☞ 通过窗户,我捕捉到一股丁香花的香味,并混杂有深夜泥土的气息。
 ☞ Through the window I caught the scent of syringe mixed with the late night smell of earth.
 ☞ 随风吹来野花的香味。
 ☞ The winds came down with the scents of wild flowers.
 ☞ 你可以闻到房间里热咖啡的香味。
 ☞ You can smell the aroma of hot coffee in the room.
 ☞ 可口的饭菜散发出一股令人胃口大开的香味。
 ☞ The tasty food diffused a savory aroma.
 ☞ 谁也不会不闻兰花的清香味。
 ☞ Nobody would resist the subtle fragrance of orchids.
 ☞ 这种肥皂被做成几种不同的香味。
 ☞ This soap is made in different fragrances.
 ☞ 一股淡淡的茉莉花香味通过开着的窗子飘了进来。
 ☞ A faint perfume of jasmine came through the open window.
 ☞ 她发现空气里充满了浓浓的香味。
 ☞ She noticed that the air was loaded with an intense perfume.
马上 马上
1.at once,立即去;right away,这就去; straight away,直接去,都用来强调动作,可以换用。
 ☞ 我们马上动手。
 ☞ We'll start working at once. (right away, straight away)
 ☞ 听到呼救,我队马上停止了比赛。
 ☞ Hearing a cry for help, our team stopped playing at once. (right away, straight away)
 ☞ 史密斯先生马上要见你。
 ☞ Mr. Smith will see you straight away. (at once)
 ☞ 我马上去那里。
 ☞ I'm going there right away.(at once)
2.immediately,真正的含义不是“马上”、“立刻”,而是“过一会儿”,因此不能像at once一样用来强调所修饰的词,相反对被修饰语起着一种缓冲作用。
 ☞ 他躺下后马上就睡着了。
 ☞ He lay down and was asleep immediately. (在lay down和was asleep之间有着一段时间距离,即要过一会才睡着)
 "Are you ready?" "I'll be ready immediately."(暗示对方还要等一会儿)
  ■ 除此之外,在英式英语中,immediately还可用作连词。
 ☞ 你有任何消息都要马上告诉她。
 ☞ Tell her immediately you have any news.
  ■ 而在美式英语中则要在immediately之后再加after 才行。
 ☞ 我到上海后得马上把工作结束了。
 ☞ I must finish the job immediately after I get to Shanghai.
3.in a moment,强调时间上马上,但时间不很明确,可长可短。
 ☞ 时间紧迫,你能马上做出决定吗?
 ☞ Time is pressing. Could you make a decision in a moment?
 ☞ 他们一来就马上把机器修好了。
 ☞ They came and had the machine repaired in a moment.
4.in a minute,也强调时间上马上,但时间较in a moment长,不过两者可以换用。
 ☞ 这马上就完。
 ☞ It'll be finished in a minute.
 ☞ 演出马上就要开始。
 ☞ The performance will begin in a minute.
 ☞ 可惜我得马上回家。
 ☞ Unfortunately I have to go home soon.
 ☞ 马上就要高考了。
 ☞ The college entrance examinations are coming up soon.
 ☞ 工作还没结束,他还不会马上走。
 ☞ The work isn't finished yet, so he won't be leaving any time soon.
 ☞ 房间里马上就挤满了人。
 ☞ The room soon became crowded.
马虎 马虎
1.careless, 指漫不经心。
 ☞ 他干什么都马虎。
 ☞ He is careless in everything.
 ☞ 你把包忘在公共汽车上了,真是马虎。
 ☞ It was careless of you to leave your bag in the bus.
2.slack, 指松垮。
 ☞ 你最近工作有点马虎。
 ☞ You've been a bit slack in your work recently.
 ☞ 这家酒店服务马虎是出了名的。
 ☞ The restaurant is known for its being slack in service.
 ☞ 他干什么都马虎了事。
 ☞ He is always getting anything done in a slapdash manner.
 ☞ 他们要我们建粮站时慎重一点,马虎不得。
 ☞ They wanted us to be careful when we set up the grain station, not slapdash.
 ☞ 刺绣要求心细,一针也不能马虎。
 ☞ Embroidery calls for great care. There must not be even a single sloppy stitch.
 ☞ 瞧你干的工作有多马虎!
 ☞ What a sloppy job you're doing!
 ☞ 对你的战术,你绝对不能马虎。
 ☞ You've got to be very, very careful about your tactics.
 ☞ 产品出厂要检查,马虎不得。
 ☞ Products must be carefully inspected before they leave the factory.
  "Are you a good swimmer?" "Just so-so."
  "How is this brand of cigarettes?" "Not so bad."
 ☞ 他马马虎虎能讲一点英语。
 ☞ He can speak English after a fashion.
驱使 驱使
1.drive (on),指以逼迫的方式驱使。
 ☞ 奴隶主把奴隶当作牛马驱使。
 ☞ The slave owners drove their slaves as they drove their cattle.
 ☞ 人在贪婪或妒忌的驱使下会失去正义感。
 ☞ A man driven by greed or envy loses his sense of justice.
 ☞ 她对她将要做的事情突然感到恐惧,但她又被一种更大的恐惧所驱使。
 ☞ A fear seized her of what she was about to do, but she was driven on by a greater fear.
2.order about, 指支来支去地驱使。
 ☞ 那位支部书记以盛气凌人的方式驱使他的助手。
 ☞ The Party-branch secretary ordered his assistant about in an offensive way.
 ☞ 我不喜欢受人驱使。
 ☞ I don't like being ordered about by anyone.
 ☞ 即将成为他所有的那种幸福感驱使他迅速行动。
 ☞ The happiness that could be his moved him to acting swiftly.
 ☞ 她受到好奇心的驱使,想打开别人寄给她情人的信。
 ☞ She was moved by curiosity to open the letter addressed to her lover.
 ☞ 是什么动机驱使他犯罪的?
 ☞ What motive actuated him to the crime?
 ☞ 受到个人经济利益驱使的个体伺机迅速行动起来。
 ☞ Individuals actuated by economic self-interest waited for the opportune moment to act swiftly.
