acidic oxides 2 acids 2 acids,bases and alkalis 2 alkalis 2 amphoteric 2 bases 2 basic oxides 2 mineral acids 2 organic acids 2 organic acids 2 buffer solution 3 indicator 3 litmus 3 methyl orange 3 neutral(pH value) 3 pH 3 phenolphthalein 3 screened methyl orange 3 strengh of acids 3 universal indicator 3 air 4 air and oxygen 4 atmosphere 4 group 0 gases 4 group VIII gases 4 inert gases 4 noble gases 4 oxygen 4 rare gases 4 argon 5 exosphere 5 helium 5 ionosphere 5 krypton 5 neon 5 ozone 5 primary atmosphere 5 secondary atmosphere 5 stratosphere 5 troposphere 5 xenon 5 atomic number (Z) 6 atomic structure 6 mass number(A) 6 neutron 6 nucleon 6 nucleon number 6 nucleus,nuclei(ofatom) 6 proton number 6 subatomic particles 6 electron configuration, structure 7 electron shell 7 energy level (atomic structure) 7 isotopic abundance 7 valence electron 7 atomicity 8 chemical symbol 8 element 8 a.m.u. 9 atomic mass unit (a.m.u.) 9 atomic weight, Ar 9 diatomic molecule 9 molecular weight,Mr 9 RAM 9 relative atomic mass,RAM,Ar 9 relative molecular mass,RMM,Mr 9 RMM 9 triatomic molecule 9 bacillus 10 bacteria and viruses (microorganisms) 10 coccus(bacteria) 10 microorganisms 10 spirillum (bacteria) 10 vibrio(bacteria) 10 viruses 10 amoebic dysentery 11 antibiotics 11 antiseptic 11 bactericide 11 bacteriophage 11 bacteriostatic 11 disinfectant 11 germicide 11 malaria 11 pathogen 11 phage 11 vaccine 11 vector(disease) 11 accumulator (secondary cell) 12 batteries and cells 12 car battery 12 dry cell 12 galvanic cell 12 lead-acid accumulator 12 local action(batteries) 12 polarisation(batteries) 12 primary cell(battery) 12 secondary cell(battery) 12 simple cell(battery) 12 storage battery 12 wet cell 12 absolute scale (temperature) 13 alkaline cell 13 diaphragm cell 13 fuel cell 13 nickel-cadmium cell 13 blood I 14 erythrocytes 14 haemoglobin 14 leucocytes 14 plasma(blood) 14 red blood cells,corpuscles 14 white blood cells,corpuscles 14 adenoids 15 agranulocytes 15 blood clotting,coagulation 15 fibrin 15 fibrinogen 15 granulocytes 15 lymph 15 lymphatic system 15 lymphatic tissue 15 lymphocytes 15 lymphoid tissue 15 phagocytes 15 platelets 15 spleen 15 thrombocytes 15 thromboplastin 15 tissue fluid 15 tonsils 15 apoplexy 16 arteriole 16 arteriosclerosis 16 artery 16 atheroma 16 blood II 16 blood pressure 16 blood vessels 16 capillaries 16 embolism 16 high blood pressure 16 stroke(thrombosis) 16 thrombosis 16 vein 16 venule 16 active immunity 17 agglutination 17 angina pectoris 17 antibodies 17 antigen 17 blood groups 17 blood serum 17 blood transfusions 17 coronary 17 heart attack 17 immunisation 17 immunity 17 natural immunity 17 passive immunity 17 rhesus factor,Rh factor 17 serum 17 cell membrane 18 cell size 18 cell(biology) 18 cytoplasm 18 growth 18 living organism 18 membrane(cell) 18 movement(living organism) 18 multicellular 18 nucleus,nuclei (ofcell) 18 organism 18 organism 18 protoplasm 18 unicellular 18 cell division 19 cell sap 19 cell wall 19 chloroplast 19 endoplasmic reticulum 19 Golgi complex 19 lysosomes 19 mitochondria,mitochondrion 19 organ 19 organ system 19 organelles 19 ribosomes 19 tissue 19 vacuole 19 bonding (chemical) 20 chemical bond 20 chemical bonding 20 covalent bond 20 double covalent bond 20 intermolecular forces 20 intramolecular forces 20 ion 20 metallic bond 20 single covalent bond 20 triple covalent bond 20 van der Waals'forces 20 coordination number 21 ionic bond 21 ionic lattice 21 lattice energy 21 bond breaking 22 bond making 22 chemical energy 22 energy level diagram 22 profile diagram 22 adenosine triphosphate 23 ATP 23 bond energy 23 calculations of energy change 23 Hess's law 23 chemical equations 24 chemical reaction 24 conservation of mass 24 products(chemistry) 24 reactants(chemistry) 24 balance(equations) 25 calculations from chemical equations 25 ionic equations 25 state symbols 25 formula(chemistry) 26 radical(chemistry) 26 valency,valence 26 variable valency 26 displayed formula 27 empirical formula 27 molecular formula 27 percentage composition (chemical compounds) 27 structural formula 27 binomial classification 28 classes (classification) 28 classification and keys 28 families (classification) 28 genus,genera 28 hybrid 28 kingdom 28 Monera 28 orders (classification) 28 phylum,phyla 28 prokaryotes 28 species 28 taxonomy 28 amoeba 29 dichotomous keys 29 Euglena 29 fungus,fungi 29 hypha,hyphae 29 mycelium 29 paramecium 29 protoctists,Protoctista,Protista 29 Spirogyra 29 sporangium 29 spore 29 bryophytes 30 classification(plants) 30 conifers 30 ferns 30 plant kingdom 30 Plantae 30 angiosperms 31 annual(plants) 31 biennials(plants) 31 deciduous trees 31 dicotyledons,dicots 31 flowering plants 31 herbaceous plants 31 monocotyledons,monocots 31 perennials(plants) 31 animal kingdom 32 Animalia 32 annelids,Annelida 32 arachnids, Arachnida 32 bisexual 32 classification(invertebrate animals) 32 cnidarians,Cnidaria 32 coelenterates 32 hermaphrodite 32 invertebrate animals 32 platyhelminths,Platyhelminthes 32 arthropods,Arthropoda 33 crustaceans,Crustacea 33 echinoderms,Echinodermata 33 imago 33 larva 33 metamorphosis 33 molluscs, Mollusca 33 myriapods,Myriapoda 33 pupa 33 amphibians,Amphibia 34 bony fishes 34 cartilaginous fishes 34 Chondrichthyes 34 chordates,Chordata 34 classification (vertebrate animals) 34 cold-blooded animals 34 craniates 34 ectotherms 34 endotherms 34 fishes 34 homoiotherms 34 Osteichthyes 34 Pisces 34 PNS 34 poikilotherms 34 vertebrate animals 34 warm-blooded animals 34 Aves 35 birds 35 mammals,Mammalia 35 marsupials 35 monotremes 35 primates 35 reptiles,Reptilia 35 aerial(antenna) 36 AM 36 amplitude modulation 36 antenna(aerial) 36 carrier wave 36 communication 36 communications 36 FM 36 frequency modulation 36 radio receiver 36 radio transmitter 36 receiver(radio) 36 telecommunications 36 transmitter(radio) 36 analogue signals 37 artificial satellites 37 attenuation 37 communication satellites 37 digital signals 37 geostationary satellites 37 polar satellites 37 afforestation 38 conservation 38 deforestation 38 energy conservation 38 monoculture 38 naturalresources 38 non-renewable resources 38 pesticides 38 reforestation 38 renewable resources 38 ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 39 biological pest control 39 extinction 39 food production 39 green-belt areas 39 nature reserves 39 overfishing 39 recycling 39 corrosion(oxidation and reduction) 40 electron acceptor 40 electron donor 40 galvanising 40 oxidant 40 oxidation 40 oxidising agent 40 prevention of corrosion 40 reducing agent 40 reductant 40 reduction 40 rusting 40 anodising 41 chromium plating 41 sacrificial protection 