abacus 22 abbreviations and mnemonics 2 Abelian group 123 abscissa 36 abscissa 161 abscissa 170 absolute difference 20 absolute error 4 absolute value (of a vector) 154 abundant numbers 76 acceleration 62 accuracy 4 acre 150 acronym 2 acute angle 12 acute angle 168 acute triangle 144 addend 166 addition (of numbers) 20 addition (of matrices) 73 addition formulas 149 additive number systems 81 Adelard of Bath 70 adjacent angles 53 aggregate 20 algebra(basics) 6 algebra(basics) 168 algebra (equations) 8 algebra (functions) 10 algebraic fraction 51 algebraic number 163 algorithm 134 algorithm 170 alidade 125 alidade 170 aliquant part 166 aliquot part 166 aliquot part 170 al'Khwarizmi 69 alpha(A,α) 128 alphametics 100 alternate angles 53 alternate segments 28 alternating series 105 altitude (of a pyramid) 96 altitude (of a triangle) 144 am or a.m. 2 ambiguous case 147 amicable pair 76 amicable pair 170 anchor-ring 108 angle at the centre 28 angle in a segment 28 angle in a semicircle 28 angle of depression 13 angle of elevation 13 angle properties of circles 28 angles 12 angles 168 angle sum of a polygon 90 annual percentage rate 18 annuity 19 annulus 26 anticlockwise 164 antiprism 96 AP 2 AP 104 aperiodic tiling 138 aperiodic tiling 170 apex 96 apex 161 apex 170 Apollonius' circle 30 apothem 133 approximation 4 approximation 158 approximation 168 APR 18 APR 2 arc(in topology) 140 arc(of a circle) 26 arc(of a circle) 48 arc(of a curve) 38 Archimedean solids 92 Archimedes 68 Archimedes 170 Archimedes'spiral 38 arcos 146 arcsin 146 arcsin 170 arctan 146 are 150 are 170 area 111 area 168 area (ofan ellipse) 49 area (ofan ellipse) 34 area(of a polygon) 90 area(ofa sector) 48 area(ofa sector) 26 area(of a triangle) 48 area(of a triangle) 147 area under a curve 135 area (units for) 150 Argand diagram 83 argument 64 arithmetic (basics) 14 arithmetic (basics) 170 arithmetic (basics) 168 arithmetic(commercial) 16 arithmetic (social) 18 arithmetic(the 4 rules) 20 arithmetic mean 118 arithmetic progression 104 arithmetic series 105 array 72 arrowhead 98 associative 122 assumption 64 asterithms 100 asterithms 170 astroid 40 astroid 170 asymmetric 131 asymmetric 170 asymptote 38 asymptote 170 atto- 153 augend 166 automorphic numbers 76 auxiliary circle 31 average 118 average 168 average speed 62 axes 36 axes 161 axes 170 axiom 64 axis of rotation 131 axis of symmetry 131 Babylonian number system 81 back bearing 74 bar chart 116 bar chart 158 bar chart 168 barrel(a measure) 151 barrel (a shape) 108 base(of a cone) 32 base (of an index) 78 base (of a number system) 80 base (of a pyramid) 96 base (of a triangle) 144 base line 124 BASIC 56 beam compass 58 bearing 74 benchmarks 125 beta(B,β) 128 biased 94 bicimal 163 bicimal 170 bilateral symmetry 131 bilateral symmetry 170 billion 79 bimodal 113 binary 80 binary 170 binary operation 122 binomial 9 binomial 170 biquadratic 163 bisect 133 bisect 170 bisect 168 bit 56 block graph 116 BODMAS 2 border patterns 84 bounds 11 bow compass 58 bow compass 170 box and whisker diagram 120 boxplot 120 brackets 15 brackets 127 breadth 111 bridges of Königsberg 47 bureau de change 18 bushel 150 buying price 17 byte 56 C 82 C and C++ 56 calculating aids 22 calculus 24 calculator 57 cap (of a sphere) 108 capacity (or volume) 158 capacity (or volume) 168 capacity (units for) 150 carat 150 Cardano 70 cardinal number 83 cardioid 40 cardioid 170 Cartesian coordinates 36 cash discount 17 casting out 9's 15 categorical data 114 catenary 38 catenary 170 Celsius scale 136 Celsius scale 170 centi- 153 centigrade (angle) 13 centigrade (temperature) 136 centilitre 150 centillion 79 centimetre 150 centre 26 centre 168 centre of enlargement 143 centre of rotation 142 centre of symmetry 130 centred-polygon number 88 centroid 144 centroid 170 certain 164 chain 150 chaining line 124 chance 94 changing the subject 