 ☞ 只有对金钱的巨大欲望才能驱使人们投身于只有极少数人成功而大多数人失败的事业之中。
 ☞ Only a great lust for money can have impelled people into careers in which there are few winners and majority failures.
 ☞ 他之所以继续写作是受到利益的驱使。
 ☞ He continued to write, impelled by profit.
 ☞ 饥饿驱使他偷窃。
 ☞ Hunger prompted him to steal.
 ☞ 到底是什么东西驱使你以这种方式行动的?
 ☞ Whatever prompted you to act in such a way?
7.spur on,指受外来或内在的刺激驱使。
 ☞ 他本来已经满足于现状,但他母亲却不断驱使他做得更高更好。
 ☞ He would have been content with the present situation, but his mother kept spurring him on to something higher and better.
 ☞ 我儿子经常受到一种愿望的驱使,他想要比别的男生做得更好。
 ☞ My son is constantly spurred on by his desire to do better than the other boys.
驱动 驱动
 ☞ 这条船是由蒸汽驱动的。
 ☞ The ship is driven by steam.
 ☞ 洗衣机是由电力驱动的。
 ☞ The washing machine is driven by electric power.
 ☞ 血液是由心脏经动脉驱动的。
 ☞ The heart drives the blood through the arteries.
 ☞ 发动机驱动机车。
 ☞ The engine moves the locomotive.
 ☞ 那些船只都由蒸汽驱动的。
 ☞ Those vessels are moved by steam.
 ☞ 是什么力在驱动地球?
 ☞ What force moves the earth?
 ☞ 水轮机是由流体驱动的。
 ☞ A hydraulic turbine is actuated by the force of a current of fluid.
 ☞ 大多数内燃机都是靠活塞驱动的。
 ☞ Most internal-combustion engines are actuated by pistons.
4.impel, 指在力的驱动下推进。
 ☞ 风驱动帆船前进。
 ☞ Wind impels the sailing boat forward.
 ☞ 独轮车是由人力驱动的。
 ☞ The wheelbarrow is impelled by manpower.
驱散 驱散
 ☞ 警察驱散了看热闹的人群。
 ☞ The police scattered the crowd watching the fun.
 ☞ 一阵大声喧哗驱散了鸽群。
 ☞ A loud noise scattered the pigeons.
 ☞ 这场雷雨暂时驱散了游泳的人群。
 ☞ The thundershower had temporarily scattered the swimmers.
 ☞ 这场挫折驱散了成功的一切希望。
 ☞ This setback scattered all hopes for success.
 ☞ 警察驱散了示威的群众。
 ☞ The police dispersed the demonstrators.
 ☞ 微风驱散了大雾。
 ☞ The breeze dispersed the heavy fog.
 ☞ 来了一场雷雨,把野餐的人群驱散得无影无踪。
 ☞ A thunderstorm came up and dispersed the picnickers.
 ☞ 这一解释至少驱散了人们的不安之感。
 ☞ This explanation had at least dispersed the uneasy feeling of the people.
 ☞ 部队以持续的炮火驱散了乌合之众。
 ☞ The troops dissipated the disorderly band by unremitting gunfire.
 ☞ 风儿驱散了云层,天空整天都是晴朗的。
 ☞ The wind dissipated the clouds, and the sky was clear all day.
 ☞ 他平静的话语驱散了我们的恐惧。
 ☞ His calm words dispelled our fear.
 ☞ 冉冉升起的太阳驱散了黑暗。
 ☞ The slowly rising sun dispelled the darkness.
5.break up,指以分开拆散的方式驱散。
 ☞ 警察驱散了打群架的人群。
 ☞ The police broke up the crowd engaged in a gang fight.
 ☞ 便衣警察驱散了集会。
 ☞ The police in plain clothes broke up the meeting.
6.drive out, 指由内到外的赶走。
 ☞ 她竭力想驱散心中的恶念。
 ☞ She tried to drive out the evil thoughts out of her mind.
 ☞ 一见他开朗的笑脸他们的疑虑都被驱散了。
 ☞ All misgivings they might have felt were driven out by his cheerful face.
驱赶 驱赶
 ☞ 我看到牧民在地里驱赶畜群。
 ☞ I saw the herdsmen driving the cattle in the field.
 ☞ 警察在集市里驱赶钱币兑换者。
 ☞ The policemen drove the moneychangers from the fair 黑人到达以后就像牲口一样被驱赶到奴隶市场拍卖。
 ☞ Upon arriving, the Negroes were driven like animals to the slave market for sale.
 ☞ 他正在用一个苍蝇拍子驱赶苍蝇。
 ☞ He was driving off the flies with a flyswatter.
2.brush away,指用手或其他简单的工具赶走。
 ☞ 那孩子不断地驱赶正在纠缠他的苍蝇。
 ☞ The child kept brushing away the flies which were pestering him.
 ☞ 她打开窗子想用扇子把一只蜜蜂驱赶出去。
 ☞ She opened the windows and tried to brush away a bee with a fan.
3.shoo away,指用嘘声驱赶。
 ☞ 孩子们不断用嘘声驱赶稻田里的麻雀。
 ☞ The children kept shooing away the sparrows from the rice field.
 ☞ 人们往往会驱赶乌鸦,认为它们的叫声是不祥之兆。
 ☞ People often shoo away crows for their caw is regarded as an ill omen.
驱逐 驱逐
1.drive (out),指以武力驱逐。
 ☞ 美国人刚帮助英国把法国驱逐出北美,现在又说服法国来帮忙驱逐英国。
 ☞ The Americans, having recently helped Britain drive France from North America, now persuaded France to help drive out Britain.
 ☞ 第一次把敌人驱逐到国门之外,中国人民感到扬眉吐气。
 ☞ Having driven the enemy from the country for the first time, the Chinese people felt proud and elated.
 ☞ 边防战士和民兵一起把入侵者驱逐出去。
 ☞ The frontier guards together with the militiamen drove out the invaders back across the border.