41 tin plating 41 density bottle 42 displacement can 42 eureka can 42 relative density 42 specific gravity 42 Archimedes'principle 43 buoyancy 43 floating 43 hydrometer 43 principle of flotation 43 sinking 43 upthrust 43 absorption (food) 44 bolus(food) 44 chemical digestion 44 digestion I 44 epithelium,epithelial tissue 44 extracellular digestion 44 ingestion 44 intracellular digestion 44 lacteals 44 mastication 44 mechanical digestion 44 microvillus 44 villus,villi 44 amylases 45 assimilation(food) 45 chyle 45 defecation 45 egestion 45 faeces 45 lipase 45 pancreatic juice 45 pepsin 45 proteases 45 ptyalin 45 salivary amylase 45 trypsin 45 alimentary canal 46 cardiac sphincter 46 digestion II 46 digestive tract 46 gastric juice 46 gastrointestinal tract 46 gullet 46 gut 46 oesophagus 46 peristalsis 46 saliva 46 stomach 46 anus 47 appendix 47 bile 47 bowel 47 caecum 47 chyme 47 colon 47 duodenum 47 exocrine glands 47 gall bladder 47 ileum 47 large intestine 47 pancreas 47 pyloric sphincter 47 rectum 47 small intestine 47 vermiform appendix 47 alcoholism 48 alcohol abuse 48 amphetamine 48 analgesic 48 aspirin 48 caffeine 48 cannabis 48 cocaine 48 deliriant 48 drugs and social issues 48 ecstasy(drug) 48 hallucinogen 48 heroin 48 Librium 48 LSD 48 morphine 48 paracetamol 48 sedative 48 solvent abuse 48 stimulant 48 types of drug 48 Valium 48 AIDS,acquired immune deficiency syndrome 49 HIV,human immunodeficiency virus 49 irritants(smoking) 49 nicotine 49 passive smoking 49 smoking 49 tar(cigarettes) 49 anvil 50 eardrum 50 ear(hearing and balance) 50 external ear 50 hammer(bone) 50 hearing 50 incus(bone) 50 malleus 50 middle ear 50 ossicles 50 outer ear 50 stapes(bone) 50 stirrup(bone) 50 structure of the human ear 50 tympanum,tympanic membrane 50 audible sound 51 auditory nerve 51 balance(ear) 51 cochlea 51 deafness 51 endolymph 51 Eustachian tube 51 fenestra ovalis 51 fenestra rotunda(ear) 51 hearing aids 51 human hearing range 51 inner ear 51 oval window (ear) 51 perilymph 51 round window (ear) 51 semicircular canals 51 continental crust 52 earthquakes 52 Earth's crust 52 Earth's structure and earthquakes 52 magma 52 mantle 52 moho,Mohorovičič discontinuity 52 oceanic crust 52 outer core(Earth's structure) 52 epicentre (earthquake) 53 focus(earthquake) 53 inner core (Earth's structure) 53 long waves(seismic) 53 l-waves(seismic) 53 primary waves(seismic) 53 p-waves 53 refraction of shock waves 53 Richter scale 53 secondary waves(seismic) 53 seismic waves 53 shadow zone 53 s-waves 53 abiotic factors 54 biosphere 54 biotic factors 54 climatic factors 54 community 54 ecology I 54 ecosystem 54 edaphic factors 54 environment 54 habitat(ecology) 54 population(ecology) 54 mark,release and recapture 55 quadrat 55 studying ecosystems 55 transect 55 Tullgren funnel 55 carnivores 56 consumers(ecology) 56 decomposers(ecology) 56 detritus 56 ecology II 56 feeding level(ecology) 56 food chain 56 food web 56 herbivores 56 omnivores 56 primary consumers 56 producers(ecology) 56 pyramid of numbers 56 saprophytes,saprotrophs 56 secondary consumers 56 tertiary consumers 56 trophic level 56 biomass 57 commensalism 57 host (parasitism) 57 mutualism 57 parasite 57 parasitism 57 predators 57 predator-to-prey ratio 57 prey 57 pyramid of biomass 57 symbiosis 57 electricity(statics) 58 electroscope 58 electrostatics 58 frictional electricity 58 law of electrostatics 58 negative charge 58 positive charge 58 static electricity,static 58 induction of charge 59 point action 59 static and safety 59 uses of static electricity 59 amp hour 60 charge(electric charge) 60 coulomb 60 electric field 60 electricity (charge and potential) 60 faraday 60 field(electrical) 60 Van de Graaff generator 60 capacitor 61 electric potential, electric potential energy 61 electrical condenser 61 potential difference,p.d. 61 circuit(electrical) 62 conventional current direction 62 electric bell 62 electric current (1) 62 electrical circuit 62 electricity (current and voltage) 62 potential difference of battery 62 ammeter 63 electromotive force 63 EMF 63 parallel circuit 63 series circuit 63 volt,V 63 voltage,V 63 voltmeter 63 electrical resistance 64 electricity(resistance) 64 flow of water analogy (electricity) 64 ohm(Ω) 64 Ohm's law 64 resistor 64 non-ohmic conductors 65 potential divider 65 resistors in parallel 65 resistors in series 65 superconductivity 65 voltage divider 65 a.c.generator 66 alternator 66 electricity (generators and transformers) 66 electromagnetic induction 66 Faraday's laws of induction 66 generator 66 eddy currents 67 generating mains electricity 67 mutual induction 67 national grid system 67 primary coil (transformer) 67 secondary coil (transformer) 67 step-down transformer 67 step-up transformer 67 turns ratio(transformer) 67 alternating current 68 d.c. 68 direct current 68 electrical energy 68 electrical power 68 electricity(household) 68 household circuits 68 kilowatt-hour(kWh) 68 megawatts 68 watt(W) 68 circuit breakers 69 double insulation 69 earth leakage (electricity) 69 electrical switch 69 electricity cables 69 fuse(electrical) 69 fuse ratings 69 power cables 69 switch (electrical) 69 anode 70 cathode 70 electrode 70 electrolysis 70 electrolytes 70 ionic theory of electrolysis 70 non-electrolytes 70 strong electrolytes 70 weak electrolytes 70 electrolytic refining 71 electroplating 71 electrorefining 71 Faraday's laws of electrolysis 71 Hoffmann voltameter 71 preferential discharge 71 selective discharge 71 electromagnetic waves 72 interaction of waves with matter 72 inverse square law 72 speed of light,c 72 electromagnetic spectrum 73 IR 73 microwaves 73 UV 73 visible light 73 X-rays 73 coil(electric) 74 core(electromagnet) 74 electrical relay 74 electromagnet 74 relay 74 solenoid 74 commutator 75 electric motor 75 Fleming's left-hand rule 75 loudspeaker 75 motor effect 75 motor rule 75 diode 76 electronics 76 LDR 76 LED 76 thermistor 76 transistor 76 electronic switches 77 electronic systems 77 heat-sensitive switch 77 light-sensitive switch 77 chemical potential energy 78 elastic potential energy 78 energy,work,and power 78 forms of energy 78 GPE 78 gravitational potential energy, GPE 78 joule(J) 78 potential energy 78 strain energy 78 conservation ofenergy 79 energy conversion 79 energy transfer 79 kinetic energy 79 law of conservation of energy 79 mechanical energy 79 moving energy 79 active site 80 biotechnology 80 denaturing 80 enzymes and biotechnology 80 immobilised enzymes 80 substrate 80 yeasts 80 aeration(sewage) 81 baking (food) 81 brewing 81 cheese making 81 digestion(sewage) 81 filtration(sewage) 81 sedimentation 81 sewage 81 adaptation 82 Darwinism 82 