7 chi(X,x) 128 chi(X,x) 170 chord 26 chord 49 chord 170 circle 26 circle 48 circle 168 circle (from an ellipse) 34 circle projections 31 circles and their properties 28 circles related to other shapes 30 circular cone 32circular functions..149 circular paraboloid 109 circumcentre- 30 circumcircle 30 circumference 26 circumference 110 circumference 168 circumscribe 133 circum-sphere 92 class 112 class interval and limits 112 clinometer 60 clinometer 170 clockwise 164 closed 122 closed curve 38 codomain 10 coefficient 6 collinear 52 collinear 170 column matrix 72 column vector 156 combination 79 combined events 95 common factors 44 common fraction 50 common logarithms 162 common tangent 28 commutative 122 commutative 170 commutative group 123 compass and traverse 125 compass angles 74 compass (for drawing) 58 complement (of a set) 106 complement (of an angle) 12 complementary addition 21 complementary angles 12 complementary angles 158 complementary ratios 146 complex numbers 83 composite number 44 compound events 95 compound interest 16 compound interest 168 compound measures 63 computer 56 concave 90 concave 168 concentric circles 26 concurrent 111 conditional equation 7 conditional probability 95 cones,cylinders,spheres 32 cones,cylinders,spheres 49 cones,cylinders,spheres 168 congruent(in number) 123 congruent (in shape) 53 congruent (in shape) 159 conic sections 34 conjecture 66 conjecture 159 conjecture 170 conjugate angles 12 consecutive numbers 14 constant 6 constant '...' 62 constant term 7 Consumer Price Index 19 continued product 105 continuous data 112 contrapositive 66 convention for letters 6 convention for letters 152 convergent series 105 converse 66 conversion factors 151 conversion graph 137 conversion scale 137 convex polygon 90 convex polygon 168 convex polyhedron 92 coordinate pair 3 coordinate systems 36 coordinate systems 168 coprime 162 corollary 66 correlation 116 corresponding angles 53 cos^-1 146 cosecant 146 cosine 146 cosine 168 cosine curve 148 cosine rule 48 cosine rule 147 Cost of Living Index 19 cost price 17 cotangent 146 counter-example 64 counting numbers 82 counting on 20 counting-out problems 100 crescent 108 crescent 170 cross-multiplication 134 cross-section 96 cross-staff 60 cryptarithms 100 cube(number) 15 cube(shape) 92 cube(shape) 168 cube root 15 cubic(equation) 163 cubic(graph) 55 cubic (units of volume) 150 cuboid 92 cumulative frequency 116 depreciation 16 depreciation 168 cumulative frequency diagram 116 curve 164 curve of constant width 111 curve of pursuit 38 curved surface of a cone 32 curved surface of a cylinder 32 curves 38 cusp 40 cutting numbers 77 cycles 76 cyclic formulas 147 cyclic quadrilateral 31 cyclic variations 114 cyclic variations 170 cycloids 40 cycloids 170 cyclotomy 47 cyclotomy 170 cylinder 32 cylinder 49 cylinder 168 dart 98 data 112 data 161 database 56 datum 125 datum 161 day 150 deca- 153 decagon 90 decametre 150 deceleration 62 decem- 164 deci- 153 decimal(system) 80 decimal(system) 168 decimal fraction 50 decimal places 5 decimal point 50 decimetre 150 decomposition 20 deficient numbers 76 definite integral 25 degree 12 degree of a term 8 degree of an expression 8 Delian problem 46 delta(Δ,δ) 24 delta(Δ,δ) 128 deltahedron 92 deltoid 98 deltoid 40 denary 80 denary 170 denominator 50 denumerable 107 dependent event 95 dependent variable 11 depth 111 derangements 163 derivative 24 derived function 24 Descartes 172 determinant 73 deviation 119 diagonal (ofa shape) 90 diagonal (ofa shape) 110 diagonal (ofa shape) 168 diagonal (of a matrix) 72 diagonal matrix 73 diagonal scales 58 diameter 26 diameter 168 diamond 98 difference 20 difference 164 difference 166 difference of two squares 135 differential calculus 24 differential coefficient 24 digit 14 digit sum 15 digital invariants 77 digital root 15 dihedral angle 110 dimension(of a