 ☞ 外国使节在枪口的威逼下被驱逐出阿富汗。
 ☞ Foreign diplomatic envoys were driven out of Afghanistan at gun point.
 ☞ 如拿大政府驱逐了11名苏联外交官。
 ☞ The Canadian government expelled 11 Soviet diplomats.
 ☞ 该国政府开始驱逐属于应递解出境的外侨。
 ☞ The government of that country began to expel any alien within a deportable class.
 ☞ 专制政府往往把持不同政见者驱逐出国。
 ☞ The autocratic government often banishes dissidents from the country.
 ☞ 他是被独裁者驱逐出国的政敌。
 ☞ He was a political foe banished by the dictator.
 ☞ 联邦当局因他非法入境而将他驱逐。
 ☞ The federal authorities deported him for illegal entry.
 ☞ 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人并在24小时内被驱逐出境。
 ☞ He was declared person non grata and deported within 24 hours.

 ☞ 他骂了那么多难听的话,只好请他离开会场。
 ☞ He swore so much that he was asked to leave the assembly.
 ☞ 你不该当着孩子的面骂人。
 ☞ You should not swear in front of the children.
2.swear at,指骂人,对象明确。
 ☞ 不要当众骂人。
 ☞ Don't swear at people in public.
 ☞ 生气的公共汽车司机对着我们骂。
 ☞ The angry bus driver swore at us.
3.swear about,指骂物,对象也很明确。
 ☞ 就在此时,他开始骂起恶劣的天气来了。
 ☞ In the meantime he started to swear about the wretched weather.
 ☞ 他们总是骂自己运气不好。
 ☞ They are always swearing about their cruel fate.
4.abuse, abusive,指辱骂。
 ☞ 你总是骂人。
 ☞ You are always abusing people.
 ☞ 请不要使用这种骂人的话。
 ☞ Please don't use such abusive language.
 ☞ 地主当时对他们有着任意打骂,甚至生杀予夺的权力。
 ☞ The landlord had the power to beat, curse and even kill them at will.
 ☞ 生气时,他见谁骂谁。
 ☞ When angry, he curses whomever in sight.
 ☞ 在那些日子里,他们经常遭到打骂。
 ☞ They were frequently beaten and cursed in those days.
 ☞ 他对着我就是一阵骂。
 ☞ He greeted me with a storm of curse.
 ☞ 母亲骂儿子不做家庭作业。
 ☞ Mother scolded her son for not doing his homework.
 ☞ 她都要哭了,别再骂她了。
 ☞ She is nearly in tears. Don't scold her any more.
 ☞ 不要以为我是在骂你。
 ☞ Don't think that I blame you.
 ☞ 他感到他该骂。
 ☞ He felt that he was to blame.
8.call sb. (bad) names, call sb. someone, 指名道姓地骂人。
 ☞ 她歇斯底里发作,骂了我几句。
 ☞ She had a fit of hysterics and called me some bad names.
 ☞ 夫妻都好发脾气,还互相对骂。
 ☞ Husband and wife are apt to lose their tempers and call each other names.
  ■ “骂”之所以用复数names是指像pig,donkey,coward,liar,idiot,son of bitch等难听的话都包括在内。但如果只骂一句,也可用单数。如:
 ☞ 我永远也不会忘记他骂我的话。
 ☞ I can never forget the name he called me.
  ■ 因此有时干脆不用name,也有骂的意思。如:
 ☞ 他骂我是个白痴。
 ☞ He called me an idiot.
9.insult, 指带有污辱性的骂。
 ☞ 解放军打不还手,骂不还口。
 ☞ PLA men never hit back when beaten, and nor answer back when insulted.
 ☞ 骂了人还叫人难以还嘴,真是绝妙的艺术。
 ☞ It is a fine art of insulting people which makes them difficult to reply to.
10.condemn, condemnation, 指带有谴责性的痛骂。
 ☞ 列宁痛骂过空话连篇而不去做艰苦的工作的人。
 ☞ Lenin strongly condemned those who were engaged in empty talk instead of hard work.
 ☞ 大家都骂他的行为愚蠢。
 ☞ Everyone condemned his foolish behavior.
 ☞ 对这样的铺张浪费,没有一个不骂的。
 ☞ Such extravagance is an object of general condemnation.
骄傲 骄傲
 ☞ 母亲为养育了像她这样的女儿而感到骄傲。
 ☞ The mother felt proud to have brought up a daughter like her.
 ☞ 他太骄傲,是不会跟我们这样的穷人讲话的。
 ☞ He is too proud to speak to poor people like us.
 ☞ 老科学家为年轻同事的成就感到骄傲。
 ☞ The old scientist takes pride in the achievements of the young colleagues.
 ☞ 人人都讨厌他的骄傲。
 ☞ Everybody hates him because of his pride.
 ☞ 自从他被评为最佳运动员以来就骄傲起来了。
 ☞ He has been conceited ever since he was voted the most valuable player.
 ☞ 那姑娘很骄傲,因为她从来不跟人说话。
 ☞ The girl was much conceited, because she never spoke to anyone.
 ☞ 骄傲使人落后,谦虔使人进步。
 ☞ Conceit makes one lag behind whereas modesty helps one to progress.
3.arrogant, arrogance,指高傲自大,语气比conceited更加强烈。
 ☞ 人过分自信、骄傲时往往最易出错。
 ☞ When men are most sure and arrogant, they are commonly mistaken.
 ☞ 他骄傲得以为比谁都优秀。
 ☞ He is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than anyone else.
 ☞ 某些科技水平高度发展的国家由于过分骄傲而自我膨胀了。
 ☞ Some countries with a high scientific and technological level are overblown with arrogance.
骗(骗取) 骗(骗取)
1.cheat (of),指以不正当手段欺骗、骗取财物。
 ☞ 骗子卖给她一只不会走的表,骗了她100美元。
 ☞ A swindler cheated her of one hundred dollars by selling her a watch which did not work.
 ☞ 不法商人骗取了农民的大量水果。
 ☞ The dishonest merchant cheated large quantity of fruit of the peasant.
 ☞ 我不识字,所似大家都骗我。
 ☞ I can't read and write and everyone cheats me.