evidence for evolution 82 homologous structures 82 natural selection 82 overpopulation 82 survival of the fittest 82 vestigial structures 82 acquired characteristics 83 continuous variation 83 discontinuous variation 83 Lamarckism 83 mutation 83 bladder 84 cortex(kidney) 84 excretion and the urinary system 84 medulla(kidney) 84 renal artery 84 renal cortex 84 renal medulla 84 renal vein 84 structure of the kidney 84 urea 84 ureters 84 urethra 84 urinary bladder 84 urinary system 84 urine 84 Bowman's capsule (kidney) 85 dialysis 85 filtration(kidneys) 85 glomerulus 85 kidney transplants 85 kidney tubule 85 nephron 85 pelvis(kidney) 85 reabsorption(kidneys) 85 renal pelvis 85 selective reabsorption 85 aqueous humour (eye) 86 cones(eye) 86 conjunctiva 86 extrinsic muscles (eye) 86 eye 86 eye and vision 86 eye socket 86 fovea 86 orbit(eye) 86 retina 86 rods(eye) 86 sclerotic,sclera 86 vitreous humour(eye) 86 accommodation 87 blind spot 87 choroid 87 cornea 87 hypermetropia 87 iris (eye) 87 lens(eye) 87 long-sightedness 87 myopia 87 pupil(eye) 87 short-sightedness 87 carbohydrates 88 fats and oils 88 holophytic nutrition 88 nutrients 88 sugars (carbohydrates) 88 anorexia nervosa 89 balanced diet 89 bulimia 89 calciferol (vitamin D) 89 fibre(roughage) 89 malnutrition 89 obesity 89 retinol(Vitamin A) 89 riboflavin(Vitamin B2) 89 roughage 89 thiamine (vitamin B1) 89 tocopherol(vitamin E) 89 vitamins 89 dynamic frictional force 90 electric forces 90 field(gravitational) 90 forces(types) 90 friction,frictional force 90 gravitational force 90 gravity 90 limiting frictional force (static friction) 90 lubrication 90 magnetic forces 90 newton N 90 static frictional force 90 streamlining 90 surface contact 90 balanced forces 91 compression forces 91 elastic limit 91 elasticity 91 gravitational field 91 Hooke's law 91 Newton's law of gravitation 91 tension forces 91 weight 91 dynamics 92 forces(dynamics and turning forces) 92 inertia 92 mass 92 momentum 92 Newton's first law 92 Newton's second law 92 Newton's third law 92 principle of conservation of mass 92 centre of gravity 93 centre of mass 93 couple(force) 93 moment(force) 93 neutral equilibrium 93 principle of moments 93 stability(forces) 93 stable equilibrium 93 turning force 93 unstable equilibrium 93 burning 94 calorific value 94 energy source 94 fossil fuels 94 fuel 94 fuels and energy sources 94 non-renewable energy source 94 renewable energy source 94 replenishable energy source 94 solar energy 94 biofuel 95 biogas 95 geothermal energy 95 hydroelectricity 95 Salter's Duck 95 tidal energy 95 wave energy 95 wind power 95 adenine 96 allele,allelomorph 96 chromosome 96 cytosine 96 deoxyribonucleic acid 96 gene 96 genetics(inheritance) 96 guanine 96 homologous chromosomes 96 nucleic acids 96 nucleotides 96 thymine 96 centromere 97 chromatid 97 diploid 97 genetic code 97 haploid 97 meiosis 97 mitosis 97 reductive cell division 97 replication 97 ribonucleic acid 97 RNA 97 co-dominance 98 dominant allele 98 F,,first filial generation 98 F2,second filial generation 98 first filial generation 98 gene pool 98 genetics(variation) 98 genome 98 genotype 98 homozygous 98 incomplete dominance 98 law of independent assortment 98 law of segregation 98 Mendel's laws 98 monohybrid cross 98 phenotype 98 recessive allele 98 second filial generation 98 environmental variation 99 genetic variation 99 heterozygous 99 colour blindness 100 cystic fibrosis 100 genetic diseases 100 genetics (diseases and uses) 100 sex chromosomes 100 sex linkage 100 sickle cell anaemia 100 X-chromosomes 100 Y-chromosomes 100 artificial selection 101 DNA fingerprinting 101 Down's syndrome 101 gene therapy 101 genetic engineering 101 genetic fingerprinting 101 genetically modified food,GM food 101 selective breeding 101 extrusive rock 102 fossils 102 geology(rocks) 102 igneous rock 102 intrusion 102 intrusive rock 102 rock 102 sedimentary rock 102 basalt 103 chemical weathering 103 erosion 103 granite 103 metamorphic rock 103 physical weathering 103 rock cycle 103 sandstone 103 slate 103 weathering(rocks) 103 bedrock 104 clay soil 104 geology(soil) 104 humus 104 parent rock 104 soil formation 104 soil profile 104 soil types 104 subsoil 104 topsoil 104 type of soil 104 alluvial deposit 105 bacteria in the soil 105 capillarity 105 liming soil 105 loamy soil 105 pH of the soil 105 sandy soil 105 soil bacteria 105 soil pH 105 constructive plate boundaries 106 continental drift 106 divergent plates 106 geology(plate tectonics) 106 Pangaea 106 plate boundaries 106 plate tectonics 106 tectonic plates 106 conservative plate boundaries 107 convergent plates 107 destructive plate boundaries 107 subduction 107 atria,atrium 108 auricles 108 cardiac cycle 108 circulatory system 108 diastole 108 double circulation 108 heart 108 heart and circulation 108 heartbeat 108 pulmonary circulation 108 systemic circulation 108 systole 108 ventricles(heart) 108 aorta 109 bicuspid valve(heart) 109 inferior vena cava 109 mitral valve 109 pulmonary artery 109 pulmonary vein 109 pulse rate 109 semilunar valves 109 superior vena cava 109 tricuspid valve(heart) 109 calculations of heat energy 110 expansion 110 heat 110 heat capacity (C) 110 heat energy 110 heat pump 110 internal energy 110 specific heat capacity (c) 110 thermal capacity C 110 thermal energy 110 anomalous expansion of water 111 bimetallic strip 111 latent heat(L) 111 specific latent heat of fusion,$L _ { E }$ 111 specific latent heat of vaporisation,$L _ { V }$ 111 thermostat 111 clinical thermometer 112 heat and temperature 112 maximum-and-minimum thermometer 112 thermocouple thermometer 112 thermometric liquids 112 absolute zero 113 Celsius scale 113 centigrade scale 113 Fahrenheit scale 113 fixed points (temperature) 113 fundamental interval (temperature) 113 kelvin scale 113 thermodynamic temperature scale 113 calorimeter 114 conduction(heat) 114 convection 114 convection current 114 good conductor(heat) 114 heat transfer and loss 114 poor conductor(heat) 114 radiant heat 114 thermal conduction 114 thermal radiation 114 absorption of radiation 115 emission of radiation 115 heat exchanger 115 heat loss 115 vacuum 115 vacuum flask 115 anabolism 116 catabolism 116 homeostasis 116 metabolic activity 116 metabolic rate 116 metabolism 116 negative feedback(homeostasis) 116 thermoregulation 116 cholesterol 117 deamination 117 liver 117 adrenal glands 118 animal hormones 118 antagonistic hormones 118 diabetes, diabetes mellitus 118 ductless glands 118 endocrine glands 118 fertility treatment 118 hormones 118 islets of Langerhans 118 plant hormones 118 sex hormones 118 sugar diabetes 118 thyroid gland 118 adrenalin 