我对 MDX 的改动包括:1、此帖记录的典型错误翻译;2、其它不准确翻译;3、OCR 错字;4、其它错误文本。 其中,翻译修订遵循的原则:1、贴近现实,符合逻辑,专业用语准确;2、参考机器翻译/其它词典,保证下限;3、借助谷歌/必应/微博等工具,文字尽可能通俗鲜活。 目标是让词典文本更容易理解记忆。 convincing They make a convincing case for reform. 他们举了一个有说服力的改革案例。 他们提出了令人信服的改革理由。百度机翻。 of a victory : easily achieved : clearly showing that one person or team is better than the other(获胜)肯定的,确定无疑的 绝对的;压倒性的。 a convincing [=decisive] victory/win 板上钉钉的胜局 绝对的胜利 cob We had corn on the cob. 我们有煮玉米棒。 我们啃了玉米棒。 fair 词条 a fair maid/maiden 漂亮的女佣/少女. 这里 maid 和 maiden 是同义词,跟 female servant 无关 小说 The Fair Maid of Perth: The fair maid of the title is Catharine Glover, daughter of a glovemaker in Perth, who kisses Henry Gow/Smith, the armourer, while he is sleeping, on Valentine's Day. defeat 词条 The passage of the law represented a defeat for their cause. 这项法律的通过代表了他们败诉。 这项法律的通过是对他们事业的一次打击。 They know that the advance of freedom in Iraq would be a major defeat for their cause of terror. Feminists parsed Mrs. Wilson’s successful “temporary insanity” defense, debating whether the verdict represented a victory or a defeat for their cause. But even big gains for Republicans in November could be cold comfort for those conservatives who saw the healthcare victory as a major defeat for their cause of limited government. vote 词条 He was voted Bachelor of the Year. 他当选为年度最佳学士。 这里 bachelor 是单身汉,不是学士。 K-pop star Kevin Kim has been named as 2018's Cosmopolitan and Tinder Bachelor of the Year. A significant change made by Wilkinson at Cleo was the replacement of the Cleo centerfold with the Bachelor of the Year competition in 1985. affirm 词条 affirm life 维护生灵 是肯定生命,尼采哲学 Nietzsche wrote that a person is life-affirming only if they affirm life the way it is. This means to love their life even when it hurts or isn't comfortable. detailed 词条 a detailed account/description 详细的账目/描述 这里 account 和 description 是同义词。 It will be a detailed account of their experience. The Sun (2008) But he set out a detailed account of how he concluded that no charges should be brought. Times, Sunday Times (2010) His book is a marvellously detailed account of life in Japan experienced at first-hand. Eric Newby A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES (2003) scale 词条 They exposed fraud on a grand scale. 他们在很大程度上揭露了骗局。 他们揭露了大规模的欺诈行为。fraud on a grand scale 请看例子: “If the accusations (against the farms) are found to be true, then we are talking of fraud on a grand scale: fraud against consumers but also fraud against the many organic farmers in Germany who work honestly,” German Farm Minister Ilse Aigner said in a statement on Monday. The former chief executive of the £357m shell company Langbar International, which collapsed six years ago leaving shareholders with big losses, has been sentenced to 12 months in jail and banned from being a company director for five years. Commenting on the verdict, the Serious Fraud Office said, "this was fraud on a grand scale". wicked 词条 She had a wicked case of food poisoning. 她碰到一例食物投毒的恶性案件。 她经历了一次严重的食物中毒。 have a case of (something) 1. To be stricken by a bout of some illness. My grandfather had a case of the measles when he was a child that left one of his legs partially paralyzed. 2. By extension, to experience an occurrence of some emotional condition. Liz usually loves to sing for an audience, so I think she's just got a case of jittery nerves. I don't know what's got me so down. I've just had a case of the blues since I woke up. olive 词条 Does the suit come in olive? 制服流行橄榄绿色吗? 这套衣服有橄榄绿色的吗? sheltered 词条 sheltered employment 提供照顾服务的职业 庇护性就业。 An employment arrangement for people with disabilities in a self-contained work site, without integration with nondisabled workers. 