shape) 111 dimension(of a vector) 156 Diophantine equations 9 Diophantine equations 170 Diophantine problems 101 Diophantus 69 direct common tangent 28 direct isometry 143 direct proof 65 direct proportion 165 direct variation 165 directed numbers 82 direction 74 directrix 34 directrix 161 directrix 170 discount 17 discrete data 112 disjoint 107 disk or disc 159 dispersion 113 displacement 62 dissections 102 dissections 170 distance-time graph 63 distribution 113 distributive law 123 divergent series 105 dividend 21 dividers 58 division 21 division 168 division of fractions 3 divisor 21 dodeca- 164 dodecagon 90 dodecahedron 92 dodecahedron 170 domain 10 domain 170 dot product 157 doubling sequence 104 dozen 79 dp or d.p. 2 drop a perpendicular 133 duodecimal 80 duplication of a cube 46 e 3 eccentric circles 26 eccentric circles 170 eccentricity 34 edge(in topology) 140 edge (of a polyhedron) 92 edge(of a shape) 110 edge(of a shape) 168 Egyptian number system 81 element(of a matrix) 72 element(of a set) 106 elevation 132 elimination 7 ellipse 34 ellipse 49 ellipse 168 ellipsoid 109 empty set 106 ends(ofa cylinder) 32 enlargement 143 ennea- 164 enumerate 107 enumerate 170 envelope 38 epicycloid 40 eponyms 42 eponyms 170 epsilon(E,ε) 128 equal addition 20 equally likely 94 equation 7 equation 168 equations of uniform motion 63 equator 74 equiangular polygon 90 equiangular polygon 170 equiangular spiral 38 equilateral polygon 90 equilateral triangle 144 equivalent 165 equivalent fractions 51 equivalent measures 151 Eratosthenes 68 Eratosthenes'sieve 42 error 4 Escher 138 escribed circles 30 escribed circles 170 estimation 4 estimation 158 estimation 168 eta(H,η) 128 Euclid 68 Euclid 170 Euclidean geometry 52 Euclid's algorithm 42 Euler 71 Euler 170 Euler points 144 Euler square 101 Euler's formula 3 Euler's formula 140 evaluate 165 even numbers 14 even numbers 168 even vertex 140 evens 95 event 94 exa- 153 exclusive 158 expansion 9 experimental probability 94 explicit function 11 exponent 78 exponential 55 expression 6 exterior vertex angle 90 extrapolation 55 extrapolation 170 f 112 f(x) 10 F(x,y) 11 face(in topology) 140 face(ofa shape) 110 face diagonal 110 factorial 78 factorisinga number 47 factors (in algebra) 9 factors,multiples and primes 44 Fahrenheit scale 136 fair 94 fallacy 67 fallacy 170 false 64 famous problems 46 feet 150 femto- 153 Fermat 70 Fermat's last theorem 42 Fermat's problem 42 ferry problems 101 Fibonacci 70 Fibonacci 170 Fibonacci sequence 104 field 56 figurate numbers 88 figurate numbers 170 figure 14 finite 165 finite set 107 first quadrant 54 flow diagram 9 focus 34 focus 161 focus 170 foot 150 foot of a perpendicular 133 formula 7 formula 161 formula 168 formulas for shapes 48 four 4's 100 four-colour problem 47 fourth quadrant 54 fractions 50 fractions 168 free vector 154 French curves 59 frequency 94 frequency 112 frequency diagram 116 frieze patterns 84 frieze patterns 170 frustum of a cone 32 frustum of a cone 161 frustum of a pyramid 49 frustum of a pyramid 96 full turn 12 function 10 function machine 9 fundamental theorem of arithmetic 44 furlong 150 g 2 gallon 150 gamma(Γ,y) 128 Gauss 71 Gauss 170 Gaussian integer 42 Gb 56 gelosia multiplication 22 gelosia multiplication 170 general angles 148 geodesic line 111 geodesic line 170 geodetic surveying 124 geometric constructions 46 geometric constructions 170 geometric mean 163 geometric progression 104 geometric series 105 geometry 52 geometry 168 giga- 153 giga- 170 gill 150 gill 170 glide reflection 143 global maximum or minimum 24 GMT or G.M.T. 2 Gödel 71 Goldbach's conjecture 42 golden ratio 132 golden rectangle 98 googol and googolplex 79 googol and googolplex 170 GP 2 GP 104 grade or grad 13 gradient 54 Graeco-Latin squares 101 Graeco-Latin squares 170 grain 150 gram 150 graphics calculator 57 graph(in topology) 140 graphs 