A body of living protoplasm, as a cell or cell-nucleus, formed by the conjugation or fusion of two such bodies in reproduction; a zygospore, or any…
A body of living protoplasm, as a cell or cell-nucleus, formed by the conjugation or fusion of two such bodies in reproduction; a zygospore, or any…
a multinucleate form of zygote in certain fungi (see quot.).
The cell produced by the fusion of two gametes in reproduction.
A zygote capable of autonomous movement, esp. as a stage in the life cycle of some parasitic protozoa.
pertaining to or of the nature of a zygote, produced or characterized by zygosis.
in the zygote; in terms of the zygote.
(in algae and fungi) a motile gamete; also called planogamete, zoogamete.
one of a number of germ-cells or sporozoites produced by budding from a zygotomere (see below).
one of a number of cells formed by segmentation of a zygote in the malaria parasite or other Sporozoa.
A body of living protoplasm, as a cell or cell-nucleus, formed by the conjugation or fusion of two such bodies in reproduction; a zygospore, or any…
a multinucleate form of zygote in certain fungi (see quot.).
The cell produced by the fusion of two gametes in reproduction.
A zygote capable of autonomous movement, esp. as a stage in the life cycle of some parasitic protozoa.
(in algae and fungi) a motile gamete; also called planogamete, zoogamete.
one of a number of germ-cells or sporozoites produced by budding from a zygotomere (see below).
one of a number of cells formed by segmentation of a zygote in the malaria parasite or other Sporozoa.