119 anti-diuretic hormone 119 contraceptive pill 119 follicle-stimulating hormone 119 FSH 119 glucagon 119 gonadotrophic hormones 119 growth hormone 119 hormone replacement therapy 119 HRT 119 insulin 119 LH 119 luteinising hormone(LH) 119 progesterone 119 testosterone 119 thyroid-stimulating hormone 119 thyroxine 119 TSH 119 female reproduction organ system 120 genital organs, genitalia 120 human reproduction I 120 male reproductive organ system 120 ovaries,ovary (human reproduction) 120 penis 120 prostate gland 120 semen 120 seminal vesicle 120 testes,testis 120 clitoris 121 menopause 121 menstrual cycle 121 menstruation 121 ovulation 121 uterus 121 vagina 121 vulva 121 womb 121 amniocentesis 122 amnion,amniotic sac 122 amniotic fluid 122 embryo 122 fetus,foetus 122 foetus 122 human reproduction II 122 parturition 122 placenta 122 pregnancy 122 press-on thermometer 122 umbilical cord 122 afterbirth 123 breaking of the waters 123 breech birth 123 caesarean birth,caesarean section 123 cervix 123 fraternal twins 123 identical twins 123 in vitro fertilisation,IVF 123 labour(birth) 123 non-identical twins 123 twins 123 adolescence 124 birth control 124 coitus 124 conception (reproduction) 124 contraception 124 copulation 124 human reproduction III 124 mating 124 orgasm 124 puberty 124 sexual intercourse 124 sexually transmitted diseases 124 STD 124 venereal diseases 124 zygote 124 abortion 125 condom 125 diaphragm (contraception) 125 gonorrhoea 125 IUD 125 ligation 125 miscarriage 125 pill (oral contraceptive) 125 rhythm method (contraception) 125 spermicide 125 sterilisation (contraception) 125 syphilis 125 vasectomy 125 deuterium2H 126 hydrogen,H 126 hydrogen-1,H 126 hydrogen bonding 126 hydrogen gas 126 hydrogen ion 126 hydrogen molecule 126 hydrogen preparation 126 testing for hydrogen 126 tritium, H 126 hydrogenation 127 steam reforming 127 uses of hydrogen 127 conditions for the Haber process 128 Haber process 128 industrial chemical processes 128 uses of ammonia 128 conditions for the contact process 129 contact process 129 disulfuric acid 129 fuming sulfuric acid 129 oleum 129 pyrosulfuric acid 129 socio-economic factors (industrial chemical processes) 129 uses of sulfuric acid 129 beam of light 130 luminous objects 130 non-luminous objects 130 opaque 130 penumbra 130 ray of light 130 shadow 130 translucent 130 transparent 130 umbra 130 eclipse 131 lunar eclipse 131 pinhole camera 131 solar eclipse 131 angle of incidence(i) 132 angle of reflection(r) 132 image(light) 132 incident ray 132 inverted image 132 lateral inversion 132 laws of reflection 132 light(reflection and refraction) 132 mirrors(reflection of light) 132 normal line(light) 132 parallax 132 real image 132 reflected ray 132 reflection of light 132 virtual image 132 apparent depth 133 critical angle 133 laws of refraction 133 optical fibres 133 real and apparent depths 133 refraction of light 133 right-angled prisms 133 TIR 133 total internal reflection 133 centre of curvature(C) 134 concave lens 134 converging lens 134 convex lens 134 diverging lens 134 focal length(lens) 134 focal point(F) 134 light and lenses 134 optical axis 134 optical centre 134 principal axis 134 principal focus(F) 134 camera 135 magnifying glass 135 slide projector 135 achromatic lens 136 blue 136 chromatic aberration 136 dispersion(light) 136 green 136 indigo 136 light(colour and dispersion) 136 orange 136 primary colours 136 red 136 spectral colours 136 spherical aberration 136 violet 136 visible light spectrum 136 additive mixing(colour) 137 colour filter 137 complementary colours 137 cyan 137 filter(colour) 137 magenta(colour) 137 peacock blue 137 secondary colours 137 subtractive mixing (colour) 137 distance ratio 138 efficiency 138 force ratio 138 lever 138 machines 138 mechanical advantage,M.A. 138 velocity ratio (V.R.) 138 first-order lever 139 gear(machines) 139 hydraulic machines 139 second-order lever 139 third-order lever 139 ferromagnetic material 140 hard magnetic material 140 law of magnetism 140 magnet 140 magnetic axis 140 magnetic material 140 magnetic poles 140 magnetism 140 non-magnetic material 140 north pole, north-seeking pole 140 permanent magnet 140 soft magnetic material 140 south pole,south-seeking pole 140 susceptibility (magnetism) 140 temporary magnet 140 demagnetisation 141 domains(magnetism) 141 magnetic induction 141 magnetisation 141 making magnets (electrical and stroking methods) 141 stroking method(magnetism) 141 field(magnetic) 142 lines of magnetic force 142 magnetic field 142 magnetic field lines 142 magnetic flux density 142 magnetic flux lines 142 magnetic permeability 142 magnetism(magnetic fields) 142 permeability(magnetism) 142 angle of declination 143 angle of inclination, angle of dip 143 Earth's magnetic field 143 magnetic shielding 143 magnetic sripes 143 aluminium extraction 144 bauxite 144 carnallite(ore) 144 cinnabar 144 copper pyrites 144 electrolytic reduction 144 extraction of metals 144 galena 144 haematite 144 iron extraction 144 metals(uses) 144 neutral point(magnetism) 144 ore 144 smelting 144 tinstone(ore) 144 zinc blende 144 basic oxygen process 145 blast furnace 145 bop process 145 pig iron 145 steel 145 alloy 146 alloys of aluminium 146 annealing 146 bicarbonate of soda 146 caustic soda 146 ductile(metals) 146 durable(metals) 146 malleable(metals) 146 soda,soda ash 146 sodium hydrogen carbonate 146 sodium hydroxide 146 sonorous (metals) 146 tensile strength (metals) 146 uses of metal compounds 146 alloys of iron 147 amalgams 147 brass 147 bronze 147 calcium carbonate 147 calcium hydroxide 147 calcium oxide 147 calcium sulfate 147 caustic potash 147 constantin 147 cupronickel 147 Duralumin 147 Epsom salts 147 high-carbon steel 147 lime 147 limewater 147 magnalium 147 magnesium hydroxide 147 magnesium sulfate 147 manganese steel 147 mild steel 147 pewter 147 plaster of Paris 147 potassium hydroxide 147 potassium nitrate 147 quicklime 147 slaked lime 147 solder 147 tungsten steel 147 chemical change 148 homogeneous mixture 148 mixture 148 mixtures and compounds 148 physical change 148 pure substances 148 binary compound 149 compound (chemical) 149 thermal decomposition 149 aqueous solution 150 heterogeneous mixture 150 insoluble 150 mixtures (solutions and colloids) 150 non-polar solvent 150 polar solvent 150 polarisation(molecular) 150 saturated solution 150 solubility 150 solubility curve 150 soluble 150 solute 150 solution 150 solvent 150 aerosol 151 coagulation 151 colloid 151 continuous phase 151 disperse phase 151 emulsion 151 foam 151 gel 151 immiscible 151 miscible 151 phase(colloids) 151 precipitate 151 sol 151 solubility of gases 151 