近年来,我国部分地区借鉴国外和港台地区政府庇护性就业经验,通过政策扶持与市场推动相结合,已逐渐形成了针对智力、精神和重度肢体残疾人的辅助性就业模式。 stick 词条 a glue stick 一管胶水 固体胶棒 rebuild 词条 The new owner plans to rebuild the franchise. 新上任的老板打算对经营特许权做改动。 新老板打算改造这支职业队。 It will take years for a new owner to rebuild the franchise. The talent pool in the organization is so thin, and most of the “talent” seems to be in A/A+ ball. There are long term contracts to guys who don’t produce. The FO will have to be cleaned out and replaced down to the bottom desk drawers, including the marketing, PR and ticket people. Detroit Lions principal owner and chair Sheila Hamp is not wavering on the plan she and senior leadership put in place almost two years ago to tear down and rebuild the franchise in hopes of building a consistent winner. crystalline 词条 a crystalline solid 晶状体 晶体固体。 晶状体是 crystalline lens。离谱。 vile His comments were positively vile. 他的话可谓忠言逆耳。 他的评论非常恶心。 wash (Brit) I'll have a quick wash [=(US) I'll wash up] before dinner. 我很快洗个澡再吃饭。 晚饭前我要洗个手。 gentle The job requires a gentle touch. 这项工作需要稍加润色。 这项工作需要温和的手法。搜狗机翻。 However, controlling that competition requires a gentle touch – while red spruce supports the food the squirrels need… The specialty also appeals to me because it requires a gentle touch along with precision and technical skills. sporting There is a sporting chance that your plan will work. 现在有一个实现你计划的好机会。 你的计划很可能会成功。 high He was high on cocaine. 他吸食可卡因上瘾。 他吸可卡因吸嗨了。珍爱生命,远离毒品。 crook a small-time crook 手段不高明的骗子 轻罪罪犯。很多词典把这个短语翻译成小骗子。 adjudicate The board will adjudicate claims made against teachers. 董事会将对向老师们提出的索赔要求进行裁决 The board will adjudicate when claims are made against teachers. 对向老师们提出的索赔,董事会将进行裁决。 委员会将对教师受到的指控作出裁决。比如校园 MeToo。 jigsaw a machine that has a narrow blade for cutting curved lines in thin pieces of wood, metal, plastic, etc. 锯 曲线锯;竖锯。要买的话,京东搜索曲线锯。翻了几本词典,释义都和现实脱节了。 repulsive 词条 physical repulsiveness 物理排斥 身体层面令人厌恶。8 j& Y3 E, i/ U* j$ [, t+ P In short, she looks kind of gross, and Connell is ashamed of his attraction to her, a key tension that makes Marianne’s character, and the way she behaves in their relationship, so compelling. Yet this element of physical repulsiveness is whitewashed from the show. She stars as Julia Jones (think Bridget Roberts), a grotesquely overweight and hygiene-challenged love monkey who isn't about to let her physical repulsiveness stand in the way of finding Mr. Right. glass 词条 The porch is glassed in. 门廊装了玻璃屋顶。 门廊用玻璃封闭了。 门廊做了玻璃封闭。 If the porch is glassed in, gathered shades of tinted fabrics or draw curtains of sunfast silks will shut out the sun on a hot afternoon. The house is generally cube-shaped but extends outward through a series of porches. The front porch is glassed-in and provides a good view of the lake. discard 词条 Remove and discard the stems. 移走并扔掉那些树干。 去除(草莓、蘑菇等的)梗。 去除并丢弃(草莓、蘑菇等的)梗。 Remove and discard the stems from the strawberries, then cut the strawberries into bite-sized pieces. Squeeze the liquid from the soaked mushrooms and remove and discard the stems. Cut the caps into 5mm thick slices. trash Raccoons were going through our trash. [=garbage] 浣熊在我们的垃圾中乱穿。 浣熊在翻我们的垃圾。搜狗机翻。 fitting a fitting memorial/tribute 合适的纪念物/贡品 恰当的纪念/致敬。搜狗机翻。memorial 跟 tribute 是同义词。 overstep He overstepped the bounds/limits of good taste. [=he did something that was not proper] 他文雅过度而变得庸俗了。 他越过了文明举止的边界。或者,他举止逾矩了。 — used in phrases to say that something (such as a person's speech or behavior) is or is not proper and acceptable metric metric patterns 公制规格 metrical metrical patterns 格律诗体 格律模式。 titanic The batter hit a titanic home run. 击球手打出了个极重要的本垒打。 击球手打出了一记强力本垒打。 grocery She stopped to pick up some groceries for supper. 她停下来买点零食当晚餐。 她停下来买了些晚饭材料。 