54 graphs 168 gravitationa acceleration 153 great circle 74 Greek alphabet 128 Greek number system 81 Greenwich meridian 74 Gregory series 87 grid references 36 gross (a quantity) 79 gross (in money or weight) 17 group 123 grouped data 112 half-angle formulas(for triangles) 149 Hamiltonian walk 42 happy numbers 77 harmonic series 105 Harshad numbers 76 haversine 162 hcf or h.c.f. 2 hcf or h.c.f. 44 hectare 150 hecto- 153 hectometre 150 height 111 helix 38 helix 161 hemisphere 32 hendeca- 164 hept- 164 hept- 164 heptagon 90 Heron 69 Heronian triangle 42 Heron's formula 48 hex- 164 hexadecimal 80 hexagon 90 hexagon 168 hexahedron 92 hexiamonds 102 hexiamonds 170 highest common factor 44 Hilbert 71 Hindu-Arabic number system 80 histogram 116 histogram 158 horizontal 53 horizontal 168 hour 150 Hypatia 69 Hypatia 170 hyperbola 34 hyperbola 161 hyperbolic spiral 38 hypocycloid 40 hypotenuse 144 hypotenuse 169 hypotenuse 170 hypothesis 66 hypothesis 159 hypothesis 161 hypothesis 170 i 83 i 156 icosahedron 92 icosahedron 170 identification numbers 83 identity (in algebra) 7 identity (in operations) 122 identity matrix 73 iff 67 illusions 103 image 142 imaginary numbers 83 imperial units 150 implicit function 11 improper fraction 50 incentre 30 inch 150 incircle 30 inclusive 158 income tax 18 indefinite integral 25 independent equations 8 independent events 95 independent variable 11 indeterminate equations 9 index notation 78 index notation 161 index notation 170 index numbers 121 indirect proof 65 indirect variation 165 inequalities 55 infinite 165 infinite series 105 infinite set 107 infinitesimal 24 infinitesimal calculus 24 infinity 25 infinity 169 infix notation 167 inflation 19 inflection 35 information technology 56 inner product 157 inscribe 133 in-sphere 92 instalment 18 instruments 58 instruments and mechanisms 60 integers 82 integral calculus 25 intercept 54 interest 16 interior vertex angle 90 interpolation 54 interpolation 170 interquartile range 119 intersecting chords 28 intersection 107 intuitive 64 intuitive 170 invalid 64 invalid 170 invariable 165 inverse (operator) 123 inverse cosine 146 inverse function 11 inverse matrix 73 inverse proportion 165 inverse sine 146 inverse square 55 inverse tangent 146 iota (I,c) 128 iota (I,c) 170 irrational numbers 82 irreducible 9 irregular quadrilateral 98 isogon 90 isometric drawing 132 isometric drawing 170 isometry 143 isosceles trapezium 98 isosceles triangle 144 isosceles triangle 170 isosceles triangle 169 iteration 134 iteration 170 j 83 J 156 Jordan curve 42 k 156 kappa(K,K) 128 Kaprekar's constant 76 Kb 56 kelvin 152 Kelvin scale 136 Kendall's rank order coefficient 121 kg 2 kg 152 kilo- 153 kilogram 150 kilogram 152 kilogram 170 kilometre 150 km, kilometre 150 kinematics 62 kite 98 km 2 knot 153 Lor 1 2 Lor 152 lambda(A,λ) 128 Latin squares 101 latitude 74 laws of indices 134 lcd or l.c.d. 2 lcd or l.c.d. 50 lcm or l.c.m. 2 lcm or l.c.m. 44 leading diagonal 72 leap year 150 least squares 121 left-handed system 157 left/right identity 123 Leibnitz 71 Leibnitz 170 lemma 66 lemma 171 length 111 length(units for) 150 level 60 light year 153 like terms 6 likely 164 limit 25 line 52 line of best fit 54 line of best fit 116 line segment 52 line symmetry 130 linear 52 linear 171 linear equation 8 linear graph 54 linear programming 135 literal expression 6 litre 150 local maximum or minimum 24 locus 38 locus 161 logarithms 162 logic(language) 64 logic (practice) 66 LOGO 56 long division 21 longitude 74 longitude 171 look-see proof 65 loss 17 lower quartile 119 lowest common denominator 50 lowest common multiple 44 lozenge 98 Lucas sequence 104 lucky number sequence 104 lune 108 lune 171 m 2 m 152 magic squares 101 magnitude 4 magnitude 164 magnitude (of a vector) 157 main diagonal 72 major arc, sector,segment 26 major axis 34 many-to-one correspondence 10 