保证 bǎo zhèng
对物的质量或人的行为提出的慎重保证,译guarantee。 ☞ 我们保证提前完成任务。We guarantee to fulfill the task ahead of schedule. ☞ 有关单位已保证不再发生类似事件。The department concerned has guaranteed against the occurrence of similar incidents. ☞ 8小时睡眠必须保证。Eight hours' sleep must be guaranteed. 指保证某事发生,译ensure。 ☞ 坚守该山24小时就能保证我方对敌的胜利。Holding this hill for twenty-four hours will ensure our victory over the enemy. ☞ 要保证妇女在产前产后有充分的休息。Adequate rest must be ensured for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. guarantee和ensure的区别可以从翻译下面的一句话时体现出来。 ☞ 我们不能保证火车在大雾里按时到达。We can't guarantee the punctual arrival of the train in such foggy weather.(说话的可能是车站负责人而且不肯提出保证) We can't ensure the punctual arrival of the train in such foggy weather.(说话的可能是局外人,只是安慰别人) 法律用语,指具有法律意义或类似法律意义的保证,译pledge oneself。 ☞ 两国都根据条约保证在战时互相支持。By the treaty both countries pledged themselves to assist each other in case of war. ☞ 他们保证不经过他允许决不向别人提起这件事。They pledge themselves not to mention it to others without his permission. 指以承诺的方式保证,译assure。 ☞ 我向你保证这药对你无害。I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you. ☞ 船长向乘客保证没有危险。The captain of the ship assured the passengers that there was no danger. 指保证已发生的事情会延续下去,译secure。 ☞ 只有如此,我们才能保证大家都有工作、休息和受教育的权利。Only thus can we secure the right of work, rest and education for all. ☞ 我们巩固了河堤,保证了我市不受洪水的侵袭。By strengthening the embankments, we secured our city from floods. 指保了险的保证,因此而万无一失,译insure。 ☞ 他们的支持将保证我的成功。Their support will insure my success. ☞ 风调雨顺保证了我县的丰收。The favorable climatic weather insured our county good harvest. 从落实措施来提出保证,可译make sure。 ☞ 现在要保证大家身体好,保证工人、农民、战士、学生、干部都要身体好。Now we must make sure that everybody, including workers, peasants, soldiers, students, and cadres, can keep fit. ☞ 我们保证你在一周内收到我们的答复。We make sure that you get our reply in a week's time. ☞ 在移交一切前,我们保证他们已有足够的经验和实际知识。Before handing over everything, we make sure that they have sufficient experience and know-how. 从承担义务的角度来提出保证,可译commit oneself to doing (do) sth。 ☞ 农民保证增加肉类生产。Peasants have committed themselves to stepping (step) up meat production. ☞ 埃及政府要求以色列保证巴勒斯坦自治。The Egyptian government wanted Israel to commit itself to Palestinian autonomy. 保证作状语用时可译without fail。 ☞ 这件活3天完成,保证没问题。We'll finish the job in three days without fail. ☞ 你得保证8点正到达这里。You must be here at eight sharp without fail.
部分 bù fèn
part,指与全局(whole)相对的部分。 ☞ 我们看问题,不但要看到部分,而且要看到全局。In approaching a problem we should see the whole as well as the parts. ☞ 他晚上大部分时间的工作是帮着组织罢工工人。The greater part of the night he worked at helping to organize the strikers. ☞ 他的讲座分为三部分。His lecture falls into three parts. part还可组成固定词组,如: in part,指部分地,有些部分。 ☞ 这些书,你们当中有些人应当读一读,全部或是部分。These books should be read by some of you, in whole or in part. ☞ 庄稼歉收部分是由于干旱。The crop failure was due in part to the drought. part of,指“...的一部分”。 ☞ 只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. ☞ 他过去常说宗教是资本主义的一部分。He used to say religion was part of the capitalist system. 应该指出part of前一般不加不定冠词a,除非前面还带有修饰语。 ☞ 大部分问题是缺少资金。Lack of funds is a large part of the problem. ☞ 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. 由于part of只与不可数名词或可数名词的单数搭配,因此碰到可数名词复数时要用number of代替。 ☞ 现在大部分妇女大都外出工作。Nowadays a large number of women go out to work. ☞ 可是一小部分人却拥有大部分的社会财富。But a small number of people possess a great part of wealth of the society. share,指应当承担的那一部分。 ☞ 他完成了自己那一部分工作以后,又去帮助别人。After finishing his share of the work, he went to help the others. ☞ 你应当承担一部分责任。You ought to take your share of the responsibility. to... extent,指某一程度上。 ☞ 我们改变了原计划的一部分。We've altered the original plan to some extent. ☞ 他们的资金大部分来自广告收入。They are financed to a great extent by advertising revenue. ☞ 他的错误我要负部分责任。To a certain extent I'm responsible for his mistakes. ☞ 研究小组大部分由知识分子组成。The research group was to a large extent composed of intellectuals.
return,指归还物件。 ☞ 我是来谢谢你的,并把你借我的雨衣还了。I came to thank you and return the raincoat you lent me. ☞ 你可以用我的自行车,不过你得在今天晚上还我。You may use my bicycle but you must return it to me this evening. ☞ 他送了我一件礼物,我也得送他一样东西还礼。He gave me a present and I have to give him something in return. 此外,return还可指“回来”解。 ☞ 我还乡时已经70岁了。I was seventy when I returned to my native town. ☞ 人人都以为他死了,可他还是生还了。Everybody thought he was dead, but he returned alive. ☞ 死人还阳是不可能的。It's impossible for the dead to return to life. pay,指归还钱财。 ☞ 银行预支给我们5万元还债。The bank advanced us fifty thousand yuan to pay our debts. ☞ 把欠我的钱还我。Pay me the money you owe me. 如果用pay表示“还”时会产生歧义,就应用pay back或repay。 ☞ 我下个月还你钱。I'll pay you back next month.试比较:I'll pay you money next month.我下个月付你钱。 ☞ 这笔钱还给了银行。The sum of money was paid back to the bank.试比较:The sum of money was paid to the bank.这笔钱付给了银行。 ☞ 我欠你的钱已经还了。I have repaid (paid back) the money I owed. ☞ 你什么时候还我?When will you repay me (pay me back)? back, 与talk, answer, hit等结合表示语言或行动上针锋相对。 ☞ 不许和奶奶还嘴,这不礼貌。Don't answer (talk) back to your grandmother. It's not polite. ☞ 不管敌人多么强大,我们都应予以坚决还击。We must resolutely hit back at the enemy no matter how strong he is. ☞ 他先打人,我也就还手了。He gave the first blow and I struck back.