她停下来买了些晚饭食材。 resigned She was resigned to a long visit with his mother. 她只好与他的母亲长聊。 她无奈答应去他妈家长住一阵子。 她只好去他妈家长住一阵子。 After a long visit with Prince Harry over the last several weeks, Meghan Markle had to bid farewell to her royal beau and head back to Toronto. heraldry crosses and other heraldic devices 十字架和其他纹章学器物 十字和其他纹章图案。 shelf : directly from a store without having to be specially made or ordered 现货;现货供应 现货供应;非定制。 The dress was a perfect fit right off the shelf. 这条连衣裙极为合身,恰好有现货。 这条连衣裙是买现成的,但很合身。 prostrate They were prostrate from/with the heat. 对这样的高温他们无能为力。 他们热得筋疲力尽。有道机翻。 associate She started as an associate at the law firm. 她最初在这家律师事务所担任副手。 她从这家律师事务所的初级员工做起。 她从这家律师事务所的普通律师做起。 相应地,associate 名词释义改为“最高级别以下的成员”,形容词释义改为“最高级别以下的”。 astral astral navigation 星际航行 星象导航。此错误抄自牛津高阶。 delinquent not paid at the required or expected time 到期未付的;拖欠债务的;欠债未还的 到期未付的。 Her credit card account was delinquent. [=she had not made the payments that were due on her credit card account] 她的信用卡账户有欠费。 她的信用卡账户逾期了。 The town is trying to collect delinquent taxes. 小镇想要征收拖欠债务税。 该镇正试图征收拖欠的税款。搜狗机翻。 释义 a 形容物,释义 b 形容人。 willing willing workers 志愿工作者 积极主动的员工。 attachment The attachments that connect the rack to the car are rusted and should be replaced. 连接千斤顶与汽车的固位装置生锈了,应该换一个。 行李架与车顶的连接部件生锈了,应该更换。 行李架与车身的连接部件生锈了,应该更换。 unprofessional She acted unprofessionally. 她的表演不够专业。 她表现得不专业。 weekly the weekly rental rate 周出租率 周租金。 eternity I waited (for) an eternity for my car to be fixed. 我不知等了多久才有人来给我修车。 等了很久,我的车才修好。 pinch He had a pinched nerve [=a nerve pressed against a bone in the neck in a painful way] in his neck. 他的脖子上有一条挫伤的神经。 他脖子上有一条被压迫的神经。 diplomatic diplomatic credentials 外交人员资格证书 (到任)国书。 A letter of credence (French: Lettre de créance) is a formal diplomatic letter that designates a diplomat as ambassador to another sovereign state. Commonly known as diplomatic credentials, the letter is addressed from one head of state to another, asking them to give credence (French: créance) to the ambassador's claim of speaking for their country. The letter is presented personally by the ambassador-designate to the receiving head of state in a formal ceremony, marking the beginning of the ambassadorship. stump the stump of a pipe/tooth 管子残段;牙齿残根 烟斗嘴;牙齿残根。 出自 A Visit from St. Nicholas: The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath. He had a broad face and a little round belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly! The stump of a pipe is the end of it, the part you put in your mouth. We’re Mormons, so I grew up with the edit, “The stump of a bubble pipe he held tight in his teeth. And the bubbles encircled his head like a wreath.” backward He pushed the throttle backward. 他踩油门向后倒车 他向后拉油门杆。 开船、飞机的操作。push = press,类似于 push/press the lever backward。还可以说成 pull/yank the throttle backward。 befuddled Many people are totally befuddled by the tax code. 许多人对免税代码完全是稀里糊涂的。 许多人对税法完全是稀里糊涂的。 simplify Voters are pushing for simplification of the tax code. 选民们正在努力推动简化税码。 选民们正在推动简化税法。 Tax codes are laws that define the rules and regulations about taxation. In the United States, the federal government’s tax code is called the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Taxpayers are obligated to comply with both the code and the regulations issued under it. tax code 词条,ODE 只收了英国用法,没加地区标识,CED 收全了,标识也清楚。 bale The investors baled out [=bailed out] of the business. 投资者帮助公司摆脱了困境。 投资者从这家公司撤资了。 empower to give power to (someone) 给(某人)权力 赋能。 seeking changes in the workplace that will empower women 在职场中寻求赋予女性权力的改变 在工作场所寻求赋能女性的变革。 empowerment of women 赋予女性权力 对女性的赋能。 这里 power 不是权力,否则就跟释义2串了。 mite a tiny mite of a woman 女人的小物件 一个娇小的女人。 