mapping 10 mapping a pattern 84 mapping diagram 10 mark-up 17 Mascheroni constructions 46 Mascheroni constructions 171 mass (or weight) 158 mass (units for) 150 mathematicians(1) 68 mathematicians(2) 70 matrices 72 matrix 72 matrix 161 matrix 169 matrix 171 maximum 24 maximum 161 Mb 56 mean 118 mean deviation 119 measures of central tendency 118 measuring problems 101 median (in statistics) 118 median (in statistics) 171 median(of a triangle) 144 median triangle 144 mediator 133 mega- 153 member 106 meridian 74 meridian 171 Mersenne 70 Mersenne 171 Mersenne primes 42 metre 150 metre 152 metric units 150 micro- 153 mid-ordinate rule 135 mile 150 milli- 153 milligram 150 millilitre 150 millimetre 150 million 79 minimum 24 minimum 161 minor arc,sector,segment 26 minor axis 34 minuend 166 minute(ofangle) 12 minute (oftime) 150 mirror line 142 mirror symmetry 131 mixed number 50 mnemonic 3 mnemonic 171 Möbius band 43 Möbius band 171 mod 2 mod 123 modal class 113 mode 118 modulo arithmetic 123 modulo arithmetic 171 modulus (of a number) 123 modulus (of a vector) 157 month 150 mosaic 138 mosaic 171 motif 84 motif 171 moving average 120 mu(M,μ) 128 multigrades 77 multinomial 9 multiple 44 multiple-angle formula 149 multiplicand 166 multiplicand 171 multiplication (of matrices) 73 multiplication(of numbers) 21 multiplier 166 mutually exclusive events 95 N 82 nano- 153 Napier 70 Napier's rods 23 natural logarithms 162 natural numbers 82 natural numbers 104 nautical mile 153 navigation 74 necessary and sufficient 66 necessary and sufficient 67 necessary and sufficient 159 negative angles 13 negative angles 148 negative correlation 116 negative gradient 54 negative index 78 negative numbers 82 negative vector 154 negatively skewed 113 nephroid 40 nephroid 171 nested multiplication 7 net(in money and weight) 17 net(ofa shape) 92 network 140 Newton 71 node 140 node 171 nominal value 5 nominal value 171 nomogram 23 nomogram 171 non-convex polyhedron 92 non-periodic tiling 138 nona- 164 nonagon 90 normal distribution 113 notation(for tessellations) 138 notation (for triangles) 146 notation(for vectors) 156 nu(N,v) 128 nu(N,v) 171 null set 106 null vector 156 number diversions 76 number forms 78 number line 82 number pattern 84 number systems 80 numbers 82 numbers (in arithmetic) 14 numbers (in arithmetic) 169 number theory 162 numeral 14 numerator 50 numerical data 114 object 142 oblique circular cone 32 oblique pyramid 96 oblique pyramid 171 oblong 98 obtuse angle 12 obtuse angle 169 obtusetriangle 144 oct- 164 octagon 90 octagon 169 octahedron 92 octal 80 odd numbers 14 odd numbers 169 odd vertex 140 odds 95 offset 124 ogee 166 ogive 166 ogive 171 omega(Ω,ω) 128 omicron(O,o) 128 one-to-many correspondence 10 one-to-one correspondence 10 operation 122 operator 122 opposite angles 53 opposite isometry 143 order(of a matrix) 72 order(of a vertex) 140 order of magnitude 4 order of operations 15 order of rotational symmetry 130 ordered pair 36 ordinal numbers 83 ordinate 36 origin 36 orthocentre 144 orthogonal 52 orthogonal 171 orthogonal circles 31 orthogonal vectors 154 orthogonal vectors 157 ounce 150 outcome 94 overheads 17 P(.)P()or Pr() 94 P,Q(logic symbols) 67 palindrome 76 palindrome 171 pandigital 76 pandigital 171 pantograph 61 parabola 34 parabola 161 parabola 169 paraboloid 109 paradox 67 parallel 52 parallel 169 parallel ruler 59 parallel vectors 157 parallelepiped 108 parallelepiped 171 parallelogram 48 parallelogram 98 parallelogram 169 parametric equations 40 parametric equations 171 parity 14 parity 171 partial sum 105 partition (a number) 77 partition (a number) 171 partition(as division) 159 Pascal 70 Pascal's triangle 43 patterns 84 Pearson's product moment 121 Peaucellier's mechanism 61 peck 150 pedal triangle 144 pedal triangle 171 pent- 164 pentagon 90 pentagon 169 pentominoes 103 per cent 51 per cent 