 ☞ 会计涂改企业账目骗了我们。
 ☞ The bookkeeper deceived us by manipulating the accounts of the business.
 ☞ 我军利用一次佯攻骗过了敌人。
 ☞ Our army used a mock attack to have deceived the enemy.
  ■ 不过,deceive用于被动语态或与反身代词连用时,不一定指有意的欺骗。
 ☞ 他考试作弊,但老师没有受骗。
 ☞ He cheated at the examination, but the teacher was not deceived.
 ☞ 如果你还继续相信她爱你,你就是在欺骗自己。
 ☞ You're just deceiving yourself if you carry on believing that she loves you.
 ☞ 当一个人从公众手里骗取了大量钱财以后,总会返还一小部分以继续其骗局。
 ☞ When a man swindled the public out of a large sum of money he often returns a small part of it in order to continue his deception.
 ☞ 当时的华工常常受骗、受虐待。
 ☞ The overseas Chinese laborers at that time were often swindled and maltreated.
 ☞ 警方指控他骗取了寡妇的一笔财产。
 ☞ The police accused him of defrauding a widow of a piece of property.
 ☞ 股票持有者认为他们受了公司的骗。
 ☞ The stockholders held that they had been defrauded by the company.
 ☞ 如果你骗取别人的财物就会受到起诉。
 ☞ You'll be sued if you defraud someone of his money and belongings.
 ☞ 做女儿的骗取了她父亲的同意。
 ☞ The daughter tricked her father into consent.
 ☞ 我爸爸骗我妈相信他忘了她的生日,然后再给她一个惊喜。
 ☞ Dad tricked Mom into believing that he had forgotten her birthday, then surprised her.
 ☞ 她答应今天过来,但我想她只是骗骗人而已。
 ☞ She promised to come over today, but I guess she was only fooling.
 ☞ 他骗了许多人,都相信他是个有钱人。
 ☞ He's fooled a lot of people into believing he's a rich man.
 ☞ 尽管他骗取了群众的支持,他却辜负了他们的信任。
 ☞ He was unworthy of the trust of the masses though he fooled them into giving their support.
7.take in,口语用词,泛指受骗上当。
 ☞ 他能说会道,善于骗人。
 ☞ He is a clever talker, and good at taking people in.
 ☞ 别信那家伙,他一有机会就会使你上当受骗。
 ☞ Don't trust that fellow; he'll take you in if he gets the chance.
 ☞ 别让自己受那些造假者的骗。
 ☞ Don't let yourself be taken in by these forgers.
8.have的被动语态be had可作“受骗”解,常用于口语。
 ☞ 在这桩买卖上我受骗了。
 ☞ I was had over that bargain.
 ☞ 被这种方式骗的,你也不是第一个。
 ☞ You were not the first one that had been had in that way.
 ☞ 他为自己骗取了一次涨工资的机会。
 ☞ He wangled himself a chance of salary increase.
 ☞ 我骗得了一张参加晚会的请柬。
 ☞ I wangled an invitation to the evening party.
10.worm one's way into,指慢慢地、不知不觉地进入,因此只有在一定的上下文里才有“骗取”的意思。
 ☞ 他骗取了她的心,却又不珍惜她的感情。
 ☞ He wormed his way into her heart, but he did not cherish her feeling.
 ☞ 你骗取了她的信任,接着又背叛了她。
 ☞ You wormed your way into her confidence, and then you betrayed her.
骚动 骚动
 ☞ 昨天晚上街上有人打架,引起了一场骚动。
 ☞ There were some people fighting in the street last night, which caused a disturbance.
 ☞ 教室里起了一阵骚动,我们就知道老师走掉了。
 ☞ There was such a disturbance in the classroom that we knew the teacher had gone.
 ☞ 几位工会领袖遭到囚禁,这立即在全国引起骚动。
 ☞ The imprisonment of the union leaders caused a commotion right through the country.
 ☞ 我是在半夜里被下面街上的骚动吵醒的。
 ☞ I was awakened at midnight by a commotion in the street below.
 ☞ 20世纪80年代后期,校园政治引起不断的骚动。
 ☞ Campus politics caused repeated ferment during the late 1980's 全国都处于骚动之中。
 ☞ The whole country was in a state of ferment.
4.in a tumult,指混乱、激动的状态。
 ☞ 消息传来,全城骚动。
 ☞ When the news came the whole city was in a tumult.
 ☞ 在他的煽动下,人群骚动起来。
 ☞ The crowd was in a tumult with his agitation.
高低 高低
 ☞ 你会不会录取要取决于你身材的高低。
 ☞ Whether you'll be recruited depends on your height.
 ☞ 广播发射天线的高低决定其覆盖面积。
 ☞ The height of a broadcast transmitting antenna determines its cover area.
 ☞ 咱们今天来争个高低。
 ☞ Let's vie with each other today to see who is better.
 ☞ 这场足球比赛表明两队难分高低。
 ☞ The football match showed that it was hard to tell which team was better.
 ☞ 他做事是知道高低的。
 ☞ He acted with propriety.
 ☞ 你在那次宴会上不知高低,叫我出了洋相。
 ☞ Having no sense of propriety, you embarrassed me at the banquet.
 ☞ 乐曲的高低就是把曲子调高或调低。
 ☞ The pitch of a musical note is the highness or lowness of it.
 ☞ 说话声音的高低取决于人的中气。
 ☞ The pitch of speaking depends on human energy.
5.no matter how… would not,指无论如何不。
 ☞ 不管大家怎么劝说,他高低不听。
 ☞ No matter how hard everyone tried to persuade him, he just wouldn't listen.
 ☞ 我嘴都磨破了,他高低不同意。
 ☞ No matter how hoarse I talked myself, he just wouldn't agree.
 ☞ 我们经过几天的苦战,高低把涵洞修好了。
 ☞ We managed to have completed the culvert after days of hard work.
 ☞ 这本书他找了好几天,高低是找到了。
 ☞ He managed to have found the book after looking for a few days.
高兴 高兴
 ☞ 见到你大家都高兴。
 ☞ Everybody was glad to see you.