requirement (Brit) Her services were surplus to requirements. [=more than what was needed] 她的服务超出了工作规定。 她的服务是多余的。搜狗机翻。 redundant — used to describe part of a machine, system, etc., that has the same function as another part and that exists so that the entire machine, system, etc., will not fail if the main part fails (为预防机器或系统中主要组件故障而设的)复置装置的,冗余的,备用的 冗余的。 The design incorporates several redundant features. 这个设计方案包括了几个复置装置配置。 这个设计包含了一些冗余特性。 redundancy technical : a part in a machine, system, etc., that has the same function as another part and that exists so that the entire machine, system, etc., will not fail if the main part fails 复置装置,冗余(机器、系统等某部件发生故障后的替代装置) 冗余。 The design incorporates several redundancies. 设计中包含了几处复置装置。 这个设计包含了一些冗余。 a system with a high level of redundancy 复置装置配备率高的系统 冗余度高的系统。 “复置装置”只存在于各种词典,搜不到有效用例,本身还有歧义。 lengthy having many pages, items, etc. 详尽的;冗长的 冗长的。 a lengthy criminal record 详尽的犯罪记录 长长的犯罪记录。 mar Her acting mars an otherwise great movie. 她的表演毁了一部其实很好的电影。 她的表演毁了一部其他方面都很棒的电影。 barrage The enemy laid down a barrage of machine-gun fire as our platoon approached the bridge. 当我们排接近那座桥时,敌军停止了密集的机枪扫射。 当我们排接近那座桥时,敌人用机关枪进行了密集扫射。有道机翻。 2) The enemy laid down a barrage of machine-gun fire as our platoon approached the bridge. ---> The enemy unleashed a barrage of machine-gun fire at us as our platoon approached the bridge. If 'unleash' is an unfamiliar word, it means to 'let loose,' 'free,' 'release,' and 'vent.' demean demeaning stereotypes 有失身份的陈规 贬低性刻板印象。 overactive She has an overactive bladder. 她空话连篇。 她有膀胱过动症。 cob We had corn on the cob. 我们有煮玉米棒。 我们啃了玉米棒。 string a long/whole string of names/numbers 一长串/整整一长串名字;一长串/一整串数字 一长串名字/数字。 whole great or large in size, extent, etc.(体积)大的;(范围)广的 (数量)大的;(范围)广的。 cowardly She made a cowardly decision to go along with the group. 她做了个胆小的决定,要跟着这群人一起走。 她怯懦地决定顺从团体意见。 go along with the group 算固定搭配。 They simply made the decision to go along with the group to avoid the negative feelings associated with standing alone. fluffy light and soft or airy 松软的;透气的 松软的;蓬松的。 furniture with big fluffy cushions 有大的透气软垫的家具 有松软大垫子的家具。 airy = containing air; resembling air in lightness. outlandish She fills her books with outlandish characters. 她在她的书上写满了奇怪的符号。 她的书里充斥着稀奇古怪的人物。 vice He was arrested by the vice squad. [=police officers who investigate crimes involving sex or drugs] 他被警方的特别行动小组逮捕了。 他被警方风化组逮捕了。 squad the bomb/fraud/vice squad 拆弹小组;反诈骗调查组;警察缉捕队 警察缉捕队 > 风化组。 vice squad 的译词,“警察缉捕队”不知所谓,“风化纠察队”显陈旧,“风化组”要好很多,也最常见。大陆类似的机构叫“扫除黄赌毒专业队”。 convincing They make a convincing case for reform. 他们举了一个有说服力的改革案例。 他们提出了令人信服的改革理由。百度机翻。 of a victory : easily achieved : clearly showing that one person or team is better than the other(获胜)肯定的,确定无疑的 绝对的;压倒性的。 a convincing [=decisive] victory/win 板上钉钉的胜局 绝对的胜利。 unrestrained not held in place by a belt, seat, device, etc. 没系安全带的 没系安全带的;未固定住的。 She was fined for driving with an unrestrained infant. 她因驾车时没给婴儿系上安全带而被罚款。 她因驾车时没给婴儿用安全座椅而被罚款。 finalize to put (something, such as a plan or an agreement) in a final or finished form 把(计划、协议等)最后定下来,敲定 敲定(计划、协议等);完成。 They are finalizing their divorce this week. 他们最终确定本周离婚。 他们将于本周完成离婚手续。有道机翻。 incidental This chapter is incidental to the plot. 这一章是配合故事情节而写的。 这一章与故事情节关系不大。 这一章对故事情节无关紧要。 sucker I was suckered into volunteering at the cookout. 我受骗自愿参加了野外烧烤宴会。 我被骗去做了户外烧烤的志愿者。 fringe a party on the political fringe 带点政治味道的聚会 处于政治边缘的政党。 walk “I can't believe you fell for that old joke!” “Yeah, I guess I walked right into that one.” “真不敢相信你会喜欢那个老掉牙的笑话!”“是啊,我也不知怎么就迷上它了。 “真不敢相信你会被那个老掉牙的恶作剧骗!”“是啊,我想我直接就进了圈套。” real-life a real-life drama 反映真实生活的戏剧 现实生活中的戏剧性事件。 shallot a small type of onion that is used in cooking 青葱;大葱 火葱;红葱头。 一种小洋葱。 ========2023-11-04==108楼