16 per cent 169 per mil 16 percentage error 4 percentage point 16 percentile 118 perfect numbers 76 perfect square 15 Perigal's dissection 43 perigon 111 perimeter 110 perimeter 169 periodic decimal 50 periodic decimal 171 periodicity (of a curve) 148 periodicity (of a curve) 171 periodic tiling 138 periodic variations 114 permutation 79 permutation 171 perpendicular 52 perpendicular 169 perpendicular bisector 133 perpendicular height (of a cone) 32 perpendicular height (of a pyramid) 96 perpendicular height (of a triangle) 144 perpendicular vectors 157 persistence 77 peta- 153 peta- 171 phi(Φ,ø) 128 phi(Φ,ø) 171 pi(II,π) 3 pi(II,π) 86 pi(II,π) 105 pi(II,π) 128 Pick's theorem 43 pico- 153 pico- 171 pictogram 116 pie chart 116 pie chart 169 pint 150 place-holder 81 place-values 80 place-values 81 plan 132 plane 52 plane 169 plane curve 38 plane geometry 52 plane shape 110 plane surveying 124 plane symmetry 131 plane table 125 plane vector 154 planimeter 61 planimeter 171 Platonic solids 92 Platonic solids 171 plumb-line 60 plurals 161 pm or p.m. 2 PMCC 121 Poincaré 71 point 52 point of inflection 25 point symmetry 130 points of the compass 74 polar axis 36 polar coordinates 36 pole (in navigation) 74 pole (in polar coordinates) 36 polite numbers 77 polycubes 103 polygon numbers 88 polygons 90 polygons 161 polygons 169 polygrams 102 polyhedrons 92 polyhedrons 161 polyhedrons 169 polyhexes 102 polyiamonds 102 polyiamonds 171 polynomial expression 9 polyominoes 103 polyominoes 171 population 112 population pyramids 121 position vector 154 positive angle 13 positive correlation 116 positive index 78 positive integers or numbers 82 positive integers or numbers 169 positively skewed 113 possibility 94 possible 159 postfix notation 167 pound 150 power 78 prefix(for SI units) 153 prefix(general) 164 premise 64 premise 171 primary data 114 prime factors 44 prime number 44 prime number 169 principal 16 principal diagonal 72 prism 96 prism 171 prismatoid 162 prismoid 109 prismoid 171 probability 94 probability scale 94 probable 159 produce 133 product 21 profit 17 program 56 programmable calculator 57 programming language 56 proof 65 proof by contradiction 65 proof by exhaustion 65 proof by induction 65 proper divisors 44 proper factors 44 proper fraction 50 proper subset 106 property 165 proportion 165 proposition 64 pro rata 17 pro rata 171 protractor 58 psi(Ψ,ψ) 128 psi(Ψ,ψ) 171 Ptolemy 69 Ptolemy 171 Ptolemy's theorem 31 pyramid number 166 pyramids and prisms 49 pyramids and prisms 96 Pythagoras 68 Pythagoras' theorem 147 Pythagorean triplets 43 Q 82 QED 2 quad- 164 quadrants 54 quadratic equation 8 quadratic graph 55 quadrature 167 quadrilaterals 98 quadrilaterals 90 quadrivium 167 qualitative data 114 quantitative data 114 quart 150 quartic 163 quartile 119 quin- 164 quincunx 167 quinquangle 167 quintic 163 quota,quota sampling 115 quotient 21 quotient 171 quotition 159 quotition 171 R 82 radial survey 125 radian 13 radius 26 radius 161 radius 171 radius 169 radius vector 36 RAM 56 Ramanujan's formula 32 Ramanujan's formula 171 random 115 random sample 115 random selection 115 random sequence 104 random variation 114 range(in algebra) 10 range (in statistics) 118 rangefinder 60 rate of exchange 18 rate of interest 16 ratio 51 ratio 169 rational numbers 82 raw data 112 real numbers 82 real variable 6 reciprocal 78 reciprocal 171 reciprocal bearing 74 record 56 Recorde 70 recreational mathematics(1) 100 recreational mathematics(2) 102 rectangle 98 rectangle 48 rectangular coordinates 36 rectangular hyperbola 34 rectilinear shape 110 recurring decimal 50 recursive sequence 104 reduced fraction 51 reducible 9 reductio ad absurdum 65 reductio ad absurdum 171 re-entrant polygon 90 reflection 142 refletive symmetry 131 reflex angle 12 region 140 regular polygon 90 regular polyhedron 92 regular quadrilateral 98 regular