 ☞ 今天早上你不怎么高兴。
 ☞ You're not quite happy this morning.
 ☞ 家里有了个孩子,想想我们的高兴劲!
 ☞ Imagine our happiness at having a child home!
 ☞ 他看到孩子们有了进步,心里很高兴。
 ☞ He was very pleased to see the kids had made progress.
 ☞ 她做她高兴做的事。
 ☞ She does what she pleases.
 ☞ 他高兴地接受了邀请。
 ☞ He accepted the invitation with pleasure.
 ☞ 她十分高兴,也很客气,并且愉快地同我们交谈。
 ☞ She was cheerful and polite and talked with us pleasantly.
 ☞ 小强高高兴兴地上学去了。
 ☞ Xiaoqiang cheerfully went off to school.
 ☞ 让他们来,越多越高兴。
 ☞ Let them come. the more the merrier.
 ☞ 他们两个谈得可高兴了。
 ☞ The two of them chattered merrily.
4.in high spirits,指情绪高。
 ☞ 他平时话不多,高兴的时候才说上几句。
 ☞ He's usually reticent and only talks a little when in high spirits.
 ☞ 我们都坐了下来,没有一个是高兴的。
 ☞ We all sat down, none of us in high spirits.
5.share one's joy,指分享喜悦。
 ☞ 把这消息告诉爷爷,让他老人家也高兴高兴。
 ☞ Tell Grandpa the good news, so that he can share our Joy.
 ☞ 儿子考上了大学,一家人都高兴。
 ☞ The son was admitted to a university and the whole family shared his joy.
6.fond of,强调生性喜欢,like,强调喜欢这一动作。
 ☞ 他就是高兴看电影,看戏却不感兴趣。
 ☞ He's fond of seeing films and not at all interested in watching plays.
 ☞ 你不高兴去就不用去了。
 ☞ You needn't go if you don't feel like it.
高明 高明
 ☞ 群众比我们高明。
 ☞ The masses are wiser than we are.
 ☞ 你没来,很高明。
 ☞ You are wise not to come.
 ☞ 你没让他们知道得太多,很高明。
 ☞ You were wise that you didn't let them know too much.
 ☞ 没有人是永远高明的。
 ☞ No man is wise at all time.
 ☞ 他这一手一点也不高明。
 ☞ This move of his is not at all clever.
 ☞ 在对付工会方面,他以为自己很高明。
 ☞ He considers himself rather clever in dealing with the trade union.
 ☞ 干出这样的事来,你真高明。
 ☞ How clever of you to have done a thing like this!
 ☞ 因为他们比我们多了几个钱,就自以为要高明得多。
 ☞ Just because they have more money than we do, they think they're much superior.
 ☞ 在世上什么地方会有这样高明的逻辑?
 ☞ Can there be such superior logic anywhere in the world?
 ☞ 一般都把鲁迅比作高尔基,其实他要比后者高明得多。
 ☞ Usually Lu Xun was compared to Corky, but, as a matter of fact, he was much superior to the latter.
 ☞ 这些主意是很高明的,不过有些完全忽视了可行性。
 ☞ All these are bright (brilliant) ideas, yet some of them show a superb neglect of practical feasibility.
 ☞ 利用小分队诱敌深入倒是十分高明的。
 ☞ It would be brilliant to use a detachment to lure the enemy in deep.
鱼肉 鱼肉
1.flesh of fish, 指鱼的肉。
 ☞ 鱼丸是鱼肉做的。
 ☞ Fish ball is made of the flesh of fish.
2.fish and meat, 指鱼与肉。
 ☞ 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。
 ☞ They are the chopper and board but we are the fish and meat.
 ☞ 贪官污吏鱼肉百姓。
 ☞ Corrupt officials savagely oppressed the people.
 ☞ 他是当地一霸,一贯鱼肉乡里。
 ☞ He was a local despot and always victimized the whole area.

 ☞ 他的手指都冻麻了。
 ☞ The cold numbed his fingers,或:His fingers are numb with cold.
 ☞ 我的两腿麻得一下子站不起来。
 ☞ My legs are too numb to get up at once.
 ☞ 他手脚都麻了。
 ☞ Both his hands and feet have gone numb.
2.tingle,feel pins and needles,指针刺似的麻,后一种说法更为形象化。
 ☞ 有什么东西压得我的腿都麻了。
 ☞ Something has been pressing on my leg and it tingles.
 ☞ 服了这药,我的舌头麻了。
 ☞ My tongue is tingling after I've taken the drug.
 ☞ 我手指尖麻。
 ☞ I have a tingle in the fingertips.
 ☞ 针灸大夫问她有没有麻的感觉。
 ☞ The acupuncturist asked her if she felt a tingling sensation.
 ☞ 她坐得两腿都麻了。
 ☞ She'd been sitting so long that she felt pins and needles in her legs.
 ☞ 这味道辣得舌头都麻了。
 ☞ The hot taste burns the tongue.
 ☞ 胡椒把我的嘴和舌头都辣麻了。
 ☞ Hot pepper burned my mouth and tongue.
 ☞ 这种纸一面光,一面麻。
 ☞ This kind of paper is smooth on one side and rough on the other side.
 ☞ 有一种麻面墙,据说能吸音。
 ☞ There is a kind of rough wall surface, which is said to be sound absorbing.
麻烦 麻烦
 ☞ 在麻烦事麻烦你以前绝对不要去麻烦麻烦事。
 ☞ Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
 ☞ 我并不想麻烦你。
 ☞ I don't wish to trouble you.
 ☞ 这事要是太麻烦,你就别管了。
 ☞ Don't bother if it is too much trouble.
 ☞ 给你添了那么多麻烦,真是遗憾。
 ☞ It is a pity to give you so much trouble.
2.be in trouble,指有麻烦(静态);get into trouble,指遇到麻烦(动态)。
 ☞ 你不付账就会有麻烦。
 ☞ If you don't pay the bill, you're going to be in trouble.
 ☞ 这小姑娘看起来有麻烦。
 ☞ The little girl looked in trouble.