suspension 151 centrifuge 152 crystallisation 152 decantation 152 direct evaporation 152 distillate 152 filtrate 152 filtration 152 mixtures (separating techniques) 152 residue 152 separating funnel 152 simple distillation 152 steam evaporation 152 chromatogram 153 chromatography 153 distillation 153 distilled water 153 fractionating column 153 Liebig condenser 153 paper chromatography 153 Avogadro's law, Avogadro's hypothesis 154 formula mass 154 Gay-Lussac's law 154 gram molecular volume 154 molar mass 154 molar solution,molarity,M 154 molar volume, molecular volume 154 moles(chemical calculations) 154 displacement (distance) 156 distance-time graph 156 motion(speed and acceleration) 156 speed 156 stopping distance 156 terminal velocity 156 ticker-timer 156 acceleration of gravity 157 deceleration 157 equations of motion 157 force and acceleration 157 kinematic equations 157 velocity-time graph 157 cycle(oscillation) 158 damping(motion) 158 mean position 158 motion (periodic and circular) 158 oscillation 158 periodic motion 158 centripetal force 159 circular motion 159 escape velocity,escape speed 159 satellites in orbit 159 carbon cycle 160 hydrological cycle 160 natural cycles 160 water cycle 160 nitrogen cycle 161 nitrogen fixation 161 brain 162 central nervous system (CNS) 162 cerebellum 162 cerebral hemispheres 162 cerebrum 162 hypothalamus 162 master gland 162 medulla oblongata 162 nervous system I 162 pituitary gland 162 spinal cord 162 arachnoid membrane 163 cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) 163 CSF 163 dura mater 163 effector 163 meninges,meninx 163 nerve impulse 163 peripheral nervous system (PNS) 163 pia mater 163 receptor(nerve) 163 afferent neurones 164 axon 164 connecting neurones 164 dendron,dendrite(nerve) 164 efferent neurones 164 motor neurones 164 nerve cell 164 nerve fibre 164 nervoussystem II 164 neurone 164 neurotransmitter 164 relay neurones 164 sensory neurones 164 synapse 164 autonomic nervous system,ANS 165 cranial reflexes 165 involuntary actions 165 reflex actions 165 spinal reflexes 165 voluntary actions 165 amorphous 166 animal charcoal 166 carbon,C 166 carbon black 166 carbon fibres 166 carbonates 166 charcoal 166 coal 166 coke 166 non-metals (carbon and sulfur) 166 soot 166 sulfur(S) 166 wood charcoal 166 alpha sulfur 167 beta sulfur 167 flowers of sulfur 167 hydrogen sulfide 167 monoclinic sulfur 167 orthorhombic sulfur 167 plastic sulfur 167 rhombic sulfur 167 sulfates,sulfate(VI)salts 167 sulfides 167 sulfites,sulfate(IV) salts 167 sulfur dioxide, sulfur(IV) oxide 167 sulfur trioxide,sulfur(VI) oxide 167 sulfurous acid, sulfuric(IV)acid 167 fertiliser 168 natural fertilisers 168 non-metals (nitrogen and phosphorus) 168 NPK values (fertilisers) 168 oxides of nitrogen 168 synthetic fertilisers 168 trace elements 168 nitrates, nitrate(V) salts 169 nitric acid,nitric(V) acid 169 nitrous acid, nitric(III) acid 169 Ostwald process (nitric acid) 169 phosphates,phosphate V salts 169 phosphoric acid,phosphoric(V)acid 169 phosphoric(V) oxide, phosphorus pentoxide 169 phosphorus,P 169 potassium(plants) 169 binding energy 170 critical mass 170 fissile material 170 mass defect 170 mass-energy equation 170 nuclear chain reaction 170 nuclear energy 170 nuclear fission and fusion 170 nuclear reaction 170 atomic bomb, A-bomb 171 fall-out(nuclear) 171 fission bomb 171 fission reactor 171 fusion bomb 171 hydrogen bomb,H-bomb 171 nuclear waste 171 radioactive waste 171 chemical feedstock 172 crude oil 172 fraction(oil) 172 mineral oil 172 natural gas 172 oil and petroleum 172 petrochemicals 172 petroleum 172 refining 172 asphalt 173 bitumen 173 catalytic cracking,cat cracking 173 cracking 173 DERV 173 diesel oil 173 fuel gas 173 gas oil 173 gasoline 173 kerosine 173 LPG 173 lubricating oil 173 naphtha 173 paraffin oil 173 petrol 173 refinery gases 173 thermal cracking 173 alkanes 174 alkenes 174 alkyl group 174 butane 174 butene 174 butyne 174 ethane 174 ethene 174 ethyne 174 functional group (organic chemistry) 174 hexane 174 hexene 174 hexyne 174 homologous series 174 hydrocarbons 174 methane 174 olefin hydrocarbons 174 organic chemistry(hydrocarbons) 174 paraffin hydrocarbons 174 pentane 174 pentene 174 pentyne 174 propane 174 propene 174 propyne 174 addition reaction 175 isomerism 175 isomers 175 properties of alkanes 175 properties of alkenes 175 replacement reaction 175 saturated molecules 175 structural isomerism 175 unsaturated molecules 175 alcohols 176 butanol 176 ethanol 176 fermentation 176 organic chemistry (alcohols) 176 propanol 176 acetic acid 177 carboxylic acids 177 esters 177 ethanoic acid 177 fatty acids 177 formic acid 177 methanoic acid 177 methylated spirits,meths 177 fluid 178 freezing 178 freezing point 178 fusion(melting) 178 kinetic theory 178 liquid 178 melting 178 melting point 178 molten 178 particles (states of matter) 178 plasma(state of matter) 178 solid 178 states of matter 178 boiling 179 boiling point 179 condensation 179 cooling curve 179 diffusion 179 heating curve 179 sublimation 179 vapour 179 vapour pressure 179 volatile liquid 179 Boyle's law 180 gas laws 180 ideal gas 180 kinetic theory of gases 180 particles(gases) 180 pressure of a gas (p) 180 temperature of a gas(T) 180 volume of a gas(V) 180 Bourdon pressure gauge 181 Charles'law 181 Charles' law of pressure 181 critical pressure 181 critical temperature 181 Dalton's law (pressure) 181 ideal gas equation 181 pressure law 181 room temperature and pressure, RTP 181 standard temperature and pressure, STP 181 group(elements) 182 periodicity 182 actinoids,actinide metals 183 lanthanoids, lanthanide metals 183 metalloids 183 metals (periodic table) 183 period (periodic table) 183 rare-earth metals 183 semiconductor 183 semimetals 183 transition metals 183 caesium 184 Chile saltpetre 184 group I elements 184 lithium 184 periodic table(alkali metals) 184 rubidium 184 Down's cell 185 extraction of alkali metals 185 Solvay process 185 uses of sodium 185 barium 186 beryllium 186 group II elements 186 periodic table(alkaline-earth metals) 186 strontium 186 lime kiln 187 magnesite 187 uses of magnesium 187 bleaching action 188 bromine 188 chlorine 188 fluorine 188 group VII elements 188 iodine 188 periodic table(halogens) 188 halides 189 hydrobromic acid 189 hydrochloric acid 189 hydrogen bromide 189 hydrogen chloride 189 hydrogen halides 189 hydrogen iodide 189 hydroiodic acid 189 testing for halides 189 uses of halogens 189 day 190 Earth's axis 190 Earth's rotation 190 equinox 190 latitude 190 longitude 190 meridian(of longitude) 190 night 190 parallel (of latitude) 190 planet Earth 190 seasons 190 shape of the Earth 190 