tilings 138 relative error 4 relative frequency 94 relatively prime 162 remainder 21 rep-tile 138 repunits 77 repunits 171 residue 123 residue 171 resultant 154 resultant 171 Retail Prices Index 19 retardation 62 Reuleaux polygon 111 reverse percentage 18 reverse Polish notation 167 rho(P,p) 128 rhomb 98 rhombohedron 108 rhomboid 98 rhomboid 108 rhombus 98 rhombus 161 rhombus 169 rhombus 171 right angle 12 right angle 169 right-angled triangle 144 right circular cone 32 right circular cylinder 32 right-handed system 157 right identity 123 right prism 96 right pyramid 96 ROM 56 Roman number system 81 root 8 roots of a quadratic 55 roots of a quadratic 135 rotation 142 rotational symmetry 130 round angle 111 rounding 5 rounding error 5 row matrix 72 row vector 156 RPI 19 rule or ruler 59 rule of three 134 ruled curve 38 ruled surface 111 Russell 71 sf or s.f. 2 sf or s.f. 5 sample 115 sampling error 115 satisfy 8 scalar multiplication (of matrices) 73 scalar multiplication(of vectors)' 154 scalar multiplication(of vectors)' 156 scalar product 157 scale 132 scale factor 143 scaled ruler 58 scalene triangle 144 scalene triangle 171 scattergram 116 Schlegel diagram 140 Schlegel diagram 171 s'choty 22 s'choty 171 scientific calculator 57 scientific notation 78 seasonal variations 114 secant(to a circle) 28 secant(to a circle) 171 secant (in trigonometry) 146 second(ofangle) 12 second(of time) 150 second(of time) 152 second quadrant 54 secondary data 114 secondary diagonal 72 sector (ofa circle) 26 sector (ofa circle) 48 sector (ofa circle) 169 sector(of a sphere) 109 secular variations 114 segment(of a circle) 26 segment(of a circle) 49 segment(of a sphere) 108 self-evident 64 selling price 17 semicircle 26 semicircle 169 semi-interquartile range 119 semi-regular polyhedron 92 semi-regular tilings 138 sequences and series 104 sequences and series 169 sequences and series 171 series 105 sets 106 sets 122 set squares 59 sex- 164 sept- 164 sextant 60 shape 110 shapes 108 shear 143 short division 21 SI 2 SI 152 SI prefixes 3 SI prefixes 153 side 110 sigma(Σ,σ) 128 sigmoid 166 signed numbers 82 significant figures 5 significant figures 169 similar 53 similar 159 simple closed curve 38 simple interest 16 simplify 7 Simpson's rule 135 simultaneous equations 9 sin^-1 146 sine 146 sine 169 sine bar 61 sine curve 148 sine rule 48 sine rule 147 singular matrix 73 skewed distribution 113 slant edge (of a pyramid) 96 slant height (ofa pyramid) 96 slant height(ofa cone) 32 slide rule 23 small circle 74 SOHCAHTOA 2 solid 110 solid angle 163 solution 8 solving a triangle 147 solving quadratics 135 Soma cube 103 Soma cube 171 soroban 22 soroban 171 space and shapes 110 space diagonal 110 Spearman's rank order coefficient 120 speed 62 speed of light 153 sphere 32 sphere 49 spherical trigonometry 162 spherometer 61 spiral 38 spread 113 spreadsheet 57 sq 2 square (in number) 14 square (in shape) 98 square (in shape) 169 square (units of area) 150 square matrix 72 square numbers 88 square root 14 square root 169 squaring the circle 46 standard deviation 119 standard form 78 star polygon 90 statement 64 stationary point or value 24 statistics(basic) 112 statistics(general)- 114 statistics (graphical) 116 statistics (numerical) 118 statistics(techniques) 120 Steiner's problem 42 stem and leaf plot 116 stencil 59 steradian 163 steradian 171 straight angle 12 straight-edge 59 straight line 52 straight line 169 stratified sampling 115 strip patterns 84 structures 122 suan pan 22 suan pan 171 sub-factorial 163 subscript 78 subset 106 substitution 7 subtended angle 28 subtraction 20 subtraction 169 subtrahend 166 sufficient condition 66 sufficient condition 159 sum 20 superscript 78 superset 107 supplement 12 supplementary angles 12 supplementary angles 158 surd 14 surface 52 surveying 124 symbols 126 symbols and their origins 128 symbols (in logic) 67 symmetric difference 107 symmetric equation 131 symmetric expression 131 symmetric function 131 symmetric relation 131 symmetry 130 symmetry 169 systematic sampling 115 T-square 59 tacheometry 125 tacheometry 171 tally 22 tan^-1 146 tangent(in trigonometry) 146 tangent(to a circle) 28 tangent(to a curve) 38 tangent curve 148 tangram 102 Tartaglia 70 Tartaglia 171 tau(T,τ) 128 technical drawing 132 techniques 134 temperature 136 template 59 tends to infinity 25 tera- 153 tera- 171 tercimal 163 term (in algebra) 6 term (of a sequence) 104 terminating decimal 50 ternary 80 ternary 171 tessellations 138 tessellations 169 tessellations 171 tetra- 164 tetrahedron 92 tetrahedron 169 tetrahedron 171 Thales 68 Thales 171 theodolite 124 theorem 66 theorem 171 theoretical probability 94 theta(Θ,θ) 128 thickness 111 third quadrant 54 thousand 79 three-dimensional coordinates 36 three-dimensional (3-D)space 110 three-dimensional patterns 84 tiling 138 time 150 time series 114 to the nearest ‘…’ 5 to'...'decimal places 5 to '...'significant figures 5 tolerance 5 ton 150 tonne 150 topological transformation 140 topological transformation 171 topologically equivalent 140 topology 140 torus 108 total 20 trace 72 trailing diagonal 72 trammel 58 transcendental number 163 transcendental number 171 transformation geometry 142 transformations of circles 31 translation 142 transpose (a matrix) 72 transpose (an equation) 7 transversal 53 transverse common tangent 28 trapezium 48 trapezium 98 trapezium 161 trapezium 169 trapezium 171 trapezium rule 135 trapezoid 98 trapezoid 171 trapezoidal rule 135 travel graph 63 traversable 140 traversable 171 traverse 124 tree diagrams 95 trend 114 trend line 54 tri- 164 trial and improvement 8 triangle numbers 88 triangles 48 triangles 90 triangles 144 triangulation 124 tricks 100 trigonometric formulas 149 trigonometric formulas 171 trigonometric functions 149 trigonometric ratios and values 3 trigonometric ratios and values 146 trigonometry(basic) 146 trigonometry(further) 148 trillion 79 trinomial 9 trinomial 171 trisection of an angle 46 trivial solution 8 trivium 167 troy ounce 151 true 64 truncate 4 truncation error 4 two-dimensional(2-D)space 110 two-way table 113 unary operation 122 unary operation 171 undeca- 164 undecagon 90 undecagon 171 undecidable 64 unicursal 140 unicursal 171 uniform 62 union 106 union 171 unique solution 8 unique solution 171 unit vector 154 unit vector 156 unitary method 134 unitary method 171 units and conversions 150 units and the SI 152 universal set 106 universe 106 upper quartile 119 upsilon(Y,v) 28 UT or U.T. 2 V 157 valid 64 valid 171 Value Added Tax 18 variable 6 variable 171 variance 119 variance 171 variations 114 VAT 18 vector addition 154 vector product 157 vector triangle 154 vectors (graphical) 154 vector(numerical) 156 velocity 62 velocity-time graph 63 Venn diagrams 107 versine 162 vertex (in topology) 140 vertex(of a cone) 32 vertex (of a polygon) 90 vertex(of a polyhedron) 92 vertex (of a pyramid) 96 vertex (of a shape) 110 vertex (of a shape) 161 vertex (of a shape) 169 vertex (of a shape) 171 vertical 53 vertically opposite angles 53 vinculum 167 vinculum 171 visual proof 65 volume(or capacity) 111 volume(or capacity) 158 volume(units for) 150 vulgar fraction 50 wallpaper patterns 84 week 150 weight(or mass) 158 weighted mean 118 whole numbers 14 whole numbers 82 whole numbers 169 width 111 word confusions 158 word origins 160 words in further maths 162 words in general use 164 words of wider interest 166 words translated 168 words with pronunciations 170 working mean 118 world coordinate system 36 xyz 172 x-axis 36 xi(三,ξ) 128 y-axis 36 y=mx+c 54 yard 150 year 150 yocto- 153 yotta- 153 Z 82 z-axis 36 Z-angles 53 Zeno's paradoxes 43 zepto- 153 zero 81 zero index 78 zero vector 156 zeta(Z,ζ) 128 zetta- 153 zone(of a sphere) 109