A 1

A 1

A 1 (ā wŭn). A registry mark given by underwriters (as at Lloyd's) to ships in first-class condition. Inferior grades are indicated by A 2 and A 3.

A 1 is also applied colloquially to other things to imply superiority; prime; first-class; first-rate.



||Aam (ôm or äm), n. [D. aam, fr. LL. ama; cf. L. hama a water bucket, Gr. ?] A Dutch and German measure of liquids, varying in different cities, being at Amsterdam about 41 wine gallons, at Antwerp 36½, at Hamburg 38¼. [Written also Aum and Awm.]



||Aard"-vark` (ärd"värk`), n. [D., earth-pig.] (Zoöl.) An edentate mammal, of the genus Orycteropus, somewhat resembling a pig, common in some parts of Southern Africa. It burrows in the ground, and feeds entirely on ants, which it catches with its long, slimy tongue.



||Aard"-wolf` (ärd"w?lf), n. [D, earth-wolf] (Zoöl.) A carnivorous quadruped (Proteles Lalandii), of South Africa, resembling the fox and hyena. See Proteles.



{ Aa*ron"ic (?*rŏn"ĭk), Aa*ron"ic*al (-ĭ*kal), } a. Pertaining to Aaron, the first high priest of the Jews.