solstice 190 Moon 191 neap tides 191 partial pressure 191 phases of the Moon 191 spring tides 191 tides 191 cambium 192 meristem 192 mineral salts 192 phloem 192 plants(roots) 192 roots 192 structure of root 192 vascular bundles 192 vascular tissue 192 xylem 192 active transport,active uptake 193 hypertonic 193 hypotonic 193 isotonic 193 osmosis 193 osmotic pressure 193 root hair 193 selectively permeable membrane 193 semipermeable membrane 193 chlorophyll 194 cuticle(leaf) 194 epidermis(leaf) 194 guard cells 194 leaf 194 leaf vein 194 mesophyll layer 194 palisade mesophyll 194 plants (leaves) 194 spongy mesophyll 194 stoma,stomata 194 flaccid 195 limiting factors(photosynthesis) 195 plasmolysis 195 potometer 195 translocation 195 transpiration 195 turgid 195 turgor 195 wilting 195 bulb(flower) 196 calyx 196 corm 196 flower 196 plants (stem and flowers) 196 receptacle 196 rhizome 196 runner 196 sepal 196 stem 196 stolon 196 tuber 196 androecium 197 anther 197 carpel(plant) 197 corolla 197 filament(plant) 197 floral formula 197 gynaecium 197 inflorescence 197 nectary 197 ovary(plant) 197 ovule 197 petal 197 pistil 197 pollen 197 stamen 197 stigma 197 style(plant) 197 air pollution 198 atmospheric pollution 198 biodegradable 198 greenhouse effect 198 greenhouse gases 198 non-biodegradable 198 pollutant 198 smokeless zones 198 CFCs,chlorofluorocarbons 199 global warming 199 lead pollution 199 ozone layer,ozonosphere 199 biological oxygen demand,B.O.D 200 B.O.D. 200 effluent 200 eutrophication 200 leaching 200 oil pollution 200 pollution II 200 unintentional enrichment 200 water pollution 200 catalytic converter 201 electrostatic smoke precipitator 201 land pollution 201 nitrate pollution 201 noise pollution 201 thermal pollution 201 addition polymerisation 202 high-density polyethene(H.D.P.E.) 202 monomer 202 Perspex 202 polychloroethene 202 polymethylmethacrylate 202 polyphenylethene 202 polypropene 202 polystyrene 202 polytetrafluoroethene,PTFE 202 polythene,polyethene 202 polyvinylchloride 202 PTFE 202 PVC 202 synthetic polymers 202 Teflon 202 condensation polymerisation 203 low-density polyethene(L.D.P.E.) 203 moulding plastics 203 plastics 203 polyamide 203 polyester 203 Terylene(polyester) 203 thermoplastic 203 thermosetting 203 acid hydrolysis 204 animal starch 204 enzyme hydrolysis 204 glucose 204 hydrolysis 204 natural polymers 204 polysaccharides 204 starch hydrolysis 204 amino acids 205 fibrous proteins 205 globular proteins 205 hydrolysis of fats 205 hydrolysis of proteins 205 peptide links 205 saponification 205 altimeter 206 aneroid barometer 206 atmospheric pressure 206 barometer 206 isobar 206 mercury barometer 206 pascal(Pa) 206 anticyclone 207 cyclone 207 depression(weather) 207 high(anticyclone) 207 low(depression) 207 manometer 207 pressure in liquids 207 siphon 207 alpha particle(α) 208 alpha radiation 208 background count 208 background radiation 208 beta particle(β) 208 beta radiation 208 natural radioactivity 208 half-life(T1/2) 209 alpha decay 210 becquerel Bq 210 beta decay 210 bubblechamber 210 cloud chamber 210 detecting radiation 210 dosimeter 210 film badge (radioactiviry) 210 gamma emission 210 Geiger counter 210 Geiger-Müller tube 210 gray(Gy) 210 handling radioactive sources 210 nuclear equation 210 nuclide 210 radioactivity II 210 radionuclide 210 scintillation counter 210 carbon dating 211 glove box 211 irradiation (sterilisation) 211 radiation sickness 211 radioactive tracing, radioactive labelling 211 radiography 211 radiology 211 radiotherapy 211 rock dating 211 sievert(Sv) 211 sterilisation (irradiation) 211 collision theory 212 measuring rates (of reaction) 212 rates of reaction 212 activator (catalyst) 213 catalysis 213 catalyst 213 inhibitor 213 intermediate(chemical) 213 negative catalyst 213 promoter(catalyst) 213 surface catalyst 213 activity series 214 reaction of metals with hydrochloric acid 214 reaction of metals with oxygen 214 reaction of metals with water 214 reactivity series of metals 214 gold 215 stability of metal compounds 215 cross-pollination 216 insect pollination 216 micropropagation 216 pollination 216 reproduction(plant) 216 self-pollination 216 tissue culture 216 vegetative propagation,vegetative reproduction 216 wind pollination 216 cotyledon 217 fruit 217 germination 217 hilum 217 plumule 217 radicle (biology) 217 seed 217 seed dispersal 217 seed leaf 217 testa 217 asexual reproduction 218 binary fission 218 budding 218 egg 218 parthenogenesis 218 reproduction (animal) 218 sperm,spermatozoon, spermatozoa 218 external fertilisation 219 gamete 219 gonads 219 internal fertilisation 219 sex cell 219 aerobic respiration 220 alveoli,alveolus 220 anaerobic respiration 220 bronchiole 220 bronchus,bronchi 220 external respiration 220 gaseous exchange 220 lactic acid 220 larynx 220 oxygen debt 220 respiratory surface 220 trachea 220 voice box 220 windpipe,(trachea) 220 breathing 221 cilia 221 diaphragm(midriff) 221 exhalation 221 expiration 221 goblet cells 221 inhalation 221 inspiration(lungs) 221 intercostal muscles 221 lung capacity 221 midriff 221 mucous membrane 221 pleural membrane,pleura 221 ventilation(breathing) 221 backward reaction 222 closed system 222 dynamic equilibrium 222 forward reaction 222 irreversible reaction 222 isolated system 222 open system 222 reversible sign 222 reversible process 222 reversible reactions and equilibria 222 static equilibrium 222 chemical equilibrium 223 equilibrium(chemical) 223 Le Chatelier's principle 223 phase equilibrium 223 acid radical 224 anhydrous 224 deliquescence 224 efflorescence 224 nomenclature of salts 224 preparation of soluble salts 224 salts 224 water of crystallisation 224 brine 225 burette(titration) 225 double decomposition 225 ionic precipitation 225 pipette 225 preparation of insoluble salts 225 sea salt 225 table salt(sodium chloride) 225 titration 225 Archimedes (screw) 226 Avogadro 226 Boyle 226 Brown 226 compressed air pump 226 Dalton 226 Darwin 226 Davy 226 Faraday 226 Galileo Galilei 226 gunpowder 226 Gutenberg 226 Harvey 226 Hooke 226 Jenner 226 Kotter 226 laws of gravitation and motion 226 Linne,Linnaeus 226 magnetic compass 226 Mendel 226 motor 226 Newton 226 pendulum 226 printing press 226 rifle 226 scientists and a few of their achievements 226 screw(Archimedes) 226 steam engine 226 Volta 226 Watt 226 wheel 226 Armstrong 227 Baird 227 Bell 227 Campbell 227 computer 227 Crick 227 Curie 227 Dolly 227 Edison 227 Einstein 227 electric light bulb 227 Fleming (bacteriologist) 227 hereditary characteristics 227 Hoff 227 Marconi 227 Mendeleev 227 microprocessor 227 Mir 227 Pasteur 227 phonograph 227 radio 227 relativity 227 