 ☞ 她老是碰上麻烦。
 ☞ She is always getting into trouble.
 ☞ 我儿子离家独居后老是碰上麻烦。
 ☞ My son is always getting into trouble after he left home to live alone.
3.get sb. into trouble,指给人找麻烦。
 ☞ 小心,别给我找麻烦。
 ☞ Watch out, you don't get me into trouble.
 ☞ 要是你这么干了,你可能会给她找麻烦。
 ☞ If you do this way, you might get her into trouble.
4.make trouble, 指制造麻烦。
 ☞ 她年轻时老给父母找麻烦。
 ☞ She was always making trouble for her parents when she was young.
 ☞ 学生多多少少都爱给老师制造麻烦。
 ☞ Students like to make trouble for their teachers to more or less degree.
5.put sb. to trouble,指添麻烦。
 ☞ 给你添了那么多麻烦,真是对不起。
 ☞ I am sorry for putting you to so much trouble.
 ☞ 他不想给我添麻烦让我到车站去接他。
 ☞ He didn't want to put me to the trouble of meeting him at the station.
6.save (spare) trouble, 指省(免)得麻烦。
 ☞ 他说他过去都是出去吃饭,以免得麻烦。
 ☞ He said he would take his meals out to save trouble.
 ☞ 我什么都告诉她了,免得你麻烦。
 ☞ I have told her everything to save you trouble.
 ☞ 这件事我干了,省得你麻烦。
 ☞ I did it to spare you trouble.
7.ask for trouble,指自找麻烦。
 ☞ 是什么促使你写这样的文章?这是自找麻烦。
 ☞ What made you write such an article? It was asking for trouble.
 ☞ 不要去自找麻烦。
 ☞ Don't go asking for trouble.
 ☞ 办理所有这些手续相当的麻烦。
 ☞ It's rather troublesome to go through all these formalities.
 ☞ 缺钱是有点麻烦,但我们会尽量干好的。
 ☞ Being short of money is a bit troublesome but we'll do what we can.
 ☞ 这点小事不要去麻烦他了。
 ☞ Don't bother him with such trifles.
 ☞ 拿这么多的问题来麻烦你,真是对不起。
 ☞ I am sorry to have bothered you with so many questions.
 ☞ 我不想给你添麻烦。
 ☞ I don't want to be a bother to you.
10.inconvenience, inconvenient, 指因不方便引起的麻烦。
 ☞ 你的来访给他招来了很大的麻烦。
 ☞ Your visit caused him great inconvenience.
 ☞ 得在周末工作,这有点麻烦。
 ☞ It's a bit inconvenient to have to work at weekends.
麻痹 麻痹
 ☞ 他因麻痹而有了一种虚假的安全感。
 ☞ He was lulled into a false sense of security.
 ☞ 谣言可以麻痹人们的斗志。
 ☞ Rumor can lull people's fighting will.
 ☞ 你是要为你的麻痹大意负责任的。
 ☞ You will have to answer for your carelessness.
 ☞ 麻痹大意是产生事故的原因。
 ☞ Carelessness is the cause of accidents.
 ☞ 我们不能因为没有发生大事就麻痹起来。
 ☞ We can't get unwary just because nothing unusual has cropped up.
 ☞ 出其不意,容易抓住麻痹大意的动物。
 ☞ Unwary animals are apt to be taken by surprise.
4.slacken (one's) vigilance,指放松警惕。
 ☞ 你麻痹了,对不?
 ☞ You've slackened your vigilance, haven't you?
 ☞ 思想麻痹是安全工作的大敌。
 ☞ A slackening of vigilance is the formidable foe of trouble-free service.
 ☞ 只要一滴就足以引起全身麻痹和视觉丧失。
 ☞ Only one drop would be enough to induce paralysis and blindness.
 ☞ 他饱受面神经麻痹之苦。
 ☞ He suffered a great deal from facial paralysis.
麻醉 麻醉
 ☞ 病人已麻醉,你可以做手术了。
 ☞ The patient has been anesthetized and you can operate now.
 ☞ 如果用这种麻醉剂,其麻醉状态可延续几小时。
 ☞ The state of anesthesia can last several hours if this kind of narcotic is used.
 ☞ 手术前病人得高度麻醉。
 ☞ The patient has to be doped heavily before the operation.
 ☞ 因此他当时把吸鸦片看作是麻醉自己的手段。
 ☞ So he saw opium-smoking as a means of doping himself。
 ☞ 麻醉剂的最初目的是麻醉感觉。
 ☞ The prime purpose of an anesthetic is to deaden sensation.
 ☞ 牙医用佛奴卡因麻醉神经。
 ☞ The dentist deadened the nerve with Novocain.
 ☞ 不法商人用淫秽与暴力小说来麻醉年轻人的身心。
 ☞ Unscrupulous merchants poison young people's body and minds with novels full of sex and violence.

 ☞ 咱们击鼓为号,一起杀出重围。
 ☞ Let's beat the drum as a signal and fight our way out of the heavy encirclement.
2.swell (out),指内部充满物体而使尺寸加大因而鼓出。
 ☞ 我在业余时间找了个工作,好让口袋鼓一点。
 ☞ I took a job in my spare time to swell my pockets.
 ☞ 猫喝牛奶,肚子都鼓了出来。
 ☞ The cat's stomach was swelled with milk.
 ☞ 船帆灌满了风,鼓了出来。
 ☞ The sails swelled out in the wind.
 ☞ 桶一般都是肚子鼓。
 ☞ A barrel usually swells in the middle.
 ☞ 他长期便秘,在使劲挣时太阳穴上的青筋都鼓了出来。
 ☞ His veins were bulging from his temples as he strained against chronic constipation.
 ☞ 他大吃一惊,眼珠子都几乎从眼眶里鼓了出来。
 ☞ He was so shocked that his eyes bulged nearly out of their sockets.
 ☞ 他嘴巴塞满了食物,腮帮子都鼓得圆圆的。
 ☞ His mouth was full of food, with which his cheeks bulged roundly.