Rutherford 227 telephone 227 television 227 Thomson 227 Watson 227 Wilmut 227 auxins 228 carnivorous plants 228 clinostat 228 geotropism 228 heliotropism 228 hydrotropism 228 irritability(senses) 228 photoperiodism 228 phototropism 228 tactic movement,taxis 228 taxis 228 tendril 228 thigmotropism 228 tropism 228 antennae,antenna (arthropods) 229 insectivorous plants 229 lateral line 229 nose 229 olfactory organ 229 palps(insects) 229 taste bud 229 tentacles 229 tongue 229 vibrissae (whiskers) 229 whiskers 229 china clay 230 clay 230 kaolin 230 microchip 230 quartz 230 sand 230 silica 230 silicates 230 silicon Si 230 silicon dioxide 230 asbestos 231 glass 231 silicon and silicates 231 silicones 231 cartilage 232 collagen 232 connective tissue 232 cuticle(exoskeleton) 232 ecdysis(moulting) 232 endoskeleton 232 exoskeleton 232 gristle 232 hydrostatic skeleton 232 ligament 232 moulting 232 muscle 232 ossification 232 osteoporosis 232 skeleton and muscles 232 actin 233 antagonistic pairs (muscles) 233 biceps 233 cardiac muscle 233 extensor muscles 233 flexor muscles 233 involuntary muscle 233 myosin 233 sinew 233 smooth muscles 233 striated muscles 233 tendon(sinew) 233 triceps 233 voluntary muscles 233 ankle bone 234 appendicular skeleton 234 axial skeleton 234 breastbone 234 carpals(wrist bones) 234 clavicle(collar bone) 234 coccyx 234 collar bone(clavicle) 234 femur 234 fibula 234 human skeleton 234 humerus 234 jaw bone 234 knee cap(patella) 234 mandible 234 patella(kneecap) 234 radius(bone) 234 sacrum 234 scapula(shoulder blade) 234 shoulder blade 234 skeleton(human) 234 sternum(breastbone) 234 tarsals 234 tibia 234 ulna 234 wrist bones 234 backbone 235 brain case 235 cranium 235 hip girdle 235 intervertebral discs 235 pectoral girdle 235 pelvic girdle 235 pelvis(hip) 235 rib cage 235 shoulder girdle 235 spine,spinal column 235 thorax 235 vertebrae,vertebra 235 vertebral column 235 ball-and-socket joints 236 bone 236 bone marrow 236 compact bone 236 deciduous teeth 236 gliding joints 236 hinge joints 236 joint(bone) 236 milk teeth 236 plane joints 236 skeleton (bones and teeth) 236 sliding joints 236 spongy bone 236 synovial fluid 236 synovial membrane 236 tooth 236 bicuspids(teeth) 237 canines 237 cuspid(teeth) 237 dental caries 237 dentine 237 enamel(teeth) 237 eye-teeth 237 gum disease 237 incisors 237 molars(teeth) 237 permanent teeth 237 plaque 237 premolars 237 pulp cavity(teeth) 237 tartar(teeth) 237 tooth decay 237 tricuspids (teeth) 237 wisdom teeth 237 cornified layer 238 malpighian layer 238 structure of the skin 238 dermis 239 epidermis (skn) 239 hair follicle 239 heat stroke 239 hypothermia 239 melanin 239 sebaceous glands 239 sense organs in the skin 239 skin cancer 239 subcutaneous layer 239 sweat gland 239 vasoconstriction 239 vasodilation 239 aurora 240 aurora australis 240 aurora borealis 240 cosmic rays,cosmic radiation 240 northern lights 240 solar flares 240 solar system 240 solar wind 240 southern lights 240 Sun 240 sunspot 240 asteroid 241 comet 241 Jupiter 241 Mars 241 Mercury(planet) 241 meteor 241 meteorite 241 minor planet 241 Neptune 241 planet 241 Pluto 241 Saturn 241 shooting star 241 Uranus 241 Venus 241 compression (sound) 242 echo 242 echolocation 242 rarefaction(sound) 242 rate curve 242 sonic boom 242 sound and ultrasound 242 sound waves 242 speed of sound 242 subsonic 242 supersonic 242 Doppler effect 243 infrasound 243 sonar,sound navigation and ranging 243 ultrasonic cleaning 243 ultrasonic stress detection 243 ultrasound 243 ultrasound scanning 243 beats(sound) 244 decibel(dB) 244 loudness 244 musical notes 244 musical scale 244 octave 244 pitch(sound) 244 sound and musical notes 244 vibrating strings 244 antinode(sound) 245 harmonics 245 natural frequency 245 node(sound) 245 overtones 245 quality of sound 245 resonance 245 reverberation 245 sonometer 245 timbre 245 constellation 246 Earth(planet) 246 galaxy 246 gaseous nebula 246 Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams 246 life of a star 246 main sequence 246 neutron star 246 protostar 246 red giant(star) 246 red supergiant 246 stars and the Universe 246 stellar evolution 246 white dwarf 246 big-bang theory 247 black hole 247 expansion of the Universe 247 light-year 247 Milky Way(galaxy) 247 outer space 247 parsec 247 pulsar 247 quasar 247 radio astronomy 247 red shift 247 steady-state theory 247 supernova 247 Universe 247 black lead(graphite) 248 crystals 248 diamond 248 dislocation(crystal) 248 giant structures 248 graphite 248 plumbago 248 structure and properties 248 allotropes 249 atomic lattice 249 buckyballs 249 close packing(structure) 249 fullerenes 249 ionic crystals 249 lattice 249 metallic lattice 249 accuracy 250 error 250 parallax error 250 reading error 250 studying science (accuracy and errors) 250 analogue reading 251 decimal places (dp) 251 digital reading 251 percentage error 251 rounding (of numbers) 251 significant figures (sf) 251 zero error 251 base unit 252 candela 252 metre 252 scalar quantity 252 second 252 studying science (quantities and units) 252 units 252 vector quantity 252 conventions for units and symbols 253 conversion factors to SI units 253 prefix(units) 253 measurement of force 254 measurement of length 254 measurement of mass 254 measurement of volume 254 micrometer screw gauge 254 studying science(measurement) 254 vernier caliper 254 vernier scale 254 compound microscope 255 electron micrograph 255 electron microscope 255 magnification value 255 microscope 255 resolving power 255 chlorination 256 fluoridation 256 hard water 256 soft water 256 temporary hardness(water) 256 water and detergents 256 detergents 257 ion exchange resins 257 micelle 257 permanent hardness(water) 257 soapless detergents 257 stalactite 257 stalagmite 257 synthetic detergents 257 washing soda 257 longitudinal wave 258 medium(waves) 258 progressive wave 258 standing wave 258 stationary wave 258 transverse wave 258 wavelength(λ) 258 waves(types and properties) 258 action of a detergent 259 cycles per second 259 diffraction(waves) 259 hertz,Hz 259 interference (waves) 259 reflection(waves) 259 refraction(waves) 259 ripple tank 259 velocity,v(wave) 259 wave equation 259 wave intensity 259 hair colour 260 jacking system 260 zany and curious science 260 nerve gas 261 quark 261 radioactive blankets 261 unmanageable hair 261 xenotransplants 261 yolk 261 zip 261 root mean square value,r.m.s.value 68 neutralisation 3 neutralisation 224 carbon dioxide 4 carbon dioxide 166 nitrogen,N 4 nitrogen,N 168 isotopes 6 isotopes 126 atom 6 atom 227 electron 6 electron 227 proton 6 proton 227 radioisotope,radioactive isotope 7 radioisotope,radioactive isotope 208 chemical compound 8 chemical compound 149 atoms and molecules 8 atoms and molecules 226 molecule 8 molecule 260 microbes 10 microbes 227 bacteria,bacterium 10 bacteria,bacterium 260 inoculation 11 inoculation 226 penicillins 11 penicillins 227 cell(electrical) 12 cell(electrical) 226 voltaic cell 12 voltaic cell 226 activation energy 22 activation energy 212 synthesis (chemical) 24 synthesis (chemical) 149 biological classification 28 biological classification 226 insect,Insecta 33 insect,Insecta 260 stainless steel 41 stainless steel 147 epiglottis 46 epiglottis 220 carbon monoxide 49 carbon monoxide 166 conductor 58 conductor 114 insulator 58 insulator 114 lightning 59 lightning 260 p.d. 61 p.d. 226 capacitance 61 capacitance 253 ampere,amp.