 ☞ 他往口袋里装钱,直到口袋鼓了起来。
 ☞ He filled his pockets with money till they bulged.
4.pluck up courage,只指鼓起勇气。
 ☞ 最后,他鼓起勇气说:“好吧,我去”。
 ☞ At last he plucked up courage and said, "Well, I'll go".
5.stick out,只指突出来。
 ☞ 瞧,他肚子鼓得多厉害!
 ☞ Look, how his stomach sticks out!
 ☞ 别鼓嘴啦,照着我说的去做。
 ☞ Stop pouting and do what I tell you.
7.go all out,只指鼓劲。
 ☞ 鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义。
 ☞ Co all out, aim high and gain greater, faster, better and more economical results in building socialism.
8.play the zither,只指鼓琴。
 ☞ 邻家有幼女,彼鼓琴而挑之,故人皆薄其行。
 ☞ Next door to him lived a young maid with whom he dallied by playing the zither. So people despised him for what he did.
9.pound on,只指击打。
 ☞ 庄子深知人之生死乃变化之形式,故人见其闻妻死鼓盆而歌。
 ☞ Zhuang Zi knew very well that one's life and death were part of a pattern of change. So he was seen pounding on a tub and singing when he heard of his wife dead.
10.work a bellows,只指鼓风。
 ☞ 我们进入农舍时,新媳妇正在鼓风做饭。
 ☞ When we entered the farmhouse we saw the bride cooking meals by working a bellows.
鼓动 鼓动
1.agitate (for),agitation,指使之激动。
 ☞ 人群受到了鼓动,但侬然没有响应。
 ☞ The crowd was agitated, but remained unresponsive.
 ☞ 他因鼓动罢工而被捕。
 ☞ He was arrested for agitating for a strike.
 ☞ 他感到现在可以腾出手来做宣传鼓动工作。
 ☞ Now he felt he had a free hand to conduct propaganda and agitation.
 ☞ 我们应当鼓动群众为自己的解放而斗争。
 ☞ We must arouse the masses to fight for their own emancipation.
 ☞ 你真是一个把学生鼓动起来投入行动的老手。
 ☞ You are really an old hand to arouse students to action.
 ☞ 推翻政府的阴谋是由某些持不同政见者鼓动起来的。
 ☞ The plot to overthrow the government was instigated by some dissidents.
 ☞ 别鼓动孩子去干坏事。
 ☞ Don't instigate a child to do evil.
 ☞ 一个人可以鼓动另一人犯罪。
 ☞ One may incite another to commit a crime.
 ☞ 你是为了自己的目的去鼓动他们违法的。
 ☞ You incited them to outrage for the purpose of your own.
5.put up to,指怂恿。
 ☞ 这些坏事是谁鼓动你干的?
 ☞ Who put you up to all these dirty tricks?
 ☞ 有人鼓动他不交所得税。
 ☞ Someone put him up to getting off income tax.
鼓励 鼓励
 ☞ 未受伤的帮助受伤的,并相互鼓励。
 ☞ Those who were uninjured helped the injured and they all encouraged one another.
 ☞ 老美术家发现孩子有天赋,就鼓励他多画。
 ☞ Having found his gift, the old artist encouraged the child to paint a lot.
 ☞ 首长们对我们讲了许多鼓励我们的话。
 ☞ The leading comrades said a lot to encourage us.
 ☞ 他一直受到教师的鼓励,要他认真写作。
 ☞ He has been encouraged by his teacher to take his writing seriously.
 ☞ 这是我生平第一次得到别人的鼓励。
 ☞ That was the first encouragement I had ever received from other people.
 ☞ 他鼓励我写一个有关学运的剧本。
 ☞ He urged me to write a play about student movement.
 ☞ 分别时,我们互相鼓励,要努力工作。
 ☞ At the parting we urged each other to work hard.
 ☞ 我们鼓励小王来帮她。
 ☞ We urged Wang to help her.
 ☞ 现在政府鼓励刑满释放人员自食其力。
 ☞ Now the government prompts the released prisoners to live on their own means.
 ☞ 显然,她在鼓励小王和小周谈恋爱。
 ☞ It is obvious that she is prompting the love affair between Wang and Zhou.
 ☞ 由科研取得的每一项增产会越来越鼓励农民学习先进的栽培技术。
 ☞ Each yield increase due to scientific research will increasingly stimulate the peasants to learn advanced cultivation techniques.
 ☞ 校长的话鼓励学生们做出新的努力。
 ☞ The headmaster's words stimulated the pupils to new efforts.
鼓吹 鼓吹
 ☞ 孙中山先生鼓吹民主革命不遗余力,凡40年。
 ☞ Dr. Sun Yat-sen spared no pains to advocate democratic revolution for 40 years.
 ☞ 他因鼓吹资产阶级自由化而受到批评。
 ☞ He was criticized for advocating bourgeois liberalization.
2.agitate for,指鼓动某种变革。
 ☞ 妇女在终于获得选举权之前,不得不为之鼓吹多年。
 ☞ Women had to agitate for the vote for many years before they finally got it.
 ☞ 他大力鼓吹经济改革并获得成功。
 ☞ He vigorously agitated for the economic reform and succeeded in it.
 ☞ 张伯伦对希特勒德国,鼓吹绥靖政策。
 ☞ Arthur Chamberlian preached a policy of appeasement with Hitler's Germany.
 ☞ 希特勒鼓吹战争是强国的手段。
 ☞ Hitler preached war as a means of making the country great.
 ☞ 他向全世界鼓吹草药治病的功效。
 ☞ He advertised to the world the virtues of herbs to heal sickness.
 ☞ 别鼓吹自己!
 ☞ Stop advertising yourself!
鼓舞 鼓舞
 ☞ 有这么多代表到会,真是令人鼓舞。
 ☞ It is encouraging indeed to find such a large attendance of delegates.
 ☞ 我们为他取得的进步而感到鼓舞。
 ☞ We felt encouraged by the progress he had made.
 ☞ 他由于成功而受到鼓舞。
 ☞ He is encouraged with his success.
 ☞ 他的成就对我们曾经是一个巨大的鼓舞。
 ☞ His achievements were a great encouragement to us.
 ☞ 英雄们的先进事迹鼓舞了我们。
 ☞ The exemplary deeds of the heroes have prompted us.
 ☞ 许多华侨在爱国热情的鼓舞下集资办学。
 ☞ Prompted by patriotism, many overseas Chinese raised money to run schools.
 ☞ 老教授的话鼓舞我们更加努力。
 ☞ The old professor's words animated us to greater efforts.
 ☞ 这位伟人一生都受到他对祖国爱的鼓舞。
 ☞ All his life this great man was animated by love of his country.
 ☞ 石油输出国组织的胜利鼓舞了其他非石油的初级产品输出国。
 ☞ The success of OPEC has inspired countries exporting primary products other than oil.
 ☞ 受到英勇指挥员的鼓舞,部队决心要拿下这个山头。
 ☞ Inspired by their valiant commander, the troops were determined to take the hill.
 ☞ 他的话鼓舞着我们做进一步努力。
 ☞ His words stimulated us to further efforts.
 ☞ 他们参观展览后都受到创业者成绩的鼓舞。
 ☞ They were stimulated by the achievements of the pioneers after the visit of the exhibition.
 ☞ 教练以决心赢得这场比赛来鼓舞全队。
 ☞ The coach fired the whole team with a determination to win the game.
 ☞ 你说的一席话鼓舞了群众的积极性。
 ☞ What you said fired the crowd's enthusiasm.
 ☞ 人民群众的巨大热情由于全世界的这些集会而受到鼓舞。
 ☞ Great enthusiasm of the masses was aroused by these meetings all over the world.
 ☞ 新的胜利鼓舞了部队的斗志。
 ☞ The new victory aroused the fighting will of the troops.
8.enhance one's morale,指鼓舞士气、信心。
 ☞ 这场战斗的胜利鼓舞了部队的士气。
 ☞ The victory of the battle enhanced the troops' morale.
 ☞ 这是一次鼓舞群众信心的演说。
 ☞ It was a speech that enhanced the confidence of the masses.

1.in order,orderly,指整齐。
 ☞ 把卡片放齐了。
 ☞ Put the cards in order.
 ☞ 这些东西要理齐。
 ☞ These things should be set in order.
 ☞ 把桌子摆齐了。
 ☞ Arrange the desks in an orderly way.
2.even, evenly,指平齐。
 ☞ 她的牙齿又白又齐。
 ☞ Her teeth are white and even.
 ☞ 种树要排齐。
 ☞ Plant the trees in an even row.
 ☞ 把玫瑰花剪齐了。
 ☞ Trim the rosebushes evenly.
 ☞ 这两根筷子长短不齐。
 ☞ These two chopsticks are not of equal length.
 ☞ 唐代诗人中,李白与杜甫齐名。
 ☞ Among the Tang poets, Li Bai and Du Fu enjoyed equal fame.
 ☞ 现在他与他所崇拜的那位大作家齐名了。
 ☞ Now he is equal in reputation to the great writer whom he admired.
4.level, 指到了某个水平。
 ☞ 河水涨得齐了岸。
 ☞ The water has risen to the level of the river banks.
 ☞ 雪与窗台齐了。
 ☞ The snow is level with the windowsill.
 ☞ 工人们站在齐腰深的水里筑坝。
 ☞ The workers were standing in waist-deep water building the dam.
 ☞ 玉米都已齐膝盖高了。
 ☞ The com is knee-high already.
6.all, 指全体,无一例外,故有“一齐”的意思。
 ☞ 男女老少齐动手。
 ☞ Men and women, old and young, all pitched in.
 ☞ 客人都来齐了。
 ☞ All the guests have arrived.
7.everyone, everything,指全部。
 ☞ 人到齐了没有?
 ☞ Everybody here?
 ☞ 东西都备齐了。
 ☞ Everything has been prepared.
 ☞ 把玉米秆齐着根儿砍断。
 ☞ Cut the coins talks right down to the roots.
 ☞ 请你齐着边画条线好吗?
 ☞ Will you please draw a line along the edge?
 ☞ 齐步走!
 ☞ Quick march!
 ☞ 今天到会的人很齐。
 ☞ We have full attendance at today's meeting.
 ☞ 登山队的装备很齐。
 ☞ The mountaineers are fully equipped.
 ☞ 店虽小,货却很齐。
 ☞ The shop, though small, has a satisfactory variety of goods.
1.next to,指紧挨着。
 ☞ 她家铺子挨着我家的铺子,所以我来办这件事很方便。
 ☞ Her shop is next to mine, so it is very convenient for me to do that.
 ☞ 我看见他挨着坐在一个年龄和他差不多的姑娘身边。
 ☞ I saw him sitting there next to a girl very much of his own age.
2.close to,指挨近。
 ☞ 我们村挨着火车站,天天都能听见火车叫。
 ☞ Our village is close to the railway station and we hear the whistling of trains every day.
 ☞ 上了大路就要挨着边儿走。
 ☞ Keep close to one side when walking on the road.
3.near to,也指挨近,但比close to远。
 ☞ 这种想法让他感到鼓舞,使他似乎挨她更近了。
 ☞ The thought cheered him. It seemed to draw him nearer to her.
 ☞ 李教授把我们叫过来,挨着他坐。
 ☞ Professor Li called for us to sit near to him.
 ☞ 还没挨到我吧?
 ☞ It isn't my turn yet, is it?
 ☞ 我们挨个儿检查了身体。
 ☞ We had medical check-ups in turn.
 ☞ 我们船上有12个人,大家挨个儿划船。
 ☞ There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.
5.one by one,指一个挨一个。
 ☞ 别挤!一个挨一个地进去。
 ☞ Don't push! Go in one by one.
 ☞ 日子一天挨一天地过去了。
 ☞ The days dragged on one by one.
 ☞ 每天早晨他都要挨家挨户地送牛奶。
 ☞ He goes from house to house delivering milk every morning.
 ☞ 他就住在这一带,你挨门挨户地找找。
 ☞ He lives somewhere around here. Try to find him by going from door to door.