(A) 62 ampere,amp.(A) 252 current (electric) 62 current (electric) 253 electrical conductivity 64 electrical conductivity 146 resistance (electrical) 64 resistance (electrical) 253 dynamo 66 dynamo 226 transformer 66 transformer 226 a.c. 68 a.c. 226 kilowatts 68 kilowatts 260 gamma rays(γ) 73 gamma rays(γ) 209 ultraviolet radiation 73 ultraviolet radiation 226 electromagnetism 74 electromagnetism 226 light-dependent resistor,LDR 76 light-dependent resistor,LDR 226 light-emitting diode,LED 76 light-emitting diode,LED 226 silicon chip 77 silicon chip 230 energy 78 energy 253 work 78 work 253 power 79 power 253 evolution 82 evolution 227 osmoregulation 84 osmoregulation 116 kidneys 84 kidneys 117 photosynthesis 88 photosynthesis 194 cellulose 88 cellulose 204 starch 88 starch 204 proteins 88 proteins 205 adipose tissue 88 adipose tissue 239 food and nutrition 88 food and nutrition 260 minerals 89 minerals 102 gravitation 90 gravitation 226 force F 90 force F 253 Newton's law of motion 92 Newton's law of motion 226 kilogram (kg) 92 kilogram (kg) 252 equilibrium 93 equilibrium 223 DNA 96 DNA 227 circulation of the blood 108 circulation of the blood 226 pyrometer 112 pyrometer 113 thermometer 112 thermometer 226 temperature 112 temperature 253 kelvin,K 113 kelvin,K 252 thermal conductivity 114 thermal conductivity 146 radiation 114 radiation 208 lungs 116 lungs 220 androgens 118 androgens 119 oestrogen 118 oestrogen 119 oral contraceptive 119 oral contraceptive 125 ADH 119 ADH 226 birth 122 birth 260 childbirth 122 childbirth 260 gestation(pregnancy) 122 gestation(pregnancy) 260 test-tube baby 123 test-tube baby 227 intra-uterine device 124 intra-uterine device 125 ammonia gas 128 ammonia gas 168 sulfuric acid, sulfuric(VI) acid 129 sulfuric acid, sulfuric(VI) acid 167 light(basics) 130 light(basics) 226 lenses 134 lenses 226 astronomical telescope 135 astronomical telescope 226 yellow 136 yellow 137 colour(light) 136 colour(light) 226 pulley 139 pulley 226 dolomite 144 dolomite 187 rock salt 144 rock salt 225 metals(extraction) 144 metals(extraction) 226 cast iron 145 cast iron 147 wrought iron 145 wrought iron 147 metal properties 146 metal properties 183 sodium chloride 146 sodium chloride 225 sodium carbonate 146 sodium carbonate 257 saltpetre 147 saltpetre 184 gypsum 147 gypsum 187 evaporation 152 evaporation 179 fractional distillation,fractionation 153 fractional distillation,fractionation 172 Avogadro number,Avogadro constant(L) 154 Avogadro number,Avogadro constant(L) 226 mole,mol 154 mole,mol 252 velocity 156 velocity 261 amplitude (a) 158 amplitude (a) 258 period(T)(wave) 158 period(T)(wave) 259 CNS 162 CNS 226 ANS 165 ANS 226 substitution reaction 175 substitution reaction 215 gas 178 gas 180 Brownian motion 179 Brownian motion 226 periodic table of elements 182 periodic table of elements 227 alkali metals 184 alkali metals 185 occurrence(periodic table) 184 occurrence(periodic table) 186 alkaline-earth metals 186 alkaline-earth metals 187 calcium 186 calcium 214 anhydrite 187 anhydrite 147 halogens 188 halogens 189 pollution I 198 pollution I 261 acidrain 199 acidrain 260 polymers (synthetic) 202 polymers (synthetic) 248 nylon 203 nylon 204 macromolecules 204 macromolecules 248 polymers(natural) 204 polymers(natural) 248 pressure 206 pressure 253 radioactivityI 208 radioactivityI 253 radioactive decay 209 radioactive decay 237 copper 214 copper 215 iron 214 iron 215 zinc 214 zinc 215 displacement reactions 215 displacement reactions 189 sexual reproduction 216 sexual reproduction 218 fertilisation 216 fertilisation 219 clone 216 clone 227 ovum,ova 218 ovum,ova 261 SI units,Système International d'Unités 226 SI units,Système International d'Unités 252 c.p.s. 226 c.p.s. 259 sense organs,sensory organs 228 sense organs,sensory organs 229 smell 229 smell 261 skull 235 skull 236 skin 238 skin 116 water 256 water 261 density(p) 42 density(p) 146 density(p) 260 infra-red radiation 73 infra-red radiation 114 infra-red radiation 226 heat 110 heat 112 heat 114 chalk 144 chalk 147 chalk 187 common salt 146 common salt 184 common salt 225 limestone 147 limestone 187 limestone 103 non-metals 166 non-metals 168 non-metals 183 methanol 176 methanol 177 methanol 127 chemical properties (periodic table) 184 chemical properties (periodic table) 186 chemical properties (periodic table) 188 physical properties (periodic table) 184 physical properties (periodic table) 186 physical properties (periodic table) 188 potassium 184 potassium 214 potassium 215 magnesium 186 magnesium 214 magnesium 215 frequency,f 72 frequency,f 158 frequency,f 253 frequency,f 258 marble 103 marble 144 marble 147 marble 187 sodium 184 sodium 185 sodium 214 sodium 215 protozoans,protozoa 10 protozoans,protozoa 28 haemophilia 100 haemophilia 15 battery 12 battery 62 reproduction (human) 120 reproduction (human) 122 reproduction (human) 124 reproduction (human) 18 decomposition (chemical) 149 decomposition (chemical) 24 acceleration 157 acceleration 92 excretion 18 excretion 84 nutrition 18 nutrition 88 oxides 2 oxides 40 fats 204 fats 88 glycogen 204 glycogen 88 anion 21 anion 70 cation 21 cation 70 endothermic reaction 22 endothermic reaction 24 exothermic reaction 22 exothermic reaction 24 respiration 220 respiration 18 sensitivity 228 sensitivity 18 polymerisation 24 polymerisation 202 redox reaction 24 redox reaction 40 combustion 24 combustion 94 autotrophic nutrition 30 autotrophic nutrition 88 heterotrophic nutrition 32 heterotrophic nutrition 88 holozoic nutrition 32 holozoic nutrition 88 radio waves 36 radio waves 73 transducer 36 transducer 79 polarisation (electromagnetic waves) 37 polarisation (electromagnetic waves) 72 enzymes 45 enzymes 80 enzymes 260 electric charge 58 electric charge 60 electric charge 253 chemical formulae 8 chemical formulae 26 variation 82 variation 99 feeding 88 feeding 44 inheritance 96 inheritance 82